ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015CITY OF NEW YORK Laws Relating TO Public Intoxication and Inebriety Chapters 551 and 659, Laws of 1910 (Including Amendments) Revised to March 15th, 1913 BOARD OF INEBRIETY New York CityCITY OF NEW YORK Laws Relating TO jr Public Intoxication and Inebriety Chapters 551 and 659, Laws of 1910 (Including Amendments) Revised to March 15th, 1913 BOARD OF INEBRIETY New York GityExcerpt from the Law Authorizing the Establishment of a Board of Inebriety and a Hospital and Industrial Colony for Inebriates by the City of New York Chap. 55 1 Laws of New York, 1910 AN ACT to amend the greater New York Charter, in relation to the treatment of public intoxication and inebriety. Became a law June 20, 1910, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three- fifths being present. Accepted by the City. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section I. Chapter thirteen of the Greater New York charter, as re-enacted by chapter four hundred and sixty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and one, is hereby amended by adding thereto a new title, to foe title three thereof, which shall contain a new section, to be section six hundred and ninety-three thereof, to read as follows: TITLE III. BOARD OF INEBRIETY. § 693. 1. The board of estimate and apportionment of the city of New York may by resolution determine that there shall be in the said city a board of inebriety. When the board of estimate and apportionment shall have so determined by resolution the mayor of the city of New York shall appoint in the manner hereinafter provided a 'board of inebriety. This board shall consist of seven members, five of whom, hereinafter known as the appointive members, shall be appointed by the mayor, and two of whom shall be physicians. The commissioner of public charities and the commissioner of correction shall be ex-officio members of the •said board. One of the appointive members of the board shall be ap- pointed for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and oqe for five years. Upon the expiration of the term of office of a member of the board, the mayor shall appoint his successor for the term of five years. The mayor shall fill any vacancy in the iboard caused by the death or removal from the city of a member other than the com- 2•, r ,