I I LLINO I S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2013. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2013 -P: J- :" ~1 ~jjj r~-Fe :2riE* * New Orleans University. LIBRARY OF A DDE D B luskeag Bridge, Bridge, RDING. PO. F. DILLINGHAM. Japr, tationer & gatent gagth Sroanat Eseuks, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 53 EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND, Thpofe' of ngl i I a lrenc fionerj, ' ~, c. Invites attention to his extensive and well-selected stock, constituting one of the largest assortments to be found in the city. English, French, and American Stationery of every description; Gold and Steel Pens; Commer- cial Blanks ; Rodgers & Sons' superior Pen, Pocket & Desk Knives ; Erasers, Scissors, Paper Shears, &c. A superior article of COPYING PRESS; Seal Presses; Copying Letter Books; Writing and Copying Inks, &c. Paper Hangings of every grade, quality, and price. School, Miscellaneous, Nautical and Classical BOOKS, constantly on hand, and received as fast as issued from the press. G. R. D. having a BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY attached to his establishment enables him to furnish Account Books in a superior style. A large assortment of all sizes, and in various styles of binding, constantly on hand. ['Lithographing, Printing and Ruling to any pattern... X O T76 E L L diL a L-at siTT R E , AND DEALERS IN JEWELRY & FANCY GOODS, 1No.e 64 E.xor an.ge Street, ABNER LOWELL. WILLIAM SENTER. E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO., ST. JOHNSBURY, VERMONT, MANUFACTURERS OF Railroad Track & Depot Scales; HEAVY PORTABLE SCALES, ON WHEELS, with Patent Spring Platform, for Foundries, Rolling Mills, Iron Stores, &c.; BHA 8CALES OF AY BRBIUBBB SAPAiTT Farmers' Scales; Coal Dealers' and Wheelbarrow Scales; Dormant and Portable Warehouse and Store SCALES, of all sizes; COUNTER & GROCERS' SCALES, &c., &c. All made with great care, of the best materials, fnd WARRANTED ACCURATE AND DURABLE. For Sale at the Manufacturers' Warehouse, 34 KILBY STREET, BOSTON. CREENLEAF & BROWN, .A. ~-~r. 1T rW d. SCALES graduated to FOREIGN STANDARDS, and suitably packed for shipping. Railroad, Hay, and Coal Scales, set in any part of the country by EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. WOOD, BISHOP & CO. STOVE DEALERS AND IRON FOUNDERS, BANGOR, MAINE, Manufacture and Sell, Wholesale and Retail, OUR STATE COOKING STOVE, .... ......3 Sizes SLIDE DOOR FRANKLIN STOVE,........ 3 Sizes PENOBSCOT AIR TIGHT DO ....,......5 " CYLINDER STOVES, FOR OOD,,,.......2 " PENOBSCOT VALLEY DO....., ..... ,2 " BOX STOVES, EXTRA HEAVY.,,,....... 2 " YANKEE AND PARLOR DO...., ......, "2 Farmers' Boilers; Oven, Ash and Boiler Mouths; Wood Tubing for Chain Pumps. Also dealers in a general assortment of Cooking, Parlor, and Office Stoves, Pumps, Sheet Zinc, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, and all articles usually found in Stove Stores. H. A. WOOD, W. H. BISHOP, V. S. PALMER. CHIMNEY PIECES & PIER SLABS, i Manufactured of Stone by the PEN. t , RHYN MARBLE CO. (Patented 1852 ) These are new and beautiful articles, in imitation of the richest kinds of Marble. In style and finish they stand unequalled; are very )highly polished, retain their beauty much longer than common marble, and are not injured by coal gas, smoke, or acids. They have been extensively introduced into public and private buildings, giving perfect satisfaction. The best of references can be given, showing their adapt- edness for general use. While much superior in appearance,they are sold cheaper thn anything of the kind '_ . .in the market. During the present season they have been awarded Gold ____ ^ "-Medals at the Exhibitions of the SAmerican Institute, New York, and L the Massachusetts Charitable Me- a chanic Association. In fact, the confidence with which they have thus far been used, gives the fairest evidence that the Penrhyn Marble, by its many advantages, will in a great measure supersede the use of all other. PIER SLABS and SHELVES, for parlors, chambers, &c., together with Bronzed, Gilt, and other kinds of Brackets, of various patterns, furnished to order. Architects, builders, and all others are invited to examine them. Arrangements have been made for the supply of the trade. Samples may seen at the Warehouse of the Company. JOSEPH STORY, Treasurer. Corner of Tremont Row and Howard Streets, Opp. Hanover St., (up Stairs,) Boston. THE MAINE REGISTER, FOR THE YEAR 1855: EMBRACING STATE AND COUNTY OFFICERS, AND AN ABSTRACT OF THE LAWS AND RESOLVES; TOGETHER WITH A COMPLETE BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE STATE, AND A VARIETY OF USEFUL INFORMATION. BY GEORGE ADAMS, Publisher of the Massachusetts Register, Rhode Island Register, Boston Directory, &e. Office, 91 Washington Street, Boston. PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY BLAKE & CARTER, PORTLAND. MASTERS, SMITII & CO., HALLOWELL. GEORGE R. DAVIS, PORTLAND. EDWARD FENNO, AUGUSTA. DAVID BUOBEE & CO., BANGOR. 1855. PREFACE. The last edition of the Maine Register was published for the year 1852, by Messrs. Masters, Smith & Co., of Hallowell, and edited by Hon. Joseph Williamson, Jr., of Belfast. It contained two hundred and fifty pages, and was a valuable index to the government and insti- tutions of the State. The annual publication of the Register having been discontinued, arrangements were made with the former publishers to continue it, and accordingly the work for 1855 appears under the names of several popular publishing houses. This number contains nearly five hundred pages, and besides retaining the principle features of its predecessor, it has in addition, a large amount and variety of useful information. Among the new features of the Register, is a complete Business Di- rectory - an addition which commends itself to all interested in the growth and prosperity of the Pine Tree State. It has been compiled with care, and with but few exceptions, every town is represBnted. The Titles and Abstracts of the Laws and Resolves of 1854, also appear, and will, no doubt, prove a valuable addition. Other matters of interest are also recorded, such as Votes for Governor, State Tax as- sessed in each town, names of Town Clerks, Towns and Census of New England, &c., all of which increase the value of the work. Our thanks are due to all who have in any way encouraged and as- sisted us, and to our many correspondents throughout the State, for their uniform courtesy and promptness in making their returns. Should errors and omissions be noticed, we ask the indulgence of our patrons. It would indeed be a matter of surprise if, in the arrange- ment of so great a variety of information, the work should be found complete in every respect. It has, however, been the aim of the publisher, to combine in one compact volume as complete an index as possible of the government, institutions, and business of the State. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS, See page 430. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by GEoREa ADAMs, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. TABLE OF Page. Academies ......... **...... *.........169 Acts passed in 1854............. 17-39 "Additions, Alterations, &c ..............6 Advertisements follow................**432 Agricultural Associations.* *.**. ...195 Amer. Board of Com. for For. Missions. .190 American Education Society .... ........ 183 American Pomological Society. ***.***.. 195 Androscoggin County, Officers of......* 54 ( " Clergymen...*..*. 115 Sc Commissioners.*** 54 " Coroners. .*.***56 Counsellors.**..***108 " Justices .......... 55 ," Notaries.**** .. 54 " Physicians..**...133 " Probate Courts ....54 " Sheriff and Depu- ties .........54 " Town Clerks. * .*.267 Aroostock Co., Officers of........... 5...56 " Clergymen ...* **1...........11 " Commissioners...*....*.....56 " Coroners ....... ......... 58 " Counsellors... ...*...* ..* 109 : Justices. * * *................. 57 " Physicians.......... ......134 " Probate Courts * ..*........56 ' Sheriff and Deputies...*****..*56 "v Town Clerks............ ....267 .(Assayer of Ores, &c.** .. **...*** ..... 53 Associations, Agricultural........... 195 " Charitable. ...............178 " Educational..*...*........183 " Musical... ...........188 " Religious ....*.**......... 188 " Temperance.**.....*...191 Attorneys......................108-114 Augusta City Officers............... 279 " Lyceum. .....................183 Bangor City Officers ...................280 " Corban Society ......*..... 181 " Horticultural Society. ..........195 " Mechanics' Association..... ...183 " Mercantile Association..........183 " Orphan Asylum.......... ...181 " Theological Seminary ......166 Banks in Maine ........ ***...... *..146 d Savings...................155 u Bank Commissioners.......... i n ..... *146 a.;Bath Lyceum*.... .... ...........184 CaBath City Officers ...*............. 281 "Belfast City Officers ..................282 ible Societies... i......*...............190 Boston Daily Advertiser..............427 Boston Daily Journal..............428 Boston Museum,..................429 wdoin College t.................159 Business Directory of Maine ............288 Calendar pages ................7-12 Calais City Officers...** * *.. **............283 Census of New England s*...........259 C Maine, (1850.) .......... 267 Charitable Associations.................178 4 Churches.......................115-133 City Governments................... 279 SCivil Government of Maine .""..."......13 Clergymen .....................115--133 SClerks of the Supreme Oourts ......... 46 Collectors of Customs* ... *... ........218 Colleges .............................**159 CONTENTS. Page. Commissioners Resident in Maine* .. *****47 " in different States..... 48 3 ' of Wrecks.......... 52 " United States. ........420 Common Schools ................176-177 c" '" Supt. of. .........53-176 Congress, U. S. *..................**417 Consuls .... ... ................ ...215 ounsellors.***................108-114 County Officers, Androscoggin Co ...... 54 Aroostook Co .... .....56 " Cumberland Co- --.... 58 " Franklin Co............62 " Hancock Co.*.........65 " Kennebec Co*........69 " Lincoln Co .............73 " Oxford Co. ............78 " Penobscot Co...** ........ 82 " Piscataquis Co..........87 " Sagadahoc Co.........:..90 " Somerset Co.............92 " Waldo Co............96 " Washington Co.........100 " York Co ....... ......104 Courts, County Commissioners, (see each County.) Court, Municipal......................45 Court, U. S. Supreme ................420 Court, Supreme Judicial..............44 Courts, United States..*...............44 Cumberland Co., Officers of ..............58 " Clergymen...........116 " Commissioners.... .58 '" Coroners ........... 62 " Counsellors......... 109 " Inspectors of Fish. ..62 " Justices........... 60 " Notaries....... ....59 Sc Physicians .........134 " Probate Courts........ 58 C Sheriff and Deputies ..... 58 " Town Clerks..........268 Custom Houses....... ........213 Duties payable by Public Officers.*.... .245 East Maine CQonference... ......... 189 Miss. Society.... 190 " Seminary.. . 168 Eclipses in 1852, (See Calendars)...... ..7 Educational Associations........ ....183 Episcopal Convention... ..............188 " Missionary Society...........189 Expenditures of the State ..........411 Expresses...... ......................232 Fisheries...................... 256 Fortifications.........................216 Franklin Co., Officers of ... ...........62 " Commissioners.. ....... 63 " Clergymen ............. 18 " Coroners ..r........... 64 " Counsellors ...........109 F w Justices ................. 63 " Notaries................63 G i Physicians ............... 134 " Probate Court........ 62 " Sheriff and Deputies... 63 c Town Clerks ..........269 Freewill Bapt. Miss. Society...........189 " Yearly Meeting.........189 Gardiner City Officers............. 284 867477 MAINE REGISTER. Page. Gardiner Mechanics' Association......* �184 Gas Light Companies......*........248l Government of Maine, 1855 *..... ..... 13 Governor, Vote for ........ ......267 Governors of Maine, since 1820......... 421 Granite................................ 257 Hallowell City Officers...................285 " Social Library........... 185 Hancock County, Officers of.......... """65 "c Clergymen.......... 119 " Commissioners. ..*...."65 " Coroners ..............68 " Counsellors...***.*** 110 " Inspectors of Fish..... 68 " Justices..*.......... 66 " Notaries .............. 66 " Probate Courts. ........ 65 " Physicians...... ....** 134 " Sheriff and Deputies .....65 " Town Clerks .....2....70 Harper Library Association.. .... .. 185 Hermetically Sealed Articles .........257 Historical Society, Maine ............187 Ice Companies........................249 Incorporated Companies*... .......... 215 Index to Advertisements..*......... * 430 Indian Agents ...................53 Insane Hospital .... ............414 Inspector of Ashes. .. *..... . 53 S Hops.................58 " Beef and Pork ..*........ 53 " Butter and Lard *.........* 53 " Fish, (See each County). " Lime.......................53 " Pot and Pearl Ashes. ***.53 Inspectors of Fish, Report of. ...........412 Insurance Companies ................... 156 Judiciary of Maine..."""" """""""""".44 Justices throughout the State ..... .... 50 Keepers of Public Property .......... 53 Kennebeck Co., Officers of**........... 69 " Clergymen * *.........120 " Commissioners*.**.** ****70 " Coroners * *...........*73 " Counsellors * *........ 110 " Justices*............. 71 " Notaries...............70 " Physicians **8.........135 " Probate Courts.*******.69J " Sheriff and Deputies .* **69 " Town Clerks .*. *... 271 Land Agent........... ........... .53 " " Account of *............* 416 Lath Manufacturers. ...................350 Laws and Resolves, 1854............17-39 Light Houses .........................217 Lime .................. .......... 258 Lincoln Co., Officers of .*.............. 73 " Clergymen .............122 " Commissioners*.... *...... 74 " Coroners ****..............77 " Counsellors ...... **........111 " Inspectors of Fish* . * * * * . *. 77 " " of Lime, & ......77 Lincoln Co., Justices *..*............. 75 " Notaries**...* * *......*... 74 " Physicians .. * **.......... 135 " Probate Courts .... .......73 " Sheriff and Deputies. * * *73--74 " Town Clerks ...........*** 271 Litchfield Liberal Institut *.... *****.... 178 Loan and Fund Associatiosi.....*.. ...159 Page. Lyceums in Maine .............. ....1 3 Lumber Statistics .. ..*........ ... 250 Maine Baptist Education Society .**.**183 " " Missionary Society. ...189 "c "( State Convention. . 188 " Bible Society.. . *...............190 " Charitable Mechanic Association. 178 " Boundaries ..........-*.... ......249 " Cong. Charitable Society 1 """. .81 " Conf. Miss. Soc ................. 189 " Early History. ........ *........ 249 " Episcopal Miss. Society. 1....189 " Executive Council, 1855........... 13 " Female Seminary *............173 " Gen. Cong. Conference.** ***188 " Historical Society ............187 " Insane Hospital .......*....... 414 " Legislature, 1855.* * .............13 " Methodist Conference......... * .* 189 " Meth. Conf. Missionary Society*.189 " Militia...... ..............140 " Missionary Society ............19 " Pomological Society .............196 " Population of.................267 " Representatives of * *..... **.......15 " Senate of ...... ............ 14 " Statistics of. ..................410 " Wesleyan Seminary. * * *... ..... 167 Masonic Institutions ................198 Medical Association..............164 Medical School of Maine .........* " " ... 163 Methodist Episcopal Church...........167 Militia of Maine* * *................. 140 Municipal Courts..... ..............45 Musical Associations. .... ........188 Navigation of Maine ..***.............254 Newspapers in Mainet ................ 211 Norway Liberal Institute ............174 Oak Grove School...................174 Odd Fellows ......................... 202 Oxford Co., Officers of ......*.......78 Clergymen ..............123 " Commissioners ............78 " Coroners ................... 82 " Counsellors * **...........111 " Justices ....**............79 " Notaries ...............79 " Physicians *............136 " Probate Courts*.......... 78 " Sheriff and Deputies.*...**78 " Town Clerks...... ..... 272 " Normal Institute* *. * 174 Papal Conspiracy Exposed ..........429 Parish of St. Stephens, N. B............422 Parsonsfield Seminary............... 174 Patten Library Association .....* -.... 185 Penobscot Co., Officers of. *...........82 " Clergymen ..............124 " Commissioners*.**********82 " Counsellors*.......... 111 " Coroners ..............87 " Inspectors of Fish* * . * * * * 87 " Justices............ .. 83 " Notaries * *............ 83 " Physicians .............136 " Probate Courts..........82 " Sheriff and Deputies. ****82 " Town Clerks ............273 Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers, (See each County.) Physicians ......................133-139 Physicians in Portland .............876 Piscataquis Co.,Offltcers of...........87 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Piscataquis Co., Clergymen .......... 126 " Commissioners ..........88 " Counsellors ............112 "' Coroners................89 " Justices ................88 " Notaries ................88 " Physicians ......*....*1377 " Probate Courts...**..**87 " Sheriffand Deputies. 87-88 " Town Clerks. ......... 274 Police Courts*........*..****......45 Population of Maine, 1850..... ..... 267 " " at different periods. 250 " of New England ...........259 " of United States ........ * *266 Portland City Officers ..... ... ... .. 286 " Athenaeum......... *...... 185 " Mercantile Library Association.185 " Natural Hist. Society ....*.. 187 Post Offices and Postmasters ........... 205 Postage, Rates of..*..*.. *......... 204 Public Administrators .. ........ .... 52 Railroads ......** ***................219 Receipts of the State ..................411 Rechabites, Indep. Order of ............ 194 Reform School . **..*............ 415 Religious Associations **............. 188 Resolves passed 1853--4 .............39 Representatives of Maine .... ... .... 15 Revenue Service .*..**............. .215 Rockland Athenaeum ................ 186 Rockland City Officers .................287 Saco Lyceum ................ ...**...221 Sagadahoc County, Officers of : ...... .. 90 " " Clergymen. ..... 127 " " Commissioners ...... 90 " " Coroners*......... .91 " " Counsellors ........112 " " Inspectors of Fish... 92 c" " Justices ............91 " '" Notaries ............90 " " Physicians......... 137 " " Probate Courts...... 90 " " Sheriff and Deputies..90 " " Town Clerks.*.*..275 Salaries of Public Officers .............. 244 School Statistics .......................177 Senate of Maine ....................... 14 Sheriffs, Androscoggin Co.**........ .54 " Aroostook County ............. 56 " Cumberland County ........** *5S " Franklin County*............ .63 " Hancock County ........... 65 " Kennebec County **.........* ..69 " Lincoln County ..............73 " Oxford County .. ...........78 " Penobscot County.............82 " Piscataquis County .*........ 87 " Sagadahoc County. *......... 90 " Somerset County ..............92 " Waldo County............** 96 " Washington County *.........100 " York County ..................104 Ship Building..*...*.. ........... 252 Slate ........ . ................... 258 Somerset County, Officers of **.... ... .. 92 cc "c Clergymen.*.....*. 128 " " Commissioners .........92 " " Coroners............. 95 " " Counsellors.** .***11 " " Justices ..........*93 " " Notaries............93 " " Physicians.........137 " " Probate Courts........ 92 Page. Somerset County, Sheriff and Deputies... 92 " " Town Clerks......... 275 Sons of Temperance ...*...........1 94 Stage Lines.... ................236 Starch Factories .................258 State Elections, (See Calendars)........7 State Governments ................421 State Tax.... .... .. ..........2 67 State Insane Hospital.............. 414 State Prison... ........................ 413 State Reform School...................415 Statistics of Maine..... ...............410 Steamers ....................... . 233 Steam Packet Companies .............. 234 St. Stephens, N. B ................... .422 Supreme Judicial Court ............45 Telegraph Lines. ................243 Temperance Associations........... 191 Titles and Abstracts of the Laws .... . . 17 Tonnage built in 1854 ................. 255 Towns in Maine. .................* ***.267 Towns in New England ............259 Town Clerks ... .............267-278 Unitarian Association . * * * ... * * * * 189 United States Commissioners........... 420 United States Courts -*.............. 44 U. S. Supreme Court..................420 United States Government. ......... 417 U. S. Representatives, elect *......... 16 i Universalist State Ed. Society ........ 183 " Missionary Society* . " . 190 Universalist State Convention ..........189 V " Tract Society .... *....... 191 Votes for Governor, 1854 .............. 267 Waldo County, Officers of *..**..* ......96 " " Clergymen *.......... 129 " " Commissioners .**...* 96 " " Coroners ..........* .. .99 " " Counsellors *......... 113 'c " Inspectors of Fish . * * *99 " " Inspectors of Lime, &c. * .99 cc " Justices ........ ....97 ," " Notaries ...****....... 97 " " Physicians.............138 " " Probate Courts -.- -*****"96 ," " Sheriffs and Deputies.... 96 " " Town Clerks .......... 276 Washington County, Officers of ........100 " " Clergymen.........130 " " Commissioners ... .100 ' " Coroners*...**. ... .103 " " Counsellors*.*** *114 " " Inspectors of Fish *103 " " Justices ........ 101 " " Notaries .. *....101 " " Physicians ........138 " " Probate Courts.... 100 T " " Sheriff and Deputies.100 " " Town Clerks " * ... 277 Waterville College*.. .......* *..... 164 3 Westbrook Seminary * *...............175 )Yarmouth Institute ...............176 York County, Officers of............... 104 " " Clergymen * *...........131 " " Commissioners.......... .104 JI " " Coroners ..*............108 " " Counsellors*.***....... 114 " " Justices *................105 " " Inspectors of Fish ........108 " ' Notaries ...... *.........105 " " Physicians.*............138 3 " " Probate Courts.......... 104 " " Sheriff and Deputies ...... 104 " " Town Clerks.... ....... 278 MAINE REGISTER. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, &C. Benj. A. G. Fuller, of Augusta, is a Commissioner for California. Amory Holbrook, of Oregon City, is a Commissioner for Maine. James O'Donnell, of Portland, is a Commissioner for the several States. PHYSICIANs IN PORTLAND. James M. Buzzell, M. D., James S. Goodwin, M. D., E. P. Leprohon, M. D., D. O. Perry, M. D., Wm. W. Sweat, M. D.. W. F. Padelford, Botanic; Wm. Young, M. D., Eclectic; R. Richard Cfay, M. D., Stethoscopist, and Editor Medical Rambler. (See also page 375.) , HEBRON ACADEMI.-HEBRON. Mark H. Dunnell, M. A., Principal. In operation Spring, Summer and Fall. The In.. stitution affords excellent facilities for obtaining a thorough education. Connected with it is a cabinet of minerals, of about 1000 specimens, a good Chemical, Philosophical, and As- tronomical Apparatus, and a set of Physiological Plates. Courses of Lectures will be given each term. PRYEBURG ACADEMY.---FRYEBURG. This Iqstitution was incorporated by Massachusetts, in 1792, being the oldest Academy in the State, except one; Hallowell Academy having been/ incorporated in 1791. It was at Fryeburg Academy that Daniel Webster taught one year. The Academy is now, and has been for several years, under the charge of Alvin Boody, Esq., A. M., a graduate of the class of '47 of Bowdoin College, Me. Mr. Boody is a very successful teacher, and under his management, the school is qnite prosperous, taking rank among the first in the State. In 1851 the old Academy was destroyed by fire, and a new and elegant brick building has been erected on the old site. NEW CASTLE BANK.-NEW CASTLE. Incorporated, 1854. Capital, $25,000. A. S. Austin, President. Thaddeus Weeks, Cashier. A. S. Austin, Win. Hitchcock, T. J. Merrill, Cyrus Cotter, Joseph Haines, Austin Hall, Albert Glidden, J. H. Converse, Ad- dison Austin, Directors. Commenced business, Oct. 16, 1854. Sheriff and Deputies of Cumberland County. Seward M. Baker, of Windham, Sherif; Post Office Address, No. 59 Exchange St., Portland. Charles C. Adams, Thomas Norton, Portland; Edward L. O. Adams, Bridgton ; Sumner Burnham, Harrison; Daniel Berry, Gray; Joseph Brown, Casco; William Cou- sens, Poland; Samuel S. Dunn, E. N. Yarmouth ; Henry Gallison, Windham ; William W. Hobbs, Norway; George Lewis Yarmouth; Oscar Lincoln, Cornish; Sewall Milliken, Secarborough; Thomas Pennell, Harpswell; John Yates, Standish, Deputy Sheriffs. Thomas Norton, of Portland, Jailer. Sherifs an& Deputies, 1855. KENNEBEC COUNTY. Benjamin H. Gilbreth, Mount Vernon, Sherif. Asher H. Barton, Benton; Charles Hewins, Augusta; Jabez S. Currier, Hallowell; Cromwell P. Hunton, Readfield; Joshua L. Heath, Augusta; Franklin Kimball, Waterville; John Hatch, China; Josephus Stevens, Winthrop; Enoch Marshall, Farmingdale; James D. Moore, Gardiner;. Thomas B. Stinchfield, Clinton, Deputy Sheriffs. Charles Hewins, Augusta, Jailer. SOMESSET COUNTY. Moses H. Pike, Skowhegan, Sheriff. WALDO COUNTY. S. I. Roberts, Prospect, Sherif. Kennebec County Commissioners, 1855. Thomas Eldridge, Belgrade; Moses Taber, Vassalboro'; John B. Clifford, Benton. JANUARY, 1855. 7 D. I Days of MISCEL LANEOUS. Mo week. hO . CQ a Co 5 0 a z 0.. 02 0 03 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday a. & 5. h. m. h. 7 23 5 7 22 5 7 22 5 7225 721 5 7 21 5 7 20 5 7 20 5 7 19 5 7 18 5 7 18 5 7 17 5 7 16 5 7 16 5 7 15 5 714 5 7 13 5 7 12 5 7 12 5 7 115 7 10 5 7 95 7 85 7 75 7 65 7 55 7 45 7 35 7 25 7 15 PEBRUARY. 1855. D. Days of Mo week. ' 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 SUNDAY 5 Monday 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Thursday 9 Friday 10 Saturday 11 SUNDAY 12 Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday 16 Friday 17 Saturday 18 SUNDAY 19 Monday 20 Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday 23 Friday 24 Saturday 25 SUNDAY 26 Monday 27 Tuesday 28 Wednesday MISCELLANEOUS. o - 0 Co C c .. C P -v o ' PC 0haa _ eg, g r 020)00 b' 0) Cs ~3f -r~a01 Moon aHigh sets. JWater. boboh. m. 556 959 bf rises 10 49 .b 45911 28 5 58 A 7 657 040 8 7 56 1 14 855 149 0 955 2 22 1043 259 El, 11 81 387 e; morn 428 ,: 0 19 5 17 4 1 7 6 41 o - 1 56 7 59: 2 40 911 32410 12 o 41610 58 sets 11 56 >i 6 17 morn Z, 7 21 0 41 825 123 ru 9312 2 W 10 833 2 44 1136 327 M morn 417 0 24 5 22 r2 110 6 39 Z 1 59 7 47 0 3 42 8 56 5 5 948 9 610 32 Son Mo Hii Sun Moon High R. & B. Iset. Water. h. m.h. h. o. h.a. 7 0 5 rise.11 11 6 59 6 5 57 11 47 6 58 68 51 A 20 657 6 7 46 050 6 55 6 8 40 1 21 6 54 6 9 33 1 52 6 53 6 10 27 224 652 61121 30 6 51 6 morn 3 45 6 50 6 0 34 440 6486 226 6 4 6 47 6 3 28 7 34 646 6 431 8 58 645 6 53410 2 6 44 6 6 37 10 56 6 43 8 sets. 11 41 6416 6 16 morn 6 40 6 7 20 0 22 6 39 6 8 26 0 59 6 87 6 9 32 136 6 36 6 10 40 2 12 6 35611 52 2 54 6 34 6 morn 3 43 6 32 6 1 25 4 39 631 6 218 553 6 30 6 3 11 7 15 6 28 6 4 4 8 28 6 27 6 4 57 9 25 Cs' CO -4 k~C1 - P '500 co ?o r~- 02 -Q) J~ Cs " . rC "-4 O"0 0o ~j o c o C O - 0 0) v Cs' de .0 1rh o w S.a 0 .-ss z 0 0 0 .) 0 1ob; so cs- 02 E 02 30 0 PEBRUARY. 1855. -- -- -- - 8 MARBO, 1855 D. Daymoft'. Mo week. 8 1 Thursday 2 Friday 8 8 Saturday . 4 SUNDAY 8 5 Monday % 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Thursday e, 9 Friday S10 Saturday 11 SUNDAY 12 Monday . 13 Tuesday C ' 14 Wednesday s 15 Thursday 8 16 Friday c 17 Saturday 18 SUNDAY 19 Monday - 20 Tuesday i 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday . 23 Friday " 24 Saturday 25 SUNDAY S 26 Monday z 27 Tuesday 0 28 Wednesday S 29 Thursday 80 Friday 81 Saturday b 0 .0 0. 88 1W d2 aa x n 0 0 D. Days o! 1 SUNDAY 2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday 8 SUNDAY 9 Monday 10 Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 Saturday 15 SUNDAY 16 Monday 17 Tuesday 18 Wednesday 19 Thursday 20 Friday 21 Saturday 22 SUNDAY 23 Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26 Thursday 27 Friday 28 Saturday 29 SUNDAY 80 Monday MISOZLLANROUS. U 0 C)0 C) 0 Z a t b C.. +0 5 D 0 CD F; APRIL, 1855. MISCELLANEOUS. O aC 0 w rl V w C) C3Q S SCV S Ce d tt X12 r-+ - Sun R. & 8. h. m. h. 6 26 6 6 24 6 6 236 6226 6 21 6 6 19 6 6 18 6 B 17 6 6 15 6 6 14 6 6 13 6 6 11 6 6 10 6 6 96 6 76 6 66 6 56 6 46 6 36 6 26 6 16 5 59 7 5 58 7 5 57 7 5 55 7 5 547 5 53 7 5 51 7 5 50 7 5 49 7 5 48 7 boon h. m. 4 14 6 16 rises 6 66 7 67 8 58 9 58 10 68 11 59 morn 1 7 2 5 3 5 4 4 5 5 6 3 sets 6 58 728 8 8 853 9658 10 28 11 9 morn 2 6 2 42 3 18 8 57 4 41 9 29 Water. h. m. 10 9 10 49 11 23 11 63 A O 0 53 1 24 1 56 2 84 3 19 4 19 5 46 7 22 8 40 9 52 10 40 11 21 11 9 morn 0 34 1 8 1 45 2 24 8 11 4 8 5 17 6 87 7 52 8 55 9 41 10 19 Sun R. & S. h. m.h. 545 7 5 44 7 5 42 7 5 41 7 5 40 7 5 39 7 5 37 7 5 36 7 5 35 7 5 33 7 5 32 7 5 31 7 5 30 7 5 28 7 527 7 5 26 7 525 7 5237 5 22 7 5217 520 7 5 18 7 5 17 7 5 16 7 5 15 7 14 7 5 13 7 5 10 7 5 97 * CD no p4 Aoo a 0 0s o 00 k WB7 Q4 xp 0 0 on f 0 o Co z zw~i i ol W 0l QI 3 ' Moon High sets. Water. -. . s. 4 47 10 52 rises 11 25 7 5611 55 9 2A25 10 8 1 1 11 14 1 27 morn 2 17 0201 3 9 1 26 4 12 2 32 5 87 3779 3 42 8 32 4 17 9 82 4 52110 17 5 2710 57 sets 11 29 7 48 morn 8 53 0 8 9 58 0 46 11 3 1 23 morn 2 4 0 8 2 48 0 42 8 39 1 16 4 89 1 50 5 47 2 24 7 3 2 58 8 6 3 31 9 0 4 5 942 4 3910 19 i --- _ -- MAY, 1855. 9 by 0 on a~; 0 0 J_UNE, 1855. MISOCI LA N OUS. -------______________ I - ~~rrrr~ r.) s " a 5 0090 O4 0 a 4 4 kO C? O d+ -. �� 4 r o o a -l ;-*4 c Sun a. a 8. 4 41 4 40 4408 4 89 8 4 89 4 89 4 38 4 87 4 87 8, 4 867 8 4 86 8 4 36 8 4 36 8 4858 4858 4858 4 85 8 4858 4 35 8 4 85 8 4358 4 858 4 85 8 43858 4858 4858 4858 4888 4368 D. nays or 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 38 Thursday 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 SUNDAY 7 Monday 8 Tuesday 9 Wednesday 10 Thursday 11 Friday 12 Saturday 13 SUNDAY 14 Monday 15 Tuesday 16 Wednesday 17 Thursday 18 Friday 19 Saturday 20 SUNDAY 21 Monday 22 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 24 Thursday 25 Friday 26 Saturday 27 SUNDAY 28 Monday 29 Tuesday 80 Wednesday 31 Thursday Day. of week. Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Satur day a o~ fi o 43 2 ChR 8 CYOI e 0 O 1 O4 O Moon agh uaes. Waer. h. m h. m. 9 16 11'51 LO 13 4 85 11 10 1 21 morn 2 9 0 72 58 1 4 854 1 8t 4 57 2 4 6 10 885 724 8 48 829 4 8922 438010 9 449 10 52 sets 11 29 8 87 morn 9 12 0 12 9 47 0 49 10 22 1 25 10 57 2 8 11 82 240 morn 83 18 0 6 .4 4 0 4 5& 4 f 1 14 5 64 1 48 7 8 222 8 8 25 9 9 8 81 10 3 riss 0 54 '9 111 48 8g 00 z b aa MISCELLANEOUS. d0 " O .S a00 0 ~u. oo P oo -- cr C a C) 5) "a j C) 14~l~ k e4 ici c ciC R.&8. rises. Water. b. m. h.h. m. h. 5 87 7281054 5 7 7 8 611 29 5 67 846 A 5 5 57 9 26 0 43 5 4 7 10 8 1 26 5 871042 2 13 5 27 1130 8 6 5 0 7 morn 4 8 4 59 8 1 15 526 4 58 8 2 1i 6 45 45718 8 5 8 2 4568 8 385 9 4 4 55 8 4 10 952 4558 4 6010 81 4 54 8 sets 11 10 4 538 7 2011 49 4 52 8 7-53morn 4 51 8 8 48 0 25 4 50 810 8 1 8 4 49 811 81 145 4 48 8 morn 223 4 48 8 0 14 3 11 4478 044 4 1 4 46 8 1 14 4 56 4 45 8 1 45 5 57 445 82 9 7 4 4448 281 8 5 4 43 8 259 8 58 4 43 8 880 9 44 4 42 8 360 10 26 4 41 E rises_11 7 11"1 1s a zw L Ip 0 0~a~ - - - ' L I -- JULY, 1855. Mi5OELLANEOU8. 03 o 8 MIBCELLANEOUS. ow dw C o P.S cC CC i .i w a r H D o C) +; 1 2Vt12-oct h. m. h. Z. m. .m 4 57 810 1 1 38 459 81030 218 4 59s1050M 0 5 0 711 12 47 5 171140 444 5 2 7 morn 5 57 5 3 7 020 723 5 4 7 1 14 8 34 5 72 8 9 84 6 6 7 3 210 21 5 77 5511.0 5 87 sets11 34 5 97 7 40morn 5107 8 40 7 5 11 7 8 28 0 38 5 12 7 8531 5 5 14 7 918 135 515 79 42 2 9 5 16 710 7 2 41 5 17 7 10 80 3 20 5 18 710 55 4 1 5 20 7 morn 525 5 2170 3 656 6 227 111 825 6 23 7 219 9 38 5 24 7 2 27 1034 5 26 7 rses 11 19 5 277 7591159 6 28 7 9 3A 389 29 7 10 6 1 14 8071111 1 52 10 0 be0 aj r co .0 a l c0 ai In 00 O O sun iWo.. I High i Daye of week. SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday i riday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday D. Mo 0. 1 �p 2 8 9 14 6 17 8 15 10 16 11 i 14 ~a 15 2 18 , 19 " 20 S 21 23 a 24 1 25 2 26 S27 28 81 Days of week. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Euesday 'ednesday 4ursday Friday A go 00 3 o. 02 E oE 3 .S 1 020 0 a. & a. h. m. h, 4 36,8 4 86 8 4 37 8 4 37 8 4388 4 38 8 4 39 8 4 39 8 4 40 8 4 40 8 4 40 8 4 41 8 4 41 8 4428 443 8 4 43 4448 4 45 8 4458 4 46 E 4 47 E 4 48 8 4 48 8 4 49 8 4508 4 51 8 4 52 8 4 53 8 4 54 8 4558 4 56 8 Moon 1 High Hes. Water. h. in.. Ii. 10 12 A 28 10 39 1 13 11 16 I 56 11 54 2 24 morn 3 28 0 39 4 20 1 05 27 1 81 6 39 1 57 7 52 2 28 8 58 2 49 9 51 3 1610 36 sets 11 24 8 711 56 8 32 morn 8 57 0 30 922 1 5 947 1 35 10 12 2 8 10 37 2 41 11 2 3 17 11 27 4 1 11 62 4 54 morn 6 8 0 4 7 21 1 61 845 2 8 949 3 12110 44 rises 11 34 9 6 A 19 9 30 0 59 t0 04 .C 0 02 z 02 0 0; - ~ SEPTEMBER, 1855. 11 *. C ta S.3 Co C 5 o z w 'u'u 'd0 Co Co3 Os Co z 0 0 ? M 8 4 D. Days of . Mo week. 1 Saturday K SUNDAY 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6 Thursday 7 Friday 8 Saturday 9 SUNDAY 10 Monday 11 Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13 Thursday 14 Friday 15 Saturday 16 SUNDAY 17 Monday 18 Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20 Thursday 21 Friday 22 Saturday 23 SUNDAY 24 Monday 25 Ttesday 26 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28 Friday 29 Saturday 30 SUNDAY MISCELLANEOUS. Cs 0Pi 0 ) Od $a ff2 H b:,m a ' 0_0 Q Uj m Ok ~4 0r oQ)CI d .4 CO O,5 O O O o U $ oF~Fralq U1U1 II d h. m. h. 5 32 7 5 33 7 5 347 5 36 7 5 37 7 5 88 7 5897 5 41 7 5 427 5437 5447 5 46 7 5 47 7 5 48 7 5 50 7 551 7 5 52 7 5 54 7 555 7 5 56 7 5 57 7 5 59 7 6 06 6 16 6 36 6 46 6 5 6 6 76 6 86 6 96 OCTOBER, 18556. MISCELLANEOUS. h, 4QC " 6 o a 6: H 6~ ak"YE:6 ~g~u9" 6 w3-C.E a U , ,Eo ,o o 0 a> va -oW a.as. 3 11 6 3 12 6 6 18 6 3 14 6 63 15 6 3 17 6 318 6 3 20 6 3 21 6 6 22 6 6236 6 25 6 6 26 6 6 27 6 6 29 6 6 30 6 6 31 6 6 32 6 6846 6 85 6 6 36 6 6 38 6 6 39 6 6 40 6 6 41 6 6426 6 44 6 6 45 6 6 46 6 6 47 6 6 49 6 rises Wlter. I. m. b. n.o . 5 942 2 31 .3B 10 36 3 17 og 11 30 4 15 a morn 5 27 s 026 651 8 120 18 R 2149 11 8 8 9,59 18 SUNDAY 7 8 r 0.305 56 S 19 Monday 7 95 1 27 '19~ 20 Tuesday , '~ 710 5 2 38 26 21 Wednesday o 7 11 5 3 41 9 21 & 22 Thursday4 . 7 115 4 47 10 9 23 Friday ' 7 12 5rises 10 SO . 24 Saturday 8 . 7 135 5 1511 32 25 SUNDAY 7 . 14 5 6 17 A 12 26 Monday a g 715 5 7 "18 055 F 27 Tuesday gH 7 156 58 191 3 28 Wednesday 7 16 5 9 21 217 g p 29 Thursday 7 17 51022 8 0 80 Friday 7 18 11 23 47 DECEMBER, 1855. D. Doys of MISCELLANEOUS. un Moon Bih Mo week. R.& . rises. Wte. h. m. h. h.m. h. m. S 1 Saturday 718 5 morn 43388 . .5 X1 2 SUNDAY 7195 115 6 3 8 . 8 3Monday 7 20 5 2 5 6 86 S 4 Tuesday 7 20 5 2 55 7 89. a 5 Wednesday 7 21 8 45 8 82 . 6 Thursday 7 21 5 4 85 9 22 S7 Friday .. 7225 5 2510 8, 8 Saturday o a - 7 22 5 6 14110 50 . 9 SUNDAY 7 23 5 sets 11 33 p4 10 Monday r 7 23 5 5 5 7morn w- , 11 Tuesday 7235 624 0 15 . 'm 12 Wednesday o o M 7 245 730 1 0 e: ' 13 Thursday oo 9o 7245 852 1 45' 14 Friday 7 24 6510 6 231 ~ 0 15 Saturday .c 7 245 11 21 3 19 A o 16 SUNDAY 725 5 morn 415 a 17 Monday . 7 255 0 35 5 23 18 Tuesday 7 255 117 635 g z 19 Wednesday 7 255 1 58 7 47 "m 20 Thursday i 0 7 25 5 2 39 8 54 e- r3 21 Friday 7 255 8 24 9 47 22 Saturday 7 25 4 410 34 23 SUNDAY m7 25 5 rises 11 18 M 24 Monday * . d 7255 6 111158 S25 Tuesday . 7 25 6 34 A 39 3 26 Wednesday 7 255 7 7 1 1) Z 27 Thursday 7 25 5 7 40 1 52 4 29 Saturday 7 24 8 48 3 4 30 SUNDAY 7 24 5 9 28 346 31 Monday 7 24 510 30 4 26 ______ ___ _~ __._ STATE OF MAINE. STATE OF MAINE. STATE ELECTION, L Second MIonday IN SEPTEMBER. I8 EGISLATURE Convenes First Wednesday IN JANUARY. CIVIL GOVERNIMENT, 1855. GOVERNOR. ANSON P. MORRILL, - - - COUNCIL. Noah Smith, Jr., - - - - Marshall Cram, - - - Abner Coburn, - - - - Charles Danforth, - - - Franklin Clark, - - - - Ammi Cutter, - - - - Henry Richardson, - - - SECRETARY OF STATE. Alden Jackson, - - - - - TREASURER OF STATE. Woodbury Davis, - - - - ADJUTANT GENERAL. James R. Bachelder, - - - - LAND AGENT. George C. Getchell, - - - - Readfield. Calais. Bridgton. Bloomfield. Gardiner. Wiseasset. Lovell. Oldtown. Augusta. - Belfast. - Readfield. North Anson. MAINE R EGISTER. FRANKLIN MUZZY, First Senatorial District, Second Senatorial District, Third Senatorial District, Fourth Senatorial District, Fifth Senatorial District, Sixth Senatorial District, Seventh Senatorial District, Eighth Senatorial District, Ninth Senatorial District, Tenth Senatorial District, Eleventh Senatorial District, Twelfth Senatorial District, SENATE. - - - - President. Alexander Dennett, . York. John N. Goodwin,... South Berwick. John F. Scammon,.". Saco. Henry H. Boody,". . .Brunswick. Nathaniel Pease, ... . BridCton. Aaron Quinby,- .... Westbrook William Willis,. ....Portland. Alonzo Garcelon, - . Lewiston. George Thorndike,. . South Thomaston. Cornelius Turner, . Wiscasset. Sewall Watson,. Georgetown. Joseph Eaton,. . . Winslow. Augustus Sprague,.. Greene. Henry P. Torsey,.. *Readfield. Minot Crehore, ... Lincolnville. Theophilus Cushing, Frankfort. Nathan G. Hichbori, Prospect. William Barker .... Brooksville. Mark Shepard,. Sullivan. George Downes, .... Calais. Samuel F. Adams,.. . Cherryfield. Nathaniel Blake, ... No. 13, R. 6. Newall Blake, ......Oldtown. Hiram Ruggles, .... Carmel. Franklin Muzzy,... Bangor. John Elliot, . ...... Abbot. James B. Dascomb, .Bloomfield. William R. Flint,... North Anson. Alvan Currier,. . . "Farmington. Thirteenth Senatorial District, Mark H. Dunnell,. .IHebron. Timothy Walker,. . Rumford. Louis O. Cowan, Biddeford, - - - Secretary. Joseph W. Knowlton, Liberty, - - - Assistant Secretary. Edwin Freeman, Augusta, - - - Messenger. James Shaw, Portland, - - - Assistant Messenger. The several Clergymen of Augusta and Hallowell officiate as ChAP- LAINS of the Senate, in rotation. 14 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. IIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SIDNEY PERHAM, SPEAKER. Androscoggin County. Turner, William Bray. Durhmam, Hezekiah Gerrish. Poland, William Stanton. Greene, Tristram Hill. Lewiston, Jacob B. Ham. Minot, Isaiah Woodmran. Auburn, Sylvester Oakes. East Livermore, Gilman D. Garland. Aroostook County. Iloulton, Ebenezer Woodbury. IIodgdon, George W. Haskell. Fort Fairfield, Stephen B. Pattee. Cumberland County. Gorham, Jacob C. Baker. Standish, Theodore M. Bradbury. Cape Elizabet, Enoch L. Pillsbury. Scarborough, Rob't McLaughlin, Jr. Westbrook, George Libby. Gray, James Small, Jr. Portland, Charles G. Came. ," Samuel R. Leavitt. ' William W. Thomas. (umberland, Sewall Blanchard. New Gloucester, Hiram P. Osgood. Freeport, George Bacon. flarpswell, Clement Skolfield. Brunswick, Benjamin Furbish. Sebago, Oliver I). Dike. Bridgton, Luke Brown. Harrison, George W. Barrows. Franklin County. Temple, James J. York. Strong, Jeremy W. Porter. Wilton, Abel H. Weeks. Phillips, William H. Josselyn. Chesterville, Elias H. Brown. Hancock County. Eden, Samuel H. Richards. Deer Isle, Benjamin Raynes. Brooksville, James W. Coombs. Penobscot, Ebenezer Hutchins. Surry, Hezekiah Means. Bucksport, Rufus Buck. Ellsworth, Benjamin Barker. Franklin, Samuel Wasson. Hancock, Thomas Curry. Kennebec County. Clinton, Samuel Haines. Pittston, Hiram T. Clark. Augusta, Edward Fenno. Belgrade, Stephen Smith. Monmouth, Charles S. Norris. Augusta, Samuel Titcomb. Gardiner, John Berry, Jr. Albion, John T. Main. Vassalborouqh, William Merrill. Hallowell, Rdney G. Lincoln. China, Eli Jones. Waterville, Moses Hanscom. Litchfield, Mark Gatchell. Winthrop, Benj. H. Cushman. Lincoln County. St. George, George Gilchrest. Friendship, Isaac Payson. Thomaston, Edward O'Brien. Nobleborough, Lyman H. Winslow. Dresden, Seth Patterson. Washington, Aaron Clark. Newcastle, Algernon S. Austin. Wiscasset, Elisha McKenny. Waldoborough, Meaubec M. Rawson. Patricktown, Josiah Bruce. Westport, Ebenezer Greenleaf. Jefferson, Alden Kennedy. Rockland, Nathaniel A. Burpee. Bristol, David Chamberlain. Oxford County. Dixfield, Isaac Park. Denmark, Leonard K. Ingalls. Sweden, Charles C. Sanderson. Letter B, John I. Bragg. Paris, Rufus S. Stevens. Woodstock, Sidney Perham. Fryeburg, Nathaniel Charles. Oxford, Charles Durell. Andover, Samuel Poor. Penobscot County. Oldtown, James H. Burgess. Garland, Thomas K. Holt. Stetson, James Rogers. Enfield, Smith Gilman. Mattawamkeag, Asa Smith. HIampden, Amasa K. Walker. Etna, Elias Doble. 15 MAINE REGISTER. Brewer, Daniel S. Chapin. Dexter, Hiram Carr. Kenduskeag, Oliver K. Nason. Bangor, John B. Hill. ,* George W. Ingersoll. Hermon, James H. Johnson. Eddington, Elijah Comins. Orono, Gideon Mayo. Lagrange, William Banton. Springfield, William P. Stevens. Piscataquis County. Wellington, George W. Stanton. Atkinson, Benjamin R. Lake. Shirley, Isaac Phillips. Orneville, Samuel Blake. Sagadahoc County. Bath, James M. Lincoln. Topsham, Humphrey P. Mallett. Georgetown, John Hinkley. Richmond, Collamore Purrington. Somerset County. Anson, John Heald. Lexington, Thomas Hutchins. Skowhegan, James T. Leavitt. Palmyra, Thomas J. Pratt. Moscow, Joseph S. Nichols. Athens, John Hight. Faisfield, William B. Snell. Mercer, Alvinzy Whitcomb. Ripley, George Cutler. aldo County. Searsport, William McGilvery. Lincolnville, John Miller. Freedom, Robert Elliot. Islesborough, Calvin Bames. Camden, Hanson Andrews. Montville, James L. Twitchell. Swanville, Miles S. Staples. Thorndike, Elihu Files. Belfast, Salathiel C. Nickerson. Hope, Josiah Hobbs. Frankfort, Theophilus H. Cushing. Troy, Samuel Heald. Washington County.. Edmunds, Daniel K. Hobart. Whiting, William S. Peavey. Cutler, Ellery Turner. Topsfield, John B. Pike. Medybemps, Isaac W. Bridges. Calais, Daniel K. Chase. Eastport, Joseph Gunnison. Milbridge, James Wallace. Whitneyville, Nathan Bachelder. Harrington, Robert Cole. York County. Wells, Enoch Goodale. York, Josiah Chase. Berwick, Samuel Stillings. Sanford, Nehemiah Butler. Acton, Ebenezer Ricker. Parsonsfeld, John B. Sweat. Waterborough, Joseph Chase. Kittery, Levi Remick. Cornish, Alpheus Trafton. Saco, Seth Scammon. Alfred, Ivory Hall. Hollis, George Gilman. Kennebunkport, James M. Stone. Biddeford, Leonard Andrews. Eliot, Andrew Leighton. Buxton, Ansel Merrill. HENRY K. BAKER, Hallowell, Clerk. BENJAMIN FREEMAN, Westbrook, Assistant Clerk. BENJAMIN B. THOMAs, Newburg, Messenger. STEPHEN R. PORTER, Sebago, Assistant Messenger. HEZEKIAH B. TRAFTON, 2d Assistant Messenger. Representatives Elected to the 34th Congress. First District, .........*.* John M. Wood. Fourth Distret," * . * .Samuel P. Benson. Second District," .... .... John J. Perry. Fifth District .... ..... Israel Washburn. Third District,* . . * . .. Ebenezer Knowlton. Sixth District, . . " ..... Thomas J. D. Fuller. 16 MAINE REGISTER. MAINE LEGISLATURE. The Extra Session of 1853 passed five General Acts, thirteen Special Acts, and thirteen Resolves. The Regular Session of 1854 passed fifty-six General Acts, two hundred and three Special Acts, and one hundred and five Resolves. An Abstract of these Acts and Resolves is given, with tbe titles in full. The numbers placed before the titles, show the order of their approval by the Governor, and indicate, in each case, the chapter which the Act makes in the official code. The date enclosed in brackets, after the title, is the time of the approval by the Governor. This feature of the Register will, no doubt, be found of great con- venience for reference, and it is proposed to continue it from year to year, with such additions as may be thought of interest. TITLES AND ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS PASSED IN 1854, AND AT THE EXTRA SESSION OF 1853. GENERAL LAWS. EXTRA SESSION, 1853. 50. An Act to amend an Act to establish a Municipal Court in the town of Brunswick, in the County of Cumberland.--[Sept.27.]-Amend- ing an Act to establish a Municipal Court in the town of Brunswick, approved Aug. 20, 1850, by striking from the end of the 8th Section the following words: "Except the trial of issues in civil actions." 51. An Act to change the October term of the Court for criminal business, in the County of Lincoln.-[Sept. 27.]-From the fourth to the first Tuesday of October. 52. An Act to amend the thirtieth section of the seventy-sixth chapter of the Revised Statutes.-[Sept. 27.]-Changing the time for making the annual returns of cashiers of banks, and clerks of corporations, to within seven days after the first day of April, instead of the first day of May. 53. An Act in addition to an Act entitled "An Act regulating the management of the sale of the public lands," approved March 31, 1853.- [Sept. 28.]-The minimum price of the lands so offered for sale, shall be fixed and entered in a book, in the month of February, to be published with the list; sealed proposals to be numbered and 2 17 IMAINE REGISTER: tered in a book, with their date, in the order in which they are re- ceived. The sum of ten per cent. of such minimum price to be paid with the proposals. No proposal shall be entered fill that sum is paid, nor after the hour of twelve, noon, of the day of sale. Proposals so entered, to be publicly opened and declared at the time of sale, in their order. All proposals to remain on file in the land office, and nevier be withdrawn. Lands so offered and not taken, may be sold by the agent at private sale, at a price not less than the minimum price. Repealing all Acts inconsistent with this Act. 54. An Act to amend "An Act granting appeals from the decisions of County Commissioners."-[Sept. 28.]--Section first amends the second section of said Act, passed Aug. 2, 1847, by inserting after the word "appeal," in the fifteenth line, the words, " except in cases cf appeal from the decisions of any court of county commissioners to discontinue any highway, the order of said court revoking their order for the payment of damages, as provided by Section 22, Chapter 25, of Revised Statutes, shall remain valid and effectual until final decision thereon." Section two defines the manner of taking and prosecuting an appeal. SESSION OF 1854. 55. An Act to change the time of electing assessors in certain cities. -[Feb. 28.]--In any city where the subordinate officers are required to be chosen in the month of April, the Assessors shall hereafter be .chosen on the second Monday of March annually, and shall hold their offices for one year from that date. 56. An Act to amend an Act concerning the Supreme Judicial Court and its jurisdiction, approved April 9, 1852.--[March 8.]-Amending chap. 246, sec. 20, of the public laws, 'by substituting the word " one" for the word "three," by which capital trials, in any county, may be held before one justice. 57. An Act to amend "An Act prescribing the time when, notice shall be given upon petitions for special legislation."-[March 8.]- olding the provisions of the first section of the Act entitled "An Act pre- scribing the time when iotice shall be given upon petitions for special legislation," approved March 29, 1853, to apply only to those cases in which the rights of corporations or individuals other than those for whom legislation is proposed, shall be adversely affected, and further amending said Act, by striking out the second section. 58. An Act to change the time of holding the April term of the court of County Commissioners for the County of Washington.-[March 9.]- The court of County Commissioners' for the County of Washiigton, shall be holden at Machias, in said county, on the first Wednesday next after the fourth Tuesday of April, annually, instead of the first Wednesday next after the first Tuesday of April. All matters; and things shall be returniable to, and have day at the term of said court on the same day. 59. An Act to change the time of holding the April term of the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Washington.--[March 9.]- The Supreme Judicial Court shall be holden on the fourth Tuesday 18 ABSTRACTS O13' THE LAWS. of April, annually, at Machias, for the County of Washington, 'instead of the first Tuesday of April as prescribed by section fifteenth, of"An Act concerning the Supreme Judicial Court and its jurisdiction," approved April 9, 1852. 60. An Act to establish the County of Androscoggin.-[March 18.]- The towns of Lewiston, Lisbon and Webster, in the county of Lincoln ; Auburn, Danville, Durham, Minot and Poland, in the county of Cumberland; Livermore and Turner,in the county of Oxford; and East Livermore, Greene, Leeds and Wales, in the county of Kennebec, are hereby constituted a county, by the name of Androscoggin; the permanent shire town thereof shall be either in Lewiston, Auburn or Danville, to be determined as hereinafter provided; and the county buildings shall be located within the limits of the Lewiston Falls village corporation; and said county shall have and possess, use and enjoy, all the powers, rights, privileges, and immunities, and be subject to all the duties, which,, by the constitution and laws of this State, are granted to, and imposed upon the inhabitants of other counties. Section two, requires two terms of the Supreme Judicial Court to be held on the 4th Tuesdays of January and August. Also, two terms of the court of County Commissioners on the first Tuesdays of April and October. Section three, provides for a court of probate, at such times as shall be designated by the judge of said court. Section four, making the county a part of the western judicial district. Section five, provides for completing all business pending before the courts when this Act shall take effect, in the respective counties where they were commenced. Section six, requiring prisoners and debtors to be committed to jail in Cumberland County, until a jail shall be pre- pared in Androscoggin. Section seven, regulates assessment of taxes. Section eight, requires the senatorial and irepresentative districts to remain the same as before the passage of this Act. Section nine, requires justices of the peace, coroners, and persons appointed to qualify civil officers, and to solemnize marriages, residing within .the limits of the new county, to act �for it. Sections ten and eleven, provide for the appointment, by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, of county officers. Section twelve, determines the manner of voting for the choice of a shire town. Section thirteen, fixes the salary of judge of probate at $200; register of probate $300 ; and county attorney $200. Section fourteen, this Act to take effect March 31, 1854. 61. An Act to amend the eighty-second chapter of the Revised Statutes.-[March 20.]-So that if there shall be three agricul- tural societies in a county, the payment from the State treasury shall not exceed one hundred and fifty dollars to each of them; if two, and only two, two hundred 'dollars to each of them. And if there be only one such society, the payment thereto shall not ex- ceed three hundred dollars. 62. An Act in addition to the' one hundred and fifty-fifth chap, ter of the Revised Statutes.-[March 20.]-If any person shall, wilfully and maliciously, set fire to any dwelling-house, owned by himself in whole or in part, or to any other building owned by himself or another, with the intent that such dwelling-house shall be burnt, and if by the kindling of such fire, or the burning of MAINE REGISTER. such other building, such dwelling-house shall be burnt, whether in the day time or in the night time, and if any other person, at the time of the commission of such offence, shall be lawfully in the dwelling-house so burnt, such offender shall be punished by imprison- ment for life in the State prison. 63. An Act to enable insurance 'companies of this State to comply with certain provisions of law in other States.-[March 20.]-Section one. Whenever any insurance company, now incor- porated, or which may hereafter be incorporated by the laws of this State, may desire to deposit any portion of its stocks or other securities with any officer of this State, as a prerequisite to the establishing of agencies in any other State or States, in compliance with the law of such other State or States, it shall be the duty of the treasurer of this State to receive such stocks or other securities, and to hold the same on deposit and in trust for the benefit of all the policy holders in the said insurance company. Section 2, makes it the duty of said treasurer to furnish such company certificates of the security deposited with him. Sec- tion 3, provides for the collection of interest, or dividends by the company, and the withdrawal of securities on depositing the securities of like value, to be determined by the treasurer. Sections 4 and 5, determine the time of returning the securities to the company. In case of any appeal or amendment of the laws of any other State, disqualifying any such insurance company from continuing its business in such other State, and whenever any insurance company, having so deposited its securities, shall desire to relinquish its business, the State treasurer shall, on being satisfied that the assets of such company are ample to meet all existing demands against it, deliver up to such insurance company the securities of such company held by him. Section 6, makes it the duty of the treasurer, in the event of the failure of such insurance company, to demand of the secre- tary or clerk of such company, the duty of such officer to fur- nish a full and complete list of the names and residences of all policy holders and others having claims upon such company. Section 7, provides that any such company, on making a deposit of its securities, shall pay to the said treasurer the sum of five dollars for each and every certificate granted by him under the terms of this Act. 64. An Act allowing aliens to hold and convey real estate.-- [March 20.]-Conveyances and transfers of real estate, heretofore made, to or by any alien, not authorized by law to hold real estate, are hereby confirmed and made effectual to such alien as though he had been a native born citizen. 65. An Act to increase the salary of the judge of the munici- pal court established in the city of Portland.-[March 22.]-To $1000. r 66. An Act relating to the duties of clerks of the Supreme Judicial Court.-[March 22.]-Requiring the clerk of the supreme judicial court in each county, thirty days before any session of said court, to furnish the attorney general of the State full copies of all bills of exceptions, and other pleadings or papers in all criminal cases or other cases in which the State is a party, pending in said court. 20 ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS. 67. An Act to amend the act of March twenty-ninth, one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty-three, providing for the payment of bounties on wolves and bears.-[March 23.]-Increasing the bounty from $5 to $8, for every wolf killed in this State. Fixing the bounty at $2 for every bear: killed. 68. An Act in addition to the ninety-first chapter of the Re- vised Statutes of this State.--[March 31.]--Making valid the illegal acknowledgment of a deed, whenever any person, who has heretofore been commissioned as a justice of the peace, or other magistrate authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds in this State, shall have taken, in good faith, before the date of the approval of this Act, the acknowledgment of any deed or other instrument, after his commission has expired. 69. An Act to increase the salary of the judge of probate .for the county of HIancock.-- [April 1.] --To $375, and requiring him to hold, in addition to the usual probate courts now holden by him, two terms yearly in the town of Mount Desert. 70. An Act to establish the county of Sagadahoc.--[April 4.] - SECT. 1. The towns of Arrowsic, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, George- town, Woolwich, Perkins, Phipsburg, Richmond, Topsham, West Bath and the city of Bath, all in the county of Lincoln, be and the name are hereby constituted and made a county by the name of Sagadahoc, whereof the shire town shall be as hereinafter provided and the inhabitants of said territory shall have, possess, use ard enjoy all the powers, rights and immunities, and be subject to all the duties, which by the constitution and laws of the State are granted and imposed upon the inhabitants of other counties. Section 2, provides for three terms of the supreme judicial court, two for the trial of civil and criminal business, on the first Tuesday of April and the third Tuesday of August; and one for civil business only, on the third Tuesday of December. Section 3. From and after the first day of April next there shall be holden on the first .Tuesday of March, the first Tuesday of July and the first Tuesday of November, the court of county commissioners, at the places herein provided, within and for said county. Section 4, establishes a probate court from and after the first day of April next. Section 5, transferring certain suits and matters pending in supreme judicial court in Lincoln county to this county. Section 6, making Sagadahoc a part of the middle judicial district. Section 7, defines the powers of civil officers within the limits of said county. Section 8, requires prisoners and debtors to be conveyed to the jail in Lincoln county. Section 9, provides for an agreement with Kennebec county for the use of the jail of said county, for the same purposes as mentioned in the preceding section. Section 10, regulates the payment of taxes. Section 11, authorizing deeds, &c. to be recorded at Topsham until a register is chosen. Section 12, the senatorial and representative districts to remain the same as before the passing of this Act. Section 13, fixes the salary of judge of probate at $200; register of probate, $300; and county attorney, $200 per annum. Section 14, fixes the compensation of sheriff at $400 per annum. Sections 15 and 16, authorize the appointment of county officers. Section 17, 21 MAINE REGISTER. repeals sec. 7, chap. 11, of the Revised Statutes. Section 18, fixes the mode of determining the shire town. Section 19, re- quiring grand jurors: now drawn for Lincoln, to serve the time for which they were drawn. Section 20, this Act to take effect from and after its approval by the Governor. 71. An Act, additional to an Act to incorporate the county of Stagadahoc, passed April. fourth, eighteen. hundred and fifty-four. - [April 5.] - Section 1, establishing at the city of Bath, in the county of Sagadahoc, three terms of the supreme judicial court as follows, to wit: on the second Tuesday of May and the third Tuesday of August, for the trial of civil and criminal business; on the third Tuesday of December for the trial of civil business only. Section 2, fixing Bath as the place for holding the court of county commissioners, on the days fixed in sec. 3. act 70. Section 3, relates to court of probate, to be established on the approval of this Act, instead of the time provided in section 4, act 70. 72. An Act to increase the salary of the police judge of the city of Bangor. - [April 7.] - To $700, 73. An Act regulating the jurisdiction of the municipal court for the city of Bath. - [April 10.] - The judge of the munici- pal court for the city of Bath, in the county of Sagadahoc, shall, except where interested, exercise jurisdiction over all such matters and things within said county, as justices of the peace may exercise, and under similar restrictions and limitations; also, con- current jurisdiction with justices of the peace and quorum, in cases of forcible entry and detainer in said county; exclusive jurisdiction where both parties interested, or the plaintiff and person sued as a trustee, are inhabitants of said Bath, together with all duties and authority conferred on him in the establishment of said court within said county. 74. An Act to amend the one hundred and sixty-seventh chap- t3r of the Revised Statutes. - [April 11.] - Amending the fourth section, by inserting the words, and every person who shall, with- in the limits of this State, counsel, hire, or otherwise procure any felony to be committed in any place without the limits of this State, which felony shall be committed in consequence thereof, may be indicted and convicted of a substantive felony, whether the principal shall or shall not have been convicted, or shall or shall not be amenable to justice; and every such person shall be punished in the same manner as if the principal felony had been committed in this State. 75. An Act to amend the one hundred and sixty-sixth chapter of the Revised Statutes. - [April 11.] - Amending the sixth section, by inserting the words; and if any mortal wound or other violence or injury shall be inflicted, or poison administered to any person within this State, by means of which death shall ensue in any place without the limits of this State, such offence may be prosecuted and punished in this State, in the county where such mortal wound, violence or injury was inflicted, or poison administered, in the same manner as if such death had occurred in said county. 76. An Act to abolish the January terms of the supreme judi- cial court in the county of Hancock.- [April 11.] --Abolishing ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS. so much of the Act in section 15, chapter 246, approved April 9, 1852, as provides for sessions of the supreme judicial court in and for the county of Hancock, at Ellswortb, on the fourth Tuesdays of January. 77., An Act to regulate the construction and maintenance of public drains in the city of Portland. [April 11.] - Section 1, authorizes the city council of the city of Portland to construct public drains or sewers, through any of the streets of the city, at the expense of the city, and which shall be solely under the direction and control of the city council. Section 2, provides for private drains, how to be established, and regulations. Applications for permits to be made in writing. Section 3, establishes the manner in determining the amount to be paid for the permit in case of disagreement. Section 4, requires drains heretofore constructed at the expense of the city, to be maintained and controlled in same manner as if they had been constructed under this Act, subject to the rights of private persons. Section 5, fixes the penalty for connecting private drains with the public drain without permit, at a sum not exceeding $200; and the mayor and aldermen shall cause such connec- tion to be destroyed. Also, fixing a further penalty for wilfully or negligently violating any of the conditions of his permit, by empowering the mayor and aldermen to disconnect his drain from the public drain, and to declare his permit forfeited. Section 6, requires public drains to be kept in repair by the city. Section 7, makes it the duty of the city to keep records of all permits granted, and gives the mayor and aldermen exclu- sive direction, on behalf of the city, of all prosecutions under this Act. 78. An Act additional to the one hundred and twenty-ninth chap- ter of the Revised Statutes. - [April 14.] - No damages shall here- after be sued for, or recovered in any action under the provisions of the seventh section of chapter 129 of the Revised Statutes, except three times the amount of damages that shall have been done to the interest or share in the premises of the plaintiff or plaintiffs in the suit; the damages recovered to be appropriated to the plaintiff or plaintiffs in the suit. Repealing all acts =inconsistent with this Act. 79. An Act to provide for the appointment of assayers of ores, metals and other substances, requiring a chemical analysis. - [April 15.] --The governor, with the advice and consent of the council, may appoint one or more suitable persons to be assayers of ores, metals and other substances requiring a chemical analysis, who:shall be duly sworn. It shall be the duty of such assayer to assay such ores, metals or other substances as may be offered to him for assay, and to give a certificate thereof; for which service he shall be paid a reasonable compensation by the person procuring such assay to be made. 80. An Act to amend "An Act to provide for the education of youth," approved August twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty. -. [April 15.] - The tourth section of article fourth'of the Act afore- said be amended by adding at the close thereof' the following words, 23 MAINE REGISTER. namely : "and the assessors aforesaid shall assess all taxes voted by said district, according to a valuation made by themselves, for that purpose, which shall be uniform throughout said district," so that the section when amended shall read as follows: " When any school district shall be formed from parts of two or more towns, as aforesaid, the superintending school committee, selectmen, assessors, treasurer, collector and constable of the town in which the school-house of such district is situated, or has been located, or in which the school of such district is kept, or if there be no such school-house or school, the aforesaid officers of the oldest towns, from which any part of such district shall have been taken, shall, in respect of such district, have all the powers and perform all the duties, and be deemed, to all intents, to stand in the place of such of- ficers, in respect to school districts situated wholly in any one town; and the assessors aforesaid shall assess all taxes voted by said district according to a valuation made by themselves for that purpose, which shall be uniform throughout said district." 81. An Act for the regulation of ways dedicated to public use. -- [April 15.] - This Act authorizes towns and cities to dispense with maintaining ways less than two rods wide, unless they have been laid out according to law, and selectmen are authorized to close up such ways if the public safety requires it. 82. An Act giving further powers to county commissioners in certain cases. --[April 15.] - County commissioners shall have the same power to examine and correct bills of cost duly certified, and returned to them by justices of the peace and judges of municipal and police courts, in cases where search warrants have been issued by any such justice or judge under the provisions of law, as said commissioners now have by sec. 12, chap. 152 of the Revised Statutes, to examine and correct certain other bills of costs. 83. An Act to establish the salary of the county attorney of the county of Penobscot. - [April 15.] - Fixing it at $500 per annum. 84. An Act additional, concerning municipal and police courts. - [April 15.] - Allowing the judges of the municipal and police courts to perform all acts which may legally be done by justices of the peace. In case of the death or resignation of the judge, all matters pending in his court shall be continued until his successor may be appointed and qualified. 85. An Act to amend the sixty-third section of the one hundred and nineteenth chapter of the Revised Statutes.- [April 15.] -By inserting after the word "labor," and before the word "for," "or for that of his wife or minor children." 86. An Act additional to chapter one hundred and thirty-three of the laws of Maine, in relation to the assessment, and collection of taxes in unincorporated places, approved August fourteen, eighteen hundred and forty-nine. - [April 15.] - Providing for the sale of public lands forfeited for State taxes, and for the disposal of the proceeds. In case no person bids off and pays all road taxes, the land so offered becomes forteited to the county, subject only to the lien of the State for State taxes. Taxes assessed prior to 1849, not affected by this Act. 87. An Act additional to an Act to establish the county of Andro- scoggin. - [April 15.]- All civil processes, commenced or pending in 24 ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS. the supreme judicial court, in the counties of Lincoln, Cumberland, Oxford and Kennebec, March 31, 1854, affecting the title to real estate situated in the county of Androscoggin, shall be entered in the court to be held in said county; and all processes pending before the court of county commissioners for said four counties, which would have fallen within the county of Androscoggin, if it had been established when said processes originated, shall be transferred to said county and disposed of by the commissioners thereof in the same manner as if the same had been originally entered before that court. 1 otaries public and justices of the peace for the four counties residing in the county of Androscoggin, March 31, 1854, are authorized to act as such in said county during the time for which they were appointed. Appointing an additional term of the supreme judicial court on the fourth Tuesday of April. 88. An Act additional to an Act to establish the reform school.-- [April 17.l-Enacting, that when boys sentenced to the reform school, do not remain' there for the term prescribed by their sentence, they shall suffer such other punishment as the court may order. Also, that costs of transportation of boys to the reform school, shall be paid out of the treasuries of the respective counties where they shall be convicted. 89. An Act to provide for the appointment of a superintendent of common schools, and for county conventions of teachers.-[April 17.]- There shall be appointed, by the governor and council, a superintendent of common schools, who shall be duly sworn, and whose term of office shall continue for three years from the first day of May next; and on the expiration of said term, or the occurrence of a vacancy in said office by death, resignation or removal, a new appointment shall be made for a like term of three years. The duties of the superintend- ent are, to take a general supervision of the schools throughout the State, and to devote his time to their improvement; to disseminate, by correspondence and by public addresses, any information he may have acquired calculated to awaken an interest in education; to report, annually, to the governor and council, the results of his investigations, and of the facts obtained from the school returns, and to make such suggestions as, in his judgment, will best promote the improvement of common schools. Fixes the salary at $1200 per annum, besides travelling expenses. He shall prepare blank forms for all returns which are required, by law, to be made by school officers and teachers. Annual reports of committees to be forwarded to the superintendent. The superintendent shall hold, annually, in each county, a teachers' convention of at least one week, and he shall attend and have the charge of such convention. For the purpose of defraying the expense of the teachers' conventions, $2000 annually is appropriated, to be expended by the superintendent, and he shall.render to the governor and council, an annual account of his expenditure of said appropria- tion, to be by them examined and audited. Repealing the Act es- tablishing commissioners of common schools, passed April 26, 1852. 90. An Act in relation to costs in real and mixed actions. - [April 18.] - Exclusive possession of premises for forty years, excludes all other claims. Repealing Acts inconsistent with this Act. 25 MAINE REGISTER, 91. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the city of Augusta."--[April 18.]-The municipal court established in the city of Augusta, clothed with its present jurisdiction and powers, shall continue until altered by law; and the judge thereof continue to hold his office according to the tenor of his commission. Establishes the salary of judge at $500 per annum. Fees accruing, to be accounted for by him, to the treasurer of the county. Allowing the judge to appoint a recorder, who shall have all the powers of the judge, except the trial of issues in civil actions. Repealing all Acts inconsistent. Allowing the city government to appoint a marshal, who shall be constituted chief of police. 92. An Act additional to chapter twenty-five of the Revised Statutes. -[April 18.]-Authorizing the. county commissioners to suspend the payment of damages awarded to owners of land over which any county road may be located, until said land is actually taken for said road. Repealing inconsistent Acts. 93. An Act to provide a tribunal for regulating the joint business of railroad companies.-[April 18.]--In case of disagreement of railroad companies upon terms of connection, or the rates at which ,passengers and merchandise coming from the one shall be transported over the other, the supreme judicial court holden at any term, in any county in which either of such connecting roads shall be located, on application of either party, and after such notice to the other as the court shall direct, shall appoint three commissioners to determine the matter. The award of the commissioners, after having been accepted by the supreme judicial court in the county where the application was made, shall be binding upon the respective parties. The court may prescribe the mode of proceeding by the commissioners, and such processes necessary to secure the due execution of the award. 94. An Act to abolish the duty payable by the inspectors of pot and pearl ashes.-[April 18.]--To be abolished after the expiration of the term of office of the present incumbent. 95. An Act in addition to an Act to establish the county of Sagadahoc.-[Apri[ 18.]-Requiring all actions commenced or pend- ing in the supreme judicial court in the county of Lincoln, wherein the defendant or defendants reside in the county of Sagadahoc, and the plaintiff or plaintiffs reside without the limits of the county of Lincoln, as at present constituted, shall in like manner be transferred to, be entered, and have day in, and be proceeded upon, and tried in the said supreme judicial court next to be held within and for said county of Sagadahoc. 96. An Act for arming and equipping companies of volunteer militia, and for other purposes.-[April 19.]-Arms and equipments to be furnished to military companies by the State, for which com- missioned officers receiving them shall be held responsible. Provid- ing for suitable armories, by the companies or by the city, town or plantation where such companies have been chiefly raised. For wilfully injuring such military property, the fine is fixed at from $1 to $50, to be appropriated to the military purposes of the company. Resigna- tions of officers not to be accepted, unless, by a certificate of not less than two officers, it appears that the arms, for which he is responsible, are undiminished in quantity and unimpaired in value, reasonable 26 ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS. use and losses by fire excepted. The number of commissioned officers to each company of light infantry or riflemen, raised within the cities of Bath, Portland, Bangor and Calais, and within the towns of New- castle, Damariscotta and Saco, shall be one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one third lieutenant, and one fourth lieutenant. Repealing, altering and amending certain Acts, providing for the enrol- ment of militia, and regulating it by introducing new rules of operation. Whole number of volunteers not to exceed ten thousand men, apportioned as follows: to the first division, twenty-six companies; to the second division, twenty-two companies; to the third division, fifteen companies; to the fourth division, twenty-four companies; to the fifth division, twenty-six companies; to the sixth division, twenty- two companies; to the seventh division, eighteen companies; to the eighth division, twenty-one companies; and to the .ninth division, twenty-six companies.. The commander-in-chief, with the advice of the council, may grant petitions for raising companies at large. The number of men necessary to form a company, is forty-eight. For issuing arms and military property, the acting quartermaster-general shall be allowed the sum of $100. 97. An Act relating to petitions for partitions-[April 19.]--Not to be abated by the death of any of the party, and the heirs to be made a party, at the discretion of the judge. 98. An Act to amend chapter one hundred and twenty of the Revised Statutes.--[pril 19.]-So amending the twelfth section, that if the executor or administrator does not appear voluntarily, at the second term after the death of the party shall be suggested on the record, or the second term after his appointment, the court, on motion of the surviving party, shall issue a citation to such executor or administrator to appear and take on himself the prosecution or defence of the suit. Actions commenced prior to the decease of persons whose estate may be rendered insolvent, may be prosecuted to final judgment and execution. Claims barred in cases where they have been disallowed by commissioners of insolvency. 99. An Act to abolish the office of Chaplain of the State Prison. -[April 19.i-Abolishing the office of chaplain, and appropriating $200 to such clergymen of Thomaston as will perform the duties of chaplain; $50 for maintaining a school, and $50 for procuring books forthe use of the convicts. 100. An Act to amend chapter eighty-nine of the Revised Statutes.- [April ;19.]-Allowing the court to assign certain real and personal estate to the wife in case of divorce, and such alimony out of the husband's estate, as may be reasonable. 101. An Act concerning the Passamaquoddy Indians.-- [April 20.]-Appropriating one thousand dollars annually, for the benefit of the Passamaquoddy Indians, out of the interest accruing upon the funds belonging to said tribe. 102. An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Hancock.-[April 20.]-To $400 per annum. 103. An Act to regulate the recording of mortgages of personal property.-[April 20.]-Mortgages of personal property not valid, 27 MAINE REGISTER where the amount is more than thirty dollars, against persons not parties thereto, unless possession of mortgaged property be delivered to the mortgagee, or the mortgage recorded by the town clerk where the mortgager resides. If the mortgager be a corporation, the mortgage shall be recorded where its business is established. If the mortgager reside in an unincorporated place, the mortgage must be recorded in the oldest adjoining town in the same county. 104. An Act additional to "An Act to provide for the education of youth."--[April 20 ]--Defining limits and divisions of school districts. Requiring a tax of not less than sixty cents for each inhabitant, to be expended by the agent, for the use of schoots. Authorizing the appointment of a special agent should the agent neglect to expend the money. Actions to recover money received by any school agent, may be maintained in the name of the city, town, or district. Pro- viding for the appointment of district committees, the appropriation of permanent school fund, and the selection of school-house lots. In case of the discontinuance of using land taken for school-houses, the land to revert to the owner. Repealing all Acts inconsistent. 105. An Act for the regulation of intelligence offices.-[April 20.] - Persons keeping an intelligence office without a license liable to a penalty not exceeding $50. 106. An Act to authorize the establishment and maintenance of public libraries. - [April 20.]- Any city, town or plantation of this State, is hereby authorized to establish and maintain a public library within the same for the use of the inhabitants thereof; to make appro- priation therefor a sum not exceeding one dollar for each of its ratable polls in the year next preceding that in which such appropriation shall be made; and may also appropriate annually for the maintenance and increase of such library, a sum not exceeding twenty-five cents for each of its ratable polls. Any donations for the purpose, to be held by the city or town. 107. An Act in addition to an Act concerning railroads.-[April 20.]- Fixing the penalty for evading tolls or fares on railroads or steamboats at a sum not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for each offence, with costs. Fees of county commissioners for estimat- ing damages for laying out railroads to be the same as now provided for laying out highways. 108. An Act to amend chapter thirty-six of the Statutes of eighteen hundred and ffty-three. - [April 20.] - Amending the second section of said chapter, so that the fees of county attorney for assistance in the trial of capital cases, may be left to the discretion of the court. 109. An Act relating to the State library. - [April 20.]- Re- quiring the Secretary of State to report to the Legislature annually in January, the receipts, expenditures, list of books, maps and charts acquired since the last report. Also, to report missing books, and to make suggestions for improving the library. 110. An Act to amend chapter one hundred and four of the Revised Statutes. - [April 20.]-Authorizing the survey of any writ or other precept by a coroner. 28 ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS. PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. EXTRA SESSION, 1853. 186. An Act in amendment of an Act entitled "An Act to extend the time of filing the location, and the time for completing the railroad of the Great Falls and South Berwick Branch Railroad Company.-- [Sept. 23.]-Extending time for location to January 1, 1855, and completion to January 1, 1856. Acts inconsistent repealed. [r.] 187. An Act granting further time for the organization of the Sandy River Bank.-[Sept. 24.]-Two months from Sept. 16, 1853. 188. An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Augusta Water Power Company.-[Sept. 24.]-Increasing capital $110,000. [r.] 189. An Act to incorporate the Rockland and Machias Steam Navigation Company.-[Sept. 24.]-For the purpose of navigating by steam the waters of the coast of Maine. Capital, $100,000. [r.] 190. An Act to repeal the Act to incorporate the Little Andros- coggin Company.--[Sept. 27.]--Charter repealed. [Y.] 191. An Act to incorporate the Charleston Steam Mill Company. -[Sept. 27.]--To erect and maintain in Charleston a steam mill for milling and manufacturing purposes. Capital, $15,000. [r.] 192. An Act to incorporate the Bath Mutual Marine Insurance Company.-[Sept. 27.]-In Bath. [r.] 193. An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Oldtown and Lincoln Railroad Company," passed March eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two.-[Sept. 27.]-So that the capital shall consist of not less than 8000 shares, nor more than 25,000 shares, at $20 per share. 194. An Act in amendment of an Act entitled "An Act to es- tablish the Belfast and Waterville Railroad."-[Sept. 27.]--Time for organizing and location extended to December 31, 1855. [n.] 195. An Act to provide for the conversion of shares in the capital stock of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad Company.-[Sept. 28.]-Authorizing the issue of shares of �100 sterling each. 196. An Act granting further time for the organization of the Machias Bank.-[Sept. 28.] 197. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Bank of Cumber- land.-[Sept. 28.]--$100,000. [p.] 198. An Act to provide in part for the expenditures of govern- ment.-[Sept. 28.]-Appropriating $154,374.75 for the purpose. SESSION OF 1854. 199. An Act to authorize the city of Bangor to aid the construction of the Penobscot and Kennebec Railroad.-[March 1.]--By loan of a sum not exceeding $500,000. 200. An Act to authorize the city of Bangor to aid the construc- tion of the Oldtown and Lincoln Railroad.-[March 1.]--By loan of a sum not exceeding $325,000. [I.] 201. An Act creating the Bridgton Centre Village Corporation.- [March 1.] 29 MAINE REGISTER. 202. An Act additional authorizing the city of Bangor to regulate the building of Wharves in Kenduskeag stream and Penobscot river.-- [March 1.]-Authorized to limit extension of wharves. 203. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Portland Gas Light Company.-[March 8.]-$100,000. [p.] 204: An Act to incorporate the Bank of Commerce.-[March 8.]- To be located at Belfast. Capital, $75,000. [r]. -205. An Act to incorporate the Trustees of Lisbon Academy.- [March 8.]-[r.] 206. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Atlantic Bank, in Portland.--[March 8.]-$100,000. 207. An Act to make valid the doings of the town of Gilead at the annual meeting holden in March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty- two.--[March 8.]-[r.] 208. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Waterville Bank. -[March 8.]--$20,000. [r.] 209. An Act to incorporate the Trustees of Searsport Union School.--[March 8.]-[r.] 210. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Rockland Bank. --[March 14.]--$50,000. 211. An Act to prevent the destruction of trout in Rangely and Mooselocmaguntic lakes.-[March 14.3-Penalty, a fine of $1 for each trout taken otherwise than by hook and line. [r.] 212. An Act to incorporate the Market Bank, Bangor.-[March 14.3-Capital, $100,000. 213. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Casco Bank.- [March 14.]-$100,000. 214. An Act to set off a portion of the town of Waterborough and annex the same to the town of Shapleigh.-[March 14.] 215. An Act to authorize the city of Bangor to collect taxes as- sessed upon the polls and estates of said city, for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three.--[March 14.3-Authorizing certain taxes to be paid to the town of Veazie. [r.] 216. An Act to incorporate the Frontier Steamboat Company.- [March 14.3-For steam navigation. Capital, $50,000. 217. An Act to incorporate the Lewy's Island Railroad Compan y.- [March 16.3-Road to extend from the terminus in Baring uf the Calais and Baring railroad, through the tovns of Baring, Baileyville and Princeton, to some point on Lewy's lake in Princeton. Capital, not less than two thousand nor more than four thousand shares. 218. An Act to authorize the town officers of the town of Hebron for the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, to amend their records.-[March 17.]-[r]. 219. An Act to incorporate Norway Manufacturing Company.- [March' 17.-Authorized to manufacture cotton goods, &d. Capital not to be less than 200, nor more than 1,200 shares of $100 each., [P.] 220. An Act to provide in part for the expenditures of govern- ment.-[March 18:].-Appropriating $252,326.02 for public purposes. 221. An Act to incorporate the North Bank.--[March 20.]-In Rockland. Capital, $50,000. 222. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Merchants' Bank. -[March 20.3-At Bangor. $25,000. 30 ABSTRACTS OF TIE LAWS. 223. An Act to incorporate the North Vassalborough Manufactur- ing Company.-[March 20.]-Capital not to exceed $200,000. For the manufacture of wool, cotton, flax, iron and steel. 224. An Act to incorporate the Maine Pomological and Horticul- tural Society.-[March 20.1-May hold capital the income of which shall not exceed $1000.. 225. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Manufacturers and Traders' Bank.-[March 20.]-At Portland. $50,000. [P.] 226. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Farmers' Bank.-- [March 20.]-At Bangor. $50,000. [P.] 227. An Act authorizing the extending of a wharf into tide water at Rockland.-[March 20.]-600 feet from low water mark. [P.] 228. An Act to incorporate the Casco Iron Company.-[March 20.]--For the manufacture of iron and steel in the town of West- brook. Capital, $200,000. 229. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Dexter Company. -[March 20.]--$300,000. [P.] 230. An Act to prevent obstructions on the Narraguagus river.-- [March 20.]-[P.]' 231. An Act authorizing the extension of a wharf into tide waters of Eastport harbor.-[March 20.] 232. An Act to incorporate the Board of Trade of Portland.- [March 22.]-May hold property to the amount of $50,000. 233. An Act to repeal an Act for the preservation of the fish called bass, in Dunston river in Scarborough, in the county of Cum- berland.--[March 22.]--Repealing Act of February 25, 1800. 234. An Act to make valid certain doings of the town of New Vineyard, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three.- [March 22.]-[rP.] 235. An Act to incorporate the proprietors of the Howland Bridge.-[March 22.]--For the purpose of erecting a bridge over the Penobscot, above and near the mouth of the Piscataquis. To be com- pleted in five years. 236. An Act to incorporate the Nequasset Lake Ice4 Company.-- [March 22.]--Capital not to exceed $100,000. [P.] 237. An Act additional to "An Act to incorporate the Atlantic Ship Wharf and Lime Manufacturing Company."-[March 22.]-In- creasing capital $50,00:0. [P.] 238. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Canal Bank, Port- land.-[March 22.]-$100,000. 239. An Act to increase the capital stock of tho Cobbossee Contee Bank of Gardiner.--[March 22.]-$50,000. 240. An Act to, increase the capital stock of the Belfast Bank.- [March 22.]--$50,000.. [P.] 241. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Lewiston Falls -Bank.-[March 22.1-$125,000. 242. An Act to incorporate the Portland Milling Company.- '[March 22.]-Capital not to exceed 2000 shares of $100 each. . [p.] 243. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Traders' Bank.- [March 22.]--At Bangor. $50,000. 244. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Eastern Bank.-- [March 22.]-At Bangor. $50,000. 31 MAINE REGISTER. 245. An Act to incorporate the Portland Mutual Loan and Savings Association.-[March 22.]-[P.] 246. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Richmond Bank. [March 22.]-At Richmond, $25,000. [r.] 247. An Act to incorporate the Waldoborough and Thomaston Steam Navigation Company.-[March 23.]-Capital, $100,000. 248. An Act to authorize the First Congregational Society in Eastport to alter or rebuild their meeting-house.--[March 23.] 249. An Act to incorporate the Hartland Manufacturing Company. -[March 23.-For the manufacture of cotton and woollen goods in the town of Hartland. Capital not to exceed $75,000. 250. An Act to incorporate the East Eddington Ladies' Social and Benevolent Society.--[March 23.]-[P.] 251. An Act to incorporate the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company.-[March 23.]-[P.] 252. An Act to increase the capital stock of the York Bank.-- [March 23.]-At Saco. $25,000. [r.] 253. An Act to incorporate the Rockland Marine Railway Com- pany.-[March 23.]--Capital, $20,000. [r.] 254. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Maritime Bank of Bangor.--[March 23.]--$25,000. 255. An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Gardiner Gas Light Company.-[March 23.]-[r.] 256. An Act to incorporate the Bangor and Castino Telegraph Company.-[March 2.J 257. An Act to incorporate the Mousam River Bank.-[March 23.]-To be established in the town of Sanford, York county. Capi- tal, $50,000. 258. An Act to incorporate the Ocean Bank.-[March 24.]-To be established in the town of Kennebunk, York county. Capital, $50,000. 259. An Act to incorporate the Penobscot Telegraph Company.-- [March 24.] 260. An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Sailors' Home, in Portland.-[March 24.]-Capital, $25,000. [P.] 261. An Act to increase the capital stock of Calais Bank.-- [March 24.]-$25,000. [n.] 262. An Act to incorporate the Rockland Long Wharf Company. -[March 24]--Capital, $75,000. [r.] 263. An Act to incorporate the Schoodiac Lake Steamboat Com- pany.-[March 24.]-Capital, $25,000. [P.] 264. An Act to incorporate the Hancock and Washington Steam Navigation Company of Castine.-[March 24.]-Capital, $150,000. 265. An Act to incorporate the State Bank.-[March 24.]-At Augusta. Capital, $50,000. 266. An Act to incorporate the Belfast City Mills Company.-- [March 24.]--Capital, $100,000. 267. An Act to change the name of Clinton Academy to Benton Institute.-[March 25.]-In the town of Benton. 268. An Act additional to " An Act to establish a literary institu- tion in Westbrook," approved March fourth, eighteen hundred thirty- one.-[March 25.]--Reducing number of trustees to thirteen. [P.] 32 ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS. 269. An Act to amend the charter of the Piscataquis Mutual In- surance Company.-[March 27.3-Extending right to insure. 270. An Act to incorporate the Swanville Manufacturing Company. -[March 27.3-For the manufacture of any articles of wood, iron, hemp, cotton, &c. Capital, $100,000. [n.] 271. An Act to revive the Act establishing the "Belfast Steamboat Wharf Company," and to authorize the owners of said steamboat wharf to maintain said wharf.-[March 27.3--Authorized to organize under Act of March 3, 1843. 272. An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Orono Bridge. -[March 27.3-Capital, $40,000. [p.] 273. An Act to authorize the city of Bath to assist the Sagadahoc Ferry Company.-[March 27.]-[P.] 274. An Act to incorporate the Cobbossee Contee Railroad Com- pany.-[March 27.]-Authorized to locate and construct a railroad extending from the Kennebec river, between the south line of Augusta and the north line of Richmond, to the Androscoggin Railroad, in Leeds. Capital not to exceed 6000 shares of $50 each. 275. An Act to incorporate the Seavey's Island Bridge Company. -[March 29.] 276. An Act authorizing the city council of Portland to appoint a surveyor of lumber under certain regulations.-[March 31.] 277. An Act to incorporate the Newichuwanick Company.-[March 31.]-At South Berwick. Capital, $100,000. [r.] 278. An Act to establish the Union School District, in the town of Cherryfield.-[April 1.]-[r.] 279. An Act to incorporate the Aroostook Company.-[April 1.] -For the purpose of manufacturing cotton and wool, at Lewiston. Capital, $500,000. 280. An Act to prevent the destruction of pickerel in the Wilson Pond.--[April 1.j--In Monmouth, Wayne and Winthrop, Kennebec county, by penalty of a fine of one dollar for every pickerel taken or destroyed otherwise than by hook and line in the Wilson Pond. [P.] 281. An Act to extend the charter of Stillwater Bridge.-[April 1.]-Ten years. 282. An Act to change the names of certain persons.-[April 1.3 283. An Act to incorporate the New Castle Bank.-[April 1.] --Capital, $50,000. 284. An Act to incorporate the Maine Oil Cloth and Carpet Com- pany.-[April 1.i-Capital, $200,000. 285. An Act respecting the erection of wooden buildings in the city of Portland.-[April 1.]--Prohibiting the erection of wooden buildings exceeding ten feet in height, from the ground to the eaves of the roofs, under penalty of not less than $50 nor more than $500. 286. An Act to incorporate the American Bank.-[April 1.-- At Hallowell. Capital, $50,000. 287. An Act to incorporate the Grocers' Bank.--[April 1.]-At Bangor. Capital, $75,000. 288. An Act to set off certain territory from the town of Kennebec and annex the same to the town of Readfield.-[April 1.]--[P.] 289. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Northern Bank.-- [April 5.3--Of Hallowell. $25,000. [r.] 33 MAINE REGISTER. 290. An Act to incorporate the Trustees of Oak Grove School.-- [April 5.]--Capital, $50,000. [n.] 291. An Act to incorporate the Brunswick Gas Light Company.-- [April 5.]-Capital, $50,000. [.] 292. An Act to increase- the capital stock of the Exchange Bank. -[April 5.]--At Bangor. $25,000. 293. An Act to incorporate the Lubec Steamboat Wharf Compa- ny.-[April 5.]-In Lubec. [P.] 294. An Act to incorporate the Randall Savings and Benevolent Association.-[April 5.]-[r.] 295. An Act to incorporate the Central Wharf Company.-[April 5.]-In Thomaston. Capital, $20,000. [n.] 296. An Act granting power to plant and protect oysters in the bed of Georges river, in Lincoln county.-[April 5.]-[r.] 297. An Act to incorporate the Franklin Company.-[April 5.]- For the manufacture of cotton and wool, at Lewiston. Capital, $1,000,000. 298. An Act to incorporate the Penobscot Lumber Association, and to amend the charter of the Penobscot Boom Corporation.-[April 5.]-[.] 299. An Act additional to Acts establishing and regulating the Penobscot Boom Corporation.-[April 5.]-[r.] 300. An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the Maine Telegraph Company, passed in the year eighteen hundred forty-eight.-[April 6.] -Authorized to extend lines, and to take stock in other lines. 301. An Act to incorporate the Maine Iron Manufacturing Compa- ny.-[April 6.]--For the manufacture of stoves, &c., in either of the towns of Lewiston, Auburn or Danville. Capital, $50,000. M 302. An Act to incorporate the Spring Garden Oil Cloth Carpet Company.-[April 6.]-Capital, $75,000. Authorized to manufacture and sell oil cloths and other articles, in Augusta and Kennebec. 303. An Act to authorize Leander Morton to construct a wharf in tide waters in the town of Bristol.-[April 6.]--For a steamboat landing. 304. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Lewiston Bagging Company.-[April 6.i-Capital, $150,000. 305. An Act to incorporate the Arkwright Company.-[April 6.] --For the manufacture of cotton, wool and linen, at Lewiston. Capi- tal, $500,000. 306. An Act to prevent the destruction of pickerel in Taylor pond. -[April 6.]--Prohibiting the taking of pickerel, for three years, under a penalty of one dollar for each offence. 307. An Act. to amend "An Act authorizing John O'Donald to build and maintain a fish weir in tide waters," approved March twenty- eighth, eighteen hundred fifty-three.-[April 6.]--[.] 308. An Act to prevent the destruction of pinkerel in North pond, South pond, and Round pond in the county of Oxford.--[April 6.]- From the 15th of November in each year to the 15th of April follow- ing, under a fine of one dollar for every offence. To remain in force ten years. [P.] 309. An Act to incorporate the Bank of Somerset.--[April 6.]- At Skowhegan. Capital, $50,000. [P.] 34 ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS. 310. An Act to incorporate the town of Dayton.-[April 7.]-All that part of Hollis in the county of York, commencing at the Saco river on the line between the towns of Hollis and Biddeford; thence running southwesterly by said line to the line between Hollis and Ly- man; thence northwesterly by the town line between Hollis and Lyman, to Cook's brook, so called, in Hollis, to the southerly branch thereof; thence easterly by said Cook's brook down the centre thereof to Saco river; thence down Saco river to Biddeford line, the place of beginning, shall be and hereby is incorporated into a town by the name of Dayton. And the inhabitants of said town of Dayton are hereby invested with all the powers and privileges which the inhabi- tants of other towns in this State do or may by law enjoy. 311. An Act in relation to the Sullivan and Hancock Bridge Cor- poration.-[April 7.]-Requiring it to construct a draw. 312. An Act to incorporate the Leeds Boot and Shoe Manufactur- ing Company.-[April 7.]-For the manufacture of boots and shoes at Leeds. Capital, $100,000. 313. An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Saint Croix Log Driving Company.-[April 8.]-Allowing seven or nine directors, instead of five. [.] 314. An Act to amend " An Act to incorporate the Richardson Lake Dam Company," approved March twenty-second, eighteen hun- dred fifty-three.-[April 8.]-Authorizing a capital of $35,000, and increasing toll. [p.] 315. An Act to incorporate the Hallowell Gas Light Company.- [April 8.]-Capital, $40,000. [P.] 316. An Act to incorporate the Machias Log Driving Company.- [April 8.]-Capital, $5,000. [p.] 317. An Act to incorporate the Bucksport Bank.-[April 10.-- Capital, $50,000. 318. An Act to incorporate the Saco River Ice Company.-[April 10.]-For the purpose of cutting and rending ice. 319. An Act to incorporate the Lewiston Linen Company.-[April 10.]-For the manufacture of linen and other fabrics, at Lewiston. Capital, $500,000. 320. An Act to incorporate the Aroostook Railroad Company.-- [April 10.]-Capital, $5,000,000. 321. An Act to incorporate the Maine Mining, Quarrying and Stone Dressing Company.-[April 10.]-Books of the company to be kept at Rockland. [p.] 322. An Act to authorize the owners of pews in the meeting house of the South Parish in Hallowell to make alteratiohs in said house.- [April 10.]-[p.] 323. An Act to incorporate the Tillson and Ulmer Lime Rock Company.-[April 11.]-Capital, $10,000. [r.] 324. An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Gardiner Savings Institution.-[April 11.] 325. An Act amending an Act to establish a draw in the Wetmore Isle Bridge, approved March ninth; eighteen hundred and fifty-two.- [April 11.]-Requiring a draw forty feet wide. 326. An Act to abate certain taxes on the towns of Minot, Poland, Auburn, Danville and Durham.-[April 11.]-[P.] 35 MAINE REGISTER. 327. An Act to set off certain territory from the town of Palermo, and annex the same to the town of Washington.-[April 11.] 328. An Act additional to an Act to establish a free bridge from Barter's Island to the main land in Boothbay.-[April 11.]-Extending time for completing bridge to April 5, 1855. [P.] 329. An Act to amend an Act incorporating the Warren Bridge Company.-[April 11.]-Requiring a draw forty feet wide. 330. An Act to make valid the doings of the inhabitants of the town of Kirkland, in the county of Penobscot.-[April 11.]-[P.] 331. An Act to incorporate the Bethel Boom Company.-[April 11.] 332. An Act authorizing the city of Calais to regulate the duties of harbor-master for said city.-[April 11.] 333. An Act to incorporate the Searsport Mill Company.-[April 11.]-Authorized to erect mills and machinery. Capital, $10,000. 334. An Act to change the name of John Guptill.-[April 11.]-- To John Gardiner. 335. 'An Act to increase the capital stock of the Ellsworth Bank. --[April 11.]-$50,000. 336. An Act to amend an Act to establish the Atlantic and Junc- tion Railroad.-[April 12.]-Capital, $150,000. 337. An Act additional authorizing the city of Bangor to regulate the building of wharves in Kenduskeag stream and Penobscot river.- [April 12.]-Repealing Act of March 1, 1854. 338. An Act to incorporate the Sagadahoc Agricultural apd Horti- cultural Society.-[April 14.]-Capital, $5,000. [P.] 339. An Act to incorporate the Waldo Mountain Granite Compa- ny.-[April 14.]-For the working of granite, with power to construct a railroad. Capital, $200,000. 340. An Act to incorporate the Fairfield Junction Mill and Water Power Company.-[April 14.]--Capital, $100,000. 341. An Act to incorporate the Orrington Pier and Warehouse Company.-[April 14.]--In the town of Orrington. Capital, $20,000. 342. An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the West Lin- coin Agricultural and Horticultural Society.-[April 14.]--Changing name to Androscoggin County Agricultural Society; its limits to em- brace all the towns in the county of Androscoggin. 343. An Act authorizing the city of Bath to determine how far wharves and piers may extend into the Kennebec river.-[April 14.] 344. An Act to authorize the city of Calais to aid in the construc- tion of the Lewy's Island Railroad.-[April 14.]--Allowing the city of Calais to loan the railroad company $150,000 upon certain conditions. [p.] 345. An Act to incorporate the White Lime Rock Company.- [April 15.]-For the purpose of draining water from flat quarries situ- ated in Rockland. 346. An Act to incorporate the Washington Hotel Company.-- [April 15.]-For the purpose of erecting a hotel in Calais. Capital, $25,000. [P.] 347. An Act to incorporate the Monmouth Manufacturing Compa- ny.-[April 15.]-For the manufacture of oil-cloth carpets. Capital, $100,000. 36 ABSTRACTS OF THE LAWS. 348. An Act to incorporate the Brown's Ferry Bridge Corporation. --[April 15.]-For the purpose of erecting a bridge across New Meadows river at Brown's ferry, or within two miles of said ferry, in the towns of Brunswick and West Bath. 349. An Act to authorize the Bangor Mercantile Association to ap- point port wardens for the port of Bangor.-[April 15.]-Not ex- ceeding three in number. 350. An Act authorizing the proprietors of the First Congregational meeting house in Winthrop to repair, sell or rebuild said meeting house.-[April 15.] 351. An Act to incorporate the Webster Association of Fryeburg Academy.-[April 15.]--Capital, $5,000. 352. An Act to authorize the plantations D and Salmon Brook to raise money to repair the roads in said plantations.-[April 15.]- [p.] 353. An Act to incorporate the Baldwin Boot and Shoe Manufactur- ing Company.-[April 15.]-At Baldwin. Capital, $20,000. 354. An Act to make valid the doings of the town of Greenville. -[April 15.] 355. An Act to prevent the destruction of pickerel in Cochnewaggan pond.-[April 15.]-Penalty one dollar for taking pickerel otherwise than by hook and line. Repealing Act of 1852. [P.] 356. An Act in relation to the dams on the Passadumkeag river.-- [April 15.]-Providing for making the Nickerton Dam free. [.] 357. An Act to incorporate the Calais Granite Company.-[April 15.]--Capital, $100,000. 358. An Act giving additional powers to the trustees of the Frank- lin Bank.-[April 15.] 359. An Act to establish the Kennebec and Wiscasset Railroad Company.-[April 15.-Authorizing construction of railroad from Pittston or Dresden to Wiscasset. Capital, $250,000. 360. An Act to incorporate the city of Rockland.-[April 17.) 361. An Act to improve the navigation of the Sebasticook river -[April 17.] 362. An Act to apportion and assess on the inhabitants of this state a tax of two hundred and one thousand one hundred and eighty- seven dollars, and fifty cents, for the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.-[April 17.]-[P.] [The tax apportioned for each town is given in another part of the Register. See index for State Tax ] 363. An Act to authorize the county commissioners of Cumberland county to ldcate a highway across Fore river, in said county.-[April 17.]-[P.] 364. An Act to incorporate the Dexter Gas Light Company.-[April 17.]--Capital, $20,000. 365. An Act to incorporate the Oldtown Gas Light Company.- [April 17.]-Capital, $20,000. 366. An Act to amend chapter thirty of the special laws for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three.-[April 17.]-Regulating cap- ital stock. 367. An Act to make valid the acts of William K. Lancey as a justice of the peace and quorum-[April 18.]-[.] 368. An Act to prevent the destruction of fish in Webber's pond, 37 MAINE REGISTER. in the town of Vassalborough.-[April 18.]-Prohibiting the taking of pickerel, between April 1, and July 1, of each year, by fine of $5. [P.] 369. An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the State Bank.- --[April 18.]-Increasing capital from $50,000 to $75,000. [r.] 370. An Act additional to "An Act authorizing the First Congrega- tional Society in Eastport to alter or rebuild their meeting house." -[April 18.]-[r.] 371. An Act additional to incorporate the city of Rockland.-[April 18.]- [P.] 372. An Act authorizing the city of Bath to elect directors to repre- sent stock owned by said city.-[April 18.]-[P.] 373. An Act to legalize the doings of the town of West Bath.- [April 18.]-[P.] 374. An Act to incorporate the East Musquash Improvement Cort- pany.-[April 18.]-For the construction of dams, &c. [p.] 375. An Act to incorporate the town of Ashland.-[April 18.]- Township 11, range 5, incorporated as a town by the name of Ashland. Not to take effect unless accepted by vote of the inhabitants of that township.--[P.] 376. An Act to amend an Act granting power to plant and protect oysters in the bed of Georges river in Lincoln county.-[April 18.]- Tributary streams excluded from that Act. 377. An Act in addition to "An act to incorporate the Bath Mutual Marine Insurance Company."-[April 18.]-Extending charter twen- ty years. [n.] 378. An Act to change the name of the town of Kennebec to Manchester.-[April 18.] 379. An Act to incorporate the Mechanics' Bank.-[April 18.]-At Portland. Capital, $100,000. [n.] 380. An Act to make valid the doings of Muscle Ridges plantation in the county of Lincoln.-[April 19.] 381. An Act to amend the charter of the Machiasport and East Machias Toll Bridge Company, approved March twenty-fourth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five.-[April 19.]-Increasing width of draw to forty-five feet. Extending time for enlarging, ninety days. 382. An Act to incorporate the Hope Company.-[April 19.]-On the principle of the loan and fund associations. [p.] 383. An Act to incorporate the Waterville Gas Light Company.- [April 19.]-Capital, $150,000. [r.] 384. An Act to incorporate the Ticonic Boom Company.-[April 19.]-For the purpose of erecting and maintaining booms in Kenne- bec river. [n.] 385. An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Hancock Mutual Insurance Company.-[April 19.] 386. An Act to increase the capital stock of the Lumberman's Bank.-[April 19.]-At Oldtown. Capital increased $25,000. [1.] 387. An Act to make valid the doings of plantation Number Eleven, in the county of Aroostook, at their annual meeting holden in April, eighteen hundred and fifty-four.-[April 19.] 388. An Act additional to an Act to set off certain territory from the town of Kennebec and annex the same to the town of Readfield. -[April 20.]-[P.] 38 ABSTRACTS OF THE RESOLVES. 389. An Act to amend the charter of the Penobscot Log Driving Company.-[April 20.]-Authorizing increase of assessments. [.] 390. An Act in addition to "An Act to establish the Androscoggin Railroad Company."-[April 20.]-Amending the Act by inserting in the sixth line of the first section the word " Chesterville" before the word "Wilton." 391. An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Central Market House Company.-[ April 20.] 392. An Act to incorporate the Ellsworth Gas Light Company.- [April 20.]-Capital, $100,000. [r.] 393. An Act to incorporate the Orono Gas Light Company.-- [April 20.]-Capital, $10,000. 394. An Act to incorporate the Inlet Dam Company.-[April 20.] --Authorized to erect dams on Baskahegan inlet. '395. An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the American Bank.-[April 20.]-Increasing capital from $50,000 to $75,000. 396. An Act to dissolve the bonds of matrimony between Mary E. Kennedy and William Kennedy.-[April 20.]-Of Avon. [n.] 397. An Act to incorporate the Richmond Village Corporation.- [April 20.]-[P.] 398. An Act to incorporate the Hallowell Savings Institution.-- [April 20.] 399. An Act to incorporate the Maine Submarine and Wrecking Company.-[April 20.]-Capital, 200,000. [p.] 400. An Act to provide in part for the expenditures of government. -[April 20.]--Appropriating $122,347.51. 401. An Act to incorporate the Milford Gas Light Company. -[April 20.]-Capital, $10,000. RESOLVES. EXTRA SESSION, 1853. 77. Resolve in favor of Eli Goss, -[Sept. 24.]- Allowing him a pension of $4 per month from Jan. 1, 1843, to Jan. 1, 1853, and $8 per month from Jan. 1, 1853, during life, in consideration of injury received by him while in the military service of the state, in the Aroostook expedition in the winter of 1839. Repealing resolve of 1853. 78. Resolve in favor of Edward Foster,--[Sept. 24.] 79. Resolve in favor of the town of Salem, in the county of Franklin, -[Sept. 27.] 80. Resolves in relation to the purchase of lands belonging to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts lying in the State of Maine, -[Sept. 28.]- Confirming purchase, &c. 81. Resolve in relation to lighting the public buildings,--[Sept. 28.3 82. Resolve authorizing the governor and council to audit and pay the claims of honorable Reuel Williams, William P. Fessenden and Elijah L. Hamlin, commissioners to purchase the Massachusetts lands, -[Sept. 28.] 83. Resolve suspending the sale of the public lands,--[Sept. 28.]- Excepting such as is lotted for settlement. 39 MAINE REGISTER. 84. Resolve in favor of John Bridges, -[Sept. 28.] 85. Resolve in favor of Daniel Dolloff, -[Sept. 28.] 86. Resolve additional to the resolves now in force for the promul- gation of the laws of the state, -[Sept. 28.] 87. Resolve for the pay roll of the house of representatives,-- [Sept. 28.]- To pay the same, amounting to $5,561. 88. Resolve on the pay roll of the senate, -[Sept. 28.]- To pay the same, amounting to $1,268. 89. Resolve in favor of David P. Baker,--[Sept. 28.]--For cor- recting pay roll of the house, $10. SESSION OF 1854. 90. Resolve authorizing the county of Washington to procure a loan, -[Feb. 18.]-Of $12,000, for erection of county buildings. 91. Resolve in relation to certain debts due the state, -[Febru- ary 28.] '92. Resolve in favor of John Francis, -[March 1.]-- Governor of Passamaquoddy Iudians, allowing him $50, to defray expenses to seat of government, to contest the right of Joe Lolar Solmere to represent the tribe. 93. Resolves relating to the Nebraska bill, -[March 1.]- Con- demning the bill. 94. Resolve authorizing the county of York to procure a loan,- [March 8.]- Of $18,000, for the erection of fire-proof building, for the safe keeping of the county records. 95. Resolve in favor of Peol Sockis and Attien Orson, -[March 8.]- To pay expenses as representative and agent. 96. Resolve in favor of Joe Lolar Solmere, -[March 8.]- To pay expenses as representative. 97. Resolve in favor of the heirs of Daniel D. Smith, -[March 8.] 98. Resolve providing for the pay of commissioners of Maine and Massachusetts, appointed in eighteen hundred and fifty-two and eight- een hundred aad fifty-three, under the act of separation, -[March 14.] 