Views ROMINENT LACES CARO^ U.S.A. Illustratim} the e ÉIII MiPmSE $ SH OCK AutílISt, 31 ».‘—1886 And a Sketch of the occurrence. >3^ oM E-NG,EflVl^'F0^AEP?rtEÍnÍ6^ Published Bv vBu i. Engraved ^Printed By flurt lit. (JocHHan, ,/N:K thfjross encnmlit 17 Charlotte St., f 535 Pearl St..*•* HORACE WATERS <& CO., f “f\lew §eale” ¡ghree stringed " UPRIGHT AND SQUARE GRAND PIANOS ARE THE BEST AND MOST DURABLE MADE, POWERFUL AND BRILLIANT TONE, RICH SINGINC QUALITY, ELEGANT CASES IN DARK AND LIGHT WOODS. WARRANTED SIX YEARS, \ GHE AT OFFER! PIANOS AND 03R.GA.ISrS, I IT SMCA3LX. MOITTiil/'X" BPAYIMGEITTS. INew Pianos (in city or country) j| Beautiful New Organs (in city or country^ $25 cash and the balance| $15 cash and balance monthly until paid. f $5, monthly until paid. EXTREMELY LOW! SEND FOR CATALOGUE. HORACE WATFRS & CO..¿4 v' THE CHAR H H AK H •>> »>1886. ««* -shf H E history of the City of Charleston, S. C., is so closely interwoven with the history of the American Republic that it is difficult to separate the one from the other. The almost total destruction of that historic city by an earthquake on the night of August 3ist, 1886, becomes a matter of National importance, and forms a sad but interesting epoch in the history of the Republic. With the dreadful details of that fatal night the American people are already familiar, through the columns of the American newspaper press. Sixty thousand people were aroused from their slumbers by the fearful rocking and swaying of their houses, by / crumbling and falling walls, by the awful trembling of the earth beneath their feet and by the heart-rending shrieks of thousands of affrighted men, women and children, mingled with the moans of the wounded and dying. Many rushed out of their houses to meet death beneath thè masses òf falling debris which were started in motion by the terrible shake, and as the survivors gathered in the public squares and open places where instinct carried them, and women and children, half clad, stood shivering and trembling on the verge of an awful eternity, the heavens were lighted up by the lurid glare of flames that burst from four different quarters and simultaneously sprang into life, adding to the terrors of the situation and the horrible adjuncts of the fearful scene. In less than thirty seconds the fairest city on the South Atlantic coast was laid in ruins, her business paralyzed, her commerce destroyed and her people rendered homeless. After a night of unparalleled horrors, which no pen can picture, no toitgue describe, the men of Charleston stunned and dazed by the awful blow, awoke to the realization of the appalling fact that the accumulation of a life time, the fruits of centuries of honest industry had been swept away at a breath. Charleston had gone through many vicissitudes, many afflictions and much peril and suffering. Besieged by the British in the revolutionary war, her people made a manly and heroic resistance to the attacks of the invader. Year after year, prior to i860, her population was decimated by the ravages of that scourge of the tropics—the yellow fever. The birth-place of Secession, she was the 1first city to pay the penalty. Before the guns of the Confederate troops sounded the tocsin of war and opened on Anderson and his handful of faithful regulars imprisoned in the walls of Sumter/a devastating fire swept through her streets from river to river, devouring millions of dollars of property. A warning—it might seem—of the fate that awaited the doomed city. For four years the troops of the Union thundered at her doors for admission, and the guns of the historic Swamp Angel hurled a rain of shot and shell of fire and iron upon her devoted head. The grass grew in her streets and “ Desolation saddened all her green.’’ Then came peace and a gradual building up of waste places. In 1885, a cyclone swept over the devoted city, carrying destruction with it and wiping out over two million dollars worth of property. Offers of help came from all parts of the country. But old Charleston steadily and pluckily girded up her loins, faced her troubles and thankfully but firmly refused help. Her own citizens once more undertook the work of building up her waste places. A little more than a year had elapsed and her people had just begun to recover from the effects of that disastrous visitation when the hand of Providence was once more laid heavily upon this fire, storm and battle-scarred city. It is impossible in the limited space allotted the chronicler here to give the details of the awful wreck that was wrought in Charleston on the fatal night of the 31st of August. The pictures presented in this volume tell the tale more truly than pen can do it, and even these do not describe the situation in half of its awful reality. Ninety-two lives were lost. Had the earthquake occured in the day, the loss of life would have reached into the thousands. At that season of the year most of the inhabitants at 10 o’clock at night are in their homes and the streets are comparatively deserted. It is a singular fact that most of the persons killed or injured were either in the streets at the time of the shock or were rushing out of the crumbling buildings. Those who had the presence of mind to remain in their houses, went through a fearful experience, but escaped with their lives. Not a single person is known to have been killed inside a house, although many were buried under the ruins and were afterwards rescued. Most of the walls fell outwards. The chimneys in some instances fell on adjoining roofs and crushed them in, but no death is known to have resulted from this cause. Over 6,000 buildings either wrecked or badly damaged, and riot a single plastered interior in the city is said to have escaped uninjured. The loss in money has been estimated at over $5,000,000, but the actual loss will probably largely exceed that figure, owing to the high prices that house-owners have been compelled to pay for mechanical labor. The wages of carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers and masons for two months after the earthquake, ranged from $5 to $10 per day. The seismological record is appended here as a part of the history of the times : On the 27th August, a sensation was caused by reports from Summerville, a surbuban city, twenty-two miles north of Charleston, that an earthquake shock had occurred. It has since been recalled that the same shock was felt by a few persons in Charleston. On the 28th, shortly before 2ri five A. M., a very distinct shock was felt in Charleston, the force being sufficient to rattle the houses and awaken sleepers. From the 27th of August until midnight of the 30th of September, there were thirty distinct shocks in Charleston, the record having been kept by the writer. These were as follows : August 27 August 28 August 31 September September September September September September September September 10 September 12 September 15 September 21 September 22 September 27 September 28 September 30 1 shock, slight. 