hi 11; as it: m A* w/. C> :-V// ft m. V r-r*H <53o +* - >x w }l*V< •-U. IK ■ W- •MWr* «s f i\> V.-' r v A M t»/V EK V '.u i 2r:’ ->S a CvC -7 gjjg 3* r->.. tV ^■ftw plh u . ■ c\J LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS $Q\Z:77355 M58t 1X1015 UISI0R1CAL SJ - tx : % i- «- I ; _ '' r > i20™ CENTURY _ T] iiV • \' Mason f wininr ^ m ILLINOIS CONTAINING MAPS OF 1 Plages. CitiiiJLanj) Towns nn>s OF THE (’OTNTY. OF THE State,United Stuti's unMUurlCt. pv Bus1 Farmers Dmecro-- MATI Q N <*< ^PG-^L e,s '^sro^ ™E System of U.S.A-a °P^SVSTEM OF CIVIL GOVtB^ 0 Middle-West Publishing Co 635-636 MANHATTAN BUILDING. CHICAGO, ILL. n> $ er, -* C0PYRI6H7 /yuj BY MIDDLE • Wt ST PUBLISHING CO.b r- *• . ri- ** | SKETCH OF MASON COUNTY........................|f»3 fao* ANALYSIS OF THE SYSTEM OP DMTED STATES LAND SURVEYS....Supplement I-II DIGEST OF THE SYSTEM OF CIVIL GOV. UkNftfENT ................Supplement III-VI GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING HANKING AND BUSINESS METHODS ............... .....Supplement VII-VIII ANCIENT. MEDIEVAL AND MODERN HIS- Tory chronologically arranged i « I I t • |M • I f I • f M « • • 1 • • • • • 4 i 4 t < Supplement X-XXIl ? MASON COUNTY INDEX, Pace ALLEN’S GROVE TWP ....... « HATH nil ... .», ...... BATKi I LAT OK .»• »r^,(.. 0icast ri.at 0r BISHOP. PLAT OF ................ CONOVER. PLAT OF.................... ...........% CRANK CREEK TWP... ................... 27 EASTON. PLAT OF ..... .............3$ FOR RUT CITY TWP. . ..........>....«..... 23 FOREST CITY. PLAT OP..... ...... ...........?> HAVANA TWP . >4-35 Pao* HAVANA. C1T\ OI.............:'Ml KII.HOURNE TWP ..... KILBOl'RNH, PLAT OF..................... 2l LYNCHBURG TWP ................. AN ITO TWP............4.....,, iVji MAIMTO, PLAT OF ........................ 67 MASON COUNTY. OUTLINE MAP OF. >- * MAsON CITS TWP....... JS MASON CITY, PLAT Ol MOSCOW, PLAT OF............................w NATRONA. PLAT OP.............. ....... ,j PENNSYLVANIA TWP.................. POPLAR CITY. PLAT OF PBTKRVUJLE. PLAT OF .......... Ql’IY^K TWP. ........ QUlVKR BEACH . ..» SALT CREEK TWP...... ..4 SAN JOSE. PLAT OF________________________ SHERMAN TWP........ SNICARTE. PLAT OF ... TEHERAN. PLAT OF........ ....... TOPErCA, PL.-iT OF. MM 17 «/» u i% SI 2ft 4* u 46 1 <5*2 S'S— ri* , v3Th* ot t** Unittnlty <>fScaJs of Mur* fo/HiJr Thu h»u*ttj dotted htxff shttu Boivuinirrx at // rat/nup,- Puts it Xrhtuil— —• San J SPECIAL 3 ALT CM La Th# L*hr»ry pf th* UnWora.iy of Utah A 'TOWNSHIP •Sratr Z inr/tfs to ant Mi ft Parts of Townships2J and22 North 5 W>«» „fthr3r.d EM _____- ft P li Sa-n Jo-ir" II it tie rt: In t/ori'6// W.'t M n rt tiaJ i/rse (fijrJ/ r.yrsu Isaac tt <•<’ *> a lo h nXtoft * i/s/ftt-•* ffiQ ao ,fo C ottrnr! tl ut* ti rtn tj H W C tn tit ton. 160 ' x ft if n. Kn Lo it/s 1G0 U CyfcJ r, 0 (rtf / O n 11 « r / 1&o r t o «. W'JI cLnxrof/i Knott 4>o PdJUPt Otet IT’ Cott nu / ,vn Uric# WiLttyJH I f 11JJ7 oJ/iLl tnora. J.tttt rn H & vo urn » SO ]tit rtfnl ot tontt 1*1 \o tt) borKtri fg Mar It Coopfj i6(J Jolt n T/if tor O.Spe.llnutnjr ft Ttjl+r ?4o J B •M o torn a tt /.10 Jf oc fir 1011 x l+U hciol .Surface ,90 Tt rn .V* ! Maxoiiruy K u c H £ 4. c V TkcUb^ of lh« Uotvenrty of |IM«& I nM *KJ‘D I / ill* ftttiitrsfrn^ O ir SttLi t.'iJ n Dvtjl* sr Hfitt *ftiO*vl Jild Y- Ity-t 0fyfM*eti*r N ir /I 'roetor 40 mattf* C JZUmOTH Wt*U <€,*6 trr J itut 14/art h.TiZT\ '~rt Tt Don tt i, & a /*}/J A uis war t it t9t? n tfrtwr O ffsrxan 4lf s.c.JJotio vttn Hr urn f. h o/tou/tt tJi txo C hi an gold wr tv v fojftxvrifi t n s n >or th sckori l[K.JUa ru/oUj ti Ofiirrhoru let Mvn* H mS liar dm O P i’Oef liftf 'Tit niUfonattt. 1, 4 If f lollll.lt 14 /> t fl, VSOM — ' TOWNSHIP ; ----- s’rt/tr Z fnr/tt« fo a//r ,VirV> Parts of Townshtps 2 0 and - I Norlh Hii n$e 5 West- ** ih* 3rd EAf-♦ I TOWNSHIP L*----- * _ Staff Z tnc/itx {o /?///• }fif* Township 2 0 ami Pari of 1 9Xtrtli JUnt^r t» West *t ««. 3rd PM PENNSYLVANIA ——-r 1-Tm -TToTi--— yi rs L. ST. p h t» l // ,r __A. *'t l OH.87 t'ciVtnlcf /:. .1/ VamL Kit so / U Aft Votuti/l i/(j •// *£ 1.JV |jVhow pson Vjt us him &** jr t1Iho/tipxon V umi Lrt 11. *7t 61* 0*0 t not / 40 !John Jl t / L +o Jacob Li^ I Crro ho nt jnr S B. S jtau r mo ?on lAtltini A/.v/ />'. II.C.M1 tin rnj Ks t IJ.JJ YtOaOJ ,4.rf HtV nt U li S, R urro uifhs wo John Mc r« rt t/ Johu Afityn r ?*0 i60 urch hot J. *i Ion*, ££ urn h f t in M L.JJ Muivti. •4 0 H it rn ft ft nt If C. [tohti B u. rn Jl. a m Xd«//*/«* o, M Ai**u 7>.v tgn-MV ir T. J‘ uy lor A H l( i / / BSKffl 69 /otut&i \,n lllmfh ytro/in rn,** /./ Pr i.tch.e4i ZTSitil liv an 16 a TZfcpe TJZJa It ttm k. S.H .Toll n If tt r q at 1St*,9S JJ. J* r i tch.&Lt t-'r<*'i «a Cr l n\> t ,ie} 1 *)• •f • I 9 W! -i - -Nj •hi off t 'A/< r*7'4......' f* f,m f t. '/ft • rr 'Ur a t> lirt/ft fri. 15 (tf,/ VTnU.ftf.0 Kn \ afj lr W It *rl"",n',n'fr' C « /// fj bt* uto ^ • thus IR ,\V tl UX* & /. 7 « Srtumjdf . ? n v ‘ \rtttt.i jv» / /«/ • Ate'X Litcas f htt.t J WJitH rt v r IV nit •i i i»/r.r •V /', Orot.fr tf/ft r»* or h‘ n [ kMu/Tnu/t fAWjyio yoo Me Harry sio - I a x. I '!» i c lnn% f$o A__fll Krhou \ IV"1 HVf / / i>7/ r ft rf <»4 «>/ J\r/bt Sahito tut l ' 't ft c*. ChriffTi hits t r r r r Jto and 7 West rh„ ' i Wilson -» § * *'•* *?t or h TV’ C’O tLO Vtf la r it ro T3U7 1*0 IT iS Per ft in, JL [Sami 't'vherMeahtr •Toftnthon TTi iso n. # H O ti l o r W. C Sch * net II' h Li *for ft. JB* L 80 Cfibon 40 Juti nJ> urns •>’//.*tt Tt Crmw\ i;X*> White forti ita Jox yrnr^jim fjaihuh/at*Mm L.JLyo /is 40 40 i SO r/u T ' 4* ¥ . PCvoiwi i> .? 50 Jlrs.S}V lU cl v i s I 17.0 Jo!/ nj: van Thor it ax, | ymatt wljrijVorl* y \v n c o ij a u t KM to t~*+, $7 * ; Who If ft ho a.T/at h /?_ OLTlJc. l it. Jasptrttil *t Bo A A « ’J** ,rm * .6- JJmlrif f oonnj \ « avu! Stxu,l*y .Jab v VpaU -40 ur.olt Warn a t/iO JolnUl\Vn nn> r /: W tu n •> r . So *o **m,y & ^pff'o$y 1 Xti+lr*. _ 4: • Ca Jrvpbm-M f* st A D T n >^ I £40 > YTti t tilth n r 160 4uis worth Oaa WtPyfit //'J. fhrotta i'aUJai w LOCUST f\Cot/ )VfXTIIMT \ I 2J#J £xt U f* J o It O S tto fLM rcAttui WAIN U Pennsylvania Twp Sc aZa 30 O ft to I ineft M a .s o ri- Cv. I' " v T A’ O r rn CHESTNUT t'o.p >A FI Stvro }A>N Bin ch KlLBOURXE Kilbourne Twp. PINt C o m a t. e r q♦ of tke of Mbit -« JAN M. liotvhcy- \*«o jrw *9/>y fSSf« «a*' -/ 7* £ Ms wort SO fXXt Jr ^ ***v, «T«S.w A I Itarttii*t*t,a”ll\ | irjr 1*0 JFJI.xHurtM • ft** , •X irn CogriiQ, 40 I • ( Jjt- /.• • ni \1 Lnnqxtott 40 mFO ii i<: sT ClT\ - *-;4inj.n , ii ■WCTpq—-- i.--.,,..jj^-^-: — -*! TOWNSHIP r‘ — <*- SJUJLL.fl 03 Or*rw // .1^. p. £ ,7. ATitgtjim. nttrris/lBroun W*tjAcW*Jrn.*r . (inn hr l | 4.7 I -*c ■Sra/r Z tnr/trx to orn .*//// Part of Township 22 North ,JRanftrs 6 ^nd 7 West rfthr3rdPM. V/» Gn> f U l- „ Wun,svr\Vnli„«r°^oJ,t it.' I 4C Cluts ao It) LI ( b // u i>r tfiu DS- t richZBroitsn Jo h tl TV' se:* i 3 Mil .! * k fb 5- * • • chut (it // £x\r/ W J. IT. H Vi tLii&r ^ £ WK Sultfirt *0 /. ; /> :l // KnriLas « *1TY ISfiltL a.u i’. J o utsp.r 2*0 * 1 &t+\ IV If I’M I t'i-JJO U>o • ^ §£llTTt,*l >r jV« / A' / #• A 1 . ■ 13 * 1 I* i_3_!L____1___ ^ Jf«n/ Ira at ho! f,ntnh»iJ A Vrifiirh % m I ** y _«f_i» ** B <£Z.*0 j~ j. y p i So JV 7' /• ^* riLStfirr*tpr Eattrt/ Tt.osf too Cross 30 • .Joh. n-^ So m ittaftnr 152-3 c ./if fT/Zz ^ .90 JkJrtoe, J-A n'/riCe 80 ^ XjT z g-gL, -5 ^ i ^ /*.^/, tt y N *v- J7 » We lcxtt h »f{ 80 t Chttx Si nun « »/ J F Kir &-i X Z Tl rj 10O • zf/ «/*(^ y rt rt -Jlot t- 0 ro Jlfirqur*t. k X\’«ttt>vZwOurq 1JG r • irrrijitr 40 H.B Btter f D U^'dl 4+J VTiamor •■>■'• ir«' 3 hr Hr it 111 nq 5 Ml) IT J. 9 F.7L&rI? us-ci Mc JLarrn 80 r56>\< H J. K n n p TftO Ot /io S H F>* J. & Jl O-T Fs t 160 M N H' So ho. t* SO t ASrhoo! JJZwa • .^7 Gumt/el W W. Wn r n nr Mr M u C L& zt So ^ rs.9f ii so -T5-P-—.—,— C.tf L.Usur ^ ' JJUfoiJtLrhJ*. W ^ so t*o M or t.v I* t v t C * r it»e> fohtt M a rti.n Sp r.GntnnJir/ffi d 7S.SO >n ^ faiutjiort ol O ft* s S IS. J OW* U wjLt f ^ So L y ti ujl May &rs1 160 il ' It 7U T*i*o\ >47.7 r JIB J5arm*s ■40 =C MW H <- 40 o i 1 P.S t yv,iz aSI or // in b £r,y 4?!>4 •5 - \TWL UB in tfo tco SLo\ n i4/ t Is. ■ 16tJ iUMan tut* ll “1-r SO • {r.urrnrin EL lx worth ftRO.l’n/t tsou ' 40 J ron/n\a 44} a __ "W Ya nOrrruitt 29 160 * '•'run t( > rr/um Jti LA 40 we y J.IS.J5 (irttfkT SO L y in a -tl Iclc & l - /* V « »* ^ V ILJ ng vtso VL CiLcj P VII w J' r. Asv;> I nr'oh Wnrmt rfio J..T. trA/lhn. ot& \i ^ 4 , —-HI i * o & t S»3 I •• ^ .’ OlMa l / ././ k rVr (ri. L m.*j re to ' St a.rr» SO 160 S.K. / u*j e rs o t! J. ,-w »K ff . ; jfiarMgHhflP f e. i.S Ii ri ct H a ^ I % .'40 P “41*y OwK'eixJiti, SO zoo _J1 art iyi Ke is I in a So \Ht r.rJD arc t*r 160 j \7os &ilmor& J. &. S 0i.-vTt.liy £0 P 7 /i rt b* tA Yohiout Vo I 0 raAh If. j. o uj u M J.C _ _________ fuettre b tt r tzo prm£ iAMnbrrtjm^_< Sp -rk.il R Vi tvI Tfc Ubrwy of the Vftflftf uf |i -T>^-' TOWNSHIP Township 2 1 North., West orn.e •Xrc/fr Z. ftir/trv to o/n }/rfe J7W# j/i.n | ««y r * 7. ling l^HHlorry i/f / r/ "nsL <; rn *t4i- rtPJtl* A t.?fO /;:/,; /. Mewy Win mm .1 o Jl 7i. llr ie.Tri a r ufrn.ry Front c 120 'I 37 1 She ftRClTY^ C'.-)*r?*^*Z1*4- wi-^ \a +40.«. ~*< 0^4*,** s*.^ TOWNSHIP drffir 2. Otr/tf.y to or/p !A/> Township liO and Pari of 19 North Mantfe 7 V 1 A' /; Miutiofl 'VJH Vn ittUtd l'/«V. .. Pt/t/w/M ti .rw K (UIA'Otl 40 && Jolt tl Thp max +0 Jo/i it Thom 40 \etouu tt>t> JolmJtf MMl \ C, \cott, ti/ifttr Suit 1 *0. AW ttrJttf/f 40 ftir.o j t. eiut- Kluts td/hjnr Jtnm I 7VSm> L tj J&u,« Z c *£m. Eswp CJ 6.11. ilaifnfis Dim.o. * 4o So 0\V Thamit. 40 Rufus Dur+tt ■4-0 _ A «cL$i to art Yo/Urt/ 40 . JS'U • Jsljftj n^.'f 4z} no Pr** f'r<1u/e JO .7 C w 40 W H F t o u> - rrt'ti 170 _ &rt fan tm 40 • Vh&s Stael jjt MUioti 40 John U « r y te / •* 1 n J Ttfkn U*T*}t>L r.t o *40 rt.Hrmck ‘ ww e/iJtuis ‘40 *7*4? A 8,10 •SamK Tjhmttttt L vr 'at hitf to/iu Jlrrtitft ©/ /i / tt GHtirtjt* t 9.1 a. 69 ,IMurnttv of fllfoofc -* I .1TOWNSHIP ■Sratr £ fnc/irs Co o/u VrYf Town*hip 20 and Part of 1 9 ISTortl) Range 8 Wet*} ./ u... 3td PM GBRANCH Balt.tt. tsftsya • - ;M. Du f.t /. i/ a . a _ji t cl a i +77.013. jjr Srvtt 4t» ahnJts r # n. t teio J If red Btt/y S'otJ rffjil •1/xj nil*’ Chas • Wt'iiumsJ.. 40 HA V&sttufi nr l*efkvns 441 f/ « a, Mr U ft n t o i H.So YnfJ.T'el tf ■< F.lYXh u / u &o “*1 5 ‘ tao XliWlL oLbm Itt • - jju'tf&r \V"' C rotfcj i J..L.C fa.rjys M**n1 Hridifttt Uunh *r Jus Cotjq t //,/ U \ ’*u &v 5 /B CJ*r Iff ra tn»rt Jfa vijjlLorst T AT. Jf I *• h. tt 7«* JlOt& rl. y l*t) *•* "CjJK Mrjrh V II tin *•/» 4n " Af.‘ JL.W ' lVc i M. If. Cm in '5 J>* Hob* Util // ; n T t.<4v T. ,f CJ* ( o/t.bl inf.ro rjfj. Bun »■/*/« ) Jolt tt L t* i. rJ V F n la. A « VOI u. Tw.y ti n n / O 'tfti Vat frr Veil tt/t A Bis hop Forest CityTwp Sc.itLf .jOOft mrjt. C }’o h It lh \ATKO\A Allen s Grove Twp >SW/ U 1UO ft tj! / Uvoh Grastri [slnrrft Lotftf* 28647 -John B u & Z a. 7L <1 Seiitwl Moscow •BATH TWP. .>Wt/<> 300 fit tv t Inch J H D i o r k <* /•TW Ubfwy of ih* y of iniockQrivKR Beach Havana Twp, T.JLJBrown , TroW// ------3 TOWNSHIP £-------- Seal# Z l/ic/tfx /o one Township 21 North Range 8 West Part of Town.shij 2 1 ISTortTv Range 9 West and Parts of Township: \ 20 and 2 1 North, Range 9 West of the 3r.d PM ?.tr. W linn . Z, o. • ?o u;r 1084:1 /3° UIVERBEA Ch r back Ij ThZLip / Vovruxj )V II • II • ^ ^:r.hi/ni'J'i'(/e(h'x D I c li . Ti . K ,■ a ( / * l*ut THCT 189 3irrr rru>r ITa.rg ar g±Y, i/j'O iLTg ■L.<" - . »e ' uacyjt i Coat i _?£__]' IfanryJTu hi, y>tru.b<'. 4o z7Mrburtj C C ftowr.U. -j 46 obavi.s Esf ur,.cs •±- ± > met a.n/ $o ' *Ke,v. eircxs 'W'tjzmejr 4 0 K tf LILf/ 7HE. FISK FSsftM k C. F-i*? jfc J5 I' ZL <£. s t £> a 7t r as A Vrhfjril U.jV.St « y IM (J VS Ue~i/*r ntun H.T TLoivt'll- 40 Sipwart A AL 'MLtirimm Larson 4-0 40 ^nr\ Windsor -CO.-i Tool Cra bar 1 r,o__I F radftflu hn. OUis I.'ranta Mct.ttia \*> CorcLas #3 W7.3S Chn.shj a tf oa / jEy.Stay i'lLff Ja«L CrcdMT 'tO thrifts \tt Tioa t IiF Spurhn am 40 144.98 &. T Tu.naLj 4o Ch clcJ£ it t.L(' S'fiatJrmau ti.Unonl n ' n r ■* KNUPP L PA/ito j: fJ.itsa.rrX U: --_ / Pv.Trtj m -=■ i ^ *' '.V n. H cut (j Uunsfioltl jBiaft/Oe y JJ'AJoufri.nr\ ,L fll ‘ ‘ _ +l-'r*(f I AY o b s f o /J •P r ujl h F h‘ " " «** « iiff AVvm* ^ fft it a h n /T/rt ^ K 1 •* b f* N ,n' riMnm /* j wmJ P ETE R VILLE jt i Mou,dot\ » 7*' Jo h ti Kn-uppo/ ffl,6 o if It Hrft/m, 7 I Jtorhxn p, ^A*. »y jUAL'* Sherman Twp ? £a 300 ft to I HLC it Petehvjlli Havana Twp. n*tat J.ut,*ry IV li rr 111ixt-tn•ran Ijrjt- 4 ■J W^yaibir* rmvYYvmYmvvlTk* L hrvy of tfc* UnHwity 0f Wineb • I . R Th# Ubcr* •f tli* Ufttifftfly of lllmuit r ■1 —I I_^ || I •*John A •S'eJlult* JC+ / tun IV i.i.su/ a 7 160 )1 n rg t/rt'tJfnjrstfa •' TOWNSHIP I YhtMliiJUirvhi Srtr/r Z tnc/ff.\ to ortp M'if* ° Part* Ot‘Townships 22 and 23 North Hantfrs 7 and 8 West •* th. 3Kd PM. t' Vfx.-n. in 11 fit? • JOc car ;r.A l.ttiLdi Alt Com a (Jt: 4 O John — rn b « rt o nJLShnU ■ j TJf WO uSourn 40 TfTi/i HV h ttlh ot.fi vttf sr. Uut.fi ^|VrWJ/ tsfin ~x>3. to .Toll 11 Dairui ms Bat ts FidtJLvtB rr/irji .HW* i •’S.’to I JStu. 43.90 C 9 C Jj) nr}. t fr 4‘M, VA / rot Laid irjs. * / Swnnot/%\t firr/.v V Mo of G6.8 S ■ G 86 Istmnr •bv S’ (rrirwobtJ Iv. i} Vikitr.ijraXtHiTai jf ./ H otoiar (Jx^orn —p— Howl* r Mibcho *. f, II-** 41A_ y A yJjl ai> fur tilt rwt/hfVntf toi IlfjTuixi J. J If aztctus O&rm./lTn p / Vft I ± R (tn I, W, Do ui.s rn ox ho f/r M(\h ulUfmm,j )Yrr ms* J ttou n ttrr.* 7} itf 5 Jnh jr.. S r.hr# rJo /• John h fir»*lI j 4o • liar JJ ffa UfinS +o J.At wa t*r h nrr.tr■*-*+*v#.U^^V W5? V!/V-V. *! V V. t XwhunhoTVl ,r ijo^ ^k^‘ ^""^"Tv1 '/ f'/> / /r .Ya nr: Or bn i 1'l'ttfl rnomjnUf -./ tl t-Sor/i vo ' r / // /- / T t.o \' ,nntj m/*4>trtt+rx/o»i luny irthaxJMJi by ++-*-~- J O. D t* frrmttn f//% 1 n .rtruA* ~l B- S mi. t U jTT C U r i 4 in a> m«r •60 F at "r Moj tu/t rjsUu' Jn A nJiu rti Ator nint/.'f r , (Ua, 1 Hmt-t tt vh rtrmuu. / H:.Ur II r/rr,j ** t, rt (•Sour/ ri >v 7f7£ STAtUI Hon \'mitU O L 0 i b V tt rd OUvttr h t on n lotrn YMtjfo ■lo If. II ft, h n r W.w irtttni Titos f/ ft tj o J.O J*4 ttHtfftiI 0 no Y^',1 ii tt a t* Sottrt rut^ftttt,Aont?j rtiux ttv l.»Suiurtt If ah n i/o Ait O tf ax-tt t’otifirrl guilt If *« IFI A it -S’ / / u M ii tot t*T ST. | Forest Cm Forest City Twr Sca-Ltt 300 ft to I i tt r tt8 mm ' TW Ubrwy of tl»e Uotonnt of Illinois / ■ #* flr.rku,rti Di* rket *Hrjt • fAu.jH Uterk+r • »lt,j TOWNSHIP Sru/r Z In c/us to o/tr .*///> Township 20 Not Ml and Part of Town si i ip 19 North Hunjjr Part of Township 21 NortTi Range 9 West *in«l Par! of20NortTi. Range 10 West o#Uu< 3r.a PM. 9 West SSfc* •S' p a r it o ■ #Q n* t*<*02 ‘4 m* - /: Hk^4 M t J.gij r e. E rnLP.luio tec .H VJCrtttHGr lltl'Schrrurtt 1)/r9e llixh.op ffliM V.vA op Smw or f/ Vittf hnt rf a j Hidtiftlkamp F.st Uni iff/ // A\r.<7? r nt a n tJifi net l.r t a. n ft L <* d g tt Oil.:- Wfarxujt OH Kmner Mnrtj Kotvn frvksrut r i //«* <£un Clul {John Us my Ur tin Schrttber JHJhrrkrt ttuA'tt hi)Orht> s llmt Oro, Lorry John Otttttj rtinhn mltnx Gmrt// Isfdjirt. LodLtf*. Ari otf lx r rrf.n g tJJlfjTfirhfr IrJtrr rV If ft rrz/itr rEjt I., ec i RA If. J, ip/} n rt filfJtfaut/h or.it • //,/ | Jph/4 Uu/wjt, | 77t ny /. a rcr I to.t ii it //ui»/v A 4/ r * / A'r/ ff*~ J-AW.J T+m ________ MvdtteOccunp • / > J s ? CkDr ih 7. urh * i s t 6/nn Aoi X"tl tlunJi- VlosSrhtjJte VM I-’fetcht'r y,-,. i> O if- Sutton aooo I (' (I A ft SOOO THWftit •I. A Pletch-e r ~ Bjrt 80090 Schulte M **00HL &vuel ScunuAlf, (iWHttnJo J/J 6* Hi rrktr fktttmm Oto llrfl Ct#o fhur+u /tt i&M A /t-i j At*k t rt..r Jo/lSl ~<>op*r Pr*A fit i f Jt [JT JtM/ti.c rf/nt ! 11 #1*Mfiho/t. n fltutrtf* lirJ! t/ If it etj e tr/r. tri.rr TheJBrtu/f fit/ Chuytrh, AiooK^bS M‘iry lifA'u/.r lif"** Hu net) r A iSmith Alfred AH h t rt a Gl tiorr j r ti (lj> Mr Hr, <***!/ rrt/i <[ fist Leua.r tu'ft- Mrs " AG It nr, kin •, tv a. /• Mit/tfoH tierrm ulJt't ft rite, 'tuun ua \ Sm/f/t 4006 10XU3 ■rt) 00 woo tono to no JJ. I «• Jb’ fletciirr A re fy Si>r/t(rr SSt 4 , * -_ John H*rrtnfj tfxt 'fittjft i* •Shirt**/ luj/frrt tfW«i Mmii &»r* r*/ ___X T.M 7l fitch. /> / cobSt IV.lt \t,uun itfiihn Horri.ntf Thos I) LI. II iOt /6C ns. fetrhkr list **& 9th\yof .t\V.W,,»ri> n l,m/l 6 fro t t j a/frj nf -I O \l 14 I ii/<*}>r+*jmWc *C V mr#an I J5 $ >n'* I !s 3 wrKr.it Jloftns IHH 4\ntm f/ J1X.W inter AUclt jit - VmUr n le.'r II' Vint* r 4* 'iP *'J , 0 Jo/mson Cj Johnh'pryhfi iiftrtfe fit*! *4>' tnrh 40 M ri r [f / ’ C <*. r L msts> a Jotr/i Urrwlut tr> WHHort.tr- \ fio Oootlct.lt C lory cc WTK’tftrl, W.D Johnson -jr. " OW ■John Srh (141 // Oinirt'/ /Sir 'hnr../akrixi>u, m £1L ,pL -1 - *1 // | t'Ar/i. «'»• ; 3 * // 1 tirh AN>ot/ \ fright * fiuttln f it /, fcrnor I a-*'. 4k * • Wt* • I. l rrlmtj Abkoi.i ft a Ik r W?1 Aiii^s worth Jos AwtfU'orttr ri hhn Cf o ^ I JIUI tir,nn*r G/Irt* ttn/hE TW library of th» Ufilvtftity of IliUMb r - - A LH U7 A X I) KNVIIIOXS (’oimly Seal of Mason Co. Ill m Srale .TOOfl to I inch ________arc Water Mains _____arc War'd Lines 1 &_are Sewers *2_ are Hre Hydrants LOCUST auc MOUNO I AVuj I.ant/ I ciA n * miMONT 6 6 C li VAli K Li** err. zj^A^nEny. M AO ISOM MAO ISOM JlFFLRS OH CO IKT HOUSE p^TTj ^"o//rZ sqi;ak i*: tVatar WortsrnuFPii WASH / N&TOn jim rson Van ThutMAjotn* tit* menu plat an ttt* nx Vonrtj of eonnmstiom / ifc* FREMONT 0II t.lut A D,mM DEARBORN WINDSOR ILLI N OlS J r K h \p«pat - FIRST HOfFN IR MOCAHO-N 57 ACCO THIRD ST TINKHAM ST. Ti N K’H-aIV llttn S/ittrf OA K WOOD 70. JOfS ~—r Waltrfuld, 40 Sax Jose Allen’s Grove Twp • &. 300 fi 1o / f'7A4* .7 o h ii. /. . i; y r .y « tt Kt.ti.d0t *■ 0 . fV, Hit s.s - 2 LOCUST // - &ALNUT *• L^J - ■/ i/n.r\ v\/t , o tt* n rt i. '*& ■ / / / A . TIT r> ,1 jHI -> s- ■ ■* 3 f : ' ■ .. _ * // * / 7 rr "1- r* — -J ; • —i 1 1 • 1 TOT H A H C H i I » .J : * r> ! 7 6 'V' \ * V si. di it a ? * 4 7 to ST < -1 ri ♦ . • iC1 i s • *v 4* i . . -.—4 VINE. ST • K rr ■ j * : j • M r- i = Uti **A MU LB » V kg* . >> S \ 4 V •r — -i-i. Li N a BN ST m i Jf *1 y> V I LM 0 O r nr u n M U Ch ibVc h ~4Ql— K tiff* it* VYcincUzl j j.fohn Fn u.1, i n John Fa // hiilrt V tiea ry h y /■ &. A S M’a ( k t a .< /: r&*stzr MtJi gj Mtw J u.H r \'n n Horn tiUM \t ' f I /# . I - ,U -- l.[ tt ’r *2 V W ** ; few y. V..V y h o r iUlolfth Walter £ 4 * •4 u ■ ' I' ’s ' •V/ 1/7 t * '£ | i; •'TS t v , V 1 /V* _ O v?0 HlkA n a a - A- fr vH D #T ’ r •”r It * *- / 4 -L--M-U&i fALNUT i rv_ « /.* '/6W in * tf 0 w-—- . 35 J' ffi 5 ’ * 7C f. /i * I O w •>T JU*> * 2U tOlDIZM voNcwr »t JM. XTk /X fferson CO rnAtmc & sr -,J‘ AV/rtaint #> liit/p finxx «IF r e (I K n o I I li- u f f Maxi t o Manito Twp SccLle aonfttolincli- M A IN MAflKEf MASON S OUTH WvlM u 'lT i tve y 11 Go ORANGE O r cuf fThe Ubr*y of the Untvanlty of llllnoif * -Town 1 ft. m u xl /. SI. Al a r t t it Cfiut .TT.. C orn an. ter O II ITr a rrtf r E.rt Bath Twp S'tnIp 300ft tolinxti 1 i UWAMA AAA-V c cmc ICAOO •T.vVA kx A.y,' .«' frtwvaw .llti. #1 % 5.f'n'o r owivr Wffi4^ LIV"'jC la mtm wAisms ojirtimww} \n U»;\4 4I PiltsMU 5X1*0 9/wrrOm V*-.M tVrrrlU U. •♦••*•*» ».j 1U«U*tn %.*• Prmctfion STANDARD / MM)X * J*f. Kern.il. V .(/I rfciuv £< 1903^tv\, "Utknt ^8® ¥**m \ **■**. &■•• v p'—~*c— r^‘ttu'.').~. SZ/iti'prhn, j&r "JJ&—^SufToJk M/flilrtip,,, tSSr ;V,My^/,f At-..*' : W/W/y, ^jsasnoniAi. ni.,T,(( formnU RUSSIAN AMMUCA « fe s & JS2=S___ ii--- **,_ *’ ttMII»rm« nit. ">;*TW.\!ID MOVKMI.VI itY TUK CENTRE OF FOprLiTlttf h»M •• v:!** ttym t|« | 5 l‘fumi Ktym / /ftytvr Kymtto*' **?3t .......M*ut * !/ /. HjjS/h.hr L r^.,1 *. j0>*4'Ull»« "l '})*' Sixtus Mill-., Sv*.a«" un fjuUrKrr* ICWV JM... - / AV51.000 5 2-55 t7.t22.coo $ 445.ooo.ooo $112« f&SJ&OM 14 80 27.070.000 1.110465.000 *3164 154165.000 5216 M.4M 000 2,821.700,o«x> ob62 63$&&qoo i532 5r.MO.ooo joO^Ujooo 70.05 97^55-000 14.76 J?XXX> 4.*51.000 2 06 2J2oi.au> 105 n,oi<;,noo 566.4OO.OCO J9 5* 4^125.000 j.# mtijj.ooo 1505 16,370000 4^ 72 017.coo 14 49 42,536.000 8 41 121-670.000 JpOO 32Jyj.OOO 10.59 anocrtj.ooo 49 i2i.665x>c© 33 18.j61.000 4 59 +566000 114 tl.i.«.aoo 37 71 5:755000 1303 341.716.000 x>i J9 10,430x00 6.39 56.2B7.000 25.76 100^3.000 873 • *. ■ •»» oo-r^Q.OOO 1. I2.500.0w 983 3-205,000 2. ^2 481. 359.000 49 45 56,42.^000 580 5.8j97}-?.cjoo 151 12 686.776.odo ;7 83 2.5r.1.5*5-ooo 6000 363,233.000 695 3.090.427.000 7^ -#9 527,218.000 13.12 i57.5^Jooo 1380 ro.40Q.ooo 4.27 16.734.000 io.oo 4.032000 2.63 23750.000 24 74 7.106.000 7.71 33.430000 St.08 1,132,000 2.83 ?,5#oo,i 48.000 4-13 476,708.000 1-64 2.388662.000 75.43 324.830,000 10.26 201.110.000 4.71 10(1,998.000 2.55 Dimentious of 1br> Kurth Equatorial IXiairttr................... . K*tv» Al:‘....................... C.«rmiif .................i .^-rcas of the Eartb. THLIR CAPITALS. AREA E.pendi^___ ^^pcudinif Total, Atea. Square Miles. I&W74 IJ10-^17 2.946.091 240.942 i»<373 5^7-430 1^8^00 38^380 3^5.V>46 2911^20 4-M8L401 504-773 25.003 44^00 15-2^9 73^-4°° 120.000 400.000 2G4_IIO 2IJX273 *20979 25.152 63-397 10.204 4^50 1^00.000 110-684 148.742 Capitals. Countrk*. fl* Mill-*. .1 rrvo*s*» 4429.42! 3.‘>54«9i« 3.75/^M 42359-KM ...... AJjricrs Bueno* \yrrs ... MfJbowme ...... V;«nna Bruwtls ...... I .a Pax &t> di lunoro ....... So6a ......Ottawa ......Santiago Al«*rt»i ............ Ai writ inn •>.«.»>..« AtlUIAh.t .......... AUMrta-lIunitfr.v .. (klRtum R«ifivia...... ... .. Ilr jii! ........... .. Fnltfaro ......’... Canail... [Jotnftiiun <»( gd».............. .I,,*,*.......! (.r»!omh#j ........... Cnttw Rka......... (. iihj _ ...4........... I^rnttlAfV ... ........ Ea»t In WUoo $3* $*)-y?sxx) 5A313000 4.u6,r»» 2A19&V £3‘*7i3 4-^33 239 2.7121145 4u2.6Sc.aoo 3^8.600 joy/tij I o7i7v7 2.185^35 34.a>c\fXO 1,271 Jfel 9-73M05 38»5‘7«975 56.345014 4M54.578 2-4:3-806 7474.«wo JO-1--I.OCD S^tfjaoo 4^32100 S44fti^of» ij).W5<«> 33j;/>i/«o j-7^^«o q,i9>.coo i4a5i2/no 250.985»*00 652.7^)^00 t^ooo 3.041,000 3.i30.(X» l.Oiaooo 42,8rX»,ooo 52.222.000 54.81xM.ooo ......i-.in Jme .... I!»v;u ... Ci>t>cnJu5cn ........ Ba\..na ..... . 0“«'o ......... Cairo ,.1«....«* Parts . ......Berlin ....... |.nn N,««l ijtt) Am. imbo am .......Air. in,mi i/m* ......Air, tju i.po Ain. ig.K« ,.^h> ...... Air. iu.Tiiy hmm ....N Am. ...N. Am. t.liW m> ...N. Am, T.ftW Air. :,<*•> !,?*> ...... Kur. I.ViW *)• ...S. Am. O.INV iltt .. S. A111. ^.IHH> ., AIM. n.WKJ Kur, *.4S0 S47 •••••» a»i» au Kur, s,toj in .i.N Aid, l,ftoo ,, , ......Afr. I.JWI n.Ui ......Kur. Mu iM .. N. Aro. )..„fur. ano Mlii .....t.nr. am tJM Scalar. I.-** ......tur.. :o «3o ......Kur. IW ......fir. iij |.*jt ...Jf./m :m .. X. An. 101 .....VSwr. n l !>• .....E»r. J« t,iO ------ bit u IM Lonc-st Riven. Y> tor*.« .N'vttca... M»i:hi*au.......... Huron-..,-------- Tanim.jl*0------- ............. qrmr JjjMWl- .... - ■%>. .—. Trhn J.............. GnMtSUVetr..... IkSllWHr-iN......... ....... 1*^*'............... l*kc or »u« AllX-rt Kyan/ii..... l^loiru...... Oniiin,............ AUmlwstU......... NlOiir,ik:iia^'....... |-.......... TmigxlnJt........... ";«ir*r........... ili .-nHam ........ DrTnl^rn ........ XVtjtlrr........... 420,000 291.628.307 3i.856,f*75 46, 483.1/0 *06.797.0® h^Lnfc^rr* JCu.;-iuidetW5c^tr.*. Mf lyuj Ki-U'^-»aa'Vr,V.n.., J-UjUUfa'.r-r. .......... i:«U.r*4o.....r......... *' “4• •• • • • • «•• Ami* ............ ...... fe.n ........... J.|rDjrln............... iTU'k.ifMf............ ... ........... P.ftl'I'W................ I’lrro, ..r VcitiuitSu-. ..... if* ...... ........... Mureity................. OmnKft, .,r<;urir.[>....... .......... I;.«l. Of .Uik............ Onuil.U*................. 44III Oil. ,,..4,......, «. ... On»«...................... K U%rt%r iii r 11 r. •. llrMil .. Aiit1r«Jt* Uiu in Mir .Ttif, tn a.ui ;... Atu#r,iiA >. w .\rmil w Affk. Kim in Ear, ..W Atihm YOKOHAMA jiohai ypyrni N*V\»?.ouo Capital*. Population. UHJf* OoOTtnii* ........ Sroul ..... Monrovia ..... Mexico »«•*••* • Cctinjc Morocco .... Thf Hague ...... Managua ,...« CbrultanU ______ A'ttftctoo .......Teheran .,...... . Lint* l.i»hon Bucharest S* Pitenbori San StlwJw Santo Domingo ...... Bcleraiic .....Bangkok ....... Ma4rtd .....Singapore ... Stockholm ..... Bwne CnmtanUnoplc \Va*lmnjton Montevideo ...... Caracai* ...... Kingston ttfcOOD 4N.0MI ?07;jl6 j/jo 21 >>ooa a •CUOO 1*4445 2.=JO Soo.=co Ojuvooo 2^12,484 S.oco.aoo 19.000,000 5p,Sp 5.0624)18 3r3t2,SSt 38.orjc1.736 76.303.387 Sm64 2,323.527 5M474JOO uaooo 3#oS.ooo -M5JOOO 65.654030 40.1O&0OO 17.346,000 2,181,000 3.727.000 7Mjooo 4*.'5,000 57.^54.000 4VJ02.000 665,619000 I.gWOOO 1; 410.000 S,73»*ooo t. • ••• •..'»»• Spam • ••••- • ••*••. HvnMrlAA.il........... ~........ TtrkfT tvropa. PuWarla an* U*»fti I BtTVHl’C l-AW 11 |)M«| lUYtl T*tl fOTTH AUKUU A IV.Civ A ...... «••!*« .1 BrlUifiUam CklAr rituiitiy ...............................- •*»*** l*irB .••••«. •••«•«.«•!••.*•« • .ti.(.««i... crop** VtUrttMrl* I..!nl I7KOT l>CUK» Coin . ..i<4 11 i*ir< fttitiMi Jittltat llttWo^ 'IiiiUiMi wmmnihi Porto Kiwi. v«0•**......... »•..«»•...4•* 1 Sauk* Ih)uiiuiC0*««* .•..4«*»• • H» ^ NMfl mine V-fUM.......... lawAritri.ATiuKi Aftira.............. • I... I|». ............. AMirr.ia..... VlW lAJ*Ott* MfH.M u,*;m a.i.^ 11 4» •rtvftto tJU.VX i.w* - T ■> MWfff (WAIT, Orif.d Total ComjiAmtlvr Mllra nf !•)••«»nph* in (iprmiion In all CounlrlM. riawai liuSot y p UM ar-»* Waft«vdoa #hr«itarz *aII W VN'A 8('lliKi|. TEACHERS IK HAVANA SCROOl* »03 1-4 of Cm -•!*«► «J« Mai?AiMtf>. !•*»«* * rTJ»rijrd wl B:rb SebooL is i'uxnx «_iirtrT : t:»» * *»< I.KHIMI* H Vi i.i it rjnniv II IVA M (AVeOM.I. U 0»A<1 II »IUl!w* :« j m n»»iuK-r ft. BovnAS ;• l i«ai At'.’Oit HAVANA Ml..11 ♦v'lioor. |U\ \Na art IIAM. 4‘1|V •• 9VU **/» mu 4 K Vi Hofcl. Mtttoi * A MtJ |itH>< is, AKi.rni*'. W* Kin.mho nt,Tii Jnu.«f Auoten *». mi i,r>rl H*mt«h l J'.il •• MajiUrat' II K Hi. • .»»*. Ch »f vt »*idicr < u«. mi’mu• i u S,»»t Ilf Wm«t Wort* .O.ntKVAK. H WiK(i*«TMUn r C. TW'JllfV A D, (vl 1.1.1 M.M .1 J I>WN,*M*K.-K J, .1 MKKUHX ,I..I»H Mublic Schools. rnor j. k bpakkb hotter "Ctecrhil Oo-ermtion m HVin** I’nluAbk lUorh.” TJlr Non ii primupy. aeon room miildiritf. •n rfc. cun- Thu Huvana tr hr«>|« omniy fngr liullOiiiyr*- .... — loomed in Hi* no. Hi iwrt of t«>wir. i»n Smith I’rlinaiy. n i an-room t/ulldln#, locat.-d *n -iour!i jioriuf l/iwttj tin I'nurnl lum.t... md Mu-h -rkooi bulldlntf, Uw'ati*d m the rral p.ixr ot tlir v'Hy, TUu- (Ytiir.il build in. w is »*uW in |Mb It cnti* d*. ol "lain - hnoi rnnm-., Uo i»!ay.n>..mfi and ivco t.»!liM r-iiojim II U tolriy well Jltfhuul uml vditlbtU'd, Mint i» bruinl wlUt.fltesm beat. The Ml-nVinu Clrr. l l|MlOfl of Dll' Ills'll »uhhl RiiKltlk'SClon, isglvi'n mono of nhc locwl pupnr> M'i - buildliin i> VIUHn r.-.-i, |n . iiriono dtiminslons. and low two Ki-.niis und biuu im n|., I.....hloN l in. hi? mMH\ nv !••• h I*, no »*ul|l, Uiut I'. nlli bo, oonvericd loir. :i yymiiBsunii uml niinmbl.v hull. Tin* "in' k1.o\ nuululn . im.r Ini«.■ m-liunl room*. musli 2&xf!2 Wt-l In iliiiK'Dsloil. « Ith :iU. ih1uii|. winvliohiui ............. IIoit oi.tiil i*Imh it U.rKtvHiJticmlUy room wijjQb is umoU fovu •iitiily uii'i n' M'iiioiv room u litivn lnimri»to«y, Nii|>«-i'lMtoiiilviV.‘« ami thrc'- ro-iimN.n f..omw Tlir In .i-tnmit hhmiiIiih ilio iiolh’i room, liOv* uml vlrlM1 mMfi room. *tbuvinu ticonjfrH flool III roue limit i»nd llttiil wHh ili>- IiickI. »«il ............... plumoiMK Tlii^ro, op two <*th.*i fwinin. In tin. UH*.* mniv r»n•! whWl| I • UKi’it w- u nv«iiiii!*Umi. ilit* "tli>otli wjibinuurt wttb.mt Tlir wBllMHfoof |.o i rr»i«il lirloli uml luiit In urt mortur, vrtUi He<) forii f'-'iii' triinmiom., uml ihfl fool i* "f Thi» lm* rloi «f Uu but bit Oil i» i otisirui ted wlto the spccfftl f nd 111 vb.w nf |..»»Vb{; < »■ I'v |H>r on i- ffioMy ib»ht*d and l|i Jtvrfcot i'lran.l(ncv«=. Thr wall*aio piuvt. .. d tliroiiuhoi t wli|i A» «u* tdnsl* i nod nil ftttltiMu-aiuu: IC5ti-u.J of wood. *bi«*ivt*«UwnrptU> uml rttWrMl'" I*. Ifi^ll'-ir, nuidp ol K«. tto ^ ccnmnt, »i) n.^ to Iwi* tire minimum utnooni of conitir* und crr»o !•» for Ihi* M*omjii» nf diiMt. Th^ >j»^«»i ’luoh-M 'hr iiclnlrc U »K*> or«.uj«> • ( H*p wmuImw* a-d u• llchi the rU»» rooms »o trmi In room tiiMilubt l» iliiown rtver Ibc |r|l «lnm:*br«. ol * If and rives nrrj mu; an .-.jhaI tnd abuudani mimuHt .»# !l«rit IVrbirpa Ui«*mOhiimb>>mid 'lUlun f«^iurn.»f tb« liu»dnitf •- tiic Tu. l.iQttaa t« b) «U4H>. Iw.lli Uli.tit 4iMt Indlfprt tttd'tliue ’••>|i.t!lnti «l||i PM' « *• -tiUnt« . AMI ixxu-rt t:---- Ii i« dc«if b*"l f«l«nnrltT »•. * |nn.|- rtf r tiirf-.Wrti .nd h. ucv d|^.< •rl»t* r craOe*.A wiuni' «n koif.' wor» or »lr/Mi ta^siatii. vr»riith *nd • luhlb irmd. * I'm' !»•<• I^ii. It «miom | four wun<' in knlf*’ wor« or HAVANA l*l'BU' LlRtlAKV. MMIAH* MUAIIW. H. R NiutTHIM' l‘ri ddm.t FuBl) ruujiv. UBCnoit Coi.HVan a. a. ^fci«v»1 » V Mvrntrw IIom.aK. S-vratftrv U .1 rii¥id* KliM « £u« Imrw J lldSiiji^is brjlimr uml Tcnl(t»»-Tho indlrivt rartia- iBjr-5??«ten; ««j lutm-hry Hi-- Itr*.. air wlilfh i« labi« 5n Uinmuli n>- w»».l »tr iwieulnthf Ji^nicnt. hMtrf SI-J aMUMr '. iniKr-11111" *i"l Ifcfo* « »oto *Y• |oo*ld.d »:tn ■ Ii?ut »tr fiuf. with a siteais »t%tir 'w*f u> r<.%o- tiralx ui .) Ia«m* tf..,»utir|. r:« ulatioo Tf.r ixlor: of lb* --ti.K.i ........... IndJdilMf. atrt l» %l»tj ilM>c*»ndcb tte *|»- p^rr.tjc'-u-. ifi-oj anti |..i< i .r u . • ... ■ni^facn'ty cook^Ia ot • **tp>/mtAt»doii und • -am-rfO l.Mtm Ti)»» ronrw at ~zt33iy co*r*v* prriod nf of ahklt (to U«< fuyr »*>- lllifh wi^Jt The rooi’je o| atiMr Ui the Hire *-hnoi rtm^ajnn* fiwr >rai* ut tcrelse Unaaarr tbrv« rw*nf Ijiib Md«« )MI W tlrna iM krr« >•«>«•.' M^rl.-n v tfcr>« j«u ..! KuSak. »«vl fniit wao of !>•• Mutb l» ryuipwd *rtTL a eood Mtirkma •r*rtr>*T . 'urv. »i. m ..r-..t tJ. t .u .....................a«»5»*KtinnoI Mar,n« irre?ttfcr*t/%c. th* S.Dillft*'! «r. Jn.liti.ir. *ud - n «.v I»i:t«ri •itb elrftrie f.'rd *rf i?J>.«!:i.|‘iIt9fia>i..* • *tfrw an<] ailftihinrA** for Uurnt aikS cur.tr>> Inrai ihr Havai llUh vAwH ••*. «Hm|Oh< uaattiiUirmmiii U> Uu> Vr^mur. Ki=*t%al •h« l*Btv»r.:i« «•' |lna< ia t.«h« rm»if!i)r. K .rth«*^:»rtj Tain aity. ■&£ Tor Vmrmixy «f Ch leaf o Tfc« «'<*iT*e of aiudr f*» Uatrrad«-»#ir th# Nnlflilit «4 flliw.d«. In roM>.r!»ii. «i|H «hi^c h.u#^. tlrm«in« If. In fM^tM-tMoo uritb «Jb«*e »ou#ie. Ura«in< nature *tudv iualt-..ioiD*. di>tn*r»t . «kt»e* »r>d pnt'K-al '-tdmr* rts-rl.e tn-.tottant uturntmn. Tfce aiun*za! iraiainpcoiivi*i» of **>n>*t»^'U.-n -.»#h iw*u-rt raHiii nMJi, tares and ,. I’fuKoc In ea.-h ot »,ntiu «... .)• «..d • nt ur.- tb» ni'it. r.Mi* ui«l fnibeitait ilt«||j\uHin llo'flftb »irn«Te, Bndhmrh wood wotx in «..ru ,m ..(uljum nt or i^n dnunk t^-ucbi > »ml umI of Individual looU ur. ftcvixl^.l for t.wrply Tnr.domr«LV • rn. .• Murk It n |.;iy%ndo.;l. ui »ii (iura|iliU-Ml uttd> i*i»m»nd/al .*.t-..dvof toous cloth>njr. ^untiation and »el:»u>i . fUi>r ih* hnm^ A «Mlt.ibl< ial*ira-or\ • njtiipprd for jhifi nD|K»rtant wnrlc Thn yymi.a»nii!i I* movldnl n lili Wlilt.-ly r tf r. i»» t‘i* piiM’ldru i-Mt'N folia. Indian (-ltths. dirmbbciLvutnl tjr»-.tmr."iH.'i, |i|timiniH>Huh wltji lbi< k1 ninlWlblll *lirr« is a omn|.IH. i-quip-mi.Tit for outdoor uihli tic*. "Ut'n unbiihlii'l (mil. dmou.-, nlnil bumim r, »liCi^i IiUrf1)i:9. ctc. S. C. KINO. CiUliier lluviiti.i \«(iotuJ Ua«L V CIV KM (11. AC'H HAVANA O D. COVINGTON Axk’t Collier Jt^vnuu Natmuat Book.Tha Library of th« U«Nmity of IHInoU<\ K YV AI Jill, Cimnt <]|«rH nml HOI'OJhImI', M<*:*«>II I It, It- the HOU m' WiiIrIi, ami wa». Imrn Hi HriKinii t ’*i , N. V, In him IftM. Jtin tit, ho wii« unliod in umrrtui;'* with Mh»" Man BtU Hotui, Hi- -at-fj«* and Ma^r In Chanrery. Havana. Vm borti Ml YVammnvWle. S J- l»7i ii** hrid iiw odict or nty Attorney for two !rrm» In Havana Waa mintrf s. WBjJ to Sira A tittle IX Pitman I* O Havana 1/80AR F PFKT7.INO. .»! Havana, lb© Coroner <*f Co p. O. Havana. A I)A M AKIN County Treasurer Hini I-'urmor. Way born In Ba-viirln. (hrtnnny. in l#-ir>, an Jan S. 1X7*. he marrl«*d Min* Kmma K. Sirawhrlda- I* O Ma*wn City. ■ A F TERREL!*, County Clerk of Mason Co H- «• ;> n«»t\c of i he county. Imrn April 5, 1H'*T and is the son of E !.» Tr.rrHI, who office of Sheriff iwi.-i* MATTHEW BO 1.LAN. Comity Su-(icriuwndnnt .if ttohtxila. lb* wan horn «t Stillwater, Sara-loKit Co,, N- Y , June 15, 1XIP1. Attended common etliool and the Illinois Normal, tnughi •rhtol and m-M ffindpttl of the «rad~l aebool for *lx **»" ha« t*ceu n ier> rfflclettf County Superintendent and ha* filled that poattlon for nine >**ar# Married o* t *Mh. 1889. to Ml— lnr« H Kllhy. of Mark-Inaw. Ill P. «>. HavanaII W M'PADDEN senior member "l 'bo lmnklng linn «.i MeKad-d»n A Co„ Wft# l.nrn in Cayuga ('<»., N V , In 1820, and nanii- to Havana In IRiiii. lie was married Id \*\s io mImk Harriet A! Miiti'er II. In jvSd ».»• was brutish* to Illinois, and tn later years studied a? !>»tttlianl 1'Diversity a: GaJfr-Pur*. tlL While reeding law ho entered the army to ?h«- l«2d 111- Inf ea Adjuianr Cafne to Havana in l*<3, HI* first wife was Mi« Nancy Ann Haley III. Mcoirit Miss Amanda K-Allen. P. O. Havana. O. H. HARPIIAM, Hardware l>.„| er. I’osimn.siM* and L)lr<«:tor In Havana Nal’l Bunlc. In u uhiivo <•1 Havana, barn Jan. 1MI •. ami is (hi! non of Dr. 15, II Harphnm During I ho Civil War he served tin a motulioi of Co.l 13!ith 111. Inf. Ho ha« filled the office of Mayor, Alderman, and other poaltlomi of trout. He was married in IS Hi to Mho* Rosa Barwuk P. O Havana. T. C. EATON, .Stock Kaiser and Farmer. Havana. Wan hum In Kent, Eng., in 1839, und <*.aunto America In 1851. During Uncivil War he was a niomoor of the 86th Inf. Wtm married Aug. t;, 1865, i(» Miss Mary Burrow. P o. Havann. JOHN BERNARD KRE11AI.M, on-of Mason Co.*e oarlieK ■ettlcr*. ADOIJ*H KRKHAIM. IMIred Mer-• hant. one i*f the county’s earliest tettlcrm, *u born at Ksch-w«s*. (irrmany, Oct. lo. 1814. and came to Maton Oo. with hU father. John Bernard Krebaum. In 1834. Hold the office of C'-unty Clerk for 18 ycara Was rearrird in 1JKI to Mist Sarah K Field. P. 0 Havana. DR EDWIN 11 1IAUPHAM. do-•reused, one •»? tIn- ploue*■», to Mm Ciusie A Le Sourd. P. O. Havana. CIIAH 0 KJilflH.MJM, Oritlti Healer, 11 ii vn ii u wua horn in l(a* vann May :• t« i t, nml h proh-ahly Hn- III hi while i.ml** rhlirl kior.ii in ih»* nounl.jp, iim Im wuh In? Hi hi In Huvittut IP* urtvd :if Deputy tHiunfy Clerk for years W'm married May i isiil, to Ml . Mary Ifl. John I' o Ha vanu HON LVMAN IJVCKY. SK rx-Cir. itli and Aj>|Mdlai« Jntlgr. Attnrn*?>-at-lj»* H n inn \\ u • tairn at Dry.p« Knur Corner* Totaji' tua C«»_ S V Ma> X Ii32. Moved *|r.h father, John Latfy. Jo Pnlton Co. in IW7. Graduated by Ullnutji eo)lo«o in IKSx Came uj Havana In t -ro<«or of th" ChavpaJen & llwaua railroad m l*;l»»-T2 aad l»n»ty InMmtnenial >n its con-•tmrtkin. and l» one *A the roumy* imia* infltxmriat citi-r.»u* He *»« married In IS^ t<* Ml** C’andiae Potter and in I*'.- to MIk* Marthn Warner. P. O. Havann A. fl SKKVOSS. M t» one of the looiUm; phyali tana o( Havana. Is a natlvo id1 Maaon Co. Uirt. June 21. 1*6S *!^ itradaateii froxn the IU*h Schnol of Havana In 1MH, and f««»m JetTur-■on Med. 0*ll*gv. Philadelphia. In 18M. and l)M aanx year be. can practice here. ICe was married in l^^S* to MU* Carrie K, Croaa. P. O. Havana S. A MURDOCK Attorney-a*-1 Havana. Was Imrn at All. Ilol ly, N. J.r Jan. Il* IMts and • nim-tu Mason Co. in u He whs married Sept. 1*::, 1S77, in Mlrn Minrile Eagles, and Am: W. 180^, lu Miss Nolllo N Eagles P 0. Havana. PRKDK.tK’K ZBLIJ5. Retircl Partner. Havana, waa t»cffn at Nleilernjba. tlennany. June 9, lail. and !■ h'imhwm! to be the oWealt man llvlnic lu the •tiunty Hr locmletl hero in Dec 1857. Was marrieil June )&. 1818, to Minn Henrietta Uttermahlen. P. O Havana. A 11 Cl 1.1.1 NAN 1C, Bngnged lu the 1 nMuranct ami W.-al E^tula htial-tioini ui I In vann lei i member uf tho Clly Council, roproHont-*ni iIn- Brtcond Ward lie wa.s Iko'ii in Havana Dec. II. 1871. ami Ih I In* non of Dnnlol Culll-nane. I* O. Havana OKOROK A. SI/)AN, Imim-tuenf Dealer Havana. »a> tnirn In Chlinico Sept. :?u. is7l H1h imir-rliiKo tn MIks Gertrude P Mltohell tonk place Oft-i Ho* \d of Muslno.i* 1 p u, Havana.Tht Library of Univemty of IllinoisEHNST BKIIR AND WIFE He t* a HvHrt'^1 l'arm«'f, IIvIiik In Havana. Wiifi horn in Hannv.oi CVorinttliy, Mm'i'h IT, \Ht”, Came in Amnrhu in I8T»7. fin mnrrltd R’i>.|*»rll Mnycir I* u Hit vii i in. W. II, IIUTLER, Twp. Clerk and \MaoH.aor <>r Havana Twp Ho wan born In Mason Co. in ISf.fi. In IKS!' ho married Miss Jennie ISrnudlWi;. 1* O. Havana. AI GI ST WAt.LBAUM. Farmer. 2S Havana Twp., is a na-Uve uf Germany, bom Ifi 1842. Il< earn* to America in 185®, .uni fti IKtiK located in tfiison Cn During iIip Civil War lie was corporu) ot Co. G. 183d Ohio 1 nt 1st Brigade. 2d Div. ::::d Corps. He was married in 18C.? »o Miss Mar&arot Koe'gel IV O. Havana. MR AND MRS, CHARLES YET-TER, Who dim »“ Miwii eoun ty In 1*61 They ore the parent* of Jo I h»m ami Jacob Vetter, r^Midmtlii nr Havana Twp. JOHN a GRAY Farmer, He< Havana Twp,, l« the win ot AI ejtamler Gray, sv|>u citiue from Scotland to Philadelphia In 1S26. He came wllh lil« father ui Ma(Kin Cn In 1842. He liti • held kevotul towimhip 0 HI con Hi* won married in 1 SnT to Ml- • Sarah J Hetmlio i P. t). Hovani AIJflrST KRAFT, Farm* r. See lit Havana Twp. Was horn In Prussia, Germany. In ISIS He came to the United Slates in 1857, and during tin' Civil War wan a member nt CO. t. LWth 111 Inf. Married in 1S7H to Mis* Margaret C. D^vfrmnu. !’ O Havana HERMAN ZI.’RIU KI). I;3. A WALLACE, Attorney at I.aw. UvInK a« uuu Park. lit hut formerly ii rorddunt of llavanu, wax horn ai Anlvlui, N’ II.. Jun* 7. tH4:t It- tilled th« oflke nf Clly Attorney, I’nlfod Staten CnmmlHiilnner etc white n reahlent of Oil* county, and I" th»’ owner nf ettenalve tract* nf land In fh»< county. Married in t$t£» io M»m GariWdit ti IJgltt-eap I* O tin Wrtfjey Av*> Oak Park. Ill, JOHN KNCPPEL AND WIFE Mr Knuppel, furttier, Sve.», Havana Tsvp.. i. a native oi Hanover, Germany »otn m I* 11 lie bun hold theoflW ot Hniliittfto (Join• mlieilnnt.'r. etc. Wh* married III thi».i in MI:t:j Anna Mai . r Hi:. tmiiThiK' M'1*. Min i In took |»ltn" In IKIH I' O Havana JOHN HURLEY AND WIFE Mr. Hurley is a Farmer. S*o 20, Havana Twp., and a native of Ocean Co.. N. J.. l)orn lfc,v 24, 1824. Ho came to Mason Co. HrtM In 1S42. but look up hi* residence here in 1S4>S. During the troubles in lvausa> in ljJ5U he participated in the war In that state. Was married in is 17 Ip Miss Julia A. Baldwin, and In 1880 to Mrs. Mary llogan. Built llie first hOuse in north part ot county. P. O. Havana. Sit *1 - J rtKFNlXG H G- «l the Xitnrbt Pn-ss Drill Co.. Havana. A. PKETTYMAN. tie *«1 bora In Phltidriubla. Pa.. Jan 14. th^2. ami Is the *on of I P. Proiiyman. wlu> eam<< t<» Mam in (V>. Ill 1866 Ho vi'ns a prnmlbw’ tarniHt, Hv.n# on Si-r. 27, Havana Twp. In Sept., ho niHirivil MIm» Minorva lu^'kwiih. who Uvea on ih*: old hotnerttrud *»f Rpt arriMi Her P O ti» llnvrtiia. \1 I.ARSON AND WIFE, Sec. II, Havana Twp. Mr. I arson is a m*itv# of Sweden. Was born near Goibtnbur? in 1S4S. He iqox to Am* rica In la*5S. and for «im. j^ar* wa* In Uie sht#e bindmxs at Chkaso. About 1ST* h* io farming. In hn married MUs Peterwm. a nattve ->f Sweden. P O Havana. RESIDENCE OF MRS MINERVA PRETTYMAN DICK BCHERMKCK AND FAMILY Mr S«-berlKK* $k a farmer oti s<^' :7. Havana Twiu, and woj« bom tn Hauover, (lennnny. In l»M. He »a* marrird In 187*^ to Mlw Minnie Nort«nn»ejer P O ilai ana E C FISK AND FAMILY, wit* ireption ot eldest ^»n Mr. I ml* well known as Iw-idk an Attorney at Law. la a pr*arb*r and Farn»«. and owna W" at r— of tine land He was born in CHnrtnnatl. O.. Aug. 22. 1^-.* is the son of KU K*i= 11 in -ran*} father Hweklah. *a* connened wi*h tiatf* anny in 1777 E C Fisk an< Ilu> non "i liinlolpli Meyer, a nni.lv>1 . im lie canto (o America In ISIS, and lhin iminl.v In in 1S&S to Mtfc* Amy i Iowan Ii, i$4l>. Mar. l«, I8f.il married Mibs Mnrgarotln t.m-mi.-* ami died Apr. 11. ISVP, MRS MARGARET W-KHMH Zl’R 111 UG. lie. TEGEHEH.wn, horn in lludbeiK'tn. Hanover, i l/>pan Co P 0 Mason City OTHO S KINO, Haul,or. Mason Clly. Wan born in Johnstown, Pa,, 111 IK-ICI. lie was nulled In mnrriio'.o In January. 1872. with Mimh Mice 1). BIIhh P. O Miuon city. DAVID ELLMOUB. KMlrvd Fanner. ItvltiK In Maaon City. Was born in Gfi-n Co.. Kj.. In VMS. H*f wan marrle.l m laSS to Miss Mary J. Hill, uf Tvnn . and in 1n7«j in Ml to* Route Sfta&gs. of K> P O Maaun City. G L WiLINGEU, Ometir and Maker. Mavott City, ii** wa* horn in fr-toh iVx. O.. in ISflO and earn# u» Locan Co.. nL. in 1ST1 He own* IK acre* of !«nrt In Maaon Co and in U)(Can Co. He ww married in u. mih* .Mary Montgomery, of New Holland. P. (). Mason CR>. u IJrtiKH. Booloi. Palm-, Wall i’n per, iftr,, Mitaon Clly Won burn at Cbailmm, III,, Sepi 'J<:. IHI'J, Diirfnv Hie Civil War he wna a menilter nf Co. II I Mill III Inf In lHUH lie married Mltui K C LaiiiMinux and ill |HS? Minri .(• unle 8. Lame ouitx. P O. Man*in fNtj H H- COAT, Merchant, who • arrle* a full line of Drugs and G.rt>-»vries ai NLison City, was born at Havana. III., in He re- rnoved to Mason CP.y in Nov , I88ii. and has mei will) opilneul 8j.wees.> in a btistnOM wuy. II-was married in Oc, ISS'i, to Mis« Fannie L l.lnherg P o Mason City. |. Y. CCLP. Ma^on City. Cx»dcri*krr and Sceretarv Mason City B. &. L. Associatio*. Was born at Gettysburg, Pern., in 1S40. He nerved during the Civil War. Married Oct. 13.18h9. to Mj« M A Dietrich. Came to thsa County in 1S67- P- O Maaon City. WARREN MELHY. ptlbllahfff of th»» Ma»on Clly Bannar. Ir m ••• live uf thta countv Imru In tW'f» He owns taipen* m 8an J«»ae. New Holland, MlddU-town mid Eoaioii. VVu* married April ‘►'I. ISMitf. to Ml- Ciirrlr II Hirmia P «i Mason City L. W. CROSS Fanner. V> Ma-ton City Tww- la a nathe the county, borq F*b Hi, IWI. and la Hie aw uf S B. Cmaa. In 1HH marricil MU* Mora P 0 Mason City. D ABBOTT the L^-dinc Pbv iiTtrrapber of Slason City. H" waa born in Bnvwn Co u» April ^ 1S«. Wa» married Feb. 4 lo Mis, sarab A Edarard*. Uo« of the piotart* :u tbJ< Atlas «re from photos rnude by Mr Abbott. P.O. Mason City MRS. A D. ABBOTT, wife of A l> Abliolt. Ibe Pbotoxrapber. M-«.n CityThe librtry of to* Unlv»fwty of IlHnoifRESIDENCE OF .IACOH VAN DSR VELDE, Farmer. Se.. ^4, Mu bon City Twp. Whs ImrU In Hanotflr, Oermany, June 21, 1861, and was brought t.. Amor lea by his father in lh< has a tine farm nr 27;'* atrfia of land and has been Sc hool Director Was married In 1882 to Miss Mary Johnson of Hanover. P O. New Holland. JRFF DONOVAN. Mason City, was iKirn In Champaign Co.. (K. June 21. 1829. He came to Mason Co. In 1*4$ and settled In Mason Cliy Twp Mr Donovan owns land in Daft.. Tex.. and 111 to ihe extent of 2.700 a mnl Flintier H un In Kmtbuull. .Vlim . In 18*H, nnd came to Mnaim City In IN*1*. |n he married Ml * (mo*«rie Citrrey P 0 Mtw-m City SCHUS8BUD. HENRY, Farmer. Sec. 2. Pennsylvania Twp.. was born ||» Marion Co. In 1S5£. He I-. a HOB of Debolt and Mary .Sehus-sele who oanu* from Stnisbni^ on the Ithine in t$52. Tin-elder Mr &-hu«sele died here In 1871 H**nry baft held th.- ol-tb «• or Road Commissioner and School Director, and in 18,94 married Mbs* Harriet Ail P O. Mason City ft I CUO#S, Fanner, Sec 21. Mason city Twp. Wmm tiorn in Mu*on Co. Hept 2. ls:>l, mnl 11. n non of H. 11. ip- win* married Jan Id, I8?i*. to Mini Nellie Hoyle ot Oakland, III, p Q Mason City. KINZEY VI Ho IN, l . inner 8»H» City. E M MOrOUd d*’c# med. formerly of Mu non City Twp., wa« twin in oile1 Co |ml in Hept.. i«28. II* wan a connection of Stephen A. Dougin* Came to III In lMr.i. and In Nov. 27. 18M. tnnrrled Minn Hurab OroeUpauni. who died Auk.. l*«s2 au« ;?ti 1803. be married Minr> Eveliuu Hpnrl h. and died Oct I I!*":' MRS EVELINE SPA RXS-DtHO LAS. daughter of Samuel Sparks and widow of E. M. Douglas. living on Sr.. 12, Ma-^on City Twp., where shn has a linn farm or $®2 a«res. P. O. Mason City DA NIKI. Ill FFMAN AND WIFE. Mr Huffman In a Farmer on Set in. MNHiin City Twp. He wan born In l.ona,n Co. in IKSft. Ha« nerved a.. School Director. Married In 1877 lo Ml»n Rar-bum A. Thcobnld P 0. Mn-non Oily W A COVEY. Attorn#? at I-a* Mown Oily. He U • nallvo oC Mai*o(i Co.. »nd baa !»etd ifcr- office of Oily Atturnx) for »l* yean* P. n Ma«m City. RESIDENCE UF J. J AINSWORTH Farmer, neo 17. Havana Twp l». O. Havana JOHN M'CARTY. Retired Fam.-r MasoD City, was liom in Clark Co.. Ohio. April 1&. 103$, and was brought to Petervburp 111., by his father. Cornelius McCarty. In 1837. In March. I*.>3. h* eame to Mason Co. He married Miss Anna Beck. P O RKSIDKNvh »>l fOHN McCAKTV, Muon Mason City. City HENRY WAKKMAN. ovr ,,t ih»-leadloi; dry *nodn mnrchant* of Mafon nty. ^aa tM»rn in Wayur Co.. N. V.. In lhr.2. He canif to Mawin Co in i*il& He hn« b«M the ogfcv or AI dr ritt\n. In Aim . 1877. b< inaiTlmt Mia> Anno M Burnet*. P O Mtmtm city. A J CATf» Reiinnl ►‘artnrr. l»v-Inf In VUwm City. W'ai* bom In Naabvllln Teon in IKK hai l»*dd I In’ ottl.^ of Jiuttre of thr Hearr tklwM»| |»irrrO>r. A*-etc. lie »u* mamnO fn 1856 to Ml** Emily Grille wIiiim> in if trait U nhown on thi» tmxc RES OF J. F. CULP. Undertaker ami Funeral Ihrcctor. He was l*>rn at fiett\sl*nrjr- Pa . in I'vi^. and came to Mas*>n City in 1SS7. During: the Civil War he saw service for a short time in 1865. Oct. IS. 18*5S». he married Mist* M. A Dietrich, of Snyder Co.. Pa. He is the S*:;y. of the Hasan City Building & Loan Association. P O- Mason City. S. R CROSS. Retired Fanner, living In Mn-Kin Cny. Wn» kirn in Honk*met n Citr Twp. Was born In Tazewell Co.. Ill. in 1S6*;. and U the son of J. P. Bwker. Sr Married in IS^7 to Rachel A Bailey Qwto2 440 acres of land in Mown Co. P. O. Mason City MRS EMILY SCOVI LLE-C ATfc*. the wlf*- of A J Cues. *>f Ma-M,n City. Sb- is the dau?b«-r of Puiasti S-ovtile. one of the plon-4*r* ol Jlas*;n Co.. anii^a-fb^ *5r^i female vhixe rhiid loro In iht t-onniy-The IfcrtTf o# the University of IlMiMASON CITY TOWNSHIP LIVERY BARN ' »F LI!I) I)AVIM, Mawanri City Mr Davl* wit* born in Wan. 11 Co.. Ind.. m l« II. nml mino lo On I'* years Ruer lie ha* liltorl tlm oilice of School Director nml City Coumllmun Married In 187H io MIhh Mary H CriUk* paum P < i Mu.tou Cliy RESIDENCE ()l* C C DARE Mr Dare In ii Farmer on (tor. .‘J, Sail Omul. Twp ||o win boru lu D*m-i il..|i| Cumberland Co. N •I.. ill I «:, mill I* I Ilf mm nf I Aid -I"ni burn, who iI|m| In tSl7 In IftU-l lif) married MIhh ('onifori (JnnlMon P n Tahimin RESIDENCE OF DAVID L DARE Mi Dan- is engaged in Farming uml Fruit Raising, See. t. Salt Creek Twp. Was born in I hi* Twp. In 1865, and Is the non oi: c. C Dare. In 18S7 ho mar-vloil Miss Melissa Horwig. I* O. Teharan. It .1 oNSTOTT It "iJnow Uml," horn ul New Mil I cm. Dim «». IS,JO, iios\ a n-M|il.MH of Matron City llr* wan married m IHCr. Mini* Mai'ihu Hmlwoi. Il> Is fri* iiaued In llm Imh.I, iiflllrn; luu«l-n«’-" in Mn«on City. PENNSYLVANIA TOWNSHIP WII.LIAM H HOLE. Farmer, Sec. t:t. fvnnsyivania Twp. Wat* boro in Salem, Ind. April I.'. 1s t*:. July 20. 1S62. he eniisu-u Into K. S5th ill Inf.. wa* pr«w at at 28 engagements, ami dlHehargod June 20; 1S6I> He httft imlil the office of School Dlr.'i lor In 1 $66 Mr. Hol< married Miss Rebecca Duffen-baolier In 1880 he wedded Mra, Duvall. In 1902 lie wa-util toil in marriage with Mrs \\ IIUnK P O. Mason City. CL AC UK KIUSTKR S. ROCHESTER, PH., Firmer. Re-12. Pennsylvania Twp, wu-Imrn in Vigo Co. Ind. In IKpi April Jl, 1801. hr enl|i*ied in Co E. 27th 111 Inf.. nml ua.w rcifi slderablf wjrvii .' He wan mat rlml in 1891 to Ml*s Paulina Hall P n Mawon Clly. I* I SHEAHAN Farmer Sec X. Pennsylvania Twp. wan horn At Rock Inland, III , June |u, ISf>7 lie Ih thn non of Thou. J Phealmh, a nntlv" "i Ireland, Who rtPHIeiJ In Illlmdi< about ISP.*, nil.I who died In IKOJ. I* .1 Slifiihau wan mari led In ISSI io MImh Uiltlr.el MeKwirili P O Teheran J W ROWLEY AXD WIFE Mr R.miev *» a farmer on S**» 10 IVUUJ.J ivauia Twp., «a» |«.ra ai WheHing W Va. *n m* HU father. Thor Ho*|*>. cam** from Ireland to Qn4i'r in IMS and In MaM.»n Co Ih XSTtl. and died in 1S92 I W Rowley wan married Feb 12. Wd I* O Mason City RORER1 SCHilONOVER AND FAMILY. Mr Schoonover is ' t»*- t*"ti of l.oui^ Schoonover, *ho earn* from Pennsylvania ir. IS.: : and made his home in Ma-- »r. (’<■ until his death in 1S>>'. RolHUI was in Mason Co. in 1 ***•'• ami was married in 1XM to Miss Mary K Whitehead. IP- lives or. Ser 17. Pennsylvania Twp P o. Teheran A. \ DARK AND WIFE. He is it tU-neral Merchant ;lat Teheran, W4$ bcrn m SalkKrcck Twp. June 1571. and u ih»r m»u of C C. Dirt. He wiib* him tried in !H')7 to MU# Mary V Heatutt. P. O. Tebrrnn J N KXOLES. Foriioir Sef. Ma-aon City Twp Waa horn In C»b-aon Co..Ind.. in IK-It'.. Dunny lb»* Civil War he waw a memb**r of Co. A. !Si!d III. lur. Cam* to Mu win Oa in t$7V. Wan mur-rleti In I Key i»» Mliw Harriet Knowlnn, and In lH7f* io Mlaa Mat) tf fulfil P «• M aw mi Clf- RESIDENCE OF E If TOtfLTN, Farmer. Soi V, Pali Twp. Mr. Temltn a*a« lorn lu Camtxrland t'n . N J- in IM>. and In *Un*b. KM, wan hn»ui father died in «h»a rt.iinty Feb \STt P O- Tel.r ran. YARDI JiY, OHCAR It., Farmer. >W*e 12. tVfinr) Ivanln Twp^ waa b*irn in f'rane CreHk Twp in »8C0. and l« (ha aon of Royal Yardl*»jr, an opt »e(i|er in the \onntjr. He haa filled !bc oO-« of S* Iuj»>| Director, and married in UtT io Mina C Moyrr. p. O. Ma-on City, H. J EYRPE AND FAMILY. Mr. Kyrve is a Farmer on Sec 25. Pennsylvania Twp. He was born in Allens Grove Twp Mar. 1 n>9. and l» the son of S. O. Kyn». of Vireinis. Miss Clara L. Patterson and !L J. E>rse were married Jan. I, *S?L P. O. Teheran. JOHN BROOKS Farmer Sec. J7. Pennsylvania Twp Wa* tom In (he North »»f Irvland in 1S46. and It the «nn of (ieorRe Ifrooka. Jan.. l:uyt. he tnarrl«*d An-uiv J. MrFarland H O. Maaon airThe Library of thfc University of Illinoisbath and kilbourne townships. FREDERICK KBIT!I AMI WIFE Mr KnliIi wa« born In Wunetn-Iwrr. Germany, May 12. I’ftm*' (0 Amorlco In sr.i uiui lo Miihih Co. In ixr.:t Hi %vji* married A lu ll 1ft, 18;,K, (.1 MIm» Mur-Kiimi !J.«mu itail). MRS .1 H II UK VERM AN S*<. ‘J, Hail. Twp. I> (). Bath. GERHARD DIEItKKR ANU WIFE Mr Dlerker !• «nRaiftwl lo Farming on 8r 27. Hath T*p. Ill wan l*om in Hanover. Ger-man>. lu isrami In (H5I married Ml** Margaret IV W in an P O. Havana. F A HERRIN'! AND FAMILY Mr Hvrrlni? la encaged In fanttini; on Sec IS. I.yni bbur* Twp. He wat b«»rn In M»w>n Co. In 19*4, and in l»N married Mi*x Etnma Erniellng. Ha> held offire of Township Treasurer and Scb«»ol Director P O Rath. JOHN COOPER. Retired rtrnK-r living mi Sev 20. Bavh Twp Is a native of Yorkshire. Eneiand Born In He has held »he offire iif School Director for 15 yearn Was married in 1837 to Miaa Sarah Bell. P O. Bath. L F KEITH AND FAMILY Mr K**Kh la sagaged in Farmis^ living in Barb He is a native of Mason Co.. bora in I86L Has held th* office of M*yor of 'be Villace Tax Collector, etc. Waa married in 1«*1 u> ML** Ellnrah Morrow who died In 1895. In 18*! be wedded Miss Hannah Hackman P. O. Bath JUACHIM PltlKF, Farmer. Sec 12 IVnili Twp waa iMrrn lu Mecfc-U iilmii.-8.:hv.i run. Genuaur. In 134ft. He ha* held I hr office of Road OviTw-rtr and School DiNtClor. Married In 1*7* Mia* Cater I na Wnlfen P o KJIbourne. C. I. MEDERER. OraJu D*aler and Fanu«*r. S«-.v 5. Klibournr Twp Waa bora at Bath. Ill , April 22. IS6K Hr hv beld the office of Drainacr Com ml wOo tier and Sehool Dlrfflof. Mar ried In 1*** to MtM Ka*r Dev-ermau P O Havana R V FLETCHER AND WIFE Mr Fletcher i? a Farrnrr. Sec It Pennsylvania Twp. where he was born in Mr :• tha son oi W M. Fletthirr, who came to III. from Em: about 1&I3. He w*s married In l#6o to Mr?.. Sarah L Scrip*sh*r P O. Ma«on City. GEORGE A CRANE. F<.nn«» residing in Havana, but tiai ht* farm on Sec. 13 in Kllkmrn-Twp. He Is a native of Indiana. lh- was born at Aurora Ind.. May 30, \$s». He ha.* BIL-.l the office of Road Commit--duner an«l S’ h'*ol Dir*- *or .<* ; ■ m he tnam*Hi vfiM i*lhi \l Snavky P. O. Havana MELVILLE P FPP. Farmer. Sec Jfi. Bat It Twp uas born in Ft Wayne. lu*L. Aug. T. He haa filled tbe office of Tax Collector He was married Feb •jv 1 'i* MI*s Sbilia Wolf* p O. Kiibonrae. HON JOHN C YOUXO. tJruin Mer tham KB bon me, wai» born In Kaih Twp. JoJv r, thafi lie v n . Township Assexdor for iwven years, a memiwr or the School Board and a men:l»*r of eh«- 41M an-1 tld General As>emb*.y of Illinois. He was married in 1*7* to -*ifss ElirsbeHi Friend A.» ni for MrFa^Jden ir Co twelve year? P O. Kilboorne J. L. DANIEL. Hardwar* Merrhartt a! Kilbourn*- Wai liorn in Harrianu Cit*.. Mo. Itine \sSQ. In UTT4 he marritsl Mi«e Minerva C Daniel. P O Kilbourne IX T- FEIU). Farmer and Fount) flluiieniaor. Sec. Kilbourne Tarp, Waa bom in Maaon <'«• Or* 21, l#4T. Ilfl *»» marrtetl Feb 21, 1*0, to Mum Addle L Raymond P o Kllb>Mttue AI OVflT II K.DLVKS \Sl» WIFE Mr Kolven a farmer on Sec. ‘db, linth Twp. waa born In Mason Co in 18<*I Huh filled the of-ll.. oi School Dlhjeior, in 1801 lie inmrled MImm Mnry Kuie Mohiman. I* o. Kilbourne. J T ADKINS, Farmer. Sec. 17. Bath Twp Waa born in Mason Co. lb iKfid lu JK7S was married to Mi*» Sarah E. Hall. P. O Kablova. Wll DWYER. Farn^t S *r Kil-bonme Twp. Vii bom at Oonmel. Ireland. In 1>^ and rame to the United States in 1M0. and to Ua«m Co in i&S. He han held the office of Supervisor. Aiae«*#ir and Collectur. In IIISU he manie«l MIw Julia Murphy. P. O Ktlbourue. WALTER KHVNK Fartn.r nil JUBtiie of the peane. Her 6. KB-bourn*- Twp. ««* borti in Bath Twp April !>. IJOKt He was married Dec .10, |*V6. t.. Muu Mar> J Crujtw*1 P. O. KU-tMiurneTb Vbnrf cf the Udtortty of WRm*LYNCHBURG. LI'IE II K KAM10II Fm hum , Sec ;{, Lynchburg Twp. \Vl|n born in Matson Co. tn IM-'l. nml Iiiih In-Id Him offtte of School Dlimlor. Married In 10t»2 lo Mlits M iry Nollriinmoiei I' O Snl< ntc II I- BLESSMAN AND FAMILY. Mr. Ulnutman It n Fanurr on 8er 3. Lynchburit Twp. \V»*> bom *t Mat.inrn**. Mn»on Co., in tttjt, H« ha* held the office of School Director\B* uool Trim* t*»e nn*l Rond Cntuml«*tourr. Married In 18«9 to MU. Sarah Toland 1' o gnimrto. JAMES JOHNSON. Farmer, See !!♦'• Lytiohburg Twp. Was born In Mason Co in lfrta. Ann. ty. *S»;2. ho enlisted' tn Co M. 2d III. Cavalry, served during the war and was discharged June 2«. IKfift. The latter year 1»»* Wdderl Miss Martha Jane* Ad klria I* O. Chandlerville. T M FLETCHER, Parmer, Sec. 2, Lynchburg Tup VVn* born In YorKHhliHhft- in I88i> Huh hold Him offlt’M «*r Jllat.tcM "f the Pence j«* yi'ttrH, mid other local office*. i* o Ohaudloivlile W IV HOP PS AND FAMILY. Mr Hupps Is engaged in the General Merchandise business at Snlcarte, and has hold the offices of Town Clerk and Collector, P engaged in Hie General Mer-«bamlU- biiNltu'M at SuWan»> Hr wix born In Maaon Co In l*,\o, and hn» held the office of Srhool Trustee, In I>*71 he mar* rled Min* \ucle Smith. and In !'••• MIm Laura Hopkins. P. Q, Bn h urt e AINSWORTH JOSEPH. Fanner. See. 11, Lynchburg Twp. Was horn In Mason Go. In IJjr.l He wax married in IS7S to Miss Margaret Abbott. and In ixi*l to Miss Mari ha AI In Landr. lli P O Ssidora. JUI1N n IAIS, tarwr Sr. 'I, Lynchburg Twp Was born In Mason Co. in 1S7<». and I* the son of William Blesianan. Has behl the office of Road Commissioner and School Director .Married in 1393 to Mh»« Rosa May Chambers. P. o. Snicarto. THOMAS DANIEL Farmer, 8or. U. Lynchburg Twp Was horn In Mu non Co. In isr.n in inm h. married MImm Ohi Ulsclt. I1 o. flnlrnrtv. C H SC HA AD, one of the leading farmer* of Lynchburg Twp.. Wring on 8dr. US, is u native of Manon Co.. bom In 1S72. He liuu held the office of Central Commit toeman, Tax Collector nnd School Director. Was married In lM»y to Mlaa Groce Abbot l P O. Snlcarte, CRANE CREEK. DEPfK. AARON THOMPSON Alton**? at Law ami PanoSC Ur-Ing on See. I Crane Cre*k. Was born tn Onsu Crtwk Twp Mar. 27. Wit He la the ion of Geo. W Depue. who ramo front l*» In 1U52 and died In Maaon Co. in 1W>7 Married Feb. 15. HW, to Mlaa Samantha Rymi. at Moaeow. Col. lie In n gradual* of lb*' III. Wesleyan LnDernlt.v Admitted lo Iinr In Col., bin In 1WH retnrnm! to Manor i Co P O. EnNton CHAS. H G1LLMORK Fanner. 8<-1 *>. (>ar.e Cr»fk Twp. Was born in Mason Co cn IAW Hr l» th-son of Tin* GIIlnHire, who r.imo from Kenturky atmut JKJ»J Mr. Glllmore wai nianried Mm S6. W71. to Miss Nan* y I. Haioes. who died Mar. I'.*. May 12. 1W*!», b» mart id MUai Malinda Robinaon »* O Ea« ton. ACGC8T KRA5 SE AND WIFE Mr. Kranse. a farmer. Sc-»'_ S Crane Creek Twp,. 'jrar born in Germany, OcL 31. l>5*. and isnif in Illinois with his father. Aupm Sr.. in IS€9. The elder Mr. Krau^ died here in ISM), Angnst Krause and Miss Anna Cmlaud were married in 1S8S JAMBS R HAWKS. Partner. Set J». Cr an»i Cr*S‘k Twp Was bom ihrre In ISW. Ha is the win of J. L Hawk*, who came to Maaon Co. about IMS, and who lived here until his death. In 1*«>2. James K. was married Sept 24. ISSS, to Miss Eli/abetb Em on. P o KlllKiume W. A GREGORY. Fanurr. He* Crane Creek Twp la a native Of th* tara*. havimt beon born In 1M0. lie la ihv *on of rfObM 8. Cirejrory, who rame tu III. from Tvnu In 1B4I ann made thl* hU hom«> until ht» death July :o. t$0L W. A Oreaorjr and Mlaa Flora Cobb wot married In 1«*2. He ban held tb* offlrw of tnwn«hlp Coll<*ctor «tr P. O ItlPKi A- W DUCKETT. Famot. S* • K.. Crane Creek Twp, Was born in Butler Co.. O.. In l»:'v Ho U the son of John Docket I. an«t has held th«* office of Scb«»»l Director In IWS h* married Miss Diana Dunwlt. P d Easton. J. T. TOMLIN. Farmer. S*-. 2. Crane Creek Twp.. -was born In Satnsamon Co.. I1L. March 19. 1611 His father. Thompson Tomlin, came to IIlined•; in JfsiS and died hen* tn 1S7J J T Tomlin was twice married his fir.*’ marriage taiing i< ace In ltW3 Miss Lydia J Neal b*-. He has held the office of Tax Collector. Ju^tic*- of the Psaee, Dralnac** Commissioner, etc P O Ea>ton MRS SARAH FLOWERREE. widow W H Flowerree. Sec. 31. Ctwjim Creek Twp- P. O. Boston.The I t»f*ry of the (imversrv ot HindiH. PKNKW1TT, uml Hardware DhIw, 8»*ton ffrt bom In ciar»*mon» i.5o„ Ohfci. lu HW4 Murrlcd In IW«i to MJ*« Mlnnl" Town®. P O, Woaton KAT«»N. R S.. Grain LVnler at Wa* l*>rn in Sherman I'h'H Nov .i. i'BT'Ht l* tl -viti of Thus. (’ Eaton. who .ituir (rum England about l*ul rtm1 Rett led in Mason Co I! S Balon nml Mi$s Virginia l>wi< wort* married in lSlil. 