99. Resolve authorizing the trustees of the ministerial and school fund of the town of Patten, to make a discount on certain notes taken for land sold by them, -[March 14.] 100. Resolve authorizing a tax on the several counties of this state, -[March 18.]--Making a total of $152,834.95. 101. Resolve for the benefit of David Sevey, --[March 20.]- Al- lowing him a pension of $8 per month, instead of the sum now allowed. 102. Resolve authorizing the land agent to convey Pumpkin island to the United States, -[March 20.]- For the purpose of erecting a lighthouse. 103. Resolve in favor of the town of Rockland, -[March 20.]- Authorizing the Secretary of State to furnish the town with 9ertain books. 104. Resolve for the benefit of Leonard Trask, -[March 20,]-- Pension to be $12 per month. 105. Resolve in favor of Waite plantation, -[March 20.] 106. Resolve in favor of the Penobscot Indians, -[March 23.]-- Appropriating $300 for a school. 40 ABSTRACTS OF THE RESOLVES. 107. Resolve in favor of Alexander G. Turner,-[March 23.]-- Allowing him a pension of $4 per month. 108. Resolve authorizing the administrator on the estate of the late George T. Howe, and the guardian of his minor children to convey certain real estate,-[March 27.] 109. Resolve correcting an error in the state valuation, -[March 27.] 110. Resolve authorizing the administrator on the estate of the late George T. Howe, and the guardian of his minor children to convey certain real estate, -[March 27.] 111. Resolve in favor of Hannah, wife of Samuel Meservey,-- [April 5.] 112. Resolve in favor of James Lawrence, -[April 5.]-Allowing him a pension of $4 per month. 113. Resolve in favor of Orient plantation in the county of Aroos- took, -[April 6.] 114. Resolve for the payment of roll of accounts number thirty- four, -[April 6.]- Amounting to $4,426.52. 115. Resolve in favor of Ephraim C. Gates and Giles M. Went- worth, -[April 6.] 116. Resolve in favor of John K. Russell; -[April 7.] 117. Resolve in favor of James Robinson, -[April 7.] 118. Resolve in favor of Hartly Hamilton,-[April 7.]-Allowing him a pension of $8 per month. 119. Resolve in aid of roads in the county of Piscataquis, -[April 7.]- Authorizing land agent to expend $500 in repairing Blanchard and Kingsbury road. 120. Resolve in aid of roads in the county of Penobscot, -[April 7.]- Appropriating $500 for repairing. 121. Resolve in favor of Nicholas Pierce, -[April 7.]- Granting pension of $5 per month. - 122. Resolve in aid of roads in the county of Washington,-- [April 7.]- Appropriating $700 for repairing. 123. Resolve making an appropriation for the support of schools at Fort Kent, in Aroostook county,-[April 7.]- Of $200, providing the inhabitants raise a like sum. 124. Resolve in favor of Thomas S. Roberts, -[April 7.] 125. Resolve in aid of roads in the county of Somerset, -[April 7.]- Appropriating $500 for repairing. 126. Resolve in aid of roads in the county of Aroostook, -[April 7.]- Appropriating $500 for repairing. 127. Resolve in favor of John Fitzgerald, and others,-[April 8.] - Authorizing the payment of certain sums of money, for losses sus- tained in the burning of state prison in 1850. 128. Resolve in favor of township number four, range one, in the county of Penobscot,-[April 10.]- To supply with books. 129. Resolve in aid of road from Barnard to Chesuncook Lake, - [April 11]- Appropriating $1000 for repairing. 130. Resolve in aid of roads in the county of Aroostook,-- [April 11.]- Appropriating $4,800 for repairing and opening roads. 131. Resolve in favor of cheap ocean postage, -[April 11.] 132. Resolve in relation to the claims of the state upon the United 41 MAINE REGISTER. States for lands taken and required to be taken to satisfy claimants under the treaty of Washington,-[April 12.]-Requesting senators and representatives in Congress to aid in settlement of. 133. Resolve authorizing the appointment of commissioners to lo- cate grants and determine the extent of possessory claims under the late treaty with Great Britain,- [April 12.]- One or more to be ap- pointed. 134. Resolve in relation to schools in the Madawaska settlement,- [April 12.]- Appropriating certain sums of money for the benefit of schools in that settlement. 135. Resolve in favor of certain persons of the legislature who vis- ited the state prison, -[April 15.] 136. Resolve in favor of the counties of Androscoggin and Sagahadoc, -[April 15.]- Requiring books to be furnished county officers. 137. Resolve in favor of certain members of the legislature who visited the state reform school, -[April 15.] 138. Resolve in aid of Hartly Hamilton, -[April 15.] 139. Resolve in relation to Passamaquoddy Indian lands,-[April 17.] 140. Resolve authorizing the governor and council to compound debts due the Passamaquoddy Indians, -[April 17.] 141. Resolve in favor of William Poor, junior, -[April 17.]- Granting him a pension of $4 per month. 142. Resolve in favor of Joshua Hathaway, -[April 17.] 143. Resolve in favor of the heirs of Dorcas Farnham and of the heirs of Ruth Duren, -[April 17.] 144. Resolve in favor of the members of the board of agriculture, -[April 17.] 145. Resolve to provide for rebuilding the Mattawamkeag bridge, on the military road, -[April 17.]- Appropriating $6000 for the purpose. 146. Resolve laying a tax on the county of Androscoggin,-- [April 17.]-of $3000. 147. Resolve in favor of Mary A. Hunter, -[April 17.] 148. Resolves in favor of A. B. Thompson and others, -[April 17.] 149. Resolve for the payment of additional roll of accounts num- ber thirty-four, -[April 18.]- Amounting to $6,233.54. 150. Resolve authorizing county commissioners of Sagadahoc county to borrow money, -[April 18.]- The sum of $1000. 151. Resolve in relation to original settlers' lot numbered ninety- three, in Bangor, -[April 18.] 152. Resolve in favor of Sanford Noble,-[April 18.]-Allowing him $154.54, in payment for settling lands under act of 1850. 153. Resolve in favor of Henry W. Paine and Lot M. Morrill, - [April 18 ]- Paying them $100 as commission for reporting a bill for for an insolvent law. 154. Resolve to correct the state valuation, -[April 18.]- Estab- lishing valuation of Benton and Clinton. 155. Resolve providing a seal for the office of the adjutant general, -[April 18.] 156. Resolve in favor of William Cowperthwait, -[April 18.]- Allowing him $91.50 in payment for settling lands. 42 ABSTRACTS OF THE RESOLVES. 157. Resolve in favor of the Astor library,--[April 18.]- State works to be forwarded to said library. 158. Resolve authorizing the town of Cape Elizabeth to raise money in aid of the Portland and Cape Elizabeth steam ferry,-- [April 18.]- The sum of $1,500. 159. Resolve in favor of the temporary clerks in the office of the secretary of state,-[April 18.] 160. Resolve making appropriation for religious services at the in- sane hospital, - [April 18.]- Of $100. 161. Resolve to authorize plantation number fourteen, county of Washington, to reorganize for election purposes,-[April 18.] 162. Resolve in favor of the abolition of spirit rations in the United States navy, -[April 19,] 163. Resolve to repeal a resolve authorizing a sale of lot number twelve in township letter D,-[April 19.] 164. Resolve in favor of the state prison,--[April 19.]- Appro- priating $2000 for completing prison wall, &c. 165. Resolve in favor of Isaac Bradbury and others, -[April 19.] 166. Resolve in relation to certain proposed modifications of the navigation laws of the United States; allowances of bounty to fishing vessels, and reciprocal trade with the British North American Colonies, -[April 19.]- Repeal of laws inexpedient. 167. Resolve in favor of George Ross, --[April 19.] 168. Resolve authorizing the governor and council to settle the account of Adams Treat for services in superintending repairs of state prison,-[April 19.] 169. Resolve in favor of William Black,-[April 20.] 170. Resolve in favor of certain members of the legislature,-- [April 20.]- Authorizing the payment of expenses for sickness. 171. Resolve in favor of claimants under the treaty of Washington, of lands the title to which is now in the state, -[April 20.]- Author- izing land agent to make conveyance. 172. Resolve in favor of claimants under the treaty of Washington, of lands the title to which is now in the state, -[April 20.] 173. Resolve on the pay roll of the senate, -[April 20.]- $9,237 appropriated for the purpose. 174. Resolve for the pay roll of the house of representatives, -- [April 20.]-$37,586 appropriated for the purpose. 175. Resolve in favor of John A. Poor,-[April 20.] 176. Resolve respecting French spoliations,- [April 20.]- Urging the settlement of claims of American citizens who suffered by French spoliations prior to ratification of treaty of 1800. 177. Resolve in favor of the publishers of certain papers,-[April 20.] 178. Resolve in favor of Samuel Leavitt, -[April 20.]- Allowing him $147.38 in payment for settling lands. 179. Resolve in favor of W. E. Hilton,-[April 20.] 180. Resolve in favor of George Savage, -[April 20.]- Allowing him $50 fbr injuries sustained in the service of the state. 181. Resolve in favor of Honorable Elisha Clarke,--[April 20.7i- Allowing him $15 for expenses incurred by sickness during session of legislature of 1853. 43 MAINE REGISTER. 182. Resolve in favor of plantations number twenty-one and thirty- three in the county of Hancock, -[April 20.]- Payment of school fund of $130. 183. Resolve in favor of Ebenezer Witham and John J. Perry, - [April 20.] 184. Resolve in favor of M. Littlefield, -[April 20.] 185. Resolve in favor of the reporters of the Senate and House of Representatives, -[April 20.]- To pay reporters $25 each during the present session. 186. Resolve authorizing the sale of land connected with the state prison, -[April 20.] 187. Resolve additional on the pay roll of the senate, -[April 20.] -To pay two members as reporters $25 each. 188. Resolve in relation to the collection of debts due the state in the land office, -[April 20.]- Requiring land agent to settle debts, &c. 189. Resolve in favor of Thomas Dixon, -[April 20.]- Allowing him $15.88 as coroner. 190. Resolve in relation to the promulgation of the laws of the state, -[April 20.] 191. Resolve in favor of A. A. Hanscom and others, --[April 20.] 192. Resolve making an appropriation for the insane hospital,-- [April 20.]-Of $18,000 for building a new wing to the insane hospital. 193. Resolve for the transfer of military papers from th3 office of the secretary of state to the office of the adjutant general, -[April 20.] 194. Resolve for purchasing six copies of Colton's Map of New England and British Provinces, fifty-six by sixty-four inches, -[April 20.] JUDICIARY OF MAINE. UNITED STATES COURTS. Benj. R. Curtis, - of Boston, Mass. - Circuit Judge. Ashur Ware, - - of Portland, - - District Judge. Geo. F. Shepley, - of Portland, - District Attorney. Geo. W. Stanley, - of Augusta, - - - larshal. Geo. F. Emery, - of Portland, - Clerk of Circuit Court. Wm. P. Preble, Jr., of Portland, - Clerk of District Court. The Circuit Court sits at Portland on the 23d of April, and on the 23d of September. The District Court sits at Portland on the 1st Tuesday in February and December; at Wiscasset, on the 1st Tuesday in Sep- tember; at Bangor, on the 4th Tuesday in June. 44 JUDIC IARY. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT, Ether Shepley, Portland, Chief Justice, - Sal. John S. Tenney, Norridgewock, Associate Justice, - - Jonas Cutting, Bangor, " " - - Joseph Howard, Portland, - - John Appleton, Bangor, " - - Richard D. Rice, Augusta, " " - - Joshua W. Hathaway, Bangor, " '" - - George Evans, Gardiner, Attorney General, - Solyman Heath, Waterville, Reporter of Decisions, $1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,810 1,800 1,000 1,000 By an Act of the Legislature of 1852 an important change was made in the Judiciary of this State. The District Courts, which took the place of old Courts of Common Pleas, were abolished; and all their jurisdiction transferred to the Supreme Judicial Court, to which bench three additional judges were authorized by the above Act. The State is now divided into three Judicial Districts, denominated the Western, Middle, and Eastern Districts; and for the purpose of hearing and determining questions of law and equity, the terms are held for these districts, instead of being held, as heretofore, in the several counties. These terms are held annually in Portland for the Western, in Augusta for the Middle, and in Bangor for the Eastern District. The other cases are tried, as heretofore, in the several counrties where they are commenced. Judges of the Municzial and Police Courts. John H. Williams, Portland. Henry Orr, Brunswick. Jacob Smith, Bath. George W. Dyer, Calais. John L. Hodsdon, Bangor. Wm. Palmer, Gardiner. Geo. S. Milliken, Augusta. .Jos. Williamson, Belfast. John C. Cochran, Rockland. Samuel K. Gilman, Hallowell. TIMES AND PLACES OF HOLDING THE SUPREME COURT IN MAINE. Law Terms. Western District, at Portland, 2d Tuesday, May. Middle District, at Augusta, 2d Tuesday, June. Eastern District, at Bangor, 2d Tuesday in July. Jury Causes. County of York, at Alfred, 1st Tuesdays Jan. and April, and 3d Tuesday of September. County of Cumberland,* at Portland, 3d Tuesdays Jan. and April, and 2d Tuesday of October. * For the transaction only of the civil business of said Court. 45 MAINE REGISTER. County of Lincoln, at Wiscasset, 4th Tuesday Jan., 1st Tuesday May, and 1st Tuesday of October. County pf Hancock, at Ellsworth, 4th Tuesdays January, April and October. County of Washington, at Machias, 1st Tuesday January, 4th Tuesday April, and 1st Tuesday October. County of Kennebec, at Augusta, 1st Tuesday March, 3d Tues. August, and 4th Tuesday November. County of Oxford, at Paris, 2d Tuesdays March, August and November. County of Somerset, at Norridgewock, 3d Tuesdays March, September and December. County of Penobscot,* at Bangor, 1st Tuesdays January, April and October. County of Waldo, at Belfast, 1st Tuesdays January, May and October. County of Piscataquis, at Dover, last Tuesday February, and 2d Tuesday September. County of Franklin, at Farmington, 3d Tuesdays January, April and October. County of Aroostook, at Houlton, 2d Tuesday March, and 3d Tuesday September. County of Androscoggin, at Auburn, 4th Tuesday January, April and August. County of Sagadahoc, at Bath, 24 Tuesday May, 3d Tuesday August,* 3d Tuesday December, Criminal Causes. Cumberland, at Portland, 1st Tuesday March, last Tuesday July and last Tuesday of November. Penobscot, at Bangor, last Tuesday February, 1st Tuesday June, and last Tuesday of November. Clerks of the Supreme Courts. York-James 0. McIntire, Alfred. Cumberland-Robert A. Bird, Portland. Lincoln-Edmund B. Bowman, Wiscasset. Hancock-Parker W. Perry, Ellsworth. Washington-Albert G. Lane, Machias. Kennebec--Wm. M. Stratton, Augusta. Oxford--Elisha Winter, Paris. Somerset-George A. Hobbs, Canaan. Penobscot-Nathan Weston, Jr., Bangor. Waldo-Nathaniel Patterson, Belfast. * For the transaction only of the civil business of said Court. 46 COMMISSIONERS. Piscataquis--Epbraim Flint, Dover. Franklin-Isaac Tyler, Farmington. Aroostook-Benj. L. Staples, Houlton. DISTRICT COURTS. The District Courts were abolished under Act of April 9, 1852. COMMISSIONERS Resident in Maine, appointed by the Governors of other States, to take testimony to be used, and Acknowledgment of Deeds to be recorded, in said States. MASSACHUSETTS. Child, James L. Augusta. Edwards, Newton " Nichols, Asaph R. " Cutting, Jonas Bangor. Dinsmore, Samuel P. " Godfrey, John E. Kent, George " Moody, George B. " Sewall, Frederic D. Bath. Sewall, Jacob S. " Abbott, Charles J. Castine. Bradbury, Bion, Eastport. Nutting, Daniel, Gardiner. Dodge, John C. Newcastle. Coffin, John R. Wilson, Nathaniel, Orono. Anderson, Samuel J. Portland. Davies, Edward H. Nichols, Amos " O'Donnell, James Pierce, Josiah Jr." Willis, William " Cochran, John C. Rockland. Eastman, Philip, Saco. O'Brien, David, Thomaston. Reed, Isaac, Waldoborough. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Bartlett, Ichabod D. Bangor. Godfrey, John E. Merrill, Charles B. Portland. O'Donnell, James " Pierce, Josiah, Jr. " VERMONT. Johnson, Alfred W. Belfast. CONNECTICUT. Pierce, Josiah Jr. Portland. NEW YORK. Godfrey, John E. Bangor. Hodsdon, John L. " Paine, Albert W. " Nutting, Daniel, Gardiner. Merrill, Charles B. Portland. Pierce, Josiah Jr. " Willis, William " O'Brien, David, Thomaston. MICHIGAN. Godfrey, John E. Bangor. Hodsdon, John L. Dinsmore, Samuel P. " INDIANA. Merrill, Charles B. Portland. ILLINOIS. Merrill, Charles B. Portland. PENNSYLVANIA. Pierce, J. Jr. Portland. SOUTH CAROLINA. Pierce, J. Jr. Portland. CALIFORNIA. Pierce, J. Jr., Portland. WISCONSIN. Hodsdon, John L. Bangor. MINNESOTA. Hodsdon, John L. Bangor. IOWA. Hodsdon, John L. Bangor. 47 48 MAINE REGISTER. COMMISSIONERS Resident in other States, appointed by Governors of Maine to take acknowledgment and proof of any deed or other conveyance, or lease of any lands lying in this State; and of any contract, letter of attor- ney, or any other writing, under seal or not, to be used or recorded in this State; also to take and duly certify all depositions to be used in any of the courts in this State, in conformity to the laws thereof. The tenure of office of Commissioners, is four years. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Gooch, Daniel W. Boston. Bartlett, Wm. H. Concord. Hale, George S. " Currier, David, Derry. Harlow, Thomas S. Eldridge, M. F. Nashua. Hart, S. Rowland" Hughes, Aaron P. " Hazelton, Horace L. " Small, William B. Newmarket. Hayes, Francis B. " Storer, Samuel Portsmouth. Hodges, Edward F. Hackett W. H. Y. " Jackson, Abraham Jr. " Parker, William B. " Jewell, Harvey Williams, Charles S. Rutland. Joy, Albion K. P. " Sanborn, Dyer H. Washington. Kettelle, Jacob Q. " Kingsbury, G. H. " VERMONT. Knapp, William Houghton, George F. St. Albans. Lynde, Alonzo V. " Marsh, Lyndon A. Woodstock. Maine, S. C. " Mayo, Charles MASSACHUSETTS. Minns, George W. " Abbott, James A. Boston. Moore, Edward N. Adams, Chas. B. F. " Nichols, John P. " Allen, A. O. " Nickerson, Joseph " Allen, Chas. E. " Nutter, Chas. C. Allen, Frederic H. " Nutter, T. F. " Angell, George T. " Otis, Edmund B. " Atkinson, Edward " Parmenter, Wm. E. " Atkinson, Jacob " Phillips, Thos. W. " Austin, Ivers J. " Pond, Benjamin " Bates, Sam'l W " Rice, George E. Betton, Ninian C. " Sanger, George P. " Bigelow, John P. " Sharp, Daniel Jr. " Blake, Edward " Smith, W. H. L. " Bolles, John A. " Stevens, Oliver " Brooks, Francis A. " Thacher, George M. Buck, Edward " Thornton, J. W. " Buckingham, J. H. " Washburn, Alex. C. Burbank, Robert I. " Washburn, Frederic L. Butler, Benj. " Walker, Wmin. L. " Chandler, Peleg W. " Watts, Francis O. " Cooke, Benj. F. " Willard, Paul Jr. " Cotterell, Asa (East) '9 Wheelock, Peter S. " Currier, Benj. H. " Willard, Paul Jr. Charlestown. Dana, Edward A. " Banfield, Everett C. Demond, Charles " Hall, Franklin, East Cambridge. Dexter, Thomas A. " Mayhew, Theodore G. Edgartown. Dodge, John C. " Webber, John, Gloucester. Dudley, Elbridge G. " Gay, Ebenezer, Hingham. Ely, Alfred B. " Kimball, William M. Lawrence. Emerson, J. W. " Weed, Dan Fiske, Augustus H. " Richardson, Wm. A. Lowell. Fuller, H. Weld " Perkins, Jonas R. No. Bridgewater. Giles, Alfred E. " Chilson, Haynes H. Northampton. COMMISSIONERS. Thompson, Thomas M. Pepperell. Bates, Moses Jr. Plymouth. Ellis, Charles M. Roxbury. Gaston, William " Morton, James H. Springfield. Field, Jonathan E. Stockbridge. Hall, Elijah F. Weymouth. Kingsbury, Fisher A. Loud, John W. "� Stoddard, Elijah B. Worcester. CONNECTICUT. Wait, J. T. Norwich. RHODE ISLAND. Martin, Henry, Providence. NEW YORK. Albany. Robert J. Hilton. Brooklyn, William J. Hammond, Charles H. Thompson. Bufalo. James S. Gibbs, Lorenzo K. Haddock. New York City. Benjamin V. Ab- bott, Ienry C. Banks. Horace Bar- nard, George Barstow, Frederick G. Burnham, Wm. H. Browne, Jeremiah E. Cary, Warren A. Cleveland, Edwin F. Corey, Edward E. Cowles, J. C. B. Davis, William C. Dusenbery, Henry P. Fessenden, Louis A. Glover, Alden P. Hale, James W. Hale, Joseph C. Lawrence, Sylvester Lay, John Li - ingston, Moses B. Maclay, Joseph B. Nones, Robert G. Pike, Thomas A. Richmond, William E. Robinson, William C. Russell, Daniel Seixas, William J. Sinclair, William Stanley, Thomas Stevenson, Andrew Warner, Redford A. Watkinson, Francis W. Woodward, William A. Woodward. Ogdensburg. G. F. Havens. Patterson. Peregrine Sanford. Troy. Cole H. Denio. lWilliamsburg. Demas Strong. NEW JERSEY. Jersey City. George W. Cassedy. PENNSYLVANIA. Erie. James Sill. Philadelphia. John F. Belsterling, John Binns, David B. Birney, Arthur M. Burton, William B. Hieskell, R. A. Parrish, Henry Sargent, Edward Shippen, Franklin Taylor, James Todd. Lock Haven. Ira C. Mitchell. Pittsburg. A. W. Foster. Williamsport. Charles D. Emery. MARYLAND. Baltimore. George H. Hickman, Jabez D. Pratt. 4 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington City. Samuel L. Har- ris, Geo. C. Thomas, Nicholas Callan, Charles De Selding, Chas. C. Tucker. VIRGINIA. Alexandria. J. Louis Kinzer. Richmond. Samuel T. Bayley, Abel U. Mayo. GEORGIA. Savannah. Edward G. Wilson. ALABAMA. Mobile. Mark W. Delahay. MISSISSIPPI. Natchez. Robert N. Wood. Vicksburq. F. N. Steel. Yazoo. Robert B. Mayes. MISSOURI. St. Louis. James B. Goff, Solomon J. Levi, Edward W. Shands, Thomas Yeatman. LOUISIANA. New Orleans. Richard Brenan, Charles A. Farwell, Thomas J. Hit- selberger, William Christy, William Monaghan, William Shannon, N. Bradner Smith. Shreveport. John W. Laudrum. TENNESSEE. Memphis. Hume F. Hill. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston. Edward Heriot. KENTUCKY. Hodgensville. Henry M. Rowlett. Louisvills. Joseph B. Kinkaid. OHIO. Cincinnati. James Birney, Edward R. Newhall, John M. Wilson. Cleveland. David L. King, Daniel M. Porter, James Wade, Jr. Toledo. J. R. Williams. MICHIGAN. Detroit. Sears Stevens. ILLINOIS. Bloomington. Peter Folsom. Chicago. Gideon WV. Danforth, Benjamin E. Gallup, Henry N. Hib- bard, C. N. Holden, Edward C. Larn- ed, Oliver R. W. Lull, George W. Meeker, Alexander S. Prentiss, S. Henry Shrere. Oquawka. Hiram Rose. Rockford. Edward S. Leavitt. 49 MAINE REGISTER. FLORIDA. Pensacola. Maximo P. De Riodoo. TEXAS. Galveston. Alfred F. James, Rob- ert D. Johnston. Indianola. John H. Brown. WISCONSIN. Ashkosh. Clark Dickinson. Milwaukie. John C. Starkweather. Grand Prairie. William A. Brad- bury. Racine. Peyton R. Morgan. IOWA. Davenport. John Thorington. CALIFORNIA. Sacramento. Newton Booth, Rich- ard H. Stanley. San Francisco. Maurice C. Blake, Thomas A. Cazrean, Paul L. Chand- ler, Joseph Grant, George P. John- ston, Lewis W. Sloat, Wmin. Rale, Sul- livon Rawson, Stephen P. Webb, An- drew Williams. Washington City. Francis H. Da- ridge. MINNESOTA. St. Anthony Falls. George E. H. Day, Edward L. Hall, Samuel Thach- er, Jr. Youcalla. John W. P. Huntington. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND QUORUM HAVING JURISDICTION THROUGHOUT THE STATE. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Livermore. Reuel Washburn. Durham. Allen H. Cobb. Turner. Job Prince. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Houlton. John Hodgdon. Monticello. Joel Wellington. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Bridgton. N. S. Littlefield. Brunswick. Robert P. Dunlap. Gorham. Josiah Pierce, Toppan Robie. Portland. Nathan Clifford, David Dunn, Elbridge Gerry, Joseph Howard, Theodore Ingalls, Josiah S. Little, Josiah Pierce, John A. Poor, George F. Shepley. Windham. John Webb. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Farmington. Samuel Belcher, Nathan Cutler. Phillips. Benj. F. Eastman, Darius Howard, Joseph A. Linscott. Wilton. Sewall Cram. HANCOCK COUNTY. Bluehill. John R. Redman. Castine. Hezekiah Williams. 50 JUfTICES OF THE Eden. Nicholas Thomas. Orland. Henry Partridge. KENNEBEC COUNTX1 Augusta. J. W. Bradbury, John L. Cutler, Asaph R. Nichols, Asa Redington. Gardiner. Frederick Allen, Robert H. Gardiner. Hallowell. John Otis. Readfield. Edward Fuller. Waterville. D. L. Miliken, Joab Harriman. Winthrop. Samuel P. Benson. LINCOLN COUNTY. Damariscotta. Ezra B. French. Lincolnville. Joseph Miller. Thomaston. Benj. Carr, Atwood Levenseller, John Ruggles. Warren. Manasseh H. Smith. Wiscasset. Erastus Foote. OXFORD COUNTY. Bethel. Moses Mason. Buckfield. Noah Prince. PEACE AND QUORUM. Fryeburg. Edward L. Osgood. Norway. Ezra F. Beal. Paris. Stephen Emery. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Bangor. John Appleton, Samuel H. Blake, William Cutter, Elijah L. Hamlin, Josh. W. Hathaway, Samuel F. Hersey, Alpheus Lyon, Wyman B. S. Moors, Amos M. Roberts, Charles Stetson, B3enjamin Wiggin. Exeter. Isaac Hodsdon. Hampden. Hannibal Hamlin. SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Bath. David Bronson. Bowdoinham. Josiah Merrow. SOMERSET COUNTY. Harmony. Cleopas Boyd. North Anson. Franklin Smith. Pittsfield. Robert Hunter. WALDO COUNTY. Belfast. Henry W. Cunningham, James White. . .Frankfort. Adams Treat. 51 MAINE REGISTER. Prospect. Samuel S. Heagan. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Calais. Anson G. Chandler. East Machias. Joshua A. Lowell, George F. Talbot, John C. Talbot. Machias. Albert Pillsbury. Perry. Robinson Palmer. Pembroke. Stephen C. Foster. Steuben. Samuel Moore. YORK COUNTY. Alfred. Wm. C. Allen, Daniel Goodenow, Joshua Herrick. Cornish. Caleb R. Ayer, David Hammons. Limington. Arthur McArthur. Parsonsfield. Rufus McIntire. Saco. Philip Eastman. Sanford. Increase S. Kimball. Wells. Samuel Mildram. COMMISSIONERS OP WRECKS. TERM OF OFFICE, 4 YEARS. HANCOCK COUNTY.. Benjamin Benson, Tremont Thomas Bunker, Cranberry Isle Hiram Emery, Sullivan Wilson Godfrey, Gouldboro' Win. S. Green, Deer Isle Samuel Hooper, Brookline Wm. Moor, Cranberry Isle Wm. P. Preble, Cranberry Isle James Saunders, Deer Isle LINCOLN COUNTY. Jason Fuller, Boothbay Samuel Trussell, St. George WALDO COUNTY. Hiram Bass, Camden. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Hiram A. Balch, Calais Charles F. Barker, Jonesport Daniel G. Sawyer, Jonesport Wm. E. Pennell, Machiasport Wm. D. Small, Lubec Ellery Turner, Cutler Daniel Wags, Addison Ebenezer Wormell, Lubec YORK COUNTY. Asa Frisbee, Kittery Charles Goodwin, Kennebunkport. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS. TERM OF OFFICE, 4 YEARS. Hiram Bass,* *........... Camden,..... . ..Waldo Robert Chase,............ Camden, ........ Waldo Samuel Doolittle, .......... Watervillle,. ..... Kennebec Benj. J. Herrick, -.......... Alfred, * *....... York Josiah Pierce, Jr., ........ . Portland, . * * * . Cumberland Leonard J. Thomas,. * * . ..Eden, ...... Hancock 52 LAND AGENT, INSPECTORS, ETC. ASSAYER OP ORES, &C. Henry T. Cummings, .. * *Portland SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Charles A. Lord, ........ *Portland LAND AGENT. George C. Getchell, ....*. orth Anson ASSISTANT LAND AGENT. Daniel Sanborn, *.........Bangor INSPECTOR OF POT AND PEARL ASHES. TERM OF OFFICE, 4 YEARS. Lemuel Gooding, *........ Portland INDIAN AGENTS. TERM OF OFFICE, 4 YEARS. John H. Morrill, *........Lincoln, . ....Penobscot Tribe Seth W. Smith, .... .... Calais,* . * * . . Passamaquoddy Tribe KEEPERS OP PUBIC PROPERTY. TERM OF OFFICE, 4 YEARS. Wm. E. Kimball, at the State Arsenal, ...... Portland Prescot P. Holden, " ". ..... Bangor INSPECTOR GENERAL OF BEEP AND PORK. TERM OF OFFICE, 4 YEARS. Joshiah Corill, *............*Jay INSPECTOR OP BUTTER AD LARD. TERM OF OFFICE, 4 YEARS. Winm. H. Smith, ............. Readfield INSPECTORS OP HOPS. TERM OF OFFICE, 4 YEARS. James Walker, Jr., .......... Fryeburg Gardner Ellis, ......*...... Canton INSPECTOR GENERAL OF LIME. George W. Coombs, ... *..... South Thomaston. MAINE REGISTER. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, AUBURN. POPULATION IN 1850, 25,757. NoTE.--County Commissioners hold their offices for a term of three years. Persons appointed to qualify civil officers, during life or good behavior. The tenure of offices of Notaries Public, Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum, and Justices of the Peace, and Inspectors of Fish, is seven years. Coroners are appointed for four years. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - - Nahum Morrill, - - Auburn. Register of Probate, - - Stetson L. Hill, - Webster. County Attorney, - - Charles W. Goddard, - Danville. Clerk of Courts, - - J. D. Pulsifer, - - Minot. Register of Deeds, - - John H. Otis, - - Leeds. County Treasurer, - - Jesse Hayes, - - Auburn. Sheril, - - - Charles Clark, - - Danville. Deputy Sheriffs. Benjamin Dunn, Danville ; John Hayes, (Centre) East Liv- ermore; Benjamin Dunn, (Falls,) Lewiston; Albert Crooker, (Mechanic Falls,) Minot; Jordan.Rand, Lisbon; Elbridge G. Fuller, Turner. Moses Whittier, Read field, Kennebec County. County Commissioners. Reuel Washburn, Livermore; Stephen H. Reed, Lewiston. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Auburn, James Goff, Jr. Danville, Jacob Herrick, Nathaniel L. Ingersoll. Durham, A. H. Cobb, Charles C. Cobb, Joseph Warren. Greene, Elijah Barrell, Alfred Pierce. Leeds, Thomas Francis, Stillman Howard, Geo. Turner. Lewiston, John M. Frye. Lisbon, James Emerson, Joseph Moore, Joshua Nutting. Livermore, Lee Strickland. Minot, Jonathan G. Hawk, Asaph Howard, Josiah D. Pulsifer. Poland, David Dunn, James Dunn, Abiezer S. Freeman, Tilson Waterman. Turner, Timothy Ludden, Job Prince. Wales, Joel Small. Notaries Public. Danville, Jacob Herrick. Durham, Ai Waterhouse. Lewiston, C. W. Goddard, Albert H. Small. Turner, Timothy Ludden. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Auburn, Wm. Bickford, John C. Briggs, Harvey Dillingham, Thomas J. Howard, Thomas Littlefield, Nahum Morrill, Peter Noyes, Stephen Packard. Danville, T. A. D. Fessenden, Jacob Herrick, Edward T. Little, Calvin Record, Ebenezer Verrill, Thomas B. Little, Jere- miah Dingley, Jr., Robert Martin, Silas Titcomb, John Goodwin, Nathaniel L. Ingersoll. Durham, David R. Bowe, Charles C. Cobb, WVm. G. Hoit, Ai Waterhouse. East Livermore, Aaron Barton, F. F. Haines, Lewis Huntoon, Cyrus Knapp, Ezekiel Treat. Greene, Elijah Barrell, Wm. C. Dow, Lewis Gibert, Leonard Mower, Alfred Pierce. Livermore, Isaac S. Daley, Tristram Hillman, Isaac Strickland, Lee Strickland, Nathaniel Perley. Leeds, Stillman L. Howard, Ensign Otis, John H. Otis, Peleg B. Caswell, Jeremiah'Sylvester. Lewiston, Ham Brooks, Horatio G. Cilley, William Garcelon, C. W. Goddard, Stetson L. Hill, Reuben Rand, John Smith, W. Woodward, Archibald Wakefield. Lisbon, Edward P. Briggs, Ammi Dunham, Robert Jack, Winm. McLellan, Joseph Moore, Aaron J. West, John Whittemore, Samuel Moody. Minot, Nathaniel Cushman, John Dore, J. G. Hawk, George Moore, Joshua Parsons, Josiah D. Pulsifer, S. F. Rawson, S. W. Shaw. Poland, James Dunn, Abiezer S. Freeman, Jonas Jordan, Ebenezer G. Martin, Jonathan Pulsifer, Jonas W. Strout, John True, Jr., Samuel F. Waterman, Nelson Wright, B. Waterhouse. Turner, Solon Chase, Isaac Gross, Samuel Jenkins, Archibald Leavitt, Timothy Ludden, Ezekiel Martin, Seth Sampson, George Turner. Wales, Joel Small. Webster, Jesse Davis, Nathaniel Dennett, B. D. Bryant. Justices of the Peace. Auburn, Tristram B. Bonney, Philip A. Briggs, Asa Holmes, James S. Nash, David Strout. Danville, George W. Hunnewell, Nathaniel L. Ingersoll, Jr. Durham, William K. Marston, Benjamin W. Nason, Sewall Strout. Leeds, Jeremiah Sylvester, Oscar D. Turner. Lewiston, George A. Gordon; Isaac C. Thompson. Lisbon, John G. Tebbetts. Livermore, Sylvester Norton. 55 MAINE REGISTER. Minot, William L. Bonney, Charles Moody, Robert B. Prince. Poland, Benjamin Waterhouse. Turner, Essec Fuller, Freeman Irish, Josiah Keene, M. T. Ludden, Albert Winship. Coroners. Durham, William Newell, Jr. Livermore, John Turner. Greene, John Quimby. Poland, William Cousins. Leeds, Reuel Foss. Turner, James B. Walker. Lewiston, Ham Brooks. Webster, James Bryent. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. SIRE TOWN, HOULTON. POPULATION IN 1850, 12,533. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - - Joel Wellington, - Monticello. Register of Probate, - - Zenas P. Wentworth, - Houlton. County Attorney, - - John B. Trafton, - Port Fairfield. Clerk of Courts, - - Benj. L. Staples, - Houlton. Reg. of Deeds, (N. District) Louis Courmier, Madawaska Plant. Reg. of Deeds, (S. District,) Timothy Frisbee, - Houlton. County Treasurer, - - C. C. Bradbury, - Ilodgdon. Sheri, - - - - William H. Winslow, - IHoulton. Jailer, - - - - Solomon Cates, - Houlton. Probate Court is holden at Houlton, on the third Tuesdays of Jan- uary, March and May, and the first Tuesdays of July, September and November. Deputy Sheriffs. Benj. Hawes, Aroostook; IH. O. Hussey, Houlton; Jacob Frye, Patten; Hiram B. Ham, Presque Isle; Ivory Coolbroth, Smyrna. County Commissioners. Moses White, Houlton; James Keagan, Van Buren; Benja- min Hawes, Aroostook. County Commissioners' Courts, at Hoilton, 3d Tuesday in January, and first Tuesday in July. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Benedicta, Elisha Brown. Golden Ridge, Edwin Parker. Hancock Plantation, John S. Webber, Robert L. White. Houlton, Timothy Frisbee, James C. Madigan. 56 AROOSTOCK COUNTY. Linneus, Moses Burley, Edward L. F. Nickerson. Masardis, Joseph Pollard. IMoluncus, James B. Currier. Presque Isle, Joseph B. Hall. Smyrna, Elias Blodgett, Osgood Pingry. Weston, William Butterfield. Letter D, Range 3, Thomas Bartlett, Mark Trafton. Letter F, Range 2, Dennis Fairbanks. Letter H, David F. Adams. No. 11, Range 5, Rufus G. Kelloch, E. F. Garland. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. For the County, Winm. H. McCrillis, of Bangor. Amity, Milo Walton. Bancroft, John Pomroy. Fort Fairfield, Bradford Cummings, John B. Trafton. Fort Kent, John S. Webber. Hancock Plantation, Samuel Bolter, David Page. Haynesville, Daniel Cummings, Samuel G. Tuck. Houlton, Benj. L. Staples, Timothy Frisbee, James C. Madigan, Zenas P. Wentworth, Leonard Pierce, John V. Putnam, Isaac W. Tabor, Moses White, Richard McBrien. Limestone River Plantation, George A. Nourse. Linneus, Parker P. Burleigh. Madawaska Plantation, Louis Courmier. Masardis, Joseph Pollard, Stephen P. Hews. No. 4, Range 5, John Conant. No. 8, Range 5, Benjamin H. Hewes. No. 9, Range 6, Samuel Hayden. No. 11, Range 5, Rufus G. Kelloch, Ed. F. Garland. Orient Plantation, Charles Calkins. Presque Isle, Joseph B. Hall. Smyrna, John Estes, Osgood Pingry. Van Buren Plantation, Paul Cyr. Weston, William Butterfield,. Samuel J. Foster, Joel Foss. William's Coll. Grant, Abner True. Justices of the Peace. Bridgewater, Joseph Ketchum, Charles Kidder. Golden Ridge, Spaulding Robinson. Houlton, James Houlton. Hodgdon, E. A. Low. Linneus, John H. Clough. Madawaska Plantation, Firmin Cyr. Moluncus, Hiram Hawes, Wesley M. Kimball. Monticello, Joel Wellington. MAINE REGISTER. Presque Isle, John Allen. Weston, Warren W. Jelerson, Joseph Butterfield. Vazn Buren Plantation, James Keagan. Letter F, Vennas Chandler. Letter G, John Allen. Letter H~ Range 2, David F. Adams, Ivory HIardison. No. 11, Albion Nutting. Smyrna, Samuel Drew. Coroners. Hodgdon, Rufus Wiggin. Houlton, James M. Goodwin. Patten, David Haynes. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. SHIaRE TowN, PORTLAND. POPULATION IN 1850, 68,892. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - - Josiah Pierce, - - Gorham. Register of. Probate, - Aaron B. Holden, . - Portland. County Attorney, - - Henry P. Deane, - Portland. Clerk of Courts, - Obadiah G. Cook, - - Portland. Register of Deeds, - - William C. Mitchell, - Portland. County Treasurer, - Joseph Libby, - - - Portland. Sheri f - - - - Seward M. Baker, - Windham. Probate Court is holden at Portland on the 1st and 3d Tuesdays of January, February, March, April, May, June, July; and on the 1st Tuesday of September, and on the 1st and 3d Tuesdays of October, November and December. Deputy Sheriffs. Richard Gage, Bridgton; Laurens J. Joyce, Brunswick; Richard Maybery, Casco ; Samuel M. Brackett, West Falmouth; Joshua H. Hall, Gray ; Jacob C. Baker, Gorham; Alexander Ewing, Harpswell; Barbour B. Porter, North Yarmouth; Rob- ert A. Bird, Portland; Sewall Milliken, Scarboro'; Luke Rich, Standish; Benjamin M.Baker, North Windham. County Commissioners. Seth Storer, Scarborough ; Anson Jordan, Casco; Winm. Paine, Standish. County Commissioners' Courts, at Portland, 1st Tuesday in June, and 3d Tuesday in December. 58 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Baldwin, Albert Sanborn. Bridgton, Nathaniel S. Littlefield, Thomas H. Mead. Brunswick, Richard T. Dunlap, Richard Greenleaf, John C. Humphreys, John McKeen, Joseph McKeen, Augustus C. Rob- bins, Alfred J. Stone, A. B. Thompson, Samuel S. Wing.. Cape Elizabeth, Stephen Hubbard. Cumberland, Ephraim Sturdivant, Nicholas Rideout, Jr. Falmouth, Josiah Batchelder, Silas Leighton, Jr., Daniel Merrill. .Freeport, Seth Bailey, Jr., Rufus Soule. Gorham, Elijah Hayes, Caleb Hodsdon, Charles Hunt, James Irish, Hugh D. McLellan, Seward Merrill, Josiah Pierce, John A. Waterman. Gray, Warren H. Vinton, Daniel'Hall, Daniel W. Green. Harrison, John E. Dunnells. Harpswell, Paul Randall, William Randall, Levi L. Tolman, Stephen Purington, Simon Hopkins, Joseph F. Lawson, T. S. Jack, Thomas U. Eaton. Naples, John G. Cannell, John P. Davis. New Gloucester, John S. Farnum, Samuel Foxcroft. North Yarmouth, William Osgood. Otisfield, Joseph W. Holden, Elisha L. Lombard. Portland, Robert A. Bird, Ira Berry, Freeman Bradford, Charles S. Davies, David Dunn, Samuel Fessenden, Allen Haines, Charles C. Harmon, Aaron B. Holden, Benjamin Kingsbury, Jr., Nathan. Nutter, Jabez C. Woodman. Pownal, Joseph Brown. Raymond, Mahlon D. Hayden. Scarboro', James Larrabee, Stephen L. Waterhouse. Sebago, Stephen H. Potter, Stephen R. Porter. Standish, Horatio J. Swasey. Westbrook, William G. Chadbourn, John S. Lunt, Jonathan. Smith, Stephen Webb, Jr., W. L. Woodbury, Geo. Bishop, Daniel Hayes. Windham, John Eveleth. Yarmouth, Jacob G. Loring. Notaries Public. Biddeford, Seth S. Fairfield. Brunswick, Nathaniel Badger, James D. Simmons. Falmouth, J. Batchelder. Gorham, Hugh D. McLellan. New Gloucester, John Gunnison. Otisfield, Joseph W. Holden. 59 MAINE REGISTER. Portland, Samuel J. Anderson, Nathaniel F. Deering, James' Merrill, Henry M. Payson, Josiah Pierce, Jr., William Ross, Wm... Willis, William H. Wood, S. B. Beckett, John Chute, Benja- min Chickering, Charles M. Davis, Lewis Dela, Edward Gould, Daniel W. Fessenden, Thomas Furber, John Gunnison, Allen Haines, Henry Ilsley, Jr., Joseph Ilsley, Wnm. D. Little. Yarmouth, Barnabas Freeman. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. For the County, Octavus A. Merrill, Topsham. Baldwin, Cyrus S. Brown, John Goodwin, James Norton, Al- bert Sanborn. Bridgton, Moses Gould, Joseph W. Paine, Thos. P. Perley. Brunswick, Nathaniel Badger, William G. Barrows, James Cox, Nathaniel Davis, Richard T. Dunlap, Eben. Everett, Jona- than W. Forsaith, Gardner G. Frost, Richard Greenleaf, William H. Hall, Leavitt T. Jackson, John McKeen, James Moorlin, A. C. Robbins, Samuel S. Wing. Cape Elizabeth, Joseph P. Chamberlain, Stephen Hubbard. Casco, Daniel M. Cook, Anson Jordan, Richard M. Webb. Cumberland, Amb. Hamilton, Isaac O. Parsons, Hollis St. Clair, Joseph Smith, Ephraim Sturdivant, Samuel True. Falmouth, Josiah Batchelder, Silas Leighton, Jr., Daniel Merrill. Freeport, Seth Bailey, Jr., Richard Belcher, John Collins, Simeon Pratt, Rufus C. Soule, Micah Stockbridge, Ebenezer Wells. Gorham, Alvah Black, D. B. Clements, J. H. Clements, John W. Dana, Daniel C. Emery, Jonathan Hanson, S. O. Higgins, Caleb Hodgdon, Russell Linnell, Abial W. March, Cyril Pearl, J. A. Waterman, John Wingate. Gray, Benjamin Adams, Jacob Clark, Daniel W. Green, Daniel Hall, Meshach Humphrey, Thomas Hancock, John Humphrey, Aaron Stearns, W. H. Vinton. Harpswell, Simeon Hopkins, Joseph F. Lawson, Stephen Pur- rington, Paul Randall, William Randall. Harrison, Francis Blake, Harrison Blake, S. Burnham, George Pierce, W. Stewart. Naples, J. G. Cannell, John P. Davis, S. F. Perley. New Gloucester, William Bradbury, Winthrop Cobb, Joseph Cross, S. Foxcroft, Thomas Johnson. North Yarmouth, John W. Gookin. Otisfield, S. P. Anderson, Robinson Cook, James M. Edwards, Joseph W. Holden, J. W. Knight, W. E. F. Linnell. Portland, John M. Adams, S. J. Anderson, John Appleton, John A. Balkam, Phin. Barnes; R. A. Bird, William Boyd, F. Brad- ford, M. M. Butler, Ezra Carter, Jr., Charles G. Came, O. G. Cook, 60 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. C. Cummings, E. L. Cummings, E. H. Davies, Henry P. Deane, L. Deane, Nathaniel Deering, Andrew J. Dole, Neal Dow, George F. Emery, W. P. Fessenden, Albert G. Fobes, Frederick Fox, Wm. Goodenow, John Gunnison, Allen Haines, Asa Hanson, C. C. Harmon, Lorenzo D. Harmon, Aaron B. Holden, Joseph Ilsley, George E. B. Jackson, George Jewett, Charles Jones, B. Kings- bury, Jr., R. W. Lincoln, William D. Little, John Martin, J. T. McCobb, C. B. Merrill, James Merrill, Jeremiah Mitchell, Winm. C. Mitchell, Jonathan Morgan, J. W. Munger, Thomas Norton, James O'Donnell, Henry M. Payson, J. Pierce, Jr., J. Purring- ton, F. A. Quinby, John Rand, William Ross, S. C. Strout, L. De'M. Sweat, Woodlury Storer, T. H. Talbot, William C. Ten Broeck, Solomon Thayer, W. W. Thomas, Stillman Thorp, Elisha Trowbridge, Llewellyn True, Joseph A. Ware, Nathan Webb, J. H. Williams, William H. Wood, J. C. Woodmn. Pownal, Jacob Bemis, Joseph Brown, Joseph Lufkin. Raymond, Matthew Churchill, Stephen Fogg, M. D. Hayden, John Sawyer, L. D. Strout, Henry Tenney, Jr. Scarboro', John*D. Fayban, James Larrabee, John Libbey, 3d, Seward Merrill, Seth Stover, Henry A. Tilton, S. L. Waterhouse. Sebago, Elijah Fulton, David Potter, George Ward. Standish, Theo. M. Bradbury, Benjamin Chadbourne, Green Cram, James Foss, Solomon Lambard, M. D. L. Lane, Eben. Moulton, Joseph Sanborn, H. J. Swasey, Joseph Webster. Westbrook, George Bishop, F. E. W. Boody, W. G. Chad- bourne, Walter B. Goodrich, Lewis Hardy, David Hayes, Moses Quinby, Franklin Partridge, James Johnson. Windham, Elias Baker, Ezra Brown, Daniel W. Dole, John Eveleth, Samuel A. Eveleth, Charles Johnson, Moses Little, Wil- liam Silla, Thomas L. Smith. Yarmouth, Edward G. Buxton, B. Freeman, Jacob G. Loring, Cushing Prince. Justices of the Peace. Bridgton, Luke Brown, George Farnsworth, Winm. H. Powers. Brunswick, Nathaniel Merryman. .Freeport, Ezekiel W. Mitchell. Gray, Solomon B. Foster. Gorham, Jacob Dingley, Simeon E. McLellan, Joseph Ridlon. Harpswell, Tho'mas S. Jack, Robert Pennell, Levi L. Yotman. Harrison, Ezra T. Ingalls, Samuel Thomas. ]ew Gloucester, James Merrill, Jonathan True. W2orth Yarmouth, Joseph Cleaves, Jabez Cushman. Portland, Henry C. Babb, James H. Baker, Sylvester B. Beckett, James B. Cahoon, A. L. E. Clapp, Louis J. DeCressey, Calv. J. Crockett, Charles M. Davis, Lewis Dela, Hiram H. Dow, 61 MAINE REGISTER. Thomas Furber, Winslow Hall, Henry Ilsley, Jr., Henry P. Lord, James R. Milliken, Isaac Nesmith. Raymond, Samuel Cash, John Nash, William Small. Scarboro', J. Hunnewell, Jr. Sebago, Oliver D. Dike, Stephen R. Porter. Standish, Andrew Hobson, Jr., Lemuel Rich, 3d, Stephen R. Gowen. Windham, Thomas B. Parsons. Yarmouth, Sylvester Blanchard, Zad. Humphrey, Wm. Rolf. Coroners. Bridgton, Rufus Gibbs, Winm. J. Hayden. Brunswick, Jona. W. For- saith. Freeport, Seth Bailey, Jr. Gray, Joshua H. Hall. Harrison, Sumner Burnham. North. Yarmouth, Nath. W. F. Sweetser. Portland, S. O. Danielson, Wm. E. Kimball, Wendall P. Smith. Scarboro', J. Hunnewell, Jr., Sewall Milliken. Standish, Arza Mayo, Chas. Thompson. Westbrook, Zaehariah B. Ste- vens. Windham, Benj. W. Baker, Seward M. Baker. Yarmouth, George Lewis. Inspectors of Fish. Freeport, Charles Bliss, Gershom Bliss, Joshua Wait. Portland, E. Cushman, J. W. Sawyer, Win. E. Short, Alpheus G. Sterling. Westbrook, Zachariah B. Stearns. FRANKLIN COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, PHILLIPS. POPULATION IN 1850, 20,021. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, Register of Probate, County Attorney, Clerk of Courts, - Register of Deeds, County Treasurer, Sheriff - - Jailer, - - Crier, - - - - Samuel Belcher, - - Farmington. Benj. Sampson, - Farmington. - Oliver L. Currier, - - New Sharon. - Isaac Tyler, - - Farmington. . Charles J. Talbot, - Farmington. - Albert G. Wheeler, - Farmington. John Trask, - - New Sharon. - Wm. Tarbox, - - Farmington. Luther Curtis, . - New Sharon. 62 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Probate Courts are holden at the Probate Office in Farmington, on the first Tuesday of every month, at 10, A. M. At J. A. Linscott's office, in Phillips, on the last Tuesday of June, at 10, A. M. Deputy Sheriffs. A. H. Stewart, Eben Norton, .Farmington; Alvin H. Pullen, Kingfield; Luther Curtis, New Sharon; Ira H. Plaisted, Enoch Winship, Phillips; John Clayton, Strong; J. G. Hoyt, Wilton. County Commissioners. John W. Dyer, New Sharon; Ephraim Hackett, New Vine- yard; Charles B. Pullen, Kingfield. County Commissioners' Courts, at Farmington, on the last Tues- days of April and December. Persons Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Avon, Elnathan Pope. Carthage, Isaiah Leavitt Newman. Chesterville, Jonathan Fellows, William Morgridge, Oliver Se- wall. Farmington, Hiram Belcher, Samuel Belcher, Francis G. But- ler, Nathan Cutler, Alanson B. Farwell. Freeman, Moses Patterson. Jay, Grove Catlin, Samuel Small, James Starr. Kingfield, Charles Pike. New Sharon, Varnum Cram, Oliver L. Currier, H. E. Dyer, H. B. Prescott. New Vineyard, George W. Clark, N. E. Wright. Phillips, Charles Church, Jr., Darius Howard. Strong, Philip M. Stubbs. Temple, James Russell. Wilton, Sewall Cram. Notaries Public. Farmington, Hannibal Belcher, Joseph A. Linscott, Thomas G. Jones. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Avon, Benj. R. Haines, Sumner Russell, Win. Towle. Carthage, John B. Staples, Harrison Storer, William Winter. Chesterville, Joseph Keith, Wm. Morgridge. Farmington, A. W. F. Belcher, Hannibal Belcher, Hiram Belcher, Thomas Chase, Thomas Croswell, John L. Cutler, Joseph Fairbanks, Nathaniel C. Goodenow, Robert Goodenow, Thomas Hunter, David C. Morrill, Thomas Parker, Joseph D. Prescott, Winm. M. Reed, John H. Ripley, Isaac Tyler, George W. Whitney, John A. Woods. Fayette, John S. Chase. 63 MAINE REGISTER. Freeman, Joshua Sowle, Moses Patterson. Industry, Rufus Jennings, P. W. Willis, Zachariah Wither. Jackson Plantation, Benj. B. Mace. Jay, John W. Eaton, Melvin V. Leach, Elisha Keyes, James Starr, Moses Stone, Jr., R. Thompson. Kingfield, E. F. Pillsbury, Charles Pike, Charles B. Pullen, Solomon Stanley. Madrid, Brilsford Pease. New Sharon, Joseph Bullen, Jason S. Chandler, George W. Chase, John Crowell, Oliver L. Currier, Henry E. Dyer, Simon Marston, Horatio B. Prescott, David L. Swan, John Trask, Sam'l Wyman. New Vineyard, Philander Butler, John McLain. Phillips, Charles Church, Jr., Lemuel Crosby, Joseph Dow, Mason W. Dutton, Darius Howard, Amos S. King, Samuel S. Lambert, Isaac S. Smith, John Toothaker, William Toothaker, Henry L. Whitcomb. Rangeley, B. L. Morrison, John Haley, Jr. Strong, Joshua T. Eaton, Edward K. Hitchcock, Benj. Hunter, Philip M. Stubbs, Benj. Tarbox. Temple, Samuel F. Small, James Russell. Weld, Robert Potter, Jr., Kendall Wright. Wilton, Moses Adams, Charles T. Brown, David Clark, Cyrus Fenderson, George Gage, Cyrus G. Morrill, Barron Randall, Enoch Scales, Sumner B. Walker, Joel T. Wilkins. Justices of the Peace. Avon, Ebenezer Hinkley. Carthage, Joel T. Wilkins. Chesterville, Freeman Burley, J. W. Morrill. Farmington, John R. Adams, Leonard Keith. Freeman, James W. Burbank. Industry, Ira Emery, Jr. Kingfield, Thomas Otis, Charles B. Pullen. Letter E, John Howard. New Vineyard, A. M. Hayden, Isaac Cogswell. No. 6 Plantation, Ichabod Bryant. Rangeley, Nehemiah Kimball. Salem, Daniel Heath, Moses Patterson. Weld, A. E. Houghton. Wilton, James B. Scales. Coroners. Farmington, Hiram Belcher, Jr. Jay, Daniel Rowell. New Sharon, Moses Atwood. Phillips, Ira. H Plaisted, Richard Philbrick. Wilton, Sumner B. Walker. 64 HANCOCK COUNTY. HANCOCK COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, ELLSWORTII. POPULATIO IN 1850, 34,372. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - - Parker Tuck, - - Bucksport. Register of Probate, - Arthur F. Drinkwater, Ellsworth. County Attorney, - - FrederickE. Shaw, - Orland. Clerk of Courts, - - Parker W. Perry, - Ellsworth. Register of Deeds, - - Jotham S. Lord, - Ellsworth. County Treasurer, . , - - . Sherif, - - - - George W. Buckmore, Ellsworth. Jailer, - - - Wm. Mayhew, - - Ellsworth. Probate Courts are holden at Ellsworth, the first Wednesdays of December, January, February, August and September; the third Wednesday of June, -- the first Wednesday after the second Tues- day of April, and the first Wednesday after the fourth Tuesday of October. At Bucksport, the first Wednesday of May, and third Wednesdays of September and January. At Bluehill, the first Wednesdays of July and November. (When the first Wednes- day of July shall fall on the fourth, the Court shall be held the day previous.) At Sullivan, the Tuesday next before the first Wednes- day in August. At Somesville, (Mount Desert,) the Tuesday next before the third Wednesday of June, and Tuesday next be- fore the third Wednesday in September. Deputy Sheriffs. Monroe Young, H. P. Jordan, John D. Hopkins, Ellsworth; John P. Mason, Orland; Jesse Hinkley, Bluehill; B. C. Sar- gent, Brooklin ; Joseph G. Walker, Brooksville. County Commissioners. Isaac S. Osgood, Bluehill; George L. Hosmer, Castine; Na- thaniel McFarland, Hancock. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Amherst, Goodell Silsby. Bluehill, Amos Allen, Bushrod W. Hinckley. Brooklin, B. C. Sargent. Brooksville, David Walker, Joseph Walker, John Walker. 5 65 MAINE REGISTER. Bucksport, John Lee, Parker Tuck, Nathan White, Theodore C. Woodman. Castine, Rowland H. Brigham, Charles K. Tilden, Hezekiah Williams. Cranberry Isle, Joseph Moore, John G. Bowen. Dedham, Winslow P. Spofford. Deer Isle, Benj. F. Furguson, Henry A. Noyes, Pearl Spofford, John Turner, Richard Warren. Eden, Leonard J. Thomas. Ellsworth, Joseph A. Deane, Joseph S. Rice, Thomas Robinson, Arno WTiswell, A. F. Drinkwater. Gouldsboro', Barney S. Hill. Mt. Desert, John M. Noyes, John Manchester, John H. Par- ker, William S. Richardson, Abraham Somes. Orland, Frederick E. Shaw. Penobscot, Pelatiah Leach, Jr. Seaville, Simeon Milliken. Sedgewick, Benjamin Rea. Sullivan, Hiram Emery. Surry, Jacob Dodge. Swan Island Plantation, Benjamin F. Stinson. Tilden, Richard Hastings. Notaries Public. Bluehill, B. W. Hinckley. Brooksville, John Walker. Bucksport, T. C. Woodman, Parker Tuck. Castine, Charles J. Abbott, Hezekiah Williams. Cranberry Isle, William P. Preble, Thomas Bunker, John G. Bowen. Deer Isle, Sullivan Green, Charles A. Spofford, Fred. P. Spof- ford, Pearl Spofford. Eden, Leonard J. Thomas, Nicholas J. Thomas. Ellsworth, Geo. B. Hopkins, James H. Chamberlain, Arthur F. Drinkwater, George W. Newbegin, George W. Brown, Joseph A. )Deane, Arno Wiswell. Gouldsboro', Wilson Godfrey. Long Island, Israel B. Lunt. Orland, Frederick E. Shaw, John P. Mason. Sullivan, Hiram Emery. Tremont, William Heath, Abraham Richardson, Seth H. Clark. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Bluekill, Jonah Holt, B. W. Hinckley, Putnam Ingalls, Isaac S Osgood, John Stevens. 66 HANCOCK COUNTY. Brooklin, Rowland Carlton, Samuel Hale, Jr., John O. Sar- gent, Benjamin C. Sargent, Elisha Wood, Lemuel Herrick. Brooksville, Winm. Barker, Simeon Allen, David Walker, Joseph Walker, David Wasson, John Wasson. Bucksport, Littleton Reed, Joab Harriman,*Sewall B. Swazey, Moses G. Buck, Wm. G. Chase, David Colcord, Winslow Hinks, Sewall Lake, Amos Smith, Parker Tuck, Nathan White, T. C. Woodman. Castine, Charles J. Abbott, R. H. Brigham, Charles Ellis, Wil- liam Jarvis, Charles Rogers, Charles K. Tilden, J. B. Woods. Cranberry Isle, A. C. Furnald, John G. Bowen, Thomas Bun- ker, Winm. P. Preble. Dedham, Asa Billington. Deer Isle, B. F. Furguson, Sullivan Green, John P. Johnson, C. A. Spofford, Fred. P. Spofford, Pearl Spofford, Thos. Warren. Eden, L. J. Thomas, N. J. Thomas. Ellsworth, Wm. IH. Black, Wmin. H.Chaney, Asa Edwards, Jos. A. Deane, Arthur F. Drinkwater, Henry S. Jones, Nathaniel A. Joy, Thomas R. Hart, Jotham S. Lord, Charles Lowell, Asa McAllister, Geo. W. Newbegin, Parker W. Perry, John D. Richards, Thomas Robinson, Nathaniel K. Sawyer, Winm. Somerby, Richard Tinker, Samuel Waterhouse, E. Whitcomb, Arno Wiswell. Franklin, John West, Joseph Scammons, G. W. Springer. Gouldsboro', Amos G. Gubtail, Joel Moore, Win. Rand, H. M. Soule. Greenfield, Jeremiah Le Ballister, Artemas Latham, Nathan Pierce, Jonathan White. Hancock, John Moon. Long Island, Israel B. Lunt. Mt. Desert, Geo. N. Jordan, Daniel Kimball, John fM. Noyes, Daniel Somes, Benjamin Thom, No. 1, J. NI. Thompson. Orland, Samuel P. Brown, Aaron P. Emerson, John P. Mason, Nathan Walker, Fred. E. Shaw, J. R. Wardwell. Otis, John B. Frazier. Sedgewick, Isaac M. Allen, Joseph Hutchins, Dan. Morgan, Jr., Jonathan L. Moore, Benjamin Rea, Wyer G. Sargent. Penobscot, Isaac B. Leach, James Leach, Jr., Pelatiah Leach, August Perkins, Edward Wright. Seaville, Jacob Butler. Sullivan, Theodore Bean, Hiram Emery. Surry, Jacob Dodge, Moses R. Greeley, Robert Hopkins. Tremont, Wm. Heath, Allen Hopkins, Samuel G. Rich. Trenton, William Haynes, Joseph Hopkins, Warren King. Waltham, Elliot Jordan. 67 MAINE REGISTER. Justices of the Peace. Amherst, Benjamin F. Keliher. Aurora, Roswell Silsbee, David B. Silsby. Bluehill, Archibald Wescott, Isaac S. Osgood. Brooklin, Haffield Cousins, N. H. Powers, Humphrey Wells. Brooksville, Frederic P. Billings, Stephen D. Gray, Samuel N. Southard, John Walker. Bucksport, Seth H. Smith, John B. Blood. Castine, Geo. H. Emerson. Cranberry Isle, A. C. Furnald. Dedham, Winslow P. Spofford. Deer Isle, Franklin Closson, George L. Hosmer, Henry A. Noyes, Thomas Small. Eden, James Hamen, Benj. H. Higgins, Seth Hopkins. Ellsworth, John Black, Jr., Ivory L. Brown, Rufus Clements, Daniel Eldridge, Samuel S, Lord, Oliver Maddocks, Hatch Ma- comber, Robert Mason, Jr., George S. Smith, Jr. Franklin, Geo. W. Cutter, Nathan A. Swan, Samuel Wassen. Gouldsboro', Barney S. Hill. Hancock, Isaac Wooster. Mariaville, Reuben Jellison. Mit. Desert, Lewis Freeman, Orland, James G. Leach, Robert T. Osgood, Luther Phillips. Penobscot, Samuel Leach, Peleg G. Staples. Sedgewick, Isaac S. Black, Thomas J. Gray, Shadrach H. Gray, Reuben H. Gray, Wm. H. Sargent. Surry, Abijah C. Lord, Hezekiah Means, Thomas C. Sargent, Swan Island Plantation, Benjamin Smith, Jr. Trenton, Henry S. Boynton, Reuben Remick. Tremont, Jacob Sawyer, Andrew Tarr. Wetmore Isle, Richard C. Abbott, John Hastings. Coroners. Brooldin, John O. Sargent. Orland, Nathan Walker. Eden, Nicholas Thomas. Sullivan, Cyrus Emery. Ellsworth, N. A. Joy, Eras- tus Redman. Inspectors of Fish. Brooklin, Asa Turner, N. H. Powers. Bucksport, Thomas Wiley, John C. Homer. Castine, James H. Lunt, Jos. H. Stearns, John B. Wilson, Josiah B. Woods. Cranberry Isle, Thomas Bunker, Wm. P. Preble. 68 KENNEBEC COUNTY. Deer Isle, Levi Babbidge, Davis Collins, Charles Eaton, Thomas Fifield, Sullivan Green, Jeremiah Hatch, Win. Kimball, Thomas Small, Jack Stinson, C. II. Sylvester, James Turner, John Tur- ner, John K. Turner, David Thurlow, Richard Warren, Win. E. Webb, Samuel Whitmore. Gouldsboro', Truman Gubtail. Orland, Oliver Bowley. Sedgewick, Daniel M. Means. Swan Island, Benjamin F. Stinson. Trenton, Ansel Coggins. KENNEBEC COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, AUGUSTA. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - Register of Probate, County Attorney, - Clerk of Courts, - Register of Deeds, - County Treasurer, Sherif, - - - Daniel Williams, - - Joseph Burton, - - Richard H. Vose, - - William M. Stratton, - Alanson Starks, - - - Daniel Pike, - - John A. Pettingill, - - Augusta. - Augusta. - Augusta. - Augusta. - Augusta. - Augusta. - Augusta. Probate Courts are holden at Augusta, on the second and fourth Mondays of January; on the second and fourth Mondays of February and March, on the second and fourth Mondays of April, May, June, July, August, October, November and December, and on the first and fourth Mondays of September. At Winthrop, on the first Monday of June. At Waterville, on the first Monday of July. Deputy Sheriffs. Augusta, James M. Williams; Benton, Asher H. Barton; China, (South) William Percival; Clinton, T. B. Stinchfield; Hallowell, Jabez S. Currier; Farmingdale, Enoch Marshall; Readfield, Moses Whittier; Waterville, Sumner Percival; Rome, Thomas Whittier; Vassalboro', Charles R. McFadden; Win- throp, Moses B. Sears. POPULATION IN 1850, 58,021. 69 MAINE REGISTER. County Commissioners. Thomas Eldred, Belgrade ; Benj. Wales, Iallowell; John B. Clifford, Benton. County Commissioners' Courts, at Augusta, on the last Tuesdays in April and December, and second Tuesday in August. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Albion, Jonathan Winslow. Augusta, James W. Bradbury, Joseph Burton, James L. Child, Elias Craig, John H. Ingraham, Alden Jackson, John Means, Lot M. Morrill, Asaph R. Nichols, Elijah Robinson, Daniel Wilbor, Henry Sewall, William M. Stratton, Daniel Williams. Belgrade, John Rockwood, Cyrus Weston, Ariel Hinkley. Benton, Asher Binds. China, Corydon Chadwick, Robert Fletcher, Joseph Stewart, O. W. Washburn, Joseph R. Lamb. Olinton, Richard Wells. Gardiner, James Burns, George Evans, George H. Robinson. Hallowell, William Clark, Samuel K. Gilman, Benj. Wales. Litckfield, John Dennis, John Neal, William Robinson. Monmouth, Ebenezer Freeman. Mount Vernon, James Chapman, John Philbrick. Pittston, George Williamson, S. Jewett. Readfield, Edward Fuller, Asa Gile. Vassalboro', Edward Gray, Ezekiel Small. Vienna, Benjamin Porter. Waterville, Paul L. Chandler, Harrison A. Smith. Wayne, Caleb Fuller, Tillotson Lovejoy, Moses Wing, George A. Wright. Windsor, Anthony Coombs, Thomas C. Davis, Winm. C. Barton. Winslow, David Garland. Winthrop, Gustavas A. Benson, Samuel P. Benson, Thomas J. Burgess, Samuel Wood. Notaries Public. Augusta, Joseph Burton, William Caldwell, James L. Child, Benj. A. G. Fuller, Asaph R. Nichols, William R. Smith, D. C. Stanwood, Samuel Titeomb, Joseph H. Williams. Gardiner, Joseph Adams, G. W. Bachelder, Daniel Nutting, Benjamin Shaw, Jr. Ballowell, Henry K. Baker, Edward K. Butler, Samuel K. Gilman, Ichabod Nutter. Waterville, Paul L. Chandler, Samuel P. Shaw, Josiah H. Drummond. Winthrop, Thomas J. Burgess. 70 KENNEBEC COUNTY. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Albion, Thomas Burrill, Arch. P. Fuller, David B. Fuller, Artemas Libbey, Pardon Tinkham. Augusta, Winm. S. Badger, Joseph Baker, Joseph Burton, Win. Caldwell, James L. Child, Elias Craig, George Darby, Francis Davis, N. Edwards, Edward Fenno, Drummond Farnsworth, Jos. J. Eveleth, David Fales, B. A. G. Fuller, Eben Fuller, Elias G. Hedge, Hen. B. Hovey, Lot M. Morrill, John Potter, Henry A. Pet- tingill, Lewis D. Moore, John Means, Geo. W. Morton, G. S. Mulli- ken, Joseph W. Patterson, J. A. Pettingill, Daniel T. Pike, Henry R. Smith, Thomas W. Smith, Wm. R. Smith, Joseph Springer, Alanson Starks, William M. Stratton, Samuel Titcomb, John Varney, Richard H. Vose, David Wilbur, J. H. Williams. Belgrade, Ariel Iinkley, Cyrus Weston, Nathaniel Frost, Na- thaniel Flint, Jos. S. Cummings. Benton, Ashur H. Barton, George 0. Brown, Henry Clark, Andrew H. Richardson, Madison Crowell, Crosby Hinds. Canaan, Joseph Barrett. Chelsea, Daniel Dorr, Thos. Searle. China, Amb. H. Abbott, Jonathan Bassett, Albert H. Clark, Alfred Fletcher, Robert Fletcher, Thomas S. Foster, Jose Greeley, Alfred Marshall, Jacob S. Marshall, Charles Russ, Henry C. Pierce, Zebah Washburn. Clinton, A. M. Billings, Richard Wells, Samuel Weymouth. Clinton Gore, Nahum C. Murray. Farmingdale, Alexander S. Chadwick. Fayette, J. H. Hutchinson, H. B. Lovejoy, Andrew Sturtevant, John S. French, Sewall N. Watson. Gardiner, E. N. Chadwick, Lorenzo Clay, Charles Danforth, L. H. Greene, Michael Hildreth, Cyrus Kendrick, Daniel Nutting, Geo. II. Robinson, Moses Springer, E. Waterhouse, N. M. Whitmore, Stephen Webber, Noah Woods. Hallowell, Henry K. Baker, Edw. K. Butler, William Clark, Francis J. Day, William Emmons, Samuel K. Gilman, Stewart Foster, Rodney G. Lincoln, Alden Rice, Elisha E. Rice, A. G. Stinchfield. Litchfield, Joseph C. Barstow, David Billings, John Neal, Robert Patten, Wm. Robinson, Barnabas Springer, Cornelius Tooth- aker, Josiah True. Manchester, Henry G. Cole, Eliab Lyon, Jr, Monmouth, Eben. Freeman, Joseph G. Jewett, Joseph Loomis, E. K. Prescott, John Safford, William B. Snell, Washington Wilcox, David Thurston. Mount Vernon, James Chapman, Peter S. Folsom, E. Kempton, Jr., James R. Marston, Abner Small, Ira Thing, Daniel H. Thing. 71 MAINE REGISTER. Pittston, Tristram Folsom, Clarkson P. Hale, John Jewett, Ward L. Lewis, George W. Mansur, Jacob Peaslee, Eliakim Scammon, George Williamson. Readfield, J. R. Batchelder, Emery O. Bean, Oliver Bean, John P. Craig, Upham T. Cram, Asa Gile, Nathan Hoyt, John Lambert, John Smith, John Smith, Jr., William E. Fuller, Richard Judkins, Anson P. Morrill, Josiah Whittier, 2d. Rome, Ezekiel Clement, Samuel Goodridge. Sidney, Daniel Blaisdell, Paul Hammond, Jeremiah Merrill, John Sawtelle. Vassalboro', How'd G. Abbott, Joseph Bowman, Isaac Fairfield, G. H. Getchell, Edward Gray, John G. Hall, Warren Percival, John Mower, James Rowe, Oliver A. Webber. Vienna, Thomas C. Norris, Obadiah Whittier, James Porter. Waterville, Samuel Appleton, Paul L. Chandler, J. H. Drum- mond, E. L. Getchell, Solyman Heath, T. W. Herrick, Samuel Kimball, Edwin Noyes, Samuel P. Shaw, Harrison A. Smith, J. Stackpole, Jr., Stephen Stark, Joshua Nye, Jr. Wayne, Parker Tuck, Nelson H. Cary, Nathaniel B. Frost, George Smith, Bradbury Sylvester, B. W. Varnum, William Wing, George A. Wright. West Gardiner, Cyrus Brun, John W. Herrick, Samuel Lane, Daniel Hildreth. Windsor, Anthony Coombs, Thomas C. Davis, Winm. C. Barton. Winslow, Robert Ayer, Ebenezer Abbot, Alonzo Rogers, Colby C. Cornish, David Garland. Winthrop, G. A. Benson, Thomas J. Burgess, Francis Fuller, Erastus W. Kelley, Z. A. Marrow, John May, John W. May, Seth May, Wm. H. Parlin, Samuel Wood. Justices of the Peace. Albion, Henry Baker, John T. Main, Augusta, John Dorr. Belgrade, Almond H. Wyman. Benton, Samuel Gibson. Clinton, Henry Stinchfield. Dutton, Ambrose Hovey. .Farmingdale, Alden Rice, Thomas B. Seavy, Edmund A. Chadwick. Gardiner, Joseph M. Meserve, Thomas Brieney, Josiah Maxcy. Manchester, Nathaniel Lovering. Litchjield, William Chase. Monmouth, Jacob G. Smith, James Cochran, Jr., M. M. Nichols, J. A. Pettingill. Mount Vernon, Charles A. Marston. N. Wayne, Albion K. P. Burgess. 72 LINCOLN COUNTY. Sidney, Alpheus S. Hayward. Vassalboro', John Homans, Prince Hopkins, Thos. Stackpole, Thomas S. Lang. Waterville, Samuel Doolittle, Calvin Crowell, Alfred Winslow. Winslow, George Pillsbury. Coroners. Augusta, James B. Norris, Joseph W. Patterson, Orrin Rowe, Lewis D. Moore. ,Benton, Asher Hi Barton. China, Ebenezer Shaw, John Hatch. Clinton, Wm. G. Miller. Farmingdale, Enoch Marshall. Gardiner, Wm. Palmer, John D. Gardiner. Hallowell, Thomas Newman, Francis J. Day, Stevens Smith. Mount Vernon, Benj. H. Gilbreth. Readjield, Moses Whittier. Waterville Joseph Nudd, Franklin Kimball, Llewellyn E. Cromett. Winthrop, Jonathan L. Stanley. LINCOLN COUNTY. SHIRE TowN, WISCASSET. POPULATION IN 1850, 46,989. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - - Arnold Blaney, - - Bristol. Register of Probate, - - Erastus Foote, Jr., - Wiscasset. County Attorney, - - John H. Kennedy, - Waldoboro'. Clerk of Courts, - - Edmund B. Bowman, Wiscasset. Registers of Eastern District, Olive Rose, - - Thomaston. Deeds, Middle District, Asa F. Hall, - - Wiscasset. County Treasurer, - - Henry Clark, - - Wiscasset. Sherff, - - - Joseph Farwell, - - Rockland. Jailer, - - - Franklin McClintock, - Wiscasset. Probate Courts are holden at Wiscasset, at 9 o'clock, A. M., on the first Monday of March; on the Tuesday next following the first Mon- day of April, on the first Mondays of May, June; July, August, Sep- tember, October, November, December, January and February. At Waldoboro', at Barnard's Hotel, on the last Mondays of May and August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Rockland, on the Wednesdays next following the last Mondays of May and August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Thomaston, at Paine's Corner, on the Tuesdays next following the last Mondays of May and August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. 73 MAINE REGISTER. Deputy SherifTh. Charles C. Leighton, Alna; William Carlisle, Boothbay; Thatcher T. Wales, Damariscotta; Willard Deering, Jeferson; David M. Mitchell, Elkanah Spear, Jr., Rockland; Alexander Young, Thomaston; George W. Morse, Union; George Farring- ton, Waldoboro'; Job Spear, Warren ; Alvin L. Piper, Whitefield; Elisha McKenny, Franklin McClintock, Wiscasset; Jeremiah Mil- lay, Bowdoinham, Sagadahoc county. County Commissioners. Oscar Eaton, Warren; David F. Crowell, Whitefield; George Weeks, Jeferson. County Commissioners' Courts, at Wiscasset, on the 2d Tuesdays of January and May, and 1st Monday of September. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Boothbay, William Carlisle, Jason Fuller, Marshall Smith. Bremen,Wait W. Keen. Cushing, William Malcolm. Damariscotta, Ezra B. French, Nathaniel M. Pike. Edgecomb, Stephen Parsons, Rufus Sewall. Friendship, Zebulon Davis. Jefferson, Joseph Weeks. .Matinicus Isle, Henry Young. Monhegan Plantation, Joseph Starling. Newcastle, Benj. W. Plummer. Rockland, William Battie, John C. Cochran, Joseph Farwell; James O. L. Foster, Iddo K. Kimball, Henry C. Lowell, Her- mon Stevens, William H. Titcomb. South Thomaston, Archibald McKellar, Jr. Southport, Freeman Grover. St. George, Ebenezer Otis. Thomaston, John D. Barnard, David O'Brien, John Ruggles, George A. Starr, Edmund Wilson. Union, Joshua S. Greene. Waldoboro', John Baieh, John Bulfinch, John H. Kennedy. Warren, John Miller, Edwin Smith, Manasseh H.'Smith. Washington, Isaac Heaton. Wiscasset, Samuel P. Baker, Edmund B. Bowman, Moses Carlton, Henry Ingalls. Whitefield, Reuben Lewis, Moses Peaslee. Notaries Public. Alna, Winm. N. Titus. Damariscotta, Ezra B. French, Edwin Flye. Newcastle, Marcus S. M. Hussey. 74 LINCOLN COUNTY. Nobleborough, Cushing Bryant. Rockland, J. O. L. Foster, J. C. Lovejoy, Nathaniel Meser- vey, William L. Pitts, William H. Titcomb, Alonzo D. Nichols, Maynard Sumner. St. George, Ebenezer Otis. South Thomaston, Joshua C. Adams, Geo. Thorndike, A. Mc- Kellar, Jr. Thomaston, John D. Barnard, Christopher Prince, James H. Rivers, S. Emerson Smith. Waldoborough, George Allen, John Balch, Bela P. Haskell, John Bulfinch, Isaac Reed. Wiscasset, Samuel P. Baker, Henry Ingalls. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Alna, Rodney C. Jones, Thomas Nelson. Boothbay, Winm. Carlisle, Wm. Hodgdon, Michael Knight, R. Montgomery, Parker Wilson. Bremen, William Daggett, Wait W. Keen. Bristol, William Cox, William Baker, Albert S. Clark, James Erskine, Arnold Blaney, Samuel T. Hinds, Leander Morton, Thomas Thompson, Peaslee M. Wells, Francis Wheeler. China, Melville G. Hanscom. Cushing, Robert Gay, James Payson, William Malcolm. Damariscotta, Joshua Hilton, Ezra B. French, Cyrus Cotter, Everett W. Stetson, Samuel A. Stinson, Nathaniel M. Pike. Dresden, Horatio G. Allen, Hamilton M. Call, Edward E. Houdlette, Alfred G. Lithgow. E dgecomb, Ezra Cunningham, John Cunningham, Joseph Merry, Rufus Sewall, Thomas W. Chadbourn. Friendslhp, Cornelius Bradford, Zenas Cook, 2d, James C. Morse. Jeferson, Peter Dunton, Samuel W. Jackson, James Robinson, Morrill Peaslee, Joseph Weeks. Monlhegan Plantation, Joseph Starling. Newcastle, Elias Bailey, Moses Call, E. W. Farley, J. G. Lee- man, Benjamin W. Plummer, Henry B. Merrill. Nobleborough, Asa Dinsmore, Joshua Perkins. Patricktown Plantation, Samuel Bruce, William Chisam. Rockland, Manasseh S. Whiting, William G. Sargent, Henry Ingraham, William Battie, Jeremiah Tolman, John C. Cochran, Joseph Farwell, Henry C. Ingraham, Jas. O. L. Foster, Henry C. Lowell, Nathan C. Woodard, Oliver Fales, C. L. Lowell, John A. Meserve, William L. Pitts, Hermon Stevens, Thomas W. Hix, Peter Thacher, William G. Sargent, William II. Titcomb, Join Wakefield, Wakefield G. Frye. Southport, Freeman Grover. 75 MAINE REGISTER. South Thomaston, Archibald McKellar, Jr., Asa Coombs, Joshua C. Adams, Daniel Vaughan, Geo. Thorndike, William Perry. St. George, Mark Barter, G. W. Gilchrist, Wm. Perry, Jr.; Ebenezer Otis, Joseph Fish, Levi Smalley. Thomaston, John D. Barnard, Ambrose Lermond, Atwood Levensaler, Thomas Rose, Beder Fales, Nath. Liscomb, David O'Brien, Christopher Prince, Abner Rice, Jas. H. Rivers, Edwin Rose, George A. Starr, Edmund Wilson. Townsend, Freeman Grover. Union, Wm. Caswell, Nelson Cutler, Jason Davis, N. M. Glea- son, John C. Robbins, Joshua S. Greene, J. W. Lindsly, Asa Messer, Cyrus Morton, William Gleason. Waldoboro', Hiram Bliss, Thomas Simmons, John Bulfinch, Joseph Clark, John L. Demuth, Albion P. Oakes, Henry Ken- nedy, John H. Kennedy, J. A. Levenseller, William H. Seiders, Reuben Orff, Edward A. Reed, D. W. Seiders. Warren, Oscar Eaton, Peter Fuller, Sumner Leach, John Miller, Edwin Smith, Edmund Starrett, S. B. Wetherbee. Washington, George Babb, Isaac Heaton, James ii. Clark, James Rust. Westport, Wm. Greenleaf, Moses Jewett, S. Tarbox, Jr. Wiitefield, Jason M. Carleton, Thos. B. Heath, Reuben Lewis, William F. Carleton, Jere. Wheeler, Thomas Bran. Wiscasset, John Babson, Samuel P. Baker, Edm. B. Bowman, Wales Hubbard, Henry Ingalls, Alexander Johnston, Jr., Samuel Page, James Taylor. Justices of the Peace. Boothbay, Robert Spinney, James Tibbetts, 2d, Alden Gaudy, Benjamin P. Giles. Cushing, James Payson. Dresden, Elihu Hatch, John Hathorn. Edgecomb, James Philbrick. Friendship, Sanford Delano. Harpswell, Samuel Toothaker. Matinicus Isle, Henry Young. Newcastle, Joseph Curtis, Elias Bailey, John H. Converse, Robert Muzzey, V. B. Oakes. Nobleboro', Henry B. Merrill. Patricktown Plantation, W. H. Wilson. Rockland, David Tillson, Larkin Snow. St. George, Ira M. Gilman, Samuel Watts. "Southport, Cyrus McKown. Thomaston, Thomas Rose. Union, John Gowen. Whitefield, Wm. Y. Bartlett, Thomas Bean. 76 LINCOLN COUNTY. Wiscasset, Asa F., Hall, Erastus Foote, Jr., Elisha McKenny, Thomas B. Johnston. Coroners. Edgecomb, Wm. Cunningham. Newcastle, Asa Hutchins. Nobleboro', Elisha R. Palmer. .Rockland, David M. Mitchell, C. A. Sylvester. Thomaston, Alexander Young. Union, Andrew Libby. Waldoboro', William Bearce, Jacob Ludwig. Whitefield, Alvin Piper. Wiscasset, T. Cunningham. Inspectors of Fish. Bristol, Emerson Brown. Boothbay, Paul Harris, John McClintock, Tyler Hodgdon, Ste- phen G. Hodgdon. Dresden, David Clancy, Jr., William H. Walker. Matinicus Isle, Freeman Hall, William Young, James Condon. Monhegan Plantation, Joseph Starling, Joseph Trefethen. Nobleboro', Edwin Howe. Soutiport, Cyrus McKown, John Maddocks, John Cameron, 2d, Moses E. Pierce. St. George, Nathaniel Teele. Westport, James Jewett, James McCarty, Ezekiel Tarbox. Inspectors of Lime, Stone, and Lime Casks. Rockland, Alden Ulmer, George J. Burns. South Thomaston, Arch. G. Coombs, George W. Coombs, William McLoon. * Thomaston, John Butler, George Moody. Warren, John Smith. 77 MAINE REGISTER. OXFORD COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, PARIS. POPULATION IN 1850, 35,565. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - - Job Prince, - - Register of Probate, - - Wi. W. Virgin, - - County Attorney, - - Charles W. Walton, - Clerk of Courts, - - William K. Kimball, Register of Deeds, - - Stephen D. Hutchinson, County Treasurer, - - - Nathan M. Marble, - Sheriff - - - - Albert D. White, - Jailer, - - - - Joseph Tobin, - - Crier of Courts, - - Joseph Barrows, - - Turner. Norway. Mexico. - Paris. - Paris. - Paris. Buckfield. Paris. Hebron. Probate Courts are holden at Paris, at 9 o'clock, A. M., on the first Tuesdays of January, March and August ; 2d Tuesday of April; 4th Tuesday of May; 3d Tuesdays of June and October, and last Tuesday of November. At Waterford, on Wednesdays following the first Tues- days of January and August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Fryeburg, on Thursdays following the 1st Tuesdays of January and August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Bethel Hill, on the 3d Tuesday of September, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Rumford Corner, on Wednesday following the 3d Tuesday of September, at 9 o'clock, A. M. At Dixfield Village, on Wednesday following the 3d Tuesday of September, at 2 o'clock, P. M. At Canton Mills, on Thursday following the 3d Tuesday of September, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Brettun's Mills, in Livermore, on Thursday following the 3d Tuesday of September, at 2 o'clock, P. M. At Tur- ner Village, on Friday following the 3d Tuesday of September, at 9 o'clock, A. M. Deputy Sheriffs. Josiah W. Whitten, Buckfield; Horatio' Austin, Canton ; Cyrus Wormell, Peru; Gardiner G. Hoyt, Hanover; Ezekiel W. Clark, Paris; William W. Hobbs, Norway; Moses Chesley, Oxford; Gilman L. Blake, Bethel; Benjamin Hartford, Lovell; Hazen W.. Harriman, Porter; Isaac Frye, .Fryeburg; Moses Young, Waterford; Sylvanus B. Bean, Brownfield; John A. Hayes, Livermore; Elbridge G. Fuller, Turner, Androscoggin County; Charles C. Adams, Edward L. O. Adams, Bridgton, Cumberland County; Sumner Burnham, Harrison, Cumberland County; Oscar Lincoln, Cornish, York County. County Commissioners. Silas Barnard, Dixfield; . Joseph Dearborn, Dixfield; John Walker, Jr., Lowell. County Commissioners' Courts, at Paris, on the 3d Tuesday of June, and last Tuesday in October, 78 OXFORD COUNTY. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Andover, Wm. H. Talbot. Bethel, Elias M. Carter, Moses Mason. Canton, Cornelius Holland, Avarado Hayford, Wm. Thompson. Denmark, Sewall Fly, Cyrus Ingalls, Win. Pingree. Dixfield, John J. Holman, Isaac Park, Isaac Randall, Elisha Winter. Fryeburg, Alexander R. Bradley. Hartford, Benj. Tobin. Hamlin Grant, Daniel H. Crockett. Hebron, Joseph Barrows. Hiram, John P. Hubbard, John Kimball, Nathan Kimball, Nathaniel Warren, Walter F. Watson. Letter A, No. 2, John Brown. Lovell, Moses Hutchins. Mexico, Curtis P. Howe. Norway, Levi Whitman, William C. Whitney. Oxford, Jairus S. Keith, John J. Perry. Paris, John Dennett, Galen Field, George K. Shaw. Porter, David Colcord, Henry Mason. Peru, Sumner R. Newhall. Rumford, Alvan Bolster, Lyman Rawson, Peter C. Virgin. Sumner, Bethuel Cary. Sweden, E. W. Woodbury. Waterford, Daniel Brown, Daniel Chaplin. Notaries Public. Gilead, James Burbank. Norway, Moses B. Bartlett. Paris, Levi T. Boothby. Rumford, Lyman awson, Patrick H. Virgin. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Albany, Franklin Cross, Jacob H. Lovejoy, Edward L. Poor. Andover, George Gregory, Wm. H. Talbot, Edward L. Poor, Sylvanus Poor. Bethel, Jedediah Burbank, Mighill Mason, R. A. Frye, Moses Mason, Samuel F. Gibson, Aaron Cross, O'Neil W. Robinson,, Jr., John B. Mason, Charles R. Locke, James Walker. Brownfield,, Eli B. Bean, S. S. Hadley, Timothy Gibson, Joshua Quint. Buckfield, Sullivan C. Andrews, Jacob W. Brown, George Thomas. Byron, George D. Austin. Canton, Ebenezer Harlow, Elbridge Harlow, Alvarado Hay- ford, Cornelius Holland, Benj. K. Swasey, Cyrus Thompson, Win. Thompson. 79 80 MAINE REGISTER. Cornish, Oscar Lincoln. Denmark, Cyrus Ingalls, Leonard K. Ingalls. Dixfield, Levi Ludden, John J. Holman, Isaac Park, John M. Eustis, Isaac Randall, John T. Seavey, Elisha Winter, Walter S. Chase, William W. Bolster. Fryeburg, John L. Eastman, Isaac Frye, J. O. McMillan, Chas. Abbott, John Pike. Gilead, Williams Potter, James Burbank. Grafton, John Brown. Greenwood, Calvin Crocker, Samuel B. Locke. Hamlin Grant, Daniel H. Crockett. Hanover, Reuben B. Foster, Albion K. Knapp. Hartford, R. Hutchinson, Joseph Dearborn, John Larrabee, C. Thompson. Hebron, Joseph Barrows, George Cobb, Mark H. Dunnell. Hiram, John P. Hubbard, Walter F. Watson, John Warren, Alpheus Spring, Nathaniel Warren. Letter B, John West. Lovell, Elden Barker, James Hobbs, Jr., Moses Hutchins. Mason, John P. Lowell. Mexico, Alvin Kimball. Newry, Elijah Powers. No. 5, Range 4, John M. Wilson. Norway, Samuel Cobb, Mark H. Dunnell, W. .E. Goodnow, Simeon Noble, David Noyes, William W. Virgin, Jonathan Swift, Levi Whitman. Oxford, Leonard Caldwell, Samuel Chadbourne, Ebenezer R. Holmes, Jairus S. Keith, John J. Perry, B. Pratt, Jr. , Paris, John Dennett, Galen Field, Elbridge G. Forbes, Alvah Black, R. K. Goodenow, L. T. Boothby, Wm. K. Kimball, Robin- son Parlin, William Deering, Henry R. Parsons, James Deering, Richard T. Surry, T. J. Whitehead. Peru, Jonas Greene, Samuel Holmes, John E. Jenney, Na- thaniel Knights, Sumner R. Newall. Porter, Ebenezer Blazo, R. W. Bradeen, David Colcord, Edward Gibbs, Henry M. Libbey, Henry Mason, John Moulton, Aaron H. Mason, Geo. G. Stacy. Roxbury, Rufus K. Bunker. Rumford, Henry Abbott, Jr., Joseph E. Colby, Charles II. Kimball, James H. Farnum, Joshua Graham, Lyman Rawson, Charles H. Silver, Patrick H. Virgin, Peter C. Virgin, Timothy Walker. Stowe, Charles Osgood, Charles Nutter. Stoneham, Sumner Evans, Jonathan Moore, George W. Rand. Sumner, Bethuel Cary, Reuben Chandler. Sweden, Charles C. Sanderson, E. W. Woodbury, David Frost. OXFORD COUNT. Waterford, Daniel Brown, M. B. Bartlett, Josiah Monroe, Moses Young, Daniel Chaplin, Geo. W. Rand. Woodstock, Alden Chase. Justices of the Peace. Albany, Franklin Cross, Andrew J. Bean. Andover, Edward A, Boyd. Bethel, Charles Mason. Brownfield, Ichabod Warren. Buckfield, Albion K. P. Small, Aaron Parsons. Canton, John M. Deshon. Franklin Plantation, George Hopkins. Fryeburg, Abraham Andrews, Samuel L. Chandler, Seymour C. Hobbs, Asa O. Pike, Joseph Colby. Gilead, James Burbank, William Potter, Israel Adams. Graflon, Isaac I. York, James Brown. Greenwood, Cyprian Cole, Wm. B. Lapham. Hanover, Albion K. Knapp, Reuben B. Foster. Hiram, John H. Spring. Hartford, Hiram Hines, William Irish, A. Farrar. Letter A, No. 2, James Brown. Letter B, John West, Joshua G. Rich. Lovell, Abraham A. Barker, Enos Heald, Daniel Eastman, Ammi Cutter, John Merrill. Mason, W. Brackett. Mexico, Charles W. Walton, Alvin Kimball. Milton Pldantation, J. W. Elliott: Newry, Orrin Foster, Elisha Bartlett. No. 5, Range 2, John M. Wilson. Norway, William Foster, David Frost. Oxford, Benajah J'ratt, Jr. Paris, Thomas Crocker, Darius Forbes, Stephen D. Hutchin- son, Hannibal G. Brown. Peru, Wm. K. Green. Plantation No. 4, Joshua G. Rich. Porter, George G. Stacy. Roxbury, William V. Porter. Rumford, Joseph W. Elliott. Stoneham, James L. Iaskell, Sumner Evans, Ephraim S. Howe Stowe, Charles Osgood. Sumner, Nathaniel Foster, Jr., Gilbert Barrett. Sweden, David Frost, James L. Haskell, David Garland. Waterford, Stephen Coburn, Eli Longley. Woodstock, George E. Gibson, Sidney Perham. 6 81 MAINE REGISTER. Buckfield, R. B. Jennings. Canton, Horatio Austin. Dixfield, John M. Eustis. Hanover, Gardiner G. Hoyt. Lowell, William Hutchins. coroners. - Norway, Asa Thayer, Paris, E. W. Clark. Peru, Cyrus Wormell. Rumford, William Frost. Waterford, Molbury Brown. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, BANGOR. POPULATION IN 1850, 63,094. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, Register of Probate, County Attorney, Clerk of Courts, Register of Deeds, County Treasurer, Sherif, - Jailer, - - Probate Courts are he month. - Daniel Sanborn, - - Henry P. Haines, - - John Burnham, - - Nathan Weston, Jr., - Jefferson Chamberlain, - Ambrose C. Flint, - - Francis W. Hill, - James W. Williams, - Bangor. - Bangor. - Lincoln. - Orono. - Bangor. Charleston. - Exeter. - Bangor. olden at Bangor on the last Tuesday of every Deputy Sheriffs. John H. Wilson, Bangor; Harvey S. Wilson, Bradford; Jethro Goodwin, Dexter; John P. Brown, Dixmont; Nathaniel E. Brown, Exeter; Francis H. Phipps, Hampden; Nathaniel M. Hartwell, Lincoln; John G. Wedgwood, Orono; Samuel F. Buswell, Stetson. Deputies for Criminal Business only. Sam'l Jewett, Simon F. Walker, Stillman F. Washburn, Bangor; L. D.: Higgins, Brewer. County Commissioners. John Dow, Plymouth; Daniel M. Haskell, Garland; L. Alford, Oldtown. County Commissioners' Courts, at.Bangor, on the first Tuesdays of April and August, and 2d Tuesday in December. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Bangor, Theodore S. Brown, Gustavus G. Cushman, Alexander Drummond, William T. Hilliard, John L. Hodsdon, John McDon- ald, Solomon Parsons, Abraham Sanborn, Alexander Savage, Charles Snell, Charles Stetson, Jabez True, Elliot G. Vaughn, Nathan Weston, Jr., Isano S. Whitman. 82 PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Bradford, Spencer Arnold, Alvin Trask, Harvey S. Wilson. Carmel, John Fuller. Carroll, John A. Larrabee. Charleston, Thomas H. Norcross. Corinna, James Hawes, David Jones, Isaiah Lincoln, Volney A. Sprague. Corinth, Luther Wadleigh. Dixmont, George W. Wilcox, Gilman F. Sanborn. Dexter, Gilman M. Burleigh, Nathan Wyman. Etna, John Fogg, Jr. Exeter, Isaiah Avery, Samuel M. Woodman, Noah Barker, Isaac Hodsdon. Hampden, Hannibal Hamlin, Joshua Hill, Benj. F. 3ludgett. Hermon, John Kimball. Lincoln, John Tobin. Lowell, Joseph Porter. Mattawamkeag, Asa Smith. Newburgh, Benjamin B. Thomas. Newport, Elliot Walker, Augustine P. Green. Oldtown, George P. Sewall. Orono, N. Wilson, Nathan Weston, Jr. Orrington, A. D. Atwood. Passadumkeag, Aaron Haynes, Isaac M. Jones. Patten, John Gardiner, Ira Fisk. Plymouth, Joseph W. Eaton, Edward Smart. Stetson, Lewis Barker. Veazie, Samuel Veazie. Notaries Public. Bangor, Gilman Cram, Samuel IE. Dale, William S. Dennett, George Hammatt, Daniel M. Howard, Edwin Clark, George A. Thatcher, Alpheus Lyon, Reuben S. Prescott, Benj. F. Mudgett, William J. Lord, John S. Ricker, Ebenezer Trask, George M. Weston. Corinna, V. A. Sprague. Dexter, Nathan Wyman. Exeter, David Barker. Hampden, Joshua Hill. Lincoln, Nelson Jordan. Oldtown, E. B. Pierce. Orono, E. P. Butler, Nathaniel Wilson. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Alton, Nathaniel Spratt, Jos. A. Thomas. Bangor, M. L. Appleton, John S. Ayer, I. D. Bartlett, Joseph Bartlett, Seth E. Benson, Hollis Bowman, Charles P. Brown, 88 MAINE REGISTER. Michael Boyce, Thomas W. Baldwin, J. S. Chadwick, J. Cham- berlain, Isaac R. Clark, William C. Crosby, G. G. Cushman, Wil- liam Coombs, Dighton Carson, Joseph Chapman, Charles Davis, N. H. Dillingham, James B. Fisk, George A. Fairfield, Josiah Towle, Edmund W. Flagg, John Godfrey, J. E. Godfrey, Samuel Gamsey, Japhet Gilman, Henry P. Haines, Robert R. Haskins, Silas C. Hatch, Arvida Hayford, Henry Hill, John B. Hill, Wil- liam T. Hilliard, Daniel M. Howard, William E. Hews, Samuel F. Humphrey, John L. Hodsdon, Abner Knowles, Benjamin H. Mace, W. H. McCrillis, John McDonald, George B. Moody, H. G. O. Morrison, Samuel Morrison, Joseph M. Moore, Albert Nor- ton, Abraham Norton, Albert W. Paine, Isaac W. Patten, John Patten, John A. Peters, B. Plummer, Jr., Richard Potter, Spen- cer A. Pratt, Henry E. Prentiss, R. S. Prescott, E. G. Rawson, James F. Rawson, John S. Ricker, James S. Rowe, Thomas H. Rich, Matthew S. Randall, John Sargent, Jr., A. L. Simpson, Augustus C. Smith, George W. Snow, Lysander Strickland, Dan- iel Sanborn, Ebenezer Trask, Jabez True, John True, Elliot G. Vaughn, A. G. Wakefield, Asa Waterhouse, George M. Weston, John Williams, William P. Wingate. Bradford, Spencer Arnold, Gorham Davis, Thos. R. Kingsbury, Daniel Libby, Alvin Trask, John Williams. Bradley, Horace Blackmer, Daniel Billings, Charles Black- man, Edwin Eddy. Brewer, Edward H. Burr, Deodat Brastow, Jeremiah Eldridge, Timothy George, John Holyoke, Samuel B. Stone. Burlington, Theodore Taylor. Carmel, John J. Bell, Hiram Corliss, George W. Chamberlain, John Fuller, Ebenezer Hussey, Elisha Hopkins. Carroll, John A. Larrabee, Albion H. Lindsey, William Ste- vens. Charleston, Levi Bradley, Abner Paine, Jeremiah Page, David H. Patten, W. S. Place. Chester, Samuel Chesley. Corinna, Thomas Brown, Francis A. Fisher, James Hawes, David Jones, Isaiah Lincoln, V. A. Sprague. Clifton, Elisha Chick. Corinth, Ansel L. Cary, Henry K. Dexter, Matthew H. French, Bradbury Robinson, John Thissell. Dexter, G. M. Burleigh, Josiah Crosby, Lysander Cutler, Law- rence Greene, John R. Kingsbury, Pulaski McCrillis, Samuel Mc- Lellan, Nathan Wyman. Dixmont, Alfred Berry, Edmund Chase, A. T. C. Dodge, W. B. Ferguson, Frederick A. Simpson, William Upton, Jr., Gilman F. Sanborn, Abner Whitcomb. Eddington, Elijah Comins, Lawson Woodbury. 84 PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Edinburg, Elbridge G. Hayes, John S. Sargent. Enfield, John S. Patten, Nathaniel Webster. Etna, Ellis Friend, Elnathan Mosely. Exeter, Isaiah Avery, David Barker, Mark Barker, Noah Bar- ker, Winthrop Chapman, Francis Hill, Francis W. Hill, Isaac Hodsdon, Samuel M. Woodman, John Whitney. Garland, Nehemiah Barrett, John K. Haskell, Thomas K. Holt, Artemas Merriam, Lorenzo Oak. Glenburn, Simon B. Harriman, Jesse W. Smith. Greenbush, Cyrus Sprague. Hampden, Ebenezer H. Barrett, Jacob Curtis, Jr., John Goodall, Jr., Joshua Hill, Joshua Lane, Nathan Mayo, Benjamin F. Mudgett, Allen Rogers, George B. Starbird, Albion P. War- ren. Hermon, Josiah G. Eaton, John Kimball, Lewis Kimball, James Patten, Jr. Howland, William S. Lee, James Merrill, G. R. Tourtillotte. Kenduskeag, Ezekiel F. Cram, Prentiss M. Clark, Timothy P. Batchelder, Elijah B. Stackpole, James Sanborn. Kirkland, Charles Beale, Henry J. Briggs, Thomas Mann. Lagrange, William Head, Pliney B. Soule. Lee, Shepard Bean, Benjamin Bradford, Augustus Q. Burbank, Edward Bowler, H. C. Field, John B. Ludden. Levant, Royal W. Clark, Sewall Stanley. Lincoln, Timothy Fuller, Richard Hayward, William R. Hersey, Nathaniel M. Hartwell, D. W. Orcutt, Asa Smith, John Tobin. Lowell, Daniel Lord. Maine Plantation, Daniel W. Davis, James H. Stacey. Mattawamkeag, Samuel W. Coombs, Alvin Haynes, Asa Smith. Maxfield, Isaac D. McIntosh, Thomas P. Bunker. Milford, Charles Bailey, Hosea B. Emery, John Newbegin. Newburgh, George P. Brown, Charles D. Gilmore, George P. Leonard, Jabez Knowlton, Daniel Smith, Benjamin B. Thomas, C. H. Whitney. Newport, Abel W. Chabin, Thomas Clark, Augustine P. Green, Asa Matthews, Henry W. Towle, Elliot Walker, Philan- der Whitney. Nickertou Plantation, Jonathan Hatch, Isaac J. Stevens. No. 3, Range 5, S. Robinson. Oldtown, Love Alford, John A. Blanchard, John H. Hilliard, S. W. Hoskins, David Norton, Samuel Pratt, Levi R. Gray, John Rigby, Hiram Smith, Foster Wood. Orono, William G. Bent, John Bennock, J. S. Bennock, Chas. Buffum, Samuel Buffum, E. P. Butler, Joseph B. Chase, Charles H. Colburn, Coney Foster, Samuel Libbey, Gideon Mayo, Israel Washburn, Nathaniel Weeks, N. Weston, Jr., Nathaniel Wilson. 85 MAINE REGISTER. Orrington, Arch. D. Atwood, Jonathan N. Brown, Joseph D. Baker, Joseph Doane, James Freeman, Isaac H. Rhoades. Patten, S. E. Benjamin, A. T. Coburn, Samuel Darling, Jr., Ira Fisk, James S. Mitchell. P.assadumkeag, Isaac P. Haynes, Aaron Haynes, E. G. Haynes, Nathaniel Jones, Daniel W.- Orcutt, Gustavus A. Smith. Plymouth, Samuel Butman, Daniel Stone, Eli Whitcomb. Springfield, Thomas C. Burleigh, Arza D. Clark, Bial H. Scribner, Joseph W. Staples. Stetson, Lewis Barker, I. W. Goodwin, William Goodwin. Veazie, Samuel L. Fish, Nahum Warren. Justices of the Peace. Alton, George H. McKechnie, Daniel Milliken. Bangor, Reuben Bagley, James W. Chandler, Sewall Chap- man, Frederick F. French, John B. Foster, Samuel A. Gilman, Elijah W. Hasey, Waldo T. Pierce, 4r., Rufus Prince, Joshua Sinclair, William Sandford, Geo. A. Thatcher, J. S. Wheelwright. Bradford, Sanford P. Church, Isaac Libbey, Daniel Libbey, Alden Marshall. Brewer, George A. Washburn. Burlington, James Page, Amsi Libby. Carmel, John Bowden, Jedediah Kimball. Carroll, Galen Gates, John A. Larrabee, Alvin H. Lindsay, William Stevens. Charleston, Joshua M. Page. Chester, E. S. French. Clifton, Elisha Chick, John Campbell. Corinna, Freeman Knowles. Corinth, Benjamin Ball, Edwin R. Bean, Thomas G. Watson. Dixmont, Joseph Hoit, Stephen West. Dexter, George Hamilton. Eddington, Luke S. Mills, Sherlock Parsons. Enfield, John S. Potter, Nathaniel Webster. .Exeter, Enoch J. Ames, Thomas M. Card, James M. Daniels. Garland, Lorenzo Oak. Greenbush, Job H. Bailey. Glenburn, Simon B. Harriman, Jesse W. Smith. Hampden, Edwin A. Harding, W. F. M. Reed. Holden, Timothy George. Kirkland, R. P. Smith. Kenduskeag, Origen Stockwell. Lee, Gustavus Bean, Joseph H. Perkins. Levant, Samuel Varney. 86 PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. Lincoln, Nelson Jordan, P. T. Jones, A. G. Randall. Newburgh, John G. Croxford, Leonard Jackson, Amos Whitney. Orrington, Warren George. Orono, John Deane. Oldtown, Daniel Staples, Robert P. Kinsel, Mark W. Gammon, Passadumkeag, Saniuel Orcutt. Plymouth, Peter Pushee. Springfield, Hiram Burr, William P. Stevens. Tract Z, Jonathan Hatch. No. 7, Range 3, Joshua T. Baldwin. Veazie, William Clark; Sewall Chapman. Coroners. Bangor, Arida Ilayford, John H. Wilson. Exeter, Isaiah Avery. Glenburn, Josiah Webster. Hampden, S. E. Mudgett. Mattawamkeag, Asa Smith. Oldtown, Asa Smith. Orrington, Warren Stanhope. Patten, David Haynes. No. 3, Range 5, Spaulding Robinson. Inspectors of Fish. James Austin, John Floyd, Brewer. PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. SHInRE TOWN, DOVER. POrULATION 1850, 14,735. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - Register of Probate, County Attorney, - Clerk of Courts, - Register of Deeds, - County Treasurer, Sheriff, - - - Ephraim Packard, - Asa Getchell, - - John H. Rice, - - Ephraim Flint, - E. B. Averill, - - Abijah B. Chase, - Thomas S. Pullen, - Blanchard. - - Dover. - Monson. - Dover. - Dover. Dover. - Dover. Probate Courts are holden at Dover, on the first Tuesday of each month. 87 MAINE REGISTER. Deputy Sheriffs. Sanger Doughty, Dover; Aretas Chapin, Monson; Moses Sprague, Milo'; Walter Jewett, Waterville. County Commissioners. Leonard Howard, Guilford; John A. Dunning, Williamsburg; Samuel Coburn, Parkman. County Commissioners' Courts, at Dover, on the 1st Tuesdays of April and December. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Abbot, Joseph S. Munroe. Atkinson, Daniel Chase, Elisha L. Hammond, Benjamin R. Lake. Blanchard, Ephraim Packard. Brownville, Rufus Robbins. Dover, Elihu B. Averill, Allen S. Bartlett, Ephraim Flint, A. S. Patten, James S. Wiley. Elliotsville, Elliot G. Vaughan. Foxcroft, Charles P. Chandler, James S. Holmes. Greenville, Charles W. Gower. Guilford, Robert Low, Addison Martin. Milo, James H. Macomber, Charles A. Everett, Russell Kit- tredge. Monson, James Bell, Solomon Cushman. Parkman, James Saunders, Isaiah Vickery. Sangerville, Wm. G. Clark, Asa Jackson, Stephen Lowell. Sebec, Alexander M. Robinson, David Shepherd. Shirley, Paul S. Merrill. Wellington, Ward C. Weeks. Notaries Public. Dover, Ephraim Flint. Monson, James Bell. Sangerville, William G. Clark. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Abbot, P. H. Burnham, Joseph S. Munroe. Atkinson, Daniel Chase, Daniel C. Brown, Seth Lee, Elisha L. Hammond, Alanson Johnson, A. W. Walker. Barnard, Alvan Wing. Blanchard, Ozaias Blanchard, J. C. B. Packard. Brownville, William W. Willard, Eleazer A. Jenks. Dover, Elihu B. Averill, Joseph D. Brown, Ephraim Flint, Albion K. P. Gray, Caleb O. Palmer, James S. Wiley. 88 PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. F.oxcroft, Charles P. Chandler, J. S. Holmes, Benjamin B. Vaughan, J. M. Weymouth. Greenville, A. H. Herring. Guilford, Henry Hudson, Robert Law, Addison Martin, Seth Nelson, David R. Straw. Kilmarnock, Jonathan J. Hunt, John Day. Kingsbury, Lewis Turner, Theron E. Heald. Milo, Charles A. Everett, Russell Kittredge, Isaac Leonard, J. H. Macomber. Monson, James Bell, Aretas Chapin, Warren Preston, John H. Rice. Orneville, Spencer H. Horn. Parkman, Thos. B. Seabury, A. S. W. Stevens, Isaiah Vickery. Sangerville, Winm. G. Clark, Lucian French, Moses Gilman, Daniel W. Hussey, Asa Jackson, Jonathan Roberts, Stephen Low- ell, Philo. C. Parsons, Samuel Whitney. Sebec, Alexander M. Robinson, David Shepherd, Augustus W. Walker. Shirley, Paul S. Merrill. Wellington, Isaac Hutchins. Williamsburg, John A. Dunning. Justices of the Peace. Barnard, Alvin Wing. Edinburg, John L. Sargent. Foxcroft, Isaac Plummer, Jonathan Roberts. Milford, Charles Loring. .Monson, Joshua Horton. Orneville, Spencer H. Horn, Samuel Blake. Parkman, Joseph Drew, Emerson F. Harvey, Moses Pingree. Shirley, Andrew Wiggin. Wellington, James Russell, Samuel D. Staples. Coroners. Atkinson, Daniel Chase. Monson, Horace Flanders. Dover, Judah M. Hackett, Waterville, Winm. Oakes, Jr., Samuel Palmer. Walter G. Jewett. Foxcroft, Hiram Doughty. Sebec, Joseph Chase. Milo, Dennis Sprague. Wellington, Isaac Hutchins, Shepard B. Pratt. MAINE REGISTER. SAGAI)AHOC COUNTY. SmRE TOWN, BATH. POPULATION IN 1850, 21,625. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - - David Bronson, - - Bath. Register of.Probate, - - Albert F. Thompson, - - Bath. County Attorney, - - John S. Baker, - - -Bath. Clerk of Courts, - - Andrew C. Hewes, - Bath. Register of Deeds, - John H. Thompson, - Topsham. County Treasurer, - - Ammi R. Mitchell, - Bath. Sheri, - - - - George A. Hatch, - Richmond. Probate Courts are holden at Bath on the first Monday of each month. Deputy Sheriffs. Willard Walker, Bath; Seth H. Leonard, Bowdoin; Jeremiah Millay, Bowdoinham; Nicholas Nichols, .Phipsburg; Levi E. Marble, Richmond. County Commissioners. James Carney, Jr., Richmond; Harvey Preble, Woolwich ; Samuel Adams, Bowdoin. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Arrowsic, William Shaw. Bath, Bernard C. Bailey, Thomas Eaton, Jeremiah Eilsworth, Nathaniel Groton, Benj. Randall, George Barron, D. Bronson, Jacob Smith. Bowdoin, Solomon Eaton. Bowdoinham, Samuel Gray, Josiah Merrow, Jos. W. Russell. Georgetown, Alfred L. Berry. Phipsburg, Tallman Lowell, John F. Mareen, Nathaniel C. Reed. Richmond, Ezra Abbott, Abiel Avery, Marshall S. Hagar. Topsham, James McKeen, Octavus A. Merrill, Abel Merrill, George Rogers, John Tebbitts, John H. Thompson. Notaries Public. Bath, Fred. D. Sewall, D. F. Baker, Otis Kimball, John H. Kimball, Benj. Randall, Jacob S. Sewall, John Shaw, Edward S. J. Neally, William Torrey, John E. Brown, Elisha Clark, David W. Magoun. Bowdoinham, Joseph W. Russell. 90 SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Phipsburg, Samuel D. Reed. Richmond, Ezra Abbott, Hartley B. Cox, F. R. Theobald. Topsham, John Coburn. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Arrowsic, Benjamin Swett, Jr. Bath, Daniel F. Baker, John S. Baker, John C. L. Booker, Charles Clap, Jr, Ebenezer Clap, Jeremiah Ellsworth, Washing- ton Gilbert, John T. Gilman, John H. Kimball, David C. Magoun, Albert Merrill, Ammi R. Mitchell, E. S. J. Neally, Charles R. Porter, James Potter, Benj. Randall, Jacob S. Sewall, Jacob Smith, William Torrey, George Barron, John H. Rogers, George W. Kendall, George E. B. Jackson, Fred. D. Sewall, Elisha Clark, Freeman H. Morse, Thomas D. Wilder, John S. Baker. Bowdoin, Isaac Jenkins, Convers Purington. Bowdoinham, Samuel Gray, Abraham Preble, John Raymond, Joseph W. Russell, Enoch Sampson, Edward L. Thorn, William White, David Knight. Georgetown, Sewall Watson, Alfred L. Berry, Chas. W. Patten. Phipsburg, John F. Mareen, Samuel D. Reed, Thomas M. Reed. Richmond, Ezra Abbott, Abiel Avery, Samuel F. Blair, Elias Colby, Hartley B. Cox, Samuel Dinslow, James W.Grant, James M. Hagar, Marsh S. Hagar, Hatherly Randall, Benj. Kimball, Chas. W. Larrabee. Topsham, George Barron, Uriah Jack, Joseph Merrill, George Rogers, Benjamin Thompson, J. H. Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Charles E. White. West Bath, Edwin Noyes, Alden Winter. Justices of the Peace. Arrowsic,'Benj. Swett, Jr. Bath, Joseph F. Berry. Bowdoin, James Chase, Abner Coombs, Amos Purington, James Rogers. Bowdoinham, William A. Lunt. Phipsburg, James L. Todd. Topsham, Samuel Douglass. West Bath, William R. Campbell. Woolwich, John M. Bailey, Jr., David Hathorn. Coroners. Bath, Albion J. Potter, Nicholas Nichols. Bowdoin, James L. Rogers. Bowdoinham, Jeremiah Millay. Phipsburg, N. Nichols. Richmond, Daniel Witham, Levi Whitney. 91 MAINE REGISTER. In pectors of Fish. Thomas Emmons, Moses Riggs, Georgetown; Samuel W. Cu.- sing, Phipsburg. SOMERSET COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, NORRIDGEWOCK. POPULATION IN 1850, 35,591. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - - David White, - - Skowhegan. Register of Probate, - Benj. Adams, - North New Portland. County Attorney, - - David D. Stewart, - - St Albans. Clerk of Courts, - - George A. Hobbs, - Norridgewock. Register of Deeds, - Dennis Moore, - Norridgewock. County Treasurer, - David Danforth, . - Norridgewock. Sheriff - - - Silas W. Turner, - Skowhegan. Jailer, - - - Josiah S. Witherell, - Norridgezrock. Probate Courts are holden at Norridgewock on the 1st Tuesday of every month. Deputy Sheriffs. Josiah H. Right, Athens; Joseph F. Nye, Fairfield; James Fuller, Hartland; Abraham C. Richardson, New Portland; John C. Page, Norridgewock; Ira R. Doolittle, North Anson; Peleg H. Tracy, Palmyra; Israel Vining, St Albans; James W. Sylves- ter, Solon. John Trask, Jr., Luther Curtis, New Sharon, .Franklin Co. County Commissioners. Benj. F. Furber, Palmyra; William D. Hayden, Madison; James B. Dascomb, Bloomfield. County Commissioners' Courts, at Norridgewock, on the 1st Tuesday of March and August, and the 2d Tuesday of December. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Athens, C. F. H. Greene, Ebenezer Hutchinson, Caleb Leavitt, David P. Palmer, Llewellyn D. P. Palmer. Bingham, Washington McIntire, David R. McIntire. Bloomfield, Joseph Locke. Brighton, Peter Walker, Daniel Jones. Canaan, Levi Johnson. Cornville, Josiah Tilton. 92 SOMERSET COUNTY. Embden, Cyrus Boothby. Fairfield, Nathan Fowler, E. W. McFadden. Harmony, Cleopas Boyd, Thomas Herrick, Isaac Smith. Hartland, Josiah Bacon. Lexington, Joseph T. Boynton. Madison, Wm. Thurston, Nath'l B. Chadbourne, Goff Moore. Mercer, Hannibal Ingalls, Hartley Kimball. New Portland, William Bartlett, John P. Hodsdon, Asa Merry, It. K. J. Porter, Abraham P. Spooner. Norridgewock, Winm. Allen, Dennis Moore. North Anson, Paulinus M. Foster, George C. Getchell, Benj. Stewart. Palmyra, Benj. Furber, Benj. F. Furber. Pittsfield, George Whitney. Ripley, Samuel A. Todd, Jacob Hale. St. Albans, David D. Steward, Sullivan Lothrop. Skowhegan, James T. Leavitt, Samuel Philbrick. Smithfield, Job W. Tuttle, Samuel Whitehouse. Solon, Winm. M. E. Brown, Elbridge G. Savage, Oliver R. Bach- eoler. Notaries Public. Athens, E. Hutchinson. North Anson, P. M. Foster. St Albans, D. D. Stewart. Skowhegan, Wm. Philbrick, H. A. Wyman, David Kidder. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Anson, William Metdalf. Athens, Wingate Bradbury, George Bixby, Jonathan B. Kins- man, C. F. H. Greene, Eben. Hutchinson, D. P. Palmer, Gilbert L. Palmer, Arthur Sanborn, Hiram Corson. Bingham, David Gilman, D. R. McIntire, William Rowell, J. S. McIntire. Bloomfield, Abner Coburn, Jonathan S. Bigelow, Stephen Co- burn, Philander Coburn, J. B. Dascomb, Eusebius Weston. Brighton, Peter Walker, Daniel Jones, C. S. Pratt, Israel S. Bigelow. Cambridge, David Bailey. Canaan, Joseph Barrett, Levi Johnson, Elbridge G. Crowell, Samuel Rollins. Carratunk, Moses Briggs, Samuel Moore. Concord, Orrin O. Vittum, Augustus J. Lane. Cornville, Ethan A. Cass, Daniel Evans, Joseph C. Kinsman, Josiah Tilton. 93 MAINE REGISTER. Detroit, Eben. A. Boynton, Joseph Lord, S. P. Waterhouse. Embden, John Gray, Jr., Thomas J. Savage,Otis Strickland. Fairfield, Jotham Hobbs, John J. Emery, Jona. Purrington, E. G. Rideout, Timothy Jones, William B. Snell, Henry S. Tobey, Elhanan W. McFadden. Flag Staff Plantation, Miles Standish. Forks Plantation, James Albee. Harmony, Peter Folsom, Thos. Herrick, Benj. H. Peaks, Jas. W. Merrill, Seth Soule. Iartland, Calvin Blake, Hanson Church, James Moore, Peleg C. Haskell, Winm. Folsom. Lexington, Jos. F. Boynton, Jesse Churchill. Madison, Tilson H. Bosworth, Winm. Hayden, Calvin Fletcher, Lucius Morrison, Dan'l G. Moore. Mercer, Eben'r Gray, James Davis, H. Ingalls, Moses Whittier. Moscow, Jabez D. Hill. New Portland, Benjamin Adams, Joseph W. Dennis, Samuel Gould, Winm. S. Marshall, J. P. Hodsdon, A. S. Kimball, Asa Merry, Wm. H. Stearns, Joshua Butts, Abraham P. Spooner. Norridgewock, John S. Abbot, William Allen, Stephen D. Lindsey, James French, Asa Clark, Daniel W. Ames, Winm. A. Hobbs, Thomas C. Jones, Llewellyn Kidder, Drummond Farns- worth, Dennis Moore, Charles F. Pillsbury, Levi Powers, Dimon Taylor, John H. Webster. North Anson, Mark Emery, Albert Moore, William R. Flint, G. C. Getchell, Benj. Stewart, Josiah Paine, Thomas Gray, Gust. A. Stewart, Albert H. Ware, Joseph C. Williams. Palmyra, Edward Chase, Samuel Dexter, Benj. F. Furber, O. D. Merrick, James M. Moore, Benjamin Pollard, S. B. Robinson, Asil Stilson. Pittsfield, Brad. Blanchard, John Getchell, Jr., Winm. R. Lancy. Ripley, Samuel Hooper, Harrison Jones, Jacob Hale, Samuel A. Todd. Skowhegan, James T. Leavitt, Moses Littlefield, Stephen Co- burn, Samuel Philbrick, Wash. Rowell, Benj. W. Norris, Henry A. Wyman. Smithfield, Jonas W. Gould, Isaac W. Varney, Job. N. Tuttle. Solon, O. R. Batchelder, W. M. E. Brown, John Hamblet, Joseph P. Buswell, John Pierce, Elbridge G. Savage, Christopher Thompson. Spaulding Township, Samuel Moore, St. Albans, Eleazer Crocker, John Whitney, Sullivan Lothrop, David D. Stewart, Stephen Youngman, Elijah Leach. Starks, John G. Brown, Wm. E. Folsom, Cyrus Rogers, John A. Witham. 94 SOMERSET COUNTY. Justices of the Peace. Anson, William Metcalf. Athens, Henry K. Cook, Leonard Bradbury, Albert Leavitt, Hiram Corson, B. Kinsman, Israel S. Bigelow. Bingham, Benj. Smith, 2d, Simon Goodrich, D. F. Thompson, Nathaniel Withee. Cambridge, Nath'l L. Hooper, Elvaton Wethern. Cornville, Daniel Paine, Levi E. Judkins. Embden, Elisha Purington. Fork Plantation, John S. Ham. Harmony, Andrew Davis, James W. Lord. Mercer, L. Nelson Burr, Moscow, Jabez D. Hill, John Carney. Pittsfield, Alfred Thomas. Skowhegan, Wm. Snow. Smithfield, Moses Dinsmore. Ripley, Lewis Frost. St Albans, Joseph Merrill. Coroners. Athens, Wingate Bradbury. Bingham, Obed. W. McIntire, Washington MlcIntire. Cornville, Josiah Tilton. Fairfield, Benj. F. Deering. Hartland, Peleg C. Haskell. Mercer, Seth Greenleaf. New Portland, Joshua Butts, Harrison Stevens. North Anson, Ira R. Doolittle. Norridgewock, Abiel Abbott, John C. Page. Skowhegan, Benj. F. Baker. St. Albans, Levi L. Lucas. 95 MAINE REGISTER. WALDO COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, BELFAST. POPULATION IN 1850, 47,229. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - Register of Probate, - County Attorney, - Clerk of Courts, - - Register of Deeds, - County Treasurer, ,Sherif, - - - Jailer, - .- - - Nathaniel H. Hubbard, Bohan P. Field, - James B. Murch, - Nathaniel Patterson, - Robert White, - Bohan P. Field, - Daniel Putnam, - Samuel F. Miller, - - Frankfort. - Belfast. - - Unity. - Belfast. - Belfast. - Belfast. - Belfast. - Belfast. Probate Courts are holden at Belfast, on the second Tuesday of every month. Deputy Sheriffs. Reuel Stanley, Belfast; James H. Stanwood, Camden, (Rock- port P. 0.); John Atwood, Jr., Frankfort; John Fogler, South Hope; Samuel Norton, North Palermo; Peter W. Robbins, Searsmont; Alfred Sawyer, Montville, (Freedom P. 0.) ; Steph. S. Gerrish, Troy; Moses N. Mossman, Searsport. John P. Brown, Dixmont, Penobscot County. County Commissioners. Otis Harriman, Prospect; Henry Meservey, Appleton; Isaac Woodman, Searsmont. County Commissioners' Courts, holden at Belfast, on the third Tues- days of April and August. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Appleton, John Hanley. Belfast, Henry W. Cunningham, Henry Davidson, Bohan P. Field, Ezekiel T. Hatch, Frederick A. Lewis, N. M. Lowney, .Nathaniel Patterson, Robert White. Belmont, Cbotton Ward. Camden, Hiram Bass, Robert Chase, Thomas B. Gross, Wm. Merriam, Jotham Shepherd, Thomas Spear, Nathaniel T. Talbot, Jonathan Thayer. Freedom, Stephen Strout, Orris H. Keen. Frankfort, Barnabas Atwood, Elisha Chick, Joshua Hall, Benj. Shaw, Upton Treat. Hope, Nathaniel Alford, Seth Bartlett, Josiah Hobbs, George Lermond. 96 WALDO COUNTY. Islesboro', Rathburn D. Sprague. Jackson, Bordman Johnson. Liberty, Timothy Copp. Lincolnville, Francis Fletcher, 2d, Nathaniel Milliken. MIonroe, David S. Flanders. Montville, Nathaniel Emery, Ebenezer Knowlton. Northport, James Lankester. Palermo, John Greely. Prospect, Joseph Ames, Samuel S. Heagan. Searsmont, Harry Hazeltine, Sumner Pattee. Unity, Rufus Burnham, Seth Thompson, Amos Webb. Vinalhaven, James Smith, David Vinal. Waldo, Willard P. Harriman. Notaries Public. Belfast, Isaac Allard, N. H. Bradbury, henry W. Cunning- ham, L. W. Howes, F. A. Lewis, A. T. Palmer, Charles Palmer, Joseph Williamson. Camden, Hiram Bass, James Meigher, N. T. Talbot. Frankfort, Elisha Chick, N. H. Hubbard, Archibald Jones, Charles H. Peirce, Reuben A. Rich. Islesboro', R. D. Sprague. North Haven, Perez Babbidge. Prospect, S. S. Heagan. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Appleton, John Hanley, M. F. Hanley, Henry Meservey, Geo. Pease, Noah Sprague, Chester B. Sumner. Belfast, Nehemiah Abbot, Hiram O. Alden, N. H. Bradbury, Winm. H. Burrill, Timothy Chase, Wm.rG. Crosby, Alfred Cush- man, Henry Davidson, Woodbury Davis, Jonathan G. Dickerson, Bohan P. Field, John Gardner, L. W. Howes, Alfred W. Johnson, Ansel Lennan, Frederick A. Lewis, Nathaniel M. Lowney, Charles Moore, George B. loore, Oshea Page, A. T. Palmer, Charles Palmer, A. V. Parker, Nathaniel Patterson, William M. Rust, Thaddeus R. Simonton, T. B. Thompson, Robert White, Joseph Williamson. Belmont, John P. Ames, John M. Bailey, Samuel Fletcher, Gideon Richards, T. W. Robinson, Cotton Ward. Brooks, Hugh M. Boynton, Allen Davis, Samuel G. Ellis. Burnham, Wm. Milliken. Camden, Stephen Barrows, Hiram Bass, Robert Chase, H. H. Cleaveland, J. H. Estabrook, Jr., Thomas B. Gross, Joseph Hall, Lewis Hall, James Meigher, William Merriam, Henry W. Piper, Ephraim K. Smart, Thomas Spear, Daniel Talbot, Nathaniel T. 97 MAINE REGISTER. Talbot, James F. Thorndike, Cornelius Thomas, Abel D. Tyler, Chris. Young, Jr. Frankfort, John Carleton, Elisha Chick, William P. Hall, Jos. P. Hardy, Nathaniel H. Hubbard, George Johnson, Archibald Jones, Charles H. Pierce, John T. Rowe, Upton Treat. Freedom, Jonathan H. Fuller, James Hall, Orris H. Keen, William G. Sibley, Stephen Strout, Asaph Sylvester. Hope, Nathaniel Alford, Church Fish, Henry Hobbs, Josiah Hobbs, William Light. Islesboro', Joshua Farrow, Charles Nash, Rathburn D. Sprague, Simon D. Sprague. Jackson, Alvin Boody, Samuel Johnson, Peter Moulton. Knox, Josiah I. Brown, Josiah Chandler, Jesse S. Smith, Proc- tor S. Walker, Seth Webb. Liberty, James Cargill, Timothy Copp, Ebenezer Stevens. Lincolnville, Francis Fletcher, 2d, Michael B. Gordon, Henry A. Lamb, Joseph Miller, James Perry, C. O. Shepherd, Thomas Witham, Moses Young. Monroe," Tisdal e D. Clements, David S. Flanders, John W. Nealley, Win. S. Ric, Asa Thurlough, George Thatcher. Montville, Nelson Allen, William Ayer, Gorham Clough, Sam'l Curtis, Joseph Fogg, Jonathan M. Murray, Ebenezer Newall, Jr., David Norton, John D. Wentworth. North Haven, Perez Babbidge, John Wooster. Northport, Henry Brown, David Drinkwater, James Lankester, Linneus Morse. Palermo, John Bugbee, John Greeley, Horatio J. Fowler, Iiram Worthing. Prospect, Crawford S. Fletcher, Otis Harriman, N. G. Hich- born, Luther Mudgett. Searsmont, Israel Cox, Harry Hazeltine, Sumner Pattee, Caleb Whittaker, Davis Woodman. Searsport, John C. Black, Isaiah Blethen, Benjamin Houston, John Massure, Jeremiah Merrithew, F. S. Nickerson, Walter Nichols, Benj. Noyes, Cyrus True. Swanville, Miles S. Staples, Reuben J. Smart. Thorndike, Josiah Harmon, Peter Harmon, James D. Lamson, Raymond S. Rich. Troy, Rufus Bodge, Stephen S. Gerrish, Asa Stevens, Robert Woodhouse. Unity, Rufus Burnham, Stephen Dyer, John W. Fernald, Josiah Harmon, James B. Murch, Thomas Snell. Vinalkaven, John Carver, Winm. Vinal. Waldo, W. P. Harriman, George C. Harding, Samuel Kings- bury, Philander Pitrnan. 98 WALDO COUNTY. Justices of the Peace. Appleton, Maxy R. Gushee, Elisha H. Proctor, John C. Rob- bins, Johnson Thurston. Belfast, George B. Fergerson, Benj. Kelly, S. C. Nickerson, Robert Patterson, 5th. Belmont, T. W. Cunningham. Frankfort, Otis Kaler, Reuben A. Rich. Freedom, George Barlow. Hope, William Light. Liberty, Charles Bradstreet, Arthur C. Dodge. Lincolnville, Mark L. Sylvester, Jacob D. Tucker. Monroe, Marshall H. Holmes, J. W. Neally, Asa Thurlough. Montville, Samuel B. Dodge, Isaac C. Hall, Reuben L. Keen, Alfred McAllister. Palermo, William C. Carr, James L. Glidden. Prospect, Giles C. Grant, Edward Partridge, Sylvester I. Rob- erts, J. W. Thompson, Freeman J. Watts. Searsmont, Edward Burgess, Andrew Donnell, Noah B. Ellen- wood, Hiram Wing. Searsport, Walter Nichols. Swanville, Solomon Cunningham. Thorndike, Daniel Coffin. Unity, Samuel Whitten. Coroners. Appleton, Ambrose Arnold. Hope, Nathaniel Alford. Belfast, H. W. Cunningham, Monroe, Robert Sargent. John D. Rust, J. Y. McClintock. Swanville, Miles Staples. Camden, William A. Nor- Unity, Jewett Farwell. wood, Benj. J. Porter. Frankfort, John Atwood, Jr., Amos Weston. Inspectors of Fish. Belfast, John Turner. Camden, David L. Fernald. Lincolnville, William Duncan. North Haven, James Frye, Jr. Vinalhaven, Wm. W. Burgess, Elisha Carver, 2d. Inspectors of Lime, Stone, and Lime Casks. Belfast, John Carver. Camden, Rodolphus Bowers. Lincolnville, Emery A. Parker, Eli Tibbetts. 99 MAINE REGISTER. WASHINGTON COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, MACHIAS. POPULATION IN 1850, 38,711. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge of Probate, - Register of Probate, County Attorney, - Clerk of Courts, - Register of Deeds, - County Treasurer, Sheriff - . - Jailer, - - - John C. Talbot, - - Wmin. B. Smith, - Charles R. Whidden, - Albert G. Lane, - James W. Lyman, - George Walker, - Benj. W. Farrar, - B. W. Farrar, ' - .East Machias. Machias. Calais. iMachias. - Machias.' Machias. '- Machias. - Machias. Probate Courts are holden at Machias on the first Tuesdays of Jan- uary, March, April, May, August, October and December, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Columbia, on the second Tuesdays of February, June and No- vember, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Cherryfield, on the first Wednesdays next after the second Tues- days of February, June and November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Calais, on the first Tuesdays of February, June and November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Robbinston, on the first Wednesdays next after the first Tuesdays of June and November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Eastport, on the first Thursdays next after the first Tuesdays of February, June and November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. At Lubec, on the first Fridays next after the first Tuesdays of June and November, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Deputy Sheriffs. Freeman L. Jackson, Cherryfield; William Wood, Dennysville; Harrison T. Smith, Machias; Charles Perkins, Calais. County Commissioners. Samuel Moore, Steuben ; Daniel Chase, Cutler. County Commissioners' Courts, at Machias, 1st Wednesday next after 1st Tuesday in March, and 1st Wednesday next after 3d Tuesday in September. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Calais, Anson G. Chandler, George Downes, Daniel Tyler, Matthew Hastings. Cherryfield, Joseph Adams, Jeremiah O. Nickels. Columbia, Jotham Lippincott. Cooper, Simeon Foster. East Machias, John C. Talbot, Cyrus Folsom, Joshua A. Lowell, George F. Talbot. 100 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Eastport, Bion Bradbury, Jerry Burgin, Aaron Hayden. Edmunds, Aaron Hobart. Harrington, Daniel W. Dinsmore. Lubec, George T. -unter, Jabez Mowry, John C. Talbot. Machias, Albert G. Lane, R. K. Porter. Machiasport, Samuel Small. Pembroke, Thomas J. Sherman. Perry, Robinson Palmer. Robbinston, Cyrus Balkham. Steuben, Jonathan D. Parker. Waite Plantation, John Dudley. Notaries Public. Addison, John Plummer. Calais, James S. Cooper, William Demming, Elijah D. Green, F. A. Pike, Francis R. Swan, Daniel Tyler, C. R. Whidden, Hiram A. Balch. Cherryfield, Joseph Adams. Cutler, Isaac Wilder. Eastport, Winslow Bates, Bion Bradbury, Randall B. Clark, Daniel T. Granger, Aaron Hayden, Charles H. Hayden. Edmunds, Aaron Hobart. Jonesport, Charles F. Barker, Clement Hopkins. Lubec, George T. Hunter, J. C. Talbot, Jr. Machias, Albert G. Lane, Albert Pillsbury, Peter Thacher. Machiasport, William Sanborn. ,Millbridge, Warren Leighton. Pembroke, Thomas J. Sherman. Steuben, Jonathan D. Parker, Samuel Moore. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Addison, George Hathaway, Adoniram J. Small, Shadrach L. Wass. Alexander, Asa Libbey, William Spring, Belcher W. Tyler. Baileyville, L. H. Edminster, John W. Farrar. Calais, Geo. B. Burns, James S. Cooper, Solomon Coy, George Downes, Edward S. Dyer, George W. Dyer, Joseph Granger, Elijah D. Greene, James H. Hall, E. B. Harvey, Matthew Hast- ings, Elias Kelsey, Levi L. Lowell, W. L. McAllister, Frederick A. Pike, Wm. H. Tyler, George Washburn, C. R. Whidden, Edgar Whidden, Daniel Tyler. Cherryfield, Joseph Adams, Caleb Burbank, Reuben Cole, Wm. Freeman, Win. Wentworth, Samuel F. Adams. Columbia, Joseph Crandon, Levi Leighton, 2d, Jotham Lip- pincott, James A. Milliken, Isaac Nash. 101 MAINE REGISTER. Cooper, Thomas J. Burbank, A saph Savage, Jeremiah Shackford. Crawford, Hiram R. Nason, Thomas Nason, Edward Seavey. Cutler, Daniel Chase. Deblois, Andros Dyer. Dennysville, Benjamin R. Jones, Peter E. Vose. Edmunds, Aaron Hobart, Daniel H. Hobart, Isaac Hobart. 'East Mlachias, John C. Adams, Eben Blackman, Cyrus G. Folsome, A. C. Nash. Eastport, Winslow Bates, Bion Bradbury, Jerry Burgin, Josiah Coffin, Hiram S. Favor, Daniel T. Granger, Aaron Hayden, Mica- jah Hawkes, Henry E. Lascelles, O. S. Livermore. Harrington, John B. Coffin, D. W. Dinsmore, Otis S. Plummer. Jonesport, Clement Hopkins. Lubec, George Comstoek, Winm. Godfrey, George T. Hunter, Jeremiah L. Ring, John C. Talbot. Machias, Wm. A. Crocker, Daniel W. Dorman, Albert G. Lane, James Moore, Joseph O'Brien, Albert Pillsbury, Rufus K. Porter, William B. Smith, Peter Thatcher. JMachiasport, Isaac T. Cole, Wm. Sanborn, Jr. Marshfield, John F. Harmon. Marion, Abraham Bridges. .Medybemps, Samuel M. Smith. Millbridge, Albert Hayford. Northfield, Daniel Chase, George W. Smith. Pembroke, Zadock L. Hersey, Jonas Farnsworth, James M. Lincoln, Wm. Woodworth. Perry, Charles S. Davis, James L. Hartford, Robinson Palmer. Plantation No. 14, Alvan Bridgham. Robbinston, Seth Gerry, R. V. Hayden, Seth G. Low, Thomas Whittemore, Jr. Steuben, Samuel Moore, J. D. Parker. Topsfield, Francis Butterfield, A. H. Lindsey, Matthias Vick- ery, Nathaniel E. Whidden. frescott, James Nutter, William Phelps. Waite Plantation, John Dudley. Wesley, Winslow Getchell. Whitneyville, John Knox, Simeon B. Lowell, James Miller, Jr. Justices of the Peace. Addison, A. K. McKensey. Alexander, Henry P. Whitney. Baileyville, John Silley. Baring, William A. Gould. 102 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Beddington, Israel Dorman. Calais, Wm. Deming, Wm. H. McCurdy. Charlotte, Enoch Fisher. Cherryfield, Uriah R. Wilson. Columbia, Jonathan Dorr, Walter H. Drisko, JohnPuffer. Cutler, Charles T. Thurlow, Isaac Wilder. East lMachias, Osgood N. Bradbury, Francis L. Talbot. Eastport, Robert Mowe, Jr., Seward Bucknam. Jackson Brook Plantation, James L. Dudley. Jonesboro', I. Farnsworth, Geo. W. Taylor. Jonesport, Charles F. Baker. Lambert's Lake Plantation, Charles Hilliard, Shubael B. Vance. Lubec, Winckworth Allan, Samuel Staples, Jr. Wfachias, Ignatius Sargent, Daniel W. Dorman. Mlachiasport, Samuel Small. Marion, Phineas Foster. Marshfield, Levi Booker, Jr. Millbridge, Warren Leighton. Pembroke, Jonathan Reynolds, Seldon Wentworth. Princeton, Wm. Gould. Robbinston, John Hume, William P. Low. Wesley, Benjamin B. Murray, Benjamin R. Rachliff. Whiting, John Boxwell. Williams College Grant, Abner True. Coroners. Calais, D. K. Chase. Lubec, Geo. T. Hunter, John Cherryfield, Alonzo Cook. C. Talbot, Jr. East Machias, C. G. Folsom. Machias, Hosea S. Hughes. Jonesboro', Obed Talbot. Pembroke, Thos. J. Sherman. Inspectors of Fish. Columbia, Daniel Read. Cutler, Samuel A. Davis, James Dennison. Eastport, Richard P. Bates, Wilford J. Fisher, Samuel W. Leighton. Jonesport, Abraham Norton. Lubec, Joshua Coggins, Daniel Godfrey, Wm. Huddleston, Wm. Lakeman, William Lampson, S. A. Lawrence, Samuel R. Marstin, John McGregor, David Pike, Samuel Staples, Jr. Machiasport, Stephen O. Wescott. Millbridge, Sylvester J. Roberts. 103 MAINE REGISTER. YORK COUNTY. SHIRE TOWN, YORK. COUNTY OFFICERS. ,Judge of Probate, - Register of Probate, County Attorney, - Clerk of Courts, - Register of Deeds, - County Treasurer, Sheriff - - - Jailers, - - - Joseph T. Nye, - - Saco. Francis Bacon, - - Buxton. - Ira T. Drew, - - - Alfred. James O. McIntire, - Alfred. - Timothy Shaw, Jr., - - Alfred. Isaac P. Yeaton, North Berwick. - Nathaniel G. Marshall, - York. SAbner Mitchell, - - Alfred. Henry Abbott, - - York. Probate Courts are holden at Alfred, on the first Mondays of January, February, March, October, November and December; at Limerick, on the first Monday of April; at Saco, on the first Mon- days of May and September; at Kennebunk, on the first Monday of June; at York, on the first Monday of July; and at North Berwick, on the first Monday of August. Deputy Sheriffs. Abner Mitchel, Alfred; Mark E. Marshall, Berwick; Thomas Tarbox, Buxton ; Oscar Lincoln, Cornish; Japhet Emery, Eliot; Loammi Kimball, Kennebunk; James H. Tripp, Kennebunkport; Oliver Hanscom, Lebanon ; Mark L. Burnham, Limerick; Sher- burn Clifford, Newfield; Joseph G. Goodwin, North Berwick; Joseph P. Emerson, Parsonsfield; Rufus M. Lord, Phineas Libby, 2d, Saco; John Hemmingway, Simon Tebbetts, Sanford, (Spring- vale); Ebenezer F. Nealey, Josiah Paul, South Berwick; Nath'1 G. Marshall, Joseph Bragdon, Jr., York; Oliver B. Littlefield, Wells. Hazen W. Harriman, Porter, Oxford Co. County Commissioners. George Carle, Buxton; James Buxton, Eliot; Cotton Bean, Limerick. County Commissioners' Courts, at Alfred, Tuesday next before last Monday in May, and 2d Tuesday in October. Persons appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Acton, Horace Bodwell, John Bodwell, Hezekiah B. Trafton. Alfred, William C. Allen, Nathan D. Appleton, George W. POPULATION IN 1850, 60,094. 104 YORK COUNTY. Came, Joshua Herrick, Benjamin J. Herrick, Abner Mitchell, John Sayward, Jr., Win. Trafton, Jas. 0. McIntire, Timothy Shaw, Jr., Ira T. Drew. Berwick, Samuel W. Fox. Biddeford, S. S. Fairfield. Buxton, George W. Lord, Isaac Merrill. Cornish, Caleb R. Ayer, John Jameson. Eliot, Winm. Fogg, John Frost, James Goodwin, Nathaniel Hanscom, 4th. Bollis, Ellis B. Usher. Kennebunk, Edward E. Bourne, Joseph Dane, Abiel Kelley, Jr., Barnabas Palmer, Daniel Remick, Christopher Littlefield. Kennebunkport, Enoch Cousens. Kittery, Mark Dennett, Mark F. Wentworth. Lebanon, Daniel Wood, Frederick A. Wood. Limerick, Simeon Barker, Abner Burbank. Limington, Arthur McArthur, Simeon Strout. Lyman, M. J. Smith. Newfield, Samuel C. Adams, James Ayer, Jr. North Berwick, Sheldon Hobbs. Parsonsfield, Gilman L. Bennett, Rufus McIntire, Robert T. Blazo, Moses Sweat. Saco, Fred. Greene, Edward P. Burnham, Philip Eastman. Sanford, Increase S. Kimball, Asa Low, Timothy Shaw, Samuel Thompson. Shapleigh, Elisha Bodwell. South Berwick, Hiram H. Hobbs, Charles E. Norton, Abner Oakes. Waterboro', Elisha A. Bradeen. Wells, Joshua C. Littlefield, Joshua Hubbard. York, Samuel Adams, Solomon Brooks, Charles O. Emerson. Notaries Public. Alfred, Joshua Herrick. Biddeford, Samuel W. Sawyer. Kennebunk, Edw. E. Bourne, Winm. B. Sewall, Daniel Remick. Kennebunkport, Enoch Cousens. Kittery, Robert F. Gerrish, Stillman B. Allen. Limington, Arthur McArthur. Saco, Philip Eastman, Louis O. Cowan, Edward P. Burnham, Andrew Scammon, Moses Emery, Joseph T. Nye. South Berwick, Abner Oakes, Chas. E. Norton. York, Alexander Dennett. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Acton, Horace Bodwell, Aaron Hubbard, John Lord, H. B. Trafton, Luther Goding. 105 MAINE REGISTER. Alfred, N. D. Appleton, Francis Bacon, Geo. W. Came, Bepj. J. Herrick, Timothy Shaw, Jr., Ira T. Drew, James O. McIn- tire, Archibald Smith. William Trafton. Berwick, Samuel W. Fox, John M. Hanson, Ivory M. Nutt, Lindsey Wallace. Biddeford, Alvin B.'Blake, Jacob K., Cole, Leonard An- drews, John M. Goodwin, Wm. P. Haines, Ebenezer Shillaber. Samuel W. Luques, Chas. March, T. G. Thornton, Jr., Samuel W. Sawyer. Buxton, Daniel Appleton, George Carle, Jonathan Clay, Oliver Dorr, George W. Lord, Isaac Merrill, David L. Palmer, Chas. E. Weld, Dan'l Wentworth, Robert Wentworth. Cornish, Caleb R. Ayer, Stephen Jewett, John Jameson, David Hammonds, Oscar Lincoln, E. W. Wedgewood. Eliot, James Goodwin, Wm. Hammond, Joseph Frost. Hollis, David Hill, 2d, W. D. L. Lane, Stephen P. Lane, Z. G. Staples, Henry K. Bradbury, William F. Tilton. Kennebunk, Joseph Dahe, Jr., James Osborn, William B. Sewall, Joseph Titcomb, Daniel Remick, Christopher Littlefield, E. Willard. Kennebunkport, Enoch Cousens, William Huff, Jr., Andrew Luques, Albert Perkins, William Smith. Kittery, Mark Dennett, Daniel Frisbee, Stillman B. Allen, Albert A. Hayes, Samuel Odiorne, Ephraim Otis, M. F. Went- worth. Lebanon, Charles Corson, William Emery, Isaac C. Fall, Oliver Hanscom, David Jones, James W. Hayes, Hawley A. Keag, Chas. R. Lindsey, Timothy L. Kimball, Hebron Libbey, Thomas Ricker. Limeric', Winborn Adams, Jeremiah M. Mason, Simeon Barker, Cotton Bean, Abner Burbank, Amos Felch, Caleb B. Lord, Luther S. Moore. Limington, Walter Higgins, Timothy Brackett, James W. Joy, Arthur McArthur, James McArthur, Isaac Mitchell, George M. Small, John Seavey, S. C. Watson. Lyman, James Nason, Dimon Roberts, Wm. F. Tilton, Mag- ness J. Smith. Newfield, Samuel C. Adams, Daniel Dam, Edward S. Morris, Joseph B. Davis, Winborn Drew, Nathan N. Loud, Mark Wood. North Berwick, H. A. Butler, Jos. G. Goodwin, Horatio G. Herrick, Samuel Hanscomb, Isaac M. Hobbs, Sheldon Hobbs. Parsonsfield, Gilman L. Bennett, Robert T. Blazo, Oliver'C. Doe, Gilman Lougee, John B. Swett, G. M. Randall, Luther Sanborn, James Wadleigh. Saco, Josiah Calef, Alex. F. Chisholm, Moses Emery, Louis O. Cowan, Frederick Greene, Thos. M. C. Hayes, Jos. W. Le- 106 YORK COUNTY. land, Sam'l V. Loring, Joseph T. Nye, Seth Scammon, John Shepley, Rufus P. Tapley, Edwin R. Wiggin, Andrew M. Towle, L. D. Wilkinson. Sanford, John Shaw, James M. Burbank, Samuel B. Emery, Sam'1 Lord, Stephen Dorman, Daniel Clark, David Fall, Nath'l Hobbs, Asa Low, John Powers, Sam'l ' ompson. Shapleigh, Elisha Bodwell, Alfred Hull. South Berwick, David Boyd, John N. Goodwin, William A. Cromwell, M. F. Goodwin, Hiram H. Hobbs, John 3Meserve, Geo. K. Nealley, Charles E. Norton, Abner Oakes, Isaac P. Yeaton. 7Waterboro', John Bowdoin, E. A. Bradeen, Joseph Chase, Isaac Deering, Benjamin R. Hamilton, John T. Scribner, E. H. Hobbs, Jeremiah B. Scribner. Wells Manasseh Furbush, Amos G. Getchell, Joshua Hubbard, Jos. M. Littlefield, John Rankins, Theodore Wells. York, Sam'l Adams, J. Brooks, Solomon Brooks, Edward A, Bragdon, Edward O. Emerson, Charles. Came, A. Dennett, Luther Jenkins, William MelIntire. Justices of the Peace. Biddeford, Geo. H. Adams, Freedom Parcher, Cyrus Gordon, Thomas M. Pierson, James Smith, Jr. Buxton, Hiram Hayes, Ansel W. Hanson. Dayton, Daniel Hill, 2d, Zebulon G. Staples, Aaron Buzzell. Eliot, Asa Gowen, J. G. Jenkins, Geoe. A. Hammond, Alex- ander Shapleigh. Bollis, A. P. Buzzell, Silas Buzzell, James I. Ridlon, James B. Mulrey, Edmund Knight, Nathan Hobson, Ivory Mason, John Sawyer. Isle of Shoals, Wm. C. Newton. Kennebunk, Win. M. Bryant, E. W. Morton. Kennebunkport, William F. Moody, Kinsman Atkinson. Kittery, Asa Gunnison. Lebanon, Benj. H. Lord, Chas. Shapleigh, Robert Libby, John S. Parker. Limington, James M. Smith, Isaac L. Mitchell. Newfield, Samuel W. Drew. North Berwick, Paul Hussey, Joshua Hurd. Parsonsfield, Nath'l H. Cook, John Brackett, 2d. Saco, Thos. P. Tufts. Shapleigh, William Lewis, Edmund Warren. Sanford, Wm. Emery, James Hubbard, John Merrill, Simon Tibbetts. South Berwick, Daniel W. Quimby, B.' Wentworth. Waterboro', Samuel K. Roberts. 107 MAINE REGISTER. Wells, Samuel Mildrum, Joshua 0: Littlefield, Edwin Olark. York, George Bowden, T. Wilson, Jr., Chas. Came, Sylvester McIntire. Coroners. Alfred, Israel Chadbourne, Samuel M. Shaw, James Thomas. Berwick, G. C. Wallingford, Mark E. Mairshall. Biddeford, Thomas K. Lane. Buxton, L. S. Milliken, Albert G. Bradbury. Eliot, Wm. Hammond. Kennebunkport, James H. Tripp. Lebanon, Frederick A. Wood. Limington, Israel Boody, Robert Martin. Limerick, Mark L. Burnham. Lyman, Jefferson Moulton. Parsonsfield, Gideon Bickford, David Pillsbury, Jr. Sanford, John Lord, Simon Tebbetts, Geo. Nowell. Shapleigh, L. Thompson, Jr. South Berwick, Josiah Paul. Waterborough, Peter Frost, Jason Hamilton. Wells, Daniel L. Hill. York, Jeremiah Brooks, Washington Junkins. Inspectors of Fish. Kittery, Jeremiah Gunnison, J. E. Lowry, Daniel Frisbee. COUNSELLORS AT LAW. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Auburn-Nahum Morrill. Danville-T. A. D. Fessenden, N. Morrill, John Goodenow, C. Record. E. Livermore-Cyrus Knapp. Leeds- Lewiston--Cilley & Frye, Charles W. Goddard, John Goodenow, Morrill & Fessenden, Calvin Record. Livermore-Reuel Washburn. Minot--Robert Carr, --- Mellen, Josiah D. Pulsifer. Turner--M. T. Ludden. Webster-Benjamin D. Bryant, Stetson L. Hill. 108 COUNSELLORS AT LAW. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Fort Fairfield--John B. Trafton. Fort Kent-P. C. Legendre. Houlton-James C. MlIadigan, Isaac W. Tabor, Zenas P. Went- worth. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Bridgton-Nathaniel S. Littlefield, S. M. Harmon. Brunswick --William G. Barrows, Ebenezer Everett, John O'Brien, Henry Orr, Augustus C. Robbins, James D. Simmons. Freeport-Richard Belcher, Josiah W. Mitchell. Gorham-Josiah Pierce, Jacob S. Smith, John A. Waterman. Gray-Warren H. Vinton. Harrison-Harrison Blake. Naples-John P. Davis. New Gloucester-William Bradbury. Portland--John M. Adams, Samuel J. Anderson, John Apple- ton, Phinehas Barnes, William G. Barrows, Freeman Bradford, William Boyd, Moses M. Butler, Charles G. Came, Henry Carter, Nathan Clifford, 0. G. Cook, E. L. Cummings, John W. Dana, Charles ,S. Davies, E. H. Davies, Henry P. Deane, Llewellyn Deane, Lewis Dela, Nathaniel Deering, David Dunn, George F. Emery, George Evans, D. W. Fessenden, Samuel Fessenden, William P. Fessenden, Frederick Fox, Elbridge Gerry, William Goodenow, Allen Haines, Charles C. Harmon, A. B. Bolden, . S. Hovey, Benjamin Kingsbury, Jr., John Martin, J. T. McCobb, Moses McDonald, Charles B. Merrill, James Merrill, Jonathan Morgan, John W. Munger, John Neal, James O'Donnell, Josiah Pierce, Jr., John A. Poor, William P. Preble, William P. Pre- ble, Jr., John Rand, George F. Shepley, Edward P. Sherwood, Woodbury Storer, S. C. Strout, Lorenzo D. M. Sweat, Thomas IH. Talbot, Stillman Thorp, L. True, Joseph Ware, Nathan Webb, Samuel Wells, Henry Willis, William Willis, Jabez C. Woodman, George A. Wright. Scarborough-Seth Storer. Standish-Horatio J. Swasey. Westbrook-William G. Chaclbourne, David Hayes, John S. Lunt, Moses Quinby. Windham--David P. Baker, S. A. Eveleth, John Eveleth. Yarmouth--Barnabas Freeman. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Farmington-Hiram Belcher, Hannibal Belcher, Samuel Bel- cher, Robert Goodenow, Joseph A. Linscott. Farmington Falls-Thomas Chase, Alanson B. Farwell. 109 MAINE REGISTER. Jay--Grove Catlin. Kingfield-Ebenezer F. Pillsbury. New Sharon-Oliver L. Currier, Henry E. Dyer. Phillips--Wm. B. Bennett, Henry L. Whitcomb. Strong-Philip M. Stubbs. Weld-K. Wright. Wilton-Sewall Cram, Columbus Gray. EANCOCK COUNTY. Bluehill-Bushrod W. Hinekley. Bucksport--Parker Tuck, Theodore C. Woodman. Castine-Charles J. Abbott, Hezekiah Williams. Ellsworth--Wih. H. Chancy, Joseph A. Deane, A. F. Drink- water, A. J. Heath, George Herbert, Charles Lowell, George S. Peters, Thomas Robinson, Joseph S. Rice, Samuel Waterhouse, Arno Wiswell, Joseph S..Rice. Orland-Frederick E. Shaw. KENNEBEC COUNTY. Albion-Artemas Libbey. Augusta-Joseph Baker, James W. Bradbury, James L. Child, John L. Cutler, Newton Edwards, David Fales, Benjamin A. G. Fuller, Edward T. Ingraham, Sewall Lancaster, Richard M. Mills, L. M. Morrill, George S. Mulliken, Asaph R. Nichols, James W. North, John Potter, Asa Redington, Richard D. Rice, Samuel Titcomb, Richard II. Yose, Daniel Williams, Joseph H. Williams. Benton-Henry Clark, Crosby Hinds. China-Thomas W. Clark, Alfred Fletcher, Zebah Washburn. Farmingdale-Edmund A. Chadwick, George H. Robinson. Gardiner-Frederick Allen, George W. Batchelder, Washington Benjamin, Edmund A. Chadwick, Lorenzo Clay, Charles Dan- forth, N. M. Meserve, Nathaniel M. Whitmore, Noah Wods. Hallowell-Henry K. Baker, Edward K. Butler, Wm. Clark, Williams Emmons, Samuel K. Gilnan, Wm. B. Glazier, John Otis, Henry W. Paine, Anson G. Stinchfield. Mount Vernon-Ezra Kempton, Jr. Pittston-Ward L. Lewis. Readfield-Emery O. Bean, Edward Fuller, Asa Gile. Vassalborough--Joseph Bowman. Waterville-Timothy Boutelle; Paul L. Chandler, J. H. Drum- mond, Eldridge L. Getchell, Solyman Heath, Thomas W. Herrick, Edwin Noyes, Samuel P. Shaw, Harrison A. Smith, James Stack- pole, Jr., Stephen Stark. Wayne-George A. Wright, J. E. F. Dunn. Winthrop--Thomas J. Burgess, Seth May, John May. 110 COUNSELLORS AT LAW. LINCOLN COUNTY. Bristol- Peaslee M. Wells. Damariscotta - Ezra B. French, Nathaniel M. Pike, John H. Converse, John R. Coffin, V. B. Oakes, Samuel A. Stinson. Dresden-Hamilton M. Call. Newcastle-John H. Converse, Ingalls & Stinson, Nathaniel M. Pike. Rockland-William Battle, John C. Cochran, James O., L. Foster, Wakefield G. Frye, Edwin S. Hovey, Henry C. Lowell, Charles L. Lowell, John A. Meserve, Hermon Stvevens, William G. Sargent, Peter Thacher. Thomaston-Albert P. Gould, David O'Brien, John 'Ruggles, S. Emerson Smith, Edmund Wilson. Union-Daniel F. Harding, Elijah Vose. Waldoborough-John Bulfinch, John H. Kennedy, Sebastian S. Marble, Albion P. Oakes, Edward A. Reed, David W. Seiders. Warren-Edwin Smith, Manasseh H. Smith. Whitefield -Jason M. Carlelton. Wiscasset-Erastus Foote, Erastus Foote, Jr., Wales Hubbard, Henry Ingalls, Samuel E. Smith, Wilmot Wood. OXFORD COUNTY. Bethel-William Frye, O'Neil W. Robinson, Jr. Buckfield-Sullivan C. Andrews, Jacob W. Brown. Canton-Elbridge G. Harlow, Jacob Lovejoy. Denmark-Samuel F. Gibson. Dixfield-Isaac Randall, Charles W. Bolsten. Fryeburg-Alexander R. Bradley, Edward L. Osgood. Lovell-David It. Hastings, Josiah S. Hobbs, Ephraim K. Smart. Mexico-Charles W. Walton. Norway-William W. Virgin, Levi Whitman. Oxford-Jairus S. Keith, John J. Perry. Paris-Alvah Black, Samuel R. Carter, Stephen Emery, Rufus K. Goodenow, William K. Kimball. Rumford-Lyman Rawson, Peter C. Virgin. Waterford-M. B. Bartlett. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Bangor-John Appleton, Moses L. Appleton, Charles P. Brown, A. H. Briggs, Albion P. Bradbury, Ichabod D. Bartlett, Samuel H. Blake, Joseph Carr, Charles S. Crosby, William C. Crosby, Gustavus G. Cushman, Charles P. Davis, Samuel P. Dinsmore, William Fessenden, E. W. Flagg, Samuel Garnsey, John Godfrey, 111 MAINE REGISTER. John E Godfrey, Elijah L. Hamlin, Joshua W. Hathaway, S. F. Humphrey, John L. Hodsdon, John B. Hill, Thomas A. Hill, William T. Hilliard, Henry P. Haines, George W. Ingersoll, Abner Knowles, Edwin Kent, George Kent, William H. McCrillis, Benjamin H. Mace, Wyman B. S. Moor, George B. Moody, John McDonald, Jacob McGaw, Thornton McGaw, H. G. O. Morrison, .Benjamin F. Mudgett, Albert W. Paine, John A. Peters, Spencer A. Pratt, Henry E. Prentiss, E. G. Rawson, James F. Rawson, James S. Rowe, Chiarles P. Roberts, Abraham Sanborn, A. L. Simpson, Augustus C. Smith, Charles Stetson, Daniel Sanborn, Albert G. Wakefield, Asa Waterhouse, George M. Weston, Nathan Weston, Jr. Carmel-John J. Bell. Corinna-Volney A. Sprague. Dexter--Josiah Crosby, Samuel McLellan. Dixmont-George W. Wilcox.. Exeter-David Barker. Hampden--Hannibal Hamlin, Joshua Hill, A. P. Warren. Lee-Henry C. Field. Lincoln--John Burnham, Augustus G. Randall. Newport-Elliot Walker, George W. Whitney. Oldtown-E. C. Brett, John H. Hilliard, J. W. Knowlton, George P. Sewall. Orono--Samuel Libby, Israel Washburn, Jr., Matthias Weeks, Nathan Weston, Jr., Nathaniel Wilson. Patten-S. E. Benjamin. Stetson-Lewis Barker. PISCATAQ UIS COUNTY. Dover-J. D. Brown, Ephraim Flint, A. K. P. Gray, James S. Wiley. Foxeroft-Charles P. Chandler, James S. Holmes, James H. Weymouth. Guilford--Henry Hudson, David R. Straw. Milo-Charles A. Everett. Monson-James Bell, John H. Rice. Parkman-Emerson F. Harvey. Sangerville-William G. Clark. Sebec-Alexander M. Robinson. SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Bath--John S. Baker, John C. L. Booker, David Bronson, Ebenezer Clap, Washington Gilbert, Nathaniel Groton, John H. 112 COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Kimball, Albert Merrill, Charles R. Porter, Benjamin Randall, John Rogers, Frederick D. Sewall, Jacob S. Sewall, Jacob Smith, Henry Tallman. Bowdoinham--Joseph W. Russell. Richmond-Ezra Abbott, Hartley B. Cox, James M. Hagar, Marshall S. Hagar, Benjamin Kimball, C. W. Larrabee. SOMERSET COUNTY. Athens-Charles F. H. Greene, Ebenezer Hutchinson, Gilbert L. Palmer. North Anson-George C. Getchell, Paulinus M. Foster, A. H. Ware. Canaan--Levi Johnson, Joseph Barrett. Detroit-J. P. Waterhouse. Fairfield-Win. B. Snell. Harmony--Cleopas Boyd, James W. Merrill. Hartland-Enoch E. Brown, William Folsom. New Portland--Benjamin Adams, Wm. S. Marshall., Norridgewock-John S. Abbott, Stephen D. Lindsey, Charles F. Pillsbury, John H. Webster. Palmyra-Oramandal D. Merrick. Solon-W. M. E. Brown, 0. R. Bacheller. St. Albans-David D. Steward. Skowhegan--Coburn L. Wyman, D. Kidder, L. Kidder, James T. Leavitt, Henry A. Wyman. WALDO COUNTY. Appleton--John Hanly, Michael F. Hanly. Belfast--Nehemiah Abbot, John F. H. Angier, William G. Crosby, Woodbury Davis, Jonathan G. Dickerson, Isaac N. Feleb, Bohan P. Field, Lewis W. Howes, Alfred W. Johnson, Frederick A. Lewis, Nathaniel M. Lowney, Andrew T. Palmer, William M. Rust, James White, Joseph Williamson. Camden-William H. Codman, Ephraim K. Smart, Nathaniel T. Talbot. Frankfort-Nathaniel H. Hubbard, Archibald Jones, Albert L. Kelley, Charles H. Pierce. Freedom-James Hall, Orris H. Keene. Liberty--Joseph W. Knowlton. Monroe-David S. Flanders. Montville-John Emerson, Nathan Elden. Searsport--Franklin S. Nickerson. Unity-J. W. Fernald, James B. Murch. 8 113 MAINE REGISTER. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Calais--George B. Burnes, A. G. Chandler, James S. Cooper, George Downes, George W. Dyer, Thomas J. D. Fuller, Joseph Granger, E. B. Harvey, F. A. Pike, Daniel Tyler, Charles R. Whidden. Cherryfield--Caleb Burbank, William Freeman, William Free- man, Jr. Columbia-Jotham Lippincott. East Machias--J. A. Lowell, George F. Talbot. Eastport-Bion Bradbury, I. R. Chadbourne, Daniel T. Gran- ger, Aaron Hayden. Lubec-John C. Talbot, Jr. Machias-Albert G. Lane, Albert Pillsbury, Rufus K. Porter, Peter Thaxter, George Walker. YORK COUNTY. Alfred-William C. Allen, Nathan D. Appleton, Francis Ba- con, Ira T. Drew, Daniel Goodenow, James O. MoIntire. Biddeford--Alvin B. Blake, John M. Goodwin, Samuel W. Luques, Ebenezer Shillaber, Thomas G. Thornton, Jr. Buxton-Francis Bacon, Charles E. Weld. Cornish-Caleb R. Ayer, C. E. Clifford, David Hammons, John Jameson, Joshua T. Lincoln, E. W. Wedgewood. Hollis-Henry K. Bradbury, M. D. L. Lane. Kennebunk-Edward E. Bourne, Edward E. Bourne, Jr., Joseph Dane, Jr., William B. Sewall. Lebanon-William Emery, Jr., Cliarles R. Lindsey. Limerick-Caleb B. Lord, Luther S. Moore. Lirnington-Arthur MeArthur. North Berwick-Horatio G. Herrick. Parsonsfield-Robert T. Blazo, Rufus McIntire. Saco-Edward P. Burnham, Alexander F. Chisholin, Philip Eastman, Moses Emery, Frederick Greene, Thomas M. Hayes, Joseph W. Leland, Samuel V. Loring, Joseph T. Nye, John Shepley, Rufus P. Tapley, Edwin R. Wiggin, Lorenzo D. Wil- kinson. Sanford--Asa Low, Increase S. Kimball, Samuel Thompson. Waterborough-Charles F. Leavitt. South Berwick-John N. Goodwin, Hiram H. Hobbs, Abner Oakes. Newfield--Edward S. Morris. 114 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. According to the Census returns of the United States, taken 1850, the statistics of the several religious denominations in the State were as follows : Churches. Value of Churches. Value of Property. Property. Baptist ............ 283...$426,787 Presbyterian ........ 7 ... 32,000 Christian ........... 9 ... 13,800 Roman Catholic.... .11 ... 20,700 Congregationalist ... 165 ... 526,270 Swedenborgian...... 2 ... 8,000 Episcopal .......... 8... 52,600 Union .............. 83 ... 108,670 Free ............... 19 ... 25,700 Unitarian ........... 15 ... 103,000 Friends............. 24 ... 14,580 Universalist ........ 53 ... 120,150 Methodist .......... 171 ... 259,695 Minor Sects ........ 1 ... 200 Making a total of 851 Churches, with accommodations for 304,475 persons, and valued as property at $1,712,152. Maine constitutes a Diocese of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Boston. In the list of Churches and Clergymen, we have endeavored to give the number of Churches in each town. Those against which no name appears, have no settled pastor. The names of clergymen not having pastoral charge are omitted. ABBREVIATIONS. B. signifies Baptist, C., Congregationalist, E., Episcopal, F. B., Freewill Baptist, M. E., Methodist Episcopal, N. J., New Jerusalem, R. C., Roman Catholic, S. A., Second Advent, Uni., Unitarian, Uv., Universalist. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Auburn. Thomas N. Lord, ....... C. John Elliott,.............C. Adoniram J. Nelson, . .. * * B. Robert Blacker, ........ Uv. David T. Stevens, ....... *Uv. ........................Uv. Danville. James Drummond, * ....... C. Anson Denham, ......... B. ....................... F. B. ....................... M .E. Durham. Jonas Fisk, ............. C. ................ ...... C. Moses Hanscom,. ........ B. John Miller,............ F. B. Allen H. Cobb, ......... * * M. E. Charles Andrews, ...... .M. E. ............. ...........Uv. East Livermore. ....................*.. B. ....................... F.B. ....................... M . E. Greene. Arthur Drinkwater,... ... B. Daniel Pierce, ..........B. ........................F.B. Leeds. (No returns.) Lewiston. G. Knox, ................B. J. Golder, ...............B. J. Drummond,........... C. Gideon Perkins, - ........ F. B. Lisbon. (No returns.) 115 MAINE REGISTER. Livermore. Caleb Mugford, ... ... M. E. David Nutter, .......... B. William Wyman, ......... B. Lucius Bradfbrd, . . . " * " * * "B. .... ................ ...Uv. Minot. Elijah Jones, ............ C. Enos Merrill, ............C. David Sweat, ............F. B. J. Fairbanks, ...........M. E. Poland. Enos Merrill, ............C. Stephen Gould, ..........C. Benjamin Burnham,.. .....M. E. James Libby, ..........F. B. Turner. L. D. Hill, ......:.......B. Win. B. French, ........Uv. .. ....... ...............C . .. ................... F.B. Wales. Allen Files, .... ........ F. B. . .............. ... ....B. Webster. David House,. .......... F. B. ........ ................B. ....... .................U v. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Amity. ......................B. Benedicta. .... ................... R . C. Crystal Plantation. Ephraim Fobes, ...... . Cyrus Case, * .......... Bridgewater. Nathaniel Rideout, . *...* *B. ................ Free Ch.B. Eaton Grant. ....................... R. C. ..................... F.B. Fort Fairfield. E. Night, ............... C. Alphonso Rogers, *...... M. E. M. Cookson, ............M. E. Golden Ridge Plantation. Edwin Parker, *.........M. E" Iodgdon. Daniel Outhouse, .*..... B. R. W. Emerson, ..........C. Thos. White, ............F. B. G. W. Haskell, .........F. B. Nelson Whitney, . ..... M. E. Houlton. Charles P. Felch,. * ... ... C. Royal C. Spalding, *.... B. -- Whitney, *.......M. E. Thomas Connelly, * ...... R. C. U.. ....*. .....*.*..* . Uv. Madawaska Plantation. Henry Dionnes . ......R. C. Monticello. Charles S. Pitcher, ...... Ch. ....................... M . E . New Limerick and Linneus. .************.. *** ** *.F.B. No. 11, R. 5. Marcus R. Keep,.....*...*C. T. ....................... M.E. Salmon Brook and Letter F. ...... ..... ....... .....C. Van Buren. Michael Maloy, ....... R. C. Weston. George W. Gelerson,. . -**F. B. James Hartford, *.. ...... M. E. CUMYIBERLAND COUNTY. Baldwin. Cyril Pearl,*...........-C. Benjamin F. Lufkin, ..* "*M. E. 116 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. Bridgton. Josiah T. Hawes, ....... C. Joseph P. Fessenden .... **C. Amos B. Pendleton, ....... Isaac McDonald, .......... E. G. Eaton,- ............ Colby, ............ Horace Wellihgton, ....... Brunswick. J. B. Hutchinson, .........B. Charles Ayers, .... * ..... B. ............. .......B . G. E. Adams, D. D., *..*C. Winm. S. Chadwell,........E. Andrew Rollins, ........ . B. J. E. Perry, .............M. E. S. Stetson, ...... : .Uv. Amos D. Wheeler, *....... Uni. Cape Elizabeth. .................. ......B. Lord, ...........C. A. P. Hillman, .......... F. B. Pierce, ...........M. E. Casco. John Pinkham, * ......... F. B. Hugh McQuillan, ......... Ch. .......................M. E. .......... ..........Friends. Cumberland. Joseph Blake, * *.......... C. M. Banks, ..... .........M. E. Noah Hobart, ..........M. E. Falmouth. A.H. Tyler, .............C. S. Ranks,..... .........M. E. ................ .. ......C. Freeport. Elijah S. Fish, .......... B. Luther L. Conklin, ........ C. Nathaniel Bard, ......... F. B. ........ ................U v. Gorham. John R. Adams, .........C. Daniel Poor, .......... C. Thomas Jameson, ....... C. James Lewis, ..........M. E. R. H. Stinchfield, .......M. E. James WTarren, ........ M. E. ........................F. B . ........................ F.B. Gray. Allen Lincoln, .........C. David Newell, ........... F. B. Samuel B. Sawyer, ......M. E. Stone, .......... W. M. ..U.........* * ........U v. Harpswell. ..B................. ....B" Elijah Kellogg, *.........C. Levi Hersey, - *..........F. B. .*** "-. **** *** ' * .*** U v. Harrison. ............ o... .*.* . B . John Dodd, ............. C. Ephraim H. Hart, * ... .. .. F. B. .........................F.B . Naples. Augustus Sanborn, *-....... M. E. New Gloucester. Charles Packard, ....... C. John Rounds, *... .****B. A. F. Hutchinson, *.***F. B. .U ......o ..........Uv. S.. :..................Shakers. North Yarmouth. Caleb Hobar t, .........*C. Benjamin Burnham, ...... M. E. Otisfield. Joseph Wight, .. ....... F. B. Alpheus B. Lovewell, *..* M. E., James P. Richardson, . ***C. Portland. W. H. Shailer, D. D. (1st,) B. J. S. Eaton, (2d,) ....... B. S. E. Brown, (3d,) ...... B. J. J. Carruthers, D. D. (2d Par.) ..............C. W. T. Dwight, D. D. (3d Par.) ............C. J. W. Chickering, ........C. H. S. Carpenter, ....... *. C. ................-....G. 117 MAINE REGISTER. James Pratt, ..........* * E. Alexander Burgess, .. ***E. Benj. D. Peck, .........F. B. C. C. Mason, ............M. E. W. F. Farrington, ......-.-M. E. C. W. Morse, ...........M. E. (Colored,)...... M. E. J. O'Donnell, ...........R. C. P. B. Morgan, * *.........S. A. Wm. B. Hayden, *.......N. J. I. Nichols, D.D. (1stPar.) Horatio Stebbins, (col- Uni. league,) *......... ............ ...........Uni. W. H. Hadley, (At Large,) Uni. C. R. Moor, .............Uv.. R. S. French, .. .......Free Ch. .................... . Friends. Pownal. William Loring, ......*...C. C. C. Lord. ............ M. E. James Price, ............M. E. ......................F.B. Raymond. Hubbard Chandler, ......F. B. .......................F. B. J. Stone, ...............M. E. Scarboro'. .......................C. W. Hayden, ............B. S. W arren, .............B. Alpha Turner, .......... M. E. Sebago. Samuel Tyler, ...........B. William Ward, *........ *F. B. Standish. James B. Hadley, ....... C. Geo. Osgood, ......... Uni. ......................F.B. Winm. H. Strout, .........M. E. WVestbrook. --- Wheelwright, (1st,).. C. Caleb Bradley, ..........C. John Parsons, (2d,) ....* *C. J. L. Ashby, ...........C. C. O. Libbey, (Sacarappa,) F. B. W. F. Farrington, .......M. E. H. J. Bradbury, (Sacarap- pa,) ............... Uv. J. P. Weston, (Stev. Plains,)Uv. Wm. McDonald, .........M. E. J. Stone, ..............Uv. Windham. Luther Wiswell, ......... C. John O. Hackett, ........F. B. .... ......... ...... U v. ...................... Friends. Yarmouth. L. B. Allen, ............B. ...... ..... . *...* ... C. .......................M .E. J. M. Bradbury, ........ Uv. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Avon. Samuel L. Gould, *.......C. John Phillips, ..........-. E. Nehemiah Hunt, .........M. E. Henry Cushman, ....... M. E. Carthage. Waldron Morse, ........* F. B. Joseph B. Jones, ......... M. E. Chesterville. .......................M .E. ......... *....** ** ** C. Samuel Wheeler, .......F. B. Farmington. Charles Tibbetts, ........B. Isaac Rogers, ........... *C. - Moore, *..........M. E. Freeman. Wm. Bates, ........... M. E. Joseph Davis, . *.........M. E. Benj. Davis, **..........M. E. ....,U............ ..o v. .......................F.B. Industry. ....* * *...* * **** *..* B . ..................* * *. C. Datus T. Allen, *........ B. John Spinney, ****......... F. B. James Armstrong, .*.****.M. E. 118 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. Jackson Plantation. Moses Welch, ...........F. B. .............. ........M .E . Jay. H. Dempsey, ............B. ...................... M.E. ....................... Uv. Kingfield. ............... .......C . ................ ....... Uv. Madrid. .......................F. B. New Sharon. .......................B. Leonard W. Harris, ...... C. .......................Uv. W. Hayden, .......... F. B. Roger Ela, .............F. B. David Copeland, *....... M. E. New Vineyard. David Turner, ........ C. Howard Winslow, .....M. M. E. Phillips. .......................C. ....... ... . ........Uv. Alex. H. Morrill, **.......F. B. ......................ChL Silas B. Brackett, . ..... *.*M. E. Rangeley. Edward Toothaker, *. *F. B. ............... .....B. ............... . ..... .M . E. Salem. .. . .... ............Uv. .......................M .E. ........... ...........F. B. Strong. William Davenport, . ---**C. James Farrington, "... -*M. E. Temple. Simeon Hackett, ....... C. . ........ ........ . B. ......."... ....... M.1El .. """......... .....W.M. Weld. Wm. V. Jordan, *....*.. C. Wm. H. Cutting, ******.Ch. Seth Lawrence, .........B. Wilton. A. Morton, .............C. W. Badger, ...... ......F. B. - Robinson, ........** M. E. James Farrington, . " * * * * M. E. John E. Baxter, .. ...... M. E. HANCOCK COUNTY. Aurora. ". . . .. . . . .... . .". B. Amherst. Henry S. Loring, ........C. **.-------*** ****.*****B. Bluehill. Lyman Chase, (1st,) . *B. ..... ..... .. ...... . B. S. H. Merrill, ...........C. Brooklin. O. B. Walker, ..........B. Brooksville. ......00...............B: ... .. .......... .......C. .......................M .E. Bucksport. ..**** ****** *****.*.C. A. S. Adams, .......... M. E. Joab Harriman, ........* M. E. Wm. J. Wilson, (North,) .M. E. Wm. H. Pillsbury, *.. **M. E. Seba F. Wetherbee, . M .. E. Joel A. Steele, .........M. E. Loren L. Knox, ........-. E. Henry Giles, *..........Uni. Castine. . ... .. ... . ...C. W. J. Robinson, ......... E. ................. M . E. .U.... . o .......... . Vv. Dedham. Edward S. Palmer, ..****C. . ..*. .. ... ...... .F.B. 119 MAINE REGISTER. Deer Isle. ............ ...........C. Plummer, ..........M. E.. Eden. C. L. Cary, .............B. ......................M .E. Ellsworth. Sampson Powers, ....... . * B. Sewall Tenney, ..*......C. ...... ................B . James P. French, .. ..... M. E. D. M. Nappen, *..**.. . Uv. ........ ............ . .C. "Franklin. Orrin Strout, �......* M M. E. ............ . ..........B. Gouldsboro'. ......... .... ......B. ........ ........... C. ......................M .E. .......................Uv. Hancock. R. Y. Watson, ......."....B. Walter Marshall, ........-B. ........... ...........F.B. Mariaville. C. C. Long, ............B. ....... ... ........F.:B. Mount Desert. Samuel Bowker, *........ C. Asa Westgate, *****.****M.E. ....................-..M . E. Orland. ......................B. Hiram Houston, .... * * . . * C. Stephen Gross, *.. .....F. B. Joseph Staples, . * * . ....F. B. C. B. Tupper, ...*......M. E. Byther, ... .......Uv. Otis. ........................F. B. Sedgewick. .................. . .....B. Emerson,..........B. L. Goodrich, *...........C. Sullivan. R. Y. Watson, ....*.....B. ************...........M. E. ........................U v. Surry. R. Chase, *............. B. Rufus Dixon,..*........ M. E. Tremont. Samuel Bowker, ...*.....C. C. L. Carey,........... B. - Dunn, ...........M. E. Trenton. *............ " - . B. Charles Blanchard, . * * . . . B. ................. (East,) B. ................ (West,) B. Waltham. C. C. Long, ............. B. Swan Island. .*.*.... ..... .....* *B . M.... ..................M . E. No. 33. John Fogg,.............. B. KENNEBEC COUNTY. Albion. Charles Stratton,......... Ch. ........................B . ....*. ... *.... .... C. Augusta. H. V. Dexter,............ B. J. H. Ingraham,"......... B. ................. (North,) C. Edwin B. Webb, (South,). C. Benj. Tappan, D. D., .. * " C. O. B. Cheney, *.......... F. B. Wm. E. Armitage, ........E. H. B. Abbott,............M. E. ........................R .C. L. G. Ware,*.......... Uni. Wm. A. Drew, *......... Uv. W. A. P. Dillingham,. ....Uv. Belgrade. Samuel Hutchings,*......* F. B. William Ward,*.........B. **...*.** *.** . .. . B. 120 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. Benton. ........................C. Chelsea. T. S. Tyler, W. E. Foy,... F. B. Nehemiah Preble, * ....... F. B. Z. H. Blair,............M ".M. E. China. Win. Bowler............."B. Henry Kendall,........B. D. P. Thompson,..'...... M. E. L. Wentworth, *......... M. E Clinton. Joseph Spring,........... F. B. P. P. Morrill, .... ..... M. E. Fayette. Allen Barrows,........... B. Israel Lord, .............M. E. James Smith,............M. E. Gardiner. .................. .....B. ............. ..... .....B . Win. L. Hyde,...........C. George Burgess, D. D., .... E. B. Goodrich,........ ....F. B. .............. ..........F. B . .............. .......F. B. ........................M. E. J. W. Hanson, ......... Uv. Hallowell. S. W. Taylor, ............B. John P. Skeele, .......... C. C. C. Cone,.............. M. E. Edmund B. Squire,. .....Uni. .................Uv. Manchester. Henry P. Torsey,. .. .. . * * . M. E. ........................B. ...................... Friends. Litchfield. .......... .... .... ...B. Wm. O. Grant,..........B. Thomas Goldthwait,* . .. B. Benjamin Smith, -........ C. Mark Gdtchell,... ...... F. B. Constant Quinnam,........ B. Monmouth. J. H. Conant, ............ C. A. M. Piper, .............B. S. M. Emerson, ........ . M. E. .........................F .B . Mount Vernon. John Billings,...... ..... B. Henry Preble, .....*.... F. B. James Pearl, -.......... F. B. J. M. Eaton, ............ M. E. Charles Atkins, .. ...... M. E. ........................Ch. Pittston. (No returns.) Readfield. ......... .............. B . ........................F .B . H. M. Eaton,. ......... E. D. B. Randall, ......... M. E. H. P. Torsey, Kent's Hill,.M. E. ....................... . C h. Otis H. Johnson, ....... Uv. Rome. Hiram Wills, ............ F. B. James Tibbetts,*.......* Ch. Sidney. .......................B. Wm. Ward,. ........ .B. David Thurston,.......... C. ......... ...............F . B . D. B. Lewis, (2d,) ........F. B. T. J. Dudley, (3d,).*****F. B. Thomas J. True, ......... M. E. Amos Hitchins, * ......... * Uv. Vassalboro'. Thomas J. S wett, ........ B. David Thurston,.......... C. David Thompson, .. .... M. E. Cyrus Phenix,........... M. E. Vienna. Joseph Edgecomb, **...... F. B. Elder Farrington, .......* *M. E ........................Ch. 121 MAINE REGISTER. Waterville. Kendall Brooks, .... .... B. N. M. Wood,. ............B. J. D. Reid, (West,) .......B. Richard B. Thurston,. . " " " " C. T. J. Oliver, (West,) ......F. B. G. W. Bean, (West,) ... F. B. Fuller, ...... ....M. E. T. Hill, (West,)........ M. E. C. Gardner, -..........Uv. Amos Hitchins, ...... - Uv. Wayne. (No returns.) West Gardiner. Z. Morton, * *............ B. .......................F.B. ........................F.B. Herman Stinson, ..*..... M. E. Windsor. Enos Trask ............ B. Ira Brown,*........... B. Moses Donnell, ...........M. E. Winthrop. Bradbury,. .....*B. Rufus M. Sawyer, *......C. Charles Munger,. .........M. E. Otis H. Johnson,......... Uv. Winslow. Arnold Palmer, ......... F. B. David Shepley, ........... C. D. Staples, **...........*M. E. LINCOLN COUNTY. Alna. Samuel Talbot,........... C. George P. Matthews,. .....-B. Boothbay. Jonathan Adams, .........C. E. Burt,. ............... C. ........................F. B. -- Adams, * *......... M. E. Bremen. Lott B. Sullivan,*..*..... C. Ezra Sanborn, .......... M. E. Bristol. Fairfield, ....... C. - Strout,......... M. E. Batchelder,. .,.... M. E. Howe,........... Uv. Cushing. .... . -.. *..... * ..** * B. Damariscotta. S. A. Kingsbury, ........B. E. H. Small,- ...........-M. BE. Dresden. Edmund W. Murray,.....E. Daniel Clark, *.......... M. E. Edgecomb. Ivory Kimball,......... ",C. E. G. Page, ...........**F. B. Friendship. Smith, ..........B. George Herrick, ........ . E. Jef erson. S. Chisam, ................B. Johnson Burbank, **...... B. William Tilley, ........... B. E. J. White, - -..........B. Henry Stetson,*.......... B. Matinicus Plantation. Joel Adams,* ...........M. E, Newcastle. S. A. Kingsbury,..... ...B. David Cushman,........ C. E. G. Carpenter, .........C. Ezra Sanborn, *-....... * ,M. E. J. Snow,*............ .... Uv. Nobleboro'. Samuel Chisam, ........... B. Moses J. Kelley, *........ B. Enos Trask,...........B. Rockland. Slattery, ......... E. I. S. Kalloch, * ..........B. William O. Thomas,...... B. Samuel C. Fessenden, ..*.... C. Littlefield, ....... * * " F. B. John Tilton, ............... M. E. Robert Walker,. ......... M.BE. J. O. Skinner, ..*.......Uv. 122 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. St. George. Appleton A. Belknap," .....B. Edward Turner, ....... B. Lewis Farnham, .......... B. South Thomaston. Joseph Calloch,. " ".. .. ..B. Southport. Jesse Harriman,....... M. E: Thomaston. Oliver J. Fernald, .......* **Uni. George Pratt, r,.......... .M. E. Isaac Sawyer,."......... B. .................. ......B. John Bapst,"............R. C. Richard Woodhull,........ C. Union. Daniel Bartlett, .......... B. Daniel F. Potter,......... C. Nathan Webb, ...........M. ME. . . .... .... ..........Uv. Waldoboro'. Harvey M. Stone, ....... . C. B. B. Burns, .............M. E. .............. .........B. Warren. Crosby H. Wheeler, ..... C. .......................F. B. ........................B. Washington. .............. ..........B. ............ ............C. Wm. B. Fenloson,......... M. E. Aaron Clark, -...........B. F. Westport. Elliot B. Fletcher,......-M. E. ......................F.B. Whitejield. Wm. Poole, **........... B. Charles Glidden, *........ B. Jonathan Jewett, ....... B. J. Putnam, ...............R. C. Wiscasset. Abiel Wood, .......... . B. ... ......... ...........B . John Boynton, * *.......... C. Alden Boynton, ......... .C. Uriah Balkham, *......... C. Wm. H. Crawford, *...... M. E. A. Church, -...........M. E. Patricitown Plantation. Robert Rice,........... B. Monhegan Isle. ........................F. B. OXFORfD COUNTY. Albany. Lorain Rood, "........... C. ................... .. M .E. Andover. Mark Gould,............. C. ...o.......... . . . �.�Uv. Andover 1North Surplus. ................ ........B. Bethel. D. S. Hawley,. ............B. E. A. Buck, ........... . C. D. Garland,............ ..C. S. Hazeltine,.............F. B. David Allen,............. F. B. Seth B. Chase,...........M. E. Zenas Thompson, *....... Uv. Brownfield. David Gerry, * *..........* C. True W. Hill,............F. B. ........................M .E. Buckfield. E. Harlow, ..............B. A. K. P. Small,..........B. F. Foster,*....*.:..... Uv. Byron. ............. ... ...B . Joseph Knipp, ........... F. B. Canton. Hiram Estes,.............B. George Bates,*..........* Uv. Denmark. Larkin L. Jordan,..�"..... B. ........................C; Joshua B. O. Colby, . . . " * F. B. Darius Forbes,*.........* Uv. 123 MAINE REGISTER. Dixfield. Leonard Norcross......*B. Fryeburg. Carleton Hurd, ........... C. ......................M.E. ........ .*..... .......Uv. Gilead. ............ ............C. Grafton. . ......................M . E . Hartford. D. Hutchinson,. ......... B. ........... ............F. B . Hebron. Luther C. Stevens, * ...... B. ......................F. B. Hiram. George W. Whitney, ..... F. B. .......................M . E. .......................C. ... -............ ... .....Uv. Lovell. Joseph Smith, -.......... C. Alvah Hatch, *.......... M. E. Mason. John Paine, ........... . M. E. Newry. E. S. Foster,.............F. B. .......................M . E. Norway. R. Milner, -............B. A. T. Loring, .............C. ........................U v. Oxford. George F. Tewksbury,. ...*C. Paris. Adams Wilson, *......... B. ......... ...... ........C . ........................F. B. Solon Royal, .......... F. B. C. Andrews, ............ M. E. ........................M .E. G. K. Shaw, ............Uv. ........................S. A. Peru. S. S. Wyman, ..........B. William Woodsum,... ... F. B. Porter. Joseph Stanley,. . ...... .. F. B. Henry L. Linscott,* * ..... M. E. Rumford. Robert Gould,.....*..... B. Joseph Gerry, .......... C. Josiah Merrill, " ....... ... M. E. Josiah Lufkin, ....... ..... M. E. Stowe. .................. .....M . E . Sumner. M. Lawrence,........... B. B. G. Willey,.....**.....** C. L. Cummings,-......... F. B. *....*..... ...........Uv. Sweden. C. A. Smith,.......... C. ..................... ..F.B. .......... ..............M .E . Letter B. F.......... .............FB. No. 5, Range 2. ........................M . E. Waterford. John A. Douglass, ......... C. Abel Alton,............... E. ...... ........ .........Uv. Woodstock. Ziba Andrews,. *........B. D. Ricker, ............**B. .. ............. ....... B . Dudley Holt, ........... M. E. ..........* ..*.* * ---U v. Hamlin's Gore. R. Dunham............ . B. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Alton. E. Wellington, *.......... Uv. Argyle. G. J. Newton,..........* B. ........................M .E . 124 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. Bangor. S. L. Caldwell, (1st,)......B. C. G. Porter, (2d,) ....... B. Geo. B. Little, (1st Parish,) . C. John Maltby,............. C. Geo. Shepard,............C. E. Pond, D. D., (Seminary,) C. D. T- Smith, (Seminary,).. C. Ja's Wells, (City Missionary,) William Willian, *......... Philip Weaver,.........F. B. C. D. Pillsbury, *......... M. E. Reuben B. Curtis, * ....... M. E. John C. Prince, ........M. E. John Bapst,. .......... R. C. Joseph H. Allen,*........Uni. Amory Battles,".......... Uv. ........... ............. Swed. Bradford. Eli Dewhurst,........ .... B. Solomon Bixby, .......... C. A. Strout, ..................F. B. J. Strout, Jr., ...........F. B. Brewer. George W. Field,......... C. Thomas Smith,..........C. Ephraim H. Whitney,".....M. E. Samuel Plummer, .......M. M. E. L. P. Rand,**........... Uv. Burlington. J. E. M. Wright, ........ *C. Carmel. Rufus Day, ............ M. E. ........................C. .......................B. ........................U v. Corinna. B. P. Winchester, ........B. David Steward, ..........B. N. J. Robinson, .........F. B. F. H. A. Patterson, .. .......M. E. F. H. Sawyer,............ Uv. Corinth. C. P. Bartlett, ...........B. C. T. Norcross,...........B. ......................F.B. A. R. Lunt, .............M. E. ------ Bean.............Ch ... ................. .. Ur. Charleston. . . .................. B � Henry Hale, ......*.... B. ...............*** .- . .F.B. ........................M. E. .********.*..* ...** * * U v. David Stimpson, ......... M. E. Chester. Haggett, ........ F. B. ................ ....... M .E. Clifton. * * **.*. **... *.... ..... -B Jarvis S. Penney, ........F. B. Benj. Penney,........... F. B. Dexter. Jacob Hatch, ...... ....B. C. M. Herring, ......... B. Philip Titcomb, * .... .. ... C. E. A. Helmershausen, . -"-"M. E. Giles Bailey,* ..........Uv. W. S. Cilley, ...... ......Uv. J. F. Witherell, ......... Uv. Dixmont. .. *........ .* ...* * .B* J. Fletcher, "........... F. B. E. Allen, *............. F. B. J. M. Godfrey,............ Ch. T. Harding, *........... Uv. Eddington. . .*.... .. ...U......... v. Enfield. A. P. Messer, ..........B. Alvan Messer, .......... B. Billings Clapp, ......... .M. E. Etna. ..................... .. B . ................... ....W .M . Exeter. ........................C . ........................B. P. Higgins, ..............M. E. Garland. Peter B. Thayer, ...... .. C. John Sawyer, ........... C. F. W. Dore, ............. F. B. Leonard Hathaway,. - . . *F. B. J. Cook,..........* .... * F. B. 125 MAINE REGISTER. Glenburn. .......... ..............C . .... .. ................U v. Ilampden. . .......................B. Javan K. Mason,.......... C. John Atwell, * ..........M. E. ..... .. .... ............U v. Hermon. .......................F.B. .......................M . E . .... ............. ......U v. ..................Second Ad. Holden. .............o ......... C . Kenduskeag. Thomas B. Robinson, ..... B. Solomon E. Bixby,.,. ..... C. Moses Goodrich, *......... Uv. Kirkland. C. L. Browning, ..........M. E. Lee. Benj. F. Neily,........... B. Moses Stevens,.......... F. B. D. Stickney, .....-......Uv. Levant. Josiah Cookson, .......... M. E. .....................Ch. Lincoln. S. Besse, ................B. A. J. Bates, ..............C. E. M. Fowler, ..........M. E. H. R. Walworth, *.........Uv. JYewburgh. Charles Rigley, ......... Ch. .........................F .B .. V. Baker, .....*...... F. B. Newport. Benjamin D. Small,".......B. ........................Ch. Oldtown. James Belcher, **......... B. . ...................C. L. P. French, .......... M. E. **************** ****** E. I. C. Knowlton, . ...... ... Uv. ...... .. ............... R . C. Orono. .** *** *** ** .*** .** C. S. W. Pattridge, *..*..... M. E. Henry C. Leonard, ...... Uv. Orrington. .... . ...- 0.* ..**** *** .C . F. A. Soule,, .........M. E. Wm. Marsh, .............M. E. B. M. Mitchell, ..........M. E. Patten. Cyrus Case, ..... ...... B. S............. ........ C. ........................F .B . Parris Rowell, " - ...... . .. M. E. Passadumkeag. .. ..... ...... . ...C. - Plymouth. Moses II. Tarbox,......... F. B. Springfield. .... * .................C. ..-- ..- .****** .- .******* F.B. ......**.....**.........M. E. ........... ............Uv. Stetson. ........................B . ........................LCh. .................... ..C. ........................U v. Veazie. Win. Day,*... ......... B. ....................... -.C . ........................F.B . ........................M .. PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. Abbot. J. O. Barrett, ....-....... F. B. E. G. Trask,...........B. .. ............... ......Uv. .... .. ...... ..........M . BE. 126 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. Atkinson. Levi Shaw, .............. M. E. Jonathan Page,. ......*.. B. Bowerbank. ........................B. ........................F.B. Blanchard. John A. Perry,........... C. Brownville. Wm. S. Sewall,........... C. R. R. Richards, ......... . M. E. Dover. J. M. Follett, ............B. Wooster Parker, .......... C. Orrin Bartlett, ........... F. B. L. L. Shaw, .............. E. Moses Ames, ............. M. E. Atkins,............M. E. W. W. Wilson,........ Uv. Foxcroft. Wooster Parker, ..... .... C. W. F. Gallison, ..........F. B. W. W. Wilson, * *.........Uv. Guilford. ........................B. ........................U v. Greenville. .......... ... .........C. ........................ B. Monson. Dudley P. Bailey, ... . .. B. Horatio Ilsley, ........... C. Milo. Benjamin Follett, ....... * B. Nathan Bigelow, .......... Uv. Parkman. ........................F.B. .......................M. E. ............. ..........B. Sangerville. Atherton Clark,**........*B. O. W. Bridges,.. ..*...** F. B. Sebec. J. H. Rowell,........ �...*Ch. Wellington. .................... ..... F.B. SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Arrowsic. H. Bray, **.............M. E. Bath. D. N. Shelden,........... B. John O. Fiske,......... C. E. Whittlesey, .......... C. J. W. Ellingwood, ........C. J. M. Willey, ......... .. E. N. Brooks, ............ *** F. B. P. Jacques, ............. M. E. H. M. Blake, *.......... M. E. S.F. Dike, ..............N. J. Richard Metcalf,.......... Uni. Joseph Crehore, *........ Uv. Bowdoin. Jotham Day,. .*......... *B. Elisha Purington, ......... F. B. Albert W. Purington, ..... F. B. Nathaniel Purington, ..... F. B. Bowdoinham. A. Felch, ...............B. C. Campbell, ............ F.B. J. Raymond, *...........F. B. S. Hathorn,* ............. F. B. W. R. Whitmore,*....... F. B. John Young, ...........M. E. Georgetown. E. G. Page, **........... F.B. David Webber, ......... F. B. John McFadden, ..*..... F. B. S. Bray, * *..............M. E. Perkins. (No returns.) Phipsburg. Samuel F. Drake, ....... C. S. P. Morrill,............ Ch. ........................ F.B. Richmond. P. F. Barnard, .........C. Joseph Hawkes, """"........M. E. --- Humphries, .... B. Collamore Purington, ...... F. B. Topsham. John Wilds, ............*C. Austin Robbins, ........ B. Wm. Smith, .............F. B. A. D. Wheeler, ........ .Uni. 127 MAINE REGISTER. WVest Bath. ........... ............ . E . Woolwich. Smith, ..........B. - Sprague,.......-.....M. 801OIERSET COUNTY. Anson. Wm. E. Morse, .........B. Thomas G. Mitchell,. ....C. Athens. Jacob Hathorne, ........ Ch. Comfort Taylor, .........B. E. Bzngham. Sydney Turner, .... ..... C. .....................M .E. ....... .. . ........Uv. Bloomfield. Kendall Brooks, .......... B. George W. Hathaway, .... C. Brighton. C. S. Pratt, �........... F. B. James M. Hutchinson, .. .. F. B. Perkins Hutchins, ....... F. B. Abner G. De Voll, . * * * * * * Ch. B. Cambridge. Jacob Hatch, ..........B. Alfred Patterson, ....... F. B. Canaan. Joseph Merrill, ......... Ch. Elder Prescott, ......... .M. E. .............. .........B. ........... .. ... ...Uv. Cornville. Lucius Packard, ......... B. Stephen Russell,.........F.B. Artemas Whittier, . . ... * M. E. John Dorr, .......... .Ch. ........... ...........Ch. B. Detroit. Samuel S. Small, ........F. B. .......................F.B. ......................M .E. Embden. Samuel Savage, .. ...... F. B. Job S. Hodsdon, ........F. B. Fairfield. Samuel Ambrose, *...... M. E. Nathaniel Ellis, ..........M. E. Winm. H. Foster, .........M. E. Joshua Nye, ***..........M. E. Alvah J. Buker, ........F. B. Charles S. Hussey, . * * * * **Uv. Charles Coffin, .......... Friend. Harmony. ..........* ...*...*B. ............. ..........F.B. Hiram Chase, ...... .... M. E. James Withee, � " ......... M. E. Amaziah Brown, .......M. E. Hartland. Harvey Hawes, ........ B. ....................... F.B . Madison. .......................C. Thomas G. Mitchell, . " **C. Isaac Morse, .......... B. Joseph Withee, ......... F. B. Hosea Washburn, *..* **"F. B. Mark Merrill, ......... F. B. .......................Ch. B. ....................... M . E. .... oliv.... o ....o.U . lercer. -- Hopkins, ......E....C. Stone, ...........M. E. Moscow. *.....*............ UV New Portland. Ezra Winslow, *......... F. B. North Anson. ...*..***- ......Uv. Norridgewockc. Henry S. Downer, . * *. ,. C. S. S. Brownson, .... .... B. Palmyra. John C. Prescott, "....... M. E. John S. Lang, .........Ch. Joseph P. Roberts, . . * * * * * B. Pittsfield. Wm. Getchell, *......... M. E. 128 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. Ripley. Simon E. Ricker, * ........ F. B. William Tripp, ......... F. B. Skowhegan. J. H. Jennie, ...........M. E. ... ... ............Uv. ....... ..... .........Ch. - .. ........... C. Smithfield. Hiram Wills, .......... F. B. Cornelius Stone,.. ........... Solon. ................ .....B. G. W. Fargo, ...........C. .......................M . E. St. Albans. Henry White, ..........C. Turner Hanson, ......... F. B. Stephen Perry, ......... * * . F. B. ...........B. * Starks. S. S. Brownson, .........B. S. Williamson, ..........F. B. Ira Armstrong, ... ..... E. ......................C. Flag Staff. .. .. ..... ...........C. WALDO COUNTY. Appleton. D. Bartlett, .............B. J. C. Pattie, ............ Uv. Win. T. Jewell, ........M. E. Belfast. ....................B. Edward F. Cutter, . - . " C. J. R. Munsell, ..........C. J. Freeman, ............M. E. Cazneau Palfrey, "....... Uni. ....................Uv. Belmont. Geo, Z. Mears, ..........F. B. Doty L. Whitney, ....... E. Daniel Whitehouse, .....B., .......................Ch.'B. 9 Brooks. 'Albion P. Fogg, ..... . M. E. ...................... Friends Burnham. Otis Williams, -....... M. E. Tobias Lord, ............M. E. Camden. David Perry, ...........B. James Williams, ........ .B. Benj. F. Chase, -....... *C. ................... ... F. B . S. H. Beals, ............ M. E. ........... ............U v. Frankfort. Stephen H. Hayes, *. ***C. Alfred L. Skinner, ... -**C. S. G. Sargent, ...--......B. Cyrus Scammon, ........M. E. Freedom. Jacob Coulliard, ....... F. B. Richard H. Kasey, ....... F. B. John B. Lamb, .........F. B. Chandler Noyes, ........ F. B. Hope. Lemuel Rich, .........�B. Samuel Fuller, **........M. E. Islesboro'. Daniel McMaster, ...... B. Wm. J. Durgin, .........B. Ephriam Coombs, - ...... F. B. Jackson. - Chinney, .......... C. ...... .............. F. B . Isaac Deering, ........F. B. John Hamilton, ......... Ch. B. L. Hawes, ......... ...Ch. B. Knox. Josiah I. Brown, ........ M. E. .............. ..- .. B. .......................F.B . Liberty. James Lewis, ..........Ch. Wm. Lewis, ...........*Ch.. 129 MAINE REGISTER. Lincolnville. James Small, ............ F. B. E. Bryant, .............M. E. ..........o...*.......Uv. Monroe. T. D. Clements, .........F. B. R. Lambert, ..........F. B. M. D. Tisdale, .........*M. E. E. B. Wingate, ......... Ind. B. J. W. Moore, .........M. E. S. Staples, .............M. E. O. Whitcomb, ......... Ch. Moniville. Thomas B. Robinson, . ... B. B. Ebenezer Knowlton, . --*F. Lemuel Norton, ***.......F. B. Wm. Small, ............F. B. Moses McFarland, *..* -Uv. North Haven. Leonard Mayo, * *........B. ......................F. B. Northport. ....... ..............B . ...... ..............M.E. Palermo. Ira H. Brown, ..........B. Isaac S. Smith, ..........B. Wm. J. Clifford, ......... M. E. Eli Ayer, ..............M. E. Prospect. Joseph Freeman, ........ C. Hugh G. Carley, ....... F. B. Jerome Harris, ..- ....... Uv. Searsmont. ........ .... ..... .. ...B. Sewall, .......... M. E. Searsport. S. W. Avery, ............ B. Stephen Thurston, . . - * " C. L. D. Wardwell, ........M. E. J. C. Pattee, ............ Uv. WALDO COUNTY. Swanville. Aaron Nickerson, ..**...F. B. Troy. Daniel Lamson, .........Ch. Theodore Harding, .....*Uv. Unity. - Chapman, ...... .. C. Wm. McGray, ..........M. E. ........................ . E. Vinalhaven. .......................M.E . Waldo. Zina Knowlton, .......... E. James I. Brown, "........ E. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Addison. C. Roberts, .............M. E. .......................B. ............ ...........B . .......................Uv. . .....................Uv. Alexander. .......... ........ C. Baileyville. ........ ...........B .. ....M.. * -.. ** E. Baring. A. Gould, ......... .. ..B. Calais. E. C. Mitchell,......... .B. - Hughes, .........Ch. Samuel H. Keeler, "..... -*C. G. Wells Durell, ........ .E. M. D. Mathews, ..........M. E. Thomas S. Lathrop,. --**Uni. ........................R .C. Cherryfield. K. Holt, .............B. ... .... .... .. .......C . Otis F. Wilson, ..........M. E. J. A. Milliken, ......... Uv. Charlotte. .......... .............B . John Mc Glauftin, ....... F. B. Columbia. E. B. Roberts, ...... ..M. E. 130 CHURCHES AND CLERGYMEN. ...................... Union. ...... ........ .........B. James A. Milliken, *. *Uv. S . . ........ ............ Uv. Crawford. C. P. St. Clair, ..........B. ......................M .E. .......................U v. Cutler. ......................B. Dennysville. J. H. Stearns, *......... C. East Machias. ........ ...............B. John C. Adams, ........ C. Prince, ..........M. E. Eastport. Nathan Butler, "......... B. Winm. T. Dixon, *........ C. C. F. Tupper, ...........M. E. B. Pickering, �....**R. C. H. F. Edes, ........... Uni. Edmunds. ....................... M. E. ........... ..........F. B. Harrington. - Wilson, .........M. E. .......................B., Robert Cole, * *..........B. Jonesport. ..... ....... .... .....B . Lubec. ........... ..........B. Hosea Pearce, ......... B. H. P. Guilford, .......... Ch. ............ ........C Abel Foster, .... ....... E. Brackett,.*...* ..EM. E. .......... . ...........U v. Machias. ....... ................ C." ....................... M. E. S. .............. Uv. ....................... R.C. Machiasport. Gilman Bacheller, ........C. James Lenfest, ........ S. A. Marion. Hosea Smith, ...*...... Ch. Marshfield. *.. ************C. Medybemps. A. Messer, ...........B. Mitllbridge. J. G. Pingree, .......... M. k ......................Union. *********** ******.*** B . *........ ..... ... ...... V. Northfield. - Richardson,........C. Pembroke. B......... ......... ...B Seldon Wentworth, ......C. .......... ............. E . *********** ,**.........Uv. Perry. - Kidder, .......... C. T. D. Howard, ..........Uni. Robbinston. David B. Sewall, . ...... C. M. K. Meservey, *....... ME. Steuben. .B ,.. . ..... ..... ...B. John G. Pingree, *.......M. E. ............. ..........Uv. Whiting. *****... ***** ******** C. Edward Brackett, *. M...M. E. Whitneyville. G. Bacheller, ..........C. S.. *............. ......M . E. YORK COUNTY. Acton. W. T. Sargent, ..*......B. Clement Parker, **...-. C. ....................... F . B. ....................... F.B. S..... ................ E . M . 131 MAINE REGISTER. Alfred. ..........e ............B . .......... ...........B . John Orr, ............ ** C. John Mitchell, ..... ..... M. E. ......................Shakers. Berwick. .......................F. B . James Cushing, * *"........M. E. Biddeford. Levi Loring, (1st,) ... - " " " C. Daniel Gould, (2d,) *. **"C. John Hubbard, Jr., . .... B. Arthur Caverno, ....... F. B. C. F. Allen, ........... M. E. Francis Masure, * * . . * " * *M. E. Alpha Turner, .......... E. ........... ...........R.C. Buxton. Ivory M. Thompson, . .. .B. Joseph Bartlett .. ... ... C. G. W. Cressey, .........C. J. M. Bailey..............F. B. Uriah Chase, ..... ..... F. B. Cornish. Walter Clarke, ..........B. Albert Cole, .......... C. Edward Davis, .......... M. E. Dayton. James Buch, ........... -M. E. Wm. Littlefield, .........F. B. Eliot. Jeffries Hall, ......*....C. John Cobb, ............ M. E. Wm. C. Clark, ..........W. M. .....................Ch. B. Hollis. Jacob McDaniel, .......M. E. James Buck, .......... M. E. Samuel Fabyan, ........F. B. Isle of Shoals. Joseph Mason, .......... Cl . Kennebunk. Lewis Barrows, ........ B. ....... .............B. G. Cook, ................B. Winm. H. Wilcox, ........C. L. H. Witham, ..........F. B. S.......................F.B. Ezekiel Smith, ..........M. E. - Moore, .............M. E. Joshua A. Swan, ....... Uni. Kennebunkport. H. G. Knott, ..".......". B. John Baker, ...........C. .......................C. Kinsman Atkinson, *. **"M. E. Ezekiel Robinson, ....... M. E. John Hubbard, * ........ B. Kittery. Albert W. Fisk, ........ C. Read, .............B. Geo. M. Payne, ........B. Almon Libby, * *......... F. B. F. C. Ayer, .............M. E. Limerick. Albert Cole, .......... .C. Elias Libby, ..........F. B. Zachariah Jordan, ..".....F. B. Theodore Stevens, ....... F. B. .*.*.......* **.**.... . B. Limington. S. Burnham, ............B. John H. Garman, ....... C. Theodore Stevens, *.*.***F. B. Benj. S. Manson, ........F. B. Lyman. Gideon Cook, ..........B. Amasa Loring, ..........C. Joseph McDaniel, .......M. E. Charles Hurlin, ........ W. B. Newfield. Win. Pierce, ............C. Phinehas Libby, .. .. ... M. E. John Rice,. .......... M. E. ....................... F. B. North Berwick. Charles B. Mills, ..*..* *F. B. Wm. Quint, ............B. ..................... Friends. 132 PHYSICIANS. Parsonsfield. Samuel Ordway, .......*C. ...... .. ..... ....B. .o... . ...... .........B . John Buzzell, ...........F. B. Charles O. Libby, ......."F. B. Silas Moulton, .......*.. F. B. S. Manson, ........... F. B. Saco. J. Keeley, .............B. Charles H. Smith; .......F. B. ........... ...........C. Samuel Cowell, .........E. Joseph Colby, ..........M. E. Theodore Hill, ..........M. E. John T. G. Nichols, . ... Uni. John L. Stevens, ....... Uv. Sanford. Stephen Bailey, ..*.......C. ..... ...... ......C. Thomas Jameson, ........ B. Albert Dunbar, ......... B. Winm. H. Waldron, ....... F. B. Shapleigh. George Heard, .........B. South Berwick. J. Richardson, .........*B. Frederick Moulton, *.F... B. Benjamin R. Allen, . ----.C. Urial Rideout, ".......... E. Waterboro'. Bartlett Pease, ..........B. - Bridges, ...........F. B. .......................F.B. ...............* .* U v. Wells. Giles Leach, ....*..... C. Cook, *............ C. J. M. Wedgewood, ....*. B. Wm. P. Merrill, ........ . F.B. Abner Hall, ........... F. B. .......................F.B . York. John Smith, ...........* C. Morris Holman, ......... C. Luther Knight, .......... E. Charles E. Goodwin, ..... B. PHYSICIANS IN *\AINE. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Barnard John A., Livermore Blake John H., Auburn Bowker C. K., Minot Bradford Benj., Livermore Bradford Philip, Turner Bradford Richmond, Auburn Burbank A., Lewiston Carey N. H., Durham Carr Josiah, Minot Carsley Ebenezer, [Thomp.] Poland Carter John A., Webster Dyer H., Danville Fessenden J. P., Auburn Garcelon A., Lewiston Hale David, East Livermore Harris Nathan C., Auburn Irish H. D., Turner Jones S. W., Greene Kilbourn William, Auburn Kilren William, Lewiston Ladd John, Livermore Millett A. R., Auburn Mudgett L. A., Mrs., Auburn Oakes Silvester, Auburn Oakes Sylvester, Lewiston Pierce A., Greene Sawyer - , Minot Steadman John S. [bot.] Poland Sylvester William S., Poland Wiggin H. L. K., Danville 133 MAINE REGISTER. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Decker Elbridge G., No. 11, Range 5 Dunn James M., Bancroft Dunnell Jotham, Houlton Fournier J. F., Madawaska Plant. French Ezekiel D., Houlton Jewett W. H., Portage Lake Jordan Cyrus, Presque Isle CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Allen Solomon, Westbrook Anderson Abraham W., Gray Blake J. M., Bridgton Blanchard Samuel W., Yarmouth Bliss John, Brunswick Burbank A. H., Yarmouth Burbank E., Yarmouth Buzzell John D., Cape Elizabeth Carter T. J., Naples Cobb Albion, Harrison Dale Martin, Raymond Donnells John E., Harrison Ellis Asher, Brunswick Farnum John S., New Gloucester Gould Moses, Bridgton Hedge D., Gorham Houghton Lewis W., Windham Hyde Ephraim A., Freeport Hyde John A., Freeport Ingalls Phineas, Gorham Jenness Richard F., Westbrook Keen Alden T., Gorham Lincoln Isaac, Brunswick * Lincoln J. D., Brunswick Merrill J., Westbrook Milliken John, Scarborough Mitchell Augustus, Westbrook Nichols George H., Standish Norton James, Baldwin Osgood Amos, Cumberland Osgood Amos, North Yarmouth Osgood William, North Yarmouth Palmer N. T., Brunswick Parsons Chas. G., Windham Parsons Joseph A., Windham Pease Nathaniel, Bridgton Plummer William, Raymond Sewall Stephen, Scarborough Smith George W., Cape Elizabeth Stevens John P., New Gloucester Stone Ebenezer, Westbrook Thompson G. P., Yarmouth Torrey H. D., Naples Tuck C. D., Falmouth Warren Francis G., Pownal Waterman John, Gorham Wells Ebenezer, Freeport Weston Samuel L., Casco Wescott William, Standish Whitney Lewis, Yarmouth FRANKLIN COUNTY. Bartlett S. P., Wilton Blake John, Farmington Bolan Alfred, New Sharon Clark N. H., Wilton Chiles A. K. P., Jay Eveleth George W., Phillips Houghton John N., Phillips Lake Elias H., Jay Moses John F., Farmington Paine Harriet, Mrs., Jackson Pl. Peaslee G. L., Wilton Perkins Lafayette, Farmington Phillips Allen, Farmington Pillsbury Lucian B., Farmington Record J., Wilton Richards John A., Strong Russell Edmund, Strong Russell Leonard W., New Sharon Sanborn A., Phillips Small Samuel F., Temple Stanley Samuel G., Phillips True O. W., Phillips Wright Kendall, Weld Wright William R., New Vineyard HANCOCK COUNTY. Bridgham R. H., Castine Collins Wm. F., Deer Isle Fessenden E. P., Bucksport Freeman S. S., (Falls) Ellsworth Fulton Alexander, Bluehill Greeley Moses R., Surry Greeley Samuel, Ellsworth Googing Emerson, Mt. Desert Henderson John, Bucksport Henderson William, Bucksport Higgins C. K., Brooklin Kittredge Kendall, Mt. Desert Johnson Nathaniel, Sullivan Lewis Ephraim S., Franklin 134 PHYSICIANS. Lindsay John D., Hancock McAllister Asa, Ellsworth Moulton Jonathan, Bucksport Nason (. P., Amherst Page A. F., Bucksport Parcher Geo., Ellsworth Pemberton Nathaniel, Winter Harbor, Gouldsboro' Pulsifer M. K., [homceo.] Ellsworth Smith Sydney, Sullivan Spear William A., Bass Harbor, Tremont Stevens I. L., Castine KENNEBEC COUNTY. Adams Enoch, Litchfield Allen Frederick, Hallowell Babb L. P., Waterville Brainard J. H., China Brickett George E., China Briggs Cyrus, Augusta. Brown William, [Thomp.] Clinton, Gore Bowtelle N. R., Waterville Cates Chas. B., Vassalboro' Cate S. M., [homceo.] Augusta Chapman C., [bot.] Waterville Chase Samuel W., Mt. Vernon Cochran James Jr., Monmouth Cochran William, Litchfield Clement Benj., Clinton Currier George S., Readfield IDavies Joshua, Belgrade Dingley A. J., Waterville Dunham Isaac, Readfield Ellis J. W., Augusta Folsom David, Augusta Ford E. J., Gardiner Fuller A. P., Albion Garcelon Seward, Benton IHanscom Timothy F., China Hatch Alexander, China Hill H. H., Augusta Holmes Ezekiel, Winthrop Hubbard John, Hallowell Kindrick Cyrus, Jr., Litchfield Marble E. A., Gardiner Marble M. F., Gardiner Megguire Thomas L., Winthrop Merrill Joseph, Gardiner Nouth Jos. H., West Waterville Palmer F. N., [homaeo.] Gardiner Palmer G. S., Gardiner Parrott E. M., [homeo.] Litchfield Plaisted S., Waterville Prescott E. K., Monmouth Prescott Josiah, [hydropathic] Winthrop Pulsifer N. G. H., [homeo.] Wa- terville Randall George L., Vassalboro' Richardson M. C., Hallowell Roberts Jacob, Vassalboro' Rowell Chas., West Waterville Safford William, Litchfield Smith Jonathan A., Vassalboro' Snow Albion P., Winthrop Springer Warren W., Belgrade Stanley Albert F., Winthrop Theobald F. P., Gardiner Thing Ira, Mt. Vernon Toward J. W., Augusta Watson Noah, Fayette Whitmore C. W., Gardiner Whitmore Stephen W., Gardiner LINCOLN COUNTY. Acorn John T., Newcastle Albell J., Rockland Alden Edward, Union Allen Horatio G., Dresden Bain --, [homeo.] Thomaston Banks William A., Rockland Barton Thomas F., Jefferson Bliss Hiram, Waldoboro' Buxton Benjamin F., Warren Call Moses, Newcastle Carter Briggs T., Jefferson Chase Charles T., Thomaston Clark Albert S., Bristol Coffren Charles, Rockland Colby Zenas, Rockland Cunningham Rufus H., Whitefield Cushman Sidney B., Wiscasset iaggett E. A., Waldoboro' Dixon Robert, Damariscotta Ford Samuel, Newcastle Frye Thomas, Rockland Germaine Chas. N., Rockland Gore Silas, Thomaston Hills Cyrus, Cushing Hunt J. E., Rockland Irish Ichabod, Washington 135 MAINE REGISTER. Johnson Samuel, Bristol Kennedy Abiel W., Warren Kennedy Daniel K., Wiscasset Ludwig Moses R., Thomaston Merrill J., East Thomaston Merrill John, Rockland Parker James, St. George Prescott P. T., Rockland Richardson J., Rockland Rider Robert E., Washington Robie Frederick, Waldoboro' Robinson John W., Rockland Rose Daniel, Thomaston Rouse James, South Thomaston Small William B., Alna Stearns Charles, St. George Thompson Simon M., Union Walker John B., Union Wilson Daniel J., Waldoboro' OXFORD COUNTY. Adams Henry M., Rumford Allen Samuel A:, Andover Bartlett Hiram, Newry Bartlett Lewis W., Dixfield Barrows Reuel, Fryeburg Bradbury Dana, Buckfield Bradbury Nathan A., Sweden Bradley Israel B., Fryeburg Bridgham William, Buckfield Bridgham Wm. P., Buckfield Brown Thomas H., Paris Carey Bethuel, Sumner Chandler Isaac, Lovell Chapman C., Waterford Danforth Asa, Norway Davis David W., Greenwood Dow Jeremiah, Hiram Farwell Arad, Mexico Green Winm. W., 2d, Waterford Grover John, Bethel Hadley S. S., Brownfield Hersey A. L., Oxford Howe Jesse, Norway Hunkins Seth C., Waterford Holland Cornelius, Canton Kittredge Asaply, Paris Millett Jonathan, Norway Roberts Thomas, Rumford Russell Charles, 2d, North Paris Russell Franklin, Rumford Rust Winm. A., South Paris Sawyer Levi P., Denmark Swasey Benj. K., Canton Sweat J. P., Brownfield Tarr Seth, Hiram Tingley Benj. W., Andover Towle Ira, Fryeburg Town Daniel G., Lovell Tracy Daniel S., Canton Turner George W., Buckfield Twitchell Almon, Bethel Walker Young B., Waterford Wiley R. G., Bethel Williamson William, Bethel PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Abbot John, Hampden Alexander Charles, Orono Allen William H., Orono Bacon L. W., Lee Baxter Hiram C., Kenduskeag Bean Edward, Bradford Bean F., Dixmont Benjamin John B., Carmel Benson John, Newport Bradbury James C., Oldtown Bradbury Samuel, Oldtown Brown William H., Bangor Buker B. F., Hampden Burleigh Gilman M., Dexter Chase S. W. L., Passadumkeag Croswell Thomas, Newport Cushing R. K., Brewer Davis Hall, Kenduskeag Davis Hall, Levant Dickinson J. P., Bangor Eliot J. S., Corinna Elkins Jerome, Lincoln Evans Benjamin, Exeter Field Edward M., Bangor Fisher Paul M., Corinna Fisher Preston, Patten Fortier Charles, Oldtown Fuller Jared, Corinth Galloupe William, [homce.] Bangor Hamilton, J. R., Corinna Harding Philander H., Bangor Harvey William H., Bradford Hill F. E., Biddeford Hopkins Elijah, Hampden Hubbard C. P., Howland Johnson Asa, Dixmont Jones Philip C., Springfield 136 PHYSICIANS. Laughton Sumner, Bangor Leonard George P., Newburg Lindsay Thomas, Lincoln 'Mann Amos A., Milford Mason John, Bangor McRuer Daniel, Bangor Morrell Win. R., Dexter Morrison Samuel B., Bangor Osgood Charles H., Bangor Page H. N., Brewer Payne James H., [homceo.] Bangor Pearson Albert, Mattawamkeag Pearson Albert, Lincoln Perley Daniel J., Oldtown Pollard John B., Orrington Porter B., Bangor Porter Byron, Newport Proctor Alpheus, Dexter Rogers Allen, Hampden Rogers Luther, Patten Rich Hosea, Bangor Ricker John, Orono Ruggles Paul, Carmel Seavey Calvin, Bangor Small John M., Exeter Snell Charles, Bangor Springall Joseph, Garland Thompson E. A., Charlestown Turner John F. H., Stetson Wadleigh Daniel, Brewer Waterhouse Ai, Exeter Watson James D., Hampden Weston James C., Bangor Wilson M. S., Lincoln PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. Bennett Charles B., Guilford Davison Alpheus, Monson Dinsmore Samuel, Kilmarnock Edgecomb Elbridge G., Foxcroft Elliott S. W., Dover Green B. F., Parkman Huckins C. B., Milo Johnson Benj., Dover Jordan Josiah, Foxcroft Kimball Ezra, Milo Mudgett Simeon, Sangerville Patten Sumner A., Monson Richards A. A., Milo Shepard David, Sebec Snow Edwin D., Atkinson Stevens A. J. W., Parkman Springalls John, Sangerville Woods Chandler, Abbot SAGAD)AHOC COUNTY. Anderson Samuel, [electric] Bath Boothby Charles, Bath Boynton J. C., Richmond Buck Cleveland, Woolwich Buck Samuel B., Woolwich Chamberlain D. W. C., Richmond Child Thomas, Phipsburg Clementine P., Bath Fuller A. J., Bath Lawson R. W., Richmond Libby Abiel, Richmond Mathews John, Bath McKeen James, Topsham Norton Jonathan, Georgetown Nourse Amos, Bath Payne William E., [homeo.] Bath Perkins Charles B., Phipsburg Putnam Israel, Bath Richards L., Bowdoinham Smith Nichols, [botanic,] Bath Stockbridge T. G., Bath Tinker George W., Bowdoinham Young J. D., Richmond SOMERSET COUNTY. Allen A. P., New Portland Bates James, Fairfield Blake Calvin, Hartland Blunt Nathan F., Bingham Bodwell Mortimer, Solon Bowen James, Bloomfield Caldwell Francis, Anson Campbell Henry H., Fairfield Chase Rufus M., Canaan Clark Ephraim J., Harmony Croswell Andrew, Mercer Dingley A. J., Canaan Dunlap Amos R., Ripley Dunsmore Moses, Smithfield Evans Daniel, Cornville Evans David, Harmony Fernald Randall, Canaan Folsom Josiah A., Cambridge Gould Sumner, Madison Heath Asa, Jr., Detroit Howard H. N., Canaan Kinsman J. B., Athens Lynde John S., Norridgewock Mann L. L., North Anson 137 IMAINE REGISTER. Manson John C., Pittsfield Palmer Isaac, North Anson Philbrick James, St. Albans Pollard Benj., Palmyra Porter Samuel K., Mercer Robbins John, Jr., Mercer Robinson Nathaniel S., Skowhegan Smith Putnam, [botanic] Brighton Snow Winm., Skowhegan Spaulding Zachariah, Bingham Spooner Ward, New Portland Stevens Horace, Skowhegan Stevens Win. H., New Portland Stickney Geo. W., North Anson Taylor Isaiah, Smithfield Tobey James S., Athens Todd Samuel A., Ripley Varnum James, Starks Vose Samuel, New Portland Wilbur G. A., Norridgewock WALDO COUNTY. Abbot Charles, Frankfort Ayer E., Palermo Barrows James H., Brooks Bartlett Isaac, [botanic,] Hope Batchelder Benj., Montville Bean Nathan P., Montville Bean Nathan P., Freedom Boothby Stephen, Unity Brooks John G., Belfast Brown A. R., Appleton Brown Joab, Jr., Liberty Buzzell S. D., Islesborough Chenery - , Searsmont DeLaski John, North Haven Eaton Hosea B., Camden Edgecomb Eli, Monroe Emery James, Frankfort Mills Estabrook Joseph H., Camden Estabrook Theodore, Camden Files James R., Freedom Gordon M. B., Lincolnville Holmes George, Belmont Huse Jonathan, Camden Manter E., Searsport McCrillis Henry, Montville Monroe Hollis, Belfast Monroe N. P., Belfast Moody Richard, Belfast Payne John, Belfast Pendleton J. H., Frankfort Rich A. W.,~Jackson Shaw J. T., Belfast Simonton Putnam, Searsport Thayer Tyler P., Frankfort West --, Unity Wheelock Albert T., Belfast Woodman Daniel S., Prospect Young F. G., Freedom WASHINGTON COUNTY. Atkinson Baylies, Pembroke Baker John, Robbinston Bates N., East Machias Bradley W. K., Eastport Chandler A. S., Columbia Chandler Chas. P., Addison Doe Theodore, Lubec Ferguson E. B., Steuben Gorging George, Millbridge Haley G. W., Lubec Hawkes Micajah, Eastport Holmes Job, Calais Hunter William R., Pembroke Knowles Hartford B., Calais Moreton S., Pembroke Maybury S. B., Eastport Mower Robert, Eastport Murray J. W., Machias Noble J., [botanic] Calais Peabody A. G., Machias Redmond T., Cherryfield Richardson Erastus, Eastport Sawyer Samuel, Steuben Small William D., Lubec Swan Chas. E., Calais Tolman M. C., Calais Walker John, Calais Wentworth Wm., Cherryfield White Jacob D., Eastport Woodbury Mark R., Eastport YORK COUNTY. Adams Stephens, Newfield Allen J. L., Saco Bacon Alvin, Biddeford Bacon Horace, Biddeford Bailey William, Saco Bennett Gilman L., Parsonsfield Berry John A., Saco Bonney Calvin F., Cornish Bradbury Samuel M., Limington Brooks Ivory, Sanford 138 PHYSICIANS. Brooks Nathaniel, [botanic] Saco Buck J. C., Acton Buck Reuben, Acton Butler John, Wells Cheney A. H., Buxton Clark Samuel O., Shapleigh Cobb Stephen M., Sanford Colby Benjamin, [botanic] Saco Conant Cyrus K., Alfred Dam Alvah W., [botanic] Sanford Edgecomb G. D., Buxton Fessenden H. C., Saco Fogg James, Limerick Goodwin James S., Saco Grant J. P., Saco Green Henry B. C., Saco Guptill, C. H., Eliot Hall Abiel, Alfred Hanson Daniel, [botanic] North Berwick Hill Luke, Biddeford Hodgedon Daniel, North Berwick Hurd Eben, Lyman Jefferds Geo. P., [homceo.] Kenne- bunkport Jewett Theodore, South Berwick Jones O. A., Eliot Kimball J. E. L., Saco Lewis William, Shapleigh Libby Alvan, Wells Libby Stephen C., Saco Lord Friend D., Waterboro' Lord S. L., Biddeford Martin - , [botanic] Parsonsfield McClaven James, Newfield McIntire Edgar A., York Merrill Frank B., Alfred Merrow A. D., Acton Mesrve Richard H., Liminton Moore James O., [homoso.] Saco Moulton Chas., Wells Mulvey B. C., Saco Murch Chas., Biddeford Peabody Edward, Buxton Pierce James H., Waterboro' Putnam Jeremiah S., York Robie F., Biddeford Ross Orin, Kennebunk Sanborn Caleb, [botanic] South Berwick Sawyer James, Biddeford Smart Nicholas, Kennebunkport Smith Dryden, Buxton Staples George D., North Berwick Stevens Elbridge G., Kennebunk Stevens Whiting, Shapleigh Swasey William, Limerick Sweat Moses E., Limington Sweat Moses, Parsonsfield Sweat John B., Parsonsfield Sweat William, Hollis Swett Chas. M., Kennebunk Thompson Benj., Cornish Tilton William F., Lyman Town J. W., [botanic] Saco Trafton Chas. T., South Berwick Trafton Chas., South Berwick Webber Horace, [botanic] Shap- leigh Wentworth Mark F., Kittery Willis L. M., Eliot Winn Alexander M., Newfield 1839 MAINE REGISTER. MILITIA OF MAINE. By act of Legislature, approved April 19, 1854, the active Militia of Maine is composed of volunteers, or companies raised at large, not to exceed ten thousand men in the whole. According to the last report of the Adjutant General, there are fifty-eight com- panies, averaging about sixty members each, including officers and pIrivates-making the total volunteer force of the State, about two thousand two hundred. With but, few exceptions, they have been furnished by the department with such ordnance, arms and equip- ments as the State had at its disposal. In all sections of the State vacancies exist in division, brigade, regimental, and battalion of- fices. GENERAL STAFF. The Governor, Commander-in-Chief; William G. Crosby, 1854, Anson P. Morrill, for 1855. Adjutant General, Albert Tracy, of Bangor. Aids to Commander-in-Chief, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Richard M. Chapman, of Biddeford; Edward K. Harding, of Bath; Alfred W. Johnson, of Belfast. FIRST DIVISION. Major-General, James Thomas, of Alfred; Aides-de-camp, James O. McIntire, of Alfred, Edwin R. Wingin, of Saco; Div. Inspector, Caleb R. Ayer, of Cornish. FIRST BRIGADE. Company A-Light Infantry. 4 Captain, Ira H. Foss, of Saco; First Lieutenant, Jesse E. Wyman, of Bddeford ; Second Lieutenant, Rufus M. Lord, (of Saco; Third Lieutenant, E lward Varney, of Saco; Fourth Lieutenant, Israel S. Scamnmon, of Saco. SECOND DIVISION. Major General, Amos McLaughlin, of China; Division Inspector, Elias G. Hedge, of Augusta; Division Quarter Master, George M. Atwood, of Gardiner; Aide-de-camp, Edwin Small, of China; Divi- son Advocate, Samuel Titcomb, of Augusta. Company A-Riflemen. Captain, Almond Curtis, of Leeds; First Lieutenant, Salmon Elms, of Leeds; Second Lieutenant, John A. Curtis, of Leeds. Company B ; Captain, Charles H. Foss, of Wales; First Lieutenant, John C. Ham, of Wales; Second Lieutenant, Alvin F. Foss, of Wales. 140 THIRD DIVISION. Major General, Henry W. Cunningham, of Belfast; Aides-de-camp, James Y. McClintock, of Belfast, Miles S. Staples, of Swanville; Division Inspector, Lewis W. Howee, of Belfast. FOURTH DIVISION. Major General, William S. Cochran, of Waldoboro'; Aides-de-camp, Atherton W. Clark, of Waldoboro', Charles W. Starrett, of Thom- aston; Division Inspector, Hiram G. Berry, of Rockland; Quarter Master, Robert P. Whitney, of Topsham. FIRST BRIGADE. First Regiment-Light Infantry. Major, Thomas Bowles, of Bath; Adjutant, Samuel W, Wilson, of Bath; Surgeon, Tristam G. Stockbridge, of Bath. Company A-Light Infantry. Captain, Edward K. Harding, of Bath; First Lieutenant, John G. Richardson, of Bath; Second Lieutenant, James T. Patten, of Bath; Third Lieutenant, David T. Stinson, of Bath; Fourth Lieutenant, Frederick D. Sewall, of Bath; Surgeon, Andrew J. Fuller, of Bath. Commissary, Lendall C. Litchfield, of Bath. Company A-Artillery. Captain, George F. Tinoker, of Bowdoinham ; First Lieutenant, Wm. D). Curtis, of Bowdoinham; Second Lieutenant, Jo H. Wilson, of Bowdoinham; Third Lieutenant, D. W. Smith, of Bowdoinham. Company B ; Captain, Bradford Y. Holbrook, of Wiscasset; First Lieutenant, Theodore White, 2d, of Wiscasset; Second Lieutenant, Benj. Blagdon, of Wiscasset; Third Lieutenant, Isaac B. Dickinson, of Wiscasset. Company A-Riflemen. Captain, James S. Nash, Auburn; First Lieutenant, Higgins Plum- mer, Auburn; Second Lieutenant, Enoch L. Hall, Auburn. CompanyB; Captain, Charles H. Rice, cf Auburn; First Lieuten- ant, William Moore, Jr., Lewiston; Second Lieutenant, Adin S. Keene, Auburn. SECOND BRIGADE. Company A-Riflemen. Company B; Captain, , Waldoboro'; First Lieuten- ant, Abram T. Moses, Waldoboro'; Second Lieutenant, Harrison B. Woodbridge, Waldoboro'. FIFTH DIVISION. Major General, Wendell P. Smith, Portland; Aides-de-camp, Joshua S.' Palmer, Frederick Fox, Portland; Div. Inspector, John S. Wilson, Portland; Div. Advocate, David Dunn, Poland. 141 MILITIA. MAINE REGISTER. PIRST BRIGADE. Company A-Riflemen.< Captain, David Weymouth, New Gloucester; First Lieutenant, John Libbey, New Gloucester; Second Lieutenant, Samuel O. Cobb, New Gloucester. SECOND BRIGADE. Company A-Riflemen. Captain, Josiah Pierce, Jr., Portland; First Lieutenant, Augustus D. Marr, of Portland; becond Lieutenant, James Doughty, of Portland; Third Lieutenant, Edward M. Patten, of Portland ; Fourth Lieutenant, Sewall C. Strout, of Portland. Company B; Capt. Chas. E. Roberts, Portland; First Lieut. James B. Johnson, of Portland ; Second Lieutenant, Alvin R. Paine, of Portland ; Third Lieutenant, Charles P. Thurston, of Portland; Fourth Lieuten- ant, William M. Shaw, of Portland. First Regiment--Light Infantry. Colonel, Samuel J. Anderson, of Portland; Lieutenant Colonel, Winm. P. Stodder, of Portland; Major, Lorenzo D. M. Sweart, of Portland. Company A; Captain, Chas. C. Harmon, of Portland; 1st Lieut., Albion Witham, of Portland; 2d Lieut., Ceorge U. Tukey, of Port- land; 3d Lieut., James L. Boothby, of Portland; 4th Lieut., James T. Todd. Company B; Captain, Thomas A. Roberts, of Portland; 1st Lieut., Benj. F. Pratt,- of Portland; 2d Lieut., Ephraim Gammon, of Port- land; 3d Lieut., Elbridge Bolton, of Portland; 4th Lieut., George G. Bailey, of Portland. Company C; Captain, Charles H. Green, of Portland; 1st Lieut., John J. Thompson, of Portland; 2d Lieut., Edward F. Kendall, of Portland; 3d Lieut., Joshua L. Sawyer, of Portland. Company D ; Captain, John A. Cleaveland, of Brunswick; 1st Lieut., Andrew T. Campbell, of Brunswick; 2d Lieut., Charles Pettengill, of Brunswick. Company E; Captain, Silas B. Osgood, of Freeport; 1st Lieut. Henry Green, of Freeport; 2d Lieut., A. K. Dennison, of Freeport. Cavalry. Company A; Captain, Isaac Barnan, of Portland; 1st Lieutenant, Jeremiah Butler, of Portland; 2d Lieutenant, Thomas H. Brown, of Portland; Cornet, Horace C. Harris, of Portland. SIXTH DIVISION. Major General, Tim6thy Ludden, of Turner; Aides-de-camp, Charles E. Bradford, George E. Bushnell, of Turner; Divis. Advocate, Sullivan C. Andrews, of Buckfield; Division Inspector, Rufus Prince, of Turner; Div. Quarter Master, Benj. A. Bradford, of Turner. 142 MILITIA. FIRST BRIGADE. Company A-Artillery. Captain, S. R. Carter, of Buckfield; 1st Lieutenant, Lewis W. Child, of Buckfield; 2d Lieut., H. Edwin Hammond, of Buckfield. Company B; Captain, Samuel L. Reynolds, of Turner; 1st Lieut., Job P. Leavitt, of Turner; 2d Lieut., Stephen J. Coburn, of Turner. Company A-Riflemen. Captain, D. F. Putnam, of Rumford; 1st Lieut., D. D. W. Abbott, of Rumford; 2d Lieut., C. H, Rolfe, of Rumford. Company B; Captain, M. B. Bartlett; ,st Lieut., George W. Hob- son; 2d Lieut., Job P. Sylvester, all of Waterford. SEVENTH DIVISION. Major General, Henry S. Jones, of Ellsworth; Aide-de-Camp, Thomas D. Jones, of Ellsworth; Division Inspector, Arno Wiswell, of Ellsworth; Division Quarter Master, Daniel Somes, of Mt. Desert. FIRST BRIGADE. Company A-Artillery. Captain, Jeremiah V. West, of East Machias; 1st Lieut., George W. Sevey, of East Machias; 2d Lieut., Oliver W. Dwelley, of East Machias. Company A.--Riflemen. Captain, Charles R. Whidden, of Calais; 1st Lieutenant, George Washburn, of Calais; 2d Lieut., A. R. Burnham, of Calais. SECOND BRIGADE. Company A-1iflemen. Captain, Benjamin Benson, of Tremont; 1st Lieut., George Booth, of Tremont; 2d Lieut., Zeb. F. Rich, of Tremont. Company A-Light Infantry. Captain, - - , of Ellsworth; 1st Lieut., George A. Crehore, of Ellsworth; 2d Lieut., J. H. Patridge, of Ellsworth. EIGHTH DIVISION. Major General, of - - ; Aide-de-camp, Levi M. Williams, of Farmington; Division Inspector, Daniel C. Church, of Farmington; Quarter Master, Isaac T. Lambert, of Phillips; Division Advocate, Columbus Gray, of Wilton. FIRST BRIGADE. Brigadier General, E. G. Savage, of Solon ; Brigade Major, Oliver R. Bacheller, of Solon; Brigade Quarter Master, John R. Daley, of Augusta. 143 MAINE REGISTER. First Regiment-Riflemen. Colonel, Ira Wheeler, of Hartland; Lieut. Colonel, Ansel Thurston, of Madison; Adjutant, Ebenezer Snow, of Bingham; Quarter Master, Franklin Gray, of Embden; Paymaster, Daniel F. Hobart. Company A; Captain, Joel Smith, of East Madison; 1st Lieut., Joel S. Smith, of East Madison; 2d Lieut., Isaac McKenney, of E. Madison. Company B ; Captain, Jerome B. Tuttle, of Athens; 1st Lieutenant, Alvah Cole, of Athens; 2d Lieut., John S. Kendall, of Athens. Company C; Captain, Jotham G. Goodrich, of Bingham ; 1st Lieut., Julius B. Nichols, of Moscow: 2d Lieut., George Baker, of Bingham. Company D ; Captain, Benjamin F. Butler, of Cornville ; 1st Lieut., M. C. Hopkins,. of Cornville; 2d Lieut., Benjamin F. Barker, of Cornville. Company E; Captain, -- , of Madison ; 1st Lieut., Abner Nutting, of Madison ; 2d Lieut., Joseph Nutting, of Madison. Company F; Captain, L. D. F. Thompson, of Embden; 1st Lieut., Ebenezer Snow, of Bingham; 2d Lieut., Franklin Gray, of Embden. Company G; Captain, Charles Nevans, of Canaan ; 1st Lieut., Wesley C. Wheeler, of Hartland; 2d Lieut., Timothy Dooler, of Hartlaund. Company H; Captain, Timothy M. Pusbon, of Pittsfield; 1st Lieut., William K. Lancey, of Pittsfield ; 2d Lieut., Eben Clements, of Pittsfield. Company I; Captain, -- ; 1st Lieut., George J. Soper, of St. Albans; 2d Lieut., James Hanson, of St. Albans. Company K-Riflemen. Captain, Jesse Nutting, Parkman; 1st Lieutenant, Abiatha B. Brew- ster, Parkman; 2d Lieutenant, Sylvester Holmes, Parkman. Company A-Artillery. Captain, Ozias E. Bartlett, Harmony; 1st Lieutenant, John Hurd, Harmony ; 2d Lieutenant, S. F. Macomber, Cambridge. SECOND BRIGADE. Brig. General, James Davis, Salem; Brig. Qr. Master, Isaac M. Wood, Kingfield ; Brig. Inspector, Wm. E. Bates, Avon. First Regiment-Riflemen. Col., Daniel Heath, Salem; Lt. Col., Thos. W. Luce, New Vine- yard; Major, John Will, Avon; Adjutant, John C. Mantor, Industry; Qr. Master, John Bates, Farmington; Paymaster, John Brown, Wilton; Chaplain, Howard Winslow, New Vineyard; Surgeon, John F. Moses, Farmington. Company A.-Captain, David Clark, Wilton; 1st. Lieut., Asa B. Macumber, Jay; 2d Lieut., Ariel L. Lamkin, Livermore. Company B.- Capt., - - ; 1st Lieut., John Sylvester, Avon; 2d Lieut., Rufus Bean, Avon. Company C.-Capt., Thomas W. Luce, New Vineyard; 1st Lieut., Wentworth Ricker, New Vineyard; 2d Lieut., Wm. R. Ramsdell, New Vineyard. Company D.- Capt., -- ---; 1st Lieut., E. IH. Porter, Strong; 2d Lieut., Robert McClerry, Strong. 144 MILITIA. Company E.-Capt., -- ; 1st Lieut., - - ; 2d Lieut., Rufus H. Longley, Kingfield. Company F.-Capt., Daniel H. Taylor, Industry; 1st Lieut., Chas. Leman, Starks; 2d Lieut., Elijah D. Nichols, Starks. Company G.--Capt., T. R. Luce, Lexington; 1st Lieut., Derias L. Sutherland, Lexington; 2d Lieut., Isaac N. Pinkham, Lexington. Company H.-Capt., Samuel S. Lambert; 1st Lieut., Joseph Bangs ; 2d Lieut., George Collins, of Salem. Company I.-Capt., Daniel B. Russell, Temple; 1st Lieut., Alpheus Hodgkins, Temple; 2d Lieut., Wm. W. Cook, Temple. First Regiment-Light Infantry. Company A.--Capt., Wm. IL. Luce, 2d, Industry; 1st Lieut., Sim- mons Getchell, Anson; 2d Lieut., Curtis Pinkham, Industry. Company B.-Capt., Henry E. Dyer, New Sharon; 1st Lieut., Wm. H. Goodwin, Mercer; 2d Lieut., Warren R. Gilman, Mercer. Battalion of Artillery. Major, Thomas H. Hunter, Farmington; Adjutant, - - Qr. Master, Company A.--Capt., A. J. Wheeler, Farmington; 1st Lieut., T. L. Mayhew; 2d Lieut., H. D. Norton, Farmington. Company B.-Capt., Wm. True, Phillips; 1st Lieut., Henry G. Whitcomb, Phillips; 2d Lieut., A. W. Dow; 3d Lieut., Washing- ton F. Goodwin. NINTH DIVISION. Major General, Gustavus G. Cushman, Bangor; Aide-de-camp, Charles D. Jamieson, Oldtown; Div. Inspector, Leonard Jones, Bangor; Div. Advocate, Joseph D. Brown, Dover; Div. Qr. Master, Lewis Barker, Stetson ; Aide-de-camp, Abram Woodard, Bangor. SECOND BRIGADE. Company B-Artillery. Capt:, Lorenzo D. Higgins, Brewer; 1st Lieut., Eliphalet S. Morrill, Brewer; 2d Lieut., James Deering; 3d Lieut., David D. Smith. Company B-Light Infantry. Capt., John S. Hodsdon, Bangor; 1st Lieut., James N. Cooper, Ban- gor; 2d Lieut., A. P. Bradbury, Bangor; 3d Lieut., Hiram H. Fogg, Bangor; 4th Lieut., Ichabod D. Bartlett, Bangor. Company C-Light Infantry. Capt., Patrick Byrnes, Bangor; 1st Lieut., John Carroll, Bangor; 2d Lieut., Dennis McClusky, Bangor; 3d Lieut., James Fitzgeneral, Bangor; 4th Lieut., Michael Crowley, Bangor. Company A-Riflemen. Capt., Winslow Staples, Old Town; 1st Lieut., George W. Bartlet Oldtown; 2d Lieut., W. D. Chase, Old Town. 10 145 MAINE REGISTER. BANKS. BANK COTFI1YISSIONERS. THOMAS JEWETT, South Berwick. J. HOVEY, Waldoboro'. At the present time there are seventy Banks in operation in the State of Maine. The last Legislature granted acts of incorporation to twelve banking institutions, and gave twenty-two the liberty to increase their capital stock. These institutions are generally in a sound and flourishing condition, and enjoy the full confidence of the community. The quality of the paper used for bills has very much improved within a few years. In making up our list, we have endeavored to give the various items of local interest concerning each Bank, such as location, time of incorporation, capital, &c.; but, in some instances, we have failed to receive full returns. AAYERICAN BANK,--HALLOWELL. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $75,000. Elisha E. Rice, President. Alexander H. Howard, Cashier. E. E. Rice, John Hubbard, S. Davenport, Henry Cooper, 2d, A. Horn, E. J. Smith, Calvin Spauldlng, Directors. ANDROSCOGGIN BANK.--TOPSHAM. Incorporated 1834. Capital, $50,000. Charles Thompson, President. John Coburn, Cashier. John Bar- ron, Nahum Perkins, Woodbury B. Purrington, David Scribner, C. Thompson, Directors. ATLANTIC BANK.-PORTLND. Incorporated 1850. Capital, $300,000. John M. Wood, President. W-. H. Stephenson, Cashier. J. M. Wood, Phinehas Barnes, Edward Howe, Allen Haines, Samuel Ty- ler, Directors. Discount day, Tuesday. AUGUSTA BAN--AuousTA. Incorporated 1814. Capital, $88,000. Thomas W. Smith, President. Joseph J. Eveleth, Cashier. Thos. W. Smith, James W. Bradbury, George W. Morton, Joseph W. Wil- lthms, Henry R. Smith, Directors. Discount day, Monday. Dividend, April 1st and October 1st. 146 BANK OP COMMERCE.--BELFAST. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $75,000. Hiram O. Alden, President. Charles Palmer, Cashier. Alfred WV. Johnson, James P. Furber, Asa Faunce, W. H. Hunt, C. P. Car- ter, William H. Conner, Hiram O. Alden, Directors. BANK OF CUMBERLAND.-PORTLAND. Incorporated 1835. Capital, $200,000. William Moulton, President. Samuel Small, sr., Cashier. William Moulton, A. Ware, David Drinkwater, J. Tewksbury, James Todd, James T. McCobb, Samuel J. Anderson, Directors. Discount, Monday. BANK OP HALLOWELL.-HALLOWELL. Incorporated 1852. Capital, $100,000. Artemas Leonard, President. A. S. Washburn, Cashier. A. Leon- ard, Rufus K. Page, A. Merrill, Henry Reed, David Benjamin, Direc- tors. BANK OP THE STATE OF MAINE.-BANGOR. Incorporated 1851. Capital, $250,000. Leonard March, President. William S. Dennett, Cashier. Leonard March, D. B. Hinckley, Thomas Jenness, George W. Smith, E. G. Dunn, Directors. BANK OF P O ERSET.-SxowHEGON. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $50,000. Wm. Rowell, President. Reuben Kidder, Cashier. Samuel Par- ker, Samuel Robinson, H. A. Wyman, John K. Russell, A. H. Gilman, David White, Directors. BANK OF WINTHROP.-WINTHRoP. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $50,000. Charles M. Bailey, President. David Stanly, Cashier. Charles M. Bailey, Stephen Gammon, E. M. Clark, Isaac Morse, Rufus Mars- ton, Directors. BELPAST BANK.--BELFAST. Incorporated 1836. Capital, $75,000. Thomas Marshall, President. N. H. Bradbury, Cashier. P. R. Hazeltine, H. H. Johnson, James P. White, Daniel Haraden, Thomas Marshall, Directors. DIIDDEFORD BANK.-BIDDEFORD. Incorporated 1847. Capital, $150,000. Winm. P. Haines, President. S. S. Fairfield, Cashier. Augustine Haines, Thomas Quinby, George II. Adams, Jabez Smith, Richard M Chapman, Jonathan Tuck, Directors. BRUNSWICK BANK.--BaRuswICx. Incorporated 1836. Capital, $60,000. R. T. Dunlap, President. John Rogers, Cashier. 147 BANKS. MAINE RIEGISTER. BUOKSPORT IS ANI.--BpxsProRT. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $50,000. Enoch Barnard, President. Edward Swazey, Cashier. Henry Darling, John N. Swazey, E. Barnard, T. C. Woodman, John Buck, (Orland,) Samuel Adams, E. A. Upton, Directors. Discount, daily. CALAIS BANEL-CALAIS. Incorporated 1831. Capital, $100,000. George Downes, President. Joseph A. Lee, Cashier. G. Downes, Wm. Deming, E. A. Barnard, G. D. King, L. L. Lowell, Directors. Discount, daily. CANAL BANL.-PORTLAND. Incorporated 1825. Capital, $600,000. W. W. Thomas, President. J. B. Scott, Cashier. W. W. Thomas, Charles E. Barrett, Winm. Goodenow, W. Kimball, Nathaniel Warren, Thomas Hammond, George F. Shepley, Directors. Discount day, Thursday. CASCO BANLS-PORTLAND. Incorporated 1824. Capital, $500,000. Eliphalet Greely, President. E.'P. Gerrish, Cashier.' E. Greely, Nathan Cummings, E. Carter, Jr., Wm. Evans, Charles Jonies, St. John Smith, P. F. Varnum, Directors. Discount day, Friday. CHINA: BANE.--CarA. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $50,000. William H. Healy, President. Zebah Washburn, Cashier. Isaac Redington, Joseph Percival, George F. Gilman, G. A. Phillips, Directors. CITY BANK.-BANGoR. Incorporated 1852. Capital, .$100,000. E. G. Rawson, President. S. A. Gilman, Cashier. E. G. Rawson, Henry A. Wood, E. S. Coo, William Cutter, Levi Bradbury, Jr., Directors. CITY BAN,-BATH. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $125,000. James H. McLellan, President. Otis Kimball, Cashier. James H. McLellan, G. C. Trufant, I. G. Richardson, B. C. Bailey, E. K. Hard- ing, Joseph Beiry, Oliver Moses, Directors. Annual election, 1st Tuesday in October. Dividend, April and October, Discount, Wednesday. COBBOSSEE CONTEE BANK.-GARDINER. Incorporated 1852. Capital, $100,000. Edward Swan, President. Joseplh Adams, Cashier. Edward Swan, William Bradstreet, Stephen Young, Francis Richards, F. T. Lully, Directors. 148 BANKS. COMMERCIAL BAN.--BATH. Incorporated 1832. Capital, $100,000. Wm. D. Sewall, President. D. N. Magoon, Cashier. William D. Sewall, David C. Magoun, Samuel I. Robinson, Thomas M. Read, Benj. C. Sewall, Directors. Discount day, Thursday. EASTERN BAN .--BANGOR. Incorporated 1835. Capital, $100,000. Amos M. Roberts, President. William H. Mills, Cashier. Amos M. Roberts, Benjamin Wiggin, Joseph Chase, Edward Kent, Charles W. Roberts, Directors. ELLSWORTI BANK.-ELLSWORTH. Incorporated 1851. Capital, $125,000. Seth Tisdale, President. J. H. Chamberlain, Cashier. S. Tisdale, John M. Hale, Thomas Robinson, Nathaniel J. Miller, A. P. Emerson, (Orland,) Directors. Discount, daily. EXCHANGE BANK.-BANGOR. Incorporated 1850. Capital, $50,000. John B. Foster, President. Edwin Clark, Cashier. J. B. Foster, J. S. Wheelwright, Jacob M'Gaw, Adams H. Merrill, John A. Rice, Directors. FARMERS' BANK--BANGOR. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $100,000. James Dunning, President. W. H. Parsons, Cashier. J. Dunning, Elisha Ayer, A. Moore, Joseph Baker, Wm. Plaisted, Jr., Director. FREEMAN'S BANK.-AUGvUSTA. Incorporated 1833. Capital, $75,000. Benjamin Davis, President. Daniel Pike, Cashier. Benj. Davis, Watson F. Hallett, John Mulliken, S. W. Lithgow, William Hunt, Directors. Discount day, Monday. Dividend, 1st Monday in January and July. FRONTIER BANK.-EASTPORT. Incorporated 1836. Capital, $75,000. Wm. M. Brooks, President. E. J. Noyes, Cashier. W. II. Brooks, Aaron Hayden, George A. Peabody, Oliver S. Livermore, J. W. Bass, Samuel Bucknam, Directors. Discount, Wednesday. GARDINER BANK.-GARDINER. Incorporated 1814. Capital, $100,000. Wm. B. Grant, President. James F. Patterson, Cashier. Wrm.B. Grant, F. Allen, S. B. Tarbox, Peter Grant,Wm. S. Grant, Directors. 149 MAINE REGISTER. GEORGE'S BANK.--THOMAsTox. Incorporated 1852. Capital, $50,000. Edward O'Brien, President. S. E. Smith, Cashier. Edward O'Brien, Joseph Gilchrest, Edwin Smith, Robert Walsh, Samuel Watts, Levi B. Gilchrest, Benjamin Flint, Jr., Directors. GRANITE BANK.-UGUSTA. Incorporated 1836. Capital, $75,000. William A. Brooks, President. Silas Leonard, Cashier. Winm. A. Brooks, Henry Williams, Darius Alden, Wm. Caldwell, WVm. Thomas, Directors. Annual meeting, October. Dividend, January and July. Discount, Monday. GROCERS' BANK.-BANGoR. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $75,000. WN. H. Bretton, President. R. S. Morrison, Cashier. NW. H. Bret- ton, J. A. Cushing, Amos Sproul, J. W. Humphrey, H. G. O. Mor- rison, Directors. HANCOCOE BANK.-ELLSwoR$. Incorporated 1852. Capital, $50,000. George W. Brown, President. G. B. Hopkins, Cashier. G. W. Brown, N. A. Joy, D. G. Eaton, Sewall B. Swazey, Henry Partridge, Daniel Kimball, Bernj. F. Ingalls, Directors. Discount, daily. KENDUSKEAG BANI.-BANGOR. Incorporated 1847. Capital, $100,000. George W. Pickering, President. Theodore S. Dodd, Cashier. George W. Pickering, Thomas A. Taylor, John Godfrey, Byron Por- ter, George C. Pickering, Directors. LEWISTON FALLS BANK.-LEWISTON FALLS. Incorporated 1851. Capital, $200,000. George L. Ward, President. Albert H. Small, Cashier. George L. Ward, Paul C. Tibbets, P. E. Sanborn, Jacob H. Roak, Daniel Holland, Albert H. Kelsey, Howe Weeks, Directors. Discount, Mon- day. Dividend, 1st of April and October. LIMIE ROCK BANK.-RoCILND. Incorporated 1836. Capital, $100,000. Knott Crockett, President. A. D. Nichols, Cashier. K. Crockett, Charles Holmes, I. K. Kimball, H. G. Berry, Samuel Rankin, Direc- tors. LINCOLN BANK.-BATH. Incorporated 1832. Capital, $200,000. George F. Patten, President. John Shaw, Cashier. Geo. F. Pat- ten, William Drummond, Chas. Davenport, Geo. W. Kendall, L. W. Houghton, Directors. Annual meeting, October. Dividends, April and October. Discount, Tuesday. 150 LUMBERMAN'S BANK.-OLDTOWN. Incorporated, 1852. Capital, $50,000. Wm. H. Smith, President. E. B. Pierce, Cashier. Wm. H. Smith, John Gardner, Asa Smith, Jr., J. M. Lombard, J. L. Smith, Directors. MANUFACTURERS' BANK.-SAco. Incorporated, 1825. Capital, $100,000. Tristram Jordan, Jr., President. T. Scammon, Cashier. Amos Chase, David Fernald, Nathaniel M. Towle, Daniel Smith, Jr., Abra- ham Cutter, Philip Eastman, Directors. MANUFPACTURERS AND TRADERS' BANK.--PORTLAND. Incorporated, 1832. Capital, $150,000. Rufus Horton, President. Edward Gould, Cashier. Joshua Rich- ardson, Neal Dow, E. McKenney, Ambrose K. Shurtleff, Directors. Discount day, Tuesday. MARINE BANK.-DAMARISCOTTA. Incorporated 18'52. Capital, $50.000. B. D. Metcalf, President. B. F. Shaw, Cashier. MARINERS' BAN.--WIscASsET. Incorporated, 1835. Capital, $50,000. Henry Clark, President. Samuel P. Baker, Cashier. H. Clark, Wilmot Wood, Franklin Clark, Samuel Alley, James McCarty, Directors. MARITIME BANE.-BANGOR. Incorporated 1852. Capital, $100,000. Isaac Farrar, President. George R. Smith, Cashier. Isaac Farrar, Ichabod D. Bartlett, N. II. Hubbard, Philander Coburn, Joseph K. Clark, Directors. MARKET BArNK.-BANGOR. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $100,000. Samuel F. Hersey, President. James H. Butler, Cashier. S. F. Hersey, G. Stetson, M. E. Rice, Albert Emerson, Edwin Eddy, Directors. MEDOMAK BANI.-WALDOBORO'. Incorporated 1836. Capital, $50,000. Samuel Morse, President. George Allen, Cashier. S. Morse, Geo. D. Smouse, Henry Kennedy, Joseph Clark, James Schwartz, 2d, Directors. MERCANTILE BANK.-BANGOR. Incorporated 1833. Capital, $50,000. Samuel Farrar, President. John S. Ricker, Cashier. Samuel Far- rar, William Emerson, David Bugbee, Jonathan Young, James Eddy, Directors. 151 BANKS. MAINE REGISTER. MERCHANTS' BAN .--PORTLAND. Incorporated 1825. Capital, $225,000. William Woodbury, President. Charles Oxnard, Cashier. Wm. Woodbury, Philip Greely, Samuel Hanson, Charles Kimball, Samuel Chase, H. Brazier, J. F. Weeks, Directors. Discount day, Tuesday. MVIERCHANTS' BANK.-BANGOR. Incorporated 1850. Capital, $100,000. William A. Blake, President. M. T. Stickney, Cashier. W. A. Blake, Wiggins Hill, J. H. Bowler, Cyrus Goss, F. A. Butman, Fran- cis Hill, Asa Smith, Directors. MYIOUSAM RIVER BANK.-SANFORD. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $50,000. Nath'l D. Appleton, President. Wm. C. Starbuck, Cashier. N. D. Appleton, R. B. Hubbard, Samuel Tompson, I. Frost, John Merrill, I. S. Kimball, Stephen Libby, Elisha Bodwell, Amos H. Poyd, Di- rectors. NORTH BANK.-ROCKLAND. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $50,000. John Bird, President. Stephen N. Hatch, Cashier. J. Bird, Josiah Achorn, Robert Crockett, John J. Perry, John Jameson, Azariah Stanley, E. W. Pendleton. Directors. NORTHERN BANK.-HALLOWELL. Incorporated 1833. Capital, $100,000. John Gardner, President. Ichabod Nutter, Cashier. Jesse Aiken, Wm. Emmons, F. Glazier, Andrew Masters, B. Nason, Alden Samp- son, Directors. OCEAN BANK.-KENNEBUNK. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $50,000. Joseph Titcomb, President. C. Littlefield, Cashier. Wm. Lord, Jr., Thomas Lord, Noah Nason, Wm. L. Thompson, Joseph Dane, Jr., Joseph Titcomb, Benj. F. Mason, Directors. ORONO BANK.-ORoNo. Incorporated 1852. Capital, $50,000. Nathan H. Allen, President. E. P. Butler, Cashier. N. H. Allen, B. P. Gilman, E. Webster, Jr., John Libbey, I. Washburn, Jr., Directors. RICHMOND BANK.-RICHMOND. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $50,000. Win. Patten, President. F. R. Theobald, Cashier. ROCKL AND BANK.-ROCKLAND. Incorporated 1851. Capital, $150,000. Alfred H. Kimball, President. William H. Titcomb, Cashier. A. H. Kimball, Wm. McLeon, Timo. Williams, Francis Cobb, Jonathan White, Thos. Colson, N. A. Farwell, Directors. 152 SAGADAHOC BAN.--BATH. Incorporated 1836. Capital, $100,000. T. D. Robinson, President. Daniel F. Baker, Cashier. L. Black- mer, Winm. V. Moses, Wm. Purrington, John Smith, Moses Riggs, Winm. M. Reed, Directors. Discount, Monday. SANDY RIVER BANK.-FAnMINGTON. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $50,000. Samuel Belcher, President. Thomas G. Jones, Cashier. Samuel Belcher, Theodore Marston, Joseph S. Millikin, Joseph A. Linscott, John Trask, Leander Boardman, Peter W. Willis, Directors. SEARSPORT BANK.-SEARSPORT. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $50,000. Jeremiah Merithew, President. Charles Gordon, Cashier. Wn. McGilvery, Henry McGilvery, Isaac Carver, Robert Porter, Samuel Curtis, Wm. Butman, Directors. SHIP BUILDERS' BANK.--ROCKLAND. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $100,000. I. K. Kimball, President. A. W. Kennedy, Cashier. I. K. Kimball, Alden Ulmer, S. D. Carleton, H. Merriam, E. A. Mansfield, George Thorndike, J. O. L. Foster, Directors. SKOWHEGAN BAN .--BLOOMFIELD. Incorporated 1833. Capital, $75,000. Abner Coburn, President. William Philbrick, Cashier. James B. Dascomb, Benj. F. Dodge, Joseph Philbrick, Ebenezer H. Neil, Stephen Weston, Levi Emery, Jr., Directors. SOUTH BERWICK BANE-SOUTH BERWICK. Incorporated 1823. � Capital, $100,000. Theo. F. Jewett, President. Edward Hayman, Cashier. T. F. Jewett, Benj. Nason, Hiram H. Hobbs, John Plumer, George Good- win, Directors. STATE BANK.-AUGUSTA. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $75,000. George W. Stanley, President. W. R. Smith, Cashier. Geo. W. Stanley, Samuel Cary, Benj. A. G. Fuller, J. A. Sanborn, Thos. Lambard, Directors. Discount, Monday. THOYIASTON BANK.-THoMAsTox. Incorporated, 1825. Capital, $50,000. Richard Robinson, President. John D. Barnard, Cashier. R. Rob- inson, Edward Robinson, Wm. Singer, W. R. Keith, Barnabas Webb, M. H. Smith, Directors. 153 BANKS. MAINE REGISTER. TICONIC BANK.-WATERVILLE. Incorporated 1825. Capital, $100,000. Timothy Boutelle, President. Edward G. Hoag, Cashier. Timothy Boutelle, Jedediah Morrill, Elab Esty, Joseph Eaton, Samuel Appleton, Directors. Discount, Monday. Dividend, 1st Monday in April and October. TRADERS' BAN-.-BANGOR. Incorporated 1852. Capital, $100,000. Walter Brown, President. S. Trask, Cashier. Walter Brown, Sidney Thaxter, Caleb Holyoke, Charles S. Crosby, Henry Hill, Directors. UNION BANK.-BRUNswIcK. Incorporated, 1850. Capital, $50,000. Joseph McKeen, President. A. C. Robbins, Cashier. VEAZIE BAN.-BANGOR. Incorporated, 1848. Capital $200,000. Samuel Veazie, President. WVm. J. Lord, Cashier. Samuel Veazie, John McDonald, John Bright, F. H. Dillingham, John W. Veazie, Directors. WALDOBORO' BANK.--- ALDOBORO'. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $50,000. Isaac Reed, President. B. B. Haskell, Cashier. WATERVILLE BANK.-WATERVILLE. Incorporated 1850. Capital, $100,000. Samuel P. Shaw, President. A. Perkins, Cashier. James Stackpole, D. L. Milliken, Stephen Stark, I. S. Johnson, Thos. G. Kimball, Daniel H. Brown, Directors. Dividend, January and July. Discount day, Monday. YORK BANK.-SAco. Incorporated, 1831. Capital, $100,000. Daniel Cleaves, President. John C. Bradbury, Cashier. Joseph M. Hayes, James M. Deering, Humphrey Pike, Wm. Perkins, Direc- tors. 154 SAVINGS BANKS. SAVINGS BANKS. AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. Election first Wednesday in August. William A. Brooks, President. Benj. A. G. Fuller, Treasurer. Wm. A. Brooks, Benj. Davis, S. Caldwell, Jr., Ruel Williams, Benj. Swan, Edward Fenno, John Dorr, George Darby, Benj. A. G. Fuler, Eben Fuller, Thos. Lambard, L. B. Hamlin, E. G. Doe, Trustees. BATH SAVINGS INSTITUTION. David C. Magoun; Pres. John H. Kimball, Treas. David C. Magoun, William D. Sewall, William M. Reed, William E. Payne, William V. Moses, Chas. Davenport, Geo. W. Kendall, Trustees. CITY OF BANGOR SAVINGS INSTITUTION. Elijah L. Hamlin, President. Albert Holton, Secretary. Jabez True, J. S. Wheelwright, S. H. Dale, Vice Presidents. GARDINER SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated 1834. R. H. Gardiner, President. Joseph Adams, Treasurer. Daniel Nutting, Secretary. R. H. Gardiner, Edward Swain, W. B. Grant, I)aniel Nutting, H. B. Hoskins, Robert Williamson, F. Richards, WIm. Palmer, Stephen Young, Robert Thompson, Chas. Danforth, Noah Woods, Trustees. HALLOWELL SAVINGS INSTITUTION. Incorporated 1854. John Hubbard, President. H. K. Baker, Treasurer and Secretary. John Hubbard, Andrew Masters, Wim. R. Prescott, A. H. Howard Simon Page, Justin E. Smith, Jesse Aiken, James Sherburn, William Stickney, M. C. Richardson, Calvip Spaulding, John P. Flagg, Trus- tees. PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated 1852. Phineas Barnes, President. James Merrill, Secretary and Treasurer. John B. Brown, Henry B. Hart, J. C. Noyes, E. Steele, George War- ren, Trustees. RANDALL SAVINGS AND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION.--AGUSTA. Thomas Parker, President. Francis Lyford, Treasurer. J. D. Prescott, Secretary. Chas. Currier, Ebenezer Knowlton, Oren Wil- liamson, Joseph F. Nason, Daniel Fuller, Asa Hutchinson, Abel Chadwick, Trustees. O. B. Cheney, S. Williamson, Commissioners. SACO AND BIDDEFORD SAVINGS BANK.-SAco. Incorporated 1827. Josiah Calef, President. Edward P. Burnham, Sec. and Treas. 155 MAINE REGISTER. INSURANCE COMPANIES. For Mutual Insurance Companies, the capital is the amount accu- mulated to a given day. AUGUSTA MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.-AUGUSTA. James W. North, President. Watson F. Hallett, Secretary and Treasurer. Benj. Davis, George W. Morton, Watson F. Hallett, James SW. North, James Dinsmore, Directors. BANGOR MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE CO,--BANoo. Joseph S. Wheelwright, President. John B. Foster, Secretary. BATH MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1853. Capital, $175,000. D. C. Magoun, President. George Prince, Secretary. John Patten, WVm. D. Sewall, James F. Patten, Chas. Clapp, Jr., Freeman Clark, S. A. Houghton, E. K. Harding, David Patten, Oliver Moses, J. H. M'Lel- lan, B. C. Bailey, G. C. Trufant, Willard Iall, J. G. Richardson, D. C. Magoun, Directors. ELIOT AND KITTERY MUTUAL FIRE INS. 00.-ELIOT. Gowen Wilson, President. James Goodwin, Secretary. Mark Den- nett, Treasurer. FARMERS AND MECHANICS' MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY.-GonRIAM. Incorporated 1839. Jonathan Hanson, President. Josiah Pierce, Secretary. J. Hanson, Jacob C. Baker, D. B. Clement, Daniel C. Emery, S. C. Higgins, Robert Johnson, Jr., Charles O. Libby, S. Merrill, I. G. Walker, Di- rectors. GENERAL MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.-ALLOWELL. Benjamin Wales, President. Henry K. Baker, Secretary and Treas- urer. B. Wales, Andrew Masters, Jesse Aiken, S. C. Whittier, W. R. Prescott, Justin E. Smith, Henry Davenport, Alden Sampson, John Dorr, Wm. B. Grant, Zina Hyde, S. P. Benson, Wm. G. Crosby, Di- rectors. GEORGES' INSURANCE COMPANY.-THoMAsTON. William Singer, President. Christopher Prince, Secretary. HANCOCK MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE CO.