ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2014.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2014/] . ' t\S--#!>■■ NETHERLAND SOCIETY imnr • '»'Y--• * ' ■, : . ' ■/;: FOR THE PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY. (Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter bevordering van Nijverheid). Haarlem 1876.NETHERLAND SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY. (Nederlandsche Maatschappij ter bevordering van Nijverheid). Haarlem 1876.Q>o £ NEE& PROTECTOR: HIS MAJESTY THE KING. EXTRAORDINARY HONORARY MEMBER: HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE HENRY OF THE NETHERLANDS. --— 4 ?w\\NETHERLAND SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY. The Netherland Society for the promotion of Industry is established in 1777 as a branch of the Dutch Society of Sciences at Haarlem, with the special vocation to improve the different branches of national Industry by the application of science. Until the year 1797 it was known as the Eco- nomical Branch of the Dutch Society of Sciences; then this name was changed into ^^Dutch Economical Society". Its present name dates from the year 1836. The Society, established at Haarlem, its native town, has 30 branches throughout the whole Country, established under the name of departments, in the principal towns. The number of its members is 2074. The Board of Management is composed of6 12 members, assisted by a General Secretary- Treasurer. The Directors are elected for 4 years and are not re-elected for the next year. The Departements have their own administration and receive part of the contribution from each of their members. At the general annual meeting of the Society every Departement is represented by its Deputies. The Society is based on the same principles as the London Society of Arts, viz: Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, and more particularly: 1. Agriculture. 2. Arts and Manufactures. 3. Commerce, Navigation, Fisheries. The Rules of the Society are submitted to a total revision every 10 years. In the first period of its existence, the Society applied itself more especially to restore several ancient national indus- tries of the Netherlands, highly renowned in the 17th Century, but reduced to a state of decay through several circumstances and political distur- bances. At this period the Society offered a great number of premiums for improvement and inventions iij7 arts, manufactures, commerce etc., it enabled several young artists to continue their studies in Italy; it established schools for different branches of manu- factures and offered subsidies for the education of young sailors. From the year 1831 till i860 the Society was the first to introduce the elements of physical and chemical sciences into the schools for the working classes. It established in several towns its Industrial Schools, which were of great utility at a time in which such branches of instruction as are taught there, were not admitted on the programme for the work in public schools. The Society was one of the first to introduce in our Country the so called Relieving Banks(W ulpbanken), which supply small sums at a minimum interest to working men and small traders. Since its'foundation the Society has offered about 2000 premiums, for reward on proposed prize- questions, and adjusted 905 of them, besides the prizes awarded by the Juries of its numerous ex- hibitions. The premiums are Medals of Gold, Silver and Bronze. They are published in an annual Pro- gramme,8 Every year a General Assembly of the deputies of the Departments is held in one of the towns where a Department is established. Every five years this Assembly meets at Haarlem, the seat of the Society. On the second day of the Assembly a general meeting of the members takes place under the name of Congress. At this meeting every member has a vote and the right to take part in the discussions. The propositions of the Congress to the Society are discussed on the third day by the deputies of the Departments, and in this manner several highly interesting resolutions have been passed, the exe- cution of which is trusted to the Board of Mana- gement. Within the last years the following subjects have been discussed, which have given rise to treatises of high importance, published in the Annals and the Journal of the Society, or