1* 0. J3jgg», II F llKNNlNGKK. r*pre**.utlnn -MrFodd*h k (’<», CJmin 1* al*'i» ■ii Kaxton. i» n hatlvc, or Ma-on tV> Born til lluutna Jtim- lift 1#4JC. h** in th» non 40f Cyrin* IbnniK* r. wbii »|M»«r liln lir«* in thin wni.ruy until hi demh, thi 1X71 II F Hentilfiur wan married in <>i| i,w.». io >ih' It. hm'cn Rand I* <> lfinalon MAX T KKAV8B AND WIFE. Mr Kmu.-P. a larmrr. Sec. KO. Sherman Twp., was bora in Germany in 1 SCI. He cani“ to this eountry with his father August Kraofve, in IXtil*. The father rllwl hop* in 18SH. Max Krause married Miss Louise Kipp In ISHS. P. 0 Blggs. MANITO TOWNSHIP. DHSHU STEPHEN A . Kdo-r and proprietor of th« Manlto E»-pr«*««. ua» lM»rn Ih MftHcivk Co.. U. Jttly 31. IMS and 1# of German d*M*uJ. M.,rr»“ l Nov Hit, l&». »o Ml#* Hanmth IMfcrln. $er. p, it \i4iilln I Hill MAN G KREIIJNG. Haired Farmer. 3*< 1». Manila Twp W» born In Hanmer. Germany Vpril "7 Had served ad Drainage Commissioner and & Forest City. THOMAS HI 1.1. AND WIFE. Mr. Hill u a retired Farmer, Hvin* in ManUa Me in a native of IjmnMbirf Enn, born 8*-|X IJ, IKS& Caxne »o Moron Co in m*i. tl«* married Nancy rath* rrine Charlton. dm.Klit/-r of John t-oOtf in Mur lAftl* P O Man (to RESIDENCE OF F. E. RANDOLPH. Cashier Peoples Bank. Manila. QUIVER TOWNSHIP. GEORGE A HI MMEI.. M* trl.ant Povinuut'ef and Hwper*tM»r To P*ka. Qtilver Twp \YkM i**n at Hprlnp lj*kr. la Sail# Co.. 111. Mar tS. lH*ix. and In the wui of (feorg« IflmmeL Hat wm married May. im, lo Mia* Km ellne dautcbter of B»*v. F, fiuiw. of Cfifota P. 0. To* I»eka. niMMEL L J Farmer Se.; Qujver Twp P O RUibop H 8T0TKKRT. Farmer and Tax C«»ll»c1«»r. Onlver '«>rp.. »as b«/»n rn iVHrn. Tazewell Co^ In I IMS and came to Havana in 1*73 *ith his father. Henry St«H:it**rt. ami has ilr«Ni hen? vWT floreL Married in 1SS»4 to Ml*» Bricstr iifiiran P. O T*>-p«'Ua. RESIDENCE OF J A MAKSHAU.. llanlMNrr M*^vhant. Manita iS*»* adv,» WIM.IAM M I.ANGKTtJN. PurMfr, St'« I, Fori-xt C)i,v SVrtr. honi In Munlio Twp. Feh, |ii, I s.. | Ih lin* hold 111** olllen of Bupiir-vIm.v, lllnhwnv CmnmihMloiPX mid Bdiool Trilhieo P •» i-’oi1 e«i t’liy IOIIN WEHNKR was horn Apr H. ;,t Kurllessi ii. Linh Sen Gernmny and his wit. . IiimIIWu tireen W'eiin.n’, wa>i born line IK; !s::o nt Grofti Or IStein, l*r;vinsi'h\v<>in, (;»*v-ninny. LOP 19 ADAM WKHNKR. F..rmr-r. See Ii. F< rent <*lty Twp \\'*S horn hi Mawin Nov 22, 1X76, Wtt* nmrrled July I UKil to Mint* Anmi M Koch. who wn» horn D«'o *.!•». IX«n 11* iliii. ..• n. r> 1‘ (> l.iiiihoi), RKNJ. BEHRENDS. Farmer. IIvine «»n Sec. I.t Quiver Twp Wm Ixiru In Germany. An* Iti, 1W5. He wa* marrlwl Od. 18, DW2, to Mu» Ha. bman P. O Ha* var.a I.EONA II STINE W E H N E T{ dir.igUtvi i*r Louis Ailani *li uar SHERMAN TOWNShIP. I) C VAN KfTEN Farm<*». 22, Sbfrman Twp., |« lhe ton of J«*hn VkftelUD. wlv» died at Hath April 2* \*T*. He wan !**rn near KllbPttmf In IH*U. and in IWM rnarrnd Miw* Ulll«‘ .1 (%w»|M*r P 0, KaHon MUS JOHN \\MI\i;U. l-otrM City.7. T. 81!1.1.1 VAN AND WIFE Mi Sullivan Ih it farmer, Sec II!J, Sail Creek Twp.. In i native nr New -lf»me.v nn-2-. Hull Creek Twp W’u,- horn here In IKM, uuil hi the non of Bphiani Brooher om oi Hie ph.nn eni of Ilin county. F.phrtHm MfOoner died t(i Ih" age (il :::i yearn, and hln wife died In 1*77 Tiler llrooner und MIhm Mary It Swing were marrlotl in 1871?. P o. Maooiv City C II UOIX AND WIFE Mr, Hull iu a luriner. See. 8. Sail Creek Twp. wiiii umi in M i.mu Co, in and in Ih.‘ mm of A I* Knit of Maw mi City He ha* held ibn of Sebool Trim- tut In IHH2 be married Mlw* Evo ffownll. 1*. a Teheran CF.OR0B BOCK WITZ AND FAMILY. Farmer. Sec As.«-n-Gn>v« Twp. Was born in Chll-lirothe. O. Feb. 22. I*M Hebi tlu? office of S. bool Dir»-o i Married in 18« to Eil»-beth E Pus. P 0- San J«* E J MEl.I- Farmer. Sr« .IX Allen’s C,rov»- Twp Wa- born m Y0U(ig«town Ohio. Feb 7. I M2 lie eiilt«t**d \ug 16. l*fcl. in Co. E 27ih III Inr. and wo* mue-irrel out 8n* ». »**• Wounded a( the battb of Missionary IUdn»* Marrml I MW to Mlm Melinda H Taylor. P. O. Son Ju*e- L C A<5NEW. Farmer. See. U<». Sail Orei-k Twp. Waa horn in Monroe Co.. III., in 1832. He hn« held the offloe of supervlHor and Twp, Assessor and Collet-lor In 1857 he married Mlaa Margaret McDaniel, and In 1882 Mrs. S. G Baxter. F 0 Mason City. S; J. WAHL Farmer and Aj^eGSOr. Sec. :t. Allen's Qrpve Twp.. wjik bora at Cleveland. Ohio, in l}*»;i He has held the office «>f School Dire. tor. Highway Commissioner and Township Treasurer Was married in 1882 to Miss Caroline Woll. P. O. San Jos*- j T BRADLEY. Farmer, Hm :i3 Salt ('reek Twp Waa born al Owi'iinvllle, l Manufacture of VQatcvman’s H^cal jfountatn IPcn t. II WATIiWMAN. |n««m»r. ATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN. manufactured by the L. E. Waterman Co., New York,represents the perfection of achievement in writing instruments. First introduced as the experiment of a poor inventor. and later as a convenience this pen has come to be regarded as an absolute necessity for busy people. Its reputation now rests on years of faithful service and proved reliability, even under the severest trials. In this case, as in hundreds of others, necessity was the mother of invention. Mr. Lewis E. Waterman was an insurance man, and i often felt the need of hav-1 ing pen and ink at hand in convenient form when soliciting an application. Of course this was not a new idea, but Mr. Waterman tackled it with a little more earnestness and persever-ence than any of his predecessors. The crucial point of the problem was the reg-ulation of the flow of ink. Once this was started, how could it be stopped without turningthe pen upside down, and once stopped, how could it be started again except vice versa? The inventor overcame this obstacle and ^ produced a scientific and reliable fountain pen by applying the simple principle of capillary attraction. Under principle the flow of ink from the barrel of the fountain pen through the feed to the pen point is automatically regulated by the act of writing, just as in the case of dip pens: ink collected on the nibs is conducted to the paper by means of the familiar slit. The same idea was employed by the Egyptians in cutting their writing sticks from split reeds five thousand years ago. and no scientific effort has since succeeded in announcing an improvement on this idea or a substitute lor it. From the smallest beginnings, when the inventor a. A* •n. ft If Mm °u to .tifCRlh Ti ill 1*5 f rf 11 hj 2 L —- pym - L’/ ■ TOJ K * * ' l La this was manufacturer and salesman as well, and carried all his stock in his vest pocket, the handling of this article has now come to be a great industry, and Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen has literally “made its mark round the world.” Today a great corporation, the L. E. Waterman Co., occupies the entire building shown in our illustratration, which stands at 173 Broadway. New York City, and is called the Waterman Building. On the first floor is a handsome retail department, where thousands of pens are displayed, and no buyer can be so particular that a pen will not be found to suit him. The factory where the gold pens are made is also in New York City, while the rubber works are located in a small town not far away. The excellence of the gold pens has always been one of the most prominent features of Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen. In fact, the i manufacturers have spent i much time and money in the perfertion of nibs for their special use. They are made of best quality 14 karat gold, ground and tipped by workmen of skill and long experience; they range through h mM’SSfY. every degree of flexibility. and from the finest needle points to the broadest stubs. Perfect manifolding pensare also provided forcar bon copying. In short, any particular style of point that a writer wants can be dupli-'Mn. cated in the Waterman Ideal. The present officers of the Company are : President and Treasurer, Frank D. Waterman; Secretary, Wm. I. Ferris. There are branch stores throughout the United States and in all the important cities of Europe. The main European store is at 12 Golden Lane, London, where immense stock i s carried for distribution. The output of pens has now reached a total of nearly a million per annum. r r l__ e:_ waterman cto_, Largest fountain Pen Manufacturers in the World Walerinan Buildinft I™ BROADWAY, NEW YORK r. i>. w aterman. Pmumi.JHE HAVANA NATIONAL BANK r LOW President K C KIHO C*»ht«r. .f 3 3 <>| 3 3 3 Havana, Illinois. Gapilal, Surplus, $50,000 50,000 INTERIOR HAVANA NATIONAL BAN1 Q. T MEYER Vic* Prettd«ot, Ample Facilities Gourteous Treatment to ail We Solicit Your Banking Business 0. D. COVINGTON Ail I C»«fal«rJ A MARSHALL & CO. N*1NITO. II,I,|nos DEALERS IH Hardware, hlo\<;>» «»nri Tinware. A«,r| '\ ftr tc.iiliiirnl Implttmenlf. If OUK FINER SKNSlBlUneS witt consulted HC should beittate to a%k your patronage. hut we feel it u dutv we owe tittfirlm to lay J*ht* our ioode». v jnd a*k you for your trade <111 |! inlwurr. btov-<». T.uw.ui*. 1 arm Machinery, Seeds, Buu-Ki> *. Wat|OU». Carnage*, ilarVt-otnH Machinery ;.od Twine. Don't *i«hi of the fan that we hUve the tersest esUW lishinent In our lin« in the county, buy all our goods m large <|u .tilillr-» fot <|H't cash from the factory, and «re in a jHisiiiou to mate 1»rice« low us ihc Jowe*t. J. A MARSHAtL tS: CO.. Manilo, 111. HACKMAN & CO., The Old Koliniilo Lradern in Dry Good, (doth in&. Hats, Gaps, Boots, Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, MWN^, ll.L -- SCHMIDT & HARSHMAN. Machine Shops REBUILDING: Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. Itullcling New Machinery to Order b' kT;iuct<* on Ni w Work Lhterlu'iy Famished Oil*, and Krufiii Ctotid* ftfiil Tit tin*** For Sale II^VAN^ ILL. GEO. A. SLOAN, DEALER IN Agricultural Implements, WAOONS, BUUOIES, Pumps and Seeds HAVANA. - - ILLINOIS henry Wakeman, FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS ladies* and Children’s Shoes, Goaks, Suits ^\nd Carpets Mason City. - - Illinois^ J. M. SCHILLING, DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Queensware, Glassware and Woodenware /Market Street, HAVANA, ILL. MOSES MORRIS, dealer in General Merchandise, BATH, ILL. CLAU8CR BROS. PHOTO STUDIO I* ai the lead In everything pertaining io PHOTOGRAPHY Platino l inish. Life-size Crayons a m Specialty. Work the Best. Prices the Lowest. HAVANA, ILL. J. M. HENNINCEH WM. J. MEYER Menninger \ Meyert Hardware-. Farming tmptamurvt* and Machinery. Buggl**, Wajionh, Binders, Mowers. Houdern. fcieodiS, Etc. LARUC8T LIM O «* IUOOICI IH CODJTTT. Phone 62. Havana. III. Geo. Cico»«l Oiwdl Skilaa W m K Conover, Skiles & Mertz. BANKERS Chantllerville, Illinois. P. W. Menke & Son, 11/tVrlNil, ILI.IMtlS. PROPRIETORS Livery, Boarding ik st and Sale Stable. Vrlrptionu iff A. IN. DARB, DCALCR I* DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, SHOES. HARDWARE AND PATENT MEDICINES. • • • • • Teheran, - - 111. j. a. SMITH, ObALLU IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. GENTS FURNISHINGS. BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, FISHERMEN S SUPPLIES, NOTIONS. ETC. Bath, - - - - - Hllnoii. San Jose Stats Bank. OBOABXEED IBM DOES ALL KINDS OF BANKING BUSINESS. FRED TYI.EB, Pmks IS a At* i:»U' VI . »••'«- > r. LtNBAIitiKK, Cash Hr. Kill'll* IV JaHUM* AM San Jose, ... Illinois. Tinkham & Holzgrafe, DEALERS IN c.OMPi.r,rn or F'OO'T W K A W. Goods Guaranteed as Roi>ro*onted. One Door West of Mason Countv Bank. m HAVANA ILL. The Forest City bank ¥ \Vs> organized No*. Jid. ' *»9*J .*.« « c**-;-*1 !nrt*hip willi an in dividual rr^poevbihty«>( $t5*t,trvi <»>, »*y ) II White. M II. White, Ii. L. l^nj(ston. John Prtu'.* non, li J Kow*cr Htnl D. C. White. Ttansacrs a gfttcral bunking bunaev*. iiiieirtt paid on time d«rpo-»;ts. OllltllKHI E. J. BOWSER, Pron M n WHITE VlOa Pr«. J. H. WHITE. CftKblur, E L. LANdHTuU, AftNt. Oajihr i)ini:(Touhi JOHN TEMBtSTOH M. B, WHITE 13. J. ItOWHKK .Members of Aniericim Hanker*' Antn-oLdum; uNo lUukvi*’ Association of Hie Stale ol llliuoU, The People’s bank of Manito. COPARTNERSHIP IXDIYIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY. $300,000 D C. SMITH E F UNLAND UONKV BLOCK COHBAD LUFPtX S C RANDOLPN CONRAD UiPPIfl, Pres. i fc KASIMLPH. Cashier. C. E. N1EI KIUK N,M!, I.. IUIm: SubaripUoa. $1.00 Par Yaar. Job Printla* a Specialty VKASLY jUiVBKTWIflW- C«>STl|Arr^ viftti ITM» ci?e San 3ose HDctropolitan, S7IEUKIBK ft EYRIE PuhlKhm The Best Local Newspaper Published In Mason County. SAN JOSE. - - - ILLINOIS L & G. B0RGELT, DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Headquarters for Hay and Feed. Country Produce a Specialty. Havana, Illinois.RED A READY GASOLINE PUMPING ENGINES THE WORLD’S STANDARD MANUFACTURED BY THE ASHURST PRESS DRILL COMPANY 17 Sizes Havana Gasoline Engines. HAVANA, ILLINOIS. MEYER BROS. ORT GOODS. NOTIONS, CLOAKS, CARPETS AND MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS HAVANA* lbUI!NOIS A. R and H. H Meyer. whose portraits appear elsewhere, organized in 1893 under the firm name of Meyer Bros., have by continued hustling, honest upMO'datc business methods and courteous treatment, established a business that at present requires more than double their original floor space, and their annual sales have more than tripled in the last six years. You will always find their stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Cloaks. Carpets and Men’s Furnishings complete with the latest seasonable offerings, and their name guarantee for the best the markets afford at the price. They are located in the Masonic Building, and are always pleased to see their many friends and customer*.Patrons’ Biographical Reference Directory ot Mason County, Illinois. Those not Shown in the Portrait Department. Abbott. W; h»'i 2:1, LynihhurM Tup. Wo born in UrnaahB'«' I'*i*K• • 1,1 In- married 'I*"" Sure Jl .Inti,. MolMOHli I’ 0 Chandler vtfle ABBOTT. JOHN M EUtlrie Ujhl Plant Wcim burn lu Mimon * <>• in IK IT He I* ii *«?ti **r H^nry \bhoti who vamc tri*m hn(t-land in IHIS In im b« «“ar-ri»,t Mi* Mary J Aim* worth I*. U AUWoli CB> ADKIN& ALFRED Parwer Sec. IL». Blili Tup. '*** *n Kaoattll*. T+t* in tWI riHl in l*J2 to Mlw Sarah S.rw.mov**r P O Sabbmi w,KI.V». J C. 0 Herwl* I* O Maaon CUy. ASUPKST PUKHS riKIU* co.. Mnnultn'lnrera, Hovnna. BANKS. J I*. Notnty rubJH; at Sulenrtc Wa» born in " ninndand Co Pn ln l#« Jul* I 1 s, Att Hw 'Vi,w married .Mur. l#C4» lo MIhm TluiHndru A. Parmjjih mill Der. •!“ I KM), n» Mvi. c M. Cl'-meim, i»" o'Coii Hiir. P O SnieurB' BAltKMEIEB. G H.. PollBllMiJvr <*f San J<*- l» a lUlivo ol wsll Co.. Ill Born »n 1870 P O San Ju.li*. flAKKKTT. JOHN D*ittwd Vk» burn in Olito and *M,i l“ Jamt* Birrett. who came »*• Co In 1*71 Hr wn* nun tod Hi 1*77 IM M»l» Wlo Yaiu.it en P O Havana BEEKMAN. r H Parmer. B<*- 23. Crane Cl««k Twp Wna 1**™ la Pul too Co.. Ill in 1^. is th- D W iu-um*n who ram*' from Oh hi In P. O. Bsmor. BKHHENI>S. O K.. Purn^r. 1* Shfrman Twp W*» l»«»T« tn Ornuaio In !SW Hr oww to Am«*rW* wBh hi* tulbfr. Klaai* Bfhffnd*. In H»* wa« marriwl In to Ml»* t4&dc l^]ttcWnb(f P H-K.tMon. BE1J., OEOaUR. runner, Heit. 7 Baili Twp. Wan horn tn Mmmou Co. m lKi:t. Mnrrlud In IMIS »«> Mifti Bonn I. JohiiHon P ° SuUlom. BEl.L, .1 W Mrnbuni tunl I’ohi-nuwti.M* ul EukIoii II*’ wii- Imtu in PoievMlmrs Men?*i'iI Cn IB., in is62. Married lu 1WR lo MIhh Cornellu Ji.meH, P. o rCunfon. BENSCOTBIt. A B I'm iner. 23, PonnxylvanlH Twp. Wan iMirn in I.vttftrne (Jn , Pn . In 1*31. and l» the non of tl W Btinw»ter. who cftjuo 10 tllluol* About l^5*>. and who dl»*il !>•?•--« IH« Married Ir IHS* to Mlw AHU Caldwell, P 0 Muon City. BISHOP. JOHN H Oram and rv»at l>aU*r ai Bi^hoti Wiw ln»rt» within a quarter of a mile of Wti«TT«' hr UOW llVt'M. l*Ml- 3S 1^-7. NVa* married April. to Maas** Boaivr. P. 0. Blthot*. BISHOP OEO II Parmrr S^. PortWJ CTify Twp W«« h«»ro In Pom Chy.Twp Nov 22. and ha« Atwnya rrald#d here Married In Nov.. Iff?, to MU* Hannah Bu.H.. P O Bl>h*«p III.SHOP l>B'K. l-'itnocr. See. 1". Bnih Twp. Whs Inn n in Hanover, < Jenumiy. In i.H75. Ho wiiw nm.nied In IS'j'.i to jM-U» l\m i- MohI man P. (>. Baf.lt. HI.AKKLKY. ICMW1N 1'r.rnvr and HruJu Ocaler See 8. KllbOiinu-Twp Wiw horn In .Mason Co. .Inn 7. lsGfi, nnd U Ok* kt»d of A S Blnlo'ley. .Mniried Sept ISS>> lo M1«h BhUna Mnwder. P 0 KllbOOrno BI.I NT A A.. fmuW.T. Pamur wi llapllMl MlnUt»?r. Mason Cirv He wu.h born la Han Ox. Kv.. Pel. 21. ISSt and 'hr »n of Thov P Bln n't who came to I hi* <' «Uity in IWi He owtis alio*■* T**> sktmm of land in Mct *<»n and ermiit!« Mr. IBun* lia-rt pr-arhed C 5tar?. !<*• * * i> nil Hi* Him* wlthoui salary NVm. Iimrriw tn t<5- co Mi-*- Msrthfj \ TraBisr, *if ifprinKli«ld 111 P. O .Mason Ctiy, IIOI.I Nil Kit. JnllX F. Pvtnor, Se- ll M uon Cfty Twp Waa horn iu H* ititn «*«,■ U . in !>•'* auil erinn ulih Ida f»ti?*T. Ja«'ol> Bolliutvr, lo lj<*£an Co., III., in t8(U». V.a. married Mar ill ISlO. Ot MU- Wll/ora I'ouuia?.. P o New HoBnnd BOWMAN. VV K.. i’onirueim' and Billldei u Huv;uia \Vus born |n ihul nil) Apr. M. 15^9. Ah«’t. iTi. ISXI'. to MIhk f’lemma C Harpe. P. O. I In vn mi. HONTJliS. 11KNHY Karnjr-r. Sec. 17 llavmin Twp Wio horn in Minion Co.. In I SCO, mid Is t-he Him Of Herman ^Iar- rf««l hi H«»4 •#» Miss I.Mzje Portiinmo P. *> Havana IIOKOKKT. PKANK. or the firm Meichaot at Havana Wa* bom in IwL tn t«*2 he monied Ma- tilda Wfllfc P O Havana. IKIUSP.U E J Famver, Sft rj. Pt«r<*>i Cl iv Twp Was born in Tifiln o “ct 1815 He tuo h«*ld th^ oflke of Sui^rr:?' or gehool Dinvior. Cbunh Tnii*' • * l»irer tor of BanK Seey. Mamin «’.» M P tc U In* Co. II • > *lfr '.u formeriy Hut Mary Rooa. P. o Bisnop. BBKNT. JOHN. Parmer. Sec. S; Klllfotirue Twp. Was 1*tu in YorKdilre K 08 land. Jan. 2», IAuk IS7f», married Miss .1 *’!<'<• phine Br.ovn P O Kil-hourne. BROWN, I U. Anoniey ftt Kaw Havana. Wan burn In Cainaeo fo. N. I.. Sopi », KSIV During Ihe Civil War he was ;i memhw ul C«» B. lU&ih 111 Inf., onlisi-l„,i m Im. In IS07 he began Hie prm'tIre of law in Mason Oily, and removed m Havana in fSv. P O Havana. BKOVVNINU MBS LUCY Knnd-owner. Havana, 111. IIKl NlNi. J H. The well-knowTi Liveryman EaKfon Waf horn at Havatta. ill. ir\ and 1» Hie «»n of J. H. Brun-inv who di«Nl ai Topeka Mar. t IS37 In Mr Bnining and Mlw Jennie Wright were married He lie* held the office ol Alderman P <>■ Basta>a, BBPNKHOILST JOHN. Partner, See Salt <’n*ek Twp \\afc U..III in Sheboygan Co Wiv. in ivit» *nd the ion of Henry Bmnhbomt. a native of Germany. who died In Mason C«x^ i hi*. *.t at r seme years ago. John Bnmkhom and Mis» Mag-«|» Hann«*>V were murrieo in 1W3 P O. City. CAPPRI. i;KOI(.;K, Kmi.im He. 'Ai; MnnBo T\Vp Ii ti nfiUVe m Germany, horn Apr 21 Ih;is IK* was married in fnl.v I8SH. 'o Misii <’mile Horni1 P n Man B<> •J(JNKLIN »' I-’.. PumPlire llealer KBinjurne CflOK. C I*, Karnirr, Hnd tim»* Oil U \m I Iff IrttOT to Ml;.* Anna Bowk P o coxicoi. t H . oi it.»- firm «ij S'lilir-*') ,v «" •T.niJ, IV- jiejTI in A-^ri*i: iumi ln:;>>iaeuu «• Ea>$ou. Hr U 4 liHtl.r of Sl -»-by Co.. U ami «r*j ixirn lu inflt. He hs Problem of Die \ Illume Board, an.t ha* huhl Ihe nCRee of Tas CoPer lor WM married in t>v* in Mi , u tui| i r\i n P »» Eaaion. CI%Aume. Waf horn a» Thump *on. N. V. in Aug . 1X41 H** ram* 10 Murtim t'» when ahmii len yearn of nge I >«. 27 IM7 he married Mliw JlaBudn J Blunt Mr. Curry n»»r\ed three y«m» in the 5th Iowa <*««»lr> •hiring ihe Ovil War P O Klllwiume CTKftEi, H H Oram IPeatnr rt-^J in u*ir to Mim Anna Si ln-p O Mmaon Cttjr. DALEY J M Editor "f llaran* pr«a. \Vu* u»ru In iMUrlt Mirh-. Sept IST>. and ram# to Mi£in Co. In July. tViV He waH marrleii Mai P* to Mi>< Iiia. L Samuel P O. Havana DAYiS, J H.. Panner ter KB-Ixmrne Twp Wne born It* Caw Co.. 111.. Nov 7. ISi7 He ttttim 10 Miix’i; Co. In 1HIMJ »lh wife -, name wax formally Sarah Can-non P 0. Kllhtmroe DAVrS. MBS. HA DIE W. Parmer. See. ’Mi. ManltO Twp. P 0 Man |fo. DRILM. .1 I... Tin- llri'wi'i ngeni ai Havana, In n lluUVo of Bn varla, Get'iaany. burn Mn.v l. IS.’H. DnrlUK file Civil Wot lie served in the Sfith IB lui H*' was mai-rletl Hepi I’d. I^fltl, to Miss Wilbidmlna /ell*' P f' Havana. DENNIS, C. P. Parmer. 8er W. Mawm City Twp WOx horn in S!eiihen««»n Co . Ill in BMW. and hat), heid t he oflti'*’ of I Huh* wa% CommlHBiim»r. In 1WS b" marrleii Mlw Sarah Hehundel-meler. P. 0. Ma*ou City DIERKEK I>. 0 Propri. o.r of Hie Taylor Htm at Haiana, «h> hum in Clayton Md o«« 18^ He has held Ho* olb« • «C Deputy circuit CTerlc. Wa. married Oct 4. 1*31, to Mt«* Birdie Lee. of Havre, de Ora.^. Md. P O Havana. DIERKEB. JOHN II. Ketlrtrt ranner. Havana I UK Bis KB, AlC, II Pniniei, Sec :!7 Bmli Twp VV.1 • born in Mnwon Co. in is:.$, In 1x82 lie mu» i led MI«h Aiiiiii M Smith P. 0 Hiiviinu, DIAMONP G II S.e II. Cv.ei. Twp \ViiM born lu Ma-i‘«in Co in 1^7:’., and in Ihf son of J. M Hlaimmd IU 18119 b*i married Mb > Minnie rtooper, P. 0. ICtudon. I km.BIN ROBERT Punier. S»c. ‘!d KiBioumv Twp Waa horn In WaK*a In IMtl He came to thi i nBml State* In isjv anil vettled In Sehnylklll Co , i*a. t’ame to Maenn Co IS51. In K-*. married MU> l&a2«el^i r'ra«*i P O Kilbticrne ItRHIUKMCK OP JOHN J |H>N-AUWOK, Havana. 111. IK>BSOK A U. Panner. Sec. w Allen* iln»Vi- Twp Ik’tn In Miium *Tty. IfC7«* In 1£»7 mar-» d M -a I.Bib Briek»r IMd ortli" iti in t‘hnnipalp,n Co., O,. In IHJ1I and In the eon of Robert I'tnnovnu lie mu- lmtrriiMl in 1 «si to Ml*a Mary M Paul, of HmnlBon Co O. Mi. Ooiiovan owni* I,inn Iiere* Ilf land In Ma-•ion and 'b-nitrd ISOJI. and hllf belli tip* ofTl* e n| SnperviNor mid S huol l>ii• etur. Hit- fire.i wife wao Ml»a Mary Morgan, mid Mur 111. IMifl. he tnarr'e.j MNa Idu OoiiKbt- H»* lh ;i large land owner in the county. P. 0 V|iivon Oily. DOYl*E. KDWARO, JR Farmer, St't Manon Qlty Twp Was l*oi ii In Mum.ii Co in 187L and in married Mins ifarj Sauudem P O Mos-m City. fiRAPEH. P U Agent of th.« C. P tt 5* L Rtil^n* at Kllbtmrtwv vm» r»»m fn ChandlrrviBe, IU.. \ln> i->. IHTI P O Kilbonm*- KHWAKOS OBO A Parmer. Sec. Ii Kilhounm Tap. Wa> bom In llrWilt IV. III.. Dpt 25. ISW Mr Edward* ba* I—en marriei ♦hrn t lm< ^. hU pr>-=ent wife l»einc Harriet l^ona. ELLENBEROER. \YM, Fanner See 38. Poresl CBy Tivp. He \3 n native of .Germany. t*om July Id ISIh. and way married (Jet. 7. I*71. to Mien Jennie H Ewer.-. P. 0 Manllo. KLLKHBPSCH. H H. Retired 1 n11tier. Ilviru: in ilnyana, was born, in Ueriminy Jai.. !i*J. i.83t> BAN held lb** Ofltc© of Aldor-maii mnl Srliool Dlreeior. Por-ty yuArft ago be married .Miss Barham Pun it. p. 0. Havana. WI.LMOKE, W W.. Farmer, See. 21), Sherman Twp, Waa born lu Minion City Twp. in ISGii, and I" lho won of David Kllmore, Wile married Oet. 11. 1803. to MIkh Minnie E. Cooper who dle.l April 27,1901. P.O. Easton. ELY J Uv, Parmer, See. 12. Salt Creel* Twp. Was born iu .Mahon Co. In 18(51. and is the son or 0 W. Ely, who •ume from Ohio to IB in lMfi. and to Margin Co. In 18>. J. H. Ely and Mi*« Belle MeCnBough were married Mar 1887. P. 0. Ma-non City. p.MMtiNS. M ARSHALI- Urery-rnau Forest CBy. *0licit* pat-mnairv P. 0. F’oma* LTty. KKMKUN4L G J Jn*t».^ ot ihe Peaec and Parmer. Sec. Ii. KH-Umrtii* Twp Was h-rni in the •atne place Mar. tO. P. O. Havana EVERITT, G EORO K A. OiaBi Dealer and Tw.p C|im I. nf Penn sylvania Twi». P. o, Tidievau EWERS, K. T . Partner. See 11. Mn son CBy Twp. Ilia wife wa 1 formerly Miafi Joide CoiHera. P, 0. Mason City. FETTE. F1CBD. of Ihe fn u nf Felle & $on. Carpenters and Lumber Doalere. .Mr. F*tie a*oj* born n Hunucer. German*, in KO Has held ihe oili- - of Atden; an and is a large land owner In the cannty. Wa# married In ISSt to Miss Annie Kb * 1 and Bi 1S74 ti> Mis* Ka»*- C4»pm*yer P. O Harana FECLNER ANDREW. Ik*al»r In Hanlware and Agricaitiiral Im> pi fan ml-, San Jtt+ti. Wa 1 leim in Bararia, Germany. In t*?' He w^is married in HH'nt 10 MIm A,. in 18^2. He hne held j*evera) schoi*l olfiren. Mnrrt. >1 In ri»7', to Mltss Mury Siey.'iin, 1* u Snfcarte or Chandlej:vlI|o- FI^TCHER: JOHN Fanner, S.*,- 7 Bath Twp. Was born in Ynr1. ah Ire. Eng.. In IS£*7 lu l8r»8 in-mari-ii-.d Anna Hollo Oarpeni. 1 nee Mortal P. 0, Snldora FLETCHER; JAMES Farmer, He- ll P«tnns.ylyauhi Twp., wli»»re be w'ns born lu 187*1. II1 in fh.i iv»n of W M. Flelelm. u U»IIV* of England Wan omme.l In 18W to Mina Lillie Trnuf.«r I* 0. Mason City PLOWEBREE NY H.. dec**aM«l Was born iu Ya m !•&*. «ud flied in Maaon Co, Nov il IthB In 1877 he married Mi--- Siral.» Ducket*, vslio survive’, hint POREST CITY BANK S.* Ad • FTRRER. A . Ffrmctt EaG. \Va> married Dec. 25. 1866. to Mb.11 Christina Dro< lisler. P. 0. Easton. PCRRER. N. I).. Farmer gee 18, Pennsylvania Twp. Wan born in the same subdivision in 1SH7, ana is the sou of A. Furror. of this county. In 1K8S ne wnc united in marriage with Ml*. Jennie Ingersoll. P. O, Kautou FTrRRER, E. D.. the Caahier of the Bank of Easron. Wa* U,un in Easton April 25. 1871 ami Ik 'Tie son «if D. Furrer. of t1)Ih county. He has held the olflre* of \ B-iage President and T‘rea»urer In 18S4 be married Ml*i> Bertha B Lewis. P. O. Eafctou FPRRER Frank D. Parmer, S* • 18. Pennsylvania Twp, Wm born in Macon Co. :n 14T5, ami is the son of A. Furrer. In 1851 he wedded Mbu K!-i* In-gersoll. P. O. Easton. C. ANSON WILUAM Farmrr and Superrifor. Sec. 2. ManPp Twp. P. 0 Jlaniur. HATHA M. O II I’m ilti'l Sue 28, Fore'.i City Twp I- 11 native ol I lei 111111,.V. bol'ii A i*i il 11, 1 «r.7 lie him benn n reiddeut of M,e nil Po, \h Venn*. Ol 1 :*m ai New Albany. Ind.. in 1817 (taring th< Cml War b* mnol for **burtto rnonlbe In ih* 21m K> lt»f He came t«» Ma-*01* Co, In !k,iI lie wan mar-rt«d in lOTJl lo lllan Mattio A KB I by P O IViplar m> HAHN, HENRY Farmer. Kor. Jl Havana 7 •*?. iu a nallVe of llauov.ii, Germany, letrn iu 1*44, and I* Hi*' mi|i of L-wln Hahn who cnjin* lo 111. In 18^1, Iri I8bi Henry llahu nnri Ml«» Haunab Dlerlier were milted La marriage P o. lluvnna. HAHN «I. L, Fm.ior. S«*" HiBh Twp \V.v< born In Maimn Co III I8ti2. H*> ban held ilio oihee nf HU'hway Cnmmli1 'inm.i and SehouJ OB'i 1111 lb wan mar-licd In 18XI 10 A]loo Hannah I levei man P O. Havana. HAHN, LOI IS Funner. See. i2, Hnvaiui Twp. VVii-'i born lu tllill IDWII'dUii .Ian V ISii(l. lie IlIlH held I lie nfllvM of Si'nool Him 101 In cSB I lie wn* milled In mnrrbiKn wlrli Altai EIIa rtbolJi Burbtuuib » naiivu ol Omimmv P 0. Havana HAIINACK HEN lit Firmer. Sir t), Allen* Grov. Twp Won born in Hanover Germany, in l> . Huh held the oltlce of ftchiMd tnuiw H« wa*. married In 187* 10 Mm Sophia PuhlttllW« I* * I Nairocm- IIARTZKI.I. 0 C. Fur 1 am S deal I). Maridi 2. IVU2 Amou married Mlm- Rebite.a Baylor April 1, Hjtlfl P 0. Blggk HEYE, II, II. Grain Dealer ul Until and dm pieMent Supei'via-or repi. neniliiK Ihe towmship •m ......nil my Board; l« one of ihe leading cllUeii'i ol ihm part 01 ilo. county. P o lbitli. HEY K. .1 H., Fanner, See. II). Baiai Twp, 1m a unlive ol Hmtover. Germuny, born Sept, 1:». is3ii. While a hoy, in is 11 hu came to America He hin. wrved aa SuperviMr. eic lie wae married III IM5 to Miftii Anna C iN vermun P. 0. Bath. HKYLr CHRISTIAN, Parmer. S« 21. Manllo ‘I'wp, Wiw ln»rn in tkriuany Dee 27. IW2. He has nerved U* School Dlrmtor. Ho wax mamrd Maj I ISSS to M;>IS Sarah S Cat* P U Manlur IIENNINGER. JOHN M . .d tb* finn of Heuntnowr k M.yer. XValera in Acrieulturai Implmieni* and Hardware. Havana U a native of that 1 tty. Uirn April U, i»7t* H# w*aa united tn marriage with Mi>• Mar> R M«yer Slav #4. iS«» P o. Havana*1*8 O <1 -IIVTIItJT»A> «IK PW4WU •'1 «l IWl «l *0 U«* • «l% III VU'*I *v* d.»x Irt; *S Jollity v a\ 'mLa.vvi m u»i|*\l iw*ii'n|i>j^iunx /*> Xuud m«us »qi |o a aa>mnx :oo(««a o «I *tq*l«fK*£) j.jiv tpmj liujmOMLU. w,|. jo «;i|yo wtp p|Oq *tvi| «J( Win I M| <».» UO<«|V U| ati|.\tu| uowduioqx ‘4*>qi «J UH Ximuo.) till ,11 • HtrrJ'/ ||l* |UpUiH»||U| pun SIIIPTWI »M|l jo mm i| oj| Xom.i >r jo iiai ivii ii wi oj uomiiv jo HJ-MO i" ••ill" “Mi «waX v’umu in.; (•11 .*10^,1 ‘Oil JO •»-*|»MIM .1° “ Ml .‘«n piom uwii n»si «r. pci ‘III *».» MtMiV| III HMK| Muk >1 M itvt Ml •Hi oqM o|((o lo .i..J<|ms i«.\V |n now .no "flMj, M#«>40 UHS ir ,..*s uhuu^ • >i o naouvs |tf JLO HJC A uM°f pi ‘ofhi •tr/i <| ii »j. 7p*>4J ijes ts -MUWIU K II HWANS 1UV.1HP M ,J U44*qiea »*t|< •») ‘hwI fl UJilV |'UB 'HIIIJIS '*H'5 II* rr.si cr m*.i in>u»«ni «H ■utftrtftt- nv *>; ::*i ‘nr. Xinr |M|ijmti vvw .*|| Df.tVI 'Cciv in .'i .»iuc.i mhas uiim »|M4,»f ,Mi not .o;i ^i k11| no n.i»:*ii -han ■ ii.wj. «««rA«u » ,i.>i III • ll.ilt HUT; > A'.vOpJ toil IV IM Pis I ill piii-l.iliii- •*»»av -Ml «ir»Mii|V in miltiii .>ii ivs? "I if,si j5 pUtl 4p(«tVtl<>3 ’J0i.h*|p>^) ’JiWVdK kv xuj. jo »g|p **i|i ppm uipi 4*i| "M in?l ((i *<(uviujt»^ ’aa.\o *IIB|| III ni«Ml K».« ll.lfcj. »AOi») •.umiv “S 4iHK»|W|uitiitr3 P«» i-iiu«J a O HXIKS OUIHKI1IM o J Jtt» |U|I |»r|^' 0| Vj-»v| *>^«| Ml (MliJUUI *».* *•11 ::»xl ‘i i-xi ill oj “«»• 1U.4 Ml UllKl *«A\ *l»x -OUIM*IA\ •tlQtnf^OI i*qi ||w p|ui| t>S«l 01 A M ' | II ,| .MJ'MUm.l. t.J l|tlliuw|| WW||V o> J!»Kl III PM,I Iuin itti.w .in vi s I 111 ‘A'naowofj M.i.winm mi uii»| «va\ Win I |o i.iai(6 xourii* IO lino lO|| H| pun tl*St 01 •'11,1 umrV|V ic ujiHj » m ih mi «i in • Oil Q.HIXII) JO WAH*U II «j ’d«or UVj< 'UWUlXi.»An I'H* HMIU-M1IU* -| A\ UXiriMMVHS siiuqtu a’j wf-m an i -ABt| 'irei^p VJrtta til 1-MjJtrtl -I ilp HUH .»qx •'»U|iji» suouba iK ejoi»A^i«* q luuiq aoq vns toq may a.uuai-ip»M 5|qx A'ir.) I»i ?s JOiHA^ia opWiji q liras i^:cu»K If AV LLl».»S uoiKtr^ O d *JVS1 ni uuii-uuA qiun-3 *J1K {^Lucm iivi U| psjp aq.w puB sssi Woqn oj^q p^inas.oq,* .iunauu'f jo .M|jim e -zoossnq^s pioqt#:*;! jo nov *111 8! IWt *1 U-M U4lM| oj uos-bk jo *Atinii v k| uoiinj;.i J^OtU->pllW| PUQ Mi -mju.»i 1 a'oj,u«>;> y ^p>Bsuq*»s jo may .»n 10 aoHoau :riMb’s.m.>s upjsfia o .1 i.)uop»H|iuuiii.j ireo}i jo .♦.qijii .iqi pp>q *1111,1 .♦H fci 11 •«.» n»*-:»»iv u; u.ioi; sbav ‘ ,j .ioa'-hv IMP him «s?w 01 |«8| 111 p.qj.niMi sll.w >|l li»3i *5i 'A'nin<‘> »qi (u aAijcu it 9| "ilvv.i, qIt'll 'jr»u-jv..j AH SMI I J.«IIIVH.)S • a 11 v >ms ) ri'TATji J3.KXI-I ,| ,> j.fUKH.)K i) j nut)} -*11II'I tSIK °i 1*6X1 U| |>.*!xituu ^ir.Kk A\ T jCtau.iu ^qj 10 ;’j.»;i|w ij k jr*Auuooq->S t«ni>r jo nos ..t. q pan r^Sl «l «») tt“w*IV «l iLir.q ~z.v ’ rtwj. riuPAi ixxiir*,! t iussti^v *im*ttAOj r-cc -,»rnjB0* • A\ X liaAOSi«UIJS -tu?\EH <> i jo >»ai| -ld 1 =q J11 Kui -5U4J3JE3 ns re r O.sriTHIW Tt A VotnwM «n>«*| oqitj ni l*i»ujoui ,*jim puo -."Hi.Sfq i.-c|f*i;}{ Oru -’-'f(V wH.tv S'.^! ‘-ii p;»ujciu nq utikq:i\ *||m is>jy SJH i-'ivt st <|i>r tnoq Auniujap ji.tn-uuiir] .‘Km.ijI jo mi’iuu o *i| tlAN.j, ^iimq.niA'i •*l j>s ^injty nimm' avvnna •!»:.!If ir«S 11 .1 ’H°!M K»Ji»a sajiM i* 11.1mm mi 8S«l ni C‘isi »l nanij nun An8tu.iaf) ut:ssitj,i |I1 ia|mu u «l •d.v.j, aaojjj -mi.miv T. I ■»->S' M.IUUK.I M'JHOMI) .MVIV8SVH :;iiJ8>ns nqi UUIIIKS ssitv 01 r;xsi U| |>.11.1,111 ft •.ufcswia K‘"M 'S pill’ 'MMIMH -iid;) MoHjAjaiJiig jo .i-mp* •mi Pl*q ‘19SI iM‘iV <\) uortiiv III «Joq sca\ ;* |-| MAs.i. i 11 • 111. m 1 % * i ■« .,»jj '.!.*uur,i| si.wm'i i.nivs O .1 40inm ;| .iJKJV SStJV »M \1XI M| p.l|J4IMU StTA\ Wi^lUX |outp>£ Mo uois«iaira>q)o aqi pi-rq --sq piiv ’ajuii! 1. ,iqi ;it nf»|i •jihI :sq: jo .-.uipE^i jqi to -a«» si ** »i. -uv| : .j r M.oi \>* • vy *^»i in ^«r ’4»s -*ia^ N.\*vy 3U.VOS S«Of \vs bubabh O .1 u«nn«S>I of HI UfSB|v oj pa« SVHl '» aus *'.) »M‘-M tii ajo.| st\v soo.wii .»c«S WSJAri a^uiavj pan uoui -ijrmi ^Ufprer! 4 f XIKVN IVS B>p?ilOX n A 4<>Atllb — MS J3UXJM.4 an .» ‘H3H4.N:;iO>| m^u (1 j h ’*>i ii v Utf.\ S^IK p« ui.ieq«?0 hjIV C881 »! pun '||0)| (I ^q^oqd «S|lV pJlutMU ai| tllHI ii| xr>uors-:Miumov) |Mio)| pun .i 1 III p.q.i •jam s** ,--h u'.-Sl «l ‘ pui ' o.) iUr.BlI\ n: U.lo<| i.-VAS "il a\J. \|i| O A •Ilia urmis p-i— -mi dq :rnsi sz »a tio ui OJ uoi^JK 01 •UIB.'I . 'I z: Tt*M aJ**l ojqo jo *ai. -Btl S SI *lj i1m± ^Uilio'IH \| v ->dS fl H3XT-I.1 S:4iI<»M>l in -imBABJi • H JJllfUjSDMJI iratfA -•II O A il*X 4 iApih ^ j^uum i SVHJ a3Bi10H!)N'!H ■*nio«n O f| Ajuno.i .«qy 10 «44|i>^i pp» >q* Jo *ou '|itff| J jo i.y|qattvp | Can «HIIWK ***«V ■MJK«1 W*» <*J 1 C»sl X -Ml UU«J infill «qt| no ujih| ntc* il.»x °Ma»l\ II j.oujn.4 AHN3H ( .VINMVH All.,) IK.OO.I n .J U|>MS iJwl\ «"IK |MM44HII> KtlUl 'Ji M*«d '401 Ms| U| o;.t llovtiw OJ • Hill.* sMI S| S'I 'it- ' «*»M Cunui III Il ioq o»,v \i|; > |VV)J0J 1 A.U|o i>qi |>|I •>.) (tow U|V ,1" -iA|»MU i* M ’ V11. > ii"vMf|V III .Mfl '4.MII.IWM -,M .1 > I < I.I.. >< 111 • I A'M.I nipl*M I> .f sisi ui p4|.i4ttui » •iqi 01 iqttiouq ««m pur V.IKI *1 *Ni III I»J mj mi uji>I| «t‘» 'iUx ••tun«Kj|r>| ‘■•9 iimuvjl -MXVIM XXVHU iiui »o«M< O .1 IWIIM •urn •tiny rifu |K»i.i.iriu «iq |^| ii| |4ia||t <»qi jo JO|.Mi(4| |Oiiq^ (UH-M(| »t|| r| |iitH ‘it^s| Ml ‘il»X IIJbtHj j.*q p.i.sti pnif ojsi iiwmi-H ojqo uu.'j 1 a mi;.i ittj.*» ■JM'im.l uolUO|i!N JO UO* .o|| •M 'II 'JiKl HI M.» UIHOIK III 1140*'| 11 a\ Ma\.j npHfAi >min.i,i II IOK IIIII.I!.,I )| MIKiJXOd oh or u«H O .1 I|I|IU8 |:>|.li> •po.M 1.1*1 v| mi A'iimii.iiif) m p.Mi' I'll \SOpU),| |0)y|.ll|, > Mi tno: ..q I UI pMu hi A'lnnn.i.'ti hi ii.ioq M«A\ 'I‘".I. tT| It tl A I AMtl ||.», | I s)fyv; M»IHI'M M.UJIMIIMJI.I ANin.IM.I |>ApV ••••si 'Mi«»n\ mnvh «.ari.io:*w s -J-iun.4 .NJKM1SO OIU -*»M«X o il **4oqna*«n Buuy WIK io iJhSi lil«‘S l-it-utnu •ut» »|| j.yti ui <1001111 01 uiua* o»|M a“ju *ii jo ao* ^qi w| pur «rS| a| ,Vu»uu^;i 111 ui*k| 4VM *J| iImx W|U®S|i(rUM-*rI «*II\ n» 'ii |V|iJh |)jnq.M}| Jf. nor jqi m pun *-oxi 'p plv ujimi 'XunuM.if) •utqi |o **A|imu n M| iiurAitji mii'i-i'S'a' ui milV ‘ II II '«l;)1IXHOX t PV »"SI •«»f Mll^ 'ttttl|JOlluil»h’ "Mi JO Kj^qmpil.,1 MS71AM V NMIM.IMIK oijunjv 0 ',1 this I ' nop U| .MM'Htl') HUM HWJ |V |i,l|J.IBIU 'Ml T.OKl !in *'HtlI' At|.) ih.uo..| HI tUOq im AV UIIMIM\' ■uoinua (, ,1 'OHS I HI pil|,l.intn J.lilAN l|.MMlHl\* ,.| 1' putt ;su -,| KUOUpMnJ iliqbU.UOi ,iqi JO AUBUI PUB JOWJA •jtMlHR JO dv>Qo t»qi pp»q «rq d{| •;«u ui *4.ip*o|\ ipiimir jjqi •B| «|4 qj|« o;> ao«r«|\ ot ^uie» pu» iicyi a| • B,| • 03 SUIIU03 •Xn U| 04041 «BA\ «I»X «H«A*|I rc -**h ***u9A **x 'r uaji -1.^ Aire-j ub *43pAoi\* qd.>'or ;«> uf«; .*qi tq pnB ii ‘S3 SO IV SIWKUV •qi«H (1 a ima r -.11*111 M| <,V,<-:l UI MdllOlBKlUlUlO.) |>wo>j |MH> .io|Uv»Jt(l px>q,is |o •>.qpo dtp pjoq s«lj rt|| ms I H| n;j uosbiv ut tuoq s«A\ ,l v,.l. Hiafl Tl ->»S "P II XVIV'IIIOIV •BUBABJI O <1 6SSI :n AOS 4.>ii;iy u.qia swiiv |>.»p *J’’1V imsi HI tl.wx MJUJl HI UJIWI • «>j Ufisciv jo >ia11 nu v. «| rtjj uoub|)oS!?\ uciri -y »0fp|pi>| BUBABII .*:. *?s paw .).iinuimui ‘»a}S3iB*H*i MN'VMJ "naJMXIK BUEABU o A 'Uos.qUK Y J‘» uos dqi «| ptJB •$*£! tl AON «\> urwBK u 1 tuoq Miunoq|f>| » j^»s j*iujbj 4I3H.-1 xosirriiK «4^*Pl«S T? r! ti*anu3 *oquor| ssjIV iMiiiBta jq list u| 4,tv| ui -AnBUii>9 m^aoub|| u' tuoq -*A\ -d^X Amqq »aA'i vi >-»S uuuBj n MHOr aKv^nacKiiK ’<1 a J*» cjUBq.i j:>in ^qj Suoiub r*jtt ajujiluBH po* ^uwiui) ui vj,» -II-1 VPS Y *H fJ4Bm j-»\ -iiTUd^AV Amu\? s«Tf{ pud I •‘=IV il A\ i*Gsi ui -pa|p «I\: UTBiillAV .1" Hot* -*m *\ pur oysi u; dMj, tprn Ui •1 ioi:| e».w vdMX B|inrA|A*finiM.j "» 'S Minuet h AV HflAHK BUKA B{-| (I ,| MV.iJl -*P*M v Blflir VXIJV Ol ikHJ| *t: q,»..| puujrm sba\ uh nisi *«J II at.-IV ti-toq Alio lUqi JO • 1A f J up 11 t ‘BtlllA HJ-| MU(Br«( J IMUUKMrttU) Iv.itt 111-.lUov IVVrniAN "MM AM IV' •K>i^Uox o A ‘SJliqJM^ Xtoiv OJ OSS I pDl4JBtu wn\\ 4oj.i..ij|(j iootpo pur jc*uo|rtsvi 11 -unx) peon i° '• Mpo yqi iquii HIM| Ul XltmOi) -S|t() JO 1: *>IM4A\ iHil ‘^iJaiJv intUU4ap •JVAAOUBH Ml Ujnq SBAV d,W.|. j.iAMth jauun^ -H .WIVSSMIV -tujy jo ~.\ pK wg o' 1 oiiuvj.jputq.j it.* *J-.>jtiBM XMr'iv **nqs aj»AiO -noj uug aqj p> "3 -ZXJ|3i\ tUB\nj| o ,| •{I^tttQl s S*|K oj ZKSl a« |v>ujbiu se.vi ajj vann.* -j®i- muoojs? q-»ia*f=, ,.>oq>» u>p -P«.4JK *A\ H J*> o«» ^qi *1 ap •.ifontnnio. aqj ai «ln ujtoaii --BU PUB *3)$l 31 BUB,\B|| jtt UJI«; T>3 U05BJ^ JC *»AIJBU fe VJ EUB-.BH 1“ ‘lOTtf oj Jirsrciv <"U JO taapiScU^ W!A *X3UaV3.l\ *1 O butabh o a fA*JA Bmui|«.q *UA\ s3ij»- q SBAV BU-CAKp JO UBUlAJH -Ajt UMou^-ua.H aqi i| n ’3>ix3jv BUB A -OH M <1 uaSJOfl bziim ssjlV «l T-Ssi '** .»^(j ikmjjbui a\ an A-fdOUBqj ns .i-*isbjv jo aayjo .*q. paiig suq .*p jadBi! iu.ts,».ui sm 110 Kjoqa, stq pautiaunuo.i H681 hi iik| 'jooq.is Suiq.»uoi ii| paSrSua sanaA' ,uuos joj KBA\ ap tjC-^1 'UBJ‘ uaoq \U •lino.) Slip JO aAllBU B S| 'BUtJA -BP IB 10400013(1 Xjanoo UOHOIM ••MI "> 4aq«nqnd * y f vjoiniiMIV -atunoq -UH O .1 saiSiiii^ buiui'.] SS!IV <;,i ui uo»*q sba aq aaaq.* vuBtp -aj utoaj ocneo oq.* ixnrHJ|S 0 *M to uoe aqi st 01 2av ujoq -Ajauoa aqj jo aiUBO e at -4ax B!UB-i|£«un*a n m>oub3 lS\ j AHHVH.lv uo.i;*H|ii3 (i .1 ^uXb,! AIR a^»H *«TK MUM atfBjaaBOi ill p.i||ll!i -rJB t*q MW| 5f. -V°N' k.si *i osr i“*ip '»q^ '»mu>«ii BWjIHn r*|Pi I^JBin *I| *|*S’l U| •#sni ’ci H«r iuw , ft3 uwnc v* 1* 1*11 vu v *1 *d*X «U4U!>t|Ha 'Cl >as 4-Hu*vi •laiK’vcije 'i ohjj X»I0 ui*r«w <1 ,1 vip JO rt|OI|i|l> |0|ltMn|J0| 'Plior <>’(* JO .»UO w| pot* \‘|4-*dO.|l| JMIJII* pnti I1MOI wppiiapiriKM JO 400MO • Ip 91 *»H 'MM'JMV *«Hloqj. JO ao» up uj pun o.'Sl l tl'iniv rfiu UOMDJX U| U4IKJ r»A\ ^u) uon)|v p *411*>4 SOIIX ‘AXHV-i.1V .MI4MO(|||>l () >1 V'*l| ->t40iv in|iio*i Xjww rmjv sap»1 V IV BUOiJBjp ,| t«*i *:•-• I|f| pn»M ?s J" •‘•*100 Mp Pli*l| ^wp S*SI III OJ uotufiv III U40M •IWAV llMj a.\iUO H.IMUV 'IT. «*s i*ihjb..| ‘sviu } (I .1 Hiwqirr *M|V «l|l p.iM4BMi ^q »irtl V| qo4BW uiici o| pj.iauBiv •*M0 '4**q»»l «q qjjM oj uimviv oj aaiB-i pti* ihhi >6 >*ki mqo ‘*0 UI U40.J nt'AV X»|J u«*awiv 12 ”i‘*'U4B.4 ‘ a\ ‘D *no?>NVW '^ujiiihuiM II «J jtlWpuart •apuj •lOaiKMiUM *»M> I4* iojapil -tu*! pur j*>ii|*3 A a \*«»tf|iivw 111 o;i qooj 1JB«| 1«4i «AV **!•* AN Ml .1 Ittu:|\ apiuivi MliV oi H| put 'a(qi>s qm. n p 'MtK f,» ph| UI p II JLIBIII 4Y..V, lip ptH.MlPIJ qiuos V MiJ,,N <»Mi IO JliHplpiM •up hi inumupud **i| I -l. At pun fU Sl III A lllHO I ••It “I ."'IV . Ml '| (M s: |.I.*K • n>m|y 'a| lll\' IMIBAlip .I'll J" m«*Plu" 1.1 AVO'I HI.»NVHM M|cjl Oi*.i*l 'KIJV poi.l Miim »p.v; | ti| |r>WI in p-np oqA\ •apm j|piu,| *4vs*jMi4tt.| ‘ ,-) a SIMHT ■•ii itt'Mj113 11 A vIKt hi |h*ip oqw nnutiqOK .mhuv •■IK |M|airui s*q ijirtil ti| 3SI in urr a.««uij.»d ii.ihi.uh atimi tl4«H| *».S\ il«J uuiioqi 13 uj: v^s iMo^3 ”0 si lor (>M4im •manor) -IIM P H 4a||ln Xi|a*qo ««IK CHS* HI l«ti* rjr|»of3 Xat»K <»»!jv 01 opu ui papilla rvM ‘P uioi-.vtjd *»iV *X .nUiH ,4j| • uuoj mip oj a0909 auutuj v(j|B -abj ill Ml'* -P nt •avaX *uqi IMAiar t»q :a.\\ || pj *«qi mipmi crsi ai pii»i«U3 '•u|M«t.wi\ U| U4fK| *B.v\ *lt*x *0«!l '12 j..cu.iw.-i svKiipx sa'naoKiri utiVAwp »tr| -iB.Xatui*iiY >P’ VVKA'l AlOV’l IpHpUl <) A 'O.ja.MqUdlM P"PCI "*IIV O) ' lIMil Yd ld.*s plUJVIV |II( I 'ov|iuvdi«A in pun •aa|ir.% .»m.\ -.iodn\' jk p.un.mp.i mjav “Jll «iq 11 u -joq paAli ‘“"I pnu ,i»»| I- td.»s oj uu.oqv m uaoq mmaV doqiqu 'ooi-uaHhV pnw 4.»ui.ni^| 1 )UtMji>.i\> iv AV OMP !»\*rPMUM ‘l<»qn|H 0 <1 Mp'MX °Ho'| ">IIV IM TKSl 'Il’HlV M| p«|44UMI »«av m 1 •••mi •».» uoruiv u. H4"M '-BAN d.svx 'UJ IN.IJOJ \,z MS *4*>uutis,| ,1 M1 lOi* 'PNTIIMIIM X||j iw.*jo,| (i .1 •uumamuiup/ vibjv m tinuuiip 10 uav .up hi pun otHI ’!i Xmr oj uohbiv ui UJ,M1 WMAV ‘lAlX ojjuiiiv *11 MS *4duuB3 r AHNMH DN’niaHH MJopltfS 0 t| uutttl •4i»JO.V| l’U|^))J NH||\ p.* (.14 PUI ^q «>‘>sl U| *utsi HI 'XllBlUJa*! '49M*0Bf| JO tuop»0|3 up U| ua*<» 4^aun.4 || ji sHof naiVVHM doq.JH q d <,*X XllO tvjao.4 r- >,ni '44U14B3 • „ itvrniAv ia.wo.sa mnvu3 ^ ubuu4a>h1 ^parn <»i Ul pajxmia sb.w iaddrjn3 !> f il>l jnoqB *00 UO>tSK 01 aiOBD oq-» JBAV i?Ak) ^Mt jo ouJi-u o 'XuBaua*) jo aAijBu n ’pddot^ Xaoan jo *qi 4| POT '$ZSl UJ d-«X Al»J ui Oioq ?aa\ "iL»x aoau^Ms c a^taoBj 9 f 33«M.IN>| iMO oo*«iv o ,1 mj.*mv Bfqilos *w?|\ p^uaBin ..M yiw u j vauv ueraaa*) aip Uf IWA40S -q lt-OI$l 4BAS tiW|*Ktuj*oaa8aj oqj saunp ti| AUBUUivp ui uaoq ■'u.w d.MX wtur.tiASUU&d 'Zl \*as jmiuty 30 IP i*»IMH\a*nP\3 eqadox O A 9iS I 5: M»d A miuv wsik pyuatmi •11 StlSI ni «!ou?im 01 acuK.i *n Jiyxi ‘ZZ MaM laBUUM »ua S8JIV t^t I Ml^S "Ed UMOrsuqor Ul oaoq SBAV ‘^H^a iruor.BX ruBABH -v jo aajqsro PSia O .V lOMudmd pna joijpj uos -IP*K A ~3 aadBrfsmau X|H-#m xsaa saaaa.vi a k h joht ia *aoano»T -ua o a £jciv ^nv **l u^i \ AOJB P»U4«*a SB.« ap mqopntoj )t« aago aqi piaq ^Bq *11 ’JSjiI U »4aq oa**q i»uanoqna i° HRtuXaaAU u«oun-lia« »*qi S H 1VVH0X3M aujAaaipuBti.) n A 4»jhji£>10 r aqj4BK ««?W 01 'n‘,si ui pur uo^-oqoj lur.H'i r^iK <’t IWI hi pau4Eiu rtjft Mtiopiaod a tqio pub iosf_\j-itlns. jo aayjo atp pjaq sap o£>I 7. l|4d V putrjliua ,.>4|q>TBJUV*| U) u.ioq sbav ‘dAX Sauqq.HiA'i ir. MS ‘4001403 MHOr AVVPSHMM ait4t»oqu3 O d S'Sl M| 1 •) a\ pu tr* j a .in iv ss|PJ lK)(.t.tBK toioa.rjp |ooqis pan jauoissuu tuoj aiiBup.'jp jo saaipoaqi iqaq miM op id si h| •Xunuuap joao imp tn tuoq n:ba\ ’hIaslX Mmjh •1.7 -ms iouuBM *'(1 11 XSMMM doquifi O .j ai-113 uba aniiy W|K vls\ hj .lifejaavm u> poijuti mii.w jq >;i\| u| uaofl XuBUuay jo aApoo fi --*K P’ **Afiko b -d.»x ouanwi -lia T »«S JaauBj -y II S3NP1 £pj o A ***if»UH boov i»m °l oofil o| |M|aaBtn >n.» «p Ctottoa stq* jo io*p v auuijjnp laruBp !«'• nor. uqj el pas u^l Ui oj uv&n oi ua<«i «Ba\ 'rf»X wtUBAtASou;*.} t'l J-^uuBy *Q A\ XVK3.-I.PI K Hn«ii Xjj:nuaoj irss* a;j.H =?:p aoj-Ma -H j p-iqas jo ,i.:®o atp ;qaq sot; <*H Hi "in TOB -W'lutip JB TUoq dBm "dMX WIUB->|Aif •uu»*.i i J«s a-^inaoa j o »3AOP URJ iqax 0 A "••*'»I ui papa bui aaa.vs piagaaiva^i «ua twiw PHO paaXiip a O •i,«,Sl “qa<3. in lai-q pajp oq.'p put: A*.«saar Aia\' uioj.j fr'jSi ut nj nrivniv *M atiiB.* oq.« ‘paaXpH AV ll JO nos atp tfj ap ^isi ui .uoq UJoq s'«A\ dA\j. >|au4v) ||BS ’*; o \i uosi.t.iBH eumig KKUV ‘M iSS'i HI pa 14.1 BW SBAV '.ioi>*a.tip pjoqos 10 anqju mu PP'M sitp I'J81 ut -oj uosBiv ui tuoq d.w.i. i>4iiqq.MtA'i or. -ms a..mjB3 -i xxvivaaaH 'BUBABJ | fj A iatnmajj ar«n «ik «» W8l pau4Biv BUBABp ui ssaujsiiq U| WB» PUB 'f^jpl 0| -III 04JBJ IB tuoq HBA\ "d-v-X buba up tl as ‘a-aiaao -o XHOr HH A epauuix w*HV 13i pauaeui sb*i t.ISI u] 'iS^l oi <»0 uos«k 01 aaioj .*h ia|8fa ijimBf jo uoe ^qj si paa S»^l oi -1y 00 ooj3o?qffr.v\ ui uaoq »»AV d-v»x aanuaqs 00,3 januB3 -p r Ha*isia AdOi:)^d!Cl -ON3a3d3d IVDIH.iVHOOIS S.NOHI.V.IPAT RON'S BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE DIRECTORY. Tt UN Kit U A Grata Havana. vanetten j II. Fartwr, s« U, ('THUS Crwk Twp Hr t. \3xa prr»«ti( Kui-rvl*.ji \|in*on Oil) VKtKKHY l> \V UvUrml Kurin, i VIUMon Fit) Hr way liorn In Siilltm, I»nninlrtr<0 fjp„ N Y r«b > nurtn -i • civi War In' wu* n tn. nilr r of run H uml (>4 |Slh N V Ini and H uf Hii* Iftlh Car, •urvtni; nearly four yewr*. H»- **» mnr rM Ian. (»► I KM*, to \lu. Bilan N. \NAHiraU), GERHAKU Farm *r, See, 26, Fores* city Twp. i, anallve of Germany bon. Dw.. Hr has held th* ofHrr of Srwt Drr^tor. Marne,) April. ISM IO Mfc* Amrlia WUaltnx P. O. Hi shop. "AUiRR, G. C_ Fanu^r See, :7 Havana Twp.. was boru in Ma-aBd 14 lh* of John Walker. on« .>f it,. old 4<*«tlera who lame li^rr in Ur Ims h*Jtl the office of visor, Township Tm>iw anu gchtxii Dirfrctor. Married in IO Miss N<-!lir C Ho>lr I1 O Havana "*«*£?• CALVIN. K‘irm.-r, «-,■ ... Kilhniiruq T\vp.t Wa* b..ru ..i. iho >,m<. farm May s. \hM, .uni |V«" !nSei> *<>' » JSKil in Mlw* IA/.aW Khin|km I- o |iii Vflntt, WAMSGANZ. dims Funner. s-It Havana Twp.. wa« ..i>rn tn Germany lu I^C. ami cam* n> ilie Pnlted States tn !S“o unil to Ma*on Co in I ST I H*- hu* Mil 'In* ufTn e of St 'h*.' Lnrri tor lu 1*72 lie married Mi?-- Anna, daughter <»i Henry llkhn I* 0 Havaua. WHtTEHEAI). JAMBS Former Sve. I. LynrhlMin* Twp.. l*om in Mawra .ountj I«5y Hr wx* marri^J In LK51 In Moo* N'aur* A ilkins. p. o SAbinra. WAfiNKK. CHA& F, Fartturr. Sr< 15, Mar|to Twp. **, tMfrn Gretn Vallrf. III. F"t* H, |n7U. ham niM »h<» oflkso of jtrh.^ Tnuirr. ||r mnrrtr.i prh 1WJ. fo M|k« Jull^ .Imiehlrr of F Frr.lrn.l», I*. t\ Maiilto W'AHftKN, .1 W Kami r S.*. 1| Uymhhorx Twp 11,» u a na-tfv» I.r ttaMTfl rauaty and Iwirn *.n JV'.h Hu^ hr|it ih.. iitTU'.' of 8upen)nor, Juniicr of Ui» Fr.n. «. uml A«ra«ir. Hi. wa- marrlr.l in oj m|mn Amir M'lwurtli, • hr. lat»nhtr i' of Wn- Hownrth I . <> Sni' itrto WKAVKH »• M . rftnrl Fflrrtioi Mn nun (Titv WICTZBI,. HKNIIY fiiMm-i II, \Urn* iir<.vo Twp, rupru- *umiIk Mint Mith'n Mnr n.-.i i„ is:i7 im Mis... ||-rin!nii Hr.«hl I' tt 8ttn June nt N t tronu. WHITKl.KY AI.UNAN l>KH Ih In-, no Srr. H. UlllKiiitrr Twp.. li» a nhlp|M*r ami atnwrr til Y»\l|ow j«r»r) 8w*0t FoiAOxo Hr ham i**irn In HAtAnA Jiihv i ur,;, anil wa- marrJril in !n7: to Mi»* Finnir HatU llnhli nf IIiukI (?omrnl«iil«Hi»r p n Kil bom< WIKBKK FHAXK. Fter.fr. Se< 7. KiH-iurnr Twp. was hpurT I*. O. Havana. WIKMEK JOHN K^al Kstafc I*al-m. San Is a nativ* Ma- ►ou ••oiinty an»l born tn Hr ha* held thr of |K-p- uty Cottniy Trea^ur^r. Township t’lrrli. A N?WMMjr ami Col ky I or. MHrrntl in 1&*'3 to Miss \thli-Irwtn l». o San Jo**. Wit,I.IAMS, - HARLBS. Kamirr Sir l^‘. KillK.iiu nr Twp.. was horn In rnso Iimtii.s III., on IS«;i Hr was married Si pi U.S.). in MlHfc AiiRiisia SrbnliK I* (• Poplnr <’ity. WILLIAMSON. W. H.. TowtwUlp f'olli-.toi Sherman Twp., was t*orn lh Mu*on cmiiity tu ikn Married in 1S07 io Miss liarrJi.t A i'h:tiiry. p o. Boston WILSON, I A Farmer Sec II (’••nnsylvnnlu Twp.. waa Inirn In F iw* ,v. l| .niimy lu ivr4. His (iithcr Edward Wilson, ranie u» Illinois nlmut IS3<* an«l roadr lit* lu»m»- !• .to until bis death in }*** p n Maivm (fte; WINTKH. JOHN fi v» ho is eugafied lu (Artnitn: on tin* farm in Sre 2* l.vn hl.ure Twp.. :i nativr of o.«W «Mmry QL liorn n 1*&i P. O Snirane WISSMAN. UFlHiLPH Farm.*. «*%•. 11. Havana Twp. « uailur of Hanovrr. Grrmanv. r«rn In l*4«, lorar«Ml in Mawm .ounir in ItM. P O. Havana WOLF. JOHN. Famirr, Soc. 1ft. Al-Nua tiro**', a it* writ lu Ha«a Ha, tJrrmany. in 1KW Hit marria** to MIaa JU^ttl** llairl* 11 m ilt plair in iftti P. o Nn tronu YKTTER. JAt'Oll. Foiioor. hr- I Havann Tap Ikuu lu 'hr ton nahlp In IH&I, Ih' IM |hr Min of FhaiJ.fi Ynllflr. hIiik.* ix.rtrait If nh'.wn rbtnwheti'; Wnu innrrird m IKV? »•• Vlum Sarah Crater. I* o Havtotu. YKTTKIt, JOBIU A, Funner, Sn . i». HnvniiH Twp,, non nf rhurh'» Y«tur, wuw horn In HuvuiUi Two tn I$iiI In Us? lie miii rlttd Mini- Vlrulnitt Katnn i* 0. Havana. J5UltIiart8T, DfCK num . i. Billh Twp, wuh l.orn ftl ilri senhrm'l. li-fiiiiiiiy, In IStif Mln nmrrlutfr with MUm VY'll h* In itin ponLoti tool> nlm <♦ in lsnn. I* t> Math wilson. r w Km in t s. .- rz Munnti Fuy Twp, vvu- 1*1.rn In Taxrwtiti «miut> in ISM Hum nllrd I hr Ofth e of 8< h«M>t hlrr. (or and Boat! Com ml* oonn. ntul raniri to Ma*on nmnt> in witb Ilia tultirr, P^lward I la »«* married in li Tazewell and Menard counties. By this act its bouudarl's ivere given as fo lows; Beginning .it the i ii. nilli * • I llie Sangamon river, tip iu com-c to I lie mouth of Salt ,*reck, tIhiici up 'Ii. hitter stream t" it> intersection of the line between ranges ftiltr and Iiv«* west nf the 3rd l>. M.: thence north m the north line ot Logan county and then running Westward six miles tn the line between ranges- live in I six; frcnii the 'alter point running north t*< the center of township 2<* north and then west 10 the Illinois river. tlowu tin eour-e of the latter stream to the place of beginning- This makes an odd shaped county. Iictng -mir ini’t--s tn length east and west anti bui 21 or 22 north anil ***nth in it* gtVare«-t width runmni; to a pant m Us soulltwestcrn i«»riion. These are the present boundaries at Ma- ■•ail upon the blue water* oi Lake Michigan and pwhctl on «lmvn the val‘e>* of llte IDinoi* river, and built a ft*Tt near when Peoria now stands. Fr.*m this place Father Hennepin and two coiupatuou* m March, 1680. went down the Illinois to tin Mississippi and tip tin- latter river to northern waters. Whether these pioneer adventurer* landed upon the shores nf what p. urns Mumhi county i* unknown. a* the account of their voyage down the Illinois is very meaner, and but little of 1*ather llenulpin^ account ot any oj hi* travels is considered reliable. Man> of the famous adventurers of those early days in their passing t't ami tro from north tn sou ill must have trocl the soil of. this county; have wimped by the river-side among its timber. Tonti Juliet and other**, who accompanied and followed l*:‘ Sail*, have gaxed upon tin sand dtines «>l thi*- portion of the- state and. doubt 1ok< -hot pt,nne upon its land'-. Hen- wav the home of the Him. and the V*hUawattomle Indian, while many ktndn-d tribes hunted amon>' it*- wood* The aMSHb.tti*» Je-uil prit-sts who bbored faithiully among the redskin** in other parts seem to have neglected thit portion of the Mate* at lefts! there ?« no record of their nti*v.on* knrrwn For many year* after the Mirrpundfng counti»H of TazeWcJ- U>Ran. Cass and Menard were fairly settled the few inhabitants t»f wbai n«m Mason county nf*.-*ted chiefly of hunters anil trapjKTv Some of the land was sandy and covered with timber. *cn»e of a wntMiy growth and seane of otlter I»etier tree-, and wane of the land wa% »wamp> and wei and permanent settlers teemed to avoid its territory. EARLY SETTLF.MKNT. It is the s^-neTal U'lief that Major Osstan M. Ro?5 was the first permanent settler in the county, although several individual? had taken up temporary residence here prnyionsly. l*rom the l*st accounts Major Ross came acrtw* the river from I'uftrtn county in 18J3 or 18^4 and established a ferry at what is now Havana. Miotit 1*20 he built ;i hotel at the same p'.are James also was an early -ettlcr "f Ifavmut, a^ was Henry Myers. John Knight Mttled in the rount\ in tS-'o |ohn I lames tuad< a settlement in the counts probably a hour 1^.^' and Wiliam Hagans in 18^9-30. A man by the name Vilen settled in the northeasi part of live count> At the grove that give* its name to nne of the townships in 1830. John Stewart and John Gillespie l»<.tli took up their residence some miles South of I lavan i in 1H28, but moved away some lime afterward. Isaac Kuyle made a .settlement in the southeast jwrtion • »t* the county m rS^o. Absalorn M"imt vx>\< up his home in the county in l^.t*. in what is now KilUwroe township, James Price, Spence Clary ami Enoch Estep located in Crane Creek township in 1830 and J A. Kevis in 1831. Henry >beppard and a family b> the name of \\ csnrfiekl located near the sitt of the old unsn of Malanias in »Kji 'V David Taylor came to the cnunty in 1831 and IknlglU the c aim *»f- Allen. Anwotg tile pettier - of 1832 were J<^iah James Sutton and Matt!»cw \VIlev, while in 1833 John tlemard Krclmun and his •«!S> Ailolph. U ilh.im l'.dwartl and I'rrti. ’ »ated at Havana. Claries G. Kreltnum. a younger son. is said by many. t»» be tlic fir« white child born in the county. Harvey Hoskins and Jacob and Theo (oimlnili also settled in the county in 1833 Others now began ti* oime in slowly and ihen fash t until the r.-.«nty be-vi-m to tak< on the apfK-aianre of a Hrltletl communhy. Among -In prominent settlers ol iH^.j wer* Nelson Abbey. Henry Ward and Henry Series • hvcu i:nster came in 1835. as did I*. J. Uock\ve;l. \l»el Kemp and l-'.li I'kK We nut) mention among the vi!lets of 1X35, hr.mk, Thomas and Klphaz I,ow, Pulaski Novdle, P. Simmons, C, \\ \n«lri'Ws, |\ph Ihnmll and John and William \h xander. I’ortunaiely most of 11 ie hulians had been removed from the slate previous to the arrival of nearly all the earls pioneers of the county and hence the> Were not liaravseil by depredations com-mittetl b> the red men I Hiring the hlae.khawk svar, however, two blockhouses were creeled at Havana a< a refuge in case the hostile band* came llii* way. T oward the dose of *836 people began to come into the coum ty in greater numbers As it hceauu* more widelv known that nctwithstandiin; tin unpronusiug !«x»ks of the s<)il tliat tlie bmd was susceptible t*i .1 high Mate <0* cultivation and that fine farms couM t»e nude out of this land, >0 unlike the better known porticos of the stale. ORGANIZATION. As has t>eeu stated, whai in runv Mas**n county at that tune was embraced within the counties of Menard and TkicsdL At-tmdance upon the courts or other business which took thr people of this locality t.. thr county scat was difficult, owing to the dls-tance to the seats of justice in those countte*. Agitation for the formatiini of a tiesv county was CfNurucnced and finally in t&ji lln* organization of Ma«on county was auth^ixrd by the Legislature. According 10 th* provision* of this act. the legal voters 01 the comity, which ai that time had a population of about 2^000* met at Havana 011 the tir*t Monday in Vpril, i8.|t, and |>r**eeeded Io vole for the county offirer- They chose as their lirst sheriff. Francis Loss now I lu* president ot the Havana National I’ank. Joseph A. Phelps wti" elected c*mnty clerk. He \va* shorth after imule eircuil clerk also, by the judge *f the circuit court. George T \ irgin, John U. Cheney and \biur Uaxtei were the connly commissioners, \hout pvi votes Were cast at ibis election. The first lerm "f the eir, nit court s\as held in the hotel of Major kos>. commencing November I-', iS.|i, with Judge Samuel H. Treat on tin: bench The first grand jury was eonijnfced of the following uamrd: James Walker, foreman; Ira Halstead. Austin IVttilon, P. W Campbi'l. Michael Swing. Anderson Young. William Deio, Hoag Sherman, William fclihbs. William \twatcr. Tbonu> L*uv, John Kiville. I>auit*l IL lull, and Isaac ParkhursU talesman COUNTY SKAT DIFFERENCES. The bt'l organising Mas^n comity had the usual pn>viskm for iImt selection oi a county scat. TIih the source oi .some trouble In an early day, an exciting rivalry between iJaxb and Havana kept up tin contest for several years. To quote the words of John R. Williams, to whom we arc indebted for much •lata for this history: "It was pre>cribcd by tin ai t of formatinn that the friends of each place votet! for should first place in the bauds of the judges of election a promissory note, drawn to the order of the County Commissioners, for the sum of one thousand dollars, and also a bond, making a donation, in the event of the place being selected as tin county seat, of real estate for the use of the county, of w* less than one block of lots should the town already have been laid olT, and not. less than twenty acres if on laud not already laid off in town lots. "The tsvo towns which were the principal competitors for the county seal at this lirst election sverc Havana and Bath, and authorizing another election lo be held on the second Monday of February of that year. I'ols were opened at three places, at James Walker's in Havana, at Lynchburg and at Bath, where \otes sverc received for the towns of Hath and Havana for the county scat. “T'ath received a majority of votes and was declared the counts seat Its inhabitants *-*n had the satisfaction ol* seeing the archive- of the counts removed to their town. Hie June term of the Circuit Court for 1K44 was held at Bath, the previous Tune term having l*cn held at Havana. Hath continued the county seat for eight year* Entire mi is taction was not yet obtained. Havana «i!i lutd aspiration< which couW only be satisfied by another removal ot the Seat of Justice, and :n Febniary. 1851, legislation was obtained by which another elect ion was held on the second Monday of March 1X51. .*■ winch the i|Ot*stion was again brought Iv.-for- the people*. Tlu clerks of election opened two columns, one 'For Havana' and one Against Removal.* The ejection resulted in again making Havana lln count> -eat, Which it has since continued to be The last term of the Circuit Court after an exciting contest, the former carried the day. The re- • juired note nf one thousand dollars Wits drassu In N. I Koek-\sell. I'ulaski Seoville, Lewis W R.fiss and II I,. Rov*; and a bond, donating a block of lois adjoining the public M|iiare. was e\ enifed bs I. W . Ross and I I l„ Thus Havana was select- ed as the t'irsi county seat It did not. however long retain that honor. There was much dissatisfaction on the part of the inhabitants of Hath: who, justly or unjustly, thought that their tosvu offered superior advantages as the Seat of Justice ni Mason County. An agitation of the subject was kept up. and finally an act, approved Januars 19, 1843. was obtaincrl from the Legislature, held al Hath was in November, 1850. The following May term of court was held in Havana ” In lookmg over the re^wrts .»f Sections In tin* county archive** and on consulting thr memories of old settlers; many amusing incidents are brought to light, but nu«t oi then*, are “twice told tale>.” and familiar frieutls of m**>t of the inhabitants of the comity. Iuirk of space forbid* all but a brief sketch of Mason County, as a Mm|tlcl( and aulheniK hiUufy could noi l*e written cxofit ai the excuse of much lime and labor uml in a hook of a thrjoisand page-. SCHWLS. Wherever the Anglo-Saxon. German or Scandinavian settles, out of his first thoughts turn- to the education the rising generation. In thi*- rcspeet Mason County was not one whit behind her neighbors Among the firm movements of the infant county was the establishment of schools, laying of taxes for their support and the erection of building'* for educational purposes. Among the ver\ lirsi houses put up in Havana was a log cabin on the corner of < >range and Market streets in winch school was taught at a vers early day. Tin • was the lirst school in the county. Schools were built at Cram* ‘ re< \ and Hig Grovi in the east part of tlu county. That at liig Oove was a log structure and a man by the name of Leave was the lirst teacher Prior to this, however. Miss Mary V Svke> taught school at the home of Edward Sykes on Salt Creek lioltom. RELIGIONS. For some > ears after the pioneer -cttler* came to Mason county* rcligii>us observances and preaching wire but infrequent and maially he’d at thr home* of the member*. Mam of the set-tlers weTc p-itmv nxn who lirought their reJigioti with them into the new land ami soon set .iIkmii providing ehnrche* ami church organizations. The first preaching this county was probably by tliat celebrated apostle »jf Mi*thodUm, Peter Cartwright, in 1835 at Havana. Messrs Jenkin*. Ray, Slinker and Slmnk were alsoaniong the ver\ earliest Iwit'g the glad titliugs to ^ willing people in these parts. 