LA. i 'Vsx DOC. D 10.2: T22/2/992 Defense 3 0112105105941 Techi , i/ical WITHDRAWN University of * mat Jon !LU A Centei800 NUMBER 1-800-225-DTIC (3842) An 800 Help Line Number is now available to our local and out-of-state users. This number, (800) 225-DTIC will give you direct access via a menu system to the offices that handle: Registration UNIVERSITY OP Document Orders ILLINOIS LIBRARY T • • AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Trainmg STACKS SBIR Requests Tours/Briefings/Conferences Product and Services Information Corporate Information Management (CIM) referrals General Questions— The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is a major component of the DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program. DTIC contributes to the management and conduct of Defense research, development and acquisition efforts. This is done by providing access to and transfer of scientific and technical information for DoD personnel, DoD contractors and potential contractors, and other U.S. Government agency personnel and their contractors. • Main Location: Defense Technical Information Center Directorate of User Services Bldg. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 (703) 274-3848/DSN 284-3848 Fax (703) 274-9274 DTIC Los Angeles Regional Office OcX. Dio •a Other Locations: DTIC Albuquerque Regional Office ATTN: DTIC-BLNA AFWL/SUL, Bldg. 419 Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-6008 (505) 846-6797/DSN 246-6797 Fax (505) 246-6799 DTIC Boston Regional Office ATTN: DTIC-BLNB Bldg. 1103 Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-5000 (617) 377-2413/DSN 478-2413 Fax (617) 377-5627 ATTN: DTIC-BLNL 222 North Sepulveda Blvd El Segundo, CA 90245-4320 (310) 335-4170/DSN 972-4170 Fax (310) 235-3663 Manpower and Training Research Information System (MATRIS) DTIC MATRIS Office ATTN: DTIC-AM San Diego, CA 92152-6800 (619) 553-7000/DSN 553-7000 Fax (619) 553-7053 WHAT IS DTICWHAT IS THE DTIC COLLECTION? DTIC holdings include technical reports; management information summaries at the work unit level; independent research and development (IR&D) summaries; and special collections such as a referral database and World War II documents. ARE THE “SPECIAL” COLLECTIONS OF INTEREST TO ME? Yes. For instance, part of the technical report file is a referral database that contains references to other data collections and sources of information. Valuable documents can be found in the Air Technical Index (ATI) and Technical Information Pilot (TIP) collections which contain technical reports, foreign and domestic, dating from the 1940s and 1950s. These documents, many of which are the single remaining copies, are significant from an historical standpoint as well as a technical one. DTIC maintains the only centralized collection of these documents and can search its manual files for the important information contained in them upon request WHAT ARE DTIC’S DATABASES? The majority of DTIC’s collection is represented by three major databases: the Technical Report Bibliographic (TR) database contains records of print or nonprint products associated with completed research; the Research and Technology (R&T) Work Unit Information System (WUIS) is composed of management information summaries which reflect ongoing efforts; and the Independent Research and Development (IR&D) database reports independent research and development being conducted by major Defense contractors.WHAT SUBJECT AREAS ARE COVERED? DTIC’s collection includes areas normally associated with Defense research such as aeronautics, missile technology, space technology, navigation, and nuclear science. However, DoD’s interests are widespread, and include other subjects such as biology, chemistry, energy, environmental sciences, oceanography, computer sciences, sociology, and human factors engineering. HOW DO I LEARN ABOUT DTIC’S COLLECTION? Contact: Defense Technical Information Center ATTN: DTIC-BCR Bldg. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 (703) 274-7633/DSN 284-7633 DTIC COLLECTIONWHAT ARE DTIC’S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? • Full-text copies of technical reports and work unit summaries from DTIC holdings. • Nonprint products (i.e., computer diskettes, magnetic tapes and videorecordings). • Automatic Document Distribution (ADD) Program This program provides semi-monthly automatic distribution of microfiche copies of newly accessioned scientific and technical reports in accordance with user subject-interest profiles. • Current Awareness Bibliographies (CAB) This program matches the user’s subject-interest profile against newly acquired accessions in the Technical Report Bibliographic (TR) Database. The end product is a technical report bibliography sent to the user on a semi-monthly basis. • Subject Bibliographies DTIC provides subject bibliographies and Research and Technology (R&T) Work Unit Information System (WUIS) or Independent Research and Development (IR&D) databases summaries on request in response to specific area-of-interest inquiries. • Recurring Reports This program matches the users subject-interest profile against newly acquired information in the Research and Technology (R&T) Work Unit Information System (WUIS) or Independent Research and Development (IR&D) databases. It is supplied monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, according to user requirements. • Technical Report (TR) Database on CD-ROM An unclassified/limited subscription product with quarterly updates which contains unclassified citations to technical reports, DoD patent applications and conference papers. It is limited to users who have access to export-controlled data.HOW DO I LEARN MORE ABOUT DTIC’S PRODUCTS? Contact: Defense Technical Information Center ATTN: DTIC-BCP Bldg. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 (703) 274-6434/DSN 284-6434 PROnurTS AND SFRVirFSWHAT ARE DTIC’S SUPPORTING SERVICES? • Reference Services - (703) 274-7633 or DSN 284-7633 Reference staff aids in identifying and locating technical reports. • Document Services - (703) 274-7633 or DSN 284-7633 Documents can be ordered through online terminals or by phone, letter, facsimile or DTI*"1 Form 1 and are available in microfiche, paper copy, or non-print format. • Referral Services - (703) 274-7633 or DSN 284-7633 Staff refers user to other sources of information and assistance. • Retrieval Services - (703) 274-6867 or DSN 284-6867 Subject analysts perform online searches of DTIC’s three databases—Technical Report (TR) Bibliographic Database, Research and Technology (R&T) Work Unit Information System (WUIS) Database, Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Database— and produce bibliographies or management summary reports on demand. • Customized Services - (703) 274-6867 or DSN 284-6867 User can contact DTIC (at one of its four locations) and make an appointment to come in and work with a retrieval analyst while the search is being performed. See section entitled “What is DTIC” for telephone numbers of the Regional Offices. • Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) Services - (703) 274-6867 or DSN 284-6867 DTIC’s Current Awareness Bibliography (CAB), Recurring Reports and Automatic Document Distribution (ADD) programs alert users to the most current DoD-funded research in individual areas of interest.HOW DO I PAY FOR THESE SERVICES? Currently, the principal way to pay for DTIC’s products and services is through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). To establish an NTIS Deposit Account, contact: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4770. For information concerning alternate methods of payment contact: Defense Technical Information Center ATTN: DTIC-BCR Building 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 (703) 274-7633/DSN 284-7633. SUPPORTING SERVICESThe Manpower and Training Research Information System (MATRIS) is a specialized DTIC database designed and developed to support the manpower, personnel, training and simulation devices, human factors and safety (MPTS) research and development community. Within the MPTS technology area, MATRIS provides a centralized source of information for managers, planners, researchers and information intermediaries. The MATRIS staff of technical information specialists helps planners and managers of people-related research track resource allocations and identify gaps or overlaps in the MPTS program. Researchers use MATRIS to acquire information concerning the history, present status, future directions and funding and fiscal details for the MPTS technology area. SERVICES AVAILABLE AT THE MATRIS OFFICE: • Answers to general questions about DTIC • Information/database searches in MPTS subject areas • MATRIS online assistance • Specialized reports • Program element and project level information • Funding information within the MPTS technology area • Technical Information Packages (TIPs) in MPTS topics to small business requestors To visit the MATRIS office, arrange an appointment with a MATRIS staff member at least one day in advance of your planned visitFOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: DTIC MATRIS Office ATTN: DTIC-AM San Diego, CA 92152-6800 (619) 553-7000/DSN 553-7000 MATRIS• DROLS is the acronym for the Defense RDT&E Online System. It was developed by DTIC to provide online access to its collection. • DROLS provides access to DTIC’s three databases: Technical Report (TR) Bibliographic Database - A database consisting of bibliographic records and abstracts of technical reports submitted to DTIC. Research and Technology (R&T) Work Unit Information System (WUIS) Database - A database of ongoing DoD research and technology efforts at the work unit level. Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Database - A database of contractor’s independent R&D efforts shared with DoD. This database is proprietary and made accessible only to Department of Defense personnel with classified access. • DROLS is used for interactive search and retrieval, input, and ordering documents. • Shared Bibliographic Input Network (SBIN) is a shared cataloging program associated with the TR Bibliographic Database. Participants add bibliographic records to DTIC’s files by using remote online terminals. WHAT BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION IS ACCESSIBLE THROUGH DROLS? • Almost all of DTIC’s TR collection can be searched and displayed through DROLS. • Citations to classified and unclassified reports, both limited and unlimited, and to nonprint products are available to qualified users. HOW IS DROLS AVAILABLE? DROLS is available only through DTIC. Terminal stations are linked to DTIC’s central computer system either through dedicated terminals or by using a PC/modem configuration. WHAT EQUIPMENT IS NEEDED? • Hard-Wired (i.e. dedicated) classified or unclassified terminals must emulate UNISYS communications protocol.