which have called forth numerous petitions to Gouvernment: Industrial Statistics. Labour of Children in mills and manufactures. Agricultural and Professional Instruction.9 Agricultural Instruction in the Dutch Possessions in India. Culture of Waste Grounds and Sea Downs. Culture of the Silk worm. Improvement of Draining and of the Soil by the regular Distribution and Evacuation of Water. Fabrication of Peat. Culture of Fruit Trees. Sewage of Towns, with regard to the interests of Agriculture. The Food Question of the Working Classes. Improvement of Workmen's Dwellings. Cooperative Working Men's Institutions. Improvement of the Communication of Amsterdam with the North Sea. Abolishment of the Patent law and other Duties on Industry. Emigration to the Dutch Colonies. Amelioration of the Horse and Cattle races. Institution of a governmental Department of Industry. Government Subsidies to Railways. Oyster Culture. The Laws on Associations and anonymous Com- panies.IO The Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors. Expeditions to the North Pole. Promotion of the Commercial Relations with the Dutch South-African Republics. Improvement of Nautical Instruction. Public cheap Dining Rooms for the Working Classes. Since 1778, when the Society held its first Ge- neral Assembly, which year is therefore remembered in the Medal, the Society publishes regularly the Proceedings of its assemblies, an annual Programme of the Premiums, numerous highly important Works on Agriculture and Industry, and a Journal, the first volume of which appeared in the year 1833, and which forms at present a collection of 38 volumes. The Society held numerous national, local and special Exhibitions; it was charged with the care of the Netherland Industry at the first International Exhibitions of London and Paris. Afterwards it was the first to persuade the Government to take charge of the cooperation of our Country with the Universal Exhibitions of Industry and to appoint a special committee for this purpose.11 Since its foundation the Society always has been in relation with the Government and frequently offered its advice in many important questions. The Colonial Museum, established by the Society at Haarlem, has been opened in 1871 and contains very extensive collections of raw and industrial products of the Dutch Possessions in India and other Dutch Settlements, systematically arranged and with regard to their utility. These collections are brought together chiefly by means of gifts from the Government, as wel as from different persons and Societies in the Netherlands and in India. Plenty of room is allowed to the Society from Government in the large building near Haar- lem, which was formerly the residence of King Louis Napoleon and later of the Princess of Orange, mother of king William I. A Short Review of these collections has been lately published and a complete Descriptive Cata- logue of the Wood Collections, containing upwards of 1400 species, appeared in 1872. The Museum is daily open to the public, and the visitors may obtain every information about the exhibited objects. Many new and rare products of the Indian12 Archipelago are brought to the notice of the public by their exhibition in the Museum, and their de- scription in the Journal has already produced some useful results. The Society is at present occupied with esta- blishing a Museum of Industrial Art, to be opened in 1877, on occasion of its Centenary. This Museum is destined for collections of repro- ductions, models, samples, etc., illustrating the History of Ornament in the Industrial Arts. A permanent Committee, residing at Haarlem, is charged with the execution of this project. The Society is in relation with about 80 Societies in the Netherlands and Foreign Countries. The title of Honorary Member is only given to persons of high merit in Dutch India and Foreign Countries.NETHERLAND SOCIETY for the PROMOTION OF INDUSTRY. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT 1876. Dr. A. Vrolik, President, 's Gravenhage. A. C. Kruseman, Vice President, Haarlem. P. Smidt van Gelder, Amsterdam. Mr. J. H. Schober, Utrecht. Prof. A. C. Oudemans Jr., Delft. Prof. L. Mulder, Arnhem. D. A. Thieme , \r Gravenhage. General-Major F. A. T. Delprat, Amsterdam. A. A. G. van Iterson, Gouda. A. C. Cramer, Rotterdam. Prof. V. S. M. van der Willigen , Haarlem. Prof. E. H. von Baumhauer, Haarlem. F. W. van Eeden, General-Secretary-Treasurer. DONATORS 1876. Jhr. Mr. A. V. Teding van Berkhout, Haarlem. J. J. Blankenhagen, \r Gravenhage. Mr. H. C. du Bois. V Gravenhage. J. F. de Booy, Breda. J. H. Brinkman, Haarlem. Mr. C. J. E. Graaf van Bijlandt, 's Gravenhage. Jhr. Mr. J. C. Caan van Maurick, Harmelen. Ch. le Chevalier, Amsterdam. Mr. C. Cock, Leiden. C. C. L. van Coeverden, Haarlem. E. W. Cramerus, Amsterdam. Mr. J. P. van Wickevoort Crommelin, Haarlem. W. P. van Wickevoort Crommelin, Amsterdom. H. C. Cruijs, Amsterdam. A. W. van Eeghen, Amsterdam. Josua van Eik, Amsterdam. Mr. A. J. Ensched6, Haarlem. Mr. C. Fock, \r Gravenhage. P. Smidt van Gelder, Amsterdam. P. Smidt van Gelder Jr., Wormerveer. Mr. H. Gerlings, Haarlem. Jhr. Mr. D. T. Gevers van Endegeest, Leiden. Mr. H. M. Godefroi, 9s Gravenhage. Corn, de Groot, 9s Gravenhage. De Ned. Indische Handelsbank, Amsterdam. W. F. Baron van Herzeele, 9s Gravenhage. Mr. J. D. Baron van der Heim, 9 s Gravenhage. H. A. Insinger, Amsterdam. A. A. G. van Iterson, Gouda. F. 's Jacob, Utrecht. J. R. Kemper, Amsterdam. Jhr. Mr. F. L. W. de Kock, 9s Gravenhage. Jonkvr. A. A. A. C. Koenen, Amsterdam. Mr. I. C. Kops, Haarlem. A. P. Ledeboer, Tilburg. L. V. Ledeboer Bz., Rotterdam. Henrick S. van Lennep, Amsterdam. Mr. R. W. Graaf van Lijnden, Middelburg. Mr. M. Mees, Rotterdam. Mr. W. C. Mees, Amsterdam. General C. T. van Meurs, 9s Gravenhage. E. P. de Monchy, Amsterdam. F. N. Montauban van Swijndregt, Rotterdam. H. Muller Sz., Rotterdam. Mr. W. Nierstrasz van Tienhoven, 's Graven- hage. W. van Oordt, 9s Gravenhage. Staatsr. J. W. L. van Oordt, 9s Gravenhage. C. J. van der Oudermeulen, 7s Gravenhage. Mr. J. J. A. A. Baron van Pallandt van Wes- tervoort, Arnhem. L. Pincoffs, Rotterdam. Mr. A. A. Reepmaker, Rotterdam. Mr. H. H. Baron Roell, Haarlem. Mr. W. J. Roijaards van den Ham. Utrecht. Jhr. Auguste J. A. van Rijckevorsel, 9s Graven- hage. W. E. Rijnbende, Amsterdam.14 Jhr. Mr. L. van Schuylenburch van Bommenede, V Gravenhage. Mr. R. J. Graaf Schimmelpennick van Nijenhuis, \r Gravenhage. Mr. J. H. Schober, Utrecht. L. M. Schouwenburg, Amsterdam. W. J. E. Smissaert, Heemstede. Jhr. Mr. J. H. F. K. van Swinderen, Rijs. Jhr. Mr. C. J. A. den Tex, Amsterdam. B. A. Baron vail Verschuer, V Gravenhage. C. E. Viruly, Rotterdam. B. Vlielander, Numansdorp. P. van Vlissingen, Amsterdam. J. van der Vlugt, Haarlem. Joost van Vollenhoven, Rotterdam. Mr. J. Messchert van Vollenhoven, Amsterdam. Mr. E. du Marchie van Voorthuijsen, Utrecht. J. de Vos Jz., Amsterdam. Dr. A. Vrolik, V Gravenhage. Mevrouw C. Willink, Amsterdam. O. Baron vanWassenaer Catwijck,'s Gravenhage. Mr. L. Zegers Veeckens, Maastricht. G. J. Steens Zijnen, Gouda. HONORARY MEMBERS. J. J. de Beucker, Antwerp. J. H. Brand, President of the Orange Freestate, S. Africa. H. de Bruin, Batavia. Dr. Thomas F. Bnrgers, President of the Trans- vaal Republic, S. Africa. A. Chevalier, Paris. Henry Cole, Superintendent of the South- Kensington Museum, London. P. H. van Diest, Engineer of the mines, India. Hofrath Prof. Dr. R. Eitelberger von Edelberg. Director K. K. Museum f. Kunst u. Industrie, Vienna. R. Everwijn, Engineer-Director of the Depart- ment of Mines, Java. P. Le Neve Foster, Secretary Society of Arts, London. F. Gabut, Secretary of the Soci£t£ des Sciences industrielles, Lyon. Eug. Gauthy, Director of the Mus£e de l'ln- dustrie de Belgique, Brussels. K. W. van Gorkom, Inspector of the Cultures, India, Bandong-Java. C. F. M. de Grijs, Samarang, Java. Anton Haga, Major, Director of the Artillery- Works, Sourabaya, Java. Dr. J. K. Hasskarl, Naturalist, Cleve. R. H. L. Heidsieck, Netherl. Consul-General, Mexico. Mrss. van Hoek-Wilson, Ngawie, Java. K. F. Holle, Waspada, Java. John Eliot Howard, London. T. H. der Kinderen, President of the Batavi- an Society of Arts and Sciences, Batavia. T. Kroes, Netherland Consul, Shanghai. J. W. van Lausberge, Governor-General of Dutch-India, Batavia. P. Loppens, Professor, Ghent. J. Loudon, ex-Governor-General of Dutch-India. J. W. May, Netherland Consul-General, London. Alexander Mertens, Antwerp. J. C. Bernelot Moens, Director of theGovernm. Cinchona-plantations, Java. J. F. F. Moet, Engineer of Public Works, Padang, Sumatra. G. de Molinari, Redactor of the Journal des Ddbats, Paris. S. C. J. W. van Musschenbroek, Resident of Menado, Celebes. D. Omalius-Thierry, Anthisnes, Belgium. P. C. van Oosterzee, ex-President of the Factory of the Netherl. Handelmaatschappij, Batavia. Pangehran Adipatti Ario Mangko Negoro IV, Sourakarta, Java. Pangehran Adipatti Ario Sosro Winoto, Regent of Pamekassan, Madura. Prof. A. Pay en, Paris. Raden Mas Tomenggon Ario Tjondro Negoro, Regent of Kodoos, Java. Dr. C. Scheibler, Director of the Chem. Labo- ratory of the Vereinf. Rtlbenzucker-Industrie, Berlin. Major-General HenryY. D. Scott, Secretary of the International Exhibition of 1851,London. Dr. R. H. C. C. Schdffer, Director of the Gov. Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java. Prof. Dr. J. A. StOckhardt. Tharand. J. R. Swart, States-Secretary of the Transvaal Republic, S. Africa. C. A. van Sypesteyn, Governor of the Colony Surinam. S. W. Ruijssenaers, Netherland Consul-General, A lexandria. J. E. Teysmann, Honor. Inspector of the Go- vernment Cultures, Java. F. Baron von Wertheim, President of the Nied. Osterreich. Gewerbe-verein, Vienna. Dr. L. Wittmack, Director of the Agricultural Museum, Berlin.i5 DEPARTMENTS. apartment. secretaries. members. 1876. Ikmaar......................A. Conijn Az ........................................................................52 mersfoort....................Dr. L. C. E. E. Fock............................6 raster dam...................A. H. Walter..........................................................................174 irnhem......................A. Jochim................................................................................148 ..........................................15 ......... ........................120 ........................................7o ............................................65 ..........................................25 ............................................31 ............................................98 ............................................89 ..........................................151 ............................................21 ............................................12 17 ............................................97 ..........................................13 ..........................................8 ............................................41 ............................................40 4ssen......................J. van Druten. Breda........................Jhr. F. Backer..... Delft.........................F. T. Perk......... Deventer . ....................J. F. L. Schneider . Goes.........................H. G. Hartman Jz.. Gouda........................H. W. G. Koning.. \r Gravenhage..................Mr. C. Rueb....... Groningen....................J. Wolthekker Haarlem.....................H. F. Waller....... Tirlingen...................C. Teves........ juvire ........................P. S. Keverling Bz. Leeuwarden...................J. Soutendam....... Leiden........................Jan Plemp......... Lockem-Laren.................G. Naeff........... Meppel.......................A. de Visser....... Middelburg................... F. Ermerins........ Nijmegen. Purmerend...................H. P. van den Aardweg........................................................31 Rotterdam...................A. C. Cramer........*..........................................................152 Sneek.........................H. Rinia Kingma................................................................96 Tilburg......................C. P. G. Cox ... ......... ..........................................55 Utrecht.......................A. W. Teding van Berkhout............................................171 Vlaardingen..................Andries W. Schippers. Zalt-Bommel..................H. Vermeulen........ Zierikzee..................... J. C. Pilaar.......... ZtUtphen.....................B. A. Albers......... D o nator s........................................ Honorary Members............................ Members on the list of the Secretary............... Members-Correspondents..................... 