0 ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015MINNEAPOLIS ASSOCIATION OF ARTS IN INDUSTRY MINNEAPOLIS INSTITUTE OF ARTS EVOLUTION OF THE BOOK "The art preservative of arts" An Outline for Club Study Prepared by Marie Annette Todd Art Department, Public LibraryThe Worth of Books They are for company the best friends, in Doubts Counsellors, in Damps Comforters, Time's Prospective, the Home Traveller's Ship or Horse, the busie Man's best Recreation, the Opiate of idle Weariness, the Mindes best Ordinary, Nature's Garden and Seed-plot of Immortality. Bulstrode Whitelock—Zootamia, 1654.The Evolution of the Book L a. The beginnings of writing. Pictographs. Hieroglyphics. Cuneiform inscriptions. b. Story of the alphabet. c. The preservation of literature. IT. a. Books and libraries of the ancients. Libraries at Alexandria, Pergamtis, Rome, Byzantium. b. Materials for writing and books. (Will review and expand parts of I.a and ILa and then come on to modern times.) c. Paper making; Watermarks. III. a. Books and their makers in the Middle Ages. Scribes and their ways; Some fa- mous manuscripts; Palimpsests; Il- lumination and miniatures. b. Libraries in Mediaeval times. c. The book trade in the manuscript period. IV. a. The advent of printing. The key to the invention. The Chinese method. Image prints of the 15th century. Printed and stencilled playing cards, b. Block books. Biblia Pauperum, or Bible of the poor. Ars Moriendi, or the Art of dying. The Donatus, or Boys' Latin gram- mar. Speculum Salutis, or Mirror of Salvation. 3V. a. Who invented movable types ? The Coster legend. b. Gutenberg and the Mainz press. The 42-line or Mazarin Bible. Fust and Schoeffer. The Psalter, 1457. The Koburgers of Nuremberg, 1440-1540. Froben of Basel and Erasmus, 1460-1528. c. Early printing; Economic conditions; Tools and usages; Printers' marks; The colophon. VI. a. The scholar-printers of Italy. Printing brought across the Alps by German workmen. Nicholas Jensen. Aldus Manutius (reduced size of books). b. The Netherlands and France. Family of Elzevirs, Leyden and Amsterdam, 1587-1688. House of Plantin, Antwerp, 1555- 1650. Polyglot Bible. The Estiennes, or the Stephani, France. Isaac Casaubon. Family of Didot c. Enemies of books, ancient and mod- ern. Fire; Water; Worms; Mishandling. VII. a. William Caxton and the introduction of printing into England. Caxton press in Westminster Ab- bey. Wynkyn de Worde succeeds Cax- ton. John Day. Printing in Scotland and Ireland. 4b. Chapbooks and Broadsides. c. Printing in the American colonies. Mexico City, 1536-'40. Steohen Daye at Cambridge, Mass., 1638. William Bradford's almanac. Benjamin Franklin. Isaiah Thomas. d. Martyrs in typographic history. VIII. a. Bookbinding—the process. (Visit binders' shop, if possible.) b. Ancient covers; Mediaeval bindings. The bindings of the Italian collector, Maioli, and the Frenchmen, Grolier and deThou. Bindings by the Eves, LeGascon, etc. c. Eighteenth century to modern bind- ings. Roger Payne, Cobden - Sanderson, Zaehnsdorf, Riviere, Guild of Women-binders. IX. a. Methods of book illustration. (Visit engravers' shop, if possible.) Copperplate engraving, 1477; Line and stipple, 18th century. WTood engraving, 1481; The "new school," 1877. Lithography, 1796. Mezzotint, Aquatint. Half-tone. Photogravure. Color processes. b. Illustrators, ancient and modern. c. Children's books and their illustrators. The horn-book. X. a. How a modern book is produced. (Visit publisher's or printer's shop, if possible.) 5b. History of the printing press; News- paper printing. c. Typography in the 18th and 19th cen- turies. Giambattista Bodoni, the foreign language printer. William Caslon. John Baskerville. William Morris; The Kelmscott press. Will Bradley. Theodore L. DeVinne. XI. a. What is good printing? Harmony; Appropriateness; Tone and contrast; Proportion; Balance and spacing; Ornamentation. b. Book-plates, or Ex-libris. c. Grangerizing, or Extra-illustration. 6A Brief Reading List GENERAL WORKS Aklis, H. G. THE PRINTED BOOK, 154 pp., 11 pis. New York: Putnam's, 1916. Bouckot, H. THE BOOK, ITS PRINTERS, ILLUS- TRATORS AND BINDERS FROM GUTENBERG TO THE PRESENT TIME, 383 pp., 172 ills. London: Grevel, 1890. Putnam, G. H. BOOKS AND THEIR MAKERS DURING THE MIDDLE AGES, 2 vols., 459-538 pp. New York: Putnam's, 1896. Rawlings, G. B. STORY OF BOOKS, 160 pp., 17 ills. New York: Appleton, 1901. THE STUDIO, Special Number, 1914. THE ART OF THE BOOK: a review of some recent Euro- pean and American work in typography, page decoration and binding, 276 pp., ill., col. pis. Lon- don: John Lane, 1914. THE ART OF WRITING Breasted, J. H. ANCIENT TIMES, 742 pp., ill. Boston: Ginn, 1916. Clodd, E. STORY OF THE ALPHABET (Library of Useful Stories), 209 pp., ill. New York: 1900. HISTORY OF THE ART OF WRITING: four port- folios, 203 pis. Hoffman, W. J. BEGINNINGS OF WRITING, 209 pp., ill. New York: Appleton, 1895. Humphreys, H. N. ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF THE ART OF WRITING, 176 pp., ill., col. pis. London: Bogue, 1854. Johnston, H. W. LATIN MANUSCRIPTS, 135 pp., ill., facsimiles. Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1897. Madan, F. BOOKS IN MANUSCRIPT, 188 pp., 8 pis. London: Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1893. Silvestre, M. J. B. UNIVERSAL PALAEOGRAPHY; OR FACSIMILES OF WRITINGS OF ALL NA- TIONS AND PERIODS, 2 vols, text, 1 vol. pis. London: Bohn, 1849. Taylor, I. THE ALPHABET: AN ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LET- TERS, 2 vols., 358-398 pp., ill. London: Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1883. Thompson, Sir E. M. INTRODUCTION TO GREEK AND LATIN PALAEOGRAPHY, 600 pp., 250 fac- similes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1912. 7ILLUMINATION OF MANUSCRIPTS Herbert, J. A. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS (Connoisseur's Library), 356 pp., 51 pis. New York: Putnam's, 1911. Humphreys, H. N. ILLUMINATED BOOKS OF THE MIDDLE AGES . . . from the 4th to the 17th centuries, 15 pp., 39 col. pis. London: 1849. Middleton, J. H. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS IN CLASSICAL AND MEDIAEVAL TIMES, THEIR ART AND TECHNIQUE, 270 pp., ill. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. 13—How Paper Is Made. 49—Books Before Typography. 50—The Invention of Typography. 51—A Brief History of Printing. 52—The Economic History of Printing. 53—Brief History of Printing in England. 54—Brief History of Printing in America. HISTORY OF PRINTING DeVinne, T. L. THE INVENTION OF PRINTING, 556 pp., ill. London: Trubner, 1877. DeVinne, T. L. NOTABLE PRINTERS OF ITALY DURING THE 15TH CENTURY, 210 pp., facsim- iles, ill. New York: DeVinne, 1910. Duff, E. G. EARLY ENGLISH PRINTING, FAC- SIMILES, 37 pp., 40 pis. London: Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1896. Gress, E. G. ART AND PRACTICE OF TYPOG- RAPHY, 160 pp., ill. New York: Oswald, 1910. Humphreys, H. N. MASTERPIECES OF THE EARLY PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS, 81 fac- simile plates with descriptive text. London: Soth- eran, 1870. Kennard, J. S. SOME EARLY PRINTERS AND THEIR COLOPHONS, 129 pp. Philadelphia: Jacobs, 1902. Plomer, H. R. A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLISH PRINTING, 1476-1898, 330 pp., ill., 4 ports. Lon- don: Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1900. Sotheby, S. TYPOGRAPHY OF THE 15TH CEN- TURY . . . facsimiles from 100 works, together with their watermarks. London: Rodd, 1845. UNITED TYPOTHETAE OF AMERICA. Typo- graphic technical series for apprentices. Chicago: 1918. 8BOOKBINDING Brassington, W. S. HISTORY OF THE ART OF BOOKBINDING, WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THE BOOKS OF THE ANCIENTS, 277 pp., ill., col. pis. New York: Macmillan, 1893. Cundall, T. ON BOOKBINDINGS ANCIENT AND MODERN, 132 pp., 28 pis. London: Bell, 1881. Home, H. P. THE BINDING OF BOOKS, 224 pp., 12 pis. London: Paul, Trench, Trtibner, 1894. Prideaux, S. T. MODERN BOOKBINDINGS, THEIR DESIGN AND DECORATION, 131 pp., 58 pis. London: Constable, 1906. BOOK ILLUSTRATION Bulloch, J. M. THE ART OF EXTRA-ILLU ST RA- TION (Collector's Library, vol. 2), 61 pp., 3 pis. London: Treherne, 1903. Burch, R. M. COLOUR PRINTING AND COLOUR PRINTERS, with a chapter on modern processes by W. Gamble, 280 pp., pis. New York: Baker & Taylor, 1911. Pennell, J. MODERN ILLUSTRATION, 134 pp., ill. Londen: Bell, 1895. Pollard, A. W. EARLY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ... 15th and 16th centuries, 254 pp., ill. London: Paul, Trench, Triibner, 1917 (Edition 2). Studio Special Winter Number, 1897-8. CHIL- DREN'S BOOKS AND THEIR ILLUSTRATORS, 68 pp., ill., col. pis. London: The Studio, 1898. Weitenkampf, F. AMERICAN GRAPHIC ART, 372 pp., pis. New York: Holt, 1912. MISCELLANEOUS DeTabley, J. B. L. W. Baron. A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF BOOK-PLATES (EX-LIBRIS), 228 pp., ill. London: Lane, 1900. Gerring, C. NOTES ON PRINTERS AND BOOK- SELLERS, WITH A CHAPTER ON CHAP BOOKS, 119 pp., pis. London: Simpkin, Marshall, etc., 1900. Roberts, W. PRINTERS' MARKS, A CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF TYPOGRAPHY, 261 pp., ill. London: Bell, 1893. Smith, A. M. PRINTING AND WRITING MATE- RIALS: THEIR EVOLUTION, 236 pp., pis. Phila- delphia, The Author, 1912. Tuer, A. W. HISTORY OF THE HORN-BOOK, 2 vols., ill. London: 1896. 9SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL (In the Minneapolis Public Library) Set of 41 lantern slides, with lecture, on "THE STORY OF THE ALPHABET." Set of 59 lantern slides, with lecture, on "THE EVOLUTION OF THE BOOK." Set of 52 photographs, postcard size, on "THE DE- VELOPMENT OF WRITING AND PRINTING." Hundreds of mounted pictures illustrating the devel- opment of writing and printing, illuminated manu- scripts, the evolution of the book, book illustration and book bindings. 10This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015