ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015s pecmens of U/HNT Theo. G.DeVinne § ^ 63 AuKW Sju^EET, n ev --------------—-----—-—------—-——■— mmw*UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ; ^ LIBRARY . Volume Book My 08-15MQUAINT TYPES.SPECIMENS aJr\•/>. '' v.- CW *A V ^ V Sw* OF SOME OF THE NEW AND CX RECENTLY ADDED TO STOCK IN THE PRINTING OFFICE OF THEO. L. DE VINNE & Co. 6) AND 65 MURRAY STREET, NEW-YORK.C, 6 5/2-4 ) J «£ &£u ^JUL ~~£u£ £ act 985516 Specimens of the Types of (2^=^. -«—At--€L- ;£^L ^^^z^-~-~r/~—O- r——e—C<—*-—t-^ ^__77Z—1. <51 QAjl —d—*-—«—C^ ^^^-£--ty<—CL -t-t--//^-—C—<2- -i--iJ-^/^'^^ JL~~~ r~^*~~^ ^>-»^________Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 78 Specimens of the Types of —gx- —6——O-^^—____ $ JMOTES OF JVIUSie A^JE SAID TO JHAVE BEEN INVENTED BY GUY /cRETINO, jK BENEDI6TINE JVIONK OF /cREZZO, IT/cLY, ABOUT 1025. Pica Gothic No. io. Capitals, 29. OloD ENGLISH OR BI0A6K IdETTER IS REAL>bY j* fLEMISH fORM OF WRITING, WITH SOME JMORMAN @RA©ES. Two-line-brevier Gothic No. io. Capitals, 36. TJHE MOST /cNSIENT JVISS. ARE WRITTEN WITH- OUT ACCENTS, jfcND WITJHOUT SPA6ES.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 21 Great-primer Gothic No. io. Capitals, 43. " ENGUISH JVIER6URIE," FOF^ THE fRE- VENTIOjM OF fAL>SE REPORTS. 1588. Double-small-pica Gothic No. 10. Capitals, 51. ACCENTS WERE fIRST USEE) IJM THE f^EIGN OF LOUIS XIII. Double-english Gothic No. 10. Capitals, 67. J. GUTEJMBEI^S BORN 1399.22 Specimens of the Types of Brevier Glyptic No. 2. Capitals, 17. C0WPER TO UNWIJSL NICH©Ii& I H7*YE HEHRD, IJ3 THE ]HejgiF LEANED PRINTER @F THE P^EgENT DflY. HE PRIJW3 THE GENTIiEMHN'P MHSH2INE, HND HELP Ug IP THE ©THERg gHSKILiD DECLINE. cowper to unwin, before the publication of " the ta8k." Long-primer Glyptic No. 2. Capitals, 19. TT 13 THE FIF^T DUTY ©P ft PRINTER JJ0T T0 I ftJi^Wm THE INDISCREET ^UEgTI©NS 0P TH03E WH© Wlgp T0 K]S[0W THE NAMES ©P HUTH0RS ©R NUMBER 0P C0PIEf3 PRINTED. Crapelet. Pica Glyptic No. 2. Capitals, 23. IN THE $HIPWF(ECK @P TOTE, TOPIiE^ PIi®^ HND HRE PRESERVED, WHIIiB THINGS M®^E YfllityiBIiE ^INK T0 THE B0TT0M, HND ^E PQ^EYE^. JuNlus.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 23 Two-line-brevier Glyptic No. 2. Capitals, 28. UNQHE^TONTIBLiY ! IS THERE n W0RD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WHICH C@N- T7IINS Hkh THE Y0WELS? Two-line-long-primer Glyptic No. 2. Capitals, 34. gTBRE©rPYPE PRINTING WgUCOE^PULLY PR7KM0ED BY E^RLi pTTiPifiSPE, "fl. D. ]8>0J. Two-line-pica Glyptic No. 2. Capitals, 40. PII^T ^QND^Y P^PEI^: 4" ^QNDTIY PUBLIgfffiD IN D0ND0N, IN W-24 Specimens of the Types of Brevier Glyptic No. i. Capitals, 13. dl^ydejv ¥0 ¥0]5j50]v[. I expect f0]^¥y p0hjvidjs i]vt g00d jsilyei?; ]s0¥ jsacfl £js i ji£d e0^jie^l£¥. i n0t obliged ¥0 ¥jflke g0ld; ]sei¥jieh will i; j20^ j5¥£y e01^ i¥ ^b0ve k0a^-£p>- ¥we]s¥¥ p0o^ ?if¥e^ i¥ ijs due.** tonson had previously quarreled with dryden for having to pay fifty guinea8 for a poem contracted for at forty. Long-primer Glyptic No. i. Capitals, 14. for wwsja.