THE ASTROLOGY OP THE OLD TESTAMENT 0E THE LOST WORD REGAINED BV KARL ANDERSON, S,\P.\R.\-K\ m auuxwitx, ar«n«K, ami> mwrrthw Astsatorn. BOSTON KARL ANDERSON PUBLISHER 1892Copyright, 1892, by L. K. Homans All Rights ReservedPREFACE In^ this volume the author will show the meaning of the ^j^ord^ which became flesh and dwelt among men, and explain the enigmas and allegories of the Old and New Testa- ments, proving conclusively by the Bible that astrology is that Word, and written from the beginning; the meaning of the miracles of the Teacher, his birth and death; the city of the New Jerusalem, and the ordination of Freemasonry; the tabernacle of Moses, and the divine revelation by astrology to the formation of the Roman Catholic religion. Everything will be especially and plainly explained, and hundreds of things never mentioned in any astrological work extant. It will show astrology, or that “ which is written” from the beginning, to be unalterable and under fixed and immutable law, and that every- thing and all things emanate from one Almighty Father, the only God; that by means of this study, or divine science, the life of men, or beasts, or duration of things and all their vicissitudes, as well as the fate of nations, the changes of the weather, the rise and fall of stocks, and every affair of life may be surely prognosticated or predicted. It proves all prophecy to be astrology. It will be purged of all nonsensical claims to anything supernatural, or claim to anything but that which is an exact science, sublime and holy, which has existed longer than we have at present any history, and handed down by the great and wise of the past, those builders of the temples of the sun, or universe, until in its old age its ashes are buried in Roman Catholicism but yet burn in Freemasonry, symbolic of iiiIV PREFACE the two opposing forces — the positive and the negative, heat and cold — the Sun and Saturn, or good and evil. It will explain the mystery of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and of Cholula, the serpent mounds, Pagodas of China and Tower of Belus, and of Solomon’s Temple, of the mystery of the Revelation of St. John, the 12 tribes of Israel and 12 disciples of Christ. It will also give every meaning, natural and esoterical, of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the mystery of the trinity or trine; that the planetary system under the immu- table law of Almighty God, are “ his ministers of flaming fire,” and that “ their lines (magnetic rays) have gone out through all the earth and their words unto the end of it,” and that by their movements and aspects to each other, and especially the D (moon), every incident of the dwellers upon the earth may be known, and that no deviation is possible ; and that even though the sun is the grand ruler, under God, of our solar system, and endows his ministers with power, yet is their glory not as his glory; neither is his glory like the glory of the Father, round which not only our sun, but every fixed star, must circle. In this work will be explained how to read and judge accurately any one’s nativity; to calculate all manner of questions ; to diagnose disease ; to tell a person of the com- position of his business ; to know what best to pursue, and where best to seek either wealth, health, or fortune. The mystery of the good path, and the ways of the evil, the science of the Great Pyramid, and that astrology of the ancients is the base of all and every science, either of the past or the future, and that it was at one time a universal religion, science, and language, the remnants of the sign language still held by the Masonic bodies, to whom it is as “ shining in the darkness and the darkness comprehending it not.”PREFACE V The entire work will be devoted to the elucidation of astrology as practised by the ancient people, explain the “ mystery of the serpent,” so as to enable one if so desired to do as the Teacher did when ascertaining if the woman should be adjudged guilty by the Pharisees when he stooped and wrote upon the ground with his finger (t.e., cast a horoscope or horary question), and saw the answer. It will show exactly who this Teacher was, and why he was hung between thieves, and why his death was by the X and not in any other method, and why he must be preached xihed, why you must take up your X and follow him, and that he is the way and only way. Moreover, it will show that geometry is the most perfect of all sciences and the grandest of all studies, and that until one understands it, he or she can never become a good mathe- matician. It will be diversified by horoscopes and nativities practically cast by the author, simplified for the understanding of any reasoning mind. By it one becomes charitable and forgiving, elevated in thought and expansive in intellect; and teaches us to judge not, lest we be judged in turn. One who knows nothing of a science is incompetent to give judgment, and no one who merely learns to cast a figure and place the planets therein, and who knows not the “ mystery of the movements of the serpent,” and the esoterical meaning as well as the natural meaning of the signs of the Zodiac, can read that which is truly written. No one may see God but the pure in heart. To ministers of the gospel, to Freemasons, to theosophical students, to all those who love truth, this volume is respectfully dedicated by one who has sought it in many places and found it only here. Fraternally, K. Anderson.CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. The Belief in God Intuitive............................ i II. Disclosures of the Search Light . . . . io III. The Great Pyramid. — An Altar to R. A. or the Lord of Hosts........................................35 IV. Of the Birth, so called, of Christ or Krishna or Issa Ben-Miriam......................................45 V. Movements of Christ or Krishna. — The Movements of the Sun. — Breastplate of the High Priest of the Jews. — The City of the New Jerusalem of Revelation. — Astrological Horoscopes . . 57 VI. Croix, or Christ, or the Lamb of God. — The Sign °f or Lamb, the First of the Sons or Signs or the First-born..................................79 VII. Proof that the Ancients knew the Sun to be the Grand Central Orb, and that every Calculation was made on Heliocentric Principles. — The New Jerusalem measured by the Sun’s Movements. — Only 144,000 Jews elected to be saved. — All Sun Movements . . . ^.....................85 VIII. Wisdom and what it is. — Astrology Divine and Inspired of God and the Word of God. — As- trology must always survive.......................94 IX. Of Prophets or Seers, Mediums, and Magnetic Healers............................................100 X. Constellations of Heaven all known to the An- cients.— The North Star over the Apex of Pyra- mid when builded. — Knowledge of Ancients of Cloudy Band at Equator, and Cause of Seasons viiVlll CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE THEREBY. —THE SlX DAYS OR PERIODS OF FORMATION of our Solar System completed on Friday, the Day of Venus.—Comets and Blazing Stars are Portentous. — Powers of Stars or Constellations mentioned in Bible.............................112 XI. Of Natural Man or Earth Man, and Evolution of Species, and Planetary Influence over the Earth and its Inhabitants.......................118 XII. Who builded the Pyramid ?.......................133 XIII. Description of the Planets. — What they rule over and Whom..................................141 XIV. The Signification, Nature, Quality, and Descrip- tion of the Twelve Houses......................172 XV. Of the Signs and Meanings or Interpretations of the Twelve Books...............................180 XVI. Aspects.........................................235 XVII. Nativities......................................240 XVIII. Significations of the Lords of Houses as placed in Nativity........................................' 256 XIX. Astrological Aphorisms..........................273 XX. Miscellaneous Astrological Information ... 277 XXI. The Wisdom of Isis or of the Serpent . . . 285 Essential Dignities and Debilities of the Planets 305-308 Signification of the Aspects by Direction . . 309 Planetary Descriptions..........................337 Tables of Houses . 357ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER I THE BELIEF IN GOD INTUITIVE “ The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” — Psa. xiv. I. The belief in some great governing power is intuitive, naturally locating that power somewhere in the vast realms of eternal and illimitable space, and from the apparent source of light, somewhere in the region of mystery, the starry firmament or heavens. This belief has existed from countless ages. The unedu- cated and superstitious aboriginal, imbued with a sense of the master spirit, in his ignorance selected that which was vast, grand, and overpowering in nature, as a symbol of this great- ness, and worshipped it as a substitute. The forests,-gloomy, grand, awful in solitude, filled his fancies with innumerable superstitions, and to him the wilderness became filled with the moans and mutterings of departed souls, and for propitiation of what he felt to be a nameless destroyer, he offered gifts to some stupendous monarch of the forest, some great monster, or great serpent, withal dissatisfied, but still striving to fathom the unknown. His wants and necessities, as his intellect2 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT became developed, caused him to become more and more civil- ized, and to cease from slaying, to cultivate the ground wherein he found all that was good for man, so that in the gathering together of his species there came a thousand pleasures and extension of knowledge. He became a builder, ceasing to be nomadic; his faculties became equal to necessity, which is always the mother of invention and thought; he found that he could repeat the process of nature, and he in turn became a sower of seed and learned to reap the harvest; he learned to spin and weave, and later became skilled in art and the use of metals. As his faculties increased, and he became more and more intellectually developed, and comprehended that the summer brought forth countless good things, and that winter was always disastrous, cold, and miserable, he learned that the sun’s rays revived and renewed all nature ; he associated fire and heat with these benign influences as of one and the same origin. He cal- culated by shadows the angles made by the sun, and so divided the day. He watched the moon and timed its quadrates, saw that it was at one time dark and overshadowed, and at another shining full-orbed. He found some of the shining lights moved, while others seemed forever fixed. Intellect, always ambitious and aspiring, seized upon master minds, who devoted themselves to studying into these changes. Knowledge in- creased. Then these master minds, those who in all ages have devoted themselves to contemplation and study year after year, transmitted their fund of knowledge to those fit to succeed them, and these at last became versed in all the mysterious windings of nature. They ascertained, after countless years of belief, that the sun annually died, and was carried away across the great waters to the south of them, and was buried in the darkness of the winter solstice, on what is now Dec. 22,THE BELIEF IN GOD INTUITIVE. 3 annually. They saw century after century, that from Dec. 22 to 25 the days neither increased nor diminished, but on Dec. 25, annually, that a slight increase of light commenced, and steadily it returned more and more, rising higher and higher daily, and with it cold lessened, warmth returned and light and joy ; all nature became released from what seemed death and grief, and rejoiced on every side as the new year begins, Psalm Ixv. n, 12, and 13 : — “ Thou crownest the year with thy goodness ; and thy paths drop fatness. They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness: and the little hills rejoice on every side. The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing.” [This alludes to the sign °f\ aries.] The ancients at first thought that this new light was a new sun, and that the old sun had died, and celebrated this birth with gifts and great rejoicings, and welcomed its appearance as z the saviour of the world. But the priests soon found that what was apparently a new birth was an annular revolution ; but because of its potency in governing the uneducated, they kept up the ceremonies, which are still extant to this day. During this time they had ascertained that the moon effected the tides and weather also ; that these two, the sun and the moon, re- turning to certain positions in the heavens, produced curious ^and like effects, when coincident configurations took place which were carefully noted, and the sun became to them the source of life, the giver of all good, the grand central orb, the living flame, the “ light of the world/’ and, as everything sprang into life beneath his revivifying rays, the father of all. And either as Aum, Bel, or Sol or Osiris, the father, over- shadowed the virgin, or the moon, who ruled over the Mer or seas, now called Mary, they at first presumed that from them4 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT the stars were produced, though not for long, for they found a still higher power. Yet did they carefully note the effects of different configurations, and noticed magnetic changes take place upon the earth as the sun and moon were aspected differ- ently by the planets, and through them passed this magnetism to each other as well as upon the earth and the inhabitants thereof, as well as all things upon it. Then they divided the circle of the heaven into first ten, but afterward twelve divis- ions, and because all of these were passed over in one revo- lution of the moon, each division corresponded to a division of the moon, and was called a mooneth, now called month, and into these divisions the different constellations of stars were carefully mapped out and placed and carefully noted. They ascertained the farthest limit of the sun’s declination north and south of the equator, and the exact movement of the different planets, thereby ascertaining the positions or aspects they would forever produce, and named the planets in signification of the results produced by their magnetism. As the earth re- volved, every degree and minute and second of degree was carefully noted for year after year, till the planets had gone through all their multitudinous changes, and then they were able to say what would happen to a person born at such an hour and minute, with such and such configurations or mag- netic rays affecting him, or would produce for the future ; and they then knew that as light was eternal and spiritual, and is of the supreme Father, when the insulated medium, called the body of man, is worn out, yet shall he live again, when in process of time the exact angle of the eternal Father shall appear, and the same planets in configuration as at his de- parture, he shall then progress onward and onward forever. And the state between these lives is what is now designatedTHE BELIEF IN GOD INTUITIVE 5 as purgatory ; but in ancient times was lying in the “ arms of Osiris,” and the “ bosom of Ab-Ram,” or the^ due east, or original place of the birth of light, waiting for the dawn ; and that part of the heavens is the first degree of aries or the T, ram, and signifies the right ascension of meridian, the three initial letters making R, A, M., and Ab, from father or gener- ator, or original. It is the due East, or Gate of Gold, or Or, from Orient. They classified the constellations and ascer- tained their true positions, and found that all things from the beginning to the end of time were written in the heavens, and that our sun was the grand centre of our system. See Psalm xix. i—6: — “ The heavens [viz., the planetary and starry system] declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech or language [i.e., any part of creation or among any people] where their voice is not heard. Their line [i. e., magnetic attraction or orbits encircling] have gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world [i.e., the universe]. In the?n [i.e., the planets] hath he set a tabernacle for the suny Moreover they knew that God ruled by an immutable and fixed law, and must be perfect, and that the study enlightened and gave wisdom ; that he was from all. time ; and that no cal- culation could be made except from a perfect semblance to himself. Among the glories of God none so gave forth the glory of the Father as the sun. Perfect in circle, exact in movement, a governor over all the others, a light shining in the darkness, and the darkness comprehending it not, the per- fect'measurement of all time, whose angles make the hours, who moved not from his centre, between the cherubims, viz., the four beasts which had the head of a bull, head of a lion,6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT head of an eagle, and head of a man, beautifully alluded to in Psa. xviii. 9-11 : — “ He bowed the heavens and came down [i.e., the sun declining from mid heaven at noon, towards the sunset], and darkness was under his feet [/.., a Brahmin) came from the East, and being conversant with the languages' of the different peoples, came to Egypt and taught them astrology, or the wor- ship of the true God. Josephus is our authority that he taught astrology. Now, this Abraam, or, rather, Abram, was accom- panied by Sara, his wife. You will also find that his name was altered to Abraham. This was from an insertion of the tau IE cross of the Egyptians, to represent the movement of the sun north and south of the equator, or what is called its. northern and southern declination or the ecliptic ; thus : m, and by reversing this it gives H- So Ab, the original, Ram, or due east point, the orient, or origin of all light, or Braam of the Sanscrit, by disguising its true meaning and mystifying the multitude by inserting at the proper place this H con- verted Abraam into Ab-ra-ham, or Ab, the first, original, Ra, the father or sun god, and Ham the Egyptian founder; or God the father Ham. Thus also the name of Sara (or bitter waters, or salt water, or the ocean) was changed to Sarah, by adding the moon’s movement or the lunar serpent after the same manner, and so Ra, the father, and Mot, the mother, or the sun and the moon, afterwards called Osiris and Isis or Esses, became, with their son Issue or Isaac, a star, the deities of Egypt, and these three lights, the © (sun), moon, and star, be- -DISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT. II came the teachers of all wisdom and enlightenment. These priests of the sun were the true exponents of the only reason- able religion, and the true teachers of the mysteries of Isis and her infant son Horus, even as Osiris, Isis, and Horus to-day are the father (sire), the D , which rules over the tides of the sea, or mer or mere or pure clear ocean (the bitter salt water), virgin in purity, and can never be defiled because of its im- mensity, therefore always a virgin, she is the virgin mot — mother or mere or Virgin Mary (anglicized). And Horus or Mercury, the planet which is always nearest the sun, whose movement is very rapid, whose chief sign or house is the sign K {i.e.y the Virgo or the Virgin), who is Mercury the planet that rules exchange, merchandise, commerce, all mediums of —j- exchange between country and country, a go-between, a mes- \ senger or messiah, a mediator, who is so overfilled with the glory of the sun that it is only at twilight and early dawn that he is perceptible, and truly dwelleth in the bosom of the father or of the ruler of our system, and this Horus is the measurer^— and is the infant sun or son. These, then, are the three great lights, 5 (mercury), wisdom; O (sun), strength; D (moon),^_ beauty — the three great pillars of Freemasonry. Freemasonry, corrupted by Roman Catholicism, has lost its ancient landmarks and been carried into captivity, and were it not for its oaths of allegiance would be sunk in ignorance.' There can be no more than three degrees to Masonry; all else are spu- rious and purposely invented by Catholicism to create dissension and dissatisfaction. The three first and only true degrees of Ma- sonry are universal, and when given under Hebraic rites include all there is in the entire thirty-three degrees of so-called Ma- sonry. Masonry that debars any one on account of his religion is not Masonry. Masonry that enjoins an obligation to support12 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT the Virgin Mary is a fraud and no Masonry. Masonry not in- stituted by the ancient people is worthless and of no account. The sun, moon, and star are the three lights; but a sign has no ruling, and yet the thirty degrees of a sign were added to make up modern Masonry. Ancient Masonry is found all over the habitable world ; modern Masonry in but a small portion of it. Ancient Masonry will last while the world endures ; modern Masonry will die in derision as the disbelief in the Virgin Mary and Roman Catholicism fades out; and it is rapidly dying in all places where science and knowledge prevail. A religion builded upon a dream is not one to last; and Catholicism has for its authority, “and the angel appeared to Joseph in a dream How much more to the point the ancient religion, when giving testimony : “ Thus saith the Lord, he who declares himself to be one and indivisible, who will allow no other gods to be wor- shipped, he who alone is the Saviour.” See Isa. xliii. 10-13 : — “ Before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the Lord ; and beside me there is no saviour. . I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed when there was no strange God among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God. Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.” Also Isa. xliv. 6-8 : — “ Thus saith the Lord the king of Israel, and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and besides me there is no God. And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people ? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them. Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it ? Ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God besides me ? Yea, there is no God ; I know not any.”DISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT. 13 Also Isa. xlv. 18, 21-23 : — “ I am the Lord, ami there is none else.” “Who hath declared this from ancient time ? who hath told it from that time ? have not I the Lord ? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me. Look up to me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth ; for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.” Also Isa. xlvi. 9, 10: — “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else ; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the endfrom the begin- ning, and from ancient thnes the things that are not yet doneS Also Isa. xlvii. 4 : — “ As for our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts is his name.” So-called Christianity has no right in Masonry, and Masonry is only true without it. Catholic Knights Templars, Knights of St. John, and Knights of Malta, to save themselves from utter destruction by Richard Coeur de Leon, merged themselves into Masonic bodies, and then advancing the number of degrees, withheld themselves from the poorer brotherhood, and became bodies militant and aristocratic, subservient to Catholicism and the worship of the Virgin Mary ; a^d as_the heads of the Oitholic church are well aware that Masonry is the only really truejbelief, and that all. their story of the Virgin Mother and her Infant Son is only a perversion of the ancient wisdom, so they must always be an enemy to truth, for they well know that onee_ a Maso'njLlw&ys a Mason. True Masonry makes no distinction ^ in creeds or religion, in color or race, but a belief in one God the grand Architect of the universe. Most believers in Christianity allude but seldom to the Oldl4 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Testament (so called), and hang their faith upon the gatherings of the New Testament. Like most testaments or wills, codicils show great evidence of weakness or failure in the originator. And in this case the whole writings are vastly inferior in every respect. In the “ Genesis ” we are informed that everything he (the Lord God) created was good. But in the New Testa- ment we are apprised that nearly everything is evil; in fact, that evil prevails. In the Old Testament we are told that God is not a man, Job ix. 32 : — 44 For he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come together in judgment.” Catholicism makes him a man. In the Old Testament it is stated that God is not to be found out, Job xi. 7 : — 44 Canst thou by searching find out God ? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection ? ” Observe the ancient idea of an illimitable God, 1 Kings viii. 27: — 44 Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee" Catholicism calls the man Jesus, God the Father, and that he was constantly going about doing what is stated as miracles. ^ A history of events, written even but a short period after their taking place, is seldom correct. A thousand different versions of any matter may take place from relation of the same from person to person, until nothing of the original is left. There is,'" ^-then, nothing but science and mathematical proof which can demonstrate such matters accurately. Geology demonstrates the age of the earth and the changes that have taken place, the formation of all things in and upon the earth. Astronomy shows the marvels of the Almighty Architect of the uni- verse. Electric discoveries show the mighty concealed forcesDISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT. IS of magnetism. Chemistry brings to us by its occult research the unseen forces of nature, as found in “ the rubbish of the temple.” Geometry teaches the science of the angles (angels), - and perfect measurement and design, and the microscope reveals to us wonders not seen by natural eyes. . The telescope shows millions of worlds of which our natural vision had no conception. All nature, all systems, worlds, and the entire uni- verse obey one immutable law, viz., magnetism; and the one great power and grand central magnet is God. The knowledge of the power of magnetism was part of the great wisdom of the Magi, or wise men of the East. The Bible contains numerous proofs of animal magnetism, of cures made by the laying on of hands; and Freemasonry will not impart a word until the neophyte be in position to receive it ; and that position is the best possible for receiving the mag- netic effect. This wisdom and its effects were known and taught, and it must have been in its perfectness at the time claimed by the Jews as being their exodus from Egypt. For when Moses threw down his rod and it became a serpent, lo! the soothsayers and magicians did so likewise ; and all that they claim Moses did, the magicians and soothsayers, viz,, the wise men, or men of science, and the astrologers did ; and all he did was but through scientific knowledge and his wonderful magnetic powers combined. Very little knowledge is wonderful to the ignorant. A magnetized serpent at once becomes stiff and like a rod; released from its momentary spell, it readily becomes a serpent again. The finding of streams.of water hidden in the earth by means of a sensitive or mediumistic person holding a forked twig of witch hazel, or apple-tree, and many other kinds of twigs, is daily done, and was known to all the ancients. The peeling of the rods by16 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Jacob and placing them in the troughs where the cattle and the sheep drank, acting upon the imagination of the cattle and flocks of Laban, when in the stage of conception, marked the young and spotted them all, and was but the scientific knowl- edge of the effects of spiritual or imaginative faculty at pregnancy, or magnetic effect of the brain power, the seat of electrical and magnetic phenomena, acting upon the foetus. All things are governed by attraction and repulsion. All attraction and repulsion merge in one great centre, the great father and mother, God, the great creator, God, the grand central sun. It is said that Moses commanded, “ He that understandeth /Genesis, let him not reveal it.” Gen-Isis should be revealed that we may have a true conception of the beauty of astrology, — Gen-Isis, not “the beginning,” but what Isis, the mother nature, generates or produces, — Isis, the ruler of waters, the menstrual of all nature, which, combined with air and heat, generated all things. Gen. i. 2: “ And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters” [z.e., air, wind, or air in motion]. Gen. i. 3 : “ And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” [viz., heat, electricity, force, magnetism]. Gen. i. 9, 10: “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear. . . . And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas.” We have here a distinct .account of the action of the elements, that by the air, fire, and water the earth was formed and all things generated. Not only is this true of all vege- tables of the earth, but of all animals, and also of man and every living thing, and therefore, as the planetary system isDISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 17 the macrocosmos, so man is the microcosmos, being a universe in himself. For man is generated by heat, by unity of positive and negative, and bred from the waters ; and when the waters are divided he passeth out into the air, and afterwards becometh earthy, and passeth back into its bosom, on which he becomes a dweller ; and this is the natural man. We have now the great trinity, the three which bear witness in heaven, on the arc above the earth and around it — air, fire, and water; the producer of all things, the creator of every natural thing. Of the creator of these there must still be something superior, something highly intelligent ; full of law and order, a great force, stronger than all else, a grand Architect which the human being, man, has from time immemorial called by different names, as Bhraam, Vishnu, Jah, Bel, Aum, Dag-On, Sol, Zeus, Osiris, Manito, Wahcondah, Allah, and God, or as many names as there are nations or peoples; from the Hebraic Bible, Jehova, or Jahova, Elohim and Adonai, while their Arabian brethren call him Allah. Now, what is this mysterious power, so illimitable, unseen, unsearchable, yet felt in all things, permeating all things mundane and celestial ? Certainly not chance, not chaotic, that from chaos should come perfection. No, it is a constantly creating, constantly reproducing power, never deviating from fixed laws; and as periodical revolutions in matters mundane are produced from this celes- tial power, we must come to the conclusion that some one great planet, or power equally potent at all points, something perfect in circle, of untiring, never-ceasing strength and energy and knowledge, must be that power ; some grand central sun must be that power, a constant giver of life, a constant source of vibration, of immense magnetic force, capable of holding the18 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT entire universe in position, and giving light, life, energy, and the powers of reproduction to all. And when we consider there are in the boundless realms of interstellar space 118,000,000 of suns of other systems including our own, human imagination or conception fails, awestruck at the glory of glories, the “ Lord God of hosts,” “who dwelleth between the cherubims.” The ancient people had arrived at this result from long study, meditation, and observance of changes daily taking place, and in after years the Romans, conquerors of nearly all of what was then known as the habitable world, adopted this triune worship and personified our sun, or centre of solar system, as a living man, and the twelve signs of the zodiac as his twelve disciples ; and the ingress of the sun through the different signs, as this man called the Son of God, as going about doing his Fathers work, or, rather, doing the will of the Father. They, however, unlike the ancients who held to the belief of one only true and indivisible God, went farther and took Horus or Mercury as the Son of the Father, repeating the oft- told story of the son of the celestial Virgin, the original Buddha; for the planet Mercury, the original Buddha, is never far from the sun, and dwelleth in the bosom of the father Osiris. The explanation of which we shall arrive at farther on. In Gen. i. 16, we read : — “ And God made two great lights; the greater to rule the day, and the lesser to rule the night: he made the stars also.” Gen. i. 14: “ And God said, Let there be lights ... to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.” All of which is purely astrological, the meaning whereof we shall interpret.DISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 19 Gen. i. 26: “And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowls of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Gen. i. 27: “So God created man after his own image, in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them.” Gen. i. 31 : “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the morning and the evening were the sixth day.” Now let us observe that at the end of the chapter there was this statement : “the sixth day,” viz., six periods of time in which the heavens and the earth were made. Now, in astrology we have, according to the ancients, as gov- erning or riding and having dominion over the earth and all things as ordained upon it, the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the moon, made in the image of the sun itself, or rather, himself, and considered astrologically as male and female planets, some beneficial, others unfortunate, or for- tunes and infortunes. Nothing was said of a seventh cycle, or the formation of anything on the Sunsday, neither do we find any mention of such until in the Roman new Testament the sun [son] is made to declare himself “ Lord of the Sabbath.” Observe, Lord not God. And this is exactly what the sun of our system is called astrologically, Lord of Sunday, and ruleth the first day, and so the two things are in keeping. Observe :also Gen. iv. and v. state that .these are the generation, growth ;or formation of the planets or heavens, and the earth when they were created and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew ; and also that there was not a man in all that earth to till the ground.” So that it was not a natural man who was ordained to have this dominion, but a personified force, likened to man, male and female, self-producing by magnetism or spiritual essence, and20 * ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT they were the image of the Creator, i.e., globular, planetary, full of light, heat, moisture, cold, negative and positive, elec- trical and magnetic, intellectual, creative, attractive, repul- sive, generating good and what we poor mortals miscall evil, with a • luminous atmosphere generating light or electricity continuously, and shining, though in a lesser degree, like the central orb, the sun, the perfect one. Astrologically, or, if you will, biblically speaking, they are called the “ disposers of events or ministers.” For see Psalms: “ I have made my ministers a flaming fire.” Among the Eastern nations it was taught that all spiritual life first came from the sun, and in its magnetic descent to the earth, becoming earth-bound, or dwelling in the earth, and after passing through a series of evolutions, and different births and changes from the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, ascending or descending in the scale, according to the good or evil magnetic rays at its births and its various probationary existences, at last purified and intellectually refined, and mas- ter of itself, the pure Ra, or astral body, at last was drawn back into the bosom of the father, sun, from whence it was first originated. For thus saith Paul, u Ye are all members of one body through Christ ” (i.e., the sun), and the son (Horus) and the father (Osiris) are one. To the uneducated, bigoted, and undeveloped individual, cramped in his ideas and knowledge, by settling down in the home of his fathers and forefathers, never leaving that domi- cile, knowing and caring for nothing but what the chained intellects of his ignorant forefathers have taught, ay, and forced him to believe, and in the past those ancestors deprived of freedom of speech and liberty even of thought by a tyran- nical priesthood, by inquisition and torture and auto-da fe,DISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 21 transmitting to successive generations a fear and trembling ; to those who have been taught that the thunder is the voice of God and lightning the flashing of his eye, and that Sunday or any other day is the day especially set apart by the Maker of the universe for his worship; for those who believe that only certain individuals are chosen and ordained to speak for them- selves, and in. an unknown tongue, and that it is his or her duty to rob himself or herself of the comforts of life to sup- port those chosen ones in idleness ; to him who has no knowl- edge of geography, and none of astronomy, to whom geology is a hidden mystery; to him who dare not deny what his com- mon sense, if used, would spurn in derision as an idle tale trumped up by priestcraft, viz., the existence of anything adverse to the inevitable law of the omnipotent, or so-called miracles; who never thinks of the countless millions of human beings born and dying each second, and of the endless number who have existed and passed away in the millions of years of earth life up to the present time, and of whom Christians so- called are so few in number as not to be compared as a drop of water in an ocean ; to those who are taught and believe all else are pagans, idolaters, heathens, and accursed; those who have not the least knowledge, not the slightest idea of what they are talking about, whose ideas of the Almighty God of the universe, the Lord God of all the hosts, the great father and mother God, are as a personal God, confined to a locality, who only comes when prayed for, and interferes particularly for those who beg and tease him or pray to him, and withal deserts the others ; whose ideas are based on priestly stories of his especially coming on earth to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel, viz., the Jews, and instead of doing so, brought curses, ruin, and despair to them, and death and persecution;22 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT who, not even satisfied then, allowed his Son to be cruci- fied as an offering for those very Jews who, the New Testa- ment states, were the means of this crucifixion, an offering for the lives of creatures whom he made, and made, it would seem, so much stronger than himself that'he, the maker, could govern them no longer ; to those who believe that the grand, eternal, and only one God, made a spirit of evil so much stronger than he who made him, so much so that “ he taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and shewed him all the kingdoms of the earth, and said, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me;” to those ignorant and bigoted ones who never thought how strange it was that neither the devil nor he whom he took up to such height knew at that time that the western continent ex- isted, but had to be informed by Christopher Columbus some fourteen hundred and ninety-two years afterwards that there must certainly be another half of the globe, though when Christ departed he left a vicegerent with the keys of heaven and hell, so that he could loose or bind as he saw fit, and he at that time — and it was a great many years after the story of the death and crucifixion was written — used some of these keys on an enlightened man called Galileo and confined him for saying the earth was round; so truth was crushed out again. Now, as all things mundane and celestial move in circles, and all suns, moons, planets, and earths are round, and it is from this circle perfect that all knowledge cometh, it would be worse than useless for such persons to try to understand the divine science of astrology, the word of God. What man of intelligence to-day believes that the Great Architect of the universe ever spoke in natural speech to man ? or that any person ever saw God as a person ? Where is theDISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 23 man who, using his brains, believes that the Great Cause of creation has a family, or has any humanity ? How confine a permeating, pervading, penetrating, creative force, with all in- tellectual powers capable of ruling and guiding those countless suns and planets and hosts of heaven, to any one paltry local- ity ? How stop heat or cold ? How stop magnetism ? How stop electricity of heaven ? How prevent gravitation ? How command influence ? How prevent faith ? How quell desire and longings ? How find out God ? No. God is not a person. He is all. He is sol — solitary, alone, one. He is Aum, the Aumnipotent, the Aumniscient, the Aumnipresent. He is on ■—one, only. He is Sol—aum—on, the sun, and his temple is the universe. He has made his ministers a flaming fire first, and set them in the heavens, i.e., the solar system, and in them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, and their lines (orbits and invisible lines of magnetic attraction and repulsion) have gone out through all the earth, and their words to the ends of it. Now, there is a deep meaning in these words of these planets, most certainly if we accept the Bible, viz., the Old Testament, as divine, and we must accept the Old Testament or Jewish Bible as the first writings relating to our God ; and as we gen- erally find the first writings in any matter as the most aufhentic and reliable, and the last as alterations, idealities, corrections, and seldom improvements on the first, and which in the New Testament differs widely in our conception of a Supreme Deity. THE OLD TESTAMENT. Gen. i. 31: “ And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” THE NEW TESTAMENT. Luke iv. 5: “And the devil,, taking him up into a high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.”24 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Truly if we accept the last, “ How are the mighty fallen ! ” In Isa. xlv. 5-7 are these words : — “ I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God besides me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me; that they may know from the rising of the sun and front the west that there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness : I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” In this case where is this devil ? That the Trinitarian reli- gion is but a revival of the perverted religion of the ancients, and accursed, if we believe God curses those he created, let us read Jer. xliv. 15-19 inclusive : — “ Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by . . . answered Jeremiah, say- ing . . . But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense tmto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings utito her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes. . . . But since we have left off to burn incense. . . . And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her?” Observe here the queen of heaven, the incense, pouring out of drink offering, and the cakes ; viz., the moon or mother Isis, the queen of heaven; the incense used as at present, and the cake or holy wafer as at present, and the pouring out of water or holy water as at present; and the worship of Isis and the Virgin are one and the same, and idolatrous, since it is planetary and not spiritual worship. Then read Jer. xliv. 20 to the end of chapter. Also to revert to the Old Testament to find out who is and was the only Saviour, turn to Isa. xliii. 11-13; xliv. 6, 8; xlv. 18- 21, 22, 23 ; xlvi. 9; xlvii. 4; all of which have been previously quoted in proving the Lord God to be one God, and that he isDISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 25 the Lord of hosts, or ruler of all worlds. Moreover, the anointed Saviour of the Jewish nation, ordained by God, is found not in the New Testament, a Roman work, but in Isa. xlv. 1, 2, 4 : — “Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two-leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut; I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron.” “For Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. ” Now this choosing and anointing of Cyrus, and the allusion to the gates of brass and two-leaved gates, showed the later fulfilment of this prediction, by Cyrus becoming the liberator of the Jews and the conquest by him of Babylon ; and several ensuing chapters of Isaiah relate entirely to that destruction and conquest. Yet in the face of all, Cyrus is perverted into Christ as the Saviour, even though so many statements are explicit that God is alone the Saviour, and Cyrus his chosen and anointed one. As modern Christians are but very little versed in the Old Testament, and the chronology of this writ- ing is said to be 712 years before Christ, I advise them to read these chapters. Also that man could do nothing of himself, see Jer. x. 23: — “ O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” But that everything in the beginning was written down by God, see Psa. cxxxix. 16; Isa. xlvi. 10; xlviii. 3, 5, 6-8:— “ Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, . . . when as yet there was none of them.” “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the2 6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.'” “I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I showed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.” “I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee.” “I have shewed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them. They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardest them not.” Let us also see if it is credible that God should have allowed his Son to be offered as a blood offering. Psa. li. 16, 17 : — “ For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” Also read Isa. i. n-14. Again let us turn to the Old Testament regarding fate. See Psa. xxxix. 4; xc. 12 ; Jer. x. 23 ; Job iii. 23 ; vii. 1 ; xiv. 5> H* “ Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is ; that I may know how frail I am.” “ So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” “ O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” “ Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged in?” “ Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? are not his days also like the days of an hireling ? ” “ Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass.” “ If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.” It is said he (according to the New Testament) came not to bring peace, but a sword.DISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 2? No wonder that with the teachings given forth in latter days, darkness spread over the earth where these teachings were enforced, not only by that sword, but by inquisition, torture, and auto-da-fe. No wonder that bigotry and crime and superstition pervaded the land of so-called Christendom for centuries where the cramped intellects of religious bigots waged war and desolation against all that was learned in science and art, of genius and love, of innocent pleasure and the brotherhood of man. The learning of ages destroyed, the wondrous secrets of nature and science destroyed, all the knowledge which elevated man in intellect and power; whole libraries of wonderful books were burned, and writers and books alike served the same, all receiving one common fate as works of this almighty devil who had charge now of the world, or rather of the earth, for a thousand years. Imagine to yourself if you can, this beautiful earth to have for its ruler this devil for a thousand years. Yet the New Testament states this, see Rev. xx., and also that this world was given to the devil to rule. St. Luke iv. 6 : — 44 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will, I give it.” Thanks be to the only God that the thousand years must have been completed some time since, or perhaps it only com- menced at the time he was of such power as to take him up into the exceeding high mountain at the time when the earth ceased to be round,, and no western hemisphere was supposed to exist by Christendom ; I will not say not known to others,, since it was known to be round by the ancients. See Isa. xl. 22 : —2 8 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT “ It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth.11 2 Esdras ii. 58, 59: “ He hath shut the sea in the midst of the waters, and with his word hath he hanged the earth in the ether. He spreadeth out the heavens like a vault: upon the waters hath he founded it.11 Under the rule of the anointed ones, one had only to com- mit any crime, and if his perverted reason, even on the scaffold, led him to say he really believed in the man called Christ, he was immediately saved and blessed, while those he had wronged were not eternally damned, but the wrong-doer was justified in his acts, and could from heaven gloat over the fiery torments of his heretical brother, his ignorant brother, or his heathen brother, who only believed in one universal God who made everything good> but who could not reconcile to himself this devil. It is very difficult for any one, who literally believes any of such teachings to be enlightened in any scientific study. Superstition will hold them back. Moreover, one who has not travelled has no idea of the world, and to those who never travel, all outsiders are as barbarians, just as our forefathers or ancestors living in obscure country towns wept and bewailed over those living in the cities as past redemption, these dwellers in cities having done more to enlighten ignorance than all the books ever published in the shape of tracts, memoirs, lives of saints and old preserved relics of superstition and priestcraft. The alchemist, the astrologer or astronomers, the geologist, the descendants of Tubal Cain, viz., the workers in metals, the inventors of machinery, the electrician, and all those who have added to man’s knowledge by searching among the rubbish of the temple, i.e., the bowels of the earth, have brought at last the nations together again ; and I predict it will be but a short time when the name of him who dwelleth in the thick darkness,DISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 29 the grand central sun, shall once more be great among the nations, from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof ; for “ He is the light of the world. He is a consuming fire.” He is the giver of life eternal, the grandest orb of all, around whom all the others circle, the grand magnet by which the others in turn become magnets by induction ; and at last man, a parasite on the face of the vast earth, a dweller on earth, is imbued by this likeness of his Creator, and is endowed with an intellectual creative brain, and governs the lower orders of animals by his magnetism in turn. A belief in an overruling power of a beneficent Creator is intuitive with every human being. Among the most ancient beliefs, the sun and planetary worship seems to be that which prevailed over the whole world, as is now indisputably proven by modern discoveries and excavations of buried cities and hieroglyphics of the past. Freemasonry, without doubt, too, has unveiled and kept alive the arts and sciences, religion and belief and faith of the ancients, more than any other thing; and to the initiated and cultured Mason, the great central and spiritual sun is the illimitable, ineffable, and stupendous architect of the universe; and astrology, well understood and correctly judged, is the one divine science which reveals to man the designs of the divine source of all good and ill, the last but imaginary and natural, since the ills of earth find their polarity in blessings celestial. As the sun, the grand centre of our planetary system, was thousands of years since known to be the source of all life on earth, it is but little wonder that the omnipotent God should have been considered as a grand central sun, and that therefore styling God as the common father and mother of all, and our sun by induction having the like attributes as the Supreme Father, it ceases to be strange that from this30 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT should be woven a religious code by these ancient priests, which from time beyond either history or memory had one com- mon origin. The influence of the moon over the tides, over the sap of the trees and plants, over human beings, over every plant, over every vegetable, and over the seas and oceans, rivers and lakes, and its constant renewals, attracted their attention, and at each new moon after its “ overshadowing ” by the sun, they observed the new crescent and the disk of the old moon as it were, holding up this new moon or child or infant moon, and always repeating the same ; and, as everything seemed to be born or created from moisture, she was called the producing planet, or mother of all, and mother of the infant son of God, Horus, and named the Queen of Heaven. Of the sun and moon the Psalmist says, “ The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.’’ The sun is the source of the vital power, and the moon the source of the natural power. This ancient belief is exemplified by the exclamation of Jacob, after Joseph his son had related his dream, viz., “ I dreamed that the sun and moon fell down and worshipped me, and the stars also.” “And Jacob said, Is it true that thy father and thy mother shall bow down to thee, and thy brethren also ? ” That the sun and moon were considered co-creators, witness the first chapter of Genesis, viz., that which the moon or Isis or mother nature brought forth : “ Let us make man after our image,” and “male and female created he them;” and these spiritual essences, called man or Adam, red earth) in the Hebrew, were Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and the earth, thus showing their geology to be similar. In astrology the sun is masculine, the moon feminine, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, masculine, Venus, feminine, and Mercury, changeable.DISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 31 Again it says they were put in the heavens “ for signs and for seasons, and for days, and years!” Signs, seasons, days, years. How for signs, these stars ? Why, signs of the zodiac, of course, where the constellations were placed. Seasons, how for seasons ? Because the seasons change, and are named, as the sun enters the fiery sign, (Aries), when spring commences, on the 22d of March yearly ; when the sun reaches the watery sign 55 (Cancer), on the 22d of June, sum- mer begins ; on the 22d of September in the airy sign =2= (Libra), fall commences, and on the 22d of December, in the earthly sign of V5 (Capricorn), winter begins; and herein is the mystery of the Latin -f- (cross), or the crucified one. At Vj, the death of the year or winter ensues, and the sun, giver of life, is with- drawn from our northern hemisphere, and although shining in darkness, yet the darkness comprehendeth it not. And now we have much to say of these four carditial points or movable signs, T (Aries), 55 (Cancer), =2= (Libra), and ltf (Capricorn), for it is the great cross of the modern Christian church, I mean of the Roman Catholic church, since the various sects of Protestants know nothing at all of the mys- teries of religion, and accept the entire system, only excluding the pope as spiritual head. It is the cross formed by these four cardinal points T, £o, =£=, Ttf, or north, south, east, and west, cir- cumscribed by a circle, thus, 0, signifying at one and the same time not only the entire earth, but the entire universe, and also our solar system, the point of intersection or grand centre being the place of the sun of our solar system, or one continually on the -f- (cross), and as the sun is the true saviour of nature, or the world, or Adam Kadmon, the son is said to be crucified; and so you must always preach him, for wherever that sun may be,32 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT his latitude and longitude will always make a -j-, and on that centre he will be. And so with every moving living thing from man to the lowest order of creation. This -j- you will always find either on the spire or some other part of a Catholic cathedral or place of worship, and signifies the governing power of the sun (son), as well as heavenly and earthly dominion. . Now observe, first a fiery sign, then watery, then airy, and then earthly. Everything is generated by heat, moisture, and air. And God said, “ Let there be light, and there was light,” viz., heat, electricity, from which light is generated, and light is heat and warmth. “ And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters,” viz., air in motion, wind life, the quickening power of all things ; and he divided the waters which were above from the waters which were beneath, and the dry land appeared ; viz., the excessive evaporation of a new-formed planet, causing a dense mist, cleared away from the surface of the earth and ascended heavenward, leaving the ocean visible (or the waters divided), and out of the mist into the clear light appeared the earth, or body of the planet; for the second chapter of Genesis ac- curately describes this, saying, “and a mist went up and watered the whole face of the earth.” This also beautifully describes the sunrise of the tropics (the abode of the sun). The daylight breaks, light approaches, the sea breeze sets in, the mists which water the whole face of the earth roll heavenward in clouds, and rising from the waters beneath, the horizon is seen, and valley and mountain emerge till the whole earth is visible, resplendent and refreshed, and tinged with the glory of his majesty, as in the orient or gate of gold, the due east, the king of glory cometh in. And this is nature displacing her white robes of night, rising at dawn to view her lord, who rejoiceth as a strongSymbol, Braam,used in age of first CesarsB.C. 3Elements AUMDISCLOSURES OF THE SEARCH LIGHT 33 man to run a race, — this bridegroom emerging from his cham- ber. O glorious sun ! Gen. ii. 5 saith : — “ And there was not a man [Adam kadmon] to till the ground.” Observe, the first chapter distinctly states that God created man, male and female, after his own image, and that he rested on the seventh day or period of time, and that everything he had created in that time he declared good. This image, then, which is like himself, and which, like himself, is endowed with both'masculine and feminine qualities, can only be a geometri- cal cirde or globe, having attraction and repulsion, cold and heat, the germs of reproduction of all things within itself, whose self-acting chemical principles of fire, water, and air make all things earthly and continuously. Man himself is generated by heat. He passeth out of the water, thence into the air, and becomes earthy, and at last turns into, the earth. As heat, electricity, warmth, light, is the source of all vitality, this first of all things, the ancients likened the Eternal One to a flame of fire; and the Egyptians erected an al-tau or “ altar of stones in the midst of the land of Syria, at the four corners of, the earth, unto the Lord of hosts,” which altar is the Great Pyramid. Now, what is meant by the Lord of hosts? Not the Lord of armies of men; not of hosts of savages, of aboriginals. No. The great central fire, the sun of suns, the governor and king of all the hosts of solar systems, of all the immense hosts of worlds upon worlds, the innumerable suns called the fixed stars, computed as 118,000,000 as seen through telescopic vision, and still millions upon millions too far away in space to see distinctly with the utmost power of the largest telescope34 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT yet made. Around this focus, the Almighty One, this Soul of the Universe, this All-seeing Eye, all these hosts revolve once in 25,848 years, as formerly reckoned by the Chaldeans, but which is rightly 25,920 years, during which period every planet and star or sun has passed through each sign of the zodiac. And these figures added together make the golden number calculated from the serpent of Isis. And this last figure is correct by proof; for unless the amount can be divided both by the serpent of Osiris as well as of Isis, the number is imper- fect ; and 25,920 is perfect. “The law of the Lord is perfect.” This result I obtained after much study and trial; for it is necessary in this divine science ever to remember the Egyytian Isis standing upon the turtle or serpent, and its motto, “ Make haste slowly,” and move step by step, degree after degree, and reveal no secrets of higher orders to those not advanced or incapable of receiving them, or making a break in the circle. In accord with this universal movement, our own sun passes through each sign of our zodiac in his yearly revolution, begin- ning in T (Aries), next, 8 (Taurus), then (Cancer), through SI (Leo), to ^ (Virgo), the celestial virgin, thence to =2= (Libra), onward through K (Scorpio), then / (Sagittarius), then Ttf (Capricorn), then (Aquarius), through X (Pisces), to the head or beginning, back to the first degree, or rather o degrees o minutes of T ; going about doing the Fathers work, —beauti- fully concealed, but well-preserved truth, designated in so-called Greek mythology as the twelve labors of Hercules.THE GREAT PYRAMID---AN ALTAR TO R A 35 CHAPTER III THE GREAT PYRAMID---- AN ALTAR TO R A OR THE LORD OF HOSTS A pyramid or pyr-a-met. The word speaks for itself. The very stones cry out. It needs no explanation. It is a central flame, a middle sun or light — it is an altar to the sun. An altar ! What is an altar, or, rather, al-tau ? Prof. Smythe says the Great Pyramid was built 2,170 years since. I do not dis- pute this, but in addition believe it builded many more years. It is stated that the Jews, rebelling against Aaron, made a molten calf of gold to worship as an emblem, just as at our present time we worship the Lamb. Moses destroyed this, and in its place put up a brazen serpent. Why a calf was not as good as a serpent for idolatry, in my youth I failed to see; but after the scales fell from my eyes, and I solved the mystery of the Crucified One, I saw and do see clearly, and hope to be as eyes to the blind, that they may also see I am enlightened, in the same way that Saul was, “A great light shone from heaven, and the scales fell from mine eyes.” The sun passes through a sign of the zodiac in 2,160 years, or through the twelve signs in 25,920 years, and owing to the precession of the equinoxes, he does not proceed from the first sign to the second and so on, but from the first to the twelfth and so on, or seemingly in a retrogade movement; consequently the sun was in Taurus (8) 2,170 years ago, and correctly showed or predicted that the sun or saviour of all life should next appear in the Lamb of God or the sign T36 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT (Aries). The words Al, El, Allah, Elohim, are all words sig- nifying the great and only God, “the central sun,” in the Arabian, Hebraic, and Egyptian languages. From the last named Moses obtained all his knowledge, for he is stated to have been “learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians,” not only military and metaphysical, but also astrological and occult. At the time he is described as becoming the leader of the Hebrews, the sun was already merging into T (Aries), and the sacred ram was already set up in the temples of Isis ; and as the kings of Egypt were taught in these sciences of the priests and doctors, so we find that the king, who was a true mercurial man, with all the wonderful attributes of Buddha, who was from the sign of Gemini, or the twins, and conse- quently ruled by Mercury, and was the sun in that sign, and which afterwards passed into the Bull or Taurus, when Baal, Bel, or the Bull was set up. As soon as the © (sun) enters or is to emerge into Aries or the lamb, then the holy keeper is called Ram-isis or Rameses, or keeper of the sacred ram. And as the sun had got to the latter part only of Taurus, or rather, Al (God the sun, not son), was in Tau, and al-tau was the centre of the tau cross, and the true points of the cross fixed at that time were, first or right ascension or R A the earthly sign Tau (8), or the calf or bull; next, SI (Leo), the lion, a fiery sign, them or Scorpio, a watery sign, and then XX (Aquarius), an airy sign. The great fixed star, Aquila, in Scorpio, or the eagle, is used instead of the term Scorpio. Vary these four points of the zodiac as you may, there is always an earthly, fiery, watery, and an airy sign on each arm of the cross, and the point of intersection, the common focus, is the sun, the central fire, which at the time of Moses was central from the cross formed of the head of a bull (8), head of aTHE GREAT PYRAMID---AN ALTAR TO R A 37 lion (SI), head of an eagle (Aquila, Scorpio), and head of a man or (Aquarius), the water-bearer, these were designated as the cherubim in the Old Testament, and the sign of R A, or right ascension, being in Tau (8), Al-allah or A/-mighty was al-tau or tau cross, just as we say now, since Aries the lamb has become the sign of R A_(or Right Ascension), Al-Allah or Almighty is the lamb or ram. And so handed down to us is the grand sign of all the fixed signs, al-tau, the central God at the time of the molten calf; and all our modern churches and Masonic lodges place their al-taus or altars centrally, still named from the sign of the Bull, Baal, or Bel of Chaldea, and from them the Egyptians, the Hebrews, and the Cross X or Croix or Christians. That they should not confound the spiritual belief ip. God with the idolatrous belief in an earthly image, we can well imagine Moses to have been disconcerted at the backsliding of this race, just liberated from a degrading state of most abject slavery, who could not comprehend a God they could not see, could not comprehend a God whose glory was inconceivable, and so different from all they as well as the ignorant and lower and uneducated of Egypt considered as a deity; for the knowl- edge of the true and only God was kept from the masses by the priests and only known to themselves, just as it is to-day ; and if they, the people, would desire to know anything it was veiled in mystery as it is to-day by the priests. Yet Moses after all his commandments made a sad and contradictory mis- take in the example he gave by setting up the- brazen serpent instead of the molten^ calf he destroyed; for after imposing upon their superstitions, by giving as a literal commandment from Him who dwelleth Al-one (On, one only God), namely that there should not be an image or likeness made of anything3^ ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT in heaven above, or the earth beneath, or the waters under the earth, to bow down to and worship, he simply destroyed the sign of the bull, and gave the entire zodiac, or circle of animals, without specifying either ; for the brazen serpent represented and was the ecliptic or the path of the sun. Still he contin- ued the cherubims because they are fixed and tmalt enable signs. So do the Chapter Freemasons to-day. The Catholic Church knows well its meaning, — and also that of the lamb, and revive the old idolatry of the image on the cross. And this tau cross, or cherubim, is from everlasting to everlasting. The head of the bull, the head of a lion, the head of an eagle, and the head of a man, the emblem of the four seasons, when the vernal equinox made spring at &, summer in SI, fall in t»g, and winter in when 8 was due east, SI and 1% and z& south and west and north, and when “ God dwelleth between the cherubims i.e.