ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA1GN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015•V"- V / i.: . ' i:- --- - - <-• - • • ' ,w " . -7"r; " • v;^ '/* .'.J . -v * ra ■■ '•.sdtiiEl'Y en- i i:ii:ni>s. Vl tffl.'l M.i: REGULATIONS TAKING EFFECT FROM 1st of FIRST MONTH, "1873, ^ v IN LIEU 01 THOSp PKINTijl* pjiint\dv I , fiDt>CTKINE, PRACTICE AN© DISCIPLINE;' ; ' : / ,.v ; _____ These Regulations are issued as a pampMet-Jdr convenience ,SJ. v reference in a &ompact form; and also thai th0 mi$l>e boundAf^ if; wished, either with the ' ExtractSrfrom.tlm Mkddfs ahd Proceddfyigs of the Yearly Meeting: 1872, or Eflffid'tei of-'Boctffye* Practice and Discipline: " After the 1st'of First Month, 1873, 'they are to be sxibstitutf^/of. i till then in force. .. . ' / '-»r***><« i the Regulations till then in force. - LONDON; FRIENDS' BOOK DE P 0 S IT OR Y,' 12 B1SI^6 I^S UA^E . AV iTp 1872,. '■ T'^4'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Ja 09-20M Book Volume T^)\ vv pOJ\-Y\MARRIAGE REGULATIONS Taking effect from 1st of First Month, 1873, IN LIEU OF THOSE PRINTED IN 4 DOCTRINE, PRACTICE & DISCIPLINE.' section xy.-marriage regulations. Counsel in relation to Marriage.* Marriage being an ordinance of God, appointed for man's help and blessing, ought to be entered upon in the fear of the Lord, and with a reverent attention to his counsel and guidance. That love in which our Heavenly Father would unite those who rightly enter into this solemn engagement, is a love chastened and sanctified by love to Him, and fitted to endure the test of the multiplied trials and vicissitudes of life. In relation to this hallowed covenant, let none be influenced by motives of worldly expediency. Let a due regard be paid to the judgment of parents or guardians; and let it never be forgotten how necessary to the harmony and happiness of such a relationship, is union in religious principle and fellowship. We would counsel all against needless expenditure and display on the day of marriage. In setting out in life, let there be a prudent and Christian care to avoid a scale of living which may minister to luxury or pride, or tend to an increase of worldly care, and thus diminish the power to devote time and money to the service of others, for the Lord's sake. We think it right again to remind our members of the ancient testimony of our Society against marriages by a priest, as involving a recognition of the hierarchical system, and a virtual admission that the priest has a claim to represent either Christ or the Church—a claim * See also the existing Advices, at pp. 90 to 92 of 4to Edition, and pp. 101 to 102 of 8vo Edition of' Doctrine, Practice and Discipline,' 7 \ ^ 00)MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. from which we conscientiously and entirely dissent. At the same time we hold, as we have ever done, that marriage is God's ordinance and not man's,—not a mere civil con- tract, but a religious act; and therefore, seeing that the legislature has fully confirmed us in our privilege of solemnizing marriage according to our long-established religious usages, we desire that none of our members may be found departing therefrom. Let due deliberation be observed, previously to any future marriage, after the decease of a husband or wife; and, in such cases, let the rights or just expectations of children by a former marriage be carefully respected, and, where necessary, legally protected. It is advised that good order, publicity, and religious solemnity, be observed in the celebration of marriage; and that the procedure be in strict accordance with our rules. It is the earnest concern of this meeting, that when using the liberty granted by the Legislature in relation to marriages, according to our usages, of those not in membership with us, the testimony of our Society, as to the inexpediency of marriages between persons not of the same religious views, should remain unimpaired. We trust that Friends will, in these cases, act with due deliberation, in the exercise of a sound and christian judgment. 1872. Such friends as have, with serious advice, due deli- beration, and free and mutual consent, absolutely agreed, espoused, or contracted upon the account of marriage, shall not be allowed or owned amongst us, in any unfaithfulness or injustice one to another, to break or violate a^ny such contract or engagement. 1675—1838. This meeting, having deliberately considered the great exercise brought upon our Society by divers in professionMARRIAGE REGULATIONS. s with us, who, contrary to our known principles, and the wholesome discipline established among us, are joined in marriage by the priest with persons either of our own or other persuasions, doth earnestly advise, that all friends use their utmost endeavours to prevent such marriages, when the parties' inclinations may come to their know- ledge. And it is the sense and judgment of this meeting, that, when any marry by the priest, or in any other manner contrary to the established rules of the Society, they shall be dealt with by the Monthly Meeting, in the spirit of Christian love and tenderness. 1768. This meeting, having taken into consideration the Yearly Meeting minute of 1675,* against the marriage of first cousins, declares it to be its sense and judgment, that no Monthly Meeting should pass first cousins in order for marriage ; and it earnestly desires all friends, whenever they know or hear of any first cousins designing or intending to marry, that they immediately advise them against it. 1747—1801. The modifying or rescinding of the rules which disallow the marriage of first cousins amongst us, has been at this time deliberately considered, and this meeting does not deem it right to make any alteration in the said rules. 1883. This meeting is of the judgment that, as compliance with the laws of the land, in cases wherein conscience is not violated, is an acknowledged principle of Friends, the Society cannot, consistently with this principle, allow, in our meetings, the passing of marriages which are not authorized by the law on this subject, and which are included in the degrees of consanguinity or affinity pro- hibited thereby. 