1 shock, slight. 5 shocks, destructive. 3 shocks, severe. 3 shocks, severe. 2 shocks, severe. 2 shocks, slight. 1 shock, moderate. 2 shocks, slight. 1 shock, slight. 1 shock, slight. 1 shock slight. 2 shocks, moderate. 1 shock, severe. 1 shock, moderate, local. 1 shock, severe. 1 shock, moderate. 1 shock, slight. In the record no notice was taken of any slight tremor of the earth, many of which occurred and many more of which were imagined. This completes the record. It only remains to be said that Charleston will emerge from this disaster like she has from many others. The whole country, as soon as it realized the extent of her misfortunes, generously sprang to her help, and with the help of the American people, a new city will arise from the ruins of the old, more beautiful to look at and in every way worthy of the memories of old Charleston. ALEX. M. COCHRAN. 3ST. PHILIP’S CHURCH, CHURCH STREET, NEAR QUEEN, one of the saddest wrecks, the destruction in the interior of the Church is indescribable. Damaged $21,000. IsPerfect Mi Sis ¿ MEN, BOYS : L AXI. RU I I at CHILDREN (7s Most Fashionable Shapes. GUARANTEED LOW PRICES, VK Special i Novelties HATS, FURNISHINGS^. (R AM) R) I I I RUBBER GOODS. Tix. UXSt'R I’ASsF.D In Variety, Style -^■ÜVMiíTT^ D R . MILES, DENTISTA MEETING ST., OPP. CHARLESTON HOTEL. Huger & Dunkin. FIRE MB MARINE INSCE. AGENTS, 125*EAST*BAT, --: REPRESENTING ENGLISH COMPANIES ONLY t- DRESSEL & KLEINE, —♦—'-EXPORTERS OF j—^ Rosin and Spirits Turpentine, CHARLESTOIT, S, C. Cable Adllrens, - - “ DRESSEL.'' Charleston. Shipments Jrom any U. S. Naval Store Ports desired. Correspondence solicited, end firm offers made upon application. C. B. WHILDE1T, TMst PURITY. ACCURACY. S. E, Comer Wentworth and Pitt Streets, UHAilllSUOT, S, 0. WM. JOHNSON & CO., 3R.T3E3R.S JÍNJO r>3BÄ.X,3B3RS ITT T E AND BITUM G 0 JL h $ ITÆ3P03R.X3E3RS ÄNTJO r>3BÄ.X,3B3RS ITT ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS WHLRF AND DEPOT, EAST END LAURENS STREET, Branch. Yard, EAST BAY, opp. Custom House. CHARLKSTON S C 5BROAI) STREET, BETWEEN CIIURCII AND EAST BAY. Remaining walls badly cracked. Damaged $2,200,NOTARY public and SOCi ETV SEALS, DOOR PLATES, STENCIL NOVELTIES. Hand and Self-Ink RUBBER STAMPS. Champion Cotton Marking Ink, Solo by Gallon or Barrel METAL BODIED RUBBER FACE TYPE PUT UP IN OFFICE OUTFITS. STENCIL PAINTS AND BRUSHES, ALSO PAINTERS’ PATTERN IEIIERS PLENGE,” v PLENGE’S a w tvbl e 11.% H c-r. Ci(P‘ . CRAMER & BLOHME, (Commission (Dri^ghanws Manufacturers' Agents t Brokers, -Me (iK/IIJV, FhOUll HUY, PROVISIONS 7ÎN1) ^ajVDI^IES,#-«- 213 East Bay ,ALS0 Cumberland & State Sts. Opp. Custom House. CHARLESTON, S. C. Ijibirttl Ailrti noes inode on t'onsii/n ineiits. T, G. FIELDS. Contractor and Budder, Estimates Furnished and Plans and Specifications Submitted* JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. >'». 503 Mkiitixu Srrii hut. JOHN H. CLAUSSEN CAlili AND INSPECT Old Nos. 6, 8, 10, 12 & 14 Market Street, | New Nos. 34, 36, 38 & 40 Market Street, 1 J. C. H. Wholesale CRACKER, BISCUIT AND CHARLESTON. S. C. Si I FOI.I.I > IfiltOS., ; Coii|rr|issioi| ALel'^LAi)tS, ? jjj Manufaclu ers Agents for the sale ■>' i Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, &c., f 17r* EAST HAY, , I t diarleston. S. C. f J. Whulesale >111(1 Retail Realer TI? LINKS, BA CIS. &c. 233 King St., - Charleston, S. C. Particular attention given to filling of orders, and all Goods guaranteed as represented. WM. OSTENDORFF, DKAI.KII IN ¡Staple and FanciJ [{focaflieg LIQUORS AND SEGARS. IÆa.rlk@t &, iLrxso«, Sts., CHARLESTON, S. C.SOUTH CAROLINA MKDICAI. COLLEGE, CORNER QUEEN AND ERANKLIN STREETS. Front Portico shaken to pieces, building badly cracked. Damaged $6,000.VJg. ^ Drugs, Chemicals —: AND Fancy Goods. % ‘sSSsr@y>^@-z^) TRUSSES — AND — CRUTCHES. J. LUHN.-^e^ TjUHB’S-FHARMACY (^P?a^ NEW NO. isSj5<5-ts> 277 KING ST.. CHARLESTON, S. G. A full line of Squ/bbs Chemical and Pharmaceutical Preparations always in stock The largest assortment of Rubber Goods, adapted to Surgeons and family use. in the city. «P, Ills« h 304 KING ST., Nearly odd. Liberty, CHARLESTON, S. C. —%OFFERS 1- Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Ranunculus. Anemones. Gladiolus, Iris, Crocus, &c., of Fine Quality. —--1 ALSO £—— Flower and Vegetable ¡Seeds, Hoses, 8hrubs, Flow er Hots, Baskets and Brackets, Iinmortellesj Wreaths and Crosses. S3SaTDD FOR XJCST.-®* J. R. JOHNSONS SON, —% 3£\ÄS3BEIO:itf Ä3BIR3K S— “iato Émporicim, — AND '@flsa,'fe£?©3Lla 265 King Street, Charleston, S. C. HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, &c. Always on hand and sold at lowest prices. Umbrellas Repaired and Covered Promptly and Neatly PL ft ■<>) iST\ Ilice & lem ! irrisi JUills. WEST END CALHOUN ST Charleston, S. C. *1 ,3— —* 9 W3VDES db CO dttxl f o t t ìi cm _ mtxl ©IciXje Jxtgittratt cct ASSETS, $5,924,016 23. CHARLESTON, S C. o. D. VOGT, T| % full line of Jfaitqi $ Collet %dk\x&i SPONGES BRUSHES. PERFUMERY. ETC 261 KING STREET, CHARLESTON. S. C. TO®=H’ S. THOMAS, JR. & BRO. Hew Ho 26J KIHG ST.. CHARLESTON, S. C. —®3f03R^— Fie Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, — .FOR*— SILVER AND PLATEDWARE, A large assortment of Wedding Presents always on hand ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED Watcles and Jewelry carefully Repaired by Expert Wortoen. *sC. A. JESSEN,?^ =i cor. King & Liberty Sts. Meals at an hours. Oysters semi in every style. ALL KINDS OF GAME, &c IN SEASON Choice selection of Fine Ales, Wines and Liquors. D O’N.ULi., IVI P b i'OREiN O’NEILL & STOREN, ^Auctioneers, Real Estate and Collection Agents,j§£ Special attention given to Collection of Rents. Office, 91 BROAD ST. Salesrooms, 256 MEETING ST. CHARLESTON, S. M. P. STOREN. w A PRINGLE, Jr. DENNIS O’NEILL -«#23+ p B. I Iff Q L E & GO INSURANCE AGENTS, FACTORS AND TRADERS INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS LA Assets, $960,252.66.