0 ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015ACTION OK THE SUBJECT OF PUBLICATION, FROM THE YEAR 1735 TO 1856.Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library L161—0-1096ACTION OF THE (imral JLssimMg af % fractal* Cjpafft ON THE SUBJECT OF PUBLICATION, From the year 1735 to 1856. PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN PUBLICATION COMMITTEE: NO. 386 CHESTNUT STREET. 1856. > HENRY B. ASHMEAD, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, GEORGE STREET ABOVE ELEVENTH.ACTION OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON THE SUBJECT or PUBLICATION. 1735. Upon a motion made by a member of the Synod, (then the highest judicatory,) do agree that if any of our members shall see cause to prepare anything for the press, upon any controversy in religious matters, that before such member publish what he hath pre- pared, he shall submit the same to be perused by per- sons to be appointed for that purpose, and that Messrs. Andrews, Dickinson, Robert Cross, Pember- ton and Pierson, be appointed for this purpose, in the bounds of the Synod to the northward of Philadel- phia ; and Messrs. Anderson, Thomas Evans, Cath- cart, Stevenson and Thompson, in the bounds of the Synod, southward of Philadelphia. Any three of each Committee shall be a quorum. 1772. The Synod finding the money collected some years ago for defraying the expense attending the missions p ^oo^S4 appointed on our frontiers is nearly expended, agree to have a collection this year through their bounds, upon the same plan with the former. And as it is judged it might be useful to extend this public charity to purchase such religious books as the Synod may approve of, to be given to the poor congregations the following members are appointed to consider this matter, and bring in an overture to be subjected to the Synod as soon as they conveniently can, viz.: Messrs. McWhorter, Montgomery and Ogden. The Committee appointed last Friday, to draw up an overture with respect to the general collection and the distribution of books brought one in, which after correction, is as follows: 1. That the Synod recommend a general collection in all the churches under their care. 2. That the Synod write a pastoral letter, in which they shall return thanks to their several congrega- tions for their former generosity, and solicit their fu- ture favors. 3. That the Synod particularly desire the charity of the public for those purposes, viz. : For defraying the expenses of sending Missionaries to the frontiers, and such other places as are unable to support the Gospel, for the purchasing useful books to distribute in said places, under the direction of Committees to be appointed for that purpose, for propagating Chris- tian knowledge among the Indians, and for such other pious uses as may occur from time to time. " The following books were proposed and agreed to be procured and distributed, viz.: Bibles; Westmin-5 ster Confession of Faith; small edition of Vincent's Catechism; Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Reli- gion ; A Compassionate Address to the Christian World; Alliene's Alarm to the Unconverted; Dr. "Watts' Divine Songs for Children, and the Assem- bly's Catechism. " And for the purpose of procuring and distribut- ing those books, we appoint for a Committee at Phila- delphia, Dr. Alison, Mr. Sproat, Mr. Montgomery, Mr, Bayard, and Mr. Jonathan Smith; and at New York, Dr. Rodgers, Mr. Treat, Mr. McWhorter, Mr. Caldwell, Mr. V. B. Livingston, and Mr. Robert Ogden. And the Committees are restricted not to lay out this year above ten pounds pro. currency each, for the purposes aforesaid. But if any well- disposed persons shall send the Committees books or pamphlets, which they judge will answer the inten- tion of Synod, to promote Christian knowledge, they are desired to distribute these also. 1773. For the purpose of procuring books to bestow on the poor in Philadelphia, Dr. Francis Alison, Mr. Sproat, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. John Bayard, and Mr. Jonathan Smith; and in New York, Dr. Rogers, Mr. Treat, Mr. McWhorter, Mr. Caldwell, and Mr. Noel are appointed as Committees; and that they do not exceed the sum of twenty pounds, proclamation cur- rency, to be laid out by each Committee, and that they draw on the Treasurer for this sum. 1*6 1774. The Committees appointed last Synod to purchase books, and distribute them among the poor on the frontiers, report, that they have complied with tb^ order, and disposed of the whole sum allowed at New York, and the whole also of the sum allowed at Phila- delphia, except one pound seven shillings and eight pence; but as the Committee at Philadelphia, have not yet received an account of any distribution made by the persons to whose care they have committed them on the frontiers, the Synod direct them to in- quire as soon as possible into that matter, and use their best endeavors to have said distribution made, (if not already done,) and procure what information they can, of the success attending said distribution, and make report at the next meeting of Synod. 