25 5 52 33 76 47 34 ___4 2074 COMMITTEE OF REDACTION FOR THE JOURNAL. D. Pas, Amsterdam. Prof. E. H. von Baumhauer, Haarlem. Colonel W. F. Versteeg, Amstei dam. General Major F. A. T. Delprat, Amsterdam. Prof. A. C. Oudemans Jr., Delft. Dr. W. C. H. Staring, Boekhorst, Lochem. COLONIAL MUSEUM. Pavilion near Haarlem. Director F. W. van Eeden. The Museum is dayly open to the public from 10 a. m. tel 4% p. m. COMMITTEE OF CONSULTATION. This Committee is instituted to procure to the Members of the Society infor- mations about Industriel subjects. The Committee resides at Amsterdam. Members of the Comittee: for Agriculture. Jhr. Mr. H. Hoeufft van Velzen. H. F. Bultman. for Arts and Manufactures. D. Pas. A. H. Walter. for Commerce, Navigation and Fisheries. P. Smidt van Gelder. C. L. Loder. Economy and Statistics. Mr. W. K. van der Breggen. W. G. Deelman. President to the Committee.....D. Pas Secretary.........A. H. Walter.16 FOREIGN SOCIETIES WITH WHICH THE SOCIETY CHANGES PUBLICATIONS. Society of Arts, London. South-Kensington Museum, London. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, Edinburgh. Soci£t6 ZoOlogique d'Acclimation, Paris. L'Acad£mie nationale, agricole, manufacturi&re et commerciale, et la Soci£t6 de Statistique universelle, Paris. J. A. Barral, Directeur du Journal de 1'Agri- culture, Paris. Soci£t6 libre d'£mulation du Commerce et de l'Industrie de la Seine-Inf6rieure, Rouen. Soci6t£ d'Agriculture et des Arts de Seine-et- Oise, Versailles. Soci£t6 d'Agriculture d^ Alger. Soci£t£ Centrale d'Agriculture, d'Horticulture et d'Acclimatation de Nice et des Alpes-ma- ritimes, Nice. Soci6te des Sciences industrielles, Lyon. Soci6t6 d'Horticulture et de Botanique du Dep. du Gard, Society des Sciences naturelles, Cherbourg. Soci6t6 d'Agriculture du D^partement du Cher, Bourges, Soci£t£ d'Agriculture, Industrie, Sciences et Arts du Dep. de la Loz£re, Mende. Acad£mie de Stanislas. Nancy. Soci6t£ d'Agriculture des Bouches-du-Rhone, Marseille. Soci6t£ d'Agriculture Sciences, Arts et Commerce du Puy. Acad^mie de Metz. Society industrielle de Rouen. La Espana Agricola, Asociacion General de Labradores, Madrid Instituto Agricola Catalan de San Isidro, Bar- celona. Institut National Genevois, Geneve. Soci£te d'Agriculture de la Suisse Romande, Lausanne. Comizio Agrario, Vicenza. K. K. Oest. Museum ftlr Kunst und Industrie, Vienna. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur- und Architecten- Verein, Wien. Nieder-Oesterreichischer Gewerbe-Verein, Wien. Kaiserl. KOnigl. Mahrisch-Schlesische Gesell- schaft zur BefOrdering des Ackerbaues, der Natur- und Landeskunde, Brunn. Gewerbe-Verein, Erfurt. General Comit£ des Landwirthschaftlichen Ve- reins in Bayern, Munchen. KOnigh Bayerische Botanische Gesellschaft Regensburg. Verein Nassauischer Land- und Forstwirtht Wiesbaden. Ftirstlich Jablonowski'sche Gesellschaft, Leipzig Gesellschaft zur BefOrderung gemeinntttzigei Thatigkeit, Lubeck. Grossherzoglich-Hessische Centralstelle ftir die Landwirthschaft und die Landwirthschaftli- chen Vereine, Darmstadt. KOnigl.Physikalisch Oekonomische Gesellschaft, Konigsberg. Polytechnische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Verein z. Bef. des Gartenbaues in den K. Preus0 Staaten, Berlin. Staats- und Landwirthschaftliches Institut, Jti*a. Oekonomisch-Patriotische Societ&t derFttrsten- thumer Schweidnitz und Jailer, Jauer. Landwirthschaftlicher Central-Verein ftlr Lit- tauen und Masuren, Gumbinnen. Landwirthschaftlicher Central-Verein, Kassel. Ost-Preussische Landwirthschaftliche Central- stelle, Konigsberg. Gewerbe-Verein, Hannover. Polytechnische Schule, Hannover. Baltischer Verein, Eldena, Greifswald. Naturhistorischer Verein des Preuss. Reinlandes und Westphalen, Bonn. Landwirthschaftlicher Verein ftlr Rhein-Preus- sen, Bonn. Kong. Danske Landhuusholdnings Selskab, Kopenhagen. Kaiserl. freie Oekonomische Gesellschaft, St. Petersbm g. Society Imperiale d'Agriculture, Moscou. Institut Royal Grand Ducal du Gd. Duch£ de Luxembourg. Cercle agricole et horticole du Gd. Duch£ de Luxembourg. Mus6e de l'Industrie de Belgique, Bruxelles. Antwerpsch KruidkundigGenootschap,^ ntwerp. Soci£t£ libre d'6mulation, Liege wSociet6 Industrielle et Commerciale, Verviers. Leeraarskring tot volmaaktere Boomteeltkunde in Belgig, Gent. Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Agricultural Departement, U. S. of America, Washington. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters, Madison, U. S. America. Wisconsin State Agricultural Society. U. S. America. Melbourne FublicLibraxy,Melbourne(Australia). This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2014