®^' •Office, 91 BROAD ST.r •• CHARLESTON, S. C.i-EAST RAY, CORNER OK CUMBERLAND STREET-A COMPLETE WRECK Damaged $15.000,PMIMP BPililBlk fltwk tt and Commission Merchant, l<§tb Êast Bay, CHARLESTON, S, C, GENERAL SOUTHERN AGENT FOR A.yonNiessen, Danzig lapntropfen-Lipenr. HENRY BAYER & SON, IMPORTERS OF bananas. Cocoamits anti ♦•ORAWaBS,^ And Wholesale Dealers in Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Etc., Etc. 217 EAST BAY, Ghulraton, S* 0, H. BIMI1LE & CO., | :036L3iXt3K3R.S XTX Corn, Oats, Bran, Hay,1 GRIST AND MEAL. 162 East Bay and 15,17 & 19 Elizabeth St. CHARLESTON, S. C. H. BULWINKLE. J. H HAESLOOP, WILLIAM M. BIRD & CO., Are at present Located at —->Ai)- J J Q A S' T‘ B A_ Three doors above Queen Street, \ Where they are prepared to offer Extra Inducements to purchasers. We have a full Stock of Oils for all purposes, ' Railroad, TVTill and Vessel Supplies, White Lead, Zinc Colors and Plate, Window and Car Glass, Manilla and Sisal Cordage, | Ready-mixed Paints of all Shades, Painters’ Materials generally, Scales, Grocers’ Tinware, Lanterns, Naval Stores, Supplies, Etc. , STAT3B AG-ETSTTS E03R HOWE SCiS.3C.3ES ¿S.3ST30 MiS.BR'SriMT’S SiS.EES. j UPON COMPLETION OF OUR NEW BUILDING WE SHALL REMOVE TO THE OLD STAND, 205 EAST BAY, CORNER CUMBERLAND ST. j Wulbern & Pieper Wholesale Grocers, — J AND DEALERS IN :— ¡profrisiffiTS, jfkir, Crfratto, etc 171 & 173 EAST BAY, OMJtXiMTOir, s. a. HOWARD FLEMING, JNO. H. DEVEREUX, Jr. New York. Charleston, S. C. FLEMING k DEVEREÜI, —: IMPORTERS OF English Portland Cement, — AND DEALERS IN — Lime, Cement, Plaster, aw©« 4 and 6 CUMBERLAND STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. A. F. STEELING, Wholesale Dealer in WINES AND LIQUORS, 193 East Bay, Charleston, S. G. FIRE SCENE, KING STREET BETWEEN BROAD AND QUEEN STREETS. The lire starlet! at nS (See Morns' card below) and consumed nearly the entire block. Damage to buildings $40,000 . merchandise lost $32,000Stoves. Grates, Ranges. TV r ,,, ; - • No-227 KING ST-mantels, RichardJ.Morris, AN 1> HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS • B, £h tore Tin Roofing and Guttering done by Skilled Workmen, i F % It If 6 0. ^ © o lot 11 i n c.,:; * Are > ' " e© \ garnishing ©oods, re— hying Street, opposite [dase re A v© KOU.MAXX ! BROT1IF.KS WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DKALKRS IN- i* Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, éc.*'$ 57 & 159 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. & *■ GE0.-MU.-:g^TI}0 -© Millers’ Agents and General Brokers, 156 E asì (Bay, Charleston, S. C.KIRK IN KlXli STREET, COR. OF WARREN. Eight Houses «ere completely burnt. Estimated damages for buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Ac., $65,000.If JAME2 E. COLEMAN, Watches, Clocks, Je«ein "Me JEWELER, suvpr i>i«i«i ware, 417 King Street, SPECTACLES, CHARLESTON, S. C. Eyeglasses, etc.jA j; Watches, Clocks and Jewelry CJ ^ hl* Q Neatly Repaired. So (( > H 0 B HI 11 r.l'm, TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKER ANI> DEALER IN STOVES, HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES, Etc. 431 King Street, Cor. Warren. ROOFING, GUTTERING AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AV. IE, JSMKI1ÌS, Hardware, Machinery t Phosphate Supplies, 545 & 547 King Street, (Near Upper Station House,) TELEPHONE, 313. Charleston, S, 0. Q. A. OTGEN, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, 3STo. 312 KH3STC3- STREET, BET. SEOEGE AND SOCIETY STS , CEAELESTON, S. C PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Etc. ] AX SLOWEST 1*1! ICES. 11 Special Attention to Cninpimmlini; of Prescriptions .1 A M KS S. S I .>1 M O N S, WIIOI.I SAI.K AIM) RI TAII. Grocer, Liquor Dealer, Cotton Factor Ami Cent-mi Commission Mot-chant, ;■>«>:{ KING STliKKT, 7 Large Wagon Yard for Accomodation of Customers Next Door to Upper Station House, CHARLESTON, S. C. •I . 0* H* I> O S 0 II K R , 238 aVLEETESTG- STREET, Cor. HASELL, CHARLESTON, S. C. RE$¥/KIR/i]W § OYSTER S/iLOOY. CHOICE SELECTION OF FINE ALES, TOES & LIQUORS, BILLIARDS AND 15 BALL POOL. RALPH ELIAS, DKABKIt IN boot s P ®1®» Timi ar® TAJ**«®«.*. Bet. Wentworth and Society Streets. 282 IKLUNIGS- STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. 1), Wo UDTJ ICY; 184 and 186 KING STREET, - • Corner Horlbeck's Alley, CHARLESTON. S. C CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c. I'-W HOTTLKD BEER by the dozen sent to any address in I he fit y M, MONSÉRRAT, New No. 171 King? t - » CHARLESTON, S. C, pf i Ladies' and Gentlemen's 'V Fine Shoes Made to Order. TOOL A1YJD SAMTLM MOON. H. C. ORTMANN, Fine Wines, Liquors and Segars, New No. 310 KING ST., CTIAItLESTON, 3. C. 1 PSo 1 . HBINS’ Fixmxt’WLX© Wa,resrooi».g, No. 433 KING STliEET, (To doors below Calhoun) CHARLESTON, S O F. E. WINDHEIM, SIGN OF COLDEN BUCK, Importeli and Domestic Pquors, Wine;*, ami 7>7>K YYHi'i S'iMY'i, CHARLESTON. S. C. c u a /•' ./•; .! r ,i- ! ! i' i'' i i: o y ) Manufacturers of Harness, Saddles, Riding Bridles, Etc. TRUCK HARNESS AND FINE SOMERSET SADDLES. Also Patentees of a Fine Black Harness Soap. I 113 Meeting St. miKÔÏso. Charleston, S. C. ;ROl’KR ÎIOSHTAI., QUEKN STREET, NKAR h liANKRIN—RADIA’ WRECKED. 'i'hc walk of the Iniilding were cracked through from top lo hotl-mi, and not one of the buildings uiihin the un Insure escaped without serious damage._Damaged ¿30 000.291 KING STREET * IHEDRICH’S PHARMACYM CHiEW“ JONES’ Foraminous Adjustable Trusses and Supporters, without Springs, Easily Adjusted, and will Last a Life-Time, , 0Oppos/te Society Street,^ yß BEI3STG A PERFECT RELIEF FOR HERNIA Slül©££;> P©3Le) <£Lg;3xvfe R. M# MASTERS, — DEALER IN — STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, ROOFING AND GUTTERING, 150 KING ST., Cor. Queen. Charleston, SS. C\ 0^2 m iCIWlCIIj^ Cor. King and John Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. , X.OXTGI Successor to Adams, Damon & Co. a Nos. 22 Broad and 5 Slate Sts., Charleston, S. C. Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Marble and Slate Mantels, Encaustic Tiles, Bumps, Lead and Iron Pipe, Sheet Lead, Fire Bricks, Tiles, Terra Cotta Brain Pipes and Chimney Tops, and Stove Lining. Jgg^All kinds of Plumbing, Roofing, Guttering and Tin Work promptly attended to by the most careful and experienced workmen. ^EQAßlDIIiIiAD’S * I6E * 6TO ID * IS •♦•TÇE *BES5H- ¡Hí* I" ♦3r ■»------Ná ttt SAMUEL H. WILSON Tlie-Ctiarleston-TeaPot 284 King and 93 Society Streets, CHARLESTON, S, C. WERNER IRON WORKS WERNER & SIRES, 9’ Î Charleston, S. 0. -MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN- (s WriÉt Iron Baili® Verandas, ñ QJ AWNING FRAMES, &c. MACHINERY m all its branches repaired, and BLACKSMITH WORK done m general jg@“SCALES REPAIRED AND PROPERLY ADJUSTED^ All work first-class and neatly executed. m MliiLll J) VAPOR COOK STOVES AD LAMPS, No Wick. No Smoke. No Dirt. No Odor. The Best, [Safest, Most Economical and Convenient. Thousands in Use. Thoroughly Reliable. Shears, Scissors, Knives, Razors, and all kinds of Cutlery, Sharpened and Repaired. 