*. J\m generally jspe^kim, ^pe dipfck cpto- ^ 0scui^ijs¥j5 to indeed per30j53 wi¥p01i¥ ija£6iffli¥i0]s m tllilr, wp0, ]s0¥ beij56 flbiie ¥0 6e¥ JiJiY piie^ga^e 0u¥ 0k ¥peii? ¥p0u6p¥js, ¥^y ¥0 6e¥ l¥ 0u¥ 0e ¥pei^ j5e]sjsfl¥i0jyj5. jm- ruskin. Pica Glyptic No. i. Capitals, 17. ^n0¥pi]56 13 JIQW dlfficam> ww tjie keepij56 wi¥fh]s p^0pe^ ¥jie emend^¥i0ng 0e c0i^ec¥0i^ 0e ¥jie ptoft wji0 p^ye jtol^e WW CR4PElET.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 25 Great-primer Glyptic No. i. Capitals, 21. •*WE PIPE B00K& JFPE¥ P^IZE WW WP0 nW TPEM^EIiYEg WIgE. ip JFflE pigpen civim^- TI0P TPE B00K Ig piMi WPE -nfcjnepjSF DEMSP.SN- Double-pica Glyptic No. i. Capitals, 28. •>%]{ C0PY 0F #-«- BIBLE, B0UjND BY n Fweag B00KBINDE^, I^FED IN >TO J9TP CEPHI^Y /Fl- 500 (ini^E/IS.26 Specimens of the Types of Great-primer Ceremonial. Lower-case, 17. I>WL ^v\W[/ncjA jkaA CL P-amvd &eh= WloiXE, a£E S^i/nwi/ a/wd @oi/to/vt a/mi Smew/ f^a/cjA, &e -ms/e/i- 4-a ima^, aA WWij, a/Ve «cjjuci/f/f^ 'tp/Q/d, j/QA, WW ja-uAva/oAe o| maiWi/tj aA. WWA-e Wiat aA^ ^aA/cp^. 6$ {Wtj- IWn/Cj- m cm© -coA/vi/Ci, o| cl wiiild -6b-© WW wveanA o| 4aiwwt^ mcm/i WWA ojimmxM {W oilWvuMAe 1/oAt. WW Ski/cUeA 6/fWui/cl lo^at m-aioe a j/oAtu/Ki/e &Aj Wa/iA jaiyoce o/i/j> wi/ uvlvi/ofv tve< fxMAAVxL oid u>a& &OAA> oXd {^0/0ic4 Wl> tlW &tcute wu uvfvuofi/ tfwvj/ oa/m^ |vt>m ci/ UMMaW haAtWlj bsshvQA^Q 1/t j^06^vt)Xo to tl/1/VH/ Cl> uvVeofc wuto l^a/vi/d^rw^ {K>ofo. @odj/oA/d j/iA&t jmttod t^VO toofe to eaofa/ toCbj!' l^€4/Kl/t^ tVOCbto'd j it u>o5> tJWn> di/jv^ed wi/fco 64^ ci/wcL u>cbtoV) unlived cmd dvi^d j tfwi/b wue^vvcled) o/wcL t{v0 aA/fc of m^yucUruj UK1& om of ^ootverwe- deii= oaoij j tWvo u>oVe< mvt tli/We fuoofii/e' wi/ ^aa^/a/rui/ u>I^O/ CQutd wwvi/d ci/ {kkvP& STIi/en/ tlveA^ uKvU/tcL to} |i/€A/{i/a|iA) a> UM>vd t>V cu t/ettoV {v©ve cmd tlWve-j u>{vw>{o/ cu |=6Wi^iXe4At Ivci/d to 64/uji/== |iXi| j tlawv tfv0 uvG'VG' {^Aott^lvt wito> twi/e^ 60^0 a> li-it |i/U/t fi/toli/ a^ci/brv a>a6> -a muJ/t CI/H/d detl/Ca/t© O/J^^AXltuWI/ j tfwH/ it OKlA CClVe^ul^ 6ti/tclved ci/H/ti oo/ivewd^ ci/wcL) ocum^ tf^e t^iXctwi/^/ ct/vid tetteA/iyi/cj/. ©w tlviA ^Wbv. @odj/oA/d {i^6^tx>u>€V. Quaritch.28 Specimens of the Types of English Pen Text. Lower-case, 14^. tUR ^oltvvu tPvei/& oi/tm in iptiviiin<$ <^y^oiervt oiAXfaoxA, acc- ivwfy to &uch Kb> copt^; 'vujta&ecu*, 014/fc o| tlvc cotieoteb tlVe o| -fate^ tfveoe atvt^vo^ a^e eocceebvniw- proa>eb. eFofc iruyt em-ce, a&ou4: t^irti^ i|ea^ oi/wce, ^juakiw w cot^rccteb |^aac f^o^vu^ ii4> n^arn^ ^14^14-h^eb places wo^t wate^ict/C to aetv&e elecj-ci/vvce, cwb avwce Seeta^ zwpzivit&& vw SCottoA^h^ a|te^ tlW pu^et^ copi^; IWfc vu'xXtv oiitt accb>in>cf to the olb- ^eabi^v^. ^JW £ifee fvao ei^eca'^ Ip^acjebie^ cmb n&a/c ca^ytic^a/teh a-S^oah 6et>c^al ^ea^tveh ^cwbo, aij^vic^ "Se^ibe^ t&at it bono it w> ^ittfe bet^i-mei4^ to l&a>x cwb c^utipu^ati o| vi>cfc> •to tnalic -ptow^ 141^244- toofo u^pon &eo/iMAM, &k>- CJI4>IWM- -t^eao^ o| -t-fVe conpmon -people-." u ^CHj44WH, "144" -jW-mfe-fk GCm/ti41/U/C<>. Ive, u 4-ve-tve ena-Meb -to m>e o^oo-Pto, -tiW -pt-i-be o| §ktAA%elA)e6 co-m- ptct-i-vteb -tfW-t -fcfW- -t>e/p-w/tct/tkH4 o| <£^-0^14444^, 044b -tfW -t-copect -to -i/t, cwib \X& -vue^e -iWoe^eb w%wax \X wcw -tlWoi-tm ope-vt -to aM •xwew. ^wn i-R icj4-to~ wnce 14J06, -j*)^ d-owe oo-mi-b- -to -&«■ a 441^-^ o| £^-tii4otio4t -Si^- -vu^iiofv a -ma-n oj c^ntfe bvcA-fyx c&ooe, -not -u-n^ce- c^ueviktij, to *iu -to -frty -tlW -toil o| 0^1x3444-, -tlWvt -frtj- ev-K>ecvt o| -fWv ^-to-m.1' Quoted in Marsh's Lectures on the English Language.30 Specimens of the Types of Double-small-pica Pen Text. Lower-case, 21. ^^owi4 ^piotoz i<^no- •fcao] a&ouk <& piol>w/£e %nj cHicfe u 0-ui^e a- -poew! ^)-k>- -p&eciow^ Me^e-b, a/Hx) !" 3°^ •bcrn- J014^ -a picture g||<. ^oSii4^Km -k>- cki- cp -re-b -k> a a^- c$. cB. faviw^ a- ^>(W co£cy& com- po^i^ioi4 ibiokic, !" Wf{mi|Sk3i4m: "SPs all i/uot-IW o| ^ve lt4<^IW>^ <^144444- IWue |a44^t^ o| •be<>c^ip't:io44!" 2O44 ^041^: "cH^a/oe £jWi^? jp'-m c^iab jtaafc i-fc, £lWi4, |or CP C^KX44^e |<>£ 1^CM4, oK> 4444344 ! "Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 3i Double-english Pen Text. Lower-case, 28^. I|oc!VQs 014/ we S&z/fcc^ u ||fci/2> WWftAfo q)Q)OUM& itl/ 014/ tfve g® OC&, _ 014/ NW £eow. . . <| %/$w, ^Vi/vup . . . fuPPV^My^PW^Xj WU%be< cmi aba-pfah. el| €4"tfve^ wm 3 -IWb- ^ tofa&iv W0&0& o| w$vic$v i& ^ct^buyvuxhtij t haw l~f vci/t vuPvic/fV lo bioi4/loUoll^ !4/14C-: -NW §kct«• Great-primer Mural. Capitals, 26 SOME BOOKS ARE TO BE <4 TASTED ;t» OTHERS SWALLOWED. Double-pica Mural. Capitals, 38. SOME BOOKS TO BE «< DIGE8TED> Double-great-primer Mural. Capitals, 51. FRAN'S BACONTheo. L. De Vinne & Co. 35 Two-line-long-primer ^Esthetic. Capitals, 37; Small capitals, 27. • STANDING ON teRECDONY* ♦ is one Extreme ; # *• 'TRAMPLING ON IT ANOTHER. «♦ Two-line-pica Esthetic. Capitals, 45; Small capitals, 35. « Heading » IflKDTH A EULL JSAri.* m SSkiting m AKDTH AN Hx/ICT /RAN. Two-line-English ^Esthetic. Capitals, 51; Small capitals, 41. *J&ARC0 fOLO * Hied in theTe/ir 1324.36 Specimens of the Types of Double-small-pica Templar. Capitals, 27; Lower-case, 20. goop jip niljo do ijot Instruct Blows or ^buse.-<- Double-english Templar. Capitals, 37; Lower-case, 24^. +TPY DEHOTD* I^eitl^er Food nor Images. You Visit Tlienj, and Tfyey are Jllert. Double-paragon Templar. Capitals, 50; Lower, 33^. WW Tpify Tljey will ijot ^ide, ^or Gonjplaii^ Richard de Bury.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 37 Long-primer Minster. Capitals, 18; Lower-case, 9. sill mm itiii mmm iiii. f|llg reason of the extreme rarity of the bookA printed by the early l|ngliAh printer^ 16 that, being very amusing, they -Were uAed up,—thumbed out of existence, |§uch were ||axton'A J|ook of the ff|rder of ghyvalry; hiA Jpnight of the ffoure; the Ijjhjrour of the Hforld; and the golden jgegende ; fjocke JtoelTA Hote, by jle |porde; hiA jpalendar of fghepeherdeA, and Auch like. f|f any one feelA an interest in the proceAA of exhau6tion, by Which Auch treaAureA were reduced to rarity, he may eaAily witneAA it in the debriA of a circulating library; and perhapA he -will find the phe- nomenon in Atill more diAtinct operation at any