'Hie first regular church organization was a .Methodist one and was organized at Big Grove in 1838 with Rev. Michael Shunk installed .is pastor. Services were held in the school house. The Baptists built one of tlu first churches in the east part of the county. This was in 1856 The fir^t church buildings erected in the counts were the Prenbs terlan at Hath, and the Methodist at Havana. The baptist church of Havana svas organized in the “forties.” The German Evangelical Lutheran church, a strong religious body, was organized m 1S50. The Catholic faith is well represented and has several churches in the county. There are other religious organizations within the limits of the counts, but space forbids mention of all. RAILROADS; Mason County has most excellent railroad facilities. The Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis railroad cut. rs the county in the northeast, at the village of Manilo, and crosses the County in a southwesterly direction to Havana. Here it divide' into two branches, one running south lo Jacks<«nville and the other to Springfield and St Louis Tin Champaign and Havana branch of the Illinois Central railroad crmse- the county east and west through Mason Cits to Havana, and the Chicago & Alton rail-mad passes dir.-ugh the eastern pan of the county. The tirvt railroad within the boundarir* of what is now Mason county was the Jacksonville branch of thr Chicago &. Alton nuiroad. Tins was bnilt through here during i&jfr and..Hf>7 and touchi »• tin* cine* of San Jose, Mason City anti Satrona Durng the jwr* iK;t»-72. a new railroad wa* agitat'd atnl many nf the leading and prominent citizens of the county, bad by Judge Lyman Lacey, ItroHj'b! about the building of a railroad from the ra*t acrnv* th< cxxmtr t" Havana Phi* be cam* a part ot tin Indianapolis. iiloniumgioii & \\'-stern railroad Lakr it was .» j»art nf the Wabash system, but tina ly pa^rd itit<» tltr hand* of its present opener*, the UlaH»> t"aural railr.utl. and knoWn a* tltr Champaign and Havana division of that great system. AlsrtU the same time was built a road fnmt Pekin to Jacksonville m which Mr. F. Lr»w. of Havana, wa* instru menial, and was known as the Poor a. Ivkin & Jack' juinrftle railroad This iKSCame :i part tit the Jacks*>nville South* eastern railroad and later part of the Chicago. Peoria and Si. I.*on- railroad, Manito, Forest City, Topeka. Havana* (lath and <‘>aidora an* on this line Mw.iut the same time th«* Sprnglield fk Northwestern railroad was built. This is now nart of ilu* Chicago. IVoria & St. Louis railroad. also Kilhoumc i* lIn* prm cl pa I lowu on this line in Mason count v. (TTIKS AM) VILLAGES. The prhldpat City is that of Havana,which i«- the county seat and had a impulatiori of 3;2<$ according to the I S. census of 0*10. Tlte site of ihis linvu was surveyed in November. 1834, lo Stephen Henry for Og*ian M. Ross and recorded in June 1835. Many addition'- have I teen recorded since. At the lirsi election twnte twelve v«*te* were ca-t Havana was (acQrpOfyt^l in 1X73 Hugh Fullerton serving as Ihe first mayor. The city* which is Very attractive in appearance,, lias many fine business houK on early settlements in Mason and Mennrrl counties, by T Cu QnstotV, we quote rlu^ particular*: **Thi« budding was commenced in 1831 and finished in 1S33. It combined hotel and “tore and was eighty feet long by thirty feet long, with upper find lower story jM'>rches ten feel wilh *)n each side of ihe house Tin main part of the hotel was four *ti>rf«’s liivjh and Ihe store part two and a half stories in height. The litst story was huill of slime twelve inches thick, and had a llnoi Of stone; ihe balance of the bu Iding was of wood, "1*lH»re were twit larj^e chimnies, with three lireplaeis, open inn in one and lour rooms, respectively. Ml the lumber, stone and lime used in building the house wa.- hrougih from Fulton countv The sills, posts and joists and other jar^e n'tiibers were hewn in fhe wak. ash and black and white walnut. The weatlter-boarding and shingles were *plit oui of while .-Ktk timber and >haeed to a proper th;ck-»ks* with a draw knife. The laths were split out in the wood* and all the d ».r. window ^h and nirfdin^s were made by I:and" Here Walker md Hann>cW kept the rirst store. C> ke:*’ the h *tel. Alt.r tht latter died bis widow and briber Lewis, ran the hotel for a time- This hist«.*rical bnt^linp hufned Atwit in 1850, when kept by James O/vragtoo. This IvUcl 'U*"<1 *»n tbt -'irth >ide ot Market street **u the edge of the Muff oveHooktUfj the rivcr^ (hiring the *can* arisint: trom tin- Black Hawk war. ;n 1832. several bloCkbnMse*-. wune wt two. others three, were erected in Havana for the protection of the settler*. Havana has a beautiful city hall, erected in 1895. which i> a er«dit to th* eilv and an ornament to the place. The following 4r* lit. officer** for i^*o.| Mayor, C»a>. K. Mcllo^e: city attorney 1 S, \. Murdock; city treasurer. William Filbricht: city 11< l ie. \di> ph St hill |>i:»iice magistrate. Josiab Hartsell: chief of police, II \\ Kig^'inv, superintendent of water Works. Cltas Mill'd I* Tin aid-rmen are as follows: II. Rcu*>stortf and T. I*. Trumpv from ilu First wurd; \ H. Cullinane and J. J, Donald sou, of th. S< i‘ond ward, and .1 J Menkin and John Moore, *»f ill. Tliod ward, Mason < itv ha-, ihe secniul place in point of population anti busine** The Rile of this place was entered in 1840 by James Malonev, who conveyed it tn I'.ctirge Strailt. He in tuni «n|d it a syndicat. cnmp*^^) of tlte followinji named: W. (#. I.reene, Kiebard Yates (ihe elder), John Ik*nnett. George Strain, Henry Keefer. Joseph Elliott, William KHkW. WH'iam >fmnp and J. P. Walker. These gen-tlonen bad iIk tnwn -it. laid out in i*S?7. ihe pUu th«: filed for ri c.ird September 1^57 Various a r litums have Iren madi*. The city tymtsim t^jo inhabitants, according t** the 1 S censu« *»f tgio Tlut railroad reached |his point dnr int; the summer *>f 1^7. The lir-: !*u:l*img erected was a black Mnttll d>..p ptft Up b>* David Ua -lie fall • (857 ii win inc q>-rated in iKr*» with 1 J. W'atkms the hr>i mayor Tlien arc two paper* there, the Mason Ciiy Banner and the Ytu.um City 'nines • *111 of the principal ornaments of the town is tin ...............Idim-’ monument in the public park, erected in is/#5 at a com. mi S4.5<*^. The other principal towns in the conn u an Manito w ilh a population of 5^1 r: Bath, with a population of 3^0: Fasimi which has 335 inhabitants: F..rest City, with p***pl. ; San Jose, which has 436 inhabiiants. and Topeka, wilh 1/11.. IW -id. - these art the villages of Moscow . Snicartc, Kil-l.oiirne, ISishop. I’oplar Citv. Higgs. 'I’eheran and X'airona. \n iuteresting and iustrueiive account of ihe geological formalins underlying Mi«s.*n coum\ from the pen of Prof, J K. Sparks, of Havana, i.s here given: GEOLOGY. Ma-on count> <*CCnpies a low basin-like expansion of the Illinois valley, heavily eoveml with sand, except where old river channels have left a surface deposit of muck. The drainage i< ini|n*rfrrf. and extensive artificia* ditching has been ncccssar)- to render the old river channels productive. Much of the county is -»o Mildv that il i< not cultivated. The eastern portion, however. is very fertile, tin * uni there being a line deposit, approximately a to»n. The r :ae:.d drift nf tbtv c*»tmt> i‘ known as the IHinoian.. Iu Ihickiw i» ktvnMi only at one jafat—illHW City—where h is J04 feet A prwpert 1 wring f*t coal at this place i>enctrated the joJlnwing ct«iij»le* series of drift dq***>iur Drift DeiKHtl. lr- Jtlack Se»t( ..... ............. .... 5 0 Yell»w\ Clay ...... ............... 3® ,J Yellow Sand ........... . . ................- 5 n Oray Sand . *............. ............S2 7 Blue l*lay • ,***:• • ••*■*.*........... ^ l'iue Sand ..... , .. • .............11 Hurd-pan ..... .> • ........ ............ *5 tf Blue Clav •. .. • • 1 • .......... 7 Sand .......... ........ ............. t J o Sand and * d'ave) ...... • ............. -0 o Coarse Sand ■ • ■ .............. . . to o Sand and f.iavrl ....... ......33 u I1 me Red Sand ....... ... ... ............... O 4 Dark Stynd .......... .1 s C ravel and llnublen* ..... .... ......■ - - 3 4 Sand....... ............................3 $ 1 otal Drift ... - ................204 Several l>ed< il coal were jKt'Se.i through in dnv underlying coal 1 lira nitre* 1 th< tlueke*t lieing 34 inches* struck a? a depth of .••*1 t-* fo t Hie ruck 11 at this well i> 3«>4 feet ah**ve title, the wdl mouth Itemg J.jK fc-et. I In weK< an. usually obtained at di-pths .*f 20 to 40 feet, l>nt uuny **f the welU are sink to a much greater depth. At Havana the public wan r suppl) is *4nained from ten driven wc3s, 72 fied deep and *iit mche* in diameter. At Mason City w1 point, 420 feet; lowest known rock surface. 325 irei. (estimated frm'n altitudes iu bordering counties): range In drift surface, 230 feet; range in rock surface, 46 feet, (estimated trom altitudes in bordering counties). 1 his material and much nf the language has been obtained from l.eventt s Illinois Glacial Lake, Vol. XXXVI'll, l\ S. r*x4ogica1 Survey.iMtiC; u«sn UliikLibLi* DIAGRAM 1 ^ UK present *y«rtetn •’ I w of Governmental JL Land Surreys WM adopted bj Congress on the 7tl» of May, I78ft. It lias l>een in use crer since and is the legal method of describing antY \ Lti RUCK jjTtiOJlW® Vl J DAIUAS ai *tix utMOto, QALVCVTOr* Qtr cl i»» TM£ tiaaHU.M Of COOS£33 AT WASHiNQTn*. n. I C**TCHk-0 ACCOKOtttt TUDIAGRAM 4 TOWNSHIPS arc the largest iab-1 divisions of land run out by tho CTniteil Status Surveyors. In tlio Governmental Surveys Township I.ine.s nro tho first. to be run, nn<1 a Township Corner is ostablished every six miles and marked. This is called “Townshipping/* After tho Townsliljp Corners have been car«-fnlly located,theSection and Quarter Section (*orn**riarn established. Each Township is fix mile* aqitaro and contains 23,040 acres, or 30 vcjuarv miles, us near as it is possible lo make them. This, however, is fre-MUi'ntlv made impossible by: (1st) the pres- • nee of Uke» and Urge streams; (2nd) by Stnto boundaries not falling exactly on Towntiiip Lines; (3rd) by the convergence n( Meridians or curvature of the earth's nrfa*.*c ; nod (4th) by .nacenraie surrey*. Kaeh Township, unless it is one of the exceptional caws referred to. is divided into 30 •quarts 'hicb are called Stations. Ttie*e Section* are intended to be one milt, or rods, sqnare and contain <540 acres of land. Sections are numbered consecutively from 1 to 36, as shown on Diagram 4. Beginning with Section I in tho Northeast Cornet, they run West to »l. then Hast to 12. then West to 18, and no on, bafk and forth, until they end with Section 30 in the Southeast Corner. Diagram 1 shows si plat of p. Township Mb it is divided and platted by the government surveyors. Those Townships are called Ouverttment Townships or Congressional Township*, to distinguish them from (Ml Townships or organized Townships, As fteqnontly Mm line* of organized Townships do tint conform to the Government Township lines. FRACTIONAL PIECES OF LAND SECTIONS OF LAND 40 * ACRh'S. * PLAT OP A FRACTIONAL SECTION. AT WASH MOTTO*. 0- CDIGEST OF THE SYSTEM OK CIVIL GOVERNMENT. DIGEST OP THE SYSTEM Of CIVIL GOVERNMENT, with a KKvrr.w m ihe DUTlliS AND POWt.lt* Of TflK IU I NCI PAL OFFICIAL* CONNECTED WITH niK VARIOUS JtKAXCIII > *»P NATIONAL. STATE, COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. THK OOVKItNMUNT "i tho United Stales is one of .limited and spoolin' powern, nlMi lly outlined and defined by a written con Mtilution Tin i onutitutton was adopted in 17N7, ami, with the amendment* Mud have wince been made, it fot nls the bk&is of tin- fillin' fabric <»l government under Which we live. The constitution creat«?«1 three distinct branches of govern uitetit, each of which in entirely sepnrnlr utid dp.tincl from the others. Tlir.v are the exetmim*. Icglidullvi and judicial department*. Tin- count it utioti >pr-cificalJy ve*ts the cxccntiv. power in tin President, but all memt»ers yf tlie cabinet art- uiamllv chtrjed with the executivo deportment; the legislative power ia hr 1.1 by Coogre.s, mi J tin- judicia. uuthontv is vested in the Stlpteni.; C ourt anil vurtou*. other court*, which Congress has provided for in pur*uai|i'e of thi: provisions of the tnmstitnlion ‘ II hn» been the •»!**» of Ihcw page* to explain e.uh of thtse different branches of government. and to briefly review tlw- duties. aud powers ol the principal offirtids conncrled witii rich .lrjiartmcm Th* President and \ ux-'lYrstdrnt ore cb-ctcd by popular vote, hat !hc rotr of eaoh Suir i* vfpati'.i. •<• tlj.it .1 candidate iusv have j l3r**e majority of thr .ggTrgate pop.dar vote of the country and vm fail ioSe elected! flu* Presid* ulMl -Irctrmi j, held on thr fmi Tarad-ay .tfter the Jjnt Monday in November, wIpii Prr-ideuii.il «irnor<* :*rr chnitn in and for the various State*. earli St.tr having a* many electors as it his represent Alive* in both bran .he*. of Congress The" elector* sie choker, bv :h«* hullot* "( Thr p-oj?i of th.ir Stale* and «U thr elector^ of a State cootfitate an rJectiwsl ada»t from the three candidates receiA'ing the Iti^hrsl electoral vote In flections;x*f till* kind eurh SUt* t» eulitleiJ to only om- vole. >md lw.**tliir«l** of the Suit?* fbrui 11 iiuoawn IIIISIDIM Or llll IMII.il MITLV The PreMdeut Irt thr htg)u**l cxeCUtiw otfn't-r of the TTnitcd Srittcs. Hit Uelt t«*d for the tcirn oTitttiJ yen,ai|it Kevin ^ tlaty *•! f.vj.nbo. per milium lb* liuint Ik? llllrty-hvt year* old or more, .in#l a nutive born cilfaujll (*r the t.:nite The lVe*fdeni i*. cliarurd With it general aupcnrUinii over the fiiiUiful execution i»l t.i-.vs prth^eil bv C!ougre&», and hi)4»upervii*iou 1’ivqt id) eaevntivt depurituuitti ot the govetnra^iL He itppoiutt ii t. .birn l of el^lit oftii ml* whti heeoiju' Uie hen^sof the various ile]Kirtuictu», anil them1 (lepnitim utn me luteudr.l to he manual I and iioiulni’led tni tJi*; t'fenidont din i t" The f'te»iid n?-prieviv* fhr alt ntfeliHi-i n^atlinl tlic rnilUtl ftlates* except in cases ol im pe.u liuu ut; Inin power, with the ndvkt Hint 1 r«fi<-ent «d tlie Senatt, to make treaties lb nomttMti r*. and with the advice md consent of the Senate, appoinla Aniha»cnible»- He has power, in certain exl#aordlnar» Or<‘a«inn* (Oridl tosethez lioth Houses of Coujfrrv*. **Uh Connf*1**. i* to the ^tate oi Ihe fjokm, rad oSrr »uch nuK^einiottk of tecommendntjim'* as he may deem proper. He l»euipO«ct*'d to upjmiee or wtu all tnra«urrv adopt til by Cop^jrrsa=. Nut it it* iwovided that any tueaaus* mn l»e passed over hi* veto by i th^raa «Ki <4 Coayre** The President contttllt l'tenui ntly «uh h 1^ Ca.vnn*:t, and nearly all important ofh< lal rn liter* are dUc us^e*l by that U-li In rase the office ftf Prtaiilent \wx*mu * VIKaitt through the d* alb removal or rrsijj^vation of the tncumlvnt. the law ptenrldr* that the office ^hall in tims nlled Uy the Vue*I*Tcvidt nt S- r» taj . «»f SUtr. and other Cabinet Ministers m rrcular order. ' _ vice i»mi:mi»fst Tlir Vlce Pteaidcn: of tbr 1‘uited Statea U elected lor the term of four ye.irs, and Hn of the I'tr^ldent, the Vtoe*President succeeds him Thr chief dutv of Uie Vice-Preaideni i» to art as the presiding omcer of I hr Senate lit haa no vote in thr Seuatr. excrrrt in cases of a tie, or an c.jual divmion of the member* of that body The Vtee-President ad-ministers the oath of otlice to Ihe Senator* Mini; OIIPAKTMVSSV. The head «»f thir. dcpaitmetit ir, the SecreUry of Stute, wlio p; ap-pointed by the Prenidcin an .1 nuMiibvi of the Cabinet, and receives a fcdarv of per year. The law provide* that in case the office of President become* vacant, through the death, rwnjoval or resignation of both the President and Vice Preimleut, thr Secretary of Stale assumes the dutie , of the rr' iiidcncy. The Sei retary of Stale may be said 10 be the official Secretary of the’ l^rcnldent, and oOutttefsignH all ctmunisyions issued by thr PrewhJeiil The Scru tiny of State m the bend of the Department of State-and is the chief diplomatic officer of the I nited Stales In his department and under bin tutpcrvldloii iscotidueU'd the public bmincssrtdalingtt' foreign affairs; Ki luiieapondencc,. MiumiMriotif* or iii-.unotions to or with public Minister* from the 1'nited Staten ; or to uegotiationa with Ministers from foreign State#; or to memorials ot other ntrplicatfona from foreigners, or foreign public Ministers, or dtUctin of thu country in foreign lamls. or comidicatiiiMs iritiu^ Uierefrotn The Secretary of State alsohaschatge of ul) other hiinine^ conncctird with fort.ign nffuiru extrudition inatters arid erforming ami caring for the duties outlined are the following bureauj The Diplomatic Bureau, which lonk* alter the afiatrs pertamiDg to ioje«i*t> governments The Coctaular Bureau, torrrepartmcm the ofB.es AMtatant K- rr'jrv. t{;»*), solicit..T. f^rk *l 4riiC rf 10 Srrrr,"> ,,f Jtate. tUXNO; pa»port these there are the coinptrnlin^ audit- 1 r>. cterk* ain! a*s»*tanr«, which number well up into the thousands. ritl AMi IIV Dr.I'AHTMItirr. This depatinnmt was o»R;.riri*d II* l»H’.i II... |,vad ol this debart-Sell!* “"1 ^ *ctaiy ol the rrca>>ury, ia appointed by Hie Re*. V . s.imeti.b.-i of thct nhltiet, md rocmvt , Hilary ..! $B,000per Si, oftef ■' •* .°r »f.,i,c "">si „ . - . , -----,........ Koveinmcnt, as it , ntlairs of Hit* government, custody of public luml and mnintenaucc ot public cn dit. Altinti llei lion of revemhj 1 |>,||!ni.eiiaticc ol public cirdu. Attiotig the many imt.ottaui duties devolymgunoii thin dcpattmenl an fhf following: Ii nimnrlii toitie. cob aTitUtant 1 .iuei.fi.v .0, siiprrititendcnt cngray- hat charge of the linuncud U, roll 1 aticc ot public ctnllt. Amnnir the ut> mm ... ..........■ ...........„WVVIV lection of nil iotcnml revenues and duties on imports, itul'the^ t.rcvcit-lion ol frauds in these department*. Allclaimn and demands, tither bv theimtcd Stilted or agtiiuil them, and alt the ac.ouiu* m which the I'UtttHl State*, arc Interested, cither 04 debtor* or. icdUOrs, must l»e sct-tieu ami adjuste.1 m the I teararr I)cj«irim*.nt. Tins department aJeo includes the Hunsao ul the Mint in wlm;b die government com and money* afe manufacturr.1. Hie I rcaaury lh*paiimrnt auibnnze- the organuunon nf rmf.m d 1 sinks and bn* supctvncn over them, has charge ..1 Ihr cnasl Purveys, the bghHKMs. *, marine bmpnar^ etc. It ha> i b irgc ol alt muneys beb-nght* to Ihe t nilrtl State*: de* ^nates dcp«isitone* «d punb> inoney*, kirja m co.upietr ai^t accurate s.^tem of aecuimnnsf, st.owing the rccntprs and disliurserarnt* ol the Treasury, and mukes re{jorta at Hated intervals «no**mit the ctmduior. of public 6nam e% puldic expenditure* and ihr piddK dck There arc a ar«t many vv»> oi.j^^T.ti.t •.if.cials • cdwiththe Treaaurt I)c|»artii*ent, ch.rf anioi.^ whn.h are tl«; SvXUxwur^ xtt.t Private scczcrary «d rhe b^a.| »•< tTie defiartmcni at K.Ut.i prr rear; three a»*«ant ftatxanMM IUOB each, tbn f . »erk. JV**'. * *:-.ef of aptxant* rneni drvisknt. rh.rf of warrants di* i*ion Kp ;*<•; ehiel oi public money* drvisuci K..V1M; ihief of custotns iliviMou. U.M). acting chief o! revenue manor divtieofl, *»; %teaml«nat m*|>««.ioi.*i ,Vio. chief Burvau - t Slatrstic*, life .«avtm «rrvm •upertutrnuent, ft.‘M^ assistant. commi*sx>nrr fturrau i*f Navigation, $X.0d); «tipcrir>-tendrnt I'niteil Stairs uatl and ^oaletir tutvrv, 06,OQTH s'utcc>b gvii«»at murine H<>u>cpattmcni,aj. the names of these uttices explain the branch Ot work they ate 1 barged with unending to. There arc a tiutn ber <»f other impoftaiw otUces ih the drpiutmcnr that should Ik- mentioned. among them Inritlg the fullowirig. The Solicitor of the Ttoasury, or chief attorney, who receives ^-1,-jOO per year for aitrmlmg to the b ;■ d maltetn 1 mfiierted with the department. The Commissionet of CunIoiun, who tei irlvi*'* per yearnitd his deputy i^;200(ha> (haigc of id I'm* count vthe res emir (ixuncus-torns and di^butsetiicni.s, and Im the billhbiig and repairing of < iiMom bouse*. The Treasurer ol the lTuifed Sialrn. ii'..«1vi;h per1 voai,a>fiist- :int Ir.^aBuret ijt.l.WO, uml su|i. the accounts of public expenditures uml rccfiinl^j rr.eive* the returns and makes uni titc otticial statemcut* of I’nitcd Stairs tommerc't and navigation: receives from first tomptrollct ami Ci public lao*l*. tin uKetoa cetnptroller resises and ecrt«hts tnc a.coat.t* uf the aimy and navy and of the Pension and Indian llnreau- Auditor*. There arc hi au.htor. Connectr*1 •nth the Treasury Departrneiil, each of whom receives * salary of per year, an.i is allowed a.del»utv at.» salary of |videtl fur h> Uw ,r.td bv tic Pioaddlt relative to m.bta nr forces military nuA ihe warlike stores ot ‘he tuned SUtes. In former ;ST^3.|“n«5S. h«l..Mnd,.» « well « military ' _ iIIIt f»n9 has been trjivfifrrrJ up the Ocpjitrn■> *>« “““ of tb* appioach of storms. There is-also nuintiined a Civil KngtfMcefOtg Ik partment. through the aid of which i« carried nut *u«‘h iinptovrntents n. rivers and hartxvs as may hrautbomcd by Cone 1 css. fiie Secretary ol War also hassupenrason wer ihe West Po.ni Mibtarv A* adetny. The private clerk for Ihe head of the War I VpartmCut ’ • pan] $£.'») Tier rear; assistant iccrfU:v, ^4 '*»), cl . f clerk ?I,TVj. the must or the sub.irdmates and assistants in the War I^eparimrni. except those mentioned, are officer* nf the Regular Army, who ^rc |uld sa’.arirs and perquisites. The CpOnnahdtng uoetal camo ne«t to the Sccieiaiy, and rtCeivr* a sai.iry of ?7..j€0 {»e.r year. He bail.* after r.'te arrungement of mibtar> foites»superintend- d^e recruiting *vrvicr and discipline 0! thr army, olden couris-ntartial, and iu a general sense chaige*l with ceinK- to the enforcement of the law* and regulation - ol thr army. I hr Adjutant General keeps the rolls sad ihe order* isiucd. Tin QOiiitrnuaHei-Centra'lias charge »i thr barracks and Ihe supplir*, rln., tha« maybe rc the lie ul of the deparnn.ent'ot military justice. The Surgeot> l icurral, as the nainr bn pltes,.looks after the p/ffairs of the army relating to *Sck,woun».U.d, hOHpi-tal, etc. The Paymaster-liuuenil is the •liiibun.ing oHiter foi the rummy required by the department. There i* also the thdnaiin office, control ling ordnance store . arsenal-, armories, the nimmfncttirc arm», etc. The Topographical office has charge, of ..II plat > and drawings uf all surveys made for military purpoMcs. Bcnidc- thn>c llicri' me the Iiispector-Gcnerrd' Dejiartim nt and dcpaitmmth devoted tu war records, publications, ,»c. In tins caunccti..n it may l»c- of Interest to tin? geftelal leader to refer brief!v to a fey. fact:' concerning the Regular Army, fhr United States is divided for this purpose into, a mimlie.r of military dnrtric.tv. The head oi each department Tcceivrs his gerietfll mMrm'tiuua and orders from headquarters. I he term of rte.ivh e in the Ke«ulai Atniy is t|?e years. The pay of private - ildier* at the »tnrt i* flit per month and rations, and this is increased according to time of m.i vice, being fcil per month and rations after twenij year** service. Hu pay uf the officersis proportioned to their rank." Coiuiie!* receive fti^OI) pec yrari hrigaiL*'* generals. and major gcnrraU. I'T. VW. SAtV IIIP1HTSIST The head of this department i* tin Sc-« arvof the Navy, who w ajipoinied by the President, and xrcc.ve* a oiiary uf jk-i annum This department is charcesi with thr duty of attending to the • on?tiur tion, armament, equipment aivd employment of vessels of war. *1 well as alt oiher matter* omaectcd wiih wva. affairs, and appropriations made therefor by Co 1 greys fl«: Ncvretarv of the Navy ha* dimt control of the.IJmted State* NaraJ Academy at Altl]fl|>uUl. Vtarvtaod; issues orders to tbe ennuuauders of'the vatiuui* nqiiadron*; has gencrui authority orcr the Marine Corps; and ha* control o! all the .ocnl bureaus of the Navy l ieparmient. Theieare a number uf btrrtsiu* organucd 11. the Nuvy liefuittrnrnt for die purj*o*e of more thoiooghly handling the work, ^mung thr m.isi imjrortant of which uui be nienl.une.1 fhe lollowiug• Huieau of Steam Engineering; Bureau of Medicine and Sur^rry . Iturrauof Navtga* Ihjo; Bureau of Provisions and Clothing; liuteau of Yalds and U01 ksj Bureau of Or.buince; Bureau of IliiUipinent and Recruiting; Bureau of Construction and Repair. Att.ir.hed tn this depattmrut are aUo officials nr bureaus 10 alteml to the following matterx: Marint* IUirrark>, Wash ington. D. C.; Museum of Hygiene; Naval I>ispen*aty, Hoard ol Inspection and Survey; Navy Supplier and Account*; Naval 1 Ilmen.1 lory; Hydrographic Office; Library and Wai Rf.-nrds; N-.val Intelli* gerice; Nautical Almanac, etc. Rear-admirals in the Navy arc paid fN.000 per Vr.ai. c.ummndolo*, ^.OOO; captains, ;?-l/'Ob; iieiitrnant■commandci •, et-I.DOO medic d rlncc.t orsfrank Of captains), $4,4»l ciiptalnH), ^l,14(111; pay Ihspectms (rank of commanders), ^l.-KM), In the Kngiueei Corph the 1 Inrf engineers ura also paid S4.400 per year. PONT Ol’l'ICK I»t:ikAKTttt:]NT. This is one of the most imp'-rtcmi bran- he* o| the National ( iovern* ment. Its head is the Postmaster-General, who (a appointed by the President^and icccivca a salary of $rt,000 |*ci aminilh The Pom t’Hfu.c Department has supervision over the execution of til) law* passed by Congress affecting the postal service, and ha* general jni|icrVinton tiVrr everything relating to the gathering, luriymg aiul disiribution ot United Sutcs mails; superintend* tlie distribution md disp.^.d nf all monrv* belonging to. or appropriated for. the department . and the lUMtroriiou c-i and supervisMUi over aJJ persons tn the prn al *etri'ry, with rrference to their duties. In providing lor luu»diir.g die general swk oi the Po*t i Mine I>e|-stt-ment il has been loand neceasary to crcatr four tiureaui or oifu r*. Os they are termed, each trf which is presided oVe» by an usoitant |m*»i-master-general, who each receive per annum ire afl snbject to the direction ai»d supervnuQn of the hrjd the drj•artmei.i A *<*\ i<-w of these various bureaus and their principal offir ials, with thr Larne <4 the o»Bce. trdl sbowr rcry dearly the w.wk handled by each. ihe first assistant po>tmastcr-gei»rra' allowed a thirl cleik at $2JjOO per year ; sapcrin!er-ler.i of p*-'t X 1 The second assistant postmaster-genera. ha* charge ot a number ol divisions, indicated hv the following officials who ate under hi* ' outm!: superintendent of railway adjustments at 12,000 per year ch.ef of inspection division, ?2,0UO; chief of mail equipment division, #l^M); general superinteodent railway mail sen ice, #;i.V,*0; siipcrmtefiilent foreign mads. $8,000. The third assistant postmaster general has chaigeof the postage stamp division and the finance division Tlie chief of the foriuct receives $2,550 per annum, and of the latter W.il'W pci ye.u The fourth assistant postmaster-general ha* contiul ul a nuiubei of divisions, as indicated ny the following ofliciaU who are under ho supervision, viz.: Chief of the division of appointment's, who is paid $2,000 per annum; chief of the division <>l oond* mid g.;neia), 14,000; superintendent and disbursing clerk, *2.100; and n topogniplier, at ^2,500 per annum. ^ DEPARTS!ENT OP TUV. IVI Kltlolt. The Interior Department is under the immediate control of the Secretary of the Interior. He is appointed by the President,oud receives a salary of $S,000 per year. In this department. ,1* the name implies. ir» conducted most of the public business relating to dome "tic *.r internal aflairs,atvd. like most o{ the other execmivede|Uirimrnts, if (^divided into a number of subdivisions and branch*.*«. Itic Secreury ...I tto Inter up is charged with a general su{»«rviftion over puhhr bo*ine.-*> connected witli the following branches, vis,: l<.v. The census of the I nited Sines 2d. Adi matters connected with public lands. :t) Everything relating to the Indians or Indian aflan.«. 4th. All matter* concerning pension* ot bounty lands. 5th. The issuance and filing of patent*, and caveat*. 6th- The custody and distribution of public*t ion*. 7th. The compilation ot statistics relaung to educational nutter* m the various States. iLsrmnei> Aoousontn td ai*t or congress is the tear *. n v0y nr a. “••l* a co. in ttie office of the libra run of congress at wahhisotos, sk aDIGESrf OF THE SYSTEM OF CIVIL GO VK K N \1KNT H*- if«- h*i\ ovcrumbs over several of the Government's charitable and bene volent institution*. Kor tbe purpose of handling properly the bu*i-no* connected wrtti most oi the subject* mentioocu, there are buresus oigamxed for the purp«tx^ !>»«• Ml«r>n paid to the principal officials connected with the Interior 1 •[ i uimeiit *ic as fallows: First assistant secretary *1 the interior. po jren; JWitut secretary. JM.OO"; chief clerk, ant att> »ney-eene»al (Dept of Interior], t&.000: commissioner of the General Lind Office. &\UOO; commissioner oi Indian affairs, M.OOO; super intcudeni of Indian schools, <3,0*•*; commissioner of the Petition Othce, $of>«)j medical referee, f^OO. oommiMjoncr of railroads, 14/40; commissioner of the Patent Office. f&,0OO; c^mmwi-mcf ol the Kdueation Office. director Of geological survey*, W.OOO; sujwrr- mtendent of the Census Office, $6,QQCT. DKIMJtTJfK.VT OF At.RICTl.Tt III. Tills department was formerly connected with the Interior Depart* mew, but in 1881* it was icorgamzcd and made independent, and tiic .Secretary of Agriculture was rnadiea member of the Cabinet, The head of thin department is appointed by the President, and receive* u salary of 18,000 per annum. The general duty and design of tbo Deportment of Agriculture I*. in acquire and diffuse among die people of the United States useful itilor* illation on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general mid loiuptehetwivc sense of that word, arid to procure, propagate and dls* tribute among the people hear and valuable seeds and plant*. The following is a list of the chief officials connected with the Department of Agriculture and their salaries, arid the list will also r-ervc to indicate the various lines of work handled by and the various duties winch devolve upon the department, viz.: Assistant Kcrretary of seri-rare receives 44.MMI j>er annmu; chief of Weather Bureau, $4,iS00; chiel of Bureau of Animal Industry, ^3,iJ"";statmtician, 93,600: chemist. 4'A'>00; entomologist. Ifci«i00; botanist, oniitbotogiAi, &2JW0; chief <4 forestry division. 82.OW: pomologist.S‘J,o4W; chief of vegetable palhnl-«*gy div - on, e'-i,'**'. microscopist, director of office of expert' menial stations, fcSS/W*; chief division c*f accounts, Itt/iQO; chief of division of record* and editing. £2,500; chief o! division of illustrations and engravings, £2,000; bortic-ulturisr, t2£G*>. DtriBTHE.XT OF JlKTItS, The head of the Department of Jastice is the Attorney-General, who if appointed by the President, and receives a s-.ii.try of Sf.OCn per annum. The principal assistant a! the Attorney-General ** the Solicitor* General, who receives 37 «00 per year. There are a number o{ ant atiorney-generals who receive $>‘.000 per annum, ami a special assistant attorney general Ls appointed for nearly all of the yatioo* department*, ;ncheht:g tbcTreason State. PostOtticc uj : Interior l>* partmcnUL Besides these there me a number of special officials co»-netted with the Department of Jastice, such as examiner of title.*, who receives iSJSt) j>er annum; superintendent of building*. 12/40; ap* pomtmer.t and disbursing clerk, $2.<.«», and attorney in charge of pardons, 12,400. The Attorney-General is the legal adv -er o: the President, and it i>-the duty of the Department of Justice to give all opmious and render all services requiring the skill oI persons learned in the law necessary to enable the President and other officers of the various Government departments to discharge their respective duties* I'his department i« also required to prosecute or defend all suits or proceedings m which the United States is interested. The Attorney-General ha* general super-vision over all the solicitor* for the various departments; and also oxer* ti-.es general supcnnteiaience and direction over all United State* marshals and Untied States district attorneys of all the districts of the Umti’d States and Territories. 0 J\I>EPEXDEXT DEPART*!K,M>. There are several independent departments, which, although none of them arc a* important as the foregoing, and their heads are not Cabinet members, yet they form a very necessary part and attend to very Important branches of the National Government. Government Printing Office, i'he head of thts branch of public work is the Public Printer, who is appointed by the President, and receives a salary of 01,500 per year. His chief clerk is paid )xr year, and there is a foreman of printing and a foreman ol binding, earb of whom receive $2,100 per annum. Civil Service Commission. This comnnssion consist* of three commissioner*, each of whom are paid $3/100 per year. The chief examiner connected with the commission is paid fct.000 per annum, and the secretary tl,Wk Interstate Commerce Commission. This commission was created for the purpose, arid charged with tbeduty, of seeing that toe law* legu-htlinfi interstate commerce were faithfully eaecutrd and ofj*eryed* and to prevent unjust discrimination on the part .< railway corporations and common carriers. The commission consists of fa\e commissioner* appointed frran different jectious of the United State*, earb of nbmn rect‘ves a Salary o* 87^0) per year. Tbc secretary ot tbc commission receives a salary of £•/*** ;-er annum. Department of Labor. The general d«ip?: ?vu» '.rpartment is to collect, a»«iTt and systematire statistical details relating to the different branches of labor *n the United States. The head of this deiartiticut ss known as the Commissioner of the Department of Ubor,.uxl be -spaid a salary* of $o,000 per nnnam. His chief dcrk receives f2/VXJ per year, and disbursing cleric jrwciART. The judicial powers oi the United States arc vested in the foUuwinjf-namcd court*, vtt: The United States Supreme Court. cor.slstniK’ of one chicf justice and eight associate justices; the United State* Court (n money and reguiate the value thereof: tit the stand- ard of «t»*hts and measure*: to declare arimr«(bo: it •• provided that no appropriation for £tis p«pM«:» lor a longer than for two years]; to prov.ee J “ to tfrun: letters of tnar*jueaud rc|»r.«laiid^e^«^aro“S utcf «»ti Uiitl a ml «MV! to mkt ntia for the jjwtnxment ami re^uU Boo oltHe land and oaral farces; to erablisb to ;rnote the progress of science and the useful arts by'1 limited times, to sutlers and inventors, the exci^ixr^httothcirre-•pective irr.i.n. sand discoveries, to cousntute tribunals lafntorjotbe hupreme Co.irt; to define and punish mraots and felonies committed On (hr high *ras and -Heoscs against tne law ?£ nations; to «c»eife etdasivc legnUtmn over the District of Cobnnha and places purchased forforla, magaiincs, irsenals,etc.;and further to make all Jaw* new* ■sry for the fe&ernl welfare of the Urtited States, and for carrs i.i{, in o oxccution tlie foregoing jKiwers, and ail other powers vested bf tte U»-itiration in \hr C.ovrmmcut of tl«r United SiAtcs, or in any i.t*purtincn! or offir.rr Hi tn Of." Vbr i onutitufinn cxprcsslylorbtds Congress makinK any l.nv rcipectiog A* ** ++Ucftnt\ nr nrohihiiin^ trie crot I. I |ig^«WI^IIIU*l"“ --------- IT* _ ting I he c^Whlisbment of religion, or prohiotiing tne free c.torcific tbcrrol, or ubiiiiging the freedom of speech, or «»i the # « I l_>.. _.k. k . I lav I 1 tfWl pies^. or the right of the tieople peaceably to assemble, and lo petition the CiOV'.'rtltttotit fur a redress of grievances. Congress cannot suspeno the privilege of the writ of hahras corpus cxcept in Cases rebellion nr invasion wheU the public safety may lequ.re it. No bdi of attamclei or r.r A>(/ fteto law run be passed. No tax or duty can be laid on nrticlcA exported from any State. No preference can be given by any relation of r onintcice or revenue to the ports of one State over those ol another. No title of nobility can In granted. F.v-ry law passed by CoiU'ress must be submitted to the President for his approval. It lie returns it with lii» objections, or vetoes it, the measure may be passed over hi* veto bv a two-thirds vote of both branches of Congress. The Senate, or the " Upper House of Congress," is composed of two Senators from e tch Slate in the Union, 'fliey are elected by the I .c# •-*!*• turca of their respective States for tbc term of six years, and receive a salary of l&jOOO per amiom. No person can be elected to the Untied States Senate who has not attained the age of thirty years, been lime years .» citiicn of the United States, and is when clected an inhabitant of the State fmm which he is choven. The Senate has Sole power to try all tmi’cachmenis. Its consent and conftrmatiou is necessary for all unpovtaiit officer appointed by the President. Its consent is also oec* cssary to conclude any treaty. The House of Representatives is the " Lower House of Con^nns." Each SutC in the Union is divided into congressional districts, of as nearly caual population as i« practicable. In each district a representative » elected by the peopie for a term of two j*cars, and each is pa»d i tain *y o( v pci year. Besides these, a delegate from each organised Territory is admitted to the House of Representatives, who is not entitled to vote, bu: has the right to debate on all subjects in which the Territory which lie represents has an interest. No person can be a rep* iese it.it. vc who hA« not attained the ace of tweniy-r.v e years, been for seven years a citiren of the United States, and is at tbe time of hi* election an inhabitant of the State from which bets choien. All bills |.*r raising revenue must originate ra the House ci Representatives. T STATE GOVERNMENT. UK method of State government throughout the United States follows very closely the general plan of government that prevails in intinnal affairs. The various functions of government in State affairs ate handled In departments, with a State officer at the fyead of each branch, and the lines are.dearly drawn between the executive, legislative and judicial powers. All the States arc governed under a constitution, which outlines and defined the powers which each of these departments shall exercise and possess. All of I he most important State officials are elected by the people, hut in many of tha States the less important offices are filled l>y appointment of tho Governor, by and with the consent of the State Senate. . «;ovf.r\or. The Governor is the highest executive officer in all the Stales of the Union, oud is elected by a direct vote of the peopie. The term ot olfice varies materially in the different States, ranging from twotosu years. varies materially in tne utnercut Mates, ranging trom two to si.\ ye us. As lo the matter cif salary that the Governor receives, it also diffets widely throughout the different States and is subject to frequent change. At the present writing two Stale*—New York aini Pennsylvania--pay their Governors 910,009 per year; Illinois and California both pay per annum; Minnesota. Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Mi Nevada, New Jersey. Vi Maryland pass *ce am! Texas pa l olorado, lows, Kansas and North Carolina all 8&O00 issoun, i_o;oran», I ova, Kansas ano >ortn Carolina aJJ payt^QOO; West Vir-cinia, t'J.7v0; MoutatiA And Washington, 92jOSb; the Dakota* and Nebraska. •Q/OO; Connecticut. Delaware and Maine, #2,000; Oregon. ■p apmoHB . Mun, fLW. Aiui New Hampshire. R)wwrr iu many States to suspend a State officer or fven a county officer, pending a legal mvcstigation. The Gove moritsues requisitions upon the executives of other States for parties chanted with -rime wh- - scape to other Stale*, and he has power to issue warrants for ticemg citmmals upon re^^msitionof other Guveniors. UCtTCX IMPUTEILXOR. The office ot Lie iter ant-Govenior does not exist in all of the Stato in the Union, at Inis: not under this name, as io a few of the States this officer it only kiicmn a* the President of the State Senate. In some ol ihc States the L>e.itciyu.:-G.Jvemor is paid a certam amount per da% during session* of the Legislature or Cenerai Assembly, and £ other* he u allowed a t.xed Salao*. Lut it a provided that if the duties of •mould devolve uj him him, he shall duting ftie <.otiunuancei4 s»ch emergeucy be rntitle;dt of the people ol a Slate, and tbc office exists under this name In every State Hi the Union, I he Secretary of State thay be said lo be the official secretary of the Governor, and countersigns all com• missions issued by (he chief executive, and he is rhe custodian of the Great Seal ol the Stale. Ax a rule it is the duty of the Secretary of State lo call ihc House of Representatives to order and preside until a temporary presiding officer, or Speaker, is elected. It j§ his diitv to se? that trails are prepared for the legislature or General Assembly; he prepares the leglshtllve imimuil and causes it to be printed and ilm-tributed; rtecuieH the priming and disirlhution of the State laws; indexes wnd tiles executive dociujtoitts; proviilea and distributes election blanks; bus ohaige of all books, bills, papers, etc., of the Legislature, and is practically "keeper ol all public acts, laws, records, bonds, etc." The Secretary of State i* required 10 keep a register of all the official acts oi the Governor, and affixes the Seal of the State tonll official commissions, etc , keeps a record of them, and ii obliged to give any person a copy of the s oue when demanded. In all of the States the Secretary of State is tX'Ojfitfo member ol a number of the official State boards, but no list of these COUld be given that would apply to all States, as they are different in the various States, sT.tTF. AFIMTOR. The otfice of Auditor of State exists nnder one name or another m •early every State in the Umou. The title of tlii* office, however, is not alike in all the Sial*.-s, a* in ninny of them, notably California. Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maryland. Nevada, New jersey. New York, South Carolina. Tennessee, Texas, and a few others, it \s known State Comptroller. In a lew of the Stales, radud ing Michigan and Pecnsy I-vant.i, the office •« called Auditor Genera], ainl m two o* the States tbc ublic account* are audited by a B..ud at Auditors. Ia all the States, owevcr, the duties that devolve upon this branch of the State government aie practically the same, and a general explanation of the scope of work liaudlol by tbc State Auditor in one State will appiv, except as regards mo nor detail*, to all of the States. It is the duty of the Sraie Auditor to keep the accounts of the State with any other State or Territory. and with the United State* and alt public officers, corporations and individuals having accounts with his Slate. He audits the accounts of alt public officcr* who are to be paid oat of the State Treasury, and all lertofea who are author: red to receive n.-oney out of the State Treasury, o fact, all claims against the State which are to be paid out of the State Treasury must be presented to the Auditor, who, after the same ts adjusted, isv.u t warrants UtCrcfor i e at the Treasury. A complete rceord ol each warrant is kept by the Auditor, whoaiso keeps an account with the State Treasurer, charging him with all moneys paid into the Treasury, and giving credit for all warrants paid, and the books and voin ln r*> of the l ie i ury must balance therewith, as settlements rue made between these two officers at stated intervals. In a number of the States the Auditor i* charged with a general supervision over certain corporations, Hitch as insurance and banking corporations and building and loan associations, and In some States is ex-officta a member, of a number of State hnardri. He generally has authority to make and execute satisfactions of judgments and assignments thereof in behalf of the State. MTATB TltF.AHI ltl.lt. This is one of the most important executive offices in the gift of the people of a State. The Slate Treasurer handles vast sums of the people's money, and as a rule a very heavy bond, ranging from $500,000 up into tin millioti*, is leouited of him; and generally"the Governor is empowered to demand additional bonds if he deems the bond insufficient to fully prot< c t the S'.aiai- • - ... ........ E i . .7 • I lie duties of the State Treasurer are implied by the title of the hey a the Union, llie State. Treasurer is custtonds to secure ihe Treasurer or State against toss, and which pay interest on daily balances. The Treasurer pays out Stale fends onlyon warrants issued or signed by the State Ami tor, oi othct proj»er otficial. and a full record of all warrants is kept in both the auditing ottice ami Treasurer’s office. The plan by whlrb the Tn jsiurr receiver the revenue* «.f the State is diffeter.*: in ditferrut Stale*. In *ome Staten the Auditor issues an onler foT him to rrec.vc tk.c same and charges; the amount against the Treasury. In Other* he is charged with all moneys which he is entitled to receive, and then given 4.redit for del'rtquenoes. Io still other State* the Treasurer i-• es duplicate receipts inr all mnnc>* paid in. which must be countcT-s.cned bv the Auditor to be vaBd, aiulooeof these must be deposited with the Auditor, so he may charge the amount against the Treasurer. In this wav a double system is earrie»l on—both Auditor and Treasurer keening a full account of all moneys received and pud out. af.d their tiookx and accounts mu»| I ia la nee, as at «tatel the Attomev-Gen^ral arc very similar. It it In* duty to appear for the State in all actions and pro-credlin:s in thr Supreme Omrt m which the State has an interest: lo institute arid pn»*ecute in all courts all actions, either for or against a •1C offi> • which ihe State has an interest; to consult with and advise the various county or state's attorneys i:i matters relating to their official duties, an«l Ve i public interest requires be assists them m criminal prosecution*. It is hi* duty to consult with and advise the Governor und oilier State officers, and give, when requested, wntten opinion* on le*ral or convt it ulema) questions relating to their official duti««, and lo give written opinion* when requested oy the Legisiatcre or any committee tberrof. It i« also hi* duty > prepare, when necessary, drafts for contracts or other srritings relating to subjects in which .• mteo Hr t% rc-juiird to enforce tbe proper apptica* tkm of funds appropriated to ihe varwou >tate institutions, and prose-cute breaches of trust in the aditim.stratum of the same: and when ESmagD ACCOBD1NO TO ACT OF CONOHS3M IN TUB YEAH A. D nr riF?i. • »«LK t CO. is THE OFTTCE Ol THE UIIIURIA.N OT OONOHSB8 AT VVASIUSQTOX. D. C.1 >1* 'KST OF THE SYSTEM neteMaf* jnoMXuic corporations Jot failure or relusal to comply w;th the Up*: to pn**ecnte official liond* ai delinquent officers or corpora-wfiich the State has an interest. The AttiirnOy-Gencnil «s OK CIVIL < iOVERNMENT. Ml require! 10 keep a record of all actions, complaints, opinions. etc MTATC PWlSTKSttMT OK *t I'f'.ltl \TK\ lil'AT OK ft II- i.ic’ i wrm i riov OTHRR MTATR OI | |i i uh. Stite officetl a, !’c,ru,ct,nay lf fou,,ll,wo "r ™** of thr following isf1^rnim , .;Mc.s ai^ T»r: iH41 tAch thc officer? ttf aaricidtmr.2S2£^tlJi n^VU‘: Suf,cnr,le^'lrnt or commissioner 2cm»£r«rf ** i 7m,i> *cTr,<"y <»* agricultural uuni. "'«• ■'"P.™ tou«. Thu Wan office which exist* in nearly every State in ihe Union. In Ihrrre* four o| the State* the management oi the educational interests of the State .9 vc*rd in a Mate Hoard oi fcdueanon, but in these cases „ ------------------------------Wl „,r -lur.trme . ou.i tne •tertiary «■* the board •SHimatmm uf the detail work that in mc*t ^n.i*w,er ot railway eonirmwicmerof immigrationSuiei.mSi« of the State* devolve upon the >tate WtmtemlrnL The full title ?*** b«^p. land urnt or commiiaianer commit*nr*or* given n» th1.* oAcfl »* n«»t 'he same m all id the Stales, but tt b generally *un*rtnrm«lr ••• »•* **•-— » -*■ - called "State Superintendent of Public Instruction or Public Schools^*' .. - ------ |u Ohio, Maine and Rhode Island, and a feu otl*«t>. the office is termed lo>* dai,y cntmmsatoner, -Commissioner of School*." The duties of the State Superintendent arc very tvmch alike in all oi thr Stale*, f*s he ■< charged with a general supervision over the educational Interest*of the State and of tin- public sihuol* In many States hiK authority is tml limited to the public schools, and he is authorized by law to demand full reports from all colleges, ai ulemicsor private schools, ll Is his duty io secure nt regular tniervnU reports from all i T ,*,v7*1 w cxHsxmtuHmet* cmnqm**. art irrufpf iir T-uVr., ? *rvr* ofh,c< rr^a °* u^®wi«m**oocr«ri scnotfs a .id land*. aurveyor-gcuctal. Inspectorgeneral. State oil iqm.,<. • l<»M*-r public educational institutions and liie atl p.itui 1 •.-ports and docn-mrnl* traflonllttcd to him by locul or . ounty school oOn.era, He is the gcnetal adviser and assistant of the vurioim <. ounty *UPt:rtntflndcnts;br school officers, to whom he must give, when requested, his written opinion upon questions ariMttn under the ichool law. It iv abo his duty tn hear and iletctmme < ontrovarwet urtainj; under the school laws coming to him by appeal from a county superintendent or *choo) official. Hr prnparcaanil distributes School rejfiktera^ M’hool blanks, etc- and is generally »*i\en Hur power to make such iules and regulations as are n«et«arT tofarry into efficient at«l (inifurm effect thr pnniMon* ot the L»si rrUtniK to *clux>ls. The State Superintendent * required to make a detailed rew-t: to each regular -.r-v>-n .1 the State Legislature, show-,n>; an aosuact of tl»e cotmw*o *rhoOt report*, a «at*mrr.t oi the condition of public acbools and State educational mtntution*; the amount of Utoney lollecled and expended, and all oihat matters retain g to the •'it «h«^'l funds tlmt have been repotted t«» him. He is for-n»l«lin Ifmn becomn.^j interested m the. wlrot any school furniture, book or 4jpanitus. STATE LIBRARI %». In nearly all nf the States the laws provide for a State officer under 1,tie of " State Librarian." As a rule the ol'tice i« fdle*! by appoint* **T.%T»: IIAARIIH. n!rra<1v *>een men. loneif.ti.cre a,c a nuniberof Slate boards or bureau,ubat are tif ossars ?«2S7 5i° 1 connc ted wuh the Kovemmeut of JinfsvMv the tsile (cent of the Governor, ahhouzh tn a few States it it an elective onice nd ii filled hv direct vote of the people. The State Librarian is the cu«iodian of all the l>ooks anti property belonging to the State I.ibrarv. anil m rr<|uired to i*ivc a bi nd for the ptaprr ducharge of his duties and -jlekeepmK i*f the property intrust* d to h » caie. as in manv of the States the State Library is an immcm*ely imjxirt.ini and valuable fo\-lecnon. In*,omeof the i+iate* the Suprrn.r 1 quit juilecs pre*criis work, in many rr-pca*. 1* very smniur,,but there is a great dif-letfiice between the various Statrs m ihe »>(6cers who attend to it. Where this rs tnaik a K{«n(c State office, jjcr»cmliy speak.-nc. the rvtpnuments are that he must he a skilled accountant and ex peri book-kreper. anti cannot be an olnccr of any of the public Institutions, nor in*rrr*ted in any of the financial corporations which tt may bis duty to cijriune He ii charjjeil * ilh the duty oi risitinff and fwpeaiug the financial a*.count> j-ul standitig of certain corporations and in»trtmions • »r,.*.4• • • •• 1 under the State laws* 10 several of thr. States it is also made h«s tlniy to visit certain county Official* at utaietl intervals, and inspect lli« 1 Ic^k. andai couiits, and c:daTce a unifono system oi bookkeeping by Slaie and « ounty officers. I OttMlAMlOSI.lt OK Hi I'UKI %TKM»»:.\T or I\SI K:L\CK. Ill all of the States of the Union the department relating to insur-auitr hrti crown to l*c an important branch of State government. The method «»l toiitiol'wup thr insurance business dith-i-* materials- m many of the State*, although they arc all gradually moving in the aatncdirec-*»««.. vii. crrating a department State ot'hcr m which all matters rrlatuig to insurance ami insurance companies are attended to. In former f«-4is. in nrarlv all of tlie State*, the uwuraucc business formed a department m the Stale Auditor's office, and was bandied by him or his appointee*. Now, however, in neatly all ibe Northern States and many of the Soufheni Sutes, they have n srpatate and distinct insurance depaitment, the head of which i» either elected by the people or appointed by the Governor. The duties and powers of the insurance department of the various States arc very Similar. A general provision i« that the head of this dcivirtiucttt must be experienced in insur-anci mnllerii, and he >s prohibltea from holding an interest in any insurance company. I he Commissioner or Supeiititendi.'iit of Insurance has cxietiMVi- powers concerning iiisornucr matter?, and It Is his duty to see that all laws tctpectihg and regulating Insurance and insurance coin- icw are faithfully observed; he es license# to insurance companies uml it is Ins duty to revoke the license of any company not con-lomilug to the law. Reports are made to him at stated times by the various companies, and ne has power to examine fully into their condition, assets, eic. I le files in his office the various documents relating to tuauraiire companies, together with their statements* cfc^and at regular intervals makes luil rej>orts to the Governor or Legislature. • (IMMIMHIOM K OF I. A IIO K »T*TlWTIO*. In -evml • if the State** a "Commu-'ionef vemotr vbtf ift thr head of what may be trrmeaiixc, and pfesenl in regular rr|*o«s to the Legislature, si^tisnral details relating to the diffrrmt departments of labor >n the Sta:e,and make such recom-uicndalion* may be deemed proper and necessary concerning the I liommrir.ia), industrial, social, educational and sanitary conditions of ihe tailoring clauses. all ll,.,* .. I , I I .1 1-IWM‘W null lllirLUUn ItlMml- - a I that can be found lu the majority ol the Stales; some of them, however, .ire only found ill a few of the State?, because they 11 tr of n local nature and ate only made nece-.sary by tin existence ol ccrlain local Conditions or IniMni’Ss interest, It will also b. ob«n iv« d thm houir ol tne tKimds named i.over the same line of work that hasali- adv been inrntiojieil ,-»s )><•:.,mjmg to some State officer, Thi* gmwsfiiim ihe fact -•r a lew of Ibe Stutva place Ihe management of certain lines of work m ttie bands of n State boani, while in others instead ol haVthg a Stale boani they delegate the lowers and duf.es lo n single State official. A*l of the States,however, haVe a numhct of t‘ eState bends meimourd m this hat. ;he names 01 winch imply the hue of work each attends 10. vir.: Kadmadand watehouse# mmms^jouer-sl'oardoi eouaJfratH/n.boatd or commtuino of agrieulture, university trustees, baiu or COmniissMHi-cts ot |>ubbccharines.canal cummiiskmcr«,|>cnHeutiarycomuiitsh>ner«, btaid ot health, dental « **miners, trostcesof Inttorir.sl libtaiy.buird ot piuirmacy. c>.wnmi-sion »>t claims, livestock Cotmnitsmaes*. hsh com-missioneri ins;^* tm* c Owl mme>« iahor rntnm extraordinary occanonw. cad a special session bv issuing a pio* lamatiou. The Legislative |iep*rtment has the tKrwer to pass ail «uch law* as may l»e neressarv for the welfare cl the State, ami cam oro effect the priAHnm* of tlie constitution The Legislature receive* Ibe re|Kirts of ihe Governor,together with ibe report* of the tanou*oth«-r State officers; they provide by appropriation for die ordinal> and contingent expenses of the govrntmettl; at regular time* urovidtd by law they apportioo ihe State into political districts end make all 6tner piovirions lor carrying on the State government. Tlieie is u general prohibition against the p»*»«.ige of any n /kntjfat'fr law, or law impair ^ 1 h«J obligation of CDiilracts, (*r mnkiinj any irrevo.rable grant of special privileges or immunities. Any measure to become .1 law must be passed by both branches f>f the 1 cgtslature, nutl then be pre«rnii.d in the Governor fdf.-hisaiiprovtil, 11 he withholds his approval (01 vetoes it),the measure may I'*.- rCpassed by a lwo*thlrds vote ’nf the LegUlaiure,v/hun it will become a law iiouvith>tandiug the Governcxr-a veto. 0EVATS. The Senate rt the Upper Hc appiNnted f.y the Governor, tlie apiKMiitmcnta must be approved 01 confirmed by tlie Senate. mu vi: or itr.rni:M..\TAi ivi *. Tlie Lower House of the Stale Legislaiuir, in nearly if not quite all the States of the Union, is termed the House of Representative*. Like the SenaioiS,«very member of the House ha* the right to be heani in adtocating ot optHfttag any measurv brought before the U-fy i.f whrcti he is a mrmlw-r. Tl»e llouse is given the sole power of impeachment, bet all impeachment* must be tried by the Senate. As a geocral rule, there is a provision that all bills for raising revenue must originate in the House. Jl OK I IKY. The "judicial Pepaiimrnt ** is justly regarded as one of tbo most imrK>rtant and powerful branches of government of eiihrr the State or Naiio-r. as it becomes thr duty of this department to pass upon and interpret, and thereby either annul or give validity to all the most important measure* and acts.of both tlie legislative oml executive hranche* of the govcfimieut. ... . . , It isimpoSHlDle |n a general article tn give 11 detai.nl review or description of the eniistniciinn and make-up of the judicial dctiiirtiueiits ot" the various States, Che courts are so d.Ueicntly m ranged both a* to their mhke-up and jurisdi* tion that it would be ujn jtfu.. to try to give the rea.lt 1 a gmiral d.-. riptloi. that wouUl accurately covert lie ground. lu all nf the States, except, |H)Wibl)'» one or two, the highest judlclul authority of the Slate is know n as the supreme Court, and unle^ «pies-SSS are involved which «i e the I nited States Colirts jur.sdlct.on, t U he court Of last re wit The Supreme Court I* made up o a .file lurt ice and the several a.K these officers are elected hv Ihe people,either from the State at large or ft f#p ’j »jlf4 vt(,-4i ai ftuKMUUMcfftam«lutncii* !»ut iftH ii m.t Uv'»Su»e. In all o| the States Ihr Supreme Court Its* appellate ,uns-i? ■ If iHIrh In atvl in eouitv. and tais ongioal jurisdiction m rrmc- but there i* mi trial l*y !