-CASTINE. Incorporated 1852. Capital, $70,000. Hezekiah Williams, President. C. K. Tilden, Treasurer and Secreta- ry. H. Williams, Samuel Adams, Winm. Witherle, Samuel Lewis, Win. Jarvis, Otis Hatch, S. P. Hatch, Directors. LIME ROCK FPIRE AND MARINE INS. CO.-ROCKLAND. Capital, $50,000. Knott Crockett, President. Charles R. Mallard, Secretary. 156 INSURANCE COMPANIES. 157 LINCOLN JMUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.-BATH. Incorporated 1848. Capital, $80,000. A. J. Fuller, President. Peleg Wadsworth, Secretary and Treasurer. A. J. Fuller, Peleg Wadsworth, Wm. V. Moses, John Hayden, Abiel Avery, John B. Swanton, Charles Russell, Directors. Annual meeting fourth Wednesday in January. MAINE INSURANCE COMPANY.-AUGUSTA. Chartered 1853, with an allowed Capital not less than $200,000. Organized as a Fire Insurance Company, 1854. John L. Cutler, President. Joseph H. Williams, Secretary. Samuel Coney, Geo. W. Stanley, Darius Alden, Samuel P. Shaw, John M. Wood, Charles Jones, John D. Lang, Directors. EMAINE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.-GoRHIM. Incorporated 1828. Capital, $120,000. Brice M. Edwards, President. John A. Waterman, Secretary. MERCHANTS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.-BANGoon. Samuel H. Dale, President. John Bright, Secretary. Samuel H. Dale, Geo. W. Ladd, Sam'l F. Hersey, I. Stetson, S. Thaxter, L. Brad- ford, John B. Foster, Directors. MONMOUTH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE- CO.-MONMOUT. Incorporated 1836. Jacob G. Smith, President. Washington Wilcox, Secretary. C. T. Fox, Treasurer. Jacob G. Smith, David Thurston, John B. Fogg, Wal- ter Foss, Leonard Mower, Joel Small, Directors. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.-SAco. Nath'1 M. Towle, President. Edward P. Burnham, Secretary and Treasurer. OCEAN INSURANCE COMIPANY.-PORTLAND. Capital, $200,000. Dividends Jan. and July. Philip Greely, President. George A. Wright, Secretary. Wm.Wood- bury, Samuel Chase, Alexander Hubbs, John B. Brown, Wm. W. VWoodbury, Nathaniel Blanchard, Directors. PARSONSFIELD MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO.-PARSONSFIELD. Incorporated 1843. Rufus McIntire, President. G. L. Bennett, Secretary and Treasurer. Rufus McIntire, Benjamin Dalton, Silas Moulton, Jesse Wedgwood, Simon Walker, Thatcher G. Wedgwood, Rufus Burbank, Directors. PENOBSCOT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.-BANGOR. Elijah L. Hamlin, President. Benj. Plummer, Secretary and Treas- urer. E. L. Hamlin, Bradford Harlow, A. G. Wakefield, Chas. Saw- telle, John S. Sayward, Directors. MAINE REGISTER. PISCATAQUIS MUTUAL PIRE INSURANCE CO.-DoVER. Incorporated 1883. Capital, $35,660. Thos. Pullen, President. Ephiram Flint, Secretary. A. S. Pattern, Treasurer. PORTLAND MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.--PORTLAND. Incorporated 1828. Thomas Chadwick, President. Rufus Emerson, Secretary. Edward Shaw, Treasurer. James Backleff, Wm. Evans, Thos. Cummings, W. W. Thomas, E. Trowbridge, E. Steele, S. Frothingham, P. Varnum, J. Purington, Chas. Staples, Neal Dow, Martin Gore, Directors. ROCIKLAND FIRE AND MARINE INS. CO.-ROCKLAND. Nathan A. Farwell, President. Maynard Sumner, Secretary. SOMERSET MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.-SKOWHEGAN. Incorporated 1820. - Capital, $45,000. Ebenezer H. Neil, President. James Dinsmore, Secretary and Treas- urer. E. H. Neil, E. Pearson, Joseph Patten, F. Drew, Wm. Philbrick, W. Currier, J. Dinsmore, Directors. THOMASTON MARINE AND PIRE INS. CO.-THoMAsToN. Isaac F. Chapman, President. David O'Brien, Secretary. THOMASTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO.-THon AsToN. E. Robinson, President. Wm. R. Keith, Secretary. WALDO MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.-BELFAST. James P. White, President. Nathaniel II. Bradbury, Secretary and Treasurer. WELLS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.-WELLS. Incorporated 1836. Capital, $15,000. Joshua C. Littlefield, President. Charles A. Mildram, Secretary. John Staples, Jr., Treasurer. J. C. Littlefield, Geo. Hatch, Josiah Clark, Geo. Littlefield, Jefferson W. Sargent, Directors. WISCASSET AND WOOLWICH MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY.-WooLwIcH. Nathaniel G. Gould, President. John M. Bailey, Jr., Secretary. David Bailey, Treasurer. UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY.-AGusTA. Incorporated by Legislature of Maine, 1848. Capital, $150,000. 68 State street, Boston. Charter unlimited. James Jackson, M. D., Consulting Physician. John Cauldwell Sharp, M. D., Medical Examiner. Elisha B. Pratt, President. Matthew Cobb, Vice President. Whiting H., Hollister, Secretary. Reuel Williams, Maine; John D. Lang, Maine; Charles Jones, Maine; Joseph H. Williams, Maine; Ezra White, N. Y.; George C. Collins, N. Y.; Matthew Cobb, Boston; Henry Crooker, Boston; Horatio Harris, Boston ; Edw. R. Seqomb, Boston, Daniel Sharp, Jr., Boston ; Elisha B. Pratt, Boston, Directors. 158 COLLEGES. LOAN AND FUND ASSOCIATIONS. HOPE CO1IPANY.-PoRTLAwD. Incorporated 1854. A Mutual Loan and Savings Institution, to aid persons of small means to build or purchase houses for themselves. John M. Wood, President. John Sparrow, Vice President. Isaac C. Nesmith, Secretary and Treasurer. John Milton Adams, Attorney. Wentworth P. Files, Surveyor. Edward P. Banks, William Ross, John Yeaton, Ezra Russell, Joseph B. Harding, James Bailey, John A. Waterman, Directors. PORTLAND 1MUT. LOAN AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION. Incorporated 1854. Nathaniel F. Deering, President. Edward P. Gerrish, Vice Presi- dent. Edward Shaw, Secretary. Harris C. Barnes, Surveyor. John H. Williams, Attorney. Nathaniel Ellsworth, John Purinton, James Crie, Charles Davis, Benj. Kingsbury, Jr., Thomas H. Talbot, Charles R. Coffin, Directors. COLLEGES. BOWDOIN COLLEGE, BRUNSWICK, 1854. Incorporated, 1794. . First Class graduated, 1806. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Rev. Leonard Woods, Jr., D. D., President; Rev. Ichabod Nichols, D. D., Vice President; Hon. Nathan Weston, LL. D.; Hon. Reuel Williams; Ebenezer Everett, Esq.; Hon. Ether Shepley, LL.D .; Hon. Charles Stuart Daveis, LL. D.; Hon. Daniel Goodenow; Robert H. Gardiner, Esq.; Hon. George Evans, LL. D.; Rev. Asa Cum- mings, D. D.; Hon. John S. Tenney, LL. D.; William G. Barrows, Secretary. BOARD OF OVERSEERS. Hon. Robert Pinckney Dunlap, President; Levi Cutter, Esq., Vice President ; John McKeen, Esq., Secretary; Isaac Lincoln, M. D.; Rev. Benjamin Tappan, D. D.; Rev. John Wallace Ellingwood, D. D.; Rev. Enos Merrill; Hon. Benjamin Randall ; Williams Emmons, Esq.; Frederick Allen, LL. D.; Rev. George Eliashib Adams, D. D.; Wil- mot Wood, Esq.; Hon Josiah Pierce; Hon. Philip Eastman; Rev. David Thurston; Rev. David Shepley; Hon. Samuel P. Benson ; Rev. William T. Dwight, D. D.; Rev. Eli Thurston ; James M'Keen,,M. D.; Hon. Richard JI. Vose; Allen H. Weld, M. A.; George F. Patten, 159 MAINE REGISTER. Esq.; Hon. William Pitt Fessenden; Joseph Libbey, M. A.; Seth Storer, Esq.; Rev. John W. Chickering; Hlion. Josiah Little; John M'Donald, Esq.; Rev. Richard Woodhull; Hon. William P. Haines; Phineas Barnes, Esq.; Hon. Joseph Howard ; Rev. Jonathan Clement, D. D.; Hon. James W. Bradbury ; Rev. John Wilde; Rev. John S. C. Abbott; Rev. John O. Fiske; Hon. Rufus M'Intire; Rev. Edward F. Butter; Hon. Geo. Downes; Augustus C. Robbins, Esq.; Rev. Samuel C. Fessenden; Joseph McKeen, M.A., Treasurer of the College. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT. Leonard Woods, Jr., D. D., President. Parker Cleaveland, LL. D., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Natural Philosophy. Amos Nourse, M. D., Lecturer on Obstetrics and Diseases of Wo- men and Children. William Sweetser, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. Hon. John Searle Tenney, LL. D., Professor of Law, and Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence. Alpheus S. Packard, M. A., Professor of Ancient Languages and Classical Literature. Thomas C. Upham, D. D., Professor of Mental Philosophy and Ethics, and Instructor in the Hebrew Language. William Smyth, M. A., Professor of Mathematics, and Associate Professor of Natural Philosophy. Charles A. Lee, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. -- , Professor of the Modern Languages. Edmund R. Peaslee, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. Roswell D. Hitchcock, M. A., Collins Professor of Natural and Revealed Religion. Edgart C. Smyth, M. A., Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory. Charles Carroll Everett, M. A., Provisional Tutor in Modern Lan- guages, and Librarian. Francis E. Webb, B. A., Tutor in Greek. Ephraim C. Cummings, B. A., Tutor in Latin and Mathematics. FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE. Leonard Woods, D. D., President; Parker Cleaveland, LL. D.; Alpheus S. Packard, M. A.; Thomas C. Upham, D. D.; William Smyth, M. A.; Roswell D. Hitchcock, M. A.; Egbert C. Smith, M. A.; Charles C. Everett, M. A.; Francis E. Webb, B. A.; Ephraim C. Cummings, B. A. Terms of Admission. Candidates for admission into the Freshman Class are required to write Iatin grammatically, and to be well versed in Geography, Arith- metic, six sections in Smyth's Algebra, Cicero's Select Orations, (Folsom's edition preferred); the Bucolics, Georgics and 2Eneid of Virgil; (the whole); Sallust, (Andrew's edition) ; the Gospels of the Greek Testament and (Jacobs's or Felton's) Greek Reader; together 160 COLLEGES. with Latin and Greek Prosody. They must produce certificates of their gooI moral character. The time for examination is the Friday after Commencement, and the first Thursday in the Fall Term. Candidates for admission into the other classes will be examined also in the books which have been studied by the class into which ad- mission is requested. Students from other Colleges, before they can be examined, must produce a certificate of their regular dismission. The Geography to be studied may be Morse's, Worcester's, or Wood- bridge's. There will be a special examination in Ancient Geog- raphy. N. B. Particular attention to the writing of Latin is urged as es- sential for a suitable preparation to the College Course. The exam- ination in the Grammar of the Greek and Latin Languages, including the Prosody of both, and in writing Latin, will be particular. Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, and the Greek Grammar of Sophocles, are preferred. Exercises during the Year. Weekly exercises in Declamation of all the Classes. Compositions in English of the three upper Classes. Forensic Disputations of the Juniors and Seniors. Weekly translations into Latin by the Freshman Class. Translations into English by the Sophomore Class. Two weeks, preceding the term Examinations, are spent in review of the studies of the term. Lectures. All the Year. By Prof. Stowe-On Natural and Revealed Re- ligion. Spring Term. By Prof. Cleaveland-On Chemistry, to the Senior and Junior Classes.. Summer Term. By Profs. Cleaveland and Smyth-On Natural Philosophy, to the Senior and Junior Classes. By Prof. Cleaveland-On Mineralogy, Geology and Conchology, to the Senior Class. By Prof. Smyth-On Mechanics. By Prof. Packard--On Classical Literature. Annual Expenses. Tuition, $24.00. Room rent, $10.00. Incidental charges on the College bills, $12.00. Board, $1.75 to $2.50 per week." Other ex- penses, as wood, lights, washing, use of books and furniture, $35.00. Total, $135.00. Libraries. The number of volumes in the College Library is 13,000 Medical Library 3,250 Peucinian 6,000 Athenaean 5,250 27,500 11 161 MAINE REGISTER. There are several societies connected with the College. Peucinian Society. Officers, 1854-1855. Founded, 1805. General Society. Hon. Joseph Howard, Portland, President. Hon. Joseph Titcomb, Kennebunk, Vice-President. Frederick Fox, Esq., Portland, Corres- ponding and Recording Secretary. College Society. T. A. Henderson, of Dover, N. H., Pres. Gardiner C. Vose, of Augusta, Vice Pres. E. B. Palmer, of Belfast, Secretary. Athencean Society. Founded, 1815. General Society. Erastus Foote, Esq., of Wiscasset, President. Henry Orr, Esq., of Brunswick, Cor. and Recording Secretary. College Society. T. H. Clark, of Bristol, Pres. C. E. Shaw, of New York, Vice Pres. James O. Brown, of Portland, Secretary. Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity, Alpha of Maine. Date of Charter, Oct. 25, 1824. Hon. George Evans, LL. D., President. Peleg W. Chandler, of Boston, Vice President. Phinehas Barnes, Esq., of Portland, Cor. Sec. Prof. A. S. Packard, Rec. Secretary. Historical Society of Maine. Robert H. Gardiner, Esq., of Gardiner, President. Prof. Parker, Cleaveland, Cor. Secretary. Hon. William Willis, of Portland, Rec. Secretary. Prof. A. S. Packard, Librarian. There are four secret associations, which have branches among the students of Bowdoin. These are the Alpha Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Chi Psi, and Delta Kappa Epsilon. Number of Students, 1854. Medical Students, . . . . . . 70 Senior Sophisters, . . . . . . . 88 Junior Sophisters, . ... . . . . 387 Sophomores, . . . . . . . .. 60 Freshmen, . . . . . . . . 42 177 Total, . . .. . . . . ..247 162 COLLEGES. MEDICAL SCHOOL OP MIAINE. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Leonard Woods, D. D.; Ebenezer Everett, M. A.; Isaac Lincoln, M. D.; James McKeen, M. D.; John Hubbard, M. D.; John T. Gilman, M. D. Parker Cleaveland, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. William Sweetser, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. Charles A. Lee, M. D., Lecturer on Materia Medica and The- rapeutics. Amos Nourse, M. D., Lecturer on Obstetrics and Diseases of Wo- men and Children. Hon. John S. Tenney, LL. D., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence. Edmund R. Peaslee,M. 1)., Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. Parker Cleaveland, M. D., Librarian. William H. Burleigh, A. B., Demonstrator in Anatomy. John M. Eveleth, A. M., } Assistant Dissectors. Albion P. Snow, Albion P. Snow, Clark C. Trafton, Assistant Librarians. Wm. T. White, THE MIEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE, by an Act of the Legislature, is placed under the superintendence and direction of the Boards of Trustees and Overseers of Bowdoin College. By the joint authority of these two Boards, all the degrees of M. D. are conferred. The Medical Session commences near the middle of February, annually, and continues fourteen weeks. Students, and particularly candidates for a degree, are examined either daily or weekly on the subjects of the Lectures. The Library contains about 3400 volumes, principally modern works, and, with the Anatomical Cabinet, is annually increasing. The amount of fees for the Lectures is $50, payable in advance. Graduation fee, including Diploma, $18. The Lectures continue fourteen weeks. Degrees are conferred at the close of each course of Lectures, and at the following Commencement of the College in September. The first class graduated from the Medical School in 1821. The number of students for the session of 1854 was 70. MAINE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION-OFFICERS CHOSEN, JUNE, 1854. President, - - Vice Presidents, ( Dr. H. H. Hill, Augusta, ice Pres Dr. John Benson, Waterville. Treasurer, Dr. Gilman Davis, Portland. Secretary, Dr. J. W. Ellis, Augusta. Corresponding Secretary, Dr. John D. Lincoln, Brunswick. Standing Committee, Drs. N. P. Monroe, James C. Weston, Win. Marrett, Alpheus F. Page, Charles E. Swan, N. R. Boutelle, A. J. Fuller, S. Dakes, G. W. Turner, H. C. Fessenden, J. H. Eastabrook,. H. L. K. Wiggin. 168 MAINE REGISTER. 1EDICAL ASSOCIATIOlN OP PORTLAND. Dr. John T. Gilman, President; Dr. William Wood, Dr. C. W. Thomas. Vice Presidents; Dr. Israel T. Dana, Secretary; Dr. S. B. Chase, Treasurer; Drs. G. Daveis, J. Houghton, S. H. Tewksbury, W. C. Robinson, C. S. D. Fessenden, Censors. WATERVILLE COLLEGE, 1854.--WATErVILLE. Incorporated 1820. First Class Graduated, 1822. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Rev. Robert E. Pattison, D. D., President; Hon. John Hubbard, LL. D., Vice President ; Eldridge L. Getchell, Esq., Treasurer; Rev. N. Milton Wood, Secretary; Hon Timothy, Boutelle, LL. D.; Nathan- iel Gilman, Esq.; Rev. John Butler; Rev. Adam Wilson, D. D.; Rev. James Gilpatrick; Andrew Masters, Esq.; Rev. Arthur Drinkwater; Rev. Samuel F. Smith; Byron Greenough, Esq.; Rev. Handell G. Nott; Rev. Abraham H. Granger; Rev. Samuel L. Caldwell; Hon. Josiah Pierce; Abner Coburn, Esq.; Hon. Isaac Davis, LL. D.; Sam- uel Garnsey, Esq ; Hon. Hiram Belcher; Hon. Thomas Robinson; Henry W. Paine, Esq.; Hon. Elisha M. Thurston; Rev. Joseph Ricker; Daniel Merrill, Esq.; Alpheus Shaw, Esq.; Rev. William Lamson; Moses Giddings, Esq.; George W. Keeley, LL. D.; Rev. David N. Sheldon; Rev. Lorenzo B. Allen. Faculty of Instruction. Rev. Robert E. Pattison, D. D., President, Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. Rev. James T. Champlin, A. M., Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages, and Literature. Samuel K. Smith, A. M., Professor of Rhetoric, and Librarian. Rev. Kendall Brooks, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Rev. Charles E. Hamlin, A. M., Professor of Chemistry and Natural History. Theophilus C. Arbot, A. M., Instructor in Greek and Latin. Terms of Admission. The requisites for admission to the Freshman Class are testimonials of a good moral character, a thorough acquaintance with English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Cmsar's Commentaries or Sallust, Virgil, Cice- ro's Select Orations, Latin Prosody, the making of Latin, the Gospels of the Greek Testament, Jacobs's Greek Reader, Ancient and Modern Geography, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Proportions, the doctrine of Roots and Powers, and Algebra so far as to be able to solve, equa- tions of the second degree. It is recommended to students in prepa- ration to read attentively some convenient manual of Greek and Roman History. Kuhner's Elementary Greek and Latin Grammars, includ- ing the Exercises, or Champlin's Greek Grammar, and the Latin Gram- mar of Andrews and Stoddard are required. Candidates for advanced standing are examined in the preparatory studies, and in the various branches to which the class they propose to 164 COLLEGES. enter have attended. Those who are admitted from other colleges, must present certificates of regular dismission. In all cases testimoni- als of good moral character are required. The stated times for examination are Monday and Tuesday before Commencement, and the first and second days of the first term. Partial Course. Individuals of suitable age and acquisitions, wishing to fit themselves for Mercantile, Agricultural, or any of the other active pursuits of life, will have every facility for pursuing a partial course of study, of not less than one year-they selecting such studies as they may desire. They will be required to recite with the regular college classes at least twice a day, will have free access to the Libraries and Lectures, and on leaving the institution will be entitled to a regular certificate of their respective attainments. Lectures. In connection with the regular recitations, Lectures are delivered to the several classes on the following subjects :-Chemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, Conchology, the various branches of Natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Evidences of Christianity, Greek History and Literature, Roman History and Literature, Greek and Roman Mythology, Verbal Criticism and History of the English Lan- guage, Modern History, Means of Preserving Health. Expenses. Tuition, Room-rent and use of Library, * .......... $35.00 $35.00 Incidental Expenses,............................. 5.00 5.00 Beard, from $1.00 to $1.75 per week, ............ * 39.00 to 68.25. Fuel, Washing and Lights, ................. .. 1.00 12.00 Amount, .............. . $91.00 to $120.25 The sum necessary for books, clothing and travelling expenses, will vary according to circumstances and the habits of the Students. Many of the Greek and Latin text-books can be obtained by the Students from the Library at a reasonable charge. College term bills are to be paid at the commencement of the suc- ceeding term. Persons admitted to an advanced standing, if not from another College, are required to pay back tuition; but no matricu- lation fee is exacted in any case. There are two Literary Societies supported by the Students, the- Erosophian Adelphi, and Literary Fraternity, each of which owns valua ble libraries. Erosoplian Adelphi. President, Charles F. Foster, D)orchester, Mass.; Vice President, Charles W. Sanger, Waterville; Cor. Secretary, Samuel K. Leavitt, Levant. Literary Fraternity. President, Tristram F. McFadden, Vassalboro'; Vice President, Abijah R. Crane, Fayette; Cor. Secretary, Rufus K. Marriner, Sears- mont. 165 MAINE REGISTER. These Societies unite in a public celebration on the evening previous to Commencement. Rev. David N. Sheldon, D. D., of Bath, is the Orator; and John G. Saxe, Esq., of Burlington, Vt., is the Poet for 1855. There are also two secret Societies, the Zeta Psi, and Delta Kappa Epsilon. The Boardman Missionary Society, founded in 1841, has for its ob- ject missionary inquiries and religious discussions. Volumes in Libraries. The College Library contains about ............. * * * * * *10,500 volumes. The Erosophian Adelphi " " * ....... * ** * 2,500 " The Literary Fraternity " " ....***....... 3,000 Total, about 16,000 " The number of specimens in the Cabinet is about 2,000. Number of Students, 1853-4. Seniors, ............. ....................... 6 Jniors, .........** * ** .................. ....... 80 Sophomores, .............. .........................21 Freshmen, ......* .:.... *...... ..... ................29 Partial course,..................................... 5 Total,........... *....91 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. - BANGOR. President of Trustees, Rev. John Maltby; Vice President, Rev. Da- vid Thurston; Secretary, John McDonald, Esq.; Treasurer, Eliashib Adams, Esq. Rev. Enoch Pond, D. D., Professor of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiastical History. Rev. George Shepard, D. D., Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Duties. Rev. Daniel Talcott Smith, D. D., Professor of Sacred Literature. The Theological Seminary at Bangor received its charter from the Legislature of Massachusetts, in the year 1814. It went into operation at Hampden in the Autumn of 1816. In 1819 the Institution was re- moved from Hampden to Bangor, where it is now permanently estab- lished. Its first Professors were Rev. Abijah Wines, formerly of New- port, N. H., and Mr. Jehudi Ashmun, afterwards the founder and first Governor of the Colony at Liberia. The Seminary was originally founded on the plan of the English Dissenting Institutions, combining a classical and theological course of study, which occupied the term of four years. After a few years this plan was dropped. The Classical department was separated from the Theological; the terms of admission to the Seminary proper were raised; the course of study, and the period of it, were made similar to those at Andover and Princeton. For many years the Seminary was constantly embarrassed for the want of funds, but is now relieved, in good measure, from such embar- rassments. It has three Professors, and is expected soon to add a fourth. 166 THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS. The existing Professorships are fully endowed; the buildings are in a good condition; and it has a Library of 10,000 volumes. The number of students for the last twenty years has been very uniform, rarely rising above fifty or falling below forty. This Seminary, though under the particular charge of Orthodox Congregationalists, is equally open to Christians of other denominations, and students of other denominations are always found within its walls. No Student is charged for instruction, room-rent, or use of library. Almost the only expense to the student is that of board, and he i aided very considerably in the payment of this; so that board (including washing) does not average more than a dollar a week. 'the course of study at this Seminary embraces Sacred Literature, Systematic and Pastoral Theology, Church Polity, Sacred Rhetoric and Ecclesiastical History; and is intended to be as full and as thorough as at any Seminary in the United States.. The Anniversary is on the last Wednesday in July. There is but one vacation in a year, commencing at the Anniversary and continuing twelve weeks. The proper time for admission to the Seminary is the first week in the Academical year, which commences twelve weeks from the Anni- versary. Number of Students, 1854. Resident Licentiate, ................................. 1 Senior Class, ....... ...............................19 M iddle Class, ...................................... 15 Junior Class, * * ***................................. 8 Total,**........ .......43 1YETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.-MAINE. THE M. E. CHURCH in this State is divided into two Conferences-. MAINE and EAST MAINE. Maine embraces that portion of the State West, and East Maine that East of the Kennebec River. Each Conference is divided into three Presiding Elder's Districts. Each District embraces several Stations and Circuits, amounting, in all, to 177. Connected with these Conferences, there are 184 Travel- ling and Superannuated, and 169 Local Preachers. The Church membership in the State amounts to 21,837. These Conferences have each a Seminary of learning of a high order, both in a flourishing condition and very liberally patronized. The MAINE WESLEYAN SEMINARY, located at Kent's Hill, under the management of the Maine Conference, has long held an honorable position among the institutions of learning in New England. Men, eminent for their talents, educated at this Seminary, are now filling important stations of responsibility and usefulness in nearly every State in the Union. BOARD OF EDUCATION. H. P. Torsey A. M., Principal. A. Walsh, A. M., Teacher of Clas- sical Department. J. Perry, Teacher of Penmanship. - Glidden, Teacher of Music. Mrs. E. J. Torsey, Preceptress. Miss J. A. Rob- inson, Teacher of Painting and Drawing. Miss Evelyn Wheelock, Teacher on Pianoforte. 167: MAINE REGMS TER. Terms and Vacations. The Academic year consists of two terms of fifteen weeks each. The Fall Term commences on the first Wednesday of August, and the Spring Term, on the first Wednesday of March. EAST IIAIN CONFERENCE SEIYIINARY.--BucsPORT. Incorporated 1850. OFFICERS FOR 1854- 55. President, - - J'seph Doane, Esq., - - Orrington. Vice President, - Rev. L. L. Knox, - Bucksport. Secretary, - - W. H. Pillsbury, - - - - " Treasurer, - - John J. Lee, Esq., - - - - Agent, - - Rev. Daniel H. Mansfield, - - - " BOARD OF VISITORS. Rev. R. B. Curtes, Bangor. F. A. Soule, Orrington. P. Higgins, Exeter. T. B. Tupper, Orland. T. P. French, Ellsworth. S. W. Partridge, Orono. Hiram Ruggles, do. J. R. Hours, Orland. James Bell, John B. Hill, Charles Jarvis, John Cochran, do. FACULTY. Rev. Loren L. Knox, A. M., Principal, and Teacher of Mental, Moral, tznd Natural Science. Stephen S. Nash, A. M., Teacher of Mathematics. Rev. Thomas H. Rich, A. M., Teacher of Ancient Lan- guages..Miss Jane Johnston, Preceptress, and Teacher of Modern Languages and Ornamental Branches. Miss Elizabeth Crossett, Teach- er of Music. Miss Almira Lowder, Teacher of English Branches. This institution is an enterprise of the Methodists composing the East Main Conference, embracing all the territory lying east of the Kenne- bec River. The Seminary and Boarding House are delightfihlly situ- atedin an Oak Grove, on Prospect Hill, at the upper or northern part of the village, commanding a fine view of nearly all the village harbor, Fort Knox, Prospect, Orphan Island, Long Island, Fort Point, Brigadier Island, &c.; and from the dome, in a Southerly direction, may be seen the ruins of the memorable redoubt, built by the English, in the Revolutionary war of Independence in 1776, on the heights of Castine, and occupied by them during the war. Boarding House.-The Boarding House is a new building, 100 by 40 feet, with an L 28 by 22 feet. There are 84 rooms to be occupied by Teachers and Students. They will accommodate 160 Students, besides the steward and his family. The main building, four stories, is built of brick; the L is two stories, and built of wood. Cost, about $14,000 108 ACADEMIES. ACADEMIES. ALFRED ACADEMY.-ALFRED VILLAGE. Henry W. Alen, A. M., Principal. There are two terms a year, Spring and Fall. BELGRADE TITCOIB ACADEM Y.-BELGRADE. This institution is pleasantly situated in the northern part of Bel- grade, ten miles distant from Waterville, on the line of the Androscog- gin and Kennebec Railroad, and on the stage road leading from Au- gusta to Anson. Charles K. Hutchings, Principal; Miss Hannah L. Knap, As- sistant. BENTON INSTITUTE.-BENTON. Established 1837. Nathaniel Blanchard, A. M., Principal. BERWICK ACADEIMY.-SovTH BERWICX. Francis B. Hayes, Boston, President; Hiram H. Hobbs, South Berwick, Secretary and Treasurer ; Moses H. Wells, A. M., Prin- cipal; Miss Abby T. Wells, Principal of the Female Department; Mrs. Anna R. Wells, Teacher of Spanish and German; E. H. E. Jameson, Assistant Pupil. There are four terms in the year, of eleven weeks each. Tuition, Spring and Fall Terms, each, $5.00; Summer and Winter Terms, each, $4.50. Modern Languages, Music on the Piano, and Drawing, extra. Board in private families, from $2.00 to $2.50 per week. A Library and Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus belong to the Institution. A new Academy building was erected in 1853, at an expense of more than $7000. BLUEHILL ACADEMIY.-BLUEHILL. Incorporated, 1803. J. O. Robinson, A. M., Principal; Miss Ellen M. Hinckley, Teacher of Music; Miss Ellen M. Hinckley, Miss Mary L. M. Stevens, Teachers of Drawing, Painting and Crayoning. Trustees, B. W. Hinckley, John Stevens, Joseph Hinckley, Fred- erick Parker, Daniel Osgood, Benjamin Stevens, Bluehill; Thomas Robinson, A. Peters, Ellsworth; Jacob Dodge, Surry ; A. P. Emerson, Sylvester Clapp, Harvey M. Stone, Orland. There is belonging to the Academy, a full set of Mattison's Astro- nomical Charts, of Cutter's Physiological Plates, and of .litchell's Outline Maps, which together with Philosophical Apparatus, a Calinet of Minerals and Collections in Botany and Natural History, afford tiacilities for illustrating the Sciences, not every where enjoyed. The Academy is situated in the pleasant village of Bluehill, upon the borders of Bluehill Bay-amidst scenery pronounced by Dr. Jackson to be "the most picturesque upon the coast." The prox- imity of the sea affords a salubrious air; moderates the temperature of both summer and winter, and renders the locality a desirable place of residence or resort. 16a MAINE REGISTER. CALAIS ACADEMY. Incorporated April 28, 1850. Opened Dec., 1851. G. D. King, President; Benjamin Young, Treasurer ; George W* Dyer, Secretary ; George Downes, Joseph Granger, George W. Dyer, Managers. YOUNG LADIES' HIGH SCHOOL.--CALAIs. The English branches, with the French and Latin languages, are taught in this school. There are three terms annually. Miss Emma J. Porter, Principal. CHARLESTON ACADEMIIY.-CHARLESTON. D. T. Bradford, Principal. This Academy has two terms a year, Spring and Fall. CHERRYFIELD ACADEMY.--CHRYFIELD. Incorporated, 1829. Joseph Adams, John L. Campbell, Alexander Campbell, James Small, William Wentworth, M. D., Caleb Burbank, Tristram Red- man, M. D., William Small, William B. Nash, James A. Campbell, William'Nickels, Jeremiah O. Nickels, Daniel Willey, George W. Wakefield, James W. Moore, Richard C. Campbell, William Burn- ham, Benjamin G. Ricker, Trustees. Joseph Adams, President of Trustees; William Burnham, Vice President; William Wentworth, Secretary; John L. Campbell, Treas- urer; Joseph Adams, Alexander Campbell, James Small, Visiting and Examining Committee. Henry P. Brown, A. B., Preceptor; Miss Catharine Burnham, Assistant. Invested funds, $4000. By an arrangement existing between the Union School District in Cherryfield and this Institution, such advanced scholars of said Dis- trict as the Superintending School Committee of said town may de- termine, are entitled to all the privileges of this school, and the pro- portion of money which such scholars draw from the money appropri- ated for schools by paid town, is also transferred to this school. CONY FEMALE ACADEMYY.--AvGvsTA. Daniel C. Ingraham, A. M., Principal. Miss Sarah H. Spaulding, Assistant. Mrs. P. S. Percival, Matron. This institution was founded in the year 1818, by Hon. Daniel Cony, and has been in successful operation since that time. Its Aca- demic year embraces four terms of eleven weeks each, beginning respectively on the second Wednesdays of September, December, and March, and on the first Wednesday of June. Tuition, $4 to $7. One half the tuition of pupils from out of the city is paid by the Trustees. A large and commodious boarding-house is connected with the Institution. Price of board, $1.83 per week, in- cluding furnished room, fuel, and lights. 170 ACADEMIES. CORINNA UNION ACADEMIY.-CORINNA. Incorporated 1851. Fund, $1,500. James H. Sawyer, A. M., Principal. The school is in operation throughout the year. EAST CORINTH ACADE1IY.-EAsT CORINTH. Building erected, 1843. S. B. Wilson, Principal. There are four terms in a year. The Academy building was thor- oughly repaired last year. DENNYSVILLE ACADEMIY.-DENNYsvILLE. Established 1845. It has been in operation about two-thirds of the time since it was established. PAR1MIINGTON ACADEMY. Incorporated in 1807. First instructor appointed in 1812; and has continued in successful operation since. Funds, exclusive of building and lot, $3,500. No debts. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Hon. Nathan Cutler, President. Hon. Robert Goodenow, Secretary and Treasurer. Dr. Josiah Prescott, Dr. Lafayette Perkins, Hon. Samuel Belcher, Hon. John L. Cutler, Isaac Tyler, Esq., Ebenezer Childs, Esq., Thomas Wendell, Esq., George Gage, Esq., William Costuen, Asa Abbot. Jonas Burnham, A. M., Principal. Two terms yearly, of eighteen weeks, commencing last of February and first of August. Tuition, from twenty-five to thirty-five cents per week. Average number of pupils, about 85. Chemical and philosophical apparatus, $200. POXCROFT ACADEMfIY.-FoxcorT. Incorporated 1823. Warren Johnson, A. D., Principal. Miss Helen M. Thurston, Preceptress. This Academy is pleasantly situated in Foxcroft Village, upon the main stage road from Bangor to Monson, about thirty-five miles from Bangor. The building has lately been thoroughly repaired. Particu- lar attention will be given to young gentlemen who are preparing for college. The tuition is from $2.75 to $3.75 per term. Painting and drawing, $2 extra. Instruction on the piano-forte, $5.00. Board can be obtained at the rate of $1.50 to $2.25 per week, in- cluding washing, rooms, lights, fuel, &c. The Winter Term commences the first Monday of December, and continues ten weeks. The Spring Term commences the second Mon- day preceding the first Monday of March, and continues twelve weeks. The Summer Term commences the third Monday of May, and con- tinues twelve weeks. The Fall Term commences the first Monday of September, and continues twelve weeks. 171 MAINE REGISTER. PREEDOllM ACADEMY.-FnREEDtM. This school is usually in operation Spring and Fall. GORHAM MIIALE ACADEMIY.-GoRHAM. Daniel T. Poor, Principal. GOULD'S CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEM1YY.-BETHEL. Founded 1836. Nathaniel T. True, M. D., Principal. Miss H. Maria Merrill, Associ- ate Principal. Miss Martha B. Newell, Mr. Charles W. Locke, Assistant Pupils. Miss Cyrene S. Ayer, Teacher of Instrumental Music. Mr. William H. True, Mr. Lonsville Twitchell, Teachers ofPenmanship. Miss HI. Maria Merrill, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. This Institution was founded in the year 1836 by the liberality of the inhabitants of Bethel, and has been in successful operation since that time. A valuable donation was subsequently bequeathed to the Institution by the Rev. Daniel Gould, after whom it received its name. In the year 1852, a half township of land was granted by the State, which has been carefully and successfully managed for the interests of the Institution. The income is such as to furnish an annual appropria- tion for apparatus, and improvements on the building. The building is capable of seating one hundred and fifty students. It is situated in the village at Bethel Hill, one hundred rods from the depot of the Atlantic & St. Lawrence Railroad. For beauty of loca- tion, romantic scenery, purity of air and water, its entire exemption from the damp easterly winds of the sea coast, and for the moral and intelligent character of its population, it will compare favorably with any other situation in New England. Special attention is given to those fitting for college, teaching, or the counting-room. Facilities are furnished to young ladies for acquiring a knowledge of the solid and ornamental branches. In the govern- ment and instruction of the school, such methods will be employed as shall stimulate to exertion, expand, and discipline the intellectual and moral powers. The Academic year is divided into four terms of eleven weeks. Each term will commence on the first Monday in June, September, December, March, and June, respectively, followed by a vacation of two weeks. HAMPDEN ACADEMY.-HAMPDEN. Thomas Tash, A. M., Principal. Miss Eveline Bartlett, Preceptress. Mrs. J. R. Tash, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Miss A. Jose- phine Babcock, Teacher of Music. The Academy is very pleasantly situated between the villages of Upper and Lower Hampden, on an elevated and heathful situation, sufficiently retired from the business parts bf the villages to make it a very desirable place for study. The school-rooms have recently been enlarged, thoroughly repaired, and refitted in the most approved man- ner. The villages of HIampden offer to students resorting here, the various advantages of good society, several meetings of public worship, good 172 ACADEMIES. boarding places, and very easy access from almost every quarter. Boarding places can generally be secured for those at a distance, and further particulars had on addressing the Principal. Rooms can be obtained by those wishing to board themselves, and in this way the cost of board may be much reduced. IIOULTON ACADEMY.,-HOULTON. Established 1847. William Holt, Principal. LEE NORMIAL ACADEMIY.-LEE. Chartered in 1845. Fund, $4,000. Samuel W. Matthews, Principal. LITCIFIELD LIBERAL INSTITUTE.-LITCHFIELD CORNERs. Incorporated 1845. This Institution has four terms in a year, of eleven weeks each, commencing on the first Mondays of December, March, June and September. Average annual attendance, 225 students. LIMERICK ACADEIMYI.-LIMERICK. Incorporated 1808. Silas Baker, Principal. There are four terms in a year, of eleven weeks each, beginning on the first Wednesday of December, March, June and September. A new Academy building was erected in 1851. The school is in a flourishing condition. LIMINGTON ACADEMIY.--LIMINGTON. Incorporated 1848. William G. Lord, Principal; Mrs. Mary S. Lord, Teacher Female Department; Miss Lucy C. Drew, Teacher of Music, yc. There are four terms during the year. LINCOLN ACADEMY.-NEWCASTLB. Henry M. Pierce, Principal. There are four terms a year, of eleven weeks each. MAINLEFEMALE SEMINARY.-GoRtAM. Incorporated in 1803, under the name of Gorham Academy. New charter granted and present name adopted in 1850. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Rev. J. R. Adams, President; John Waterman, M. D., Secretary; Thomas Jameson, Esq., Treasurer. INSTRUCTORS. Edward P. Weston, M. A., Principal; Isaiah Dole, M. A., Professor of Ancient Languages; Mr. Edward Church, Professor of French. Mrs. H. C. Hathaway, Lady Principal; Miss Lucy M. Wells, Miss Emeline H. Nutting, Miss Miriam L. Fiske, Miss Mary G. Goodale, Miss Angelena Jameson, Miss Mary L. Waters, Miss Nancy Pierce, Assistants. There are three terms in the year. The Spring and Summer term in 1855 will commence April 26. 173 MAINE REGISTER. MIONMOUTH ACADEMY-:MoNMOUTH. I. N. Prescott, Principal. There are two terms a year, Spring and Fall. NORRIDGEWOCK PE1IALE ACADEMY.-NORRIDGEwoCX. Miss R. B. Parsons, Miss H. J. B. Dalton, Principals. This Institution is in operation in the Summer and Fall. NORTH YARMOUTH ACADEMY .-YARMOUTH. A. B. Wiggin, Principal and Teacher of Languages; B. B. Foster, Teacher of English Branches; Martha C. Hooper, Preceptress ; Eliza- beth R. Hawes, Teacher of Music; --, 2 eacher of Draw- ing and Painting; - - , Teacher of Penmanship and Book- keeping. i umber of Assistant Pupils, 35, the same as in Normal Schools. NORWAY LIBERAL INSTITUTE.-NORWAYVILLE. Henry N. Merrill, Principal. There are four terms in the year, of eleven weeks each, commenc- ing on the first Wednesday of December, March, June and September. The location is one of the most beautiful in New England. OAK GROVE SCHOOL.-VASSALBORO'. Commenced 1850. Incorporated 1853. Franklin E. Paige, Principal ; Adelaide F. Brown, Assistant ; John W. Pinkham, Teacher of Geography. This Institution is situated half a mile from Vassalboro' Corner, eleven miles from Augusta, and is accessible by railroad, stages and steamboats. There are four terms in a year, of eleven weeks each. Tuition, from $3.50 to $5.50. Number of scholars last year, 118. OXFORD NORMAL INSTITUTE.-SovTH PARIs. Established, May 29, 1848. E. P. Hinds, Principal. This Academy is designed for a Normal School. There are two sessions a year, of fifteen weeks each. The first commencing the third Wednesday in February; the second, the second Wednesday in August. Suitable Assistant teachers are employed. Average annual attendance, 225 students. Average attendance the second session, 150. ORLAND HIGH SCHOOL.--ORLAND. Franklin W. Gross, Principal. PARSONSPIELD SEMIINARY.-BLAzo's CORNER, PARSONSPIELD. Incorporated 1832. John A. Lowell, A. B., Principal; Margarette A. Libby, Preceptress; Joseph P. Emerson, Teacher of Music. There are four terms in a year, commencing the first of December, March, June and September. Number of students in 1854, 163. 174 ACADEMIES. PATTEN ACADEMIY.-PATTEN. Ambrose Eastman, Principal. There are two terms in the year, Spring and Fall. SOMERSET ACADEMY.-ATHENs. Gilbert L. Palmer, Principal. There are four terms of this Academy in a year. The Spring Term, of eleven weeks, commences the first Monday of March. The Summer Term, of ten weeks, the second Monday of June. The Fall Term, of eleven weeks, the first Monday of September. The Winter Term, of ten weeks, the second Monday of December. STANDISH ACADE1Y.--STANDISH. Incorporated 1848. Fund, $3,750. Lucian Hunt, Principal. THORNTON ACADEMY.4 S. S. Fairfield, Gideon Tucker, Moses Emery, Thomas Cutts, Icha- bod Jordan, Jona. Tucker, John Spring, Jas. Dane, Ezra Dean, Sam'l White, Trustees. Saco Academy was incorporated February 16, 1811, and endowed at that time with half a township, consisting of 11,520 acres. In con- sequence of a donation of $1000 to its funds by the late Marshal Thornton, the Trustees gave his name to the Institution. The school is not now in operation, the Academy building having been burned. There are several thousand dollars in funds belonging to the Institu- tion, and a new building will probably be erected before long. WARREN ACADEMIY.-WARREN. Incorporated Feb. 25, 1808. A fund of $3,680 was raised by subscription, and half a township of land granted by the Legislature. The average number of pupils for the last two years has been, Spring and Fall Terms, about 60; in Winter and Summer Terms, from 30 to 40. An Assistant is employed usually in Spring and Fall. John Johnson, A. B., Principal. WASHINGTON ACADEMIY.-EAST MAcHIAS. George Downes, of Calais, President Board of Trustees; P. T. Harris, Secretary. J. Baldwin, A. M., Principal. Four terms, of eleven weeks each. WESTBROOK SEMINARY.--STEvENs PLAINS, WESTBROOK. Founded 1831. Daniel Winslow, President of Board of Trustees; W. B. Goodrich, Secretary ; Samuel Jordan, Treasurer. Rev. James P. Weston, A. M., Principal. 175 1AINE REGISTER. The Institution is well supplied with Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, and a Cabinet of Minerals, Maps, Charts, &c. A Library is also connected with the school, free to scholars. The Anniversary is on the third Wednesday in June. Expenses. TUITION, per Term of fifteen weeks.--Common English, $5.00; Higher English, $6.00; Highest English and Languages, $7.00; Penmanship, $1.00; Music Lessons on the Piano or Guitar, $6.00; Use of Piano, $2.00; Painting and Drawing at usual prices. The price of board, in private families, is from $1.50 to $ 1.75 per week, for ladies, and from $2.00 to $2.25 for gentlemen. YAR1YIOUTII INSTITUTE. Incorporated June, 1851. George Woods, A. M., Teacher of English and Modern Languages.Principals. Rev. Horatio Merrill, A. M., Teacher of Ancient Princials. Languages. J This Institution has a large and valuable Cabinet of Minerals and Shells, a well-selected Library and extensive apparatus. Teachers of Music, Drawing and Penmanship, are also employed. Expense of Board and Tuition, per terms of eleven weeks, from $23.25 to $32.50. The Register of Maine in 1852 contained some interesting information relative to the Common Schools. It was designed to give similar facts in this volume, but various causes have combined to prevent doing it as fully as was desirable. At the last session of the Maine Legislature an act was passed " to provide for the appointment of a Superintendent of Common Schools, and for County Conventions of Teachers." [See page 25.] It was not till the very last of June that an appointment to this office was made by the Governor and Council, of CHARLES A. LORD, of Portland. Owing to the lateness of his commission there was no time to arrange for any Teachers' Convention the last Fall. As the present law requires the Superintendent to take charge in person of these Conventions, fifteen in number, and to be continued a week at least, it will not be practicable to have them all at the same season of the year, as under the former Board of Education. Probhbly there will be some appointments the coming Spring, as in Massachusetts. The Superintendent's Report, submitted early in the legislative ses- sion, will not embrace the usual statistics, as only the Summer Schools have made aiy returns since the date of his commission. There are only a few County and City educational organizations in the State. The Maine Educational Association was organized in 1853. Its influ- ence has been very salutary thus far-the passage of the present law may be attributed, in part, to its exertions. At the annual meeting at Lewiston Falls, Dec. 1, 1854, Prof. James T. Champlin, of Water- ville College, was elected President, and A. B. Wiggin, of Yarmouth, Secretary. Below are a few towns from which information was obtained in re- gard to school statistics:-- 176 SCHOOL STATISTICS. 177 SCHOOL STATISTICS. Amount Bank Tax. Interest on No. of No. of Towns. Raised. School Fund. Scholars. Districts. Addison ........... 700.00...... $116.00................... 497....13 Baring ........... 350.00...... 19.00...... 57.00...... 140.... 2 Bayleyville ........ 300.00............................................... 6 Beddington ........ 170.00...... 14.00.................... 60.... 2 Bluehill............ 975.00...... 159.71...... 200.00...... 850....19 Brooklin ............ 600.00...... 79.47...... 42.00...... 466....10 Brooksville ........ 600.00...... 135.93...... 21.90...... 6588....13 Bucksport.........2,000.00...... 354.34...... 176.76......1,480....18 Calais .............3,000.00...... 525.79..... 100.00......2,267.... 7 Castine ............1,500.00...... 95.90...... 60.00...... 538.... 4 Centerville......... 95.00...... 13.00...... 45.00...... 90.... 2 Charlotte ......... 359.00...... 72.10...... 51.00...... 304.... 6 Cherryfield.........1,000.00 ...... 166.86...... 900...... 715.... 8 Codyville .......... 25.00...... 3.92...... 18.00...... 22.... 1 Columbia............ 600.00..... 83.90...... 120.00...... 526... .10 Cooper ... ........ 400.00...... - 40.38...... 162.00...... 211...., 7 Cranberry Isles..... 169.80...... 28.88 .......... .........130.... 5 Crawford ......... 300.00...... 25.27...... 30.00...... 131.... 3 Cutler.............. 400.00...... 60.00...... 144.00...... 382.... 7 Deer Isle...........1,525.00 ................... 346.03......1,460....29 Dennysville ........ 300.00...... 49.00...... 25.20...... 210.... 2 Eastbrook.......... 100.00...................... 16.00...... 75.... 3 East Machias.......1,000.00...... 127.40.................... 832.... 9 Eastport ..........3,500.00...... 438.42...................1,775.... 1 Edmunds ......... 222.40...... 33.60...... 136.00...... 144.... 6 Eliot............................. 100.00................... 750.... 8 Ellsworth .........2,900.00...... 442.00...... 92.96......1,925.....19 Frankfort .........2,500.00...... 445.80....................1,951....16 Greenfield......... 130.00...... 25.00...... 120.00...... 129.... 5 Harrington......... 500.00...... 104.61.................... 491.... 9 Jonesborough...... 250.00:..... 30.00...... 15.00...... 200.... 6 Jonesport........... 450.00...... 37.00.................... 400....11 Kennebunk ........1,350.00...... 220.00...... 218.85...... 947....12 Limerick............ 800.00...... 104.00.................... 567....10 Long.............. 60.00............... .................. 60.... 2 Lubec..............1,478.84...... ,286.50...... 75.00......1,190....11 Iachias ...........1,300.00...... 146.06y.................. 640.... 1 Machiasport........ 800.00...... 121.37.................... 560....10 Mariaville .........250.00.. 30.00...... 55.00.............. 5 Marion............. 200.00...... 18.25...... 13.00...... 90.... 3 Marshfield.......... 150.0f) .... 25.88.................... 135.... 2 Millbridge........... 600.00...... 121.00.................... 535....11 Orland ............1,000.00............................... 741....15 Pembroke.......... 907.20...*. 149.74...... 175.00...... 896....11 Perry.............. 800.00..... 95.00...... 113.00...... 575.... 13 Pike............... 400.00 .... 116.67...... 76.32...... 500.... 9 Princeton .......... 400.00...... 31.42...... 35.82...... 145.... 4 Robbinston ........1,000.00...... 129.00...... 100.00...... 720.... 8 Sedgewick ........ 617.00...... 135.47...... 59.28...... 578....10 South Berwick......1,500.00..... 183.50 ................1,000....15 Steuben .......... 516.00......108.63. .......... 476....11 Sullivan............ 410.00...... 62.00....... 102.00...... 220.... 6 Surry .............. 629.00...... 129.70...... 70.00...... 570.... 8 Swan Island........ 215.00..... 30.50................. 180.... 4 Tremont ........... 712.50.... 146.43.......................... 626....13 Waite Plantation................ 5.00...... 50.00...... 31.... 1 Wetmore Isle...... 300.00...... 39.24.................... 180.... 4 Whitneyville ....... 350.00...... 47.60..................... 201.... 1 York............ ..1,500.00......266.02..................1,1....15 12 MAINE REGISTER. CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS. Maine Charitable Mechanic Association. Incorporated June 14, 1815. Annual Meeting at Portland, first Thursday in April. A Brief Sketch of the Commencement, Progress, and Conclusion of the Industrial Exhibition of the Maine Charitable Mechanic Association, 1854. It had long been a favorite scheme of several members of the Mechanic Association of Portland, to get up a Fair and Exhibition of ingenious and tasteful articles from the Mechanic and Fine Arts, in connection with the skilful and delicate handiwork of woman. The Association had, in 1838, a Fair in the City Hall, which was continued through two or three weeks, and which brought in sufficient means to pay for the expense of getting it up, and carrying it Successfully through. It was a very satisfactory Fair for those days. (There was also an Exhibition by this Association on quite a small scale, as early as 1826.) But the members of the Association who were anxious for another Exhibition, were well aware that it must as far surpass the Exhibition of 1838, as the Portland of 1854 was in ad- vance of the Portland of 1838-or, that it had better not be under- taken. Hence they debated long and carefully upon the time, place, and mode of conducting an enterprise in which the reputation of the city was nearly as much involved as that of their Association, and of themselves as mechanics. It is now nearly if not quite three years since the Association began these sober consultations as to the necessity of some demonstration of the character just now so successfully concluded. At the first of it the great Railroad between this city and Montreal was not completed. Depending, as they intended to, a good deal upon the reciprocity of interest and friendship that would inevitably grow up between these two portions of this continent, as soon as sufficient time should elapse after the completion of this noble work, to enable the intercourse to ensue that would produce it-they wisely deferred action in the matter till this result should occur--although the subject was occasionally carefully considered at their meetings. So long ago as a year and a half since, a large committee was chosen to consider the subject at their leisure. The result of their deliberations and advice was, that the Association ought to make the effort; and as early as February last, a large and efficient Board of Managers was chosen, into whose hands the whole business of prepa- ration and arrangement was committed. At the same meeting the sum of $8000 was appropriated in order to carry it through success- fully-in ease they were not sustained in a pecuniary sense by the public. The names of the Board of Managers follow:-- H. C. Barnes, J. O. Bancroft, Charles Staples, Calvin Edwards, Charles Holden, Jos. I. Thompson, Simeon H. Higgins, William Senter, Samuel EIder, A. P. Sweetsir, H. C. Lovell, E. E. Gould, 178 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS. J. S. Wilson, Joseph Bradford, L. D. Hanson, Joseph Ring, Joseph Russell, J. E. Hodgkins, C. J. Barbour, S. H. Bragdon, Joshua Dyer, William Allen, E. P. Haines, John H. Cook, Charles Baker, John B. Coyle, John G. Hayes, Benjamin Larrabee, 2d, David Boyd, Elbridge Tobey, S. C. Chase, F. W. Bailey, E. P. Banks, William Andrews, J. R. Williken. From this Board an Executive Committee was selected, consisting of H. C. Barnes, (President,) Charles Staples, Charles Holden, Joseph Bradford, Joseph Ring, S. H. Higgins, Samuel Elder, E. E. Gould and L. D. Hanson. They were directed to issue a Circular, setting forth the objects of the Fair, and soliciting from the Machanics, Artists, and Manufacturers of the United States, and the British Possessions in North America, suitable articles for it, and a manly competition for superiority in their several departments. The ladies were not neg- lected. They were solicited to send in "their delicate and beautiful handiwork." The following is an extract from the Circular:- It has been truly said-" That no better mode of promoting the interests of the Mechanic, the Manufacturer, and the Artist has yet been devised, than to make public exhibitions of their various pro- ductions, at some central mart; as they are thus enabled to bring their several productions into extensive notice, and have an opportunity to enlarge their circle of acquaintance with those engaged in similar pur- suits. Probably no one ever visited an extensive exhibition of works of art, without being forcibly impressed with its great value to the Pub- lic." We confidently believe, therefore, that we shall be heartily met in this enterprise, by our brethren far and near, in this honorable strife for excellence in our various walks of business. The Circulars were issued in February, 1854, and were scattered to all parts of the country. The day fixed for opening the Fair was the 19th of September. The work was fairly begun. The initiatory step had been taken; and the Association waited anxiously for the result. There was now no treading back. They were in for it, and must "stand the hazard of the die." During the summer months the encouragement was very dubious. The cholera in Montreal, (to which place they had looked for large contributions,) seemed to cut off their expectations from that source. It could not be ascertained that much preparation was being made in other quarters for the great occasion. It was a day of doubt that lasted for months. But "Hope springs eternal," and so the Associa- tion marched on towards the crisis, determined to "do or die." The City Hall, and all the apartments about it unoccupied, were most generously placed at their disposal by the city authorities. Lancaster Hall was engaged. A large building to be erected in front of City Hall, 120 feet by 32 feet, was contracted for, at an expense of $1500, and a bridge forty-three feet long, built to connect this building from the second story with Lancaster Hall. There was room enough and to spare, but where were the ingenious and elegant manufactures to come from to fill them ? The lower floor of the temporary building was appropriated to machinery, and portions of the committee devoted themselves most sedulously to getting the promise of rare and curious machinery to fill it up. The result shows how well they succeeded. 179 MAINE REGISTER. When the time for the opening of the Fair had drawn on to within a few days, "the doubts and fears" of the persevering men who had taken this business in hand, "were all dissipated." The goods came pouring in from all quarters. And instead of the fear of a "beggarly account of empty boxes," the cry was "still they come," though where to bestow them all, was a serious question. Happily, indeed, they were all bestowed, under the general direction of MR. JOHN K. HooPER, who was at an early day elected Superintendent. The As- sociation was very fortunate in their selection. The arrangement and general taste displayed in that department, were admirable, and won the marked approval of many visitors. The arrangements of the Fair were not so complete as to allow it to be opened on the 19th, but on the day following-on Wednesday, the 20th of September, 1854, at 2 o'clock, P.M.-the doors were thrown open, and the bark, which had for months the anxious care of many in its construction, was fairly launched, awaiting the breeze of popular favor to waft it safely to its haven of success. This favor was fully bestowed. The universal verdict from the thousands who visited it, was, COMPLETE SUCCESS ! The Fair was continued thirty days; i. e., from the 20th of Sep- tember to the 19th of October, at 10 P. M., when it closed upon the retreating steps of a crowd of visitors, reluctant to leave its beautiful Halls. The efforts of the Association were triumphantly successful; though in a pecuniary sense, not so largely so as they deserved. The expenses of it are stated at over $5000, and the money taken at the ticket of- fice from all sources amounted to $5,600. The Association had hoped to realize some $2000 or $3000, as the foundation for the erection of a Mechanics' Hall. They deserved to have done so. In this they failed. In all other respects they were successful-and the news- paper press of the city, from day to day bore honorable testimony to their efforts and success. The Fair was visited from all parts of the State, and from other States. Excursions were run in upon the several roads, and parties from the interior were in attendance from day to day. The schools of the city were admitted, as well as the pupils from several seminaries in the interior. The Reform School also came in. The whole number of tickets taken at the door during the month of Exhibition was 24,000. This does not include season tickets to members, or other season tickets sold, or those given to contrib- utors. The Fair was no doubt visited, from all sources, by 26,000 persons. The Association wound up the important era, very appropriately, by a Grand Festival, in Lancaster Hall, on the Wednesday evening following. Thus ended the MECHANICS' FAIR of 1854, a measure that had an important bearing on the energy and spirit of our Me- chanics,-looking to their future respectability and usefulness,-and which also aided in producing an influx of strangers to the city, and a promotion, of course, of the business of our tradesmen and others, and was in all respects a useful and advantageous enterprise to all concerned. We would it had been more so. Enough, however, has been shown by it, to establish the fact that such enterprises can be as 180 CHARITABLE ASSOCIATIONS. successfully carried through here, as in larger cities, and to give rise to the hope that it may be followed, with suitable intervals between, hereafter and always, by as well conducted MEQHANICS' FAIRS and INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS. Maine Congregational Charitable Society. Rev. B. Tappan, D. D., President; Dea. S. Adams, Vice President ; Rev. R. B. Thurston, Secretary; Rev. J. W. Ellingwood, D. D., Treasurer. Colonization Society, Bath. Rev. John W. Ellenwood, President; Otis Kimball, Secretary ; Free- man Clark, Treasurer. Corban Society, Bangor. Mrs. E. Pond, President; Mrs. E. F. Duren, Secretary; Mrs. T. S. Johnson, Treasurer. Fuel Society, Bangor. F. M. Sabine, President; O. H. Ingalls, Secretary and Treasurer. Ministry at Large, Portland. Rev. Dr. Nichols, President ; Martin Gore, Thomas Chadwick, N. F. Deering, Nathan Cummings, Trustees; Jedediah Jewett, Treasurer and Secretary; Wm. H. Hadley, Minister at Large. Object-Benefit of the poor, morally and physically. Has a fund of $6000, and Preble Chapel, corner of, Preble and Cumberland streets. Institution of the Portland Dispensary, for the Medical Relief of the Poor. Fund about $1000. Winm. Willis, President; Woodbury Storer, Oliver Gerrish, James T. �McCobb, Henry B. Hart, S. A. Balkam, Harris C. Barnes, Man.- agers; Eben. Steele, Secretary; Joseph C. Noyes, Treasurer; John T. Gilman, M. D., Winm. Wood, M. D., Consulting Physicians; Winm. C. Robinson, M. D., Israel T. Dana, M. D., John C. Plummer, M. D., Vis- iting Physicians. 'Martha Washington Society, Portland, for Relief of Fam- ilies of Poor Inebriates. Mrs. H. Quincy, President; Mrs. Charles H. Lunt, Vice President; Mrs. Benjamin Kingsbury, Secretary ; Mrs. Moses Dodge, Treasure? ; Miss M. A. Kingsbury, Assistant Secretary. Bangor Female Charitable Society. Mrs. S. S. Smith, President; Mrs. A. Holton, Secretary. Bangor Orphan Asylum. Mrs. William D. Williamson, President; Mrs. Jeremiah Curtis, Vice President; Mrs. A. Barrett, Treasurer; Mrs. M. L. Appleton, Secretary. 181 MAINE REGISTER. Pemale Orphan Soeiety, Portland. Established 1828. Average number of children, 80. Mrs. J. P. Boyd, President; Mrs. W. A. H. Clapp, Vice President; Mrs. Woodbury Storer, Secretary; Miss E. Barrett, Treasurer. Portland Benevolent Society. Rev. Ichabod Nichols, President; Rev. W. T. Dwight, Vice Presi- dent ; Winm. W. Thomas, Treasurer ; Martin Gore, Secretary. Portland Marine Society. William Woodbury, President; Eliphalet Greely, Vice President; Samuel Waterhouse, Treasurer; John Sargent, Secretary. The Seamen's Home Society, Portland. Nathan Cummings, President; Philip Greely, Thomas Hammond, Joshua B. Osgood, John M. Wood, Samuel Tyler, William Chase, Charles Jones and Eben Steele, Trustees; John Chute, Treasurer ; J. P. Farrington, Secretary. Widows' Wood Society, Portland. Martin Gore, President; Harris C. Barnes, Vice President ; Jas. H. Baker, Secretary and Treasurer; Lemuel Gooding, Purchaser and Distributor of Wood; Charles Baker, Auditor. Provident Association. The object of this Association is the elevation of the poor in respect to their moral and physical condition. Oliver Gerrish, President; Eliphalet Greely, Nathan Cummings, Samuel Fessenden, Vice Presidents; Eben Steele, Treasurer; Thomas H. Talbot, Secretary; Rev. Wm. H. Hadley, Agent; Reuel Shaw, No. 289 Congress street, Store Keeper. CENTRAL OFFICE, 17 Market Square. Open daily from 9 to 12, A. M. Female Benevolent Association. An Association for the benefit of aged and indigent women. Ob- ject, to furnish a home for them. The officers of this institution are-Mrs. Dr. Dwight, 1st Directress ; Mrs. Hon. A. W. H. Clapp, 2d Directress; Mrs. P. S. T. Ten Broeck, 3d Directress; Mrs. Dearborn, Treasurer; Mrs. E. P. Lord, Secretary. Eastport Female Benevolent Society. Instituted 1820. Mrs. S. Bucknam, Directress; Mrs. E. H. Burgin, Treasurer; Mrs. D. T. Granger, Secretary. Dorcas Society, East Machias. Attached �to the BAPTIST CHURCH, for benevolent and philan- thropic objects. Mrs. A. C. Nash, President; Mrs. Mary Tobey, Treasurer ; Mrs. E. C. Chase, Secretary. 182 EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS. 183 Ladies' Benevolent Society, Milltown, Calais. Mrs. Sarah Lowell, President; Mrs. Wm. Dusen, Treasurer ; Mrs. J. R. Stanchfield, Secretary. Needle Woman's .Friend Society, Portland. Mrs. Albus, President; Mrs. Woodbury Storer, Treasurer. Relief Association of the Portland Fire Department. Organized March 7, 1848. Charles Davidson, President; H. C. Barnes, Vice President; F. C. Moody, Treasurer; John C. Tewkesbury, Secretary. EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY. ASSOCIATIONS. Maine Branch of the American Education Society. Rev. D. Thurston, Vassalboro', President; Rev. Enoch Pond, D. D., Bangor, Vice President ; Rev. R. D. Hitchcock, Secretary; Prof. Wm. Smyth, Treasurer. Maine Baptist Education Society. J. T. Champlin, President; A. Dalton, Vice President; L. King- man, China, Secretary; W. R. Prescott, Treasurer. Universalist State Educatiop Society. A. Sanborn, President; Rev. J. P. Weston, Recording Secretary; Rev. J. Harris, Corresponding Secretary. Augusta Lyceum. Benj. A. G. Fuller, President; David Fales, Vice President ; Geo. S. Mulliken, Secretary; E. Fenno, Treasurer; Rev. W. E. Arm- strong, Rev. L. G. Ware, Winm. R. Smith, Albert G. Dole, John L. Cutler, George S. Mulliken, Edward Fenno, Directors. Bangor Mechanics' Association. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1828.-Library contains 1252 volumes.- Minerals, over 620 specimens.-Curiosities, more than 300 specimens. T. H. Morse, President; John S. Sayward, Vice President; Joseph W. Humphrey, Treasurer; Wm. Strange, Secretary. Bangor Mercantile Association. Organized 1843.--Incorporated 1844.--Library contains over 4000 volumes. Samuel H. Dale, President; George K. Jewett, Vice President; John C. Flint, Secretary; F. M. Sabine, Treasurer ; Thomas Smith, Lilra- MAINE REGISTER. rian; Freeman H. Morse, Rev. David N. Sheldon, D. D., H. W. Owen, Curators. Subscribers and their families are entitled to the use of the Library. But none but subscribers, or persons living out of the city invited by subscribers, have a right to visit the Reading Room for the purpose of reading the papers. This Institution is supported by assessments of $2.50, paid semi-annually by each of the subscribers. The surplus over and above the current yearly expense, is expended in books for the Library. Bath .Lyceum. Israel Putnam, President; Charles Clapp, Jr., Vice President; E. S. J. Nealley, Secretary and Treasurer. Bucesport Social Library. H. Darling, Librarian. Castine Social Library. Charles Rogers, Treasurer and Librarian. Calais Literary Club. George W. Dyer, Librarian. Circulating Library, Machias. N. Penniman, Librarian. Columbian Debating Club, Bath. Organized 1853. Meets every Friday evening. R. F. Wylie, President; H. Welch, Vice President; D. R. Wylie, Secretary ; Geo. L. Duston, Treasurer. .Eastport Athenceum. D. T. Granger, President; G. I. G. Rice, Librarian. Number of volumes, 1,800. Elocution and Debating Club, Bath. Organized 1854. Meets every Friday evening. Charles Larrabee, President; B. Randall, Jr., Secretary. Gardiner Mechanics' Association. Organized April, 1841.--Library consists of 1000 volumes. James Nash, President; N. O. Mitchell, Vice President,; J. S. Giv- en, Secretary; John S. Wilson, Treasurer; A. M. C. Heath, Libra- rian; H. B. Hoskins, Joseph L. Mitchell, John Berry, Jr., N. O. Mitchell, S. Adlam, Jr., Directors. 184 EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY ASSOCIATIONS. 185 HIallowell Social Library. Instituted 1843.-Number of volumes, 1,650. M. C. Richardson, President; J. C. Dwight, Secretary and Treas- rer. Harper Library Association, Lewiston Falls. Number of volumes in Library, about 1,000. George Knox, President; James Drummond, Vice President; A. C. Locke, Clerk; C. Record, Secretary; George L. Drinkwater, Treasurer; C. C. Burgess, Librarian. Mechanics' Library Association, Buclksport. George W. Herbert, Librarian. Orrington Social Library Association. Established 1851. Amasa Bartlett, President; N. B. K. Lowell, Secretary; A. D. At- wood, Librarian. Patten Library Association, Bath. Incorporated 1853.-Library contains 2000 vols. George F. Patten, President; E. S. J. Nealley, Secretary; Elisha Clarke, Treasurer and Librarian; Israel Putnam, A. Nourse, John Patten, Caleb S. Jenks, Reuben Sawyer, Directors. Portland Athenceum. Incorporated 1826.-Volumes in Library, 7,260. Charles S. Daveis, President; James Merrill, Secretary and Treas- urer; James Merrill, Librarian; Phinehas Barnes, Oliver Gerrish, Jedediah Jewett, Charles Jones, Joseph C. Noyes, Directors. Portland lercantile Library Association. Organized 1851.-Number of volumes, about 1,200. Charles H. Haskell, President; Orlando M. Marrett, James S. Fil- lebrown, Vice Presidents; Charles E. Jose, Cor. Secretary; F. B. Gilman, Rec. Secretary; Eben Corey, Treasurer; James S. Mar- rett, George H. Knight, A. L. Fox, James Bailey, Isaac L.Crane, Directors. Robbinston Young Men's Literary Association. A. W. Laughlin, President; Daniel W. Briggs, Librarian. Robbinston Lyceum. W. S. Vose, Priesident; F. A. Buck, Secretary. MAINE REGISTER. .Rockland Athenaeum. Instituted 1850.--Volumes in Library, 1,200. Simon Litchfield, President; William H. Titcomb, Secretary; E. Spaulding, Librarian. Saco Athenceum. Organized 1844. Rev. J. T. G. Nichols, President; Philip Eastman, Vice President ; Joseph T. Nye, Clerk. Social Library, Machias. R. P. Porter, Librarian. Thomaston Library. Abner Rice, President; A. P. Gould, Vice President; John D. Barnard, Secretary; O. W. Jordan, Treasurer; Charles H. Smith, Librarian. Thomaston Female Library. Mrs. J. D. Swett, President; Mrs. A. P. Gould, Secretary; Mrs. George Corney, Treasurer; Mrs. J. W. Harrington, Librarian. 600 volumes. Unitarian Society's Library, Farmington. 350 volumes.-Organized December, 1852. Nathan Cutler, President; Samuel Belcher, Secretary; Isaac Tyler, Librarian. Young Men's Christian Association, Portland. Winm. C. Robinson, President; I. T. Dana, Cor. Secretary; L. D. Harmon, Rec. Secretary; George Blake, Librarian; George E. Small, Treasurer. Young Men's Debating Club, Bath. Organized 1851.--Meet every Tuesday evening. W. D. Haley, President ; B. Randall, Jr., Secretary; C. C. Donnell, Treasurer. Young Men's Library Association, of Robbinston. Thomas Brown, President; W. S. Vose, Librarian. York Mechanics' Institute, Saco. Library, 3000 volumes. George A. Warren, President; A. A. Hanson, Vice President; Thomas Quinby, Treasurer; Edwin Marsh, Librarian. 186 MAINE HISTORICAL S0CIETrY. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Incorporated 1829. Rooms, King Chapel, Bowdoin College. Robert H. Gardiner, Esq., President; Parker Cleaveland, LL. D., Corresponding Secretary ; William Willis, Esq., Recording Secretary ; John McKeen, Esq., Treasurer; Prof. Alpheus S. Packard, Librarian and Cabinet Keeper. Leonard Woods, Jr., D. D., Hon. Josiah Pierce, Parker Cleaveland, LL. D., William Willis, Esq., Hon. Robert P. Dunlap, Standing Com- mittee. By a grant of the Legislature made in 1849, the Society received a half township of land which has since been sold for $6000. The Library is annually increasing. The collection of manuscripts and pamphlets is a considerable and valuable one. Two volumes of His- torical Collections have been published, the first in 1831, and the sec- ond in 1847. PORTLAND SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY. William Wood, President; William T. Dwight, Vice President; James T. McCobb, Corresponding Secretary; S. B. Beckett, Record- ing Secretary; Edward Gould, Treasurer; Josiah Pennell, Cabinet Keeper; J. W. Chickering, John Neal, Allen Haines, Jedediah Jew- ett, Edward P. Banks, Josiah Pierce, Jr., James Merrill, Associate Managers. This deservedly popular Society was .organized in 1843, with a re- spectable Cabinet, which had been increased by continued additions of valuable articles till it contained more than six hundred mounted birds ; upwards of four thousand different species of shells, and ten or twelve thousand specimens; more than two thousand varieties of minerals; a large number of rare fossils; several cases of reptilia, crustacea, skele- tons, and preparations of animals; more than one hundred species of fishes, and numerous other specimens of interest which could not be conveniently arranged in cases. On the 8th of January, 1854, this whole Cabinet, together with the Society's choice collection of books, was consumed by fire. As there was no insurance, the loss of the So- ciety was at least twenty-five thousand dollars. We are, however, happy to learn that, through the liberality of the citizens of Portland, and other friends of science abroad, a new Cabinet has been formed, valuable in itself, and a nucleus around which, we trust, will speedily gather another still more valuable than that which was destroyed, and which will do credit to the Forest City and State. 187 MAINE REGISTER. MUSICAL ASSOCIATIONS. State Musical Association. G. W. Fairbanks, Wayne, President. J. C. Williams, North An- son; N. S. Rice, China; C. B. Brett, Strong; Church Fish, Hope; Charles Miliken, Gardiner, Vice Presidents. M. B. Sears, Winthrop; Reuben Seavey, Hallowell; William Rice, Jr., Bath, Trustees. Thos. D. Thorn, Lewiston, Recording Secretary. M. B. Sears, Winthrop, Corresponding Secretary. Joseph Marston, Waterville, Treasurer. Penobscot Musical Association. Organized at Bangor, 1848. Rev. Geo. B. Little, Bangor, President ; Joseph Forbes, Vice Presi- dent ; E. F. Duren, Bangor, Secretary and Treasurer. Portland Sacred Musical Society. Instituted, May, 1836. Incorporated, March, 1837. OFFICERS ELECTED FOR 1854. William P. Stodder, President; Charles W. Robinson, Vice President; P. W. Neal, Secretary; H. V. Bartol, Treasurer; Arthur L. Ilsley, 1st Vocal Conductor; Joseph Poor, 2d Vocal Conductor; Geo. H. Pearson, Librarian. RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS. Maine Baptist State Convention. Rev. N. M. Wood, President; Rev. C. G. Porter, Vice President; J. B. Foster, Portland, Secretary ; H. B. Hart, Portland, Treasurer. Annual Meeting for 1855 will be held at Eastport, June 19. There are thirteen County Associations, each of which holds annual meetings at places previously appointed. General Conference of Congregational Churches. Rev. David Shepley, Kennebec, Moderator; Rev. S. C. Fessenden, Rockland, Rev. S. H. Hayes, Frankfort, Secretaries. There are fourteen county conferences connected with this body. The next Annual Meeting of the General Conference will be held at Portland, June 26, 1855. Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Maine. Rt. Rev. George Burgess, D. D., Gardiner, President; Rev. Geo. E. B. Jackson, Portland, Secretary; Rev. Alexander Burgess, Port- land, Treasurer. The Annual Session, in 1855, will be holden at Christ Church, Augusta, July 11. 188 RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS. Freewill Baptist Yearly Meeting. At Rockland, August 16. There are eighteen Quarterly Meetings. Maine Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Bishop Osmon C. Baker, President; Charles E. Allen, Secretary; C C. Mason, Portland, Assistant Secretary. The Annual Session for 1855 will be at Bath, May 23. East Maine Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Bishop Beverly Waugh, President; Seba F. Wetherbee, Secretary; W. H. Pillsbui'y, Caleb D. Pillsbury, S. F. Wetherbee, P. Higgins, R. B. Curtis, Albert Church, F. A. Soule, Trustees. Place of Annual Session, for 1855, at Bangor, June 6. Maine Unitarian Association. Ichabod Nichols, D. D., Portland, President; Joseph H. Williams, Augusta, Charles S. Daveis, Portland, Vice Presidents. Universalist State Convention. J. C. Pattee, Searsport, Clerk. Meets on the last Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in June. Maine Baptist Missionary Society. Rev. A. Wilson, D. D., President ; Hon. J. Pierce, Vice President; Rev. L. B. Allen, Yarmouth, Secretary; E. Fairfield, Portland, Treas- urer. Annual Meeting, for 1855, at Eastport, on the third Wednesday in June. EMaine Missionary Society. Rev. W. T. Dwight, D. D., President; Rev. J. W. Ellingwood, D. D., Vice President ; John How, Esq., Treasurer; Rev. B. Tappan, D. D., Cor. and Rec. Secretary. Annual Meeting, for 1855, at Portland, June 27. Maine Episcopal Board of Missions. Rev. G. Slattery, Rockland, Secretary ; Robert H. Gardiner, Gardi- ner, Treasurer. Freewill Baptist Foreign lMission Society. Dexter Waterman, Farmington, N. H., President; E. Place, D. P. Harriman, F. W. Straight, Vice Presidents; Elias Hutchins, Dover, N. H., Corresponding Secretary; F. Moulton, South Berwick, Me., Re- cording Secretary; William Burr, Dover, N. H., Treasurer; Maxcy W. Burlingame, Danville, Auditor. Maine Conference (Meth. Episcopal) Missionary Society. Bishop Osmon C. Baker, President; Ezekiel Robinson, Vice Presi- dent; A. F. Barnard, Secretary; H. M. Blake, Treasurer. 55, at the time of the Maine Conference. 189 3MAINE REGISTER. East Maine Conference (Meth. Epis.) Missionary Society. Bishop Beverly Waugh, President; Rev. William Marsh, Vice Presi- dent; Rev. E. A. Helmershausen, Secretary; Rev. E. H. Whitney, Treasurer. Meets at Bangor, in 1855, at the time of the East Maine Conference. Universalist State Missionary Society. Hon. L. Cutler, President; S. H. Colesworthy, Recording Secretary ; Rev. C. R. Moor, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. C. S. Hussey, and D. T. Stevens, Missionaries. American Board of Commissioners of Foreign lMissions. Receiving Agents in Maine. Bangor, E. F. Duren ; Bath, Rev. J. W. Ellingwood, D. D.; Hal- lowell, B. Nason; Norridgewock, Calvin Selden; Portland, Daniel Evans. Aroostook County Bible Society. T. G. Hall, Treasurer. Bangor Young Men's Bible Society. Geo. R. Smith, President; F. M. Sabine, Vice President; T. A. Hatch, Secretary ; E. F. Duren, Treasurer and Depositary. Bath Marine Bible Society. Rev. John W. Ellingwood, D. D., President; Zina Hyde, Rev. John O. Fiske, Vice Presidents; M. F. Gannett, Corresponding Secre- tary and Treasurer; Ammi Mitchell, Recording Secretary. Hancock County Bible Society. Sewall Watson, Treasurer. Maine Bible Society. Rev. J. W. Chickering, President; Rev. Thos. B. Ripley, Cor. Sec- retary; Daniel Evans, do., Treasurer. Penobscot County Bible Society. Romulus Haskins, Secretary. Somerset County Bible Society. Calvin Selden, President; Rev. H. S. Downs, Cor. Secretary; Wil- liam Allen, Treasurer. Union Conference Bible Society. Rev. J. A. DouglassPresident; Philip Eastman, Treasurer. 190 TEMPERANCE. Waldo County Bible Society. Jeremiah Merrithew, President; Rev. E. F. Cutter, Cor. Secretary; W. Davis, Treasurer. York County Bible Society. Rev. B. R. Allen, President; Rev. Winm. H. Wilcox, Secretary; Wm. G. Conant, Treasurer and Libarian. Universalist State Tract Society. Hon. Joseph Barrett, President ; Rev. R. Blacker, Recording Sec- retary; Rev. H. C. Leonard, Corresponding Secretary. TEMPERANCE IN MAINE. [The following interesting article was furnished by a friend of the tempe- rance cause.] The "Maine Liquor Law," as it is called, was approved by the Governor, June, 2, 1851. At the time of its passage, there were supposed to be in the city of Portland, from two hundred to three hundred shops, and other places, where intoxicating liquors were sold openly to all comers. At the time of the passage of the Law, there was one distillery, and another was in progress of erection, on a very large scale. Operations on the latter were promptly stopped, and the other was demolished. There were, at that time, several wholesale dealers, but their business ceased entirely when the law went into operation. At the present time there is not a distillery or a wholesale dealer of liquors in the State. There has been no act of any State Legislature, which has at- tracted so much of the attention of the people of New England, and the whole country, as this; because it is well understood that the operation of it, upon the various interests of the State, must be in the highest degree salutary; and it was the first effectual legislative measure in a line of policy, which has been followed by all the New England States, (save New Hampshire.) The salutary effects of the Law are more immediately seen in those departments of affairs which fall under the care of the police, and the returns of commitments to the watch-house and House of 191 MAINE REGISTER. Correction. Says Hon. Neal Dow, of Portland, in one of his reports, as Mayor:-- "I think it is not an exaggeration to say that the quantity of intoxicating liquors now sold in this city, except by the City Agent, is not one fiftieth part so great as it was seven months ago, and the salutary effects of this great improvement, are apparent among the people in all parts of the city. The amount of liquors consumed in this State, I think, is not one quarter so great as it was seven months ago; and it will become less very rapidly. The illegal traffic in many towns in the State is entirely banished." The following returns from the Master of the House of Correction, show the effects of the Law upon that establishment:- "Number committed to House of Correction for drunkenness, from June 1, 1850, to December 1, 1850, (six months,) was 40. Number committed from January 1, to May 31, 1851, (five months,) was 34. From June 1, (the Law was approved June 2,) to October 16, was 8. From October 16, to December 31, NONE ! From June 1, to December 31, (seven months,) 8. THE Housu Or CORRECTION Is NOW EMPTY !! " The Master of the Alms House adds :--" That he formerly had great trouble from paupers out at work, or on leave, who would return in a state of intoxication, which was an every day occurrence; but for months past he has not had a case of this kind, and on the day of the cattle show, he let them all out on leave, and all returned perfectly sober." The number of commitments to the Jail of this county fpr drunk. enness, assault, and larceny, from June 1, to December 31, 1850, was 192; for the same months of 1851, the number was 89; and for these months of 1851, 58 of those imprisoned were liquor sellers, while in 1850, there were none. The Law was in operation here pretty well by the 1st of August, 1851, and from that time to December 81, there were 9 commitments for larceny; and for the corresponding months of 1850, there were 16 commitments for the: same offence. The whole number of convictions before our Municipal Court, under this Law, for selling intoxicating liquors, was 101; and the amount of fines imposed for that offence, was $1,310; amount of fines for keeping liqnors with intent to sell, $360; amount of costs 192 TEMPERANCE. in cases of selling and keeping, $373.35; whole amount of fines and costs, $2,043.35. The whole number of seizures of intoxicating liquors has been about fifty, and the market value of the liquors seized was not far from $5000. Mr. Mitchell, who has been City Missionary for many years, and has had under his supervision from six hundred and fifty to seven hundred families, says that not one-twentieth of the intemperate drink- ing can now be found, that existed when the " Maine Law " went into effect; and he does not recollect more thazi five or six cases, for six months past, of complaifts of wives, that their husbands drink too much; in many inveterate cases, which he knows, where both husband and wife drank to excess, they are entirely reformed through the effects of the Law and are living happily together. Mr. Iladley, Minister at Large, says that his intercourse is with the poorest part of the population who are out of the Alms House, and especially the intemperate. The calls made on him for assist- ance, since the Law went into operation, have been less than one- seventh ; and the cases where relief was actually afforded, were just one-sixth as many as they were during a corresponding number of months in 1850; and the amount given in three months of 1851, was $1 to $5.372 given in the corresponding period of 1850. These results he obtains from a careful examination of his books, and attributes the difference entirely to the favorable operation of this Law upon the habits and domestic economy of the people. These statements, collected from various sources, all pointing sig- nificantly in one direction, cannot fail to satisfy the most casual ob- server that the operations of the " Maine Law," if steadily enforced, will sweep away a large proportion of the poverty, pauperism, crime and suffering with which we have been afflicted, the result of the traffic in strong drink. The foregoing statements relate to the city of Portland, under Mayor I)ow's administration. What is true of Portland is true of all other parts of the State, where the law has been vigorously en- forced. If there are any towns or cities where the traffic still exists, it is no fault of the Law, but the guilt of its continuance rests upon those, who in power, have sworn to faithfully execute all laws, and neglect to do it. 13 193 MAINE REGISTER. MAINE TEMPERANCE UNION. OrrICRs.-- Neal Dow, Portland, Pres. Ezekiel Holmes, Winthrop, Vice Pres. George H. Shirley, Portland, Sec'y. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. OFFICERS OP THE GRAND DIVISION OP MAINE. Elected Oct. 25, 1854. Sydney Perham, Woodstock, Grand Worthy Patriarch. Syl- vanus I. Roberts, Prospect, Grand Worthy Associate. Hiram K. Morrell, Gardiner, Grand Scribe. Alvin 'M. C. IHeathe, Gardi- ner, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Jerome Harris, Prospect, Grand Chaplain. Hiram Hatch, Rockland, Grand Conductor. Ama- riah H. Barnes, Levant, Grand Sentinel. The Grand Division meets quarterly, in different parts of the State. There are about one hundred Subordinate Divisions located in different parts of the State, which meet weekly. This Order is in a healthy and very flourishing condition. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RECHABITES. MAINE DISTRICT TENT. OFFICER. - Thomas E. Jackson, Bath, Past Chief Ruler. Rufus P. Tapley, Saco, Chief.Ruler. George H. Wilson, Port- land, Deputy Ruler. -- , Saco, Recording Secretary. E. C. Andrews, Portland, Financial Secretary. Allen Lincoln, Gray, Treasurer. - - , Saco, Levite. There are several Subordinate Tents in various parts of the State. CITIZENS' TEMPERANCE SOCIETY.--BATH. James Oliver, Pres. Howard P. Wiggin, Sec'y. Peleg Wads- worth, Rev. P. Jaques, James M. Lincoln, Executive Committee. WASHINGTON TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY.-PORTLAND. Nathaniel Redlon, Pres. B. F. Thorndike, Vice Pres. John Ayers, Jr., Treas. H. Atwood, Jr., Sec'y. 194 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. American Pomological Society. Henry Little, Bangor, Chairman; Stephen L. Goodale, Saco; Ezekiel Holmes, Winthrop; Alexander Johnson, Wiscasset; Daniel Taber, Vassalboro', Maine State Committee. Aroostook County Agricultural Society. No returns. Androscoggin County Agricultural Society. Elijah Barrell, President. Wm. Neal, Daniel Pierce, Vice Presi- dents. Wm. R. Wright, Lewiston, Rec. Secretary. Wmin. R Frye, Lewiston, Cor. Secretary. Mark Lowell, Treasurer. E. Ham, Agent. John Frye, Augustus Sprague, Robert Martin, Francis F. Purrington, J. Strout, Trustees. Elijah Barrell, Member Board of Agriculture. Bangor Horticultural Society. J. Wingate Carr, President ; Albert Noyes, Vice President; John H. Lynde, Bangor, Rec. Sec.; Henry Little, Cor. Sec.; John E. Godfrey, Treasurer; J. C. Weston, Orrin Favor, S. S. Smith, Executive Com. Cumberland County Agricultural Society. Samuel F. Perley, Naples, president. E. G. Buxton, Yarmouth; S. B. Beckett, Portland; John Sawyer, Raymond; George F. Foster, Harrison, Vice Presidents. Sewall N. Gross, New Gloucester, Rec. Sec. G. W. Woodman, Portland, Treasurer and Collector. John P. Perley, Bridgton, John Anderson, Gorham; Isaac Jones, Brunswick; Daniel Weston, Otisfield; Caleb Hodgdon, Gorham, Associate Managers. Samuel F. Perley, Member of Board of Agriculture. East Somerset Agricultural Society. Eleazer Crocker, President. William Folsom, Hartland, Secretary. Win. Folsom, James Fuller, B. F. 'Furber B. S. Judkins, J. S. Davis, Trustees. Wm. H. Folsom, Member Board of Agriculture. Franklin County Agricultural Society. Nathaniel Woods, President. Joseph Dyer, Vice President. O. L. Currier, Farmington, Rec. Secretary. I. C. Morrell, Cor. Secretary. H. B. Stoyell, Treasurer and Collector. Nathan Goodridge, Charles K. Adams, Oliver Sewall, Hiram Russ, J. S. Chandler, Trustees. Hancock County Agricultural Society. No returns. Kennebec County Agricultural Society. Francis Fuller, President. Joseph H. Underwood, Nathaniel Rob- inson, Dudley Harris, Vice Presidents. E. Holmes, Winthrop, ::Cor. Sec'y. R. Eaton, Treasurer. E O. Bean, Readfield, Rec. Secre ny. 195 MAINE REGISTER. 1). A. Fairbanks, H. B. Lovejoy, Josiah W. Fogg, Trustees. S. N. Watson, Agent and Librarian. E. Holmes, Mem. Board of Agriculture. Lincoln County Agricultural Society. No returns. Alexander Johnston, Jr., Wiscasset, Member of Board of Agriculture, 1854. Maine Board of Agriculture. Henry Little, Bangor, President. E. Holmes, Winthrop, Secretary. Maine Pomological and Horticultural Society. Incorporated 1854, and instituted to seek out and make more pub- licly known, native seedling fruits of Maine, and to promote fruit cul- ture and horticulture in the State. Ezekiel Holmes, Winthrop, President. D. A. Fairbanks, Augusta, Recording Secretary. Henry Little, Penobscot Co.; John W. Adams, Cumberland; FiPd- eric Wingate, Kennebec; A. Johnston, Jr., Lincoln; B. T. Dinsmore, Somerset; Alex. McIntyre, York; N. T. True, Oxford ; P. Simonton, Waldo ; J. S. Swift, Franklin; Win. D. Dana, Washington ; C. Cham- berlain, Piscataquis ; , Hancock; - , Aroostook; John C. Briggs, Androscoggin; Abraham Preble, Sagadahoc. S. L. Goodale, Saco, Corresponding Secretary. R. Eaton, Augusta, Treasurer and Librarian. Nathan Foster, Gardiner; Daniel Taber, Vassalboro'; S. L. Goodale, Saco, Trustees. D. Taber, F. Wingate, J. W. Adams, D. M. Watson, Samuel Aus- tin, Standing Committee on Fruit. D. A. Fairbanks, Augusta, Member of the Board of Agriculture. North Franklin Agricultural Society. Benj. F. Eastman, President. Benjamin H. Davis, Adam Hunter, Joshua Sprague, Elbridge True, Vice Presidents. Edward K. Hitch- cock, Cor. Secretary. Mason W. Dutton, Phillips, Rec. Secretary. Enoch Craig, Thomas Ellsworth, Peter A. J. Norton, William H. Josselyn, Ambrose Willard, Trustees. B. F. Eastman, Member Board of Agriculture. North Kennebec Agricultural Society. Thomas S. Lang, President. Henry Jaquith, I. H. Drummond, Vice Presidents. William Dyer, Waterville, Secretary. J. Percival, Treasurer. E. Maxham, Agent. J. W. Britton, Ezra Pray, Josiah Morrill, Bradford Sawtelle, Trustees. North Penobscot Agricultural Society. Asa Smith, President. W. R. Hersey, E. Bradford, N. Jordan, Vice Presidents. David S. Plumly, Treasurer. J. A. Whittier, Agent and Librarian. J. A. Whittier, North Penobscot, Rec. Secretary. North Aroostook Agricultural Society. John Allen, President. I. N. Treworthy, Isaac F. Ellis, Wm. G. Merchant, Vice President. C. H. Ellis, Maple Grove, Rec. and Cor. 196 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. Secretary. Joel Bean, Treasurer. W. A. Vaughan, Agent. S. B. Pattee, J. D. Pike, Ivory Hardison, Trustees. John Allen, Member Board of Agriculture. Oxford County Agricultural Society. No returns. Sidney Perham, Woodstock, ilember of Board of Agriculture, 1854. Piscataquis Central Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Hon. Joseph Kelsey, President. P. S. Lowell, Leonard Robinson, Charles Loring, Vice Presidents. W. N. Thompson, Treasurer. L. Chamberlain, Secretary. E. B. Averill, Wm. G. Clark, B. F. Wilbur, Trustees. Penobscot County Agricultural Society. F. A. Butman, President. Nathaniel Bryant, S. W. Knight, Vice Presidents. Isaac W. Case, Kenduskeag, Cor. and Rec. Secretary. E. F. Crane, Treasurer. John Cutler, G. G. Cushman, Lowell Mars- ton, Trustees. John S. Sayward, Agent. Lowell Marston, Member Board of Agriculture. Penobscot and Aroostook Union Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Alfred Cushman, President. M. L. Gerry, James Brown, J. W. Robinson, Vice Presidents. S. Robinson, No. 3, Aroostook, Rec. Sec'y. H. N. Darling, Cor. Secretary. Dr. Luther Rogers, Treasurer and Collector. James S. Mitchell, Theodore Trafton, Peter Milmore, James Brown, Rev. Ephraim Fobes, Patrick McAvoy, B. F. White- house, Trustees. Somerset Central Agricultural Society. Samuel W. Coburn, President. Eusebius Weston, Vice President. James B. Dascomb, Secretary. Eben H. Neil, Treasurer. Nathaniel Malbon, John Whiting, Ruel Weston, Trustees. Samuel W. Coburn, Member Board of Agriculture. Sagadalhoc Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Incorporated 1854. Francis T. Purington, Topsham, President. Nelson Ham, West Bath; Tallman Lowell, Phipsburg; John II. Thompson, Topsham, Vice Presidents. S. F. Dike, Bath ; Wm. Patten, Topsham ; Benj. M. Brown, W. Bath; Isaac S. Cotton, Bowdoin, Trustees. Rev. S. F. Dike, Bath, Cor. Sec. A. J. Fuller, Rec. Sec. Elisha Clarke, Treasurer and Collector. S. F. Dike, Bath, Member of Board of Agriculture. South Kennebec Agricultural Society. Nathan Foster, President. John Neal, Wm. S. Grant, Oliver S. Edwards, Vice Presidents. J. W. Hanson, Gardiner, Cor. Secretary. George M. Atwood, Gardiner, Rec. Secretary. James M. Carpenter, Treasurer. N. Foster, George Williamson, Daniel Lancaster, Trustees. Nathan Foster, Member Board of Agriculture. 197 MAINE REGISTER. Waldo County Agricultural Society. Isaac Carver, President. Thomas W. Cupningham, S. S. Heagan, Vice Presidents. Isaac Allard, Belfast, Secretary. Winm. T. Colburn, Treasurer., John Heagan, Horace McKenney, Jesse IH. Frye, Thos. B. Hussey, Trustees. Horace McKenney, Member Board of Agricul- ture. West Somerset Agricultural Society. Wm. R. Flint, President. Wm. W. Waugh, Vice President. Wm. Lancaster, Madison, Secretary and Treasurer. Nathan Weston, James G. Waugh, Rufus Bixby, S. W. Pinkham, G. W. Blackwell, Trustees, James G. Waugh, Member Board of Agriculture. Washington County Agricultural Society. Nathan Pettingell, Pembroke, President. Wm. D. Dana, Perry, Secretary. John Kilby, Dennysville, Treasurer. West Oxford Agricultural Society. James Hobbs, Jr., Lovell, President., David Colcord, Porter, Vice Pres. George B. Barrows, Fryeburg, Secretary and Librarian. Rev. C. Hurd, Fryeburg, Cor. Secretary. James Walker, Fryeburg, Treas- urer. Nathaniel Charles, Fryeburg; E. G. Kimball, Lovell; Stephen Irish, Stow; Thomas Chute, Sweden; Moses Howard, Brownfield; Thomas Mabry, Hiram; Joseph I-I. Stanley, Porter; Wm. F. Davis, Denmark; James Walker, Fryeburg, Trustees. West Lincoln Agricultural Society. No returns. Elijah Barrell, Greene, Member of Board of Agricul- ture, 1854. York County Agricultural Society. Rufus McIntyre, President. Thomas Dyer, 3d, James Smith, Jr., Abiel Hall, William Swasey, Vice Presidents. A. A. Hanscom, Record- ing Secretary and Librarian. S. L. Goodale, Saco, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. R. McIntyre, Elijah Hayes, William Noyes, B. E. Cutter, Daniel Dennet, Trustees. S. L. Goodale, Member of Board of Agriculture. MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. GRAND LODGE OF MAINE. OFFICERS ELECTED MAY 5, 1854, AT THE ANNUAL COMMUNICATION HELD AT PORTLAND. M. W. Timothy Chase, of Belfast, Grand Master. R. W. Jabez True, of Bangor, Dep. Grand Master. " Ezra B. French, of Damariscotta, Senior Grand Warden. " Thomas B. Johnston, of Wiscasset, Jun. Grand Warden. 198 MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. R. W. Moses Dodge, of Portland, Grand Treasurer. " Charles B. Smith, of Portland, Rec. Grand Secretary. " E. A. Chadwick, of Gardiner, Cor. Grand Secretary. W. & Rev. Cyrus Cummings of Portland, S " Cyrils Pearl, of Baldwin, " Joseph Hutchinson, of Brunswick, Grand " " Caleb D. Pillsbury, I Chaplains. " " Uriah Balkham, J W. Stephen B. Dockman, Grand Marshal. " Ebenezer G. Rawson, of Bangor, Sen. Grand Deacon. " John H. Willard, Junior Grand Deacon. " J. D. Warren, ' " J. M. Crooker, G. Stewards. " O. A. Merrill, " J. J. Bell, " J. C. Boynton, G. Prsuivants " John B, Sweat, G. Pursuivants, " William Allen, G. Sword Bearer. " John H. Willard, Trustees of the " William Allen, Charity Fund. " Freeman Bradford, Committee " Abner B. Thompson, ~ of " Jonathan Smith, Finance. Bro. John Dain, G. Tyler. NAME AND LOCATION OF SUBORDINATE LODGES. NO. NAME. LOCATION. 1, Portland, Portland. 2, Warren,-East Machias. 3, Lincoln, Wiscasset. 4, Hancock, Castine. 5, Kennebec, Hallowell. 6, Amity, Camden. 7, Eastern, Eastport. 8, United, Brunswick. 9, Saco, Saco. 10, Rising Virtue, Bangor. 11, Fryeburg. 12, Cumberland, N. Gloucester. 13, Oriental, Bridgton. 14, Solar, Bath. 15, Orient, Thomaston. 16, St. George, Warren. 17, Ancient Landmark, Portland. 18, Oxford, Paris. 19, Felicity, Bucksport. 20, Maine, Farmington. 21, Oriental Star, Livermore. 22, York, Kennebunk. 23, Freeport, Freeport. 24, Phoenix, Belfast. NO. NAME. LOCATION. 25, Temple, Winthrop. 26, Village, Bowdoinham. 27, Adoniram, Limington. 28, Northern Star, Anson. 29, Tranquil, Danville. 30, Blazing Star, Rumford. 31, Union, Union. 32, Herman, Gardiner. 33, Waterville, Waterville. 34, Somerset, Skowhegan. 35, Bethlehem, Augusta. 36, Casco, Yarmouth. 37, Washington, Lubec. 38, Harmony, Gorham. 39, Penobscot, Dexter. 40, Lygonia, Ellsworth. 41, Morning Star, Litclfeld. 42, Freedom, Limerick. 43, Alma, Damariscotta. 44, Piscataquis, Sebec. 45, Central, China. 46, St. Croix, Calais. 47, Buxton, Buxton. 48, Lafayette, Readfield. 191 MAINE REGISTER. 49, Meridian Splendor, Newport. 50, Aurora, Rockland. 51, St. Johns, S. Berwick. 52, Mosaic, Dover. 53, Rural, Sidney. 54, Vassalboro', Vassalboro'. 55, Fraternal, Shapleigh. 56, Mt. Moriah, Denmark. 57, King Hiram, Dixfield. 58, Unity, Freedom. 59, Mt. Hope, Hope. 60, Star in the East, Oldtown. 61, King Solomon's, Waldoboro'. 62, King David's, Lincolnville. 63, Richmond, Richmond. 64, Pacific Lodge, Stetson. 65, Mystic Lodge, Hampden. 66, Mechanics' Lodge, Orono. 67, Blue Mountain Lodge, Phillips. 68, Mariner's, Searsport. 69, 'Howard, Frankfort. 70, Steep Falls, Standish. 71, Rising Sun, Orland. 72, Pioneer, Plantation No. 11. 73, Tyrian, Minot. 74, Bristol, Bristol. 75, Plymouth, Plymouth. 76, Arundel, Kennebunkport. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF MAINE. M. E. Sir Knight Charles B. Smith, of Portland, G. M. Joseph C. Stephens, of Bangor, D. G. M. " " " " Freeman Bradford, Portland, G. Generalissimo. E. " " John Williams, of Bangor, G. C. General. " Cyrus Cummings, of Portland, G. Prelate. " " Timothy Chase, of Belfast, G. S. Warden. Jabez True, of Bangor, G. J. Warden. " " Moses Dodge, of Portland, G. Recorder. " " Charles Fobes, of Portland, G. Treasurer. " " Thomas B. Johnston, of Wiscasset, G. S. Bearer. " " Lewis Barker, of Stetson, G. Sword Bearer. " " John I. Bell, of Carmel, G. Warder. " " John Russell, Jr., of Portland, G. Marshal. Isaac Davis, of Portland, G Sentinel. SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS. Maine Encampment No. 1. M. E. Sir Charles B. Smith, G. C. Sir A. L. Emerson Clapp, Rec. Portland Encampment, No. 2. M. E. Sir Moses Dodge, Grand Commander. Sir Richard W. Kennard, Recorder. St. John's Encampment, No. 3. M. E. Sir Joseph C. Stevens, G. C. Sir Silas Alden, Rec. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF MAINE. OFFICERS. Installed May, 1854. M. E. Timothy Chase, Belfast, " Abner B. Thompson, Brunswick, " Joseph C. Stevens, Bangor, G. H. P. D. G. H.P. G. K. 200 MA SONIC INSTITUTIONS. M. E. Edmund A. Chadwick, Gardiner, G. S. " Oliver Gerrish, Portland, G. Treasurer. " Ira Berry, Portland, G. Secretary. " Thomas B. Johnston, Wiscasset, G. Marshal. Rev, and E. Com. Eaton Shaw, Portland, B. C. Manson, " " " " Cyrus Cummings, Portland, G. Chaplains. " " " " William Willian, Bangor, Cyril Pearl, Com. Moses Dodge, Portland, " J. D. Warren, " John J. Bell, Carmel, G. Stewards. Joseph S. Noyes, Belfast, " Isaac Davis, Portland, G. Sentinel. ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS. Mount Vernon Chapter, Portland.-Chartered 1805. Freeman Bradford, High Priest; Cyrus Cummings, Secretary. Regular communication 3d Monday of each month. Montgomery Chapter, Brunswick.- Chartered 1819. John D. Lincoln, High Priest; John Greenleaf, Secretary. Regu- lar communication Wednesday next before full moon. New Jerusalem Chapter, Wiscasset.--Chartered 1820. Henry Clark, High Priest; James Taylor, Secretary. Regular communication Tuesday on or before full moon. Jerusalem Chapter, .Hallowell.--Chartered 1820. E. A. Chadwick, High Priest; J. H. Patterson, Secretary. Regular communication Thursday on or before full moon. York Chapter, Saco.-Chartered 1828. Daniel B. Emerson, High Priest ; Edward P. Burnham, Secretary. Regular communication 2d Wednesday of each month. Mt. 1Moriah Chapter, Bangor.-Chartered 1829. William H. Mills, High Priest; George W. Snow, Secretary. Reg- ular communication Thursday, on or before full moon. Corinthian Chapter, Belfast.-Chartered 1849. Nathan C. Fletcher, High Priest; Athea Page, Secretary. Regular communication Thursday, on or before full moon. King Solomon's Chapter, Rockland.- Chartered, 1849. Stephen B. Dockham, High Priest; E. H. Cochran, Secretary. Regular communication Thursday, after full moon. 201 MAINE REGISTER. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. R. W. Grand Encampment-Annual Meeting in July. M. W. Seth E. Benson, Bangor, Grand Patriarch. M. E. George W. Nichols, Biddeford, Grand High Priest. R. W. Sewall C. Strout, Portland, Grand 'enior . Warden. R. W. Benj. Kingsbury, Jr., Portland, Grand Scribe. " Micah Sampson, Portland, Grand Treasurer. " William Hartshorn, Portland, Grand Junior Warden. " Nathaniel F. Deering, Portland, Grand Representative to Grand Lodge of the United States. OFF IC ERS OF THE R. W. GRAND LODGE OF MAINE, ELECTED AT TIlE ANNIUAL SESSION, JULY, 1854. Joseph Burton, Augusta, Grand Master. John Colby, Kennebunk, Deputy Grand Master. A. T. C. Dodge, Grand Warden. Benj. Kingsbury, Jr., Portland, Grand Secretary. Cyrus Cummings, Portland, Grand Treasurer. Rev. Cyrus Cummings, Grand Chaplain. Edward P. Banks, Portland, Grand Representative. Luther F. Pingree, W. Grand Marshal. Andrew Libby, W. I. Grand Guardian. William E. Kimball, W. O. Grand Guardian. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTERS. District No. 1, John Cobby, ex officio. 2, H. S. Clay, Saccarappa. " " 3, William P. Leavitt, Brownfield. " " 4, Asher Ellis, Brunswick. 5, George Latham, Lewiston. " " 6, Grand Master, (ex off.) " " 7, Albert Moore, North Anson. " " 8, Samuel Woodward, Damariscotta. 9, George Crawford, Thomaston. " " 10, Henry. G. Morgan, Frankfort. 11,. Benj. Swett, Bangor. ' " 12, S. B. Straw, Bangor, " 13, Benj. A. Keyes, Orland. 14, Ivory J. Robinson, Machias. 15, Stephen S. Hawes, Union. " " 16, A. P. Spooner, New Portland. 202 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Synopsis of Returns to the Bight Worthy Grand Lodge of the State of Maine,for the year ending April 1, 1854. Lodges. Towns. Counties. Times of Meeting. Maine, No. 1 Portland, Cumberland, Monday. Saco, 2 Saco, York, Tuesday. Georgian, 3 Thomaston, Lincoln, Monday. Ancient Brothers', 4 Portland, Cumberland Thursday. Ligonia, 5 Portland, Cumberland, Tuesday. Sabattis, 6 Augusta, Kennebec, Penobscot, 7 Bangor, Penobscot, Thursday. Relief, 8 Rockland, Lincoln, Friday. Lincoln, 10 Bath, Sagadahoc, Monday. Saccarappa, 11 Saccarappa, Cumberland, Wednesday. Kenduskeag, 12 Bangor, Penobscot, Monday. Pejepscot, 13 Brunswick, Cumberland, Thursday. Passagassawakeag, 15 Belfast, Waldo, Monday. Orono, 18 Orono, Penobscot, Saturday. Passamaquoddy, 19 Eastport, Washington, Monday. Harrison, 20 Harrison, Cumberland, Medomac, 22 Waldoboro', Lincoln, Tuesday. Schoodiac, 23 Calais, Washington, Tuesday. Androscoggin, 24 Lewiston, Androscoggin, Friday. Mousam, 26 Kennebunk, York, Thursday. Tarratine, 27 Oldtown, Penobscot, Friday. Olive Branch, 28 S. Berwick, York, Friday. Katahdin, 29 Dover, Piscataquis, Friday. Cumberland, 30 Bridgton C'tre,: Cumberland, Saturday. Damariscotta, 32 Nobleboro', Lincoln, Monday. Howard, 33 Machias, Washington, Saturday. Carrabasset, 34 Skowhegan, Somerset, Union, 35 Union, Lincoln, Tuesday. Narramisic, 36 Orland, Hancock, Astoria, 48 Frankfort Waldo, Wednesday. Samaritan, 39 Waterville, Kennebec, Mattanawcook, 41 Lincoln, Penobscot, Thursday. Laconia, 44 Biddeford, York, Monday. Central, 45 Wayne, Kennebec, Wednesday. Pequawket, 45 Brownfield, Oxford, Carratunk, 46 Solon, Somerset, Frontier, 50 Lubec, Washington, Wednesday. North Anson, 51 North Anson, Somerset, Adams, 52 Bucksport, Hancock, Guagus, 54 Cherryfield, Washington, Saturday. Lemon Stream, 55 New Portland, Somerset, Wednesday. Warren, 56 Warren, Lincoln, Wednesday. Ockonostota, 57 Sullivan, Hancock, Franklin, 58 Farmington, Franklin, Monday. Felix, 59 Newburg, Penobscot, Monday. Oriental, 60 Dixmont, Penobscot, Thursday. Manu'rs & Mechanics, 62 Lewiston, Androscoggin, Whole number contributing members, 3,343; initiations, 98; ad- mitted by card, 14; deaths, 20. 203 MAINE REGISTER. RATES OF POSTAGE. IN THE UNITED STATES, OR TO BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. Letters in the United States, per 1-2 oz., (fractions same,) not over 3000 miles, 3 c. prepaid, 5 c. not prepaid; over 3000 miles, double these rates. Letters dropped for delivery only, 1 c. Ad- vertised letters, Ic. extra., To or from the Provinces, not over 3000 miles from the line, 10 c. per 1-2 oi.; over 3000, 15 c., prepaid or not. Transient newspapers, periodicals, unsealed circulars, or other articles of printed matter, not exceeding 3 ounces in weight, to any part of the United States, prepaid 1 c., not prepaid 2 c.; each additional ounce or fraction of an ounce, prepaid Ic., not prepaid 2 c. Regular newspapers or periodicals, paid yearly or quarterly in advance, when circulated in the State where published, not weigh- ing over 1 1-2 oz., 1-4 c.; over 1 1-2 oz. and not over 3 oz., 1-2 c.; every additional oz. or fraction, 1-2 6. When circulated out of the State, all weighing 3 oz. or less, 1-2 c., and each additional oz. or fraction, 1-2 c. Weekly newspapers, within the county where printed and published, single copy free to each subscriber. Smll newspapers and periodicals, monthly or oftener, and pamphlets not containing more than sixteen octavo pages, in single packages of not less than 8 oz. to one address prepaid, 1-2 c. for each ounce ; frac- tion same. Books, bound or unbound, not weighing over four pounds, under 3000 miles, t c. per oz., prepaid, 1 1-2 c. not prepaid; over 3000 miles, 2 c. prepaid, 3 c. not prepaid. Publishers of newspapers and periodicals are allowed a free exchange of one copy, and may also send to each actual subscriber, enclosed in their publications, bills and receipts for the same free of postage. All printed matter' must be sent without cover, or in a cover open at the ends or sides. There must be no word or communica- tion printed on the same after its publication, or upon the cover, except the name and address of the person to whom it is to be sent. There must be no paper or other thing enclosed in or with such printed paper. TO OR FROM GREAT BRITAIN OR IRELAND. Letters. Each 1-2 oz., 24 c., 5 c. extra for California or Oregon. Prepayment optional. .Newspapers.-2 c. each, payment in United States. Periodicals and Pamphlets.-Not over 2 oz., 2 c. each; each extra oz., 4 c.; payable in the United States. The same postage is payable in the United Kingdom, excepting that for the third oz. it rises to sixpence, and each extra oz. is twopence. 204 POST OFFICES AND POSTMASTERS. 205 POST OFFICES AND POSTMASTERS IN MAINE. Corrected to January 1, 1855, at the Post Office Department, Washing- ton, D. C. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. Auburn, Freeman Newell. Danville, Jeremiah Stinchfield. Durhm, James Strout, Jr. East Livermore, Jonathan Lovejoy. East Poland, Gilman Martin. East Turner, Ezekiel Martin. Greene, Nathaniel Harris. Greene Corner, Alfred Pierce. Leeds, Solomon L. Lothrop. Leeds Station, George Beals. Lewiston, William R. Frye. Lisbon, Joshua Gerrish. Little River Village, Aaron I. West. Livermore, William Child. Livermore Centre, Abner Moore. Livermore Falls, Comfort Pettingill. Mechanic Falls, Alex. B. Dwinel. Minot, John Freeman, Jr. North Auburn, Isaac Osgood. North Leeds, Walter Foss. North Livermore, Matthew M. Stone. North Turner, Samuel B. Holt. No. Turner Bridge, Sylvester S. Whit- man. Poland, Otis West. Sabatus, Retiah T. Jones. South Durham, Alfred Gatchell. Smith Leeds, Salmon A. Wing. Turner, Hiram Clark. Wales, Arthur Given. Webster, Samuel Cushman. West Auburn, George Ricker, Jr. West Danville, Brackett Marston. West Durham, Job P. Sylvester. West Minot, David B. Sawyer. West Poland, Francis Storer. AROOSTOOK COUNTY. Amity, Samuel G. Burt. Aroostook, A. S. Mooers. Bridgewater, Charles Kidder. Conway, Owen Doyle. Eaton Grant, Patrick Findlen. Fort Fairfield, John B. Trafton. Fort Kent,'John L. Turner. HIaynesville, Daniel Cummings. Hodgdon, Nicholas Outhouse. Houlton, Thos. P. Packard. Linneus, Daniel Howard. Lyndon, Ivory Hardison. Madawaska, Baptist Fournier. Manchester, Addison Powers. Maple Grove, E. S. Fowler. Mars Hill, Dennis Getchell. Masardis, Stephen H. Hewes. Monticello, Jonathan Wilson. Number Three, Theodore Trafton. Orient, Abraham Longley. Presque Isle, Joseph B. Hall. Rawson, George McEgan. South Moluncus, Benj. F. Atkinson. Umcolus, Benj. H. Hews. Van Buren, Michael Farrell. West Van Buren, Paul Cyr. Weston, Thomas Gilpatrick. CUMYIBERLAND COUNTY. Bolster's Mills, Wyatt Turner. Bonny Eagle, Nathaniel H. Lane. Bridgton, Winm. J. Hayden. Brunswick, Robert P. Dunlap. Cape Elizabeth Depot, John L. Frazier. Casco, Richard Mayberry. Cumberland, David Gray. Cumberland Centre, Samuel True. Eas: Auburn, J. C. Briggs. East Baldwin, D. T. Richardson. East Raymond, W. R. Lane. East Standish, Joseph Webster. East North Yarmouth, Isaac S. Dunn. Edes Falls, W. Edes. Falmouth, Ezra T. Williams. Freeport, Samuel Thing. Gorham, Samuel W. Lord. Gray, Daniel Hall. Harrison, Thos. R. Sampson. Naples, John P. Davis. New Gloucester, Joseph Cross. North Bridgton, John F. Potter. North Gray, Moses Plummer. North Pownal, Joseph Luf kin. North Raymond, Wm. Small, Jr. North Windham, Jacob E. Chase. North Yarmouth, N. Plimpton. Oak Hill, John Libby, 3d. Otisfield, Johnson K. Lovell. Portland, Nathan L. Woodbury. Pownal, Elbridge York. Raymond, John Sawyer. Saccarappa, Joseph Walker, Jr. Scarboro', Freedom Milliken. Sebago, Joseph Ridlon. South Bridgton, Benj. P. Barker. South Windham, William Bacon. MAINE REGISTER. Standish, Theodore M. Bradbury. Steep Falls, Edmund Mann. Stevens' Plains, David Torrey. Upper Gloucester, Isaac H. Keith. Webb's Mills, Anson Jordan. West Baldwin, Cyrus F. Burnell. West Bridgton, George Small. West Cumberland, G. Mountfort. West Falmouth, John Noyes. West Gloucester, Elisha P. Proctor. West Gorham, Daniel B. Clement. West Pownal, Henry J. Warren. Windham, Geo. W. Davis. Yarmouth, Reuben Cutler. FRANKLIN COUNTY, Avon, Electa M. Towle. Carthage, Harrison Storer. Chesterville, P. M. Withington. East New Sharon, Elisha Small, Jr. East New Vineyard, P. Butler. East Strong, Samuel Nevens. East Wilton, John M. Drury. Farmington, Henry Johnson. Farmington Falls, Turner Sampson. Freeman, Marshall H. Whitney. Industry, Nathan Goodtidge. .Jay, Stillman Noyes, Jr. Kinyfield, Nathan B. Saunders. Madrid, B. Pease. Nashville, B. B. Mace. New Sharon, Henry E. Dyer. New Vineyard, Luther T. Voter. North Chesterville, Jos. Keith. North Industry, Isaac Daggett. North Jay, Elijah Keys. North Wilton, Timothy Woodward. Phillips, Joseph Sherburne. Rangeley, John Haley, Jr. Salem, Moses Patterson. South Carthage, W. V. Tainter. South Chesterville, Elisha Perry. Strong, Edward K. Hitchcock. Temple Mills, Samuel F. Small. Weld, Kendall Wright. West Freeman, John Dyar. West's Mills, P. W. Butler. Wilton, Sumner B. Walker. HANCOCK COUNTY. Amherst, William Chick. Aurora, Roswell Silsby. Bluehill, Frederick A. Holt. Bluehill Falls, Azor Candage. Brooklin, Calvin K. Higgins: Brooksville, John Walker. Bucksport, Hosea Orcutt. Bucksport Centre, N. Cole. Castine, Charles Rogers. Cranberry Isle, W. P. Preble. Dedham, Winslow P. Spofford. Deer Isles, John P. Johnson. East Eden, James Hamor. East Sullivan, Joseph Bean. East Trenton, Gilman B. Hodgkins. .den, Nicholas I. Thomas. Ellsworth, Stephen G. Woodward. Ellsworth Falls, Eleazer Whitcomb. Franklin, David Springer. Gouldsboro', Amos G. Guptill. Great Pond, Curtis Sabins. Greenfield, Samuel Wheeler. Green's Landing, Stephen Wells: Hancock, Pelatiah Moore. Mount Desert, John Somes, Jr. North Bluehill, Lewis H. Green. North Bucksport, Benj. Groce. North Castine, Geo. H. Emerson. North Ellsworth, James McGown. North Hancock, Moses Butler. North Haven, John Kent. North Mariaville, Richard Goodwin. North Penobscot, Austin L. Wardwell North Sedgewick, E. Clossom. Orland, Stillman Cotton. Otis, John B. Frazier. Penobscot, John P. Wood. Prospect Harbor, Asa Cole. Salisbury Cove, Benj. Emery, Seal Cove, Chas. C. Fuller. Sedgewick, George Dodge. South Deer Isle, Richard Warren. S. W. Harbor, James R. Freeman. Sullivan, Hiram Emery. Surry, James W. Davis. Swan's Island, Benj. Stinson. Tilden, Jeremiah H. Jordan. Tremont, Wilson Guptil. Trenton Point, Barnabas Hodgkins. Waltham, Daniel T. Swan. West Brooksville, David Wasson. West Eden, Wm. T. Thomas, West Gouldsboro', John Pherson. IVest Sedgewick, Joseph IL. Gray. West Trenton, John Hopkins. Winter Harbor, T. Stewart. KENNEBEC C0~3tW. Albion, Artemas Libbey.: Augusta, Wm. S. Badger. Belgrade, Frederick Spencer. Belgrade Mills, George H. Foster. Benton, Andrew H. iRichardson. Brown's Corner, George Shaw. Centre Sidney, Alpheus S. Hayward. China, Jacob S. Marshall. Clinton, Abijah M. Billings. Curtis Corner, Salmon Brewster. Dunn's Corner, Peter Dunn. East Monmouth, James R. Norris. East Pittston, E. Scammon. East Readfield, J. A. Sanborn. East Vassalboro', Joseph Bowatn. East Winthrop, Azel Perkins. Farmingdale, George Tarbox. 