book-Atall where lie heapA of Achool-bookA, odd YolumeA of novelA, and a choice of ipattA'A jlymnA and pilgrim ||rogreAAeA. John Hill Burton. Pica Minster. Capitals, 21; Lower-case, 11. llllllltllSfi HHMl HIW llllfillillS- to^irers, like printers, have a Sort of instinct, r(Z LiE¥¥ER, used bf ea^Y Wpiteps ©f EMRSI'B, has Ieffe n© fepaGGS M©d- ePH piphabefes. Three-line-pica Ringlet. Capitals, 63; Lower-case, 48. RBEB^ wepe in use bef©Fe Quills; gaiuus amE witeh Fapep.40 Specimens of the Types of Nonpareil Lining Gothic, No. i. Capitals, 7. Happily for us, the utility and interest of historic researches do not depend on the exactness of their result8. all examination is profitable, because all error is misfortune, even that which con- sists only in declaring as evident the opinion that was only plausible. it is the inclination to think too highly of our acquisitions that engenders vain pretenses, long quarrels, intolerance, and discord. it may be admitted that there are matters about which doubt is nothing more than ignorance and obstinacy ; but the doubt explained is also true knowledge. it seems to me, at least, that the sceptici8m that certain historic discoveries have provoked is not the least pleasant nor the least healthy state of mind that the human 8pirit acquire8. DAUNAU. Nonpareil Lining Gothic, No. 2. Capitals, 8. FROM THE GAZETTE OF MAY 23d, 1733. AN AWAY ON THE 17TH OF THI8 INSTANT MAY, FROM THE PRINTER HEREOF, AN APPRENTICE LAD, NAMED JAMES PARKER, BY TRADE A PRINTER, AGED ABOUT 19 YEARS; HE IS OF A FRESH COMPLECTION, WITH SHORT YELLOWISH HAIR, HAVING ON A YELLOWI8H BENGALL COAT, JACKET AND BREECHES LINED WITH THE SAME, AND HAS TAKEN WITH HIM A BROWN COLOUR'D COARSE COAT, WITH FLAT METTAL BUT- TONS, two FROCKS, two SHIRTS, one PAIR OF STRIP'D TICKEN JACKET AND BREECHES. WHOEVER TAKE8 UP AND 8ECURES THE SAID APPRENTICE, 80 THAT HI8 SAID MASTER MAY HAVE HIM AGAIN, SHALL HAVE TWENTY 8HILLING8 AS A REWARD, AND ALL REASONABLE CHARGE8 PAID BY WILLIAM BRADFORD. Nonpareil Lining Gothic, No. 3. Capitals, 11. glBDIN WARMED HIS CONVIVIAL GUESTS AT A COMFORTABLE FIRE, FED BY THE WOOD-CUTS FROM WHICH HAD BEEN PRINTED THE IMPRESSION OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DECAMERON. IT WAS A QUAINT FANCY, AND DEEMED TO BE A PRETTY AND APPROPRIATE FORM OF HOSPITALITY, WHILE IT EFFECTUALLY ASSURED THE SUBSCRIBERS TO HIS COSTLY VOLUMES THAT THE VULGAR WORLD WHO BUY CHEAP BOOKS WAS DEFINITELY CUT OFF FROM PARTICIPATING IN THEIR PRIVILEGES. Nonpareil Lining Gothic, No. 4. Capitals, 15. ^»EAUTIFUL ART CAN ONLY BE PRODUCED BY PEOPLE WHO |p HAVE BEAUTIFUL THINGS ABOUT THEM, AND LEISURE TO LOOK AT THEM; AND UNLESS YOU PROVIDE SOME ELE- MENT OF BEAUTY FOR YOUR WORKMEN TO BE SURROUNDED BY, YOU WILL FIND THAT NO ELEMENTS OF BEAUTY CAN BE INVENTED BY THEM. RUSKIN.