ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA1GN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015LIST , OF STOCKHOLDERS, (With amount of Stock held by each Jan. 1,1853,) IN THE BANKS OF MAINE. Prepared and published agreeably to a Resolve of the Legislate, approved March 21, 1839 ; By JOHN G. SAWYER, Secretary of State. WILLIAM T. JOHNSON, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1853.STATE OF MAINE. Resolve requiring the Secretary of State to 'publish a List of the Stockholders of the Banks in this State. Resolved, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is required annually to publish a List of the Stockholders in each Bank in this State, with the amount of Stock owned by each Stockholder agreeably to the returns made by law to the Legislature of this State; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to distribute to each town in this State, and also to each Bank in this State one copy of such printed list; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to require any Bank, which may neglect to make the returns required by law to the Legislature, to furnish him forthwith with a List of the Stockholders of such Bank, and also the amount of Stock owned by each Stockholder. [Approved March 21, 1839.]LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. The returns from the Banks bearing this mark (#) were not sworn to by the Cashiers; Androscoggin Bank, (Topsham.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock» Androscoggin Bank, Topsham, 1,000 Betsey N. Baker, (guardian,) Massachusetts, 1,000 John Barron, Topsham, 2,500 William Barron, do 2,500 John Curtis, Harpswell, 400 Sophia Chick, Topsham, 1,100 William Dennett, do 1,000 200 Jenny Greaves, do Priscilla Hallett, Augusta, 400 Sally Hillard, Berwick, 1,700 Joshua Haskell, Topsham, 2,300 Peletiah Haley, do 1,000 Lithgow Hunter, do 1,500 Sarah Hunter, do 500 Hannah Hunter, do 800 Mary Holbrook, do 100 Charity Jameson, do 200 Kingsbury Millay, Bowdoinham, 500 Collamore Mallett, Topsham, 700 Isaac Mallett, do 300 James McKeen, do 1,000 Charity Mustard, do 500 Jabez Perkins, Brunswick, 2,000 Nahum Perkins, Topsham, 500 Samuel Perkins, do 500 Ezekiel Purington, (deceased,) do 600 Woodbury B. Purington, do 1,000 Sarah Purington, do 3,000 Hannah E. Purington, (deceased,) do 300 Elizabeth J. W. Purington, do 600 James F. Patten, (guardian,) Bath, 600 ?22*2$4 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Androscoggin Bank, (Continued,.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. David Scribner, Charles Thompson, Ann E. Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Frances Tucker, (deceased,) Paul C. Tibbets, George Weld, Caroline M. Walker, Topsham, do do do do Lisbon, Sanford, Topsham, 2,100 10,000 2,100 1,300 500 2,000 900 800 $50,000 Atlantic Bank, (Portland.) John B. Brown, Caleb S. Carter, Allen Haines, Edward Howe, Geo. F. Hitchings, Joseph Ilsley, Luther Jewetty Sarah Neal, Joshua B. Osgood, President and Directors S. and L. D. Bank, A. W. Poole, (trustee,) Isaac Sturdivant, Eli as Thomas, Samuel Tyler, John M. Wood, John M. Wood, (trustee^ H. N. Wood, J. D. Wood, Portland, do do do do do do do do Boston, do Portland, do do do do do 200 500 500 500 500 10,000 7,500 100 500 15,000 600 400 200 500 20,000 15,000 20,000 8,000 $100,000LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Augusta Bank. Par value of the stock is $80 per share, and is all paid in. Names. Residence. Amount cf stock. Cony Female Academy, Augusta, (Shares) 48 Stephen Allen, Watervilie, 8 Charles F. Allen, Bath, 8 Camilla S. Benson, \yinthrop, 5 Lydia H. Blake, Monmouth, 3 Cashier of Boston Bank^ Boston, 100 Ann E. Bradbury, Augusta. 10 James W. Bradbury, do 10 James W. Bradbury, (trustee,) do 3 James L. Child, do 26 Anna Child, Calais, 25 Isaac Coffin, Wiscasset, 5 Samuel Cony, Augusta, 25 Martha Curtis, Roxbury, 12 Benjamin Davis, Hannah B. Dillingham, Augusta, 6 do 6 Benjamin Ellis, Carver, Mass,, 30 Betsey A. Eustis, Mass., Sidney, 1 Eiisha Folger, Frances A. Folder, 14 Augusta, 3 Eliza W. Fuller, do 3 Benjamin A. G. Fuller, (trustee,) do 3 Esther G. Fuller, Boston, 10 Lucretia Fuller, Wiscasset, 14 Joshua Gage, (estate of,) Augusta, 20 Samuel A. Hitchcock, Mass., 57 Frances Ann Hall, Augusta, 8 Albert B. Hall, (minor,) Portland, 12 Dudley Haines, (guardian,) Readfield, 18 E. Hathaway, jr., Australia, 2 William Hunt, Augustai 10 Abby G. Ingraham, do 25 Sarah F. Lambard, do 3 John D. Lang, Vassalboro', 12 George W. Lewis, Boston, 50 John G. Loring &, Co., do 6 State of Maine, 100 John McLellan, Judah McLellan, New Hampshire, 28 Bloomfield, 2 George W. Morton, Augusta, 5 John Mulliken, do 2 Par value of the stock is $80 per share, and is all paid in. 1*m M SL# LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Augusta Bank, (Continued.) Names. Elizabeth C. Myrick, Augusta, Hannah E. North, * Boston, George F. Patten, Bath, Samuel Cony, (Perkins7 guardian,) Augusta, Sophronia Randall, do Richard D. Rice, * do Thomas Rice, Winslow, Hannah G. Rock wood, Waterville, Mary Ann Rockwood, do Roxanna Rockwood, Kennebec, Sarah J. Rockwood, Gardiner, Susanna Rockwood, Augusta, Elizabeth L. Sawtelle? Norridgewock? John Smith, Readfield, Mary M. Smith, Warren, Samuel E. Smith, WiscasseS, Thomas W. Smith, Augusta, Henry R. Smith, do Charles Snell, Bangor, Sarah H. Snell, Augusta, American Education Society, Mary K. Southwick, Augusta, George W. Stanley, do Eliza P. Yose, do Nathan Weston, do Paulina B. Weston, do David White, Skowhegan^ Greenlief White, (estate of,) Augusta, Helen M. Williams, do Joseph H. Williams, do Joseph H. Williams, (trustee,) do Reuel Williams. do Residence. Amount of stock. (Shares.) 4 3 58 3 1 8 10 2 2 3 2 6 8 17 4 3 20 25 5 7 4 1 10 50 16 20 4 10 6 4 28 18 1,100LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. if Bank of Cumberland, (Portland.) • Names. John Anderson, Ann W. Anderson, John Appleton, Isaac Adams, Joseph Badger, Rufus Burnham, James W. Bradbury, Charles Brooks, James Bradbury, John Barron, Wm, Barron, Thomas Brown, (estate,) M. M. Butler, Mary Bradbury, Caroline M. Bradbury; Daniel B rown, Clarissa Carruthers, Ira Crocker, Charles Q,. Clapp, A. W. H. Clapp, Thomas Crocker, Mary Cleaves, E. N. Chad dock, Rebecca K. Chesley, Charles M. Cumston, Sarah Cumston, Olive Dennett, Emeline Dennett, Benjamin Day, Charles S. Daveis, David Drinkwater, Ann and Eunice Deering, Ezekiel Day, (estate,) Thomas A. Deblois, Alfred M. Dresser, Asa Dresser, Mary S. Deering, Nicholas Emery, Wm. Evans, Ebenr. Everett, Wm. P. Fessenden, James L. Farmer, Stephen Gale, Residence. Portland, do do do Brunswick, do Augusta, Boston, do do do Portland, do Standish, do Waterford, Portland, do do Paris, Saco, do Westbrook, do do Standish, do do Portland, do do do do do do Westbrook, Portland, do Brunswick, Portland, do do8 list of stockholders. Bank of Cumberland, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. R. G. Greene, (estate,) Gorham, 320 Sam'J C. Grant, Gardiner. 1,000 Mary Garland, do 120 Mary Hyde, do 400 Charles Hunt, (estate,) Gorham, 1,(>00 John Heard, do 120 Miriam Higgins, Standish, 400 Wm. Hackett, do 400 Joseph Hale, do 200 Rufus Horton, Portland, 480 Charles Hoi den, do 360 Joseph Howard, do 160 Elenore W. Head, do 920 Augustine Haines, Biddeford, 2,000 Wm. Kimball, Portland, 400 Moses Kittridge, do 400 Frances F. Kimball, do 200 Benjamin Lord, Falmouth, 200 Wm. C. Lord, Portland, 400 Joseph Leavitt, do 200 Eliza Little, Windham, 80 Moses Mason, do 480 Isaac Merriam, do 600 Esther Mussey, Portland, 400 Wm. Moulton, do 3,360 James T. McCobb, do 2,000 Dolly Mussey, Standish, 400 Matthias Meserve, Scarborough, 80 James Mann, Gorham, 280 Serena Megquire, Serena Morgridge, do 400 do 200 Edward W. Morton, Kennebunk, 2,560 Charles H. Osgood, Portland, 320 Ocean Insurance Company, do 1>720 James Pratt, do 80 Albion K. Paris, do 600 Bank of Cumberland, do 1,200 Simeon Pease, Cornish, 2,480 Mark Pease, do 200 Hannah Pierce, Gorham, 200 Lucy Pritchard, do 320 Barnabas Palmer, Kennebunk, 1,000 Bowdoin College, Brunswick, 4,000LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 9 Bank of Cumberland, (Continued.) Names. Geo. W. Pierce, (estate,) Charles Rogers, Lucy Russell, James F. Rawson, Israel Richardson, Lincoln Radford, Eliza Sawyer, Horatio Southgate, Samuel Staples, Ether Shepley, Anne F. Shepley, Joseph Stevens, (estate,) Sam'l Small, jr., Nath'l Shaw, Eliza H. Shaw, Wm. B. Sewall, Isaac Sturdivant, Ephraim Sturdivant, Hollis St. Clair, Saco and Biddeford Institution Savings, Isaac I. Stevens, James Todd, Jonathan Tewksbury, Eliza C. Turner, Nancy B. Thatcher, Jane C. Thayer, Sally N. Warren, John Webb, N. L. Woodbury, Ashur Ware, Samuel Wells, Joseph Walker, Wm. Woodbury, Harriet S. Woodbury, Eliza B. Woodman, for Residence. Portland, do do do do do do Scarborough do Portland, do do do do do Kennebunk, do Cumberland, do Cumberland, Portland, do do do do do Windham, Portland, do do do do do do Amount of stock. 400 400 240 200 400 800 80 800 200 2,000 80 200 2,360 400 40 400 2,000 760 160 840 240 80a 880 360 160 200 280 1,000 680 1,600 1,000 400 120 240 2,400 $100,00010 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. *Bank of Hallowell. Names. Artemas Leonard, Rufus K. Page, John Odlin Page, E. B. Washburn, C. C. Washburn, Henry Reed, Charles L. Stephenson^ Ambrose Merrill, Ezekiel Hubbard, D. Morrison, David Benjamin, A. J. Washburn, Residence. Amount of stock. 5,000 10,000 2,500 10,000 10,000 2,500 5,000 2,500 1,000 500 500 500 $50,000 *Bank of the State of Maine, (Bangor.) Leonard March, Bangor, 5,000 George K. Jewett, do 5,000 E. D. Jewett, St. John, N. B., 25,300 E. G, Dunn, Aroostook, 4,000 Daniel B. Hinkley, Bangor, 1,200 Samuel Billings, Greenfield, Mass., 8,800 Samuel F. Hersey, Bangor, 4,000 Thomas P. Stetson, Newburg, 1,200 C. J. Fay, North Lincoln, 2,000 Sarah D. Jenness, Bangor, 300 Matilda Jenness, Deerfield, N. H., 300 S. J. Dearborn, do 200 C. H. Haram, (trustee,) Boston, 200 Deborah Jenness, Deerfield, N. H., 800 Betsey Whitehouse, j Pembroke, N. H., 5,000 Sarah E. Morse, do 2,000 James H. Kelsey, Boston, 17,900 R. W. Shapley, do 2,590 John E. Lyon, do 13,200 Jeremiah Merithew, Searsport, 2,000 William McGilvery, do 4,000 Peter Sanborn, Deerfield, N. H., 1,000LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. ] 1 Bank of the State of Maine, (Continued.) Names. Ira St. Clair, Peter Jenness, John S. Jenness? J. T. Vose, B. W. Jenness, Thomas Jenness, Mary A. Hall, Z. D. Creighton, Sarah R. Lake, Oliver March, J. S. Jenness, (trustee,) Samuel A. Jewett, C. S. Myrick, Deborah Bartlett, S. W. Waldron, W. S. Dennett, E. P. Prescott, Samuel Cony, Sarah C. Jewett, Maria L. Jewett, Martha L. March, R. K. Stetson, Residence. Amount of stock. Deerfield, N. H., 1,000 Portsmouth, N. H., 8,000 Deerfield, N. H., 50,000 Boston, 2,000 Strafford, N. H., 3,000 Bangor, 100 Buckfield, 1,000 700 Portsmouth, N. H., 10,000 Lowell, Mass., 35,000 Deerfield, N. H., 5,700 Knoxville, Tenn., 16,000 Massachusetts, 1,000 Concord, N. H., 300 Boston, 4,500 Bangor, 1,500 Deerfield, N. H„, 500 Augusta, 500 Gardiner, 400 Bangor, 1,100 do 1,000 Hampden, 800 $250,000 Hugh J. Anderson, Ann Avery, David Alden, Hiram O. Alden, Alden & Crosby, Amos Atkinson, Benjamin Brown, Isaac C. Brown, John Bean, Hannah Bean, Elizabeth A. Barns, Jane Bishop, Belfast Bank. Belfast, Massachusetts, Northport, Belfast, do Boston, Belfast, Boston, Mass., Belville, Ohio, Lowell, Mass., Belfast, do12 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Belfast Bank, (Continued.) Names. Caroline Bradbury, A. H. Bradbury, Enoch Clements, (estate,) Rowland Carlton, Mary E. Dyer, Calvin Eames, Philip Eastman, (estate,) Josiah Farrow, Samuel French, (estate,) D. B. Fuller, Edmond A. Fuller, Selden K. Fuller, Lydia P. Frothinghamt Martha A. Frederick, James Gammons, Charles Gorden, Oliver K. Gorden, Eliza A. Gorden, Oliver H. Gorden, Henry L. Gorden, Abby A. Gorden, Nathaniel Gurney, Paul R. Haseltine, Erfiscott Haseltine, Benjamin Haseltine, John Haraden, John Haraden &. Sor^ Daniel Haraden, John Hathaway, Elizabeth Mosmer, H. H. Johnson, Anson Johnson, Alfred Johnson, (estaie,) John Jaques, jr., John S. Kimball, Isabella G. Kimball, Susan S. Kimball, Edw. C. Kimball, Phebe T. Knowlton, and > Mary T. Rendell, j Webster Kelley, Nathaniel Morrill, jr., (estate,) Elizabeth McGregor, (estate,) Residence. Amount of stock. Belfast, 100 do 100 Knox, 200 Belfast, 700 do 200 Islesboro^ 400 Belfast, 200 do 1,500 do 200 Freedom. 