206 POST OFFICES AND POSTMASTERS. Fayette, Howard B. Lovejoy. Gardiner, Frederick P. Theobald. Hallowell, Thos. W. Newman. Hallowell Roads, Erastus S. Loomis. Kent's Hill, Chas. S. Haynes. Litchfield, Thos. J. Foster. Litch/field Corner, Wm. Robinson. Monmouth, Wm. G. Brown. Mount Vernon, Abner Small. North Belgrade, Hiram Goodwin. North Fayette, Samuel S. Walton. North Monmouth, John A. Tinkham. North Pittston, Jesse Gould. North Sidney, John Merrill. North Vassalboro', Chas. A. Priest. North Vienna, Sanders Morrilr. North Wayne, Josiah F. Taylor. Pishon's Ferry, John iTotman. Pittston, Hiram T. Clark. Readfield, F. A. Williams. Readfield Depot, Daniel Craig. Rome, Thomas Whittier. Seward's Mills, Benjamin Wing. Sidney, Bernard Marble, Jr. South Albion, T. Burrill. South China, Corydon Chadwick. South Vassalboro', P. Pierce. South Windsor, Wmin. Ware. Strickland's Ferry, Solomon Millett. Togus Spring, Samuel W. Lawton. Vassalboro', Jonathan Snow. Vienna, Rufus M. Mansur. Waterville, Jacob M. Crooker. Wayne, B. W. Varnunm. Weeks's Mills, Wm. Percival. West Gardiner, Win. P. Haskell. West Sidney, David Robinson. West Waterville, Win. Macartney. Windsor, Stephen Barton. Winslow. Robert Ayer. Winthrop, Jos. R. Stanley. LINCOLN COUNTY. Alna, Rodney C. Jones. Boothbay, Benj. Blair. Bremen, Daniel Keene. Bristol, H. Chamberlain. Cooper's Mills, Elias Abbott. Cushing, Samuel Payson. Darnariscotta Millsi J. Haines. Dresden, James Johnson. Dresden Mills, William Chism. East Union, E. G. D.iBeveridge. Edgecornb, Samuel Wilson. Friendship, Nathaniel H. Cook.. Hodgdon's Mills, John Gould.. Jefferson, John N. Bond.' Martinicus, Freeman Hall Newcastle, JOseph Brown. Noblesboro', John A. Chapman. North Boothbay, EphramPinkham. North Edgecomb, W. Cliffo North Union, John C. Robbins. North Washington, Sanborn Howard. North Wadoboro', Reuben Orff. North Whitefield, Briggs Turner. Owl's Head, Elisha Brown. Patricktown, E. Sherman. Pemaquid, Oakman Ford. Rockland, Elkanah S. Smith. Round Pond, Parker Mears. St. George, George Gilchrest. Sheepscot Bridge, Franklin L. Carney. South Dresden, W. W. Walker. South Jefferson, Merrill Peaslee. South St. George, Ira M. Gilman. South Thomaston, A. McKellar, Jr. Tenant's Harbor, Gorham P. Simmons. Thomaston, Ambrose Lermond. Union, Andrew Libbey. Waldoboro', William Fish, Jr. Warren, Andrew Fuller. Washington, James Rust. WVest Jefferson, Benj. Weeks. Westport, Henry Fowle. West Wi/ashington, James Newhall. Whitefield, Reuben Lewis. Winnegance, John Chadbourne. Wiscasset, Silas L. Young. OXFORD COUNTY. Albany, John Hunt. Andover, Samuel A. Allen. Bethel, Richard A. Frye. Brownfield, Jesse P. Sweat. Bryant's Pond, Rufus K. Dunham. Buckfield, Jacob W. Browne. Byron, Ellis H. Austin. Canton, Albert Harvey. Canton Mills, Horatio Austin. Centre Lovell, Geo. Russell. Denmark, L. P. Sawyer. DixJield, Ephraim Marble. East Bethel, Chas. E. Swan. East Q ixfleld, Esek Randell. East Fryeburg, Asa O. Pike. East Hebron, I. W. Marshall. East Rumford, Alvan Bolster. East Stoneham, J. S. Sawyer. East Sumner, B. Carey. Fryeburg, Augustus Abbott. Gilead, Benj. G. Coffin. Grafton, Noah Townsend. Greenwood, Geo. W. Patch. Hanover, Albion K. Knapp. Hartford, A. Bartlett. Hebron, Mrs. H. G. Barrows. Biram, N. B. Hubbard. Letter B, Charles Abbott. Locke's. Mills, Alvah Hobbs, Lovell, Benj. F. Cutler. Mexico, Lewis Reed. Newry, John L. Smith, North Albany, F. Coss. 207 MAINE REGISTER. North Bethel, John Hamlin. North Buckfield, Hiram Andrews. North Fryeburg, S. C. Wiley. North Lovell, James Coffin. North Newry, Ithiel Smith. North Norway, Wm. P. Buck. North Paris, E. W. Murdock. North Waterford, John B. Rand. North Woodstock, J. M. Gallison. Norway, Robert Noyes. Oxford, Charles Durell. Paris, Thos. M. Crocker. Peru, Jonas Greene. Porter, William Stanley. Roxbury, John Reed. Rumford, Timothy Walker. Rumford Centre, James M. Dolloff. Rumford Point, Otis C. Bolster. Snow Falls, Alfred W. Stearns. South Andover, Philip H. Abbott. South Hartford, R. Hutchinson. South Newry, J. J. Kendall, South Paris, Samuel M. Newhall. South Waterford, Daniel W. Noble. Stow, Osgood Charles. Sumner, A. W. Bisbee. Sweden, Benj. Nevers. Waterford, Livingston G. Robinson. Welchville, Samuel Chadbourn. West Bethel, Gilbert Chapman. West Paris, Elijah S. Berry. West Peru, Alpheus C. Small. West Sumner, H. B. Chandler. Wilson's Mills, J. M. Wilson. lVoodstock, T. Sampson, Jr. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Alton, H. S. McKechnie. Alton Village, Daniel Milliken. Argyle, Isaac F. Bussell. Bangor, Isaac C. Haynes. Bradford, Thomas R. Kingsbury. Brewer, Thomas Davis. Brewer Village, G. J. Brewer. Burlington, Amzi Libbey. Carmel, I. W. Johnson. Carroll, Galen Gates. Charleston, Mark Hatch. Chester, Walter Haynes. Corinna, Volney A Sprague. Corinna Centre, F. Knowles. Corinth, E. H. Bragdon. Deerfield, Joshua T. Baldwin. Dexter, George Hamilton. Dixmont, F. A. Butman. Dixmont Centre, Alfred Berry. East Bradford, Francis A. Plaisted. East Corinth, Henry K. Dexter. East Dixmont, A. Whitney. East Eddington, L. S. Mills. East Hampden, William Carsy. East Holden, Timothy George. East Newport, Joseph C. Small. East Orrington, W. Ware, Jr. Eddington, Thomas Wiswell, Edinburg, John L. Sargent. Enfield, John S. Patten. Etna, Jefferson H. Whitten. Etna Centre, T. B. Carter. Exeter, Joshua Gammon. Exeter Mills, John Whitney. Five Islands, Thos. S. Ranney. Garland, Lorenzo Oak. Glenburn, Mary Merrill. Great Works, Greenwood F. Barton. Greenbush, Cyrus Sprague. Hampden, Samuel Phipps. Hampden Corner. Charles P. Fifield. Hermon, J. H. Hinckley. HIolden, Luther N. Jones. Howland, Frederick F. Davis. Kenduskeag, Timothy P. Batchelder. Kirkland, Joseph G. Roberts. LaGrange, Andrew B. Dyer. Lee, Gustavus S. Bean. Levant, Joseph R. Sawyer. Lincoln, David S. Plumly. Lincoln Centre, Richmond Hayward. Lowell, Joseph Stickney. Mattawamkeag, Asa Smith. Maxfield, Franklin Tourtillott. Milford, Peleg Hall. Newburg, J. Knoulton. Newburg Centre, Leonard Jackson. Newport, Thomas Clark, Jr. Nickaton, Geo. W. Garman. North Bradford, Samuel Gowen, North Dixmont, A. T. C. Dodge. North Hermon, L. D. Phillips. North Howland, Wm. S. Lee. North Lincoln, Ira Varney. North Newburg, Calvin H. Whitney. North Newport, Eben D. Roberts. Olamon, Geo. W. Merrill. Oldtown, George R. Cony. Orono, Samuel Buffum. Orrington, Archelaus D. Atwood. Passadumkeag, Samuel Orcutt. Patten, America T. Coburn. Plymouth, Daniel Stone. Puttugumpus, Elhanah S. French. Six Mile Falls, Geo. W. Williams. South Exeter, William Canney. South Corinth, Humphrey Nichols, 2d. South Lincoln, John Q. A. Gove. South Newburg, Charles D. Gilmore. South Orrington, Horace J. Nickerson. Springfield, Thomas C. Burleigh. Stetson, Wm. Plaisted. Sunkhaze, Charles Bailey. Upper Stillwater, Arthur B. Sutton. Veasie, Paul Ham. West Bangor, Ebenezer G. Patten. West Charleston, J. Bridgham, Jr. West Corinna, Isaiah Lincoln. West Enfield, Wm. Merrifield. West Garland, Charles Hayes. 208 POST OFFICES AND POSTMASTERS. West Glenburn, Simon B. Harriman. West Great Works, Daniel G. Sawyer. Wtest Hampden, Thos. P Stetson. West Levant, Abraham True. . West Newburg, Henry A. Arnord. PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. Abbot, Chas. WV. Flint. Atkinson, Elisha L. Hammond. Blanchard, Cyrus A. Packard. Bowerbank, E. Robinson. Brownsville, WVm. W. Willard. Centre Guilford, R. L. Bennett. Dover, Abijah B Chase. Dover South Mills, W. W. Magoon. East Dover, Ezra Towne. East Sanqerille, Benjamin Lane. Elliotsville, John E. Sawyer. Foecroft, Jonathan Roberts. Greenville, Chas. W. Gower. Guilford, Samuel M. Grover. Katahdin Iron Iorks, R. Quimb'y. Kilmarnock, Cyrus L. Hasty. Kingsbery, T. E. Heald. Milo, J. H. Macomber. Monson, Alex. G. Houston. North Brownsville, J. Gowin. Orneville, Geo. R. Hoxie. Parkman, Emerson F. Harvey. Parkman Centre, Henry Williamson. Sangerville, Simeon Mudgett. Sebec, Theodore Wyman. Shirley, Paul S. Merrill. Shirley Mills, M. Phillips. South Dover, Thomas A. Keating, Jr. South Parkman, Jesse Nutting. South Sangerville, M. Gilman. South Sebec, Charles M. Lure. Wellington, Isaac Hutchins, Jr. West Dover, A. A. Macomber. Williamsburg, Adam H. Merrill. SAGADAHOCO COUNTY. Bath, Joseph C. Snow. Bowdoin, Enoch Riggs. Bowdoit Centre, Chas. W. Rideout. Bowdoinham, Chas. P. Quint. East Bowdoinham, Convers Hatch. Georgetown, Zacheus Trafton. Parker's Head, Franklin Wyman. Phipsburg, Nathaniel C. Reed. Richmond, Joseph A. Southard. Richmond Corner, William H. Smith. Topsham, Lewis M. Work. Woolwich, Samuel Merry. SOMERSET COUNTY. Athens, Gilbert L. Palmer. Bingham, Benjamin Smith. Bloomfield, Joseph Locke. Brighton, Chas. P. Watson. Cambridge, D. Bailey. 14 Canaan, Oliver Crummett. Carritunk, Joseph Clark, Jr. Concord, Oren O. Vitturn. Cornville, Lucius Packard. Dead River, Thomas Butler. Detroit, Winm. A. Frye. East Madison, John S. Kidder. East New Portland, M. McKnight. East Pittsfield, H. B. Connor. Embden, Jonathan Eames. Embden Centre, Richard Delling. Fairfield, Henry S. Tobey. Fairfield Corners, N. Fowler. Flag Staff, William Butler. Harmony, Mark L. Simonton. Hartland, Jason Prescott. Highland, Benj, F. Abbott. Kendall's Mills, E. W. McFadden, Larone, T. Emery. Lexington, Daniel Boynton, Jr. Madison. Taylor Mosher. Main Stream, George Wolf. Mercer, Asher 9. Whitcomb. Moose River, Philander M. Colby. New Portland, J. P. Hodsdon. Norridgewock, James French. North Anson, Rodney Collins. North Fairfield, John Noble. North New Portland, Asa A. Knowles Oosoola, Daniel W. Ames. Palmyra, Thos. J. Pratt. Parlin Pond, George Parks. Pittsfield, George Whitney. Ripley, Jacob Hale. St. Albans, Benj. Ireland. Skowhegan, Lyman Perry. Smithfield, Daniel K. Frohock. Solon, Simner Webb. Somerset Mills, Elbridge G. Rideout. South Bloomfield, W Parker. Stark, Asa Chapman. South Solon, John Hamblet. The Forks, Moses W. Burcham. West Anson, Mark Emery. West Enbden, John Pierce, Jr. West Hartland, Warren Fuller. West Moscow, Jabez D. Hill. West Ripley, S. A. Todd. WALDO COUNTY. Belfast, Joseph S Noyes. Belmont, Chas. R. Wormell. Brooks, Andrew D. Bean. Burnham Village, Elias Milliken. Camden, Benj. J. Porter. Carver's Harbor, David Vinal. Centre Liscolnville, John F. Milliken, Centre Montville, Wm. Nashe. East Burnham, Samuel Barrows. East Knox, John D. Wentworth. East Montville, Win. Ayer. East Northport, Henry Brown. East Thorndike, David Thompsoan. 20' MAINE REGISTER. Ellinwood's Corner, Horace H. Davis. Frankfrt, George R. Sullivan. Frankfort Mills, Dodge E. Ewell. Freedom, Levi F. Watts. Hope, Asa Payson. Islesboro' Nelson Gilkey. Jackson, Edmund Chase. Liberty, Ezra W. Reeves. Light's Corner, John B. Pierpont. Lincolnville, J. C. Perry. MeLain's Mills, John Hanly. Monroe, Timothy Mayo. Monroe Centre, David S. Flanders. Montville, A. P. McFarland. North Appleton, Jos. Wentworth. North Belmont, Joseph R. Mears. North Frankfort, Hosea Sullivan. North Islesboro', Ephraim Coombs. North Monroe, Gilman Gould. North Palermo, Mrs. Mehalah Carr. Northport, James Lancaster. North Prospect, Luther Mudgett. North Searsmont, Alex. Woodman. North Searsport, J. C. Black. Palermo, Hiram Worthing. Prospect, N. Stowers. Prospect Ferry, A. Harriman. Rockport, Alexander Martin. Rockville, Alvan R. Hewett. Searsmont, Sumner Pattee. Searsport, Otis Black. South Brooks, John Lane. South Freedom, Benjamin Fuller. South Hope, James Manley. South Jackson, George I. Abbott. South Montville, John Randall. South Prospect, Crawford S. Fletcher. Swanville, Solomon Cunningham. Thorndike, Truman Harmon. Troy, Chas. A. Vickery. Troy Centre, Lorenzo Garcelon. Unity, James B. Murch. Waldo, Henry Davidson. West Camden, Amos P. Knowles. West Freedom, Nathan Sylvester. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Addison Point, Oliver Nash. Alexander, Belcher W. Tyler. Baileyville, John D. Lawler. Baring, W. A. Gould. Beddington, Robert Collins. Calais, Edgar Whidden. Charlotte,: H Clapp. Columbia, Truman Wilson. Cooper, Asaph Sawyer. Crawford, Ephraim H. Wright. Cutler, Isaac Wilder. Dennysville, Benj. Kilby. East Machias, Cyrus G, Folsom. Eastport, Warren Hatheway. Harrington, Luther P. Wass. Indian River, A. K. �cKensie.. Jackson Brook, Sewall L. Boulter. onesboro', Geo. W. Taylor. Kossuth, Columbus O. Drake. Lane's Brook, Benj. A. Strout. Lubec, Sabine H. Kimball. Lubec Mills, Wincknorth Allan. Machias, Amos F. Parlin. Machiasport, Matthias Phinney. Marion, Phineas Foster. Medybemps. Ezra Whitney. Millbridge, Warren Leighton. Milltown, Matthew Hastings. Narraguagus, David G. Dorman. North Cutler, Ellery Turner. Pembroke, Thos. W. Sherman. Perry, C. S. Davis. Princeton, Putnam Rolf. Red Beach, Joshua Pettigrove. Robbinston, James W. Cox. Sprague's Falls, Harlow Thompson. Steuben, Benj. Godfrey. Topsfield, Appleton Webb. Waite, John Dudley. Wesley, Jaires Gray. West Lubec, Robert Newman. Whiting, William S. Peavey. Whitneyville, John Barry. YORK COUNTY. Acton, Horace Bodwell. Alfred, Silas Derby. Bar Mills, Samuel Sawyer. Biddebford, Jonathan Tuck. Buxton, Josiah Berry. Buxton Centre, J. C. Lewis. Cape Neddick, George M. Freeman. Centre Lebanon, D. Wentworth. Cornish, H. A. Pike. East Limington, H. Small. East Parsonsfield, Simon D. Mudgett. Eliot, JeremiahLibbey. Eliot Depot, Jeremiah P. Shapleigh. Emery's Mills, Whiting Stevens. Goodwin's Mills, Jeremiah Hill. Hollis, Henry K. Bradbury. Hollis Centre, Thos.C. Mulvey. Kennebunk, Evat Willard. Kennebunkport, Silas Perkins. Kennebunk Depot, Robert Mitchell. Kezar Falls, Gideon M. Randall. Kittery, Albert A. Hayes. Kittery Point, Joseph Seward. Lebanon, Frederic A. Wood. Limerick, Simeon Barker. Limington, I. L. Mitchell. Lyman, John Roberts. Lyman Centre, H. Waterhouse. Newfeld, Mark Wood. North Acton, James Perkins. North Berwick, B. Buffum. North Hollis' Nicholas Ridlon. North Kenrnebunk Port, Edmund Cur- rier, Jr. 210 NEWSPAPERS. North Limington, Joseph Seavey. South Sanford, Jos. H. Moulton. North Parsonsfield, Robert T. Blazo. Springvale, Tristram Gilman. North Shapleigh, John Mayall. Waterboro', Joseph Allen. Ogunquit, William Goodale. Waterboro' Centre, Peter Hamilton. Parsonsfield, G. L. Bennett. Wells, Chase Moulton. Ross's Corner, Edmund Warren. Well's Depot, George Goodwin, Jr. Saco, Charles Nutter. West Buxton, Albert G. Bradbury. Sanford, Timothy Shaw. West Lebanon, S. W. Jones. Scotland, S. McIntire. West Newfield, Nathan N. Loud. Shapleigh, E. Bodwell. West Parsonsfield, Alvah Doe. South Berwick, John Frost. York, Joseph P. Jenkins. South Parsonsfield, G. Hilton. NEWSPAPERS IN MAINE. Age, Augusta, weekly, Wmin. T. Johnson, $2.00. Tri-weekly during Session of Legislature. American Sentinel, Damariscotta, weekly, Marcus L. M. Hussey. Bangor Daily Whig & Courier, Wheeler & Lynde, $5.00. Bangor Courier, weekly, Wheeler & Lynde, $1.50. Bangor Daily Journal, W. E. Hilton & Co, $4.00. Bangor Weekly Journal, W. E. Hilton & Co., $1.50. Bangor Jeffersonian, weekly, Bartlett & Burr, $1.50. Bath Daily Mirror, Haines & Cobb, $3.00 per year. Belfast Free Press, Belfast, weekly, L. R.Wing, $1.50 per year. Calais Advertiser, Calais, weekly, John Jackson, Publisher, terms, $1.50 per year. Christian Mirror, Portland, weekly, Asa Cummings, $2.00 per year. Commercial Advertiser, Rockland, F. C. Messinger, $1.00. Daily Mercury, Bangor, S. P. Dinsmore, $4.00. Democrat, Bangor, weekly, Wm. Thompson, $2.00. Democratic Advocate, Lewiston Falls, P. Dyer, $1.50. Democratic Clarion, Skowhegan, weekly, Moses Littlefield, $1.00 per year. Eastern Argus, Portland, daily, Holden & Sanborn, $5.00. Eastern Argus, Portland, tri-weekly, Holden & Sanborn, $4.00. Eastern Argus, Portland, weekly, Holden & Sanborn, $2.00. Eastern Mail, Waterville, Maxham & Wing, $1.50. Eastern Times, Bath, weekly, Geo. E. Newman, $1.50. Eastport Sentinel, Eastport, A. H. Close & Co., $1.50 pertyear. Ellsworth Herald, weekly, W. H. Chaney, Editor, E. Couillard, Pub- lisher, $1.50 per year. Frontier Journal, Calais, weekly, W. R. Snow, $1.50. Gem & Gazette, Dexter, weekly, J. F. Witherell, $1.00. Gospel Banner, Augusta, Joseph A. Homan, $2.00. Hallowell Gazette, weekly, E. Rowell, $1.50. Kennebec Journal, Augusta, weekly, Wmin. H. Simpson, $1.50. Tri- weekly during Session of Legislature. Ladies' Enterprise, Portland, semi-monthly, $1.50. Lewiston Falls Journal, weekly, Wm. H. Waldron, $1.50 per year. Lincoln Democrat, New Castle, weekly, J. J. Ramsey, $1.50 per year. 211 M4INE REGISTER. Machias Union, weekly, Drisko & Furbush, Publishers. Terms $1.50 per year. Maine Democrat, Saco, weekly, A. A. Hanscom, $1.50. Maine Farmer, Augusta, weekly, Russell Eaton, $1.75. Maine Expositor, Portland, weekly, F. W. Nichols & Co., $1.00 per year. Maine Temperance Journal, Portland, weekly, Benj. D. Peck, $2.00. Northern Home Journal, Gardiner, weekly, A. M. C. Heath, $2.00. Northern Tribune, Bath, daily, Geo. Ross. Northern 'Tribune, Bath, weekly, Geo. Ross, $1.25. Norway Advertiser, weekly, Geo. W. Millett, $1.50 per year. Oxford Democrat, Paris, weekly, Noah Prince, $1.50 per year. People's Press, Skowhegan, weekly, Brainard & Davis, $1150 per year. Pleasure Boat, Portland, weekly, Isaiah Hacker, $1.00 per year. Piscataquis Observer, Dover, Geo. V. Edes, $1.50 per year. Portland Advertiser, Portland, daily, Carter, Gerrish & Co., $5.00. Portland Advertiser, tri-weekly, Carter, Gerrish & Co., $3.00. Portland Advertiser, weekly, Carter, Gerrish & Co., $2.00. Portland Genius, weekly, Josiah L. Thomas, $1 00. Portland Inquirer, Portland, weekly, Austin Willey, $2.00. Portland Transcript, Portland, weekly, Gould & Elwell, $1.50. Portland Eclectic, Portland, weekly, S. T. Pickard & Co., $1.50. - Progressive Age, Belfast, weekly, W. M. Rust & Co., $1.50 per year. Representative Journal, Belfast, weekly, Geo. B. Moore, $1.50 per year. Rockland Gazette, weekly, John Porter, $1.50 per year. Saturday Evening Transcript, Gardiner, weekly, R. B. Caldwell, $1.50 per year. State of Maine, Portland, daily, Chas. D. Bearce & Co., $5.00. State of Maine, Portland, tri-weekly, Chas. D. Bearce & Co., $3.00. State of Maine, Portland, weekly, Chas. D. Bearce & Co., $1.50. Thomaston Journal, weekly, C. H. Paine, $1.50. Touchstone, Lewiston Falls, A. Young, Jr., 50 cents. Trenton Journal, Calais, weekly, W. R. Snow, Publisher. Terms, $1.50 per year. Union & Eastern Journal, Biddeford, weekly, Lewis O. Cowan, $2.00 per year. Watch Tower, Portland, weekly, Ferdinand Tracy, $1.00. Weekly Mercury, Bangor, S. P. Dinsmore, $1.25. Weekly Mirror, Bath, Haines & Cobb, $1.25. Zion's Advocate, Portland, weekly, Foster & Co., $2.00. 212 CUSTOM HOUSES. CUSTOM HOUSES. DISTRICT OF BANGOR. Seat of Customs-Bangor. -George P. Sewall, Oldtown, Collector. Wm. T. IHilliard, Bangor, Deputy Collector and Inspector. A. T. Palmer, Bangor, Inspector. Daniel Emery, Hampden, Adams Treat, Frankfort, Deputy Collectors and Inspectors. E. T. Fox, Bangor, Weigher and Gauger, &c. A new Custom House has just been completed at Bangor. It is built of granite, and is a beautiful and commodious building. DISTRICT OF BATH. Seat of Customs-Bath. Charles N. Bodfish, Collector. Edward S. J. Nealley, Deputy (Col- lector, Inspector, c. James H. Nichols, George Sylvester, Inspectors, Weighers, Gaugers and Measurers. Eben H. Fitz, Revenue Boat Inspector. Nicholas Spinney, Jr., Inspector Georgetown and Phipsbvrg. William Perry, Inspector Harpswell and Brunswick. Benjamin F. Tallman, Inspector Richmond and Bowdoinham. Stephen Webber, Inspector Gardiner and Pittston. Darius Alden, Inspector Hallowell and Augusta. George Parks, Deputy Collector and Inspector Canada Road and Line. John A. Lord, Boatman. Officers for construction of new Custom House at Bath.-Charles N. Bodfish, Thomas D. Robinson, T. Gilman Stockbridge, Commission- ers. Moses Springer, Superintendent. The New Custom House is located on the site of the late Gov. King's residence. It is to be of hewn granite, from Hewett Island, Penobscot Bay, 68 feet by 46, fire proof. Mr. Charles Webb, of Bangor, is the contractor for the mason work. DISTRICT OF BELFAST. Seat of Customs-Belfast. E. K. Smart, Camden, Collector. Ansel Lennan, H. W. Cun- ningham, Belfast; F. S. Nickerson, Searsport; Jonathan Huse, Camden, Deputy Collectors. H. W. Cunningham, Jonathan Huse, Weighers and Gaugers. L. R. Wing, Belfast, Aid to the Revenue. DISTRICT OF FRENCHYI AN'S BAY. Seat of Customs-Ellsworth. Thomas I). Jones, Ellsworth, Collector. John D. Richards, Ellsworth; Daniel Somes, South West Harbor, Tremont; Nathaniel Johnson, bullivan; Wilson Godfrey, West Gouldsboro', Deputy Collectors and Inspectors. Lewis Freeman, South West Harbor, Tremont, Inspector, Weigher and Measurer. DISTRICT OF KENNEBUNK. Seat of Customs-Kennebunk. John Cousens, Kennebunk, Collector. Enoch Cousens, Kennebunk- port; Joshua Hubbard, Wells, Inspectors. 213 MAINE REGISTER. DISTRICT OF NACHIAS, Seat of Customs-Machias. Daniel W. Dorman, Collector. Emery Sawyer, Cherryfield, Deputy Collector and Inspector. Arthur Moore, Machiasport; James Moore, Machias; Charles T. Thurlow, Cutler, Inspectors. DISTRICT OP PASSAMAQUODDY. Seat of Customs--Eastport. Bion Bradbury, Eastport, Collector. Robert Burns, Eastport, Sur- veyor. Winm. Henry Kilby, Eastport; Taft Comstock, Lubec; Seth Emerson, Calais; Isaac W. Tabor, Houlton; Ebenezer C. Blake, Fort Fairfield, Deputy Collectors and Inspectors. Frederick S. Bradbury, Jabez T. Pike, Jacob Kimball, Samuel Whelpley, Eastport; James Nason, Lubec; Cyrus Balkam, Robbinston, Inspectors. Seth Town- send, Calais, Deputy Collector, Weigher, Gauger and Measurer. Sam- uel R. Byram, Eastport ; Daniel Watson, Pembroke, Weighers,Gaugers and Measurers. Matthew Mitchell, Eastport; H. Hunt, Lubec, Boatmen. DISTRICT OP PENOBBSCOT. Seat of Customs- Castine. Rowland H. Bridgham, Castine, Collector. Frederic A. 'Hook, Castine, John Lee, Bucksport, Benjamin Rea, Sedgewick, Cyrus R. Bodfish, Fort Kent, Deputy Collectors and Inspectors. Geo. S. Vose, Castine, Inspector, Weigher, Gauger and Measurer. DISTRICT OF PORTLAND AND FALMOUTH. Seat of Customs-Portland. The Custom House, on Fore Street, is open from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 1 o'clock, P. M., and from 2 to 5 o'clock, P. M., except on Saturday it is, not open after 1 o'clock, P. M. Ezra Carter, Jr., Collector. John A. Balkam, Deputy Collector. Cushman Hall, Clerkc. Lorenzo D. Harmon, Clerk. Rufus McIntire, Surveyor. Harris C. Barnes, James Mann, Weighers, Gaugers and Measurers. Geo. H. Shirley, Ben4. Kingsbury, David Jones, Chas F. Little, Wmn. R. Porter, John C. Gerry, Inspectors. Benjamin Larrabee, 2d, Alexander Small, John H. Short, Samuel Rounds, Ammi Storer, Yarmouth, Occasional In- spectors. DISTRICT OP SACO. Seat of Customs-Saco. Nath'I M. Towle, Saco, Collector. Bowen C. Greene, David Goo- gins, Saco, S. J. Libbey, Scarboro', Inspectors. DISTRICT OP WALDOBOROUGIH. Seat of Customs- Waldoborough. Edmund Wilson, Collector. Walter E. Tolman, Edwin Rose, Sam- uel W. Jackson, John H. Converse, Deputy Collectors. 214 CONSULS. DISTRICT OPF WISCASSET. Seat of Customs- Wiscasset. John Babson, Collector. James Taylor, Wiscasset, Freeman Graver, Southport, Wilmot Greenleaf, Westport, J. W. Reed, Boothbay, Deputy Collectors. Thomas Cunningham, Wiscasset, Inspector. DISTRICT OF YORK. Seat of Customs- York. Luther Junkins, Collector. Washington Junkins, Geo. M. Freeman, Deputy Collectors. REVENUE SERVICE. ON THE COAST OFP 1YAINE. EASTPORT STATION. Cruises from Calais on the St. Croix to Owl's Head, West side Penobscot Bay, and up the Bay and River to Bangor. Revenue Cutter--R. B. Taney. Joseph Noyes, Captain. Winfield S. Bell, First Lieutenant. Thos. Moffett, Second Lieutenant. Winm. L. Bonyman, Third Lieutenant. Wm. Ferguson, Boatswain. Win. Doughty, Gunner. PORTLAND STATION.--Cruise from' Portsmouth, N. H., to Mount Desert. Revenue Cutter-Caleb Cushing. Green Walden, Captain. John A. Webster, First Lieutenant. ID. *G. F. Gardiner, Second Lieutenant. John A. Underwood, Third Lieut. CONSULS FOR GREAT BRITAIN. James Grignon, Consul for Maine and New Hampshire, Port- land. George H. Starr, Vice Consul, Portland. Charles D. Sherwood, Vice Consul, Eastport. FOR SPAIN. Henry Merrill, Vice Consul of Spain for Maine, Portland. Win. Torrey, Consular Agent, Bath. Isaac N. Felch, Consular Agent, Belfast. Elias Merrill, Consular Agent, Bangor. Ignatius Sargent, Consular Agent, Machias. Aaron Hayden, Consular Agent, Passamaquoddy, at Eastport. MAINE REGISTER. rOR PRANCE. l P. Le Prohon, Vice Consul for Maine, Portland. FOR BELGIUM. Henry E. Lascelles, Vice Consul for Maine, Eastport. FORTIFICATIONS. FORT KNOX is situated on Peirce's Point, at the narrows of Penobscot river, opposite Bucksport. This site was selected as being the lowest point at which the river can be completely defended. It projects well into the stream, raking the channel in both direc- tions, and having an efficient action upon vessels as they round the point. The main work is essentially a quadrilateral of 270 by 150 feet, surrounded by a scarp wall, 30 feet high, and on three sides by a ditch, 30 feet wide, the counterscarp being about 18 feet in height. On the east, or water front, is a place of arms, 40 feet wide, pro- tected by a parapet 7 feet high, and communicating by a postern with the interiorof the work. The scarp on this front will be 37 feet in height, and two tiers of guns will be mounted. There are two exterior batteries, of 37 and 14 guns, respectively, already completed, communicating by means of underground pas- sages with the place of arms mentioned above. Another advanced battery of 9 guns is proposed, which will act upon the channel down the river as far as projectiles can be thrown. The entire work will mount 140 guns, 60 in the exterior batteries and 80 in the main work. It is estimated to cost $600,000. The construction was commenced in 1844, and continued under the charge of Major Stevens, of the Engineer Corps, with occasional interruptions, until June, 1853, when it was transferred to the charge of Col. Smith. On the 30th of September, of'this year, $187,000 had been ex- pended, of which $32,700 was expended during the twelve months preceding that date. Bt. Col. John L. Smith, U. S. A., Engineer Oficer in Charge. James Cropsey, Esq., Superintendent. John J. Lee, Clerk and Draughtsman. 216 LIGHT HOUSES. LIGHT HOUSES. The figures preceding each paragraph denote the number of the Light House; the name of the light house, the location, name of keeper, and amount of salary follow. 1. West Quoddy Head. Near Eastport, south- side of the entrance to the bay. Winm. Coggins; $410. 2. Little River. On an island at the mouth of Little River harbor. John McGuire; $350. 3. Libby's Island. On Libby's island, entrance to Machias bay. Matthew Kellar; $350. 4. Moose Peak. On Mistake island, southwest of west entrance to Bay'of Fundy. Darius Dickey; $400. 5. Nashe's Island. Off the mouth of Pleasant river, (east side.) Daniel Curtis; $350. 6. Narraguagus. On the south east point of Pond island, at the entrance to Narraguagus bay. Wyman Collins; $350. 7. Petit Kenan. On the south end of the island of that name. John P. Small; $425. 8. Prospect Harbor. On Goat island. Samuel H. Sargent; $350. 9. Mount Desert. On Mount Desert rock. Rufus King; $600. 10. Baker's Jsland. Off Mount Desert island, and south of the entrance to Frenchman's bay. Joseph Bunker; $350. 11. Bear Island. On one of the Cranberry islands, about five miles northwest of Baker's island light. A guide to northeast har- hor. John G. Bowen; $350. 12. Saddleback Ledge. Near southwest end of Isle an Haute, and east side of entrance to the bay. Reuben Freeman; $450. 13. Heron Neck. On south point of Green island, the south- ernmost of the Fox islands, Penobscot bay. James Smith; $350. 14. Eagle Island Point. On Eagle island, at the head of Isle an Haute bay. R. C. Clay; $350. 15. Pumpkin Island. On Pdmpkia island, northwest of Little Deer isle, and south of Buck's harbor, Isle an Haute bay. J. C. Tibbets; $350. 16. Matinicus Rock. Off Penobscot bay. Samuel Burgess, $450. 17. Whitehead. On Whitehead island, southwest of west en- trance to Penobscot bay. Samuel B. Stackpole; $410. 18. Owl's Head, Penobscot Bay. On the west side of entrance to Penobscot bay, off Rockland harbor. Joshua C. Adams; $400. 19. Brown's Head, Penobscot Bay. On the southern of the 15 217 MAINE REGISTER. Fox islands, east side of the west entrance to the bay. Howland Dyer; $350. 20. Beauchamp Point, Penobscot Bay. On Indian island, at the northeast side of entrance to Rockport harbor. R. McLaugh- lin; $350. 21. Negro Island, Penobscot Bay. South side of entrance to Camden harbor. E. M. Cadeton; $350. 22. Grindel's Point, Penobscot Bay. On the north side of the entrance to Gilkey's harbor, Penobscot bay. Chausfield Clark; $350. 23. Dice's Head, Penobscot Bay. Near Castine. William Hutchings, Jr.; $350. 24. Fort Point, Penobscot Bay. On Old Fort Point, at mouth of Penobscot river. John Adams; $350. 25. Marshall's Point. On Marshall's Point, St. George. Oran Prescott; $350. 26. Manheigin Island. On Manheiginisland. Thos. Orne; $450. 27. Franklin Island. On the north end of the island, and west of entrance to St. George's'river. Peter Williams, Jr.; $350. 28. Penmaquid Point. At southwest entrance to Bristol bay, and east of entrance to John's bay. Samuel C. Tibbets; $350. 29. Burnt Island. West side of entrance to Townsend har- bor. Wnm. McKown; $350. 30. Hendrick's Head. On east side of the mouth of Sheep- scott river. Simon Cromwell; $350. 31. Pond Island. On the west side of entrance to Kennebec river. Thomas Spinney; $450. 32. Sequin. On Sequin island, off the mouth of the Kenne- bec river. Almon E. Osgood; $500. 33. Cape Elizabeth. On Cape Elizabeth, south southeast of Portland. Nathan Davis; $500. 34. Portland Harbor. On Portland Head, near entrance to Portland harbor. James Dillens; $350. 35. Wood Island. Near the entrance to Saco harbor. Nath'l Verrel; $350. 36. Goat Island. On the horth side of the entrance to Cape Porpoise harbor. Samuel Grant; $350. 37. Boone Island. On west part of Boone island, off York harbor. George Bowden; $600, and two assistants $300 each. 38. Whale's Back, On the northeast side of outer entrance to Portsmouth harbor, N. H. Joshua C. Leavett; $600. 40. White Island. Isle Shoals, off Portsmoufh, N. H. Rich- ard G. Haley; $600. 218 RAILROADS. RAILROADS. ANDROSCOGGIN RAILROAD. Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston, President. John Gilmore, Leeds, Treasurer. Stephen H. Read, Lewiston, Clerk. B. H. Cushman, Winthrop, Superintendent. A. Garcelon, Ensign Otis, John Smith, John B. Jones, S. H. Read, Allen Haines, and Giddings Lane, Direc- tors. This road was incorporated August 10th, 1848, amended August 11th, 1849. Capital, $1,500,000. Whole length of road chartered, 52 miles : completed, 20 miles. The object of this road mainly is to reach the Sandy River Valley, a rich and fertile portion of the State. The road as now run reaches within fifteen miles of Farmington, being ten miles nearer than any other railroad. Persons travelling to almost any portion of Franklin County, will find this road not only the cheapest, but the most expedi- tious way of arriving there. It is confidently expected that this road will be opened as far as Farmington in the year 1855. LEEDS JUNCTION To Fares. Fares. L1VERMORE FALLS. Miles. Cts. Miles. Cte. Leave Junction Leave Strickland's Ferry. .12 45 " Curtis Corner.......4 15 " East Livermore ... 15 55 " Leeds Centre ....... 7 25 Arr. at Livermore Falls.. .20 65 " North Leeds ....... 10 35 Fare from Livermore Falls to Leeds Junction .......... . 65 " " " " Lewiston................ $1.00 " " " " Portland*................ 2.00 " " " " Boston .** ......... 4.00 " " " " Lowell...........*...... 4.10 Stages to and from Bartlett's Corner, Wilton, and Farmington, con- nect with every Train, and daily with Strong, Phillips, &c. On Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays, stages leave on the arrival of the last train--the only route by which passengers can leave Boston, Lowell and Lawrence and arrive at Strong, Phillips, &c., same day. At Strickland's Ferry, stages leave for Britton's Mills, Canton, Peru and Dixfield, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, on the arrival of the morning train from Portland ; and for Britton's Mills and Canton, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, on the arrival of the afternoon train. Stages from the above places connect with the second train, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and with the first train on lues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays. B. II. CUSHMAN, Sup't Leeds. ANDROSOOGGIN AND KENNEBEC RAILROAD. Anson P. Morrill, Readfield, President. A. P. Morrill, Readfield, Ashur Hinds, Benton, D. L. Milliken, Waterville, Wm. M. Longley, Greene, J. M. Frye, Lewiston, Ira Crocker, and Rufus Horton, Port- land, Directors. Stephen Stark, Waterville, Treasurer. Edwin Noyes, 219 MAINE REGISTER. Waterville, Superintendent. Chas. M. Morse, Waterville, Master of Transportation. PORTLAND Fares from Miles. Fares. TO Portland. WATERVILLE. Miles. Monmouth........**** 47 1-8$1.55 PORTLAND, Winthrop *......... 53 1-4 1.70 Danville Junction .... 27 Readfield *......... 59 1.80 Auburn ............ 32 $1.05 Belgrade...... .... 67 2.00 Lewiston ....- ------*33 1.05 North Belgrade * ...... 2.10 Greene........... * * 41 1.30 West Waterville . * *75 1-2 2.20 Leeds ............ 44 1-2 1.40 Waterville .......... 82 2.30 N. B.-A discount of five cents on tickets is made when purchased at offices. Incorporated March 28, 1845. Capital authorized, $1,400.000. Capital Stock paid in, $825,000. Debt, $1,171,984.41. Cost of road and equipment to June 1, 1854, $2,176,506.04. Length of road, 54 68-100 miles; single track. Gauge, 5 1-2 feet. Commences at Danville Junction, 27 1-2 miles from Portland, pass- ing through the towns of Auburn, Lewiston, Greene, Leeds, Monmouth, Winthrop, Readfield, Belgrade and Waterville. Opened to Auburn, 5 miles, in 1848; to Winthrop in June, 1849; to Readfield in Sep- tember, 1849, and to Waterville, December 3, 1849. Two passenger trains and one freight train are run each.way daily. Average speed of passenger train, 27 miles per hour. Rate of fare, 3 cents per mile. Connections.-At Danville Junction with Grand Trunk Railway, from Portland to Montreal and Quebec; and through this at Portland, with the Portland, Saco and Portsmouth, Eastern and Boston and Maine Railroads, York and Cumberland, and Kennebec Railroads. Also with Steamers for Boston, Bangor, Eastport and St. John's; and at Yarmouth Junction with Kennebec and Portland Railroad. At Leeds Junction with the Androscoggin Railroad, to Livermore Falls. At Waterville with Penobscot and Kennebec Railroad, and Kenne- bec and Portland Railroad--in progress. Also at the several Stations with lines of Stages for the several towns North and West of the line. Earnings, year ending June 1, 1851, $102,646.95 " 1852, 125,054.36 " 1853, 140,561.42 " 1854, 161,321.40 PENOBSCOT AND KENNEBEC RAILROAD. Rufus Dwinal, Bangor, President. Elias H. Merrill, Bangor, Treas- urer. J. HI. Shearer, Bangor, Chief Engineer. In progress, and to be completed by January, 1855. Length 55 miles, Waterville to Bangor, passtng through the towns of Fairfield, Benton, Clinton, Burnham, Pittsfield, Detroit, Plymouth, Newport, Etna, Carmel, Hermon and Hampden. Three miles-Waterville to Kendall's Mills-opened in November, 1853, and is operated by the Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad Company. Connections.-At Waterville with Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad; at Kendall's Mills with Kennebec and Somerset Railroad,-- in progress. At Bangor with Railroad to Lincoln,-in progress. This 220 road is of the same gauge with the Androscoggin and Kennebec Rail- road, five feet six inches. BANGOR AND PISCATAQUIS RAILROAD. Incorporated, 1833. Opened, 1836. Length, 12 1-2 miles. From Bangor to Oldtown and Milford. Samuel Veazie, Bangor, President; Elbridge Harris, Bangor, Clerk:, Treasurer and Superintendent. Samuel Veazie, Bangor, John W. Veazie, Bangor, Edward Kent, Bangor, Elbridge Harris, Directors. BANGOR TO OLDTOWN. Miles. Fares. BANGOR ....................................... Cts. Steam Mill Turn Out ..........-.............. . 4 15 Half Way Turn Out ....... ..... .. -......... 6 20 Upper Still W ater.............................. 9 30 Oldtown ...................................... 11 3-4 38 Freight and passengers carried in the same train. BUCKPIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. Incorporated July 22, 1847. To Canton Point, via West Minot, East Hebron, Buckfield, Sumner, Hartford and Canton Mills, distance 28 1-2 miles. The road was constructed and put into operation in the fall of 1850, under the Presidency of Hon. V. D. PARRIS, as far as Buckfield, and first mortgaged, and afterwards sold absolutely, including franchise and all privileges, to FRANCIrs O. J. SMITH, Esq, who is still proprietor of it, and is engaged in extending it to Canton Point, at a cost of little ex- ceeding $20,000 per mile. All the grading, within a mile, is completed, and the rails, chairs and sleepers are delivered (October, 1854) for lay- ing a large portion of the track, and it is contemplated to be in run- ning operation through to Canton Point early in the summer of 1855. A station will be opened at each of the above places. On the present running portion of the Road, the Stations are, Mechanic Falls, West Minot, 4 miles, East Hebron, 5 miles, and Buckfield, 4 1-2 miles; total distance, thirteen and a half miles. Fares, a fraction over 3 cts. per passenger per mile. The road is managed exclusively by Mr. SMITH, who h s con- structed during the past summer a steamboat of eighty-five feet length, 15 feet beam, with two engines, and stern wheel, which is to run for passengers and freight in connection with the Railroad at Canton Point, to Rumford Falls, on the Androscoggin River, a distance of 15 miles, having landings at Peru, Dixfield, Mexico, and Rumford, and accommodating a wide extent of adjacent country. The river has been sufficiently cleared to render navigation safe and easy, and the beauty of the scenery upon and in vjew of this river will render this route, for a summer excursion, one of the most pleasurable in the State. The boat was constructed by Capt.Wm. S. Robinson, of Buckfield, master builder, and the machinery manufacturediby Messrs Winslow, Brown, & Co., of Portland. The Androscoggin Steam Navigation Company was incorporated by the Legislature of 1853, to conduct this enter; prise, securing the exclusive navigation of the river, between the points 221 RAILROADS. MAINE REGISTER. indicated, for twenty-five years, with a capital of $50,000. Hon. Cor- nelius Holland is president, and John Hersey, Esq., treasurer, of the Company. These enterprises, conducted solely by the energy and capital of Mr. SMITH, will open a vast field of improvement through a wide region of country, abounding in the raw material of industry and wealth. CALAIS AND BARING RAILROAD. The C. & B. R. R. was built expressly for the transportation of lum- ber from Milltown and Baring to Calais. Two locomotives run five times each way daily with passenger accommodations. The Company have two passenger cars, two hundred and five freight cars, and four locomotives. The lumber brought over the road for the year ending Dec. 31, 1853, was 34,623,217 feet long lumber, 41,232,000 laths, 753,300 pickets, 444,500 shingles, 600 ships' knees, and 6000 cords of mill-wood and edgings; 14,554 passengers passed over the road during the year. The main track is 6 miles long; branch tracks, 5 1-2 miles long. Rails 56 lbs. per yard. Narrow gauge. Cost of road and equipments. $225,000. Capital $500,000. Par value of shares $100. Road opened 1851. Geo. M. Porter, President. F. K. Swan, Superintendent and Treas- urer. Jas. S. Cooper, Clerk. Geo. M. Porter, John McAdam, H. N. Hill, James Sargent, E. A. Barnard, Directors. ATLANTIC AND ST. LAWRENCE RAILROAD. From Portland to Island Pond in Vermont, 149 miles, where it con- nects with the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad. Josiah S. Little, Portland, President ; B. Cushman, Portland, Clerk; Charles E. Barrett, Portland, Treasurer. Josiah S. Little, John B. Brown, St. John Smith, Thomas Hammond, A. W. H. Clapp, Phinehas Barnes, Wm. P. Preble, Geo. F. Shepley, John A. Poor, of Portland; Samuel Jordan, of Westbrook; S. H. Chandler, of New Gloucester; Thomas Crocker, of Paris; A. T. Galt, Directors. Incorporated 1845. Opened to Yarmouth, 11 miles, July, 1848; to Paris, 47 miles, January, 1850; to Gorham, N. H., 91 miles, July, 1851; to Island Pond, February 8th, 1853; through to Montreal, July, 18, 1853. The Quebec Branch was opened from Richmond to Quebec, 84 miles, Dec. 10, 1854. S. T. Corser, Superintendent Portland District G. T. R.; John Roberts, Goods Manager Portland District; S. P. Bidder, General Manager G. T. Railway, Montreal; J. S, Martin, Superintendent 'IontrealDistrict; M. Pennington, Goods Manager Montreal District. Passengers arriving and departing by the trains, or who may wish to remain over night, will find every accommodation at the Victoria Motel, Point Levi, and at Island Pond. Refreshment rooms have been also provided at the Richmond Junction. 222 RAILROADS. 22 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Portland to Montreal. Miles. Fares. Portland to Boston. Miles. Fares. PORTLAND, ...................Stark, ...................... 115 $3 60 Falmouth, .................. 30 Northumberland............ 122 360 Cumberland............... 9 40 Stratford Hollow,.......... 127 865 Yarmouth, .... ....... 11 45 North Stratford,........... 134 385 Yarmouth'Junction.... .... 12 45 Wenlock, .... .......... 140 410 North Yarmouth,........... 15 60 Island Pond,................ 149 410 Pownal,. .............. 18 70 Norton, (Canada,).......... 159 New Gloucester............. 22 85 Coaticook,............... 174 Cobb's Bridge,.............. 24 95 Compton, .............. 182 Danville Junction,.......... 28 $1 05 Waterville, ............... 186 Hotel Road, ............ 29 110 Lenoxville.................. 193 Empire Road,............. 32 120 Sherbrooke,........ ....... 196 Mechanic Falls,............ 37 135 Windsor......... ........ 210 Oxford,.................. 41 145 5Richmond,.............. 220 South Paris................. 48 165 Durham,............. .... 285 North Paris, .... ....... 55 185 Acton,..................... 243 Bryant's Pond,............ 62 210 Upton, ......... ......249 Locke's Mills,............ 65 220 Britannia Mills,............ 255 Bethel, .................. 70 235 St. Hyacinthe,...... ...... 262 West Bethel.... ............ 74 250 Soixante,.................. 260 Gilead, ... ............80 2 65 St. Hiliare,. ..... .... 275 Shelburne, N. H........... 86 285 Bouch. Mountain.......... 282 Gorham..................... 91 295 Charons,.................... 287 Berlin Falls,... ... . 97h 320 Longueil,....... .......... 292 Milan,. ................. 104 340 MONTREAL,.................. 800 West Milan ................109k 360 Children under three years of age, carried free; over three and under twelve, half price. 'IMFares are 10 cents less if paid at ticket offices. KENNEBEC AND PORTLAND RAILROAD. From Portland to Augusta, with branch to Bath. Reuel Williams, Augusta, President; H. H. Gilman, Augusta, Treas- urer ; - - , Superintendent. Reuel Williams, John D. Lang, George F. Patten, M. S. Hagar, William D. Sewall, F. F. Lally, Joseph McKeen, B. A. G. Fuller, Directors. Incorporated, 1836. Opened to Bath, 1849; to Augusta, 1851. PORTLAND Fares Miles. Farea TO from Topsham,........................ 28 80 AUGUSTA. Miles. Port:. Rogers' Road, ... ...........29 PORTLAND,. ......8.......... cts, Bowdoinham, ................ 5 1 00 Westbrook, ................. 2 10 Harwood's Road, ........... 39 1 00 Falmouth, .................... 6 20 Richmond, ................42% 1 00 Cumberland, . *......*...... 9% 25 Dresden, ..............-.*.... 45% Yarmouth, ...................... 13 35 South Gardiner, .............. 48 1 20 Freeport, ...................... 19 50 (ardiver,...................... 53 1 20 Oak Hill, .................... 23 65 Hallowell, .................58 1 30 Brunswick, *.............*...* 27 75 AUGsTA, ...................... 60 1 35 BATH AND BRUNSWICK. Miles. Fares Brunswick, .............................................................. Harding's Road,......... ................................................. 5 Bath, ................ ..................................................... 9 The 1 and 6.55 P. M. trains from Portland, connect with the trains leaving Boston at 7.30 A. M. and 2 P. M. Passengers for the "East," arriving in either of the above from Boston, will take'the cars of this road at the Junction With the Boston *The Quebec Branch opens, distance from Richmond to Danville, 84 miles. MAINE REGISTER. Road, at Cape Elizabeth, and proceed directly on without delay in Portland. STAGE CONNECTIONS. Stages leave Augusta for Bangor, daily; alsb for Belfast on arrival of 1 P. M. train; for China, on arrival of 1.30 P. M. train; for Rockland, at 10 A. M., on Tues. Thurs. and Sat.; for Farmington, Winthrop, Skowhegan, &c., daily. Stages leave Bath, daily, for Wiscasset, Damariscotta, Waldoboro', Warren, Thomaston, and Rockland. The 5.20 and 11.20 A. M. trains from Augusta, and the 6.30 and 12.25 trains from Bath, connect at Portland with the trains to Boston and Lowell. IP Tickets are 5 cents less when purchased at the offices, than in the cars. Children between 4 and 12 years are charged half fare; under 4 years, free. The Company will not be responsible for baggage to an amount exceeding $50 in value, and that personal, unless notice is given, and the excess paid for at the rate of one passage for every $500 additional value. Freight trains each way daily. (r All orders for freight at Boston, intended for this road, must be left at No. 17 Merchants Row, Boston. EXTRACT FROM THE DIRECTORS' REPORT, FOR THE YEAR ENDING" SEPT. 30, 1854. We come again before you without the means of giving you a dividend, but it is some comfort to inform you that the earnings of the road for the past year have been enough to pay expenses and interest on all our debts and preferred stock, with a fair prospect of increasing business and receipts. The advantages of railroad facilities are great to the public, and being a part of the public, our stockholders gain something in this way, besides the pleasure of knowing that, their sacrifices and efforts have promoted the prosperity and growth of this portion of the State, with every prospect of their being extended further. But this is not all we should have, nor all that we think we may soon realize. Our road is a great public benefit, and the public feeling is, that the stockholders are justly entitled to have a fair remuneration for the money expended to obtain that benefit, and the feeling is becoming general throughout our country, that railroad fares should be so increased as to afford reasonable dividends to stockholders. The fares on our road have already been increased some, and the public will bear higher rates without complaint, until those who have contributed their money and volunteered their services to secure the advantages of a railroad upon the Kennebec shall get a just recompense for their money and efforts. The travel and business on our road have steadily increased since it was first opened, are increasing, and when the Somerset road shall be finished, must greatly increase ; so that we hope our arrangement for running that rbad in connection with ours will prove beneficial to both companies and to the public. 224 The severity of the weather, and repeated blocking snow storms last winter, diminished the business on the road and increased the expenses of keeping the track clear, as well as the cost of repairs of engines, cars, &c. These, with the increased prices of labor, fuel, and mate- rials, during the past year, have added considerably to the running expenses of the road, and call for the best services of the best men to manage the affairs of the road with economy and every possible saving of expense, consistent with keeping the road in good condition and affording reasonable accommodation to the public. We may congratulate ourselves that no serious accidents have hap- pened on our road,-that the trains have been run regularly with but few exceptions,-that the business and receipts on the road have been greater the last than in any former year, and that the cost of our road and equipment, though greater than anticipated, is not as great as that of most roads in New England. EXTRACT FROM THE TREASURER'S REPORT, FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEPT. 30, 1854. Notwithstg ding the interruption of business during the last winter, our receipts have increased about twenty-four per cent. over those of the previous year, and our running expenses have increased in a greater proportion, owing chiefly to the high prices paid for fuel, the cost of clearing the snow and ice from the track, the extra trains run for transportation of merchandise, and the third passenger train that has been running since August last. Since my last Report, three new Locomotives, two Passenger and forty-five Merchandise Cars have been added to our equipment; and two more Locomotives, together with an additional number of Mer- chandise Cars, are now constructing to enable us to run the Somerset and Kennebec Railroad. Since the first of August, over ten miles of timber track have been relaid with sleepers, during the intervals of the regular trains. The amount paid during the past season up to September 30th, for gravel trains, sleepers, chairs and spikes, is about $11,000. The expenditures to September 30, 1854, are as follows: Now charged to construction, ..................* ** *$1,926,544 32 Land damages, ..................................... 178,398 16 Fence account,..................................... 31,658 81 Engine account,.................... *............... 79,637 46 Car account,........................................ 82,938 51 Amount to be paid to redeem the Yarmouth road, * ...... * 202,400 00 Stock interest due original stockholders, (balance), ......................... $39,557 22 Add balance stock due G. S. Marsh,...... 53,900 00 93,457 22 Stock interest due preferred stockholders to July 1, 1853, (balance,) .....................-*...* 7,987 54 Sundry accounts,................................... 2,343 84 Total, ..................................... $2,605,365 86 225 RAILROADS. MAINE REGISTER. And have been derived from the following sources : City and town loans **......... $755,000 00 Company's bonds, in place of Bowdoinham and Richmond,. 45,000 00 -- 800,000 00 Bonds payable to Clapp,Fuller,&c. 14,000 00 Bonds issued October 15, 1851,. . 230,000 00 Bonds issued October 15, 1852,* * 250,000 00 480,000 00 Preferred stock, *............ 237,900 00 Add part of payment on same,* * 1,434 10 Add balance of stock interest due, 7,987 54 - 247,321 64 Amount received of P. S. & P. R. R. Co., for 1000 shares upon which 6 per cent. is guaranteed, 100,000 00 Bills payable, ........ ........ 122,477 79 Original stock assessments, . 709,720 10 Balance stock interest due,. ..... 39,557 22 Stock due G. S. Marsh,........ 53,900 00 $803,.186 32 Less : Amount charged delin- quent stockholders,. $3,789 20 Amount cancelled for new preferred stock, 13,600 00 17,389 20 -_---785,797 12 Preferred stock of 1854 already issued, ..... 27,200 00 Am't due to Reuel Williams for cashadvanced, 25,620 71 Yarmouth Road, * * *....................202,400 00 Sundry Accounts,. ...............-***" 38,887 37 Total.......................... ............. 2,843,704 63 Leaving balance of assets as follows: .............. $238,338 77 Viz : Amount charged commissioners' sinking fund, 45,300 00 Bonds pledged and on hand, ............ 137,600 00 Bills receivable, *..................... 8,399 21 Due from station agents, * * *.............. 12,432 24 Due from sundry persons, * .............. 2,374 86 Due from post office department,.......... 1,812 14 Fuel on hand, .......................... 10,387 69 Stock in machine shop on hand, .. ........ 7,557 08 Shawmut Bank,............. .......... 135 36 Cash in Treasury, ................... 12,340 19 $238,338 77 226 RAILROADS. 227 The receipts for the past year ending September 30, exclusive of all amounts paid and due to other roads for their proportions, have been as follows: From 270,332 passengers, .....$153,162 57 From 30,155 and 60-100 tons of freight, ................. 43,102 65 From transportation of mails, ex- press, rents, &c., &c.,........ 12,303 20 $208568 42 Less running expenses as follos : Maintenance of way, ................. . $16,040 17 Locomotive power, ...... ... .......... 19,828 99 Train expenses,..*...................... 16,046 54 Office establishment and salaries, .......... 9,029 72 Station expenses,..*.................. 12,649 72 Mail expenses, *......................... 615 42 Fuel expenses,........................ 19,118 21 General expenses, ................... * 1,170 81 -- - $94,499 58 Leaving net receipts for the year, * ........... $114,068 84 SOUTH BERWICK AND GREAT FALLS BRANCH RAILROAD. From South Berwick, Me., to Great Falls, N. H. Distance 6 miles. Daniel G. Rollins, Great Falls, President. George Barker, South Berwick, Treasurer. John Plummer, South Berwick, Clerk. PORTLAND AND BOSTON. PORTLAND, SACO, AND PORTSIYOUTH. Ichabod Goodwin, Portsmouth, President; T. West, Haverhill; James Hayward, Boston ; Albert Thorndike, Beverly ; Ichabod Good- win, Portsmouth; Josiah Calef, Saco; J. D. Lang, Vassalboro', Di- rectors; Charles E. Barrett, Portland, Clerk; Eliphalet Nott, Saco, Treasurer; John Russell, Portland, Superintendent. The Boston and Maine Railroad connects at South Berwick. The Eastern Railroad connects at Portsmouth. The Kennebec and Portland Railroad connects at Cape Elizabeth Junction. The Atlantic and St. Lawrence, or Grand Trunk Railway, connects at Portland. Freight trains.between Portland and Boston daily. Passengers can procure tickets in Boston at the Depot of the East- ern, or Boston and Maine Railroad, for Brunswick, Bath, Gardiner, Hallowell and Augusta, by the Kennebec and Portland Railroad, and to Lewiston, Leeds, Winthrop, Belgrade and Waterville, by the Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad ; also to Mechanic Falls, Paris, Bryant's Pond, Northumberland and Island Pond, by the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad. Stages connect with the above towns for all parts of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Canada. MAINE REGISTER. Miles. Fares. Portland ........... Junction K. & P. R. R.,. 2 c.10 Scarborough .........6 25 Saco ................13 45 Biddeford ...........15 45 Kennebunk Port. . ... 19 Kennebunk .........�23 80 W ells ............... 28 95 North Berwick . " - . - - -34$1 10 S. Berwick Junction.. .38 1 20 By Eastern Railroad Elliot ...... ......45 1 45 Kittery ............50 1 55 Portsmouth *........ 51 1 55 Greenland ...........56 N. Hampton ........59 Hampton .......... 61 Hampton Falls ........ 63 Seabrook ............*65 Salisbury ............69 Newburyport *....... 71 Rowley * *...........76 Ipswich..............80 Wenham..... ...... 85 Beverly ............89 Salem .............91 Swampscott .......... 94 Lynn -.. -...........96 North Chelsea . * . * * * *101 Boston .............107 2 50 By Maine Railroad S. Berwick Junction... 38 South Berwick . ******39 Miles. Pares. Salmon Falls......40 Great Falls ........ 40 Rollinsford .........41' Dover *............42 Madbury ..........47 Durham *........... 50 Newmarket -........55 Newmarket Junction * .57 South Newmarket. - - -58 Exeter ..............62 East Kingston ........ 67 Newton -...........71 Plaistow ............74 Atkinson *.......... 75 Haverhill *.......... 79 Bradford .......... *80 North Andover � � . * * 84 Lawrence *......... 86 Andover.............89 Ballardvale .........91 Wilmington Junction. * 94 Wilmington ........97 Reading ..-........100 South Reading ...... 102 Greenwood ........103 Stoneham...........104 Melrose ............ 105 Wyoming ...........106 Malden............. 107 Edgeworth .........108 Somerville ..........110 Charlestown ..... .. 111 Boston. ............112 EXTRACT FROM THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT, MADE JUNE 5, 1854. Cost of Road, per Report May 31, 1853, ............$1,302,458 49 Expended this year for Gravel Lots ................. 937 00 Present cost of Railway, .......................... - $1,303,395 49 Besides which there has been expended for property not strictly required for the Road, viz.: Portsmouth Bridge Stock ........ $32,000 00 Parcels of Land, estimated... ...... 530 00 Wharf Property on Kennebec River 2,922 45 Commercial Street, Portland ...*. 37,000 00 Kennebec and Portland Railroad..... 100,000 00 Steamboats ..................-. 10,479 28 182,931 73 Making total expenditures.............. 1,486,327 22 Amount of Capital paid in ....... ....... ...... 1,367,000 00 Excess of Expenditure over Capital paid in ......... $119,327 22 228 There is property on hand not strictly required for the Road, amounting to ......... $182,931 73 of which $132,000 pays an income of 6 per cent. per annum. The whole amount of indebtedness. 119,327 22 Showing a balance over liabilities .. $ * * " * $63,604 51 Income year ending May 31- From 280,556 Passengers.......... $185,537 81 Freight *....................... 58,307 56 M ails ............................ 7,744 16 Rents ............................ 1,740 77 Interest ...................... .. 6,000 00 259,330 30 The current Expenses have been- Machine Shop........................ 1,417 96 Maintenance of way .............. 33,685 14 Locomotive power. *................ 37,709 99 Train Expenses *.................. 14,308 70 Office establishment"...............*** 9,098 42 Station Expenses .................** * 9,582 08 Mail Expenses...*......**...... . 540 31 106,342 60 Taxes.............................. 541 18 Interest ........*..*.............. 7,154 65 Charged renewal .................... 10,000 00 17,695 83 124,038 43 Net earnings *............. $135,291 87 From which deduct- Paid for damages by collision of Sept. 1851 ........................14,926 75 W. C. Williams's damages............. 1,500 00 Kennebec & Portland Railroad, draw- back on fares chargeable to B. & M., Eastern and P. S. & P. Railroads, in different proportions as per ac- count on file **..................11,847 48 Balance of old profit and loss account .... 249 08 Dividend paid December, 1853. .. " -40,110 00 Dividend payable June 14, 1854.. **...41,000 00 109,633 31 Surplus earnings year ending May 31,1854 * ......... .. . 25,658 56 Surplus earnings to May 31, 1853 ....... 53,934 28 Surplus earnings year ending May 31, 1854.25,658 56 79,592 84 Deduct paid Eastern and Boston and Maine Railroads ..................*10,475 55 Amount to credit of agency after deducting dividends payable June 14,1854 *................. ......69,117 29 229 RAILROADS. MAINE REGISTER. With the consent of the agency, there is permanently kept under the control of the managers of this Road, a sum not to be less than forty thousand dollars, to meet any contingency beyond the current income of the Road. During the past year the Road bed has been raised upon good gravel, on an average of one foot for about twelve miles. About twenty-five thousand new sleepers have been put into the track, together with what new iron was wanted or needed, and upwards of twenty tons wrought-iron joint chairs. The necessary grading has been done at the Kennebunk Station, for the purpose of giving increased facilities for doing the business at this place, and making the proposed improve- ments with a new station house, &c., required at this point. The embankment over the arch at Alwive Brook, Kennebunk, has been completed and made a permanent structure. About five hundred feet of embankment have been made in the Fore River at Portland, on an average of ten feet deep, and sufficiently wide for two tracks, in the place of the wooden bridge between the canal draw and the Portland station. The wooden bridge over Fore River, Portland, has been thoroughly repaired the past year, and may now be considered in a safe and sub- stan tial condition for some years to come. The other bridges on the line of the Road have been kept in good order at considerable expense, and at the present time are in a sub- stantial and trustworthy condition. We have purchased about forty tons of new iron rails, which with the old rails, now being re-rolled, will supply the wants of the Road the present year. One new mail car has been added to the equipment, a new passenger engine contracted for, to be delivered in July, together with twenty new freight cars, a part of which are delivered. When these are add- ed, the equipment will be ample for some time to come. The trains have been run with great regularity and safety. Not a passenger has received the slightest injury during the year. No delays of any moment have occurred, with the exception of the delay occa- sioned by the severe snow storm in February, when two trips were lost, the engine and cars being blocked in the snow drifts. The equipment of the Road at the present time consists of- 9 Engines, 59 Freight Cars, 3 Mail Cars, 4 first class Passenger Cars, 2 Baggage Platform Cars, 2 Stone Cars, 2 second class do. do. 18 Gravel Cars, 13 Crates. Miles run by engines .................. - - .156,876 Expense account per mile run ............... 67 78-100 Receipts for each mile run................. 1.65 1-3 Average receipt for each passenger ........... 92 1-2 c. WHITNEYVILLE AND IYACHIAS RAILROAD COTfIPANY. Incorporated in 1846. Capital, $100,000. From Whitneyville to Machiasport, 7 3-4 miles. Constructed exclusively for the transportation of lumber, produce and merchandise. John T. Heard, Boston, President; Daniel Hammond, Boston, Treasurer; James Pope, Whitneyville, Agent. 230 RAILROADS. YORK AND CU1YIBERLAND RAILROAD. Incorporated 1846. Opened Feb. 1851. From Portland to Great Falls, N. H. 55 miles. Open to Saco river. Nathaniel J. Miller, President; Josiah Pierce, Jr., Clerk; Stephen W. Eaton, Treasurer; Daniel C. Emery, Superintendent; N. J. Miller, Phineas Barnes, Allen Haines, Horace Bartol, George Warren, Josiah Pierce, James Mann, Winm. G. Chadbourne, Samuel D. Hanson, Ellis B. Usher, Nathan D. Appleton, T. Robie, Austin G. Fitch, Directors. FROM PORTLAND. FROM PORTLAND. Miles. Fares. Miles. Fares. Portland ............... Gorham ............ 10 1-2 c.30 Woodford's .......... 1 3.4 c. 7 Buxton Centre. * ****15 1-2 Merrill's**........... 2 3.-4 10 Saco River..........18 Saccarappa * ... ..*** 6 3.4 28 Passengers from the West can change cars at the Junction at Cape Elizabeth, and come into the Y. & C. R. R. Depot at Back Cove; and those going West can go direct from the Y. & C. Depot, by taking the Kennebec cars. EXTRACT FROM THE TREASURER'S REPORT, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1854. Ths running expenses during the past year have increased from sev- eral causes. During the year ending 1853, the trains ran 30,995 miles; during the year ending 1854, the trains ran 43,708 miles. Labor, and all kinds of materials used on the road, have very much increased in price, and the cost of running trains, and keeping the machinery in repairs, during the past winter, was much more than usual, by reason of blocking snows. The receipts of the road during the past year, were From 82,640 passengers, .............. ...... .... $16,348.55 " 19,866 tons freight, --......................... 14,364.02 " rents, * .................................... 74.78 " mails, .. .................... ............. 771.00 Total, .... * **............................... $31,558.35 The expenses nave been, for track repairs, $3,163.60 For clearing track of snow and ice, ........ 346.00 " fuel for engines, *.................. 4,647.80 " oil, ............................... 556.18 " repairs of engines,.................. 2,146.10 " tallow and packing, *..*..... ........110.90 ' paid Engineers and Firemen, ........ 2067.00 " salaries of Superintendent, Conductor, Baggagemen, and Brakemen,....... 2,131.00 " repairs of passenger and freight cars,. * 250.10 " fuel and oil for stations,* 102.20 " wages Station Masters, Switch and Gate Tenders, ....*.................. 2,330.39 " wages Ticket Sellers, .............. 1,019.13 " mail expenses,...**................. 150.09 " incidental expenses, ................ 233.60 Net receipts,*......... *.................... Proportion of expense to earnings, ............. * * * Cost per mile run, *.........*................... 19,254.09. $12,304.26 61 per cent. 44 eents. 231 BOSTON AND STATE OF MAINE EXPRESSES. Principal Office, Railroad Exchange, Court Square, Boston. HODGMAN, CARR & CO., RUNNING BETWEEN BANGOR AND BOSTON, By Railroad, via Waterville; and by Steamboat, direct and via Portland. Have Offices and Agents at all Towns on the Penobscot River. CARPENTER & CO., RUNNING BETWEEN AUGUSTA AND BOSTON, By Railroad and Steamboat, with Agencies at all Towns on the Kennebec River. WINSLOW & CO., RUNNING BETWEEN PORTLAND AND BOSTON, By Railroad and Steamboats; and also over the Androscoggin and Kennebec and Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroads, with Agencies at all Towns on those Routes. These Expresses send their own Messengers in charge of their packages over all the above routes, and offer convenient and safe facilities for trans- acting business and forwarding valuables or goods to and from all parts of the State. They also receive at all their offices packages destined for other pats of the country, which they put in charge of other Express Companies in Boston. They do not hold themselves liable for money sent by them unless a-receipt is taken, nor in any case for loss by fire or perils of the sea. STEAMERS. EXPRESSES. BRYANT'S EXPRESS, to Bangor and other places. Office in Boston, 11 State street. H. H. EDWARDS & CO.'S EXPRESS, to Bangor, &c. Office in Boston, 26 Merchants Row. FAVOR'S EXPRESS, to Eastport and St. John. Office in Boston, 14) Court Square. GUNNISON & CO.'S EXPRESS, to Eastport and St. John. Of- fice in Boston, Railroad Exchange, Court Square. J. L. LIBBY'S EXPRESS, to Bangor and other places. Office in Boston, 7 Court Square. PRINCE'S BOSTON AND PORTLAND EXPRESS, by steam- ers Forest City and Atlantic. Also to all stations on the York and Cumberland R. R., and all the stage connections of the road. Also an express and stage daily from Portland via Scarboro' to Saco. James H. Prince & C. S. D. Prince, Proprietors. VALENTINE & CO.'S EXPRESS, to Calais, Eastport and St. John. Office in Boston, 10 Court Square. BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. Incorporated 1854.' Capital, $300,000. The line runs from Boston to Portland, and touching all the principal towns on the Grand Trunk Railroad in Maine and New Hampshire, extends to Montreal, Quebec, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, and to all parts of Canada East and West. Also to Liverpool, Eng. Wm. Ford, Kingston, President; T. W. Robinson, Kingston, Secre- tary and Treasurer; E. W. Palmer, General Manager; J. C. Clark, Superintendent. There are thirteen Directors. D. De Forest, Portland, S. C. Bixby, ~oston, Agents. STEAMERS. FOR PORTLAND, BOSTON AND LOWELL. THE STEAMER DANIEL WEBSTER, CAPTAIN SAMUEL BLANCHARD, Will leave upper Steamboat Wharf, Bangor, on Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at 6 o'clock, for Pbrtland, Boston and Lowell, touching at all the usual landings on the River and Bay. --RETURNING-- Leaves Portland the same evening at 9 o'clock P. M., or on the arrival of the 5 o'clock train from Boston. Fares to Portland, $2; to Boston and Lowell, $3. Meals extra. W. A. Blake, Agent. 16 233 MAINE REGISTER. N. B.-Passengers by this Line can have their choice of routes be- tween Portland and Boston, and will be left at any station on the up- per or lower Route. PORTLAND STEAM PACKET COMPANY. Incorporated - . Capital, $300,000. Charles Fobes, President. Wim. Kimball, Treasurer. John B. Coyle, General Agent. Portland Steam Packet Company, Portland to Boston. Steamers Forest City, Capt. F. A. Prince, and Atlantic, Capt. Geo. Knight, leave Atlantic Wharf, Portland, and Central Wharf, Boston, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, at 7 P. M. in sum- mer, and 5 P. M. in winter, arriving in Portland and Boston in season to connect with the early trains on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. L. Billings, Portland, Joseph Brooks, Boston, Agents. HANCOCK AND WASHINGTON STEAM NAVIGA.TION CO. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $20,000. Rowland Carlton, Brookline, President. C. K. Tilden, Castine, Treasurer and Clerk. R. Carlton, Sedgwick; Hezekiah Williams, Castine; Wm. Witherlee, Castine; Wm. Jarvis, Castine; S. P. Hatch, Castine; Samuel Adams, Castine; Joshua Watson, Sedgwick, Direc- tors. Steamer T. F. Secor, Charles Deering, Master. BANGOR AND BELPAST TO MACHIAS, INSIDE ROUTE. Summer Route. Steamer T. F. Secor leaves Bangor Saturday morning for Machias, touching at Hampden, South Abington, Frankfort, Bucksport, Sandy Point, Fort Point, Searsport (intersecting at Belfast with the Portland and Boston Boats,) Ilesborough Castine, Deer Island, Sedgwick, S. W. Harbor, (Mt. Desert,) and Machiasport. Returning, leaves Machias Monday morning, for Belfast and Bangor, (touching as above,) and connects at Belfast with Boats for Boston and Portland. Charles Deering, Master. Loomis Taylor, Bangor, Agent. BANGOR, BELFAST, CASTINE AND ELLSWORTH. Steamer T. F. Secor leaves Bangor Tuesday mornings, touching at Itampden, Mill Cove, Frankfort, Bucksport, Sandy Point, Fort Point, and Searsport. Leaves Belfast Wednesday mornings on the arrival of the Boston and Portland Boat, via Ilesborough, Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, and Bluehill. Returning, leaves Ellsworth Thursday morn- ings, touching as above for Belfast and Bangor, intersecting at Belfas't, with Boats for Boston. Charles Deering, Master. Loomis Taylor, Bangor, Agent. Winter Arrangement. Frankfort, Belfast, Rockland and Portland, in connection with the Railroad for Boston. 234 STEAMERS. Steamer T. F. Secor leaves Frankfort, Monday and Thursday morn- ings for Portland, touching at Bucksport, Searsport, Belfast, Camden and Rockland. Returning, leaves Portland Tuesday and Friday morn- ings, touching as above for Frankfort. C. Deering, Master. Loomis Taylor, Bangor, Agent. ROCKLAND TO IIACHIAS. INSIDE ROUTE. Steamer Rockland leaves Rockland Wednesday and Saturday morn- ings on the arrival of the Portland and Boston Boats, touching at North Haven, Deer Isle, (two landings,) South West Harbor, (Mt. Desert,) Milbridge, Jonesport and Machiasport. Returning, leaves Machias Mon- day and Thursday mornings for Rockland, touching as above and con- necting with the Boats for Boston. CALAIS AND EASTPORT. Steamer Queen leaves Calais every morning at 8 A. M.; Eastport every day at 2 P. M. Deming & Son, Agents. CALAIS STEABOAT CO. Steamers Eastern City and Adelaide. Boston, Portland, Eastport and St. John. Leave Boston every Tuesday and Friday at 10 A. M., St. Johns at 8 A. M., and Eastport 2 P. M. Tuesdays and Fridays connect with steamer Queen at Eastport for St. Andrews, Calais and St. Stephens. Wm. Deming, General Agent. Deming & Sons, Calais; Wm. Whit- lock, St. Andrews; L. Peabody, Eastport; C. C. Eaton, Portland; Waterhouse, Cross & Co., St. Johns; John C. Nichols, Boston, Agents. EASTPORT EASTERN STEAMBOAT CO. Capital $100,000. J. W. Bass, Eastport, President; J. P. Wheeler, Boston, Secretary and Treasurer; R. Morse, Jr., Eastport; A. Hayden, Eastport; J. N. M. Brown, Robbinston, Directors. STEAMER ADMIRAL, Boston, Portland, Eastport and St. Johns. Leave Boston Tuesdays at 10 A. M., via Portland and Eastport, to St. Johns. Leave St. Johns Fridays at 8 A. M., and Eastport at 2 P. M., via Portland to Boston. J. C.Nichols, Boston; C. C. Eaton, Portland; Georges Hayes, Eastport; Geo. Thomas, St. John; P. II. Glover, Calais, Agents. ST. CROIX STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Steamer Nequasset, Theodore Cary, Master, from Eastport to Calais, touching at Robbinston and St. Andrews daily, in connection with Admiral and Governor. P. H. Glover, Calais; James W. Cox, Robbinston; Robert Ker, St. Andrews; J. M. Livermore, Eastport, Agents. BANGOR TO BOSTON. STEAMER PEN OBSCOT, CAPT WM. FLOWERS, Will leave Bangor every Monday and Thursday at 10 A. M., touching at all the usual landings on the riverfand bay, and arrives at Boston early on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Returning, leaves 235 MAINE REGISTER. T wharf, Boston, Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 P. M., and arrives at Bangor on Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 2 P. M. F. D. Edmunds, Bangor; T. R. Wasgatt, Hampden; E. Fernald, Frankfort; Charles Barnard, Bucksport; Win. McGilvery, Searsport; Charles Giles, Belfast ; J. K. W. Norwood, Camden; J. G. Lovejoy, Rockland ; Em- ery and Lamson, No. 6 Commerce street, and Wan. Boyd, on the wharf, Boston, Agents. PORTLAND, EASTPORT AND ST. JOHNS. Steamer Governor, Albert Wood, Master, leaves Portland every Tuesday and Friday evening at 6 1-2 o'clock, (or on the arrival of the 2 P. M. train from Boston) for Eastport and St. Johns, connecting at Eastport with the St. Croix river steamers for St. Andrews, Robbinston, St. Stephens and Calais. Returning, leaves St. Johns Mondays and Thursdays at 8 A. M., and Eastport at 2 P. M., for Portland and Boston, connecting with the St. Croix river boats as above. George Thomas, St. Johns; George Hayes, Eastport; P. H Glover, Calais; Robert Ker, St. Andrews; Abiel Somerby, Portland, Agents. STAGE LINES. BANGOR TO MATTAWAMKEAG. Daily (six times a week.) Via Orono, Oldtown, Milford, Passadum- keag and Lincoln, 62 miles. Leaves Bangor at 6 A. M., arrives at Matta- wamkeag at 7 P. M. Leaves Mattawamkeag at 5 A. M., arrives at Bangor at 6 P. M. Wyman B. S. Moore, Proprietor. MATTAWAM1KEAG TO HOULTON. Tri-weekly, 60 miles. Leave Mattawamkeag Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Leave Houlton Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Woodbury & Bailey, Proprietors. BANGOR TO GREENVILLE, MOOSEHEAD LAKE. Tri-weekly. Via Exeter, Garland, Sangerville, Guilford, Abbott, and Monson, 63 miles. Leaves Bangor Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Leaves Greenville, foot of the Lake, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Walter Smith & Co., Proprietors. BANGOR TO lMOOSEHEAD LAKE. Tri-weekly. Via Kenduskeag, East Corinth, Charleston, Dover, Foxcroft, Guilford and Monson, 64 miles. Leaves Bangor, Tuesday, Thursday and' Saturday mornings. Leaves Greenville, Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday mornings. Israel B. Norcross, Proprietor. BANGOR AND SKOWHEGAN. Via Exeter, Dexter, Harmony, Athens, and Cornville, 60 miles. Leaves Bangor Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Skowhegan Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. W. Smith & Co., Proprietors. 236 STAGE LINES. BANGOR AND SKOWHEGAN. Via Carmel, Newport, Palmyra and Canaan, 60 miles. Leaves Bangor Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Skow- hegan Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 A. M. Walter Smith & Co. Proprietors. BANGOR AND KATAHDIN IRON WORKS. Via Glenburn, Kirkland, Bradford, Orneyville, Milo and Brown- ville, 60 miles. Leaves Bangor Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Iron Works, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 A. M. Palmer & Morrill, Proprietors. BELFAST AND JyATERVILLE. Via Freedom and China, 42 mites. Leaves Belfast, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Leaves Waterville alternate days. Morse & Mitchell, Proprietors. FREEDOM, KNOX AND BELFAST. 16 miles. Leaves Freedom every morning. Leaves Belfast every P. M. Morse & Mitchell, Proprietors. AUGUSTA AND BELFAST. Leaves every morning, and connects with the noon trains at Au- gusta for Portland and Boston same night. Leaves Augusta every day on arrival of the first train from Portland, and arrives at Belfast same evening. Morse & Mitchell, Proprietors. ROCKLAND AND BATH. Twice a day, via Thomaston, Warren, Nobleboro' Corner, Damaris-; cotta, New Castle, Wiscasset and Woolwich, 47 miles. Leaves Rock- land at 2 A. M., and arrives in Bath to connect with the noon train for Portland and Boston. Second stage leaves Rockland at 7 A. M., and arrives at Bath to connect with the express train for Boston. Leaves Bath on arrival of first train from Portland, and arrives at Rockland at 7 same evening. Second stage leaves Bath on the arri- val of first train from Boston, and arrives at Rockland same night. Berry & O'Brion, Proprietors. ROCKLAND AND BELFAST. Via Rockport, Camden, Lincolnville and Northport, 23 miles Leaves Rockland at 6 A. M., and arrives at Belfast at 12 M. Leaves Belfast at 2 P. M., and arrives at Rockland at 8 P. M. J. T. & W. Berry, Proprietors. ROCKLAND AND AUGUSTA. Via Thomaston, Warren, Union, Jefferson, Whitefield and Togas Springs, 146 miles. Leaves Rocklad at 6 A. M., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Leaves Augusta Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, on ar- rival of first train from Portland. J. T. & W. Berry, Proprietors. WATERVILLE AND DOVER. Via Kendall's Mills, Pinchon's Ferry, Clinton, Pittsfield, Detroit, Palmyra and Dexter. Three times a week each way. 237 MAINE REGISTER. WATERVILLE AND SKQWHEGAN. Via Fairfield and, Bloomfield, 15 miles. Twice a day each way. D. D. Blunt, Proprietor. WATERVILLE AND MIOOSEHEAD LAKE. Via Skowhegan, Cornville, Athens, Brighton, Kingsbury, Blanchard, Shirley and Greenville, 60 miles. Daily from Waterville to Athens, and three times a week from Athens to the Lake. D. D. Blunt & als, Proprietors. NORRIDGEWOCK TO WATERVILLE. Via Fairfield, 15 miles. Leaves Norridgewock at 7 A. M. Leaves Waterville at 3 P. M. - - , Proprietors. WATERVILLE TO THE FORKS, (of the Kennebec River.) Via Skowhegan, East Madison, Solon, Bingham, and Moscow, to the Forks, 50 miles, three times a week each way. FARMIINGTON AND LIVERMORE FALLS. Via East Wilton, Wilton and Jay, 20 miles. Leaves Farmington every morning. Leaves East Livermore every P. M. Stages leave New Sharon and Mercer every morning for Belgrade Depot, and leaves Belgrade Depot every P. M. Stage leaves Augusta every morning for Winthrop Depot, and leaves Winthrop Depot every P. M. FRANKFORT AND BANGOR. Accommodation. Daily each way. Jordan & Whitney, Proprietors. Leaves Frankfort at 7 A. M., in summer, and 8 A. M., in winter, passing through North Frankfort, South Hampden, Hampden and North Hampden. Leaves Bangor at 4 P. M., in summer, and 3 P. M., in winter. 13 miles. BELFAST AND BANGOR. Mail Stage. Daily, six times a week each way. Distance, via Searsport, 31 miles; via Black's Corner, 28 miles. Holmes & Parker, Conductors and Proprietors. Leaves Belfast at 2 P. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, via Searsport, South Prospect, North Prospect, Musquitoe Mountain, Frankfort Mills, Frankfort and Hampden. Leaves Belfast at 2 P. M., via Black's Corner, Frankfort Mills, &c., to Bangor. Leaves Bangor at 6 A. M., via Prospect and Searsport, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; via Black's Corner, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 P. M. AURORA AND ELLSWQRTH. Semi-weekly. Via Amherst, Waltham, and No. 8, to Ellsworth, 26 miles. D. D. B. Silsby, Proprietor. Leaves Aurora Mondays and Fridays at 7 A. M., and arrives at Ellsworth at 11 1-2 A. M. Leaves Ellsworth Tuesday and Saturday at 1 P. M., and arrives at Aurora at 6 P.M. AURORA AND BANGOR. Weekly., Via Amherst, Clifton, East Eddington, Eddington Bend, and Brewer, to Bangor, 26 miles. D. & D. B. Silsby, Proprietors. Leaves Aurora every Wednesday at 7 A. M.; arrives at Bangor at 2 P. M. Leaves Bangor at 10 A. M.; arrives at Aurora at 6 P. M. 238 STAGE LINES. BANGOR TO EASTPORT AND CALAIS. Pinkham's United States Mail. Via Brewer, Holden, East Holden, North Ellsworth, Ellsworth Falls, Ellsworth, North Hancock, Franklin, Cherryfield, Harrington, Colum- bia, Jonesborough, Whitneyville, Machias, East Machias, Marion, Den- nysville, Charlotte, and Milltown, to Calais, 130 miles. Nassal D. Pink- ham, Proprietor. Daily. Leaves Bangor at 6 A. M., arrives at Calais at 6,A. M. (24 hours.) Leaves Calais at 1 P. M.; arrives at Machias pt 9 P. M.; leaves Machias at 3 A. M.; arrives at Bangor at 6 P. M. A Branch mail leaves Dennysville on the arrival of the stage from Bangor, about 3 A. M., via Pembroke to Eastport, 17 miles, and arrives at Eastport at 6 A. M. Leaves Eastport at 1 P. M., and connects at Dennysville about 5 P. M. R. D. Crocker, Agent, Ells- worth. BANGOR AND WATERVILLE. United States Mail. Daily, twice each day. Via Hampden, North Newburg, North Dix- mont, North Troy, Burnham, Clinton, (Hunter's Mills,) Ken- dall's Mills, to Waterville, 49 miles. Leaves Bangor at 7 P. M.; arrives at Waterville at 3 A. M., via Hampden, Newburg, Dixmont, Troy, Unity, Sebasticook, Kendall's Mills, to Waterville, 49 miles. Leaves Bangor, in summer, at 1 A. M., and winter at 6 A. M.; arrives at Waterville, in summer, at 10 A. M., in winter, at 3 P. M. Leaves Waterville, in summer, at 11 A. M., via Dixmont, in winter, at same time; arrives at Bangor at 7 A. M. Leaves Waterville, via Burnham, &c., at 5 P. M.; arrives at Bangor at 5 A. M. A branch mail leaves Unity on the arrival of the Bangor stage, about 8 A. M., in summer, and via Albion, China, East Vassalboro', Vassalboro', Brown's Corner, and arrives at Augusta, in summer, at 2 P. MI.; in winter, leaves Unity about 1 P. M., and arrives in Augusta at 7 P. M. Distance, Bangor to Augusta, 68 miles. N. D. Pinkham, Proprietor. CALAIS AND IIOULTON MAIL STAGES. Joseph Landers, Proprietor. Via Milltown, Baring, Baileyville, Sprague's Falls, Princeton, (Lewey's Island,) Waite Plantation, Topsfield, Jackson Brook, Weston, Orient, Amity, Hodgdon, to Houlton, 9 miles, three times a week each way. Leave Calais at 7 A. M., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and arrive at Houlton on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. M. Leave Houlton at 7 A. M. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, arrive at Calais on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. M. CALAIS AND NILLTOWN OMNIBUS LINE. ,W. H. Stiles, Proprietor. Six times a day each way, 3 miles. Leave Calais at 8, 10, and 12, A. M., 3, 5, and 7, P. M. Leave Milltown at 7, 9, and 11, A. M., 2, 4, and 6. P. M. BUCKSPORT AND DEER ISLE. Joseph Hutchins, Proprietor. Passes through Orland, N. Penobscot, Bluehill, N. Bluehill, Bluehill Falls, N. Sedgwick, Sedgwick, Deer Isle, to S. Deer Isle, 39 miles. Leaves Bucksport, and South Deer Isle at 12, M., every Tuesday and Friday, arrives every Wednesday and Saturday at 11, A. M. 239 MAINE REGISTER. BUCKSPORT AND BANGOR. Smith & Robinson, Contractors. Smith & Cobb, Proprietors. 18 miles, daily. Leaves Bucksport at 1, P. M.; leaves Bangor at 8 A. M., passing through Centre and North Bucksport, S. Orrington, Orrington, Brewer Village, and Brewer. BUCKSPORT AND CASTINE. Robinson & Hale, Proprietors. Daily, 18 miles, passing through Orland, West Penobscottnd North Castine. Leaves Bucksport at 1, P. M.; Castine at 8, A. M. BUCKSPORT AND BELFAST. Robinson & Hale, Proprietors. Tri-weekly; 18 miles; passing through Prospect Ferry, Prospect, S. Prospect, and Searsport. Leaves Bucksport Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5, P. M.; Belfast, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6, A. M. BUCKSPORT AND ELLSWORTH. Robinson & Hale, Proprietors. Tri-weekly; 18 miles; passing through Orland, E. Orland, and W. Ellsworth. Leaves Bucksport Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 11, A. M.; leaves Ellsworth Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1, P. M. BUCKSPORT AND ELLSWORTH. Robinson & Hale, Proprietors. Accommodation stage runs in connection with the Boston and Port- land steamers. Leaves Bucksport on arrival of the boats from Boston and Portland. Leaves Ellsworth in season to connect at Bucksport with the boats for Portland and Boston. DENNYSVILLE TO EASTPOR', AND PEYIBROKE TO ROBBINSTON AND RED BEACH, DAILY. Stephen H. Jones, Conductor and Proprietor. Leaves Dennysville at 3, A. M., (or on the arrival of the Bangor stages,) via Pembroke; arrives at Eastport at 7, A. M. Leaves East- port at 1, P. M., and arrives at Dennysville at 5, P. M., and connects with the stage from Calais; 17 miles. - Leaves Pembroke on the arrival of the Eastport stage from Dennysville, via Robbinston, and arrives at Red Beach at 11, A. M. Leaves Red Beach at 11 1-2, A. M., and arrives at Pembroke in season to connect with Eastport stage' for Pembroke. 15 miles, ELLSWORTH AND CASTINE. Sylvanus Jordan, Proprietor. Via Surry, Bluehill, Penobscot, and North Castine, to Castine; 31 miles; twice a week each way. Leaves Ellsworth Monday and Friday, at 8, A. M.; arrives at Castine 4, P. M. Leaves Castine Tuesday and Saturday at 8, A. M., and arrives at Ellsworth at 4, P. M. ELILSWORTH AND NARRAGUAGUS. Rodney Forsaith, Conductor and Proprietor. Via Hancock, Sullivan, East Sullivan, West Gouldsboro', Gouldsboro', Steuben, Millbridge, to Cherry field; three times each way; distance, 240 STAGE LINES. 36 miles. Leaves Ellsworth Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8, A. M.; arrives at Cherryfield at 5, P. M. Leaves Cherry)field Tues., Thursday and Saturday, at 8, A. M.; arrive at Ellsworth at 5, P. M. ELLSWORTH AND SOUTH TEST HARBOR. John Smith, Proprietor. Three times a week each way. Via West Trenton, Eden, and Somesville, to South West Harbor; 21 miles. Leaves Ellsworth Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday, at 12, M.; arrives at South West Harbor at 6, P. M. Leaves South West Harbor at 6, A. M., on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday; arrives at Ellsworth at 12 M. MACHIAS AND LUBEC. Robert Black and Matthew Clare, Proprietors. Daily each way; 26 miles. Via East Machias, Whiting, Prescott, and West Lubec. Leaves Machias at 6, A. M.; arrives at Lubec at 11, A. M. Leaves Lubec at 2, P. M., and arrives at Machias at 7. P. M. An accommodation stage runs in connection with tle steamers Rockland and T. F. Secor, and the Calais and St. Johns steamers, arriving at Eastport. Leaves Machias on Sundays and Thursdays at 7, A. M., and arrives at Lubec at 11, A. M., in season to take boats for Calais and St. John. Leaves Lubec on the days of the arrival of steamers from St. Johns and St. Croix river, at 2, P. M.; arrives at Machias in season to connect with the steamers' or stages west. TOPSPIELD, SPRINGFIELD, AND LINCOLN. Whidden & Whitten, Proprietors. Distance, 40 miles. Via Kossuth, Carrol, Springfield; Lee to Lincoln, three times a week each way; 40 miles. Leaves Topsfield Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on the arrival of 'the Calais and Houlton stage, about 4, P. M.; arrives at Springfield same evening. Leaves Springfield Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5, A. M.; arrives at Lincoln at 9, A. M., in season to connect with the Houlton stage for Bangor same evening. Leaves Lincoln Monday, Wednesday and Friday, about 4, P. M., (or on the arrival of the Bangor stage,) and arrives at Springfield same evening. Leaves Springfield Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5, A. M., and arrives at Topsfield at 10, A. M., or in season to connect with the Houlton stage for Calais. Dis- tance from Calais to Bangor, 125 miles. ' LIMINGTON TO BUXTON DEPOT, Y. & C. R. R. Hill & Chadburn, Proprietors. Via Bonney, Eagle, and Moderation; 16 miles. Leaves Limington daily, 6, A. M. Leaves Buxton depot daily, on arrival of 3, P. M, train from Portland. LIMIERICK TO BUXTON DEPOT, V. & C. R. R. Hill & Chadburn, Proprietors. Via Moderation, daily. Leaves Limerick at 6, A. M. Leaves Bux- ton depot on arrival of 3, P. M., train from Portland. 14 miles. 241 MAINE REGISTER. WHITE MOUNTAIN LINE. Benjamin Bickford, Proprietor. Gorham, Maine, to Conway, N. H., via Standish, Malden, Hiram, Brownfield, Fryburg, to Conway; 45 miles. Leaves Gorham on arrival of first train from Portland, on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day. Leaves Conway at 3 1-2, A. M., and connects at Gorham with the 1 1-2, P. M., for Portland, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. BUXTON DEPOT TO OSSIPEE, N. H. Lewis O'Brion, Proprietor. Via Limerick, Newfield, West Newfield, and East Wakefield; 32 miles. Leaves Buxton depot on arrival of first train from Portland, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leaves Ossipee at 6, A. M., and connects at Buxton with the 1, P. M., train for Portland. GORHAM, ME., TO FREEDOM, N, H. * N. & L. Clough, Proprietors. Via Standish, Limington, Cornish, Keaser's Falls, (Parsonsfield,) and Porter; 33 miles. Leaves Gorham on arrival of first train from Portland, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leaves Freedom, N. H., 6, A. M., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and connects at Gorham with 1 1-2, P. iL, train for Portland. NORTH BERWICK AND ALFRED DAILY STAGE, AND LIMERICK, TRI-WEEKLY. Charles Roberts, Proprietor. Via Sanford, Springvale, Alfred, and Waterboro'; 32 miles. Leaves North Berwick daily, on the arrival of first train for Boston. Leaves Limerick at 9, P. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Alfred daily, for North Berwick and Boston. SACO TO FREEDOM AND EATON. Charles O'Brion, Proprietor. Via Salmon Falls, (Hollis,) Waterboro' Centre, Limerick, East and North Parsonsfield, and Effingham Falls. Leaves Saco Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday mornings. Leaves Freedom and Eaton at 4, A. M., on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 44 miles. FARMINGTON AND LIVERMORE FALLS STAGE. F. V. Stewart, Proprietor. Two stages run daily between the above places, passing through Wilton and Jay. FARMINGTON AND PHILLIPS STAGE. F. V. Stewart, Proprietor. One stage runs daily between the above places, passing through Strong and Avon. FARMINGTON AND AUGUSTA STAGE. F. V. Stewart, Proprietor. One stage runs daily between the above places, passing through Chesterville, New Sharon, Vienna, Mt. Vernon, Readfield, Manchester, and Hallowell. 242 TELEGRAPH LINES. TELEGRAPH LINES. MYAINE TELEGRAPH COMIPANY. Incorporated 1848. Hiram O. Alden, Belfast, President. James Eddy, Bangor, Clerk, Treasurer and Superintendent. B. C. Bailey, Bath; Edward O'Brien, Thomaston; Knott Crockett, Rockland; H. O. Alden, Belfast; Sam'l Farrer, James Eddy, Bangor; George W. Brown, Ellsworth; Aaron Hayden, Eastport ; Geo. Downes, Calais, Directors. Line extends from Portland to the eastern boundary of the State, connecting with lines to all parts of the United States and British Provinces. Length, 416 miles. STATIONS ON THE "MAINE TELEGRAPH LINE." Boston, Mass. Exeter, N. H. Lawrence, " Dover, " Haverhill, " Stations in Maine. South Berwick. Belfast. Kennebunk. Danville. Saco. Lewiston. Portland. Waterville. Brunswick. Frankfort. Bath. Bangor. Wiscasset. Ellsworth. Damariscotta. Cherryfield. Waldoboro'. Machais. Thomaston. East Machais. Rockland. Eastport. Rockport. Calais. Camden. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. From Portland. Length, 295 miles. Hugh Allan, Montreal, President. James Dakers, Secretary. O. S. Wood, Superintendent. Wm. Cassils, Manager Quebec Station. John Redpath, H. H. Whitney, James Logan, Benj. Hall, Directors. This Company have the following Stations:- Portland. . Coaticook, Canada. Yarmouth. Acton, " Danville. Sherbrooke, Mechanic Falls. Richmond, " South Paris. St. Hyacinthe, " Bethel. St. Hilaire, " Gorham, N. H. Longueuil, " Northamberland, N. H. Montreal, " Island Pond, Vt. 243 MAINE REGISTER. KENNEBEC TEELGRAPH COMIPANY. Incorporated 1850. Henry B. Hoskins, of Gardiner, President. Justin E. Smith, of Hallowell, Secretary, Treasurer and Superintendent. Henry B. Hos- kins, of Gardiner ; Wm. F. Morrill, Wm. Caldwell, of Augusta ; Justin E. Smith, Andrew Masters, of Hallowell, Directors. Line extends from Augusta to Bath, where it connects with the Maine line. Length, 36 miles. STATIONS. Augusta. Richmond. Hallowell. Bowdoinham. Gardiner. Bath. SALARIES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS IN MAINE. Governor, $1,500 Chief Justice Supreme Judicial Court, 1,800 Associate Justices Supreme Judicial Court, each, 1,800 Attorney General, 1,000 Reporter of Decisions, 1,000 Superintendent of Common Schools, 1,200 Land Agent, 1,000 Secretary of State, 900 Treasurer of State, 900 Adjutant General; 300 Warden of the State Prison, 700 Judges and Registers of Probate. Counties. Judges. Reg'rs. Counties. Judges. Reg'rs. Androscoggin, $200 $300 Penobscot, $350 $550 Aroostook, 160 160 iscataquis, 135 165 Cumberland, 500 950 Sagadahoc, 200 300 Franklin, 150 200 Somerset, 250 400 Hancock, 375 350 Waldo, 200 300 Kennebec, 450 700 Washington, 300 400 Lincoln, 500 650 York, 400 625 Oxford, 225 400 244 DUTIES PAYABLE BY PUBLIC OFFICERS. County Attorneys. Androscoggin, $200 Penobscot, $500 Aroostook, 100 Piscataquis, 125 Cumberland, 500 Sagadahoc, 200 Franklin, 175 Somerset, 250 Hancock, 225 Waldo, 300 Kennebec, 400 Washington, 300 Lincoln, 400 York, 400 Oxford, 300 Members of the Executive Council and Legislature, each, $2 per day. President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House, each, $1 per day. Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House, each, $3 per day. Assistant Secretary, and Assistant Clerk, each, $2 per day. County Commissioners, $2.50 per day, and ten cents per mile for actual travel. D)UTIES PAYABLE BY PUBLIC OFFICERS. Payable either to the County Treasurer for the use of the State, or directly to the State Treasurer, except the duties of Inspectors of Fish, which are payable to the Treasurer of the Town in which the Inspectors reside, for the benefit of the State. Sheriffs of the Counties of York, Cumberland, Lincoln, Kennebec and Penobscot, each, ' $50 Sheriffs of all other Counties, each, 25 Clerks of the Judicial Courts for the Counties of York, Cumberland, Lincoln, Kennebec and Penobscot, each, a 40 Clerks for other Counties, each, 25 County Attorneys, each, 5 Judges of Probate, each, 7 Registers of Probate, each, 10 Justices of the Peace, each, 5 Inspector General of Pot and Pearl Ashes, 20 Inspectors of Fish, each, 5 Attorneys at Law, before they can be admitted to practice in any of the Courts of the State, a'e required to pay $20 to the County Treasurer, for the benefit of the County Law Library. 245 MAINE REGISTER. INCORPORATED COMPANIES. [Under this heading such companies are noticed as have been sit'in. A more complete list of Manufacturing Companies is given in the Business Di- rectory.] BOARD OF TRADE.-PORTLAND, John B. Brown, President. Jedediah Jewett, T. C. Hersey, H. J. Libby, Vice Presidents. James L. Farmer, John C. Brooks, Chas. M. Davis, Geo. W. Woodman, A. K. Shurtleff, Edwin Churchill, Daniel F. Emery, Directors. Jonas H. Perley, Treasurer. Henry Fox, Sec- retary. AUGUSTA WATER POWER COMPANY. Henry Williams, Augusta, Agent. G. W. Stanley, Augusta, Presi- dent. B. A. G. Fuller, Augusta, Isaac Kendall, James Tisdale, Jr., Clement Marsh, Boston, Directors. This Company have in operation two gang saw mills and eight single saws, with the small machinery. A machine shop for the sash and door and iron working business, 180 feet by 50 feet, 4 stories high. Also one on the east end of the dam, 125 feet by 40 feet,4 stories high, for the same purpose, flour mills, &c. The Kennebec Cotton Manufactur- ing Company, having in operation 10,000 spindles, derive their power from this Company, and they have a permanent surplus power, accord- ing to the estimate of the most accurate engineers, sufficient to operate 100,000 cotton spindles. Tile sheet of water, running over this dam for more than half the year is 1000 feet wide and 4 feet deep, and under a 15 feet head. PEIMBROKE IRON COMYIPANY. Incorporated 1850. Capital, $100,000. W. E Coffin, Boston, President. Winm. E. Coffin, Treasurer. B. F. Miner, Clerk. Lewis Wadsworth, Agent. This Company manufacture annually, 350 tons rivets; 400 tons ship spikes; 1800 tons cut nails, from a 3d nail to a 7 inch spike; 4,800 tons rolled iron. Also 1,200,000 staves, 1,000,000 shingles, 2,0 0,000 laths. In the various departments of their manufactories aouut 250 men are employed. HALLOW ELL COTTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Incorporated 1845. , Capital, $110,000. Nathaniel D. Tilton, Agent. Justin E. Smith, Treasurer. Hiram: Ful- ler, C!erk. Jesse Aiken, John ~. Flagg, James Read, Andrew Mas- ters, Wa. R. Prescott, J. D'Wolf Smith, John Hubbard, Charles Cun- ningham, Directors. About 2,000,000 yards of cotton cloth are annually manufactured, requiring 442,000 pounds of cotton. Number of operatives, 200. MTIILBRIDGE COMPANY.-MILBRIDGE. Capital, $75,000. D. W. Campbell, President and Secretary. J. W. Moon, Clerk and Agent. 246 INCORPORATED COMPANIES. This Company was chartered a few years ago for the purpose of erecting an extensive range of saw mills, constructing dams, booms, drawbridge and locks, with a substantial bridge for the use of the town. The company own a large tract of timber land. A large amount of pine timber is carried to the mills, where it is manrifactured into boards, sugar boxes, shingles and laths. These articles are loaded at the mills and freighted by coasters to Boston, New York and other parts. The proprietors are Seth Tisdale, Ellsworth; A. Campbell & Co. Cherry- field; and J. W. Moon, Milbridge. PORTLAND STEAM PACKET COMPANY. Organized, April, 1854. Capital, $40,000. The property consisted of two Propellers of 300 tons each, since which time the property of the Company has increased to three large side wheel boats, two of which are of 650 tons, and one of 900 tons. They run daily between Boston and Portland, except Saturday and Sunday, the whole year. ROCKLAND AND MIACHIAS STEAM NAVIGATIONI CO. Francis Cobb, Rockland, President. Maynard Sumner, Treasurer and Secretary. ROBBINSTON AND EASTPORT PACKET LINE. Sloop Watchman, Captain E. R. Vose, leaves Robbinston and East- port twice a week, each way, in connection with the Boston, Portland and St. Johns Steamers for taking freight in East ort for Robbinston. ROCKLAND WATER POWER COM1YPANY.-RocKLAND. Wm. A. Farnsworth, President. 'Maynard Sumner, Secretary and Treasurer. MACHIAS WATER POWER AND MILL COMPANY. Capital, $300,000. Ignatius Sargent, Superintendent. SACO WATER POWER COMPANY. , Wim. H. Thompson, Superintendent. William Dwight, Boston, Treasurer. CUMBERLAND AND OXFORD CANAL CORPORATION. Charles E. Barrett, -President and T�easurer. Wm. W. Thomas, C. E. Barrett, Nath'l Warren, CommissioWers. Office in Portland. WEST RIVER COMPANY. Of Cherryfield: . Capital, $1500. For driving logs, building draws and improving the condition of the Narraguagus river. Wm. Nichols, President. J. O. Nichols, Clerk. BANGOR BRIDGE COMPANY. Elijah L. Hamlin, President. Benj. Plummer, Secretary and Treas- urer. 247 MAINE REGISTER. PORTLAND COMPANY,--PoRTLA D. George Warren, President. Charles Jones, Treasurer. EAST RIVER LOCK AND SLUICE COMIPANY.- OnLAND. Capital, $60,000. John N. Swazey, President. Lock boats and lumber from Great Pond. NORTH YAiRMOUTH MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Otis Brown, Agent. GAS LIGHT COMPANIES. BATH GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Incorporated 1853. Capital stock, $75,000. George W. Kendall, President. Chas. Clapp, Jr., Treasurer. D. C. Maguire, Oliver Moer, Wm. Drummond, John Patten, George WV. Kendall, Directors. SACO AND BIDDEFORD GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Edwin R. Wiggin, President. T. Scamman, Secretary and Treas. PORTLAND GAS LIGHT COMIPANY. Incorporated Aug. 14th, 184'f. Capital, $200,000. Charles Jones, President. Henry B. McCobb, Treasurer. Charles .Jones, Edward Howe, James T. McCobb, John A. Poor, Thomas Cum- mings, Trustees. AUGUSTA GAS COMPANY. Incorporated March, 1853. -Capital, $150,000. Harrison Baker, President. James W. North, Treasurer. A. H. Vancleve, Joseph C. Potts, Darius Alden, Harrison Baker, James W. North, Directors. BANGOR GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Capita, $100,000. Leonard March, President. E. Ayer, Secretary. Wm. H. Perry, Superintendent. W. S. Dennett, Treasurer. 248 MAINE, --ITS EARLY HISTORY, ETC. ICE COMPANIES. NEQQASSET LAKE ICE OOXMPANY.-BATH. Incorporated 1854. Capital, $20,000. J. C. L. Booker, Oliver Moses, Sam'l C. Gage, Directors. H. W. Owen, Treasurer. The above Company put into their houses last season (on the bank of the river) 10,000 tons of the best quality of ice, and expect to in- crease that amount this season. SEBAGO ICE COMPANY.--PoRTLAND. S. E. Porter, President. I. F. Sturtevant, Treasurer. MAINE. EARLY HISTORY..--In 1606 the territory now comprising the State of Maine was granted to the Plymouth Company. In 1630 the name (District of Maine,) was first given to the territory. As early as 1614 an unsuccessful attempt was made to settle it. In 1635, the District was granted to Sir Ferdinand Gorges, by the British crown, and was purchased by the Golony of Massachusetts Bay, in 1652, for twelve hundred pounds lawful money, ($5,328,) five thousand three hundred and twenty-eight dollars. In 1629, the first permanent settlement was made in the territory, at Old York. In 1690, York was incorporated a city, by act of William and Mary, and in 1691, the District was annexed, by act of William and Mary, to the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. In June, 1819, an act was passed by the General Court of Massachusetts, to sepa- rate the District from the State, and in October, following, the con- vention assembled at Brunswick, for the formatioi of the constitu- tion of the State. Hon. WWm. King, of Bath, was chosen president of the convention, and subsequently elected the first governor of the State. In March, 1820, Maine was admitted, as a sovereign and independent State, into the Union. Well has the child developed herself to the mature woman and prolifio matron. BOUNDARIE.- North by Canada East, East by New Bruns- wick, South by Atlantic Ocean, 286 miles, and West by New Hampshire. It lies between 43 degrees 5 minutes, and 47 degrees and 28 minutes north latitude, and between 66 degrees 50 min- utes, and 71 degrees 8 minutes, longitude west of Gieenwich, and between 5 degrees 52 minutes, and 10 degrees 2 minutes, longitude east of -Washington, D. C., and contains thirty thousand 17 249 MAINE REGISTER. square miles, a territory nearly equal in extent to all the rest of the New England States, one twentieth of which is covered with water. PoPULATIoN. -The population in 1790, was 96,540; in 1800, 151,719; in 1810, 228,705; in 1820, 298,335; in 1830, 399,- 995; in 1840, 501,793; in 1850, 583,235. We give below some general facts relating to the industrial interests of the State. LUMBER. Under this heading will be found in our work, the Operator, the Manufacturer, (of boards, laths, shingles, clapboards, sugar boxes, deals, scantlings, square timber, building frames, lime and nail casks, and barrel staves, ship frames, ships' knees, and top timbers, masts, spars, ic., c.,) the Lumber Dealer, and Lumber Exporter. The raw materials of all of these are to be found in the swamps and forests of our back country. On the banks of our large streams, the contiguity of, our lake shores, the spruce thickets, the cedar groves, and hackmatack swamps, on the mountains' top, and the rolling swales of our extensive domain, almost every township and every range is annually visited by the energy of our hardy lumberman and persevering artisan, and that, too, at the cold and inclement season of the year, when the streams are frozen up, the swamps congealed, and the face of the earth covered with heavy masses of ice and snow. Still, under all these apparent disadvan- tages of season and climate, through the long winter months, amid bears and wolves, and other animals of the forest, far removed from the peaceful residences of our hardy yeomanry, may be heard the busy hum and honest laugh of the adventurous pioneers of one of the most important interests of the Pine Tree State. After the winter months are spent in cutting and hauling to the banks of the streams, and spring showers and vernal suns dissolve the snows from the mountains, and break up the icy fetters of running streams, the logs are rolled into the water and driven from the stream into the lakes, rafted, and towed to the outlets or rivers, and thence driven over cataracts and falls, to the place of manu- facturing. "River driving " is considered to be the most ardu- ous, daring, exciting, and dangerous avocation that is performed through the whole routine of the business, from the forest to the final port of exportation, for consumption. To form anything like an adequate idea of the great sources of the lumbering busi' ness, the reader must, in imagination, visit the tributaries of phe Ossipees, the" Oquossak, the Moaseelukmaquntik, the Umbagog, 250 the Moosehead, (and its tributary lakes,) the Chesuncook, the Barnm- edumcook, the Millnokett, the Wassataquoik, the Saboois, the North, the Grand, the Chiputnecticook, and the great range of the Schoodic lakes, besides more than three hundred smaller lakes, all of which subserve the interest of the State and benefit its inhabitants. Large quantities are taken from the west branch of the St. John river, the Allagash, the Aroostook, the Fish, the Little Madawaska, the Presque Isle, and the Meduxnekeag rivers, and driven down to be manufactured at, and exported from the city of St. Johns, N. B. The principal rivers for the manufacture of lumber, of any consid- erable extent, are the Saco, the Androscoggin, the Kennebec, the Penobscot, the Union, the Narraguagus, the Pleasant, the Kowap- skichwoc, the Mecheses, the Pennamaquan, and St. Croix rivers, and their numerous tributaries, and many others, having a water power sufficient to support a manufacturing population of more than ten millions of inhabitants. Tne various ports of exportation are- Saco, (long and short lumber,) - 8,000,000 Portland, - - - - 10,000,000 Brunswick, Topsham, - - - 25,000,000 Bath, Augusta, (and the river,) - 100,000,000 Bangor, (long and short,) 200,000,000 Ellsworth, - - - 30,000,000 Cherryfield and Millbridge, - 30,000,000 Columbia and Addison, - 10,000,000 Machias, - - - - 20,000,000 Machiasport, - - - 10,000,000 East Machias, - - - - 12,000,000 Cutler, - - - - 2,500,000 Calais, over one huhndred millions various kinds per annum, 100,000,000 All other ports supposed to amount to at least - - 60,000,000 617,500,000 Exporting annually more than six hundred millions of long and short lumber, amounting to more than seven millions of dollars in a single year,-a larger amount than the entire banking capital char- tered by the State. A great improvement has been made, within a few years past, in many places in the State, in the manufacture of lumber. The Gang Mill is now in operation, which saws an eptire log into boards almost as quick as a common saw-mill can saw a single LUMBER. 251 MAINE ReSISTER. board. There is also another, for preparing dimension stuff; tim- ber is sawed to proper dimensions for frames of buildiigs of every kind, style and description, with the utmost facility and despatch; instead of the old, and now almost obsolete custom of hewing with the broad-axe, after it has been effectually scored and beat off with a narrow axe, by what is technically called a light hand. LATHS. - There is manufactured from the slabs, that were for- merly thrown into the river, or used for fuel, no less than six hun- dred and fifty millions of laths per annum, which supply almost the entire consumption of our Atlantic coast, from New Brunswick to Texas. SUGAR BOXES were first manufactured on the Presumpscot river, at Saccarappa, seven miles west of Portland, and were productive of the origin of the sailor's blessing over his meats, when coasting between Portland and the West Indies, with an outward bound cargo of sugar boxes, hogsheads, hoops, &c., and a return cargo of sugar, molasses, rum, (in those days,) tropical fruits, &c., the first stanza of which reads thus:- "Owz, HORSE, old horse, How came you here ? All the way from Saccarappa, Down to Portland Pier." The manufacture has uniformly and constantly increased; now there are, at least, three hundred cargoes shipped to the West Indies and other ports, annually. During this rapid and successful pro- gression, the demand has not fallen behind the supply, at remun- erating prices to the manufacturer and shipper, and beneficial to the consumer. SHIP BUILDING. This State ranks first among the States in this important Fbranch in mechanism. In 1842 the entire tonnage built in the United States, was 129,083 tons, of which Maine built 38,941 tons, nearly double the amount built in that year by both Massachusetts and New York. in 1843 she exceeded the amount of any other State by 1,922 tons. The annual cost of new vessels at that time was es- timated at two and a half millions of dollars. In 1854, the entire amount of tonnage built in the State was more than 275,000 tons, at a cost of upwards:of twelve millions of dollars. Bath alone contributed over forty thousand tons, at a cost of one million sig hundred thousand dollars. Richmond, about 252 ShIP BUILDING. 