I LLINO I S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2010. HOME OFFICE. DEPARTMENTAL COMM ITTE E ON COMBUSTION OF COAL IN SPONTANEGOUS MINES. FIRST REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON SPONTANEOUS COMBUJSTiON OF COAL IN MINES. VWreoeiztebv to boti) j13iIoeo of tvactiamteat bP (!Comtiwax1a of io 0 Jajeoti. LONDON: PRINTED U N)ER THIE' AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE By EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, LTD., EAST HARDING STREET, E.C., PRINTERS TO THE KING' S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WY.MAN AND SONS, LTD., 29, BREAMS BUILDINGS, FETTER LANE, E.C., and 28, ABINGDON STREET, S.W., and 54, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF ; or H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISH BRANCH), 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; or E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN ; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad of T. FISHER UNWIN, LONDON, W.C. 1914. Price 1id, [Cd. 7218.] WARRANT OF APPOINTMENT I hereby appoint:', Mr. R. A. S. REDMAYNE, C.B., H.M. Chief Inspector of Mines, Sir ARTHUR B. MARKHAM, Bt., M.P., Mr. C. E. RHODES, Mr. FRANK RIGBY, and Mr. HERBERT SMITH ; to be a Committee to inquire into the circumstances in. which spontaneous combustion of coal occurs in mines, its causes and the means of preventing it or of dealing with it when it has arisen. (Signed) RI. McKENNA. Whitehall, 5th August 1912. r _ _ _ ~ _ _ ______. ___~ COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2010 FIRST REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT UPON THE SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL IN MINES. HOME OFFICE, Whitehall, S.W., 1st December, 1913. To the RIGHT HONOURABLE REGINALD McKENNA, M.P., His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department. SIR, IN accordance with your request and as outlined in your speech in the House of Commons on the 2nd July last we have the honour to report to you on that part of our inquiry which relates to the danger to persons employed in a mine during the occurrence of an underground fire occasioned by the spontaneous combustion of coal or other carbonaceous material. We beg to say that, although we purpose to continue our investigation in other directions of our inquiry very much further, viz., in the direction of solving the difficult problem as to the cause or causes of spontaneous combustion and the means which should be adopted, firstly in preventing the initiation and secondly in dealing with such fires when they occur, we feel that we have taken sufficient evidence to enable us to arrive at definite conclusions in respect of the question which you have addressed to us, and to set our views before you. I.-COMPARATIVE LIABILITY TO SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION IN MINES AS BETWEEN DIFFERENT DISTRICTS IN THE UNITED KI NGDOM. We have made inquiries as to the comparative liability to the occurrence of fires from spontaneous combustion in the different mining districts of the United Kingdom. and, based upon the reports of such occurrences received by the inspectors of mines, we find the extent of the evil to be as stated below. It would appear, however, from the evidence that we have had before us that it is doubtful whether all cases of incipient fire are actually reported, and that the number of fires is probably far in excess of those reported. In Scotland spontaneous heating is liable to occur in the Fifeshire coalfield, in the Edinburgh district, in Lanarkshire and at Brora Colliery in the county of Sutherland. During the period 1st January, 1910, to October, 1912, 21 cases of } spontaneous combustion have come to the knowledge of the Divisional Inspector, viz., 15 in Fife, two (at the same colliery) in the county of Edinburgh, three (at two collieries) in Lanarkshire and one at Brora. Of the 15 fires in Fife, 11 occurred at collieries working the Dysart lain seam, the thickness of the workable section of which is 23 feet 2 inches. Little or no fire- damp is given off by this seam, but Mr. Walker (the Divisional Inspector) says: " as S " this seam is worked at greater depths it will in all probability be not so immune in this respect, and it will be necessary to take further precautions." 