> the sun was the centre and crucified, or on the centre and fixed to the cross, even as now, and was before, and ever shall be. Other than X ified the sun (son) never can be. And the pyr-a-met, or pyramid, is a perpetual al-tau and ’ monument to this fact, builded exactly on the ecliptic, its apex heavenward, on which the sun in its strength at high noon rests, and crowns it with a living central fire — truly an altar of stones to the Lord of hosts in the midst of the land of Syria at the four corners of the earth; for its base represents in its angles (angels) the north, south, east, and west points, and is a perfect square of a circle. & THE SIGNS AND DIVISIONS OF THE ZODIAC. In the first chapter of Genesis we read that he set them “for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years,” and to rule by day and by night.THE GREAT PYRAMID--- AN ALTAR TO R A 39 It is generally known to civilized humanity that astrologically or astronomically speaking the universe is divided into twelve divisions, called the zodiac, or circle of animals. The figure below shows the characters or signs, and also the months ' '-VaruM.. over which they rule. The sun enters the beginning of each sign from the 19th to 22d of each month. HOW THE SEASONS ARE COMMENCED. When the sun (©) enters the first point of T (Aries), the due east point, it does so annually on or about March 22. It commences “the acceptable year of the Lord ” by warmth, and therefore the fiery sign °f (Aries) is typical of that commence-40 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT ment — T, fire, 8 , earth, n, air, and ss, water, showing that from water the dry land appears. On the 22d of March, or thereabouts, the sun is said by mariners to -(- the line or equinox, or equa- tor, and leaving the sign of X (Pisces) or fishes, he enters that of the lamb or Aries, and this signifies that the pastures are to become green. This is the commencement of spring, or the new year in reality, and should be the first month of the new year, commencing as it does the entry of the sun of God into the east gate, or the first point of right ascension. The sign Aries, or spring, was also anciently likened to a cock, typical of springing up, and is also typical of dawn, or daybreak. So spring commences with a fiery sign, — for in the beginning God said, “ Let there be light ” (viz., heat, warmth, fire), — and ends with n, an airy sign; for after this comes Cancer, or 25, a watery sign. Thus the next season commences as n (Gemini) is joined to 25, or the spirit of God (air) moves on the face of the waters, and the summer commences on the 22d of June, at the longest day of the year. As the last degrees of Cancer (25), watery, merge into SI (Leo), the strong throne of the sun, it is typical of fructification, and during the heated term this renders (Virgo), the sign which Leo merges into, or Leo goes in unto Virgo and renders it fruitful for harvest in due time. Now 25 (Cancer), the clear and pure water sign, is the favorite house of the moon, or Maia, or Mot, and is the mere or sea, the moon, ruler of waters and tides and sea. SI (Leo), the strong house of the sun, signifying a heavenly throne, a golden seat, the house of government or of the king, the author of vitality, spirit, and magnetism and electricity; and from ^ (Virgo), the favorite house of § (Mercury), is produced the winged messenger of God, which planet is so near the sun as hardly to be seen, except at early dawn or evening early twbTHE GREAT PYRAMID--- AN ALTAR TO A A 41 light, as the sun overpowers him by its rays, and is oftener combust or under the sun’s rays than any other planet, and “ dwelleth in the bosom of the father,” truly as stated being a consuming fire ; for in astrology the conjunction of the sun with any planet is said to be in combustion or consumed. Observe that all things agree perfectly. The moon’s strong place, 93 (Cancer), that of the sun SI (Leo), and followed by the human sign (Virgo), or celestial virgin, whose seed, fructified and quickened, or the water or menstural of nature vitalized by the sun’s rays, causes the fruit or harvest to mature in trjj (formerly Virgo Scorpio, or serpent women), and typical of the bowels of the earth, or stomach ; for astrologically W signifies this in man, as well as a place where food is kept and corn and eata- bles. And as the sign goes into the airy sign =£= on Sept. 22, the fall or autumn commences ; and as ^ is an earthly sign, and represents a young person, a child as well as fruit, and the next sign is wt, a watery sign, but below the equatorial division, so the order of generation is fulfilled, for the waters above 93 are divided from the waters beneath hi, and the dry land, V? (Capricorn), which comes on Dec. 22 (now naked and unclothed), appears ; for V3 (Capricorn) is an earthly sign. So God said, “ Let there be light [T (Aries)], and there was light.” “And the Spirit of God [n (Gemini), air] moved upon the face of the waters ” [95 (Cancer) ] ; and he divided the waters which were above ts (Cancer) from the waters which were below (Scorpio), by the equator or Libra, the airy sign, and To the dry land [V3 (Capricorn)] appeared. So the cross T-j-— -V3 is a type of nature as well as creation ; the sun rises in the east, is at its meridian at the south, it falls or sets at the west, and is under the earth or midnight at the north ; for darkness cometh out of the north.42 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT The first words of the Bible state : “The earth was without form and void ; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. . . . And the evening and the morning were the first day;” and so on, always beginning with the darkness first. This is a beautiful illustration of the darkness of night giving way for light, and the morning breeze dispelling the damp dews, and clearing away the mists and lifting the clouds from land and ocean divided by the horizon. It also is the signification of birth, youth, manhood, and old age. It also signifies purity, desire, satiety, abhorrence. =2= (Libra), the sign of fall or autumn, is worthy of particular notice. This is the season of unleavened bread; and in Chal- dean, Egyptian, and Hebraic astrology, among its numerous meanings it signifies a table. It is the fall passover or au- tumnal equinox, or the point in which the sun crosses (x) the yllne on Sept. 22, when the sun rises at 6 and sets at 6. - At / this time ^th.g^pgw wheat (or fruit of Virgo, the celestial virgin, or in Greek mythology, “ Ceres, the bread-giver),” undried and not fairly fit for use, will naturally be soggy and heavy, and will not leaven or rise, but falls at once on baking. But because it is an offering of first fruits of the womb (gd) of nature (and which was ordained by Moses always to be an offering unto the Lord), so the feast of unleavened bread, as a thank offering to God, was sacredly kept, and is the feast of Succoth. Even the North American Indians commemorate it, and in their first fruits of harvest the still unripe but sweet corn and beans is sicccotash. Now this =£= (Libra) is in man the womb, the fall sign. Here the season of fall commences. Here in astrology the sun falls. This is an airy sign, and this sign merges into hi (Scorpio), the watery sign, which, heated by the' mists created by the still warm but declining rays of theTHE GREAT PYRAMID--- AN ALTAR TO R A 43 sun, produces a secondary heat from its proximity to f,a fiery sign, and creates a secondary summer, occasioned by the ground, which had become, by early frosts, bare, but, by these frosts also covered with the falling leaves, and their steam produced artificial warmth or heat, or renewed heat sponta- neously in the early November ; for % is entered by the © (sun) Oct. 22, and this summer, or artificial heat, is but a betrayal, and likely to return to frost at any time. The leaves turn red and fall. And the color of the sign % is red, and signifies the serpent who betrayed, and also Iudas Jscarjot which relation we shall elucidate later on. These secondary summer-like days continue in the early November, but on Dec. 22 the sun enters the winter solstice, the favorite house or stronghold of k (planet Saturn, i.e., the Christian Satan), and winter, the death of the year, ensues and coldness inter- venes, the cold earthy sign of Capricorn, leading; and this sign in Hebraic is called the renewer of life. It is fol- lowed by the airy sign, the water-bearer or Aquarius, in the Latin and Roman, but in the Greek language Jean Bap- tiste, or a water gate, and handed down to us as John the Baptist. Into this sign the sun enters in January, and the annual January thaw takes place, and the mantle of winter, or death robe, is torn to ribbons, or the snow melts in streams, while the blasts ruffle the streams, which this sign represents (zx). In turn this sign is followed by X, the fish sign, or Pisces, a watery sign, the sun making its ingress on Feb. 22. This sign is typical of the clear ice which covers the lakes and rivers ; and the fishes, large, good, and fat because so long unmolested, become now the chief article of diet in those countries where none of the modern facilities of intercom- munication and supply are to be obtained ; and it .was during44 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT this time with the © (sun) in X (Pisces) that the ancient wor- shipper of the grand central sun had his feast of fish as a bountiful gift from the Almighty ; and the Christian believer calls that festival Lent. Each sign has 30 degrees correspond- ing to 30 days. There are 12 signs or 12 months, and 12 solar months make a year. So thus they were for signs, for days, for months, for seasons, and for years. The apparent revolu- tion of the sun passed through the twelve signs in a year ; and thus they were for years. He commenced at the New Year, or spring, in T (Aries), the commencement of the acceptable year of the Lord or sun; he culminated in June in ss, or Greek Jean, or John, the gate of fire (p and being the double- headed Janus). He commenced his fall in autumn, or =2=, and the coldness of death ensued when he got to V3 (Capricorn^ in December. Thus they were for seasons. The moon pass' •eth through these signs in a month, or Old English, a mooneth, and thus they became signs for the month. And the earth turning on its axis passed through the signs in a day. Thus they became signs for a day. And as the day formerly com- menced at sundown, or evening, and ended at sundown the next day, so “ the evening and the morning were one day.” This chapter and its analogy to the original fall of man, hereafter.OF THE BIRTH, SO CALLED, OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 45 CHAPTER IV OF THE BIRTH, SO CALLED, OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA OR ISSA BEN-MIRIAM It is stated'in the New Testament that the Lord over- shadowed the Virgin, and she conceived and bare a child which was to be called Emmanuel, or God with us, also the “ Lamb ” of God. It also states that he had two brethren. It also states that Mary, the Virgin, was married to Joseph, an old man, whose staff or rod miraculously budded as a sign that he was chosen by the Lord to be the Virgin’s husband. Also recollect that this virgin, who is called a perpetual virgin in Christianity, had two other children, but who were not of the Lord who overshadowed her. Also recollect that the announcement was by the appearance of an angel in a dream to this Joseph. The authority for this I find in St. Matt. i. 20-23 : — “ But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel [angle] of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus : for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” Mark forgot to mention it. Luke altered the story, and says the angel Gabriel announced the fact to her after (if we accept46 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT the terms of the Old Testament for cohabitation) this angel had destroyed her virginity. See St. Luke i. 26-28, 31 :—* “ And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee called Nazareth. To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel ca7ne in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee [here the reader must recollect the © is in or the Lord is in the sign of its fall and in an angle or angel, and also that =2= signifies in man’s body the womb, or parts of conception] : blessed art thou among women.” “And, behold, thou shall conceive in thy wo77tb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.” Both Mark and John, the beloved disciple, seem to have forgotten the story altogether. But in John i. 45, Philip declares Jesus to be the son of Joseph: — John i. 45 : “Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” But astrology will prove that he was'the true sun (0) of God, or our own solar ruler, and that Gabriel is the angel of the moon in astrology, and is the author of somnambulism and clairvoyancy and what is now called mediumistic power, and the receptive planet or negative pole, and author of visions. Now T (Aries), gs (Cancer), =£=, and V5 (Capricorn) are the four angels or angles of the ecliptic, or house of the sun., and the zodiac is comprised in the ecliptic. SI is the strong house of the sun, and called the throne. (Virgo, or the Virgin) is joined to it, and next after ng andjoining it, or going in unto it, is =g=. In astrology the signs have hundreds of meanings ; but the principal meaning of =2= is that of the umbilicus, navel, and womb. The word angel is a perversion of angle, as at present.3 (Capricorn), the earth, and the nine months of conception have passed. The next sign is t (Sagittarius). V5 (Capricorn) signifies a goat, $ (Sagittarius), a large animal like a horse or an ass. The divisions of the zodiac are called houses and mansions, mangers, or places to feed in, or the houses of the © (sun) and other planets. As the sun reaches the thirtieth degree of V5 (Capricorn), the earthly sign, he is between the places where the goat and ass feed ; and being in the earth the sun is now with us as Emmanuel. Now what shall he be called ? Again, take the moons or months with the serpentine number 9, and continue the circle from Capricorn and say: t (Sagittarius), 1 ; K (Scorpio), 2 ; =s= (Libra), 3 ; 1% (Virgo), 4; SI (Leo), 5 ; 93 (Cancer), 6; rr (Gemini), 7; 8 (Taurus), 8 ; and lo ! behold the nine make T, the lamb or sun of God ; and as Isis or Esses, the moon, is the mother and he can- not take his earthly fathers name, he goes by the name of his48 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT mother, Jesus or Issis, or Issi Ben Miriam. Now reverse the manner of signs for the earthly movement, and from the mother, count (leaving the annunciation out, as we are now talking of natural children, or as the Jews say, left-handed') : =£= (Libra), I ; HI (Scorpio), 2 ; / (Sagittarius), 3 ; V5 (Capricorn), 4 ; zz (Aquarius), 5 ; X (Pisces), 6 ; T (Aries, 7; 8 (Taurus),. 8; and again behold ! 9, the serpent woman, or moon’s number, brings up the hour of delivery in n (Gemini), the two brethren, this time, however, because Bootes a constellation in SI (Leo), which constellation is represented as a man holding a flowering staff in his right hand, and in his left a sickle, and called in the / Greek ’loxnjqp, or Joseph. He also has his foot on the sheaf ofjwheatjn the Virgin’s hand, and she her foot on Scorpio, the ; serpent. Any good geography of the heavens or celestial globe will show you this. Again, referring to our signs, we find the conception, birth, and name on three cardinal points of, the cross, and the tau cross, T -p— and therefore he is the croix (x) v? or Christ, completing his perfectness when he gets to the summer solstice in June, or when he becomes of full age (30), equal to 30 degrees, at which time he must be nailed to the cross in 95, and this watery sign completes the figures thus : 55 T + =^=. And so he is the cross, or croixed, or cruz, or cruci- fled one, the sun, which has always been and forever will be crucified, on the centre of the cross, or the rose on the cross, with the crown of thorns, viz., the angles made by the sun’s rays, or longhair from his youth up — a Nazarene. The his- tory of the birth of Buddha and every other virgin-born God is the same, and the story is coeval with man’s first ideas of the Lord of hosts.OF THE BIRTH, SO CALLED, OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 49 The different miracles, his death and crucifixion, we shall present later, merely stating here that every one of his so- called miracles, death, and crucifixion are woven from these twelve signs of the zodiac, or his twelve disciples, as well as the so-called twelve sons of Jah-cob, or Jacob, or Ya-coub. We shall now go back to stories that antedate this of Christ, merely to prove how priestcraft in all ages hid the truth from the ignorant. But as we inadvertently omitted one thing, viz., that Vj (Capricorn) also means a grotto, cave, places under the earth, as well as manger, and the goat and the ass were there, the reader can well perceive, inasmuch as when the new sun is born or begins the year in T (Aries) at six o’clock in the morning, reaches his meridian height at noon, falls at six p.m. and at midnight is in V3, or under the earth, one can well see the adaptability of the claim that on Easter night the ani- mals all bow down, for Easter is the day the sun enters the xlu&^ ^east point of the ecliptic, as Master of the Universal Lodge. AlIso V3 (Capricorn) signifies, in astrology, in man’s body the knees, joints, and things that bend, kneel, etc. So the ani- mals kneeled down, as described in the infancy of Christ. In astrology the © is representative of the father and the D (moon) of the mother, and they are called the luminaries, in contradistinction to the planets which are called lords. The sun overshadows the D (moon) monthly, and afterwards the young crescent is seen in the old moon’s arms, so called, and as she, the moon, is a producer, the sun (©) a vitalizing power, and as all things are generated by heat from water or moisture, cor- ruption or slime, so the moon, ruler of the seas, rivers, lakes, and rain, and over all liquids which precipitated are clear and unsullied and were of virgin purity, so she is always called a pure and perpetual virgin. In the Latin, seas, or gatheringsSo ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT of water, are called mare, men, mere; in the Sanscrit maia. In the Low Dutch or Nederlands, a mixture of earth and water is called motter, — from which the English mother. Even the thick slime and corruptness or the juice of the apple is the mother, the eating of which, or the man partaking with the woman, produced childbirth. Now the Sanscrit Maia and the Egyptian Isis or Mot are the same ; and the celestial virgin, or queen of heaven, and .Ceres the bzead-giv^L of the Greeks are all one. For the harvest moon is lovelier than at any other time, and called queen of heaven. The sun in Egyptian is Sire, Osiris, in Sanscrit, Aum, in Chaldean and Ethiopic, On, in other languages Sol. And whether we call him Sol-aum or On, or altogether Sol-om-on, it matters little, since his temple has never yet been made by hands and is eternal in the heavens. And though Herod’s temple has been found and the remains of many others, no one has yet had -the audacity to claim Sol-om-on’s Temple as a discovery, neither the ten tribes of Israel (said to have been carried into cap- tivity). Phrat and Yud still remain, or Issarael and Jah-huda (sun and moon) worshippers, or original father and mother God, but none of the original ten signs of the zodiac, for astrology..and prophecy ceased with the Jews, after they were conquered by the abomination of desolation, and all their books and learning and ten signs were carried into captivity and used by their captors. The priests became the only ones allowed to read the Bible, that finest of all astrological books, the word of God ; and they declared themselves the only ones ordained to expound any mystery. Their conquests did not extend far enough. The light shone brightly as it ever has in the due east, and there we must search for it, locked in the Great Pyramid, rejected by those clothed in darkness and black\ The very stonesOF THE BIRTH, SO CALLED, OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 51 cry out, “A-Braam came from the East.” Now as Isis, the D (moon) or virgin mother, is the generator of all things which are vitalized by the sun, see Deut. xxxiii. 14: “ And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things futforth by the moon ; ” as in these things we see that light and heat are necessary for all things, we now see clearly the power of the sun or Jah-ova, or Jod, Heva, or the sacred ^/number^io,„,or if you will, that of the Greek 14 0. For the / givers of life produced all things and are sacred, and heat renews all natures, and so write it I.N.R.I., not Jesus of Naza-~‘~” reth, King of the Jews, or Iesits Nazarenus, Rex Iudceorum, but fire and heat all nature revive or renew, thus : Igne Natural Renovatur Integra. Neither call him I.H.S., as Jesus, Saviour*" of men, or lesus Hominum Salvator, but Invincible Sun and - Egyptian tau cross (or path of fire) or heat between, or sol» invectus, just a repetition of 140, nothing more, and nothing-- less. We are also told in the infancy of Christ that the virgin was at one time found climbing up the fifteen steps of the Temple. /As-Sohaum-on’s Templets an earthly building has not as yet been found, or the site thereof, but only a temple built by Herod, from the description given in the Old Testament, I for one confidently believe that there never was at any time such :an edifice, but that it was an allegorical representation of the ''universe, as portrayed on the ancient zodiacs, or the temple of the sun. This Spl^aurmon, or sun in three great Eastern languages, or empires, whose people were conquered by the Romans, and at the time were worshipping the Triune God. The Romans at that time were the worst of pagans or idola- ters ; but knowing well the power of state religion, strove to make from their original sun worship a religion which should52 . ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT embody that Trinity ; and so from the story of Buddha and Osiris, Isis, and Horus, and the zodiacal signs, clothed the stories in new garments, and personified the sun into a living man, and the moon into a virgin mother, and the cross + as the life-saving symbol, and then forced the slaves of Rome by sword and wild beast, by inquisition and torture and auto- da-fe, to acknowledge as truth that which their souls abhorred ; forcing them to teach this to their children, established that abomination, the confessional, making spies and traitors in every household, till, sinking deeper and deeper in despair and forced ignorance, generation after generation dared no longer even to think their soul was their own and given by God, but were led to believe that God the Father damned them from the beginning and delivered them over to the devil, to be saved (no matter how abominable their crimes) by this man called the Son of God, but who at last was almost entirely designated as the son of the Virgin, this Virgin, who is not only represented as chosen spouse of the Almighty, apart from all other women, but who merged into the wife or spouse of her own son, and he the father of himself. In fact, the whole story is incomprehensible ; and as no one could explain it, the priests when questioned at once forbid such sacrilege as questions ; and “ It is a mystery ” sufficed to stay all inquisitive minds. It always has seemed a mystery to me why (if this story be true, and I thank God to me it is not) God should have chosen a Jewess, and thus have given Jewish origin to his Son, and have delegated that Son especially to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and so quickly forgotten his mission, but as quickly as these true worshippers were conquered by the descendants of brigands and robbers, who were in power, viz.,OF THE BIRTH, SO CALLED, OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 53 the Roman nation at that time, turned these poor creatures over to their persecutions and curses, which have prevailed even to this day wherever that Roman or Greek religion of the -f- prevails. How strange it is that the Revelation of St. John says that there shall be but 144,000 saved, and that shall be 12,000 to each of the tribes of Israel! Is it wonderful that the Bible is forbidden to be read by their devotees ? Why should any one outside of Israel care, since only those are the persons selected to be saved ? Rev. vii. 4-8. “And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Of the tribe of Juda were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thou- sand. Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephtha- lim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.11 Observe distinctly, it says, “I heard the numberAlso observe that verse 3 distinctly states who these children of Israel are, viz., “ Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.” Shortly we shall explain this number. Observe verses 5, 6, 7, 8 give you three tribes each, or four trines ; three tribes equal (each verse) a trine, total twelve tribes, his servants, 12,000 to each tribe, 144,000 the total. Add 1 + 4 -{- 4 = 9 = the number of the serpent. A trine, or54 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT % of 12 signs zzz 144,000, which divided by 4= 36,000, which two integers, 3 -j- 6 zz 9, the member of the serpent always. “ Sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads/' i.e., with the sign of R A or the sun, or the cross, the new birth in T (which is the sign of the forehead in man), or the Lamb of R A or God, the grand central sun. Who wrote these things ? Was it not John, a Jew, one of the elect, so declared? Yes. It is stated that at the time of the birth of Jesus the three Wise Men, or Kings from the East, guided by the star which they saw in the east, came to the place where the babe was lying, and that they brought ..offerings of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This is wrought from the annual ascension of the star Sirius (or Cyrus) signify- ing saviour, which in Egypt took place and does annually on Dec. 25, and betokens the annual inundation of the Nile, the saviour of Egypt. At this time the three principal stars in the constellation of Orion, called the three kings, are in a line with Sirius, which is then rising and resplendent in the due east, the beginning of life. They brought three yellow things, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, astrologically ruled over by the sun. They met the angel .(or angle) at the place, simply be- cause 16 (Capricorn) is one of the four great angels or angles. On next Christmas eve, dear reader, if clear weather, look at the due east, and cast your gaze on Orion, and see plainly this fact — step by step, degree by degree, you will find the true light; and when you gaze on the star, charmed as you may be, for it is the weakest light, you wish for more, and the moon rises, and still you long for more light. But when the glorious" sun rises in the east, the master of the day and all things in the heavenly lodge, you are raised to the truth that there is nothing like his glory. And yet these three are but one ; theyOF THE BIRTH, SO CALLED, OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 55 are light, and they and all the lesser ones must first enter in the east gate, and so must all those who believe. And even as the virgin or D climbed the fifteen steps to the temple, so must ye who enter into the joy of the Lamb (due east point), for the steps are the J), ©, and five there be that wind, and lastly seven. And so the lodge shall be of 3, 5, 7, or 9, and this is perfect, for the wisdom of the serpent is here. Three direct steps are light, or stars, moon, and sun, which enter in at the gate of brass or east, the place of light and the birth of the creation of the world or dawn, and in astrology, of man, and also of thought, and all things of brain creation. All bodies rise and go through the signs in succession till they pass the meridian, and decline from T to 1%, or five winding and ascending steps, turning towards their'death at midnight, and reborn or ascend again in X5 (Capricorn), the renewer of life,, and have thus been taught by the serpent how to live and die. O ye initiates, look in upon the light shining from abtau, out through the eastern gate.' Thou guardian of the upright south, where he is glorified, behold the three transfigured ones in shining garments, who have stepped into the east and ascended . by five winding, steps, and behold a brother who payeth the wages 'when the day is finished and the western gate is closed; why he falls, the Grand Master, and is searched for in ruins, in the rubbish of the temple, and under the earth, and why it is56 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT high twelve at night when resurrection commences and life returns, and the Lion of Juda (viz., Leo, the lion) the © raises from his untimely death, for he has completed the serpent’s path and proved himself. And the 3 and 5 and 7= 15, which two figures added are 6 = the serpent number, or 3 -f- 5 -f- 7 -|- 9 = 24, and these = 6 and perfect lodge; for from one point of the X to another the © moves in 6 hours, and the whole is 24 hours = 6, and he the X ified one, being heavenly, has the tau cross -t- rising at 6, mid-heaven 6 more, sundown 6 more. He is the Lion, and behold the number of the beast is 666 or six hundred three- score and six. Rev. xiii. 18.MOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 57 CHAPTER V MOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA.--THE MOVEMENTS OF THE SUN.--BREASTPLATE OF THE HIGH PRIEST OF THE JEWS. -THE CITY OF THE NEW JERUSALEM OF REVELA- TION. -ASTROLOGICAL HOROSCOPES. When the Bible states, “ I called my son out of Egypt,” it means sun, for from Egypt alone did the Jews obtain the true light, and handed it down to us, and from the Pyr-a-met came our modern Freemasonry or Esse-nian belief in resurrection and renewal of life. From Egypt we have all that is extant of astrology, which makes one who studies it almost to conclude the whole thing to be the handiwork of the Almighty, so per- fect is the law and in perfect unison in all parts and points. Truly in the building of this temple there was no sound of iron or any metal tool, but everything fitted like the work of “ Je- hova ” the Aum-nipotent, Aum-niscient, and Aum-nipresent. Esdras says, “Ye can only see the son of God in the daytime;” and in the Bible it says, “ His face was more marred than any other man.” Now all persons of the present generation who have enjoyed the blessings of a good free school teaching where they are taught arithmetic, geography, and the rudi- ments of astronomy, and that the world is round, are aware that the spots on the face of the sun are very numerous, and more so than on the face of any of the planets ; and that his face is more marred than that of any other. Again it says, “I and the Father are one.” Well, that is truth itself. It58 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT means one sun, one star ; but not a person. But the sun, seen in the daytime, rises from the lowest point of the ecliptic on Dec. 25, and starts on its yearly revolution, and exalts (see the table of planetary dignities on page 305) or is exalted in T, or the ram or lamb sign, ascends into heaven, or is elevated to the highest point in 25, the gate of paradise, or mid-heaven, and obtains its greatest strength on the throne, or SI, the sign Leo ; is weighed in the balance, or =£=, scales, at sundown, and failing as it grows dark, says, aMy God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ; ” and descending beneath the horizon, and also representing the fall month, and the point of the cross on Moimt Calvary, or Libra, where he is hung between two thieves, viz., the two solstices, 55 and Vj, Cancer and Capri- corn, one of which, 25, ascends into mid-heaven and the other goes to V5 or hell or house of Saturn or Satan — i.e., the mid- night, the mid-winter, the death of nature, the cold and barren earth, where every living thing from the beginning of the world to the present time has gone, and shall forever go, unless purged by fire, i.e:,. cremated. But before he, the sun, goes there, darkness must spread over the face of the earth. See Luke xxiii. 44, 45 :—- * “ And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the face of the earth. . . . And the sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst,” which alludes to the sun setting at six o'clock, or equal day and night, and rent in twain, i.e., exactly on the equator. Luke also describes the setting up of the cross in chapter 23, verse 33 :—• 64 And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they X crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left,”MOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 59 viz., 55, mid-noon, to the right, himself, the Q, on =2=, or sun- down, and the other at or midnight, each six hours apart. So that at sundown, he was; at six o’clock six hours from noon and six hours from midnight, always his number, 666, six hun- dred threescore and six, the number of the lion, or he whose strength lay in Leo. “ Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ” is not “■My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” but “My strength, why art thou or why is it departing from me ? ” The cross of Calvary is the character for the planet Venus, (■5), and as Venus rules in =2=, her principal house, you can readily perceive in the table of planetary dignities and debilities that the son (or sun) falls in this sign. Behold tbe'3 -p in 1 ?. Luke also states, chapter 23, verse 34, that “ they parted his raiment.” This again alludes to the zodiac, an unbroken circle,- fa garment^^jiut^searry; and the lots alluded to the sign in which the sun should again rise; in this sense typical of the fall month and his approaching dissolution in mid-winter. As Luke seems to forget many things, I will turn! to Mark. And I find he also coincides with Luke kLomitting a very im- portant passage. And Matthew also says nothing of this very important passage. Now as we are told that by ther mouth of two or three witnesses a fact shall be established, We are left in doubt; and were it not for John, we should have lost much of the beauty of this astrological delineation. Here is the quotation : — St. John xix. 34: “ But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side* and forthwith came there out blood and water,” thus alluding to the two next signs after =2= (Libra), viz., % (Scorpio), which is watery, and called the'betrayer of blood;: the sun, now well toward midnight, reaches to Sagittarius, the6o ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT mounted soldier, or archer, or man with the spear, which touches Scorpio, and pierces that constellation or sign which the sun is in ; and because winter does not really close in till the latter part of November, in which the sun reaches Sagitta- rius or Centaur, and also night closed not in until the sun reached the same sign, it is stated, Mark xv. 44:— “ And Pilate . . . calling unto him the centurion, asked him whether he had been any while dead.’1 Matthew, Luke, and John have no record of this. It is correct astrologically, because before the sun (son) could reach the sepulchre or (Capricorn) the centurion must not only pierce him but must be a witness of the dying sun, who was to be laid in the grave at the hour of midnight of Friday, the planetary hour of evil spirit or Saturn, and to be under the earth or Saturn (Satan), stronghold or house in V5. When we get farther along, under the chapter on signs, you will be surprised to read how many interpretations these twelve books of Moses, or of the wisdom of Isis, have. Previous to the sundown or cessation of twilight, before the last of light had disappeared, John xix. 26 : —- “When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved [viz., the sign £0 (Cancer), the mid-heaven, Jean Evangel, the gate of fire, and the strong sign of the J) (moon) or Isses or Isis, or Esses], he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple,-Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own hojiie.” Or 55 became the house of Mere, Mary, the virgin mother or Isis, the moon. The outside figures or numerals in horoscope on page 61 signify number of degrees to different hours of the day; firstMOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 61 circle the degrees from T or R A, or distance from right ascen- sion, viz., from the first point of Aries, the RAM or lamb, each degree equal to a day, also 30° equal to a month or one sign. The next circle shows the apparent place or sign which the sun enters on the twenty-first to twenty-second day of each month, commencing the “ acceptable year ” of the Lord or our sun, on the first day of spring, the twenty-second day of March, the vernal equinox, or the sun on the equator, or the Xing of62 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT the line in the sign wherein he is exalted, viz., the T, Lamb of God, in the due east point, or Easter. Over these days the ancient number of the months follows in succession, as March i, April 2, May 3, and so on. The next circle shows the signs, and also the parts of the body they rule over in man. The next circle shows the signs in nature, as airy, fiery, watery, and earthly; and the next in order shows the planet ruling the signs, commonly called lords of those signs; and inside of all the sanctum sanctorum, or holy of holies, the grand primum mobile, he who dwelleth between the cherubims, affixed to the X, whose points are &, SI, 1*8, and or the head of the bull, the head of the lion, the head of the eagle, and the head of a man.MOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 63 As there are various horus-copes, or horoscopes, I propose to insert, not only the modern circular, but also that of the planisphere, or tabernacle of Moses, the square, or city of the New Jerusalem ; and the Chaldean. That of the double cube, IT Grce?/\ Jink is/zymew' PT JZuMbf /Spiffs /taJfcvr'/ "FVyt^csM; n vR CL 4 2-/OvC&£ • S&n'ct /fc&‘Cc,£/c/-/fu,vYetir . JerusP'/ep??. . Jfee cato */ jlcur/t &oytfvO>/<7/ ■jZjZt 1TK v r~ YcfaLU> dcipfa x fttLLZ air 1t1 ultra*, /Lake rr TSbffttcc/f 77/ Tight A3 £ci //m *ww f^VW lid// ict/cte called Urim and Thummim, and the ephod. or apron used by the high priest of Israel who consulted the oracle, was the twelve stones on the breastplate, a planisphere of the zodiac ; and the ephod or apron corresponded to the square/of the circle and the orbits of the planetary system, as I shall show a little farther on.64 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT “'A thousand years are as a day in thy sight, O Lord.” As the sun’s apparent movement is from T through each sign of the zodiac in one year, so the revolution of the earth causeth it to pass through each sign every day ; and as the movements are forever, a thousand years, ay, a million years, are as a day in thy sight, O Lord. The twelve mansions or houses of the sun (“In my Father’s house are many mansions ”) are depicted in illustration on page 63 after the manner of cutting precious stones. The “ solitaire ” represents the sun on the X or between theMOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 6s cherubims, 8, SI, *2, and or bull, lion, eagle, and man. This is the double cube, or Solomon’s Temple. The tabernacle .of Moses, and the Masonic lodge-room, the © in the centre, on the tau cross or X, shows the proper place for the al-tau or altar. The figure on page 64 is the cubic stone of Masonry and the city of the New or Celestial Jerusalem, instituted by Moses to correct the movement of the sun into the sign Aries, which, owing to the precession of the equinoxes, it had made from 8 (Taurus) previous to the exodus of the Hebrews or Israelites from Egypt. But as the superstitions of the lower classes of Egypt were strongly adhered to by the Jews at that time, to correct the astronomical year, and to do away with the sign of the bull, or tau, or Baal, or Bel, in which the right ascension had been so long calculated, Moses utterly destroyed the molten calf, and substituted the everlasting symbol of the brazen ser- pent, or the ecliptic, that his followers might no more substitute the circle of animals, but acknowledge only the spiritual God. The high priests then used the square figure for the “ schemes of heaven,” or horoscopes; and this “ white ” stone, or cube, worn by Masonic bodies is of the same origin, and represents the universe, with the Almighty Architect in the centre, as the soul thereof. According to the different signs, so as to agree with the circle, they are placed three on the east, three on the south, three on the west, and three on the north. And as the sun never goes north of the ecliptic in north latitude, so the north is always at the bottom of the figure, and represents the midnight and winter and the end of all things, and the place of darkness, and under the earth. See Job : “ Darkness cometh out of the north.” In Gen. xlix. Jacob blesses his sons, or rather the priests66 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT of Isis do so bless, and describe the twelve signs of the zodiac (for the Bible should not be taken literally, but allegorically and esoterically). Gen. xlix. 3, 4: “ Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the be- ginning of my strength. . . . Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy fathers bed ; then defiledst thou it.” This alludes to the sign (Aquarius), or the “ head of the man,” the month of January, the beginning of the strength of the sun; also to the January thaw, “ unstable as water” run- ning in rivulets, defiling the pure snow, or sheets of the sun’s wintry bed, or repose of the father. Verse 5 : “ Simeon and Levi are brethren.” This signifies Gemini, the twins. Verse 9 : “ Judah is a lion’s whelp,” signifies the sign Leo. Verse 13 : “ Zebulun . . . shall be for an haven of ships,” or Libra, the ship sign, or arc, or ark. Verse 14 : “ Issachar is a strong ^ass, couching down between two burdens,” is b (Taurus), the bull, ox, or heifer, the beast used in many Eastern countries for working purposes. Verse 16 : “ Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel; ” i.e., shall be one of the fixed signs. Verse 17 : “ Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backwards.” This is t»i, the scorpion, or serpent, and alludes to that constellation which is placed next to the centaur or armed horseman, or Sagittarius, which falleth backward into the winter solstice of Yj (Capricorn). Verse 19 : “ Gad [a play on the word Dag or fish sign], a troop shall overcome him : but he shall overcome at the last,” — X (Pisces), the fish sign, from Feb. 22 to March 22, when the sun overcomes the winter and crosses the line and enters T. Verse 20: . . Asher, his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.” This isMOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 67 the sign, ^ (Virgo), the bread-giver. Verse 21 : “ Naphtali is a hind let loose : he giveth goodly words,” is V3 (Capricorn), the goat, or December sign, which is a renewer of life, or a promise of good to come. Verse 27 : “ Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf : in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.” The sign T in March, which merging into April, the warm days devour or melt the snows or prey of the sun, and he divides the spoil, being the vernal equinox, or division between spring and winter. Joseph, who remains in Egypt, and has nothing to do with the Israelites, gives to his two sons the injunction to go with them, and Ephraim and Manasseh have a portion divided between them, viz., the double sign gs (Cancer). So in order on placing the signs we find : T, Benjamin, or youngest, or last born son, or 0 in f ; &, Issachar ; n, Levi and Simeon ; ss, Ephraim and Manasseh; SI, Judah; Asher; =2=, Zebulun ; hi, Dan ; /, Joseph; V?, Naphtali; aer, Reuben; X, Gad. In the “CEdipus Judaicus,” Sir W. Drummond agrees with me that Aquarius is signified by Reuben, and calls the sign X (Pisces), the brethren Simeon and Levi. In which I do not concur; the sign being rightly n. He agrees with the author that SI (Leo) was represented by Judah. He makes V5 (Cap- ricorn) to be represented by Zebulun. The practice of astrol- ogy, however, never deviates from =2= (Libra), the naval sign, and equinoctial division, or the © seeking rest or setting in the waters; and this I have verified many hundreds of times by nativities and horary questions. Again he makes Issachar to represent Cancer. What analogy the crab can have to bearing burdens, I cannot conceive. Astrological practice gives the sign of the bull or ox as the sign ruled by Issachar. He makes Dan correctly to represent fti, a fixed sign, and its emblem the68 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT eagle as the banner or standard of Dan. Gad he places as representing T (Aries). “ Gad, a troop shall overcome him.” A troop must be a double-bodied sign, and for reasons I have given for Gad representing X (Pisces), a school of fish, Qr a troop, .or a congregation of many, and winter being overcome by March, which produces slosh, likened to fish-spawn or menstrual for spring or birth of year; and as k , which was the oldest of the planets (so considered) and the deity of ancient Israel, and k ruled over winter, Pisces must be the sign, which is amply proved by astrological reading, as it signifies multi- plicity. Moreover, it is the sign of the feet and toes, which are many; and our common or vulgar saying of “gadding about,” or idly walking, comes from this old astrological sign of Gad. He also says in a note that “at the period when the text was written, Aries occupied the place now held by Pisces.” Asher, he writes, was =£=, or the scales. “ Out of Asher his bread shall be fat.” Evidently a scale or balance has but little to do with bread. But or the virgin, with her sheaf of wheat, has, and in astrology 1% signifies a place where corn and food are stored, also a restaurant, orchard, garden, etc. There- fore ^ properly belongs to Asher. Many other reasons can be deduced by astrological practice, which, when we come to the practical part of astrology, will be sufficiently explained; our object being to present the esoterical definitions previous to the practical meanings of the signs, and to show that the Bible is the best text-book of astrology in existence, and the Word which dwelt amongst men. Again in Deut. xxxiii. 24, 25 : — “ Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren, and let him dip his foot in oil. • “ Thy shoes shall be iron and brass ; ”MOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 69 plainly alluding to the constellation the .celestial virgin blessed with children, or the earth bringing forth its fruits, and to ng, or the virgin, whose feet touch the scales or balance or =2=, which scales were made either of iron or brass. “ Dip his foot in oil,” alludes to the oily, glistening surface of the sea or water at sundown, when the 30 degrees of 1%, i*e.> the feet, meet =2= (Libra), or Zebulun, the haven for ships, or the due west point and the equinox. Naphtali he renders as ^ (Virgo). Naphtali is rendered as “ a hind let loose ; he giveth goodly words.” And Sir W. Drummond says, “ a tree was the standard of Naphtali.” Herein my teachings and studies differ widely. Naphtali is an earthly sign, as the tree signifies, but not the earthly sign (Virgo), but the earthly sign V3 (Capri- corn), the capering goat or “hind let loose.” V? (Capricorn) signifies trees, a wilderness, woods, dark places, sepulchres, etc. ; a place where cattle and goats feed; stables, manure heaps, and the winter solstice ; also, the place where the New Years day commences or the sun rises from the darkness of winter, giving promise of renewed life, and signifies - in the Hebrew language the renewer of life. In this sign the “ ever- green tree ” is all that is left to show life in nature. Herein are the “ goodly words,” and here is the tree, represented by no other sign. Again the natural gas described in Maccabees, and the “ stinking water ” (petroleum) found in the holes in the ground where the gas was extinguished, were named by Elisha “ naphtha for cleansing.” Now, as petroleum is only found in districts where rock-salt or the spirit of earthly things is found, it plainly shows it was the sign V? (Capricorn), for 'V3 (Capricorn) also means under the earth, rocks and bowlders, and mineral and dark and discolored things ; and spirit is pitri, or pietre, or saltpetre; and so it is under the earth only we can find naphtha, or Naphtali.70 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Joseph, “ his bow abode in strength,” and “ Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well, whose branches run over a wall.” From thence is the shepherd the stone of Israel. This in “CEdipus Judaicus ” is rendered as 8 (Taurus). The bow of Joseph is simply the ecliptic, which, cutting the equinoctial or equator at right angles, at present T and =^, and the two solstitial points, 25 and V5, divides it thus — Otherwise it is the sign $ (Sagittarius) as stated on page 67. Joseph became governor over Egypt, whose kings are Pha R A, the sun, and became the king's path, or the ecliptic. Aries is the shepherd or lamb sign. From 25, the mid- summer, “the archers [rays of the sun] have sorely vexed him, and shot at him, and hated him : but his bow [arc of the ecliptic] abode in strength [the hot summer], and the arms of his hands [T and =2=, or right and left] were made strong by the God of Jacob,” viz., the arc under the earth which supports the arc overhead, one terminus being in Aries, the shepherd sign, the other in =s=, and in the centre is V5 (Capricorn), the stone,MOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 71 or Israel, or stronghold of \, ruler of that sign, and originally considered by the Israelites as the God, or Ancient of Days. Or again, it holds up the earth. In “ QEdipus Judaicus,” says Sir W. Drummond: “ I differ from Kircher and Dupuis con- cerning the ensign of Benjamin, which / suppose to have been the twins.” Herein I differ from all three. The description in Gen. xlix. 27: “ Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf; in the morning [or east] he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil,” is no other than the sign T, the first point of right ascension, the youngest son Benjamin, equivalent to the last sign into which the first point of right ascension of the sun had arrived, who was the youngest son of Rachel; and Rachel is Hebrew for sheep. Ephraim and Manasseh are only left, and a portion shall be divided between them, viz., gs, nursed by the others, or fed by them with a portion; and is the sign of the breast, nursing and milk sign. Herein, to show the antiquity of petroleum, and knowledge of the ancients, and rediscoveries of lost matters, I will quote from 2 Macc. i. 19-22, 31, 32, 36 : — “For when our fathers were led into Persia, the priests that were then devout took the fire of the altar privily, and hid it in a hollow place of a pit without water. . . . Now after many years, . . . Neemias being sent from the king of Persia, did send of the posterity of those priests that had hid it, to the fire: but when they told us they found no fire, but thick water; Then commanded he them to draw it up, and to bring it; and when the sacrifices were laid on, Neemias commanded the priests to sprinkle the wood and the things laid thereupon with the water. When this was done, and the time came that the sun shone, which afore was in the cloud, there was a great fire kindled, so that every man marvelled.” “ Now when the sacrifice was consumed, Neemias commanded the water that was left to be poured on the great stones.72 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT When this was done, there was kindled a flame: but it was consumed by < the light that shined from the altar.” “And Neemias called this thing Naphthar, which is as much as to say, A cleansing: but men called it Nephi.” Observe this beautiful description of natural gas and petro- leum ; the spontaneous combustion, and the flame of gas ignited by the fire, and the fire actually consumed by the gas. Also the ancient name, and the use of the article, even as to-day for cleansing. Let no one again tell of mir- acles, of calling down fire from heaven, but rather of intense heat focused by the sun's rays shining on stones. How easy it is to frighten and awe the ignorant ! Superstition is a weapon of immense strength, and the terrible dragon of priestcraft. Turning to page 63 you will find a planisphere, or square figure, often used by astrologers to calculate the “ scheme of heaven ” in which to place the planetary bodies, the lumi- naries, and fixed stars according to their true positions at the time of asking a question, or “ consulting the Lord," or in erecting a nativity. Now let us turn to Rev. xxi. 10 to 20 inclusive: — “And he carried me away in spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.MOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 73 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. And the building of the wall of it was of jasper; and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all man- ner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte ; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus ; the eleventh, a jacinth ; the twelfth, an amethyst.” Now, if the reader will turn to the Old Testament, Ex. xxviii., and read from the 15th verse to the 21st inclusive, he will find these things written for the instruction of Moses: — “ And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment with cunning work ; after the work of the ephod \i.e.r apron\ thou shalt make it; of gold, of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine twined linen, shalt thou make it. Foursquare it shall be being doubled; a span shall be the length thereof and a span shall be the breadth thereof. And thou shalt set in it settings of stones : . . . the first row shall be a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall be the first row. And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond. And the third row a figure, an agate, and an amethyst. And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and a jasper; they shall be set in gold in their inclosings. And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel; twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet; every one with his name shall they be according to the twelve tribes.” Ex. xxviii. 29, 30: “ And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place for a memorial before the Lord continually.74 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim: and they shall be upon Aaron’s heart, when he goeth in before the Lord.” In the New Testament, Rev. iv. 2-7 : — “ And immediately I was in the Spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone. . . . And round about the throne were four and twenty seats [24] : and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment. . . . And out of the throne proceeded lightnings: . . . and there were seven [7] lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts. . . . And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.” N. B. — The reader is to compare the zodiac of Dendera here. Now turn back to Ps. lxxx. 1: — “ Give ear O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph [sign °f, shep- herd, beginning of ecliptic, the first point of which leads all the rest] like a flock ; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forthS Ex. xxv. 31, 32: “ And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold. . . . And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side.” Ex. xxv. 37: “And thou shalt make the seven lamps thereof: and they shall light the lamps thereof, that they may give light over against it.” Explanation : The New Jerusalem, or abode of the sun of suns, the Lord God of hosts, represented as a square, in which is the throne or mercy seat between the cherubims, viz., the signs 8, SI, til, and or fixed signs or al-tau. The twelve gates, T, , n, 25, SI, ^=, *1, t, Ttf, X, whoseMOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 75 names as the twelve tribes have already been explained. But the New Testament claims the new version to be the founda- tion, and that the gates of the twelve tribes were builded on them. This is, as one can see at a glance, but a rebuilding of the breastplate of jttdgment of the priest or the horoscope or figure to judge from, while the Urim and Thummim to be placed therein are the sun, moon, and planets, by which to divine or judge. The seven lamps before the throne, and the candlestick, are the same, © (sun), D (moon), \ (Saturn), Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury, or, as always arranged by the ancients, k (Saturn), % (Jupiter), $ (Mars), 0 (sun), $ (Venus), £ (Mercury), and D (moon). Thus the sun is always in the centre, and the rules never deviated. They knew the sun to be the centre, and never taught other- wise ; and spite of modern claims to the contrary, and the perversion of modern astrology, every teaching of the ancients proves the contrary, from their tables of planetary hours to their tables of ills, occupations, and localities, which cannot be calculated except by this unalterable and perfect law of the Lord. The twenty-four elders are the twenty-four hours of a day. The four beasts are the four seasons; also dawn, noon, sunset, midnight ; also birth, manhood, middle age, and death, or old age. The colors of the stones represent the break of day and rising of the sun coloring the sky, the brilliancy of noon, the heat of the afternoon, and the gathering of twilight, and the gloom of midnight; also that many colors comprise the inhabitants of our earth, and yet the four principal ones are specified. It is the coat of many colors of Joseph, and again represents the seamless garment or robe of the Son (sun), and is the secret book of knowledge or wisdom of Isis, or the Word made manifest. The □ is the base of the pyramid, also;6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT the square of the circle, also the place in which to write the demand or question desired answered of the Lord ; also the sanc- tum sanctorum or secret place for the priest to withdraw to so that unobserved he might make his calculation and hurl forth his “Thus saith the Lord.” It is the place of the mercy seat, al-tau, between the cherubims, or great centre from which the Lord of the hosts of heaven continually viewed all that he had created and made. It is the soul of the universe. In this breastplate of judgment, with its twelve mansions or houses of the sun, the priests placed the planets for the exact hour and minute and day, and corrected them from the place at high noon or R. A. of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, or of Belus in Chaldea; and applying the horary angle of the sun, of the place he was in at the time, with the longitude of the place he then occupied, turned into time by the hourly move- ment of the serpent of Osiris, or sun, he found his -j-, or right ascension of meridian, or R. A. M., and thus took up his own -(- and followed the Lord, or R. A; thus proving that nothing can be calculated, or movement made on any part of the earth, or measurement of any heavenly body, or calculation of navi- gation, surveying, or trigonometry, astronomy, or any angle (or angel) without taking up this our -j- and following that of the Saviour or the -)- of the prime meridian, and which at the time of the greatest knowledge of the ancients was the latitude and longitude of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and previous to that the tower of Babylon with its seven concentric rings, representing the planets. O Astrology, thou divine science ! how hast thou been tra- duced by the ignorant! how mystified by subterfuge and priest- craft ! how shamed by pretenders ! Astrology is a science, the highest of the order of mathematics. To divine well, purify thyMOVEMENTS OF CHRIST OR KRISHNA 77 heart' and brain. Be master of thyself\ studious, reclusive,- thoughtful, prayerful, exact. Above all adore thy Creator, for it is the beginning of wisdom. Gather knowledge, but throw away foolishness. Try all things. Hold fast to that which is good and that only which is proven. Adhere to the ancient landmarks ; neither you nor I can better them. The wisdom of countless ages has proved them. The ancients had no loga- rithms. Joseph divined in his cup. The Teacher wrote upon the ground with his finger. The Ethiopian divines by his ring — a magic circle, or a ring with zodiacal signs, is sufficient. At night the heavens were open to their view, and their accu- rate knowledge of the motion of the heavenly bodies and the constellations sufficed for hourly or horary questions ; while their calculations for the new moons and the sun’s ingresses into T, 55, —, and V3 enabled them to prophesy the fate of nations, and from the birth of an individual and the position of the planets at the moment of time, to show the events to take place in that individual’s life. Each sign of the zodiac is a volume of meaning, and the meaning is defined by the planet that may be in, or casting an aspect to it. And this meaning, Isis, the mother, who leadeth the child, or is cosignificator always of the person asking, never fails to show correctly. Astrology never fails, but the astrologer may err, be prejudiced or pervert judgment for the sake of obtaining money. When the moon is void, or a question not radical, judgment cannot be given correctly, and then the prophet is not of the Lord. He lies. Therefore the astrologer must be conscientious, and tell only that which Isis revealeth. All lunar observations are made from the measured distance between the sun and moon, or moon and a planet, or fixed stars of first and second magnitudes ; and yet when that distance is73 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT found by knowing the exact minute of time, the hour, day of month, and year, that distance must be corrected and applied to the distance from the prime meridian — always the X follow- ing the central X of all. In the pathless, vast ocean the master mariner worships the great Lord of hosts. Religion guides him not. No need of bigotry, of quarrelling and persecution. To him all people are alike — a band of universal brotherhood. With his compass (magnetic) to give his course, the sun and fixed stars for finding his latitude, | , and the moon his longi- tude, —, he -f-es his latitude and longitude, thus, -f-, and on this point of intersection he runs a line to the latitude and lon- gitude of the point of intersection of the prime meridian, and says without a doubt or waver, “ Here is exactly where the ship is, or I am.” And there is no error, for the rule or law of the Lord is perfect. Now, from any part of that point or centre of his X he shall be led by an angel or angle in safety to any spot he may desire to go on the face of the globe, only by repeating his work day after day and night after night by the ©, D , and and that mystery, the magnet, the true emanation of divin- ity. And so day after day uttereth speech, and night after night showeth knowledge; and there is neither sea nor bay, land nor country, height nor depth where their voice is not heard. And above all, their glorious light teaches him how poor and ignorant are the wisest of men, and they continually say to him, “ Be still, and know that I am God ; ” for his mind, expanded by constant intercourse with the vast and great, seeth far beyond a greater than these, up to the Grand Architect of the universe — the Lord God Almighty.CHRIST, OR +, THE LAMB OF GOD 79 CHAPTER VI CROIX, OR CHRIST, OR +, THE LAMB OF GOD.--THE SIGN % OR LAMB, THE FIRST OF THE SONS OR SIGNS, OR THE FIRST- BORN. In the twelfth chapter of Exodus we find that Moses changed the beginning of the year, and instituted the feast of the Pass- over and the feast of the lamb and the salvation of the Israel- ites by the blood of the lamb. Also at tke feast there must be unleavened bread. Also that all the firstborn of all things' should be redeemed by a lamb. Now at this time the sun had gotten into T (Aries), and it was necessary to correct the year. Moses, educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, knowing this, and that the sign of 8 (Taurus), the calf, or bull, was no longer the first point of right ascension, or birth of R. A., the O, and knowing as all the priests of old did, that God was a spiritual God, neither man, beast, fish, nor idol, then instituted this annual period of the sun's crossing the equinox, as an offer- ing only, and never intended either that a lamb or that -(-ing should ever be substituted for faith and belief in the immortal and unseen God. For we read that this was distinctly an offer- ing holy unto the Lord God in remembrance that the firstborn were saved from general destruction, — a type that the Israel- ites were the first worshippers of Jehovah, a spiritual God, therefore called the firstborn and chosen. They were the sheep — descended from Rachel (a sheep in Hebraic), and the8o ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT chosen, because the lamb, or f, was the sign under which they commenced their birth as a nation. That the astronomical or astrological knowledge of the Egyptians taught this to Moses is evident, as the Ram-isis, or Ram-eses, was then held sacred to Egypt ; and the place of its keeping named in verse 37 of this twelfth chapter of Exodus : “ And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth.” Now Ram-eses is a lamb, and Succoth, the feast of unleavened bread. Again Rameses was the name of the Pharaoh who ruled at that time in Egypt; and the feast of the lamb is one equinox, and the feast of unleavened bread the other equinox, or cf> lamb, =£=, table. You should observe that the priests only were allowed -to eat of the flesh of the ram ; the people, of the lamb. And Rameses means keeper of the sacred ram of Isis. Now again read Lev. iv. 22-28 inclusive : — 22. “When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignora'nce against any of the commandments of the Lord his God concerning things which should not be done, and is guilty; 23. Or if his sin, wherein he hath sinned, come to his knowledge; he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a ?nale without blemish.” 27. “ And if any of the common people sin through ignorance, while he doeth somewhat against any of the commandments of the Lord concerning things which ought not to be done, and be guilty; 28. Or of his sin, which he hath sinned, come to his knowledge : then he shall bring his offering, a kid of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned.” Observe that all males for the rulers and females for the peo- ple in common, and goats. the goat, is the sign of the house of k , the author of ills of all kinds under the Lord. The males are chosen, or, as in astrology, masculine is the term for good, and feminine, evil; so the best is always taken by the rulers and the refuse given to the common people ; a piece ofCHRIST, OR +, THE LAMB OF GOD 8l priestcraft perpetuated to this day. If you, kind reader, will ponder over the preceding somewhat, you can now understand the new version of this ancient ceremony of Moses. Our Easter day, and feast of the paschal lamb, or birth of our solar sun, or rather his first appearance as the ruler or king in strength and glory, and assuming his name the lamb of God, is in the first minute of the sign Aries, when he -|-es the equator March 22 annually ; and the feast of unleavened bread is when he goeth to the -f- of the equator again in the sign Libra, the 22d of September, or feast of the Passover. As the death of the sun, or last of Osiris, takes place in the first minute of a degree of h?, a goat, the goat is now the offering ; for gloom and darkness can only be dissipated by this death upon the -f- three days. He lies at the lowest arc of the ecliptic, whence he rises again on Dec. 25, leaving the gate (ltf) of hell, Saturn’s house, and the sins or ills of men (December month, remem- ber) are washed away, “ whiter than snow .” It is the same story. Even as Jonah was three days in the whale’s belly, or farthest south, those three days in the ocean; or as Samson, deprived of his hair, in Ttf, between T and =£=, the pillars of the temple, slew more at his death than in his life, i.e., more died by the fierce colds of winter than in summer. All are but dif- ferent versions of those three short days. But the first two descriptions of the ordination of Moses, and the feast of the paschal lamb and of the Lord’s Supper, are identical, but altered from a spiritual offering by Moses to a personified deity by the old priests of the sm/of Rome. Moses destroyed and utterly forbade idols, and ground the molten calf into dust. Rome adopted another sign, the lamb and a man on a + with the rays of the sun about his head, and said, “ Accept this, or die ac- cursed.” Over the mercy seat of the tabernacle the glory82 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT shone ; over the apex of the pyramid in its glory it shineth from on high. It glittered on Babylon’s tower of Belus, on high hills and from deep valleys. No man could look upon its glory ; it blinded the eyes from the beginning, —a consuming fire and the light of the world, like as one having the glory of the Father. i Ex. xxiv. io: “ . . . the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.” How different from the bleeding picture and agonized fea- tures of a Son who cried in agony unheeded: “ My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” and whose votaries and believers have died in agony unheeded by him also. The two pillars of the temple or arc from east to west are represented on the cross by the nail in the right hand of Jesus and the nail in the left hand. That on the right is T ; that on the left =2=. See i Kings vii. 21 : — ‘ ‘ And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.” Jachin, masculine, T, positive; Boaz, feminine, =s=, negative. The third nail of the cross, which makes the Egyptian tau cross, -p, is >5, the nail in the feet one over the other. And whether the sun be in our winter solstice, or in the winter solstice for the southern hemisphere, the pillars of the temple are the same, and the tau cross, ~p, remains the same, thus : winter north, -p=£=, winter south, T-1-^ ; consequently this Jachin, or male, and Boaz, female, or positive and negative, denote the current of magnetism running around from east toCHRIST, OR -f, THE LAMB OF GOD 83 west; the heat or vital region of the world, the intersection, the place of the ark, or arc, or grand central God, also the abode of the sun, and is in man represented by the navel (or =2= sign), from which hangs all our vitality, and which is also an arc. For in all things there are similtudes, and man is the microcosm as the universe is the macrocosm. You can plainly see that there could be no nail put through the head, else he could not have bowed it, i.e., so as to be typical of being across the line or gone south of the ecliptic, for when north of the ecliptic (see top of engraving), and south (see bottom of engraving), repre- sented by the relaxing of the body hanging from the cross. From the four points of this cross draw a line touching each point, and you will have a perfect square, which by drawing perpendiculars there- to will give a perfect cube. Every circle or globe contains ;a perfect cube. If you rep- resent two hemispheres on a flat surface, you will get two squares, or the shape of the tabernacle, also a Masonic lodge, and the shape of the breast- plate of the high priest, as our modern Bibles give the descrip- tion of these matters 1490 years before Christ. It seems somewhat remarkable that it took 1490 years after the story84 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT of the birth of Him who deputed all His power to His Roman potentates, to await the rediscovery of the oldest country on the earth, whose civilization had been buried so many years that naught but hieroglyphics unsolved, and a pyramid tower- ing to heaven and covering 125 acres of land at Cholula, and the serpent mounds of Ohio and Aztec temples of the sun, and trees whose age is past computation, can tell us of the countless centuries past. Then when this rediscovery was made and the world again became round, away marched that flaming sword, and that same “ abomination of desolation ” which was set up at the taking of Jerusalem destroyed all the hidden mysteries and wisdom of the Western ancients, as its followers had previously done to the Eastern sages and their teachings. But thahk God the rubbish of the temple gets cleared away, and from under the earth truth arises in shining garments, upheld by the strong grip of the Lion of Judah, and light breaks. Books, hieroglyphics, angles, sun movements, circles, crosses, tarots, stars five-pointed and six-pointed, pic- tures of serpents, of the tree, and man and woman, ancient weapons, sun dances, sign language, all show at some time a common brotherhood around the world, and the key is astrology, or the movements of the sun, moon, and planets. It is everywhere found, — in sculpture, painting, carving, hewed in the rocks, carved in wood, pressed in metals, every- where above the earth and under the earth ; and like the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the “ very stones cry out.” Well' may the Rosicrucian say “ sitb rosaf as he views his cross with the rose in the centre. “ Under the rose lies the secret,” the rose signifying the ©, the centre of the universe, the grand central deity “who liveth and abideth forever.”