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 4i Nonpareil Gothic Italic. Capitals, 9; Lower-case, 6. THE POET'S MISERIES. Ah I here it is! I'm famous now, An author and a poet! It really is in print! Ye Gods! How proud I'll be to show it I And gentle Annie I What a thrill Will animate her breast, To read these ardent lines and know To whom they are addressed. Why, bless my soul! here's something strange, What can the paper mean By talking of the "graceful brooks That gander o'er the green " ? And here's a t instead of r, Which makes it "tippling rill"; "We'll seek the shad" instead of shade, And "hell" instead of hill. " Thy looks so "—what?—/ recollect; 'Twas "sweet," and then 'twas "kind," And now to think the stupid foot— For "bland" has printed "blind." Was ever such provoking work ? 'Tis curious, by the by, How anything is rendered blind By giving it an I. " Hast thou no tears ? " the t's left out, " Hast thou no ears ? " instead. " i hope that thou art dear" is put " / hope that thou art dead." Who ever saw in such a space So many blunders crammed ? " Those gentle eyes bedimmed " is spelt " Those gentle eyes bedammed " The color of the rose " is "nose"; "Affection " is "affliction "; / wonder if the likeness holds In fact as well as fiction ? " Thou art a friend; " the r is gone; Who ever would have dreamed That such a trifling thing could change A " friend " into a "fiend"? " Thou art the same " is rendered " lame " ; It really is too bad; And here because an i's left out "My lovely maid " is "mad." They drove her blind by poking in An /—a process new; And now they've gouged it out again, And made her crazy, too. Brevier Gothic Italic. Capitals, 10; Lower-case, 8. THE POET'S MISERIES.-(Continued.) " IWhere are the Muses fled, that thou Should'st live so long unsung? " Thus ran my version — here it is — "Shouldst live so long unhung." " The fate of woman's love is thine,' An h commences fate; How small a circumstance will turn A woman's love to hate! Let's stop and recapitulate; I've dammed her eyes, that's plain; I've told her she's a lunatic, And blind, and dead, and lame. Was ever such a horrid hash Of poetry or prose ? I've said she was a fiend, and praised The color of her nose. I'll read no morel What shall / do? I'll never dare to send it; The paper's scattered far and wide, 'Tis now too late to mend it. Oh, Fame / thou cheat of human bliss / Why did I ever write ? / wish my poem had been burned Before it saw the light I 6 / wish / had that printer here, About a half a minute, I'd bang him to his heart's content, And with an h begin it. I'd jam his body, eyes, and nose, And spell it with a d, And send him to that "hill" of his That he spelled with an e.42 Specimens of the Types of Two-line-pica Card Gothic. Capitals, 20; Lower-case, 12. 0t tbe end of a bsiturcjy printed in f\)e of anner of Persone sell tl?e P resent 3 001^, Unbound, above tl?e price of ^wo ^Ipillyncj and ^wo P ence, and tip e same ©ound P aste or'0ordes, in 3alves bleaker, not ab i\)e price of Pour ^l^illyncjes tlpe piece. Gjod save tl?e /Kyn£) I es e in oveTheo. Z. De Vinne & Co. 43 Double-pica Harper. Capitals, 29; Lower-case, 18. fn jqaieRieeiyM .pugMg^ 'Hlg to infopm my Ppiend^ and Cu^tomer®^ tt?at, °n Jatupday next, tt?© /N©w^pap©p will k© ^o]d fop a «penny, and to k>e continued at t^t ppi0-©; tut jRd- vepti^ment^ will ^till k© ta^en ^paii^, a^ fopm©ply. l)^© p©§^on of my Ri^in^ it to a Penny i^, k>e©aa$e tl?