*»^> ,n |w the Lim nf the different Various other * nurts are provuled for by Ihe Uws ol tne omSTCTi States asCb as appellate courts, circuit or district courts, prolate court , o“«y m ia»ldp»l cour.v «>•.«• <-■( rf the etcT Tlie wnsdicinui nt all these court* w, Of course, inferior to thnt of the Supreme Court, and vanes greatly in the different State*. Unities these where there are large cities, various other courts are also established to aid in canng for tnc enormous amount of judicial wor that anse< from such vast and complex business interests. The various courts .ueaiso provided with th*: necosary officials for caryuig on the judicial business—such a* clerks of court, court reporter*, baihtf* etc. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. SO far as the principal COioitv t»(ficr* are con. •*nied. the goierul arrsuigement and method <*l han-llit.g the pnblh: busmens is % ety ■ much the same in all of the States: lwt the offices are called by different names, and tn minor details— such as transfer!iug from one office n* another ccttam minor lines of work^tbere ar* a number of points in which the method nf couutygovermtient m the various States il'iffers. Hie wntrr lu>-adopted the names of the principal county offices which are most common in the Northern States, as in Ihe Southern .'•nd New KngSund Stairs there aie scarcely any two States m which the names or titles ol all the county offitev ore identical. m»iTixt orriGR a»d «*i.rbh ok thr « oi .\tv hoaiio. Generally the principal auditing officer of the county is known as the"county auditor' or " countv clerk." fn Illinois, Kansas..Missouri, Wisconsin and many other Stun 1 the office i* called" county clerk," lu Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota. 1 thio and other- 11 I- termed " county auditor.*' lu a few of ihe State* under eenam conditions tin* Office is merged with some other ruunty office. A notable cMitnph-of this ism tbeState of >(ichigan, w hore they have one official, under ihe Simple titie of ¥ Clerk," who looks aitei .droul all of the work w hich in most of the States devolves upon both the county t.Tcric and alsoi Ink ol court, hi all of the States a bond 111 a moderate sutu required of the county clerk «r auditor, and he is paid a salary of from lo * vM peryeur, besides in some States lieir.*! allowed certain fees, unless tt t» in .1 very large and fir.iv y populated co::r.ty. wf.-eie ihe salary p.. >5 it of necessity much higher than this amount. So county treasurer ot tnetn bcT of the county board is ebgdJe tf« this office. In general terms it may be ^tat«f as a rule ihe auditor icts u» the clerk or »ecir; iry 01 ihe omcial cooniy board, although in a few of the Stale* the court clerk 1* required 10 look after this matter. The tlerk of the county beard kteps an accurate record ot the hoard’s proceedings and carefully preserves all documents, reconia, hook*, maps and papers which may be broueht iKrforc the board,or which llie law provide* shall he dejiosited in his Office. In the auditing office an accurate ai. count is kept with ihe County treasurer. Generally they file the duplicates of the receipt* given by tlie county treasurer, cbargim: him wuh ,dl money paid into the treasure and eiving crwbt for all warrants paid. The ^//nrra/plan of f>aying Claims against a county is .is follow* If the claim I* one hi which the amount due is fixed bylaw, or is aulhortied to t>e fixed by some other person or tribunal, the auditor 'ssue* a warrant or order which will l>e paid by the treasurer, the certificate upoo which it ts allow oil beinj: duly filed. In all other ca*es the claim must be allowed by the county board. and the dtamnan or presiding officer issues a warrant or order which Y the cleric. A complete record of all these county warrants ot orders is kept, and the accounts of ihe county treasurer must balance is :i nested by the ilierewith. The above in genetal terms outline the most important branch of wr.Tk which the 1 ounty clerk or county auditor looks after tn most of the States, but in all of tnr Stales tlie law requires him to look after a number of other mattris, although in these there U no uniformity between the rations States, and no general description «.f these minor or additional duties could be given lhat would ajiply to all the States. COI XTY TKRAMI7RKB, This is an office which exists in nil of the Stales, and it ih one of the most important of the varum* offices necessity in carrying on the business of a county. It is an elei.tivo office in till ol the Stains, and the term of office is usually either two 01 lour years, but a very common provision iri the various States is that after serving for one term Os county treasurer a party shall be Ineligible to the office until the intervention of at least one term after the expiration of the tcini for which tie was elected. This p|t»vi*soO, however, does not exist in all ot the States, as m some of them the county ttcasurcr is eligible fur tC'Ciri.iion for any number of terms. The general duties of the county treasurer* throughout ihe various States is very similar. The county treasure/ t* ihe pnncipal custodian of the funds belonging to the county. It i* hts tfuiy to receive and safely keep the revenues and ether public moneys of ibe county, and all funds authorised to Ik paid to him, and ditlMir«e the same pursuant to law. He a reon;red to keep proper book* of account, iq which he mua keep a tegular. ;u*t and true account oi all moneys, revenues and fuii i* received by him, itatmg p.«nicuiarlv the time, when, of whom and on what fend or aicuanl each particular sum was received; and also of all moneys, revenues and fund* paid out by him according lo law,stating particularly ibe llnte when, to whom and on what fund payment :s made from. The tiooks of the countv treasurer must always \k subject to the inspection of the county board, which, at stated intervals,examines his hoi'1' «nd makes settlements with him. In Home of the States the provision i the law lelatilig to county treasurer urc very strict; some of them provide for a county t»oard of auditors, who are cxpccJed. several times a year, to examine the funds, accounts aiul vouchers of the treasury without previous notice to the treasurer; and m some it is provided that tins boaid, or the county board, >dia!l designate a bank (or banks) ui which the lrca«urer i» required 10 keep the county funds deposited -the bank* being requited to pay interrst on daily or monthly balances and give bond 10 indemnify the county against Iosn. As a general rule 1 he county treasurer is only authorised to pay out county funds cm warrant* or order? issued by the chairman of ihe County betid and attested bv the clerk, or 111 certain cases on wartauts or orders of the county auditing office. A complete record of these warrants ot orders is kept, and the treasurer’* accounts must balance therewith. In most ol ihe Spates the law is very explicit in directing how the bookstand accounts of the county trc.ismcr shall tic kept. rorXTY RBC'OROHK OK KRUUTKK OF DKEM. In a few of the States the office of county recorder or register of title of the joint office is " circuit clerk and recorder," and the duties of both offices are looked after by one official. The duties of the county rocoidrr oi register of deeds arc very similar in the various States, although in some of the Eastern and Southern States the office is called by other names. The usual name. Iiow-ever, is county recorder or register of deed*. In Illinois, Indiana. Iowa. Missouri, Ohio and many other States. It is called “county recorder In Kanins, Michigan, Mmnraou. North Dakota. Wisconsin and many more it is called “regtstrr vd deeds.’ In all nf the States this office i’« the repository wherein air kept .ill records relating to deeds, mortgages, transfers and contracts affecting land* within the countv. Ill* the duty of the recorder 1* register, as kxki us practical after tV.e filing ot any instrument in writing m his officr entitled to be recorded, to reooni tbc same at length, in the order of the lime of its reception, in books provided by the county for that purpose: and it is In* duty to endorse on all instruments a certificate of the lime when the same was filed. All of the States have some of the follow ing provisions concerning the dunes of the recorder, but these provisions arc not common to a//of the States, via.: The register or recorder is not allowed to record an instrument of ^ ---- “ #anT 14V rFn . oo,E* CO.. IS THE OFFICE OP Tire LIBRARIAN OP COSGnEBS AT tfABIIIKCrTON. D. C F.XTBREP ACTORDINO TO ACT OF COSGBESS IN x*HE VKAB A. D. IW5, UY C.Bf A.MlGlvST OF THK SYSTEM OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT any kru'5 unis* it ;=, duly cxecmcd aaoitlii^ x» ,jw; hi i> not obliged 10 itoml any instrument unless hi* lees arc'pa ui in alliance; a r*U. tt l* an lawful for him to record any aa(<. pjat or >uhi!iviiwii«)( ta.nl Utaalcd within any incorporated city, town or village until it 4pn*> *vc*J by the (»rnp<7 officw ol tbe same. In many State* he is iiwtmiki: Ui cntci a ilrH on the reco»il< until it ha* been mlorsol “ uic* immI * by the proj*-r official; t>v »* required to exhibit, irec of charge. all record*, and ah’ow copir* to l»e made: he is authorised to admim*irr oath* si 11 take acknowledgments , atYrayy, fighting, breaches of the peace and prevent cnmr, and may arre*t offenders •• on view *f and cause them to be brought lutfure the proper magistrate; and to do tti& or to exccute any writ, warrant, pro' eta, order nr decree, he may call to his aid when necessary any per-Min or the " power of the county." It is the duty of ihe sheriff lo nerve and execute within bis county, and return, all writsi warr; ntn. nrocefl*. orders and decrees of every description that may be legally directed and delivered to him. He is a court officer, and it is Ids duty to attend, either 111 person 01 by dcp.uty, all courts of record held in his couuly; by virtue of his office he has custody of the jail. It is his duty lo pursue and ipprehend felons and persons charged with crime and hn« 1 usn.dy of prisoners, He is not allowed to purchase any property ex polled for iude by him as sheriff. < t>r\TY HITERI.VBESIIKST OB COnMlMMIUXEIt OF MHOOLS. Thi* »5 An office which exists under one name or another in nearly c*ury State In tbe Union. The title of the oifice in a great mamrirv of ts 1 <- btales j<» ’S;ounty supetintendent." bat in Michigan, Missouri Ohio. V .v Y •<-. uid J)*wsiWf one or two other States, the office u termed "School comnmsiouer." and iu several of the States the laws pr-v.i.V tor a bond of coitniy exanimers or school comniiss^unc-rs, who are L-»cu iT»n^ideralile of the work that in oiosc of the other States is the county supennieiKlent I'he name ol fliis -rfice rajplies the duties whidi devolve upon »t. arid x?ie> are ver> much alike in all of the States. Tne Incumbent of th»i» office i» chargcil with a jfeueral supervision over tbc icheri. C0.11.ty superintendents are required to visit and inspect the schools at recniar mtcrvalv and nva sann advicc and instruction to teachers as mat be deemed necessary and proper. They are required to oiganire and con* dud institutes for tbc instruction of teachers ti deemed necessary, and encourage teachers' associations. They introduce to the notice of teachers’ and the people the l»est modes of instruction, tlic mo6t 'nproved plan# of butfttths 3ad ventilating school-houses. etc., stimu* .ate school officers to the prompt and proper discharge of theft duitc*. They receive reports Irom the various school officers, und transmit an abstract of these reports to the State Superintendent, adding a icport of the condition of the schools under their charge. In nearly all the States they are forbidden having any interest in the sale of any >chool fum»« ture, appat atuft or bonks used in the schools. In many State* they have authority to annul a teacher’s certificate for proper cause, and iu genial to take such steps und enforce such methods as will elevate and innke more, efficient the schools under their control. COUNTY. PIIOSECUTIXG OB STATE'* ATTOKXEY. There Ik a great difference between the various Slates in the method of handling or attending to the legal business relating to couuty matters 01 growing from county affairs, lu many of the State* the inltciul who ittend- to this line of work is known as the “county attorney," iu other StateB he Is called the State's attorney or prosecuting or district attorney, in a few of the States they divide the State into districts embracing a number of counties, and a district attorney is elected iu each district, who in some cases attends to all the legal work of the various counties, and in others he assists the county attorneys in their most important duties and prosecutions. But whatever plan mar be followed in the various State*, and whatever title maybe given to this office, the general duties of the office ate very much the same thmughout all of the State*. Ii is the duty of the county attorney to commence and prosecute all acttou*. suits, indictments, and prosecutions, civil and criminal in any court of record in his county in which the “people of the Stale or eainly in»v be crKtcerned; to prosecute all forfeited hotvds and recotfniranccs, aud ail actions for the recovery of debts, revenues, moneys, hota. etc„ fuin<: to Ins ciranty, to commence and «>roMC«e all action- and t»nv credrnM brought by aiir county omen :n hi* official capaoty, to defevl all action* ami proceedings brought against jus county, or against any rtanty officer ti> hi* otfficia! capacity; to give legal op«mo©» and advke to the rountv board or other connty ofiicers in relation to ^eircfecial da irv to sltesd if postible prelimmarv exammatioos of eternals. When rrqoested. he i» reontred to attend sesswns e»^mine wttnrs«es in their presence, give legal a«vtcc ac^d . ■ proper %ubi*-pnas and processes are »«ned; draw op indu trr.ents -m. ► hr «ami its ccmnt> attornev is reqwred. »ke* re»i#we byflM r * c r.! IOOgPLfar theStttt tr r.^rS - in Whtrh th' Siatr 1. Interested The county attorney makes an *«iuaJ report to h*s superior State otficcr ol aU the cnminal cases prosecuted Ov him __ rKOIIATE OK CO I %TY JXDt«S- The method of handling probate matter--** not uniform throughout the various Stale*. In many States the higher courts are given jurisdiction over probate matters, and in others they have created districts m win. h aro held probate courts whose junsdictinn ex*en-l? over several counties and take* in other matters be^i.l- s purely probate affairs. In .. majority of the StUtCv, however, parucularlv 1 fie westenrand Non hern Staten, lliev •:!* < t ,1 muuty or a jirol-ate judge, who holds court and handles the probate ui,|it< is which arise within his county. The juris-diinon of iheNC countv or probtitc courts is not always confined ~x- 1.hiuively to probaie avail s, |>elng frequently extended to many other in.iiiein, anil they i:* ii- idlv Inclui'le sm .1 mutters as apprenticeship aifmm. iidoptiotiN, miniiin et. In some of the States they have both a . ultnty i*id v and a probate Judge, and in thi-se casesm* jurisdiction ol ill.- Iiiifcr is coplihod to 1'iii h matters a< are in line with probate affairs, lo MiiiSouri (hey hav ave a probair Judge, and also a couuty court, com idges, iu whom ihe corporate powers of the count} pound of rouulj judges, iu whom ihe corporate powers ol the county ..re vented' a* the oYfmal ctuiuty hoard. In Michigan they have a probate judije afcnl A proliate u.^inter. The probate judge .'s gcnerallv givrn original jur ^llrtion hi al! matters of probate, settlement oi 1 Hale* of de. ea-ied persons, appointment of guardian* ai.il conserva tors nnrl settlement ni their aecnuntt Thev take proof of Wtlw. direct the administration of estate*, grant und revoke letters testamentary and ot ad mi rust rn 1 ion, apjHiitit andremove guardians, tic. ((inTt J»t HtEYOB. P. s i« an Office which is courmnn to nearly aD of the ou»tes. It i* the duty of the County »urv« yor to cxecme any survey which may •>tilci*:d to any court. («r upon aupbcar.ou of sny mdiv^luai or corpora* t o, and preserve a 10 <»ni of the surveys made by bun. Nearly ail nf t ic StS(<*> provide tl. it rrrtain recurds snail be kept by the cmiuty sur* \evot,ar.d provide j-malMes for his failureto piaceon record tlie survey? luijt by inm. While be 1% the otficjl county surveyor, vet the surveys made bv him n< <,<• 1 «.•>< r',c*iVf, !• it maybe reviewed by any compc* tent tribuaai, Aud ti»e t ■ • t r»cr■•.«_-=> thereof may be disputed. t ot m » okom.il This :% another t our, y oftke which ex«ts in nearly ail of tbc Statcsu In thr iterate county there is n >1 much work fort»ic coroner, bet ttt tlie counties m Him h l uge c>tirs arc located the utcce is a very important 01.e In j;tn*raJ terms it maybe stated that the coroner is required Oi I .;d 11,•; .esi s over th*' Ixnliesof persons suji posed to have me: with vmltnl or unnatural deaths. In m. st States he has power to impanel a jury to enquire into (ho esuse oi death; but m some oi tliem this is not ti;.- • . and he mgiven p< ^.-.r to act alone. He cansubp<£na witnr.^c*; i. i u 1 im" 111 oathi; iu certain c.ises provide for a decent bun al, and can bind over to the proper court any person implicated m the kilbng of the deceased. OTIIKK « ot MTY OFFICES. rhe county unices tli.it have already been mentioned arc tho prm-- Ip tl ones found III all nf Ihe States* there art;, however, a few othe.i county officials besides those mentioned which exist in many of the States,and which >hnuld be briefly mentioned in this connection. These .in mmIi "tii (.»••> .im i:ouniy physiciiin, county assessor, county collector, coimty pOoV cotmtil»nloiier or superintendent of the county poor-house, nui-tet m chancery or couri coiniinssioher, cotmty examiners, board of equalization, board of review, etc. The names ot these offices imply the dutic’i. ‘I'hc^e ofjieex do not exist 11 all of the States, but in nearly every State the law provides for one Of more oi these county officials. « Ol \T\ HO VItl>. fho powers of every county as a body politic and corporate are vented in 1 couuly biwiri'. Tiiis official county board ;is generally termed the county "board of supci vlkius," or “board of commissioiicrs,” but there are some exceptions to this, like Misa<*uri, where ih~ county boa id :ikn? Cotfld be stiti^ ot three or mbre members, each rcp-tescntmg districts into which the counties m Question are divided. The ficncrai j>"wcis of thecousny board throu^oatoraU me States is sliout the same, except in minor details. It Teoresents the fegis’aiive and con>'«atc {hiwcrsof the county. One of their number is alwavs chosen as t haitu.att or president, and act? as the presiding officer. Tl’ic county board has general charge over the affairs of the cotmty. It 0 the»r duty to provide county offices, provide desks stationery. txx>ks fuel. etc.; examine, investigate and adjust claims sigainst the cour.tv and Live general carr ami Custody of all the real and oersona] estate owned by the county. At regular intervals they settle with the county trr jsurer ; esainine accounts and vouchers. They locate county roads * determine the amount ol county tax. and regularly publish a statement ol their proceedings I make statements of receipts, expenditures etc.■ and make all contracts, and do all other acts m relation tothe property ami concerns of the county necessary to exercise its corporate powers that arc not specifically delegated to other County officials. TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT. Till' method ol township government throughout the different Slat. • v;.uo no much that it im impossible in this article to treu of il mote than in a general way. In many of the Staten the townships ne not organized as bodies corporate, and in other Stntt s m some counties they may have township organisation while mothei ■ uuntn-% m the -.imc State it does not exist Iri cases whi rt-there isn.. township nrnam/ation the law provides that certain countvofii cul. nliall attend tothe local work, or mat work which in 2SSfSS38Sib assumed by the township oflicials. liut even where they have townalnn 0*vant»atiow thr nlan ol township government in the different States where tt exists dirfrr* so widely that scarcely any two States may be '.aid to be alike. Alwiut thcon.y statements conrerrin^ the onmni-^t tuwusbips that could be .usde which would apply toall theState^re tU following: Every <*g»mted townshto ra its corporate capacitv has T ro sue And be aoed; to acquire V purchase gift oTdevisc Sd iroM prnjK-itv .^h real ai d persona!, for the use of ns inhabitants' at5 on 10 sell and convey the same and to make all sucb contracu as uuy l>c nrcetsary in ine e*crr:.e oi its Dowers &s a fams&A In . c»eat 1:1 «uy < f the Si i!r^ the timtisbip eovemment k on after > p? in very miilar to the county and S&te swcxra^S^. tng various executive offirrra ami a township board m which the corporate and legislative powtsrsof the. township are vested, fa other States they follow a plan which re*en +» ti the people ail corporate and legislative’ |H>werS anil thcreforr have m> need for a township board, but bate various other township otficrrs to carrv out the wisfcesaud orders of the voters. Where this plan prevails the*bold whai la gen-erailv tcnnc»f * t»>w:i mectingB,M at which every- legal voter of the to»-n. ship uisa soiti’ <\t these meetings tvpufts are had from the various town>hip .rfficuis, ar;d the nece*'-«rv measures are ad««pted and directions givitu for carrying ou the township business. Still other States Combine good features from both of the plans above mentioned, and besides the other usual township officials they maintain a township board, which Is given certain ratricUd powers, such as those ol a re» ir* or an Auditing board, but they are not vested with the complete corporate and legislative|K»wersof the township,this beiug reserved in a large mc.utovt to the voters, and all questions calling lor the exercise of such authority arc acted upon at the town meetings. lu many of the State*, the township board Just descrilied is made upot three or more of the other township officer*,, who :,rc ex-offido members of the township board, and they meet at certain times, perform the work icouirod of them, and report to the town meetings. The principal officials m township organuations in nearly all the Stales ir• the following " Supervisors, or trustees" " clerk,"'“ treasurer,“ "..nn -.or,” " 1 ollci tor," justices of the pcace," "constables," " overseers, nupervisors or commlnsioners of the highways" and " pound* maMterN," although as has been slated, many of the ;States.do not have alt of these otticniln. SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNMENT. THE ’'common school system."or,tnspeak with greater accuracy the method of novennug *u:b*xd districts in the various Stair differs widely, yet all follow m a general wayoneof two separate and dearly dctim d mrtJiod*, britig amended in rumor respects 10 meet local conditH us and idea*. AH uf these methods have their excellent taints and tet it has fwen claimed l>y eminent educa.ors that no one of them is tree lioui i It and, cbjoctioo. nor has reached pex-lect^m. ll wtH be the a:m in tn.: article to briefly explain the principal features of tbc several methods tci h is not possible to go into detail in the matter ot giving tbe system *■' school government that is followed in each o! the many State* ot ll. .'man. rhoCnstrtafiqC and statutes vidi Jor a tb<.i»ugb aud clock at :y6tem o! free schools, whereby all the chiklreu of tbe States may receive r. thorough common schc - lucatton: o! all the States agree, however, oy an several points. They aim to pro-if if bam' ■intfl thty pr»node that all lands mri :• and other property dooattd. granted or re> • net for kIwoJ. culicgc,; ary or university purposes and the proceeds t1 rr*. f. shall be taithli Uy appiied to the objects stated: with iwhip, .v l.u a* its educational interests are concerned, is organized, bus the necessary officials and becomes a body jxililic .nid cot p.n lie. Anagcncr: : rule, where this method, prevails the townnhips aro divided into three or more sub-districts. All of these sub-districts air x part of tin- whole, and the finances and general busi- opof lives fiom cadi sybd^Mr'ct Thr- boud is gcDerally elothed’with the nesf is generally manages) by a township board made rcpresenta- COfpirase powers, hire* tea-:hcts provides fuel and supplies and makes aU the Contracts ncotsaary to carty or. tbe various scbooisin the township. \« wuh independent du>tri. the powers of this Ix^ard arc not alike -i -all Slater where the town*} tp system orevaiis fot m some State* thetr power la very much rrxtrtcted. and is limited to certair. official matters the Corporate power* atid right to make important contracts licmg reserve*) to the fKjople. who decide on these questions at what are termed tlie school meetings In a few of the States where they follow tbe township system they hav e no official board. This is the case m Indiana. whetc they elect a township trustee, whose duty it is to look after all the educational interests of the township, subject to the approval of the proplo at the regular meetings. In most ot the States where the township system prevail* the law provides fot the org-amxation, under certain conditions of nub-dlstnets into independent districts, which gives them thr power to elect their own oft!cent and act independently ot the 1 '*her sehtmls iu the township, * In nearly ail of tbc Suites one of the two general methods given above is followed, with certain changes to make the plan more efficient and s niifiH lory, and to better meet the desires and needs of the people of the different States Many oj ihe Stales combine good features from both these syvirms. i»H some of the States have the township system, wherein cm It suh-dihti ict has its own hoard,and so far as controlling its own afftilir) h concerned, in independent of all other districts* But local conditioim have in many mutancc- made special and local provisions necessary that are dillcient in each State, and while there may be a v«m different • in the method* followed, their aim is the same, and. as a whole, the various system!, have accomplished the result of giving throughout the length and breadth of the Union the grandest ana most efficient nysleiii ol free schools that the world has ever known. I CITIES AND VILLAGES. N all ol thr States the laws provide for the local government of cities and villages, so that when they attain a certain population they may be seperated from, and thus manage their affairs independent of the township in which they arc located, both as to school matter* and civil authority. In school affairs provision » mxdr for handling the more complex educational interests of villages and ettic . -the •• hooi board* being made larger, and in many cases the scope of their authority 1. very much extended In civU matters pro vision is made in all of the States for the organization of villages and cities os corporate bodies teperatc and distinct from the townships, and providing for the necessary officer: to carry on the affairs of thecnuaict* pabty. ENTERED ACCORDING to ACT OP amm* I* THE VLAB V DttCI’IUCMKXT Vtl. general information BANKING AN I) BUSINESS METHODS. General Information ot* BanKiHS ond Business Methods. Relatwns serwr?* a bank and its customers. I?* tomiinr*# !'»*» If" I' I- »** 'j ore “mopi** or importantrelation than 1 wbJrh -u »»»«..,. «. tur n frn«rnlty aod tbn bank*, and l: ahoald bo#uardod *rt on* aar*. ft* Utai both may retain ibe lull cuufi- i«of**!ihnoih*r. ltu. is niuiont wholly eurric.j mtby llmivl-l of Wnl.* tvUUrln>fUii,.»vnri.•- banker, vltoer the Prealdent, or OwLler. IM tber* .*ni*y tK> if tiuknoe u to lb* l.auker It 1* uereeaary f.»r some one »•*. I* known In i.lenllly nml • nacli forth* applicant *« |)«ln£ b..n.»r»bis end »txal#litinrwarJ, for l.auk* unr.orupethtd io h* 1t»»m *.»J •• Ut»t of s »*" u-UBtifl bf •• «H wlvairiil nf ti»M •- I •aMWlbra *t U »»f«7 <■* »u« wltb *v-w Tb» •••4 r»N»rnr^. u»»*>*rr. Wins •*n.tA»-v>rr th* prw- prtj./f^„,irf fft— i • p— nr -'mambw*du to ■ W«V ter tJMl It *u »-lAbim«ru ia th# rirfirin/MJ iwytas Irjlrri. »»Vf* b>> ^**1 4#fn*|t tut < la lb*a • f*UJ dr^fvd rtlbJOrr aai te^allinr Ol I hr bfcftb Deposits KIpHM'Navri m+t*1 Ih Tlcitrft^ w D*- ■r ... I B • ’ U« «- u*wxn*e. 4mt ^ upon it 4 felt ewlll. tkfiwu a -rj^rAtcirtrtTT for each tmto Ilf 0‘4f lir r r.ic ^ h iwm «()( ®Uo»* upoa or n! •*•»»! iiitf l*^»i ririi -triifi ur U Onts. Atfrr uaviMf wori Oui tMu-k ol rhot^i* nn>1 drafts he tiMiktAtlwi >%|f.h am it»* lirm* r.AmH up liiNiki itf lli#i tiniak. Hi* M Tickci** ib&q (oipfinjiaii (Mtur^of Ui* lraiiNtii9tU»u. 4iiU Him ouxtAnHT U r»v)nlr^«! ioflil IUIm out wlill Inh- it hi* nit mo rtttJ Ulc ami Ih rnivXuUj pro- nrrvvN)for future r*«lfr*m»o !•» Ih« bank UvimiIUo any dUput*or dWcrmUie iimy Mrltv. till mm nr» lu r»rr%ir thi' depOflfUor, t-i prryrnt m(ft- jaktiii, ulifiiili) Himttfn IIih (im.aml of iW* anpw.ii U rorrm*(tr tfnit?rvd In liln Kiim'k !»efi)fo Ii itvliiK **»»• lllink |f a «1rjiifull U us*mUt wbi*ii it »:a*tornrr lulu uut bift DOmW1* H i)M|iUi»#ifn <"hullJit In* till. vti. aik! the* luncunl •fntffvtit prniH»rI> wliwti ii#m( Hi tint 1muW» li will 1*1 wrti fttiui ih*< ulxivit i|,ui nil un*i %\i'atu% ar«» evurrrtf tn ui^rrpili! of ill* on»ie fc»lill a|«tts mhicb ll Is* drawn fAlt-. IMrrrriffllNi Hmh ^nulil .rni|^iird ll* Wh«U*n rcaacn* AUioiiaw, Ar«^if4lnfto4^iMrtKi» lU ix»i«tU, «n4 ucK*t'Att«r^ Mf dt^lAUl rlu^ «rr«» •uAt>>tljD« onifct hf Allii«ni l^f ikfsuto W |i9#«9r.t« i! f**r |M%9mrt«i If lb« lunkrr, buwrrfr, i* •wtrrrUNfl^tu imil «lun4 Ih^ tr^ rvirlmM** my rwri/, ifenc.orcmr, if)4 H tcAf M mj^i4 (Ut la ihr Abwticc ««f ab; at cnaail vArtitiAMtar Ari |(rti««itrh ilnirta, thn bitak^r *»cJ/nwtvi that £a># fniiU* ibai |l>f I It A At * •»• LUl »f Ifc- arfnAUfir And tbrrrfrtr Artm oolj wU 4ftol An4 A»»a#li u aIiU ittlnc will dur la ar.cad- U|bl^WlAM. Discounts, loans, etc. TBK» mIm«p|iH*>1 <>• tnterM* *K».i 1< i* iKMMic.1 frost Ibe *®*mn» Ml Ui« Wax* to |««UI (• B»*«Ur* In if'ln-r ».ir4«. latere*! tbat U paid invliiut. U t« tb» ffvtivnU ruin uf b*r.k* Ii* ntAktu/ "*hori tlmr" loaca ta |o rrrdll fnr iIm* uiHi.um ofOw Imk, I*** Ibe tmrrrwt. ■j»ny bu«lur« K»n fill i.tMam ibr full |- m*|1-i Omi m Kink eta gtre Uttio, ItiroiiKb bo«ilt*ii.>j I.r Illfli.ln.r* In l»«l.lii|f for» «imJ im funny in- "MU1*! V* III lMirtiid Of r* ii«lKttlMiTlwf li«Mlm>*« ouu nuil lbu«. frcynrtitly eoib*ri**« lit in. mUi*r tfutn lo lb# lk*n^»r. »btt#f^»urf«#*»ii*»tob«?p hloi ihrauKb au^tt iltur«<>f fifttd. ««l*rn THI» I* mbat bank* are ••t*bll«li»Ml for |«iv«dy, nml iu< y nre ^lnr.*y» Uln.l lu K«*t iln*ir money oat «od UiHip It .»«i" provided ili»»y .-«*u lx» r^awnnlil; wntf ol Uh mnrn. If au applicant U nimbi* to furnl-li rei*Mon«bU •i.vbrlty, or I* lrrt?epooeible or uni«or«br ht'muiu nfr*fs1,bWf.ll»aorurli»x mi.imy wbliu<*r M b»* froin .« Imniiei' ..r anolhrr IniniiieH* mnn in* dn«* nn lnj\»*itlr*'. to lln* Inlon-r« . f b«i»in»*t.» x«*i*tirnlly-ll.n*.*»rtr Oirufy l.n*ln^*n tnnn In nm\.l of Hnnnwlal b*»h». wlioilier hi* crnut or llltlo, Hlionlil ro to ilir bunWi*r /(rut ai>-l *ubtnlt ibn Hlluutlno, •vonrllb'*, \n him, a* of all tun'll li» «*b> iralnpiv: Ui- Ih»i JoAjto amJ ad-rlm.f In aiii'li uiMttxrw. 1I« may tie ••ompi'lb"> lo dwllua tbemjutn»d lil'l. Ilia itu* refusal climilil nrtrf In' laknn h« a |*er**fltUll uMlUtr, aflit mnst h« rrmenibrrx J iiial 1.0 lia<* olhrr )M(Anl|l* li» iwrre and ikponiMa. *Ua!k-linl.bmaii.l.llrw mr*|M |>imloot l.efofw |o|b»*r|nj| bl» own pcroonnl dM^n‘H. Collections. IV tearing ikr nlber l(«m« f»r .<■ ||r.«|ok” af ***• * **|.«rT»xr receipt aa tb« i *»e m**7 b». Wh/o »br bank twirea P*TtMn\ (in 1|»h |Urti« thr cutlunirr is a a. I ib- aaeonfU <• eatewsl lo kU rMtfll i«,tb on »ia T*a*« !**» and a« lb# b»^b* »l lb« bank ib« -a«e o»aay MA~t 4«poM«. AUafV la mtnlw papwf«»* ««iWnkuj a^Uoouii|i*|w»i AU baakaatab* ^olt*^U«*«» rllberin nr o*i**f tha -My atwr* Uwy am iwaM tmr IbHr muown a* »«y n>.*S«-*!r ra«^. r-ewn^,. •I..l*bl .Uii.l^-t.M *4 UI.OT ikey I«oar4te>oa» **— '**» 1-n.ea .1 tb-t»«a. caaoutbaU^ *,u ,ttfrlrt ^ +*** •«“- S**1£*£NTS and balances. wtlwui teU•«» nrsrs that tl may ^ lnr^„B .....^ Negotiable paper » 1,'M JM-I..U in Aicrrlobi nn 2 1 t"i.in. w,nf ,„.. ^viiurn -womi K..U1.1 not h«r»,vw,i S«-U rtrahl1 J " T"1"? >"rt* wprcwl^........ rtd ^ion 1,? . i'*vUhnu" »• l-i oni> of l.hn cm uT ™ T SK?VT' ...... ............. u” ,k t.«m»..-i of nmmJ 1 chwj^raifm ............. A ltU.„ ,Uv. |tia UAmiXTii t Ak ........." ................ han very largely monf iltCi ? ° .U,T ' of m »• '•"'•■t »n former m,,™. 14,. hmti- 1 .................• ami other lUMrumeiiM nf tim NimM ....................ll.CM, ftuM an olhi’r ctm- trnus, utbaipntfiHliiMlUg, pk|» wb«i#laorlimanUrrJy ..(mn«rl.>d f*Uh, an.t ^ilVnul le.lJee of any dtfeelor.l^n^, wu-rrby mlU*f+r>~* *4 iba onMar ^Cb frar^puuu^ cm off. And Utr Un>«Wr Th^imo#^MmllllH^ rr^orrr A writfrActfUrr m Mqf Ihi '*114 aa a couimn. Uul It mnmmhrn e*MUbU MAl»fr« •^rtAiA Arr cvM(7tlA4 «tth T10 fMXims v^|y^lfr« •rr it.tUpATP- .rfr Tt Mt»ri wmtri-: mnti^ii^l; U IBUA4 lM |lAA!»tf, A*|| 4rpcui|l #|«f^i a nf t ••Allfi^rtir^ It iau^I U* top«^ lioeer In a vwruUt MMnt ir I a am omaiI AfWit| rrtttdn bjr c*n;.v:ui.iiii;thf lb## «ifi <;«ii||l MA^ U ^m.tir; nr mo li «»« «itU b«^ Uit t~ ******suui 1*4 bf WfiU tff KUl.ill!> -ltb«l I- fmiAtdA Uv a rrrlAlv or to feWK. Pronussort notes nco>Rx>rsn tu it* t«*n*rai ** t*« »a*n a*m.' ut.*nr. *.^t by «iaiQte. a I i.ramikwry u.iie |« ibe vrtllra pmwW i»f a p»*aoa.c«4^U«Ke.''w»hnr “ copaya.-ertain ium .if aipnej at • rertaln tiiaa V>a ,U M^baU.l j->r*..n kraal lbaMpay«^Mrrtobl«<^lrror twnrer |i .» but* «!l tbr rr^u.-iier lliat bare b«en inmlliinM for ur.*Hial*)«» p*t*e^, wlberaian. If 11 lail* In »oy of lb«» maiu-rall U-.-,rtr.»* •» . ■•nirav't. . > ll tl>n* I---. • lb-etan»enl uf ceyoila-bUliy. Cooiiaoln nia.r \m i«*rf<--i!y ralU wlOo.nl aU *4 the** n^ninhri^ buf tbfty do not (aw.M* ihr ;«.'ii!lar4Balll|in. altlc h bejong lo pr..uil*MM*y nul«l Ii u fiotouurj lo all po>ini-«>r> OOW>« |o wrll»i Ihe wai I* - talun ». eeleorl" bnt lbi» I* not abwHntrJy cwwenilal, a« a ' “"•^raii.m ami vj.Iue la Implied la e«rry note, draft, ob*ck. bill of ecohauite or «i.ili.n*emrni II 1» tlie itimmim l*ty nf ln»tb |i.u.tl»r..l 1 till* runritry that nn pni.ulx.- run enfotved unit--*- mada lor ni r ntiilml »* nnolinoMi Invai-lnblv rnli> (hut m>ihif.-n«e will .•penii.. lo dclnat tio n-rov«r|'v if rim pnii.'i Im* l»-.-n m-^.illut«'.1 umt |in-..» d Into th" httbdaof oji inmim-.ui piiri liiitter. In lh» ivtfular ronnw. uf bu*liieM«. l.ebo’ maturity uml f«r\(ilti|f ’f(in ah^onre of nny of tln-ar •Mi-iimpIm bnwerer, will allow a ih*fon»e t.i lie nci up and vr111 Orfr.lt i-*«i In II.•* h.iu.Uot Utinl panic* If it rnn Im> *lioHn Ilia* lt..-r« wa* rltber: .» want nr conanlrra-Itiio. thai It wa* ubialn*.i lo AlMM,>%tffMNl ar ieaiao>l uf p®» n.» r.t for a a.iia a«•« 4alrJ it will aot drfea* II. be. mill hrouiil«rf*J aa duH «ken It *a»a»l»: bat a arlt-Urs da.e la proa* /*f<##*ldettr# of U»* i«m* »*f maii.i< wt.* a Mr faU* 4af ua ttaa4aj.4«~ • l«ra) li.xiday, U W*mm*«** |«*| *Me the Jai |«*»hhi*. If a na 1* »rmir« a* Wa^tb ia .'*• b—ly a^d 41m is figure* ai ibe rorerr tb*t artlU* aimli Malral it It daainry-*lbe wfnlUMlI^ nf a n..|r lo *rK# in tkc body nf u *a? eanadllUra* «» < .Mi(w«w»rt«* A »aJua*. r i-voaldrraUua is rrot at* a>* n-«rr f« »*r W» r.tbte «ay tfala i»r *.ltai.l-t,e IO Ibe j*oci. i»r. ar iojary ♦t.lalr^l I*/ tba pfnail^a al pf>•••I*''*'a a pre- tUhx» lab*, at a fhtriuatlaj balaoea, ee * a#bl dite f*na a lblrd ?«*», rniicb. t>a a »aJnab>«OOald*rral«oa »*<» I* a WO'al e..x**l ^rd lo pobUe ptdb y. If a noia «a pnrahle a. a bank It i- only ^C«a-ar7 u> baTw Iba not* at ibe l.oek a» Ih* allpulalad tiai« Ui cnoilituio a snffinetii demandl ami If ihrrt- nr* im fund* them to meal ll, tbla la auf-detent refu-at Dat« or linai-l. Ill a «re»t mau; M»l«« Ikree Day a Of Ornor. a-^ they art*fermod,arr atiflwrnl on neifollable l.i-inunnu* t-rjrood the date ..et for payment. Thla |a mil ll.r u.|l**fHI»l P“'". Ktiwever, .»* li.e .em’i.m-y nf late rear* hit* been lowald itolntf naay wlih lhl* nnatom, and n nnmber of y«a*e* »>.►>«» nirrndy poaf.r-1 Kw* aboiWhlntf Hie *• Im> * of drnw " Where .he nil*: la In ••ifart. ht.w»*v«ir. anil If I* nnf a pen 111- o.ly w.iw-o.1 In tha Inatni-„i,.nt the payor i,.. iiilli.il lo ihcll..'- - .l.i>« • ■ rally a* ihou»h It were so ntipniiitr.l, and Ihr ttoldnr rnniioi. enforce o.0la.'ilon nnill Hit* nxplrntlon of three ilftj a after Ibv dule ...I for pajniftlil. Rills of exchange The "bill <.r a«cliai.tfr" I* ao mwn latter dr nnler whereby one pera».n re-another lo pav '• «hlfl parly (ur order or latam) a corlaln flsrd atua of m.iuey They atv of i«o kin.i*. the fnland and rmvitf.. mil*, the numea nf wbiab imply »be dtiferem-e between Uinm. The three part lea to tbabUtarr railad tbe Dra«*r. rKawoe aail Pate*. Tba bill ataai bfl pre-•cittetl to Ibe praw** ami If H** a«»ma td obaf Ibe nrUer ha “accept* the bill l*v writ In/ the word ”*•<** pwd" a.-maa lla fai-e and al^Ji- hi* oante be-,„a it- ami tbu. i^oeir. iba ’ Ureplnr.’ Tb- in.unmeni la »*naUy .uad^ acrolUbl* aoO Ih* pajra *an iran.f^r It lo other- b> #ndor*aoient. whirb nirtiK»t-t transfer may po la.le«nliri) Tba foUawtoff ta a ewmmna f«r« nf aa labir, H of ravhautra - mu Af la , Jll»e I. Wl* «ty day. atter MkM V*/ * *+* mvAcluk. To Dnar Hih.t a rv*. B*0**. Hamm Jo** DOM Checks ACSECK crtr a botnk Uwcf-nn4M #»ttUi f Pin **f ’ frit***».*’ t*m •t-rr I* if«AW«fictr MtaIa tl# ItA^lfty Ilf IWa tavtlH t*> It \ rVrr% tMia^^ertACcc. a Y**mk )• t*>ui-df'* pmf U«c^ni« ^(U*)»!*>«i* «tiil lapc^>f^li«Hi('* Atvt itr^nnnrrM A#WV hA • lUjf fad* oo Kaj* AH Art>00 for «dr «t a fnlrv«A «b),uU'im;iii‘;t fcSc iwir rr%^iutiUuu» t.» a Mil nf rxrltsfi?** U trr/ •*!»*— A* riunfk mjti|fy« nt> vy^omt r. Mifir m fi^iArnl ••r lUhltltf rf t^dratrrr Mr^vtrfir/icil. Inn ll iffAtw iHt ttbllrAlijaIm-i A tintfk Iff famot^ IjoUitonill A*-wpt*nf * Wnn» m^fiHnl hi >ur I* -aW lu* »»*f| U -.lumiH*t| on itrfW#* wit It !#•.» *. «IIAl*irv ..l i»h* twitiWr? It | • Ihm «aid to Ih? -tu^«f*i .^n.t trtiiTi'iivigvr fir W> llAblr to tlio Mdf' A8WIC a-i tliemtiH:* Ia •V«rr4tfti*d*# lln» (luuuud U rliAr»fnt ntfiiinvl ll#r amount •>( lb* "ilntwrr' th-- If piild (ft- i»«MHrtd»»r*d pdlrt far-jtyr the* i!raw«*r^ K • uncrrnrtl Thr UruA'tfr nf :i rliiM k in not it Aitrrtji In IlniAiiiviv* wnmr ik-« U IlM ih A^* * of .v Mi! «»f vxcfian^r. hul faUkv piittdlpal iti>btnrHUimIimii- tUrrnr i nntr Ilf runnot irotnpltthi nf any drhtv |n I lit? prtT«rntWli’l\1. foflt mii nbwuUdi* Up* propriatina in fh<* bolder i»f »*.i iumoIi mdnv>. in On* ImihU td • In* tiaidi. nnd thrr«*it tnny Ho at llii* ln>{il»»r*«plprt«mv Thr di»Jlt>. hnt» «vto-# |a \t Iho UoMcr'* iDtllfi:. I uiwH Ml] lift I.'»l'l )i M v •• ibetn^UlilH, if, |u*ftir»> h«* pvt^itntu f!i*> idnni\, tlirhoiU niytiind nil tin* tuoiiry nf th^OniW^r. llu»n Iim iniiv |o*0i f » *!».» ilrumn ^ir pnyilKiit If tin* hnliti^r «if it rht?rh tratiHfrr ‘ It minitirr Im It a* th" ill'll to ovp^rl Hull ll win in- prtttumted for p.vyuu’Mi wiUiln »• riniMfinablt? timr. Ho Ijii- fti*» t i|.*)tt to r Xpert thill U «lll ♦rllhtr hr pr* or Ml**rt«vl hi !'.»• point mi which tr is drtvnro If II I* nrftl #% ivii«iiinthU Him* nml a Uba lAtttHtttionvil Ui*r%di;, rhtf party NffnvnlUn ft* 1Hi» d«da> AMIM t*rar If i bai»‘ I* i • * ia . /.*!• ,1. ..<• U |.I*.M tUai It»'4U- tWH clsar^n 4llr nirvir-r Ihrd^p ^Jtnr •* '.l- ll(|i»>*‘ " »r (*»•-/••» ll .l II !• entlt>d t.> nr-oinrr thr nniDry tnr.n ihit 1-4*1/ ;Mv#rt;iiM| II. If it p«y a rbrtrk t>f 'rhhrli thr amunrtt hr%* I^hii ^a!^Jy am«I fraNdH •nplJjr lllrwi||Airft II can ckar^vr tixr drawr/ ody wjlb tbr nrl/iuAl An^iimt, |»#tvvid*'*i ihi% draarr aa»not ^au^4 tfT hu*lUuin« thr t ir/rrx Iry wrltlnif II «•* hnkfin^li ia *urh hatpS%a« tu nsa^«< tk» f*#tyrr.? <*r uitbrAlMMtimt *«w. • aVrr# klllvU ^TAi^d" Uial f^.lra«i*-r mo a bear ttir-;*^ . m fHr| tmd Ui ii-| to ta>#* •»•!!«.> ahie Wfniiriim ti» yfrorat II- |V*forallaijrvM t-wlllhy Arr ih# martn vkich m»XrU ilmixi lispoaAlbtr li* rnltAur •Svr IH# aaw.liu* m U tn *rtiM drto • *c thr par^ «»f r jis^*4 .5# *«. ^ 1 1 ftar^titflr Uaoa. irMiinnililr Aad l>j«Aa «r. ••Up tl.- p-4a of wrriiinzxh* #00anl la r^ icui itrm u>r!r • i^imttirr. O njurt |«rt^2a% t«4 |?arti>rr%, Juih la a 41 Nr mt^ri In a cbf^c. If a jayee'*ttameU raiATi* W i^ *»m > *'IAHu»i»rk itc dl jmA totoffi^oK^n tfrciriari!/aa It A*f**r« »»«4 titi* tijn ll«r |i «atr rtkr> M«|Ulrr do caaorpcxn^Tit, and if U/*t vtAi*Vn ata^’ ^au»r fn** ** wh^rvrr |KWAnH>i aurh a rts«2t at Ito haiik la rolltJrd !•> {tayatral. Drafts £k DRAFT Is a form of an *'iniiunt lilP of nxchiUi^v 44 TU* Ivofuna* r lillU /• of rxclianjrr ucwAlly^.i Icit MdrAftn#l arr ll.t han.t diMf|(i>riun^htlfiirH and thc or tlm» iintft.M Thu liank diaft U, to nil liUi'Otn nn*t piif po*W4tbe ^^mr art a chccW. hot tlu* lertti Ia b All Ally A|ij*UmiI Io " • Imrl.n ” dra^rn byon/s bunk upon fun»U which ItniHvUatr In *i»n»'» othrr tmnU, termed Hv^JDjiiri^potliid^jii/' A 4i‘nfl In hul very sa|i)(*iii inn*bv pityahh* Ln hfart*r% it hclntcalmoHt an Invariable rulii in nmlro ihtiiit iiA/itbh« tu i • n lain payer or owcr. Tlmymr nc^oiiAblr nnd 0*11 im irjinnf. nv.t »mlri\ nltcly by miiJor#caiant, tf r% ilrii/t U MimI nr wlojon, by npplyltlff tn IIih bunli that issued If. thr paymrnl can hr Mopped, ithrt aftor llM nxptratlon of thirty dayaa dnpllruto will !••> I «*nr4 Thfs “Sljiht Drnfi” or#,Tltnr Mr/Att.*' in whh ii rw.o 11 r**ad« U> pnv afirr accrtain numbrrnf diiyt*. U a vr«ry funiinoii m^thnit of wakllitf c*ril"«'ttiift» tusJay by crrdit-or^, lAdU^vw tlnMlonhlo |mrpoM« of brlnn itnorOrrin pay to a hank nr third party, mnil U aim* a rfi'flpt fo |>iit ilnhtin* It Ik Alin* ph» In tin wording. Ihr foUowlnw ia*luir a jti'ncrui form • j At aigbt lar*o tnany da.** afttff •i»rhi a» titr caao iua; Ia*; |m/ lo Ihv onlrr of - ■ ---Bank Oar Thotiaattd (Wdlar* aii«I rUaff« io mi A* « OAiO. To Gro Sixti. Smw Vobm. s. Y. Jon* m*# £noorsements ZTHH ii^tiatun? «l a#- •» UaJdrr im I'-tW lt -»f a-ty rhr./A. draft. ^ ootr. btli of rxc&ar^rr orioarr t>e?vHlar. ~ iti*i ma>»»* i«lrrmrd hu * -a* It simply zseanti var pju.’t* of ihr uar** of ti»#t*M«h:• r.or payee, Ibe bock of u* liKr.'Aff., Utua traicillii| ihai. (mt i Mioti, he h&s r^li»jn4be.) tu312Up !h IL Ad4 U iu« al'O . t •*( m*r «< lioa or^aaliScaiios * is i*< rsdor^rsnot, it ika\ If •#- dsr«r will 5cr thiAt ibe fo«inzJDcol Is paid la • im. tt Ia mA lakru up by IW ■Cateror pajror. Wkerc ibr m*m; n^r.l ia aoaJ*< |>ayaU# |o w|ir4fffl“ aA U-“JokD NB«| or bearv- " c Where «rrrat fuiyees arr naisrd In Ibr Inutn.iutml |l him#! U as thr rn* doi^rmrnt of Alt of Ihrm to pa*» thelitis and luakr oft# lran»f rr i»f ll4 In Lhi*<'Ae*\ however, their l:ab»lty an radonn-r* I# |oiiit, imt «*-%rraU Hul where two or more holders «ador*ft one After U>r oth« r Ki nuiktr.j rt tran%f#r tromoac to thr other their UohlUly Ia murnl, not JrtlAl Every ebeck«draft;iill| of rxehauirr. note or *oiher netrnliaM* ItiAti'w* ment which la made payable to u c^riAin '‘piiyrr/o* able to bearer, and the tlllr punni^ with ileiivcry, until auuh* *mlr*i ijucnl hoi5ee8 fit to Until ll by snaking it pajabtn to *«oiur other t*ay#e, ur places nornooth»*r i|tiallflcatlui> Or eovnlitlon ill thr t*ii(**'ir>**u«cnt. Ubun ii nrirotiablr infctmnient bearing a *' blank emtoi «#in#nl, r lint mice tifiee pul •ntc circulation,any *uhae«}uent h«#Mrr of It Iiam IIia rt^lii lo limit of tr*lrh:i it by writing the roodltiouA «>v«r own en«lor>«nmeiif, nr, liy wflttutf Over the rnilnr-brmettt of the ort^tnal payee. wonUl ta&Uln^ It payabt# in blinMilf or f*osir other party, *• or order/* TbU |A>lat hAA Imei di cjdrd hr the AQpremeeonrt* of —*veralof the *tate» Tbeen.!ot>etneot may be mAtrieted or *|ua||fl«M) »•, a onml~-» uf arayA, One. which U rabrd a •'fall ra€or^^«lrat,,, U %rry riHtioifot la Ihr ^mimma ArorM St i**vmplr tbe act of the pajre nAOtrd an**klay ii )i%yab *t ivauid# other certain payee i*r ^rder. To do tbU. th» endocA^r mnteAya Ihr Hark of Ike {i*«xrnweal, the directions a#. « Pay to John •»/ *.Mrt,^aad pUera bis «iraatttrr brhiw it. TbU doca aot iimlK hU liabtiitr Al an #adiKA#rt b*l Ihe title to the Wraacsi sau>t tlter«afl*r pao* lhro^kTh John »bi aad l( 011*1 bear him rodor*j»ject before It will Ia» paiU or booaer^ KBU!f«l accanllus U» A. la ll** nf tJV Ubrartao of CaQgre>*. az WiiJiiii'vm, f>. OScriojuuLST VUL GENERAL INFORMATION ON BANKING AND BUSINESS METHODS rr^ 1>J IKr- (4tU*M* ol MMt fttwi ).. Q»msi««i»>q Jium ■ ■■*■ frfnir^T - -Mr p—pnrff nririw faifmi Tsvi )rar« *k»rt*r ^ v»4 ;ruUrd Ic B*n£ «,? *Scrth tvrt/i .i |*utt i4»I|4iii» In H-• tbp ?***ii»of HaM'ncMtu imrporaM Um> fa»w»win tUAt flw Dwnknf %» • V«>k «MrUn^: m H*I. a'tbnayb ii flOtt f-«-M *11**- ITS4.nn.Vr mftUSi* of a*k- 4> • -t» •*« AlfCitiiU' lL&mUto# stw—- ito=t{tmi^t*ar**i£a mnntiic and li»v« l*rfl Into naUnnai backs?. •&* Back of tfc» fnitr-4 Him*. • X* .»rs!Uti*^l in ITW, Tb* «u-t fll \h- rtftri r». otro~Z by tlin f Uiata* Ckwnrasn i.t, toil Ulrrth** • i«u• maem lr.ter*ct »« dla- ^•W4l ft, 1n TMJ tl- bank Ul.*d. fitwi« Imni* w.'r«»rar-i mU»«»*|Mri,. «• .>r-■ «>..• t>»r»inv*-..lf banking Irnmnte proportions. In l#K», the Na- I) • U»u WM odupted and In tt&Ufe National llontt llurrrtu nt tbr Tr«**ul7 Chrpaftmmt wa* •vrgsnlzed. thr vliiel offi-.-'r of. i»hlrb Im Um .•»iuiptrt»ll«*r wf tu* enrrrucy. tu Marril, JS&. im mt« f»*v •* I '-' • •*»* ■** xj n*r tin* •ti«ti< ImnU nirvnlmion nut nf c-xiirenee. .V* Utii National li.iiil.lnv nyali’m linn ifKiiti u ’in* ul thorno*: rfil*ientandin'. |Mnu<|nr> int'iInntM Hi** iv.ir •; tin» I'rwr It non-r.. Il will ln> nf fnfcrest to rwvlow lii/rv-.ilim Of ll« JifUwUpiti loituurii* I'ndi'r thl» u/.i National b.Mik-? may bf orpniiU"«l l»,v n;. i on ihp pnblio iloln uml III «vitnnpUini nf tldi lluthirmt I'lirf.’tlr^, Till- Njilli;iml baitkk aw re- •liUh'il I" I-'I "I I’litin I........ • I Itn*y am niuhoriioVl toloim money at thr riitv * I HO* Tvtl All11W*-«| In |lie VHfliiiiK 'tint*** vlmti no r»l» U fixed hy tin t.»\\ ■ 111r tin* ■'! 41Mu t> ml.-may l inn 7 pi-r ••wil. »'f«* bvhl |li'|i»lilii.tll)-llrtl.lr, r.,ui»Mj r.ii.| i-ali.tilj, fur il«bl» r.f !*i>-^^Mjciutior. to- lh«t*'»t»>n! i*f Itowjwtmuui Of Utvlr •im.-t. In m'.-Iiilon u> itiv amount tnrteUd. tihi’ri'ln Th« I.Allllli *W l»|lllM, 1ir|iii» Ui* •In'Iumium uta «Uridcnd,to i wri fliif tmtli jrnri ol tlu’ r n^i pi-i^ni*. «it Jh<» prr^t*ilh»i h»Jf yeartiia ».nrpin* IIIml mini tin' iMio -tiall Illimani In '.0 jier<-«*ul nf the .-apitaJ; an4 Mtul h»ii i1rt»i« Mii*t Im 4*.<1h«ipiWmtii not |i«iilt«. Ivt-many JlVni—ril t» .i-rinrv.1 ifiri’f. mi In »p|>...uir*' t t ihf «ftnpfTO?lrr 1o rir p iiw*\ »•« UwfiK «» mtti- »ir witirU *u> i^v**s:» !r.w»lir!.i. Wltlk mrrr tu«« •>»<« natl«Mitl Imh< l«iiumi U.»« lu* wnrr Ivm ut Is* u iim wv^\fv^r,.ti tUwnunruU* mi. A «uU Mar *«-^t»rw»slit f«>r fc»rV»t uevu/iii*- aUr/^,1* - I » mi ii Uj« 'Ifwtui'* *kaU Hnlaif th» law; nu.l ««rk !?•*»■• tl^ry mm/ tm_h«US !lat>!e m th^jr m.VjTf5E*l ^aparity. TVw nr* wkvt (MlArt’iu • t« III • a- *»»S *■ t*T H*uurr. 1b+ pr.Mhi. U.iaa^aifcti »..«*oin faaaL wmeJ in ot taar ib*nlyujuar-«fiJv? 3*ar»— ^ w r,.i- T'l... A..-Iiy »ri'lay t::* --.ml- •sa|m*rsw=0:K.-cca^r»ih'7i»t/'-» mar >iJ - imuaj n. T»»l* ha* th+ of ;o»x»cuWnj lfc»l 1imrx, % r - i | i - wtillM ai*4 I Wat U i«kW|r »VJ t^pvdi. t>m tt* A,por^nl. «feal it* »lm»lnr» f "rrrrrU mmk itm vbIj JI»WI!f*M*«J »• Uat he wtft JiAjr tlM» irf-BWMlpajt! »»aiwripU A >PfW|^l ffMfih r%-«4 i* •'l«* t*W tlUltttfk JtelmUtrU inr stnuu: cvi.lrm>r In nif •*niu?ln«Ur. If tUa f*nlT il can «liow mn vrrer or tt. . It will In liU £avr»r. U*r xxumrr will m lit tu iniMff! mi ilm fU'hiM ul* claim * NO W>lKa«ed. Herein, differ ft*) i0 iMPulptN, «\ 9i*|«)u*>4« In In iho rainrf! of a wrSUen emittiwi uuct 11%«in«it !#«* «'• ii*lroM«*it or rouimdirt* <1 by #tIdoaw. unl^i bn tba ^rtiutnl of fr»Miit. (till U 11 m wopU iin* niiila^ous *>rmny hav«* either of t wo ortiwr* nifiinlm h!rn»'** it faoiilv jfilft to tt> of II ^NSrvOto M> nmlfrnrcO^foatrao! muy arUo from T imxtMK and lh#fMl of InrinRan in^aiit or miaor, |no:vr■<»! thrau Tlit-cvi!rr<%l rtttoof litw mihj* t»r Hi b«ltif (liia fhe iKioirA^t of Au infant ar minor U ool ul* uj* told, rmf U n*|i!abtf, juid in maoy njit^nU tutrvp* lUa ralUllir i»» Un*ir omtmcU h*r uwwiriw Ky b* i^Matit#, tiut not io(4 in tiwiD||t|vi*,intfUKi ihms tho Infanl ha* tfc* rltfhl lo dUMnv utttl MttnBl lltH •nitiln«4f« wllMe/ Mote tril;. Uf ma; On thi4 Uj wprf l»al » ®rrr ^.•kiwt^'^ljrfto-Hl tliAl tt#» dfhi eat#t» U not #-nc«ch.*iKl It mu»t »r.V tluUliily a arw i^naitw. Anofhrr r«Bfl»r ion oi IUoIObs ibe *rt^ii>r%eizMQt ft* to enabl# IM \* bra It la p*y»bW loti* onWr; Ui tnr^ffhU tltw ti> \h+ tiiftinaiofnt wtttent boroomj r«po»i!>> f*>r iu piwwni, acid saklD^ IU *• •W%ai It U iranirn^i M^uoe aS'mpwaldCI/ c»^niin# H>r* To do ikUtiiacihtscMr *nt^5 the %ocds ^WUboal Kwhin" t^rr kUd^Mluvi, wblrbhMtbe Wfretftf irn&ful*hi*s hU t|t> ^ HU. . t mat* fa^C W« IUM U) I bo batitrr Ix crn^e ibr p»pr fai:» tn Imp It ttfi AwiWi flMtted <*( iimlliaxr Ibe ndorsefD^m I« M mmLm ft rKKfcdlttona^ a Iltu*traiirjc of wkieb I# toHmria^: -Pay tu iotia ««• or up^ti fch^UrrHrr to tbarirat XaxuKim! BifiUvsmun; dt^1 u.Wt», block <, kknr wtlrb lb# rrxJorxrr plirrs hU Mruatum. 11* «•> a^NS Ma^«ltp4r»V> io •“A- D. oaff^Drin eqoir&iefit la »fel*fc nM# “1 H.M rmiiiuf rndorwi Jt ##yrr In fact, l.fc# frfiilotw r baa the poorer to limit tira eu»lnn#rcuruf >%• l|a Wt, and #tib*r to Ihmu or luowflw- b\? UmbLllty, #n#rb m* alftMar "aalviiur IHh Him of itamanA;*9 makiir^hU endowemmt *♦^lnral aud«^*(a4 miaranij of paynii*utM foall fuior«hoUf«rst etc-, bm be **nuoU b> U« fadiifiHPtttnot. *|lhrr lttfmiafv or Ibn llabUity of any oth*r fnflwf on fb^ iwitruM«QU An fmdoraar, a# a ra/c% IB «-nUrle«! to immeiUatc ootlno rn*-* llif |u%/ar falla to pay fl. Tlila 1^ tbe ctue In uctxrly all of Um Unite,1 AinWtf, »tw |i n/%. I»^i«n a rulp of thit*1aw tnvrvliant** for many jwarm A favr iviodlllimllnn%v bo\vifv< itrwt rfoi>v^rr lia aalit thatlo bold rndorfWr* tUuy iniit«l bars )inMttpl nollre of non-jinyuirfit, aud il may be said U> In* a nitd.of tbit ••law tunrrliani * lliui all ymrtio* to nr^iablc |rajii*r ai m&latimr* a toi a?^ mi* tlttad to notion arr dUi!tiiuyt>d by want of cot let* The tVinaiol. natlca and prot^l aiUM M ma la tbit laa*a of !!w fiXaee niicN payai»b». Tba !*nu 1« MppUrd K* the otBrial «wt bv an anlbf»rl/#Hl iwrmn f Hanally a S«H«7 Pub!lrjv whereby ho aifirma lu a formal ur prwitM tuarao rln vrttinc tbal a certain bill^^Sratfla rhrrk or Olhrr aejfoilaUW" jiaj^r Ua larn |HVNcQtdl f*r areepfjaure or pay men!, as lb* ou» may be, and Hf-rn rrfita>i] Tbia, xud tb« ftplfor cf the "Proteii^ Mrfcmb anal be aeafe tn all evtdor«era and pantrt In Ibe paper U tn notify ibem o&Maily ef |U failure. Quaranty. P. U I'AlUXVOB* hi v«D#vt«hbnasij to tooito Ci«r tbe faiftnn*eoi of a ptcaavar. urvf in^2fju«a^fit. cutdetya O.ird ja/t/ Tbia • f ••oif tra^tt# rerr eooom. Arcortila* wtb*~?x*inieof frmu&a**ll mu»i !»•- iu am it|, avf UDWci It U 4«€iM istiriartu tSim ana! U ».« •iipportll AaaralaU u b*^ w;niiati#, »o »» ti» l>c rnCurml bj lk*ir%n« lerrr aa U It kal larta jrtmilo him by Ibf pumst^r. bat ibla ibiyafa»a a|am tba «oMUur, aa, if it vucuum a^ tfce e4ftmrtjuu-a uf a »im». p-tynWe to i.Mlei ttr bmivr, tt *ri!j tv beld or^olabSe. A ruriraet Ilf runifttj 1* r jntnailtfd. ▼ilbuul tbr ownl of tbr fttararitoe# il»r guarantor »• divbaj^J. Tbe guarantor KaJ#c-naeiutryed If ih« UaWllty %cr nbligatioii U refir-ae4^ or eiietxW by law -*e other*!**, tiuli•• I** la arltimr reuava Iba wintxiKt InitocM of a baux inror;-iraie»l fur i^enty p an atik.b wa* rrnvwisl for ten years mare attbonl etxauv* ^f i.Ho«'»oiria bcid that ibe on^tna 1 sureties cnuJd aoibab^tdnfter tba fit ^t term. Tb* fpotinniy r.an Iwentoreederenthoa^btb«on^lual Uebi* aunoi i« iue riiai* hi lieromln^ surety for the debt of * mlimr A tfttaranior wbopuya Ihe debt of iljr pr nrlpal la r.utlUeil to demand TttJtu ibe eredlloraM Ilia nartiHtl** lie lioH|ai or of Utn note or bond wbteb declaivatb* d^bl I andi In miqiv MiAtr^fbi4 eredlt^r raunut fall back upon tlie ir^aranlnr iuitll hr baa col|r»*i*il oanun*h ao |Ki««iblo from the« >^scurilles and o.ilUiiMlod |e,ial reitinlie» aualuht th«« principal. If the d**bt or obligation Im flr*« lunirred uiul 4,'oaiplcled before the guaranty W ^lvoo# there moM lot a new t>oniddrr-allim or Hie uiiaranty ia void. A Kiiarnnty m^ioi blndiu/: unless the guarantor him imileeof lt» acittpt-ajn*e# tnif ilia taw preiiiunea tbla adceptun^a wbun Vbe offer Of itunranty and Ofta of Iba parly to Whom (ci^^iven,auoh m delivery of KootWikr exUmd^rif credit uioiHlaUon wltbioit dir*«ihariftitfr tftiaranlor, untena ll should bai-e llieeftrri of pr*}tulleinp tbti •nterr«ipi of Ibo guarantor, rti whlrrti ra** be woiild be released Generally a niiarauinr uiat.alauy Uairf paj a debl and *o. at oture. have Hi* rlgtn lo pred aiialiml taa tiebior. Where there fu* been failure on Uie part of Uu« pr«iw*|-pai and ibe gnarmnior ia luvknl luv he mtul Ki»» rvBaiual*!# noUea- ami noli*** la tla*>uiea teaaimahie if it prevent* fbe irnaranlor from •nffertti# (ruta ilia delay. Il is in ouMty raae« ditteaU tn *aj aud u pun it real a ihe t|c*«ucn vf te#al UablUlf nbniivr Ibe pnnuuae of utelopii ftfTfUalt 4f| Tbe 1naliao f?»K»n ilavif tulo IbU: «Im dl4 lb*- ^^er^tfa c |art j a>.*« It la Hwhoi mb«uri«i «biW- ermltWm M» a a vibe ^ party wui it k< wi^tb ua h.f bwlMI ncwtr^AfOnl aa a ir^arar.ijr, t-ur an onjnnal or oiflaiml fmmirae« aad wtrabl make tba party UabJe. la **nerai, a ftanmord a bill cfiubla BotestiUaJ tu aueb atrlrt and ex*.^ con re a» an rad<*?*er im entllfe«l tu, bat nniy tt»e aitle** be ran .«^otr Ibat it was nnreawi^ahiy wltfilif «d and that ba auffet«M\ thereby. There is a marked di/feretiee in tba rtfrel «»f a iiuaranty of ihe‘ jiavamit/* or of the wcoHe«:Uout#ol a debl. Intbenmt • aae. ibe ermlllor can Jook to thr smarantor at any time ; In Iba latter, tim ereitilacr immt exbantt hi^ legal reme^tirt for coT)e<*tin?1i r*HWri:a— a 1*^a #i<] aett^nl ami lajwruat nU« of la- ^ovnnixs^ tbr ^ mail* r Ilf turmla and a^hh , vbieb erar> bu»iii^»*3 man abouri andee-itaM morvo^kjy. Tbe trtnlliiti of pri&npil tk a^tt ua?:-Jea ibal Uie fWlaeipal arU K> aa4 ibeon^b tba A y^iarlpal »• rtopttnViWr (at iba Wtaot IM a/ant 4*ti a baa be baa ataT; firm faii anibviiy to tba a0e**« or abeti ba baa by bm «tfml Mi all UU bnaina^*, or fa a)i bia buineaa of a partlrolar kind, and bia power U lioiteU by Ihe wvtpa ami riia»ater of tba bnain^a he la «ttt|M>aered t«# tian«a« t If lie ia^irets uut aa Ur general atfeat, iba prin* r«i|iai la bonnd, mu It Iba a^ent tran*-ecd» lita artnal authority, bnt doea pi‘l |fit beyond tin* tta*.unit and uaual ai»jie ivf tbr huaioe**. tin tbe ofbitrhaiMb ia uprclal a/rnt In non authorized to do only a til* tu.iif, or a t*w apHalifWx! Ibiirir««.vr a ♦j»e.*.ifled Uneof work. If lbl* «|mniai itfftil ateeeiU bla littOiorll). ti may Im alateo as on alinoat Invariable r^ie ttUll tbfi|Wini*l)mi Ubnt bound, bwauac tac pitrty dealing with the a^rnt miiMt lio|Uli« fur tilno rtf 4i ml at Itle own p*rii# luto the extent aud Uml I a of ihH MUlllnrit^ flveii I (Mint airrnt K^pbeialiy Ik thlw the ea*c ahere the party Wnaa* tluil tlo» n^eIII bail Wen nr was entfaged In Utendicp lo a par Urular mid NprnfltlHl Utmfii wdrk eounerteil wltb Ihf l;n^>nrr«^of tb<* priori* pul Tim party* hftaerer; |» not \n und by any ape n Wlltiif or oy*»ilv, or may be ImpUod from cetialn ueU. Thun If m |»n -oh lima bln «T>0de lit to thn i'ifttmiy of another whot-e bciaineaa ll l> l4*H»d| mn Ii i*oinW. tn* oatliorUf ^ tlie wItqU) world to belle^f Unit ihU pcnicm hu«i lUeui for aale md noy f^raun bnyln^ them hnneMly, In tbla belief, vrubld hold ilii-iii If ona, Unowlnn that another had aeteoaM bln atfunt%doea not illwivtiw tl»i* uiMhovtly on «**v»n toe coxxTbnlatsUy ran. tral he« by atul imrmlla a |mr*iUi to ur* on and %K-ai with tlie snppOMd a*ent, or Imo an op-iMirtiiutly of lni|ruililf)in^ liimwll. tbUia an adoptlnu and continuation of tba aela of iha Aor.ut. A principal («• laitind by Ibe acts tif an apent ereu after ti>e revoeatints of b|a *fenrjr% If ancb r? t4: bOAfll* ire* *u««ti r.a* bar* rradnai.y rruwi*^ •Isjibc Iba f^aat lew year* aa Iba I>H#*t HiUa* bu»4a anOUWr air qcAtnt tebrzb ai«er par iuMt ibe raia of iMlarr*» ao bf tbat tberala bal little pc^t lotbe t.ank • la II Ail i*f the atataw ba«af« aa nv^Utla/tH^WlbctsbbJ pruryj-lii/Cf rtaili raWiitMoie Iml aa tha kaaanf the %arlonn $vat« are oot aUk«il la l«|ne»ll^ iM^hiiR neoaral ilMrdun* n^f tbe taaivar that wantd app'y to ail lb m HI a lea I*, lae^tu »i nfrr proaldr f** le^ain* 5?tat^ boskatii bold 14 • «'ftahi ci *a-cirt. ami at le^ui ir laiervaN they make full Placement* ua In Ibnir «loiflllloti aa«l Uu »r aifiii** -lt~ rTamtued Into tiy errtalu State otOciala at frarptirnt tiller* at a *tiit la Wi* of all thr .Mate* bar* reached a biab ilf^Teu of j«/1 (e«»|b'M lu I to* tuoibi-l of n-tfu .at ini? and ovrr^er inc Stale bmilia, nod Ibe nlnioHt onUerv il •imtUtn**- ami retlabliliy of these iufiti-tutloua rellei't credll U|*** tbe taw- under wbi^ll they etiat Clewing house. ZJ1IK C|carln^-lioun4» |ath^ place whein ibc dxebani;oa of the bank* are ^ nindu In nil the principal iiitlea of the worid. Tim ctNraiingdiouae aya* tom wau ilrrd ««uiabUaMi»d III l«iitoluti about llo* hettluuiu? of the present imiUitri*. ll wna lira! Uitrnduced inta llilacountry by thebnjikKof theeUy Of tt4iw YtirU Or^unltlun nil u«uo>iMailoiif uiui^r (he muuc of the KfcW York (.Vann# lloliae, wbli'b nominauenl o^ieniiloim Octl |]f I MW At tl4at time H coii*}*icsl of ltft> tao bunkii. but lien of ilium wfrr becaavcof tbidf Im* in III \ lo 111 il lla «iv)*tiv »lllea uf tha eoutiarot lu all clllca a liaub 1 T««(m larva amiumMiof liUlaof andcjon^ou rAmt * • dra^ 11 np^n II- IVim to tba eeiabttabmeni of tbe eeariap* hau*» H«a liaea—n?y foe aaell ‘miiI, arary »<.rtiftr. to caake ap IU a^noii.i a ftli e«ary iitbef <*auk. ai : to %end lla porter ur ae-^tn to prefect tbe bill*sad wte -arei W 11*^ .inhlnr KanU tor -a;anu Tbeoalancea wareadf;a>ami v^ooaoH -• .a^oriosf. £*&gvrom, and raMMpil^atid IbM tbr >.a'.a»ree weir -e^tW4 vtaly weekly .inetaail af ,rt+f t iuiV,‘i«' Ii a*!)i44ftn i»rrviiM>* nypaci tbr other liauk? -ealU'il U10 ••aaehau/|^Ht•• and ibe*a ufe aiairM for e»arb tiar.kaod placed In futtlpimii On tha om«oW* of eaab *iMebipo \* a nlip uu «hhli ardiwted thn aniounla of the v*rJoua llama wbttfll il ei>htoliiH Tbe mr***u£r point AH tlieoth^r nptHicn^era aoiftnjf In tbe aame inaunar eacii mow^n^r hn^by tbia meunii, viaitrd eiery bank and .JullvffM toMrb *verythintf hla bank beht for II taking .1 rvi-. lpi for theaaao* ; aud at tba *ame time raeb bank bMttOOivad all tba aaci\frQ/watb iok Ua.» xj^lr - oparailoii eron In llivfiratr#! cWtHttf liutraia HUly cooeuroe* from ten zo fifteen minute*. •Hit* euablea iba banka wibnow ai onra the etwet balance fnroraraln^-it, aatba Carka lataaadlatei^r rnfavfrom tba an tbeir nwts abt-ets tb< acrfeejai# aiaouni from eara Iwck.ao.l (br -Iifferriw?e betavm ti>» total aaauttai U»u^ii b> *h+m atilab at att*a aluiaa tbr b*«anr*4*r to cr from iba I >arlnr baaar loraab baab. ttbUo-l-mn' tv tba.r Iraoaa, and tba balaaer 14 pal4 trvordrawt ftoia Iba eli mn| bov»e, tbua at wan e i#UUt| tbr a^rcoonta tatwecs ali tbr banka tbe Itata ate * prrvroft^arafUUy, and certain ttne* a^ ^idforaL •ftrm% taMiaeaa, rte ACCOMMQDtTION PAPER. A S m'cotmiuiilnUoii Mil «>r note I* on*- for « hiyh the aoucptor or makur had P if<.i'l' rrt un rc.n^lilfration, but ha-i leut bia name aod ori'rtlllo iu'dmiu* tm».U(*. II11* dniwrr, p.iyre nr hoJtfer. Ho lirmni) to nil other parUi'«)UMt M« rutiip.'nivly :i3lf tUrrr. worr n pooil cou»iderail.on, for, If iIiIh wimnol. ilio U w.uilil be “f jiff value to tin; party acvourinotlated. tie l« not alinwoii tt 'irt upwniu of coDBlrto-atlon as a defence a« ajralii'M any ln»|ilcr for Vlilim- Hut hf la not boun.l *o tlio party ivliom tie Utua n«>ooinuu>.