1794. The Committee appointed to prepare the Scripture proofs in support of the doctrines of the Confession of Faith, Catechisms, &c., of the Presbyterian Church, submitted their report which was in part read, ex- amined, and approved as a specimen of the work. Whereupon, Dr. Green, and Messrs. J. B. Smith, James Boyd, ffm. M. Tennent, Nathaniel Irwin, and Andrew Hunter were appointed a Committee to com- pare the proofs prepared, and now reported by said Committee to the General Assembly, with the proofs annexed to the Westminster Confession of Faith, Catechisms and Directory, to revise the whole, pre-7 pare it for the press, to agree with a printer for its publication, and to superintend the printing and send- jdg of the same. And the said Committee were further instructed to secure the copyright of said book, ac- cording to a law of the United States, in such case ^provided. 1799. On motion, resolved, that Mr. John McCulloch be, arid he is hereby requested to receive from Mr. kobert Aitkin, printer, three hundred copies of the Confession of Faith, and Discipline of this Church; pnd that he transmit one hundred copies to James "Hathaway, Esq., at Fort Stanwix; and one hundred copies to Evans & Gordon, at Geneva, and fifty copies to Dr. John Hopkins, at Tioga Point, and fifty copies to Matthias Hollenbeck, Esq., at Wilkesbarre, to be by those gentlemen distributed and sold as here- after directed. 1800. u The Assembly resumed the consideration of the subjects contained in the communication of the cor- poration for managing their funds, and agreed that the following objects deserve consideration. " The purchasing and disposing of Bibles, and also of books and short essays on the great principles of religion and morality, calculated to impress the minds of those to whom they are given, with a sense of their duty both to God and man, and consequently, of such a nature as to arrest the attention, interest the curi-8 I I osity, and touch the feelings of those to whom they are given." 1801. " That there be made a purchase of as many cheap and piousjbooks as a due regard to the other objects of the Assembly's funds will admit, with the view off distributing them, not only along the frontiers of' these States, but also among the poorer classes of the people, and the blacks, or wherever it is thought use-j ful; which books shall be given away or lent, at the| discretion of the distributor; and that there be re-^ ceived from Mr. Robert Aitkin, towards the discharge! of his debt, books to such an amount as shall appeal proper to the Trustees of the Assembly, who ar^ hereby requested to take proper measures for th^ distribution of the same." j i 1802. j " Whereas, an invoice of books, suitable for the purposes of the Assembly, amounting to fifty pounds fourteen shillings ten pence sterling has been laid, upon the table and may be purchased, in whole or In part, at first cost and charges. Resolved, the Trus- tees of the Assembly be desired to purchase said books, or such part of them, or any other books as the state of their funds will admit, consistently with appropriations already made; and that they take proper measures in conjunction with the Standing Committee on Missions, to have the books above men- tioned, and those received from Mr. Robert Aitkin,9 together with such as shall be received from Mr. Cor- nelius Davis of New York, properly distributed." 1803. " A communication was received from the Presby- tery of Erie, praying that Bibles, and other pious books may be sent into the bounds of that Presbytery, and placed in the hands of certain persons to the in- tent that they may be employed as a circulating Li- brary, for the spiritual edification of the numerous poor and ignorant persons in that place, who are perishing for lack of knowledge. On motion, it was Resolved, That the same be referred to the Standing Committee of Missions. 1804. Resolved, That the Presbyteries and individuals who have received, or may hereafter receive, religious books for distribution, report to the Committee of Missions from year to year, stating in what manner the books have been disposed of, the effects produced, and the books, if any, remaining on hand. 1805. Resolved, That the Committee of Missions be au- thorized and requested to procure two hundred and fifty copies of Fuller's Gospel Worthy of all Accep- tation, and two hundred and fifty copies of Vincent's Exposition of the Shorter Catechism, to be distributed in places where such books are especially wanted, either gratis or otherwise, as the case may require.10 Resolved, That the Trustees of the General As- sembly be, and they are hereby authorized and re- quested, to grant a warrant in favor of the Rev. John Rice, for the payment of thirty-five dollars, to be ap- plied to purchasing religious books, to be distributed among the people of color, within the bounds of Hanover Presbytery. 