100 do 100 do 100 Belfast, 100 do 200 do 300 Searsporfc, 1,200 Brooklin, N. Y., 800 do 1,000 do 700 do 200 do 200 IWaldo, 2,200 Belfast, 4,400 do 300 do 700 do 700 do 300 do 1,000 Boston, Mass., 3,000 Castine, 100 Belfast, 1,100 Ohio, 2,000 Belfast, 1,400 Belville, Ohio, 1,200 Belfast, 1,000 do 200 Salem, 1,000 iBelfast, 100 Montville, 500 Boston, 1,200 New Hampshire, 1,300 Derry, N. H.3 200LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Belfast Bank, (Continued.) 13 Names. Hollis Monroe, Thomas Marshall, Jere. Merethevv, Henry McGilvery, Thomas Morton, (estate,) Alonzo Morton, Susanna T. Mitchell, Margaret Mead, Abigail L. Mead, Paulina Moody, Salathiel Nickerson, Lemuel R. Palmer, Robert Patterson, Rebecca Prentiss, Hale Parkhurst, Samuel G. Pierce, David L. Stevens, Reuben Sibley, William Sibley, Eliza Sumner, Mary Schenk, Putnam Simonton, Lewis F. Shepard, Reuel Standley, Moses True, Ezekiel True, S. H. True, Abby True, and ) Martha True, J Robert Treat, George F. Tilden & Co., William Vose, James P. White, Martin P. White, Joseph Williamson, Jos. Wescott, H. G. O. Washburn, Charlotte Washburn, Benjamin Wright, Mayo Haseltine, (estate,J Residence. Amount of stock. Belfast, TOO do 2,000 Searsport, 500 do 700 Jackson, 500 do 200 Bridgwater, Mass., 900 Castine, 200 do 100 Belfast, 2,200 do 3,000 do 1,600 do 400 do 800 Unity, 300 Belfast, 300 Castine, 1,500 Belfast, 200 Freedom, 900 Hope, 500 do 200 Searsport, 200 Belfast, 200 do 200 Ohio, 1,000 Belfast, 900 Montville, 500 do 500 Frankfort, 1,100 Castine, 200 California, 500 Belfast, 3,100 do 600 do 2,200 Castine, 2,100 Belfast, 700 do 200 Massachusetts. 600 do 2,200 $75,000 214 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS, Biddeford Bank. Names. Trustees of Thornton Academy, George H. Adams, Ira Allen, Sarah Andrews, Abigail C. Banks, Charles E. Bartlett, Edward C. Bourne, Olive P. Bourne, Amanda C. Bourne, Edward R. Bradbury, Samuel Bradley, (estate,) Richard Bradley, William C. Briggs, Luther Bryant, Caroline Bunker, Dorcas Burnham, Mary C. Burton, Oliver Bourne, George W. Came, Edward Card, Mrs. Eliza Chadbourne, Miss Eliza Chadbourne, Richard M. Chapman, Francis W. Chadbourne, Achsah Clifford, Mary A. Clifford, Mary F. Cochran, Nathan W. Cole, Daniel Curtis, Hannah Curtis, Ralph Curtis, Hannah N. Curtis, Elijah Curtis, (estate,) Charles F. Cutts, Abraham Cutter, Barnabas E. Cutter, Benjamin Dal ton, Thomas Day, Clarissa Dearing, Elizabeth C. Dearing, Abigail H. Dearing, Abigail C. Dearing, William Dwight, (trustee,) Residence. Amount of stock. Saco, 2,200 Biddeford, 700 Unknown, 2C0 Biddeford, 100 Unknown, 800 Somersworth, N. H., 1,000 Kennebunk, 600 do 100 do 100 Saco, 300 do 1,000 Concord, N. H., 1,500 Boston, Mass., 1,000 Biddeford, 800 do 100 Unknown, 500 Alfred, 800 Unknown, 300 Alfred, 500 Lyman, 100 Kennebunk, 700 do 400 Biddeford, 1,300 Kennebunk, 400 do 100 do 200 New Boston, N. H., 2,100 California, 500 Kennebunkport, 1,000 do 500 Kennebunk, 300 Unknown, 300 Somersworth, N. H., 1,500 Saco, 300 do 300 Biddeford, 200 Parsonsfield, 7,000 Biddeford, 700 Unknown, 100 do 200 do 200 do 400 Brookline, Mass., 16,600LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Biddeford Bank, (Continued.) 15 Names. Residence. Amount of stock. William Dwight, Brookline, Mass., 9,900 Elijah Earle, Hollis, 400 Philip Eastman, Saco, 300 Joseph Edwards, Lyman, 100 Isaac Emery, Boston, 1,300 Nathaniel Emery, Biddeford, 1,200 Thomas Emery, jr., do 1,000 Hannah Emery, do 100 Seth S. Fairfield, do 100 Jason W. Fairfield, do 500 Alonzo W. Fogg, Unknown, 200 Mary F. Foster, do 300 Loring French, Dracut, Mass., 600 Hannah French, do 500 Maria Gilpatrick, Unknown, 100 John K. Gilpatrick, Biddeford, 100 Betsey Gilpatrick, do 100 Benjamin Gilpatrick, Limerick, 400 Sophia Gilpatrick, Boston, Mass., 500 John Gilpatrick, Saco, 200 Hannah Gooch, Wells, 500 Enoch Goodale, Saco, 500 Stephen L. Goodale, Treas. York Co. Agricultural Society, do 400 Davis Googins, do 900 Seth Gordon, Biddeford, 200 Sarah J. Gray, Saco, 100 Mary Gray, do 100 Hugh W. Greene, Northfield, Mass., 1,300 Hugh W. Greene, (trustee,) do 500 William D. Guilford, Saco, 300 Mary Haines, Concord, N. H., 1,700 William P. Haines, Biddeford, 200 William P. Haines, (trustee,) do 1,000 Augustine Haines, do 1,800 Elizabeth Hall, Alfred, 100 William H. Hanson, Biddeford, 200 Joseph Hatch, Kennebunk, 1,000 Daniel L. Hatch, do 100 Francis B. Hayes, Joseph M. Hayes, Boston, Mass., 3,900 Saco, 100 Luke Hill, Biddeford, 200 Nehemiah Hill, do 40016 list of stockholders. Biddeford Bank, (Continued.) Namea, Harriet Hill, Pamelia Hill^ Samuel Hill? Ephraim N. Hidden, Elizabeth Hooper, Sarah L. Hooper, William P. Hooper^ Stephen L. Hooper, William H. Hutchins, Merchants' Insurance Company, Israel Jacobs, Isabella Jacobs, Samuel S. Jordan, Tristram Jordan, jr., Ichabod Jordan, Rishworth Jordan, 3d? Noah W. Jordan, Theodore F. Jewett^ Nathan O. Kendall, Margaret Lane, Abbot Lawrence, Lucinda Leavitt, Joseph W. Leland, Enos H. Litfclefield,. Susan H. Lord, Samuel Lord, (guardian^ Willis Mason, Jeremiah Mason, Luther T. Mason, Abigail R. McKenne}% Enoch H. McKenneys Phineas S. Mclntire, William Melcher, Bradbury E. Merrill,, Simeon Meserve,. Mary Miller, Mary Milliken, Charles H. Milliken, Pamela Moody, W. P. Moody, William Murch, Lydia Murch, Abby P. Murch^ Residence. Amount of stocks Biddeford, 100 do 100 do 200 Mil ford, N. H., 600 Saco, 500 ' do 200 Biddeford, 500 do 200 do 1,600 Boston, Mass., 15,000 Saco, 700 do 200 do 500 do 300 Biddeford, 500 do 300 Cambridgeport, 900 South Berwick, 2,000 Biddeford, 1,000 Saco, 1,000 Boston, Mass., 2,200 Unknown, 300 Saco, 200 Wilmington, Mass., 200 Kennebunk, 500 Portsmouth, N. H,, 900 Saco, 300 do 100 Unknown, 200 do 200 Biddeford, 100 do 500 Holyoke, Mass., 800 California, 600 Hollis, 200 do 100 Unknown, 200 Biddeford, 500 Saco, 200 do 200 do 2,000 Biddeford, 100 Concord, N. H., 100OST or STOCKHOLDERS. Biddeford Bank, (Continued.) 17 Names. Residence. Amount of stock. John T. G. Nichols, Saco, 200 Eunice Nye, do 1,000 John W. Page, Biddeford, 100 Barnabas Palmer, Kennebunk, 600 Mary Peavey, Tuftenboro/ N. H., 400 W. Pickering, (estate,) Greenland, N. H., 400 Susan B. Pickering, (adm'x,) do 1,400 Mrs. Lydia F. Pickering, do 300 Miss Lydia F. Pickering, do 200 McLarren T. Pickering, do 300 Horace Piper, Biddeford, 500 Richard H. Plummer, do 1,000 Thomas Q,uinby, do 1,000 Mary J. Read, Unknown, 200 John D. Read, do 200 Lucy A. Rumery, Saco, 200 Lucy Rumery, do 100 Harriet S. Rumery, 100 Joel Russell, Holyoke, Mass., 600 Amos Russell, do 100 Saco and Biddeford Savings In- stitution, Saco, 3,000 Charles C. Sawyer, do 200 Tristram Scammon, do 100 Abby F. Shepley, do 100 Daniel Smith, jr., do 100 Thomas Smith, Biddeford, 800 Robert Smith, Kennebunkport, 800 Samuel C. Smith, Windsor, Ct., 100 Sarah Smith, Unknown, 100 Joseph C. Smith, do 500 James Smith, jr., Biddeford, 100 Jabez Smith, do 100 Daniel E. Somes, do 300 Joseph Staples, 2d, do 300 Jer'h C. Stimpson, Saco, 200 Samuel Storer, do 1,000 John Storer, Sanford, 3,000 James B. Thornton, Scarborough, 1,600 Thomas B. Thornton, jr., Biddeford, 100 Augustus Titcomb, do 100 Nathaniel M. Towle, Saco, 500 Patrick H. Townsend, Unknown, 500 2*Ig LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Biddeford Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Annie Townsend, Unknown, 200 Jonathan Tuck, Biddeford, 500 Thomas P. Tufts, Saco, 100 Smith & Twombly, do 200 Sarah E. Wakefield, do 600 Charles N. Wakefield, do 600 Mary L, Wakefield, do 600 Hugh Wallace, Biddeford, 900 William Wallace, Unknown, 100 Lauriston Ward, (estate,) do 300 Caroline E. Ward, do 200 Stephen Weeks, Pittsfield, N. H., 1,100 Elizabeth H. Weeks, do 500 Francis Wentworth, Alfred, 200 Mary F. Whitman, Lexington, Mass., 1,600 James F. Whitten, California, 400 Mrs. Lucinda Whitten^ Saco, 200 Julia E. Woodsuns, do 400 J. E. H. & J. L. Woodsum, do 300 $150,000 Brunsivick Bank. William Allen, Joseph Badger, Elizabeth Brinegeis, Brunswick Bank, Bowdoin College, John and William Barrovr, James Carey, James Cowing, William Curtis, William Donnell, William Dennett, R. T. Dunlap, Mary G. Dunlap, Ebenezer Everett, Mary W. Green, Northampton. Mass., Brunswick, do do do Topsham, Brunswick, do do Bath, Topsham, Brunswick, do do Topsham, 800 3,200 SO 1,600 80 5,600 240 80 400 560 240 5,840 12,000 800 400LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Brunswick Bank, (Continued.) Names. John C. Humphreys, L. T. Jackson, Thomas Knowlton, William Kincaid, Adam Lemont, Isaac Lincoln, John D. Lincoln, John McKeen, Joseph McKeen, Richard and Robert McManus, Jane McLellan, Eunice McLellan, Moses E. Merrill, (estate,) Samuel R. Merrill, Henry Merritt, James Otis, John Owen, Elizabeth J. Purinton, James F. Patten, (guardian,) George F. Richardson, (estate,) James Sampson, David Scribner, Stephen Snow, Humphrey Snow, Nathaniel Springer, A. J. Stone, Daniel P. Stone, John Scolly, Joseph Stimpson, Charles Thompson, Brunswick School Fund, Thomas C. Upham, Caroline M. Walker, George Woodside, Jordan Woodward, Nathan Woodward, Residence. Amount of stock. Brunswick, 3,360 do 800 Litchfield, 400 Brunswick, 1,200 do 80 do 80 do 80 do 640 do 640 do 800 do 160 do 160 160 Unknown, 240 Brunswick, 240 do 480 do 1,520 Topsham, 640 Bath, 640 4,800 Bowdoinham, 240 Topsham, 800 Brunswick, 160 do 240 do 240 do 800 Boston, 2,640 do 400 Brunswick, 80 Topsham, 1,600 Brunswick, 320 do 2,160 Topsham, 720 Brunswick, 240 do 80 do 240 $60,000§0 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Canal Bank, (Portland.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Ann W. Anderson, Portland, (Shares.) 5 Edward W. Anderson, 22 Charles E. Barrett, Portland, 48 Thomas Brown, (deceased,) 66 Hannah M. Bryant, 6 John C. Bryant, 2 Sarah J. Bryant, 6 Eliphalet S. Bryant, 7 Rachel Bryant, 3 Dorcas Bagley, 4 Theodore Bradbury, Standish. 18 Caroline M. H. Bradbury, do 1 Maria Bradbury, do 19 W. G. Brooks, (trustee,) Boston, 25 Elenore T. Brooks, 4 Henry T. Brooks, 4 John C, Brooks, Portland. 5 Brazier & Hall, do 3 John Bartells, do 2 Joseph Barbour, Gorham, 5 Lucy C. Barbour, 3 George L. Bradbury, (deceased,) 1 Angeline Bradbury, 1 Olive Barron, 2 Mary Ann Brown, Portland, 1 Ann Brown, 2 Harriet Blake, 30 Mary O. E. Brooks, New York, 22 H. Maria Bradford, 10 George Bartol, 12 Jane Bradbury, 1 Mary Blake, 4 R. Bradford, 5 Narcissa Bourne, 1 Margaret Boyd, Portland, 13 J. B. Brown, do 2 Nathaniel Blanchard, do 1 Hannah Chase, Danville, 11 Asa Cummings, Portland, 5 Samuel Chadwick, do 66 Charity Fund 1st Parish, do 2 B. P. Chamberlain, Salem, 82 Elizabeth Chase, 2LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS, Canal Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Betsey S. Cross, Michigan, (Shares) 10 Mary M. P. Cram, 20 Ellen S. Crocker, 5 Oliver Carlton, Salem, 30 Marshall Cram, 10 Charles C. A. Chase, 1 Dorothy Clark, 2 Almira Cobb, (in trust,) 5 A. W. H. Clapp, Portland, 60 Rensellaer Cram, Bridgton, 3 Francis C. Colby, 5 James M. Cummings, Corn's A. & St. L. Railroad, Portland, 12 5 W. T. Dwight, Portland, 8 John A. Douglass, Waterford, 16 Charles S. Daveis, Portland, 8 Louisa Dennett, 5 Abigail S. Dennett, 5 Lucy Dean, (deceased,) 18 Nathan Dane, jr., 2 W. W. Deane, 1 W. Dwight, (trustee,) Boston, 11 Rhoda Dutch, 4 Joseph Eaton, 5 Rufus Emerson, Portland, 17 W. Evans, do 11 Nicholas Emery, do 54 Nathan Elden, Buxton, 6 Margaret Emery, 3 Hannah Elden, Buxton, 11 J. S. Eaton, Portland, 5 Female Orphan Asylum, do 27 John Fox, (deceased,) 58 Charles Freeman, 6 Phebe C. Freeman, 2 First Parish, Kennebunk, 5 A. B. Frothingham, 9 J. P. Farrington, Portland, 12 Caroline Farnsworth, 3 J. A. Frothingham, 11 S. Frothingham, Portland, 3 Jos. E. Foxcroft, (deceased,) 25 Jane Fox, 522 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Canal Bank, (Continued.) Names. Edward Fox, Grand Lodge of Maine, Grand Royal Arch Chapter, Maine, Joseph M. Gerrish, W. Goodenow, Stephen Gale, Byron Greenough, Eliphalet Greely, I. D. Gardner, Moses Gould, Mary Garland, Samuel Goddard, (in trust,) Frances Gould, Daniel Goodenow, Thomas Hammond, Simeon Hall, Elenor W. Head, Frances B. Hayes, Enoch F. Higgins, (deceased,) Mary E. Hatch, Isaac and Eliza Hopkins, Mary C. and J. D. Higgins, Sarah W. Hamilton, Mary Hall, Sophia E. Hamilton, Abigail S. Hill, Esther C. Horton, (deceased,) Alexander Hubbs, Samuel A. Holbrook, Julia A. Holbrook, Elizabeth Holbrook, Joseph Howard, Augustine Haines, W. E. Hall, George S. Hall, Isaac Ilsley, Sarah Jewett, James C. Jordan, (minor,) Luther Jewett, W. T. Johnson, W. Kimball, Abigail Kelley, Phebe Lord, Residence. Portland, Portland, do do do do Boston, Bridgton, Alfred, Portland, do do Portland, Freeport, Portland, do Biddeford, Portland, do do Portland, Portland,LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Canal Bank, (Continued.) 