0 ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015Lk~" U NIVERS ITY OF ILLINOIS 578 ! B75tTREATISE ON THE MICROSCOP E, FORMING THE ARTICLE UNDER THAT HEAD IN THE SEVENTH EDITION OF THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITAIN NIC A. BY v/ SIR DAVID BREWSTER, K.G.H. LL.D. F.R.S. VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. EDINBURGH: ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, NORTH BRIDGE, BOOKSELLERS TO HER MAJESTY FOR SCOTLAND. MLCCCXXXVII. MEDINBURGH i Printed by Thomas Allan & Co* 265 High Street.-W S,1 STtr TO HENRY FOX TALBOT, Esq. F. R. S., See. &c. My Dear Sm, Having been requested to draw up a short and popular Treatise on the Microscope, for the Encyclopaedia Britannica, I have endeavoured to give an account of the most important modern improvements upon that valuable instrument, and of the most interesting observations which have been re- cently made with it. I could have wished to have enriched it with some account of the very curious discoveries which you have made with the Polarising Microscope, and which I had the advantage of see- ing when enjoying your hospitality at Lacock Abbey; but as these required to be illustrated with finely coloured drawings, I trust that you will speedily communicate them to the public in a ^ .^separate form. Y4 Qs V it In placing your name at the head of this little volume, I ex- press very imperfectly the-admiration which I feel for your scientific acquirements, and for the zeal with which you devote your fortune and talents to the noblest purposes to which they can be applied. I am, My Dear Sir, ■'< \ Ever most faithfully yours, D. BREW STEEL Allerly, Nov. 16, 1837. rCONTENTS. Page INTRODUCTION.........................................................................1 CHAPTER I. On Single Microscopes..........................................................................................3 Description ofMrPritchard's Single Microscope........................6 Description of Mr Ross' Single Microscope........................................8 Single Microscopes made of Precious Stones......................................13 Diamond Lenses...................................................................................................14 Sapphire Lenses.............................................................................................22 Garnet and Spinelle Ruby Lenses................................................................24 Single Fluid Microscopes......................................................25 Catadioptric Lenses.....................................................27 The Grooved Sphere........................................................................................28 Microscopes made of the Crystalline Lenses of small Fishes 31 Magnifying Power of Single Microscopes.......................ib. Spherical Aberration of Lenses of various media............................34 CHAPTER II. Description of Microscopic Doublets and Triplets 36 Wollaston's Periscopic Doublet......................................................................ib* Periscopic Sphere....................................................................38 Achromatic Periscopic Spheres...........................................41vi CONTENTS. Page Sir John HerschePs Doublet of no Aberration................................43 ----Periscopic Doublet..................................................45 ----Piano-Convex Doublet.....................................47 Wollaston's Doublet..................................................................................................48 Pritchard's Triplet......................................................................................................52 Single Achromatic Microscope........................................................................53 Single Reflecting Microscopes..........................................................................54 CHAPTER III. On Compound Microscopes.......................................................56 Compound Refracting Microscope.........................................57 Dr Goring's improvement on it.........................................62 Mr Coddington's improvement......................................................................63 Compound Achromatic Microscope..............................................................66 M. Selligues' Achromatic Microscope......................................................67 Mr Lister's improvement on it.................................................................69 Compound Achromatic Microscopes with Solid and Fluid Lenses...........................................................................................73 Pritchard's Compound Achromatic Microsope..................................77 Newton's Compound Reflecting Microscope......................................79 Mr Potter's improvement on it......................................................80 Amici's Reflecting Instrument.............................................82 Dr Goring's ditto...........................................................................84 Dr Smith's ditto............................................................................................................87 Sir David Brewster's ditto....................................................................................90 CHAPTER IV. On Polarising Microscopes.....................................................95 Single Polarising Microscope.........................................96CONTENTS. VII Page Compound Polarising Microscope................................. 