^AGHARrUS CAWlGo^K'THE ANCIENTS’ KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUN 85 CHAPTER VII PROOF THAT THE ANCIENTS KNEW THE SUN TO BE THE GRAND CENTRAL ORB, AND THAT EVERY CALCULATION WAS MADE ON HELIOCENTRIC PRINCIPLES.-THE NEW JERUSALEM, MEASURED BY THE SUN’S MOVEMENTS. ---ONLY 144,000 JEWS ELECTED TO BE SAVED. -ALL SUN MOVEMENTS. In Revelation we are told of that ^ew Jerusalem of which I have previously written. The four beasts therein spoken of are precisely those spoken of in the Old Testament as the cherubim, or just what was in the Hindu called Adonary, or Hebrew Adonai, and which was the X 2170 years ago (and 1490 before Christ) known to Moses, who altered the New Year about that time. Revelation in the New Testament speaks of the twenty^ four elders seated around the throne, viz., the twenty-four hours of a day, in which every part of the world from east to west turns successively towards the sun, or him that is in the centre or on the throne. The four angels are the cardinal signs T, 05, =£, Ttfj also four angles each 90°X4, or 360°, the perfect circle. The sun moves through half a sign, or 15°, each hour, and 24 hoursX15° = 360°. It moves i° in 4 minutes of time; in 360° X4' — 1,440'. 1 Now, as every minute or mile in ancient times was divided into tenths, hundredths, and thousandths, we merely take the city, which is foursquare, or 1,440X10=14,400X10=144,000, and divided by the86 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 12 months or 12 signs, or 12 tribes of Israel, gives 12,000 to each of the tribes of Israel. “ The law of the Lord [viz., the mathematical and exact movement of the sun] is perfect, converting the soul.” Take the candlestick of the Jews and its six branches, the seven spirits of God, the ministers of flaming fire, viz., the © (sun), the D (moon), planets k (Saturn), % (Jupiter), $ (Mars), 9 (Venus), 5 (Mercury). Were these heathen gods, think ye, or only personified forces like the present Christ ? If so, why use them now ? Why use this sacred seven, or savan, or the wisdom number ? Don’t add any, don’t deduct any; if you do all is ruined. The sun rules the first hour of the Sunsday. The moon rules the first hour.of the day of Mon or Moonsday. Mars rules the first hour of Mardi or Tuesday. Mercury rules the first hour of Mecridi, or Woden, Wodensdag, or Wednesday. % (Jupiter) rules Thorsdag, or Thursday. 9 (Venus) or Frigga rules Fridag, or Friday ; and h , the evil planet, opens Saturns- dag, or Saturday, or “ dies non” the Sabbath, a day considered by the ancients as evil to begin any work in, and consequently forbidden by Moses to commence any on that day from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof. Neither must there be any fire made on that day, for fire is not congenial to h (Saturn, or Set). Let us see if the ancients considered the sun as a cen- tre, or the earth as has been claimed by modern collegians. We shall first see how they came to name the days of the week. First bear in mind this is the key : h, $, ©, 9, $, D , arranged precisely as modern astronomers have our solar sys- tem, viz., the three superior planets, Saturn (h), Jupiter (2/), and Mars (^), outside, the sun (©) in the centre, and the threeTHE ANCIENTS’ KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUN *7 inferior planets, Venus (2), Mercury (£), and the moon (D ), on the other side of the sun ; and the magnetism of all, cen- tring or affecting our earth, and in a person’s nativity his or her body and the place or X of birth. Make a table, at the top of which you shall put the hours of a day thus and from 1 to 12, thence to 24 : — 123456789101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and let us commence with the O, ruler of the first hour of the first day or Sunsday. Sunsday 02$Dk2/2 2/ 2 O 2 $ 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O 9 $ D h V £ O 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 % 2 O 9 5 D k % 2 Thus bringing around the © to rule the first hour of the suns day (which is not the Sab-bath day, but the first day of the week). As this table is computed to have been obtained from the Hindus some thousands of years before the birth of Christ was arranged, it is rather unfair to claim him as Lord of the Sabbath ; it should be rather, Lord of the first day of the week. Run your eye down the first hour of every day made by this table, commencing on Sunday, and ©, D , $, 5, %, 2, k, are shown to rule and name those days. Now look at the hours of Friday, the day that Christ is said to die on the X. Recollect that he says previous to it that “ Mine hour is not yet come/’ and also, when all was over and he expired, it says,THE ANCIENTS’ KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUN 89 “ It was the ninth hour.” Look then at this ancient table, at Friday, the ninth hour, and thus it is written. It is the,hour of $ (Mercury), the messenger, or the planet nearest the sun, or the life of the earth. Gen. i. 14: “ Let them be for days.” By this arrangement the ruling planet of each day imitates the G in becoming a centre between the other planets, having one-half on the right hand and one-half on the left hand. Again as the lamb of God, or which is ruled by $, $ is always on the right hand of the father, and this father the ©. This T, or sheep sign, also represents David as the shepherd warrior, of whom the Christ, or Croix, or +, is a descendant, be- cause he was born at the lowest point of that +, or descending point, Ttf, Dec. 25. As I have given a table of planetary hours, I will here insert also a table for finding the length of those hours, which must be computed from the length of days at the place desired, according to the time of year, and which may be ascertained from any good local almanac. Length of Day. Length of Planetary Hour by Day. Length of Planetary Hour by Night. Length of Day. Length of Planetary Hour by Day. Length of Planetary Hour by Night. H. M. H. M. s. H. M. s. H. M. H. M. s. H. M. s. 6 00 O 30 00 I 30 00 12 00 I 00 00 I 00 00 6 30 O 32 3° I 27 30 12 30 I 02 30 0 57 30 7 00 O 35 00 I 25 00 13 00 I 05 00 0 55 00 7 30 O 37 30 I 22 30 13 30 I 07 30 O 52 3° 8 00 O 40 00 I 20 00 14 00 I IO 00 O 50 00 8 30 0 42 30 I 17 3° 14 30 I 12 30 0 47 30 9 00 O 45 00 I 15 00 15 00 I 15 00 0 45 00 9 30 O 47 30 I 12 30 15 30 I 17 30 0 42 3° 10 00 O 50 00 I IO 00 l6 00 I 20 00 0 40 00 10 30 O 52 30 I 07 30 16 30 I 22 30. 0 37 30 11 00 . O 55 00 I 05 00 17 00 I 25 00 0 35 00 11 30 0 57 30 I 02 30 9° ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT The calculation is thus made : When a day and night are equal, viz., when the sun crosses the vernal and autumnal equinoxes March 22 and Sept. 22, they would be twelve hours each. “ And the evening and the morning were the first day,” in Genesis, alludes to the New Years days as known to the ancients. Now, if the entire number of hours in a day, i.e., 24, be divided by 12, you get 2 ; and as the sun’s ruling is half light and half darkness, of course this gives a planetary hour, 1 hour in length either day or night ; and as 12 hours of day or night are equal to 1 hour of time, or 60 minutes, a day of one hour would be one twelfth of that time, or 5 minutes. Therefore, multiplying the number of hours of a day by 5 gives the planetary hour for the day, and the length of this planetary hour for the day deducted from 2 hours, or 120 min- utes, gives the planetary hour for the night. Now, from March 22 to April 22 days increase 85 minutes, an average of 2x8o minutes per day ; so that if you should add 2f minutes to each day after March 22 up to April 22 you can easily find the length of a day, the day April 22 being 13 hours 42 minutes in length. Sun rising at 5.43 March 22, sets at 6 ; April 22, rises at 4.52 a.m., sets at 6.34; May 22, rises at 4.16-A.m., sets at 7.06, and the length of day is 14 hours 50 minutes, increasing from April 22 to May 22 1 minutes, or nearly an average of 2 minutes per day, from May 22 to June 22, at which time the sun rises at 4.08 a.m., and sets at 7.25 p.m.; length of day 15 hours, 17 minutes (these calculations are for Boston) — an increase of 27 minutes, or less than 1 min- ute per day, or XV Now, from June 18 to 24 inclusive the length of day is exactly the same — 7 days on which the sun is at the highest point of the cross in 55 ; and as the sun is now in the house of the moon and Jos in the old South SeaTHE ANCIENTS’ KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUN 91 dialect is sun, and Hua, the moon at full, this is a very good time for Joshua to order the sun and moon to stand still, which we are told that he did. From June 22 the days will begin to shorten. July 22 they are 14 hours 45 minutes long, having decreased 1 minute per day, © rising on that day at 4.28 and setting at 7.13. Aug. 22 the days are 13 hours 35 minutes in length, having decreased 70 minutes, an average of 2\ minutes, © rising at 4.59 a.m., and setting at 6.34 p.m. Sept. 22 they are nearing the fall equinox, and equal days and nights ensue ; days 12 hours in length at all places. Days decrease 95 min- utes, or an average of 3^- minutes for the month. Oct. 22, day 10 hours 45 minutes long, an average of 2% minutes less per day; sun rises at 6.06 a.m., sets at 4.51 p.m. Nov. 22, length of day 9 hours 32 minutes; difference, 73 minutes less, an average of daily decline of 2% minutes. Sun rises Nov. 22 6.45 a.m., sets 4.17 p.m. Dec. 22, length of day 9 hours 4 minutes. The three shortest days of the year ensue, and on the 25th he rises, or is reborn. The sun on the 22d rises at 7.12 a.m., and sets at 4.16 p.m., a difference of about 1 minute per day. Jan. 22, length of day 9 hours 38 minutes ; sun rises 7.07. a.m., sets at 4.45 p.m. ; difference 41 minutes’ in- crease, or average of 1 \ minutes per day from Dec. 22. Feb. 22, length of day 10 hours 53 minutes; increase, 68 minutes, or average of 2| minutes per day ; sun rising Feb. 22 at 6.33 a.m., and setting at 5.24 p.m. And now the last turn of the circle and he commences the perfect day and acceptable year of the Lord, and feast of pascal lamb, and makes the pastures green on March 22, with another increase of 1 hour 7 minutes, or average gain of a little less than 2\ minutes daily. Now, of this knowledge we can make a table very useful for calculating the planetary hour of any day, so we may easily tell the planet ruling that hour: —92 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Sun Enters New Signs or Births of Saints or Apostles. Length of Planetary Day. Average Daily Increase. Length of Planetary Night. Average Nightly Decrease of Night. Sun Rises. Sun Sets. H. M. M. s. H. M. M. S. A.M. P.M. Jan. 22 ... . 9 38 I 20 14 22 I 06 7 °7 * 4 45 Feb. 22 ... . 1° S3 2 15 13 07 2 3° 6 33 5 34 Mar. 22 ... 12 OO 2 OO 12 OO 2 15 5 43 6 00 Apr. 22 ... . 13 42 3'06 10 28 3 04 4 52 6 34 May 22 ... 14 50 2 20 9 IO 1 36 4 16 7 06 June 22 ... . 15 I/ 0 54 8 43 1 IS 4 08 7 25 Decrease Increase July 22 ... . 14 45 I 00 9 IS O 42 4 28 7 13 Aug. 22 ... . 13 35, 2 20 10 25 2 30 4 59 6 34 Sept. 22 ... . 12 00 3 12 12 00 3 10 6 00 6 00 Oct. 22 ... . 10 45 2 30 13 15 2 3° 6 06 4 5i Nov. 22 ... . 9 32 2 3° 14 28 2 24 6 45 4 17 Dec. 22 ... . 9 °4 1 00 14 56 I 00 7 12 4 16 Suppose the planetary hour for n a.m. of June 4, 1892, should be wanted. Look for time of © rise preceding month and 22d day, or © entering n, and say sun enters or rises on May 22, at 4.16 a.m. June 4 is 13 days’ difference. Average daily dif- ference, May 22 to June 22, of a minute, or 54". .9 X 13 = 11.7, or say 12' to add. .12 Day’s increase, 12'. 4.28 ©rise. Time of 11,00 a.m. Deduct 4.28 6.32 or 6h. 32' from ©rise. Length of day May 22, 14.50 plus 12 15.02 = 902'THE ANCIENTS' KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUN 93 12)902(75'4“ to a planetary hour. 84_ 62 x 60 6o' X 6h. 32', or 392', difference in time from sunrise. And 392 — 75, length of planetary hour, is the fifth hour and thirteen minutes of the planetary hour for June 4. And as June 4, 1892, is a Saturday, we look for our table of planetary hours, and the fifth hour of Saturday we find ruled by 9 . Always bear this in mind, that you ascertain the week day of the date required, and get the planetary hour of that week day from your table. As I have given you a table previously to ascertain the length of planetary hours according to the length of day, you could, to avoid much calculation, say that June 4, length of day 15b. 2'. Then turning to the table say length of day for 15I1. gives length of planetary hour for day as ih. i5/=75/, and time from sunrise 6h. 32' = 392' -4- 75 = 5b. 12' as before. So that 12' of the fifth hour of Saturday had elapsed, and there should be still left 63' of the hour of 9. The use of the planetary hour is of great importance in astrology, and especially in horary questions, especially in questions of theft, murder, or any crime, as by it the artist or astrologer can more readily describe the culprit than by any other way, as I have myself proved in many instances.94 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER VIII WISDOM, AND WHAT IT IS.----ASTROLOGY DIVINE AND INSPIRED OF GOD, AND THE WORD OF GOD.---------ASTROLOGY MUST ALWAYS SURVIVE. The word wisdom is very often used in the Old Testament ; and this wisdom is the knowledge of astrology. The Apocry- pha of the Old Testament is the key to many mysteries, and modern editions have discarded it, also by altering or misinter- preting the ancient text. To see that translation of the He- brew has injured the study, turn to the Prologue of the Wis- dom of Jesus the son of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) i: “ For the same things uttered in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same force in them; and not only these things, but the law itself, and the prophets, and the rest of the books, have no small difference, when they are spoken in their own language.” Chap. i. 4, 5 : “ Wisdom hath been created before all things. . . . The word of God Most High is 'the fountain of wisdom; and her ways are everlasting commandments.” Sol-o-mon or Sol-om-on we are taught was the wisest of all men ; so we will take his own words to prove how he obtained this wisdom. See Wisdom of Solomon vi. 22:— “ As for wisdom, what she is, and how she came up, I will tell you, and will not hide mysteries from you : but will seek her out from the beginning of her nativity,” etc.WISDOM, AND WHAT IT IS 95 Then praying to God for a proper understanding of the study, he explains what he learned from it, see chap. vii. 17 : — “ For he hath given me certain knowledge of the things that are, namely, to know how the world was made, and the operation of the elements: 18. The beginning, ending, and midst of the times: the alterations of the turning of the sun, and the change of seasons : 19. The circuits of years, and the positions of stars: 20. The natures of living creatures, and the furies of wild beasts : the vio- lence of winds, and the reasonings of men: the diversities of plants, and the virtues of roots. 21. And all such things as are either secret or manifest, them I know. 22. For wisdom, which is the worker of all things, taught me: for in her is an understanding spirit, holy, one only, manifold, subtile, lively, clear, un- defiled, plain, not subject to hurt, loving the thing that is good, quick, which cannot be letted, ready to do good.” 26. “ She is the brightness of the everlasting light, the unspotted mirror of the power of God, and the image of his goodness. 27. And being but one, she can do all things : and remaining in herself, she maketh all things new : and in all ages entering into holy souls, she maketh them friends of God, and prophets.” Wisdom of Solomon viii. 8: “If a man desire much experience, she knoweth things of old, and conjectureth aright what is to come ; she knoweth the subtilties of speeches, and can expound dark sentences; she foreseeth signs and wonders, and the events of seasons and times.” In one who studies it the desire grows stronger and stronger to master the science, see Ecclus. xxiv. 3 : — “ I came out of the mouth of the Most High . . 5. “I alone compassed the circuit of heaven . . . 6. In the waves of the sea, and in all the earth, and in every people and nation, I got a possession. 7. With all these I sought rest: and in whose inheritance shall I abide ? ” Verse 8 alludes to the perfection astrology or prophecy attained to, and knowledge of God by the Jews, far ahead of others at last.96 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Verse 8: “So the Creator of all things gave me a commandment, and he that made me caused my tabernacle to rest, and said, Let thy dwelling be in Jacob, arid thine inheritance in Israel. 9. He created me from the beginning before the world, and / shall never fail." Thus far astrology still exists and is now rapidly gaining its former prestige. And to the student it will be at once proved that it can never fail to exist while ©, D , and % endure, or while navigation or astronomy or surveying is in use. Chapter xxiv. 28 : “ The first man knew her not perfectly; no more shall the last find her out. 29. For her thoughts are more than the sea, and her counsels profounder than the great deep.” As for me, I am determined. Verse 32: “I will yet make her doctrine to shine as the morning, and will send forth her light afar off. 33. I will yet pour out her doctrine as a prophecy, and leave it to all ages for ever. 34. Behold I have not laboured for myself only, but for all them that seek wisdom ” (or astrology). A person must travel to obtain knowledge; and those who lecture or speak of things they only obtain from the sayings of others, who perhaps have only copied from others who wrote before them and saw not anything of themselves, seldom fail to get shamed at the end. I thank the Lord of lords I have been permitted to travel in many lands as a wayfarer, and always seeking more light, have been permitted to sit in the coun- cils of the wise, and from the mouth of the old received wisdom. Ecclus. xxxiv. 8-12: “ The law shall be found perfect, without lies: and wisdom is perfection to a faithful mouth. A man that has travelled knoweth many things: and he that hath much experience will declare wisdom.WISDOM, AND WHAT IT IS 97 He that hath no experience knoweth little; but he that has travelled is full of prudence. When I travelled I saw many things ; and / understand more than I can express. I was ofttimes in danger of death; yet I was delivered because of these things.” In astrology the sign of SI (Leo) signifies the throne (or strong house of the sun). Jacob says Judah is a lion’s whelp; and that a prince or ruler shall never fail from that house. Now Ecclus. xxiv. 5-9, already quoted on page 95. The circuit of the heavens are the twelve signs of the zodiac, which make the circuit, and the place where the wisdom was told to abide in the house of Jacob was SI, the throne of the ©, the life-giver or creator, created in the beginning, and shall never fail. The inmost secrets of the art the priests would not disclose, and were warned against so doing. Ecclus. xxvii. 16: “ Whoso discloseth secrets, shall lose his credit.” The.sign SI (Leo) signifies in astrology the throne, a high hill, a moun- tain, a seat of government, the abode of a ruler or seat of power, the house of the sun. Ps. cxxi. 1 : “ I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” The eighth chapter of Proverbs is a discourse on this wisdom. The twelve signs of the zodiac are stated in Esdras xiv. 11 : “The world is divided into twelve parts.” Also Solomon’s Wisdom, let the reader read the tenth chapter, first ten verses, alluding to wisdom as guiding Adam, Noah, and Jacob. See the remarks in Solomon’s Wisdom, chapter thirteen, first four verses, not only of the zodiac, the ele- ments, but the acknowledged magnetic power of the planets and fixed stars and luminaries, © and D, and how foolish they were to forget God and worship them instead.98 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Verse I : “ Surely vain are all men by nature, who are ignorant of God, and could not out of the good things that are seen know him that is : neither by considering the works did they acknowledge the work-waster; 2. But deemed either fire, or wind, or the swift air, or the circle of the stars, or the violent water, or the lights of heaven, to be the gods which govern the world. 3. With whose beauty, if they being delighted took them to be gods; let them know how much better the Lord of them is: for the first author of beatity hath created them. 4. But if they were astonished at their power aiid virtue, let them under- stand by them, how much mightier he is that made them? Turn to Deut. iv. 19. Here it again warns against forgetting the Lord God Almighty. “And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the Lord thy God hath divided tmto all nations under the whole heaven.” The Almighty is thus declared to be the ruler of the universe, one and indivisible, above all and in all, and yet giving power to these different stars or worlds ; a power delegated and subservient to him who is past finding out, the source of all light and life. Ps. civ. 2, 4: “ Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment. . . * ‘ Who maketh his angels [angles] spirits; his ministers a flaming fire ” (viz., luminous bodies, also giving light, heat, and therefore producing life). Again in Ps. cxlviii. 13 : — “. . . His name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.” His law is immutable and fixed, and nothing he has created of worlds can be destroyed. Hence the fallacy of preaching the destruction of this earth, see Ps. cxlviii., first six verses : —WISDOM, AND WHAT IT IS 99 ‘‘Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens : praise him in the heights. Praise ye him, all his angels : praise ye him, all his hosts. Praise ye him, sun and moon : praise him, all ye stars of light. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord: for he commanded, and they were created. He hath also established them for ever and ever : he hath made a decree which shall not pass.”IOO ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER IX OF PROPHETS OR SEERS, MEDIUMS, AND MAGNETIC HEALERS. The zodiacal sign Sagittarius or Centaur (the centurion) in astrology signifies the tallest among men; also tall things in general and long things ; it signifies one fond of or dealing with horses, asses, pets, in javelins, spears, guns, pointed long things, as pencils, pens, and all sharp and pointed instruments, high places, upper chambers, or high above ground, and the highest peaks. In chapter ix. of the first Book of Samuel we find an account of Saul, see verse 2 : — “ . . .a choice young man, and a goodly: and there was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he: from his shoulders and upward he was higher than any of the people. 3. And the asses of Kish Saul’s father were lost. And Kish said to Saul his son, Take now one of the servants with thee, and arise, go seek the asses.” 5. “ And when they were come to the land of Zuph, Saul said to his servant that was with him, Come, and let us return ; lest my father leave caring for the asses, and take thought for us. 6. And he said unto him, Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, aud he is an honourable man; all that he saith cometh surely to pass : now let us go thither; per adventure he can shew us our way that we should go. 7. Then said Saul to his servant, But behold if we go, what shall we bring the man? for the bread is spent in our vessels, and there is not a present to bring to the man of God : what have we ? 8. And the servant answered Saul again, and said, Behold, I have here at hand the fourth part of a shekel of silver: that will I give to the man of God, to tell us our way.OF PROPHETS OR SEERS, ETC. IOI 9. Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, thus he spake, Come and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a seerP Verses 10-17 inclusive describe Samuel as having waited for a person of this description to put as a king over Israel. Verse 18. “ Then Saul drew near to Samuel in the gate [viz., the east], and said, Tell me, I pray thee, where the seer’s house is. 19. And Samuel answered Saul, and said, I am the seer; go up ^efore me unto the high placeP Now the whole account is strictly in accordance with astrol- ogy. In Saul we have a very tall Jupiter person (Sagittarius is the strong house of Jupiter, and Jupiter was of old a king). He is searching for his father’s asses ; and Sagitta- rius is the significator of asses and horses. He meets Sam- uel in the gate ; and the gate of a prophet or priest of Israel was the east. He was a Benjamite ; and T is the sign of Ben- jamin, as I have before explained, and in this sign sol, Saul, or son is exalted. And again he is in the gate, or first degrees of Aries, and the first six degrees are the terms of Jupiter. So that a Jupiter man enters Aries where the first point of right ascension is, and herein has dignities, for he is not only in the terms of Jupiter but in his triplicity, also the sign in which the sun (son) becomes exalted. Again it is seen that not only were the prophets called seers, but that the people consulted them on all occasions of trivial affairs of life, and that they, the prophets, seers, i.e., astrolo- gers, took money for answering their questions; and in this case a very small sum sufficed — a quarter part of a shekel, or about six cents of our money. The reader must also observe that Samuel took good care that his prediction should come true,102 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT by anointing Saul and consecrating him as king before he showed him to the people, thereby making his appearance all the more mysterious after predicting such a person should come. Now the whole thing seems very wonderful to the uninitiated, but as plain as day to the astrologer. The 22d chapter of First of Samuel is devoted to the account of the slaying of the priests of whom Ahimelech was the chief, because of their inquiring of the Lord for David, i.e.9 advising David by their science. Abiathar, one of the sons of Ahime- lech, escapes and goes to David, having previously stolen an ephod (or apron, or the zodiacal horoscope for divining pur- poses). See i Sam. xxiii. 6 : — 44 And it came to pass, when Abiathar the son of Ahimelech fled to David to Keilah, that he came down with an ephod in his hand.” 9. 44 And David knew that Saul secretly practised mischief against him; and he said to Abiathar the priest, Bring hither the ephod.” Then Abiathar by means of the ephod gives David an answer to his inquiry, portending evil to David if he stayed in the place ; and David, thus warned “ from the Lord,” flees. Again, David knows not how to guide himself, and asks a horary question. See 1 Sam. xxx. 7 : — 44 And David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech’s son, I pray thee, bring me hither the ephod. And Abiathar brought hither the ephod to David. 8. And David inquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue; for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.” After Saul in his anger had killed all the priests and medi- ums, or those that divined, he had no more any one to apply to, and he failed to get any answer from the Lord personally. See 1 Sam. xxviii. 3 : —OF PROPHETS OR SEERS, ETC. 103 44 Now Samuel was dead. . . . And Saul had put away those that had familiar spirits [mediums], and the wizards, out of the land.” 5. 44 And when Saul saw the host of the Philistines, he was afraid and his heart greatly trembled. 6. And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim [i.e. Astrology], nor by prophets. 7. Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her and inquire of her.” Then it farther describes his calling on the woman (medium) at Endor, and he conversed through her with Samuel. That mediums and those who had familiar spirits were in common consultation in the time of Moses, see Lev. xx. 6 : — 44 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards,” etc. Lev. xx. 2 7 : “A man also or a woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that -is a wizard,” etc. Deut. xviii. 10: 44 There shall not be found among you,” etc. 11. 44 A consulter with familiar spirits,” etc. And in Deut. xviii. 21 : — 44 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken? 22. When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously.” That the priests did pervert astrology see Jer. v. 31 : — 44 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means.” As the art of correctly judging astrology is based entirely on the belief in the Almighty, so idolatry perverted knowledge, and the people turned to nonsensical means of divining. See Ezek. xxi. 21 : —104 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT “For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination : he made his arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver" That astrology, or foretelling of the future, is right, or so considered by the sons of Israel, see Tobit xii. 7 :—■ “It is good to keep close the secret of a king, but it is honourable to reveal the works of God.11 Ecclus. xxxix. 1 : “ But he that giveth his mind to the law of the Most High, and is occupied in the meditation thereof, will seek out the wisdom of all the ancients, and be occupied in prophecies. 2. He will keep the sayings of the renowned men: and where subtile parables are, he will be there also. 3. He will seek out the secrets of grave sentences, and be conversant in dark parables.11 8. “ He shall shew forth that which he hath learned, and shall glory in the law of the covenant of the Lord.11 1 Cor. xiv. 1 : “ Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.11 5. “I would that ye all spake with tongues [meaning languages], but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues.11 30. “ If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace. 31. For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted. 32. And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” Many dissertations about the Jewish origin have been written and many surmises made. Had the Apocryphal books of the Old Testament never been taken from the Bible, the key to what are now many mysteries would have been easily discerned. I will quote from the fifth chapter of the Book of Judith : — Judith v. 3: “And he [Holofernes] said unto them, Tell me now, ye sons of Chanaan, who this people is that dwelleth in the Hill Country,11 etc.OF PROPHETS OR SEERS, ETC. 105 5. “Then said Achior, the captain of all the sons of Ammon, Let my Lord now hear a word from the mouth of thy servant, and I will declare unto thee the truth concerning this people. . . . 6. This people are descended of the Chaldeans.” 8. “ They left the way of their ancestors and worshipped the God of heaven, the God whom they knew: . . . they fled into Mesopotamia, and sojourned there many days. 9. Then their God commanded them to depart from the place where they sojourned, and to go into the land of Chanaan: where they dwelt, and were increased with gold and silver, and with very much cattle. 10. But when a famine covered all the land of Chanaan, they went down into Egypt, and sojourned there, while they were nourished, and became a great multitude. . . . 11. The king of Egypt rose up against them, and dealt subtilly with them, and brought them low with labouring in brick, and made them slaves.” Then*5 comes a description of their persecutions, and de- liverance from Egypt and return to Palestine, or the Hill Country. Abraam, as Josephus writes, came from the east, and carried the science of astrology to Egypt; and was a Chaldean. Also Job and the Jews call Abraam or Abraham their father, and that their God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So that astrology comes directly down from Jewish or Chal- dean ancestry ; and their God is the Lord of hosts, a grand central and universal deity who dwelleth between the cheru- bims, —a fixed cross, eternal in the heavens. We find the Jews for a long time governed by judges, viz., priests who used the Urim and Thummin and ephod, and used judicial astrology ; and mention is. fnade, Judges iv. 4, of Deborah, a female prophetess, who judged Israel at that time.. Judges iv. 5 : “ And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Beth-el in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment.”IO6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT In the thirty-ninth chapter of Exodus we have a description of the apron (ephod), the girdle (cable tow), and breastplate of judgment, with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. The apron was square, of fine linen, blue, purple, and scarlet, and gold thread was embroidered into it, as is the case to-day with all Masonic aprons of the ancient rite. The breastplate of judgment was a double square, a perfect lodge or two hemispheres on a plane surface or planisphere, and divided into the twelve houses of the son, or twelve tribes or sons of Jacob. We find the Bible mentioning various forms of divination ; that it was the priests alone who used jttdgment. Wherever some perfect clairvoyants or trance mediums were found, viz., dreamers of dreams, they were also called prophets and prophet- esses ; and presumably when these had been particularly chosen for temple use and dedicated to the service of God, they were deemed holy, while any one outside the pale of the church possessing the same gifts from the same spirit was looked upon and condemned as a wizard or witch. Just as Moses was held up to the Jews as one above all other men whom they should reverence as talking with God, and that God was for them alone ; forgetting that God made the entire universe, and that Moses was only learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians ; and that if he did miracles, the soothsayers and magicians did likewise with their enchantments. There- fore he only conquered these wise men by being more scientific and having more knowledge than they had. But Pharaoh, who was also scientific, was hard to convince ; and not until Moses had calculated the season of change of monsoons at the “ crossing of the line,” or sun’s ingress into =c= (Libra) (Josephus expressly states this crossing of the Red Sea to have taken place at the autumnal equinox, also the feast of unleavened bread, as beforeOF PROPHETS OR SEERS, ETC. IOJ described in preceding chapters), and by trickery robbed the Egyptians of all their jewels, by instructing the people to bor- row them of their masters and mistresses for their feast day ; and the swamping of the Egyptians at the bore which took place at the change of the westerly monsoon to the easterly (cyclonic), which happens annually in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf with tremendous force, and easily predicted astrologically for the different longitudes, — not until Moses had done all this did Pharaoh let them go ; simply because the tidal wave cut them off and there was no means to catch them till they got safe into the fastnesses of the hill lands, where Moses kept them forty years, till all the old fearful race of slaves had given place to men inured to combat with wild beasts of all descriptions, and ready to fight for liberty. Yet all this time Moses was very wise and kept the knowledge he possessed with his family and to their descendants forever, and the others were to support them. The elect were the priests, and they only. That the wisdom of Moses was astrological, witness his alteration of the beginning of the year from the entrance of the sun in Aries, or right ascension of the meridian from the first point of the RAM, the feast days and festivals, on the sun’s changing signs, and the new moons, the covenant of the Lamb. His knowledge of what is now called the Magellan Cloud, which, as every navigator knows, is a cloud by day and a pillar of fire (or stars) by night, and has always been, show- ing that he guided his way by the stars, as many a ship-master does to-day if his compass be deranged by any local deviation ; the making of the tabernacle and altar; the colors of the veils ; the colors of the stones in the breastplate of judgment; the central place, or holy of holies, between Taurus, Leo, Scorpio*108 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT and Aquarius or the cherubim, are conclusive that the God ordained for worship by Moses was the same as known to Abraam of Chaldea; and his divining rod or staff, by which he was enabled to find water, shows his knowledge of magnetism, also original in Chaldea. Then the Jewish candlestick is the exact symbol of the planetary system. All of which are directed by Moses. The legend or account of the Flood origi- nated with the Chaldeans. In fact, the eleventh chapter of Genesis would confirm this belief, inasmuch as it commences with the building of the tower of Babel, contiunes to the birth of Abram, Abram’s departure from Ur of the Chaldees. The twelfth chapter shows Abram journeying through Canaan or valley of the Jordan, and staying there till a famine drove him into Egypt; and continues even do the same account given in Judith. In Josephus we read the meanings of the veils of the temple, the breastplate of judgment, and all relating to the tabernacle of Moses and Temple of Solomon, as purely astrological in meaning, or if it please you better, astronomical. I desire to add one more remark here in regard to priestcraft. We read in Genesis xlvii. a full description of a most remark- able famine in Egypt, in which, though corn grew when it was planted, Pharaoh under the direction of Joseph kept buying all obtainable and then selling just enough for seed for his people barely to subsist on, till he had gotten the people into such straits that they sold their cattle, rings, jewelry, and money, and at last their lands and then themselves. Even as at this day the money-lender is doing with the unfortunate and unwary in America. Now there was enough to eat for the cattle and horses, and nothing for the poor people, since it was all locked up in Pharaoh’s granaries. In modern times itOF PROPHETS OR SEERS, ETC. 109 would be called a “corner” and a well-planned scheme for enriching Pharaoh ; but as superstition is a “ dragon,” it was in those days considered a miraculous result of a dream of Pharaoh interpreted by Joseph. In Gen. xlvii. 20 we read : — “ And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh ; for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them; so the land became Pharaoh’s.” 22. “ Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them : wherefore they sold not their lands. 23. Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land. 24. And it shall come to pass in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your food, and for them of your households, and for food for your little ones.” 26. “ And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh’s.” Take notice, the famine ceased entirely immediately Pharaoh, through Joseph, had gotten all the money and jewels, cattle and horses, and lands, and made slaves of the people ; also that not at any time did crops fail when planted, but that after the first year when the Egyptians were tempted to sell by the prices Pharaoh paid, they were foolish enough to strip them- selves of their seed, and so had to repurchase at higher and higher prices, and were allowed only enough to plant to sustain life. But throughout there was no famine for the priests, only the poor. Ex. xxix. 9 : “ And thou shalt gird them with girdles, Aaron and his sons, and put the bonnets on them: and the priest's office shall be theirs for a perpetual statute.”no ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT The chapter ordains that the chosen pieces of meat and bread and best of everything shall be provided for the priests forever. The recent famine in Russia offers a good example. The priests feed and the people starve; and thus it is in every priest-ridden country. The priests perpetuate superstition and ignorance, and with their pretence of being elected by the Al- mighty, and the confessional, rule over body, soul, and intellect. Jer. v. 31 : “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means ; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof ? ” Jer. xxix. 9: “ For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name : I have not sent them, saith the Lord.1’ St. John i. 1 : “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2. The same was in the beginning with God. 3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.11 The sun and light are life, and the light of its testimony is hidden to ignorance as its light is to us in the night-time. From everlasting to everlasting God’s word or testimony has been written down in lines of light, and shall never fail. “ Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” For he that dwelleth between the cherubims “ hath made his ministers a flaming fire.” Ps. xix. 3 : “ There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world [universe]. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun.11OF PROPHETS OR SEERS, ETC. Ill If you would read more of prophets and priests, mediums and magnetism curing by the laying on of hands, you will find the Books of Moses, Isaiah, the New Testament, the Apocrypha full of such matters, accounts of miraculous things, all of which have long ceased to be miracles to this age of science and research. You will even find accounts of relics and -bones of the sainted ones performing miracles, just as the claim is to-day by priestcraft. Of these things I have but little to say. Science and study of natural laws and forces will eventually explain away all mystery, and astrology will again reign supreme as of old; “ for that which has been, shall be.” There is nothing so perfect as the movement of the sun and his government of our solar system under the Great Author of all things, — Aum. Psalm xix. 7 : “ The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.”112 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER X CONSTELLATIONS OF HEAVEN ALL KNOWN TO THE ANCIENTS. --THE NORTH STAR OVER THE APEX OF PYRAMID WHEN BUILDED.--KNOWLEDGE OF ANCIENTS OF CLOUDY BAND AT EQUATOR, AND CAUSE OF SEASONS THEREBY. --------THE SIX DAYS OR PERIODS OF FORMATION OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM COMPLETED ON FRIDAY, THE DAY OF VENUS. --------* COMETS AND BLAZING STARS ARE PORTENTOUS.-------POWERS OF STARS OR CONSTELLATIONS MENTIONED IN BIBLE. Astrology is the mother of modern astronomy; and all that we know of planetary movement was well known thousands of years since by the ancient Chaldeans, Aryans, Persians, Ara- bians, and Egyptians. The constellations were named and the heavens divided into twelve parts, which any one can convince himself of by simply taking a celestial globe or star chart; and in them he will read wonderingly every version of ancient reli- gions, and also our modern. Job ix. 9: “ Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the cham- bers of the south ” (viz., the southern cross). Job xxvi. 13: “ By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent ” (viz., the constellation Scorpio). Job xxxvii. 31 : “ Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? 32. Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season, or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons ? ” “ God dwelleth in the thick darkness.”ASTRONOMICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE ANCIENTS I 13 Alluding to the star Alcyone in the Pleiades, the darkest spot in the heavens, declared by the ancients as the grand centre or pivoting point around which all the fixed stars, our sun and solar system revolve in the great cycle. The Biblical chronol- ogy for the Book of Job is 1520 before Christ was said to be born. As no one has ever been able to find who Job was, or who wrote this book, and as the whole book is a complete de- scription of Masonic ceremonies or Egyptian Masonry, or trial of the dead by Osiris, it is evidently anterior to this date many centuries. The three accusers, or questioners, and the trials through which Job has to pass, the deprivation of all his wealth, and his return to the light and favor of the Grand Master, are all easily discernible to the enlightened Mason, and especially those of the ancient rites. From the apex of the pyramid to the foundation is a square space like the modern elevator shaft, an empty void the same as the square of the wires in an inverted telescope; by which means mariners can measure the distance between the moon and sun, or moon and a planet. In Job xxvi. 7 Job says, “ He stretcheth out the north over the empty place and hang- eth the earth upon nothing,” plainly an allusion to the north star over the apex of the pyramid, also' to transits of heav- enly bodies, appearing as if hung upon nothing. Under this shaft was a subterranean stream, reflecting the stars at midday. The use of the barometer was known, for Job xxviii. 25 says, “To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure.” Exactly the use of the barometer. They knew all about petroleum, for in Job xxix. 6: “ And the rock poured me out rivers of oil.” Of the movable cloudy bank at the equator, Job xxxviii.114 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 9 says, “ When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddling band for it.” Lieut. Maury’s work especially alludes to this ; and by his admirable writings sea- men have been enabled to know definitely, when near the line, or equator, just how to steer to fill up their depleted water casks, as from my own experience I can thankfully testify. This cloud moves around the equator, precipitating its rains at certain months in different places, making the rainy seasons there; and as it moves on, the rains cease and the dry season grows. They knew of the Magellan clouds, for Moses used them as a guide day and night — as “a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.” The Magellan clouds always ap- pear thus. Gen. i. 26: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them. 28. . . . And God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replen- ish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” 31. “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” Now, as from the beginning, the sun ruled over the first day, the moon over the second, the planet Mars over Tuesday, Mercury over Wednesday, Jupiter over Thursday, and Venus over Friday, and as Venus rules over all pleasure and delight, happiness and ’beauty, over seed and green things, music, dan- cing, and joy, harmony, and all that is good^, so on the comple- tion “ behold, it was very good.” And this was the finishingASTRONOMICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE ANCIENTS I 15 of creation, Job xxxviii. 7, “when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy;” a plain allusion to Venus as morning star, and to the music of the spheres, and also to the stars or suns of God. All astrology teaches that comets and blazing stars are por- tentous. We desire no better proof of the same in late days than the great comet during the war between the North and South in the United States ; and again that exceeding bright comet, which was first discovered at Chicago and the next morning at Washington, at the time Guiteau left Chicago to assassinate President Garfield. Josephus states that a large comet hung over Jerusalem while it was besieged by the Romans. Judg. v. 20: “They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.” 2. Esd. xv. 35 : “ They shall smite one upon another, and they shall smite down a great multitude of stars upon the earth, even their own star, and blood shall be from the sword unto the belly.” 37. “ And there shall be great fearfulness and trembling upon earth : and they that see the wrath shall be afraid, and trembling shall come upon them.” 40. The great and mighty clouds shall be lifted up full of wrath, and the star, that they may make all the earth afraid, and them that dwell therein; and they shall pour out over every eminent place an horrible star.” In Pearce’s “Science of the Stars,” a little work which I ad- wise all interested in astrology to read, on pages 32 and 33, 'chapter vii., the author says, “ Comets were regarded as portents by the ancient and mediaeval astrologers. Albumazar and Innchims averred that comets becoming first visible in Aries presignify evil to nobles and grandees in Eastern parts, and in those countries influenced by that sign : drought, drying up of fountains, etc. “The comet of 1870 appeared in Aries, the sign ruling Ger-II6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT many, and very near the degree of right ascension of the sun and Mars at the birth of Napoleon III. Drought was experi- enced in most parts of Europe that year. The terrible Franco- German war was begun in July, 1870, and in the following Sep- tember Louis Napoleon surrendered to the king of Prussia at Sedan. “The appearance of Donati’s comet, in 1858, was quickly followed by the Italian war of 1859. The appearance of the great comet of 1861 coincided with the great conflagration in London, which had not been equalled for two hundred years, and was immediately followed by the outbreak of the Civil War in the United States. This comet appeared in n, the sign of the United States and of London [Mr. Pearce omits the as- sassination of Lincoln]. The year 1881 was signalized by the appearance of three comets. The great comet (comet B) was first seen in the second decanate of Gemini, on the 22d of May, and on the 2d of July, 1881, the President of the United States [Garfield] was shot. Great storms, perfect hurricanes, and volcanic action quickly followed the appearance of this comet. It is singular to relate that the ancients aver that the appearance of a comet in Gemini presignifies tempestuous, stormy winds and the death of some famous and illustrious man. Comet C, 1881, also appeared in the second decanate of Gem- ini. The great heat of the month of July, in England, France, Austria, the United States, and North America will long be remembered, being one more instance of the heat of comet years. The death of President Garfield, in the mid-heaven of whose horoscope comet B appeared, the mourning for him in the United States, and the terrible forest fires quickly followed the appearance of these comets in Gemini.” And I also add the portentous “yellow day.” With theseASTRONOMICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE ANCIENTS II7 coincidences in view, we can hardly wonder at the dread felt and expressed by our forefathers at the appearance of great comets. “ When the planets, In evil mixture, to disorder wander, What plagues ! and what portents ! what mutiny! What raging of the> sea! shaking of the earth! Commotion of the winds ! ” — Shakespeare.118 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER XI OF NATURAL MAN, OR EARTH MAN, AND EVOLUTION OF SPECIES, AND PLANETARY INFLUENCE OVER THE EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS. In Genesis, second chapter, commencing at the fourth verse, we find : — “ These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, 5. And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. 6. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. 7. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a living soul.” Now compare with this Gen. i. 26:— 26. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him ; male and fe7nale created he them.” I have before described these men in the image of God to be the planet sof our solar system, male and female, and ordained to have dominion — see Gen. i. 26 above — over all the earth;NATURAL MAN, AND EVOLUTION OF SPECIES II9 and at which time (see Gen. ii. 5) there was not a man (or Adam). And these planets were also to have dominion over everything movable upon the earth as well as the earth, and especially “ over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” It is well to take notice that in this last account, although plants and herbs were already created, yet on this earth there were none in it, nor as yet any herb grown; also that there was as yet no rain, but a thick mist covering and watering the whole earth, showing that the heat of the earth was still insufferable and full of malarious exhalations, and fit for no life as yet, and until rainfall it could not be. Now, it is a well-known fact that as soon as the heated season commences at the tropics, during morning and evening, the death-dealing malarious fog or mist covers the whole face of the earth. This hangs over the valleys and rivers and the trees and sides of the mountains until dispersed by the sun and the land breeze; and to sleep in it is almost certain death, and never does it fail to produce terrible malarial fevers, chills, and dire disorders. Rising like a sheet to a level of about ten feet, no dwellers in the tropics can hope for any health unless they keep to upper chambers. But after the rainy seaon commences, these death- dealing mists or fogs are beaten down, and the air is less noxious, and existence becomes pleasurable. A good descrip- tion is thus given by Rider Haggard in “ Allan Quatermain” : — If one desires health, the night air and early morning are to be avoided in tropical climes, and the sun should be at least an hour high before one should stir much about; and when the mists arise into clouds, and the glori- ous sun asserts his sway, then one can enjoy life. Until then,— “ There is silence upon the face of the earth and the waters thereof; Yea, the silence doth brood on the waters like a nesting bird; The silence sleepeth also upon the bosom of the profound darkness.120 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Only high up in the great spaces star doth cry unto star. The earth is faint with longing, and wet with the tears of her desire. The star-girdled night doth embrace her, but still she is not comforted. She is enshrouded in mists like a corpse in the grave clothes, And stretches her pale hands to the east. Lo! away in the farthest east there is the shadow of a light; The earth seeth and lifts herself; she looks out from beneath the hollow of her hand. Then thy great angels1 fly forth from thy holy place, O Sun; They shoot their fiery swords into the darkness and shrivel it up; They climb up the heavens, and cast down the pale stars from their thrones; Yea, they hurl the changeful stars back into the womb of the night; They cause the moon to become wan as the face of a dying man — And behold ! thy glory comes, 0 Sun! ” It is plainly shown by the writer of Genesis that not only the period of caloric or heated cycle, when the earth was not yet cool enough to precipitate rain, and human life was not yet existent, was meant in this description, but also that a tropical region in a tropical climate was the first abode of man. To digress: our Old Testaments are exceedingly incorrect in much of their rendering of the Hebrew, and therein lies much false reasoning occasioned by such errors. Probably one of the most important of omissions is that of the following : — Gen. ii. 3: “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: be- cause that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” Now, a very important omission is here at the end ; it is this: “which God created and made to create by evolution,” this omission being or laassass; my authority for this being the Rev. Fleurlicht, doctor of divinity, and a 1 In the above the rays of the sun, or angles of light, are designated as angels, which I have before explained.NATURAL MAN, AND EVOLUTION OF SPECIES 121 celebrated Hebrew scholar. Without this it would be difficult to understand the remainder of this second chapter of Gene- sis ; but with the command to create by evolution, and the putting away of the idea that man is coequal with his Creator and not merely the highest order of animal creation, we can get rid of a deal of self-conceit, and be willing to learn, and not so ready to teach, matters about which one knows not even the slightest rudiments. By this we find that the fifth verse is correct, and that this new-formed earth had naught of plants or herbs even, nor man nor beast, naught but a ball of plastic mud, not yet cooled; that all the other things which emanated from the Almighty Father were created, but not made ; and that they were already upon the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, sun, moon, Venus, and Mer- cury, which were to have dominion over the earth and all things therein. Thus the magnetic effect of these planets is at once apparent. They do have dominion over the earth and all things upon it. Gen. ii. 7: “ And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground [thus saith the version at hand; in others it reads sli?ne\, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Here is no mention of creation, but distinct making, form- ing, an effort of physical power or of energy. He formed man. No mention of this man being an image of himself; neither of being bi-sexed or self-creating; merely, he formed him of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul; i.e., that as a soul or ray of the Father he had existed from the beginning; and now commencing with the lowest order of creation he must evolve through every gradation up to the highest; and thus122 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT endowed with a physical or earthly body, the incarnated soul became what is called a living soul, or man. And yet he had always lived, and will always live, since every death is but a change in the order of evolution. And so “ ye must be born again.” The original first man is called Adam. In the Hebrew, Adam means red earth (primitive soil). The situation of the Garden of Eden is purely tropical, as the description of its boundaries shows ; extending from Hin- dostan to the Nile in Egypt; a climate wherein grows “ every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food,” and also where the aboriginal or first men had no necessity for clothes, and went naked ; and only by migrating northward out of these latitudes they found colder and colder climates, and became toughened and savage from famine and want, and slew the beasts for food and used their skins for clothing. These thickly populated tropical regions prove conclusively that man's original dwelling-place is between the tropics. Gen. ii. 18: “ And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him. 19. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every foul of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam [or man] called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam [man] there was not found an help meet for him.” Therefore as yet man is but the highest order of animal creation. But there are none of this lower order through whom he can propagate his species; for nature despises a descent in scale, and always produces a monster or mule, incapable of any reproduction. So there is no beast or animalNATURAL MAN, AND EVOLUTION OF SPECIES 123 found that can propagate the highest species of animal, the man, unless the counterpart of man, the female. Gen. ii. 2i. “ And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a [w^^-man] woman [or female], and brought her unto the man.” 25. “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” The foregoing proves the ancient belief in evolution, also the original source of primitive man, and his happy state of ignorance and comparative purity, in a climate of perennial summer and never-failing fruits, fed by the bountiful hand of nature and continual harvest. Gen. ii. 8: “ And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.” 10. “ And a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from thence it was parted and became into four heads. 11. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah [Hindostan]. . . .” 13. “And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia [this is the Nile, and the former the Ganges]. 14. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria [the Tigris]. And the fourth river is Euphrates. 15. And the Lord‘God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” According to this description, we include the entire region inhabited by the ancient Aryan and Hindu races, and their offshoots and co-worshippers of the sun, the Persians, Baby- lonians, and ancient Egyptians ; and from the Chaldeans the Israelites obtained the true spiritual worship of God. For all124 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT - the ancient priests were instructed in that one great truth, that God is one and indivisible ; and though they perverted truth, and held the ignorant multitude to a multiplicity of gods, both male and female, it was done to multiply gifts and levy constant contributions, through superstition, to enrich them- selves, regardless of the suffering and poverty of their miserable devotees. And so blind obedience to their instructions as the only ordained ministers of God is always inculcated, and knowl- edge and learning are looked upon with abhorrence by them. Gen. ii. 17. “ But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” In the commencement of the Bible are given this command, and curse if not obeyed; all written for the succeeding genera- tions, and as a warning to those to come not to be too full of curiosity, and then as a punishment for the so-styled failure of Adam and Eve to comply with this command, written down by one whom no living person can name, as events happening at a time when only one ignorant man and woman existed on the whole face of the globe, who, standing in a tropical climate, named every animal and every living thing from the torrid and temperate, Arctic and Antarctic regions, and whose names no one ever remembered; but in every nation extant (and it seems that there were other populated places at the time Adam and Eve were created) these animals and living things were called by different names. Plainly the entire description is allegori- cal, and came also from a very primitive idea of how first man was produced. To find out the first cause mankind has never as yet failed to exercise all there is of scientific research; and to-day the greatest intellect has arrived no nearer the end thanNATURAL MAN, AND EVOLUTION OF SPECIES 125 the earliest searchers after the secrets of life from immemorial ages in the past. Knowledge, study, and scientific research soon do away with superstition and priestcraft, and exalt their possessors above all earthly cares. Gen. iii. 22: “ And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 23. Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.'” Plainly spoken this. As knowledge would enlighten man, he is driven back into laborious employment where he would have no opportunity to advance, and merely grub along to live, and become a slave to the soil, — become the soodra of the Hindus, or the fellah of the Egyptians, or the lowest caste among all the rest. It also alludes to regions outside the tropics where winter, spring, summer, and fall alternate, and where to live the soil must be cultivated, irrigated, and planted, and the harvest gathered for the winter months ; wherein is a constant struggle for life, brought upon man from his desire to wander, and his insatiable curiosity and dissatisfaction with a peaceable and quiet life, and perpetual desire for knowledge which causes him to seek even in the bowels of the earth after it; and also the unsuccessful attempts of the ancients, and even those of present times, after the “ elixir of life.” The help meet of Adam was called Eve. Eve signifies a serpent, on account of its fecundity. She is called the mother of all living. This Adam and Eve are the modern Joseph and Virgin Mary. For Adam is the sign SI (Leo), and Eve the sign or original Virgo Scorpio or serpent woman, the mother of126 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT all, or help meet of Adam, and signifies that the first degree, or the head of the virgin or Virgo, is lying and meeting with the last degree of the sign SI, or the strong man or sun of God (ruler of all things if on our earth). Thus one sign continually goes in unto another sign, or they are joined like an unbroken circle or as one flesh. As the sun is in his greatest strength about Aug. 22, when just entering Virgo, and the seed begins to ripen into the future harvest, the Egyptians commemorated this gift of God in reproducing through the sowing of seed all that was good for life. And also, as the old seed which had been sowed had to become corrupt before the resurrection, or birth of the new, also because much seed was indigenous to the soil and sprang up as it were spontaneously and perennially, the earth, or ttjj, was likened to a virgin bringing forth her fruits without the aid of man, and ruled over or o’ershadowed only by the Lord or sun. Therefore SI (Leo) and (Virgo) are conjoined. The Sphinx with the entire body of the lion and the head of the virgin bears testimony to Egyptian knowl- edge and to the astrological meaning of the virgin-born Sav- iour ; also to the fall of man, the story of Adam and Eve, of Ruth and Boaz, and the heat of the sun at the time of the'year. In the constellation Leo (which you can easily find on any celestial chart, and also on the “ Combination Horoscope ” in this book) near the sign SI or the head of the lion, you will see a cluster of stars representing a man with a flowering staff in his hand, whose feet have the head of the virgin between them. This constellation Bootes, Boaz, or Adam was called by the Greeks 'Ioaeq), or Anglice Joseph. At the feet of this figure, as before mentioned, is the celestial virgin or constel- lation Virgo, represented as a female winged figure holding a sheaf of wheat in one hand, and originally, before =g= was intro-NATURAL MAN, AND EVOLUTION OF SPECIES 127 duced by the Greeks, her feet extended to the constellation Scorpio or serpent. So the serpent’s head was bruised or crushed by woman, and he, the serpent, wounded her heel. Virgo by the Greeks was called Ceres, the bread-giver, or the harvest queen. So that the earthy or Adam’s (red earth) wife, Eve, Ruth, Boaz, and the celestial virgin are one and the same, as also Ceres, and also the virgin mother of every crucified Saviour of the ten great religions. In the third chapter of Genesis the account of the fall of man is a mixture both of phallus and planetary truths. The serpent, or tortoise, which is found as a symbol or emblem in all parts of the globe, — in China, in Egypt, among the Chal- deans, among many Indian tribes, and in the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and among the Mexicans or Aztecs, the Delawares and Mohicans or Algonquin tribes of North America, — is not only an allusion to the male organ of gener- ation, but to the constellation Scorpio or original fall sign. For you must recollect that originally there were but ten signs of the zodiac, and that the sign (Virgo Scorpio) comprised the space now covered by (Virgo) and =2= (Libra), which last is equivalent to Sept. 22, the time when nature commences to drop her fruits, or the sun (or Adam, as son of the sun) must be found wanting, or falls, or fall or autumn commences. As the ^l, the serpent, is ascending (represented as climbing a tree), — for t»i in astrology rules over the organs of generation, both male and female,—the astrological meaning is that the sun (heat) having passed through Leo and Virgo, or the man and woman, or the earth or nature, and passed the summer months, and now going into fall, by reason of worms, decay, blight, etc., much fruit of the harvest is cast to the ground, also much unripe fruit eaten which causes cholera, cholera128 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT morbus, and many ills, and often death. It also signifies that the sun has reached the meridian, and that the hottest part of the day has passed and evening approaches, and sundown or fall below the horizon approaches. It also denotes the fall passover, when the sun reaches =£= (Libra), a table, or feast of unleavened bread, where the sun leaving Virgo, a garden, or garden of Gethsemane, the +, or Christ, giveth the Lord's supper, and *1, or Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of blood, who dippeth with him in the dish ; viz., =£=, ^1, conjoined. In fact, it is all fall; for even in the mixture of phallus worship, in this sign the sun’s number 6 has turned to the moon’s number 9, and the © falls in Libra, and Saturn (Satan) is exalted. And Libra is the house of Venus (6)- See the Exaltation and Digni- ties of the Planets. And here is the mystery of three in one. Hence the foregoing embodies both phallus and planetary accounts; and he or she who is enlightened or who has eyes that will see, may see clearly the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, viz., on the +, and the meaning of the so-called serpent, and of both man and wife partaking, and of the man being tempted by the womb-man ; also the angle (or angel) of the Lord which appeared at the annunciation; for =£= is a feminine sign, and is equivalent to 9, or the womb, or man’s private parts inverted. We also read that at first they were naked and were not ashamed, and that afterward they made them coverings of fig leaves. Under the interpretation of the phallus worship or significa- tion or symbolism, this is a fine representation of the heat and innocent state of youth until tempted by natural laws, and the inevitable feeling of shame attending the gratification of lust. They strove to hide it by covering themselves with the lightestNATURAL MAN, AND EVOLUTION OF SPECIES 129 clothing of a torrid zone, and the cooling leaves of the fig tree are chosen as a symbol; first, because the fig is full of seed; secondly, because the use of this slight covering is and always has been an aboriginal custom. During childhood, till the age of puberty, they go entirely naked, but as soon as betrothal takes place (and among savages this is in the very youth), and passion has been gratified, the circlet of the female is worn, and the slight covering of the man. The remainder of the body still in nakedness is thus astrologically explained. The season of summer is herein described. The trees formerly naked and bare are now clothed in luxuriant verdure, and the fruit green but apparent, is visible but unripe as yet, and not fully developed. Much falls to the ground and the earth, represented by the earthly sign trg, the virgin, whose help meet is SI, or Leo, or Adam and Eve conjoined. The virgin earth fecundated by the magnetic vital rays of the sun, becomes as one, for astrology teaches that wherever the © and other planets and stars are in the heavens at a birth, these are radically the places during the life; and the magnetism of those planets, sun, moon, and stars, is fixed or as one flesh or being. The birth of Eve is a beautiful symbol of astrological teaching, for she, the moon, and Adam, the sun, must be in the same sign, in the due east or Garden of Eden, to find the serpent, which you will find in the Mysteries of Isis later on. In this entrance to Eden they must be joined as one flesh, or become as one body, and yet in the very entrance to Eden the head of the serpent appears. To resume : The virgin earth fecundated by the vitalizing mag- netic rays of the sun, ripens the harvest, and yet under the early frosts of the forthcoming winter (for the sun has now got into Libra, and the serpent or Scorpio leads him, the sun, to his fall), and the superabundance of water, the menstrual of all130 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT nature, the heavy fruit, unripe and frost-killed, falls to the ground, and ripe only in appearance, the apples worm-eaten, another symbol of the serpent’s work, are among other fruits thrown to the earth. To eat of these wind-falls and decayed and unripe fruits produces almost certain death ; and yet not surely death in all cases. By the phallus explanations, lust satisfied, shame, disgust, and coldness ensue. Vitality is as it were dead, and yet not surely so. See the symbol 9 — in this case resurrection — He shall rise again. Later on, as coldness ensues {fall) and winter approaches, which by the phallus signification is explained by the above- described coldness, and that the soul of man is now debased and animal; — the allegory of clothing them with skins of wild beasts signifies the age of puberty or hairy covering, by the astrological explanation. The sun is next approaching the win- ter solstice. The earth by frosts and cold has lost its fecun- dity, is cold and barren, the reeds and bushes and trees are denuded of verdure, and like hair cover the earth, and man who in summer has neglected to attend to his harvests for his win- ter supplies must labor hard to exist; and by not attending to his natural food — fruit and vegetables (if you read Genesis attentively you will see that he was to eat of every fruit while in Eden (the summer), and after the fall was to eat herbs or vegetables, but never at any time was there any mention of eating the flesh of beasts or even fowl or birds) — he has now to fight for a living, to slay the wild beasts and take their hides and hairy coverings to keep himself warm, the first recourse of primitive man. Eden is paradise to him no longer, for winter, cold, and frost have arrived, and man prodigal and wasteful has neglected his future and must wander like an out- cast in search of food. He is driven out and a guard put atNATURAL MAN, AND EVOLUTION OF SPECIES 13 I the east gate, or sign T, by order of the grand master, and out into darkness he passes, from the west gate (=*=), thence down into the earthly sign of V3 or into mid-winter, or driven into the barren earth or strong house of Saturn. And here the sun (Hiram), the grand master, whose stronghold is the lion (SI) of Judah, must be raised or resurrected; for V3 (Capricorn) is “ renewer of life.” And here on Dec. 25 the sun again com- mences to climb up the ecliptic ; the new sun is as it were born ; the child of the -J- is to ascend into heaven after his death; the son of the sun is born; the child of ^ becomes Emmanuel, or Lord with us ; the son of the © is hung between two thieves, T and =0= ; darkness is over the face of the earth. It is midnight. It is midwinter. It is under the earth, the descent, into hades or hell. It is the house of the goat. It is the hour of midnight when “ graveyards yawn/* It is high twelve. It is the turning of the tarot or (J), or the phallus, or 0690, from the positive noon and negative night, or ss and Itf, which two figures, 6 and 9, are signs of the favorite or strong house of Isis or the moon, viz., 25, and which is the double ser- pent or the numbers of Ra and Isis, 6 and 9. Thus is the world renewed by the representation of the birth of a child, thus personifying the sun’s annual revolution. Thus the grand master performs his work, whom^the three s ruffians, T, 55, =£=, have slain from the Elv. Thus Masons meet, — and thus they part, L. And in winter where naught but the evergreen tree flourishes, in Capricorn, emblem of eter- nal life, here under the earth where one of the twelve fellow- craft (twelve signs of the Zodiac) stayed, you will find our grand master, who has lain in V3 (Capricorn), a rpausoleum, grave, or deep hole, for three days, and will now be raised again “ amidst the clouds and mist of winter, in glory — the132 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT light of the world!' “And the Lord said, Let there be light, and there was light.” And this is called by theologians the original fall of man, an inevitable law of planetary movement ordained by the Lord of hosts from the beginning of the world, and which will never change, — a law which, explained either by phallus wor- ship or planetary or astrological teaching, is but an allegorical description of the serpent wisdom, or knowledge of the Gen- Isis, goddess of nature, the sun on the X between the cheru- bims, or fixed signs, the head of the bull, the head of the lion, the head of the eagle, and the head of a man, fixed and unalter- able forever, and shows that God is not a man that one can reason with him, or that he alters. It also denotes that if we disregard or abuse the laws of nature and pervert the spiritual exaltation of true love by the debasing influences of passion or lust, or the influence of Mars' (<£), represented by its favorite stronghold, ^1, the serpent, then all that there is of Venus (9) (represented by the fall sign =s=), of joy and happiness, is fled for evermore, and shame ensues. From Eden expelled, and repelled from all that is good for man, the flaming sword, or remorse, meets them at every point, and he who originated spiritually from the sun, or Lord of hosts, is plunged down- ward to grovelling ideas of deceit and must purify himself through a series of re-births till he once more ascends in glory above the clouds which have darkened him, and he becomes the pure Ra, or purified ray of light ; for the natural law or phallus, or the obelisk, is but a shadow of the eternal law of the most high, the pyramid (see the combination zodiac), on which blazes in glory the eternal flame of fire, the image of the Creator.WHO BUILDED THE PYRAMID ? 133 CHAPTER XII WHO BUILDED THE PYRAMID ? Nearly six centuries before the reputed birth of Christ, Solon, a Greek philosopher, visited Egypt, and had frequent intercourse with the priests who had charge of the sacred writings of Egypt. In the course of these interviews relating to the antiquity of Greece and Egypt, a priest said to him : “O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are but children, and there is never an old man who is Hellene.” “What do you mean?” said Solon. “I mean,” said the priest, “that in mind you are all young : there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient travellers, nor any science which is hoary with age. As for these genealogies of yours, which you have recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children; for in ' the first place, you remember one deluge only, whereas there were many of them; and in the next place, you do not know that there dwelt in your fair land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, of whom you and your whole city are but a seed or remnant ; and this was unknown to you because for many generations the survivors of that destruction died and left no sign, for there was a time, Solon, before that great deluge of all, when the city which now is Athens was first in war and was pre-eminent for the excellence of her laws, and is said to have performed the noblest deeds, and to have had the fairest constitution of any of which tradition tells under the face134 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT of the sun.” Solon marvelled at this, and earnestly requested the priest to inform him exactly about these former citizens. “ You are welcome to hear about them, Solon,” said the priest, “ both for your own sake and for the sake of the goddess who is the common patron and protector and educator of both our cities. She founded your city a thousand years before ours, which is set down in our sacred registers as 8,000 years old. As touching the citizens of 9,000 years ago, I will briefly in- form you of their laws and of the noblest of their archons ; and the exact particulars of the whole we will hereafter go through at our leisure in the sacred registers themselves.” The reader is to remember that all this was copied from the manuscript of Solon, word for word as given by the Egyptian priest to Solon ; and Plato was born 429 b.c., and died at Athens 347 b.c. at the age of 82 years ; and also that 594 b.c. Solon was archon or chief magistrate of Athens, was the umpire in all law matters, and regarded equally highly by both rich and poor, which regard greatly adds to the authenticity of his narrative. The priest continued: “ Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state, in our histories, but one of them exceeds them in greatness and valor : for these histories tell us of a mighty power which was aggressing wantonly against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth from the Atlantic Ocean ; for in those days the Atlantic was navigable, and there was an island situated in front of the strait which you call the Columns of Hercules. [The reader knows probably that this refers to the Strait of Gibraltar, leading from the Atlantic into the Medi- terranean.] The island was larger than Libya and Asia [then Asia was what we now call Asia Minor] put together, and wasWHO BUILDED THE PYRAMID ? 135 the way to other islands ; and from the islands you might pass through the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Strait of Her- cules [the Mediterranean] it is only a harbor, having a narrow entrance ; but that the other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a continent, is at once evident. [That this continent which surrounded the ocean is the North and South American continents, and Africa, is now easily proved by consulting any good chart.] “Now, in the island of Atlantis there was a great and won- derful empire, which had rule over the whole island and several others, as well as over parts of the continent; and besides these it subjected the parts of Libya within the Columns of Her- cules as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia (Tuscany). The vast power thus gathered into one endeavored to subdue at one blow our country and yours, and the whole of the land which was then within the strait: and then, Solon, your country shone forth in the excellence of her virtues and strength among all mankind, for she was the first in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes; and when the rest fell from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjected, and freely liberated all the others who dwelt within the limits of Hercules. But afterward there occurred violent earthquakes and floods, and in a single day and night of rain, all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared, and was sunk beneath the sea.” The continuation of this, which is lengthy, is in substance as follows : This war of the Atlanteans and the Mediterranean136 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT nations was 9,000 years before the interview between Solon and the priests. Atlantis was then the greatest empire in the world, and colonies from it had peopled Spain, France, Britain, and Ireland, Tuscany or Etruria on the north side of the Medi- terranean, on the south side Libya and the entire coast, and, though not peopling Egypt, had also colonized Egypt. On the west it had intercourse with the islands and continent of Amer- ica, and had largely moulded their civilizations, preceding Columbus by upwards of 10,000 years. “ In this kingdom of Atlantis were vast numbers, immense power, and great wealth. From it went west and east to the ends of the world a ripe civilization and a conquering military power. By it the lands were colonized, the pyramids of Egypt and Central America and the temples of Peru and Egypt built, also the tombs of Tuscany. The commerce of the world was under its control.” Now, if the reader has paid attention to his geography, let him look at the Atlas Mountains in Africa, Maz-atlan, Minitit - lan, and the numerous towns and villages in Mexico beginning or ending in Atl, or Atlan, the great Atlantic Ocean rolling between, the Atlantes living along the north and west coast of Africa; Atlas represented as holding the world on his shoul- ders ; and map of the entire world called an atlas. That the Atlanteans builded the Sphinx and Pyramids at the time mentioned by this priest is without doubt —as little doubt as it is that Atlantis existed and sank. Each item of the foregoing can be proved by the soundings or depths of ocean between Cape Finisterre (the end of the earth) and Charleston, South Carolina. The great line of earthquakes — the destruction of Lisbon some few centuries ago, at which time 60,000 people were buried under the ocean in a few seconds of time,—the numerous shocks of earthquakeWHO BUILDED THE PYRAMID? ij7 in that line since,—and the various earthquakes in the Medi- terranean-all go to prove the probability anil accuracy of Solon's narrative. Now, we must diverge a little and come back to the sun's movements. No maritime nation could navigate by chance; and that the Atlanteans were well versed in the mysteries of trigonometry and of solar, stellar, and lunar observations it m preposterous to deny, That the Phoenicians, who were colonists of the Atlanteans and who circumnavigated Africa, were also wet! to* formed in these particulars, is evident; and this is cumIy proved, inasmuch as the Great Pyramid is situated exactly on the ecliptic, and precisely covers by its angles the rnuth, south, east, and west points, and the sitn is exactly over it on the longest day of the year, viz., June 22, This, then, was a prime meridian or true right ascension everyday at noon by the angle of the sun of the given day—or 90° high, on m equally divided day of twelve hours, or equal to movement of sun, 15* per hour into 90 is 6 hours from noon, and consequently six hours from sunset So that the sun, whose throne -or strong house or strength is in the sign Leo (SI), is the beast alluded to in the Apocalypse, or Revelation of St. John (vis., the sign mf in whose house the Virgin Herd, or Mary, or Merit, or Mother of ~f*f had her home, as before related)* The number of the beast is six hundred threescore and six, and alludes to the sun rising at 6 a.m.; 6 hours after it is midmoon, and at 6 p.m. it sets, — 3 sixes, 666, Now, this pyramid was erected before Aries and Libra were instituted as signs of the zodiac; for the sun-god Ra dwelt between the cherubims H, R, %* &nd «; and wm buikled to commemorate some great matter, which is certified to by the Sphinx and also by Job. The Sphinx has the entireASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT *38 body of the lion and the head of the virgin. Virgo (O is the fifth sign ; and the sun must then have been in a as its first point of right ascension, and in the last degree of Virgo join- ing, because this is the signification of these men coming to the mg or garden, or place where corn or grain is kept or raised; vh% Egypt, which is the mother of a child or colony of the governors of the earth, Atlantis, Now, by the precession of the equinoxes, our sun and solar system, as well as every fixed star in the universe, go through one sign in 2,160 years (whose figures 2160 ;..- 9, the number of Isis or nature). The whole of Leo is 2160 years “ “ Cancer 216(3 44 u a Gemini 2160 “ “ <£ Taurus 2160 ** and in present date of Aries 1892 “ 10532 years Then this Sphinx, which commemorates this event, was builded 10,532 years ago, and proves the truth of the priest's story to Solon, and also that it was to perpetuate their knowl- edge to posterity. For all parts of the known world have con- tributed to this virgin-born God, or the ~~f~ prime meridian, and the ecliptic, the serpent of the son, and the great dragon, or Serpent of the moon, or moon's nodes. “ Having eyes ye see not, ears, ye hear not, neither will ye understand*” The Assyrian lion* the Babylonian bull, the Egyptian calf or heifer, the brazen serpent of Moses, the dragon of China, the serpent mounds of Ohio, and the Lamb of God, the iau cross (X ) of Egypt, the of modern Christianity, and the ©, orb of the papal religion, are one and the same in meaning* The ©WHO BUILDED THE PYRAMID? *39 of Freemasonry, or (3j, or xfyi or or the caducous of Mercury, have all the same great teaching, hidden only to the unimiuD d and profane. The mystery of the trine or triune worship, vhr, the ©, the father, 3, mother, and the child, or even © (the earth) as the child, emanated from astrology and nothing Whether we navigate the ocean by observations of the %m\ or moon or a planet, the beginning is always the right ascension of the meridian. The prime meridian, the latitude c ) and longitude ( j ) of a place to start from, or the centre of the prime or original cross, the sun's declination, according to whether it is north or south of the equator, gives the polar dis- tance, and the application of the sun's altitude or star s altitude when on the meridian will deduce the latitude, and either a u or p.m, of any day* The hour angle found at the time of ob- serving the sun's or moon's or planet's altitude will, if reduced to degrees and miles of a degree, give the longitude; and. the intersection of the latitude and the longitude found are a 4 which you have found from the E. A. M. or prime right ascension of meridian, the grand secret of Royal Arch Masonry, and the worship of the Ram Isis, or the point Aries, the lamb of God, the great point where Jos, the sun, and Hua, the moon, meet to create man after their image, or wherein you must find the great mystery of the two serpents of Egypt. Mariners can never dispute astrology, for they use it daily. Surveyors me it daily; astronomers hourly. No living being moves a step unless forming a new 4""? and no two living beings can be born on the same 4~ at any time, All time is reckoned from the sun s movement, and the first point of Aries, the R. A. M„, from which the hour angle is deducted, and from point to point from the 4- in which we are to the + or latitude and longitude of any place one desires to go to, a line from one + to the other140 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 4-, the angle or angel of the Lord (*>., the angle, of a circle), will give the course, and a scale of mites divided. into tenths, hundredths, or thousandths will give the distance between the two places. These truths the Atlanteans, a maritime nation, strove to perpetuate, and in such ways as to last forever, free from the baneful changes of earthquakes, and astrologieally calcu- lated to last for thousands of years- Having been a navigator twenty-seven years, I think I can speak with authority, and not as one of the scribes. Having been for many years a student in ancient astrology, among Arabians, Carib Indians (old At- lanteans), and negro fetish-men and bush negroes of South America, and a member of the Masonic body of the Blue Lodge since 1857, then remade under the ancient rites in a Jewish Lodge in 1869, and exalted to the Most Royal Order of Rose Crone Masonry of the ancient rites, I have striven from the ashes to renew the ancient fires, and found the meaning of the rose, "sub rasa;" truly, under the rose lay the secret—the «f-. As it says in Acts xvii. 23 : "I found an altar . . . to the Un- known God, Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you."DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 141 CHAPTER XIII DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS. — WHAT THEY RULE OVER AND WHOM The astrological or astronomical character for the planet Saturn is k . Saturn rules over husbandry, tillage, fruits of the earth, mines of coal and lead, over dens, caves, holes in the earth, over buildings of wood, brick, and stone, over real estate of all kinds, real-estate agents and brokers and dealers in the same, over all elderly persons, farmers, agriculturists, dealers in wood, lime, cement, and building material, over all those who work in the soil, or about cattle (not horses), pigs, swine, gardens, produce dealers, tanners and curriers, dealers in hides, leather, boots and shoes, all black and dark matters of the kind such as rubber, bank safes or vaults, over potters, tile and brick makers, and dealers and workers in clays and earth, wool, over all melancholy and morose, repining and dogged, stealthy, sneaking persons, over monks, Catholic priests, nuns and nunneries, cemeteries and graveyards, over hypocrites and deceit of all kinds. Saturn delights in dark and gloomy places, in shade and wilderness and woods. He is the author of all evil under the sun ; the greater infortune, and is the Saturn, or Satan, of the Christian religion. His strongest power is in the signs V5 (Capricorn) and (Aquarius). Those born under Saturn have black and dark colors for their favorites. This planet rules over coal mines, lead, clay pits, etc. His mean motion is two minutes and one second, diurnal motion some-142 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT times three, four, five, or six minutes, but seldom more. His greatest north latitude from the ecliptic is two degrees forty- eight minutes ; his south latitude from the ecliptic, two degrees forty-nine minutes. In the table of dignities and description of signs you will find the houses, terms, faces, and all dignities, also debilities of this planet. He continues in retrogradation one hundred and forty days. He is five days in his first station before retrogradation, and five days in his second station before direct movement. He is a diurnal planet, cold and dry by nature, being far removed from the sun, with moist vapors ; is melancholic, earthly, masculine ; the greatest ill-fortune, or infortune, the author of all solitariness and malevolent feelings, etc. When he is well dignified or placed in a figure he represents one of a profound imagination, in acts severe, in words reserved, giving or speaking very sparely, patient in labor, disputing or arguing with gravity, very solicitous and eager for the goods of this life, and austere in all manner of action. When he is ill digni- fied, then it represents one envious, covetous, jealous, and mistrustful, timorous, sordid, cowardly, stubborn, a dissembler, sluggish, suspicious, an ill-speaker of women, a liar, malicious, a murmurer and grumbler, never contented and ever repining. He describes one of a body more cold and dry, middle stature, his complexion swarthy or muddy, eyes small and black, looking downward, a broad forehead, black or sad hair, hard, lank, or rugged, great ears, hanging and lowering eyebrows, thick lips and nose, a thin beard, a lumpish, unpleasant countenance, either holding the head forward or stooping, the shoulders broad and large and many times crooked, his belly somewhat short and lank, thighs spare, lean, and not long, knees and feet not in proportion, often shuffling or hitting against each other.DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS H 3 You must observe that if Saturn be oriental of the sun, the stature is more short, but decent and well composed. But if he be occidental of the sun, then he is more black and lean, with fewer hairs. And again, if he want latitude, the body is more lean ; if he have great latitude, the body more fleshy. If the latitude be meridional or south, more fleshy but quick in motion; if the latitude be north, hairy and much flesh. The sicknesses of Saturn are all impediments in the right ear and teeth, all quartan agues proceeding from cold, dry, and melancholy distempers, leprosies, rheums, typhoid fevers, con- sumptions, black jaundice, palsies, tremblings, vain fears, phan- tasies, dropsy, gout, either hand or foot, apoplexies, dog-hunger, bleeding piles, ruptures if k be in n't (Scorpio), or Leo in any ill aspect of Venus. He rules over the sour, bitter, and sharp savors, and in man, the spleen. (For the herbs and trees, consult Culpepper.) Over animals he rules all manner of creeping things born of putrefaction, such as worms, serpents, adders, also over the ass, cat, hare, mouse, mole, bear, dog, wolf, basilisk or lizard, croco- dile and alligator, scorpion, toads, and especially swine, wild hogs, boars, etc. Of fishes, the eel, tortoise, all manner of shell fish which bury in the mud, and the lobster, crawfish, crabs, etc. He rules over such precious stones as sapphire, lapis lazuli, all black and ugly stones not polishable and of a sad, ashy, or black color. He causes cloudy, dark, obscure air, cold and hurtful, thick, black, and oppressive clouds. He delightes in the east quar- ter of heaven, and causes the miserable foreboding east winds. When gathering any plant ruled by Saturn the ancients always turned their faces to the east in the hour of Saturn, and he, if144 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT possible, in an angle, either in the ascendant or tenth or eleventh house, the moon applying to a sextile or trine of him. His orb is nine degrees before and after; that is, his influence begins to work when either he applies, or any planet applies to him and is within nine degrees of his aspect, and continues in force until separate nine degrees. In conception he rules the first and eighth months. His greatest year is 465 ; his greater year, 57; his mean, 43^ ; his least, 30; the meaning of which is that whenever a town, city, or a family or principality is begun when Saturn is essentially and occidentally strong, the astrologer may conjecture that such may continue 465 years, etc., in honor and repute without any sensible alteration. Again, if in one’s nativity Saturn is well dignified and lord of the geniture, then accordingly he may live 57 years ; and if meanly dignified, then 43 years ; but if he be lord of the nativity and weak, afflicted, or retrograde, the child may live 30 years. And so judge of the other planets. As to age, he relates to decrepit old men, fathers, grand- fathers, and the like in plants or trees and all living creatures. He rules over Bavaria, Saxony, Stiria, Romandiola, Ravenna, Constantia, Ingolstadt. The name of Saturn’s angel is Cassiel. The friends to Saturn are Jupiter, sun, and Mercury ; his enemies, Mars and Venus. He rules the first hour and eighth of Saturday, or Saturnsday, his day; shebo, the number 7, composed of ash, a star, and sheb, old age : characteristic of Saturn as ruling old age and seventh day. The character to express Uranus is i£. This planet is the source of all accidents and eccentricities, all strange and unaccountable happenings or turns for good or evil, of heartDESCRIPTION chemask, or number 5, affixed to the fifth day of the week, Thursday, is formed from Qfj, chem> warmth, and ask, a star, or star of warmth, which is the character of Jupiter. Jupiter is Vishnu in Buddhism. Jupiter rules over the first hour of Thursday, or Thors-day, and is identical with the Scan- dinavian Thor, or the Thunderer.I48 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT A Jupiter-ruled person is one of a comely person and stature, full-faced, full-eyed, a sanguine complexion, or mixed with white and red, a large space between his eyebrows, usually the beard flaxen or sandy colored, the hair a nice brown and inclined to curl about the neck. If Jupiter be combust at birth, the hair and beard are thick, dark or black ; his eyes not black. A Jupiter or jovial person has teeth well set, good broad teeth, but usually some mark or difference in the two fore-teeth, either slightly separated awry, or some imperfection in them. If in a fiery sign, his hair gently curls ; a man well spoken and honest, very liberal in religious matters ; a person well rounded, and stout of limb: and if in a watery sign, will be fleshy; if in airy signs, large and strong ; in earthly signs, a man well de- scended. Even were Jupiter significator of a clodhopper, or low person or clown, he is of better manners and behavior than others of the class. For he may be significator of such accord- ing to birth. His mean motion per day is four minutes fifty-nine seconds ; but the diurnal motion reaches eight, ten, twelve, or fourteen minutes. He is retrograde about one hundred and twenty days, is five days in his first station before retrogradation, and four days stationary before direction or moving direct. He is a diurnal, masculine planet, temperately hot and moist, and the greater fortune. When well placed he is the author of all that is high, noble, and faithful, a lover of fair deal- ing, desiring to benefit all persons, a great reliever of the poor; liberal, hating all meanness and sordid actions ; is just, wise, and prudent, courteous and affable in conversation. When Jupiter is unfortunate, retrograde, or evilly placed in a nativity, then the native wastes his patrimony, is cozened andDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 149 cheated by everybody, tenacious and stiff in maintaining false tenets, is ignorant, careless, and delights not in the, love of his friends ; of dull capacity, lowers himself in all companies, stooping and abasing himself where no necessity is ; a seeker of low company. He signifies an upright, straight, and tall stature, a brown or ruddy and lovely complexion ; of an oval or long visage and full or fleshy; high forehead, large gray eyes, his hair soft and a kind of auburn brown ; a large, deep belly, strong, proportioned thighs and legs, feet long, being the most indecent part of the body. The diseases of Jupiter are pleurisies, all infirmities in the liver, the left ear, apoplexies, inflammation of the lungs, palpi- tation and trembling of the heart, cramps, pain in the back- bone, all diseases lying in the veins and ribs and proceeding from corruption of blood; quinsy, diphtheria, windiness, all putrefaction in the blood, or fevers proceeding from too great an abundance of blood. Jupiter rules over the sweet-scented odors, and over the sea-green or blue, purple, ash color, and mixed yellow and green. Of fish, over the dolphin, whale, the sheath-fish or river whale (presumably the porpoise).' Of precious stones, the amethyst, sapphire, emerald, hyacinth, topaz, crystal, marble, and freestone. In the weather, he pro- duces serene, pleasant, and healthful weather and north winds, and by his gentle beams allays the ill effect of a former malig- nant planet. He governs the north wind, — that part which tends to the east. The orb of Jupiter is nine degrees before and after any of his aspects. He governs the second and tenth months. His proper seat in man is the liver. In the elements he rules the air. His greatest year is 428; his greater, 79; his mean, 45 ; and his least, 12. He represents men of middle age, or of full judgment and discretion. He150 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT governs the second climate. Of countries he rules Babylon, Persia, Hungary, Spain. His number is three. The name of his angel, Zadkiel. Of the day of the week, he rules over Thursday, the first hour after sunrise, and the eighth. The length of the planetary hour you must know by the rising of the sun. All the other planets but Mars (<£) are friends to Jupiter. In the gathering of herbs under Jupiter, see that he be very powerful in essential or accidental dignities ; let the moon be in good aspect with him,,and, if possible, in some of Jupiter’s dignities. His terms, face, triplicities, and other dignities are described in the signs of the zodiac and Table of Essential and Accidental Dignities. The astrological or astronomical character for the planet Mars is $, representing a shield and dart, indicating the martial character of this planet. Mars rules over and rejoices in all matters of violence. Horse-racing and struggles of any kind, in all violent out-door exercise, over all dealers in hard- ware, cutlery, and martial instruments, over explosions, fires, and conflagrations, inflammations, inflammatory fevers,. acute and sharp pains, all pains that come from heat, and all such dis- eases as are fiery, red, and hot, over surgeons, dentists, butchers, and martial men, railroad employees, soldiers, armed policemen, and warriors of all peoples, over the flaming red-headed and violent-tempered, over petty law- yers, but not judges or the upper-class advocates, over law- suits but not judgments, over iron machinery and locomotives, and machinists, railroads, and all matters of iron and steel, and instruments made of the same. When Mars is ill dignified, or cadent, or retrograde, or in any detriment he then represents and rules over burglars and murderers, and all violent deeds, all railroad disasters (and in the last there must also be some evilDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS I $ I aspect of the moon and Uranus), troubles to iron ships, fires, and battles and murders. His color is the blood red. He rules in mines over iron, red hematite, red ochre, and such like; these things determinable from the signs he may be in, as are all the planets. Mars is lord of T and Rl, or has these two signs for his houses. His essential and accidental dignities, detriment, fall, terms, and faces are to be found in the Table of Essential Dignities and Debilities. Mars in the Hebrew Ash-Lesk, the flaming star. The first three characters, or letters, shelesk, or number three, mean also a general or commander. The third day of the week, Tuesday, or Mar-di, is under the influence of the warrior planet, the first hour of sunrise and the eighth being his planetary hours, as before shown. The cock was dedicated to Mars by the Buddhists ; and Aries, the zodiacal sign, the stronghold of Mars, was in early Christian times represented as a cock. (See remarks on signs, and particularly Aries and Capricorn.) The Buddhists also assigned the third day of the week to Mars. The greatest latitude of Mars is north 4°3i' and south 6° 47'; mean motion, 3C 27"; diurnal motion, some- times 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 minutes per day, seldom exceed- ing. He is retrograde eighty days, stationary before retro- gradation two or three days, and stationary before turning direct two days, and after but one day. He governeth wholly the watery triplicity 35, X. When £ retrogrades in SI, wi, or &, he produces dire evils. He is a masculine, nocturnal planet, in nature hot and dry, choleric and fiery; the lesser infortune or evil, author of quarrels, strifes, and contentions; when well dignified, in feats of war and courage invincible, scorning any emulation, subject to no reason, bold, confident, immovable, contentious, valiant,152 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT a lover of war, and hazarding all perils, willingly will submit to no one, neither willing to obey ; boastful, caring for noth- ing but victory, but prudent in his own affairs. If ill dig- nified then he is a prattler, neither modest nor dignified, a lover of slaughter and quarrels, a housebreaker, a bur- glar, thief, or murderer, full of sedition and commotions, a highwayman, a traitor, obscene, rash, inhuman, unthankful, treacherous, oppressive, ravenous, a cheat, furious, violent, a ravisher, perjurer. A Mars person is generally of middle stat- ure, strong-bodied, big-boned, rather lean than fat, complexion ruddy, brown, or high-colored, round visage, hair red or sandy, flaxen and often crispy or curling, sharp hazel eyes and pier- cing sight, bold and confident look, and an active and fearless person. When $ is Oriental, he signifies a valiant person: color some white mixed with redness, decently tall, and hairy of body. When Occidental, very ruddy complexioned, but mean of stature, little head, smooth body and not Fairy, yellow hair and stiff, and the natural humors dry. If significator of rulers, they are generally oppressive and tyrannical. The diseases of Mars: gall, the left ear, tertian fevers, pestilent burning fevers, megrims in the head, carbuncles, plague, all plague sores, burnings, boils, ringworms, blisters, frenzies, mad sudden head distempers, yellow jaundice, bloody flux or dysentery, fistulas, all wounds and diseases in the genitals, gravel, or stone in reins or bladder, scars, small-pox on the face, all hurts from iron or steel, the shingles, and all diseases arising from choler, anger, or passion. He delights in the red, or yellowish red color, blood color, and colors fiery and shining like saffron, and in savors which are bitter, sharp, and burn the tongue. (For the herbs, see Cul- pepper ; also of trees.)DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 153 $ rules over such animals as the panther, tiger, mastiff, fox, and such living creatures as are warlike,, ravenous, and bold; also the horse, mule, goat, wolf, leopard, wild ass. Of fish, the pike, shark, barbel, scorpions, and centipedes. Of birds, the hawk, vulture, kite, all ravenous fowl, raven, cormorant, condor, owl, and eagle (how often we see the eagle as a martial sym- bol), and crow. Of places, smithies, shops, furnaces, slaughter- houses, places where bricks or charcoal are burned or have been burned, chimneys, forges, founderies, and smelting-places. Of stones, adamant,loadstone, blood-stone, jasper, the many-colored amethyst, the touchstone, red, lead, or vermilion colored. Of the weather, red clouds, thunder, fiery impressions, pestilent air, which appears after droughts and fair weather by improper and unwholesome mists. He stirreth up the west winds. His orb is but seven degrees before and after any of his aspects. In man he governeth the flourishing time of youth, and from forty-one to fifty-six years of life. His greatest year is 204; greater, 66; mean, 40; less, 15. He riileth over the third climate, Sarmatia, Lombardy, Batavia, Gothland., In concep- tion he governeth the third month. The name of his angel is Samael. He has for a friend only Venus ; and as he, when ill dignified, quarrels with his best friend, so he is the greatest ravisher of Venus, for which martial men are notorious. He that hath Mars and Venus in any aspect at birth will certainly have a love affair either good or evil about the nineteenth year of life, or age of Mars' directionary period, which is a little short of nineteen years, and an apt time for mar-age or marriage. The sun is represented by the character ©. He was called by the Ancients Osiris, Ra, Bel, Braam, Abram, Jah, Baal, Aum, Sol, and the Lord of Hosts. When he is well aspected of the moon, it is a time favorable for all matters relating to all persons154 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT in authority, for all governments, town, city, county, state, kingdom, or province, or matters of general government and heads of department. He rules over and represents all kings, emperors, earls, dukes, noblemen, presidents, and generals in command, viceroys, mayors, those highest in authority in all matters. If for armies, the general, the brigade, the brigadier- general ; for the regiment, the colonel; a company, the captain, and so on ; for railroads or companies or corporations, the president. The © (sun) is invariably the ruler. When com- bined in good aspect as a trine or sextile with any planet ruling over the matter elected, or person described, it invariably pro- duces or promotes success ; and if he presents a good aspect to the D (moon), it will produce the granting of favors for the asking. The © (sun) rules over gold mines, over “ myrrh, frank- incense and aloes,” over amber and golden and bright yellow stones and flowers, over yellow-haired persons, over the first hour of Sunday. He is the image of the Father, the lord of hosts, and through him is life. He is from all time and all time is from Him, and will be until time is no longer. From Him all time is calculated, by one perfect and immutable law. His greatest strength is from the sign SI (Leo), the lion of Judah. His mean motion is 59' 8", yet his diurnal motion is 57' 16", sometimes more, never exceeding 61' 6". He has no latitude, always moving in the ecliptic. He governs the fiery triplicity T, SI, t. His exaltation is the sign Aries, the lamb, in 190 of the sign, and in connection in reading the history of Christ you should recall this; for the Lamb of God exalts the Father. His dignities and debilities are to be found in that Table. He is never retrograde. He is naturally hot and dry, yet more temperate than Mars; is a masculine, diurnal planet, equiva- lent, if well dignified, to a fortune. The manners, when wellDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 155 dignified, represent one keeping his promise with all punctual- ity, one desirous to rule wherever he comes, prudent and of incomparable judgment, of great majesty and stately, indus- trious to acquire honor and a large estate, free and liberal. The solar man is grave, hath not many words, and those ut- tered with great command ; full of thought, secret, and trusty, speaks with deliberation ; of great heart and mind, yet affable, tractable, and very humane to all people; one loving sumptu- ousness and magnificence and whatever is honorable. When he is ill dignified the solar man is arrogant and proud, disdain- ing all men, boasting of his pedigree, of poor judgment, rest- less, troublesome, and domineering, vaporous, windy, expen- sive, foolish, a spendthrift and make-waste, with neither grav- ity in words nor soberness in action, wasting his patrimony, a hanger-on after others’ charity, yet thinks all men bound to him because a gentleman born. The sun generally represents a person of good size, strong and well built, a somewhat yellow- ish or saffron complexion, a round, large forehead, large, full goggle-eyes, sharp and piercing, body well composed, not so beautiful as good-looking, full of health, hair yellowish and quickly bald; if he have a beard, it will be full and plentiful; a high, ruddy complexion, somewhat fleshy, in condition bountiful, honest, sincere, well-minded, of a great and large heart, high-minded, of healthy constitution, very humane, not talkative or loquacious. We can only say the sun is Oriental in a figure or in the Oriental quarter of the figure, or Occidental in the figure. For all other planets are Oriental when they rise before the sun in the morning, and Occidental when they rise after the sun, or so- as to be seen above the earth after the sun sets. His sicknesses are pimples in the face, palpitation, trembling*I56 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT any disease of the brain or heart, infirmities of the eye, cramps, sudden swoonings, diseases of the mouth, offensive breath, catarrhs, rotten fevers. Principally in man he governs the heart, brain, right eye, and vital spirit; in woman, the left eye. In savors, his favorites are a mixture of sour and sweet together, or the aromatical flavor, being a little bitter and styp- tical and a little sharp. (For plants and trees, see Culpepper.) Of beasts he rules the lion, horse, ram, crocodile, bull, goat; and of insects, fireflies. Of fishes he rules the sea-calf and star- fish. Of birds, the eagle, the cock, nightingale, peacock, swan, the goshawk, and the fly cantharis. In places, the courts of princes, palaces, the finest rooms in houses or parlors, all mag- nificent structures, large halls. Over the elements the © has dominion over fire and clean-shining flame, and gold in metals. The precious stones ruled by the sun are the hyacinth, chryso- lite, adamant, carbuncle, the etites-stone found in the eagle’s nest, and the ruby. Of weather, he produces in spring gentle and moist showers ; in summer, if joined with $ {Mars), the most extreme heat; in autumn, mists ; in winter, rain, such as is called small rain or drizzle. He loves the east part of the world, and the wind which comes from that quarter. His orb is 15 degrees before any aspect, and the same after separation. In age he rules the youth or when one is strongest. His great- est year is 1460; greater, 120; mean, 69; least, 19. In coun- tries he rules Italy, Sicily, Bohemia, and the fourth climate, Phoenicia and Chaldea. The name of the angel, or angle of the sun, is Michael. He rules over the first and eighth hours of Sunday. In number, the one and four. His friends are all the planets except Saturn, and h is his enemy, for Satan is said to be the adversary of the Lord. Ash-shed, one, from Ash, fire, and shed, to pourDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 157 forth ; literally, to shed forth rays of light or fire, from which Sheddai, the name of God, the all-bountiful fire. This alludes directly to the one great light of the world, the sun. “I am a consuming fire; I am the light of the world.” The sun afflicted at birth brings the native many afflictions. The character designating Venus is 9. She was called by the ancients Al-Huzza, Astarte, Hesperus, Lucifer, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of love and pleasure, and Hathor. She is the author of all that is beautiful, of love, pleasure, music, vo- luptuousness, sumptuousness, of all things artistic, of the drama, of all places of pleasure, as theatres, lyceums, and the like, and of singing-houses. She rules over all women and femi- nine adornments, decoration and dress, furniture, etc. ; the author of delicate and refined intercourse, courteous manners, of dancers and musicians, artists, poets, and for the two last she must be in sextile or near conjunction or some good as- pect to 5 (Mercury). In all questions of gifts and favors, in regard to love, wedlock, dowry, lechery, gaming, cards, dice, theatres, hotels, bar-rooms, saloons, restaurants, all places' of amusement or pleasure of any kind, seek the good aspects of Venus ($ ). She also rules over all decorators, milliners, dress- makers, or those who adorn in any manner ; over dry-goods and haberdashery, jewels and trinkets; over the wife, daughter, mother, sweetheart, and female friends. Her color is the apple- green of the verdant pastures in early spring, also the light azure blue, or blue and yellow mixed. She rules over mines of copper, and also over white copper and all articles of brass, pewter, and mixtures of copper and bronze. The bad aspects of Venus incline to lewdness. Her mean motion is 59' and 8". Her diurnal motion is sometimes 62, 64, 65, 66, or 70, 74, 76', but 82' she never exceeds. Her greatest north or south lati-158 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT tude is 90 and 2'. She governs the earthly triplicity by day ; viz., 8, and V5, is two days stationary before retrogradation, and same before moving direct. Usual retrograde movement, 42 days. She is a feminine planet, cold and moist; nocturnal; the lesser fortune; author of mirth and pleasure. In the ele- ments she rules the air and water ; in humors, phlegm and blood, the spirit and the genital seed. She signifies a quiet person, not given to law, quarrel, or wrangling; not vicious ; pleasant, neat and tidy, loving mirth in word and action, cleanly in ap- parel, more inclined to drink than gluttony, prone to venery, often in love matters, zealous in affection, musical, delighting to bathe, and in all merry-makings and comedies, theatres, con- certs, and the like; not given to labor or to take any pains ; a company-keeper, cheerful, nothing mistrustful, a right virtu- ous man or woman, often mixed in some jealousy, yet no cause for it. Thus the Venus person, if well dignified ; but if not well dignified, the person is riotous and expensive, wholly given to looseness and lewdness, nothing regarding reputation, seek- ing unlawful beds, incestuous, an adulterer, fantastical, a mere trifler, dude, or dandy, of no faith, no repute, no credit, spend- ing his money in beer-shops and drinking-places and among the scandalous ; a lazy person and caring nothing for religion or morals ; an atheist. Venus represents a person fairly tall, complexion white with a tinge of darkness like a brunette, handsome, with lovely eyes ; if blue, would be dark blue, oftener dark, almost black; a round face and not large, fair hair, smooth, fine, and in plenty; a lovely mouth and red-lipped ; a rolling, wandering eye, a body lovely and well shaped ; one desirous of being neat both in clothes and body; a dimple in the cheeks, a steadfast eye, and full of amorous enticements. When Oriental, body inclines toDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 159 tallness or a kind of upright straightness in person, not cor- pulent or very tall, but neatly made up; a true Venus person; a pretty, complete, handsome man or woman. When Occi- dental, one of short stature, yet very decent and comely in shape or form, and well liked of all. Diseases of Venus : those of the matrix and organs of gener- ation, of the reins, belly, back, navel, and those parts. Gleet or gonorrhoea, whites, venereal disease, diseases arising from inordinate lust, priapism, impotency, hernia, diabetes. In savors she delights in that which is pleasant, usually in moist and sweet, or what is very delectable ; in all perfumes which are unctuous and aromatical and incite to wantonness. (For plants and herbs, see Culpepper.) She rules, however, espe- cially over those of sweet smell; the myrtle always green, the smooth-leaved and white-flowered. Lilies are her favorite, and also the water-lily. In trees she rules especially the apple. (For other trees and shrubs, see Culpepper.) Over beasts, the hart or deer, panther, small cattle as rabbits, the calf and kid; over such birds as the dove, turtle-dove, wagtail, sparrow, hen, nightingale, thrush, partridge, eagle, swan, swallow, blackbird. Of fishes, the most beautiful, the dolphin. Of places, gar- dens, fountains, bridal chambers, fair-lodgings, beds, hangings, dancing-schools, and wardrobes. Of stones, cornelian, sky- blue sapphire, white and red coral, margarite, alabaster, lapis lazuli, because it expels melancholy, the beryl and chrysolite. She governs the south wind, being hot and moist. In the tem- perament of the air she rules the languid zephyr. In summer she rules over serene or clear weather ; in winter, rain or snow. Her orb is 7 degrees before and after any aspect .of hers. Her greatest year is 151 ; her greater, 82 ; her mean, 45 ; her least, 8. In humanity she governs youth from 14 years to 28 years.160 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Of countries, she rules over Arabia, Austria, Campania, Vienna, Parthia, Media, Cyprus, and the sixth climate. Her angel is Azrael. She rules over her day, Friday, the first and eighth hours; over conception, the first month. Her friends are all the planets except Saturn. The Hebrew Shish, an abbreviation of Ask-isk, the star of birth, being, or existence, is equivalent to the num- ber 6. Venus rules the sixth day. Shish also is the hissing of the serpent or serpent woman, actually Venus. As the prin- cipal house of beauty of Venus is Taurus (tf), the Hebrew Ash-Taroth, the star of Taurus, or the tarot (Lj^), the principal sign or beginning of the tau cross is applicable to Venus, and is a grand point of the cherubim, meaning a ser- pent, the tempter, or Venus, the serpent woman. The moon is exalted in Taurus, and this signifies the jealousy of Sara, Abram’s wife, at the beauty of his concubine, as explained else- where. The astronomical character for the planet Mercury is $ ; called Hermes, horned, or the winged messenger of the gods. He rules over the thought and intellect or reasoning faculty or powers, the mind or soul, and directly over the brain where these are situated, as aptly stated by the Teacher. After cast- ing out the evil spirits, or after magnetically curing the insane, he saith, “What will a man give in exchange for his soul ?” (namely, his reason, or unafflicted brain power). Mercury is he that the ancients called Bhudd, the Messia (or messenger), also A Rab, or Rabbi, a wandering teacher. He loves much solitude and desert places and often to be alone. The Ara- bians are well versed in astrological lore, and in the highest order of mathematics, and from them much learning has ema- nated ; and as they were nomadic and taught as they constantlyDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS l6l moved from desert to oasis, ever changeful, they were called and still retain the name of Arabs. As they were an offshoot of the great eastern astrological teacher and also descended from Abram, and as they were constantly at war and pillaging, they are designated as coming by their knowledge unlawfully. Venus rules over the sacred day of the Arabians, which is Fri- day. She is called A1 Huzza, now vulgarized into the English language as a hussy, or lewd woman, or an unlawful wife. Abram is described as driving his concubine into the desert and deserting her and her son; but the Lord prophesies that Ishmael shall become “ a nation, countless as the sands of the sea in multitude.” As Mercury seldom gets far from the sun and is never seen except at twilight or at early daybreak, he is truly “ dwelling ,in the bosom of the father.” The aspects of this planet are very important, and the judgment formed over a nativity from the aspects of Mercury with other planets shows conclusively whether the person is morally good or morally evil. Thus he sitteth on the right hand of the father, and shall act as a judge, and show in regard to a person in question whether he or she shall be saved or accursed. The planet is changeable in nature. If aspect is well of other planets, he is good; if evilly aspected and especially of evil planets, he is evil. He rules over astrologians, inventors, teachers, students, book-keepers and booksellers, secretaries, letter-writers, type-writers, book printers, and publishing of books, travelling salesmen and sales- women, all manner of subtle art depending on much thought; over stocks when issued in certificates, deeds, bonds, all man- ner of writing, oratory, and measurements; over architects, actors, declaimers, and literature, diviners and astronomers ; patents applied for and issued ; pension papers, all matters of162 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT libera, science, merchants and all mercantile affairs, messen- gers travelling, and all such persons as do or deal in the above- mentioned matters, and over the will power, memory, speech, and reasoning faculties. When ill aspected, he represents frauds, cheating, and petty thievery, swindling, falsity, false accounts, embezzlements, breaches of trust, cheatery, and trouble of all kinds by the before-mentioned. He rules over mines of quicksilver and cinnabar; and for cinnabar there should be an aspect of 5 and $ at the same time. His color is the soft pearl or dove color, or the pale azure blue, the lilac. Mercury denotes a very active person, one never idle (often even busy about matters of no importance), always studious, rather fond of being alone, delighting in the seashore and beaches, and to view in boundless deserts; of a retiring disposition and bashful. His strength lies in n and His mean motion is 59 minutes 8 seconds, but he is so swift that sometimes he moves 1 degree and 40 minutes in a day; so that you need not marvel if you find him moving 66, 68, 70, 80, 86, or 100 minutes per day. He is stationary one day, and retrogrades twenty-four days. His greatest south latitude is 3 degrees 35 minutes ; his greatest north latitude is 3 de- grees 33 minutes. His dignities and debilities find in the Table of Dignities of the Planets. He rules the airy tripli- city by night; viz., n, =£=, His faces and terms are found in the Table of Dignities. We may call him either masculine or feminine, for he is either one or other as he is joined to any other planet, for if in conjunction with a masculine planet he becomes masculine; if with a feminine, then he is feminine. But his own nature is cold and dry, and therefore melancholy. With the good he is good, with the evil he is evil. In the ele- ments the water is ruled by him ; and amongst humors heDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 163 rules the mixed. He rules the animal spirit. He is the author of subtlety, tricks, perjury, and devices. When well dignified he represents a man of subtile and good brain, intellectual and cogitative; an excellent disputant or logician, arguing with learning and discretion, using much eloquence in his speech ; one who searches into all kinds of occult mysteries and learn- * ing; sharp and witty, learning almost anything without a teacher; ambitious of being exquisite in every science; natu- rally desirous of travelling and seeing foreign countries ; a per- son of unwearied fancy, curious in the search of any occult knowledge, able by his own genius to produce wonders ; given to divination and the more secret knowledge. If the person turns merchant, no one excels him in any trade or invention of new ways whereby to obtain wealth. But if ill placed or ill dignified, then he is a troublesome wit, a kind of phrenetic man, his tongue and pen against every one, wholly bent to fool away time, estate, and money in trying experiments and nice conclusions to no purpose ; a liar, boaster, prattler, busy-body, false; a tell-tale; experimenting in evil arts and all ungodly knowledge; credulous, a very ass, neither constant in place nor opinion ; cheating, deceiving and thieving everywhere ; a news- monger, pretender, no true learning about him ; a trifler and fanatic. If he be a divine, then he is a mere boastful talker, frothy, of no judgment, easily perverted, constant in nothing but idle words and boasting. Commonly he denotes one of a high, straight stature, straight thin body, and spare, a high forehead, a somewhat narrow, long face, long nose, fair eyes, neither perfectly black nor gray (hazel), thin lips and nose ; little hair on the chin, but much on the head, and it a sad brown inclining to blackness (as for myself I find the n man, or Mercury in n, to have sandy or light164 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT brown colored hair; these things depend much upon the race of persons) ; long arms, fingers, and hands ; complexion olive or chestnut color; yet among the Saxons he would be pale, in fact, a perfect blonde. You must observe Mercury more than any otherplanet; for having any aspect to a planet, he partakes of .that planet more than any other does. If with h , more heavy ; with 11, more temperate ; with $, more rash and fiery ; with O, more genteel; with 9, more jesting; with moon, more mutable, changeable, and shifting about. When he is oriental, the complexion honey color, or like one sunburned. In the stature of body, not very tall, but well jointed ; eyes small; not much hair; in regard to height of body well composed, but still some defect in the complexion; viz., swarthy brown, and as for tongue, all for his own ends. When occidental, a tawny visage, lank body, small, slender limbs, hollow eyes, and sparkling red or fiery, the whole body inclining to dryness. The' sicknesses incident to Mercury are all vertigines, lethar- gies, or giddiness of the head, madness, or light or diseased brain, phthisic, all stammering and affections of speech, vain and fond imaginations, all defects of the memory, hoarseness, dry coughs, too much spittle, stuffing and snuffling in the head and nose, hand and foot gout, dumbness, tongue-tied, all evils of fancy or intellect, hallucinations, etc. For colors $ likes mixed and new colors, the gray mixed with sky color such as that of the stockdove, linsey woolsey colors, consisting of many colors mixed in one. Of savors he likes a hodgepodge of all things mixed together, so that none can give it a true name. (For his herbs and trees, see Culpepper.) Of beasts his are the hyena, ape, fox, squirrel, weasel, spider, greyhound, opossum, crane, and serpent. Of birds, the linnet, parrot, macaw, swallow, and dove. Insects, the beetle, ants, locusts,DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 165 bees. Of fish, the fork-fish and the mullet. Places, tradesmen’s shops, markets, restaurants, fairs, common halls, bowling-alleys, dining-rooms, tennis courts. Of minerals, quicksilver. Of precious stones, the millstone, firestone, agate, topaz, vitriol, all stones of divers or mixed colors. He delights in windy, stormy, and violent, boisterous weather, and stirs up the wind which that planet signifies to which he applies, — sometimes rain, sometimes hail, lightning, thunder, and tempests ; in hot countries, earthquakes ; all these to be observed from the signs and season of the year, to form your judgment. His orb is 7 degrees before and after any aspect. His greatest year is 450; his greater, 76; his mean, 48 ; his little, 20; his least, 10. In conceptions he governs the sixth month. His angel is named Raphael. He governs Wednesday, the first hour of sunrise and the eighth. His friends are 9, h ; his enemies all the other planets. The directionary movements are all explained for each planet in my table of the Wisdom of Isis, or the movement in the Moon’s Node or Serpent. The cardinal number 4, or Arabo, from light, and jfyj, rab'o, busied, employed, active, relates especially to Mercury as ruler of the fourth day or day of Mercury, Mecredi, Wodensday or Wednesday. This is the famous Buddha of the Indian religion, who, according to the sixth hieroglyphic of Upham’s work on Buddhism, is represented as being born of a virgin from the celestial sign ^ (Virgo or Virgin), where Mercury has his exaltation in the fifteenth de- gree. Buddha is but one of the versions of sixteen virgin- born saviours, or Sons of God, who dwell in the bosom of the Father, z>., the nearest planet to the sun ; the same priestly deception having existed from earliest Ayran to modern times. The character for the moon is D, a crescent or arc, called166 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT by those of ancient times Isis or Esses, Luna, Eleusis, or Heavenly Mother, the arc or Argo or ark, the Virgin Mother, or Virgin Mere, or Mary. She rules over the seas and tides, and the clear and virgin pure water. Her aspects rule over all moist and liquid matters, over the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, bathing-places, clear water of any description, over all libations or pouring of liquids, and the pure and limpid brooks and springs ; over navi- gation by water, seas, canals, journeys in the same manner ; over queens, empresses, women, and mothers ; the mistress of the house, and all women who occupy positions of authority at any place. She rules over the ebb and flow of tides, the never- ceasing, restless ocean ; over all changes and removals, changes in family matters, especially to the mother ; over the change of life in women; over wanderers, vagabonds, and tramps, the common people ; over the faint-hearted, termed “ cry-babies ; ” over change and fickleness ; over mirrors and looking-glasses, oils and clear liquids, crystal streams and springs, ponds, lakes, seas, and oceans. She rules over mines of silver. Her strength lies in the watery sign 93, the dweller by the sea- shore. She is the significator of unrest, change, and desire to journey ; of steam. Where other aspects coincide, where ill dignified, she makes those over whom she rules to be sottish and lewd. The moon moves more rapidly than any other planet, and goes from house to house, gathering news and re- vealing all things ; for most important of all is she, “for great is Diana.” As she often produced blindness, she was also called Artemis, or the Blind Artemis. Her mean motion is 13 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds, but she moves sometimes less and sometimes more, never exceed- ing 15 degrees in 24 hours. Her greatest north latitude isDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 167 5 degrees 17 minutes; her greatest south latitude, 5 degrees 12 minutes, or thereabout. She is never retrograde, but always direct; but when she is slow in motion and going in 24 hours less than 13 degrees or 32 1-2 miles per hour, she has debilities equal to a retrograde planet. She governs the earthly triplicity, at night, viz., tf, 1%, kS. Her dignities and debilities are to be found in the Table of Dignities and Debilities. She is feminine, nocturnal, cold, moist, and phlegmatic. When well dignified she represents one of composed manners, a soft, tender creature, a lover of all honest and ingenious science, a searcher for novelties and one who takes delight therein, one who naturally’ likes to change habitation and to change about; and if the moon be lady of second house or sign 25 thereon, one who changes business constantly or finds many ways to make money, but not steadfast; one who cares wholly for the present time ; timorous, prodigal, easily frightened, peace-loving, and desiring to live free from the cares of this life. If a mechanic, the man follows many occupations, and frequently tampers with many ways to trade. When ill dignified, she represents a mere vagabond, idle, a drunkard and a sot, one of no spirit or fore- cast, delighting to live beggarly or carelessly, one content in no condition in life, either good or ill. She generally represents a person of fair stature, light-colored, round face, gray eyes and a little lowering, much hair on face and other parts, usually one eye a little larger than the other, short hands and fleshy, the whole body inclining to plumpness or corpulency, and to be phlegmatic. If any impediment to the moon in a question or nativity, she usually signifies some blemish in or drooping of an eye, or near one; a blemish near the eye if she be in suc- ceeded houses, but if unfortunate in an angle and with nebu- lous stars, then it will be in the sight.168 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Among others she rules over travellers, pilgrims, sailors, fishmongers and fishermen, brewers, tapsters, letter-carriers, coachmen, huntsmen, messengers, drunkards, oyster-men, char- women, scrub-women, hawkers in the street, midwives, nurses, water-men, water-bearers, and milk-dealers. The sicknesses of the moon are apoplexies, palsy, colic, bellyache, all diseases in the left side, testes, bladder, and organs of generation, the menstruals and liver in women, drop- sies, fluxes or loose bowels, all cold, rheumatic troubles, cold stomach, gout in wrists and feet, sciatica, worms in children or grown persons, rheums and hurts in the eyes (i.e., the left of a man and right of a woman), surfeits, rotten coughs, convul- sions, epilepsy, king’s-evil, apostemes, small-pox, and measles. Of colors, she rules the white or pale yellowish white, pale green, or a little of the silver color. Of savors, the fresh without any flavor, such as in herbs before they are ripe, or such as moisten the brain. Those herbs which are subject to the moon have thick, juicy leaves, of a waterish or slightly sweetish taste, love to grow in watery places, and grow quickly into a juicy magnitude. They are the colewort or cauliflower, cabbage, melon, gourd, pumpkin, squash, onion, mandrake, mushroom, endive or artichoke, purslane, and the like. Of beasts it rules over those which live in the water, as the tapir, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus ; of reptiles, frogs ; of other things, the otter, snail, the cunny, all sea fowl, cuckoo, geese, ducks, and night owls ; and of fish, the oyster and cockle, all shell-fish, the crab, lobster, craw-fish, shrimp, tor- toise, and eel. In places, over fields, fountains, harbors or havens for vessels, highways and desert places, port towns, rivers, fish ponds, standing pools, boggy places, common shores, little brooks, springs, docks. Of stones, she rules sele-DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS 169 nite, all soft stones and crystals of all kinds, glassware, etc. Of wind she delights in the north, and usually when she is the strongest planet in the scheme, viz., in any lunation, dr month from one- new moon to another, she stirs up wind according to the nature of the planet she next applies to. Of weather, when she is with k, cold air; with 2/, serene; with $, red clouds and heat; with the ©, according to the season, but generally fair ; with 9 and $ , showers and wind. Her orb is 12 degrees before and after any aspect. Her greatest year is 320; greater, 108; mean, 66; least, 25. In conception she rules the seventh month. Of countries she rules Holland, Zealand, Denmark, Noremburg, Flanders, and the islands of the ocean. Her angel or angle is Gabriel. As the moon is conducive to dreams, clairvoyancy, and the like, so the angle or angel Gabriel appeared to Joseph in a dream at the annunciation. Her day is Monday or Moons day, from the first hour of sunrise and the eighth after. Her enemy is k and also $. The moon is always cosignificator of the querent in any horary question ; the Hebrew Skenim, or twq, or Ash-Nem from five, and DJ. nem, slumber, or the star of slumber or sleep of which the moon is ruler, she ruling by night, and is also ruler of day number 2, or second day of the week, Moons- or Mon-day. She was in the oracle of Themis, the goddess of the oracle, or Ar-temis, or Bartemis, signifying moon