23 Residence. Amount of stock (Shares.) 2 5 Falmouth, 15 12 2 15 Portland, 11 6 5 4 4 8 8 7 Portland, 11 8 20 Portland, 20 New Gloucester, 6 3 12 Portland, 13 do 7 5 1 25 Standish, 12 13 1 Bangor, 10 Cumberland, 50 Portland, 22 Boston, 9 1 Portland, 16 do 30 do 50 15 Portland, 204 10 Gorham, 24 20 Portland, IS Names. Elizabeth Langdon, Zenas Libby, (deceased,) Benjamin Lord, Josiah Little, Josiah Little, (in trust,) Paul Langdon, (deceased,) S. R. Lyman, Moses P. Lary, Ebenezer Libby, Sumner Libby, Lewis Libby, James R. Lunt, Benjamin F. Lunt, Sarah E. Lunt, Josiah Little, jr., Sarah M. Mayo, Dolly Mussey, (deceased,) Esther Mussey, Elisha H. Mosely, Louisa J. Mills, Jane G. Mead, Edward Motley, Eleazer McKenney, George G. Minot, Roger Merrill, Serena Morgridge, Jonathan Moore, Maine Missionary Society, Treasurer of Bowdoin College, W. H. Mills, Albert Newhall, Ichabod Nichols, Joseph Noble, P. M. Nichols, (minor,) John Oxnard, Edward Oxnard, Joshua B. Oxnard, Richard Odell, (deceased,) Ocean Insurance Company, Jott S. Perkins, Lucy Phinney, Thomas Perley, (deceased,) Marine Society,24 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Canal Bank, ('Continued.) Names. Pro. Athenaeum, Nathan Pope, OJiver Pope, John P. Perley, Augustus Perley, Sarah Perley, Lydia C. Pease, Catherine B. Pease, Mutual Insurance Company, Eleanor J. Pote, Ellen B. Preble, Levi Patch, President and Trustees of College, P. D. &, Co., Canal Bank, P. D. & Co., Merchant's Bank, P. D. & Co., York Bank, Ann Quincy, Charles E. Quincy, Thomas B. Ripley, Lucy Russell, Margaret W. Reeves, Mary C. Robinson, Toppan Robie, Jacob Rowe, Israel Richardson, Isaac Sturdivant, Nathaniel Shaw, J. B. Scott, W. Swan, Lucy Sewall, Narcissa Sewall, Emeline Sewall, Matilda Sewall, W. B. Sewall, St. John Smith, Sarah Stockman, Caroline Stockman, Martha J. Stockman, Benjamin Smith, Dolly C. Smith, Nicholas E. Smart, Miranda Stone, Mary E. Stone, Residence. Amount of stock. Portland, (Shares.) 27 Windham, 7 5 23 6 15 Portland, 10 do 11 do 16 do 3 do 2 2 Waterville, 10 Portland, 10 do 4 Saco, 13 50 New York, 6 Portland, 5 6 Portland, 10 do 5 Gorham, 10 11 Portland, 25 do 133 do 6 do 15 do 14 7 5 5 5 19 Portland, 27 1 1 1 10 12 6 10 20LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Canal Bank, (Continued.) 25 Names. Nancy Smith, Ether Shepley, Ann T. Shepley, George F. Shepley, R. M. Stratton, (agent,) Eben Sumner, Priscilla P. Smith, Saco and Biddeford Savings Inst., W. H. Stephenson, Harriet A. Stodder, Shaw & True, Anna Stevens, Thomas C. Upham, Phinehas Yarnum, Eli as Thomas, W. W. Thomas, Henry C. Thomas, (minor,) Martha Trask, Samuel Trask, George Taylor, Trustees North Yarmouth School Fund, Trus. North Yarmouth Academy, Trus. North Yarmouth Ministerial Fund, Trustees Gorham Ministerial Fund, Trustees Portland Academy, Trustees Charity Fund, Mt. Vernon Chapter, Trustees Charity Fund, A. L. M. Lodge, Jeremiah Winslow, Nathaniel Warren, Benjamin Willis, Benjamin Willis, jr., Phebe Wadlin, Adam Wilson, Warren & King, Asher Ware, W. Woodbury, Harrison Whitman, Nancy Wyre, Ezekiel Whitman, 3 Portland, do do do Portland, do Portland, Portland, Brunswick, Portland, do do Portland, Residence. France, Portland, Boston, West brook, Portland, do Portland,XIST OF STOCKHOLDERS, Canal Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. W. C. Whitney, Norway, 38 Q. & L. P. Warren, Westbrook ? 23 Sally IN. Warren, 15 Joseph Walker, Portland, 29 Margaret P. Whitman?, & Ann S. Weymouth, > 6 Joseph Walker, jr., Westbrook, 10 Leonard White, (deceased,) 43 Joanna Wood, 11 4,000 Casco Bank, ( Portland.) John F. Anderson, Portland, 11 iSamael J. Anderson, 00 Edw. Anderson, | Windham, 2 Abraham W. Anderson, Gray, 19 Ann W. Anderson, Portland, 10 Nath'l Blanchard, do 30 Benj. Barron, Topsham, 6 Olive Barron, | do 1 Hannah Buxton, [Cumberland, 5 Phebe M. Buxton, [Unknown, 2 Hannah P. Buxton, j do 2 Maria Bradbury, Standish, 24 Clarissa Brooks, Portland, 4 Caroline M. Bradbury, Standisb, 24 Mary Blake, Portland, 5 Ann T. Bailey, Unknown, 5 Almira Broad, Westbrook, "8 Nath'l Perey Blanchard, Yarmouth, 6 Qrinfil Blake, j .Pennsylvania, 10 George Bartol, Portland, I 16 Lucy E. Barbour, Gorham, j 3 Charles Baker, Portland, ; 4 H. Maria Bradford, do ! 5 Harriet Blanchard, j Unknown, | 4 Joan Blanchard, j do ; 3LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 27 Casco Bank, ( Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Cynthia Stone Btanchard, Unknown, (Shares.) *3 Isaac A. Bray, Newburyport, Mass., Parker Cleaveland, Brunswick, in Hannah Chase, Danville, 3 Emily Cummings, Portland, 7B Nathan Cummings, do 6 A. W. II. Ciapp, do 33 Samuel Chadwick, do 135 Ellen E. Crocker, do 10 Cram & Perley, do 5 Ira Crocker, (guardian,) do 15 C. Q,. & A. W. H. Clapp, (trustees,) do , 60 Charles Q,. Clapp, do Alvah Conant, do 15 Dorcas Deblois, do 10 Thomas Amory Deblois, do 5 Martha Darling, do 3 Neal Dow, do 12 Margaret W. Drinkwater, do S Eliza L. Dvvight, do 2 Christopher Dyer, do i Elizabeth J. Drown, Exeter, N. H., 10 Olive Y. Deake, New Orleans, 10 Eben Everett, Brunswick, 3 Nicholas Emery, Portland, W JffiHiaiiL ----------------------- —~i do ---------- — - - 80 William Pitt Fessenden, do 6 Harriet S. Frothingham, Newburyport, Mass., 5 Moses Gould, Portland, 6 Eliphalet Greely, do 60 Daniel Goodenow, Alfred, ab Joseph T. Gil man, Exeter, N. II., 8 Mary Garland, Unknown, 6 Philip Greely, Portland, ! 3 Martha A. Gale, do 2 Joseph Howard, do 1 3 Elenore W. Head, do 5 Alexander Hubbs, do 26 Abigail G. Haselton, Newburyport, Mass., 5 Jane T. Hazleton, Portland, 2 Samuel Hanson, do 14 Abigail S. Hill, Kennebunk, 4 Rufus Horton, 1 Portland, 2 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 2728 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Casco Bank, (Continued.) Names. Lydia Hilton, CaJeb Hobart, Albert B. Half, David Hall, Benj. Holmes, Isaac Ilsley, Mary Ilsley, Eliza R. Ingraham, James C. Jordan, Jones & Hammond, Charles Jones, William T. Johnson, William Jones, George Kingman, Isabella G. Lowell, Ann E. Lowell, William C. Lord, Josiah Little, jr., Esther Mussey, Matthias Meserve, Almira Merrill, Elizabeth Merrill, N. Doane McLellan, Penelope Martin, Catharine Martin, Pamela Martin, John Martin, Joshua Maxwell, William Moufton, Edward W. Morton, Henry B. McCobb, Albert Newhall, James Noyes, Martha P. Oxnard, Mary C. De Grand Oxnard, Charles H. Osgood, Mary Jane Pitte, Abby Pierce, William P. Preble, William P. Preble, jr., Hannah Preble, Mehitable Pettingill, John H. Phiibrick. Residence. Portland, North Yarmouth, do Portland, Montreal, Canada, Portland, do do do do do Augusta, Portland, Boston, Portland, do Hartford, Ct., Portland, do Cape Elizabeth, Portland, do do do do do do do do Kennebunk, Portland, Cumberland, Portland, do do do Cumberland, Portland, do do York, Portland, Standish, Amount of stock (Shares/LIST 01" STOCKHOLDERS. Casco Bank, (Continued.) 29 Names. Residence. Amount of slock. Levi Patch? Otisfield, (Shares.) 20 Maria Palmer, Portsmouth, 8 Henrietta O. Pearson, do 3 Richard King Porter, Portland, 7 Albert W. Pool, (trustee,) do 5 Ann Quincy, Charles E. Quincy, do 26 New York, 12 Clarissa A. Robie, G or ham. 11 Toppan Robie, do 15 Mary Rea, Portland, 4 Mary S. Rideout, Cumberland, 5 Dolly Stockman, Portland, 22 Martha Jane Stockman* do 15 Caroline Stockman, do 6 Isaac Sturdivant, do 172 Rebecca Strong, do 10 Anna Stevens, Cambridgeport, 5 Catharine Storer, Gorham, 4 Ellen Storer, do 3 Nancy Smith, Boston, 10 St. John Smith, Portland" 5 Priscilla P. Smith, do 2 Benj. Smith, Kennebunk, 13 Smith &, Hersey, Portland, 2 Smith, Hersey & Co.. do 2 William Swan, do 5 Eben Steele, do 3 John Storer, do 15 Hannah Sawyer, Unknown, 1 Hollis St. Clair, do I William B. Sewall5 Kennebunk, 12 Samuel Trask, Portland, 15 Jane C. Thayer, Lucy Thorndike, do 4 do 3 William Titcomb, North Yarmouth, 30 Jonathan Tucker, Portland, 5 Mary M. Topping, Unknown, 1 Elisha Trowbridge, Diana E. Tewksburv, Portland, 3 do 9 Nizaula H. Towne, Unknown, 2 Phinehas Varnum, Portland, 33 Julia C. Wingate, (executrix,) do 100 Benjamin Willis, Boston, 156 3*30 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS- Casco Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Christopher Wright, Portland, (Shares) 10 Ezekiel Whitman, Bridgewater, Mass., 19 Hannah H. Wenberg, Portland, 5 Ruth A. Waterhouse, Cape Elizabeth, 10 Lydia Wardwell, Unknown, 6 Timothy Walker, Rumford, 10 William Woodbury, Portland, 15 Jeremiah Winslow, Unknown, 22 Ocean Insurance Company, Portland, 129 Mutual Fire Insurance Company, do 20 Institution for Savings, Saco and Biddeford, Saco, 55 Bowdoin College, Maine Missionary Society, Brunswick, 182 Portland, 15 North Yarmouth School Fund, North Yarmouth, 8 Cumberland School Fund, Cumberland, 5 Grand Lodge of Maine, Portland, 23 Portland Relief Society, do 3 Portland Academy, do 18 Ancient Land Mark Charity Fund, do 10 Charity Fund in First Parish, do 16 Portland Marine Society, do 11 Proprietors of Portland Athenseum, do 11 Relief Association of Portland Fire Department, do 1 First Parish Hall Fund, do 5 Charity Fund of Grand R. A. Chap- ter of Maine, do 3 3,000 Calais Bank. Edmund Monroe, Manufacturers' Insurance Company, Phinehas Nevins, William Deming, Levi L. Lowell, Francis Swan, Thomas Robitson, Boston, $1,500 do 5,000 St. Stephen, N. B., 1,250 Calais, 100 do 150 do 50 do 100LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 31 Calais Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. George Dowries, Calais, $650 John Dickinson, Amherst, Mass., 500 Frederick Hobbs, Bangor, 250 Thomas Chi Ids, U. S. Army, 100 Greenwood C. Child, Augusta, 2,500 Catherine Robbins, Milton, Mass., 300 Ovid Burrill, East Machias, 500 Franklin Insurance Company, Boston, 3,000 Charlotte W. Seaver, do 350 Catherine F. Seaver, do 250 Mary A. P. Seaver, do 200 Martha W. Seaver, do 200 Lemuel P. Grosvenor, Pomfret, Ct., 6,000 Hubbard Winslow, Boston, Mass., 2,750 Stephen P. Fuller, do 3,600 Waldo Flint, do 350 John Tucker, do 1,300 Downes & Cooper, Calais, 50 Scudder, Cordis &, Co., Boston, Mass., 800 Stephen Emerson, Calais, 50 Austin D. Barnard, do 50 F. E. J. L. Barnard, do 50 Robert Watson, (trustee,) St. Stephen, N. B., 250 Calais Bank, Calais, 3,850 M. P. Sawyer, Boston, 80 6 Otis Daniels, do 850 Theodore Prentice, do 250 Hugh R. Kendall, (guardian,) do* 1,000 Robert Farley, (in trust,) do 2,850 Daniel Denny, do 250 Mary H. Cormerais, do 500 Edward A. Barnard, do 100 Emeline M. Lowell, do 50 Henrietta Welles, do 1,000 John Kilby, (treasurer) Dennysville, 150 John Kilby, do 1,000 Hannah L. Danford, Calais, 350 Theodore Lincoln, Dennysville, 500 George M. Porter, St. Stephen, N. B., 1,000 Thomas L. Lathrop, Calais, 300 Downes & Cooper, (executors/) do 3,000 $50,00032 List op stockholders. *Commercial Bank, (Bath.