1806. That the Assembly appropriate annually, when the funds will admit of it, the sum of one hundred dol- lars, for the purchase of religious books, to be dis- tributed in those parts of our Church, which may most need them. 1809. The Committee appointed to report on the estab- lishment of a Society for procuring and distributing religious tracts, reported the following resolution, and it was adopted: " Resolved, That whereas it appears to this Assem- bly, that great and increasing good has accrued to the Church of Christ, by the distribution of small cheap religious tracts; it is hereby earnestly recom- mended that each Synod take measures for establish- ing as many religious Tract Societies within their bounds, by association of one or more Presbyteries together, as maybe most convenient for this purpose; and that such Societies may adopt such plan for car- rying into effect the object of this resolution, as may be most conducive in their judgment to this end."11 1816. " The Committee appointed to inquire whether some plan cannot be devised for the wider circulation of the Confession of Faith, and of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church reported, and their re- port being read and amended, was adopted and is as follows : " 1. That it be strictly enjoined on all the Presby- teries under the care of the General Assembly, to endeavor by such means as upon careful examination shall to them appear best to promote the diffusion and wider circulation of the Confession of Faith, and Book of Discipline of the Presbyterian Church. " 2. That it be recommended to the congregations in our connection, to take measures to supply their' own poor with the Confession of Faith, Catechisms, and Book of Discipline of our Church. " 3. That the Trustees of the General Assembly be authorized and directed to inquire into the expe- diency of stereotyping the Confession of Faith, Cate- chisms, and Form of Government, and to report to the next General Assembly." 1848. The Committee on Bills and Overtures reported overture No. 3, on Doctrinal Tracts, which was re- ferred to a Committee of two from each Synod, viz: Messrs. Rowland and Mason, Fisher and Kidder, Haynes and Little, Wilson and Fitch, Skinner and Needham, Wilson and Brewster, Cleaveland and Clark, Beecher and Giddings, Duffield and Johnson, Boutelle12 and Bartlett, Bushnell and Taylor, Dickey and Ste- vens, Hale and Ayres, Waterbury and Hewet, Tucker Slayback, Mitchell and Davidson, Wimpy and Blair, Campbell and McAfee, Dwight and Perkins, McLain and Edrington. H. A. Rowland from the Committee on Doctrinal Tracts presented a report, which was accepted and put on the docket. The Rev. H. A. Rowland called for action on the Report on Doctrinal Tracts, when after a few remarks, the whole subject was referred to a Committee con- sisting of Rev. Messrs. Wm. Patton, D. D., F. H. Skinner, D. D., E. F. Hatfield, and H. A. Rowland, to act in the premises and report at the meeting of Assembly in Cincinnati. 1847. Committee on Doctrinal Tracts appointed in May last, made a report, which was accepted, and after some discussion, the whole subject was referred to a committee consisting of the Rev. Messrs. E. F. Hat- field, S. H. Cox, D. D., E. Mason, D. D., C. E. Stow, D. D., and Joel Parker, D. D., with instructions to re- port to the next Assembly. 1850. The Committee on Bills and Overtures reported overture No. 3, on Doctrinal Tracts, which was put upon the docket. The same overture was then taken up for consideration. A motion was made to commit the subject to a select committee; which was followed by a motion for the indefinite postponement of the13 whole subject. The unfinished business of the morn- ing viz: the consideration of the overture on Doctri- nal Tracts, was resumed, the motion before the house being for the indefinite postponement of the whole subject. After a long discussion, the motion for post- ponement was lost. The motion recurred on the reference of the subject to a select Committee, and it was finally referred to a Committee consisting of the Rev. J. C. Stiles, D.D., James B. Townsend, Rev. J. Holmes Agnew, and Rev. Frederic A. Ross, with the Elders Abner Bryant, and George Kellogg, to report to the next Assembly. 1851. "Resolved, That it be referred to a Committee con- sisting of Rev.Edwin F. Hatfield, D. D., Rev. Alfred E. Campbell, D. D., Rev. Asa D. Smith, D. D., Rev. J. W. McLane, Messrs. Moses W. Dodd, Roe Lock- wood, and Charles Starr, to take into consideration the employment of the Press for the promotion of the cause of Christ by means of our denomination. 1852. 64 To promote the diffusion of those truths which distinguish us as a Church, the General Assembly adopts the following arrangement. 1. There is hereby established at Philadelphia a Standing Committee of nine persons, whose duty it shall be to superintend the publication of a series of Tracts, explanatory of the doctrines, government, and missionary policy of the Presbyterian Church, as the 914 General Assembly shall from time to time direct. One third of this Committee shall serve for one year, one third for two years, and the remaining third for three years. The election to fill the places of those whose terms expire, to be held at each meeting of the General Assembly. 