18,000 tons, at a value of over half a million. Hallowell, 6,500 tons, at a quarter of a million. Bowdoinham nearly as much. Pittston, Farmingdale and Georgetown, have contributed a re- spectable quota to help make up the grand total. Wiscasset has made a respectable. beginning, although isolated, as it were, from all back country trade. Damariscotta has for a long time held a respectable position for her large class vessels. Waldoboro' has for some years evinced great activity and ade- quate success, and we sincerely hope that her recent calamity will not cripple her energy and usefulness, although it has some- what impaired her capacity for present operations. Warren has not been behind in acquiring a reputation for skill and adaptation. Thomaston need not blush at the enterprise of her neighbors, and within a few years has largely increased her operations and tonnage. Rockland stands prominent at the Eastern part of the domain for enterprise and skill. The largest ship ever built in the State was constructed here in 1853, by George Thomas, Esq., ("The Red Jacket") celebrated for having made the shortest passage between New York and Liverpool that has ever yet been accomplished by a sailing vessel. Her worthy projector has sought the confines of the Old Bay State for his future operations. May his shadow and usefulness never be less. Rockport, Camden and Lincolnville are important marts of the trade. Belfast 4as for many years held an epvious position and rapidly increased her wealth and importance. Searsport has grown up to be a large, wealthy, and influential town, purely by her ship building interest. Frankfort, Prospect and Hampden are successful allies. Ban- gor and Brewer contribute largely to the enterprise, while Bucks- port, Castine and Orland are successful rivals in enterprise and mechanical skill. Ellsworth is extensively engaged in the production of fine speci- mens of the art. Cherryfield and Millbridge are marts of considerable impor- tance, while the ports of Macbhias and East Machias are not to be forgotten, and Pembroke takes a prominent rank with her older and more experienced neighbors. Eastport within a few years has largely increased her busi- ness. Calais possesses much energy and zeal in the enterprise, while Robbinston has for many years built more tons in propor- tion to her population than any other port in the State or Union. A large portion of the materials used in this important branch of industry is found on the soil and near the entrepot of all the principal locales of the trade. White oak and hard wood for frames, juniper for knees, hackmatack for top timbers, and 253 MAINE REGISTER. spruce and pine for spars and masts, are found here to almost an unlimited extent. And here also are our energetic and industrious mechanics and artisans fully competent to construct as fine crafts as ever plunged into their adopted element. Maine ships rank second to no other State in the Union for beauty of model, harmony of proportion, strength of build, faultless finish, great carrying qualities, and swiftness of speed. In almost every village on the shores of the State, you will find wealth poured into the laps of her enterprising citizens who have adopted the liberal and honest policy of building good and substantial ves- sels, uniting strength with durability, and great carrying capaci- ties with fast-sailing properties. Twenty years ago, or even less, Maine ships were a drug in the market. Western underwriters looked with a sort of holy horror upon everything built east of Merrimac River, until an eminent builder of Maine had con- structed at one of the most popular depots for building crack ships, south of the Merrimac, two vessels, built of exactly the model, of precisely the same materials, and had one hail from the place of building, and the other from east of the Penobscot. The one hailing from South of the Merrimac was taken by the savans of the underwriters as A No. 1, with the greatest avidity; while the other, hailing from east of the Penobscot, and supposed to be built there, was looked at and examined with the utmost care and strictest scrutiny; laborious investigation, sly nods and sage aphorisms, politely informed the owner that they were re- luctantly compelled to take it as A No. 2, and that only in con- sideration that his other ship was of such superior strength and admirable workmanship. This superstitious awe has happily disap- peared, and now our ships stand at the head of the catalogue, not only in all our principal Atlantic cities, but are classed as second to none built in either the new or the old world, and the stripes and stars may be found floating over Maine bottoms on every sea and in every clime. NAVIGATION OP MAINE, JUNE 30, 1854. Districts. Reg'd Enrolled Boats under Total.No. of T e. Tonn. Tonn. 20 tons. Vessels. Passamaquoddy,.14,592..17,114............294.... 32,100...... 11.... 7.56 Machias, ........ 4,156..28,463..........230.... 62,840..... 9.... 290 Frenchman's Bay, 3,889..37,520..... ...594.... 42,003......114.... 5,372 Penobscot, ......9,871..45,056........ ..774.... 55,701......227....11,294 Saco, ............ 2,102.. 3,161.......... 54.... 5,317...... 17.... 394 Bangor, .........16,388..26,287.......... 52.... 42,727...... 5.... 110 Portiand, .......84,851..34,824..........655....120,330.. 77.... 3,164 Belfast,.........17,71.5..39,027 .........582.... 57,324......161.... 6,308 Bath, ...........22,642..29,818..........705.... 53,165...... (2.... 1,975 York, ........... .. 2,003.......... 43.... 2.046...... 7.... 169 Wiscasset,......17,474. .12,553........ 725.... 30,752.....144.... 6,715 Kennebunk, .... 7 294.. 306.........250.... 7,844...... 24.... 982 Waldoboro', .....53,825 ..67,083........1,828....122,726.......... 254 SHIP BUILDING. TONNAGE BUILT IN 1854. The amount of tonnage given below was gathered from the best sources at hand. Should discrepancies appear between this and the Collector's authentic lists for each collection district, it will be borne in mind that our information was received at a much earlier day. Tons. Addison, .................175 Arrowsic, ................. 248 Augusta, ................1,300 Bangor,................. 659 Bath, ...............** *40,415 Belfast, ............... 6,707 Biddeford, ............... 1,340 Bluehill, *.............. 1,130 Boothbay, *............. 2,237 Bowdoinham, *.......... 50,295 Bristol, *............... 3,400 Brewer, ..............3,497 Brunswick, .............1,117 Bucksport, .............2,603 Calais, .................. 2,831 Camden, ........ ...... 4,413 Cape Elizabeth, *.......... 925 Castine, *.............. 2,200 Cherryfield, ..............1,370 Columbia, ................. 720 Damariscotta, * *..........2,530 East Machias, ............ 1,621 Eastport, * *.............3,712 Edmunds, *............... 250 Ellsworth, ..............3,400 Falmouth, .................175 Farmingdale, *........... 2,070 Frankfort, ..............*3,350 Franklin, .................900 Freeport, ................ 7,220 Georgetown, * *........... 2,050 Gouldsboro', ...............950 Hancock, .................115 Hallowell, *.............6,424 Harrington, ............. 632 Hampden, ...........*..1,030 Jonesborough, ............. 380 Jonesport, * .............. 188 Kennebunk, ........ . **5,444 Tons. Kennebunkport, ........3,414 Kittery, *--..............4,392 Lincolnville, *............994 Lubec, ...................568 Machias, ................. 1,122 Millbridge, *............1,750 Newcastle, *........... 4,300 Nobleboro', ............* 750 Orland, .................1,097 Orrington, ......*........303 Pittston, *..............* 3,394 Pembroke, **............ 5,003 Perry, ....................300 Phipsburg, .............. 1,415 Portland, ................ 2,735 Prospect, . *............ 4,244 Richmond, ........... . 12,801 Robbinston, ...........* **8,135 Rockland, .............. 14,473 Scarboro', ............... 450 Searsport, ............. 3,652 South Thomaston, ........ 7,101 Steuben,*...............**182 Sedgwick, *...**.......415 Sullivan, *.............. 1,520 Surry, ..................1,364 Thomaston, ............ 6,067 Tremont, *...............680 Trenton, ........-....... 360 Trescott, *.............. 2,100 Waldoboro', ........... 8,284 Warren, ................. 1,651 W ells, .....................64 Westbrook, .............. 2,012 Wiscasset, . ............. 4,000 Woolwich, .......*......1004 York, ................... 450 Yarmouth, .............3,160 255 256 FISHERIES Are carried on in the interior waters and on the coast to a very large extent, and may be divided into three classes, viz., Bank Fishing, Mackerel Catching, and Shore and Coast Fishing. grand Bank Fishing is here prosecuted to a much larger extent than in any other State in the Union. A fleet is employed of up- ward of five hundred sail, registering thirty-five thousand tons, em- ploying five thousand fishermen, and monopolizing a capital of three millions of dollars in this single branch of the business. A bounty of four dollars per ton is paid by the United States government on all licensed fishermen that are out in actual business four months or upwards, on all vessels of ninety tons or less. Average tonnage of Bank fishermen, about seventy tons, although they measure all the way from twenty to one hundred and forty tons. Flackerel.-About two hundred and fifty vessels, measuring fifteen thousand tons, give business to two thousand five hundred men, and employ a capital of a little more than a million of dollars. The vessels engaged in this trade range very near the average of those in the Bank Fishing, and draw no bounty from government. COAST AND SHORE PISHING. Where Cod, Haddock, Pollock, Hake and Halibut, &c., &e., are caught on our shore, is the Lobster, Clam and Oyster. Hali- but, not being valuable as salted fish, are sold for immediate con- sumption. Thus with the use of a small amount of capital a large proportion of the male inhabitants of the shore are industriously and profitably employed, giving sustenance to the community and enriching them- selves at the same time, a business widely dissimilar from almost any other avocation. Herring.-A large business of catching in nets, seines, and weirs, smoking, packing, inspecting and exporting, is done in this State, at which Lubec (the extreme easterly point of main land bordering the Atlantic,) takes the lead. During the last year there have been prepared and shipped upwards of three hundred thousand boxes, making a business of more than one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, giving employment, either directly or indirectly, to almost the entire male population of the town, above ten years of age. Alewives are caught and prepared for sale and exportation on hil our principal rivers to a large extent. Salmon.--Large quantities of this delicious fish are caught in the bays and rivers of our coast, and many Epicurean tastes have been satisfied at the stately mansions and upper class hotels in our large cities without even imagining, in their wildest dreams or most sober MAINE RE 1I ER.~lslp~B~ 257 realities, that they were indebted to the hardy fishermen of Away Down East for the enjoyment of such delicious relishes. HERMETICALLY SEALED ARTICLES. The pioneer of this business in the United States is attributable to the genius and Yankee perseverance of Upham S. Treat, Esq., of Treat's Island, situated in Colescook Bay, about midway be- tween Eastport and Lubec, and belonging to Eastport. He com- menced putting up sealed articles (such as salmon, lobsters, fish, beef, mutton, vegetables, &c., &c.,) in 1832, but did compar- atively a small business until 1842, when he enlarged his operations, and in 1846 he purchased the island which now bears his name, and removed thereto; sinde then he has materially enlarged and increased his business. When the California gold was first dis- covered and the fever of emigration raged with such unabating virulence for that Eldorado of dreams and realities, his orders increased far beyond any former precedent; he puts up from fifty to seventy-five thousand cans of salmon, lobsters, herring, vege- tables, &c., annually, and from fifteen to twenty thousand boxes of smoked herrings. Of late quite a number of similar establish- ments have grown up in various parts of the State. MANUFACTORIES. Within the last ten years Manufacturing in this State has considerably increased, and many establishments may be found located on the rivers bordering the coast, with capitals varying from thirty to one hundred thousand dollars. Saco, Biddeford, and Lewiston, rank first in this important enterprise. Water power being abundant, it may not be an illusive aphorism emanating from a diseased imagination to augur that, as the lumbering interest declines, manufacturing will usurp its place, becoming hives of industry and important marts of the State, infusing an additional stimulus to the agricultural interests and rural districts to supply the increased demand for the products of the soil, producing a greater blessing than the stately forest or hum of saws have, or possibly can, shower upon the inhabitants or State. GRANITE. Quarries to an unlimited extent exist in many portions of the State. The granite has a beautiful color and durable aspect. ,The State House, Lunatic Asylum and United States Arsenal at Au- gusta afford specimens. Those most extensively operated are con- tiguous to or on navigable waters. Hence Hallowell, Musquitoe Mountain, (Marsh River, Frankfort,) Sullivan, Bluekill, and FISHERIES. MAINE REGISTER. Vinal Haven, and a few other localities, do the largest amount of business. There is shipped from Bluehill from twenty to fifty thousand dollars worth of rough and hewed granite, per annum. SLATE Is found in many places in the State, of good quality and free from impurities; and in several towns the quarrying and shipping form a leading feature in their annual products. STARCH FACTORIES. A few years ago quite a number of establishments sprung up, involving considerable capital, promising adundant success and yielding a fair remuneration, until the potato rot paralyzed their efforts and suspended their operations. Whenever this invigorating esculent rewards the husbandman with thrift and abundance, a large amount of this manufacture will inevitably find its way into all our large markets. LIME. Lime Stone abounds in many parts of the State. The quar- ries at Rockland, Thomaston, South Thomaston and Camden, are considered inexhaustible. It is also found in, Warren, Union, Lincolnville, and Whitefield, and is said to exist in Sullivan, Machias, Lubec, and other places. The average exports in 1845 was one hundred thousand casks, at the value of seventy thousand dollars. In 1852, in Rockland, Thomaston, South Thomaston and Camden, the exports exceeded a million and a half of casks, amounting to upwards of a million of dollars. Within the last year the amount of manufacture has been somewhat lessened, on account of the extreme high price of wood, and the price has been materially increased in consequence. The quarries, wherever situated, must always continue to be a source of wealth to the inhabitants. The mineral in its crude state is worth from eight to fifteen cents per cask; the casks from eighteen to twenty-five cents, and the balance of cost made up of fuel and labor. The inspection laws are enforced with rigor. The article must be well burnt and pure, and put up in sound and seasoned casks. The value of the soil, is improved, and its productions enhanced whereon the mineral is found. The income from sales and the employment of our coasters makes it an important item in the pro- ducts of industry and revenue to the State. 258 POPULATION OF NEW ENGLAND. 259 POPULATION OF NEW ENGLAND. The Act of Congress under which the United States Census for 1850 was taken, established the rule which was to be adopted for the apportionment of members for the 33d Congress, and until the taking of the next census. That rule limited the number of the members of the House to 233, and pro- vided that the ratio of apportionment should be obtained by dividing the aggregate population of the Union, as ascertained by the new census, after deducting therefrom two-fifths of the whole number of slaves, by 233. The population of each State was then to be divided by the ratio so obtained, and the last quotient would show the number of members to which the State would be entitled, besides which, however, those States to which the largest fractions belonged, after the division, were to be entitled to one additional member, until the whole number of 233 should be made up. This apportion- ment was made, and the result certified by the Secretary of the Interior. We give below, according to the United States Census of 1850, the popula- tion of the States of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. The population of Maine may be found in the table of Gubernatorial Votes, Population, &c. [See page 267.] STATE OF CONNECTICUT. FAIRFIELD. Bridgeport, 7558 Brookfield, 1360 Danbury, 5964 Darien, 1454 Easton, 1432 Fairfield, 3618 Greenwich, 5040 Huntington, 1301 Monroe, 1440 New Canaan, 2601 New Fairfield, 927 Newtown, 3358 Norwalk, 4651 Redding, 1754 Ridgefield, 2237 Sherman, 984 Stamford, 5004 Stratford, 2040 Trumbull, 1313 Weston, 1063 Westport, 2649 Wilton, 2066 69,814 HARTFORD. Avon, 995 Berlin, 1869 Bloomfield, 1413 Bristol, 2884 Burlington, 1161 Canton, 1986 East Hartford, 2497 East Windsor, 2633 Enfield, 4460 Farmington, 2630 glastenbury, 3390 Granby, 2498 Hartford, 17966 Hartland, 848 Manchester, 2546 Marlborough, 832 New Britain, 3023 Rocky Hill, 1042 Simsbury, 2737 South Windsor, 1638 Southington, 2135 Suffield, 2962 Wethersfield, 2523 Windsor, 3254 69,922 LITCHFIELD. Barkhamsted, 1526 Bethlem, 815 Canaan, 2627 Colebrook, 1316 Cornwall, 2041 Goshen, 1457 Harwinton, 1176 Kent, 1848 Litchfield, 3957 New Hartford, 2663 New Milford, 4508 Norfolk, 1641 Plymouth, 2568 Roxbury, 1114 Salisbury, 3103 Sharon, 2517 Torrington, 1916 Warren, 831 Washington, 1802 Watertown, 1533 Winchester, 2179 Woodbury, 2150 45,287 MIDDLESEX. Chatham, 1531 Chester, 992 Clinton, 1344 Durham, 1065 East Haddam, 2610 Haddam, 2284 Killingsworth, 1104 Middletown, 8791 Portland, 2905 Saybrook, 3848 Westbrook, 1203 27,677 NEW HAVEN. Bethany, 914 Branford, 1425 Cheshire, 1627 Derby, 3824 East Haven, 1673 Guilford, 2650 Hamden, 2168 Madison, 2063 Meriden, 3525 Middlebury, 763 Milford, 2465 Naugatuck, 1720 New Haven, 22529 North Branford, 1013 North Haven, 1328 Orange, 1466 Oxford, 1562 Prospect, 674 Seymour, 1677 Southbury, 1484 Wallingford, 2639 Waterbury, 6137 260 Walcott, 603 Woodbridge, 912 65,841 NEW LONDON. Bozrah, 867 Colchester, 2468 East Lyme, 1382 Franklin, 895 Griswold, 206.5 Groton, 3742 Lebanon, 1901 Ledyard, 1588 Lisbon, 937 Lyme, 2668 Montville, 1848 New London, 9006 North Stonington, 1937 Norwich, 10261 Preston, 1805 Salem, 760 Stonington, 5434 MAINE RGISTER. Waterford, 2262 51,826 TOLLAND. Andover, 500 Bolton, 600 Columbia, 876 Coventry, 1984 Ellington, 1355 Hebron, 1345 Mansfield, 2530 Somers, 1510 Stafford, 2941 Tolland, 1410 Union, 729 Vernon, 2900 Willington, 1399 20,079 WINDHAM. Ashford, 1296 Brooklyn, 1515 Canterbury, 1669 Chaplin, 799 Eastford, 1128 Hampton, 928 Killingly, 4545 Plainfield, 2730 Pomfret, 1894 Sterling, 102k Thompson, 4638 Voluntown, 1064 Windham, 4636 Woodstock, 3380 31,202 RECAPITULATION. Fairfield, 59814 Hartford, 69922 Litchfield, 45287 Middlesex, 27677 New Haven, 65841 New London, 51826 Tolland, 20079 Windham, 31202 371,648 STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. BARNSTABLE. Barnstable, 4901 Brewster, 152.5 Chatham, 2439 Dennis, 3257 Eastham, 845 Falmouth, 2621 Harwich, 3258 Orleans, 1848 Provincetown, 3157 Sandwich, 4368 Truro, 2051 Wellfleet, 2411 Yarmouth, 2595 35276 DUKES. Chilmark, 747 Edgartown, 1990 Tisbury, 1803 4540 BERKSHIRE. Adams, 6172 Alford, 502 Becket, 1223 Boston Corner, 73 Cheshire, 1298 Clarksburg, 384 Dalton, 1020 Egremont, 1013 Florida, 561 Ot. Barrington, X264 Hancock, 789 Hinsdale, Lanesboro', Lee, Lenox, Monterey, Mt. Washington, New Ashford, N. Marlboro', Otis, Peru, Pittsfield, Richmond, Sandisfield, Savoy, Sheffield, Stockbridge, Tyringham, Washington, W. Stockbridge, Williamstown, Windstr, - BRISTOL. Attleboro', Berkley, Dartmouth, Dighton, Easton, Fairhaven, Fall River, Freetown, Mansfield, New Bedford, Norton, 1253 1229 3220 1599 761 351 186 1847 1221 519 5 79 Pawtucket, Raynham, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Somerset, Swanzey, Taunton, Westport, 7 ESSEX. 1649 Amesbury, 955 Andover, 27b9 Beverly, 1941 Boxford, 821 Bradford, 753 Danvers, 1713 Essex, 2626 Georgetown, 897 Gloucester, - Groveland, 49591 Hamilton, Haverhill, Ipswich, 4200 Lawrence, 908 Lynn, 3868 Lynnfield, 1641 Manchester, 2337 Marblehead, 4304 Methuen, 11524 Middleton, 1615 Nahant, 1789 Newbury, 16443 Newburyport, 1966 Rockport, 3763 1541 2104 2243 1166 1554 10441 2795 76192 3143 6945 5378 982 1328 8109 1585 2052 7786 1286 889 5877 3349 8282 14257 1723 1638 6167 2538 832 4426 9572 3274 POPULATION OF NEW ENGLAND. Rowley, 1075 Salem, 20254 Salisbury, 3100 Saugus, 15652 Swampscott, 1170 Topsfield, - 977 Wenham, 1746 W. Newbury, 131300 HAMPDEN. Blandford, 1418 Brimfield, 1420 Chester, 1521 Chicopee, 8291 Granville, 1305 Holland, 449 Holyoke, 3245 Longmeadow, 1252 Ludlow, 1186 Monson, 2831 Montgomery, 393 Palmer, 3974 Russell, 521 Southwick, 1120 Springfield, 11766 Tolland, 594 Wales, 711 Westfield, 2979 W. Springfield, ,4180 Wilbraham, 2127 51283 FRANKLIN. Ashfield, 1394 Bernardston, 937 Buckland, 1056 Charlemont, 1173 Coleraine, 1785 Conway, 1831 Deerfield, 2121 Irving, 449 Gill, 754 Greenfield, 2580 Hawley, 881 Heath, 803 Leverett, 948 Leyden, 716 Monroe, 254 Montague, 1518 New Salem, 1253 Northfield, 1772 Orange, 1701 Rowe, 659 Shelburne, 1239 Shutesbury, 912 Sunderland, 792 Warwick, 1021 Wendell, 923 Whately, 1101 3087 1 HAMPSHIRE. Amherst, 8057 Belchertown, 2680 Chesterfield, 1014 Cummington, 1172 Easthampton, 1342 Enfield, 1036 Goshen, 512 Granby, 1104 Greenwich, 838 Hadley, 1986 Hatfield, 1073 Middlefield, 737 Northampton, 5278 Norwich, 755 Pelham, 983 Plainfield, 814 Prescott, 737 South Hadley, 2191 Southampton, 1060 Ware, 3785 Westhampton, 602 Williamsburg, 1537 Worthington, 1134 35732 MIDDLESEX. Acton, Ashby, Ashland, Bedford, Billerica, Boxboro', Brighton, Burlington, Cambridge, Carlisle, Charlestown, Chelmsford, Concord, Dracut, Dunstable, Framingham, Groton, Holliston, Hopkinton, Lexington, Lincoln, Littleton, Lowell, Malden,, Marlboro', Medford, Melrose, Natick, Newton, N. Reading, Pepperell, Reading, Sherborn Shirley, 1605 1208 1301 975 1645 395 2356 545 15215 632 17216 5097 2249 3503 590 4252 2515 2428 2801 1893 719 987 33383 3520 2941 3749 1260 2744 5258 1764 3108 1043 1158 Somerville, 3540 S. Reading, 2407 Stoneham, 2085 Stow, 1455 Sudbury, 1578 Tewksbury, 1044 Townsend, 1947 Tngsboro', 799 Waltham, 4464 Watertown, 2837 Wayland, 1115 W. Cambridge, 2202 Westford, 1473 Weston, 1205 Wilmington, 874 Winchester, 1353 Woburn, 3956 161383 NANTUCKET. Nantucket, 8452 NORFOLK. Bellingham, 1281 Braintree, 2969 Brookline 2516 Canton, 2598 Cohasset, 1775 Dedham, 4447 Dorchester, 7969 Dover, 631 Foxboro', 1880 Franklin, 1818 Medfi ld, 966 Medway, 2778 Milton, 2241 Needham, 1944 Quincy, 5017 Randolph, 4741 Roxbury, 18364 Sharon, 1128 Stoughton, 3494 Walpole, 1929 Weymouth, 5369 Wientham, 3037 78892 PLYMOUTH. Abington, 5269 Bridgewater, 2790 Carver, 1186 Duxbury, 2679 E. Bridgewater, 2545 Halifax, 784 Hanover, 1592 Hanson, 1217 Hingham, 3980 Hull, 25 Kingston, 1591 Lakeville, Marion, Marshfield, 1837 261 MAINE REGISTER. Middleboro', N. Bridgewater, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rochester, Scituate, South Situate, Warehat W. Bridgewater, 5336 3939 1388 6024 927 3808 2149 1770 3186 1447 55697 55697 WORCESTER. Ashburnham, 1875 Athol, 2034 Auburn, 879 Barre, 2976 Berlin, 866 Blackstone, 4391 Bolton, 1363 Boylston, 918 Brookfield, 1674 Charlton, 2015 Clinton, 3113 Dana, 842 Douglas, 1878 Dudley, 1443 Fitchburg, 5120 Gardner, 1533 Grafton, 3904 Hardwick, 1631 Harvard, 1630 Holden, 1933 Hubbardston, Lancaster, Leicester, Leominster, Lunenburg, Mendon, Milford, Millbury, New Braintree, Northboro', N: Brookfield, Northbridge, Oaklham, Oxford, Paxton, Petersham, Phillipston, Princeton, Rloyalston, Rutland, Shrewsbury, Southboro', Southbridge, Spencer, Sterling, Sturbridge, Sutton, Templeton, Upton, Uxbridge, Warren, Webster, W. Boylston. W. Brookfield, 1825 1688 2269 3121 1249 1300 4819 3081 852 1535 1939 2230 1137 2380 820 1527 809 1318 1546 1223 1596 1347 2824 2244 1805 2119 2595 2173 2023 2457 1777 2371 2371 1749 Westboro', 1344 Westminster, 1914 Winchendon, 2445 Worcester, 17049 130789 SUFFOLK. Boston, 136881 Chelsea, 6701 N. Chelsea, 935 Winthrop, 144517 RECAPITULATION. By Counties. Barnstable, 35276 Berkshire, 49591 Bristol, 76192 Dukes, 4540 Essex, 131300 Franklin, 30870 Hampden, 51283 Hampshire, 35732 Middlesex, 161383 Nantucket, 8452 Norfolk, 78892 Plymouth, 55697 Suffolk, 144517 Worcester, 130789 Aggregate, 994514 STATE OF NEW HA1fIPSHIRE. BELKNAP. Alton, Barnstead, Centre Harbor, Gilford, Gilmanton, Meredith, New Hampton, Sanbornton, 1 CARROLL. Albany, Brookfield, Chatham, Conway, Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Moultonboro', Ossipee, Sandwich, Tamworth, Tuftonboro', Wakefield, Wolfboro', 2 1795 1848 544 2425 3282 3521 1612 2695 7,722 455 552 516 1769 1751 1252 910 1748 2122 2577 1766 1305 1405 2038 0,166 CHESHIRE. Alstead, Chesterfield, Dublin, Fitzwilliam, Gilsum, Hinsdale, Jaffrey, Keene, Marlborough, Marlow, Nelson, Richmond, Rindge, Roxbury, Stoddard, Sullivan, Surry, Swanzey, Troy, Walpole, Westmoreland, Winchester, 1425 1680 1088 1482 666 1903 1497 3392 886 708 751 1128 1274 S260 1105 468 6556 2166 759 2034. 1677 3296 30,141 COOS. Bartlett, Berlin, Cambridge, Carroll, Clarksville, Colebrook, Columbia, Dalton, Dixville, D ummer, Errol, Gorham, Hart's Locaion, Jackson, Jefferson, Kilkenny, Lancaster, Milan, Miltsfield, Northumberlaid, Pittsburg, Randolph, Stark, Stratford, L Shelburne, Stewartstown, 262 761 173 33 299 18 9o 769 17 224 589 629 559 4932 429 425 113 418 552 480 747 POPULATION OF NEW ENGLAND. Success, Whitefield, 857 11,707 GRAFTON. Alexandria, 1273 Bath, 1514 Benton, 478 Bethlehem, 950 Bridgewater, 664 Bristol, 1103 Campton, 1439 Canaan, 1683 Danbury, 934 Dorchester, 711 Ellsworth, 320 Enfield, 1742 Franconia, 584 Grafton, 1259 Groton, 776 Hanover, 2352 Haverhill, 2405 Hebron, 565 Hill, 951 Holderness, 1744 Landaff, 948 Lebanon, 2136 Lisbon, 1882 Lincoln, 57 Littleton, 2008 Lyman, 1442 Lyme, 1618 Orange, 451 Orford, 1406 Piermont, 948 Plymouth, 1290 Rumney, 1109 Thornton, 1012 Wasren, 872 Waterville, 40 Wentworth, 1197 Woodstock, 418 4-. 42,281 HILLSBOROUGH. Amherst, 1613 Aatim, 1143 Bedford, 1906 Bennington, 541 Brookline, 718 Deering, 890 Wancestown, 1114 Goffstown, 2270 Greenfield, 716 Hancock, 1012 Hillsborough, 1685 Hollis, 1293 Hudson, 1312 Litchfield, 447 Lyndeborough, 968 Manchester, 13933 Mason, 1226 Merrimack, Milford, Mount Vernon, Nashua, Nashville, New Ipswich, New Boston, Pelham, Peterborough, Sharon, Temple, Weare, Wilton, Windsor, 1250 2159 722 5820 3122 1877 1476 1071 2222 226 579 2436 1161 172 67,080 MERRIMACK. Allenstown, Andover, Bradford, Bow, Boscawen, Canterbury, Chichester, Concord, Dunbarton, Epsom, Franklin, Henniker, Hooksett, Hopkinton, Loudon, Newbury, New London, Northfield, Pembroke, Pittsfield, Salisbury, Sutton, Warner, Wilmot, 526 1220 1341 1055 2063 1614 997 8584 915 1365 1251 1690 1503 2169 1553 738 945 1332 1732 1828 1228 1387 2038 1272 40,346 ROCKINGHAM. Atkinson, Auburn, Brentwood, Candia, Chester, Danville, Deerfield, Derry, East Kingston, Epping, Exeter, Gassport, Greenland, Hampstead, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, 600 810 923 1482 1301 614 2022 1850 532 1663 3329 103 739 783 1197 640 700 1192 Londonderry, 1731 New Castle, 891 Newmarket, 1939 Newton, 685 Newington, 472 North Hampton, 822 Northwood, 1308 Nottingham, 1268 Plaistow, 748 Poplin, 509 Portsmouth, 9739 Raymond, 1256 Rye, 1296 Salem, 1555 Sandown, 566 Seabrook, 1296 South Hampton, 472 South Newmarket, 516 Stratham, 843 Windham, 818 49,216 STRAFFORD. Barrington, 1754 Dover, 8186 Durham, 1499 Farmington, 1699 Lee, 863 Madbury, 484 Middleton, 476 Milton, 1619 New Durham, 1048 Rochester, 3006 Rollingsford, 1862 Somersworth, 4943 Strafford, 1920 29,359 SULLIVAN. Acworth, 1251 Cflarlestown, 1644 Claremont, 3606 Cornish, 1606 Croydon, 861 Goshen, 659 Grantham, 784 Langdon, 575 Lempster, 906 Newport, 2020 Plainfield, 1392 Springfield, 1270 Sunapee, 787 Unity, 96 1 Washington, 1054 19,376 RECAPITULATION. By Counties. Belknap, 17722 Carroll, 20166 263 264 Cheshire, Coos, Grafton, MAINE REGISTER, 30141 Hillsborough, 57189 Strafford, 11707 Merrimack, 49316 Sullivan, 42281 Rockingham, 49216 29369 19376 317,394 STATE OF VERMIONT. ADDISON. Addison, 1279 Bridport, 1393 Bristol, 1344 Cornwall, 1155 Ferrisburg, 2075 Goshen, 486 Granville, 603 Hancock, 430 Leicester, 596 Lincoln, 1057 Middlebury, 3517 Monkton, 1246 New Haven, 1663 Orwell, 1470 Panton, 559 Ripton, 567 Salisbury, 1027 Shoreham, 1601 Starksboro', 1400 Vergennes, 1378 Waltham, 270 Weybridge, 804 Whiting, 629 26,549 BENNINGTON. Arlington, 1084 Bennington, 3923 Dorset, 1700 Glastenbury, 52 Landgrove, 337 Manchester, 1782 Peru, 567 Pownal, 1743 Readsboro', 85? Rupert, 1102 Sandgate, 850 Searsburg, 201 Shaftesbury, 1896 Stamford, 833 Sunderland, 489 Winhall, 762 Woodford, 423 18,589 CALEDONIA. Barnet, 2521 Bradley Vale, 107 Burke, 1103 Cabot, 1356 Danville, 2577 Goshen Gore by Wheelock, 133 Goshen Gore by Plainfield, 32 Groton, 895 FRANKLIN. Hardwick, 14C2 Avery's Gore, 48 Harris's Gore, 8 Bakersfield, 1523 Kirby, 514 Berkshire, 19.55 Lyndon, 1752 Enosburg, 2009 Newark, 431 Fairfax, 2111 Peacham, 1377 Fairfield, 2591 Ryegate, 1606 Fletcher, 1084 Sheffield, 797 Franklin 1646 St. Johnsbury, 2758 Georgia, 2686 Sutton, 1001 Highgate, 2653 Walden, 910 Montgomery, 1001 Waterford, 1412 Richford, 1074 Wheelock, 855 Sheldon, 1814 St. Albans, *3567 23,600 Swanton, 2824 CHITTENDEN. 28,686 Avery's & Buel's GRAND ISLE. Gore, 18 Alburg, 1568 Bolton, 602 Grand Isle, 666 Burlington, 7505 Isle La Mott, 476 Charlotte, 1634 North Iero, 730 Colchester, 2575 South Hero, 705 Essex, 2032 - Hinesburgh, 1834 4,16 Huntington, 885 LAMOILLE. Jericho, 1837 Belvidere, 256 Milton, 2451 Cambridge, 1849 Richmond, 1453 Eden, 668 Shelburne, 1257 Emore, 604 St. George, 147 Hyde, 1107 Underhill, 1599 Johnson, 1381 Westford, 1458 Morristown, 1141 Williston, 1669 Sterling, 233 Stowe, 1771 29,036 Waterville, 753 Wolcott, 909 ESSEX. Averi 7 10,872 AveriU, 7 Bloomfield, 244 ORANGE. Brighton, 193 Bradford, 1723 Brunswick, 119 Braintree, 1228 Canaan, 471 Brookfield, 1672 Concord, 1152 Chelsea, 1958 East Haven, 91 Corinth, 1906 Granby, 127 Fairlee, 575 Guildhall, 501 Newbury, 2984 Lemington, 187 Orange, 1007 Lunenburg, 1121 Randolph, 2666 Maidstone, 237 Strafford, 1546 Victory, 168 Thetford, 2010 Wenlock, 26 Topsham, 1668 - Tunbridge, 1786 4,650 Vershire, 1071 POPULATION OF NEW ENGLAND. Washington, 1348 West Fairlee, 696 Williamstown; 1452 27,296 ORLEANS. Albany, 1051 Barton, 987 Brownington, 613 Charleston, 1008 Coventry, 867 Craftsburg, 1223 Derby, 1750 Glover, 1137 Greensboro', 1008 Holland, 669 Irasburg, 1034 Jay, 371 Lowell, 637 Morgan, 486 Newport, 748 Salem, 455 Troy, 1008 Westfield, 6 502 Westmore, 152 15,707 RUTLAND. Benson, 1305 Brandon, 2835 Castleton, 3016 Chittenden, 675 Clarendon, 1477 Danby, 1535 Fairhaven, 902 Hubbardton, 701 Ira, 400 Mendon, 504 Middletown, 875 Mount Holly, 1534 Mount Tabor, 308 Pawlet, 1843 Pittsfield, 512 Pittsford, 2026 Poultney, 2329 Rutland, 3715 Sherburne, 578 Shrewsbury, 1268 Sudbury, 794 Tinmouth, 717 Wallingford, 1688 Wells, 804 West Haven, 718 33,059 WASHINGTON. Barre, 1835 Berlin, 1507 Calais, 1410 Duxbury, 845 East Montpelier, 1447 Fayston, 684 Marshfield, 1102 Middlesex, 1365 Montpelier, 2310 Moretown, 1335 Northfield, 2922 Plainfield, 808 Roxbury, 967 Waitsfield, 1021 Warren, 962 Waterbury, 2352 Woodbury, 1070 Worcester, 702 24,654 WINDHAM. Athens, Brattleboro', Brookline, Dover, Dummerston, Grafton, Guilford, Halifax, Jamaica, Londonderry, Marlboro', Newfane, Putney, Rockingham, Somerset, Stratton, Townshend, Vernon, Wardsboro', Westminster, Whitingham, 359 3816 285 709 1645 1241 1329 1133 1606 1274 896 1304 1425 2837 321 286 1354 281 1125 1721 1380 Wilmington, 1372 Windham, 763 29,062 WINDSOR. Andover, 725 Baltimore, 124 Barnard, 1647 Bethel, 1730 Bridgewater, 1311 Cavendish, 1576 Chester, 2001 Hartford, 2159 Hartland, 2063 Ludlow, 1619 Norwich, 1978 Plymouth, 1226 Pomfret, 1546 Reading, 1171 Rochester, 1493 Royalton, 1850 Sharon, 1240 Springfield, 2762 Stockbridge, 1327 Weathersfield, 1851 Weston, 950 West Windsor, 1002 Windsor, 1928 Woodstock, 3041 38,320 RECAPITULATION. By Counties. Addison, 26,549 Bennington, 18,589 Caledonia, 23,600 Chittenden, 29,036 Essex, 4,650 Franklin, 28,586 Grand Isle, 4,145 Lamoille, 10,872 Orange, 27,296 Orleans, ,15,707 Rutland, 33,059 Washington, 24,654 Windham, 29,062 Windsor, 38,320 314,125 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. BRISTOL. Barrington, Bristol, Warren, KENT. Coventry, East Greenwich, Warwick, 7740 New Shoreham, 1262 795 West Greenwich, 1350 Portsmouth, 1833 4616 - Tiverton, 4699 3103 15,068 NEWPORT. 20,009 8,514 Jamestown, 358 PROVIDENCE. Little Compton, 1462 Burrilville, 3538 3620 Middletown, 832 Cranston, 4312 2358 Newport, 9563 Cumberland, 6662 18 265 26G MAINE REGISTER. Foster, '1932 WASHINGTON. RECAPITULATION. Gloucester, 2872 Charlestown, 994 By Counties. Johnston, 2937 Exeter, 1635 Bristol, / 8,514 North Providence, 7680 Hopkinton, 2478 Kent, 15,068 Providence, 41513 North Kingstown, 9712 Newport, 20,009 Scituate, 4582 Richmond, 1784 Providence, 87,528 Smithfield, 11500 South Kingstown, 3802 Washington, 16,430 Westerly, 2766 87,528 16,430 147,549 POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. STATES. Whites. Free Colored. Total Free Popu- Slaves. lation. Maine................. 581,813.... 1,356.... 583,169........... New Hampshire ........ 317,456.... 520.... 317,976.......... Vermont ........ .... 313,402.... 718.... 314,120........... Massachusetts .......... 985,450.... 9,064.... 994,514........... Rhode Island............ 143,875.... 3,670.... 147,545.......... Connecticut.,. ............ 363,099.... 7,693.... 370,792........... New York ............ 3,048,325....49,069....3,097,394........... Pennsylvania........... 2,258,463....53,323....2,311,786 .......... Ohio ..................1,955,108... .25,319.... 1,980,427.......... Indiana................ 977,628....10,788.... 988,416........... Illinois.......... ..... 846,035.... 5,435.... 851,470.......... Michigan................ 395,097.... 2,557.... 397,654........... Wisconsin; ............. 304,758.... 633.... 305,391........... Iowa .................. 191,879.... 335.... 192,214........... California.............. 91,632.... 965.... 92,597........... New Jersey............ 465,513....23,820.... 489,333.... 222 Delaware.............. 71,169 ...18,073.... 89,242.... 2,290 Maryland............... 417,943....74,723.... 492,666.... 90,368 Virginia...."......... 894,800....54,333.... 949,133.... 472,528 North Carolina ....... 553,028....27,463.... 580,491.... 288,548 South Carolina ..... .... 274,567.... 8,956.... 283,523.... 384,984 Georgia ............... 521,572,... 2,931.... 524,503.... 381,682 Alabama............ .. 426,486.... 2,293.... 428,779.... 342,892 Mississippi.............. 295,718.... 930.... 296,648.... 309,878 Louisiana....... ... 255,491....17,462.... 272,953.... 244,809 Tennessee .............. 756,753.... 6,401.... 763,154.... 239,460 Kentucky ............. 761,417....10,007.... 771,424.... 210,981 Missouri ................. 592,004.... 2,618.... 594,622.... 87,422 Arkansas. ............. 162,189.... 608.... 162,797.... 47,100 Florida ................ 47,211.... 924.... 48,135.... 39,309 Texas................ 154,034... 397.... 154,431.... 58,161 District of Columbia ..... 38,027.... 9,973.... 48,000.... 3,687 Utah Territory.......... 11,330.... 24.... 11,354.... 26 Minnesota Territory...... 6,038.... 39.... 6,077.......... New Mexico Territory... 61,530.... 17.... 61,547..........'. Oregon Territory........ 13,088.... 206.... 13,294........... 433,643 19,987,573 3,204,347 Aggregate .....191,553,928 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. 267 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR IN 1854. In the tables following will be found the number of votes given in each town for the principal candidates for Governor in 1854, as published in the Augusta Age. These are not the official returns, but the result is the same. The counties and towns are arranged alphabetically. With but few exceptions the name of the Town Clerk for 1854, in each town, is given in this table. The State Tax, apportioned by an Act of the Legislature, April 17, 1854, will be noticed in the last column of figures. The tax of the smaller places is given in the aggregate at the end of the county. In 1850 the United States Census gave to Maine a population of 583,235 inhabitants. The result of that census, for each town and county in the State, will be found convenient for reference, and it is here given. ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY, VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &c. State Tax. Auburn,........John C. Briggs... 2840 214 75 283 9 $806.48 Danville,.......Calvin G. Skinner. 1636 94 37 110 57 650.42 Durham, .......John C. Merrill... 1894 46 65 145 5 756.24 E. Livermore, ..Aaron Barton..... 892 5 55 89 7 301.77 Greene, ........Silas Sprague..... 1347 127 21 146 444.48 Leeds, .........No return........ 1652 81 66 109 1 452.99 Lewiston, ......E. P. Tobie....... 3584 154 61 376 1165.79 Lisbon,......... Robert Jack...... 1495 21 71 119 6 6529.20 Livermore, .....Salathiel Tilton... 1764 126 56 134 546.22 Minot, .........A. B. ])winel..... 1734 127 13 180 15 597.88 Poland, ........Stephen Gould.... 2660 194 14 223 20 639.93 Turner,........Hira Bradford.... 2537 322 45 266 1 842.72 Wales,.........Thomas W. Ham. 612 49 31 27 224.39 Webster, .......James Bryant.... 1110 33 51 51 2 390.97 25757 1593 651 2248 170 8349.48 AROOSTOOK COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax. Amity, ........Edmund Cone.... 256 3 11 30 $29.15 Hodgdon, .....J. W. Jackins.... 862 3 1 62 34 125.06 Houlton, .......John F...H. Hall.. 1453 60 54 20 90 285.77 Linneus, . ..... Benj. G. Morrison. 561 10 16 21 62 51.31 Masardis, ......Eben Trafton..... 122 22 1 20 20.65 Monticello,.....Jas. C. Wellington. 227 24 3 16 5 33.44 New Limerick,..Jonathan Hayes., 160 6 13 4 2 27.60 Smyrna,........Osgood Pingry.... 172 15 9 3 5 16.55 Weston,.... Charles Megquier. 293 14 15 25 56,.96 Bancroft,....... Joseph E. Shorey. 157 6 3 11 Belfast Ac. gt.,.................. 259 5 12 11 MAINE REGISTER. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. *Pret. Re. Nrri ay e tt a TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Benedicta,......Michael Broderick. 325 Bridgewater, ...Chas. Kidder..... 143 Crystal Plant'n,. Jedediah Fairfield. 175 Dayton Plant'n,.................. 40 Eaton G't. Pl.,.David O. Parks... 188 Golden Ridge,..Ivory B. Gerry.... 194 Hancock, ......................... 592 Haynesville,..................... 96 Letter D., ......Henry W. Hyde.. 401 Letter G, R. 2,.Joel Bean........ 361 Limeston R. PI.,W. G. Carpenter.. Macwahoc, .....H. Chadbourne... Madawaska, ....Lewis Cormier.... 1278 Moluncus,......Wm. W. Hadley.. 199 Orient, .......Chas. Longfellow. 207 Portage Lake,..N. W. Stevens.... 168 Presque Isle Pl.,JohnN.Truworthy. Salmon Brook,..Jotham S. Wilder. 176 Van Buren, ....James Keagan.... 1050 Williams C. gt.,Charles Durnin... 224 No. 7, H. 5, ...................... 10 No. 9, R. 6,....John N. Winslow. 59 No. 11, R. 1,...................... 106 No. 11, R. 5,....Elb'dge G. Decker. 354 Framingham,..................... 31 Moro, ........................... Letter H, R. 2,.Cyrus Small...... 203 No. 12, R. 3,...................... 66 Letter F, R. 2,.................. 288 Mars Hill,........................ 29 Deerfield Ac.Gt.,................... 32 No. 12, R. 5,...................... 11 No. 17, R. 9,..................... 209 Ashland, (a new town,)........... No. 6, R. 5,....................... 39 No. 9, R. 5,..................... 25 Plymouth Grant,.................. 252 No. 5, R. 3,....................... 34 Letter A, R. 2,.................. 4 No. 3, R. 2,....................... 37 Reed, ............................. 76 Letter B, R. 1,................... 141 No. 8, R. 5, ....................... 33 No. 6, R. 4,....................... 37 Letter B, R. 2,................... 5 Portland Ac.Gt.,.................. 78 Letter E, R. 1,.................... 46 Other places,................... . Parrie. Reed. Morrll. Cary, &o. State Tax. 38 1 3 $7.72 13 10 11 6.61 6 2 8 2 34 29 14 26 8 10 1 40 1 1 10 11 7 122 2 14 41 26 8 5 56 10 12 149 16 4 38 14 8 65 8 1 14 1 24 4 2 5.00 22 1 11 28 22 12 13 2 34 1 5 3 5 28 18 8 1 1 12 14 6.61 1 2 5 7 1 1 6 3 6.61 11 8.00 6.91 13.36 6.61 381.23 12533 564 579 325 447 1095.15 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pep. in 1850. Paris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. Stae Tax. Baldwin, .......D'1 T. Richardson. 1100 27 117 72 $314.92 Bridgton, ......Samuel Mason.... 2710 200 34 256 12 949.16 Brunswick, .....Nathaniel Badger. 4976 153 78 309 2223.38 Cape Elizabeth,. John Fickett ..... 2082 63 7 183 61 516.13 Casco, .........Daniel M. Cook... 1045 45 30 114 3 306.49 268 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tar. Cumberland, ...Samuel True...... 1656 92 41 94 14 $656.66 Falmouth,......John Noyes....... 2164 66 6 178 41 806.71 Freeport,.......Ambrose Pratt.... 2629 81 64 228 11 1131.76 Gorham, .......Wm. B. Harding.. 3088 241 47 255 6 1374.86 Gray, ..........J. Clark.......... 1788 108 13 150 58 479.01 Harpswell, .....Thos. U. Eaton... 1535 83 . 93 7 2 633.15 Harrison, ......T. R. Sampson... 1416 76 12 149 18 462.35 Naples, ........Asa Warren...... 1025 59 27 104 274.16 New Gloucester,E. H. Moseley.... 1848 42 29 209 43 794.56 N. Yarmouth, ..Wm. Osgood..... 1221 34 23 119 7 657.67 Otisfield, .......Lewis H. Sawyer.. 1171 40 26 97 5 424.49 Portland,....... William Boyd..... 20819 809 490 1728 45 14650.66 Pownal, ........Henry Warren.... 1074 28 25 107 28 485.33 Raymond,......L. D. Strout...... 1142 25 6 105 71 255.95 Scarborough, ...Gren. McKenney. 1837 177 11 131, 12 776.52 Sebago, .......Samuel Tyler..... 850 11 9 52 92 141.97 Standish,. ......John H. Philbrick. 2290 190 32 194 9 662.67 Westbrook,..... George Bishop.... 4852 321 45 477 37 2414.29 Windham,......John Eveleth..... 2380 89 27 267 23 819 62 Yarmouth, .....S. W. Blanchard.. 2144 61 72 160 3 1459.42 Raymond Cape,................... 50 68892 3121 1247 5780 673 33671.68 PRANKLIN COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &. State Tar. Avon,..........Rufus W. Libby.. 778 55 11 67 $162.77 Carthage, ......Harrison Storer... 420 37 2 24 85 24 Chesterville,....Bartlett Lowell... 1142 34 49 104 $3 283.33 Farmington,....John F. Sprague.. 2725 86 39 386 25 1199.48 Freeman,.......Benj. B. Allen.... 762 45 14 57 148.86 Industry,.......P. W. Butler..... 1041 28 7 89 3 263.44 Jay,........... Silas Jones, Jr.... 1733 49 21 '122 65 444.11 Kingfield, ......Josiah French.... 662 38 35 10 147.70 Madrid, ....... John G. Conant... 404 65 11 57 48.65 New Sharon, ...Hiram Bass...... 1732 56 42 224 15 624.03 New Vineyard,..Luther F. Voter.. 635 34 10 53 132.29 Phillips,........ H. L. Whitcomb.. 1673 108 36 171 420.57 Salem, .........Daniel Heath..... 454 7 10 18 32 120.97 Strong,.........Adam Hunter.... 1008 31 27 133 340.02 Temple,........ Simeon Hackett.. 785 47 92 1 146.52 Weld,.......... Kendall Wright... 995 85 10 85 186.46 Wilton, ........Sewall Cram...... 1909 84 24 196 9 645.07 Jackson Plant'n,Aaron W. Mace.. 321 6 67 Letter E,....... B. T. Parker...... 126 8 5 3 11.20 Rangeley,...... John Haley, Jr... 438 34 1 48 No. 6,..........Ichabod Bryant.. 74 3 2 7 No. 3, R. 3,....................... 43 6.00 No. 4, R. 2,....................... 8 8.00 No. 4,........................... 139 7.84 20027 930 351 1998 193 6662.35 269 MAINE REGISTER. TOWNS. HANCOCK COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWN CLERKS. ? Pop. in 1850. Parrib. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax. Amherst,....... Alexander Webb.. 323 5 Aurora, ........Samuel Silsby..... 217 20 Bluehill, .......Vespasian Ellis... 1939 40 Brooklin,.......C. K. Higgins.... 1002 25 Brooksville, ....T. Shepardson.... 1333 42 Bucksport, .....Jas. B. Parker.... 3381 60 Castine, ........Otis Little........ 1260 46 Cranberry Isles,.Jos. S. Speedling. 283 24 Deer Isle, ......John L. Carman.. 3037 129 Dedham,......W. P. Spofford.... 546 34 Eastbrook, .....William Smith.... 212 11 Eden, .........S. H. Richards... 1127 74 Ellsworth,......Wm. H. Chaney.. 4009 95 Franklin,.......Alfred Springer... 736 26 Gouldsborough,.H. M. Soule...... 1400 50 Greenfield, ....Benj. C. Wheeler. 305 6 Hancock, ......EliphaletPettingill 960 20 Mariaville, .....Chas. Brimmer ... 374 6 Mount Desert,..'E. E. Babson..... 777 43 Orland, ........Jas. C. Saunders.. 1580 46 Otis, .........Benjamin Davis... 124 1 Penobscot, ..................... 1556 17 Seaville,........Ab'm C. Milliken. 139 5 Sedgwick, ......R. S. Cole........ 1234 XJ5 Sullivan,....... Josh. B. Johnson. 810 50 Surry,..........Thos. C. Sargent.. 1189 43 Tremont,.......Seth H. Clark.... 1425 52 Trenton, .......William Hopkins. 1205 54 Waltham, ..... Elliot Jordan..... 304 Long Island,....Israel B. Lunt.... 152 4 Swan Island, ... James Joyce...... 423 25 Wetmore Isle,..Fred. Wardwell... 405 . 16 No. 7,..........Wm. Johnson.... 109 9 No. 21, M. D.,..Chas. B. Milliken. 26 No. 33, M. D.,..Chas. G. King.... 51 No. 1 and 2, ..................... 142 No. 8,............................ 17 No. 9,............................ 22 No. 10,........................... 20 Placentia Island,................. 13 Pond Island...................... 10 Calf Island,..................... 7 Black Island,..................... 25 Duck Island,..................... 12 Marshall's Isle,................ Old Harbor Isle,................. I Conwhy's Isle,................... 12 Pickering's Isle,................. 13 Beach Isle,........... .......... 9 Gr't Spruce Head Isle,............ 19 Bear Isle,..... .. ............... 7 Butter Isle,..................... 6 Eagle Isle,....................... 32 Hacketash Isle,................. 12 Matinicus L't I.,................. 11 Wood'n Ball Rock Isle,.....,..... 9 Other places,..................... 34372 1121 379.75 317 3052 9 9834.92 58 4 20 37 148 81 11 125 28 350 24 125 12 4 34 100 47 1 12 23 40 32 525 6 75 4 128 12 26 6 106 50 8 35 42 2 170 9 2 86 10 81 4 95 26 76 135 9 54 15 3 12 12 2 13 $88.76 67.89 704.39 157.56 214.04 1259.87 1 1197.29 78.13 459.19 111.20 66.09 209.62 8 1358.69 161.02 254.71 75.56 165.52 74.44 159.88 558.12 39.03 323.09 30.29 241.82 216.42 252.43 207.53 299.79 84.39 36.59 114.02 26.41 16.00 52.00 53.54 6.00 6.00 16.00 .40 .25 1.00 .40 .50 1.00 .60 2.00 .80 .40 1.00 1.60 2.00 270 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. 271 KENNEBEC COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLEIKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax. Albion,.........Jesse Taylor...... 1604 77 55 154 $459.88 Augusta, .......Dan'l C. Stanwood. 8154 151 219 523 244 4174.12 Belgrade,........Ariel Hinkley.... 1722 38 92 102 75 612.71 Benton, .......A. H. Richardson. 1189 98 3 81 314.23 Chelsea,........Daniel C. Stanwood 1096 5 13 80 295.,4 China, .........Ambrose H.Abbot. 2769 77 53 265 917.70 Clinton, ........ J. H. Stinchfield.. 1743 176 143 1 380.11 Farmingdale, ...Geo. Tarbox...... 11 11 71 509.65 Fayette,........H. B. Lovejoy,... 1085 12 59 83 15 391.46 Gardiner,.......Chas. P. Branch.. 5226 96 112 435 2 2482.96 Hallowell,...... Justin E. Smith.. 3201 57 46 323 1769.66 Litchfield, ......Isaac W. Springer. 2044 43 62 183 664.45 Manchester, .... Sullivan Kelbrith. 825 2 39 96 3 480.79 Monmouth,..... Charles T. Fox .... 1925 38 109 156 717.50 Mt. Vernon,....Aaron S. Lyford.. 1'479 25 76 132 480.99 Pittston ......................... 2823 71 87 108 3 1192.10 Readfield, ......Emery O. Bean... 1817 32 67 171 18 777.08 Rome, .........Amaziah Tracy... 830 9 43 45 159.85 Sidney,.........A. S. Hayward... 1955 6 50 109 36 921.22 Vassalboro', .... James Rowe..... 3099 39 51 300 2 1288.10 Vienna, ........Thomas C. Norris. 851 29 37 38 253.96 Waterville,.....E. L. Getchell.... 3965 104 82 364 37 2043.32 Wayne, ......................... 1367 33 29 108 27 469.42 West Gardiner,.Oliver E. Edwards. 1260 4 2 134 5 406.46 Windsor,.......Stephen Barton... 1793 14 68 39 16 523.78 Winslow,.......Robert Ayer...... 1796 4 20 156 9 688.26 Winthrop,......J. M. Benjamin... 2098 106 134 217 984.61 Clinton Gore,...Joel Learned, Jr.. 195 29 1 5 13.69 Unity Plant.,.................... 9 16.58 Albion Gore, ....................... 110 58021 1357 1657 4617 498 24390.58 LINCOLN COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. ' Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax. Alna, .......... John McLean..... 916 18 83 69 $367.57 Boothbay, ......Jason Fuller...... 2504 72 68 119 482.39 Bremen,. ......Wm. H. Little.... 891 23 12 56 217.15 Bristol, ......William Hanly.... 2910 129 73 206 4 507.75 Cushing, .......Tho's C. Kelleran. 805 68 7 10 1 182.97 Damariscotta, ..Everett W. Stetson 1328 40 34 200 3 757.19 Dresden, .......Phil. F. Houdlette. 1419 35 37 130 544.06 Edgecomb, ...................... 1231 48 23 91 338.10 Friendship,.....Zenas Cook, 2d... 652 141.90 Jefferson, ......Joseph Ross ...... 2223 50 160 206 4 601.80 Newcastle,.... .Joseph Curtis..... 2012 30 108 260 2 789.04 Nobleborough,..Seth Hall......... 1408 95 43 131 471.40 Rockland, ......W. G. Frye....... 5052 274 211 464 2082.89 St. George,"..... Samuel Watts..... 2217 216 23 5 5 471.93 Southport, ...... Daniel Cameron... 543 75.32 Sou. Thomaston,A. McKellar, Jr... 1420 77 100 43 2 572.51 Thomaston, ....Geo. A. Starr. .... 2723 167 130 61 90 1485.81 Union, .........Andrew Libbey.... 1974 80 110 113 11 687.33 Waldoborough, .LincolnL.Kennedy 4199 81 546 106 11 1890.55 Warren,........Albert Johnson... 2428 45 60 142 47 1420.4Q Washington, ...James Burns...... 1756 107 62 95 290.07 Westport, ......Henry Dunton.... 761 43 30 1 204.47 272 MAINE REGISTER. VOTES FOR GOVEREOR 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &c. State Tax. Whitefield, .....John King........ 2160 51 104 66 44 $560.27 Wiscasset, .....Elisha McKenny,. 2343 159 111 172 1214.67 Matinicus Isles,Freeman Hall..... 220 6 3 8 40.25 Monhegan Isle,.Joseph Starling, 2d 103 19 3 7.16 Muscle R'ge P1.,.................. 56 12 7 8 Patricktown P1.................. 552 11 27 29 18 67.95 Marsh Island, ......................... 20 Hay Island, ...................... 8 John's Island, .................... 5 Pond Island,.. .................... 1 Otter Island, ..................... 12 Harbor Island,.................... 8 Cranberry Isl'd,. .................. 32 46989 1965 2175 2791 242 16472.81 OXFORD COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax. Albany, ........Geo. W Saunders.. 747 88 2 47 $145.19 Andover, .......Wm. H. Talbot.... 710 51 28 60 9 152.16 Bethel,.........Israel G. Kimball. 2253 143 10 222 1 536.47 Brownfield,.. ..Eli B. Bean....... 1320 26 2 126 56 321.96 Buckfield, ......James Murdock,.. 1657 194 11 179 7 522.92 Byron, .........George D. Austin.. 296 53 3 18 40.48 Canton, ........John M. Deshon,. 926 110 33 63 7 287.47 Denmark, ......Sewall Fly........ 1203 122 9 58 1 343.78 Dixfield, ....... John J. Holman... 1180 135 47 27 12 309.71 Fryeburg, ...... Joseph Chandler.. 1524 135 11 132 561.56 Gilead, .........Geo. Burnham.... 359 29 3 29 95.79 Grafton,........Stephen Chase.... 108 22 1 5 14.00 Greenwood,.....Isaac Flint. ...... 1118 77 3 64 14 107.64 Hanover,.......PrentissM.Putnam 366 25 2 20 76.87 Hartford,....... John Larrabee.... 1293 79 14 133 33 341.67 Hebron, ........John Tripp ......... 839. 41 10 133 17 238.70 Hiram, .........Madison K. Mabry. 1210 99 19 101 324.03 Lovell,. ........Elbridge G.Kimball 1196 122 6 114 2 329.82 Mason,.........Amos A. Grover... 93 4 10 24.27 Mexico, ........John Kelsey.,.... 481 51 6 46 116.02 Newry,.........Hiram Bartlett.... 459 69 2 24 97.96 Norway,........C. L. Francis. .... 1962 129 22 204 1 656.64 Oxford, ......James M. Wilson.. 1233 126 11 115 369.91 Paris, ......... Charles T. Mellen. 2883 220 36 280 2 841.31 Peru,..........Jonathan Hall.... 1109 101 3 108 209.43 Porter,.........Aaron H. Mason.. 1208 70 25 94 333.03 Roxbury,. ....................... 246 25 20 11 32.25 Rumford, ......Thomas Ioberts.. 1375 101 39 121 11 371.78 Stow, .........Moses Abbot...... 471 54 4 34 96.68 Stoneham,......Chas. A. Ayers.... 483 56 3 37 51.84 Sumner,........Reuben Chandler. 1151 86 5 140 3 338.38 Sweden, ........Benjamin Nevers.. 696 49 13 79 249.99 Waterford, .....Josiah Monroe.... 1448 149 14 110 529.33 Woodstock, ....Joseph Davis..... 1012 84 145 162.44 Andover, N. Sur.Joshua Dunn..... 81 8 1 0 1 6.00 Franklin Plant.,Greenleaf Andrews 188 35 3 5 13.55 Fryeburg Ac. G'tNathaniel Tyler... 64 10 Hamlin Grant,..Wmin. O. Pearson... 108 7 9 3 11.33 Letter B,.......Chas. Abbott .... 174 33 1 2 10.00 Milton Plantat'nNath'l Jackson .... 166 16 4 13 5 20.78 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. 273 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tar. No. 6, R. 2, ....John M. Wilson.. 55 5 6 1 1 $10.00 RileyPlantation,David F. Bennett.. 6 3 6.18 A, No. 1,......................... 60 No. 4, R. 1,....................... 4 19.56 No. 5, R. 1,..................... 50 10.00 Other places, ..................... 44.47 35565 3045 432 3122 186 9383.35 PENOBSCOT COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. 1 TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary,&o. StateTax. Alton, .........Thomas G. Spratt. 252 35 11 25 $27.21 Argyle, ........Gideon J. Newton. 338 34 24 45.97 Banger,........ Geo. W. Snow.... 14432 556 320 1275 7 7830.34 Bradford,....... John M. French.. 1296 81 9 159 173.60 Bradley,........ Edwin Eddy...... 796 34 1 89 201.63 Brewer, ........Samuel Deering... 2628 65 24 265 530.97 Burlington, ....A. Woodman..... 481 49 7 23 58.06 Carmel, ..... ..E. S. Linnell..... 1228 87 86 52 216.99 Carroll, ........John A. Larrabee. 401 34 12 22 1 43.31 Charleston,.... .Samuel W. Foss.. 1283 124 77 51 288.67 Chester,........ Samuel Chesley... 339 9 6 24 26.12 Clifton, ........Joseph Parks..... 306 12 21 39.10 Corinna,........Paul M. Fisher.... 1550 81 43 153 1 333.53 Corinth,........Jared Fuller...... 1600 149 13 139 402.95 Dexter, ........Pulaski McCrillis. 1948 159 61 185 538.74 Dixmont,...... .Alfred Berry...... 1605 23 18 165 422.08 Eddington,.....John C. Little..... 696 37 1 53 ,203.71 Edinburg, ...... Thomas J. Tuttle.. 93 5 5 3 22.76 Enfield, ........Edward H. Treat.. 33 2 51 55.18 Etna, .......... Samuel Abbott.... 802 26 22 77 103.46 Exeter,.........Joshua Palmer.... 1853 122 69 137 2 487.82 Garland, .......Wm. F. Haskell.. 1247 112 28 130 266.28 Glenburn, .......Moses Parsons.... 905 65 22 33 141.76 Greenbush,..................... 457 33 17 3 45.33 Hampden,......H. L. Hopkins.... 3195 58 51 326 39 852.99 Hermon, .......James H. Johnson 1374 69 34 78 260.80 Holden,........ Reuben Freeman.. 28 23 56 241.49 Howland, ......Wm. R. Miller.... 214 12 6 23 48.73 Kenduskeag, ...Tim. P. Batchelder 20 11 116 143.51 Kirkland, ......Richard P. Smith. 717 73 3 25 83.90 Lagrange, ........................ 482 29 49 29 77.73 Lee,............ Joseph H. Perkins. 917 50 14 85 34 138.00 Levant, ........R. W. Clark...... 1842 71 44 112 232.74 Lincoln,........Asa Bither........ 1358 94 38 98 44 258.37 Lowell,.........Joseph Stickney... 378 61 9 4 40.13 Maxfield,.......Isaac D. McIntosh 186 4 32 18.01 Milford,........ James H. Eaton... 687 28 15 73 259.16 Newburg, ......C. D. Gilmore... 1399 28 6 134 233.15 Newport,.......Atkinson Hobart.. 1212 79 24 78 392.88 Oldtown,.......Jas. A. Purrington 3087 322 110 253 1 680.36 Orono, .........Levi R. Weeks.... 2785 131 200 39 3 525.31 Orrington,...... A. D. Atwood..... 1851 20 5 181 540.49 Passadumkeag,.S. W. L. Chase.... 294 28 5 23 1 40.71 Patten,.........Preston Fisher.... 470 65 11 43 94.01 Plymouth, .....Moses M. Eaton... 925 95 9 68 162.27 Springfield,.....Bial H. Scribner... 583 40 19 71 4 60.10 Stetson,........ Lewis Barker..... 885 62 19 66 159.69 274 MAINE REGISTER. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parrie. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &c. State Tax. Mattawamk'g, ..Sam'l W. Coombs. 19 19 7 Nickertou Plant.G. W. Garman... 20 6 52 No.4,R.1,N.B.P .................. 159 6 8 1 $14.00 No. 5,............................ 9 8 7 1 No. 7, R. 3, ....John Judkins..... 161 9 9 15 1 Veazie,.........A. J. Stockwell ... 26 10 57 10 Mattamiscontis,................... 54 12.00 Ind. Towns.,No.2, ................ 12 E. Ind. Towns'p,.................. 193 W. Ind.Towns'p,................... 107 No. 3, R. 6,....................... 40 No. 3, R. 8,. ...................... 15 No. 4, R. 3,....................... 111 No. 5, R. 6,....................... 102 No. 6, R. 3,....................... 29 16.00 No. 7, R. 4,....................... 39 16.00 No. 8, R. 8,. ...................... 8 No. 5, R. 7,....................... 6 No. 3, R. 7,...... ....... ... ... 16 1.00 Pattagumpus, or Z,............... 50 Letter A, R. 6, ................... 163 Letter A, R. 7, ................. 27, No. 2, R. 8, .................... 6 20.00 No.3,R.1,N.B.P., .................. 23 Other places, ...................... 219.25 63094 3521 1619 5304 156 18354.55 PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tao. Abbot,.........Sewall Works..... 747 41 23 74 $132.3$ Atkinson, ..Andrew Gage..... 895 31 40 78 204.12 Barnard,.......Alvan Wing...... 181 9 1 12 30.03 Bowetbank, ...H. G. O. Cass..... 173 4 3 9 9 35.05 Blanchard, .....Cyrus A. Packard. 192 9 30 34.73 Brownville,.....Eleazer A. Jenks.. 787 37 15 72 159.59 Dover, ......... Sherb'ne W. Elhott 1927 102 44 223 489.70 Elliotsville,.....John E. Sawyer... 102 8 7 2 21.99 Foxcroft,.......Elias J. Hale ... 1045 51 28 126 287.42 Guilford, .......R. L. Bennett..... 834 70 9 85 191.15 Greenville, ..... John H. Eveleth.. 326 18 20 14 73.07 Kilmarnock,....Benj. Bursley..... 322 19 19 7 61.44 Kingsbery, ....Theron E. Heald.. 181 10 4 8 45.67 Monson, .......James Bell........ 654 24 31 81 134.85 Milo,...........W. H. Stanchfield. 932 54 11 84 4 180.57 Orneville, ......Samuel Blake..... 424 49 24 58.68 Parkman, ...... T. B. Seabury..... 1243 120 13 47 236.91 Sangerville, ....Hiram Anderson.. 1267 100 37 82 387.05 Sebec,..........Nathan Lanpher... 1223 105 11 69 211.65 Shirley, ........Maurice Phillips.. 250 31 3 5 76.65 Wellington, .... Samuel D. Staples. 600 44 5 64 85.15 Williamsburg, .John A. Dunning. 124 11 3 12 44.36 No. 2, R. 5,. ..................... 6 Letter B, R. 10, ................... 4 No. 3, R. 5, ....Andrew McClure.. 44 7.00 Kineo, ........................... 5 Deer Isle, ...................... 5 60 No. 2, R. 13, ...................... 1 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris, Reed. Morrill. Cary, &c. State Tax. No. 5, R. 13,...................... 10 No. 8, R. 8,....................... 68 $12.00 Katahd. I'n W's,................. 158 No. 7, R. 12,...................... 6 4.00 No. 9, R. 12,...................... 4 No. 5, R. 9,....................... 2 8.00 Other places, ..................... 692.80 14736 953 327 1208 13 3710.61 SAGADAHOC COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &c. State Tax. Arrowsic,.W......William Fisher.... 311 9 16 40 $146.44 Bath,..........William Torrey... 8020 147 144 936 7 5570.31 Bowdoin,....... Alden Patter...... 1857 14 38 126 36 498.78 Bowdoinham,...William Smith.... 2381 30 40 266 23 1021.04 Georgetown,....William Emmons. 1121 47 11 91 312.81 Perkins,........Robert Reed...... 84 3 2 9 53.63 Phipsburg......Nath'l C. Reed.. 1805 79 28 144 1 735.08 Richmond,.....Elias Colby....... 2056 118 84 341 815.17 Topsham,......John H. Thompson 2010 66 86 132 1 1166.23 West Bath, ....Benj. Rich........ 560 21 24 73 178.23 Woolwich,......Jotham P. Trott... 1420 12 61 100 695.82 21625 546 524 2258 68 11193.54 SOMERSET COUNNY. VOTES FPO GOVERNOR, 1854. ___ ___ - TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &c. State Tax. Anson,........Thomas Stevens .. 848 22 98 16 $217.68 Athens, ........C. F. H. Greene... 1466 66 96 49 1 493.91 Bingham, ......Simon Goodrich... 752 52 53 7 174.14 Bloomfield,.....Asa S. Emery..... 1301 8 39 188 515.94 Brighton, ......Wm. Currier...... 748 61 25 25 95.11 Cambridge, ..... John.Davis....... 487 35 34 7 62.00 Canaan, ........J. Q. A. Butts .... 1696 186 31 96 435.50 Caratunk Plant..Jos. Clark, Jr..... 4 17 Concord, .......Eben C. Felker.... 550 46 30 13 61.78 Cornville, ......James Folsom.... 1260 21 69 70 441.32 Detroit, ......................... 517 41 27 21 102.50 Embden,.......Amos Hutchins... 971 75 36 40 279.99 Fairfield, .......Andrew Archer ... 2452 72 99 177 20 840.94 Harmony, ......Stillman Lindsey.. 1107 85 60 38 1 262.44 Hartland, ........................ 960 73 22 46 168.06 Letington,.....Dan'l Boynton, Jr. 538 55 14 22 87.58 Madison,.......Barnet Whorff.... 1768 62 114 131 565.43 Mayfield, ...... H. T. Flanders.... 133 5 11 1 7.13 Mercer, .......Warren R. Gilman. 1186 29 85 80 294.96 Moscow, ....... Joseph S. Nichols. 577 44 42 13 98.47 New Portland,..John P. Hodsdon. 1460 95 53 131 463.96 Norridgewock,..Step'n D. Lindsey. 1848 41 84 143 2 692.23 North Anson,..Luke S. Mantor... 1168 80 84 45 406.83 Palmyra,....... Benj. Daggett..... 1625 109 57 57 2 329.07 Pittsfield,......H. W. Lancey.... 1166 117 37 66 241.63 Ripley,.........Harrison Jones... 641 53 11 35 116.45 St. Albans, .....Albert Smith...... 1792 95 64 104 340.28 275 276 MAINE REGISTER. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax. Solon,..........Ashur Davis...... 1490 50 80 78 16 $362.15 Skowhegan, .... William Philbrick. 1756 96 60 174 666.28 Smithfield, .....Wm. D. Branch... 873 22 39 58 155.52 Starks,.........John G. Brown.... 1446 84 69 71 8 425.63 Holden plantat'nOtis Holden...... 83 Flag Staff Plant.Wm. Butler....... 2 7 8 1, R. 2, W. K. R.,............... 143 9 9 1 Forks, ......................... 210 14 19 2, R. 2, W,K.R.,Samuel Perry..... 144 11 4 9 Moose River,..................... 11 11 No. 1, R. 3,W. K. R.,.............. 69 No. 1, R. 3, E. K. R., ............. 47 No. 3, R. 2,.W.K.R., ................ 90 No. 4, R. 4,....................... 98 No.5,R.3,Ca. line.................. 11 No.5,R.2, " road................. 20 Long Pond P1.,................... 31 Jackman T'ns'p,................. 12 Parlin Pond pl.,,................. 13 Attean Towns'p, .................. 9 No. 1, R. 4, E. K. R.,.............. 98 No. 1, R. 4.. E. K. R.,............. 11 Other places,. -................. 426.01 35591 1931 1671 2024 60 9935.92 WALDO COUNTY. VOTES FOE GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parrie Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax. Appleton, ......Cha's A. Keene... 1727 81 38 82 $417.11 Belfast, ......Joseph Wheeler... 5052 199 121 382 2 2657.28 Belmont,.......John Crawford.... 1486 76 11 84 252.84 Brooks, ........Libeus Jones, Jr.. 1021 39 14 116 1 206.43 Burnham, ......J. Berry............ 784 43 4 37 166.05 Camden, .......E. G. S. Ingraham. 4005 137 66 333 20 1212.72 Frankfort,......Daniel Tobey..... 4233 101 40 432 1224.80 Freedom,.......Allen P. Winslow. 948 116 10 43 294.81 Hope, ........Josiah Hobbs..... 1107 62 65 36 1 320.86 Islesborough,...Ja's B. Williams.. 984 58 4 23 191.82 Jackson,. ......J. G. Cook....... 833 24 3 112 237.19 Knox,........John Severance... 1102 83 15 74 11 268.66 Liberty, ........Arthur C. Dodge.. 1116 64 14 78 2 201.32 Lincolnville, ... James Small...... 2174 154 25 115 601.11 Monroe,........Cha's Sargent..... 1606 47 13 179 371.72 Montville,......Martin Carr....... 1878 48 38 198 5 619.48 North Haven, ..John Kent........ 806 45 21 4 166.58 Northport, ....Edward Rhoads... 1260 57 76 295.93 Palermo, .......Samuel Tucker.... 1659 147 23 86 358.34 Prospect,....... Willard Mudgett.. 2467 108 3 202 731.30 Searsmont, .....Hiram Wing...... 1696 85 47 67 1 406.82 Searsport,......Henry D. Smith... 2207 128 38 157 8 1009.70 Swanville,...... Sol. Cunningham.. 944 57 8 92 207.76 Thorndike, .................... 1029 36 8 106 2 287.06 Troy,...........Lorenzo Garcelon.. 1484 58 36 68 51 331.69 Unity, .........Gorham Hamilton. 1557 65 32 100 . 475.13 Vinalhaven, ....Watson H. Vinall. 1252 39 8 44 210.23 Waldo,......... Jeremiah Evans... 812 19 13 50 164.72 47229 2156 708 3376 104 13689.36 VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. 277 WASHINGTON COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. In 1860. Parri. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &c. State Tax. Addison, .......Shadrach S. Wass. 1152 54 16 74 $416.91 Alexander, .....Belcher W. Tyler.. 544 67 13 7 2 74.66 Baileyville, .....Harlow Thompson. 431 39 11 1 50.13 Baring,.........William A. Gould. 380 19 1 26 128.02 Beddington,....Wilmot Bridgham. 147 17 17 42.40 Calais, ........F. Williams....... 4750 147 63 382 1480.52 Centerville,.....Jeremiah Drisco... 178 4 6 10 46.00 Charlotte, ......Dan'l J. Fisher.... 718 55 56 92.00 Cherryfield,.....John H. Nichols.. 1648 44 60 142 403.03 Columbia, ..,...Truman Wilson... 1140 85 21 92 1 342.28 Cooper, ........William Cooper... 562 46 5 23 73.77 Crawford, ......Edward Seavey... 324 34 9 42.63 Cutler, .........Isaac Wilder...... 820 88 22 155.47 Deblois,........Dan'l F. Libbey... 15 4 1 Dennysville, .... W.W.McLauchlan 458 25 18 32 1 200.61 East Machias,..John C. Talbot.... 1904 152 3 147 631.40 Eastport,....... Randall B. Clark.. 4125 137 139 67 1327.85 Edmunds, ......S. R. Potter...... 446 34 6" 14 115.57 Harrington, ....Alvin B. Nash.... 963 42 15 49 220.75 Jonesborough,..Geo. W. Taylor... 466 5 13 38 33 92.59 Jonesport,......Joshua S. Walker. 826 110.89 Lubec, ........William H. Chase. 2814 118 50 67 6 485.79 Machias, .......John S. Kelly..... 1590 75 13 213 6 811.20 Machiasport, ...C. W. Gates...... 1266 84 68 214.52 Marion, ........John D. Sherman.. 207 20 2 13 43.08 Marshfield,..... Wm. P. Lyon..,... 294 8 2 43 83.38 Medybemps,....Daniel M. Young. 187 23 24 40.05 Milbridge, .....M. Fickett........ 1170 67 19 59 4 246.28 Northfield,..... Geo. W. Smith.... 246 17 1 16 50.42 Pembroke, .,....Wm. Woodworth. 1712 135 22 142 320.43 Perry,..........Levi P. Brown..... 1324 69 42 31 233.12 Princeton,...... Geo.M.B. Sprague. 280 23 8 30 49.28 Robbinston, ....Albert G. Buck... 1028 83 59 1 307.46 Steuben, ..F..Fred'k Godfrey.... 1122 31 54 64 3 240.61 Topsfield, ......J. B. Pike........ 268 33 15 5 53.85 Trescott, .......George E. Card... 782 126.08 Wesley, ........Josiah E.Hayward. 329 22 4 23 60.20 Whiting, .......Isaac Crane, 2d... 470 40 6 13 123.37 Whitneyville,... S. B. Lowell...... 519 37 1 47 173.32 Big Lake P1.....Samuel Yates..... 18 1 Codyville Pl., ..Howard Bessey... 47 5 1 Danforth P.,..................... 168 2 2 19 Jackson Br'k P1.James L. Dudley.. 10 3 2 Lambert's L. P.,.................... 10 5 Tallmadge P1.,..Wm. F. Johnson.. 48 1 3 7 22.00 Waite Plantat'n,John Manning.... 81 2 14 No. 7, R. 2,.....George Sweet..... 61 4 2 24.20 No. 9, R. 4,.....Edward Haskell... 59 9 22.00 No. 14,......... Alvan Bridgham.. 167 18 1 4 11.40 No. 18,........................... 29 5 1 7.00 No. 19,........................... 20 1 26 7.00 Annsburg, ..................... 126 No. 1, R. 1,....................... 10 7.60 No. 1, R. 2,...................... 9 20.00 No. 1, R. 3, .. *................. 23 13.20 No. 1, R. 4,.......... ........... 14 19.00 No. 9, R. 3,. ................. .... 87 20.00 No. 11, R. 3,..................... 42 8.00 No. 3, R. 1, ....................... 5 22.00 278 MAINE REGISTER. VoTes 'On GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN OLERKS. Pop. in 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax. No. 21,.3......................... 53 $15.54 No. 26, E. D.,................... 8 18.00 No. 29,........................... 18 44.00 No. 31,........................... 46 16.00 Other places,..................... 550.60 38711 2065 688 2139 94 10557.36 YORK COUNTY. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. TOWNS. TOWN CLERKS. Pop. in 1950. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. Stte Tax. Acton, ......... Horace Bodwell.. 1359 83 61 39 '$430.08 Alfred, .........Edward Chase.... 1319 95 69 55 29 545.63 Berwick,....... Oliver Worster. ... 2121 164 11 153 441.44 Biddeford, ......Frederiek Edgerly. 6095 153 107 721 27 4365.15 Buxton,........Wm. M. Jordan... 2995 247 . 14 324 1 583.57 *Cornish,........E. A. O'Brien.... 1144 99 30 91 5 399.47 Dayton, ........John S. Murch.... 40 13 50 Elliot,..........Sam'l A. Remick.. 1803 112 11 151 2 645.25 Hollis, ......... W. D. L. Lane.... 2Q83 71 45 170 741.87 Kennebunk, .... Andrew Walker... 2650 79 88 189 44 1470.81 Kennebunkport, Thomas Currier... 2706 107 19 254 8 1028.87 Kittery, ........B. Currier........ 2706 139 27 139 585.62 Lebanon,........................ 2208 88 54 103 1 713.23 Limerick, ......John Carr......... 1473 105 62 102 473.90 Limington, .....Isaac L. Mitchell. 2116 165 33 186 3 697.55 Lyman, ....... Jesse Kimball, Jr. 1376 22 11 135 59 407.87 Newfield, ....... Millet Smith.. .... 1418 81 42 86 . 428.32 North Berwick,.Nathan Neal...... 1593 133 1 140 3 664.97 Parsonsfield, ... Alvah Doe....... 2322 210 20 121 15 876.24 Saco,............. Abraham Forsskol. 5794 234 159 543 13 4489 17 Slapleigh,......Elisha Bodwell... 1348 194 43 66 11 406.16 Sanford,........Stephen Merrill... 2330 134 21 135 95 673.54 South Berwick,.B. F. Parks...... 2592 149 20 217 1243.18 Waterborough, .Jere. B. Scribner.. 1989 197 15 135 10 403.30 Wells, .........Joshua Hubbard.. 2945 122 17 162 136 861.76 York, ......... Edgar A.McIntire. 2980 203 75 98 54 1038.88 Isle of Shoals,..John W. Randall. 29 COUNTIES. Androscoggin,.. Aroostook, ..... Cumberland,.... Franklin,....... Hancock,....... Kennebec,...... Lincoln,........ Oxford, ........ Penobscot, ..... Piscataquis, .... Sagadahoc, .... Somerset, ...... Waldo,......... Washington, ... York, .......... 60094 3426 1068 4565 516 24885.85 RECAPITULATION. , VOTES FOR GOVERNOR, 1854. Pop. 1850. Parris. Reed. Morrill. Cary, &o. State Tax, 1854. 25757 1593 651 2258 170 $8349.48 12533 564 579 325 447 1095.15 68892 3121 1247 5780 673 33671.68 20027 930 351 1998 193 5662.35 34372 1121 317 3052 9 9834.92 58021 1357 1657 4617 498 24390.58 46989 1956 2175 2791 242 16472.81 35565 3045 432 3122 186 9383.35 63094 3521 1619 5304 156 18354.55 14735 953 327 1208 13 3710.61 21625 546 524 2258 68 11193.54 35591 1931 1671 2024 50 9935.92 47229 2156 708 3376 104 13689.35 38711 2065 688 2139 94 10557.36 60094 3426 1068 4565 516 24885.85 583235 28285 14014 44817 3419 201187.50 CITY OF AUGUSTA. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Annual Election, Second Monday in March. CITY OFFICERS, 1854 -5. SAMUEL COREY, MAYOR. Salary, $200. ALDERMEN. Ward 1.-Joshua D. Pierce. I Ward 4.-Mason C. Farrar. 2.-Samuel Titcomb. 5.-Robert A. Cony. 3.-Sam'l C. Gage. I 6.-Greenleaf Barrows. Ward 7.-Artemas Kimball. Daniel C. Stanwood, City Clerk. Salary, $85. COMMON COUNCIL. EDWARD T. INGRAIHAM, President. Asaph R. Nichols, Clerk. Salary, $50. Ward 1.-James W. North, Elias G. Hedpe, Cyrus Guild, Jr. Ward 2.-Joseph A. Ioman, Levi Page, Ai Staples. Ward 3.-John J. Fuller, Samuel B. Hodgkins, Joshua Coombs. Ward 4.-John Cony, John Lancaster, E. Dutton. Ward 5.-J. G. Johnson, T. C. Allen, Henry Chadwick. Ward 6.-Edward T. Ingraham, John H. Norcross, John Robbins. Ward 7.-T. S. Ingraham, E. G. Wall, John O. Curtis. TREASURER AND COLLECTOR.-Moses E. Hamlen. CITY SOLICITOR.-Sewall Lancaster. CITY MARSIAL.-Orrin Rowe. Salary, $125. ASSESSORS.-Elias Craig, Daniel Hewins, R. A. Cony. OVERSEERS OF POOR.-Jos. W. Patterson, Edward Fenno, E. J. Wall. SCHOOL COMMITTEE.--E. B. Webb, David Pales, P. S. 'Percival. 279 IMAINE REGISTER. CITY OF BANGOR. City Election, Second Monday in March. CITY OFFICERS, 1854-5. GEORGE W. PICKERING, MAYOR. Salary, $300. ALDERMEN. Ward 1.-Irsael B. Norcross. I Ward 4.-Silas C. Hatch. 2.-Isaac W. Patten. 5.-Ebenezer Trask. 3.-Albert Dole. j 6.-Jos. W. Humphrey. Ward 7.-John M. Lord. Geo. W. Snow, City Clerk. Salary, $400 and fees. COMMON COUNCIL. Jons E. GODFREY, President. Samuel F. Humphrey, Clerk. Salary, $60. Ward 1.-Albert Titcomb, John J. Wingate, John Wyman. Ward 2.-Francis J. Cummings, William H. Brown, Ichabod D). Bartlett. Ward 3.-William Crowell, Reuben S. Prescott, Ivory Small. Ward 4.-Samuel B. Morison, Benjamin F. Wiley, Paul Varney. Ward 5.-Martin Mower, John S. Sayward, Joseph R. Lumbert. Ward 6.-John E. Godfrey, Ansel Leighton, Hiram B. Stewart. Ward 7.- Albert G. Wakefield, Michael Schwartz, Jewett N. Boynton. Treasurer and Collector, Nathaniel H. Dillingham. Salary, $1,160. Commissioner of Streets, William P. Wingate. Salary, $800. City Physician, Willian H. Brown. Salary, $200. City Solicitor, Albert G. Wakefield. Salary, $250. City Marshal, Samuel H. Boardman. Salary, $800. Deputy Marshals, Hartwell Amsden, Ephraim H. Pratt. Chief Engineer of Fire Department, Elijah Low. Salary, $300. Assistant Engineers, Silas S. Low, Ichabod E. Leighton, Albert Dole. Harbor Master, Thomas A. Harlow. Superintendent of Schools, Philip Weaver. Salary, $800. Assessors, Reuben S. Prescott, John S. Chadwick, Samuel Thatcher, Jr. Overseers of the Poor and Workhouse, Charles Hayward, Joseph W. Humphrey, Isaac W. Patten. City Undertakers, Chandler Cobb, Isaac Loveland. 280 CITY OF BATH. CITY OF BATH. City Election, Second Monday in March. CITY OFFICERS, 1854-5. BERNARD C. BAILEY, MAYOR. ALDERMEN. Ward 1.--Joseph O. Hunt. Ward. 4.--Galen Clapp. 2.-Jeremiah Robinson. 5.-Israel Putnam. 3.--Peleg Sprague. 6.-James F. Patten. Ward 7.-Oliver Moses. COMMON COUNCIL. CHIARLES DAVENPORT, President. Ammi R. Mitchell, Clerk. Ward 1.--Levi W. Houghton, Zina H. Trufant, Alexander Rob- i nson. Ward 2.--Thomas C. Jackson, Elbridge G. Wilson, Andrew J. Fuller. Ward 3.-David Crooker, B. O. Weeks, James M. Lincoln. Ward 4.--David T. Stinson, Joseph H. Allen, Rufus R. Haines. Ward 5.--Elijah Upton, John T. Gilman, Josoph H. Hersey. Ward 6.--Charles Davenport, Wm. B. Taylor, James Cox. Ward 7.-James Oliver, Thos. D. Wilder, William Morse. City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, William Torrey. Treasurer and Collector, Ammi R. Mitchell. City Marshal and Health Officer, Willard Walker. Deputy City Marshal, Albion J. Potter. Commissioner of Streets and Superintendent of Burying Grounds, James Couillard. Overseers of Poor, and Overseers of Work House and House of Cor- rection, Israel Putnam, Michael F. Gannett, Jeremiah Robinson. Assessors, William Torrey, Ammi R. Mitchell, William V. Moses Samuel Swanton, 2d, Levi W. Houghton. City Messenger and Constable, Nathaniel Longley. Superintending School Committee, William Rice, Joseph T. Huston, Eliphalet Whittlesey. Chief Engineer Fire Department, John G. Richardson. City Solicitor, John S. Baker. 19 281 IMAINE REGISTER. CITY OF BELFAST. Incorporated June 22, 1773. Became a City, March 14, 1853. Election, Second Monday of March, annually. CITY OFFICERS, 1854-5. SHERBURN SLEEPER, MAYOR. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Ward 1.--Nath'l. HI Bradbury. Ward 3.-Calvin Hervey. 2.-Andrew T. Palmer. 4.-Joshua Towle. Ward 5.-William Rust. COMMON COUNCIL. WM. T. COLBURN, President. John H. Quimby, Clerk. Ward 1.-Wm. T. Colburn, S. G. Thurlow. Ward 2.-H. G. O. Washburn, B. F. Barker. Ward 3.-Geo. McDonald, David G. Vose. Ward 4.-Charles Moore, O. Cunningham. Ward 5.-Joseph H. Kaler, Jonathan Durham, 2d. City Clerk, Joseph Wheeler. Treasurer, John S. Caldwell. City Solicitor, Woodbury Davis. Assessors, S. C. Nickerson, Robert White, James Gammans. Overseers of the Poor, Mayor and Aldermen. School Supervisor, Edward F. Cutter. Road Commissioners, Daniel Faunce, B. F. Field. E. K. Maddocks. Chief Engineer of Fire Department, A. N. Noyes. Collector of Taxes, George Woods. MUNICIPAL AND POLICE COURTs.--Joseph Williamson, Judge. 282 CITY OF CALAIS. CITY OF CALAIS. Election, Second Monday in March. CITY OFFPICERS, 1854-5. Incorporated 1850. First Charter Election, April 14, 1854. WM. H. TYLER, MAYOR. ALDERMEN. Ward 1.--Wm. Boardman. Ward 3.-Wm. D. Lawrence 2.-John C. Stanchfield. 4.--Sam'l Kelley. Ward 5.--Stephen Emerson. COMMON COUNCIL. Ward 1.-James E. Balcom, John L. Lovejoy. Ward 2.-E. B. Harvey, Charles Perkins. Ward 3.-D. B. Barnard, Gilbert Foster. Ward 4.-L. D. Sawyer, James S. Cooper. Ward 5.-Geo. Washburn, D. L. Lombard. City Treasurer, Samuel G. Pike. City Clerk, F. Williams. City Marshal, Seth W. Smith. Deputy Marshal, Samuel Curry. Superintending School Committee, Rev. Thos. S. Lathrop, Rev. Isaac J. Burges, Rev. S. H. Keeler. Chairman Board of Health, Charles Perkins. 283 MAINE IEG-ISTEIR. CITY OF GARDINER. ELECTL 0 N, ORGANIZATION FIRST MONDAY _THIRD MONDAY MARCH. OUND MARCH. CITY OFFICERS, 1854-5. NOAH WOODS, MAYOR. Salary $200. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Ward 1.-James Steward. Ward 4.-Jesse B. Tozier. 2.-John Plaisted. 5.-Phineas Pratt. 3.-Nathan Foster. 6.-William Neal. COMMON COUNCIL. CHARLES DANFORTH, President. Ward 1.-Arthur Berry, 2d, Arch Morrell, W. Sargent. Ward 2.-Samuel Amee, Myrick Hopkins, John C. Bartlett. Ward 3.-Robert Williamson, Charles A. White, Wm. Perkins. Ward 4.-John C. Goding, William Libby, Samuel Hooker. Ward 5.-Charles Danforth, John Stone, Silas Andrews. Ward 6.-Thaddeus Hildreth, Jos. Williams, Enoch Miller. City Clerk, and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, Charles P. Branch. Salary, $50, and fees. Clerk of the Common Council, Ansyl Clark. Salary, $35. Assessors and Overseers of the Poor, Phineas Pratt, Samuel New- comb, Samuel Hooker. Superintending School Committee, George Burgess, George Webber, Noah Woods. Directors of the City High School, The Mayor, the Superintending School Committee, Phineas Pratt, Wm. L. Hyde, N. B. Norton. City Physician, E. J. Ford. City Solicitor, Charles Danforth. Treasurer and Collector, Street Commissioner, and City Marshal, Elbridge Berry. Salary, $590. Fire Department, Solomon W. Bates, Chief Engineer Salary, $50. John C. Goding, Second Engineer. James G. Donnell, Third Engin- eer. I. N. Tucker, A. E. Wing, Wm. C. Bates, Wm. Sargent, Assis- tant Engineers. 284 CITY OF HALLOWELL. CITY OF HALLOWELL. Election, First Monday in March. CITY OFFICERS, 1854-5. RUFUS K. PAGE, MAYOR. Salary, $100. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Ward 1.-Elisha E. Rice. I Ward 3.-Augustine Lord. 2.-Jesse Aiken. 4.-A. H. Howard. Ward 5.-Isaiah McClinch. City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen, Justin E. Smith. Salary, $50. COMMON COUNCIL. ANDREW MASTERS, President. Thomas W. Newman, Clerk. Salary, $25. Ward 1.-H. K. Baker, W. R. Prescott. Ward 2.-Andrew Masters, Ambrose Merrill. Ward 3.-Edmund J. Smith, R. G. Lincoln. Ward 4.-George Carr, John P. Flagg. Ward 5.-Daniel Russell, Daniel Carr. Treasurer and Collector, Peter Atherton. City Solicitor, Henry K. Baker. Assessors, Jesse Aiken, James Atkins, Justin E. Smith. Overseers of the Poor, Jesse Aiken, Andrew Masters, A. H. Howard. Superintending School Committee, Henry K. Baker, M. C. Richard- son, Thomas W. Newman. Street Commissioner, Ephraim Mayo. Chief Engineer Fire Department, George Fuller. Second Engineer, John Beeman. Third Engineer, Charles A. Page. City Marshal, Simon Johnson. Salary, $50. Health Committee, M. C. Richardson, Simon Johnson, Frederick Allen. Superintendent of Burials and Burial Grounds, John Beeman. Sealer of Weights and Measures, Daniel D. Lakeman. Agent for the Sale of Liquors for Medicinal and Mechanical purposes, BenJ. Wales. Overseers of the House of Correction, H. K. Baker, Mark Johnson, William Stickney, Mark Means, Thomas Winslow, E. K. Butler, Charles A. Pagc. Master of the House of Correction, H. M. Smith. 285 MAINE REGISTER. CITY OF PORTLAND. Election in April. CITY OFFICERS, 1854-5. JAMES B. CAHOON, MAYOR. Salary, $1,200. ALDERMEN. Ward 1.-S. L. Carleton. Ward 4.-R. E. Wood. 2.-H. A. Jones. 5.-0. L. Sanborn. 3.-G. W. Woodman. 6.-N. Cummings. Ward 7.-H. Brooks. COMMON COUNCIL. HENRY C. BABB, President. John T. Hull, Clerk. Ward 1.-Henry Robinson, Sewall Mitchell, Henry C. Babb. Ward 2.-Samuel Blanchard, Rufus Beal, Geo. W. Brown. Ward 3.-Wm. C. Means, N. J. Gilman, Daniel Green. Ward 4.-James Todd, Joseph Ring, James S. Marrett. Ward 5.-Ezra Russell, Charles B. Merrill, Albion Witham. Ward 6.--Daniel L. Choate, George Worcester, A. E. Stevens. Ward 7.--Sewall L. Chase, Charles H. Green, Daniel M? C. Dunn. City Clerk, William Boyd. Treasurer and Collector, Henry P. Lord. City Messenger, George T. Ingraham. City Solicitor, Samuel Fessenden. Street Commissioner, Josiah Black. City Marshal and Health Officer, Worthy C. Barrows. Harbor Master, John Waite. City Physician, Chas. S. D. Fessenden. Superintendent of Burials, Ira Stilson. Assessors, Stephen Waite, William Ross, Samuel Small. School Committee, Neal Dow, Rufus P. Cutler, Henry B. Hart, Hugh S. Carpenter, Charles Staples, Charles Baker, James T. Mc- Cobb, Charles Holden, Samuel R. Leavett, Samuel Small, Allen Haines, George F. Emery, Israel T. Dana, James Pratt, Joseph C. Noyes, S. B. Beckett, John M. Adams, C. R.lMoore, Charles A. Stack- pole. City Marshal, Worthy C. Barrows. Chief Engineer Fire Department, Charles Davidson. 286 CITY OF ROCKLAND. CITY OF ROCKLAND. Incorporated, April 17, 1854. Charter accepted, June 3, 1854. Government organized July, 1854. Annual Election, First Monday in March. CITY OFFICERS, 1854-5. KNOTT CROCKETT, MAYOR. ALDERMEN. Ward 1.-A. J. Bird. Ward 4.-Thomas Colson. 2.-Isaac Gregory. 5.-Thos. W. Hix. 3.-Geo. S. Wiggin. 6.-A. C. Spalding. Ward 7.-Jeremiah Tolman. COMMON COUNCIL. ELIJAH WALKER, President. N. C. Woodward, Clerk. Ward 1.-Calvin Hall, Azariah Stanley, Patrick Simonton. Ward 2.-Isaac Ingraham, 2d, Charles L. Allen, Charles Crock- ett. Ward 3.-John S. Case, John Wakefield, Samuel Rankin. Ward. 4.--John Spofford, Elijah Walker, G. J. Burns. Ward 5.-Jeremiah Berry, Ephraim Hall, David Robinson. Ward 6.-Samuel H. Burpee, Daniel C. Haskell, Francis W. Rhoades.* Ward 7.--Oliver B. Brown, Jonathan Spear, John Bird, Jr. City Clerk and Clerk of the Board qf Aldermen, W. G. Frye. Treasurer, Chas. R. Mallard. City Physician, John W. Robinson. Street Commissioner, William Perry. City Marshal, David M. James. Deputy Marshals, L. D. Carver, Francis Wilson. Overseers of the Poor, Geo. S. Wiggin, Chas. Crockett, Oliver B. Brown. Assessors, Geo. S. Wiggin, Alden Ulmer, A. J. Bird. Superintending School Committee, S. C. Fessenden, WV. G. Frye, I. S: Kalloch, C. R. Mallard. *Deceased. 287 BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF MAINE: In which the Professions and Trades are Alphabetically arranged. Accountant. Thompson A. T., Bath. Agricultural Implements. Gaffield Isaac, Augusta. Lombard Allen, " Dunning C. H. & Co., Bangor. Dunning A. & R. B., Hinckley & Egery, (ploughs) " Marston Win. P., Bath. Wilder John W. & Son, Belfast. Carr Hiram, Dexter. Norton & Sprague, Farmington. Stevens E. N., North Wayne Scythe Co., Fayette. Hillman & Randall, Fryeburg. Garland Elhanan, Kenduskeag. Moody B. C., Kingfield. Plimpton Elias & Son, Litchfield. Tilton W., Jr., Livermore. Bean Jonathan, Montville. Hare & Prescott, Newport. Fry Isaiah, N. Berwick. Varney Aaron, " Dillingham T. H., Oldtown. Hersey T. & Co., Paris. Hawkes & Dresser, Portland. Perkins Geo. W., " Sparrow Wm., " Robinson James E., " Doe Hiram, Vssalboro'. Low & Blunt, Waterville. Dunn, Elden & Co., " Hale & Jordan, West Waterville. Lord D. B., Keyes Calvin, Wilton. Hall James & Son, Windham: Varney Thomas & Son, " Benjamin & Co., Winthrop. Whitman Luther, Apothecaries. Black Wm., Cofren J. W., Augusta. c� Fuller Eben, Augusta. Manley James S., " Tibbetts Lewis, Alden Warren L., Bangor. Emerson G. W., Gilpatrick James F. & Co., " Guild & Harlow, Hardy Wm. G., Ingraham J. S., " Mann William, " McNaughton N., Perkins Samuel E., � Sargent G. F. & Co., " Dunn James M.,* Ban goft. Anderson Samuel, Bath. Ellsworth N. T. & Son, ' Lucas T. W., Mathews John, ', Wilkihson John, , Howes Samuel O., Belfast. Moody Richard, Poor Wm. O., " Sylvester D., ,, Hill Luke, Biddeford. Lord S. L., Parcher Samuel F. & Co., " Peirson Geo. W., Sawyer Augustus, " Sawyer James, , Baker William, Brunswick. Dunning Stanwood, " Getchell E. T., , Haley John R., ,, Parker Edwin H., Bucksport. Garland C. H., Calais. Horton Br thers, ,* Easterbrook J. S., Jr., Camden. Wheeler C. C., Canaan. Tracy D. S., Canton. Hatch S. P. & Co., Castine. Hooper Joshua, * Pike William B., Corinth. Billings Hiram, Cumberland. Humphrey N. L., *' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Reynolds N. B. & Co., Danville. Dana Edmund, Jr., Damariscotta. Jenkins Bartholomew, Dexter. Morrill W. R., " Byram Samuel R., Eastport. Sabine Geo. W., Littlefield L. P., Ellsworth. Peck Calvin G., " Atwood Levi F., Fairfield. Jackson James A., Farmingdale. Blake & Linscott, Farmington. Hiscock R., Atwood John, Jr., Frankfort. Moulton T. M., Freedom. Branch Chas. P., Gardiner. Butman T. A., Jr., Cooke L. D., White C. A. & J. D., " Jones S. W., Greene. Beaman John, Hallowell. Page S. & Co., " Wales & Souther, " Hopkins Elijah, Hampden. Rogers Allen, " Clark Samuel, Kennebunk. Currier Thos., Warren A., " Cook J. G. & Co., Lewiston. Reynolds N. B., Lewiston Falls. Young A., Jr., " Pike E. B., Lincoln. Longfellow C., Machias. Robinson Milton, Minot. Thing Ira, Mt. Vernon. Glidden IK., Newcastle. Bishop J. S., Newport. Collins R., North Anson. Dinsmore M. M., " Noyes Robert, Norway. Kinsell R. F., Oldtown. Libby & Alexander, Orono. Rust William A., Paris. Connor H. B. & J. C., Pittsfield. Lancy H. W.. " Beckett E. C. & Co., Portland. Carter A., Jr., " Carruthers A. K., " Cummings H. T., " Corry Chas. F., Durgin Joshua & Co., " Gale Stephen, " Hay Henry II., Kelley Joseph L. & Go., " Loring Thos. G., " Mason Edward, " Mason Joseph B., (Botanic) " Noble S. J. & Co., " Oxnard Wm. F., " Perkins & Titcomb, " Thayer Geo. A., " Hall Joseph B., Presque Isle. Dunham Isaac, Readfield. Lamson R. W. & C. E., Richmond. Baker Winslow, Rockland, Fessenden C. P., " Kimball I. K., " Moody John C., " Berry John A., Saco. Gilman T. Mitchell Dan'l L., " Rollins James G., " Merrill John, Sanford. Fowler John, Searsport. Smith H. D., " Dyer Isaac, Skowhegan. Dinsmore James & Son, " Mann William M., " Ricker Thos. W., So. Berwick. Greeley M. R., Surry. Robinson Geo. I., Thomaston. Dyer William, Waterville. Plaisted J. H. & Co., " Jennesp K. F., Westbrook. Macartney William, West Waterville. Walker M. R., Wilton. Bradford Philip C., Winthrop. Dana Edmund, Wiscasset. Blanchard Sam'l W., Yarmouth. Architects. Dean B. S., Bangor. Coombs I., Bath. Cole Isaac, " Fassett F. H., Bath. Alexander C. A., Portland. Sparrow Thos. J., " Stoddard Wm. P., " Thurston Chas. P., " Washburn & Brown, " Kelly James, (naval) Richmond. Reynolds E. F., Robbinston. Briges T. V., " Thomas James H., Rockland. Auctioneers. Foster John B., Bangor. Head Henry A., , Moody Joshua, " Prescott Reuben S., � Temple Henry H., Gilman J. T., Bath. Owen H. W., " Morse Milton M., Biddeford. Stevens Augustus, Bluehill. Hopkins William, Nichols James, Calais. Perkins Chas., , Tyler W. H., , Chamberlain William, Castine. Clark R. B., Eastport. Drew Daniel, Haycock Thomas, Hathaway Warren, Wadsworth S. B., Blackman Eben, East Machias. Osgood Joshua K., Gardiner. 289 MAINE REGISTER. Staples Samuel, Jr., Sumner Joseph, Small William D., Inglee John, Sargent Ignatius, Hancock John S., Bailey Henry & Co., Burgess Henry S., Patten Edward M., Robinson David, Jr., Burbank F. C., Hunt J. E., Spear E. J., Cox James W., Young Alexander, Brown Thomas J., Lubec. Machias. Orland. Portland. Rockland. Robbinston. Thomaston. Yarmouth. Axe Manufacturers. Homer David C., Bucksport. Homer Benj. H., Brown John, St. Albans. Matthews, Hubbard & Co., West Waterville. Lord D. B., " " Vaughn Joseph & William, Union. Axletrees. Miller & Hayes, Waterford, Bait. There is prepared in Bluehill annually, from 600 to $700 worth of Clam Bait; from Sedgwick from 800 to $1200 worth. from Brookline from 2500 to $3000 worth: Holt F. A., (clam) Bluehill, Seavey A., " Bluehill Falls. Sargent Wyer G., " Sedgwick. Powers N. H., " Brookline. Carlton Rowland," " Turner J., "" Carter Asa, " " Morey Otis, (pogy) Castine. Collins John, " Craig J. C., Colson Charles, " " Sawyer David, " Bakers. Libby & Snow, Auburn. Clark Henry W., Augusta. Moody Enoch C., Ham Thomas T., Bangor. Phillips & Witherly, Blake Daniel, Bath. Monroe C. J., " Pease C. W., " Gott James, Belfast. Wakefield P. P., Pierce M. & H., Biddeford. Harmon Curtis, Brunswick. Hawkes George, " Hall S. P. & Co., (ship) Bucksport. Bradbury Edward, Camden. Allen D. W., Calais. Chamberlain William, Castine. Boyles Charles, Dearing Thomas, Bradish & Co., Mayhew W. & Co., Currier & Wood, Partridge Wm., Means M. & J. R., Kimball Joseph, Libby & Snow, I Hurd March C., Bolster J. A., Benson Joseph, Kent Reuben, Blake Charles, Clough I. S., Gurney Charles S., Howe C. & C., Pearson & Smith, Waterhouse Josiah, Meader William, Anderson Rob't, Spencer William C., Anderson John, Plumber John, White John B., Bridge W. C., Conant J. M. & S. F., Wight David, Stilkey H. H., Hobart Seth, China. Damariscotta. Eastport. Ellsworth. Farmington. Gardiner. Hallowell. Kennebunk. Lewiston Falls. Limington. Norway. Oldtown, Portland. Richmond. Rockland. south Berwick. Thomaston. Waterville. Windsor. Winthrop. Wiscasset. Bank Agencies. Adams Samuel, Castine. Crocker William A., Machias. Peirhon E., Jr., " Thacher Peter, " Talbot Peter, East Tilden C. K., Castine. Belting. Smith Jonathan & Son, Lewiston. Blacksmiths. Boston Isaiah, Acton. Flint D. D., Abbot. Hall John, " Davis William, Addison. Small Aaron, Anstrim & Davis, " Saunders Justin E., Albany. Abbot Benj., Albion. Billings John, " Robinson Henry, " Sampson Robinson, " Strout B. A.,' Alexander. Burbank & Tripp, Alfred. Griffin James, Griffin Ivory, " Knight Benj. F., " Paine Samuel A., Alna. Kimball David, Amherst. Abbott William W., Andover. Cushman Henry R., " Simmons N. G., Appleton, 290 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Keene B. P., Dearborn Sewall, Dearborn Edward P., Palmer B. M., Palmer Cullen, Palmer Nahum, Rowe Jeremiah, Tenney A. R., Downing John, Emerson Cha's, Noyes Eliphalet, Keith Simon P., Philbrick John, Jewett Nathan, Noble Elbridge, Ricker Andrew J., Westcott Zebulon, Weed Elijah & James, Gellerson Warren W., Cowan Thomas, Delano William, Fellows Joshua, Fellows Samuel, Gillispie Cornelius, Thorns & Smith, Thorns Benj. N., Wharf Joseph, Wingate John J., Wingate Moses, McLaughlin A. P., Blaisdell Joseph & Co., Cahill Andrew R., Crooker David, Crooker T. & W., Ham & Mason, Knowlton Jacob, Linscott J. L., Brier Franklin, Blodgett S. A., Carson T., Havener Jacob L., Havener Joseph L., Keen E. G., Treadwell & Mansfield, Wight Geo. E., Bunker Elijah S., Emmons Patrick, Wills Hiram, Green John, Nash David, Wiggins Wm. M., Winn Japhet, Hanson Storen, Libby Luther S., Chapman Samuel H., Hastings John, Hastings Timothy, Richardson Eli T. Whitney Israel S., Baker Eber, Smith Jesse & Son, Coombs Daniel, Riggs Enoch, Appleton Athens. Atkinson. Auburn. Augusta. Aurora. Baldwin. Bancroft. Bangor. Bath. Anthoin J. N., Biddeford. Parker N., ' Ricker John, " Smith T. & N., " Stewart J., " Whitney J., " Lane William H., Blanchard. Dascomb James B., Bloomfield. Gould & Murray, Boothby. Hodgkins Ezekiel, " Weymouth John W., " Newell R., Bowerbank. Aldrich Jonathan N., Bradford. Tilton Levi, " Shaw Nathan, " Bullen Samuel, Bradley. Fly Thomas D., Bremen. Doane David B., Brewer. Eldridge Jeremiah, " Gilpatrick Samuel, " Higgins Lorenzo D., Howard & Leach, " Bailey Richard, Bridgton. Carter James, Morse F. B., " Sampson Ira, ,* Sanderson John, " Perry George, " Webb John, " London Jonathan, Bridgewater. Noble Theodore W., " Bennett Stephen N., Brighton. Buswell Turner H., " Russell Asa, Fossett William, Bristol. Hatch Howland, " Hatch George W., " Howe M., " Humphrey J. F., " Jones Andrew, " Herrick H., Brookline. Nesmith James 0., Brooks. Page Oliver, " Prescott Oliver C., " Allen John, Brookville. Gale B., " Tapley Timothy, " Frost O. H., Brownfield. Leavitt William P., " Palmer William W., " Philbrook Oliver C., " Loud Daniel, Brownville. Waterhouse Z. A., " Guess William, Brunswick. Parker John, " Stanwood Charles, " Stanwood John D., " Toothaker A., " Toothaker & McKenny, " Harmon J. G., Burlington. Taylor Geo. W., Luce --- , Burnham. Mayhew Deering, Buckfield. 291 292 MAINE REGISTER. Perry Samuel B., Buckfield. Smith D. J., Corinna. Ripley Valentine, " Boutelle & Hatch, Corinth. Farnham S. & Sons, Bucksport. Folsom & Norton, " Sherman John H. & Co., " Fish Stephen, " Smith William G., " Knight S. C. & J., " Cousens Jonathan, Buxton. Ricker & Small, " Emery Horace, " Folsom James, Cornville. Harmon Silas, " Folsom Jonathan, " Harmon Jonathan & Nathan, " Folsom Nicholas, " Marshall Joel, " Rowell Charles N., " Morton & Libby, " Warren George, "' Parker Nathaniel, " Whittier Eleazer, " Sawyer Cyrus, " McLellan Robert, Cumberland. Spauford Warren, " Morrill Josiah, " Towle Stephen, " True-Samuel, " Waterhouse Israel P., " McIntyre Robert, Cushing. Bacon Timothy, (Militown) Calais. Miller L. L., " Gates E. C., " " Gilson Parker, Cutler. McGlauflin A., " Bussell E., Damariscotta. Wheaton William H., " " Campbell Henry, " WVhitnevy, Hamilton & Co., " " Clapp William F., " Welch P., " Day Willard, " Morrill Nahum, Cambridge. Erskine E. D., " Russell John, " Hall Tilden, " Chase Samuel, Camden. Hatch Horace, " Mansfield A. D. & E. D., " Stetson Melzar, " Tyler & Bird, " T.eague Joseph, " Getchell Abel, Canaan. Stinchfield A. P.,, Danville. Hubbard S. F., " Dow Oliver, Dayton. Hussey Asa H., " Grant Silas, Tuttle John, " Higgins Israel B., Deer Isle. Gurney & Stevens, Canton. Frost Lakin L., Denmark. Murphy Edward, Carmel. Ingalls Jonathan, " Smith Thomas, Carroll. Smith Henry H., " Elwell Eleazer C., Carthage. Gardner A. L. R., Dennysville. Tainter G. L., " Gardner Eben, " Fickett Daniel, Jr., Casco. Bates Charles B., Dexter. Stone Clark, " Thompson B. C. & C. P., " Spiller Thomas D., " Mitchell William H., Dixfield. Whitman Benjamin, " Newton Cyrus, " Bickmore Isaiah, Charlestown. Grant B. C., Dixmont. Brigham Joseph, " Morse J. B., " Shaw Eliab, " Palmer Wm. H., " Lothrop Martin P., Chesterville. Stevens Wm. C., " Mitchell John, " West Stephen, " Parker Seth C., " Clifford & Graves, Dover. Sewall Calvin D., " Robinson & Ames, " Brook H., China. Sanford & Parsons, " Hussey Elijah, " Day John, Detroit. Jackson Theodore M., " Lord & Brookings, " King H. R., " Blanchard Theophilus, Dresden. Ramsdell Benj., " Stone James, " Barker Abijah, Clinton. Fogg Arthur Q., Durham. Breck William D., " Merrill Job, " Jaquith Charles, " Tuttle Rufus, " Kimball R. M., " Varney John, " Cunningham Daniel, Clinton Gore. Buck Amos, Eastport. McCaslin Shepard M., Columbia. Burgin Lewis, Keen Albert, " Treat U. S., (Treat's Island) " Woodward John, " Whelpley Henry, " Woodward John S., " Whelpley Samuel, " Andrews Thomas, Corinna. Cushing A. P., East Maehiss. Campbell John, " Sanborn Cyrus, " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Seavey & Chaloner, East Machias. Lamkin Ariel, East Livermore. Paine Benj., " Walton Sewall B., " Bearce Josiah B., Eddington. Curtis Daniel, , Richards Samuel H., Eden. Thomas Oliver P., Allen John, Ellsworth. Campbell Ambrose S., " Delaite Charles L., Godfrey O. S., " Leighton P., " Moore R. L., * Ricker B. 0., Sargent David, Saunders Silas, " Stevens & Springer, " Watts Francis M., " Whitcomb Charles, " Whitcomb Eleazer, , Haskell James, Enfield. Friend Daniel, Etna. Paine Nathaniel E., Exeter. Palmer Joshua, " Wakefield A. C., Ellsworth. Goodwin Daniel, Eliot. Raitt John, " Ellis Charles B., Fairfield. Fillebrown Thomas D., " Fletcher A. H., Doughty J. H., Falmouth. Pettingill & Noyes, " Fuller Sanford K., Farmingdale. Fuller William C., " Palmer Rufus L., " Davis T. M., Farmington, Kilgore Ira, " Wheeler A. G., " Wyman E. G., " Kilgore John, " Barker Daniel, Bump Hosea, * Marvell Sumner, " Brown Cyrus, Fayette. Dutton William, / " Marston O. B., , True Daniel, " Cleveland Joseph, Flag Staff. Esterbrook Ward H., Fort Fairfield. Ross Porter, " Jennison T. L. & F. S., Foxeraft. Fernald & Crane, Frankfort. Grant Enoch, Crook Eli, " Averill Nathaniel, Frankfort Mills. Wiswell John, Wallis Jonathan, " " Abbott Moses, Franklin. Furnald Elisha G., Goodwin Charles, " Wilbur Lewis, " Boothby Stephen, Freadom. Keen Thomas S., Freedom. Whitten Nathan H., " Barden Z., Freeman. Davis Daniel, " Abbott Isaac, Fryeburg. Hastings Mason, Willey Francis, " French Henry R., Gardiner. Wharff W. R., " Willard Nathan, " Fisher Chas., Garland. Haskell Isaac W., " Gibbs Thomas M., Glenburn. Heald Jonas, Golden Ridge Plant. Guptil Amos G., Gouldsboro'. Moore Benj., " Roff Hiram, " Adams Silas H., Gray. Plummer Moses, Caswell Job, Greene. Morse Nathan, " McKenny George, " Pratt Jabez, ** Pratt T. G., " Evens Elisha, Greenfield. Littlefield John, " Tarr Stephen F., Greenville. Hobbs Alvah, Greenwood. Trull Griffin, " Fassett George B., Guilford. Furbush Wm., Hallowell. Getchell J. M., " Huntoon E. D., " Putnam Cyrus, " Adams L. S. & B., Hampden. McIntosh Robert, " Morey William, " Miller David, '" Wood Hiram, " Whitmore Joseph W., " Butler Moses, Hancock. Joy Stephen, ,, Bartlett Enoch, Hanover. Farrar Thomas J., �Harmony. Hamilton Elbridge, Allen Elisha, Jr., Harpswell. Thompson Abel, " Buzzell Jotham L., Harrington. Grace F. S., Kilbourn Jacob V. R., Harrison. Morrill John I, Hartland. Swift Francis T., *" Barrows Joseph, Hebron. Bicknell Tristram G., " Blaisdell Augustus, Hermon. Miller Lorenzo, " Hale Silas, Hiram. Morrell Eben, " Smith B. C., Hodgdon Baley Moses, Holden. Durgin Henry, Holden Plant. Cousins Jonathan P., Hollis. Hanson Oliver, 293 MAINE REGISTER. Libby Marshall, Hollis. Cousins David B., Limington. Harwood Lyman, Hope. Chick Sidney, Mero Zenas, " McLellan Ebenezer, " Mero James, " Meserve Dennis, " Mero Josiah, " Staples Andrew, " Bradley John, Houlton. Wentworth Benj., " Dillon William G., " Adams R. F., Lincoln. Lyons Chas., " Groof & Kneeland, " Morrison William, " Ingalls O., " Sweeney Dominick, " Lovejoy S. B., " Cutts James, Industry. Roberts Wm. T., " Meider George, " Drake Albion, Lincolnville. Clark John, Ilesborough. Drake Daniel, " Coombs John, " Eastman John, " Deering Reuben, Jackson. French Abel, " Furbush Reuben, " Hunter Daniel, " Page Wm. E., " Parker Allison, Mace James C., Jackson Plant. Peavey Orin, Linneus. Bean Israel, Jay. Dawes Ezra H., Litchfield. Hodsdon John, " Earl Elisha, " Macomber Azel, " Lord Joseph S., " Macomber Benson, " True George W., " Johnson Isaiah, Jefferson. Draper S. H., Livermore. Shepard Emery, " Neal Edwin, " Trask Enoch, " Davis Ezra, Long Island. Kilton Noyes W., Jonesborough. Dresser Joseph B., Lovell, Doliver Richard M., Kenduskeag. Hartford Benj., Emery & Watson, Kennebunk. Moore Dexter B., " Gilpatrick D. & R., " Osgood Jacob, " Holland Chas., " Harmon Horace, Lubec. Jellison Sam'l B., " Reynolds Oliver M., " Littlefield David, " Whalen James, " Lowell Marshall, " Jose Thomas, Lyman. Gouch Dan'l, Kennebunkport. Fenlason S., Machias. Hutchins Edward S., Foster Lewis, " Hall George, " Morey William, Jr., " Tripp James H., " Stratton James, " Grant Robert J., Kilmarnock. Phinney John, Machias Port. Dolbeare William, Kingfield. Chadbourne Thomas, Madison. Larrabee Jeremiah, " Fillebrown George, Coloney Abram, Kirkland. Fillebrown James H., " Collins Edward, Kittery. Hobart Warren, " Pettigrew Thomas, " Cyr Firmin, Madawaska Plant. Bump John K., Knox. Gagnon T. M., " " Barlow Anson, " Lisote John B., " " Baker Daniel, " Ouellett Edward, " " Severance John, ' Sirois John, " 'rask Wm., " Small James, Madrid. Lord Horace, Levant. Sandford Reuel W., Manchester. Bradford Benj., Lee. Clapp Henry, Maxfield. Gerrish & Barnes, " Bunker John K., Mexico. Brown James M., Letter A, No. 2. Eastman George, " Abbott O. H., Letter B. Edmunds Eli, " West John C., " Gleason Simeon C., " Gray Justus, Letter H, Range 2. Hall William M., " Small Cyrus, " Lamb Arthur, Milford. Emerson Chas. L., Lewiston Falls. Newbegin Edward G., " Stinchfield A. P., " Allen Jacob, Milbridge. Barstow Geo. U., Liberty. Hayford America, " Gilman R. H., " Noyes Ira M., " Burnham John, Limerick. Albee Amos C., Milo. Hayes & Graffam, " Copeland Isaac N., " Libby Abner, 2d, " Maxwell Alexander, 294 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ricker Thomas N., Young, Doten Alvah, Kimball Chas., Moody Jeremiah, Hadley Wm. W., Shannon William, Towle C. H., Bachelder J., White C., Knight Nathaniel, Tarr James, Wilson Jonathan, Batchelder Edwin, Clement Wm., Peavey Thomas J., Peavey Andrew J., Whitten James O., Ladd Stephen, Morse Jabez H., Coltman F. J., Libby Joab, Wentworth B. T., Hussey Isaac, Sewall Beverly, Sewall Nichols, Huzzy Isaac, Sewall Nichols, Chapman Nathaniel' Chase William, Jr., Clapp Nathaniel, Jr. Hatch Crowell, Jr., Simmons T., Webber Nathaniel, Coombs Wm. G., Hatch William, McIntire Clinton T., Nutting Abner M., Judkins R. T., Luce F. F., Quint John, Fletcher Thos. R. & & Franklin, Kilgore Ira, Vaughn & Cutler, Challiers Daniel, Dunnells Zachariah, Morris Chas. R., Allen John C., Benjamin James, Clark Geo. W., Dexter Thomas F., Eames J., Kilgore Joseph, Littlehale J., Whitney Ephraim, Curtis Horace, Winslow Bradford, Allen Lewis, Littlefield James D., Witherell S. B. 2d, Avery Stephen, Dinsmore Eli, Milton Plant. Fillebrown Thos. D., No " Taylor John, Minot. Brackett Humphrey, " Jenkins Chas, " Neal Nathan, Moluncus Isle. Quimby Daniel, " Sholes Zepheniah, No Monmouth. Chase Henry M., North Monroe. Chase Samuel B., " Loring Samuel C., Monson. Torrey Albert, " Pillsbury Nathan, Monticello. Cummings Otis, Montville. Boody Shepard, No. " Stewart Cha's, No. 17 " Smith Geo. W., " Allen E. G., " Ames & Bernard, Mt. Vernon. Hayes William, " Hale J., Naples. Stuart J. B., " Moulton Solomon, " Springer & Braley, Newburg. Finney A. R., Frost Benjamin, " M~ansfield Edward, " Perkins & Mason, " Weymouth Samuel, T., Newcastle. Bunker William, " Kempton Henry, (South) " Lufkin Nathaniel, (East) " Chute Francis, " Mayberry Thomas, " Richardson Hiram, New Gloucester. Abbott Thomas, "' Lord Nathaniel, " Greeley Robert F., "' Young Benj., New Portland. Worthing Wilder H., ," Philbrick Michael, ," Sowle Rufus, John Wright George P., New Sharon. Chipman Cyrus, " Davis Henry IR., New Vineyard. Farr & Frothingham, Newfield. Whittemore Albion, " Wade E. D., " Drayton Joseph S., P Newport. Redman Lorenzo, " Wadleigh James, " Seavey Daniel, Pas. " Peavey Hiram, Newry. Bartlett J. W., " Morrill Ichabod, " Perry Henry, Nickertou Plant. Laughlin Thomas, Nobleboro'. Laughlin W. J., " Lincoln Isaiah, Norridgewock. Lycett John, " Reynolds Nathaniel, ,, Reynolds J., Jr., North Anson. Sinclair B., Wescott - ,---- rth Anson. . Berwick. rth Haven. Yarmouth. Northport. 9, Range 6. 1, Range 5. Norway. Oldtown. Orneville, Orono. Orringt on. Otisfield. Oxford. Palermo. Palmyra. Paris. Parkman. 'arsonsfield. sadumkeag. Patten. Pembroke. "i 295 MAINE REGISTER. Woodworth L., Dorman M., Warren C. J., Fletcher James, Foard Elhanan W., Paul William, Webber Ivory, Bishop Enos, Hathorn Benj., Brett Rufus, Collins & Lovejoy, Davis S. A., Russell Luther, Russell O. W., Blaisdell A., Hogan Thomas, Gray Nathaniel G., Maloon Geo. W., Cummings Amos, Dall William, Lewis Daniel E., Wentworth Daniel, Wentworth Ephraim, Averill John, Campbell William, Cobb & Staples, Emerson Stephen, Fogg & Noyes, Hatch Frederick, Hatch William, Higgins & Libby, Moses & Henby, Staples Alfred, Plummer Charles M., Stevens Benj., Talbot Jairus, Taylor W. & J., True Ebenezer, Wilson & Jack, Young David, Eastman Obadiah, Whitney Sumner, Mosher George, Olmsted Eliphalet, Furbush Cha's, Libby John, Phinney Isaac, Haley John, Dodge John, Bryant William, Coffin E. N., Hardy Samuel, Lane W. ii., Ames James F., Hall William C., Hall Nathaniel, Ham John B., Marshall L. W., McFarland David, Patten Theodore, Rowe & Melrose, Aldrich Ezra, Felt G. W., Pembroke. Perry. Peru. Pittsfield. Phillips. Phipsburg. Plymouth. Poland. Porter. Portland. Prospect. Gerry E. J., Rockland. Kahler Emery, " Atkins W. J., Rockland. Ingraham & Thurston, " Ingraham Royal, " Kirkpatrick John, " Mallett John L., " Osgood & Bean, ' Seavey & Sprague, " Swift C. A., " Gordon Lewis, Rome. Whittier William, " Handy Thomas, Rumford. Martin Kimball, " Peabody Loami B., " Smith --, Boothby Francis A., Saco. Chadbourn Owen B, " Gainse John, " Ham John, " Dodge William W., Salem. Heath Benjamin, " Heath Daniel, " Brett Geo. W., Sangerville. Holt Loren, " Wilder Isaac, Salmon Brook. Chancy & Boston, Sanford. Hatch Dennis, " Worcester F. & W., " Burnham Harris, Scarborough. Harmon Sylvanus, " Hight Amos, " Warren Samuel & William, '" Farrar Wm., Searsmont. Farrar Simon, " Follett Cyrus, " Ness Ranlet, " Barnes A. H., Searsport. Brather J. J., " Gould J., " Morris C. B., " Wiswell J. W., " Haley John J., Sebago. Cromatt Nathaniel, Sebec. Lampher Nathan, " Lovejoy Gorham D., " Allen George R., Sedgwick. Sherman James, Sidney. Waite Silas L., " Ward Stephen, " Lord James H. R., Skowhegan. Varney J. & J. P., " Varney & Steward, " Charles Freeman, Smithfield. Parsons Seth F., " Colbrath Ivory, Smyrna. Morrison John, " Curtis Samuel, Solon. Parkman Absalom, " McDarrell Sewall, South Berwics. Bridges Elbridge G., So. Thomaston. Drake Augustine, Hutchins Jeremiah B., 29 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Kellock Silas, So. Thomaston. Tripp Stewart, " Berry Lorenzo D., Springfield. Brown John, St. Albans. Dillingham IIenry W., " Leach John, " Meserve Mark M., " Gilchrist George, St. George. Snow John D., " Higgins Seth, Standish. Irish Thomas, " Libby Jeremiah, " Paine Freeman, " Green Josiah, Starks. Goodwin Jeremiah, Stetson. Handscome Isaac, Stowe. Wright Hiram A., Strong. Emery C. & Co., Sullivan. Preble Ebenezer, " Barrows Joel, Sumner. Irish Greenleaf M., " Goodwin Stephen, Surry. Grant Alexander, " Joy Charles, " Staten William, " Brown Lucius IH., Swanville. Saunders John, " Nye William, Temple. Fitzgerald John, Thomaston. Hatch Roland, " Hodgman Isaac, " Jacobs & Boynton, " Jacobs Joseph W., " Mathews Isaac, " Oliver B., " Simmons Henry B., " Staples Edmund P., " Hinckley Aaron, Topsham. Maxwell James & Co. " Freeman J. R.,S.W.Harbor,Tremont. Rich Z. T., Bass Harbor, " Robbins Benj., Centre, " Young Francis, Seal Cove, " King James, Trenton. Doir Daniel, Troy. Rhoades William, Webb Nelson, " Bushnell George E. Turner. Eldridge J., " Rogers William, " Webster William, " Winship Albert, " Jones Benjamin L., Union. Martin Leander, " Simmons Job C., " Broad Cheney, Unity. Stetson Nathaniel W., " Webb Amos, " Martin Remi, Van Buren. Michand Israel, " Burgess H., . Vassalboro'. Coombs James, " Fossett Robert W., r 20 Foss T. W., Horn William, Johnson James, Richardson John, Swett Peter, Worth Francis, Bradley & Graves, Sevey Ira, Wait David, Weeks Jethro, Edgecomb Wm., Veazie John W., Woodward Joseph. Andrews James, Matthews Moses, Newcomb Cha's C., Howard Thomas, Bagley Phineas, Chadbourn John, Frost Geo. W., Harper Samuel, Adams John G., Marr Samuel J., Rounds N. & E., Bangs Stephen, Potter Omar D., Potter Octavus, Lufkin G. W., Russell B. D., Fry James E., Bean & Littlefield, Chaney John, Grant John, Hutchins Theodore Littlefield Nathanie Parsons William, Wakefield C., Edwards O. S., Sampson Job, Smith George L., Benson R. C., Smith T., Sawyer John R., Libby Abraham, Morrill Edwin, Moses Joshua, Winslow Andrew, Barker Daniel J., Bailey Peter M., Bricker Daniel S., King Benj., Witherell Sylvester, Wright Joseph, Gilpatrick James, Sevey S. S., Murphey E., Hendee Thomas, Nute Elias, Parsons Joseph T., Smith Shepard, Antoine Amos, Boody Henry H., Dale A., Vassalboro'. Vienna. Vinalhaven. Veazie. A., Waltham. Warren. raterboro': Waterford. Webster. Weld. Wellington. Wells. West Gardiner. West Waterville. Westbrook. Weston. Whitefield. Whiting. Whitneyville. Wilton. Windham. 297 MAINE REGISTER. Knight Jason, Leonard Austin, Delano Amos P., Nelson Moses, Currier Elbridge G., Bailey Alden, Greenwood William B., Trott Josiah W., Bowker C., Jr., V Gallison J. M., Ricker T. N., Hutchins Ivory, Mitchell Lemuel, Williams Frederick, Merrill John, Jr., Perkins Sullivan, Eyler Elias, Wheeler Samuel, Merry Samuel, Thwing Isaac, Wright Reuben, Caswell Henry W., Boat Builders. Merrill Francis, Drinkwater W., Wright William, Pooler Eli, McComber C. O., Willson B. J., Mathews Richard, C Chambers William, Roberts J. S., Trefethen James, Godfrey Geo. W., Young Edwin, Hanscomb Otis P., Small Daniel,' Ma Rice Stephen, R Elkins David, Hunt N. H., Wallace Hiram F., Wallace Ira & Co., Deguio Joseph, Dyer Henry, Greene C. H., Roberts Thomas F., Simerton & Lee, Pettingill Amos, Dyer W. R., Perkins & Dresden, Strout Lemuel, T Patten Jonathan M., W Drinkwater E. G., Gooding & Seabury, Boiler Makers. [See Machinists.] Elmes & Tebbetts, Moulton Geo., Bonnets. Ddstin Wm. P., Crocker C. A., Windham. Winslow. Winthrop. Wiscasset. Voodstock. York. Windsor. Woolwich. Yarmouth. Bangor. Bath. Brewer. Bucksport. Castine. herryfield. Eastport. Kittery. Lubec. Machias. chias Port. obbinston. Oldtown. Portland. Richmond. Rockland. Chomaston. raldoboro'. Yarmouth. Bath. Bangor. Machias. Hathaway H., Hanscomb L., Tenny G., Machias. "( Bookbinders. Hartford & Smith, Augusta. Bugbee David & Co., Bangor. Harris F. T., Stanwood Wm. F.," Sawyer & Magoun, Bath. Palmer William, Gardiner. Masters, Smith & Co., Hallowell. Howe Luther, Machias. Bailey F. W., Portland. Blake & Carlton," Colesworthy Samuel H., " Davis Geo. R., Blank Book Manufactory, and Impor- ter of Foreign Stationery, " Smith William E.," Randall J. B., Saco. Robinson Geo. I., Thomaston. Books and Stationery. Fenno Edward, Augusta. Gaubert Alonzo, " Stanwood & Sturgis, " Clark Elisha, Bath. Hyde Henry & Son, " Sawyer & Magoun, " Stearns Wmin. B., " Bugbee David & Co., Bangor. Duren E. F., " Hight C. & Co., " Patch & Lewis, " Caldwell John S., Belfast. Washburn H. G. O., " Leavitt Moses, Biddeford. Parcher Samuel F. & Co., " Hayden S. W., Bridgton. Davis Nathaniel, Brunswick. Griffin Joseph, " Johnson William, " Emery James, Bucksport. Hall A. H., " Jackson John, Calais. Washburn George, " Merriam William, Camden. Wheeler C. C., Canaan. Hussey & Webb, Damariscotta. Stearns & Co. Danville. Cilley & Colbath, Dexter. Odell D. I., Eastport. Sabine George W., Morse Benj., Ellsworth. Osgood J. B., Blake & Linscott, Farmington. Atwood Geo. M., Gardiner. Palmer William," Masters, Smith & Co., Hallowell. Spaulding Calvin, " Remick Daniel, Kennebunk. Hall & Briggs, Lewiston Falls. Stearns W. B., " 298 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. McKenney & Weston, Lewiston. Leavitt M. A., " Allen C. C., Machias. Haskell L., �i Longfellow Clark, " Dionne Henry, M3adawaska Plant. Noyes D. S., Norway. Hancock John S., Orland. Libby & Alexander, Orono. Sherman T. W., Pembroke. Bailey Joseph S., Portland. Blake & Carter, " Colesworthy D. C., " Colesworthy Samuel H., Davis Geo. R., a Hall Calvin C., " Hyde Wm. & Son, " Lord Geo., - " Pierce & Evans, " Robifison Augustus, " Robinson William D., " Simonton Eben B.,. " Hall Joseph B., Presque Isle. Batchelder Joseph C., Richmond. Dana E. F., Rockland. Walker Richard, " Wakefield J., " Berry John A., Saco. Harvey P. L., " Hodsdon Lewis, Mitchell Daniel L., � Noyes & Bacheller, " Dyer & Dinsmores, Skowhegan. Robinson Geo. I., Thomaston. Cxooker J. M. & Co., Waterville. Mathews C. R. K., " Moody J. G., "a Boots and Shoes. Macomber Franklin, Abbott. Macomber F. A., " Macomber Thomas, " Bodwell Horace, Acton. Nash Coffin, Addison. Town Leonard, Albany. Main Josiah, Jr., Albion. Crockett Lewis & Son, Andover. Farrington James, "f Walker Isaac C., " Howe D. C., Appleton. Pease Geo., " Pease H. & J., " James John, Athens. Jewell Gustavus, " Kimball George A., " Gage Andrew, Atkinson. Hammond E. L., " Walker A. W., " Allen S. T., Auburn. Bradbury Benj., " Bradbury Hersey, " Cobb John F., " Crafts Caleb, " Crafts, Ricker & Co., Crafts & Ricker, Crafts C. H., Cobb & Willis, Howard A. C., Merrill & Lombard, Packard C. S. & Co., Staten E. H., Wills Reuel, Wood Sumner, Doe Edmund G., Haskell & Co., Reynolds A. J., Sewall Henry, Varney John, Butterfield J. S , Marr Wesley, Riley Nathan A., Spencer Ambrose, Sawyer C. D., Sanborn R. N., Ayer John, Blake Prince M., Burrill William, Jr., Boardman S. H. & Co., Baldwin Edward P., Chase Winslow, Croswell, Leighton & Co., Darling & Ingalls, Flagg William H., Hemenway & Hersey, Johnson Nathaniel H., Leighton A. K. P. & Co., Little Henry & Co., Margeson William, Reynolds Samuel, Reynolds Geo., Stacy William, Wood Daniel P., Moon John, Farrin James, Fisher L. S., Fogg B. S., Harvey G. W., Hatch Davis, Hodges & Bolton, Mathews Wm., Mitchell E. P., Nichols J. H., Pattee Winm. S., Roberts John W., Coburn Wm. T, Dinsmore B. C., Forbes H. H., Macomber A. J., Maddocks D. R., McDonald George, Wiggin N., Hill Rufus, Ames John P., Bailey George O., Black Charles, Chase Michael, Jr., 299 Auburn. ff ff iG i{ fG ff CG ti Augusta. CG fG CG cc Baldwin. 