9 In the Northern Division (comprising the coalfields of Northumberland, Durham and Cumberland) instances of spontaneous combsttion are extremely rare. In the whole history of mining such fires have been known to occur at only three collieries in Northumberland and one in Durham. At the collieries in which the fires have occuirred little firedamp is given off, though there are many "gassy" (fiery) collieries in the coalfield, especially in the county of Durham. a (6)20750 Wt 30818 1250 1/14 AG DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL IN MINES: In the Yorkshire and North Midland Division spontaneous combustion occurs in some of the mines of the Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire coalfields, viz., at eight collieries in Yorkshire, at seven in Derbyshire, and at eleven in Nottinghamshire. At many of these collieries fires are of frequent occurrence, and in Yorkshire in particular dangerous conditions in respect of firedamp are liable to occur as the mines are very gassy. Mr. Mottram (the Divisional Inspector) says: " the only instances I know of life " having been lost through gob fires are the recent ones at Bentley and Cadeby (two " collieries in Yorkshire). I have heard that there was loss of life at Annesley " colliery (Nottinghamshire) in 1877. . . . The gob fires are practically confined " to the Barnsley Bed in Yorkshire, and to the Top Hard, Kilburn, and Silkstone " seams in Derbyshire and Nottingham." In Lancashire and North Wales.-Instances of spontaneous combustion have occurred at about nine mines in Lancashire of late years. The seams which are most liable to be affected are the Ravenhead, Wigan Four Feet, Wigan Nine Feet, the Doe coal, and the Big Mine. Most of the mines in which the fires occur are gassy. In South Wales.-Fires due to spontaneous combustion are reported to have occurred at 13 collieries (it is doubtful, however, whether one of the cases was due to spontaneous combustion, and it is interesting to note that the coal worked at this colliery is anthracite). One occurred last year at a steam coal colliery, " in which," says Dr. Atkinson (the Divisional Inspector), "cases of spontaneous combustion are extremely rare." The seams most liable are the Victoria and the Swansea Five Feet or Llanelly Four Feet. Mr. J. Dyer Lewis (Senior Inspector of Mines in the South Wales Division) reports that " spontaneous combustion has not been in the past a cause for " much anxiety in the South Wales coalfield. The most serious case occurred at ' Court Herbert Colliery on 1st June 1906, when a gob fire brought about an " explosion of firedamp, resulting in the loss of five lives and causing injury to four persons." In the Midland and Southern Division.-Fires due to spontaneous combustion have characterised the working of coal in both North and South Staffordshire and in East Worcestershire for a great many years, and the instances are countless. In North Staffordshire they are liable to occur in the Great Row, Cannel Row, Winghay, Rowhurst or Ash, Yard, Ragman or Rough Seven Feet, Hams, Ten Feet, Banbury, Cockshead, and Bullhurst seams; and in South Staffordshire and East Worcestershire, wherever the "thick coal" is worked, and, to a less extent, in the New Mine coal. In the Cannock Chase district they are liable to occur in the Deep and Shallow coals in the Seven Feet and Five Feet, and occasionally in some of the other seams. They are numerous also in Derbyshire, Leicestershire, and Warwickshire. They occur in the Moira Main and Kilburn seams in Derbyshire, in the Upper and Lower Main coals of Leicestershire, and in the Rider or Two Yard, the Slate, and the Seven Feet coal in Warwickshire. In Gloucestershire, spontaneous combustion is of fairly common occurrence in the Coleford High Delph, but fires from this cause occur also, though to a less extent, in the Red Ash, Great Vein, and Holly bush seams. In Somerset they have occurred occasionally in the Ashton Great Vein, the Standing coal, the Dungey Drift, and the Perrink seams; and in Shropshire, chiefly in the Top or Double coal. II.--Loss OF LIFE OCCASIONED BY FIRES DUE TO SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION IN MINES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. During the last 20 years 177 persons have lost their lives through accidents caused by spontaneous combustion in coal mines in the United Kingdom. Particulars of these accidents are set out in the following table :- FATAL ACCIDENTS caused by SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION in COAL MINES during the Twenty Years 1893-1912 inclusive. " No. of Persons Date of Accident. Name of Mine. - County. Killed and Reported Cause of Death. Injured 16 October 1894 larecastle N. Staffs - 1 killed and Fractured skull by explosion blowing and Wood- 1 injured. out stopping. shutts. 29 October 1895 Oldfield - N. Staffs 2 killed and Suffocated by fumes and smoke. 1 injured. 10 September 1896 Shelton - N. Staffs - 1 killed - Carbon Monoxide poisoning. FIRST REPORT. Fatal Accidents caused by Spontaneous Combustion in Coal Mines during the Twenty Years 1893-1912 inclusive-continued. Date of Accident. 