2. This Committee shall elect a Secretary and Treasurer, the former of whom shall receive such a salary per annum, as shall be agreed upon by the Committee; and shall be the editor of the tracts pub- lished, and also as far as may be necessary, the so- liciting agent for such an amount of funds as may be required to carry out the objects for which this Com- mittee is appointed. 3. It shall be the duty of this Committee to meet at Philadelphia, and after due organization, to take mea- sures to procure the preparation and publication, in neat, cheap and substantial form of a series of Tracts for the purposes above stated. No Tract to be pub- lished which does not receive the unanimous approba- tion of the Committee. 4. This Committee shall if consistent with the in- terests of the Assembly, enter into a contract with some publisher or publishers to assume for a time, the publication of such Tracts as may be furnished them at certain rates, which shall be agreed upon in writing. And if no such arrangement can be profitably and satisfactorily made, the said Committee shall, by solicitation from the churches, proceed to provide a sufficient fund for their publication in behalf of the Assembly.15 5. This Committee shall make a full report of its proceedings to the General Assembly, at each annual meeting. The following persons were appointed the Commit- tee to superintend the preparation and publication of jDoctrinal Tracts, viz: Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., Rev. Albert Barnes, and S. T. Bodine Esq., for one year; Rev. E. W. Gilbert, D. D., Rev. Thomas H. Skinner, D.D., and Rev. Geo. Duffield, Jr., for two years; Rev. Asa D. Smith, D.D., Rev. Jonathan F. Stearnes, D.D., and Hon. Wm. Darling, for three years. Resolved, That the Committee have power to fill their own vacancies. 1853. The Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Standing Committee for the preparation and publication of Doctrinal Tracts, reported the follow- ing resolutions, which were adopted. 1. That the Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., Rev. Albert Barnes, and Mr. S. T. Bodine, whose term of service on the Committee has expired, be re-elected. 2. That the Rev. Geo. Chandler, and Samuel H. Perkins, Esq., of Philadelphia, be added to the Com- mittee. 3. That the rule requiring the unanimous consent of the Committee for the publication of any book or tract, be so modified, that a majority of three fourths only shall be required.1U 4. That the Committee be authorized to take such measures as they may deem advisable to secure the necessary funds for the erection of a house of publi- cation. 5. That it be earnestly recommended to all our churches, to take up collections annually or otherwise, in aid of the publishing fund under the control of this Committee. 6. That we suggest to the Committee the desirable- ness of issuing as soon as practicable, a few tracts which shall clearly and distinctly exhibit our peculiar views of doctrine, government, and missionary policy, with a view to answer the calumnies against us, and show our true position in the Church and in the world. 1854. The Assembly resumed the consideration of the unfinished business of the morning, and the report of the special committee on Doctrinal Tracts and the Publication House, having been amended, was adopted, and is as follows. The Committee to whom was referred the Report on Doctrinal Tracts, and also the overture from the Presbytery of Philadelphia Fourth, on the subject of a Presbyterian Publication House, report, that they concur cordially in the expressions of the Report on the subject of the Press, and its great importance as an organ of usefulness; also, on the desirableness of a religious literature, suitable to the wants of our denomination; and congratulate the Assembly on the17 prospect that this want will be supplied by the future efficiency of this committee. Your committee moreover fully concur in the views of the Report as to the inexpediency of ourselves en- tering upon the business of printing, and the superior advantages of doing the work by the agency of exist- ing establishments. Your committee recommend that extracts from the Report to be made by the (Publication) Committee, be published in the Appendix to the Minutes of the Assembly. Your committee further recommend that the Pub- lication Committee be enlarged to the number of fif- teen, nine of whom shall reside in the city of Phila- delphia, or vicinity; that of this number five shall constitute a quorum for ordinary business, whose sit- tings shall be in the city of Philadelphia; but nothing shall be authorized for publication, issued or endorsed by said committee, except by a majority of its mem- bers, All publications to issue simultaneously in the two cities of New York and Philadelphia, with the imprimatur of the committee. Your committee finally recommend, that the Assem- bly take possession of the house referred to in the overture from the Presbytery of Philadelphia Fourth, as a House of Publication, on the terms and condi- tions as to the price and payments following, viz: The Assembly will authorise the conditional accept- ance of the property, so soon as $12,500 shall have been pledged by responsible persons connected with the