Q ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015973.85 THE AND • CAMPAIGN - SPEECHES- JamEvS G. Blaine, Welcome Home In which is a Full Discussion of the Questions of PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE And the Labor Problem. Fireside Series, No. 61. September, 1»88. Issued Monthly. $5.00 per year. Ei.tered at tli«- NVw York Post-office as second-class matter. Copyright by J. S. Ogilvie. J. S. OUIi.VIK, PUBLISHER, " Rose Street, New York ; 79 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. -i-' # A' ❖ ^ % -fi * -l' * * s-c sf: £ sjc sjj He >je iji jjc % •1 $ $c }jt sjc j>jc * Hi * * * ** He * ~W ♦"ife ♦* !*A" >;: s;s ik age $. sg( s|e $ s|c s|c sgs "i§? $THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE. BY JOHN COWAN, M. D. A Book Well Worth Possessing by Every Thoughtful Man and Woman. The " Science of a New Life " has received the highest testimonials and com* twenaations from leading medical and religious critics; has been heartily endorsed by all the heading philanthropists, and recommended to every well-wisher of the hurnan race. TO ALL WEO ABE MARRIED Or are contemplating marriage, it will give information worth HUNDREDS 05 DOLLARS, besides conferring a lasting benefit, not only upon them, but upon their children. Every thinking man and woman should study this work. Any f>erson desiring to know more about the book before purchasing it, may send to ua or our 16-page descriptive circular, giving full and complete table of contents. It will be sent free by mail to any address. The following is the table of con- tents. Marriage and its advantages; Age at which to Tnarry; The Law of choice; Love Analyzed; Qualities the Man Should Avoid in Choosing; Qualities the Woman Should Avoid in Choosing; The Anatomy and Physiology of Generation in Wo- men; The Anatomy and Physiology or Generation in Man; Amativeness—its Use and Abuse; The Prevention of Conception; The Law of Continence; Children —Their Desirability; The Law of Genius; The Conception of a New Life; The Physiology of Inter-Uterine Growth; Period of Gestative Influence; Pregnancy; —Its Signs and Duration; Disorders of Pregnancy; Confinement; Management of Mother and Child after Delivery; Period of Nursing Influence; Foeticide; Diseases Peculiar to Women; Diseases Peculiar to Men; Masturbation; Sterility; and Im- potence; Subjects of which More Might be Said; A Happy Married Life—How Secured. The book is a handsome 8Y0, and contains over 400 PAGES, with more than 100 ILLUSTRATIONS, and is sold at the following PRICES—ENGLISH CLOTH, BEVELED BOARDS, GILT SIDE AND BACK, $3.00; LEATHER, SPRINKLED EDGES, $3.50; HALF TURKEY MOROCCO, MARBLED EDGES, GILT BACK, $4.00. • Sent by mail, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of price. COMMENDATIONS. "In a careful examination of Dr. Cowan's SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE, I am prepared to give it my very cordial approval. It deserves to be in every family, and read and pondered, as closely relating to the highest moral and physical well' being of all its members.....'The essential remedy for these great evils is to be found in Dr. Cowan's work; therefore, may it be circulated far and wide." William Lloyd Garrison. " As it is easier to generate a race of healthy men and women than to regenerate the diseased and discordant humanity we now have, I heartily recommend the stud} of THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE to every father and mother in the land." Elizabeth Cady Stanton. "It seems to us to be one of the wisest, and purest, und most helpful of those Books which have been written in recent years, with the intention of,„ teaching Men and Women the Truths about their Bodies, which are of peculiar importance to the morals of Society.....No one can begin to imagine the misery that has come upon the human family solely through ignorance upon this subject." The Christian Union. If, after reading the above, you wish to get a copy