\IS AND H W A R I) [Rrf miajj's F e fcr\ ~\\fe€i Ro tier ci^jn. P. O' ^^IterdanxU 0J^riscle&MOQ Street/ Fo untain efo(A$P J)ii/ee Herb / EN0U8H B URYINQ PLACE ctrul jtpep-eretpds fo 'thes Sbovte LiJ/retrg. ' «6 ' 1 Zo7inst 7/1 1 , he was transferred from the chair of practice to that of materia medica, in accordance with his own request; and these two chairs he continued to occupy until the abandonment of the college in 1840. Medical colleges had been established both at Albany and Geneva under new and favorable auspices, each having received liberal endowments from the state, and although the college at Fairfield still retained the confi- dence of the profession to such a degree that in its last catalogue its pupils numbered 114, and its graduates 33; yet as it was apparent that the wants of the community did not require three colleges situated so near each other* and as both Albany and Geneva had the advantage in their relative size and accessibility, it was determined by the several professors to discontinue the lectures at Fair- field. Immediately on resigning his place at Fairfield, Dr. Beck was elected to the chair of materia medica, in the Albany Medical College, the chair of medical juris- prudence, to which he would most naturally have been chosen, being already occupied by a very able teacher, Amos Dean, Esq. This professorship Dr. Beck conti- nued to hold until 1854, when his declining health, together with an accumulation of other pressing duties, induced him to resign his place as an active officer, having now taught medicine in some of its departments for thirty- nine years, and the trustees then conferred upon him the honorary distinction of emeritus professor. It has been mentioned that in 1817, Dr. Beck was made principal of the Albany Academy; and in a letter to his uncle, Dr. Romeyn, dated August 1, 1817, shortly before the appointment, he writes as follows: “This I know, that by zeal and attention on the part of the in- structors, it can be made an eminent and useful institu- tion. * * I pray you to believe that the mention of niy name as a candidate, was unsolicited and very unex- pected. It is a spontaneous offer, and as such I shall al- ways look on it as a testimony of no mean value.” The citizens of Albany and his numerous pupils, now scat-6 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. tered throughout the United States, can bear witness, how great has been his zeal in behalf of that institution, and how well he has fulfilled his promise. The building occupied as the Academy, was erected for this purpose by the city authorities; it is large, com- modious and distinguished, even among the numerous public edifices which adorn this capital, for its fine architectural proportions. Each department is supplied with able teachers, and with ample means for illustra- tion, and during the more than thirty years of his administration, it has sustained a reputation second to no similar institution in the state. I find in one of the Albany city papers, dated some years back, pencil sketches of a few of its most promi- nent citizens, among whom is mentioned Dr. Beck. The writer, who is not ignorant of his many other public services, and of his reputation abroad, thus speaks of his connection with the Academy: “The Albany Aca- demy is an institution which has furnished the commu- nity with more mind, than any other academy in this country. A distinction that is doubtless due to the ad- mirable discipline, and well stored brain which Dr. Beck brought with him into the institution, in 1817.” In 1848, Dr. Beck resigned his place as principal of the Academy, and on the death of James Stevenson, Esq., he succeeded him as president of the board of trustees. The Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, was incorporated by the legislature on the 12th of March, 179S, with Chancellor Livingston as its president. The existence of the corporation was limited by its charter to the first day of May, 1804. On the 2d day of April, 1804, the legislature virtually re- newed the charter, making it perpetual, changing the name of the corporation to that of the Society for the Promotion of the Useful Arts, and Chancellor Livings- ton was appointed the president of the new corporation. Dr. Beck was admitted a member of this society on the 5th day of February, 1812. Among its officers, in addi- tion to its distinguished president, already named, were7 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. Simeon De Witt, John Taylor, David Hosack, Stephen Van Rensselaer, DeWitt Clinton, Edmund C. Genet, and others prominent in the history of our state. Al- though Dr. Beck was at this time only in his twenty- first year, yet at the second meeting after his election, he was made chairman of a standing committee of five, appointed “for the purpose of collecting and arranging such minerals as our state affords.” And on the 1st of April, 1812, less than two months after his admission, he was appointed to deliver the annual address at the following session of the society. This duty he performed on the 3d day of February, 1813. The object of this address, as he remarks in his preface, was to “exhibit at one view the mineral riches of the United States, with their various application to the arts, and to demon- strate the practicability of the increase of different manufactures, whose materials are derived from this source.” This was eminently the field for Dr. Beck’s peculiar talent; it was new, and everything had to be learned from the beginning; a host of persons and au- thorities had to be consulted, and the whole to be care- fully digested, analyzed and applied. The result could not have disappointed those who were familiar with his habits; but to one who had known him less, or who was at all acquainted with the difficulties which he was compelled to encounter in the little that was then known of the mineral resources of this country, the result seems astonishing; and to that elaborate and timely paper, we think, the American manufacturer is, to-day, in no small degree indebted for his wealth and prosperity. It; was the lens which first brought the scattered rays of light upon this subject to a focus, and which now melts the ores in a thousand furnaces. If, as Dr. Beck asserts, American mineralogy was then in its infancy, he w^as the first to urge upon it a confidence in itself, and to demonstrate to others its unsuspected capacities, and it is through such early guidance and assistance that it has so rapidly grown to complete manhood, no less than tq8 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. the “persevering industry, the unconquerable enterprise, and the extraordinary ingenuity of our citizens.” In 1819, Dr. Beck read, before the same society, a Memoir on Alum, the object of which was to present a view of one of the most important of the chemical arts. In preparing it, “I consulted,” says Dr. Beck, “every work relating to the subject within my reach. Had the work conducted some years ago by Prof. Cooper, of Phila- delphia, under the title of the Emporium of Arts, been continued, this attempt would doubtless have been use- less, as the subject under consideration was one of those which he proposed to notice. I venture, though with unequal steps, to examine the history, progress and present state of the manufacture of alum, with a hope that my investigations may prove us'eful to some wTho are unable to consult systematical works, and above all, that they may direct the attention of our citizens to the means which they possess, within their own reach, of converting useless mineral products into rich sources of individual and national profit.” This, together wfith the paper first mentioned, is published in the transactions of the society before which they were delivered. The Albany Lyceum of Natural History was incorpo- rated by the legislature on the 23d day of April, 1823. Stephen Van Bensselaer was, by the charter, appointed its first president, and Dr. Beck, its first vice president. A union between this association and the Society for the Promotion of the Useful Arts, was agreed upon and car- ried into effect in 1824, and consummated in form by an act of the legislature of the 27th of February, 1829, in- corporating the Albany Institute, which was to consist of three departments: the first, that of the physical sciences and the arts, to consist of the Society for the Promotion of the Useful Arts, as then constituted; the second, that of natural history, to consist of the Albany Lyceum of Natural History, as then constituted; the third, for the promotion of history and general litera- ture, to be formed for the purpose. Of the Albany In- stitute so constituted, dating back its foundation to the9 Obituary of Dr, T, Romeyn Beck, establishment of the Society for the Promotion of Agri- culture, Arts and Manufactures, in 1793, and thus being, I believe, the oldest institution of this character in our state, and one of the oldest in our country, Dr. Beck was not only one of the most active members, but it may be safely said, without doing injustice to many others who have been connected with it, that he did more to keep up its organization, to enlarge its library and col- lections, and generally to advance its interests, than any other person. Its proceedings, as well as its published transactions, bear evidence to the fidelity and zeal with which he labored for its prosperity. At the time of his death, and for many years before, he was its president. In 1835, Dr. Beck, by appointment, delivered before the Institute a Eulogium- on the Life and Services of Simeon De Witt, surveyor-general of the state, chancellor of the university, and also, at the time of his death, one of the vice-presidents of the society. One of the originators of the plan for the geological survey of the state, Dr. Beck became one of its most ardent supporters, and under the successive governors, he was entrusted with much of the supervision of the work. As evidence of the great part which he took in this labor, I subjoin the dedication of the fifth volume, on Agriculture, written by E. Emmons, M. D. “ To T. Romeyn Beck, M. D., LL. D.: Sir, There is more than one reason why the concluding divisions of the present work, undertaken to explore and illustrate the natural history of the state of New York, and con- ducted under legislative patronage, should be dedicated to you. You were among the first to foster the enterprise and remained its consistent advocate in times when adverse circumstances seemed to jeopardize its continu- ance; much more than this, your whole life has been assiduously engaged in promoting the advance of science and the spread of popular education, and the published results of your scientific and literary labors, may be referred to as reflecting an honor on your native state. Would that the merits of the present volume were such as to render it more worthy its dedication.’510 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. The legislature of 1850 confided to the secretary of state, and to the secretary of the board of regents, the supervision of the publication of the remainder of the Natural History of the state. The geological survey having been protracted much beyond the period originally contemplated, and various claims existing in reference to it, the two officers named were required by law to report to the next legislature what those claims were, and what contracts existed between the state and individuals for such of the work as remained to be completed. They were also required to report a plan for the completion of the survey, and to submit estimates of the cost of such completion. Dr. Beck’s acquaintance with the history of this work, and all the matters connected with it, was perhaps more complete than that of any other person in the state; and this fact led to the selection of the secre- tary of the regents (which post he then filled), as one of the commissioners. Whether we look at the interests of the state or those of science, no better choice could have been made. The reports of the commissioners to the legislature, show the good effects of the investigation made by them; and, judging from the order and system which the affair soon assumed under their hands, and the comparative economy which attended their expenditures and plans, it is hazarding little to say, that, had a permanent com- mission of this character been charged with the care of the survey from its outset, the work would have been more systematically pursued, and at an expense greatly less than that which the state has incurred. Since 1841 he has occupied the office of secretary of the board of regents; a position of great honor and trust. The regents have the supervisory charge of the educational interests of the state, and are required to report annually the condition of all the colleges and academies under their care. His reports made during the period of his incumbency are not only voluminous, but they are equally models of accuracy and of compact- ness. But the supervision of colleges and academies11 Obituary of Dr. T, Momeyn Beck, does by no means limit the powers and responsibilities of the regents. To them is entrusted the care of the State Library, and of the State Cabinet of Natural His- tory, with also the management of much of the foreign correspondence, and all of the literary and scientific international exchanges. Most of which various duties devolved officially upon Dr. Beck. To his earnest devo- tion, and eminent qualifications, the state is therefore indebted for its large and judiciously selected library; and especially for its unrivaled collection of works on the history of this country and state. In the language of Dr. E. H. Van Deusen, from whose brief but elegant biography, written for the American Journal of Insanity, I am indebted for several of the facts contained in this memoir: “ Dr. Beck has witnessed the adoption in this state, of a public system of education, elementary and collegiate, alike thorough and successful; and as the crowning effort in the field of his severest, yet most congenial labor, a State Library, which, for completeness of organization and beauty of arrangement, stands unrivaled, and for which, it may be remarked, the state of New York is almost entirely indebted to his extended and complete knowledge of the history of literature and science, in which he had no equal in this country, if indeed any- where.” Many years ago Dr. Beck became interested in the * subject of a State Museum. In fact, while connected with the City Lyceum, established in the Albany Aca- demy, he was industriously accumulating and depositing every thing of which he could possess himself, relating to history or to natural science—a passion, which, it is well known, did not cease or abate, when his admission into the board of regents gave him a wider field for its exercise. To the State Library and the State Cabinet hereafter his time and talents were in no small degree directed ; and such was his zeal in behalf of these insti- tutions that he has not hesitated at times when the illib- eral policy of individual members of the legislature12 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. hazarded the success of necessary appropriations, to give his personal pledge that the moneys should be judiciously applied, and by becoming, as it were, the endorser of the government, he has secured the recognition of the claims of these interests, and obtained the necessary supplies. On the arrival of M. Vattemare in this country, Dr. Beck immediately saw the value of such a system of international exchange as was proposed, and became at once one of its warmest advocates; nor has he ever ceased to urge upon the successive legislatures the con- tinuance of the system ; and even upon his death-bed he entreated, as a personal favor, that his friends would not forget the claims of this subject, in which he had always felt so deep an interest. In a letter lately received, M. Vattemare writes—“The death of Dr. Beck deprives me of the best and most faithful friend I ever had, as well as of the most enlightened and active co-operator in the noble cause to which my life is devoted. * * * * I thought that with my friend all was gone; but the recollection of his solicitude for the system of exchange, as well as his paternal anxiety for the State Library— that glorious monument of his patriotism and high knowledge—revived my courage, and with it the hope that those kind friends I have yet among the regents of the university, and the recollection of the friendship of Dr. Beck for me, and of his association in my labors, * would secure the continuation of their good will.” Outside of his own peculiar sphere of duties, no ob- ject of public interest was undertaken without finding in him a warm supporter. When the project of a uni- versity in the city of Albany was started, intended to supply in some measure, the scientific and literary wants of the whole United States, Dr. Beck, while seeing clearly all the difficulties and discouragements attending such a scheme, did not fail to recognize its practical bearings, and his views were liberal and comprehensive. Of the American Association of Science he "was an active member, and rendered it many services. In obedience to those promptings of humanity which13 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. seem in a great measure to have determined his course iu life—laboring always most zealously for those who were least able to appreciate his services, or to recognize them—he read before this society in 1837, a paper on the statistics of the deaf and dumb, which had the effect to direct the attention of the public and of the legislators more fully to the condition and necessities of this unfortu- nate class, and the results of w'hich may be seen in the establishment in the city of New York of a school for deaf mutes, unrivaled in the excellence of its system and in the perfection of its details. By the act of its incorporation, in April, 1842, Dr. Beck 'was made one of the board of managers of the New York State Lunatic Asylum, situated at Utica; and he has been re-appointed by the governor and senate at the expiration of each successive triennial period. Upon the death of Mr. Munson, in 1854, he, although a .non- resident member, was unanimously elected president of the board. This important institution, established and endowed by the state upon a scale of almost unparallel- ed munificence, is no doubt indebted largely to Dr. Beck, for his wise counsels and efficient personal aid, which he has at all times freely contributed. Dr. Beck was also an occasional contributor to the pages of the American Journal of Insanity * published at Utica, under the editoriaLmanagement of Dr. Brig- ham, the late principal: and when, upon the death of * In April, 1844, the first number of the American Journal of Insanity was issued from the press, occupying an entirely new field in the medical literature of this country. The generous motive which led Dr, Brigham, its founder and first editor, to assume, in addition to his onerous duties as superintendent of a large asylum, the labor and responsibility of its establishment, is well known to most of our readers. To many of his colleagues and professional friends he was largely indebted for encouragement in his undertaking, and for much valued and gratefully acknowledged assistance: among them, Dr. Beck, who, deeply interested in the attainment of the ends at which the Journal aimed, warmly seconded his efforts, and, amid many other engagements,found sufficient time to contribute frequently and ably to its pages. After Dr. Brigham’s death, the managers of [Annals, viii.] 314 Obituary of Dr, T, Romeyn Reck. Dr. Brigham, in 1850, the management of the Journal fell into the hands of the board, Dr. Beck was chosen its editor, a place which he continued to hold “until the close of the last volume, when advancing years and more imperative duties compelled him to relinquish his edito- rial connection.” Of the chief labor of Dr. Beck’s life, and of that which has made his name illustrious wherever science and literature are cultivated, it still remains to speak. I allude to his work on Medical Jurisprudence, and which no less reflects honor upon us as Americans, upon this city of his adoption, and upon you, gentlemen, who wrere his associates and fellow-members in this society. From how early a period in his life the subject of this work occupied his attention we may infer from the fol- lowing brief extracts from letters written to his uncle, the Bev. J. B. Romeyn. The first is dated in 1813: “ Permit me to press upon you the obtaining of one or the other of the French authors on legal medicine. It has long been a favorite idea with me to prepare a work of that subject, and should I be enabled to procure Fo- dere or Mahon, my design may be completed.” The second is dated June 30, 1814, and was addressed to his uncle at Lisbon, Portugal: “As the communication is now open between Great Britain and France, you will doubt- less be enabled to procure the books I wished. Dulan advertised them some years since.” On this topic I find ready at my hand nearly all that it is necessary to say, in a biographical notice of the author, contained in the first volume of an elegant pub- the State Lunatic Asylum, aware of the importance, to a specialty, of a periodical devoted to its advancement and interest, assumed the entire responsibility of its publication, and, by their unanimous request, induced Dr. Beck to edit the ensuing volume. He gave his consent, hoping at the close of the year to be relieved of a care which, with his other numerous duties, was a heavy tax* but, in the absence of any other arrangement, he continued to conduct it until the close of the last volume, when “advancing years and more im- perative duties” compelled him to relinquish his editorial connection.15 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. cation, entitled The National Portrait Gallery of Distin- guished Americans, issued at New York in the year 1834, under the auspices of the American Academy of the Fine Arts. In 1823, Dr. Beck published his work entitled Elements of Medical Jurisprudence, in two volumes, oc- tavo; which at the time, attracted great attention, and^ has since continued a standard work on the subject of which it treats. The science of medical jurisprudence is one of great interest and importance. It treats of all those questions, in which the testimony of a medical man may be required before courts of justice, and from the nature of many of the questions, it is obvious that their discussion requires the widest range of medical and scientific knowledge. Although deeply studied in Italy,. France and Germany, this science had scarcely attracted any attention either in this country or in England, pre- vious to the publication of the work of Dr. Beck. To him is certainly due the high credit, not merely of rous- ing public attention to an important and neglected subject, but also of presenting a work upon it which will probably never be entirely superseded. In foreign countries its merits have been duly appreciated and magnanimously acknowledged. The Edinburg Medical and Surgical Journal says of it, vol. xxii, p. 179 (1824): “We under- take this task with the greater pleasure on the present occasion, that we shall have to throw aside, for the first time on medico-legal subjects, the character of the austere critic. It has been our misfortune to handle with some freedom, almost all previous works on the subject. And we have been induced to handle them-more freely than many may have thought was called for, because we apprehend that all early works on medical jurisprudence, especially of the systematic kind, should be viewed with peculiar jealousy by every one interested in its progress. For as it is now circumstanced, languishing still in its infancy, and struggling against the supineness, indiffer- ence and prejudices of those who ought to be its most jealous protectors, no greater mischief could happen than that systematic treatises should pass without warning16 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. into the hands of the public, which, however meritorious, are nevertheless, not on a level with its state of advance- ment, and do not present an expanded view of its general spirit and practical applications. At length, however, the English language may boast, that it is possessed of a general work on medical jurisprudence, which will not only stand comparison with the best of the kind that the continent has produced, but which may also be referred to by every medical jurist as a monument worthy of his science, and as a criterion by which he is willing that its interest and utility should be tried. Under the unas* suming title of Elements of Medical Jurisprudence, Doctor Beck has presented us with a comprehensive sys- tem, wThich embraces almost every valuable fact or doc- trine relating to it. Each of its diversified departments has been investigated so minutely, that few cases can occur in practice, on which it will be necessary to seek elsewhere for further information. At the same time by studying succinctness and shunning those verbose orato- rical details writh which other writers, and particularly those of France abound, he has succeeded in rendering his treatise comprehensive within a singularly moderate compass. We may securely assert, that a work on the subject is not to be found in any language, which displays so much patient and discriminating research, with so little of the mere ostentation of learning. The opinions expressed both on general principles and on the particu- lar questions which have occurred in courts of law, are given clearly and judiciously. There are few occasions, even where the points at issue are difficult and obscure, on which persons of skill and experience will be disposed to differ materially with him.” In the various medical colleges of Great Britain, there' has been, we believe, no text book on medical jurispru- dence positively adopted; but we have been informed that Dr. Beck’s work has been for years recommended to students by professors. In 1828, it was translated into German, at Weimar, and has been favorably received in various parts of the continent of Europe.IT Obituary of Dr, T, Romeyn Beck. It is not alone the physician and the jurist who are indebted to Dr. Beck for this essential work; but it has proved to the general reader, we believe invariably, a fund of interesting information; and we will venture to say that no one has ever risen from its perusal without experiencing an agreeable surprise, that a subject so uninviting in its title, should afford so much amusement. We will only add, that the work has already passed through five American, and four London, besides the German edition. In the preface to the first London edition which was published as early as 1825, with notes by Dr. Wm. Dunlap, the editor says: “We do not claim for the present work the meed of a faultless performance, but we fear not to challenge a comparison of it with any. of the English works in scientific accuracy, philosophical plainness and precision of style, extent of research, gen- uine scholarship and erudition, pointedness of illustra- tion, and copiousness of detail and reference to original documents # Says a bibliographer, in a notice of the German edi- tion, “Among the numerous and unequivocal evidences of the very high estimation in w^hichDr. Beck’s Elements of Jurisprudence are held by the profession in Europe, their translation into the German language must be regarded as the most flattering and decisive indication of their true value. In no country has this interesting and varied science been prosecuted with such unabated zeal, or have so much learning and research been elicited on its several curious topics, as in Germany. From the time of Zachias, indeed, to the present day, it has been the favorite object of study with German physicians, and their opinions of the merits of any treatise on the subject are therefore entitled to the highest weight and the most respectful consideration. Proud are we, therefore, to see them prize the performance of our learned country- man so high as to deem it worthy of transfusion into their vernacular tongue. In his native language his work is as yet without a parallel.” Although the two volumes originally comprised more18 Obituary of Drt T. Romeyn Beck. than 2000 pages octavo, yet to each successive American edition he did not fail to add largely from his apparently inexhaustible stores of knowledge and research. Nor even here did his labors cease, but he continued to con- tribute almost to the period of his death to one or more of the medical or scientific journals of the country, such additional facts or discoveries, as from time to time came to his knowledge.. In the American Journal of Medical Science, edited by Dr. Hays, may be found many of his most valuable papers. Says a distinguished writer Tor that periodical, in reviewing the tenth edition of his Medical Jurisprudence: “The pages of this journal, for many years past, have borne constant evidence of the untiring and invaluable research of Dr. Beck, whose observations and extracts from foreign and domestic sources have filled that por- tion of it devoted to medical jurisprudence; and the writer of the present notice bears his testimony to the same effect; for, having taken much interest in the subject, and consequently had occasion to examine the journals, he found it impossible to furnish a single nov- elty to this department in which he had not been antici- pated by Dr. Beck.” Nor is there perhaps, any testimony more pertinent as to the rank occupied by Dr. Beck in the literary and scientific world, than the large number of societies, both abroad and at home, which conferred upon him either honorary or active memberships. Dr. Beck enjoyed during his life, almost uninterrupted health, the result, we suspect, of a good natural consti- tution, and of temperate, regular, and, so far at least as ,his literary pursuits would permit, active habits.. The following account of his last illness and of the autopsy, is too interesting to admit of abridgment, and I shall make no apology for its introduction. It was furnished at my request by his attending physician, Dr. S.D. Willard, of this city, who visited him from the earliest stage of his illness, and whose personal care and devotion, as well as that of Dr. Hun, who was called inObituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. 19 counsel, toward the close of his life, was most faithful, unremitting, and far exceeding all claims of professional duty. Dr. Beck suffered from an attack of indigestion in the early part of January, 1854, It was at a time when he was busily engaged in his official duties, and although he placed himself under medical treatment, and was visited twice daily by his physician, he did not allow himself, as I remember, to he deterred from going to his office for a single day. He recovered from this attack in two weeks, and with the exception of a slight paroxysm of gout, he enjoyed nearly his usual health during the remainder of the year. In February, 1855, he was again taken ill, and the symptoms with which his illness began were precisely similar to those of the year previous. The weather was intensely cold, and he was induced on account of it to remain at home for a few days, though he was quite unwilling to admit the necessity of such a regimen. The symptoms did not yield as readily as they had done before; he experienced great uneasiness about the stom- ach and bowels; his appetite not only failed, but he felt nausea at the very mention of either food or medicine; he complained greatly of weakness,but was almost invariably invigorated by his sleep at night. He was so much better at the end of a fortnight as to go out, and this he, con- tinued to do nearly every day, utterly regardless of the weather, and appeared to be daily gaining strength until the last of March, when the symptoms returned upon him, as violent as they had been at first; but they again yielded after a week or ten days, and with the exception of his not having regained his strength, he appeared for a little time nearly recovered. We looked forward to the return of mild weather wTith confident expectation that his health would be restored. During the month of May he was daily at his office, and continued his labors and researches with bis accustomed untiring industry. About the first of June he visited his daughter, Mrs. Van Cortlandt, at Croton, and while there he had a recurrence20 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Reck. of some of his unpleasant symptoms, though they were less severe than in preceding attacks. His visit at Croton was brief, and he returned again to pursue his labors beyond the measure of his strength. At length he yielded to the solicitations of his friends to make his summer visit to Lake George a few weeks earlier than usual, and this in the belief that total relaxation would prove of the desired benefit to him. Here, however, he indulged less in the social pleasures and rural sports than had for many years been his practice. Occasionally he went out on the lake for fish, and once he joined a party that had arranged to dine on a rock about five miles down the lake. He went and returned in a row boat, and though much fatigued, bore the exertion better than could have been expected. [August 29.] His very nature gave him a keen relish for such pleasures, but he now united in them with reluctance. He became averse to exercise, and much of his time was passed with his friends on the piazza of the hotel, or in his own room, reperusing some favorite volume. Scarcely a week passed without the return of some of his annoying symptoms, and notwith- standing he thought himself getting better, he was becoming weaker and losing flesh. He returned from Lake George on the 7th September. His journey home greatly fatigued him, and he found himself obliged to send for his physician the next day. Medication almost uniformly brought him present relief, but it did not serve to eradicate the morbid condition to which his system had become subjected. He continued to go to the State Library until the 15th September, when he left it for the last time. Until the present there was, to my mind, no positive indications of other than functional derangement in his case. He was very weak, and had not only lost his full, portly habit, but had become greatly emaciated. His appetite, at times, was good, but not uniformly so. The food he took did not appear to assimilate with and nourish his body, although it was generally well digested. He retired early, slept quietly, and maintained his fixed21 Obituary of Dr. T. JRomeyn Beck. habit of rising at five or six o’clock in the morning. He had not, thus far, suffered any severe pain during the progress of his illness; the recurrence of nausea gave him great uneasiness, and he complained likewise of lassitude and debility, but not of pain. ' For several years he had, at times, been afflicted with paroxysms of dyspnoea, and he assured me that the pul- sations of his heart had “always been irregular.” Since he had become so feeble, these had increased to such an extent.as to indicate that they were occasioned by disease of the heart—but they lacked essentially some of the peculiarities which would be expected in advanced disease of that organ. It was at this time that Dr. Hun, who had seen him at intervals while visiting other members of the family, united with me in regular attendance. So great a change had taken place in his appearance, that it now became manifest that the disease was making rapid inroads upon his remaining strength, and was advancing to a fatal termination. The doctor consented, to remain quiet for a few days; it was without a realization of his own feebleness. He consented, not because he admitted the necessity of quietude, but because his physicians positively enjoined it. He still looked forward, one week after another, to the time when he should be able to resume his duties, and appointed several days when he hoped to go out; But, when the time came, he felt that his strength was insufficient for the effort, and consented readily to abide the advice of his attendants and friends. During these weeks of confinement, he was uniformly cheerful, and looked on the bright side of his own case. He seldom complained of pain, and was rather unwilling to admit that he suffered any. He rarely inquired par- ticularly about the nature of his disease, nor did he evince anxiety about the manner in which it might ter- minate. Thus he continued until late in October, when, upon the suggestion of his daughters, he consented to an arrangement for a consultation with Dr. Willard Parker,22 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. of New York, who had been the physician of his brother, Dr. John B. Beck, and who is likewise a warm personal friend of the family. The evening before Dr. Parker came (October 24), he spoke more freely of himself than he had previously done. It was conclusive to me then, that the character of his malady had not escaped his own careful observation. He said to me: 4 ‘ I don’t altogether give up my own case yet, but I have lived long enough to wear out my consti- tution—and whatever is the result, I must be content.” These were the first words indicating that he regarded his condition critical. The next morning he was visited by Dr. Parker, together with Dr. Hun and myself. He received us with great composure and cheerfulness, and made a clear, full statement of his case, speaking of himself as if he was not the person interested in the examination. After the consultation, we returned to his room, and Dr. Parker taking his seat by him kindly said: “Now, Doctor, we have asked you a great many questions, are there any you would like to ask us?” His reply was strictly characteristic of himself as a man of few words. He did not seek to evade the result of this investigation, but arrived at once at the conclusion, by a single ques- tion, that covered the whole subject: “Can you get me well?” Dr. Parker told him that we were unable to detect organic disease, but there was a suspension in the process of assimilation, his food digested, but did not assimilate; “The engine,” said he, “you have, but the fuel fails to make it work.” Again he asked : “Can you get in fuel that will?” The answers to these pointed inquiries were necessarily of a negative character; to which he replied: “You make out my case very unfa- vorably.” In the afternoon of the same day, I'found him cheerful, without having been fatigued by the morn- ing interview, and he expressed some confidence in the efficacy of the nitro-muriatic acid sponge bath which was suggested by Dr. Parker. Until the 11th November no special change occurred;n Obituary of Dr, T. 1lomeyn Beck. he slept more than usual, and at night comfortably, awaking at his accustomed hour in the morning; he sat nearly every day for a short time, and often devoted a part of this to business; his books and his papers were around him, and he still devoted himself to them with untiring industry; although he was sick, he did not know how to be idle. I visited him at all hours, and I always found him with a book in his hand; when he retired at night, it was with lights arranged by his bedside that he might read until he fell asleep. With the first loss of sleep (Nov. 11) came total pros- tration, he was unable longer to take nourishment, and soon began what appeared to be the process of dying; of this he was fully aware, yet no murmur escaped his lips, nor the wish that the termination might be averted. Nov. 14, his breathing became gradually more difficult, and his extremities cold; he was extremely restless, but uniformly answered “ No,” when asked if he was suffer- ing. Each hour appeared for two or three days to be his last, but he rallied again however, and remarked of the wonderful tenacity of his constitution, and expressed surprise that he lived so long. “It is hard breaking the chain and then he asked: “ Is not this a long struggle? How long have I been in it?” To my reply “More than twenty-four hours,” he asked: “Ho you think it will last much longer?” Addressing his daughters, who were by his bedside, he said: “ I had a coldness, a sort of spasm in my side last night, that was near my idea of the coming on of death; I have thought my case over, it is a remarkable complaint, don't all you think so?” And at the same time he expressed his conviction that he must have organic disease, At another time, when he thought his daughters greatly fatigued by prolonged attention to him, gazing upon them wTith paternal tenderness, he said: ‘T am sorry to tire you so; I wish it was over.” Thus, in his last hours, he did not fail to regard the comfort of others before himself. His hearing continued acute, and his mind clear and calm through those hours of protracted24 Obituary of Dr. T. JRomeyn Beck. dissolution, although he was so weak that he could not converse. Thus he lingered until the morning of the 19th. A few hours preceding his death, Mrs. Parmelee was sitting by his side, when he asked: “Where is Catherine?” (Mrs. Yan Cortlandt); immediately she was with him. He pressed her hand in token of recognition, gazed upon them for a moment, and then closed his eyes for ever. His breathing became quiet, fainter, and still more faint, until at length, gently as sleeps a child, the slumber of death came upon him. And thus passed away this great man, on the 19th of November, 1855, at the age of sixty-four years and three months. Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee, Mrs. Yan Cortlandt and myself, were with him when he died. During the whole period of his illness, his daughters watched him with the utmost filial devotion and tender- ness., They were almost constantly with him, anticipat- ing every want, and administering every comfort. His last hours were not only soothed by their presence, their words of kindness and love, but by their earnest prayers that he might be sustained by his Heavenly Father in the eventful hour that still awaited him. Dr. Beck had no sons. His two daughters, Catharine, wife of Pierre Yan Cortlandt, Esq., of Westchester, and Helen, wife of Hon. William Parmelee, of Albany, still live to attest his inestimable worth and to exemplify his virtues. In the presence of strangers, Dr. Beck was somewhat reserved, and not unfrequently seemed unsocial; but with his more intimate acquaintances he was remarkably free, affable, and unrestrained; and through all his familiar social conversations there was a rich vein of humor mingling with the profounder currents of thought and discussion. His knowledge of books was not confined to scientific treatises. He read most of the standard works in history, romance, poetry, and in ail departments of light literature. Pie read rapidly, and soon possessed himself of the meaning or value of any author; which faculty,25 Obituary of Sr. T. Romeyn Beck, united to a retentive memory, made him almost the final umpire wherever questions of text or of authority arose. In the language of one who 'knew him intimately, and who had been a colaborer with him in the establishment of the State Library, “ His knowledge of what I would call the science of literature, I have never seen equaled.” He was liberal to the poor, and kind to all. Not even the brutes escaped his sympathy. Cruelty to animals excited in him always the most intense disapprobation. His belief in the divine revelation, and in its doctrines, as held by the great body of protestant Christians, was firm, decided and often expressed; and he could never tolerate any attempts on the part of any. person to impugn or to throw discredit upon them. In conclusion, I beg to repeat the language and judg- ment of a well known gentleman who had spent several summers in his society at Lake George, Mr. George Ticknor, of Boston, fn a letter written during the illness of Dr. Beck, he says: “I have known few men of so faithful a nature as he was, and still fewer in whom, on a more continuous acquaintance, I have been so much interested. The amount of his knowledge, and the eagerness with which he pursues it, are remarkable; but not more so than the excellent use to which he puts it all.” Also of an intimate personal friend, the Bev. Dr. J. N. Campbell of Albany, who was his pastor for some years, and his associate as a member of the board of regents : “ I think that the secret of that respect and regard which Dr. Beck had acquired in the community, and which he enjoyed in a measure rarely attained by any man, is to be found in his industry and disinterestedness, and these were prominent features in his character. He was the most Jaborious man I ever knew. He never lost a min- ute, and we all know how much he accomplished; yet he never appeared in anything he did to be seeking to acquire position or honor for himself; and I have repeat- edly remarked that, in speaking of the results of his labors, he was always careful to give all the credit to his [Annals viii.] 426 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Bech. associates and to claim nothing for himself. * * * He was a remarkably pure-minded man; of true honor* above all meanness, and of the strictest integrity.” The annexed is a list of offices which he filled, and societies to which he teas elected, etc. Alms House Physician, Albany,................... 1811 Fellow of the College of Phys. and Surg., N. Y.,.. 1811 Medical Society, State of New York,............. 1813 New York Historical Society, New York,.......... 1813 Member of Physico-Medical Society, New York,.. 1815 Trustee of the Albany Academy,.................. 1815 Professor of the Institutes of Medicine, Fairfield, 1815 Hon. Mem. of Academy of Nat. Sciences, Phila.,.. 1816 Receiving Officer of Antiquarian Society, Mass.,.. 1816 Hon. Mem. Lyceum of Natural History, N. Y.,.... 1817 Hon. Mem. Amer. Geolog. Soc., New Haven,..... 1819 Hon. Mem. Medical Society, London ..............1824 Hon. Mem. Medical Society, Quebec,.............. 1824 Corresponding Member Linnean Society, Baris,... 1826 Hon. Mem, Medical Society, Connecticut,........ 1826 Hon. Mem. Nat. Hist. Society, Montreal.......... 1827 Senior Hon. Mem. Med. Soc. of Emulation of Charlestown,.................................. 1827 Hon. Mem. Med. Soc. of New Hampshire,........... 1828 Associate of the College of Physicians, Phila.,.... 1829 Hon. Mem. of the Ithaca Lyceum.................. 1830 Hon. Mem. of the West Point Lyceum,.......... 1830 Mem. Albany Connty Agricultural Society,........ 1830 Hon. Mem. Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh,... 1832 Philosophical Society, Rutgers College,............ 1833 Prof. Materia Medica and Med. Juris., Fairfield,.. 1836 Hon. Mem. Meteorological Society, London........... 1838 Hon. Mem. Amer; Philosophical Society, Phil.,... 1839 Hon. Mem. Medical- Society, Rhode Island,;...... 1839 Hon. Mem. Nat. Institution for Promotion Science, Washington,................................ 1840 Hon. Mem. Historical Society of Pennsylvania,... 184127 Obituary of Dr. T. Romeyn Beck. Secretary of the Board of Regents,............... 1841 Hon. Mem. Amer. Ethnological Society, N. Y.,... 1842 Hon. Mem. North. Acad. Arts and Sciences, Dart- mouth............................................ 1848 Corresponding Fellow of N. Y. Acad, of Med.,.... 1847 Degree of LL. D., Mercersburgh, Pa............... 1849 Degree of LL. D., of Rutgers Col., New Brunswick. President of Albany Institute. Royal Soc. of North. Antiquarians, Copenhagen^., 1843 Hon. Mem. Historical Society, Vermont,........... 1850 Hon. Mem. American Statistical Society, Boston, 1851 Hon. Mem. State Historical Society, Wisconsin,.. 1854 Trustee State Lunatic Asylum, and President Board of Trustees. Pres, of the Board of Trustees Albany Academy, 1852 Mem. Executive Com. of the Normal School. Emeritus Professor Albany Medical College,..,.., 1854( 28 ) ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Taken at the Albany Academy, from April, 1855, to April, 1856, by Prof. D. Murray. The natural and rational epoch from which to com- mence our reckoning of the year, is the time when the sun crosses the equinoctial from south to north. That is a point in absolute time, capable of being determined with facility and precision. It is, besides, the real beginning of that gradual awakening into activity of those systems of animal and vegetable life, whose growth, maturity and decay form the land-marks in the existence of mankind. As far as any physical phenomena are concerned, there is no more reason why the first of January should be the first day of a new year, than the first of October, or the first of June, or the 20th of August. No event either astronomical or terrestrial occurs at that time to make it deserving of any such distinction. On the contrary, the period of the sun’s crossing the line from the south to the north, is an event well marked, and of great im- portance to the whole of the civilized world. And at a time when scientific investigation is adjusting with so much delicacy the practical details of life, when systems of weights and measures for the very unromantic purpose of meting out our bread and our drink are being con- structed, having for their basis the length of a terrestrial meridian,—when the precise hour of the day, even to the tenth of a second, is of so much importance to a greatMeteorological Observations. 29 commercial metropolis, that an astronomical clock one hundred and sixty miles distant is to be employed for its indication,—when such accuracy is being called for and attained, it is not visionary to suppose that the time will come when an inconvenient and irrational epoch for the commencement of a newr year will be changed into one more convenient and rational. To the Csesar or the Gregory whose duty it may be to readjust the calendar, we submit, that the day on which the sun crosses the line, should in every case be called New Year’s day; that the first day of April should be moved back on the calendar, so as to coincide with this; that the number of days in March should be given to February, making it a constant quantity, and the neces- sary intercalations should be thrown upon March, which would now be the last month in the year. This subject has this much to do with meteorology. If a series of observations are intended to set before us a representation of the phenomena of the year, it is in- judicious to commence when such phenomena are at their maxima or minima. For in so doing, wre separate those observations which show the manner of approach to that maximum or minimum from those which showT the man- ner of departure. If for instance a set of observations for the year upon the thermometer be commenced in Jan- uary, we have not before us a complete view of the win- ter, but only of that part of it, where it begins to change into spring. We thus break up our view of this well marked and unique season of the year, and. set at the beginning of our outline a delineation of the last half of one winter and at the end of it the first half of another, obtaining a full outline of neither. But commencing in the spring when the thermometer is at a mean, wre ob- tain, when we have completed the year, an entire repre- sentation of both the summer and the winter and of the manner in which they are related to each other. For these reasons I have taken the first of April as the starting point; that being the mpnth which approach-30 Meteorological Observations. es most nearly to occupying the place of the first month in our theoretical year. We present first, then, a meteorological table giving a summary of the observations on the thermometer and barometer, the rain-guage, and wind-vane, between the 1st of April 1855, and the 1st of April 1856. The in- struments used are those furnished by the Smithsonian Institution, and the mode of notation is theirs. REMARKS. Temperature.—The warmest day within the period designated was July 1st, when the thermometer stood at 2 o’clock 93.6 deg., the coldest was Jan. 6, when the thermometer stood at 7 a. m. at —7.7 deg* the range of the thermometer therefore, for the year has been 101.3 deg. The mean temperature of the year, has been 48.2 deg., which differs only 0.1 deg* from the mean annual temperature for Albany between the years 1826 and 1853 inclusive, that being 48.1 deg. But although the temperature for the year cor- responds so exactly with the average temperature, there have been some peculiarities worthy of notice. Taking the aggregate of the mean monthly temperature for June, July, and August, from 1826 to 1853 inclusive, it is 208.49 deg., while the same aggregate for the summer, of 1855 gives 211.3 deg.,—about 3 degrees warmer. Again we find but 3 times during those 28 years when the temperature of July rose to what it reached in 1855, viz: 75.1 deg. whilst the average is but 71.37 deg. This indicates then that the summer, especially the month of July, wyas considerably warmer than usual. When we turn from the summer to the winter, we find the reverse. If we take the aggregate of the mean monthly temperatures of December, January, February and March, during the 28 years above referred to, we shall find it 115.5 deg., whereas the same aggregate for the winter of 1855 and 1856 is but 98.6 deg., differing from it by the unusual amount of 17 deg. Omitting the monthMeteorological Observations. April, May, June, , «faiy> August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, MONTHS. cnc w o g ft >•3 ft w ^ bOfcO, fcObSbObOhOtOfcOfcOhObO g COCOOOQOCOCOCOCOCOCDCDCD S OOO'JXOHCOMMOWO 't H^cooi^oicoco^vfx James Campbell, Jr. & Co., at No. 375 North Market street, directly opposite to the Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Bank* The mean temperature of the weather for the year 1823, was.47'31 deg.; greatest height of the thermometer, 94deg.; lowest do, 6 deg. below zero; rain fell during 67 days; snow, 35. Quantity of rain during 8 months, 20*21 inches. The mean temperature of the month of January, 1824, was 27*23 deg. Greatest height 41 deg.; lowest 7 deg. be- low" zero. Bain on five days, and snow on five. The mean temperature of February was 26*55 deg. Greatest height, 57 deg.; lowest, 3 deg. Rain on 3 days; snow on 6. Prevailing wind, southeast. The mean temperature of March, was 46*76 deg. Greatest height, 75 deg.; lowrest, 27. Rain 8 days; 3*16 inches rain fell during the month. The mean temperature for the month of May was 54*90 deg. Greatest height, 80 deg.; lowest, 33 deg. Rain on 9 days; nearly 2 inches fell. The mean temperature of the month of June, was 65 67 deg. Greatest height, 89 deg.; lowest, 48 deg. Rain on 13 days; nearly 4 inches fell. April 21.—The firm of Spencer Stafford & Co., having been dissolved on the 1st of April (consisting of Spencer Stafford, Lewis Benedict, Hallenbake Stafford, and Spen- cer Stafford, Jr.), Spencer Stafford and Lewis Benedict104 Notes from the Newspapers. took in Joab Stafford, and did business under the title of Stafford, Benedict & Co. April 25.—Alexander Davidson, died, aged 42, mer- chant, and was buried from No. 20 Union street, on the 27th. He was of the firm of Root & Davidson, which was dissolved by his death, and the business continued alone by Lyman Root. April 27.—Lewis Aspenwall gave notice that he was establishing a bell foundry at No. 18 Beaver street. April 23.—Volkert Veeder, died, aged 50. May 3.—The Circus, corner Green and Division streets, was sold by auction. May 3.—Notice wvas given, agreeably to the articles of union between the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts and the Albany Lyceum of Natural History, that a meeting of those societies would be held on the 5th of May under the name of the Albany Institute, when a third department would be formed under the title of History and General Literature. May 4.— Election for town officers, which resulted as follows: SUPERVISORS. Republican. Democratic. ls£ Ward-~James McKown,......225 Friend Humphrey,.....133 2d do —Isaac Hamilton,...... 288 John F. Bacon,........ 104 3d do —Teunis Van Vechten. 4th do —William May ell. 5th do ■—John N. Quaekenbush. ASSESSORS. 1st Ward—Green Hall,.........347 2d do —Jeremiah Waterman,. .277 William Seymour,......116 Sd do —James Van Ingen. 4th do —Phillip Hooker. 5th do — Benj, Wilson. An election for assistant alderman took place in the first ward, to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Harman Jenkins, when Willard Walker received 217 votes; John 0. Gole, 138. May 4.-—John L. Wendell advertised that he had re?Notes from the Newspapers. 105 moved from the county of Washington and opened an office in the city of Albany, at 448 South Market street, opposite the store of Henry W. Delavan & Co. May 5.—Mrs. Susan DeWitt, died; wife of Simeon DeWitt, surveyor general. May 5.—The Albany County Medical Society, re- solved, That they had full confidence in the efficacy of vaccination, and recommend it to their fellow citizens as the best means to be adopted for checking the progress of small pox. May 12.—Maj. Elias Buel, died, aged 87. He was the father of Jesse Buel, and served his country in the revo- lutionary war. May 30.—A fire on the corner of South Pearl and Hudson streets, destroyed four houses, two of which be- longed to Mr. Kidney. At the term of the supreme court, the following were admitted to the degree of counselor at law: Simeon De Witt Bloodgood, Charles A. Clinton, Richard Varick De Witt, John Tayler Cooper, Charles Monell, Albert S. Benton, Charles C. King. May 31.-—The steam boat James Kent left New York at a quarter past five in the morning and arrived at Albany at eight o’clock, with only “the common pressure of steam kept up, so that the passengers were exposed to no hazard,” and “affording the passengers the gratification of viewing the beautiful and sublime scenery of the Hudson by daylight.” June 3.—A meeting of subscribers to the erection of a new theatre was called at the green room of the theatre in Green street. June 24.—The North River Steamboat Company re- duced the fare on their boats to five dollars. They had three boats on the river, namely, the Richmond, James Kent, and Chancellor Livingston. June 27.—John S. Skinner died, aged 21, son of N. S. Skinner. A new line of steamboats was announced to run this reason, called the Union Line, of which but one boat, the106 Notes from the Newspapers, Olive Branch, was put on. The steam boat Richmond ran the same days, at a fare of $2, and the old line got out an injunction to stop the Olive Branch. She was 122 feet deck, and 39 beam, with 53 berths and 30 settees. June 26.—Mrs. Elizabeth Newman died in New York, wife of Henry Newman, aged 41. July 2.—Mrs. Catharine Teller died, aged 64. July 9.—Chancellor Sandford decided that the steam boat Olive Branch should be prohibited from making a direct voyage from the city of New York to any port on the Hudson river, but could not be prevented from sail- ing from a port in another state to any part of this state; so the Olive Branch started from Jersey City, and took passengers from New York, as a way station. Fare $2. July 9.—Isaac Hempstead died, aged 51, and was buried with masonic honors. He was sometime sheriff of the county, and was characterized as the poor man’s friend and the father of the fatherless. July 10.—Maxwell Strange died, aged 38. Penniman & Co. advertise pure sperm oil, warranted of the best quality, at 3s. 6d. per gallon (44 cts.). July 15.—The old buildings in South Pearl street, near Crosby’s Hotel, were sold by auction to make room for a new theatre. The lot had been occupied by S. Wilcox, and was 60 feet on South Pearl street, and 114 deep. July 16.—The North Eiver Steamboat Company re- duced the fare on all their boats to $2. David Worth, who would seem to have been a Quaker, commenced a new morocco factory at 275 North Market street. Samuel I. Wood gave a similar notice a few days later. The mean temperature of the month of July was 69*92 deg.; greatest height, 86 deg., lowest, 56 deg. Eain on 10 days; nearly 5 inches fell during the month. August 2.—Governor Yates having called an extra session of the legislature, that body convened at the Capi- tol. August 13.—John Spencer, of the house of John Spen*Notes front the Newspapers. 10? cer & Co., died, aged 44. His partner, Erastus Corning, continued the business on his own account. August 16.—George Knower died, aged 41. August 17.—William Merrifield died, aged 68. August 19.—John H. Wendell and Matthew Gregory, appointed by the common council to repair to New York and deliyer to Lafayette a letter of invitation to make Albany a visit, left the city on their mission. August 21.—Dr. Joseph Shaw, one of the professors in the Albany Academy, died suddenly in Philadelphia. August 21.—The steam boat Chief Justice Marshall was launched at New York. She was intended to run in connection with the Olive Branch between Jersey City and Troy, and had a splendid career. September 2.—Eliza, wife of Thomas Acres died, aged 26. September 2.—George M. Gould died; for many years a clerk in the office of the secretary of state. September 3.—The Rev. John Bassett, D. D., died at Bushwick, Long Island, aged 59; some time pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church in Albany. September 5.—Capt. Henry Green, forty years a resi- dent of Albany, died at Florida, Montgomery county, aged 65. September 17.—Lafayette arrived in this city by steam boat, and was received with every possible demonstra- tion of joy and gratitude. He left on the 18th. Sept. 23.—Mrs. Anna Alexander, wife of Joseph Alex- ander died, aged 48. Sept. 24.—Peter G. Waldron died, aged 75. Sept. 25.—Philip S. Van Rensselaer died, aged 58. He held the office of mayor a great number of years, and was conspicuous in every useful and benevolent measure. He was buried from his residence on the corner of State and Chapel streets, on the 28th, attended by the com- mon council and a large concourse of the people, by whom he was universally lamented. Sept. 28.—The charter election took place, which re-108 Notes from the Newspapers* suited in the success of the entire Eepublican ticket as follows: First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants. John Townsend, Jas. Stevenson, Willard Walker. Josiah Sherman. Second Ward9 John Cassidy, Jacob J. Lansing, Jeremiah Waterman. Dan. McGlashan. Third Ward. James Van Ingen, John M. Cuyler,^ Gilbert F. Lush. John Mancius. Fourth Ward. Giles W. Porter, . Salem Dutcher, Chas. D. Cooper. John Taylor. Fifth Ward. Jas. Gibbons, Francis J. Bradt, Benj. Wilson. Francis Costigan. The Daily Advertiser was the organ of the Eepublican party: the Argus of the Democratic. Sept. 28.—At a meeting of the common council, Henry W. Snyder was re-elected chamberlain, Paul Hochstras- ser city marshal, and Abraham Sickels high constable. Oct. 2.—Sebastian Visscher died, aged 52* Oct. 4.—The common council directed the superintend- ent “ to adopt measures for the improvement of the road leading to Arbor Hill, by the way of Chancellor Lan- sing’s garden.” The mean temperature of the month of September was 62*7 deg.; greatest height 84; lowest 41. Eain on 7 days; nearly three inches fell. Oct. 7.—Michael Connoway died, an officer of the Ee- vol ution. Oct. 27.—The Eev. Isaac Ferris was installed pastor of the Second Eeformed Dutch Church. ^It was through the perseverance of Mr. Cuyler that an order was made to place curbstones in North Market street from Maiden lane to Mark lane (Exchange street). They were the first in the city.109 Notes from the Newspapers. The temperature of the month averaged 50*46 deg,; greatest height 67 deg.; lowest 32adeg. Rain 5 days; 2*09 inches fell. Oct. 31.—The common council held a meeting, and re- moved Philip Phelps, police magistrate, and appointed John Gansevoort in his place. They also removed the city physician, Peter Wendell, and appointed Peter Van OLinda to succeed him. Nov. 4.—The election was a vigorous contest between the two parties, known as Democrats and Republicans. The following table shows the irrelative strength in the city, and the number of voters at this time. Clinton’s majority was 1032 in the county. First Ward. Republicans. Democrats. Gov. De Witt Clinton,.... 302 Samuel Young,............. 171 Lt. Gov., Jas. Tallmadge.. 310 Gen. Root................ 156 Second Ward. Be Witt Clinton,... 293 Samuel Young,.............. 153 Jas. Tallmadge..... 309 Gen. Root.................. 133 Third Ward. Be Witt Clinton.... 156 Samuel Young,............... 66 Jas, Tallmadge,.... 162 Gen. Root................... 50 Fourth Ward. Be Witt Clinton.... 294 Samuel Young,. ........... 194 Jas. Tallmadge..... 300 Gen. Root.................. 170 Fifth Ward. Be Witt Clinton,... 150 Samuel Young,............... 79 Jas. Tallmadge..... 152 Gen. Root.................. 75 Nov. 7.—Aaron James died, aged 29. Nov. 14.—Henry B. Davis, a member of the Albany bar, died at Poughkeepsie, aged 32. A meeting of the Albany bar was held at the Mansion House; Harmanus Bleecker chairman, and Peter Gansevoort secretary, when after appropriate remarks by Samuel A. Foot, a. complimentary resolution was offered by S. DeWitt Blood* good, and adopted by the meeting. Nov. 16.—J. B. Van Schaick gave notice that he had opened an office for the practice of law, at No,. 67 Stat§ street. [Annals viii,] 11110 Notes from the Newspapers. Nov. 17.—Eobert Owen of Lanark, arrived in this city on his route to New Harmony, the seat of his social experiment in America. Nov. 18.—Eev. Michael O’Gorman, who had officiated at the Catholic Church in this city, died in New York. Eev. Dr. Neill, who had been the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church some time, was on the 11th inst. inducted as president of Dickinson College. Nov. 25.—Benjamin Knower having resigned the office of state treasurer, the legislature appointed Abraham Keyser in his stead. Nov. 80.—Catherine, wife of John Sickels died, aged 87. Sarah, wife of Eev. John De Witt died at New Bruns- wick, N. J. The mean temperature of the month of November was S7*30 deg.; greatest height 58 deg.; lowest 24 deg. Bain on 7 days. Dec. 1,—The state electors met at the Capitol to ballot for president and vice-president of the United States. The result was, John Quincy Adams received 28, Wnu H. Crawford 5, Henry Clay 4, Andrew Jackson 1; total 36. For vice-president, John C. Calhoun 29, Nathan Sanford 7. Dec. 1.—Mary, wife of Daniel McGlashan died, aged 87. . Dec. 2.—Selden Strickland died, aged 38. Dec. 4.—John Eussell died, aged 50. Dec. 7.—Benjamin Yervalin, deputy sheriff of the city of Albany, died. Dec. 9.—A fire in the store of W. & A. Marvin in South Market street, destroyed property to the amount of nearly $10,000. Dec. 9.—Mrs. Phebe Hills died at Geneseo, aged 67; widow of Augustus Hills. Dec. 14.—Samuel A. Van Vechten died, aged 30; son of Abraham Yan Yechten. Ebenezer B. Euss died, aged 24. ' Dec. 22.—Capt. Charles Stewart died, aged 32.Notes from the Newspapers, ill Dec. 23.—John Meads ad- vertised the property belonging to the Mechanics5 Society, sit- uated on the corner of Chapel and Columbia streets, and con- sisting of the Academy, and the Mechanic Hall. Dec. 24.—The navigation of the Hudson river and the Canal was closed. Mechanic Hall. Dec.—An appeal was made by the officers of the New York State Tract Society for aid. It was formed on the 25th of February, 1824, and the donations of the five auxiliary societies in Albany was upwards of $1,200, which was nearly six times as much as had been contri- buted by the whole state besides. The officers of the society consisted of Samuel L. Hopkins, W. A. Tweed Dale and John Willard, executive committee; Lewis Leonard, Henry R. Weed and John Ludlow, counselors. The common council resolved to apply to the legisla- ture for. a law authorizing a lottery to enable the corporation to pay its debts, by disposing of the public lands. The mean temperature of the month of December was 32*45 deg.; greatest height 50 deg.; lowest 13 deg. Rain on 5 days; snow on 3 days. r The.mean temperature of the year 1824, was 47*88 deg. The highest temperature was 85 deg.; lowest 3 deg. By the report of the comptroller, it appeared that the value of real estate in the county of Albany, was $6,748,- 072. The return of personal estate was $3,438,962. It appeared by the report of the teacher of the Lancas- ter school, Win. A Tweed Dale, that 947 children attended the school during this year; the greatest daily attendance being 386. Simon De Witt was elected president, Gideon Hawley vice-president, Lewis C. Beck, secretary, Charles R. Webster, treasurer.112 Notes from the Newspapers* 1825. Jan. 1.