churches of Philadelphia; and when this pledge 2*IS has thus been made, suitable measures shall be au- thorized to raise a like sum of $12,500, and the balance—say $20,000—shall be left on mortgage, to be liquidated by a sinking fund arising from the an- nual proceeds of the house. When the measures to complete the purchase have been perfected, the As- sembly will take the property unconditionally; and, to the end that the legal measures may be taken to perfect the title prior to the next meeting of the As- sembly, five Trustees of the House of Publication shall be elected, who shall be authorized to obtain an act of incorporation. The members of the Publication Committee, whose term of office expires at this time, are, Rev. Thomas H. Skinner, D. D., and Rev. George Duffield, Jr. In addition to these, the Committee recommend the ap- pointment of thirteen others, and that this Committee arrange themselves at their first meeting into three classes, five going out of office yearly. A~ Committee of three, consisting of Rev. S. T. Spear,-'D. D., Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., and Rev. William N. McHarg, were appointed to nominate the members of the Doctrinal Tract Committee, and Trus- tees for the Presbyterian Publication House. The Committee to nominate members of the Doc- trinal Tract Committee, and Trustees for the Presby- terian Publication House, made the following report, which was adopted. Publication Committee—Rev. Albert Barnes, Rev. N. S. S. Beman, D. D., LL. D., Rev. Wm. Eagleton, D. D., Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., Rev. Asa D.19 Smith, D. D., Rev. S. H. Gridley, Rev. A. H. H. Boyd, D. D., Rev. S. T. Spear, D. D., Rev. George Duffield, Jr., Rev. H. Darling, Rev. J. Jenkins, and Messrs. S. H. Perkins, S. T. Bodine, C. S. Wurts, and E. S. Whelen. Trustees of the Presbyterian Publication House— Messrs. J. A. Brown, S. H. Perkins, C. S. Wurts, M. W. Baldwin, and J. C. Farr. 1855. Resolved, That the name of the Doctrinal Tract Committee of the General Assembly, be changed to "The Presbyterian Publication Committee." The Assembly took from the docket the Report of the Committee on Church Psalmody, and the follow- ing substitute was adopted: Resolved, 1. That the Publication Committee con- fer with the proprietors of the Church Psalmist, and secure, if possible, the transfer, on reasonable terms, of the copy-right of said book to the General Assem- bly, and that the Committee have full powers to close arrangements binding on the Assembly. Resolved, 2. That in case of failure, said Commit- tee report to the next Assembly, and at the same time recommend to that body the course which they deem it most advisable to pursue in the premises. The Special Committee on the Report of the Trus- tees of the Presbyterian House, and of the Publication Committee, presented a Report, which was adopted, and is as follows : The Committee to whom was referred the Report20 of the Trustees of the Presbyterian House and of the Publication Committee, have considered the same and report the following preamble and resolutions, for the adoption of the Assembly, viz : Whereas, The Legislature of the State of Penn- sylvania, by an Act approved by the Governor, April 21st, 1855, incorporated " The Trustees of the Pres- byterian House," in Philadelphia, who are by said Act to be elected by this body, therefore, Resolved, By the General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church in the United States of America: 1st. That the said charter be and the same is hereby ac- cepted; and that th6 Trustees created by said Act of incorporation, be directed to perform all the duties required by their appointment. Resolved, 2. That the said Trustees be directed to give such official notification to the proper authorities of the State of Pennsylvania, as may be necessary, of the acceptance of the charter by the General Assembly. Resolved, 3. That the Assembly do now elect ten Trustees under this charter, five of whom shall be ministers, and five laymen; all of whom shall be con- nected with some Presbytery or Church funder the care of the General Assembly. Resolved, 4. That the first meeting of the Trustees shall be at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Trustees first elected; or, in case of his inability to act, the Trustee next elected, who shall act as chairman until the Board is constituted by the elec- tion of a President and Secretary. Resolved, 5. That the Trustees, at their first meet-21 ing, be directed to divide themselves into two portions, and in such a manner that there shall always be in the Board five ministers and five laymen. Resolved, 6. That in electing these Trustees, a nomination shall be made in the Assembly; and that the election shall be by ballot on the day following that on which the nomination is made. Resolved, 7. That these Trustees be directed to keep an accurate record of all their proceedings, and report the same annually to the Assembly. Resolved, 8. That these Trustees be directed to take such measures for raising the amount pledged by the last Assembly, for the purchase of the " Pres- byterian