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Hannah S. Allen, (estate,) Bath, $500 Sarah A. S. Allen, (estate,) do 100 Rachel S. Batchelder, Phipsburg, 100 Bernard C. Bailey, Bath, 300 William Brown, Phipsburg, 400 Mary Ann Bartlett, Corinth, 100 Samuel F. Blair, Richmond, 500 Augusta R. Bronson, Bath, 300 J. C. L. Booker, do 500 Bath Savings Institution, do 600 Commercial Bank, do 1,000 Freeman Clark, do 3,200 Zacheus Crooker, do 1,200 William Crawford, (estate,) do 200 Daniel F. Coombs, West Bath, 100 John Corliss, Woolwich, 1,500 Anson G. Chandler, Calais, 200 Mary R. B. K. Cram, Portland, 400 O. D. Crommett, (estate,) • Waterville, 100 A. R. Campbell, West Bath, 100 Ann M. Clapp, Bath, 500 William Crosby, Arrowsic, 500 Charles Clapp, jr., Bath, 1,000 Ephraim Cragin, North New Portland, 500 Smith C. Cox, Pittston, 1,000 William Donnell, Bath, 4,500 Joseph A. Day, Woolwich, 700 Betsey Delano, do 200 William Decker, Bowdoinham, 400 Mary Farnham, Woolwich, 300 William Gilmore, do 700 Elizabeth W. K. Groton, Bath, 100 Zina Hyde, do 800 Adam Hunter, Topsham, 500 James B. Hall, Augusta, • 200 A. B. Hall, Portland, 100 Seth Hathorn, Woolwich, 5,100 Mary Hathorn, do 300 O. G. Hubbard, (guardian,) Leominster, Mass., 200 Marshall S. Hagar, Richmond, 2,000 James M. Hagar, do 800 Zina Hyde & Co., Bath, 200 Nehemiah Harding, do 500LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 33 Commercial Bank, (Continued.) Names. Edward K. Harding, Jona. P. Hildreth, Martha S. Hubbard, Gershom Hyde, Charity Jameson, Geo. W. Kittredge, John H. Kimball, Adam Lemont, (estate,) Eliza Lenox, L. P. Lemont Son, Susan Lincoln, Henry B. McCobb, James T. McCobb, David C. Magoun, Salome Morse, Hannah C. Magoun, Solomon Metcalf, (estate,) J. H. McLellan, Joseph Mustard, Levi Mustard, Nancy Mitchell, James McLellan, Convers L. Owen, Frances A. Olson, William Potter, Rachel Patten, Ezekiel Purington, (estate,) Caroline C. Porter, William Patten, Mary J. Patten, Caroline C. Prescott, Abigail N. Page, Geo. F. Patten &, others, (trustees,) Elizabeth Parker, Harvey Preble, John H. Perkins, William E. Payne, Ruth W. Purington, Jacob Robinson, Jeremiah Robinson, Mary E. Robinson, Sarah A. Rice, Daniel Robbins, Residence. Bath, Topsham, Leominster, Mass., Bath, Brunswick, Epping, N. H., Bath, Brunswick, Wiscasset, Bath, Leominster, Mass., Portland, do Bath, do do Monmouth, Bath, Bowdoinham, do Bath, do do - — Boston, Bath, Topsham, do , Bath, Richmond, Topsham, Bath, Brunswick, Bath, do Woolwich, do Bath, Harpswell, Bath, do do do do Amount of stock.34 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Commercial Bank, (Continued.) Names. William M. Reed, William Rogers, Benjamin Randall, Thomas M. Read, Johnson Rideout, William Rogers, Henry S. Richardson, George Shepard, Joseph Sewall, (estate,) John Smith, William D. Sewall, Polly Sewall, David Sewall Son, Stephen Sewall, Ann L. Sewall, William R. Smith, Nancy Smith, Samuel Swanton, 2d, Benjamin C. Sewall, Harrison Springer, Samuel Tarbox, G. Truford and others, (extraiturs^ Solin H. Thompson, Thomas Wilson, Seneca White, Lincoln Webb, John B. Wentworth, Joshua Winslow, jr., Sarah A. Wilder, Howard P. Wiggin, Residence. Amount of stock. Bath, 300 Topsham, 100 Bath, 1,200 Phipsburg, 1,500 Bath, 1,200 do 1,000 Boston, Mass., 800 Bath, 1,000 do 800 do 100 do 3,800 do 300 do 200 Monmouth, 300 Bath, 300 Augusta, 500 Bath, 200 do 2,000 do i,aoo Richmond, 500 Westport, 500 ^ B^th, 200 Topsham, 400 Wales, 3,000 Boston, Mass., 400 Woolwich, 1,000 Rollingsford, N. H., 1,000 Bath, 1,800 do 200 do 500 $100,000 Eastern Bank, (Bangor.) Amos M. Roberts, Daniel B. Hinckley, Samuel P. Strickland, Reuel Williams, 1,600 600 4,000 4,000LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 35 Eastern Bank, (Continued.) Names. M. M. Ballou, John Patten, James C. Roberts, Sarah Ann H. Mills, Elizabeth B. Allen, Louisa G. Mills, Joseph Chase, Ezekiel Roberts, Austin Gurney, William G. Crosby, (trustee,) Mary Ann Rich, Abijah B. Chase, Residence. Amount of stock. 18,000 7,500 15,000 2,000 1,000 800 500 20,000 17,000 4,000 3,000 1,000 t Austin &, Jordan, George Herbert, Nath'l J. Miller, jr, John M. Hale, Thomas Robinson, Andrew Peters, Monroe Young, Mrs. Sarah H. Gilmore, John R. Redman, Erastus Redman, Seth Padelford, Calvin P. Joy, Joseph A. Deane, Moses Hale, Charles Peters, Arthur F. Drinkwater, H. & G. B. Joy, George C. Beckwitli, John P. Langdon, Benjamin Nourse, Rodney Forsaith, Samuel S. Lord, Ellsivorth Bank. Ellsworth, do & Co., do do do do do do do do do do do - do do do do do do do do do 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 200 200 200 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10036 LIST OP STOCKHOLDERS. Ellsworth Bank(Continued.) Names. Charles A. Nealy, Thomas Holmes, Thomas White, Eben Morrison, Seth Tisdale, Mary J. Tisdale, Edward S. Tisdale, William Heath, Andrew Haynes, Horace Durgin, Abraham Richardson, Daniel Kimball, George B. Somes, Samuel Gilpatrick, John Manchester, John Somes, Israel B. Lunt, Thomas Banker, William P. Preble, Charles O. Fanning, Benjamin Silsby, John Means, Dominicus Milliken, William Coggins, Hezekiah Means, Mrs. Phebe J. Flood, Joseph Wescott, Meletiah R. Chase, Lemuel Peters, Joseph Hinckley, Isaac S. Osgood, Mrs. Betsey A. Faulkner, William Witherle and C. J. Abbott, (executors,) Samuel P. Brown, Henry Partridge, Aaron P. Emerson, Isaac Partridge, Jonathan Farnham, Stephen Higgins, Nathan Ring, William Thompson, Edward Brewer, Residence. Ellsworth, do do do do do Tremont, do do do Mt. Desert, do do do do Long Island, Cranberry Isles, do Amherst, Aurora, Sedgwick, Surry, do do do Bluehill, do do do do do Castine, Orland, do do do Bucksport, East Trenton, do Eden, do Amount of stock. 100 100 100 100 10,000 4,(00 1,800 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 300 200 100 100 500 200 1,000 1,000 200 200 200 500 200 200 100 100 1,000 500 1,000 1,000 300 200 200 200 200 200 100LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Ellsworth Bank, (Continued.) 37 Names. Residence. Amount of stock. John West & Co., Benjamin F. Ingalls, John M. Mayo, Charles H. Mayo, Ellen M. Mayo, Abby W. Mayo, Isaac Cary, Franklin, Sullivan, Boston, Mass., do ' do do do 200 100 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,800 1,000 $50,000 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Exchange P. E. Kingman, J. W. Clark & Co., Winslow Whitmore, John B. Foster, John S. Ricker, Adams H. Merrill, I. S. Wheelwright, Catherine Foster, Jacob McGaw, C. H. Webb, P. E. Kingman, (cashier,) W. H. Foster, (cashier,) G. W. Ladd, Harriet Eddy, Ives G. Bates, Nathan Bishop, W. Chapman, W. Chapman, jr., J. A. Reen, Bank, {Bangor.) Boston, Mass., do do Bangor, do Williamsburg, Bangor, do do Boston, do do Bangor, Ithica, N. Y., Boston, do Exeter, do Bangor, 1,000 5,000 5,000 9,400 500 500 3,500 500 500 5,500 2,000 5,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 500 100 $50,000 4LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Freemans Bank, (Augusta.) Names. Jesse Aiken, John Atkins, Daniel Blaisdell, James W. Bradbury, J. & W. Barron, E. K. Blake, Lydia H. Blake, William C. Crooker, Loring Gushing, (estate,) Benjamin Davis, Benjamin Ellis, Williams Emmons, Sally Fletcher, Jabez Gay, (estate,) Grand Lodge of Maine, Robert Goodenow, Watson F. Hallett, Priscilla P. Hallett, William Hunt, Mary M. Homan, Llewellyn W. Lithgow, George W. Morton, John Mulliken, Isaac Morse, Prince B. Mooers, Alvah Moulton, Gilbert Newhall, James W. North, A. W. Norris, j. & W. Odlin, Robert Pope, Bethuel Perry, Daniel Pike, (cashier,) Isabella Parsons, Thomas Parker, (trustee,) Abigail W. Rogers, Samuel L. Rogers, Ann S. Longfellow, John Smith, Alden Sampson, Henry R. Smith, €ullen Sawtelle, Stephen Sewall, Residence. Amount of stock. Hallowell, 500 do 200 Sidney, 600 Augusta, 700 Topsham, 1,000 Monmouth, 200 Unknown, 200 do 700 Augusta, 1,900 do 2,300 Massachusetts, 1,000 Hallo well, 500 Norridgewock, 1,000 Farmington, 800 Unknown, 500 Farmington, 500 Augusta, 800 do 700 do 2,400 do 700 do 1,700 do 800 do 800 Winthrop, 400 Massachusetts, 2,000 New Hampshire, 800 Mass., 3,800 Augusta, 500 Unknown, 100 New Hampshire, 100 Hallowell, 500 Augusta, 400 do 1,000 Unknown, 800 Farmington, 1,000 Unknown, 2C0 Augusta, 1,100 Unknown, 1,000 Readfield, 3,000 Kennebec, 500 Augusta, 1,500 iNorridgewock, 800 Winthrop, 500LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 39 Freemans Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. George H. Snell, C. H. & G. H. Snell, Jacob Sleeper, Amelia G. Spaulding, Reuel Washburn, Samuel Wells, Sjamuel Wells and Isaac Gage, (executors,) Chas. F. Wingate, Eliza P. Vose, Unity, do Boston, Hallowell, Livermore, Portland, Portland &, Augusta, Augusta, do 100 100 3,600 300 2,000 1,000 1,500 506 1,000 $50,000 *Frontier Bank, (Eastport.) N. Ames, (estate,) St. Andrews, N. B., 975 Isaac Ames, Machiasport, 450 J. M. Balkam, Robbinston, 150 Henrietta B. Brewer, do 975 Anna O. Buck, Eastport, 1,500 J. Buck, (estate,) do 15tt J. D. Beckford, Boston, 300 E. H. Burgin, Eastport, 150 Iff. I). Bibber, do 225 W. M. Brooks, do 1,425 W. M. Brooks, (trustee,) do 1,050 J. W. Bass, do 75 Lewis Bliss, Halifax, N. S., 1,950 S. Buckman, Eastport, 75 George W. Crockett, Boston, Mass., 375 Robert W. Crookshank, St. John, N. B., 1,050 Charles S. Carpenter, Eastport, 375 Greenwood C. Child, Augusta, 7,500 S. K. Dawson, U. S. Army, 450 J. Edmunds, (estate,) Eastport, 450 Beckie Fairbanks, do 150 Jere. Fowler, Lubec, 525 David Fullum, Boston, 3,975 James M. Robbins, Milton, Mass., 1,35040 list of stockholders. Frontier Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Frontier Bank, Eastport, 300 Peter Gilligan, do 2,100 Sophia Gleason, do 1,950 Jesse Gleason, (estate,) do 525 Frederick Hobbs, Bangor, 1,050 Cyras Hewes, New Brunswick, 300 Luther Hewes, Sheffield, N. B., 300 C. H. Hayden, (trustee,) Eastport, 525 A. Hayden, (estate,) do 3,000 A. Hayden, do 1,050 P. Houghton, do 600 John Kilby, Dennysville, 975 Theo. Lincoln, do 525 Chase & Grew, Boston, Mass., 675 L. A. Cazenove, (trustee,) Alexandria, Va., 375 M. Caulkin, (estate,) Eastport, 975 Wm. Maybee, do 525 S. A. Morse, Machias, 1,500 Charles Merritt, St. John, N. B., 1,200 D. Pearce, Eastport, 1,575 Abigail Rice, do 1,125 J. J. Robinson, (trustee,) Campobello, N. B., 3,000 J. J. Robinson, do 150 J. B. Ricketts, U. S. Army, 750 Thomas Reed, St. John, N. B., 450 Stevens & Peabody, Eastport, 2,250 Lorenzo Sabine, Framingham, 300 Amos Seaman, Nova Scotia, 1,950 C. & S. Stevens, Eastport, 150 William Shackford, Eastport, 225 Jacob Shackford, do 450 Smith Tinkham, do 900 D. S. Townsend, J. V. Thurgur, (trustee,) Boston, 1,050 St. John, 1,950 S. Tuttle, (estate,) Eastport, 2,025 Bela Wilder, Pembroke, 600 S. Witherell, Eastport, 525 Benj. Smith, St. John, 975 Nancy Snow, Eastport, 300 J. R. Nevins, New York, 900 John Whitcomb, Revenue Service, 225 Martha O'Brien, E. Machias, 300 Jabez Mowrey, Lubec, 1,725LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 41 Frontier Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. John Daggett, Grand Menan, 525 Isaac L. Bedell, St. John, N. B., 450 Warner White, Brookline, Mass., 1,950 Geo. Thomas, St. John, N. B., 675 Jas. & G. M. Porter, St. Stephen, N. B., 600 Jere. O'Brien, Machias, 2,250 George Hayes, Eastport, 300 H. Bancroft, Grand Menan, 300 $75,000 * Gardiner Bank. Frederick Allen, Lucy Adams, Henry B. Bradstreet, S. I. Bridge, and N. W. Bridge, (trustees,) Sophia Bond, Charles E. Bradstreet, William Bradstreet, George W. Bachelder, (deceased,) William S. Bartlett, Caleb Curtis, (trustee,) Samuel Cony, Episcopal Church, Gardiner Wilde and Bridge, (trustees,) Emma J. Gardiner, jr., (deceased,) R. H. Gardiner, (trustee,) Gardiner Savings Institution, Mary Gay, (deceased,) Dorcas P. Gay, Samuel C. Grant, William B. Grant, Nancy Grant, Thomas Grant, (deceased,) Peter Grant, Samuel G. Johnson, (guardian,) 4# Gardiner, (Shares) 5 Farmington, 5 Gardiner, 10 Boston, 6 Hallowell, 13 Pittston, 30 Gardiner, 23 do 5 Chelsea, Mass., 5 Boston, 186 Augusta, 15 Gardiner, 4 do 8 do 5 do 100 do 31 do 4 do 3 Boston, 68 Gardiner, 59 Farmingdale, 25 do 7 do 20 Dresden, 142 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Gardiner Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Enoch Jewett, (deceased,) Pittston, (Shares) 37 Elizabeth Lord, Gardiner, 86 Maltiah Lawrence, do 10 William Purington, Bowdoinham, 23 Thomas W. Pierce, (trustee,) Unknown, 15 John Stone, (deceased,) Gardiner, 10 Edward Swan, (trustee,) do 2 Edward Swan, do 20 Joseph Titcomb, Farmington, 5 Phebe Tarbox, (deceased,) Gardiner, 10 Samuel B. Tarbox, do 51 Petty Vaughan, (trustee,) London, England, 20 Petty Vaughan, do 1 William M. Vaughan, Hallowell, 1 John A. Vaughan, Philadelphia, 20 Martha Vaughan, Hallowell, 5 Samuel Wells, Portland, 9 Olive Worcester, Gardiner, 7 Sarah L. Williams, Augusta, 15 Paulina B. Weston, do 15 1,000 * Georges Bank, (Thomaston.) John Bailey, Chapman & Flint, Robert Chapman, Benjamin Carr, George F. Carr, H. M. Carr, F. W. Carr, John Copeland, Joseph Catland, Joseph Fish, William Flint, jr., Margaret W. Fales, No. Shares. Ain't paid in. Thomaston, - 1 50 do 5 250 do 2 100 do 4 200 do 2 100 do 2 100 do 2 100 do 4 200 do 2 100 do 20 1,000 do 2 100 do 5 250LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 43 Georges Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. No. Shares. Am't paid in. R. L. Gilchrist, Thomaston, 3 150 L. B. Gilchrist, do 7 350 Georges Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., do 3 300 Joseph Gilchrist, do 11 1,100 A. P. Gould, do 1 50 Mary E. Hatch, do 1 50 J. W. Jacobs, do 2 100 James Jones, do 1 50 Caleb Levensaler, do 6 600 J. G. Levensaler, do 1 50 Edward E. O'Brien, do 2 100 Edward O'Brien, do 20 1,000 Bradford Oliver, do 2 100 Daniel Rose, do 2 200 John Roney, do 1 50 C. E. Ranlett, do 4 200 Oliver Robinson, do 2 100 G. W. Robinson, do 2 100 William Stetson, do 5 250 Lucy F. Thatcher, do 10 500 Robert Walsh, do 5 250 Samuel Watts, do 4 200 Calista Williams, do •8 400 Elizabeth B. Watts, do 2 100 Robert Young, do 2 100 Gilbert Anderson, Warren, 2 100 Life Andrews, do I 50 B. F. Buxton, do 4 200 J. W. Bagnes, do 2 4 100 Edward Copeland, do 5 250 Keziah Counce, do 10 1,000 Oliver Crawford, do 4 400 O. W. Counce, do 12 600 John Creighton, do 5 250 John Creighton, jr., Ebenezer Creighton, do 2 100 do 3 150 Samuel Cunningham, do 1 50 Life W. Copeland, do 4 200 James Dickey, do 2 100 Jonah Gay, do 1 50 E. F. Head, do 1 50 A. H. Hodgman, do 5 250 D. Dickey, 2d, do 3 15044 list Georges OF STOCKHOLDERS. Bank, (Continued.) Names. Jonathan Hase, James Libby, Alexander Libby, E. G. Lermond, John A. Lermond, Percis Lermond, Clarissa Leach, Nathan Leach, Patrick McLaw, James Mathews, Seth O'Brien, Joshua Patterson, Jesse Page, James Payson, Samuel Payson, Deborah S. Russell, Polly Rivers, Wm. Robinson, Edwin Smith, Moses Studley, Marcus Starrett, Aaron Starrett, Lewis Vaughan, J. W. Vaughan, Sally Watts, Charles Watts, H. M. Watts, Edw. Watts, Augustus Alden, Jason Robbins, John Bickmore, Eben Farnham, Barnabas Fountain, Jane Fogerty, Samuel Gardiner, Robert Long, J. H. Long, Joseph Long, Richard Martin, Eliza Teel, Babcock & Cooledge, N. Boynton,, C. Bichard & Co., Residence. Warren, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Union, do St. George, do do do do do do do do do Boston, do do No. Shares. 