-—The common council met and unanimously re-elected Ambrose Spencer mayor of the city for the ensuing year. Jan. 2.—Until this day the weather was unusually mild for the season; the river had become clear of ice, several sloops left here for New York, and the steam boats continued to run as far up the river as Poughkeepsie. But it began to snow at night, and winter set in in good earnest. Jan. 7.—The partnership of Winne & Fondey was dis- solved. It consisted of J. Winne, Jr., and Isaac Fondey. Jan. 10.—Mary Ann Pohlman died, aged 20; daughter of Daniel Pohlman. Application was made to the legislature for the incorporation of the Albany Gas Light Company, with a capital of $200,000. Jan. 19.—Timothy C. Convers died, aged 28. Jan. 20.—Rev. John H. Livingston who had preached here in the last century in the Dutch Reformed Church, died at New Brunswick* aged 79; he was professor of didac- tic and polemic divinity in the Theological Seminary there. Jan. 21.—-Rebecca, wife of Cornelius Swart died, aged 55, and was buried from No. 33 Church street. Jan. 23.—A sermon was preached in the First Presby- terian Church by the Rev. M. Martin for the benefit of the Sunday School Union, and a collection taken up amounting to $110,25. Jan. 27.—Maria Van Veghten died at the residence of her nephew Gen. John H. Wendell, aged 94 years. Jan. 30.—John A. Lansing died, aged 76; a patriot of the revolution, and was buried from his house, 33 South Pearl street, Corner of Hudson. Jan. 30.—Mrs. Elisabeth Malcomdied, aged 54. The mean temperature of the month was 25*91 deg.; greatest height 40 deg.; lowest 6 deg.; rain 2 days; snow 8 days. Jan. 31.—The following officers were elected by the common council; John Gansevoort, police justice.113 Notes from the Newspapers. Abraham Sickels and John Meigs, police constables. John E. Lovet, attorney. Philip Hooker, city superintendent and surveyor. Barent P. Staats, city physician. (At the next meeting of the board this appointment was reconsidered, and Roger Vest, appointed at $150.) Wm. Humphrey, Samuel S. Treat, Alden March, and Peter Yan OLinda, city physicians. Feb. 3.—Widow Sarah Wiley died at Westerlo, aged 103 Feb. 17.—Mrs. Maria Yan Schaack died, widow of Egbert Yan Schaack, and was buried from her residence No. 60 South Pearl street. Feb. 21.—The friends of James Bleecker deceased were requested to attend his funeral this day, from his dwell- ing No. 82 South Pearl street. Feb. 23.—Henry F. Benne died, aged 38. The mean temperature of the month was 27*72 deg.; greatest height 44 deg.; lowest 3 deg. Rain on 3 days; snow on 5 days. March 2.—Erastus Corning, late of the firm of John Spencer & Co., and John T. Norton, late of the firm of Henry W. Delavan & Co., formed a copartnership in the hardware business at the store previously occupied by John Spencer & Co. The Greenbush ferry was leased to John Humphrey, Jr., for three years, at an annual rent of $5,900. March 5.—Phebe Ann, wife of Sanford Cobb died. March 1.—The river was open, and the steam boat Richmond arrived in the morning of this day. March 8.—Mrs. Hannah Hopkins died, aged 49, and was buried from the house of Gerrit Lansing, Jr., No. 20 South Pearl street. The steam boat fare to New York was $4.00. Since the decision of the Court of Errors, a number of new boats came on. The Bristol, Henry Eckford, Chief Justice Marshall and Olive Branch, among them. March 13.—Laura J., wife of Robert Gilchrist, and daughter of Ambrose Spencer, died, aged 22.114 Notes from the Newspapers. March 15.—Stephen Sackrider died. March 19.—Mrs.'Daniel was buried from No. 23 Division street. March 21.—The vases presented by the merchants of New York to De Witt Clinton, were exhibited at Knick- erbacker Hall. March 21.—The- common council ordained that no person should thereafter ring any bell or make any public outcry at a public sale, under a penalty of five dollars. Mrs. Susannah Doty died at Peekskill, aged 92; formerly of Albany. March 25.—Solomon Southwick retired from the editorship of the National Democrat, having been an editor more than thirty years, and opened a lottery office, hoping to find better support for a numerous family in that pursuit. March 25.—Henry, son of Gen. Mathew Trotter died, and was buried from No. 488 South Market street. By an act of the legislature passed March 24, 1818, the common council was authorized to fund the city debt to the amount of $205,000, which had been incurred for various objects of public utility.. Two years later, upon the representation of the common council, that owing to certain causes, they were unable to pay their debt, a law was passed on the 14th of April, 1820, authorizing them to dispose of certain lots of land belonging to the city, by lottery, not to exceed in amount $250,000. The lots were to be valued, put in parcels, and be made the prizes.. The tickets were to be sold in Albany only; but that provision was repealed by an act passed the 15th of March, 1822. The commissioners found, however, that they could not carry the lottery into effect, because the prizes consisted only of lots of land. The common council therefore, in 1825, applied to the legislature for permission to sell their lands and to be allowed to raise the balance of the amount in money by selling tickets in the lottery created by the act of 1820, and paying prizes out of the proceeds in the usual115 Notes from the Newspapers. way. As the act had been passed authorizing the lottery before the constitution was amended, which pro- hibited lotteries, the committee on the judiciary brought in a bill authorizing the desired change. March 26.—The new Theatre in South Pearl street, below Beaver, was open to the public, and the keys were delivered to the lessee the same day. It was erected by subscription. March 26.—John C. Rubey died, aged 23. The mean temperature of the month was 39’44deg.; greatest height, 63 deg.; lowest, 25 deg. Rain on 3 days; snow on 5 days. April 4.—A fire destroyed a tobacco store belonging to Kline & Gott, in Middle lane. Loss $20,000; insured, $5,000. April 9,—John Booking died. April 10.—James Campbell died, aged 36. April 11.—Mary, wife of Josiah Winants died, aged 43. April 11.—Estes Howe resigned the office of recorder. April 12.—John Hunn died, aged 84, and was buried from No. 51 Liberty street. April 15.—John B. Yisscher died, aged 56, and Was buried from his house corner of Columbia street and Middle lane. April 19.—Stephen Lush died, aged 72, and was buried on the 21st from his residence No. 311 North Market street. “ His death is no ordinary loss to society. As a patriot his services in the war of the revolution entitle him to a high rank. He was one of those who suffered in the Jersey prisonship; arfd was subsequently aid and private secretary to Gov. George Clinton. As a legisla- tor he was well known as one of a sound mind and wise head. As a Christian he was meek and lowly; religious, not because he feared, but that he loved his Creator and adored him for his mercy shown to man through the Savior. As a citizen and a neighbor, his memory will be long revered by all who knew him.” He was cap- tured at the storming of Fort Montgomery.116 Notes from the Newspapers. * April 21.—The legislature adjourned haying passed 328 laws. April 23.—Stephen H. Morse died, aged about thirty. The temperature of the month averaged 49*63 deg.; greatest height 73 deg.; lowest 29 deg. Eain on 5 days. Among the acts passed by the legislature at its session just closed were the following relating to Albany: An act to incorporate the Gas Light Company of the city of Albany. An act relative to the Albany Academy. An act to incorporate the Albany Lombard Association. An act to incorporate the president, directors and company of the Commercial Bank of Albany. An act to remove certain records from the clerk’s office of the county of Albany to the clerk’s office of the county of Saratoga. An act concerning the terms of courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace in the county of Albany. An act equalizing and allowing compensation to petit jurors attending certain courts in the county of Albany. An act for the relief of the Albany and Delaware Turnpike Company. An act to incorporate a second company to supply the city of Albany with water. The tedious voyages of the sloops have been made the subject of frequent remark. They are still often alluded to in contrast with the speed of steam boats. The fol- lowing will serve to show what could be done. “ The sloop Ohio, Capt. J. Utter, of the old Albany line packets, commenced discharging a full cargo of merchandise in this city on Monday; reloaded on Tuesday, and sailed for New York on Wednesday morning; arrived at New York on Thursday; discharged on Friday, left there on Saturday, and arrived in this city on Monday with a full cargo destined for the west.” April 27.—John B. Washburn died, aged 39, and wasNotes from the Newspapers. lit buried from his residence corner of Liberty and Hamil- ton streets. April 29.—Drs. E. Willard & S. P. White became connected in the practice of physic and surgery, at No. 171 North Market street. May 1.—The firm of Stafford, Benedict & Co. was dissolved, consisting of Spencer Stafford, Lewis Benedict and Joab Stafford. The business was continued by Spencer Stafford alone. May 2.—At a meeting of the common council, Messrs. Cooper, Townsend, Stevenson and the Chamberlain were appointed a committee to treat with Yates & McIntyre respecting their proposition to purchase the Albany City Lottery for $200,000. May 3. —The election for town officers took place, when the Republican ticket succeeded in every ward. The fol- lowing were elected supervisors and assessors: Supervisors. 1st Ward—James McKown. 2d do —Isaac Hamilton, 3d do —Teunis Van Yechten, 4th do —Peter Bain, 5th do —John N. Quackenbush, Assessors. Green Hall, Ichabod L. Judson, James Yan Ingen, Philip Hooker, Benjamin Wilson. Mr. Hochstrasser, deputy excise officer, reported that he had licensed during the past year, 49 taverns, 209 ordinaries, 53 groceries, 20 vietualers, and 65 cartmen; amount of license money, $3,662. Butter, which had been selling recently at 28 cents a pound, had fallen to 12 and 14 cents. May 9.—The subscriptions to the Albany Lombard Association, which had been chartered during the previ- ous winter, were in excess of the capital, and Rufus Brown advertised that they would he returned at his store in State street. At the same time Cornelius Yan Antwerp, cashier, advertised a call for three dollars on each share of the capital stock. A writer in the Argus urged upon the capitalists of the city the absolute necessity of a railroad to Schenecta- dy, to prevent the city from going to decay through the rivalry of Troy.118 Notes from the Newspapers, May 18.—The new Theatre in South Pearl street opened by Gilfert, with Laugh when you Can, and Raising, the Wind, The actors were Barrett, Anderson and Spiller, Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Barrett, very clever in their way, and not yet wholly forgotten. Pearl Street Theatre. May 22. William Staats died, and was buried from his dwelling 77 Hudson street. The common council caused the Capitol and Academy parks to be enclosed with a fence, previous to which they seem to have been an open common, where the planting of shade trees met with small success. It seems not to have been done at the expense of the city.119 Notes from the Newspapers. May.—The Pier, which had been authorized by a law- passed April 5, 1823, was now completed; being nearly 4400 feet long, 80 wide, and 20 high. It enclosed a basin of about 32 acres, capable of harboring 1000 canal boats, and fifty vessels of a larger class. May.—The prices of Albany stocks were quoted as follows: Bank of Albany..........................$125-130 Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Bank........ 121-125 * New York State Bank......................117-119 Albany Insurance Company............... 105-1071 Merchants’ Insurance Company....... .. .102-103 Water Works Company...................... 100-105 Pier..................................... 105-108 May 28.—Henry B. Cook, merchant, died, aged 34, and was buried on the 27th from his residence No. 69 Division street. The steam boat Constitution made her first trip about this time, running to Troy. May 31.—A schooner arrived from Richmond^, Va.. with coal, which seems to have been a new article of commerce direct. May 31.—Philip McCready died, aged 29. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, under Maj. Birdsell, was wounded at Fort Erie, and taken prisoner. June 2.—The stock books of the Commercial Bank, which had been open three days for a subscription of $300,000, were closed this day, when the amount sub- scribed was found to exceed $1,500,000. June 10.—The stock not having been distributed to the satisfaction of all the subscribers, considerable in- dignation was generated on the occasion, and a meeting was called at the Capitol to get some of it off. The case seems to have been thus. The charter of the bank was urged on the ground that the stock of the three exist- ing banks was principally held by men who had retired from business, and it wTas urged that by granting a new institution, the stock of which should be finally distribut- ed among small capitalists, the mercantile and manu- facturing interests of the city would be greatly promoted.120 Notes from the Newspapers. It was claimed to have been the firm belief of this which enlisted the whole middling class of the city in behalf of this new bank, and caused hundreds of men to join in the application, and by personal effort to further its incorporation. But the commissioners, it was said, had proceeded in a manner that had defeated the public expec- tation and outraged public opinion. In answer to a call at the Capitol,"a “large and respectable” meeting of merchants and other citizens of'Albany convened there. Col. John Stilwell was called to the chair, and Isaac Fondey appointed secretary. Mr. Jeremiah Waterman briefly stated the object of the meeting, and Mr. John S. Van Rensselaer was called upon for an address. In obedience to the call, and appealing to the indulgence and favor of the audience, Mr. Van Rensselaer briefly explained what he considered to be the cause which had called together so unusual and respectable a number of his fellow citizens. He concluded by submitting, inas- much as the just and reasonable expectation of commu- nity had been disappointed in the erection of the Com- mercial Bank, and inasmuch as the subscription to that bank had shown the large amount of surplus capital sought to be vested in bank stock, whether it might not be expedient to apply for a bank to be located in Albany, with a capital of $400,000, to be divided into shares of $25 each, in the charter of which there should be a pro- vision that if the commissioners in the distribution of the capital stock should allot to any individual more than fifty shares, they should be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and forfeit each to the use of the bank, $1,000. Upon the conclusion of Mr. Van Rensselaer’s speech, it was Resolved, That the charter of the Commercial Bank was not granted by the legislature of the state of New York to create a monopoly for the profit of speculators, but was granted at the pressing instance of hundreds of citizens who subscribed the petitions for said bank, for the general advantage of the community of Albany. June 11.—Gen. Lafayette made his second visit to121 Notes from the Newspapers. Albany, arriving from the west. He attended church on the following day, which was Sunday, and left for Boston on Monday, the 13th. The weather during these three days was extremely warm, the thermometer being on Saturday the 11th at 97 deg.; on Sunday at 98 deg.; and on Monday at 86 deg. A new daily line of mail stages commenced running from Albany to Rochester, by the way of Cherry Valley, which was claimed to be the shortest route by 16 miles, and the country through which it passed “ more airy and sightly” than the route through the Mohawk valley. June 11.—A new stand of colors was presented to Capt. Gilbert’s company of Albany Independent Volun- teers, by John Leman, a painter, through Gen. Solomon Van Rensselaer. June 18.—The Albany Republican Artillery met at Crosby’s Hotel, and passed resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Daniel D. Tompkins. June 19.—William!. Hilton died, aged 91. June 21.—The steam boat Constitution burst her boiler off Poughkeepsie, severely scalding the cooks, three of whom died. June,—The Second Presbyterian Church received an organ from the establishment of Hall & Erban, New York. June 27.—Judith Van Vechten, daughter of Abraham Van Vechten, died, aged 22. May.—The mean height of the thermometer for this month was 60*75 deg.; highest 82 deg.; lowest 37 deg. Rain on 4 days; 1*21 inches fell. June.—The mean temperature for the month was 70*64 deg. Highest range 98 deg.; lowest 57 deg. Rain on 7 days; 5*78 inches fell. July 1.—The safety barge, Lady Clinton, towed by the steam boat Commerce, made her first appearance at Albany, with a large number of passengers from New York, among whom was the Danish minister, attracted by this new mode of traveling. [Annals mil.] 12122 Notes from the Newspapers, July 1.—Lafayette arrived in the city from Vermont, accompanied by the governor of that state, and a mili- tary escort from Troy, it being his third visit during this tour in the country. He put up at. Crittenden’s, now Congress Hall. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon a dinner was served up by the citizens in the Capitol, Elias Kane presided, assisted by Harmanus Bleecker, Benjamin Knower, John Townsend, Gamaliel H. Bar- stow, then state treasurer, and William Caldwell. Judge Story and Daniel Webster, of Boston, John Woodworth, Ambrose Spencer and Stephen Van Rensselaer are men- tioned among the guests of distinction. The blessing was asked by the Rev. Dr. Chester. Among the toasts were the following, the first volunteer being by Lafay- ette. “ Albany as I have known it, and Albany as it is nowr— a comparative standard between royal guardianship and the self government of the people; may this differ- ence be more and more illustrated at home, and under- stood abroad.” By Daniel Webster.—*‘ The State of New Yorh; the national link which connects the east and the west; regardless of the greatness conferred by her numbers, she seeks to be great by the spirit, and the works, of im- provement.” By Judge Story.—“ The Judiciary of New Yorh; its past glory set in unclouded brightness; may its rising sun beam in a clear sky.” By Ebenezer Baldwin, recorder of the city.—Gen. Lafayette; “When our country numbered but three millions of citizens, he imposed upon it a national debt, that thirteen millions in vain attempt to discharge—a debt of gratitude.” By Daniel Webster.—“ The ancient and hospitable city of Albany; where Gen. Lafayette found his head quarters in 1778, and where men of his principles find good quarters at all times.” The General attended the Theatre in the evening, which closed at 12 o’clock, soon after which he proceed-Notes from the Newspapers. 123 ed to the steam boat Bolivar, which awaited him at the dock, and proceeded to New York. July 1.—The first anniversary of the Albany Institute was held at the Albany Academy, Gen. Stephen Yan Rensselaer presiding. The annual address was delivered by the Rev. John Chester. July 4.—-The forty-ninth anniversary of national independence was celebrated by the military and citi- zens with the customary enthusiasm. The Declaration of Independence was read by Salem Dutcher, and the oration was delivered by Henry G. Wheaton. July 4<—William Churchill died, aged 66; a soldier of the Revolution, and a worthy citizen. July 12.—Robert 0. K. Bennett, who had for many years been an able and successful instructer of youth in this city, died, aged 52. July 12.—A public dinner was given to Gen. Solomon Van Rensselaer by the citizens of Detroit. The follow- ing toast was given by Alderman Rowland: “Gen. Van Rensselaer, our esteemed guest; on the banks of Miami and the heights of Queenstown, his blood flowed with no stinted tide; may the gratitude of his country flow as freely.” July 17.—Mrs. Johannah, widow of Obadiah Van Benthuysen, died, aged 75. July 20.—John Paul died, aged 28. July 22.—Anthony McMurdy died, from exposure to the heat of the sun, aged 36. This was a remarkable summer for the height of the temperature over the whole of the northern states. July 23.—Fanny Stewart died, aged 90. July 27.—The sale of the Pier lots took place on the State street bridge, where a splendid canopy had been erected for the occasion, surmounted by the national flag. The cost of the Pier was $130,000. The sale of all the lots but one, which wTas reserved, being 122 in number, amounted to $199,410, ranging from $1,200 to $2,625 each.124 Notes from the Newspapers. July 27.—The new steam boat Saratoga arrived at the dock. She was built by the North River Company, for the purpose of taking passengers to and from the large boats, when the tide would not admit of their crossing the bar. July 30.—Several persons largely concerned in the shipping interest went down to examine the overslaugh in the new steam boat Saratoga. After having made soundings and considered the measures that seemed to be necessary to remove the obstructions and improve the navigation, a formal meeting was called, at which Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer presided, and John T. Norton acted as secretary. The meeting resolved that an effort ought immediately to be made to improve the navigation of the river at the overslaugh, and that a meeting of the citizens of Albany should be called to deliberate upon the subject. Such a meeting was held on the 2d of August at the Knickerbaeker Hall, at which Joseph Alexander presided, when a committee was appointed to raise money, and another to devise the best mode of removing the obstructions. July.—The steam boat Swiftsure Capt. Stocking, made her appearance, with the safety barge Lady Van Rensse- laer. July.—The temperature of the month averaged 77’69 deg. Greatest height 96 deg.; lowest 60 deg. Rain on 6 days; 1T3 inches fell. Aug. 5,—Thomas Barry Hill died, aged 21. Aug 7.—The steam boat Constellation, Capt. Robert G. Crittenden, made her first appearance at the steam boat landing. She was built by a company of Albanians, and was fitted up with unusual elegance. Aug 8.—The Albany Patriot and Daily Commercial Intelligencer, the second daily newspaper in Albany, was first published this day by George Galpin. Aug. 8.—There were at this time 93 adults and 40 children in the Alms House. There were 43 taverns, 201 ordinaries, 50 grocers,125 Notes from the Newspapers. 22 victuallers, and 46 cartmen, who had licenses; and the amount received by the city for these licenses was $3,611. Aug. 12.—John Chestney was drowned, aged 26. Aug. 16.—Mrs. Maria Staats, wife of Dr. B. P. Staats, died, aged 24. Aug. 16.—The steam boat Constitution, Capt. Bartholomew, made her first appearance here, with 250 passengers. It was asserted by the editors of the Daily Advertiser that the wholesale business of the city had quadrupled during the two years since the opening of the canal, and that Albany merchants had opened a direct business with the manufacturers of Europe. The returns of the census marshal gave the following statistics of the Shakers at Niskayuna. There were four families, having each their head, or leader, subject to one.general head, or elder. 4 heads of families, 112 males, 153 females, 74 entitled to vote, 13 aliens, 3 people of color, 73 females between 16 and 45, 51 do over 45, 29 do under 16, 1945 yards flannels 4464 do linen an 4 deaths during the year preced- ing July 1st, 899 acres of land improved, 155 neat cattle, 22 horses, 475 sheep, 134 hogs, 1450 yards fulled cloth made during the year, made during the year, d cotton. Aug. 17.—Mrs. Charlotte H. Henry died, aged, 36. Aug. 19.—-Roger Skinner died, United States judge for the northern district of New York. Aug. 22.—An injunction having been obtained staying the opening of the Commercial Bank, the chan- cellor decided against the dissolution of the injunction, moved for by the commissioners of the bank. Aug. 22.—A person whose name does not appear, stated that he had discovered a bed of coal in the vicinity of Albany, and claimed the premium of $1,000, there-126 Notes from the Neiospapers, tofore offered by the corporation for such discovery. His petition was laid on the table. At the same meeting Mr. Stevenson, from the alms house committee reported a plan and specifications for building an alms house, which were adopted. Sealed proposals were at the same time opened for building the same, when the work was awarded to Fasset & Halen- bake, at $9,875. Aug. 22.—Maj. Edward Cumpston, died at Auburn, aged 72, and was interred with military honors. He had resided in Albany, was a soldier of the Revolution, and was on one occasion directed by Lafayette to per- form the duties of adjutant-general. He was a worthy and upright man. Aug. 26.—The steamboat New London was advertised to leave that part of the Pier opposite the Eagle Tavern, for New York, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. A prejudice existed at this time against iron boilers, which were thought to be unsafe. It was therefore stated that the New London had a copper boiler. Aug. 27.—James Elliot Thompson died. Aug. 29.—Dr. Samuel Dexter died, aged 69, and was buried from his residence No. 57 State street. The mean temperature of the month of August was 72*05 deg. Greatest height 89 deg., lowest, 55 deg. Rain on 9 days; 6*43 inches fell. Sept. 3.-—A meeting of citizens was held at Knicker- backer Hall for the purpose of forming a Prison Discipline Society. A constitution was adopted, and a board of managers chosen, of which Samuel M. Hopkins was pre- sident, and James Stevenson treasurer. Sept. 9.—John Gates, who had been a resident of the city about fifty years, died, aged 74. He early embarked in the war of the Revolution, and was one of the party that accompanied Arnold through the wilderness to Quebec, where he fought beside Montgomery when that general fell under her walls. He was also engaged in the battle of Saratoga. He was also distinguished for his virtues as a private citizen.Notes from the Newspapers. 127 Sept. 12.—Christopher Monk died, aged 55; character- ized as a very worthy citizen. Sept. 14.—A meeting was held at the Capitol, for the purpose of taking some action preparatory to celebrating the completion of the canal. Sept. 18.—Levi Cole, printer, died. The following is a list of the steam boats that plied between Albany and New York, at this time: Boat. James Kent,............. Chancellor Livingston,., Richmond, .............. Olive Branch,........... Wm. Penn,.............. Chief Justice Marshall, Constitution,........... Constellation,.......... Henry Eckford,.......... Hudson, ............... Bristol, .............. Saratoga,.............. Captain. T. Wiswall. Lockwood. Cochrane. , Moore. . Fountain. .Sherman. . Ricketson. , Cruttenden, Brake . Brooks. .Young. . . Benson. Sept. 25.—Duncan Stewart died, aged 33. Sept. 26.—Robert B. Hewson was buried from 51 Lydius street. Sept. 27.—Mrs. Phebe, widow of Uriah Benedict died, aged 45. Sept. 27.—The charter election took place on this day, and resulted in the choice of the entire Republican ticket. The following was the vote for aldermen and assistants. First Ward. Republican. Democratic. John Townsend...... .. Peter Yan Loon,*....... Isaac Denniston, James Stevenson, * ..159 Jonah Scovel, Geo. R. Hendrickson,*... ..140 John D. Hewson....... Second Ward. T An n i 280 Allen Brown,«.••• •••• .« Tacnh T Tuncino* 227 Wm, Seymour,........ .. ..146 Daniel McGlashan,., .. 262 Christian H. Shear,. ..103 -Adrian Day. Arnold Nelson, * These were not of the Democratic party, but were run in oppo- sition to the regular Republican ticket.128 Notes from the Newspapers, Third Ward. Gilbert F. Lush . , f, . t 110 John Mancius * Herman V. Hart,.... . 130 Gerrit Gates,* .. 43 John Mancius, Richard I. Knowlson, ... Andrew Kirk,....... Fourth Ward. Charles D. Cooper,... Erastus Corning, Welcome Esleeck,.... Moses Kenyon, James Maher, Thomas Morgan, Jr.,... ,...133 James Goold, ,...127 Fifth Ward.f James Gibbons, Francis I. Bradt, Francis Costigan, BenjaminWilson. Sept. 28.—The tragedian, Conway, made his first ap- pearance in this city. Sept. 29.—A splendid Masonic pageant was held to cele- brate the installation of Stephen Van Rensselaer as Grand Master, who succeeded De Witt Clinton in that office. An association of twenty-four merchants was formed, to carry on a direct trade with the West Indies. The first venture was made with a schooner, which was laden partly with horses and flour. On the third day out, one horse and a quantity of hay was swept overboard by a gale. The trip was a rough one, but was successful. The mean temperature of the month was 6037 deg. Greatest height, 77 deg,, lowest, 41. Rain on 6 days; 1 inch fell. Oct. 4.—Mrs. Catharine, widow of Henry Van Woert, died, aged 75. George Pearson, formerly of Albany, died in New York, aged about 30. Oct. 7.—Daniel Waters died, aged 24. Oct. 15.—Richard Dunn died, aged 81. Oct. 18.—De Witt Clinton issued a proclamation for a public thanksgiving, which is believed to have been the introduction of those observances that have been con- tinued annually ever since, Oct. 18.—The Albany Argus was first published daily. * The division in this ward was not political bat local. f No opposition in this ward.120 Notes from the Newspapers. Oct. 22.—Mrs. Harriet, widow of the.Rev. J. B. Romeyn, and daughter of John N. Bleecker of Albany, died in New York. It appeared by the returns of the census marshals, that the population of the city was 15,974, being a gain of nearly 3,500 in five years. There were five extensive breweries in the city; that of Fiddler & Taylor, supposed to be the largest in the United States, was capable of manufacturing 250 barrels of beer a day. Oct. 23.—John N. Bleecker died, aged 87. Oct. 24.—A fire destroyed the brass foundry of James Maxwell, in the rear of Peter Smith’s coppersmith shop, No. 47 State street, by which Mr. Maxwell lost all his property, having no insurance. Oct. 25.—Mrs. Harriet S., wife of Ichabod L. Judson, died. Oct.26.—Aline of cannons was formed the whole length of the Erie canal, and extended down the Hudson river, and to Sandy Hook. At 3 minutes before 11 o’clock the first boat from Buffalo passed through the lock into the Albany basin, and was announced by the discharge of a cannon, which was continued in both directions by the cannons along the line as they caught the sound, and was returned in the same way. The return fire from New York was received five minutes before 12. Oct. 26.—Jacob Ackerman died, aged 26. Oct. 29.—The first canal boat through from Albany reached Buffalo, on which occasion a celebration took place there. The mean temperature of the month was 52*79 deg. Greatest height,'79 deg.; lowest 29 deg. Rain on 6 days, when nearly 5 inches fell. Nov. 2.—The city of Albany held a special celebration of the opening of the canal. Philip Hone delivered an address in behalf of the city of New York. Nov. 5.—A fire destroyed the two story wooden building in State street, owned by E. & E. Hosford, and formerly occupied by them as a printing office, now No. 74. The occupants at the time of the fire were L. K. Norton,ISO Notes from the Newspapers. shoemaker, Wm. Carpenter, tailor, and Jesse Howe, gro- cer. Mr. Norton lost nearly all his property. Nov. 7.—The celebrated MissJKelly, the particular star of the theatrical firmament at this time, made her first appearance in Albany, as Letitia Hardy, in the Belle's Stratagem. Nov. 9.—The last day of election, the law at this time requiring the polls to be kept open three days. The con- test was vigorously carried on between the Democrats and Republicans, who accused each other of federalism. No one would allow himself to be a federalist now, but claimed to be either a Democrat or a Republican. This was called the state election; the charter election being held in September. The following are county returns: Senator. Republican. Democratic. Ambrose L. Jordan,.... ., 2746 King, Samuel S. Lusb t...... Assembly. 2868 Staats, 2077 Malachi Whipple, Andrew Ten Eyck,,...., ...2846 Chapman, ,. 2644 'Van Kleeck, Conrad A. Ten Eyck,... Sheriff. ...2607 Calvin, ........... James Van Ingen, Clerk. .. 666 Philip Phelps, 1424 Lawrence L. Van Kleeck, 2780 The latter ran as an independent candidate, and had held the office some time. The baptismal names of the Democratic candidates were not given in the returns from which the table was derived. A vote was taken on the mode of choosing electors for president and vice-president. It stood for general ticket, plurality, 2684. For districts, 1738. Nov. 14.—At a meeting of the common council, John Gansevoort resigned his office as police magistrate, and John 0. Cole was unanimously elected in his stead. Nov. 17.—The drawing of St. Peter’s church loiteiy took place. Nov. 18.—Mrs. Elizabeth Dyer died, aged 66.131 Notes from the Newspapers. On the 18th November, 1823, the canal froze up, and winter set in fiercely. Nov. 25, severe cold and one heavy snow storm. But January was as mild and open as spring. In some warm positions lilacs budded. The river was open four times during the winter, and free of ice on the 10th March. 1824.—Winter set in on the 10th December. Rest of the month mild. Canal boats continued to run till the 15th. January like spring, and except a slight snow storm in February, the whole winter moderate. River only slightly frozen, and entirely open on the 6th March. 1825—Two extreme cold days in December, and two in January; otherwise winter was remarkably mild; no snow south of Albany, but sufficient the great part of the winter north of Sandy Hill. River opened 26th of February, earlier than ever before known. Nov. 20.-—Col. Peter Schuyler died at Natchez, aged 48. He was a nephew of Gen. Philip Schuyler, and entered the army at the age of 18, as an ensign, and rose to the rank of colonel. He distinguished himself under Wayne by his bravery and good deportment. He wras treasurer of the state of Mississippi, and held responsible offices in the city of Natchez. Nov. 20.—A sermon was preached in the Second R. P. Dutch Church by the Rev. Isaac Ferris, and a collection taken up for the Albany County Sabbath School Union, which amounted to $119*32. Nov. 21.—Hamblin, who had been in this countrybut three weeks, made his first appearance at the Theatre in Albany as Hamlet. Nov. 21.—A fire broke out in the Colonie, which de- stroyed Cosgrave’s soap factory and other buildings. Nov. 22.—It was announced that an application would be made to the next legislature, to incorporate a com- pany to construct a railway from Schenectady to the Hudson river at Albany or Troy, as should be deemed most advisable. Jabez Hammond and Azor Taber formed a copartner- ship in law.182 Notes from the Newspapers. Mr. Parsons was engaged in erecting a circus building on the site of an old brewery in North Pearl street, above Columbia. The edifice was 68 feet by 111 deep. City Finances.—It is interesting to look at the state- ment of the chamberlain at this time, it contrasts so strangely with our present financial transactions, although but thirty years intervene. The following report was made by Mr. Henry W. Snyder, chamberlain, of the re- ceipts and expenditures for the year ending Oct. 11, 1825. RECEIPTS. For lands sold previous to 1818,............... $452*92 excise,................................ 3741*72 fines received of P. Phelps, late police justice................................... 18*25 dividends on water works stock, 918*00 tax for night watch and city lamps,..... 6000*00 do support of the poor,.............. 8000*00 market fees,........................... 444*50 sale of vegetable stalls,................. 102*49 ferry receipts,.......................... 5896*87 Expenditures refunded: From Philip Phelps, late overseer of the poor per settlement,........................ 27*00 For advances on improvements,............... $152*58 opening Montgomery street,................ 1018*50 do Marsh street,..................... .. 901*00 do Centre street,.................... 814*00 work done and vegetables sold at Alms House,.................................. 335*55 timber sold,,,.. ......................... 23'32-| old ferry scow sold,...«.................... 30*00 stone sold,...................,, 5....... 12*00 From the county,............................ 1810*49 S. Van Rensselaer, lighting 6 lamps,... 60*00 loans, ...... e, ....................... 28458*33 For account of commissioners: rents, ........................... 6817*41J lands sold, ............. e.......... 400*00- 133 Notes from the Newspapers. Commutation,,........................... $217*50 interest on lands sold,,.................. 93*37 do on quit rents,................... .. 2*66 city tax,............................... 8000*00 dividends on turnpike stock,............ 481*88 expenditures. $75030*36 Streets—ordinary repairs,.................... $935*38 extraordinary do,....................... 1865*43 opening Montgomery street,................ 68*49 do Marsh street,................... 398*00 do Centre street,................... 319*00 . do Water,........................... 186*18 widening Ferry street, paid assessment 1815 to estate H. Bradt,.............. 6298*64 removing street dirt,.................... 723*33 Brains,....................................... 124*91 Wells and pumps,............................. 1357*88 Engines, Hook and ladder companies, See.,. .. 1448*04 Lamps,...................................... 3041*56 Watch,....................................... 4089*72 Salaries,.................................. 2527-50 Support of the poor: new alms house,.............. 2000*00 --------6159*81 city physicians,....................... 661 *00 city poor,............................. 2886*98 Lazaretto,................................. 158*41 Payments on the city debt,............’..... 8667*80 Interest,...................................... 2405*80 Taxes on city property,......................... 221*35 Forest,.......................................... 79*37 Police office,.................................. 27*63 Ferry expenses,................................ 3047.13 Surveys,......................................... 6*00 Fourth of July,................................. 220*00 Capitol,......................................... 10*00 Support of Lancaster school,.................... 500*00 [Annals, viii.] 13134 Notes from the Newspapers, Inspection of chimneys,....................... $183*00 Payments to commissioners of city stock,.... 15507’21 Printing and advertising,..................... 470*08 Markets,.................................. 35*12 Payments on loans,........................... 5500*00 Contingencies: repairing house on Truax farm,............. 12*00 charter elections,......................... 10*75 making wheelbarrow for sealer,.............. 6*00 common council room,....................... 33*62 insurance of alms house,................. 20*00 removing nuisances,....................... 21*75 mayor’s court room,...................... 19*37 repairing school-house in Beaver street,. 40*00 making fence round Potter’s field,....... 88*38 excavating at the foot of Eutten kill,... 75*00 chamberlain's office,.................... 5*06 discount on uncurrent bills,............... 18*05 attorney’s fees,........................ 330*69 reception of Gen. Lafayette,............ 1320*00 materials furnished for academy,............ 7*50 guarding the park, &c., front of Capitol, 13*00 expenses to New York, chamberlain,.... 10*00 forty copies City Directory,............... 30*00 repairing dock.............................. 2*63 raising sloop sunk in river,............... 25*37 ANNUAL RENTS, $72220*11 bush. lbs. Reserved on lots in the city, 72 :45 wheat, and $1829*38 J do Schaghticoke, 124:30 do 28.*31 do Fort Hunter, 8:15 do ------205: 30 Old City Hall,................................ 1600*00 Western hay scales,............................ 200*00 Southern do, ............*..................... 200 00 Northern do, ................................ 20*00 Truax farm, eight miles from city,............. $50*00 Acre lot on Westerlo street,..................... 4*00 School-room in Beaver street,................... 50*00 Lutheran church lot,............................ 60*00135 Notes from the Newspapers. Lot north of watering place,............. $50*00 Butcher's stall north of do, ............ 25*00 Two lots south of do, ............. 510*00 Lots Nos. 1 and 2 Lancaster and Jay streets, 20*00 Delaware square,......................... 20*00 Lot No. 11 south side GreatJWestern turnpike, 5*00 205! bushels wheat, estimated at $1,..... 205*50 $48.77*19 SINKING FUND. City stock held by the commissioners,...... 6000*00 Albany insurance stock,....................... 2500*00 Bonds, notes and interest due for lands sold,. 2879*67 Cash loaned,................................ 4535*00 Cash on hand,............................... 3130*88 359 shares in great Western turnpike,...... 8975*00 46 do Bethlehem do,........................ 1150*00 ~ $29170*55 SALARIES. Mayor,...................................... $400*00 Chamberlain,.................................... 500-00 City Superintendent,............................ 450*00 Superintendent Alms House,.. ................... 400*00 Overseer of the poor,.......................... 200*00 Police justice,,................................ 450*00 Police constables, $200 each,................... 400*00 Deputy excise officer,.......................... 200*00 City physicians,................................ 550*00 Clerk of common council,........................ 150*00 Deputy clerk of market,......................... 100*00 Bell ringer,...................... . ........ 40*00 $3840*00 CITY DEBT. Funded,................................. 205000*00 Due on bonds to individuals,............... 40100*00 Small notes unredeemed,.................... 10300*18 $255400*18186 Notes from the Newspapers. The average temperature of November was 37’17 deg. Greatest height, 58 deg.; lowest, 17 deg. Rain on 2 days, snow on 2 days. Total fall of rain and snow, 1| inches. Dec. 1.—John Vernor died, aged 80. He was a zealous partizan in the war of the Revolution, and for a time was deputy commissary of military stores, in which station, as well as in all others that he occupied, he showed himself competent and faithful. He was buried with masonic honors from his residence in North Market street, opposite the arsenal. Dec. 3.—BrinckerhofF & Co., advertised the dissolu- tion of their copartnership, the members of which were Richard I. and Abraham S. BrinckerhofF, dealing in hardware. Dec. 3.—Abram Keyser died, aged 72. Dec. 5—Kean the tragedian, made his first appearance in Albany, in the character of Richard III. The house was crowded to its utmost capacity, and not a hiss was heard although a riot was expected in retaliation of op- probrious epithets, said to have been uttered on his re- turn from America some years previous, a fearful retri- bution for which attended him in Boston a few weeks later. Dec. 12.—The fire department held its annual election: John T< Norton, President; James Merrifield, vice presi- dent ; Jacob I. Fort, secretary; Joseph W.Clark, treasurer. The society had a fund of nearly a thousand dollars in- vested, which had accumulated by a light tax upon fire- men, for the relief of indigent members. Dec. 13.—Said to have been the coldest day in Albany since Jan. 14, 1822. The thermometer at the Academy indicated 6 deg. below 0 at 7 in the morning, and 1 deg. below 0 at 2 P. Ml Thermometers down town vary considerably from the one at the Academy, being often several degrees lower in cold weather. By the census returns of all the wards and towns in the county, the population was found to be 42,821, of which 15,971 was in the city. The following meteorological facts were recorded at the Academy for the year 1825, by Dr. T. R. B eck.137 Notes from the Newspapers. Mean temperature the whole year at 7 a. m., 44*79 deg. do do at 2 p. m., 56*97 “ do do at 9 p. m., 49*64 “ Mean temperature of the year,......... 50*46 “ Highest during the year,................. 98 “ Lowest do .................. —6 “ Greatest daily range,................... 30 do monthly range,................... 54 do annual range,................... 104 Weather, clear........................... 166 days. cloudy,.......................... 112 “ variable,........................... 87 “ rain fell on....................... 59 TfCOGOCMCO GO 1—I CO ©$ *—< CO c-l *P«AV 2038 1905 CO-HO^^O 9 • H H 00 C5 ‘iOt^COCDCO ^ lO CO © • * GO • CO W Ci CO b> D CO © H • • • Tf CD CO 99 ’P«A1 P-nRX O OD i-i GO CD O C5 OD lO OD OS '• • X • © CO i> b* 9 9 X 9 • i> fc- 1 rH I—1 CO H O) • • • 9 iH CO r-H • • • • • • • • *P^AV puooag 2014 2233 t— CO t- ' CO • • •CiC^MTfrfrtl'^»0 ^ O) GO O ' • • • O SD |> CD CO OO Oi CO lO W 9 • 9 CO lO T? 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C6 O TO *> *5^ O W M W3 ^ «s Eki s ^ 2 -. t (« o‘S S .s -S g 4S O ^ a —iT! +j O'*-9 rj *4-» ohoowiifl Total number of inhabitants in the City of Albany, 15974.140 Notes from the Newspapers* 1826. Jan. 2.—At a meeting of the common council, James Stevenson was elected mayor, Ambrose Spencer having declined a re-election. Jan. 2.—The following were elected directors of the Albany Insurance Company : John D. P. Douw. Simeon De Witt. Benjamin Knower. *Teunis Van Vechten. ^Chandler Starr. John W. Yates. Isaiah Townsend. William James. Charles D. Cooper. Francis Bloodgood. Chas. It. Webster. Thomas Russell. *Erastus Corning. Isaiah Townsend was elected president. It is believed that but three of the number survive in 1856, which are designated by an asterisk. Jan. 2.—The following were elected directors of the Merchants’ Insurance Company: Charles E. Dudley. Allen Brown. James B. Douglass. *Ralph Pratt. Archibald Craig. Peter Bain. Abel French. William Cook. George Humphrey. John Willard. * William McHarg. Russell Forsyth. Jared L. Rathbone. Daniel Steele. Walter Clark. *John T. Norton. Ephraim Wilder, Jr. Friend Humphrey. * Alexander Marvin. *Eleazer F. Backus. *Asa H. Center. Willard Walker. Joshua Tuffs. John Stillwell. *Benj. F. Butler. *Thomas W. Oloott. Henry L. Webb. ^Robert Dunlop. Robert Boyd. Thomas Herring. Gilbert F. Lush. Charles E. Dudley was elected president. Nine of these are known to be living, Dec. 1856, which are designated by an asterisk.141 Notes from the Newspapers. Jan. 9.—The name of E. Forrest appeared on the play- bill quite unostentatiously in the play of Timour the Tartar. Jan. 11.—The river was open to navigation and the water very high. Jan. 13.—Nathan Sandford having been nominated for United States Senator, resigned the office of Chancel- lor. On the following day he Was elected by the legisla- ture for six years, to the office of senator in congress. Jan. 19. — The tailoring establishment of Francis Horth in South Market street was destroyed by fire. Loss $6,000; insured $4,000. The valuation of real estate in the county was $6,749,226; personal estate $8,512,589. Total, $10,- 261,815. Jan. 21.—Capt. Horace Durrie died, aged 31. Henry P. Guest was buried from his residence, corner of Union and Division streets, Jan. 25. Jan. 26.—A report was made to the assembly by Mr. Lush, on the petition of Isaac Newton and others, for the incorporation of a transportation company to convey goods on the canals and Hudson River. Gerrit L. Dox and others memorialized the legisla- ture on the subject of the navigation of the river, pur- posing to form a company with a capital of $250,000, purposing to open and deepen the channels on the west side of the river, commencing at the island below the city and continuing down to deep water. They were satisfied that raising dams, lateral piers and excavations in the river, by the slow and expensive process of dig- ging, had thus far proved fruitless. Jan. 29.—Mathias Kline, of the house of Kline & Gott, died. Jan. 31.—Thermometer 3 deg. below zero. Jan. 31.—Judge Conkling commenced his first term as presiding judge of the United States Court for this dis- trict at the Capitol. The temperature of the month averaged 27*74 deg.; highest, 53 deg.; lowest 3 deg. below zero.m Notes from the Newspapers, Feb. 1.—Thermometer 12 deg. below zero. Feb. 2.—Cooper, the tragedian, made his first appear- ance in Albany in the character of Macbeth. The common council appointed the following officers for the ensuing year. John 0. Cole, police magistrate. Abraham Sickels and John Meigs, police constables. John E. Lovett, city attorney. Philip Hooker, city superintendent and surveyor. Geo. W. Welch, superintendent of Alms House. Isaac I. Fryer, overseer of the poor. Henry Radcliff, inspector of weights and measures. Henry Fryer, Adam Russ and Samuel Vail, weighers of fish and iron, and measurers of salt and grain. Joseph Fry and S. W. Johnson, city guagers. John Meigs, Abraham Sickels and Jonathan Brooks, Jr., captains of the watch. Roger Viets, Alms House physician. Peter Van OLinda, Hazael Kane, Warren Hinckley and Alden March, city physicians. Feb. 7.—Samuel Waterman died, aged 82. Feb. 8.—Dirck L. Vanderheyden died, aged 37; at- torney at law and formerly clerk of the house of as- sembly. “Farmers who have onions for sale will do well to bring them to this market, as they are scarce and ex- travagantly high. They were sold from the wagon on Monday for one dollar and seventy-jive cents a bushel, and the retailers of provisions ask their usual advance when disposed of to their customers. We are tpld that some of them even sell them by the pound.” Feb. 8.—James Gibbons, alderman of the fifth ward, died. “ If ever a worthy man died, he was that man. In the language of Burns, he held the patent of his honors immediately from Almighty God. In every sense of the word, his loss will be severely felt. Generous, honorable and humane, the tears of the helpless widows whom he fed, and the tender orphan whom he reared and protected, will bedew his grave.”14S Notes from the Newspapers. Feb. 12.—William Rigby died, aged 79. Feb. 14.—-The Circus erected by ------ Parsons in North Pearl street, above Columbia, was open with an equestrian company, among whom were West, Gates, Burton and others then famous in their way. There were also stage performances at the close of the horse- manship, at which some tolerable comedians figured. It surpassed every other circus edifice in the country. Feb. 18,—The sheriff in behalf of the debtors confined in the jail, acknowledged the receipt of $19*50 from the grand jury, presented to him for their use, assuring the jury that their donation was well timed and gratefully acknowledged by the debtors. Feb. 19.—Mary Ann, wife of Wm. S. Handel died, aged 82. Feb. 23.—Catharine Raum died, aged 90, Feb. 26.—The river was clear of ice. Henry Elliston of the Theatre, died. Feb. 25.—Israel Wells, died. Feb. 25.—Ebenezer Baldwin resigned the office of re- corder of the city of Albany. The-mean temperature of the month was 29*79 deg.; highest 58 deg.; lowest 12 deg. below zero. Rain on four days, snow on five. March 1.—Angus McDonald died at Knox, aged 106. He came from Scotland in 1758 as a private soldier, with the army destined for the conquest of Canada. He was at the siege and capture of Louisburg; was one of those who climbed the heights of Abraham with Wolfe at night, and was in the heat of the battle on the follow- ing day at the taking of Quebec. He afterwards settled in Connecticut, where he married; and on the breaking out of the war of the revolution, he joined in the strug- gle, and remained in the army throughout the contest. He removed to this country in 1796, where he remained till his death'. March 3-—James McKown was appointed recorder of the city. At the same time Levi H. Palmer was appointed144 Notes from the Newspapers. master in chancery in place, of Dirck L. Vanderheyden, deceased. March 7.—John N. Quackenboss was elected alderman of the fifth ward in place of James Gibbons, deceased. March 8,—*It was announced that hereafter the South Dutch Church bell would be rung at 12 o’clock m., and at 8 o’clock p. m. by order of the corporation. The South Dutch Church was at this time the church front- ing on Beaver and Hudson streets. March 10.—The Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road bill was discussed in the assembly. Mr. Lush, the Albany member, moved to strike out that part of the bill which gave the company permission to locate the termination of their road at any point of the river lying within the distance of three miles above or below the city. He hoped the house would not consent to a measure which might have a tendency to divert the trade from this city, and carry it to a place below, where speculators might purchase land and build up a town which might rival and seriously effect the interests of Albany. The Albany and Schenectady Turnpike Company had spent much money in improving a road between the two cities, and had never realized more than two per cent on the in- vestment. Mr. Hoffman had yet to learn that the in- terests of Albany were to be looked to as paramount to those of the state. If the company found it advantage- ous to terminate the road here they would no doubt do it; but if it should be inconvenient from the nature of the ground to do so, they certainly should have elbow room enough to terminate it at any other place. Mr. Sill did not know as it was important that the proposed road should come out just where the old Dutch church had stood. The ancient burghers of Albany thought that nothing could be an improvement which went beyond its limits. The city of Hudson owed its origin to such narrow views. Many years ago a number of persons from the eastern states wished to purchase the ground at the southern extremity of this city, called the pas- ture; but the Albany dons would not sell it, because145 Notes from the Newspapers. they did not think it right that population and business should go beyond the old bounds. The consequence was that the emigrants went and settled at the place now called Hudson. Some years ago the Albanians wanted a bridge, but the project was defeated by their quar- reling among themselves wdiether it should be opposite one wharf or the other. The speaker of the house thought that passengers and light freight might be easily conveyed upon the road, but he conceived that heavy articles would be transported on the canal, and the revenue of the state derived from that source would not be diminished. It had been said that railroads in England had almost superseded the use of canals. The reason might be that the boats were small and the supply of water scant; the boats in England could, by the aid of machinery, be placed with all their freight on the rail way carriages, but he doubted if our heavy boats would ever be conveyed in that manner. He would like to see the experiment of making a rail road tried in this coun- try, and he knew of no better place to try it than be- tween Albany and Schenectady, where there was so much travel. It would be an advantage in the winter. He hoped the bill would pass, and that the applicants would be permitted to make this road at their own ex- pense. Mr. Lush’s amendment was lost. March 12.—Hr. William Humphrey died, aged 31. March 12.—At 3 o’clock in the afternoon a fire broke out in the windmill belonging to Mr. Harris, situated on the hill south of the Capitol, which was wholly destroyed. At one time the scene was truly grand. Enveloped in flames, the whole machinery was in rapid motion, and the wings moved with incredible velocity, fanning the flames away from them, till the main building was con- sumed, and the whole came down with a tremendous crash. It was the third time that the elements had de- stroyed the structures of this industrious citizen, the winds having prostrated two, by which he lost his whole capital. [Annals vm.] 14146 Notes from the Newspapers, March 13.-—John Kirk died, aged 79. March 13.—The senate concurred in the nomination made by the governor, and appointed Richard S. Treat, judge of the county court. March 13.—G. W. Featherstonhaugh, in a letter to the mayor, intended to answer the objection to so wide a range for the eastern terminus of the proposed rail road, says: “We thought that the introduction of the rail road system in this state would be followed by incalculable advantages to the public. It has succeeded in Great Britain; under similar circumstances it must succeed here. The trans- portation of property from Albany to Schenectady is seldom effected in less than two and sometimes three days. By the rail road the communication between the same points will be safely made, winter and summer, in three hours, and the public will enjoy this advantage at no greater charge per ton per mile than on the canal, paying for 16 miles instead of 28. Thus the canal toll of a ton from Schenectady to Albany at 1-J cents per mile, being 37 cts., and the railroad toll being only 24 cts., those who say the rail road will injure the canal revenue overlook the fact that the public will be benefited by saving nearly one half of the present cost of transporta- tion. In truth, this is an experiment to test the fact, whether this economical mode of transportation will succeed in this country. March 17.—Mr. Conway, the tragedian, made his first appearance here in the character of Hamlet. March 17.—Thomas Kidd died, aged 51. March 25.—Jacob H. Wendell was buried from his residence, corner of North Market and Columbia streets. March 25.—Rev. John M. Bradford died. The following is the list of the pastors of the churches at this time, 13 in all. Dutch Reformed.—John Ludlow, Isaac Ferris. Presbyterian.—Henry Weed, John Chester, John AF burtis. Episcopalian.—William B. Lacey. Lutheran.—Frederick G. Mayer.147 Notes from the Newspapers. Baptist.—Lewis Leonard. Methodist.-----Bowne. Catholic-------Savage. Cameronian,—James Christie. Associate Presbyterian.—James Martin. African.—Nathaniel Paul. March 27.—The assemblypassed the bill incorporating the Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Company, with a capital of $300,000, and a duration of fifty years, to be constructed within six years. March 27.—Daniel I. Hewson died, aged 71. March 28.—Hester, widow of Leonard Gansevoort, died, aged 77. March 29.—Mrs, Elizabeth, wife of William Mitchell died, aged 30. March 31.—Mrs. Eve Young died. The mean temperature of the month was 37*75 deg. Greatest height, 69 deg.; lowest, 13 deg. Rain on 5 days, snow on 2. April 10.—The common council decided to memorialize congress on the improvement of the navigation of the Hudson river near this city. April 11.—Mrs. Maria Van Antwerp died, aged 87. April 16.—The wrater was let into the canal. April 16.—Stephen V. R. Bleecker died, aged 24. April 22.—Charles Galpin and M. M. Cole printed the specimen number of a paper called the Daily Chronicle. April 22.—John W. Daniels died, aged 82. April 28.-The tragedian Forrest had a benefit at the Theatre, on which occasion Hyatt played Richard III, Mr. Forrest taking the character of Buckingham. Hyatt was a comedian, and of course burlesqued the great hunchback. The performance could not have been more absurd indeed than now appears the circumstance, that Hyatt should have performed Richard III for Forrest’s benefit. April 25.—The firm of Trotter, Douglas & Co., wras dissolved. It consisted of James B. Douglas, John Trotter148 Notes from the Newspapers. and James Dunn. A new firm of Douglas & Dunn con- tinued the freighting business. April 28.—Joseph Henry was appointed professor of mathematics in the Albany Academy in the *place of Michael Q’Shoughnessy, resigned. The mean temperature of the month was 44*40 deg.; highest, 76; lowest 22 deg. Rain on 6 days; snow on 3. Rain guage T77 inches. May 2.—City election. The republican ticket was elected throughout, as follows: First Ward.—James McKown, supervisor; Green Hall, assessor. Second Ward.—Isaac Hamilton, supervisor; Ichabod L. Judson, assessor. Third Ward.—Richard S. Treat, alderman in the place of Harman V. Hart, resigned; Nicholas Bleecker, super- visor; James Van Ingen, assessor. Fourth Ward.—William Mayell, supervisor; Philip Hooker, assessor. Fifth Ward.—John N. Quackenboss, supervisor; Ben- jamin Wilson, assessor. An application was made about this time to constitute Albany a port of entry. It was suggested by the conduct of the collector at New York, Jonathan Thompson, who detained the schooner Enterprise, Capt. Attwood, having a cargo for Albany, and insisted that the cargo should be taken out and weighed and inspected at New York. The owners wished to bring her immediately to Albany, and prepared to take such measures as would prevent any infringement of the revenue laws, which could have been done by allowing a proper officer to accompany the schooner and inspect the cargo when unladen. The cargo of the schooner was advertised to be sold on the pier, May 3, and brought encouraging prices. The steam boat Richmond was advertised to take pas- sengers at $3. Her motto was “ slow but sure.” This probably had some connection with the name of Swift- sure, which was the title of another boat. Sheldon & Sykes commenced business as dry goodsNotes from the Newspapers. 149 dealers at 456 South Market street, which was in the old City Hall, it is believed. May 5.—Thomas Dunn gave notice that as dry goods were from fifteen to twenty per cent lower than they were last year, he had been induced to commence busi- ness in one of the stores formerly occupied by Wood & Acres, 445 South Market street, nearly opposite Mont- gomery Hall. May 6.—Henry T. Meech announced that he had become the lessee of the New York State Museum, to which he had made large and attractive additions. Many will remember the attraction of the phantasmagoria! May 8.—The common council met for the purpose of appointing a clerk, under authority of a law passed at the last session of the legislature, the clerk heretofore, in accordance with the old city charter, being also clerk of the county. On counting the ballots it appeared that Lawrence L. Van Kleeck, the officiating clerk, had 8 votes and Paul Hochstrasser 8. Whereupon the mayor gave a casting vote for Mr. Van Kleeck, who was declared duly elected. May 9.—Joseph B. Graham died, aged 60. May 9.—The journeymen carpenters struck for an advance of 12\ cents a day on their wages, which were from $1T2 to $1*50 a day. May. 11.—Catharine C., wife of Nicholas Bleecker, Jr., died. May 11.—Judge Conkling held an United States court at the Capitol. The following substantial citizens com- posed the grand jury. Benjamin Knower, Rensselaer Westerlo, Charles D. Cooper, William Mayell, Francis Bioodgood, Charles R. Webster. No business appearing before the court, the jury was discharged. Richard S. Treat, * Giles W. Porter, Jesse Buel, John Cassidy, Jacob C. Cuyler, * Only survivor.ISO Notes from the Newspapers* The new and elegant steam boat Sun, Capt. H. Drake, was advertised to go “ through in one day, by day light.** In order to accomplish this feat, she left the pier foot of State street bridge at 6 o’clock in the morning. Tyler & Dillon commenced the manufacture of portable furnaces in Washington street. It was a new business in this city. May 15.—Caleb N. Bement, having purchased the Robison property, with a view to fitting it up as a hotel and garden, applied to the common council for a piece of land adjoining. The hill upon which these premises stood was long since graded down, leaving no vestige of that elevated spot. A contract was agreed upon with Yates & McIntyre to take the management of the Albany lottery, they agreeing to pay the city $48,159 a year for five years, or $240,795 in all. The whole amount of the valuation of the city property which formed the basis of this lottery was $254,395, subject to reservations. The city debt which this lottery was to pay off, was $250,000. May 17.—The Albany Prison Discipline Society, which had been formed in September previous, held a meeting to receive the report of a committee appointed to visit the jail. (See Daily Adv. May 25.) May 18.—James Lloyd died, “ a highly valued citizen.” The steam boats plying the Hudson between Albany and New York, were as fallows: Unipn Line: Olive Branch, Capt. H. Moore. Niagara, Capt. H. Fountain. William Penn, Capt. C. Benton. North River Line: Chancellor Livingston, Capt. Cochrane. James Kent, Capt. T. Wiswall. Richmond, Capt. S. Wiswall. Saratoga, Capt. Benton. North River Association Line: Constellation, Capt. Cruttenden. Constitution, Capt. W. WiswalLNotes from, the Newspapers. 151 Steam Navigation Company: Swiftsure, Capt. D. Peck, Commerce, Capt. Seymour. Or. & D. Co., Tr. Co.: Henry Eckford, Capt. Peck. Sun, Capt. Drake. Troy Line: Chief Justice Marshall, Capt. Sherman. New London, Capt. Fitch. Conn. Line: Hudson, Capt. Bartholomew. May 23.—Isaiah Shaw died, aged,53. May 27.—Rain fell after an interval of twenty days, the greatest length of time without rain since observa- tions began to be taken at the Academy, in January, 1820, May 29.—A petition was sent to the common council to continue Lodge street through to Steuben. Welcome Esleeck, at the same meeting offered a reso- lution directing the attorney of the board to prosecute Charles R. Webster, for an infringement of the law in building stoops of an illegal width before his houses in Beaver street. William S. Yan Tassell, formerly of Albany, died in the hospital at Carthagena, S. A, May 29.—The common council ordained that every baker carrying on business within the city should file his name and place of residence with the city clerk, under penalty of five dollars. Also that bread should be made into loaves weighing three pounds or one and a half pounds, and marked with the initials of the baker; and bread made of unwholesome materials or unmarked, should subject the baker thereof to a fine of twenty-five cents per loaf; and for light weight a penalty of 10 cts, an ounce, was imposed. The mean temperature of the month was 66*49 deg.; highest, 92 deg.; lowest, 45 deg. Rain on four days, in which 0*75 inches fell. June 4.—A severe gale passed over the city, unroof- ing buildings and doing other damage. A torrent of rain152 Notes from the Newspapers. fell at the same time. One inch of rain fell in 15 min- utes. June 6.—The following persons were elected directors of the New York State Bank. John Tayler, William James, Francis Bloodgood, Isaiah Townsend, John D. P. Douw, John H. Webb, *Erastus Corning, Thomas Rus- sell, *Silvanus P. Jermain, Allen Brown, ^Nathaniel Davis, *Robert Boyd. June 6.—Burr Lewis died, aged 35. The steam boat Sun, Capt. Drake, arrived from New York in 12 hours 13 minutes, having made 13 landings. A passenger inflated with the sublimity of the fete, broke forth in the following strain : u Who can out’clipse the Sim, When she from port to port hath run, In hours twelve and minutes few? The time is short, the fact is true.” June 11.—Mrs. Phebe Bell died, aged 80. June 12.—Paul Hochstrasser resigned the office of marshal and was elected city clerk, the term of office of Lawrence L, Van Kleeck having expired. June 12.—The common council gave the First Presby- terian church liberty to erect chains across South Pearl street and Store lane during the Sabbath. The present steam boat landing was formerly called the watering place, where teams and cattle had access to the river.. The common council at this time directed a Navigation Company, who had leased the premises, to have the north side filled up, reserving a space of 45 feet in width from South Market street to the river, as a watering place, and that they be authorized to have the wharves made and repaired in a substantial manner, and cause a bridge for foot passengers to be made over the east side of the watering place in a range with the docks; and that they also be directed to cause such parts of the watering place and the streets about the same, to be paved as they think proper. They also appropriated two hundred dollars towards defraying the expenses of celebrating the fourth of July, * Survivors in January, 1857,158 Notes from the Newspapers. June 22.—Peter Deitz died, aged 50. June 28.—Robert McGill died, aged 83. June 26.—Books were opened for subscriptions to the stock of the Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Company, which was eagerly taken by capitalists. Louis Lemet, a French copperplate engraver, opened the State Street House on the south side of State street, three doors below Pearl street. He fitted it up quite tastily for the time, and added to its other attractions the novelty of a French and English library. June 26.