|ui>-n, no mnii«>r liow Hie lu&trumc •* u.ay be drawn. 1 /DENTIFICA TION. 7? 11K tni>re act of iilrk I^rty or tnakiqjf bim known to a banker car* ^ rbn srttb JtnollaW.lty outb^iKirtofCie party who tJu» prcfnnnn it, uuks*«iit«*au boehoivn tbrn; tvaa ffuuJ orcollaalon Cusiom*-fi»<»f bunkn ai’«t tivi|u*aitco r» ^il tbat i-i n^^-of), but «pl* hpf#aw tbn t.»UA«r :ipoo tbr bnoor and Jm»rj»rity of bia .-iwUim-r. tun'win* itoai ■h lin|in»j»*r *rnni6 no* b* introdet *»i, fnr ia » ra^ of 11. Is bind tb» l.a.w .MuatM ati thr rU*. 0*ivrraIlj IkOWel^rr.U aa. tltwimt IJ:rj ab(» ru> «jJb 1-aaU’s, a= it *boc‘« ra*« l»«* (Blunn persouaUy liable totbe task If «oy nr oil .it tbr draft* or cb«ebfc prcrre »..rtbJe>« An ondartau^l wbicb b» frrqu-ttiy taaM t/y panlo wbn an* to liUaUlj utlsercisWBWTTly icdfeat** tbat tbey kck» loM. u> U..> A OuU A. *th* fit** Kcv£li»n dy«n*ii iinder Mama* ,*¥» ?n*rrti >i I tYfton ICKi'pitaii ilvhftity lir*ln». rhw rrrnmM T^ww wHlWi.B | 11«* I f I 1MIIM f •••»»••»> • ' ’■ Mmih IV)‘I I . HUM* r^yjtUnu dynnvtv. ■ i;. I'lmlrtiiii m»iil io huw '.".'ii ooihpPoid by Myibr or At'fiirtilmiH ifilH '!')>« d1 '•) •>Ul-ilH'tin lo Arlr.tutlr. (tl* i*«r1l(ml •'lUlil U nf tSM II i* .\o» Tlie Win dyna*ly Ul CtllUA (fmb'Jud. Com Ifttrm writln* probably tn w*e. Sim Xlnatrh boltt. :h>' Kim Ivtbia* drnAAty found#*. ya« 4jn»» etn Om I fuuod* l*M i:«>i>u«n •IvnMi *1S* Prr»tntd» kultt Jjnrth ol .M» mpd* 2^ Th* OMI»k nl Up ererled >« Kr.pi «r Vrltu at Cbaklea SOU rmtiuh »rflM>* »H Ot**C*. tm ikivu. Inun4#*l nN> »jrtl. Al‘r»l«uu. |«| Call I ■»< Afc»*t«iu •yr» U. »f«U- liM (Mtr Mru. ire r^«tu -•< US k»i«i«n» if A**'** towW bU KH*« Mf Jr*< *•»< •«1um A»> tc IJUIto t-f bM «-- ICS Urnn'li *Uiflut* *1*11*1*1 im mMMi M CT> 3m*9h *+i l*t* Mcrt* _ ffi* An___iriTirL Urftiit 1^ MfUirtj^.1 with a (xlutnn nrftitlcte4 l/v tin Praptat Kltjali. WM* *rj»r uv»„n i> iratinlMi*'*! to h'eit.VAiu •for. > I Ii.’.liiil •U-li'iiti. thr. Xiumonitcs. i> nil. ..I AI ml- K.lus of I rat-1. »!'.» Mil'wi'Ifi. 'JI KHsilia tho Pniphoi. »IW Hi*»«* ji rln ti.‘tW',;,-(| !.,>• the: Syrians w-i i-iniBiinnion ii>nk*.l l.rKtaliUK.n or t.ycurmt* :n. yi.arui. A^.mr.iiuirtr-twl Klnc of Aw/rjH. tKfl IHW xjrj JiKit Ml«i <3* an J**h «•-* ^ ^ijn M Kinrt. IU). <*%.*!fill A***, und K'hU'Cbk mat <»*.«! r«« «vw* iT»tUO nwrW.-*, nir Ai««yTj»ti» iw;auiir,v:i,i,.. XTrthyhMUtv >i.h t'.n'iiiuiii' iKimiUfd br 1-iitr* th« ryriuti KT./ rut laii'H altiB I. Ilf Assyria. X7\i Tl>» Afeyiutni --c*iii|i*er TOumtofc* ».') A^rrf’in ivOtjuiret under ^Mliiianwwr. Ilujcnrl u11n/’&is I.»«tnr»u» tfuai?fcb«ttL. lllympli puii«.tr r«vtVrJ in KiU, Grrec*-Acttm «o»itirn* Tarju*. — Ibtbffon h*.~t..rnrA etibfr^t to Aasyna. V«* Tf.- Kc>jitua* thf mu-t r«»*-ff»l lutfjlmi '•*» *t>» *r». K-itur: rnUmies «tab!l£fc^L 7>l It.niA/i toXitir* rtiai.twi3crd TT< Cotunwacriurtit *4 it. OlyrtJv. fttM muth-mf dai> ta halrrr Tlir Ktm.-Jir- tt Caini-anu. 7U3 Itoatr fr.un(1t»i by Busnbu. THl AlJw-iu c\• n»m M»tn»i*. Ilat.y. r™ v!. '• r.f Nrloi. tiafai.iuir. CHdrtlPM llUHfft Md AIMurio Uir«iwn mil. n ru»-*«.»•••' rrn|.t<*-K« Ml audiiiii. r.H- l-riitttfw, iauri uml di .lrov.d lir S’c. iMIf/hulliiMAI w 'J1*. *■ ttxmlfiiii III .Kiditti. '-'I 'I* •* I'.'tMli.di.f H 1,111'. Ill AlSotif lnrt» t*.hru rrn»t>' i.mwn.r, m, ,it„ vii Ujnfihr ttirini'V .'i.JitKil ni U.mn bW Nolm, tnulin i^i.i tali'*ii Tyn . r.JH A i.i i ii ii In 11 III rful'VlUH I'Ulllllil Homo •7a Ctrli v,>ii m Mum i.' fiTJ' Amu/iiit t'.iiiitm m I'„*iii. uiW Hjrvjtt * »* TIih nr^» ••Mr -i«i ill Mimi" fill*mi H1?W> AW uf Viii^n>ijinront tiiw livttnii Irvin Kcvpi. AahiuM 1 rxNfiiU |«ih dytuiMj l>» tIim KnMtwirt tt»n rtf a*"»wu'; Ui win* "f l’b*M|uw MM CAdUlHil toMmlu Th« tio* t>i«.ii(vnr> nf limn - inir-lw linn of Ilf ftlplubnt ll»\o tlr«wv Mill riif ji«nit0Vt'f IllliimiMd. ini' ijuiMrinrc ol tiin lurniilH.iiH from nj^yp* Tlio In* kIvvti itniu AfhUiii lltnni. If,Hi Trt^rrniu'ln <’i»liiiilit.l»itil In Oh- V»lllli*rnt'i«li. Mftl ni.-j»th Ilf .UimtiK nod Annul. Joiiliim I'ml' thv iir/tpllum Into i:*n*iiit ItiS Joiliun df.Vt4>'<* r»fiM«f». . , 1113 to 1190 llobrvw hultjtvt lo H* ii'TJod* of bonftMTM. \vi. *)(hnir| flr#» |ud«i in l»r»«l. I»W Kins of iMbyl'-o iiwrrlM tbw dimfbln*-of ibi. AttyriMtt Km*. IX*» Wtud. M*ntid luduc of ■ |rra*L MM Cnrloth Iiuitl. rm Kiinnwieu Km« of ilAbtkoit. I3t* Kftlnn. Kll/|f uf Mi*aIi U14 »i»r* «M|» »•«* tIJi Ktvnxuuo mmtaM^rlM I»»*H*|«*4. ISa Kj«« D.uuw *u 4t)(.« hMtliU -ll VAh*» •• Mnn LX \U.ltk sod !!•*—»All Oi l«r*») «•» Mm Wttu* I* P-*U* cn ||>#*r Id Ul* Jumruo Kwrtw. :n»- luinto* n» i»» \v*irtA** t;o r.tdMH. ifc» «»«.»**! ♦» o> |*U« •* Urs*l Ilf* Fuffl*H-*^uii<* r»««w m r.trpi. l.v* AtoHMUcb km* 4 »<*•"» Hi PtiMrtw »n I’jtrW. I -n llid*i» . tilted V» l*»rla ino thjM 9%r Mate*. JIM Tf'-r Ilf jim* P.iUttru* ill »*•« i**i i:**tmAXi 72C Uftirkmb *£—U*b« Idolatry In .Judah, m Hhatman**cr IV. Imades Plwanda ■r;i An-yr.am mvt~t Samaxis and CArry !»;•• T»'ti Trib«* into -si-TrvitT Thv KiL'udnai if i>rarJ desiro>pd-’It A#«rrtitn«i li.latlj d^fsnt tl>- HUtitra. 714 A **4 win at I on of RAirtutnji. 71.’. Nunta Potti;uUuA. Ktnkof Rv/ius. T;l flomiufh^nh. * ho A«>rtaa. tnvndtr Ktt)1'l. TIO rtcnt n*.•)>• 'th inrede? ludah. tjrft.OtHt An:*>rtAIif degtro.vtd tn onn tiljrhl Kd '’oio|ii«un .1 XfdlA AAil »nntut»* of dt»* Rmi lr. id l »iw* tntwiM Ai<« Minn# In l*n*u S»i»- *t\'i Kr» ul PrthM'xa*-ta Mwi«li*« finimUit lir I rWM I* wnM ioir»r»-i» Mmuvniin« ti»v *aU- fjHM . -AifWrv Mabrfc* IMOutAT. Kiev Ml t« Alai*. Oi **rnn hitH *i* tn! JmAua CjTB* UK rr.4«tr|«. Mi k*t«:l4ie« at t»* T*«nr»* • ftrtl fihlb4*.« triur*«rhi* 1. I«»*n* nfti.r ***** •onaOoit of Hinwrtl* *K* ilaeiAn. '•j* Tw*»i*lrfcd Potrrdl* uiurn* ifn> P»r«lim »hro«»'l df fm!.«J b» I>*ftu* UX SJ2 Cir*ti< of Caroliyum. tlrwk* ‘-dooite^ «I*** TlUB*'*an Clutmm- tiy mi iuiKr.'t. ■If AKrV .......... idnlntiv hi JinJnlt. Ji>!* MA'rijoii MX J MnmiiHBrh, HrVrirt ronr|u^rs Babylon. I OK “f lorlnh. i:;ni 0yn>'" fonnda tho o'rd Lydian dymmty. (tMl Kjrviit dlvldt-«t bi'lwwcn L.1 ICItiftft u- _t». SM ond M<:»ftonliui Wur. uml.-r Ariy- (OUlfJltiK. 6!t Ar< UoiiBhlt' aI Aliwn* mad*! uutuul. '.*-1 I'nar liuddiiu Rtnp of Assyria. Itabj'lwn lifltximPi thr »econd tuHlnl. w.4 Cr^/in biK^itU'r* first unnucl arthon or Aibonn 0> HamnrtA ojlonlnvl by '.Vssvriami. ff73 XwmIa cjiOjtler* Kcyj't-«?| ***iimmrtU-uii rvlgit* m Ee/r* *ml «n lni«rrwunMs 'S'lth ibi* Lrcrta. rr.\i A than tUYA*t«» And feattte %d tfi»* Horatb mid CurlttitL ........Or«t f Assur-fcani-rai. King irl \ **»rU *r.v lk» f*b» fc** »--?«Ad#4 W Cy4xam. *tl Cjj^a* tmdrr tt) m ttT l.rulo* tmlOdiKl. «■> ■ Itdl^O or I'im i i . ; ill»'.iM(it#» KtOi* Of IVl'MUl K.ibyliitM' book* hrmiKhi fr»m t uno1 I'nrw Of I tarliii fot t. bulldtbK I tin Tumid*, m IfMi.»ilt»m Itirfii of I'lmlni lilf-1 I*, i* *:«*• Thf Tntbl lo roloillt niul ili iln nli il |n»orro<-lloii lo Allloin* ltsp|iui cIim.i hUIh. MinillA* rtllo* Mi At In ii^ t'rolon •1i.tiri>yn tiylMil* 1-htiUlslOo of tfiv •l.mpiltin from (loin. t-'unttdaiioll "fib*' ll»DUtdh., inntu*. Itrni'i* And Tmt|u>htu* roiinlinm. ronKUU Tho Ivt*d»ir0l* ••>ii«||*d *Tf.tn Alh»-li». Alh. n# n trirtildlr • :•)«!torr-lal trrnii tn.v-rrn TurOnur" Flrn* tr*At» t»n%*r**n limn* *ml *.t*r nm nt*< v*i*rt*w !«*•» mrHryihiAii r.p«diii.»* Nfr^rtu* r«rm* Af Ho*i* **4 drtit ow MruM tJi ffc* owill* fri+t* «tf N«i*4 Io TIim U*rti«* n>•** iHrtai**' r* ItUH in A*:* Mih-l ItmlH "f t**-TiA by thr SCTtfc^ «s ttabylnri u«B«p*-Ed^nt *ind.'r .>ab^iw'a*- 4*1- I* h h,^*Zw *H1 lllttl-M. <(• |Vf*>AA. **n| t/> ih*- *"»*t by turtat. . „ 1J-I K*m>H *t 4M InntlrtWf, by AW^itt. im #*i.th»b l.i'bc^ **™r i*r** » im -.lamavu 5«fnai* Dm- Phibmm-* itm TtutMh I'Vlrwr I. iiha*!** i»*b»b>*>i* (18k Muiiuiii. jiHlx* mi** ftr*' tiroi'hei m Ur»**t. Ill] IiriKb of ^nlinniu. 1110 Tiw.tin nit’^r *.**1 ram !• ihyloit i*u» it *oun Hrc Dnliuritt m*1IIm in \hmi Nirv»r( linn friron) Tin* i:hi»w dYH*4Jrt# llI Wnin# J«M Hmtl lltNOn llr>t Kill* ol ltTMo| m*a until dormiu »ii.- piuiisiaiwi. HW Hirlli t.r I la I III ItWf. lii'fttli or finmu*d. mr,f» I«.,n«'. n>‘i Pm.id tnkoK lrfii*ai*im. 1017 Kttiit Hit a m, Of ryrn. Wdn it.. Urnvlliai I0M lonluitli nntfh* t»i AbUi Mmo|‘. 10ki Dttvol dvfinitH tit. niliuilno* nod m;0V-••r* thr ArU. rti*. Ark rrmovi'd to lirn^Hlom. D*«ld. of Ixraot. imlidnrii Iflt- HJrrl*im*-J021 Th* ji>v«U and *l*uiUi r.< AI.«*U'in IftlC D.tttb ..f Viavi.J Sfttnmun l<^om»- Ktoa. I'M I BoJntnOB 'li Ti'ttHda |a*run ||>M i>ni|Jrtion ami IT.4W Ailnn »ol»Hnai» i> TMpfiT M Tb* Ua**n uf MirlM »t*i»* Kla« .S lmom. TO l*r«ith «| JV>U.rhiU- r.**»u *f m- T*n Tub** r»hl*W« **«•» ktngiV tra A |w*r« and vHwmu t,.iiA«« m »r 1MACI **«Al*lufcrd undar 4ambn*M. luu r../.m. tnilr^n» *!■»«* W»«i i*a*rtU. lb* Mtlftr*i*« •* m« *»♦*« ot^rihd rgvnr IBW lOf y*^n* Tim. ,Vf* t *rr- *1* VTMrmliy a'**T'r\l by iw nr*at*« i«n %4 <'hr«xH>l*>nat^ ,ViUi)»i'h rak;-n br Ui«- Msdts Awynaa Hn4»lrr Ends-IN.rtandrr at Corinth. at l**l*rlM'*i8 begins to rolgn -n , ihl'1 ruitwii K?'n,^.!'^g,i.?a,n h0l)nr “r iunltor Mtnrrva. Phnrnoh Notho II. Bgyp*. rtrrumnftVl-Kwt«s Africa. HID I I.U 11> of Megiddo. St,™srs%"‘ mbs ntirf • of.ow men. %m rt »* Cirt uj. Mmcimu«, RW. te ffirb.i l« if KSPn drfcat«d by N*dm jrir*M"rft*l*r prophecy of tbe rcv«nti K^iurb-dnSiuir' takes Jentsalem. JnliolaklTO. hb rascal. «M Da*J**t pnH.n«*U>« a» s wr^arssff' -a ^a U 4^f>*t*d *n4 n««i dwitfnrHt *:*Ar si* Atbn». Ml CrtftrtUtma bawt«brd r.r"t**tm¥- 1 NI fiUfd lit 1h^ \ ».!•€ w Hrrd*f patlt ytlril aitrii mil! vl. 'ory .if Mlllt.ilw. i»l I*...... * I,tf«”. 5BU»U S -Irtlr. by Hi- Vol*“’lAl»« ,w wMrv’f... »i ••-..i... iiw*-!-m bsWiffiss. «*>. W 3 .................. by fh. AHl.-nlAO" m {swa ^,,y - a 4rut tititw %§**+* MfY irf «n. ^ ^ lUitM 1-44 ^ftarM i £2i^.*!.r*rKiu... - ii. Ul i?* <•» m iw pm f: C. ”/ Tharydtao t/jicd aft«r ii c. ua.». Kinrt I’oblUl*o Klrctlon /'f p]cb«i.\r; rnacUtnUrs sT,v«i tt-tt^ CotuiUa Tnhuta-Rorsr. Virton :-f CtTOOn ovrr tat Persians at tbc Kurym*^.-!!. A ut in in iT{-'m<> fjgccu. Kutndr AppiUa I'lau^ltta I'.iru li i. Vfflna to take part In lho pub* Hi u-fliiir* yf Aihfebn. Iltrth Of Hc^rHtPS. IlnvtrUf.tloti or .M>fWo- b> tho Ar^ivvn. mogtnnn >>< AjipviHinln llourishi-a, KIlKlit of T!t*.7!ilfitne!«r$ to Peri?iu •■*lnili! ol .VnxOE, !iin|r>i hi tho Hur>'tn«loi!, hnmoinm. .iiiliri^ Por^m un itrfrntiid li.V th- tltvi I«tn»i»'«L IJ«t«n or Arl.ttxor\oB L in Pershu ItOVoll }ir r#i»:t» nx3.ir.fi Pcraia Iflir r*«».ilt it Buptir.'sx^l la 4iS,\ Itlriti .*f f><*niiM;ntua and Hippocratn rlv.lh m f:. c. r»?», Tbr Attirinur. In E*}i>t. &€ Walt? of Aflni comriMod Tb* lWaiT|r*ie; «r cr-unril «X Ur at Romo. L*«» ju drf»a? Ihp T>Kr*Z*zt *1 Sal* mu? Is Cfpr**, t .rauiw» V.:*» hit da^&trr i« u>t bar fr.mi ApplQ* rtaaflli^. Prr»t IWfviariratr atKlisafrd. A01ita* ChtajQuj Goins-. VatrriBu and 21:>xxiian i-**5-T>rai;a> of iiiar-, .f thr I«ieSa fram Kota*. Alrfloa’-*/... of lb* I^eoeniTirs. .-/rnr. l Ha trti «'i_* la Gre-c-. t»a!to! ConinPiL <-[ Atixn>. Bjrariue wWaer Arri^enfcin and dt- («au> tb* KtnwrMB. TMrly an* trace txtr^ez aQjcbe an»l ^Hirta t-uRcloded. Oocittir of tt* Athenian Ksipir«?, Kwll -I Eub«sa «T'd KefiiA t-aauUMan l^atrs, P^-rac. Nrbanlah Anr^rn^r of Judea. AthAAlAIi CoPmT tn Thurti Porli'tita btaBMD«e. utprcine at Athena. Hirtb of Xenophon ab u (orrtble ram I no tin 4a» I'h'o Samian War. Ulnic an.I rvdu«'llo:t of 9amo» by P«rl«den. a c. ¥» ■■ 9* tx. ttl til Cl I liA 145 IM Mil IU 410 l.TT 433 cn lioath "f 8i uriun -Mtfllai*—H'Ohir. Cornnlltia Cowup ;mil Lars Toluauiluk. :m- .n.l Spolin Iltrth ot l«» Hoiur. ifeii Optina, ■ixral.-ntdjed ilfotnrrv *jr aicAinst Uii- Ktra^- un ta ui 421 11* 41k (12 (tl 113 112 (lit 40!' 407 4 5 brv«j td»-d •&’-nf Watal - of Pbcrmio. Iirmli **J tall of Mytilec?. HMtrltrtn at SJyUlrna- _ Pirrt A:^nran n>*litlHn « Mr»*. -• arf-Jy * vrar&yaa*** r.*Mhit*d rerr/rtaa ica«=acr<£. li«n>^ti>-a« in Et!*-> Mura. CAj.ua Ukua by tb«r SamanMr*. flirt.1! "r Wogo»«i thr Cynic. UTTonrt<■ r of Nidna lo Gdlp Plrfll trv.ily Iwtwcon Sparta and Pvraiti. Co«"tituuon rtf th*- Four 11 und rod «t In'rlfim’1 of Alclblados with th.- 1’ersl an*. llfKlnnlnK or tho war» of Syracuse und Curl hag... They contlnun ««vont) yoarti. Throi- plebeian tjutosion- "t Itomn .'l-H ti d Sor.ond Invasion of Sicily by tho Cnrth*-Klnlana. I’hf Volaolati.-; defeat (ho Homam!. llhuiti-R founded, iiattl. of Arictnuac-('ondomiiAtiou of the ten genemla. Dlonvalus tyrnnt of Syracuse; rrlK>" f.hlrty-riKbt years. Thr fticj!.- or Veil Rome. UntMi> <»f Bjcwpotami. Dlonywua rrinna in Syratuse. Arh- nt. takrji by Lywtndfr. Kn-1 •>* «li> Ionr.rsian War. Gotrrnmont of the Tfclriy Tyrani* it Aibr-». r'fjrtat! sutrcciac.f. rvaib of Ai.'iblad*^. _ Tarw*bains drjnwratw ROTtrc- m. et at Ath-HJE- __ JUrti cf Ptocloa idjrd SttJ K>r*diti^a af Crni* 4fe* y»unRrr rrirlf. at th*r fcattfr ->r Ctroaza fee ^ Mnia! aa*J alais as< Uw "fUfCPeAt Of t*n f> *tsarrS- Greek* uadrr X«i J bus ImAsl Ctru^ C* 1. *w m .{«i .1WI Mabubl. tv at h of A«rr*t***. Campalim *f.d jwaim- Mvri'ytlUla* Pti-I ('AmMllfR of AC*■■Miitifc m An.*' Thit Homan dti*A»..i l‘*B»tll*i* i Veil Iir*- an i-ualiiKin mmml KH»rt*. Lyr*n r r at*lit I'rralnn* aiaim tho Ailmnlttli* amf .1*>(i**l lit*- 8|iAIH«i.» nl tin- im-ji l*u*11* of Ul* 4 nidi.*. Th*» CorlnlhtAfl War t.i'KlnK Th.. r.pv"..nrl b.ittli or lloror'.’n. Th*. I^.HK \vulli. of Allhoui rfiHor.nl by I-Virion. Vi*M ilofmuil by 1 liMiitllun, (Jabilllip- imi'oAi I..' i mot i.mil.it i»mit<> ot a i * iu . Tin/ Itomqii* ilof> im*■ tl l.y Hi'nntHl*> uml rln tlnnli. Hon.. burnt. HIorii of ill* t'ajiUol Vlofot • oi rnotiyrnu in lli.toiuui 1-Jlrtli of t^i liiliii- Tii« linn)* oximllnd from Ituiun und city iv. bill |t, lv.u r Id Antal. I.Ino, I'• t'BtA. •ir*:rl« i'** li* lo AM* l/* PnraU Knd Of tin. r.irimhian \V*r Caplt^iltn* gutinvi i.MHliUab*4t to ll«no |w.r/at of ihe tvratnn* un.lar K*a«nfn» Innh ut Ari*t'*i ii*- ManhUk f.urlrd tr»w lar^ftun io*li rot buttriA aunrrt nl *«-vt'IriaMt. !!*«»♦ of (>¥rt tti* M>' ua at L*u*tta. FrmadMiofe of vfrAAl Tim hamnrii nioi lititltl I hr Tntn|ilo Ml prrUlm. 35K Honrhnlliu of'iho HmdNi Wnr in Urni'..' Kingdom of iNuilun (nmiditd. Uonlhnlhu of iho H.o Ini Wnr aiOBo I)f CIlloH aud llivnmllilin. Ami.hl|iOIIH InUi>ii by Phill|. II. SiM^BSa-alT M.ilimii |.mr. ot dolli. PlnK'tuii (or hbi'IimIJ War b- «im. l-2»n**«lllU>li ol I Mon lo Kl.ily. 5M> Swnnd SA.T*.d War, iho 1'h.n un* hm Ina mim'd Him Tumi/In of I'rlplil. tar fir ClroH*. |tblli*li* i*. from ii ik ni.i I'b Inirmut. SrrMruiii I'lnhHiin tin as »4 XA 3£3 Cl 111 *K lllrth nr Alv*ai.ilor Trttljllo of l*Ialift, nt I>t»n liiotyyviu Cttlun .XUr. lo* Hulltm. tntor at ItiHnr, Knd ni thv SHn'lat War Iti llraiM'w. lnrlor.rr..-11'Oio of III. / U>* I/*any«tb» Iba ijranivy Ul Pir»t ijur.niia uf W>na [Villtf Mt liamu*. Cox»lu^*t id dyreraaa l»f Til Ka>;li.hiA vf » PhiUp- 542 Rowao 4j**u«i*H l*a* ■ MutKi) Al Lrtklfik Itofltf-jO_5U ptnti^ f M*. .»Jim'* oiprdttlan 1^ ThrA'«\ Dlrtti or Vli.iciirua idl/d 27IM->40 Pffrtotbu" *n>l ItrjukiiMUAi ••v*m*il bt Philip Vkuo i*f Tirooloo* o**r lh» Cartiin-glnlatii. at ihr fnmUua. IlMttlH id Mt. VeailMUii. Ri*mo. 33S «*i*.ond Unman I'oblltAJi Third B*>iroit War tio*tn» toiiwri u Plilllp nr..l lb* AtllCtilMIU. y3» 1‘hlllp (tcfii’r.il >.f tho Amphyot lonlr; Loaitoc Ututlo ..f Clmroftvo. IMilllp Mubjuiiult u (.It......... :i37 Klrst Uomiin Plrhoinit pmtor. *;17--:U!. Tho laillti Wai luKlmi. nfli'i |W» y.uirn tho MomniiK mo v|ilnrltiua. 3.10 MUrdoi ol Philip, Ar. niv.InO of Aloxtimloi III Um Ureal. Aoi'i'tatop oi i>nr!un (litdotnnnu^. 335 Aloxan.lor doatfoi" Tln-bi'Hl "» i’ho*"ll KOllot'allenluio ol llir flrviVkn. Athonn hnvltiK hil«njll|ii|. 234 Ijatth* ««i the Urmtlmia. Maio.Ionian ICi*»».i»** rormod. Aloyuoder Inv.ui.i. Pi>miii 333 Hivttl.. of l»HUh, rinnnuteun inlion ond I yro l.iwli.xcd by A1»»vitnd«r iuu <’«i^ur* of Tyro and connuom of UnrtW by Alr»auJcr. Alicxalidrlii. Krypt. f.rU*i‘>"d .,a M.a BjU-tuiaa vIIIuro UhA».-»u. Tr*aty baiaarr. Al.uand. *• and P.onn*. Aloiaudry viili* Juril-.abiin and an**KV^ at tb» Temillf. til P6»nlria Mtbdu^-d by AlftlMib I'AUfi rt Ail*- Lt 5)>ib)u«aU0« i< »*•■**!*. ScfUrwrat n# ib* Jc«* At M-aanAna IS I»axlo* III. Ma»**.•.*«><. Ik-a*n*tb#A««' cTAllayi f»lr lk< to-arn. »S*r»l* be* «n.*a a j.u* fcf lb ‘twi-^.tiUc Kttptre. ST-n 4'anr*:«ia* uf A)«uio4*r ta l»«ta. ivr*c» of f.eart haa fnts» I be Mai b ti* J£ur>r»te*. IS r.aaan -»u *Ar Ut 4iM AbiUei£ 'T. fm-. ii v» A N< IK NT, Al Kill KVA L AM* MODERN HISTUKY it c 8il Euia Of Demmth__ ta Ot*lh vf Ah-tasdrr at Usl>yton. A K- i*i.J*-t fry prr-lir-cii „ K««nt. Aatlpater ill Macedonia. i.Mtta^ckUs is TSnu-r-0»tx*o4Af m Oiwt Afcii* «.n. in s?rta. Kumm. U C*ir^^s»_ <1 (blqrtoa. amcil# W« »a=*a tw*ctr-:m» y*»r* An»&*iat, a liv^loaiu <>errtl. Athktra and alt:.*, i.-f l <«niM>*4 Sut»r, rarstrv* li_» Egyptian XicupicsL. Pfc-nl.ia iiim-4 ft l^ypt by Ptolemy *o»«r I Kl r*r*l nar < mong t?.*: ■ 'j«ss&tj of Alexander *• HaiM* ol ih* Casdl.ta Forks, llotnaua l*.rr)M» defeated hy Bonthia and P*a* under Ui» gamntte yoka. tat Plmrviy >W«l-r »«>.*•* JirTnaaJtfllt Uotoll nf J'lu*nl>ia. ■Icwiah u«rff lemi-nt* Ui Eitypt ana C>r*n<" 117 A k .i i tun }»>« m Syr mu it*. >16 Thebe* r-Ntiln hy CuEeandw. Si! (h.»IH|u«f*l of Antttffima of Pjiryv-lu. 1'uli -i|no under AiUIkguuh Ho/nun \ietoty sit Clnnci. •Hurmitu* vl.i.ory ut Lnntille. Unit|tr of flat*. Victory nf Ptolemy uml Scleixcus ovur 1 *v at Vadimon. 307-3i»-'. .V«v*| war at Cyprus and Rhs'dt*. ;«)< Hli'f'- of Rhodes by Dempmas. I tat tt" ^ .»»aO and taieJt by I^jccirlas. Third S»ttii:iw War. iHanm'tes. EKm»-* id*. X'intmaea and Gasia.i Ualllu.* Kmaxtu- kad---at tha Samait**. <*AV*tt^itlpf »plt Quintuv K^f.io* ttir finui-.tse. Kin»*.***.» 41-3 •>*::!* al E^i-rotino cf P. rr^tl-oi TT;/- Tti-'J £a:uatt« Var ercjte s *ui»-MflUeti l» Uctnr. nirth »* Art.»|mrd^ Ttir »!iTMn*i*u L-«w ai R-rtat-: t.WHwlia A-.lafod blcdT.HE as aG l*tn)rmi »Wi*-ate» la fiw »J LU »oj». *bo b*cbs«s Piiiii5ir» IT. IthJrf ht. t»«*T. Y.fVK t» a hteh nnk atDr>n< th* catn=» to *nJ Mulijt/ _ - Aleiandrtan f.’uid^ !»? Ptuimi) MCflf, Tt»*> Ktollau L«*rtt» fi rta«S.^ rO Kln^dnm .-f Fvritam^ Ubii*-w«it (JaJll^ and F.trmrvAL War. m-.Mi.) UiUi* of Vadlmcn. 31 tt........... a nb Pyrfhua kinK of Eytnis- Jlotur at war Tritb Tarsntnoi. L»*>nm“li»« drftated and slain by Se-l«uvun at Oftrnlwlioii. A<*(r«ti l^a^f tH7ttv..t!tl »W*lv«< cJU« nf A Si'i'MW«in: written. •I'll** na«U hi'Uli' ill Gatatttt. lllrtli nt Kralrmibctt^-dled 19G-Th® «r«Ht wall of China built I?) Hnttl<- of limnvrgtuttl. R:nui> vlniortous and IVrrhUa twAvi-s Uai>-?73 Ht'yptlAn ••mtiaaay tn Uomo. 77S AntlOMOVJn Oonatun refwrs MacCtt» (it Micrtoli tikfs AlhWa tfA It JTO* *«irr*BUt Otrr «V1 Italy 8M KIpm Pnalr War CanbtiiC*' HnWa » Esrpir*-- I'tinmolucr of Arunl»tia*i ;P»rta») mar-M- *adv P. C. 217 Thi* l*\i 5c|tn.n Hnt t" ^jiain 21* Dalit* af «'4nn» ((r.nun* 4«r*aiM WUH tfllBiitx ln M llauntUal a»tt Phil tv V. <*f MiCMfMk I 3»—013^ fotjjr aal raM«f* if br a I fint t'Minri UI War. Byractlun* atM Ua^ln 3- BaltM '•( Antti i(U armaa nt |n m to Hom- •11 Or*«v ttMKiod** u%«i) attk th# Kxma^a acmiau Pwnp v IW?ai and 4r*ik -f tt- i* t in drain by IU*drnt«l. Capaa iwA»«nd f»j Um« ,.| Judta b? AM|.« ftlia. i iianutbai Uft»t. Iliim Battlo t i>?ann». UatUf or tl.n«, JtfT r«ttU -A ib<* Jklrlaurt|f> INwlntt.* d** Idl (•4ti>d and ainm l.v Ibr Montana nin . . itvllnn of Mi P. CornHtUh Sclubi nnidurt* ttir mnunt Ut«l •-‘•Vnial |ti IUnt»*. it}*! . ............ WJ Ptolinn* V. Thr lllin of ICa/t>l its Alrlia. St»M(v i,t lliitru. mi ItaiinUmi Ifiltua I uiij At»Mui iuiiJ lUtodluiii. «nr »tlh IMillh-21*1 OftfoHt f in-ur.- biitw^in iThiiim and Car thuui*; no.I nf (tin U 200097 Flri't Mnci'ilonimi Woi :t.-i mil Punic NV«i' ai JIW JT7 m nt anil Allii’H miMiik Mm iflon uml ilntuit i’hlli|i IHH T. qiilnUiM Klnniltihla iinmliilltia lllmrtv I • tim tlro«K» Myiiu bonwmnN lndt»i>*nrt«ntt ot li’«y|it. 137 Ibidbi i>r fymi.iin'lialo Phlllji drifiiiititd by PlnniiniUM PuiMuhi' ami Ofbi^rria ••>»tK*U0r*»tl i*y AntloolmiK iIn tJri-nt, and tMllAruiHl to film by t||M prat»* wild lbn thv l(i)tnuiu> and Anib» cbua the tin at Phllopauirn prater »*l tU«* A> beau U«MfUK. tlrw» ilK'Unti tn' trow »ta. ’nlrn hi Plamintua. PhlMfvtnan d»fraia Nauia. of Orarta. Spa/ta > wn» (h> Arbwta l^aun, !'«• Luitlr uf Uwairu. lu T»* !a*» an.I diai tpli»*#if LTtuvfn* abro-«a*.Ttl by I*MW(muu»*. IM l**lk *-f )*laalo» US tHraih nt llaosnbal cad iwi» w>. L)r.-/rtaj. c^ti* ’al rJ ilir A« IC-ITl CvrNrti—tl -f Maa*iX**a 1« Ptolmty V|. r^Kna l> Ka»v*-Tin- Vtliua U» Mi-m*. 17> P«wu» l(in| ^f Uatt-I-nla KnUur a( lUilmain In riiaru'M it t'ninaa Mira PabliU^uUK K. IT4 AnrnwhiM mat>r« an K|)(t(. IJl-lft MmA iiw^haian Wat :Tv ADilacinti tafeM l.maalam. 4d.i>» Jm alatn arwt r*t»ii*le idlla««4 »f drwiaiiaf iilM C»rth nf Atllua 15» Battloof IVlna, *lrii*ri rf Kmlliii* Pau-lv« .»v«r !Vr»AUa. Ka#-#«b ? Ti.u ra Ct«Ba fvasdsd. Ptrtbtay H! ts«h« wMronSTTt*. tbr Eseyptlari camvd ^1? by Cam! ' ^ i25 li- C-Iltrtb of H*nnR-xl“di«^ !«-Ara* .i* -f ateynii. ei»ml of :bt- Atbeu CartbajftnUM by Cat alas b: thp K.rut^a Ituuic. Kn l of the Ptral Punic War. 81f||y inadn a Roman Pruvnvce. Atalu*. Ktnic of P<«r*amt». Aria IV. billed at Sparta. Th* t-lft>" "f Llvtu* Andronicus esmo-UrJ i Mm first trai?rrtieaI st Rom*. Iiatf nf ihr dwrro*- of CanopiU: tablft ('oifativVt ..f Spain ain-mptfcd by Uic Car- sZl'A Sardinia anil Corslcn 1» tbo itninutm. Tim iiati'f. of i bo TVnjplw of JonUR nf ){uim> uliUl (or lh« flr«l lime »inc« Noma. N• • w.tr -U«tii»« ftt the tltuo. I ll rili <>f M p.o clUK Cato dinil 110. aiiUk'oiiib o»noit in Macwlon. Atliroa |oinn llto Aohean I/itagu^. ........ .... War with Avhnwi l-eagoe bo- glim fUfurnii “f Cloom^nrfi at Sparta. Irrvjiiiluii i.f Ct»a1|iln>*. Caul and battU- at Oluaiiim. Kninr victorious. Ptolnny IV. rnljjoa _IB Exypt. . iof.nta Antlochua IfL of Syria at Ra- uIjIA. Oalllu Claalplna b^voroe* a Roman Proy-lOl'fi I Mttlf ttf Sollaaia- Araiua and Antl^nui takv Sparta. Philip V. of Uaieden. Allium« batifc«i PblBp aai Ac2»*as atatsat Rtoliasa. lla»drol*al a«*«a3tnat*d :n Spam. Antl«rhua oy*r7ta:a P*l«ti0«<. Al*«« of Saraatum by Haanrf>aL fca*l4 Itlmaa aar. ■iKSM Panic War bctfn* H»».mt*al mmrtkta frvir Sj»ui a^rosa tif l*y and ike Alps Ukto Italy. DatU«« nC tt.* TxialBE and the Trvbta. and *-%• *« M 8«pi* liaSRUMl WEPejbe Ap-nxin-t Hall 1* nf Labf A(b>niana alien 1* Or^pua. 1U7 Jndaa VIm^I'IUh-o* iIi*(p*'-» Iht t'vilam-and oofliipiMi ,laroaalni|i, uaropi lh» *'U-udol. llunuiiia ravaifi Kpirim nml Arliou. 15S Radodlrntiuii of (Im Tumid* On ft tbnuaand Aclo'ana linprtnoimil at Romo. Klrnt coinuily o( rroiduoi pm (y Aiiibn im* V wnpator. who l/iitiI.lrthoura, 1 Kmllltl- MihoiUk li..maii - orator Idlnd *»•>*. H/l Vlntnry of Jmla Mai’i sb'io* *» AiIiimm Kmbnaay nf Cftitinadoa. Inonpm* and Cutolitna to Romu, Dvatn of Judfa. vlllatui l.wtWf l.u«i tan tana. J|> Tbtfd Ptm* War r» etna. JSrit.tn ln»ad«J* AfWa. Andr-.arua In Wa>«0'«ata. 1(4 Birth nt LuMlloa -lu:d I-T. l«7 Tfca Arhnan war arJlb UuOw> W^llia IK Ptot-B) VI. fcfiia* in battlr Carthac* Ta>t*ti by 5altn«ad to- Mt Ptvrlua of Afrfra mMIISiN f/rMca bcomra a Kb—a f’fimlv*. 1C IHHftnj VII ntjfca. mmM Cl-*p*trx «W#ua at l*la4a*yvL p.d»bl4» larliUtwa fur «h« Artoaaa plttaa-Drtartnaa Ntralnr «n «yrta. IH Th» T.'»st af Zton tahim b»' «b» Jadna b^flowa tndapmdanl. Itla* .if tfair A»m- «-ati dynaali 1» 3«.ipi-.i Aftfiaima «M1nuri R/iUiali C»iiay lining isj Birth <»f L. CornallVf *‘Uln (died .tl it; IM 136 Hyranua 0i*Ih‘*i1 io UaSno. PCim'Irltta N'h'atnr. Syria ............. II vi can im aubduim l.tomi'n nml Haoilirla and ilf»ltoya Toiuple at Ooi-Ulni. Hton ot tho lCa»«mo«. Pliivlun Kliicotia '“"1 t- Jlruana iH'polur Itomuii Imidorii. L. CamHUb AnMpolpr, RoMan juflal. Hour lahiM* art pin Ultra ami di'rfll m n Nuniantla Roman Colony n’ii» i" •'iM'lhait® 131 Civil war In K»oo• y+ar« la«*r. MfftaUa* and Mailaa &***• Ju«wnta and aab>-rta N«tnu4la. l=e-l« War ol tto«f wttli iba Ctmtrfi and IT7 11< irt Ml Uyrrano* d**inr*a tb« rva Maaist Oerutni Atrt'.a* **rn« MM H. C . tlj. Btrth at Pomp#y a*d af Cu- t%ir S^ial -w AJarair Wi.- Is Italy. 7U.- MjMiam. Brat «i^e«s:5iL are tu allY d-f«aird: »*»« ptrvf Ultl|tMaik Va( Uiitirnlaif arS.*» AthenA C!l>tl War •t Ncariua and Ssiiia acd cxpul-aloo of Mariuo. Siilu oamptaW lluun-•7 Marin* iviuVev Bunir. |*ruart]v(i»n aa H*»oli ifiil wffr of Rw’«n Thobas. lo-nlh '.larm. ami return uf Sulla. Auiati • i"" u.’i.'d l.y Sulla._ lllrtli uf Rn 11 unt lil'eil Blf. *> li to Ml W 1 itiun 41. war wuh Homo riulia ttuVCi ;>.;•• B h J’utilu*, Hlnjff ot ih. VlichridNlea. Wdt with \.arian party In Italy. of Arm*tun dmioxmt Phr rittmmu 1 mi l fi .<( Murrua Ai(t»>nJus cdlvd $oj rygia 'IHob-a dotnroyotl. ftfjCoitd Cm! War. Vi* imy -it tin Col linn Rato. '.OounimMoft of koine, soii>. 1,1'iiioioM m.-uitor ?',| Alnllciitl’ 0 ..f Sulla. l)l*» In 7S. Tho Cortmlliiii l.awaof lionu?. 70.75! if?!' II wnr "f SertnrlMa in Spain; and of Li'pldila nml ('.attllua in Italy. 7* Ali.-mml* n Cht»H»ii *>( .fudeJ. .VitfutniKiM ill. knvea lllthnla to Rome. 7l«i Third Mllhrldatk' War. Jl *W Vh torloa of l.urdlli!# in Aim. n-Tl Hurvlie wnr >n Italy l-d by Spartacn* who I* over Tigranes. Cn«t b-Rtna tn taUv part in pixlili^ affair* Pitrntwy aubdwea tho piratvm. aa i.ui utlna (r<^Ii«d PomNir arat (nn* Aai* and war ecdfd. htrth .if Strabo, reoenpbex tilrd A. D-TtK *. Itirlb of llnrate f Maa—11a Il'ri ft. I’maDar i • ii in f» Syria to a Roman IM». UI Jrrtraabm tak*t. by the Sonata o»d« IVaipey. __ _j__ Hint ut km it '-9 aU<«ad i-n»mlr*f» 2d Catalio* lit <.*V. 171. Tlir nall.«- War fctCtaa. Cli'i’rw t.anfihrd Cnar taiadr* GaUi. IIoIvphi ai d Arlnvlaiua dtfreatod. C»pio* t»rf--'C!»* h Ic-'iuan prurinco. Kml of fieioueide. Caaar detent* tho rwifc and NervU. faS-di 0i"«ir mvaJoa Itritaln ('lu.i-aa (litridora iho Tempi* at .I&tokr-l»*m In Uiifow'ed aflil k.llrd by the Par-l.hUna h( CarTho. S3 Cnnar Ji-fi'tttj Tnwlti and rrostsea the llhttu'. lllrtli of ribolluR i.11^1 IV*. M-M Ceaar conquer* Ven-ingotom and Alnnlo Mnrdrr of cpimlhm (i> Milo, riiibltiaallon of Ondl .'ooiploted, and bo-I'.iimni ii Roman provlm'o. (itiuitui Hoxtlna t Stoic I flourialicd. illvil "ut between Ci'sar and JV-iupey. (’orttpey driven from Italy. Tin- Pomfielatia ileteatpj In Spain. m Oeaar dlrtatnr. > ItaiMo of I'hnrullta Cesar >( 1‘ompay tn PTsri't Ptnli'iriji fiiooyeu* and Cleopatra inherit Kftpilatt thrnnr. M f.l r.o tn IK -._ypt. Partial di'itnuruon of the library of Ales-litulrij durlBK th= aifKe f Alexandria. 17 C**ar neain -lU iat.ur. }Vai in Kryi | inx lhm at ... . . Crvar d*-f<«*l.« Pharnarcs at Zeia The African War. Battle of Hui'Jila nl Cata. Haformsr*-.q nf th- talody by Ctssar. Bl* ntnejotoa. _ _ war tn Fjiuie. of Mot Batil* M on da: >3'■'fat n! Ih-? Poo- Ct car .Calif l*»tTi6 lmp^rator. for life -MrtM®T-Ptr« rear Julias caisndar. It A**a«4*natma cd C«»ar by Brtxtn. C*> iiu and uih*^*- Fit^h- nf .tb* assss-alna. AWtusy Ixoisih rua«0»r at Bojd^ Oi..Tnh .t»d Carthajce rebaifcL (1 Cl«»pwt.'» p- .-'.-n* h-r brother Ptolem? afd re*«n» adoeto. tUUHM Mntla*- Bwmd Tr!«K»»lr*M—C. Omanis, >1- As-t*mr. M. Lejldii*. CU'ant put t>» death. IMrth Jf o*id (died A- T>. to. Kr.d of tho Uaglda. 12 Itaille of Philippi. li Ilf*feat u nil dram of Elratus and Casslui*. Tha Trhimvlrl mastera of the Roman world. (I Mei'tlnit of Antony nod Cleopatra at Tarawa. io Herod the (Jreat made king of the Jewa. l.thrary of Per«aroua to Ale H7 ,l.*rtiau Irro taker. Of rorxarou* to Alexandria. by Herod and the Koinitna. Affpippa croFHiw tho Rhlhc. IIU Sextu* f'ompolun driven from Sicily (put to doaih 3G1. l/nn|dit8 deprived of power. Oofeot ■>( Antony In 1‘arthia. Ut Anionv Ipvadra Armenia. !l? War biitweon Ofttavlua and Antony. ;il imtllo of Ai tmm. Katabllal'inxnt >)( the Roman Empire. ;t The Hate* of Janua Shut. 57 C*mnr Ortavlua ia made Kmperor under i lie till*' ef Auguntu* Coaar. Palittiaon lU'dlraU-d by Agrippa. Zt> Tltl latrj. «mIi» Roman court. :i petvat of Ki.nian* In Arabia. S3 r~*ib of Marr^lua. Aoffuatu. r:«*ar (tund* Confederacy of Ha*.’itian rttlr*. ftmiaa aiandurd* r«iti}r«lh of IH fiyalM of H*!ir---- . Tr'a(.> *i j-ro*alem retaUi by Herod. Atrtpp* tnradi»i Asia. ^ CarpaWia created a pnrice* of Rome. t< Oirtnan mr. a*s*3 £«*?&. U Vlrtortea rfhmm orrr the Rhea. I. IniaatM of Orfmny by Dnuw. 11 * aM^SaCwast^ Tvi^r1** m Paaoocta • fWtk §4 feopFrtfbu im. hr ato. rv^li nf A«|«XU Acrs*fnii a*f TiWnm 1 JUmaiOH Ilf MtlUrnnum |i_ ^ * Tlheriua dirft-aU Itl a Orftuaaa. OWofat fltcstltu. kiatnrtan, Bo^fMhed. I Btrtr of f«aua cftrtat. a.»v.rdm«f • Cak- ir'i mum. IHath af Herod, tin* at Jndoa. A. IA 1 Tibetioa caOTiaandr im Oi« turn*a, S l*irth Ml uraara *4k4 A. It. «U. < Jttdea a R-.utan prontn;# *rnU* »yr*a-i rVt>*irniSi»n «l tM Ksexaox undae Var*-. and ih tt* lr«iu«t toy ih* ci*rmana umU* Hwaaat. K*nuni -Iff./ati-J by Ckaraacl and*t At aiatot. Banuklanst of o»td. U r^*iti Of Anaaatu* a IQ* I’aur. V •u parthia UO« Campauai af (tarmaaii q* in Oermtif. 37 0*^iaanku* >n Parthia and lha l^ial. » DnaUt n( ll* Tu.aukua War lirtwe-Ji AHatouo* and Marbad 3> Valioiin Vakimua. W. Hi tin i S*-|umi* doouoMsil ai itnm* 73 PrvtorlaO eaipp at lioma 31 P-mtlti* i'iiato (lotatftor '*f Judna rs-a7 Ttbr-naa Htfma I- t’Apri' .to Thw CrudifiHioii, uiXoiduiK to K Ifc m< ltw> propoi your Afiiippln.i I llnniidi.tl ni .Muroo, Ivrioi't *'f I'roi))'oina, upon full of S»Jdrnin. H7 A)tt Homo •la ClOtnlma coixjiioi k fit ii m ot.. ii in Blrih of Qiiliilllinti dl*id U^. •IS RxpoiJltliin or C.htudlon to nrlialli. Suroi'anwi Of AiliilH PiililtiU*. Birtli o( Martial -dlio.1 lot Lycla beiMinm* a Kotnun provim" 14 Judou and Xnmuriu .llir tiy Hi-nutn-17 Ijindon (oumlixl by til* llomati*. Birth aaf Juvonal -diea 110 iT», Thrace dirnrily (pttnan. _ Roln>* r«) 1 otfi-at ami lupturv jl umdarM; takuti pruuner ... ____ Clauiliu* nwifrl*- Atfilppiatoa U-, and ad.^i«* Nrro TU^ Frialatia uitbdmul by Dof.rat and l urturr oJ Ci pruoner to Kuuir. Claudni* wiarrlaa Atf*l|i adopui Nrro 51 5nalh IIrtLain a Komaa ufuriftr*. Anrjppiana poiaoa. Claudia* and N»m OKOOifa *0U>*riif. s u 0i}* for. K Birth of Tacini* dlrd HI Cfl. Corbulo In ParttolA tirttanni’.tta jnrlatmt-d b* \*s AffttralaKa mnrd. ird &y Ncfia Parthia and Armenia 41 aar. St paui at Kalla. IflaanKrtKtt nf tha tinioa* und*ir fn<-dic*«. VUtary mf DtintimPia I'aiiUnm. Birth id Patitmiaa Uuti la. p«#t. dle«l >* llinto -f niaj the Mltoav diad 1>A »l Bonn VO lire tit dnya. PerMKuth’n «f ih*- CbrutUna 95 IS Ain. t.l fii. rvtcr and Si Paul |Tf. pnaiha of Snioi and Ln*>ak roai|,.ra« T «*f IS»* Retell of lha J*>*ta •K Jue«phu> tfovcrnur Ualillf* *17 X-rrO at «bi> Ol/mptv gsmra. lVatn of Ham Gal ha tMKomna «rup*irur. O Cmu war at ilnnn* thho kill* Jiliuaulf. Vllelitu* klllail 71) Jertiaaiatu iak«n ami dr«ln7& The Slol). jdilloaopliPtTf mpallod from Romo by V«i*|ltt«laii. 7S AKrliioln ootnnialidu In llrtvntn-Titua hoeomya Homan mniwror, til IM W A. IX. tai parllanu ►mn-r-.r ot Uoxaa. u nunWM IMdlq^Jul.anu® bu>» the MpilTbS by IVa»*nciua Nta»r u* unitai ^rraa and klfietl S<-:.i)mlua jj«?t?ra» *ai« «mp* (M>«lh of naiaad A^tutci. (*»rf*ai of Panthlana by R^s HI UJ SJA n« 317 31» vii: nc SiM l!i'a 831 m m smi Ba 2li‘ :tt 3M an 8 £J S4 SU M3 IV-^.uBon ^ itic inimtian*. Iliftto ul Pt^tUoa pblkaa-Tbrr .diad St) ^ *f 1* *all Oi Sv.pnii It TcirlL t-mrmt+n* -ml o^ta vmpfmn. ILmukU rliUfiiifek}|« «KtM4#4 Vi It# vfcaf# rfil |iirt. 0^14 luurderrd. r.*IWMIla. iti' (hrttnoi Pi'raeituliiin of th»- ChriallAini. Tl." Qi *iltiltil I'wpntiuM and luihtnu (Jolnilyi, Hint i.HiMiladna 111. emperor* llotdlanij* d*.(ent- Sapor. King of Persia muWered and «=m.^d^l hv 1’hillp (he.Arabian. Mar|kb amporm or Reran Hwdud nrdara a pdraeeuiHta «t lb.< rhria-laha. F«’tha,T**,,,B °f U>' ’'niptrr *>3 *** Haath of fMcia# and hu son riailua «mpcn*r. A H*Uk(l)« break, out in the -mpir. 4l;d laal* Brrcrr >r«rs Irruption til the tjoth* acd kurstnidiBa> tat*.- Mlaia and Par.nnma. Flral appearamv of tk-e Franks la Oaa' I hi* liint ValarUn rmprrvr. Ifa ro Oalk^tt- tt a«e(a«a^ with turn. ISn—tqtli« of ik* CtraUaci. Traj.iii., iaL-n bf tnc SUaatr fa«aima «rna ViWltin tskcn »7 CallkTiM . . Jktrty Tyranw b«*i« ass ana M. Tk* Ootha rn Mat^mita and v«« maor. Tl*•* ib-tr-r tt*. T'-tnpI- of Epheeu. AntiiKh takrn p» Sapnr Ihr Fnmka o.adi! Gaul. Tl<-» IlntiU ,m ad^ Orwe. and az» fr- •niUH'ri 75 Heroulanouifl and Pompoll duhtroyad l.y untk :;i ii on (it of Pirns Um Killin' mi nruptlnn ol V«>nuviii«i Tlie Lhooooh «rt.u|i al.ulptiiivd vi Advnnoo of Agriiolfl tn the, Tuv, — AiOpKllboiiire ot Veron* bulll Si Domillan emperor of Hotiie, ?0 Holm war* wlih Chattl, # Parria ipuntom.mn) killed i*l Agr1ir>la 'lof'.n* lti«* I'ali'dotilonti and imla uruuml urn! Ruhdue* BrUaln K* Agrlrola m nllod to Home, *w; ftomr waw an unau^-iaafiil war «Kalilat Cave or I la I la Qujdi and Ntarramaiml n ‘ as 37i m 37a 371 377 taj SMI Pi aw i’ll)! aat aw •301 »05i S pal*rd by Hvnppuc iawilUD arnpvlor sm CUndtqa dafaai* Itn* Gotha m liana. Uu- AU- In*i.rteotioti of Anliinilia ailpbr P.vimr< pi riuuir. Jpwa and ('hrlatiana. St. John hanlabid tft Patmu*. at T.*omitlan kllM N’«r*a b**rolives mimalvi Pidyv'arp. llUkup of Smyrna b.»m (d*ad XA Haikf of taxaw anJ 4ufMbuU«B of !« Trajaa irraf^ror of IUioh' Platareh rt .unabaa. ItB llirtb at luiOfi Martyr id ml ||Xi W-W Sub)^««tlon «d l»a/*a PM Birth Id Hetodi* Aitl^aa aniiqiiariaa • d'ed 18*i-Iti-217 Trajao'a a*:»dlti.io t.. tfc* C«^» D? Hadrian «n*;-efi>» H^ abar-doo* tha 4xnqaa»«a of Traian The Eurfcratw mA* ihe eaafarn boan.1 ary «r the etnplr*. l^> Hadrian ria|U Gaul and llritaln. Statura of Atxaiaatu illad'.an'a »"<<••) Btrth t»f Ir«nr-aa luahop *>l l.y on* di-l BMl Birth of Lucian. dUd >n>. 131 Hadrian'a walla built ^Nrweaall* to Car 1U1*—Kbltm lo tha I>annbc. Birth of MarfU* Aurvllua. .Jli^J l*ft, 123 Plrat a|io}o«y for Iba Cbriatiomi prnarnt* ed at Athena by quadrant* and Arts-tjdea 150 Birth .of Appuleiua. Birth of Oalan. dkd 3-», Hadrian rebulldfl .laruaulem. 131? Second Jewiah Wnr. Barrhoohebim. lender or (ho Jowfl. Edlotum peniotoum of Hudrlun. 135 Hluporalon of the Jowa. 138 Anton I uh Plua, omperor Tho empire i»i poaee. Faustlno 1. iloiirlnlion. Wall o( Anlonlntin (Ornliattru i)yi-175 Fuatlanu II. nourlnhon UT Povelopmi'iit of Roman > Ivll lawn. ICfl lOmabli'ihinent of rii'hoiiln In R<>uiau pt’ov-Incea. 151 Mvin-nn Aurr-lluB nnd l.m tUh Vortla iolttt oinperuni. W-IW P» itllencv nnd fatnlpa at Homo, ltd Rome war* willi Parililu. Persecuilon of ChtlaMamt. t?)5 Poly.-arp .nft-r» mailvrdom 157-180 War with tha M tiJcnuianoJ, Qtiadl, Grirei philoanphera patrunlwd by Hom«. 1ar|a t» Commodaa nonww uf Kt.ine >taia> (tf Avtrit rt are^ta-t Pwwpk i>r*f^c *>f f'mtanuK, IS Clpfo. Jia^^HH Ih llnum. s agyg^rjfci^sr- nru“i'“k s gsgjBSggar I>. Rrttanira* «a irladutur •Iliad. Ill SIS sia A'lrrtian i*mi*mr ,f R.n of Anrellan to Palmyra. Capture ».f I'nlmyra and of Queen Ze nobla hirih r t onaiaiiUnn (diad xrn. Tai itu* emporor, Ptobtia omporor. Ptobua drh'im tb« Alainaunl fr^m Gaul. Catoi >• 111jnri-rtr. K*|n'dillon to lha Ka»t. tilm-lallan otuperor Of rtomi,, .Mavtatlun joint omp»-f,»i' with Diocletian.' llovolf of oAynnaltta in Britain. VI, lory of Curiuininn over Maxtmlan, (.oillilantllia and Gttkrlus natiH'il Ce-Mm. I>1 vinlon of lha onrolre. Ill'll,nn ieiiRiantlti. and GalaHus emperors {li itmninc of lliunaaticiem In Egypt under Si- Ambony. Death of t’unttantia* al York. C/>Mlnntl|ia Him Graatl rwlaimrd «m I»«i«r by (ha trnOpa. £r»«ll Of Uatantiua. i rmp*rwra. Kla«alt*>n of Llenilua. llrvjau- |>r>ar-laittu Chryatuntty. Edlot of yiraniilla u» step tb* pmw«-tlwu *>f ip.. chHMtap*-DafWI inO dearh of \tai«n*Jt btf»*i aad dralh iif Mauciaa 8di-t ••f Milan by Osstiattae a&2 Li-»-lnlu« ’.,r cmnl nllcloo* to^?ratt-3-Iirllahi mtKiufH. Ill War b^imrma ‘he i»a emper-ira. IK Bin to f ^t. Wartln l.ihop cl Tourv 333 ‘.'onatanuaa nn}>rr*r. 3J» C >nataBUii>pl« f.anded. dedicated as the ‘ afJfal «>' ik»- aspira If-' »r 3fc t;-. Plrat General Council oi the Church tn(*|» \ | .. 3> Mhan»*lU' Patrtarrh uf Alexasdrta Coatr.'’iTi7 with Arias. 3M Death M Arina. JTT C-'iiiatanllne H., Constan* and C-onetan-ilua IL joint emperors. Nephilaa Mud—Gothic goapela. S'* Iteath of Kuaeblu*. .1*0 Ibrlb of St Jeromti-died iX. 3|7 Syii.nl of Sardh-a. 3IH If 1*1 laa Blah op of (he G< ths (died .V.'|.*W III'volt <.f Mairentlufi. Dafeated by Conetautlim. .IM tljrth Of St. AUfCtUdlne Idled 420>. 307 Vb torf of Julinn over the Atnmunnl al ArK»'ii(orntuiii (Straaburgl. Jill Julian omponir. , rt'iu' mil.in r i iiLi In I ho banished bishop?, nml proohiliDM gi'Uorn) rollgloua toleration-m IVr.liiii War Julian killi’il. invlrtn oinperor. um Vuieniln|,tn ami Vakn* joint Emperors, Inlon of the cmplrr*. nidi' Briton" UKttltiht Plot* and Scow. :i7<> rill- Saxon* Inml on thi* I^oaaw Of Gaul. L'7'.l Douth of Athalinnlus. m War with the Qnadi. ■ I rut Ian amt'crnr of tho West with Val iintinian H. Iftvaalon ol the Hun*. Wl V'ab tin allow* U>*. Huna tn wrttle In Tlirae»*. 177 IHrth or St. Patrtrk Idled I93D- 27t fVinatimUnopl* thrrat*'ned by tfc* Gotha TIP Tbeodoahi* tha Gr-at Emperor of the P'liuvl ilk Inlon of ibe emplri-: :W7-'iW Timodoiilua In Britain: tn Se* ood Gan oral CouncU h-bl at 0» ataMiaupfn. - Pecan rilaa (.rrdiihited 3X3 A lari: Kina uf the Gotta. U* ItaTidi -.f Maxjmoa tn Britain. »o Ft** I auppeeaaten iA Paganism. Maavai'ta a? ThevaapysKa. fs^ath of Graaory a* Nayfaaiua. 3»1 llr,nr,r1u* Kmpatnr cf the Wat Cl Tb-vWlwi aaatrr «f lha *h«Ue Barns wvnT SK Death ol Thae«lce:a*. Afeaditu Emp^rvr if thi- East. Tn* llqn* ln%ada tbr caaiera proriaMt^&>D'Au'x*Ubh msde Bt*ri*p af Hippo idled ON. AltfM IB 0rw*. tiutbb* iiuiM •*** y»o*r *#d«r n*a+- •M Th* (MM «* aid •f ■rains* tb* PK»* **d *»«*. tn P**tb* *d Martin •«» Taar* and kmtx-mm •r mua* at Rkttoe* ef CvitataaiinupU 400 A** ****** Italy-m p«t«u *f i**B»*»iia. !•#<««* «f Ahnr by atifvbo jtt n« Yard*** A UN I aud duett tntede R|M. A TW Hh**a* U*toaa »«»1H frjw Rrttata. BB*I atlhdraeal abetfl UA. 410 s»-k of Kern* 67 Alurt*. t»**ih «»f AUrtC. Petaalua b#*ina to pt rarb at» iut thla tiro* ♦I! }*r»iclu» thr ii!ilU—wpbtrr bnra |dl#d 4*T-i •V D. cu Ol c: 454 Marrua* *f Aiaulptwa, Kin# «r th# GtdHt. to PU. Ida. dan*M#r of The**-dv*iu* tit- Great. I’dir.'Uiittti *f tft»< (MirmiUna In Pertta hc«iua. ia#!* ihlriy yram. 48) Death «f Ki. J#rtitna. t»r«i»l>i». the SpanUh (ir.»«|ir•■»!* anti hls-t*»ri«i». flmiruhad. UK Ixnlti of Honnrlua #i Havenn* .i ration uf ..... MMM .hum thirty ye.ua. H2> Administration of KtHIt h.-Kina, laming Tin Traveler** H**iik pultlUhed. U'fl NeslOfilU. Patriarch oI Constantinople, biUtUhed (43»K tai Tn# Va»Ui»l» ncut»*i Unnaerlr invad.i Af- Heath ttt Theodore, lilahup of Mnpauo*. tu. Ul Third Gitnertil Oriutaitl held at Kplteaua. Ut St. Patrick arrive# in Ireland cn Attlla KIik uf th* lltiitK, «» Tb*odonUti Mid# publish*!. *38 Tha Vandal* attfprt*# (Uriha«c tn !>h I. »*t»o Orvati lUakott «*f Kama. M. Treaty af iwuii • between YaUilUulau and Craovrrlr. Attlla ia Thmi i' and Mai*d,eclud«« * tn»ty -Ilf. Attlla. 40 TV* f;< itobst Cowart I af Kpkm* (juulta* «f tbr HmsO+h tu IIMUta Ma»4 lifirvA fa Kont. *> r^altt «f 1W4*MW If «» II1UMI of iu*i a* Atiiu V*t Aaau »»Jt# hmtsa- Of fh^aaiua af Ua‘» tot Milk C*» «* S ««s ca ow OJ D»«lt *t Anifa. rMa*-t«tMa *rf kta ua- )H>k K4 Bl Pitml Bt*a M* tmm *4 Attach Gt> 9«ia ar U»/a«* toy Oeewttr, InfiX' -.f Hrjut1** f(>«nda ito* Ktnr4ooi *f Krat. tm T>* #»K «t fUto-wnll <»», ms*T Kuto* of Ittrhaaf. )Vitfm n«.nttr*l Kmparur. *0-17 r.jtt.}ur»«> i-> ih» vui^orti* la jfywln and Oaui IC Omat fir* at Count*fitlaopl*. 4W Hir^ vf nortliloa (d)rO fl^i m Ramufaa AvitMrtalM Kmp+ror nr tfM Vrti ttvu»il*n«Nt #7ft|. <:•> Odoarrr tuntuiM and **rkr Korn* atnl bf*r-?in»'«i Kltl* nf lialj. (Ml fm 087 6!M me 7W TJI 71 r 714 71A rt$ w Cloa« aa Knur nf k>n at WiMitBrn Kmi>«rar» <*nda of th» pfirtud *'f An- innt ItUturv. Medieval History nn ' • • 4*0 4*1 Ui m m MS ¥a w IH ID V7 us a* sa ta in W5 M7 us 061 Ht Ml J«3 Wl M4 MS *T< 5T7 aa U4 M rtUblMuuoiit i'f th« Kingdom nf thn Ctmalui. B^ttnti 5a«hu lataai‘a>fl(rr. tllw) tutlta of Ckt.itu I. ii«fnta tto* Qaata. th»*.$»• tlaktr- Hila f-iunitr ttoti nf frsapri. Tkmbirtr <«ta]»)U \ru tU» Ott mental >" KttMMvt> tn»•*(«•» «4 llrtf*lM. C«Mb» btetU* tto# K»HI» annax«a Karecna to t&« of Romo. In«ttrr*c*j<.n Tdlab, r>t*a!h -it ivj.lr «lta la «icw*d*d toy hU two aona ChurUmajcnn and Curlonuin. who ruli. In France and Germany. ChafleauMtne rulee alrme. 774 778 T <5 7S7 7V1 Wffl >11 JU7 k» CS • harlctnaane mice alnne. 'If. Ctoarl^nuurae. nfter .t aovisrr atru«it»«*. (‘oQDtiont thr Satcon*; thay ttntoraci-OhmtiaoHy. t.*fi«rlannu;nr> Aitnrjres Italy after <»n-qitvrliis iho Lnmbarda. !tut i to nf RaneCwvaUee. RajftnnltiK of tho ago of chivalry. Charli'iiiAnne unauccnlutfully Invadfn Spain H»X''na. BMlMhit’d by Charlfimagne, br wsn of Alfoneo, the Cluuite. In Spain. Indtf|*ndnire uf Clirlatlana cttabllf.h*d Thr Avar* autodu»d by Charl«iua«u*t< CfcarteUMCn# erwwocd at Roase: be* itnu*** Ktnp^ror of tfe* Wmst by Pope Leo Til ituric, the Normas. «tafcll=£?* tbt* Cr»t »»i|pjlar coreninfnl In liaaaia at Not* *nr>d. ontf W Q+matu iKrac«a>. «mnMtuit« Af-»»n riattka ai'pmr in Italy, Haly made auKjact tu IWliaartua ru»«*e Milan. RIM It nf Orwcory of i»uri <<|t<*d Th. Turku «ntrr AkIn Nurtlnitnhrla f..iii)d*'rt in liritoin. Thr Anaclxp f-trto the |4i>plili t lty AliKlla. i>r|ra Maivt.t n(«. Tri*|Id, lltn Ofir-KftOi, dt'fnwlMl fn Maly by th. nnyoimi nmiurula Nartu* and UrlliWMJU Njtr«na (tvuiitirow* tioiliif imwvv in holy. «!iot«lr<> anir iHim in Yvnnito* r*nwa Mour 11 nf t».-ot|antl f 7t. Dnatli of 1‘lolulnt Ilia fnWf ann* dltlde tat>‘ hlbKdoUJ batwifit tbmn. w. rnlombtt land* in P'oOaud Con*tanilt»otil». tlraimyed "v tlr«-Hlatnry ul Oiidna (^). Imam vt JuatlntaB t. I5tb#lto*rl br-imr# Klatf n« Krnt. Italy Invaded Uy ih« Lnnenbardl ffwtn t^miaay, *»v-. fowml tha Kia«dnm of MKtibaniy. N'vrww tpn*niirr of Italy, tttrtto of Mittoaram*d idtwd OTSl. Battle of tmrbiuM. W«et-a*aoa* dal^al t|(ilftulK PaiU moatlr d4*trojad toy Hr*. fr.-V»T>ciar, rava** Tkr*>*. Fra»V* ta.4,.1. Ttaly a*d *ie replied. Tfc« Va^an *C (to* f«al*'a lint imU rul- Kiaar4..*a ,.f V«erU fn«ad«d la lUttala. ^raato* «apelU4 tmao fH*l» ltxc*r*d I. brrcorr I . the nra«i, h~m*^ foya TW Uro\wrda lwa*e«e linn* «ed ntmaa Italy. *L Aarvatta* »mut tn Ra«Ua4 E4to«Rwrt Ktag <-f Kott «uir»/«4 Ctona- taaitj, luff rarac«4 toy fki»«r«taa* »o«* laiade Itonlnt in drl»*a toar*. •V IValaBa Ktaha i.-ju4u»ata Ut l*>Tl* J-OX tad Aik Mta_* ‘n Th* Serrt*a* w>r>ry Uaisaia. CT Th* Aaa-.nt Ho4M4o ralr ia< SRtoort alcf *f Wimii tn*r>am hiac "f all Ritflaal M Lcuia tfM> iKktcau tmpnaoB-4 ta FTasce. Genua} frw %¥) Char tee tN OaM Kin* U >*?*«* ill i/• mta« prior** laeart. ttoeir todepesd- Ml Treaty d Verdun vide the eta Use Of LrJUU di* Spain r*r**ed by tfcr .>ertlunen. Tto* Sara4*ca aacto R-m«. toecumes ladepmdeai- ____________ iUbIUbr.1 be Rurtc A nt* and Pl. ti united ur.d«r K«JB«Ut. Rrittanjr ---- KuMian muuarthy K.T4 rl and P>fta ? Sil Non Ii mrn Ptil*«c Fr*r«^e. iMS Huaalana attaeto ConstanunopU W7 Itaaallllon IVjnoatr founded at Oocstantl- m iCcumn'ttirai Cminrtl of CodatatttJajijiie. an»* ».*vajce ^otlan.l. Pari* attaekrd by NorrAmen-li'tly nullified to U»e a Alfred of England founda <«tal)li*he* a codo r.T taara. ^ mint ia and a navy: anbdlvdSe* t tot roMntrr afid cauaea aurveys of tbe KlnR-dma. Ifrrd'a tranalatma*. rhM O-rmaTt* under AtuoM telaeuomc-Alfr*.l ~f K cat land vanna»»b«* the Daaw-|t,BTh if Alfred tbe Hunli tnvada (iffek fc.mr4re ucd--Thamiliar a rwc«ire tritoute tr&n C«sb- SST- - •*• tSSSSTi—. *—«■ Iwtor af ltea«W-. G*-'- ■Ii-14 HtW L the imiit enwryurrs ttoe Has*. Oae*« ' an UU Bad »cfcedaaa Kt lial. »Tadedbrtbe^t^i=gaa^ ^ Ut Ptvr B®p-ror» njle *i-» ByxafiUa* plre. Atto-UXaa ravage* Sor.lanA •W1I |l«no I. Ct Ocrmaay irfeaa tl»* D*»»- •01 X»7 >Vt *11 912 a, n. •17 k: »T Km low yew* perae^«»,De< re-*wt»f, u*«a !air.n*-i . print • arid propbvi as I***th Nl Moliwir III* r*u«w«> «vrea4a ihroain P*r«U Th* Koran published. •f Weal Savona I *r °me* Ih*’ nnn Du«« o* Ven- Tth^!r>KtS! 'S'jy :ntosJ““n throw Kin* Roderick. Si nRfuS!? rro“frum Afrt^ Tb# Bulgarians ravage itov Eaat^rn Em I'”*1' Th* Oothii: Kimcdoo of S;alr: o*rjtbmwn by th* Arato* ^Utoaatonyt ..f the Sararm klnrlam Char hr* Martrl. majur of tfe* «U-j .rd . n,lre of PraiKr lnde;«nd*ai OmUkt kl -oarcto* founded tn Dm JUtiifUa Lao-Ha^ta «f th* ^ara^ee* is Spain njeSarar^ or* af CoaataatS- Cha»lra Uan*I •r*«t*d r*ak« of Frat^* Tto* jMwroa intake France 6N|arj >-ucaiantni1* dflhon, *r PsitUrra. * Sara-rna by tfce Franks n» Chari** Man*) mmtpmrm ProTM/f. tno -^a*tr **tti*ac#t?ta in Cretan Peiopoa. :.jH im*. 747 71C 7V, ri< :t»i »« 0«raua< w»- 1041 tao Mil Annu. aMfer «c (Uall and •mhracw* Ctonatlatit- Oerraan Kmprror •>ho th* £3S,f- •« lu>r sun Sa^Tl11^ lh# PJ »• tnvaSJ ^ M^r’* ‘k* of W Battle of noakat.ll*. 4Xk» jn « n~. W II a*1/* «to,| Nataf^. J£ VS&fiKJ&n1 I? * Siumu^ •!#«*# .tf I jr WWf'i OtJju III. tu.k*. 4h. rlrrttvv. "r *u rr»n's*'-♦ Li Aw AilMlb^n, »)\m flf«! )viU>-nlfV ^ lM,J* Pruaaia Btrl^rt Sllvraiar tl 1'.,^. ?,«t #,>V* ,h *&«la«d f,j Kthal. t(Ntt ailKl ntJ}ni>vri, V in Rargundy Sw**yn, Kin* nf lh>nmar|i, as. n inanaai.re Ktbo(rw<1 HtM'O lu N'niinaiiily. Mali’olu, ||. ki„k „f Hi<.tlanit 8wi.yii coliouara Un«likiid. liattu or jcnumtim 'U«H it «.r tlnn- . *•*"!I'lnnnlti dofraia Ut* llulturltna \UilHnlr I. diva; Huaaln I* iltvldr.J, l-.tbrlr.td dlna Kiliiitind Irontl'Ua and Cantu* divid.i Kinland Haly invtdod by Nnrthnuii Rkpolalitn of Karat*tin. •Pu,f' ‘Jw i'atii'. bvrtnnn* Kin* of all Ktilflaiid Thi: Monrr .tnUir rtpa'u lUni'bi. II. nr .Vavartr founda th« Kina-d.un of CaallU Arr*u m • klnad uu undwr llon» ii*i 1. J-'a. /n of l««a and AaatrU with ToaiJU I>ur«an 1. «f jkmtUad nturdcrod by «a^ to* (to airily ••atorwl and <«t»U Uat tu »h» Caat**a Cmptr<. Th* CM illut |>uji Nt (4p*in l>an*a d/ii«a freaa fcn'Uad Tto* daioay f».ea*ti r*at>rvd. Cdward. the Cucr**a«* Mm<4 of Knalond m^i.a mn vm 101 • 101ft loir; 1W7 tom 1ir» tvm ion A. D. sen io?» Mn nm nm im* 1077 10K1 1084 KiSrt I0«f7 IMI 10&1 10» UM \tm IK* !!S me u* um mi iU4 □ tl 09 ins im ius tin USB Ctfrq***' -f |id.«aaia toy ll*nry III R^aaUn* drf**ted M’ l. CvO*(aAU«ap*« U«h*)it m *4 <>*|tr*y ta Kant. War of IUd*ri«u th* CM, wttto tto* Hoyt Mt«rr» etfelled ffeat Italy. MartoniH der**:*4 aad aUi* MaKolai 111. «« Mlitoir PtolUp I., th* Fair KiM nf Fraar*. Lambert of ll.n/.W JamaUm i«H«I«4 bf th* Turk* Wlitiaui ”1 Normaady intadr* CuaUnd, aad wtae ttoa DattU nt llaatlva* llar.* Norman, nniwnrd Kmc f>*c*mtMrr s> Tb.- taodal iv>*rm tutr.xju.rd tn Kny. iai*d Noi’tuan Kltttdoui of th* tan fMolllee. Ilernwanl in tb* UU of IClFs tHMrbrand made Pom tlrrmiry VII, Orrft.n’ VII. «aiahliHhra unlvm-aal aa*. -mtani* of m* papacy, and njfnrm* aliuatia In tbr Cltoich lUnry VI of (lmuanv diapulea bia lll.U OdvMout VitaII*. Ju.iiira ->f tha |*«a.» ui'PUlntad lUitry fV. mibmlf* and dona pintani B. Italv Invml.-t Ity tb*. u by M«tiry (V 117* tlin llSI HO U« IWT I no 11M IWt UirJ im JIM iaiw iroa \m IW4 ISM IS« 10IW 1310 UU I Jit uu Id IZ1T mak«* greoi t»aa Pnrtucal heromat a **|iarati> princljalil* «ad*r H*ary uf it-%an.oa. WlllUm af Malm#abufT. » Fir*t Cruaad* tofato Veia* Wa ^euurtb'd HI _ W*r Uunm Ftaar# a*id Ka*ta»d tmaito af ta* Cld. _ ... JrraaaWvt <«»t«rwd ay Gadfr*? d# llwall- Mrurr I rf»w»*«l KilMf nf K**taad Grafts * -tar'M ntMurtac tto* »>!* !*•*- i>««*d^« «*4P*ars Art*. llllaa h*«nn * fr*r rm*hU< ffrnry I OWrati h*0 hrutkwr »*to#Tt. *M «a;aa Soemaa#y Akaaader I. iK^laad bna VL U «TJa (Ito* Unayt Kta« of ■a — Itanrr V. of Oremaay fn*-*^ Holy Hrorr V. u»rri~ Motthla of KM‘*ad. I nUarsffT wl Itot-ima feandad Bor 1-1 tranaUtrd IBI* Kaa'^»* PUy «f «*- Caltoefiae at Jtua^abU. Ii |«/ IL# ?.*>!(• (Ml M 0lil?P ttlv«r»tlv of flafunf fouoded-KtrhartJ }. Join* the Cruaodea-Aur* raptured Jrrusafoni «}-^nvd to plltrlm. Kin*dom of Cyprus founded. Af 'Iff In «rttifrx«*(l !i> KraOMa Ulrhard Cnnijr dr Um, tuailo prisoo^r *,v ^•rtr>' IV.; ransomed until for i;4‘,m.iKVi Rlohard dafeatM Salad in. trinucoiK iu. Pope. Jnbn bocomna King or England, May 27. t tilv.-rally nf Salniuniit'n founded. Four ill Crunade i-apturu of Zora. Cnnsluoilnnplo bpalegod and captutod by lb* Cmaodt-ra. So r in and y lout In England. |.afin* |H>«aes6 and divide Groece. Albtgmalan Crusnde. Iithn .'rewned Emperor of Germany at Rome. Knaland lattrrditttrd by th* Pope Prcmb Crusad* a**in»t the A5b€a«jlse. Imiuuitlun estabitahed. War helween Vrnlce aad Genoa Battle of Mur*f. defeat of Alhlg*n*ca. latardtM nf KcaUnil removed Alnsndrr It »f dcoeiand-F?*3. h defeat German# at Rosttnr* Ua«tts >CharU signed at Rttoaytcede Jua# U ooodnsed and rra*«-<^S Mt (tOiif, IllWh nt Koccr Baron .difd ISMX ll*ar> III beccmes Kir4: of EaaUsd. OMstoer 3L Fl^k Cr-—d* by Cemuj and Hub lATtUU. Fr*d»rieto H. fcecnm*# Kmremr of Italy. Matthew Paris km. Tto* T*utoslr Knl*Ms undertake ttoe c«*n-'joest uf I’ciind Tartar* maijw a lore* [*'. of Simla. Lout* VIII Km* of Praate. Uais fr»*» ki« aerfa *L Ixrtii. I- i»o« KlsS Loui* IX. of Fraare. IlfWWT 7*- ^'1*'. ®ttt Crwaade. Fmdrrfck TL a* Av*re. Th* la^rflettion b*««n. T"i ?*ar*' lni.:« sntlr th* Sul^a i*ruvUsi rr»tr»red to th* Citriatla.ia Frederick < ro*nrd Kln^ of Jeruaalem. AlW*rn#e* Moated la France. t'UU«T*ltj of Cambrtdpe founded. Pall of Mutoen dr Hunch. Wars Iviwrrn CaatlU and Moor* and raptur* uf Cordova SevIlU, ToMS. and other I'M tins toy K«rdlnand III Tlti' Mongoilana Invade KussU War bnfaeen the Empert*r and thf I.oiu-(.111 >1 l^rajcu« The Grand Duka Jurlc iRuasial atkln In battle. Moorish Kln*dom nt Grenada founded by Mi 1 ham mini 1. Ufrvnth Crtiaodo. by Thlbaud, Count of Chntnpaan*. I'rnto Kdda. Tartar* establUh the empire of Kahn of Kaitfaobak. J or us* tom aelxed t>> the Carlamlans. I)«n-i Invade Ruealu, and are defeated by Alexander Newaltl. Tbe HanMoatlf I^ea^ur form«L Fredwrlidc H. of Austria killed In battle with tbe Hungarians I .ula lUfpata Kin* Henry of EngUnd. LoUUt cantured by tbe Saracen* trurfr A. f> 111* UU- 1314 tzn BB cot IXS 13T7 13?l IXii 1333 13« 1331* L140 134'! 1347 IMH Ui> U50 UU 1IM lXi USA ISM im uw Birth *f Paale-. died U3. Nat-ire ard Sfclly conquered tor Chart** XtottoCrand* by IS. and Ed- ward. Prtare uf Wales. David I. W« «f it’JItaiHl. Kr* <>f tto* *b>ry of ' '‘alt** nvar th# Ea**#m Etapfr#. AfflrM of flr*#cia. Vlctorle* Btrph-n b*t>r the iJimbard I'lliaa, foatad i*y nm*n ire#. n*ry. to Pram # U» 1152 usto uu 114:1 MM Hid Arthurian l.e*teniU publlah'd Fredartr n»rUr*ra*a nut.le KntlMiror of nS4 ■ *** in pMniae.-.ie1 ■ Adrian IV. P*P»- fi**-*mb*r W. CUrwnd*ni #aanUd for ten years. Mamrlukr* rule E*ypl. tJBl Bis* of Medtra family in Italy. U« AUxa'-dcr NewalU Iv mud* Grand liukf ut Russia, and rel*n* a# Alexander L I31i CHtwar nf H.ihrmU acqnlre# ttoe Au#-triaa Prusmcos. UK> KuM* Kahn build* Prktn I3AB Ourvar war» with hooearj over S*.yrta t«-'M Bar.**#’ War fa Eaf Und. IMS ottftcar laberir* Corfattola. UB Tb- dm r**ul*r Partlameni ct EasUnd IX* U7» 1771 075 1ST) U7I 1275 ISM urr 1775 UN ol France. 0.-.ostium oa# u» JsSSS*, *“"•* ,-*• * n 4*St br rr*d*rV 1. 5S ssars^r? i ^ >» Vatfe-*»aa4* »c SfC^iSSS^TMCS^-. BtipTvf. 11B raHertUr of ^tt. bMJH liS Ttoutaaa a Be* k*« Bmrd#.*d “ D*c*8»toef Ik * mu IZKf. \2Ht. 1387 13 1211 I21HI i»7 12M ‘130»> UOI iwa lata iM IM is>: U97 IS lx**i* IX. 4j*s at Casttoasa, Philip UL ttbv Hardy 1 Kta* T** B«*tUb *ialt PakaUn*. B*t*n of Edward L of Easlarl. 1 rovned V»r. ». __ Ottnrar decline* tbe Iaperul Ctowb o-I OifTMdT* tUtWlolph’ C-runt of Hapebur*. cfcoseo Bapcmr ‘/f Gertaany; Ouoear reTuae* to ackns>«Ud<< him. . , Navarre pa»es to the royal family cf France Rudolph makr* war upon Ottocar. and W:atn« Austria. Cortntliia and Styrla. in of Kobrrt Bruce and John BaUoi for tbe crown ot Scotland. Hotta* Of ! Upshur*, of Austna. founded-Rula of the Vfteontl, Milan-Ottocar alaln at the battle of Mamhfeld. Slclllnti Veepcra massncr* of Sicilian* fiy ihe Frcnch. Cruaade acain*! Ara«on; the Frencr. cx-pelUd. Wales subjected to England. Philip IV. (Ihe Fair) KlnK of France. KenlKsberit made the capital of Prussia. J0W» banished from EnRlmtd. Nicholas IV. Pope Sot ond intai«li>n of the Mongols, Mninelukes tukn Acre. Christian power in Syria destroyed. Scotland aubduod by England. Sir William Wallace flghui for the lndo-pendenco of Scotland. Itevolt or Scotland. Battle Of Falkirk: Bruce and Douglai dofeatcd by Edward 1. (>>m*«ii I. oatabllatoea tho Turktah Km- Afoirow becomes the capital of Russia. Philip IV. ouarrei* with the Pope. Thar!** of Valois in Italy. Firri convocation of State»-G*ae/al In Frauee ‘ Rdward ). invade* Scotland. WtlUtm WalUm executed, llobert Bruce rrowncd as Km* of Scotland Edward IL crowned July *• Kit* ct Bn*Sand. •J4 Philip aappreete# tb# Km«toU Ta*p-tar. aad barns ttoe Grand M»t*r at I'iAi t^rOArsI Vs Ctmntm to AvifjKis in Altocrt L at Auairta. attempt* to #nb-*11* tfc* swu*. wfe! have revoked ub-\tr VTill^ia Tea O . . The ?»••* revoJt aaccassfsL H#arr VII. «Bbda*» tto# l>nrto«rds L.nH V. aad Prfcfierv* of Av^ma 00-tced for thr Gerasan Em^e Btrtto of BoccmC^ln: d.ed UTS. It!" UU 1414 HaUie ot HuaMkMn tto# Hewta ua. drr nu4*a*t nro -a. defeat i>* Ca|l.«0 aad#r Kdwaia l-.ut* IV. Kiha of Ottwuf. I:Bin* at rtSf.-W 4ad M*YOTT* S loawrrwiMa „f En*r*n Hanata Tk# «wtM tvtoily defeat Ut* Auttnaaa at Mi*r«art*w. Juhu I. a poMtowioowi ten af Louis X . Kin*. diw> at ttot u* vii fuur dan rblila IL 4tto# Ua.*i Kin* ul Frao—-ati ‘ 1-0*1* V, HMMl l»»vaih nf i»arit# Hat ll# ivf U*«M4vrf F/*Oerick Ctoarie* IV Kia* of Fratwe Birth »f Jnhn Wtcblif*. dl*d UMI G*rman. In*a0#<1 hr Tuts. Edward IU- •'toward Jaa 3h Kia* of Eb*load. Ind#i^ud*nre ni «eo*Und Mfy>r# nn>u«ht from Atria br lb# Kina *rf Gr*n*da. Charle* the Pair, uf Franc*. di#a. Philip VI., of th* II*41 a# nf Valula, mimia Ivau I. ruU* (lusala. David 11. Klttt uf Moollaftd. Til# Hints d«foat*d by Kdw»rd at Half-dnU Hill. War betwiuii Frain e and I'lamUf* Hlrth of PruUaart dlad l«n. First fio*n or G#nna apiKdnloil lllrth of Herbitfd Oryol dim) UWi. Hal tie nf Tarlfn In SlialO; Mnora li-rrl-hi) tlorf.itImI by Altilinnsii XI nf t‘aa-Hln. Battle or Creny, Prenrh, uitdtu Phllh roillHd by tIn- ICnallali m»d»r Kdwitld Iff., and the Hlaci* PrlBii*. Han i.t nf Hurban iu Houilanrt Haiti# or Nov io#'a c Tto* Fn*11 ah take C**laia RUlttl Inal nf Hie Tnl.ur.rH *aiablkabt# a democracy m llotu* t’nlveraH* of frra*ue f.iudded. rUuphiny *fiB<«M to Franr* The black death in Ko*Und. Order ivt th* flartMT ntdltated hy Bd ward and John II. Kill* ill Prattr# Marin# Falleto at Vaulc* Turk* <.nt«r tire***. Riwnfi aUln at Koeo*. luttu of |Vaiti#r*. torputaUr III t,Wl Kartuto f Seat land. Dwalh ef IVtntrch Rehelllvo a*ainst Ito# Pop*. Death nf Boc« at.’trio. Richard II. Kin* uf ltn*Und Jun* 3 Papery roalorvd to lU'UM* BattU. »f th* l>on Himitrt (I of Itu* «ia. deflate ih# Tartart V'vrkllffo'a tltnalaUon of I lull r.i. H.o Oltole pub- iaw *.XSH van I2SS 13*3 uw 13X1 THotnaa A. KvttinU l'"re.. UttMiia wars with th* Tgi'Uts t'hwrlea VJ., King nf Friitne, Wan Tylnr'a BiaiB'ruritlon in l.«oto Leopold Germait Rtnplro divided Fra Ahjt*tlcf An*tlaud. The Canterbury Taam (m.bii*b#d. J. Van 8yrto. pointer. U>ro Tto# pi.rtucuew* dtttwvwr the Cat- of Good Htpa-TamafUa*. ito* Tortaf Invade* Russia. Tk* WakefUId «od TWtatlty a»»*ierl*s Battle «d MUtfoHt. Um TvrVs «ad#r Ma-yuet L. d«t*at Ito# lf«tr*arlae tTkrU 12>7 Peraweuttan »t tto* M‘t*kUIB## M |^l-Urda Taloo if CaBa*r.. 1» Hoary IV. trtwnad Kiae of F^xUad SsM. Mil ur U*e Tanar d#-kaU tto* Turk* and captures Ha)ar*t I Maaocck,. pattter. toara-PrtJK* Jam*e *rf ActtlUnd . aj.run-d Alkaur. r#*e*i. It S- ,tund. Pram * talvMBelad br tfte INmm. CiiuarU of l*l*a. AUaaader V mad# Pop# br nxiacH of Pita. Si*i#tnund nt 11 unitary |-/-. 107 Jr iia lua 1MJ ------1 I.. rtf Scotland. mur-icred. Jam** It beenmea King. Albert V.. SMikr ot AnMna. wbtaxrw. I*e-btmia and Hungary and Is msdr Kni-peror of Gorman), rnli.ralf) •'? Florence Icunaed. Th" PrugitiAtlr Sanction, Albert V., Ot Austria. bvcouir* Ktuperor of Qer- many. Cwunrll of Florence. Tltla Of Emperor limited to tbe Aiu-uIm llapahurvs. Defile uf Vasag T 1«U t*c hi; u«. im* _ Turka routed b; Hun- ptrunf Hattl# i.f Sl»*». Turk* »gida defeaicd. TOMb uf |xun«nfo 4a Vwl Tb* A.