blind, clairvoyant, one who sees in sleep. Much more could be written of the planets, since from the Aryans to the present time they have represented all the won- derful powers of nature under different names, and have never failed to perform the same things for ages upon ages past, and will so continue in ages yet to come.170 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 52, the head of the dragon, is masculine, of the nature of % and $, and in itself a fortune. The ?5, tail of the dragon, is feminine, and evil in nature. When 52 is joined with an evil planet it lessens the evil, and when joined with a good one it increases good. The ?5> the tail of the dragon, joined to evil planets increases the evil, and if evil is intended thereby it is greatly augmented. If it chance to be in conjunction with any of the fortunes who are significators, though the matter by the principal significator is fairly promised and likely of perfection, it indicates controversy, backbiting, slander, and difficulties and wrangling, so much so that often the business is given up before a perfect conclusion is had; and unless the principal significators are angular and well dignified or fortified, the whole matter may unexpectedly come to nothing. I advise every student in practice to take good note of this, and at once to put away from them the idea that the ancient people used guess-work in any matter; for after study and practice they will find the moon’s nodes, or 52 and of vast importance. OF © OR PART OF FORTUNE. This represents, at the moment of any horary question, as well as in a nativity, the article, trade, profession, person, or place in which the querent’s fortune is located, by the sign in which it is, and how aspected; the planet in good aspect show- ing the person most beneficial, those in evil the most inimical. The sign will invariably locate; and to exclude 52, tS, and © is in horary questions and nativities to let the astrologer in darkness and to judge often incorrectly. This is the great secret of the pentacle, or five-pointed star; for the part of for- tune advances exactly 72 degrees per year; if you calculateDESCRIPTION OF THE PLANETS I/I your sun and moon by the serpent wisdom, it will prove at once. Therefore, every five years 0 returns to its own radical sign, degree, and minute. The character is far older than Ptolemy, and is Chaldean. I have no answer to those who ignore these three characters other than to “prove all things” and reject nothing on supposition. After trial, if they are not convinced, then they can draw their own conclusions, not before. But they cannot help being convinced, any more than the master of a ship, who has measured the distance between the sun and moon, and their altitudes from the place or latitude and longi- tude he is in at the moment, viz., his ascendant, is that the correct result gives him the true distance from the prime me- ridian. Another thing I wish to impress upon my readers: always cast a figure for the moment of time you receive your visitor or inquirer for a nativity, and if by letter, the moment of receipt of the letter; and you will then be able to judge of his business, his health, affliction, and what he came to inquire after, without asking any questions, whereby he will be com- pletely mystified, and either place you as a necromancer or put you down as helped by other than scientific means, not by the law of the Lord, which makes wise even the most simple. Farther along I have written on this subject particularly.172 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER XIV. TWELVE HOUSES OR MANSIONS DESCRIBED. — THE SIGNIFICA- TION, NATURE, QUALITY, AND DESCRIPTION OF THE TWELVE HOUSES The first house has signification of the life of a person—the stature, complexion, and the shape of the querent or native; because when the ©, or any star, comes to that point, they arise and become visible in our horizon or hemisphere. If Mars (<£) be in this house in a nativity or horary question, it gives one time or another a wound or scar in the face. If ^ or S be there it gives a very coarse countenance and slovenly behavior. In eclipses and great conjunctions, and upon the ©’s ingress into T, this house signifies the common people, or general state of that kingdom where the figure is erected. Of colors, it has the white; that is, if a planet be in this house which has signification of white, the complexion of the person will be pale, white, and wan; his apparel also will in- cline to a white, gray, or very light color. So for cattle, when their significators are found in this house, it denotes them to be of that color or near it. It is the fourth from the tenth. T here signifies the death of the mother, or the end or termination of things she may undertake. The second house signifies the wealth, poverty, movable goods, personal property, and money of the native or querent; loss or gain by commodities or money lent, profit, gain, loss, or damage in lawsuits. It signifies the assistance by friends. InDESCRIPTION OF THE TWELVE HOUSES 173 eclipses and mundane revolutions or sun's ingresses it shows the ammunition of allies and support of the kingdom or country. It signifies the pleasures of the mother, being the fifth from the tenth; the friends of the father, being the eleventh from the fourth; the enemies of brethren, being the twelfth from the third. Of colors it denotes green. Jupiter and Venus rejoice in this house, either in a question or nativity, and if these planets be strong therein, it makes a person rich and fortunate. But $ (Mars) weak in this house and the t3 there, makes him a beggar, or at least one who wastes an estate, though it were never so considerable, by riotous living. The lord of the sign ruling the cusp is one to be very atten- tively regarded in questions. The third house gives judgment concerning brethren, sis- ters, cousins, or kindred, neighbors, small or inland journeys of the querent or native; also about letters, rumors, news, reports, and messengers, and ever and anon removing from place to place. It signifies the enemies of the father, being * the twelfth from the fourth; the sickness of the mother, being the sixth from the tenth. It signifies the post-offices of a nation. Of colors it has red, yellow, and sorrel, a mixed color. The planet $ (Mars) is not so unfortunate in this house as some think, unless he be joined to k by conjunctions or aspect. This is a cadent house and the joy of the moon ; for if she be posited therein, especially in a movable sign, it is an argument of much travel, and that to advantage, if she be there strong and beholden by Jupiter or Venus. But if moon is afflicted here, without reception, the person will be always trudging about to little purpose; and if t3 happen to be there, he will be cheated, if not robbed and abused, in his travel. It is a masculine house.174 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT The fourth house signifies the father, the end of all matters, the grave, old people in general, lands, houses, tenements, real estate, inheritances, tilling the earth, hidden treasure, mines, the end and conclusion of any matter or undertak- ing ; the state and condition of towns, cities, castles, forts besieged or not besieged, all ancient dwellings, gardens, or- chards, fields, and pastures, the quality and nature of the ground the querent is about to purchase, whether it be vineyard, corn- field, parks, moor or marsh, barren or woody. The lord thereof denotes the father, the governor or commanding officer, owner of houses or commander of army besieged in any town, castle, or fort. It is the north angle ; is a feminine house. Its color, red or yellow, or rather a dirt color. If the sun and Venus in this house are in good aspect to the lord of the as- cendant or second house, the native will have an estate fall to him by means of his father, especially if the lord of the eighth house behold either of them with a good aspect. It signifies the husband of the mother, being the seventh from the tenth; * the money or wealth of the brethren. By the fifth house we give judgment concerning the children of the native or querent; ambassadors ; of the state of a woman with child, whether it will be a male or a female, as also of banquets, plays, gaming, dancing, music, all-sorts of pleasures, delight, and merriment, of the health and sickness of querent’s son or daughter; of- ale-houses, taverns, messengers, agents of merchants and of trading by sea. It being the second from the fourth, it denotes the wealth of the father, the ammunition of a town or castle or city besieged. Its color is black, dark, or honey color; SI and ? joy in this house, because 2^ is the fifth planet and SI the fifth sign in rotation in the zodiac. It is very unfortunate when b is posited in this house. It is the house ofDESCRIPTION OF THE TWELVE HOUSES 175 speculation and stock gambling. £ or \ in a nativity in this house gives stubborn, rebellious, and disobedient children, ty in evil aspect to luminaries and posited herein produces miscar- riages, abortions, and children idiotic, trance, or with incurable diseases. The sixth house relates to all men- or maid-servants, day la- borers, galley slaves ; all small cattle, as hogs, sheep, deer, goats, hares, rabbits, all loss or gain from such; delays and detentions of all kinds ; of the sickness of the native or querent, whether it is curable or not, whether long or short; likewise to farmers and tenants; and being the third from the fourth house denotes uncles and aunts by the father’s side. It is a cadent house, hav- ing no aspect to the ascendant, and therefore is called malfortuna or the house of evil fortune. Yet if 2/, 9, Q (dragon’s head), or 5 be well aspected in this house, and $ behold $ with avfriendly ray, it makes the native or querent an able physician (because this is essentially the house of sickness) if he or she undertake that employment; and in this case if the moon rule over the fifth house or the tenth house and be well aspected of those planets, or the cusp of the sixth, and the querent be a female, she would then make a very successful nurse and doctress. Of colors it denotes black. $ rejoices here. The chief cosig- nificators are and $. From the seventh house obtain judgment requiring mar- riage of the native or querent. It describes the person in- quired after; whether male or female; all sorts of love questions; reasons, etc., of public enemies; all persons with whom the querent is dealing in business, etc. ; with partners ; in quarrels, lawsuits, duels; if in astrology, the artist himself.' It being the fourth house from the fourth, it signifies the father’s father, and from it give judgment of thieves and theft of176 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT persons stealing, whether man or woman, wives or sweet- hearts, neighbors, etc., their shapes, descriptions, and con- ditions, whether nobly or ignobly born. In all annual ingresses of the sun it may be known whether war or peace, and who shall overcome, also of fugitives or runaways, all outlawed men. $ in this house denotes divorces, partings, infidelities, and cruelties in marriage, or $ or D ill placed or badly aspected in this house shows unfortunate marriages ; 9 or 2/, excellent wives or husbands as the querent may be male or female in the question or nativity. Color, dark or blackish, or blue-black. It is the west angle, and is masculine. The eighth house signifies death, sadness, and sometimes riches never thought of; wills, deeds, and querent’s wife; estate of the debtor or querent’s wife ; the partner, or one whom the querent deals with; something little, easy to be got at or with difficulty. In duels it denotes adversaries’ seconds ; in lawsuits, the defendant’s friends ; what kind of death a native or querent may die. It signifies fear and anguish of mind; also the heir to the querent. Of colors, green and black. It rules the privy parts. Of diseases, piles, stone strangury, poisons, etc. It is a succeedant house, and feminine. Being the sixth from the third, it denotes the illnesses and sicknesses of the brothers or sisters and neighbors. It is the house of speculation and pleasures of the father, being the fifth from the fourth; in speculations the end of a matter, being the fourth from the fifth house. The ninth house signifies religion, learning, books, arts, sciences, dreams, visions, trades, inventions, and advocates. It gives judgment of long journeys or voyages by sea or land ; clergymen in general, as bishops and inferior ministers ; news and letters from foreign parts; the kindred or brethren of theDESCRIPTION OF THE TWELVE HOUSES 177 wife or husband or sweetheart or lover, it being the third from the seventh; it is the house of sickness of the father, being the sixth from the fourth ; the children of children, being the fifth from the fifth ; the termination of affairs of the uncles and aunts paternal, being the fourth from the fifth. Of colors it has the green and the white. Of man’s body, it rules the funda- ment, hips, and thighs. If Jupiter, or be herein well placed, the person is devout, reverential, without bigotry, and ascrib- ing to God the Father the attributes of love and mercy, , or Saturn, herein he or she is a believer in hell fire and torments, a bigot, or a believer in Catholicism and that God is an aven- ging triune power. The tenth house is the mid-heaven; it gives judgment over kings, princes, dukes, earls, judges, commanders-in-chief, in armies, and in towns all sorts of officers in authority, presidents, governors ; of the mother of the native or querent; of honors, preferment, dignity, and office ; of the profession or trade that any one follows, giving the wealth or moneyed prospect therein. It signifies countries, kingdoms, states, empires, dukedoms. It is the termination of affairs of the wife, lover, sweetheart, or hus- band, being the fourth from the seventh, the wife of the father. Colors are red and white. It rules the knees and hams. Configurators of this house are Vj and $. It is feminine. % and O well placed in this house give great honor to the native or querent, but h , or f usually deny honor to persons of upper class, and to the lower very little success in their calling or employment. In a nativity h in his house denotes that one shall get highly advanced and then plunged headlong into destruction and misery. From the eleventh house we receive judgment concerning friendship and friends, their qualities and conditions; of thei78 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT native’s or querent’s hopes ; of the harbor or relief of voyagers, the assistance of princes and kings, the aid of presidents, governors, and of those holding authority; of parliaments and congresses; of the exchequer and allies, ammunition and soldiers of the country, empire, kingdom, or state; in a city the board of aldermen and common council; — the chil- dren of a wife, lover, sweetheart, or husband other than the native’s or querent’s, as it is the fifth from the seventh. It shows the termination or end of a legacy or will, being fourth from the eighth. Of members it rules the legs to the ankles. Of colors, the saffron or yellow. and the © are consignifications of this house. 2/ in this house gives good and faithful friends; k , treacherous, deceitful, and crafty ; $, cruel and quarrelsome; $, cranky, uncertain, and strangely acting. It is a succeedant house, masculine, and equivalent in strength to the fourth or seventh angles. # in the eleventh house, in any one’s nativity, will completely upset them by false friends at forty-two years of age. The twelfth house gives judgment over private enemies, per- sons magnetized or under will power of another, mesmerized, once called bewitched or evil-eyed ; calumnious reports, sorrow, tribulations, prisons, and imprisonment, jails, jailers, treasons, all manner of villany, prisoners, chronic diseases, or occult, or diseases mostly of $; over great cattle, as horses, oxen, ele- phants, etc.; over all torments and afflictions. It is the house of self-undoing; and if the lord of the ascendant be afflicted in this house, it denotes the querent will be the cause of his own misfortunes and danger of imprisonment. Its consignifi- cators are X and ? . k revels in this house, as he is naturally the author of all mischief. It rules in man’s body over the feet. Of colors it denotes green. It rules the sicknesses ofDESCRIPTION OF THE TWELVE HOUSES 179 the wife, lover, sweetheart, or husband, being the sixth from the seventh; the uncles and aunts on the mother’s side, third from tenth; termination of business, fourth from ninth. “ First house shows life; the second wealth doth give; The third, brethren ; fourth, how parents live ; Children the fifth, the sixth diseases bring; The seventh, wedlock, and the eighth, death’s sting; The ninth declares man’s pious faith and zeal; The tenth, the glory of a common weal; Our friendship from the eleventh house is known, And sorrow from the twelfth to every one.” Commit this to memory.i8o ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER XV OF THE SIGNS AND MEANINGS OR INTERPRETATIONS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS Each of the signs of the zodiac is in itself a volume of infor- mation ; and to become, expert in their significations is to be- come an expert astrologer. They give signification of countries and localities, of height and measurement, of speech and lan- guage, of occupation and profession, of the description of places, and the strength and weakness of the planets as they may be posited in the different signs. The signs are twelve in number, answering to the twelve divisions of the zodiac. Each sign contains thirty degrees. The signs number from one to twelve, in numerical succession. Commencing at the first point of right ascension of the sun, viz., o° c/ of Aries, or T, and continuing to 30° of this sign we reach Taurus, the bull (or Bel, or Baal). This is called the first sign, n (Gemini, or the Twins) is the second; then the third is 55 (Cancer, or the Crab) ; the fourth js SI (Leo, or the Lion); the fifth is ng (Virgo, or the Sealed Virgin), the original sign being thus made, Then the sixth sign is =2= (Libra, the Scales, or Equal Measure) ; the seventh sign is t»i (Scorpio, or the Serpent); the eighth is t (Sagittarius, the Archer, or Centaur); the ninth is V? (Capricorn, or the Goat) ; the tenth (Aquarius, the Water-bearer); the eleventh }£ (Pisces, the Fishes) ; and we have made the circuit and return to the o, or twelfth sign of T, the ram, or lamb. Now, as each of theseSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS l8l signs rules over different divisions of the universe, over differ- ent countries and peoples, over different directions, and as every planet is alike geologically, and like the great eternal, central orb that made them, he who alone rules the heavens and all the host of them; as every planet is endowed with immense magnetic powers, and in its return sheds its magnet- ism on the other planets, large affecting smaller, and they all in turn everything upon them or within their magnetism, and imparting to those beings and things upon them certain mag- netic qualities by induction; and as these planets are stronger in some parts or signs than in others, — it is of great wisdom to know such signs and parts and places. Man being a uni- verse in himself, and capable of great magnetic powers by which to attract or repel others, he also is ruled by these signs in twelve divisions of his body, corresponding to the twelve divisions of the zodiac, as per the annexed drawing, which I shall carefully explain, and which you must commit to memory. T, head ; b, neck ; n, arms and hands ; 25, the breasts and lungs ; SI, the breast (lower part), the back and heart, liver, spleen; the stomach and intestines ; =**=, the bladder, womb, navel, and abdomen ; the secrets, fundament, and scrotum; t y thighs and buttocks ; Ttf, knees and all joints and ears ; the legs from knees to ankles ; X, feet, heels, and toes. Aries (T), or the ram, or lamb, where the sun (©) com- mences the R A, or right ascension, is the beginning and the end of the years as formerly reckoned. The sun appears in this point about the 22d of March yearly, at which time the sun passes over the line, or equinox, or equator, or watery di- vision, emerging from winter into spring, and is represented as springing up from the water and bringing new life to the earth. It is the gate of gold, or Or, is a due east sign, and the knowl-182 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT edge came from where the light which dispels the darkness came from the Or-i-ent, represented by Ab-ram, viz., Ab, original (or—first man) R. A. M. —or the original first right ascension of meridian, or man from the east, who spoke a language which all knew in the lands through which he travelled till he got into Egypt ; viz., the sun language—the language of signs : — is sanguine, hot, and moist. Aries is a fiery sign, vernal, or the first of the spring quarter. It is a masculine, diurnal, and hot sign. It is boreal, septentrional, or northern,, because it declines from the equinoctial northward. It is a movable and cardinal sign, or equinoctial sign. It is a luxurious, intemperate, and violent sign. The diseases incident to this sign are all pushes, whelks, pim- ples in the face, small-pox, harelips, polypus, ringworms, falling sickness or epilepsy, apoplexies, megrims, toothache, headache, baldness, and any trouble in the head. It is significant of hills where sheep and small cattle are fed or kept; of barren hills or sandy grounds, unfrequented places, place of refuge for thieves. In houses it denotes the covering of ceilings or plastering ; a pen where small beasts are kept. Of lands it signifies those newly taken in or newly ploughed up ; and being fiery it denotes a place where bricks or lime are burned. In trades and professions it denotes lawyers, engi- neers of locomotives, dentists, and dealers in chemicals, etc., and those trades or professions wherein much headwork is required. The sign T on the ascendant or describing any person, with- out any planet being posited in the house, denotes one of medium stature, lean or spare, but of strong bones and limbs, of a long visage, generally black eyebrows, a long neck and thick shoulders, with a dusky brown or swarthy color. The color of the sign is white mixed with red. The nameSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 183 for it as one of the sons of Jacob or Israel, is Reuben. For Jacob says in Gen. xlix. 3, 4 : “ Reuben, thou art my firstborn/' etc., and plainly describes the lasciviousness of the goat. It is a bestial or quadrupedal sign, and signifies that the person born under such sign has something of the animal nature of the goat. The character of this sign is rash, hardy, resolved, las- civious, and combative. In the New Testament this sign answers to Mark, from being the favorite house of Mars; and he was originally represented by the Roman Catholics as a cock, from his boastful and combative qualities, and also be- cause of his springing up, denoting the springtime. The name of the angle (or angel) of Aries is Malchidial. Of the twelve prophets it represented Malachi; of months, March ; of stones, Sardonius ; of man, the head. The sign is made from the eyebrows and nose, thus, T. Of the twelve apostles it represents Matthias; of plants, sang. It is the diurnal house of $ (Mars). The sun is exalted in nineteen degrees of this sign of the lamb, even as saith the Gospel: “ I have exalted thee, O Father/' It is the day triplicity of the sun, and the night tri- plicity of Jupiter. The first six degrees of this sign are the terms of Jupiter ; from six to fourteen inclusive, the terms of Venus; from fourteen to twenty-one inclusive, the terms of Mercury; from twenty-one to twenty-six inclusive, the terms of Mars ; and from twenty-six to thirty, the terms of Saturn. Its first face, or first ten degrees, is the face of Mars, and shows boldness, strength, magnanimity, unshamefacedness, resolute- ness, and confidence. The sun has the second face of T. It is the face of noble- ness, might, majesty, power, renown, authority. In this face is the sun's exaltation. Venus has the third face, or from twenty184 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT to thirty degrees, which is full of joy, merry, mild, effeminate, full of sport and play. Venus receives detriment in this sign, for it is a lustful sign. Saturn (Satan) falls in this sign, for is not the Lord of Hosts exalted ? It is antagonistic to Saturn, who is cold and forbid- ding. It is a commanding sign, of short or oblique ascension. It is fortunate, weak, and bitter. The reason why it was called a ram was first, from the initial letters of the Persian words, Right Ascension Meridian, thus, RAM; secondly, because when the sun is therein he approaches to his highest point, heat thereby being increased; yet being mixed with the hu- midity of the preceding winter, makes the temperature of the air hot and moist, which is according to the complexion of the ram; also because it exalts R A, the © god. The Mason has to be exalted to become a R. A. M. Christ is called a priest after the order of Melchisedec, or the sun on the first point of the -for °f, because the angle (angel) is called by the ancients Malchidael. . . . 8 (Taurus), the first sign commencing at 30° from T and extending 30°, signifying the neck of man, made from the whiskers or lower part of face to the extreme lower part of throat, thus, 8, as per the plate annexed, is an earthly, cold, dry, melancholy, domestic, feminine, fixed, nocturnal, bestial, southern sign of the earthly triplicity. It represents, when no planet is in the ascendant of the person to be described, one of strong, short, and well-set body, full face, broad forehead and eyes, a large mouth, thick lips, short black hair, dry and curling; short, big hand. It is the night house of Venus. The diseases of Taurus are king’s-evil, sore throats, diphtheria, quinsy, wens, fluxes or rheums falling into the throat, all sores and imposthumes in neck or throat, falling uvula, and larynx.SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS. 185 Its color is white mixed with citron. It represents barns or places where cows or oxen are kept; a harness or harness- shop, pastures, plain ground or feeding grounds, away from houses, canals, plain grounds where trees and bushes have recently been grubbed up, or such places as have been made level and plain, cornfields, and such as are far from houses. If of a house, then it signifies the cellar or lower ground floor room. It represents dealers in hides and leather ; of milliners, when representing trades or professions, music teachers, or some occupation of Venus. It also represents round things, such as ear-rings, rings, watches, insulators, casters, wheels, etc., canes and sticks, bonnets, hats, etc. The person whose lord is in this sign is stubborn and tenacious of opinion, and as tenacious as a bull. This sign rising in a female geniture and Venus well dignified, signifies one with a lovely neck, and, in fact, lovely persons, for it is the strong house of Venus, and therefore it is that in all venereal affections the throat as well as the secrets are affected. The throat also, or neck, enlarges in pregnancy, and gives token of such having taken place. Yet their accusers are seldom forgiven, and they retain the memory of an injury for a long time, and are very patient and forbearing. Taurus rules over Ireland, Russia, Polonia, Persia, Parthia, Rhetia. It rules over the cities of Bologna, Lena, Mantua, Tarentum, Sicily, Novgorod, Parma, Nantes, Leipzig. It is a vernal, sanguine, hot, and moist sign, septentrional, fixed bes- tial, and feminine. Venus joys in this sign. This is one of the four signs comprising the cherubim; it is the original Bull or Baal of the Assyrian religious rite, and was 2,160 years ago the first point of right ascension of the sun, equivalent to the point now occupied by cf. The Asiatic name for spirit, or beginning and end of life being Al, from whence all, Allah,186 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT al-one and alone, was then in the first degrees of this sign, tau, or the place of the cross, or where the ecliptic cut the equator at right angles, on the first day of spring of old time, called “The feast of the Passover/’ or where the sun crossed the line, thus, -)-• Now, this cross and the sign 8 on its solstitial points or magnetic pole became the sign of the life-giver, and was always used by the Pharaohs, or sons of the sun, as their emblem of power of life and death over their subjects, thus, $ ; and from being the sign in which Venus has her strongest dominion it also became her astrological character, thus, 2. Its angle (angel) is called Asmodeus, probably from Venus or Astarte. The first ten degrees or first face of is the face of Mercury (5), the face of ploughing, tilling, sowing, and building. The moon hath the second ten degrees or the second face of 8 (Taurus), which is a face of power,' dignity, and authority, depopulating towns and castles and restraining the people. The moon is exalted in three degrees of Taurus. It is the night house of Venus and its day triplicity, and the night triplicity of the moon. Saturn has the third face of 8 (Taurus), which is a face of misery, servitude, poverty, necessity, and cruelty. The first eight degrees are the terms of 2 ; from eight degrees to fifteen degrees, the terms of £ ; from fifteen degrees to twenty degrees, the terms of % ; from twenty-two degrees to twenty-six degrees, the terms of h ; and from twenty-six degrees to thirty degrees, the terms of $. This is a commanding sign of short ascension, unfortunate. Should this sign be in an east quarter of heaven at birth it would denote one lukewarm ; on the contrary, if in the west, cold. It is called Taurus, signifying a bull, because the sun being therein, the heat is more fixed and fortified, and theSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 187 moisture consumed or expelled ; the temperature of the air tending rather to dryness which resembles the nature of a bull. The conjunction of the Ba, the noise or utterance of the bull or calf, and Al, or God, the © (sun) in the sign 8, making Ba-al, or Al in tau, or God, the sun in the sign tau, or the calf or bull, is the same sign of the great beginning of all things, and the sign of the saviour erected by the Jews as the molten calf, being at that period the significator of deity. And as the sun was always the creator of the tau cross of Egypt, under the name of Al, El, Eli, Elohim, Allah, Elisha, or any of the varia- tions of Al or El, or was the al tau, so to this day the central and prime object in the church or Masonic Lodge is the altar, or place where the sun should first appear, or the Holy of holies, or the place of the burnt offering, or the first place of the eternal fire, or vitality of the universe, the first point of right ascen- sion, or R. A, or Osiris, or God the infinite. And so instead of the Egyptians and the ancients being worshippers of cattle and beasts, they represented on the contrary the most sublime truths to the initiated under this perfect language of signs, and elevated their thoughts from things earthly and mundane to things heavenly and spiritual, and brought to their enlightened intellects stupendous visions of the Ambient; and reckoning all longitude from the R. A, of that part of the ecliptic on which was situated their great temples, they become Suter se Ra, or sons of the sun in reality. — The character of the banner of this house of Israel is w- Jacob describes Issachar as a beast bearing down between two burdens (alluding to the ox, the bearer of burden of the Ancients). It commences about April 21 or 22. It alludes to Haggai as a prophet and Thaddeus as an apostle. Of stones it is represented by the cornelian ; of plants, by the upright vervain.188 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Next in order comes n, the Twins, the favorite house of Buddha, or Krishna, or the Christ or J- of the Aryans or ancient Hindoos. It is the house of oratory, talking, and of mercantile ventures ; and it is, as it signifies, an airy sign. The name of its angle (or angel) is Ambriel. Its prophet is Zechariah. The name of the apostle is Simon, and the son of Israel named by Jacob is Simeon (for Simeon and Levi are twins, cruel in their wrath). The character of the banner of this house is (XTl It commences about May 21 or 22. Its stone is the topaz; its plant is the bending vervain. It rules over the arms and hands of man. Its diseases are corruption of the blood, wind in the veins, all infirmities in the arms and shoulders, broken limbs or out of joint, aches, ringworms, and all diseases incident to limbs and brain-fevers. It signifies halls or dining-rooms, or where any diversion is used, wainscoted rooms, or alcove rooms, plastered walls of houses ; hills and mountains, barns and granaries, grain elevators, or where much grain or corn is kept, coffers, chests, and upper rooms, trunks, pillared buildings, oratory, lecturing, speechifying, colleges, wagon wheels, things made and sold in pairs, such as spokes of wheels, wheels, thimbles of iron or any metal so they be in pairs, rails for railroads, printers, teachers, dressmakers, meas- urers, architects. It rules over a part of Lombardy, Sardinia, Flanders, Brabant, Wittenberg, Hyrcania, Armenia, the north- east coast of Africa to Lower Egypt; Belgium, the west of England. Of towns and cities, it rules London, England, Washington (D.C.), Chicago, San Francisco, Turin, Versailles, Lorraine, Bruges, Bamberg, Mongolia, Wiirttemberg. This sign in the ascendant and no planet posited therein gives a tall and upright stature, straight and well-made body, complexion somewhat sanguine but not clear ; the arms gener-^ S^Ces*r*adS-SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 189 ally long, the hands and feet short and fleshy; a curious hazel eye, with dark or blackish hair; a strong, active body ; of a ready and good understanding ; a rapid walker, swinging the arms at the sides, the hand open and fingers slightly apart, rapid and quick of apprehension. If this sign be in a nativity, on or in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house, and Saturn be in the ascendant or first house in a violent sign in opposition to the lord of the eighth or twelfth, it denotes danger or death from a fall from a house, tree, or other high place ; but if the signi- ficators be fortunately placed, the querent gains by great battle, or by the death of friends, and by servants and legacies of the dead according to those houses, especially if $ be in n. Jupiter (2/) has the first face or io° of n ; complete in all things, and it is a face of writing, casting of accounts, giving and receiving of petitions and writings of no profit or utility. Mars hath the second face of Gemini (n), which is a face of labor, troubles, and study in what is painful, and in dishonest actions. The sun has the third face or third ten degrees. It is the face of forgetfulness, disdain, jeering, scoffing, and bold- ness. The first seven degrees are the terms of Mercury ( $ ); the next seven of Jupiter (2/) ; the next seven are for Venus (9); from twenty-one to twenty-five inclusive are for Mars (# ), and the last five are for Saturn (h ). Jupiter (%) receives detriment in this sign, and it is the fall of the ?S (dragon’s tail) ; the diurnal house of Mercury ( $ ) Q, (dragon’s head) is exalted in three degrees. It is the day triplicity of h (Saturn), and the night triplicity of $ (Mercury). Whenever you find n on the second house, or fifth house, or ninth house, you may rest assured the person’s business requires dexterity of hands or arms. The two large stars, Cas- tor and Pollux, were in the sign Gemini at the time when the190 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT constellations so far agreed with the signs whose name they bear that the beginning of Aries was at or near the commencement of the constellation, and the place of the sun at the vernal equinox, equal to 6,198 years from the now due east ; the sun and every fixed star moving through each sign of the zodiac in 2,154 years, making a revolution around the grand central sun in 25,848 years, the Babylonian or great father cycle. The next sign in succession is Cancer, represented as £5, and made from the right and left breasts in man; it means Cancer, or the Crab; said to originate from the sun’s motion, because when at the summer solstice about June 22, yearly, we have reached the longest day, and the sun, like a crab, begins to move backward to his southern declination. The angel, or angle, of is named Muriel, corresponding to the prophet Amos, to the apostle John, to the disciple Matthew or writer Matthew. It is one of the double heads of James of the Romans, the other being January. The herb or plant of this sign is comfrey ; the stone is chalcedony ; of the children of Israel, Asher. Venus has the first face of Cancer, which is a face of strength, understanding, wit, and power, desiring favor of all men. Mercury has the second face of Cancer, which is a face of sport, mirth, women, riches, fertility, and abundance. The moon has the third face of Cancer, which is a face of truanting, pursuing of runaways, gaining by strength and arms, and opposing of men. It is a feminine sign ; movable and tropi- cal. Ever remember this, that fiery and airy signs are always masculine, and that watery and earthy signs are feminine. Cancer is a northern sign, as it declines northward from the equator. It is a fruitful and mute sign, or slow of speech. It is a commanding sign of long or right ascension, and unfortu-SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 191 nate. In a figure for weather, when Cancer is in the east quar- ter, it signifies hot and dry, but in the west, cold or moist. It denotes one of a low and short stature, the upper parts larger than the lower ; sad, brown or dark hair, small gray- eyes, of a sickly, pale, white complexion, and round visage. Its color is green or russet. Its diseases are imperfections all over the body, the breast, stomach, and paps ; weak digestion, phthisic, rotten coughs, cancers in the breast, salt phlegm, imposthumes in the stomach, and dropsical humors. It represents the sea, great and large rivers, large lakes, places near rivers, marshy grounds, wells, springs, brooks, ditches, sea banks, all watery places, trenches, cisterns, wash- houses, and cellars ; ink, looking-glasses, mirrors, milk, glass- ware, all clear or crystal things. It is the house of the moon, or Mot, or Maya, or the mother, or mere, or mamere, mamma, or virgin mere, or pure and undefiled water, and therefore used in the worship as holy water, both in the ceremonies of Isis and those of the Catholic Church. The Sanscrit name for the sea is mer; Latin, mare. The Dutch word motter, mud or earth and sea, and English mother are identical. The first six degrees of 25 are the terms of $ (Mars); from six to thirteen are the terms of % (Jupiter); from thirteen to twenty, the terms of $ (Mercury); from twenty to twenty-seven, the terms of 2 (Venus) ; and from twenty-seven to thirty, the terms of Saturn. Saturn receives detriment in this sign ; Mars, his fall. It is the only house of the moon. Jupiter is exalted in fifteen degrees of this sign. It is the day and night triplicity of Mars. It rules over the breast and stomach of man. The next sign is SI (Leo), which the sun enters near July 21 or 22 yearly. It is made from the cavity made by the bones of the breast of man, thus, SI, and rules over the back and sides of man.192 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Leo on the ascendant or cusp of first house, or the prevailing sign in the ascendant, denotes one of a full and large body in the beginning of the sign ; the latter part gives one more spare and lean, with black or dark hair. The first part gives flaxen or yellowish or golden hair, with big or full eye, a fierce coun- tenance or very sprightly look, quick-sighted, valiant and active in body ; of an oval visage, ruddy or sanguine complexion, yet somewhat mixed. Its ills or infirmities are those of the back, ribs, and sides ; convulsions; all passions and trembling of the heart; violent and burning fever, yellow jaundice, sunstroke, heat exhaustion, the plague or pestilence, sore or inflamed eyes, yellow and vio- lent fevers proceeding from heat. The name of its angle, or angel, is Verchiel. Its color is red blending to green. It represents high, round-topped hills, all places inhabited by wild beasts, as deserts, fens, forests, and rocky cliffs, hard, stony, and gravelly ways or hills, castles, forts, kings’ palaces, all chimneys, stoves, furnaces, ovens, and such like; such business as is fiery, as cigars, crucibles,- and forges, cupolas for smelting, founderies, according to the aspect of the planet in the fourth and fifth houses at the moment, also brokers’ offices and government offices. This sign rules over Togato, the Alps, Italy, and part of Tur- key, Chaldea, Bohemia; of cities, Damascus, Rome, Quebec, Bavaria, Cremona, Ulm, Prague, Leinster, Bristol, and Cincin- nati, the Black Hills where there are gold mines and mountains. In the business of women, it denotes cooks and those in house service, and housekeepers; also gold miners and smelt- ing works. Note this: If Saturn or Mars be in this sign, and or H ascend (all fixed signs'), and the lord of the eighth, twelfth, orSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 193 sixth house (all evil houses) be in □ or ^ to the significators, it is of very evil import; especially if the © be ill placed in the twelfth house, for it denotes imprisonment and severe punish- ment to the querent or native from some judge or man in authority; but if good planets behold the © (sun), who is lord of the ascendant from good places of the figure, the querent will receive advantage from men and things signified by the lords of those houses. The general description of a SI person is one of a large, full body, of more than middle size, broad or well-set shoulders, but narrow sides, yellow or flaxen hair, much thereof and curling, a large round head, and predisposition to baldness on top of the head. This is the strong house of the sun, and is the beast of the Apocalypse, spoken of in Rev. xiii. 18, which rules over that city built on the seven hills ; viz., Rome, whose favorite color is scarlet. He that hath eyes to see, let him see. It rules a lion, because, the sun being therein, the heat is in- creased in great strength and dryness, after the nature of the lion, which is of a strong, hot, and dry nature. It is a com- manding, kingly sign, and of the house of Israel, signifies Judah or Jud-da, for Jacob, blessing, says, “Judah is a lion’s whelp.” The sun in this sign, in its greatest heat, is the esoteric signifi- cation of Jacob’s struggle with the angle (angel) of the Lord. Michael is the angle of the sun, and Michael the arc-angel, or angle of the arc of SI, pours down his great heat, and so his legs bend, and he wearies and his thighs give out, the allegory of smiting on the thighs. “ And as he passed over Penuel, the sun rose upon him, and he halted upon his thigh.” A peculiar mode of salutation between all Obimen and bushmen of Africa and Arabians is even to this day symbolic of this, as well as a194 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT degree in Freemasonry after passing the R. A. M. Herein the initiate may read clearly the member of the beast. How easily does the enlightened, the “suter si Ra,” who knows the perfect number, realize the immense power given unto the beast by the dragon or serpent, Rev. xiii. 4. The © enters the sign SI about the 21st to 22d July yearly. The plant of this sign is ladies’ seal; the precious stone, jas- per. Its corresponding prophet is Hosea; the disciple, John Evangel (or gate of fire), one of the gates of the Romans, or double-headed James. This is one of the beasts of the cheru- bim or a part of the cross, or beast with four heads and six wings. It is a fixed, northern, fiery, barren, feral, command- ing sign of right or long ascension. This is a masculine, diur- nal, hot and dry, broken, fortunate, and bitter sign, and strong. The sun joys in this sign, and Saturn (or Satan) receives his detriment, for, lo ! is it not the throne of the father, the seat of perfection in number? For here, where Leo ends, the Virgin meets, and the sphinx shows the union. “ They twain shall be one flesh.” The neophyte must not forget the sacred and per- fect number which comes from the throne, or its divisions, but hear the voice of the angels (or angles) or rays, and of the beasts (8, SI, and ^l) (cherubim), and of the elders, twenty- four hours, see Rev. v. 8; and remember the great signi- fications of this sign, see Rev. v. 5, and that the © tells all things and does all things through the planets, see Rev. v. 6. 'They alone through him can unseal the book of God’s knowledge. The sign SI is the only house of the sun. The day triplicity of the sun, and the night triplicity of Jupiter, the detriment of Saturn. The first six degrees of the sign Leo are the terms of h (Saturn); the next seven those of 9 (Mercury); theSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 195 next six those of $ (Mars); the next six of $ (Venus); and last five for % (Jupiter). The signs are all divided into three faces, and a different planet rules as a power in each face, and is therefore the lord of that face. Therefore the saying of Scripture, “ The face of the Lord was terrible to behold/’ alludes either to h or ^ occupy- ing the particular degrees of the sign signifying the question or business of that time. These faces are composed of ten degrees each. The first face of SI is that of h , signifying handsome in shape. It is a face of cruelty, mischief, and violence, of endur- ing labor, of boldness and lust. Jupiter has the second face, which is a face of quarrels and mischief, causing wars and strife. Mars has the third face, which is the face of love and friend- * ship, and signifies one easily leaving his goods and abode for the fear of wars and commotion. On any good chart of the stars or constellations you may observe the constellation Bootes, in the lion, as a man holding a flowering staff in his hand, and called in the Roman Guiseppe, loaecp (Anglice Joseph). At his feet appears the celestial virgin holding a sheaf of wheat, and her feet are on the head of the scorpion, or serpent. As the sign Virgo was originally Virgo Scorpio, you may easily herein trace the entire origin of the ^flowering staff which should choose the high priest, archbishop, ' or bi-sex or division of Adam and Eve, the woman’s robe of the Christ or X of Aaron, and of Joseph, the choice for the Virgin, husband; and the story of Ruth and Boaz or the gleaner; and the analogy of the sun’s rays fecundating the earth (its bride), for SI is a spiritual and vitalizing sign, as or the virgin is an earthly sign, w is the Ceres of the Greeks, the bread-giver or harvest queen, and the entire earth must be overshadowed by theig6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT sun ere it brings forth fruit. Hence the story that the virgin is overshadowed by the Lord. It does not say the sign but the Lord; but that offspring should be of the house of David, of the tribe of Judah (viz., the SI, or Lion). In the Old Testament we get the story in a different way : that David in his old age (viz., when the degrees of SI are exhausted) was warmed by having a virgin lie at his feet or extremities. Now we are told that David slew Goliath with a pebble from a brook, and that he was a youth tending his father’s sheep. He slings a stone and smites him in the forehead, and there ends his life. Goli- ath is the winter, which even in March seems more blustering than at any other time, and the icy waters are struggling vainly with the coming of the sun crossing the line, and little brooks and streams are trickling on every side. Aries (T), the Lamb, the young son (or sun, which is now to be the great ruler of Isaral or Israel), is represented as David tending his father’s sheep; and herein T, the sun or son, exalteth the father, because herein he ascends. Here is the fourth of the year, and blustering winter, or Goliath, is smitten by a suns ray, or Ra, by the keeper of the Lamb, or the © exalted in T at the time and place, and R A at time and place is R A M or the sun s meridian. It is represented as slinging and sinking into his forehead, because it comes through space and finds ah unpro- tected and exposed place where there is a defect in the armor (or a warm day) ; and it was represented as coming to battle because is the house of $, the warring planet, and his head was cut off by his own sword, because the sun rules not over steel and iron, but Mars does. Again, as T is the springtime of the year, the commencement of the sun’s strength, and is a lamb, therefore when the sun gets to its full strength in SI, or the Lion, and when the thirty degrees of SI are exhausted andSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS I97 the sun falls as he has passed through the sign of Virgo, and as T and SI are one and the same, and as the earth or (Virgin) conceives or brings forth its fruit, called child, so do the lion and the lamb lie down together, and a little child shall lead them. I have treated this sign at considerable length because of its great importance ; also, that my pupils might know that in all things celestial or earthly things correspond, and that whatso- ever is ordained of heaven must take place in the earth. So that “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ” is only suggestive of the foregoing when rightly interpreted. And now having brought the sun (or son) to merge into the Virgin, you have clearly explained to you the celebrated sphinx of Egypt, which tells, under the shadow of the Pyr-a-met, or great central fire, of the fall, of the ripening harvest, of the end of the day, of the approaching feast of unleavened bread, of Adam and Eve, the garden of Eden, and the wedding of fire and earth> or SI and vr, or spiritual and natural. He that hath eyes to see, let him see. Here unites | with — and is 10. The fifth sign is *R or the celestial virgin, and as the Ceres of the Greeks, the favorite house of Mercury, the Messenger Messiah, A-Rab, or the wandering teacher, who is never more than thirty degrees from^the sun in aspect, and is the house of study and learning and knowledge of all kinds, and represents a garden, a place where all manner of fruit and eatables are kept, where all vitalizing things or refreshing to nature, so in this sign, or on the thirtieth degree of north latitude between the tropics, was the garden of Eden, and here in the midst or on the line, just when =2= or the centre of the solar system, where the | joined the — the equinox, and which sign =£= now perfectly known to the neophytes, who have become as little * children, andI98 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT who see the light now shining in the darkness, here at the -f- in the centre of the garden was the tree of life, really, spiritually, and naturally, and here also the sign of knowledge, and. which taught also the ancient Marahatmas to prolong life, was the priest of the sun, instructed to withhold it from the base rabble or uneducated teachers, that they might not become like one of them and thus put their knowledge to common and base uses; and also by the multitude being well instructed they would be less likely to be imposed upon, and they would then ascertain that knowledge was power and not the priest that possessed it, and that by study, purification, and self-government they could likewise become as the priests themselves. 1% signifies malt- houses, cornfields, granaries, and where hay, wheat, barley, and pease are stored or laid away; where butter and cheese are stored ; restaurants, bread, contractors of buildings ; a learned person, a student; a place for books, libraries, deeds, papers ; closets where maps, charts, and plans are kept. Mercury in this sign in any question or nativity, placed in the tenth, in good aspect with the © or Jupiter, the party will certainly rise to great preferment by means of his ingenuity ; and if Jupiter happens to be lord of his ascendant, it will come unlooked for. But if Mercury be weak or afflicted, in a bad place of the figure, you must judge quite contrary, even though Jupiter be in the tenth, for then he will only hope for that which he will never obtain. It is the second sign of the earthly triplicity. It is barren, cold, and melancholy, feminine, nocturnal, and meridional. It represents a slender body, of good proportion, long, smooth hair, brown, dark brown, or black; a ruddy, brownish com- plexion ; long or oval visage, not very beautiful but comely ; and commonly very discreet and ingenious.SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 199 Its diseases are naturally the colic, worms, ulcers of the bowels, and all infirmities incident to the belly and stomach. It rules Achaia, Crete, Corinthia, Greece, Rhodes, Arthecia, Comatia, the Rhine, Mesopotamia, Assyria ; of cities, Baby- lon, Jerusalem, Corinth, Novara, Cunia, Lyons, Toulouse, Basel, Paris in France, Heidelberg, parts of Cincinnati (O)., and parts of the cities of Boston and Hamburg, where the parks, gardens, etc., are. The person represented by without planets in the ascendant generally has a shrill voice, all the members inclining to brevity, and the person signified is witty and exceedingly well spoken, very studious, and given to all kinds of learning. The angle, or angel, of the sign Virgo, or^, is called Hamaliel. The color is black specked with blue, or dark blue specked with white. In man it corresponds to the belly or entrails and stomach, inas- much as it is a storehouse for food, fruits of all kinds, butter, cheese, grains, etc. As it rules over the vitals, it is the great seat of life ; therefore the life sustained is from this sign. Be- fore-time, when but ten signs were used, this was the union of I and 0, or the male and female principles, the wedding of SI and signifying the union of spirit and matter, of the vital rays of the sun or R. A. with the earthly or natural body the celestial virgin, who was to bring forth fruit from the over- shadowing of the Lord of Hosts ; viz., the sun elevated above it in midsummer and thus fecundating the womb of nature, and producing natural bodies from the receptive earth, whose re- freshing dews and moistures, quickened by the rains (reins) of the mother Isis or Mere — because it was from the evaporation or exhalations of the mer or sea, ponds, lakes, dews, and vapors, that quickened into life the internal seed, which came forth in its appointed time, and was constantly cared for by the mother,200 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT mere, viz., the virgin queen of heaven, the moon, which is a satellite of the earth. This, then, is again the union of Joseph and Mary (Guiseppe and Marie) ; David and the virgin who lay at his feet (thirty degrees of SI); of Eve who came out of Adam (SI merging into ; Ruth the gleaner and Boaz ; the blossoming of Aaron’s rod, and also of Joseph’s or Guiseppe’s. As this was the original central sign, in which sundown commenced, of un- ripe fruits as well as fall, also the choleratic months of August and September, of unripe apples, the really seventh month of the year, and the season or time of perfect number 7, which is 10, which is I AO, you may see plainly the analogy between man’s original fall, sundown and fall of the year, as unripe fruits eaten at this period in those Eastern countries produced cholera and thus certain death. Now, this garden of Eden was (see Genesis) divided by a river, parted into four heads ; and this place was an eternal abode of happiness, and in it every- thing grew that was good to eat and to sustain life, and the tree of life was in the centre ; according to the farther description it was between the ecliptic, and the sun, the vital power or life, was in the centre on the prime Meridian or centre of the mother earth, and consequently it was divided into four heads ; namely, North, South, East and West, or the ^ in this sign represented by the union of the spiritual with the natural body, or the story of Genesis and of Adam, the natural man, who commenced in an earthly sign, and the story of Jesus, who commenced from a fiery or spiritual sign, both from the right hand of the Father who dwelleth between the cherubim or four cardinal signs. The age of Christ, or Krishna, or the Cross or Croix, is said to be thirty years. Now, if you take the number of degrees from each point of the original tau -j- or natural man formed from the earthly sign 8, till you get through the entire life, orSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE. TWELVE BOOKS 201 formation, going from 8 to SI thence to and ending at 45#, where the life is exhaled in an airy sign, the spiritual body commences at a fiery sign, and connects with the natural body by an invisible tie at JET the navel, the. feet spurning the earth in V3 > or rising from the grave ; and the measure- ment from any of the natural body points of the X to any of the points of the spiritual body is thirty degrees, or allegorically the thirty years of the life of the X or Krish- na, Buddha, or Christ, or of Mercury which never gets over thirty degrees from the sun. When this invisible tie breaks, the spirit, or pitri, ascends, the astral body is resplendent, and “the silver cord is broken,” and, behold, that which at first was a natural body has now become a spiritual body, whole, entire, and untrammelled by earthly particles, ethereal, among the air, water, and fire, which are heavenly signs, or f, gs, =2=, or the three bearing witness in heaven. Libra is an airy, sanguine, hot, and moist, equinoctial, cardi- nal, movable, masculine, western, diurnal, and humane sign of the airy triplicity. This sign in the ascendant denotes one of a medium, tall, straight, well-formed body; the first face , of the sign being more tall, usually more slender than gross, especially in youth of a round, lovely, and beautiful visage; a fine, sanguine com- plexion in youth, but in old . age commonly pimples or a very high color in the face; the hair yellowish, or somewhat tending202 ASTROLOGY. OF THE OLD TESTAMENT to flaxen in early youth and turning darker as years increase; long and smooth hair and generally gray eyes. The diseases of Libra are all infirmities in the reins, back, kidneys, and belly, heats and diseases in the loins, impost- humes and ulcers in the reins, as buboes, diseases of bladder and kidneys, corruption of blood, and weakness of the back. The name of it as a disciple of Christ is Luke. The name of the angle, or angel, is Zuriel. The name of it as a son of Israel is Zebulon. The name of it as an apostle of the X is Bartholo- mew. Its color is blue-black, tinged with crimson or tawny color. The name of. God backward in the banner, HITV ^ represents ground near windmills, barns, and out-houses, saw- pits, such places as there is any wood cut in; the tops of moun- tains and hills ; grounds where hunting or hawking is practised ; sandy and gravelly places; the ^Lpper rooms in hotises^ one chamber within another, as a closet, presses, garret, lofts, etc. ; a harbor for ships, places where there are many ships. Of businesses, upholsterers, dealers in scales, weights and meas- ures, piano-fortes, ships, steamers, canal or other boats, the ark; singers, dealers in tables and furniture; tables; all loca- tions near or in houses with cupolas, or round-topped buildings like State House, court-houses, gas-houses, etc. It signifies in man the womb and the fall of man. This is the strong house of Venus, the joy of Saturn (or Satan), be- cause in this sign the sun falls — the sign of the commencement of the fall season, or 22d of September. It represents satiety or the fall and fulfilment of desire, and in this sign the 6 becomes 9. Libra is the day house of Venus. Saturn has his exaltation in twenty-one degrees of this sign. Saturn has his day tripli- city, and Mercury the night. The first six degrees are the termsSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 203 of Saturn; from six degrees to eleven degrees, the terms of Venus ; from ten degrees to nineteen degrees, the terms of Mer- cury; from nineteen degrees to twenty-four degrees, the terms of Jupiter; from twenty-four degrees to thirty degrees, the terms of Mars. The first ten degrees, or first face of =s=, is of the moon, which is a face of justice, right, and truth, helping the weak and needy, complete and handsome in shape. Saturn has the next ten degrees, or second face, a face of quiet, profit, and happy life. The third face of Libra is of Jupiter, and is a face of gluttony, lechery, revelling, and ill courses. Mars has detri- ment in this sign, and the sun falls. This sign is the commence- ment of the autumn season and the autumnal equinox or sun crossing the line on Sept. 22, yearly. It is also the due west where the sun sets daily. It is also the line of the horizon, and represents the horizon meeting the sea. In ^ (Virgo), a garden, we find the Xified one, in the garden of Gethsemane, and thinking of his approaching crucifixion, i.e., the meeting of =2= and his descent into the grave; viz., the fall of the year and the sun progressing through the autumnal sign into the winter sol- stice. As the sun in the heat of the day at sunset tinges the clouds with red whose reflections are markedly visible in the waters of the sea and every river and pool, he sweats, as it were, great drops of blood. It is the sqtcare of the circle where the “ Grand Master” is slain by a ruffian, one of three, T, 53, =2=, -1-. Here at the west that L square or □ struck fatally, and here it is <§>, or Q) where the circle is squared. For originally this sign was represented by (JZJ, symbolical of the cubic stone, the base of the pyramid, whose square represented the square of a perfect circle, symbol of the master of life in the centre of the universe, and also of th^ phallusy life-giver - and the Yoga. It204 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT is esoterically the gratification of desire, and herein the fall of the sun takes place, and 6 becomes 9. It is undoubtedly a naval sign, and instituted by the sons of Nave, they being rulers over the Isles of the Seas ; z>., the Greeks, Phoenicians, or Atlanteans. It is a never-failing symbol of boats, vessels, and harbors, and its name Zebulon, a “ haven for ships/’ It is also the arc, or ark, floating on the water, as it is the line of horizon, and the commencement of the arc is in T and extends to ^=, and the symbol of the blue ocean, or waters covering the earth, and at night where Benjamin divideth the prey or spoil; viz., the equatorial line from f to =£*=. In man it is the body or bowels or belly, as it indicates the arc representing the belly, also the navel, or source of life, the two lines, the double signi- fication of equal days and nights; also the equinoctial line and the meeting of the positive and negative forces at the equator; also the ecliptic A = =*=, the lower line representing water, and the upper line, signifying a cup, a ship, or arc, or ark, or box — or life floating on the water, symbolic of generation, and the birth of man as well as all things from the watery principle. It is an airy sign, thereby showing its floating or buoyant mean- ing ; and as it goes in, unto, or merges into Scorpio, a watery sign ; herein it is the division between the land and ocean, or horizontal lines, also signified between (Virgo), earthly, and Ft (Scorpio), watery. The name of the prophet corresponding to this sign is Jonah. Its precious stone is the beryl. Its curative plant is scorpion- grass, that which with us is called mouse-ear. There are other significations to Libra which I will here insert: as ship-builders, ship-masters, moulds for casting, boxes with covers or slides, covers (without hinges), feasts or meals at tables (the Lord's supper, feast of unleavened bread, andSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 205 the body of the Christ or +) ; artists, singers, musicians, up- holsterers. The sign anciently ruled over Germany, Alsatia, Livonia, Caspia, Thebes; of cities, Lisbon, Arles, Spires, Placentia, Forbra, Heilbronn, Antwerp, Landshut, Vienna, and Frankfort; China, Japan, parts of India near China, Austria, Savoy, Upper Egypt, and part of Thibet; cities of Charles- town (Mass.), Charleston (S. C.), the parts of Boston near the harbor and State House, gas-houses and City Hall, as in all places where ships lie, or in the vicinity *of domed buildings wherein much talk is used, or gas or airy things are with domed tops or roofs ; where steamboats lie at anchor. With '“the following references to this sign from the New Testament, and to the west gate of masonry, my remarks on Libra must close. It is in this sign that the two points of the compass reach from 6 to 9, for the apex of the extended arc of 180 is in £5, the breast sign, and 6 and 9 from that sign ; and the sign =2= (Libra) you will remember represents the bowelsy body, or belly, which represents a penalty, a fall, in fact, the downward tendency, or weighed in the balance and found want- ing. He that hath eyes to see, let him see. St. Mark xiv. 1 : “ After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread.'” Here we have an allusion to the sign Libra and the autum- nal equinox. Verse 3. “ . . . as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabas- ter box of ointment . . . and poured it on his head.” Herein is an allusion to one of the properties of Libra; a box, or something with a cover, without hinges, yet something that shut up like a chamber or closet. The anointing is symbolical206 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT of the sun’s disk dipping into the ocean, or sinking below the horizon, anointing his locks, rays, or hair. Verse 12. “ And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover [or sun crossing the equator or line], his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover ? 13. And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. 14. And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Whefe is thft gnestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples ? 15. And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us.'” ^ 22. “ And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.” A box, an upper chamber, a feast, a furnished or upholstered room, and at the twenty-second of September or autumnal equi- nox or fall passover; also the simile, “ This is my body,” — every item is but a direct allusion to the sign Libra. Now, the sign Libra is a due west sign, and signifies sundown, as well as fall, and the fall qf man, as well as the sun going south of the line; and Grand Master Hiram (the ©) finds no escape from inevitable death at the West, but must keep on till the Betrayer of innocent blood (the sign Scorpio or the Serpent) brings him to earth or XS, where he is buried. “ Where have they laid his body?” but previous to this refreshment is given. The large coffer or open coffin in the Great Pyramid is not a measurement for wheat, as we are instructed in books of modern writers. It alludes to Grand Master Hiram or Ra. As one sign merges into another we find the next to be Scor- pio (X), merely stating that the sun has now left the season of heat, and the autumnal chills creep over the earth, and theSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 207 leaves will soon cover the earth. Man, who is symbolical, has satiated and feasted, and, ashamed of his nakedness, is repre- sented as covering himself with leaves, — no more upright but fallen. He is to get his living from cultivating the now barren earth. The number of the beast of the Apocalypse is complete, for it is an angle, or angel, we approach, and the voice of the Lord announces man’s downfall. 