© /Mumkep I ppint i^ too ppodi- fi°u$jy Gp©at to k© ^iven aw§^ any lon^ep; and I ^ope Hon© of Ci^tomep^ will t^inl^ it d©ap at a penny, ^in^e tl^ey ^all [7&V© t^© ke^t Intelligent©, k^id©^ Ot^p Piv©p$i°n^ The Norwich Gazette, 1721.44 Specimens of the Types of Great-primer Century. Capitals, 22. -TWO VyMED in ONE BOUSE,- * TWO CFTTES & ODE MOVCE. * • TWO DOGGES JII2D ONE BONE • - njiy never. jirroi^D in ode.- Old Book. Double-pica Century. Capitals, 31. ETCHING IS Tin IDDOIsEDT - M BMDBERING - MET60D JIT THE BEST. Double-great-primer Century. Capitals, 42. -THERE'S NO- • REPEniTfflCE ID • * EDGR/IVING.* RU8KIN.45 Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. Two-line-pica Fresco. Capitals, 40; Small capitals, 32. Three-line-pica Fresco. Capitals, 56; Small capitals, 42. Four-line-pica Fresco. Capitals, 76; Small capitals, 62.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 45 Two-line-pica Fresco. Capitals, 40; Small capitals, 32. |i|iif m will? Three-line-pica Fresco. Capitals, 56; Small capitals, 42. Four-line-pica Fresco. Capitals, 76; Small capitals, 62.46 Specimens of the Types of Nonpareil Cabalistic. Capitals, 9%. 56 CBGOflY OF PHIHTinG SHOULD DOC BG UHKnOUm €0 T50$6 IB^O 122AK6 ERGQUGDC U$6 OF BOOKS. IC 1$ mu<£5 TO BG IDI$5GD C^AT 122612 OF LG€TGH$ UJGKG QUALIFIGD TO <£IU€I<£I$S II2tGLLIG6I2TLY t^G I226G BOOKS PKinCGD in +ITALY AW FULL OF* ABOmiDABLG GRR0H$. Double-great-primer Cabalistic. Capitals, 49. FIRST GRRATA MU JUVGDAL^ AC VGOKZG, 1478.48 Specimens of the Types of Pica Hair Line Shaded. Capitals, 14y2\ Lower-case, 11. BOOKS WHICH ARE NO BOOKS. TN this catalogue of books which are no books—biblia -L a biblia—I reckon court calendars, directories, pocket- books, draught-boards bound and lettered on the back, scientific treatises, almanacs, statutes at large; the works of Hume, Gibbon, Robertson, Beattie, Soame Jenyns, and generally all those volumes which no gentleman's library should be without; the histories of Flavius Josephus (that learned Jew) and Paley's ' Moral Philosophy.' With these exceptions, I can read almost anything. I bless my stars for a taste so catholic, so unexcluding. I confess that it moves my spleen to see these things in books' clothing perched upon shelves, like false saints, usurpers of true shrines,- intruders into the sanctuary, thrusting out the legitimate occupants. To reach down a well- bound semblance of a volume, and hope it is some kind- hearted play-book, then opening what seem its leaves, to come bolt upon a withering population essay. To expect a Steele, or a Farquhar, and find—Adam Smith. To view a well-arranged assortment of block-headed encyclopaedias (Anglicanas or Metropolitanas) set out in an array of russia or morocco, when a tithe of that good leather would comfortably re-clothe my shivering folios, would renovate Paracelsus himself, and enable old Raymund Lully to look like himself again in the world. I never see these impostors but I long to strip them, to warm my ragged veterans in their spoils. Charles Lamb.