127 Market Street, Charleston, S. C. Î157 Meeting Street, I C. D. FRANKE, j 3) TIIZE ONLY EXCLU SIVE DEALER SOUTH, HV Iron, Çarriage, Wagon and (gart ¡Aateríais, CAMP SC K N K AT WASHINGTON SOCARE PARK. COR. lîRoAD AND MEETING STREETS, Showing the Tents which were made ui Sheets, Blankets, Carpets, Clothing. Ne., and hundreds of Whites and Blacks mixed up indiscriminately.IN CASE YOU WANT A HAT -GO TO- STEIN'S ,c\. IL< JLi :j mm mm® Branas* Foi,cí“orq"8í4bove Charleston, s. C, GIBSON’S BRAIN TRANQUILIZER Anti-Epileptic Specific. Cures Fits, Con vulsions and Brain Excitement. I t tranquilizes the Brain,and removes disorders of obsti nate standing. It restores lie mind, tones up the brain, invigorates digestion and general li-alth. Impaits strength to the exhausted mental and physical organs. Prepared only by m A GIBSON Meeting 4 Wentworth St. CHARLESTON, S. C Manufacturer of and Sealer in Jorelgn and Sornestie CIGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, k 307 KING ST., CHARLESTON, SS. C. liouqnet de Havana, Spanish Puffs, La. Piuma, Plantation, King’s Own, Wild Rose, Celestials. WAS»# SI -MANUFACTURERS OF- --AND DEALERS IN-- \ $fs!e fertilizer^ of ¿11 $184$, «#isì* Fertilizer Supplies? Office, 5 EXCHANGE STREET, rear of Post Office, - CHARLESTON, S. C. FRANCIS B HACKER, President and Cenerai Agent. E. E. LaRCDSSRLIERE, HOUSE AND SIGN I PAIA'a-b»i GRAINING, MARBLING, KALSOMINING, Etc. 123 Market St. CHARLESTON, S. C. All orders promptly attended to. Ij, SHEPPARD. W. D PORCHER jSHEppAf^D \ pO^pE^ CHA^LEgTOW 0TE^M DÏE M/0^, DEATiERS IN BICE, 154 East Bay, Charleston, S. C Orders for Bice in Barrels and Bags promptly executed. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. HOUGH RICE PURCHASED OR RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENTI ST. MIC'HAKI.'S CIILRCII. CORNER BROAD AXI) MEETING STREETS. The massive Porch was wrenched innn the body of the Oimcli. and the building badly cracked in tour ,4 places, all but the steeple will be pulled down Damaged #22 00«>.Iv.' ■T*©“ tWI STEA.1M BOTTIallVS WO Not damaged by the EARTHQUAKE. The only Beer made entirely out of pure filtered cistern water, and. therefore, superior to any other for medicinal pur poses or general debility If for sale, order sample cask, io dozen, at $i oo per dozen; put up sign '* Charleston Earthquake Beer, for sale here. ’ and you will sell it out in no time, introduce to your trade the finest and purest beer you ever sold, and be compelled CRAMER & KERSTIN, Proprietors, Charleston, S. C. DISCOUNT ON LAKGK ORDERS. B. F. KRAMER, Builder & Contractor, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. Jobbing Promptly Attended to, No. 60 Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. EDISTO PHOSPHATE COMPANY CHARLESTON, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. (See Page55) j, b. E. SLOAN, Treas. & Gen’l Agt. BIG BOOT STORE IN THE BEND OF KING STREET, Old No. 250. CHARLESTON, S. C. New No. 236. FINE BOOT© AND ©HOE©, For Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children, of all kinds and styles, at just iresti from the manufactory, at popular prices TRUNKS in all the variety of kinds and styles at low prices. X. M. BRISTOL & SON. White Cross Towage and Transportation Co, SEA, HARBOR AND RIVER TOWAGE. LIGHTERS, STEAM HOISTERS TO HIRE. TUGS TO HIRE FOR EXCURSION PARTIES OR TOWING. Contracts taken for Lighterage, Pumping and Raising Vessels. CHARLES F. HARD, Agent, A dger’st Wharf, Charleston, S, C. WYLLIE &c GORDON, No. 34 clement Lane, Lombard St., London, E. C. WYLLIE & GORDON Adger’s North Wharf, Charleston, S. C. WYLLIE & GORDON, And Dealers in Phosphate Hock. Undried and Hot Air Dried River and Land Rocks. Delivered alongside Vessels at Coosaw River, Bull’s River and Charleston, S. C. 23STEITZ’ BUILDING, CORNER OF MEETING AND MARKET STREETS—A COMPLETE WRECK. The entire front ot the building having been torn out. Damaged $7,500.ND CP BERNAJEtJy BOYD. .JOIITV BOYD. BOYD BROTHERS, iT ï*^ 9^_ EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. CL -G- A. J. S, Perry. H. R. Simons, R, A, Pringle, Jr, Johnston, (¡reís WHOLESALE DRY GOODS AND IIHAYME ai 74 MARKET STREETS, CHARLESTON, S, C, SMYTH & ADGER, F&etOffS and ©ommLs^iortQJTercHaTvLs NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. ADGER SMYTH. F J. PELZER, Special Partner JAMES M. SEIGNIOUS, wgCOTTON FACTOR ANDIN Commission Merchant, Brown’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Consignments of Cotton and G-rain, and Orders for Fertilizers, Supplies, Bagging and Ties Solicited. Advances made on Consignments, and Orders Executed Promptly on Reasonable Terms. ¡Si ! j Ml I t ^ yrr&L I iy%f !> SUCCESSOR TO F. BROTHERHOOD & CO., — DEALER IN- ¡I AND Bar Iron and Oils, 231 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. OTTO F. WIETERS, mu anil liquor Office and Salesroom: 183 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S, C, GEO. V. HECKER & CO. —dr~ Self-Raising Flour, Self-Raising Buckwheat, Baking Powder, Wheaten Grits, Oatmeal, Farina* 190 and 192 East Bay Street, Charleston, S. C.LAZARUS’ RESIDENCE, HASELL STREET, NEAR MEETING-ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE WRECKS. Damaged $3,500.((> S>(\(U,i' FThlU, BREAD & CAKE BAKERY, 45 ARCHDALE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. H. MABUS, Agent, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, No. US KING STREET, Near Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly repaired. Mrs. LOUISA HAAS, No. UK! Kiny Street, Chitrleston, S. C. Dealer in (I erman Zephyr Worsted, Canvas, Plush, Satin, Sat.tcen. Felt, Velvet, cut. Embroidery in (¡old. Silk, ('henille, Flo>s. (Jewel Fancy (¡nods. Dress Trim-mi mrs nutfons, Are. Pinking and Stamping in gieat variety of patterns. Lessons in Embroidery by the hour, or in classes by the iixu tli. SIMON FO(J A IITY, ih:ai-ki( in Fine Groceries, WINES, hi Q l- OKS A Cl Cl A Rii, 90 Broad Street, CHARLESTON, S. C, JOHN SAYAS, MANUFACTURER OF A t^W linlc^.tlc' and RtM^ul." " Dealer in Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. 'Die l»oi .uul CUlcajK.-'t in the City. A fine line nf Smoker-' Articles alwny-, on h;unl, 124 and 126 MARKET STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. C. PlflRlAN, Whole-ale and Retail Dealer m Groceries, Wines, Liquors, CICLyYKS, Kle., ±'¿4- umt KISG STREET, Corner Calhoun, CHARLESTON, S. C. (mods Delivered Free to any ]miT ut the City J. J. CAREY, P (. ('M It K [{ A Will GAS l1' (TT Id U , Water and (las Pipes introduced into Stores and Dwellings (las Chandeliers, Brackets, Pendants and Kerosene Lamps of every description No. 157 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. B. P. ALLEY & S0N. 1885—ESTABL! SHED—1840 108 TKADD STRKKT, CHARLESTON, S. C. JOS, E. Til or RON, IK! MEETING STREET, sa 1'av.ho,, 11elei, CHARLESTON, S. C. AUCTIONEER, BROKER, REAL ESTATE & COLLECTING AGENT. Spec la 1 at tent hm ”1 ven to < hiul< >oi sales and < <>l let l D hi-, l’i'"nijH return-, made, Ilio patronage y. DKSVKR>KV, No. 65 Itaseli Street. |V;, ■ ;} ì’ashionablì; mmmvmjf * oriler a specialty. Hepiiiring D. II. FARMER, Fashionable Tailor SUITS MADE TO ORDER. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Repairing done at short notice. 71 11ASELL STREET, Opp. Southern Express Office CHARLESTON. S C W. Gr. BARRON, CATiH;.