1811. * See p. 90 of the 4to Edition and 101 8vo Edition of 4 Doctrine, Practice and Discipline.'4 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. ORDER OF PROCEDURE % prties m mmtes »f % mm Itontjrlg gtoting. When I. The Clerks of our Monthly Meetings will be furnished o^the6^ Pr*nte(^ " Marriage Forms " set forth below, which same will be delivered, on application, to members desiring to be Monthly united in marriage. On delivery of the "Marriage Forms," the Clerk is to exercise due care in advising the applicant as to the necessary notice being given to the Superintendent Registrar of the district, since, unless the regulations required by law be complied with, the parties cannot be liberated for the solemnization of the marriage. Notice of the intended marriage (in the form prescribed by the Marriage Act * and accompanied by a fee of one shilling) must be given to the Superintendent Registrar of the district, or districts, within which the parties may respectively have resided for not less than seven days previously. After the expiration of twenty-one days the Superintendent Registrar will, on application, deliver his certificate of the notice required by law having been duly complied with; for which he will require another fee of one shilling. The said certificate [or certificates, as the case may be] must be produced with the other papers to the Monthly Meeting of which the parties are members, without which it cannot liberate the parties for marriage. No. 1.—Declaration of Intention. To Monthly Meeting of Friends.. We, A. B., of son of and of his wife, and C. Dof daughter of * 6 & 7 Wm. IV. c. 85. For other information as regards the arrange- ments needful to be attended to previously to marriage and consequent thereupon, and also as to the granting of licenses in certain cases, see the heading, " Arrangements consequent on the Marriage and Registration Acts," reprinted with a few slight needful alterations, infra pp. 20—27.MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. and of his wife, hereby inform you that it is our when intention to take each other in marriage, if the Lord permit, ^e^ers and that we are clear of any other marriage engagement. same Witness our hands. Monthly Meeting. Signed, A. B. A member of C. D. A member of Monthly Meeting. Monthly Meeting. Witnesses to the signature of A. B., this day of month, 18 of of Witnesses to the signature of C. D., this day of month, 18 of of Note.—In case of non-membership, the words " not in member- ship" are to be substituted for " a member of Monthly- Meeting." If more convenient, the same witnesses may attest the signatures of both parties; in which case one attestation clause may be made to include both A. B. and C. D.; and the other need not then be filled up. No. 2.—Consent of Parents or Guardians. It is with my [or our] consent that the above-named parties proceed to the solemnization of their intended marriage. Signed, ■ Parent or Guardian of A. B. Parent or Guardian of C. D.6 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. When members of the same Monthly Meeting. Witness to the signature of the parents or guardians of A. B., this day of month, 18 of Witness to the signature of the parents or guardians of C. D., this day of month, 18 Note.—If more convenient the same witness may attest all the signatures, in which case one attestation clause may be made to include the whole, and the other clause need not then be filled up, or, on the other hand, such further attestation clauses may be added as may be required. No. 3.—Certificate of Publication of Intention. I hereby certify that public notice of the above-mentioned intention of marriage was given at the close of the usual First-day morning Meeting for Worship in Meeting- house, on the day of month, 18 ,* and in Meeting-house, on the day of month, 18 , and that I have not received notice of any objection to the solemnization of the intended marriage. Signed, Clerk of Monthly Meeting. Dated of month, 18 Note.—Should the Clerk receive notice of objection (which, by Regulation III., must be in writing), the certificate may conclude in the following words: " and that I have received the annexed notice of objection." II. The persons intending marriage must sign the form No. 1, after it has been filled up; each signature to be attested by two adult witnesses. The form No. 2 is to be signed by the parents or parent, if any, of both parties, or if they or either of them have no parent living, and be under * Where both the parties usually attend the same meeting, of course it will not be necessary to fill in the second of these specifi- cations of notice.MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 7 the age of twenty-one years, then by the guardians or when !••/» i?i ji members guardian, if any, of such persons or person; and each 0fthe signature be attested by one adult witness. Under special same circumstances the Monthly Meeting, authorized to liberate Meeting. the parties for marriage, may, at its discretion, in the case of adults, dispense with the consent of parents. III. The forms so signed are then to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Monthly Meeting of which the parties are members, and such Clerk is to take care that public notice of the intended marriage is given, as early as possible, at the close of the First-day morning meeting [or meetings] which the parties respectively usually attend, or within the ! limits of which they reside. Such notice is to be in the form or to the effect following:— " Friends, there is an intention of marriage between A. B of N and C. D. of P . If any person have anything to object let timely information be given" All objections (if any) must be in writing, under the hand of the party objecting, and be forwarded to the Clerk of the Monthly Meeting, who is at once to inform the parties thereof. IV. After the expiration of fourteen days from such public notice, or the last of such public notices, if more than one, the Clerk is forthwith to fill up and sign the form No. 3. The forms are to be presented to the Monthly Meeting of which the parties are members, at its next or a future meeting, together with the needful certificate or certificates, or license (as the case may be), of the Superintendent Registrar or Superintendent Registrars, or other duly authorized public officer (see pp. 21 to 24); and such Monthly Meeting, on being satisfied that the foregoing proceedings have been regularly taken, and that no sufficient objection has arisen, may at once direct its Clerk to