• Users accessing in an asynchronous unclassified dial-up mode may use any terminal which employs the standard ASCII Asynchronous Protocol. Classified users are required to use KG encryption equipment over a dedicated phone line or an STU-III over the Public Switched Network. WHAT ELEMENTS ARE SEARCHABLE ONLINE? Most of the standard bibliographic information such as author, source (organizations), report date, title and subjects are searchable. Nonbibliographic data is also searchable (project, contract, report number, and funding source information for example). WHAT ARE THE COSTS? The costs are for installation of equipment and communication requirements for dedicated telephone lines, or connect hour charges for dial-up. HOW DO I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT DTIC ONLINE? Contact: Defense Technical Information Center ATTN: DTIC-BCS Bldg. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 (703) 274-7709/DSN 284-7709 rjTTTrTTmsEHjraffrrTTT HUB OBBBfiHBBflBHB DTIC ONLINEThe DoD Gateway Information System (DGIS) offers an integrated service which provides convenient access to commercial and government databases. Important features of DGIS are: - automatic connection to the database of your choice - multiple database searching - customized bibliographies - processing, analyzing and customizing bibliographies - menu and command driven system - electronic mail - file utilities FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT DGIS CONTACT: Defense Technical Information Center Attn: DTIC-BLN Bldg. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 (703) 274-7791/DSN 284-7791SearchMAESTRO (Menu Aided Easy Searching Thru Relevant Options) is DTIC’s menu-driven search tool, designed primarily to help end users who want easy access to information. SearchMAESTRO also enables information professionals to search unfamiliar databases. It provides: - one account to access commercial and government databases - a common command language - an SOS feature to obtain one on one assistance - automatic selection of the best databases for your search - menu-driven searching of DTIC’s DROLS databases FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SEARCHMAESTRO CONTACT: Defense Technical Information Center Attn: DTIC-Bldg. 5, Can Alexandria, (703) 274-7' DGIS/SearchMAESTROCAN ANYONE BE A DTIC USER? No. DTIC serves the Federal Government research community including contractors, grantees, and potential defense contractors. Because of the nature of the information that DTIC handles, users must qualify for service from DTIC. Among those eligible to receive DTIC services are: • Libraries and information centers, including academic, special and technical libraries and even the Library of Congress. • Components of the Department of Defense including the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the military services as well as DoD agencies other U.S. Government & agencies. • DoD military and civilian students and • Universities involved in federally funded research throughout the United States are also eligible to receive DTIC services. Although organizations register for service from DTIC, individuals in the agencies are the actual users. These include engineers, scientists, managers, administrators of research efforts, program planners, acquisition specialists and information intermediaries. HOW CAN I BECOME A REGISTERED DTIC USER? You may request a registration packet with the necessary forms and information about DTIC products and services by contacting: Defense Technical Information Center ATTN: DTIC-BCS Bldg. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22304-6145 (703) 274-6871/DSN 284-6871HOW CAN THE GENERAL PUBLIC GAIN ACCESS TO DTIC INFORMATION? DTIC releases unclassified/unlimited technical reports and bibliographic information through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). DTIC documents released to NTIS are indexed in NTIS’s Government Reports Announcements and Index and citations to them are available on-line through the NTIS Bibliographic Data File. This file can be accessed through commercial database vendors. For further information, direct inquiries to: REGISTRATION FOR DTIC SERVICESACQUISITION PROGRAM PURPOSE To acquire documents that are pertinent to defense research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E), acquisition management and related studies efforts. To make the maximum amount of scientific and technical information available for secondary distribution to the DoD RDT&E community. TYPES OF DOCUMENTS SOUGHT - Technical reports - Technical notes - Technical memoranda - Bibliographies - Individual documents and collections - Studies and analyses - Concept studies - Mission need statements - Other documents relating to planned, ongoing and completed RDT&E SOURCES OF DOCUMENTS - DoD agencies - DoD contractors and grantees - Other U. S. Government agencies - Educational institutions - Foreign government agencies and institutions including NATO Documents are accepted in various formats—hard copy, microfiche, videorecording, computer diskette, CD-ROM or magnetic tape. REQUIREMENTS Defense agencies and their contractors are required by