99 Mr Nicol's Polarising Prism....................................... 100 Sir David Brewster's Polarising Rhomb........................ 301 CHAPTER Y. On Solar and Oxyhydrogen Microscopes................. 105 Common Solar Microscope.......................................... 106 Benjamin Martin's.................................................... 107 Achromatic Solar Microscope.................................... .. 110 Sir David Brewster's ditto ditto......................... ......... 112 Dr Goring's Solar Camera Microscope........................... 115 Oxyhydrogen Microscope............................................ 120 CHAPTER VI. Description of Micrometers for Microscopes......... 124 Wollaston's Micrometer.............................................721 CHAPTER VII. On the Illumination of Microscopic Objects.......... 135 "Wollaston's Method.................................................. 141 i Sir David Brewster's method...................................... 145 CHAPTER VIII. On the Monochromatic Illumination of Microsco- pic Objects..................................................... 154 Monochromatic Lamps.............................................. 155 Dr Goring's Objections to Monochromatic Illumination considered......................................................... 160VIII CONTENTS. Page CHAPTER IX. Ok the Preparation of the Object and the Eye for Microscopical Observations...................*.......... 163 Preparation of the Object........................................... ib. Preparation of the Eye.............................................. 165 CHAPTER X. On Test or Proof Objects for trying the Perfor- mance of Microscopes......................................... 169 Dr Goring introduces Test^Objects............................... 170 Mr Pritchard's test of them.............................T........... 171 On the Structure of the Lenses of Test-Objects.............. 176 CHAPTER XI. On Microscopic Objects............................................ 182 Dr Ehrenberg's Siliceous Infusoria............................... 183 Fibres and Teeth in the Crystalline Lenses of Fishes...... 185 List of Microscopic Objects........................................ 187 List of Prepared Objects sent to the British Museum by Dr E hrenberg.................................................... 192TREATISE OX THE MICROSCOPE. Microscope, from a small objectt and ffxorew, to see or examine, is the name of a well-known optical in- strument for examining and magnifying minute objects, or the minute parts of large ones. Dr Goring has, in his various ingenious works on the microscope, used the word engiscope, from syyvg, near, and cxcwrsw, to see ; but the old and venerable term is so associated with the history of op- tical discovery, and is so expressive of the application of the instrument, that we cannot consent to the proposed change. Single microscopes in the form of glass globes contain- ing water, were used by the ancients. Hemispheres of A2 TREATISE ON THE MICROSCOPE. glass, and afterwards lenses, were subsequently used, so that no person has pretended to claim the invention of the single microscope* The compound microscope, con- sisting of two lenses placed at a distance, so that the one next the eye magnifies the enlarged image of any object placed in front of the other, was invented by Zacharias 2ansz, or his father Hans Zansz, spectacle-makers at Mid- dleburg in Holland, about the year 1590. One of their microscopes, which they presented to Prince Maurice, was in the year 1617 in the possession of Cornelius Drebell of Alkmaar, who then resided in London as mathematician to King James VI. f There is probably no branch of practical science which has undergone such essential and rapid improvements as that which relates to the microscope. It has become quite- a new iju^umentmmodem times, and it promises to be the meansof disclosing the structure and laws of mat- ter, and of making as important discoveries in thse infi- nitely minute world, as the'tetesebpe'*lf&s done in that which is infinitely distant# ^SINGLE MICROSCOPES. s CHAPTER I. ON SINGLE MICROSCOPES. A single microscope is one in which only one convex teas A tfir it usedfbr magnifyingobjects. The object m n to be examinedisplaeecT before thelens A focus; and the rays which emerge from the lens after refraction by the eye C D are parallel, and therefore a distinct and enlarged image M N of the object n is formed oii the Fig. 1. jretina. The simplest form of the single microscope is when the lens is fitted into a rim of brass furnished with a handle, and the object being held iix the left hand and the lent life "dght, if omy be examined with great cor- recinessi If the convex lens is very miiute, and has a short focal length, such as from the 10th to the 100th of an inch, it cannot be conveniently used in the hand,4 TREATISE ON THE MICROSCOPE. and must therefore be placed in a firm microscope stand, having a shelf for holding the object, a screw or a rack and pinion for placing the object in the focus of the lens, and a lens or mirror, or both, for throwing light upon the object. In