record a minute in the following form, liberating the parties to solemnize their intended marriage, viz.:—8 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. " A. B., of N., son of , and of , his wife, and C. D., of P., daughter of , and of , his wife, being desirous of taking each other in marriage, and having complied with the regulations of our religious Society in relation thereto, the needful documents, including the certificates [or certificate, or 0/ the Superintendent Registrars [or Superin- tendent Registrar, or other duly authorized public officer], have been produced to this Meeting and examined, and the necessary public notice having been also given, the parties are left at liberty to solemnize their intended marriage in the Friends' Meeting House at ." A copy of such minute is to be signed by the Clerk on behalf of the meeting, and the marriage forms, together with such copy of minute, are to be sent in for perusal to the Monthly Meeting of Women Friends. Y. A copy of the minute, together with the certificates or certificate or license of the Superintendent Registrars or , Superintendent Registrar, or other duly authorized public officer, is to be delivered, previously to the day proposed for the marriage, to the Registering Officer of the Monthly Meeting within which the marriage is to be solemnized, as his authority to register the marriage; and he is to report to the liberating Monthly Meeting the date and accomplish- ment, as well as the legal registration, of the marriage; which report is to be recorded on the minutes of the liberating Monthly Meeting. VI. Marriages are to be solemnized at a meeting for worship, held at some seasonable hour in the forenoon; being either the usual week-day meeting, or a meeting duly appointed on some convenient week-day, and in the meeting-house which the woman usually attends, or in the neighbourhood of which she resides, unless leave be obtained of the liberating Monthly Meeting to solemnize the marriage in some other meeting-house, with the con- gent of Friends of such other meeting; but no marriaga When members of the same Monthly Meeting.MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 9 is to take place in a meeting-house in which a meeting for ^^Jers worship is not regularly held. 0f ■VII. After a seasonable time, the parties are to stand same up, and, taking each other by the hand, to declare, in an JJeetoig. audible and solemn manner, to the following effect. The man first, viz.:—Friends, I take this my friend, C. D., to be my wife, promising, through Divine assistance, to be unto her a loving and faithful husband, until it shall please the Lord by death to separate us. And then the woman, in like manner:— Friends, I take this my friend, A. B., to be my husbandy promising, through Divine assistance, to be unto him a loving and faithful wife, until it shall please the Lord by death to separate us. VIII. A certificate, to the following effect, is then to be signed by the parties : the man first; the woman next, with her maiden or widow name; and after it has been signed by a few of those present as witnesses, it is to be audibly read by some proper person: and such other persons, present at the marriage, as think proper, may sign after the conclusion of the meeting. A. B., of , in the of son of D. B., of , in the of , and o/E. his wife, and G. D., daughter of E. D., of , in the of , and of F. his wife, having duly made known their intention of taking each other in marriage, and public notice of their said intention having been given, and the needful consent of parents [or guardians, as the case may be] having been signified, the proceedings of the said A. B. and C. D. were allowed by Monthly Meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at in the of . Now these are to certify, that, for the solemnization of their said marriage this day of the month} in the year one thousand eight hundred and , they, the said A. B. and C. D., appeared at a public meeting for worship of the aforesaid Society, in *their meeting-house, in [or at, as the case may be] B10 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. When and the said A. B., taking the said C. D. by the hand, of6the8rS declared as followeth Monthly ^n^ sa^ ^ ^ien an^ ^ieTe' ^ie sa^ assembtyi Meeting, declare as followeth:— And the said A. B. and C. D., as a further confirmation thereof , and in testimony thereunto, did then and there to these presents set their hands. A. B. C. D. We having been present at the abovesaid marriage, have also subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto, the day and year above written. IX. All powers and duties hereby given to, or imposed upon, the Clerk of a Monthly Meeting, are, in case of his absence or incapacity, to be exercised by the Assistant Clerk of the same Meeting, or by a Friend appointed by the meeting to act as Clerk in the absence of both Clerk and Assistant. The expression Monthly Meeting, in these regulations is to be applicable to meetings for discipline, exercising the functions of a Monthly Meeting, though held less frequently than once a month. ORDER OF PROCEDURE M\m % prtw m mmtes jof Mftot Prates ftettinp. When J * The Clerks of our Monthly Meetings will be fur- of^different nished with the printed " Marriage Forms " set forth below, Monthly which will be delivered, on application, to members desiring Meetings. ^ united in marriage. On delivery of the " Marriage Forms," the Clerk is to exercise due care in advising the applicant as to the neces- sary notice being given to the Superintendent Registrar of the district, since, unless the regulations required by law beMARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 11 complied with, the parties cannot be liberated for the solem- When . !. . Al . members mzation 01 the marriage. 0f different Notice of the intended marriage (in the form prescribed Monthly by the Marriage Act* and accompanied by a fee of one Meetings* shilling) must be given to the Superintendent Registrar of the district, or districts, within which the parties may respectively have resided for not less than seven days previously. After the expiration of twenty-one days the Superintendent Registrar will, on application, deliver his certificate of the notice required by law having been duly complied with; for which he will require another fee of one shilling. The said certi- ficate [or certificates, as the case may be] must be produced with the other papers to the liberating Monthly Meeting, without which it cannot liberate the parties for marriage. No. 1.