5 10 2 5 5 10 3 7 3 5 2 2 5 5 5 2 1 2 30 2 3 2 4 2 1 4 5 2 7 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 5 5 2LIST OF STOCKHOLDEKS. 45 Georges Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. No. Shares. Am't paid in. J. Dearborn & Co., Eaton, Hill Chandler, Boston, 3 150 do 5 250 Fearing Thayer & Co., do 5 250 Lovett &, Wellington, do 5 250 S. F. Morse &, Co., do 10 500 Phillips & Moseley, do 5 250 Wm. M. Stedman & Co., do 10 500 Talbot Newell &, Co., do 5 250 T. C. Webb &, Co., do 5 250 J. W. Elwell, New York, 10 500 Nancy Hodgman, Camden, 1 50 Lydia Hodgman, do 1 50 Sophronia Hodgman, do 1 50 J. S. Meservy, Unknown, 1 100 Joseph Miller, Waldoborough, 9 450 Perkins Delano, New York, 3 150 W. M. Sproul, Waldoborough, 2 100 W. O. Sumner, St.. George, 2 100 Lydia Trowbridge, Waldoborough, 1 100 Hannah E. Woodman, Burlington, Waldoborough, 4 400 L. W. Ludvvig, 5 250 Thomas L. O'Brien, Warren, 2 100 Yinal Ware, Union, 8 800 500 $30,247 Granite Bank, {Augusta.) Amount of Stock. Mary Andrews, New York, (Shares.) 80 Darius Alden, Augusta, 34 B. S. Alden, do 3 William A. Brooks, do 31 Lusannah Brooks, do 6 James W. Bradbury, do 7 Eliza P. Brick, do 3 David Brown, Readfield, 10 John S. Brown, New Hampshire, 27 A. F. Barnard, Unknown, 9 Samuel S. Brooks, Augusta, 12 Granite Bank, {Augusta.)46 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Granite Bank, (Continued,.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Erastus Bartlett, California, (Shares.) 2 Charlotte E. Child, Augusta, 5 Lois Carlton, Alna, 7 Mehitable Chandler, Augusta, 88 Isaac Cottle, (estate,) Sidney, 3 S. Cummings, Unknown, 1 Hannah M. Child, Saco, 4 James L. Child, Augusta, 16 Abigail S. Caldwell, do 6 William Caldwell, do 8 Julia Ann Colcord, Unknown, 4 M. S. Dyer, Phillips, 8 Albert G. Dole, Augusta, 6 Isaac Downing, Unknown, 4 Elizabeth W. Freer, North Carolina, 5 Esther G. Fuller, Newton, Mass., 12 Lucretia G. Fuller, Wiscasset, 6 David Fales, (guardian,) Augusta, 2 John Fifield, do I William Goldthwait, Kennebec, 5 John H. Goldthwait, do 3 Timothy Goldthwait, do 6 Elizabeth Goldthwait, do 4 Thomas Goldthwait, do 11 Timothy Goldthwait, do 4 John Goldthwait, do 15 Gardiner Savings Institution, Gardiner, 2 Susan Holley, Farmington, 7 Harriet A. Holley, do 8 William Holley, do 2 Anna S. Harris, Unknown, 7 Ruth Ellen Hall, Rhode Island, 14 Margaret Hamlin, Augusta, 4 George S. Hall, Portland, 3 Francis A. Hall, Augusta, 92 L. W. Lithgowr, do 10 Silas Leonard, (cashier,) do 19 Anna S. Longfellow, Wiscasset, 13 R. Mitchell, 2d. Massachusetts, 13 J. Maxey, Gardiner, I George W. Morton, Augusta, 15 Elizabeth C. Myrick, do 12 James W. North, do 8LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 47 Granite Bank, ('Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Eben & E. C. Nourse, Bath, (Shares.) 2 Hannah E. North, Boston, 12 Elisha Prescott, (estate,) Readfield, 4 William Prescott, New Sharon, 8 Caroline C. Prescott, Bath, 3 Thomas Parker, (trustee,) Farmington, 20 P. Rogers, Unknown, 2 Isaac Ray, Rhode Island, 3 Greenlief Rockwood, Kennebec, 8 James Starr, Jay, 10 Robert C. Starr, Wayne, 1 M. H. Smith, Warren, 3 Mary M. Smith, do 12 William M. Stratton, Augusta, 5 Lydia Stone, Massachusetts, 7 Eliza W. Stanwood, do 1 Daniel Stone, Wiscasset, 1 Samuel E. Smith, do 10 William Thomas, Kennebec, 12 Daniel C. Weston, Augusta, 33 Henry Williams, do 12 Betsey Winslow, Kennebec, 4 Thaddeus Weeks, Jefferson, 20 Nathan Weston, Augusta, 80 Church Williams, (estate,) do 7 Charles J. Wingate, Waterville, 10 Greenlief White, (estate) Augusta, 12 William Woart, (estate,) do 10 1,000 Kenduskeag Bank, (Bangor.) George W. Pickering, L. F. Pickering, George C. Pickering, F. A. Pickering, T. A. Taylor, John Godfrey, Bangor, do do do do do 19,000 19,900 9,000 20,000 20,000 10048 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Kenduskeag Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Byron Porter, Hampden, 1,000 E. D. Peters, Boston, 10,000 M. W. Clark, Lawrence, 1,000 $100,000 48 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. *Lewiston Falls Bank. Par value of Shares, $100. William Sewall, Newton, Mass., 500 Cephas Farnsworth, Benj. B. Farnsworth, Lisbon, 500 Bangor, 500 Joseph E. Shaw, Lewiston, 800 C. M. Bailey, East Winthrop, 3,000 Archibald Wakefield, Lewiston, 500 Moses Bailey, East Winthrop, 2,000 Josiah Little, jr. Portland, 500 Paul C. Tibbetts, Lisbon, 2,000 Samuel Haley, Lewiston, 1,500 George L. Ward, do 7,300 James Lowell, do 2,000 Emeline Stetson, Eben H. Sleeper, Lowell, Mass., 700 Lewiston, 500 Hannah M. Titcomb, do 800 Moses Sanborn, Kingston, N. H., 3,000 Rose & Ladd, Lewiston, 600 Wood & Weeks, do 800 Benjamin E. Bates, Boston, 10,000 Edward Atkinson, do 4,200 Charles Millett, Lewiston, 300 Jacob H. Roak, do 2,000 Daniel Holland, do 2,000 Amos Nevens, do 500 Daniel Wood, do 2,500 Libby & Bourk, do 500 A. H. Kelsey, 500 $50,000 Par value of Shares, $100.LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Lime Rock Bank, (Rockland.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Samuel G. Adams, Camden, (Shares.) 5 Nancy Adams, do 5 Anson Butler, Joseph Berry, Rockland, 10 Thomaston, 2 H. G. Berry, Rockland, 5 William Branton, do n Joshua Bartlett, (heirs,) South Thomaston, 5 J. W. Roggs, Warren, 3 John S. Coburn, Rockland, 3 Nancy Creighton, Thomaston, 10 Joseph Conden, Warren, 5 J. H. Counce, do 5 Mary G. Cole, Thomaston, 5 James Crockett, Vinalhaven, 7 Knott Crockett, Rockland, 44 Betsey Crane, Warren, 3 Boyce Crane, do 2 Gorham Clough, Freedom, 3 Levi Cummings, Rockland, 2 S. D. Carlton, Camden, 5 Carlton & Norwood, do 5 Carlton, Norwood & Co., do 10 Benjamin Crabtree, do 29 Mary Cotter, Damariscotta. 10 Nathan Daniels, Union, 2 Joseph Daniels, do 1 Edmund Daggett, Camden, 5 J. H. Estabrook, do 10 Silas G. Fay, do 1 Joseph Furbish, Rockland, 2 James Fernald, Vinalhaven. 10 James T. Fuller, do 5 John Gregory, jr., Rockland, 5 Hanson Gregory, Camden, 4 William Gregory, do 10 Elijah Glover, do 23 Susan Glover, do 5 Joseph Gilchrest, Thomaston, 6 John W. Hunt, Rockland, 10 Simon Hunt, Camden, 15 Charles Holmes, Rockland, 2 Abby E. Holmes, do 1 Joseph Hewett, do 12 550 list of stockholders. Lime Rock Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. C. A. Harrington, Rockland, (Shares) 2 William Hovey, Warren, 2 Jonathan Huse, do 18 Ruth Huse, do 4 Susan F. Huse, do 5 Ann H. Huse, do 4 Eben'r Hobbs, Camden, 4 Joseph Ingraham, Rockland, 15 Coit Ingraham, do 4 Joseph Jones, Camden, 5 Iddo Kimball, Rockland. 35 A. H. Kimball, do 5 I. K. Kimball, do 2 Eliza Lovejoy, do 11 H. C. Lowell, do 5 Lewis Leadbetter, North Haven, 6 Reuben Leadbetter, Vinalhaven, 25 Hannah Leadbetter, do 1 R. C. H. Ltichfield, Rockland, 3 A. G. Lermond, Thomaston, 10 Nancy Lermond, Union, 8 John Little, do 17 Samuel Libby, Rockland, 9 Wm. Malcomb, Cushing, 4 Wrn. McLoon, Rockland, 20 Chas. McLoon, South Thomaston, 5 Nancy McLoon, do 5 James Moody, Camden, 5 S. F. Morse & Co., Boston, Mass., 17 S. B. Morse, do 8 Elijah Morse, Warren, 4 Edmond O'Brien, Thomaston, 5 John Pay son, James Payson, Union, 15 Warren, 5 Jesse Page, do 15 James Partridge, Rockland, 3 Sarah H. Partridge, do 4 John Pillsbury, do 25 John G. Paine, (estate,) H. A. Philbrook, Thomaston, 5 North Haven, 1 Lemuel Rish, Hope, 6 A. C. Robbins, Brunswick, 5 Deborah W. Robbins, Union, 2LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 51 Lime Rock Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Nathaniel Robbing, Brunswick, (Shares.) 5 Eliza S. Row, Rockland, 1 Samuel Rankins, do 5 Henry Spaulding, South Thomaston, 6 Lucy Snow, Rockland, 2 Israel Snow, do 10 Larkin Snow, Aaron Starrett, do 5 Warren, 10 Harriet N. Starrett, do 6 Nancy Starrett, do 1 Benj. E. Starrett, do 9 C. H. Safford, Hope, 31 Benj. Safford, do 5 Putnam Simonton, Searsport, 3 Wm. Simonton, Camden, 5 Edward Spear, Warren, 5 Mahala Spear, do 5 John Spear, Rockland, 20 Arch. Spear, do 6 James M. Spear, Warren, 4 James Sweetland, South Thomaston, 5 Abby E. Stewart, Union, 3 Wm. Singer, Thomaston, 5 Jonathan Libbey, Union, 20 Reuben Shearer, Rockland, 25 Davis Tilson, do 8 George Thomas, do 7 Peggy Thomas, do 5 James Thomas, North Haven, 3 John Tolman, Camden, 1 Orrin P. Tolman, Rockland, 5 Josiah Tolman, dcr 10 Samuel Tolman, Camden, 5 Chas. Thorndike, (estate,) Rockland, 3 George Thorndike, South Thomaston, 5 Arathusa Thorndike, do 5 Jonathan Thayer, Camden, 5 Rebecca Thayer, do 10 Sophia Thayer, do 7 Timothy Williams, Rockland, 5 Lydia Wooster, North Haven, 8 Lydia C. Wooster, do 3 Barbara Y. Wooster, do 252 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Lime Rock Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. David Wooster, Harriet Philbrook, Barnabas Webb, Deborah Whitmore, Roxanna Calderwood, Asa M. Glover, Catharine Leadbetter, North Haven, Vinalhaven, Thomaston, Hope, Vinalhaven, North Haven, do (Shares.) 2 2 5 3 1 5 1 1,000 Lincoln Bath Academy, Sarah A. Allen, (heirs,) Amos L. Allen, Joseph Berry, John Bosworth, James Burnham, William Crowell, Charles Crooker, William D. Crooker, * Charles Clapp, jr., Ebenezer Clapp, Davis Curtis, Freeman Clark, George W. Chase, Charles Davenport, William Donnell, William Drummond, William Decker, Joseph A. Day, Samuel Donnell, J. W. Ellingwood, James Farren, Horace A Grey, Jonathan Hyde, (trustee,) Zina Hyde, Henry Hyde, Levi Houghton, Charlotte Houghton, Bank, {Bath.) Bath, do do Georgetown, Bath, Farmington, Unknown, Bath, do do do do do Richmond, Bath, do do Richmond, Woolwich, Bath, do do Bowdoinham, Bath, do do do do 1,000 200 300 1,300 500 500 400 2,000 2,000 1,700 300 1,300 2,100 500 4,000 5,000 1,500 600 500 800 2,100 1,600 200 11,000 3,800 500 1,700 1,000LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 53 Lincoln Bank,, (Continued.) Names. S. W. Houghton, J. R. Houghton, S. A. Houghton, H. L. Houghton, Hosea Hildreth, Mary Hildreth, John Harvvood, Thomas liar wood, John Henry, (estate,) Andrew Heath, Willard Hall, Seth II a thorn, Nehemiah Harding, George W. Kendall, Clarissa Kimball, William Ledyard, William L. Loring, Stephen Larrabee, Sarah H. Lara bard, Isaac Lincoln, Susan Lincoln, A. N. Littlefield, L. P. Lemon t &, Son, A. R. Mitchell, Nancy Mitchell, Harriet N. Mitchell, Mary Jane Mitchell, Isaac Merritt, J. H. McLellan, James McLellan, D. C. Magoun, W. V. &, O. Moses, J. P. Morse, Richard Morse &, Son, Charlotte Meeker, R, H. McKown, Richard Nutter, Ann Maria Oliver, Emily Oliver, Mary Owen, O. L. Owen, George F. Patten, John Patten, 5# J Residence. Amount of stock. Bath, 1,800 do 500 do 500 do 500 do 500 do 500 do 500 do 7,800 do 4,500 do 2,600 do 500 Woolwich, 1,300 Bath, 700 do 1,000 do 500 do 3,200 do 500 do 300 do 1,000 Brunswick, 1,500 Unknown, 600 Newport, 1,000 Bath, 700 do 100 do 1,900 do 100 do 1,100 do 1,800 do 2,000 do 3,100 do 2,700 do 4,000 do 500 PfiipM>urg, 1,000 Bath, ^ 500 do 2,000 do 2,000 do 800 do 400 do 1,800 do 1,500 do 21,200 do 14,00054 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Lincoln Bank, (Continued.') Names. James Patten, G. E. K. Patten, James T. Patten, Maria K. Patten, William Purrington, Nathaniel Purrington, E. H. Purrington, Joshua Page, A. G. Page, Jesse W. Page, C. R. Porter, William E. Payne, H. E. Palmer, William M. Rogers, Sarah Rogers, Abigail Rogers, Benjamin Randall, Daniel Robbins, F. L. Richardson, (trustee,) Maria Richardson, Samuel Swanton, 2d, Jacob Smith, Elizabeth Stetson, Elizabeth Sewall, William D. Sewall, B. C. Sewall, R. S. Shaw, Thomas Simpson, George Shepard, Joseph H. Torrey, William Torrey, jr., Elizabeth Torrey, Ezekiel Tarbox, Cornelius Tarbox, Samuel Tarbox, A. M. Trott, Rachel Trott, Seneca White, Lincoln Webb, B. R. Woodside, H. P. Wiggins, Residence. Amount of stock. Bath, 7,500 do 2,100 do 2,400 Topsham, 600 Bowdoinham. 