19 April 1898 11 March 1899 20 October 1899 15 February 1901 7 November 1901 19 June 1902 28 August 1904 24 June 25 June 1905 1905 Name of Mine. County. Whitwick - Leicester Cadeby Main Yorks - Dalqhuarran - Ayr - Hill of Beath Fife - Talk o' the N. Staffs Hill. Hamstead Melgund Coneygre, No. 126 pi Haden Hill 28 August 1905 Hamstead 27 April 1906 Lumphinnan No. 1 pit. 26 May 1906 Bog, Nos. and 2 pits. 1 Junie 1906 Court Herbe 14 July 29 December 23 December 1907 1907 1908 17 April 1910 25 November 1911 2 February 1912 24 February 1912 9 July 1912 27 October 1912 Aldridge Lochhead Cakemore Windmillenc No. 5 pit. Bignall Hill Jamage pit Bentley Norton - - S. Staffs - Fife - S. Staffs it. - S. Staffs - S. Staffs s, Fife - 1 Lanark - rt Glamorgan - S. Staffs - Fife - - Worcester d Worcester l, N. Staffs - Yorkshire - N Staffs Cadeby Main Yorkshire Cae Duke - Glamorgan No. of Persons Killed and Reported Cause of Death. Injured. 35 killed and Suffocated by fumes from burning 6 injured, timbers. 2 killed and Explosion ignited by gob fire while 2 injured, working in a " scouring." 1 killed - Suffocated by fumes; ? gob fire. 7 killed - Poisoned by Carbon Monoxide leaking through stoppings. 4 killed - Explosion ignited by gob fire. - 2 killed - 1 killed 1 inju - 1 killed - 2 killed - 1 killed - 2 killed - 2 killed 1 inju - 5 killed 4 iniu and fred. and red. ;~ s and !red. 1 ki .ll d . . - 3 killed - 3 killed and- 3 killed and 2 injured. 2 killed - - 6 killed and 14 injured - 3 killed and 4 injured. - 1 killed and 1 injured. - 88 killed - - 1 killed - Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Suffocated by products of combustion. Carbon Monoxide and black damp poisoning. Carbon Monoxide and black damp poisoning. Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Carbon Monoxide suffocation. Shock of explosion ignited by gob fire. Suffocated by fumes. Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Severe burns. Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Explosion ignited by gob fire. Explosion; ? ignited by gob fire. Explosion ignited by gob fire. Carbon. Monoxide poisoning. III.-" GOB" FIRES REGARDED AS DANGEROUS OCCURRENCES. THE STAGE AT WHICH ABNORMAL HEATING SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE INSPECTOR OF MINES. Although this trouble has been a feature of such long standing in South Staffordshire mining we cannot discover, either from searching the records or from the evidence of witnesses, that it has been attended with much danger from explosions of inflammable gas, though deaths from poisoning or suffocation of persons engaged in combatting the fires, and, in some few cases, of others engaged in the ordinary work of the mineine in that part ventilated by the air current passing by or over the seat of the fire, .'have occurred by reason of the deleterious gases generated by the combustion. The greatest danger from spontaneous combustion occurs in mines which generate large quantities of firedamp. Fortunately mines characterised by both of those features generation of firedamp and liability to spontaneous combustion--are not so numerous as those in which only one or other exists. Thus, although the number of "gassy," usually described as " fiery," mines is very large, only in two districts are such mines liable to spontaneous combustion to any considerable degree, viz., in North Staffordshire and Yorkshire. On the other hand, although a great number- we are well within the mark in saying, the majority-of the mines in South Staffordshire and East Worcestershire are liable to spontaneous combustion, few of them can be termed gassy; in fact, so comparatively free from gas are they that many of them are worked with naked lights. The fact that mines are now being worked to much greater depths than in the past and the certainty that still deeper mining will obtain in the future, with a 20750 A 3 I - - .A 0 L 6 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL IN MINES: consequent. higher initial natural temperature and probable higher ventilating pressure, make it extremely doubtful whether the comparatively favourable conditions hitherto prevailing will continue. These observations apply to all districts. Section 81 of. the. Coal Mines Act, 1911 (which re-enacts as regards mines, Section 5 of the Notice to Accidents Act, 1906), gives the Secretary of State power to require the notification of dangerous occurrences. By an Order, No. 934 in the series of Statutory- Rules and Orders, of 22nd December, 1906, under -the Notice of Accidents Act, 1906 (which Order is continued in force by the operation of Section'126 (a) of the Coal Mines Act, 1911), the Secretary of State included "all cases of fire below ground" among the dangerous occurrences notifiable to the Inspector of Mines: From the evidence that we have had before us we find that a state of doubt exists as to what constitutes an underground fire, and consequently at what stage of the spontaneous heating notification should be sent to the Inspector of Mines. Cases frequently occur when it is impossible for the management of a colliery to say definitely whether a fire is or is not in existence. Gob stink may travel some distance from an inaccessible point in the gob or goaf and be detected in an airway or on the edge of the goaf, and a fire may or may not result. Fires have occurred, and only years afterwards has the fact been