—Declaration of Intention. To Monthly Meeting of Friends. We, A. B. of son of and of his wife, and C. D. of daughter of and of his wife, hereby inform you that it is our intention to take each other in marriage, if the Lord permit, and that we are clear of any other marriage engagement. Witness our hands. Signed, A. B. A member of Monthly Meeting. C. D. A member of Monthly Meeting. Witnesses to the signature of A. B., this day of month, 18 of of Witnesses to the signature of C. D., this day of month, 18 of of * 6 & 7 Wm, IY. c. 85. For other information as regards the arrange- ments needful to be attended to previously to marriage and consequent thereupon, and also as to the granting of licenses in certain cases, see the heading, "Arrangements consequent on the Marriage and Registration Acts," reprinted with a few slight needful alterations, infra pp. 20—27.12 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. When Note.—In case of non-membership, the words "not in member- members ship" are to be substituted for "a member of of different Monthly Meeting." If more convenient, the same witnesses may Monthly attest the signatures of both parties, in which case one attestation Meetings, clause may be made to include both A. B. and C. D., and the other need not then be filled up. No. 2.—Consent of Parents or Guardians. It is with my [or our] consent that the above-named parties proceed to the solemnisation of their intended marriage. Signed, Parent or Guardian of A. B. Parent or Guardian of C. D. » Witness to the signature of the parents or guardians of A. B., this day of month, 18 of Witness to the signature of the 'parents or guardians of C. D., this day of month, 18 °f Note. — If more convenient, the same witness may attest all the signatures; in which case one attestation clause may be made to include the whole, and the other clause need not then be filled up ; or, on the other hand, such further attestation clauses may be added as may be required. No. 3.—Certificate of Publication of Intention. I hereby certify that public notice of the above-mentioned intention of marriage was given at the close of the usual First-day morning Meeting for Worship in Meeting- house, on the day of month, 18 3 and in Meeting-house, on the day of month, 18 , and that I have not received notice of any objection to the solemnization of the intended marriage. Signed, Clerk of Monthly Meeting. Dated of month, 18 Note.—Should the Clerk receive notice of objection (which, by Eegulationlll.,* must be in writing), the certificate may conclude in the following words: " and that I have received the annexed notice of objection."MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. IB II.* The persons intending marriage must sign in dupli- JJ^Jers cate the form No. 1, after it has been filled up; each 0f different signature to be attested by two adult witnesses. The form Monthly No. 2 must be signed in duplicate by the parents or parent, Meetin^s< if any, of both parties, or if they or either of them have no parent living, and be under the age of twenty-one years, then by the guardians or guardian, if any, of such persons or person, and be attested as to each signature by one adult witness. Under special circumstances the Monthly Meeting, authorized to liberate the parties for marriage, may, at its discretion, in the case of adults, dispense with the consent of parents. III.* One of the duplicate forms so signed is then to be transmitted to the Clerk of each of the Monthly Meetings of which the parties are respectively members; and such Clerks are to take care that public notice of the intended marriage is given, as early as possible, at the close of the First-day morning meeting which the parties respectively usually attend, or within the limits of which they reside. Such notice is to be in the form or to the effect following;— " Friends, there is an intention of marriage between A. B. of N and G.J), of P . If any person have anything to object let timely information be given." All objections must be in writing, under the hand of the party objecting, and be forwarded to the Clerk of each of the respective Monthly Meetings, who is at once to inform the parties thereof. IV.* After the expiration of fourteen days from each of such public notices, the respective Clerks are forthwith to fill up and sign the form No. 3, and the Clerk of the non-liberating Monthly Meeting (without previously pre- senting it to his own Monthly Meeting), is then to for- ward his copy, so signed, to the Clerk of the liberating Monthly Meeting, The duplicate forms are to be presented14 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. When to the Monthly Meeting of which the woman is a member at members , . , . , , of different lts next meeting, together with the needful certificate or Monthly certificates, or license (as the case may be), of the Superin- Meetings, Pendent Registrar or Superintendent Registrars, or other duly authorized public officer (see pp. SI to 2-4); and such Monthly Meeting, on being satisfied that the foregoing proceedings have been regularly taken, and that no sufficient objection has arisen, may at once direct its Clerk to record a minute in the following form, liberating the parties to solemnize their intended marriage, viz.:— " A. B., of N., son of , and of , his wife, and C. D., of P., daughter of , and of , his wife, being desirous of taking each other in marriage, and having complied with the regulations of our religious Society in relation thereto, the needful documents, including the certificates [or certificate, or license} of the Superintenden t Registrars [or Superintendent Registrar or other duly authorized public officer] have been produced to this Meeting and examined, and the necessary public notice having been also given, the parties are left at liberty to solemnize their intended marriage in the Friends' Meeting House at A copy of such minute is to be signed by the Clerk on behalf of the meeting, and the marriage forms, together with such copy of minute, are to be sent in for perusal to the Monthly Meeting of Women Friends. V.