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 49 Two-line-bourgeois Ornamented No. 1074. Capitals, 18^. Two-line-pica Ornamented No. 1074. Capitals, 26. Two-line-great-primer Ornamented No. 1074. Capitals, 35^. Four-line-pica Ornamented No. 1074. Capitals, 49^. 75° Specimens of the Types of Two-line-pica Ornamented No. 1555. Caps. 25; Sm. Caps. 15yz. HfaRi . w , ([> Ml E EUQITE OB PRETItl^: DITTEB PfiliPERQllE 1TENITE HOG OPUB EXCELLED itenditur here bretti. BlRIC ^ERINQ, tfflg THE EARLIEST ftuNTER in the cits' op Bams. -§ee m ___l~ir, , 9^ Introduction to the Gorpub 9urib (jAnonici, 3 TOM. ft. D. 1§00.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 5i Three-line-pica Ornamented No. 1555. Caps. 42; Sm. Caps. 28^. a El W jlgj 'm 1 J: ¥hei/ cmnot be bought too mm. wisdom ib inlfflluflble. ictod de kim, mm?, & ln"5i£ fifillobiblon.52 Specimens of the Types of Great-primer Card Gothic. Caps. 22^; Sm. Caps. 19; Lower-case, 11. 0bsB BdRB4R§$ 0RB RRW. Phe Bible in Pequqt. Translated by j0hn bli0t, 6ambridge, 1663. 0s bes6ribed in the frenzies 6atal00ue. Rewly Bound by PRr. Rrancis Bedford-vig.: "0live Levant cjros-prained PRorocco; Elegantly 0rna- mented Bacl| and Bouble Panelled ^ides; Biamond 6enter and Biamond 6orners in ricf? Harleian ^tyle; oints inside l^icl?ly Hand-Pooled, and Crimson ^ill^ fclininps against FRarble Paper Pacings; Bouble ^ill^- Head-Bands, inclosed in a ^olander ®ase, of Blue Bncilisf? FRorocco, full cjilt and lettered bacf^, bsined witl? Wl?ite Velvet. Joljn I^atcliff, Binder of tj?e bool^ in 1663 , was paid two slpillincis and sixpence per copy "for Binding and 8laspin^. He complained, wanting tl?ree sfjillinps and fourpence, or tl?ree s^illinps and sixpence per bool^; 0ne Bible beincj as mucl? as \)& could complete in one day, and find tl?e materials.Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. 53 Elzevir Italic. Body 6. Capitals, ioj£. DtAU^IEL ELZEVIR TO C^ICHOLtAS HEItXSIUS: I AM ^ASTONISHED THAT YOU HAVE FOUND SO (MANY FAULTS IN THE VELLEJUS, FOR THE 'PROOFS HAVE "BEEN T^EAD *BY THREE CORRECTORS, tAND ^AFTERWARD 0 WISH THAT (MY LIVY HAD 'BEEN "PUBLISHED IN ANOTHER FORM. I HEAR COMPLAINTS 00 manyV 0ltLII16S in the Hanguage. ffloo many Sentences in a"Volume. <§oo many Mords in a Sentence, moo many Syllables in a GDCorcl. ©00 many Hetters in a Syllable, moo many Strokes in a Hetter. ©oo much ©lack in a Stroke. Two-line-small-pica Missal Capitals, with Old Style No. 15 Lower-case. B^eCEVeOD. here C[axton sleeps, tSJCith QDCynkyn at his jSide, One clasped in (fiJlood, <^Cnd One in strong C[owhide. Pope.62 Theo. L. De Vinne & Co. Two-line-english Missal Capitals, with Double-english Old Style No. 15 Lower-case. I jECs good almost kill a (Dan as kill a (slood JBooke; QDCho kills a CDan, kills a reasonable C(reature, (s»od's Image; but he who destroys a good ^Booke kills reason itself. JEC good 33ooke is the precious Hife 331ood of a CDaster jSpirit, em- balmed and treasured to a IHfe beyond liife. John Milton, Areopaqitica.This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015