discovered, e.g., when driving through an old goaf. The normal temperature of mines varies so widely as between colliery and colliery that it would not alone be a safe guide to give any fixed point on the thermometric scale which would constitute a standard for abnormal heating. We think, therefore, that abnormal heating, should be defined as a rise of a certain number of degrees above the normal temperature of the air in the main return airway of the seam being worked at the point of discharge into the upcast shaft, and we think that a safe minimum to take would be 20 degrees Fahr., but with the additional safeguard that on the temperature of any accessible part of the mine attaining 110 degrees Fahr. the fact should be repoi-ted to the Inspector of Mines. We have taken much evidence from the Mines Inspectors, colliery managers and workmen on this matter, and we think it desirable that we should set out as concisely as possible the conditions which we consider should be reported in pursuance of the Secretary of State's Order, No. 934 of 1906. We are of opinion, therefore, that notification should be sent to the Inspector of Mines (1) Whein g6b-stink, smoke, or any other sign of combustion is observed; (2) When the temperature of the air in any accessible part of a mine is 20 degrees Fahr. above the normal temperature, as herein before defined, or where the temperature at such place attains to 110 degrees Fahr. (3) When any flashhas been observed coming from any pack or waste. We further recommend that as soon as any work is commenced for the purpose of discovering or combating a fire or anticipated fire, the Inspector should be notified of the fact. IV.-THE QUESTION OF THE WITHDRAWAL OF WORKMEN FROM A MINE OR PART OF A MINE ON THE OUTBREAK OF FIRE, OR DURING THE OPERATIONS OF DEALING WITH THE FIRE. Section 67 of the Coal Mines Act, 1911, makes compulsory the withdrawal of persons other than those engaged in inquiring into or in removing danger, from the mine or any place in the mine found dangerous. Some doubt has existed as to whether the occurrence of a fire underground, even in a gassy mine, constitutes a dangerous state within the terms of Section 67 of the Act, seeing that the danger cannot be said to have actually arisen in the workings, though it may arise at any moment. Some mining engineers maintain that on the occurrence of a fire a place in a mine is not dangerous unless inflammable gas is actually present in dangerous quantity, the possibility, or likelihood even, of such an occurrence not constituting such a state as to render compulsory the withdrawal of persons. In most cases it is necessary that when once abnormal heating has been discovered in a mine, some persons should be employed at or near the seat of the heating, to prevent, if possible, it reaching a state of incandescence, or to combat the fire once it has occurred. FIRST REPORTs The number of persons who should be engaged in combating a fire in a mine must depend entirely upon the circumstances surrounding each case, and it is quite impossible for us to lay down any useful limiting coaditious in this respect ; the persons so employed, however, should be as few as practicable, for even if the fire occurs in a non-gassy mine, the operations attending its extinction are of a more or less dangerous character by reason of the poisonous gasses evolved by the comhbustion. As to that part of the question which relates to the persons employed below ground other than those whose presence may be necessary for dealing with actual or incipient fires, we have taken much evidence. We realise that what is a dangerous or serious occurrence in gassy mines is usually attended with comparatively little danger in mines where gas seldom occurs or occurs only in small quantity, e.g., when one quarter per cent. of inflammable gas has never been found in the airway. For instance, in the South Staffordshire coalfield most of the 'mines are not at all gassy, explosions are rare, and never extensive. What danger may exist from a rib or gob fire in such mines is rather that of poisoning or suffocation by the products of combustion, a danger practically limited to the persons on the return side or in the immediate vicinity of the fire, and not affecting those on the intake side, especially if they are far removed from the seat of the fire.