ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 The Fall and Reft oration of Man. A POEM, Occafion’d by St. P A V Vs Words, i Cor. XV, 22. As in ADA M all Die \ even fo in C HR 1ST ft) all all be made Alive. A D D R E S S ’D to a L A D Y. Heu quant Mutatiti ab ilio ?± Virgil. VfWVVVV mmm mm m 9 LONDON: Printed ¿for E. C u r l l, at the Dial and Bible againfi: St. Dunftarfs Church in Fleetftreety 1710.The Fall and R eftoration of Man, &c. BElieve me MADAM, fince the Figleaf’s on, Claim it we may, but all Perfection’s gone; Degenerated Nature’s downward Grown, And Vice, and nothing elfe, is all our own. The Wealthy * Pyfon, Gabon’s Land was rare, And Envious Satan took an early care, That Banifh’d Man fhould be no longer there, Nor cou’d that Place or Innocency bear. Curft Thorn and Tbijile, fince that deadly Deed / ( Bleft t Caledonia! not thy Noble Plant! Which good effedt, ’tis hop' will never want ; ) Have thro’ the Earth their dreadful Venom fpread, And in its Inmoft Bowels pierc’d the Hydras He ad. * Two Rivers that went out of Eden, t Scotland, in allvfion to theVnion.As when * * Aracbne fpreads her Gloomy ftore O’er the fame Place that Lightfome was before, Or when as Baleful Atoms do repair, And fill with direful Doom the Blafted Air. Too Seldom we our fegafus do Rein, But in thick Mifts, and Fogs we loofe the Man, And Stygian Fantorns the Afcendant gain / No foonerMan, had loft the Happy State, And flung himfelf from fo Stupendous height ? By direful Guilts Infufferable weight! But Troops of wretched Fiends attend him ftrait. Not as Officious Courtiers fometimes, may For fome Illuftrious Nobles Levee ftay, Where they a Due Refpe&ful Homage pay; But more to Cruciate, and Seize their Prey. t, * The Spider. Malicious ' ¿p % I UIUCi 5 ] Malicious Furies prefs upon his Soul, And Clouds and Myriads, round his Temples Roll, Uncertain where their Rude Aflaults to make. And Spiteful all High Eminencies take. * 4£ The Grand Apoftate’s for high Crimes difplac’d 44 From Heaven, by fierce Almighty Vengeance chas’d