of the book, send us the money by Post-oflice order or registered letter, and we will send it by return mail, Agents wanted to whom we offer liberal terms. Send to us at once for oil' confidential terms, and sta.e what territory you can work to advantage. Address all orders and applications for an agency to J. S. OGILYIE Publisher , J\ O. BOX 2767 ROSE STREET, SEW VORK.A 666 K FOR EVE ft Y AMERICAN AMD ¥H6SE WHO LOVE THEIR COUNTRY. -1-:--:-1- iiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiimimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii - OR- THE UFE #F DANIEL WEBSTER. By that most Popular of all American Authors, HORATIO ALGER, JR. Everyone should read this book and have their children read it. Price, in paper cover, 25 cents' bound in cloth, $1.00. Sold by all dealers or mailed on receipt of price by j. S. OGILVIE, Publisher, S7 Rose (St., New York; 79 Wabash Ave., Chicago*THE WELCOME HOME and Campaign Speeches ^ of James G. Blaine, In which is a Full Discussion of the Question of protection or free trade AND THE LABOR PROBLEM. Copyright 1888, by J. S. OatLvm. J. S. OGILVIE, PUBLISHER, 57 Rose Street, New York ; 79 Wabash Avenue, Chicago,THE FIRESIDE SERIES. UNIFORM IN STYLE AND PRICE WITH THIS BOO& 1. The Mohawks, by Miss M. E. Braddon. 2. Lady Val worth's Diamonds, by the Duchess. 8. A House Party, by Ouida. 4. At Bay, by Mrs. Alexander. 5. Adventures of an Old Maid, by Belle C. Greene. 6. Vice Versa, by F. Anstey. 7. In Prison and Out, by Hesba Stretton. 8. A Broken Heart, by author of " Dora Thorne." 9. A False Yow, by author of "Dora Thorne." 10. Nancy Hartshorn at Chautauqua, by Nancy Harts- 11. Beaton's Bargain, by Mrs. Alexander. (horn. Mrs. Hopkins on her Travels, by Mrs. Hopkins. 18. A Guilty River, by Wilkie Collins. 14. By Woman's Wit, by Mrs. Alexander. 15. "She," by H. Rider Haggard. 16. The Witch's Head, by H. Rider Haggard. 17. King Solomon's Mines, by H. Rider Haggard. 18. "Jess," by H. Rider Haggard. 19. The Merry Men, by R. L. Stevenson. 20. Miss Jones' Quilting, by Josiah Allen's Wife. 21. Secrets of Success, by J. W. Donovan. 22. Drops of Blo.od, by Lily Curry. 28. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 24. Dawn, by H. Rider Haggard. 25. "Me." A companion to "She." 26. East Lynne, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 27. Allan Quartermain, by H. Rider Haggard. 28. Brother Against Brother, by John R. Musick. 29. A Modern Circe, by the Duchess. 80 As in a Looking-Glass, by F. C. Philips. 81. Paradise Almost lost, by D. B. Shaw. 82. The Duchess, by the Duchess. 38. In Thraldom, by Leon Mead. 34. The Bad Bay and His Sister, by Benjamin Broadaxe. 35. A Tale of Three Lions, by H. Rider Haggard. 36. History of United States, by Emery E. Childs. 37. Mona's'Choice, by Mrs. Alexander. 88. One Traveler Returns, by David Christie Murray. 89. "Cell 13," by Edwin H. Trafton. 40. A Life Interest, by Mrs. Alexander. 41. Natural Law in the Spiritual World, by Prof. H. Drummond. 42. For his Brother's Sake, by the Author of "The Original Mr. Jacobs." This is a Double Number. Price, 50 cents. 43. A Woman's Face, by Florence Warden, Author of "House on the Marsh," etc. 378 pages. 44. Blunders of a Bashful Man, by Author of "A Bad Boy's Diary." 45. Ninety-Nine Recitations and Readings, First Series. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. A Young Vagabond, by Z. R. Bennett, Second Series. Third Series. Fourth Series. Fifth Series. Sixth Series. Seventh Series.THE WELCOME HOME AND CAMPAIGN SPEECHES OF JAMES G. BLAINE. ^ The Hon. James G. Blaine, one of the best known and ^ most popular American statesmen, arrived in New York, on Friday, August 10th, 1888, after an absence of about fourteen months in Europe, during which time he had ample opportunity of investigating and studying the re- lations of capital and labor, and the probable effects of protection and free trade in their relation to the American ^ people. The welcome home which was accorded him was