6, ff it iG et 66 Bangor. ii is cc is cc cc GG cc cc is cc cf cc ce cc cc cc Barring. Bath. ff cc cc fC cc c{ fG ii CC 66 Belfast. Bat (6 Augusta. ff fG CC Belgrade. Belmont, iG ii ac MAINE REGISTER. Crawford John & Co., Belmont. Heal Wm. S., " Mears & Whitney, " Roberts Alonzo, " Varney James A., " Whitney John F., " Manson George, Berwick. Fogg John S., Biddeford. Hammond Ezra, " Ross B. K. & Co., " Smith G. S. & Co., " Stevens Joseph S., " Dinsmore Abner, Bingham. Turner E. K. & Co., Bloomfield. Candage L., Bluehill. Fisk A. A., " Mason P. W., " Wilson Parker, Boothby. Rideout Charles, Bowdoin. Verney Wm., 2d, " Mosha Morris, Bradford. Fry Stephen H., Bradley. Chapin & Gleason, Brewer. Johnson Charles F. A., Bridgewater. Corson H. D., Bridgton. Alley E. T., " Chamberlain Henry, Bristol. Chamberlain Thomas H., " Erskine James, " Mears Parker, " Mears Jeremiah, " "Varney James, " Cunningham John & Son, Brookline. Lufkin Samuel, " Sargent B. C., " Sargent John O., " Douglass Daniel, Brooksville. Billings Josiah & Co., Brownfield. Badger John, Brunswick. Cox A. F., " Day Lorenzo, " Driver John P., " Harmon Dennis, " Hinckley Charles, " Jones Lemuel, " Allen & Thomes, Buckfield. Bicknell F. & Co., " Bolton S. & Co., Bucksport. Darling A. D., " Lanpher S. H., " Berry Silas, Buxton. Boynton Wm., " Came Nathaniel M., " Davis Joseph, " Leavitt Charles, " Clark Amos, (Milltown) Calais. Gordon David, Gordon James, " Sawyer & Robbins, " Williams F., " Woodcock J. T., (Milltown) " Avery Mark, Cambridge. Packard Alanson D., Dwinnell Daniel, Cambridge. Hosmer Charles F., Camden. Norwood J. W. K., " Fickett Benj., Cape Elizabeth. Getchell & Prescott, Canaan. Eldridge Alien, Carmel. Murch B. G., " Nichols C. A., " Weed Samuel, " Lane Calvin, Carroll. Brown Leonard M., Carthage. Staples E. C., " Jenness Wm. B , Casc. Clarke John, Castine. Dunbar Manning, Cherryfield. Nash William B., " Nash Henry, " Patten Isaac, " Sullivan Thomas, " Atkinson C., Chesterville. Abbot & Gray, China. Emerson & Taylor, " Hanscom Samuel F., " Meigs & Chadwick, " Philbrook Isaiah, " Russ & Reed, " Jenkins H. A., ' Jepson H. A., " Jepson S. R., " Hunter Zimri, Clinton. Merrill Joshua, " Carlton Isaac, Columbia. Conley Benjamin, " Gage John D., " Merritt & Cook, " Boynton Samuel, Corinth. Chadbourne John, " Lovejoy John, " Small J. D., " Morse Josiah B., Cumberland. Coffill P., Cutler. Curtis & Wright, Damariscotta. Frye J., " Dexter Robinson, Danville. Miller, Randall & Co., " Roak, Packard & Co., " Goodwin John M., Dayton. Knight William, " Colby F. A. S., Deer Isle. Pickering Timothy B, " Sellars Joshua H., " McLauchlan D. C., Dennysville. Jenkins Wm. H., Detroit. Corson Francis, Dexter. Martin Isaac, " Martin John, " Merrill A. & J. B., " Merrill Allen, " Merrill Richard H., " Shaw John M., " Cushman S. P., Dixmont. Gray ---, " Nichols A., " 300 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wentworth - , Dixmont. Barrows Joel L., Dover. Colcord J. S., " Dearborn Sylvanus, " Fessenden James S., " Good Francis, " Lougee John P., " Day Jeremiah E., Durham. Eveleth James H., -' Morse & Morrill, East Livermore. McDavitt James, Eastport. Horton John B., " Rice G. I. G., " Witherell Samuel, " Miles L. S., Eddington. Wiswell Thomas, " Thomas Nicholas J., Eden. Bennett R., Ellswo'rth. Brooks B. S., " McDonald Charles, " Read Jonathan, " Brady Robert, Enfield. Blunt Joseph P., Fairfield. Mason Zeno K., " Fairbanks J. W., Farmington. Hersey George, " Holley Hiram, " Marvell Elliott, " Kinney Harvey, Fayette. Lovejoy H. B., " Underwood J. H., " Walton Joseph W., " Beales Amos, Foxcraft. Sewall S. H., " Johnson George, Frankfort. Luther Job, " Starbird George E., " Springer A. & G. W., Franklin. Danforth Anson, Freedom. Thompson Nehemiah, " Watts Levi T., " Con James A., Gardiner. Smith John, Jr., " Stanford J., " Webb John, " Clark Samuel S., Garland. Frink John, Gorham. Libby Edmond, " Wingate John, " Hill Barney S. & Co., Gouldsboro'. Hill James F., " Glines David, Gray. Lawrence John, " Maxwell John, " Curtis James, Guilford. Lord Leverett, Hallowell. Nason J. F., " Thomas Albert, " Waterhouse I. A., " A ey David K., Hampden. Bogart Abraham, " Hopkins Ezekiel, ' Abbot William, Hancock. Crabtree Lemuel, Jr., Hancock. Curry Thomas, " Moore Peletiah, " Lawrence Alexander, Harrington. Dudley Daniel, Hartland. Allen James B., Hermon. Newton Galen, Holden Plantation. Jones Luther N., IHolden. Dunton Abner, Jr., Hope. Dunton Washington, Payson Asa, Payson George O., " Payson Samuel H., Bradford John H., Houlton. Smith Benj. B., " Willis Benj. N., Industry. McFarland Henry, Islesborough. Jones Silas, Jr., Jay. Leach John R., " Hatch Hiram, Jefferson. Morton Hinckley, Wyman Ambrose, " Farnsworth B. F., Jonesboro'. Watts T. D., " Lewis Aaron L., Kenduskeag. Jackson Avery G., " Rideout A. J., Kennebunk. Vose Lemuel, Kingfield. Budge James T., Lee. Thurlow M. & C., " White L. D., Leeds. Goodwin James, Letter B. Strout David, " Leavitt F. A., Lewiston. Small Charles & Co., " Miller, Randall & Co., Lewiston Falls. Roak, Packard & Co., " White L. D., " Wood Sumner, " Hunt William R., Liberty. Emery Isaac, Limerick. Perry William, " Clark Ira, Chick Stephen, " Dimock William, Limington. Clark Lewis, " Boody Israel, " Barnes William, Lincoln. Walker William H., " Page Stephen, Lincolnville. Tower John, " Tower Martin W., Baker Smith, Litchfield. Starbird Isaac, " Sawyer Joshua F., Livermore. Smith John, " Smith Charles K., Minot. Hamblin Eben C., Lovell. Hill M. T. & Co., Machias. Grattan A., " Phinney Mathias, Machias Port Phinney A. S., " " Ruest Joseph, Madawaska Plant. 301 MAINE REGISTER. Raymond Jean, Madawaska Plant. Bourjoin D., " " Paul Jose, " " Dufour E., " " Lisote Placide, " " Nason Uriah, Jr., Madison. Train Moses, " Fenderson William, " Thomas William & Sons, Manchester. Towns Tristram, " Harmon John A., Marshfield. Hawes Henry, Mattawamkeag. Hill Daniel, Mariaville. Pollard Joseph, Masardis. Fitzgerald William, " Russell Charles M., Mercer. Carr Osgood, " Stockbridge John C., Mexico. Perkins Elijah R., Milbridge. Cushman Thomas, Minot. Record Elbridge, Record Rufus, " Blake E. K. & Co., Monmouth. King J. R., Stanton Thomas L., " Tinkham John A., " Chick John, Monson. Macomber Samuel A., " Gregory Luther, Montville. Knight George H., " Knight Thomas, " Rowell Henry, " Thompson Thomas, " Small Abner, Mt. Vernon. Locke John, " " Locke Judson, " " Rundlette Jacob, " " Towne John J., Newfield. Simonds & White, New Gloucester. Ring Elbridge G., Newport. Emery H. T. & M., New Portland. Quint Andrew, " " Wetherbee H., New Portland. Choate C. H., Newry. Berry O. H., New Sharon. Mayhew Joshua B., " " Russell Eben F., " " Trask John, " Trask & Bray, " " Walker Alonzo, " " Vaughan Joseph D., New Vineyard. McNally Wm. H., No. 11, Range 5. Bunker S. &. L., North Anson. Getchell F. H., " " Williams Joseph C., " " Hilton Miles R., North Berwick. Snow C. E., " " Beverage Norwood, North Haven. Hall S. S., Norway. Howe J. & E. W., " Mixer & Watson, " Spaulding David, Oldtown. Chase J. B., Orono. Gillispie P., Lunt Nathaniel, McAdams Patrick, Pollard Joshua R., Philbrook Moses F., Treat E. P., Chapin Sumner, Davis N. C., Edwards Benjamin S., Shed Thomas, Smith William C., Wardwell Samuel C., Sargent Oliver, Fletcher A. B., Greeley John, Longfellow A. B., Murphy Sumner, Worthing Hiram. Foss & Hammond, Weeks S. D., Fuller Thomas, Pingree Moses, Pingree Warren, Smith John S., Hamilton George, Miles Horace, Black D., Finney William, Forbes David, Wilder Cushing, Blanchard S. A., Sylvester & Mayall, Twitchell John, Hall Joseph H., Barbour J. & C. J., Barbour Stephen M., Bell & Elder, Berry Joseph, Crie James, Davis John J. & Son, Fogg Benjamin, Gerrish William, Hanson L. D. & Co., Lang N. N. & Co., Loring & Tobey, McLanathan H. L. S., Plummer Moses Q., Riddland Thomas, Shaw E. & Co., Shurtleff S. & Co., Small James, Smith John T., Stevens William B., Tewkesbury J., Tukey James G., Mudgett Jeremiah, Perkins Peter D., Huntin C. P., Varney John E., Lawrence Benjamin, Cox Isaac S., Diuslow S. & A. E., Htandlett Benjamin, 302 Orono. Orrington . Otisfield. Oxford. Orland. Palermo. Paris. Parkman. .i Patten. I' Pembroke. Phillips. Plymouth. Poland. Portland. Prospect. c6 ti "a "6 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Walker Charles S., Carr James, Goodwin Nathaniel, Jackson R. L. & Co., Sawyer B. W. & Co., Fifield John T., Ellsworth Jeremiah, Butler J. & I. A., Parsley Gilbert D., Fowler John, Sargent Charles, Sullivan Daniel, Merrill & Thombs, Chase Joseph B., Lampson William D., McClure Charles, Adams A. F. & Co., Farwell J. R., Lake George W., Robbins Enos, Hanibal Charles, Page Moses, Kilgore Samuel, Sawyer Alden, Berry Levi, Berry Alonzo L., Bradley H., Came N. M., Thompson Horace, Tebbetts & Towle, Sweetser C. & Co., Watson Joshua & Co., Moore G. C., Raynes Francis, Caswell Charles, Soutl Coombs Levi G., Hall Anthony D., Lothrop Sullivan, Mathews & Steward, Nutt Samuel, Dennett Gardner, Harding Nathaniel, Hughes James, Lovell Jesse B., Mooar Nathan, York John, Hitchcock Edward K., Porter James W., Hill John W., Sargent Thomas C., Crane Harvey, Guild Alpheus E., Purrington Gideon, Sampson Daniel C., Knight John, Bray William, Bray William B., Clark Hiram, Smith & Ellery, Achorn Benjamin, Bartlett Oscar A., Payson Nathan D., Billings Amos J., S h Richmond. Moore Bryant, Ripley. Henrieau Joseph, " Bradley Albert M., Rockland. Cates William, " Dunham Franklin D., Rome. Estes Joseph, , Salem. Frye Ebenezer, Sanford. Nichols Caleb, Sangerville. Robinson Isaac, Searsport. Tarbell William, " Clark & Rand, " Merrick James, Shirley. Brown Freeman, Sebec. Eaton Samuel W., " Folsom Robert, " Thompson David, Skowhegan. Burgess William M., " Carver John B., " Fernald James, " Lane Timothy, Smithfield. Pease Samuel T., " Vinal David, " Getchell H. & A., " Ford Charles A., Smyrna. Kilgore Benjamin, Saco. Merrill Charles, " Harvey --, ' Newell S. C., " Rhodes John A., " Carey Daniel, " Cushman Samuel, Sedgwick. Davis Isaac N., Solon. Jones R. D., o. Berwick. Holt Hiram, Thomaston. Knowlton J. S., " Phinney J., " Watson C. A., St. Albans. Berry Almon, " Berry Alvah, *" Burnell F., Standish' Neal & Woodman, Starks. Morris Levi, Torrey David, " Wiley -- , Stetson. Bran Francis W., S Stoneham. Berry S., Jr., W Strong. Ellis John, " Hubbard John, Sullivan. McAlphine Dougald, I Surry. Green Harrison, Temple. Thwing R. J., " Akers John, " Hawkes Alley, " Jordan Joseph B., Topsham. Mayberry Darius, Turner. Robinson John, " Robinson Oliver, " Sanders Barney, " Senter Greenleaf, Union. Senter Henry F., " Sturgis James, " Varney Ezekiel, Unity. Andrews Stephen, Unity. Van Buren. Vassalboro.' Wales. Waterville. Webste VeVeazt Gardiner. Vienna. Vinalhavenm. Wales. Waterford. Waterville. ** Webster. Weld. it ** Westbrook. West Gardiner. est Waterville. Whitneysville. Wilton. Windham. 's 303 304 MAINE REGISTER. Clark Elias M., Winthrop. Norcross N., (pill boxes) Livermore. Eaton J. W., " Tisdale & Moore, Milbridge. Foss & Snow, " Hemmenway W. H., (sugar Nelson J. R., " boxes) Machias. Parlin H. & Co., " Gray Tim., (pill boxes) Mt. Vernon. Stevens Josephus, " Bushnell & Staples (shoe boxes) Trufant A. L., " Turner. Trufant A. L., 2d, " Andrews John & others, Webb Samuel, " (herring boxes) (West) Lubec: Webb S. L. & G. W., " Bradbury S. & others, Wing C. A. & B. F., " (herring boxes) (West) " Woodward H., " Rice A. & Ray, (her- Crossman Joshua, Wiscasset. ring boxes) (West) Crawford B. F., Woodstock. Staples Samuel & Cleaves T., Yarmouth. others, (herring Ingraham & Bearce, " boxes) (West) " Grant John, York. Brass Founders and Finishers. Lunt Skipper, ,, Burbank & Allamby, Bangor. Stover Stephen, ,, Pitman Joseph A., Winn Otis, , Clapp Galen, Bath. Lincoln Robert, Biddeford. Boot and Shoe Pegs, &c. Crockett Leonard, Portland. Waterman & Dillingham, Auburn. Donnell C. A. & Co., " Hanson L. D. & Co., Portland. Holland C. H., " Robinson Isaac, Vassalboro'. Winslow, Brown & Co., " Norris Thomas C., Vienna. Torrey F. B., Richmond. Botanic Medicines. Torrey & Holmes, Rockland. Brown Thomas G., Bangor. Webb William & Son, Warren. Dealing Samuel, B" rewers. Warren Ambrose, " Jackson Charles, Eastport. Anderson Samuel, Bath. Marshall Edward, " Hall J. N., Portland. Norwood John K., " Coffran Charles, Rockland. Calligan W. P., Machias. Bailey William, Saco. Longfellow G. H., " Colby Benjamin, " Libby & Towne, " Brick Makers. Botanic Physicians. Crockett C. & H., Abbot. [See Physicians, page 133.] Foster Uriah, Albany. arlow Bradford, Bango Crosby Robert, Albion. Iarlow Bradford, Bangor. Willard Joseph E., Alfred. Newton H. G., " Jones John B., Alna. Read AmbroseFlagg Charles, Auburn. Watson Lewis, " -anson Ira, Bangor. Hellier J. & J., Box Makers. Pitcher H. G. & J., " Humphrey J. C. & Co., Tucker John, Bath. (sugar boxes) Brunswick. Weeks B. O., Lemont, Forsaith & Hall, Perkins Edmund, Belfast. (sugar boxes) " Pierce David, " Lunt & Wing, (sugar boxes) " Eames Daniel, Bethel. Thompson A. B. (sugar boxes) " Chadbourn J., Biddeford. Austin & Chute, (sugar Emmons Israel, " boxes) Ellsworth. Kimball Nathaniel, " Black George N., & Co. " Copeland Isaac, Bloomfield. Blaisdell Francis, " Weston Isaac, " Brown George W., " McFarland S. N., Bluehill. Otis Amory, " Stevens F. S., " Rogers, Crosby & Co., " Thomas J. P., " Tisdale Seth, " Long Joel & others, Bluehill Falls. Lane Alden, (pill boxes) Fayette. Burr Edward H., Brewer. Cushing T. & Co., (sugar Clark James, " boxes) Frankfort. Farrington & Brothers, " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Harlow Elbridge G., Brewer. Harlow J. & Co., " Harlow J., Jr,, " Holyoke Joseph, " Hutchings Josiah W., " Jordan Joseph W., " Long Thomas, " Rider Joseph, " Swett & Burr, " Hamblin Nathan, Bridgton. Stuart James G., Brownfield. Higgins Luther, Brookline, Coombs Thomas, Brunswick. Mariner & Getchell, " Harlow C. C., Buckfield. Sawyer William, Buxton. Towle Stephen, " Wentworth Eben, " Knowles Albion K., Cambridge. Crowell E. G., Canaan. Bridges John, Castine. Emerson Henry, " Chatman Obed, Cherryfield. Meigs E., China. Brown William J., Clinton. Ingersoll S. R., Columbia. Low George, " Low L., " Welch G W. D., Corinna. Roundy Walter, Corinth. Sweetser Amasa L., Cumberland. Sweetser Rufus, " Toward James, Dexter. Blen & Foster, Dresden. Haskell Walter, " Dow Job, Dover. Brown Ivory, Ellsworth. Fullerton William, " Loring George, " Macomber Calvin, " Millikin Gardner, " Straw Jacob, ". Trueworthy James, " Webber Levi, " Whitman J. P., , Whitman Samuel, " Cushing B. B. & Co., Frankfort. Randall Abner, Farmington. Randall Silas, " Tarbox George, Farmingdale. Warren Samuel, " Choate Washington, Hallowell. Curtis & Morse, Hampden. Garland S. S. & J. C., Young S. S., ,, Brown Richard L., Harmony. Dinsmore Elisha, Harrington. McFarland Dennis, Hartland. Newton Jacob F., Holden Plant. Haley John M., Hollis. Collins Watts T., Houlton. Goodenow George E., Jay. Gray Henry C., Johnson Oren, Abbott Adrian, Atwood William E., Greenlaw & Dutch, Smith Rufus, Treadwell John, CluffArthur, Wakefield Jacob, Huntress A. W., Hunt Elias, Fox Edward, Moore John, Wing Charles & Co, Getchell Stillman, Brown Horace, Fogg John & Seth, Newell Ebenezer, Brown John, Cargill Joseph, Dodge George, Dodge Isaac, Glidden Edward H., Glidden William, Jr Nichols Hartley, Otis William, Perkins Edmund, Perkins Joseph, Hurd Joseph & Co., Ordway Hiram, Bennett Frederick, Tibbetts John, Tibbetts John A., Shovey L., Crane G., Gilpatrick John, White William P., McMillan Thomas, Webber Moses A., Gardner Stephen, Hartford J. W., Lancy W. R., Runnels David, Purhee T. M., Hamblet Daniel, Parker William, Staples James, Libby John W., Day Israel, Day Thomas D., Caldwell Harrison, Richardson Jeremial Durgin Obadiah, Goen John H., Gordon John, Lewis Charles, Newbegin F. & E., Stewart Geo., Chapman John, Pattee Sumner, Dyer Chandler, Eddy W. R., Groves Varney, Hamblet Silas, Jefferson. Jonesboro'. Kenduskeag. Kennebunk. Kennebunkport. Lincoln. Lovell. Limington. ., Manchester. Marshfield. Milo. Monmouth. Montville. N. Berwick. Newcastle. Newport. Newry. New Sharon. Norridgewock. Orland. Orono. Oxford. Pembroke. Perry. Pittsfield. Portland. Prospect. Richmond. Rockland. Rumford. h, Rumford. Saco. Sanford. Searsmont. Skowhegan. Smithfield. Solon. 305 306 MAINE REGISTER. Moore Silas, South Berwick. Brush Maker. Boutler John, Jr., Standish. Neal Wm. H., Saco. Folsom Ware L., Stetson. Perry C. H., Biddeford. Wentworth David, Strong. Burning Fluid and Lamps. Johnson N. & others, Sullivan.B ng li n ap . Nickerson Emery, Swanville. Brown Thomas G., Bangor. Flagg S., Topsham. Chamberlain & Co., " Whitmore Seth, Trenton. Waite Samuel B., Portland. Cook Jesse, Troy. Cabinet Makers. Jones Salmon, Turner. Brackett Rufus W., Acton. Weeks Edward D., Vassalboro'. Lord George W., c Houghton S., Weld. Hoxie Matthew, Albion. Parlin Simeon, " Berry Charles IH., Auburn. Babb ---, Westbrook. Bradford & Corlent, Clark Frederick, " Fuller & Son, " Clark F. W., " Stetson Samuel, Cobb C. & O., " Knowlton D. P., Augusta. Cumberland Brick Manuf. Co., " Wells Moses, " Davis Daniel, " Sawyer Nathan, Baldwin. Hams Joseph, " Brown Henry S., Bangor. Hawes Joseph, " Dole A. & E. & Co., McDonald Thomas, " Gilman Stephen, " Minot John & Henry, " Meservey John, Phillips Edmond, " Newfield N., " Thurlow Cyrus, " Haley Samuel D., Bath. Winslow Sumner, " Hudson J. B., Walker William, Davis Ansel, Belfast. Cook Joseph, Windham. Field Charles D., " Varney Ezekiel, Jr., " Thompson J. C., Dickinson Joseph, Wiscasset. Barker Charles, Belmont. Porter John, " Smith George, Benedicta. Baker Samuel, Yarmouth. Andrews Philip, Bethel. Harris Nathan K. & Co., " Goddard E. B., Jordan Royal S., " Robertson Sylvester, " Norcross - , -- Waterhouse Henry W., Parsons - , " Chadbourne J. & Co., Biddeford. Young Timothy, York. Morgan Charles, Bridge and Wharf Builders. Thompson John, Brewer. Colby Elbridge G. & Co., Bucksport. Tappan J. F., Brunswick. Chamberlain Nathaniel, Foxcraft. Cole & Tuttle, Buckfield. Britannia Ware. Burnham John H., Bluehill. Curtis Ezra, Hersey Samuel S., Belfast. Bilbourn Wm. T., Bridgton. Dunham Rufus, Stevens Plains. Brown Luke, " Dunham Rufus, Westbrook. Watson C. P., Brighton. Porter Freeman, t Dodge B. L., Brunswick. Porter Freeman, " Tappan J. F., " Brokers. Tappan Amos, " Wadsworth Peleg, Bath. Remick Daniel, Bucksport. Brown Nathaniel, Gorham. Chamberlain Hiram, (Millto'n) Calais. Brown John J., Portland. Crosby & Powers, " Brown Nathaniel, " Hobbs Charles F., Camden. Cutter Richard L., " Holmes Jonathan, Canaan. Davis Charles M., " Holmes William, " Gunnison John, " Moody Carlton B., Carroll. Little William O., " Hooper Nathaniel, Jr., Castine. Loring Charles, " Small Calvin L., Cherryfield. Milliken J. R., " Ames Jacob, Chesterville. Payson Henry M., " Lincoln Thomas B., China. Ross & Sturtevant, " Percival Nathaniel,� " Ryan Washington, " Ham A. H., Corinth. Wood William H., " Swett,Daniel, Yeaton & Hale, " Folsom Rufus, Cornville. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Clough John, Fuller J. & Co., Hilton & Curtis, Watson Joseph B., Flanders Reuben, Burnham Alexis, Greeley H. N., Chapman W. W., Stickney Gideon, Marsh William, Cunningham George, Merrill E. J., Greeley Harvey A., Stockel John, Bacon & Hall, Cunningham Benj. F., Cunningham Winm. H., Osgood Emery, Herring Robert, Hinckley Sumner B., Young Abraham D., Rice John W., Hamlin William, Lindsey Stillman, Dunn A. L., Prescott Gorham, Burrell Silas, Bowes John M., Hewett Wm. B., Baker Richard L., Eaton James, Boyden Asaph, Hatch James, Eastman A. L., Paine Emerson, Jack, Leach Melvin V., Junkins Paul, Fuller & Watson, .Smith Edward, Chapman Francis, Swazey Frederick R., Lewzarder Benj. O., Hale Tappan, Ricker Elbridge, Moore Dennis, Clark Jacob, Muncy George, Mason H. A., Milt Moody John, Barker Truman, Ellis Frederick A., Fogg Jona. & Joseph Lord Ivory, Gates George H., Williams John, Hye Daniel, Wyman S. D., Thomison J. & Son, Keith Freedom, N Morse E. A., Gove Sumner, Robbins Reuben, Getchell C. L., Wing Stephen, Cumberland. Barnard T. G., Danville. Webb Thomas, Damariscotta. Bonney Varney, Denmark. Harris T., Dexter. Washburn T. B., Dixfield. Washburn James, Dover. Washburn James, Jr., Eastport. Lougee Ithuel S., " Jenney John E., East Machias. Harden Cyrus R., Ellsworth. Harden Sidney, Farmington. Owins A. F., Foxcraft. Valentine Nelson, Frankfort. Berry Alexander, Freedom. Bulpit J. C., " Clark Jonas W., " Corey Walter, Gray. Ferris William, Guilford. Hearn & Freeman, Ilsley Benj., " Isley L. M. & C. (ship,) Hampden. Todd James & Son, " Libby John C., Harmony. Marble John, Hallowell. Burpee N. A. & S H., Hartland. Sawyer & Carlow, Hollis. Hussey David, Hope. Deering & Goodwin, " Shannon S. T., Houlton. Fernald James, " Wardwell Jeremiah, Industry. Virgin Chaplin, Islesborough. Sanborn William, Jackson. Piper W. G., son Plantation. Simpson D. S., Jay. Lovejoy Charles, Kennebunk. Tuttle Robert, Lewiston. Weld George, " Vickerie Henry C., Liberty. Colcord Leonard, Limerick. Huntress Leonard, Lincoln. Deering James, Litchfield. Rackliff Ezekiel, Livermore. Robbins Sylvanus, Lovell. Starrett Charles & Co., Machias. Starrett Charles T., Mercer. Starr Richard D., ton Plantation. Harden Haynes, " Bennett Albert G., Montville. Fuller E. G., " Brown A. R., & Co., " Hamilton Alonzo, " French Isaac, Monson. Tibbetts John W., Mt. Vernon. Carleton Edward, Newcastle. Kingman William, " Coffrey J. P. & Co., Newfield. Simonds Joseph, few Gloucester. Rowell Sylvanus, New Portland. Wilber N., Wes New Sharon. Harrington George, Norridgewock. Brown H. & Son, North Anson. Hight Benj. P., " Lowell William, 307 Norway. Orneville. Parkman. Parsonsfield. Peru. Phillips. Pittsfield. Poland. Porter. Portland. Prospect. Richmond. Rockland. Rome. Saco. Rumford. Sangerville. Searsport. Sebec. Skowhegan. Solon. So. Berwick. So. Paris. Starks. Strong. Thomaston. Trenton. Troy. Turner. Union. Unity. Waldoboro'. Waterford. Waterville. Weld. st Waterville. Whitneyville. Wilton. Winthrop. Wiscasset. MAINE REGISTER. Carding Machines. Kendall Stedman, Abbot. Clark & Davis, Alfred. Bixby George, Athens. Whitman Zenas, Auburn. Kelley Benj., Belfast. Cross Moses T., Bethel. Hill Greenleaf L., Bloomfield. Eaton S., Bowdoin. Bennett Nathaniel, Bridgton. Ford Benj., Bristol. Walker Joseph, Brookville. Bean Richard, Brownfield. Getchell Francis, Brunswick. Cole Adison G., Buckfield. Herrick Moses, Canaan. Robinson Benj., Carmel. Keith Joseph, Chesterville. Patten A. C., China. Maynard Levi, Clinton. Stinchfield J. H., Bucknam Samuel, Columbia. Chase Edward, Corinna. Parker William, Corinth. Pervis Adam, Cumberland. Spofford Pearl, Deer Isle. Durrell B. E. H., Dexter. Eustis Charles L., Dixfield. Jordon Joshua, Dover. Hill Daniel Q., Drayton. Lincoln Thomas, Edmund. Treat John, Jr., Enfield. Jordan Joshua, Foxcroft. Tapley S. W., Frankfort. Weed Eben O., Freedom. Mayall Eben, Gray. Stinchfield John & Son, Hartland. Howe Joel, Hanover. Bartlett Ozias, Harmony. Kimball Ephraim, Jr., Hiram. Esty Hiram, Houlton. Hadley Samuel, Jackson. Sargent Nathan W., Kenduskeag. Nason Moses, Kennebunkport. Gifford William R., Lee. Erskine Henry, Liberty. Collins John, Litchfield. Williams Joseph, " Bodwell Nathaniel, Lincoln. Cutter Ammi, Lovell. Morse S. A., Machias. Metcalf David D., Madison. Harmon Samuel, Marshfield. Plummer C., Monroe. Lennon Thomas, Montville. Follansby Jeremiah, Mt. Desert. King Amos D., Mt. Vernon. Ham Darling, Newfield. Hobbs Isaac M., N. Berwick. Spooner & Henson, New Portland. Dyer John W., New Sharon. Stewart William H., New Vineyard. Collins R., North Anson. McKenny W. & G. W., North Anson. Cole H. G., Norway. Gibson J. D., Perry. Norton Winthrop, Phillips. Blanchard John C., Plymouth. Cunningham George, Prospect. Storer A., Robbinston. Miller William, Sanford. Wing Hiram, Searsmont. Curtis John, Scarborough. Hill G. L., Skowhegan. Briggs James S., Solon. Tebbetts Samuel N., ' Norton Winthrop. Strong. Smith Reuben, Sullivan. Gordon George, Eldridge Knowles G., Surry. Kimball J. A., Turner. Rowe James, Rice Franklin, Union. Stevens Benj. R., Unity. Dorman Jesse, Vassalboro'. Perry Zebedee, Waterford. Pike Samuel H., Wells. Partridge & Chaney, Whitefield. Sabattis Manuf. Co., Webster. Morrill S. G., Wilton. Pope Isaiah & Co., Windham. Haskell William, Windsor. Mullin & Smiley, Winslow. Webber Nathaniel, York. Webber Samuel, Carpenters. Works Sewall, Abbot. Rideout George, " Fogg Giles, a, Horn Thos., Jr., Acton. Lord Geo. W., ** Stackpole Samuel G., " Chandler Jacob, Addison. Hamilton Henry, Leavitt G. W., " Wass Rufus, , Clark Daniel, Albany. Foster Uriah, Kendall George F., ' Bessey Prince, Albion. Crosby Alphonso, " Crosby Otis B., " Crosby Elbridge G., " Hamilton Cyrus, " Webb Samuel R., ' Brown Michael, Alexandria. Brooks Nathan B., Alfred. Conant Joshua, Eaton Forest, * Emerson John, ** Littlefield Jeremiah, " Yeaton Harvey, Alna. Yeaton James, Goodwin Hiram, Amherst. Roberts David F., Andover. 308 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Learned Sylvanus, Andover. Morton Jos. W.,Andover, No.Surplus. Crawford Joseph, Alton. Lancaster Hartwell, " Baxter Benj. F., Anson. Houghton Joseph, " Pinkham Nahum, "6 Hilton H. N., Appleton. Simmons Benj., " Sprague Noah, ", Freeman Benj. A., Argyle. Hogan N. L., Arrowsic. Sweett J. W., " Boothby Nathaniel, Athens. Bixby James W., " Boothby Bradford, " Morrill Jonathan F., " Cilley Daniel, Atkinson. Lyford Gilman, " Sherburne S. B., " Allen Alfred, Auburn. Allen Francis, ", Bradbury M. B., " Briggs B. B., " Chamberlain G., Davis W. L., " Dinsmore J. V., Foss B. W., " Hatch G. C., " Hill Samuel, "6 Hill Caleb, "6 Runt M. O., c; Libby Abraham, " Libby Andrew, " Lovejoy Hubbard, ", Larrabee Albert, " Randall C. P., " Randall Hiram, - " Ripley James, " Ricker Joshua, " Stinson A., ", Verrill C. J., ", Wilson S. H., " Whitman J. A, " Woodman H. E., " Woodman G. H., " Davenport Lemuel, Augusta. Fogg Abner, ", Vivian William, ", Collor James, Aurora. Classey James, Baileyville. King Joseph, ", Robbins James, Thompson Harlow, ", Brown Reuben, Baldwin. Cousins Ichabod, " Dow Alfred, Baldwin. Hill John C., " Paine David, "6 Paine Samuel L., " Rounds Albert, ", Rounds George, " Rounds James, ", Rounds John, Rounds Samuel, Bartlett Daniel W., Brown Cyrus, Brown Thomas B., Carlisle Robert, Cutter Benj. O., Cutter Luther, Cutter Willard, Emery Barker, Farrington John, Fogg Hiram, Fogg & Wiggin, Maxim Geo. W., Maxwell Jeremiah, Mayo Elisha, Morse Leonard L., Morse William, Norton Asa H., Nye Elisha, Philbrick Caleb, Rice G. G., Royal Isaac W., Sawtelle Charles, Sawtelle Orlando P., Severance Ephraim, Tebbetts E. H., Thompson Samuel F., Wheeler Roland, Whidden John, Wing Alvan, Trott William S., Towers & Fleming, Bradford T. I., Coombs I., Crawford W. J., Fassett F. H., Farnham Thomas, Farnham A. B., Haley 'James, Hartwell C. H., Hitchcock James P., Mitchell Jesse, Matthews Lorenzo, Mayers Aaron, Mayers Abial, Owen William, Rackliff Benj., Raymond A. C., Sanford William, Turner Hiram, Bennett A., Craig James, Dixon Richard, Hanson J. B., Hanson S. B., Lancaster Gorham, Lane John H., Libbey Abraham, Libbey Alfred J., Mahoney John J., Matthews L., Ordway Xenophon, 309 Baldwin. 's Bangor. CG GC GG Ct CC CG fG CC CC CC CC CC CC Ci CC CC ** ** ** '' ** cc Barnatrd. CC Barring. CC " Bath. CC CG CC GC CC CG CG CG CG GG CG GG C" CC CC Belfast. CG C6 CL Ci CG CC CC C' ** cc ** ** ** 's 6a ** << << "6 ** Barnard. ** Barring. Bath. ** ** a6 "' 6* '' Befat ** 6a a6 ** '' ** Befat ** ** << MAINE REGISTER. Winslow William, Wright H. E., Worthen John, Mahoney Ralph, Wyman Jeremiah, Getchell Stephen, Robinson Milton, Robinson Henry M., Clark Hiram, Stillings Samuel, Foster Moses C., Holt Stephen, Littlehale Isaac, Mason Mayhew W., Morrill Edmund, Morrill Edmund, Jr., Stiles A. D., Twitchell Hiram, Twitchell Isaac L., York Thacher, Emnmons Leonard, Clifford Benj., Emery Alvah E., Gurney I. P., Garvan Stephen, Graves Benj., Patterson Jotham, Pierce William B., Porter Hiram, Cummings Samuel R., Gevins John M., Bigelow Hiram, Dyer Thompson, Growby Daniel H., Pratt James, Jr., Walker Nahum, Burnham John II., Burnham W. W., Carlton William, Ewer Robert P., Harding Marshall, Johnson K. P., Lord T. M., Snowball W. O., Baker Bradford G., Baker & Willey, Baker Jeremiah, Clisby Ebenezer, Giles Benj. P., Giles Paul, Hagan Miles, Pinkham Ephraim, Carr Daniel, Carr Lemont P., Carr John, Carr Samuel, Doyle A., Doyle Michael, Doyle Elisha, Lewis John, Potter Elisha, Small Peleg, Small William, Belfast. Belmont. Denton. Berwick. Bethel. drd Small Stephen, Skelton Thomas, Small George, 2d, Small George, Tasker Jacob, Washburn Daniel, Burrill Otis, Smith Amos, Genthner John Jr., Martin David, Osyor Thomas, Osyor William, Wellman David, Collins J. C., Hopkins A., Hodgkins Eleazer, Palmer John, Skinner John, Swett James, Chapman Ebenezer, Chase Isaac, Knapp Frank, Littlefield Aaron, Mabury Joseph, Potter Nathaniel, Shedd W. N., Woodbury Jonathan, Clark James W., Crawford Jabez, Durgan Thomas, Flewelling G. S., Rush John, Rivers Henry, Campbell Asa, De Voll Abner G., Herson John, Baker Abner, Baker William, Brow Reuben, Chamberlain Leonard, Hatch Arad, Hatch Willard, Huston William, Lawler Joseph, Myers James, Myers Samuel, Russell Robert, Russell Wm. J., Cole Isaac, Dorety John, Hubbs Samuel L., Lane B. W., Snow John, Southard S. N., Brown Thomas, Morrison A. C., Smith James N., Gould John, Page Levi, Jr., Barker James R., Douglass W. W., Dunning Aaron, Ewen Thomas W., 310 Bowdoin. Bradford. Bradley. Bremen. Brewer. Bridgton. Bridgewater. Benedicta. Brighton. Bristol. Brookline. Brooks. Brookville. Brownfield. Brownville. Brunswick. "c "� BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Greenleaf C. W., Brunswick. Holbrook Albion, " Hinckley Aaron, " Lambert James & Sons, '" Lewis Robert, Melcher Samuel & Son, , Storer J. P., " Stetson Harvey, ,, Snow J., " Chaffin Adoniram, Buckfield. Child William A., " Waldron Abraham, " Jones Daniel, Burnham. Ballard Ebenezer, Buxton. Chase Albion, , Harmon Ishmael, ,, Hanson Stephen, , Hawks Benj., " Hawks Timothy, � Pennell Horace, " Sawyer Nathaniel, " Bickford Daniel S., Byron. Hackett Moses J., (Milltown,) Calais. Moore Albert, " " Peckins Leonard, " " Bailey Gustavus E., Cambridge. Grant Sylvester, " Brown Aaron, Camden. Cushing Jeremiah, " Dodge Henry, Dodge Luther, " Hutchins Solomon, Richards Daniel,\ " Fitzgerald Chas., Canaan. Frost John, "6 Merrow Ira, ,, Plummer A., " Gilmase D. A., Canton. Swett David S., " Dause Noah D., Carmel. Linnell E. T., ,, Murray Reuben, Swan Jeremiah, " Abbott Jeremiah, Carroll. Coburn Hiram, Carthage. Morse W., " Hall William, Casco. Ring Freeman, " Wight Virgil, " Gardiner Jotham S., Castine. King Albert, " Lawrence Ithel, " Rogers Charles, Basford A., Calais. Panter John, " Patten David H., Charlestown. Campbell James, ' Cherryfield. Coffin Moses, , Dorman D. G., " Kingsley Freeman, " Lewis Everett, " Small Alfred, " Wingate George, "* Haynes Walter, Baker John, Hilton Turner B., Lowell Bartlett, Clark Henry, Fernald George, Percival Enos, Jr., Stewart David, Worth Elihu, Derrill Samuel C., Emery John; Flagg Reuel, Hobbs D. T., McLaughlin W. D., Martin Albert, Snow Joseph, Tarbell Calvin, Cunningham Daniel, Learned Joel, Jr., Sterrett Andrew, Nash Elisha, 2d, Peterson A., Peterson Z. B., Peterson F. A., Burrill Benj., Burrill Moses J., Clark James P., Page Wm. R., Jr., Stone Sherman, Adams Geo., Ayer Humphrey, Ayer J. M., Bragdon E. H., Boynton E. D., Jr., Creshey Samuel, Gilman Rufus, Hawes Joshua, Messenger H. A., Nichols John B., Trafton Alpheus, Tozier William, Watson Thomas G., Judkins Benj., Mitchell S., Robinson Joseph, Jr., Fairfield Jedediah, Buxton William, Greeley Edward, Greeley Thomas, Smith Joseph, Robinson Mason, Ulmer Philip, Young M. H., Cate Hiram, Eaton Ithamar, Little Robert M., Peabody & Simmons, Sanborn John F., Davis William L., Martin John, Moore Jeremiah, Hideout Benj., Dennett Horace, 311 Chester. Chesterville. 'cc China. cc Clinton. ** cc Clinton Gore. cc. cc Columbia. cc cc Corinna. Corinth. *c cc c: cc cc cc cc cc Crystal Plant. Cumberland. cc cc Cushing. cc Cutler. Damariscotta. Danville. ccDayton. Dayton, MAINE REGISTER. Hight Benj. C., Dayton. Josse Benj. B., " Waterhouse Lincoln, "6 Haskell Winthrop, Deer Isle. Noyes Henry A., " '" Smith Samuel, " " Boynton Chas., Denmark. Brown William E., " Merrill Albion P., " Murphy Jesse, " Wentworth James, " Wentworth Nathaniel, " Wentworth Joseph C., " Allen William,. Dennysville. Eastman D. K., " Brackett Jacob, Detroit. Bragg Wm., " Getchell W. H., " Plummer O., " Warren James C., " Allen W. G., Dexter. Bement W. H. P., " Card G. W., " Curtis Caleb B., " Drew Seth, " Heselton C. S., " Heseltine N. S., " Haines Stephen P. " Haines John F., " Scott A. G., " Small S. C., " Thompson A. L., " Littlefield D., Dixmont. Locke John, " Eustis Cypress, Dixfield. Park Isaac, "' Taylor Hezekiah, " Vinning Willard, Boynton T. N., Dover. Burrill John, " Hackett J. M., " Lombard Joseph, " Ricker Samuel, " Robbins C. G., " Call Washington, Dresden. Maison Dennis, " Mayers Stephen, " Booker Daniel, Durham. Dyer Richard, " Stoddard Addison J., " Stover Emery, " Strout Wallace, " Turner Lemuel, " Basford David, East Livermore. Lyford Oliver S., " " Ly ford Samuel, " " Whittemore A. A., " " Whitemore Alpheus G. " " Whitemore Charles, " " Capen John, Eastport. Eagan William, " Higgins John, " Lincoln William, " Chalome E. D., East Machias. Cox Charles, " Hill Hezekiah, " " Hull Elijah, " " McQuillin Alvin, " " Anderson Joseph, Eastport. Capen Alexander, 6 Capen Benjamin, " Parks David O., Eaton Grant. Cousins E. M., Eddington. Peakes Joshua, " Spinney Daniel, ' Batchelder Henry, Edinburg. Sargent John L., Allen D. M., Ellsworth. Allen E. L.M., " Chamberlain C. E. P., , Hill Elias, " Joy David, " Joy Francis, " McKean J. V., " Moore John L., " Osgood J. W., " Osgood Silsby, " Uran Elbridge, " Woodard S. G., Allen Joseph O., Enfield. Brown F. W., " Messer Alvan, " Spencer John M., " Fogg, John Jr., Etna. Friend P. & J. C., " Butters Almon, Exeter. Bates Asa B., Fairfield. Cotton George, " Nye Albert, " Nye Ansel T., " Tobey William, " Ward Seth P., " Barker George W., Farmingdale. Davis Charles H., Littlefield Charles D., " Lord H. A., " McCourland Sumner B., " Paul Thomas, " Graves Jotham, Farmington. Johnson E., " Fifield John, Fayette. Gordon E. S., " Palmer T. F., " Record William H., " Gammon William, Flagg Staff: Averill J., Fort Fairfield. Bessell Wellington, Foxcraft. Chamberlain T. H., " Jennison John H., " Whittier Ira, " Cookson Josiah, Frankfort. Eveleth J. W., " Howes S. L., " Morgan H. G., " Rider E. M., " Snow Henry, 312 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Perkins T. P., Baker Benjamin, Bartlett Isaac, Gordon Simpson, Hardison John, Hardison Sabine J., West Thomas H., Glidden Robert T., Lamson James, Spinney William M., Sylvester Moses, Ames Erva, Brackley William, Brown Jefferson, Littlefield & Sawyer, Robinson John, Sprague Seth, Fall Isaac, Reed Jeremiah B., Bean Alphonso F., Bean John M., Coffin B. C., Davis Stephen, Merrill William, Trafton Theo., Gold Harding Nathan, Kinsley Boardman, Martin Nathan, Stevens William H., Bachelder Rufus, Libby Daniel, Thayer Edwin F., Adams Benjamin, Thompson Jefferson C White William P., Bigney Benj. S., Merrill Albert R., Coburn Frederick, Hayes Isaac, Locke Samuel B., Shaw Francis, Hatch Hiram E., Hatch Stedman, Lombard Simeon, Rose Stillman, Stevens William, Stoddard William, Titcomb William B., Carr George, Fuller Geo., Haines Wm. A., Lakeman Daniel D., Macomber Abner P., Paige Benj. G., Paige David, Robinson Benj. T., Alden Alexander, Crockett David, Cushman B., Dillingham Henry, Doane Edward, Read Geo. G., Stewart James H., Frankfort Mills. Pattern Francis M., Franklin. Abbot Moses, " Bennett Andrew J., ' " Hodgkins Asa, " Moore fR. H. B., " Stratton John, " Kent Otis, Freedom. Kent Ichabod, " Collins Daniel, " Farrar Abner, " Perkins William, Freeman. Alline William, " Coffin Alphonso, " Cook Nathaniel, Gardiner. Ray A. J., " Cole Lemuel, " Moody Joshua, Jr., Garland. Woodbridge Chas., " Waldron ---, Gilead. Bumpus Lorenzo S., " Hawks Simeon W., " Pratt Benj. F., Glenburn. Turner Alvan, Jr., " Noble Robert, den Ridge Plant. Allen Christopher, " " " Burbank Geo. W., Gouldsboro'. Evans James, " Gerew Daniel, " Parrington Eben, Gray. Low E. A., " Blake Levi A., " Farrington Pliny, Greene. Farrington Thomas F., ., " Pressy Franklin G., Greenfield. Burnham Josiah, Greenville Pease Winthrop, " Rumney Jacob, Greenwood. Cole Asa, " Hewett William, " Hewett John, " Hewett John A., Guilford. Hewett Wm. B., " Keaton Miles, " Ward James, " Johnson Zebulon, " Watson Simeon, " Bunker Silas, " Farrar Joshua, Hallowell. Farrar Joshua, Jr., " Farrar John, " Gilkey Andrew P., " Hatch Daniel, " Parker Thomas H., " Williams Emery, " Eastman WX. D., " Eastman Joseph W., Hampden. Paine Emerson, Ja " Stevens William T., " Bryant Francis, " Powers Henry, " Bond Henry K., " Wilson Ira, " Fish A. H., J 21 Hampden. Hancock. Ellsworth. Harmony. Harrington. Hartford. Hartland. Hebron. a' Hermon. Hiram. Hodgdon. Holden. Hollis. Hope. Houlton. Industry. Islesborough. Jackson. ackSon Plant. Jay. Jeferson. adsbro*b. 318 MAINE "REGISTER. Kilton G. F., Jonesborough. Tupper W. I., " Ham Isaac C., K enduskeag. Downing Isaac, ' Kennebunk. Goodwin Ivory, " Kimball & Day, " Littlefield G. & T., " Littlefield B., " Snow Wm., Towne Chas. F., " Benson Robert, Jr., Kennebunkport. Coleman Enoch, " Goodwin Francis W., " Huff Oliver, " Lewis B., Jr., " Mellen & Libby, " Smith O., " Stone I., " Tripp Joseph D., " Bursley Benj., Kilmarnock. Hinds S. H., Kingfield. Davis Bartlett, Kirkland. Jewett W. P., " Phillips Wm., Kittery. Braddock Joseph, Knox. Cross Byron, " Whitcomb Cyrus, " Costellow Samuel W., Lee. Thompson John, " Safford William S., Lexington. Young Z., " Capers J. H., Levant. Davis James M., " Sylvester Albert J., " Chapman Francis, Liberty. Hanley B. W., " Haskell Joel W., " Chapman Aaron, Limerick. Johnson Horace, " Libby Stephen, " Morris John W. Jr., " Philpot Andrew R., " Staples Oliver, " Tarbox Nathaniel, " Boody E. T., Limington. Plaisted John, " Staples Wm., " Thompson Sewall, " Chase Abner B., Lincoln. Ham Solomon, " Lewis Thomas J., " Moulton Stephen C., " Barstow Joseph C., Litchfield. Bosworth Cyrus, " Clough Ira, " Hale William, " Jackson John, " Lord James, " Potter Jeremiah, " Randall Isaac, 2d, " Smith Isaac, Jr., " Wedgewood Curtis, " Hinds N. P., Livermore. Hinds S. A., Livermore. Hinds W. F., " Hobbs Samuel, ' Libby Tristram, " Pool William M., " Wyer William, " Averill John K., Lovell. Russell Benj., " Burnham Joseph, Lubec. Clark Joseph, " Coggins John, " Goodwin J. W., " Goodwin John, " Goodwin Job D., " Nickerson A. J., " Starboard Samuel, " Wood John, " Emmons Joseph J., Lyman. Taylor William, " Blanchard Chas., Madawaska Plant. Guy Edward C., " Pelletier J., " Plourd Perrie, " Clough Allen G., Madison. Hardy Jotham S., " Lancaster William, " Sawyer Jonas, " Ward Moody, " White John H., " Armstrong William & Son, Machias. Beverly John, Baker Wfiliam, " Goodhue J. & C., " Jenks, DeForrest & Co., " Nichols Edmund, " Swett Jonathan C., Machias Port. Sanborn J. F., " Sanborn C. W., Toby Samuel, " Bailey William, Manchester. Merrill Chas. C., " Pope Elijah, " Colby Eli, Jr., Mariaville. Harden Haynes H., " Parsons John E., " Drew Otis, Marshfield. Sawyer George, Masardis. Bean Amos P., Mason. Coombs Samuel W., Mattawamkeag. Burr Charles C., Mercer. Burr Luther, " Kimball A. H., " Whittier Jonas B., " Whittier Moses, " Barker Freeman, Montville. Batchelder Hiram, " Bennett Wm., " Cookson Josiah, " Clough Daniel T., " Hatch Abel, " Mason Joseph, Jr., " Raines Samuel, " Rollins Samuel, " 314 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Day Nathaniel, Milo. Millett Samuel V., " Palmer Henry K., " Rollins Jesse, " Sampson John, " Sargent Theophilus, Jr., " Cole Henry, Milton Plant. Elliott Abner H.,' " Libby Danville, " Long --, Moody Ashley, " Moody Joseph, " Whitman Albion K. P., " Frost Oliver, Monmouth. Kimball George P., ", Whitehouse George T., ' Burrill J., Monroe. Patten J. S., " Tribou F., " Briggs Albert, Monticello. Gould Hiram, �, Sprague Elijah, " Bean Benj., Montville. Fogg Jonathan, " Fogg Joseph, " Sargent Nathan B., " Noyes J. M., Mt. Desert. Parker J. H., " Richardson S. P., " Seavey Horatio S., " Somes Daniel G., " Bartlett Samuel S., Mt. Vernon. Jacobs Edwin, �, Tuttle Edwin E., " Taggert Gilbert, " Philbrick John, " Bailey Thomas, Minot. Cushman Nathaniel, ,' Record Cyrus, ,, Walcott Chas., ,' Curtis G. L., Monroe. Stinchfield James, Monson. Chadbourne Humphrey,Moluncus Isle Kimball Wesley M., Sawyer Eben, Milbridge. Upton Robert, " Barker D. K., Naples. Broughton William S., Chubb Jabez, " Gray Arthur, " Jackson George, " Barker E. W., Newcastle. Chapman Hiram, "' Preble James, " Williams William, " Staples Charles D., Newfield. Stevens Charles, Wilson George W., " Waterhouse Sewall S., " Harris Thomas W., New Gloucester. Merrill William B., " Preble Charles, ,* Rowe Jacob, " Tarbox Jacob, Wharf Amasa, Wharf Moses, Hanscom Simon C Fenderson John, Miles Charles, Thurston Alvin, Graves Jonathan, Lancaster Thomas Norcross Philip, Smith William, Voter Luther F., Vaughan Z. M., Holt Galen C., Kilgore E. C., McKussick Ephrai York Milton, York Hiram, Hall A. S., Hall Seth, Palmer E. R., Perkins Joshua, Getchell Chas. C., Mantor Columbus Walton John, Evans Edward, Ham Gilm an, Jenkins Albert, Cooper James, Dyer Eben, Dyer Alonzo, Mullen David, Verrill Willard, Webster Ebenezer, Drinkwater Henry Lancaster Francis, Stevens James M., Allen Luther E., Freeman A. W., Hartford Jeremiah Ames Moses, Evans Richard, Greenleaf James, Jackson George, Knight E. L., Reed G. L., Small J. A., Lufkin Nathaniel, Marston Henry, Warren Benj. F., Bosworth William, Butters A. S., Hanson David, Hanson Silas, Jacobs Daniel, Taylor James, Banks Horace, Eveleth Jared, Douglas Joseph, Ewer WVm. M., Pierce Isaac, Jr., Rook George W., Ware Warren, New Gloucester. New Portland. Newport. New Sharon. ft New Vineyard. Newry. im, "* cc Nobleboro'. North Anson. S., *6 N. Berwick. i* ft North Haven. f4 Northport Norridgewock. Norway. North Yarmouth. Oldtown. Orient Plantation. Orono. Orneville. Orrington. f 315 MLAINE REGISTER. Wheeler John D., Orrington. Knight Stephen, Otisfield. Lombard Joseph, " Nutting Nathan, " Starbira Lowell V., " Beal Samuel F., Oxford. Fuller Elbridge S., " Hanson Aaron, Palmyra. Hanson M. R., Judkins Eben. H., " Leavitt William, " Hathaway Milo, Paris. Maxim Silas P., " King Erastus, " Brackett John, 2d, Parsonsfield. Darling Samuel, Jr., Patten. Jackson William, " Lesslie Sylvester J., Barron George, Pembroke. Chickering Jonathan N., " Fowler Asa, " Hersey Jonathan H., Hersey Zadock L., " Low Charles, " McCormack Edward, " Sampson Simon, " Sampson Simon, Jr., Wilder B. C., " Wilder George, Cook Samuel, Perry. Hudson Geo. A., Benson Samuel J., Peru. Delano Daniel D., " Hall Jefferson, " Oldham Hiram, " Oldham Sidney, " Small Alpheus, " Davis Benj. H., Phillips. Goldsmith Wm., Jr., " Josselyn John D., " Josselyn A. C., " McKenny Richard, " Pease Charles, " Smelledg William, " Lowell William, Phipsburg. Swett Woodbury, Nichols Joseph G., Pittsfield. Eaton Moses M., Plymouth. Richardson C. S., Poland. Rowe Zachariah G., " Weld William D., " Cole George G., Porter. Heard James, " Stacy Oliver, Jr., " Weeks Samuel S., Allen Moses ]., Portland. Bartlett Isaac, Beal Rufus, " Cummings & Means, " Cushman N. P., " avis Oliver H., " Frost Chas. R., s' Higgins Simeon H., Jordan William, Lunt Charles IH., Robinson James, Russell Moses, Stewart & Kimball, Swett John W., Strout Charles, Sylvester George S., Worcester Geo., Lander A. P., Welts John, Whidden Geo. F., Bates John, Marden James, Marden Thomas, Rendell Samuel, Trevitt R., Adams Isaac, Jr., Jordan O. P., Jordan James, Ricker Noah, Strout Albert, George Robert W., George Samuel B., Kidder Richard, Perry John R., Rideout Benj., Robinson John T., Sturtevant Andrew, Stinson Daniel, Tolpey ----, Balkam Gilbert, McNeil James, Morton Jeremiah, Abbott Isaac C., Alden Eben, Barrows Silas, Cobb Ambrose, Cilley Joseph, Cleaveland Samuel, Glover Charles, Glover Charles, Jr., Hardy John S., Johnson Jeremiah, Jack'son Ebenezer, Jackson Ivory, Lovett Albert, Mitchell Orin, Obiton Edward, Philbrick Benj., Smart H. A., Smith Charles, Stevens George, Treat James, Waterhouse Ezra, Osborn Ezra, Tracy Stephen, Bodwell Samuel B., Colby Charles, Eliot David, Farnum Stephen, Farnum George J., Knapp Enoch, Portland. fi i[ iC f[ �� Presque Isle. f[ ff Princeton. Prospect. CC if fi Raymond. fC [[ ii [C Richmond. Ci f[ ff ,f [[ ff if 66 Robbinston. fi f Ro ckl an d. f fi is [t ff ff is f6 fL ff fi fi [[ LL if fC Rome. [f Rumford. ff fi ff a6 a " "6 "6 " ~ Proet. " Ramod BUSINESS DIREC'ORY. Moody John, Rumford. Ripley Joseph, " Bickford James, Saco. Gerry S. D., , Hodgdon Frank T., " Hodgdon F. D., Hill Thomas, " Jordan William, " Johnston John, " Kendrick H., Moody Albion, " Sands Isaac, " Townsend William, " Branch William D., Salem. Ellis William H., " Richards Daniel, " Wilder Charles, Salmon Brook. Wilder Robert, " Batchelder John, Sanford. Littlefield Nahum, " Babb Rufus, Scarborough. Currier Edmund, Sebec. Cushman Elisha, Searsmont. Law Benj., " Ness Ranlet, " Ricker - , Wing Henry, " Deshon Daniel, Searsport. Deshon Moses, "r Marden B. G., " Marden S. F., ' Marden J. L., " Mosman James " Mosman M. N., " Piper W. G., " Simpson D. S., "r Sawyer T., " Sawyer Edwin, " Smart W. D., " Smart George E., " Trundy Levi, " Whitcomb E., " Gifford William M., Sidney. Butterfield Joseph, " Wyman John P., " Abbott Alba, Skowhegan. Paine Robert, Robinson Joseph, " Robinson William, " Walker Oliver, " Whibley George, " Cummings Charles, Solon. Dunning Robert, Maynard Silas, " Vickerie Asa, " Vickerie Henry C., " McIntire William A., So. Berwick. Ames Joseph W., South Thomaston. Ames Mark, " Graves John, Graves Wm. D., " Swetland Robert L., '" Arask Alfred, Ventress M., South Thomaston. Webster Benj. F., " Andrews George, St. Albans. Goodwin John C., " Abbot Calvin T., St. George. Haley George, " Howard Daniel, " Ludwig Rufus, " O'Brien George, Russell Amasa, " Simmons Gorham P., c Simmons Hiram, " Verrill Jacob A., " White William H., " Merrill John, Standish. Fish Eben, Starks. Moulton Charles, Stetson. Johnson Thomas, " Bell John, Stoneham. Eaton Joshua T., Strong. Harrington Jas. & Chas., Sullivan. Ingalls & Shepard, " Salter William, 'r White Asa D., " Cousins Andrew P., Surry. Chaffin George D., Sumner. Chandler Alanson M., " Field Samuel B., " Warner Albion K. P., " Bachelder John, Swanville. Harris James, " Nickerson Isaac, " Howe James M., Temple. York James J., " Adams William,_ Thomaston. Andrews Alden, " Beverage Thomas J., '" Foster Benjamin, " " Morton Howard, " Perkins Alonzo, " Perkins Anthony C., " Smith Charles G., " Swett John D., " Foster Green, 'Topsham. Larrabee John, Ray James, " Clark David, (Centre) Tremont. Clark James, (Duck Cove) " Clark William, (Duck Cove) ' Haynes Andrew, (S. W. Harbor) " Kittridge --, (S. W. Harbor) " Sawyer Jacob, (Bass Harbor) " Wilson James, (Bass Harbor) " Coggins Wallace, Trenton. Haynes George C., Hodgkins Barnabas, Hodgkins Henry, Hopkins Joseph, Kittredge Benjamin, Whitaker James, Bennett James, Spencer Orrin, Whitney James, 317 MAINE REGISTER. Bennett Wm. L., Coburn Charles, Lane Edward C., Mitchell George A., Bachelder Llewellyn F., Gove Japheth, Harris Obadiah, Williams John, Chandler Wm. R., Hamilton Wm., Devost Michael, Richards Almon S., King Abraham, Dearborn George, Dearborn John, Hanson Philip, Nash Charles C., Rollins George, Starkey Moses T., Starkey Wm. A., Webber Charles J., Fish Samuel G., Marden John A., Marden Nathan G., Little Joshua, Neale Alvan, Hall Wellman, McKellar Daniel, Vinall Wm., 2d, Butten Samuel, Jackson Benj., Jr., Jellison Samuel L., Nason John & Son, Ricker Moses P., Stedman George W., Houghton Calvin, Longley James O., Rand George W., Ames William D., Davis William LB., Dyer Sylvanus, Holman Horace, Hawes Joseph, Hiram Foster, Huckins Isaac, Jr., Staples Samuel D., Adams Rufus W., Noyes Isaac, Noyes Edwin, Mitchell Albert, Swett Charles, Bailey G. & C., Bailey Charles, Bailey George W., Kimball William, Kimball W. G., Knights Josiah, Sawyer George, Sawyer Simeon, Sawyer G. & S., Butterfield Joseph, Jellison Warren W., Moody Benj., Turner. Union. Unity. Van Buren. G" Vassalboro'. "i ti Veazie. Vienna. Vinalhaven. Waldo. Waterboro'. Waterford. Webster. Weld. ti Wellington. West Bath. it " ' Westbrook. Weston. "6 Clough Charles O., West Gardiner. Cram John H., " Currier Nathaniel, " Fairbanks Joseph, " Fuller David, " Fuller William, " Spear Nahum, " Spear Richard, " Corson L., West Waterville. Crowell C., " Richardson Wyman, " Tobey Samuel, " Borwell John, Whiting. Huckings Henry, Kenniston John, " Clifford John 4, Williamsburg. Clark Elisha, Jr., Wilton. Harper J. C., " Knapp Granville, " Benson ---, Windsor. Caswell Elbridge G., " Morton Thomas, " Thompson Robert M., " 'Drummond J. W., Winslow. Nelson A., " Safford Asa, " Cargill David, Winthrop. Coy Daniel, McIntire Francis, " Melvin Hiram S., " Morrill Samuel, " Morrill George S., " Chick William B., Wiscasset. Greenleaf John, " Pottle Orin, " Bowker A. P., Woodstock. Davis H. C., " Jackson C. A., " Libby Danville, " Moody Ashley, " Whitman A. R. P., " Carter Charles W., Woolwich. Hall John, " Leonard Thomas O., Leonard William, " Stephens John, " Humphry Charles, Yarmouth. Brewster John, York. Dennell Alexander, " Moulton George, Jr., " Weare Joseph, Jr., " Frost Simeon F., Letter B. West John, " Brown John, Letter A, No. 2. York Abraham R., " " Collins Samuel W., Letter H, Range 2. McClure Andrew, No. 3, Range 5. Hayden E. H., No. 9, Range 6. Jarvis Robert, " Lombard Joshua, No. 5, Range 2. Stevens Edward, No. 11, Range 5. 318 i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Carpets. Hatch, Thompson & Co., (importers and wholesale dealers) Bangor. Patten & Bean, Stickney Thomas G., " Kelly Denny, Bath. Ledyard & Palmer, Hooper Edward H. C., Biddeford. Goodwin John M., Norris, Coburn & Co., Bloomfield. Brooks Wm, T., Eastport. Bucknam Winm. P., Kilby Isaac H., Chadwick & Taylor, Gardiner. Lawrence Benjamin, Stone J. & J. T., " Joes & Co., Gorham. McKenny David H., Chadwick & Morrison, Hallowell. Rice E. E., (oil cloth) Stickney & Page, (oil cloth) " Fuller & Watson, Lewiston. Sampson A. & Co., (painted) Manchester. Norris, Folsom & Norris, Monmouth. Poor & Jose, P6rtland. Sparrow & Cogswell, Lothrop Benj. W., Rockland. Hamilton & Co., Saco. Blair Wm. H., & Co., Waterville. Elden C. T. & Co., " Bailey Chas. M., (painted)Winthrop! Bailey Moses (painted) Carriage Builders. Flint D. D., Abbot. Flint Daniel D., Brackett Rufus W., Acton. Jackson Chas., Albion. Knight Joshua, " Emery Theodore A., Alfred. Webber Orolo, Greene Chas F., Athens. Skinner & Stewart, Atkinson. Allen A. W., Auburn. Bean Chas. H., " Buck Henry D., Augusta. Morse B. F. & Co., " Morse Benj. F. " Newell Nathan, " Phillips Gardner, " Adams Benj. & Co., Bangor. Cowan Thomas, Ellenwood Benj. F., Thorns Benj. N., Whiton Thomas J., " Bicknell B. T., Bath. Covill Z. E. & Co., Foye J. W., " Hodgdon Wm., Burnham Pickney, Bethel. Abbot Isaac, Benton. Rollins Franklin J., Berwick. Howard S. G., Belfast. Treadwell & Mansfield, " Crosby Freeman, Bethel. Robertson Samuel B., " Curtis & Parcher, Biddeford. Curtis Ezra, Bluehill. Burnham J. H., " Mitchell Levi L. & R. R., Bloomfield. Pheonix John C., Buxton. Hale Zachariah, " Dorman Leander, Buckfield. Monk Elias, " Smiley John, Brunswick. Spolet A. F., " Spolet James, " Adams John, Bridgton. Merrill Amasa, " Perry William, " Center Uriah, " Huston Arthur, Bristol. Curry Henry M., Brewer. Robbins Levi, Bradford. Jones & Pilley, Brooks. Cotton Elisha T., Brownfield. Howard Henry, " Rideout Benj. H., Bridgewater. Barclay David, (Milltown,) Calais. Barclay Samuel, (Milltown,) " Close A. M., " Macomber Stephen T., Cambridge. Farrer Alexander, Camden. Knight B., " Ames Horace, Canaan. Atkins J. L., " Lord L., Decosta Geo., Canton. Ellis William, , " Robinson James, Carmel. Hall Ephraim, Carroll. Edwards Samuel G., Casco. Radoux Francis, Jr., " Foss John E., Charlestown. Foss R. B., " Pierce G. A., " Standley G. W., Chesterville. Clark S., China. French E. P., Kenrick Francis, " Jordan Eben, Clinton. Livingston Royal C., Clinton Gore. Clement Elijah B., Corinth. Folsom & Norton, " Grout J. C., " Harding Ephraim, " Otis James L., " Stone Levi, Jr., " Swett Daniel, " Barker William, Cornville. Davis Nathan, " McLure Reuben, " Hideout Silas M., Cumberland. Brown Wyman S., Damariscotta, Townsend Elijah L., Danville. 319 MAINE REGISTER. Berry Leonard A., Denmark. Wetherbee Henry S., Dexter. Bagley B. J., Dixmont. Porter A., " Stevens M., " Drake F. D., Dover. Rowe S. G. & . V., " Harris Joseph R., Durham. Nichols & Sawyer, " Nichols Samuel, " Roberts Benj. R., " Hobbs Amos, Jr., East Livermore. Whittemore S. H., East Machias. Peters David, Eastport. Muzzy Joel, Eddington. King Samuel R., Exeter. Wadley William, " Davis Lorenzo D., Fairfield. Tarr William, Farrington. Howe A. B., Fayette. Smith James, " Smith Peri, Foxcraft. Glidden Benj. H., Freedom. Rose Wm., " Whitten Nathan H., " Folsom William, Fryeburg. Ward Amos C., " Bailey & White, Grdiner. Reynolds James, " Wing A. E., " Haskell Andrew M., Garland. Young Alfred, Gouldsboro'. Berry Rufus, Gray. Smith Hugh, " Crossman Daniel, Jr., Greene. Hooper J. B., " Sprague Silas, " Bailey Dexter S., Guilford. Davis Parson, " Herring John R., " Bowman C. C., Hallowell. Kimball Chas. E., " Kimball Thomas, " Rice James, Hampden. Rice Warren W., " Downs Thomas W., Harmony. Bailey & Rideout, Harpswell. Nelson Joseph J., Hartland. Towle Gustavus A., " Andrews Ezekiel, Hermon. Hale Zachariah, Jr., Hollis. Manson Nicholas W., " Perkins - , Houlton. White James, " Davis Nathan, Jackson. Paine Emerson, Jackson Plant. Brow David, Jefferson. Mayhew Nathaniel, " Perkins Chas. B., Kenduskeag. Sargent N. K. & J. W., Kennebunk. Baker Win. B., Knox. Knight Daniel N. " Frost S. F., Letter B. Bassett Alanson, Lovell. Eastman Lewis, " Carrill Orin S., Lewiston. Bean C. H., Lewiston Falls. Tobin Benj. F. & Co., Lincoln. Libby Thomas S., " Dwinal Amos, Letter H, Range 2. Sylvester Isaac, Levant. Waldron A. C., Limington. Harmon D., " Cutler Henry & Son, " Tucker John, Litchfield. Fuller Miles, Lincolnville. Farrar William F., " Day Theodore, Lyman. Warren Chas. E., Limerick. Merrill William P., Manchester. Cleaves B. F., Machias. Shattuck Henry, Madison. Flanders William, Jr., " Martin Michael, Madawaska Plant. Whitcomb A. D., Mercer. Allen B. T., Milton Plant. Decoster Solomon, Minot. Hill & Co., " Denney William, Monson. Abbot Frye, Montville. Ayer Marshall S., " Toothak6r Benj. B., " Kittredge William, Mt. Desert. Harris Stephen L., New Gloucester. Harris E. D., " " Shaw Alvin, " " Merrill Franklin, Newcastle. Osgood Daniel B., " Brown Wyman S., " Wyman Hiram, New Sharon. Dexter Thomas F., Newport. Doors Harrison, " Davis A. K., Newfield. Gowdy Addison G., ' Newbegin Harvey, " Newbegin Luke, " Wormwood Dan'l, " Piper B. & J. U., Newbury. Rigby Josiah, Eames Levi F., Newry. Wight James, " Chase Samuel B., North Yarmouth. Staples John, Jr., "t Hamilton Benj., " McLaughlin L. & Bro., North Anson. White Chas. K., " Blake Ripley, Norway. Smith Elliot, " Bedell Nathaniel, N. Berwick. Estes Henry, " " Hale & Hilton, Norridgewock. Moulton R. F., Oldtown. Dennett Levi, Orono. Whitten & Thoms, " Cummings Simeon H., Paris. Merrill John R., " 320 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Skillings Robert, Hale Benjamin, Hodsdon S. W., Merrill Isaac, Caswell C. C., Hartford J. W., Thomas Alfred, Jr., Dow Henry W., Patterson Samuel, Tarr William D., Worthley M. L., Rice Augustus F., Duran Benj., Duran Peter, Jordan D., Greenleaf A. H., Kimball J. M., Lemont E. K., Russell J., Bradbury Stephen C., Wilbor Hanson, Pulsifer Allen C., Virgin Chaplin, Wardwell Jeremiah, Robbins Simeon, Cables Chas. H., Dow Otis L., Newell Samuel J., Chadbourn Owen B., Littlefield Chas. M., Milliken Joseph L., Stone Robt., Ordwav John, Jr., Cram Win., Mouton Edwin A., Baither J. J. & Son, Wing Sprague, Lovejoy Chas. W., Lovejoy John A., Abbott Benj., Jr., Davis Joseph, Farrington Otis, Preble William P., Ross Thomas, Morse Nahum, Allen Augustus, Whipple Sumner, Warren Lorenzo D., Knight E. T., Rackliff Ezekiel, Roe E. G., Hersey Winm. C., Sprague Jason, Lyman Geo. C., Carriage. Mak Chandler Abel, Bryant Sam'l L., Bryant Samuel, Robinson William, Dunham John, Fernald Edwin, Fuller E., Paris. Adams & Collins, Parsonsfield. ! Lothrop Nathaniel, '" Rice Franklin, " Murch Newell, Parkman. Myrick Adam W., Perry. Fairfield Josiah, Pittsfield. Hamlin David, Phillips. Hamlin Hartwell, " Snow Calvin B., " Turner Samuel W., Colby Henry S., Plymouth. Gordon Jacob C., Portland. Page Caleb N., " Hayes Ichabod, " Mallard Levi C., " Hill P., " Stilson L. A., " Lorenzo Cook, " Robinson Winm. H., Porter. Swett Henry J., Pownal. Robinson Samuel W., Poland. Witham Benj. C., Rumford. White Chas., " Rowell Sylvanus, Rome. Bailey Chas. E., Rockland. Sawyer J. R., " Woodbury James, W "' Benson B. C., We Saco. Benson B. C., " Bailey & Sawyer, " Watts Greenleaf, " Eames G. T. B., Sangerville. McCully John, Jr., Sanford. Varney Elijah, " Merrill John, Jr., Searsport. Tyler Elias, Searsmont. Thompson Isaac F., Sebec. Tibbetts Samuel, " Stanley Sumner H., Shapleigh. Stanley Morrill, Sidney. Ames Chas. H., Skowhegan. Nichols & Rice, Carriage Reposit Smithfield. Marshall Bradford, S. Berwick. Jewell N. M., Solon. Springfield. Carvers. Standish. Harvey Geo. W., Jr., Starks. Ingalls Cyrus, Strong. Sampson C. A. L., Stetson. Littlefield N., St. Albans. Cource R. H. & Co., Sullivan. Holt F. A., (ship,) Lord T. M., (ship,) ers. Gilbert & Worcester, Temple. Proctor D. R., Thomaston. Drew Alvin, " Southworth & Jones, Turner. Carvers. Harvey R., (ship,) " Counce & Co., (ship, Union. Unity. Vassalboro' Vienna. Warren. Waterford. Waterville. Waterboro'. Webster. Weld. Westbrook. rest Gardiner. st Waterville. Whitneyville. Wilton. Windham. Windsor. Winthrop. Wiscasset. Yarmouth. ories. Calais. Portland. Bath. Portland. Thomaston. Bluehill. Belfast. Hallowell. Newcastle. Thomastot. ,) " 321 MAINE REGISTER. Caulkers and Gravers. Drisko Judah, Addison. Hall John, " Hall Levi, " Rogers ---, " Sawyer Luther, " Litchfield L., Bath. Littlefield L. G., " Littlefield Horace, " Mitchell, Merritt & Co., " Robbins & Hinckley, Chapman H. G., Belfast. Dyer D. W., " Dyer Daniel L., " Dyer Geo. W., " HIolt Wm. & A., " Milliken Thomas, Tapley Thomas, " Cain Samuel, Bluehill. Carter Richard, Brookline. Calton Kimball, Brooksville. Tapley Robert, " Tapley Job, " Tapley Simon, " Ames Joseph P. & Co., Bucksport. Snowman Joseph & Co., " Tapley Joel, i Wardwell Lewis, " Price Alfred, Calais. Kelley L. C., " Snowman John, Castine. Fenwick George A., Cherryfield. Swanton James B., " Allen Curtis, Columbia. Norton Elijah, =Cushing. Hodgdon Nathan, Damariscotta. Oliver Willard, " Dyer R. C., East Machias. Newcomb L. W., " Bogart Chas., Eastport. Delany ----, Stimpson Joseph, " Cook John, Ellsworth. Fullerton Thomas, " Grant Isaac, " Hodgkins James, " Boyd Joseph, Lubec. Kelly Robert, Jr., " Wallace Gordon, " Sanborn Alfred, Machias Port. Sanborn Lewis, " Dyer Wilson M., Milbridge. Carlton Kimball, Orland. Tapley P., " Nickerson Daniel F., Orrington. Butler Thomas, Robbinston. Moore John, " Stinson James & Brothers, " Barstow Thomas, S. Orrington. Duncan Ingraham, Rockland. Sleeper Jesse, South Thomaston. Sleeper Jesse, Jr., " Rowell Warren R., " Rowell Wm, South Thomaston. Brown W. A. & E., Thomaston. Bucklin Jeremiah, " Flint William, Jr., " Hodgkins William, " Mitchell Geo. G., " Watts Henry W., " Woodbridge H. B., Waldoboro'. Cement. Tilden C. K., Odell D. J., Beale Samuel N., Cox John & Son, Castine. Eastport. Portland. Chains. Hatch & Mead, Castine. Chair Makers. Meservey John, Bangor. Beale Isaac & Co., Kirkland. Clark R. W. & Co., Levant. Mayhew Augustus V., New Sharon. Stearns & Co., Paris. Andrews Lewis, Union. Baker Thomas, West Waterville. Batchelder J., " Cigar Makers, &c. Dunton A. A., Appleton. Chism W. H., Augusta. Peavey J. & Bro., " Collins & Kimball, Bath. Battis Gee. J.," Barton LaRoy, East Livermore. Carroll John B., Portland. Griswold V., Lord M. J., " Stickney & Torrey, Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Dodge R. G. W., Bluehill. Fisher Willard, " Noyes Chas J., Brunswick. Gardner John, Calais. Jenney W. C., (Milltown) " Burgin Jerry, Eastport. Read John, Lewiston. Buker Levi, Machias. Smith William B., " Clapboard Mills. Crockett Lewis & Co., Andover. Gregg E. W., " Smith Jacob, " Hinckley B. W., Bluehill. Beal & Kittredge, Bradley. Great Works Milling and Manu- facturing Co., " Freeman William, Jr. Cherryfield. Reed Daniel, Columbia. Buverall G. F., Elliotsville. Sawyer & Savage, " Twitchell O., Greenfield. Beale Isaac & Co., Kirkland. 322 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Downey Ira, Kirkland. Trask Ii. W., " Berry A. & G. A., Letter E. Bryant S., " Sargent J. D. & Co., Machias. Conant John G., Madrid. Prescott Josiah F., Kimball A. & Co., Mexico. Wing Samuel, Phillips. Webster Stephen & Samuel R., " Wilder Isaac, Salmon Brook. Boston & Eastern, Mill & Land Co., Whitneyville. Clocks. Ellis R. N., Bluehill. Hooper Nathaniel, Jr., Castine. Lowell W. W., Calais. Clapp A. L., Hall John, (Milltown,) " Patterson A. Y., Weymouth A. H., Bates Henry, Eastport. Sawyer Daniel, " Sabine E. J., " Rogers W. W., Ellsworth. Smith Z., Foster Andrew, Machias. Washburn D. E., " Cloth Dressing Mills. Pendleton Erastus O., Libby H. J. & Co., Lippincott Jotham, urrell B. E. H., olt Levi, Knowlton Jabez, Clothing. Drisko A., McKenzie Owen, Beckwith Nelson B., Bosworth R. T., Joseph E., O'Brien P., Pray D., Smith & Delay, Bennett Mark, Boyce & McKinnon, Davis Sidney, Dowling & Moran, Dresser William A., Gilligan Michael, Hall Thomas, Hanson E. W., Jackson Joseph P., Jones Clark & Co., Jones & Prescott, Levi Heman, Levi Mark, Libby H. J. & Co., Mason Albert, Morrill A. F., Palmer George, Palmer Jonathan P., Bangor. Biddeford. Columbia. Dexter. Hampden. Newburg. Addison. Augusta. Bangor. " C" Smart E. C., Bangor. Spitz Heman P., Spitz Peter, " Wall Patrick, " Wall Thomas, " Wheelden George R., " Ballou John, Bath. Boothby & Grout, Farnsworth A. J., " Harris E. & J., " Hawthorne Warren, '* Lemont L. P. & Son, McGee J. M., " Owen C. L., Smith WV. H., , Edmunds C. C. & Co., Belfast. Field Wm. H., Biddeford. Gilpatrick C. L., " Randall G. A. C., " Rollins H. & Co., " Stimson Daniel, Holt F. A., Bluehill. Stevens John, ,* Wescott J. & Co., " Arratt S. G., Calais. Drugan G., 1 Drugan William, Hogan P., Hutchinson H. P., " Hall J. S. & Co., (Milltown) " McCluskey Richard, Castine. Burleigh J., Danville. Bradford Alden, Eastport. Carpenter Charles, Cole Philip, , Dean Ezra, " Owen Joshua, , Dutton S. & H. A., Ellsworth. Holmes Thomas, Paddleford Seth & Co., " Blabon J. ]., Farmington. Curtis Theodore, Jr., Freeport. Lufkin Samuel B. A., Chadwick H. K., Gardiner. Lawrence Wm. A., " Luce & Foster, Patridge Charles A., " Williamson Robert, " Gardiner D. L. & N. S., Hallowell. Hunting S. W., Lord Augustine, , Hopkins Ezekiel, Hampded. Burleigh Josiah, Lewiston. Richards & Merrill, Small Charles & Co., 6 Thompson & Gerry, Winslow A. K., Gould Levi, Lewiston Falls. Farrell B., Machias. Fisher J. H. & Co., " Mathews A. & Co., " Mansfield J. B., Milbridge. Wallace J. T. Jr. & Co., " 323 MAINE REGISTER. Collins R., North Anson. Dillingham T. H., Oldtown. Gibbon H., " Hellenbrand N. C., " Kelly John, " Murphy John, " Clooman P., Orono. McCrystal P. & P., " Moran Francis, " Atkins & Hull, Portland. Ayer C. F. & Co., '" Ballou J. W. & C. N., " Barnum John G., " Bayley C. T., " Beckett William C., " Bond William M., " Briggs E. G., " Carr Wm. W., " Chadbourn & Kendall, " Choat & Dunn, " Chisholm D., " Cook & Ayers, " Dresser A. M., " Dresser, Johnson & Co., " Dresser R. & Co., " Dyer C., " Farrington I. P., " Fernald James E., Gay A. F., Hanson, Perry & Co., " Haskell Alfred, Haskell M. M., " Hughes P. J.," Noble & Miller, Oleson William, " Partridge J. J., " Pray F. E., Purrington & Marr, Staples C. & Co., " Stevens E. C. & Son, " Stinson Andrew P., " Tucker & Webster, 'r Wall Peter, " Waterhouse Samuel, Jr., " Webber S. R., " Thurlo M. E., Richmond. Bowers R. L. & Co., Saco. Holmes William, Rockland. Ring David P., " Cook W. M., Thomaston. Bartlett J. C., Waterville. Thayer & Marston, " Tosier O. C., " Pope Isaiah & Co., Windham. Smith James, Wiscasset. Elmes Richard N., " Coach Trimmer. Smith William, Machias. Coal, Wood and Bark. Baldwin & Bacon, Bangor. Huckins John, " Kendrick John 0., " Mason Thomas & Co., Bangor. McQuestion Daniel P, " Starrett George H., " Thurston Samuel, " Heath Wm., Bath. McLellan Samuel, " Weeks B. O., " Cushing Nathaniel, Brewer. Holyoke, Baker & Co., " Hatch & Mead, Castine. Rogers Charles, " Longfellow Gilbert, Machias. Baker Charles, Portland. Brooks Hiram & Co., " Brooks J. & J. S., " Cox John & Son, " Green & Fernald, " Shaw Alpheus, " Stevens J. & Co., " Walker J., " Whidden & Gwynn, " Lovejoy Gilman, Rockland. Mansfield E. A., " Shattuck J. W. & L., " Deering Joseph G., Saco. Burgess, O'Brien & Co., Thomaston. Jacobs R. & J. W.. " Coffee and Spice Kills. King J. H., Portland. Coffin Warehouse. Wells M. & C. R., Augusta. Adams Benj. F., Bangor. Page Newall, " Deering & Moore, Biddeford. Carter Samuel, Bucksport. Hooper Nathaniel, Jr., Castine. Stickney G., Eastport. Tuttle Lewis, " Crehore Thomas, Ellsworth. Hamlin Wm. M., Hampden. Rice John W., " Bosworth W., Oldtown. Rich Samuel S., Portland. Fosskell Abraham, Saco. Johnson James H., " Corn Merchants. Benson Seth E., Bangor. Bragg Isaac M., " Brown Walter & Son, Foster John B., " Hacker Isaac, " Ladd George W., " Patten Isaac W., " Perkins Robert, " Prescott Reuben S., " Ricker, Jewett & Co., Taylor William H., " White Thomas A., " Gilman J. T., Bath Owen H. W., " Magoun & Clapp, "4 324 BUtSINESS DIRECTORY. Weeks B. O., Bath. Perry O. H., Portland. Morse Milton M., Biddeford. Robinson Richard L., Hathaway Warren, Eastport. Rolfe Charles, Mowe & Co., " Richards F. S., " Osgood Joshua K., Gardiner. Sawyer G., Bailey Henry & Co., Portland. Sawyer James D., Blake & Jones, " Stanley Rufus, Burgess Henry S., " Wilson M., Coolidge M. & J., " Leman N. S., Rockland. Cram C. H., " Leman N. F., Cram N. O., " Brackett James, Saco. Davis J. M., " Ellis T. B., Emery & Fox, " Fothier Peter, , Fillebrown J. B., " Tappan Daniel L., " Hale O. & H. W., Hall Conant & Co., " Coopers. Hamilton & Kittridge, , Gilman Perry, Albion. Hamlin J. S., Chalmers Bodman, Hartley, Condon & Co., " Burnel Jonathan, Baldwin. Hersey, Fletcher & Co., , Burnel Thomas, Howe William C., , Burnel Shepard, Knight, Pool & Co., " Burnel Alfred, Lyman & Richardson, , Burnel Cyrus F., Mackintosh & Co., " Sanborn Albert, McKenny E., c Bryant Joseph & Son, Bangor. Meserve John L., " Lansil Asa P., Noyes, Weston & Co., " Murphy Charles. Bath. Norton E. A., " Smith William P., , Patten Edward M., Vaughn - , ' Porter S. W., " Hobbs Benjamin, Biddeford. Rhynas J. & Co., Wescott J. & Co., Bluehill, Robinson David, Jr., , Colby A. & Co., Bucksport. Ross & Sturtevant, , Hall John, Ryan Washington, ' Wiley Thomas, , Shurtleff S. & Co., ' Boardman William, (Milltown) Calais. Upham & Butler, ,, Murray ---, Whidden & Gwynn, , Barber Isaiah, Camden. Yeaton & Hale, ,, Coombs John W., Carmel. Barden Elijah, Confectionery, &o. Bowden Samuel, Castine. Brown Joseph, Bangor. Lufkin T. E., Boyd A. L. & R. C., " Lunt & Staples, Heller & Patterson, " Thombs Thomas, Hughes Henry W., " Willson John B., Robinson James, " Goss Richard, Charlestown. Vinton William H., " Hunt Ichabod, , Wallis John A., " Hunt J. L., Wheeler E. P., " Pearl Solomon, , Baker John M., Bath. Reed A. B., Hills J., Biddeford. Beckett B., Cushing. Carlton George W., Brunswick. Kelloran William, Brown John, Gardiner. Lane Edward, " Howe Joseph E., Hallowell. Payson Joseph, Means M. & J. R., " Wallace Peter, Ingalls R. & Son, Lewiston Falls. Libby Jonathan, Durham. Hicks Samuel, " " Carpenter Charles, Eastport. Berry Charles, Orono. Furbush D. G., Gee Solomon, Jr., " Lovly John, Harriman Hazen W., Porter. McGreggor John, , Allen William, Portland. Fuller William R., Ellsworth. Cole L. D., " Ulmer & Clark, , Hudson George, Jr., (manuf.) " Clark A., Franklin. Ingersoll & Sons, " Lampson Warren, ,, 325 MAIN E REGISTER. Rogers Allen, Rogers Allen, Jr., Bills Jason, Jr., Bills Hartwell, Taylor William, Garland Elhanan, Ke Hbdsdon Moses & Co., Tilton James O., Beale Isaac & Co., Cloudman J. W.,, Sawyer J. R., Wiggin O. D., Eaton William, Staples Marshall, Brown D. L., Herrn W., Lakeman William, Dearborn John, Anderson Andrew, Plummer Abner, Hussey Micajah, Brown Almon, I Brown Charles, Brown Nathaniel, Brooks Hiram, Brooks J. & J. S., Burnham George, Chase Samuel & Son, Chase & Cushing, Chase & Thomes, Colbroth J. Md., Dyer & Barstow, Emery & Fox, Fernald Edwin, Fletcher Henry & Co., Flood Luther, Hersey, Fletcher & Co., McLellen George, Philbrook W. S, Proctor J., Sawyer J. W. & Co., Varney Isaac, B Varney Jotham, Campbell Leonard, Warren David, Johnson Oliver, Simmons Gersham, TI Simmons J., Walker Charles P., Copper Smiths. Norcross & Hinckley, Burbank & Allamby, Dyer & Cleaves, Emery R., Jackson Ebenezer, Crockett Leonard, Deland D. I., Donnell C. A. & Co., Hudson George, Jr., Merrill Isaac D. & Co., Richards F. S., Rolfe Charles P., Sawyer James D., Wiswell William M, Hampden. Hope. nduskeag. Kirkland. Levant. Limerick. Lubec. Newburg. Oldtown. Orono. Pembroke. Portland. rusic. Cordage. Donnell G. & J. T., Bath* Gardner Samuel, Brewer* Dresser John & Co., Castine. Bass John W., Eastport. Fisher & Milliken, " Hume Seward B., Odell D. I., Moody Artemas, Naples. Merrill J. H., North Yarmouth. Dow Hiram H., Portland. Cotton Manufacturers. Pepperill Manuf. Co., Biddeford. Laconia Co., Cabot Co.. Brunswick. Libby & Co., Hollis. Littlefield, Lord & Co., Kennebunk. Portland Duck Co., Portland. York Cotton Manuf. Co., Saco. Hayden, Wilcox & Co., Sanford. Fitch, Hodgdon & Co., Preston Wm., (counterpanes and table cloths), So. Berwick. Portsmouth Co., N. Yarmouth Manuf. Co., Yarmouth. Counsellors. [See page 108.] Country Stores. Curtis J. M., Abbot. Curtis Joseph M., Foss Charles, " Foss C. & J., Tubbs Samuel, " Walker Cyrus, " Lord Andrew J., Acton. McCarlin Alvin, Addison. McKenzie A. K., " Nash James & Co., " Nash Joseph & Co., Nash William, Jr., Plummer John, " Union Store, Wass David M., " Chalmers Stillman, Albion. Fuller David B., " Gilman Perry, " Healey William H., " N. E. Protective Union, 390, " Conant Wm. H., Alfred. Derby Silas, " Kendall Nathan, Sayward & Webber, Stimson John N., " Jewett Jeremiah, Alna. Jones John B., McLean John, " Weeks & Chism, " Mansell Abram S., Alton. Milliken D. & E., " Fanning Chas. O., Amherst. White Geo. C, " 326 BUSINESS DIR~ECTORY. Lovejoy Jacob H., French George, Kinsman J. B., Lord & Dore, Priest Jefferson, Tobey S. L., Hammond E. L., Walker A. W., Bonney Tristram B., Crafts Caleb, Crafts & Ricker, Howard A. C., Osgood Isaac, Packard C. S. & Co., Sinclair Moses, Crockett Lewis & Son, Gregg E. W. & Co., Gray William D., Snell J., Carroll Martin, Colburn Faught, Fuller & Sawtell, Fuller J. J., Garlin Benj., Little Thomas, Means John & Son, Noble Thomas C., Piper Joseph, Rust Benj., Sturgis Ira D., Waldron D., Wills & Lombard, Woodward D., Arnold John, Farrar Charles, Gushee A., Gushee M. R., Keene C. A., Keene William, McLain Benj., Moody & Conant, Sumner C. B., Butterfield I. F., Kennard E., Burnel Jonathan, Burnel Stephen, Richardson Israel E., Richardson Daniel T., Sanborn R. N., Kelley Albert, Pitcher H. G. & J., Prince Rufus, Bixby George, Hill D. & H. A. & Co., McKenzie & McLane, McDougald Alexander, Skofield & McDougald, Todd R. M. & Sons, Union Store, Woodcock A. H., Booker A. J. & Co., Centre Isaac, Conant M. F., Albany. Athens. Atkinson. Auburn. Andover. Anson. Augusta. " Andover. Mitchell James, \ Bath. Owen C. L., " Angier Oakes, Belfast. Beaman E., " Clark, Johnson & Co., " Cushman Alfred, " Davidson H., " Faunce Asa, " Faunce Daniel, " Furgerson & Hemmenway, " Gammons James, " Haraden Daniel, " Hazeltine B., " Hazeltine P., " Howard D., " Howes S. A., " Knowlton F. A., " Knowlton L. A., " Mitchell W. E., " Moore, Smith & Co., " Otis Samuel & Co., " Palmer H. N., " Pattershall D., " Perkins J. W., " Perry A., " Pierce John & Co., Spring James H., " Stanley & Gould, " Sumner J. G. & Co., . " Swett E., " Union Mutual Store, " White M. P., " Chandler Joseph, Belgrade. Davis Joshua, " Hill Rufus, " Lawton William, " Leonard & Stuart, " Richardson Charles, " Spencer Fred., " Taylor Crowell, Black Charles B., Belmont. Crawford John & Co., " Mears & Whitney, North " Doyle Owen, Benedicta. Farmer James, " Smith William, " Buxton Alexander, Benton. Hinds Crosby, " Lunt Andrew R., Richardson Andrew H., Brackett U. O., Berwick. Parks & Harris, " Chipman R. A. & Co., Bethel. Chipman & Bean, " Eames A. P., " Gibson Samuel F., " Kimball Ira C., " Mason & Edwards, " Merrill Amos M., Cole & Barry, Biddeford. Jellison A. H., " Smith W. H. & T. H., " Colby Joel, Bingham. 327 MAINE REGISTER. Goodrich Simeon, Bingham. Smith Benj., 2d, " Blanchard Jacob, Blanchard. Coburn A. & P., Bloomfield. Emery Levi, Jr., & Son, " Union Store, No. 508, A. B. Pratt, Agent, " Closson John, Bluehill. Holt F. A., " Holt Jonah, " Hopkins William, " Stevens Augustus, " Stevens John, " Wescott J. & Co., " Seavey Andrew, Bluehill Falls. Fisher Wm. & Chas., Boothby. Goudy Alden, " Harris Paul, " Hodgdon Thomas, " Hodgdon William, " Lewis Allen, " McClintock John, Jr., " Reed Benj., " Spinney Robert, " Wilson Parker, " Chase James, Bowdoin. Coombs Abner, " Grant E., " Grart Uriah, Church & Plaisted, Bradford. Davis Edmund H., " Gowen Benj., " Kingsbury Henry E., " Kingsbury Thomas H., " Springer Theron W., " Barton Greenwood F., Bradley. Butler Joshua S., " Howard Albert E., Bremen. Keene Waterman F., " Martin Thomas, " Smith Benj., " Cushing Nathaniel, Brewer. Goodwin Geo. 0. " Ball Reuben, Bridgton. Billings Luther, " Brown Luke, " Davis Alvin, " Farnsworth George, f Nelson A. M., Stone Dixey, " Thompson Orin, " Johnson C. F. A., Bridgewater. Baird John D., " Chamberlain Henry, Bristol. Chamberlain Thomas H., " Dyer John, " Erskine James, " Humphrey, Baker & Co., " Hinds Samuel T., " Morton Leander, " Richards & Baker, " Wheeler Francis, " Yates & Wells, '" Davis Marshall & Co., Huxford James S., Lane John, Bray H. P., Carlton Rowland, Cole Asa, Herrick Nelson & Co., Ober Samuel F., Powers N. H., Briggs William E., Foss John L., Wade Albert C., Perkins H. E., Lord John, Wasson David, Bean Edwin F., Nockman Julius, Weeks James W., Brown Moses W., Crocker S. E., Jenks E. A, Nye Darius, Boardman A. F., Booker A. J. & Co., Centre Isaac, Colby & Bickford, Elliot Daniel, Harmon A. B., Harmon W. J., Kincaid Abraham, Metcalf & Booker, Mitchell & Carroll, Nelson James, Owen Francis, Owen W., Richardson P. M., Smett A. O., Stanwood A. L., Stanwood Isaac, Thompson L. B., Webb & Collins, Allen & Thomas, Atwood E. & C. B., Andrews Hiram, Bennett George, Cole A. F., Fobes Richard, Loring & Long, Barnard Enoch & Co., Barnard & Crane, Blodgett & Co., Bradley Geo. L., Bradbury & Warren, Bradley Joseph B., Brown C. & Co., Carter James M., Cobb Schuyler & Co., Colby Alonzo, Folsom & Gardner, Hall A. H., Hall S. P. & Co., Hill Nahum T., Homer Sewall C., Brooks. Brookline. cc Brighton, c4 cc Brooksville. Brownfield. cc Brownville. Brunswick. cc ct cc c cc cc� cc cc ct ct 328 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 329 Homer Zenas, Bu ksport. Adams Samuel G., Camden. Lufkin Asa, " Barrows C., Skinner Solomon, " Carleton, Norwood & Co., " Swazey Sewall B. & Co., " Curtis John H., " Taylor S., Burlington. Gould & Carlton, ,, Woodman A., " Harfoid Hiram, , Milliken Elias & Geo., Burnham. Hunt T. M., ,' Clay Jonathan, Buxton. Jones Joseph, ,, Dow Oliver, " Kirk Thomas, , Dunnell Joseph & Co., . " Martin Alexander, Hanson A. W. & Co., " Merriam & Eells, ,, Hobson Jeremiah, " Page & McIntire, Kimball Daniel, " Pendleton Reuben, Lord Geo. W., " Piper Frank, Meserve Samuel, " Shepard Jotham, Milliken Loring J., " Stetson Joseph C., , Palmer Wm., " Stockbridge Joseph, Sawyer Wm., " Sweetland Austin, Austin Taylor D., Byron. Talbot David, Avery Peter, (Milltown,) Calais. Butts J. Q. A., Canaan. Barnard A., " Burrell H., , Barnard D. B., " Lewis George H., , Barnard G. S., " Penny A. B., , Brown William, " Rollins S. & L. H., , Cole G. N, " Barrows Andrew, Canton. Cottle C. .i H. C., " Coolidge Ezra P., , Copeland & Duren, " Deshofi John M., , Dailey A., " Hines Enoch H. & Co., " Deming William & Sons, " Swasey Benj. K., � Drugan William, " Fackett Ezekiel, Cape Elizabeth. Gallagher S., " Pillsbury Jona. W., " " Gordon David, " Eldridge Allen, Carmel. Grant & Coulter, " Johnson I. W. & E M., Hill D. & H. N. & Co., " Nichols C. A., Hill M., " Huggles & Nevens, , Kelley C. H., " Lane Calvin, Carroll. King G. D. & Sons, " Dilgley & Watkins, Casco. King S. T. & Co., " Eastman Moses S., , Lawrence D. W., " Jordon Anson, , Lawrence, Huckins & Co., Maybery Edward, , (Red Beach,) " Rolfe William, , McCullough H., " Adams Samuel, Castine. McCurdy & Harvey, (Red Beach)" Cate C. A. & Co., , McDonald R., ', Hatch S. P. & Co., " Perkins James, " Hooper Joshua, Pettigrew Joshua, (Red Beach,) " Jarvis W. & J. H. & Co., " Pike C. R., " Stearns & Co., , Pike William, " Tilden C. K. & Co., , Pool S. B., " Wetherbee W. & Co., , Sawyer Thomas, " Dunning & Foss, Charlestown. Tarbox G.R.& Co., (Red Beach,) " Dunning Reuben, Veasey J., " Hatch Mark, ,, Vickey M., " Archer S. C., Cherryfield. Young B , " Brown J. C., , Gates & Wentworth,(Milltown,) " Campbell & Burnham, Hale J. S. & Co., " " Campbell A. & Co., , Lamb N., " " Coffin John W. & Co., McAllister & Tyler, " " Cook & Adams, " Pineo David, " " Dyer Amos, , Stickney R. C. & Co., " " Doyle Thomas, , Union Store, " " Freeman William, Jr., Herrick Alonzo, Cambridge. Nichols William & Son, Packard Alanson D., " Shaw Samuel S. & Co., " 22 MAINE RE GISTER. Smith R. P., Cherryfield. Tilden George F. & Co., " Willey D. & Co., " Lyon J. B., Chesterville. Walker Tristram N., " Whittier William, " Abbot & Gray, China. Coombs William, " Giddings Job, " Hatch Alexander, " Healey William H., " Marshall Jacob, " Meigs & Chadwick, " N. E. Protective Union, No. 380, " Russ & Reed, " Washburn O. W., " Chase David, Clinton. Hodgdon E. G. & Co., " Hunter G. & H., " Hunter Zimri, " Merrill Johnson, " Smith Orin, " Totman John, " Murray V., Clintqn Gore. Bailey James, Columbia. Buckman A. W., " Buckman G. A., " Crandon Joseph, " Harris George & Co., " Leighton Levi, " Reed Daniel, " Union Store, " Wass William, " Wilson Truman, " Bachelder Campbell, Corinna. Bemis Jacob, " Hutchins James, Morse S. S., " Dexter H. K. & Co., Corinth. Farrar Sewall, " Kimball R. H., " Lunt Samuel, " Lincoln Oscar, 4 O'Brien J. & D. W., " O'Brien W. L., " Shaw James M., " Skinner Alvin, " Weston Wesley, 66 Cass Ethan A., Cornville. F vans Daniel, " Flanders Jeremiah, " Robinson Calvin, " Billings Hiram, Cumberland. Humphrey Nicholas L., " Mountford Greenleaf, " Soule John, Fales A. S., Cushing. Fales E., " McIntyre & Co., " Rice William, " Cutler Milldam Co., Cutler. Dennison Lucius, " Thurlow Chas. T., " Wilder Isaac, Knowlton Jeremiah, Cobb G., Dexter B., Dingley J. & Co., Goff James & Son, Gould Levi & Co., Hicks Samuel, Ingalls R. & Co., Lufkin Frank & Co., Leathers Alfred, Lufkin J. & Co., Marston Brackett, Penley Rufus, Small Charles, Stinchfield G., Stinson David, Woodbury William, Goodwin John M., Parker & Pearl, Campbell Samuel, Carlton Daniel, Colby F. A. S., Eaton Charles, Fifield E., Fuller T. S., Haskell Charles S., Haskell Eben F., Ingalls Nathaniel, Johnson J. P., Pickering T. B., Pressey Jonathan, Raynes A. B., Sellars J. H., Spofford Pearl, Spofford W. H. H., Turner J., Warren Richard, Jr., Whitmore Samuel, Bennett Joseph, Flye Sewall, Holt Joseph, Hobart D. K. & Co., Kilby John, Union Store, Williams J. & T. W., Drake E., Frye Eben, Ayer E. A., Bassett & Dustin, Chandler Josiah, Durrell B. E. H., Eaton William, French A. S., Hamilton George, Hayes L. D., Kingsbury J. R. & Co., McCrillis P., Merrill B L., Blagge S., Dennis J. & Bro., Loper J. E., Simpson F. A., 0 so Cutler. Damariscotta. Danville. 66 66 66 66 66 Gf Lf f LL ii 4f ii ff |6 c� cc cc cc Dayton. Dedham. Deer Isle. 6 66 66 GG of ff fG cc66 cc Lc cc c6 fc cc cc Lc cc c� Denmark. Gf ff Dennysville. �� f Detroit. 66 Dexter. 66 GL ff 6 of LG LL ff Lf ff fi Dixmont. cc c Lc BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Whitney Amos, Dixmont. N. E. Protective Union, 427, "' Chase & Son, Dixfield. Dillingham George, " Holman John J., " Stanley Calvin, " Bartlett F. & A. S,, Dover. Chase A. B., " Drake F. K., " Hill Cyrus, " Hopkins Nathaniel, Kimball Chas. E., " Lougee J. S., " Lowell W. W., " Sawyer & Woodbury, "j Stacy Hiram, " Tyler Joseph, Alley & Cate, Dresden. Cate B. T., " Houdlette Edward E., " Hatch Anthony S., Durham. Hawkes Nathan, Lunt Amos F., " Merrill J. C. & Son., " Miller S. M., Warren E. S. & J. Q., "4 Chandler Luther, East Livermore. Hobbs James B., " Kimball & Son, " Pettingill Comfort, " Tozier G. W., "0 Burrall Ovid, East Machias, Cary Charles, " Chaloner B. G., '4 Chase S. H., " Chase H. S., Chase William, " Foster C. W., Foster Jeremiah, a Foster C., 0" Haines P. T., " Hovey C.P., " Howe G. D., 6" Johnson J. H. & Co., '" Keller John, '0 Kingsley J. W., ' Lowell 3. A., " Pope S. W. & Co., " Sevey John S., " Talbot P. S. J. & Co., Talbot P. & Son, " Union Store, " Wiswell J. M. & Co., " Connelly Patrick, Eaton Grant. Findlen Patrick, " Andrews E. H., Esetport. Bass J. W., " Bowman John L., " Brown W., 4" Bradford Alden, Bucknam Asa, " Bucknam John, " Bucknam Samuel, 00 Bucknam W. W., Eastport. Clark R. B., Dyer Charles H., Fisher & Milliken, " French John, Houghton P., Hume S. B. & Co., Kilby D. & Son, Kilby Isaac H., Leighton Samuel W., " Livermore J. M., Mowe & Co., Odell Daniel I., " Peabody & Cummings, Paine & Sons, " Peavey & Sons, Peabody Leonard, ', Perkins D., " Pike Humphrey, ,' Rice G. I. G., Sabine E. Y., Shackford & Son, Thomson Matthew, Union Store, G. F. Wadsworth," Wadsworth S. B., Whalen Patrick, Mills L. S., Eddington, Thompson C. G., Wiswell Thomas, " Emery Benj., Eden. Higgins Emery S., " Richards Samuel H., 6 Roberts Tobias, 0, Brooks Martin P., Eliot. Austin & Chute, Ellsworth. Beckwith Geo. C., Black George N. & Co., Blaisdell Francis, " Bonzey Charles, (Falls,) Brown Ivory L., (Falls,) " Dutton S. & H. A., Edwards Asa, , Hale & Eaton, Jones A. W. & T. D., Nealey C. A., (Falls,) Robinson Albert, Sargent Amasa, Stockbridge E. H., " Tisdale Seth, Whiting Henry, Wood J. W. & Co., " Patten John S., Enfield. Treat J. & E. H., Buswell Columbus, Etna. Colbath & Horn, Exeter. Cutler John & Son, Grinnell Albert, Libbey Geo. W., ' Quimby Ward L., Walker John, Webber John P., ', Whitney John, " Nye & Wilder, Faield. 881 MAINE REGISTER. Osgood John, Fairfield. Page & Bodfish, " Pratt Elbridge G., " Lawrence Henry, 2d, " McFadden E. W., " Tobey Henry S., " Varney William, " Whiting Henry, " Williams, Pease & Co., " Wing William H., " Merrill S. J., Falmouth. Patrick William, " Richards W. N., " Williams P. I., " Noyes John, West Falmouth. Tarbox George, Farmingdale. Belcher T. F., Farmington. Bonney A. H., " Cutler Reuben, " Garcelon P. M., " Hiscock R., " Keith Leonard, " Sotyell H. B. & J. A., " Whitney & Ramsdell, " Eaton H. H., Agent, Fayette. Lovejoy H. B., Underwood J. H., " Standish Myles, Flag Staff. Hyde Henry W. & Co., Fort Fairfield. Hale A. & E. J., Foxcraft. Hopkins A., " Judkins E. F., " Roberts Jonathan, " Vaughan B. B. & Co., " Atwood B. & Son., Frankfort Mills. Hopkins B., " " Pierce Geo. A. & Co., " " Robinson Daniel & Co., " " Treat Franklin, " " Treat E. P. & Co., " " Treat & Parker, " " Treat U. & A., " " Webster, Treat & Co., " " Atwood J. N., Frankfort. Chick Elisha, " Chick James B., " Colburn Chas., " Cushing & Co., " Fernald Edward, , Haley James, " Little James B. & Co., " Merrill C. R., " Miller James W., " Nickerson N. K., " Rich Reuben A., " Smith Edward, " Wardwell James, " Brown John, Franklin. Hatch, Macomber & Sons, " Martin & Laskey, " Moseley William G., " Scammons A. & Co., " West John & Co., " Elliot R. & Co., Freedom. Ross Wm., " Union Store, 462, " Williams Benj., " Weymouth Samuel, Freeman. Bliss Chas. & Gersham, Freeport. Curtis Theodore L., " Holbrook & Gore, Osgood Sam'l & Stephen D., " Soule Robert S., Thing Samuel, Cook Zenas, 2d, Friendship. Deering James, " Delano Sanford, " Winchenback James, " Buswell Henry C., Fryeburg. Chorles Adam W., " Chorles Justus, " Eastman Philip, " Gibson James, " Hutchins Henry D. E., " Strout & Higgins, " Shirley & Andrews, " Shirley J. & N., " Ward Timothy C., " Baker Thomas & Son, Gardiner. Davis A. G., " Fling & Drew, Field Benj. F., " Johnson Elias H., Johnson & Stone, " Lynch Matthew, " Mitchell, Wilson & Co., Nutting Edward D., " Trott Freeman, " Robinson & Billings, " Smart Josiah T., Stone John, " Spear Gardner, Tarbox Stephen W., Toby & Smith, Townsend & Bartlett, Johnson N. W. & Co., Garland. Oak Lorenzo, Berry Joseph, Georgetown. Emmons Thomas & Son., " Watson Sewall, " Scripture Oliver S., Glenburn. Parker Edwin, Golden Ridge Plant. Robinson S., " " " Clement J. H., Gorham. Clement Daniel B., " Hamlin B., " Lord Sam'l W., " Lowry F., " Parker J. & J. W., " Plummer J. H., " Ridlon & Card, " Sturgiss A., " Clark A. P., (Win. Har.), Gouldsboro'. Clark Geo. A., (Pros. Har.), " Hammond & Hill, (Winter Harbor), " 332 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 333 Hovey John, Gouldsboro.' Burbank Augustus I., Hartland. Kingsley John, (West) " Lancy George, Norwood -, (Win. Har.), " Page & Shean, " Sowle Hillard M., " Glover Robert, Hebron. Stevens Curtis, (Win. Har.), " Marshall Isaac W., " Union Store, No. 15, (West) " Allen James B., Hermon. Adams Isaiah & Co., Gray. Eaton N. D & J. G., " Allen Robert A., " Mason Arad C., " Hancock & Small, " Sargent Joseph F., Lawrence Nathaniel S., " Allen Ghas. G., Hiram. Shaw Robert D., " Hubbard J. P. & N. 3., " Benson P. S., Greene. Carpenter Joshua, Hodgdon. Curtis H. P. & I. G., " Royal F. R., " Dollif Lucius P., Greenfield. Walker C., " Philbrook Jonathan, " Whitney Sam'l, " Eveleth J. H. & Co., Greenville. Whitney Josiah F., Holden Plant. Gower Chas. W., " Dunn Moses, Hollis. Bartlett Jeremiah, Greenwood. Dyer Richard, " Crocker Calvin, " Hobson Chas., " Houghton Samuel H., " Hobson Joseph L., Stevens Winthrop, " Mulvey T. C., Verrill Samuel C., " Runney Jonathan, " Bennett R., Guilford. Sawyer Joseph, " Douglass George H., " Smith Mark, " Grover Samuel, " Usher Robert, " Bickford John M., Hampden. Warren Joseph, " Carle James, " Athean John, Hope. Crosby John, " Manley James, " Curtis J. & Son., " True Edward, " Dudley Elias & Son, " Carv S. & Co., Houlton. Dudley John, " Collins Patrick, " Hinckley & Emery, " Davis Asa, Holt & Deering, " Frisbie S. F., Johnson Josiah F., " Frisbie Timothy, N. E. Protective Union, Goodwin James M., " No. 618, J. Goodell, Agt., " Heywood A. P. & Co., " Phipps Sam'l & Son, " Lander James, " Thayer Joseph A., " Manson Rufus, " Crabtree Lemuel, Jr., Hancock. Osborne Ephraim N., " Moore Peletiah, " Page Geo. B., " Knapp Albion K., Hanover. Russell James H. & Co., " Putnam Prentiss M., " Sanborn Chas., " Bartlett Cyrus, Harmony. Smith Chas. B. & Co., " Chase Hiram, " Snow Joshua, L Simonton Mark L., " Union Store, Moses Bradbury, Watson C. E. & A. F., " Agent, Industry. Jack Thomas S. & Co., Harpswell. Willis Benj. N., " Johnson Chas., " Willis Warren N., " Lawson J. F., " Clark M., Islesborough. Merryman James W. 2d, " Dodge Walter F., Merryman Jacob, " Keller Finley R., ," Pinkham W. H., " Parker Thomas H., Sinnett Ralph, " Rider Benj., Watson Robert & Co., " Shearman Franklin, " Allen Zepheniah, Harrington. Chase Edmund, Jackson. Dinsmore Daniel W., " Cook J. G., " Dyer Mark A., " Keyes Elisha & Sons, Jay. Nash S. W., " Leach & Holmes, " Plummer Otis S., " Wait & Yetton, " Blake Francis, Harrison. Bond Henry K., Jefferson. Ilsley & Nelson, " Bond Samuel J., " Bartlett America, Hartford. Kennedy Alden, " Hines Hiram, " Reeves Moses, " MAINE REGISTER. Soule Albert L., Jefferson. Weeks George, " Weeks Elbridge S., " Weeks Joseph, " Weeks John T., " Richardson Enoch, Jonesboro'. Taylor Geo. W., " Tabbot Obed, " Felton James O., Kenduskeag. Garland Elhanan, " Higgins William, " Hodsdon Moses & Son, " Hodsdon Jonathan B, " Cousins Jas., Kennebunk. Daniel Nathan, Jr., " Downing William, Emmons & Littlefield, " Furbush Isaac, " McCullock Adam, " Oakes & Ricker, " Osborn John & Co., " Wallingsford Geo. W., " Wormwood ~m. J., " Bourne Oliver, Kennebunkport. Cousins Enoch, " Luques Andrew S., " Moody William F., " N. E. Protective Union, 169, " Perkins Silas, Ward D. S., " Day John, Kilmarnock. Heald Theron G., Kiingsbury. Dolbier A. E., Kingfield. Pullen C. B. & Co., Saunders N. B., " Beale Isaac & Co., Kirkland. Briggs H. I., " Hayes & Roberts, " Cutts Oliver & Son, Kittery. Frisbee Daniel, " Kimball & Lawrence, " Seward Joseph, " Hull Israel, Knot. Union Division Store, 649, " Bean Gustavus S. & Co., Lee. Bowler Edward & Co., " Cushman A. & Son, " Haskell Geo. & Co., " Perkins Joseph H., " Rich Joshua G., Letter B. Hall Winslow, Letter H, Range 2. Long & Drew, " " Vaughan & Collins, " " Cl rk R. W. & Co., Levant. Cloudman J. W., " Sawyer J. W., Butler M. O., Lewiston. Blanchard Joseph K., " Coburn Freeman, " Crush J. V., "' Cutter John L., " Keene E., " Wood & Weeks, " Dingley J. Jr. & Co., Lewiston Falls. Goff Thomas Jr. & Son, " Ingalls R. & Son, " Leathers A., " Miller, Randall & Co., " Churchill Jesse, Lexington. Ayer William, Liberty. Hunt W. R. & W. H., " Keen Asa H., Murray Jonathan M., " Pierpont John B., " Sherman Alvah, " Upham Benj. P., " Young William, " Brackett Isaac, Limerick. Clark Elisha S., " Harmon Joseph J., " Libby Elias, " Mason Jeremiah M., " Trafton J. B. & Co., Limestone River Plant. Libby A. C., Limington. Moore D. & H., " Small Ervin, " Small G. S., " Small Henry, Burleigh Parker P., Linneus. Ward Stephen G., " Ayer & Whittier, Lincoln. Bither Asa, Chesley A. P., "" Crane Allen & Co., " Croxford E., " Hopkins Jason R., " Jackman Ebenezer, " Jordon Nelson, " Mute John F., Morrill James C. & Co., Plumley David S., " Tobin & Canney, " Wyman Elijah, " Carver Isaac, Lincolnvile. Decraw & Knights, " Frohock Thomas, Howe David, " Perry James, " Robinson Burton, " Sperry Luther, " Bartlett Daniel, Litchfleld. Earl H., Jack Alden, Starbird Isaac, " Cooledge William, Livermore. Cooledge & Bigelow, " Farrar & Morse, Harlow C., Perley Nathaniel, " Lunt Israel B.. Long Island. Eastman & Walker, Lovell. Heald & Hamblin, Walker James, Case I. D., Lubec. Foster Jeremiah, " 334 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Foster M. M & Co., Hamilton James, Hunter G. W., Keif Charles, Kelly Robert, Jr., Newman Robert, ( Ring C. L., Ryerson S., Scott Eben, Staples Samuel, Jr., Tucker D. & Son, Case S. H. & C., Calligan W. P., Chandler & Tarbell, Crocker W. A., Donworth P. E., Gardner & Longfellow, Hemenway W. H., Hill M. T. & Co., Hill Obadiah, Longfellow David, Longfellow G. H., Longfellow E. & Son, Longfellow Gilbert, Sargent J. D. & Co., Stewart R., Union Store, Barton Jacob, 2 Fletcher James M., Marston H. C., Pennell W. E.E, Leavitt Elnathan, Leryue Gormaine, Mad Ouellet Jule, Seyhue Daniel, Thibodeau Francis, Bosworth Tilson H., Flint Alden, Flanders William, Jr., Kidder John S., Lincoln Mellville, Morrison Lucius, Snow William B., Chick Isaiah, Smith John, Burr L. N., Ingalls Hannibal, Union Store, Harmon John F., Fitzgerald William, Pollard Joseph, Condon James, M Young Henry, Kirby Gilbert & Co., Ma Smith Asa, McIntosh Isaac D., Bradford & Co., Reed Lewis, Clark & Ford, Dudley Paul, 2d, Lee James, Mann A. A., Mariner Luther, Lubec. 4' " West) " Mariaville. Machias. cc " " cc cc cc 66 cc cf cc cc Machias Port. cr Macwahoc. awaska Plant. Madison. Madrid. Marion. Mercer. Marshfield. Masardis. [atinicus Isle. attawamkeag. Maxfeld. Mexico. Milford. Spencer & Gilman, Milford. Weston George, " Crockett Lewis & Son, Milton Plant. Howe Henry, " Hoyt & Rolfe, Jewell Ezra & Co., Perham Joel, " Fickett M. & Co., Milbridge. Foster Lewis, " Mansfield J. B., " Noyes A. P., " Wait George, " Wallace J. T., Jr., & Co., " Burton James M., Milo. Campbell John A., Gould W. E. & E. H., " Macomber James H., Mooers & Stanchfield, Sprague A., " Atwood Luther, Minot. Bridgeham J. G., Green & Millikin, " Lowell William,; Moore George, " Pulsifer Josiah D., Washburn - , 44 Atkinson B. F., Moluncus Isle. Arnold Eben, Monmouth. Kimball A. S., " Norris C. S. & Co., Norris J. R., Flanders D. S., Monroe. Gilmore J. P. & A. R., " Mayo Timothy, " Neally C., Houston Alexander G., Monson. Pullen Jonathan H., " Hoit John L., Monticello. Wellington Joel, " Ayer William, 2d, \ Montville. McFarland Aaron P., Nash William, Randall John, " Copp Daniel, Mt. Desert. Kimball Daniel, " Somes Isaac, , Somes John, Wasgatt David, 2d, " Fifield John, Mt. Vernon. Hopkins Calvin, Mayhew Moses S., " Bray Washington, Naples. Goodrich Charles, Knight H. O., cc Moody Artemas, /" N. E. Protective Union, No. 201, " Bailey Gould, Newcastle. Boyd Thomas & Co., Carney Franklin, Clifford Jotham T., Cotton William, " Farnum Alexander, Jr., " Genther Isaac, 335 MAINE REGISTER. Glidden Edward A. & Co., Newcastle. Hopkins James, " Perkins Robert R. & Co., " Sise Edward H., " Webb Nathan, Woodbridge W. W., " Arnold Allen, (West) Newburg. Gilmore Chas. D., (South) " Knowlton Jabez, " Newcomb Seth, (South) " Whitney Calvin H., (North) " Adams Samuel C., Newfield. "Moore Joseph, " Moulton J. McD. & A. H., " Smith Samuel H., " Thompson James, " Wood Mark, " Blake & White, New Gloucester. Gross & Keith, " Clark & Walker, Newport. Duffee P. B. M., " Flint Greenville, ,� Hobart Atkinson, " Churchill Josiah P., New Portland. Kimball Benj. F., " Knowles Asa A., Spear J. W., " Spooner A., " Choate C. H., Newry. Ames & Soule, New Sharon. Chase George W., Howe H. M. & Co., , Perkins, Curtis & Co., " Stewart J. J., New Vineyard. Wright NE., " Stevens I. J. & Co., Nickertou Plant. Engley Charles, Nobleboro'. Haines Joseph, Hall E. K. & J. L., Hatch Ephraim, " Huse Thomas W., , Lincoln Joshua, " Oliver William, Pillsbury Thomas G., Sprowl William M., Blunt A. D., Norridgewock. Jenkins & Ames, Sawyer John H., Union Store, Bryant B, North Anson. Colman & Steward, Doolittle & Fletcher, " Dinsmore M. M., Getchell F. H., Hutchins S. T., Steward Columbus, " Bailey George O., North Belmont. Emerson George H., North Castine. Winslow John N., No. 9, Range 6. Mooers A. T. & Co., No. 11, Range 5. Rogers D. N., " ' Woodard Charles, No. 33. Buffum B., No. Berwick. Chadbourn Daniel, No. Berwick. Hobbs Shelden, " Hussey P., " Lord Jeremiah, " Snow Geo. H., " Beverage & Emerson, North Haven. Calderwood Henry E., " Carver Nathan, " Mills Jesse, " Smith Joseph L., " Alden David, Northport. Farrow Dexter, Lancaster H. N., Crockett James, Norway. Denison J. A. & Co., Favor Samuel, Holden G. B., " Howe J. & E. W., Morrill J. H., Shackley E. C., Swift Jonathan, " Thomas William, " Verrill G. W., Crockett Enoch, North Yarmouth. Dunn Isaac S., " Plimpton Nathan, " Staples John, " Blake Newell, Oldtown. Burton Albert G., Butman S. G., " Dillingham T. H., " Fisk Charles, " Jameson & Ellis, " Purrington James A. & Co., " Reed Wellington, " Richardson H., Richardson James Y., " Sawyer " Sopers & Bartlett, Staples I. & W., Stilson G. A. & Co., Stow Silas, Sutton Arthur B., " Buck John A. & Co., Orland. Conner Lewis W., " Emerson A. P., " Fraiser Allen, ' Hancock John S., Harriman Isaac H., " Perry P. W. & Co., Saunders Charles H, Walker Nathan, " Soper Albion, Orland Falls. Buss C. O. & Co., Orono. Cony, Foster & Co., " Gowen Augustus, " Hamblin & Russ, " Soper Albion, Orland Falls. Soper & Eldridge, " Horn Spencer H., Orneville. Atwood J. S, & Co., Orrington. Nickerson Atkins R., " Baker Horace, Oxford 336 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Durell Charles, Oxford. King G. W. & Co., " Knight J. W. & Co., Otisfield. Stevens Charles O., " Turner Wyatt, " Fletcher A. B., Palermo. Laiter L. W., " Longfellow A. B., " Worthing H., " Davis John L., Palmyra. Folsom David G., " Lang Samuel S., " Pratt Thomas J., " Andrews & Bates, Paris. Bolster Otis C., (South) " Crocker Thomas M., " Dresser John, " Murdock Eliab, (North) " Stevens & Shurtleff, (South) " Young Francis A., " Briggs S., Parkman. Seabury Thomas, " Seabury T. B., " Hodgkins I. A., Passadumkeag. Kennison Henry, Parsonsfield. Lord Samuel, " Miudgett S. D. & Co., " Pease Edwin, " Pendexter & Co., " Randall G. M. & Son, " Welch C. B., " Frye Jerome, Patten. Gardner & Coburn, ', Jackman & Lesslie, " Stetson E. G., * " Hayden Pattangill & Co., Pembroke. Lincoln James M., " Motz James, ' Small George, *. Stoddard Samuel, ,' Stoddard Samuel W., ' Wardsworth & Son, " Wilder B. & Co., ', Woodworth L. L., " Davis C. S., Perry. Tuttle George V., " Union Store, " Bolster Lyman, Peru. Chase Charles T., ,' Green Jonas, ,, Church Charles, Jr., Phillips. Dill & Newman, , Gammon Nathaniel, Howard & Thompson, , Josselyn & Marston, " Lambert S. S. & I. T., " Marston Theodore, , Smith Columbus, Tarbox W. & D., " Clifford Benjamin, Phipsburg. Larrabee R., Lowell T. & J., ', Todd G. P., "* Wyman T. P., Portland. Wildes W. H. L., " Connor H. B. & J. C., Pittsfield. Lancy H. W., Nelson J., f' Simonds & Wyman, " Soper William R., Plymouth. Thayer George H., Cousins William, Poland. Fernald James H., " Freeman Joseph, " Hancock & Small, Lane Thomas, " Martin Gilman, " Storer Francis, " Blazo Ebenezer, Porter. Stacy George G. & Co., " Stanley William, " Averill & Knight, Portland. Brown William, " Duran Josiah, Gilbert J. J., Gordon Joshua, " Harvey Horace, " Haskell Samuel, Leavitt John, " Littlefield B. & J. B., Loring George, " Merrill Otis C., " Philbrook D. M., " Reed William H., Stover T., Thurston Daniel M., True E. S., Tukesbury E. D., Weeks William, " Lufkin & Cushman, Pownal. Randall Benjamin, " True John & Lyman C., " York Elbridge, " Dudley D. & A. W., Presque Isle. Hines Joseph W., " Rolf Putnam, Princeton. Fletcher C. S. & 0., (South) Prospect. Grant Gooding, " Grant Jeremiah, " Griffin John, (South) " Harriman Albert, (North) " Hichborn N. G., (South) " McGilvrey & Staples, (South) Mudgett John & Co., (North) " Mudgett Luther, Mudgett Willard, (North) Roberts B. M., (North) " Stowers & Staples, " Lamb John, Rangeley. Barton & Lunt, Raymond. Fulton Elijah, " Sawyer Franklin, " Small William, " Craig Daniel, Readfield. Crane U. T. & Co., " Davis Lewis, " 337 MAINE REGISTER. Dearborn, Morrill & Smith, Readfield. Frost & Fuller, "' Kittridge George B., Lambert John, " Sanborn F. P. & J. A., Varney John E., Varnum John & Co., Williams F. A., " Allen A. & L., Richmond. Avery Enoch M., Blanchard Jabez, " Church James A., " Cox Hartley B., " Foster & McFarland, " Garcelon S. H., Hall Martin E. & Co., Houdlette C. & Co., " Jack Samuel W., " Linscott Hosea, " Marble Levi E., Patten & Sturtevant, " Smith William H., " Southard I. A., " Spear Thomas, Jr., " Springer & Soule, " Thomas George H., " Toothaker Cornelius, " Toothaker H. P., Frost Lewis, Ripley. Jordan Joseph M., Lovejoy Stephen G., " Balkam Gi bert, Robbinston. Balkam James M., Brown J. N. M., " Cox J. W., " Houghton Francis & Co., " Low Seth G., " Nash A., " O'Brien Simon, " Spear Gilbert, " Springer Samuel, " Stetson Moses B., " Union Store, R. Gates, Agt., " Vose & Joyce, Vose & McNeil, " Achorn J., Rockland. Barrett Ephraim, " Bird A. J., " Bird Jbhn, " Conant O. J., Cobb Francis & Co., " Dean L., " Everill & Dyer, Fish W. & S. M., " Fuller Wmin. O., " Gay Ephraim, " Gregory John, Jr., " Halm & Hardy, " Hovey M. S., " Jameson John, " Kimball Alfred H., " Knowlton & Finson, Libby Samuel, " Lovejoy William, Rockland. Mansfield Edward A., Merriman Horace, Pendleton William, Jr., Pease L. C., Perry Ezekiel, " Richardson Lewis, Robinson & Harden, Rose & Keene, " Snow Geo. L., Thomas & Hall, Walsh P. W., Waterman A. P., " Ulmer Ephraim, " Blaisdell Ira F., Rome. Tracy Amariah, " Bartlett H. & Co., > Rumford. Bolster Otis C., " Farnham C. W. & Co., " Graham Joshua, " Kimball Charles A., " Sawyer J., " Gardner R., Jr,, Saco. Emery S. & Co., Sanford. Fitch, Hodgdon & Co., " Frost George A., " Lord Samuel, " Morrill John, " Merrill Stephen, " N. E. Protective Union, " Lane Benj,, Sangerville. Lowell Stephen, " Morgan - Larrabee John S., Scarborough. Libby John, 3d, ' Libby Milton, Milliken Freedom, " Parker John M., Cross David, Searsmont. Pattee Sumner, " Whittaker Caleb, " Babbidge E. G., Searsport. Black Otis, " Catlin & Smart, Crary & Black, " Davis James, " Ellis A. H., " Field Joseph, " Fowler John, " Havener I. W., " Leach Andrew, " McGilvrey & Goodale, " Nickels & Merrithew, " Shirley & Blethen, " Smart Richard, " Smith H. D., " Snow Benj., " Johnson Chas. K., Seaville. Cilley Benj. S., Sebec. Chase Joseph B., " Lampson William P., " McClure Chas., " Classon E., Sedgwick. 33$8 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dodge Geo., Sedgwick. Sargent Wyer G., Coffin James E., Shapleigh. Coffin & Warren, " Merrill Justice B., " Merrill & Thombs, Shirley. Hayward A. S., Sidney. Marble Barnard, Jr., Merrill Jeremiah, " Springer Stephen, " Arnold Samuel D., Skowhegan. Adams & Nutter, Fuller Albert, " Lord John, Lane P. & B. F., Lovejoy E. G., McLellan J. J. & C. F., Neil E. H., Plummer Henry, " Robinson J., " Turner J. L., " Frohock D. K., Smithfield. Varney Isaac W., " Whitehouse Samuel, " Berry Levi, Smyrna. Butts Thomas D., Solon. Coolidge Samuel, Hamblet & Drew, " Hobart & Wood, " Lowell & Tibbetts, Thompson Joel, " Webb Sumner, Frost John, So. Berwick. Hanson E. S. & N., Jr., " Jewett W. D. & Co.,' " Moore Isaac F., " Nason Benj., " Nealley Geo. K., " Parks B. F., " Wakefield Geo. H., Baker Cypron, So. Orrington. Nickerson Horace, " Nye Timothy, " Ryder Ephraim W., " Wheeldon E. & L., " Marr T. & N., Southport. McKown, Cyrus, Reed & Co., " Pierce Samuel, " Pierce Thomas, " Fletcher C. S. & 0., South Prospect. Griffin John, Hichborn A. G., " McGilvrey & Staples, " Brown Elisha, South Thomaston. Coombs Levi G., Dean E. Jr. & Co., " Graves Edward S., " Ingraham Job, Martin Allen F., " Thorndike George, " Scribner Wm. L. & Co., Springfield. Stevens Win. P. & H., Wetherbee Washington, " Bickford Thomas, Standish. Dyer Gardner, Emery James W. & Co., Higgins Seth, Mann Edmund & Co., Mayo E. H., " Weston Nathan, Lothrop Sullivan, St. Albans. N. E. P. Union, No. 443, " Nutt Samuel, " Webber Franklin R., " Clark Joseph, St. George. Fish Joseph, Fogerty William W., Fogg Isaiah, " Nuller William O., " Gardner Joseph, " Gilman Ira M., Hart E., Long Joseph, Marshall John, " Martin Richard, Murphy John, Snow John D., Teel Nathaniel, " Wall Richard R., " Whitehouse Josiah, " Wiley John R., " Smith Amos W., Starks. Plaisted & Co., Stetson. Soper J. H., McAllister Jeremiah, Stoneham. York John, " Hitchcock E. K., Strong. Porter J. W., Porter William B., Salem. Hill Eben H., Sullivan. Ingalls & Shepard, ' Perry Augustus B., Simpson Jabez, Simpson Simon & Downing, White Asa D., r Chandler Hiram B., Sumner. Crocker R. & Co., " Howe Jacob F., " Ryerson Amos R., Davis James W., Surry. Dodge Jacob, " Grant Thomas, " Jarvis F. W., Means Hezekiah, " Reynolds William D., Stinson Benj. F., Swan Island. Bailey Martin, Swanville. Cunningham Solomon, " Nevers Benj., Sweden. Webber Benj., Bennett Rufus S. Thomaston. Burgess, O'Brien & Co., Carr George F., Chapman, Flint & Co., Cook Wm. M., Counce B. W., 3889 MAINE REGISTER. Fish H. K., Thomaston. Fuller J. A., " Jacobs R. & J. V., " Jones James, " Jordan Oliver W., " Kegan Patrick, " Levansaler Atwood, " O'Brien E. K., " O'Brien B. O. & Co., " Pillsbury George, " Redlon Nathan, " Rice Abner, " Robinson Edward, ". Sprague John O., " Stetson, Hatch & Co., " Young Robert, " Blondal J. F., Topsham. Poland A. G., Purrington A., " Ridley A., " White Alfred, " Whitney R. P., " Worth. S. M., " Benson B., (Bass Harbor) Tremont. Crockett J., (pass Harbor) " Durgin Horace, (S. W. Harbor) " Fuller C. C., (Seal Cove) " Haynes A., (S. W. Harbor) " Boynton Henry S., Trenton. Copp Daniel, " lHodgkins Barnabas, " Hodgkins Gilman B., " Hodgkins Nathan, " Thompson William, " Libby James, Troy. Union Store, " Vickery C. A. & Co., " Whitehouse E. G., " Atwood C., Turner. Bradford J. & H., " Bray William, " Clark Hiram, " Fuller E., " Martin E., " Turner George, " Whitman S. S., " Daniels Milton, Union. Fosskett George, " Greene Joshua S., " Hills & Eastman, " Lovett Ephraim, " Melzar & Hawes, " Robbins John C., " Young Robert T., " Broad Gustavus B., Unity. Harmon Josiah & Son, " Kelly & Weed, " Patterson James G., " Stevens Benj. & Co., " Union Store, " Hammond Winm. C., Van Buren. Austin Etbridge, Vassalboro'. Butterfield J., " Cox George, Vassalboro'. Frye Thomas, " Honrans Benj. F., " Priest C. A., (North) Robinson Isaac, " Smiley Reuel, " Stackpole & Tuttle, (North) " Stackpole Thomas, " Union Store, * Webber William, * Whitehouse Wm. P., " Phillips A. & J. A., Veazie. Spencer Isaac, " Stockwell A. J., ' Brown David, Vienna. Kimball Stewart, " Mansur Rufus M., Burgess Wm. M., Vinalhaven. Fernald James, " Lane Timothy, ', Vinall David, " Boggs Paul, Warren. Davis Robert, " Johnson & Fuller, " Wetherlee S. B. & Son, " Allen Joseph, Waterboro.' Hamilton Porter, " Leavitt J. B., Nason John, 2d, " Green William W., Waterford. Noble Daniel W., Porter Oliver, " Rand Joseph L., * Sylvester Job P., " Berry J. Jr., & Co., (West) Waterville. Burgess & Atwood, (West) " Chase George R., " Chipman W., Estey & Kimball, Farmers' Union, (West) " Frye Stephen, ' Getchell W. W., Hatch W. H., (West) " Hubbard A. J., (West) " Kimball Samuel, (West) " Leighton D., Jr., Manly B. P., Marshall E. & Co., " Marston Joseph, " Mason Chase P., " N. E. Protective Union, 4614, (West) " Parker Samuel S., (West) " 'Percival J. & H., " Stevens A. P., Wheeler Cyrus, (West) " Williams Cyrus, " Carey Daniel, Webster. Cushman Samuel, Davis Isaac N., " Jones Peletiah D., " Holt Hiram, Weld. Phinney Joel, " 340 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 341 Staples James, Wellineton. Baker J. H. & S. M., Windham. l:urtis Joseph, Wells. Davis G. W., Goodale Enoch & Son, " Doughty Chas. H., Goodwin, Eaton & Co., " Freeman Gardner, " Hatch Seth, " Hawkes Alley, Littlefield Daniel, 3d, ' Pope Isaiah & Co., " Littlefield George, " Staples Stephen H., " Littlefield Walter, " Barton Stephen, Windsor. Maxwell B., " Hysom Thomas, " Osborn S. & Son, " Robbins Reuel, " Perkins Jedediah, " Ware William, " Sawyer Samuel B., " Ayer Robert, Winslow. Campbell John H., West Bath. Cornish C. C., " Abbott C. B. & A., Westbrook. Eaton Joseph, � Abbot & Co., " Armstrong G. W., Winthrop. Bishop George, " Bishop Cyrus, " Brackett S. B. & Co., " Bishop Ransom, " Cloudman J. & Co., " Currier Noah, Jr., " Cram G., " Rounds & Co., Edwards B. M., " N. E. Protective*Union, 416, " Field Leander, " Ayer Parish L., Wiscasset. King & Warren, " Boyd & Fuller, " Leighton Royal, " Young Joshua, , Leighton R. & J., " Crockett L. & sons, Woodstock. Nutter Leonard, " Howe H. & W. R., " Partridge -, " Hoyt & Rolfe, " Pearce & North, " Jewell Ezra, Randall Isaac & Co., " Perham Joel, Jr., Shaw Sumner C., " Sampson Thomas, Jr., " Stevens & Riggs, " Small William, Whitehouse John M., " Dodge Sylvester, Woolwich. Wilson Geo., ", Hathorn Gould, " Butterfield William, Weston. Thwing John B., Foster Samuel J., " Baker J,, Yarmouth. Abbot Elias, Whitefield. Bisbee Asa., Chaney Oliver, " Blanchard & Smith, Crowell D. F. & Co., " Buxton Edward G., Donnell Jeremiah B., " Chase Thomas, Gallaher James, " Fogg Samuel, r' Turner Henry A., " Osgood Aaron, Wheeler Jeremiah, " Storer Ammi, Bell H. & W., Whiting. Baker Nathaniel, York. Harmon G. & S., " Bragdon Edward A., " Huckins Hiram, " Dennett Alexander, Peavey William T., " Goodwin Asahel, " Seavey C., " Jenkins Joseph P., " Day Wm., 2d, estate of, Whitneyville. McIntire Sylvester, Desmond H., " Plaisted Francis, Miller James, Jr., " Varrell Rufus, Jr., " Pennett Stephen, ' Weare Hartley, Jr., Adams Albion, Wilton. Weare Joseph, Jr., Bean J., Bass George, " Crockery, China and Glass Ware. Fuller and Houghton, " Emerson Orin, Jr., Augusta. Gage George, " Pierce Joshua D., " Gould B., ' Clark Samuel, Bangor. Gould J. T. W., " Colton N. H., Harwood J., " Godfrey Edwin D., " Pease G. L., " Oaks D). C., " Scales J. B., " Ricker Josiah S., Walker M. R., " Starrett Geo. H., " Allen Robert, Windham. Bosworth John, Bath. Bacon William, " Heath J. W. & Co., ', MAINE REGISTER. Simpson J. & Co., Goodwin John, Arey & Hoxie, Hutchings Josiah W., Lowell T. W., Pool S. B., Sice Edward H., Bass J. W., Bowman John L., Odell D. I., Wood Seth, Morton P., Cutler John L., Treat E. P., Ellsworth N. & Son, Steele & Hayes, Thayer William, Perry John J., Weeks & Bond, Smith M., Blair W. H., Elder E. T. & Co., Belfast. Biddeford. Brewer. Calais. Damariscotta. Eastport. Gardiner. Hallowell. Lewiston. Orono. Portland. Rockland. Saco. Waterville. " Daguerreotypes. Dupee Isaac H., Augusta. Holcomb J. G., Matteson & Co., " Burnham Asa M., Bangor. Burnham John U. P., Dodge James H., " Jordan Merrill, Dupee Isaac H., Bath. Upton B. F., " Esten John, Belfast. Quimby P. P. & Son, " McKenny E. H., Biddeford. Hartford J. L., Calais. Sawyer & Robbins, McFarland Robert, Camden. Pennington John, Dexter. Dresser R., Danville. Keith L. B., East Machias. Loring Davis, Eastport. Hale Moses, Ellsworth. Knowlton W. F., Farmington. Skillin Hiram, Gardiner. Butler Geo. W., Hallowell. Locke A. C., Lewiston. Washburn D. E., Machias. Carlton Samuel L., Portland. Danielson Frank M., " Howe Geo. M., Smith & Morrison, " Crockett E., Rockland. Williams Seth N., aco Cole E. J., Saco. Haines & Hubbard, McKenny A. M., Williams J. H., Skowhegan. Whitney Ezra A., Thomaston. Wing S., Waterville. Dentists. Snell E., Augusta. 1Barrett Amasa, Bangor. Fletcher Lowell W., Gallope Wm., Henderson Robert W., Jordan Colby A., Osgood Enoch, Straw Lendon S., " Straw Samuel B., Strickland Isaac, Currier B. T. & Co., Bath. Gilmore A. K., Moore Calvin, Belfast. Haskell W. H., Biddeford. Nevins J. M., Bucksport. Harris E. N., Calais. Wilder A., " Lock E. W.. Cherryfield. Woodbury Nathan, Danville. Haines G. A., Dexter. Thomas W. H., " Patterson R. B., Eastport. Osgood J. T., Ellsworth. Randall W., Farmington. Gilmore Langdon, Gardiner. Boynton H. J., Portland. Burr Charles H., " Gramlin David S., " Hay H. H., " Heald J. H. & Brother, Lincoln Wm. H., " Burgess C. C. & S. H., Lewiston. Chase E. P., Norway. Dunham Isaac, Readfield. Goodno D. H, Hallowell. Hunt J. E., Rockland. Trusell J. W., Harris Benjamin N., Jr., Waterville. Mason J., Saco. Designers and Engravers. Patten Z. S., Bangor. Strange Joseph W., Ward David B., Emery Rufus H., Bucksport. Campbell Daniel A., Damariscotta. Campbell John, Cole Henry G., (stamps for painted carpets) Manchester. Spofford Josiah, (die sinker) Portland. Thurston B., Doors, Blinds and Sashes, Fogg Giles, Abbot. Works Sewall, " Littlefield Otho H., Auburn. Fowler N. & Co., Augusta. Pillsbury & Davenport, Pillsbury W. O. & Co., Robinson E. K., " Williamson Orin, " Williams & Jones, Bangor. Wing Benj. C., Walston John, Bath. Frost J. M., 342 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Gerrish A. II. & Co., Bethel. Pierce William B., Biddeford. Lovel & Abbott, Bloomfield. De Voll Abner G., Brighton. Watson C. P., Hatch Arad, Bristol. Chamberlain Thomas, " Varney Moses G., " Hurd V., Brownfield. Dennison & Farron, Brunswick. Child William A., Buckfield. Tyler Joseph, Cambridge. Bartlett & Crabtree, Camden. Atkins J. L., Canaan. Frost John, " Trafton Alpheus, Corinth. Boynton Charles. Denmark. Brown William E., " Wentworth James, Mitchell John M., Dexter. Newcomb W. C., Eastport. Crehore Thomas, Ellsworth. Davis Robinson, Farmington. Brown, Buck & Co., Foxcraft. Clay James O. & Co., Gardiner. Moore John, " Mitchell Joseph L. & Co., " Brown Wilton, Harmony. Collins Daniel, " Perkins William, " Blake Levi A., Holden. Farrington Pliny, " Farrington Thomas F., " Eastra A. L., Jackson. Ricker I. G., " Fergurson & Clark, Kennebunk. Swan John E., Letter A, No. 2. Frost S. F., Letter B. West John, " Ridlon Jesse, Limington. Lewis Thomas J., Lincoln. Hinds N. P., Livermore. Hinds W. F., " Buker William, Machias. Jenks, De Forrest k Co., " Blanchard Chas., 1st, Madawaska Plant. Blanchard Chas., 2d, " Guy Edward C., " Hardy Jotham S., Madison. Lancaster William, " Burr Luther, Mercer. Fogg Jonathan, Montville. Fogg Joseph, " Larrabee Nathaniel, Mt. Vernon. Harris T. W., New Gloucester. Lancaster Samuel R., New Sharon. Buck C. W., Norway. Bosworth William, Oldtown. Merriman O. P., Orono. Bonney Varney, Parkman. Washburn James, " Washburn T. B., " Chickering Eben, Pembroke. Goldsmith William, Jr., Phillips. Sawyer Joseph, Eaton Parks, Plymouth. Hansoomb G. W. & D., Poland. Knight, Pool & Co., Portland. Matthews & Bro., M Patten & Hamlin, Sweetser & Hall, " Thompson & Blake, Runnells Samuel, Prospect. Staples Henry, Boynton & Dreslin, Richmond. Rockland Steam Mill Co., Rocklaud. Johnson James A., Saco. Wilder Chas., Salmon Brook. Deshon Daniel, Searsport. Hopkinson & Ridlon, Standish. Nichols Joel, Starks. Eaton J. T., Strong. Willard G. K., " Perkins Alonzo, Thomaston. Colby S. & E., Topsham. Devost Michael, Van Buren. Vassair Jule, "* Bridge James, Vassalboro'. Long John D., , Stedman Geo. W., Waterboro'. Houghton Calvin, Waterford. Longley James O., Blanchard F. B. Waterville. Boardman & Bowman, West " Noyes Isaac C., Wilton. Craig L. & E., Winthrop. Andrews Ziba, Woodstock. Sewall David, York. Dry Goods. Fisher S., Augusta. Joseph V. & Co., Kilburn & Barton, (wholesale) " Nason, Hamlin & Co., Potter & Bartlett, (wholesale) " Proctor A. M. & W. E., (wholesale) " Bryant Joseph & Son, Bangor. Danenbaum, Wolbach & Co., Flint John C., Gunst Jacob, 't Hall, Lothrop & Co., (wholesale) " Hatch & McKenny, Hatch, Thompson & Co., (importers and wholesale) Henries & Co., Hyde Sam'l & Co., Kent Henry M., Lyon C. E. & Co., Manson & Williams, " Patten & Bean, (wholesale) Rollins E. H. & H., Sabine F. M. & Co., (wholesale) " Silber H. & Co., Starrett Geo. H., " Stickney Thomas G., " 343 MAINE REGISTER. Stone Sam'l B., Jr., Bangor. Weed & Kirkpatrick, " White Jo eph C., " White Thomas A., (wholesale) " Hinds P. & Co., Barring. Bosworth John, Bath. Butler A. B., " Gilman J. T., " Hyde & Bowman, " Ledyard & Palmer, : Magourg & Stinson, " Owen & Co., " Percy David T., " Edmunds C. C. & Co., Belfast. Gilmore James, " Johnson H. H. & Co., " Sleeper S., " Thorndike T., " Wetherbee Liberty B., " Beaman A., Biddeford. Goodwin John M., " Hilton C. E., " Hooper Edward H. C., " Salmond & Dutton, " Waterman & Bro., " Johnson B. C., Calais. Wood Wm., " Smith E. P., " Haycock T. C., Cherryfield. Follansbee Geo. L., Camden. Hussey A. & J. A., Damariscotta. Glidden F. H. & Co., " Winslow T. E., " Brooks William S., Eastport. Bucknam William P., " Campbell & Co., " Kilby Isaac H., " Sherlock Michael, " Sherlock & Son, " Fox L., Ellsworth. Shaw E. D. & Co., " Dean M. J., Frankfort. Dennison A. L., " Thayer C. E., " White M J., " Bailey Edwin, Gardiner. Chadwick & Taylor, (wholesale) " Gushee Silas T., " Johnson D. S., " Lawrence Benj., " Rafter A. B., " Stone J. & J. T., (wholesale,) " Chadwick & Morrison, Hallowell. Davis B., " Huntington & Stoddard, " Russell Joseph F., " Avery David K., Hampden. Nason A., " Rogers Allen, Jr., " Sweetser Jacob, " Ambrose & Clark, Lewiston. Packard H. H., " Perkins J. W., " Randall Isaac, Lewiston. Thompson & Young, " Chase J. B., Orono. Henries H. C. & Co., Treat E. B., Aitchison W. & J. L., Portland. Belford F. P. & M. T., Corey J. R. & Co., Doherty H. & Co., Dow, Palmer & Ward, (wholesale,) Fisher & Siegman, Griffth S. & A. M., Hall A. D., Hall M. L., Hardy & Knight, (whole- sale,) Hill & Nichols, Howe Edward, " Johnson, Hall & Co., (whole- sale,)" Jose, Marrett & Robie, Libby H. J. & Co., (whole- sale) Little E. E., Mitchell N. I., Mitchell Nathaniel I., Jr., " Storer Horace P., (whole- sale,) Tolford J. G. & Co., Wilson & Leigh, Woodman, True & Co., " Fales Oliver P., Rockland. Hall Ephraim, Kaufman Lewis, " Lothrop Benj. W., " Silber & Co., " Wilson & Case, " Adams S., Saco. Adams S. B. & Co., . " Chase Jacob L., " Fisher & Siegman, Hamilton & Co., Rowe Hiram, " Blair Wm. H. & Co., Waterville. Elder E. T. & Co., Esty & Kimball, Dyers. Phinney & Co., Augusta. Ford William, Bangor. Gould James S., Campbell A. F., Machias. Foster Benj. B., Portland. Miller John S., " Burke Horace, Saco. Edge Tool Manufacturers. Austin Moses, Addison. Cushman Henry R., Andover. Finney A. R., Atkinson. Broad E., Bangor. Ray Matthew, Higgins Jefferson, " 344 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Jackson Thos. C., Bath. Kelly Benj., Belfast. Whiting John R., " Smith Jesse & Son, Bingham Thomas Joseph P., Bluehill. Bailey Richard, Bridgton. London Jonathan, Bridgewater. Buswell Turner H., Brighton. Hall Edward, Bristol. Perry B. C., Buckfield. Homer Benj. H., Bucksport. Homer David C., Kelly James, Cherryfield. Lovejoy C., Chesterville. Brock William D., Clinton. Woodward John, Columbia. Morrill Joshua, Cumberland Morse J. B., Dixmont. Tuttle Rufus, Durham. Campbell Ambrose S., Ellsworth. Delanti C.L., " Fuller Leonard, Farmingdale. Palmer R. L., " Brown Cyrus, Fayette. Hight Geo., Gorham. Morrill John J., Hartland Flowers Richard, Hope. White P., Jackson. Phillips Isaac A., Kingfield. West J. C., Letter B. Wood Phineas, Liberty Adams R. F., Lincoln. Archer J. W., " Boothy Brice, Limington. Whorff Barnet, Madison. Whorff James, " Whorff John, " Hadley William W., Moluncus. Fairbanks Joseph, Monmouth. White C., Monroe. Goodrich Samuel, Newfield Dunnis I. M., New Portland. Vaughan Daniel, New Vineyard. Avery Stephen, North Anson. Brett Rufus, Phillips. Russell L., " Hathorn Benj., Pittsfield. Cummings Leonard, Porter. Larrabee Benjamin, " Bolton E. G., Portland. Floyd & Stanwood, " Higgins & Libby, " Staples James, Segar Joseph, Prospect. Ames J. F., Richmond. Ham J. B., " Mallet John H., Rockland. Right Amos, Scarborough. Brown John, St. Albars. Lyman Enoch, Sullivan. Mowry Bradley R., Union. Mallet James, Warren. Adams J. G., Waterford. 