6+9 For an equal day the sun rises at 6, is on the meridian 6 hours after, and sets at 6 p.m., and the number is 666, or six hundred three score and six. And again in Libra, the fall of Man, the 6 becomes a 9. Scorpio is a watery, cold, phlegmatic, feminine, nocturnal, fixed northern sign of the watery trigon. It represents a corpu- lent body, not exceeding height, a broad visage, the complexion somewhat obscure, sad, brown or dark hair, often crisping and curling, body hairy, strong-set body every way, short-necked, and often bow-legged. The diseases of this sign are all infirmi- ties of the privates and bladder, gravel, stone, priapism, rup- tures, fistulas, peritonitis, troubles of the matrix or defects there, gleet, gonorrhoea, and whites. The name of its angle, or angel, is Barabiel or Barbiel; the color of the sign, brown or dried blood color or like a dead leaf. It signifies of .places all such where creeping and venomous beasts are, muddy, moor- ish grounds, stinking ponds, lakes and quagmires, sinks in houses, ruinous buildings, places where rubbish lies; in build- ings, the washhouse, kitchen, or larder; also, piles of rusty iron; locations near muddy, winding streams or creeks, places near hospitals, a hospital, a place near much iron or where drugs or colors are kept. It signifies blood colors, old iron rust, decay, tanneries and tanners, acids, near druggists, or surgeons’ and doctors’ places ; soldiers ; things made of guts or entrails, as violins and stringed instruments; martial men, butchers.20 8 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT This sign was originally the combination sign of or serpent woman, or Adrogyne man, as “ male and female created he them; ” signified a garden with the tree of life in the midst thereof, and symbolized by the serpent climbing a tree; but afterward the help meet for Adam was formed; viz., =£=, the womb-man; and the serpent, or that which did beguile or lead astray, is now the sign ^1, the seventh sign. In the man it is the secrets and virile member. Persons whose ascendant is m, are seldom without treachery in their lives, and their acquaintance is seldom without regret. They can be trusted with no secrets. All manner of bursts, ruptures, peritonitis, crevasses, and tearing asunder are incidental to this sign, murders, betrayals, burglaries, and breakings in. This sign rules over Barbary, Cappadocia, part of Syria, Fez, Morocco, Bavaria, Norway, and Jutland, Catalonia and Valen- tia; of towns, Liverpool, Frankfort on the Oder, and Messina, Savannah in Georgia, and much of Florida, especially about the Everglades; parts of Lynn, and Salem or North Salem, Woburn, Rowley, where tanneries, creeks, and muddy streams and vats are ; stinking creeks. Its precious stone is the amethyst. Its curative plant is the mugwort. It is represented by the prophet Obadiah, by the apostle or original disciple Judas Iscariot (the betrayer of blood); of the sons of Jacob, it rep- resents Dan. “Dan is a serpent.” The banner of the tribe of Israel was originally a scorpion, but afterwards an eagle. The sacred name of the banner of Israel niTT- The planet Mars joys in irl. When $ is posited in one’s nativity in this sign ascending, the native cannot fail of mak- ing an expert surgeon or doctor of medicine. is the night house of Mars. Mars also has his day and night triplicities in this sign. The first six degrees of iq, are the terms of Mars ;SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 209 from six degrees to fourteen degrees, the terms of Venus ; from fourteen degrees to twenty-one degrees, the terms of Jupiter; from twenty-one degrees to twenty-seven degrees, the terms of Mercury ; and from twenty-seven degrees to thirty degrees, the terms of Saturn. The first ten degrees are the face of Mars, which is the face of quarrelling, fighting, mischief \ slaugh- ter, robbing, and sacking. The second ten degrees, or to twenty degrees face of Scorpio, are the face of the sun, which is a face of contention, strife, theft, of sowing mischief among men, of debate and deceit. Venus has the third face of Scorpio, or third ten degrees, a face of war, violence, drunken- ness, rape, and fornication. In this sign Venus hath detriment, and the moon falls. From the foregoing you will perceive that no part of the sign % is good in any respect. And as the sign =2= (Libra) is conjoined to this sign K, it is but a “ going in unto” another sign, a jointure, or, as it were, Libra, a feast or table, a covered dish. You must know that among the ancient Jews and many of to-day who follow the ancient custom, the food is poured out into a large, deep, cov- ered dish, and as they used no spoons or knives and forks among the poorer classes, they broke off pieces of bread, and holding them between the thumb and two forefingers of the right hand, thumb pressing down upon the bread, and the two other fingers curled upwards to the palm of the hand, used them to sop up the gravy or liquid in the dish. Often two or more use one dish together, except at some party where each guest is pro- vided with a particular dish. St. John vi. 70, 71: “ Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil ? He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon210 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT As the four evangelists differ so greatly in their testimonies, and we are anxious to know more about this watery sign, let us turn to St. Luke v. i: — “ And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesareth, 2. And saw two ships standing by the lake : but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. 3. And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon''s.” Continuing, he directs Simon to let down his nets ; and the fishermen fill the nets. Simon was greatly astonished, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee (see verses 10 and n). “ Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men. . . . they forsook all, and followed him.” So it is James and John, the sons of Zebedee, the partners of Simon, and Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, three fishermen, who comprise the watery trigon in this circle of the twelve ; and as we know, John took the mother of Jesus or Isis or Esses to his home and it became her home, or the sign 53, the other watery X, must be equivalent to James. Herein is proof positive of the zodiacal sign Scorpio representing Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son. In astrology we are taught that Saturn is exalted in Libra, which sign enters into or goes in unto Scorpio. Now, as the evilly disposed influence of Saturn is called in the Xian religion Satan, we can quote again from St. Luke xxii. 1 : — “Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.” 3. “ Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the num- ber of the twelve.”SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 211 5. “And they . . . covenanted to give him money. 6. “ And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them.” 21. “ But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table? Here let the reader remember =£= (Libra), a table. Luke xxii. 43: “ And there appeared an angel [an angle; Libra is an angle, and the angle of the west where the sun falls, or goes under the hori- zon] unto him from heaven, strengthening him. 44. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” This is a beautiful illustration of the declining sun, at the end of a hot September day, tingeing the clouds with red, whose reflections in the water seem like great drops of blood. 47. “ And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them” (that is, the degrees of the next sign arise, headed by [Scorpio], or Judas). 50. “ And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.” St. John xiii. 26: “ Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.” Now, mark well, brothers of the mystic tie, the manner of handling a sop ; that it is the manner which betrays; and take notice that a right ear was lost, and that his work was about completed; also that it was a servant’s ear. nt is a servant. Now let us return to the astrological meaning. As the har- vest is ripe and about to be gathered, the leaves are falling and covering the earth which is already bare, so is nature ; and cold and frosty nights ensue, depositing on the leaves damp- ness and moisture like sweat, tingeing the leaves with red and brown. An unnatural heat ensues during the day from this212 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT humidity, and the period called the Indian summer, or fall sum- mer, ensues, deceiving in every way, for it is the season of malarial exhalations conducive to deathly diseases. It is a sea- son of betrayal. It is not the heat of the sun, but of humidity and interrupted exhalations of mother earth, or the sweat of the son of Isis and Osiris, the child of the virgin. Nature is red, and the mark of the serpent is over all. The sun has passed over the line, and his declination increases southward. He is on his journey, and the light of our northern hemisphere is to be shorn of his rays and to grow weaker and weaker. But until he gets well into wi, or the place on the old tau cross, where his strength ceases, the story would be incomplete. Here the days rapidly grow shorter, and light begins to depart. See St. John xii. 35. “ Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. . . . 36. While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light.” St. Matt, xxvii. 3 : “ Then Judas, which had betrayed him, . . . repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4. Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. 5. And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.” Matthew is the only one who says anything about the wayN Judas died, and has got the next sign of the zodiac, or Sagit- tarius, mixed in, which has signification of long things, hanging by a rope, and such like, or suspension from places high up. Then turn to Acts i. 18. Speaking of Judas Iscariot, it says : — “Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed outs'1SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 213 Thus proving that H,, the blood sign, the betrayer, the sign which signifies ruptures, bursts, crevasses, and the fall, was what was signified by Judas Iscariot. The thirty pieces of silver signify thirty days of a lunar month, from Oct. 22 to Nov. 22. That beautiful description of the cherub (Ps. xviii. 9-11) describes this sign perfectly. The cherub, as before shown, had the head of a man, the head' of an eagle, the head of a lion, and the head of a bull or heifer. Moreover, you must remember that cherub in Hebraic means serpent; also that the sign of K has for its banner an eagle ; also that when the zodiac had but ten signs, K was ^ ; that the two signs are so intimate that the fall or coming down of the sun was altered to =a= to agree with the sun in T. The Psalm thus describes : — “ He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet. He rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.” Now, from 8 (Taurus) through 93, SI, to ng or K, the great arc of the overhead circle is as a great bow descending beneath the horizon, or close of day into darkness, at sundown, also falls (equinox) rapidly in November, the original ninth month, for novo is nine ; the year commencing March 22, and the thick clouds here commence, the days are dark and gloomy, and the sun is going into the darkness of winter rapidly. The sun went south at this time into apparently the southern oceans, and crossed the equinox or line at Libra or -f-; and the whole of the above quotation is verified. Now, before we close this sign, as it was in this sign the -f*214 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT is betrayed, we must make another allusion and an important one to =2= (Libra). It is in Libra that we must nail the Christ, or sun, on the cross between two thieves. As T represents the head in man, or first point of right ascension, the positive or birth of strength of the year, of the prime meridian and sun’s ascension, so =2= represents the negative, and descension, • loss of strength and vitality and collapse ; and here the arc falls in at death, vitality is lost, the head bows, and man goes down into darkness. He carries his cross with him, for wherever he may go his latitude and longitude must go with him until extended upon it. The sun does the same, and in ^ he reaches the point where down he must go. =2=, the body or orb of the sun, is now in the centre of the cross, the rays shining only part way in our northern hemisphere, divided on the equator, the summer solstice, or mid-heaven, or 95 on one hand, and on the other Itf, the winter solstice, —both thieves; for when the declination is highest after the 22d of June, he begins to lose in length of days, and on the 22d of December he has lost all, and is at his lowest declination. Mercury also governs the sign the Virgin; and Mercury, when retrograde or ailing, in astrology, is consort with thieves; it being an established fact that when Mercury turns retrograde, an epidemic of thieves, embezzlers, forgers, and thieving book- keepers, secretaries, and bank presidents, takes place. $ (Sagittarius), or Centaur, or the Centaurion, was formerly represented as a horse with a man’s head and arms, and hold- ing a bow from which he was ready to let fly an arrow. In some parts of the East it was represented by a bow only, and in many of the Egyptian zodiacs by the simple arrow, or lance, / . Sagittarius is a fiery, hot, dry, masculine, diurnal, eastern, com- mon, bicorporeal (or double-bodied) sign of the fiery trigon.SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 215 It represents one of a well-composed, strong body, somewhat above the middle size, of a handsome, comely countenance, somewhat longish visage, a muddy, sanguine complexion, and chestnut or handsome brown hair. Its diseases are all infirmi- ties in the thighs and buttocks, all ruptures and fistulas in those parts, buboes or glandular swellings, ovarian troubles, over- heating of the blood, pestilential fevers, such troubles as come from intemperateness in recreation, as gleet, whites, and invol- untary emissions, falls from horses, falls. Its color is yellow tending to red, with slight spots of green at commencement of the sign. It represents in man the thighs and buttocks. It represents a stable for horses, and houses, the highest places in the land, hills, stony places, the upper chamber in houses, places where fire is or has been frequently kept. It represents all longy slim, and pointed things, long and slim things, and long warlike instruments; guns, lances, spears, arrows, cannons, swords, armed policemen and warriors, especially Indian war- riors, cavalry. It represents ropes, sticks, canes, drills for mining, shovels, spades, chisels, crowbars ; in upholstery, win- dow shades or curtains. In all the signs you must pay exact attention to the planet ruling the business for a significator and to the sign that 0 is in at the time of a question, for a hor- ary question will invariably inform you, if carefully worked, and should never be neglected in connection with the moment of casting a nativity. Sagittarius rules over Spain, Tuscany, Lower Italy, that part of France between La Seine and La Gavonne to Cape Finis- terre, Arabia Felix, Dalmatia, Sclavonia, Hungary, and Moravia; of the towns, Cologne, Avignon, Buda, Narbonne, Toledo, Rothenburg, and Stuttgart. The angle, or, as it is designated, the angel, of Sagittarius is Adnachiel. It is the eighth sign of2l6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT the zodiac, and begins about Nov. 21 yearly, when the sun enters the first minute of this sign. Mercury has the first face of Sagittarius, which is a face of boldness, freeness, and strength. The moon has the second face of Sagittarius, which is a face of trouble in mind, fear, and mistrust. Saturn has the third face, or last ten degrees, which is a face of obstinacy and wilfulness, sticking to one’s own whimsical conceits, unwilling by any means to be beat out of them ; mischievous, quarrelsome, and apt and delighting in odious, abhorred, and wild actions. This sign is the joy of Jupiter. It is a bicorporeal sign ; an obeying sign of long as- cension or right ascension. It is southern, and considered for- tunate, but weak. Sagittarius in the east is cold and moist, in the west hot and dry. Sagittarius is the day house of Jupiter. The dragon’s tail is exalted in three degrees of this sign. It is the day triplicity of the sun, and night triplicity of Jupiter. The first eight degrees, i.e., from o° to 8° (not over) are the terms of Jupiter ; 8 to 14, are the terms of Venus ; 14 to 19, the terms of Mercury ; 19 to 25, the terms of Saturn ; and from 25 to 30, the terms of Mars. Mercury receives detriment here, and the dragon’s head falls. The prophet corresponding to this sign was Zephaniah; the son of Israel, or Jacob, Gad. “ Gad is an archer.” Its curative plant is pimpernel. The precious stone is the hyacinth, and the characters of the banner of the house rrrr- The disciple, James the elder. As I have pre- viously described all about the esoterical meaning of this sign as the Centurion, I will not repeat, only reminding the student or reader that it was in the side that the Xst was pierced, and that water and blood came forth : now / is a sharp instrument, long, slim, and pointed. An armed horseman or warrior is a fiery sign, signifies blood and spirit, and blends with m, (Scorpio),SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 217 the watery sign. Sagittarius is a southern sign, and therefore looks up to the -J- in our northern latitude; i.e.y the rays must pierce from the south to the north, and reach no farther than the side or groins of the X ified one, for the sign / signifies in man the groins, hips, thighs, and buttocks, and any incision in the groin lets out blood and water mixed, as most people know who have seen operations there. In the movement of the sun, it means that the cold sweat of the fallen leaves, heated in the day to almost spontaneous combustion, turns at this time red as blood. Capricorn (Ttf) is the ninth sign. It is of much importance, as it is a cardinal sign, and the negative pole, in opposition to Can- cer, the positive or north pole of magnetism. It is the sign of the winter solstice, and the lower part of the -|- or where the sun descends into the lowest part of the ecliptic or mid-winter, from which he emerges like a new birth or resurrection again to perform his yearly work. V3 isThe strong house of h (Saturn or Sa-tan), and signifies many things, as does every sign. It is called the renewer of life. The places it represents in as- trological books are but few, for none of the Ancients intended to impart in writing or print the secrets of the divine science, and the mere mathematical portions without farther explana- tions are the most contained in any of them. The dread of the cruelties practised on the Ancients for anything said in expos- ure of Catholicism debarred these things from being given to the public; and again the priests, like all priests, feared to im- part of the tree of knowledge to the multitude, lest they “ be- come like gods and one of us.” So that to-day, instead of having works explaining astrology to the multitude, there is but slight difference between them and the calculations of right ascension, declinations, longitudes of the sun, moon, planets,218 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT and fixed stars, which are found in any good nautical epitome and much better explained, with tables complete. (See Bow- ditch’s “ Navigation,” a book which has been my companion from early childhood, since fifteen years of age, and I am now sixty-two. Herein the full science of trigonometry and of the measurement of distances of the heavenly bodies is explained, and in “ Navigation ” mathematical results are realized and not conjectured. They are verified at once.) In the dreams of as- tronomers and their constant conjectures there lacks the verifi- cation. No one cares at present if a prediction or may-be will come to pass in one million, two million, or six million years from date. What one wishes to know is what will happen dur- ing his present life, now and in the immediate future, the result of any undertaking, his success, or failure. And this astrology only can unveil. But I warn the student that if he uses all the new aspects of modern times in his work, he will so bewilder himself that he never can tell when anything will take place correctly. Let him use only the jujuare and opposition, the sextjle and trine aspects, the conjunctions or transits and paral- lels. Introduce the others, and the moon would never be void of course. If you will examine a nautical almanac you will find that unless the moon is in distance, no lunar observations are ever attempted, for they would be inaccurate. Again let me say to the student, if you desire to go by the rules of ancient astrology, don’t omit the Q, and tS, or dragon’s head and tail, and ©. I shall not enter into any dispute with any one. I am not talking of modern astrology, but of the ancient, and to unveil the mysterious and esoterical meanings of these zodiacal signs so long sealed up. And now to return to the sign of the Son of Man or Capri- corn. Capricorn is the great earthly sign, and that point of theSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 219 + representing the earth ; the other three, T To SI being called heavenly signs, making the great triune A U M, or Agni, Uranis, Mahout, fire, water, and air, or the three which bear wit- ness in heaven. Of all the earthly trigon, the Ancients gave to Y5 the greatest of earthly significations, and its esoterical and natural significations I will duly explain. Capricorn is an earthly, cold, dry, melancholy, feminine, nocturnal sign, movable, solstitial, domestic, southern, and four-footed or quadrupedal sign of the earthly triplicity, b , It describes one of middle stature, of a dry constitu- tion, usually a long, small neck, and long and lean visage ; if a man, a thin beard, black and often lank hair, a narrow breast, narrow chin. The diseases of the sign are all those incident to the joints wherever they are placed, and especially the knees, elbows, neck joint, and ears. Of colors, it represents a very dark brown, russet, or black color. It signifies all such places as ox or cow houses, where cattle, asses, and goats are kept or fed, sheep pens, places where spades, dung-forks, and barn tools are kept; dungheaps, fallow ground, barren and thorny grounds, swine houses or pens, low rooms in the house or cellars ; shoes and makers of shoes ; buggies, carriages or wagons; logs and wood; cells, jails, and lock-up ; anything that swings on hinges, for the sign V? represents an old hinge or knocker to a house or mansion, such as gates, blinds, jails, or prison doors, coffers or trunks with hinges, small closets; all matters of real estate, as palaces, houses, large buildings and small according to the number of degrees of the sign in a figure. It is the great sig- nificator of trees, wood, and wilderness, of bowlders, deep pits, dark holes, and any depths in mining or otherwise. It is a measurement of depth, and the fourth angel, or angle, of the garden of Eden, or a gatekeeper. It signifies a tomb or mauso-220 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT leum, a coffin, chest, or box with hinges (recollect the hinges), for =£= is a box with sliding top, and no hinges. It is the cham- ber of death, the winter solstice where the sun is at his lowest point, and all nature seems dead and denuded of clothing, in penury and want ; where the corn is shucked, and only the husks and stalks left for feed for the cattle and swine, and yet throughout the evergreen tree flourishes and has life everlast- ing ; the only memento of the life eternal, which shall from this tomb, or bed of the Father or life-giving sun, spring again to glory and bring joy and warmth and life. The sun enters this sign on Dec. 22 to 23 every year, reaching its lowest point of declination 230 28' south, and lies three days during which it neither increases nor decreases the day one second of time ; but on the 25th of December annually the days commence to increase and the new sun (or son) is said to be born. The story of the death of Osiris and his resurrection is the same as the story of the death of Xist and his resurrection ; and the same signs are made use of to have the xist born of a virgin as to X ify and to bury the X. As the snow is deepest and whitest at this season of the year, and as the sun seems weak and tired, and darkness gathers over nature (the shortest day), this is called the bed of the father, and of course the story of the X to coincide with the Ancients is the grave-clothes or 'wind- ing-sheet of the son (or sun) as the angle (or angel) is clothed in shining white. This sign represents in man the knees and ears, and I wish the reader to read particularly all the foregoing or he will fail to see the connection of the crucifixion or Xified one. It represents, as I before mentioned, bowlders, the earth or primitive soil, dark-brown colors, freestone, rock salt satu- rated with petroleum or petrified oil, naphtha, and sulphur orSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 221 brimstone. It is the hell of Christianity, the Hades of the Greeks. It is the chief strength or house of Saturn or the Christian Satan, the house of death, of nature, and of man ; for everything in nature has its exact prototype in man. It signifies convents, dungeons, priests’ cells, tiles, all earthly things and building materials, bricks, small stones and mortar, rubber and black things, cotton cloths, type-writing machines, printing-presses, anything that closes up with a hinge, gate, or door, and is dark colored. It is three signs from spring or 22d of March, the commencement of the year of the Lord when the sun ascends above the equator in the due east and comes in glory. Between him and V3 lie the icy, glittering X and the defiling and through storms and ice, and stumbling through the weary way, he reaches his revolution, or exaltation by the rough and rugged road to R. A. M. We have left the master betrayed or about to be betrayed by Judas Iscariot, or nature, and the sun in the sign K and thence to /(Sagittarius), as Xist gets to =£= on which his body is to be extended, and which I before explained as sundown and also the fall equinox. It is beautifully described in Luke xxii. 43*: — “ And there appeared an angel [or angle. Libra is the angel or angle of the west, one of the great angels of the garden of Eden] comforting him. [In astrology the angles signify strength, and a planet in an angle is greatly strengthened or dignified.] 44. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood.” This is the sun going down on the heat of a September day, tingeing the clouds with red and vermilion and scar- let, and„ these reflected in the water look like great blood drops.222 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Verse 50. “ And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear Capricorn signifies an ear, also a priest. St; Matt. xii. 38: “Then certain of the Scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39. But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous genera- tion seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. 40. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Now, Jonah was sent to Nineveh, whose inhabitants were ruled by X, the Fishes, or Dagon, the fish-god, and as he was tired and seated for rest,— Jon. iv. 6: “ . . . the Lord God prepared a gourd [which is a large tree or calabash-tree], and made to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head.” So the sign of the prophet Jonah is a tree ; and the sign was sought after by a wicked generation. Vj is a tree, and signi- fication of the house of Saturn, or Satan. Jonah is three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, or X, god of Nineveh ; the + remains three days and three nights from the first minute of the sign Capricorn to the third degree before the declination south decreases and the days are lengthened. If you turn to St. John xviii. 10 you will find the person who cut off the ear. “ Then Simon Peter having a sword, drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear.” You must recollect that Vj means a rock, rock-salt, primi- tive earth, and Catholic priests, convents, monasteries, etc.SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 223 St. Matt. xvi. 17 : “ And Jesus [the -f-, mind you, the Latin -}-] answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona [or son of Jonas] : 18. . . . And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 19. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom.” Now, as Peter, or Petre, or saltpetre, or rock-salt, or pitre spirit, is designated as a rock, then V5 is nothing else but a sign of the zodiac and especially described. Allusion is also made to the gates, also to the keys, or signification of lock-ups. But far better than all is this : — Mark xiv. 29: “ But Peter said unto him, Although all shall be offended, yet will not I. 30. And Jesus saith unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this day, even in this night, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice.” 66. “ And as Peter was beneath in the palace, there cometh one of the maids of the High priest. 67. And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him, and said, And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth. 68. But he denied,” etc. And this he does the third time. Verse 72. “ And the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice.” So in this cold place, or palace, Peter, the Rock, Y} (Capricorn), month of December, the ninth sign of the zodiac, finds no mas- ter in the balance of December and January and February: for until the sign of °f or the cock springs up the winter months deny three times the rule of the master, the © (sun). Again, when Jesus was buried, or the sun in V?, see Mark xv. 46: — “ And he bought fine linen, and took him down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone [or bowlder] unto the door of the sepi^lchre.”224 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Mark xvi. 2: “ And very early in the morning, the first day of the week, [viz., on the planetary hour of the sun on Sunday] they came unto the sep- ulchre at the rising of the sun. 3. And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre ? 4. And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great. 5. And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man . . . clothed in a long white garment.” This is Mark’s account. Luke says there were two men in shining garments. Luke xxiv. 12: “ Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves.” Now, as >5 is Pitre, the abode of spirits, Peter is a rock, and snow is white like linen, it is natural that the sun at sunrise on Sunday should leave the snow bed of night, and with his ascending rays clothe the bowlders and caves and earthly places, frozen as they are in December, in glistening, shiny garments, almost blinding the eyes, and that the angel, or angle, appears. Now let us return to the true version, i.e., astrological, after disposing religioitsly of Vj rules from Dec. 22 to Jan. 22. The name of its prophet is Nahum; of the Sons of Israel or Jacob, it represents Naphtali. Its curative plant is the dock. Its precious stone is the chrysoprasus ; and the great name of its banner is The disciple of Christ is Simon Peter. In the Anacalypsis it is stated that when the French took possession of Italy they found the signs of the zodiac upon the chair of St. Peter in the Vatican. There is also a published account written by a Roman Catholic of high office previous to the French occupation, in which the same statement is made, and also that the thing was much discussed on the chair beingSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 225 formally taken down to be cleaned. It is plain to be seen that His birth, life, death, miracles, and kingdom are written in the stars. I have found among various Indians who have had much to do with Catholic priests, medals and jewels with the sun and twelve signs of the zodiac, which they explain as His twelve disciples ; and yet with all their mummery, rosaries, crosses, and sacred relics and portions of decayed humanity, or that which comes out of V3 (Capricorn), very few red men ever lose sight of the Father of Spirits, the Lord God of Hosts, and sel- dom believe in man as a substitute, or a squaw-man who spent most of his time with women and taught man to resent no in- juries and if robbed of one thing, to give another, — a doctrine of fear and cowardice, the attribute of Mercury retrograde. Capricorn rules over India, Afghanistan, the Punjaub, Thrace, Macedonia, Morea, Illyria, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Albania, Styria, Romandiola in Italy, the south-west part of Saxony, Hesse, Mexico, and Mecklenburg ; the towns of Oxford, Prato in Tus- cany, Brandenburg, Tortona, Constanz, and Brussels ; all large cemeteries or graveyards, monkish towns in any place, and that portion where monasteries or cathedrals or Catholic priests or nunneries are; the darkest and dingiest parts of any place or city, and the parts that have many trees and groves; also pub- lishing houses, and houses in which are many offices in the same building. The first ten degrees, or first face of V3 (Capricorn), is the face of Jupiter, which is a face of handsome form and shape, loving to ramble, to be merry and sportive. Mars has the second face, or from ten degrees to twenty degrees of V3, which is a face of seeking things that cannot be attained nor brought to perfection. The sun has the third face, or from twenty de- grees to thirty degrees, a face of covetous, desire to rule and226 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT govern or have riches at disposal, and suspecting and mis- trustful of one’s self ; the face of a miser. V3 is an obeying sign of short or oblique ascension, unfortu- nate and weak. When V3 is in the east, cold and dry; in the west, cold and moist. This sign is the night house of k , and Venus’s daily triplicity, and the night triplicity of the moon. From the first degree to the sixth degree are the terms of Venus ; six degrees to twelve degrees, the terms of Mercury ; twelve degrees to nineteen degrees, the terms of Jupiter ; nine- teen degrees to twenty-five degrees, the terms of Saturn ; and twenty-five degrees to thirty degrees, the terms of Mars. Mars is exalted in twenty-eight degrees of this sign. The moon receives detriment, and Jupiter falls. Very much more could be said of this sign, as it is here the prodigal son feeds with the swine, etc. ; and so are all the allegories, miracles, and life of the Xified One explained by each sign in succession. In this sign terminates the setting- up of the cross on Calvary (the place of a skull) ; viz., a burial- s place or graveyard, or the sign Vj. In this sign Up He is between the two thieves, and herein the veil of the temple is rent in twain, or equally divided is the year, and darkness spreads over the face of the earth. And it was about the ninth hour, which is the hour of Mercury, as any one can see by turning to a table of planetary hours, for Friday, the day he is said to be crucified. It says darkness was over the land from the sixth to the ninth hour; from the end of the sixth hour commenced the hour of the sun, and ended with the ninth, the hour of Mercury.SIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 227 Matt, xxvii. 46: “ And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani ? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? ” Now, it depends altogether whether a planet is Oriental or Occidental; viz., to rise before or after the sun, to add to a planet’s strength or dignity. And here we find $ is Oriental and goes first, consequently goes down before the sun into the darkness, and Mercury is represented as being forsaken and struggling to shine in the dim twilight, goes rapidly under and “ gives up the ghost,” for Mercury rules over the spiritual and intellectual part of man. Matt, xxvii. 51 : “And behold the veil of the temple was^ rent in twain from the top to the bottom,” showing plainly the sun in the winter solstice, because it is top to bottom from 25 | to Ttf, and not the equinox, or from — =£=. So the -J- is rightly set up, and he, the sun, carried it to that place, Itf, Golgotha, the place of a skull. The casting of lots alluded to the cross or garments divided in four -f- parts, and the lot was that sign which indicated the reappearance of the sun to come or sign of Jonah, Ttf. The vesture, or robe without a seam, was the zodiac or golden circle of the ecliptic. The cardinal signs, or movable signs, are when two or more planets are conjoined therein and aspected by square or opposi- tion from other planets, precursors of violent earthquakes, and [which we find that the copyists or scribes have not omitted ; for they state, Matt, xxvii. 51, 52:—- “ And the earth did quake ; . . . and the graves were opened.” Matt, xxviii. 2. — “ And behold there was a great earthquake: for the angel [or angle] of the Lord [it does not say God or Lord God] descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone.”228 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT As the four Evangelists differ so much, it is best to refer in regard to the garments of the Xified one to St. John xix. 23 :—• “ Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat: now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout.” John, the beloved disciple, omits the saying of “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ? ” and merely states that having received the vinegar Christ gave up the ghost. But he does state an important part relative to this sign. It was cus- tomary to break the bones of criminals when crucified, and ex- haustion began to ensue. So as the soldiers are represented as breaking the legs of the two others crucified, or T and =£2=, they came to the first point of Ttf adjoining the /, or Centurion, or man armed with spear, or lance, or sharp instrument, and when they saw that he was dead already they brake not His legs, but a soldier pierced His side. Now, if Ttf, whose meaning is bones, knees, death, and the sun in >5 is already dead and just on, the entrance of the sign or when / goes in unto, he is pierced by the spear, but his bones are not broken. Luke has no reference to this. St. Mark makes no mention of it, neither doth Matthew. Now, as John or Jan, Janus, a gate, is the best testimony conceivable, we find in John the most particulars of the Xified one by which we have the most, indisputable proof of the astrological original of the Crucified One. The birth of Christ I have previously described as taking place in this sign ; and as h is ruler of this sign and his period is about thirty years, it alludes also to the evil effects of h re- turning on a birthday to his radical place ; and as this, in this case, would signify the fourth angle, the grave, it would signifySIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 229 certain death. I know some people may say they have seen a cast of the nativity of Christ, and that all these things were predicted of him. I can only say that when I can see the nativity of such a one who represents every astrological meaning of the sun’s course, and the moment of time and the planet’s calculations for the exact moment of time, and the angels, and go over the calculations myself, I will say there is some truth’ in it. But as for the nativity in Sibley, it is a lie and a fraud made to get custom and to add to priestly craft and pacify persecution. “Allah il Allah” — “There is but one God,” says the Arabian. “ The Lord our God is one God,” says the dying Israelite ; and the North American Indian, “One Great Spirit made us all.” One sun warms the whole earth and gives life; one moon rules over production and the tides and nature ; one God sufficient for all that worship in spirit and in truth. He divides not his law or power or glory with another, and is not a man that you can reason with Him. The sign the north-east corner of the cherubim or tau -|-, is of highly spiritual signification, and is typical of nervous- ness, agitation, and many other things. The sun enters this sign Jan. 22, and continues to the 22d of February, as it pre- cedes the sign Capricorn. Aquarius is an airy, hot, -moist, rational, fixed, humane, diurnal, sanguine, masculine sign of the west, and of the airy triplicity n, =2=. It shows one of medium, well-set stature, body strong and compact, well filled or plump, long visage, and sanguine complexion. If Saturn be in the sign, it will make black hair ; otherwise the person will have flaxen or sandy hair, fair, and will be of a paler and whiter complexion. Its diseases are all infirmities in the legs or ankles, as gouts, cramps, and all melancholy, wind in the veins, varicose veins, and nervous diseases. In, places all hilly and230 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT uneven places, places newly digged or freshly ploughed, stone quarries, mines deserted or broken up, the roofs of houses or the very upper parts thereof, vineyards. This from astrological books ; but also all rippling waves, highways, street corners, corner houses, stone houses, the human hair, piano keys or piano music, house painters or strokes of brushes, springs, especially hair-springs of watches ; wagons, express business,- cars, bridges, ferries, railroads, wagon ruts, writing, strokes of pen or brush, the human teeth> dentistry, saws, ratcheting tools, anything with teeth, writers or book-keepers for shoestores ; shavings, shoe findings, therefore persons like carpenters, lumber dealers, boards, laths, sandy desert places, dry gravelly places, beaches, small streams where many mingle or trickle, sleds, sleighs, steps, ladders, stairs, and particularly sandy deserts, and fibrous things. The name of the angel, or angle, is Cambiel; the color, sky-blue streaked or specked with white. In man it rules the legs from knees down, the nerves, veins, hair, and teeth; wool and fleece; in horses’ harness, the reins. Aquarius rules the desert of Arabia Petrea, or Arabia the Stony, Red Russia, Prussia, part of Poland, Lithuania, Tartary, part of Muscovy, Circassia, Sweden, Westphalia, Piedmont Azania, and Abyssinia. Of towns, Hamburg, Bremen, Trent, and Ingolstadt. It represents smoke, dust heaps, and'steam, wreaths, electric wires, electric or any kind of railroads, ferries, or bridges to go over, zz is the day house of Saturn, and is Saturn’s day triplicity, and the night triplicity of Mercury. The first six degrees of the sign are the terms of Saturn ; from six to twelve, the terms of Mercury ; from twelve to twenty, the terms of Venus ; from twenty to twenty-five, the terms of Jupiter ; and from twenty-five to thirty, the terms of Mars. The sun receives detriment in this sign. Venus has the firstSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 231 face or ten degrees of Aquarius, which is a face of continual trouble for money and profit, never at rest, ever in labor and toil, yet poor and indigent. Mercury has the second face of Aquarius, which is a face of comeliness and beauty, of under- standing, modesty, mildness, and clemency, of good behavior, and a handsome, composed shape. Luna, or the moon, is the third face, or from twenty to thirty degrees of Aquarius, and is a face of contentions, repinings, and strife. As a general thing an Aquarius person is handsome and fond of travel, being the great sign of travelling and highways, railroads, waves, bridges, wagon ruts, etc. The name of the son of Jacob for %% is Reuben, whom Jacob calls his firstborn : —* Gen. xlix. 4: “Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father’s bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch.” Thus signifying the January thaw, which runs and trickles over the snowy covering of the earth, and in xz rivulets pour through the streets and highways, defiling the “ sun’s wintry repose,” or father’s bed. It also signifies John the Baptist, or the Greek Jean Baptiste, a water gate, he who preceded the new sun, whose (see sign Ttf) shoe latchet he was unworthy to loose ; clothed in the skins of wild beasts, and eating locusts and wild honey, to show the wintry month and scarcity of food. It is also the head of John the Baptist, being the head of a man. It also is the north-east corner where the initiate is told to stand up like a man, and clothed mgwhite, with the v, of + his apron turned down, having been raised fromjtf, thusillus- trating the new-born sun, and also to show that he is a .corner- stone and about to commence his journeys or travels, to be tried by air, water, and fire ere the true light comes, 3£, T,232 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT and he appears at the east gate, and meets the level, these three who have tried him before his right to become one of us. The banner of the house of Israel hath this portion of the great name turned backward. The name of the prophet is Habakkuk, of the disciple or Apostle, Matthew. Its curative plant is dragonwort; its precious stone, the crystal. The sign X is representative of a river, a stream of water, of damp, wet and boggy places, of new-made land made by filling up water channels. As V3 represented death, vz a ferry, X a river, and k Charon, so the ceremony of Charon ferrying the dead over the river to cf, the region of light and the glory of Ra, is but the representation of the sun’s movement from the death of winter to spring; while the earth’s movement of Gen- esis, from f to X and thence through zx to V$, signified that by T, heat or fire, X, the water or menstrual, conceives, and that which is conceived passes out into zx, the air, and thence becomes itf, earthly bodies; or this is the natural formation. So you see the truth that from Ttf, or corruption, death, we spring into eternal life ; while on the other hand, if we fall from .the true light, cf, towards Ttf, we are plunged into death and misery. All are exemplified in these signs. This is the river Styx esoterically. It is the month from Feb. 22 to March 22, and represents the sun now crossing the great river or ocean ready for his commencement of the passover. As it is a very cold month and the month when all the rivers are frozen up, the sun is ferried or carried over by Charon (fi), who has used his ice-bridge ; and thus the sun slides or is carried over easily. The elephant mask of Charon represents strength, showing this to be the strength of winter when the ice is the thickest. In the Christian religion it is the fever month, or Fevrier, and the sun’s rays begin to exhilarate the fever patients, forSIGNS AND MEANINGS OF THE TWELVE BOOKS 233 which this month is well named. And so he heals the sick, even as in January he was baptized by The color of this sign is white, and signifies the ice, and the month as it joins the first degrees of Aries, from which heat comes, and in a horoscope or nativity is the first house or mansion, it represents the birth of a child or conception, either of a living thing or of a thought, and signifies the purity of the beginning. It signifies in business that which is made up of many small things or varieties. It also signifies little children, a lot of scholars; a plurality, such as cigars, pencils ; and, as it is a watery sign it signifies ale-houses, drinkers, all saloons and bottles of liquids. This sign relates to man’s feet, also in many instances the shoes or foot-wear/ toes, etc. Its diseases are all lameness and hurts in the feet and toes, tight or ill-fitting shoes, gout, corns, chilblains, and all aches in the feet. It represents such places as fish-ponds,, decoys, water mills, moorish, flabby grounds where wild fowl congregate, moats or ditches, small rivers and trickling springs, and about houses, such things as pumps, water supply, beer casks, etc.; fish, fish poisons, etc. It signifies babies, children, little ones of either man or beast, and things. X with Saturn (h) therein, or in opposition or square, gives ice and cold. If k be in opposition in dangers in using ice-water, lobsters, clams, and shell-fish, which are ruled by k and the stomach. Pisces is a nocturnal, northerly, watery, cold and moist sign, also phlegmatic, feminine, and double-bodied. It is the last of the twelve, and of the watery trigon of X, ^l, 25. It describes one of a short, low stature, rather inclined to corpulency, and not a very well-composed body ; face medium large ; complexion pale, body fleshy ; not walking very upright, something of a stoop or downward inclination of the head. In this sign Christ is represented as taking ship, and crossing234 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT over to f, a rising ground or mountain, to feed the multitude miraculously on the two small fishes, which I have before described. X is the house of Jupiter. Venus is exalted in twenty-seven degrees. It is the day and night triplicity of Mars. The first eight degrees are the terms of Venus; eight to fourteen, of Jupiter; fourteen to twenty, of Mercury; twenty to twenty-six, of Mars; and from twenty-six to thirty the terms of Saturn. Saturn has the first face or first ten degrees of Pisces; Jupiter, the next face or next ten degrees, and Mars, the third face or last ten degrees. The name of the angle, or angel, of Pisces is Barchiel. The name of the Son of Israel is Ephraim; name of the prophet, Joel; name of the apostle, James the Younger. Its curative plant is aris- tolochia ; its precious stone, the sapphire, and the great name turned backward for its banner is TUT The number complete is twelve. trpnnn'DDK- A. U. M.ASPECTS 235 CHAPTER XVI ASPECTS The principal aspects in use are the conjunction (6), the sextile (%), the trine (A), the square (□), the opposition (fc, for from T to SI is a trine and perfect agreement. The positive pole will be over SI, the negative over which is a sextile from T. And if by con- verse we get a trine from /, the sextile will be in n. Fiery and airy signs are agreeable, and so you may vary that cross and this sextile will always be good and the trine perfect. So take your squares or opposition, and the earth will be injured or drowned by the water or fire, heat, and vitiate the air, and never will the signs of the crosses disagree. Again, take a magnet, and apply it to the needle. One pole will be drawn one hundred and twenty degrees from the east while the other pole is sixty. Oppose it and try to draw the needle east or west, and it will not do it ; pass the magnet immediately over the centre, and it is like a blow on the head, stunning the per- son. If passed along the needle, a violent tremor of the needle takes place like one in a fever. Now, if a magnet can238 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT in such a small body possess such an unseen and indisputable power, how much more can those ponderous bodies affect everything! And as the contact of a magnet to a small body of steel makes that a magnet by induction, how much more shall these immense magnetic bodies, the planets, induce mag- netism in everything, man and beast, animal and vegetable, on the face of our earth ! Of what use would be the dynamo without the magnets ? Magnetism is as far ahead of electri- city as electricity is of superstition, which it is eradicating day by day. The ancient people had got so learned in it that they were called the magi. Why is it that the compass deviates locally ? Is it not the local magnetism ? And so a standard compass has to be manufactured expressly. Merchant seamen or navigators have done more to bring different nations together than all the government efforts in the world; and they are the best practical navigators in the world, and they have found out more about deviation and variation of the magnetic polarity than any others, simply because necessity has made them study into these things. Did you ever know a shipmaster who scoffed at the moon’s influence on weather or tides, or the sun’s spots producing disturbances in his compass, or the gathering of the magnetic forces into cyclones, tornadoes, hur- ricanes, and typhoons ? or one who, when the sun makes his ingress into T, in March 22, and also into =2=, Sept. 22, or when he Xes the line or equator, is foolish enough not to be on his guard for a storm ? or who denies that heat ascends and cold descends; that is to say, that the positive rises while the nega- tive or gravitating body falls, so that great heat is always suc- ceeded by an inrush of cold and hail and a gyrating force downward to restore the equilibrium ? Where is the navigator to-day who denies that all lines of magnetism are circular?ASPECTS 239 Sometimes at sea in terrific storms of lightning the compass needle revolves with intense rapidity, and no guide is left to steer by but the stars when clear ; and often in years past many ships have been lost because during a storm the magnetic polarity of the needle has suffered a change. The remedy is simple, and was found by an American shipmaster. He put his compass into a round iron boiler, and immediately it resumed its normal condition, having equal attraction at all points. Therefore it follows that that which keeps the magnetic forces of this universe in order must be equally an immense circular body. In an old book called “ The Shipmaster's Guide, or Manual,” which I had in my younger days, was a table made by Sir John Herschel to calculate the weather by the moons changes. Before Richard Proctor died, he declared that the moon told everything far better than transits of Venus or any other heavenly body. He was at least graceful enough to allow that truth after scoffing at astrology, and after being well taught in it and knowing it to be absolutely true in every particular. What is it that causes the divining rod to seek its affinity under the earth, that which was called the rod of Moses or Jacob, from which Moses divined where to find water ? This is now a scientific fact, and yet all persons cannot use it suc- cessfully, because of their being too positive.240 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CHAPTER XVII NATIVITIES I do not intend to reiterate all the compendiums on astrology, merely some new old things. Many persons do not know their hour of birth ; so I give an example of an old method by which to get at the approximate time by the law of heredity ; that the father’s occupation previous to birth has an effect on the foetus and transmits the magnetic effect to the child in the pur- suit of his endeavors for a livelihood. For ascertaining the approximate time of birth where the hour and minute are not known. First, take the height, complexion, and hair of the native or querent, at the same time casting the figure for a horary ques- tion. If you do not like to ask the querent his or her voca- tion or occupation (which in this case is easiest to quickly get at the result), then judge by the first, second, fourth, fifth, and ninth houses and their lords of the occupation, which, having ascertained, then judge the planet ruling such occu- pation rules over the person. Also ask for the father’s occupation at time of birth; the planet ruling such occu- pation will be lord over the proper sign to put over the twelfth house irrespective of any degrees. In the ephemeris for the year and day of birth cast your life over the column of mutual aspects, and see which planet has experienced the most mutual aspects during the period of the person’s life, which isc3 id NATIVITIES 24I numbered by counting from the day of the birth, every succeed- ing day as a year of life. Recollect a day equals a year (see Psalm) : “A thousand years are as a day in thy sight, O Lord.” Now, for illustration : A lady calls on me at forty-five min- utes past noon of Jan. 20, 1890 (see plate annexed and blank), in Boston, Mass., U.S., whose longitude is 710 west, or correction for longitude in time is yk. 44' additive, because in west longitude. Having set my horary figure for this time, I find that the signs and degrees taken from a table of houses calculated for the latitude of New York (the nearest latitude to Boston), makes the horoscope. I judge by this figure that she is a person who has been left legacies, as D in eighth house, leav- ing 6 of $ and of % signifies, as well as 0 on the cusp of first. I also judge that she is a Mercury person, as n is on the cusp of first; and that she passes her time in reading and painting, as § is sextile to 9, and in the tenth dignified, and 1% (books, etc.) in fifth house of pleasure. Also n ruled by $ on second signifies deeds, papers, etc., for house of wealth, So again zxt on cusp tenth (signifies sewing and painting), and $ in ail give pursuits of the child of the 1%, virgin, or household duties and pleasures. Again the ninth house has V3 on cusp, signify- ing housekeeping, and SI on fourth, the fireside. Having ascertained that these all indicate a $ person, I look up 5 in 23?, and find one reasonably tall, plump, good, clear complexion, handsome (33? is one of the signs of good looks), sunny brown hair; one inclined to study art and sciences, and witty ; and I then go over her stature, 5 ft. 5 in. ; plump, good- looking, light smooth shiny brown hair, hazel eyes. The father, a jeweller. Now, jewellers are ruled over by Venus ; conse- quently the twelfth house must have either =2= or b on the cusp. I say after =£= on the twelfth would come % on the first,242 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT and that will not do, for she is not a $ person. But after comes n, and that gives a $ person. So on my figure for the nativity I put simply the two signs, 8 on cusp twelve and n on cusp of the first or ascendant, as shown in accompanying figure. But inasmuch as a jeweller uses iron and steel tools the twelfth must have a mixture of lords of $ and 9 ; there should be a sign ruled by Mars in that twelfth house also, so the order of succession must be °f, b, n, of which T and 8 must be in twelfth. Look carefully at the figure. On inquiry she says, “ I was born in Boston, Feb. 24, 1847 > I am told near the middle of the day.” So turning to the almanac of 1847, Feb. 24, I find the sidereal time to be 22k. 28' 30", and look in the table of hours to find this before going farther, and I find this would give the ascendant 28° 53' n. Now, I wish to see if that is the right degree. I find it places 8 on the twelfth house. So far good. In the year of birth, in the monthly column, I look for the nearest change of the moon previous to the birthday, and on the fifteenth day I find the 6 of moon, or new moon (the 3,6';D, 200; a?, 48'; 9, 34f; h,5°; b>43;; R %, 16°; «, 41^'; , 40'; R ?, 19° ; 5'; 25°; t, 35r; and 7°; t> 40'• Here we find the moon in or the marriage house, so I say she, the moon, denotes the event. I then look for moon’s place on the day of birth, and correct it for approximate time of birth, which is 16° 32' 40" of X. Then from the right ascension of this radical place, corresponding to 16° 32' 40" of X, turned into degrees, reckoned from first point of Aries, I subtract 270 35' 40" = to 27 years 7 months and 4 days of native’s age, reckoning i° per year, 5' per month, and 10" per day, and this is the arc of direction for the cusp of seventh house. The re- mainder is 18° 57' of Zw, which I put in lead-pencil on the cusp of the seventh. I now turn to the birthday, and find the nearest change of moon previous was the full or opposition, sun being in 210 23' b, and moon in 210 23' hi ; and because the moon is the indicating planet, I take the sign and degree she is in, and find that Mercury has his terms in that degree of that sign. I then, in the column of Mercury in the ephemeris, run down the column till opposite the birthday, and find Mercury in just 18° 57; of a sign, indicating the degree and minute for the ascendant. I dispose of this by putting the same on the ascendant as 180 SI 57', and opposite on the seventh house 180 57' of and by turning to the table of houses, I find theNATIVITIES 245 sidereal time for that degree must be 2h. 32' 18" = 38° 05' of right ascension or R A M ; and as the R. A. at noon is 3h. 51' 16" May 20, 1854, subtract 2k. 32' 18" because before noon, leaving ih. 18' 58n before noon. and as noon is 12k. 00' 00" o’clock, I deduct ih. 18' 58" leaving 10h. 41' 02" a.m. for the time of birth or time when he “ became a living soul,” or his nostrils were filled with “the breath of life;” see Gen. ii. Then 10h. 41' 02" 4k. 44' for west longitude, 710 W. 15h. 25' 02" Deduct 12k. 3A 25' 02" or difference 3/0 hours and a fraction for correction of moon and planets’ places. This is the method of the ancient people. The moon’s hourly movement on this day is 33TV, and 33'.2 X 3k. tV gives moon’s place, 160 32' 40" of X ; from which sub- tract the arc of 27 years, 7 months, 4 days, or 270 35' 40", and the seventh house is correct, for its cusp, 180 z& 5?! to a surety. Now, I place my cusps of houses corresponding to this as- cendant, viz., on tenth, io° 8 30'; eleventh, 160 n 30'; on twelfth, 200 55 30'; 180 SI 57', the ascendant; 160 ^ 30', the second; third, 70 =2= 30'; fourth, io° K 30'; fifth, 160 / 30'; sixth, 200 16 30'; seventh, 180 57'; eighth, io° X 30'; ninth 7° T 30'. Now correct the planets. Place the moon in 160 32' of X in the eighth; the © in 290 13' 8 in the tenth; w in 130 35; b in the tenth; % in 270 29, 16 in the sixth; $ in 6°246 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 37' Vj near second; k in 210 24' n in the tenth; 9 in 130 3 & of T in ninth; $ in 190 24' in 8 in the tenth; © in 6° if n in the tenth; SI in i° 2& n in the tenth. k is lord of the seventh and sixth; %, lord of fifth (pleasure children, etc.), and also of the eighth; $, lord of the fourth or completeness of-things, also of the ninth; 9, lady of the third and tenth; £, of the eleventh, of friends and hopes, and of the second or house of wealth; the ©, lord of the ascendant, and the D lady of the twelfth. Continuing after entering the planets radically, I now enter them in red ink for the day of marriage. You find the moon has just entered the seventh house and Venus in almost partile sextile in fifth, or house of pleasure and joy and children or love; Jupiter in partile sextile of moon’s radix and to a trine of Uranus ; k (Saturn) lord of seventh trine to $ (Mars), lord of fourth radically, and the sun in trine to Saturn, lord of seventh by progression, and 9 trine to ascendant and sextile to seventh. By the Chaldean method of direction or f\f of Isis, the moon is affecting the ascendant, and trine to 9 (Venus’) radix. The sun, lord of ascendant, has entered the fourth house in trine to moon radix; Venus in trine to sun radix; $ (Mars), lord of fourth in sextile to his own radix; and Saturn, lord of seventh in trine to $, lord of fourth ; Mercury, lord of eleventh, or house of friends, is in the seventh in conjunction with moon by revo- lution, and Venus in trine to radical Jupiter. The secondary directions show moon trine to $ in 150 55, $ ^ 9, and moon just left sextile Venus, who is transiting the radical place of Uranus. Jupiter is in 250 18' V?, consequently in exact trine to Venus by Chaldean directions of J\f. These secondary direc- tions I mark with green or some distinctive ink for the places of the planets in the ephemeris, or their movement for 27 days equal 27 years.NATIVITIES 247 You will observe that all the different aspects agree as to marriage, and therefore the ascendant must be correct. Also that without any other method than the Chaldean J\f, serpent movement, you can hit the directions exactly, and that it is the planets that dispose of events, and not cusps of houses or exact ascendant, which modern astrologers insist upon as an excuse if they fail to predict an event. Get the planet inside one of the houses before predicting a matter. A man does not con- sider himself doing anything in a house while outside the doors; and when you learn to personify a planet and consider each one as acting like a living man or woman, the more quickly you will divine by astrology. Again, a planet might be near the cusp of a house, turn retrograde, and refrain from going in, just like a person altering his mind, and then the event will not take place. If he is inside, the thing takes place; if out- side, it has not taken place. But if the planet bears the exact aspect to the lord of the house, it must take place, and that can be ascertained more accurately and with less trouble than get- ting the exact moment of birth, for we know that the movement of a planet for half an hour is but slight, but half an hour of time would make a great difference in the ascendant, which you must have very exact if you would go by arcs of direction calculated by modern methods. Always the same excuse if it fails: you could not have given the exact birth. The Master could not have divined by writing on the ground with his finger, nor Joseph in his cup, nor the African Obiman by his ring, nor the Hebrew priest by the ephod, nor any Ancient who cast horoscopes for shepherds and wanderers of the desert, or countless slaves who knew not when they were born, unless it was the planets which disposed of events and not the ascendant and mid-heaven exactly. The first house and the tenth it should248 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT be, and their lords, but if the ascending degree is to determine the story of a man’s life, very few would ever be able to know much about their lives. Magnetism comes from the sun, moon, and planets; and when planets are not throwing an aspect they are not magnetically affecting at the moment. Witness the moon when void. Of course there is nothing comes of anything tried at the time; neither can you get an answer or define any question. How to find the Good and Evil Angles, or Angels, in one s Nativity. Lay the scheme of heaven or chart of the nativity on the table before you, and commence any part of it that you like, as, for instance, the sign X ; now at 130 you commence a semi- sextile of Venus, and thence the conjunction of the moon, the sextile of Uranus, the sextile of Mercury, the sextile of Jupiter, the sextile of the sun, the sextile of Leo, the sextile of Saturn, the sextile of fortune, the conjunction of Venus, the semi-sextile of Uranus, semi-sextile of Mercury, of the sun and of Saturn, and the trine of Mars ; all this time you have passed from the thirteenth degree of Pisces to the eighth degree of Taurus with- out meeting a bad aspect, making your finger-point a planet pur- suing its course through these good degrees ; but now your eye catches $, an evil planet, before you, and to avoid his influence or conjunction, you allow him several degrees before and after. But as the sixteenth degree of Taurus gives you a sextile of the moon, you mark down in your Table of Evil Angles, or Angels (and angle or angel is the same thing, the meaning perverted to suit the religious garb), from 8° & to 16° , 6 $. Now, from 160 b to 28° 8 the following good angles : a sex-NATIVITIES 249 tile of moon, a conjunction of Mercury, and a trine of Jupiter. Here the good ends and evil commences, and from 28° to io° n, conjunction of sun, conjunction of Saturn, and square of Mars; at io° n, good again to the 140 n, close work, but you want all the good you can, so put down sextile Venus and V, semi-sextile of Uranus, then back to evil again from 140 n to I9°n, the square of the moon ; good from 190 n to io° 25, the semi-sextiles of Mercury and the sun and Saturn and the sextile of Mars ; from io° 55 to 150 55, the square of Venus ; good from 150 55 to 220 s, the sextile of Uranus, trine of moon, and sextile of Mercury; evil from 220 55 to 290 25, the opposition of Jupiter ; good from 290 25 to n° SI, sextile sun, sextile Leo, sextile Saturn, sextile fortune, trine Venus ; evil from ii° SI to 8° and evil enough also, for the squares of Uranus, Mercury, sun, Leo, Saturn, fortune, and conjunction of Mars in succession; then good from 8° 1% to 140 irg, a trine of Uranus; evil from 140 ^ to 180 m, the opposition of the moon ; good from 180 VX to 8° =o=, and remarkably good, for the trines of Venus, of Jupiter, of the sun, of Leo, of Sat- urn, of fortune and the semi-sextile of Mars ensue before this long string of good is succeeded by evil from 8° =2= to i° % ; here are the opposition of Venus and square of Jupiter, and from i° K to 8° % the good sextile of Mars ; then evil from 8° K to 150 fli, the evil opposition of Uranus ; from 15°^ to 18° a slight interval of good, the trine of the moon ensues ; evil from 180 % to 230 ^l, the opposition of Mercury; good fr^n 230 rti to 28° K, the sextile of Jupiter; evil from 28° iq, to io° /, the opposition of the sun, the conjunction of ?S, the opposition of Saturn, the opposition of fortune, and the square of Mars. Good comes from io° t to 150, the trine of Venus ; evil from 150 i to 220 t, the square of the moon ; good from250 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 22° t to io° Y5, the semi-sextile of Jupiter and trine of Mars ; evil from io° to 150 V?, the square of Venus; good and excellent from 150 V3 to n° 42?, the trine of Uranus, sextile of the moon, trine of Mercury, the conjunction of Jupiter, the trine of the sun, the trine of Leo, the trine of Saturn, trine of for- tune and sextile of Saturn; evil from n° 42? to 130 X, the starting-point, and here the squares of Uranus, of Mercury, of the sun, of Leo, of Saturn, the opposition of Mars, the square of fortune, and the shrug of the shoulder or semi-square of Jupiter, brings you round to the starting-point, and you have found the folds of the Serpent completed or the winding in and out. It is best in doing this to have your circular speculum large enough to have your 360 degrees of a circle all pointed off at least one-sixteenth of an inch apart, and made like a cir- cular horoscope ; in which measure off the different signs from o to 30° in succession, and make the cusps of the house ex- actly on the degrees of the signs specified in the horoscope; then on the outside of the figure exactly on the degrees and parts of a degree places for the conjunctions of good planets, the moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury; the Q, and fortune are to be placed, as well as their sextiles and trines, in black ink; the good aspects, viz., the trines and sextiles of fi, g> § 2 r-. ^ CD C/3 & u H rt c 4 go « +-> Cfi o o - bJD bfl £ g rt Sm ■bog 5 *-* ci ^ rd A O Cfi 2 T> O bO vd M CO C\ vd 21. M CO . 10. 4 CM vo in M M CO H in cb 0 P K*'* ce d> P >* bh p 4-> &. +2 O > 0 > O O d) d <0 g u p £ s P l—» 3 ►—» 3 i < d> cn O £ iz; Q Q P 4—> s O jj, v. v. v. s-° V* g CN! H w CO w CN vO O co O co H M On w vo IH M CO 0 5-1 Ph Apr. C& s r^T* 3 H—j r3* 3 H—> bb p c 3, cn 4-5 0 0 Nov. Nov. d d> Q 6 ci P—i d ce 4—1 O 20 o B \Sl H r r r 3 *r\ s> vo 0 ON m ON 00 00 M VO M O CN 10 to O M M H w M M CN JH CN H M O X) X B 11 11 d r <1 r r r a ^-1 r~r. 00 00 ^d- O CNl M p 00 00 00 00 VO 0 M HH M M (N W M M CN M M M iA CN! tA M 4 M- CO ci vd d to d co M M On H vd M to 0 5-1 Dh O ce § dj c p 3 >*-—> >* 3 bb 0 <1 Pn 0 CO ti CL) CO 4-j O O > O ft > O ft d Q d p 1—» d ce » H M O m co g CO VO CO Ov vO CNl CO w VO M H M 10 0 ^-1 Mar. Pn P § P £ —* 3 3 H—> bb p <1 Sept, Oct. > O ft Nov. Dec. Dec. d ce *—> , 30 30 H 1111 c? w <1 r s' r ^ ^ s ’ 00 00 P o cn ^ 00 00 00 CO iO o § * :» B Bt1t>1£fifs's'e'***+£1 dr co vo o o\ 10 o\oo 00 h ±n co o cn 10 HH w H M m M CN H VH CN W CN W The longest periods in the good columns to be judged from The longest periods in evil columns are the worst for health, the signs as described, are the best for health, wealth, and money, friends, and hopes, and all such places as these signs locations, or affairs to invest in. describe should be avoided for locations and investments.NATIVITIES 253 Now, having got your table thus far prepared, take any alma- nac in which the sun’s right ascension is written for the longitude or sun’s place in the signs daily, and commencing with your first good degrees, 130 X, and following down to 8° of 8, you will find the sun transits over that space yearly from March 3 to April 27, which put down opposite in your column of annual good days. Then take 16° 8 to 28° 8 the sun’s transits are from May 6 to May 17; from io° n to 140 n, sun’s transits are from May 31 to June 4; from ig° n to io° 25, sun from June 9 to July 1 ; from 150 s to 220 25, sun from July 6 to July 13 ; from 290 gs to ii° SI, sun from July 21 to Aug. 2 ; from 8° to 140 ttjj, sun from Aug. 3 to Sept. 6; from 180 ty to 8° =2=, from Sept. 10 to Sept. 30; from i° K to 8° K, from Oct 24 to Oct. 30 ; from 150 % to 180 *4,, from Nov. 6 to Nov. n ; from 230 % to 28° from Nov. 15 to Nov. 19; from io° / to 150 t, from Dec. 1 to Dec. 6; from 220 / to io° V3, from Dec. 13 to Jan. 1; and from 150 13 to n° the sun will transit from Jan. 5 to Jan. 31. These will always through life be beneficial, because the sun, the ruler of our solar system, will transit at these times in good aspect to the radical places of the planets in this nativity. The intervening days are when the sun transits the inter- vening evil degrees and throws an evil aspect to the radical places and must be marked down opposite to them, as, for instance, from 8° 8 to 160 8 is from April 27 to May 6, and so on. Now, these are the days annually, because the sun revolution is yearly ; but for monthly days you must observe when the moon transits these good degrees in the column of moon’s longitude for the year you are inquiring for; and mind this, that you cor-254 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT rect the longitude for the place you are in, allowing the aspect to form before Greenwich time in west longitude, and after in east. As the earth revolves from west to east against what is called the movement of the sun, therefore all changes of tem- perature, etc., and planetary conjunctions take place earlier in Chicago than in Boston, and so on. So that if you say such and such a degree the D transits at noon in Greenwich, she would do it in Denver seven hours earlier, and in New York five hours earlier, and so on. Always take good care not to be too close to hit upon any ill aspect, as, for instance, if in a monthly day you saw the good commenced at 7 a.m. and ended at 10 p.m., put it down at 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and keep within the hours, and never exceed the time to commence any new work, as the end will be evil. As Paul says, “ Make your calling and election sure;” i.e.