-«|, «rt Nights iuuM (*>. N|vb»laa V P.»pe, Ifctk*- ol GIuiKeeT*r murdared. Til- Clones at MJlan Atphoae* V. «t Arsgun-l’.«ic«tfca '•|Ut»r**vx.•• Jar k IniorTnriliJB. Rally BlljrlUb ballad*. Mirth uf l*autw»r. died 1*98. Mtt I'luvprmtv uf Gts*eow founded 14K Karl Dutiable m^nmed b> J«bim il. Th* At! IldUfhy of AUStri* crestcd. witb •oVrtritlKfl pow.r. by Frederick m. llM Constant mop).' ■ apturcd by Mobammtfd II Knd ol I In* KAstatt Empire. ICntl of tin French and English Wars. Tho Miutnrffi' I'lbji' issued-MWi-'Tl Wnr of lh< Hueoy, between Henry VI. •irid Ihi' Duke nf York, afterwards Ed ward IV. llRttli' of Hi., Atluiin. MauIi iif HclRrndi . Turks repulsed by ttunin riant. Frederick III. divide Austria with bl» ttibllVM* Pitin If. lvp*» nl Koine. Mirth »r i»h«Hon died tf». Tbe Turka ronquer GreecR. Edward IV. lknry M. of Eng- land. U«t« XI Klwg «>l m»n Ivan. th* G?«t «r Rv»ia. founds ihe a. a IM 1110 I &1L 1312 till ttU uu HMt l«7 1«W IUI \m 1 At? 1*K1 l*»a 'tuodRfn (tuasian Empire. Vmire. ltd INT uH i m !® \m 103 Turkish war wlik Vt-- Ouse i.f Asciria • war witt: Fredcnrk "ixagua •»* ‘I* Fwbllc Good.** formed fir tb* a>*bl.* against Loutt-Itirth of Kraawiur. died 1SS5. Tbe fwiitarr mycieri**. irM *« l/»r» »»ro 4* V.. -JJC! floursbbed t4?t I^af Italian elites sxaintt tnr wniuui Caita* tiuliiiiim um ca«iu*i ptinunc'vrvw. •Mitflr tif T*-*krabury. 5’arwlrk hinjt maker. Irth i'f Purer. r«»nter: dir.J JsS-. Hlrth Of OfxTolcue. Iiinh <.T Mkha^t AnRelp, architect and Hul|4ort 4l«| lil*. IMfth »f Art.nU. 4b(4 131 PVt'KcaM II < Atmx-^n. nur?i« 1**-bella. Of aitd Caatl!^- rdwanl IV. iova<** Prance. Ivaa tmrMaoo .anaiiH aad ftieuou Into IHirwo. Hlnk »f ihr Joha Porf#«cB«. Dal IU t*f S»*rtee. flsiMtiaii mi with Tartar*. Ar»'»i* and r«ur»TtniI» united to Krauc- hy MatllUillUU'* uuirriajir- _ Itlrtl. i.f Titian, itaieter; died ITTn-TAik* *'T fl• retire m»rder«d-I'nlnn *» An»r>’« and Castile, umlir Krdlaand end t*ab*i|»a. tlrral latHUnti or Ilusala by Tart*r*. JlyrtRwllan «»'W*r in Ku^aia dwtrcyHL Mobalttai'M IL imken iHranlu. FirdttflM. IV.. ..r \ur«nbf-nc. puixfcaie# llmfi.linbiirjt ?ton. Sivil|». Owawortb Kield. A (Mi n >t ra dratn ef nichard L |Unt7 Vli ctownrA. »»«nrr Miar/lr* Wtiabatb- dauRbl«r I Kdwart IV. Ii inn n-un-la f'apo »f 0«S Hop*: Tl*.- Ourt *( »M Star Chamber iaan-tuuil »n Nt»cktn4. IVoirti* • )«i«i>fll to Fram-e-War b®twr-T Knsaia and s»r-Jcn-Yh« Yr«jn»an tlie Ouafd yaraaued to KrclAi*d LMtiardo da VlnvL paJotar. r-r.artca VUL nmrrle* Acne ol Brtlimai Ala tan In VI P.-pe i!#»nlr'i^d drfeau and annihilate* the cjxuinhu* • «lla fmm Sjvaio Aa*«ai * oTuI i||h-*» it» America. October »-•tiomvera Cuba. October Hayti. »>e-i.-ert>bee n. _ . ... Knrdlnand eonquer* Grenada^ and dt «ir-?>. ihn Moor tab power In Cea*r Ilnrt*. ii nd Kt lulTlmuai ii )ola the Swlw Confederation. ... , . N*Kro uMvi'i Imported into lllBpanlola. (panur* Moor* C*impalled »o adopt Cbrta- C .tunlbu* •alia on bU fourth voya** aad di>> ot*ra Tarloua talw oft tbf f'JUt e! Honduras. *nd *i»b.r- o»atsar (d« l«lstul> 4l»coTvfa Knd na an Carlo Well" ember S. Data ii of Mortwma 10 XesSeo. tyniU XU ' Kran<*. Intadss b-r-a»E- Purtttfwea# la India.__ Iltrth Of Wynil: 4»ed P4L iltrth •»? M«adifxs. Inatorlaa. died ht.* !*».i?i of Que^n iabelia p4!n. (and. Mirfli ..f pranrU Xarlitr: died 15£. Yuoaiaa dt*:'i»#rod by Solis and pinion r.f I’ambrv. b»tww»a Loaf* XII f «nd ttaitmilllaa aFaiaat Ventre. IU! m Hal- Ut* IU» U39 iia tsc LUl WB4 Henry VIII. Kiajc ul Cnflaad: br mar* /»«* • ‘albeitn« .if Arait<.u. V»»il*« atrip|uu| «r tis Italian poaaeaaiona. Hwaala acain Invaded b> Tartara-Kieruttun of Dudley and Ktapaon. Ojailo founds San Sebastian. l*ope Jutlua IL forma tft» Hcly l^a«un with t-^rdinaad and Ventre. Vvlaat|u«s auCiduea Cuba. Seliro I. uiart* Kina ni Turkey by Janta-aafle*. Pi.iwa d.i Le»»n dis(«r«ara tbe Parifir or«*a. Le*i X.. Pope, Mie«ara«ea Btenalure aad tba aria. Wrtlaey'a M.war twffiaa lu KnjtUad. linn., of Vuriiruano FranOa t. .Kfiam thr ltallana Swiaa und Qermaiie. Matlmllli.iii I mcurew Iho HuttKarlAfi aur.e«B>»n, IVnni-H I beotanaa Kiuk of Frnnoo. Flint Knslish f*iiiN« hlaliiry. Mil III of HI Thorohiii died I Will h of Fer dliiArul. Kins "( Spain. Hule ol Cardinal \iimn>'». A. I» |M1 Great Tartar Ititasivu of Uuasla rrpe.1!-*!. Pn Sold dlto.vrta rbr Ut«sls£ippl Hirer, ii:>i£ Catharine Howard rjt-utnl. Heart VUL takea tb* Oile ni Kln« of Ireland. Koliertal'a «xp«dltk>n io tho St- L^rr-raaoe. iJO Iran IV.. tbe Terrible, relsnj. at thr a«s ut fourleea-Hrnry \'l!L marrie* Csiherlae Parr. Haath of O.-parnirus; bora 14T3. 1M4 Gru.'ui l »a*u« loins Swies Confederacy. Pran-e at *ar with Zealand and Spals liar: in ^tal'in of Franc* under Hr Uiir 11.nine oT Turka train Kff>pt. Karopeaise fire I obtain a frxirm* in China, Si'llin l .b'f.uu Maiu«lnkca und adda Ka>pt to th*' Ottoman Kmplr* Li.tii.ir h*>«:n» the wiirk of rrf^mailon in OartMany. Frraando 4e Cordma dlacwraea tb« Ua\-bah rratl Luther trailaiaiaa aed pubOabea tbe 11)14* aad Umrt) la 0*rmau. mrtb of Surrvy; dtrd 1*.C Onjan* WSWCTtM iu'>. Toraiaa. and same* it Vear K^i*. I'ortrv Ian da ta MmW Chari.** L, af JtMis. rlwrid Ka^wrnr of Geriaany a> Ckar W v. nrbt ol tRe i*l»-«ti ..I 0.114 Wi-^tina of Fra in la f. auk H«ary VIII. iiaiooa 11 naw (br-a«b Max.II.n* Strait*- , ftaiiir iif ttaraa: ttuaaia defeata Poland. Marita Luibet earviuinunicatrd at the 7>lr| «.f Worm* t.'onqueat uf \le»lt> by Curt us Itnary VIfib atyled ihe "Defender of tbe Failh' III- tbe P..0C, Frsinf and rtpaln ai war. Cartel made of M.ulco by Cktrka V. . Pirat oii'li intastoe, .il Hr.-stand. Th»» Iiiiu^re P*rt». •■••mrnotKxl. Halian Lnnir aaalnai Frsnrta L Cleuu.ni Vlt IV** at Ri ai-. ll*mrr‘a Fr».*o«4rt Huudurae . .uiq.irT.-t by tbe Spaniards Wrauani’e Jv»*MrrW* ta Ni.nt Aaoer. ka- Wrtb af Mi Mard died LM. ■k-til*tn««t af New Prante iCana^ai. t UatUa af Ptvtt. Praaeta L deftwcod and taken prurnnr bt CkarMa v I'.aeania* War In minty ffinixted in lndlu. Tyndrtlii'M n*i\» Tnwiami'Ut |.utiHMlnu1. ii.»ririttim i apt lire Uotne. I'opul war. - Immm-rf.tiiin of Morlatoea auppretno;.], m Mtiath. Pi alli of tlai’hlavnlli. fllrlll or Cain.u MH died 1379. Hai kvlllr. radleat draniattat, bom. Nervaei'* *MirdMliiri lo FlorbU roaat-C.matabi* hourlwn al Homo. Jamee V., nf ttfotlsWl. retcaa Mirth P. Veronese, pain Ur dkd 1VS Plat at 4(4are. Germany. Turka invade Austria. Praare and r*i -it «t«a rrraly or peiura at Cambria. iGr Tbuaiaa Mote, t'hUMWr. The Aosoburs Cioaf*»Hua published. Prreorallab *> Prvir^taat* l»-*ur. la Praaie PaU aad d^ath of Cardinal Woterr Kofiinnatloa make. «rmt |rro«raw id Kwttseriaad Italy ratMtaerad by i*b»rle* V. Uuaaia crMkoa pea«e wtlb tbe Tartar* l>ra«ar ol Mmalfeald t'»r»«d by Protestant t.rinrya Plral ICoroprwn {TAteay In Soulh A merit a. Man VllKaAta founded. IIiayai ariatlits tr«aa eatsbllabed In Franre. lit not'd “CU>*ar*Or" isauM. ti«atb id ^winale, tiorn ll*t-Fratire aanrt.* (Iriltaay. <'.UIMO*'tt ot IVru begin*. I'aPln al Genova lean L, Caar Mel for hla >mrity. Ileury dl«-«if» CalbarllM* aad oiarrtea Aro* t*oleyW. tHrtk of v--nlaan^ dird UOS. Tba Hftftt 4e Villa. Parta. fuanded. The Anatwntiai war: they capture M«a> afar. ii. nry VIII. la olyUd "Mead of tka Cbanft : autlioritr 01 tbe Pope «»f ttuiae abollabe4 rn the kin«dom. iJaroei'a «»pcdtUaii 10 the Calf al the «. taarMM, H*4a>|lloi. )•( Fltjrxarald in Ireland Foundation .4 liwult order, CouwrIh died; born lti<3 RaaeuliuA «• t«lr Thninaa Moir. In I5nf-land. earlier'* aoennd voyan". «lit*rn end nnnioa thn 8t, l.ayrrojif-o, aneehds iho rp'or a» for as provtiUI alio Of Montreal VuDib.ra foiinda UUOtlM Ayreii und eon-nnera ndjaci'liL ooomry, CnllfornlR «upp vi-d to haw tienn dlaoov* ,w*by. A»«'Ham T-.topbllaa.” C.iuartf af Tr«nt, IM* IVatb of Martin Luther. France *--o. ludea p*-a«-e with Kcgland A*.a**lnatU-n uf I'aaton regent of Sc inland. IMfe'IC I'barle* V.. of Germany, makes wtr •ik the Proieatants. wbo are as3lrred lalir by llenry IL IM7 Karl ol Surrry, Ktisland. mraeuied. Ilnafll ul Henry VIIL lildwnrd VI relKtia under protectorship of .tne liitlte or Somerset. Hntiry 11 K litre or Franco. Ilnirlo Of t'lnkry PeMIl of Victoria t'olonna: born If,10. The Slimleudli war. hlrlb uf CefniMoK, died »tn Hall a Chronicle msued. ir»iu Kxorutlon of l^trd Hermour. Kn«Und irrmi of Ii In brutfeer, tlie Duko of 3om-eraei- tflM IhIiH Kbor* Scotr-It rpfurmaMon. 1 dal ►a#Hear Enfttak ivmedy. Ilirin *.r (Vile, died ltJW 1.VI WllKio'i Art of ab^torti! pubhtbed-‘U3 Ttu it. k id i'..mutes l»rmye.r pubU»he3 tn rnstand. ' pukw u! Atwtnraio N-atadtd-Mhi oici-rae'ulfy d-fendcd fe? the Puke a! Cutaa Clm •'f it ilrlrur war tn Germany by tbe at Passaii Ma*«atr> .f t’awi, Kostta. ntrtb of Sir Walter Haletch: dlod 1ST*. t^SJ Mary Tnd‘ir daUghtsr or Catherine An*«aa. mtce#4i Bdontrd. July ft. Lady Jthr Gra.y j.ro«i*tt»ed Qtora of Kii«lai:>t July in. but fghnqgWfcaa ibe Our. M.tiorra tlie ttcnian CatboUc reliston »n - gBRland. Tied. tK*t»r^ri England and Kussia 1^-sun by ib* UusaUu Campsay.” .ofutu* burnt by Calrtn. Mirth nf tinakwr: d.rd VM. Iiinit ii Srmoir: dii-l I5W. !UI Lodr lana Gray an.1 Urd Guilford Dui-l*y bea^aded. . Mars marrtrt Pbiiip Hpallt. fllrik nt Mir PblHp Sydaey. died 1A«. Prr*» uit.m nl (Yutxataats in EnsiaaiL flkarfa dlseoxered Wfatt'a Ine-mectma eajrpreaaed in Enc- Hitid Uw* Tbe F.o«tUh martyrs. Latlmrr. KldJe*. »io««ts. and Cranmer tmroed at tbr aitaka. Philip II. ralaa to Hoiland. nrli«ious p^ate of Auffib'tre. lui«a Hina lohn** leeued. \mA Ckarlea. .4 r>patii And Germany, mire* Mi a mudnau-r/ Philip IL Kina of ?pam FmMiiaod, Ills brother, auci^nds 0*r-many. lioli.u ,d Akbar. Iho greatest aovprrlfu of Hlndrxifttoh. 1 f.NT Sttniii nl vt.tr wilb France. Mai lie of *«( ynenun; Philip Rrtliia u de>i'tniv 1. t|f|ory, Alva laki'* Robiis loM t’Alala rotaki-n by Iho French. Mary, Ilf tiulsi* In Scotland, marries tbe Dauphlne, ClUabath urii'edea to Cngliah throne. S’o-VaniNrr 17. lle-r»iiibtiabe« ihe Chtrreh of Ensland. KVVI Fr*n. la 11. Kifti of Frantii. Treal/ -T Carmu-C,ambrerls atcned. WttUaiu Ctxll J^Tratary ta Enslini UM* Ctiarlea IX Kins Prar.ire; re&rwtry o! Catberrae d* MsdtcL Tb- (l«m>a ftlbh* issued, nirtl. of {toothwell. di«*l Pwr»eea'i.-fl k.f Pralzstants becua in .ttiilll. J>.| Pti ib .,f llat^Tt di-d ICC. Mary St a art relsn* in Scotlsnd- .V I*. t£7< Mtrib ot tturtun di.-l >*». Ulrtll nf HitdHfl di*d tCft J&Tt lUrth uf Itubafia. tutiaU'r. died ICK. UT* Leaxue wf t-’tmbt. Northern pmrlmei uf lltdUnd declar* thatr tudependenee. Ftlcaaratira Irlab rvbetlton aupprraaod. Sir Pro not* Prake tar.d* in ibe Mnluecaa. l»i Alea. of Spain. qu«ra Portu«at. tha uaifod tn»*lne«a r-rwott^e rhelr all«-(taaea. Kttsli.b lake furirea# of Smarwtek. in lr»Und, from flaliatt-. and butcher 7W Itrunimn tttrth i*f Aresander. af Sternaa: died lOI Ui2 :tm utt IWtt ICkC IM7 IA«« tm iai im UM USl UkS fampUa'a Jeauu ron»ptr»<-r aupprraaed. Sante Pa. N»* M»ioi loaadod by 8a- ln«t"of Hun Grrdtaa: died IML WilMam of Grande aaaaasiuated. Hanry Uf. kltl.d b> Jaojuea Ctem*ut a(-«*aaiun of Henry JV„ af Navarre. Um of Pearbcn lire. Kapodltinn nt Atuida* and flarlow to AMfftfk. Southern protlncea of Holland «Ubda*d by tbe Puke uf Parma. TWAty of peave between Holland and Kntflftlid Falliitv of Italelffh'a Itoanoke IaJnml net-ili'iiti.ma. Itavln Strait dlneoyered by Pavla, llaltle nr Zimdiun. Hli* Philip Sydney (tilled uirtii of Moauniont; dtnd t(U«. Prtni'ii .MamltJii bacorooa Staothoiovr Of Hullaiid Fo.i.uri.in of Mary Quean of Scuta at FroUn-rlnm*v Cnarle. \«Hasi.iiiniton of rn- Puke of Ouine and liia br-. >hor by order nf tbr Kina, f i.iat f u< rp>n of Ibe Span la k Armada ntl qw Bnctbih co*at. % Halite of Pry. Ileury tV 4efeaia t».» I^aaue. MarnevaidL irrnnd Penatonkry of HM-la flit* lUrth of lletrtrk Sled IB74. Stct.muad. ni IV.Uad. in flwalift. Ill rib of OuaHea. dl-d UlC innh i f Gaaaentl: died 1055. tt.nry IV ad\pla tbe Catbotlc faltb. fUrtb Rkirle; f died lOfit. Capture «f Cadli !.i R*om»x L’Blterall> IU|IX»II«U fatradad. 16*T ISM an Wist-raja-Hlf's trtetlla Orst lOtQed. <*ai'ture «f <^idl« b» mt> Mirth Of l*e*rnrtna dbnl Pdo. Macoa’a saaara publtahrd. p.-Nib or piilllp II., of Spain. Plilllf. III. Kin«; he baniahsa »*».»*» i|o«r« fr».m Kpaln by A. P. !«o. Tbe Neibrrtande ceded to Auatrla. K4U-I of Kan tea u, fa tor of PnrioalanU. b> Hern * IV, Irrab rel»il»fin uf «FM«L nr TTrtm*.. defeat of Ihi Knsbah at Mlacktrater. Hanry IV iniumPat *ne P* la Roeba to r.-n.|ti*r t'aaaiU in wht. b he faila. The rare of Marie aba had *i»*erned IlaraiA for »► |«aro b^uuxs «*U»tt. lltMtirian founded. Apprntel faum Ike ewapt Ca»tm»a Birth Of Vaadych, painter, died 1ML birth af VelAnmues pathtat: d*ed iOff- Modern History. P'KO Atuutl'•. of Hulland. Itivaden Flanders. Tim Puteh Kaat lndlu Company ohnr-ternd wiih « nat'ltnl <>i IfiiMi.WKi, ClinllVjll'a tTHrrd A«ne |W4e>a beheaded-. rd»a. Henry marria* Jatto Beytuuur. Tt* INirtusuwa sranted Macao. China Thu lUiukrarda. Part a. comm«Bc«d. fCnsllaR aupprcttaum .4 Ib* mirOA'tsfi**. I Walk al Jaaa •symottr. Pilgrimage *4 Oram Ad-i*tm nt tb* alt aitlclaa Eastsnd. Fsr»« iditiuu iiT Orwwvtra llthk pob* tlahad CranJiisfa At;«titan Lnunty f?*oenti..n of C.rv>tnwrlL Ore**-* tub)arl*d to fJu Ottomau Rm- tlesry VUL mar>i*a Aantr of Cl*va*. Unitary divorrrd July t. marrtea Catbeitn* Howard. AuruH L Jabtea V, of S.oiUod, dlsa. Mary uroctalmcd quern of Seow rc-X«ney of Cardinal Iteatou. ftlrtb of i;sae<*lKtie: died »77. _ mrtb of Otlb«n .mairnnitam} died t*3 Orallana aalti down lbs Amaxon to tb* t|C M***acr* uf PTt'retuaais at Vaiay. 11 arm not* defeated al Dnna by Gatee. Hu**i* and Sseden unit* arart.in: died :«). IMI Xlaxtiuilllan IL Kiair of Germany. Florida enluhlred by IImtuenL-ts. Illrth of Shakn«pe*re; died 1<1|; Minh Of dlulloo; died IRKv. Tb* TUItarte*. iSrts. trefmo. IMS PblMp eaiabtlabes tin- lnqoialtton tn Holla n*l Vary Qne»n of tuarrtes Lord Daro-.Wf. ■L Atitarilne Ph.ruia. ftoM by Mef-eadec. P>a fVnfedrravr -I ••Gueax** .bfcrxrxi asainst Ptitllp’* rraettr. Murder of tftulo by Psniloy. iUrch k. IW‘ ftaltyioii* aars reaum^d In France. HwRMennt* defeated at St Peals. Aim ent«f* tlia Solbertatnl* AMsmmaibm of Parn'ey. Feb. 10. Mary aoeuatd of i nuntranm. Marr marrW PruibweU. May 15; abdl-rate* in favor of Iter son. Jaun-ft VI Karl of Murray, rexvot. IfAl Man' t**rii|*«“* from prtiiou. In defeated t.y Murray, ul Lutipddo, May 13. and aeeka nti**l(i>r in RtiRlanfl. lltallOp'tt lllbte iHnuutl. IflCJt ilmro. nut*, defnotod ai Jamac und Mou- contour. lTi'n K.-1..-IHun ol Mortm’oce, In Spain, out down Putt man tie rea peraone 3t Novco-md. Kuaain. tluliR.'iry denntteli annned 1n Austria Murray iui>r.1r.r»d. Lcnno* tWCQOH r*tf«trt. LS71 Mtrih uf Kapler; dtfed 100. SluUn *Ml'*d wUh Vaaiea and the Pop** analuti Ihe Tartu. Hami* of lxpanto: Turkbrts power rrtp-pled- M-iaoaa. Rueala. bunrsd by tba Tartar*. Ixni'o*. murdered: »ar tarcemea r»*ett?. UTS IleWtti-a nf Wiuum nf Oracle agaiiui Pkipp'n tvraany. .fa.*, r. af St. MArtbolnmew, Vraacm. Ausust S. Hnft af Nutam marria* Mars'arrlfr. •f V»b»-Mirth i.t Inlto Jonm: died M51 ISTd Atx^**t.»n of Ileriry ni.. at France, tb* ia*l e,r thn Valuta, ftlrth or Mea JoMann; d>«d 107. Ifj7> KMxabeth Knaland d«-ellr*r» thi* aas-«retant* of Holland-Iltrth of GutdO Keul painter died JSii. U7R Ghent MCtfted. I'mtiiKe* in Holland unite ujralnxt Mpdn. A»" •—-Inu o# )tcd**lrh It ,>f Germanr. Fruiuaa*r eatars San Praseiaco Bay. TTt* HaJr i at bo tic Lnrir ir^anlr.i um tfioi 1ST. 1«« IBM iitm i«u ib. Medlct UuK«Ot, Ixint* XIII. KltiR ’liie Patals-Hnyat. Parla. bultL Kina of Prance. ttu ICIS I I AH UU Smft! UK m: ui« t«i» PCs IA3I itisa 1«23 twt IQ.'. 1C* l<27 Hiecs of Ganeta, SnlPrvrrlAnd Cbarlrs Of l««»y defeated. Champlain'* hrsi n<»-dttluu to the St. Uawok lM«th id Oweu F.tixsbrth. ikmwIw 'if .'anna IV. of St^RUud to Ca«llfb Crvwa. aa Janas I I'nWui ..f Kt.sUnd and Scotland. Marrb l. Kll.t aatttaouenta ta Nora sc T^earvlaia. JobR HiRHmtiad rmarnd Klvctor of Brsa-denbunr and Puk* of Prns%u Ctal.r eaMlemebU Btad* be tbe CasMsh-mnb of JuAb Mllti.ii. died iCi, Tr>u-«i of ARtwerp; tsdependaooe of united prorin*** of liallaad. Morioeraa ex pa lied from Spate by Philip III. The iKmay uibin nr si isaued. pnAi-a tietwr. m Spain and tbe OutOh. Henry Hudatm illaoovers lludauri Itlver. Cluunplsln'* dinctiVerbm <11 Canada. VlriHnta nbfaina a nr« cbnrter, Hnwtilna at Mount Cnilrt. Kins Julno* drlvi.H iba Irish from 111 ati r mitl ijivldev (he land bntwoen WnR-lumt mid S«'ot|»nd, “Klim litniou' Version" of the Bibb completed, Henry IV. of Frauen itnmMlnaied; Marie Tin. Gtja of lUrunM rreitted by Jamea i. 't.ui'ipiaia rotunu t^ tnertoi Montreal and is ta *upretue eommond founds tee to iaxt 11=14 um trait 1ST tm iit» in Canada, iaaue of ib* Ka(I|«b IMbte, 1 Kia« Jatu*«’ Versbm.T Carr afterward* Snmwr***. farorttc lb Cor la i-l Mathis* !->■-.nor* Knr|Mrrtyaast> la Hvaoi uwhaei Podoriuttx Cror. ClamMalo nxplnra* the Ottawa RiVRf. Canada Tb* Oxerhurt murder. Pr.c’taed-Lout* XHI. sasuiMr* five >.itrnte »f ilir Gf/tcrani-iri. PrinrM* KlviatMib ot Knaland oxarrlts Prvaorie Rlrciir of Palatine. Fnuiiah 4»fe«t Porruim**a in tlomltsy. New Anislerdam now New York. UUlil by ibe nutcb. th exploreu 1 hr Xrw RnsUnd maat. PgPk *nH*rne;n»* *a New Jersey. Sol'ler-. l...vptriihru» VMliar'a Paaa nf fi>Kkin«ham favorite. 1013 Kti Tbr prtWRl Tktn* Dynasty in China ea-lahitabed b* Hsntihou Tariarv IHsin .f »r‘« Lawa pubUsbed. Kxacutlo* Of Usrnrxeldt. Holland. Tbe Duffh visit India and establish a united Itaaf India Compsnv. flattlv nf Prasue; defeat of Huneartan Proteatantx. Puntar.s arrlva at Plymouth. Great Patent’’ to Virginia compasr t*. ■ iiihL Puteb vrr.Hi wttb flrxi negro slave* .enter James River. Navarre axmettn) to France. Spain and Holland at War. Phlllri IV. Klnic of Spain. The Dutch Wnat ludlu Com;utnv formed. Lord Ittti on Impeached ami overthrown, beldnn and Pjrtn impriaonnd. fllrlh of Mollerc died t^Tlt. New Ilititi|ihlitro first nettled. Mint i-dlllon of Shnkenpeftro's works. Kmnltllntt'* rorormk. beKlnH with tho llnutmea. Ktlftlftud declarua war with Spain. 1 rinee Frederick Henry reign* In Holland. Airr«*lon nr Ferdinand III., of Hungary. Aee».....ion of Ktnc Charier L. of Eng land bn marries Princes* Heoru-tu Marla, of Franco. Hnauenor uprtatng-. Death of Ix^rd Mart.n War r4 ibr Mantuan aarce&al6nr ia Italy. Delaware, settled by Swedes and Finns. Cardinal Ili t.vlivn'* acheme for (oloaix-lr»s Canada. Tim eotapany cf one hundred £3sociales formed. War betae»a Gnr nirij’nf Hr*den died I70C. • r«r*«r rf Maryland grsstrd to Uxd llaltimoee and aettled ty Insb Caifc Rhea. Canada rsstorr.1 w the Fr«_-h by fnmty of St. Germain. TIm. t'avalier Poets. Mirth of imrtk: died 1^4. Clurnplain return 11 to Canada with new m*I tiers. Mattie of Lutxen victory and diuith cf Uuatavua Adolphus. PTetirb Academy e*tttbl|abcd by Rtchc-liou. Spain m war wilb Prance, which ib in-vii.led. , Aimnaslnntlnn of Wnllonwleln. Ship munny levt.-.i m K hr land. Crt(in"i'lliti« aidllotnultUi ut Hartford. Windsor And Wiaitnwrxficld. lloRrrs Williams 4rlvon from Maaaachu-or(i* *eltie* In Hhode I*land. r»*-Alli nf Cbnmplain The 1 Tulip uunUr prevails In Holland. Fnlvrralty of Vtnckl luucded. Ctains' I.lar or Craatton-IVquolt Indian war in Conncctlcui. ulcmeat at Urooiirn, Lon* Island. V#w II* 1.-n mldny founded. Pint peatw twiywa the Iroquois and Turk* d.reai Prwaiani and take Bar.da-1. Sc.Jmin IjnaifU* and Cotenanl betweca P.ncUnd and Scotland. Van Tftimp. of Holland, captures two S|iant*h fieeta. Pai titration of Dunsv. Wiihilrawal nf Kn«llsb army Doo Scot- Pirnl pristine prr*» tn Amcrics. lllrtb if lta»-lne. died 109. John of It 1.trania drives Spaniards rrom rortusal. Purlnital win* Its IndepcmVnre. fi.atnomc cf me Lurwt ParUameut. PtrM Ameri^BB book issued. Karl or Stafford b*beaded. utMi Psm^ders annulled. Illeo In Ireland, niasnt of Judgment asst CWrr rsbelllei KnsMsh ♦'. rt til Gworcw t*ultl *t Madras f «;»iiti— ivatb nr Charles | tb* If Civil war and Kkhthsu. aitrmpis iu *elxe member* tn in KU Pit stood. ItAlUe of Pdaehlll. Oct. 3. Tasman ixulr, South Australia and Van plrmana land cxptnrrd. Hobh'a lx>laihsn.riubii«hed-Mlrth of N'nwton. died <07. Pirn Prry between New York and Urudklyn natabliehud-Ari i-Nhinn of l.outu XIV.. the Great In l-'canctr. itOifetlcy yf Aum- of Auatrla, and aacend-nlby of .Mar,.trln. tlattlo ot Chakrove, Jum* 18, and Nnw-loiry, Sejlf SO. Covmiunt approved by Parltamcnu Turron.- .in the Rhine. Torricelli's llarotnstor. It itttle uf Mara ton Moor; victory Crnm wmli. sonond baJUo <•: Newbury Oct. 17. Charter ^riintcd to Rhode lalan4-Indian tnaaaaer* tn Virginia. *brt«* llanllr. Treaty of Westphalia. Swtuerland'* litdepnndence edsrd. Hnltand. sl».*n tip by Sfaln. republic. Knd nf iba Iklrty ysars’ Calknlp-* and Proi**tanta. Point ranla. knd other terrltary. annexed t-u %v. Cu.ANCIEN •4|* Caaadiaas «i wttb tl» JnJiana The llouw of I»ran4*ubnrf atqwi* 11*1 t-rsiadl aad Vtudeu .\r« Acaierdaiu tmlalna *U»ul J.W in hahtlaota. U4> Trial rnd «>f flurln I lUwtr uni raptur* nf In- Und hy Cfumaell CiafcMtoa «t WA, IM* U*r<]-41» -I MontrwM I*h*a4*4 IH Real* lAij u*Mli L >m(I» Kt»| «*f Hw*»n CtertM II rtrr«a*4 at tnMM fc»tk*4 ‘JOB. It........ mui* *f Wiiit-eeter. re pi. J. MM> Mm Of r»y*U»t* Owrti* II- fl*** to l'r**»*-“Iu/t*■»<•«" ParUaawrwL Birth of »•*■!*•. 4**4 in* KMlwb .N*.ig»ii*a Act. i-ZZ F.Dgt*a4 #1 ***r with Holland Th* D4NOL under Vaa Ttump. “sweep . Uir Chenuiil.** Da mitW d«feat»d h> IHak* lfifl N**ro in»urre*l|irn *uppf***ed ft. .Mca- 144* ICC Pear* betwvmi Kngisnd and Hollaed tM*th ol Van Tr.»uiji. ^ vf AM1 VI f tf p l V ▼"» ^ Luna I'arhainent dissolved hy Cromwell. April Sl>. 1 •«' l-or<1 rtcftacb>r. IMC. I*. ]tfl Jesuit* establish thMlisidVr. AUinnn the Onondaga lf'MJUolh Rusiiittti met nr t*« tn round. I,uja i)[>u.in anil iCiigliiml ut war, whloh i.m>ii. hvu jeeri* nm UumIhji mil1*' hf Nlemets, or Wiinu. with Poland. Prussia declared ItigcpiMi.lirm of Poland, Kri.i|..i if \V ill im iii, tlie (ir**l Elector. .Umnlrs iM0bil<*r*d. jiCT Convention nlvi'it OromWaU power to up rmiiit in* aufeeamir. Ihiath uf Admiral Make. KJi ammIimi Leopold l. in Garmony, ih»t'i of iilirn tfrarowall; Richard Cromwell. hi* noni Ityxwrda him. \U4 Auto 4e fa. "I «»••• lomilnuoo, M-Uiv-Richard Chmbw*1I rastgna till* of Lord Protector, peaia 'it Ih*- P»»en**a- l*ja Th* resinratiun Char In It tetmna lo F.ngland. tha auhy re-netatiliabe4. flirtti ct Wahl 41*4 in*. im Death of Maiart*. CoDmcI Minister ot I'lnsur* IS f fan nr. ^ Ifremtkx* rt| tha Usrijnw uf Argil* UI limit *f iv r.-»i «*4 tTai •jlit Keral I’aUt* at Vwtflw a«4»-niea<*d mart ii«a«-4 tfcw* ia Ji.lt. IBB TftnVi* «anhiiva*» l» l**atn, Im Ml. A*t «.t UaiWTwMr, «*> »• I Ko«Ub4 • i CkwrtM au# 8f Ita Ca«-»d* ot ;ua«aa*a. li*uind S«» HolLahit. _____ ..kbh • «oa) g^rcooiaitt ati- M |mu XIV. tonh>stAk» in Car.* !*. tarth mI t.V'-n H»t6*t. 4U4 IJ» :ati Pnai* Uiim wat *ttfe HoiUs4- N»* *»W l-or4 Ua#hal*>i »**-tM ai tim*h«tiit»w»« Tt»# Cnai-'i- tah* Naa AuitUrtUaa aa4 n*ax> it 5 ».f Anor Ttin Urcat l>la«U« in l>iw VS* « Ur ii Auiiraiia hat bv Uutrh. Cailiiila *» a in cl tu rrapvh W*-al Inillh i4Kv T)«' Itaylrr iMdMiiffil by Mohk. kiohawV vutiiKr* dwlrw*"! hy *li» Krt'iniii (irnat Hr»t in Irfinijdn. Th* i*mkIi tf'Hdouiy ul llflrlii i* •*0« tW7 J’CllirlUBl adlct lltiullnlin* olfltll’ ill htadt* 11• • l*j• i in MotltUMi. Finn Kunnl/m »•***•'! hUlll. ill no Of xwrffl. Oli-a 17 It*. Nrw VorU Oily, am tlnUM*. II/J TrlpU* .Vlllamr Knikiitl. ttolUad nh»t 5wad»t) unitfil mtMitci Krajio* Treaty wf UhU-ii Apaln r«MHi*iiiwt* PtfUliai’ii unJi*p<»ti«J- ItUMiiaii amtuuMadtnt a«nt *u Krnm> autti«mrtil> of Kaciuh la HoUth i 'snHliUL • !k4»n» puo»«d. 1CI iUrth ef «»*H» 4*od t?». . . _ 1*7: C^od* aad Tvrawaa i»*mia llallaet. NMVat n4trt nt l«C l*»ah*4. Williaa of Oraac* 'n*rawf af Caa- 1‘arta Aradvnv ft MaaV ti.us4x aar io Maw Krv«U&4 Ulnb «( rurkr. dl*4 Uf*. ■vnuiath lit Ur«n4T» tuarrlaa Mary. “Iv*iad!*» Lmu Brat ral il>h«V lKk ftuaaU war with ih* Turk*, hN** .>t Nio»^u*n. »‘raft»w. 1C* 1«T7 ttunlAad aiaruif.1 hy T»tu* 041 wa alorlo nf a laUr T\^i«h plot.” Sir Kd»ard l^rry Oo4fiat f^utul luiir* Rxp«tltl|4tt tit iji rtallr. PUAtin i i’linnm prunrran- poUliahad. litrta of OonnhroHMi illMl !"'•! . ltn Uahnaa Corpun A« • l>*«aw pMllWWBl An (thuhop Hharpi- tuurd«r*d liy «w«; htutt^ra, wIki «i«r» Mt OlijyarhoUw* fl l, Maiinutu |ion'*’f ho|tln« Ui ltid.it I'.u U «alli nail* down tJm MlraitMippI, and Oaairn t.uiitvianu On Prunti nai r^ aiH-11 Irorn Canada, lu-ian uf Iran nod |F4t»r 1.# tha On-at. in IlnaaU. Mnrd* t ot |^ Salt*, In U*01»lana. Th» C»««MLha taMiit-l Pf lluaula-l»5 tVfHtora IVnn wttla* in I'-anayhattla. balawarr graoi^) to Ivan, \m AiW»ahl of t’liland. raiara th* wi'*« of Viwaaa. lnn. *< Hr* Ifvaa* tOnl, la *er«r» aucatmtlr.n for Uulia of UonaM«th. Exantlnui of Ofd HuMatl iuly 71 rn1 Al#r-irra fiy*J»y. I»»r. T G*aa4a MMnra War with lha lmatfa** Mahenci i. h«a*a««a Yiroaa bat fait* KM Cir*~rt nrr*4«4 hy th* Vaaatua* Birth -t lu.a.Wf. |!U wa B** oca I Mi Of Kdkt M NmM; Iambi» »mo% H J#mm II. al Ka*Ua4 Arfyla’a rahatn^d »>»p(.»**aad aad hi* •IrtUlHJC .of Hrem^uih. aatnral aua of CKarlaa If., laut* at Lye**, Jua* *\ pttKUio*4 kibe at Taunton. :«»•» 9t i»trr* ir.vii tm 17TZ IM 1701 I70R i:o* 1707 IW ’JTSSLSS. *• **“ tt?*1? br Spaaterda. as :y “jss, Si:U 3 H«^T.rr^‘!Ur"S ^ lk* VftJ-riAn* A^craaloa .«f .'o—oh 1 “*iw Kt- Tl W^f, ta»U,MAl •» toabopa A>4i. .tiui 403 ni^^t of JAfltr, II. D«. “irfe wf" Pr,n“ « Boniwtri Variation* \vnn ##l 4ilr’1 l741- ii;.", *rJuMS?’ K<»« *H ^atU«a II land# ,n lrniaod. Ef Gr.eaf «4t eovcridgn la lluaaia «. iHVi-rliijiiee • ri>b«}>lan Ln Scotland >up^ KMln WllllatoV v.ar. frontier.'^ ln'U**t ravae' Nrw BnKwn.i Canadian rsnedlttoo tall*. w. Act ^hrMamcht. trwjuoU luy waste thi- ielaml ..f Mon ' J****l I • "'r^^nac nnnin tuudi> Oovvrnor or Cati- «J wnr wtth England. I Irlh of Xt0nt«»3ut#!u died 1755. Vorlc1 de8tr'-'>’ Schhneplady, ^ntf.Hcr. Ot Salmon Palla. Hi* of Um«tood?rry. nmuu >*Himl« 1 tt Africa r^soivr in tDvftflfi ChiuuIa. I’wiviffai mutk made on Quebec by ih* ftrlifnh fliirt. &P*m tCic * *<3rand ^a!nlt William III land* «n Inia&d. Jan* lv. lUlll# of tbfc baytMT. JoIt l, iamca d*- MaafM NT. MEDJKvas, AND 3IODEUN HlSTtiKY. ITW ^‘iSaS «nm I I7M ^rLa«U,h ,lul aama ^tua.^i “ Aa lilt MM Iff) !S? lltt l7oh rr*i»rh toTaa^w of Spain. Ara*rr. and CaUloata rarag^-3. Tr»*l/ af LinxTtck d*^irt*-« Juan af rar h» IrrUad an4 grant* «rr.-,—t« nfeck llacjjsnln* »I ta« Cr^Hah naXlr«al 4*tK-Inrarr«rtiA8 tn tb« Cn» of U^ttro. UiM*»T* Of fJkiCK. iutUlaa la 5.*nakirk lAadrB. ttirth of itradl-r: 41*4 I7C. tUttlr af MancaciU. tb* Dak* ,f ?aior 4«fatted hy th*- F-^c-ct> qM*? Catlnal Bank tf SntUM 'araMith^d. Mary Qvaca of Erjclmd. dies. l*w{Kinary uf Pr«ck A:4d?m; t'nher*lu af llaB* tavmd«JL oirth ►* iltahof. iluitrt-. dird H2. iTirth if VidUir*; dM Qft lllrth of Cb*!«irffl.W, dlrd JT7X Turk* a (madi- Huneary. flajrt* « lnrip?aarr puhliaaed. Vb'ititt.TB =f of th« EngHah ivna Namur falU. Trinity Chnrrh, Xww Vork. futtnded. l*«ioir «f rt>fc»n.h. Tr*K»tr firiwM-n EriKlaciL Pran/rt Mpats and Holland. t'i *^r C«ar of Ituasia. riali* Holland and Rhirlanrf and l«ai;na Uait'ul tradi^. IVitrr fupprt'sivr* tha conapirary of thr Mtrnliti and pnUAas th? ujHtnber* with Ivarharotin fni«Jty. Ktld of King William’s war lllrth of Hogarth, painter: died 1771. f*i*htii at Krontenac. Klrai l**rttllon treaty. rnguluiR* Spanuli •ucciimloii and cede* turrltory t» Fraliuc. Tin* Darien expedition sails, x-rrcond Cant India Company form»:d. lllrth nr SftTage. dli.-tl Kl.'l. lllrtli of Warburton; died 177?. Ivaco of Carlow I tx b«Jween Tvirka ahd thr A Him. Tho MO fan «a4*d tn Venici?. Purthrr osplwratlone of Ou* MlaitBsippl. FcorI->n‘a ' Teloaiaquo” lasu«L Thi* Fr«ieb m Canada make poace wttti (Ilf iMttAhL' H«vu*d 1‘artltioa treaty in Sl^in. darlar«« ♦h* Arrb l»ukr Charica nr at tn *oc-e—nlfnt. Charts II. of Sp*m. the laai of tha ftuua* of Anatria. dies, and ia aui-to Philip V. c! th* Hcil*« of ItdurbcA. War of the Spaniafc ancee«»n h*«nu in Italy as4 r«w>ia«ra oatll 17U. With of Jam#* IL. to *i 5t C*t- zsain. SvpC 14 _ Fpatn all'j'd with FTanoe 4hd Hantsa. Tio Frr*rh f^il»4 Patra*!-Tt* iTcaaian cttiarrhy «*abl»he4 hr r-ri.r- 'h. and nwgalwt hy i.<»pold. a 0*rmaay-. •: »*r wtth Total S***»t ot r*»rr at :i>* hatO* nf Narra. by Char l«s X1L ? Nrw Torh tshahtl- l**ih of WBBao UL of Eaplasd._ Anna n«M* to thr ftfWh thrna* Jdarxh k. Ucatcoir* Of * Qo^r Ana**a War. ' (Twa.«ia iakH Cu«-I4*n from thr Dotfk Hclland. Austria and EagUuJ decJarr «ar with Fr*nf* *o4 Traaty of French with lh*f Mawn-kuaette frontirr ravaged try la* 4iium Pfrtar rr.yuda fit. Ivtflmbureb. and makaa It tho capital of th* rtnplrr. f irtuaal Joins allUare ajcainst Spalu and Fraticr. triih jMiriiamont P»MT‘on* ^55^5* Mirth pf J natimn Bdwarda. dl6d !..•». iiirth or John Woaley; di^d 17M, Dattlii of Blrnliohn; Engllah and tpeir HiU>«fl. under Maryborough, vP.iorlou* ov* r ihe Tha Wngllvb ropturo Glt>rurthr. ivinr Sollabca ihr: SUelllX. or n»al thi; Irleh ‘•Popery Act. body Kiin.rU. KngUnit pawe* — -Haiti.' or rionanvt-rth. Cliarlw aukttowlcdjfe'l King of Spain nt ilnrr^Um* - Juaoph I. tKiome* Emperor of inirroan.'. l>f«at of lha'French at Kamlllvn flattla of Turin. Tl.r- French raUr ihe «iege and -urr.n l. r N*g»tM* and LuWl»rdy-lilrtfi -d l*M» Frahktitgc d.*d li>»-t'nloo of England and Scotland aa rh* Klntrdom ot Great Brilain. Nurnbonf »«r^d aad L*rktepbur* pur-'haaed br Fre4crlrh L Holland. t>rmanj and Enfilas- at *»T acainn Fmnt«. »M.t Ftrat *»p^-1Uh:9 a^ilmrt Pt%rt R.y* Iffov* fc«la. 1*II*. flrf^at of th*- aUkM at Aiaiaus* rvath »f Aurun«sr^ lllrth ef Kfeiditrg: died^*»^ twrti »f ticffoo. i^Sj Vfiuitna e**Jrd tn Jot*?* I_ af Awtrta. 7«1* Vrtmi spja*di'-2 rotnttl tt u» Caghah. av-l^r Admiral Br»g Warn-, ery of tlerraliEf^a-CneUod deteraalM* ^poa U»* '-a^Ura tl*arit-e XII. • ' rr4it«eJT *«l hT Mhicti* £3fer.*i*. «12«i2e22US2f ir 0r**‘ i3L£” << *SSk m*i ^ UtMaU tl «ivf« Twirl XeW T.wk '* W,U itrwa|- i?u ~irjH^ t^JSiJSP: •'* * "" »*' *SB£ W rh*'1" “ a SSSTkSS ^■W«rSS3fl"d 1,1,4 ««• liar ?ln,.J 7. u *ir Aimlrin I'thwIii 1 Ulng nt IVlrr l«k«« inn tlilaof p.tnf ir.r or Hum niii. Olrih nf Stnrnu; dind »TrtH. 1711 D**th of Qui-m A him a25* iL ->f Rngiand, AUC. I. Han iV4M*r\ mum ..h.n tHuini. sBmaSc^1 Au*,r* th. lllrth Ilf Wht(«n fl'V1 ,7>”- Star ^ th« Carl nf traitU* .if praatnu and gfiarlffmuir aad l|«r*wt ot ||.a rrbala Landing th* Ch** liinr »t l»«i-rbaad Im* «m!«r tj. tflnia XV King i.f Wnnrt wtth tlw I»uk* id orl*aiu lt*«> i»t. Auvtrta a^ouitr. Kanfe. Milan, att^ Itvnca* ad it Csth^nla. Lrronta. aad a .Jfn* fa ft nf Flalgiiit (O tha Kmtln. l*o«*r »Uti* Grrauuty. li.aund and rflHCt. OcnWDae V* th* MiM* by Tarfery. KnU af CaMltkal ArttcrwU ia KMla. Fniatia aad gwydah at war. r**auh af laMila *h* iSrm: ^ L-»au XV.. hta gr«Ml>ia ITli firaar era »f «(«• attllow Oaars* La* a financial i„-- Tha •lliagt klra BrH Tha Maanial tUII m*m4 In Kagland. flirth J Oarrvk artar vti-t X7TX 1717 Vrw (mmx* fajdi*. fvi«n»lr ah«Milofra4^l7 Tar**y, tn* Th* Imha «f h««uar« King ci ifanflnta INKira uf |‘aaa*w KardlnU la nuulr n hingdotti. |j»»‘* Mt«Hl*nlppi Hoiitn Him Uubbla. atlO othuT NPhi>m** tnlinpno Wldraprnml nnimnlal ilUtrAMfl. 1721 lllrtli (ft rimollm, dind 1771 liinii or Konto, actor, ilii.d 1777. 173a Th« I'raftinain MamiHun Iho hn tini Crown of flortminy mi Mnrln . irrimn. tli'Ntb Of I Im tluk" or M«rlt.no»i((h, 1733 Thu Jt'uiiliM a»pnlli.il frnru Chinn. Illrltl of Itoynnhlr prtlilior. dl(i A city library L-ord-4 tn ? Ittrth r-: l/KNin: di*4 1711 _ A 13* rater u~ lha ku* Uf th* luaaaaata AHt»*Tno»h— of OjatUnd and daaghl^r nf 1 * an IV h**«c**a K»p*w« idlta^ Ittrtn nf 1. W*u; tied IU>-1771 Birth af Car*odMb d*4 W» nrrth of CowKiJ^J**- „ t -1712 Dirth of 0*o» t* r*br 1X ira Oaergia «wttU4 hy Ogl*'^-;';** ftlrth ot Wtatahd d»a*i ifll . 1714 ''Lrtinw Pk^»ow>».kH|w»••■ homt hy th* hangman. llirth ol Prtwily: . 171a Chartea, tha **a» of Th.llp V.. «• jfaplaa |UM rrrnWliH king nf lb» two nirih oT lohn A4an*«V j*?? . I7SV MarHaga of Man* THareM lo Fntnri. L* Oukr of Uirramr. Wat bntWHiti 4loaln and lUrih of Motart. mmtolaa; d .*1 t .W. 1737 Hungary ai;i»ln al o»r wnh tb» TurW lllrtli "f Othhob. hlaWPlun: ^Ind l-« 17M lllrth nf hiihlhtnih "•■•i, paliiu#, diwl lltVu/'of HIr William Mi-.ii-'IiH '1Ii'-11K22-ffiSffiSW right* on th. Hlaok Tnvnafon nf lndlaJty l,«P‘i'1- e^&ScsJaw Swiisn: ffsi'fc* ?SHF'ir - J««feTSiLrw l^,,**i*n «‘;vitji • Ek ,lr-“ SS&TSflt l«r nra and r*tgoa n **£**'%£ *Hh *w-4*» ITU Th* »^o» al lilrtV'ef TTt-vaiaa J*-ff*r»'fni 'W*- 17*« I7» tr>* 17» itw 1757 17a 173 I7G0 17« 17C 170 H^imttea rtyawad m Aaerv* between •o«4 KiLfUad. oiivo i Wtf. «aiu«d to Prc«. U.'uu-&«irs br miUtta. u^2#r PemtviL ^®r4<§ i: lluk€ ^ U»rr»ja^ conon of HaiU ebect-cd Enrj-en^r of Ocr- Mfi pr«tecd#r ia=iU at Mottert. IWaat cf th* H-TralNt. ar Preaton Fan*. »i.JJ5* '“’'a*** Esgut3. Birth ot Hannah Mere. di*d -. otJoha Jay dl«4 IIJ*. lJuth 1i. J:.»ainu a<*lt defeated at Falhirh. Jan. Tajal defeat -jt the PretcndaT. at Cuilo-wn. April II VittiwiK* r,t Marshal Sai^, Inva*i-.r (it ihlrlrr. Noe* ScoUa. Fren«h and Keglkb atrue^e tor poa-aesalan of India. i-i- £Splti5 b> th*- French. 1.11 Th* Krenrh (nrado Flaaaera. Stailrhnlitemblp rorfved ln Holland. RaetlMlon «f Lord Lovst la England, hliipatixk'a M«wi*h Issued. Birth of Jiavld. painter; dlfd IS2K. Tho pMire of Alx In Chapeile. Ibr House or Auniria conBnned ln the poeaeanloii or MUnii. Pr.uu<» tukft. a pari of FUnder*. III.; La Jouijutne beO0|iU'« governor of Canada. Fri'noh fttii’i imi'Ii upon Nova Scotia. Mirth ot (Iv'tho; died 1832. lllrth of Laplace- dle-J 3S37. Hlftb of lM.tyf.ilr; iU«d — . SpiHt^ between England and The Aral thmrtor In New York opened. IMwi.ovrry of PonmelL I'aoll’B Conlran revolt, 1819. trf.rd CU«f takua Areot. India. r»ldrrot and D Alembert French Ency- ClOJMuilK IUrth of Sheridan: died K17. Mirth of Jame* .Madifon. died Itttt Tli.* Marqulr HuQorane Governor of Canada, h* pr«i*rrs for war with Great iad h*r I7M 17ID 17W mi Britain and mkaiies. The French dilute tfce clans of Virginia I* the rmli^T ef the Ohio. New vtyle o: year tetroducetf la to E55 land. Sept. J oaunttd aa 3epc. It. Tha Juuraaie .Mered to ix printed b« the nrtuafi Parltasnent. Hr—Uliii»a tj-wm In the American eoto-ntea. Frearti 3*u* Hudem Bar Com-pany'a trading po«*; i^vrs* Waaiurg-ta* Htt tt St Pierre. CharWa UL King of Sjwla. K^tU'hy »«ttled by Tranitl Booco. P»e« bet a vs Frantw aad England la 1&4L&. Fort hailt at Great Meadow? Waaniagton •urrtndera Jt tu D* VII-1U»* *-lth Inmnni -if war. Klnga. M» CohimhhL CoCes*. Ne» York. rfcsrtemL 11.*add- * k asnl hte army dtfeaKU hy lha Pr*T.-h i:4 lcillani, I'efeat (4 LMrafcau at Lake Oeorre. PretHb Acadian* taken from thetr hnmag Pnmtier KtUctnmt* in New York and Penns-Ivaaia hariswi by the Frenth and Indiana. t» Ci-e of the S. vew Yrwra* Wav Treaty of Hoh-rtahurg. Ml*** **dad to rruaata. Treat? af Ma4rr4 rwuin* bo- laeaa Saata. Panaatlaai Baalaaa. Jctia Wllkfi* arrrat**! fnr a*4rt(.*ti Kirhratioai of *liia aad Uuvfft la Australia. Great J*fMt of Milt* prm «•. at latlh ot Qatar, ladia, OK. ft IVntlar-a way Icliaa* raptor* Eagliah fane *n4 maaaaare lakaMtaaia Th* Kaady llunh tlghthrua* Um 1 *htad 0. GnuiTlIW r.nglun l-rtm* MinUsef. Birth *1 J. Caul IQebtef; 4i#4 IfcSk 17*4 Morder ot Iran vTThy order «f th* Rm preaa Indiana iw for l^are, Kn4 «f Foot lair*a war. Brttiah parliament 4*vr««* heavy datwe on tiuporta The Panthaoo. ML Uanevlave. Barta. foanflod. Modern History, From A. U, I7a, CHINA. Niagara eTr«lltson rail*. Llehon dvmroTed by an oarthtitu Birth . Aitwb.Ued kMastlaatlon of King Lcuia of FraJie* b? Iiamiesa. Birth ot Jonathan Tramball: died 180C Birth of Alesawdcr Haaltlue. died 1*4. Btrtk of J. P. Kemble, artor. died B3. Birth cf Caa-ora. ».-aSvsoe: died I'd. Loalahorg *ptore4 by the Kagliah. under Watfe- C»pe Breton Island and Pnnce Ed-*ard's Ulaa4 rxpJ.ymt Abrrrronrbie defeated by Mc^clca^n at TtnedWga. Fr^t Fr.*ixaa deleated at the Battle of Hoch-karrhao. The Fren-i. s*K« Fort* St. Darld and Aacut. India. Fort Niagara captured by the British Job 33- The French abandon Tlcanderoga and Crown Point. Baltin of ihe Plain.i of Abraham. Death of the French and English com-mandera, Montcalm and Wolfe, Sept. 12. Quebi-f aurreodcm to the English. Chari™ HL. King ol the two SicillM. hei'iimes King of Spain. Tho Prosrians rtereated In .the battle* ot .Minders, Cuni'rudorf and Maxen. Tin* French driven back in India. Kngland obtains much territory from Siibudhar. of Deccan. Birth or Robert Burns; died 17Wi. Mirth or Schiller; died 1805. Quebec attacked by too French under l»r* Lev). Montreal captured by the English. Surrender or Canada to Great Britain. Death nt 0"0r«e II.. or England, and autv cesaion of George III., Oct. lu. Berlin captured by the Auetrtans and Batfle of Torgan. defeat, of the Au sir Ians. Tliurot's invasion of Ireland. Cooto retakes Arcut. India. George Ml. marries Charlotte Sophia, of Meeklrnburg, Streilcz. Ttn* French surrender Pondirberry, tn 17B3 mt IM* ties KOI IU> 1110 Utt rnx Chi lallntilt y tMHiausii nf im: BfSU DOS IHcA t»7 18S* rtecoption of tha Kngllah Kuibaaay at Peklu. Edlrt aauln*t Jr4. Naval haltit*. Trade wtth Ragland f«fkl44«w hy th* Etnperur. Can 1 on aad roan hhwhade* War Ml4« U> * IfUra. Wa» raa*w*4 i/writg ta Chiaa'a t*4 ratth Vkrtory al tho ft»itlah Treats fivlag Sagia/>4 Hr.ag K»| an4 *.«»>* miadtai*.: hy Kai-rw. Treat* (4 peat*, at Xaakta. with Rag taa4. Aagaat 9-Hoag l-.-rng r*4r-f r*gl«n4. Th- Chlaaaa eltua a# Coatup. A«m F»»ochoo«oe. Ntaai** aa* Saangha* ep*na4 to UrHrsk China paya tri.uoafog. Treaty ratth»| |.l.«ag Kong vhartar mur* April X fletwltion in l^nang.ht aurt-nuful. Nankin and iihanghaa taken tor 1 Kau*wal of war owing (9 Cali rag*«a nn Kur\>pnan* C‘.n>in i.r Cl|Ui|i. U. S. N.. 4eaM-«l» GhtttNMP fWft ill>K.kade or Canton. Cat'lute* of Canton by Frcneh. Treaty t»f Lord Elgin Wit. lCugllnh and um Chlnaae plralea rl111 r• • *• od. cttty with EuglUli Klivoy iiltai’lu il fiv Clilnnae, 1R5V Colnmereml treaty wilh United Htntea. IM1 IM4 tsa HMlk iws» isn» im IteVolwUon at St. Petersburg. p.-»rr HI. murdered, and Catherlce IL. railed the Great, become* Empress f«f ftQHtt* ej«am acata declares -a-ar against Eng land and Portugal, aad UnraAas th* eirik^ 'Zt* KresheM ami Vurtrliu defe*te4 18 s:l«U. by Prrd-rrtrk. . . __ Jeaulta hanishe-i IfWa Frxx.w Lc<4 Ru»*. Pn» Minister Esgland. Prsre of Paris. Car.«Li C*4*d to Grv*.t Erttaln. PcBdlrh-rry restortd v. FrwK*-Oee*raor Murrey appdmysd ffnqwr. ct Canada, xnd first sntrridacifs F^glvsn U«v 1*71 IS75 U77 I*y» litl ItSI 1*4 Knglund and Pranr* m *v«t wiili Chin*. Kimipean AUli.-* vliMortiiua. Treaty of poaco nlgtiod Ooiotn.r jl «urrnndt*r of I'akln. Ofll. IX Mat incntli.ii of troKly wllh KumIh. Chinn forced lo pay lodo* t»|ty, uml to lipbSOglKO. Former ireatj raiiiled. Allies realm'll Canton to lh» Chin'1**.' Rebels d*feat«ld lay Frmieli and iDngllah »ld> Sulelda of Tlen-waog, the rebel «miieror. Prince Rung lwoome* rrgnat a urine mlrtnHty of •'tmi*ror, Bviritngamo ICnilMMiy vtall t'nitid niam« and aign treaty, Burlingame, Chlnaaa Kttitmnr. re«^i»o4 at Paris. error'll cvnanl and mauy pn*-*ta inn* * acred at T’eu-tain. Chlaeaa apoW'gts* aud «t*e indemnillra. e ej } mi>erne Bmperor aa Jan. 1*71. Marriage Kt-Taiang ol Tung-caJ. J-*a- O-Dmih of tho Etot>*rv.r. Tnng-Ckt 5T; aeo»eak *i af Taal-Tloa t>»iu r»n ol I’riar* Chan. Ftrat CUine*^. ral)**j> fi'-»a Mhanchae tn |M — TernkW famia* tLrvwgkiAit lha Ru*pl*e Ukl f-ing her njalme on Coren. Massacre ol mlssloniirtiH In the inteilor, "Bogee" uprlalm: 111 GIiIhh Chiii. M- Movei'tiineul ogi^'ea In term* de* mandeil by the powera W» Itts 1SWI 181W 110 J 1S0B IWU 1W>I INDIA. MTS Nabob of Oudh hocctoee trtbuurr to Brtdah. Ka»t ladl* Comiani made rtwalsar of Bfugal. luhar and nri»*a. i7« Tiealy WHb NUarn nf ihe n«ata* *«»» **a-r lit IklHal, rTTt - Olhr* /if i'/ irtBaf dtnaral «ail*<. If-ihllU army 4a-f«ai*d 1771 fV-aarr* '*4«l th* East 1*4 a run-panr. efterges nf WnMry iraltul war rra lUatinjcs- an'fuw.Murpi.EMryr xv. AN01BXT, MK1»IKVAL AND MOOEBX HISTOKV. rrr» r?» I*ot>«rry »jr tfctf Braiab- r AIL L*f rm AIM* lake* by tlyder___ llaetlftO -left*:* Hydsr All Camik. w*** *1. >*>' triple aRiaac* -it tbr Nlaam. th* SUiWlu and Hyder AIL ttMO* ui fam r*Jtv>. iatr L Treaty u< Chunar. b*f«r«a Hastings and tb* Subadha.' i>f QtuBL ins Tim** &*ib. MM ef rtayit* xu, Um assistance ,;{ tfc* Frafi i&nz=i U* Ksgllah TMn-/iuvW t v t> ii» RytiUk. Hyder All Mu-nH<4 by Ttpp~? Saib Fnerb tro*»j»» cnd-rr Him; arriTe Ttp(we> Aalb *-*pt«T*a Bedajore. TYwMjr ef <-.*nclod«d with Ttppoo Pitt's India bill p captured und plundered by TI|i|kju Snlb. Treaty wild MiihratUu; ronc-lmled. Lord Onrnwnllh. taken Bengalore. Tlppnn routed nt iin: bktclc of Arikera, May Hi UiiHtlnBH begins IiIm admirable ill* fell HO. Pouc* ounrluded wllli Tip poo Soil). Ken.iwul of charter or East India Cum-puny for twenty yeani. Piinilli herO* Uknn b> »ftv nrttish-Warren llaatlmca acquitted. Miirijul* of Wellesley appointed Governor (Wn*ni> rirltlsli takr Serlngapauim. Tlppo- Salh Milk'd May 4 lli atoraUun of the Mysore lo tho rightful Hindoo sovereign, lujab ot Taugorv »wm*nd.*r» bia pow.«•« u Frwac* at tb* treaty of Amiens Tb# Brtfwh wrh« rurther c ol lUMrln. {--iwtvaj tftr East Id'll ■ Ccorpuiy an*I lb* Fvubw*. br«*Ju u(> !b> Stabratta ^otede«tfT. Tbe Iblrd Mabratla «ar: tii- Bralsb-CWnora1 L*b^. Mfi Ptva-rti Matraitas ai ife- baltlr <»J tvlbl 5«>t- II* naltl* d A»y» Manr*ra wttb UA ewb dc<*au SJ.O® a*liv*t. (fBl. »t ^ 0*'%»«'» 4rf«aia fL'irbar at fcsarti^ ot rwatf. Sot- II Trnaya-Lord Mm to. O-jr-rrmrr a^n*rsJ-War •nil Tr»Ta»«>P5-U0> Tratraororr mthdunJ- mailcy at &rr1a*a- l»U is Vrnii i;—,' — —'•• ---Vlr^ray of India «» Hailvai CaKwtia .ml lUuiaia? ITU TTM Uai im XT*!* i?m ITIHI ITIfl i m 17VJ Itttft 17M ITW IM.< ..I iw. .»l, i«r; Tmit *! Um imiw. ,»( n»i«4 thr«u«b .... _tjMHa. arrl»a« «i (v-iatar. Hm, a lf?8 rrl2K* af WaW lrt« kosir Manh it .Lrjrt f.tu.-ta «}ir>*r*or DM) *n»L A (arribU rrrtonm isiimi )mm af SM.K4 Vi"c* uwo Virtnrla i>nsS3 Intifi-nnitonal caIiII.iii.mi at rulruliu l>«*r i RWHi ''‘f MaJ (Jtrtt irrani'la MarOuU, 1UJI4 Hr-.it b K< uhUt I’ltUnd*'! !1i'D t.-ndof the xpforuK'il i.iiulaUi' of (llmhion, Jan. h. Kurni.ii Inatallalloii . J/»ril Hlpmi. Tho Cftlmtta i>xbll)(tliiii nl«ri bill iM»--r.n «l«t> li'Mlulntlvo council. Cali'uttA. .I«it, '.’.'i Earl of l*un>ri|i ntrnilliati’d i«> tin* Vl>*•-ruyally of Inrtla. Hrpi, III lA-nl Uoay flpimlntrd «oyfrriii irumiciiratf.l July 7. Durinflai- rkttoililloii. frmu I'aUutla, fi)r Kaa#o».n I iJoetllltlre *xaln»( llurnif*.*? I»i(tilt' bv Lli-ui a-a. I»rwndrrenet Nl 116* Mar-jnu of Lan»1..»iM ai>|v-rni":-C-'8^*| P<>*. II. tSl Uaaaa^r* of nall*a U^n-t and Tuatltb oflotn at Mamtnr Hank Si. fi*r»al of tb- Uumfurana by Ihe Knu Bab. May ^ LfiJtJ Mini* e>wd a* lo free ail»er lor ardar t: iba lnd-Jtn C Bunneae war, ........ IN av*1 dxdarrd l-V'b. U4; Burmali [inya H.f|i'ii,->-i and t-edfte larn* trrrltory. Kn»IWh tnUn BhiMtporv. Ij'inl nrntlliok. Governor OcnrrnJ. Tltp «ort|iw» *t provlniuwi made a nfeparato mhnliimUutlnn StMtn ooiumunJcaUon Introductd into India. ^UtVt» abullxbed in tbe Eut Af«tian war d«*JareiJ; Cabal captured Mr tb* Hrilieb. As* 7, Lord KlUntwounb Goveraur-G«itfraL tnwr> <>f Stlnd Jefealfl by Sir t'UarU. S*tm. F«b. 1?. I, id l!ardlr«« Gnr-im^r-GeaeraL Uniiifh ^.xoesckuu tr. India vurwfcased Koxltnd ai a-ar with SAba. ba*U» ft Mo-.dkr* C _ nritnli rkiory sjkia at Sobrai*. Kabruanr. Ttratr of Lour*, l^irl l>alk<.c»u Oov«oa®r-e«oerai. tfMLrmd *ikk »ar b-»mi. Bmmaamr tabftt by Gr«u»oU Geo«b. aam ±e~ fatd at VfwenM. Tbe- Htfcb War e»«ed wnb battle ct Goo-JanM. Feb XL 8tr CLarl*-* N«ps*r t<«aw« C-q’rrmaadfr- iMilrf’, Ann^aaUoa «*f tb# Rajab tc BrtUab cJc-tuUMc i7» War declara.! a^lr*t KtiMta by Turkno UW-'M Cocqaeai <4 Ibe C dianienibxi XTSr 17SS '-‘frnKn 1772 Catherine L rmummirta Um aIttl 1){ Poland 1774 Kifb-IUn.-. of ihe irmaaika 1775 Coeaarlia’ rebwlllon eupprMaod T77k Prtuui Potemkin t*-i*©HM» prime tuinte-tar. irvi Aitny nwuirality. Kiueia Swaflen and t*»>nniu/ti d«vlan» thai •*tr».a ahtp* nmka fra* *«v»da,'* 1781 Actiiilalinin ill* Criiiteu War with TwrUny War wl'li fcswidi'ii Truaty uf Wai'atow. rfeiiciTid DttrtltliMi »f I'oland. Aillaoue wttli KnKliind. ITttfi Klrml nni’tltlgn of I'nlmid lidwr.Ti Una* ala, Pninlii and AiiMnn. Thu norttiion of pound ornnpininii 171WI Udiillt til t:aUl«rlUi> till' (Ireftl Wat wll.li f-’i'iala Uufiala iulna tin* nllUn* o uf KiikUiiiI and Auatrfa acain»t I'rnrux. «nwiiriow u.mutn AaMftali* and idiiu-ka th*. 1‘renrh In tlnly. ttuMlA forniu an alllmu'K wilh n-am-o. ui>)0 InannUy of *hr HJniparnr Paul I H*)l |L lit iiii&B mi im I * AJaaand.T I bofotoaa attipnmr hu tuuVia pnaif wltti Kurland. 1«C I In an i n ioina lb* cuallllTane* NapnlaoA imadiM flaaala. BaitV* i-l Snmleateki*. A*»« »7 III BatUe * tbe fmr-di«». tUp*. 1 IT9K I7V» B*irr.in< ef MdMlnr Or tba ttUnUM _r_ U 1 ftetreat uf Um Fn»ik UU Battle *1 Lelp«»t and «f Na- IBM IhW \KA 18C.7 Mutiny i*f tvati»r fafatrfry Is Be.a^ai Ba«lnala| of ibe &to*od Bnrinw aar PHtn annt-xed to liriiiab Empire, t’l.iae ul ihe Second Buns^e war Hurmah drtimrd of Iu aeabsard prorr-lii€ m. First Indian railway- and t«le*r3nb 4I{ii>im4. Bombay to Taanab. Kciii wal, Ivr tbo last Utne. of Kant India »:«mi*anv*s i-hanr.r. UnnKal |»UI under a LSouttnant'Ggvernar. Indian Civil S«-vtce thrown open to com-pottltilA- • Uan*i*3 Canal openod. Calimtta Ualiway ore««*>d. Annexation of Oudh. Lord Gatutlnfi app^iiottHl .Governor'-oen-t-riil -----K tmtlvo reg.iuu-wv™ ......— iiirtuiinporc and Lucknow. ru«t Sepoy rebcUion coin- M ul In)' iimnnK tnitlve regltnonw nt Uar Jit: Rftni w r-'i' . » at, .M««rut. Msy 10; Dollii ri\ckporc. -May «i: I’lie SS!Si\flVi:m Vobolii .U5d the King |ii!*clnimcd Empwrin*; mutinies at Cawnporc .md Allahabnd. , Cawnporu g>im>ndered by the UriUsn io Kana sUlilb. Junu 2*. ai'ip*- "f Lucknow begina July l. General Hav^V»:k i-nter* CawupOre, July 17; vut<-*ry r>v«r N'ana Sahib, at Bit-hoar July » - ('ai*iute nf Delhi fr*>» tba rabala. *«V*-30' l.u*-know reliaved by Havelock. Mfipt. 2& lubelf raulM at Battte of Caarnpore, llM* f. |ta»iI- cl Fu'i-ehur. Jan. Z. Sir Colin rauifbelt <*Mure* I^kr.o* Mar=-b Slj RebfU drfealed at Koiara July 14; al ut!.. - p«>tnta anbdves the rebels. Aa An fur th» batur Gc^fmnrct « India laeaiWa rr-T*{ zr»*nt A^. JL lK«etnt»u«t takw ntntmt of la»tla frr-m •h* r«iit led la OMiptBi, 1-Lard «*a«inta« made f.m Vlreraf oi »s-dla TtaafcMlTlac da. te UkJm f*r ra- UC2 TV" l u'.ftub H cads _ ------- Pa- of ttaSe manHtd. JaOu &- t*rd CU3S ayc*MStinl Mctrnj- of lad la. fkatk -f Lnd Kigiiv Str Jrfbw Lawrsmr* nra-le Vj«ray 153* r^arr.falt nt Xsp#t*«n»: Tb« Kmi-**na Ateiandw r«ter» Paria, w*,lb tba aUlaa, in irlumpb BU The nmi-eTur A5-iai»d>» ..» , )XS» Paaie <*f AdrlflMoplu with Turkry 1-S.ui Pul mb w.tr of indfpi'iidiou-•• li< ulna, 1831 Warenw taken \*tinvi'd» tlilit Pollah and If tin* Harlan oslltw b« nfp^llcd from Turk**. lfi,0 Connplrncy ugalnal Uie life of lb» etn* |x*nir detonted. Harbor of ft'lutatnpol nomnlctr.d Cxlles neat to Kmilab A«U Mll'flf, IKe VUH Of Ihe empernr to Vienna, liil Cotnm-nrem-nt of the fiuarrcl wuh Tut* koy about Ihi 'Holy M»‘ «• w Army a«nv to TurkWh frmliee CaHfet-cnv-r of the great |Miwnn, War dr^.lared by TttlWer. Or«. I Fte«liah and PVaoch 0*ata an«er iba IVsa-pbarti* N«*v S is&l Allies mlef U.» lUark Um Matt la nf .'data Jaa || d«ulaiu da f«!*4 riuna'i.m i»t Nw* ar»d Ciqfknl un-aua*fH by Rnaau TrwaiV Wlwreii Knuland rrabra and Tvrtef Umrrh il re-miriitdtstat at Udaaaa Agrtl SL ^w*a af nm.i.ta Mar l» sifjs af S'llslrla rals»>l Jhi* A. Cajtar* l>-mar«nnd Au#. >f. Euaau <*a*-ui»« ih« iKtn»tiaflU«« Battle -f tba Aim* |Upt St »ltl»ry *-f tJi* Slece I.f jebaatrrt"‘< U«iba IVi U Ittd ww 1A47 IW IP lXfil line lSfc.% lUttl- . IValaklaea. Oft. S._ ■'lltb of < ifcsccuum. Net 2 IValb .if ikr Bwpfr.'r NIcboUM. Marcb 3. A1«rand*r 11. Bn*petro». fiurtie 'A UaiakofI tower. March S. Itvasiana muraate Acap«a. Jane S Kara Itrvaated. JaW U Carrfur- of MaiaiaB In Brjrt- S. Daaib of Li-rd Kaalau. Tba Biliii avaruata Sebaac'^pal and r-trw Im inetr sioriu an ibc north side • if ii“ J.a/twr dtttrU'Ctbia of Uss Has-*lan float Sept. Russian aasanli nn Kars fails. Hat lla of tbe la*»>ar d-fna*. of Kosaiataa fcy Turft*. Snv. K. Kan stUT«tutarvd to llurataag. Nor. 2t Cwinvll of war at Pari*. Jan. 11. Ammsir granted -Clove uf tbe war. Crimen nvacuatisl .fuly t>. Al wander II. crowned a* Moacow. Bupt. 2. Partial uf the RtrfB on tlie Imperial iluiualna. AIm tin*; uf the KmpofOT* at Stuugardt and Weltuar. Ituaalu .inuUrcK the warlike uiovemenui ol t lit* Germanic Confcilnnwon during iho Prani'O-Uallan war. Troaty wllli Orenf Hrltaln. Comincrdal ircuiy with China. I umi nvcl lull in Pnlaud tmgins. The Buipuiuf I nan i*.« a dwreo providing for Iho total emancipation ol tbe serfs tbmiiKhniit »be empire in two years; fWd. lUghc The inaurrectlun in Poland becomes gen- XX,|k«f,w« surf* I 5»tHd isa tVM 3»S ls»* 1SS5 Arrldeeit I* tba Caar ishlia bnnUag. iHv* Hi Cot A-wderkia, abiW ol fwlW iM* Staaied by .Xtblllus IM 9-Coronation af Al«**n*ai HI-. Caar oi *11 (ho MmiIba A u« •' Aatl Jr• .*k rtot rsMlns* IM lk«* death e* oiacj Juas tt Great l)r» ft M.-e'^s, Oet. *a Marriage ut Ouke sUrjdw 0» I'flBtw* RfitabrUi ol Martar. JutM U Attara aI Uia KuMian* under O-M. Kt-.-an-IT. om Afafian |*aa*Ur«a »oar Murghat. Jki evpetled f/nui iba AalaUo |^u* l*rln*?r Kur%aki>R. an euunaiU rtatwmw 4M. April K Alcsand^e )T7- Clar «f all fluaaia. died and was n>icc«i*.|»d by Nlrtudaa || Rum.a aealat* CuM in iii'iutirlng money to pay war indemnity Iw Jatuin and ^ curaa eonslderalila «dv»n wilh Ihe Khan of Bukhara. 1171 Marring* nf Uie Empernr's daaghu?r tn the I>uke of Edinburgh. Vlelt or the Empuor to Gcrunmy and Kngiuud 1S7*» The luUfid of 8*ghaU»n ceded to Russia by Japan- Japan *.edea tbe Kurile Ielct to Itusiiia. W.ir wltli Khuland. llalllr j.rovlnrcb incorvarntcd into tbe cm 1ITIQ Russ 1770 I TT I 1781 17S7 17M ir.« j;«i iwu 1*K 1S« v*r, li4« 1S11 1513 1IU um ICI isz 1ST* Robolllon of All Ucy Biippliuu«'d, in Egypt. Abdul Hamid o^c»iii»h diiHiin. Crimea ceded to lliinuia. War with Ruiiala ami Aiiatria defi'al «r the Turku, Belim III.. Hultan uf Tuikoy. under Nkpulww. invndii The Krcncb, Egypt. Battle of Ahvuktr; Kreiioh victurioua. The Kngtlab aid Uie Turk* NgpoUKMi furced to retreat, tnaurrertinn «»f Mamelukes al t*aln>. Mnbemct All ber»»n»*a Paaha lb Egypt. War sriifj England and Ruaala. British fie»i (uuni Um Hardatndl*. Muxtapha TV,. >ultan Mahmoud IL. eyiilUn-Maeaacte of Maiuaiubas, t*e . cornea auprvma. ■ -. ■ Treitty ol ltucharr.1, Prutk tier uf Tut irkay aad Ihusta. uf ifaKaonia Ih Kgypt. i (n Wol.larta and Wat aflarbla; 0<*t d*. tilro. __jta OncouraiieH me Insurgents In tni* Tlkrklnh provinces of Servta and liul-gnrlu. CnptUru of Kliokan. I'.inotleiil of KMta eomplot«d. 1.177 llnwun di-nlarca war agalnht Turkey, April VI. Miillkoff on\ern Armenia ami aelxea EUty-avid. April '<«». It Um h | ii ri i. dafejiieJ tit Batoum. May t-llrlllioft atorius Ardabah. May 17. lnyoilimuii of Kan. Juno a. Paaaagi* or thr Danube by Lhi Grand Duke Nicholas- Jim* S-'JT. Captum of Ttrnova. July * Plevna nctrupkid. July *; retaken t-? Turks. July W. great defeat of ttua-alans Iry Mttkhtar Psaba. 1FT? Th« oai'tnfa Id Nlonpofia by tbe Ru^shicj. Jo)y ii The ItUKalaBs uccupj tbe Shlpka pasta July t> Severe lighting in the Silpka P«>. Jttlj t» D»“. xL Kuaitaa attA-k on PMvua tartly saeseBS-fut fie^t- 7-11. * Gre*j Uu^tan ilrtary at Alad> Dagb. Capius «d IUn by tba ImwiaiH. aruh 1&*> ICI se p» !«9» 184# ISII 1847 1849 IHTil 1853 IK. I IL laa«2rr«^1l.iii -.Jrt- r,d«r./v «t Turks d».N-at«J ai Mtlylwe. Battle «d N’asa/vai.. TUJkiab Mr^y^. War with Kwaata aarr«nder al iuae Jl flaya/rt taken. >ept Vanta te»nr*«l by RuaMaiu. 1X1. Battle af Hr. urn la. Utaaaiaits U*k* 8/t*ft>um and eme» Adrl aaspb: iMir 4 m*m, t«»p*. 14 JUrroll of Mebemet Alt Battle of Konlab Egrptian. def.wi Turk a. EgJ|rt in.ade. 8fna. BatUe ?t K'lnlen, disMstruua defaat of Turk* Russian* «vut.«r CoastautniopU. dff«o*is» asd deftmaivi troat' *llh Husata Tivaiv of Kyujah. HtblM in Kifypt •grpjwnaaad Abdul Mrrtjid he-'.ioe'i luitau, A soe.md ro*o«( of Midiilii. t All Hat tie of Nt-ilb. Ihraniui Mclieiiiel. All's aon. defeats the Turk*. Eugtand, Kuualk AustHg, and Pntsg'.g aid Turkey, Flat tie of tlfvroui. Egyptians dafimM. Trejii> wilh Egypt. Mnbemet. AM mnai* V|.nror. bm iltiprlved of Syria- New nymcm of .duration Introduced Turkey rofuium i.t Adl’i'ctidcr P(»Jlalt ref uguee, i dun 11 suulglhcd tiv IQimluitd Rr-h.'lllun Of CniatlM. Treaty with Krnnco regarding tb.* "Holy Place*." A large Russian army i roiiws the prudi Turkey il«>clar'* wai apiirovcd hy th" grcut jxywen. IQngfalid. Prauro. Ail* tria and PfUasJu. Crimean Wat allied Hoots enter Up-Blai'k S«a. Jan. t-Runaia rk>us<4u intnnmitiiui. Mgnrb is*. j.-"*-*« ^ ruVT? j* ? - Raaataaa tijaheJ at Sft^JSW-TESiJE ^ * dul^iisAc . %$n~lni*4 Tl mkhtMT I'mST y££ “> j«2» ■« ssr iss, lL* •* t*sr* * Alvin stvrm .* ktt*w*Crt tak* Kan 5L-V WrrscJsr «rf pUvu 1 f*% Ert^n-«ni *\ +• SKn r def.at or run.,. KtouTSSS -I |—^ signed. Marvb X ‘ *rR“T !mifeassp - ^,,a- tr3 I • Pinal treaty with Rtuaia signed pvti « Russian, nvaiust.- Turkey. K tig bind demands reMru ii in Turkey Nuliar IVsIm resign*. Ju«* IX d*,pOB “»* sultan. ms., i?*- T«w«ii surcd-iU hlrn rh* lowers profcii r.-Kardlng tfolay m rewjliin nf hulclgnu, Nov. IM.HI or iho iv.w4t Cmt*UnUao- Alfdhni Paalui and oLhcrt, tried for nmr •m » of Ali(!ul*Axh. ADd CfjQdHnin^l to iliTlJ* Ibw wtitenru roxemut*^! tt> iHTriH* nboitltoii of aUvcry In Exypl, 1 Iu» h»no d«clinm ic. am«r ixiOferenM of Power, roganllng Kgypt. but subi!^-tllieiitly yield* Re Du "i*l rat** with Vingland Tor Inteudcd bomikardoioni c.f Alexandria. Kirvish Paaliu win envoy to Egypt. Turkey daclint a tu xt nd troops to Eetpu hut. after Ihe biuuhardm«^)t. cunsen** Atabl Pasha ventme^ u, ha^ULmen* to Crykrn for nr*. pw. 3. n' w I ray an ofTrr*^; lu Mo*a:je* of Catro for M the "Mirmr of Joarlra,*’ fH<. u. AraM Paxba. (Sgyptbu: Mmiater of War head* •ippaaltlKO io tb*- Kbedtv«. A>l*«»d rutirj4rxej against A rati Psaha. Mlaisiar el War |.«d> to ir.te/xati C»IUip|L-all«rtlj. *5E2js; bt* 5~“w ■ t»n Ju:i»r ll. a rf>x t<>akx :et te Atcx aodru lbs sailers miiag «-> E-j 1*30 sUiOghter. Not. IX CaM«r» Ktr;-pul by the RunUav Cai.tnre if Plrvna and Oiman Paaha a arms, by tbe Ruaalana. Dee. H». returns to St. P»tcrs2»urg. Dec. E^eror 1555 D«c. i»r« BmfUlWI ln»«ted. Dec. I«-0*0. aoaxka f-roaaea tbe Balkac*. 21. kOHiaM t^rayr Soda. Jaa. t f>n»ai\* defeat ad. Jan. 7. Capture of tfc-i gfctpka Paw. by the F.oh-mia. Jaa. 5. 1 lla!. ..iu attacked without success by tho Itussiana. Itoumii-* ocrupy Philipporu. Jan. It Ru.^tan i>-e.upation of Adrtanoplc. Jan. K RrRlt h flw't enters tho Dardanelles. Jan. 35. Knerovn evacuated by the Turks. Feb. St. Treaty nf peace signed at San Stcfanu. Hkol»*leff and Rndeltky capture Turkish army in A«l* Minor. Conrerenco of pownn nt riorlin. June 13. Tti'gty of Berlin signed, July 13. 15?> I I mil trotliy with Turkey, signed Feh. S. SolnvhifT nt tempts to aimaasinate tho Caar, April 14. Nihillriln si Ktolf and Odessa convicted. Attempt or. tho Czar'ii life by mining rnllw/iy. Deo. 1. Discovery uf plot lo blow up the Winter Pahicc. Dec. 12. IMO IBxplftsloh under diningroom of Winter Palace. Hi* vol'll l noldton* killed and wounded. Feb. 17. Arrest of Hartmann, ai Port*. Feb. 20. Oen. Mcllkolf made virtual dictator. Feb. Ul. Franirw refmies extradition of Hartmann. Nlhlliiti* convlctgd at St. Petersburgb and Kletl. till Asa-tasUuiiioB of Alexander II.. by bomb« lhit.wti at hU carriage. Marrh IS; -me killed by expkadon. atHKhsr A*'»*«»sS-:t: «f Aknid0 ITL. who waa a«t croarced until i«t or agovont cf f*-*r uf aosas.fisallon. Trial *»f N.bPMU April t. Raoaksff Sophie Pie.>B»ky Jel*t-v5 and ethers, nmdestnerl t« deaih. Treaty *4 pear* *«& China! kf^xnatlca ef Uu. Meltkc«. Ua* U. Matufi-rtir *.t Gea, Feostlirfl ilav Cnirntsr luaslf-aie of Nib flirt*. N*« .VfblHat pto dl*-:..%vr^j Svxrm**?. t**2 BdhinM af Prtg#a Gc«*^takofL Aati.JawHH rirta. Pso->U^tir nw..b or Ge=_ ai Parts. Dratfc -f *Um. S*kolH-««. July S. 1SS5 l«l ISS2 18-K ISM 1885 1966 IW7 18i» 1S70 IS72 1873 1874 1875 1S74 1577 Treaty with England and Fr*tn< Tha adlhHt power* guarnmsc Tnrkinli in' AllkS fi.'nts bombard Ode*** and bl0«.k ads Um Danube. Allies wrayume Ru*alaw« *• Glurgetu. Turks defmted al Haras*: ae« RttsalA Battle at Kars UusaUn* d*f«aio»l Turka. undar Omar Pasha win a great tIrlury at tha fngnur, N*»* f; aillaa lak- Kan. Nwr. Susprs^o* f yi*MUllt<(^ a-Blllm t.egi* , Haiti vs for l«*n. Kef*. ». Treaty al fmmem at«a*d ai Par la. April » Tba Crtxaaa *.acusird Joty t lade^sdemw of Turkey guarani**! Condlrt with Mohteo^**!*»*. ChriatUns raws*.red 4! I«Jda M.wjt»nc*Tin t^nndarWa defcmtine-d. Sues Cana) begun by N Uu»vi Great fire at ConsUktiv-opla. Conapincy a*»intt iht. Kultan Dru*e and MaroaU» War Ma-sa/r* <-f CkHatian* at H*Jti**:u» Cocvenllob of G»*al Poaen. Abdul-A*IZ butlall. ImUrrxtlon la llenr««siaa an.1 Mft«* tenegrv. ‘ Omar Paaha incad* • M«ntrma*yw. Servian* demand ihrir tbdeMtidwucv. Death of Said Pasha Dmall P«aha be* comas Vlcertijr of Egypt. Arabian rObhUlOll aupprr^sud by Egypt. Sue* Canal opened In part Revolt iu CumW* Cretan Greoka revolt AKaliiMl the Turk* Tbo Khedive ot Egypt. Vloemy. visit. Franca und Eitglutid, Suer. Canal inaugui'atod. Sir Samuel Baker sent to Nlippreiia slave trade. Baker roturnu, alter iionmderabh* «u> ceas. By tho SURnn'n llmmn lint KhedlVo ..f Mg.vpt bouOlUna liid-p.-mli'ut In iuoi.l pOUitii. Circulur lot tor to the Powers |uoU’«UO|« ngnlliMt treaties with Turkish trlliu Uuios. CnauireuUon lu Harxsgovlpg uml lUiaUlH-Boaulan* vh.lOTlOUH ut ihe b«Ulv uf GaUchku. Cuauccessfnl AbysalnlHii .'vpiullllun llrliish guv«mni«tu pun liar* *. Mxrt Canal stock. War with Abyssinia th*. Egyptian debt consolidat'd, Halt Ii- ot Tra hinge, indsu lnlvr Germanv. Austria and Kn*~*la d**m*ld reform lo Turkish iributarlM. Bulgaria re.volu against Turklab rula. 3nlcid.. or tuur-ler of ttutlaib A’/ul Aiu Monunegro and Henla lit. 1*11 war agutnot Turkey. M*irail V.. Hulun, May >«i a.ea**:^n af Abdul-Jlamld H D«irjLi. ut lb* Senlaoa at Ateiimii Cosferw.