this form, however complex be its structure, it is still called a single microscope. A single microscope, in order to have all the perfection which art can give, must consist of a substance perfectly homogeneous, like a fluid without double refraction, or any variation of density. Its figure ought to be that of a plano- convex lens, whose convex surface is part of a hyperbo- loid, in order to correct completely the spherical aberration. Its surface should be perfectly smooth and highly polish- ed, so as not to disturb the perfection of vision; and the substance of which it is made should have the lowest dis- persive power. As it is a great object to obtain high mag- nifying powers with as little convexity as possible, and a large aperture, substances with high refractive and low dispersive ones are the most suitable for single lenses, such as diamond, or garnet9 which have no double refrac- tion when well crystallized ; or such as ruby, sapphire, to- paz, &c. which have double refraction. As fluor spar has the lowest dispersive power, it might be used with great advantage when high powers are not wanted, and when the diminution of colour is an object. $ Of all the substances we have named, fluids have pro*SINGLE MICROSCOPES* & perties best suited for single microscopes. They possess perfect homogeneity 5 their surfaces, when made into lenses, are perfectly smooth; and it is possible to mould minute drops of them into a form approaching to that of the hy- perboloid. Their defect, however, consists in their not having a high refractive power, in their want of durability, and the difficulty of forming sufficiently minute lenses for producing high magnifying powers. These defects, how- ever, especially the last, may be overcome by patience and experience; and in proof of this we may state, that we have succeeded in forming fluid lenses that were fully equal to the best sapphire lenses that have been executed. In the present state of this branch of science, it would be unprofitable to detail the methods of producing micro- scopic globules of glass, given by Dr Hooke, Father di Torre of Naples, Mr Butterfield, or Mr Sivright; be- cause when they are made after their methods, and in the most perfect manner which these methods will permit, they are of no value compared with lenses of glass when ground and polished to the same focal length.1 We shall therefore proceed to describe a single micro- scope when fitted up in the best form for observation. 1 These methods may be found by the following references :—■ Hooke's Micrographia; Di Torre', Phil. Trans. 1765, p. 246, 1766, p. 67 ; Butterfield, Phil. Trans. 1678 ; Sivright, Edin. Phil. Jour- nal, 1829, vol. i. p. 81.6 TREATISE ON THE MICROSCOPE. Description of a Single Microscope. The most essential part of this instrument is the lens or lenses, upon which the value of the microscope depends. The lenses are generally made of plate-glass, and should have focal distances varying from the ^th to the ^th of an inch. In order that the spherical aberration of these lenses may be the smallest possible, the radii of their two surfaces should beias 1to &; $ie surface whose radius is as 1, or the most convex side, must be turned towards the eye. The lenses, thus made, are then set in the centre or the lower surface of concave brass caps, a section of one of which is shown in Plate I. fig. 1. The best mode of fitting up the microscope is that con- trived by Mr Pritchard, which is represented in fig. 2, on a scale about one third of its real size. It is shown in an inclined position; but it may be used either in a vertical or a horizontal one, according to the convenience of the observer. The body of the instrument rests on a pillar b, supported by tl^ree leg»> shown at s, and is connected with it by the clip f being fixed by the pinching screw f Within the tube c there slides a tube h, connected by a screw which passes through it to the triangular tube or bar iy carrying the arm ij, into which is placed the brass cap J which carries the lens. This lens is adjusted to theSINGLE MICROSCOPES. 7 distinct vision of objects placed on the stage /, by sliding the tube h up or down, and a perfect adjustment is ob- tained by turning the milled head k. The stage I, which carries the objects, is fitted into the triangular box r at the extremity of the stem, by means of two pins, and can be removed at pleasure. The spring slider-holder, for holding the sliders in which the objects are placed, is fixed by a; bayonet-joint into the stage; and it may be used to hold stops or diaphragms for limiting the field of view. The tube above / represents an illuminator fixed to the slides-holder. Upon the tube c, two sockets rf, 0 slide with sufficient spring-and fruition to keep' them in their place. The socket d carries the reflector d, and the socket e carries the condensing lens, which is not inserted in the figure. A section of the stem rck is shown in fig. 3, in order to exhibit the mechanism by which the adjustment is ef- fected. Into the box r, screwed into the top of the stem, is fitted the triangular tube ii\ which carries the arm ij. In the lower end i of this triangular tube is a small block with a fine screw working in it, the stem of which turns along with the milled head &, to which it is fixed. The upper end of a spiral spring, shown in the figure, bears against the block