3,500 do 1,200 do 500 Bath, 4,300 do 2,800 do 500 do 1,000 do 400 do 500 do 3,600 do 1,000 do 300 do 400 do 800 Boston, 4,000 Newark, 200 Bath, 3,200 do 200 do 1,200 do 300 do 2,100 do 100 do 500 do 300 do 500 do 1,000 do 900 do 500 Westport, 2,200 do 800 do 1,000 do 400 do 1,200 Unknown, 900 Woolwich, 500 Bath, 700 do 500 $200,000LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 55 Lumberman's Bank, (Oldtoivn.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Wm. H. Smith, Oldtown, 10,000 Mary A. Smith, do 10,000 Samuel R. Bearce, do 500 Frederic H. Smith, do 500 Franklin G. Smith, do 600 Mary J. Pierce, do 2,000 E. B. Pierce, do 1,000 Asa Smith, jr., do 500 Alden B. Weed, do 500 Thomas Smith, do 500 J. W. Pollard, do 1,500 Joseph S. Smith, do 3,000 Hiram F. Wallace, do 100 Sumner F. Ross, do 300 Charles E. Dole, Milford, 500 $31,500 Manufacturers' Thornton Academy, (trustees of,) George H. Adams, Horace Bacon, Emily Barstow, Ann P. P. Barrougs, John A. Berry, (executor,) John A. Berry, Olivia D. Berry, John D. Boothby, John C. Bradbury, Edward R. Bradbury, Amos Chase, Edward R. Cogswell, John Crank, Margaret E. Cogswell, Abraham Cutter, Barnabas E. Cutter, Mary E. Cutts, Mary A. Cutts, Bank, (Saco.) Saco, Biddeford, do New York, Portsmouth, Saco, do do Limerick, Saco, do do South Berwick, Portsmouth, N. H., Portland, Saco, Biddeford, Saco, do (Shares.) 31 10 5 1 10 7 1 3 5 10 10 2 22 2 6 5 3 5 35Q LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Manufacturers' Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Charles F. Cutts, Saco, (Shares.) 2 Mehitable Curtis, Kennebunk, 5 Alexander F. Chisholm, Saco, 2 Benjamin Day, Portland, 13 Enoch L. Deering, Saco, 5 Isaac Deering, Waterborough, 5 Nathaniel Deering, do 1 William Deering, do 2 Gordon &. Douglass, (executors,) London, England, 18 William Dwight, (trustee,) Boston, 3 Nathan Elden, Buxton, 4 Hannah Elden, do 8 Ralph Emery, Biddeford, 5 Sarah S. Emery, Boston, 4 Philip Eastman, Saco, 5 John Emery, Kennebunk, 10 James S. Emery, Saco, 2 Albert W. Fisk, Gorham, 6 Loring French, Dracut, Mass., 35 Mary A. Foster, Portsmouth, N. H., 15 David Fernald, Saco, 3 Francis Fernald, Portsmouth, 0 Nahum Getchell, Saco, 15 Joseph Getchell, do 8 John Gilpatric, do 1 Mary E. Gilpatric, do 1 Jane H. Gilpatric, do 1 Jeremiah Goodwin, Somersworth, N. H., 20 Elizabeth Goldthwait, Biddeford, 3 Lucia A. Green, Northfield, Mass., 4 Hugh W. Green, do 9 Philip Greely, Portland, 3 Tristram S. L. Goodale, Saco, 5 Alfred W. Haven, Portsmouth, 10 Geo. W. Haven, do 10 Eliza A. Haven, do 1 Charlotte M. Haven, do 4 Francis B. Hayes, Boston, 17 Ephraim Hidden, Dover, N. H., 4 Elizabeth Hooper, Saco, 9 Robert Jameson, do 8 Tristram Jordan, jr., Tristram Jordan, do 7 do 5LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. §7 Manufacturers' Bank, (Continued.) Nameg. Residence. Amount of stocfe. Harriett P. Kitteridge, Portsmouth, (Shares) 5 Nancy Kimball, Buxton, 1 Elizabeth P. King, Saco, 1 Lowell &, Edwards, do 5 Margaret M. Lane, do 7 William Murch, do 10 Charles H. Lunt, Boston, Mass., 6 Dorcas Merrill, Saco, 2 Asaph Moody, Kennebunkport, 14 Sarah &. Elizabeth Moody, Saco, 2 Eunice Nye, do 10 John W. Page, Biddeford, 6 Orlando Perkins, Kennebunkport, 5 Eunice Perkins, do 5 Daniel H. Pierce, Portsmouth. 10 Portsmouth Female Asylum, do 2 William Perkins, Saco, 1 Joel Russell, Biddeford, 6 James Randlett, Portsmouth, 25 William Rice, do 26 Olive Sawyer, Saco, 1 Julia A. Scammon, do 3 Hannah Scammon, do 1 Daniel Smith, jr., do 6 James Smith, jr., Biddeford, 5 Robert Smith, Kennebunkport, 22 William Smith, do 2 Joseph Smith, Biddeford, 2 Alfred Smith, Durham, N. H., 2 Cornelius Sweetser, Saco, 10 Betsey Sands, do 4 Saco and Biddeford Savings Inst., do 80 Samuel Storer, do 30 Mirinda Stone, Kennebunkport, 10 Mary E. Stone, do 20 John Shepley, Saco, 6 Isaac Sturdivant, Portland, 30 James Sheafe, (estate,) Portsmouth, 40 Maria H. Sanford, New York, 6 Mary C. Thornton, Biddeford, 14 Nancy B. Thacher, Ohio, 8 Nathaniel M. Towle, Saco, 11 George Tappan, jr., do 958 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Manufacturers' Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Michael Tappan, Saco, (Shares.) 11 David Tompkins, Dover, N. H., 10 Hannah Tucker, Saco, 4 Twambly &, Smith, do 12 Lewis Wakefield, (estate,) do 5 Charles N. Wakefield, do 3 Sarah E. Wakefield, do 3 Eunice Woodsum, do 3 Samuel Whitten, do 4 Sarah Williams, Cambridgeport, Ms., 5 James Woston, Bangor, 2 Lauriston Ward, Washington, 2 Sophia Moody, Kennebunkport, 2 Hugh Wallace, Saco, 2 A. L. Wiggin, Sarah E. Wiggin, do 2 do 6 Edward R. Wiggin, do 1 Susan Parker, Portsmouth, 5 Tobias Scruton, Saco, 2 954 Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, (Portland.) William Allen, Portland, 150 Frances Baker, do 150 Phinehas Barnes, do 100 Harris C. Barnes, do 50 Anna Bartol, do 350 Nabby Bean, do 50 Clarissa Brooks, do 300 Eleanor T. Brooks, do 300 Charles Brooks, (guardian,) Boston, 350 Benjamin Chadbourne, W. T. & H. M. Chadbourne, Standish, 1,050 do 1,200 Benjamin P. Chamberlain, Salem, 1,250 Jane Chase, Portland, 50 Alvah Conant, do 3,000 Nehemiah Cram, Ohio, 550LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 59 Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Ruth Cutter, Portland, 500 Charity fund, 1st Parish, do 450 Charles Davis, do 750 Almira W. Davis, do 200 Alia Davis, do 50 Benjamin Deake, Boston, Mass., 1,550 Nathaniel F. Deering, Portland, 400 Neal Dow, do 1,750 H. M. Ellingwood, Bath, 500 Nicholas Emery, Portland, 100 Cyprus Eustis, Dixfield, 150 Edwin Fernald, Portland, 500 John D. Gardner, Boston, 750 Joseph B. Gardner, Unknown, 150 Deborah Gardner, Exeter, N. II., 250 Alice M. Gilman, Brunswick, 400 Sophia Gilpatrick, Unknown, 250 Edward Gould, Portland, 300 Samuel M. Gould, Biddeford, 1,000 Frances Gould, Kennebunk, 150 David Grey, Unknown, 50 William E. Greeley, Boston, Mass., 300 George S. Hall, Portland, 50 David Hall, do 1,000 Nancy M. Hall, do 1,000 Pamelia Hanford, (estate,) do 600 H. B. & H. M. Hart, do 200 Horace Harvey, do 400 Abigail S. Hill, Unknown, 300 Rufus Horton, Portland. 3,750 Sarah W. Horton, do 150 Mary Horton, do 2§0 Isaac Ilsley, do 2,550 Mary Ilsley, do 450 Nancy Ilsley, do 50 Caleb Jones, Westbrook, 1,000 Moses F. Kimball, Rumford, 300 Joseph Leavitt, Portland, 200 Mary J. Lewis, Gorham, 450 Harriet Ann Libby, Portland, 300 Harriet S. Libby, do 50 Barak Littlefield, do 50 Solomon Loring, Cumberland, 5060 list of stockholders. Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Anna G. Loring, Cumberland, 50 Sarah Martin, Ohio, 800 Pamelia Martin, Portland, 800 Jane G. Mead, Gorham, 700 Frederick A. Merrill, Portland, 50 Frederick G. Messer, Colebrook, 1,000 Henry B. Minot, Portland, 100 Maria Morrison, do 50 Happy Morse, do 600 Eleazer McKenney, do 2,100 Lucy McLellan, do goo Prentiss M. Nichols, do 50 Edward Oxnard, do 750 Ocean Insurance Company, do- 7,150 Samuel Paine, Gorham, 450 Albion K. Parris, Portland, 750 Lydia C. Pease, Westbrook, 150 Catharine B. Pease, do 550 Orlando Perkins, Kennebunkport, 350 Lucy Phinney, Gorham, 600 Plummer & Morse, Portland, 250 Moses I. Plummer, do 250 Dorcas A. Plummer, do 1,050 Mary Preble, (estate,) do 1,850 President and Trustees of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, 6,200 Joshua Richardson, Portland, 1,250 Joshua Richardson, (executor,) 250 Eunice P. Richardson, Unknown, 1,300 Elizabeth D. Richadrson, do 1,300 1,650 Toppan Robie, Gorham, Thomas S. Robie, do 250 Benjamin A. Robie, do 250 Lucinda E. Robie, do 250 Hannah Rogers, Unknown, 150 Susan T. Roy all, do 200 W. B. Sewall, Kennebunk, 950 Lucy Sewall, do 200 Eveline Sewall, do 200 Narcissa Sewall, 150 Mary Simonton, Portland, 100 A. K. Shurtleff, do 3,000 Julia G. Smith, Unknown, 100LIST OF STOCKHOLDEES. 61 Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, (Continued.) Names. H. M. Smith, Isaac Sturdivant, Susan Sumner, (estate,) William Swan, Portland Benevolent Society, Portland Marine Society, Maine Missionary Society, Benjamin Thrasher, American Education Society, Benjamin F. Thrasher, Martha Trask, Helen Trask, Elisha Trowbridge, Wm. S. Trowbridge, Jonathan Tucker, Phinehas Varnum, Stephen Waite, Joseph Walker, Ashur Ware, George Warren, Samuel Weed, Ezekiel Whitman, Benjamin Willis, Rebecca Witham, William Woodbury, Nancy Wyer, Residence. Bath, Unknown, Portland, do do do do Cuba, Cuba, Portland, Calais, Portland, do do do do do do do do Bridgewater, Boston, Unknown, Portland, New York, Samuel Alley, Nathaniel Stone, Isaac Coffin, Thomas Hodgdon, Thomas Parsons, Samuel Tarbox, 6 Mariners' Bank, (Wiscasset.) Dresden, Boston, Boothbay, Edgecomb, Westport, 600 500 500 300 100 90062 list of stockholders. Mariners' Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. James McCarty, Westport, 600 Elisha J. Taylor, Wiscasset, 200 Silas Lewis, Boothbay, 500 C. & W. B. Wilkins, Boston, Mass., 400 Wilmot Wood, Wiscasset, 1,100 S. P. Blake, (trustee,) do 200 Henry Clark, do 2,100 Franklin Clark, do 400 David R. Adams, (estate,) Boothbay, 100 Stephen Lewis, William Stacy, Whitefield, 400 Wiscasset, 100 Philip E. Theobald, (estate,) Lydia T. Wood, do 200 400 Lincoln Wood, Woolwich, 500 Patrick Lenox, Wiscasset, 400 Isaac Lincoln, (estate,) do 100 Wiscasset Female Asylum, do 500 Sargent S. Littlehale, Boston, Mass., 1,000 Thaddeus Weeks, Jefferson, 1,500 Jotham Donnell, Alna, 1,200 Isabella Coffin, (estate,) Wiscasset, 100 John T. Acorn, Marshall S. Hagar, Alna, 200 Richmond, 1,000 Lydia R. Smith, Wiscasset, 600 Senega White, 1,200 Mary Plummer, Wiscasset, 200 Samuel E. Smith, do 1,100 Edward H. Hall, Dresden, 400 Freeman Parker, Wiscasset, 300 Sarah Knight, Westport, 100 Charles Thayer, Dresden, 200 S. B. Baker, (cashier,) Wiscasset, 600 Joseph Decker, Alna, 300 JBernard C. Bailey, Bath, 400 Martha Hedge, Woolwich, 500 Jane Decker, Alna, 600 Sarah Hagar, Richmond, 500 H. H. McKown, Bath, 1,000 .Addison D. Fisher, Arrowsic, 500 Martha Jane McCarty, Westport, 200 Allen Lewis, Boothbay, 400 Martha W. Barrett, Wiscasset, 400 » 375 Lucinda A. Robie, do do ) Susan Sumner, (estate,) do 450 Isaac Sturdivant, do 10,500 William Swan, do 900 Horatio Southgate, do 900 Jonathan Stevens, do 300 Anna Stevens, Cambridge, 300 Martha Trask, Portland, 375 Samuel Trask, do 375 Jonathan Tucker, do 6,975 Thomas C. Upham, Brunswick, 1,500 Wm. Woodbury, Portland, 4,950 George Warren, do 1,575 Joshua Wingate, jr., (estate,) do 1,125 Adam Wilson, do 525 Joseph Weeks, do 450 Ezekiel Whitman, Bridgewater, 2,625 Benjamin Willis, Boston, 3,375 Mary Webb, Portland, 150 Ashur Ware, do 1,200 Susan Webster, do 375 Jeremiah Winslow, France, 1,725 Joseph Walker, Portland, 1,050 Joshua F. Weeks, do 300 Rufus E. Wood, do 825 Margaret P. Whitman, do 525 Deacons 1st Church, York, 375 $150,000LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 71 *Northern Bank, (Hallowell.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. W. E. Abbott, Massachusetts, 1,200 Sallucia Abbott, Farmington, 500 R. B. Abbott, do 200 Hallowell Academy, Hallowell, 1,800 Jesse Aiken, do 1,000 Alfred Alley, (heirs,) Vassal borough, 3,000 Robert Alley, do 200 Olivia B. Bacon, Massachusettsj 100 Fanny Bartlett, Montville, 2,000 Lucretia F. Bond, New York, 1,000 Byron S. Blish, Unknown, 200 Frances H. Blish, Rockland, 200 Thomas B. Brooks, Hallowell, 300 W. G. Brooks, Mass., 3C0 David Brown, Readfield, 100 J. S. R. Brown, New Hampshire, 5,000 Jonas Burnham, Farmington, 500 Smith C. Cox, Pittston, 1,000 W. C. Crooker, Patricktown, pi., 400 Clara A. Cutler, Farmington, 1,500 J. C. Dwight, Hallowell, 300 Williams Emmons, do 400 Lucy M. Emmons, do 100 Female Ch. Society, do 200 Friends' Society, Fairfield, 200 John P. Flagg, Hallowell, 1,000 Sarah W. F. Fuller, do 700 James Fillebrown, (heirs,) Readfield, 500 John Gardiner, Hallowell, 100 Gardiner Savings Institution, Gardiner, 3,400 F. Glazier, Hallowell, 1,300 Julia Glazier, do 800 S. C. Grant, do 2,700 Nancy Grant, Gardiner, 3,400 Ellen L. D. Gilman, New York, 400 Adaline Goodale, Massachusetts, 700 Enoch Jewett, (heirs,) Unknown, 3,000 Betsey Kimball, Mt. Yernon, 400 William Holley, Farmington, 1,500 Joanna S. Lemont, Augusta, 1,200 Augustine Lord, Hallowell, 100 Andrew Masters, do 2,500 Richard Macey, (heirs,) Vassal borough, 20072 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Northern Bank, (Continued.) Names. John McClellan, Judah McClellan, John Merrick, George Merrick, B. Nason, Lydia F. Nason, Edward A. Nason, Charles C. Nutter, D. W. Nutting, Amos Nourse, (trustee,) H. W. Paine, Martha A. Palmer, Elisha Pettingill, Reuben Richards, Hannah Robinson, Alden Sampson, Thomas H. Sanford, (trustee,) Stephen Sewall, Henry Sewall, (heirs,) Paul Stickney, John Stratton, Abby Tenney, Petty Yaughan, John A. Yaughan, Samuel Wells, Louisa A. Wells, Wells Gage, (executors,) S. C. Whittier, George F. Wingate, Louisa A. Wingate, Residence. Amount of stock. Unknown, 900 Bloomfield, 100 Hallowell, 800 do 1,200 do 3,400 do 1,000 Augusta, 800 Massachusetts. 