regulation to forward DoD-funded technical documents (unclassified and classified through Secret, including Restricted Data) to DTIC for input into its Technical Report Bibliographic (TR)database and for timely secondary distribution to authorized DTIC users.PRIMARY GOVERNING REGULATIONS DoD Directive 3200.12, DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program; Enel 3, Defense Technical Information Center DoD Directive 5230.24, Distribution Statements on Technical Documents ANSI STD Z39.18, Scientific and Technical Reports: Organization, Preparation and Production IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS Army - AR 70-11, AR 5-5, AR 5-14 Navy - SECNAVINST 3900.43 Air Force - AFR 80-44 DoD - DoDD 4205.2 BENEFITS OF USING DTIC’S CENTRAL DEPOSITORY FOR RESEARCH RECORDS - Ensures continuous and ready exchange of information - Eliminates duplication of effort and resource expenditure - Assures safekeeping of records that may be recalled quickly for use at any future date - Reduces costs in terms of storage, inventory, manpower, printing and administrative expenditures associated with maintaining, reproducing, and distributing additional copies after primary distribution FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT DTIC’S ACQUISITION PROGRAM, CONTACT: Defense Technical Information Center ATTN: DTIC-OCP Bldg. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 ^^5 (703) 274-6847/DSN 284-6847 DTIC ACQUISITION PROGRAMSELECTED DTIC PUBLICATIONS ARE DESCRIBED BELOW: • Defense Technical Information Center Contributors’ Handbook This booklet discusses how to submit products of research, studies or analyses in various formats to DTIC’s collection. Applicable regulations, necessary forms, and various methods used to contribute information are highlighted. • Defense Technical Information Center Cataloging Guidelines A manual for cataloging technical reports developed by the major federal research agencies. (AD-A231 200) • Defense Technical Information Center Handbook for Users This handbook describes DTIC’s products and services and guides users step-by-step through basic DTIC transactions such as registering for services or ordering a technical report • Directory of the Department of Defense Information Analysis Centers This booklet provides individual profiles of each of the 23 Information Analysis Centers (IAC) supported by DoD, along with useful information on IAC costs, products and services. • Directory of DoD-Sponsored R&D Databases A central reference guide to DoD information sources and databases—a “database of all R&D databases” in DoD (AD-B116 400) (This publication is limited to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors.) • Directory of Organizational Technical Report Acronym Codes (DOTRAC) A guide to acronyms used by organizations submitting reports to DTIC. (AD-A219 800) • DTIC Digest This quarterly newsletter includes feature articles on DTIC’s special programs and developments of interest to our user community. • DTIC Thesaurus DTIC’s vocabulary for indexing and retrieval of information in the DTIC databases. (AD-A226 000) • How To Get It - A Guide to Defense-Related Information Resources A reference tool identifying sources of government information of interest to the defense community. (AD-A201 600) • Research Directory for Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Human Factors This directory lists individuals who perform and or manage current people-related Research and Development and Studies and Analysis efforts for the Department of Defense.• Notices of Changes in Classification, Distribution and Availability. Annual Cumulation. This DTIC cumulation contains change entries for all reports that are downgraded, declassified, delimited, and/or transferred to NTIS for public sale. Available to registered users in microfiche only. Published annually since 1976. • Referral Database Directory Listings of mission, scope and services for government-sponsored activities which provide scientific and technical information services. (AD-A241 750) • Source Header List A two-volume listing of source names and their codes used by DTIC in its databases. (AD-A231 000, Vol. 1; AD-A231 001, Vol. 2) • Source Hierarchy List A three-volume hierarchical listing of related organizations and codes used in the DTIC databases. (AD-A231 100, Vol. 1; AD-A231 101, Vol. 2; AD-A231 102, Vol. 3) AD-A237 200 Directory of Ortfsnlzational Report Acronym Codes •i i JUNE 1991 Defense Technical Information Center Cataloging Guidelines DEFB4SETECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER DTIC PUBLICATIONSDTIC administratively manages and funds contractor-operated DoD centers for analysis of scientific and technical information. These Information Analysis Centers (IACs) provide DTIC users with access to specialized reference services and subject matter experts. IACs are concerned with the scientific and technical information content of worldwide engineering, technical and scientific documents and databases, and cover highly specialized, technical subject areas of major concern to DoD research and development programs. Coverage is of greater depth and breadth than is possible at DTIC itself. IACs* products and services include handbooks, announcement abstracts and indices, state-of-the-art reports, special studies and tasks, conference proceedings, special