* A copy of the minute, together with the certificates or certificate, or license, of the Superintendent Registrars or Superintendent Registrar, or other duly authorized public officer, is to be delivered, previously to the day proposed for the marriage, to the Registering Officer of the Monthly Meeting within which the marriage is to be solemnized, as his authority to register the marriage; and he is to report to the liberating Monthly Meeting the date and accomplish- ment, as well as the legal registration, of the marriage;MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 15 the reception of which report is to be recorded on the When minutes of the liberating Monthly Meeting. of different VI.* Marriages are to be solemnized at a meeting for Monthly worship, held at some seasonable hour in the forenoon; Meetin^s« being either the usual week-day meeting, or a meeting duly appointed on some convenient week-day, and in the meeting- house which the woman usually attends, or in the neighbour- hood of which she resides, unless leave be obtained of the liberating Monthly Meeting to solemnize the marriage in some other meeting-house, with the consent of Friends of such other meeting; but no marriage is to take place in a meeting house in which a meeting for worship is not regu- larly held. VII.* After a seasonable time, the parties are to stand up, and, taking each other by the hand, to declare, in an audible and solemn manner, to the following effect. The man first, viz.: — Friends, 1 take this my friend, C. D., to be my wife, promising, through Divine assistance, to be unto her a Loving and faithful husband, until it shall please the Lord by death to separate us. And then the woman, in like manner;—Friends, I take this my friend, A. B., to be my husband, promising, through Divine assistance, to be unto him a loving and faithful wife, until it shall please the Lord by death to separate us. VIII.* A certificate, to the following effect, is then to be signed by the parties : the man first; the woman next, with her maiden or widow name; and after it has been signed by a few of those present as witnesses, it is to be audibly read by some proper person; and such other persons, present at the marriage, as think proper, may sign after the conclusion of the meeting: A. B., of , in the of , son of J). B., of , in the of , and of E. his wife, and C. D., daughter of E. D., of , in the of , and of F. his wife, having duly made known16 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. When their intention of takinq each other in marriaqe, and public members ^ 1 of different no^ce °f their said intention having been given, and the Monthly needful consent of parents [or guardians, as the case may be] Meetings. }iaving freen signified, the proceedings of the said A. B. and C. D. were allowed by the Monthly Meeting of the religious Society of Friends held at in the of Now these are to certify, that, for the solemnization of their said marriage this day of the month, in the year one thousand eight hundred and , they, the said A. B. and C. D., appeared at a public meeting for worship of the aforesaid Society, in their meeting-house, in [or at, as the case may be] ; and the said A. B., taking the said C. D. by the hand, declared as followeth:— And the said C. D. did then and there, in the said assembly, declare as followeth:— And the said A. B. and C. D., as a further confirmation thereof3 and in testimony thereunto} did then and there to these presents set their hands. A. B. G. D. We, having been present at the abovesaid marriage, have also subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto, the day and year above written. The set of the marriage forms, "signed by the Clerk of the Monthly Meeting of which the man is a member, and also a copy of the minute of liberation, with a statement of the day and place of the solemnization of the marriage, signed by the Clerk of the Monthly Meeting of which the woman is a member, are, after the marriage, to be furnished to the Clerk of the Monthly Meeting of which the man is a member; and the woman is then to be recorded as a member of her husband's Monthly Meeting, except, of course, in the case of non-membership. IX.* All powers and duties hereby given to, or imposedMARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 17 upon, the Clerk of a Monthly Meeting, are, in case of his absence or incapacity, to be exercised by the Assistant Clerk of different of the same meeting, or by a friend appointed by the Monthly Monthly Meeting to act as Clerk in the absence of both Clerk and Meetlngs* Assistant. The expression " Monthly Meeting," in these regulations, is to be applicable to meetings for discipline, exercising the functions of a Monthly Meeting, though held less frequently than once a month. ORDER OF PROCEDURE tit|w ur Wfr of i\t parties is m aw not in The legislature having (by the Acts 23 and 24 Vict. c. 18, or and 35 Yict. c. 10), legalized marriage, according to our both of the usages, between parties, one or both of whom may not be in J® membership with the Society of Friends, the following regu- inMemher- lations are to be observed in reference to such marriages. shiP- XII. In all cases of intended marriage, where one or both of the parties shall not be in membership, but shall desire to be married in accordance with our usages, such person, or each such person, shall, in the first place, sign a declaration, attested by two adult members of the Monthly Meeting, within which he or she shall reside, in the form following, yiz.;— To Monthly Meeting of Friends. I hereby declare that I am desirous of being married according to the usages of the Society of Friends, and, if permission so to do be granted, I undertake to comply in all respects with the regulations of the Society in relation to marriage. Bated the day of month, 18 . Signed, A. B. % o18 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. When We, the undersigned, witnesses to the foregoing signature, are of both'ofthe °^n^on Perm^ss^on to be married according to our usages may parties is suitably be granted to A. B. by the Monthly Meeting. or are not E. F., of in Member. ' '' . ship. G- H*' °J And such declaration, or each such declaration (as the case maybe), is then to be presented to the Monthly Meeting within the limits of which the party making the declaration resides; which Monthly Meeting may accept or refuse the application at its discretion; and if it accede