- Having carefully weighed all the evidence submitted to us we are of opinion that :- In mines in which' safety lamps are used, whether in pursuance of the Act or of any Regulation or Order under the Act, or in mines in which one quarter. per cent. of inflammable gas has been found in the return airway of any ventilating district of the mine on any one occasion : (a) When smoke or other signs indicative of a fire occur in any such mine the whole of the workmen should be withdrawn from the ventilating district affected, and before they are re-admitted the manager and two representatives of the workmen (if the workmen elect to appoint two such representatives) should make an inspection, the result of which should be entered in a book to be kept at the mine for the purpose, and should be signed by the parties making the inspection. The men should not be re-admitted to that part of the mine unless such report (jointly if the men's representatives take part in such inspection) states that it is safe to do so.t (b) When the presence of fire has been definitely determined, that is to say, when actual fire has been located or is known to exist, the whole of the men working in the seam in which the fire has occurred, and in other seams worked from the same level, should be withdrawn from the mine, except those engaged in combatting the fire, unless the seam is naturally wet throughout, or unless such other districts in the seam or seams worked from the same level are naturally wet throughout or are adequately protected by some means which in the opinion of the Secretary of State is effective in stopping tae progress of an explosion of coal dust.. (e) In the event of a fire being dammed off the whole of the men should be withdrawn from the mine until the work is completed, and should not be re-admitted until an inspection, has been made in the manner recommended above, and the conditions reported safe. We think that the above suggestions should be incorporated by the Home Office in the General Regulations. We have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servants, R. A. S. REDMAYNE. ARTHUR B. MARKHAM. C. E. RHODES. FRANK RIGBY. HERBERT SMITH. * See First Memorandum accompanying this Report as to other mines. t See Second Memorandum accompanying this Report. ( See Fourth Memorandum accompanying this Report. A4 7 DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON SPONTANEOTUS OMBUSTION OF COAL IN MINES: 1. MEMORANDUM BY MRi. R. A. S. REDMAYNE, SIR ARTHUR B. MARKHAM, MR. C. E. RHODES ND MR. HERBERT SMITH upon. the withdrawal of men on the outbreak of fire in mines in .which safety lamps are not required by the Coal Mines Act, 1911, or any Regulation or Order under the Act to be used in the ordinary course of working, or the return air of whichhas never been found to contain as much as one quarter per cent. of inflammable gas. We are of opinion that on the outbreak of a fire in a mine where safety lamps are not required by the Coal Mines Act, 1911, or any Regulation or Order under that Act, to be used in the ordinary course of working, or the return air of which has never been found to contain as much as one quarter per cent. of inflammable gas, those persons who are engaged at work upon the return side of the fire, should be withdrawn from that part of the mine. We suggest also that a similar inspection to that described in the Report, should be made with a view to determining whether any of the persons on the intake side should be allowed to continue work or not. R. A. S. REDMAYNE. ARTHUR B. MARKHAM. C. E. RHODES. HERBERT SMITH. 2. MEMORANDUM BY SIR ARTHUR B. MARKHAM, MR. C. E. RHODES, AND MR. HERBERT SMITH upon reporting on the condition of a mine, or part of a mine on the outbreak of a fire, and after the withdrawal of the men or some of them. We wish to add to the suggestion as to the inspection on the withdrawal of the whole or part of the men (as the case may be), that an Inspector of Mines should be associated with the management and representatives of the workmen in making the inspection, and that the record of the inspection should be signed by all the parties concerned. ARTHUR B. 1ARKHAM. C. E. RHODES. HERBERT SMITH. 3. MEMORANDUM SY Ma. FRANK RIGBY on the question of compulsory inspection of the mine or part of the mine on the occurrence of a fire or heating, and with respect to the withdrawal of the men, in the case of naked light mines and mines in which one quarter per cent. of inflammable gas has never been found in the return airway. I agree with the Second Memorandum in so far as it applies to mines in which safety lamps are used, whether in pursuance of the Act or the Regulations and Orders under the Act, or in mines in which one quarter per cent. of inflammable gas has been found in the return airway of any ventilating district of the mine on any one occasion, but I do not agree that it should apply to other mines under the Coal Mines Act. There are many mines, for instance, in the South Staffordqhire and other coalfields, in which fires or heating are constantly occurring, and where, in my opinion, there is no necessity that the men should be withdrawn, even from the return side of such a fire or heating, or that the Inspector need be called upon to make an inspection together with the management of the mine. If such a regulation were made, the Inspector of the Division might be occupied in doing nothing but making inspections in such mines, in many cases where practically FIRST REPORT4 no danger existed, to the detriment of his work in the Division generally. It would be no uncommon occurrence for an Inspector to be required in several mines on the same day, and it might be that the men would have to be withdrawn from a mine or part of a mine and not re-admitted for some days before an Inspector had visited the mine. I think, therefore, that, as applied to these mines, his compulsory attendance is not necessary. Were it ;made a legal obligation to keep the men out of such mines pending his arrival, considerable economic disturbance and great and unnecessary hardship, both to workmen and employers, would result. FRANK RIGBY. 