600 do 800 Bath, 400 Hallowell, 800 do 500 Livermore, 500 Massachusetts, 2,500 Mt. Vernon, 400 Kennebec, 3,500 New York, 500 Winthrop, 2,500 Unknown, 400 Massachusetts. 100 do 1,900 Hallowell, 200 England, 400 Philadelphia, 300 Portland, 1,100 do 1,000 Portland & Augusta, 1,600 Hallowell, 100 do 600 do 500 $75,000 Sawyer & Calson, John Gregory, jr., Jonathan White, Lucy C. Case, *Rockland Bank. Rockland, do do do 500 1,000 1,000 500LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 73 Rockland Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Oliver Jameson, Rockland. 200 B. W. Lothrop, do 500 Israel Snow, do 1,000 Lucy Snow, do 500 Ephraim Barrett, do 500 John O'Neille, do 500 M. E. Thurlo, do 200 Lowell &> Foster, do 1,000 John P. Wise, do 300 Timothy Williams, do 1,000 Joseph Pierce, do 200 N. A. Burpee, do 300 Larkin Snow, do 500 Margaret Harrington, do 1,200 Wm. R. Spear, do 500 Samuel Pillsbury, do 2,300 Maria Spear, do 400 Francis Cobb, do 1,000 A. H. Kimball, do 1,000 Enos Crockett, do 1,500 N. A. Farwell, do 1,000 Jerusha G. Farwell, do 500 Wm. McLoon, do 2,000 Hannah C. Thomas, do 1,000 Albert F. Thomas, do 1,000 Wm. H. Thorndike, do 300 Sophronia Harrington, do 500 John Merrill, do 800 Jonathan Spear, do 500 Iddo Kimball, do 9,000 Lydia Crockett, do 100 Josiah Tolman, do 500 John Spear, do 1,000 John T. Berry, do 500 O. B. Fales, do 500 Z. C. Shuman, do 800 James W. Sayward, do 500 Benj. Clark, do 200 A. E. F. Ulmer, do 200 A. G. Spear, do 1,000 Hiram Gregory, do 500 W. Gregory, do 700 George Pratt, do 500 774 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Rockland Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. C. R. Mallard, Rockland, 500 Moses W. Farwell, 500 James Fernald, Yinalhaven, 3,000 Reuben Leadbetter, do 2,000 J. Y. Fuller, do 500 Mercy Kimball, do 500 Luther Kimball, do 500 Elisha Smith, do 400 Lewis Leadbetter, do 500 Mary J. Philbrook, do 100 John Leadbetter, jr., do 200 James Thomas, do 200 George Thorndike, South Thomaston, 1,000 Charles McLoon, do 1,000 Catharine Sweetland, do 500 Joseph Fish, Thomaston, 2,000 Wm. Singer, do 1,000 Merritt Austin, do 1,500 John Morse, do 500 B. B. Haskell, Waldoborough, 500 John H. Kennedy, do 500 Ezekiel Winslow, do 1,000 Joel A. Walker, Union. 700 Yinal Ware, do 600 Benjamin Safford, Hope, 1,000 James P. Safford, do 1,000 John Bickmore, St. George, 500 Jonathan Bartlett, Montville, 500 Daniel Bartlett, do 500 Josiah Farrow, Belfast, 1,000 Joseph F. Hall, do 1,000 Edward Cushing? Camden, 500 Simon Hunt, do 1,500 Thomas Hunt, do 500 Jonathan Thayer, do 1,000 Sophia Thayer, do 200 Charles Morrill, Readfield, 300 Thaddeus Weeks, Jefferson, 400 Myrick L. Weeks, do 300 Daniel Weeks, do 300 Thomas W. Weeks, do 100 Benj. E. Starrett, Warren, 500 J. W. Boggs, do 200 74 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS.LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 75 Rockland Bank, (Continued.) Names. John Haven, Joseph A. White, Harriet N. Hackett, Edward E. Fessenden, Residence. Boston, Mass., do South Hadley, Bangor, Joseph Berry, Isaac H. Bowker, L. Black man, J. & W. Barron, Mary S. Crawford, John Corliss, F. Clark, M. R. B. Cram, William Donnell, James Drummond, William Dennett, Joseph A. Day, Betsey Delano, Mary A. French, E. W. K. Groton, Peggy Green, S. S. IIawes, J. Haskell, John Henry, (estate,) George F. Patten, Z. A. Hyde, and C. Davenport, (trustees,) Z. Hyde & Co., E. A. Hodgkins, Mary Farnham, Seth Hathorn, Zina Hyde, C. M. Jameson, E. D. Knight, George W. Kettridge, Kendall Richardson & Co,, Sagadahock Bank, (Bath.) Georgetown, Phipsburg, Bath, Topsham, Bath, Woolwich, Bath, Portland, Bath, Phipsburg, Topsham, Woolwich, do Unknown, Bath, Topsham, Unknowrn, Topsham, Bath, do do do Woolwich, do Bath, Topsham, Unknown, do Bath,76 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Sagadahock Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. William Ledyard, Bath, 100 A. Lowell, Phipsburg, 200 M. J. Ledyard, Bath, 400 D. C. Magoun, do 200 James McLellan, W. V. & O. Moses, do 2,200 do 2,800 Almira Merritt, Harpswell, 200 Noble Maxwell, Unknown, 4,300 Levi Mustard, Bowdoinham, 1,000 Joseph Mustard, do 1,000 Magoun & Clapp, Bath, 1,000 C. L. Owen, do 3,400 E. M. Owen, do 500 William Purrington, Bowdoinham, 10,100 William Purrington, (agent,) do 500 N. Purrington, do 500 H. Purrington, (estate,) do 1,200 Palmer & Ledyard, Bath, 400 C. C. Prescott, do 600 Joshua Page, do 800 E. H. Purrington, Unknown, 1,000 A. G. Page, Bath, 500 C. R. Porter, do 500 David Patten, Bowdoinham, 2,000 Robert Patten, do 1,000 T. M. Reed, Phipsburg, 200 James Riggs, Bath, 1,300 W. M. Reed, do 800 T. D. Robinson, do 2,000 Moses Riggs, Georgetown, 1,300 W. Richardson, (estate,) Bath, 1,100 D. Robbins, do 900 B. F. Riggs, Augusta, 1,000 Sarah Riggs, Georgetown, 1,000 H. L. Richardson, Boston, Mass., 1,000 John Smith, Bath, 900 Jacob Smith, do 500 D. Scribner, Topsham, 3,500 Isaiah Snow, Harpswell, 900 Mary P. Snow, do 400 Ann S. Sewall, Bath, 200 T. J. Southard, Richmond, 200 Charles Thompson, Topsham, 3,000 76 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS.LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Sagadakock Bank, (Continued.) 77 Names. Samuel Thompson, Joanna Torrey, E. Tarbox, Samuel Tarbox, Ezra Taylor, Cornelius Tarbox, Rachel Trott, (estate,) J. Winslow, jr., E. Waldron, L. Webb, A. R. Watson, Thomas Wilson, Kesidence. Topsham, Bath, Westport, do do do Bath, do Wiscasset, Woolwich, Georgetown, Bowdoinham, Amount of stock. 1,900 800 1,000 500 100 300 1,000 2,100 200 1,100 1,000 1,000 $100,000 William Allen, Charles F. Allen, Stephen Allen, Elizabeth F. Abbot, William Atkinson, Sarah Anderson, Susan Boutelle, Betsey W. Bosworth, Bloomfield Academy, Ephraim Bigelow, Cromwell Barnard, Simon Bean, Joseph P. Buzwell, A. & P. Coburn, Congregational Parish, John Colby, (estate,) Arthur F. Drinkwater, James B. Dascomb, Elizabeth Dole, Benjamin F. Dodge, Levi Emery, jr., Sally Fletcher, Skowhegan Bank. Norridgewock, Unknown, do Norridgewock, Madison, Norridgewock, Unknown, Skowhegan, Bloomfield, do do New Brunswick, Solon, Bloomfield, do Madison, Bluehill, Bloomfield, do Skowhegan, Bloomfield, Norridgewock, 1,200 1,000 1,000 300 500 100 300 900 3,400 200 1,100 1,000 400 7,500 500 2,300 500 1,500 200 30T 300 1,000LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Skoivhegan Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Mary Fletcher Peet, Sarah G. Gilman, Nathaniel Hilton, (estate,) Joseph Jenkins, (estate,) Johnson Hoi man, 2d, Nathan Jewett, jr., Caroline L. Jewett, Jonas Jewett, Thomas P. Kendall, Joseph Locke, Joseph L. Locke, Daniel Lord, (guardian,) James T. Leavitt, Peter Malborn, Judah McClellan, John McClellan, Henry McClellan, Lucy Mclntire, Sylvia L. Malbon, John G. Neil, Ebenezer H. Neil, Sarah Neil, Helen Neil, Joseph Norton, Lydia Nuth, Edmund Pearson, Edmund Pearson, (estate,) Henrietta O. Pearson, Samuel Philbrick, John R. Philbrick, Joseph Philbrick, Wm. Philbrick, John Pierce, Luther Pierce, (estate,) Samuel Parker, Luther Pierce, William Rowell, Samuel Robinson, Cullen Sawtelle, Solomon Stewart, Daniel Snow, jr., Daniel Steward, Ruth Soule, •Norridgewock, !Skowhegan, Palmyra, Madison, St. Albans, Solon, St. Louis, Mo., Solon, Tewksbury, Mass., Bloomfield, Georgia, Athens, Skowhegan, do Bloomfield, Woodstock, Conn., New York, Bloomfield, Skowhegan, do do do do Norridgewock, Waterville, Bloomfield, New Hampshire, do Skowhegan, Waterville, Bloomfield, Exeter, N. II., Solon, do Bloomfield, Solon, Bingham, Skowhegan, Norridgewock, Bloomfield, do Skowhegan, Fairfield, Amount of stock. 500 300 500 2,500 300 300 300 100 1,500 800 1,300 200 500 500 700 2,000 100 100 400 4,100 200 600 300 100 200 3,200 700 100 1,900 1,000 400 2,000 200 100 1,900 200 300 500 500 200 1,600 1,200 800LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Skowhegan Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Sarah J. Stanley, Bloomfield, 800 Seth Ellis &, Henry Sawyer, Stillwater, Minesota, 800 Somerset Academy, Athens, [Ter. 2,000 Abram Tinkham, Unknown, 300 John S. Tenney, Norridgewock, 300 Hanover Trefethren, Cornville, 100 Ticonic Bank, Waterville, 1,000 Ministerial Fund, Bloomfield, 200 Nancy Titcomb, Lydia Titcomb, Farmington, 300 do 500 Joseph Titcomb, do 500 John Titcomb, do 200 Lucy J. Thompson, Madison, 200 Elizabeth L. Talbot, Machias, 300 S. &, J. W. Weston, Bloomfield. 1,000 Stephen Weston, do 400 Joshua Woodman, Cornville, 1,200 Samuel Woodman, do 300 John Woodman, do 200 Abel Wood, Norridgewock, 500 Mahala Wood, do 200 Salmon White, Bloomfield, 1,500 Nancy White, Newport, 600 Joseph Weston, 2d, Bloomfield. 100 Daniel Wells, do 100 Mary Whittier, ! Cornville, 200 Wm. Whittier, do 200 Elizabeth Whiting, Fairfield, 300 $75,000 South Berwick Bank. Elizabeth Abbott, Hannah Brown, Mirinda L. Brooks, Joseph P. Baker, Olive Cushing, Margaret E. Cogswell, South Berwick, Somersworth, N. H., York, New York, South Berwick, Cambridge, Mass.,80 list of stockholders. South Berwick Bank, (Continued.) Names. Edward R. Cogswell, E. A. C. Burleigh, Enoch Chase, Mary B. Doe, Susan A. H. Ferguson, Samuel Fernald, Jeremiah Goodwin, Berwick Academy, George Goodwin, Frederick I. Goodwin, Thomas Goodwin, William Goodwin, Sarah Goodwin, Elizabeth Goodwin, J. D. Guppy, H. E. Guppy, Susan Goodwin, Sophia S. Goodwin, Sarah G. Goodwin, Sarah Hay man, Hiram H. Hobbs, Benjamin Hodsdon, Daniel Hodsdon, Charles C. Hobbs, James Hobbs, Nicholas Hanson, H. II. Hobbs, (trustee,) William A. Hayes, Francis B. Hayes, Joseph Hilliard, (estate,) A. J. Hoag, A. M. Hoag, Charles E. Hill, Philip Hall, Horace Hall, Sheldon Hobbs, Edward Hayman, Nancy Leigh, Samuel Lord, (guardian,) Ministerial Fund, a a Thomas Jewett, Theodore F. Jewett, Residence. Cambridge, Mass., Somersworth, N. H., Boston, Rollingsford, N. H., South Berwick, Kittery, Somersworth, N. H., South Berwick, Somersworth, N. H., Middletown, Ct., South Berwick, North Berwick, South Berwick, do Dover, N. H., do Berwick, do do South Berwick, do do North Berwick, South Berwick, do do do Boston, Mass., do Berwick, Philadelphia, Lynn, Mass., Philadelphia, North Berwick, do do South Berwick, Townsend, Mass., Portsmouth, Berwick, South Berwick, do do Amount of stock.LIST OF STOCKHOLDEBS. gl South Berwick Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Elisha H. Jewett, South Berwick, 500 Theodore H. Jewett, do 500 Mary R. Jewett, do 250 Benjamin Nason, do 1,300 Olivia S. Nason, do 850 William Nason, do 1,100 Elizabeth H. Nason, Augusta, 600 C. M. F. Nealley, New Market, N. H., 600 John Plumer, South Berwick, 2,500 Daniel Nason, Boston, 1,250 500 Samuel Parks, South Berwick, Betsey Pray, Lebanon, 1,000 Thomas C. Parks, Somersworth, N. H., 500 Joshua W. Pierce, Greenland, 2,000 Francis Plumer, Rollinsford, N. H., 1,500 J. O. & S. A. Preble, York, 500 Sally M. Sargent, Newburyport, Mass., 5,500 Danville Sweet, Turner, 500 South Berwick Savings Bank, 1,000 Theda Smith, (estate,) Dan vers, Mass., 500 Ether Shepley, Portland, 4,000 D. H. Stacy, Unknown, 200 A. G. Trafton, South Berwick, 250 Susan M. Trafton, do 100 Nancy B. Thatcher, Unknown, 500 Moses Yarney, Rollinsford, N. H., 2,000 Mary Ann Varney, do 50 Phebe M. Varney, North Berwick, 2,000 Mary R. Wallingsford, Berwick, 150 Elizabeth Walker, Portsmouth, N. H., 2,500 Mark Walker, do 1,000 John G. Webster, Boston, 100 James W. Ward, Abbington, Mass., 350 Mary Yeaton, Rollinsford, N. H., 1,150 $100,00082 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Thomaston Bank. Names. Melina Abbott, Sarah A. Catland, Mary G. Cole, Nancy Creighton, Sarah C. Cushing, Georges Insurance Company, Odd Fellows Lodge, Jane Gleason, (estate,) Mrs. G. W. Gleason, Mrs. Ann M. Gleason, Sarah Henderson, Ann B. Henderson, Susan Henderson, Mary T. O'Brien, Lincoln Baptist Benevolent Society, W. R. Keith, Edward O'Brien, Snow Paine, Chris. Pierce, Rich. Robinson, Edw. Robinson, Wm. Singer, Barnabas Webb, Thomaston Insurance Company, Mary Buxton, Lydia Burton, J. W. Bognes, Nancy Copeland, John H. Counce, (estate,) Keziah Counce, John Creighton, Keziah Creighton, Mary A. Creighton, Wm. Hovey, Wm. Hovey, (guardian,) Ruth Hase, Jona. Hase, E. F. Head, Margaret Lermond, Lucy Lawry, Paulina McCallam, Mrs. John Miller, Jesse Page, Residence. Thomaston, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Warren, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do doLIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. §3 Thomaston Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. St. George Lodge, Warren, 300 Joseph Spear, do 200 M. H. Smith, do 500 M. M. Smith, do 3,500 Edwin Smith, do 300 Edwin Smith, (trustee,) do 1,100 Frances M. Smith, do 700 Warren School Fund, do 400 Warren Academy, do 400 Warren Baptist Society, do 500 Iddo Kimball, Rockland, 5,500 John Spear, do 1,000 Reuben Sherrer, do 700 Sally Benner, Waldoborough, 200 King Solomon's Lodge, do 200 John Little, Union, 800 A. Alden, (guardian,) do 600 Hannah Robinson, do 100 Mary Cotter, New Castle, 500 Lincoln Academy, do 1,000 Damariscotta Baptist Benevolent Society, do 300 Samuel E. Smith, Wiscasset, 1,300 Lydia R. Smith, do 2,000 James Barton, St. George, 400 R. B. Allyn, Belfast, 1,500 Hannah E. Smith, Bangor, 1,100 Olive S. Smith, 500 Betsey Clark, Boston, 100 Elsa Williams, do 300 W. Anne Gleason, New York, 2,000 Sarah E. Farley, Pennsylvania, 200 50,00034 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Ticonic Bank, (Waterville.