|i9 ; No, 1 State Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Special attention cpven to the furnislnntj of Refresliments for Balls FartiesA Entertainments 1 Families furnished with Meals at Reasonable Rates. jPUBLIC SCHOOL, MEETING STREET, NEAR MARY—ALMOST A COMPLETE WRECK. Oritmi^ed $35,000.JOHN K. IvOSTER, SHIP AND FAMILY Groceries, Wines, LIQUORS, CIGARS, ETC. N. W COB- CALHOUN & WASHINGTON STT, CHARLESTON, S. C. PATAPSCO BAKING POWDER, ABSOLUTELY PURE. SMOKE “QUEE.N OF SHEBA," PRONOUNCED IIY C -NNOISSEURS THE BEST 10c. CIGAR On tlm Market. Immense Hales, (live them a t rial, ami take no other Held everywhere. O. BENEBDICT, Wholesale Cigars & Tobacco. CHARLESTON, S.C. II., ROSE BROCK, -DEALER IN- Groceries, * Wines, * Liquors, CIGARS TOBACCO. ETC., COR. MAZY OK AND MAGAZINE STH. CHARLESTON, S. C. J CI.11C ( .1.1 >V IR KIHVAKII V e.AKl'R csïüovsm «fc íiAiaiiE, AUCTIONEERS ---and- REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Homls 11ml Stocks lîou^lit ami Sollt, Loans Xci^otiatcil 28 BROAD STREET. . ^COOK’S^ *. Photograph Gallery 268 KING STREET, <'lm rleston, (8® <0® IMIOTOURAPIIK -»K KVKItV STVI.K. AT I.OWKST PUH KS. *9 • The Illustrations in filis Rook were miulc l'r<»m Photo, graphs taken by this establishment. WHOLHSALP AND RETAIL Grocer and Liquor • ^> DEALER. ^ NEW STORE NEW GOODS LOW PRICES. K. C. STELLO, NORTH-EAST CORNER CALHOUN AND ALEXANDER STS., CHARLESTON, S. C TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE "PARK & TUFO RD” OF THE SOUTH, VISIT T ZET IE Charleston Teapot, 284 King St. and 93 Society St, 8» ©. Electro Medicated Vapor Bath Cures Rheumatism, Paralysis, Neuralgia, NERVOUS TTUXm AUSTION. All Chronic Diseases; Generally. These Baths are universally used North and West. DII. CLEOKLEY lias cured some severe eases with them. T. It. Hagood, Charleston, S. C. Robert McElroy. Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Mary A. Hall. Charleston, S. C. G. A. Locke, Charleston, S. C. Miss Carrie Welsh, Charleston, S. C. Miss Isabella MeCants, Newberry, S. C. Capt N. B. Clinch, Sparta, Ga. Dr. Utsey, Georges, S. C. Address, DR. K. M. CLECKLEY & SON, 310 MEETING ST , CHARLESTON S CKENNEY'S RESIDENCE, TRADÌ» STREET, NEAR NEW COMPLETELY DEMOLISHED. Damaged $6.000. [' IOS-co THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES, After careful study of the usage of Assurance Companies at home and abroad, and of its own experience in all the varied reforms introduced by it, has combined in one form of policy all the advantages and guarantees which can safely and properly be united, and now offers it to the public under the name of The Free Tontine Policy. It Ipdi^putkhle, lii^e^tridted, ^op-lWfeitdble, Sddturpilfftive kqd without f)elhy$. Cash Assets, - $71,000,000. Cash Surplus 4à per cent., $18,000,000. v—»£ T-—M— °4>°--------- New Business in 1885, - $96,011,378. e^2/7/V-»—» For full explanations and tables of rates, apply by letter or in person to m GEO. G. T. WHITE, (Bustness Manager, 12 0 B BO A D W A Y, NEW TOEK. # OR, BLAKE L. WHITE, 32 B MO AID STIMMT, CHARLESTON, S CBAGGING FACTORY, MEETING STREET. A part of the wall shaken out. Damaged $800.MARINE BOILERS, STATIONARY BOILERS, PORTABLE BOILERS, Sklfe & \\l STAT,ON\RJi ENGINES, ft PORTABLE ENGINES, SAW MILLS, EmmàTm ON APPLICATION, East End Hassél Street, Charleston, S. C. Machinists, Founders and Boiler Makers. Lowest Prices, compatible with Best Material and Workmanship A^d (| kj^d ^”We employ only the best Workmen. Have new and Improved To eh in every department, giving W n a m S ° ' .. ’ ” — ÌÈ MACHINERY I To Order. ns unexcelled facilities and insuring dispatch. The Proprietor gives his personal supervision to all orders and solicits Correspondence with parlies in want of Machinery or Repairs. M. DRAKE & SON. P^3T .\\\\\\\\\\\\\' Vww'xTw^ VW ML eetin, . o. treet 9 CO 00 The Largest Variety. & The Lowest Prices. The Latest Styles. SUUE89 ItAOMB* iMBioramii, Hosiery, White Goods, Underwear, &c. In fact all goods generally Kept in a first class Dry Goods Emporium will be found with us. L H COHEN M TRItST. 1®4 Kinig 4Ät®pliigil®M,ii i§@ €f® CARPETS, MATTING, Mi ©Hi 0(L@TMS5 In Immense Variety, at Extra Low Prices. TROUSSEAUS FURNISHED COMPLETE AT SHORTEST NOTICE. nrri 0 /è. -W) f^ovigioX ®T ) CHARLESTON, S. 0. Fine Confectionery —AND- Fpncsy goods. <> OSWALD MACMILLA3ST, 305 KING STREET, ^CHARLESTON, S. C.** TOYS —AND—WAREHOUSE, EAST HAY STREET-HADLY DEMOLISHED. Will be pulled down and re-built. Damaged $10,000.WETHERHORN & FISCHER, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND GENERAL BUILDING MATERIAL. SMITH, NEAR QUEEN STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. II. It. IMU \, Wholesale Dealer in U. C. ROUMILLAT'S WRAPPING PAPER, Acorn Pile Ointment, Bags, Twines, Butter Plates and Stationery. A CERTAIN CURE FOR ORDERS FOR PRINTING SOLICITED. BLIND, BLEEDING, ITCHING 132 East Bay, (*«) CHARLESTON, S, C. AND ULCERATED PILES Testimonials of leading citizens (‘an he seen at mv Pharmacy. Leading Physicians use it. We have tried Benj. Mclnnes, Jr,, V. S. Edin. numbers of PILE REMEDIES ;l At nimmt smßrtm, With various effects. We consider ROUMILLAT’S ACORN PILE OINTMENT The Acme of Perfection. Sold by all drufifrists Price ">0 CHARLESTON, S. C. cents, or mailed on receipt of price. IT. C. ROUMILLAT, Charleston, S. C. COAL. GRATE COAL, STOVE COAL and CHESNUT COAL, FOR DOMESTIC USE. ©©«st/r it ©««,» WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALERS IN BEST QUALITIES OF », COAL Si-------- Coal for sale in Cargo, Cart Load and Ton Lots. OFFICE, STATE AND MARKET STS,, CHARLESTON, S. C. C_OA_L . FOUNDRY and STEAM COAL, GEORGE’S CREEK, CUMBERLAND COAL, FOR STEAM AND BLACKSMITHS' USE. H. HAESLOOP, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HAUL GRAIN, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, &c., FEED & SALE STABLES, 620,622, 624and 626 KING ST,, CHARLESTON, S. C. Ohdf.ks Promptly Attended to. Telephone, No. 327. James Cosgrove <[■ Son, 57 anti 59 Martel Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. AGENTS FOE Bergner and Engle's Philadelphia ISI DWEI8W I»IIIIL,jVr»EI_,l»IITA. .'L AaG'E Rv B E E R.j. Soto Water, Sarsaparilla ai Ginger Ale, Bass’ Ale, Guinness’ Porter, Price Lists (Post Free,) Gold Medal, Paris, 1878, ALL THE FINE F^tìV ^¡^DCE^IEg _A.BE TO BE THE CHARLESTON TEAPOT, 284 King dt 93 Society Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. WILSON’S RESIDENCE, MEETING STREET BELOW BROAD. Badly damaged in the front and rear. Damaged $4,000.WM. T. M ILLER s* il it it c r * Cor. Kerr's Wharf and Cordes St. CHARLESTON, S. C. • • • ALL KINDS OFfit —«• AWNINGS, TARPAULINS AND DRAY COVERS M4PS TO ORDER, (&>,-lt Short Notice- and at Ilcasonabtc JTiccs/o-^ (*? # *,.n i-----<£$>------- DEALERS IN COTTON, cotton TIES —AND— HAOO'iNO SPLICED TIKS riF.