thereto, shall direct its Registering Officer to issue a Certificate* in the form or to the effect following, for the applicant to produce to the Superintendent Registrar when giving him the notice required by law. I hereby certify that A. B. is a person duly authorized, under the General Rules of the Society of Friends, to proceed to the accomplishment of marriage according to the usages of the said Society. As witness my hand this day of month, 18 I. J., Registering Officer of Monthly Meeting. XIII. Subject to the production of such declaration or declarations (as the case may be), and the consent of the Monthly Meeting or Monthly Meetings (as the case may be) whose consent is required by Eule XII., the proceedings, in relation to all marriages coming within the present regulations, shall be conducted throughout, according to the foregoing regulations, in the same manner as if the person or persons so desiring to be married in accordance with our usages, were a member or members of the Monthly Meeting, or Monthly Meetings, within which he, she, or they shall respectively reside: and the declaration or declarations * The Certificate is required by the provisions of the Statute 35 Vict. c. 10.MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 19 produced under the preceding regulations, should, when When • either or the parties have been liberated for marriage, be sent in for ^e perusal, with the other documents, to the liberating Monthly parties is Meeting of Women Friends. (See Rule IY.) hMemtoer- XIV. Marriages, under these circumstances, are not to ship, confer on the contracting parties, or on their children, any rights of membership. XV. A woman who is a member, marrying a man not in membership, who resides within the limits of another Monthly Meeting, is not to become a member of such other Monthly Meeting without the usual certificate of removal. REGULATIONS AS TO MARRIAGES TAKING PLACE ABROAD. Marriages In the case where it is intended to solemnize a marriage taking between one of our members and a member of a Yearly abroad. Meeting on the American Continent, or of a Monthly Meeting in the Southern Hemisphere or elsewhere, recog- nized by this Yearly Meeting, within the limits of any such meeting, our member is left at liberty to conform, in all respects, to the usages of the said recognized Yearly or Monthly Meeting. The Monthly Meeting within whose limits such marriage shall take place is desired to give early information thereof to the Monthly Meeting in this country to which our member belongs: upon the receipt of which the Monthly Meeting in this country is to forward such certificate of removal, or record such transfer of membership, as the circumstances of the case shall require. The above regulations to extend, as far as applicable, to marriages, under like circumstances, according to our usages, between members and non-members.20 MA RBI AGE REGULATIONS. Marriages When any of our members resident in foreign parts place** intend to solemnize their marriage abroad, and beyond th£ abroad. limits of any meeting recognized by this Yearly Meeting, they are recommended to conform, as closely as the laws of the country and of our own legislature* will permit, to the usages of our Society in respect to marriage; and to report their course of procedure, and to furnish evidence of such marriage to the Monthly Meeting in this country to which he, she, or they, may respectively belong; which Monthly Meeting is to make such record or transfer of membership, or to take such other proceedings as, in its judgment, the circumstances of the case require. ARRANGEMENTS CONSEQUENT ON THE MARRIAGE AND REGISTRATION ACTS. Registra- The Marriage Actt (6 & 7 Wm, IV., c. 85) expressly provides " that the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, may continue to contract and solemnize marriage, according to the usages of the said society; and every such marriage is hereby declared and con- firmed. good in law, | provided that the parties to such * See Statutes 4 Greo. IV. c. 91; 12 and 13 Vict. c. 68; under which marriages in countries out of the limits of Christian civiliza- tion may be solemnized, after certain notices, in the presence of the British Consul for the district. Further particulars may be obtained of such Consul, or from the Recording Clerk of the Society. For marriages in India see also 14 and 15 Vict. c. 40. + This Act applies only to marriages in England. The correspond- ing Act for Ireland is the 7 & 8 Vict. c. 81. In the case of marriages solemnized in Scotland, even though both or either of the parties may reside in England, the notice to the Superintendent Registrar, and certificate by him referred to in these regulations, are not necessary. I By the Act (10 & 11 Vict. c. 58), the marriages of Friends, solemnized according to their usages in England before the Act of 6 & 7 Wm. IV., are declared to have been and to be valid.MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 21 marriage be both of the said society*; provided also ^jstra" that notice to the Superintendent Registrar shall have been given, and the [said] Registrar's certificate shall have issued in manner provided by this Act." 1. " One of the parties " is to "give notice" of the intended marriage, " under his or her hand,"—" to the Superintendent Registrar,! of the district within which the parties shall have dwelt for not less than seven days then next preceding; or, if the parties dwell in the districts of different Superintendent Registrars, shall give the like notice to the Superintendent Registrar of each district."J It will be proper that the notice, or notices, should be given at least twenty-one days before the Monthly Meeting at which the parties are likely to be liberated for marriage, so as to allow time for the issuing of the certificate, and for its production at the Monthly Meeting, as hereinafter directed. And every such notice must be accompanied with the payment of a fee of one shilling to the Superintendent Registrar for entering the same. The said notice is in a printed form kept at his office. 