—The trustees of the African Baptist church applied to the common council for permission to circulate a subscription paper in aid of the funds of the church. The recorder moved that the petition lay on the table until some inquiry could be made. He said that some years ago donations were made to build this church, when the trustees spent a considerable part of the funds in treating themselves with hot suppers. At the same meeting of the common council the mayor laid before the board the draft of a law creating a new officer, to be called the street inspector. June 26.—Mrs. Cornelia Dunbar, wife of James Chest- ney, died, aged 64. June 27.—A severe hail storm passed over the city, at half past 1 o’clock in the afternoon. The mean temperature of the month was 65*73 deg.; highest, 86; lowest, 56 deg. July 3.—Thomas Lockrow died, aged 31. July 4.— The fiftieth anniversary of American inde- pendence was celebrated by the citizens and military. The procession moved to the Capitol, where the Declara- tion of Independence was read by Richard Y. De Witt, Esq., and an oration was delivered by T. Atwood Bridgen. After the exercises were closed, the citizens and military partook of corporation punch. The military dined at different hotels. They consisted of the following: Capt. Hendrikson’s Artillery. Capt. Van Cott’s Artillery. Capt. Shankland’s Albany Volunteers. Capt. Johnson’s154 Notes from the Newspapers. Governor’s Guards. Capt. Barker’s City Guards. Capt. Wright’s National Guards. July 9.-—The steam boats James Kent and Sun, arrived from New York in 14 hours, and brought the news of the deaths of Adams and Jefferson, which occurred on the 4th inst. The Daily Advertiser of the following day was shrouded in black lines. The treasurer of the Schenectady Turnpike, Barent Bleecker, announced a dividend of one per cent on its capital stock. The treasurer of the first company of the Great Western Turnpike, Christian Miller, announced a dividend of 'fifty per cent upon the capital stock of that company. July 14.—John Shaw died, aged 66. He entered the revolutionary army at a very early age, and was a lieu- tenant in an artillery corps. He sustained a very reput- able character throughout his life. July 16.—William Mitchell died, aged 32. July 21.—A novel craft passed through the canal lock into the basin, being the sloop St. Clair, 50 tons, laden with peltry and ashes from Mackinac, bound to New York. The St. Clair unshipped her masts at Buffalo, was towed down the Erie canal, and proceeded to New York in tow of a steam boat. This was a novelty, which soon became common enough. July 23,—Another novelty at this time was the arrival of a party of Swiss emigrants, by the tow boat, on their way to Ohio, by the Erie canal. The costume* and sin- gular appearance of these children of the country of Wil- liam Tell, excited universal attention. . They were accompanied by their wagons, plows and other farming utensils, rude enough in their construction. This phe- nomenon became common also, for it was some years after this before the Swiss emigrants ceased to bring over such cumbrous articles. July 25.—Solomon South wick issued the first number of the National Observer. July 25.—Arthur Hotchkiss died, aged 58. Some people about these days thought others wereNotes from the Newspapers. 155 very extravagant. One set wanted Liberty street paved from Division to Hamilton, which another thought to be wholly useless* Several restless persons who had gone out of the pale of civilization were clamorous for “ a road from Patroon street at the foot of Chancellor Lansing’s garden, northwardly to the old burying ground near the residence of Geo. Merchant, thence west- wardly through Grand street to the yellow house, the property of Judge Woodworth.” It was thought that this would enable people to get up and down the hill without a tackle ! A law was got through the common council for pitching and leveling Chapel street from State to Steuben street, and the same for Sturgeon lane. They also began to think of attempting to cut Eagle street through from the Lancaster school house to Lydius street. Others still more bold, began to think of im- proving the upper end of Hudson street. The upper end of Hudson street at this time, which was so unsightly to these fastidious citizens, lay between South Pearl and Grand streets, and was almost inaccessible at times by any vehicle. July 27.—Elizabeth, wife of Hezekiah Scovel died, aged 34. July 30.—-The steam boat Sandusky made her first appearance here, being intended to run with the Olive Branch. July 31.—The citizens of Albany offered a tribute of respect to the deceased patriots, Adams and Jefferson. A procession was made by the citizens, military and masonic societies. The procession formed at the Capi- tol and marched through the streets to the Second Pres- byterian Church, where an eulogy was pronounced by Judge Duer. It was represented to be the greatest pa- geant the city had ever witnessed. The mean temperature of the month was 73T1 deg.; highest 90 deg.; lowest 56 deg. Rain on seven days; 5-J inches fell. Aug. 2.—A fire destroyed a grocery store in Lark street, occupied by Benj. Woodbury & Son.156 Notes from the Newspapers. Aug. 2.—The Daily Chronicle made its appearance, published by Charles Galpin and M. M. Cole. Aug. 3.—Burial of Mrs. Matthew Gregory. Aug. 5.—A fire destroyed the dwelling house of a Mr. Patterson on Arbor hill. The inmates, sixteen in number, barely escaped alive, saving none of their effects. Aug. 8.—Hester, wife of George Hanford, died, aged 2°. Aug. 8.—George Blake, carpenter, fell from the roof of a house while at work, and was so badly injured that he died two days afterwards. Aug. 11.—George Creswell died, aged 49. Dwyer, the elocutionist, made his appearance here, and gave recitations from Shakspeare. He was famous on the stage at a later day as FalstafF. Aug. 16.—Audley Clarke Peckham died at Utica, aged 36. He came to this city from Newport, R. I., when 15 years old, and had ever since been engaged in merchantile business. His death was very sincerely re- gretted, so much had he endeared himself to com- munity. “John G. Gebhard, who died at Claverack, Aug. 16, aged 77, was born at Waldorf in Germany, 1750; re- ceived a classical education at Heidelberg, completed his theological education and was licensed at Utrecht in Holland. In 1771 he immigrated to this country, and first officiated in the ministry in Pennsylvania. In 1774 he was called to New York, where he continued till it wras invested by the British fleet, when he fled to Kings- ton. Of three calls received while at New York, he selected Claverack, where he remained until his de- cease, having officiated in the ministry there fifty-one years. He was a proficient linguist, having been accus- tomed to converse in the learned languages, according to the custom of the university where he was educated. As a divine he was solid, preaching the doctrines of the Reformation. His style was didactic; addressed to the understanding with a view to enlighten and convince.’9 Aug. 21.—The first notice of William Morgan in theNotes from the Newspapers. 157 Daily Advertiser appeared in an obscure paragraph, in these words: r ° r ^e •^.ason*c fraternity and others are cautioned in the Ontario Messenger, against a man calling himself Capt. William Morgan, as he is a swindler and a dan- gerous man.55 Aug. 21. An attempt was made in the common coun- cil to get an appropriation of $250 towards procuring a clock for the South Dutch Church, as the church on Beaver street was then called. But it was determined that the city finances would not admit of the expense. The newspapers of this time daily acknowledged the receipt of news by the steam boats in advance of the mail. The boats made the passage in about fourteen hours. dwelling house and stable belonging to Mr. Whiteside, on Arbor Hill, was destroyed by fire. Aug. 24.—William Kirk died, aged 29. Aug. 28.—Thomas Bridgen died. Aug. 29.—The chancellor decided in the case of John Meads and others vs. the Commercial Bank, that the bank might go into operation so far as to issue bills and discount notes, but prohibited any transfer of stock, or making any loans on pledges of stock. H. Bartow of Utica was appointed cashier, and Lambert Norton book-keeper. The mean temperature of the month was 71-79 deg.; highest 86 deg.; lowest 56 deg. Rain on eight days; 2h inches fell. J 2 Sept 8.—Edward C., son of Dr. Elias Willard, died, aged 34. ..... Sept . 11.—Joseph Henry entered upon one of the pro- fessorships of the Albany Academy, on which occasion he delivered a public address. The Water Works Company were engaged at this time in boring for water at the junction of the Sche- nectady and Cherry Valley turnpikes. Sept. 16.—The firm of Yan Alstyne and Brinckerhoof lAnnals vm.] 15158 Notes from the Newspapers, was dissolved. It consisted of Martin Van Alstyne and Richard J. Brinckerhoof. Sept. 20.—The Alms House, which is still occupied as such, was completed at this time, and was visited by three or four hundred people. The expense of its erec- tion was about $14,000. The following statement was given of the number of persons then occupying the pre- mises ; 44 white females between the ages of 19 and 80, of whom 13 were sick and lame, and 3 insane. 38 children between 4 months and 8 years, all healthy. 3 black males between the ages of 45 and 80. 8 black females between 35 and 80. 30 white males. 123 The architect of the Alms House was Henry W. Snyder, city chamberlain. Sept. 23.—Maria C. Hewson died, aged 25. Sept. 26.—The common council reappointed Henry W. Snyder city chamberlain. Sept. 26.—The charter election resulted in the elec- tion of all the Republican candidates for aldermen but two. First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants. John Townsend, ...... John D. Hewson, Isaac Denniston, ...... Jonah Scovel,. Friend Humphrey, .... .. 229 John Herman,.... ..... ^William Gould,...... #Robert Davis, ........ Second Ward. John Cassidy, ........ James Humphrey, Daniel McGlashan, .., ^William Seymour, Jonathan Eights, ...... Arnold Nelson, Jacob F. Sternbergh, .. .. 184 Third Ward. R. S. Treat, Isaac W. Staats, Andrew Kirk, < Richard J. Knowlson, .. . 179 Tunis Slingerland, ♦..., Andrew E. Brown,.. ... * Democrats.Notes from the Newspapers. 159 Fourth Ward. Welcome Esleeck, , 179 James Goold,..... . Benj. Thayer, ^ Moses Kenyon, . 166 Wm. Mayell, . 166 ^Lemuel Steele,.... Wm. Fowler, 141 James Maher, Fifth Ward. John N. Quackenbush, .< . 210 Francis J. Bradt, ... 210 John L. Winne, , 164 James Gibbons,..» ., 153 Benj, Wilson,. 42 John A. Wilson, ..., Sept. 28.—Aaron A. Yedder, a chorister in the Dutch church during the Revolutionary war, died at 50 South Pearl street, aged 80. Messrs. Boyd & McCulloch, brewers, who were boring for water at their brewery in Ferry street, had reached the depth of 294 feet, without obtaining sufficient head. At the depth of 250 feet they struck a vein of sul- phureted hydrogen gas, which emitted a brilliant flame on being ignited. Sept. 80.—Elizabeth Henry died, aged 29. The mean temperature of the month was 64 deg.; highest, 82 deg.; lowest, 44 deg. Rain on 9 days; 3g inches fell. Oct. 1.—Alexander Hamilton Bogert died, aged 22. Oct. 3.—Jacob, Henry & Co. gave notice that they had commenced the manufacture of earthen ware, in Washington steet. Paul Hochstrasser, clerk of the Albany library, re- ported that there were 242 shares in that institution, producing a revenue of $1*25 per annum, and that the whole income of the year was $483. The expenditures were $241, leaving a balance of $192 for the books and for binding. The trustees resolved, in answer to a pro- position that the library should be opened every day, that as soon as sufficient funds were placed at their dis- posal they would comply. Oct. 17.—Moses Kenyon having been elected alder- * Democrats.160 Notes from the Newspapers. man of the fifth ward to fill a vacancy, took his seat in the common council. Oct. 24.—Mrs. Sarah Trowbridge died, aged 80. Oct. 26.-—John Cleves Symmes delivered a lecture at Knickerbacker Hall, on the subject of his theory of the earth being open at the poles. Oct. 80.—Hugh Eobison and others petitioned the common council to change the name of Dock street to Dean street, in honor of Capt. Stewart Dean, late of Albany. Passed Nov. 6. At the same meeting the board authorized the boring for water in a well in Plain street, provided the expense did not exceed ten dollars ! The mean temperature of the month of October was 51*92 deg; highest 72 deg.; lowest. 31 deg. Eain on 7 days; 2*37 inches fell. Nov. 3.—Mrs. Hester Eoseboom died, aged 84. Nov. 3.—George Upfold died In New York, aged 64; formerly a school-teacher in Albany. Nov. 6.—Thomas Barker died, aged 55. Nov. 9.—The three days’ election for state officers terminated. The majority in the city was largely for Clinton over Eochester, for governor. Nov. II.—Martin Dorset died, aged 39, formerly of Ware, Mass. The common council began to entertain the project of filling in the ground below the south ferry, and docking to the lower end of the city. This ground was much of the time overflowed, and occasionally in high freshets the water sat back to South Pearl street. Dec. 2.—Theophilus Carter died, aged 73. Dec. 3.—Mylo Guernsey died, aged 49. Dec. 4.—There was so much ice in the river that the steam boats Eichmond and Sun left in the morning for Hudson to await the arrival of passengers by the stages, on the next morning, the navigation being com- pletely closed here; but it seems to have opened again.Notes from the Newspapers. 161 Dec. 4. — Elizabeth, widow of Maxwell Strange, died. The clerk of the market reported that from Sept. 1 to Dec. 1, there had been exposed for sale in the markets of this city, 1382 quarters of beef, 232 calves, 168 sheep, 2941 lambs; the fees for which amounted to $127*10. Dec. 8.—Samuel Sloan died, aged 51. Dec. 11.—It was determined by the common council to pitch and pave Howard street from Lodge to Eagle. The aspect of that avenue was rather uninviting at that time. Dec. 12.—Christina, wife of Isaac Van Wie, died, aged 43. Dec. 13.—The Theatre was opened by the company of the Lafayette Theatre in New York, under the man- agement of Burroughs, with Pizarro. Dec. 13.—John W. Rockwell, proprietor of the Man- sion House, died, aged 61. Dec. 14.—Two boats cleared and one arrived by canal; but the navigation seems to have closed immediately after. Dec. 18.—The common council passed a resolution declaring that the piece of ground known as the Delaware Square, should, after the term of the occupant then in possession expired, for ever remain a public square. At the same meeting the trespass committee reported in favor of appointing a forester; accordingly Jeremiah Cutler was elected forester for three months at a salary of $25 a month. Dec. 18.—Catharine, wife of Peter Van Tassel, died, aged 42. Dec. 20.—The river, which had closed and opened again, was now frozen over, so that the boats landed their passengers at Castleton, whence they reached the city in wagons. The amount of canal tolls received at the collector’s office in this city during the year, amounted to $120,- 354*12. The whole number of boats that arrived and departed was 12,856.162 Notes from the Newspapers. Dec. 26.—Maria Wendell died, aged 26. The following is the chamberlain’s report of the busi- ness of his office for the year ending in October. Receipts. For land sold previous to 1818, ........... $469*12 Excise, ..................,............ 4709 88 fines received,. ......................... 886*75 proceeds of stolen goods sold,............. 58*25 dividends on water works stock,.......... 1580*00 tax for night watch and lamps,........... 8000*00 tax for support of the poor,............ 18000*00 market fees, ............................. 416*00 sale of vegetable stalls,................. 188*47 ferry receipts, ........................ 5900*00 Expenditures refunded: for advances on improvements of streets,... 1224*38 opening Market street, 5th ward,.......... 140*00 Water, do., ................. 1001*50 Centre, do.,.................. 160*00 Montgomery, do.,........ 50*00 Spencer, do.,.................... 17*00 work done and vegetables sold at Alms house,.............................. 437*78 county of Albany for board of transient poor,............................. 2555*51 costs of suits refunded,.................. 39*86 board of paupers at lunatic asylum, .... 219*57 lighting six lamps for S. Van Renselaer, 60.00 For accounts of the commissioners *. city tax,............................... 8000*00 rents,................................ 4024*50 lands sold,........................... 2212*50 interest on lands sold,............... 156 44 interest on quit rents ................... 46*24 * dividend on turnpike stock*.. 411*46 $60,060*19Notes from the Newspapers. 163 Expenditures. For streets,................................. $4791*02 opening Centre street,...................... 655*00 Montgomery street,................ 1000*00 Marsh street,...................... 275*00 Spencer street,...........»..... 54*66 Water street,.................... 652*76 removing street dirt, ..................... 1057*32 drains,..................................... 207*86 wells and pumps,........................ 1518*56 engines, hook and ladder company, &c.,.. 1193*06 lamps, ............................. 2547*96 city watch, ............................. 3811*14 salaries,................................ 3261*95 almshouse,..................... 13,132*50 city poor,.................... 2,940*61 city physicians,.................. 538*73 ----------16,611*84 payments on city debt,..................... 2000*00 interest,.................................. 2642*50 taxes on city property,..................... 341*53 forest,.................................... 103*50 police office, ........................... 20*38 ferry expenses,............................ 292*01 fourth of July, ........................ 240*00~ Capitol, .................................. 51*85 support of Lancaster school,............... 500*00 inspection of chimneys, ..................... 90*00 payment to commissioners of city stock, . 10,667*94 printing and advertising, .................. 390*44 markets,................................... 15*00 payments on loans,...................... 5000*00 repairing docks,............................ 37*18 charter elections........................... 16*50 mayor’s court room,......................... 37*33 common council room,...................... 85*29 removing nuisances, ...................... 10*00 repairing Park fence, ........................ 3*77 making index to minutes,................... 13*34164 Notes from the Newspapers. celebrating completion of canals, ....... $100’00 raising scow sunk in the river,.......... 51*31 attorney’s fees,......................... 319*25 chamberlain’s office,....................... 10*68 purchasing lands sold for taxes, ........ 920*70 sabbath schools,......................... 15*00 clerk’s office,.............................. 7*25 engrossing state law,. ................ 9*00 forty copies City Directory,................. 20*00 revising state law relative to city of Al- bany and city ordinances,.................. 200*00 noticing death of Adams and Jefferson,... 154*80 $62004*98( 165) SUNDAY SCHOOLS. The committee appointed to prepare a statement of the Sunday Schools under the care of the society for the year 1826, reported as follows: That there are now under the care of this society 18 schools, containing by the best estimates about 1,762 children, and taught by about 193 teachers exclusive of officers, making an increase since the last year of about 6 schools, 63 teachers and 742 scholars; but about 250 of these scholars are from places without the city of Albany, The following will present the condition of these schools in more detail: School No. 1, attached to the South Dutch Church, insti- tuted June, 1816.—This school has 1 principal, 5 male and 10 female teachers and 120 scholars on the register, average attendance 70. Verses recited, 14,434. In one of his reports, the principal observes that his school is in a far more flourishing condition than at any time since he has officiated. School No. 2, attached to the First Presbyterian Church, instituted July, 1816.—This school has 1 principal, 1 superintendent, 1 secretary, 4 male and 25 female teach- ers, of whom 26 are professors of religion. 94 boys and 167 girls on the register, average attendance 100. Les- sons recited, 21,988. This school has a library of 228 volumes. School No. 3, attached to the Second Presbyterian Church.—This school has 1 male and 1 female superin- tendent, 1 secretary, 7 male, 7 female teachers, of whom 7 are professors of religion, and of whom 1 has joined the church since the last report. 143 scholars on the register; verses recited, 17,865. Since the last report they have been enabled to collect a library for the scho-166 Sunday Schools. lars, an object for which they are much indebted to the pastor of the church. School No. 4, attached to the Episcopal Church, insti- tuted January, 1818.—This school has 1 principal, 2 su- perintendents, 3 male and 5 female teachers, of whom 9 are professors of religion, and of whom 1 has joined the church since the last report. 112 scholars on the re- gister. School No. 5,attached to the Baptist Church, instituted November, 1819.—1 superintendent and 20 teachers, of whom 16 are professors of religion. 228 scholars on the register; average attendance 83. Verses recited, 15,021. There is a library attached to this school of upwards of 200 volumes, to which the children freely resort. School No. 6, Uranian Hall, instituted April, 1820.— This school has 1 principal, 1 superintendent, 1 secre- tary, 10 teachers, of whom five are professors of reli- gion. 70 scholars on the register, of whom about 40 are regular attendants. Verses recited 8,225. School No. 7, an independent school, located in Wash- ington street, instituted in 1820.—This school has 1 principal, 1 secretary, 6 male and 6 female teachers; 137 scholars are on the register. Verses recited 3,040. A class consisting of 5 scholars and residing 2 miles from the city, have attended the school for the term of three months. School No. 8, attached to the North Dutch Church.— This school has 1 principal, 1 superintendent, 1 secre- tary, 7 teachers, and an average attendance of 45 scholars. Verses recited for 6 months, 5,919. School No. 9, the Adult African School—for the first 6 months of this year was located in Mr. Cook’s school room, in Chapel street. Since that time this school has been discontinued, and replaced by school No. 15, hereafter mentioned. In the first 6 months of this year this school had 11 teachers, and an average attendance of 44 scholars. Verses recited 5,379. School No. 10, attached to the Methodist Episcopal church, instituted Aug. 1823.—This school has 1 princi-Sunday Schools. 167 pal, 1 superintendent, 1 secretary and 14 teachers, of whom 11 are professors of religion. 82 scholars on the register, average attendance 62. Verses recited 18,525. School No, 11, attached to the 8d Presbyterian Church, instituted Oct, 1825.—Has 1 superintendent, 8 male and 6 female teachers; 95 scholars on register, of whom there is an average attendance of about 45. Verses re- cited, 7,872. School No, 12, an independent school in the Colonie, insti- tuted in 1828.—This school has 1 principal, 1 superin- tendent, 8 teachers, of whom five are professors of reli- gion. The scholars on the register 60, the attendance irregular. This school, like that in Washington street, being situated on the outskirts of the city, has been formed and conducted under many discouragements. School No. 13^attached to the United Presbyterian Church, instituted Nov. 1825.—This school has 1 principal, 15 teachers, 72 scholars on the register, average attendance 40. Verses of scripture recited 26,449; questions from catechism, 9,747. The Greenbush School has 1 superintendent and about 60 scholars. The number of teachers is not reported to us. This school was admitted into the Union in March, 1826. The scholars have recited about 17,400 verses of scripture. No. 15, the Adult African School, attached to the church of the Rev. Mr. Paul. It has about 40 scholars. The society of the Greenville Sabbath Sabbath was ad- mitted into this Union in July, 1826. It has 3 schools, 31 teachers, of whom 22 are professors of religion. The number of scholars is 180.(168) WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Better known as Lord Sterling, died at Albany, Jan. 15, 1783, aged 57 years. He was a major general in the service of the United States during the Revolu- tionary war; was born in the city of New York, but passed a portion of his life in New Jersey. Through courtesy he was styled Lord Sterling, in consequence of being considered by many as the rightful heir to the title and estates of an earldom in Scotland, from which country his father came, though the government refused to acknowledge the son’s claim, when he repaired to Great Britain in pursuit of this inheritance. He was early remarkable for his fondness for mathematics and astronomy, in which sciences he made considerable progress. Throughout the Revolution he acted an important part, and distinguished himself particularly in the battles of Long Island, Germantown and Monmouth. In the first he was taken prisoner, after having, by a bold at» tack upon a corps commanded by Cornwallis, effected the escape of a large part of his detachment. In the second, his division, with the brigades of generals Nash and Maxwell, formed the corps de reserve; and, in the last, he commanded the left wing of the American army. He was always warmly attached to Washington, and the cause which he had espoused, and left behind him the reputation of a brave, discerning and intrepid officer, and an honest and learned man.(169) CASE OF WILLIAM TELLER, Robert Livingston’s Statement. Upon the 16th day of May 1678 There is a certain Katskills Indian woman shott dead at ye house of Mr Win Teller Burger in this town, where- upon the sherriffe secretary & constable by order of ye court went to the house to take information which way it came to passe So it is yl ye sd Wm Teller Senr con- fessed to have shott ye sd Indian Squaa Innocently as followeth viz Whereas his sonne Johannes came in, and did report yl ye Sergeants & Corporalls were goeing about to visit ye armes, whereupon Mr Teller steps to ye Room, where his armes were and said are not ye Gunns fixed, & took a gunne from ye wall, which was the Gunn his sonne Paulus had had abroad that morning Shooting Pigeons, well was loaden wl Pigeon Shott, which he did think to be his own gunn, which having well knew was unloaden, and pulling back the cock, it slipd out of his hand, as he was standing in ye Inner Room, of his littell house at which time ye Indian Squaa came in at ye Utter door & when she was near the door of ye Inner Room, ye gunn went off, he not knowing that there were any living soule there & looking about him did see that an Indian Squaa was there, who said, I am dead, I am dead, where- upon an other Indian squaa took her by ye hand, but she fell down to ye Ground, & to his great sorrow died im- mediately in his house, all wch he confesseth to have come to Passe, declaring y1 it was Very Innocently done, & humbly submitteth himself to ye judgm* of ye court. Act- urn in Albany at ye house of ye said Wm Teller, datum ut supra. In presence of me Robert Livingston Seer. [Annals viii.] 16170 Case of William Teller, Inquest and Verdict. Whereas we underwritten jurie men are sent to y® house of Wm Teller to take information how it came to passe y1 this day a certain Catskills Indian Squaa is so© wounded w1 shott, out of a gunn, that she immediately dyed upon it, in his house & while there were nonepre- sent but ye Negerin & his sonne Johannes Teller. The negerin thereof declares as followeth viz1. That she was gone up the Stares in ye fore Room w1 a bagg to ye garritt, & as she was coming down heard a gunn goe off, but not knowing from whence it came & heard immediately an Indian Squa Cry out. Johannes Teller declareth y1 hee came in & told his father y1 ye burger officers were goeing about to Visit y® armes, whereupon his father immediately went to ye gunns to see y1 they were clear, & taking a gunn in his hand, went off Immediate but did not see there about any Indian Squa, nor any body else. Wm Teller Confirms what his sonne hath said only that in looking to ye gunn, did think he had his own gunn in his hand, which he knew was not Loaden. His wiff and daughter Mrs Susanna, declareth yl they were in ye fore Room of ye great house, & did hear y® shott & further knoweth not. Alb ye 16 may 1678. We underwritten Jurymen doe declare to have Ripely Considered & Perrused the Papers delivered to us & doe Judge in Conschiense & can finde nothing else but that y8 case betwixt Mr Teller & ye Indian Squaa is done in all Innocence. Sic Subscribitur Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst F Gerritt Swart Adriaen Gerritse Jan Vinnagen Simo: Cooper Jan Verbeek Hans Hendrix Pr Bogardus Barent Rynderse171 Case of William Teller. Hend Cuyler John Becker Aernout Corn: Viele Concordatt cum sue Principali quod attestor. Rob Livingston Seer. Proceeding of the Court of Inquiry in the Matter. Att a Special Court held in Albany the 16th of May 1678 Whereas there is this day a certain Indian woman shott dead at ye house of Mr Wm Teller burger in this towne whereupon the sherriffe seer & constaple were forthwith sent there to take information what way it came to passe who doe Report that it is done Yerrie In- nocently, by the sd Wm Teller accordingto his own Con- fession, seeing he did not know that the Gunn was Loaden wch went off Unawares, neither did he see any bodie when it went of, as can be seen by said informacon. Whereupon the court forthwith ordered a Jury of In- quest to be calld, who were sworn, to Search, Inquire, & try, what way it came to Passe & give in there Verdict to ye Court yt ye Law may be fulfilld & doe consist of yes 12 men. Gerrit Van Slichtenhorst Foreman Gerrit Swart Jan Verbeek Adriaen Gerritse Hans Heyndrix Johan: Yinnagen Pr Bogardus Sim Cooper Barent Rynderse Hendric Cuyler Jan Becker Aernout Cornelise And whereas ye Court are inform1 y* there were 3 Indians Present, they thought good to Examine ym in ye Presence of Mahickanders Sachems, & Jury. Cassorachkenit a north Indian being examined doth say y* he was in ye Entrie of ye small house, when ye gunn was fired Whereupon he forthwith went to see ye172 Case of William Teller. Wound hearing yp Indian Squae cry out, I am dead, I am dead, who was held up by my Squae, and soe fell to ye ground, but says that there was never any difference or quarreling word betwix ye sd Teller and ye Squaa. Wampieroask a Mahikander Squae being examinjd doth say yl shee came by Mr Tellers door, in Companie w* ye Indian Squae yl was shott, who was called in by his daughter because shee had Indian corn, who went in at ye Utter door of ye litle house & soo Passed through to ye middle door, & ye Indian Squa which was shott followed her, & being just oppositt to ye Inner door, re- ceived ye shott, but never did hear yl there was any quarrell or difference betwix Teller and ye Squaa. * The above said Examinacon being done in Presence of ye Sakamakers, & propounded to ym how innocintly the Indian Squaa was shott. Therefore Required ym forth- with to bury her, & doe give/50: ZewL The Indians doe answer & say yl they are well Con- tented & have good Satisfaction, because yey know well yl it was not done wilfully. The Jury men coming to court, doe declare y* they have taken full Informacon of ye matter & have Exam- in’d every one in ye house, as is to be seen, by there Ex- aminacon at Large, & haveing Ripely Considerd all ye bussinesse doe Judge in Conschience that ye matter be- twixt Mr Teller and ye Indian Woman is done most Innocently. The Worshipfull Court, haveing taking ye matter con- cerning Mr Tellers shooting of an Indian Squa into their serious consideracon doe confirm & approve ye Verdict of ye Jury yl it was Innocently being it can be Deem’d nothing else but chance medling & have therefore sent for the Indians, & Propounded the case to ym, who are Very well Satisfyed, Notwithstanding ye court doe think Good to Referr ye whole matter to ye Govrs Councill in N: York, & to have your Judgment in ye case. In the mean time Wm Teller is ordered to be confined in his house till such time as the court shall have Received an- swer & orders from N: Yorke, how & what way theyCase of William Teller. 173 shall act in s'1 bussinesse which is expected by ye very first. By order of the court Robert Livingston Seer. The Commissaries of Albany to Capt. Brockhollo. May it Please your Honrs: The occasion of our troubling your honrs is because a certain Accident fell out here in town the 16th Instant, by one Wm Teller who by chance killed an Indian Squaa, and after due Inquisition (as is usual in those affares) can finde it nothing else but chance medling, but we have thought good to send down all yR Papers, to your hons. Expecting first an Answer & order what way to act in sd bussinesse & have confined sd Teller in his house, till further order, as can be seen by our Proceedings at a speciall court calld to yl Intent, herein Inclosed * * * Your honrs Most humble & obedient Servants Ye Commissaries of Albany & Ca. T Gil : Schuyler, Richd Pretty. Albany 20 May 1678. Action of the Council at New York, sustaining the Judg- ment of the Court at Albany. [Among some brief memoranda of proceedings of the council at New York, is the following item: The pro- ceedings at Albany of the Commissaryes upon the un- happy accident of William Tellers Killing an Indian Squaw, upon the which the said Teller stood confined, he was ordered to bee releast the Corns Enquest & cort having judged him guilty onely of Chance Medley.](174) THE CITY’S ANCIENT EAVINES. Three considerable streams of water, which anciently- traversed the city, have within the memory of many in- habitants, been converted into sewers, namely, the Foxen kill, the Rutten kill, and the Bever kill. The Foxen kill, when the city was first settled, and for a long time after, afforded abundance of fish. It ran outside of the stockades, which for a great many years formed the northern boundary of the city. It is but little more than a quarter of a century since it was crossed by a bridge in North Pearl street, near Orange. The Rutten kill was a lesser stream, having its source above Lark street, but which sent down a formidable volume of water in times of freshet. The inhabitants of the upper end of Beaver street, have an inkling of what it may have been when they are refreshed by a heavy rain storm. This also was a never-failing brook, stored with fish, and was the only one that came within the old city walls. Passing down the Hudson street ravine, it crossed Pearl street where the Congregational church stands, and entered the river a few feet below State street. In the oldest map of the city, 1676 (see Annals Albany, vol. iv., p. 200), a brug marks the spot where it crossed the street now called Broadway. The city records frequently allude to these bridges. In January, 1701, we find the following entry: “ It is further concluded since ye Bridge by Coll. Schuy- ler’s doth decay, that Mr. Roseboom, Hendrick Oothout and Harpert Jacobse vizite ye same, and make returne ye next court what is required to be repaired.” A meeting was held on the next day, when the follow- ing report was made: “ Relating ye Bridge at Coll. Schuyler’s, ye gentlemen yesterday appointed to vizite ye same, doe return that it requires to be repaired with one oak log, of 17 foot, 12175 The City’s Ancient Ravines. inches square; four posts, 10 foot, 10 inches square; two pine loggs of ten foot, 1 foot square; three ditto, 17 foot apiece; three ditto of 20 foot; and one of 37 foot.” In 1706 the following entry was made in the common council minutes, relating to another of these bridges: “ The petition of William Hogan relating ye bridge by ye Lutheran Church being much out of repair desyreing that ye Common Council will take ye same into their wise consideration yt ye Bridge be repaired. It is “ Resolved that in convenient time ye same shall be made sufficient to passe and repasse without danger.” The Lutheran church alluded to occupied the ground of the Market house in South Pearl street, and its burial ground was the site of the vegetable market adjoining. Pearl street, for a century after this, was but a lane, many persons now living remembering when a gate swung across it at State street. On the 13th April, 1706, the following record was made in the common council minutes: “As to ye Bridge towards ye Lutheriaen church, Mr. Hansen is agreed to make a sufficient and strong new bridge, laid with good plank two inches thick, wherefore he is to receive ye <£5:10 due from Evert Janse.” Two years later we find the following entry: “ The Commonalty being informed yt ye Bridge over ye Rutten kill in ye street lately known by ye name of ye ffuddamart * is very much out of repair & decade, doe therefore order yt ye sd Bridge shall be made anew and yt Mr. Robt Livingston & Coenradt Ten Eyk are ap- pointed to see ye sd Bridge made upon ye Citty charges.” “ September 28. This day Mr. Robert Livingston Jun & Conraet ten Eyk brought in their acct of makeing of ye Bridge over ye Rutten kill in ye street calld ye fodde mart, amounting in all after £2:9: is deducted, wh is payd to them £7: 14: 4|- wh is approved of by ye Commonalty & orderd yt those persons are to have credt in ye Citty book for what there is due to them.” Whether the name of this creek is derived from rat$i *Vodden markt, a rag market, or junk shop,176 Price of Wheat. as some suppose, it is infested with myriads of the lusti- est specimens of that vermin to this day. The creek is now a sewer throughout its entire length. The grading of the ravine which it traversed was nearly complete in 1847, from Hawk to Lark street, and from Lydius to State. So late as 1827 it was an unbroken waste. Eagle street then extended no farther than the Lancaster School, now the Medical College. There was not a dozen build- ings even on Lydius street, from Pearl to Lark. When the unfortunate Strang was executed in its grassy valley in the above mentioned year, its green hills on either side were darkened by a multitude numbering full thirty thousand. The clay banks on Lydius street furnished the city with bricks for a great number of years. During a period of about three years two hundred and fifty men and sixty teams were employed upon the work of grading and filling this large area. The ravine, three hundred feet broad and fifty feet deep, received the lofty banks upon its borders, and was raised to a convenient grade, whereby a large tract was reclaimed for habitation, that had been useless except for brick kilns, or basins where water gathered, furnishing reservoirs for bathing and fishing to truant boys. Not less than six hundred thousand yards excavation was made in blue clay, and an equal amount of filling was done by one contractor. By this improvement Hudson street has become the most inviting avenue to the city, and comely blocks of dwell- ings already adorn most of the streets which intersect the area of the ancient Rutten kill. PRICES OF PRODUCE AT THE MANOR HOUSE. The rents paid by the tenants of the Van Rensselaer estate are payable not only in money, but in wheat and fowls and in day labor. The market value of each of177 Price of Wheat. these is fixed on the 1st of January every year, and con-' tinues throughout the }^ear. The following table of these rates, showing the annual changes of prices in the Albany market for the past sixty-four years, is an interesting retrospect: Value of 1 bt wheat. Value of 4 fowls. Value of 1 day’s serv’e. Value of 1 bo wheat. Value o<8 Value of 1 day’s serv’e. 1798, 6$. 0d. 4s. 10$. 1825, 8$. 0d. 4s. 16$ 1794, 8 4 10 3826, 7 4 16 1795, 11 4 30 1827, 8 4 16 1796, 10 4 10 1828, 8 4 16 1797, 12 4 10 1829, 14 4 16 1798, 10 4 10 1830, 8 4 16 1799, 9 6 4 10 1831, 10 4 16 1800, 12 6 4 14 1832, 10 4 16 1801, 14 6 4 14 1833, 10 4 16 1802, 8 4 14 1834, 8 4 16 1803, 9 4 14 1835, 8 4 16 1804, 10 4 14 1836, 12 4 16 1805, 16 4 14 1837, 18 6 16 1806, 11 6 4 14 1838, 13 6 16 1807, 11 4 14 1839, 14 6 16 1808, 9 4 14 1840, 9 6 16 1809, 8 4 14 1841, 8 4 16 1810, 12 6 4 14 1842, 10 4 16 1811, 14 4 14 1843, 7 4 16 1812, 15 4 14 1844, 8 4 16 3813, 18 4 16 1845, 7 6 4 16 1814, 15 6 16 1846, 9 6 4 16 1815, 13 6 16 1847, 9 4 16 3816, 14 6 16 1848, 10 6 4 16 1817, 18 6 16 1849, 9 6 4 16 1818, 15 6 16 1850, 9 6 4 16 1819, 14 6 16 1851, 9 4 16 1820, 8 6 16 1852, 8 4 16 1821, 6 4 16 1853, 9 6 4 16 1822, 9 4 16 1854, 14 4 16 1823, 10 4 ' 16 1855, 18 4 16 1824, 10 4 16 1856, 16 4 16178 Thirty Years' Difference. Wheat, it will be observed, has reached the high rate of 18 shillings ($2*25) only three times, once during the commercial stagnation that followed our last war with England; again during the monetary crash and “hard times” of 1836, *37; and again after the ruin of the crops by the drought of 1854. Fowls appear by this table to have decreased in value since 1840, which is not the case. It was found when 6s. were allowed for them, that some of the tenants made a considerable profit on this item by bringing lean, tough, scraggy “birds.” So the price was put down to 4s., giving them the option of paying the money, which most of them prefer to do. Labor, it is gratifying to observe, instead of being “ brought down to the European standard,” as croakers have predicted it would be, by the inventions and ma- chines of the present day, has steadily commanded better and better wages. At no time in half a century has it been impossible for a well man, however ignorant or poor, to earn a comfortable subsistence in Albany.—Albany Evening Journal. THIRTY YEARS DIFFERENCE, In 1823, a traveler from PortlanS, Me., overwhelmed in admiration of the facilities afforded for locomotion at that time, gave the following table of time and distances between Albany and Portland by steamboats and stages: miles, hours. From Albany to New York,.....................150 18 u New York to Providence,...............200 20 a Providence to Boston,................ 40 6 “ Boston to Portland,......... 110 12 500 56 This gave 500 miles in 2J entire days. It should be some consolation to modern travelers detained on their way to New York that they still accomplish their journey within 18 hours in spite of the worst obstructions.(179) ACCIDENTS BY TRAVEL. A recent accident on the Hudson River rail road, and the excitement which followed it, heightened by the newspaper accounts,brings to mind the excitements which attended accidents to the stages on the same route only about thirty years ago. The difference in the magnitude of the travel, and consequently of the destruction of life and limb, serves to mark our progress in that direction in so short a space of time. In January, 1823, the traveling public was accommo- dated by two lines of stages between Albany and New York, the proprietors driving a sharp competition for the small amount of passage then offering. The engineers of these vehicles could not resist the temptation to show the capacity for speed of their respective teams, and when they came near each other, they could not be pre- vented from racing any more than our modern steam boat captains. Such an exhibition of speed came off at this time, which resulted disastrously, and the news- papers were made the safety valve of public indignation. The account of it contrasts so ludicrously with the awful catastrophe of a rail road accident, that we hesitate in contemplating the horror of the one to smile at the trifling amount of the other. The account of the accident was thus: “ To the Public.—The stage from New York to Albany was overset on the Highlands, on Friday last, with six passengers on board; one of whom, a gentleman from Ver- mont, had his collar bone broken, and the others were more or less injured, and all placed in the utmost jeo- pardy of their lives and limbs, by the outrageous conduct of the driver. In descending a hill half a mile in length, an opposition stage being ahead, the driver put his horses in full speed to pass the forward stage, and in this situ-180 Accidents by Travel. ation the stage overset with a heavy crash, which nearly destroyed it, and placed the wounded passengers in a dreadful dilemma, especially as the driver could not assist them, as it required all his efforts to restrain the frighted horses from dashing down the hill, which must have destroyed them all. It was therefore with the great- est difficulty, and by repeated efforts, the wounded pass- engers extricated themselves from the wreck of the stage. Such repeated, wanton, and willful acts of drivers, to gratify their caprice, ambition, or passions, generally, under the stimulus of ardent spirits, calls aloud on the community to expose and punish these shameful aggres- sions. As the legislature is now sitting, it is earnestly hoped that a law will be immediately enacted, to make it penal in a driver to attempt to run by another stage traveling in the same direction, and to make the proprie- tors responsible for all the injuries passengers may sustain, with severe damages for putting in jeopardy the lives and limbs of peaceable citizens committed to their care.” It will be seen that this was called a crash, as was also the rail road accident. There was a wide difference between the two, but it should be borne in mind that one was the crash of 1823, and the other the crash of 1856.( 180 ALBANY AS SEEN BY BE. DWIGHT. [In the year 1798, the Rev. Timothy Dwight, president of Yale College, passed through this city, and has given the following ac- count ©f wrhat he saw in the second volume of his Travels, p. 491.] Tuesday, October 4, we left Schenectady in the morning; and rode to Albany: sixteen miles. The road passed over a pitch pine plain, nearly a perfect flat chiefly covered with a forest; the soil miserably lean; the houses few, and poor; and the scenery remarkably dull, and discou- raging. The road also is encumbered with sand; and, unless immediately after a rain, covered with an atmo- sphere of dust. Albany is the second town in this State. From New York it is distant one hundred and sixty miles; from Bos- ton one hundred and sixty-five; from New Haven one hundred and seven; and from Quebec South by West, three hundred and forty. It was first settled about the year 1612; and the spot, where it was afterwards built, was visited by the cele- brated English navigator, Henry Hudson, in 1609. It was first called Beverwyck; then fort Orange; then Wil- liamstadt. The name of Albany it received in 1664. Albany was a Dutch Colony; and, until within a few years, the inhabitants have been, almost without an excep- tion, descendants from the original settlers. From this fact it has derived its whole aspect, and character. The houses are almost all built in the Dutch manner; stand- ing endwise upon the street; with high, sharp roofs, small windows, and low ceilings. The appearance of these houses is ordinary, dull, and disagreeable. The house, first erected in this town, is now standing; and was built of bricks, brought from Holland. If I were to finish this [Annals viii.] 17182 Albany as seen by Dr. Dwight. picture according to the custom of poets and painter^ and in obedience to the .rules of criticism, by grouping with it animated beings, I should subjoin, that the mas- ter of the house, and often one or two of his neighbours, are regularly seen, sitting* in a most phlegmatic com- posure in the porch, and smoking with great deliberation from morning until night.f The site of Albany is an interval on the Western side of the Hudson, and the brow of an elevated pine plain, rising rapidly at a small distance from the river. The soil of the elevation is clay. Both grounds easily imbibe, and retain, water. The streets therefore, few of which have been paved until very lately, have been usually in- cumbered with mud, so as at times to render travelling scarcely practicable. When I was in this city, in the year 1792, a waggon, passing through the heart of it, was fairly mired in one of the principal streets. Since that period, an essential change has taken place in Albany. A considerable number of the opulent inhab- itants, whose minds were enlarged by the influence of the Revolutionary war, and the extensive intercourse which it produced among them and their countrymen, and still more by education, and travelling, have resolutely broken through a set of traditionary customs, venerable by age, and strong by universal attachment. These gen- tlemen have built many handsome houses in the modern English style; and in their furniture, manners, and mode of living, have adopted the English customs. To this *1798-. f That this custom is not new, may be seen in the following passage from the travels of Professor Kalm, June 1749. Speaking of Albany, he says, u The street doors are generally in the middle of the houses, and on both sides are seats, in which, during fair weather, the people sit and spend almost the whole day, especially on those which are in the shadow of their houses. In the evening these seats are covered with people of both sexes; but this is rather trou- blesome, as those who pass by are obliged to greet every body, unless they will shock the politeness of the inhabitants of this town.”— Kalm, Vol. 2, p, 927 2d edition, Lond,Albany as seen by Dr. Dwight. 183 important change the strangers, who within a few years have become a numerous body of the inhabitants, haye extensively contributed. All these, from whatever coun- try derived, have chosen to build, and live, in the Eng- lish manner. The preference, given to the customs of the English, must descend with increasing influence to their children. In the English language all accompts, instruments of con- veyance, records and papers employed in legal processes, must be written. The attainment of this language has therefore, now become indispensable to the safety, as well as to the prosperity, of every individual. Urged by this necessity, and influenced by the example of their superiours, the humblest classes of the Dutch must, with- in a short period, adopt the English language, and man- ners. Within two generations there will probably be no distinction between the descendants of the different nations. Intermarriages are also becoming more frequent; and will hasten this event. The streets of Albany are, in a loose sense, parallel, and right angled, to the river. The ground admitted, very happily, of a regular location: but, as in other places, this beautiful object was unthought of by the first settlers. Market, Pearl, and State streets, the principal ones, are straight and handsome. The two former are parallel with the river; the latter meets them at right angles. The public buildings in this town are a State-house; two Dutch, two Presbyterian, one Episcopal, one Ger- man Lutheran, one Methodist, and one Roman Catholic, churches; a building, containing thq offices of State, t\^o banks; a prison; an arsenal; a hospital; a City Hall; and a Tontine Coffee House. One of the Dutch churches is new, handsome, and ornamented with two towers crowned with cupolas. None of the other public build- ings claim any particular attention. Since I visited this city in 1792, it has fortunately, I think, been ravaged by two fires, one of them supposed, the other known to be kindled by incendiaries. The184 Albany as seen by Dr. Dwight. tenants of the houses which were burned have in many instances been sufferers, but the town and the proprietors have gained much. The house lots have commanded a higher price than could have been obtained both for houses and lots antecedently to the fires, and the town has already been improved not a little in its appearance and " will probably be much more improved hereafter. There are persons who will imagine this to be a matter of little consequence. I wish them to consider for a moment the following hints. There is a kind of symmetry in the thoughts, feelings, and efforts of the human mind. Its taste, intelligence, affections, and conduct are so intimately related that no preconcertion can prevent them from being mutually causes and effects. The first thing powerfully operated on, and mats turn proportionally operative is the taste. The perception of beauty and deformity, of refinement and grossness, of decency and vulgarity, of propriety and indecorum is the first thing which influences man to at- tempt an escape from a grovelling, brutish character; a character in which morality is effectually chilled or absolutely frozen. In most persons this perception is awakened by what may be called the exteriour of society, particularly by the mode of building. Uncouth, mean, ragged, dirty houses constituting the body of any town, will regularly be accompanied by coarse grovelling man- ners. The dress, the furniture, the equipage, the mode of living and the manners will all correspond with the appearance of the buildings and will universally be in every such case of a vulgar and debased nature. On the inhabitants of such a town it will be difficult if not impos- sible to work a conviction that intelligence is either ne- cessary or useful. Generally they will regard both learning and science only with contempt. Of morals except in the coarsest form, and that which has the least influence on the heart, they will scarcely have any apprehensions. The rights enforced by municipal law they may be compelled to respect, and the corresponding duties they may be necessitated to perform. But the185 Albany as seen by Dr. Dwight. rights and obligations, which lie beyond the reach of magistracy, in which the chief duties of morality are found, and from which the chief enjoyments of society spring, will scarcely gain even their passing notice. They may pay their debts but will neglect almost every thing of value in the education of their children. The very fact that men see good houses built around them will more than almost any thing else awaken in them a sense of superiority in those by whom such houses are inhabited. The same sense is derived in the same manner from handsomer dress, furniture and equip- age. The sense of beauty is necessarily accompanied by a perception of the superiority which it possesses over deformity, and is instinctively felt to confer this supe- riority on those who can call it their own over those who can not. This I apprehend is the manner in which coarse society is first started towards improvement; for no objects but those which are sensible can make any considerable impressions on coarse minds. On these grounds I predicted to my friends in this town a speedy change for the better in its appearance, and in the cha- racter and manners of its inhabitants. I have since seen this prediction extensively fulfilled. It will perhaps be asked here,“ whether all that has been said and believed concerning the virtue of cottages, and the purity of humble life, is erroneous; and whether splendour and polish are necessary to sound morals; whether wealth ceases now to draw luxury, and other vices in its train; and whether the golden mean has, by some strange revolution in human nature, become dan- gerous to piety, while ambition and show have, in consequence of a revolution not less strange, actually assumed the province of its foster-parents. To these questions I answer in the negative. There are virtuous cottages still; though their number is now, and alwayshas been, less than it has been supposed by the fancy of the poet and the novelist; and sound morals can now be found where there is neither polish nor splendour. But the debate is not between cottages and palaces, nor be-186 Albany as seen by Dr. DwighU tween poverty and opulence; it lies between taste and the want of it, between grossness and refinement. The mediocrity which has been dignified with the name of golden, and which prevails more extensively in the Northern American states than in any other country, is, in mathematical language, a variable quantity; rising and falling, as what is called wealth in any country, rises or falls. Its golden nature consists, not in the amount of a man’s possession, but in the relative situation in which it places him as it respects the extremes of society; a posi- tion equally removed from insolence and meanness. The station to which it gives birth, not the degree of property possessed, the station I mean, in which it induces the man to place himself, is that, which principally renders this mean so valuable. In these letters you may observe, that only a single style of building and living has been particularly com- mended; viz: that which is neat, tidy and convenient. This is a style always within the reach of those who possess the mediocrity in question. Where it prevails, I am assured, if my experience teaches me any thing, virtue in every form is much oftener found than with its opposites, vulgarism, grossness and dirt. Persons sur- rounded by these accompaniments may be sanctified, and therefore may be virtuous: yet, so far as I have observed, they are commonly exuberant sources of vice as well as of wretchedness, and are scarcely less hostile to virtue than to comfort. I have mentioned that only a single style of building and living has been here recommended. Permit me to add, that I am still willing with .Demosthenes to have public buildings assume a style superiour to this, and am not afraid of seeing them even splendid. Yet, Sit modus in rebus. At the head of Market-Street stands the mansion of the Hon. Stephen Van Renssellaer, late Lieutenant Govern- our of this State. Mr. Yan Rensellaer is the eldest male heir of the first branch of the Rensselaer family, one of the most numerous and respectable in the former187 Albany as seen by Dr. Dwight. province of New-York, and among the most distinguished at the present time. The mansion house in which he resides struck my eye as exhibiting an appearance re- markably comporting with the fact, that, for a long period, it had been the residence of an ancient and dis- tinguished family. The situation though not much ele- vated is fine, cheerful and prospective. It is the front of a noble interval in the township of Watervleit, contain- ing seven hundred acres. East of this interval flows the Hudson; and, beyond it, is seen a handsome acclivity rising from its margin, upon which stands the neat, sprightly village of Bath. The house is large, and vene- rable, and looks as if it was the residence of respecta- bility and worth. The hospitality which reigns here has ever been honourable to the successive proprietors. At a small distance from this house Westward is the most extensive collection of manufactures wdiich I have seen in the possession of a single man. The proprietor is James Caldwell, Esq. In these works barley is hulled, peas are split, and hair powder, starch, snuff, tobacco, mustard, and chocolate, are manufactured. I visited them in the year 1792; and thought the manner of per- forming the business ingenious and happy. In 1794 they were burnt. The loss was estimated at $87,000, Within eleven months they were rebuilt and ready for their respective operations. In these works forty boys find employment beside other workmen. The trade of Albany is extensive. It consists in the exchange of foreign commodities for the produce of a large, fertile country; and must, I think, continue to increase through a long period. Heretofore the inhabit- ants pursued a profitable commerce with the Indians, and were for many years still more profitably employed in the lucrative business of supplying successive armies with almost every thing which armies consume. Many of the inhabitants have of course become rich. This has been the fact particularly since the formation of the present American government.188 Albany as seen by Dr. Dwight. I know not that Albany has ever suffered any serious evils from the savages. I ought not to leave this town without paying a tribute of respect to the Hon. Philip Schuyler, major-general in the American army during the revolutionary war. This gentleman was born at Albany, in the year 1731, of an ancient and respectable family. In very early life he was distinguished for superiour talents, and an energy and activity almost singular. He was an officer in the army in the war which commenced at Lake George, 1755. At an early period of life he became a member of the New- York Legislature; and was soon distinguished for his in- telligence and influence. To him and Governour Clin- ton it was chiefly owing, that this province made an early and decided resistance to those British measures which terminated in the independence of the colonies. When the revolutionary war commenced he was ap- pointed a major-general; and was always an active, use- ful officer wherever he was stationed. After the retreat of St. Clair from Ticonderoga, he contributed largely to the defence of his country by his prudent and vigorous exertions. In the Senate of New-York he contributed probably more than any other man, to the code of laws adopted by this State. Of the Old Congress he was a useful member; of the New he was a Senator from its commencement, and was chosen a second time in 1797. He died at his own seat just below Albany, Nov. 18th, 1804, In the year 1790, this city contained 3,498 inhabitants, in 1800, 5,387, in 1810, 9,356. Wednesday, October 11, we rode from Albany to New- Lebanon; and lodged five miles below the spring; the distance being thirty-one miles. We arrived late; being prevented from commencing our journey by some neces- sary hindrances ’till 11 o’clock. After crossing the ferry, we rode over a charming in- terval at Greenbusli, handsomer and more fertile than any other, which I have seen on this river. It extends several miles towards the South; and is divided into189 Albany as seen by Dr. Dwight. beautiful farms, and planted, in a thin dispersion, with houses and out buildings, whose appearance sufficiently indicates the easy circumstances of their proprietors. From the excellent gardens, which I have at times seen in this spot, and the congeniality of the soil to every hor- tulan production of this climate, I should naturally have believed, that the inhabitants, together with the neigh- bours, would have supplied the people of Albany with vegetables. Instead of this, they are principally furnished by the Shakers of New-Lebanon: a strong proof of the extreme reluctance, with which the Dutch farmers quit their ancient customs, even when allured by the prospects of superior gain. The Shakers, I have been informed, obtain by gardening a revenue, not less than from five to seven hundred pounds, New-York currency, per annum. From this interval we ascended the elevated grounds, by which it is bordered; and on the acclivity were pre- sented with a very fine view of the city of Albany; the high lands North of it; the handsome seats in the neigh- bourhood; the river; and the pleasant intervals, by which for a great extent it is bordered on both sides. After we had ascended the hill, we found a long succes- sion of gradual swells, resembling those between Still- water and Schenectady: the soil a mixture of sand and clay, replenished everywhere with black, friable slate; and the surface forested with oak, chestnut, pine, &c. This tract is tolerably fertile, and W'ell suited to the growth of wheat. Within five or six miles of the river the country becomes gradually more and more hilly; and the clay begins to be mixed with loam and gravel. Granite and limestone are found in considerable quanti- ties; and the forests become chiefly oak and chestnut. Our road, after leaving Greenbush, passes through Schodac, and Stephentown. The principal part of this County is the property of the Hon. Stephen Van Rensel- laer, from whom it derives its name. There is a small village in Schodac, containing about thirty houses; and another in Stephentown, of perhaps190 Albany as seen by Dr. Dwight. twenty, standing on the border of Kinderhook creek, at the foot of a sprightly fall. The rest of this region is divided into farms, moderately fertile; and cultivated by tenants. The houses, which they inhabit, are generally indifferent. Schodac contained in 1790,--------, in 1800, 8,788, in 1810, 3,166 inhabitants. Stephentown contained in 1790, 6,795, in 1800, 4,990, in 1810, 2,567 inhabitants. I suppose Schodac, in the first census, to have been in- cluded in Stephentown. The face of the country, after we left the vicinity of the Hudson, was nowhere very pleasant; yet from two sources we derived not a little gratification. One of them was a succession of running waters, everywhere limpid and murmuring. These a New-England traveller would in ordinary cases scarcely notice; as being objects so universally met with in his own country. But we had travelled before we came to Schenectady, one hun- dred and seventy miles, without finding more than two or three cheerful streams, beside the Hudson, and the Mohawk: the season having been very dry. To us, therefore, living springs, murmuring brooks, and noisy mill-streams, were delightful; especially after crossing numerous channels, where water had once flowed; but where it then lay in dirty puddles, and disgusted the traveller by its loathsome effluvia. Nature seemed, here, animated anew. The earth, and the atmosphere, were charmingly freshened: and we finally lost the dull, heavy spirits, which we had derived from the melancholy grounds, opposite to Crown Point, and those which lie between that fortress and Sandyhill. The other source of our gratification was the Cat skill Mountains; of which we had several very interesting views.( 191 ) ALBANY. | From.' Winterbotham’s View of the United States of America.! The city of Albany is situated upon the west side of Hudson’s river, one hundred and fifty miles north of the city of New York, in latitude 42 deg. 36 min., and is, by charter granted in 1686, one mile upon the river, and sixteen back. It contains upwards of one thousand houses, built mostly by trading people on the margin of the river. The houses stand chiefly upon Pearl, Market, and Water streets, and six other streets or lanes, which cross them at right angles. They are mostly built in the old Dutch Gothic style, with the gable end to the street, which custom the first settlers brought with them from Holland. The gable end is commonly of brick, with the heavy moulded ornament slanting, with notches like stairs, and an iron horse for a weather-cock at top. The houses are seldom more than one story and a half high, and have but little convenience, and less elegance; but they are kept very neat, being rubbed with a mop almost every day, and scoured every week. Many new houses, however, have lately been built in this city, all in the modern style; the inhabitants are paving the streets in the New York plan with foot-ways, and making other improvements. The city of Albany contains about four thousand in- habitants, collected from various parts. As great a variety of languages are spoken in Albany as in any town of the United States, but the English predominates, and the use of every other is constantly lessening. Ad- venturers, in pursuit of wealth, are led here by the advantages for trade which this place affords. Albany is unrivaled in its situation. It stands on the bank of one of the finest rivers in the world, at the head192 Schenectady, of a sloop navigation. It enjoys a salubrious air, as is evinced by the longevity of its inhabitants. It is the natural emporium of the increasing trade of a large ex- tent of country west and north; a country of an ex- cellent soil, abounding in every article of the West-India market, plentifully watered with navigable lakes, creeks, and rivers, as yet only partially peopled, but settling with almost unexampled rapidity, and capable of afford- ing subsistence and affluence to millions of inhabitants. No part of America affords a more eligible opening for emigrants than this; and when the contemplated locks and canals are completed, the bridge over the Mohawk river erected, and convenient roads opened into every part of the country, all which will, it is expected, be ac- complished in a few years, Albany will probably increase and flourish beyond almost every other city or town in the United States. The well-water in this city is extremely bad, scarcely drinkable by those who are not accustomed to it. It oozes through a stiff blue clay, and it imbibes in its pas- sage the fine particles common to that kind of soil; this discolours it, and when exposed any length of time to the air, it acquires a disagreeable taste. Indeed, all the water for cooking is brought from the river, and many families use it to drink. The water in the wells is un- wholesome, being full of little insects, resembling, except in size, those which we frequently see in stagnated rain- water. But the inhabitants are about to remedy this in- convenience, by constructing water-works to convey good water into the city. The public buildings are, a Low Dutch Church, one for Presbyterians, one for Germans or High Dutch, one for Episcopalians—-a hospital, the city hall, and a hand- some brick gaol. SKENECTADY. Skenectady is sixteen miles north-west of Albany, in Albany county, situated on the banks of the Mohawk river. The town is compact and regular, built of brick,Schenectady. 