> observe the correct planet which rules over the work or thing you intend to perform, and elect the proper time to do it. Avoid also on such days all planetary characters (described by the different planets in the various signs they are in at the time, and which you may find in any little compendium on astrology) which may be in evil aspect to the moon, and observe well the mutual aspects for the day. You will find that oftentimes the moon gives you good hours and moments when the sun is not transiting. Yet you will have the help of the moon, which is great. But when the sun and moon are both transiting the same degrees, you are sure to do well. From the times of longest continued good and signs expect the greatest good fortune, and in the signs worst afflicted in those days are your greatest evils. I intend, if this work proves successful, to issue a compendium of descriptions of the planets in the various signs, so that one can tell the occupations and resi- dences of such characters, and a full explanation of the key, withNATIVITIES 255 table of right ascension and declination, oblique ascensions, in- structions in making tables of houses, any remarks on horary questions, and especially instruction for physicians in regard to sickness ; and a vocabulary of herbs and curatives, which are not relevant to this work, which is intended for nativities only and for easy calculation.ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 256 CHAPTER XVIII SIGNIFICATIONS OF THE LORDS OF HOUSES AS PLACED IN A NATIVITY The lord of the first in the ascendant denotes long life, health of body, and peace of mind ; but if combust there, it de- notes the contrary. If the lord of the first be found in the second, the native will grow rich by his own industry; but if weak, retrograde, or com- bust, it denotes want and penury. In the third house, the native will be inclined to travel to see his kindred, and to dwell with them; but if afflicted in that house, his brethren or kindred will be unkind. In the fourth house, the native is born to good possessions and inheritance from his father; but if unfortunate there, he will either die in prison or banishment. If in the fifth house and fortunate, the native will have joy and comfort in his children ; but weak or afflicted by h , $, or ?S, he will have few children, and those few cross, disobedient, and rebellious. The lord of the ascendant in the sixth house denotes sick-' ness, and if afflicted there, short life and vexation. In the seventh house, the native loves the company of women, and will have good fortune by a wife, if well dignified there; but if combust, his wife or sweetheart will be the cause of his ruin; if the sign there be ^ with ?5, let him beware. The lord of ascendant in the eighth house, weak or afflicted,THE LORDS OF HOUSES AS PLACED IN A NATIVITY 257 the native is pensive and melancholy, troubled in mind, and generally a short-lived person. In the ninth house, fortunate, the native will gain by clergy- men, long voyages, and by strangers ; but if afflicted, it denotes danger by thieves and highwaymen or shipwreck. r The said lord in the tenth denotes that the native is born to great honor and grandeur; but if combust there, he is forced to forsake his country, and in danger of death by the anger of persons in power, unless combust in his own house, for then he escapes death, but is kept from his right. If in the eleventh house, the native will bring his hopes to perfection ; but if afflicted, weak, or retrograde, there is but lit- tle hope from friends or acquaintances. If the lord of the ascendant be in the twelfth, the native will have many enemies, and be the cause of his own misfortunes ; if he be weak and combust there, he will die in prison, unless in his own house, for then there is little danger of death. THE LORD OF THE SECOND IN THE TWELVE HOUSES. The lord of the second in the first signifies riches easily obtained and without much labor, or looking after. In the second, the native gets money by his own wit and in- dustry ; but if afflicted, judge the contrary. In the third house, the native suffers loss by his brethren and kindred, especially if h or $ or ?S be there, as also by in- land journeys. In the fourth, it gives the native an estate from his parents, and profit in movable goods. In the fifth, good and profitable children, unless the be there, for then they will cheat and abuse their parents. In the sixth house, the native’s servants will rob and run258 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT away with his goods, his cattle will die, and he will suffer loss in his estate. In the seventh, the native will gain an estate wrongfully, and spend the same among evil women, but will soon after have goods and money fall to him by his wife. In the eighth, the native will be very extravagant and throw his money away carelessly; but if the lord of the eighth give his power to the lord of the second, the native will inherit an estate by the wills of the dead. If the lord of the second be found in the ninth, he will gain by merchandising, trading by sea, long journeys, by clergymen, books, or by wife’s kindred. If in the tenth, he will gain by the office or employment of some noblemen, or by his mother or wife’s father, or by his trade or profession. If the lord of the second be placed fortunately in the eleventh, the native will gain considerably by accidental fortune, by means of friends, selling of corn or such things as are sown, or by yearly rents. If the said significator be found in the twelfth house, the native will be likely to lose his goods by thieves, but will gain by great cattle, if the lord of the second be not too much afflicted there. THE LORD OF THE THIRD IN ANY'OF THE TWELVE HOUSES. If the lord of the third be in the first house, the native will be greater than his brethren, or else will have none, and if he have, receive advantage from them, and so will his neighbors ; but he will be desirous of travel. If in the second, his brethren or kindred will be at strife with him for an estate or money, especially if the lord of the ascendant and third be in □ or mies, and will be robbed by some woman, and be plagued by reason of lost money and goods. The lord of the seventh in the third, the native will hate his brethren, and marry some of his kindred, and live at variance with his relations and neighbors. If in the fourth, the native will follow the profession of his father, and thrive by it ; he will marry a virtuous and chaste wife, and have some contention about his father’s estate. The lord of the seventh in the fifth denotes that the native will marry a very young wife of good behavior, but will receive injuries and crosses from his child or children. This I have proved true in the nativity of a friend of mine who had the lord of the seventh in the fifth, who married a wife under thirteen years of age, had one daughter by her, but she proved a very obstinate and rebellious one, almost to her father’s ruin. If in the sixth house, the native will marry a servant-maid or a person much below himself, or a woman stained with some scandal or blemish in her reputation. If the lord of the seventh be in the seventh, it denotes that the native will marry with a person of a good family, but she will not love him, and will have much trouble, strife, and con- tention by reason of other men and private gallants. This I have proved true in the nativity of a near relation of mine, and in several other nativities also. If in the eighth house, the native will wed a rich and wealthy wife, and will enjoy her estate, but will have some trouble by the death of some friend about a legacy. In the ninth, it denotes that the native will marry a stranger, and suffer much about his religion, but will gain by his wife’s relations.THE LORDS OF HOUSES AS PLACED IN A NATIVITY 265 If the lord of the seventh be in the tenth, it promises the native an honorable wife or husband, and money equivalent; but yet some trouble will arise concerning some honorable office, dignity, or employment. If in the eleventh, the native will marry a widow having chil- dren, and live comfortably with her, unless some difference happens concerning her children. If the lord of the seventh be in the twelfth, disposed of by the D in the eighth, the native dies by or from the hands of his enemies; verified in the death of a former King of Sweden, as may be seen by his nativity. THE LORD OF THE EIGHTH IN THE TWELVE HOUSES. If the lord of the eighth be in the ascendant, it makes the native sad and melancholy, and denotes short life, but that he will be fortunate in legacies, especially if the lord of the second be in any good aspect to the lord of the ascendant. If in the second house, the native will have a good portion with his wife, and will recover debts he little thought to get. In third house, the native’s brethren will be very unfortunate in short journeys, and they will die before the native. The lord of the eighth in the fourth house denotes, that the native’s parents will be short-lived, especially if the lord of the eighth or eleventh be in □ or (c or A to the cusp thereof. If the lord of the eighth be in the twelfth house, the native will be vexed by his enemies, and will die in a prison, unless % or $ be in the twelfth, having no dignities in the eighth, which, if so, he dies by the hands of his enemies, as in the nativity of a former King of Sweden, he having both the lords of the eighth and seventh in the twelfth house of the nativity. THE LORD OF THE NINTH IN THE TWELVE HOUSES. If the lord of the ninth be in the ascendant, the native will be religious, wise, and prudent, beloved by strangersTHE LORDS OF HOUSES AS PLACED IN A NATIVITY 267 and wife’s relations, and fortunate in voyages and long journeys. If in the second, the native will gain substance by merchants or persons using the seas, as also by going to sea himself. If in the third house, the native will move from place to place out of his own country, on account of his brethren and kindred. If in the fourth house, the native will have some possessions by means of his wife’s relations, and will travel by reason of his father or wife’s mother. The lord of the ninth in the fifth denotes that the native will have a child by a strange woman, especially if the lord of the fifth be in any aspect to the lord of the ascendant, and he will travel on that account. If in the sixth, the native will marry a servant-maid, and will gain servants and small cattle, if the lord of the second be in or A to the sixth or its lord. In the seventh, the native will marry a stranger, and one very well educated, whose relations will love her though they will be at strife with the native. In the eighth, the native will gain considerably by going a long journey about the wills or legacies of the dead. If in the ninth, the native will be religious and a true dreamer, but no traveller, unless for the sake of religion. If in the tenth, the native will gain honor by a long journey, and the wife’s kindred will honor the native, especially if the lord of the tenth be in the ascendant strong. If in the eleventh house retrograde, though otherwise never so strong, the native will suffer much by and for his religion, even to his utter undoing, unless the lord of the eleventh be in. or A to him there.268 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT If the lord of the ninth be in the twelfth house strong, the native will be fortunate in the first part of his life, but in middle life or declining years will be overcome by his enemies, and be obliged to abscond or be an exile. THE LORD OF THE TENTH IN THE TWELVE HOUSES. The lord of the tenth in the ascendant denotes that the native will attain to great preferment and dignities ; but if ill dignified, though he does attain it, he will be deprived of it at last, especially if the lord of the fourth be in □ or and the tS happen to be there, and the lord of the second afflicted by the lord of the ascendant or fourth, the native will be poor throughout the whole course of his life.ASTROLOGICAL APHORISMS 273 CHAPTER XIX ASTROLOGICAL APHORISMS These aphorisms relating to horary questions, collected from various authors from time to time, and proved correct in my experience of twenty years, and others added from my own practice, whose truth has been abundantly proved, will be found useful in the judicial part of astrology. 1. When you hear news, or else in questions of news, behold the lord of the ascendant, the ascendant itself, the D , and lord of the hour. 2. If the ?S, h , or $ be in the ascendant, or the lord of the ascendant with them, it is not true. 3. If 2/, ?, or the © be there, not afflicted, it is true enough. 4. If no planet be in the ascendant, behold the fifth house, and if any planet be there, judge by the former rules. 5. If no planet be there, view the lord of the hour, and see whether he be direct or retrograde, in what house he is, and to what planet aspected, and judge from thence. 6. If the ascendant be a movable sign, especially T, then be sure it is false, saith Haly. 7. If the fortunes be in angles, it is likely enough to be true ; if the infortunes are there, it is false, unless it be bad news, for then it is too true. 8. For example : if it belongs to war, bloodshed, or conten- tion, and $ in an angle, it is true.274 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 9. But if 2/ be there, it is false, because % loves peace. 10. Likewise if k be angular, and the report be concerning death, imprisonment, or sickness, it is true, because they are of his own nature. 11. If in questions of war the lord of the ascendant and lord of the seventh be in □ or 5. Common, n, *% /, X.MISCELLANEOUS ASTROLOGICAL INFORMATION 28l Humane, n, =g=, 2#, first part of / having humane shape. Bestial, T, b , SI, /, V5. Double-bodied, n, X, and first part of /. Fruitful, gs, ni, X.. Barren, n, SI, =*=, /, 2£L Mute, 55, ni, X. Cardinal, T, 25, —, and >5. Equinoctial, T and =£*=. Tropical signs, 95 and Vj. The signs are also divided into masculine and feminine, thus:— Masculine, T, n, $1, =£=, /, Feminine, 8, 55, ^l, >5, X. Eastern signs are T, SI, /. Southern, 8, 1^, >3. Western, n, =2=, 25?. Northern, 55, ^l, X. Dry signs, T, 8, SI, >3. Moist signs, n, 55, ^l, =2=, 22?, X. Signs of long ascension, 55, SI, —, T1l, i. Signs of short ascension, >3, 2#, X, T, n. Signs opposite to each other in the heavens :— T opposite =g=, 8 opposite ni, n opposite /, 55 opposite >3, SI opposites, opposite X. The first six are also called northern signs, because they decline from the equinoctial toward the North Pole. The other six are called southern signs, for they decline from the equinoctial to the South Pole.282 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Houses of Planets both by Day and Night. PLANETS DAY HOUSES NIGHT HOUSES k . . . A/%/%/ V3 % . . . . . . t X $ . . . . . . r ? . . . 8 2 . . . . . . n © . . . ... si D • • • . . . Td The table needs no explanation, the title being sufficient. However, the Table of the Essential Dignities and Debilities of the Planets on p. 305 will make the matter more easily understood. Explanation of the' Table of Essential Dignities. By this table and the preceding one may be seen the day and night houses of the planets by inspection ; and as for the exaltations of the planets, you may see the Q is exalted in the nineteenth degree of T ; the D in three degrees of 8 ; the Q, three degrees of n ; 2/, thirteen degrees of 55, as you may see under the title exaltation, in the third column to the right, and against it in the left hand is placed the sign 23 which tells you % has his exaltation in fifteen degrees of that sign ; and so of the rest. By the same method you may observe that the © and % govern the fiery triplicity; 2 and D , earthy; k and £, the airy, and $, the watery. % has the first six degrees of T for his term ; 2 , from the sixth to the fourteenth, etc ; $ has the first ten for his face; the Q, from ten to twenty; 2 , from twenty to thirty. She has her detriment in T and k his fall as the titles import, because that sign is opposite to =£=, his exaltation.MISCELLANEOUS ASTROLOGICAL INFORMATION 283 Note, also, that a planet in his own house has five dignities; in his exaltation, four; in his triplicity, 3 ; in his term, 2 ; in his face, 1 ; which is fully explained hereafter. Significations of Planets in the Table of Essential Dignities, and the use that may be made thereof . When a planet is in his own house, and he significator in any question or nativity, it shows the person by him or her signi- fied to be in a good condition, prosperous, and likely to be lord and master of his family ; but if the said planet be retrograde, besieged, combust, or afflicted, then, although he be, or at least ought to be, master of his house, he is checked or overtopped by others, and thereby is forced to live in a mean and uncom- fortable station. If a planet be in his exaltation, it denotes the querent to be of a high and lofty spirit, proud and domineering, taking more upon him than he is able to perform, and very often obstinate and stubborn; especially if affected by the □ of Saturn or Mars. If a planet be in his triplicity, it shows .a person meanly indued with the goods of this life ; and though not very well defended, his present condition seems indifferently good. If a planet be in his term, it denotes the shape and quality of the querent, rather than the wealth, power, and dignity of the person signified by that planet. A planet in his face, and not otherwise dignified, signifies one at his last gasp or shift, ready to be turned out of doors, having much difficulty to support his credit and reputation. Having spoken of the planets’ essential dignities, I shall here show you in what sign each planet takes most delight.284 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT k rejoices or is best fortified in % joys and is best dignified in <£ takes pleasure most in K. O joyeth most in SI. 9 is best of all dignified in 8 . 5 is highly exalted and pleased in D the only joy of Luna is in ss. By this you may observe, that k joys in %% and not in , though they are both his houses, because in he has his house and triplicity by day, and in V5 has only his night house; and therefore k consequently is more potent in than y$ ; and so of the rest of the planets.THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 285 CHAPTER XXI THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT To find the directionary period of the sun you must re- member that in Genesis it says, “ Let us make,” — etc. Us being plural, we are to consider what Gen-Isis means. In the beginning God said, “ Let there be light: and there was light.” Light first springs from the first point in which the sun as- cends at daybreak, or the life of nature commences in the point Aries. Now, the moon’s nodes, or the serpent, go from T to f through the twelve signs in reverse order or accord- ing to the precession of the equinoxes. But all planets move through the. ecliptic, the brazen serpent, from °p to 8, and through each sign alternately, thence to °f again in correct order of signs. One represents the movement of our earth, and the other the planetary movement; one of the axis, and the other of progression. As us represents the ©, Osiris, and D , Isis, the positive and negative principles, one the life-giver and the other the producer, we must find some date in which they are in conjunction in the first point of Aries, and then again find them both in conjunction at this same point with like declination of both. In an ephemeris or astrological al- manac for March 23, 1803 0 f dec. 0°. N. D r dec. N. lat. N. “ , 23, 1822 Or “ O0. N. D r “ N. lat. N. is just 19 years moon Q, in AAA/ AW .286 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT In March 23, 1841 © T dec. N. 0° Din f dec. N. lat. N. Deduct “ 23, 1822. “ N. “ is just 19 years D node in March 23, i860 © T dec. N. 0° ^ in f dec. N. lat. N. Deduct “ 23, 1841 “ “ just 19 years. Moon in and March 23, 1879. — © T dec. N. D in f dec. N. lat. N. from which March 23, i860 “ “ a period of just 19 years, and D Q in z%. Now, these two serpents govern all the other planets, and the sun’s period or directional period of travel is exactly nineteen years, during which time he makes many aspects which can be easily calcu- lated for the year, month, and day of life, without going into any abstruse calculations, by the movement of the serpent or travel in the moon’s nodes or ^/If serpent of Isis, the great dragon. Rule by which to calculate the Exact Movement of the Sun. Its true directional return to radix. 19 years the perfect one 1 -f 9 = 10, the perfect number or sun and D—or male 1, female o. Its number of days, 6939.75 days, the perfect name of the ruler. 6 -J— 9 —J— 3 + 9 + 7 S = 39> — 3+9 or-12, the whole number of signs or months, and the number of letters to the holy name. © moves in 1 year 180 56' ^0 or 48" © moves in 1 month i° 34' 42" © moves in 1 week 21' 43fV/ © moves in 1 day 3' 112 or As Mars is the ruler of Aries, so you must also make Mars in aspect to Isis, the moon, and on Dec. 5, 1810. I find $THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 287 the opposer or fighting planet in =2= opposed to the ) in T, Mars in 130 2' of =2= and so we will call D directly opposite, which would be near midnight of Dec. 5. Dec. 5, 1810 D 13. 2 °f lat. S. dec. N $ 13. 2 =2= lat. 1.28 N. Dec. 4:16 s. Nov. 8, 1829. D Lat S. Dec. N. £ 17.56 =2= lat. 0.54 N. Dec. 5,513. or 18 yrs. 11 mos. 3 days. Moon Q in 1^. Again turn to Oct. 11, 12, 1848, we find, 1848, Oct. 11 to 12, D in T 20 lat. S. Dec. N. $, 20° =2= 42. lat. 0.30 N. dec. 7,52 S. from which of D in 1^) deduct 1829, Nov. 8, Mars as in 1829, Nov. 8, Remain 18 yrs. 11 mos. 3 + days. Again 1867,Sept. 15, D in T lat. S. dec. N ^ 22^=2= 56. lat. O. 8 N. dec. 8. 47 S. 1848 Oct 11 to 12 D in T lat. S. dec. N £ as above. 18. 11 mos. 3 -f- days and D node Q in and thus by these three revolutions we determine the direc- tional period of Mars to be 18 years 11 months 3 days. The directional return to radix by the path of the Serpent is months 3 days $ moves per year 19° 1' 24" $ moves “ mo. i° 33' 25" moves “ week 21' 52" <£ moves “ day 3 W- Of Venus. On Jan. 1, 1878 D in / and $ in 26°20 2$. Her lat. o°2& South and declination 130 9 S. Jan. 1, 1886 D in t Venus 25^2 lat. o' 20 S.288 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Dec. 13' 13 South. Moon’s declination as at first S. The true directional period is 8 years. Venus serpentine period to radix. 8 years. 9 moves in one year 450. 9 moves 1 week S2/^^ 9 moves in one month 3°45'. 9 moves 1 day 75^'. 9 Movements by Signs. 15° or y* sign in 4 mos. 30° a 1 a a 8 it 6 o° a 2 a a 1 year 4 mos. 90° a 3 a a 2 years. 120° a 4 a a 2 a 8 mos. I500 a 5 a a 3 a 4 “ x8o° a 6 a a 4 a 210° (C 7 a a 4 a 8 “ 240° (( 8 a a 5 a 4 “ O O W M (( 9 a a 6 a 3°o° <( 10 a a 6 a 8 “ 330° (( 11 a a 7 a 4 “ 360° (( 12 a u 8 a For Mercury. Jan. 1, 1868 9 27 i 19 lat. o° 23 S. dec. 230 55 S. Dec. 28, 29, 1887 $27/ 21 lat. o. 33 S. dec. 230 56. 19 years and 363 days, or 20 years. But as it is quite as correct for 10 years, we call the period 10 years, the difference will be so exceedingly slight. Therefore the directional period of 9 (Mercury) is 10 years, and movement for 1 sign 10 months. for 1 year is 36 degrees. 1 month 3 “ 1 day 6' 1 week 42'THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 289 For the Beneficent Planet Jupiter* Take the year 1807. Jan. 22 D in 25 dec. from 21 to 18 N. % in 22°39 °° lA N. lat. dec. 21. 48' S. Take 1819 D 25 dec. 18 N. Jan. 10, % in 23. 25 V5 dec. 2i°i6 S. = 1st. Take 1830 D 25 dec. 18 N. Dec. 30, % in 240 50 V3 dec. 21 38 S. = 2d. Take 1842 D 25 dec. 21 N. Dec. 19. % 26. 13 V5 dec. 21. 21 S. - 3d. Take 1854 D 25 dec. 21. 37 N. Jan 12. % 21. 28 V5 dec. 210 48' and lat. 0. 7 S. The last makes a complete return in the race. 11 * From 1854 yrs. 1 mo. 12 days. Take 1807 “ 1 “ 21 “ 46 yrs. 11 mos. 20 days near, but not exact, But I find that in neither case have I brought % to the exact degree at noon that he was in at the.start, and I must seek till I can get that 22.39 k? and declination of 2i°48 to agree, so I look ahead again and in the year 1890, Jan. 21, the moon in south latitude her declination in parallel to its place in 1807, and ^ latitude parallel or o°i4f. Jupiter is in 220 39' and declination 210 48' south as at com- mencement, — 1890. Jan. 21, or 1890 yrs. 1 mo. 21 days. Take 1807 “ 1 “ 22 “ 82 yrs. 11 mos. 29 days.290 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Lacking for correction of declination but one day’s movement to make 83 years. Now, as this will make seven times of the planet Jupiter nearing his first place, but not before exact in longitude and declination, divide 83 by 7, and we get his direc- tion ; and this 7 is the sacred number of Zeus, or Jah-pitre. 7 into 83, 11 yrs. 10 mos. 9 dys. So that he will make a directional period every 11 years 10 months 9 days, or 4,269 days. And Jupiter’s directionary movement for 1 year is 30° 48' 1 month 20 34' 1 week 35' 42' I day S' 6' 15° in 5 mos. 28 dys. 90° in 2 yrs. 11 mos. 18 dys. i8o° in 5 yrs. II a .06 a 0 O in 8 (( 10 <( 22 (( OO O O in II (( 26 (( 120° in 3 i( 11 (( 13 <( 210° in 6 a II (( .02 a 300° in 9 (< 10 u 18 <( O O in 1 a II (( 22 a I500 in 4 (( 11 <( IO U 24O0 in 7 (( IO a 28 <( 330° in 10 (< 10 (( H (( 360° in 11 u IO (( .09 a Saturn’s movement to same sign and declination is 2 revolu- tions in 58 yrs. 11 mos. 12 dys, or his directional period is 29 yrs. 5 mos. 21 dys., or 10,611 days or 365. 25 = for 1 year X 360° -r- IO,6lI or movement for 1 year : = 12° .09' (( <( i mo. 1° 45" a (( 1 week 247 3°" (( (( 1 day 3' 30" for 150 1 yr. 2 mos. 22 dys. 1800 14 yrs. 8 mos. 25 dys. 3°° 2 yrs. 5 “ 14 (< 210° 17 “ .01 “ .09 u 6o° 4 (( 10 “ 28 a 240° 19 “ 7 “ 24 (< 9°° 7 << 4 “ 13 u to O 0 22 “ .01 “ .08 uTHE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 29I for 1200 9 yrs. 9 mos. 27 dys. 300° 24yrs. .06 mos. 22 dys. 150° 12 “ 3 “ 11 “ 3300 27 “ o “ .07 “ 360° 29 “ .05 “ 21 “ Jan. 2, 1807 ¥ (Uranus) in 290 52 of =2= lat. o' 33 N. dec. 10' 56 S. — On Dec. 7, 1890 Uranus 290 52 =2= lat. o' 32 N. decl. io° 56 S. D in 29. 52 =2= lat. 4. 10 S. dec. 14. 10 S. on Dec. and Jan. the same and is perfect and Uranus’s period of direction is 83 years 11 months and 4%. days. His yearly movement 40 17' 24" monthly “ 21' 27" weekly “ 5' Oy$" daily “ 42tq" The Movements of Uranus, for 150 is 3 yrs. 5 mos. 28 dys. 23 hrs. 30° 6 a II a 27 U 21 u 36' 6 o° 13 a II (( 25 a 19 (( 12' 90° 20 it II a 23 u 16 (( 48' 120° 27 a II a 21 a 8 (( 24' O O 34 a II a 19 u ' 12 it o' 1800 4i a II (( 17 u 9 a 36' 210° 48 a II a 15 u 7 a 12' 240° 55 a II t< 12 u 16 a 48' 0 0 62 a II (< 10 u 20 a 24' 300° 69 a II a 9 u 0 a o' 330° 76 a II a 6 (< 21 a 36' 360° 83 (( II a 4 (C I9 a 12' The moon, Isis, moves in her period of 4 years Her yearly motion 90 degrees “ motion per month 70 30' “ “ “ week i° 45'292 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT 15° in 2 mos. 120° in 1 yr. 4 mos. 240° in 2 yrs. 8 mos. 30° “ 4 “ 1250 “ i “ 8 (( 270° “ 3 “ 0 “ 6o° “ 8 “ 1800 “ 2 yrs. 0 a 300° " 3 “ 4 “ 90° “ 1 “ 210° “ 2 “ 4 (( 330° “ 3 “ 8 “ 360° “ 4 “ 0 “ Moon’s node 1 year moves 190 19' 43/; backward © or fortuna moves yearly 720. Part of Fortune in the Different Houses by Directions. The movement of fortune, by the f\f of Isis is 720 yearly, or the five-pointed star, or pentacle, and this is the signification of the 72 perfect points of the perfect man, which is repre- sented as a man in a large star, and the 5 perfect points of masonry. © In the first house, abundance of gain or wealth. In the second house, increase of personal property. In the third house, success in final journeys, prosperity to kindred In the fourth house, profit by dealing in real estate, and in- crease of fortune from thence. In the fifth house, rewards, respectful messages, pleasure to children ; successful speculations. In the sixth house, good to his servants ; gain by small cattle., In the seventh house, damage to estate by suits and women’s matters. In the eighth house, gain from legacies or the dead, recovery of wife’s portion, if she have one. In the ninth house, very conversant with churchmen, good from thence, and long journeys.THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 293 In the tenth house, an office by the munificence of some eminent person, command or authority. In the eleventh house, imports sure friends, from whom the native receives many courtesies. In the twelfth house, fortune in trading in horses, oxen, cows, horse races, etc. The Moon directed to or coming to the Different Houses. Moon to the first house denotes a sickly time, changes, es- pecially if fixed stars of evil influence be near the ascendant or within orbs of the moon, or rather the moon’s orb. Moon to the second house, if aspected by 2/ or 9, the native may hope for much increase of wealth with little labor ; aspected by the squares or oppositions, the contrary; and if ill aspected by h, or 1, losses threatened. Moon to the third house signifies short journeys to visit kindred, brothers, and sisters. If well aspected, the journey will be pleasant ; if ill aspected, unpleasant. Moon to the fourth house, industrious in all manner of husbandry, country work, and in finishing up matters ; but if the planets $, h , or M aspect by square, opposition, or con- junction, it portends a malicious disease, or death of the native, or of the mother or wife; also in a horary question, if ill aspected, the death of the business or ending of things in- quired about, or evil to it. Moon to the fifth house, the native rejoices in his children, has much pleasure, and is fond of all pleasurable things ; and if well aspected by % or 9, gains in speculation; ill as-, pected, everything to the contrary. Moon in the sixth house, thefts by bad servants, loss of small294 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT animals; body ill disposed ; looseness of bowels, cholic, gastric troubles, etc. Moon to the seventh house incites to wrangling with wife, or mistress, incites to adversaries, the native hardly avoids death if either \ or $ or ¥ afflict by ill aspect. Moon to the eighth house, molested about dead men’s goods, or wife’s portion, or trust money, or disputes of wills. Moon to the ninth house, indicates long journeys, by water, if a watery sign ; by land, if earthly, the success according to the manner the moon is aspected. Moon to the tenth house, from some man or woman of good standing the native receives honor, and his profession or trade thrives. Mind the aspects. Moon to the eleventh house indicates faithful friends and benefits through them and by their means, if well affected, or if not conjoined in any way with evil planets by ill aspect. Moon to the twelfth house; this portends calumnies raised by enemies, loss in large cattle or beasts, danger of arrests ; yet if good planets be in the house or aspect, the moon by trine, conjunction, or sextile, it predicts good. Coming to any good aspect or conjunction of or to ©, signifies thrift and increase of honor. The Sun (©) coming to the Different Houses. O to the first house, the native’s private enemies will be reconciled to him, his servants will be more obedient, and he more delighted in house affairs and large cattle, horses, etc., but he must beware of unruly cattle, rabid dogs, etc. Sun to the second house, many expenses to good purpose, and if fortunes be there, or well aspect the sun, he increases his private fortune.THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 295 Sun to the third house, the native makes short journeys to see friends, brothers, sisters, or kindred, and calls on neigh- bors. Sun to the fourth house, if fortunes, % or 2 aspect the sun on entering this house, the native discovers some hidden trea- sure, and is much delighted in building, in manuring fields, grounds, real estate, mining, etc. ; but if the ill fortunes k, ¥, cast their evil aspects, it portends loss by his servants or employees, by fire, by enemies, and the father of the native, if living, will be taken with some bad fever, and so will the native also, and likely the father may die ; and if the moon be afflicted at same time the native also, which will be the more sure if the cusp of this house be in any of the degrees from the middle of to the middle of hi or vita combusta of the moon, or the vitals of man. Sun to the fifth house, it promises good to children and delight in them ; it inclines the native to dalliance with women, to feast and be merry; but if ill aspected, quite the contrary. Sun to the sixth house, gain by small beasts or cattle ; increase of goods by servants; sickness unto native or father. Sun to the seventh house, sun entering the seventh house denotes a grievous illness, but the native will overcome his public enemies, and will either celebrate some marriage or be married, or secure the marriage of others. Sun to the eighth house, the native will be conversant with his wife’s portion, and perplexed about inheritances, wills, legacies, also trust money or other people’s money, money of the partner in business, etc., fearful of his own death, and grieved because of his father’s. Sun to the ninth house, native undertakes a long journey to see foreign parts ; he goes according to the sign of the296 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT ninth; if watery, by water; if earthly, by land. If afflicted by malevolent planets, he is in danger of shipwreck or disaster, if by water ; and if by land, damage to the means of travel; if aspected by % or 9, all goes well. Sun to the tenth house, honorable employments from those capable by position, if well aspected; if ill aspected, it threatens imprisonment, loss of office, removal from all employment, and change of place on account thereof. Sun to the eleventh house signifies many eminent friends, much esteem by courtiers and employees of those in authority, by which the native thrives. Sun to the twelfth house, it provokes unjust enemies, who will be much displeased against the native. He will be pri- vately maligned and evilly spoken of by many, which will damage his reputation, and he will be in danger of imprison- ment. Yet he will thrive by horses, large cattle, etc. His conjunction with ?S in this house is very evil. In all cases, whether it be the O, D , 0, in many of these houses, observe carefully the aspects of the good and ill fortunes. Many persons ask me why I place the conjunction of the 0 among the evil aspects. I answer because th^ sun is a con- suming fire, and overpowers every other planet, therefore weakens it. But to prove this better, I will give from the oldest authors and teachers the meanings of the conjunctions of the sun or by direction his coming to the radical place of any planet, and you will see that the good he produces is almost eradicated by enervation or illnesses produced. When the sun comes to radical h , it portends many difficul- ties, an infirmity or sickness in the body, weakness, throbbing of the heart, pains in the belly, melancholy fits, a quartin ague,THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 297 chronic diseases, dark spots on the body, cold, windy colic, head troubles ; the native’s father, if living, gets sick ; infirmi- ties and rheums, troubles of the eyes, especially the right one, or a hurt therein by some blow or fall. It provokes the indig- nation of some saturnine persons, or those endowed with sat- urnine qualities against the native ; one will cross and envy the native and detract from his reputation and fortune; he will undergo dangers in travel as well by land as at sea. Verily this direction seldom comes without abundance of melancholy and many splenetic troubles. Yet the >|< and A to Saturn are excellent and bring much good from all saturnine affairs and persons. The conjunction of the sun and Jupiter is good ; yet do I consider it better to have Jupiter past the exact conjunction some three degrees to feel his benefit. The sun to the radix of <£ is evil enough; loads the body with many infirmities; afflicts with overflow of bile and anger, acute fevers, bitter headaches; vitiates the eyesight with dull- ness and other casualties ; deforms the face with wounds or scars, and the other parts of the body with iron, fire, or hot scalding water. It makes the native inconstant and variable in his counsels and actions, meeting with much trouble and difficulty from all sorts of evilly disposed persons, malefactors, etc. His enemies domineer over him. He falls easily into the hatred of the upper classes and those higher than himself. He should be careful of dog bites, kicks of horses, and other four- footed animals. It is best this year to avoid soldiers. If, how- ever, the native be a soldier or a person ruled by Mars, it gives preferment. When violent death is signified, it shows the time or occasion thereof to be near at hand, or anger thereof. If in moist signs, it is a sure sign of bloody flux or dysentery,298 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT cholera, cholera morbus. Yellow fever and African fever come under this head when h gives testimony. The ^ and trine are excellent, and the native profits by all manner of martial things and persons. The meeting of the sun with Venus is good, and shows a very apt time to marry, court, and love, and imports a happy marriage for love and money. The sun to the body of Mercury implies a store of business ; apt and inclined to trade, and mercantile transactions ; propen- sity to write, and thereby both increase and waste substance ; magnified or esteemed for his learning by many people ; in_ volved in some contentious or literary conflict, or employed on some embassy or message ; in dangers of false witness and prejudice by such, and of thieves or murder if he travel, which this direction gives inclination to do, although with loss of pat- rimony or damage therein ; many lawsuits, many controversies. But if $ in the nativity signify preferment, now the native may expect it ; constant in no one study. The ^ and A, benefited by all things of $ . Sun to the radix of 9 (moon) impairs the wealth, brings with it a phleg- matic condition not without disturbance to the head and stom- ach, with pain and extreme misery; it dulls the eyesight, and if the nativity portends such, then the native is struck blind. He is given to rapine, theft, to travel, waste of substance by inconstant courses. If the moon be well dignified, it may give some preferment or office. It denotes marriage, but usually if married on this direction the partner turns arrogant, proud, and masterful, be it either man or woman, and will be very im- perious. It also denotes travel or a journey to be undertaken. The and A are excellent for marriage and everything the moon rules over.THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 299 The O coming to the radix of W indicates all the evils of h brought on the native like an earthquake, the same with a thor- ough mixture of the evils of Mars and the moon. It will do anything inconceivably wicked ; divorce and make jealous and suspicious husband and wife; destroy business, upset the hard work of years, and all without warning. The native may commit suicide, turns evil, careless, cruel, and lewd, steals, embezzles, — in fact, it is a terrible direction and fully equal to its opposition. Any marriage under any aspect of ¥, either good or evil, will seldom fail of divorce or parting. Be sure that under this direction $ will torment you with some evil in whatever he rules over, and the worst of it is, the evil is so lasting. The movement into any sign by ¥ is equivalent to seven years of disasters in all that sign rules over and the house which the afflicted sign rules in a nativity when the sun comes to fortune 0, he declares a thriving year ; when to Q, promotion. The Secrets of Isis, or of the D . In every circle there are 360 degrees, but in an actual year there are 365^ days, or leap year once in four years. This four years is the moon’s movement directionally from the ser- pent, and the moon number is the serpent negative, or 9; that of Osiris, or the ©, is the serpent positive, or 6. The tarot (to turn, signified by four sixes or four serpents) gives the motion of the earth, thus : -- or and afterward simplified in -f- because each of the points is 90 degrees, or nine tens, or nine perfect numbers, for the perfect number is 10; i.e., male and female. Each of the points of the -f* is an angle, or angel, and the upright one is the house of the moon. 25, whose sign is 6 and 9 lying down, or fecundity, or the mother of nature, is a watery sign, signifying the menstrual of nature, as the300 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT moon is a watery planet. Now, it is plain to be seen that there are but twelve solar months in a year of 365 days, and that would give but twelve equal months in three hundred and sixty, or thirty days each ; and at the same time, as all feast days of the Ancients were ruled by the crescent, or new moon, that from the angel, or angle, Gabriel, we must declare the accepta- ble year of the Lord, as that is the angel’s name, as I have before shown, and the crescent moon is her trumpet. By obser- vation the Ancients ascertained that a month of thirty days and nights did not exactly bring the sun correctly each year, and also that in these three hundred and sixty degrees there were more than twelve moons, or mooneths, and as they used num- bers exclusively to represent their secret doings, they took first the moon’s movement L (4 or an angle or angel), and counting the number of moons which made a year as perfectly as possi- ble they found thirteen moons, that is to say, the two figures added 1+3 = 4, the moon’s movement, and 4 X 13 = 52, moon’s movements, and seven planets which constituted a week, for they had also found that the savan (or sacred number) was the only one that could count the true 12 which I will explain shortly. The 52 x 7 planets = 364 days, for each day was named from the planets, and but seven planets. Now, this 3 + 6 + 4 = 13, the number of moons ; but it is not right, for there are but twelve signs to the zodiac. So they say it takes four years for the perfect period of Isis : therefore 364 days X 4 = 1,456 days, and 1+4+5+6=16=1+61=7; 7 is not correct, for it only shows the trouble lies in the exactitude of the planet’s movement, and now the number added should make the exact name of sacred divinity, 12, lacking 5 ; there- fore to 1456 days add 5 1461 and 1+4 + 6+1 = 12 perfection.THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 301 Then taking 1461 days — 52 moons = 28.096142-f-days to a lunar month or D , and 28.0961423 X 13 moons = 365^^- days to a year, which divided by 7 planets, i.e., the 52 moons in the period (5 + 2 = 7), gives 7i|-q + days to a week. „ Or if you again take the moon’s period 4 X 7^-(Hj-+ you get just four weeks to a lunar month, and just 52 weeks in a year. And thus all the conjectures of moderns about the Ancients and their not knowing the true year is entirely erroneous. “ Let us make man in our image.” Don’t forget us means negative and positive, sun and moon, and men planets, and until the whole combination was taken there was nothing per- fect. Now, to explain the perfection of the serpent, or sign Rl, the seventh sign, place the signs in a row thus : — F EAWF EAW FEAW ................* I have marked them in succession, fiery, earthy, airy, and wat- ery. Now commence at Rl and mark a -f- under, then count seven to the right and thence turning to T (Aries) you reach n, an airy sign, which place a dot under. Count seven from that and you find itf, an earthly sign ; count seven and you come to SI, a fiery sign ; count seven and you reach X, a wat- ery sign. Now, observe you have out already air, earth, fire, water. Count from X seven and you reach =2=, an airy sign, next b, an earthly sign, next /, a fiery sign, then gs, a watery sign — again air, earth, fire, water ; from 55 to an airy sign ; from to '% an earthly sign ; and from to T, a fiery sign ; from T to Rl, a watery sign, and again it is air, earth, fire, water, and the twelve signs have been perfectly counted by the serpent and arranged perfectly in their trigons; for under n, V$, SI, X, the first taken out, place the second taken out,302 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT and then the third taken out. Observe the number you count is 4 times 7 = 28, the number of days in a moon and the num- ber of planets X by the moon’s movement, then you get the perfect air, water, fire, and earth — four elements. At the end say 4x7 = 28 = 2+8, the perfect number, 10. The second row the same, 10. The third row the same, 10; and 3 X 10 = 30, the age of the +, or number of the + ; and three times 28 = 84, and 8 + 4 = 12, the number of signs, angels, or kings, which is again shown in the three rows of four each = 12, or 12 months. Again place the figures from 1 to 6 in succession — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. By using the number 7 we can now form any number we like, by addition. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. —7+1 — 8 + 7= 15-f 7=22 + 7 = 29 7 + 2,— 9 + 7=16 + 7 = 23 + 71=30 7 + 3 z= 10 + 7= 17+7=24+7 = 31 7 + 4=11+7=18 + 7=25+7=32 7 + 5 = 12 + 7= 19 + 7=26 + 7 = 33 7 + 6= 13+ 7= 20+ 7 = 27+ 7 = 34 7+7 = 14+ 7 = 21+ 7 = 28+ 7 = 35 And so on to infinity, merely keeping the columns of 7, and adding the 7 constantly unto 70 times 7 you will never deviate in correctness. The number 9 is the moon’s number, and no matter what number you multiply by it, the product will always give a multiple of 9. 45X9= 405=4 + 0 + 5/ = 9 —9 73° X 9— 6570 = 6 + 5+7 =18 = 1+8=9 842 X 9= 7578 = 7 + 5+7 + 8 =27 = 2 + 7 = 9 90002 X 9=810018 = 8 + 1 +0+0 —1 +8 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 876X9— 7884 = 7 + 8 + 8 + 4 =27 = 2 + 7=9 52043 X 9 —z: 468387 == 4 + 6 + 8 —J— 3 •+ 8 •+ 7 =; 36 =: 3 —f~ 6 =19 11240 X 9= 101160 = 1 +0 +1 + 1 +6 =9 301 X 9—— 2709 =^ 2 —j— 7 + o + 9 = 18 =: 1 -|— 8 =: 9THE WISDOM OF ISIS OR OF THE SERPENT 303 And this can be carried on to infinity and always be perfect. Now take the following : ■— 1X9= 9 = 9 2x9=18=19 3X9 = 27 = 9 4X9=36 = 9 5X9 = 45 = 9 6X9= 54 = 9 7X9 = 63 = 9 8X9 = 72 = 9 9X9 = 81=9 Let the reader take notice that the 7 is additive, the 9 multi- plied, and these two characters comprise the * and the key of the Chaldean or great astrological language or cabalistic secrets. All mathematical signs originate from astrology, and the language of the Ancients from the same. I do not mean lan- guage, but alphabets or characters for language. The sign of -f- (plus) is the cross added to the old tau cross, which X sig- nified, “ be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” But we are taught that “ all these things shall be added to you,” and * is the union of the two “ I and my father are one ; ” and “he that hath seen me [-f-] hath seen him [ X] also.” The —, sign of subtraction, is the equator, or to take one from the other, that of = (division), a planet above and a planet below the equator in the ecliptic ; = parallel lines, or equal to, the sun goes as far north as south of the equator, and so you can neither add nor subtract, multiply nor divide, nor appor- tion anything unless ancient astrology is used. Again, from the serpent all figures are formed ; for in the commencement the 9 is but 1 ; as he turns towards the male he is 8 ; at puberty it is 00 or 3, and is at the sign representing the © climbing half-way to mid-heaven ; at the angle it is L or 4 then turning from noon, the house of the moon, he turns towards the female, S, five, and in his heat and glory in SI is 6. Now at when the serpent tempts the woman, he is 7,304 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT and in =£= woman causes him to fall or ^ the sun, and the ser- pent becomes 9, and which, before =a= was instituted, was in These two great numbers, 7 and 9, are used alone, but the per- fect number is the union of male, 1, and female, 0, positive and negative forces, and because 10 can be divided into the minut- est parts and still remain a decimal of 10— 100 or 1000 left. And now, dear reader, hoping that many things before dark are now plain, and trusting that my efforts may have worked to the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe, the Lord of lords and God of gods, with one injunction I leave you. If you would divine well, study much ; keep to the ancient land- mark and make no modern innovations. Recollect, all that has been, shall be, and all that shall be, has been, and there is nothing new under the sun. And with the blessing of the All Father, the One and All-Powerful God, I subscribe myself, Yours faithfully, Karl Anderson. S.\ P.\ R.\ X.*. A. U. M.ESSENTIAL DIGNITIES AND DEBILITIES OF THE PLANETS 305 Signs. k^cJjk(^+oja0^+a+oai w 0 eg- g 3 O 2 d 5! O 3 d d O 2 t) £ w CD cn t) W +0 Os C§ 'JKL -k83W0 0- M S’ ^ <§> g. W Ni M H H M § | 0 0 00 0 00 • £T M ^ C^c^+O ©O^rT'+O O^c^+o © dS-S 9qw,o co tr; p -KX \J KX U KX W IzjS'E K)r3J+0L^°^r3J+ar3J0^-KX+0Li OO ON On 00 ON ON^O on ON'-< 3 1 h) •KX +o -Is^kx +0 'js^L^+o kc +0 -Is^kx 0 0 tgtOHMtsSMMHtsJbOlSiK) & £ O 0 NO NO M ^O ConO O w to w 0 2 cn CS^^c^KCKX c^I^+O p !=$ CD tOlN5IS5«NitO»N5tObO»N>tOts5tO Cfl ONCn CnOiM^^CA^Oi ON ON O cT,0s4JJ0ScCTJ0sa^C^r3JO^0Sr3J UOjUOoOoOoOoOoUOjOoCk) 000000000000 0 fCr+O'feKX'O*^ ©rT'+Ol^KXO^^ M w P O pj 0 ^ O CD C/3 0 u L^KDcos^©r3J+oI^4ao^^ ©g tog 8-> S1 CD g 2 ^^©cT1+oI^4CCOs^©c7j+Oh S3 CD •*vrs#N«sr^^Nc^»v#s«N ^ O'} t{* <-t- co Detrim. Debil. CCQU •KX-HD0^Lic3JcT1I^0^+0 Detri- ment. Fall Debil. ■KX -t^SO^O+O °sC8 C34 £L c-T1 KX O u +0 <~H O A TABLE OF ESSENTIAL DIGNITIES AND DEBILITIES OF THE PLANETS.3°6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT A TABLE SHOWING THE FORTITUDES AND DEBILITIES OF THE PLANETS. ESSENTIAL DIGNITIES. DEBILITIES. A Planet when in his own In Detriment 5 house, or in mutual recep- In Fall 4 tion by house, shall have Peregrine (or in a sign in dignities 5 which he hath no dignity In Exaltation, or reception by whatever) 5 Exaltation 4 “ Triplicity 3 “ Term 1 “ Decanate or face 1 ACCIDENTAL FORTITUDES. ACCIDENTAL DEBILITIES. In mid heaven or ascendant. 5 In the 12 House 5 “ 7, 4 or n House . . . 4 In the 8 or 6 House .... 2 “ 2 or 5 House 3 Retrograde 5 “ 9 House 2 Slow in motion; viz., slower “3 “ 1 than mean motion . . 2 Direct 4 , 21 and $ Occidental . . 2 Swift in motion 2 9 and £ Oriental .... 2 121, $ Oriental .... 2 J) decreasing in light; i.e., $ and £ Occidental . . . 2 from full to new moon . . 2 J) Occidental or increasing . 2 Combust of Sun 5 Free from combustion and © Under 0 beams; i.e., within beams 5 90 of Sun 4 In Cazemi (or within 5' of Partil 3 of \ or . . 5 heart of ©) 5 Partil 3 °f 23 4 Partil i 21 or ^ .... S Besieged of \ or $ (i.e., Partil £ of ^ 4 equally distant from eacli) . 5 Partil /S 21 or 9 .... 4 Partil g of \ or $ ... 4 Partil ^ 21 or $> .... 3 Partil □ of >2 or $ . . . 3 <5 * Cor & *4° SI • . . . 6 8 of >{c Caput Algol 240 8 Spica Tty? — in 180 5 8 5 In terms of 21 or 9 ... 1 In terms of or $ . . . . 1 8 or A or * © 1 □ g of © 1THE FORTITUDES AND DEBILITIES, ETC. 307 THE FORTITUDES AND DEBILITIES OF PART OF FORTUNE (®). If © be in $ or x? Fort . . 5 When in n\ yj & loses . . . 5 “ “ ^ t SI25 • • • 4 4 4 4 4 °f neither gets nor “ “ ri 3 loses 0 44 44 ' . 2 When in 12 th House loses . 5 44 44 ascendant . . . 5 44 44 8th 44 4 4 4 44 44 10th House . . 5 44 44 6th 44 4 4 . 4 44 44 7, 4 or 11 House . 4 44 44 conjunct b or $ 44 44 2 or 5 44 3 loses 5 44 44 9th 44. . 2 When in conjunct loses 3 44 44 3d 44 . 1 44 44 opposition I2 or $ If in conjunct 2JL or 9 . . 5 loses 4 44 4 4 trine 2f. or ? . . . , 4 When in square b or $ loses 3 4 4 4 4 sextile 21 or ? . . . 3 44 44 terms b or S “ . 1 44 4 4 conjunct Regulus 4 4 4 4 conjunct ^ Caput 2S° SI ’ 6 Algol 240 y loses . . . 4 44 in conjunct spica m or When combust 5 19 5 44 not combust 5 44 terms 21 or 9 .... 1 308 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT THE QUARTERS OF THE HEAVENS WHICH THE SIGNS SIGNIFY. °K° East. East by the North. :£= West. n West by the South. 25 North. North by the East. Vf South. y South by the East. t East by the South. xs; West by the North. X North by the West. Tt£ South by the West. THE QUARTERS OF HEAVEN WHICH THE HOUSES SIGNIFY. 1st House East. 7th House West. 2 N.E. by E. 8 a S.W. by S. 3 N.N.E. 9 a s.s.w. 4 North. 10 it South. s N.W. by N. 11 a S.E. by S. 6 W.N.w". 12 a E.S.E. An important thing to notice in sickness at any time, and also in a nativity. Whenever you find the moon in Vita Combus'ta, which is from the middle of Libra to the middle of Scorpio, or under the sun’s beams or combust or decreasing in light or motion, and applying to a con- junction, square, or opposition of >2, or $, or by any aspect, but chiefly the opposition, square, or conjunction, although but half the diameter or their orbs do behold the half orbs of the moon, it threateneth death, and in a question of other matters death to the affair. Few astrologers get the death correctly because neglecting this. EXAMPLE. A man sick takes his bed, the moon in the third degree of ni, and decreasing in light and motion, and Mars in thirteen degrees of £1. Saturn in twenty-seven of f. He died when moon came to the thirteenth degree of vy. The orbs of these planets are found in the description of the planets.SIGNIFICATION OF THE ASPECTS BY DIRECTION, AND WHICH BY GOOD JUDGMENT MAY BE USED IN ANY MOVE- MENT MADE BY THE PLANETS IN A NATIVITY OR HORARY QUESTION. The © to □, 6, or 8 of #. Very unfortunate; signifies unlooked-for calamities; upsets in business or home, great anxiety attended with law, divorce, partings, danger of impris- onment. Troubles from old professors, and occult troubles; if the figure shows it, suicide, insanity. Evils of lasting magni- tude coming like a thunderbolt; in regard to health, an incurable disease. Great and sudden losses by bad debts, speculation, elopements. In marrying these aspects seldom fail to produce divorce or separation within a year. Signification of evil changes, voyages, and travels. See third and ninth houses for voyages and travels or journeys and changes ; seventh for partners ; twelfth, enemies, imprisonment, etc. Accidents and premonition of losses or friends, or matters described by sign and house. The © in * or A of ¥. Sudden benefits, most agreeable changes, beneficial changes, benefit from astrologers, profess- ors of chemistry; by phosphate lands if in earthly signs. Sud- den advancements, especially if seeking from government; benefit by patents, pension granted and government affairs; a pleasant journey denoted. Civic honors gained ; hasty mar- riages yet seldom happy ones, for Uranus' gives no good with- 3093io ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT out a corresponding evil to follow, ff you find this aspect and Venus afflicted, it denotes the birth of a son. The © in 6 , □, or |<, or parallel to $. Great inclination for writing, books, study and accounts, deeds and papers, much business, mental activity, often journeys, credit by and through inven- tions, and promotion if the nativity show that Mercury signi- fies the same. Chiefly this signifies benefits from all written matters and affairs of Mercury. Often as a mercantile traveller, of, in, and through travelling or teaching. 0 □ or evil direction of $ . Not very important; signifies troubles through writing and letters, writings and agreements. © 6 D . With a male it signifies gain, success, fame, pros- perity, sometimes marriage, if in seventh or tenth, new friends, introductions and preferments. In horary questions the sig- nification of D and © in conjunction is an affliction. In a female nativity it is bad as regards health, danger of fever, inflammation, bad health, and in the eighth, death or danger thereof. In the second, bad trade and loss of money. In the seventh, a bad marriage or trouble through the husband. Per-314 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT sonally I consider it an affliction, and in an evil house a very- bad affliction. O 4:, A, or parallel of D are most excellent. Betokens favor, friendship, credit, esteem, and prosperous business. In horary questions, ask favors on these aspects; they are sel- dom refused, if the person asked be capable of granting the favor, and the request reasonable. Marriages often take place on these directions with either sex, the parallel especially. The affairs of the native are very successful. Often he or she is promoted, or favored by some one in power or authority, or a superior. © in □ or (c, A to #. Good. Pleasant journeys, gain by all persons and things ruled by $. Advantageous removals, great inclination to female society or of opposite sex, concealed liaisons. Very powerful for changes in 1st, 3d, or 9th Houses. D 6, □, or fc, A, or P. ? . Very studious, inclined to travel, and if from third or ninth house will travel; much mental activity, busy with papers, deeds, and accounts by which the native is prospered, as well as by all persons and things ruled by $ ; lit- erary undertakings, much inclined to write if D or 5 be in or for printing or publishing of books if in ^ ; success in law- suits, and generally prosperity.SIGNIFICATION OF THE ASPECTS BY DIRECTION 319 D □ or vA< abcdef ghi jklm JUL3QE1F1F>vA< NOPQR S TUVWXYZ the Akkadian alphabet or characters being entirely from the X or ancient fixed cross. The cross is also the tarot, and used thus i-f, describes the turning of the world, or rather the earth, on its axis and producing the seasons, being but seg- ments of a circle, the farther and better to hide the mystery of the movement. The tarot, or is made to show both the daily and yearly revolution, that while the earth turns from f to ^ the sun goes from 8 to f, thus delineating the change of signs by the precession of the equinoxes. The twelve divisions constitute the twelve signs of the zodiac in which are the various constellations. The corners or squares of circles, or corner-stones, represent the tents or encampments of the Israelites, and the planets within the circles the priests’ court; the 0 (sun), the altar and holy of holies ; the twenty-four armed men with spears are the twenty-four hours of the day, also the captains of hosts of the Israelites ; the tarot, or f-p, again represents the nails of the Crucified One, for the sun is always the centre of a -}-, as is always every living thing, since330 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT the latitude and longitude of one’s person always makes a cross. The tarot also represents the union of positive and negative forces ; the circle of various colors is the coat of many colors of Joseph, and represents the colors of all races to be an order of evolution, and a complete chain, the lowest in the scale being the sign itf, or earth man, or aboriginal and black. This circle also represents the colors of the stones on the high priest’s breastplate of judgment, and the break of day, the rising sun attaining to its meridian height, then declining, setting, and going below the horizon to midnight and from thence to dawn. He rises in the due east or place of light, and as master of the temple commences the twenty- four hours ; then having risen to his meridian height in the south, from midheaven there is no shadow and he is plumb, he has ascended his five winding steps after the three direct ones in the east, for sun and moon and star always enter there first, for here if the place of light. For God said, Let there be light, and there was light. From light he passes quickly over the earth, and now in the airy sign n moves forward through 55, the watery sign of heaven. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters, viz., air in motion or wind, also the sun’s rays glittering and dancing over the moon s house or mer-idian, the house of Mere, through SI, the throne, and to =g=. He has made his five winding steps, he turns L square downwards, and from sundown the grand-master whom we met at Aries (y), on the level, we must part with on the square, and renew our journey in darkness in search for him under the earth, till, having taken seven more winding steps through =£= (Libra), FI (Scorpio), t (Sagittarius), Y$ (Capricorn), the tree of ever- green, the lower part of the -f- and a tomb or place of burial, where he again climbs up towards the dawn, we proceed to- wards the place of light, and pass through %% (Aquarius) and XTHE MYSTERY OF THE PYRAMID 331 (Pisces) into T, the exaltation of the R. A. M. or right ascen- sion of meridian again and again to go through' the royal arch above. This circle also represents the twelve chosen ones of Christ, the +. It also represents by the twelve corner-stones or tents the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem, and the New Jerusa- lem is a perfect sqitare ; also the banners represent the twelve tribes. It also represents the twelve foundation stones, or the disciples of Christ, the and the key-stone of the order of Masonry. The concentric rings are the orbs of the planets of our solar system, and the prismatic colors those produced by the planets. The golden circle signifies the boundless and unbroken circle of light above and below the earth, and the robe of Christ, the -f-, woven without seam. The combination of the lion’s mane in the head of the man, the eagle’s head in the eyebrows and nose, and the head of the bull in the chin, cheeks, and throat, the head of the man being an airy sign, denotes that man generated from heat, SI, a fiery sign. He passes through the water, m,, a watery sign, into the air, z&9 an airy sign, and back into the earth, b, an earthy sign; also that from air9 water, and fire all things earthly are produced, thus using the . The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And He divided the waters which were above from the waters beneath ; and the dry land appeared. The cherubim have many significa- tions, principally these, yet whichever way you may make a cross, you can never deviate from a fiery sign, a watery sign, an airy sign, and an earthy sign, a true signification of all natural bodies being produced by the same means. The birth of Christ as a man or personal God is thus origi- nated. Observe that the four great. angels or angles are at T, =s=, v?, and 25 ; that there are just twelve signs, each sign equal332 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT to one month. Now look at the constellations. Just above the west angle, or =£=, you will see the constellation Virgo, or celestial virgin, a constellation of stars likened to a virgin with wings, and holding a sheaf of wheat in her hand; above her, with his foot near her head, is the constellation Lion or Leo, or Bootes ; here you see a man with a cluster of stars, representing a flowering almond bush, in his hand, and this constellation is called in Greek 'Ioascp or Joseph or Bootes. Now as Libra, the womb sign, is some distance from Joseph or the lion of Judah, or the house of David, who sprang from the shepherd sign, T, or the lamb, and was a warrior king, he the sun having also sprung from that favorite house of Mars, the warrior planet, and in which sign, T, the sun has its exaltation. Now Joseph is called a man getting on in years because the sun in SI is past the prime or has turned from the summer or full strength and espoused to this virgin because SI is joined to You will observe that when the sun arrives at =£= in September, autumn commences, and also that it is the place of sundown or decline of the day. So Joseph (and Joseph is Jos, the sun) is likened to an old man, and he is in sight of the angle or angel, and because it is so far from Leo it is like a dream ; so the angle, or angel, as- sures him that he need not be afraid to take unto him Mere, his wife, because that which was conceived by her was of the Lord ; for most certainly we must have one of these points of the cross, t° start the story from (and the Romans were all ^/^-worshippers at the time), so we have the best place imagina- ble, the womb sign. This virgin is to bear a child who is to be called Emmanuel, the Lord with us. He is to be sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, etc. On Sept. 22, in Libra (=£=), or womb sign, the seed (or fruits of the virgin or earth) begins to fall, and of course reproduction must take place, but it must be from the earth. So from =^, take the turn of the sunTHE MYSTERY OF THE PYRAMID 333 (as the child must be of the Lord), and say, W one, SI two, 25 three, n four, 8 (Taurus) five, T (Aries) six, 3C (Pisces) seven, (Aquarius) eight, and Y$ (Capricornus) nine signs, each sign equal to one month, and on the ninth month about the 22d of December, then the sun gets to the lowest point of the ecliptic. In the great earthly sign of Vj, in the angle or with the angel, the sun or lord, or son of the sun, is born, just as the days commence to increase one minute of time on Dec. 25, or the point of the winter solstice, Christmas or -j- mass day, or rather eve, because V? is under the earth, and signifies midnight. And in this mansion of the sun, for Vj signifies a house, palace, mansion, grotto, cave, etc., also a goat, and t (Sagittarius) a horse or ass, and on this dividing line, for bear in mind the sun must first enter Capricorn, where the ass and the goat are meeting at the angle, here is the son of the sun or the old sun resurrected, and he is now Emmanuel, or Lord with us, heralded by the angel and the animals (y$ is also the sign of knees or joints) bending down before him. Y$ is also a book or anything with hinges, or that opens and shuts. So the angel records. At this time Sirius, the dog-star, rises in the east, and the three great stars in Orion point directly at it to denote the annual rising of the Nile, the saviour of Egypt, where the Great Pyramid is, or great first or prime meridian or -j-. They are represented as three wise men or kings from the east, and bring gold and frankincense and myrrh, three yellow things, as offerings to the sun (or son). He, the child, is to be called the Lamb of God ; so continue again nine signs till dentition takes place, which we must find in the head sign of man, and say, t (Sagittarius) one, Scorpio two, Libra three, Virgo four, Leo five, Cancer six, Gemini seven, Taurus eight, and nine (for nine is the number of the serpent of Isis) is f, the lamb sign, and334 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT so he shall be called the Lamb of God. But he is described as having two brethren which this perpetual virgin brings forth by natural means, or “ left-handed children” as the common ex- pression of the Jews is. These are the children of the earthly father, or Buddha and Krishna, coming as they do before the time of the later -f- and are of the old X- Now we must make our count exactly opposite, and so commence from the sign (the virgin), an earthly sign, and say Libra one, Scorpio two, Sagittarius three, Capricorn four, Aquarius five, Pisces six, Aries seven, Taurus eight, and Gemini, or n, the twins, nine ; and here are the two brethren. To tell the birthday of the saints it is no need to recapitulate; any Old Farmers’ Almanac will show you that the sun’s ingress into the different signs of the zodiac are those days, and are only the ancient festivals of the sun. If the reader will look on the combination horoscope in the east near the constellation Aries, he will see three bright stars marked Orion, and east of these is Sirius, the brightest fixed star in the heavens. And this is the star of Bethlehem visible every year, and the sun’s or son’s advent takes place every year on Dec. 25, and the tale of his death and cru- cifixion, of his birth and resurrection, is exactly the same, takes place at the same time and is the old story of the death of Osiris, the death of Grand Master Hiram, and the sun on the winter solstice. Every so-called miracle of Christ is related in the zodiacal signs and all the ancient religions. As is the sign for bread,- wheat, corn, and a place where eatables are stored, and is mother earth or Ceres, the bread giver, also Ruth the gleaner, also Eve, the mother of all earth men, and from ^ to X there are no signs of animals fit to eat, while the sun goes south of the ecliptic or across the line. See Matthew xiv. 13-21 : —THE MYSTERY OF THE PYRAMID 335 « When Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart.” The it here alluded to is the beheading of John the Baptist, or sign Aquarius, or Jean Baptiste, the water gate, and astro- logically signifies waves, deserts, and sandy, gravelly places, and one of the fixed signs and of the X> the head of man. 15. “And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. 