2. After the expiration of twenty-one days after the entry of the foregoing notice, the Superintendent Regis- * By the Acts (23 & 24 Vict. c. 18, and 35 Vict. c. 10), this proviso is repealed. But by the last-mentioned Act, any person, not a member, must, on giving notice of his intention to the Superintendent Registrar, produce a certificate, from some Registering Officer of the Society, that he is authorized to solemnize the marriage according to our usages. See supra pp. 17 and 18. + In districts under the Registration Act (6 & 7 Wm. IV. c. 86) there are sometimes appointed Deputy Registrars, as well as Registrars and a Superintendent Registrar; care must be taken to give the notice to the Superintendent Registrar. I By-the statute 3 & 4 Vict. c. 72, Sec. 1, the building in which the marriage is to be solemnized must be within the district wherein one of the parties shall have dwelt for the time required by the Marriage Act. But by Sec. 5, Friends are exempted from this provision; so that the building wherein the marriage is to be solemnized need not be situate within either of the districts in which the parties respectively dwell.22 MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. Registra- trar, upon being requested by or on behalf of the party ti0n" by whom the notice was given, is to issue a certificate in the form provided by the Act, which should certify the date of the notice given, and the several particulars thereof. Where the parties reside within different districts, a separate certificate of notice must be obtained (as before stated), from each Superintendent Registrar. The Superintendent Registrar is entitled to a fee of one shilling for every such certificate. The said officer is required to preserve all such notices, and to enter them in a book kept by him; which notice-book is to be open to inspection without charge. If the marriage should not take place within three calendar months after the entry of the notice, or notices, such notice or notices become void; and all the proceedings above described, namely, the notice or notices, entry and issue of the certificate or certificates, must be gone through again. The certificate or certificates thus obtained, must be delivered, previously to the marriage, to the Clerk of the Monthly Meeting of which the woman is a member, or within the limits of which, if not a member, she shall reside, and which is hereinafter referred to as " the woman's Monthly Meeting." 3. In order to ensure due compliance with the fore- going legislative provisions (without the observance of which the marriage will be void in law); this meeting directs that the woman's Monthly Meeting be not at liberty to clear the parties for marriage, unless the certifi- cate of the Superintendent Registrar, or certificates (as the case may be), shall have been produced to it: a record of their having been so produced and examined is to be made. The said meeting is also to take due care that such certificate or certificates be delivered previously to the marriage, to the Registering Officer* of the Monthly * The designation given by the Act to the friend who acts as Registrar of marriages within the Monthly Meeting. See No. 7, p. 24.MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 23 Meeting within the limits of which it is intended to Registra- solemnize the marriage; accompanied by a notice or tion* minute, signed by the Clerk, informing him that the parties are cleared accordingly. It is recommended that timely notice be given to the Registering Officer, of the day and place intended for the solemnization of the marriage; in order that, as he is the person to register the marriage, he may, if practicable, be present thereat. 4. It is not necessary that our meeting-houses should be registered for the solemnization of marriages. But, having regard to our position under the Act in this respect, and to the tenor of our rules (see especially No. VI., p. 8), this meeting directs that no marriage shall take place at a meeting-house in which a meeting for worship is not regularly held. 5. The Act (19 & 20 Vict., c. 119) authorises marriages by licence between members of our Society, under the restrictions specified in the Act, and slightly modifies or explains the provisions of the former Acts, where one of the parties is resident in Ireland. With regard to the license; upon notice of the intended marriage being given to the Superintendent Registrar of the district where either of the parties resides, such Superintendent Registrar may grant a certificate and license on the next day but one after the entry in his book of the notice ; and the granting of such license to one of the parties, where they reside in different districts, supersedes the necessity of giving notice of the marriage to the Superintendent Registrar of the district where the other party resides. Where a license is taken out, the parties are made liable, under the Act, to the observance of certain formalities, and to the payment of an additional fee and stamp, as therein specified. Friends adopting this mode of procedure must, of course,u MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. Registra- produce the license to the Monthly Meeting, before they tion' can be set at liberty for the accomplishment of their marriage. 6. The same Act also provides that where a marriage is about to take place without license, and one of the parties resides in Ireland, a notice, in the form there used, in that behalf, and a certificate issued in pursuance thereof, shall be as valid and effectual for authorizing the solemnization of a marriage in this country, as the usual notice to, and certificate from, a Superintendent Registrar in England would be. 7. In every Monthly Meeting, a suitable friend is to be appointed to register all marriages that may be solemnized within the limits of such meeting. The importance of the duties of this office renders it necessary that it should be kept constantly filled by a person fully competent to act therein, according to the provisions of the law, and who may not be likely to be interrupted in the performance of his duties, by absence from home or other causes. On every fresh appointment of such friend (who, according to the Registration Act, 6 and 7 William IV., c. 86, is designated a Registering Officer of the Society of Friends), Monthly Meetings are to take care to report, without delay, by minute signed by the Clerk, his name and address, to the Recording Clerk of the Society, No. 86, Houndsditch, London; who is required by the Act to certify the same in writing to the Registrar-General in London.