193 and excepting a few, in the old Dutch style, on a rich flat of low land, surrounded with hills. The windings of the river through the town, and the fields, which are often overflowed in the spring afford a beautiful prospect about harvest time. As it is at the foot of navigation on a long river, which passes through a very fertile country, one would suppose it to embrace much of the commerce of it; but originally knowing no other than the fur trade, since the revolution the place has decayed, and no ad- vantage been taken of its happy situation. [Annals viii,] 18JOHN MELISH IN ALBANY. [About 1810, Mr. John Melish, an English merchant, traveled extensively in this country, and in 1812 pub- lished his observations in two volumes.] My tour of discovery being completed, I had no very important information to receive at Albany, but I still continued my journal, and Mr. Fellows of Geneva having favored me with letters of introduction to Mr. South wick and Mr. North, these two gentlemen showed me a great deal of attention, and obligingly answered all my inqui- ries. In obedience to the request of my friend, Mr. M’- Intyre, I called on his son, the comptroller, and he also showed me much attention. I was quite pleased with my visit. Albany is the seat of government of the state of New York, and is situated on the west side of the Hudson river, at the head of tide water, 180 miles from the sea. It runs nearly a mile along the river, and about half a mile back from it. The city is divided into streets, some of which are spacious, but others rather narrow and ir- regular. They are however pretty convenient, and there is a line of excellent wharfs and warehouses. The houses amount to about 1300, and the inhabitants to nearly 10,000. The houses are mostly built of brick, and many of them are elegant. The state-house stands on an elevated situation at the head of State street, and is a very handsome building, with most splendid and convenient apartments for the legislature to meet in. The old state-house is also in State street, and is occu- pied by the different public offices. The other public buildings are the arsenal, powder-house, city library, 3 banks, 10 churches, 2 market-houses, 2 masonic lodges, a theatre, and Cook’s reading-room, an institution pro- bably better supplied with newspapers, and other peri- odical publications, than ony other in the United States.195 John Melish in Albany. The city is well supplied with water. There are two excellent springs three miles to the westward, from whence it is conveyed in pipes, to every part of the city. Lots in the principal streets are as high as in New York, and the rent of houses and stores is in proportion. This being the great mart, in which the trade of an extensive back country centres, it is well supplied with provisions; but the outlet to the great commercial city, New York, is so easy, by the fine river Hudson, that all articles which can be easily shipped, are kept pretty high. Fleur is about 10 dollars per barrel; beef 6 dollars; pork 5 dollars per cwt.; bacon 12 cents per lb.; fowls 12^ each; geese 25; turkeys 62; cyder 1 dollar 50 cents per barrel; beer 3 to 10 dollars, according to quality; porter 7 dol- lars 25 cents. Board from 2 to 4 dollars. House rent for mechanics 20 to 60 dollars. The principal manufactures at Albany are those of grain, brewing and distilling. There are no manufacto- ries of cloth in the city, but there are several in the neighborhood, and there is a disposition in the citizens to encourage them, though apparently against their in- terest, the trade of the city being almost wholly commer- cial. The principal trade is by the river, on which is sent down grain and provisions, timber, malt-liquors, and spirits; and they receive in return groceries, dry goods, hardware and crockery, to supply a great part of the country. American manufactured glass, however, be- gins to make a prominent appearance in the warehouses; and they will, no doubt, feel the advantage of other ar- ticles of American manufacture soon. Albany, from its situation, must be always a place of extended commerce. At present, it suffers by the reaction of an over-strained foreign commerce, but that will be but temporary. In- ternal manufactures and commerce, being once organized, will more than compensate for the loss of the other. The citizens of Albany are very mixed. The original settlement was by the Dutch, and their descendants form a very prominent part of the society. Of Scottish set- tlers there are a great many, and the rest are principally196 John Melish in Albany. New Englanders. In such an assemblage, we may natu- rally look for industry and enterprise, and a general at- tention to education and the improvement of the mind, all of which are very perceptible in the citizens. There are good mechanics in all the different branches; and there are 10 clergymen, 20 doctors, and 45 Jawyers, The schools are numerous; the library and reading-room have been already noticed. Two newspapers are pub- lished, each twice a week, which have a pretty extensive circulation. That the place is healthy, appears in the countenances of the ladies, many of whom are handsome, with beautiful florid complexions. That it is cold in winter, is indicated by the general use of stoves, the hard frost in the ground, and the appearance of snow; so, for fear of being storm-staid, I shall close this chap- ter, and hurry off to New York. My anticipation was realized; there was a considera- ble fall of snow this morning. I engaged a passage for my horse by one of the packets, fare 4 dollars, exclusive of board; and for myself by the steamboat, fare 7 dol- lars, including board; and getting on board of that ele- gant conveyance, we started from the wharf at 9 o’clock. The snow continued to fall, and the weather was very hazy, so that we could not enjoy the view on the river; but we had a very comfortable view in the boat. The cabin was sufficiently large to accommodate 80 or 100 people; the births were neatly mounted with drapery, and contained good clean bedding; there was a good stove in the room; our company, though not numerous, were sociable and agreeable; and our captain kept a most excellent table. I should mention that this was the North River steamboat, captain Roorbach, and to that gentleman’s politeness I was indebted for a variety of information regarding this river. Four other steamboats were upon the river, but it was supposed that two of them would be stopped, as they were started without the sanction of the patentees. A most superb new boat had just been started by the patentees, Livingston and Ful- ton, who are entitled to great praise for their exertions197 John Melish in Albany. in bringing into active operation an invention of such importance to the navigation of the American inland waters. The hanks of the river are nearly the same as above Albany, for 20 miles, to Hudson; the soil is pretty good, and the settlements thick on both sides. The river is a noble stream, augmented, as it proceeds, by a great num- ber of tributary streams on each side. Towards night, we were four miles below Poughkeepsie, and the captain, thinking it too dark to run on, came to anchor, and re- mained during the night.(198) CASCADE OF THE VLY KILL. [From the Albany Daily Advertiser, 1825J In the vicinity of Albany there are several waterfalls that have attracted the notice, and been often visited by the lovers of picturesque scenery. Tivoli, Tempe, and Ida, are classic names, which in the defect of more ap- propriate or more descriptive ones, have been applied to well known objects, and the Cohoes has been often sung by poets, and described by tourists. But it is not generally known that there is a beautiful cataract on the northern declivity of the Helderberg, about eight miles from our city. This waterfall is formed by the VJy Kill, a tributary of Norman’s Kill, about half a mile from its confluence. The Vly Kill is a small stream arising in the Helderberg mountains, but its water is sufficient, even at this season, to exhibit the cataract to great advantage. The perpendicular, or nearly perpendicular pitch of the water is 65 feet—about BO feet from the top the descending sheet of water is broken by a projecting rock, like the Yalino in Italy. The quantity of water is about half as great as that of the admired Yalino. The rock that forms the preci- pice over which the water is precipitated, is a well characterized grau wacke—it is distinctly stratified, and the strata have an inclination to the southwest- viewed from below, the stratification has a very distinct and somewhat artificial appearance, as of a wall, and the apparent dissimilarity of the different, strata, suggests the idea that it discloses several geological formations, but on inspection it is found that the strata are only grau wacke, alternately compact and fissile. The more com- pact stratum soon becomes fissile on exposure to the atmosphere, and is easily decomposed. We approached199 Cascade of the Vly Kill. the cascade from the west, through an open field, and our first view of it was from the top of the fall. The Yly Kill was entirely concealed from view, until we ar- rived at this place. The eastern shore is a steep decli- vity covered with a lofty original forest, and the stream soon disappears below in a deep rocky wooded ravine. The country to the south is also wooded, and the high trees intercept in some degree the view of the Helderberg summits. To the north the eye commands the distant range of the Green mountains—the wide val- ley of Albany, and near at hand are seen the rich mea- dows and cultivated farms of Norman’s Kill. The scene is considerably extensive and varied, but wholly rural. We have no cities, villages, turnpike roads, canals or rivers white with commerce, within the view. We have also attained an elevation that gives us a little of the freshness of the mountain $ir. To persons of leisure, of taste, and to lovers of a monetary escape from the bustle and dust of a city, we can confidently commend this excursion. To the geologist our little tour presents several curious and extremely interesting phenomena. The clay, which appears so conspicuous at Albany, and is beautifully stratified, as may be seen in many places where it has been recently excavated to fill up the pier, is a regular geological formation, entitled to its place, like sandstone or wacke. I suppose this formation to be the plastic clay of Phillips and Conybeare. This clay reposes on argillite, and upon it is deposited the sand and boulders so conspicuous in the country around Alba- ny. This is supposed to be the diluvial deposit of Phil- lips and Conybeare. On passing over the sand plain the clay is seen to crop out, or is thrown into hillocks, near the Helderberg. The strata of clay when examined in these low hills is irregular and indefinite in its inclination, as secondary or transition rocks are always found to be in the near vicinity of primitive, if the primitive is more elevated than the secondary. This fact evinces the antiquity of the clay, as compared with the diluvial deposits. The200 Cascade of the Vly Kill. diluvial being seldom stratified—if stratified never in- clined, and above all, never confused in the direction of its strata, by older formations. The plastic clay, having a strong affinity for water, rapidly subsides towards its surrounding level, and hills or precipices of it would soon disappear, unless very large, or in some way pro- tected from atmospheric influence. From the operation of natural causes the character of the tract we are en- deavoring to describe, is rendered somewhat obscure, and some attention is requisite to determine the confused inclination of the strata to which we allude. It is evinced, however, distinctly and unequivocally, in the undulating aspect of the country along the valley of the Norman’s Kill. Within this hilly and disturbed district, corresponding with the spurs and northern out- line of the Helderberg mountain, the Norman’s Kill pur- sues its way to the Hudson. To the north of this stream, extends a slightly undulating diluvial sand, rest- ing on the plastic clav, and usually concealing it from the view. This sand is of very limited depth; in many places indeed the underlying clay crops out, forming al- ternate tracts of clay and sand. The clay contains a considerable portion of carbonate lime, but no organic remains to my knowledge have been noticed in it or in the diluvial sand. Primitive boulders, from a few ounces to many tons weight, are seen in many places connected with the sand. As far as I have been able to examine them, these boulders appear to be fragments derived from the mountains in the vicinity of Lake George, Saratoga and Lake Champlain. The remark was first made (I believe by Col. Young,) that the direction of the current that scattered these fragments must have been from north to south. H. Hayden, predicating his conclusion on similar phenomena, and many other geologists, have arrived at the same supposition. I have several remarks to make on this subject, but I fear my communication is already to long. The mercury also, in the coolest shade that I can find, now stands at 92—and I am admonished to defer the consideration of the true cosmogony to an- other occasion.Cascade of the Vly Kill. 201 CHAPTER II. Near the cascade of the Vly Kill, elevated about two hundred feet above the level of the Norman’s Kill, we noticed a rounded block of sienite of three or four tons weight, which was filled with nests of a redish cocoa- lite, arranged in the same manner as we had noticed the chrystals of this mineral, in places near Whitehall, at the southern extremity of Lake Champlain. A boulder of porphyritic sienite of still larger size, was seen at the same spot, in which the feldspar, in large rhombic masses, had the same aspect, and the quartz had the same green tinge which we had noticed in places at Moria, near Crownpoint. A large mass of gray granite was also noticed, in which the mica is in small black scales, the feldspar and the quartz of different shades of green— the fracture uneven, &c. This granite is coarse grained and compact—a specimen of it could not be distinguished from one taken from the granite of Westport, opposite Crownpoint. After examining the boulders in this vi- cinity with some care, I have not been able to recognize fragments of rocks from the south or west. If the distribution of these rolled fragments were en- tirely accidental, or dependent on gravitation, we should expect to meet with such substances as abound most in the immediate vicinity, more especially at a greater ele- vation, as at the Catskill or Helderberg mountains; but no fragments peculiar to these higher and contiguous eminences are found, while the primitive and more dis- tant mountains to the north seem evidently to have con- tributed to the diluvial formation of this tract. In the channel of Wendell’s creek near Albany, several large primitive fragments are noticed, which evince a similar evidence of their being out of place. Here also is an anomalous boulder of primitive lime stone—it is white granular, the grains rather small, and the whole mass a little stained, black or bluish. This mass is called anomalous, because after having viewed the country to the north as far as Crownpoint, I have seen no such lime202 Cascade of the Fly Kill. rock in any place. At New Lebanon a similar stone is seen, and it exists in the same range, as far north as Mid- dlebury, in Vermont, but it requires some violence and dis- tortion of our favorite hypothesis, to transport such a mass from New Lebanon to its present place, if indeed it is doing justice to this subject, I mean the direction of the diluvial current as ascertained by present appear- ances, to call it hypothetical. The history of such a state of things is recorded in a system of medals or monuments—as durable and as unequivocal as the ever- lasting mountains. The influence of a northern current is strikingly illus- trated, on the farm called Norman vale, the property of the late Lt. Gov. Tayler. Near the place where the Hunger Kill crosses the low range of clay hills, towards the Norman’s Kill, there is a gap or breach in the soil of considerable extent, which from its configuration strongly suggests the idea of its having been formed by water. The clay in this vicinity is entirely denuded of diluvial sand, but heaps of gravel and pebbles are distri- buted, as in bars formed by running water, in the inter- mediate rivers. At the entrance of the level, fertile tract, called Norman vale, there is a remarkable bar of this kind. It extends from north to south, at the dis- tance from the gap above mentioned, that it would natu- rally occupy, if formed by such a current as we have supposed. This bar is a short distance from the place that appears to have been the narrowest throat of the channel, where the water, in beginning to lose the velo- city it had when comparatively confined, would naturally deposit the heaviest particles of earth or stone that were carried along by it, at the point where the force of the current began to be diminished, as at the mouth of riv- ers. This bar forms a conspicuous mound which is crossed by the road. On our return, we made a circuit- ous route along the Norman’s Kill; we were conducted by a private road through a succession of well cultivated farms. Between this tract and the public roads, there is a part of the diluvial sand plain covered with a thick203 Cascade of the Vly Kill. low growth of pine, oak, poplar, &c. There are a few improved farms scattered through this sandy tract, and the soil though light, is found to amply reward culti- vation. These farms are so distant from each other, as not to destroy the wild and secluded aspect of an unre- claimed country. The forest serves the more effectually to insulate the valley of the Norman’s Kill from the populous, the traveled, and the busy world—a more se- cluded situation can hardly be imagined. As a conve- nient and agreeable excursion, I take pleasure in recom- mending that to the cascade of Vly Kill to the attention of my fellow citizens and to strangers,( 204 ) LICENSE IN OLD TIMES. The records of the colony of Fensselaerwyck and of the city of Albany show how much restraint was continu- ally thrown around the retailing of spirituous liquors. There was a provision in new Amsterdam in 1641, which reads as follows: “ Whereas complaints are made that some of our in- habitants have commenced to tap beer during divine service, and use a small kind of measure, which is in contempt of our religion, and must ruin the state ” and annexes a penalty of 25 guilders, besides the forfeiture of the beer for the use of the attorney-general, upon each offender; and such offender “ shall not tap beer again for three months.” Whether this enactment provided the attorney-general with a sufficient quantity of beer for his own consumption does not appear upon the minutes, and is left wholly to conjecture. It is amusing to notice the complaints made by the governor, twenty years later, against retailers of brandy, for selling that liquor to the Indians. The rate of ex- change was one pint of brandy for a schepel (three pecks) of wheat. The regulations in other respects, at some places, were very strict in terms, but not rigidly enforced. For in- stance, at Wilt wick it was declared that if any person should desire to leave the place to take care of his private concerns, or should wish to go to the Manhattans, Fort Orange or any other place, “he shall notify his intended departure, and write directly on his arrival there, under the penalty of twenty-four stuyvers.” There ap- pears to be no salvo for those who could not write. Another regulation was no doubt highly salutary, as follows: ‘‘ No one shall appear drunk on guard, nor on parade,—nor curse, nor swear, nor make any noise, nor blaspheme the religious worship, or the holy sacrament, under the penalty of 25 guilders ” (f 10).(205) ORDERS REGULATING THE INDIAN TRADE. ADOPTED BY THE CITY GOVERNMENT OF ALBANY SOON AFTER ITS INCORPORATION. From New York Colonial MSS., yol. xxiv, Secretary’s office. [This document seems to be the original rules and regulations concerning the Indian trade, a part of which was yearly renewed by the common council, and will be found in the City Records, printed in the previous volumes of these Annals. The copy in the secretary’s office is mutilated by time and use, as will be seen by the omissions in the printed pages which follow.] Citty of Albany Set. Att a Common Councill held at ye Citty Hall of ye said Citty, on ye 14th day of September, in the second year of the Reign off our Souveraigne Lord James the Second, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Irland King, Defender of ye faith, Su- pream and only Lord of ye Province of N: Yorke, &c., and in ye year of our Lord 1686, before Pieter Schuyler Esq. Mayor, Isaack Swinton Esq. Recorder, Dirk Wessells, Jan Jansz.Bleeker, Johannes Wendell, David Schuyler, and Adriaen Gerritse, Aldermen, and Jochim Staets, Lawrence Van Ale, Melgert Wyn- antse, Isaak Vplank, Albert Ryckman and John Lansing, Assistants. Whereas his Excell. Thomas Dongan, Capt. Gen. and Governour under his said Maj. of ye Province of N *. York and Dependencies, by virtue of ye Power and Authority in him being, from and under his said Maj. in and by a certain Charter beareing date ye 22d day of July last [Annals, viii.] 19206 Orders Regtilating the Indian Trade. past, and given under ye Seale of ye said Province for ye consideracon therein expressed, amongst diverse other things, did Grant Ratify and Confirm, unto us ye sd Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the Citty of Albany, to have, hold and enjoy the Priviledge, Preheminence and Advantage of haveing within our owne walls the sole management of ye Trade with all the Indians liveing within, and to ye eastward, northward and westward of ye said county of Albany, within ye compasse of his said Majs. Dominion here, therein and thereby prohibiteing and dischargeing all and every of ye Inhabitants of ye said Province of New Yorke (ye Inhabitants of ye Citty of Albany only excepted) to trade or trafique with any of ye five Nations of Indians called the Sinnekes, Cay- ouges, Onondages, Oneydes and Maquase, who live to the westward, or with any other Indian or Indians what- soever, within ye County of Albany or to ye eastward northward, or westward thereof, so farr as his said Majs. Dominions have doth or may extend, or to have or to keep within their houses or elsewhere any Indian Goods or Merchandize, upon ye pain and penalty of ye forfeiture and confiscation off such Indian Commodities, whether the same be Bevers, Peltry, or other Indian Commodities whatsoever, except Indian Corn, Vennison, and drest Deer Skinns, so traded for and upon pain and penalty of ye forfeiture and confiscation of all such Indian Goods and Merchandize, as Gunns, Powder, Lead, DufFells, Rumm, and all other Indian Goods and Merchandize, which should att any time thereafter be found concealed, or kept in any house or place, without ye walls of ye said Citty and within >e said County, and yQ other limites, and boundaries therein and herein before sett forth and pre- scribed to be sued for prosecuted and disposed off, in such manner as therein is more particularly sett forth and prescribed; and whereas in and by ye sd Charter, itt is further granted ratifyed and confirmed unto us ye said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of y° Citty of Albany, to make such further and oyr orders in yR Regulacon of ye said Trade as to us from time to time should seemOrders Regulating the Indian Trade. 207 convenient, as in and by the said Charter, relation thereto being had may more att large appear: Now Wee the said Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of ye......of Albany in Common Council mett and assembled in pursuance of ye premisses and by virtue of ye power and authority to us in and by ye said recited Charter graunted as aforesd for ye due orderly manage• ment of ye Indian Trade, as well within y€ said Citty and County as without the same, within ye limites, and boundaryes aforesaid, doe hereby make, ordeyn, publish and declare these our Orders Rules and Regulations, in manner following, that is to say*. That no Person or Persons whatsoever within this Citty or County or without ye same, within ye limites and boundaries aforesaid, shall trade or trafique with any Indian or Indians, for any Bever or Peltry, or any Indian Commodities without ye'Gates of this Citty, except for Indian Corn, Yennison and drest Deer Skinns, on Pen- alty of forfeiting such Indian Commodities, soe traded for as aforesaid, as also under penalty of being fined for so tradeing att ye discretion of such Court, before whom the same shall be prosecuted so as such fine exceed not twenty pounds courant money of this Country, one third of such Commodities so to be forfeited to ye Mayor of ye sd Citty for ye time being, one third to ye Mayor Aider- men and Commonalty of the said Citty, and one third to such person as shall sue for ye same, and two thirds of such fine to be adjudged to ye Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of ye said Citty, and ye other third to such person as shall sue for ye same. That no Person or Persons in this Citty or County, or without ye Same, within ye limittes and boundaries afores1 that shall receive of any Indian or Indians any Indian Commodities except before excepted for Provisions, shall keep ye same, if of ye value of twelve shillings, in there houses or elsewhere without ye Citty, for ye space of more than twenty four hours after there receit of ye Same, on Pain and Penalty of forfeiting, such Indian goods so kept as aforesd, two thirds to ye use of ye Mayor,208 Orders Regulating the Indian Trade. aldermen and Commonalty of ye said Citty, and ye oyr third to such person as shall sue for ye same. That no Person or Persons whatsoever within this Citty and County or without ye same, within ye limites and boundaries aforesd, shall have and keep within there houses or else; vhere without ye Gates of s'! Citty, any Gunns, Strouds, Bianketts, Rumm, Pouder, Lead or other Indian Goods or Merchandizes whatsoever, on pain and penalty, of forfeiting such Indian Merchandizes and Commodities so kept and concealed as aforesd, one Third part to ye use of ye Mayor of ye sd Citty for ye time being, one Third part to ye use of ye Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of ye sd Citty, and ye other third part to such person as shall sue for ye same. That no person or persons whatsoever within the said Citty or County, or without ye same, within ye limites and boundaries aforesd, shall take or receive, upon any pretence whatsoever, any paun or paunes (zew1 excepted) from any Indian or Indians whatsoever, upon pain of forfeiture of ye value of what such paun was left for, two third parts..... ,ye Mayor, Aldermen and Common- alty of ye said Citty, and.......part to such person as shall sue for ye same, and upon Pain and Penalty of haveing such pawne restored to such Indian or Indians gratis. That no person or persons whatsoever, within this Citty, shall upon ye arrivall of any Indian or Indians addresse themselves orspeake to them of and concerning Trade, nor shall entice ym either within or without ye gates of ye said Citty, by Signs or oyrwise howsoever, to trade with themselves or any other Persones upon pain and penalty of paying for each offence iff committed with- out the gates of ye sd Citty, ye sumrae of tenn pounds, if within ye same, ye summe of six shillings only, one moyety thereof, to ye Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of ye said Citty, and ye oyr to such Person as shall sue for y® same. That no Person or Persons whatsoever within this Citty, shall send out or make use of any Brokers ^Orders Regulating the Indian Trade. 209 whether Christians or Indians, in ye management of ye Indian Trade, upon pain and penalty of paying as a fine for each offence ye somme of five pounds, one Moyety thereof to ye use of ye Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of ye said Citty, and ye other moyety to such person as shall sue for ye same. That no Person or Persons whatsoever within...... trade for or receive any Bevers, Peltry or other Indian.. ....from any Indian or Indians after ye ringing of ye Bell......of ye Clock on ye night, upon pain and penalty of forfeiting such Commodities so traded for or received as aforesd, two third parts thereof to ye use of ye Mayor aldermen and Commonalty of ye said Citty, and ye other third part to ye use of such Person as shall sue for ye same. That no Person or Persons whatsoever within this Citty shall trade or trafiqe with or by any means what- soever directly or indirectly entice any Indians soe to do upon ye Sabath day, upon pain and penalty of forfeiting such goods so traded for as aforesaid, as also on pain and penalty of paying as a fine for each offence ye some of forty shillings, two third parts to ye use of ye Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of ye said Citty, and ye oyr third part to ye use of such person as shall sue for ye same. Whereas by constant experience ye giveing of gifts and presents to Indians has been found to have been very prejudiciall to ye trade of this place, it haveing been generally used by.....trade.....as an enticement to bring ye Indians to them,......... .Indian Commodities has been in no small measure adva........ . .ordered that for the future no person or persons whatsoever.... . .pretence shall give any present or gift to any Indian or Indians.... ..small beer, tobacco, worth exceeding half a pound on provisions....present time, upon pain of paying as a fine for each offence, ys summe of five pounds courant money of this Country, two third part to y3 use of ye Mayor, aldermen and Commonalty of ye sd Citty, and ye oyr third part to such person as shall sue for ye same,210 Orders Regulating the Indian Trade. That no Person or Persons whatsoever shall transport or cause to be transported any Wampum, Wampum Pipes, Indian Jewells, or money out of this Citty and County or ye limites and boundaries aforesd, nor shall they ex- change, treffique give or sell, or any oyrwise dispose of such money, Wampum, or Jewells to any stranger or person whatsoever, who shall carry them out of this Government, under penalty of forfeiting, such Wampum, money or Jewells or ye value thereof, two third parts to ye use of ye Mayor, aldermen and commonalty of ye sd Citty, and ye other third part, to ye use of such person, as shall sue for ye same. Whereas it has been for some time past the Practice of several Indian Traders within this Citty themselfs to send for their Indian Merchandizes to England and *.. ......has been found by experience to be greatly to ye ........ .in regard, that not only yc Merchants, have been......but y° Indian Trade for ye most part engrossed unto hands........... .the other traders who for ye small- ness of their Stocks, w.........; of doeing ye like, not being able to afford such penniworths haveing themselfs bought ye goods of ye Merchants here, by means whereof, the trade of this place is much decayed, in that our Merchandizes are rendred by farr more cheape to ye Indians, and by consequence these commodities more dear to us, for remedy whereof for ye future, itts hereby ordered that no Indian Trader whatsoever shall from and after the five and Twentieth day of March which shall be in ye year of our Lord 1687 directly or indirectly in his own name, or in ye name of any other persons, living in or Import from England or any oyr part off Europe or ye West Indies into this Citty or the liberties thereof any of these Indian Goods and Merchandizes following viz1 duffells, rom, strouds, blanketts, plains, halfthicks, woolen stockings, white ozenbridge, ketles hatchetts, hoes, red lead, Vermillion, cotton, red kersey, Indian haberdashery, or any oyr Indian goods and merchandize whatsoever, upon pain and penalty of paying ye sorame of forty pounds, for every hundred pounds worth of goodsOrders Regulating the Indian Trade. 211 (and so in proportion), so to be imported as aforesd, two thirds thereof, to ye use of ye Mayor, aldermen, and Com- monalty of ye sd Citty, and ye oyr third part, to such person..........same, or upon pain and penalty of being...........Indians, for and dureing ye space of two yeares..........to be at ye choyce of ye person offending herein.......if any such Trader, shall have before or within three months...,. .sent to his factor beyond ye seas for such Indian goods as af..........here within ye said term, and such factor shall neglect to send on.. ... .in due time, if they come afterwards such Trader shall not incurr..... .of ye penaltyes hereinbefore pre- scribed any thing herein contained to ye contrary not- withstanding. That in case any Indian Trader convicted of merchand- izing, who shall make choyce of being debarred from tradeing with any Indian or Indians, for ye space of two whole yeares as aforesaid, shall within that time trade or trafique with any Indian or Indians shall forfeit for soe doeing such Indian Commodities so traded for, and moreover pay as a fine ye somme of five pounds for each offence; two third parts to ye use of ye Citty and ye other third part to ye use of such person as shall sue for ye same. That no merchant or other Person or Persons what- soever that trades and Merchandizes for any Indian Goods and Merchandizes in parts beyond ye Seas, shall trade or trafique with any Indian or Indians whatsoever within this City or County, upon penalty.......forfeiting such Indian Commodities, soe to...............penalty of paying as a fine for each offence............two thirds thereof to ye Mayor aldermen and Commonalty....... Citty, and ye oyr third part, to such person as shall sue for ye same. Whereas, the selling of ye severall small Indian wa.. .......in after named, would Conduce much to ye affording a comfortable livelyhood, to severall people inhabitants within this Citty, whose mean stocks renders them uncapable of dealeing in Commodities, of greater212 Orders Regulating the Indian Trade. value, in y* doeing whereof, they are obstructed, by ye constant resort of ye Indians to sucli persones as sell all sorts of goods, for ye remedy whereof, and for the makeing a more equall distribucon of ye Indian Trade amongst ye Inhabitants of this Citty, its hereby ordered that no Trader who hereafter shall sell DufFells, Strouds, Blanketts, and other Indian goods of value, shall or may sell or Dispose off, to any Indian or Indians whatsoever, these small wares after mentioned, viz1: Knives, Looking Glasses, Painting stuff, Boxes, Aules, Tobacco Pipes, Tobacco, Tobacco Boxes, flints, Steels, Sizers, Wire of any sort, Ribboning, Bottles, Thread, Salt, Sugar,Prunes, Apples, Razins, Juiseharps, Bells, Thimbles, Beedes, Indian Combs and Needles, upon pain and penalty of paying as a fine for each offence, ye some of twenty shill one moyety thereof to ye use of ye Mayor, aldermen and Commonalty of ye sd Citty, and ye other moyety to such Person as shall sue for ye same. That no Indian Trader whatsoever................toy wampum or oyr Indian Commodity from........upon pre- tence of procureing there gunns, hav......ded or fix1, nor shall they use any means dive...t........to cause any Indian or Indians to goe to any particular.... ....gunn stock maker for ye doeing thereof, but shall Leave.......or Indians att ye free liberty and ehoyce, to make use of and.......such smith and gun stock maker he or they please therein, on pain and penalty of paying as a fine for each offence ye some of twelve shillings one moyety thereof to ye use of ye Mayor, aldermen and Commonalty of ye said Citty, and ye oyr moyety to such person as shall sue for the same. And because it has been found by experience that it will be almost impossible to make discovery of ye breach of yc severall orders herein before mentioned by ye ordi- nary method of probacon, in reguard that the severall transactions wall be managed with so great secrecy, as none will be privy thereto butt the delinquents themselves or Indians, whose testimony are not held valid in law, for ye discovery therefore of such secrett practices ittsOrders Regulatmg the Indian Trade. 213 hereby ordered, that upon informacon made to ye Mayor, Recorder or any of ye Aldermen of ye said Citty, for the time being, by any Indian or Indians against any person or persons...........of ye orders herein and hereby before...........Aldermen and Commonalty of ye said Citty as........ .regulacon of ye sd Indian trade here- after...........forth his summones to ye party accused, requireing...........appear before him, then and there if he can upon his......himselfe of such acusation as aforesd, which if gu....shall refuse’ to do ye matter of fact in ye accusation con..........taken pro confess© and certifiate of such refuseal under ye hand of such Mayor, Recorder or Aldermen shall be deemed and entered as positive prooff thereof upon tryal if above on hearing before ye Mayor, if ye fine or penalty for such offence be under ye value of forty shillings. And because altho there be no such informacon given in by any Indians as afores'1, nor any other legall proof of delinquency in ye premises and yett there may be a violent presumption thereof, for ye perfect discovery of itt, It is hereby orded that upon ye information of any Christian (so it be upon oath to avoid clamours), to ye Mayor, Recorder or any of yn aldermen for ye time being that hee does verrily beleeve (and has good ground so to doe) that such a person has transgressed in ye premises, or in such other orders, or for ye regulation off trade here- after shall be made as aforesd, such Mayor Recorder or aldermen shall issue forth his summmonce, to ye party accused, requireing him forthwith to appeare, before him, then and there if he can upon his oath to purge himselfe of such accusation, as aforesd, which if such person shall refuse to doe ye matter of fact in ye information conteined shall be taken pro confesso, and a Certificate under ye hand of such Mayor, Recorder or aldermen, shall be deemed and esteemed as positive prooff thereof upon tryall, if above, or on hearing before ye Mayor if ye fine or penalty for such offence be.. .as aforesaid.... ******* may be duely observed, and ye offenders against them or214 Orders Regulating the Indian Trade, any of them impartially punished, without any manner of favor or connivance, its hereby ordered, yt ye Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or any of them to whom inform- ation shal be made, of any of ye breaches of these or any other such orders as aforesaid; shall with all convenient speed, bring the same to a determination by a heareing before ye Mayor if ye penalty of such offence, be under ye value of forty shillings, or by a try all att ye Mayors Court, or some other Court of Record if above that value, and that after an informacon made to such Mayor, Re- corder, or Aldermen, or any of ym, there be no composition or other and made with such delinquent or delinquents, then what is publicke and in ye open course of Justice, on penalty of ye summe of twenty pounds to be.. every such mayor, Recorder or Aid,..thereto, two third parts to ye use of ye....ye sd Citty, and yc other third........same. ... ..tinue a..... space of Seven .....fter the date hereof or till Ordered that the*. • • •• der..sent.(215) BATES OF EXCISE IX 1686. City of Albany ss. At a Common Councill held att the Citty hall of the said Citty on the 14th day of September in the second year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord James the second by the Grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King defender of the faith Su- pream and only Lord of the province of New Yorke &c: and in the year of our Lord 1686 Before Peter Schuyler EsqrMaior, Isaac Swinton Esqr Recorder, dirk wess^lls, Jan Jansz. Blecker, Johannes Wendlle, david schuyler, and Andrian Gerritze aldermen; and Jochim Staets, Lawerence Wendle, Melgert Wym antze, Isaack Verplancke, Albert Ryckman, and John Lansingh assisstants. Whereas ever since the first settlement of this place by the people of the nether dutch nation as well under their Government as since the same has been under the Subjection of his Majestye the King of England the fol- fowing small Packt or Excyse has been layd and taken upon the several Liquors hereafter mentioned Towards the defraying of the Publick Charges of the Citty in man- ner as herein after Is Expressed; Wee the said Mayor Aldermen and Comonalty doe hereby ordayne and order that for Ever hereafter the said small packt or Excise shall bee towards the defraying of the publick Charges of the Citty aforesayd to bee had and taken for and upon the several Liquors that shall be Consumed within the said Citty, and Libertyes and precincts thereof to be payed by the several and Respective persons as shall have and Consume the same In manner and forme fol- lowing: That is to say ffor Each barrell of Beer one216 Rates of Excise in 1686. shilling, fior each barrell of over Sea Beer one shilling and six pence, fifor Each anchor of Wine, Bum, Brandy, Spanish wine, distilled Waters or Malmsy one shilling and six pence, ffor each hoggshead of ffrench or ffyal wine tfour shillings and six pence (and so in proportion) Provided allways that those persons as formerlye have enjoyed the priviledge of Being Exempted from the pay- ing of said Excyse shall so continue to Enjoy the same any thing herein contained to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. Ordered that the aforesaid order be sent down to his Excell Thomas dongan Captaine Generali and Governour of this province for his Confirmation. Robt Livingstone l s. Read and ordered to Continue in force for the space of one year after the date hereof and in the mean time its Recommended to the Mayor Aldermen and Comonalty to Considderof some other more apt method for the Raising money for the defraying the publick Charges of that Citty It being the opinion of this board that no further taxe should beeLayd upon those Commodityesthat are Lyable to the payment of his Majestyes Revenue. Citty of Albany Order for an Excyse A D 1686.(217) JOHN LAMBERT IN ALBANY. [Near the close of the year 1807, Mr. John Lambert, an English traveler, left Montreal on a trip to the city of New York, which he extended to the southern and eastern states. There were no stages and but very indifferent roads in those days, and hence traveling was much less a luxury than it is now. Nevertheless, Mr. Lambert finds but little fault with the fare he meets with, and endures the perils and fatigues of riding over rough roads in a common farm wagon with great philosophy, and moreover found a great deal to speak well of. Leaving Salem, Washington county, about the 20th Nov., at dark, he says:] This night we passed through Cambridge, Hosick, Pittstown. and Schatchoke, all small neat towns. The fur- ther we went to the southward the less snow we found on the ground, and by the time we arrived at Lansing- burgh it entirely disappeared. We reached this town about four o’clock in the morning; but it was yet so dark, that I could only discern that it consisted of one long street of large brick houses, many of them apparently handsome buildings. Troy is situated but a few miles from Lansingburgh, and we arrived there about five o’clock. We put up at a large inn; and as we had now done with our wagon-drivers we paid them the twenty dollars according to our agreement, and parted mutually satisfied. We had no cause to complain of either of them, and the rough humour of Captain White had afforded us much mirth. Troy is a well built town, consisting chiefly of one street of handsome red brick houses, upwards of a mile and a half in length. There are two or three short streets which branch off from the main one; but it is in [Annals, viii.] 20218 John Lambert in Albany„ the latter that all the principal stores, warehouses and shops are situated. It also contains several excellent inns and taverns. The houses, which are all new, are lofty, and built with much taste and simplicity, though convenience and accommodation seems to have guided the architect more than ornament. The deep red brick, well pointed, gives the building an air of neatness and cleanliness seldom met with in old towns; but I can not say that I admire it so much as the yellow brick in England. The town is built on the east shore of the Hudson or North River close to the beach, and about six miles above Albany, which is situated on the opposite shore. Troy has been erected within the last twenty years, and is now a place of considerable importance. The trade which it has opened with the new settlements to the northward, through the states of New York and Vermont as far as Canada, is very extensive; and in an- other twenty years it promises to rival the old established city of Albany. Its prosperity is indeed already looked upon with an eye of jealousy by the people of the latter place. While we were at breakfast, newspapers came in from New York, containing accounts of the English expedition to Copenhagen, and the refusal of the British government to agree to the proposals of Mr. Pinckney, to negotiate a treaty upon the same terms as had been before so haught- ily rejected and sent back by Mr. Jefferson. We were much interested with the news, and the Americans appeared apprehensive that a wrar would take place between the two countries. Several strangers came into the room, and began to make some observations on the news: but none of our party made them any reply; for the Americans are so extremely captious upon political subjects, that they can never speak of them without entering into a dispute; and disputes generally terminate in quarrels. I soon perceived that the people were di- vided into two parties, the federalists and the democrats, and that both were equally violent in their political altercations. The federalists are as partial to the219 John Lambert in Albany. English as the democrats are to the French, and the people of those nations who reside in the States enlist themselves under the banners of these two parties. I shall have an opportunity of speaking more particularly of them in a future chapter, and for the present shall proceed with our journey. After breakfast we crossed the Hudson in a ferry-boat, and got into the stage which was going to Albany. It was similar to the one in which I had travelled from La Prairie to St. John’s, and is in general use throughout the States. It is in the form of a large coach, with open sides and front, and flat roof supported by eight pillars. The panels do not come up higher than the hip, and in wet or cold weather leather curtains are let down on each side; the buttons and straps are however frequently broken off, so that the wind and rain often find a ready admittance. This kind of carriage, notwithstanding its defects, is far superior to the Canadian calash for long journeys, as the later affords not the least shelter. It is always drawn by four horses, which in well settled parts of the United States are as good as the generality of English stage horses. The Americans have not yet in- troduced the close English stage with glass windows, probably on account of the hot weather which prevails there much more than in England, and the indifferent roads which are yet in existence in many parts of the Union, particularly to the southward, and in the back settlements. We rode along the border of the Hudson, which is prettily adorned with several small islands. It is suffici- ently deep to admit sloops up to Troy, and flat-bottomed boats much higher. The surrounding country is well settled, and presents to the eye the pleasing prospect of rich cultivated lands, woods, towns, villages, and scat- tered habitations. We arrived at Albany about noon, and put up at the Tontine coffee-house kept by Gregory. We now learnt that the river was frozen over several miles below Albany, and that the steamboat in which we intended to have taken our passage to New York was220 John Lambert in Albany. laid up for the winter. We were much disappointed at this news, as we were very desirous of seeing the con- struction and management of this celebrated vessel, which travels at the rate of five miles an hour against wind and tide. It was built about four years ago, under the direction of Mr. Fulton, an American gentleman of great mechanical abilities. The length of the boat is 160 feet, and her width in proportion, so as not too much to impede her sailing. The machine which moves her wheels is called a twenty-horse machine, or equal to the power of so many horses, and is kept in motion by steam from a copper boiler eight or ten feet in length. The wheels on each side are similar to those of water- mills, and under cover; they are moved backward or forward, separately or together, at pleasure. Her prin- cipal advantage is in calms or against head winds. When the wind is fair, light square sails, &c., are em- ployed to increase her speed. Her accommodations in- clude fifty-two berths besides sofas,and are said to be equal, if not superior to any vessel that sails on the river. They are necessarily extensive, as all the space unoc- cupied by the machinery is fitted up in a convenient and elegant manner. Her route between Albany and New York is a distance of 160 miles, which she performs regu- larly twice a week, sometimes in the short period of thirty- two hours, exclusive of detention by taking in and lauding passengers. She carries from 100 to 120 people. The fare from New York to Albany is seven dollars. The city of Albany has of late years rapidly increased in size, wealth, and population. A number of handsome dwelling-houses and public buildings have been erected, and the old heavy Dutch houses with the gable end towards the street are considerably diminished. One of the principal streets has a great resemblance to the Hay- market in London, being nearly the same width, and situated on an ascent. Albany contains about 6,000 inhabitants, and ranks next to the city of New- York in that state. The trade which is carried on in this city with the new settlements to the northward and westward221 John Lambert in Albany. is very considerable, and is daily increasing. We had excellent accommodations at Gregory’s, which is equal to many of our hotels in London. It is the custom in all the American taverns, from the highest to the lowest, to have a sort of table d'hote, or public table, at which the in- mates of the house and travellers dine together at a certain hour. It is also frequented by many single gentlemen be- longing to the town. At Gregory’s, upwards of thirty sat down to dinner, though there were not more than a dozen who resided in the house. A stranger is thus soon introduced to an acquaintance with the people, and if he is travelling alone, he will find at these tables some relief from the ennui of his situation. At the better sort of American taverns or hotels, very excellent dinners are provided, consisting of almost every thing in season. The hour is from two to three o’clock, and there are three meals in the day. They breakfast at eight o’clock upon rump steaks, fish, eggs, and a variety of cakes, with tea or coffee. The last meal is at seven in the evening, and consists of as substantial fare as the breakfast, with the addition of cold fowl, ham, &c. The price of board- ing at these houses is from a dollar and a half to two dollars per day. Brandy, hollands, and other spirits, are allowed at dinner; but every other liquor is paid for extra. English breakfasts and teas, generally speaking, are meagre repasts compared with those of America; and as far as I had an opportunity of observing, the people live, with respect to eating, in a much more luxurious manner than we do, particularly in the great towns and their neighbourhoods. But their meals, I think, are composed of too great a variety, and of too many things, to be conducive to health; and I have little doubt but that many of their diseases are engendered by gross diet, and the use of animal food at every meal. Many private families live nearly in the same style as at these houses, and have as great variety upon their tables. Formerly, pies, puddings, and cyder used to grace the breakfast table: but ihey are now discarded from the genteeler houses, and are found only at the small taverns and farm- houses in the country.222 John Lambert in Albany. Having hired a stage to take us to Hudson, about thirty miles below, on the east side of the river, we left Albany the following morning, and crossed over to the opposite shore in the ferry-boat. At the top of a hill, which rises gradually from the water side, we had a beautiful view of the city and its environs. Several gentleman’s seats appeared to great advantage, and the plantations, gardens, meadow lands, and orchards, in- terspersed among a number of handsome buildings, had a very picturesque effect. I only regretted that I was deprived of the pleasure of viewing such a pleasing scene at a more congenial season of the year. The day was however remarkably fine, which made some amends for the sombre tint of nature. The country through which we travelled this day was fruitful, well cultivated, and adorned with several neat farms and villages. In the evening we arrived at Hudson. This town is of modern construction, and like Troy consists of one very long street. The houses are of wood or brick; many of them built with taste, and all spacious and commodious. Shops and warehouses are numerous, and there are several large inns; from which I conceived that a considerable trade was carried on between this town and the interior. It has every appearance of a thriving settlement; and its situation is elevated and advantageous for commerce. There are several large brick warehouses near the wharfs for the reception of goods; and a great many small vessels sail continually between this towrn and New7 York. Ship- building is carried on here, and a vessel of 3 or 400 tons was just ready for launching. Several other vessels of that size were also in the harbour. The next morning. Sunday, 22d November, we em- barked on board the Experiment, a fine new sloop of 130 tons, built expressly for carrying passengers between Hudson and New York. The whole vessel was hand- somely fitted up. It had two private cabins abaft, containing several bed- places for ladies. In the midship wTas a large general room upwards of sixty feet long, and twenty feet wide*228 John Lambert in Albany. containing a double tier of bed-places on eacli side for gentlemen, with printed cotton curtains drawn before them. At the head of this cabin or room there was a bar, like that of a coffee-house, where the company were supplied with wine, bottled porter, ale, segars, and such articles ss wrere not included in the passage money. Between the bar and the forecastle was a very complete kitchen fitted up with a good fire-place, copper boilers,and every convenience for cooking. The forecastle was ap- propriated to the use of the sailors. The passage-money was five dollars, for which the passengers were provided during the voyage with three meals a-day, including spirits; all other liquors were to be separately paid for. About nine o’clock in the morning we left the wharf, which was crowded with people to see the vessel depart; for it was the largest and best of the kind, except the steam-boat, that sailed on the rivei as a packet. It had not been established above six months. The mainmast, boom, and mainsail were of immense size for a sloop, but we had ten or a dozen fine young fellows to work the vessel; and having a smart breeze, we soon left the town of Hudson far behind us. Mr. Elihu Bunker, who com- manded the vessel, was part owner as well as captain, and seemed to be a plain re igious sort of man. He had more the look of a parson than a sailor; and had posted up a long list of regulations at the cabin door, which, if properly enforced, were well calculated to keep his pas- sengers in good order. In truth, some thing of the kind was necessary; for we had upwards of fifty persons on board, nearly all men. Among the forbidden articles were playing at cards and smoking in the cabin. The morning was remarkably fine; the wind favoured us, and we had every prospect of an agreeable voyage. The month of November w~as but ill adapted to view the country to advantage; for the gay verdure of the fields and forests was now supplanted by the brown and gloomy hue of whiter. Yet the scenes that presented themselves along the shores of the Hudson were in some places of that grand and romantic description, and in others so224 John Lambert in Albany, beautifully picturesque, that they could not fail to inter- est the spectator at any season of the year. This river affords some of the noblest landscapes and scenery that are to be found in any part of North America. Nature and art have both contributed to render its shores at once sublime and beautiful.(225) MRS. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Elizabeth Schuyler, afterwards Mrs. Hamilton, was the second daughter of Gen. Philip Schuyler, and is sup- posed to have been born at the city residence of the family, on the corner of State and South Pearl streets on the 7th day of August, 1757. The house was taken down to widen the street several years ago, and adjoined the ancient Dutch house that now corners on those streets, Mrs. Solomon Southwick, who knew the house in the latter part of the last century, speaks of the interior as having been elegantly finished. ' She was married to Alexander Hamilton, then one of the aids of General Washington with the rank of lieu- tenant colonel, on the 9t.h of December, 1780, there being not quite a year’s difference in their ages. They lived together in the enjoyment of every blessing that could ren- der wedded life happy for nearly twenty-four years. To estimate her character properly it is necessary to bear in mind that of the individual who had selected her from the many who would have been proud of the distinction of his notice, as the companion of his life. The untimely death of Gen. Hamilton is too well known to need any notice here. He was in the 48th year of his age when he died, and left his wife with eight children, four boys and four girls, the youngest a help- less infant. Mrs. Hamilton survived her husband for half a century, and we have heard it said that during the whole of that time she retained the widow’s dress of that early period. A correspondent of one of the Boston papers, we believe the Transcript, published the following incident: Some there are who may recollect her on a visit to Boston, we think more than ten years ago. It so hap- pened that a horticultural celebration was about to take226 Mrs. Alexandr Hamilton. place at Faneuil Hall, and this distinguished lady was invited and placed in the desk, by the side of the presi- dent of the institution. There were clergymen and other dignitaries; but she was the only woman admitted on the platform. In the course of various addresses made from the table below, richly loaded with flowers, fruits, &c., Daniel Webster arose and begged leave to announce that the daughter of Gen. Schuyler and the widow of Gen. Hamilton was then present; and with his own happy and thrilling reminiscence, he dwelt on the departed. Mrs. Hamilton laid aside her black bonnet and arose. All was silent attention; those who sat near enough could read the tender and touching emotions of her coun- tenance. She turned to the president and addressed him. He immediately, in a graceful and appropriate manner, uttered the sentiments she expressed to him, and request- ed him to make known. When she left the desk and descended to the aisle, there was something truly congen- ial to our republic, and beautiful, in the simplicity other manner and the respect showed to her in our national hall. No one moved, but all silently waited. She walk- ed through the aisle, attended by one or two friends, bowing almost imperceptibly from one side to the other to the multitude, expressing her feelings by her counte- nance. Her simple and unpretending manner, and the silent, respectful homage of the people, seemed to contain a clear and beautiful demonstration of republican truth and sincerity. Mrs. Hamilton, after the death of the general, was devoted to acts of benevolence. She with Mrs. Bethune, founded the New York Orphan Society, one of the noblest charities of the age, and she was the presiding officer until she left New York to reside at Washington, when Mrs. Bethune assumed the duties of that office. Perhaps there is not another case on record where two ladies, the directress and second directress have filled offices in the same society for such a length of time. Mrs. Hamilton resided in Washington with a devoted daughter, for some years, enjoying a green old age, andMrs. Alexander Hamilton. 227 like Mrs. Madison, had her weekly reception mornings, and was always active in welcoming friends. She seldom if ever, went into general society, but on one occasion, and by particular desire, attended one of the President’s levees, where she excited the admiration of all; and, supported by the President’s arm, was introduced to each of his guests as a specimen of nearly a century past. A letter from a gentleman in New York to his friend in Boston, written on the 23d of August, 1851, thus speaks of Mrs. Hamilton while a resident of New York: She is now ninety-four years of age, and is in fine health and spirits. On my return from Fort Lee, to- day, I received a letter from her, containing a request that I would call and see her. The letter wras written in as clear and steady a hand as if she were not more than fifty. I received several letters from her last winter, dated from Washington, written in the same way. This letter was dated August 20th. 1851. She was to be found, she informed me, at Mr. Schuyler’s in Laight street, in this city, I called this afternoon to see her, and think of my surprise in finding that she had taken the cars for Con- necticut only an hour before. She told me in her last interview that her husband wrote the outline of his pa- pers in The Federalist, on board of one of the North river sloops, while on his way to Albany, a journey, (or rather a voyage) which in those days, usually occupied a week; and that public business so filled up his time, that he was compelled to do much of his studying and writing while traveling. Mrs. Hamilton lived to the very advanced age of ninety-seven years and three months, and died without a struggle, in full communion with the Episcopal church, and surrounded by her surviving children. FUNERAL OF MRS. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. [From the N. Y. Express.] As we go to press, the funeral knell of one of the worthiest women of her time, rings in our ears, from the towers'of Trinity Church, under whose shadow we pur-228 Mrs. Alexander Hamilton. sue our daily avocations. The day is dark and dreary, but the edifice is thronged with many who have come thither to pay the last sad tribute of respect to one who, apart from her own well known excellencies of character, was loved and honored as the life long partner of one of the most illustrious sons of the republic—Alexander Hamilton, the pure patriot, the brave soldier, the lofty statesman—the bosom friend of Washington. Mrs. Hamilton lived ninety-six years in the land. She had attained to womanhood before it had exchanged colpnial vassalage for the more noble condition of national inde- pendence. Amidst the many exciting scenes in political life, into which her relationship to Hamilton often threw her, her graces and virtues shone forth to adorn and dignify her sex. She survived many years the untimely death of her partner,—and as one gazes on the moulder- ing monument to his memory in Trinity Church yard, amid the solemn associations of the moment, the mind involuntarily recalls the saddening incident of his un- timely and melancholy end.(229) THE CITY RECORDS. Continued from vol. vii, p. 85. At a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 17th day of January 17 if.—Present, Rob1 Livingston Jun. Esq., Mayor, John Cuyler, Esq., Recorder, Hend. Hansen, Johan. Roseboom, Mynd1 Schuyler, Ab. Cuyler, Goose Van Schaick, John Pruyn, Egbert Gerritz, Nicolas Bleeker, Johannis Ten Broeck, Johs. Lansingh, David Schuyler, Jacob Lansingh. Condition whereon the Mayor, Aldermen and Common- ality of this City Design to Expose to Sale winter wheat which is to come from the Tenants at Schaahcook. The highest bidder shall on the delivery of ye wheat pay unto the Treasurer of this City ye money he shall bid for such wheat. Sold to Teunis Eghbertse 25 Skiple wheat at 25 25 25 25 25 10 Skiple Skiple Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 3s 6d. 3 s Johannis Cuyler, Leendert Gansevoort, To idem David van Dyk Myndert Schuyler David van Dyk - - Resolved by the Comonality that the following ordi- nance shall be publishd By the worshipfull Mayor, Aldermen & Comonalty of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. /6:17 /6:19 3s 6d Bs 6d Whereas complaints have been made v1 several pales were Lost in ye extinguishing of ye last fire y* was in this City wherefore it is Resolved that it shall be ordaind, Publishd and declard and it is hereby ordaind publishd and declard y* all owners of pales shall for ye future sett their respective marks on them, and yl all pales which [Annals, viii.] 21230 The City Records. shall at any time hereafter be lost in Extinguishing of tire which may happen in this city (which we hope God will prevent) shall be paid to the owners by ye Corpora- tion of this City, and if any person or persons shall keep or conceal any pale or pales not belonging to him her or them selvs shall forfiet for every such offence the sum of Twenty Shillings and Restore such pales to ye owners thereof. And Wheras Great abuses are dayly Committed in this City in the Sale of wood for preventing whereof It is ordaindPublishd and declard that from and after the 24th of this Instant January all Slees of two horses shall be 38 Inches wide and all wood so brought for sale thereon to be 8 foot wood measure in length and the Load 36 Inches high and that all Slees of one horse shall be 30 Inches wide and that the wood so brought for Sale there- on shall be 7 foot wood measure Long and the load to be 33 Inches high on penalty of forfeiting such wood so to be brought and Exposed to Sale for ye behoof of ye sheriff or any person that shall sue for ye same, and whereas Sundry persons within this City & County of Albany do presume to ryde with slees & horses in y° streets of y8 sfl City very fast and unrulely for preventing whereof It is hereby publishd ordaind& declared that from & after the publication hereof no person or persons Shall Ryde or drive any horse or horses with the slee, waggon or cart or otherwise in the street or lanes in ye sd City faster than on a steap or a very moderate trot on penalty of forfiet- ing for every such offence ye sume of six Shillings to be paid by ye owner Ryder or dryver of such horse slee wag- gon or cart for ye behoof of ye sheriff or any other person that shall sue for ye same dated ye 17th Jany in ye fifth year of his majesties Reign A. D. 171 f. The Comonality have this day Sold unto Johannis Dewandlaer for the Consideration of five pounds and Return the bonds he has of ye Comonality for £240:— which makes £250:—the land he has now in his posses- sion Situate lying & being at Schaahkook within the bounds of land belonging to ye said City bounded as in ye231 The City Records. Release he has given is expresd, paying for the said lands yearly & Every year thirty & one half bushell winter wheat unto ye mayor aldermen & Comonality of ye said City for ye time being their successors or assigns and that the mayor of the said City shall in behalf of ye Com- onality Sign a Release of said Land unto the said Johannis D’wandlaer his heirs & assigns for Ever and Cause the City Seale to be the same affixed and Enterd on ye publiek Records. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 28th day february 161-f It is Resolved by the Comonality that notice be given to Dirk vander Hey den; and Dirk Brat and Jacobus van Schoonhoven that they pay unto the Treasurer of this City the Rent they are in arrear for ye land at Schaah- kook being one year— The Petition of Johannis Knickerbacker, Johans. D’- wandlaer, Dirk van veghten, Lewis viele, Corsett vedder, Marten Dellemont & Peter winne was Read. The petition of Dirk van Veghten being Read Setting forth that he has made articles of Agreement with Daniel Ketelhuyn to Release his land at Schaahkook to him for ye Consideration of =£270: to be paid at ye delivery & Execution of a lawful Release of ye same which he may do at before the Expiration of six year, and being oblidgd by his Indentures to give ye worships ye Refuzall thereof which he by his said Petition doth give. The Comonality have taken the sd petition into their Consideration do grant Leave unto the said Dirk van Veghten to dispose of y° said Lands unto ye sd Daniel Ketelhuyn It is Resolved yl Robert Livingston Jun. Esq. Mayor shall in behalf of ye Comonality Sign a Lease unto Isaac vanvalkenburgh for Eight morgans of land Situate Lying & being at ye verreberg within ye Limitts and bounds of ye s1 city where ye sf Isaac vanvalkenburgh now lives beginning at a small Rivelett which vents into yc verre- berghs Creek or Run of water to ye Eastwards of his house Running up westerly along ye sd Rivelett Cross ye high232 The City Records. way which Leads to Schinectady to a Certain small mash or meadow which is to ye westward of ye s1 house, thence to ye verrebcrghs Creek thence along y° sd Creek or Run of water to ye place it first begun, and yx for ye term of thirty one year Comeneing the first day of April last past for his heirs to pay yearly dureing the said term after ye month of may 1721, two Sldple of good merchandable wheat & a couple of fatt hens, and yl the City Seale be thereunto affixed and the be Enterd on ye public Record of the said City— This day the Comonality have Resolved that Robert Livingston Junr. Esqr. mayor Shall in behalf of ye Com- onality Sign and Release unto Symon Danielsethe water Run of a certain Small Creek scituate lying and being on the East side of hudsons River on ye south side or end of ye land of ye sd Symon Danielse being over against the land belonging to the heirs of David Ketelhuyn deed—to make erect & build a griss mill thereon paying yearly and every year unto ye sd mayor aldermen & Commonality and their Successors for ye time being after ye first day of may 1724 for Ever the Just quantity of six Shiple of good merchandable winter wheat in ye month of January or February for Ever—under such Exceptions and Condi- tions as by sd Release may appear and yl ye Seale of ye said City shall be thereunto affixed and ye same be entered on ye public Records of ve said City and County. The Petition of Thomas Williams being Read Desiring the Refuzall of small piece of ground Lying between his Lott formerly belonging to Gabriel Thomson decd and ye City Stokados Resolved yl the Ground be viewed and yl he shall have ye Refuzall thereof. Att a Comon Council held in the City hall of Albany the 14th day of March 17 If Tt is Resolved by ye Comonality that the native Indian owners of ye land Called Tionondorogue in ye maquase Country shall as soon as Conveniently may be, be sent for to come to the City in order to purchase from them One thousand acres of meadow land.233 The City Records. The Comonality have this day Granted unto Barentje widow of Thomas Barret a Lott of ground containing in breadth thirty foot and in length one hundred foot Situate lying and being agst. ye gallows hill, fronting with y° Corner of ye pasture of Johans. Mingael, and yt for ye same of nine pounds— Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 17th day of March 17 If Whereas the mayor aldn. and Comonaltj^ of ye sfl City did on ye 9th day of last past publish an ordinance pro- hibiting all Indian trade without this City as by ye sd Ordinance more at large may appear and Complaints are dayly made yl ye same is not put in Execution according to ye true Intent and meaning* thereof werefore it is Re- solved to desire the mayor Recorder and aldn. to put the same in Execution as soon as Conveniently it may be done and y1 all Charges of suits or otherwise which may issue by putting ye sd Ordinance in Execution shall be pd & defraied & bee on ye Charge of ye s'! City whereto y° assistants do Especially promise to stand & perform as far as in ym lyes. Att a meeting of the Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 22th day of April 1719. The Comonalty have this day sold unto Peter D Gar- moy for the sume of fifteen pounds payable in three year a Certain piece of ground Scituate lying & being in the fosenkill beginning on the west by the fence of ye Pas- ture in possession of Wm. Gysbertze widow on‘ye north of ye sd fossenkill containing in breadth three Rodd and in length ten Rodd all Rynland measure. It is Resolved by ye Comonality that the following ordinance be published (viz.) By the worshipfull Mayor Aldermen and Comonality of the City of Albany An Ordinance. Whereas that Severall persons do Leave their fire wood on the streets Lanes and passages of ye sd City as also234 The City Records• durt filt & dung before their houses and lotts, It is there- fore ordaind publishd and declared that all Person or persons shall at or before ye tenth day of May now next Ensuing Remove their firewood from the streets, as also to clean ye said Streets lanes and passages and pavements within the said City before his her or their houses and Lotts of ground of all dirt, filt and dung within the said time on penalty of six shillings for every offence for the behoof of ye Sheriff who is to sue for ye same. And whereas the water Courses in severall Streets of the sl City are much stopd up so that ye water has no certain course to vent dry & drain ye sd street wherefore it is Resolved that it shall be ordaind Publishd and de- clard and it is hereby ordaind Publishd and declard that on or before ye first day of August now next Ensuing there shall be so much ground dugg out & carryd away from such places in ye said City and in such manner as the Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Comonalty of the said City or ye aldermen & assistants in Each Respective ward shall order direct & appoint, the severall owners or Tenants before whose houses or lotts any ground is lying which shall be Judgd to them to be Removd dugg up and carryd away and prevents ye water to drain and dry ye sd Streets on penalty of Twenty Shillings for every 'week after ye sd first day of Augf any person or persons who shall neglect or Refuse to perform and do what he her or they shall be ordered to do and perform as aforesd for ye behoof of ye sheriff who is to sue for ye same Given in Albany ye 22 day of April in ye fifth year of his majesties Reign A. D. 1719. Att a Comon Councillheld in the City hall of Albany the 26th day of May 1719. Adriaen Quackenboss appearing in Comon Councill desires ye Comonality that they will be pleased to dispose unto him Twenty morgan of meadow land & ten morgan of wood land at Schaahkook on ye North side of ye Creek Resolved to clear and discharge the said land from ye pretention ye Indians have thereon w’h when done ye said Adriaen shall have ye refusall thereof,The City Records. 235 Att a Comon Council] held in the City hall of Albany ye 29 day of May 1719. This day the Comonality have sold unto Adriaen Quackenboss a Certain piece of Land scituate lying and being at Schaahkook on the north side of ye Creek over ags1 the house & hoftstead of Daniel Ketelliuyn contain- ing Twenty morgans of meadow land and Twenty morgan of wood land on the hill and that for the sume of one hundred and ninety pounds currant money of New York half of w'h sume to pay first May 1720 and the other half thereof first May 1721, for w*h sumes he is to give bond with security and to Receive Indentures for the land be- tween this and October next with condition to pay yearly Thirty Bushels of winter wheat after ye months of Janu- ary or February 172-f in that in ye months of January or February It is Resolved that the mayor shall in behalf of ye Comonality sign ye sd Indenture and cause ye Seale of ye s'1 City to be thereto affixed taking such bond and secu- rity as above is expressed. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 14th day of July 1719. The Comonality having sold unto Jeronemus van Vlieren a certain lott of ground scituate lying and being at the bottom of the Gallows hill on the south of the lott of Barentje Baret wid’w containing in breadth thirty five foot and in length one hundred & twenty foot wood mea- sure, and for yc sume of twenty pounds six pound thereof on ye first of October next, seven pounds in October 1720 & seven pounds in October 1721. The Comonality have also sold unto Peter D. Garmoy a certain lott of ground scituate lying and being at the bottom of the Gallows hill and south of lott of Jeronemus van Ylieren contain- ing in breadth thirty five foot and in length one hundred and twenty foot wood measure and yl for ye sume of <£20: Six pound thereof on the first of October next, Seven pounds in October 1720, and Seven pound in October 1721, on condition to receive a release when ye last pay- ment is done & performd.236 The City Records. Johannis Redlif has also bought of ye Comonality a certain lott of ground scituate lying and being at ye bot- tom of ye gallows hill on ye south of ye lott of Peter D. Gar- moy containing in breadth thirty five foot and in length one hundred & twenty toot wood measure and that for the sume of <£20: Six pound thereof on the first of Octo- ber next, Seven pounds in October 1720 and Seven pound in October 1721. Obediah Coeper appeariug in Comon Councill desires ye Comonalty to dispose unto him a certain spott of ground behind his lot w’h ye Comonality have taken in consideration & do grant unto him the prevelege to use ye sd spott of ground until such time as they shall dispose of ye same and yl then he shall have the refuzall thereof. Att a Mayors Court held in the City hall of Albany ye 28th day of July 1719 It is orderd that the following Sumonce be sent to Volkert Symonse (viz.) To Volkert Symonse of Schinectady. You are hereby given notice & acquainted to appear here in ye City hall of Albany on ye Eleventh day of August next ensuing to give your reasons why the two pieces of Strowds which were lately seized from you shall not be condemnd accord- ing to the direction of the City Charter dated in Albany ye 28th day of July 1719. pr. order of ye Court Per Cur’m Phi. Livingston D. C. The Court adjourned till this day forthnight. August 11th.-—Volkert Symonse of Schinectady appears in Court) to whom a Sumonce was sent last Court to appear at this to give'his reasons why the two pieces of Strowds seized from him should not be condemned accord- ing to ye directions of ye City Charter; and refers himself to ye consideration of the Court. The Court having taken consideration the two pieces of Strowd seized by Adam Haydon Deputy Sheriff from Volkert Symonse do con- demn them to be disposed off according to the directions of ye Charter of the City of Albany.The City Records. 237 Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany 30th day of July 1719. Daniel Ketelhuyn appearing in Comon Councill gives unto them the refusall of Seaven morgan of land scituate lying and being at Schaahkook on ye great flatts w’h he has sold unto Harmanus Wendell for Sixty five pounds and desires liberty if they do not take ye sd land that he may dispose of ye same Resolved that he may sell ye same when he pleases. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 11th day of August 1719. Upon application of Volkert Symonse to the mayor aldermen and comonality that they will be pleased to give him their third in the two ps. strowds condemnd from him this day which is taken in consideration do release their third unto him accordingly. Resolved that notice be given by advertisement that all persons who have accounts or claims on this City to bring in their acU at or before the 28th instant and fol- lowing persons are appointed a Comittee to view Sc audit the Citys accounts, viz. Johs. Roseboom, Mynd1 Schuyler, Johs. Pruyn Esqr’s, aldm & Nicolas Bleecker & Johannis Ten Broeck assistants and bring in their Report in Comon Councill on or before 22th Do. Att a Comon Councill held in the City of Albany ye 12th day of September 1719 Resolved that the Rob1 Livingston Jun’r Esq’r mayor shall in behalf of the Comonality signd and release for Barentje Spoor for a certain lott of ground scituate lying and being at ye foot of ye gallows hill the north side thereof in fronting with ye lence of the pasture of Johs. Mingael stretching southerly towards the wid’w of Isaac Caspers’ wid’w ye breadth of thirty five foot and in length westerly up ye hill one hundred and twenty foot wood measure and that y[ City Seale be thereunto affixed and ye same to be enterd in the publick Records. And also Resolved said Robert Livingston Jun’r Esq’r mayor shall238 The City Records, sign and release in behalf of ye Comonality for Jeronemus yan Vlieren for a certain lott of ground scituate lying and being att ye bottom or foot of ye gallows hill on the south of ye lott of Barentje Barret wid’w containing in breadth thirty five foot and in length one hundred and twenty foot wood measure and yfc.ye City Seale be there- unto affixed and ye same to be entered in ye public .Re- cords. Albany ye 29th September 1719. This day being appointed by the Charter of this City for aldermen of each Respective wards to make Return of aldermen assistents and Constables Choisen for ye Ensuing year viz11 First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants. Myndert Schuyler Johannis Ten Broeck Goose van Schaick David van Dyck Joh’s G. Lansingh Constable. Second Ward. Johan’s Roseboom Niecolas Bleeker Abraham Cuyler Johan’s Lansingh Thomas Sharpe Constable. Third Ward. Hendrick Hansen Johannis Hansen Johannis Pruyn David Schuyler Gerrit vand Bergh Constable Johannis D. Garmoy is chosen High Constable Teunnis Brat chosen Chamberlain of this City. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany y9 3d day December 1719—Present Mynd1 Schuyler Esq’r mayor, John Cuyler Esq’r Recorder, Abraham Cuyler, Goose van Schaick, Johan’s Pruyn Esq’rs Aldermen Joh’s Ten Broeck, Johan’s Hansen, David Schuyler, David van Dyck assistants. The following persons are appointed by the Comonality to be fire masters for the year ensuing—239 The City Records. First Ward. Joseph Yetts Hendrik Halenbeek Second Ward. Reynier Myndertse Tieleman van Schelluyne Third Ward. Philip van Veghten Peter Bogaert By the Worshipfull Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Com- onality of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas in and by our Charter under the Seale of the Province of Newyork bearing date the Twenty Second day of July 1686, for the Consideration therein Expressd amongst divers other things there is granted Ratifyed and Confirmed unto the mayor aldermen and Comonality of the said City for the time being To have hold and Enjoy the Preveledge Preheminence and advantage of haveing within their own walls the sole management of the trade with all the Indians Liveing within and to yfc Eastward northward and westward of the County of Albany within the Compass of 'his maj’es Dominions heretherein & thereby prohibiting and Discharging all and Every the Inhabitants of yesd Province (the Inhabitants of the City of Albany Excepted) to trade or trafique with any of the five nations of Indians Called y® Sennekes Cayouges Onnondages Onneydes and Maquase who live to the west- ward or with any other Indian or Indians whatsoever within the County of Albany or to the Eastward north- ward or westward thereof so far as his said Majesties Dominions here do or may Extend, or to have or keep within their houses or Elsewhere any Indian goods or merchandize upon penalty of the forfeiture & Confiscation of such Indian Comodities whatsoever Except Indian Corn venison & drest dear skins so traded for and upon pain and penalty of the forfeiture & Confiscation of all such Indian goods and merchandize as gunpowder Duf- fells Rum and all sort of other Indian goods and mer- chandize which should at any time hereafter be found Conceald or'kept in any house or place without the walls240 The City Records. of the said City and within ye said County and other the Limitts and boundaries therein and herein before sett forth and prescribed to be sued for prosecuted & disposed oft in such manner as therein is particularly sett forth Sc prescribed. Be it therefore ordaind publishd and declard and it is hereby ordaind publishd and Declard that no person or persons whatever within this City and County or without the same within the Limitts and boundaries aforesd shall trade or trafique with any Indian or Indians for any bever or peltry or any Indian Comodities without the gates of this City Except for Indian corn venison and drest dear skins on penalty of forfeiting such Indian Comodities so traded for. to be taken and sued for by the sheriff his deputy or deputys, as also under penalty of being fined for so trading at yc discretion of such Court before whom the same shall be prosecuted so as such fine Exceed not Twenty pound Curant money of this Country twro thirds of such fine so to be adjudged to the mayor aldermen and comonality of the said City and the other third to the sherrif his deputy or deputys or such person or persons as shall sue for ye same. Be it further ordaind publishd and Declard and it is hereby ordaind publishd and declard that no person or person whoever within the said City and County or with- out ye same within ye Limitts or Boundaries aforesd shall have and keep within their houses or elsewhere without ye gates of ye sd City any Strowds blankets Bum or any Indian comodities or merchandize so kept & concealed as aforesd except 5 gall. Bum for Christean use to be taken and sued for by ye sherrif his deputy or deputies one third part to ye use of ye mayor of ye sd city for ye time being one third to ye use of ye mayor aldermen & comon* alty of y8 sd City and one other third to ye sherrif his deputy or deputys who are to sue for ye same Given in Albany ye 3d day of Dec’r in ye Sixth year of his maj’es Beign A. D. 1719. N. B. This ordinance was published the 19th day of December 1719.241 The City Records. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 26*th day of January 17tHK The mayor aldermen and comonality have this day sold unto Thomas Williams a small lott of grounds scitu- ate lying and being in this City near ye horse block house in breadth on ye front twelve foot and in length Ten Rodd & one foot & behind fourteen foot Rynland measure haueing on yc west ye street on ye north ye ground of ye sd Williams & on ye south ye ground of Peter Ryckman, and yl for ye consideration of Eighteen pounds one half thereof ye first of May next & ye other half ye first of May 1722. The mayor aldermen and Comonality have this day sold unto Obediah Cooper a small lott of ground scituate lying and being in this City by ye horse guard block house being in breadth in front on ye west 21 foot & behind to ye East 7 foot & 2 inches and in length on ye north side Six Rod four foot & on ye south side seaven rods & a half Rynland measure having on ye west the street & and ys sd block house on ye north ye lott of Thomas Williams and the south ye ground of ye sd Obediah Cooper and yt for ye consideration af ten pounds half thereof ye first of May next and the other half ye first of May 1721. Ordered yl ye mayor shall in behalf of ye Comonality signd Releases for ye sd ground and that ye same shall be enterd in the public Records. It is Resolved that David van Dyck one of the assist- ants shall procure work men and materialls to Pave ye Street between ye north west corner of ye Church and house of Anna Maria Cartense and y1 at the charge of ye City. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 21st day of March 17-Jf. Resolved by ye Comonality yl ye following ordinance be published. By ye Worshipfull mayor aldermen & Comonality of ye City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas severall streets lanes and alleys within this [Annals, viii.] 22242 The City Records. City are stopd up with dung chips dirt hit and fire wood to ye great damage of several Inhabitants of ye sd City for the preventing whereof and yl ye same may he Removd be it ordaind publishd and declard that all owners or Tenants before whose houses or lotts of ground any dung chips dirt filt or fire wood is placed shall be Removed & carryd away at or before the second day of April next ensueing on penalty of Twelve Shillings and for every day ye same shall Remain after the 2d of April the sume of six shillings for yl behoof of ys sheriff to be Recoverd before ye mayor Recorder or any one of ye aldermen of the s'1 City. It is also Resolved that is shall be ordaind publishd Sc declard yl the street which goes in by ye South Corner of ye house of Fredrich Myndertse and ye north corner of ye lott of the heirs of Marcelis Janz. now calld Spanish street and also ye street between ye houses and lotts of Jacob Lansingh shall be paved by the owners or tenants of ye houses and lotts of ground fronting ye sd streets on or before ye first day of June next and that in such manner as the mayor or aldermen of this City shall direct on penalty of twenty shillings for ye behoof as aforesd & to be Recoverd as aforesd. The Inhabitants of the City of Albany as hereby notice given y1 on y° 2d day of April next there will be disposed to sale at ye City hall of Albany at a public vendue to ye highest bidder some wheat w’h ye Corporation has recd for Rent from ye tenants at Schaahkook. The Comonality of this City have this day granted unto Cap1 Jacobus van Schoonhoven, Johannis D’Wandlaer and Dirk van Yeghten the fall and water course of Tamhenicks Creek lying and being within the bounds of Schaakook for the term of twelve years comencing 1st May 1720 and ending 1st May 1732 to erect & build a Sawmill on the said Creek near the said fall and to ride and saw yearly four hundred and fifty Saw Loggs to the said Sawmill, for w’h Liberty the said Jacobus van Schoonhoven, Joh’s D’Wandlaer & Dirk van Yeghten is to pay yearly and every year during the said Term unto the mayor243 The City Records. aldermen & Comonality and their Successors in the month of May ye quantity of two hundred mercliandable deal boards to be delivered at the City of Albany free from all costs and charges and that at y€ expiration of ye sd time they are to have the Refusall to farm the s(1 mill again before any other person but in case another person doth farm the same then the said mill shall be appraizd by indifferent Persons & y3 money so to be appraizd to be paid by ye mayor aldermen & comonality to ye sd Jacob Schoonhoven, John D. Wandlaer & Dirk van Yeghten their heirs So assigns. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 26th day March 1720. The Petition of severall Inhabitants of the north part of the pearle street and others in the Second ward of the City being read praying that ye Comonality will grant the ground now vacant between yR house & lott of Joh’s Visger and the lott of Rutger Rleecker may be layd out for a publick Street. The Comonality haveing taken the said Petition in consideration do grant that there shall remain a comon Street running up westerly five foot from ye north of ye house of ye sd Johannis Yisger twenty one foot in breadth Rynlands measure. This day"the Comonality have caused Hendrick Oothout sworn Surveyor to measure & lay out ye following Streets viz1 beginning at the Corner of ye Lott of Jacob Yisger and the Corner of the Lott of Schibboleth Bogardus, run- ning from thence Northerly to the Lott of the heirs of Jan Dirkse and the Lott late belonging to Adries Dvoss decd to be in breadth at the north end of the said Street two Rod, and the Street on the north end of the pearle Street being opposite to the Corner of the Lott of Johannis Bleeker Jun’r to be in breadth Seaven Rodd Running up northerly till the end of the sd Street where it is to con- tain Six Rod & ten. foot all Rynland measure. It is Resolved that all ye vacant Ground on ye north ye lott of ground late belonging to Andries Dvoss decd:244 The City Records. and others on the north part of the City near and front- ing ye foxes Creek Shall for Ever hereafter Remain in Comon for ye use of ye Inhabitants of ye sd City. The Comonality have this day sold unto Wynant. Van- derpoel a small Lott of ground scituate lying and being before his house and that for ye surae of live pounds to be payd on ye 29th day Sep1 next. Yesterday ye Comonality sold unto Johannis van Santen a small piece of ground lying on ye north end of his lott and y1 for ye sume of four pounds ten shillings on ye 29th day of Sep1 next ensuing. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 28th day of March 1720. The petition of the Inhabitants of the first ward of the City of Albany being read, setting forth that at the time of election according to the Charter they made choice of maj’r Myndert Schuyler for an alderman in that ward who was appointed by the president of our province of New York to be mayor of the sd City for the then ensuing year and therefore praying that they may proceed to a new election for another alderman for ye said ward. The Comonality haveing taken the sd petition in consideration, do make void the election the Inhabitants made on ye 29th day of Sep1 of maj’r Myndert Schuyler for an aider- man of ye sd ward since is appointed to be mayor of ye sd City and grant the petitioners and other Inhabitants of ye said first ward may proceed to a new Election for an alderman. This day the mayor aldermen and comonality have sold unto Mathews Flensburgh a piece of ground behind his Lott for ye sume of four pounds ten shillings half on ye 29th Sep1 and the other half on ye first day of May next. Att a Comon Councill held in ye hall of Albany ye 2d day of April 1720. The mayor aldermen and comonality have Pursuant to the Resolution ofye 21st of March according to the Pub- lick notice then given, Disposed of ye wheat received for245 The City Records, Rent from the Tenants at Schaahkook at a Publick ven- due to ye highest bidder on the condition following: That the highest bidder of any of ye said wheat shall Receive ye sd wheat so bidd for on or before ye pmo. of May next and on the Rec1 thereof shall be obliged to pay for the same, and the first bidder shall have the choice of the said wheat /152: Dirk Vanderheyden J 69:4 Barent Brat 168: Barent Brat 150 Barent Brat 150 David Schuyler 150 Joh’s Cuyler 150 Baltus van Benthuysen 147:12 Dirk Brat 151:4 Dirk Brat 148:16 Leendert Gansevoort 150 Leendert Gansevoort 147:12 Thomas Williams 145:4 Leendert Gansevoort 144: Ph. Livingston f2123:13 24 Skepel at 3s 3d 24 Skepel at f 7:1 24 Skepel at 7: £4:4 24 Skepel at 6:5 3:15 24 Skepel at 6:5 3:15 24 Skepel at 6:5 3:15 24 Skepel at 6:5 3:5 24 Skepel at 6:3 24 Skepel at 6:6 24 Skepel at 6:4 24 Skepel at 6:5 24 Skepel at 6:3 24 Skepel at 6:1 24 Skepel at 6: Pursuant to the order of Comon Counciil on the 28th of March to warn ye Inhabitants of the first ward in this City have preceeded to Elect an alderman in room of Mynd* Schuyler Esq’r present mayor, who have chosen Mr Harmanus Wendell for alderman who is now sworn m that office. It is Resolved by the Comon Counciil that Myn# bchuyler Esq’r mayor Abraham Cuyler Esq’r alderman Johannis Hansen & David Schuyler asst’s be appointed a Comittee to gett the Property of this Corporation Sur- veyd by a sworn Surveyor scituate & being at Schaakook and that neighbors be warning given whose lands joyns next to yt of ye Corporation and make a report thereof as soon as conveniently may be, and also y* ye sd Comittee view ye land, Jacob Fort, Johannis Knickerbacker, Dirk V anderheyden & Peter Winne have desird to purchase from ye Comonality.246 The City Records. Att a Mayors Court held in the City hall of Albany ye 3d of May 1720. The Court opend and adjournd till this day forthnight. Whereas that by vertue of the Charter granted to the major aldermen & Comonality of this City there was on ye 19th day of this Instant dec’r publishd an ordinance by the now mayor aldermen & comonality of the said city Prohibiting thereby that no person or persons whatsoever within the City & County of Albany shall trade or tra- fique with any Indian or Indians for any bever or peltry or any Indian Comodities without the walls of the said city (Except for Indian corn venison and drest dear skins) and that no person or persons whatsoever within the sd City or County or without ye same shall have or keep within their houses or elsewhere without the walls of the said city any strowds blankets rum or other Indian Com- odities or merchandize whatever on such penalty and forfeiture as by ye sd ordinance recourse thereunto being had may more fully and at large appear, and since it has been found by experience that severall persons in defiance of ye ordinance formerly published relating the Indian trade have presumed to trade & trafique with the Indians contrary to the said ordinances We do therefore hereby Require & Comand you to make a sarch in all houses barns ware houses or else- where of such person or persons who profess the Indian trade and are suspected to profess the same in the said County and without the walls of the said City and to seize all Strowds Duffells Blankets, powder, ozenbrighs Rum or other Indian Comodities (Except five gallons Rum Blankets and other necessaries for ye use of Christian families) as also all bever otters fishers Bearskins or any other sort of peltry (Except Indian corn venison and drest dear skins) there so to be found and the same to remain in your custody until ye same be Condemned and Confiscated according to the directions of ye said Charter, hereof you are not to fail and for so doing this shall be your sufficient Warrant, Given under our hands in Al»The City Records. 247 bany the 21st day of Dec’r in the sixth year of his maj’s Reign AnnoqeDo. 1720. Myndert Schuyler, Joh’s Cuyler, Hend. Hansen, Abraham Cuyler, Goose Vanschaick, Johannes Pruyn. To Gerrit Vanschaick, Esq. Sheriff of the City & County of Albany or to his Deputy. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 18th day of June 1720. Whereas the Rutten Creek has done much damage occasiond by the late Sowr cf Rain and stoping of ye water in yesd Creek and by ye owners & tenants who stop ye sam up with dung dirt hit & old wood which they leave in ye sd Creek and yl their schoring or wall at ye side of ye sd Creek are much decayed and out of repair. Wherefore it is hereby orderd and Resolved that for ye future ye walls at ye sides of ye sd Creek from the upper end of ye ground of Johannis Schuyler & Antho. van Schaick till ye end of ye Lotts of Collo. Peter Schuyler & Johannis Lansingh, which are now out of repair shall be made and repaired on or before ye first of August next by ye owners orTenants whose Lotts of ground front and are bounded to ye sd Creek and y1 in such manner of hight breadth and of such materialls as ye mayor, the aldermen and assistants of ye first ward or any of them shall order & appoint It is also ordered that ye sd owners or tenants shall within four days clear ye said Rutten Creek behind and fronting their lotts. Resolved yl Public notice be given by advertizement that ye mayor aldermen and comonality of ye City of Albany design to dispose of severall small peices of land within ye Bounds of land of ye sd City at Schaahkook at or before ye 10th of July next and those that are inclind to purchase any of them may then appear before unto ye comonality and hear on what condition and terms ye same shall be disposed of It is also Resolved yt all ye Publick Streets & passages within this City which are incroacli’d by persons who have presum’d to sett in & build in ye sd248 The City Records. streets and passages shall be reculated by ye sd Comon- ality on or before ye last day of August next. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 9th day of July 1720. It is thought proper by y? Comon Councill that Philip Livingston, D. Clark do take ye following oath viz1, you swear that you shall keep secret all lavs & occurrances w’h shell happen and be acted in Comon Councill of this City all such things Sc matters as shall be told you by the Mayor which ought to be kept a secret, so help you God. The Recorder, Abraham Cuyler, Harmanus Wen- dell, Goose van Schaick & Joh’s Pruyn, Esq’rs Ald’n, & Baltus van Benthuysen, marshall, have taken ye above oath. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 11th day of July 1720. The Mayr Aldermen & Comonality of the City of Al- bany have this day sold unto Daniel Ketelhuyn a certain peice wood land scituate lying Sc being at Schaakook on ye north side of the Creek about 400 paces above ye pro- perty of Adrian Quackenboss lying under a hill contain- ing about six morgan wherein is comprehended a mash of about two morgan* for which he is to pay nine pound in two payments four pound ten shillings on pmo. Jan’y next and four pound ten shillings on pmo. Jan’y 1722, and pay unto the mayor aldermen and comonality and their successors for ever ye quantity of two skiple of wheat for ever ye first payment to comence in Jan’y 1781. The Comonality have this day sold unto Peter Winne a certain piece of land'at Schaahkook being on ye west of Tamhenicks Creek under the hill where ye Comon Road runs over, containing about three morgan more or less for which he is to pay the sume of nine pounds cur- rant money of New York in two payments the first on pmo. Jan’y next being four pounds ten shilling and ye like sume on or before pmo. Jan’y 1722, and to pay unto ye249 The City Records. mayor recorder aldermen and comonality and their suc- cessors forever ye quantity of three skiple of winter wheat ye first payment to comence in Jan’y 1731, The mayor aldermen and comonality have this day sold unto David Schuyler for ye sume of thirty pounds to he paid in three equall yearly payments ye first on pmo. Jan’y next the two peices of land, the one being a flatt or plain about one Englise mile distance from a certain flatt of land lyihg on ye Schaahkooks creek contains six morgan beginning by a white pine tree which stands just upon ye bank of ye river, from thence along ye river to a small run of water and thence along ye sd run of water to ye stone bank or land to the place where begun and a certain tract of land over against Anthonys creek containing seaven morgan and a half bounded on ye west by ye river on ye south by a run of water on ye east by pine woods on ye north by two pine trees together with a morgan for a hoftstead—paying after ten years a skiple of wheat for each morgan. Att a Comon Council! held in ye City hall of Albany ye 30th day of August 1720. The mayor aldermen and comonality have this day for the consideration of twenty two pounds ten shillings re- leased unto Isaac Fryer a lott of ground scituate lying and being at the foot of the gallows hill on ye north side of ye comon road about five rodd distance from ye house and lott of Barentje Barret wid’w, containing in length one hundred and twenty foot and in breadth thirty five foot all wood measure, having on ye east & south the street and on ye west and north the comons. It is ordred that the sd release shall be signdby ye mayor in behalf of ye comonalty and that the same shall be en- terd on the public records. Whereas complaints are made that severall persons have omitted & neglected to pave ye street called Spanish street—according as they are orderd & directed by an ordance dated ye 21th day of March last It if therefore ordered that ye owners of ye houses and lott fronting ye sd25 0 The City Records. street shall pave ye same at or before p'mo. October next on penalty of twenty shillings for every offence and 3s. for every day ye same shall be undone, to be paid by ye owner of each lott. Whereas ye walls at ye sides of ye Rutten Creek are much decayd & out of repair wherefore the mayor aider- men & comonality of ye city of Albany do order and direct that ye owners or tenants whose lotts of ground front ye sd Rutten creek from ye upper end of the ground of Job’s Schuyler & Anthony Vanschaick untill ye end of ye lotts of Cold. Schuyler & Johannis Lansingh shall be made & repaird by ye sd owners or tenants on or before the last day of Sep1 next and y1 in such manner of hight and breadth and of such mateiialls as ye mayor ye aldermen and assistants of ye first ward or any of them shall order & direct and in case any person or persons shall delay or neglect to repair as aforesd shall forfeit twenty shillings and also three shillings for every day ye same shall be undone. Resolved that ye Resolution made on ye 18th of June last relateing ye regulation'of streets in this city expird by its own limitation shall be and continue in force till y° last of Sep1 next. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 8d day of Sep1 1720. Resolved that Public notice be given by advertisement that all persons who have any just claime or accounts with the corporation of the city of Albany arc desired to deliver their accounts unto Tennis Brat, chamberlaine of the sdcity on or before the 16th day of this Instant to the end that the same may be viewd examind and allow’d. Resolved that the following persons viz1. Hendrick Hansen, Abraham Cuyler, Joh’s PruynEsq’rs aldermen, Johannis Hansen & David Schuyler, assistants be ap- pointed a comittee to view and examine ye accounts of the sd city on or before ye two & twentieth Instant and bringin their Report in Comon Councill on ye 23th fol- lowing.251 The City Records. Att a Cornon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 21th day of September 1720. Dirck vander Heyden havcing desird to have liberty to dig ye Creek at Schaahkook through a small neck of land yl is adjoyning to his land that ye sd creek may be lead straight to prevent takeing away of land at high or over- flowing of water which is granted accordingly. This day the Comonality sold unto Johannis Cuyler a certain lott of ground scituate lying and being in the city of Albany in the second ward on the East side of the pearle street bounded on the south by the lott of ye sd Joh’s Cuyler on the north the corner lott this day sold to Johannis Beekman Jun’r, on the east by a lott formerly granted to Jan Verbeek containing in breadth at the front one Rod Eleven foot Eight Inches, in length on the South side nine Rod three foot nine inches and on the north nine Rod Seaven foot and a half, keeping the same breadth in the rear as in the front all Rynland measure, and that for the consideration of fifty one pounds Eighteen Shil- lings & six pence in the three following payments, fifteen pounds on the receipt of the Release; Eighteen Pounds nine shillings and three pence in ye month of September 1721, and Eighteen Pounds nine shillings threepence in September 1722, The Comonality have also sold this day unto Johan’s Beekman Jun’r. a certain lott of ground scituate lying & being in the City of Albany in the second ward on the east side of the pearle street bounded on the south side by the lott this day sold unto Johannis Cuyler on the north the new street that leads down between the lott of Anthony van Schaick Jun’r and the sd Johannis Beekman Jun’r. and on ye East by a lott which was granted to John Verbeek by patent on ye 12 th of Sep1 1670. Containing in breadth at the front one Rodd Eleven foot Eight Inches in length on the south nine rodd seaven foot and a half and on the north ten rodd less two inches in breadth in the rear two rod six foot and eight inches to the sd’new street (which street is to be in breadth three rodd all Rynland measure)252 The City Records. for which lott of ground the said Johannis Beekman Junr is to pay Eighty three pounds one shilling & six pence, fifteen pounds thereof on the receipt of ye receiver and thirty four pounds & nine pence in the month of Sep- tember 1721, and y" like sume of thirty pounds 9d in Sep1 1722. This day ye Comonality have sold unto David Schuyler sixteen morgan of land on the East side of Hudsons river on the south of Schaahkooks creek and on ye east of ye land sold unto him so that it be taken in one fence & adjoining to the other land sold him for ye consideration of nine pounds to pay in three payments & skeple wheat after 10 years—free. Albany ye 29th September 1720. This day being appointed by the Charter of the City of Albany for the aldermen of ye sd city to return the Election of ye aldermen & assistants and constables of the respective wards in the said city to serve for ye ensu- ing year and are as follows (viz1) First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants. Harmanus Wendell Johan’s Ten Broeck Goose van Schaick David van Dyck David Groesbeek, Constable. Second Ward. Hend’k Boseboom Gerrit Lansingh Barent Sanders Hendnck Boseboom Jun’r Casparus van Yveren, Constable Third Ward. Hend’k Hansen Joh’s Hansen Johan’s Pruyn David Schuyler Jacob Goewey, Constable Thomas Scherpe is chosen High Constable and Teunis Brat, Chamberlain of the said city.253 The City Records. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 3th day of October 1720.—Present, Mynd1 Schuyler Esq’r Mayor, Job’s Cuyler Esq’r, Recorder, Johan’s Roseboom, Hendrick Hansen, Abraham Cuyler, Har- manis Wendell, Joh’s Pruyn Esq’rs ald’n, Joh’s Han- sen, Johan’s Lansingh, Joha’s Ten Broeck, David Schuvler, David van Dyck, ass’ts. It is orderd by the Comonality that the mayor shall in behalf of the Comonality sign the conveyance unto Jo- hann is Cuyler Esq’r, and Joh's Beekman Jun’r, each for a lott of ground sold unto them on ye 21th day of Sep’r last with a sufficient warrantee, as also to sign a release unto David Schuyler for land sold him 11th of July & 21st of September with such conditions as ye said land is sold. The Comittee appointed on ye 8th day of September last bring in their report that they have viewd and exa- mind the accounts of the severall persons therein men- tioned payable by ye sdcity amounting in all y8 sume of Two hundred nine pounds three shillings and eleven pence half penny which is examind and approvd of by the Comonality and orderd that an order be signd unto Ten- nis Brat city chamberlain for paying the said sume of money unto the several persons mentioned in ye said report. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 15th day of November 1720 Resolved that an advertisement be put up in a publick place to give notice that no person or persons shall dis- pose of any strong liquor without being first duely Ly- cenced—on penalty of five pounds. Att a Comon Councill held in ye City hall of Albany the 18th day of November 1720 It is Resolved that ye following ordinance be pulishd viz1 By the Worshipfull Mayor Recorder Aldermen & Com- onalty of the City of Albany [Annals, viiij\ 23254 The City Records. An Ordinance. Whereas we are credibly informd that several! persons within this city do presume to cut down the stockados standing about this for ye preventing whereof It is Re- solved that it shall be publishd ordaind and declard and it is hereby publishd ordaind and declard that no person or persons shall cutt down any of ye sd Stockados nor carry or convey them away on penalty of three shillings for every stockado so cutt down carryd or conveyd away to be recoverd before anny of his majeties Justices of ye peace within this city from any person or persons that shall transgress either by himself his son or servant for ye use of any person that shall sue for ye same. It is Resolved by the Comonality that ye members be- longing to ye same shall duely attend ye comon councill an half an hour at furthest after ye bell ringing for ye same on penalty of three shillings for every offence. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 25th November 1720. The Comonality have this day let to farm ye Water Run and fall of water on Tamhenicks creek unto Jacobus Schoonhoven mentioned on ye 21st of March last to be let unto him Joh’s D’Wandlaer and Dirk van Veghten since they decline, he is to have it for ye term of twelve years commencing from ye first day of August 1721 & ending pmo. August 1733, on ye same condicon as men- tioned in ye foregoing condition. Resolved that an Indenture be drawn according to ye true intent and meaning of ye sd agreement and that ye mayor in behalf of ye comonality shall sign ye same and cause the City Seale to be thereunto affixed and ye same to be enterd on ye Publick Records. Resolved that a well be made in ye second ward of this city in ye midle of ye pearle street at ye charge of this city not exceeding fifteen pounds and yl ye recorder, the aldermen and assistants or any of them of ye sd ward have ye management thereof to provide materials, work- men &e.255 The City Records. Resolved that a well be made in the third ward of ye said city in ye midle of ye sd Brewers street at ye charge of ye sd city not exceeding fifteen pounds, and yt ye aider- men and assistants or any of them have y" management thereof to procure materials workmen &c. and that ye sd wells be finisht by ye first of August next ensueing. Alt a Mayors Court held in the City hall of Albany ye 23th of August 1720. Samuel Babington Plentive by John Collins his attor- ney\ Tjerk Yisger Defend1 by Pin Livingston his attorney. Leend* Gansvort Harman By km an W. Hogan David V. Dyke Nicolas Fonda Hendr. Roseboom Jurrem Hogan Dirk Tenbroeck Jacob Lansing Nicolas Wyngaer Joh. Groesbeek Dirk Bratt Declaration and Pleading read. The account of Mr. Samuel Babingtone sworn for ten pounds seven shillings & six pence. Benjamin Egbertse sworn. John Collins sworn. Teunis Brat. Antho, Brat. The Jury Return who find for ye Plentive five pounds four pence half penny for ye Debt & sixpence costs, for which ye Plentives attorney moves for Judgment for the verdict & for costs of suite, wh. is granted accordingly. The Court adjournd till this day forthnight. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany y8 8th day of December 1720. The Comonality have appointed the following Persons to be fire masters for the ensuing year. William Hogan, Frederick Myndertse, Claes Fonda, Hend. Bleecker, Isaac Fonda, Jan Maase, to go run on ye 12th Instant for ye first time and that a warrant be directed unto them. Resolved yl ye Cryer go round in this city to cry about y1 all those who have any of ye City leathers or Iron256 The City Records, hooks to bring ye same-to Anthony Bogardus house that it may be known how many there shall be wanting which is ordered shall be made on charge of this city to eom- pleat ye number of leathers and iron hooks &c. At a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 11th day of Dec’r 1720. Resolved by the Comonality that the following ordi- nance shall be publishd. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen & Comonality of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas it has been found by experiance that abuzes have been committed in this city in the sale of wood for preventing whereof it is Resolved that it shall be ordaind publishd and declard and it is hereby ordaind publishd and declard that from and after the Eighteenth of this Instant month December, all Slees for two horses shall be thirty three inches wide and all wood to be brought for sale thereon to be eight foot wood measure in length, and the load to be thirty six inches high, and that all Slees for one horse shall be thirty inches wide and that the load of wood to be brought for sale thereon shall be seaven foot long and the load to be thirty inches high all wood measure on penalty of forfeiting such wood to be brought and exposed to sale for the behoof of the sherif or any person that shall sue for the same. And whereas sundry. persons within this city and county of Albany do presume to ride with slees and horses in the streets of the sd city very fast and unrulely for pre- venting whereof it is hereby ordaind publishd and declard that from and after the publication hereof no person or persons shall ride or drive any horse or horses with slee waggon or cart or otherwise in the streets or lanes of the said city faster than on a steap or a very moderate trot on penalty of forfeiting for every such offence the sume of six shilling to be paid by the owner or driver of such horse slee waggon or cart for ye behoof of ye sheriff or any other person that shall sue for the same.257 The City Records, That no person or persons shall presume to ryde down any hill within this city with any slees boards or other- wise after five o’clock at night on penalty of six shillings for every offence, to be paid by the person and persons offending, their parents or masters for ye behoof as aforesd dated in Albany this tenth day of December in the seventh year of his maj’es Reign annoqo. Do. 1720. Resolved that a warrant be issued to the assessors to appear in the City hall of Albany on the 13th day of this Instant to take their oaths for well truly equally and impartially and in due proportion as it shall appear unto you according to your best understanding to assess and rate on all and every the freeholders inhabitants and residents of ye sd city for which you are choisen asses’rs, the number of four thousand yellow pine Stockados and return such estimate in ye Clerks office on or before y3 18th Instant. Att a Mayors Court held in ye City hall of Albany ye 13th day of December 1720. Johannis Wyncoop by John Collins his attorney, Plen- tive. Peter De Garmoy Defend1 who appears in Court and Confesses Judgment for Eleven Pounds fourteen shillings Debt with costs of suite and six pence damages, the court give Jugement for the same accordingly. The sherif protest against the insufficiency of the goal of this city & county. The Court adjournd till this day forthnight. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 24th day of Dec’r 1720. Pursuant to the Resolve of the Comonality and ye warrant directed to ye assessors of this city dated ye 11th Instant they deliverd their estimate for 4000 Stockados in ye Clerks office of the sd city which is but little above one third of the same it be to want may be wanting, a heavy and burthensome tax on the inhabitants alone to fortify the sd city, wherefore it is Resolved not to pro-258 The City Records. ceed but endeavor to gett releave by tlie next assembly that ye Province may contribute fortifying ye same. Att a Comon Councill held the 28th day of February 172-?-. Whereas David Schuyler has purehazed on ye 21th day of Sep’r last sixteen morgan of land scituate lying and being in the bounds of land belonging to the said city at Schaahkook to be an addition to 2 other peices of land, which said sixteen morgan of land he desires may be in three severall pieces of land instead of one which is, granted accordingly, and Resolved that the Indentures be drawn over inserting therein that the said David Schuy- ler is to have said 16 morgan in three peices, and that the mayor in behalf of the Comonalitv do sign ye sd In- denture affix ye City Seale thereto and that ye same be enterd on the Publick Records, taking such payment and bonds as orderd on ye 11th July and 21th day of Sep1 last and on ye like condition as then there ordered and Re- solved. Myndert Schuyler Esq. mayor, desires to have the refusall of a pice of land containing about three morgan lying Sc being in the bounds of land belonging to the said City at Schaahkook towards the Northeast from the land of Symon Danielse being the land he has shown to Jo- hannis Hansen, which is granted. Harmanus Wendell Esq. alderman, acquaints the Com- onality that he has sundry times been at ye expence to gett the Pales and Chains mended and repaird to ye well which stands on the hill in the Joncker Street and sev- erall families do fitch water out of the said well without paying a penny towards the expense wherefore desires that he may have leave to gett the sd pales and chains mended at ye charge of ye sd City, which is granted. Whereas there is a Resolve made by the Comonality on ye 25th Nov’r last that a well shall he made in the second ward of ye sd City in ye midle of ye Pearle Street and some of this meeting moveing that ye sd well will be very inconvenient at that place and prejudicial! to sev-259 The City Records. erall inhabitants who live on the east side of ye said street it is therefore Resolved and ordered that ye former Resolution concerning the said well shall be void and that ye same shall be made and placed at ye cross street between the houses of William Jacobse van Deusen and Gysbert Marcelis that ye water may drawn from the said well down y* street or lane at Gysbert Marcelises which will be then no nuisance to any inhabitant of this city. David van Dyck desires that he may have the liberty to build his house three foot and a half in ye street on that lott of ground late belonging to Jacob Lookerman deceased, scituate being in this City fronting on ye East the house of Johannis F. Lansen, and if the sd 3-g foot of ground doth not belong to him on produceing of his title & writings, which he promises to do. he is willing and oblidges himself to pay for the same what shall be rea- sonably agreed on by the Comonality, which is granted accordingly. Resolved that an ordinance be drawn and publishd re- gulateing rydeing of Indians from Schinectady to this City. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Aldermen & Comonality of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas it has been found by experience that several! private Persons in this County who not regarding ye safety & prosperity of this City & County of Albany but only for their own private lucre and gain do & for many years have done by indirect means ingrossd the fur trade with the Five Nations and other Indians into their hands by their contrivance with those who are employed by ye sd Indians to ye great prejudice of ye Indians and ruin of ye sd trade for ye preventing whereof and that the sd trade may be duly managed, , . Be it ordaind publishd and declard and it is hereby ordaind publishd and declard that no Person or Persons who shall at any time or times hereof be imployed by the said Indians to carry them or any of their wives and children, their peltry, beavers or other furs in his her or260 The City Records. their waggons from any place in the County of Albany, shall not bring them or either of them or their said effects any neigher to the said City than six hundred yards dis- tance from ye Stockados of ye sd City upon penalty pain of forfeiting the sume of five pounds lawfull money of New York for every male or female or any of their sd effects to be carryed in his her or their waggons contrary to the intent of this ordinance, to be recoverd in ye Mayors Court of the City of Albany for ye behoof of ye sherrif or any person that shall sue for the same; dated in Albany ye 7th of March in ys 7th year of his maj’es Reign, annoqo Do. 172£. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 25th day of March 1721. David Schuyler to whom ye Comonality have sold and granted morgan of land on ye 28th day of February last, makes his application to ye Comonality that he has sold the said land unto Johannis Knickerbacker for the sume of fifty pounds, and doth now hereby give pursuant to his Indenture the Comonality the refuzall thereof. Liberty is hereby granted unto ye said David Schuyler to dispose of ye said land, The Comonality have this day sold unto Abraham Vosburgh Jun'r a lott of ground scituate lying and being at the foot of Gallows hill on the north side of the lott of Isaac Fryer, containing in length one hundred and twenty foot and in breadth thirty five foot all wood mea- sure, having on ye east ye street on ye south ye lott of Isaac Fryer and on ye west and north the Comons, for which he is to pay the sume of twenty two pounds ten shillings in three equall payments, seaven pound ten shil- lings on receipt of a release for ye sd lott of ground, seaven pounds ten shillings on the 25th day of March 1722, and seaven pounds ten shillings on ye 25th day of March 1728; for the two last payments he is to give bound. It is ordered that the Mayor in behalf of the Comon- ality shall sign the release for the said lott of ground,The City Records. 261 affix the City Seale thereto and that ye same he enterd on the public records of the said City and County. Whereas the Mayor,, Aldermen & Comonality on the 11th day of July last did sell unto Daniel Ketelhuyn a certain peice of wood land scituate lying and being at Schaahkook on the north side of the creek about 400 paces above yc property of Adriaen Quackenboss, lying under a hill, containing about six morgan wherein is comprehended a mash of about two morgan. Instead whereof it is ordered that ye sd peice of wood land shall contain six morgan and one half morgan and on the south to be bounded on ye sd Schaahkooks Creek and running up northerly in such breadth & length between ye sd creek & ye hill as the sd Dan!l Ketelhuyn, his heirs or assigns shall judge most convenient, for which he is to pay nine pounds, one half on receipt of a release and the other half on pmo. January 172-|, and pay unto the mayor, aldermen and comonality and their successors forever ye quantity of two skiple of wheat for ever, the first pay- ment to commence in January 1731. It is ordered that ye mayor in behalf of the comonality sign a release for ye sd peice of ground, affix the city seale thereto and that ye same be enterd on y9 publick records of the said city and county. It is Resolved that public notice be given that all those who are indebted unto ye mayor, aldermen and & comon- ality of ye city of Albany by bond or otherwise are re- quired to pay the same on or before ye 15th day of April next, and all those who have given bonds are desired to pay & discharge ye same when due on penalty to be sued & prosecuted. Att a Comon Counsill held in Albany ye 4th day of April 1721. It is Resolved by ye Comonality that the wheat which is come in for the rent of ye Tenants at Schaahkook shall be disposed on or before Monday next at a publick vendue. Resolved yl ye following ordinance be publishd, viz1. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Comonalty of ye City of Albany,262 The City Records. An Ordinance. * Whereas several] streets and lanes within ye aforesaid city wants to be regulated & conveniently layd out, draind, pavd and in some parts Earth dugg out & carted away, for the effecting whereof be it ordaind, publishd and declard and it is hereby ordaind, published and declard that all and every person and persons within this city before whose houses & lotts ye water has no vent shall forthwith ditch & drain the water to give it passage that the high- ways may be dry & be useful for ye Inhabitants of ye sd city, and that all ye streets and lanes be sufficiently pavd, ye earth dugg out and carted away on or before ye first day of May next ensueing by ye owners or tenants of ye houses and lot of ground fronting any such streets where it shall be wanting and yl in such manner & form as the mayor, recorder aldermen & assistants in each respective ward shall order and direct on penalty of thirty shillings for every offence and three shillings for every day after ye sd first day of May as such paveing, digging & carting shall be undone, for ye behoof of ye sherrif or any other person as shall sue for ye same. Dated in Albany this fourth day of April 1721. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 8th day of April 1721. Whereas it is very requisite & necessary that a fitt and able school master settle in this city for teaching and in- structing of the youth in speling, reading, writeing and cyffering and Mr. Johannis Glandorf haveing offered his service to setle here and keep a school if reasonably in- couraged by ye Corporation,' It is therefore Resolved by this Comonality and they .do hereby oblidge themselves and their successors to give and procure unto ye said Johan’s Glandorf free house rent for the term of seaven years next ensueing for keeping a good and commendable school as becomes a diligent Schoolmaster. Att a Comon Council held in the City hall of Albany ye 18th day of April 1721.263 The City Records. It is Resolved by ye mayor, aldermen and Comonality that a letter be sent to ye Tenants at Schaahkook who are in arrear for rent of their land there, that they come forthwith to pay unto this Corporation what they are yet indebted. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 10th day of April 1721. Conditions of sales of wheat by way of a public vendue which the Corporation of the City of Albany has received for rent from the Tenants at Schaahkook, that the high- est bidder of any of ye sd wheat shall pay ready money unless he has an approved account payable by the said Corporation of which it shall be deducted and debited in the Treasurers Book for the same, the said wheat is to be delivered in three days. To Stephanis Groesbeek 24 Skiple a 3s. £3:12 David van Dyck 24 Do. a 3 3:12 David van Dyck 24 Do. a 3 3:12 David van Dyck 24 Do. a 3 3:12 Philip Livingston 24 Do. a 3 3:12 Myndert Schuyler 24 Do. a 3 3:12 Philip Livingston 24 Do. a 2 11 3:10 Philip Livingston 24 Do. a 2 11 3:10 Philip Livingston 24 Do. a 2 11 3:10 Philip Livingston 24 Do, a 2 11 k 2:19:2 216 Skeple £35:01:2 Att a Comon Councill held in ye City hall in Albany ye 29th April 1721. Whereas an ordinance was publish’d on ye 4th day of this Instant, Ap’l, for sufficiently paving ye lanes & streets in ye sd city, digging & carting away ground out of ye same streets, w’h stops ye course of ye water on or before pmo. May next and some persons having made applica- tion to be a further time allowed for paveing & digging away ye ground wffiich is thought very reasonable to be granted, allowd till ye 20th of May next.264 The City Records. Att a Com on Councill held in ye City hall of Albany ye pmo. of May 1721. Corsett Yedder haveing exchangd of one half of his land at Schaahkook unto Johannis Christianse desires ye Corporation to confirm ye same by giveing such liberty, being obliged by his Indentures to give ye refusall thereof and ye sd Corsett Yedder haveing sold one other half of his land at Schaahkook unto Joh’s Groesbeek for ye sume of £120, give yG refusall thereof to ye Corporation pur- suant to his Indentures, who give him liberty to sell ye same. Eesolved that if the Tenants at Schaahkook who are in arrear for rent of their land do not pay the same within eight days that yf mayor in behalf of ye Comon Councill shall impower ye sherrif to distrain for the same pursuant to their Indentures. Att a Comon Council held in the City of Albany the 5th day of May 1721. Eesolved that ye following ordinance shall be publishd concerning the Indian trade, viz1. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Aldermen and Comonality of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas complaints have been made that severall Persons in the City and County of Albany who not re- garding or considering the comon welfare and prosperity of the sd city, but for their own private lucre & gain in- gross the whole Indian trade, which if not prevented will not only tend to the deminishing of the sd trade, but alli- nate the affection and allegiance of ye sd Indians from his majesty, for preyenting whereof, and that ye sd Indian trade may be duly and orderly managed for the equall benefit and advantage of the Inhabitants of the said city and the incouragement and increase of ye sd trade we do hereby make, ordain, publish & declare these our orders, rules and regulations in maimer following, that is to say, That if any person or persons within the sd city of Albany shall at any time or times after the publication265 The City Records. hereof receive, conceal, harbour or take in his her or their houses warehouses shops or elsewhere any packs or bundles of Beaver, Peltry or other fur belonging to any Indian or Squa, every person or persons so offending shall for every bundle or pack so received, concealed harbored or taken in as aforesd forfeit the sume of five pounds currant money of the Colony of Newyork for the behoof of ye sherrif or any person that shall sue for ye same, to be recovered before any Court of Eecord within this city. That if any person or persons within the sd city shall at any time or times hereafter suffer or entertain any Indian or Squa (except those Indians adjugd to be Sa- chims of the five nations), to lodge in his or their houses warehouses or shops, for every Indian or Squa, he or they shall so suffer after the time to be received and lodge as aforesd, forfeit ye sume of five pounds currant money aforesd for the behoof aforesd and to be recoverd as aforesd. That if any Person or Persons that shall ride or drive With any waggon or cart any Indian or Indians or any of their wifes or children, or any of their Beaver or Pel- try or other effects from the westward towards this city and shall neglect or delay to take and receive his or their payment for such ridding before ye unloading of ye sd Indian or Indians their wifes or children, Beaver, peltry or other effects, or at such unloading (at ye place ap- pointed) not immediately depart without speaking wis- pering or makeing signs to them or any of them shall forfeit for every offence ye sume of five pounds currant money aforesd for ye behoof aforesd and to be recoverd as aforesd. That if any person or persons that shall ride or drive with a waggon or cart any Indian or Indians or any of their wifes or children or any of their Beaver or -peltry from the westward towards this city that shall take or receive from any man, woman or child any payment, gift, present or consideration whoever for such rideing shall for every )ffence forfeit ye sume of ten pounds currant money [Annals, viiia] 24266 The City Records. aforesd, one half thereof for the behoof of the sd mayor* aldermen and comonality of the sd city and the other half for the behoof as aforesd and to be recoverd as aforesd That no person or persons shall speake to any Indian or Indians or to any of their wifes or children comeing from ye westward, without the gates or stockadoes of ye sd city (except in those houses which stand within ye Libertie of the sd city nor intice them or any of them by signs or otherwise to trade with themselves or others on pain & penalty of five pounds for every offence for the behoof aforesd and to be recoverd as aforesd. That no Person or Persons whatsoever within this city or that hereafter shall come within this city shall send out or make use of any Broakers, whether Christians or Indians, in the management of the Indian trade upon pain Sc penalty of paying as a fine for each offence the sume of five pounds for ye behoof aforesd and to be re- coverd as aforesd. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall debar any person or persons to take, receive or harbour any of the Sachims of yc 5 nations; the mohoggs dwelling at their two Castles and Biver Indians with their effects, any thing herein contained to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. That in case any person or persons shall have commit- ted any offence contrary to this ordinance and the sher- rif, his deputy or deputys or any other person or persons shall on his or their own accord contract, agree, com- pound or make up the matter with such offender or with any body else by their means for a less sume of money then ye offence or penalty aforesd made for such offences, he or they being thereof convicted by one or more credi- ble witnesses shall forfeit for each offence the sume of eighteen pounds for the behoof as aforesd to be recoverd as aforesd. Given in Albany ye 5th of May in the seav- entla year of his maj’es Eeign, annoqo. Do. 1721. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 8th day of May 1721. Whereas the ordinance made on ye 4th of April last267 The City Records. concerning the paveing draining and carting away of ground out of the streets & lanes in this city is therein left to ye direction of the mayor, aldermen and comonal- ity in each respective ward of ye sd city, the direction thereof is now Resolved shall he in ye mayor, recorder, aldermen and comonality of ye sd city or any two of them. That ye street called ye Rum street shall be pavd at or before ye 15th day of August in such manner as ye sd mayor, recorder, aldermen and comonality shall order & direct. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 21th day of July 1721. The Petition of Mr. Johannis Glandorf being read set- ting forth that the house which the comonality designd for him is too small, desires a convenient house to keep a school in within this city, whereon it is Resolved to hire for him a house of Robert van Deusen, which he has in this city in the right of his wife, from Mr. Harmanus Wendell (who has a lease for ye same) for thederm of 18 months, commencing pmo. November next for y13 sume of ten pounds pr annum, which is to be paid by this Corpo- ration. , The Petition of Gerrit Lansingh Jun’r of this city, coeper, being read desireing to purchase a lott of ground from this Corporation next to that of Abraham Lansingh, which Petition is Resolved shall be taken in considera- tion. Niecolas Wyngaert appears in Comon Councill desires to purchase a lott of ground on ye plain next to the lott of Mr. Barclay, which is taken in consideration. Att a Comon Councill held in ye City hall of Albany ye 8th of August 1721. Resolved by the Comonality that the following ordi- nance shall be drawn and publishd vizb By the Worshipfull Mayor, Aldermen & Comonalty of the City Gf Albany,268 The City Records» An Ordinance. Whereas severall Persons for their own private lucre and gain do buy and take in pawn from ye Indians their cloathing and other necessaries, by w:h means they are rendered incapable to go hunting to maintain themselves and families and are often inveigled to drink to excesse, for preventing whereot we do herebjr strictly prohibit ye buying, receiving or detaining any cloathing or appearle belonging to any Indian or Indians or any of their accu- trem’ts (except wampum and Indian jewells) on penalty of forfeiting such cloathing and accutrements, and also ye sume of three pounds for each offence to be recovered before any Court of Record within this city for ye behoof of ye slierrif or any person who shall sue for ye same. That no tavern or alehouse keeper, or one that sell strong liquor by retaile within this city & county shall suffer any disorders in his her or their houses or sell strong liquor at unreasonable hours in the night, or on ye Sabbath day to ye disturbance of those that live near them, on penalty of having their Lycence taken from them. Given in Albany this eighth day of August in the eighth year of his maj’es Reign, annoq. Do. 1721. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 24th day of August 1721. Hendk. Roseboom & Barent Sanders Esq’rs, aldermen, lay before the Comonality an acc* how far they are pro- ceeded in making the well in the second ward of this city amo, near the sume of fifteen pounds allowd for making the same, desire an addition may be allowed. Resolved that the sume of twelve pounds shall be added for making y5'sd well & paid by this city. An order was issued this day on Teunis Brat to pay unto Hend. Roseboom, Barent Sanders Esq’s, aldermen, Ger1 Lansingh & Hend. Roseboom Junr, assistants, the sume of twelve pounds for paying part of ye charges of the said well. Resolved that for ye future ye accounts allowd to be pd by this city shall be paid out of ye first money thatThe City Records. 269 shall come in the Treas’rs hands and before any acc1 now to be brought in or allowd by the Comonali ty. Att a Comon Council! held in the City hall of Albany the 4th day of Sep1 1721. To his Ex’ly Wm. Burnett Esq. Cap1 Gen’l & Gov’r in Ckiefe of the Provinces of Newyork, New Jersey and Territories Depending thereon in America & vice . admirall of the same, &c. The humble Petition of the Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of ye City of Albany. Whereas there is an act passed in this Province in w’h it is stipulated that all Indian goods that shall be found to the north of an east and west line to be drawn from ye north limilts of this City shall be forfieted together with ye value of such Indian goods as also £100 for every such offence, and such person or persons esteemed a trador contrary to the intent of ye sd act, in pursuance whereof Henry Holland Esq’r sherrif of ye City and County of Albany has made a seizure of some strowds at Sehinectady, lying to the north of ye sd east & west line, w’h has been duly condemned, and we being informd that your Ex’ly has given orders to stop ye execution for levying ye sd fine, wherefore we hope that your Ex’ly for ye safety & prosperity of this city will be pleased to lett the Law have its course, w’h if not duely observed we humbly conceive will tend to ye ruin and distruction^of the In- habitants of ye sd City, and as in duty shall ever pray and remain. May it please your Ex’ly, Your Ex’lys most humble & most obed1 servants, Barent Sanders, Joh’s Cuyler, Joh’s Hansen, Hend. Hansen, Joh’s Ten Broeck, Har. Wendell, David van Dyck, Goose van Schaick, Hend. Roseboom Jun'r, Job’s Pruyn, Gert. Lansing Jun’r, Hend. Roseboom. Att a Comon Council in the City hall of Albany the 20th day of September 1721 Resolved that Publiek notice be given by advertise- ments that all persons who have any accounts with the270 The City Records. mayor, aldermen & Comonality of the said city to deliver the same unto Teunis Brat, City Treasurer, on or before the 23th Instant to the end that the same may be viewd and examind by the following persons who are appointed a Comittee, viz1, Hend. Hansen, Harmanus Wendell, Barent Sanders Esq’r ald‘n, David Schuyler, David van Dyck Sc Gerrit Lansingh Jun’r, assistants, and bring in their report on or before ye 30th Instant. Ordered that the Bridge at the tan pitts on the north of this city shall be repaird and mended; as also the bridge on the north of ye Dutch Church, at the charge of this city. Hend. Hansen, Joh’s Pruyn Esq’s ald’n, Job’s Hansen Sc David Schuyler be desired to procure work- men & materialls to gett that work done. Albany the 29th September 1721. This day being appointed by the Charter of the City of Albany for the aldermen of the severall wards of the said city to return the names of aldermen, assistents and Con- stables who are to serve for the ensuing year, being as follows: First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants. Goose van Schaick Johannis Ten Broeck Harmanus Wendell John D’Peyster. Johan’s V. Olindai, Constable. $ Second Ward. Hendrick Roseboom Johan’s Lansingh Jun’r Barent Sanders Hendrick Roseboom Ju’r Johannis van Sehelluyne, Constable. Third Ward. Hendrick Hansen Johan’s Hansen Johan’s Pruyn Barent Brat Hans Hansen, Constable. Teunis Brat is chosen Chamberlain of ye City of Albany for the year ensuing. Jacob Goewey is chosen High Constable.271 The City Records. Att a Comon Councill held in the City of Albany the 30th clay of September 1721. Pursuant to the order of ye mayor, aldermen and com* onality on ye 20th Instant the eomittee then appointed to view and examine the accounts due from the said city do Report that they have examined the said accounts as pr. a list now produced amounting in all to the sume of one hundred thirty one pound one shilling & two pence, which the mayor, aldermen & comonality do approve and directed an order to the Treasurer of ye sd City to pay ye said sume of money unto ye severall persons therein men- tioned. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 2d day of October 1721—Present Myndert Schuyler, Esq’r Mayor, Job’s Cuyler Esq’r Recorder, Hend, Hansen, Harmanus Wendell, Goose van Schaick, Johan’s Pruyn, Hend. Roseboom, Barent Sanders, Esq’rs, Aldermen, Johan’s Hansen, Johan’s Ten Broeck, David van Dyck, David Schuyler, Ger1 Lansingh Jun’r. Hendr. Roseboom Jun’r, Assistants. The Petition of Job’s Yisger being read and is as fol- lows, viz1. To the Worshipfull Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen & Com- onality of the City of Albany in Comon Councill conviend— The humble Petition of Johannis Visger of the City of Albany, Most humbly sheweth, Your Petitioner takes leave to inform your worships that on ye first day of September 1707 the them mayor, aldermen & comonality of ye sd city did sell unto your Petitioner five foot broad of ground & the length of eight rod & five foot Rynland measure, scituate lying and be- ing on ye west side of the Pearle street, which ground they covenanted & agreed for themselves & their succes- sors to and with your Petitioner to defend and save him harmless from all claim & demand whatsoever on yesame tho’ some time after your Petitioner was ejected from the Bd ground by Andries Coeyeman, and your Petitioner272 The City Records. applyd to them for releave to defend him ag’st y° said Coeyeman, but they then were of opinion that your Peti- tioner should first stand out ye law suite and they would defend your Petitioner, but ye sd Coeyeman being a powerfull man and your Petitioners circumstances but mean, could not with stand him in law and being appre- hensive if your Petitioner should loose that case the said Coeyeman would gett possession of part of his house, which the then Comonality as your Petitioner perceivd would scarcely have defended and put him in possession again, which made him compound to ye great impoverish- ment of y?r Petitioner. Wherefore your Petitioner humbly begs yt your wor- ships will be pleased to take his case and circumstances in your wise & serious consideration and allow him what money your Petitioner has expended at ye sd law suite and paid to ye said Coeyeman, and your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray. The mayor, aldermen & Comonality have taken the above petition in consideracon and peruzd ye conveyance ye petitioner setts forth and do for ye releave of ye sd Pe- titioner grant and allow yl he shall be paid ye sume of thirty pounds out of the first ground that shall be sold by this Corporation on the plain or else a peice of ground for the sd sume. Resolved that priviledge & liberty be given to the In- habitants of this city to make an Indian house in each ward without the city at the charge of those Inhabitants who will freely contribute towards ye makeing and erect- ing ye same for ye accommodation of ye Indians that come to trade with ye Inhabitants of this place. That in ye first ward behind ye Lutheran Church on ye north side of ye Rutten kill. That in ye second ward on ye hill opposite to the street between ye houses of Johannis Bleecker and Hend. Ten Eyck. That in ye third ward near ye water side at ye south side ye third Creek.273 The City Records. Att a Comon Council! held in the City hall of Albany the 28th day of November 1721. The Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen & Comonality have this day appointed the following persons to be fire mas- ters for the year ensueing: First Ward. Niecolas Wyngaert Uldrick van Francke Second Ward. Christophell Yetts Jacob C. Schermerhorn Third Ward. Cornells Bogaert Cornelis Maase Whereas that on ye 5th day of May last an ordinance was publishd relateing to ye Indian trade which is hereby annuld and made void until ye 15th day of April next, of which is orderd that ye sherrif shall be given notice. Evert Wendell appears in Comon Council desires to purchase a small peice of ground adjoyning to his lott, ordered that a Comittee be appointed to view ye s'1 ground and bring report next Comon Councill day. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 21th day of February 172-2'. Henry Holland Esq’r present receiver of his maj’s quit rents for ye City & County of Albany appears in Comon Councill desireing to know if this meeting is of opinion whether the several! houses in this city are included in the Charter of the sd city or not. It is the opinion of this meeting that the severall houses and lotts of ground within ye sd city, patented be- fore ye obtaining of ye said Charter and whereon a quit rent was then established are included in ye quit rent mentioned in ye said Charter, and yl this Corporation are to defend those persons who shall be troubled for such quit. rent. It is Resolved that all lotts of ground within this Cor- poration shall be sold in publick vendue and not other- wise. That all persons who are indebted to this Corporation are required to pay their respective debts on or before ye 6th day of March on penalty of being prosecuted.274 The City Records. The following persons, viz1, Joh’s Cuyler Esq’r, Re- corder, Hend. Hansen, Har. Wendell & Barent Sanders, Esq’s aldermen, Job’s Lansingh & Barent Sanders, assist- ants, are appointed a Comittee to examine yc acc’ts of Tennis Brat dec’d, late Treasurer, and bring in their Report on Monday next, Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany this 26th day of February 172-J. The Mayor, Aldermen & Comonality have this day nominated and appointed Barent Brat of this City to be Sexton in the room of Teunis Bradt deceased—that half of ye perquisites and advantages shall be for ye behoof of Williampie Brat his mother. The Reverend Petrus vanDriesen mihister of ye nether Dutch Reformed Congregation of this city with ye Elders & Deacons of ye sd Congregation appearing in 'Comon Councill, desire yl ye mayor, aldermen & comon- ality of ye sd City will be pleased to release unto them and their successors ye Church yard or Burying place scituate & being to ye south of ye s1 city, which is granted shall be released when ye same shall have first measurd. This day the mayor, aldermen & comonality have no- minated & appointed Barent Bradt City Chamberlain in room of Teunis Bradt dec’d. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 1st day of May 1722. The Comonality have this day sold unto Johannis Groesbeek three acres of wood land for a hoftstead, seit- uate lying and‘being at Schaahkook on the south side of a creek lately run from Tamhenicks creek into ye Schaahkooks creek and on ye west side of ye high road which leads to Stone Arabia two rodd distance from ye said road, for the sume of seaven pound ten shillings pay- able on the first day of May one thousand seaven hundred twenty three,* orderd that a release be drawn for the sd three acres of land and yl ye mayor in behalf of ye com- onality sign ye same and affix ye City Seale to ye same and it be recorded in ye Clerks office ye sd city & county,.The City Records. 275 Att a Comon Council held in ye City of Albany ye 9th day of June 1722. An Ordinance. Whereas complaints have been made that severall per- sons in this County for their own private lucre &gain do Ride wl their waggons ye Indians w* their effects to the Houses of such persons as will pay them the greatest price for bringing them, and such waggoner exacts the payment for his or their fraight from the Indians; w’ch is a means to discourage the far Indians from comeing to trade to this place and alienates the affection and friend- ship of the sd Indians, for the preventing whereof and that the said Indians may be encouraged to carry on their trade to this place, we do therefore hereby make, ordain, publish & declare these our orders & regulations follow- ing, that is to say, That if any person or persons shall ride or drive wl waggon or cart any Indian or Indians or any of their wifes or children or any of their Beaver Peltry or other effects from the westward towards this city and shall neglect or delay to take & receive his or their payment for such rideing before the unloading of the sd Indian or Indians, their wives or children, beaver, peltry or other affects, or at such unloading at the place hereafter ap- pointed not immediately depart without speaking, whis- pering or making signs to them or any of them shall for- fiett for every offence the sume of thirty six shillings currant money of New York to be recovered before any Justice of the Peace w ithin the city for the behoof of the sheriff or any person that shall sue for the same. That if any person or persons that shall ride or drive w* waggon or cart any Indian or Indians or any of their wives or children or any of their Beaver, Peltry or other effects from the westwards towards this city nearer to the sd city than the first hill above the Indian house shall forfiett for every offence the sume of thirty six shillings currant money aforesd to be recovered as aforesd and for ye behoofe aforesd, Given in Albany this ninth day of276 The City Records. June in th the Eighth year of his Majestys Reign, Anno Do. 1722. Pr Order of the Mayor, Aldermen & Comonality of the City of Albany. Philip Livingston, Cl?k. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 26th day of June 1722. The Mayor, Aldermen & Comonality have this day sold unto Gerrit van Schaiek four acres of wood land scituate and being at Schaahkook on ye south side of ye creek lately run from Tamhenicks creek into Schaahkooks creek on ye east side of ye road which leads to Stone Arabia to be two rodd distance from ye scl road for the sume of seaven pound ten shillings, payable on ye first of August 1723. Ordered that a release be drawn for ye sd four acres of land and that the mayor in behalf of the comonality sign the same and affix ye City Seale thereunto and to be re- corded in ye Clerks office. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 3d day of September 1722. Philip Livingston produces his majesties Royall Com- mission to the mayor, aldermen and comonality consti- tuting and appointing him Town Clerk, clerk of ye peace and clerk of the comon pleas in the county and city of Albany, which he desires may be recorded; the same be- ing read and ordered to be enterd on yc public records, and took the following oath for the faithfull performing the said offices. Whereas you are comissionated by his majesty King George to be town clerk, clerk of the peace and clerk of the comon pleas in the county & city of Albany you do swear by the Everlasting God that you will by your self or sufficient deputy or deputies faithfully and diligently perform the sd offices according to the best of your under- standing and to keep the boeks & records of the sd city & county and give true copies of such records as are pro- perly to be delivered—so help you God.277 The City Records. Whereas it is absolutely necessary that the quit rents which is in arrear by the Corporation for the land at Schaahkook and this City be paid since the 25th day of March 1712, It is therefore thought convenient that Barent Bradt, present Treasurer, take up twenty five pound for one year for the use of ye mayor, aldermen & comonality to pay the same and for other urgent occasions, which he has taken up from Mr. Jacob Staats for that purpose. Resolved that the said Barent Bradt shall be repaid out of the first money that shall be received for the use of the said city. Albany 29th September 1722. This day being appointed by ye Charter of the City of Albany for the aldermen of the respective wards of the said city to make return of the aldermen, assistants & constables who are choisen to serve for the ensuing year. First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants. Johan’s Ten Broeck Harm’s Ryckman John D’Peyster Goose van Schaick Jun’r James Livingston, Constable. Second Ward. Hend. Roseboom Hend. Roseboom Jun’r Barent Sanders Hend. Cuyler Jun’r Johan’s Roseboom, Constable. Third Ward. Johannis Pruyn Teunise Eghbertse Dirk Ten Broeck Barent Brat Johannis Hun, Constable. Johannis Vanolinda, choisen High Constable. Barent Brat, choisen Chamberlain. Albany the 14th day of October. By the directions of the Charter of the City of Albany the above mentioned persons were sworn in their respec- tive offices. [Annals, viii.] 25278 The City Records. Att a Comon Council! held in vp City hall of Albany ye 27th day of November 1722—Present, Peter van Brugh Esq’r, major, Joh’s Cuyler Esq’r, recorder, Johannis Pruyn, Hend. Roseboom, Parent Sanders, Johan’s Ten Broeck, Dirk Ten Broeck, John D’Pey- ster, EsqTs, aldermen, Barent Bradt, Harme Ryck- man, Teunis Eghbertse, Hend. Schuyler, assistants. The mayor, aldermen & comonality have this day ap- pointed the following persons to be-fire masters for the ensuing year: First Ward. David Groesbeek William Waldron Second Ward. Cornells Schermerhoorn Andries Nak Third Ward. Wynant vanden Bergh Jacob Visger Orderd that the fire masters be given directions and a warrant to perform that service. This day the accounts due unto severall persons from the City of Albany being examined amounting in all to the sume of one hundred twenty nine pounds & four pence halfpenny, for w’h an order is directed to the Treasurer for payment of the said sumes out of the first money that shall come unto his hands after the former debts are paid. Resolved by the Comonality that ye following ordinance be publishd viz1: By the Worshipfull Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Com- onality of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas severall persons within the City & County of Albany presume to sell & dispose of strong Liquors by retaile without being duly Licenced, to the great damage of his maj’s interest & decrease of his Excise in this city and county as also to the disadvantage of ye comon profit of this city for preventing whereof it is Resolved that it shall be publishd, ordaind and declard and it is hereby publishd, ordaind and declared that no person or persons within ye sd city or county shall directly or indirectly sell or dispose of any strong liquor by retaile unless he she279 The City Records. or they he first duely lycenced by ye mayor of the said city on penalty of incuring such fine or forfieture as by ye laws of this Province in that case made and provided. And whereas several! persons within the said City & Liberties thereof do presume to exercize arts, trades and. manuall occupations without being made free citizens according to the direction of the City Charter, for pre- venting whereof and for the better government of the s'1 city and well fare of the sd citizens, Tt is therefore hereby ordaind, publishd & declard that no person or persons within the said City or Liberties thereof shall after the publication hereof use any art, trade, mystery or manual occupation except free citizens on penalty of such fine and forfieture as directed and expressd in the Charter of the said city. Given in Albany the 27th day of Nov’r in the ninth year of his maj’s Reign, A. D. 1722. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 3d December 1722. This day the mayor, aldermen & comonality agreed with Jail Masse to be the Sealer of all weights & yards for the city of Albany. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 4th day January 172-J. Joseph Pamerton has undertaken to assist John Brum- lev to go round in this city as bell man every other night from ten to four a clock on ye usual places in the sd city calling ever}' hour they go round and ye wheather, for which he is to be paid by this Corporation at the rate of ten pound ten per annum. Att a Comon Councill held in ye hall of Albany ye 2d Feb’y 172-1, It is Resolved that the Treasurer of the City shall de- mand the payment from the severall persons who are in- debted to this Corporation by bond, and those who refuse or neglect to discharge the same on or before pmo. April next shall be sued.280 The City Records. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 26th day of April 1723. Resolved by the mayor, aldermen & comonality to Publish the following ordinance in relation to the Indian trade made on ye 13th Instant (viz.) By the worshipful Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Comonality of ye City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas the mayor, aldermen & comon council of the city of Albany or the major part of them are by vertue of an act of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York Entitled an act for the further and more effectual prohibiting of the selling Indian Goods to the ffrench, impowered and authorized to make such regulation with relation to the Indian Trade as shall to them seem most fitt and convenient for the just and fair managing and carrying on the sd trade and for preventing any force or fraud to be used or practizd with the sd Indians or any of them in obedience to the above recited act of General Assembly, we the sd mayor, aldermen and comonality do therefore make ordain publish and de- clare these our orders rules and regulations in manner following: That no person or persons whatsoever within this city or county or without the same shall to the north- ward of a line extending from the north limits of the boundaries of the said city of Albany due East and West by the natural position unto the utmost eastern and west- ern limits and boundaries of this Province of New York, trade or traffique with any Indian or Indians for any bever or peltry or any Indian commodities (except Ind’n corn, venison and drest deer skins) on penalty offorfiet- ing such Ind’n comodities so traded for, as also on pe- nalty of ten pounds to be applyed two thirds of the sd sum for building and repairing the fortifications of this Province, the other third to such person or persons as shall inform and sue for the same. That, no person or persons whatsoever within the city and county or without ye same shall have and keep within281 The City Records. their houses or elsewhere to the northward of the sd line any trading guns, strowds, blankets, rum, powder, lead or other Indian goods or merchandize whatsoever, five gallons of rum & goods for immediate Christian use ex- cepted on penalty of forfieting such Indian merchandizes and commodities so kept and concealed as aforesd as also on penalty of ten pounds to be recovered and applyed for the uses as aforesd. That no person or persons shall ride or drive with waggon or cart any Indian or Indians or any of their wives or children or any of their bever, peltry or other effects from the westward towards this city nearer than ten yards to the west of the two new Indian houses built on the hill and shall neglect or delay to take or receive his or their payment for such riding the value of nine shillings and no more, and that before the unloading of the said Indian or Indians their wives or children their bever peltry or other effects, and at such unloading at or near the place aforesd not immediately depart without speak- ing whispering or making signs to them or any of them shall for every offence forfiet the sum of five pounds, to be recovered and applyed for ye uses aforesd. That no waggoner or driver of any waggon or cart shall presume to take receive harbour or transport any bever peltry or other furr belonging to any Indian or In- dians at their return from this city towards Schinectady shall forfiet for every offence the sum of five pounds, to be recovered and applyed for the uses as aforesd. That no person or persons within the sd city shall at any time after the twentieth day of May next ensuing suffer any farr Indian or Indians coming from the west- ward to lodge in his or their houses, warehouses or elsewhere shall for every Indian or Squa he they or she shall suffer to lodge as aforesd forfiet the sum of five pounds to be recovered and applyed for the uses aforesd. That no person or persons whatsoever within the city or county shall upon the arrival of any farr Indian or Indians address themselves or speak to them by signs or otherwise of and concerning trade nor shall entice them282 The City Records. without this city at the westward by signs or other- ways on penalty of five pounds to be recoverd and applyed for the use as aforesj. That no person or persons whatsoever within the city and county of Albany shall take or receive upon any pretence whatsoever any pawn or pawns from any Indian or Indians whatsoever (Indian jewels only excepted) on penalty of five pounds to be recovered and applyed for the uses as aforesd. That no person or persons whatsoever at the Town- ship of Schinectady, or those that hereafter shall come in the sd Township or elsewhere to the northward of the sd line shall presume to take, receive, lodge, entertain harbour or conceal in his or their houses shops sellars ware house or other place whatsoever any Ind’n or Ind’ns whatsoever with any bever peltry or other furr on penalty of forheting for every offence the sum of ten pounds for the use and to be recovered & applyed as aforesd. This ordinance to remain in full force till the fifteenth day of September now next ensuing. Given in“Albany this twenty sixth day of April in the ninth year of his maj’es Reign, Ao. Do. 1723. By order of the Mayor, Aldermen and Comon Council of the City of Albany. Whereas on the twenty sixth day of April last past, an ordinance was made by the mayor, aldermen, and com- onality of the city of Albany and puhlishd on this present day prohibiting thereby that no person or persons what- soever within this city or county of Albany or without the same shall to the northward of a line extending from the north limits of the boundaries of the city of Albany due east and west by the natural position unto the utmost eastern and western limits & boundaries of the Province of New York trade or traflique with any Ind’n or Indians for any bever peltry or any Indian Comodities (except Indian corn venison & drest deer skins) and that no per- son or persons whatsoever to the northward of the sd line283 The City Records. shall have & keep within their houses or elsewhere any- trading Guns Blankets Rum Powder Lead or other Ind’n goods or merchandize whatsoever, five gallons Rum and goods for immediate Christian use only excepted, We do hereby therefore require and comand you to make dili- gent search in all houses barns ware houses or elsewhere to the northward of the sd Line and to seize all Bever, Peltry or other Indian comodities as also all Trading Guns, Strowds, Blankets, Rum, Powder, Lead or other Indian goods or merchandize whatsoever, except what is before excepted, and the same to remain and be kept in your custody until the same be condemned and con- fiscated according to the before recited ordinance and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under our hands and seals in Albany the eigteenth day of May in the ninth year of his Majesties Reign, Annoq. Dommini 1723. Was signd, Peter van Brugh, Joh’s Cuyler, Johan- nes Pruyn, Hendrick Roseboom, Barent Sanders, Dirck Ten Broeck, John De Peyster. Att a Comon Council 1 held in the City hail of Albany ye 12th day of May 1723. Resolved yl ye Lane between ye second and third ward in this city shall be cleand mended & repaird in such manner as the aldermen & assistants of sa wards shall order & direct and at or before pmo. August next en- suing on penalty of 36 shillings. That all persons within this city shall for the future within every forthnight clean ye streets & pavements be- fore their respective houses & lotts of ground on penalty of three shillings for every default. It is further Resolved and Concluded that all streets, lanes, allyes and pavements within this City of Albany and Liberties thereof shall be layd out mended made and repaird by the severall owners or tenants before whose houses & lotts of ground such streets lanes allyes & pavements are fronting and yfc in.such man’r and form as the respective aldermen and assistants in their wards284 The City Records. shall think fitt& convenant in conjunction with ye mayor of the sd city on penalty of six shillings for each neglect on warning given to be pd by such persons that shall re- fuse or deney, for ye behoof of any person who shall sue for ye same. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 18th day of May 1723. This Comonality have allowed unto Augustinus Turek marshall of this city the sume of six pound pr annum, since ye day of last for his service & attendance. Att a Comon Council held in the City hall of Albany the 25th day of May 1723. The mayor acquaints the comonality that the Com’rs appointed by the Govern1 of Boston to treat with the Sachims of the Five Nations desire that an ordinance may be made forbidding the selling and giveing Strong Liquors to the said Indians, Resolved y1 ye following ordinance be publishd: By the Worshipfull Mayor, Aldermen and Comonality of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas here are arrived some Commissioners Deputed by the Governm1 of the Massachusetts Bay who by and with consent of the Governm* of New York are admitted to treat with the Sachims of the five nations about some pubiick affairs, some of them being come and it being found by experience that y" selling and giveing of Rum and other strong liquors to those Indians have been of dangerous consequence and very prejudiciall tohismaj’es interest and the public welfare of the inhabitants of this city. We have therefore thought fitt to publish and de- clare and it is hereby ordaind publishd and declard that no person or persons shall give sell or otherwise dispose of any Strong Liquor to any Indian or Indians dureing the said treaty on penalty of five pounds for each offence (the far Indians excepted) for the behoof of sherrif or any person that shall sue for the same.285 The City Records. That liberty is hereby given to all persons within this city to lodge and entertain any Saehim or Sachims of ye five nations during the s(l Treatie, any former ordinance to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. Given in Albany this 25th day of May in the ninth year of his maj’s Reign, Ao. Do. 1723. Att a meeting of the Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 12th June 1723. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Aldermen & Comonality of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas the Lane between the second and third ward of this city is very much out of repair and it being neces- sary & needful that ye same be regularly mended made and repaird, Be it therefore ordain’d publish’d and de- clar’d and it is hereby ordain’d publish’d and declar’d that the said Lane shall be mended and repair’d at the charge of the owners or tenants whose lotts, houses or stables front the said Lane and that in such manner as the aldermen and assistants of the sd wards shall order and direct so as the same be finish’d at or before the first of August next ensuing on a penalty of thirty shillings for each default to be forfieted by the person who refuses or delays to repair and mend as aforesd for the behoof of the sherrif or any other person that shall sue for the same. It is further ordaind publishd anddeclard that all per- sons within the sd city shall forthwith cause the streets and pavements before their respective houses and lotts of ground to be clean’d and for the future within every fortnight on penalty of three shillings for every default for the behoof as aforesd. And whereas several streets & lanes within the sd city want to be regulated and conveniently laid out and in some parts earth dugg out and carted away, for the effect- ing whereof be it ordain’d publish’d & declar’d and it is hereby ordain’d publish’d and declar’d that all & every person or persons within the sd city whose houses and286 The City Records. lotts front any such streets or lanes shall at their own costs and charges mend repair digg up and cart away earth where it shall be wanting and that in such manner and form as the mayor, recorder, aldermen & assistants in each respective ward shall order Sc direct on penalty of six shilling for each default after notice given for the behoof as aforesd. Given in Albany this 12th day of June in the ninth year of his maj’es Reign, Annoq. Do. 1723. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany ye 15th day of June 1723. Johannis E. Wendell & Rob1 Roseboom declare on oath yl Johannis Myndertse of Schinectady has taken Indians with bever and peltry in his house on w’h it is Resolved that yR following warrant shall be issued to bring him before this meeting, which is as follows: To the Sherriff of the City and County of Albany or to his Deputy. City of Albany ss. Whereas on the 26 day of April last past an ordinance was publishdby the mayor, aider- men & Comonality of ye city of Albany & amongst other things it is ordaind publishd and deelard that no person or persons whatsoever at ye Township of Schinectadyfor those y* shall hereafter come within the sd township as by the sd ordinance may appear, shall presume to take, re- ceive, lodge, entertain, harbour or conceal in his or their houses shops sellers ware houses or other places whatso- ever any Indian or Indians whatsoever with any bever peltry or other fur on penalty of forfieting for every offence the sume of ten pounds, and being credibly in- formed on oath that Johannis Myndertse of Schinectady aforesd has on ye thirteenth instant contray to ye sd ordi- nance taken Indians in his house with bever & Peltry, We do therefore hereby require and command you that you take the said Johannis Myndertse and him safely keep so that you may have him before us or three of us to answer for his said offence, and for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under our handsThe City Records, 287 and seals in Albany the 15th day of June in the ninth year of his maj’es Reign, Ao. Do. 1723. Peter van Brugh, Mayor, Joh-n5s Pruyn, Hend’k Roseboom, Barent Sanders, Dirck Ten Broeck, Joh’s D’Peyster. At a Coinon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the the 25th day of June 1723. The sherrif brought Johannis Myndertse before this meeting, who being charg'd of haveing taken Indians in his house at Schinectady with bever and peltry on ye 13th instant contrary to an ordinance of the mayor, aldermen and comonality of the city of Albany he con- fessd to have taken Indians in his house. Whereon it is Resolved to lay a fine on him of ten pounds and that a warrant be directed to the sherrif to committ him to goal untill he shall have paid the said fine, which is as follows: City of Albany ss. To the Sherrif of the City and County of Albany or to his Deputy Greeting— Whereas on ye 26 day of April last past an ordinance was publishd by the mayor, aldermen and commonality of the city of Albany and amongst other things it is ordaind publishd and declard yl no person or persons whatsoever at ye township of Schinectady or those that hereafter shall come within the said township (as by the sd ordinance recourse thereunto being had may appear) shall presume to take receive lodge entertain harbour or conceal in his or their houses shops sellers warehouses or other places whatsoever any Indian or Indians with any bever peltry or other fur on penalty of for feting for every offence the sume of ten pounds, and being informed on oath that Johannis Myndertse off Schinectady has on ye thirteenth day of this instant contrary to the above re- cited ordinance taken Indians in his house with bever & peltry of which he is convict, We do therefore hereby require & command you to take the said Joh’s Mydertse and him safely keep in the comon goal of the said city & county and him safely keep untill he shall pay the sume288 The City Records. often pounds to be applyed two thirds of the said sum for building and repairing the fortifications of this Pro- vince and the other third to such person who has informed against him and for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant. Given under our hands and seales in Albany this 25th day of June in the ninth year of his maj’es Reign, Annoq. Do. 1723. Johannis Pruyn, Hend’k Roseboom, Barent Sanders, Dirck Ten Broeck, Jno. D’Peyster. Ordered that warrants be directed to the sherrif to cause Isaac Truex & van Slyck to appear before this meeting to answer for transgressing contrary to an ordi- nance of ye 26th Instant. Albany the 29th July 1723. Gentlemen: Inclosed we send you an ordinance made by us in pursuance of an act of Gen’ll Assembly of New York Entituled an act for the further & more effectual prohibiting of the selling Ind’n Goods to the ffrench as also our proceedings against one Johannis Myndertse grounded on the sd ordinance, whereon he was fined ten pounds for which lie has been taken in execution and de- taind till a Habeas Corpus was sent hither for removing him to the next Supreme Court, now our request is to favour us with youre opinion whether our proceedings are legal, and how far our Power by vertue of the sd act doth extend, we are advis’d here by our attorney that no action can be removed by Habeas Corpus, under twenty pound, so crave your opinion also on that subject. Here- with is also a printed Charter of our City whereon we also crave your opinion in relation to the Ind’n Trade how far we can legally proceed to preserve bever Sc fur trade in this Corporation and in making ordinances for the best management thereof for tho advantage of the inhabitants of this city and preventing the trade without the jurisdiction of this city. We send you each three pound which we desire you to accept as a retaining fee and for the advice above desired.The City Records. 289 Begging your answer we conclude with that we are, Gen- tlemen, your humble servants. Was sign’d Peter van Brugh, Johannes Pruyn, Hend. Roseboom, B a rent Sanders, Johannis Ten Broeck, Dirck Ten Broeck:, Jno. De Peyster, Barent Bratt, Hendrick Roseboom, Jun’r, Theunis Egbertsen, Goose van Schaick, Jun’r. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 4th day of September 1723. Whereas Johannis Myndertse of Schinectady has com- menced an action in the Supream Court of the Province of New York against Johannis Pruyn, Hendrick Rose- boom, Barent Sanders, Dirck Ten Broeck and John De Peyster Esq’rs, aldermen of the city aforesd, for trespass and false imprisonment, It being put to the vote whether the charge in defending the said suits should be defrayd by this Corporation, the Comonality (except Mr. Mayor) are of opinion that the costs and charges of the same shall be paid by the Corporation and that attorneys be imployd at New York to defend the sd suites till a finall determination thereof shall be had. To Henry Vernon & Joseph Murray attorneys at law at New York. These are to authorize and impower you jointly and severally to appear for us at the next Supream Court to be held in the City Hall of New York at certain suites comenced by Johannis Myndertse against Johannis Pruyn, Barent Sanders, Hend. Roseboom, Dirck Ten Broeck, Jno. D’Peyster, Esq’rs, aldermen of the city of Albany Sc from time to time to defend the same as to you shall seem meet. Witness our hands in Albany the 4th day of September, 1723. Albany 4th Sept’r 1723. Gentlemen: Having been favor’d with your acceptable Letter of the 12th ultimo which is very pleasing, return- ing thanks for ye incouraging advice hoping we may have success, but since that five of the aldermen of this city are sumon’d to appear at the next Supream Court at the [Annals, viii,] 26290 The City Records. suite of Job’s Myndertse concerning our proceedings against him which is to be defended at the charge of this Corporation as may appear by the enclosed resolution, to w’ch purpose you have here a power of attorney for defending the sd suites until a final determination be had, your fees and charges shall be paid to content, and beg we may from time to time hear from you, so conclude with being &c. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 28th day of September 1723. Whereas a bond will be due from Johannis Beekman Jun'r on the first day of October next to this Corpora- tion for the sume of thirty four pounds and nine pence, It is Resolved that after a demand shall be made of the same and on nonpayment that the said Johan’s Beekman Jun’r shall be su’d for the said Debt at the next Inferior Court of Comon Pleas, and that the mayor and recorder or either of them do imploy an attorney for the recovery of the said debt. Albany the 29th September 1723. This day being appointed by the Charter of the City of Albany for the aldermen of the respective wards to return the aldermen, assistents and Constables choisen to serve for the ensuing year, vizu. First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants. Johannis Ten Broeck Harmen Rykman John D’Peyster Isaac Lansingh Luykes Wyngaert, Constable, Second Ward. Hend. R. Boom John E. Wendell Barent Sanders John Roseboom Jun’r Jacob C. Sehermerhorn, Constable. Third Ward. John Pruyn Barent Bradt Dirck T. Broeck John V. Oostrander Goose V. Schaick, Constable. Barent Bradt is choisen Chamberlain.291 The City Records, Albany ye 14 Octo’r 1723. This day being appointed by ye Charter of ye Citty of Albany for ye aldermen, assistants & constables of ye said citty to be sworn according to ye return therofmade on ye 20th Sep1 last, those who are sworn for ye due execution of their respective offices and took the Oaths appointed by act of parliament. Johanis Pruyn, Hend: Ro:boom, Johanis T: Broek, John De Peyster, aldermen; Hain:Rykman, Isaac Lau- singh, John E. Wendel, John Ro:boom Jun’r, Baret Bradt, John V. Oostrander. Thomas Williams, high Sherrif for ye citty and county took ye said oaths and for ye execution of that office. Jacob C. Schermerhorn sworn constable. This day was agreed with Jacob Eghmont to be one of the bellman in this citty for a year to go round every other night and call at ye usual places what a clock and wheather it is, for the sume of ten pound ten shillings & thirty load of wood. ye 19 Octob: 1723. This day Dirck Ten Broek Esq’r was sworn as one of ye aldermen of this citty and took the oath appointed by act of Parliament. Att a meeting of ye Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of ye Citty of Albany this 25th day of October 1723. Resolved by this meeting to publish the following ordi- nance. By the Worshipfull Recorder, Aldermen & Assistants of ye-Citty of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas several! persons within the City & County of Albany do presume to sell Strong Liquor b}Tretaile with- out being duely lycenced or whithout speaking to any of the magistrates within the said citty that they are in- clind to such licence, It is therefore Resolved by the recorder, aldermen & assistants of the said city to ordain publish and declare and it is hereby ordaind publishd and declard that no person or persons within the said city & county shall sell or dispose of any Strong Liquor by re- tail© unless he she or they shall be duely lycenced by292 The City Records. the mayor of the said city on penalty of five pounds for each default, and during the absence ye said mayor that who are inclind to take such lycence do acquaint ye re- corder of ye said city therewith and those who he approves to be proper and able persons may sell by retaile during ye absence of ye mayor and no other person or persons on ye like penalty of five pounds for ye use of any person or persons that shall sue for the same. Given in Albany the 25 day of Octo’rin ye tenth year of his maj’s Reign, Annoq. Do. 1723. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 19th day of Novem’r 1723. This day Pieter Van Brugh Esq'r was sworn as mayor of the citty and took the oaths appointed by act of Par- liament. As also Mr. Barent Sanders for alderman in ye second ward. Elizabeth the wife of Johannis Yisger haveing in behalf of husband made application to severall members of this meeting for thirty pounds which the former mayor, aider- men & Comonality of this city promisd to be paid unto him on the second day of October 1721 as appears by the -minutes of that date, which being read and having taken this matter into consideration, It is Resolved that the said Johannis Yisger shall be paid by this Corporation the sume of thirty pounds in the month of May next, and that on receipt of sd money he shall give a generall re- lease & discharge to this Corporation of all dues and de- mands whatsoever. This Corporation have this day appointed the follow- ing persons to be fire masters for this ensueing year: First Ward. Barent Eghbertse Johannis Marcelis Second Ward. Johannis Bleecker Jun’r Gysbert Roseboom Third Ward. Gerrit W. vanden Bergh Casper Ham. Ordered that a warrant be directed unto the sd fire masters to go round on the 26th instant and then every forthnight.293 The City Records, Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 1st day of February 172§—Present Peter van Brugh, Esq’r Mayor, Job’s Cuyler Esq’r Recorder, Joh’s Pruyn, Hend. Roseboom, Barent Sanders, Job’s Ten Broeck, Dirk Ten Broeck, John D’ Peyster, Esq’rs, aldermen; Barent Brat Harmanus Ryckman, Joh’s E. Wendell, Joh’s Roseboom Jun’r, Isaac Lansingh, Joh’s van Oostrande. Resolved by the mayor, aldermen and comonality that the following articles be concluded and remain as a stand- ing Rule till the same be effected. 1. To sign the list of approved accounts of ye 28th September last. 2. To endeavor that the city of Albany maybe fortifyd as much as possible. 3. That the bell men perform each their respective services or that better men be appointed in their room, and that the Leaders and other materialls against fire (w’h God forbid) may be always ready. 4. To make the Constables compleat in this city. 5. To make an ordinance against the profanation of the Lords day, &c. 6. That Johannis Myndertse pay the ten pound and charges acrud thereon and the witnesses against Nicolas Schuyler be further examind. 7. That an ordinance be made for the better regulation of the Indian trade in the city of Albany, against Schinec- tady and elsewhere to the westward northward & east- ward. 8- That no lycences be granted to the Indian traders at Schinectady, as Johannis Myndertse, Nicolas Schuyler, Haimanus Vedder, Harme van Slyck, Jan Baptist van Eps, Barent Vroman, Maritie Br.owers, &c., nor to any above Schinectady and others to the north of this city, which cant be otherwise but stretch to the Ruine of this city. 9. That the Treasurer do collect all Debts due to the City of Albany at the proper times, and concerning other Debts due from the city to allow after examination and no disposition of any cities money but by Comon Councill.294 The City Records. 10. To desire his Excellency for a lycence for wood land of the Mohoggs adjoyning to our 1000 acres low land at Tjondorogue and at the same time to pay the meadow land to the end that a patent may be obtained for the whole. 11. That an ordinance be made that the streets, bridges and other ways in this city be made sufficient, that the water may have it vent and empty in the river. 12. All inhabitants not born here to buy their freedom and strangers who sell by retaile to shut their shops and to fine them according to the directions of ye Charter. 13. To raise money by a tax pmo. May 1724 for pay- ment of the Cities Debts to ye 29 September next. Johannis Roseboom Jun’r is choisen & appointed High Constable for the ensueing year. The List of approved accounts payable by the City of Albany of the 28th September last was signd this day amounting to one hundred nineteen pounds eight shillings and four pence half penny. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen So Assistants of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Be it ordaind by the mayor, recorder, aldermen & assistants of the city of Albany, and it is hereby ordaind by the authority of the same, that if any person or per- sons who is or shall hereafter be elected, choisen or no- minated in any of the officers hereaf er mentioned and shall neglect or refuse to take upon him or them the ex- ecution thereof to serve in the same shall pay the fine hereafter mentioned and expressed, that is to say, Every person elected, choisen or appointed for high constable four pounds and a petty constable three pounds, to be levyed by distres on the goods and chattels of the person so neglecting or refuseing to serve by warrant of the mayor, recorder and aldermen or the major part of them under the comon seale of this city directed to the sherrif of the city and county, which fines shall be paid to the Treasurer of this city for ye publick use of the same. Given in Albany this first day of February in the tenth year of his maj’es Reign, Ao. Do. 172|.The City Records. 295 Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 3d day of February 172|. This day Johannis Roseboom Jun’r sworn High Con- stable for the ensueing year or untill another be appointed or chosen in his room. Likewise Goose van Schaick Jun’r sworn petty constable for the ensueing year untill an- other be elected & sworn in his place. Resolved that Peter van Brugh Esq’r, mayor, John Cuyler Esq’r, recorder, Johannis Pruyn, Hendrick Rose- boom, and Johannis Ten Broeck Esq’rs, aldermen, or any three of them be appointed a Committe to imploy Lau- rence Clark the Interpreter to treat and speak by him to the Maquase Indians in order to pay for the one thousand acres of Low Land in Tionondorage and to purchase a quantity of wood land adjoyning to the same, for use of this Corporation, and that the charge be paid by the comonality to whom they are to give an account of their proceedings when thereto required. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 17th of March 172|. The fortifications about the City of Albany which were built and errected of pine Stockados being wholly decayd as also the block houses which were made and errected for the security and defence of the said city, so that the same lyes now open to our great reproach from the French of Canada, our and their Indians, and it be- ing absolutely necessary for the safety of the Inhabitants of the sd city and security of the fronteers of ye Province of Newyork that the said city of Albany be regularly for- tifyd, and being informed that a bill lay before the late Assembly to be passd into an act for fortifying of the said city, which the mayor, aldermen & comonality do humbly pray may be passd into a Law for fortifying the said city at the charge of the freeholders & inhabitants of the said city and county (Schinectady excepted) in such manner & form & at such convenient places as his Ex’cy the Governor shall order and direct. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and296 The City Records» Comonality of the City of Albany in Comon Councill convend. An Ordinance. Be it ordained by the mayor, recorder, aldermen and assistants of the city of Albany, convened in Comon Councill and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That no manner of servile work be done on the Lords dajr (works of piety, charity or necessity excepted) nor any goods bought or sold on that day within the said City or Liberties thereof, under the penalty of ten shil- lings for the first offence, and for every offence thereafter double that sume. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesd that no children, youth, maids or other persons whatso- ever, do meet together on the Lords day in any the streets or places within this city or Liberties thereof, and there sport, play, make noise or disturbance, under the penalty of one shilling for each offence, to be paid by the parents of all under age. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesd that no publick houses tap houses or ordinaries within this city & Liberties thereof, do suffer their doors to be kept open, or do entertain or receive any company into their houses, and to them sell any kind of wine or other liquors on the Lords day in time of divine service or preaching (unless to strangers, travellers, or those that lodge in such houses, for their necessary refreshment) and no keeper of such publick house, tap house or ordinary is at any time to suffer any excessive drinking or persons to be drunk in their houses, under the penalty of ten shillings for each offence. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that no negro or Indian slaves above the number of three do assemble to meet together on the Lords day or any other time, at any place from their masters service, within this city and the Liberties thereof, and that no such slave do go armed at any time with gun, sword, club or any other kind of weapon whatsoever, under the penalty of being whipt at the publick whipping post fifteen lashes,The City Records. 297 unless the master or owner of such slave will pay six shillings to excuse the same. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that one of the constables of three wards in this city do by turns successively on each Lord day, in time of divine service and preaching, walk through the several streets and lanes of this city with his staff and see the orders before written be duely observed and kept, and to that end he is likewise to enter into all or any publick houses, tap houses or ordinarys, and if any company or persons shall be found therein, or drink sold contrary to the orders aforesd, he is to make complaint and present- ment thereof to any magistrate within ye sd city that ye penalty may be inflicted accordingly. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that no person or persons whatsoever within this City and Liberties thereof do keep shop or sell any goods or wrares by retail or exercise any handcraft trade or occupation, but such as are free men thereof, or so admitted by the mayor, recorder and aldermen, or by the mayor or any three or more of the aldermen (after legal warning given) under the penalty of five pounds for each offence, and all persons hereafter to be made free shall pay as followeth: every merchant, trader or shop keeper the sum of thirty six shillings, and every handy craft trades man eighteen shilling currant money of Newyork with customary fees on being made free as aforesd, for the use of this city. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that the Gentlemen belonging to the Court of Common Councill of this city, do attend the same upon summons, precisely half an hour after the ringing of the bell upon penalty of three shillings for each default, unless hindred by sickness or some other reasonable cause to be disposed of for the benefit of the comon councill as they shall think fit. And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that from and after the publication hereof no person or persons shall ride or drive any horse or horses with wag- gon, sled or cart or otherwise in the streets or lanes of the said city faster than on a steap or a very moderate298 The City Records. trot on penalty of forfieting for every such offence the sume of six shillings to be paid by the owner or driver of such horse waggon or cart for the behoof of the sherrif or any person that shall sue for the same. Att a Comon Councillheld in the City hall of Albany the first day of April 1724. Resolved to imploy Mr. Evert Wendell to sue Mr. Philip Verplank late sherrif for ten pound & charges accrued prosecuting Johannis Myndertse, for suffering the sd Myndertse to escape out of his custody being comitted in the comon goal for refuseing to pay a fine of ten pound, and also to sue Jochim Bradt for a Trespass comitted on the land belonging to this Corporation near Schaahkook, and that the mayor in behalf of himself, the aldermen & comonality do give power of attorney unto ye sd Wendell to prosecute the sd actions. List of debts due from the mayor, aldermen & comon- ality of the city of Albany to the following persons. Albany the first day of April 1724. Dirk Ten Broeck - - - - <£6: 4:1J Barent Sanders - - - 2:12:4| Joh’s Pruyn - - - - 3: Hendrick Roseboom - 3: Johannis Cuyler - - - - 1: 1| Evert Wendell - - - - 5:10: £15:12:7-| Ordered that the Treasurer pay the above sume unto the respective persons above named each their due as above expressd as also nine pound shillings unto Philip Livingston in part of his account out of the first money he shall receive. Att a Comon Council held in the City hall of Albany ye 24th day of April 1724. The Petition of Johannis J. Cuyler being read desire- ing to purchase of lott of ground to the west of the house of Joh's Visger. It is Resolved by the mayor, aldermen and comonality299 The City Records. of the citj of Albany that the following lotts of ground shall be sold at a publick vendue to the highest bidder on the fourth day of May next ensueing, viz1. A certain lott of ground lying and being in the first ward of this city on the south side of the Jonckers street to the west of the house and lott of Evert Wendell, con- taining in breadth at ye street thirty foot and in length as the sd Wendells lott. Two other lotts of ground lying and being in the second ward of the sd city to the west of the lotts of Johannis Visger having on the north the Lane of sd Visger con- taining in breadth at the vest fronting ye Comons fifty five foot wood measure five foot whereof is to be for a comon lane, and in length from east to west foot. Another lot of ground lying in the second ward of the sd city next to the lott of Albert Slingerlant being in breadth on ye east by the street thirty six foot and on the west fifteen foot, in length as ye sd Slingerlants lott. Att a Comon Councill held in ye Citv hall of Albany the 28 April 1724. Evert Wendell appearing in comon council desires y* he may be admitted to purchase from the comonality five foot of ground in breadth to the west of his house at ye same rates as ye lott of 25 foot to the west thereof shall be sold for at vendue, w’h was granted accordingly. It is Resolved that ye following warrant shall be directed to the sherrif. To the Sherrif of the City & County of Albany, Whereas we are credibly informed that Isaac Truex of Schinectady in. ye county of Albany, hath fransgressd against an ordinance made & published by the mayor, aldermen & comonality of the sd city dated the-26th day of April 1723, We do therefore hereby Require & Comand you that you cause ye sd Isaac Truex forthwith to appear before us or the major part of us in comon councill at the City hall of ye sd city to answer what in that behalf shall be objected against him, and hereof faile you not. Given under our hands and scales in Albany this 28th day of April in the tenth year of his maj’es Reign, A. D. 1724.BOO The City Records. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 2d day of May 1724. Conditions of sale of three lotts of ground lying within this city to be sold by the mayor, aldermen & comonality of the sd city being bounded as follows, viz1. A certain lott of ground lying and being in the first ward of the city of Albany on the south side of the Joneker street five foot to the west of the house and lott of Evert Wendell, containing in breadth twenty five foot and in length as the sd Wendell lott, with a reserve when it shall be requird by ye mayor, aldermen & comonality of ye sd city or their successors there shall be room left for a round passage and to sett ye city Stockados. One other lott of ground lying and being in the second ward of the said city to the west of the lotts of Johannis Visger, haveing on ye north the Lane of ye sd Visger, on the south & ye west the Comons, containing in breath at the front & rear twenty seaven foot and in length Eodd & foot. One other lott of ground lying in the second ward of the sd city next to the lott of Albert Slingerlandt con- taining in breadth on ye east by ye street thirty^ six foot and on ye west fifteen foot and in length as ye sr[ Slinger- landts lott. That any person who shall be the highest bidder for any of ye s1 lotts of ground shall have a release for ye same and be obliged to pay on ye 25th day of this present month May, half of the money and the other half on yd first day ot May 1725, and enter unto bond with securitie if required and pay y° charges of writeing, which if re- fused they shall be offered to sale again at his charge, and if any of ye sl lotts should be sold for less he shall be oblidgd to pay it. . Barent Sanders is the highest bidder for the lott next to Evert Wendells for forty seaven pounds. Philip Livingston is the highest bidder for the lott next to Johannis Visger for sixty one pound. Harmanus Wendell is the highest bidder for the lott next to Albert Slingerlants for forty one pound.The City Records. 301 Att a Comon Councill held in ye City of Albany the 28th July 1724. The releases for the lotts of ground lying in this city sold unto Evert Wendell on the 28th of April last, and those lotts sold at vendue to Harmanus Wendell, Barent Sanders & Philip Livingston on ye 2d day of May being produced in comon councill, Resolved that the mayor in behalf of the comonality sign the sd releases and yl the same shall be recorded in the publick records, the sd per- sons giveing bond for the second payment of the purchase money, which is done accordingly by Philip Livingston & Evert Wendell. Harmanus Wendell appearing in comon councill re- quests that there may be granted unto him an addition of three foot of ground in breadth on the west end of the lott he bought at said vendue to run straight to the cor- ner of said lott, in lieu thereof he proposes to lett one foot of ground lye at the front. Resolved that this request' be referd untill next comon councill day. Barent Sanders Esq. not being in Town his release was signd in behalf as aforesd, and is to be left in custody of the mayor untill he pay ye first payment and gives bond for the second. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 10th day of Augs1 1724. Barent Sanders Esq’r this day gave bond unto ye com- onality for ye last payment for the lott of ground sold on ye 2d of May last, being twenty three pound ten shillings payable ye 25th of May 1725, and release for ye same being lawfully executed was deliverd him. The Comonality having taken in consideration the re- quest of Harmanus Wendell of 28 July last and are of opinion that they cant grant any ground further north- ward than what they already sold him at vendue on ye 2d May last, since it would incroach on the publick high- way. [Annals, viiio] 27302 The City Records. Albany, ye 29th Sept’r 1724. This day being appointed by the Charter of the City of Albany for the Aldermen of each respective ward within the said city to make Return of the Aldermen, Assistants & Constables to serve for the ensueing year, who are as follows: First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants. Johannis Ten Broeck Harme Schuyler John D’Peyster Daniel Hogan Adam Conde, Constable. Second Ward. Hend. Roseboom Joh’s Roseboom Jun’r Barent Sanders Joh’s Bleecker Jun’r Joh’s Wyngaert, Constable. Third Ward. Johannis Pruyn Johan’s van Oostrande Dirk Ten Broeck Barent Bradt. Goose van Schaick Jun’r choisen for high Constable, Barent Bradt is choisen for Chamberlain. Alt a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 19th October 1724—Present, Peter van Brugh, Esq. Mayor, Johan’s Pruyn, Hend. Roseboom, Barent Sanders, Joh's Ten Broeck, Dirk Ten Broeck, Joh’s D’Peyster, Barent Bradt, Johan’s Vanoostrande, Johan’s Roseboom Ju’r, Harmanus Schuyler, Daniel Hogan. The Comonality have this day appointed ye following persons to be fire masters for the year ensueing: Claes van Woert, Lambert Radlef, Thomas Sharpe, Harmanus Wendell Jun’r, Harp1 van Deusen Jr, Jacob Goewy. Orderd that a warrant be directed unto them to go about this city on Monday next and then every forthnight. Ordered that Barent Sanders, Dirk Ten Broeck, and John D’Peyster Esq’s, aldermen, Barent Brat, Johannis Roseboom Jun’r & Harmanus Schuyler, assistants, be appointed a comittee to view, examine and audit the303 The City Records. accounts payable by this Corporation, and bring their Report in comon councill the 21st instant. Att a Comon Council held in the City hall of Albany ye 21st of Nov?r 1724. The Comittee appointed on the 19th Instant bring in their Report that they have viewd and examind the ac- counts of several! persons therein mentioned payable by the said city amounting in all to the sume of one hundred and twenty pound ten shillings and three pence three farthings, which being approvd of by the comon councill, Ordered that a warrant be directed to Barent Bradt, City Chamberlain; for paying the said sume of money unto the severall persons mentioned in the said Report. Att a Comon Councill held in ye City hall of Albany ye 9th day of February 172-f-. Resolved by the Comonality that Barent Bradt, City Chamberlain shall lay before this meeting an exact ac- count of the City Debts with a List of the ballance due to the several persons mentioned in the City Book at or before the 9th of March next. Ordered that fifty deal Boards shal be sent pr. the first sloop to Mr. Henry Vernon. Ordered that an ordinance be made and publishd to prevent the unrulely Rideing with horse, waggon cart or sled through the streets of this city on penalty of six shillings for ye behoof of the sherrif. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Aldermen and Comonality of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas severall persons within the city & county of Albany do presume to ride with horses carts and sleds in ye streets of the said city very fast and unrulely which is very dangerous, for preventing whereof it is hereby or- daind publishd & declard that from and after the publica- tion hereof no person or persons whatsoever shall ride or drive any horse or horses with sled, waggon or cart or otherwise in ye streets lanes or alleys of the sd city faster304 The City Records. then on a step or very moderate trot on penalty of forfiet- ing for every such offence the sume of six shillings to be pd by the owner or driver of such horse, sled, wag- gon or cart that shall transgress, for the behoof of the sherrif who is to sue for the same. Given in Albany, this 9th day of February in ye eleventh year of his maj’es Eeign, Ao. Do. 172f. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany the 15th day of May 1725. It is ordered by the Comonality that Johannis Ten Broeck Esq. shall be paid the sum of three pound ten shillings for one hundred Deal Boards sent unto Henry Vernon Esq’r (by Jan van Ness) by order of the Comon- ality, wherein the freight is included. Its Resolved yt an order be drawn on Barent Sanders Esq. for the payment of the sd sume. Att a Comon Councill held in ye City hall of Albany this 22th day of June 1725. Resolved by the Comonality that two block houses to be built by the city in the first and second ward are to be lett to any person who will undertake the same for the lowest price, and is to be cryed round the city on Wednesday Thursday & Saturday, to be agreed for at the City hall of the said city on Munday ye 28th Instant at two a clock in afternoon. Att a Comon Councill held in ye City hall of Albany the 30th day of June 1725. The Comonality have this day agreed with Thomas Davis to build erect, & compleatly finish the two block houses to be built by the Inhabitants of the city of Al- bany in the first & second ward of ye sd city according to the directions of an act of Gen’l Assembly of the Colony of N. York Entitled an act for fortifying the city of Al- bany and of such dementions as is mentioned in the bonds of performence, for which he is to have the sume of Sixty Pounds in money and five pound in wheat, the first pay-805 The City Records. ment when the work is compleatly finished and ye second payment the next winter, for the performence of ye sd work is to be the first of October next, ye sd Davis has given bonds in ye penalty of £200. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany yQ 18 th day of August 1725. Whereas the Mayor, Aldermen & Comonality now con- vened considering for raising money to defray the charges for building the two block houses to be built by the in- habitants of this city this year and having perused & read the act of Gen’l Assembly of the Colony of N. York, pub- lished in July 1724 Entitled an act to enable the mayor, aldermen and comonality of the city of Albany to defray thepublick and necessary charges of the sd city, whereby they were enabled to levy on the estates real and personal of all the freeholders inhabit’s and soj ourners of the sd city of Albany such sum & sums of money not exceeding £60: w’h sd act is expird by its own limitation, and it being ab- solutely necessary the money agreed for to build the sd two block houses be raisd & levied on ye freeholders & inhabit’s of ye sd city & also for those two to be built the next year, It is therefore resolved that the members of this city be desird to procure an act of Gen’l Assembly to enable ye mayor aldermen & comonalty of the sd city for raising & levying as aforesd the sum of £65, this year, and ye like sume of £65 the next year to be employed for ye erecting and compleatly finishing ye sd four block houses. Orderd that the Clerk send a copy of this minute to Jno. Cuyler Esq. one of ye members lately gone to N. Y’k to attend ye Gen’l Assembly, That the charges for pro- curing ye sd act shall be pd by this Corporation. Albany ye 29th September 1725. This day being appointed by the Charter of the city of Albany for the aldermen of the said city to make Return of the aldermen, assistants & constable of the respective wards of the sd city to serve for the ensuing year, viz1:306 The City Records. First Ward. Aldermen. Assistants, Johan’s Ten Broeck Thobias Ryckman John D’Peyster Jeremiah Schuyler William Cranny, Constable. Second Ward. Hendrik Roseboom Johan’s Roseboom Jun’r Barent Sanders Joh’s Bleecker Jun’r Jeremy Pamerton, Constable. Third Ward. Johannis Pruvn Barent Bradt Dirk Ten Broek Isaac Fonda Abraham Bogaert, Constable. Barent Bradt is choisen City Chamberlaine. Adam Conde choisen High Constable. Att a Comon Councill held in the City of Albany this 4th day of October 1725. This day allowd & approvd the following accounts & issued a warrent to the Treasurer for the payment thereof being Eighty pound four shillings. Maria van Rensselaer - - - £10: Jacob Eghmorit - - - - 13:10 John Brumley ------ 13:10 Augustinus Turk - - - - 7:10 Philip Livingston - - 15:18 Dirk Bradt - - - - - 4:16 Harmanus Wendell - ... 10: Ragel Radlif - - - - 5: ---- £80:04 Albany 14th October 1725. This being the day appointed by the Charter of the city of Albany for the aldermen, assistants and consta- bles of ye city to be sworn who are as follows, viz1: Aldermen—Johan’s Pruyn, Hend’k Roseboom, Johan’s Ten Broeck, John D’Peyster. Assistants—Tobias Ryckman, Johan’s Roseboom Ju’r* John Bleecker Jun’r, Barent Bratt, Isaac Fonda.807 The City Records. Constable Wm, Kranny, first ward, Jeremy Pamerton 2d ward, made choice of Adam Conde for High Constable. Att a Comon Council! held in the City hall of Albany the 9th day of November 1725—Present, Johan’s Cuyler Esq’r, Mayor, Rutger Bleecker, Esq’r, Recorder, Johannis Pruyn, Hend’k Roseboom, Barent Sanders, Johan’s Ten Broeck, Dirck Ten Broeck, Esq’s, aider- men ; Joh’s Roseboom Jun’r, Joh’s Bleecker Jun’r, Tobias Ryckman, assistants. The said mayor, recorder, Thomas Williams Esq, sheriff, the aldermen and assistants here mentiond took the oaths appointed by act of parliament to be taken by all persons officiating in any publick office, and then the sd mayor, recorder, sherriff, Barent Sanders & Dirck Ten Broeck, two of the aldermen, took their Corp’lt oaths for the due performing of their respective offices. Att a Comon Councill held in the City hall of Albany this 15th day of November 1725. The Comonality have this day appointed the following Persons to be fire masters for the year ensueing: First Ward. Jan Oothout Joh’s van Der Heyden, Second Ward. Christopel Yetts Benjamin Eghberts. Third Ward. John Dunbar Johannis Evertse. Capt. Henry Holland appearing in Comon Councill desires to have ye liberty and use of a block house for one of his men to life in. Its Resolved that he may have that liberty of the Block house at the Luthren Church till pmo. May next, and that the other new block houses shall be Lockd and stand for the use of the city on occa- sions, as also the other block houses after pmo. May next. It is Resolved that an ordinance be drawn & publishd for regulating the Carmen within this city.308 The City Records. Att a Comon Couneill held in the City hall of Albany this 28th day of February. 172-jf-. This day was read the following Petition from Seven of the Tenants of Schaaheook deliverd in to the Comon Council in the year 1719, which is as follows: To the mayor, recorder, aldermen & assistants of the City of Albany in Comon Council conveend. The Humble Petition of Johan’s Knickerbacker, Jo- hannis Dewandlaer, Dirck van Yeghten, Lowis Yiele, Corsett Yedder, Marte Dellemont and Peter Winne, Humbly Sheweth, That whereas your Petitioners by Indenture from this Corporation have purchased & are severally become seized of certain tracts of land at Schaahkook for which they are each obligd to pay for ever the yearly rent of thirty seven & a half bushels of wheat, with this condition, if hinderd in their sd posses- sions and settlements the time so hindred to be allow’d them after September one thousand seven hundred & fourteen without paying any acknowledgment for that time, and whereas your Petitioners having been hinderd from improving their settlements, Wherefore your Petitioners Humbly begg this worship- ful Comon Council, will be pleased to allow and abate unto them one half years acknowledgment for the above hindrance which if your worships will be pleased to grant, Your Petitioners shall never thereafter make any further Pretence for any abatement of Pent for hindrance in their settlements before the date hereof, and your Petitioners as in duty bound shall always pray. Sign’d I: k: Backer, his PL Dirck van veghte Dit is het -j- mark van marten merck Dellemont met ygen hant gest Johannis D Wandlaer corset vedder. It is Resolved that each of the sd Petitioners is hereby abated the one half of the sd fourth years Rent which was due in January or February one thousand seven hundred & eighteen & nineteen, being eighteen bushels of wheat & three quarters of a bushel to each of them, it appearing309 The City Records. that the same hath been promised by the then Comon Counil, but do not find it enterd. Be it therefore orderd that the City Treasurer give credit for the same. Mary widow of Johannis Bradt deceased, having pro- ducd her certain Indenture from Joha’s Hallenbeeck for - one farm of land at Schaahkook, which on the third of September one thousand seven hundred & fourteen was granted by the mayor, recorder, aldermen and assistants to Mr. Philip Livingston, containing thirty five morgans for the yearly Rent of forty five bushels of wheat, the first payment thereof was due in January or February one thousand seven hundred and twenty & twenty one, being now six years whereof remains due by ballance of the City Book one hundred and seventy seven bushels of wheat. She now desires abatement of fifteen bushels of wheat yearly & so yearly for ever. The mayer, recorder, aldermen & comonality taking the said request under consideration, have examin’d the rent of the first seven farms of land at Schaahkook con- taining each thirty morgan, do find that they have been lett out in one thousand seven hundred and eight for forty five bushels of wheat yearly, Sc that by the new Inden- tures made in one thousand seven hundred and nine it is stated for thirty seven and one half bushels of wheat for each farm yearly for ever. It is therefore Resolved Nemine Contradicente that if payment be made of one hundred thirty & two bushels of wheat by the said Mary Bratt or any body for her on or before pmo. May next that the comonality will then abate the remaining forty five bushels of wheat in full of the said six years & not otherwise & no further. This day the mayor & comon council have agreed with Mr. Harmanus Wendell for the rent of the house of Ro- bert van Deusen for the use of Mr. Johannis Glandoorf where he now lives within this city for two years, com- mencing the first day of May next to the first day of May one thousand seven hundred twenty and eight, at seven pound ten shillings per annum.310 The City Records. Att a Comon Council held in ye City hall of Albany this 15th day of March 172f. Whereas the Tenants in Schaahkook who are in arrear have been served wl a writing fix’d upon their meeting house by order of the mayor & comon council to come & settle accounts and pay the arrearage of their Rent by this present fifteenth day of March & not having appeard according to ye directions of sd writing, It is therefore Resolved nemine contradieente that if the sd Tenants shall not come in within the space of eight days & give satisfaction to the mayor & comon council for the arrearage of their rent that an execution shall be issued out to distrain their goods and chattels for pay- ment of sd arrearages according to the directions of their respective Indentures, and that the Tennants shall be served with a copy of this Resolution. This day sold to Jacob Egmont a certain corner lott of ground, scituate lying and being in the plain on the south side of this city fronting on the south opposite the pas- ture ground of Johannis Mingael four rod distance be- tween the lott of Johannis Mingael and the sd corner lott in length south and north one hundred Sc five foot wood measure and in breadth before Sc behind thirty five foot of like measure, bounded on ye west by yG street yl leads south towards Dirckie Widow Hallenbeck, having to the east and to the north the city ground, for the sum of thirty pounds currant money of N. York, twenty pounds thereof to be pd on or before the twenty ninth day of Sept’r next ensue'ing & the remaining ten pounds, on or before the twenty ninth of Sept’r which will be in ye year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty eight. Resolved that the mayor in behalf of the comonality sign a release for ye sd corner lott of ground & that ye same shall be recorded in the publick Records, the sd Jacob Eghmont giving bonds for the payments as before expressed.The City Records. Bll Att a Comon Council held in ye City hall of Albany this 19th day of March 172-f-. By the Worshipfull Mayor, Aldermen & Comonalty of the City of Albany. An Ordinance. Whereas the water in weat Seasons of the year comes down the hill which lyes to the west side of this city in the second ward forces through several lots of ground from opposite the north part of Johannis Roseboom to the foxes Creek beyond the lott of Abraham Lansingh, for preventing whereof It is Resolved by the said mayor, aldermen & comonality of the sd city that it shall be or- daiud publishd & declard and it is hereby ordaind pub- lishd and declard that ye earth shall be taken of slenting with a descent of one rod & half Rynland measure from the said lotts and houses fronting the hill that the water may vent itself into the foxes creek which is to be done by the Inhabitants or owners of the sd houses & lotts of ground on or before pmo. June next, on penalty of thirty shillings for each default. Be it further ordaind by the authority aforesd that the water which forces from the said hill against the pave- ments of the houses from the north side of the house and lott of Johannis Roseboom & the south side of the house of John Lansingh shall lead along the pavements which lyes before the said houses that the water may vent it- self into the middle of the Rum street, which is to be done by the owners or tenants of the houses & lotts front- ing the said Pavements who are to cause the earth to be dugg up carryd away & fill up the ground where it is or shall be required and directed at or before pmo. May next on penalty of thirty shillings. And whereas the Lane between the second & third ward in this city is very much out of repair, and it being necessary and needful for the ease of the inhabitants within sdcity that the same be regularly mended 8c repaird Be it therefore ordaind publishd & declard that the sd Lane shall be sufficiently mended & Repaired at ye charge of the owners or tenants whose lotts, houses or stables312 The City Records. front the sd Lane and in such manner as mayor, recorder aldermen & assistants of the wards or the major part of them shall order and direct, so as the same be compleatly finishd at or before pmo. August next ensueing on penalty of thirty shillings. And whereas the water cant have its course and vent to the Brewer street from the west end of the Lane be- tween the houses & lotts of Jacob Lansingh & Jacob Vis- ger, being their pavements are laid too high which pre- vents the same, Be it therefore further ordaind publishd and declard by the authority aforesd that sd Lansingh & Yisger shall at or before ye first day of April next take up stone & earth each the breadth of one foot in the midle of their Pave- ments that the water may have its free course into the Brewers street, and hereafter lay their Pavements as shall be directed on penalty of thirty shillings. Be it further ordaind by the authority aforesaid that the Lane in the said second & third ward from the cor- ner of the house of Schiboleth Bogardus & from the south corner of the lott of Jacob Yisger to the north end of the lotts of Hester Dirckse & yt lately belonging to Harmanus Wendell shall be well pavd at the charge of ye owners or tenants fronting the houses and lotts, and that in such manner that the water may vent one half to the south & the other to the north as shall be ordered & directed by the mayor, recorder, aldermen & assistants of she. sd wards or ye major part of them, so as the same be com- pleatly made and finishd at or before pmo, August next ensueing, on penalty of thirty shillings for each default, to be paid by ye* owners or person who refuses or delays to repair & mend as aforesaid for the behoof and to be recovered as aforesd.(313) BARLEY TRADE OF ALBANY. Albany continues to be the largest barley market in the United States. Yet the figures for that trade from which most of the beer producing cities on the Hudson river and on the Atlantic states draw their supplies of either barley or malt, do not show that the article of beer is consumed to so great an extent in proportion to the population, as it is in England, where the duty paid annually on malt covers an aggregate of 36,000,000 of bushels. -Still the trade is increasing, as the following figures of the receipts of barley by canal at tide water during the following years show: 1844,... Bushels. ... 813,542 1851,... Bushels. 1845,... ... 1,152,297 1852,... ... 2,518,941 1846,... 1853,,.. 1847,... 1854,... 1848,... ... 1,548,197 1855,... 1849,... ... 1,400,L94 1856,... 1850,... ... 1,744,867 The receipts of 1856 are only exceeded by those of 1852 and 1853, and probably not much exceeded by those years if the deliveries from the Central rail road, which are annually on the increase, could be obtained. Within twelve years the receipts have increased near- ly 200 per cent, and the business has increased in this city in greater proportion; in 1843 and 1844 we find the busi- ness done in barley was reported not over 50,000 bushels per week. Now it is not uncommon to report a daily business of 40,000 to 50,000 bushels. Barley, consequent upon the increased demand and the high figures in the western markets, which have not [Annals, viii.] 28314 Barley Trade of Albany. only retained their own growth of barley at home, but have drawn that article hence to a large extent, has ruled high, in comparison with other coarse grains, and has been maintained at a very uniform price. The sales of barley reported during the season are only 1,682,400 bushels, which is far under the deliveries by canal, to say nothing of what has been delivered from the Central road. This is to be explained by the contracts which are made every season, covering large parcels, the par- ticulars of which are not allowed to get into print, and shipments to Troy, &c. Of the quantity sold 895,300 bushels is four rowed, 604,500 is two rowed, 123,800 bushels is Canadian, and 59,200 is mixed. The average value of the sales of four rowed may be put at 126jc., of two rowed at 122-Jc,, of Canadian at 127-Jc. and of mixed at 118c. The aggre- gate quantity and value of the reported sale^may thus be stated*. Bushels. Value. Four rowed.... $L, 126,155 Two rowed.... 740,364 Canadian 158,092 Mixed 72,355 Total $2,096,966 Making an average of a small fraction under 125c. per bushel. The highest figure paid for four rowed was 132 in September; for Jefferson county (two rowed) 126, 128 and 133 was paid, and it is the large sales during the season of this description of barley that brings the aver- age of two rowed barley up to 122J; the highest figure paid for Canadian barley was 132 in November. The greatest quantity of two rowed barley sold at one price was at 125c. at which sales of 80,500 bushels were reported. Of Canadian more than one third of the whole quantity reported sold was at 180c. the sales at that fig- ure reaching 52,500 bushels. Of four rowed 145,200 bushels were reported at 126c. and 142,100 bushels atBarley Trade of Albany. 315 126J, being more than one third the whole quantity re- ported at 125 a 126J. The quality of the barley sent forward this season is much better than that of last, excepting Lower Canada which was much grown and stained. The great bulk of the two rowed, excepting that of Jefferson county and some samples of Madison and Onondaga, has been much neglected owing to the bad condition in which it came forward; indeed, if we except Jefferson county, and one or two sales reported of Onondaga, there has been a very wide difference between the price of two and four rowed.(316) CHARITABLE AND CRIMINAL IN- STITUTIONS. In the legislative session of 1856, the senate appointed a select committee to visit all charitable institutions supported by the state, and all city and county poor and work houses and jails. The committee reported to the next legislature, and such parts of the report as relate to the institutions belonging to the city of Albany, are as follows: STATE IDIOT ASYLUM. The asylum for idiots was established, and commenced receiving pupils in 1851. It was first opened and placed under the direction of a board of trustees appointed by the state, a few miles north of the city of Albany, where it continued till August, 1855. The success of the un- dertaking being established larger accommodations were required, and it was determined to erect suitable build- ings in a more favorable location. • The citizens of Syra- cuse having offered to contribute a sum nearly sufficient, to purchase suitable grounds near that city, eighteen acres of productive land were bought for the site of the new asylum, and in September, 1854, the corner stone of the new edifice was laid. The building was completed in August, 1855, and the pupils removed to it in the fol- lowing month. ALBANY CITY AND COUNTY POOR HOUSE. This establishment located at the city of Albany, em- braces four buildings constructed of brick, two stories in height above the basements, one in size 40 x 70 feet and two others 32 x 90 feet, connected with a farm ofCharitable and Criminal Institutions. 317 216 acres, yielding an annual revenue estimated at $6,- 000*00. The basements of one building are used for domestic purposes, the others are unoccupied. In the poor house proper are 10 rooms, warmed by furnaces and stoves, but with very little ventilation. This building was erected 34 years ago. From six to forty paupers are placed in a single room. The number of inmates was 319, 120 males and 299 females. Of these three-fourths are foreign born, and eighty are under six years of age, The sexes are kept separate, only meeting at their meals, which are eaten in the same mess-room. The average number of inmates is 350, and the keeper reports that the number is declining, and states as causes of such decline, a reduction in the amount of emigration and the improved system adopted by the commissioners of emigration in forwarding emigrants to their detestina- tions, They are supported at an average weekly cost of ninety cents, exclusive of the products of the farm. As is common, the pappers who are able are employed on the farm and about the house. Once during the past year the supervisors have visited and inspected the house, in a body. It is supplied with Bibles, and the city mis- sionary preaches once or twice each Sabbath. A teacher is employed in the house during the whole year, who teaches the common English branches to an average number of about fifty children. On arriving at proper age they are bound out to various trades and employ- ments, by the overseer of the poor of the city. The com- mon council of Albany, impose rules and regulations for the government of the house, and under their direction supplies are furnished. The fa,re of the paupers is plain and wholesome. To attend the paupers, a physician is employed at an annual salary of $800. He is assisted by two resident medical students, who are boarded for their services. The physician visits once each day and the students twice. For bathing, two bath-rooms are furnished in the insane asylum and two in the fever hospital. During the past year, have occured in the318 Charitable and Criminal Institutions. house thirty-two births and seventy-one deaths. . The keeper thinks twenty-five of these births were illegitimate offspring. During the same time the inmates have suf- fered from small pox, typhoid fever and dysentery. They have a good pest or fever house, constructed of brick twenty-four by one hundred feet and two stories high above the basements. It is heated by furnaces, and is quite well ventilated by numerous openings into a hollow wall. It embraces four wards, with capacity for one hundred beds. There are now in the hospital thirty- two sick; only two cases of fever, the residue chronic cases. Of the inmates seventy-three are lunatics, thirty-two males and forty-one females, seventy are paupers, the remaining, three cases pay from $3*00 to $4*50 per week. There is provided an insane asylum in connection with the alms hou3e, built of brick forty by ninety feet, two stories in height, containing thirty*eight rooms above and eight in the basement, with convenient halls and yards. Thirty-nine lunatics have been admitted during the past year. They are under the care of the house physician, who is required to devote to them particular attention, and four attendants, two male and two female. Two are confined in cells or small rooms, which is the only kind of restraint used. When out of the building they are confined in commodious yards. Seven during the year have been dismissed as cured, and tw'o improved. It is judged that two thirds of the whole number of insane may be safely pronounced improved. One lunatic escaped on the 5th of January last and froze to death. Fre- quent application has been made for admission to the state institution, and refused. Four of the paupers are idiots, three males and one female, two are under sixteen years of age. There is one deaf and dumb, fourteen years old, and three blind. No corporal punishment is administered in the house. One half, at least, of the paupers are reduced to their present position by reason of intemperate habits. The poor houses throughout the state may be generally described as badly constructed, ill-arranged, ill«warmedsCharitable and Criminal Institutions. 319 and ill-ventilated. The rooms are crowded with inmates; and the air, particularly in the sleeping apartments, is very noxious, and to casual visitors, almost insufferable. In some cases, as many as forty-five inmates occupy a single dormitory, with low ceilings, and sleeping boxes arranged in three tiers one above another. Good health is incompatible with such arrangements. They make it an impossibility. Inmates in August, 1856................................. 319 Native born....... -........................................ 79 Foreign born........................................... 240 Children under 16 years..................................... 80 Average number of inmates.............................. 350 Months school taught. ...................................... 12 Births the past year.................................... 32 Deaths the past year. ...........................; ..... 71 Extent in acres of poor house farm...................... 216 Annual income of farm............................, . $6,000 „ Number of inmates in sleeping room. .................. 40 House inspected by supervisors the past year............... 1 Weekly cost of inmates’ support......................... $0*90 Intemperance the cause of pauperism. (Per cent.)........... 50 Number of lunatics........................................ 73 Males................................................... 32 Females................................................. 41 Lunatics in cells................ ...................... 2 Lunatics under mechanical restraint.................... 0 Lunatics improved past year. ........................... 2 Lunatics recovered...................................... 7 Lunatics not paupers....................................... 3 Lunatics received past year............................. 39 Number of idiots in house............................... 4 Number of deaf and dumb in house........................ L Number of blind in house. ....................... 3 ALBANY ORPHAN ASYLUM. This asylum was established and incorporated in 1830, and has since been supported by private donations, by interest on a small vested fund, by appropriations from the state, and sums received for support of alms house chil- dren . The present number of inmates is one hundred; they are received between the ages of three and twelve years, and disposed of by indenture at such ages as good oppor-820 Charitable and Criminal Institutions. tunities present. While in the asylum the children are in- structed in those English branches taught in common schools. The school is not inspected by school officers, neither do they share in the Common School Fund. The children enjoy the privileges of a Sabbath school, and oc- casionally other religious teaching. The institution can accommodate one hundred and fifty inmates. The house is very well built and commodious, and surrounded by fine gardens and yards. ST. JOHN’S BOYS’ ORPHAN ASYLUM. This asylum was founded two years since and has now in charge sixty orphans. It is supported mainly by charity. What sums were received from- the state, the managers were unable to state. There is no rule re- garding the age at which children are received, and they are discharged whenever places may be obtained. ST. VINCENT’S FEMALE ORPHAN ASYLUM. This institution has been established for twelve years, and is supported by private charity and by appropria- tions from the state, which in 1855 was $1,179. The present number of inmates is ninety-seven, and they are admitted at ages ranging from one to seven or eight. They are dismissed at the age of fourteen or fifteen years, when they are usually put out at wages. They are not bound as apprentices. While at the asylum the orphans are taught in the common branches of an English educa- tion, and in domestic duties. Their success after dismis- sal from the asylum has been usually satisfactory. Two- thirds of the children are of foreign parentage. ALBANY INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. This institution is located in the city of Albany, and was established eleven years since; it is supported en- tirely by private charity. The managers state its objects to be to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and to serve as an intelligence office, furnishing good places of em- ployment to the needy and destitute. Twenty-five aged females from sixty-five to one hundred years of age, areALBANY HOSPITAL.Charitable and Criminal Institutions. 321 here supported during the short remainder of their lives. Six of these are of foreign and nineteen of native birth. ALBANY CITY HOSPITAL. This hospital is pleasantly and healthfully located on the corner of Howard and Eagle streets. It is supported by donations from individuals, by ap- propriations from the state, by interest from a vested fund of about $20,000, and from pay patients. It has received from the state in all, to 1855, $10,817. The institution has been established for five years, and in that time has treated 705 patients; of these 412 were paupers. To pay patients there is a charge, in general ward, of $3*50; in private rooms $5. Of patients treated 545 were foreigners, and 160 Americans. Of the foreigners 425 were from Ireland. Of the whole number 474 were males, and 231 females. Sixty-four deaths have occurred. No persons laboring under contagious diseases are admitted. In 1855 were 222 patients. The average weekly expense for patients is $5*14. Average time patients remained in hospital during the year 1855 was five weeks and nineteen hours. The present number of patients is twelve, of which number ten are foreigners. The average number in the hospital is twenty-five. In cojmection or attached to the hospital is the Albany dispensary, to support which the state has appropriated $500 per year for the past three years. Here medicines and advice are administered gratuitous to the poor on application. The dispensary fronts on Howard street. The hospital building is well and substantially built with modern improvements. It is well warmed and ventilated, and appears to be well provided with all the usual appliances and conveniences calculated to secure the ends contemplated by the founders of the institution. It has a board of governors, four attending physicians and four attending surgeons, a resident physi- cian and surgeon. The labor of the attending physicians and surgeons is gratuitous, and would amount annually, if performed in322 Charitable and Criminal Institutions, private practice, at the usual rate of charges in Albany, to at least $8,000. It owes its existence to untiring energy, active be- nevolence and labors of a few prominent citizens of Albany, among whom are several who are an honor to the medical profession, and to the human race. It is a noble charity, well deserving the confidence and liberal contributions of the public, and the bounty of the state. ALBANY COUNTY JAIL IN THE CITY OF ALBANY. This though a comparatively new structure does no credit to the capital city of the state, and by a grand jury of the county has been more than once indicted. Surrounded by other buildings, there is little chance for the circulation of fresh air, and that within the jail was found to be offensive and unhealthy; without ventilation, and crowded with prisoners, it is rendered dangerous to the health of the inmates, and should attract the atten- tion of the courts and grand juries. It is impossible to classify the prisoners as the law requires, and yet there are found in the jail thirty-seven men and eight women; and it was represented to the committee that prisoners waiting trial are frequently allowed to remain in this place for months. The character of the prisoners and the effect of such an association can be judged by the commitments; which are: one for murder, two for rape, six for grand larceny, four for burglary, one for robbery of the post office, six for petit larceny, four for misde- meanor, three for assault and battery, two for vagrancy, one for damages, one for rescuing prisoners, seven for drunkenness, five for disorderly conduct and two witnes- ses, and all these it was admitted had free intercourse during most of the day. It would seem that those long resident in such a place and in such company, if not lost to all hope of reformation upon going in, must be ruined in morals and in health on coming out. In the female department were eight, all confined in one room, and in which the air was found to be more offensive than in the maiedepartment.Charitable and Criminal Institutions. 323 There was said to.be preaching in the jail every week, and the house was supplied with Bibles as required by statute. Nearly all the jails in the state are insufficient to ful- fill the purposes contemplated by law. No adequate provisions are usually made by the counties to enable the jailer, however well disposed, so discharge the duty which is clearly enough imposed on him by the statutes. Number in confinement.......................................... 45 Native born.................................................... 13 Foreign born.................................................. 32 Average weekly expense of support............................ $1‘25 Commitments consequent on inebriation. (Per cent.) Average number in confinement................................. 50 Supplied with Bibles........................................ Yes, Number usually confined in single, cell or ward...,......... 2 Number confined constantly in cell.......................... 0 Can classify as law requires................................. No. ALBANY PENITENTIARY. This institution was opened in 1846. The building furnishes cells for two hundred males and one hundred females. The average number of inmates is^two hun- dred; the present number is two hundred and fifty, seventy females and one hundred and eighty males. Three-fourth of these are of foreign birth. The convicts work at dif- ferent trades under contract, and the average earning per day of each is thirty cents. The great class of commitments is for misdemeanors incident to and caused by intemperate habits. In eight hundred and one committments for the year 1855, seven hundred and seventy-one admitted themselves to to be intemperate. The same proportion will hold good for the present year. During the day the convicts are in the work shops and at night confined in separate cells. The prison is a very healthy one, there being but one death during the past year and that from delirium tremens. The patient came to the prison intoxicated. There was but one in hospital, and the average number so confined was one half of one per cent. There is chapel service every Sunday morning and religious conversation by the chaplain with the prisoners the residue of the324 Charitable and Criminal Institutions. day, A library is being established by private donations of individuals through the agency of the keeper, and already numbers some five hundred volumes. The hospital and chapel are not sufficiently ventilated; otherwise the in- stitution appears well constructed, and its arrangements quite faultless. The income of the prison for the year 1855 was $18,- 17425, and the expenses $15,587*72, leaving a profit for the year of $2,586, there is no indebtness of any kind; and this is believed to be the best additional comment the committee can make upon its management. The keeper is the son of the former superintendent Amos Pilsbury, who after bringing the penitentiary to its present perfect condition, has taken charge of a more extensive establishment at Wards Island at the solicita- tion of the commissioners of emigration, who are now profiting by his superior qualifications, and where the state and all interested in that important commission are receiving the benefit of his skill and experience.( 325 ) FIRES IN' 1856. While all the larger cities in the Union have suffered severely from conflagrations during the year just closed, it is gratifying to know that our city has been singularly exempt from those disasters which have laid waste up- wards of twenty-five million dollars worth of property within twelve months. By reference to the record we ascertain that from January 1, 1856,“ but eighteen fires occurred in the city, East Albany, and Kenwood, and the total value of the property destroyed did not exceed $217,630. Included in this amount \#as $70,000 by the burning of Claassen & Barclay’s oil cloth factory; $50,- 000 by Smith & Co’s. Argentina works at Kenwood, and $50,000 by the Hudson river rail road depots at East Al- bany. Deducting this amount from the sum total and we find the value of the property destroyed by fire within the period named, was but $47,630, and this too a very liberal allowance. The following is the record of fires with the date of their occurence, &c: Jan. 20, Saturday, 8| p. m„ rear of Ames’s Buildings, corner South Pearl and Plain streets. Feb. 2, Saturday, 7£ p. m., slight fire onDeWitt street; loss $30. Feb. 8, Friday, 2 a. m., McGinty’s, South Broadway; loss $100. Feb. 13, Wednesday, 7 a. m„ Wiles’s house, south side Lydius street, near Cathedral; loss $25. March 20, Friday, 10 a. m., Anable’s morocco factory, South Broadway; loss $16,000. June 24, Tuesday, 3J p. m., Pruyn’s rope walk, Lumber street; loss $3,000. [Annals, mi.] 29326 Fires in 1856. July 8, Tuesday, 2 a. m., Lloyd & Jones’s carriage factory, and Taylor’s malt house, Hamilton street; loss $15,000. July 10, Thursday, 2 a. m., Coming’s building, State street, occupied by Miss Shaw; loss $6,000. July 30, Wednesday, lip. m., woodshed, Philip street, opposite hay market; loss $-0. Aug. 30, Saturday, 5 A. m., Claassen & Barclay’s oil cloth factory, Lydius street; loss $50,000. Oct. .2, Thursday, 7 a. m., Smith & Co’s Argentina works, Kenwood; loss $50,000. Oct. 4, Saturday, 3£ a. m., Ten Eyck’s Building, Green street, occupied by Gilkerson; loss $600. Oct. 22, Wednesday, 9 p. m., Conly’s building, Van Woert street; loss $2,000. Oct. 27, Monday, 0:15 a. m., Mrs. McCluskey’s build- ing, Quay street; loss $1,000. Oct. 28, Tuesday, 8:20 a. m., Holmes’s building, Mont- gomery street; loss $400. Nov. 2. Sunday 0:30 a. m., Dr. Me. Naughton’s build- ing, corner Lydius and Church streets. Nov. 19. Wednesday 0:30 p. m., wood sheds in rear of Nos. 43 and 45 Second st. Dec. 14, Sunday, 4 a.m., Hudson river rail road depots, East Albany ; loss $50,000. Dec. 25,. Thursday, 6:45 a. m., E. Gates’s house, Hudson street; loss $125. No city in the Union can claim such exemption from the ravages of the devouring element, indicating great caution and diligence on the part of our citizens. Since the introduction of the new supply of water the diminution in fires has been great, and the loss of pro- perty very small. There are various reasons for this. One is that there is no encouragement for incendiaries, as their hopes for plunder are disappointed by the secu- rity our citizens feel, they not removing their goods from their houses even though the fire is in close proximity. Another reason is the efficiency.of the fire department, and the perfect mastery its members have over the ele- ment, in conjunction with the inexhaustible supplyFires in 1856. 527 of water. With such a safe guard, and with ordinary care, we need have no fear of destructive conflagration unless extraordinary circumstances should interpose to thwart the efforts of the firemen. The following is the record of fires during the years 1850 to 1855 inclusive: 1850, 26; 1851, 36; 1852, 23; 1853, 17; 1854, 38; 1855, 19. Previous to the introduction of the present supply of water, our city was dreadfully scourged. No one can forget the year 1848, when so much of our fair city w^as laid waste. Our citizens stood in constant fear, and the alarm bell was the signal for general consternation. After the great fire the insurance companies paid for losses $612,700, probably one third of the entire loss. During the years 1847 and 1848 the old Albany Insurance Company, promptly paid $367,000 losses in Albany and elsewhere. Since that time they have been recuperating, and once again are in the full tide of success. They were incorpor- ated in 1811; and have transacted business for 46 years with a reputation which has never been dishonored.( 328 ) ANNALS OF THE YEAR 1856. January. 1. The New Year’s day mild and beautiful, the sleigh- ing good, and every thing conducive to enjoyment,..... The legislature convened at the Capitol. 2. Mrs. Rebecca, widow of the late Matthew Van Al- styne, died, aged 61....Oliver Gates died, aged 50. 3. Mrs. Elizabeth McCrea died, aged 73. 4. A countryman crossed the river on the ice with a span of horses and a lumber sleigh, in which were three women and a ton of iron. The weight of the load broke the ice, and the iron slid into the river, but the rest of the load was saved by fast driving......Joseph Ward died, aged 19......Mary Eliza, wife of James Bowen, died, aged 30. 5. Thermometer 5 deg. below 0, and the crossing of the river on the ice now first became safe for teams..... .A woman in Orange street found dead in her chair, sup- posed to have perished with cold. 6. The ferryboats went into winter quarters,the road- ways having been strengthened on the river by throwing water upon the ice, and thereby increasing its thickness. ......The Hudson river rail road train due 10o’clock on Saturday night, arrived at 8J Sunday morning, the road being obstructed with snow.....Job Bendall died, aged 46..... .Benj. Potter died, aged 71. 8. Ann Eliza, wife of Chas. King, died, aged 28.. Mrs. Abigail Sickles died, aged 51, wife of Alexander Sickles......Hester Neeley died, aged 22........Mrs. Susan Stewart died, aged 65. 9. Thermometer 8 deg. below 0 in the morning, and 9 deg. below at noon......The Hudson river express train was run into by the Poughkeepsie train, and three persons killed, among whom was Mrs. Henry Hurlburt,829 Annals of the Year 1856. of Albany; and a great number wounded, among whom was Mr. Thomas Schuyler and Mr. W. XL De Witt, of Albany......John Hendrickson died, aged 80. He was a native of Long Island, and came to Albany at an early age, a poor and unfriended youth. At first he was a merchant, but after a short time became a money and ex- change broker, in which business he continued until he retired with a competency. He was universally known and respected for his sound judgment, unblemished in- tegrity, and a sympathy towards the poor and unfortu- nate which was often manifested by liberal deeds... .John Carter died, aged 80.....Samuel Davidson, cartman, aged 50, left home in a deranged state of mind, and was found dead in the vicinity of the city, 10. Thermometer 10 deg. below 0.....A lunatic es- caped from the asylum at the Alms house, and was frozen to death in a graveyard in the vicinity. 11. Matilda, widow of James Gibbons, died, aged 56. .... * Charles A. Fassett died, aged 43..... .Margaret, wife of Gilbert Y. Van Zandt, died, aged 34. 12. G. Y, S. Bleecker died, aged 65. He had been a member of the common council nearly twenty years. In all the relations of public and private life he was highly respected.....Grace J. S. Hagaman died, aged 21. 13. Eev. Mr. Mayo commenced the pastorate of the Unitarian church in Division street....The German Lutheran church in State street was dedicated. 15. Harriet M., wife of Jas. Sutherland, died, aged 44. 16. Continental Co. B went to Newburgh to attend the funeral of Usual Knapp, the last of Washington’s life guards, where it was assigned the post of honor. 17. James Fitzsimmons, Jr., died, aged 22. 20. A fire broke out in South Pearl street, near Plain, which damaged a millinery store.......Thermometer ranged from 4 to 7 deg. below 0. 21. Erasmus D. Smith, a policeman, died suddenly. 27. Mrs. Harriet Eames died, aged 71.......George Morrow died, aged 34. 29. Dorcas Maria, wife of Geo. Bandall, died, aged 48.830 Afimls of the Year 1856. 30. Margaret P., wife of J C. Dowling, died, aged 56. 81. Jane, wife of James Webster, died, aged 27. February. 2. The bedding in rear of house No. 43 DeWitt street, took fire, causing a general alarm. A child was badly burnt; otherwise little damage was done..... .Bonfires were burnt on the arrival of the news of the election of Mr. Banks as speaker of congress.......A remonstrance signed by 4000 Albanians, against a bridge at Albany, was presented to the legislature.. .,. .Jane Matilda, wife of Langham Jupp, died, aged 38...... John C. Bullions, formerly of Albany, died at Honolulu, aged 28. 3. The formal institution of the Rev. Thos. C. Pitkin, as rector of St. Peter’s church, took place, Bishop Potter officiating. According to the Episcopal usage, the new rector was presented by the bishop with the Letter of Institution, the Bible, and the Book of Common Prayer; and by the senior warden, with the keys of the church. The bishop preached an appropriate discourse on the duties of the Christian pastor, from the text, “ The good pastor layeth down his life for the sheep,5’ in which were many feeling allusions to his own recent and long con- tinued connection with the parish in that relation. The church was densely filled. 4. Mrs. William Boyd died, aged 73. 5. Charles L. Schoolcraft died at Marseilles, in France, whither he had gone for his health. 6. The governors of the Hospital entertained several hundred citizens, legislators and physicians from abroad; a supper was served, and several speeches made. 7. The house of the late David Newland, on Broad- way, was sold to the Bank of Albany for $14,000....... Richard Merrifield elected president of the Young men*s association. 8. A train from Buffalo over the Central rail road ar- rived, the first one since Sunday the 3d, the detention having arisen from snow storms and high winds, which obstructed the road in the western part of the state. ...... A fire at 3 o’clock in the morning damaged a gro-331 Annals of the Year 1856. eery in South Broadway.......William Trainor died, aged 52......Mrs. Freelove S. Ferris died, aged 75. 9. Thomas Martin died, aged 73, v 10. Mrs. Lyons died, aged 67.......Hugh Duffy died, aged 26......Mary Louisa Goewey, formerly of Albany, died at Auburn, aged 19. 11. Thomas Hill died, aged 41,....Mrs. Sarah Van Benthuysen, wife of William C. Cafferty, died, aged 63. Mrs. Sarah Springsteed died, aged 45. 12. Alanson Bennett, of Borne, while descending the Capitol steps, fell dead in a fit of apoplexy..... .William C. Cafferty died, aged 69. 13. An alarm of fire caused by the burning of bedding in the house adjoining Cathedral, in Lydius street. Thermometer from 5 to 8 deg. below 0. 14. Catharine, wife of Jacob Messenger, died, aged 30. 15. Michael McCafferty died, aged 61; long known as the cake baker in the old Dutch house in North Pearl street, adjoining the Female academy....Nancy, wife of Abraham Y. McDowel, died, aged 30...........John Henry Hallenbeck died. 18. The Daily Albany Argus and the Albany Evening Atlas were united, under the title of Atlas and Argus> by Comstock & Cassidy. 20. Eunice Low, wife of Wm. H. Frame, died, aged 22. 24. George Warren died, aged 67..... .Dr. John Yan Buren died, aged 48. 25. Elisha N. Pratt died at his residence in Green bush, aged 42. 26. Mrs. Margaret, widow of Philip Gaylor, died, aged 73....Edward B. Carroll died, aged 24..........Mary, wife of Martin Cunningham, died......Alfred Hanson died, aged 30. 27. An alarm of fire in the evening, occasioned by the careless use of eamphene......Frances M., daughter of Stephen Clark, died, aged 19. 29. The whole number of persons arrested, charged with criminal offences, and brought before the police jus- tices during the month of February, was 210....Eli- zabeth Curran died, aged 24.332 Annals of the Year 1856. March. 2. Abby, widow of the late George W. Cady, died, aged 56, 4. A special meeting of the board of commissioners of foreign missions, opened its sessions at the Congrega- tional church..... .John J. Jarvis died, aged 38...... Mrs. Gertrude, widow of Willard Lloyd, died, aged 49. ......Mary, wife of James Hamilton, died, aged 27. 5. A law was reported to the common council for en- larging the bounds of the city of Albany, by annexing parts of the towns of Bethlehem and Watervliet...... Michael Arts died, aged 81. 10. Cold, thermometer 7 deg. below 0 in the morning. ......Capt. George Monteath died, aged 78. He was born in the town of Dumblane, Scotland, in 1778, and came with Ms parents to Albany, at the age of seven, and resided here more than seventy years. He corn- menced the profession of a schipper on the Hudson river at the age of ten, and for more than thirty years was occupied in sailing sloops, much of the time as master and owner. He was one of the founders of the Albany and Canal line of tow boats, with which he was actively connected until age and its infirmities compelled his re- tirement. Unlike some of his fellow craft, he took ad- vantage of the introduction of steam, instead of treating it with contempt, and acquired a fortune by it. 11. George Anderson died, aged 38. 13. Caroline, wife of Geo. Kreuder, died...Sarah, wife of Peter H. Diamond, died, in New York......Mrs. Anna Bleecker Truax, widow of Harmanus Lansing, died, in Watervliet... .Henry G. Bendall died, aged 21. 14. Sarah L. Keith, wife of L. Stuart Rose, died, aged 24......Andrew Murdock, Sen., died, at Schaghticoke. 15. William Parmelee, mayor "of the city, died, of a cancerous affection in the throat, aged 49. He was a native of Lansingburgh; graduated at Yale college in 1827, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme court in 1830, when he commenced the practice of law in this city. In 1836 he was appointed i:city attorney, and in333 Annals of the Year 1856. 1839 a judge of the county court, from which bench, in 1840, he was appointed recorder; he remained in that office till 1846, when he was elected mayor. In 1847 he was elected judge of the county, and held the office till 1852. In 1855 he was re-elected mayor, which office he held at the time of his death....Wm. H. Mosher died, aged 27. , 17. Elizabeth Wilson died, aged 18. 18. Mary, wife of Wm. Castle, died, aged 43,....... Sarah Hepinstall, wife of John Holmes, formerly of Al- bany, died at Brampton, C. W., aged 53.......Jane Mc- Chesney, wife of William Loomis, formerly of Albany, died at Enfield, Conn., aged 42. 19. A very large attendance of citizens followed the remains of Mayor Parmelee to the grave, notwithstand- ing the snow storm which rendered the streets very dif- ficult to pedestrians.....A fire was discovered in the Geological hall, in time to prevent its" conflagration. 20. A fire destroyed the tannery at the lower end of Broadway; loss $16,000—insured.......Jeremiah Whalen died, aged 89. 21. Harriet Hagen died, aged 42,.... .Elizabeth Mc- Guire died, aged 26. 22. The Albany Morning Express, which had been published about ten years, was discontinued,......Mrs. Sarah Creswell died, aged 81; an ancient corset maker, who had stayed the bodies of the ladies of Albany for at least two generations. She came to the city about 1823, from New York, and located at No. 3 North Pearl street. 24. The Albany Daily Statesman was first published, to advocate the doctrines of the American party. 26. Michael Moakler died, aged 56.... ^Margaret Carey died, aged 70. 29. A fire slightly damaged the pottery corner of Hawk and Hudson streets. 80. Benjamin F. Harwood, clerk of the Court of ap- peals, died, aged 38..... .Harriet E., wife of James Mahony, died, aged 22. 31. Sallie A., wife of Geo. K. Greene, died334 Annals of the Year 1856. April. 1. James McDonald died, aged 43.......G. W. Carter died, aged 21. 2. Miss Nancy Henry died. 3. The democrats called a meeting at the Capitol which was largely attended. The sudden lighting up of large bonfires alarmed the bell ringers, and there was a tremendous peal from all the bells, and a general turnout of the fire companies.....Gorham A. Worth died in New* York, aged 73. He was formerly cashier of the Mecha- nics’ and Farmers’ bank, and wrote some reminiscences of Albany. 4. The ice moved down the river, leaving the whole channel free as far as could be seen..... .Charles R. Wooley died at Frankfort, Ky., aged 26. 8. Hon. Isaac Wells, member of assembly from Jeffer- son county, died of varioloid, aged 65. Two other legis- lators who were confined with the same disease at the same time, recovered......An election of city officers resulted in the choice of Dr. J. Y. P. Quackenbush, by 20 votes over Eli Perry. William Paddock was elected re- corder. Samuel K. Hardy, died, aged 56. 9. The legislature adjourned, leaving the greater part of the business of the session unfinished...A fire at 2 o’clock in the morning, damaged the stove foundry of Quackenboss & Wasson, in Montgomery street........... Mrs. Elizabeth Christy died. 10. The first steam boat up from New York was the South America, which arrived this morning....A dwell- ing house in South Pearl street was damaged by fire.. Eli, son of Hiram Perry, died, aged 22.... ..Mrs, Anne Cullen died, aged 77. 11. Joseph Fry died, aged 82. He was a native of East Greenwich, R. I., where he was born in the year 1774; was bred to the printing business in Providence; came to Albany in 1796, and in 1798 was engaged with Henry C. Southwick in the publication of the Albany Chronicle. In 1813 he published the first Albany Di- rectory ; but he was principally engaged in the tobaccoBBS Annals of the Year 1856. business in which he acquired a competence. He made a profession of religion under the ministry of Hooper Cum- mings, to whom he was sincerely devoted, during all the trials of that remarkable man; and was also distinguished for inflexible integrity in all the relations of life. 12. Jacob Bradwell died, aged 54.....Mrs. Hannah Herner died, aged 84. 13. Charles Boyd, aged 21, died at Princeton theolo- gical seminary, where he was about to graduate. 14. Indignation meeting at the Capitol, on account of alleged frauds in the recent charter election, by which the returns showed a small majority in favor of Dr. Quackenbush over Eli Perry, for mayor......The Com- mon council met in the evening, and declared the returns of the 7th and 8th wards to be fraudulent, and declared Eli Perry elected to the office of mayor, by a vote of 11 to 9.. ...Thomas Ogden died, aged 52..........Abram Truax Bahannan died, aged 38. 15. Mrs. Catharine Annesley, widow of the late John Crawford, died, aged 98. 17. Alarm of fire; a stable in South Pearl street slightly damaged. 20. A heavy storm of snow all day. 22. Sarah, wife of Daniel Winne, died, aged 24. 23. Frederick J. Barnard died, aged 25. 24. Maria, wife of William H. Andrews, and daughter of Levi Phillips, died at Buffalo.....Hannah, wife of James H. Warner, died, aged 37........Hannah Coats died, aged 22. 25. Mary A. Bartley died, aged 22. 27. An alarm of fire in the evening proceeded from a fire in West Troy......Catharine Matilda, wife of T. V. L. Wheeler, died in New York, aged 33; daughter of the late Benj. Van Benthuysen. 28. At a meeting of the Common council, C. W. God- dard was elected mayor to fill the unexpired term of Wm. Parmelee, deceased.......The fire companies made an experiment with Grenoble hose, before the City hall. 29. Jonathan Brooks, Jr., died, aged 45. 30. Charles S. Vernam, died, aged 34.836 Annals of the Year 1856. May. 1. Mary Crocker, wife of Thomas L. Greene, died, aged 89. 2. Mrs. Catharine Shepherd, died, aged 91. She was a native of East Hartford, Ct., and came to Albany in 1796. She was the eldest of five sisters, all of whom resided in Albany, and of whom the venerable Mrs. Guest is the only survivor. Mrs. Shepherd retained her men- tal faculties to an unusual degree, and her society was sought and enjoyed equally by the old and the young.— Journal. 4. Elisabeth, wife of Henry T. Could well, died, aged 58......Alexander Holmes died, aged 48. 6. At a meeting of the new board of Common council, Dr. J. V. P. Qnackenbush was elected mayor by the de- mocratic majority, although Eli Perry had been declared mayor by the retiring board, and duly sworn into office. The city, for the first time had two mayors. 8. The boilers of the steam tug Washington Hunt ex- ploded severely scalding four persons...Mrs. Innocent, wife of Halsey Woodruff, died, aged 65....The body of Adam Beam, who had been missing for a month, was found floating in the river. 9. S. Cornelia, wife of J. W. Randolph, died, aged 26. 10. Annie Knower died at Knowersville, aged 84. 12. Mrs. Lois Marvin, widow of David E. Gregory, died, aged 78. 15....Explosion of a fifty horse power steam boiler at Cyrus Edson’s distillery, at the lower end of Broadway, by which Mr. Edson and two others were instantly killed, and several wounded. Mr. Edson was 36 years of age. Julia, wife of Hiram Holiday, died, aged 52. 16. Robert Brew died, aged 68, 18. The funeral of Cyrus Edson attended by a very large concourse of citizens. 19. Rebecca Hartshorne died, aged 84. 20. Mary, wife of John McIntyre, died, aged 58. 21. Elizabeth, wife of Charles Buss, died, aged 35. 22. John B. James died at Chicago, aged 40...,. Sarah Harkison died, aged 35337 Annals of the Year 1856. 23. Thomas D. Gaynor died, aged 64..... .Catharine E., wife of Thomas Hillson, died, aged 44. 25. Mrs. Julia McGregor died, aged 58......Olinda, wife of Daniel Atwood, died, aged 43. 28. Jane, wife of Thomas Campbell, died, aged 46. 30. Harriet E. Deuel, wife of J. E. Herrick, died, aged 31....Mrs. Nicholas Coyle died, aged 33. June. I. The ceremony of laying the corner stone of St. Jo- seph's church took place with great pomp, attracting an immense crowd of spectators..... .Patrick McKeever died, aged 78. 3. Stephen Watson died at Brattleboro, Vt., aged 68. 5. Benj. F. Craft died, aged 56. 9. Eve, wife of Zera Wilber, died, aged 80. 10....John W. E. Marvin died in Brooklyn, aged 31. James McGuire died. II. Jonathan White died, aged 81. 15. Mary, widow of James LaGrange, died, aged 85. ......Mary, wrife of Denison Worthington, formerly of this city, died at Summit, Wisconsin, aged 39. 16. Workmen began the demolition of the City hotel, ......Mrs. Catharine A., wife of Capt. Peter A. Bradt, died, aged 44. 17. Mary Augusta, wife of S. F. Parsons, died, aged 28. # 19. The Yates mansion on Broad street, sold to T. W. Olcott, for the use of the principal of the Female aca- demy. $16,000 paid for it..........Delia M., wife of Luton Shaw, died, aged 38. 20. Mrs. Susan D. C. Aiken, late of Albany, died in Syria, aged 21. 23. Theodore Fondey died, aged 28. *...Alexander Campbell died on his passage home from South America. 24. A fire in Lumber street destroyed a rope walk and two tenements; several persons injured,.... .Dennis Alien died, aged 65. 25. The capital stock of the Albany Bridge company, [Annals, rHi.] 30338 Annals of the Year 1856. $500,000, was subscribed in a few hours,.... .Daniel H. Craig died, aged 57. t 26. William V. Pruyn died of wounds received at the burning of the rope walk in Lumber street, aged 45. 27. Jane Knight died, aged 49. 28. Catharine, wife of A. S« Beers, died, aged 52. July. 1 2. The 25th regiment having erected a flag staff on the Steam boat square, Gen. Frisby raised the national 9 colors, and a salute of thirteen guns was fired on the oc- casion. 2 3. Dr. C. C. Griffin died suddenly at Toledo, Ohio. 6. A disturbance took place among the members of the German Lutheran church in State street, which amounted to a riot; the majority of the members having become dissatisfied with the pastor, and considerably tinctured with heresy. 7. The Common council changed the name of Patroon street to Clinton avenue. 8. A fire destroyed the carriage manufactory of Lloyd & Jones, on Hamilton street......Francis McCan, living in the lower part of the city, murdered his wife, cleaving her head open with an axe. 9. The murderer McCan wras arrested in Greenbush. 10. A fire destroyed the house 128 State street, the inmates barely escaping with their lives,.... .Cornelius Brooks died, aged 42. 12, John I. Boyd died, aged 76. He was formerly of the house of Peter & John I. Boyd, doing business in South Market street, and retiring some years ago with a competency. 14. Archibald Campbell died, aged 77. He was born in Glenlyon, Perthshire, in the Highlands of Scotland, in 1779. He came to this country in 1798 and was a short time engaged in the printing establishment of Barber & South wick, in this city, but most of his active life was spent in the state department. He entered the secretary of state’s office as a clerk in 1805, under Thos. Tillotson339 Annals of the Year 1856, and served in that capacity until 1812, when, without solicitation, he was appointed deputy secretary, by Eli- sha Jenkins, and continued to hold this office, with the exception of a brief interval of two years, until 1853, when his increasing ill health compelled him to resign. Mr. C. remained in the state department through va- rious political changes, under the following secretaries, viz : Thomas Tillotson, Elisha Jenkins, Daniel Hale, Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer, Peter B. Porter, Robert L. Tillotson, Charles D. Cooper, John Vam Ness Yates, Azariah C. Flagg, John A. Dix, John C. Spencer, Samuel Young, Nathaniel S. Benton, Christopher Morgan, and Henry S. Randall. He was thoroughly acquainted wTith the business of his office, and devoted to its duties, and uniformly enjoyed the entire confidence of the heads of the department, and of the other branches of the state administration, and of the public, during the long period of his service. The purity of character which distin- guished his private life, as well as the unwearied courtesy and fidelity which marked the discharge of his public duties, secured him the sincerest respect of all who knew him. It may be mentioned, only as an illustration of the esteem which he commanded from all who had most intimate knowledge of him, that he enjoyed in a remark- able degree, the confidence of Gov. Tompkins, during his connection with the state government. Mr. Camp- bell was one of the founders of the St. Andrew’s society of this city, and for many years its president. He and our lamented fellow-citizen John I. Boyd, who died a few days before him, and Archibald McIntyre and Wm. McIIarg, were the only survivors of the founders. The two last now only remain..... .Mrs. Cornelia, wife of Abram Wilkinson, died, aged 29. 15. A steam boat arrived from New York for the north ferry, the steam boat which ran there a few years ago having been abandoned for a horse boat. The immense numbers of cattle brought from the west by rail road were proposed to be ferried over here, to avoid the nui- sance of driving them through the city, which had become a serious eviL340 Annals of the Year 1856. 18. Joseph C. Born died, aged 41....Jane K., wife of Albert T. Dark, died, aged 25. 19. Robert Evans died, aged 60. 21. James Waddell died, aged 54. 24. Rachel, widow of John McGill, died, aged 75. 29. Mariah, wife of Thomas Lees, died, aged 40... . J. Richmond Gladding died, aged 19.....Bridget, wife of Richard Burke, died, aged 34. 30. A fire in the evening destroyed a shed corner of Hamilton and Philip streets.......Sally A., wife of Robert F. Rose, died, aged 43. 31. Polly Mann died, aged 83. August. 2. Nathan B. Stiles, formerly of Albany, died at Phila- delphia, aged 25. 5. Sophia, wife of Jared Holt, died, aged 50.... Mary A., wife of John P. Cox, died, aged 36. 6. Isaac Arnold died, aged 90......Mrs. Margaret Allison died, aged 56. 8. Margaret, wife of John Dillon, died, aged 36. 10. Eliza, wife of Daniel Miller, died, aged 41.. An aged womkn named Lawless, returning from church, fell dead in the street from the rupture of a blood vessel. ......Margaret Craig died, aged 46. 13. Mrs. Rena Davis died, aged 62. 14. Convention of the old line whigs, which ratified the nomination of Millard Fillmore for president, and in the evening there wras a great meeting at the Capitol, and a large procession with transparencies and Roman can- dies......George Riley died, aged 50. 16. Mary Hagerdorn died, aged 64. 17. George Osborn died, aged 71...... Thomas Green died at sea, on board the bark Stella and was buried on the Peruvian coast. 18. Alida, widow of Alexander Cameron, died, aged 66. 20. Great rain storm.....The American association for the advancement of science met at the Capitol...... Nancy A., wife of Joseph La Fleur, died, aged 25.341 Annah of the Year 1856. 21. Great freshet, caused by the rain of the previous 36 hours; the bridge over the Normanskiil on the Beth- lehem turnpike, was carried awav, and several mills dam- aged.......The bridge commissioners decided to locate the bridge over the Hudson at the foot of Exchange street.....Elizabeth, wife of Robert Jennings, died, aged 45. 24. Robert M. K. Strong, late of Albany died in New York, aged 44. Among the members of the bar who had turned from its active scenes to seek repose in re- tirement, and who have been called to leave to life itself the farewell they had uttered to their profession, few have been more missed or more sincerely mourned than the late Robert M. K. Strong. Having acquired a libe- ral education at Union college in this state, he com- menced his legal studies under the care of the late Samuel Stevens of Albany, and completed them in the of- fice of the late Daniel B. Talmadge, in this city. Begin- ning his professional career without family influence,"and pursuing it unaided by adventitious circumstances he achieved in an eminent degree, and while yet a young man, the reward of integrity, industry and ability. From inclination and aptitude, Mr. Strong participated in the important labors and consultations of the office, rather than in the more conspicuous duties of court. While he sought no opportunity for public notoriety, he attained the confidence of clients and the esteem of his profes- sional brethren. Retiring in 1854, from the commercial law firm of Martin, Strong & Smiths, in which he was long a partner, he undertook, in the following year a voy- age to Europe, but returned a confirmed invalid. Years of arduous application had been intermitted in vain, or too late. Disease, which shattered a constitution, not of the firmest, disordered for a time a mind distinguished for its healthful balance. Under such circumstances, death came at last in the form of relief. As his friends could not hope to welcome him back to life, they could hardly mourn his release from the dark valley whose shadows to him were deepened by a mental cloud. He died in the prime of life—his age little exceeding forty—342 Annals of the Year 1856, leaving to an interesting family the bereaved enjoyment of accumulations which he had designed to share with them in his coveted retirement. u When hearts whose truth wTas proven Like his are laid inearth, There should a wreath be woven To tell the world their worth.” He was a man of directness, sincerity and heart. These qualities gave a manly gentleness to his manner, and endeared him to many, whose recollections will sup- ply omissions in this imperfect tribute to his memory.