f at the bottom of the triahgtto tube, while its lower end acts against a stop fixed within the sliding tube h. The method of managing, illuminating,8 TREATISE ON THE MICROSCOPE. and examining opaque objects with this microscope is the same as that used in the achromatic compound mU croscope, in the drawing of which it will be more dis- tinctly seen. The preceding instrument of Mr Pritchard's is intended for general purposes; but as the dissection of botanical and other objects is now a leading object with naturalists, we shall add an account of another microscope, construct- ed by Mr A, Ross, with much still, for Mr W. Valentine of Nottingham, the parts of which are given in consider- able detail. A perspective view of this microscope is shown in Plate II. fig. 4>. It is supported on a closing tripod, aaa, whose feet can be folded together, and are made of hard bell-metal, prevented from springing by edge bars, as seen on the left-hand foot. A firm pillar, which rises from the tripod, carries the stage a?, which is fixed on brackets, to give a steady support to the hands of the operator. A capi- tal, e9 fixed to the top of the tube by three screws, has in its axis a triangular hole, into which is fitted the triangu- lar tube f> the lower end of which passes through another similar triangular tube in the piece gg> fixed to the tube. This triangular tube is made to slide up and down by a fixed screw, i, which is wrought by a large milled head, o, which is most judiciously placed at the base of the pillar. At the top and bottom of the triangular tube, at g, andsingle microscopes* T 9 near r, are fitted two pieces, with triangular holes through them for receiving the triangular bell-metal bar ss9 which moves up and down in them. This bar carries the arm 10 with the lenses. It is moved up and down, so as to ad- just the lenses to distinct vision of the objects on the fixed stage, by the rack and pinion t, when a quick adjustment is required; but when a slow and nicer adjustment is want- ed, it is effected by the milled head o. A slit, uv, is made in the shaft of the pillar, to allow the neck of the small milled head t to move up and down; for when the screw is in action by the large milled head 0, the triangular tube and the bar move together. The triangular bar is per- forated at both ends, the upper perforation for receiving a conical pin, and the lower for admitting the adjusting screw to preserve the length of the bar. The piece w is removed from the side of the pillar, to show the bearings of the pinion ty which are attached to the triangular tube. The bar moves 1^ inch, and the tube 1J, so that #€ can command an elevation of 3 inches. At the ingenious suggestion of Mr Solly, the screw i, moved by the milled head 0, has fifty threads in an inch, and the milled head is graduated into 100 parts, for the purpose of measuring the thickness of any vessel or other object in the direction of the a^is of vision. For this purpose the upper surface of the body is brought into distinct vision; the division at which the in- dex or pin of the tripod stands is then observed; and the a 210 TREATISE ON THE MICROSCOPE. under surface being like manner brought into focus by turning the iniHed head d, the division is again observed. The number of divisions, which are each SOOOths of an inch, between these two numbers, will indicate, according to Mr Valentine, the spacethrough which thelens has pass- ed, which is the diameter of a vessel*1 In this microscope, different parts of an object may be brought into the field, either by moving the stage or the lens, a very important requisite in amicroscope^sed for the purposes ofdiscovery. With this view, the large stage x is formed of three plates, the lowest of which is fixed to the pillar by the ring 1; and,.to make it bear the weight of the hands, it rests upon the strong brackets 2, 2. The under side of this plate is shown in fig. 6; (the biiddle plate, fig. 7, contains two pair of dovetail slits, B, & and 4, 4, the widest orifice of each being on opposite sides of the plate. The dovetail pieces in 4, 4 screw into the up-* 1 This is not the case, as the refraction of tlie light issuing froni the lower side of the vessel dr object ier not considered. The right mode is, after living observed the upper surface of an object lying upon glass, remove the object, and observe the divisions when the surface of the glass is seen distinctly : the difference will be the true thickness. Mr Samuel Yarley is said to have constructed an instrument on this principle for measuring the thickness of foci of lenses; but unless he removed his lens after observing the first surface, his results must have been all erroneous.SINGLE MICRQSC0PE5. 