4. MEMORANDUM BY MR. R. A. .S. REDMAYNE, SIR ARTHUR B. MARKHAM MR. C. E. RHODES, AND MR. FRANK RIGBY on the use of incombustible .dust in a mine subject to Gob Fires. We are of opinion that in the interests of safety it is desirable that the following words should be added to paragraph iv (b):on page 7 of the Report: We are of opinion that one of the means which might and should be adopted as effective in stopping an explosion of coal dust, is the use of incombustible dust, and we are in agreement in thinking that the necessity for the withdrawal of the workmen from the ventilating districts other than that in which the fire occurs, would cease to exist if such other districts in the seam or seams worked from the same level were adequately protected by incombustible dust on the roads of such districts, the dusting being in the proportion of at least two parts of incombustible dust to one of coal dust; and we are further of opinion that in whatever part of the mine a fire occurs, all accessible parts of the mine immediately contiguous to the fire should be dusted in the proportion of at least four parts of incombustible dust to one of coal dust. Our reason for suggesting a higher proportion of incombustible dust than that put forward as a minimum in the Fifth Report of the Explosions in Mines Committee is that, having regard to the fact that mines subject to spontaneous combustion are more prone to dangerous conditions, a higher scale should be insisted upon. R. A. S. REDMAYNE. ARTHUR B. MARKHAM. C. E. RHODES. FRANK RIGBY. 5. MEMORANDUM BY MR. R. A. S. REDMAYNE, SJR ARTHUR B. MARKHAM, MR. C. E. RHODES, AND MR. FRANK RIGBY on the withdrawal of timber from wastes and roads about to be abandoned. Although this subject is not immediately included within the scope of our inquiry, yet we desire to give a strong expression of opinion, on the evidence which has been submitted to us, as to the very great desirability in all mines liable to spontaneous combustion, of all timber being withdrawn from wastes and from roads about to be abandoned. It has been very clearly demonstrated to us that timber so left is a very fruitful source of danger. R. A. S. REDMAYNE. ARTHUR B. MARKHAM. C. E. RHODES. FRANK RIGBY. In DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL IN MINES. 6. MEMORANDUM BY MR. HERBERT SMITH on the use of incombustible dust in mines. I have gone carefully through the whole of the reports of the Explosions in Mines Committee and also the reports of several eminent gentlemen dealing with the use of incombustible dust. - In addition I have before me evidence of the ill effect the. presence of silica dust has on the health of the miners in South African mines, where tho duration of the working life amongst them is 4 or 5 years. Further, it is known that in the Yorkshire ganister mines there is a very high death-rate and medical experts have often stated the cause to be the inhaling of dust. In these circumstances, I feel we ought'to have more experience in the use of incombustible dust in our mines before any rules are adopted making its use compulsory and may be introducing a source of danger which would work out as disastrously to health and life as those the Committee aims at removing. I am anxious to prevent loss of life and destruction of property by explosions, but, before adopting any rules making it compulsory to use dust in mines, I favour the Committee appointed to enquire into this problem continuing their work more searchingly and clearing away, if possible, any doubt as to the wisdom of using dust of the character named or any dust injurious to health. HERBERT SMITH. 7. MEMORANDUM BY MR. HERBERT SMITH on the withdrawal of timber from wastes and roads about to be abandoned. I am in agreement with the Fifth Memorandum as to the " great desirability in all " mines liable to Spontaneous Combustion, of all timber being withdrawn from wastes " and from roads about to be abandoned." 1 am, however, of opinion that the leaving of small pillars of coal in the goafs is an equal if not a more fruitful source of danger than the leaving of timber. And I further think that the question of withdrawal of timber, and also the getting out of pillars of coal, should be dealt with in the general report on the question as to the best method of preventing gob fires. HERBERT SMITH. n . 'I r This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2010