— N. Y. Eve. Post. 25. Mrs. Jane M. Shires died, aged 68.........Amanda M., wife of Moses Murdock, died, aged 26. 27. The State geological hall was inaugurated by the American scientific association. Addresses were deli- vered by Prof. Louis Agassiz, and other distinguished men. 28. The largest assemblage of ladies and gentlemen ever seen in Albany, congregated under the immense canvas erected in the Academy park, to participate in the ceremonies attending the dedication of the Dudley observatory. The scene presented was brilliant, and well calculated to inspire an orator. The stand was filled with the magnates of the state, and the distinguished men from abroad. They were so numerous that we have no room to name them. The first orator was Ex- Gov. Hunt, who paid a high eulogy to the late Charles E. Dudley. He was followed by Prof. Goold, the young astronomer, who is to have charge of the Dudley obser- vatory, who gave a history of the rise and progress of the observatory. He mentioned particularly the inde- fatigable services of Dr. Armsby, which called from the audience loud applause. When he finished, Prof. Bache paid a very neat and appropriate compliment to the great orator of the day. Previous to Judge Harris introducing Mr. Everett, he read a letter from Mrs. Dudley, tender- ing $50,000 for the support and maintenance of the Dud- ley observatory. Prof. Agassiz pushed forward to the front of the platform, and asked that the audience would343 Annals of the Year 1856. every one rise in honor of the lady who had made this great contribution to American science. The vast crowd rose, and three enthusiastic cheers were given. Mrs. Dudley, who was present, was so overcome by the com- pliment, that she shed tears of joy. The great Massa- chusetts orator then came forward and was warmly welcomed. He held the attention of the immense crowd for nearly two hours. It was a brilliant elfort of his pro* lific genius, worthy of his dazzling name. The whole affair passed off creditably to all concerned. The con- vention adjourned, to meet next year at Montreal. Votes of thanks were passed to the trustees of the different institutions in town for their kind attention, to which were added complimentary remarks. The citizens of Albany, particularly the ladies, were highly complimented for their kindness and hospitality. Appropriate eulogies were passed on the late Dr. Beck, when the association adjourned......Jane, wife of Abraham Sickels died, aged 74. 29. Catharine Nehmire died, aged 27........A man named William Grant dropped dead in the street, from enlargement of the heart. 30. A fire destroyed the oil cloth factory of Claassen & Barclay, in Lydius street, about 4 o’clock in the morning. Loss estimated at $50,000.. .. .. J. Bamberg’s store robbed of laces and silks to the amount of $3,000. .....The scaffolding used for enlarging the First presby- terian church fell a little after 7 o’clock in the morning, and injured several of the workmen......Two thieves arrested for stealing jewelry from the stores of James Mix and others.....Mrs. Levi Parker died, aged 56..... Ann, wife of John Burns, died, aged 65.....Susannah, widow of the late Wm. Cagger, died, aged 83.....Bas- sill Watson died at Buffalo aged 37; formerly of Albany. 31. Edmund Cooper died, aged 54. September. I. The steam boat Knickerbocker, at one time the most splendid boat on the river, but now used principally for344 Annals of the Year 1856. the transportation of cattle to New York, sank on her downward trip at an early hour in the morning, at the Highlands, having on board a considerable number of passengers and nearly 700 sheep. The passengers were saved, but their baggage was lost, and the live stock and freight also,.... .William Cooper, late of Albany, died at Philadelphia, aged 56; and was interred here on the 5th. 3. George W. Beers died, aged 28, 4. Sarah L., wife of Daniel True, died, aged 38. 5. Sally Ann, wife of B. C. Brainerd, died, aged 46. 8. The Albany Evening Union, a democratic paper was published by J. McFarland—a penny paper........... Ellen, wife of John Tobin, died, aged 26 ........Kate O’Sullivan drowned at Schenectady, aged 21. 10. Caroline, widow of David Armour died, aged 90. 11. Mariah, wife of Barent Van Zandt, died, aged 49. ......Jeremiah Schuyler, formerly of Albany, died at Chicago, aged 31. 15. James P. Gould died, aged 66. He was a Christ- ian philosopher. His mental endowment was far above mediocrity. He was a living compendium of civil and ecclesiastical history. No man in Albany, knew more of Albany, he having been for many years chief engineer of the tire department and assessor. He knew the number, dimensions, and valuation, of almost all the real estate. He was accurate, precise, methodical, honest. He was interesting and instructive in conversation. He was cheerful without levity. He was ardent and abiding in his attachments. He was faithful and true as husband, father, and friend. He was courteous, meek, unostenta- tious, sympathetic, and inflexible where principle was involved. His religious exercises were fervent, reverent and impressive, and suffered nothing by inspection or re- view. His views of God and his Providence were emi- nently exalted, philosophical, and scriptural. He was frugal and benevolent. He was honored. No man in Albany could hold an office for which he would consent to be a candidate, civil or ecclesiastical* His elections345 Annals of the Year 1856, were by overwhelming majorities, or unanimous consent. Hundreds who saw him during his last illness, could adopt the language of Young: “ The chamber where the good man meets his fate,” &c, I was his physician. He was my friend. I never knew a man whom I loved more. He said he only wished to live to my account, lest dying I might suffer professionally. This wras the strongest expression of friendship that I ever heard of. His dis- ease was protracted and painful. A post-mortem exam- ination, by the ablest physicians and surgeons of the Medical college, demonstrated an absolutely incurable disease of one kidney and the liver. He lived and died as none but great and good men ever can. He detested eulogy and parade. He will read this obituary in the last great day, and I shall have thousands to witness that the half has not been told. His death-bed biography was a “ sinner saved by grace." Charles Devol. 17. A match was played between the Albany and the Poughkeepsie cricket clubs, in which Albany was victor- ious. 18. The Westerlo mansion on Pearl street, sold by auction, brought $17,000......Mrs. Anna Morris died. ......John Hastings died, aged 90. 19. Margaret, wife of Hugh Gillespie, died, aged 74. 20. Catherine, widow of Wm. H. Whitney, formerly of Albany, died in New York, aged 62. 21. Jacob E. Fuller died, aged 33.........Mrs. Ann Vickers died, aged 82. 24. The Hudson river bridge company elected officers; Erastus Corning, president; Gilbert L. Wilson secretary and treasurer......A pole consisting of a single stick of timber, 90 feet in length, was raised at the corner of the Exchange, by the Fillmore club...........Mrs. Richard Creamer died, aged 51. 25. American mass meeting.........Closing day of the county agricultural fair..... .Mrs. Carroll died of burns by a camphene explosion. 26. James W. Randolph died, aged 34. 28. Patrick A. Carroll aged 25 killed in an affray.346 Annals of the Year 1856. 29. Robert Thompson elected chamberlain. 30. The whole number of cars drawn on the Albany and Utica division of the Central rail road during the month of September was 13,149...........Mrs. Hannah Robinson died, aged 35. October 1. High water, occasioned by the unusual rain of the previous day. The docks were submerged. 2. A fire destroyed the Argentina works of Smith & Co., at Kenwood; loss about $50,000. 3. A fire destroyed a silver plater’s shop in Green street below Hudson. 5. One hundred and fourteen cars arrived at Albany laden with cattle. 9. Eveline, wife of John Cutler, died. 10. Mary Ann, wife of John Tyrrell, died, aged 29. 11. Adelaide A. Griswold, wife of James H. Chipman, died, aged 36......John D. Groesbeck died at San An- tonio in Texas.....N. Colburn died at Sacramento, Cal., aged 42. 12. Nancy, wife of Arthur H. Coughtry, died, aged 55. 13. At a meeting of the Common council, the com- mittee to which was referred the widening^of Broadway, from near Steuben street to Columbia, reported against the measure. The same committee reported in favor of widening Orange street, by taking a portion of the lots on the north side, so that it would be 58 feet on Broad- way instead of 21, and 62 feet on North Pearl instead of 38 feet 3 inches, as at present..... .The steam boat Glencove, made the trip from New York, in 7h. 30m., including all the usual landings. J4. Jacob Wickliffe was found dead in his bed. 15. Yinal Luce died at Washington; formerly a resi- dent of this city. 16. The Northern rail road was sold by auction, and bid in by C. W. Bender at $250,000. The sale cut off the lien of the third mortgage, and terminated the inte- rest of the stockholders......Ames C. Page died at Brooklyn, aged 42,Annals of the Year 1856. 847 17. Sarah Augusta, widow of Thomas Stamps, died. ......William Hamilton died, aged 67. 22. A fire destroyed a double frame dwelling house and its contents in Van Woert street, at 9 o’clock in the evening......The Democracy made as grand a proces- sion in the evening, as tar, torches, brass bands and transparencies were capable of producing by human aid! ......Elizabeth S., wife of Mathew Sheridan died, aged 21. 28. Mary, wife of Michael Cassidy, died, aged 46. 27. A fire destroyed the wooden store 56 Quay street. 28. A fire in Montgomery street partially destroyed a wooden tenement. 29. Mrs. Abigail widow of Timothy Knower died. 30. Russell Forsyth died, aged 83 .... .Samuel Gates died at Saratoga springs, aged 72. 31. Politics having found its way among the members of the Methodist church by the Rev. Allen Steele endorsing John C. Fremont’s protestantism, the Times remarked that ten years ago the Methodists in this city numbered over 2000 members, but at present less than 1200. The following was written in explanation of the decrease. “ It is known to those acquainted with our church that we receive persons upon probation for six months. Pre- vious to the general conference of 1848, members and probationers were reported together under the question, What numbers are in society? Since that period they have been reported separately. In 1846, ten years ago, the exact number of members and probationers in this city, was 1276; in 1856, including probationers, 1408. In 1842, we had 1102. During the next year, under the unnatural excitement respecting the end of the world, which few remember but to deplore, there was a great influx of probationers so that in 1843 we reported 2139. But a majority of these never became members of the church, and many of them were never seen after they gave their names as probationers. In 1844, we returned but 1634, and in 1846, 1276. Not only did we lose those who had thus been drawn to the church, but the energies348 Annals of the Year 1856. of the church were paralyzed and her moral power lessened. During this period, occurred the excitement in the church respecting slavery, which resulted in the spring of 1845, in the division between the north and south, as also the secession of the Wesleyan methodists from our body. These farther distracted and weakened the church here as elsewhere, and combined with the immense emigration to the west caused a farther decrease, and in 1850 we reported but 884 Methodists in this city. But the church had recovered a healthy tone and during the last six years has increased 524, nearly 100 per year. I allude to these facts and figures without any comment, simply to show that although for a time weakened by unfavorable influence, the Methodist church has recover- ed her moral power, and is doing her part with the sister denominations for the promotion of religion in this com- munity. S. D. Brown. November. 1. A fire in Lydius street destroyed a tobacco factory belonging to Joseph Sherwood.........The steam boat America was sunk by running into a sloop; being the fourth steam boat which had gone to the bottom of the river during seven weeks, namely, the Knickerbocker, Hero, American Eagle, and America. 4. The election resulted in the success of the demo- cratic party by large majorities. 5. Isabella, wife of J. B. Child, died, aged 29. 6. Mary Ann Jones died, aged 18. 7. George Klinck, a native of Albany, died at Peter- boro, Madison county, aged, 66. 8. Michael McNally died, aged 87..........Catherine Elizabeth Kiernan died, aged 20......Ann Scarlett died, aged 95. 10. A meeting of ladies was held in the consistory of the Middle Dutch church to consider the subject of establishing industrial schools for vagrant children. They determined to recommend the establishment of two such schools, one in the north, the other in the south part of349 Annals of Albany. the city-.... .The steam tug Cayuga of the Swiftsure line arrived with fifty*one boats in tow, the largest number ever attempted by one steamer..... .A. S. Gris- wold, who had long since been an Albany merchant, died in New York. 11. The Albany county medical society held its semi- centennial anniversary. There was a large attendance. Dr. 17. G. Bigelow the president delivered the annual ad- dress, and Dr. S'. D. Willard read a history of the society. The following officers for the ensuing year were elected : S. H. Freeman, president; S. D. Willard, vice-presi- dent; Levi Moore, secretary; W. H. Bailey, treasurer. Drs. S. Vanderpoel, Cogswell, P. McNaughton, Quack- enbush, Boyd, censors......A meeting of about thirty members of the Hudson Street Methodist Episcopal church was held to consider the propriety of withdrawing from that church and forming a new society, in consequence of the decision of the pastor in the case of Br. Bronk, who was tried for disturbing the congregation by making pious ejaculations after the manner of the primitive Methodists......Mrs. Mary, widow of Francis Low, died, aged 72. 13. St. Andrews society elected officers: Andrew Kirk, president; George Dawson, first vice president; D. D. Ramsey, second vice president; Rev. E. Halley, chaplain; Dr. Peter McNaughton, physician; James Wilson, treasurer; Peter Smith, Jr., secretary; John McHoffin, assistant secretary; Peter Smith, James Dick- son, James Duncan, Thomas McCredie, Alex. Gray, managers.......The Christian Ambassador contained an appeal from the Rev. J. N. Parker, recommending that the Universalist societies throughout the state should take up collections to aid the Albany society in its pre- sent embarrassed condition. 14. Snow commenced falling soon after seven o’clock in the evening, and continued throughout the night; but little of it remained in the morning. 16. A new Methodist society, which had its origin in the difficulties in the Hudson street church, occasioned by one of the members having a propensity to ejaculate [Annals, viii.] 31350 Annals of Albany. more than was thought proper, haying negotiated with the Uniyersalists for their house of worship in Green street below Hamilton, held their first meeting there in the afternoon, and were addressed by Eev. Mr. Goss. 17. A meeting was held in the Middle Dutch church, consisting of representatives from the various churches of the city, to consider the matter of forming two indus- trial schools. It was addressed by several of the clergy- men of the city, and adjourned to a future day. 18. The Exempt firemen’s association elected its offi- cers: F. M. Stone, president; Cornelius Glen, vice-presi- dent ; G. W. Hobbs, treasurer; Samuel Templeton, secre- tary......Sarah, wife of William Ballentine, died, aged 50. 19. A fire destroyed a frame dwelling on Arbor Hill. .......The Eev. E. P. Eogers, D. D., was installed pastor of the North Dutch church; installation sermon by the Eev. Jacob Van Vechten, D. D.; the charge to the pastor by the Eev. I. N. Wyckoff, D. D. 20. Thanksgiving day. 21. Maria, widow of Goldsborough Banyar, and daughter of John Jay, died in New York, aged 75. 22. The Mansion house, known in ancient times as Rockwell’s Mansion house, was sold at auction, and pur- chased by Van Heusen & Charles for $60,000... .Frances Matilda, wife of Edward J. McClasky, died, aged 32.... Elizabeth, widow of Ammon Easey, died, aged 60. 25. Two stones for the observatory, weighing ten tons each, arrived from Kingston.........Elizabeth, wife of Anthony Flanagan, died, aged 24. 26. Mrs. Anastasia Bulger was found in Cherry street, lying upon the ground, evidently haying been murdered. .......A lad aged 14, fell from the mast head of a vessel lying in the basin, a distance of sixty feet, landing on the deck, by which no less than six bones were broken; yet he survived. 28. Francis McCann convicted of the murder of his wife, and sentenced to be hung on the 22d of January. .......Eichard Griffin died, aged 76.Annals of Albany. 851 29. Snow fell during the whole day, the first of the season which remained. 80. The Rev. Dr. Pitkin, rector of St. Peter’s, in closing his first year’s ministry, stated in his sermon that there had been 84 baptisms, 18 marriages, and but 5 deaths, in the congregation during the year; that the attendance upon public worship had nearly doubled and the attendance upon the Sunday school quadrupled; that the Sunday collections amounted to over $2,400, and a movement had been made for the erection of a new church.......There were 280 cases brought before the police justices during the month of November, embracing 27 different classes of crime. * t .. .E. C. Delavan, who had subscribed $1000 to clothe the needy in Kansas, sent off 164 winter coats, 150 pairs winter pantaloons, 82 vests, 204 shirts; in all 600 garments. Miss Pellet was sent out with them, to superintend their distribution. December. 1. Nicholas F. Effner died, aged 47,.... .Charles M. Gilbert died, aged 32. 2. The water was so low in the river that the passen- ger boats could not reach the city, but were detained either on the sand bars, or at the Castleton dock...... Magdalin, widow of Capt. Samuel A. Brooks, died, aged 45. 3. Hail, rain, snow, thunder and lightning occurred during the day,.... .The jury in the case of John Cum- mings tried for the murder of -Christopher Stumpf, brought in a verdict of guilty.....Sarah Briggs died. 4. The canal was found in the morning to have been effectually closed during the night time, and navigation entirely stopped..... .The Assessment rolls of the city and county, were submitted to the board of supervisors. Catherine Falconer, late of Albany, died at Eliza- beth, N. J. 5. Harriet, wife of David W. Thomas, died, aged 28. ......John Yule died........Jonathan Lyman died at Bchodaek landing, aged 70:; formerly of Albany. 10. At the annual election of officers for the New York352 Annals of Albany. Central rail road, Erastus Corning was re-elected presi- dent, and J. Y. L. Pruyn, treasurer.........The steam boat Hero left the dock for New York, and made her way through the ice with great difficulty. The river was completely frozen over for several miles, and no other boat ventured up or down.........Mrs. Mary, widow of Ananias Platt, died, aged 86..... .Isaac E. Judson died, aged 77..... .Charlotte Kane, wife of John Carson, died, aged 36. 11. Henry A. Williams died at Stapleton, on Staten Island, aged 62. He was for many years one of the proprietors of the Eckford line transportation company, and for several years alderman of this city; was unas- suming in his manners and much esteemed by those who knew him best. 12. The supervisors reported the total amount of taxes to be levied for city purposes at $259,527*54; and for city’s proportion of county expenses $75,747*48; total assessment $335,275*02. 13. Angus McNaughton died, aged 43. 14. A fire destroyed the freight depot of the Hudson River rail road, and a large quantity of goods. Although the property was on the opposite side of the river, the alarm was first given from the City hall, and the Albany engine, No. 8, threw the first water on it..Hamilton Trainor died. 15. The propeller Reliance arrived from Poughkeepsie with freight, and hurried back with all speed, but could not get below Van Wie’s point, and was forced to return to this city. The following statement of the assessed and equal- ized value of the real estate and personal property of the city and county of Albany, was prepared by the finance committee of the board of supervisors and pre- sented at the meeting of that body.Annals of Albany. 353 CITY. Assessed Value. 1st Ward 2d “ 3d “ 4th “ 5th « 6th “ 7th « 8th “ 9th “ 10th “ Acres. Value. Real. $969,945 1,047.925 1,6001441 3,206.921 3,245,823 1,886,740 1,262,825 1,090,025 1,629.623 2,188,170 Personal. $18,500 28.300 132,600 1,141,987 3,103,013 233.350 31,900 12.300 116,300 58,550 $18,128,438 $4,876,800 Equalized Value. 1st Ward 2d “ 3d 4th “ 5th 6th “ 7th “ ..... loth “ !!“.”!!! ”!“!!!! ::::::::: $ 872,950-50 943.132-50 1,440,396-90 2,886,228-90 2.921,240-70 1,698,066-00 1,136.542-50 98i;022-50 1.466,660-70 1,969,353-00 ll^OOO 1,141,987 3,103,013 233,350 31.900 12,300 116,300 58,550 $16,315,594-20 4,876,800 TOWNS. $23,005,238 891,450-50 971,432-50 1,572,996-90 4.028,215-90 6,024,253 70 1,931,416-00 1,168,442-50 '21,192,394-20 Assessed Value. Bethlehem, Berne, Coeymans, Guilderland, Knox, New Scotland,... Rens’ville, Wester] o Water vliet “ Village, 30,666 Hall 5-6 33,953 35,974 54-39 9-84 36-74 22-31 9-73 22,52 18 00 1,126,675 « 604.950 2,097,806 2,435,356 69,185 101,750 218,400 131.461 300,660 553,050 1,992,225 474,360 1,279.060 813,586 323,454 911,596 888,635 736,411 2,398,466 2,988,406 $304‘736 Equalized 10,925,508 Valu e. 1,880,691 12,806,199 Bethlehem, Berne, Coeymans, Guinlerland,..... Kuox, New Scotland,... R.ensVille, Westerlo, Watervliet, “ Village,. I.fl 30,666 lllls-O 33,953 37,241 35,470 35,974 55-00 18-00 35.25 39 00 18-00 39-00 18-03 2-3 22-00 58'00 1,832.875-00 710,532-00 1,080,976-50 1,267,812-00 470,250 00 1,402,167-08 671,579-30 780,340-00 2,086,492-00 2,435,356-00 179.400 86,025 152.385 88,375 69,185 101.750 218.400 131,461 300,660 553,050 2,012,375-00 79^557-00 1,233,361-50 1,356,187-00 539,435-00 1,503,917*00 889,979-50 911.801-00 2,387,152-00 2,988,406-00 304,736 12,738,379-80 1,880,691 14,619,070-80 In the above city valuation it should be mentioned that after the rolls were completed, the board by resolu- tion allowed the National and Exchange Banks to com- mute, and therefore the sum of $685,103 was deducted from the valuation of the 5th ward.354 Annals of Albany. The total assessed value of the wards and towns is as follows: Wards, . Towns, Real. Personal. 4,876,800 1,880,691 Total. 23,005,238 12,806,199 Grand Total,.. 6,757,491 35,811,437 The total equalized value is as follows: Wards Towns, Real. Personal. 4,876,800 ],880,691 Total. 21,192,394*20 14,619,070-80 Grand Total,.. 6,757,491 35,811,465*40 The following is the valuation of the real estate and personal property for the year 1855: Real. Personal. Total. 1st Ward,........ $947,456 $17,450 $964,906 2d “ 1,024,975 33,000 1,057,975 3d “ 1,587,381 155,150 1,742,531 4th “ 3,134,136 1,078,597 4,212,733 5th u ........ 3,008,600 3,118,533 6,127,133 6th “ 1,844,130 239,950 2,084,080 7th “ ........ 1,248,850 59,600 1,308,450 8th “ 1,043,350 23,550 1,066,900 9th “ 1,568,393 174,750 1,743,148 10th “ 1,996,455 62,200 2,0 58,655 $17,403,731 $4,962,780 $22,366,511 By comparing the valuation of 1856 with 1855 we find the following result: Real. Personal. Total. 1856 $18,128,441 $4,876,800 $23,005,241 1855 17,403,731 4,962,780 22,366,511 $724,710 $85,980 $638,730 Showing an increase in the valuation of the real estate of $724,710, a decrease in the valuation of the personal property of 85,980, and a total increase of $63.8,730. 17. The river was frozen over so effectually as to ad- mit of crossing on foot..... .Eliza Olmstead, wife of Stephen J. Rider, died, aged 55.... *. .Richard L. Wilson died, aged 42. For several years he occupied a com- manding influence in Illinois as the editor of the Chicago Journal.855 Annals of Albany. 18. Cold day; 7deg\ below zero; by some thermometers lOdeg. belo w. The Westerlo house in North Pearl street, recently known as the convent of the Sacred Heart, was purchased by James Kidd, for a sum exceeding $18,000. ... .Martinus Witbeck died, aged 47.....Judith Darnay died, aged 64. 19. Samuel Pruyn, of the board of Penitentiary in- spectors, reported the business and condition of that in- stitution. The net earnings for the year amounted to $3,- 178,04, a larger sum than had ever been realized during any previous year, and at the close of the fiscal year not one dollar indebtedness was held by any individual against the institution. The gross receipts for the fiscal year ending Oct. 81, 1856 was $18,345*98, the expenses $15,- 167*94. The number of commitments during the year was 990, with those on hand at the time of making the last report 213, and a total number of commitments during the year of 1,203. The number discharged during the year was 958, leaving the number in confinement at the close of the year 247—181 males and 66 females. The average monthly number of inmates is about the same now as it was in 1854. The commitments for public in- toxication for periods of ten, twenty, and thirty days each, in its practical effects is very bad for the institu- tion. The time is too short for cure or reformation, and in a pecuniary view, the county might rather, place a five dollar bill in the hands of every one of these con- victs, and tell them go about their business, than to take them into the Penitentiary. During the year but one death has occurred, and that a ten day subject who entered the prison in a state of delirium tremens. The inspectors allude to the singular circumstance of the number of commitments being greater in the summer than the winter months. ‘‘Another, although a usual feature, is the over-pro* portion of foreigners among the inmates of the Peniten- tiary. Of the 990 committed in the past year, but 385 were born in the United States. Since 1st Nov. 1848,356 Annals of Albany. a period of eight years, there has been imprisoned 5,477 persons, of whom 3,985 (nearly two thirds) were of for- eign birth. Of these, Great Britain, its colonies and de- pendencies, have furnished 2,998; the various German states in the aggregate 231; France 40; all other nations together 26. “ The largest foreign customers of the Penitentiary, have been our nearest national relatives—-those who speak one common tongue, viz : Born in England........................ 187 “ Wales......................................... 4 44 Scotland................................... U9 44 Ireland................................... 2518 14 Isle of Man.................................. 1 44 The Canadas................................. 179 44 Nova Scotia and New Brunswick ................. 4 Total.........,....................... 2998 “ Neither South America, the West Indies, Mexico, or any country on this hemisphere, beyond the southern bounds of our own land, has thus far been represented, One genuine native African, who from his own account, was a prince or king, or something of that kind in his own country, has appeared.” The whole number of commitments in eight years has been 5,477, and the receipts over expenses $13,711*98. For general information, the inspectors state in a com- prehensive way, that the Penitentiary, including the land, has cost $50,000 in cash. The value of the labor of the prisoners (or rather those who could do nothing else) in grading and shaping the land, and in other work of a similar nature for eight years (of which no account has been kept, because it cost nothing) is computed at some $10,000. The amount of money expended out of the net earnings of the other prisoners for buildings, workshops, embankments, &c., and in the accumulation of personal property, with the advance in the worth of the land over its first cost, all put together, authorizes and justifies the opinion that the value of the whole property, real and personal, at the present time, and just as it now is, i§ at357 Annals of Albany. least $100,000, showing that the county has made $50,- 000, and doubled the capital it has employed by the opera- tion......Thermometer 6 deg., below zero.... .Sophia, wife of John Dubuque, died, aged 25......Mary Ann Ward died, aged 18.....James B. VanEtten died, aged 41. He was taking a drive in a single sleigh upon the ice in the canal, and when returning and near the city, took his son, a lad of fifteen years, in the sleigh with him. A moment or two afterwards, the son observed his father to sink back in his seat speechless. Calling two other boys to support his father, the son drove home as soon as possible, and although probably not more than ten minutes had elapsed, Mr. Van Etten was dead when they arrived. It is probable that his death was instan- taneous, resulting from disease of the heart, or some simi- lar cause. Mr. Van Etten was an active and much es- teemed citizen. He had twice occupied a seat in the house of assembly of this state, in 1852 as representative from the county of Chemung, in 1855, from the 4th dis- trict of Albany county. He was a man of generous impulse and correct action, and warmly esteemed by a wide circle of friends, who will long cherish recollections of his generous qualities in all the relations of life. It was found by a post-mortem examination that his kidneys were enlarged to the weight of eighteen pounds. 20. Edward James died, aged 38........Mrs. Sarah Ward died, aged 70. 21. Sarah M. Summer, wife of Benj. Wilson, died, aged 33. 22. James McMullen died in New York, aged 45. 25. A fire damaged the dwelling house 76 Hudson street.....Robert McPherson, died in California, aged 38. 26. Theodore Carman died, aged 46. * 30. Warner Daniels died, aged 77. Mr. Daniels began business in a very small way; for some time carried on the Eagle furnace in Beaver street, and gave a name to Daniels street, which he built up and owned to a con- siderable extent. 31. John Bonner died, aged 24.(359) INDEX. Abbey Simeon, 91. Accidents by travel, 179. Accounts audited, 271, 278. ordered paid, 294, 303. regulated, 268. Ackerman, Jacob, 129. Acres, Mrs. Thomas, 107. Adams, funeral, 156. African church, 85. baptist church, 153. pastor, 147. Agassiz, Louis, 342. Aikin, S. D. C., 337. Albany, design to attack, 56. put in defence, 52. so named, 181; academy, 4, 6, 78, 116. Argus (See Argus). Chronicle, 334. Daily Statesman, 333. Directory, 334. Co. Med. Society, 105. Evening Union, 344. Institute, 8, 104, 122. Insurance Co., 140, 327. Library, 159. Lyceum of Natural History, 8. Marine Bible Society, 87. Med. College, 6. Morning Express, 333. Patriot and Daily Commercial Intelligencer, 124. Register office, 102. Alburtis, John, 146. Alderman, election for, 244. Aldermen, 1719, 238, 1720, 252. 1721, 270. 1722, 277. 1723, 290. 1724, 302. Aldermen, 1725, 306. fined if late, 254, sued, 289. Alehouse regulations, 268, Alexander, Joseph, 95, 124. Mrs. Joseph, 107. Wm., 168. Aliens in 1825, 138. Allen, B. C., 81. Dennis, 337. Allison, Margaret, 340. Alms house, 121, 162, 316. built, 158. building, 126. American steamboat, 348. mass meeting, 345. scientific association, 340. Anderson, George, 332. Andrews. Mrs. W. H., 335. Annexation to city, 332. Anthony’s creek, 249. Apprentices’ library, 89, 95. Arbor hill road, 108, 155. Argentina works burnt, 346. Argus, 87, 108, 128. proposed rail road 117, united to the Atlas, 331. Armies, supplied for, 187. Armour, Caroline, 344. Armsby, J. H., 342. Armstrong, Mr., 84. Arnold, Isaac, 340. Arts, Michael, 332. Artillery, Republican, 121. Assessment, 352. rolls, 351. Assessors elected, 104, 117 sworn, 257. Associate presb. pastor, 147. Aspenwall, Louis, 104. Atlas and Argus, 331.Index. 360 Attwood, Capt., 148. Mrs. Daniel, 337. Auction bells prohibited, 114. Babington, Samuel, 255. Backus, E. F., 82. Bacon J. F., 84. Bahamian, A. T., 335. Bakers, ordinance, 151. Baldwin, Ebenez^r, 92, 122, 193. Ballentine, Mrs. Wm., 350. Bank of Albany, 75, 96, 119, 330. Banyar, widow Goldsboro ugh, 350. Baptist pastor, 147. Bar in the river, 124. Barker, Thomas, 160. Barley burnt, 97. trade, 313. Barnard, F. J., 335. Barometer, 31, 32. Barrett, Thomas, 233. Barstow, G. Id., 122. Bartholomew, Capt., 125. Bartley, Mary A., 335. Bartow, cashier, 157. Basin lock opened, 94. report on, 88, 90. Bassett, Rev. John, 107. Beam, Adam, 336. Beck, Abraham, 2. Caleb, 1. John B., 2. Lewis C., 2, 111. N. F., 2. T. R., 343. biog. sketch of, 1. Med. Jurisprudence ,94. Mrs., 91. Beekman Johannis, 251. Beer tapping regulated, 204. Biers, George W., 344. Mrs. A. S., 338. Beet, large, 81. Bell, Mrs. Phebe, 152. at noon, 144. Bellman, 279, 291. Bells at auction prohibited, 114. Bement, Caleb N., 150. Bendall, Henry G., 332. Job, 328. Benedict, Louis, 103, 117. Mrs. Uriah, 127. Beiine, H. F., 113. Bennett, Alanson, 331. R. O. K., 123. Benson, Capt., 127. Bever kill, 174. Bible and Prayer Book Society, 101. Society, Marine, 87. Birdsall, Maj., 119. Blake, George, 156. Bleecker, Barent, 75. G. Y. S., 329. Harmanus, 122. H. N.,88. James, 113. John A., 129. Nicholas, 39, 45, 148. Mrs. N., Jr., 149. Rutger, 39, 45. & Sedgwick, 76. S. Y. R., 147. Blockhouses built, 304, 307. Bloodgood, Abraham, 92. Elizabeth, 92. S. D. W., 101, 105. Boardman, John, 87. Booking, John, 115. Bogert, Alexander H., 159. Boilers of copper, 126. Bolivar steamboat, 122. Bonaparte, Joseph, 79. Bonfires, 330. Bonner, John, 357. Booksellers, list of, 82. Boring for water, 157, 159, 160. Born, Joseph C.,340. Bowen, Mrs. James, 328. Bowne, Rev., 147. Boyd, Charles, 335. Plamilton, 81. Mrs. Hamilton, 98. & McCulloch, 159. Mrs. Wm. 330. John I., 338. Bradford, JolmM., 146. Bradwill, Jacob, 335. Bradt, Albert, 93. Mary, 309. Capt. P. A., 337. Brainerd, Mrs. B. C., 344. Brandy, price of, .204. Brat, Gerrit, 38. Antony, 38. Barent, 274, 290, 302, 306. Teunis, 252, 253, 270, 274. Bread, price of, 79, 82. regulations, 151.Index 361 Brew, Robert, 336. Breweries, 129. Brewers street, 312. Brewery, 132. Brewing, 195. Bridge carried away, 341. co. election, 345. company stock, 337, defeated, 145. remonstrance, 330. Bridgen, Thomas, 157. T. A., 153. Bridges, ancient, 174. to be repaired, 270. Briggs, Sarah, 351. Bristol, 127. steam boat, 113. Brinckerhoff & Co., 136. R. I., 158. Brockhollo, Capt., 173. Bronk, brother, 349. Brooks, Capt., 127. Cornelius, 338. Jonathan, 335. Jon., Jr.. 142. wid. of Capt, S. A., 351 Brown, James, 93. Rufus, 117. Capt. Wm, 137. Buel, Elias, 105. Mrs. Elias, 102. Jgssg 81 Buildings, styie of, 181, 191, 194. Bulger, Mrs., murdered, 350, Bullions, John C., 330. Bunker, Elihu, 223. Burke, Mrs. R., 340. Bums, Mrs. J., 343. Buss Mrs. C., 336. Butler, B. E., 76, 90. Butter, price of, 117. Burroughs, comedian, 161. Cabal, of Dutch traders, 54. Cady, Abby, 332. Cafferty, Wm. C., 331. Mrs. Wm. C., 331. Cagger, Susannah, 343. Caldwell, James, 187, 391. Joseph, 77. Wm., 122. Caldwell’s Row, 84. Cameron, Mrs. A., 340. Cameronian pastor, 147. Campbell, Alexander, 337. [Annals, viii.] 32. Campbell, Archibald, 338. James, 115. J. N., 25. Mrs. T., 337. & Co., James, 103. Canadian Houses, 90. Canal, first boat, 129. celebration, 95, 129. closed, 111, 161, 351. completion, 127. frozen, 131. improved trade, 125 novelty, 154. tolls, 161. water let in, 147. Cantine, Moses I., 87. Mrs. M. I., 95. Capron, Wm., 93. Carey, Margaret, 333. Carson, Mrs. John, 352. Carman, Theodore, 357. Cartmen, regulations, 307. No. of, 125. Carmichael, Daniel, 79, 82. Carter, GK W., 334. John, 329. Theophilus, 160. Carpenter, Wm., 130. Carpenters’ strike, 149. Carroll, E. B., 331. Mrs., 345. P. A., 345. Cascade of Ylykill, 198. Cassidy, Mrs. M., 347: Castle, Mrs. Wm., 333. Catholic priest, 147. Cattle in 1825, 139. from the west, 339. great arrival, 346. Cayuga, steam tug, 349. Census, 129, 136, 138. at different periods, 188. of Shakers, 125. Centennial anniversary, county medical society, 349. Central rail road business, 346. election, 352. Chains across South Pearl st., 152. Chamberlain, 158. change of, 274. report, 102,132,162. Chancellor Lansing’s Garden, 155. steam boat, 127. Chapel street, 155.362 Index, Characteristics of Albany, 182. Charter elections, 80, 94, 104, 107, 117, 127, 130, 158, 238, 252, 270, 277, 302, 306, 334. Charitable females, 79. institutions, 316. Chestney, John, 122,123, 125,146. Mrs. Cornelia, 153. Chief Justice Marshall steam boat launched, 107, 113, 127. Child, Mrs. J. B., 348. Chipman, Mrs. J. H., 346. Chorister ancient, 159. Christianse, Johannis, 264. Christie, James, 147. Christy Elizabeth, 334. Church disturbance, 338. organ, 121. pastors, 146. Churches, 192. No. of, 90. Churchyard applied for, 274. Churchill, Wm. 123. City accounts, 250. bounds, enlargement, 332. creditors to pay, 261. debt, 81. to be paid, 294, 298, funded, 114. finances, 102. Hall, old, 149. hotel demolished, 337. lands, 111. lots to be sold, 114. parks enclosed, 118. physicians, 113. Circus, 143. North Pearl street, 132. sold, 104. Claes de Brabander’s land, 70. Clark, Francis M., 331. Joseph W»? 136. Lawrence, 295. Clarkson, M., 74. Clench, Benj. V., 84. Clerk of market report, 161. Clinton avenue, so termed, 338. Governor, 160, 188. De Witt, 94, 128. introduced thanksgivings, 128. removed, 101. vases, 114. Clock for the city, 157. Coal, anthracite, 119. Coal near Albany, 125. Coasting prohibited, 257. Coats, Hannah, 335. Cobb,.J. N, 87. Mrs. Sanford, 113. Cochran, Capt., 127. Coe, Jonas, 78. Coeyman, Andries, 271. Colburn, N., 346. Cold day, 30, 74, 88,131, 136, 141, 142, 328, 329, 331, 332, 355, 357. Cole, John O., 104, 130, 142. Levi, 127. M. M., 147, 156. Collection for Sunday SchTs, 112. in churches, 96. 1st Presb. ch., 87. Collins, Edward, 39. Major, 51. Colonial Mss., 37. Colored children, 79. Colors, military, 121. Commerce, 195. steam boat, 121. Commercial Bank, 95, 116, 119, 125, 157. Intelligencer, 124. Commissioners for Indian affairs, 39. Comstock & Cassidy, 331. Congress Hall, 122. Congregational church, 332. Conkling, Alfred, 93, 141, 149. Connoway, Michael, 108. Constellation, 124, 127. Constitution, steam boat, 119,125. 127. boiler burst, 121. Continental Co. B., 329. Convent of Sacred Heart, 355. Convention, old line wbigs, 340. Convers, T. C., 112. Conway, tragedian, 128, 146. Cook, Henry B., 77,119. John, 91, 93. Cooper, Edmund, 343. tragedian, 142. John Taylor, 101, 105, Obediah, 236, 241. William, 344. Corning, E., 106, 113, 152, 352. Corporation punch, 153. Cosgrave’s soap factory, 131.Index< 863 Coughtry, Mrs. A., 346. Couldwell, Mrs. II. T., 336. Council sustain judgment, 173. Courts, 116. of Inquiry, 171. Cox, Mrs. J. P., 340. Coxsackie, 49. Coyle, Mrs. N., 337. Craft, B. F., 337. Craig, D. H., 338. Margaret, 340. Crashes, 180. Crawford, Mrs. John, 336. Creamer, Mrs. R>, 345. Creswell, George, 156. Mrs., 85, 333. Cricket match, 345. Criminal institutions, 316. statistics, 331, 351, 355. Crosby’s hotel, 77, 121. Cruttenden, Capt., 124, 127. Cruttenden’s hotel, 99, 122. Cullen, Anna, 334. Cummings, Hooper, 89,137. John, convicted, 351. Cuni]3Ston, Edward, 126. Cunningham, Martin, 331. Curran, Elizabeth, 331. Customs changed, 182. Cutler, Jeremiah, city forr ester, 161. Mrs. J., 346. Cuttin, Win., 99. Cuyler, Abraham, 39, 45. Cornelius, 38, 39, 44. Jacob, 95. J. C., 81. Johannes, 251, 307. Johannes J., 298. Daily Advertiser, 108. Chronicle, 147, 156. Dam across Hudson, 93. Daniel, Mrs., 114. Daniels, J. W., 147. Warner, 357. Dark, Mrs. A. T., 340. Darney, Judith, 355. Davidson, Alex., 95, 104. Samuel, 329. Davis, Henry B., 109. Nathaniel, 87. Rena, 340. Robert, 82. Thomas, 304. Day’s service, price of, 177, Deal boards, 303, 304. Dean, Amos, 5. Stewart, 160. streef, so called, 160. Death by cold, 328. in the street, 343. Debtors in jail, 143. none in jail, 76. Debts due city, 273, 279. to be collected, 293. called in, 237. De Garmo, Jacob, 88. De Garmoy, Peter, 233, 235. Deitz, Peter, 153. Delavan & Co., 105. E. C.,351. Delaware square, 161. turnpike Co., 116. Dellius, Godfredius, 67, 69. Demilt, Isaac, 83. Democrats, 130. Democratic procession, 347. rally, 334. success, 348. Denny, James, 81. De Peyster, John, 39, 45. Depot burnt, 352. Devoss, Andries, 243. Dewandelaer, Johannis, 230. De Witt, Mrs. John, 110. R. V., 105, 153. Simeon, 9, 111. Mrs. Simeon, 105. Wm. H. 329. Dexter, James, 85, 101. Dr. Samuel, 126. Diamond, Sarah, 332. Dillon, Mrs. J., 340. Dinners at the Tontine, 221. Directory, 93. Dispensary, 321. Distillery, 195. Driving teams regulated, 297, 303 Dock street, 160. Docks submerged, 346. Doctors, No. of, 196. Dorset, Martin, 160. ' Doty, Mrs. Susannah, 114. Douglas, Beriah, 92. J. B., 87, 147. Douw, Abraham, 90. Volkert P., 75. Dowling, Mrs. J. C., 330. „ Dox, Garret L,} 82, 141.364 Index, Dox, Jacob, 85. Draining, 267. Drains ordered, 234, 262, 263. Drake, Capt., 127, 160. Drouth, 161. Drunkenness prohibited, 204. Dubuque, Mrs. John, 357. Dudley, C. E., 84, 85, 97, 140, 342. Observatory, 342. Duer, Wm. A., 101, 165. Duffey, Wm. 80. Duffy, Hugh, 331. Dunlop, Robert, 96. Dunn, Janies, 148. Richard, 128. Thomas, 149. Dunn’s tavern, 77, 83. Durrie, Horace, 98, 141. Dutch language, 184. reformed pastors, 146. traders’ cabals, 54. Dutcher, Salem, 99, 101, 123. Dwight, Dr., in Albany, 181. Dwyer, elocutionist, 166. Dyer, Mrs. E., 130. Eagle street, 155, 176. Eames, Harriet, 329. Earthen ware factory, 159. Eckford transportation line, 352. Edson, Cyrus, 336. Edwards,- James, 96. Effner, Nicholas, 351. Eghmont, Jacob, 291. Election, 82, 148, 348. state, 81, 95, 160. see charter. of Aldermen, 270, 277, 290, 302. of city officers, 1.58. of mayor, &c., 334. returns, fraudulent, 335. returns in 6 days, 95. Electors, mode of choosing, 130. Elliston, Henry, 143. Emigration regulated, 204. Ennis, Thomas, 97. Enterprise detained, 148. Episcopalian rector, 146. Erie canal, 78, 94. Esleeck, Welcome, 151. Evans, Robert, 340. Excise of 1686, 215. Expedition against Canada, 54. Expenses of city, 162. Experiment, sloop, 222. Express, Morning, 333. Fair, 345. Falconer, Catherine, 351. Fall from mast head, 360. Fassett, Charles A., 329. & Hallenbake, 126. Fast driving prohibited, 230, 256. Federalism^ 130. Female Academy, 78. Ferris, Freelove S., 331. Isaac, 108, 131, 146. Ferry boats laid up, 328. leased, 101, 113. profits, 84. regulations, 96. st., stagnant water in, 103. steam boat required, 103. Fidler & Taylor, 129. Field, Josiah, 101. Finances, 132. Fine for dirty streets, 284. Fines of aldermen, 297. for declining office, 294. Fire department, 136,326. Fly, steam boat, 90, 94. masters, 239, 255, 273, 278, 292, 302, 307. regulations, 178, 229. Firemens’ association, 350. Fires, 81, 82, 84, 96, 98, 105, 110, 115, 129, 131, 141, 145, 155, 156, 167, 183, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 337, 338, 340, 343, 346, 347, 348, 350, 352, 357. in 1856, 325. First Presbyterian church, 99, 343. Fitzsimmons, James, 329. Flannagan, Mrs. A., 350. Flensburgh, Matthew, 244. Flour, busmess increased, 78. Fly market, 102. Fonda, Douw, 75. Elsie, 92. Fondey, Theodore, 337. Forces at Albany, 46. Ford, Eliakim, 87. Foreign missions, 332. Forrest, Edwin, 141, 147. Forrester, city, 161. Forsyth, Russell, 347. Fort, Jacob I., 136. Fortifications, 293, 295.Index 365 Fortification by province, 258. Fountain, Capt., 127. Fourth of July, 123, 152, 153. Foxen kill, 174, 233. Foxes’ creek, 311. Fowler, S. S., 83. William, 83, 91. W. S., 91. Fowls, price at Manor, 177. Frame, Mrs., 331. Freedom to be bought, 294, 297. Freshet, 341. in Rutten kill, 247, Frisby, Gfen., 338. Fry, Joseph, 142, 334. Fryer, Isaac, 249, 260. Isaac, I., 142. Fuller, Jacob E., 345. Funeral obsequies of Adams and Jefferson, 155. Furnaces, portable, 150. Fur trade rules, 259, 264. Gale, 92, 151. Gallows hill, 233, 235, 237, 260. Gfulpin, Charles, 147, 156. George, 124. Gansevoort, John, 109, 112, 130. Leendert, 38. ' Leonard, 98. Mrs. Leonard, 147. Garmoy, Peter de, 257. Garnsey, John, 75. Garrison turned out, 58. . Gas light company, 112, 116. Gates, Garret, 87. John, 126. . Oliver, 328. Samuel, 347. Gaylor, Mrs. Philip, 331 Gaynor Thomas D., 337. Gebhard, J. G., 156. Geological hall, 333. inaugurated, 342. survey, 9. German Lutheran church, 329, 338. Gerritse, Reyer, 39. Gibbons, James, 142. Matilda, 329. Gilbert, C. M., 351. Capt., 121. Gilchrist, Mrs. Robert, 113. Gilfert opened theatre, 118. Gill, Matthew, 103. Gillespie, Mrs. H. 345. Glandorf, Johannis, 262, 267, 309. Glen, Alexander, 55. • Glencove, steamboat, 346. Goddard, C. W., 335. Godfrey, John I., 77. & Townsend, 90. & Walsh, 90. Goewey, Jacob, 270. Louisa, 331. Goss, Rev. Mr., 350. Gould, James P., 344. John M., 107. Whi., 82, 92. Grading Fox’s creek, 311. Graham, J. B., 149. T. Y. W., 78. Grant, Wm., 343. Great Western turnpike, 154, Greek emancipation, 96. Greeks, meeting to relieve, 82. Green, Henry, 107. Thomas, 340. Greene, Mrs. G. K., 333. Mrs. T. L., 336. Greenbusli, 188. camp at, 50. Gregory, D. E., 95. Mrs. D. E., 336. Matthew, 75,107,219,220. Mrs. Matthew, 166. Grenoble hose experiment, 335. Griffin, C. C., 338. Richard, 351. Grist mill at Scliaghticoke, 232. Griswold, A. S., 349. Grocers, No. of, 124. Groesbeck, Johannes, 274. John D., 346. Stevanus, 39. Guest, Henry P., 141. Mrs., 336. Guernsey, Milo, 160. Guysbertse, Wm., 233. Hagaman, Grace J. S., 329... Hagan Harriet, 333. Hagerdorn, Mary, 340. Hail storm, 153. Hale, Daniel, 81. Hall, Green, 148. Hallenbeck, J. H., 331. Hamblin, comedian, 131. Hamilton, Mrs. Alexander, 225. Isaac, 148.Index, 366 Hamilton, Mrs. James, 332. Wm., 347. Hammond, J. D., 75, 93, 131. Hand, Aaron, 87. Hanford, Mrs. George, 156. Hanson, Alfred, 331. Hardy, Sir Charles, 54. S. K., 334. Harkison, Sarah, 336. Harrowgate spring, 76. Hart, Harman V., 148. Hartshorn, Rebecca, 336. Harwood, Benj., 333. Hastings, John, 345. Hawley, Gideon, 92, 111. Hazard’s hotel, 77. - Hazard, J. V. S., 102. Hempstead, Henry, 95. Isaac, 106. Hendrickson, John, 329. Henry, Mrs. C. H., 125. Elizabeth, 159. & Co., Jacob, 159. John V., 93. Joseph, 148, 157. Nancy, 334. Eekford, steam boat, 113, 127. Herner, Hannah, 335. Hero, steamboat, 352. Herrick, Mrs. J. R., 337. Hewson, Daniel I., 147. Maria C., 158. R. B., 127. High constable, 294, 302, 306. water, 346. Hill, Thomas, 331.. Thomas B., 124. Hills, Mrs. Augustus, 110. Hillson, Mrs. T., 337. Hilton, Ann, 97. Wm. I., 121. Hinkley, Warren, 142. Hotchkiss, Arthur, 154. Hochstrasser, Paul, 96, 108, 117, 149, 152, 159. Wm., 77. Holiday, Mrs. H., 336. Holland, Edward, 38, 39. Henry, 269, 273, 307. Holmes, Alexander, 336. Mrs. John, 333 Holt, Mrs. Jared, 340. Home for friendless, 320. Home, Philip, 129. Hooker, Philip, 91,113, 142, 148. Hooks and Ladders, 255. Hopkins, Hannah, 113. S. M., 126. Horse blockhouse, 241. Horth, Francis, 141. Hosack, David, 3. Hosford, E. & E., 82, 129. Hospital, 321, 330. Houses, number of, 191, 194. style of, 181,.191, 194. Howard street, 161. Howe, Bezaleel, 78. Estes, 80, 92, 115. Jesse, 130. Hudson, 127, 222. river, 197. bridge, 341. freezing of, 35. street, 155. ravine, 174,176. M. Ep. church, 349. Humphrey, C., 90. Friend, 91. John, 113. Dr. Wm., 145. Humphries, Mrs. Samuel, 93. Hun, Thomas, 18, 21. Hunn, John, 115. Hurlburt, Mrs. Henry, 328. Joseph, 95. Ice broke up, 90. by team, 328. Improvements wanted, 154. Incendiaries not encouraged, 326. Indignation meeting, 335. Indian goods seized, 269, 282. houses, 272. interpreter, 295. lands purchased, 232. slaves, 296. title purchased, 234. trade, 187, 233, 259, 264, 275, 280,293. infringed, 269, 287. 299. question of, 12, 88. regulations,205,239, 246. pawns prohibited, 268. presents, 67, 68. woman shot, 169. Indians, riding of, 259, 265. .Index, 367 Industrial School, 348, 350, Insurance Co. stock, 119. Invasion from Canada, 72. Jail, 322. broke, 93. debtors in, 143. insufficient, 257. without debtors, 76. James, Aaron, 109. Edward, 357. John B., 336. William, 91. Jarvis, John I., 332. Jefferson’s funeral, 155. Jenkins, Elisha, 95. Herman, 103. Jennings, Mrs. R., 341. Jermain, S. P., 87. Johns, S., 82. Johnson, Chauncey, 98. S. W., 82, 142. Jones, John S., 101. Mary Ann, 348. Judson, Mrs. H. L., 129. Ichabod L., 148. Isaac E., 352. Jupp, Mrs. L., 330. Jurors, compensation of, 116. Kalm, 183. Kane, C. V. S., 96. Elias, 122. Mrs. George, 99. Hazael, 142. Kansas donations, 351. Kean in Albany, 136. Keeler, Isaac, 97. J. S., 87. Kelly, Miss, 130. Kent, James, 92. steam boat, 93, 101, 105, 127, 154. Kenyon, Moses, 159. Kerr, Dr. Robt., 99. Ketelhuyn, Daniel, 237, 261. Keyser, Abraham, 110, 136. Kidd, Thomas, 146. Kidney, Jonathan, 105-. Kiernan, Catherine E., 348. King, Mrs. Chas., 328. Mrs. James, 91. Kirk, John, 146. William, 157. Klinck, George, 348. Klink, Graham, 93. Kline & Gott, factory burnt, 115. Matthias, 141. Knapp, Usual, 329. Knickerbacker hall, 124. Johannis, 231, 260, 308. Mrs., 92. Knickerbocker, steam boat, 343. Knight, Jane, 338. Knower, Annie, 336. Benj., 110, 122. George, 107. Mrs. T., 347. Kreuder, Caroline, 332. Lacy, Wm. B., 83, 146. Ladies, health of, 196. Lady Clinton, 121. Van Rensselaer,. 124. Lafayette, invited, 107. . arrived, 107, 120, 122. La Fleur, Mrs. J., 340. La Grange, James, 337. Lambert, John, 217. Lamp tax, 81. Lancaster School, 78, 88, 111, 163. Lane to be repaired, 285, 311. Lansing, C. Y., 84. Mrs. Harmanus, 332. John, Jr., 39. John A., 112. Lansingh, Gerrit, Jr., 267. Lawless, Mrs., 340.. Lawyers, No. of, 196. Lease at Sehaghtieoke, 232, 247, 249. Lee, Thomas, 79. Lees, Mrs. Thomas, 340. Legislature convened, 106, 328. adjourned, 91, 101, 115, 334. Leisler and party, 56, 57, 58. Leman, John, 121. Lemet, Louis, 153. Leonard, Lewis, 111, 147. Letters, list published, 75. Lewis, Burr, 152. Liberty pole, 345. street, 98. Library, hotel, 153. License, amount of, 125. in old times, 204. law, 291. regulation, 253.368 Index, Licenses 1825, 117. Liquor regulations, 268, 279, 284, 291, 296. Living, style of, 221. Livingston, John H., 112. Philip, 40, 43, 45,276. Robert, 175. letter to Andros, 55. Gov. Nichol- son, 58. Conn., 61, 63. maintaining soldiers, 58. depositions agt., 66. to Gov. Sloughter, 70. Lloyd, Gertrude, 332. James, 150. Loan of £25, 277. Lockrow, Thomas, 153. Lockwood, Jared, 93. Capt., 127. Lodge street, 151. Lombard association, 116, 117. Loomis, Mrs. Wm., 333. Longevity, 143. Lottery drawn, 92. office, South wick’s, 114. St. Peter’s, 130. to pay city debt, 111, 114, 117, 150. Lots, price of, 17, 24, 300. sold, 253. to be sold by auction, 273, 299, 300. Lovet, John E., 113, 142. Low, Dr., 3. Francis, 349. Lowther, Robert, 77. Luce, Yinal, 346. Ludlow, John, 93, 96, 111, 146. Lunatic frozen, 329. Lush, Mr., 141. S., 144. Stephen, 115. Lutheran church, 175. pastor, 146. Luxury of living, 221. Lyman, Jonathan, 352. Lyons, Mrs., 331. McCafferty, Michael, 331. McCann, Francis,murderer, 338, 351. McClasky, Mrs., 350. McClelland, Dr., 3. McCrea, Elizabeth, 328. McCready, Philip, 119. McCulloch, H., 81. McDonald, Angus, 143. James, 334. McDougal, Wm., 102. McDowell, Mrs. A., 331. McGill, Mrs. J., 340. Robert, 153. McGlashan, Mrs. Daniel, 110. McGregor, Julia, 337. McGuire, Elizabeth, 333. James, 337. McHarg, Wm., 339. McHench, Peter, 81. McIntyre, Archibald, 339. Mrs. John, 336. McKeever, Patrick, 337. McKown, James, 91, 143, 148. McMullen, James, 357. McMurdy, Anthony, 123. McNally, Michael, 348. McNaughton, Angus, 352. McPherson, Robert, 357. Mahony, Harriet E., 333. Mails, great speed, 79. Malcom, Mrs. E., 112. Malt house burnt, 96. Mancius, George W., 75, 96. Mann, Polly, 340. Manor price of wheat, &c., 178. Mansion house, 187. sold, 350. Manufactures, 195. March, Alden, 81, 113, 142. Market statistics, 161. Marriages in 1824, 138. Martin, James, 147.- M., 112. Thomas, 331. Marvin. J. W. R., 337. W. & A., 110. Uriah, 87. Masonic burial, 136. pageant, 128. Masse, Jan, 279. May ell, William, 148. Mayer, F. G., 146. Mayo, Rev. Mr., 329. Mayor elected, 112. election, 334. Godard elected, 335. 1720, 244.Index, 369 Mayor, 1723, 292. 1725, 307. strife for, 97, 98, 101. Mayor’s office vacant, 97. Mayors, two, 336. Maxwell, James, 129. Meads, John, 111. vs. Com. Bank, 157. Mechanics’ Academy, 78. and Farmers’ Bank, 75, 119. Mechanics’ Society, 89, 111. Hall, 111. Medical Society, 349. Meech, Henry T., 149. Meigs John, 113, 142. Melish, John, 194. Members of assembly, 77. Merchants’ Ins. Co., 102, 140. imports, 125. Merrifleld, James, 136. Richard, 330. Wm, 107. Message from Washington, 83. Messenger, Mrs. C., 331. Meteorological, 136. observations, 28. Methodist pastor, 147. secession, 349, 350. society, new, 350. statistics, 347. Miller, Christian, 99. Wm. C.,99. Mrs. D., 340. Millerism, 347. Milborne, Jacob, 58. Military, 153. Mingael, Johannis, 310. Mitchell, John, 94. Wm., 154. Mrs. William, 147. Moakler, Michael, 333. Mohawk and Hudson R. R., 147, 153. Mohawks, Christian, 66, 68. Mohoggs, 294. Monk, Christopher, 127. Montgomery Hall, 149. Monteath, Capt. Geo., 87, 332. Moore, Capt., 127. Morgan, William, 156. Morris, Anna, 345. Morocco factory, 106. Morrow George, 329. Morse, S. H., 116. Mosher, Wm. H., 333. Murder, 338. of Mrs. Bulger, 350. Murdock, Andrew, 332. Mrs. M., 342. Murphy, James, 83. Murray, James, 80. Museum, 149. Myndertse, Frederick, 242. Johannis, 286, 289, 293. National. Democrat, 102, 114. Observer, 164. Naturalization, 294, 297. Navigation, 112. Hudson, 147. improvement propos- ed, 141. Neat cattle in 1825,139. Nerley, Hester, 328. Negro regulations, 296. Nehmire, Catharina, 343. Neill, Rev. Dr., 110. Newland, David, 75, 330. New London steam boat, 126. Newman, Mrs. Henry, 106. Newspapers, 196. News by steam boat, 157. Newton, Isaac, 141. New Year’s Day, 328. New York merchants openedbusi- ness in Albany, 79. return to New York, 81. State Bank, 75, 152. Niskayuna, 125. North, Mr., 194. Dutch church, 93. installation at, 350. Northern R. R. sold, 346. North Ferry, 339. river line, 150. association, 160. steam boat co., 105, 106. Norton, John T., 113, 124, 136. Lambert, 157. L. K., 129. Novel craft, 154. Oath of city clerk, 248. of town clerk, 276. Observatory, 350. Ogden, Thomas, 335. Ogsbury, J. D., 81. Ohio sloop, quick trip, 116.370 Oil, price of, 102, 108. Olive Branch, 106, 113, 127. Onions, 142. Oothout, Hendrick, 243. .Orange street widened, 346. Ordinaries, No. of, 124. Organ, 2d Presbyterian, 121. Oriental Star, 78. Orphan asylum, 137, 319. Osborn, George, 340. Ostrander, Benj., 83. Overslaugh, 124. Owen, Robert, 110. O’Gorman, Michael, 110. O’Shaughnessy, Michael, 148. O’Sullivan, Kate, 344. Paddock, William, 334. Page, Ames C., 346. Pails lost, 229. Palmer, Levi H., 143. Parker Mrs. L., 343. Parks enclosed, 118. Parmalee, Wm., 332, 333. ' Mrs., 24. Parsons, Mr., 132, 143. Mrs. S. F., 337. Parties, relative strength, 109. Passports required, 204. Pastors of churches, 146. Pasture, 144, 160. Patroon street, 338. Paul, John, 123. Mr., 85. Nathaniel, 147. Rev., 167. Paupers in 1825, 138. Pavements, 249. Paving contemplated, 155. ordered, 241, 262, 263, 267. 312. Pay of soldiers, 46. Pearl street, 243. gate at, 175. Pearson George, 128. Peckham, A. C., 156. Pellet, Miss, 351. Pemberton, T. L., 94. Thos., 87. Penalties for offences, 204. Penitentiary, 323, 355. Pennimam& Co., 106. People’s ticket, 95. Pepper, Calvin, 93. Perry, Eli, 334, 335, 336. Index. Perry Eli 2d, 334. Personal estate, 111, 141. property, 352. Petty constable, 295. Phelps, Philip, 109. Pier, 91, 95, 97. completed, 119. sale of lots, 123. Pilsbury, Amos, 324. Pitkin, Rev. Hr., 351. Thomas C., 330. Plain, 272, 310. Platt, wid. of Ananias, 352. Pohlman, Mary A., 112. Polls open three days, 130. Poor house, 316. meeting to consider, 85. - tax, 81. Population, 90, 129, 136, 138. 188, 191, 194, 220. Port of entry, 148. Porter Giles, W., 149. Ira, 79, 190. Potter, Benj., 328. Post office letters, 75. Pottery, 333. Powell & Co. T., 84. Pratt, Elisha N., 331. Presbytery of Albany, 95. Presbyterian pastors, 146. Pretty, Richard, 66, 173. Prisoner 40 years, 79. Prisoners escaped, 93. Prison Discipline society, 126,150. Produce, prices of, 176. Provisions, prices of, 195. Pruyn & Gardner, 91. J. V. L., 352. Samuel, 91. 355. Wm. V., 338. Public buildings, 183, 192, 194, 220. Quackenboss, Adriaen, 261, 234. Quackenbush, Benj., 83. Dr. J. V. P., 334, 335, 336. John N. 98, 144, 148. N. N., 87. Quarantine, 8„0. Quit rent, decision on, 273 Races, Albanians at, 91. Radcliff, Henry, 142. Rail road proposed, 117.Index. 871 Rail road collision, 828. obstructed, 328, 830. to Schenectady, 131, 144, 146, 147. Rain, 31, 33, 340. Randall, Mrs. George, 329. John, 95. Randel, W. S., 143. Randolph, J. W., 345. Mrs. J. W., 336. Rasey, Mrs. Ammon, 350. Raum, Catharine, 143. Ravines, ancient, 174. Real estate, 141. valuation, 352. Receipts of city, 162. Records removed, 116. Red coats, 56. Redlrff, Johannis, 236. Reformed Presb. church, 76. -Reliance propeller, 352. Religious Monitor, 98. Reminiscences of Albany, 334. Rents abated, 308. for mechanics, 195. Republican ticket, 108, 127, 130, 148. Revenue, 246. Richmond, coal, 119. steamboat, 106, 113, 127, 148. Rickerson, Capt., 127. Rider, Mrs. S, J., 354. Riding down hill stopped, 257. Rigby, Wm., 143. Riley, George, 340. River closed, 35, 96, 111, 112, 160, 161, 328, 352, 354. low, 351. open, 36, 97, 98, 99, 101, 113, 131, 141, 143, 334, 352. Robbery of store, 343. Robinson, Hannah, 346. Robison, Mrs. John, 92. Hugh, 160. property, 150. Rockwell, John W., 161. Rodgers, Rev. E. P., 350. Jedediah, 87. Romaine, Nicholas, 2. Romeyn, Derick, 1, 3. John B., 2. Mrs. J. B., 129. Roorbach, Capt., 196. Root, Erastus, 84. & Davidson, 104. Ropewalk burnt, 337. Rose, Mrs. L. S., 332. Mrs. R. F., 340. Roseboom, Hester, 160. Johannis, 294. Rubey, John, C., 116. Rum street, 267, 311. Russ, Adam, 142. E. B., 110. Russell, John, 110. Rutten kill, 174,175,176, 247, 250. Ryckman, Peter, 241. Tobias, 38. Rye, great product, 92. Sabbath regulations, 293, 296. school union, 131. school, 96. Sackrider, Stephen, 114. Safety barge appeared,. 121, 124. Sanders, Parent, 292. Sandford, Chancellor, 106. Nathan, 141. Sandusky steam boat, 155. Saratoga steam boat, 124, 127. Savage, Rev., 147. Saw mill, 242. Scarlett, Ann, 348. Schaghticoke, 254, 258, 261, 274, 276. Indians, 53, 73. petitions, 308. rent, 229, 231. tenants petition, 231. tenants to pay, 263, 264. to be surveyed,245. wheat sold, 229, 245. Scherpe, Thomas, 262. Schenectady, 192, 282. burning of, 55. rail road, 117, 131. turnpike, 144, 154. Schermerhorn, J. C., 291. Schodack, 189. Schoolcraft, C. L., 330. Schools in Albany, 78. in 1721, 267. Schoolmaster in 1721, 262. Schoonhoven, Jacobus, 254. 1 Scotch in Albany, 195.372 Scott, James, 75. Scovel, Mrs. Hezekiah, 155. Schuyler, Abraham, 71. Day id, 249, 252, 258, 260. Elizabeth, 225. H. P.,81. Jeremiah, 344. John, Jr., 39. Mr., 46. Myndert, 39,“ 45. 244, 258. Peter, 74, 131. Philip, 188. T. Gil., 173. Thomas, 329. Sealer of weights, &c., 279. Second Dutch church, 108. Presbyterian church, 121. Seneca county belongs to. Albany, 71. Sexton, change of, 274. Shakers imprisoned, 97. statistics of, 125. Shanks, Capt., 73. Sharpe, wounded, 56. Shaw, Isaiah, 151. John, 154. Joseph, 107. Luton, 337. Samuel, 82. Sheldon & Sykes, 148. Mrs. Gay lor, 97. Shepherd, Catharine, 336. Sheridan, Mrs. M., 347. Sheriff 1723, 291. suit against, 298. Sherman, Capt., 127. Shires, Jane M., 342. Sickles, Abraham, 108, 113, 142. Abigail, 328. Mrs. A., 343. Mrs. John, 110. Situation unrivaled, 191. Skinner & Co., 82. E. W., 77. John S., 105. Roger, 125. Sleighs, sizes established, 230. width prescribed, 256. Sloan, Samuel, 161. Sloop fare, 196. from Mackinac, 154. speed, 116. Index Sloughter, Gov., 66. Smith, Alexander, 79. E. D., 329. Jeremiah, 101. Smith’s tavern, 77. Snow, 33, 85, 95, 349. obstructed R. R., 328, 330. storm, 335. Snyder, H. W., 108, 132, 158. Society of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures, 6, 9. Soldiers’ billets, 61. . pay of, 46. Solomons, Levi, 91. South American steam boat, 334. South Dutch church, 144. Pearl street chained, 152. Southwick, Solomon, 102, 114, 154. attorney, &c., 83. nominated for Gov., 78. printing office, 102. Mrs. Solomon, 225. Spanish street, 242, 249. Spencer, Ambrose, 98, 99, 101, 112,122, 140. Plenry, 93. John, 106. Spirituous liquors restrained, 204, 253. Spoor, Barentje, 237. Springsteed, Sarah, 331. St. Joseph’s church, 337. St. Andrew’s Society, 339, 349. St. John’s Orphan Asylum, 320. St. Peter’s church, 75, 330. church collection, 83, lottery, 130. statistics, 351. St. Vincent’s Orphan Asylum, Staats, BarentP., 101, 113, 125. Jacob, 277. Wm, 118. Stafford, Benedict & Co., 104. & Co., Spencer, 103. Spencer, 117. Stages, 217, 219. to blew York, 179. . racing, 180. rates in 1823, 178. speed of, 84, 88. fare, 88.Index, 373 Stages, west, 121. Stamps, Sarah. A., 347. Stanton, Gr. W., 95. Starr, Chandler, 82. State elections, 130. hank stock, 119. electors meet, 110. Idiot asylum, 316. Library, 91. prison dock, 79. street bridge, 123. house, 153. Statesman, Albany Daily, 333/ Steam boats, 91. account of, 220. fare, 105, 113, 196. first up, 334. introduced cotil- lions, 76. explosion, 121. landing, 79,80, 152. list of, 127, 150. speed, 93, 150, 152, 157, 346. sunk, 348. square flagstaff, 338. through by day- light, 105. Steam boilers, copper, 126. exploded, 336. Steam ferry boat, 339. tug Washington Hunt, 336. Steele & Son, 82. Stevenson, James, 6, 75, 77, 126, 140. Stewart, Capt. C., 110. Duncan, 127. Fanny, 123. Susan, 328. Stiles,.N. B., 340. S til well, John, 99, 120. Stockadoes, 52, 295. deficiency, 257. not to be cut down, 254. Stocking, Capt., 124. Stock prices, 119. Stone House, 83. Strange, Maxwell, 106. Mrs. Maxwell, 161. Streets of Albany, 183, 220. improved, 162. inspector, 153. to be improved, 282,285,294. [Annals, viii.] 33 Streets proposed, 243. to be kept in order, 234. 242, 250. widening of, 346. Strickland, Selden, 110. Strike of carpenters, 149. Strong, U. M. K., 341. Strouds seized, 236, 269. Sturgeon lane, 155. Sun, steam boat, 150, 152, 154. Sunday schools, 83, 165. union, 112. Sutherland, Mrs. James, 329. Supervisors, election of, 104, 117. Swart, Mrs. Cornelius, 112. Swiftsure, steam boat, 124. Swiss emigrants, 154. Switz, Alida, 90. Symmes, J. Cleves, 160. Symouse, Volkert, 236, 237. Taber, Azor, 131. Job, 80. Tallow chandlery burnt, 82. Tan pits, 270. Tannery burnt, 333. Tavern regulations, 268. Taverns, No. of, 124. Tax levied, 81. Taxes, 352. Taylor, John, 80. John, Jr., 82. Teller, Mrs. C., 106. Wm., case of, 169, 173. Temperature, 95, 96, 97. remarkable, 123. July 1824, 124. August, 126. Sept., 128. Oct., 129. Nov., 110, 136. of 1825, 137. Dec., Ill, 137. Jan., 1826,103,112, 141. Feb., 103, 113, 143. March, 103, 115, 147. April, 103, 116, 148. May, 103, 121, 149. June, 103, 153. July, 106, 155. August, 157. Sept., 108, 159. Oct., 109, 160.374 Index, Temperature of year, 111. Ten Broek, Dirk, 39, 291. John, 83. Ten Eyck, Anna, 85. C. A., 92. J. H., 75. Thanksgiving, 128, 350. Theatre, 122, 147. brick, 82. new, 85. opened, 115, 118, 161. Pearl street, 106. proposed, 105. Thermometer, 328, 329, 331. Thespian hotel, 85. Thieves arrested, 343. Thomas, Mrs.D. W., 351. Thompson, James E., 126. R., 346. Thorpe & Co., Aaron, 84. Thunder and snow storm, 95. Tillman, Capt. John, 77. Tionondorogue, 294, 295. Indians, 232. Tivoli, 198. Tobacco works, 187. Tobin, Mrs. J., 344. Tamhanick, 242, 274, 276. leased, 254. Tompkins, D. D., 121. Tontine coffee house, 219. Tow, largest, 349. boat line, 332. Town clerk, 276. clock, 157. valuations, 354. Townsend, Isaiah, 140. John, 122. Peter, 96. Tract Society, 99, 111. Trade of Albany, 187, 195, 220. improved, 125. Trainor, Hamilton, 362. s William, 331. Transportation Co., 141. increased, 78. Traveling, difficult, 217. made slow, 84. Treat, Richard S., 146, 148. S. S., 113. Tread mill, 83, 90. Trespass, 298. Trotter & Douglas, 147. Henry, 114. Trotter, Matthew, 75. Trowbridge, Henry, 101. Mrs.. S., 160. Troy, in 1807,. 217.. dam, 93. rivalry, 117. Truax, Isaac, 288, 299. True, Mrs. Daniel, 344. Turck, Augustinus, 284. Turnpike dividends, 154. Tweed Dale, W. A., 88, 111. Tyler & Dillon, 150. Tyrrell, Mrs/M., 346. Union line steam boats, 105. Unitarian church, 329. Universalists, 101, 349. Uphold, Greorge, 160. Utter, Capt. J., 116. Van Alstyne & Brinckerhoof, 157. Mrs. M., 328. Van Antwerp, C., 81, 117. Maria, 147. Van Benthuysen, Mrs. O., 123. Van Brugh, Pieter, 292. Van Buren, John, 331. Martin, 76. Van Cortland, Mrs., 19, 24. Vanderheyden, Dirck L.,142, 144. VanEtten, J, B., 357. Samuel, 95. Vanderpoel, Wynant, 243. Van Driesen, Petrus, 274. Van Dyck, David, 259. Van Ingen, James, 148. Mrs. James, 137. Van Kleeck, L. L., 81, 149, 152. Van OLinda, Peter, 109, 113, 142. Van Rensselaer, John S., 98, 120. Ph. S., 75, 101, 107. Richard, 85. Solomon, 121, 123. SR 8 Stephen, 122,123, 124, 128,186. Van Santen, Johannis, 243. Van Schaick, Mrs. Egbert, 113. Gferrit, 276. Groose, 295, 302. Grosen, 90. J. B., 109. Tobias, 87, 91. Van Schelluyne, Dirck, 92.Index, 875 Van Tassel, Mrs. Peter, 161. W. S., 151. Van Vechten, Abram, 75. Judith, 121. S. A., 110. Teunis, 75. Van Vegbten, Dirck, 231. Maria, 112. Van Vlieren, Jeronimus, 235. Van Wie,. Mrs.. Isaac, 161. Van Woert, Henry, 128. Van Zandt, Mrs. B., 344. Hilbert V., 329. Vaccination, 105. Vagrant children, 348, 360. Vail, Samuel, 142. Varioloid, 334. Vases, Clinton’s, 114. Vedder, A. A., 159. Corsett, 231, 264. Volkert, 104. Verdict of chance meddling, 172. 173. Vernam, Charles S., 335. Vernor, John, 136. Verplank, Philip, 298. Veryalin, Benj., 110. Vest, Roger, 113. Viats, Roger, 142. Vickars, Wm., 94. Ann, 345. Victuallers, No. of, 125. Visger, Elizabeth, 292. Johannes, 271. Tjerk^ 255. Visscher, John B., 115. Sebastian, 108. Vly Kill, cascade of, 198. Vodden market, 175. Volunteers, Independent, 121. Vosburgh, Abr., 260. Waddell, James, 340. Wages of carpenters, 149. Waldron, Peter G., 107. Walker, Willard, 104. Ward, Joseph, 328. Mary Ann, 357. Sarah, 357. valuations, 354. Warm day, 121. Warmest day, 30. Warren, George, 331. Warner, Mrs. J. H., 335. Washburn, John B., 116. Washington’s birthday, 99. Washington Hunt steam tug, 336. Wasson & Jewell, 90. Watch tax, 81. Water, bad, 192. benefit of, 327. . company, 116. Watering place, 152. Waterfalls, 198. Waterman, Jeremiah, 88,120. Samuel, 142. Waters, Daniel, 128. Water shed regulated, 312. works Co., 157. Co. stock, 119. Watson, Basil, 343. Stephen, 337. Weather, 112. see snow,ice, wind, cold, rain, temperature, &c. extraordinary, 351. Webb, Elizabeth, 97. Webster, C. R., Ill, 151. C. R. & G,, 82. Chauncey, 98. Daniel, 122. George, 89. Mrs. James, 330. & Skinner, 76. Weed, Henry W., 75, 111, 166. Welch, G. W., 142. Weigh house, 103. Well in Joncker street, 258. in Pearl street, 254, 258. Brewers street, 255. in second ward, 268. Wells, Isaac, 334. Israel, 143. Wendell, Evert, 273, 298, 299. Harmanus, 245, 258,267. Jacob IP., 146. Jenkins, 102. John, H., 92, 101. John L., 104. J. E., 38. Maria, 162. Peter, 109. Wessels, Dirk, 74. West India trade, 128. Westerlo mansion, 345, 355. Wetmore Schuyler, 91. Izrahiah, 92. Whalen, Jeremiah, 33S. Whitney, Mrs. W. H., 345..3 76 Index. Wheat, price of, 79, 82, 177, 229, 245. for rents, 281, 263. sales, 1721, 263. sold by auction, 242. Wheaton, Henry G., 123. Wheeler, Mrs. Matilda, 335. Whigs, old line, 340. White, Captain, 217. Hr. S. P., 117. Jonathan, 337. Whiteside, M., 157. Whitney, S. 87. Wickliff-r, Jacob, 346. Wilber, Mrs. Z., 237. Wilcox, S., 106. Wiley, Sarah, 113. Wilkinson, Abram, 339. Jacob, 93. Willard, Hr. E., 117. Edward C., 157. John, 111. S. H., 18, 349. William Penn steamboat, 127. Williams, Henry A., 352. Thos., 232, 241, 291. Williamson, Jr., John, 93. Willson, James R., 76. Wilson, Benj., 148. Mrs. Benj., 357. Elizabeth, 333. R. L., 354. Sarah, 92, Winants, Mrs. Josiah, 115. Windmill, 92. burnt, 145. Wind, 31, 34, 35, 92. Winne, Mrs. Haniel, 335. & Fondey, 112. & Gfernsey. 175. Jellis, Jr., 75. Winslow, Richard, 87. Winter, mild, 131. set in, 131. Winterbotham5s view of Albany. 191. Wiswall, Capt., 90, 127. Witbeck, Martinus, 355. Wood, abuse in sale of, 230. measure regulated, 256. & Acres, 149. Samuel, 106. Woodbury & Son, 155. Woodland, license for, 294, 295. Woodruff, Mrs. Halsey, 336. Woodworth, John, 122. Wooley, Charles R., 334. Workhouse, 83. Worth, Havid, 106. Gorham A., 334. Worthington, Haniel, 94. Mrs. B., 337. Wyngaert, Nicholas, 267. Yates, Abraham, 83. Governor, 99, 106, J. V. N., 97. Joseph C., 84. mansion, 337. & McIntyre, 117, 150. Yellow fever, 79, 80. Young, Capt., 127. Mrs. Eve, 147, Men’s Association, 330. Yule, John, 352.