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. James Stackpole, (estate,) Waterville, 5,800 Timothy Boutelle, do 6,300 Jediah Morrill, do 4,300 James Shores, do 3,200 James Stackpole, do 2,600 Henry Nourse, do 3,000 Stephen Stark, do 2,000 Z. Sanger, do 2,000 Harriet Redington, do 2,100 John Mathews, do 1,600 Mary Dalton, do 1,500 Samuel Plaisted, do 1,000 C. J. Wingate, do 1,000 Stephen Thayer, (estate,) do 1,000 Alfred Burleigh, do 1,000 Clymena Mathews, do 1,000 Mary Esty, do 1,000 Emily R. Heath, do 1,000 James M. West, do 1,000 Ann E. Mathews, do 900 William H. Blair, do 900 Ann Appleton, do 700 Susan L. Phillips, do 600 George E. Shores, do 600 William Dyer, do 400 Waterville Lodge, do 300 Samuel Appleton, do 200 Edwin Noyes, do 200 Emily B. Blair, Lurana Gorham, (estate,) do 200 do 200 Elah Esty, do 100 Augustus P. Stevens, do 100 Catharine Lincoln, do 200 Fidelia Stevens, do 100 Ruth J. Stevens, do 100 Harriet J. Simpson, do 100 Charles H. Thayer, do 500 Sarah Cole, do 500 Daniel Blaisdell, Sidney j 2,000 Hannah Blaisdell, do 600 Luther Sawtelle, do 500 Margaret Tiffany, Samuel S. Tiffany, do 300 do 200LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. gg Ticonic Bank, (Continued.) Names. Daniel P. Tiffany, Sarah S. Green, John Ware, Trustees Somerset Academy, John Titcomb, (in trust,) Lydia Titcomb, William Allen, Sally Allen, Calvin Selden, Harriet Selden, Cullen Sawtelle, Sarah Sawtelle, (estate,) Mary Fletcher, Joseph Taylor, Octavia Brackett, Charles A. Brackett, John A. Brackett, Horace W. Brackett, Sally Allen, D. C. Weston, Asher Hinds, B. Bryant, Abel Hoxie, (estate,) Hannah Tozier, Benjamin Bowman, Arnold Hoxie, Reuben Jones, Elizabeth Whiting, Elizabeth Burney, Allen Wing, George A. Wing, Eleazer Tarbox, Samuel B. Tarbox, Silas L. Hoxie, Silas H. Delano, (estate,) Christiana Whitiney, Caroline S. Dole, Nathaniel Gilman, Susan A. Noyes, Joseph Eaton, Thomas Rice, Charles Cushman, Clarissa Holman, 8 Residence. Sidney, Athens, do do Farmington, do Norridgewock, do do do do do do Belgrade, China, do do do do Augusta, Benton, North Anson, Fairfield, do do do do do do do do Gardiner, do Sidney, do Boston, do New York, Kingston, R. I., Winslow, do do Canaan,86 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Ticonic Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Judah McClellan, Bloomfield, 300 James H. Plaisted, Waterville, 200 Aaron A. Plaisted, do 100 John McClellan, Woodstock, Ct., 3,000 Sarah N. Nichols, Newcastle, 2,000 Thomas P. Kendall, Massachusetts, 500 Caroline Smart, Unknown, 1,000 Ann P. Mathews, do 1,000 $100,000 * Union Bank, (Brunswick.) Joseph Badger, Brunswick, (Shares.) 10 Eunice Badger, do 2 Elizabeth Brinegean, do 4 Robert Bowker, do 5 Silas Bracket, do I John Curtis, Harpswell, 8 John S. Curtis, do 2 William Curtis, Brunswick, 5 V. G. & E. Colby, do 5 Elizabeth Cushing, Topsham, 5 Samuel Dunning, Brunswick, 10 Joseph F. Dunning, do 4 Lorenzo Day, do 2 C. Estes, Durham, 3 James Elliott, Bowdoinham, 4 William Frost, Topsham, 20 D. G. Folsom, New York, 5 William S. Given, Brunswick, 5 Lithgow Hunter, Topsham, 5 E. L. Harmon, Brunswick, 3 John Harmon, do 5 Jeremiah Hunt, do 2 Alice Hall, do 8 Uriah Jack, Topsham, 10 Jane F. Jackson, do 6 Andrew Jack, do LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Union Bank, (Continued.) 87 Jtfames. Charity Jameson, Caleb Kilgore, Adam Lemont, (guardian,) Lemont, Forsaith &, Hall, Isaac Lincoln, Daniel Lunt, Adam Lemont, E. T. Lunt, Joseph McKeen, Clement Martin, John McKeen, Josiah Mitchell, Isaac Mallet, George F. Mustard, Joseph McKeen, (trustee,) Arabella Merrill, Lydia Merrill, Sarah Merrill, William O. Moody, Colamore Mallett, Nathan Nye, John Patten, George F. Patten, Hannah Potter, A. N. Page, N. T. Palmer, A. S. Perkins & Co., Lewis S. Pennell, Mary A. Reed, Paul Randall, Eben Svvett, George Skolfield, Clement Skolfield, Thomas Simpson, Isaac G. Simpson, Hinksman Sylvester, Funds School, A. B. Thompson, Mary Thompson, Thomas C. Up ham, H. Weymouth, Samuel Woodard, 2d, J, M» Winchell, Residence. Amount of stock. Brunswick, (Shares) 15 Topsham, 5 Brunswick, 5 do 25 do 15 do 7 do 20 do 2 do 12 do 20 do 10 do 5 Topsham, 4 Brunswick, 4 do 10 do 1 Unknown, 2 Brunswick, 1 New Orleans, 5 Topsham, 5 Freeport, 15 Bath, 10 do 10 Brunswick, 3 do 3 do 5 Topsham, 20 Brunswick, 10 Topsham, 10 Harpswell, 5 Brunswick, 6 do 30 Harpswell, 5 Brunswick, 5 do 3 do 3 do 2 do 10 Topsham, 5 Brunswick, 10 Topsham, 2 Brunswick, 2 do 188 list of stockholders. Union Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Samuel S. Wing, Jordan Woodard, Leonard Woods, Brunswick, do do (Shares,) 7 1 2 Samuel Veazie, Edward A. Dana, John McDonald, John Fisk, Francis A. Lord, Maria B. Yeazie, John W. Yeazie, Susan L. Clark, Carleton S. Bragg, Abram Moor, Veazie Bank, (Bangor.) Bangor, 38,000 Massachusetts, 40,000 Bangor, 500 Lowell, Mass., 500 Bangor, 19,000 do 40,000 do 40,000 Massachusetts, 20,000 Bangor, 1,000 do 1,000 $200,000 Samuel P. Shaw, Increase S. Johnson, W. &b D. Moor, Charles J. Wingate, James Stackpole, Stephen Stark, John R. Philbrick, Elijah Gleason, jr., James M. West, George W. Keely, Samuel Doolittle & Co., Levi Ricker, Waterville Bank. Waterville, do do do do do do do do do do do 6,200 3,600 3,400 1,700 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 700 600 500 500LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. gg Waterville Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Samuel Kimball, Waterville, 500 Charles H. Thayer, do 500 Elethea Soule, do 500 Ivory Low, do 500 Peter Talbot, do 400 Harriet B. Blanchard, do 400 Thomas G. Kimball, do 200 Joseph Nudd, do 200 Daniel Moor, (estate,) do 200 George W. Pressey, do 200 Agnes and Julia Moor, do 200 Elizabeth M. Dow, do 200 Calvin Gardner, do 100 A. Emery, do 100 Allen Brackett, China, 1,000 G. W. Washburn, do 200 Ambrose Howard, Winslow, 900 Amasa Dingley, (guardian,) do 700 Thomas Rice, do 500 Franklin Dunbar, do 500 John Richards, do 400 Jane Hiscock, do 100 Welthea Hiscock, do 100 Francis Low, Clinton, 700 Elijah Blaisdell, do 500 Gideon Wells, do 500 David Hunter, 2d, do 500 Asa Pratt, do 200 Daniel Wells, do 200 George & Hanes Hunter 5 do 200 Richard Wells, do 100 Samuel Judkins, Fairfield, 1,000 Stephen Cannon, do 500 John Otis, do 500 Stephen Nye, Nahum Totman, do 500 do 200 Henry C. Newhall, do 200 Harrison Whitney, do 100 A. &, P. Coburn, Bloomfield, 1,000 William Parker, do 500 Joanna C. Morse, do 500 Levi Emery, jr., do 200 James T. Leavitt, Skowhegan, 20090 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Waterville Bunk, (Continued.) Names. Moses Littlefield, John D. Lang, Jacob Southwick, (estate,) Samuel Calder, Madison Crowell, Daniel H. Brown, Amos Abbott & Co., Margaret Barniville, Isaiah Vickery, William Sibley, D. L. Milliken, Daniel Blaisdell, Esty N. Doe, Earl W. Johnson, Stephen F. Harrey, Nathaniel Gilman, Residence. Skowhegan, Vassalboro', do do Benton, do Dexter, Palmyra, Parkman, Freedom, Burnham, Sidney, Augusta^ Boston, do New York, Amount of stock. 100 1,000 800 400 800 500 400 400 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,800 300 1,000 200 1,000 $50,000 Stillman B. Allen, Horace Bacon, Emily E. Barstow, Margery Boothby, Edward E. Bourne, John C. Bradbury, John Chadwick, Daniel Cleaves, Mary Cleaves, Isaac Dearing, Orinda Deering, Jas. M. Deering, Wm. Deering, Charles Dummer, Moses Dunn, Wm. Dwight, (trustee,) Lucia Ela, Samuel Emery, (estate,) York Bank, (Saco.) Alfred, 525 Biddeford, 150 New York, 225 Saco, 75 Kennebunk, 1,500 Saco, 225 do 1,200 do 5,250 Washington, D. C., 7,950 Waterborough, 150 do 150 Saco, 75 do 225 Washington, D. C., 1,650 Hollis, 825 Boston, 750 Washington, D. C., 1,050 Biddeford, 1,725LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 91 York Bank, (Continued,.) Names. Residence. Amount of stock. Sarah S. Emery, Boston, 300 Benjamin F. French, Lowell, Mass., 825 Isaac Furbish, Kennebunk, 975 Mary Fisk, Wells, 300 First Parish of Kennebunk, Kennebunk, 1,125 Nancy Gates, Wells, 375 Bowen C. Green, Saco, 150 Wm. P. Haines, Biddeford, 450 Mary Hooper, do 375 Wm. P. Hooper, do 675 E. J. & M. F. Hartley, (minors,) Washington, D. C., 825 Mary D. Hartley, do 525 Joseph Hatch, Kennebunk, 2,925 Daniel L. Hatch, do 900 Esther Hatch, do 750 Joseph M. Hayes, Samuel S. Jordan, Saco, 375 do 600 Margaret H. King, Portland, 1,200 Endicott King, do 225 Rebecca M. King, do 675 Margaret Lane, Dorcas K. Leland, Saco, Hanover, N. H., 300 1,200 William Lord, Kennebunk, 1,950 Sarah L. Mason, Kennebunkport, 750 Joshua Maxwell, Portland, 150 Harriet Maxwell, do 375 Samuel Merrill, (estate,) Biddeford, 150 Samuel T. Merrill, do 375 Edmond Parker, Nashua, N. II., 825 Mary Peavey, do 375 Jott S. Perkins, Kennebunkport, 1,200 Orlando Perkins, do 525 William Perkins, Saco, 225 Humphrey Pike, do 225 Israel Pinkham, (estate,) Biddeford, 75 Jane M. Reed, Manchester, N. H., 1,200 William Richardson, (estate,) Bath, 825 John Ricker, Saco, 450 Saco and Biddeford Savings Inst., do 4,650 Aphia Sawyer, Biddeford, 450 Abby F. Shepley, Saco, 150 Ether Shepley, Portland, 5,625 John Shepley, Saco, 75092 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. York Bank, (Continued.) Names. Barley Smart, (estate,) Alfred Smith, A. N. L. C. Smith, Dolly G. Smith, Sarah Smtth, Robert Smith, William Smith, (estate,) Caroline Stone, Samuel Storer, Olive Tarbox, Paulina Tarbox, Nancy B. Thacher, Abigail Titcomb, Lucy W. Titcomb, George P. Titcomb, William Titcomb, (estate,) Almira Towne, Thornton Academy, Lewis Wakefield, (estate,) Sarah E. Wakefield, Elizabeth A. Wright, Residence. Amount of stock* Kennebunk, 900 Durham, N. H. 975 Brooklyn, N. Y., 150 Kennebunk, 1,875 Tuftenboro', N. H., 75 Kennebunk, 2,175 Biddeford, 375 Kennebunk, 300 Saco, 225 Kennebunkport, 75 do 75 Ackron, Ohio, 1,875 Kennebunk. 900 do 375 do 375 do 375 Kennebunkport, 225 Saco, 1,200 do 675 do 450 Hollis, 300 $75,000INDEX. PAGE. Androscoggin Bank, ; 3 Atlantic Bank, ...... 4 Augusta Bank, ...... 5 Bank of Cumberland, . . . . . 7 Bank of Halloweli, ...... 10 Bank of the State of Maine, .... 10 Belfast Bank, . . . . . . .11 Biddeford Bank, ...... 14 Brunswick Bank, ...... 18 Canal Bank, . . . . . 20 Casco Bank, ....... 26 Calais Bank, ...... 30 Commercial Bank, ...... 32 Eastern Bank, ...... 34 Ellsworth Bank, ...... 35 Exchange Bank, ...... 37 Freemans Bank, ...... 38 Frontier Bank, ...... 39 Gardiner Bank, . . , . . .41 Georges Bank, ...... 42 Granite Bank, ...... 45 Kenduskeag Bank, ..... 47 Lewiston Falls Bank, ..... 48 Lime Rock Bank, ..... 49 Lincoln Bank, ; 52 Lumberman's Bank, . . . . . 55 Manufacturers' Bank, ..... 55 Manufacturers' and Traders' Bank, ... 5894 INDEX. PAGE. Mariners' Bank, ...... CI Medomak Bank, ...... 64 Mercantile Bank, . . . . . .66 Merchants' Bank, (Bangor,) .... 66 Merchants' Bank, (Portland,) .... 68 Northern Bank, . . . . . . 71 Rockland Bank, ...... 72 Sagadahock Bank, ..... 75 Skowhegan Bank, . . . . .77 South Berwick Bank, ..... 79 Thomaston Bank, . . . . . .82 Ticonic Bank, ...... 84 Union Bank, ...... 86 Veazie Bank, ..... 8S Waterville Bank, . .... 88 York Bank, ...... 90This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015