**. <>f Graat Puwers about T%* lokt aftalns. Trnaty of pear*- with Abywatnia eal* by t'uL tti*dr.*. Tttrbey r»j«-t. ^rui-^aU uf «b* Or*al Pwwara. Midhar Paaisa tantsbad. War aitb Russia d re land MoaUIHfea with M*:tit.*w*«r».. Ruaala:« rnaa IlM Da*u|.* June ZZ NkBQ|KUa surtcJiCeryd Ia Rii*«U. aflg^ii Tb* IVwars rall*d afo* lo aid tbe Kk*dl*e Arab 1 tracts l n!£*»liva and thrfeUes* »-i bkrw up tbr >a^r Canat Admiral fWrwme UlX>- oM=m*oS w' Kn«l|*b forrra and orders Arab! t*j r*^w r.irtifiiuc be n^Sfe*. H'.ir»bardm«at i>f Altxsndrian fixti. Joly « ifr- dri*lrof«d by the KnaRsh Anbl Pasta r' * i.f the Great Pvwer? •tp<:t Kgrv'tsr. ftnaccrs. Aug. i IW. General S'e»art s fares* rearb G Kgypt Jan. IX liattle tJ Aba vlct&ry at Rrf.iab fnrrea. Jan. 17. Itrttiah Tlinrr a«ae Mecammat. fl**. Strain »»mi4ed. Jaa. I) PaB uf Ksmura. Jan. 3t Death rf »Vn. 6crdf>«. Jac. X ?r.-dv-v Inlesi*.* RacttettMMi tu Ixcden-Tt - Italian Ran b*l*ted srnt that -4 Ksilit. al .Maa^owah F»b. S. Ilriltsh vbtiUy scar Dufka Island. dea‘J Ml Om. Karl, Feb. 1*. Tb» Miiifrr ot Dosgoia dcwated by Li'fd Wuiaeley. Twrrifi 1 flgbUcg near Saak?o. March 3t Ibath if Mahdi H .'hammed Achmed, June CT Raxilution In liaeten. Roamelia. l'rlnir Alexander .«? Bulgaria. Governor. Kepi. i«. M.*. tipi: **f AtnNu>s«4ora st Comttanun-i-pfe -ill tbr 17a*!pMi crisis, OC- t. i*M Pint t»icouch train tram Paris tt- Cnn* stanttltopl*. Aug. 3. lkHt> Egyptian I'ervlwb Army routed. Aug. 3. Turkish forces imcupj Crete, Aug. IWH) Tufklah mmi uf «ur Krtogroul found*'n: 111 h.ia i,iwi ||\e« lout r4.-pt. 19. l^'it Iltsurre. Ih-.il III Airnenla, and great mas-cut ro ol Clirlatluiin nt iJagJi'QjiH. Dili,*. Iti^t in CiinnUtiGmiple nnd wnSahcire of Ai'tnonlaii ChrUtlanti In that Oily. Great jiow^r* of Kucupe dcuiftnd ro-fortim rrom the Sultan and protection fol* his ChristtHti •uibjoctfi. Chuuge lu tlie Mtniatry Nov. 7. Gaidai CREECE. 177b Gr<**k m.iirsmii aisisted by ROBria. They an defeated hy ibe Turka. RjKlv-Uion ^r SnIUit scpry^ed. I^Ji T url.a pul down *arund SuUot nbelil-ao whuh «1- It- iiy-d by the Frcnch. :»r) Reyo't if lu.iUoU. P-JopooCc*sa«aSed by Ui* fltsrti. 1*3 Iwietssijnw* >.•! firre«. errihlr Terrible nuMnr at Stl«». l»33 Natnmai Coagre.* xt Argoa. De*m <-f HxTK-f Bmaria. :•:» Dz Iff. Li.td t'lvon ar Mlmufrifight IpSMrs deslm»d by Ihe Tvrix. till A.c>> uf Via* .'.rgb! ot^tuiala to tb* T«r>«. IC7 Tnrklab army take* Atb*s*L toiarfkftrxw ef fftreign powers reject**! hr Turh*T. IValti* if Vtrsrma, th- ainei Briti^, • ■fP‘r!g'.t. l- -\ hy '5^0 A A: Con«atru>*1toB uf tbr Uaaiil* July |« Th* «l Um r«i>tinr« T»* km* **< quMrfc ombt«Iw4 by • m«f» at VanaUU**. tn t* t* >vm, oh. • Th*" Klilullll A*a*nibl* tr-K« A| )'tni tV*. h Tk» Naii.nal Aan#ms>{) ib* rojAl •*» K»o* rtf tba Uit. tm rWwU pmp*r:> 71m dlih^n ..r f*r«ni« tVn D 4^t*n tuvota I >*<. CL Kiel 1/Jkla (W » ■MMM. C«>nf**t»ratliia "l ih< (’tmuip* dn Var* •Im* ftlu uhca in* Mtk t» ih» • «uuo rovl.m. July ll might of th* Vm* ar«d i|Uwd frwu !*•/«•. .lun* SO. ImprtartnoMat .tf ihn king and *ju«mw» in ifc«r Tuil*rtn*. thwy nr* hmwind tl Vnmiuiw, Juiir SI. Lotila lam'tion* ib* National nriMtiiutlon EWjtt- 1/4. iHaaulUlliin nl Ihr N will'll ii I \««>njlilr. Hdlit. S9. Plrat i-.Miim .i, uaaln»l franrn ComiuoitrMitoHl >*r fhr gruai war*. War with Au«lrlw rtivUrml AoMI W liuttlo nf Vttimy, ihi' I'runiun# iV'MaUMl, aihI irmmi' a*iv»**i ir<>m lnv*»lim, St>pt. ’.f). Attack ninl riijilill'r i»r thr I'iiIUtIiim Ity I jnwbi it"- r*»at fumtly impri»t»n'>J lu »lu> IVmpIo Amu hi, &lui«Qrro In thn iirm.iliH ,if I'urlH. Hnjit, 2-a. Opening iif Ibe NttUonnl OonvimtlOTi. Sept. 17 Tin1 Oitvi'rtlliMi ahollnhim myall) H*pt. 31. MrrllJU uT th*' C.Htl*l*Hlv*' A«u..tulily Oft. 1. Kranm 4n*ur*d a miiuMlr, $fpL Si. Tttwl Hid m>rtii«iunst(un o« Kin* l^ml* Nov 12 to i*#C. U l^.uJe XVI friluaiUd. Jan n. W«r again at HiigUmt 9|>alM a»d llul-Unit. d~:t*rnd Prh. 1 Inmri*- iron In Un Vnndn* twtfttM Mart h IVoa* fiction if th» (limitU*ta. U-jIn »;*l«rr«. tmiiiD*t IHrUlot Uui'k M> ftariftnimg Ilf thn u*lgu *t T*rtrf. May UL Ch«/toU» Ort»r MMMinilla* Uar«l. j» tt a tawmUvn **• vo!Uctm»4. ialy S». ChMr «4 Um lialgu nf t«W. TIM OmkiiMm XVlli iti«« in N«l«jlv«rta wl»» th** v^t.*tMa «l Manl«* pmtrn, A»rll II. MMlUti. A|.rU 11 an I Lodi. May !»• All»>*hlrrUnA. iun» I Kadaiadi, July t. m luly TBr ruu.flra.* ut IWitMMIlt nWVprmwl. n>hoKru‘a rnnMMiracr f»IN llviorn of Naih*w<># liitu l*»rm lk)itaiiarr*|,a ll<>i>rlttii aKiwOlUnn *oi- 11.V f i. . I»ittl« of thn I*»'rart«ii1 July U SI. DfWli'uoVlntj nf Ui« I rntH'h «• u-«r AU>x.i>it urn* from ICcypt iU>|»*i'« tint Council nl Kivo llunoi'nil No», U>, und Nmioluun i« dni-UriMi Ifirai Oonaul Poe |£ Itauin of MN««nu<>. Juna ll Qrp*l victory by NittiaiMtMii nvm ihn Ana trlftna. Att. Ttt» lUiinn uinflr Um Kri-n. h l^unilttPy, IVmn with Kiiwila, iVt • and -lib Tor. k*-y. 0(t *• OnfuM of thr Kw h at Aboukli Marrfi IWn with P.ntfUr.O tfoaui and |l»llaAil •taimd at Auitxna Alarrh ST. legion of Hft»or iMuiiiut.d Kiuajianr niAd* ‘C'onaut for l.ifr Auc t IJ*uh Kra>r^ »mahll*h^d. WAT Wllh Kwtund rlr»Umd Mar a Co**Hra. Y -I « iimii *tol asalnat lUna; WUtall* RircQttvo «f Um 4'ttartW. *»*»«• a. Thn rtijpiyr tonlM-t a 1*4 SalM4«M« pt+-rialmnd Rattwar. *Uy IL I'r.as^ by thn 1^. tW M. Niv^ K»«* c4 Hal*. Va> m. IVa»n»hn NhltM> r*-Ut*4 al Part* Jut* 12 Pnqyth cxwlilln* **# thn Ornal »Vnafi axalnal fminr». Tr\^«ia iWU/»a war, dct. 9. DrtfMit of thn I’rwnaiah* at J«iu. <>rt. U Captum Off Hffurt by thn Krrmlt. Oct. th. Kuaatank d*fMla<1 al halt In KyUu. AUxaod-r anil «b*« at Tllalt. Junn r*i. Tr*«ty of pohCt »l••«. m |ilvor«'»' of tiu> MUiprMn« JuNophlfin, tfi. Nupoioon nmrrlo* Marii* l.o»i«« of A«» trlu. April l V ii ton 6f llolluinl with Kruil-i-Iltrth nf il**' ICIiik of iioniii, afi«rwdrd Najiolruo II. War d#-i larM with Jtrnial* S’u| ulnon InVfldfa ItilKnU ilri-Bl victory of thn rfulwh a* llorodlrt", Si*pi I>1 tf.uinua rolrr,ir nf Iho Fr*ni'h from Muncow iKtob«r. Th»* Contoi4m Uanty with thi» I’"!'' A) 11 anPf of Aiulria. HmmU an4 l*ru**u aKAlnat N«ttMl«oM, March IR. f?iil I tn nf I.vlpud Najioiron .tvfrnit'4 i>t 1*1*. Th« Alllwa invadn k'tim* hnn tha Ithiaa. th- KucKafc froea diuiln undny W-lliu« u*n. Ott T. «orr*ndrr *vf Parl» to thn Alllaa, March AMt -atKiu *>f Vapo|n*» I. to faint df hla •Ufl N*t-«I»||» If. AprM w SapoUmi c tv tha Ul-ud uf l!ina May 1 l.vuu XV?II. *uinr* trtH. May t Th» JV^rhon iti i>MI« ft UM*i Tbn t'..cMtiNttea*i r«.*ahtMfnd Juan I M, SaooWit* Iravna ktltm and Ur..t. al Outfi Mu.1i I, «M in Nrw ■ hrm ha la Wo»d h* *11 Ihn army. Uxtfa XVIII- lM*n I’nri*. fMlarilMB af tbn aiaplrn. Tbn All-* f.rui a l*»iw fw hla 4*atrvr •mm Mar>h & ITALY FRANCE:. B«Binntr.K of thir power of Mudaian Ja Unrry. The DAuphtnn m»rn« Mid« Auiolnm-rtf AuytrU. (Mil h B liortiln* ot th* fVnatra l«* H»«o I©*-’- IU* % . F«D W Urr*7, I**. a M. Cantot rleetiNt t*f«u4MU Uh. I K*maia* *»f III »#i< tbr Pfini* Im^rrUi frmiv^i ■ » »«r-p*» #i|, Ui| 4. CiMnrt, irr.h U. A* PrrK ll.t. MJf'* tl R«ttta b^tow. >lr.wt4«i,u. *-» l*r*o. Cat DOt fanimji Canal frau'ta «n»««4. ■»**> iuim* tim-ftana#*l Court wf (‘iMiiM iimiM tt>» •cni.tt.a of Um* l*&B.ra» <'*nal .taiedWrn. mi\'i el* frt*» J.ll .ci* <*h.« d. Fraor* *\s— Slam 4ft uMtmatntu Wtab-H ItA* fttttfWCt Jllltb m Kanshail Mr>lah..ii A»>proidfW*. d*d, Ott IT. J*re«tdmt IMrt'ol *w*.ip#llii»N‘1 Hi J.vonw by mi annreMM. Cawlmlr |vii* r but re mwritHl nhort»v *fu»r wad w*« l»y F«IU Fnuro Frtrich iiilhv kuixhwIh Iii I’npCurtb* MadiiiCflftcAr. I)f4yfuii cmmh *rr**rvl tffteltfiiiiuii. iritpt. tJxrytii* p*mliMi*»i, Ht»|U iu. Kmllu r,out^t Prt^iiUml, rod. in Theatre PVjim'kt«« Pari*. buriuM. Mftrtfttf Hiinto'. l>|tmuhl \v111* priM) fur niMUiiblo ImHoon. N*• v. Im JWirnif hcti tv FwU. Otmi radial m rite eMm TU«* Kac^rvr tmiiii no* «oac*scs!<«* lr of thr nnifiri>tiill crreraKSt-Ceirferafloe of Use oite handmdtb Hnb-*o Of nUflWTT. IO» VI *. r N^fr b> hxre Pierre Boox- i in* Itn U. t?r«U rfcm in Paris Fr* S. * t»tt*«%¥ry of pluU minx? thr Emperor'* Hffc Trwij And *njulttal s* Prinr* Pktre R*>o- Tli* HMrtodtra eo c£ianj?n of ytnftlUix Un. affirmant* %oie toured k/t P*e Warife. IU Komi^nittin nf !*nrl K*hU Thn RiiHHriir inki ii i utiiniiirnl «»T rh K^utulr tofdUbpId in Parf# and F*roft*ior.al G^'.vcrainrm ors»nkM< Mpt f. l*afT* irwHitvd tl? itip Pr»i^siaD*. 1? fKrawNir* t»rrff»d<^wd. ft U»t* jLfvd Pftfflch ArtQT. ttdcr Birailtr •wmikr Oct JT. IM^at tb* FytMl atiht of 'Scrih \ TMr n M71 fUjrft>y oa^ffuUiM. Jao t AlttN -n rmTttndrrfrd. lah. 17. I'UfjA I* 'tti£Midri Vjf Sl>^ PTWiaBi-Kim W ill i an ti .if mifti mrbussed Km* pv?ut iC t>rmic>. at vtmiiki. rh»* *rmtr-ttr» a&l jxarr Feb- T7 rnufw **rrrr+ tc gT** Mp Mmtk. A fiWi nf l*7rr%fUA «Uh IMi at^l Tb^vflk H»1 (.» my |H* TtitffUr$s af fnefi ftf tfc. AAiinW.y at Dordraoi-Karsaaiict) of a proTwucaJ nw in* fot*r Riwt, Itarvh L Pn»r^ w:t& Cm mrstiy Kim>H it tbi* C-jmmnw Harrh H. TtiH t^tiod igw irvntv «»f «Yftcnation rt^iied witb OrirniAAf, Man*h iJk vi riilcra rraijxn« tbr r>rr ;Jilenry. May ^4. M#irnhAl MacMabpn cho?-i*n PreSfdeni •*f thn Ucpublf^ May W War iml• fnni»> paid »fi run, Sept. r». Or/iiuiiu ntncuati* Verdun. Sfcpu IK ^r«-diden(UI urm flxml ni wxkn ywr*. Ha^niuc wontcuend »u twenty yeam Im-prU.mninnt for -"rritfidcT of HM, 1KT1 Kxftvuitan o( coaunuuUli I'-fii i»|»w if Of Dt HI. OKfAltir, Aytr. Ii ravinmt of Ihf tk'rnuui debt. Scpt«cibf*r. IKTT» Tho lrn11 .i11«• bmlv rvortfMt^d and tuoOhumb^rji cre«ied. I*ir wii*- ui bill for thr ccnrtructirm of .i tun Itr I uuiW xw Opliab rhannriL till of i bt* utiw <"tiam!>€frs. Man'b 7. Atni%vm*> r<«r miromunlsia. N«*»# i*ilull* ty fi)rrae‘ij b> Julfca Slns>n- irrt rhifiiii ut M. rb^ & Ma* viaboii f.banibvr of !>c^u* lift. Jhih- S. tSuffi^'lta jifrnfttlfJ. Aiifr 2S. 1MTI lu^xMLhiMl Kk»*c«allln«i at Faria oi*n*d H*T l V V Ur^icnJtlnfi ol Pr»ld«i ?4a£*U?icd Jan S M. iiiW^ Or err c)f. Jct-att. and MUf «*rder^. dU3ol\>ed by nalK>nal i^rre, G«'nr?Al axxioe^y MU July X NVw rtiluUtry forced by Jok* Ferry. SfM. 9*. 1W K^tlcrm fa^nrabJe f<» the Koverararnt. I nan tak'T. u;* three time* artrr. FraiHHi Invades Tunis, and treaty with H«ty Mati'Xl. May 12. by which tho r«*pnbllr ftalm virtual Suzerainty-(truncation by Senate. May ^3. Qteyit Mrttemt?ut prc«luced In Italy. Oambetta entbunlairtically received at Cuhort, Muy Rfjeotlon of Hfimtln d«» llste. May 9. Oambettn premier on resignation ol SVnv ry’ii cawnru iW- Ht»n||tnat!on or GnmbeKa’f minlatry. Jan. :^0. Frr*vnm>t Prim*- MlnlKtcr; resigns. July 50. IteJrcMon (»r vote ot credit to prutcci HuwR Canal. lMnnnlrouK Hoods hi Franco, Aug. 6. f)uc!#ro audceeda In (ontiliiK a new tnln-lulrr. Auk. 7. !i«ath of l^>ul* Dlitnc, afad 71. D^e. H. Paalb of \A&n OiunbetU. ag^il 42, Dec. 24. tWA Arrmi of Prime Napoleon charged with fsrdltton. Jan. Ifl: rnleiu^ed. F«b. 9. Rmlicnatton of tho Ductarc ministry. M. F^lllif'rt > Prfro/' Minister. Jan. 29. liAath of CuttAve Ilore. a^**d SO. Jan. 2i. Pnr»*Atf«' of the expulflon bill. Feb. I Jur-n Ferry fortni a r.ew mtchstry, F^-b. ty. Ounaenr^nhmt of howiutlc* with Mada-Ka^ar bombardment uf Majao^. May %$: U>txi^rdzn^nt of Tansatayr Madjt-tajprar. June II. ItUv kail* TtKl<:aia by French Srttf •mte*'r. A^cvtrr *tffrr»d by Pr^atfo? Gf^o* to King AOm» SUy If. ' Frvw^t .mh»w« b-^fHkics by bnrdmewl aA-3 np«r»» .if K»1hli Au^ FerMtt* ^f rfc^lera af l« tMpt.CUte, reared br ♦fte Fn&ea. r*^>* wtfJi ITfcina, April •>. and tiraty iicr»^5 eJ Tteataia J^ie 1 Austria-Hungary AttKiru AKiuir.^ M «nt» ..Ihrr |irt>r-Uicrr, frnut I'olund Yi.mh.Ijii>' *bo||«Ji»Hi in Mlinn* 17 War wl
  • i«Batn>a» Mm). ««#*•»♦» Itmiirt* .I Mi. Isrii. ti« .i.n*».»rn. Trw.tr ut Oimim Ki.rtimv. Tht KBip*»i r #'iit»n4»M 1* *»• >«4 oUtatnt V«tM% A4JJtkm*.‘ nt *M1*tt «»r Tt*t*rh .• li»r U'lW* i>f Vr»«« I'.) * Mon»# U-llik, MM r Mkfi-nrt*. IW^ 1*1 ll^l.* 0*41. Ion# tJ». H«lM^lW Am* Crm tmiWi fra nr*-* II. li'fiwun ‘ t .1 AiMtrt* Iftf «uk Fi«m« 4wUim) it a: v Aumlrui >». • 4 *4 > tfiiit f’r.nii. /T4c -«l|. ,.,1t Jrtmnlt t*«Mf'nli»»ll(>» »l llwJ TS»* Aualrl^i K«n* U*Mlr nl AU**u^h.fK dtflVHt >rl S^contt «l Vmlnii l'» •*" I'ruu. 't Um «itv rrut.|(n »ini|t M.i. . U^uUi. itiiu.lilvt of II-, •»• X* liOlrtOIt I.. A| I’ll 1. |iovrttC«Jt I.f Nflj^llnrtU. l/Oiivrvi* i* :■ . rviBiiK mi Vtrni'» Tt#iiIv ot Vl«itlik. \umrlu ri'Kwiix liff ItaHflli |iovfn.«« Willi uiMitiiim*. Tim ly.iiilmnt'i-m.1 lilnu>ti'iii i-lull* llnhi'il llunKnriaii Dior M»jutimil(>ft. !H*aili iUMl A*-M>U»VI> llll'.tM Mt Vlnitn*. Jtily ». Thlr4 «»i.urr»*'ii«n »w Vimo. Cooot Lutaiir nitirtli.rtMt «vt. ♦. War .«h Kar4lMU i , K«-uIuik.:i io Huuk^> Imi-rt.1 Ui/ovt IXffUr* iU*t ai** &•<«■> ituprtaBI. .1 Mlklui. MOll Mi.lt» Tb. Knni^w fVHll^ioJ .Mb at*. I. I. t«it Of M B.xAtlW. I'.MJili S.nliaU t. auk. C«x»2»BtMt« granl»*4 lluM^Arr <• Um m.Vy«-Vw*, Af Ul il KmkIIi | Iir 'b. Em-pof'ir. Quarrel wltlt 8M.rd|itia. anil il)t*lotnaUr reiAtlou. •u»t-.ni1**li Thi* Panubt.n Mtvliiwn «varuaiiM|, Viwit «f tbr Kmp.Mr ami KmpreM ti) Huijaary. War vriih Krastr.t) «iitt iJardlMM Auiirimm r.roa» tli»* TI«lno uml i-nmr rindtiuin , Auntriaim dijfi'ntvO al Mntit.-liollii, Mny 2ft; Mu> a«, ai. Napolinm III. tli'clantt war mIOi Aimuia, May ft I. UnuUm nf .MnK»iitii, .ftino <[ Mwli’Krittilu, Jun.' M. ntiil Molfurlim, Jiinw VI, In «t 11 wlii>li A it*. I rln miftfhl t1ii[o.it. DualH yf I'rliifo A* i*« t« i ti I* It. Aruilnlko lirlwovn tho A \l* I rln Cl* 40(1 '•** alllra agrvud uuuii July >» UeetlnK or thn Kiii|>of«»ni of l-*ri»itIr m Hur ilinia. Purthur tmubina It* 11uu**•••>•. faa/» of a rotroltiUnii, The Eiupohir utanLa lucrnaaiul j»rtvil»*«t.. to the Proterl.nia. Treaty ol Zufttta. >fat. |»>: t>*'rmAn*nf peaCi* with Kroiiw aud Mardioia Tlii* Et»iN»ror r^nw>v«i it.. JiiabilitiM of Ibe Juir«. Th. m*<-tl.«r of tbr Itel^baratb. iln rn«l lD(Hirbl aitnriaiiOtt at th. ItallAa dtirule. by tb. Kina ft Santm... Tlw liberty of «bn tr«» rurtbrt r^-taJewl; »«»*M lm«li!*a la !ln*or?> Thr RHfhtmk a»#t.«»4 l^ulailr* ;*.• «n. Ik* •r*atrr:l nl tb. Iuvm uty Ana.i!j ~'zZ. ad f r 1 *l‘Vi*! tA ItUBfary. I'ruiaita ««> GrcAl auaSrru«B (hrM|li««l tb. If.-«»v| by tin rMitkanit pala nf Ui. « rt- «!< la llieprr »n4 V^ilct- SCANDINAVIAMEDIEVAL AND MODERN HISTORY. 1387 Norway ana Denmark became confederate kingdoms, under one ruler, and remained so until 1S14. 1-107 By the Treaty of Calmar, Sweden joined the confederacy or Scandinavian kingdom. 1448 Christian I. of Oldenburg became kins and added Schleswig and Holstein to the kingdom. 1520 Sweden revolted from the foreign yoke and under Gustavus Vasa, her future king, became Independent in 1523. Gustavus- Vasa died in 1560. 1523 Lutheran religion established in Denmark. 1537 Catholicism suppressed and church lands annexed to tho crown. 1G11 Gustavus Adolphus. The Lion King of the North and Bulwark of Protestantism in Germany, became king of Sweden. lie was an important factor in the Thirty Years' War and was killed at the battle of Lutzen In 1632. 1664 Charles XII. became king of Sweden, after engaging in successful war with Russia he was defeated by Peter the Great at Pultowa in 1709 and became a fugitive. 1792 Gustavus III. assassinated and succeeded by Gustavus IV. The latter being Insane, was dethroned. 1S09 Charles XIII. succeeded to the throne of Sweden. 1810 For want or a legitimate heir. Berna-dotte, prince of Ponte Corvo, one of Napoleon’s marshals, was elected crown prince of Sweden. 1814 Norway taken from Denmark and given to Sweden as indemnity Tor her losses in Finland by the allies, and Laurea-berg was given to Denmark in exchange. 1818 Bernadotte ascended the throne of Sweden and Norway, where his descendants are still seated. 1863 Insurrection in Schleswig-Holstein and Laurenberg. assisted by Prussia and Austria, resulted in the loss of these provinces to Denmark. Christian IX. crowned king of Dcnnnrk. 1872 Oscar II. ascended the throne of Sweden and Norway. 1893 Viking ship built at Christiana. Sweden, and sailed for the World’s Fair at Chicago, April 9. Dr. Nansen, the Arctic explorer, sailed from Christiana, Sweden, June 24. GERMANY. 1765 1766 1769 1772 1788 1790 1791 1792 1793 1795 1797 1801 im 1805 1806 1807 1808 1810 1812 1813 * 1814 1815 1817 1818 1819 1832 1833 1834 1840 1844 1848 1849 1851 1853 1857 1859 1860 1861 1862 Joseph II. becomes Emperor. Ix>rraine ceded to France. Convention between Prussia and Austria. Germany shares in the partition of Poland. War with Turkey. Leopold II. becomes Emperor. Conference between the Emperor and Frederick of Prussia. Accession of Francis II. of'Austria. Revolt In the Rhenish provinces. Prussians seize Dantzic and acquire Posen. Warsaw ceded to Prussia in the division of Poland. War with France. Accession of Frederick William III., of Prussia. Prussians seize Hanover. Treaty of Lunevllle; Germany loses the Netherlands, the Italian states and territories west of the Rhine. Francis II. renounces the title of Emperor of Germany, and assumes that of Emperor of Austria. Treaty of Vienna. Napoleon establishes the kingdoms of Wurtemburg and Bavaria. Dissolution of the German Empire. Formation of the Confederation of the Rhine. Prussians seize Hanover. War declared against Napoleon. Sept. 24. Battles of Auerstadt and Jena; French enter Berlin. Oct. 21. The kingdom of Westphalia established by Napoleon. Treaty of Tilsit between France and Prussia. Serfdom abolished in Prussia. North Germany annexed to France. An alliance concluded with Austria and Russia. The war of Liberation. against Napoleon, begins. .> The French evacuate Berlin. March 4. War declared against France. March 16. Silesia invaded by Napoleon. May 31. Ney defeated by Blucher at Katzbach. Aug. 16. Allies completely defeat Napoleon at Leipsic. Oct. 16. France invaded by the allies. Battles of Brlenne. Creon. and Laon. Congress of Vienna. Final overthrow of Napoleon. Formation of the Germanic Confederation. Insurrection in Breslau put down. The Zollverein (commercial union) formed. Anti-revolutionary Congress of Carlsbad. Death of Goethe, German poet. Other German spates join the Zollverein. Thuringia and Saxony Join the Zollverein. Accession of Frederick William IV., of Prussia. ^ Attempted assassination of the Prussian Insurrection in Berlin, and revolutionary movements throughout Germany. German National Assembly meets in Frankfort. The German National Assembly elects the King of Prussia Emperor of Germany. March 28. He declines the honor, and recalls tho Prussian members of the Assembly. Frankfort Assembly removes to Stutt-gart. Austria protests against alliance of Prussia and smaller German States. 1Si/>. Treaty between Bavaria, Saxony and Wurtemburg. Feb. 27. Parliament meets at Krfurt. The German Confederation meets at Frankfort, Sept. 2. Hesse-Cassel invaded by the forces or Austria, Bavaria, and Prussia. Nov. 1*,. Reassembly of Diet of German Confederation at Frankfort. Insurrectionary plot in Berlin dtsco\-. ered. Revision of the German Confederation. Meeting of an assembly of the German Confederation at Frankfort, at the call of Austria. Troubles ln Hesse-Cassel. The elector restored by the Con federal tion. Bavaria, and other German states, manifest a willingness to assist Austria against the French in Italy. Quarrel with Denmark about the Danlsn duchies begins. , Federal Diet maintains Hesse-Cassel Constitution against Prussia. Holsteln-Scbleswig dispute with Denmark. Death of Frederick William IV; accession of William I. .... National Assembly meets at Heidelberg. Attempted assassination of the King. The National Assembly, at Berlin, declares in favor of unification. Bismarck becomes Prime Minister. 1863 lSftl 1865 1866 1867 186S 1870 1871 1872 1873 1S74 1S75 1876 1877 1878 1879 18S0 1SSI 1S82 1SS3 1884 1887 1888 1SS9 1S90 1891 1S93 1894 1895 1898 The Lower House closed, for the second time, by William I. ®xoePt Prussia, meet at rankrort. and approve a plan of federal roiorm. The quarrel with Denmark results in a^ T-v ^at k*nKdom. Ihe Danes are defeated and forced to surrender the duchies. I eace restored. Oct. 30. The Gtistein convention. It gives great ofTence to the German Diet. • Prussia and Austria called upon to give winch they refuse. War between Prussia and Austria, and their respective allies. Austria defeated. Saxony and Holstein invaded bv Prussia. I russia makes peace with the several German states. North German Confederation formed, Aug. 18. Formation of the new Zollverein includes Bavaria. Wurtemburg. Baden. Hesse, Darmstadt, and Prussia. South German military commission appointed. France declares war against Germany. Munich Stuttgart, and other cities, declare for union with North Germany. Bavaria. Wurtemburg. Hesse. Darmstadt and Baden support Prussia. Invasion of France by the Germans. Unparalleled success of the German troops. The Emperor, Napoleon III., and two iTcnch armies made prisoners bv the Germans. North German Parliament opens at Berlin. Nov. 24. The German empire formed. The Imperial Crown offered to the King of Prussia. Dec. 10. King William 1., of Prussia, proclaimed Emperor of Germany at Versailles. Prince Bismarck becomes Chancellor. Successful close of the French war. The Germans occupy Paris, and deprive France of Alsace and Lorraine. Treaty of peace with France ratified. May 16. Triumphal entry of the victorious German army into Berlin, June 16. German Parliament opened by the Emperor. Oct. 16. The Jesuits expelled from the empire. July 5. Meeting of the Emperors of Germany. Russia, and Austria, at Berlin, Sept. *6. Bismarck resigns the rremiership of Prussia. National Liberals succeed in the elections. Troubles with the Roman Catholic church. Monetary reform law parsed. June 23. Germany receives the last payment of the French indemnity, Sept. 5. Civil marriage bill passed. New military and press laws. Attempt to assassinate Prince Von Bismarck. July 13. Bismarc k resigns Chancellorship, Dec. 16. Resignation withdrawn upon receiving a vote of confidence. Tin* Imperial Bank bill adopted. Visit of the Emperor to Italy. Aug. 17. Government aid withdrawn from Catholic clergy. Germany takes part in the Eastern question. Visit of Queen Victoria to Berlin. Trouble with Roman Catholic church. Inundations in Prussia. The Czar of Russia visits Germany. Code of laws enaeted March 21. Second resignation of Bismarck; resignation again withdrawn. Attempt to assassinate the Emperor William by llodcl. a socialist, May 11. A second attempt to assassinate the Emperor. who is wounded. The Crown Prince takes charge of the Empire. Death of King George of Hanover, June 12. The Berlin Conference of the Great Powers. Suppression of many newspapers and clubs. Regency of the Crown Prince. Tlu* Emperor resumes the government. Protectionists' bill adopted. May 9. Meeting of Bismarck and Andrassy. at Vienna, Sept. Code of laws passed in 1877 goes into operation. Small states outvote Prussia. Saxony and Bavaria on stamp duties. Bismarck resigns a third time, and the states yield. '•New Liberal" party formed. Aug. German Reichstag opened. Feb. 16. The Liberals successful in the October elections. Imperial rescript of Jan. 4 asserts extreme rights of the Emperor, and slight constitutional restraints; rescript modified by explanation. Disastrous floods in Germany. Dec. 6. Grand celebration In Berlin upon the twenty-fifth anniversary of the marriage of the Crown Prince and Princess. The Emperor appoints the King of Sj:ain to the command of the Schleswig-Holstein Thlan regiment, Sept. 27. Death of William R. Wagner, German composer, aged 69, Feb. 13. Conference of the Great Powers upon Egyptian finances. Aug. 2. Germany occupies the Caroline Islands, A u g 20. Death of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia, aged 57, June 15. Convention between Prussia and Austria. Scptennate army bill passed March 11. Ecclesiastical bill passed. April 27. Death of Emperor William. March 9. Frederick III., becomes Emperor. March 11. Wilhelm IL, Emperor. June 18. Samoan Agreement signed. June 14. Von Caprlvl succeeds Bismarck as Chancellor, March 19. Heligoland transferred to Germany by England, Aug. 9. The Emr ress Friedrich visits Paris. Feb. Rigid passport regulations enforced in Alsace Lorraine. Death of Gen. Von Moltke, April 24. Princess Margaret, sister of the Emperor, weds Prince Charles Frederick of Hesse, Jan. 25. , Unveiling of the statue of William I. at Bremen. Caprlvl resigns the Chancellorship of the Empire ar.d is succeeded by Prince von Hohenlohc. Grand celebration by German veterans of the twenty-fifth anniversaries of Grav-elottc, Sedan, etc. Celebration and naval demonstration at Kiel on account of the opening or tne great canal connecting the Baltic witn •he North Sea. Prince Bibinarck died, July 30. PRUSSIA. 1780 Death of Frederick the Great, Aug. 17. 1792 War with France in consequence of the French revolution. Battle of Valmy. Sept. 20. Decisive defeat of the Prussian army of invasion. 1793 1795 1797 1801 1805 1S06 1807 1808 1812 1813 1514 1815 1S17 1515 1S19 1840 1S44 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 Prussia seizes Dantzic and acquires Po-son. Warsaw ceded to Prussia in the partition of Poland. Frederick William III., of Prussia, be-comes Emperor of Germany. Prussians seize Hanover. Treaty of Vienna. Downfall of the German Empire. I russia seizes Hanover. Posen. Prussia Joins the alliance against France. Latties of Jena and Auerstadt. Prussia succumbs to Napoleon. Napoleon Issues the Berlin Decree. Peace of Tilsit. Napoleon restores one-half of his dominions to the King of Prussia. Convention of Berlin. Serfdom abolished In Prussia. Prussia concludes an alliance with Russia and Austria. The French evacuate Berlin. March 4. The war of Liberation begun. Uprising of the people. The "Landwehr" formed. Battle of Leipsic. Oct. 16. The allies invade France. Complete defeat of Napoleon. The Prussians occupy the French capital. Treaty or Paris. Congress ot Vienna; Germanic Confederation formed. Prussia enters the Holy Alliance. Establishment or the Ministry or Education. Formation or the Prussian Zollverein. Congress or Carlsbad. Death or Marshal Blucher, Sept. 12. Accession or Frederick William IV., or Prussia. Attempt to assassinate the King or Prussia. Revolution of 1S4X. Berlin declared in a stage of siege, Nov. The Constituent Assembly meets in Brandenburgh Castle. Nov. 29. The King dissolves the Assembly, and issues a new Constitution. Dec. 5. The German National Assembly offer tho ImrerJal Crown of Germany to ‘he King of Prussia. March 28. He declines it. April 29, Martial law declared throughout the kingdom. May 10. Occupation of Carlsruhe by the Prussians. June 23. The revolution in Baden completely crushed. The King takes the oath to the new Constitution, Feb. 6. Attempt to assassinate the King. May 22. Treaty of peace with Denmark. Prussia refuses to join the restricted Diet of Frankfort. Prussia warns Austria of her intention to uphold the Constitution In lic-sse-Cassel. Sept. 21. The Prussian army occupies Hesse. Nov. 12. The Prussian troops withdraw from Baden. Nov. 14. The Convention of Olyiutz removes the cause of the trouble, and restores peace to Germany, Nov. 29. Visit of the King to Russia. The King re-establishes the Council of the state as it existed prior to 1848. Plot against the government discovered in Berlin. Wavering policy of the government respecting the Eastern question. Prussia remains neutral in the Crimean war. Prussia enters into treaty with Austria. 1S55 Prussia not allowed to take part ln the Conference at Vienna. 1856 Takes part in the Conference at Paris. Crown Prince becomes Regent in Prussia. Quarrel with Switzerland about Neufcha-tel. Prussia relinouishes her claim for a pecuniary compensation. Serious Illness or the King. The Prince or Prussia. Emperor William I., made Regent. Prince Frederick William, son or the Crown Prince, married to the Princess Royal or England. Franco-Italian war. Prussia remains neutral, but threatening. Federal Diet maintains Hesse-Cassel Constitution against Prussia. William I. becomes king upon the death of his brother, Frederick William IV., /an. 2. National Association meets at Heid?l-berg. Becher. a Leipzig student, attempts to assassinate tne King. The King and Queen crowned at Konigs-berg. The National Assembly at Berlin declares in ravor or unification. The government defeated in the elections. Count Bismarck Schonhausen made Premier. The Chamber informed by him that the Budget is deferred until 1863: protest of the deputies against this as unconstitutional, Sept. 3*3. The Budget passed by the Chamber of Peers without the amendment of the Chamber. The ^Chamber declares the act of the Peers unconstitutional. Oct. 11. Close of the session of the Chambers by the King. Oct. 13. Continuation of the quarrel between tho Government and the Chamber. The King closes the session a second time, and resolves to govern without a Parliament, May 27. Severe restrictions Imposed upon the press. June 1. The Crown Prince disavows participation in the recent action of the ministry, June 5; decree recalled. War with Denmark about the Danish duchies. Holstein invaded by Prussia. Denmark ports blockaded. Denmark rorced to give up the duchies. and make peace. Treaty signed, Oct. 30. Quarrel between the government and the Chamber of Deputies over the army budget. The budget being rejected the king prorogues the parliament, and declares he will rule without it. The King arbitrarily seizes and disposes of the revenue. July 5. Convention of Gasteln. Bismarck visits Napoleon 111., at Paris. The Diet demands the surrender of Holstein by Prussia and Austria, which they refuse. Prussian treaty wPh Belgium. Attempt on Bismarck’s life. May 7. War with Austria and her allies. Battle of Sadowa, total defeat of Aus-trians. . , „ Treaty of peace with several German states and Austria. FornTatlon of the North German Confederation, under the leadership of Prussia. Hanover annexed to Prussia. Extraordinary session of tho Prussian Dict- * ^ „ First meeting of the new German Parliament. Prussia passes the Rhine navigation treaty. France declares war against Prussia. Prussia receives the support of German States. France invaded by the German army un- 1S57 1858 1S59 1860 18*: 1862 1863 1863 1864 I860 IS 66 1867 1S68 1S70 der command of King William, of Prussia. (See Germany and France.) The king of Prussia elected Emperor of Germany. 1871 King William proclaimed Emperor of Germany and crowned at Versailles, Jan. 18. ic~o £rouk,e the Roman Catholic clergy. 1 Creation of thi? new peers by the government to carry its measures In parliament. 1873 Troubles with the Roman Catholic bish- ops. The stamp Tax. 1874 Troubles with the Roman Catholic bish- ops. The Old Catholic bishops given salaries by the government. Attempt to assassinate Bismarck. July 13. 1875 Conference of the Roman Catholic bish- ops at Fulda. Religious agitation In Prussia. Government aid withdrawn from Catholic clergy. New Constitution adopted by the Protestant State Church. 1876 The German made the official language in Prussian Poland. Deposition of Catholic bishops in Munster and Cologne. Great inundations 'In Prussia. (See Germany.) Great Britain and Ireland 1765 American Stamp Act passed. March 22. Death of the Pretender, at Roxue. Percy's Reliques published. 1766 Birth of Isaac Disraeli; died 1818. 1768 Bruce’s travels. Academy of arts founded. 1761* Letters of Junius. Watt’s engine. Arkwright's Jenny. Birth of the painter. Lawrence, died 1S30. 1770 lx>rd North's ministry. Cook’s voyages in the South Sea. 1771 English debates reported. Birth of Sir Walter Scott; died 1832. 1772 Warren Hastings in India. 1774 Suicide of Lord Clive. 1775 Commencement of the American Revolu- tion: (see United States ! Birth of Charles Lamb; died 1835. 1776 "Wealth of Nations*' decline and fall. 1*i7 Royal Marriage Act. Birth of T. Campbell; died 184$. 1778 Death of the Earl of Chatham. Relief bill for Irish Catholics passed. Birth of H. Hallam; died 1859. 1779 Rodney'3 victories. Eliot at Gibraltar. 1780 Lord George Gordon's "No Popery” riots. in Lor don. Birth of Channing; died 1812. 1781 Trial and acquittal of Gordon. 1782 England acknowledge* the independence of the United States, Nov. 30. I-ord Rockingham's second ministry. Grattan's Irish Constitution. 1783 Coalition ministry. England wars with Tlppoo-Saib. 17S4 Settlement of Upper Canada. Birth of Sheridan Knowles; died 1862. 1785 Birth or De Quincey; died 1860. 1786 Attempted assassination • r the King by Margaret Nicholson. (Insane). Birth or Dr. Chalmcr*; died 1842. 1788 Trial or Warren Hastings. Birth or Lord Byron: died 1824. London Times rounded. Birth or Sir H. Davy; died 1829. 1790 Boswell's Johnson published. 1791 Birmingham riots. Paine and "People’s Friend.** 1792 First coalition against France. 1793 England begins war with France. 1794 Suspension or the Habeas Corpus Act. English expedition to Dunkirk; Lord Howe's victory over the French fleet. 1795 Acquittal or Warren Hastings. April 23. Birth or Carlisle; died 1881. Cape of Good Hope doubled. Prince of Wales marries Caroline of Brunswick. Orange clubs formed in London. 1796 England takes the Spice Islands. Birth of Princess Charlotte. 1797 Cash payments suspended. Feb. 27. Death of Edmund Burke, July 29. "The Anti-Jacobin.*’ 1798 Battle of the Nile; great victory of Lord Nelson over the French fleet. Habeas Corpus Act again suspended. Sidney Smith at Acre. Great Irish rebellion; defeat of the Irish. Battle of Kllcullen. May 23. Battle of Antrim; victory of the Englisn. 1799 Irish rebellion completely suppressed. 1800 Hatfield attempts to assassinate the King. Malta taken. Birth of Lord Macaulay; died 1859. ISO! Union of Great Britain and Ireland. Nelson’s victory at Copenhagen. Habeas Corpus again suspended, April 19. Peace of Amiens. Oct. 1. 1802 Birth or Landseer, painter; died 1873. 1803 War declared against France. Mahratta India War. Emmet's insurrection in Ireland. Execution or Emmet. Sept. 20. 1805 Battle or Traralgar. Oct. 21: victory and death or Nelson. Birth of Ix>nl Beaconsfield. 1806 Birth of William E. Gladstone. Deaths or William Pitt and Charles James Fox. 1807 Orders in Council against the Berlin Decree. Jan. 7. The Arrlcan slave trade abolished, March 25. Death or Cardinal Henry Stuart, claimant or the English Crown. 1809 Wellesley j asses the Duro. Battle or Corunna. Jan. 16. '•Quarterly Review” founded. Impeachment of the Duke of York. Walcheren expedition. August. Death of Sir John Moore. Investigation into conduct of Princess Caroline. Birth of C. Darwin: died 18S2. Birth of Alfred Tennyson. 1810 The King declared Insane. Nov. 3. Great financial crisis. Irish agitation for repeal of the union. 1811 The Prince of Wales declared Regent. Feb. 5. Suddite riots. Nov. The Roman Catholic Board formed by Daniel O'Connell. Dec. 26. Birth of William M. Thackeray. Died 1863. 1812 English storm Ciudad. Rodirgo and Badajos. Lord Liverpool Premier. Assassination of Mr. Perelval, the Prime Minister, by Bellingham, In the House. Beginning of the second war with the United States, June 18. Birth of Charles Dickens; died 1870. Birth of Robert Browning. 1814 Peace with France. Peace with the United States. Birth of Charles Xeade. Treaty of Ghent, Dec. 14. 1815 France renews war with the allies. Battle of Waterloo, and final overthrow of Napoleon I., June 18. Peace with France. Insurrection in Tipperary, Ireland. Princess Charlotte marries Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg. 1S16 ! 1817 1818 1819 1820 1S21 1822 1823 1824 1825 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1834 1835 1837 1S3S 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1S44 1S45 1846 1847 1818 1849 1850 1851 1S52 1853 1854 1855 1856 1S57 1858 1859 1860 1S61 Agricultural and Weaver riots. Specie payments resumed. Habeas Corpus act again suspended. Death of Princess Charlotte, Nov. 6. Trial of Lord Howe and acquittal. Birth of J. Anthony Froude. Queen Victoria born. May 24. Peel's Currency Act. Birth of Ruskin. Death of George III., Jan. 29. Cato Street conspiracy discovered. Feb. :o. Trial of Queen Caroline. Birth of Herbert Spencer. Birth of George McDonald. Death of Queen Caroline, Aug. 7. Great outrages in Ireland. George IV. crowned. July 19. King George IV. visits Scotland. ■’Wliiteboy" outrages In Ireland. Suicide or Castlereagh. First Mechanics' Institute held. Agitation about tests and corporation acts. English-Burtuese war. Death or Lord Byron In Greece. The great commercial crisis. First railroad in England. Thames tunnel commenced. Birth or Wilkie Collins. Lord Canning Prime Minister. Lord Palmerston Foreign Secretary. Battle or Navarino. The allies dcreat the Turkish and Egyptian fleets. Roman Catholic Rclier Bill passed, April 13. Great Riots in Ix>ndon. Death of George IV. William IV. mounts the throne, Juno 26. Ministry or the Duke or Wellington. Opening or the Liverpool and Manchester railway. The new London bridge opened. The rerorm bill rejected by the Lords, Oct. 7. Riots in Bristol. Oct. 29. Earl Grey’s ministry. Passage of the English Reform Bill, June 1. Death of Sir Walter Scott. Sept. 2. Passage of the Irish Reform Bill. Aug. 7. Slavery ceases in the colonies. Trades union and repeal riots. Lord Melbourne's ministry. Corporation Reform Act passed, Sept. 9. Sir Walter Peel Prime Minister. Death of William IV. Victoria succeeds to the throne. June 20. Hanover separated from Great Britain. Queen Victoria crowned. June 28. Irish Poor Law bill passed. July 31. Viscount Melbourne's ministry. England at war with China. Assassination of Lord Northbury in Ireland: Penny postage inauguiuieu. Tim Queen marries Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg, Feb. 10. Oxford's assault on the Queen, June 10. Birth of Albert Edward, Prince or Wales. Nov. 10. Ministry or Sir Robert Peel. John Francis attempts to kill the Queen. May 20; a second attempt by Bean, June 3. Income tax established. Aug. Peace with China. Dec. Queen Victoria visits France. The Emperor or Russia and King of the French visit England. Trial of O'Donnell, at Dublin, for sedition. his conviction, fine and imprisonment. and subsequent release from prison, Sept. Sir Robert Peel's new tariff. Great famine in Ireland. Puseyite or Traetarlan controversy. Anti-corn law agitation. Great railroad speculations. Repeal of the corn laws. June 26. Great commercial panic. Food riots in Tipperary. Russell forms new ministry. Death of O'Connell. May 15. $50,000,000 expended by the government tor relief of Irish sufferers. Chartist demonstrations in London. Irish rebellion. headed by Smith. O'Brien. Meagher, and others, suppressed. and tho leaders condemned to death. Oct. 9. Cholera in Ireland. Sentence of Iri: h insurgents commuted to transportation. Irish Encumbercd Estates Act pass«*d. Cholera reappears ih England. The Queen visits Ireland. Death of Sir Rcbei\ i eel. and the Duke of Cambridge. Pate assaults the Queen. * The first "Great Exhibition'* opened. May 1. First gold arrives from Australia. Death or Wellington. Sept. 14. Great riots In Beirast. Aberdeen becomes Prime Minister. English and French fleets enter the Bosphorus. Oct. 22. Protocol between England. Austria, France and Prussia signed. Dec. 5. Alliance between England, France, and Turkey, March 12. War declared against Russia, March 28. Crystal Palace opened by the Queen, Juno 10. Treaty with the United States, regarding fishery claims. Resignation of the Aberdeen ministry, Jan. 2. Lord Palmerston appointed Prime Minister. Visit of the Emperor and Empress of France to England. The Queen and Prince Albert visit France. Peace with Russia proclaimed, April 19. War with China (q. v.) England at war with Persia. Herat taken by Persians, Oct. 25. English take Bushlre, Dec. 10. Beginning of the Indian mutiny (see India). Great commercial panic: it Is relieved by the suspension of the Bank Charter Act of 1844. Persian war closed by treaty of Teheran. Herat restored. Marriage of the Princess Royal to Prince* Frederick William of Prussia. Jan. 25. Derby-Disraell ministry formed. Feb. 26. Jewish disabilities removed, July 23. The Conspiracy and Volunteer bills passed. The India Bill passed. Aug. 2. The government of the East India Company ceases. SepL 1. England declares her neutrality In the Austro-Itallan war. Derby ministry defeated on the reform bill. Organization of volunteer forces. Palmerston-Russel) ministry formed June 18. I-ord Palmerston resigns and returns. Ix>rd Stanley Secretary for India. Commercial treaty with France. Peace effected with China. Oct. 24. The Prince of Wales visits the United States and Canada. Death of tho Duchess of Kent, the Queen's mother. Complications with the United States over the seizure of Messrs. Mason and Slidell, from a British mail steamer by the U.#S. steamer "San Jacinto,** Nov. 8. They are released by the U. S. government. Dec. 28. D^»th of Albert the Prince Consort. Dec. The Queen proclaims neutrality in American war. Copyright. 1S96, by Geo. A. Ogle & Co.ai mjCMKM r xix AXriKNT, MKDIKVAL AND MODERN' HISTOKY IKl Or*ii dictrrM t» (ll* .Jttirr* saJiufxriur !ii« oi Confederate AUbuu' call* froa Zrr-S«C»3 S*<«n th* Fnae* of Wales. Vfcrti of Garibaldi. Thr. ll olau Dlaoda cmM to Grew. I'd wars !• (o Confederate privalctr* Alii uhmI Mnropean Conference. *i London. oa the rt-bleawig-Hoistetn ijg■?«:<• t-UC Cattle plague in England sum Ireland. F*rtian troubton in Ireland; arrest ot Jam*# >«t*pbf'n*. Head Center." Nor. U{ escape nf Stephen*. Nor. 24. Uuiselt-Glsilati.ne ministry. D«atb ..f RU-hard Cobdoq, April 2. Death .it l.irrd Palmerston. Oct. IS. Important commercial treaty with Austria, Deo. Ill, lUflil tiotnl nr I»r4 Ilunaell'a reform bill, .f it no 14 UcHiAiiMiinii nf Riiani.il ministry. June 2$. Derby form* lilw third cabinet. July 6. thittto plague continue. causing ureat limn. Prltu.mi Ilclvnu marrlefl Prince Cbris-tlutt «tf H< hleawlg-Hulateln, July 5. Ailuiiiir rabbi pronounced 8 PUCcos*. Ili.bena Corjiu* a impended in Ireland. Kunlun Invasion nf Canada. JIM7 Nnw reform act inaaed. War wllli Abyssinia begins. caused by Imnrlaonrnfnt of BrlUab subjects. Blr Robon Napier cuaimtnJa expedition. Kcnnwi outbi.uka In Ireland. Disraeli** reform bill. Tbn Dominion of Canada farmed. UCI Derby ministry re*i«n* Feb. 26. Diaraell I rmi new ministry, Peb. Si. OUiltt.'nr’i bill for Disestablishment of Irish CliURb pum lhe How. April Kt fcnicit and Irlah raf;-m. act. passed. July U Diae«tullO« of huIUBflit Dec. IiX K#*tanattoa ol Disraeli mtr.ittry Glad* tun* tuna* arw ministry. De<. & Xu«e».fvil termination of Os* Abyscisian wa/ T>.-* *u»r»d* of TVaodar*. Klof of At;? Mate* im-tfn IM Convention a« ‘‘Alabama Ctafcca'-n|Md; It la rf}«U"i by tbe Untied ■uuee Karl Spencer appointed !»rd-Lw«tes*«t «.!Ireland It i.t. Church bill rMflra ibe rojai a* amt July H. De*tB of tba Earl a* Derby. Ort. 22. iKn M»«4Urwa adopied for the Epread of taary *4u>.«tla. L«d4 Mil "I IreUnd recetm royai w-••tu JUhr I f:«iin ti>n t;J! Nwilrallly fo rrarne. Pruatiau arar p»?«Jalm»d. July t5. Nenlralllr li^U.um cuarantevd. Aoj. U. Re^lartmion of Ji*Vi BrUshi. !>«•-20 !>.•«<6 nf it**' Earl v*f Clarendon June ?H. 18T1 Prliti**- Uouih* i *rr\^ the .viarnuU of |,mim. 3»i.um W BIhiH »»•>«» Cun If re nee, March 13. Tri’Htv wllli lb** United rttaUF resardlna Aluli4ma rlounr. May H. The Irlah Church DliectflbllHhroetit bjU Kona lulu *i(Tevc Mn-llriK of Hi* Alabama Claims Cvun-nW»*''ui ul I1*mhho llnlvinviiy irata .il>oliBhtd; army x»ur-lli*hi!it. Tho Hullo! Aot na«»i>d. florlOUH iIIikihi* nf tm Prlnuo pH Wales. Scull 1'i-ntcnary at EillnburKh. Oreai rloln in I'ublm. 1*72 Mui'pietDriital Lreuty with ihe United b rV*h i: .ai-fiHlnji Att*bamu chilins. p**b. a. A natlunal Uiauh»ulvlnit for recovery of llir Pniu*' lif Wrtlea, Pub. 27-Cj'Ctsnnnr ihrn«t«*n# the Quc**n, Ktb. n. Ki.liUtii. nl nf ihe Atebama rUlms, Sept. 14. «**olrb oiluratmnal bllL i;<;tumwrrul l/ealy wl:b FVance. Nov. 0. fk/lou* riot* IB flelfaal UTJ AIk-Hi*^ *>f •♦*«* •«> ‘he Irtac CarvenU- t|M p»» iii.iit of the *H*nera award. r».aih ut Lard L>nao. Jan. Ii Wfeat af X*utllB CnKeraily MIL n«aiinaUn« ftf tae GUdsivce minfcar?. Marvb U. nalnwtry re«iim nT CVraia *i^t» gnrtnal CiMMtr ol th* l«dltatore MU. Av*. j-War *f«h iW A»*ajile«; Sir Gttr-a VV*.M>Ut yta/eJ in eoTnmaoJ U7| Irtal. -u.aowal Mil teUa uf ibe DHka n! Edini>«rsb lo ilartr AK*AAntlrv>n« mt aa*s»«. Jar. il C*l«t.r*»-J TvfcNor*- rnaL Frb. S U*fcat of UUbU**. J*a- -*1- treaty nf >*•!» «W**4. artt. 11 tH.nu-h Uu-nm Prim- Uiaittar. 1 m Uetp*»la» «f U>e Baatefw onwtton. the l»rtBre «f Ualea India, rrar- ^ vaasc* Ifce r.D*IUh O.anneJ Tno-ael Mil. 1«<1 Or.'«t retival anOer Ui»i!? ami Santey. Knciand (.uKhiu** tbe Sue* i^nal. U'Orttnell rwMfUMff tn Ireland. y,< • u nt Bn*biad prnclaJmM haiprisa nf India. Mar.-fc L llttnnui fttrw JUea pr»»4«we intanse ex-.■lirinent in Knuland. fj--f«*r ot "'Hum* HOi*" for IreUnd. 1>I.mill raliunl io the |«er*«e ae ihe Qa>l '»f U'aonBfleld Knitltti"! u»»irfl part m tbe Ea3tcni iju:£-lla»|. , 1«7T dr. Al llrltaln eipriun hnr dliaj>prov«l I.r rl.e Ku«e-Twrki*b war. but decides in romaln neutral. 11 ii ft' i ••! MurlbofOugh madn l.ord-L.iou-liuifklit of i'eland. Ur). I linn nf G'l.Utbno’a resolutions In r«nr4 tu rtirkey. 1K1H Kiiaalan H'lvom e on ConntantlnoplB pro-duora «tv nt exoUemvnt In Bo«land. fleveml nhnftKau ill the mlnletry. Kml of I^urlm ahot in Ireland. Dnne.niafti.ld nn-l SaJlubUry reprefient KnaUnd 111 the Berlin Cunrwenca. Orttal • flHiUi"rrlBl depniwlon lu England, llrlllah AfKhanlMan war. Ii*.nrrnl ftaborta* vlrtury at Plowan Pax®. JollaUiMtd occutrted by tbe British, Dec. *!. l«l YaH-A.'i Khan r«*>*nlxed ai Aniapr ar Afghan H.v >; ratireneat.of OriUafc lrvO(«. trebly of peaca a^ned. Ma? liruuh r^ldaht* al I ahul H»{ 1 Ova. ft«fe*rta rearhw Cabal. *#pi. ?» alfdl'TiUon of Takaob Khan, on. If Ilnfiih teMI AfghaxH at IaUi"r««ulb>Atr^L war: BrltUb troop* .oirr J5uh»l*r.«. Jan. 12; taaaaacre of rSSn ai lOmUaia. tearrh »: Prtw U'UU Narv !—n mb of Ks&*tnr «a« 111 kUM cry Zoloa. Jbm 1: 3f • ;*mn Uol*#tey t*ke* fcaitaaod. Jnp# £ bSue of Ctaadl. WAX def«t ef tbe t«w ktac Catamrow July 4; cafstnr* of 0*aray»v Aua. Ti. ^ Cttal and tajama is Irtl*»d- Panirtl rtaita ih* railed SUtea ta be-hatf of \U t-aad Anti n»m »«itar»un la ire-iaxd. C.nutuei rtihisns tn Afafcan. «he«w All ma.»- • ic.mua «f «’aiutaL*r. Yak >.-b K»nn attack* Oufalar «r.« rerttUr* I»»tnwa Jalf 2J. *^rlu front Can-dahar UlU Awi W. Oeu. HoWtla rw **ba?■ n -Tikooi Khao I Keae^naiion of 'ih* iVaauaaflaM Mtnla-*»?t Ajml S. OMdatiuie furm* a new raUUatrr. A*n\ -» Comp. n.»tu,a for IHaturb*arw tllll rw-. Jertad. L/.*n» MontBMrrfa abnt. 0nx. K» * llorcotli**’' prarlU«.J Arrrxt nt rarnt.ll, llaaly aa>l oUiara mb rhari* of Mnapiraei Ut prevent pat* tnent of na». Poke af Arcyle re»Un» ffo*t» cablBM. April *. Death of Lord Boar^naBald. Lord tfallahur> Iba ('00MT*ailTa Loader BradlauKh atcludad frnrn )l.*ua« of Con. owia. Carnation Aoi lor Ireland paimed Maieh ala Irlah fjinil Bill paaa»d. Au* tt, Yakoob Khan foul* Ihe Am»*«-r and t-o tr.ra Candahar. Parnell arreaU^I under imrrlnn Am Oct. IS. Ijnnd L. hkiii. dmilared nieg«i on. *» Yakoob Khun dnfuntert hv the AUn'.ir, Sept. 22. AgraHan ouLmgiiN in (rnlandt Attempt on ihe lim.i-n’a life |»y M.iLean, March 2. State trial nf .MuLcan, who In n'ljuita'"! I n Ban i' Prlnre i.onimhi marrleii to I'nticnaa lli*l ena ef WahMek. April f?. Eorl Spencer appointed Lord-lJaulennOI of Ireland. Lord Kredprl.'h CaveniltaU appninled Chiw fkcrMirr ef Irrlauil. LM4Miuated lb Huhl.n. May & Otto Tr**i*|ran amrw la Lord Cn'an'lUh. Th« Keprevxlou of l.’rlnw bill {•*»»<*I. . July IL John Bright miKti* July U. «• a iiiimt-ter of OUdal»nr*« CaMnat owln« to Bgipilan policy. YhB '•Ckjtttm'’ bill p**««d ptrmiliiaa ckwinr «f debat# hy ntnjertly rate. Ftnieth tnoiirrun uf tiUdatnno’a anlrr IBM pol.te life Dee IJ. Praj*ea offered IB lb* .»f (Via tar lb* Qn**a. t-r. 11 Fir* IB ItaroplnB Cwun PaUer ft*r II. Arreara .•? K*t»t b«l| Mam-4 wtituait a l r-»«riy a*<-«H«l Abs'w -Tafbuh Milita/> •\.b*«bh«u ta-formaJh .igard ►*>». «. War ta Ecypt m. a.l Ta* aaaatliM <*f Mr. ftu.’h* aad Lnrd <’a**n4teb 1.1** tin. J I'rli. 1% Ijpf^ieic of lb* lt*f al r.tiu*» r Vtto*. Mar L Tbe Marsala ut l>aa*d »T»# actuat'd GoirfSflMJmnl «f Caaad*. New ParccJ Piwl drat m .i;^raimn A a*. L JlnnexalinB ul l«.frt'cej no Afrtcwa aaal coast pcaciaimei. Aua a Snrmrtirr of l>l*wayu »i* in* (iriilib re»id*-nu Oct. <. Sir J. H. Otoa*r ai.putiiiad rk>»"Tn.U' of N«*arfnundland D#» l>. Near Patenu Arl anna int.* operation, Jan. I. Departure of Gen OwOotl f-Jl Kffypl. Jan. 14. Tb. (Juncn *lali« Dartuatadl lp*ll 14 Death nf PrUue l^»jx*lil, Duke .»f Albany. March 3H. ««*■! ilnvery celebrated in loOhdnn Auk I. Sertoitn aiill.Haltrmilnn rl»i«, nt Wortlilng. Augt I? Karl uf Dbfferlll iipjmiltlled In tin. Vl< » Royalty of India, Kept. 10. Greenwich odnpted ft* Ihe unlvnr>al prime mnrldian Oci lit. Portogtle.'<> lire IH<.|| tile llntl.ili Mlll|> Tyhurnia >it Mwd*lr,\ tH'c. 3. Antl'Miummi rii.) in shnmald par. 7. Attempt t«i Mow up London Briil**, D*<- 12. l^>nl Rea appoint.-d Governor .if |l .i»ha> Dec. 12. A'teinfil to blow up ihe Hnu»" *if « m muna. WcatmtBaief Hall and Tuwar af London. Jan SI Tba rail Of Hharvturo. and death **f f tha. Meraay tnotial. Fpb. |S-The ra—rm torr*# and mUllla oallad >wjt. Mareb K The rerlKd Blbte p«blUb«4. Mar I* Prin«e** IXat-v-a ma/n** Print* llui'f. «d BattenM»r*. JuD tL t>#wth of Sir Mna*« Mont*41 ere aa-d VI Jul> 24. Grant amrortat a*r*t»w* *r IA animin* alar, Auk. » .... Parcel I'a land MU 4*f***«>. *•»*■ 2L Qina'a JnMIe* tBAUgamtid. Jua* n Irlah CnnMa WTI |-a**l July •. IrUh National l/M«* prwrhUme.1. Aug. Ol Fim Whit* ChapH "t«rd*» April !. V. a FWiary Coasnit**** trmt* •«¥»,«. Marnaa* if Frio**** l/tgia# u» NVtlH. Jnly 27. ReiaeOon ^f «r»*ni»r»* rr* ■ •«« the ivp*. Attf. 11. ll Sr)tt in th« I run nariununury r mr, Now!«undland B*M*r> dlapaie Marrh- C. «. World'a Pair tnrltattnn a..*pt^l May. BattUaftip 'Vlcti.rla- -ur»U |«y the “Campardawff. off ihe Syrian roant. pyi man peril bed The Duke of Ynrk marrletl prtnn.aa Mary of Teck. July 4. Manchwror Ship Cana apened. her 1 Defeat .>r the Liberal l-«'iy *"d *-'• of th. llr»*l.«ry Cabinet. I» *«• eeeded bv the Karl «.f aalllbu.y and a uow luatcal Cablilal* UOtfliiiiniK of ftoer Wn in H*. AfrtoUt wL II. Queen Vlelorln Liled, Jan ' ' King Edward vn (meauil* ihnma. Bne.r Wnf, In Month Afncn ahdi-d In May* I'BBed SUaea i>3 Canada Ftiherj Com ni:whi af Kalifar award Cxnnda R,- W.HW. *Na Mamuia *f t/m». ^a-in-Uw of StTTi lnri" Vkwy, FiTtnne lUy otfini«*«-c nited Mat** pay Flattery award. Not. 2L Arrival of viar.jut» of Lurtu- and Pm-«**a tyrnlaw. Nut. 2V lagaitftal Eapodtnan at Ottawa. •Urt M Saliahnry r*fu»e» renp-i-'atks !.i# Fortune Bay affair. l>erd GnnTlUi grant# IL t7*. to. award fnr Fnrtan* Itay ovtrvsn. lull in fonatmcJ railroad trom Halifax l. Huiraxd Inlet |^ft*ed June 2L Paietita laaned lo CanadUn Pn-:fl-. Railway Company. Feb. 11 Tb* Macula \jT Lan*downe appointed Gn»«ruor*Oeneral. May 21. mr Jnhn llawley Glover appointed Governor of Newfoundland Meet lux nf tbn llritlab AaaoclaVon al Montreal. Auk 27. Dynnraltb axploaluna at Queliee. Oet. IL Onenlna iKintllct a< Fish Creek with tho liBlf-tir. . il jind Indian rebels, under Lnula Ulel, April Capture, near lfalo«be. of Louis Riel. Ol'Bttlng nr (III Canadian PacJOl Hall- WtiV itHaofbilnn uualnat the Coercion Bill liAnned April ao. N< »v found In ml return to join Canada, April. Lord Slimti'y made Oovcrnor. Tune il Weldon KitrndKlon BUI pasoed April Tor I in 10 I’olvorulty burned, Feb. 14. GoT»mm*Bt parly auaulned at gi'neral eleoilon. March fl. Genvmi c*turaa uk»n April 5-Karl «i( Aberd*«n appointed Gorernor-Oeneral. May II. iV.ho'il war (n Manitoba. t*ai Qm, Btixh depend for tyranny wnd eect b*>w»*. m; >.»»Oej by Mat t/aimi W7-*B KxpJ- ntlmu tat«> tn* int**v>r nf Aa«-tralta. by V «atwvn& U«fif Biox and tlkbry and others, to* rte*.lW«a#m ol Kin* George's M l*J1 A*utb Australia npl-rt hr Smart. 1MV We*. Awairalk* mn4* a province: a UfiiUtnr Council •stahltsh«d and I'apl. A«rlin« *n-air.tea Uewtnaast-Ouvrmor. lot Utu*’t further «>ipl:>r«9 S>mth Atmrxlia-Flftjr #hit« with :.♦*> ettucrant*. arric* In Weatem Auatrnlla. t*l Caal Au.oatta *xpto*ad hy Sir T, Mttea-ell IV3I lt«iuodarlea ot ihr province of Sooth Aos-tralia (1 ted. I*'«• final Itoiu*n Catholic bishop imm. Port Phillip, now Victoria, colonized, t*}* Souih Australia a province. Arrival of flrat Church of England BisJt-Opt Adelaide founded- i:via'a exp*dlU«ii overland from AdeLtsd8 to King Geurge*!! Sound. Mylbuurm fouttded. IICW Kiploratlona of Cap’. Gray In northwest Aualrulta l.Wt New Koudi Waleu and Tasmania explored liy Count HUlpelftfkl MIi'K»"I dim'iM or) of «old in Balhurat Kept aw rot. liy Gov. Olpps. Hiispemdon of liniiaportallon. !glft H;yr»> oKOlOrca Wuat Aumralla. HtixeinrkI eiploroa tbn Australian Alps. Dll Conmia. tW.-'W tnnlea. #2.71)0 females. 1X12 liKorpomiiiin of the Clt.v or Sydney. Dlarovorr nr the Burra-Burra copper milieu. In Kouth Australia. 1X41- I* Itinlofttllona of l^lebliardt. Stuicrt, Mitchell. Greg'iry and Kennedy. I«l«i Fltxroy made Governor-General. Cahatia, lll.'fwi males. 7l,«M female*, i* if Rlahotnic of Adelaide founded. |*l*l Ijflehbaidl atarla oo second e*ploraUOB; jiarty never heard of again. K*«n»dv killed by natives. Gregory rtplofes the Interior. Ml.* Great agMatbu* aoainei innapcrtatioo. Ik’Kl I*0f| I'blllp erected into the province of vlrtarla (fit Gold diarm-ersd. near Balhurat hy Ed-**rd Ilargr*.v.»*, Intenv- txcttoaent in tb- prottBre*. gro*j rusb to tin- told realms. |V« gir WUInuat Danniaon spp*.-tnted Gover-nar-G^n^al-t*J- Gregoo a rxp-diiron tnto the tntarwr. lrC* C 1 M-itoaaM S:nart « rxpedliians |>*tb nf Arrhdewton Cowper. after Kir »y fifty icarv' raMnrs. aged IA. I KB provmf* ef 0«ee«si*pd MtxhBabsd. Dec 1 LN4 llorke aud Willis and two others crow* ihe f»nttwent. «artin« (ran Melbourne Aug. S9: all (ertah eo thr r«uirn, nest yewr. *x-*pt John King l»ir John Yeucc. O.>v«lor of N'ev Sooth Witten IM! tkuart and M'Ktslsy ensa Item «s to a*w. 1*0 llew«r> of the reaami ef DurXr and WIMIK IMI General rrvlvtam* thlitipwrt IM |Wf-inr*s against trans^rtniiun. Iw«. Death r.f Morgan, a deaprrate bushranger ai|d murderer. Cwsllon ot transportation to Australia in UytM year* annwun>.ed. Hell lenient of bnundat-y between New Moitlh Wales anil Victoria. Ajjrll L’. IK‘it{ 1‘opulatfun ol Aiwlrails, nallvw. ea«Uud-. .1 : ;iH,iift7. i -1 7 Capt. Cu.loll «•» pip run Sootb Australia; dl«i’ov«fs mouth or river Roper. ........... nf Convention fr< ui Colonloa ul Melboumo. to.arrang* poiral cotumuni- i at nm with Eurnpc. Ih7I Delegate^ from th* Colon 16* meet to pro-l. «i h(:/\1iibi Imperial llltefforencfc with tl.olr mutmil llm al arrangamentB. Sept. 21. ir’:' I »lti i.ipliic coiuinunlcuUon wiili i.ng-land. t'yn-id *>f !)•» ciiunli of Australia and Tuamniitfi held at Sydney, Oct. SG. 11711 Wlllftldri esploii.a Dal> and Victoria rtv era. 117* international Exhibition at Sydney openod S*pt. 17. tmu Malbniim* Bxhlblllon opened Oct. 1. Tahiti annexed io Prance. Tb* Qupcualand govenJDiiot autboH^os thr lonatruetljn of tbn trans-coatl-nental isllwajr. u> bring the polonies within thirty day* nf EngUnd-lioi )i*itr-*d compievd from Sydney to «ur-rat lllver connecting with Melt»um» Inter- * 1- ntal cocierenrr at Sydney to ooasid*r f»deml nctioa V.*Mtt) votn favor it a tariff com-iuimm.Ii and th*- estnblishaent of no Australian Ouu» of A?p**L IMS Twrrfblr Oitnixc mr.-riO*nr si Creswick TatMa. Wtortn. Dec- ll; iso ConfaderatJoa at the cvdonte* and an-nesalMB of Pay-ua. New Galnca. «t-».I f of the New UMVersHy uf Soatfc Wale* and M mmowthabtre. Oct. 25. liat N*w Month Yak* c*>nujigea» leaves Syd-t~T Ice the SfUdan. March X IOU »*lr« In Sidney raosiux a toss of g7.v*^.-m. lAi't. 2 t*il Federation Convent tew drift a Constitution foe tha Comn>oswfcanh of Australia. April 2. levl fterb-ua n.^^dv tn Queensland, property and Hf* kat. IW Ocean panic la the money mark*:, many taank* and businm* hooses fafl. UNITED STATES CANADA 1747 Kngllfth Stutnp Act accepted by Cantdlan Provinces 17^*' Sir Huy Cnrlolon Oovernor. (Irpftt ftfc In Montreal. 1771 Homan Catholic clttxeiiB of Canada con-flrnicd In their political rl^ht? and liroperty, !77r. Loglnlailv.. ronndl or :':i members appointed. Commencement of the American War of Iiutepondenoc. Invu-ann I.r Canada by tbe Americans, under Montgumery and B. Arnold. Fort tit. John taken by Montgomery, Nov. 2. Montreal captured Nov. 12. Arnold'* attack on Quebec repulsed. Nov. t& Arnold and Montgomery attack Quebec, Do.-ember 2L Failure of attack and death cf Mont-gtenarr. l7Tf n.e l* Iho capital 0< Upper Canada. :*-o -tiaierr abnlMtHd la Canada. U12 feMoftd war weeti tie United States and Owsai Brttnin. Qyntv of Dvtrjii by th- British. Asg- #*rrr*nd*r of Omm! Wonfarwnrtfa, Oct. 11 Van Uer-*neBsr rapftulaley. N.rv r AUSTRALIA 1770 Captain Cook, Blr Jivsepli Hank* and «lh era land at llutimv Bay and n«.me tbe country Non- teyutii Wale* Afrrtl 21 ITHJ Etplnmtiona .f Furmauv *774 Capt. Cook eipUiTos Australia and New Zealand. 1TT7 Capt. (.'*«'h tuakn* a thlr»1 *oyag« of exploration. ITS* Flrat landing of EogiDb ransteU at Port Jaeksnn. PtlUU* first (ls«rnnr, founds Sydney, with 1 tit* p*r»ma Jaa. IU fTSl'M Voyac* i f Bltgh. I/» Dietrea*. o» r.a t« Iks bsa* id tbe *4or«* 4tOp •XHardlan -1752 First Mrxse tvr )n«bt1e Woraktp a-rertM. y7» First pnbUrnOon rtf Government Ga-ratix irw «traits dtenrres*d. hr fU*e and FTlSdrra Ei; i. fa*>jtK and awrvev* n (Ini* i,a-ii, Sept Arri* «l uf luLf«y Kyv, U. Arut*»i. tn ttidn-^nder.ro r«cngnlt-d br _ Fraopp. !*«', l« I77S Treaty with Franw rtrm ludnl Fvti. «i Philadelphia ei*ruak«i br BMikh. Juit* lit. UAHk I«r Monmouth; Waahtngton (loaa n*l* defiat* Ollnl-U) (limn 1n tthilde Inland. ^3 vi 111 t ii ti Hon -III WufttH PlROl Hoi. iv Mt), A UK A.t|t"rloittia ri-t n-ul from Blind" Inland Auk. #». *.ek, Marott S. mo Now Haven pliiitdT'nl by tbo Urlllili, July S. t'alrtleld atnt Grwn Farm* in Conuectl-i Ut. taken b> tbv ttrttlst: Jwty J «ton> |V>int taken by th* AUterkana. July 11 Charleston. g. C-, eumindrred ta thr British. Mar ur. BatHe t»f Cauvdeei C.; t’«*n«alli* flo** »l drf«at* General Oates u-aa* 7*» AM. U 6*ni>drri Arnold betran and .J***Tt» faU nwWtr. Ma>>f Atdra miiturM. HxpL 5J» and huuK a* a «py. OrL Z. 1?n ItaitU i»f Ct'» jw-r.a Aimin'an 0«n ral if mean iI'KA 711 dnf««U TarJrtvo ibMa *VU Jan 17. A«**mblln« t,t Conirwt, Marrb t nii-clw. uf r«>nrMl»ruU!