(’KI) *HACiC.INti A S]’i:r|A!.TY\ \%r;. Loc-h* ^ ) S, ■? J J ) ) J / j j /SL J J and Q-iialii'i ddice/d-, Qf/aam ¿'■Mm/JR/RU Charleston, S. C. CONSIGNIVIENTS OF HII)I->. I'TItS v-. $ •- WOOI,. WAX. 1«; Js,c HAY. ORAIX ! V- JTlOOrOK. ETC., sni.iciTKD When you visit Charleston don’t fail to pay Benedict, under Masonic Temple, a call. His line of Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes is complete. Unprecedented run on the QUEEN OF SHEB A." •> The best Ten Cent Cigar now on the market. TRY THEM! TAKE NO OTHER!! SOLD EVERYWHERE!!! Ts~ < • O - BENEDIC 1% • > cViWli©le®ale ©igai®s aad ^©fea©e©j CHARLESTON, S. C. ^rUNITED STATES COURT HOUSE, MEETING, BELOW BROAD STREET. The Parapet was thrown down and the tops of the walls wrenched out. Damaged $9,000,G. W. AIMÄR & CO., Wholesale ami Kelail Deuers lu Choice Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Perfumeries and Toilet Articles. Cor. Kh) PLh <3J> C=5 t5"“ 1 N Ljl +3 «I Q- CO o o c* Z© CD ED '«SA'iSi AKD ALL KINDS OP BÜILDING MATERIAL. -•^Tongue and Grooved Flooring and Lining, Plain and Rustic Weatherboarding, a Specialty.^- AI L L UMBER AIR AND KILN DRIED. ^ Estimates Furnished on Application.^ Mills, Warerooms and Yards, BROAD and LYNCH STS. Ä.EL T3BE3EI Fine Fancy Groceries Are to be Had —AT— The Charleston Tea Pot, CHARLESTON, S. C. OttoTied «Provision Dealers -SAND’ COMMISSION lllOIIim I @3 m I @4 mmMZ or sx *» CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTABLISHED IN 1819- (Successor to John Sieging ) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN tòno ^an D-p or tes, (Irgans, 0 H-AND-P ... S1Î mm ij COR. KINO AND BEAUFAIN STS., CHARLESTON, S. C. PIANOS BOUGHT, EXCHANGED AND TO LET, PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED.FISSURE TEN MILKS NORTH OF CHARLESTON : SIZE 16x8 FEET. The Water and Mud boiled up from 20 to 30 feet in height and threw out during the night 7 different kinds of Sands varying in Color and Shade, which can be had bv applying to the Publisher 17 Charlotte Street. Price $1 00 per sett of 7 bottles.STBSXD^ÆAJST, 160 East Bay St.. Charleston. S. C. 130 EAST BAY STREET, CHARLESTON, S. 0. Lucas & Richardson, ^PRINTER S,^? ^Stationers, Binders and Rulers. Lithographing and Engraving F. WEHMÄNN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries Wines* Liquors, CIGARS & TOBACCO Corn, Oats and Peas Constantly on Hand. 307-309 EAST BAY COR LAURENS ST CHARLESTON. S. C. F MELCHERS & SON , - Pilishers, CHARLESTON, S. C. The best advertising medium fo' the Cerman trade on the South Atlantic Coast. H. BUCK & SON, OEOCERS XjIQ,XTOIt IDEA-LEERS CANNON AND ASHLEY STREETS, CHARLESTON. S. C. ALL THE FINE Fancy Groceries, ARE TO BE HAD AT THE CHARLESTON TEA-POT, 284 King and 93 Society St.. CHARLESTON, - - S. C. PALMETTO BREWERY SALOON JOHN KOHOUT, Is pleased to inform the public that he is now establi-hed at the Saloon of the PALMETTO BREWERY, AT THE CORNER OF HAYNE AND ANSON SHEETS, where he will serve up the best Beers, Wines Liquors, and Cigars. ALSO LUNCH DAILY. He wi 1 make Ins new quarters second to none in the city and cordially bespeaks a call. J. H. KORNAHRENS’ Soda Water Manufactory - AND - Lager Beer Bottling Establishment, Nos* 55 and 57 Coming »Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Wholesale and Beta!! Dealer in LOUIS D. HAHLSTEDT, NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! WTNES LIOUORS Choice Family Groceries. \ ^ ^ Jima 8TBm' ' ’ Near N, E. R. R DEPOT, Roch Bottom Prices! COUNTRY ORDERS AND COFFEES AND TEA A ■ SPECIALTY, CHARLESTON. » S. C. Carefully attended to. TOBACCO.RAVENEL RESIDENCE, EAST BATTERY —SERIOUSLY INJURED, BACK AND FRONT. {(See Page 34;.—Damaged $8,000.1 ^ ^vvuVv"^ £otsClt) ^ ; KING KTBEMT, Opp. Ac,Jour of Music, CHARLESTON, S. C. (ZZZ/(0/j. }i_Z. Jirf/Zj, ' L | ^ y - Sr r/,p , / . DBl'ilT Foli HR. Jl 1,11 S KIMFS ('OlllilNATlOV STEmCLB. 169 MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON, S, C ! I». MO> S K 1U1AT, K ASHIONABI.E BOOT m SHOE MAKES, J| { New No. 16/ MEETING STREET, jßjf^ ' CHARLESTON, S C J. LIVINGSTON, Agent, UNDERTAKER, No. 53 Wentworth Street, CITAHLESTON, S. < Dealer in Metallic, Walnut and Rosewood Caskets, of latest style and finish. Corpse Preservers of Modern Improvement, to Let All work entrusted to my care will receive my personal and prompt attention. JEZ - F. DEITZ, 39 MARKET STREET, C//.I H/.iCSTOX, S. C. SALOON AND RESTAURANT, MEALS AT ALL HOURS AT 25 CENTS BOARDING AND LODGING. Choi,',.- ALES, WINES ANULIQUOHSii speemll y '>,? 5 '¿a*' \\ ; ■ i) Our /)V, S. & Suns’ Par Fidlen«, $1.00 pr lb, ^ , /« Confections ¿ZV. S.& Nous’ ('onfocilous. - Ik. porli, ^5*$% wêrr," <£1 COUNTRY PKODUCK Sta Is, 9 & 11 Lower Marktt, CHARLESTON, N, C. F. VOGT, STOVES, GRATES AND RANGES, IKON AND COPPER PUMPS, ROOFING, GUTTERING, numbing and liepairing, ! 223 EAST BAY, (Opposite New Custom il..use. Charleston, S. C. All kinds of Ship and Tin-Work Promptly Attended to Vo UO IIJHIiLNl? & mzzt j ® DEALKHS IN s~- ■?iHARDWARE, GUNS ARE PISTOLS, 1* SADELERY, CUN AND LOCKSMITHS. 1ST o . 485 ZECIHSTG- S T K, IE E T , SIGN OF THE DIG KEY. Every description of work promptly done and at lteasnn-able Terms. >- GO TO - MfJJI’S No I»2 1 K A W T R A Y , Opposite Custom House, CHARLESTON, S. C. -McMEALS AT ALL, HOUR.S,3iw- UACII frolli 11 .1. 11. lo 1 1' 11. DIMM from 1 I1. 31. lo 11' Il OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE A SPECIALTY.SMITH’S RESIDENCE, BEAUFA1N STREET-A TOTAL WRECK. Will be pulled down and re-built. Damaged $10,000.THE WONDERFUL NEW PROCESS STEAM LAUNDERERS. our specialties: m FIND • SHIRTS. • COLLARS. ♦ CUFFS, « LACD CURTAINS * AND • FLUTING, S» CHARLESTON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., New No>. 119 (Old No. 107) Meeting Street, CHAKLESTON, 8. C. cn (Ji I CO o »—I C_> CO O (L «8 e> -p o CJ> W O cc CQ ~ O kh E—' Q m3 Cf~) TO *■- r 4^> fi 43 © © W Ü ◄ c® o© U ai Q <3 HH X o M h O ^ I O uj Uh ¡ZJ O CD CO Lh Q a *H ca « ◄ » <1 o Uh TO §■ 4D O ta h 4D r3 Q) »-I » 5 © —H U ei © £3 T. R. McGAHAN, Pres’t '1 J. B. E» SLOAN, Treas* and Gen’l Agent- PHO SP1I ATE 60HPA1Y, OHAELESTON, S. O. MANUFACTURERS OF Edisto Acidulated Rock or Dissolved Bone, 13 to 16 pep cent, available Phosphoric Acid. Edisto Acid Phosphate, 11 to 13 pep cent, available Phosphoric Aeid-1 to 2 pep cent. Potash. Edisto Ammoniated Fertilizer, 2 to 3 pep eem. Ammonia. Edisto Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, 2 to 2lA pep cent. Ammonia. Edisto Ammoniated Acid Phosphate. 1 to V/i pep cent. Ammonia. Edisto Cotton Compound. Float’s Ground Rock Ash Element. Goods will be made up to Order under Special Formulas and Brands. Importers of GENUINE GERMAN KAINIT-NITRATE OF SODA, MURIATE OP POTASH, SULPHUR, Etc, And Dealers in COTTON SEED MEAL. On»* works are connected by Rail with all the Railroads running into the City, and have a water front on Cooper River, with three pier heads furnished with Steam Hoists to facilitate the prompt shipping of Cargoes. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Office on Brown’s Wharf J. B. E. SLOAN, Treasurer and Cen’t Agent kW > ¡»H ew K&» »O RpO 03 O* s4 p -5 — —* m MA •’i O Dl W aj > u> og n i < Oil» !