House/' as they may deem expedient and proper. Resolved, 9. That the action of the Publication Committee, as reported to the Assembly, be approved, and the Committee instructed to proceed officially in discharging the duties of their appointment; and that a brief synopsis of their Report be published under the direction of the stated Clerk. Resolved, 10. That the members of the Committee, whose term of office expires during these sessions of the Assembly, namely, Rev. Albert Barnes, Rev. N. S. S. Beman, D. D., LL. D., Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., Rev. Wm. Eagleton, D. D., and Rev. Asa D. Smith, D. D., be re-elected. Resolved, 11. That the Report of the Treasurer of the Trustees of the Presbyterian House, and that of the Publication Committee having been audited, be approved.22 Resolved, 12. That the Trustees of the Presbyte- rian House be directed to report to the next Assem- bly, a plan of rules and regulations for the govern- ment of said Trustees in the discharge of their du- ties. Nominations for Trustees of the Presbyterian House were made; the election to take place next day. As Trustees of the Presbyterian House, the following were elected: John A. Brown, M. W. Bald- win, Charles S. Wurts, Samuel H. Perkins, John C. Farr, Rev. Albert Barnes, Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., Rev. B. J. Wallace, Rev. Henry Darling, and Rev. D. H. Riddle, D. D. 1856. The Report was then adopted unanimously in its amended form, as follows. The Special Committee to whom were referred the Reports of the Publication Committee, and of the Trustees of the Presbyterian House, respectfully Re- port : That they recommend the approval of these re- ports, and the course of action which has been pur- sued by these bodies the past year. Your Committee believe that there is an important field to be occupied by the Publication Committee, without interference with the Societies whose object is to supply a more general evangelical literature. It is necessary also that the Committee should have a house in which their operations may be carried on, and which may be used for other purposes connected with our Church. It appears from the Reports, that three objects are28 now particularly engaging the attention of the Pub- lication Committee and Board of Trustees, viz. :— The necessary arrangements for a uniform Psalm and Hymn Book for the -whole Church; the endowment of the Committee with a suitable capital for carrying on its operations; and the raising of funds to com- plete the payment for the Presbyterian House, agree- ably to the plan adopted by the General Assembly of 1854. These objects strike your Committee as rea- sonable and important, and in view of the whole case, they recommend the following resolutions 1. That the Reports of the Presbyterian Publica- tion Committee, and of the Trustees of the Presby- terian House be approved, and that extracts from the same be published in the Minutes of the Assembly, at the discretion of the Stated Clerk. 2. That in view of the wants of these institutions for the purpose of securing uniformity in Church Psalmody—of endowing the Publication Committee, and paying the balance of the sum required for the purchase of the Presbyterian House, agreeably to the plan agreed upon by the General Assembly of 1854, it be, and is hereby recommended to all churches under our care, to take up a simultaneous collection on the first Sabbath of December next; and that an effort be made at that time, to raise the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars for these objects, one-half of which is to be appropriated to the Publication Committee for the two objects first mentioned, and the other one- half to the Trustees of the Presbyterian House, for the last object mentioned; and that in case less than24 the sum mentioned be raised by said collection, that it be equally divided between the two bodies for the respective purposes mentioned. 3. In order to preserve uniformity in Church Psalmody, that the Publication Committee be au- thorized to negotiate with the compiler and publishers of the Church Psalmist, and to purchase that book, if this can be done on reasonable terms. But if such terms cannot be obtained, then, that they be instruct- ed to inquire whether a new book of Psalms and Hymns may not be compiled, which shall meet all our wants, and to report to the next General Assem- bly. 4. That the Publication Committee are hereby au- thorized to apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for a Charter to enable them more perfectly to carry on their operations, and to accept the same when granted. 5. The following persons whose term of office in the Publication Committee now expires, are hereby re-elected for three years, viz.: Rev. S. H. Gridley, D. D., Rev. A. H. H. Boyd, D. D., Rev. S. T. Spear, D. D., Rev. Geo. Duffield, Jr., and Rev. Henry Dar- ling. Messrs. J. A. Brown, M. W. Baldwin, Hon. Wm. Darling, and Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., and Rev. Geo. Chandler, were elected Trustees of the Presby- terian House.This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015