11 per side of the upper plate, fig. 8, Plate III., the points of the screws being shown at 4 in that figure, while the dovetail pieced in 3, 3 are secured to the upper side of the under plate by the screws 3, 3, fig. 7. The plates are thus moved dia- gonally, and at right angles to one another, by the adjust- ing screws 7 and 8, fig. 8. Oneof-the screws, with its ball and milled head, is shown in fig. 9. In the adjusting screw 7, the ball is placed in spring couplings, and fastened to the under side of the upper plate. These screws are judi- ciously placed, one on each side of the pillar, that the hand may reach them easily and not intercept the light. By turning first one screw, and then the other,or both at once, any part of the object may be brought into the field. The arm for holding the lenses is shown at 10, in fig. I and fig. 10. A conical pin projects from underneath, and fits into a hole made down the triangular bar, as shown at 9, fig. 8. The lens will therefore have & circular movement in a horizontal plane, and it may be placed at any point in this plane by the action of the rack and pinion at 10. Hence the most complete adjustment can be obtained without any motion of the stage. The elevated stage for holding the objects is shown at II in fig. 4 and 8. A t6be,12, fig. U, screws into the up- per plate, and upon this fits the tube 11, carrymg the fin- ger spring, shown in fig. 4>. Objects of different thickness are thus kept down upon the plates by the pins sliding in12 TREATISE ON THE MICROSCOPE. the small pipes. An elevated stage is shown in fig. 12, for viewing the sides of objects without disturbing them. A condensing lens, fig. 13, slides into the sockets 5 or 6; and fig. 14# shows the pincers, to be applied in the same manner. The large reflector above a, fig. 8, may be removed, and any other illuminating apparatus substituted. That of Dr Wollaston is shown in fig. 15, at 19. The handles 18, 18 serve to move the lens up and down in the tube. The mode of attaching the body of a compound mi- croscope is shown in fig. 16* For this purpose the arm 10, fig. 4, is withdrawn, and the conical pin 20 is made to fit in the same hole in the triangular bar. Mr Valentine informs us, that with this instrument he can dissect under a lens ^th of an inch focus. Having recently had occasion to examine one of Mr Ross's microscopes, with achromatic object-glasses, we were surprised at the beauty and distinctness with which it exhibited the most difficult test-objects. We have never indeed seen any instrument superior to it* As the stand and apparatus now described maybe used along with all single microscopes, and also with what are called doublets and triplets, we shall now proceed to give an account of the various improvements which the single microscope has undergone.SINGLE microscopes. 13 Single Microscopes made of Precious Stones. The low refractive power of glass rendered it neces- sary, when high powers were wanted, to use lenses with very short foci, and consequently with very deep curves and very small diameters, so as to admit only a narrow pencil of light into the eye. Sir David Brewster was the first person who pointed out the value of using other materials for the construction of lenses; and he remarked, that no essential improvement could be expected in the single microscope, unless from the discovery of some transparent substance, which, like the diamond, combines a high refractive with a low dis- persive power. Having experienced the greatest difficulty in getting a small diamond cut into a prism in London, he did not conceive it practicable to grind and polish a diamond lens,1 and therefore did not put his opinion to the 1 Mr Pritchard informs us (see Edinburgh Journal of Science, No. 1, new series, p. 149, July 1829), that Messrs Rundell and Bridge of Ludgate Hill had, at the time when Mr Pritchard began his experiments, many Dutch diamond-cutters at work; and that the foreman, Mr Levi, with all his men, assured him, that it was impossible to work diamonds into spherical lenses. The same opi- nion, he adds, was also expressed by several others, who were considered of standard authority in such matters. When Mrn TREATISE ON THE MICROSCOPE. test of experiment. He got two lenses, however, execut- ed by Mr Peter Hill, an ingenious optician in Edinburgh, the one made, of ruby, and the other of garnet; arid these lenses he found to be greatly superior to any lenses that he had previously used. Dr Goring, whose zeal and success in the improvement of microscopes has not been surpassed, directed the atten- tion of Mr Pritchard in 1824> to?the passages in Sir David Brewster's Treatise oa iieiri^<»opfekml fe re- specting the value oftheprecious stones for single micro- scopes ; and having immediately seen their full force, it was agreed that they should undertake to grind a diamond into a magnifier. Diamond Lenses. The history of this attempit is so interesting, that we must give it in Mr Pritchard's own words:—" For this purpose," says he, " Dr Goring forwarded me a small bril- liant diamond to begin upon ; and it was proposed to give Pritchard had, contrary to the expectation of many, succeeded in finishing his first lens, it was examined by Mr Levi, who ex- pressed great astonishment at it, and added, that he was not ac- quainted with any means by which that figure could have been effected.SINGLE MICROSCOPES. ~ 15 it the curves that in glass would produce a lens of a twen- tieth of an inch focus, with the proportion of the radii of their surfaces as two to five. This stone I ground with the proper curves, and polished the flatter side, contrary to the expectations of many whose judgment in these matters was thought of much weight, who predicted that the crystalline structure of the diamond would not permit it to receive a spherical figure. When thus far advanced, fate decreed that I should lose the stone, and my only con- solation was, to discover afterwards, that, had it been com- pleted, its thicjk^ess and enormous refractive p