>t: tiavlax b***n rati il**d hy all tti» ^tmi t. I^fvat Ml O^nvral Ofr«iw b> Comwalll/ al 0«ilfor«l Battl* -»f Kutaw Sprlwi»a <;«^“ral itoM V^,i 4^f»ui» Siw*ran ilf^* 1 tOW ^fbt. *. Th»» tmltor. ArtuilJ. buroa N«»1» l^mJ-jfi. * Hufru)Hli>f of Lord Cornwallla. at Vi*h* Wwffl, «ith ‘,nn n>«a. to Watfettiaoo. fKC t> tTa tndtn^rnd>n«Hd|tMl by Holland. A»»rtl If. ITW lii(!"i>rr.V«ic« u.inowMpJ by BwiMjro. IVroniark. ?j.aiu aifd iT^iaaia. Arrautlty* With Oreat HrttatU, J«n JO. Cmm attb Ontal UrUaln, «t Trraty «it Part*. JVj»t. SL Nrvaruat«d. iv IU->ttu-«u.o -f Ort.rral Waabinffton. iMr. S. 17*4 Trralv yf |H*ai» raUftt-il by ConpntM, Jan. 4. 17W» John Adania *<»nt to Knulntul an ftr»t Ambawiadnr from ibr I nMrd StMUm. I.mi *?«1o lalaml ami Norlb C«m- lina. KmamHpAdoit of alaVi>H by tli>* Quak nl uf lb« Vn»r«l 'IUIm N«»th Car«il|aa ratlllra «bt» Cooatttutlon. I Hath .1 ri/'tttamin Krankltn, April «. labind railSva thr C.inatitutJon. IUm)1l>« f ftnaoi-Ui •cb^iii^ prxny>*«J. ITYt flank or tha l'nc.r4 StaUt r^abl/abr.l, at Phllailrt'.bia Vmucmt a4mitt*4 a# th» fnurtaaatk SiaU Indiana 4*trul ». Clair. 1737 Kantur.ky adtclttril aa tb* fiflaaatk BtatK Th*. Columbia rt«T diaravrfml b> Ca{»-» taJfi Waahinttton City <-hi*rn a» th* f«|>(Ul af thn tfjrobllr. 1773 Int^ntlati af tbr rcttan aln hr NVhltnay, raaullinic lu ib« rvralutittiililni of ill* vtiHur** of 'rattan Trouble wtlb ili«* Frwicb Anbaaaador. OanH. JTM Wa»bln«tan'a a»»r»a4 larta aa Pr**M**nt %MlMo Wbiaky f*balHon in P*^^nnayUanla. Krannt reralla 0*u»t I fay'* trratt atth Gr*at flrttain. 17» C^!«T*^a r*tlflna Jar'a fn#f. 17M TrUn#aa»r •4i«lttHl aa tb* aUtwmlll nrtioaii*vn uf Waabln«t«n. X7?» John Adama tnauflur»i«d m» 1‘rraldmt. Traaty altb Pranre annuUrd. 1T3* War with f*rftac« tbraatfUrd. JDO Doath rf Waablmcien. al Uf. VarWW, Dae. Ii. Ihw Th* Govrxummt rcroo^ad from d'lplila t» Waahinat.rn Trinity alKunl *rlih Fran Coorral IUnknit)tr.y t-aw iiaa^d. taol InauKuratloti of Thomaa Jpfforaon aa pr*nmlvnt. Now York Pivpntns Port' mtabllfltbd. Wnr wj|1t Tripoli i.omlliimcnd June- 10. J>«>ntli or liantiillnl Aronld, Jum* lb L102 Ohio udiiillli’il uh tlio at.vonto«'ri(|i Pori of Now orlwtnn oltMidd by npftin, and Amnrlruii foiliUblon to p.tna down Mlmlaalppi ftv«r. WA l.oulnlami piiri'hnaoil from tln« l'"r«nou; lltt.OOtKUOO paid. Plntioa Oral manufactured nt lloaton. lb>( Aaron Hurr Villa Alciandnr Hamilton in a du»l, July JJ. i, PrloJo ••pr*aldrnC’ d-*»royrd at TrlooM by fiecafur, Krb. I. r.irt l>*a*boro, prr*n*n\ alt a nf hm It _ l^wfa « Clark'* rtprdlium atarta acraa It* clalna IMH Treaty tf &«t<« with Trtholl. Jaa L lev flm b*T0Xbrm au artkUt of wnimfna. Iiuara «?rirtan ahlp "Chw Kaka/* by tb* Hrlitab *hlp ‘ U<- th*. tt % , Arunlttal »f Aaron Hnrr nn rl.ar** of tfno*pit»<-.y. rar' trnJcml by Coti-ImpoctaOaa of tum fartXddes by Can. mxcniatiur** flm woodnn m Phtladnl- Orrj rlftcta. * tknl *oc«=***Bi ttrJSibfHiL IW« i«bollilon of tbi- uav« trad*. Jan. 1. !•>*»'.< ordee* »h,i c«irurv and ron’n.i u lU»0 or AiiK-nf=in •. li_ Flr^t i>r1nttnr ollb« w«»t „f th# Mt»*. jjp phia. t*» Tlwi w.v>i^n mlUa starred, in N*w York Emtiarjco r^ptal-d. \lan-h L Janir* Prealileet. r-' •",i *•* HI" l.*: tfaaft.-at^d ^asiritaur wM or Niipoteoa- Ftr»: nvanofairtcns of tuxd p«m» t^rwS-nrai acrtcallural lair, brld m t)«^r<' mWRL.' r^rdim cUr 4l*r*>r+Tv4 la Vcmoot Murtf ir^ Fir* Ititnnmcc ComvAr.* lew-(kiratad. tSll Kfrnptfrrornt bcr»-«n V. 3. f-ljraJ-• Pr«Ud«rt." and Britlnh -loop. * LVttlf n«n." Il«p I 1 rtylallonu on Auieriaui SSJSa&??* Patkaakam, by IJ.« Cat'iur* ol thr fncatu -|»r*aJd«ctf by tU lirttivb .madT®. Jan, uT vy T»b *1 (if,nt r*rif,°* **7 »»*• Araata, “Conatitdion" eaptarw th* MCyan#M and l^tant," Fib, A\ \\ur di'ctarnl witb AI«lot« CAnttDNdor* ttoratur a»«at a«alnat A!(Wi IW*‘ur - aidurra Al«*tt»e frlsam, Junr Huot finr uxaOufai'turm »n Twirk Mia and Oood tn SVw Kn*:«c,l. Hid Indiana *dmitt»d a> a tut# «*rand Cait*d »x»tn Unk rbattrrrl fl;«an> flrai appbod lo jMpar niaktn« * -»amr. M-.nrr* PMalJmt Mr*. Unaaa WlJUrd r-t-tu br* «trH •rbool at Troy. T»b» w*a kaown aa thr yxar w»th*«* a ________by ‘rati«?< and EiiRland. ct|i-vooe dovteos plan for plalim: truinola. Klral mnnufuctup? «cr«WK by. im»-nlilncn*. lluMI.- of Ti|ipe?.ftnoe, G«n. HnrrlHnjT do fofkiu TccUrnK«b. Nov. 7. Itcpuriillon lundc by the. Dritlrib for iho rtttm k on tho "ChesapOBko." Clrfat c.trtbquakt- at N*w Madrid, Mo. Actor's fur cume.any cstabllflln** »-> Addltbstml force of 35.000 men authorUfd. I>*uicbmnnt or millrla not wti^dlua IflUjiW m«m. a-tborltid War lU-'larcd asahisi Grwat Brl-a'n Juoi* 17 ilrituh orders ta round! rarok^l Juna Z2. Van liars'- defeated. Aujf. J. lMfrAt rtf Miller. Ant s. Orts. Hull tarad** Canada. Jalr 11; mnr-r«nd*r» \ta. Uiut, July It. Hull *urrrn>J>*T* Htrtrnll with tV«m«i. Aug. W. Tho •Alert/’ a Brttlah ahlf ol aar. raptured by tbr -JCwia.'* Vil*. II Tbo "Cui-mcr*.” a Rrlllah frlsat*. captured by the '•ConamuiWitf roll |r«inAidaa~l. Oar-t. Hull, Au«. If flrn. llurtlaoD takm ivitniiinnd ur ilir NortbwMtem army t ba Ant'TKaii*. hfp, atdurwl by th- l\ S. «lo<^ ->f war Wa*;-.’ Imb rtaai !i afterwurda tak'-n by th» -Piivorra.'’ a Brtttah 7L Thir "Mac»sloaUB," a Bntiab Irifsla. capcorH by tlw “Cnlt^l Staton.1 • Com-m‘4or*r D«-***i. 52_ The "Ja^a a British frtcat^ t*l'tut*4 by tb* ‘•CoimttuOaa.- Capt. Bain-t>rU). l»l* At »hf ntt'rf Raisin, tbr Br!!:-.b tnd Indian* surprise and defeat Wim^ t*r. Mot t-j tbf Americana wrr«- nia»-aarrtd by «b« Icdiana. -aho aoN Irft unpnotr-i-ttsS -by Oi*n- I*roctor. July I*. Th*' "Poacork.” a Ifrltlab ablp r»ptut^d by »h* "HonH*.** Feb. SL Tb" inaucuratlon of Janie* Madla'JO aa prMid»>nl. Murrh 4. Tli*^ Crook Indiani? aobduod by Ot*n. JartKon. Tin* AmoHc-no foaat blOL'kudtnl by Hi" iirittab. Hind l>otw.M*n G<-n. Jackiwin nnd Col. Hoiuon. York (now Torontoi In Cnpiir Cttfiad.i. talci'n by Iho Amorli'nni' nmb'r GWIi. Pllit. who wan kIII«>d. Ajirll 1*7. Thn "Cbosai.fioko” frlgato tnkon bv Mi" ftrltlah IrlKatc ”Shnnmjt).'' Jiim* 1. nrat tolling mill at PtttHburnh. Ki«'r»*iiryp|n< first lntrodu: " Th* "S^nier." a Brftiah rr^trl. rnp. lurvd br the -Pra^*ek.~ April ». bombarded and taken br 'hr Brltlah, May «. Th« • Rrlnd'er," a BntUb r»i- turcd. by the "Wato.” Junr rv Putt Ena captunrd by th- Amumn* tinder Gen Brows. July Z. Batik of Chippewa. Brown defeat? Drummond. July C-IUH1" of Brldgewatt-r Land> >■ lJi«ir Brown and Scott deft-a» Prnmimmd nnd Tho n’rlllRh bombard Stonln«lon. Conn., Auk. y. „ Buttle of Pori. 12He. Au*. IT,. ll«ttin of llIademiburK. Iirlimil Goneral, Bobs, dofenta \Mndi'* BrpSVapKied’rnaa P*c«^»la, by Ja peace with Great Hntaln ilffin!. Bi Gbrtit IHr. -t tits rutiVr of Xr+ OrlfpnM. ^ ^ # fhfftax r thr Brit Lib. with lb* *' '■* ft- 107 HUn.it* «d»!!tH into tbr Cntoc. Pinti.u.. (crani*d reiidutluuary wildler^ Jarkatm aubdue* Indmna tn (Ii-.r«la and Alabama. Kile Canal evmmenrod Mlaalaxippl admitted into thn Union Harnt-r llmi. (lUbllablhR hollar fmin li-d Clymnr intnnta Columbian prlntliu; piiMNi. N’nw IJnclaud Tip/if und Dmub Anvlum fOtllldnil l(ci« Foondtttlon «>f lh.* now ChpIIoI laiil, .il WaahltlKlon. Aiik- JM. Peiiaunola l‘'ln., ffttptiirod f mm thn Hiirtrtlali 1*v .JJi'Miaott, ISift Tin- "l?Avnnmili,M il,i> llmi uinam p&ckei (hut crouuea lb" Atuiub.*. make* a voy-aifo to l.Urrpool. Tho Br«t prrman.nT I^l«r of Odd F«rl-lowa fOlindnl In BalUlm'fi. April »! AUbama ailmitinl Into tbr Cnhtb h*c- Paaaiuto of the Vl*aoun Cp«o«4 lu C<«»- <«r*. vt Itjt Th* prlnripte* cf Bob*M <>wnti pt*ai h"4 l*ln» flr*t mad«* br marhtnnry. Flmt reformatory ethoo? femndrd to Nan York A< t paaird to prnlwt wnd • iifourani. rot ton uianufiii’iuriia. Ciiiivfnilmi with lirrdt Hrllaln tn «up pr«'*u alnr* trad". Mnr-'b 13 Convention with RiimoIh In mlnUnn In liorlbw.Hl boiitidAry April 6, An'lvnl uf Lriruy^tl" on ii vlnti lo.tlu* BJItM'llon or John Quincy A'flaiua .in proai-didlf. IS'!." Tbo Capitol ill WaahltlKlon itimpb'iM. Flflat I'dur luol maniifai’fnrv "atfibllah^l Hrnillt. n irnppo*- performt tlnn ftrnt ov.»r [And lourno.v to CaUf'iilaum. D-partur* of Laiavutt* for Franc*. H«*pt, 7- ICC Bnaih* of Th'rfUAt J*fT*r*.-u aad Jubn Ad •tatra. Opcntaa of Ihe Krtr Canal Ort 31 Hurl be*a*e* Trealr wltb tbr Rrpublk of Colombia. r*(u»t»nurd intrna* evrlimictti o-rar Ihw "Morgan affair'*. Hr*' railroad huHl al Qutnry Ma*«a-i liuaett*. and operaprd by bore* puwnr. Paeaajjr "f the Protective Tariff MlIL Randpar^r and *m*ry Brat made. Pirat l.jco»n»He latrcidui**^ trnn K*>e-land by tb« IV-Uwar* and linden Canal Cntnpany. Bat1inin»*r and Ohio railroad «*»r (*o*r'M aak»a pm«l*k»a far nfB'wra of th* rrrt.luOooary war. _ rn-mocrat and Repnbllcan Brat nbown by Ibair r*«p*cli** ie*lltkal tan**a. iVnrral Jatfcann *Wt»yl Pr*»iiltn*. Tr«at* of P-arr with Ilratll and fiuror» Arrrw Plahlna mtR flrax r*lrnt*nl»#d. IVflUtler'a itr^l ap^och In Comrreaa Jan, Vlr^lfilo panai'a rnnolulloli aK»ih^i Tariff Flra/Anylutn for Hi" Blind "atn!il'Hi.«*d I *|T IM. HortlrilUufAl H'M |n| V fori.....I Komoval Of yw "HI.■"hold"'-" by JuoUi'-m. 1830 Cotnmornlttl imaty wilb Turlmy. t< South Carolina rhw'Hb ••SliHnu flUhtn * Thn Mormon^ ohuroh foundoil br Jonopn MuUdhiK n/the South Carolina railroad. American fonltuu or f^rnlnr fnunded Ornal debata li'twrrn W.diat-r iod Itayo* |Til Intuit'. Tariff and Pr*r trudr enrltam-Ul. Oa^rlaon atarta lh* ;'LUWr»tur antl-■Ifcvery yaP«*T- . .... Death »* Jamea M^tame J«ly 4. Mannlnr mo*1nc tr.-trhmw pat*nlr»L OuihHe «ta«w*r* chbm.ro?nk. How* invent* Bret nractlnal pta s»rhln* Irtilt m* ftmt Rtadr bv pna* Innrry * Tear) tttl IK I l«i ICM Wr^twro CoUr«r j? Tro'-b-ia **i*l»l!ak>d Prtddmt Jackvsn vetur* the flenk Bill. Now prM.*r-ttre tariff we*«ur« jt-.uth Carolina n*niB-*t*aa m**e»e«t; IJ. S. frigst* "Potomac.,*' atra^V* Qualla Baton. Feb. t , . . , ,, „ Pint cm nf aatatic at«tstcd. The Pmtdont retayrea thr publK* de-the Bank of thi Culb?d Pf«a>d«nt lackson beslns hla acconJ ttrrm. .Varrh 4. The Southern SUUs hold a «taie» rlftht; Con»*ntlrsidftnt tor remoTiu* tar.k <}<-p..m!*.a «nbii«ito&de. Walter Horn lETeat* nr**. "«lr.r m*. rhinc. but fall* to j*rrhsr-f and ra‘“»«-l>r Howe tntrpt* raieed alphabet for a*f of ibr blind. Ortwt On. t^ N>» York. C<.oar»iBs rslublishcs branch tnltit* In Oetir*la. Korth Camllna, and 1/mlul-ana. Govr.rnni<‘nt purchase Ch«fDk^i- bondf for ir».a*>.i*oo. Ni".v YOrli Herald establish"/! by B"n-nott Boath of Chief Justice Mttrslmll, Jtilv 0. Rplior Brooks Tanoy. appointed I'ltlnf Junl I"". S"inlnoli' Indian war renewed, Gmii firm Introdured Into Phlladolphl/t. lirown imikne iirst gold p^n* with diamond polOta. Gnuno beccm^- on arttclo of couiianrrr in th« U. Sv Maa^crr of Mai. Dade and hla command in Fkirlda. TT.r natU>sial .lebt virtually paht. Arkanta* admitted into the Culon. (tattk- of 3a= Jacinto, Tn**; Santa Anna 4rf#a»*d and a prtwsoer April 71 Ilodi.r-si of James Smithacm to th* I', r*’ t.? |5Ii.IfiL ynniLtontun Imtitat? at Waahln*t-o bt.iudrd Daalh uf Jin*** Midisoc Joo* 2A Oi'.rr-or Call, M>*I<*od dim.'ulty. Webatrr’a (Noahl Dictionary lint pub-lLib"iL -i 4ti-Trc-i“Ury bill r"peakd AU« > lUnkrtiplo Art a Uw. Auc* ImprUAnm^Dt for d^bta «iur thn tvtfrra* m»nt iibciUhf; war ~o»«wa* InaUrated by Mt Thr Fourier mmnmalty exrttrmrnt. fron.of.i’i *spcdiiiun to th^- M;»cky M>-to- UU IMI 1«46 Aahburton ar firs WaahiraVm Trraty tlrued. with England. Ana * Runk»*r Hilt nmaanmir cflmplrtol Trnninatton uf war with «*nj|no*ea. Lu*1 for malrhea flr&t made by maoblnen*. Prr-id-mi ^«oes WB for National Bank. Dorr rebellion in Shod*- lalahd. Bankrupt Act reprale-J. March 5. Drath of Dr. Chann(n<. Oct. i William Vtlll#T and Hu* -Mllloriu* " |v >»• «(,•.**! by Congre?» to aid Murao to -ttabliab telejrraph llnea. rrnoont explores Columbia RJ'er. ttll* uiiiri Valley, and Kbunatk latkr. Grn*t crimet visible during th* day. Ttoatk of Noah W*b*ter. Wilder‘a ;*trnt ior fire-or^f aaf*. Expfcaion tbe s«a. tlw -pwt**-inak-ar.” kHUag the SKnunet ol N*ry gu4 Suif-Cuaimrrctal treats with China. Ftr*t rekgrsph line Irom Waahln*ta*l to Baltimore. First tJiU-slavrry 'aisJtdair uccaloatM tor tnr pmsidency. Th* ••Mldaa.” first Amerkan atramboat. rounds Cape of Good Hope. Jama* K. Polk elcrted rr-«ld«t. Mormon war In IHtnoin. tunrd*r of Jt-urph Smith: firlKham \ontin *o-1 "c.tt«d «e his »ucce«K»t . Coppi.-r disci..vorcd in Michigan. To5ta« nalts for annexation. IPlrat lidOitropb line. ■f.nuh utvtivxed by Ar.t or Cotl«i"i« MoX* I (jo lake* offense. Florldn aod Iowa admitted lilt.i tho llulon. War duolivred by Mexico, Juno I Naval Softool nt Annapolli: opened. Kllaa iiuav produces hi* ftr tn>op* «d-rancvd *o Corpu* Chrlsti T»Uu Hat ions inward c-urcbaa* of Ran NtnrrflatPmi rWitninan. Death nt AJ If 44 Drath ni Andrew Jacisyn Jun*- *• Prto Snll party ortgjaabtd-Xorjhwr^trro bocnsSarr fiied at 4H. Hutilities br*in la Mexico. Ualtlrw of Palo Aho. Mar ? and Kraaca d* U Paitsa. iiar 5: vktory of Gm. Taylcr. Maiatnoras Ukta. May I*-Xt ar Tartfl bill fSLMi. Jnl* ». prctident vetoes Elver llarbcr MU. • WH*.\n Proviso" agxirjt cxtcnalun^uf «t*rfry paw** :b* Hou?r Gun-cotton ipynnted-Gr-'-at fire In lyiulsrlBr. Ether Br.« zsed ia an ane*thrtir by Dr. Jark»=n. of New IM G«o. Ktwrnny u Mr\iro. Auk J* CwBUn>xloro St^H-kfon blockade* v.oikan I>irta on Pacific coaak Mdntrmy taken by Own. Taylor. S*pt- !*• Clsbt duva’ *rmi*llcr granted. California nxpedltlon. under Strpbcr*.in> talk from Now York. Sept. M. Tobaaco. .Mirtico. bombardrd by Prrry. Oct. 2*. T*mplco Uken by G*m. Conner. Nov 14. Kearney defeat* Mexican* At ftan Pa»* dual. Bar. €. Col. Doniphan drfcata Mexican* ai Bra-alto. Ikic. a. 0*n. Taylor rrlleved by Gen. S<;iit Tfi« Mwiaont drivcO from Nauvon. Ilk low* adralttfd aa a Rtatr.. Kearns; tktorlcnu at han Gabriel afirt M.dJt, ('aL. Jan H. H Mratran Comtrrt* re*ohr*a ta* ra>»# ka*. or fiMfQ.OOO -«a prevefty ol thr ckrrr, Jan. v tt ot o 11 of Mrtlrau* tn Nan Urtlro againat Cnllod Stain. Jan H. D«f«at nt tn*ur*rr.t* M«akt«. Jan. Il Haiti* of Buanu Via la. F*ib. a; Tayh'f drlrata Santa Ann*. Haiti* uf Bacramcmo; drleat «f Mt*** loam, Fib. 8b. Bon. Kearney docloro* California n part of Ui" United Sr.ai.ifH Mafob I. Vrta Crur takon b> arm) anil navy, March 3*. Alvarado ennltulaum, April Hattie of tjori-o Oordo. April K. Mcntt deroiu* Moxtcan*. abio at. Ooni.rorai, Au»'. ilU, Mullno (1*11 liny l.iikon. 8«|it, s. Gell. Srott tnlcr* tbo city of Mnxlro, Sept. 1ft. proth or John Quincy Adam- Fob Hi OOld dlvrovontd In t'ulltornlii Murcb Oniibla Cniaiti arlmltt*d Into lh^ Colon. May at Canada. Nea Kill Miaauari Comprumia* repealed. *y ior a* K|*r44on or Zachary Tay Com*r *tcmji ur Waahingt^n Manu: Proaldrnt. IMJ Li31 ICS Ontgan Trrrltonal Dill raa**4 Aug. 11. First rrewipt df Caiir«;cia gofd at l-nked Mat** in.at, the. ft. Traat» atgn*4 -Uh Mexico F*k 1 L'pper CtwnUa r«lad i.u L'nltcO Wutes Mratrana unaurretalully kralpgf P«*bl-». hald b> Aturrtcaiu. S*pi. D to t.Vt. Ii HuamaiiUa taken by Am«nran* Ort % Guyannr* captured. Ore Great fudlanatei at Itochaater, N Y. .'AumnI bj -Spirit mppmga." PivI *nnt tu uur^ ing Ireland. Lo* A it nata*. Cal.. tak«n by Ke*tnay. and a syatr.m of gnvnrnmrtil uigan. land. 1M> Gr*at Bre lh St. Louia. Pmr. Web*ter mur.I**m Dr. Parkmun Nor. tt L'nltad State* gold dollar Brat «»thi adv-n*t*. Capt. Mini* invent* th* Mini* rubl-al MilM. Maaon and Psxun** line aurveyrd Cbokra vl*tu the United Htalea. »*vtvr« at I'tmlunall and St. ?«0uk Callfurnla Cooatltutiun formed at Mtti taray. Orrat riot at Aator PUr* Op*ra IIoum N*w York. 1»W Treaty wllli Knglatid lot •• Iraiialt war toman Panama FrnOidi Atubaaaadur dtaml*a*d from Waahliigton. DuaUi or Job0 C. Calhoun. March "1 CiHiitrtrJia paa*"u tbo On. Orinmdl Arrtlc BxihhUHoii na|U. CAlUornta admtttnd aa a Free Slate, Kept ». New iletlcu and Clah organwad *a t*.r rilorir*. SetU •» viait ot J tinny IJnd tn Am*rka. Sept. ll Dahlgran ln**Dta tb* caat-lron gtm Appraranrr of the groai **a aarpeub Completion of Brie railroad Coraer *t..n* nf CapAto) axtnui.in UP1 July a Plr*t Aeylvni tor Idi^a #*tafcti*H*4 In New York-California Vl*llano* Commute* Pinned. American >a*.ht victorimia *1 regatta la Ixmdon. F.ne. Frl«htrut <»u*trcph« a* publk *chool ton 14ing Net* York. Conarwlonal Library 4r*tn>y*d by Are. D*v. 34 1M2 Dlrpute Wllli P.ngUnd about Ib* Bab-arlaa. F.apedlUun to Japan, uml-r Com. Perry. Flrat *4reet*railway in New >ork I>*ath* of llwry Clay. Junr ac. and banlrl Wofctirr Oct. ti-Ttnary uf Commerce wiih Chill. Branrh mint *etahllah»d in Ka» Fran- Franklin mere* elcctrd President usa Crystal Palace. New York, opened Tr«aty with M*xtco. f*f purtkaaa of Artmna. Treaty wllh ltmtala Kirl.-raMcu* for a tran***otttlh*aul railway. Yellow leref t» Now York. ChfHMtn.il Aid Sodnty, Now York, ____ ^ Wtlk«f'« fllibumrtiui apmittom «o io* tKirm* IKI Comtuen-tal Trvaty with Jaiaw aigne-1. March 11. AtXMirlcan, or Know-Nothing Sooiirtt furrocd. lyiaa ut tlie alranuihtp AWttC, Cuban* aelte American mall akarniir niark Warrior, Feb. Flrat railway from l.ahi MlrhlKAli I" MUalaalppl, the UocU Inland, Amorb’Hii uhlp "Cnynii" Iv-mbnrdh «i*iy-town. (hmtral Amorkii, on mfuimi tn pny for property di’Ktl’oyfd. Juno ll*. hi veil I Ion of til" Iron Tower for Iron-clad v*«n«h. by Brloaaon Rc-lprnulty trenty wllh KnUJmhl: Meltlo merit of the Plahttry nUuatlon. AUK- J-BUI p4*ir*d nrKaulatng Kanwt* and N*bra*ka «* Trrrltnrle*. renvallna th* Com|.roml*e of l«o which excluded alaverr from the antlra Liuiaiana pur* rbaaii. May 21 Moa*achne*ita Aid Society aend oul eat-tiers to Ksnaae. A. II. «*rd*r. nt Pennsylvania ai-point'd Governor af Kanaaa. Territorial l^gUIatur* ol Kanaaa a>**<* at Shawnee. July: «reat emigration U» Kanaaa. rrv? »tatr men inert in rcnmiUnn at Tntwba and Inna a Fres .«iat- .ooetUo-lun. ti4(| rn* try aa IMHK Pr** Jem 9» um i rn!*** ci rr*< sut» C>mjm.rtl in Kiuu aa i»rl t>? re-IU»n. l.fo,.V. *MtuU upou Ct-artra jggnn. tJltininal VliV.th, rti'ny *1 Wa«fciiS*-M. Max 4.' IfttlYatUMIan lit . nchani. or Cbto«» thUlWy • •i*.i-rvatorr. Albany maucur* *»wl. Au*. an. Tim punJituet Ihe '.Roo- lllln, 1 rrftllrd and to Brtt- tsli Loom lor w»u« lti« At.mjn«er carpets n»i»r jiaUtnfud. • :jf—»iwii *r Juno-. n.Mh«nm a* Presl-tlout lttj UratinlMHuil nt iba Ftmian nrolH»rh*L HOUI*>mutil *f Ihr Qriitra) Amrrlttut aurs-Mon, Month of lilltthn lirfjt Kane Ari-flo i.x-lilorvr, Ki'li, Hi Holnit'l i Wofker Appointed Territorial (ivivmuor of Kannax. 'l'aiioy reddur* I > r ^ ii 8o«di d Mention, Man ll is. Firm ut Irutpl Ilf |»y AMimlln »:rtblr. Aldon iMMJiirtoi potent for condensed lllllU. Grant financial irrnBb. Nrw York I'oalntt ana Philadelphia bmifi* MtjajNhd. Ol't. ii. Ifi. llnr.1.5 MoiUQp »p* i‘lr (•«yuiimt». Deo. 22. U . M urdor at Of. OatHnU, arr*al ao*S irlni nf vi rw Connlnitfiain Hi* mutre#*. Fvund*r(n» of (lm i>nial Amiris" off Cap* Hailora*: ot*r W» jjvo aod $2.' <*.|«>W lG*1. l)r«x( rrH(riot» rr .i» at rhrotiRlumi tbo »o«ui.*y Tr-wMi-* *ub l!:» Mi=ramn» is Utah: Cs-I i«hn*:i« *ti|t a militoir tore*. **nt -Ml T*«in« forbid* any inm4 fur*. tuivnijR Sail Las* City; 3i>ntd) l«*ip atwrt to k«U tli*3z-in r**4u»ut» r**bt ..t i.ft- ftm AUamii lliili a r.ur- S3i a cnifik Au*. If Tti HIM 11 liettti*. April 15. • *4u«'ttiA« Ka&aia mh>W ptA •Utrrr MmtHaiia. At* m f.«, .lift* -:a»-* Lta*xln.aa4 Dou«-IM In IIHwiU. MiiTT^ttri^ m a Saur, Uaj 1s- ancuiiiwr* kta ' IrreprtKfile cca-WrtM •ii.vtriltr Kan«a« rvjwtf «b> iii0-*Lr»iTj conatl*3-li n Ji» n»rr> 'itmnJr a aiajtjrllr Ac^. y»v. etifojh* .i-trut‘ ibt Atiantk iiic, trim VuU-.rlB in :l,r Pr.ridans, A-4Jt. ML I’tnivmiih c*i*ncc i«a Aowrirsia ves-tflt iiurjim* ot straninhtt "Au»lris" ftara-tour# Ui N«w Yovk ittmiiy Sou n«ts MVii 1'ln- lkl«M Ilf '-^U lw«n, n-Af VxtKHUT- • r . IniarnJ, nr,'U[ii*ni !>j- UtjUert StfttOb 11 ton* Tin I’mUjui orriiiiiiiiiK'ti fHirfiic(«Ki ri'i 1.1 v wllli ('arn«Uny ilstu^. Feb. 10. Ol 'UOJ. nilmlu.1'0 in ii Si all- I'l'b, 14. I«iir. rtfiil nil \v»»)t at Tlruflvtlli.t, I'tt. UmiH alniun iii ih« Nnrlliwn uurt South' oi*ll i*.inii*i«. Ii/nihl I1: ait'll 1.-1 »fi fnirns i* Sluto <;«>i»«iltulloii ml Wyan«lrtt(iK Vli'U.xbuiK l^itfyelilioll d«*.j‘latira io .favijr nf ir-i.pHinit alart- May 11. I'tttilMimtU of Wnnrpttur1* I'nubrltlscil Him too »r I. Hun .|ii(it> Island ocrurica by Ocapral llaniny. Jul» > Aj'^rafi*-* «l tft» putalo bo* KIhi-iioo H-i:-aUlhJE officer* in Kan* •aa IV V C-tovM^’Ii tjfral IK-uania Mil • fltr jr. itwilao /lUsnlH> «l «bT*Vy- TtvttT with U-U -• *lsne4 til An.I K-JfiataY frv.m •Uti ireoiy of |Mff ft*. "t U»* PJintf.iit’Walt*. lUH’a m^ntw to U* IVIar jet. al V»w Tufi frf llw- ‘ireal Jlm-(M. IUO« ii. !!|M»tM)H <>! Ur. Pcnaiacrr-H m S^ter uf ii* Atrralirat U*'*bi *W».4 PmtOafit X«r. 4L itnijilt C’Arnthu ih* -iJrtJ- ua i -•? yi imimfcrioa tW *r*t jf Ihr tH-a V> T>*». I»«- 5*-M<*t!nc ”i SSpx-ajariaJ Camflltw at TSlr- IMl.’pK, tl. \l«jc-r AH4«rK-i« trackers ta >vnii=an<3 riot K*tt V..nlirU «!• Fort Lanier. rr.H l**rjvU Oat irrtnmwi b? R. rarfMc. Um(mI|'H #wviea, Jan. ». Fl>»» i. pn*i*i= ui .Norfolk N’nyy Viutl by I'blOH I’oninmndcr. April 20. UnrjUhil rrfu*.'B to Apr 11 21. Kll.worlli »hirt al Alotandrta by Jark- Uinniiri llira* i«tf iu Cfifllnlftiit* rti tirti oonir-si ui riraoirtal anfl mihtiirr -• rt tkrw •‘nltmtffra. Vajt J... Afbui*«a* llflfcl PMI« the ts^n- t r,-- Ur*’• ' • *urr*®def * f Part la-»aac« JU| W (Ulni>4* OC- fr GoMinl BolW. nliv ti. SforOi CarMU&a Mrtdf* frw Ok# UnJca Uir » . _ __ r»aiit>oir,3«: t4>atM« ■: I sson fim tn*o Tirjjn^-M«r P*«(15 W A. IW*Ua. Jobc S. ^«ii««a«« frrc* *1k Uikhm Jssa » Uul T« a- «^y^>l06 *t-f»attlr of HU »«|bf« V*. 1ms>* »«-C*ucz+m n*»*»» in rm*'rdtB*rr Ju»r » .... Haiti* d*%* rartaa*#. stn.. July 5. IM JlIM llfil PrNainer ‘ tvuiirt" -*•>» Urtnaaa July i llautr *f r*rmfc’» r»r«. W. Va.. C<«H fi.Lrix!. (Ut»ral uare#u hllX at Wtv( lUitv At Hitfc «W?»4M«iaa N«r»a dafoai^i try |U»rM» Jaly It ] OoJtto mr Oqirrfili* Va. Jilt |t Umrwikm »f ih. CMHen* -*S4nrr by frticau it*. Uvrviii*.'1 Mary Iaa4 Ur»ln| H AtAa#«ai| iutMa, batOr it Ihllt K«n I'fiMn r.O ■1-r Mr-r>.««ll drtMtad IIiUwn aitlad and Wft.iadiyl, j.iii;iriian aaumpi totnmand of iruir In Virsinm and on Ul> l^vMM' Battfr pf Laurel Ulll. Jtily a. OoJfht i.f firajr IflrJiriit, Mi*,, undnr «lr*. -' **rul Ljmn B.iUtb^fK f.»r.-.»r .t. ^***1 llatilc ot Aiti»na, Mu,, uuilrr 0««. Ly”U. Con£«il*uat4i* •Irfr.jlid Autf. luul. ..f Wtlaoii ■ Crm U, Ml*.j 6 ?*' num. und*’T L»«jti a till uml «?i»fi« »n North .0u rn Mb n rtrnm. Aiik. >. Fort Mnrjiun aliandiiiied h> (.'urifcdi'iMi"!, Auk. 'Jf' Frr’iuonl Inr,in i r n..'li»ll|nHnn fr« dltiu «ilura» in Wlimoiirl. Ante. 'II-Uatlli' ..f Carmfrx F«rtv. i*l Kciniian of. Coilfpiloralyk a| CIlMl M*Uf(* tain. W. V« Haul*- of L<*ntnalon. Mo, Col. MUlU £sv .l»'f*ui1ii for f>Mir 'lav* «iin;iio w. W>» ConfodwTalim, (iui !■ i .Nml in »ar r«Tn*l»*» lim«. pri».n«r» uud « Ura« amount of *rud. tUlUc. »ir >»»•>• n (aland Ort. 5 C'K-fribrat^ prual-^t “Va*hvHV **-rsWt fivm Cfcu Vtiia. /k, p.. !>•! I* BxVUive itCc»fr.l«r»(i* r*m mud >*a Otif-r ai 4»wtb W*»t Fa** Ort. It. F.vrj;« & \Uvttn »i..t illl.t.ll In® Clariairo btdk ■< Fr«'!•»>• atj*7. tla.; (1l|a< ur J-dt TIiuia^Bun. Ol n Herantur* nf l-»i!n«tr.r,. f-, t'n*M fan. Sbcftnxn art*!n!*-l m ll— -••n-situd rtf K»*ftt«t> fub'M-lUiilr af ilall'v timfl. C-.l lain WllUd. u*t n. 7-^rr.R>l dcfram C..4iTa4*nniia* >i *r| rin« Ihild M>s, SHU M, On. Sc«*t iwlpi rmiH *f aiMYi G*n. MK.'J»llan a*n . rr«.U Me*. Srddi-rV A»d Sr. irtf NlW) »■ !>•*!v*i». .V.n t Ctiinro>*doT> Wltkn U “Han ilwHiH" (any* Sou*h» rn l.^iuUil*«iupari» Mwm «nd Slidtll fH>tn liriiub uranrrr "Trent,” tr W*at ImlUa waum. Port IL ml buti*bard*’d, N<»». T. bailie at ivlmtuii t;r*nr» Wr«i PnUL Capiura "r tym.v luiund »‘ti iliirbor nhui by »>titU• tin ninn* rli»)i i>ri*. .’I OnillftR K'ni mviuiW'O i-r .i (Imiiiim Ue*tll nr Ha III Mminli'U. ljr.1 1 Kentucky uiliuiMvd llirn CoftfmJdfAto SHiUA, fhm ti, rvpwlMd ai s*uia iium IMS UR C hi*, P5RB4 ^ MC' ilaX^Aj-lnr, Va.{ mi.r.ul,., ,a,;- Wmon. wptnh'ii ?$»• IJnc ' Indliin riiuanMino in Al.liinnioin. Hivtilo or lliui' (lap, Va.. .Inn. H. Doath Of John Trior, tun *, • Kflf:n»(in" Monitor liiiint lo il ul flir«li. IKilill, .(all. 'M>. UilW troop*. umUr . J«ff#r«nn l»a»t» !e*0»4t*1ril r«^it*ai ’f Swliatm Csof«dnnicy. f“» «*i »aar^ > *♦> n tUltta *f rra Ki0«w. Atft. 0«« Mr-CsiL^b kttM *Urt± t. C*T*t*-4ir»i. ram il-r^llnai." albk* ^^SonS^'l-i.d aad T.i«»f*^a ~ I' A. sa«al »w**U Ui llamft*# n -J* Vtr- KU. Marrb V ltt.r.” F a imvM atlark* and dn«*a ’UnrTIjo**-’ h*ik Maf-k I* ilwuu* Juwitoi MimtH «n4 trcn* MH by l ao«a (ofua Man a )• Datti* «f WlwitMlaf, Va.. Vkhmi l-«* fli kiU«d. Uf *«nnftQc4; .QMlrOr.ta*. baa. V® kiifr«l wusdad, aod iu«<4i»C-J Aarcn U- flsttle U Xrwbrrv N. C.. Marrb li. Batli* ax PMlatrurtf Laadliis Oram. Cnjun < nmni*ttd»irj tf*B. A. dldnajf Jonnninu klibid; FnmH bnl*. April u" iL.miMMinii'fn to Ildliin forci1*. ubdnr Hon. Ililmm i'. Ann I 11. SlavtTy nbiiMihfil pi l;i|Klrii>| of Coliim hlu.. April P), Ooillhnrdrtn'lll Of Fort I'Mlow, by Coin imidoib FooIk, April |7, Union Hoot, undor Fari'MKUt pinnrrn nn III.- MUnUnlpl*! iiv. t Mini laln*n o"'' OrL-i>iia. pu^nlllK I i.iflft .Im hwoli nnd Phil I III April '44. i.ii.ii. nullir In i-miimnftfl i‘t N<>»v "r lunne, May I Vorittown ovM'ufurd. Vm I amri-cdor af Vnw Orknn* to ' onium-dola Fnrraaul-Panin uf Wlllii«m?himr. Va Mi»> r» Bate!** ot W«nl Pomt, May :. Norfijlk aurrwdiri'a io Uni. W*wM, m*> 'W, Bestrui'Tlult »f k c4P*nfr.t. Va* 11 BMtfr ft Fair Oalni Fntwi H*a Mavf; muni «f baltlf of Fair Oak* im m* af FblMM*. 7!nlnbta Ism tTra*h»ar Oily, tuna tX fiAttrr iWriM fry all Um fwitHrt**. Jutu VX FOrts IWc* »ad K*ui|**lidi • •« «ff*J Jana 4. i-:raader J ^ Ke7'-:Wr <* f .al*s1«ral»* Snrin4b t< si*. Jn«* a Sct»b da?*' a«M a*f»*rr CJ’bmi &d un dor Uii'Wliaa Ju=« 3S Uf^naalr*-lillA. ;^Ti« »; Gain« Mill# Joes SI *i'*r »t*iwai and IWk or•• Lard. Juna a aw# liak Svuay. Jxae & «*lwii Hill. i«i» 1; dmvt» of bnap l* Mi*m fmtf. Uamin «*lk t* 3wv.«« tx>1- un*»«sa July 1. i:urrr<*->t)om««i) raptn»rd by ?cttw*_ Jaly V liatd Itontan In t>iUJi<*•, iilj 7. Mh«inW nf Pwt Hinkea. |al>- i. |iMl» •* Mart a Van Haras, Jaly Si. lutti/ . i iisaUr Mountain. V*.. Aug, 5: Fnum ti.Tor* ..rulnr ilaokr Irie kMWd wi.uadcd aad mwa< fV.ntad mi.4 und-r dtoeraalF* Ja-k*oO. H*H «l Fblllipa lata Ml*»taalpft Ac*. t& I'Ai/n ,f “..11I1..1 <[.ri:ie,r \j. \ .a- -i-F:;:Mu,*. *n riain-»lundrr pope. IV.I /.-Ifraf- aadiT K«rll and Awe .*? -u i",; .v Mdi • Tcunrterc a'id KvQ* iMtky iUMIfp or Kiilll- Ran. Va.. A up. 27. • Ulll.' i»r c;r trol...r>, Vn.. Aim. ?i. I i*d*‘ n* nt t. til' ii ul liiobiKontl. Ky-. Awn. »• Hurmnrlor of .M*-mi>hl». Au«. i». Hiiond I tut 11*- of Boil nun: d^feai ot Fi*ilnr«in, Ann Vi. |i»iii|i' nf t'liMdilll)' Va*: I'ulon Generals K* iirnoy nml Simi'U- klll«l. L Confiiliii .iti'»i i;ron: I'otbmiii into Mary-lulnl m I'oolhvlllu, Mil-. Sept. 1. Iiiiiib- id Honth M-' ininln, Md.. Union vl"mrv: Onn. iln*m* L. UotiO kllh‘J. IlitriHtr'u Kerry a'irroiioiirad. ottor ihree il«.v p' fl«ll»ltm b> G<-nnrnl Mil-::. ®<-pt. 10. J i-i l Hr ot Antliilnin b'.U’wn G.vn. M«-flidlun nnd iloo l.*v lintrii.ii of the I’oilll'lllTlllM. JlKUt. 17. D.mi* id lUkn Miw».. I>rtv.i*«'n GTlr:tnar. I'ini ldn.Ail.ni of Knmijctprtliun. Sv^L llaiilf f C.urimi . Mlw., bnln’rru Grr.a. it------van* -mi PrKr- dst^at <-f the :»t- w; «vi. i i • :... c: lUMl* *>f IS-rrri'll)* Ky. Htw^a G«ns. nn-ll «nj 'luce iharge of PluL db' M-ian «m» tb» dar. »>ct. i Tl*Ii* i.f i.Vinfi-dr?!»!*•« -it.-Jr-r 5iuart iirtn IV^navlmnla, »*!air.X«r»bt^|s aelsrf and bKl*d. O**- It-tL t'ri'i*-. iim. -1. M Ml-'bei. ^itn3u=iEr. dM at It^ufiirt. *. Oct. 3>-1^ 'IrwiiK. T* m oci«plt!d br Oraat «tik Faiuo hfm. iiatil* «d Fftd-rkkaticra Va l/atoc f.-t**a nnf>n. ilnn'.rld- *1rieaXsd. Vrwh k»rt. lUttlr i»| K»ar*t “ >'• C- C-aWtCCg dnf>at*d. IVi, II ♦Ilf;-,. ;irr» ihJ\t«i !i'ill» Sfriaaa to 0*nrn»l Van Item |H*. W-J*tf*r*»t. [Unit |a*n«« a protlaraaU-ixi *»*j»Uatnr l'*t-n lUtirr. I»*rr a_ l**in« i Mat »i*a ®r«* «pr» VkMkcrt IW. % ir.t r:.T»o'% ueauBTSEfnl afiack ^r-cn V»iL*ti«r«. fife.-rtf. i*. fi-*- f Ia’I ’1 —H<.r" ,"iiunder= si tea. .i2 t'-K llillnnii V . t '.•Jr«ini« u.luiitt*-d r.ri a <•-! «fco Union, TUr l.miuti tirtfi her. ]• D.. atfeil H7. Jan. in. I H. *ti *r.irr •'Half. rn»" nui.k by South-«M) inlViKMr "AJiilm:-:.!' off Texas, Jfth, tl. I.UHiwaat 0#w- l*cd I'mifiidfniti mm "Ailmiw captured off Mn.v' i ii mi Ii fin., by L'nion moniioi U I I lniwlmii." .lull. I". Flint ll. *, i.nloti j ronimoni eiiroIlcO 17i Mouth CmuHitu, .Inn. 23. Ait In pfitld*. « iiiiU:nnl currency bfc-ii'flii'i * law, Fob i’ FaiTuirm run* bul!*rlra at Grand Gulf, Ann I j. Cum. Portrr du-'-reafuIly mur t)iv bnt-lirl-' ul VI. kflmru Aj.rll 1R-port Uib*«ni and Urand Gulf. oa. ilisilv uippi rivrt lakmi tiy U S. Grnnl. May I. L'd OfWu-n'ii rani Ih'-'URb Mississippi *trn« »i rbtion .Rou«v .May i. AtTmd ar C.. L. Vaiandt^ham. *•.;»< *r rehitnc l-tm-n Fritjn farces. ulole.y JliBih-f. uml Canf^drrate*. oe-Jrr t.«— aboul CfeaartliorsTin*. Va.. Con<*d*mlr Ocn. AlwwmlT Jaekscs kill*.), Ilookor d«-fral«>d. ilay 2. i. L pvllr -I Jar**. Mia/- ca-.'iareo by *l*n- Orant Mjt» It TiaMf. if JUki-r’* Crcrk: P=o2>moD fou*.*d fiy Grant. May lit. ‘-•*i:.* ’ liktca 7:*-t*r Bridge, rarest c t iVtnb-rtnt li- V/rk*b^nc. May IL Vi-wf-irt m Oranu May Zl. f-.tir-d in«t>« ni« kroncti Into artlon «t Fiw| tloii ■ a. Vaj 27. •latti- ai MHllkan LVsi. Jun. f. 7. Hri.*.ti «» Milrt-> frasn '.Vlsch-tsicr. Jan# It laiuVna (d P«Tia*>l*a»U by Lt« t in- Hr* Mll»». Juur 15-25-fialtt* "f rntlliNr* Pa.; Or®. Lr» t i i nliis forc*^. uBito G» tt« l.nlrm L-rc-s. ucdar Gram. Jut* i. Port llttdvm morrmdwiid to Gen. Ilanfcs. and No’.o«ronlod by G^ru Grant— MKoinnlpbl rlvpy b<’lnR thus openad to navijjallon. Juty i. Ar.tl iltiifi riot• Ill NVw York; Situ*) riot-or* unit'd July ia. ll. In. Mo? In Iwmfnn, .Inly IS. Gin BuiTMldc ori'uple# Knoxvlllo, T^nii,, #n:d. 3. Confi'ilnrntc* ovucuftic Fore Wagner, ttion, rt. Durttnltbi lupturt’w Cumberland Gap, Knpt. 0. lint I In of f'hli'kinnkUK* : Union foro-Ts, timliv UOM'Crnm-, fall hat-k lo Chatta-imoKn, Sffpt IH. t)uniilii dffiiroylng much Goyorn-im id prori'rty, Dot. X llm.kur ruboH Lookout Maunraln. Oct. !!H. l-’it»i Kvnlun Conirrei-*1 hold (n ih* Ftili»d flluteil. Orti ttvid** croian th* Itaptialiaoo.iok I.^ih rvllrfny. Nny. 7. f>o**trH..* biffin* lb* il»^t*i of Kaoz-villa, Soy. 17. ManU f Mm*Jonary Rldgv; iof Fr*li*ra(a, Nov. 2t. p. «-p. j I -. of l«tvrcy!r»^t at KaaTvill-Nar. IB. *1. ftanka t*art »n hia njxfloa into Trxaa Xot. Sk UantiM raiaan Iba ili<« of Kan-tin* t)or. i. Pr*n4tni tiBodn ia.ac* Prolaiuatlaa *«. k. IVnti t.*.*»r I-. Fnv« fi^n in Fl.nfia. Art U'C ^*rwi^ar. rA 2ft. ' Klln'ri i'i ratd lata VinHala. Gto. ti»kl«r*n fcllkrd. Frti ». isdl GeM-ral Grant eral Marrb i-A rrw Stata (nitliautti inswrxfa!«(t in Lcauiana. Naink Adaural fwirf** IU4 lliiar ni«tUJ.«!*> utii*- ttx ■» M.*n a 1-Araaaa** *olm tn now a yiaii' Marrb It Ilatiir v4 J*nktn# Wrr>. *ik.. data*! •sf Kirt^y dwltb. A call * Nr«w T\>rk »*uitaf«r Oynuntaca* I’nxf rrc«Afh or Nut bantu I lluwilinrm' May It', F(«htlm,- bmwi'rii Lrni uml Gtunl nr Um Nortli Amni Mo, Jl 4'l. Raitli- of 1 laltun. Hi , Mnr PliUtt* viclorYi Sheridan lUtdliraivOidd Harbor. May ’.I. Knjcuauon of Al|i»l0on« I1***- Juno I. Hattlo or Cobl Harbor, .limn tf. Jf. Batik* of l>i!*iluiiml V* Inin, iluninr attack* Lym ht*ur» I rvin*Al» into \V*;at vjr»;ln|«i Him* k, Army *.f th»- Puiomar «iioi*i*oii t\ »*utb dd* *>f Ja»*a lilvnf. lun*- IS-IV A.-vaulP* on P.AvraMi**; Vaiiib fnr'** btalng 10.»W m«u ir. T<*ur da>* Jna* !«-« ConfeOomtM yr1yat**r Alabama” »una by ttkn I ntti'J ??iat»* (UiUJi i r*‘ «; sar**." ctt i'IutIiouh. I mr»n* Jun* Ik I|. • -i attack* lioMHir al K**»n*aaa *uid tail*. Jon* ii. EmaiK-ipatbii* Ani«»*lni*at -..l-atMinl |t> t&- $at» by C onrn. Junv *2 HutVr octttfU* i»**c Ml*«. t*a aillaa W«lo« Rlcnnioad, Aina XS. Maryland abuli«li«*. iVn*»|, J»l»* Jl* Bronte* «f ra^Maa aad McPW/aua at fcaaiwa. JaM f? Fuamr* Slav* la* af tf» w*M bt Ontfmi Jtaf 21 Earb bt«laa b • raid lata 1'ariund. V*Uw* drfralnl by KaitY at l’r*4ati.k. Md.. Jutf *. RuMna'* raid mlu 4latam* Jaly lu Early** i-r.nr« artnf «tlMa *U aai** of Wiubluaton. July U. Gaid Kl in* blkbaat prrminm in .ni per rtiui. Jul.* If. Grtvlry a O-a-MUfbaM allb Conf*d« •ran*, at Niagara. Jwl* Ik Hafil*' around Allmm* Irtiwwn fof*a urid/*r llnod Cou<*df-At** and under Shrrnmn; t'nlun, July Ct:asnix>taburit Pa . burnrd b? t)*nnral Stuart juiv Us Enploiiiun «f u mini- umli-f i*(mf<-J»rAle worka. Ihilij»l»uri|, Jwl* io. Ffirtiocnt cnpHlfnti M'thjm, Au«. J. Great naval vjttory. uncLr Kurrimul, ul Mobile. Ala., Alla. i> Atltiniii ovnrimcnl uml ot.ouplflil hy tlli"r- Hi'til, li*-I. i'1 - of i:.i i IV. lo- •• lir ll .In li lo "limi pi. Hi-d kmoinUm •|t Pilot Hunt. fiy. by aniloiUi. Sv'pi I1' ~i trim uhofliihliu TH Ir trim lb i \m*-mWmmi imii*«v<1 forrvijr alrtvi-vr. oVfti'Uiitvd ny iMnottiutJ. Sept. 27. fH'aUi *if Cniaf-JuaUd" Uoa*r H*' ‘"kw Tamry tli't. I:'. OverarliPlmtua drli^t pf Frtrly «s/ Praakfia Tma . br«a*«« Hood and Tk»u«. N.?y SL xiatil* nt NaaVivtH*-. r Gap, 7Ti »* tCAT* m«. rvr. tt lit He* and Prirtv attack ISrt fbUi S. C 4^•J fa I l*n fedsralp.*. Fob. 17 Itn tM^'upavlon by union i\»rr*-«'. Fvb, ih Ri--inauguration of Prualdont l.lnrwl.v Marrb i. Coiifiilfirato Concriu* udjourn* for tkn lam iitno, Man-b IH. DoamviioUnt.riil durlm: niRhi of April 2. Flij'lu of liftviM from Ufohuioud ApfU -Richmond uml Potui*burK odcuplnd by Union fori.TH. April :i. Soltmi Ain., uiplurud with lara" uloriut, April r*. D.ittlo of Sitllnru* Crc‘l<: i1i*fna< of Mwiill nnd Cmrthi I.«mi. April 0. Grant dvmumlti tlm iniitflidor of tin* Southern nriny, April 7. I.i'o purrendora to I1 S. Gruiil ;%i Appomattox Court Hour*’, V*„ April I*. Mo hilts vvaj-u«l«rl by On* ronivnli r*|i< ■ April 10, Mutit«r,iuory. Abu, fiiri-mli'ra to Wll »n. April >J. President i**ar« nrdirt tn n»«*p .|mlt is* aad fnrthvr imtrbu* af war r*a-trrtal. ApiG II. Prt*#4»f<-ni Llr.ro In aaaAkiinc'-I, tn jVaakiafft >o, br Mllaaa |P«M»t««l aaaaaalnatk^i vf lix«rard April IL Pr«au» Ml«uatpvi A ray. U>llk>a.‘' Mar it llt**4 rv'laa >• (I M*J Oaa. f**r.;niand. May S. Ara».r«<» Pe- ^lusatt- & ct Pr*«ldaHt na.in. aim f*-.n«a dtffcr«st u-/*VM: H*. May * tt*-nt»a *WUr*a tiavcry Mbchshr4. *ml. iw.«^vr 4, # »*fi|:iar> .‘•^•■nl ..mrlallc d^larai **Vi2 l^L‘r’,W"r^ HirvucUittt thi> r. Ml.*t..iivi nnliiM •arcminii yrdtaanc*. Auat Alalumu d«- tnmi nrdmaan* of sUi, nml Mrs fchrrnll. July 7. lH'ii' l Indljin Chlnfn ulgn treaty ot Io.t-ntiy, h.-j.l 14. lixurmion of Cnpi. Wlrx, tin Amloreon. villi* prl«on oominandaut. Nov. 10-IHiitl Oonfh of inn in, Cho«',>, Jab. IE, ‘'nHHBito *>r tin FitPilman'ii nuri;au Hill "V"f Hoi Prrmdnot'n YOln, F**b. i'l). I’liNl'Irol'M iirorlatnotlon ilnrihiria/ 'he lUMilmi initi rnibid Fn>nth of iL'ni’nil Wit bold Si:ou, May 29. K*iltttfi» UivAdk Cuttudu Junv l. Fourt**i*rlh Amomlrm ul t.n.upd tile Sen* •l»i. Juno ^ Ba*««a*ft*l laying of Iba Atlanll* Cable. Jblf *7. Maa*4cr*« m Ortmna. Joly si. l>?7 Ni'briiMha admitu-d a> tb« rlurry *-viiitn Mata, T«uu»- of Offlw hilt paaand. Jur* t Cwidaoatloa and Amowat> MU passed. Jan. t. Puii'hami of AUiaa. lor f73W.‘<" Marrb X, Jfttar^n t»*Tt* aiftniflod to bail tn lbc •mil *4 |W,(»w M»> 12. 3* 1'|||»TT. Slat*- <.*ixanu^2 11 mthtary dWUMa. Jan. tl- » l«v tnaJ *bJ t^qniil ;» Pr*-*iit-a| Jtbiwa. Ti„au. - r KH <> nttai*. trr> Ci-va tr»p-N*r and caxd». May 23 r>mib I.f Hm Maan )ua» I IWih -f Marib*. t'aaaau- Jua» 22; bo d ti'.r* ♦.*»••' Prt etMltvromt < Alur-Mus C tain it rtuuor* lb* ;**im/a; .n-tohilny «4 thr RoUtfcata »ii.lr. fta*atnet|nn >‘f PrraiJrot Grant. Grrnl JIfii it i* itru: lias about I7> »n.-«V, Not. » O-aii. tjf llnrcv flf-^t-7. gfor 23. i>*at! of riaiur^-i F. Vsw m«ntsr cf ih* »U*1>W *«{rcTaib Vvftba»-»<*T* bcHindnrV .jwntian ^.S-i by tb* Kaipaf.* af lirrnasy. af Jar.*. G.-rtlap !h«a-rt. Jvc- L Kf*ix-t>! itrTafboa* tb»i Untbd Stats*. S,.i.i..sal lir^am of*aaiz«l Ireaib af natiaxn II. 3PL M4 Trlnl mid 1'uHVb1 lion of William M-1W, SI , timittri' of thr *•V|r^tlnlA^,*, and execa-tnrn nf a nuiul*«l nf hrr jia«afen|'ei^r bv ih*i K|.ameh pothnruine In Cuba. * SurrMiirlnt' of Ilia "VlrRlnlpa" to the UnlLd Htntio. by apaln. I>cc. IS. ]>a|h af Louis AkuiwJx. Oeo. 14, 1*74 Wotmm'h Ti'mi»fr«J>ro Ci*u«acl»*. Vlall *il Kaliilui'in. l\l«« nf Hawaii. Cmnpi'onll-i) Cun.im y HIM nhtmxl by ihe Pri'-iiiidiif, limilh of Churh.i Sumner; .March IL Gri«t'iiliop|n*r raid . In llto NortbVveat. Ainlm iiiii, or rin»fl**y Kw»;. July L A n.i' oml lui'K.i On; (n ChJiiiKrt, July H-Pri-aldi'lHbil olid Inn rt’fiul diiiplitPd, NpviMiiKr T. IBtfi l*»aanpi* or tJu> Art Tor Mir R*=i*umptjoil of Hp^ '*' PavniAftid in lS7kP t/Olul'adn udmHitd Inin ihp I'utnn, Marob i. Cantirimlal ml^brutlnn art Lualnjrton, t'Oncnrd and Hunker HXII. l>**4*t|t i,r Ar.dmw John won July y. THAI or llnnry WarM ilM»bkr for adiil-tfiry Trial nf Prof, Gallic for tiKt—»v May i. Oiajti » John C Itrm kitbfid^r May 17 Military 1 ul** dltconiinar-j In tb= SoUth-*.ru 3tan*a. Hu*;-^ .M-* ol »br CallbvrtjU Hank. a=d taiiUr *J Praaldvni Kaktia bwik'd lUnry KlUntti. S*r. «. Oiaad rr*i*ala a»4** Mand? an-* 5*3-k**, Graaf lamdallna IB Tiraa. •VftAilX*FITVUMRNt XXII. IK* Ol*®lnr M i%* Catitrnnial KihlMllnn at l‘b.ul*i|.l.u. bUlf la, n •»»-»*. N.<*. hC7 a**t»n»* Utaraa Aiimrtu UNI CUmn Hi CsOi (•)■ RunrUMA <•> M WiifTaatar. Wu» -l—'r-utHr NulUnwa af lillara a«**lh iff inw-rf. Uixfe X I>*aUi at Alraaadrt T, Ami IA War vHfe «1 Caafrf am tu •**«-MA hr IS* P»aw» IHmm. Julv t Caer,vLnlub at Ii** plr>r i>nit tl«ndr«4 j*»fi at Amrrlnah IwImmMmck areat rajooifu thmtflfout tha l?n:i*d ((I 41 Ml Itil| «. CaacU Gur.p.u M fw py 3r* jhily • Tu«uaet ilftrtttrr* and X.mhSch) bank nnxr Arrw <>r W M. T»»-*4 At Vl«o, ftrtiD. :4a>:nril)> to mh Ih«t prat* of Preald.'fit f»UoM>ltt. >rfov. T. litirnlmr nf tli». Hr.wklyti ThMtHr, ZW ll Von loaf I It'i'. ft Firot (miMic*. t.»r limitation built. ot Waablngion. r*^nn.t I »•«*; 1. Tile Afcblnhtlla rallturtd liuiiW. Hit Ul. IA7T M«ilt. Mirth P IMMfl Ula>itt fiumln. P«ath «t Ouritolhw VttiHimltlH, Jun. 4 Urm» UiMlroad rluta lOAnl /mil SVkaI, .Inly ami Annual. 1078 Yftlh.w ffvi-i’ ■ I'liininii monc tho T«nwoi Mlaalnalppl. Mooting of til A Alabama Clalli.n I’.iiiiml* •Inn, Pelt. n Ffnlimw n tempt a anrond Intaaion nf ___ I n'ludn. May Tt l>*alh Of Robin (ult Owon, Juno 21, Thi CvlonC- Petrlfim olnnt tmmhii ti fit IJfiir» M. H in nil **5>lotaU<>e*. AtiRimt ftatutti nf ll.iiry .U,_ Mtaiilvr frnot Afrt <** .JPBBHHH lH*ih nf llrlaftahl Vuune. Aur. Panth nf ilUvor |*. \|»*« UH im. Jlrrjraat. Jaa* U> WaadinnriN T*u.ruia J»u. t-Iwtih nt HKh«r4 llron I»«»*•*. r*l«. J. Okii Cr* ai Rra*. Nn WaJ-'rhi‘a«A« Una MiarnMin. Alar a/» mn tit »ftrt a iii'wonnrai ««n atta nf Wm»iiitiflt)»*r» iiirii,|i|»«-'a, »>oih ll-ua*** fun* ir> Watitmpoui in itlaMTh illiia fAii«fla itriint Irnia «f jifntmctj nn»l llf«? iun«> lil. r)if.»iilr.iiii. «l.oinw t‘w#i uml **>at, .inly. Mfi*oi nro .\t i»*Mii*vtxni. OaK,, h*-iil an. >li »|j.iiKni‘. (>i‘l. «|, lo OvAI'ti of Zrtrb.ity nhnnillor. out Caluh (itiHhliiM ‘ll'’»- ul MartrM. ' K,\im|iiii" or iii. Ti-itin*' KV'tmilo Hwrwt /or*M tlmti III t‘..nUu:io Ngv Jef mt'v, Ajiz-ll ami W«f t*«iiuni ;fi .in |^>n« Ulattii «..uml rtMtrjr? ih« nfna/imtr ■SaM>.>;rtii*..*lt'* un4 "fttAhlnaKun' . I%.ii»i»!iiiitf |.-l.ruilt i. <>T ibi. t'tii'iur* of An’lf<> K^pt. 14. (Ur(l«>l<5 and Arfbm T»«nan«» fccpHfr* H-aa >at*4iAat«« a*»>.«*4 nt nut "f AM »lpii.fat *,**a *C-jt A Ittt rt^-^nl (Sllaa* »►*« raaitAl f*h A flina »*• >«ai fn»4lM Ml ^Mti4 Marvli f. ft^nmr c. caiM' miu (ft* Aretlr *»• (Hn tn atari* id IA* J*aan* ?.• •» r*wt* (f*a4* MV*a*4, Aaf X -tii» rf.«> hoiti al I Ail Im hm. J»* “n i Null! rv>%r «r : n #»:t jub t). jiiis v ntfiill imttnfalii M^li l l»* wfi# Unft^^U aN lUApiwr r«i*ift?t&s i,V Y ) i'nmu Sf« Turt ftai-loHimmp. Cv^TTwtMaT (fHM Wllti fh)M 1 !*•/ :■ l^i^liv LXXOOO (6f ••• I® fr'iiiuu* Ibty sffntF. nulirrri if GsfHvlll M iM«K J. ui luiMttkfiy rmll- « • w m u w *w * iv» .ii > ti'fwjl m r»i • • N. I I1 iiurtmi «it I.vt#vr9nu«1 T?V \ i>« |» t"V' tir Pr^il- H ••.ml i * ui iw*' Oct. M*._ Th<* <• I IWUL.I OiiII.mii Ulal bv«! ia >*»*rtt Mu«ob n A\T-irfb.nnirM bill !*#•»♦' Iw Uun%p Vh •?. t.tv-U U|» .»«*ifn)l iirr-tt..«*, * iCf 't*»iru<* ii m and >.•*•« *l lif* mn r» it«.iifcr» >t««» AHt*ri»jM« '’ar i.* .J| Nall.ia«l Ita^A i r» rHi.* -1 U»tf» Mat W. vis tali' M u»tn»«#l|, la- * AAlhOittMAw mil W* elim'd •trnrd hy f»r*iH(J^nl Antiiir r. HU' ! »b* f*«i |n(#H *.)*'*• rivrr '> aiir tJi» j--*— X .|I’|»BM1 Jill; I Itl.^f ll us itsrvri mn • »H# AHC Z |t«rnn» *1 ! tl»-c»»—Afftiiti JNar Haul* KUl * If wan. U» Itira I al tWyt IA VtaA C- mnH^Jii'i »^>aiuW' TT!i7,f,,4itIca Cxatl Rill {«<.. ihJ - - —•••»! manv mu 14 I* Ojfl Ipvltt firfors till Hmr i«n 4. rrAUUofUi Bill oiM] geu- NW»i*ii H«3»* ' • I* CTJ toU. iAfi ft Crtmt fiocd i« f>bK»Rt*«r. "M&a peapf#-kwaj^m rTV iVS. Tl>^- Tii AnKzt^-at trji ^in. U«*9bi Utrrt x. rtfUl„cf IL 2?lrr^»fs^ »r**l jUXtA I l*aat« or Prirr C*>p«rT. lcm « Ajtu « TycKm*- at &?a^re£snl tt If*.a h«A: UriiaJoc- m Iowa 0«rr«i4 April 2 UrvoAIra S>jap*t;Aiwa Fvttdlpfon It StwimiT of ibe Or*?ely r^u-if KxtHfJiU^n b>- Icf? Ui StnUti'- jUrttnd July SL TarnOi' t^hailo aI Itotrh^atrr, Mini., riHny Hv*a lust. .inc. 51, Nnrtbi-sm Paclfir Rallnind formaiK nwinr»l. Sept. %. Clrll Klghta Act ol SlarctJ I l«75, l*?- • lari.’d um!ori»ututlor.al b> t’. S. Hu-prrniK Caart. <>ot. 13. I3»>n. 8hii» tni\u wUpnulishes. eouUmuul of tbr nfiny. Nov. l 0<*n. Sheridan v.i|r- onudlnr. 'Pwo-cuat Intlur j.osiact* govs Into rP.'<-i Uirouuboui tho L'utr.ul Staton, On l Snrioiin riot at [mtivlllo, Va.. tuitwnnfj iin^poffn and white iiitlimrv. Nov Dakutu adopted .ronstUution iifr.timi .^iuUjwi Oiikf»fa intn a Suio. Nov. (i. JVufivaln Id honor of tftp 400*h riunl-W'tHary of Luf.hnr'.1* birth ov. )MI. 4At.lt CungrpHs r>ncanlj<4. IffiH Houiwi i i-pf-aJa tae IrvD-clisd QttUi Taw lan. Zi - nudtiiaiioiialiiy <a*f*-«r of MorT->.B TjtrifJ t»Ui Mar t Cnn^rr- *rrr^rriates a .••• *>• for Xrw C*Tr«aua May 4. jmuu is Wail srmt Falfaif* al rtmsT and War£ asA prt»Ff* «*? *•** Raliaf wrt<» aar»tror» cf Ih- Rrwt> Arrtlr r*>«d>Unt. at Cai» J-oi**- Prwtrni rwts^s :b€ F:ts ;ojib Pcrt«r ULU July X Car9tf-9tro* ~C tfc» ftanft-'ill Siator al L^twriF laid. A nr. « Tbo g^nsral TSEalnnl In ti?* »Jartioe af Gtv.t»t Cki^MtL «ti.» raf-n-Hi 3U Sisirt *rrtmBS UA *.r-t,,r»i Iute» .\*atx±L iSl frr 4aa« G Rla’Orf t. - Of'*''1’- ^ th*- t»»l C«nETH*»T Twc t. ISST. Gnn-r Tfc-rtland tha NVar Y >fV **Y*rooi"ab«v Jjiq S. P^llf atbnj or tbr WAabSStftj*! tacnu • jntnl. thtf. iJkUfJii «truirnn. luif.wn. SM fpftt, F"t*- 21. »|<\:arsitAon oT AirHaaall. > A., by Foitwl 3laf»‘t troow. lnnuiftttisUiiu »f Grovrr »Uni1 an Prssht’.nt, Mb^i'ix t. Nfi* Or)ran» F-rfW-lttOD ..tuft'd Ooc- l‘i Tivaty with Colombian Govntitnrijl. mrnYidim: « J«»Pt prot^c.i;or*i»i -i • r tb. luthtoiis, Muy n. Tlf Rovjlwl Old Te«ta«ji,int an.l roit>' j.-lotp nililC (mblliiheil. Mo> la. Ik nth of G«K t? s. Grunt, ai Mt. Me-UtVKor N. Y.. agoii «. July 211. Crnnt rnnmoKiaT wrvii'^s Md :i< W.Mit-inlnst«r Abbey. London. Aue I U.'otto of Vieo-Pr.'sldi'nr T. A. Hen-dtlnlcs, ngt'd t>i>. Nov. 1«S0 Tft< I’rwiikMiOal Eticccaslon net fl>pii'd Jan. IA. . Oontrnvorsy li«t^evn Uu- S*nn|r and PrrUdnnt ->vor roujum* fur ri'miT-'int: t.ubllrr otB'r^ro. Jan. 35 4nn CMnamctj artv*-n front W, T^r.. by a mob. Fab. 9-I>«»fij of timitral WinfirM S«-ott tfnn* VIK’V'. agv-d Cl- »{'- it. Olalr rld'i-ational £1111 tbe 8fu* ltl VIjit. ^ a,. mi'. Mr trrm tod oanntnrd roina«r nf tilwr Aprtl t Chj/ar •• Anarchist riot, < pollca IuUcO tod «l »uan«J^l. ilxr_A- „ An**cbl»#* t*di-tl»« at WWtt, W7*?;,,17* PrniHrn' CVr-rrUnd aarrlrd to >Ua» Fr«>or* Poults- Jns*uT OJe-riaarr*r.n- ir.U ptssa tfc* SeBMn. Tariff btU Ctf^t.U. Jasa 17. lloaan f mnrfrf. Au<- ^ •'artt-uina* f I'BarWron ?- <1 '»•* lUr-^la* S3 ^t vK' worth of uropor.y arHl •'.* h^rat- AT5-Hurrrovlf f of ► J* ^pn.'hf iw. „ . 1S87 UWvfStato OomiOflTCT Wll nlRnni. Fob. l. I luti-o* dor.vftl ' tb- r>-4i«nrt8lH r«ih}1.’ir |'o,^lon lllll F- ti 84. IMlmofti i:*l»llatl..ti bill raaaed. March J. lllll ro rmlm-tn rrnd.’ dollur* p.m-*-,i»* Mnn-b if». , , Intur-Sfaio t'omjut^i'fe .-ummlMlon t-P-HblnlOil, Muron 2?. Uorjnon wnvoa.tiuii at >-iit Lo‘ »> '• nv adopt n Constitution July 1-Dnfvat of tbt- So.-tcb rnt;or rmallii by th. At:i-rir*ti VoJuntW In race fot Atni tica ei'V. ' 8^ft. T7 nRfl Pteajdeiit rrn-t Mr*- Clp.’flnud Ifitvr Varhlnfiion for ■ Wlftrrt lrl£- k Mornnto i i.armtlon ««f nyiyiAH^ft tiUon r .air«* for admlaalai. * f Vt»h M . gut* tyt S. tra.ttaJ &Mt*9 Saittrmr r..art |a lnt**rf*^ *Hb itr *udlr« ^ * •• o..*3 -ll»ra onrr ih* rnrr i Ta* wll. April x °2fW ,,f c"h*«H Jarih- Nwruun u. >\a»t» arod 73 y»ara. Man ft a nJiicaU %f Lah«i «Atw«l 4.» C4u »#«t> April t«. U«Qr <»loa al 8 VJidi Ama. Aprtl Wat* in* W, |%l|r* llliaMt v«tn laMnl bt Ui fiMUtiii aa I'Mtf Jut-IWi AprU J*j /aaBnaMl Wy th* X»rau futy » Oitiina* Treaty raiift*<| b) l». tf. Sana’.r. Mar 7, Ex^uWiia i.f murdaivft hy ^fkltr t*H.. Jan I. 1 i*i$4 mi.... X Y fVn-uty flay A. Vr thv Coiartioi, Iub« t Tin' »‘!r«id«n. .|i|in>*n. iir Mil t*i malt* a «• .“f*rrn.'r nt AmHinaii diaUa ai Waahingtan tn l*a-i \(«* K l.imit. Gnn. PhOtp ll llbnrtdab MiB-flruir* n.i4< .ati. «™Mtit anttHii «i 151 Ur.tila rftnnfttitui»* |vfi*Nidt now U».i, or rtirtv hlH'oiiflvr Ik*. I i^Htilunt Wllhltt Uu- l‘. J*. find niny di'imri ilturrifioill. and who may noi linvo I’tintrpvd l»v foru tlio luiiiHiiti. of iltli «'* l.o i.'tnrf to. "r ti'inant in tin- \ :■ i)nt I ItH.Wh '»t l'Ui|M-ml I'lllllp II. ‘hovldrtit. uin-1 r.7 r«n, A\i*wnl 'K ,Mi»J»r tl.-n Joint M MilmHtdd *|ipolnU»d to llio oomilll'ltll of I III* •tuny AUK'frt It, l.i. ri D(niati« fiij.ii* tba Il'ta1\fri-a .r*i>»j AOfuat 71. Pir»l Uif f I* Aaonln r* ^rtum-r»d)ti*> u|ilar«n1 pow«ra ondnr tbn Ur'allBllMM Bit, Allgoai Flivvl- H| VitaimW Oa,. daiitrur^l II.-••||1(»V. Wnrlli of pr+fl+rt? 'tr.til 17 inn trvifitldUnft wjmn^ «*f Cninn»>i lu-i^rara *ppniit*4. ®-pt W. »rfiln»AV*:r a»n-*t Unif;b-.l 12 M l*l.lra*»j fu^rd oi Tr*»l* •W'i a. . V, A Kdfi.iu. Caafl »aii*l»a Ih* f«a* kiitaii.^Aiuv of !!*♦ l-wa "Prwhlmtary t-»w •* CM ru TA* tlar > ••***' •*••• * t»oi* I t^»d IU- a altu ffMt IM4« rullb «Vl. !t Lord *>a brill* **•»« Rrtttah Miaut*r. 4l.» ia*#4 I* (ha rr*ai4-.|- Wi. 'e Manual Kh-U-tq <-tr Pr*a*dr»t thr Jv-iriMti*a •anf>4aJ«'-, »l«y|*d- Nr»*. C ttarikt t nt“ l*t«r bwUrtto i«i. t««al Mawr al «Mika tl* a*d at raa-a 4.5M, ai #a*Aaan«Ul» Fta. Um t* I?, d. matt-nf «ar Oai*na aad Tautfr* aattiri f«f ||a • ti M d~matr»J rr)caa* &t tt* Hainan fMJiMati' |W |J |C« (»*««• dais Ot PaantfTliaaw, om* M«aa tuai a* niot-ar^i «n4 Raadtac. Jan f. MUrara HuapfHWAtm Hilda- bl-rwo di.iniu proi'.lafnaUioi la*u«"l. May 37. r Jp.'ii|iifl bt tbo OUlaimilla. OUfltl>. April W. tTontonntAl of Wnahfntitlon a limtlitui’A-tlon. April lo Min (lor of Dr. I >01111; III Cliu’itifi), JVt II y 4. Uo.rrtnniini l.v iJooo of j..tiii»iiiwij Ph.: n.tioit to lft,dOt) nv..* lonii >»vor ifctft worth of yropofiy ijratrnvod. MmV III .T\|il«if I1 •' Ti'fnr lo-t l.v I >• M n ,■•inti S'.inl* ijonjodlrti! luillll'o i'hdd. Aug 14. tiiiiiriii.iio.ini Mmlim roftun.M- ii..-. i. oi WftajiiuM'on. Or! 10 Nnrr.1t and Homlt MAkftU aflutllUid by pt»nlrtinrtl|i|ft Nnv, 'J Triu I .f r toft In niMO’ita W«n ^n-* If), *n4r.i ft.. I* ..'»ii«)illn Atnlivao and ntithn found AUtlty. niift nv^Nrd llfrt artttmi.iH Kiiim*. IfujH-iiM.itiiJvnt •i.rM roar* Urntta found tnd leullty. I ia* i Id J. Miawar apj.-mini a ft»uno«J-T.'utm Inane#, Hfc. a n~4t.ll i.f Jaffntaoft Oattr, lai« Prratd-nr af tha C«arM-r*o. K««ta* l*fw 4 too AnHdtUmaai ..I *i-«iaJ WmM a Fair Co*nnTtl»*^> Jan. i* La (lrlbb* v laflti-aia rrr»ata-»t thmuahguf tAa Koftbarv aad Waaiura Daaik f Om f'moA. at t7b^a#r Vartfi VA A»e a|.prnrt*d nvftAHl tor *S»e WwH'i r.damlAa* )Ca»^>t*«a, af (ll>H* A^rll X. ^ UiAih rJ dm. Ffrwnot. at >ow T». »\ Tb« Mflkhf untr Nil lak*- aflarl. • fJ't.1 it • *' . Ganrral aWfi-'O: om »tm»- *1 Nn,r*-aniuill "• l>l*ai-TafK-. Nor 4. Tb* *1 tk CxItCraaa fVM*Cra. F*tt. k intitaa liuli and aarnt idh** ladlaaa »lllr.| Ort'l I tttaMilftf Mrwfc Aa«^-'/. pnc. Ill Uattl* Of wiinn.tiHt KntK1 b-twrwn ihn .ih raralry and lioailla Indiana f>or-, -fc*. mi IVi'th ..f Gonrfo- llilftrrofl, ivlnti.rtAn at U‘A*ltllixlon, .fan. 17. , , . Huitni i.f win- SVlnddtn ot o bantjunl Ift Nn > V"fK ln« Inlitrnatlonal Mnftrlary OonifTi'N* mot ut Wnbhinei.oi>. Jan. 7, ApiilUtAilim mifflro Uh r 8»n>ww" ifnuri frtr u prohH>lt|Dn f.o 111* 1' H. hlbtri.it I onrl till Mu dc' ir.l'oi hi tho lirlirltt|i ib-M dU_lP*itll.y hv Oauioil.in M.prfthimintlvvM. Jan. 12. (4h.it-. Indlrtii war ondod by anbmUMlon „f Mto lfoaflli'r Jan ir. Utifiprowltv if^aly with Om/n on* r'l'.tib' of1 Adm'ltMl HavI.I r> porfar. at pSrT?R».r'W T. .< l‘>h M Chftftrt W OhUp, wrr* lart- e^f in- TrfHWiin- *Vti. 21. rf IMIam fit IH# V 9- iviji> iUih'fiiH *< \'r y.m** f^ 4*** rnA* U*rrh IL At f 11 ItAiUtu M .Hrw OfUw. WAwraawa «**wal IWt> aaila. ii \v>n all ^ ih— iMhAl. Utafat^. Ran* P*r*. Mtfdl St ri. ..imvrurT H th- ?"ar.4ia» »•< th* Oraad AnwTif tha Ha mactl. KAw Tnrk Cny. April tS i*?l Ct.ir^., fhjvcxasstrit if'w tn pnura »b» A.-Jm-JD Mmfaco. Ii. W a lair. Pen IWrrtha!4 Lsa*r\*ti:-n. .V IX, c-pceod aattUmt-ol. Hay SA. P* «i .itfaSac T.rnrolq uavrUe4 al UlKiln Tiri. rh,rx<>. li*T Breav- .!*»♦ of G*nc=sJ Grant ai G«-IBEa 111 , UAV«»|*d Jue« X 7^* »-*ar »f RaM prvrau StasM I nSraraity aitr a <- cij>lhl Kfn co.c*r?-;«a ai WaahVsitQa. Jane rs. .Cotnn^rriuJ tffSAUr with Spain alim«-f, June- 2& 'franaf^r of tlie Weather Bureau tn ilia Affrh unnru.1 IXfparuneQt. June > IV.’.Vfti) ac,:*T)tf<3 fr*jDi the Itat* for % U’U- • I'.n .f Ut« L tL SartKaUon hk.n.4. Jlliy. l.»*o; lllnd against tbo ajTi.?* ami uuiun:nt. tlftu ott ibt Ttata. at Sati Jttrsft. Jaly ».I. Statuo of ritonfwall Inok&oo ufttnlltsl ul I/oilntston. V*a.. July 11 SnioVrlfii ;iow Tito ■.MnJosUtf" breaks, tin* o-.utni r»*«j* nnt. lllll*- bfliiK 5d. ISb. Mu.. Au* U. Chvr.jk.T rttrli* in Indian Ti*rrll«uy olovwl to whit**. Atlg, 13. Uu In Iiiuiiinc uxpfOinK’tit III .Mldi.tud, Tox it •' Au/t It*. Tho 1 Tobtuttlo" breabfc tho t.ranw-Atlnn-m«. r.vord of thi? ”Ma]esllo(" Hint? t»«l, Mb. aim.. A lit. 19. Indian land? ot Oklahoma optmod Svpl :at Dodlrntlon of IV.pe L*■<> XIU. Jiuuur. pr«-iiiad to iii»- Catholic University at Wnehfiifftcm Sen:, i* L*iland SGuifotd. Jr., TStfvaraliy ai Pals-Alto. CaL. opened. Oct. I.-iKWtrtan atatua of General Gram at uroln Part Ctarami impelled. Ort Kijm 12 t!omtn«r.*ial treaty wit I* Gencany non--’u-Ar-.1. «tct. aL g^tabdha atd Anpaftor l-4iaci aril «n* mlinaa a. rrt ot laad ro thr Go> tb-mrni u Si oat* as rrr. Od. I* U .S. Oov«EHi*^t -icQi»r.d.' n^ariftflb frc-si C!uU tur Bssiilll oa ti* sl. Jar. 5. T.Tttblr Mis* ri’OaabO at MrM«t»t, Ind Ter., ncariy It** Uvsc !«•<. Jan. T. SKttUfy Bia to. Dotifles f.rrnr»n rour-tr»ra ->f retaliatory fflcasata* a* le-qu.rad by the TarJB L&ar, Jan. $-St-r-ifll tc» Coc^rss frctn thr PrMltli'ni. rccommfcciinc Siuis:laJ aid in tb** World’* Ctilambian RattU.tll^ai. Frb. :4 Tttr Prrstdt-m atituaita t.'orrwpooilrn^ r allh Eturhcod to 'Cnngmva, rrcarotnr IU Mtir.u St-Ji fr.ntr.ivfrsy, March X S^-Cttngrtfssiuuu) W. IL Mor.bon erloci^d a?. PrrKid-nt td ibe Inler-Ftat.. Com* moron Cdmm^saidh. uioff Judgi) Coulry. ruatan^d, March St. Pro!- t>Uv«tr colmvrt dobato In CchgrQHA, 'Imi'li r-M. Kranch Kxtradlt-on Trocuy sl«nod, March £5. Tlf) dllV'Ji' bill shelved, March 28. Thr Frro Wool bill paafeod. April 7. Plplnlbiitli' IntorflQvtrae with Italy ro-itowoil, April 14: L-*lii» ton lUaenatlon P- !»,, . ..poni ordered to Pehrlng B6U, All'll >IL CimyrlRltl Acrcciw-E Gtar- mrnamrnl . Timer etnae. Saw Toris Citr April T,. Chimiae H»i-tnMro bill sicced. May s. Tvrrit^o la Qsr Mlwlaavpl Val* •ay. Mar *45. WysnJiir s?potnt= ar.iom ta Sarlisaal RrmWraa Coa-rcUra. Ma* 7. T>* AllJOT PITTT 3 nr* rur- rawrr. *-Tk* Pcrpr aporovrs ArchhtaX^p IretanA a r-Ja- »:• nA poterr. May 14 Aaaaetalioa of Amrricm ntllf hrfwird Hay 17. Ip»-»pr*cj<7 wuh Goalrmala «*^a »ta rS»ct. \i*r M Jar-r* G Klator « Secrrioj c*f Stair. Jotv? i. R-pUbftras Nx^otual OtzttnCcn hoM Jxt&° 7. iWniiiuiH }?*rr.wo) aaJ Wfc«p« take pORBesslOti of HotftMt’-nd Pa.. July Ifl. Bill fo clone the World’s Fair ou Sun-diiy pdsscn both House*. July 14. Greiil Btorms In Minnesota. July HO. Tho Proaidont projclalmli Oct. 12 a . ttonal holiday. July 21. H. <' Fiid:. chairman Carnegie htnol Co.. #hol by n.Tkmari. July Ti. Ooorgo Slilra.« conflrmeil by thr Sonat** ih Ae?o<'ialo Justice V S JJupron)-Ciuirt luly 2*1 Inman Steamer City of Paris breaks th* Ocean Record. r,*i. lT.b f»m., July •'7. Central I^ibor Volon r.'Jeots anarchistic roi*o)ntions. July 3>>. Coanrrra* approprtaies I2.-VO ftOO to tha W'.rld'B F.iir. Aug. 5. ChJoftne sailort for bidden employto Mil «n Arrsrirjvn ?hlj-e. Aug. S IntertuiLtton*! Moor'ar? representative* ap(M>lnrrd by thr Praaldrat. Aa«. •. TrouMr aa»oa« f^»t Tennraara mtaara. BiUdroad -sriite •>/ ETrtU>m«ti al Buf-faL* (tni d**»trwcth'B ol |iwf»rty, Aug. ix Th* pMtet* peocUlma retaliatlas sjraisrl Cttab on cana*« A.if 20. Vaivy Ha-Vs yaii: breaks fir trrtUnr nwr«1 t#*M. Ajg. SX CWih oi G*0Tjfv WUPam Otftla. aatUr and >stir-i=.;iiT. Aag- TL Cbtikn hrr3«*:bt to N*-w Y---a Cm hr JtamlHns f*£4t£Z-7 Moart»ria Aac31. >>latr» trxi* tlie eralJlnti re«r«L XlJAi Awt 5X Na- ixx (Xath Mt i (j. iVfitmat Met, 7, S'aar? Ilaati seal* tu*ak» lAa trXIJBg nrunl. OLOl g-i. m P«-«tal iinivc U th* Cbi**co Carrt*y» a«f. (kt I brAUau.'*, el tha World a Fair halt*-i»r» M CMtiev t>»t ft. PJra at 34ltir«VA«W iaOr-Ti tC build luga. atth ». -waa Km Aaarchtit MatwaiUMai A*4wul*4 a* Watd- AatiD r«oi*ury ma« Pht.aa Jfit*. X Octal airia* si ilaawlial Ta <*- 1 tat *4 Jf. Mo* lA ■UoiImiI Uwr» ataluna *i*»#4 al amAu», cat 1 no-, a Itaarth ot laj oaptlall»4 t»i : Hfr. AirGlynn rr«t.ii»*d aa A pn-al, !»»« Imcaraa* «u)4 tall* ittarr*.*tr>! ta Utah, t*!*. . i'f.^t. iirma* HfggttlOr.t .1 liarwai N«3. a..., Oraat Dootla in CAllflMtll*. ftof. s». Qaorga \V Vanderbilt glar. a . »il| »fl fallhry lo ih*' tSim A»tr goolety At SrW Volk, It*.- Jo ISM Draill ol a'l«*iia>ral llaniAlfllll P liutlrr, Jan, 11. Hi-n^tK paanaa tin IoimI P/oln »li. 11 1)111 lan. 11, f.Muth of r»• pi»*ft|ibiiil II. II. Hay**, Jan 17. il.iwi|iiAii I'roylulonel Guvrouinrnt pro-rliilini.il uti[.potiid by \U ’I mitlinrb tlrfl. Jan. 17, 11DMli nf Ji)l)t»>a I), tllaliK iilAHiain,ii), Jan. 117. lUlti'.lalt Wxlrmlllhip Troal) tu.iifirnwi. Fid. A. CunfllcI of rlvnl l.. «!i.liittii•. |p Kiiiiau* Frb, gl-IK. RAttk or Atnwrtian Ambaaaadut r*Ul»-llvtiud. March I. liiAiigtM'Athin of Pri»nld»in Cli'vohind. March l. Ih-hiInu >tvu arliliratbut upntinrt m Parlit. Frattm April t'J. Praal.tant t'levoland opwlta Wofld'a l air ai ctiiv-Air.i Mar t. I'kiaaaa F*.m»t.in A«i a**-* Ini;- -f* fact- >lay U Ilnyarttcr AiiftDid ttard.ifta Ctmrago au* ali huia. June 11 _ |Cttr« *• *aj‘ii> ol i'l nar.aa lallad June fmIt. at* Gnat ftre «t tfwMi Pali, SI Uiea Jalv IX {Wartaa ttaa arhifralnra award IA Uvt uf XaAUUIit. Aug. TU (liaaa Nwta oa Mrtft AllaaUa —*< Aag- R W-txa.lv laltfrad Aialdrat al Ktacahorr. II Xtltrd. 45 WM4MM6A. *«l. X i*bl>so lat at 1 a* Wan'* ra> I4MMT* ria *41 .VI y WarW a Psir «h»t*rt at Cht-ar». ta-i. Rifial M ihr lih*r panhaa* CUi AM «t t«t, I * -a — UH Kaa Vo?A Cwon at AtHiaal* 4*a«4»a itai f.>»*tHti itonwaiiMl eta? flvtd rral wa1. Hi N«i V.i.k Slat* Un. IX WUaoft TarlO ftlll a».« b-.oa Ta* Hun (h- Ifova*. fall \U . C. X t%‘«r«tit|. Krataarca. fam-uv *a Ul* .t.-*4n.)r» of Umi I’atlMlwlll' Alp Laata. ait- liMl Ml Roassdur ll-*f, F«h lirath ftf CW.-t|Ca W Child*' pnilaMhnj-H»t atul Uumatlal at llulad* Iphta. Prl> J, Grratrr Saw YotA bill *J«nrd h» tha Gorcmor Poll. ?%. Pt tldrni CKrtidanrt Val'ra thv UlaaA Mlvar bin. Marrfc an. Uaiirtnf rv>a itfor.laniall"n ta*uwd April PnronaimiUanallty '.t^tfta H..11U1 Caro )tim DiApniuary low d"' Itno April If l.Vi.v'tKi, otml inlnnv .oitnred tu atftko in Ohio; April w , ,, OftAvy a. »jniy invaditd WhaliiMgtott. 1'- Hr. I iiltio.«o'a Taliama. le In llrobklrft iifotr y.'d b.v nt.. May illi IV, 1 mi11 it 1 ui’’- t.iiriti.i lo he ut ihuii'oi Mi' I *•. AMtrlmii llnllwav Wtiiwd •*“**! mint i.Ur fiamMUjr KKOOO ntll-a ol t'uilfimd. Jtritr .f>. Al'ftiOC'piali’ flauda 4«.|iHii<".|, limn »!). p. S. i'oui't .idjfiilnw .irllmra Intin llit.'i fonitg nlllt raUnmd trainl»i5r 8. Uni lr»ad m'*1** d^-trny itroi^riy In ami t.cor Ct.lMAgu, July 1 Ik luilttad atriL. d.• furod oft. July 14 trtah t-InabUtig A-l "irii. d -lo»> 17. Amorlran niarin** Umliid at Maoul. Can*. Jwlr !?• _ „ ... . . Wort rMunn-fl al Pullman, UL. Aue. X llawaltaii Hr|f«h)h> rtOrlaitT wvgrtlr 1, A114- A wt f^.iunaa hma al Pall Ri»rr NM* tdl". Aitg. IX tlnit*rt Alai I* f»r«|»Ua th- BMYat-r-«nt r '* Xlraragaa •*»»•■ r ilia itoanOItu C*44t. AM ^ Srw Ttr-r brMMa • taw. aH>«al lh« Fi«at4aftf» a«aual«r*. Aa». JT. Eantuaaa* «Mta sreat haaa at Iff- al traUr. TViaa. ADA .____tl_ n«ti--rvtll> Ttaalr atth Cnha r rrwij. i.liloo of IWH^rrv tiry uf Cuba. Stay >1. Oi«inl llalil l>tarovrrta* of Kl..|i.lib. Jut* IA. ISCU V. H. Usilt I..iltt». M >lne divtrotrd by fa-Idnulontn I In v oil d ImrlM r, Pah. IA. lUdrpeiVdr.ni'i' of Cufto I'rcoutiUrd n.v r*.-Holutlou of i'miici*. fM, April luj and Pro-uldent^a prueloniMli.iti .’alllnir lor HIH.IWO rolunto^rn, April va. Contoto.loi'i. HrwAy destroyed Hj.iii.Uli it.toi in Monllo liny, Muy I. B(pnidniiti undrr Mohbf.v nnd Natnpnmi d.iMltiiyed HpunUlt Uc.>t. ttndcr L'orvm* KIT HaiUluao do C111111. July 3, Pour, j.rolxool MU»n..i|, uu.) I'rcihlont'a Kruolaminion liutuod ^iinpoiuUiig tumtill-om, Aujt. IV. tPi» nrwiiiuhiif -.r wnv for HUpjm.union of OK'tlni^dit i»i»‘l bin fullowoi'*! FUlidiio lUaurc/.'ittaluatlU'ulitU’d (rruern>un^uife* m«ut, I *’b 4 Pt-ni.oTiir.iiv• wltti hualn rntlllml by the U.g. gsitoi.-. F..I* o. IIXW ClVy ol (iMlverttoO. T* * . .loitfoi'rd by hur* rfr.uie, Kwpt A’. r*lK|lltr a|.|-l. Twellll. 1 ViiHiiauf I h. nUc population IM| tffialdml Wat. McUtnVey luaugi|iiM->t f«>r aroon.t t^riu, Mar. h, n»«aa«Uii.aMuSr alrtbr Vjcau. Mai'.■■ yMw mm