analysis and evaluation reports, bibliographies, technical inquiries, referrals and current awareness newsletters. IAC staff can be tasked to provide evaluative engineering and/or analytical services within the scope of each Center. These Centers may service the private sector to the extent practicable within DoD security guidelines and DoD policy regarding the handling of information on militarily critical technologies. DTIC users are encouraged to request information services directly from appropriate IACs when qualitative information evaluations requiring technical knowledge and expert judgement are needed. Simple reference and current awareness services are free, but service charges are imposed on more complex products and time-consuming services to offset preparation costs. Payment options include subscription plans, direct billing, deposit accounts with the IAC or with NTIS, blanket purchase agreements and Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPRs). DTIC publishes an Information Analysis Center Directory of all DoD IACs and a technical report, entitled Information Analysis Centers in the Department of Defense (AD-A184 002). FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE IAC PROGRAM, CONTACT: DEFENSE TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER ATTN: DTIC-AI, IAC Program Manager Bldg. 5, Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 (703) 274-6260/DSN 284-6260 TELEPHONE CONTACTS FOR DTIC-SPONSORED IACS Chemical Warfare/Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center (CBIAC) Edgewood, MD............................................................................................(301) 676-9030 Ceramics Information Analysis Center (CIAC) West Lafayette, IN.......................................................................................(317) 494-9393 Chemical Propulsion Information Agency (CPIA) Columbia, MD.............................................................................................(410) 992-7300Crew Systems Ergonomics Information Analysis Center (CSERIAC) Dayton, OH.........................................................................(513) 255-4842/DSN 785-4842 Data and Analysis Center for Software (DACS) Utica, NY.....................................................................................................(315) 734-3696 Guidance and Control Information Analysis Center (GACIAC) Chicago, IL...................................................................................................(312) 567-4519 Infrared Information and Analysis Center (IRIA) Ann Arbor, MI............................................................................(313) 994-1200 Ext. 2378 Metals Information Analysis Center (MIAC) West Lafayette, IN.......................................................................................(317) 494-9393 Metal Matrix Composites Information Analysis Center (MMCIAC) Santa Barbara, CA........................................................................................(805) 963-6455 Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center (NTIAC) Austin, TX....................................................................................................(512) 263-2106 Reliability Analysis Center (RAC) Rome, NY....................................................................................................(315) 337-0900 High Temperature Materials Information Analysis Center (HTMIAC) West Lafayette, IN.......................................................................................(317) 494-9393 Manufacturing Technology Information Analysis Center (MTIAC) Chicago, IL...................................................................................................(312) 567-4733 Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center (SURVIAC) Wright-Patterson AFB, OH................................................(513) 255-4840/DSN 785-4840 1 ! % V* 00 £ O; ^ IAC CENTER flVRoj ■ % INFORMATION ANALYSIS CENTER (IAC) PROGRAMSMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH (SBIR) PROGRAM The Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982 (reauthorized in 1987 and extended to October 1, 1993) requires Federal Agencies with annual extramural R&D budgets over $100 million to carry out SBIR programs. SBIR objectives include stimulating technological innovation in the private sector, strengthening the role of small business in meeting R&D needs, increasing commercialization of federal R&D, and encouraging participation by minority and disadvantaged firms in technological innovation. DTIC supports the DoD SBIR Program by preparing a background Technical Information Package (TIP) for each of the hundreds of topics announced for competitive bid in the DoD SBIR solicitation book. TIPs, which contain citations to background literature and related work in progress, are available to small businesses on request during the solicitations which start in October (90 days) and in May (60 days). Technical reports cited in the TIPs may be obtained through the DTIC SBIR Program; the initial ten documents are provided at no charge. Solicitation books are available on request from the DTIC SBIR office and, during solicitation periods, from more than 70 locations around the country. Further information about the special DTIC-SBIR services may be obtained by calling (800) 225-3842 or (703) 274-6902 or by writing the Defense Technical Information Center, ATTN: DTIC-BLS (SBIR), Bldg. 5, Cameron Station, VA 22304-6145. UNIVERSITY RESEARCH SUPPORT PROGRAM University Research Initiative (URI) is one of the many DoD university programs supported by DTIC. The URI Program is funded by an appropriation of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. It is designed to: provide new knowledge for the future development of advanced military systems; improve the quality of defense research performed at universities; and promote education of scientists and engineers in disciplines critical to future defense research and development through fellowships and traineeships. Through URI, DTIC is providing fifty (50) universities throughout the U.S. free access to its products and services. Further information about the URI Program may be obtained by calling (703) 614-0205, or by writing the URI Program, ODUSD (S&T)/BRH, Room 3E118, Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301. HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES PROGRAM The Historically Black Colleges and Universities program was mandated by Executive Order 12677 and signed by the President on 28 April 1989. The goal of the executive order is “to advance the development of human potential, to strengthen the capacity of Historically Black Colleges and Universities to provide quality education...”. DTIC’s HBCU program mirrors the goals of the executive order and provides the HBCUs with scientific and technical information and technical assistance at no cost. DTIC’s program is intended to enhance the HBCU’s capabilities for winning DoD contracts and for enhancing their graduate and undergraduate programs. Further information about the HBCU Program may be obtained by calling (703) 274-3848, DSN 284-3848, or by writing the Defense Technical Information Center, ATTN: DTIC-BLS (HBCU), Bldg. 5, Cameron Station, Alexandria. VA 22304-6145.Organizations or individuals who do not have current contracts or grants with DoD are provided technical information support through the potential Defense contractor programs of the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Scientific and technical information resulting from and describing completed or in progress DoD-funded research and development is available through DTIC and at various technical and industrial liaison offices to industrial companies, educational institutions, nonprofit technical organizations, and individuals with adequate research and development capabilities. Participation in potential Defense contractor programs is arranged through the military and DARPA contacts identified below. You need register under only one program to acquire DTIC services. Department of the Army - Potential Contractors Program (PCP) Commander Army Materiel Command ATTN: AMCAQ-PM-TILO 5001 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333-0001 Telephone: (703) 274-8948 Commander Army Aviation Systems Command ATTN: AMSAV-NS 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63120-1798 Telephone: (314) 263-1074 Commander Army Missile Command ATTN: AMSMI-RD-TI Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5243 Telephone: (205) 876-4270 Commander Army Tank-Automotive Command ATTN: AMSTA-CK Warren, MI 48397-5000 Telephone: (313) 574-7545 Commander Army Communications-Electronics Command ATTN: AMSEL-AC-BEB-TP Ft. Monmouth, NJ 07703-5001 Telephone: (908) 532-2681 Commander Army Armament Research, Development & Engineering Center ATTN: SMCAR-ASC Dover, NJ 07801-5001 Telephone: (201) 724-6978 Commander Army Chemical Research, Development & Engineering Center ATTN: SMCCR-OPP Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5423 Telephone: (410) 671-2031 Commander Army Belvoir Research, Development & Engineering Center ATTN: STRBE-D Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5606 Telephone: (703) 704-2253 Commander Army Natick Research, Development & Engineering Center ATTN: STRNC-AC Natick, MA 01760-5014 Telephone: (508) 651-4687 Commander U.S. Army Laboratory Command ATTN: AMSLC-AT Bldg. 2424 Ft. Meade, MD 20755-5313 (301)621-7918 SPECIAL PROGRAMS/POTENTIAL CONTRACTORSDepartment of the Navy - Navy Potential Contractors Program (NPCP) Navy Acquisition, Research & Development Information Center Crystal Plaza 5, Room 802 2211 Jefferson Davis Highway Washington, DC 20360-5000 Telephone: (703) 602-9057 Office of Naval Technology ONT-263 BCT-3, Room 1212 800 North Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217 Telephone: (703) 696-5991 Department of the Air Force - Potential Contractors Program (PCP) Air Force Information for Industry Office Industry Information Center 5001 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22333-0001 Telephone: (703) 274-9305 Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory ATTN: WLD/OOS Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6523 Telephone: (513) 255-5766/7 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA Potential Contractors Program (DARPA/PCP) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ATTN: S&IO/TIO 3701 N. Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203-1714 Telephone: (703) 696-2432%_ Published by the Defense Technical Information Center Directorate of User Services Special Programs Branch (DTIC-BLS) Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 June 1992