23 Rounds Nathaniel, Waterford. Rollin B. R., Weld. King Sorren W., Whitefield. Keyes Calvin, Wilton. Young Joshua, Woodstock. Engravers. [See Designers.] Fancy Goods. Joseph W., Augusta. Wendenburg Wm., Dennison Isaac, Mrs., Bangor. Ellis John & Co., Fenno & Hale, Goodhue J. W. & G. H., " Henries & Co., Kittridge L. W. & L. H., Lowell Jane, Mayhew J. A. & Co., Mayo & Washburn, Patten Benj. F. S., " Stone Daniel C., Titcomb Albert, Butler A. B., Bath. Magoun & Stinson, , Harrison Wm. P., Calais. Pool S. B., ,, Weymouth A. H., Dexter R., Danville. Swift Charles, Gardiner. Sager Wm. F., Hallowell. Smith E. J., , Farrar David, Lewiston. Ingalls R. & Son, Lewiston Falls. Libby & Alexander, Orono. Banks & Hatch, Portland. Conant A. H., , Creech S. W., , Gerrish Oliver, , Gilman Nathaniel J., ,' Goodwin M. G., , Harlow William, Lowell & Senter, . McLanathan H. L. S., " Merrill & Quimby, Plummer David G., ,' Punchard & Howard, Quincy H. G., Robinson David, Jr., Robinson Henry, Shepard & Co., , Simonton Eben B., True E.N, N B Palmer George, Rockland Mathews C. K., Waterville' Feathers. Haley S. D., Bath. Ledyard & Palmer, Elder E. T. & Co., Waterville. Fire Engines. Crockett Leonard, Portland. 345 MAINE REGISTJER. Fire Works. Creech S. W., Portland. Fish Barrels. Clark & Ayer, Bangor. Hodgkins J. M. & R., " Pearson Edmund, " Fish Dealers. Durgin John, Bath, Stackpole A. N. & Co., " Holl F. A., Bluehill. Adams Samuel, Castine. Cate C. A. & Co., " Hatch & Mead, " Hatch S. P. & Co., "' Jarvis W. & J. H. & Co., " Stearns & Co., " Tilden C. K. & Co., " Wetherbee William & Co., " Andrews E. H., Eastport. Bass Jonathan W., " Bucknam Asa, " Bucknam John, " Bucknam Nathan & William, " Bucknam Samuel, " Fisher & Milliken, " French John, " Hume S. B., " Leighton Samuel W., " Mowe & Co., " Paine & Sons, " Peabody & Cummipgs, " Peavey & Sons, " Pike & H., " Sabine E. Y., " Shackford Jacob, " Thayer Solomon, " Treat M. S., (Treat's Island,) " Whalen P., " Hamor John, Eden. Hamor Samuel, " Roberts Tobias, " Rodicks David, Jr., " Coomb Ephraim, Islesborough. Rider Benj., Curtis John, Ketinebunkport. Huff Allison B., " Huff Clement, " Murphy Daniel, " Allen Samuel, Lubec. Boyd Jonathan, " Brown D. L., " Chase Lowell G., " Clark Foster, " Comstock George, Coggins Wallace, " Foster Henry, " Foster M. M. & Co., " Frost James, " Hamilton James, " Horan Alexander & Brother, " Hunter George W., " Kelly Robert, Jr., Lubec. Lamson Benj., Lamson J. & W., Lamson Sydney, " Lawrence Edward, " Lawrence S. A., " McAllep John, McGreggor James, McGreggor John & J. C., Mitchell William, Morey Samuel, Phelps Josiah, Pike David, Pike Jabez M., Ramsdell Wm. H., Reynolds Jotham G. & Sons, Reynolds Ii., " Rumery D., Ryerson James, " Ryerson S., " Small Elisha & Sons, Staples Samuel, Jr., Stevens Edward, Thayer John, Tucker A. J., Tucker D. & Sons, " Yeasley Alexander, Alexander Wm. W., Portland. Chase & Cushing, Conley & Trefetnen, " Dana L. & W. S., Knight Benj., Leavitt, Atkins & Co., Look S. W., Short & Moody, Yeaton J. W. & Co., Grant John, Rockland. Flour and Grain, Bettues A. A., (wholesale,) Augusta. Libbey B. & Co., " Mulliker Chas. H., (wholesale,) ' Atwood & Nickerson, Bangor. Bowler James IH., Chamberlain & Co., " Chase Nathan W., " Clark & Ayer, " Clark & Farris, Davenport Rufus, Elder F. J. & G., Farming Chas. O., " Field & Garland, x Foster & Moore, Hayward & Harris, Heller & Boardman, Howard D. M. & Co., " Jewell William, Ladd George W., Libby & Bryant, " Morrison R. S. & Co., " Nash & Strickland, " Pearson & Bent, " Pearson Edmund, " 346 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Rice John A. & Co., Ricker, Jewell & Co., Sandford Wm., Smith Jacob C. & Co., Taylor Thomas A., Thaxter Sidney, Upton E. A., Merritt & Robinson, McLellan W. H. & J. H., Patten D. & L., Robinson J. D., Walston John, Beaman E., Hayford Axel, Lewis & Miller, Marshall & Swan, Moore, Smith & Co., Perry Augustus, Union Mutual Store, McKenny S. P., Closson John, Holt F. A., Hopkins William, Norton Stephen, Stevens John, Wescott J. & Co., Seavey Andrew, Blt Arey & Hoxie, Buck Rufus, Chase Wmi. G., Hall S. P. & Co., Swazey S. B. & Co., Barnard E. A., King G. D. & Sons, Pike S. G., Swan Eugene, Adams Samuel G., Thomas Caleb, Bass J. W., Paine & Son, French John, Hayes Geo., Hume S. B. & Co., Mowe & Co., Peabody & Cummings, Hale & Eaton, Langdon J. H. & Co., Rich L. & Co., Treat & Co., Dennis John & Co., Vaughan Wm. M., Leigh Thos., Nason F. B., Whittier S. C., Foss Alexander, Drinkwater Geo. L., Hill O., Longfellow G., Blake & Jones, Bradley W. C., Chase D. T., Coolidge M. & J., Cram C. E., Bangor. Bath. Belfast. Biddeford. Bluehill. uehill Falls. Brewer. Bucksport. Calais. Camden. Eastport. 6a Ellsworth. Frankfort. Gardiner. Hallowell. Kennebunk. Lewiston. Machias. Portland. Cram C. H., Por Cram N. O., Crocker Geo. H., Dole & Moody, Fernald Edwin, Gilman & Morris, Hamilton & Kittredge, Jewett J., McKenny E., McLaughlin & Alden, Noyes, Weston & Co., Periey & Russell, Randall John & Co., Rogers Charles & Co., Sargent Shaw, Southard W. L., Varnum P. F., Waldron A. P. & W. H., Water house Josiah, Bird John, Roc Cobb Francis & Co., Clark Charles, Fish W. & S. M., Hahn & Hardy, Healey Edward C., Kimball G. W., Jr., Litchfield B., Jr., (wholesale), Ross & Keene, Waterman A. P., Wilson & White, Boyd & Storer, Deering Joseph G., Gilpatrick John, Storer Chas. E. & Co., 347 tland. cG Gf is tG iG ff l."I" C'E-. All orders addressed to E. COUILLARD, Ellsworth, Me., Will be promptly attended to. J. & J. T. STONE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BT @DE, BENJAMIN LAWRENCE, DEALER IN faig nn h nmetiit DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS AND FEATHERS, EVERY VAEIETOF Water Street, Gardiner, Maine. Muslin and Cambric Wrought Work, Country Merchants supplied with their stock of ]1 G Dry Goods, at less prices than they can obtain them in Boston. Store opposite the Cobbossee House. L. GILMORE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Opposite Foot of Church Street, Whole or parts of sets of teeth inserted, with or without gums, as the taste or necessity may re- quire - upon the principle of atmospheric pressure - and a fit warranted. Teeth filled or extracted without pain, if desired. Perfect satisfaction given in all operations, or no compensation will be required. Charges reasonable. ISAAC H. 1)UPEE, JAMES A. COX, FIl lflll IC nII Iflll E D -ALER IN AND DEALER IN tDagnutrreotype Iatcriat, GRANITE IIALL, WATER STREET, Ag gy g5 , OOTS, SHOIESll II I Sle , GARDINER, ME. ALSO, LEATIIER AND FINDINCS. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 19 PREPARED BY DLR.. J'A.MIEB "iD OLRRA.NC.TE, And Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Subscriber and by II. H. HAY, Portland. This is a valuable medicine for Coughs and Lung Complaints. It will cure Coughs of long standing, and all kinds of Pulmonary Diseases, also Whooping Cough. Druggists and others supplied on liberal terms. GEORGE W. WALLINGFORD. Kennebunk, Me., January 1, 1855. ALLEN TREAT'S H ill T AI T ll, lilI, SL11 AND No. 4 Green St., Portsmouth, N. H. Contstantly on hand, a handsome assortment of Monuments and Grave Stones, together with North River Curbs and Flagging. SAMUEL M. DOCKUM, Manufacturer of ALL S Oill 0F F NI FI IIf ill AND DEALER IN EVERY OTHER VARIETY. Rooms, No. 181 1-2 Daniel Street, ORT81OTvTE, N. II. TH DEOSBATIW ABVOAT1 IS PUBLISlIED EVERY TIIURSDAY MORNING, BY GEORGE II, MERRILL, Office, near the West End of the Bridge, LEWSTON ~ALLS1, ME. TzxRMs.-1 50 per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements, Business Cards, &c., inserted at the lowest rates. Every description of Book, Job and Fancy Printing, executed at short notice, in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. Keystone insurance Co., FIRE AND MARINE, PL&ELELPHA. CASIH CAPITAL, 8300000. CIIARTI 8PERPETUAL. Fire, Maine and Inland Transportation Risks, taken at Current Rates. Office No.17 Union Building, No. 40 State Street. BOSTON W. R. Brown, General Agent for the New England States. J. R. BUKEEA, And Commissioner to take Depositions, Affidavits, Acknowledgments of Deeds, &c., to be used or recorded in the State of New York, Illinois, Louisiana, Mary- land, Virginia, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and all Western and New England States. No. 2i Railroad Exchange, B OSTON. 20 MAINE REGISTER. CARLYLE WHIPPLE, LEWISTON, ME., The only person in the State of Maine authorized to manufacture and sell Machines under the Wood- worth or Norcross Patent for Planing, Tonguing and Grooving Plank and Boards, or cutting Sash, Mouldings, &c. Also, Manufacturer and Dealer in DANIELS' PLANERS, ScrOll Saws, Tenoning, Boring, Mortising Machines, &c. LUMBER. A. CAMPBELL & CO. EXPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, DEALERS IN Boards, Plank, Joists, Scantlings, Lathes, CLAPBOARDS, SHINGLES, PICKETS, TIMBER, FRAMES OF BUILDINGS, SHIPS' FRAMES, I xE' ,' : EL -'E . dc. After a devotion of more than Twazr YEAns to the Lumbering Interest and having nearly forty thousand acres of Timber Lands on and contiguous to the Narraguagus River, with extensive Mills and Machinery of the best models and latest improvements, we flatter ourselves that we fully under- stand the niture and wants of the great family of Dealers, EBilders and Consumers of the raw materials of the pine tree State, and are always ready to contract at the shortest no ite, and at the lowest possible prices. D. W. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. CHERRYFIELD, ME. 20 MAINE RGISTER ADVERTISING I LEWISTON DEPARTMENT. 21 WORKS. CHARLES HI. REYNOLDS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF STEAI ENGINES, BOILERS, MACHINISTS' TOOLS, CIRCULAR BOARD SAW-MILLS, All of the most approved Patterns. Heavy Machinery generally. CIAS. II. R "EYNOLDS, N. B. REYNOLDS. fj A. YOUNG, JR., C I- "E 11/ I S ' , Manufacturer of and dealer in Perfumery and Patent IMedicines,.,, ,LEWISTON FALLS, Vie. Also, Inventor and Proprietor of the SHAKER REMEDIES, Medici nee which are acquiring a reputation superior to any now in use. IILTON FARNHAM, his Travelling Agent, offers, among other goods, the following, at Wholesale and Retail: Shaker Catholicon, Fir Balsam Candy, Cod Liver Oil Candy, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil; Essences Peppermint, Lemon. Checkerberry, Wormwood, Anise, Bergamot, Sassafras, Cinpamon; Colognes, Hair Oils, hive Syrup, Lemon 8yrup Young's Dandelion Bitters, Paregoric, Hlot Drops, Composition Powders, American Cream Soap, Letter Paper, Bill Paper, Note Paper. Envelopes, Steel Pens, Inks, Pen Holders, Russia Salve, Lyon's Kathairon, Wright's Pills, Syrup Wild Cherry Bark, Worm Killer, &c., &e., &e., e., 22 MANI REISTEE FROST & BOULTER, (enraI nuntiinn ctcant, AND DEALERS IN SOHIIThE II IiJELMlE, L1IICII l EES, D I5ff STOCL No. 108 State Street, OLIVER FROST, ROYAL BOULTER. R. HOLLINGS & CO., IANUFACTUIIEIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SALE ROOMS AND FACTORY, No. 6 Beverly Street, R. HOLLINGS, H. J. SILLER. IEIENRY R ROLLIlS, No. 13 MAIN STREET, ELLSWORTH, MAINE, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN CARPET-BAGS, WHIPS, WHIP-STOCKS, HORSE-BRUSHES, CURRY-COBS, &c. REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. 22 MAINE REGISTER. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 23 NEt ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Office, Merchants' Bank Building, State Street, Boston, Mass., Since commencine, February 1, 1844, to Jan- of Dec., 1853, amounted to 30 per cent. of the pre- nary, 1855, has made out 5,200 policies. miums paid in five years. Premium may be paid The amoun:s from $200 to $15.000 each. Largest quarterly or semi-annually when desired, and amount taken on one risk, $15,000. Insures amounts not too small. All the premiums earned Lives only. by the Company are paid to it, and no member Fund accumulated, wing to the favorable turn pays in his note or money against the notes, (good of the risks thus far, over $65)00, well invested or bad) of other members. for the proportionable benefitP those who shall Forms of application, and pamphlets of the become as well as those already members. Sur- Company and its reports, to be had of its agents, plus to be refunded to members at the end of or at the office of the Company, or forwarded by every five years from Dec. 1843. The distribution mail, if written for post paid. DIRECTORs - Willard Phillips, Charles P. Curtis, M. P. Wilder, Thomas A. Dexter, Sewell Tappan, Charles Ilubbard, A. W. Thaxter, Jr, W. B. Reynolds, Win. W. Tucker, George H, Folger. WILLARD PHILLIPS, Pres.... JOHN IlOMANS, Consulting Physician.... BENJ. F. STEVENS, Sec'y. orclnin Etetl anh . ntists' Sntrutnt. JONES, WHITE & McOICURDY'S 3% TREMONT ROW,.......................................................BOSTON. 263 BROADWAY,.......................................................NEW- YORK. 116 ARCH STREET,...................... .......................PHILADELPHIA. DENTISTS can find at the above-named places a full supply of Porcelain Teeth, Gold and Tinfoil; Gold, Silver, anad Platina Plate and Wire; Gold and Silver Solder; Tooth Forceps and Dentists' Instruments, and all other materials used by the Dental Profession. ORDERS by Mail or Express carefully and promptly executed. A. C. STURTEVANT, 50 & 52 FEDERAL STREET, BOSTON, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER 1N TABLE COVERS, AND WINDOW SHADES, STORE AND OTHER SHADES MADE TO ORDER. Manufactory at West Newton, Mass. MATTHIAS MINER, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in HARD, SOFT, BUTTER, AND OYSTER 8f8iR, 8OIA, WISBM'AD PIIS 81880178, Which he will supply, as usual, at the lowest prices for Cash, at STOIEOI..aSA3O.A O RETIZO. BA XRY AT MALDE PNteT, =ASL. STORE AT NO. 43 PORTLAND STREET, BOSTON. '24 REITE T.. E&TTII. AND PINDINGs. JOHN TILLSON & CO., IMPORTERS OP A at gla actitur dus AND DEALERS IN * 23 & 24 North Market Street, . . Boston. French CalfSkins, Lastings, Galloons, Shoe Threads, Boot Webbs, &c., &c. BA AND OIJO INIG RO0OM y STEPHEN SMITH, Iiiz. k 31nutfurltur~r, 51 & 53 CORNHILL, Double and Single Standing andt Sitting Desks, Ship Tables, Writing Tables, Cloth Tops, Book Cases, ' i MIahogany Ann Chairs, [ Desk Stools and 1ahog. any Counters, constantly on . -= hand, or made to order at short notice. - _. . CUTTER, TOWER & CO., [Formerly C. A. Haskins & Co.] MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Drawing and Carpenters' Pencils, Blank Books and Stationery, Seals and Embossing Presses, J. 3. CUTTER, Nos. 17 & 19 CORNIIIL, L. L. TOWER, S. .T. .T ,, T . 24 r MAI~I:NE ROSE ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 25 Nos. 24 & 26 Tremont St., Boston, (under the Museum,) MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN �flobern aui ntiquc QTrnaments, For the Embellishment of Buildings outside and inside, Ship Cabins, Mirror and Picture Frames, Furniture Ornaments in Gilt, or in imitation of various kinds of *ood. Also, Cornices, and Patent Ventilating Centre Pieces for Ceilings. t" Ornaments made to any design at short notice. . Address BOSTON PAPIER MACRE CO., 24 and 26 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. FRERERIC HOLTON, Treasurer. D. C. STRATTON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Bedsteads, Teapoys, Whatnots, No. 12 Charlestown Street, (Opposite the Boston & Maine Railroad Depot,) @ 'If @ � FACTORY AT WALTHAM. L. P.A.REE ]].E- dt CO. DEALERS IN- -ALSO- VENEERS OF ALL KINDS, 11 CHABLESTOWN STREET, HAYMARKET SQIUARE, L. PARKER Opposite Boston and Maine Railroad Depot, B. C TTER . Mahogany, Spanish Cedar, Rosewood, Ebony. Cherry, Satin Wood, Zebra Wood, Southern Cedar, Black Walnut, Looking-Glass Backs, Machine Mouldings, Knobs, &c., &c. srAt their Factory in Winchester, Sawing and Turning of all kinds neatly executed. BOWKER, TORREY & CO. 69 Charlestown St. &t 61 Beverly St., IMPORTERS & DEALERS. MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, SLABS AND BLOCKS, A large assortment constantly on hand. __ 26 MAINE REGISTER. NATHAN HASKINS, 49, 51 & 53 Hlaverhill St. and 9,8, 7 & 6 Travers St. Corner of iaverhill & Travers Streets, BOS TO~3. IMPROVED TAUINTON BLOWERS, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. '1 i. - NEW AND SECOND-H AND MA. C CElI 11 E I. C Y, Of all Descriptions and Prices, Bought and Sold. Steam Engines and Boilers, Machinists' Tools,Improved Taunton Blowers, Iron and Wood Planers, Fire Proof Safes, Fire Brick and Clay, Fire Sand, Moulding Sand, Coal Facing, Car Wheels & Couplings. SECOND-HAND LOOMOTIVE ENGINES. New and Second-iland MIachinery, of all descriptions and prices. 26 MAINE REGISTER. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 27 LAMBERT, MULLIKEN & STACKPOLE, MANUFACTURERS OF PRE1MITTM S~ii PLUES &VJ LETTVELS NO. 13 HIAVERIIHILL ST., BOSTON, Having received the DIPLOMA from the AMERICAN INSTITUTE in New York, and the MASS. CHARITABLE MECHANIC ASSOCIATION in Boston, they are now prepared to furnish the TRADE with a superior quality of their Goods, at short notice. GEO. IH. LAMBERT. JOHN MULLIKEN, JR. JOHN W. STACXPOLE. A8PIP 8 ! Those about introducing Gas into their Dwelling Houses, or Public Halls, or other Buildings, will find A NEW AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT - OF - CHANDELIERS AND BRACKETS, AND EVERY SPECIES OF - AT THE GAS FITTING MANUFACTORY SALESROOM - OF - A . 3. G-.A TTET 7 , No. 12 HAWKINS STREET, BOSTON. I-IAD "" r C Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GLAZED WINDOWS, Pence Pales, Stair Balusters, Framing FPins, &c., &c. sxi X2 No. 179 Blackstone St., near Haymarket Square. BOSTON. --- AUGUSTUS HARDY. WILLIAM HARDY. MAINE REGISTER. 3. E; CRANE, / 0 PROPRIETOR AND MANUFACTURER OF ! CRANE'S PATENT SEIlF-ACTIN CiAIN CDlE STOEIISg, SOLD BY SHIP CHANDLERS GENERALLY. MILTON ALDRICH MANUFACTURES a.=..F sIam) o O" 10shn SCrews, -AT- OTIS lil'S STEAM MILL, Middlesex St., Lowell, Mass. J. BRADFORD, Agent,--- - -PORTLAND, laine. CHARLES GAGE, PLANKING AND RIGGERS' No. 17 Market Street, L@WELL, at. E. TRESCOTT, JR., WHOLESALE DEALER IN Nos. 34 and 36 Central Street, LATHROP & CO., SAD BLERY Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in SADDLES, HARNESS COLLARS, Trunks, &c., of every price and quality. 30 Central Street, =--BOSTON,. GEORGE P. WADSWORTH, Nos. 198 01 Commercial Street, And Nos. 173 & 175 Fulton Street, (Up Stairs,) r OSaoJv, N. B.-Chairs of all descriptions, Toilets, Wash Stands, Cradles, &c, Wholesale and Retail. 28 .. _ __ _. . _ 1 r ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 29 dBH-I-TrJ'O11T de OHI-EETT-rER, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Engine Hose, Machine Belting, Fire Buckets, of all widths & sizes, Elastic Pipes, House, Store and Elastic Pipes, Bank Trunks, Fire Caps, Harnesses, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Horse Blankets, Carpet Bags, ly Nets, &c. &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 7 WASHINGTON & 58 BRATTLE ST., BOSTON, J. SIHELTON. (Fourth Door from Dock Square.) S. G. CHEEVER. FORCE PUMP & WATER CLOSET IAKER, No. 28 Market Square, Portland, Me. AND NOS. 83 & 835 CONGRESS ST., BOSTON. WARM, COLD, DRAIN TRAPS, AnD - BRASS COCKS, SHOWER BATHS, COCKS, WASH BASINS PLATED COCKS, FOUNTAINS, LEAD PIPES, HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, CESS POOLS, COPPER PUMPS, And every Requisite in use in the Plumbing Business. Plumbing Work of every description executed in any part of the Union. W. P. would respectfully state that he has had thirty years' experience as a practical Plumber, and no effort will be spared on his part to make this establishment the best in New England. l!*The Plumbing Work and Water Fixtures of the followingPopular Hotels were put up through- out by me, and are testimony sufficient to assure those who favor me with their orders, that they will be executed with the very best material and workmanship, in the most approved and thorough manner: REVERE HOUSE, Bowdoin Sq., Paran Stevens, Esq. SAGADAHOC HOUSE, Bath, Me., J. Patten, Esq. WINTHROP HOUSE, Boston, R. W. Holman & Co. STANLEYIOUSE, Augusta, Me., Hon.R.Williamns. AMERICAN H OUS E, Hanover St., Boston, L. Rice,Esq. BRATTLE HOUSE Cambridge. NATIONAL HOUSE, Haymarket Square, Boston. INSANE HOSPITAL, Augusta, Me., Dr. Harlow. I DARIUS EDDY, MANUFACTURER OF tIR~TtM1 102 Railroad Block, LINCOLN STREET, Eds r WoresterDepot e Mc I, (l]Eddy's Refrigerator took the Premium at the Massachusetts Mechanics' Fair, 1850. 30 MAINE REGISTER. HENSHAW & CLEMSON, MANUFACTURERS OF WARRANTED CAT STUL A OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NO. 31 EXCHANGE STREET, BOSTON. DEDI I.A M I E.011T NT O F.I..S. CLARKE & SMITH, The Proprietors of the DEDIIAM IRON WORKS, have established their Office and Warerooms, at No. 23 Exchange Street, Boston, Mkass., Where they are prepared to receive orders for CASTINGS, having a large variety of patterns for MACHINERY CASTINGS, Such as Gears, Pulleys, Hangers, Couplings, Pedestals, Box, Water Wheel Gudgeons, Segments, and Jacks; Racks and Pinions, Saw and Grist Mill Work, Balance Wheels Steam and Water Pipes, Grate Bars, &c. Having had large experience, and employing first-raste pattern makers, they will give particular attention to getting upPatterns for Mill Gearing, and other Machinery. They have also facilities for Boring, Turning, and Blacksmith Work, and manufacture Mill Gearing, Shaft- ing, and various kinds of Machinery. A general assortment of'Pulleys, Hangers, &c., may be found at Warerooms. :� . CLARKE. H. SMITH. GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN JACK SCREWS, For Raising Buildings, Railroad Cars, Coaches, and other Heavy Burdens. PATENTED lMAY 9, 1854. One turn of this screw performs the same amount of labor that two will in others. The advantage of having the bar in the centre will be readily seen. For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at J. ]1. READ'S, 31 & 33 Union Street, Boston. J. M. READ also Manufactures and Deals in SPortable Cooking Ranges, and his new style of Parlor Cooking Stove, All fitted for burning Wood and Coal, making them suitable for country and city use. They combine all the modern improvements for linot Water and Hot Air fobr heating extra rooms. They cannot be superseded foreconomy or convenience. - Also, Read's Patent Screw Boot Forms & Boot Crimping Machines. ADVERT, ISING DEPARTMENT. 31 AGRIUJLTURAL WAREHIOUSE AND SEED STORE. M. & F. BURR, DEALERS IN l v1 1C, j[T t1ft IMHLEMEI1TS, Seeds, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, S SHRUBS & FLOWERING PLANTS No. 23 Broad Street, Cor. of Central Street, Boston. Garden & Flower Seeds, Fruit Trees, &c. HOVEY & CO. 7 Merchants Row, - - - Boston, OFFER FOR SALE A VERY LARGE COLLECTION OF Flower Seeds, Horticultural Tools, &c. AND ONE HUNDRED &FIFTY THOUSAND FRUIT TREES, EMBRACING Pears, Apples, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, Grapes, Currants, Strawberries, &c. Of every desirable sort worthy of cultivation. Also, a most extensive collection of ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS AND EVERGREENS, BY TIHE HUNDRED OR THOUSAND. 10,000 Extra Sized PEAR TREES,-2 to 8 years old, in full bearing state, at low prices. 25,000 GREENHOUSE PLANTS,-of all the choicest kinds, including Camelliasq, Gera- niums, Ileaths, &c. A spare gus and Rhubarb Roots,-Scions of Fruits cut from our specimen Trees, of over 1500 varieties, suoplied by the hundred or dozen. CATALOGUES fnrnihed gratis on application. EBENEZER WEEMAN, TIIE OLY iCMllEE iillliI MAIIfITO iC Y II I. I LiANI. E. W. has for the last seven years, devoted his entire attention, with- oat regard ti labor or expense, to introduce foreign and original designs of IRON FENCE, and is constantly adding to his large stock, some of the most chaste and elegant designs ever offered to the public. All who intend to fence their cemeteries or front yards, cannot fail to be suited in price and pattern. The subscriber, having made the manufacture of Iron Railing his entire business for the past seven years, is enabled to furnish the very best quality, both in material and manufacture, at the lowest prices per pound or foot. All persons in want of every descrip- tion ot 11tUN RAILING, are invited to view some of the best specimens ever offered to the public, which can be seen at his waeroom, where whole fronts are set up as they appear on lots, to suit purchasers. All orders promptly executed, and satisfac- tion guaranteed. E. WEEMAN, 6 MERRIMAC ST., OPPOSITE Goucu ST., BosToN. __ 32 MAINE REGISTER. JAMES H. HALLETT & CO., eafcr t rac s anr NO. 16 DOCK SQUARE, J. II. HALLETT, J. HALLETT, S. A. FAIRWEATHER.O SHIPS' CABINS FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. SLASS SUTT 5 BSTABLIH~ N T. Mo, 125 (CONGRESS STREET, (formerly 31 Atkinson St.,) JAS. . COOK, a a@ JOHN RINDGE, . . Side Lights, Ship Windows, Shades, Door Plates, Coach and Lantern Lights; Ground, Enamelled, Flock and Stained Glass, Wholesale and Rletail. Church and other Ornamental Windows, to order. Lead and Metal Sashes made to order at the lowest prices. GEORGE L. STEARNS, MANUPACTURER OF PATENT IMPROYED LEAD PIPE O-AND BIBE T IJ.A.D. Also, Dealer i PIG & BAR LEAD, No. 23 WATER STREET, Opposite Simmonsilock.\o D. P. IVES & CO. IMPORTERS OF AND ALL KINDS OF Fine Cutlery, Combs, Brushes, Fans, Accordeons, &e. No. 83 MILK 1STREET, Corner of Congress, late Atkinson Street, SB.IVES.) D. P. IVES, F. M. KEELER. r 3' ADVERTISING D EP ARTMENT. BYAM, BRUCE, PEARSON & CO., P*.*... . 0 filT " fl35 No. 116 UNION STREET, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, AND WARRANTED. Orders Solicited, and Punctually Answered. THE HORSE--NOBLEST OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS, AND THE ONE MOST FREQUENTLY ILL-TREATED, NEGLECTED AND ABUSED. We have just'published a book so valuable to every man who owns a horse, that no one should willingly be without it. It is entitled, and is from the pen of that celebrated English Veterinary Surgeon, Dr. GEO. H. DADt well known for many years iid this country, as one of the most successful, scientific and popular writers and lecturers in this branch of medical and surgical science. The book which he now offers to toe public is the result of many years' study and practical experience, which few have had. From the numerous and strong commendations, of distinguished men and the newspaper press, we select the following : Extractfrom a letterfrom Ilon. John IHI. Clifford, Ex-Governor of Massachusetts. Dr. DADD : Dear Sir,-I hope your new work on the noblest creature that man has ever been permitted to hold in subjection (the horse), will meet that success which all your efforts in this direction so well deserve. Your obedient servant, JOHN H. CLIFFORD. F.rom Hon. Marshall P. Wilder. BosTON, MAY 13,1854. Dr. DADD : My Dear Sir,-I am greatly obliged to you for your valuable treatise, the results of your own inves- tigations, which you have recently issued, hoping that it may meet with the patronage of a discriminating com- munity. Iremain, yours, with great regard, MARSHALL P. WILDER. The Modern Iorse Doctor, by Dr. G. H. Dadd, is a manual of genuine science, and ought to be owned and studied, on the score of humamnity as well as interest, by every man who owns ahorse.-Boston Congregationalist. No farmer or owner of a horse should be without this book. Stable-keepers, stage proprietors and hackmen, we believe would derive profit by having at least one copy hung up in their stables for use and reference by their stable men.-Philadelphia Dady News.! Published by JOHN P. JEWETT & CO., NO. 117 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. EVERY FARMER SHOULD OWN SCHENCK'S KITCHEN GARDENER'S TEXT BOOK................Price 50 cts. COLE ON THE DISEASES OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 35,000 sold.... Price 50 cts. COLE'S AMERICAN FRUIT BOOK. 18,000 sold.......................Price 50 cts. BRECK'S BOOK OF FLOWERS........................ ...................Price 75 ets. DR. LANGLEY'S CELEBRATED ROOTa HERB BITTERS, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR Jaundice, Bile, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Humors of the Blood and Skin, Indigestion, Nervous Headache, Piles, General Debility, and all Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, or bad, humory Blood. Only 25 cts. for Pint, and 37 1-2 cts. for Quart Bottles. 99 UNION STREET, BOSTON. FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS IN MAINE. 34 MAINE REGISTER. . t. W 1. U U .I..La .15.15 &G U:LO. ' S WARMING & VENTILATING FURNACE, For Dwellings, School-Houses, Stores, Churches, lails, Factories, &c. TIs Furnace retains the same principle in several forms, adapted for a portable as well as a brick furnace. Thousands of References can be given in proof of the economy, durability, and complete operation of this furnace. We WARRANT the success of every furnace. Furnaces, Ranges, Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Penrhyn Marble Mantels, Parlor Grates, &c., Wholesale and Retail. B. W. DUNKLEE & CO., 111 & 113 Blackstone Street, Bopton.: ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 35 JAMES FERGUSON, DEALER IN /uru ni u,6bin fur s kig (st MATTRESSES, &C., .0 82 Commzerc ia1 Street, FROM LONDON AND NEW YORK, DESIGNER & ENGRAVER UPON WOOD, NO. 129 WASHINGTON STREET, Respectfully informs Publishers, Authors and Printers, that he has established himself at the above address, where he will confine himself strictly .to First Class Book Illustrations, with a due regard to moderate charges, and superior and prompt execution of all orders entrusted to him. The annexed list of Superior illustrated Works, upon which he has been engaged, will, he believes, demonstrate his ability to satisfy his patrons. LONDON EDITIONS.-The Wandering Jew, Mysteries of Paris, Waverley Novels, (Abbotsford Edition,) Heath's illustrated Bible, Beauties of the Opera, London Illustrated News. AMERICAN EDITIONS.--Irving's Sketch Book, Tales of a Traveller, The Alhambra, Knickerbocker's History of New York, New York Art Bulletin, The Lamplighter, Lady's Almanac, Ballou's Pictorial. G. P. TEWKSBURY, NO. 140 COMMERCIAL STREET, . . BOSTON, General Agent for the Sale of FRANCIS'S METALLIC LIFE BOATS, Delano's RBudder Brace, Coleman's Leading Truck, Baker's Jib Hanks, Thompson's Ventilator, Tewksbury's Marine Life Seats, &c. Constantly on hand, 'll modern approved inventions appertaining to shipboard. All orders promptly executed. 3t6 MAINE REGISTER. JOSEPH S. READ, MANUFACTURER OF Satbble ai ya anesse, No. 26 SUDBURY ST., Between Portland St. & Haymarket Square, I BOSTON, -Z -: - Keeps constantly on hand, Horse Clothing, Fly Nets, Brushes, - Combs, Whips, Chamois Leather. a I II ' i 't., 'I rrn - - ,.a v II 0 liIAli I I 0 ~ a ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 37 SARGENT, HARLOW & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in CARRIAGES AND HARNESSES, Of every Description. Repository 7 and 8 Haymarket Square, East side of the Maine Railroad Depot, Francis Sargent, a Alfred E. Goodwin. James H. Harlow, jU 4 1 Orlando H. Sargent. MANUFACTORY AT WEST AMESBURY, MASS. SUPERIOR IATTRESSES AND BEDS ARE IANUFACTURED BY THlE IBLIND, AT THE irukint Instittin sb g assacusettz ~N glumn. They keep for Sale, at 20 Bromfield Street, Boston, A good assortment of Cushions, Mattresses, Comforters, Ready-Made Bed Ticks, Sheets and Pillow Cases; Live Geese and Common Feathers, warranted free from the offensive odor common to new Feathers. They cleanse old Beds by a process which not only renders them free from all impurities, but softens, so that the bulk is often considerably increased. They cleanse and refit old Mattresses, at short notice, and in a superior manner. Beds and Mattresses delivered in Boston, Charlestown, Cambridge, and Roxbury, free of charge. Orders from all parts of the country received and promptly attended to. I. W. PATTEN, Agent for Sales. SEED STORE AND AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. ME. o "I . "E1 It "E "E R., DEALERS IN A(BiULTUBAL IEPL[EE TS, 8IE58 Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Flowering Plants, &c. No. 23 Broad St., Cor. of Central St., Boston. GEORGE W. WILLISTON, [Successor to Thomas H. Dunham,] Nopelvine anufatur, No. 30 INDIA STREET, . . BOSTON. Russia and Manilla Rope, Tarred Rope and Yarns, Spun Yarn and Worm Line, Marline, Houseline, and Ratline, Halter and hay Rope, Flax and Hemp Packing, Deep Sea Lines and Hand Lines Bed Cords and Clothes Lines, Sacking, Leading, and Log Lines, Cotton Twine and Wicking, Cotton hope and Banding, Wool, Broom, and Brush Twine, Cotton and Flax Sail Twine Hemp and Cotton Seine Twine, Hemp, Cotton, and Flax Yarns. Carpet Warp and Rug Filling, Bale Rope and Bailing Twine, Shoe Thread, India Twine, Jute, Flax, Manilla, Sun, Russia, and American Hemp, Cod, Mackerel, and all kinds of Fishing Lines. Rope, Twine, and Lines made to order at short notice. _ __ ____ _______ _ ___ 88 MAINE REGISTER. E. W. B.A LL, DEALER IN- )aints, Warnisfyank Witnle dass - ALSO - SPERM, WHALE & LINSEED OIL, No. 7 Long Wharf, opposite Custom House, EL 0 R E ' L r .d .A. L. OCUTLER, WHOLESALE DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS AND WINDOW GLASS, AND MANUFACTURER OF Coach, Furniture, Piano Forte, and Damar or Zinc Varnishes, NO. 43 INDIA STREET, BOSTON. GEO. W. ROBBINS, MARSH & CO., Manufacturer and Dealer in Inventors, Wholesale Delers and Sole Manufacturers of MARSH'S ( ebt ratch atent @il, No. 30 India Street, Umbrellas, Parasols and Parasolettes, Opposite Head of Central Wharf, Of all varieties of style and quality. Wholesale and Iedail. Also, at this establishment may be found a comp'etei assortment of Fancy Articles. Walking Canes, Violins, Accordeons, Violin Strings, Sheet Music, Music Boxes from 2 to 6 Airs, and other Musical Good. my-Umbrellas and Parasols new covered and repaired. Also, Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in Store, 83 Court St., Boston. BT'AN1' FTID, LAMIENE, &C. ADVERTISING DEPARTM ENT. 39 R. H. SPALDING, (Successor to H. PORTER.) SOLE MANUFACTURER OF PORTER'S PATENT COMPOSITION BURNINO FLUID; ALSO, SUPERIOR--- And Manufacturer of and Dealer in FLUID AND OIL CHNELES ASTRAL, SOLAR, HANGING & SIDE LAMPS; Portable and Study Lamps, of every description; GIRANDOLES, CANDELABRAS, HALL LANTERNS; China and Terra Cotta Ware; GLOBES, SHADES, GLASS PRISMS, &C., &C. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. NOS. 8 AND 9 TREMONT ROW, (OPPOSITE THE IIEAD OF HANOVER STREET,) BOTM 40 MAINE REGISTER. BUTLER, KEITH & HILL, IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, &C., AND DEALERS IN ZINC, COPPER, AND IRON PUMPS, &C., &C., THORNDIKE'S BLOCK, NO. 118 MILK STREET, [Corner Batterymarch St.,] Peter Butler, Jr., ) B. Richmond Keith, oe 5T 0 No . Richard B. Hill. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND A LARGE - - -T---AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF -__ TRUNKS, &c., AS FOLLOWS: '1/ 1SOLID LEATIIHER AND IRON FRAME . .--.. IRON BOUND TRUNKS, LA OS DRS N BO NE TRUN~KS, PACKING AND FANCY TRUNKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, Leather and Carpet Bags, Velvet and Brussels Satchels, Valises, &c., in great variety, all of which he will sell at greatly reduced prices, at his Manufactory, Corner of Milk & Devonshire Sts., Boston. JOHN G. HALEY. WAKEFIELD & HOWE, DEALERS IN PAINTED PAILS, _ . 1. BROOMS, BRUSRES, BASKETS, BOXES, AND ALL KINDS OF WOODEN AND WILLOW WARES, ALICANT AND OTHER MATS, Nos. 29 and 30 North Market Street, Boston. ENOCH H. WAKEFIELD. NELSON HOWE. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 41 8. I. F.TI , MANUFACTURER OF ISPRINGCS For Sofas, Chairs, Car Seats, Car- riage Backs and Spring Beds, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, 12 HIIAYMARKET SQUARE, " E 0IO1 T. MELENDY & DAVID, Manufacturers of flALflOe I FS, LABS8, clJ /AND DEALERS IN " ut, Whaleboe, IVOR Y, RATTAN, NETS ac. No. 8 DOCK SQUARE, (up stairs,) BOSTON. WHIPS NEATLY REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. I ll BY-- A. D. PATTEE, No. .4 ECasievcraye street, Near Eastern and Fitchburg Depots, B@KON MAS 42 MAINE REGISTER. ' _____MWU T. & A. most respectfully inform their friends, and the Public in general, that they are prepared to execute all orders of DESIGNING AND ENGRAVING ON WOOD, on reasonable terms, and in the most satisfactory manner, viz :- Illustrations for Books, Headings for Newspapers, Portraits, Designs for Bill Heads, Views of Build- ings and Machinery, Designs for Inventors, Labels of all kinds, Seals for Divisions and Companies, Cards, Maps, Plans, &c. P. S.-Particular Attention paid to all Orders sent by Mail or Express. O . Pm . R.. E MAN UFACTURER OF Chemist and Apothecary Balances and Weights. Also, Agent of the AMERICAN GAS LIGHT CO., for the manufacture and sale of DRAKE'S PATENT BENZOLE GAS MACHINES, for lighting Dwelling-Houses, Hotels, Factories, and other buildings in the country, when coal gas cannot be obtained. Gas Pipes and Fixtures put into buildings, adapted to Benzole or other Gas. No. 28 Washington Street, Boston, IMass. WHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE, RICE cl IEE11.A.C..L, (LATE WILKINS, CARTER 4 CO.,) FAfEII DEIIIEIS & IMFOlITEliS OF MANllFACTIIEl1S' MATElILS, NO. 16 WATER STREET, BOSTON, Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of PAPERS of all descriptions, embracing MEDIUM. ROYAL' DOUBLE MEDIUM, and special sizes of Printing Paper, of all weights and qualities; NEWSPA PER, ME- DIUM, DEMI sd CAP WRITING PAPERS; LETTER PAPERS; FOLIO POST, White and Blue; COL. ORED PAPERS, of ail sizes and qualities, Glazed and Plain: Highly Sized Papers for Maps. Card Surfaces and Coloring; Log Paper; EN VILOPE ; TISSUE, White and Colored, Eniglish and Anerican ; JUNK and S IRAW BOARD'; PRESS PAPERS for Printers and Factory Goods; BONNET BOARDS; Manilla, Junk, ank White WRAPPING PAPERS; Shoe and Fancy Papers, &c. - Particular altentioi paid to niuistic luring BOOK PAPERS...es Manufacturers, Printers, Pubishers, and a others who use Papers of any kind, wilt fnd it for their advantage to examine our Stock. Orders by Mail or Express faithfully attended to. - - r AD VE RTISING DEPARTMENT. 43 \ / / / ,) , " ) _- .D AND Printing laterials of every description, 4Supplied promptly at low rates, ~BY 'JOHN K. ROGERS & CO. BOSTON / [Commenced in 1819,] No. 6 SPRING LANE, J. R. HOWELL, MILLWRIGHT, O I ,E'B 3.A ,.Tae ,, 'BO 'OlbT". Having built over thirty large Flouring Mills, among which are I. Fitzhugh & Co.'s, Oswego, N. Y ; Ira Gould's, Montreal; Suffolk County Mills, Boston, W. W. Allcott, Agent; Golden Sheafe Mills, Malden ; Talco Mills, South America, for A. Iiemenway, Boston; F. H. Dorr's Mill, Buenos Ayres; Pioneer Mills, Alexandria, Va., Win. H. Fowle, General Agent-he is prepared to furnish Plans, Estimates and Specifications for Steam or Water Mills. He will also furnish Mill Stones, Bolt Cloths, Screen, Wire Belting, Elevator Buckets, Shafting. Pulleys, Hangers and Gearing,&c. Also, Wheat Scouring Conveyer Flights, (a new article); Dia- mend Pointed Smut Mill, (a new article); Water Wheels, (a new invention); Portable Mills, (a new in- vention); and the Flour Packer, (a new invention.) ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED PERFECT. SHOLMAN & FRYE, Manufacturers and Dealers in � PI lT E rRRR & MARS 16 FIJLTON STREET, A General Assortment constantly on hand. BOXED FURNITURE and CHAIRS, for Shipping. G. W. HIIOLMAN, J. K. FRYE. A*MARIAH STORRS, Dealer in every variety of White and Fancy Colored Glazed and Enamelled Papers, Etc. 54 & 56 CORNHILL, a few doors from Court St., Boston. Paper, of any Shade, Manufactured to order, and Cards or Tickets cut to Pattern at short notice. 44 MAINE RE GISTER. 1 BECK & COMPANY, Manufacturers of TOILET SOAPS AND CREAMS, Every variety of Choice Perfumes, Premium Flavoring Extracts, AND 131 & 133 FEDERAL STREET, Proprietors of Isaac Babbitt'sI Toilet Soaps and Creams.-Agents for Dr. Adams's Colcassian Ambra for the Hair. PATENT zdf 1 ztn j iruttr t MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY 34 North Market Street, . . . Boston. Macomber's Patent Self-Sharpening HAY CUTTER, for the sale of which I am Sole Agent. This Cutter has been lately improved, Iand is, without doubt, the most simple, dur- able and efficient Hay or Stalk Cutter ever offered to the public. It is the only Cylinder Feed Cutter having but one Knife, which can be ground without taking it from theMachine; directions for which are attached to every I Cutter. I have liberty to refer to the follow- ing gentlemen as to the durability and effi- Iciency of this Cutter - T. J. Pierce & Co., Forristall & Parmelee, Omnibus Proprietors, Boston, Dailey & Hendley, Livery Stable Keepers, Boston. A General Assortment of Ploughs, Cultivators, Harrows, Corn Shellers, &c. DICKINSON, LINCOLN & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WTO OD IE 11T W .A. ET. "E, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, French & German Baskets, Willow Ware, Wool & Fancy Mats, &c. NO. 8 MARKET SQUARE, South Side of Faneuil Hall, BO 8S T 0 N. PRESCOTT DICKINSON, ALEXANDER LINCOLN, WILLIAM L. HIIOPKINSON, N. B.-P. Dickinson has no connection with any other establishment of the kind in this City. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. JOHN S. HOBBS, FOR THE SALE OF WOOD, LIME, HAY, LUMBER, And all kinds of Country Produce, No. 4 BROAD, near State Street, N. B.-Particular attention paid to purchasing Goods of all kinds, and transacting business gen- erally for the Eastern trade. REFERENCES. William M. Stedman & Co., Boston. Chamberlin & Foster, Boston. Carlton, Norwood & Co., Rockport, Me. Ricker, Jewett & Co., Bangor, Me. ARTISTS' IMATERIALS. M. J. WHIPPLE, lrporter and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CANVAS, BRUSHES, And Artists' Materials of every Description. Also, Dat a un .aterfaIS Rub .uppIfs (for tcb[tectural ranb ngnerfn lalxng. NO. 35 CORNHILL, BOSTON. '. w. cl Tw < CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN STIMPSON'S PRIZE MEDAL IONIC & OTHER GOLD PENS, GOLD AND SILVER PEN CASES AND HOLDERS. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF \ No. 91 Washington Street, (up stairs,) - F. W. SNOW, BOSTON. GEO. STIMPSON, JR. BOSTON. Gold Pens Repaired. Old Gold taken in exchange. antt quash casp. (Patent obtained in 1850.) The best Preparation in use for Washing Clothes, Painted Surfaces, and for all Do- mestic Purposes. SETH DEWING, Proprietor, NO. 100t LINCOLN ST., (4 Railroad Block,) BOSTON. DEPOT FOR Homoeopathic Books and Medicines; Hydropathic Books, Phonographic and Phonotypic Works; Writings of Eman- uel Swedenborg, Theological and Phil- osophical; Thermometers, &c. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY OTIS CLAPP, No. 23 School Street. C~ ) I. 1 MA 7L1V V N'.AC 'I' CO IW. PETER HOLMES, Importer, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in - For Bottling Wine, Cider, Porter, Ale, Milk Cans, Demijohns; Brewers Bungs and Taps, Grocers and Apothecaries' Corks, Decanter, ,eine and Velvet Corks, &o. CORE SOL.ES OF EXTRA QUALITY. 109 Blackstone and 3 Centre Sts., (near Hanover St.,) BOSTON. MASS. 45 ____ _ _~__r_ 1____ ___I~ _ 14g MAINE REGISTER, ORIGINAL nterican c.i gfurnit rt CORNER OF HAWKINS & IVERS STREETS, JOSEPH L. ROSS, PROPRIETOR. No. 13. Ross's Boston Double Desk and Chairs. The Cities sof Boston and New York have been furnished with School Furni- ture from this Establishment, and further contracts for Schools in different parts of the Union are now being executed. In the manufacture of Desks and Chairs, all the improvements that time, practical observa- tion of Teachers and other scientific gentlemen interested in the matter have suggested, have been introduced. The legs of the Desk and Seat are iron, of a classical design, firmly screwed on to the wood. and both articles then are to be permanently screwed to the floor. They have given entire satisfaction wherever they have been used. I.J. L. Ross takes pleasure in referring to the following gentlemen, who are acquainted with the quality of his work, viz:- -BILLINGS BRIGGS, Esq., Chairman of Committee on Public Buildings from 1847 to 1852. JOHN P. OBER, Esq., Chairman of the above Com' mittee for 1852. _WM. WASHBURN, Chairman of the above CommRitte for 1854. '. SAMUEL C. NOTTAGE, Esq., Superintendent of Pub- lie Buildings. NATHAN BISHOP, Esq., Superintendent of Publio Schools, -All work made at this Establishment is warrp.te44 No.4. Ross's New England Single Primary Circulars and information forwarded by mail or otherwise' Desk and Chair. N. B. - J. L. Ross is Sole Agent of the West Castleton Slate Company for the sale of Slates for blackboards. He is now prepared to furnish Slates 9 feet long by 4% feet wide, or of any requIted dimensions less. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 47 ASAHEL WHEELER & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN VARNISHES, BRONZES, &c. THILE LARGEST AND BEST VARIETY TO BE FOUND IN THILE UNITED STATES. NTo. 78 TxTniox. Street, Botion. Also, Manufacturers of the justly celebrated FLORENCE WHITE, an unchangeable Gloss White Paint, which surpasses, in real beauty and permanency, all othler inventions or im- provements in painting white; to which hundreds who have used the article will attest. Agents for BROWN'S BUFFALO GLUE. ENLT8I COACh, AN B) ILACK ENAMEL VARTST. ASAHEL WHEELER. HENRY BRIGHT, JR. CHARLES RICE, aln trat ats an aim 1af, AND - E. WITLLMA.I.PII, SHIRRED ELASTIC VWEBBING, 1Sc. No. $4 PEARL STEET, . .. BOSTON. SNOW & KINGMAN, 176 Commercial st.p Boston, Manufacture the greatest variety of O GOODS To be found at any one concern in the country, consisting in part of the following variety, viz. : Bureaus, Toy Secretaries, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Children's Carriages & Cabs, Toy Wag- ons, Wheelbarrows, Sleds of all kinds, Children's Drive Hoops, and various kinds of Ware too numerous to mention. Also, in connection with the above, we keep a large assortment of Wooden & Willow Ware, Baskets, Wagons, Cradles, &e. Which we will sell at the lowest cash prices. A call is respectfully solicited, and orders will meet with prompt attention. e . PI,1DOD Ce E Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealer in CAMPHENE, ALCOHOL AND PATENT OIL, Chandeliers, Bracket, Astral, Mantle, Hanging, Side and Portable Lamps of every description. Glasses, Shades, Chimneys, Lanterns, Tubes, Wicks, &c. A.&80, A.TWOOD'8 PATENT ALCOHOL. S TREMONT ST., 3d door from Court, BOSTON. 48 MAINE 1GITRP r assatissetty M d iultural Sub S at OPPOSITE CITY HALL, SCHOOL STREET, BOSTON. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF See:ls, Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Dahlias, Plaits, hlorticultural and Agricultural Tools, Books, &c. GROVE HALL AVENUE, ROXBURY, AZELL BOWDITCH. QJ"Orders for BOUQUETS, WREATHS, CUT FLOWERS, &c., received at either place. ADAMS & LUNT, MANUFACTURERS OF Consisting of every description, such as CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CRADLES, CHAIRS, STANDING ST00LS, CLOTHES BASKETS, MARKET BASKETS, COMMON AND FANCY BASKETS, &c., &c. WILLOW WARE OF EVERY VARIETY MADE TO ORDER, At their Store, No. 113 Main Street, B. F. LUN T. CHARLESTOWN, MASS. S ALSO, BY THEIR AGENTS, CROSS & SON, No. 1391Middle Street, Portland, Me. Orders from every quarter are respectfully so- licited, and will be promptly executed at TEN PER CENT. cheaper than by any dealer in Bos- ton, either by themselves or Agent. A large assortment of Wooden Ware constantly Son hand, consisting in part of Plain and Painted Pails and Tubs ; Steps, Ladders, Wheelbarrows, Sleds, Brooms, Bird Cages, Mats, Brooms, Brushes, 8c., lc., 6c. NJOHN P. LOVELL, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in Sr PATENTIIS11 1 M EIiS, Ol BARREL SELF-REVOL- 0 VING AND REPEATING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, PISTOLS. No. 27 Dock Square, (up stairs,) Boston. Four doors East of Exchange Street. MGENT FOR IIITCCOCE & M ;TTZZ"'8 IFLE B ,aRE8. 48 MAINE REGISTER. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 49 M x.L X~. X 1' E 1 I R 3 1/.i~J C F ' E . FOR SflANDARD TIME. CHRONOMETRICALLY ADJUSTED & PLAIN BALANCE WATCHES, OF THE BEST QUALITY, FOR SALE BY WM. BOND & SONS, 17 Congress Street oton. And those which have been accidentally injured will be restored, and every part that may be found defective supplied in the most perfect manner. CHRONOMETERS ON LOAN. ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS IMPORTED TO ORDER. Manufactured for r- -BY- Bay Windows, CHAS. B. LOCKE, French & Oriel Windows, No. Halls, 57 1-2 COURT STREET, Conservatories, Opposite theheadofrDrattle St., &c., &C. 0 T� o OLD BLINDS REPAIRED AND TRIMMED.' CHARLES H. BRUCE & CO. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cords, Tassels, and all kinds of Shade Trimmings; Store, Office, Bank and Church Shades, made to order, and warranted. N. B.-Dealers supplied with Window Shades, Putnam's and other Fixtures, at the most reasonable Prices, for Cash. C.H. BRUCE & CO. C. H. BRUCE & co. 304 Washington Street, 304 Opposite the Boston Theatre. F. T. WHITE & CO. Over Gerrish Market, . . . . No. 17 Sudbury Street, * BOSTON, VARNISHERS AND POLISHERS -OF- Piano Fortes, Doors, Ship Cabins, Stair Bails, New and Second Hand Furniture, Gilt Frames, Paper, &c. U-oraining of every description done in the best manner. jyFurniture repaired at short notice. Maps,&c., Mounted and Varnished. Agents for Varnish..� F. T. WHIT~, E. L. KING. D 50 JOSEPH H. LOCKE, JOSEPH H. LOCKE, Dealer in OL) 1PO (DGDPPERA And other ~ji1tab, taa ~br ALSO JUNK, RAGS, AND ALL KINDS OF Nos. 84 and 86 Fulton Street, BOSTON. TO STOVE AND LANTERN M1ANUFACTU1JRERS. sct biglass or gia For Compass Cards, Signal, Battle, Engine, Com- mon, and other Lanterns; Stove, Furnace Doors, &c, Wholesale and Retail. The above article is superior to anything ever used for the above purposes,on accountof not break- ing or burning, but standing the most intense heat. Also SAFETY LANTERNS, a very superior article, the safest, cheapest, and best of the kind in use. For sale on the most reasonable terms, at No. 21 Union Street, Boston. GEORGE II. RIUGGLES. All Orders promptly attended to. - FARMERS, S GARDENERS, - FRIT GROWIEIIS! AND FERTILIZERS ! G O G DA E SUPER PHOSPHATE OF In Bags of 150 pounds each, made by 0. B. DEBURG ; warranted a pure and genuine article, with full directions for use, for sale by GEORGE DAVENPORT, AGENT FOR THE MANUFACTURER, 14 Commercial, Cor. of Chatham St., Boston. ALSO FOR SALE, BEST PERUVIAN AND MEXICAN GUANO. GROUND BONE, POUDRETTE, GROUND PLASTER, PULVERIZED CHARCOAL, SULPHATE OF AMMONIA, and GRASS SEEDS of reliable quality. ORCUTT'S PATENT LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. THE Subscriber, who has applied himself constantly for nineteen years to the study and practice of protecting buildings from injury by Lightning, and has become familiar with all the various modes of protection, still continues to manufacture and affix, to all kinds of buildings, his PATENT IMPROVED LICHTNING CONDUCTORS, Which the experience of many years has proved the best ever yet devised. They have been adopted by the scientific part of the community, and for the best buildings in New England, some of which are most of the buildings of Harvard University, the Bunker Hill Monument, and recently for the State House in Boston. My Patent has been sustained by the U. S. Circuit Court. ' Orders received by mail or otherwise. WM. A. ORCUTT, No.77 Cornhill, Boston. MAINE REGISTER. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 51 C. L. RICHARDS, Nos. 27 & 29 Central Street, ... Boston. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN -AND- ---ADAPTED TO- MANUFACTURERS, ENGINEERS, -AND- Leather Machine Belting. Vulcanized Rubber Water Hose, all " Engine Hose. . Sizes. " Fire Buckets. " " Steam Packing, Flexible Hose Pipes. in all its Varieties. Lace Leather. " " Car Springs. Hemp and Flax Packing. " " Pipe for Car Vulcanized Rubber Machine Belting. Brakes. Vulcanized Rubber Fire Buckets. HOSE'PIPES, COUPLINGS, COPPER RIVETS, AC. All Articles made of Vulcanized India Rubber furnished to Order. Double or Single Leather Belts, OF EXTRA QUALITY, MADE TO ORDER AND WARRANTED. Having every facility for furnishing all articles in this line on the most favorable terms, I would respectfully solicit the orders of dealers and consumers for the same. AGENT FOR THE SALE OF Superior to any in use as Engines for Manufacturing Establishments. - ALSO, OTHER - FORCE PUMPS, Of the most approved kinds, for Ships, Steamers, Paper Mills, Distilleries, Tanneries, &c. 107Orders by Mail or otherwise will receive careful and prompt attention. Address C. L. RICHARDS, 27 and 29 CENTRAL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. 52 MAINE REGISTER. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO PAINTERS OR SHIP BUILDERS. Or in fact to all who use Paints of any description, it being a saving of TI-0RTYaTREE PAR ONT. DA SS ZNEl C FLUID, FOR METALLICISING PAINTS, Office, No. 7 Long Wharf, Boston. Independent of the economy of this article, which is guaranteed to be a savng of "Thirty-three per cent.," it prevents the paint from "Running or Spattering," and causes it to dry perfectly hard. Paints, with the addition of this Fluid, will neither Crack nor Blister'. For sale by the Barrel or Half-Barrel. " JOHN POOLE, Agent and Proprietor for the New England States. CLARK BREWER & SONS, BAND CIGiA ILIANUFACTUREIS, 14 South Market St., PREMIUM CHOCOLATE, COCOA, BROYIA, &C. -ALSO,-- Spanisly Spitchan anti A nalates, In Tin and Wood Boxes, for Shipping. ALL COCOA PREPARATIONS constantly on hand, and for sale at the lowest prices by the Manufacturer. Office, No. 6 Long Wharf, Boston. JOHN PRESTON. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 53 UI. S. AND FOREIGN 39 State Street, Boston. SAMUEL COOPER, Late Chief Examiner in the I. S. Patent Office, PROCURES PATENTS IN THIS & FOREIGN COUNTRIES. His long official connection with the Patent Office has rendered him familiar with its rules and practices, and with the history of invention in this and other countries; and this experience, with the frequent visits which he proposes making to the Patent Office, justifies him in saying that his Agency will offer to Inventors all the advantages of one located in Washington, and, in addition, those which result from a residence in the midst of mechanical and manufacturing industry. Advice given upon all matters relating to the validity, &c., of patents, the novelty and patentability of inventions. Specifications and drawings prepared, Caveats filed, Reconsiderations procured of applications that have been rejected upon imperfectly prepared papers, Cases of interference, and applications for ex- tension and re-issue prosecuted, and, in general, all business connected with the Patent Office transacted with care and promptness. British and other foreign patents procured through prompt and confidential agents in London and Paris. Persons residing at a distance may obtain all necessary information, and have their business transacted, by writing to the subscriber, (postpaid,) without the trouble and expense of a visit to Washington. He begs leave to refer those unacquainted with him to the following testi- monials: - From the Examiners in the Patent Office. "The undersigned, Principal and Assistant Examiners in the United States Patent Office, have for several years been well acquainted with Mr. Samuel Cooper, lately a Principal Examiner in this Office, and take pleasure in stating that he is a gentleman of the highest moral character, of unquestioned knowledge in the business and practice of the office, and that his scientific attainments are such as eminently fit him for the business in which he is about to engage. EN B.L RENWICK, a T. R. PEALE, 1 L. 11. GALE, Principal Taos. T. EVERETT, Assistant J. H. LANE, Examiners. F. SOUTHGATE SMITHr, Examiners. LWM. CHAUNCY LANGDON, J "From long acquaintance, and intimate official relations with Mr. Cooper. I fully and heartily con- cur in the foregoing recommendation made by my late colleagues. WM. P. N. FITZGERALD, Late Principal Examiner of Patents _ _ __ 54 MAINE REGISTER. .ife Iinsuranace. THE UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ISSUES POLICIES ON LIFE ONLY, AT SHORT NOTICE, AND AT REI7CED RATES OF 'rIE ITM. Capital and Accumulations, . . $500,000. For List of Directors and Officers, see Insurance Companies, page 158. DIRECTORS' OFFICE, 68 STATE STREET, BOSTON. E. B. PRATT, President. WHITING H. HOLLISTER, Secretary. DICKINSON TYPE FOUNDRY. PHELPS & DALTON, UE T7 s]ington st., Boaston. TYPES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Orders Executed Promptly and Faithfully. BOSTON EXCELSIOR CORDAGE WORKS. J. & M. H. WEBBER, MANUFACTURERS OF BOSTON, MASS. Having purchased JOSLIN'S IMPROVED LAY- ING MACHINES, and being the only Establish- ment in New England, working under the above f Patent, we are prepared tQ manufacture a superior article of COTTON AND MANILLA CORDAGE. Rope manufactured on these Machines will test 20 per cent. stronger than any made in the usual way. The superiority of Cotton Rope consists in its light- ness, its resistance to water, its durability, the close- ness of its texture, which protects it against mud, sand, or outward chafe, its great flexibility, and value of the material after it is worn out; all these advan- -tages combined, place it far superior in economy to hemp or manilla rope. Orders addressed to J. & 1M1. H. WEBBER, BOSTON, Will meet with Prompt Attention. _ _ ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 55 WHEELER & WILSON'S THESE improved Machines are rapidly coming into general favor, and acknowl- edged to be the ONLY machines adapted to family use. The beauty and durability of their stiching are unrivalled, working equally on fine cambric, quilting and heavy broadcloth. The rapid and noiseless opera- tion of these machines is an advantage possessed by no other, while their simplicity of construction renders them easier of use, besides being less liable to get out of repair,-an objection reasonably urged against all other machines. To Families, Shirtmakers, Tailors, Milliners, &c., one of these machines is invaluable. Speci- mens of work furnished at any time where the machines are in operation, and for sale, at 63 Court Street, Corner of Cornhill, Boston. J. E. ROOT, AGENT. Pn A@TIALJZ A@MI1iT NO. 4 CORNHILL COURT, (Rear of Joy's Building, 81 Washington St., Opposite Head of State Street,) 5 I l ~tl All Orders sent from any part of the country, by mail or otherwise, for Designs for Dwelling Houses, School Houses, Churches, Stores, &c. accompanied by a general description of the land, and building desired, will meet with prompt attention. he Plans will be forwarded, by express or otherwise, to be paid for in all cases on delivery. Prices reasonable. Also, all orders for Messrs. Tolman, Hathaway & Stone's TERRA COTTA ORNAlENTS, For Ornamenting the exterior and interior of Stone, Brick and Wooden Buildings, will be promptly attended to. Thisis a SUPERIOR ARTICLE for Capitals, Brackets, Consoles, &c., and the costis only about one half of the ordinary price of the same kinds of ornaments made of wood. SLATING, TINNING, COPPERING. THOMAS J. HERRING, SLATE A HUTAL ROPR " OFFICE, 14 EXCHANGE STREET, BOSTON. YARDS, 73 ALBANY STREET, BOSTON, & COR. SlIP & DYER STS., PROVIDENCE, Il Residence, Corner of Ruggles Street and Rockingham Court, Roxbury. REPAIRING OF OLD ROOFS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. "EDDwI1r A. M LL.TTc~OOD, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN PFURNITURE, SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, DIVANS, AND ARM AND ROCKING CHAIRS OF THE LATEST STYLE. Having added to his extensive Manufactory STEAM POWER, with Superior Machinery, he is prepared to fill any orders with promptness and despatch, at his Warerooms, Beach, corner of Lincoln Street, Boston, or at the Manufactory, Newton Corner. ___ _ ___ __ ~___ ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 57 GAY, MANSON & CO., Importers and Dealers in BEST REFINED ENGLISH, SWEDES, AND NORWAY DAR ~1 8*fl Swedes and Norway Shapes and Rods, Angle, Sheet anid Plate Iron; Hoop, Band and Spike Iron; Axles, Spring Steel, Spikes, &c. 2 FIULTON STREET, COR. CROSS STREET, P. E. GAY,jC. H.FGAY S .WN. . MANSO, T B. 0 As . . FER. S. W. CHANDLER & BRO., (Successors to B. W. Thayer & Co.,) LITHOGRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS, -AND- No. 204 Washington Street, Boston, DESIGNING and ENGRAVING, on Stone, Copper, Steel and Wood, of Public and Private Buildings, Stores, Locomotives and Machinery. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO Maps of Real Estate and Certificates of Stock, Labels, of every descrip- tion, in Colors or Ink. Title Pages, and Music Titles Illuminated. Bank Checks, Drafts and Notes. ALSO, COPPER PLATE AND TYPE PRINTING. WEDDING, VISITING & BUSINESS CARDS, IN EVERY VARIETY AND IN THE BEST STYLE. S. W. CHANDLER, J. G. CHANDLER. SMITH & PIERSON, 46 Court, corner of Tremont Street, The above parties offer to their patrons, publishers, authors and printers, capacity to do, facility in doing, punctuality to agreements, and moderation in terms. They are prepared to contract for any amount of Illustrations, from a single cut to the full illustration of Books. Estimates given on works submitted. Book Illustrations, Portraits, Buildings, Views, Machinery, Labels, Seals, Bank Checks, Billheads, Business Cards, Ornamental Designs for Color Printing, &c., engraved in the best style. ~_ 58 MAINE REGISTER. EASTMAN'S STEAM GAUGE, ADAPTED TO 1 LOCOMOTIVE, STATIONARY AND STEAM GAUGE. *E I BroR. /MARINE ENGINES. With Dials ranging to different press- N-ures, as required, viz. : 200 lbs., 130 lbs., as in the Cut, 100 lbs., & i0 lbs. per square inch. (Price, $ .) INVENTED AND MANUFACTURED BY J. L. Eastman, East Boston, Mass. CHAPMAN & HASTINGS, -~ ~ 1111/1/'/~- ~ J~~'andr �riutmtal AND MANUFACTURERS OF - Composition Ornaments, Mounted Capitals for S5 Ships' Cabins, Mouldings, Ventilators, &c. e z , ~ 248 Commercial St., p, N A \BOSTON. /i/#'/tl// II II\1 \ \A. F. Chapman, E. Warren Hastings. PO W1.11H PIECE8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. h ' '-t _ Rifles, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Balls, Percussion - 1Caps, Copper and Leather Powder Flasks, Leath- er Shot Belts and Pouches, Game Bags, Gun tMaking Materials, Sportsmen and Travellers' . Liquor Flasks, Double and Single Gun Barrels, Locks, Stocks, Rods, Worms, Gun Cases, Cylinders, Parts of Locks, Brass and Steel Mountings, constantly for sale by WILLIAM READ, NO. 6 MARKET" SQUARE, BOSTON. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 59 WASHBURN & BROWN, ARCHITECTS, Office, No. 124 Exchange Street, . . . Portland. (Principal Office, No. 7 'Change Avenue, Boston.) Messrs. W. & B. are the Architects of the principal Hotels in New England, and other well known Public Buildings, and are now building the new Hotel in Portland, Parker's Hotel, Boston, the City Hotel, Worcester, &c., &c. WM. WASHBURN, EDWIN LEE BROWN. DR. J, W. PHELPS SHas a large and extensive assortment of SUPPORTERS AND BRACES. Importer of French, English and German Pat- terns. Also, apparatus and appliances for the correction and cure of all kinds of Deformities. OFFICE AND STORE, 68 Tremont Street, Boston,. Sign of the Golden Eagle. HENRY F. PARKER & CO. Wholesale & Retail Dealer in FURNITURE, FEATHERS, dec. Nos. 4 and 6 Union Street, Boston. HENRY F. PARKER, JOSHUA MAXWELL. A. & J. C. BACHELLER, Manufacturers of and Dealers in BLACK AND COLORED SEWING SILK, Machine Twist, Saddlers', Embroidery, Fringes and Package Silks. Sewings put up in hundreds and ounce Packages. FOREGN AND DOMETC ST ,T CASE. A Large Stock of the above constantly on hand. NO. 79 MILK STREET, (Up Stairs,) BOSTON. FACTORY, LYNN, MASS. R. .A.1 T t'EIT2VS, agratbing ank ridting stli mentt 116 WASHINGTON STREET, Marriage, Address, and Business Cards, Diplomas, Portraits, Maps, Copies, Labels, Certificates, Notes, Drafts, Checks, &c., done in the neatest style, and on the most favorable terms. I I 60 MAINE REGISTER. CHESTER GUILD & SONS, TANNERS & GURRIERS, No. 16 Blackstone Street, Boston, Have constantly for Sale, of their own Manufacture, Also Leather for Japanners, and the various kinds of Boot and Shoe Leather. Cash paid for Slaughter Hides, and for Oak and Hemlock Bark. 0 0 -0 o I_: --K � 1 - --- - . II _ _ -- _ .. , ~ -L . 05 4 a I I I ' "o fb t ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. PLIMPTONS, STEPHENSON & CO. IMPORTERS OF AND MANUFACTURERS OF RIBBONS, FRINGES, TRIMMINGS, &C. 53 ct 5 'ederal s treet, J. W. Plimpton, C. P. Barnard, W. B. Partridge, Albert Plimpton, J. H. Stephenson, G. A. Stephenson. FREDERICK PARKER, BOOK & PRINT SELLER, NOS. 50 AND 592 CORNHILL, A great variety of beautiful Engravings kept constantly for sale. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Superior Paintings by the most eminent artists, will occasionally be exhibited. No Charge made for Admission. JOHN H. PRAY & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Woollens and Tailors' Trimmings, 51 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. 61 62 MAINE REGISTER. PAGED ACCOUNT BOOKS, (nglisI r 4 n4t merican tatiner AND PRINTING CARDS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 1IMP Establishment Commenced in 1888. Constantly for sale, at Wholesale or Retail, at the very LOWEST PRICES, a large and complete assortment of SUPERIOR BLANK ACCOUNT AND RECORD BOOKS, For the use of Corporations, Merchants, Towns, Societies and Professional Gentlemen. BLAlK BOOKS of every pattern, made to order with the utmost despatch, and warranted satisfac- tory. PARTICULAR CARE taken in the manufacture of BOOKS to order, for BANKS, PUBLIC OFFICES, INSURANCE, RAILROAD, and MANUFACTURING CORPORATIONS, MERCHANTS, and others; that they shall be of the best materials, and superior workmanship, and furnished upon the most REASONABLE TERMS. FINE STATIONERY, From the best sources, Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, embracing superior WRITING PAPERS, DRAWING and LETTER PAPER, Office and School STA- TIONERY, of every description, PROFILE PAPERS, Cross Section and Protract- or PapeNs, DRAWING MATERIALS, and all articles for Engineers and Surveyors, together with a full stock of everything for the use of Schools. COMMERCIAL and LAW BLANKS, NAUTICAL BOOKS and CHARTS. LETTER COPYING and SEAL PRESSES, of which the greatest variety to be found in the city is offered for selection. Mann's Parchment Paper Letter Copying Books, the best irt use, and cheap as any. Perkins's Superior Double Enamelled, Satin Enamelled, Blank, India and Colored Cards. PRINTING, Bill Heads, Notes, Drafts, Checks, Cards, Circulars, &c., at short notice. AD VE RTISING DEPARTMENT. FESSENDEN & WHITTEIYIORE, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SPICES, CREAM TARTAR, OAT MEAL, GOODS PUT UP IN ANY SHAPE FOR SHIPPING OR HOME TRADE. No. 5 Quincy Market Block, Commerce St., and City Wharf, BOSTON. JOHN J. FESSENDEN, HENRY C. WHITTEMORE, N. M. FESSENDEN. WILLIAM A. DODGE, HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 37 Pearl Street, Boston. AGENT FOR THE SALE OF Wm. Platt & Co's Stocks and Dies. Hall & Knapp's Plumbs and Levels. MAPPIN BROTHERS' SHEFFIELD CUTLERY. Stanley's Boxwood and Ivory Rules. Greenfield Tool Co's Extra Planes LORD & CO'S CAST IRON GOODS, OF ALL KINDS. Orr's & McIntosh's Blind Hinges and Fasts. James Wolstenholme's Superior { Cast Steel Files. WATERBURY BRASS CO'S SHEET BRASS, WIRE TUBING AND KETTLES. American Bed Screw Co's Superior Bed Screws and Wrenches. BANK NOTE ENGRAVING. The New England Bank Note Company Respectfully give notice to the Banking Institutions of the New England States, that, in addition to their former facilities for Engraving and Printing Bank Notes, they now offer a selection from the extensive variety of specimens of Messrs. RAwDox, WRIGHoT, HATCH & EDsoN, of New York, with whom they have made a permanent arrangement, by which they are enabled to execute all orders with the utmost promptitude, and in a style unsurpassed by any other House in the United States. Banks may rest assured that every precaution is taken for the safety of plates and impressions en- trusted to the care of this Company. A continuation of the patronage heretofore extended to them is respectfully solicited, and officers of Banks are invited to call and examine specimens. Their prices are the same for special plates as those of other Houses, and for general plate printing the same as heretofore. For the New England Bank Note Co., ISAAC CARY, Office, No. 204 Washington St., Boston. 63 i MAINE REGISTER. 64 0 O a o q 0 .4 Cl Ca P. TOLMAN, Ornamental glatrr, Corner of Bedford and Kingston Streets, m wrw inO Stucco Centre Pieces, Cornice Ornaments, &c., constantly on hand. Also, New Designs furnished and executed at short notice. trModel- ling for the Trade. CU p W J~ b p~ 11' ".' U .- C a0- 1 b S. & Z TiT ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 65 SHIRTS MADE TO FIT AT L0 8 8 MSTEPOTI 177 WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR MILK STREET, SSRIIITS COUJLLS & S!OCKS To Of every variety SNP TilE LARGEST ASSORTbIENT IN THE . United States, r _-AT THE LOWEST PRICES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PINE SHITS MIE TO 0T1111E1 TO (1T, T SIIQD1T NOTICE. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THE AMERICAN PATRIOT, A WEEKLY NATIVE AMERICAN & FAMILY JOURNAL, PUBLISHED BY J. E. FARWELL & CO. 1o. 82 CCozgress Street, Terms, $2.00 per year in advance. Clubs.-4 Copies, $7.00; 10 Copies, $16.25; 15 Copies, $20.00; 20 Copies, 528.00; 30 Copies, 540.00; 50 Copies, 562 00; 100 Copies, $110. , One Copy extra to the getter up of the club, for every fifteen Subscribers. NEW AND VALUABLE INV I NTI N ! WILLIAM B. GUY, gatentterfor finng gves ig as, A desideratum long needed, as the oxidation of iron or lead, produced by the action of water on metallic pipes, renders the water very injurious and unhealthy. Also, inventor of a Glass Strainer for the bottom of Wells and Springs, which cannot fail to come into general use. Also, several new patterns of Pumps, which will be put up to order. Call and examine. 85 Sudbury Street. II r rr , , , 66 ~MAINE REGIS2ER. HENRY TAYLOR & CO. IMPORTERS AD DEALERS IN SADDLERY AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, ALSO, e ub~, S ok es, ubz, ant $ is, fix. NOS. 18, 20 AND 22 KILBY STREET, BOSTON. 00 ARTINL.BRADFORD, U_ ,,_ \Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 1CIE Il iES & SCISSORSill TABLE CUTLERY; RAZORS; Cutlery in all its Branches ; ji iN LBR9D j SKATES; LEONARD & WENDT'8 AND R.EINISC'S UTLERY\ gatent failers' gars, HARDWARE. ' TRIMMERS AND POINTS; AND Ladies', Bankers', Paper Hangers', and l Barbers' Scissors ; d U' "WALCOTT'S 142 ASHINCTON (ggl Efg 01 "f$ S14? WAS HINCTON ST,.., GRADUATING BUTTON 1OLE CUTTERS; S0STON ' Fishing Hooks, Lines, Rods and aiCH~CKcFancy and Common FISHING TACKLE 4i of every description, at Wholesale. 142 Washington Street, 3 Doors North of the Old South Church, CHARLES W. BROWN, AND PATENTEE AND BUILDER OF m mLLW GH BURROUTI MILLSONE 3 Nos. 65 & 67 Haverhill St., Boston, (Formerly 187 Sea Street.) Mill Gearing fitted to order; French Burr Mill Stones, 36 inches diameter and under, made from one entire piece; all above that * size, made in pieces; Bolting Cloth, Mill Picks, Elevating Screws, &c., furnished at short notice. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 67 J. B. NICHOLS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF _ HOWE'S IMPROVED PATENT 33 Hanover Street, Boston. Our Machines make a fast stitch, and are well adapted for sewing every variety of work, from nice satin to heavy boots and brogans. Our heavy machines are peculiarly fitted for Carriage and Harness making, and sew with very heavy linen thread, either with or without wax. These are the only machines ever manufactured capable of doing such work. PRICES, FROM $75.00 TO $125.00. SOUTHWORTH & HAWES, ARTISTS' DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS, 5 1-2 Tremont Row, opposite Brattle St. GRAND PARLOR AND GALLERY STEREOSCOPE. We invite those who read this to visit our rooms, with their friends, when they happen in Boston, and examine -the largest collection of Daguerreotypes I -- known. Some of the very best are pic- tures of young Ladies from Maine. We want more specimens of the Down East /Belles and their admirers, and engage __to spare no efforts to make Likenesses - _ = equal to the originals. Stereoscopes of all sizes, to that of our Grand Parlor - eyStereoscope, the size of a Piano Forte, N.B.-Daguerreo v which is one of the most interesting and in ey ypossible vari- lwonderful novelties of modern times. In Crystalotypes. Talbot- the Stereoscope, pictures appear like S type s,&c. Miniatures living statues-like nature in solidity �in Clouds, Crayon. I1- luminated Back and relief. Ground, &c., ill our --- We were presented with the highest onriginal inven- premiums at the last Fair in Boston, being six different awards over all com- petitors, for the best Stereoscopes, Daguerreotypes, Plates, Frames, Crayons, and Pencil Drawing. No cheap work done. We neither use steam humbug, by false pretences, nor wear laurels won by competitors. SOUTHWORTH & HAWES, 5 1-2 Tremont Row, opposite Brattle Street, Boston. MANUFACTURER OF No. 131 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. BOXES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMIPTLY MADE TO ORDER. Hat, Band, Ladies' Cap and Collar Boxes, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 68 MAINE REGISTER. LADIES FUR STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Subscriber respectfully invites the attention of the public to his large and valuable assortment of the richest, as well as the more common qualities of HATS & CAPS. Also, F TIT. G- OOD S, MADE UP IN EVERY DESIRABLE FORM. CUFFS FROM $1.00 TO $50.00 PER PAIR. OLD FURS altered and repaired by experienced workmen. I Ii1 1L 0BI 1BB'S HATSA&SAPS. Should any article not prqve equal to its recommendation, satisfaction will be promptly made. T7. 1VI. i TT E, Stores & Chambers, 173 & 175 Washington St., Boston. M OREY, OBE R & CO., 1anufacturers of And Dealers in BLOCK TIN AND -G~ BRITANNIA WiRE, Nos. 5 and 7 HAVERHILL STREET, . . BOSTON, Manufacture and have on hand, at Wholesale and Retail, a full assortment of the above articles, or made to order at short notice. Also, repair all kinds of the above Wares. Dealers are invited to call and examine. D. B. MOREY, R. H. OBER, T. SHITH. r ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. HOMER RICE & CO. Manufacturers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in rtams&4r, Of every style and quality. Also, BUFFALO ROBES, TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas, &.c, 7 & S FANEUIL HALL BUILDING, Homer Rice, Hamilcar Rioe. 5 " h DR. J. CHEEVER Has the largest and best assortment of Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Laced Stockings, for Varicose Veins, Knee Caps, &c, That can be found at any simil'ar establishment. Alse, MADE TO ORDER, all kinds of apparatus for the correction of every variety of distortion, mal- formation, or physical deformity of the human frame. Agency for PALMER'S PATENT ARTIFICIAL L a, and for Dr S. S. Fitch's Celebrated Medicines and Mechanical Remedies for the cure of Consumption. DR. J. CHEEVER, No.1 Tremont Temple, Boston. HAN 01 NORTON NEWCOMB, JR., anifacturer an m No. 168 WASHINGTON STREET, Nearly Oppositel Bromfield Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Country Dealers are especially invited to examine our Stock, which will always comprise an extensive assortment at the lowest market prices. J. HAPGOOD, Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in Rifles, Revolvers, Pistols, r- AND GUN' MAKERS' GOODS. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SPORTING POWDER,- In Kegs and Canisters, and all kinds of 8 PORT.I . APPARA.&TTU8, VOELCKERS & THOMAS, Architeets and Build- a Wholesale and Retail, era, Agents for Eastern Bricks and Lumber. Office, At Wholesale and N. 1 Doane Street, Boston. No. 12 Washington Street, Boston.. Tsnso..VosEss, S. __ __ 69 JJi .. 9 , � 1 ) \ e , . 70 MAINE REGISTER. D. B. STEDIVIAN & C0. HIPNA IMPORTERS OF CHINA & GLASS WARE, 165, 167 and 169 MILK 'STREET, near India Street, D. B. STEDMAN, W. B. MATHEWS, GEORGE STEDMAN, pS SL . P. RIDLER. I-I IE IT. 1VI . A 11T ' CELEBRATED PREMIUM HOT-AIR FURNACES. LEOPOLD HERMAN respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has removed from his old stand in Congress Street, to the new and elegant Store recently erected upon the old Chickering Estate, at Nos. 334, 336 & 338 Washington St., Opp. the Adams House, Where his facilities for business are greatly enlarged, and he is enabled to offer to the public a full assort- ment of his celebrated H Pattern Furnaces, which have stood the test for more than Twenty Years, and in which recent improvements have been made, rendering -them unrivalled in all the qualities which go to consti- tute a Perfect Furnace. The attention of the public is also called to a newly invented Furnace for Burning Wood, constructed upon a similar principle to the celebrated H Pattern Furnace; together with an extensive variety of Enqlish, Parlor and Chamber Grates, Penrhyn Marble Mantels, Improved Cooking Ranqes, Parlor, Office and Cooking Stoves, Ventilators, Registers, Rumford Ovens, and Heating and Cooking Apparatus generally, at Wholesale and Retail. LEOPOLD HERMAN, 334, 336 & 338 Washington St., Boston. SEARS, BUFFTJM & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 1ft in & tnrn~4ing ns NO. 40 CONGRESS STREET, JOSEPH H. SEARS, ( (j[C. T. BUFFUM, DANIEL CROSS, I "JJAMES R. SHAW. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 71 WIFJ1 1f nipirbc rbine iater ttcL T...R _ l l lT'. This Water Wheel is too extensively known to require any explanation. It is made of cast iron, with steel buckets firmly cast into the body of the wheel, making it very firm and not liable to rust out. The curve of the bucket is always formed so as to be adapted to the particular head under which it is intended to run. They are very simple in construction and operation, not affected by ice or back water. For Cotton and Woollen Mills, Paper Mills, Iron Works, Grist Mills, &c., where a powerful and economical wheel is required, this wheel is particularly recommended. IManufactured by the New England Water Wheel Company, Wareham, Mass. JACKSON WARREN, . . . AGENT. A sample of the Wheel can be seen at the Real Estate Register Office, 91 Washing- ton Street, Boston, where orders can be left for Wheels, &c. P E T .h .."EE". "E ., CITY SEALER, tIanufacturer of Patent '.- . - - I _ _ 1 r- o _ -_- I .l _- Balance Platform, Counter, Railroad, Hay and Coal SC.A. L El S And Dealer in all kinds of Weighing Apparatus, Copper, Sheet Iron and Tin Ware. NO. 5 MARKET SQUARE, up Stairs, (At the Old Stand formerly occupied by AMOS STEVENS,) Opposite Faneuil Hall, (UJRepairing done in the neatest manner, and at short notice. Weights graduated to all stand- ards and all couantries. All Scales purchased at this Establishment, warranted correct. 72MIE REITR IcGilvray, Wyman & Co. IMPORTERS OF O - GOODS, ..A.11TD O BBER.SBoWf EUROPEAN & AMERICAN DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, CANTON MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, TOGETHER WITH THE SMALL WARES and HABERDASHERY usually connected with the Dry Goods and Carpet Business. New Goods constantly arriving, and always sold cheap. Orders Respectfully Solicited. NOS. 47 & 49 FEDERAL STREET, DAVID F. McGILVRAY, SYLVANTS P. BARTLETT, WILLIAM A. WYMAN, 5 EDWARD R. KIMBALL. MIEREGISTER. --- - - - 72 1 r ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 73 FRANKLIN CROSBY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN OF EVERY QUALITY AND STYLE, WLNDQW SHADE AND RTUSRES Damasks, Inslins, Cornices, Bands, Tassels, Curtain Trimmings, Straw Mattings, Table Oil Cloths, &c. 158 HANOVER AND 137 BLACKSTONE STREET, Corner of Salem and Zn(9L Endicott Streets, k/ ) S1 0 Lettered Shades, for Stores, Manufactories and Offices, got up in good style, at short notice. Every description of WINDOW SHADES made and put up, and warranted to give satisfacion. STARCH POLISH, MANUFACTURED BY THE AMnISA LUHT GOMPA*Y, This is the best and only preparation in the market which will give a beautiful and clear finish to Linen. LAUNDRESSES who are particular that their efforts should _ meet with pleasing success, will find this composition a great help, as It willeffectually remove those defective qualities of the Starch which cause the iron to stick and often spot the linen. / This Beautiful Polish improves the appearance of /Linen, and imparts a rich lustre, which lasts much longer than i any that can be produced by the use of the ordinary articles of- Sr i \ Afered for this purpose. It has been extensively used, and has al. _ ready found its way into our first families, and is considered by competent judges a desideratum long needed by Housekeepers. For richness of quality, beauty of pol. slab, durability of appearance, sand power of resisting damp weather, IT IS UNRIVALLED. [I For sale, wholesale and retail, at the office of the AMERICAN LAUNDRY COMPANY, 14 WATER STREET, BOSTON, And by Grocers, Druggists and Periodical Houses generally throughout the country. tT P .F O lT. ED ' SMOKE CONSUMING PATENT LAMP Is warranted to produce without smoke, and with only the poorest quality of Oil or Grease, at an expernse of less than HALF A CENT PEa HOUN, a light equal at least to four wax candles. Extremely simple and durable, less injurious to the eyes than any other artificial light, and will prove the truth of these statements. SPrices-$1.25, 83 and 67 Cents. EXTRACTS FROM THE PRESS,--An economical lamp, with the illuminating power ofgas or camphene, with none of their disadvantages. boston Post -Gives a great amount of light without smoke and for sewing or reading isnext to the French CarceL We have tried it thoroughly, and it gives entire satisfction. l ostoa Tra scrit.-Certainly the most economicalelamp we know of. American ion.-fWe have tried this lamp to our satisfaction, and may safely recommend it to those who patronize the midnight oil. Boston Traveller. -No person who has ever tried one of the lamps would beiwillngto give it up Sastesttimpests coat if it could not he replaced. New England Furmact-We have one of the tamp, in ms, and are able to cnform to the Traveller, having found it answering well to what ittlaimeed for it. Puritan ecos4e'.-As a reading orRh tig lamp, we have never seen teequal. BostonsPaoitser.-After a fair tial, we consider litheIbet lamp ever offered to the public. It requires only the poorest oil, bird, tallow, or grease, sod promcs inessfornsive assaet math lihrMasayother knows lam. It is adapted to the study, parler, kiten; edwoshop. 4ws. lit . the place, please remember, is 117 COURT ST., head of SudbryS t., 3+o t. 74 MAINE REGISTER. HEAD QUARTERS. 1 NATHIANIEL ELLIS & CO. FORMERLY BIINEY & ELLIS, Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers of every variety of Silk, (ing am, tlara UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS. N. B. Dealers will find the most extensive assortment, and better made than can be found in this city, to which we would invite inspection. Manufactory and Wlarehouse, 49 and 51 Court Street, near the Court House, SCHOOL FURN1TURE, & C. WM. O. HASKELL, Manufacturer, 152 Commercial Street, - - Boston, Continues to Manufacture from the best of Seasoned Lumber, superior articles in his line. He flatters himself, that after fifteen years' experience, he is enabled to give entire satisfaction in stock and workmanship. Mr. H. is also agent for BULKLEY'S PATENT HEATED STEAM DRIY KILN, For Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine, which will thoroughly season lumber in twenty-four hours, without cheeking or splitting. WILLIAM G. PIKE & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Steam ad as~g ean fittings, alksz, Et 5, And everything connected with STEAM, GAS AND WATER, No. 20 Charlestown St., $'"o''. mm est., Boston. W. G. P. & CO. personally attend to Fitting all kinds of public and private Buildings with Pipe and Fixtures, for heating with Steam and lighting with Gas. Also, Builders of Coal Gas Works. Coils and Cooking Apparatus fitted up for Hotels, &c. All orders promptly executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 75 BIGELOW BROTHERS & KENNARD, Importers and Dealers, at Wholesale and Retail, in Silver, Silver Plated and Fine Hardware Goods, IVORY HANDLED TABLE CUTLERY, GENEVA MUSICAL BOXES, Watch Makers' Tools, Files and Materials, &c. NO. 121 WASHINGTON STREET, " JOHN BIGELOW, ALANSONBI OM. P. KENNARD. HANOVER STREET, : C : BOSTON, The largest and best arranged Hotel in New England, possessing all the modern improvements and conveniences for the accommodation of the travelling public. LE WIS RICE, Proprietor. CANCERS CAN BE CURED. IDR. R. GREEN. M.., - --DIOffice, No. 38 Bromfield Street, Boston, DR GREEN is not himself an Indian, but a scientific Physician, who has thoroughly investigated the Indian system of Medicine, by actual experience with the Indians themselves. His practice is attended with greater siuccess than was ever before known in this country, and conclusively provesthe superiority of Nature's reme- dies in skilful and scientific hands. Dr. Greens may be consulted, by letteror personally, at his office, eve ay, ._- from 81-2 A.M. to 5 P.M. Terms reasonable. Advice - upon all diseases free of charge. ..'""Circulars, with full reference to cases cured, sent free of charge to any one requesting them. -^------ - I~----- --L- 76 MAINE REGISTER. EAST BOSTON. THOMAS WISE, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER OF T K1x BLOWERS, SHAFTING, AND ALL KINDS OF PATICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO BUILDING AND REPAIRING The Proprietor having built a new shop with conveniences for that especial business. HEAVY FORGINGS, Of every description, furnished and fitted up, such as CRANKS, CONNECTING RODS, PISTON RODS, &c., &C., forged from the best of Glendon Iron. STEAM ENGINES, PROM FOUR TO SIXTY HORSE POWER, CONSTANTLY ON HAND; ALSO, itr gmps, $srts gams, antSltge gmp, Such as the law requires for Steamboats. REQULATOR8;. STOP VALVSE, ANII GUGE COCKS, OD THE BEST PATTERN Job Work soicited and done at short notice. Marginal Street, lNear the Britishi Ste ship Whar, i __ r _-_ _ __ __ ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 77 French and German Importing House, 15 & 17 KILBY STREET, BOSTON. IMPORTERS OF FRENCH, GERMAN & ENGLISH FANCY GOODS & TOYS, AND DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS OF AMERICAS MANUFAIJTUIE. Constantly on hand, an extensive assortment of FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, and are receiving per Ships and Weekly Steamers, new and choice goods from one of our firm in Europe. Cases of Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Fans, Beads, Willow Baskets, Violins and Bows, Fancy Boxes, Porte Monnaies, Gilt Jewelry and Opera Glasses, Harmonicas, Tooth and Nail Brushes, &c. TOYS of all descriptions. CASE TOYS, well assorted, in Cases, from $16 to $150 per Case. SOLE AGENTS FOR TlHE SALE OF SANDERSON & LANERGAN'S CELEBRATED FIRE WORKS. L. P. HOLDEN. B. F. CUTTER. FIRE WORKS. SANDERSON & LANERGAN, Pyrotechnists to the City of Boston, ETNA LABORATORY, SOUTH FIFTH STREET, AST OAMERED�Q Our Annual Improvements are of a varied and pleasing character. Displays furnished at short notice, from $10 to $3000, with NEW DESIGNS and the very BEST FIRE WORKS. Manufactured personally at our extensive Etna Laboratory, East Cambridge. SALE DEPOT, 15 & 17 KILBY STREET, BOSTON. Always on hand, Rockets, Candles, Mines, Bengola Lights, Marine Rockets and Ship Lights, Wheels, Triangles, Bee [lives, Grasshoppers, Serpents, Blue Lights, Batteries, &c., China Rockets, Jostics, &c. 300 boxes best quality No 1 India Crackers, Gilt Labels. HOLDEN & CUTTER, Sole Agents for Sanermon lanergan's celebrated FI RORKS, 15 t17 ilby Street, Boston. 78 MAINE REGISTER. BUCKLEY & BANCROFT, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN }ratting tm, ast ad @ambr OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, MATTRESSES, FEATHERS, Over the Boston & Worcester & Western Railroad Passenger Station, ENTRANCE ON BEACH, LINCOLN & ALBANY STREETS, JOSEPH BUCKLEY. CHAS. P. BANCROFT. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN BANK, STORE & OFFICE FURNITURE, lanufactured from thoroughly Seasoned Lumber in the best manner. A large assortment of SHOW CASES, COUNTERS, DESKS, &c., Of every description, constantly on hand, at the Warerooms, 8 & 10 Chapman Place, Opposite City Hall, School Street, aos ou Manufactory, Corner of 0 and Third Streets, South Boston. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 79 SAM'L T. CROSBY, SUCCESSOR TO CROSBY & BROWN, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN RICH WATCHES, JWELRY, AND PLATED WARES, MANUFACTURER OF No. 69 Washington St., Three Doors South of Court St., E O 'Ar cB i . N. S. DEARBORN, Et bing, Shrs an Washest (tarks, ENGRAVED TO ORDER. Constantly on hand for sale, a large and beautiful assortment of G- ER I.A .A.ND FRENAF "EIII Printers and Dealers are invited to call and examine specimens. (Orders by mail promptly attended to. NO. 24 SCHOOL STREET, BOSTON. BL&'RRETT'S BTEBOUSE, 140 Washington Street, Boston. Ladies' Dresses, Oloaks, Shawls, &c., of all kinds, Gentlemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants & Vests, DYED OR CLEANSED IN THE VERY BEST MANNER. Silks, Cloths, Thibets, Alpacas and other piece goods, of unsalable colors, dyed, finished and put up in the style of new goods. Goods sent by Express, directed as above, will receive prompt and faithful attention. __ 8013 MAIE UIUI[TII o MAINE REGISTER. WATERMAN'S AN, KITCHEN FURNISHER Tin - AND - Tin Ware Manufacturer, 83 & 85 Cornhill, and 6 & 8 Brattle St., Patent LaimpTea Kettle. IO 8 WATERMAN'S 1a WATERMAN'S WATERMAN'S The place for all on the eve of housekeeping, and those already es- tablished, to obtain the essentials of a well appointed kitchen, of the best _ quality, and at lowest prices. Patent Broiler. Patent Lantern. t ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 81 Holmes & Tuttle Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER PLATED WARE, SPOONS, FORKS, CASTORS, &C., Salesroom, No. 120 Washington St., Up Stairs, PATENT SALAMANDER SAPES. WILLIAM ADAMS & CO., (LATE ADAMS, HAMMOND & CO.,) Corner of Cross and Fulton Streets, in Boston, CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE ALL SIZES OF THE ABOVE WELL-KNOWN SAFES. CAUTION. Manufacturers and Dealers in Safes, are informe that the Subscribers are Sole Proprietors of the Inven- tion of WILDER'S PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES within and for the New England States, and have the exclusive right, under Letters Patent, of making, using and vending the Safes, constructed according to said Letters Patent. The undersigned caution all persons to abstain from making, using or vending Safes of this description, without license and authority from them; and they give notice that they intend to prosecute all persons who infringe upon their exclusive right aforesaid. Testimony in favor of R. G. Wilder's Patent Salamander Safes, made by William Adams & Co., Corner of Cross and Fulton Streets, Boston. Concord, N. H., August 27, 1851. Messrs. Wm. Adams & Co.-Gentlemen :-I think after this no one will for a moment doubt the security of your Safes The one you sold us was exposed to the most intense heat for hours, as hot as it could be, and I am happy to inform you that every paper came out in good order. Yours very truly, JOSEPH A. GILMORE, Agent Concord and Claremont Railroad. All Safes sold under the name of SALAMANDER, WILDER'S SALAMANDER, and IMPRO VED SALAMANDER, are spurious, unless marked Patent. WILLIAM ADAMS & CO. CARRUTH & BACHI, MANUFACTURERS OF LINSEED OIL, WHITING, PUTTY, GROUND LEADS, ASPHALTUM VARNISH, Japan, Black and Green Paints, &c. Factories at Chelsea, Store, No. 29 India Street, T. H. CARRUTHI, I. C. BACHI. 82 MAINE REGISTER.; G. P. & B. W. FAY, IMPORTERS OF PURS, MANUFACTURERS OF HATS, CAPS, FURS, AND CAP TRIMMINGS, AND DEALERS IN STRAW, LEGHORN, AND PA 1J 1VJI ~EIIE AT S, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, BI1FILO I ll-FNCY BGIES T KIIIS, YAISES sD IIMBIIELAS. 1rTo. 121 1M'111. itreet, OPPOSITE KILBY STREET, G. P. FAY,? j T P. S.-All orders for the country promptly attended to. ROXBURY, MASS. OLIVER HOLYIJAN, AGENT, NIO. 7 D A STIFOL T JLEn' ET1L, "jEO JsTON CONSTANTLY FOR SALE Superior Double Enamelled Bristol Board, Satin Enamelled, Colored, Ivory and Blank Cards, of the very best quality. -ALSO,- Card Board for Railroad Tickets, Perforated Board, &c., &c. A useful and attractive Magazine for Schools and Families. This Publication is prepared expressly for Youth attending Public and Private Schools; having pieces for Reading and Declamation. The Fourth Volume commences with November, 1854. Each Number contains thirty-two large pages, making at the close of the volume 884 pages of substantial reading matter. "The Schoolmate " is published in New York and Boston, having some of our best literary and scientific writers as contributors,-Professor Agassiz, of Cambridge; G. F. Thayer, Esq., Principal Chauncey hall School, Boston; Nathan Bishop, Esq., Superintendent Public Schools, Boston, and other persons of ability. In connection with the Schoolmate, we publish an "Illustrated Composition Book," for writing Compositions. It is on an entirely new plan, prepared by an experienced teacher, and will be of great practical utility to scholars in all our schools. Price, 37 1-2 cents, by mail for thirteen postage stamps. Teachers are requested to call and examine the works, and introduce them into their schools. Terms of "The Schoolmate," in advance, 1 copy one year, $1.00; 6 copies, $5.00; 12 copies, $9.00. Specimen numbers supplied for examination. All kinds of Books and Periodicals supplied to order. A number of good Agents wanted. Address JAMES ROBINSON, 120 Washington St., Boston, Mass. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 83 T. G. G. NEWHALL & CO., PATENT* Successors to OLIVER M. WHIPPLE, MANUFACTURERS OF GAMBO FALLS, GORHAM, ME. GUNPOWDER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR SALE AT THEIR MILLS; AT THEIR OFFICE, 86 STATE STREET, BOSTON; By HITCHCOCK & CO., 116 Broadway, NEW YORK, - AND - JEWETT & ROGERS, 224 Fore Street, Portland. .A.. D. FP T F "EI., AND MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN COCKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Force Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Water Closets, a \ Oil Pumps, Bath Tubs, aBeer Pumps, Shower Baths, /./ Liquor Pumps, Fountains, Cesspools, Hydrants, , .Drain Traps, Pressure Boilers, Coup lings, Plug Basins, Valves, Marble Sldbs, 111 Soda Fountains, Lead Pipe, Soda Ornaments, Sheet Lead, - Worm Coolers. The above goods, and every article in the line of Brass, Copper, or Lead work, are manufactured under my own supervision, and I can recommend the same to dealers and the trade, to which a liberal discount will be made. 9 Water St., 47 & 49 Devonshire St., and 9 Spring Lane, HEWS' PATENT AMERICAN ACTION From the illustrious Pianist, L. M. GOTTSCIIALK, to Mr. Hews' Agent at New York: NEW YORK, DEC. 5, 1853. MR. N. P. B. CURTSS--Dear Sir: Having had the pleasure of performing upon Geo. Hews' American Patent Action Piano, at the World's Fair in this city the pres- ent year and other of his Pianos at your Warerooms, which afforded me much gratifi- cation, 1I cheerfully recommend them to the public. I am very glad of the improve- ment in the action. These instruments likewise are of excellent tone, owing no doubt to the perfection of the scales. Very respectfully, L. M. GOTTSCHALK. Manufactory, 379 Washington Street, Boston. CC I I 24i of Bt41I EISI TER. JONES, TURRILL & CO. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINfiS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS & FURNISHING GOODS, No. 49 MILK STREET, WILLIAM JONES, JAMES HORSWELL. WHITON, TRAIN & CO. AND MANUFACTURERS OF OAKUM & SHIP SPIKES, AGENTS HINGHAM CORDAGE COMPANY, AND DEALERS IN ANROS, Cll SIBLESN Ship Spikes, Windlass Necks, and Patent Windlass Gearing, Sail Cloth, Twine, Bunting, Paints, Oil, Varnish, Naval Stores, &c. Nos. 31 & 33 Commercial Street, New Granite Building, head of City Wharf, T. F. WFIITON, W. G. TRAIN, ' WM. WHITON. APPLETON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANIE iCOMPANY, BOSTON, MASS. Accumulated and Guarantee Capital, $66,814.69. WILLIAM PULSIPER,...... PRESIDENT. D IRE C.TOR S. WILLIAM PULSIFER, G. D. COOPER, ROBERT A. CROSS, HENRY M. BOWEN, JAMES CONNER, STEPHEN MILLER, ICHABOD MACOMBER. I. MACOMBER, Secretary and Treasurer. P. S. This Company Insures Farmers' and other Dwellings, Stocks of Goods, Manufacturers' ad Mechanics' Property. Application may be made through our Agent or by mail to the Secretary. Office, 8 Scollay's Building, Tremont Row, Boston. _ I >k T 171 D L7 i T d /R ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 85 The Subscriber would inform the public that he has con- stantly onhand, a variety of the most beautiful and desirable P~ .A.I 1T ~ S , prepared from White and Colored Oxide of Zinc, and suitable for all kinds of House, Ship & Decorative Painting. These Paints are recommended for cheapness, beauty and durability; they are superior to Lead, and are used and prey ferred by the more skilful and experienced Painters in all parts of the country. Suitable tints for house painting may be selected from SIXTY VARIETIES, and the color will be guaranteed to correspond with its pattern. Also, on hand, fresh ground MORRIS'S UNRIVALLUD MEDIUM, for Oil and Distemper Graining and Decorative Painting. Snow Whits and No. 1 French Zinc; Gum Size; Damar Varnish, and all kinds of Tinting Colors, for House and other Painters. For sale by THOMAS I). MORRIS, 18 SCHOOL STREET, BOSTON, MASS. J. & W. MCADAMS, 94 -tate ~Sfreet, "Boston, MANUFACTURE AND HAVE FOR WHOLESALE PAGED AND HEADED Made of the best paper, and bound in the most thorough manner. DEALERS IN - FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATIONERY, G. OLD AD STWE3Za 9i, &a. Ledgers, Journals, Cash, Record, Day, Letter and Lithographed CHECK BOOKS, Made to order, for Banks, Railroad, Insurance, and other Companies. Card Certificates, Circulars, Bill Heads, &c., Printed in any style desired. RULING DONE TO ORDER. MATTHEWSON'S PATENT EATHER STRIPS FOR RENDERING Doors & French Windows Tight at the Bottomn Sold, Wholeale and Retail, at No. 142 HANOVER STREET, (Over the ChinaTea Store, cor. Union St.) I. CARTER. os8TON. erOn the ront: of all trl : wilt be stamped, A. B. Wilson. JOHN P. WHITNEY, OF- LETTERS AND SCROLL O NAIENTS, Boom, No. 38 Massachusetts Block, COURT SQUARE, a y ), Articles marked in Scrip, Old English, German Text, and Roman Letters. Silver Coffin Plates constantly on hand, and marked at short notice: ._ ~r. .,;... ... - --i----- --- 1 86 MAINE EGISTER. UTLEY, BOYNTON & DELANO, COMMISSION AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LARD, EGGS, BEANS, PEAS, GRAIN, DRIED APPLES, - AND ALL KINDS OFP- C T 1 T'RJ I"Y P O TD. E. BUTTER AND CHEESE PACKED FOR SHIPPING. No. 5 Quincy Market Block, CommerceSt. & City Wharf, J. UTLEY, M. B. BOYNTON, J. R. DELANO. 'UU l MESSINGER & BROTHER, No. 19 Milk Street, Boston. MANUFACTURERS OF SEWING SILK, SADDLERS', EMBROIDERY,! Twist, Fringe, Tram & Floss Silks, - ALSO SILK EXPRESSLY FOR SEWING MACHINES. Orange and White Floss, made expressly for Woollen Manufacturers; FLOSS SILK, for tying the ends of Piece Goods, Lettering Cloths, &c., and every description of Twisted Silk, Black and Assorted Colors, in and a pound packages, 100 skn. bundles, and on Spools. Foreign and Domestic SEWINGS, by the Case. Constantly on hand, a large stock of the above; also, made to order and warranted equal to any goods in the market. MANUFACTORY AT CANTON, MASS. HUNT, JEWETT & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF LAND THE USUAL VARIETY OF No. 310 CONGRESS STREET, R. K. HUNTP A LL AN D SATI. SFACTOR ALL WORK WARRANTED SATISFACTORY. I ADVERTISING DEPAR TMENT. PARKER, WHITE & GANNETT'S AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND Nos. 47, 53, 59 and 63 Blackstone Street, Their Stock embraces the largest and most complete assortment of TOOLS, SEEDS, TREES & FERTILIZERS, To be found in the United States; Consisting of a great variety of Ploughs, Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutters ; Cultivators, Harrows, Seed Sowers, Corn Shellers, Horse Powers, Thrashing Machines, Fan Mills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Sugar Mills, Sausage Meat Cutters and Stuffers, Depot and Store Trucks, Chains of every Pattern, Ames' Cast Steel and Iron Shovels, Hoes, Scythes, Patent Scythes, Snathes, Axes and Axes Handled, Horse Rakes, Hand Rakes, Scythe Stones and Rifles; Pick, Rake, Hoe and Fork HANDLES, Hay and Manure Forks, Grain Cradles, Grind Stones, Improved Grind Stone Hangings; HORTICULTURAL TOOLS Of every description, &c.; fied an @aren Sb of all ilariEties" Guano, Pondrette, Crushed Bones, Coe's Super Phosphate of Lime ; MllUIT All IIIlAM I lTA) TREES; AGRICULTURAL BOOKS. For Sale at the lowest Wholesale and Retail Prices. Chain Pump. I I ~ ___ 87 011 11411 1iOTIN liOUSE, THE UNRIVALLED EMPORIUM FOR GENTLEMEN'S, YOUTHS' AND LITTLE CHILDREN'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AN EXTENSIVE AND DESIRABLE ASSORTMENT OF VESTINGS, &C., Always to be found in the Custom Department, with unusual facilities for the prompt and faithful execution of all orders for GENTEEI. CLOTHING. Military and Naval Officers' Dresses, Military and Firemen's Uniforms, Furnished at the shortest notice, and all garments warranted to give perfect satisfketion. GEO. W. SIMMONS, OAK HALL,-32, 34, 3 and 38 NORTH STREET, B(SM MASS. MAYNARD & NOYES'S BLACK WRITING INK. THE manufacture of this Ink was established in 1816, and the quality has now been tested by the public for nearly forty years. During this time it has been constantly increasing in public favor and patronage,and is now the leading article in the country. Those who may be ignorant of its superiority and reputa- tion, are invited to read the following testimonials, and to make trial of it them- selves. When the best judges, after using it twenty and more years, express themselves in one manner concerning its superior excellence, it is quite evident that no one need be troubled with bad Ink. Office of Merchants' Ins. Co., Boston, January 10, 1848. Boston, Nov. 18, 1848. Mlssas. MAYNARD & NOYES. - Gentlemen : It Masses.. MAYNARD & NoraES. - I have used is now, I believe, more than twenty years'since the your Writing Ink for the last sixteen years. In School Committee passed an order for using your 1840, I gave you a certificate of its excellence, Black WritingInk in the City Schools. I have used and having continued its use ever since, to my it during that period, and deem it afirst rate article, entire satisfaction, my opinion is confirmed in its and cheerfully recommend it to others. It flows superiority. It flows freely fromn the pen, and is freely from the pen, and increases in blackness in all respects the best Ink Ihave ever used. The after being committed to paper, and the color is other officers in the institution agree with me in durable. I know of no Ink equal to yours, and I the opinion here expressed. havo tried many kinds, both English and Ameri- GEO. HOMER, Sec'y. can. P. MACKINTOSH, JR., Principal of the Writing Dep. Hancock School. Boston, May 27, 1846. For twenty years past I have had occasion to Boston, October 15, 1849. use ink daily, and sometimes for the nicest of pen- ESSRS. MAYNARD & Novas.--Gentlemen: Your manship; occasionally, necessity or curiosity has note of the 10th inst., asking us to state the length led me to make use of the article made by different of time we had used your Writing Ink, and our individuals,-but Ican cheerfully state that 1 have opinion of its quality, was duly received. We never found any that combined so many good have made use of it generally for the last twenty qualities as thatmade by Maynard & Noyes. years, and have found it always of satisfactory N. D. GOULD, quality, being free from those objectionable points Teacher of Penmanship. so troublesome and common in writing liquids generally. Wishing for it a still more extended sale, we are, gentlemen, Registry Deeds Your Obedit Servants. BoRegistr y Needs, 847J. M. BEEBE & CO. Boston Nov. 20, 1847. MassRs. MAYNARD & NOYvas.-I have made use of your Writing Inkfor the recording of Deeds, Boston Post Office Dec. 4, 1851. &c., the past twenty-five years, and having found M ssRS. MAYNARD & NOYES. - entlemen : In it to suit my wishes and purposes entirely, take 1843 I certified to the superior quality of your pleasure in renewing my testimonial of its su- Writing Ink. I have continued to use it ever periority, From the appearance of the Records since that time, and take pleasure in expressing, in my Office, I am satisfied it is superior to any I as I then did, my entire satisfaction with it. It have used, and consider it particularly adapted has now been used in this office more than twenty for all purposes where permanency of color is reqi- years. Other inks have during that time been site or desirable. It flows well from the pen, and tested, but yours has been in every instance pre- does not mosld; and my oldest Records prove its ferred. For fluidity, blackness, and permanency, color to be unalterably black, none has been found equal to it. H. ALLINE, Regis. Deeds. GEO. W. GORDON, Postmaster. COPYING INK. This Ink gives a copy as distinct and perfect as the original, and combines all the properties of our Writing Ink. This quality particularly adapts it to Counting House use, as it answers all the purposes for which a Writing Liquid is wanted. Also BLUE, RED AND CARMINE INKS. These Inks for beauty and brilliancy of color are unequalled. For sale by the Manufacturers, No. 11 MERCHANTS ROW, BOSTON, and by Stationers and Booksellers generally in the City and States. '-EE "IMEDI ClTE OfP 'CEE A.GE. Although there have been many medicinal preparations brought before the public since the first introduction of Perry Davis's Vegetable Pain Killer, and large amounts expended in their introduction, the Pain Killer has continued to steadily advance in the estimation of the world as the best Family Medicine ever introduced. As an internal and exter l remedy it is truly a source of JOY TO THE WORLD. One positive prom of its efficacy is, that the sales have constantly increased, and wholly upoif its own merits, as the proprietors have not resorted to advertising to gain for it the rank it now holds among the great number of preparations of the pres- ent time. The effect of the Pain Killer upon the patient, when taken internally, in cases of colds, coughs, bowel complaints, cholera, dysentery, and other affections of the system, has been truly wonderful, and has won for it a name among medicinal prepara- tions that can never be forgotten. Its success in removing pain, as an external remedy, in cases of burns, bruises, sores, sprains, cuts, stings of insects, and other causes of suffering, has secured for, it such a host of testimony, as an almost infallible remedy, that it will be handed down to posterity as one of the greatest medical dis- coveries of the nineteenth century. The magical effects of the Pain Killer, when taken or used according to directions, are certain. You have only to be sure that you buy the genuine article and adhere to the directions in its use, and you will admit its wonderful medicinal properties. The genuine Perry Davis Pain Killer is now put up in panel bottles, with the words Davis' Vege- table Pain Killer blown in the glass; and with two steel engraved labels on each bottle - one an excellent likeness of PEsaY DAvIs, the original inventor of the medicine, the other a steel engraved note of hand -none others can be relied upon as genuine. Price of Bottles 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00, respectively. For sale by most of the Medicine Dealers throughout the known world. PERRY DAVIS & SON, PROPRIETro , �No. 74 High St., Providence, R. I. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY H. H. HAY, PORTLAND, ME., and E. J. SMITH, HALLOWELL, ME., GENERAL WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR THE STATE OF MAINE. Lead; Gold Leaf, Bronzes, Smalts, &c. H. H. HAY, 11lU81 T M AlliU TIST Glass Ware, Swedish Leeches, - Paints, Paint Brushes, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, &o., Genuine English and American Patent TrmeoT ass ausT Medicines, NOS. 15 & 17 IARKM SQUARE, PORTLAND, ME.' Tieman's Surgical Instruments ; Chevalier's Dental Instruments ; Abbey's Fine Gold Foil ; - Crofoot's and Stockton's Mineral Teeth; u - Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, &c. Pure Burning Fluid and Camphene; French Zinc Paint; Lewis's, Atlantic, and other White Cigars, Lorillard's Scotch and Maccoboy Snuff, &c., &c. DENIO & ROBERTS, MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROIVED FIRE PROOF SAFES, Bank Vaults and Steel lined Chests, AND ALL THE MOST APPROVED Rogue and Powder Proof Locks. Also, Critcherson's Improved BREAD MACHINES, for making Ship Bread, Hard and Soft Crackers, Sugar and Soda Biscuit, &c. C.ARLES ROBERTS.} Causeway, corner of Friend St., r~'j No. 78 Washington St.; Bpston, Importers and Dealers in Country Traders, Booksellers, Teachers, Clergymen, Banks, Railroads, Insurance and other Companies, furnished on the best terms. ORDERS SOLICITED. MA.Y cle CO. (,ate Samuel May & Co.,) No.1 Broad St., corner of State St., Boston. TinPlate, Sheet & Plate Iron, Iron Wire, Brass, Copper, Steel, Tinned and Galvanized Wire, Sheet Brass, Copper, Lead, and Zinc, German Silver in Sheets and Wire, Brass and Copper Tubing, Block Tin, Bar Tin, Lead, Spelter, Anti- mony, Black-Lead Pots, Crucibles, Stubba's Tools, Files and Steel, Anvils, Vices, Files & Rasps, Emery, Nuts and Washers, Screws, Bolts, Rivets, Smiths' Bellows, Cast Steel, in allshapes, German and Blistered Steel, Hammers, Sledges, Drills, Screw Plates, Punch Presses, Lathes. Agents for the Sale of Tinners' Tools and Machines, and of Smiths' Portable Forges. I ~ - .. 1 - - - - c - : - -.. mm This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2013