* The requisite marriage * Each Registering Officer acts only within the district or Monthly- Meeting for which he has been certified as above. An account of our several Monthly Meeting districts has been rendered to the Registrar-General. If a marriage be solemnized at a meeting-house out of the limits of the woman's Monthly Meeting (See Rule VI.> page 8), the marriage is to be registered by the Registering Officer of the Monthly Meeting wherein the said meeting-house is situated; in which case, the certificates of notice and the minute of the Woman's Monthly Meeting clearing the parties (see Rule 3, p. %%) must be delivered to the said officer previously to the marriage.MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. 25 register-books, and printed forms for certified copies Registra- thereof, are furnished from the office of the Registrar- tion" General. 8. The Act directs that, as soon as may be after the solemnization of a marriage, the Registering Officer (of the Monthly Meeting within the limits of which it has been solemnized) " shall register, or cause to be regis- tered," in duplicate books supplied to him, " the several particulars relating to the marriage;" and that "such Registering Officer, whether he shall or shall not be present at such marriage, shall satisfy himself that the proceedings in relation thereto have been conformable to the usages of the Society;" and that " every such entry shall be signed by the said Registering Officer, and by the parties married, and by two witnesses." In order to fulfil these requisitions of the Act, this meeting recommends that the register-books be filled up, signed, and witnessed, at the time of the marriage, or immediately after.* The Registering Officer, having received the certificates of notice, as well as the minute of the woman's Monthly Meeting, informing him that the parties are cleared for marriage (as directed by Rule 8, p. 22), is, after the solemnization of the marriage, to register, or cause to be registered, the several particulars in his duplicate register-books according to the following form :— * The arrangements necessary to accomplish the object of the due registration of a marriage, under the various circumstances which may occur, must be left to the care and discretion of Monthly Meetings, as well as of the other parties concerned. Should the Registering Officer be unavoidably prevented from being present at the solemnization of the marriage, care must be taken that the entries be, notwithstanding, duly made and signed by the parties and witnesses; and the Registering Officer, having satisfied himself of the regularity of the proceedings, is afterwards to add his signature. DMARRIAGE REGULATIONS. Eegistra- marriage register. No. When Married. Name and Surname. Age. Condition. Rank or Pro- fession. Residence at the time of Marriage. Father's name and sur- name. Rank or Profes- sion of Father. 1 6th of 8th mo. 1837. James ■ Smith. Martha Green. Of full age. Minor. Bachelor. Spinster. Car- penter. No. 46, High Street, Stepney, Middlesex. Grove Farm, near Maid- stone, Kent. John Smith. James Ch'een. Car- penter. Farmer. Eegistra- marriage register. Married in the Friends' Meeting-house, Maidstone, accord- ing to the usages of the Society of Friends. A. B., Registering Officer. Married in the Friends' Meeting-house, Maidstone, accord- ing to the usages of the Society of Friends. A. B., Registering Officer. This mar-] ] in the riage was I James Smith, ( nrpc,pnfip solemnized ( Martha Green, ' ^ ~ , . i , of us between us I G. D., Miller, Maidstone. E. F., Druggist, Rochester. [The words and figures in italics to be filled up as the case may be.] 9. In filling up the registers great care must be used that no error be committed.* On the discovery of any error in an entry, the Registering Officer is required by the Act, within one calendar month after such discovery, in the presence of the parties married, or, in their absence, then in the presence of the Superintendent Registrar of the district, and of two other witnesses (who are respectively to attest the same), to correct the error "by entry in the margin, without any alteration of the original entry;" and he is to sign the marginal entry, and add thereto the date when the correction was made. (See Section 44 of the Registration Act.) In general, the several particulars of a marriage register should correspond with those of the certificate of notice. * It is recommended that the several names and particulars to be registered, be written down distinctly on a separate paper, previously to their being entered in the registers, in order to ensure greater accuracy.MARRIAGE REGULATIONS. By Section 38 of the Act, certified copies of Entries in Registrar the Register, sealed with the seal of the Register office, tion* are to be received as evidence of the marriage " to which the same relate"; and, by other sections, penalties are imposed for wilful injury or loss of registers.* 10. Every Registering Officer is required to make a quarterly return, in the First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth Months, of copies of the entries of marriages which have been registered by him in the three calendar months preceding; or, if no marriage has been regis- tered by him in that period, a certificate that such is the case.f Blank forms for these certified copies are supplied from the civil register-office, not by the Recording Clerk. This return must be delivered to the Superinten- dent Registrar of the district within which the Registering Officer resides, notwithstanding that the marriages registered by him, or some of them, may have been solemnized at meeting-houses situated out of that district, but within the limits of the Monthly Meeting of which he is Registering Officer. 11. As soon as may be after the close of every year, Monthly Meetings a?e to make a return to the Recording Clerk, No. 86, Houndsditch, London, of all marriages which have taken place, within their compass, during the year. 1833.—1861.—1872. * The Act directs that, when the duplicate register-books are filled, one of them is to be delivered to the Superintendent Kegistrar of the district; the other is to remain under the care of Friends, and be kept with their other records. + A penalty, not exceeding £10, is imposed for neglecting to make this return regularly.This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015