>o £ FI f- 30 gbs zn $ ÌS ö 0= ? -ä? H gì»° 05 o H‘ Oa, SkJ T3-3 > 23 ptì 2.Pj is. ^ § » Ü TO1*) cc Qa 3 w CD 0) I—* M CR GST o S- e CD CD ~ Scg ® O P*o pr O 9) P P ^ s*q tD P cn? & O ÏR c+ 5T W c+ o CD p den? • s G ai O P q & w ft T3 O g £ Pj O CD a bd ¡a t-1 cT ■a®’ O > en H W w H S O ® o 0)3 2.3 |_l. Mi. O £R (-<• o et S* CD O çh a W CD P rt CR O > r m. en H O Z U) o DEALERS IN Paints, Colors, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, Brushes, Glue, Window & Picture Glass. ARTISTS’ MATERIALS A. SPECIALTY. Corner Kins' Street and! Burns Lane. CHARLESTON, S. C.HIBERNIAN HALL, MEETING, NEAR BROAD STREET. The Porch of the Hull was so completely wrecked that nothing remains of the handsome porch and richly fluted columns that supported the roof; dls slightly damaged. Estimated damage $13,000CJ1 -"J ^ findest Hi Cf< AND s~ZZi PAKKBV @$@©ieyE§, WINES ÄNE LIQHQRS, m Jd Northeast comer Mentre and King Streets, "5S^O> IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SOAPS AND PERFUMERIES, <^T"^ AND MI^8LLAK®,'§ CONFECTIONS. K#»IOH TBK CM During the past eleven years every gallon of LONGMAN MARTINEZ’ “GUARANTEE” PREPARED PAINTS, have been sold under this positive guarantee—that any building ivould be re-painted at our expense if not satisfactory when painted with our paints, and not remaining satisfactory for a proper term of years thereafter. In view of the apparently low prices at which cheaply made benzine and water paints are offered, and the difficulty experienced in discriminating between the best paints and paints of inferior character , we now add to our previous guarantee the additional guarantee of cost, thus placing the low price of our paint beyond doubt. We agree to furnish our paints free of cost to any buyer who, having painted his building ivith our paints, can demonstrate that our paint has not cost 10 per cent less for paint used, than cost would have been for either pure white lead and linseed oil or any other mixed paint in this country. Very respectfully, No. 293 KIJSTGr STEEET, CHARLESTON, S. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN p'wij rm u 213 MEETING ST., CHARLESTON, S. O. PROVISION Commission Merchants CHARLESTON, S. C. Consignments Solicited. FIRE LIFE RAVENEL, JOHNSON & 00., 15ÜTIM wmwii 12 BROAD ST, CHARLESTON, S. C. MARINE ACCIDENT, HAY AND GRAIN, RUST PROOF OATS A SPECIALITY, (Opposite Kerr’s Wharf,) CT3I^.-R3L,EST03Sr;, S. O. Henry C. Wohlers. Jno. H. Bumester. Robertson, Taylor l Williame *s. iturers of ILLUSTRATIONS of every description for BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, CATALOGUES, Etc., Etc. Engravers of the Illustrations in this Book. L. Arthur O'Neill, OsH'itn'rtl tirokcr in ♦PROVISIONS, FLOUR, Etc.* 18 4 EAST KAY, Charleston, South Carolina, LOCAL AG-ENT Fairbank & Co’s Lard. PROPRIETORS “(U^OIflip EQILflfS ;30,32,34 & 36 Beanfaiii St. CHARLESTON, S. C. : F. J. LIU KM IIAI. & SON,? Manufacturers of Prepared Flour, Grist and Meal, Dealers in Hay, Grain, Flour, Mill Feed.., Etc.,- ., ^Pljotoprnpl) mkllcriH 265 KING STREET, CHAELESTOIT, S, C„ uPliotograpDs of every Style at Lowest Prices,? EBER BLOB BEIT & CO,, OILS AND NAVAL STORES * 11 612 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. RAILWAY OILS AND GRLASLS Bayers ni Eiporters of Naval Stores. /fDWSohnt order-. for Rosm ami Spini'' I urjin*-, .uni all S Jip v C^KE B^KE^Y,^ I mm n Agent for Hatf'eld & Ducker s Brooklyn B'scuit and Cracker Bakery, Q Depot for F!e:schnnann & Co s Ce*ebrated Compressed Yeast. D Black and Sifted Rye Bread Country Orders solicited. [ CHARLESTON, S. C. Philip (Successor to August Wichmann and Losse Bros ) MERCHANT TAILOR, New No. 125 Meeting Street, CBAKUEBTON, S. C. A. MELCHERS, 341 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. N. PEEOKSEN, 4k fBOOlS» Ife- *fi —^ I KING- & KEIK SIKEEI8, j CHARLESTON, S. C. C. F. HUTWALCKER, QL-/ dealer in v. -o Choice Family Groceries, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, N, W, Corner Jolm and Meeting Streets, CHARLESTON. S. C- CHAS. C LESLIE, Wholesale and Retail Commission Dealer n FISH, OYSTERS, SAME * POULTRY. STALLS Nos 1 AND 2 FISH MARKET, Office : Nos. 18 and 20 Market Street, East of East Bay, , D C233 DEALER IN 33 J WUNIE® I JUQIÜÎO^®, S. m'Cor. Meeting and Meid Streets, C53= DEALER IN : -McTOB^OCe § CIGTH^ 3^ Country Orders Promptly Attended to | C. A. VON DOHLEN, FANCY CNCCERinS, TABLE LUXURIES, | G55= ài® F@@© SPECIALTIES =5=0 I OF ACKNOWLEDGED EXCELLENCE. j S. M cor. Meeting & Mary Sts., D CHZARLESTONT, S. O. WpEEIiWRIGJH q BE^CK^jIlTp, MANUFACTURER AND REPAIRER OF WAGONS, CARTS, TRUCKS, DRAYS, Ac., Also, CARRIAGES and BUGGIES REPAIRED. 450 and 452 Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. J. N. HESSE, DEADER IN CHOICE , LIQUORS, CIBARS AND TOBACCO, No. 3 MONTAGUE STREET, CHARLESTON, S C 1 wholesale" Gf(AIN DEALER, fi And Manufacturers of 1 Grits, Meal and Pearl Hominy, 1 542 King STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C JNO. F. TOBINT, Practical Plumber, Gas k Steam Fitter 530 King Street, Charleston, S, 0. Bath Tubs, Water Closets. Wash Basins, Iron and Copper Pumps, Force Pumps, Sheet Lead, Lead and Iron Pipes, Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures of every description constantly on hand. ALL JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO JOS. A. PURCELL, BUILDER OF-^rP H[oqiimen1$, Md^oneg, OM^&Fonqtg TILES .A.IN D STEPS Dealer in Marble Mantles. Grates and Chimney Tops, Drain Pipes Etc Agent for the Champion Iron Fence Banging from 64 cents a foot upwards. Nos <45 & 147 Calhoun Street, Opposite Marion Square CHARLESTON S C I 08770220WILLIAM SHEPHERD & CO., -emeià -m/ Stoves, Metals Tinners’ Supplies •>> »> 23S o iinq e U <<• O) BetveM ©Èsrlestes F&vIMîmi Hi©telg$ ai\ t3- ROOFING TIN, METALLIC ROOFING, SHINGLES, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. NGimHEA OVES, at H acturers' Prices When two or more Stoves are purchased at one time, will deliver same, freight prepaid, at any Landing or Railroad Station in this State. AGATE and GRANITE IRON WARE at FACTORY PRICES.J. B. SIMMONS, Fashionable Shaving AND jfiyet mrjwm ©ÄLooirt, No. 470¿ King St., CHARLESTON, S. C. © © Dealer in all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Poultry, Eggs, etc., specialties. SHING-LES, STAVES, PEAS. No. 633 Eing St., (ESS,) Charleston, S. C. Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. Central ^having ^ Hair Dreeing j&Ioon 352 KING STREET, (Next door to LORENZI’S Saloon,) CHARLESTON, S. C. A. GOODE, Proper, ISAAC SAWYER, Manager. «3T« ’w 4 «TAILOR f WORK DONE AT UPTOWN PRICES. Suits made to Order A Perfect fit guaranteed Cleaning and repairing done at short notice. 170 KING ST,, Nest to Simmons' Barber Shop. CHARLESTON, S3. O. JOSHUA LOCKWOOD, M. D. Cor. Cannon & Smith Sts., Charleston, S. C. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Pine Toilet Articles and Perfumery. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. E. J. GIBBS DEALER IN Choice Family Groceries No. 15 AMERICA STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. a> en I lions W. J. YATES, ST* KKin§ «VEREBT, CHARLESTON) 8. O. AGENTS FOR THE BEST © Wholesale and Retail, AT LOWEST FIGURES FOR CASH. W.JVL RIEFPE, DEALER IN pt I^AIN, \ HILL FEED, No. 56 GEOBGE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. O. HONOUR & MERRITT, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. 20 Vanderhorst St., CHARLESTON,S.C. 1^° REFERENCE.—First National Bank, Charleston, S. C. Poultry, Eggs and all kinds of Country Produce a Specialty Consignments of all kinds Solicited and prompt returns made. The peePle^ Baling ppe^. _ / A self packin/ machine, with a double stroke, making two b des at the same time. Cotton or Hay. This press is reasonable in price and an ornament to the plantation or farm. ¡3. B. THOMAS, New No. 298, Old No. 320 Eing Street, Opposite Liberty, Window Shades, Paper Hangings, Lace Curtains CORNICES AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, CHARLESTON, S. C. WINDOW AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER. T. C. WILLOUGHBY^ MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF SOUTHERN PINE TIMBER AND LUMBER, SCEANTON, S. C. ALSO DEALER IN- LUMBER, WOOD AND COAL, 92 Washington Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. The only Wood Yard in the City ^hat Guarantees to supply its Customers with Wood at One Price, Winter and Summer. Correspondence Solicited. THE PRINCESS BALING PRESS. A light portable machine can be used in the field for bailing hay and other material. Manufactured at the Werner Iron Works, T. W Sires, Proprietor, Charleston, S. C. Address, HENRY M. MEETZE, or C. P. POPPENHEIM, CHARLESTON, S. C.PAST DUE CLAIMS COLLECTED AND LEGAL BUSINESS ATTENDED TO IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. FOR THE PROTECTION AND PROMOTION OF TRADE. THE MERCANTILE AGENCY, ->-5—1»—“ESTABLISHED 1841.“ R. G. DT7W 31-4 and 316 Broadway, New York: Branch City Offici:, 83 Wall St., and Pristino Office, 57, 5!) & 61 Park St. BRANCH OFFICES IN ONE HUNDRED AND TEN CITIES, AS FOLLOWS R. G. DUN & CO. Albany, NT Y Allentown, Pa Atchison, Kansas Binghamton, X V Birmingham, Ala Adar Rapid*, 'iiarlt.-stnn. S ( ' ‘liatiaiio-iga. Tei Cleveland, < )hio Columbus, Ohm Council Binds, low, Dallas, Texas Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio Denver, CO Dos Moines, Iowa Detroit, Midi I »ubuipir-, b ova ! hihtth, Minn East Saginaw, Mir) Elmira. X Y Erie, Pa Evansville. Ind ( ilovei svdle. X Y C»i ami Rapids, Midi Hartford, Conn Houston, Texas. Indianapolis, Ind .Orsey Cl.y. NJ Kansas U.hv, Mo nie IvhT. Ark ■ nisvilh:, K y Mempins, Terni gomei-y, ville. Te: Xew < Cleans, I.a li.adelphin Pa I t'bnrgh. P i ni land. ( )r• LT“■ n Qumey Rendili ey, 111 ' Pa Richmond, Ind CHARLESTON OFFICE: NO. ,J. II. IIOLaiiass. Manager, P. o. Box 142. Spnnglield, Ohio Syracuse, X Y Toledo. Ohio Troy, N Y Utica, X Waco, Texas Wheeling, W Va Williamsport. Pa Winona, Mum Wichita, Kan London. England Manchester, Eng Glasgow, Scotland Paris, France Berlin, N W Ger 39 HAYNE ST., CII.VUTJWTOX, kotlis St. Paul, Minn Salt Lake Citv. Utah San Antoni,., 'Texas San Francisco, Cal DUN, WIMAN & CO. Montreal, Quebe. 1‘oronto, (Bit Hamilton, Out London, Ont Halifax, X ^ St. John, N S Winnipeg, Manitoba E. RUSSELL & CO. Boston, Mass Fall River, Mass Lynn, Mas-Portland, Me Worcester. Mao < LOUIS SEEL, > BUTCHER AND GREEN GROCER steam Misri\t(ir/:i:i{ or all kinds or Sausages, Bolognas, Puddings, Head Cheese, Idle., Etc. Also Dealer in Northern Meats. Factory and Grocery, Cor. Sprine and St. Philips Sts. Amt Stall No. 1 Centre 3Iarket, CHARLESTON, S. C. Slaughter Houses, Near Six-Mile House, State Road.- • > Highest Cash Price Paid for Live Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Swine, Country Orders Respectfully Solicited. Goods Delivered Free to any part of the City.I—ëT -PALMETTO BREWERY Tie—î *A N D Aj Vi «Steam Bottling Worksit ai BEER IN KEGS BEER IN Special Prices for Large Orders. HPair PUT UP TEN DOZEN TO CASK. Guaranteed Equal to any Beer Bottled North, West, South or East, at $1.00 per dozen. Warranted to Keep Until Sold Out, or can be returned at our expense. .IB ■® VTcy -SEND US AN ORDER FOR THE CHARLESTON- EARTHQUAKE BEER, 0* It will Out Sell Any Other in the World, as it is Absolutely the Finest and Purest The only Beer made entirely out of Cistern (Rain) Water, Filtered and Condensed, and the Choicest Hops and Malt. CRAMER & KERS H D ROPRIETORS Ite ffieleferatefl © B M> 1« S M $ SP--------- -T(5) ^2) VltttJCÙ, . ^PARLOR, COOK AND OIL STOVES, -G- -^MANUFACTURER OF-e- Plain and Ornamental Railings, Cellar and Window Gratings, Anchors, Rods and Jib Plates for Buildings, Forgings of Every Description. Wire Guards for Store Fronts and Counter Railings. Wo. 18 ST® FÏÏIMF ST OHJLHE/ESTOT, S® 0 ftff^sosrio vaasfiPXtS ss©s bmporitw. ---fc^e»3=\«-- Fine Boots anil Shoes+L. ELIAS, Jr.+Trunks and Valises, 274 KING STREET, Corner Wentworth, - CHARLESTO/t, S. C. A. 0. F. GOTJEN, —DKALKR IN j— ill (SLHoice (groceries., 'Hornes, (Sic.# SELECTED TEAS AND COFFEES. / .e te'afïi açoesotié®TO ■=*au I NOTIONS, CLOTHING, . / 22, 124 and 126 •¿==r4<^- MEETING STREET, vSt ijpA.1 9 % 72MARVIN’S Established ° half ° a°Çenteiry. MARVIN SAFE COMPANY, ADDRESS ALL GENERAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY. correspondencem-go-m SOUTH FIFTH ATEHIJE, I S&LESROrOMS: 265 BROADWAY, ¿727 CHESTNUT ST., ¿66 QUEEN ST., NEW YORK. - PHILADELPHIA. ° LONDON.FRANK H. GILBERT, Treas. ^3l N CO R PO RATED W. T McINTIRE, VicePrest. Ô. P. DORMAN, Presfc ^1 188! GILBERT M.VMT1CÏTRING CO. 346 & 348 BROADWAY NEW YORK LIFE INS BUILDING 26 U 28 BEDFORD ST. BOSTON. ~ --J—i 238 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA. 21 SHARP ST. BALTIMORE. 152 5th AVE. CHICAGO. 618 N. 7th ST., ST. LOUIS. PA. AVE &. 9th ST. WASHINGTON. 8 LOWER SACKVILLE ST. DUBLIN. 21 GRESHAM ST. LONDON. NEW YÛEE WAREHOUSE : 115. 117. 119 & 121 White St.. 122, 121, 126,12S. 130 & 132 Centre St. isW •g ®>>>§peeial®]Motieeofo®theo5raG[e.<<<<•■ The Modistes and Dreumalwrs of the United especially in the larger cities, are now demanding as fine, if not a finer material for aist jvij'n.N^s. than they do in PARIS or London. Now to meet this demand, we have put in one of the new mills now running in our interest, the FOLLOWING CLOTHS, which are Far Superior to Anyth! we have ever made; ONE of these Cloths counts nearly 400 Threads to the inch and is the Firmest and Finest Fabric for the purpose we have Ever Produced. These Goods are made from COMBED Cotton from 11 inch Staple, and are Designed lor only tire 3R3E3P3R3GS3BITTi5c,rrV3G HOUSES litf THIS COUITT3R"5r. SATIN ARMUIR TWILLS, DIAMO N D T W ILLS, XX SATIN SURAH TWILLS, 0F -»LIVELY past black twills. ti r name, GILBERT MFG. GO.” will be printed in full on every yard of these goods, as is the case with alij:he goods we make, none others are genuine. y Wmcm PRESIDENT