16. But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart: give ye them to eat. 17. And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves and two fishes.” 19. “ And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven [being, as I said before, south of the ecliptic] he blessed and brake [for the sun uses no weapon of iron or steel], and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude [for the signs or disciples must be gone through before they can reach a multitude]. 20. And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the frag- ments that remained twelve baskets full. 21. And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children. 22. And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and go before him unto the other side.” From Aquarius to Virgo, the bread giver, or from the desert place to the place of bread, counting from the division of the two fishes, are, Aquarius one, Capricorn two, Sagittarius three, Scorpio four, Libra five, and we have reached These are the two fishes and five loaves of bread. The twelve signs still remain intact, and the twelve baskets of fragments are thus accounted for. Multiply five signs by one thousand, and five thousand are the multitude. The disciples cross over now to Leo, a mountain, reaching336 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT there by ship, having to cross X, the river, and also 25, the sea of Galilee, first to get there. See Matthew xv. 29 : —• 29. And Jesus departed from thence [that is departed or changed to the other X] and came nigh unto the sea of Galilee [Cancer] and went up into a mountain [Leo] and sat down there.” (This Leo is the throne also, or king’s house and strength of the sun.) 32. “ Then Jesus calls his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat; and I will not send them away fasting lest they faint in the way.” 34. “ And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves h^ve ye? And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes. 35. And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. 36. And he took the seven loaves and the fishes . . . and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.” Observe the same ceremony passing through the signs to the multitude, and breaking of bread. 37. “And they did all eat, and were all filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full. 38. And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.” The mountain here is the sign Leo. The fish remains the same on account of the sun crossing the 22d of March and com- ing north of the ecliptic. The seven baskets full are the num- ber of signs from the desert place to the first degrees of =a= where it joins or mother of nature, the bread giver. From X where it joins T, the first point of the to SI, the oppo- site point of the X to z%, is 4 signs ; 4 X 1000 = 4000, the multitude; and this is the miracle of the loaves and fishes, purely astrological and allegorical of the movements of the sun, or the -7^- or Crucfied One. “ Seek, and ye shall find; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”THE MYSTERY OF THE PYRAMID 337 As much more is explained in my book, “The Lost Word Regained/' I will close here by stating that all the allegories of Jesus are found in these signs, and all of the so-called myths of ancient religions are included, since nothing of God’s ordi- nances in regard to the planets has ever changed. One thing before closing. The first miracle states that five thousand were fed; the second, four thousand. Astrologically it would be worthless unless the number of Isis were complete, for she is the producer, and nine is the number, and whatever she produces is of that number nine. Re ye as wise as serpents. PLANETARY DESCRIPTIONS. Descriptions and Dispositions which the Planets give, being Signijicators, and posited in any of the Twelve Signs. Saturn in the Twelve Signs. k in T Gives a ruddy complexion, a spare raw-boned person, full- faced, loud voice, dark hair, not much beard, addicted to boast- ing, quarrelsome without cause, and ill-natured. h in b Gives no comely person, but heavy and lumpish, dark hair, a mean stature, not well made, rough in carriage, vicious, sordid, etc. k in n Gives a person of rather a tall stature, dark complexion, oval visage, hair dark, brown or black, ingenious, but generally unfortunate, unpolished, and perverse.338 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT h in Gives a person sickly, crazy, of a middling stature, dark hair, meagre face, sometimes crooked, jealous, malicious, and in his inclinations addicted to vicious pursuits. h in SI Gives a person of moderate large stature, broad shoulders, lightish hair, surly aspect, big boned, eyes sunk, apt to stoop, qualities tolerably good, generous but passionate, though not over valiant or courageous. h in m Represents a person of a tall spare body, swarthy, dark or black hair, and much of it, a long head, solid or grave counte- nance, generally unfortunate, inclined to melancholy, retaining anger, a projector to little purpose, studious, subtle, reserved, inclined to pilfering, and indirect dealings. h in Describes a person above the middle size, comely, brown hair, oval face, large nose and forehead, clear complexion, opinion- ated of himself, prodigal of expense, seldom leave any wealth at their death, and subject to debate and controversy. h in K Represents a person of a mean stature, squat, thick, trussed body, broad shoulders, black or dark hair, usually short and thick, quarrelsome, mischievous, and will undertake violent and dangerous actions, though to his own detriment. h in t Gives a large body, brown hair, decent make, tolerable complexion, obliging disposition, not covetous, moderatelyPLANETARY DESCRIPTIONS 339 frugal, not profuse, and choleric ; will not bear an affront, yet willing to do good, a lover of his friend, and merciful to an enemy. h in *5 Personates a lean, raw-boned person, dark or black hair, rough skin, middle size, dark complexion, little eyes, long visage, and an ill gait; discontented, melancholy, peevish, covetous, of few words, fearful, retains anger, and of great gravity. k in ztsf Gives a reasonable full-bodied person, a large head and face, rather inclined to corpulency, middle stature, sad brown hair, a clear complexion, a graceful deportment, affable, courteous, of an excellent prying fancy, and generally a proficient in what he undertakes in sciences and arts, but subject to be conceited, yet a person of a pregnant genius. h in X Describes a middle-sized person, pale complexion, sad or dark black hair, a large head and full eye, sometimes the teeth distorted, not very comely, yet active ; inclined to dissimula- tion, contention, and malicious ; prone to many ill actions, not loquacious, but deliberate : on the whole an uncertain fickle person in his actions, presents a good outside appearance, but ,fraudulent and deceitful in the end. Jupiter in the Twelve Signs. % in r Represents a middle stature, ruddy complexion, flaxen hair, a piercing eye, a high nose, pimples in the face, oval visage, lean body, free disposition, credible, and a very obliging person.340 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT % in 8 Describes a mean person, but well set, swarthy, brown curling hair, a compact body, though not handsome ; disposition good, judgment sound, of good deportment, a lover of the female sex, good-natured, and free to such objects as deserve compassion. % in n Denotes a curious, decent, well-composed plump body, a sanguine complexion, above the middle stature, brown hair, a full eye, graceful deportment, affable, courteous, gentle, mild, obliging, an admirer of the female sex, and a lover of learning ; but if % be near violent stars, it renders the person rash, unstable, inimical to himself, and unacceptable to others. % in 55 Gives a person of a middle stature, a pale unwholesome complexion, dark brown hair, oval face, the body dispro- portioned, a busy, loquacious person, apt to intermeddle with others’ affairs, conceited and lofty, a great favorer of women, fortunate by water, and delights to be thereon, but of an ordinary courage, unless his significator be well beheld by $. % in SI Represents a strong well-proportioned body, tall, a light brown or yellowish hair curling, a ruddy complexion, a full eye, rather a comely person, noble-minded, courageous, mag- nanimous, lofty, delighting in warlike actions, a terror to his enemies, a person that scorns to truckle to them, and contend- ing for grandeur and honor. % in trjj Denotes a person of a reasonably full stature, sad brown or black hair, ruddy complexion, but not clear; well-built, termedPLANETARY DESCRIPTIONS 341 handsome, choleric, ambitious of honor, boasting, studious, covetous, and by rashness subject to losses, and not easily wrought upon by any person. % in Personates a complete body, an inviting countenance, a clear complexion, a full eye, upright stature, rather tall, slender, oval face, light brown hair, subject to pimples in the face, a mild disposition, and winning behavior; delights in noble exercises, and recreations, obliging to all persons, and gaining honor and esteem. % in *1 Gives a middle stature, a compact body, dark hair, a full fleshy face, a muddy dull complexion, but lofty, proud, and ambitious ; one that desires and endeavors to bear rule over his equals, resolute and ill-natured, covetous, subtle, and to be warily dealt with. % in J Gives a tall upright body, chestnut hair, oval face, ruddy complexion, much beard, a good eye, courteous, fair con- ditioned, noble deportment, just, a lover of horses, accom- plished, and deserving respect. % in V3 Gives a mean stature, pale complexion, thin face, little head, little beard, weakly, ingenious, dark hair, low-spirited, peevish, inactive, and unfortunate; in fine, a very helpless, indigent, harmless person. % in Personates a middle stature, brown hair, well set, clear com- plexion, rather corpulent, compact, cheerful, hurtful to none,342 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT obliging, decent, and moderate in recreations, just and merciful, good-humored, industrious, rather inclined to extravagance, communicative, etc. % in X Denotes a mean-statured person, obscure complexion, fleshy body, lightish brown hair, harmless, studious, endowed with excellent parts and acquirements, fortunate upon water, delights in good company, if the D dart her quadrate or opposite aspects. 21 usually gives good teeth, and h the contrary; and some- times an apparent mark on the forehead : in an airy sign, he gives broad fore teeth ; in a fiery, crooked ; in an earthy, foul; but in a watery sign, the teeth decay suddenly : and this more certainly if 21 be in a bad aspect. 21 in a watery sign : the person is fat and comely ; in an airy, more strong and corpulent; in an earthy, a well-composed body ; in a fiery, mpre square. 21 significator, and in a watery sign, gives some impediment in speech. Mars in the Twelve Signs. ^ in f Represents a middle-sized person ; swarthy, well set, big- boned, light hair, sometimes red and curling; austere counte- nance, bold, undaunted, confident, choleric, prone to rebellion, a lover of war, and usually gains preferment. £ in 8 Gives a middle stature, well set, rather short than tall, corpu- lent, no clear complexion, dark or black hair, broad face, wide mouth, often a gluttonous person, given to gaming, drinking, wenching, etc., treacherous, ill-natured, unfortunate, etc.PLANETARY DESCRIPTIONS 343 £ in n Describes a tall person, black or dark hair; a body well proportioned, ingenious, but unsettled : unfortunate in all his actions, lives in mean condition, shifting here and there, and what is called a swindler. $ in £5 Denotes a short person, of no good complexion, brown hair and much, sometimes crooked, and the condition, or temper, bad; a sot, and unfortunate, employed in mean business and incapable of better. $ in SI Gives a strong able-bodied person, sun-burnt complexion, tall, hair dark flaxen, large limbs, great eyes, choleric, delights in war, shooting, riding, etc., but free-spirited to such as notice him. $ in trjj Gives a middle stature, well-proportioned body, hair black, or dark brown, complexion swarthy, sometimes a blemish in the face; a hasty, revengeful person, retains an injury, difficult to be pleased, conceited, and generally unfortunate in most actions. $ in =q= Gives a decent well-proportioned body, rather tall, light brown hair, oval face, sanguine complexion, brisk cheerful aspect, a lover of the female sex, inclinable to boast, delights in noble recreations, decent in apparel, and generally beloved of women to his prejudice. S in K Gives a well-set, middle-sized person, black curling hair, broad face, corpulent body, swarthy complexion, a very ill-humored344 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT person, passionate, quarrelsome, unsociable, rash, revengeful, ungrateful, but of ready apprehension, excellent in mystery, and active in inspection. $ in t Denotes a tall person, with a well-proportioned body, san- guine complexion, brown hair, oval visage, a quick eye, a choleric hasty disposition, yet a cheerful, merry, jovial com- panion, active, courageous and loquacious ; delights in being applauded: in fine, of no contemptible humor or temper. $ in V5 Gives a mean stature, a lean body, an ill complexion, and black lank hair; a thin face, little head, but an ingenious person ; of a reasonable good disposition, a penetrating fancy, and generally fortunate and happy in most of his undertakings. $ in xz Gives a well-composed body, reasonable, corpulent, sandy- colored hair, moderate clear complexion, middle stature, turbu- lent spirit, addicted to controversy, etc., croaking, fault-finding, intermeddling — a very nervous person. $ in X Gives a mean-sized person, rather short and fleshy, no hand- some body, nor good complexion ; light brown hair, sottish, debauched, dull and stupid, a lover of women, a dissembler, an idler, and not friendly to any one. Note. If $ be in 6 , quartite, or A- 26 4 3 48 3 13 16 10 45 I 27 480 4 14 17 11 26 2 28 4 12 13 5 15 17 12 8 2 29 4 16 26 6 16 18 12 5i 3 .4 20 40 7 16 19 13 33 4 I 4 24 55 8 17 20 14 15 5 2 4 29 10 9 18 21 14 57 6 3 4 33 26 IO 19 21 15 39 6 4 4 37 42 I I 20 22 16 21 7 5 4 4159 12 21 23 17 4 8 6 4 4616 13 22 24 17 47 9 6 4 50 34 14 23 25 18 30 10 7 4 54 52 15 24 25 19 II IO 8 4 5910 16 25 26 19 54 II 9 5 3 29 17 26 27 20 36 12 10 5 7 49 18 27 28 21 20 13 11 512 9 19 28 29 22 3 14 12 516 29 20 29 29 22 46 14 13 5 20 49 21 29 23 30 15 14 5 25 9 22 SI 1 24 12 16 15 5 29 30 23 I 2 24 56 17 16 ■5 33 5i 24 2 3 25 40 18 17 5 38 12 25 3 3 26 22 18 18 5 42 34 26 4 4 27 6 19 19 5 46 55 27 5 5 27 49 20 19 5 5i 17 28 6 6 28 33 21 20 5 55 38 29 7 7 29 16 22 21 6 0 0 30 8 7 30 00 23 22360 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 550 53'. Sidereal Time. IO 11 a 12 HA Ascen. 2 w H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 600 O 8 7 0 O 23 22 6 4 22 I 9 8 O 44 23 23 6 8 43 2 10 9 I 27 24 24 6 13 5 3 11 10 2 11 25 25 6 17 26 4 ii 11 2 54 26 26 6 21 48 5 12 12 3 37 27 27 6 26 9 6 13 12 4 20 27 28 6 30 30 7 14 13 5 4 28 29 6 34 5i 8 15 14 5 47 29 t 6 39 11 9 16 15 6 30 HI 1 6 43 3i IO 17 16 7 13 I 2 6 47 Si II 18 16 7 56 I 2 6 52 11 12 19 17 8 39 2 3 6 56 31 13 20 18 9 23 3 4 7 0 50 14 21 19 10 7 4 5 7 5 8 15 22 20 IO 49 5 6 7 9 26 16 23 21 11 31 5 7 7 13 44 17 24 21 12 14 6 8 718 1 18 24 22 12 56 7 9 7 22 18 19 25 23 13 39 8 10 7 26 34 20 26 24 14 22 9 11 7 30 50 21 27 25 15 3 9 12 7 35 5 22 28 26 15 45 10 13 7 39 20 23 29 26 16 28 11 14 7 43 34 24 27 17 9 12 14 7 47 47 25 I 28 17 51 13 i5 7 52 0 26 2 29 18 33 .13 16 7 56 12 27 3 29 19 15 14 17 8 0 24 28 4 >TL 19 57 15 18 8 4 35 29 5 I 20 39 16 19 8 18 45 30 6 2 21 20 16 20TABLE OF HOUSES 36l TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 550 53'. Sidereal Time. 10 a 11 HR 12 Ascen. 2 m 3 t H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 8 8 45 0 5 2 21 20 16 20 8 12 54 1 6 2 22 I 17 21 8 17 3 2 7 3 22 41 18 22 8 21 I I 3 8 4 23 21 19 23 8 25 19 4 9 5 24 3 20 24 8 29 26 5 10 6 24 45 20 25 8 33 31 6 11 6 25 24 21 25 8 37 37 7 12 7 26 6 22 26 8 41 4i 8 13 8 26 44 23 27 8 45 45 9 14 9 27 24 23 28 8 47 48 IO 15 9 28 5 24 29 8 53 5i 11 15 10 28 45 25 x? 8 57 52 12 16 11 29 23 26 1 9 1 53 13 17 12 0^1 5 26 2 9 5 53 14 18 12 O 43 27 3 9 9 53 15 19 13 I 22 28 4 9 13 52 16 20 14 2 2 29 5 9 17 5° 17 21 15 2 46 29 6 9 21 47 18 22 15 3 20 t 7 9 25 44 19 22 16 3 58 1 8 9 29 40 20 23 17 4 37 2 9 9 33 35 21 24 18 5 15 2 9 9 37 2y 22 25 18 5 54 3 10 9 4i 23 23 26 19 6 32 4 11 9 45 16 24 27 20 7 9 5 12 9 49 9 25 28 21 7 49 5 13 9 S3 1 26 28 21 8 28 6 14 9 56 52 27 29 22 9 5 7 15 IO O 43 28 =£= 23 9 43 8 16 10 4 33 29 1 23 10 20 8 17 10 8 23 30 2 24 10 57 9 18362 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 550 53'. Sidereal Time. 10 np 11 12 Ascen. m 2 t 3 Vp H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 10 8 23 0 2 24 10 57 9 18 10 12 12 1 3 25 11 36 10 19 10 16 0 2 4 26 12 14 11 20 10 19 48 3 4 26 12 50 12 21 10 23 35 4 5 27 13 27 12 '22 IO 27 22 5 6 28 14 5 13 23 10 31 8 6 7 28 14 42 14 24 10 34 54 7 8 29 15 18 14 25 10 38 40 8 9 30 is 57 15 26 10 42 25 9 9 K 16 33 16 27 10 46 9 IO IO 1 17 10 17 28 10 49 S3 II 11 2 17 46 18 29 10 53 37 12 12 3 18 24 18 /vw iVW 10 57 20 13 13 3 19 2 19 I 11 1 3 14 13 4 19 38 20 2 11 4 46 15 14 5 20 15 21 3 11 8 28 16 IS 5 20 52 22 4 II 12 10 17 16 6 21 30 22 5 11 15 22 17 17 7 22 /6 23 6 11 19 34 18 18 7 22 44 24 7 11 23 15 20 18 8 23 21 25 8 n 26 56 21 19 9 23 57 25 9 n 30 37 22 20 9 24 31 26 10 n 3418 23 21 10 25 13 27 12 11 37 58 24 22 11 25 50 28 13 11 41 39 25 22 11 26 28 29 14 11 45 19 26 23 12 27 4 30 15 1149 0 27 24 13 27 41 16 n 52 40 28 25 14 28 7 1 17 11 56 20 29 26 14 28 56 2 18 12 0 0 30 26 15 29 33 3 19TABLE OF HOUSES 363 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 550 53'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. m ‘ H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 12 O O O 27 15 29 23 3 19 12 3 40 I 28 16 0/ IO 4 20 12 7 20 2 29 16 0 46 5 22 12 II O 3 17 1 24 6 23 12 14 41 4 I 18 2 I 7 24 12 l8 21 5 I 18 2 38 7 25 12 22 2 6 2 19 3 16 8 26 12 25 42 7 3 20 3 55 9 27 12 29 23 8 4 20 4 34 10 29 12 33 4 9 4 21 5 13 11 X 12 36 45 IO 5 22 5 54 12 I 12 40 26 II 6 22 6 33 13 3 12 44 8 12 7 23 7 12 14 4 12 47 50 13 7 24 7 53 15 5 12 51 32 14 8 24 8 32 16 6 12 ss 14 15 9 25 9 13 * 17 7 12 58 5 16 9 26 9 53 18 8 13 2 40 17 10 27 10 34 19 10 13 6 23 18 11 27 11 13 20 11 13 10 7 19 12 28 11 53 21 ‘ 12 13 13 5i 20 12 29 12 33 22 13 13 17 35 21 13 29 13 17 23 15 13 21 20 22 14 t 13 59 25 16 13 25 6 23 15 1 14 42 26 17 13 28 52 24 16 2 15 26 27 19 13 32 38 25 16 2 16 9 28 20 13 36 25 26 17 3 16 52 29 22 13 40 12 27 18 4 17 36 AW 'VIA' 23 i 13 44 O 28 19 4 18 21 I 24 x3 47 48 29 20 5 19 6 3 25 13 Si 37 30 20 6 19 5i 4 27364 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 550 53'. Sidereal Time. 10 14 11 HI 12 t Ascen. t 2 3 X H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 13 Si 37 O 20 6 19 51 4 27 13 55 27 I 21 7 20 37 6 28 13 59 17 2 22 7 21 23 7 r 14 3 8 3 23 8 22 10 8 1 14 6 59 4 24 9 22 57 10 2 14 10 51 5 25 IO 23 46 11 4 14 14 44 6 25 IO 24 36 13 5 14 18' 37 7 26 I I 25 28 14 7 14 22 31 8 27 12 26 17 16 8 14 26 25 9 28 13 27 8 17 9 14 30 20 IO 29 14 28 0 19 I I 14 34 16 II 30 14 28 53 20 12 14 38 13 12 t 15 29 45 22 13 14 42 10 13 1 16 oV3 39 24 15 14 46 8 H 2 17 I 34 25 l6 14 50 7 3 18 2 33 27 18' 14 54 7 16 4 18 3 31 29 19 14 58 7 17 5 19 4 30 X 20 15 2 8 18 5 20 5 29 2 22 15 6 9 19 6 21 6 29 4 23 15 10 12 20 7 22 7 32 6 24 15 14 15 21 8 23 8 36 8 26 15 18 19 22 9 24 9 42 IQ- 27 15 22 23 23 10 24 10 Si 12 29 15 26 29 24 11 25 12 1 14 8 15 30 35 25 12 26 13 11 l6 1 15 34 41 26 13 27 14 24 18 3 15 38 49 27 13 28 15 37 20 4 15 42 57 28 14 29 16 52 22 5 15 47 •6 29 15 18 12 24 7 15 5i 15 30 16 I 19 34 26 8TABLE OF HOUSES 3<55 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 550 53'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. t t X 8 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / O 0 15 51 15 0 16 I 19 34 26 8 15 55 25 1 17 2 20 56 28 9 15 59 36 2 18 3 22 21 r 11 16 3 48 3 19 4 23 5i 2 12 16 8 0 4 20 5 25 23 4 13 16 12 13 5 21 6 26 57 6 14 16 16 26 6 22 7 28 3<5 8 16 16 20 40 7 23 8 A/VW U-wv 16 10 17 16 24 55 8 24 9 2 1 12 18 l6 29 IO 9 24 10 3 50 14 19 16 33 26 IO 25 II 5 43 16 21 16 37 42 II 26 12 • 7 42 18 22 16 41 59 12 27 14 9 45 20 23 16 46 16 13 28 15 11 52 22 24 16 50 34 14 29 l6 14 1 24 2 6 16 54 52 15 x? 17 16 17 26 27 16 59 10 16 1 18 18 38 28 28 17 3 29 17 2 19 21 6 8 29 17 7 49 18 3 21 23 39 2 n 17 12 9 19 4 22 26 15 4 2 17 l6 29 20 5 23 28 58 6 3 17 20 49 21 6 24 IX 49 8 4 17 25 9 22 7 26 4 40 9 5 17 29 30 23 8 27 7 36 11 6 17 .33 5i 24 9 28 10 4i 13 7 17 38 12 25 I I /vw 'VW 13 47 IS 9 17 42 54 26 12 I 16 57 16 10 17 46 55 27 13 3 20 12 18 11 17 51 17 28 14 4 23 26 20 12 17 55 38 29 15 6 26 44 21 13 , 1800 30 l6 7 30 0 23 14366 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 55° 53'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 Ascen. cp 2 8 3 n H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 18 0 0 O 16 7 0 O 23 14 18 4 22 I 17 9 3 17 24 15 18 8 43 2 18 10 6 3i 26 16 18 13 5 3 19 12 9 48 27 17 l8 17 26 4 20 14 13 4 29 18 l8 21 48 5 21 16 16 14 n 19 18 26 9 6 22 17 19 IQ 1 21 18 30 30 7 24 19 22 24 3 22 18 34 Si , 8 25 21 25 20 4 23 18 39 11 9 26 22 28 14 6 24 18 43 31 IO 27 24 1 B 2 7 25 18 47 SI II 28 26 3 46 8 26 18 52 II 12 AW 'WV 28 6 23 9 27 18 56 31 13 I X 8 56 11 28 19 0 so 14 2 2 11 22 12 29 19 5 8 15 3 4 13 45 13 25 19 9 26 16 4 6 15 59 14 I 19 13 44 17 6 8 18 10 15 2 19 18 1 18 7 10 .20 16 16 3 19 22 18 19 8 12 22 17 18 4 19 26 34 20 9 14 24 15 I9 5 19 30 50 21 11 16 26 8 20 6 19 35 5 22 12 18 27 57 21 7 19 39 20 23 13 20 29 42 22 8 19 43 34 24 14 22 in 23 23 9 19 47 47 25 IS 24 3 1 24 9 19 52 0 26 17 26 4 36 25 10 19 56 12 27 18 28 6 9 26 11 20 0 24 28 20 r 7 39 27 12 20 4 35 29 21 2 9 4 28 13 20 8 45 30 22 4 10 27 29 14TABLE OF HOUSES 367 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 550 53'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 cp Ascen. O 2 n 3 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 20 8 45 O 22 4 IO 27 29 14 20 12 54 I 23 6 I I 48 25 15 2017 3 2 25 8 13 7 I 16 20 21 11 3 26 10 14 23 2 17 20 25 19 4 27 12 15 37 3 17 ■ 20 29 26 5 29 14 16 50 4 18 20 33 31 6 X 16 18 0 5 19 20 37 37 7 I 18 19 9 6 20 20 41 41 8 3 20 20 17 6 21 20 45 45 9 4 22 21 23 7 22 20 49 48 IO ■5 24 22 29 8 23 20 S3 5i I I 7 26 23 32 9 24 20 57 52 12 8 28 24 32 10 25 21 1 53 13 10 25 3i 11 25 21 5 53 14 11 1 26 30 12 26 21 9 53 15 12 3 27 28 12 27 21 13 52 16 14 5 28 26 13 28 21 17 50 17 15 6 29 21 14 29 21 21 47 18 17 8 OS 15 15 30 21 25 44 19 18 10 I 8 16 si 21 29 40 20 19 11 2 1 16 I 21 33 35 21 21 13 2 54 17 2 21 37 29 22 22 14 3 45 • 18 3 21 41 23 23 23 16 4 35 19 4 21 45 16 24 25 17 5 25 20 5 2149 9 25 26 I9 6 14 20 5 21 S3 1 26 28 20 7 ‘ 3 21 6 21 56 52 27 29 22 7 50 22 7 22 0 43 28 r 23 8 37 23 8 22 4 33 29 2 24 9 25 23 9 22 8 23 30 3 26 10 11 24 10368 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 550 53'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 V 12 8 Ascen. 2 3 a H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 22 8 23 0 2 26 IO II 24 10 22 12 12 1 4 27 IO 56 25 10 22 16 O 2 6 28 II 4i 26 11 22 19 48 3 7 29 12 25 26 12 22 23 35 4 8 n 13 9 27 13 22 27 22 5 10 2 13 53 28 14 22 31 8 6 11 3 14 36 28 14 22 34 54 7 12 4 15 19 29 is 22 38 40' 8 14 5 16 0 a 16 22 42 25 9 15 7 16 42 1 17 22 46 9 IO 16 8 17' 25 I 18 22 49 S3 I I 18 9 18 7 2 18 22 53 37 ’12 19 10 18 47 3 19 22 57 20 13 20 11 19 28 4 20 23 1 3 14 21 12 20 9 , 4 21 23 4 46 15 23 13 20 49 5 22 23 8 28 16 24 14 21 3° 6 22 23 12 10 17 25 IS 22 10 6 23 23 15 22 18 26 16 22 48 7 24 23 19 34 *9 28 17 23 27 8 25 23 23 15 20 29 18 24 7 8 26 23 26 56 21 8 19 24 48 9 26 23 30 37 22 1 20 25 27 10 27 : 23 34 18 23 2 21 26 5- 10 28 23 37 58 24 4 22 26 44 11 29 23 41 39 25 5 23 27 22 12 30 - 23 45 19 26 6 23 28 0 12 m 23 49 ° 27 7 24 28 37 13 1 23 52 40 28 8 25 29 IS 14 2 23 56 20 29 10 26 29 Si 14 3 24 0 0 30 11 27 oSl 29 15 4TABLE OF HOUSES 369 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 53° 25'. Sidereal Time. 10 - qp 11 8 12 n Ascen. 2 a 3 np H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 OOO O IO 24 28 13 14 3 0 3 40 I II 25 28 46 14 4 0 7 20 2 12 26 29 25 15 5 0 II 0 3 13 27 0 si 14 "16 6 0 14 41 4 14 28 0 49 17 6 0 18 21 5 15 29 I 25 17 7 O 22 2 6 16 29 2 7 18 8 O 25 42 7 17 £5 2 42 19 9 O 29 23 8 18 I 3 26 19 10 0 33 4 9 19 2 4 4 20 10 0 36 45 IO 20 3 4 41 21 11 0 40 26 I I 22 4 ' 5 19 22 12 0 44 8 12 23 4 5 58 22 13 0 47 50 13 24 5 6 36 23 14 0 51 32 14 25 6 7 14 24 15 0 55 14 15 26 7 7 53 2 4 15 0 58 5 16 27 8 8 32 25 16 1 2 40 17 28 8 9 10 26 17 1 6 23 18 29 9 9 47 26 18 110 7 19 n 10 10 25 27 19 1 13 5i 20 1 II I I 5 28 20 1 17 35 21 2 12 II 43 29 20 1 21 20 22 3 12 12 22 29 21 1 25 6 23 4 13 13 0 ** 22 1 28 52 24 5 14 13 39 1 23 1 32 38 25 6 15 14 18 2 24 1 3<5 25 26 7 16 14 56 2 25 1 40 12 27 8 16 15 35 3 26 1 44 0 28 9 17 16 14 4 26 1 47 48 29 10 18 16 53 4 27 1 Si 37 30 11 19 17 32 5 28370 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 530 25'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. a n 23 a hr n H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 I SI 37 0 11 I9 17 32 5 28 1 55 27 1 12 20 18 11 6 29 1 59 17 2 13 21 18 51 7 =£= 238 3 14 21 19 30 8 1 26 59 4 15 22 20 9 8 1 210 51 5 15 23 20 48 9 2 214 44 6 16 24 21 37 10 3 218 37 7 17 24 22 8 11 4 2 22 31 8 18 25 22 47 11 5 2 26 25 9 • 19 26 23 28 12 6 2 30 20 IO 20 27 24 8 13 7 2 3416 II 21 27 24 48 13 8 2 3813 12 22 28 25 28 14 9 2 42 10 13 , 23 29 26 8 15 10 2 46 8 14 24 a 26 48 15 11 2 50 7 15 25 0 27 29 16 11 2 54 7 16 26 1 28 10 17 12 2 58 7 17 27 2 28 51 18 13 328 18 28 3 29 32 19 14 369 19 29 4 0^ 13 20 15 3 10 12 20 23 5 0 54 20 16 3 14 IS 21 O 5 1 36 21 17 3 18 19 22 I 6 2 17 22 18 3 22 23 23 2 7 2 59 23 19 3 26 29 24 3 8 3 41 24 20 3 30 35 25 4 8 4 23 25 21 3 34 41 26 5 9 5 5 25 O ^ ^ X 3 38 49 27 6 10 5 47 26 22 3 42 57 28 7 11 6 30 27 23 3 47 6 29 8 12 7 12 28 24 3 5i 15 30 9 12 7 54 28 25TABLE OF HOUSES 371 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 53° 25'. Sidereal Time. 10 n 11 12 a Ascen. IIP 2 w A H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 3 Si 15 O 9 12 7 54 28 25 3 55 25 I IO 13 . 8 37 29 26 3 59 36 2 II 14 9 20 S'L. 27 4 3 48 3 12 15 10 3 I 28 48O 4 13 16 10 47 I 29 4 12 13 5 14 16 II 30 2 "l 4 16 26 6 15 17 12 13 3 O 4 20 40 7 15 18 12 56 4 I 4 24 SS 8 16 19 13 40 5 2 4 29 10 9 17 20 14 24 6 3 4 33 26 IO 18 20 15 8 6 4 4 37 42 I I !9 21 15 52 7 5 4 4159 12 20 22 16 36 8 6 4 46 16 13 21 23 17 19 9 7 4 50 34 14 22 24 18 4 10 8 4 54 52 15 23 25 18 49 II 9 4 59 10 16 24 25 19 33 12 10 5 3 29 17 25 26 20 17 12 11 5 7 49 18 26 27 21 1 13 12 5 12 9 19 27 28 21 46 14 13 5 16 29 20 27 28 22 3i 15 13 5 20 49 21 28 29 23 16 16 14 ’ 5 25 9 22 29 24 0 17 15 . 5 29 30 23 SI 1 24 45 17 16 5 33 5i 24 I 2 25 30 18 17 5 38 12 25 2 2 26 15 I9 18 5 42 34 26 3 3 27 0 20 19 5 46 55 27 4 4 27 45 20 20 5 5i i7 28 5 5 28 3° 21 21 5 55 38 29 6 6 29 15 22 22 600 30 7 7 30 0 23 23372 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 530 25'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 a 12 np Ascen. 2 3 m H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / O 0 6 0 0 O 7 7 O 0 23 23 6 4 22 I 8 8 O 45 24 24 6 8 43 2 9 9 I 30 25 25 6 15 5 3 IO 9 2 15 26 26 6 17 26 4 II 10 3 0 27 27 6 21 48 5 I I I I 3 45 27 28 6 26 9 6 12 12 4 30 28 29 6 30 30 7 *3 13 5 15 29 29 6 34 5i- 0 O 14 13 6 0 u t 6 39 u 9 15 14 6 44 I 1 6 43 3i IO l6 15 7 29 2 2 6 47 5i I I 17 16 8 14 2 3 6 52 11 12 18 17 8 59 3 4 6 56 31 13 19 18 9 43 4 5 7 0 50 14 20 18 10 27 5 6 7 5 8 15 21 19 11 11 5 7 7 9 26 16 22 20 11 56 6 8 7 i3 44 17 23 21 12 40 7' 9 7 18 1 18 24 22 13 24 8 10 7 22 18 19 25 23 14 8 9 11 7 26 34 20 25 23 14 52 IO 12 7 30 50 21 26 24 15 36 10 13 7 35 5 22 27 25 16 20 II 14 7 39 20 23 28 26 17 4 12 14 7 43 34 24 29 27 17 47 13 15 7 47 47 25 "i 28 18 30 14 16 7 52 0 26 1 29 19 13 15 17 7 56 12 27 2 29 i9 57 15 18 8 0 24 28 3 20 40 16 19 8 4 35 29 4 I 21 23 17 20 8 8 45 30 5 2 22 6 18 21TABLE OF HOUSES 373 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 53° 25'. Sidereal Time. 10 a 11 TIE 12 Ascen. 2 rri 3 H. M. 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Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. T n n H. M. S, 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 20 8 45 0 23 3 5 47 26 13 20 12 54 1 24 5 7 10 27 14 20 17 3 2 25 7 8 32 28 14 20 21 II 3 27 9 9 SO 29 15 20 25 19 4 28 I I I I 7 25 16 20 29 26 5 29 13 12 23 1 17 20 33 31 6 X IS 13 39 2 18 20 37 37 7 2 17 14 SO 3 19 20 41 41 8 3 18 16 O 4 20 20 45 45 9 4 20 17 8 5 21 20 49 48 IO 6 22 18 16 6 22 20 53 Si II 7 24 19 22 7 22 20 57 52 12 9 26 20 27 7 23 21 1 S3 13 10 27 21 30 8 24 21 5 S3 14 11 29 22 32 9 25 21 9 5.3 15 12 8 23 32 IO 26 21 r3 52 16 14 2 24 32 I I 27 21 17 So 17 IS 4 25 30 12 27 21 21 47 18 17 6 26 28 12 28 21 25 44 19 18 7 27 24 13 29 21 29 40 20 19 9 28 20 14 SI 21 33 35 21 21 10 29 IS. 15 1 21 37 29 22 22 11 055 9 16 2 21 41 23 23 23 13 I 2 16 3 21 45 16 24 25 15 1 55 17 4 2149 .9 25 26 16 2' 47 18 4 2153 1 26 28 17 3 39 I9 5 21 56 52 27 29 19 4 29 ' 20 6 22 0 43 28 r 21 5 18 21 7 22 4 33 29 1 22 6 7 21 8 22 8 23 30 3 23 6 56 22 9380 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 53° 25'. 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S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 8 23 0 2 25 12 59 12 20 IO 12 12 I 3 26 13 39 13 21 IO 16 O 2 4 27 14 20 14 22 10 19 48 3 5 27 14 58 14 23 IO 23 35 4 5 28 15 36 15 24 IO 27 22 5 6 29 16 17 16 25 10 31 8 6 7 U, 16 55 17 26 10 34 54 7 8 O 17 35 18 27 10 38 40 8 9 1 18 14 18 28 10 42 25 9 10 2 18 54 19 29 10 46 9 IO I I 2 19 33 20 10 49 S3 II II 3 20 12 21 I 10 S3 37 12 12 4 20 51 22 2 10 57 20 13 13 5 21 29 22 3 11 1 3 14 14 5 22 7 23 4 11 4 46 15 15 6 22 47 24 5 . 11 8 28 16 16 7 23 26 25 6 11 12 IO 17 16 7 24 5 26 7 11 15 22 17 17 8 24 43 26 8 11 19 34 18 18 9 25 22 27 9 11 23 15 20 19 IO 26 2 28 IO 11 26 56 21 20 IO 26 40 29 II 11 30 37 22 21 11 27 19 *3 12 11 34 18 23 21 12 27 59 1 13 11 37 58 24 22 12 28 37 1 14 11 41 39 25 23 13 29 18 2 15 11 45 19 26 24 14 29 57 3 16 11 49 0 27 25 14 ot 37 4 17 11 52 40 28 25 15 1 13 5 19 11 56 20 29 26 16 1 55 6 20 1200 30 27 17 2 34 7 21TABLE OF HOUSES 387 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 52° 28'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 hi Ascen. * 2 v> 3^ H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 12 O 0 O 27 17 2 34 7 21 12 3 40 I 28 17 3 15 8 22 12 7 20 2 29 18 3 54 - 8 23 12 II O 3 "1 19 4 35 9 24 12 14 41 4 O 20 5 15 10 25 12 18 21 5 I 20 5 55 11 26 12 22 2 6 2 21 6 36 12 28 12 25 42 7 3 22 7 16 13 29 12 29 23 8 4 22 7 58 14 X 12 33 4 9 4 23 8 39 15 I J2 36 45 IO 5 24 9 20 16 2 12 40 26 II 6 25 10 I 17 3 12 44 8 12 7 25 10 44 18 5 12 47 50 13 8 26 11 25 19 6 12 51 32 14 9 27 12 8 20 7 12 55 14 15 9 27 12 50 21 8 12 58 5 16 10 28 13 33 22 9 13 2 40 17 11 29 14 17 23 10 13 6 23 18 12 t 15 0 24 12 13 10 7 19 13 0 15 44 25 13 1313 5i 20 13 1 16 28 26 14 1317 35 21 14 2 17 . 12 28 16 13 21 20 22 15 3 17 57 29 17 13 25 6 23 16 3 18 43 AW •wv 18 . 13 28 52 24 17 4 19 28 I 19 13 32 38 25 18 5 20 14 2 21 13 36 25 26 18 6 21 1 3 22 13 40 12 27 19 6 21 48 4 23 13 44 O 28 20 n / 22 35 6 25 13 47 48 29 21 8 23 24 7 26 13 51 37 30 22 9 24 13 8 27388 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 52° 28'. Sidereal Time. xo m 11 12 t Ascen. 2 3 k H. 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O 0 0 0 / 0 0 20 O 45 O 23 4 4 13 25 12 20 12 54 I . 25 6 5 37 26 13 20 17 3 2 26 8 7 0 27 14 20 21 II 3 27 9 8 19 28 15 20 25 19 4 28 11 9 37 29 16 20 29 26 5 X 13 10 54 93 17 20 33 31 6 I 15 12 8 1 18 20 37 37 7 3 17 13 21 2 19 20 41 41 8 4 18 14 32 3 20 20 45 45 9 5 20 15 42 4 20 20 49 48 IO 6 22 l6 50 5 21 20 53 5i I I 8 24 17 56 6 22 20 57 52 12 9 25 19 2 7 23 21 1 53 13 10 27 20 6 7 24 21 5 53 14 12 28 21 9 8 25 21 9 53 15 13 8 22 II 9 26 21 13 52 16 14 2 23 12 10 27 21 17 50 17 15 3 24 I I 11 27 21 2i 47 18 17 5 25 IO 12 28 21 25 44 19 18 6 26 8 13 29 21 29 40 20 19 8 27 4 13 a 21 33 35 21 20 9 27 59 14 1 21 37 29 22 22 11 28 55 15 - 2 21 41 23 23 23 12 29 49 16 2 21 45 16 24 25 14 093 42 17 3 2149 9 25 26 15 I 35 17 4 2153 1 26 28 16 2 27 18 5 21 56 52 27 29 18 3 19 19 6 22 0 43 28 r 19 4 8 20 7 22 4 33 29 2 20 4 58 21 8 22 8 23 30 3 22 5 47 21 8392 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 52° 28'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. x qp 8 23 ZIo a H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 22 8 23 0 3 22 5 47 21 8 22 12 12 1 4 23 6 36 22 9 22 l6 O 2 5 24 7 25 23 10 22 19 48 3 7 25 8 12 24 11 22 23 35 4 8 27 8 59 24 12 22 27 22 5 9 28 9 46 25 12 22 31 8 6 11 29 10 32 26 13 22 34 54 7 12 n 11 17 27 14 22 38 40 8 13 1 12 3 27 15 22 42 25 9 14 3 12 48 28 16 22 46 9 IO 16 4 13 32 29 17 22 49 53 II 17 5 14 16 a 17 22 53 37 12 18 6 15 0 0 18 22 57 20 13 19 7 15 43 1 19 23 1 3 14 21 8 16 27 2 20 23 4 46 15 22 9 17 10 3 21 23 8 28 16 23 10 17 52 3 21 23 12 10 17 24 11 18 35 4 22 23 15 22 18 25 12 19 16 5 23 23 19 34 19 27 13 19 59 5 24 23 23 15 20 28 14 20 40 6 25 23 26 56 21 29 15 21 21 7 26 23 30 37 22 8 16 22 2 8 26 23 34 18 23 1 17 22 44 8 27 23 37 50 24 2 18 23 24 9 28 23 4i 39 25 3 19 24 5 IO 29 23 45 19 26 4 20 24 45 IO 23 49 0 27 5 21 25 25 II O 23 52 40 28 6 22 26 6 12 I 23 56 20 29 7 22 26 45 13 2 '24 0 0 30 9 23 26 (26 13 3TABLE OF HOUSES 393 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 51° 32'. Sidereal Time. 10 cp ir 8 12 n Ascen. 2 a A H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 OOO O 9 22 26 56 12 3 O 3 40 I IO 23 27 17 13 3 0 7 20 2 II 24 27 56 14 4 0 II 0 3 12 25 28 42 15 5 0 14 41 4 13 25 29 17 ■ 15 6 0 18 21 5 14 ♦ 26 29 55 16 7 0 22 2 6 15 27 OSl 34 17 8 0 25 42 7 16 28 I 14 18 8 0 29 23 8 17 29 I 55 18 9 0 33 4 9 18 25 2 33 19 10 0 36 45 IO 19 I 3 14 20 II 0 40 26 II 20 I 3 54 20 12 0 44 8 12 21 2 4 33 21 13 0 47 50 13 22 3 5 12 22 14 0 51 32 14 23 4 5 52 23 15 0 ss 14 15 24 5 6 30 23 15 0 58 5 16 25 6 7 9 24 16 1 2 40 17 26 6 7 50 25 17 1 6 23 18 27 7 8 30 26 18 1 10 7 19 28 8 9 9 26 19 1 13 Si 20 29 9 9 48 27 I9 1 17 35 21 n 10 10 28 28 20 1 21 20 22 1 10 11 8 28 21 1 25 6 23 2 11 11 48 29 22 I 28 52 24 3 12 12 28 23 1 32 38 25 4 13 13 8 I 24 1 36 25 26 5 14 13 48 1 25 1 40 12 27 6 14 14 28 2 25 1 44 0 28 7 15 15 8 3 26 1 47 48 29 8 16 15 48 4 27 1 5i 37 30 9 17 16 28 4 28394 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 510 32'. Sidereal Time. 10 8 11 O 12 Ascen. a 2 HR 3 hr H. M. S. 0 0 O 0 / 0 0 1 Si 37 O 9 17 16 28 4 28 1 55 27 I IO 18 17 8 5 29 1 59 17 2 II 19 17 48 6 -TL_ 238 3 12 19 18 28 7 I 2 6 59 4 13 20 19 9 8 2 210 51 5 14 21 19 49 9 2 214 44 6 15 22 20 29 9 3 218 37 7 16 22 21 10 10 4 2 22 31 8 17 23 21 51 11 5 2 26 25 9 18 24 22 32 11 6 2 30 20 IO 19 25 23 14 12 7 2 34 16 II 20 25 23 55 13 8 2 38 13 12 21 26 24 36 14 9 2 42 IO 13 22 27 25 17 15 10 2 46 8 14 23 28 25 58 15 11 2 50 7 15 24 29 26 40 16 12 2 54 7 16 25 29 27 22 17 12 2 58 7 17 26 si 28 4 18 13 328 18 27 1 28 46 18 14 369 19 27 2 29 28 19 15 3 10 12 20 28 3 0^ 12 20 l6 3 H 15 21 29 3 0 54 21 17 3 18 19 22 £5 4 1 36 22 18 3 22 23 23 I 5 2 20' 22 19 3 26 29 24 2 6 3 2 23 20 3 30 35 25 3 7 3 45 24 21 3 34 41 26 4 7 4 28 25 22 3 38 49 27 5 8 . 5 11 26 23 3 42 57 28 6 9 5 54 27 24 3 47 6 29 7 10 6 28 27 25 3 5i 15 30 8 11 7 31 28 25TABLE OF HOUSES 395 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 510 32'. Sidereal Time. 10 n I X 12 a Ascen. HR 2 HP H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 3 Si IS O 8 11 7 31 28 25 3 SS 25 1 9 12 8 5 29 26 3 59 36 2 10 12 8 49 -TL. 27 4 3 48 3 10 13 9 33 I 28 480 4 11 14 10 17 2 29 4 12 13 5 12 15 11 2 2 HI 4 16 26 6 13 16 11 46 3 I 4 20 40 7 14 17 12 30 4 2 4 24 55 8 15 17 13 15 5 3 4 29 10 9 16 18 14 0 6 4 4 33 26 IO 17 19 14 45 7 5 4 37 42 II 18 20 15 30 8 6 4 4159 12 19 21 16 15 8 7 4 4616 13 20 21 17 0 9 8 4 50 34 14 21 22 17 45 10 9 4 54 52 15 22 23 18 30 II IO 4 5910 16 23 24 19 16 12 II 5 3 29 17 24 25 20 3 13 12 5 7 49 18 25 26 20 49 14 13 • 512 9 19 25 27 21 35 14 14 S 16 29 20 26 28 22 20 15 14 5 20 49 21 27 28 23 6 16 15 S 25 9 22 28 29 23 5i 17 16 S 29 30 23 29 24 37 18 17 5 33 Si 24 a 1 25 23 19 18 5 38 12 25 ' 1 2 26 9 20 19 S 42 34 26 2 3 26 55 21 20 5 46 55 27 3 4 27 41 21 21 5 5i i7 28 4 4 28 27 22 22 5 55 38 29 5 5 29 13 23 23 ; 600 30 6 6 30 0 24 24396 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 510 32'. Sidereal Time. 10 IX a 12 T1R Ascen. 2 r3r\ H. M. S. O 0 0 0 t O 0 6 0 0 O 6 6 O 0 24 24 6 4 22 I 7 7 O 47 25 25 6 8 43 2 8 8 , I 33 26 26 6 13 5 3 9 9 2 19 27 27 6 17 26 4 10 10 3 5 27 28 6 21 48 5 11 IO 3 51 28 29 6 26 9 6 12 I I 4 37 29 t 6 30 30 7 13 12 5 23 *1 1 6 34 5i 8 14 13 6 9 1 2. 6 39 11 9 15 14 6 55 2 3 6 43 3i IO 16 15 7 40 2 4 6 47 5i I I 16 16 8 28 3 4 6 52 11 12 17 16 9 12 4 5 6 56 31 13 18 17 9 58 5 6 7 0 50 T4 19 18 10 43 6 7 7 5 8 IS 20 19 II 28 7 8 7 9 26 16 21 20 12 14 8 9 7 13 44 17 22 21 12 59 8 10 718 1 18 23 22 13 45 9 11 7 22 18 y?9__ 24 23 14 30 10 12 7 26 34 20 ~ 25 24 IS 15 11 13 7 30 so 21 26 25 l6 0 12 14 7 35 5 22 27 26 16 45 13 15 7 39 20 23 28 27 17 30 • 13 16 7 43 34 24 29 27 18 15 14 17 7 47 47 25 28 18 59 15 18 7 52 0 26 1 29 19 43 16 19 7 56 12 27 2 29 20 27 17 20 8 0 24 28 3 -n- 21 11 18 20 8 4 35 29 4 I 21 56 18 21 8 8 46 30 5 2 22 40 19 22TABLE OF HOUSES 397 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 510 32'. Sidereal Time. 10 a 11 12 Ascen. 2 ■ m 3 t H. M. 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Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 cp Ascen. n 2 . n 3 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 20 8 45 O 24 4 2 45 24 12 20 12 54 I 25 6 4 9 25 12 20 17 3 2 27 7 5 32 26 13 20 21 II 3 28 9 6 53 27 14 20 25 19 4 29 11 8 12 28 15 20 29 26 5 X 13 9 27 29 16 20 33 31 6 2 H 10 43 £5 17 20 37 37 7 3 16 11 58 I 18 20 41 41 8 4 18 13 9 2 19 20 45 45 9 6 19 14 18 3 20 20 40 48 IO 7 21 15 25 3 21 20 53 51 II 8 23 16 32 4 21 20 57 52 12 9 24 17 39 5 22 21 1 53 13 11 26 18 44 6 23 21 5 53 H ' 12 28 19 48 7 24 21 9 S3 15 13 29 20 5i 8 25 21 13 52 16 i5 8 21 53 9 26 21 17 50 17 16 2 22 53 10 27 21 21 47 18 17 4 23 52 10 28 21 25 44 19 19 5 24 5i 11 28 21 29 40 20 20 7 25 48 12 29 21 33 35 21 22 8 26 44 13 SI 21 37 29 22 23 10 27 40 14 1 21 41 23 23 24 11 28 34 15 2 21 45 16 24, 25 13 29 29 15 3 21 49 9 25 26 14 O £5 22 16 4 21 53- 1 26 28 15 I 15 17 4 21 56 52 27 29 16 2 7 18 5 22 0 43 28 V 18 2 57 i9 6 22 4 32 29 2 19 3 48 19 7 22 8 23 30 3 20 4 38 20 8404 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 51° 32'. Sidereal Time. 10 X 11 cp 12 8 Ascen. 2 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r O 0 10 8 23 0 2 28 16 51 16 22 10 12 12 1 3 28 17 37 17 23 10 16 0 2 4 29 18 20 17 24 10 19 48 3 5 29 19 3 18 25 10 23 35 4 6 19 46 19 26 10 27 22 5 7 I 20 29 20 27 10 31 8 6 7 I 21 12 21 28 10 34 54 7 8 2 21 54 22 29 IO 38 40 8 9 3 22 36 22 /VW w IO 42 25 9 10 4 23 18 23 I 10 46 9 IO I I 5 24 O 24 2 10 49 53 II 12 6 24 42 25 3 10 53 37 12 12 7 25 24 26 4 10 57 20 13 13 7 26 6 27 5 11 1 3 14 14 8 26 48 28 6 11 4 46 15 15 9 27 30 28 7 ' 11 8 28 16 16 10 28 12 29 8 11 12 10 17 16 11 28 54 ltf 9 11 15 22 18 17 11 29 36 I 10 11 19 34 19 18 12 0/ 18 2 11 11 23 15 20 19 13 1 0 3 12 11 26 56 21 20 14 1 42 4 13 11 30 37 22 21 14 2 -25 5 14 11 34 18 23 22 15 3 8 5 15 11 37 58 24 23 16 3 5i 6 16 n 41 39 25 23 17 4 34 7 17 11 45 19 26 24 18 - 5 18 8 18 11 49 0 27 25 18 6 2 9 19 11 52 40 28 26 19 6 46 10 21 11 56 20 29 27 20 7 3i 11 22 1200 30 28 20 8 16 12 23TABLE OF HOUSES 411 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 450 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 m Ascen. 1 2 JL H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 T 0 0 12 O O O 28 20 8 16 12 23 12 3 40 I 29 21 9 1 13 24 12 7 20 2 K 22 9 47 14 25 12 II O 3 1 23 10 33 15 26 12 14 41 4 1 24 11 19 16 27 12 IO 21 5 2 24 12 5 17 28 12 22 2 6 3 25 12 52 18 X 12 25 42 7 4 26 x3 39 19 1 12 29 23 8 5 27 14 26 20 2 12 33 4 9 6 27 15 13 21 3 12 36 45 IO 6 28 16 0 22 4 12 40 26 I I 7 29 16 48 23 5 12 44 8 12 8 29 17 36 24 6 12 47 50 13 9 t 18 24 25 8 12 51 32 14 10 1 19 12 26 9 12 55 14 15 I I 2 20 0 27 IO 12 58 5 16 12 3 20 48 28 11 13 2 40 17 13 3 21 36 29 12 13 6. 23 18 13 4 22 24 /VVV *wv 13 13 10 7 19 14 5 23- 12 I 15 13 13 5i 20 15 5 24 0 3 16 13 17 35 21 16 6 24 49 4 17 13 21 20 22 17 7 25 38 5 18 13 25 6 23 18 8 26 27 6 19 13 28 52 24 19 8 27 16 7 20 13 32 38 25 19 9 28 , 5 8 21 13 36 25 26 20 10 28 54 9 23 13 40 12 27 21 11 29 43 10 24 13 44 O 28 22 11 ov3 32 11 25 13 47 48 29 23 12 1 21 13 26 13 5* 37 30 24 13 2 10 14 2t412 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 450 00'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. m l X H. 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M. s. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 IS 51 15 O 20 IO 6 I 26 5 IS 55 25 I 21 II 7 25 28 6 15 59 36 2 22 12 8 50 r 7 16 3 48 3 23 13 10 17 2 8 16 8 0 4 24 14 11 46 3 10 16 12 13 5 25 15 13 17 5 II 16 16 26 6 26 17 14 49 6 12 16 20 40 7 27 18 16 22 8 13 16 24 55 8 28 19 17 5i 9 14 16 29 10 9 29 20 19 34 11 l6 16 33 26 IO V? 21 21 12 13 17 16 37 42 II I 23 22 52 14 18 16 41 59 12 2 24 24 34 16 19 l6 46 l6 13 3 25 26 18 17 20 16 50 34 14 4 26 28 4 19 21 16 54 52 15 5 27 29 52 20 23 16 59 10 16 6 29 IX 41 22 24 17 3 29 17 7 AVI/ W 3 31 23 25 17 7 49 18 8 I 5 23 25 26 17 12 9 19 9 2 . 7 17 26 27 17 ,16 29 20 IO 3 9 13 28 29 17 20 49 21 II 5 11 11 8 n 17 25 9 22 12 6 13 11 I 1 17 29 30 23 13 7 15 13 3 2 17 33 51 24 14 8 17 17 4 3 17 38 12 25 15 IO 19 22 6 4 17 42 34 26 16 II 21 28 7 5 17 46 55 27 17 12 23 35 9 6; 17 51 17 28 18 14 25 43 10 7 17 55 38 29 19 15 27 51 12 8 1800 30 20 l6 30 0 13 10, I4I4 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 45° 00'. 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Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 T Ascen. 8 2 n 3 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 20 8 45 0 26 3 24 32 19 11 20 12 54 I 27 s 26 2 21 11 20 17 3 2 29 6 27 30 22 12 20 21 II 3 X 8 28 54 23 J3 20 25 19 4 I 9 on 14 24 l4 20 29 26 5 2 I I 1 30 25 15 20 33 31 6 3 12 2 43 26 16 20 37 37 7 5 14 3 53 27 17 20 41 41 8 6 15 5 3 28 17 20 45 45 9 7 l6 6 12 29 18 20 49 48 IO 8 18 7 20 30 19 20 53 51 II 10 19 8 28 20 20 57 52 12 11 21 9 35 I 21 21 1 53 13 12 22 10 42 2 22 21 5 53 14 13 24 11 48 3 23 21 9 S3 15 14 25 12 54 4 23 21 13 52 16 16 26 14 0 5 24 21 17 50 17 17 28 15 5 6 25 21 21 47 18 18 29 16 11 7 26 21 25 44 19 19 B 17 15 8 27 21 29 40 20 21 1 18 18 8 28 21 33 35 21 22 3 19 20 9 28 21 37 29 22 23 4 20 22 10 29 21 41 23 23 24 6 21 23 11 SI 21 45 16 24 25 7 22 23 12 1 2149 9 25 27 8 23 22 13 2 2153 1 26 28 9 24 20 14 3 21 56 52 27 29 11 25 17 14 4 22 0 43 28 r 12 26 13 15 s 22 4 33 29 1 13 27 8 16 5 22 8 23 30 2 14 28 2 17 64i 6 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 450 oo'. Sidereal Time. 10 X 11 cp 12 8 Ascen. n 2 3 a H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 O 0 22 8 23 0 2 14 28 2 17 6 22 12 12 I 4 18 28 55 18 7 22 16 O 2 5 20 29 45 19 8 22 19 48 3 6 21 023 33 19 9 22 23 35 4 7 22 I 20 20 10 22 27 22 5 8 23 2 7 21 I I 22 31 8 6 IO 24 2 54 22 12 22 34 54 7 II 25 3 41 23 12 22 38 40 8 12 26 4 28 23 13 22 42 25 9 13 27 5 15 24 14 22 46 9 IO 14 29 6 2 25 15 22 49 53 II 15 n 6 49 26 16 22 S3 37 12 17 1 7 36 26 17 22 57 20 13 18 2 8 23 27 18 23 1 3 14 19 3 9 10 28 18 23 4 46 15 20 4 9 57 29 19 23 8 28 16 21 5 10 44 a 20 23 12 10 17 22 6 11 31 1 21 23 15 22 18 23 7 12 10 1 22 23 19 34 19 24 8 13 5 2 23 23 23 15 20 26 9 13 52 3 24 23 26 56 21 27 10 14 39 3 24 23 30 37 22 28 11 15 26 4 25 23 34 18 23 29 12 16 13 * 5 26 23 37 58 24 8 13 17 0 6 27 23 4i 39 25 1 14 17 47 6 28 23 45 19 26 3 15 18 34 7 29 23 49 0 27 4 IS 19 21 . 8 30 23 52 40 28 5 16 20 8 9 23 56 20 29 6 17 20 54 9 1 24 0 0 30 7 18 21 40 10 2TABLE OF HOUSES 417 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40° 43' NORTH. Sidereal Time. 10 V 11 8 12 n Ascen. 2 a 3 HR H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 OOO 0 6 15 18 53 8 1 O 3 40 I 7 16 I9 58 9 2 0 7 20 2 8 17 20 23 10 3 0 11 0 3 9 18 21 12 11 4 0 14 41 4 II 19 21 55 12 5 0 18 21 5 12 20 22 40 12 5 O 22 2 6 13 21 23 24 13 6 O 25 42 7 14 22 24 8 14 7 O 29 23 8 15 22 24 54 15 8 O 33 4 9 16 23 25 37 15 9 0 36 45 IO 17 24 26 22 16 IO 0 40 26 I I 18 25 27 5 17 I I 0 44 8 12 19 26 27 50 18 12 0 47 50 13 20 27 28 33 19 13 0 51 32 H 21 28 29 18 19 13 0 55 H 15 22 28 OSI 3 20 14 0 58 5 16 23 29 O 46 21 15 1 2 40 17 24 55 I 3i 22 l6 1 6 23 18 25 I 2 14 22 •17 i 10 7 19 26 2 2 58 23 18 1 13 51 20 27 3 3 43 24 19 117 35 21 28 3 4 27 25 ■ 20 12120 22 29 4 5 12 25 21 1 25 6 23 n 5 5 56 26 22 1 28 52 24 1 6 6 40 27 22 1 32 38 25 2 7 7 25 28 23 1 36 25 26 2 8 8 9 29 24 1 40 12 27 3 9 8 53 n* 25 1 44 0 28 4 10 9 38 1 26 1 47 48 29 5 10 10 24 1 27 1 5i 37 30 6 11 11 8 2 28418 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 4o° 43' NORTH. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. 8 O 0 a w H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 i 5i 37 O 6 11 11 8 2 28 1 55 27 I 7 12 11 53 ! 3 29 1 59 17 2 8 13 12 38 ! 4 238 3 9 14 13 22 5 I 2 6 59 ' 4 10 15 14 8 ! 5 2 2 IO 51 5 11 15 14 53 i 6 3 2 14 44 6 12 16 15 39 7 4 2 18 37 7 13 17 16 24 8 4 2 22 31 8 14 18 17 10 9 5 2 26 25 9 15 19 17 56 10 6 2 30 20 IO 16 20 18 4i IO 7 2 34 16 II 17 20 19 27 11 8 2 38 13 12 18 21 20 14 12 9 2 42 10 13 19 22 21 0 13 10 2 46 8 ' 14 19 23 21 47 14 11 2 50 7 15 20 24 22 33 15 12 2 54 7 16 21 25 23 20 16 13 2 58 7 17 22 25 24 7 17 14 328 18 23 26 24 54 17 15 369 19 24 27 25 42 18 16 3 10 12 20 25 28 26 29 I9 17 3 14 15 21 26 29 27 17 20 18 , 3 18 19 22 27 si 28 -4 21 19 3 22 23 23 28 I 28 52 22 20 3 26 29 24 29 I 29 40 23 21 3 30 35 25 25 2 0^ 29 24 22 3 34 41 26 I 3 1 17 24 23 3 38 49 27 2 4 2 6 25 24 3 42 57 28 3 5 2 55 26 25 3 47 6 29 4 6 3 43 27 26 3 5i 15 30 S 7 4 32 28 27TABLE OF HOUSES 419 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40° 43' NORTH. Sidereal Time, 10 n II 03 12 a Ascen. 2 m 3 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 3 5i IS O 5 7 4 32 28 27 3 55 25 1 6 8 5 22 29 28 3 59 36 2 6 8 6 IO =£i= 29 4 3 43 3 7 9 7 O I "l 480 4 8 10 7 49 2 1 4 12 13' 5' 9 11 8 40 3 2 4 16 26 6 10 12 9 30 4 3 4 20 40 7 11 13 10 19 4 4 4 24 55 8' 12 14 11 10 5 5 4 29 10 9 13 15 12 0 6 6 4 33 26 IO 14 l6 12 51 ' 7 7 4 37 42 I I 15 l6 13 41 8 8 4 4159 12 16 17 14 32 9 9 4 4616 13 17 18 15 23 10 10 4 50 34 14 18 19 16 14 11 11 4 54 52 15 19 20 17 5 12 12 4 5910 16 20 21 17 56 13 13 5 3 29 17 21 22 18 47 14 14 5 7 49 18 22 23 19 39 15 15 512 9 19 23 24 20 30 16 16 516 29 20 24 25 21 22 17 17 • 5 20 49 21 25 25 22 13 18 18 5 25 9 22 26 26 23 5 18 19 5 29 30 23 27 27 23 57 19 20 5 33 51 24 28 28 24 49 20 21 5 3312 25 29 29 25 40 21 22 5 42 34 26 Si nu 26 32 22 22 5 46 55 27 I 1 27 25 23 23 , 5 5117 28 2 2 28 16 24 24 1 5 55 38 29 3 3 29 8 25 25 1 600 30 4 4 30 0 26 26420 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40° 43' NORTH. Sidereal Time. 10 11 a 12 np Ascen. 2 3 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 600 O 4 4 O 0 26 26 6 4 22 I 5 5 O 52 2; 27 6 8 43 2 6 6 I 44 28 28 6 13 5 3 6 7 2 35 29 29 6 17 26 4 7 8 3 28 *1 t 6 21 48 5 8 9 4 20 1 1 6 26 9 6 9 10 5 11 2 2 6 30 30 7 10 11 6 3 3 3 6 34 5i 8 11 12 6 55 3 4 6 39 11 9 12 13 7 47 4 5 6 43 3i IO 13 14 8 38 5 6 6 47 51 II 14 15 9 30 6 7 6 52 11 12 15 15 10 21 7 8 6 56 31 13 16 16 11 13 8 9 7 0 50 14 17 17 12 4 9 10 7 s 8 15 18 18 12 55 IO I I 7 9 26 16 19 19 13 46 II 12 7 13 44 17 20 20 14 37 12 13 7 18 1 18 21 21 15 28 13 H 7 22 18 19 22 22 16 19 14 15 7 26 34 20 23 23 17 9 14 l6 7 30 50 21 24 23 18 0 15 17 7 35 5 22 25 24 18 59 16 18 7 39 20 23 26 25 19 41 17 19 7 43 34 24 27 26 20 30 18 20 7 47 47 25 28 27 21 20 19 21 7 52 0 26 29 28 22 11 20 22 7 56 12 27 29 23 0 21 23 8 0 24 28 1 23 50 21 24 8 4 35 29 2 I 24 38 22 24 8 8 45 3° 3 2 25 28 23 25TABLE OF HOUSES 421 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40° 43' NORTH. Sidereal Time. 10 a 11 12 Ascen. 2 rri 3 t H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 8 8 45 0 3 2 25 28 23 25 8 12 54 1 4 3 26 17 24 26 8 17 3 2 5 4 27 5 25 27 8 21 II 3 6 5 27 54 26 28 8 25 19 4 7 6 28 43 27 29 8 29 26 5 8 7 29 31 28 V? 8 33 3i 6 9 7 0^1 20 28 I 8 37 37 7 10 8 I 8 29 2 8 41 41 8 11 9 I 56 t 3 8 45 45 9 12 10 2 43 [ 4 8 49 48 IO 13 I I 3 31 2 5 8 53 5i II 14 12 4 18 3 6 8 57 52 12 15 12 5 6 4 7 9 1 53 13 16 13 5 53 5 8 9 5 53 14 17 T4 6 40 5 9 9 9 53 15 18 15 7 27 6 IO 9 13 52 16 19 16 8 13 7 IO 9 17 50 17 20 17 9 0 8 11 9 21 47 18 21 18 9 46 9 12 9 25 44 19 22 19 10 33 10 13 9 29 40 20 23 19 II 19 IO 14 9 33 35 21 24 20 12 4 II 15 9 37 29 22 24 21 12 50 12 16 9 4i 23 # 23 25 22 13 36 13 17 9 45 16 24 26 23 14 21 14 18 9 49 9 25 27 24 15 7 15 19 9 53 1 26 28 24 15 52 15 20 9 56 52 27 29 25 16 38 16 21 10 0 43 28 26 17 22 17 22 1 10 4 33 29 I 27 18 7 18 23 10 8 23 30 2 28 18 52 19 24422 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40° 43' NORTH. Sidereal Time. 10 w 11 12 Ascen. 2 * 3 v> H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 10 8 23 0 2 28 18 52 19 24 10 12 12 I 3 29 19 36 20 25 10 16 0 2 4 29 20 22 20 26 10 19 48 3 5 K 21 7 21 27 10 23 35 4 6 1 21 5i 22 28 IO 27 22 5 7 1 22 35 23 28 10 31 8 6 7 2 23 40 24 29 10 34 54 7 8 3 24 4 25 *vw 10 38 40 8 9 4 24 48 25 I 10 42 25 9 10 5 25 33 26 2 10 46 9 IO II 6 26 17 27 3 10 49 53 II 12 7 27 2 28 4 10 53 37 12 13 7 27 46 29 5 10 57 20 13 14 8 28 29 >3 6 11 1 3 14 15 9 29 14 1 7 11 4 46 15 16 IO 29 57 I 8 11 8 28 16 17 II of 42 2 9 II 12 10 17 17 II 1 27 3 10 11 15*22 18 18 12 2 10 4 11 11 19 34 19 19 13 2 55 5 12 11 23 15 20 20 14 3 38 6 13 11 26 56 21 21 14 4 23 7 14 11 30 37 22 22 15 5 6 7 15 11 34 18 23 23 16 5 52 8 16 11 37 58 24 23 17 6 36 9 17 11 41 39 25 24 18 7 20 10 18 11 45 19 26 25 18 8 5 11 19 11 49 0 27 26 19 8 48 12 20 11 52 40 28 27 20 9 37 13 22 11 56 20 29 28 21 10 22 14 23 1200 30 29 21 11 7 i5 24TABLE OF HOUSES 423 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40° 43'. Sidereal . IO 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. — m * H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 12 O 0 O 29 21 I I n / 15 24 12 3 40 I "l 22 II 52 16 25 12 7 20 2 I 23 12 37 17 26 12 I I O 3 I 24 13 19 17 27 12 14 41 4 2 25 14 7 18 28 12 18 21 5 3 25 14 52 19 29 12 22 2 6 4 26 15 38 20 X 12 25 42 7 5 27 16 23 21 1 12 29 23 8 6 28 17 11 22 2 12 33 4 9 6 28 17 58 23 3 12 36 45 IO 7 29 18 45 24 4 12 40 26 II 8 t 19 32 25 5 12 44 8 12 9 1 20 20 26 7 12 47 50 13 10 2 21 8 27 8 12 5i 32 14 11 2 21 57 28 9 12 55 14 15 12 3 22 43 29 • IO 12 58 5 16 13 4 23 33 11 13 2 40 17 13 5 24 22 1 12 13 6 23 18 14 6 25 11 2 13 13 10 7 19 15 7 26 1 3 15 13 13 5i 20 16 7 26 51 5 16 13 17 35 21 17 8 27 40 6 17 13 21 20 22 18 9 28 32 7 18 13 25 6 23 19 10 29 23 8 19 13 28 52 24 19 10 OV5 14 9 20 13 32 38 25 20 11 1 7 IO 21 13 36 25 26 21 12 2 0 II 23 13 40 12 27 22 13 2 52 12 24 , 13 44 0 28 23 13 3 46 13 25 13 47 48 29 24 14 4 41 15 26 13 51 37 30 25 15 5 35 16 27 ;424 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 4o° 43'. Sidereal 10' XI 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. m rri t 10° — X H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 51 37 0 25 15 5 35 16 27 13 55 27 1 25 16 6 30 17 29 13 59 17 2 26 17 7 27 18 r x4 3 8 3 27 18 8 23 20 1 14 6 59 4 28 18 9 20 21 2 14 10 5i 5 29 19 IO l8 22 3 14 14 44 6 t 20 I I l6 1 23 5 14 18 37 7 1 21 12 I5 1 24 6 14 22 3i 8 2 22 13 I5 26 7 14 26 25 9 2 ' 23 14 16 1 27 8 x4 30 20 10 3 24 15 17 ; 28 9 14 34 16 II 4 24 16 19 ! x 11 14 38 13 12 5 25 17 23 1 12 14 42 10 13 6 26 18 27 2 13 14 46 8 14 7 27 19 30 4 *4 14 50 7 15 8 28 20 37 i 5 16 14 54 7 16 9 29 21 44 6 17 14 58 7 17 10 v? 22 51 8 18 15 2 8 18 10 1 23 59 9 19 15 6 9 19 11 2 25 9 11 20 15 10 12 20 12 3 26 !9 12 22 15 14 15 21 13 4 27 31 H 23 15 18 19 22 14 5 28 43 15 24 15 22 23 23 15 6 29 57 16 25 15 26 29 24 16 6 T AW X 1W 14 18 26 15 30 35 25 17 7 2 28 19 28 15 34 4i 26 18 8 3 46 21 29 15 38 49 27 19 9 5 5 22 « 15 42 57 28 20 10 6 25 24 1 15 47 6 29 21 11 7 46 25 3 15 5i IS 30 21 13 9 8 27 4TABLE OF HOUSES 425 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40° 43'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 t 12 Ascen. 2 * 3 8 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r O 0 15 SI 15 O 21 13 9 8 27 4 IS 55 25 I 22 14 10 3i 28 5 15 59 36 2 23 15 11 56 r 6 16 3 48 3 24 16 13 23 1 7 16 8 0 4 25 17 14 50 3 9 16 12 13 5 26 18 16 9 4 IO 16 16 26 6 27 19 17 50 6 II 16 20 40 7 28 20 19 22 7 12 16 24 55 8 29 21 20 56 9 13 l6 29 IO 9 22 • 22 30 11 14 16 33 26 IO 1 23 24 7 12 16 16 37 42 II 2 24 25 44 14 17 16 41 59 12 3 26 27 23 15 18 16 46 16 13 4 27 29 4 17 19 16 50 34 14 5 28 45 18 20 16 54 52 15 6 29 2 27 20 22 16 59 10 16 7 /Wt/ 'Wv 4 11 21 23 17 3 29 17 8 2 5 56 23 24 17 7 49 18 9 3 7 43 24 25 17 12 9 19 10 4 9 30 26 26 17 16 29 20 I I 5 II 18 27 27 17 20 49 21 12 7 13 8 29 28 17 25 9 22 13 8 14 57 8 n 17 29 30 23 14 9 16 48 2 1 17 33 5i 24 IS 10 18 41 3 2 17 38 12 25 16 12 20 33 5 3 17 42 34 26 17 13 22 25 6 4 17 46 55 27 19 14 24 19 7 5 17 5i 17 28 20 16 26 12 9 6 17 55 38 29 21 17 28 7 10 7 1800 3° 22 18 30 0 12 9426 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40 ° 43'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. k> cp 8 n H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 18 0 0 O 22 18 O O 12 9 18 4 22 I 23 20 1 53 13 10 18 8 43 2 24 21 3 48 14 11 18 13 5 3 25 23 5 4i 15 12 l8 17 26 4 26 24 7 35 17 13 18 21 48 5 27 25 . 9 27 18 14 18 26 9 6 28 27 11 19 20 15 18 30 30 7 29 28 13 12 21 16 18 34 51 8 X 15 3 22 17 18 39 11 9 2 1 16 52 23 18 18 43 3i IO 3 3 18 42 25 19 18 47 5i I I 4 4 20 30 26 20 l8 52 II 12 5 5 22 17 27 21 18 56 31 13 6 7 24 4 29 22 O 1^0 O ON HH 14 7 9 25 49 n 23 19 5 8 15 9 10 27 33 I 24 19 9 26 16 10 12 29 15 2 25 19 13 44 17 11 13 oh 56 3 26 19 18 1 18 12 15 2 37 4 27 19 22 18 19 13 16 4 16 6 | 28 19 26 34 20 14 18 5 53 7 29 19 30 50 21 16 19 7 30 8 25 19 35 5 22 17 21 9 4 9 I 19 39 20 23 18 22 10 38 10 2 19 43 34 24 19 24 12 10 11 3 19 47 47 25 20 26 13 5i 12 4 19 52 0 26 21 27 15 10 13 5 19 56 12 27 23 29 16 37 14 6 20 0 24 28 24 r 18 4 IS 7 20 4 35 29 25 2 19 29 16 - 8 20 8 45 1 30 26 3 20 52 17 9TABLE OF HOUSES 427 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 40° 43'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 cp Ascen. 8 2 n 3 £15 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 20 8 45 0 26 3 20 52 17 9 20 12 54 1 27 5 22 14 18 9 20 17 3 2 29 6 23 35 19 10 20 21 II 3 X 8 24 55 20 11 20 25 19 4 I 9 26 14 21 12 20 29 26 5 2 11 27 32 22 13 20 33 31 6 3 12 28 46 23 14 20 37 37 7 5 14 on 3 24 15 20 41 41 8 6 15 1 17 25 16 20 45 45 9 7 16 2 29 26 17 20 49 48 IO 8 18 3 41 27 18 20 53 51 I I 10 19 4 51 28 19 20 57 52 12 11 21 6 I 29 20 21 1 53 13 12 22 7 9 25 20 21 S 53 14 13 24 8 16 I 21 21 9 53 is 14 25 9 23 2 22 21 13 52 16 16 26 10 30 3 23 21 17 50 17 17 28 11 33 4 24 21 21 47 18 18 29 12 37 5 25 21 25 44 19 19 X 13 41 6 26 21 29 40 20 21 2 14 43 6 27 21 33 35 21 22 3 15 44 7 28 21 37 29 22 23 4 16 45 8 28 21 41 23 23 24 6 17 45 9 29 21 45 16 24 25 7 18 44 10 SI 2149 9 25 27 8 19 42 11 1 2153 1 26 28 9 20 40 12 2 21 56 52 27 29 M 21 37 12 3, 22 0 43 28 r 12 , 22 33 13 4 22 4 33 29 1 13 23 30 14 5 22 8 23 30 3 14 : 24 25 15 5 -428 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 4o° 43'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. cp 8 n 215 a H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 22 8 23 0 3 14 24 25 15 5 22 12 12 1 4 15 25 19 16 6 22 16 O 2 5 17 26 14 17 7 22 19 48 3 6 18 27 8 17 8 22 23 35 4 7 J9_ 28 0 18 9 22 27 22 5 8 20 28 53 19 10 22 31 8 6 10 21 29 46 20 11 22 34 54 7 11 22 OSd 37 21 11 22 38 40 8 12 23 I 28 21 12 22 42 25 9 13 24 2 20 22 13 22 46 9 IO 14 25 3 9 23 14 22 49 53 II IS 27 3 59 24 15 22 53 37 12 17 28 4 49 24 16 22 57 20 13 18 29 5 38 25 17 23 1 3 14 19 n 6 27 26 17 23 4 46 15 20 I 7 17 27 18 23 8 28 16 21 2 8 3 28 19 23 12 10 17 22 3 8 52 28 20 23 15 22 18 23 4 9 40 29 21 23 19 34 19 24 5 10 28 a 22 23 23 15 20 26 6 I I 15 1 23 23 26 56 21 27 7 12 2 2 23 23 30 37 22 28 8 12 49- 2 24 23 34 18 23 29 9 13 37 3 25 23 37 58 24 8 10 14 22 4 26 23 41 39 25 I I I 15 8 5 27 23 45 19 26 2 12 15 53 5 28 23 49 0 27 3 12 16 4i 6 29 23 52 40 28 4 13 17 23 7 29 23 56 20 29 5 14 18 8 8 Tt)2 24 0 0 30 6 15 18 53 8 I iSTABLE OF HOUSES 429 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 oo'. Sidereal Time. xo T IX 8 12 n Ascen. 2 a H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOO 0 6 14 16 52 7 1 O 3 40 I 7 14 17 29 8 2 0 7 20 2 8 15 18 14 9 2 0 II 0 3 9 16 19 O 10 3 0 14 41 4 IO 17 19 46 10 4 0 18 21 5 I I 18 20 32 11 5 0 22 2 6 12 19 21 18 12 6 0 25 42 7 13 20 22 3 13 7 0 29 23 8 14 21 22 50 14 8 O 33 4 9 15 22 23 34 IS 9 0 36 45 IO l6 23 24 20 16 IO 0 40 26 II 17 24 25 s 16 11 0 44 8 12 18 25 25 SI 17 12 0 47 50 13 19 26 26 36 18 13 0 51 32 14 20 26 27 21 19 14 0 55 14 15 21 27 28 6 20 15 0 58 5 16 22 28 28 52 20 l6 1 2 40 17 23 29 29 37 21 l6 1 6 23 18 24 55 OSl 22 22 17 1 10 7 19 25 I I 7 23 18 1 13 5i 20 26 1 I 53 23 19 1 17 35 21 27 2 2 40 24 20 1 21 20 22 28 3 3 25 25 21 1 25 6 23 29 4 4 10 26 22 1 28 52 24 n 5 4 55 27 23 1 32 38 25 1 6 5 41 28 24 1' 36 25 26 2 7 6 27 28 25 1 40 12 27 3 7 7 13 29 26 x 44 0 28 4 8 7 59 n* 26 1 47 48 29 5 9 8 45 1 27 1 5i 37 30 6 10 9 32 2 28,430 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 00'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. 8 □ a UK np H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 1 Si 37 O 6 11 9 32 2 28 1 55 27 I 6 I I 10 17 3 29 1 59 17 2 7 12 11 40 4 =£= 238 3 8 13 11 50 5 I 2 6 59 4 9 14 12 37 6 I 2 10 51 5 IO 14 13 23 7 2 2 14 44 6 11 15 14 10 7 3 2 18 37 7 12 16 14 56 8 4 2 22 31 8 13 17 15 43 9 5 2 26 25 9 14 18 16 31 10 6 2 30 20 IO 15 19 17 10 IO 7 2 34 16 II 16 19 18 5 . 11 8 2 38 13 12 17 20 18 53 12 9 2 42 IO 13 18 21 19 41 13 10 2 46 8 14 19 22 20 29 14 11 2 50 7 15 20 23 21 10 15 12 2 54 7 16 20 24 22 6 15 13 2 58 7 17 21 24 22 54 16 14 328 18 22 25 23 42 17 15 369 19 23 26 24 3i 18 16 3 10 12 20 24 27 25 20 19 17 3 14 15 21 25 28 26 10 20 18 3 18 19 22 26 28 26 59 ' 20 19 - 3 22 23 23 27 29 27 48 21 20 3 26 29 24 28 a 28 38 22 21 3 30 35 25 29 1 29 28 23 22 3 34 41 26 55 2 on 18 24 23 3 38 49 27 1 3 1 8 25 24 3 42 57 28 2 4 1 58 26 25 3 47 6 29 3 5 2 48 27 26 3 5i 15 30 3 6 3 39 28 27TABLE OF HOUSES 431 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 n XI 12 a Ascen. nR 2 3 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 3 5i 15 O 3 6 3 39 28 27 3 55 25 1 4 7 4 30 29 28 3 59 36 2 5 7 5 21 =£= 29 4 3 43 3 6 8 6 12 I 4 8 0 4 7 9 7 4 2 I 4 12 13 5 8 IO 7 56 3 2 4 16 26 6 9 II 8 48 4 3 4 20 40 7 10 12 9 40 , 4 4 4 24 55 8 11 13 10 32 5 5 4 29 10 9 12 , 14 11 24 6 6 4 33 26 IO 13 15 12 16 7 7 4 37 42 I I 14 15 13 8 8 8 4 4159 12 15 16 14 0 9 9 4 4616 13 16 17 14 52 10 IO 4 50 34 14 17 18 15 45 11 11 4 54 52 15 18 19 16 38 12 12 4 5910 16 19 20 17 3i 13 13 5 3 29 17 20 21 18 24 14 14 5 7 49 18 21 22 19 17 15 15 512 9 19 22 23 20 10 16 16 516 29 20 23 24 21 4 17 17 5 20 49 21 24 24 21 57 18 18 5 25 9 22 25 25 22 50 19 19 5 29 30 23 26 26 23 43 20 20 5 33 51 24 27 27 24 36 21 21 5 3812 25 28 28 25 30 22 22 5 42 34 26 29 29 26 24 23 23 5 46 55 27 si 27 18 24 24 5 51 17 28 I 1 28 12 25 25 5 55 38 29 2 2 29 6 26 26 ,600 30 3 3 30 0 27 2743 2 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 oo'. Sidereal Time. IO II a 12 Ascen. 2 3 m H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 6 0 0 O 3 3 O 0 27 27 6 4 22 I 4 4 O 54 28 28 6 8 43 2 5 5 I 48 29 29 6 13 S 3 6 6 2 4i i 6 17 26 4 7 7 3 35 1 1 6 21 48 5 8 8 4 28 2 2 6 26 9 6 9 9 5 22 3 3 6 30 30 7 10 10 6 15 4 4 6 34 5i 8 11 11 7 19 4 5 6 39 n 9 12 12 8 2 5 6 6 43 3i IO 13 13 8 56 6 7 6 47 51 11 14 14 9 49 7 8 6 52 11 12 15 15 10 43 8 9 6 56 31 13 16 15 11 36 9 10 7 0 50 14 17 16 12 29 10 11 7 5 8 15 18 17 13 22 I I 12 7 9 26 16 19 18 14 15 12 l3 7 13 44 17 20 19 15 8 J3 14 7 18 i 18 21 20 16 1 14 15 7 22 18 19 22 21 16 54 15 16 7 26 34 20 23~ " 22 17 47 15 17 7 30 50 21 24 23 18 38 16 18 7 35 5 22 25 24 19 27 17 19 7 39 20 23 26 25 20 16 18 20 7 43 34 24 27 26 21 7 19 21 7 47 47 25 28 27 21 58 20 22 7 52 0 26 29 28 22 50 21 23 7 56 12 27 29 23 41 22 24 8 0 24 28 1 =£1= 24 33 22 25 8 4 35 29 2 I 25 21 23 25 8 8 45 30 3 2 26 13 24 26TABLE OF HOUSES 433 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 a 11 HR 12 Ascen. 2 m 3 l H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 8 8 45 0 3 2 26 13 24 26 8 12 54 1 4 3 27 11 25 27 8 17 3 2 5 4 28 3 26 28 8 2111 3 6 5 28 52 27 29 8 25 19 4 7 6 29 42 28 V? 8 29 26 5 8 7 oK 3i 29 I 8 33 3i 6 9 7 I 21 t 2 8 37 37 7 10 8 2 10 0 3 8 41 41 8 11 9 3 0 1 4 8 45 45 9 12 10 3 So 2 5 8 49 48 IO 13 II 4 40 3 6 8 53 5i II 14 12 5 29 4 7 8 57 52 12 15 12 6 17 5 8 9 1 53 13 16 13 7 6 6 9 9 5 53 14 17 14 7 54 6 10 9 9 53 i5 18 15 8 42 7 11 9 13 52 16 19 16 9 30 8 12 9 17 50 17 20 17 10 18 9 13 9 21 47 18 21 18 11 6 10 14 9 25 44 19 22 19 11 54 11 15 9 29 40 20 23 19 12 42 11 16 9 33 35 21 24 20 13 29 12 16 9 37 29 22 25 21 14 16 13 17 9 4i 23 23 25 22 15 3 14 18 9 45 16 24 26 23 15 50 15 19 9 49 9 25 27 24 16 37 16 20 9 53 1 26 28 25. 17 24 16 21 9 56 52 27 29 26 18 12 17 22 10 0 43 28 27 18 58 18 23 10 4 33 29 1 28 *9 44 19 24 10 8 23 30 2 29 20 30 20 25434 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 m 11 12 Ascen. m 2 f 3 H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 / O 0 10 8 23 0 2 29 20 30 20 25 10 12 12 1 3 *1 21 16 21 26 10 16 0 2 4 O 22 2 21 27 10 19 48 3 5 I 22 43 22 28 10 23 35 4 6 I 23 36 23 29 IO 27 22 5 7 2 24 20 ! 24 /VM/ W 10 31 8 6 7 3 25 5 24 I 10 34 54 7 8 4 25 51 25 2 10 38 40 8 9 5 26 37 26 3 10 42 25 9 10 6 27 22 28 4 10 46 9 IO I I 7 28 7 29 5 10 49 S3 II 12 8 28 52 29 6 10 S3 37 12 13 8 29 37 VJ 7 10 57 20 13 14 9 0/ 22 0 8 11 1 3 14 15 10 1 7 I 9 11 4 46 15 16 11 1 52 I 9 11 8 28 16 17 12 2 37 3 10 II 12 10 17 17 12 3 22 4 11 11 15 22 18 18 13 4 8 5 12 11 19 34 19 19 14 4 54 6 13 11 23 15 20 20 15 5 40 7 14 ir 26 56 21 21 16 6 26 7 15 11 30 37 22 22 17 7 12 8 16 11 34 18 23 23 17 7 58 9 17 11 37 58 24 23 18 8 44 10 18 11 41 39 25 24 19 9 36 11 19 n 4519 26 25 20 10 16 12 20 1149 0 27 26 21 11 3 13 21 11 52 40 28 27 22 11 50 14 22 11 56 20 29 28 23 12 37 15 23 12 0 0 30 29 24 13 24 16 24TABLE OF HOUSES 435 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 ttl Ascen. 2 H. M. S. 0 0 O 0 r 0 0 12 O O O 29 23 13 24 16 24 12 3 40 I «L 23 14 11 17 25 12 7 20 2 I 24 14 58 18 26 12 II O 3 2 25 *5 55 19 27 12 14 41 4 3 26 16 52 20 28 12 l8 21 5 4 26 17 20 21 29 12 22 2 6 5 27 18 n / 22 X 12 25 42 7 5 28 18 54 23 1 12 29 23 8 6 29 19 41 24 2 12 33 4 9 7 30 20 29 25 3 12 36 45 IO 8 t 21 16 26 4 12 40 26 I I 9 I 22 4 27 5 12 44 8 12 10 2 22 5i 28 7 12 47 50 13 11 3 23 38 29 8 12 51 32 14 11 4 24 25 30 9 12 55 14 15 12 4 25 12 /VW w IO 12 58 5 16 13 5 26 3 2 I I 13 2 40 17 13 6 26 53 3 12 13 6 23 18 14 7 27 43 4 13 13 10 7 19 15 8 28 34 5 15 13 13 5i 20 16 8 29 25 7 16 13 17 35 21 • 17 9 o>5 16 8 17 13 21 20 22 18 10 I 8 9 18 13 25 6 23 19 11 2 0 10 19 13 28 52 24 19 12 2 53 11 20 13 32 38 25 20 13 3 46 12 21 13 36 25 26 21 14 4 39 13 23 13 40 12 27 22 15 5 33 14 24 13 44 O 28 23 15 6 28 15 25 13 47 48 29 24 16 7 24 16 26 13 5* 37 30 25 17 8 20 17 27436 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 00'. Sidereal IO n 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. m m t X H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 5i 37 0 25 17 8 20 17 27 13 55 27 1 26 18 9 15 18 29 13 59 17 2 27 19 10 12 19 r 14 3 8 3 28 20 11 9 21 1 14 6 59 4 29 20 12 7 22 2 14 IO 51 5 30 21 13 5 23 3 14 14 44 6 t 22 14 4 24 5 14 18 37 7 2 23 15 3 25 6 14 22 31 8 3 24 16 3 27 7 14 26 25 9 3 25 17 5 28 8 14 30 20 IO 4 25 18 7 1 29 9 14 34 16 II 5 26 19 9 X 10 14 38 13 12 6 27 20 13 2 12 14 42 10 13 7 28 21 17 3 13 14 46 8 14 8 29 22 22 4 14 14 50 7 15 9 30 23 27 6 IS ■ 14 54 7 16 10 yj 24 34 7 16 14 58 7 17 11 2 25 42 8 17 15 2 8 18 11 3 26 5i 9 18 1569 19 12 3 28 1 10 19 15 IO 12 20 13 4 29 12 '12 21 15 14 IS 21 14 5 oxz 23 13 22 15 l8 19 22 15 6 I 34 15 • 23 15 22 23 23 16 7 2 46 l6 24 15 26 29 24 17 8 3 59 18 25 15 30 35 25 18 9 5 14 19 27 15 34 41 26 19 10 6 29 21 28 15 38 49 27 20 11 7 46 22 29 15 42 57 28 . 21 12 9 4 24 8 15 47 6 29 22 13 10 24 25 1 15 5i 15 30 22 14 11 47 27 3TABLE OF HOUSES 437 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 370 00'. Sidereal 10 XI 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. l X 8 H. M. 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S. 0 0 0 0 - O 0 8 8 45 0 1 2 1 32 t 28 8 12 54 1 2 3 2 31 2 29 8 17 3 2 3 4 3 30 3 V5 8 21 II 3 4 5 . 4 29 4 1 8 25 19 4 5 6 5 28 5 2 8 29 26 5 6 7 ' 6 27 6 3 8 33 3i 6 7 9 7 26 7 4 8 37 37 7 ■ 8 10 8 24 8 5 8 41 41 8 9 11 9 22 9 6 8 45 45 9 11 12 10 J9 10 7 8 49 48 IO 12 13 11 17 IO 8 8 53 5i II 13 14 12 13 I I 9 8 57 52 12 14 15 13 10 12 10 9 1 53 13 15 16 14 6 13 11 9 5 53 14 l6 17 15 2 14 12 9 9 53 15 17 18 15 58 15 13 9 13 52 16 18 19 16 54 16 14 9 17 50 17 19 20 17 49 17 15 9 21 47 18 20 21 18 45 18 16 9 25 44 19 21 22 19 40 19 17 9 29 40 20 22 23 20 34 20 18 9 33 35 21 23 24 21 29 20 19 9 37 29 22 24 25 22 22 21 20 9 4i 23 23 25 26 23 17 ■ 22 22 9 45 16 24 26 27 24 10 23 23 9 49 9 25 27 28 25 3 24 24 9 53 1 26 28 29 25 56 25 25 9 56 52 27 29 "l 26 49 26 26 10 0 43 28 1 27 42 27 27 10 4 33 29 I 1 28 34 28 28 10 8 23 30 2 2 29 27 28 29458 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 130 4'. Sidereal Time. IO w 11 12 m Ascen. m 2 l 3 y> H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 r O 0 10 8 23 0 2 2 29 27 28 29 10 12 12 1 3 3 0/ 19 29 n/w 10 16 0 2 4 4 1 11 1 10 19 48 3 5 5 2 3 I 2 10 23 35 4 6 6 2 54 2 3 10 27 22 5 7 7 3 46 3 4 10 31 8 6 8 8 4 37 4 5 10 34 54 7 9 9 5 28 4 6 IO 38 40 8 10 10 6 19 5 7 IO 42 25 9 11 11 7 11 6 8 10 46 9 IO 12 12 8 1 7 9 10 49 S3 11 13 12 8 52 8 10 10 53 37 12 14 13 9 43 9 11 10 57 20 13 IS 14 10 32 10 12 11 1 3 14 16 IS 11 22 11 13 11 4 46 15 17 16 12 14 12 14 11 8 28 16 18 17 13 3 13 14 II 12 IO 17 19 18 13 54 13 15 11 15 22 18 20 19 14 43 14 16 11 19 34 19 21 20 15 34 IS 17 11 23 15 20 22 20 16 24 16 18 11 26 56 21 23 21 17 13 17 19 11 30 37 22 24 22 18 -3 18 20 11 34 18 23 25 23 18 54 18 21 11 37 58 24 26 24 19 44 19 22 11 4i 39 25 27 25 20 34 20 23 11 45 19 26 27 26 21 23 21 24 11 49 0 27 28 26 22 13 22 25 11 52 40 28 29 27 23 3 23 26 11 56 20 29 28 23 52 24 27 12 00 30 I 29 24 42 25 28TABLE OF HOUSES 459 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 13° 4'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 m 12 m Ascen. $ 2 3^ H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 12 O O O 1 29 24 42 25 28 12 3 40 I 2 t 25 32 26 29 12 7 20 2 3 1 26 23 26 X 12 II O 3 4 2 27 13 27 I 12 14 41 4 5 2 28 3 28 2 12 18 21 5 6 3 28 54 29 3 12 22 2 6 7 4 29 44 /Vt/V 'VW 4 12 25 42 7 8 5 ov$ 35 I 5 12 29 23 8 9 6 1 26 2 6 12 33 4 9 10 7 2 17 3 7 12 36 45 IO IO 7 3 7 4 8 12 40 26 I I I I 8 3 58 5 9 12 44 8 12 12 9 4 50 6 10 • 12 47 S° 13 13 10 5 41 7 11 12 51 32 14 14 11 6 33 7 12 12 ss 14 15 is 12 7 24 8 12 12 58 5 16 16 13 8 17 9 13 13 2 40 17 17 13 9 9 10 14 13 6 23 18 18 14 10 1 11 15 13 10 7 19 19 15 10 54 12 16 13 13 5i ' 20 19 16 11 47 13 16 13 17 35 21 20 17 12 40 14 17 13 21 20 22 21 18 13 34 IS 18 13 25 6 23 22 18 14 27 16 19 13 28 52 24 23 19 IS 21 17 20 13 32 38 25 24 20 16 14 18 21 13 36 25 26 25 21 17 0 19 22 13 40 12 27 26 22 18 4 20 23 13 44 O 28 27 23 18 59 21 24 13 47 4» 29 28 24 19 56 22 25 13 Si 37 30 29 25 20 SI 23 26460 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 130 4'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. FI m t * H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 51 37 O 29 25 20 5i 23 26 13 55 27 I 29 25 21 47 24 27 13 59 17 2 t 26 22 44 25 28 L4 3 8 3 1 27 23 40 27 29 14 6 59 4 2 28 24 38 28 r 14 10 51 5 3 29 25 35 29 I 1414 44 6 4 V5 26 33 ! * 2 1418 37 7 5 1 27 32 1 3 14 22 31 8 6 2 28 3i 2 4 14 26 25 9 7 3 29 30 3 5 h 30 20 IO 8 3 29 4 6 14 34 16 I I 9 4 I 30 5 7 14 38 13 12 10 5 2 3i 6 8 14 42 10 13 10 6 3 32 ! 7 9 14 46 8 14 11 7 4 33 9 10 14 50 7 15 12 8 5 35 IO 11 14 54 • 7 16 13 9 6 38 I I 13 14 58 7 17 14 10 7 4i 12 14 15 2 8 18 15 11 8 44 13 i5 15 6 9 19 16 12 9 48 14 16 15 10 12 20 17 13 10 52 l6 18 15 14 15 21 18 14 11 57 17 19 15 18 19 22 19 15 13 2- 18 20 15 22 23 23 20 16 14 8 *9 21 15 26 29 24 21 17 15 H 20 22 15 30 35 25 21 18 16 22 21 23 15 34 4i 26 22 19 17 29 23 24 15 38 49 27 23 19 18 38 24 26 15 42 57 28 24 20 19 46 25 27 15 47 6 29 25 21 20 55 26 28 15 5i 15 30 26 22 22 4 27 29TABLE OF HOUSES 461 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 130 4'. Sidereal Time. 10 t 11 l 12 Ascen. 2 X 3 cp H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 IS 51 15 0 26 22 22 4 27 29 IS 55 25 1 27 23 23 14 29 8 15 59 36 2 28 24 24 24 T 1 16 3 48 3 29 26 25 35 I 2 16 8 0 4 ltf 27 26 47 2 3 16 12 13 5 I 28 27 59 4 4 16 16 26 6 2 29 29 12 5 5 16 20 40 7 3 /Vt/V 'VW OX 24 6 6 16 24 55 8 4 I I 38 7 7 16 29 10 9 5 2 2 52 8 8 16 33 26 IO 6 3 4 6 IO 9 16 37.42 II 7 4 5 21 11 10 16 41 59 12 8 5 6 36 12 11 16 46 16 13 9 6 7 52 13 12 16 50 34 14 10 7 9 8 IS 14 16 54 52 15 I I 8 IO 25 16 15 16 59 10 16 12 10 I I 4i 17 16 17 3 29 17 13 • 11 12 58 18 17 17 7 49 18 14 12 14 15 19 18 1712 9 19 IS 13 15 33 21 19 17 16 29 20 16 14 l6 5i 22 21 17 20 49 21 17 15 18 9 23 22 17 25 9 22 18 16 19 27 ' 25 24 17 29 30 23 19 17 20 46 26 25 17 33 51 24 20 19 22 16 27 26 17 38 12 25 21 20 23 24 28 27 17 42 34 26 22 21 24 43 29 28 17 46 55 27 23 22 26 3 8 29 17 51 17 28 24 23 27 21 2 n 17 55 38 29 25 24 28 4i 3 1 18 00 30 26 26 30 0 4 2462 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 130 4'. Sidereal Time. IO 11 12 Ascen. T 2 8 3 n H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 18 0 0 0 26 26 O O 4 * 2 l8 4 22 1 27 27 I 19 5 3 18 8 43 2 28 28 2 39 7 4 18 13 5 3 29 29 3 57 8 . 5 l8 17 26 4 /vw -vw X 5 17 9 6 l8 21 48 5 I 2 6 36 IO 7 18 26 9 6 2 3 7 44 II 8 18 30 30 7 4 4 9 14 13 10 18 34 51 8 5 5 10 33 14 11 18 39 n 9 6 7 11 5i 15 12 18 43 31 IO 7 8 13 9 16 14 18 47 51 II 8 10 14 27 17 15 18 52 11 12 9 11 15 45 18 16 18 56 31 13 10 12 17 2 19 17 19 0 50 H 11 13 18 19 21 18 19 5 8 15 12 15 19 35 22 19 19 9 26 16 14 16 20 52 23 20 19 13 49 17 15 17 22 8 24 21 19 18 1 18 16 18 23 24 25 22 19 22 18 *9 17 i9 24 39 26 23 19 26 34 20 18 20 25 44 27 24 19 30 50 21 19 21 27 8 28 25 19 35 5 22 20 23 28 22 . 29 26 19 39 20 23 21 24 29 36 n 27 19 43 34 24 22 25 08 48 1 28 19 47 47 25 23 26 ■ 2 1 2 29 19 52 0 26 25 28 3 13 4 25 19 56 12 27 26 29 4 25 5 I 20 0 24 28 27 T 5 36 6 2 20 4 35 29 28 I 6 46 7 3 20 8 45 30 29 2 7 56 8 4TABLE OF HOUSES 463 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 130 4'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. V B n O H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 20 8 45 0 29 2 7 56 8 4 20 12 54 1 X 4 9 5 9 5 20 17 3 2 I 5 IO 14 10 6 20 21 11 3 3 6 II 22 10 7 20 25 19 4 4 7 12 31 11 7 20 29 26 5 5 9 13 38 12 8 20 33 31 6 6 10 14 46 13 9 20 37 37 7 7 11 is 52 l4 10 20 41 41 8 8 12 16 58 15 11 20 45 45 9 9 13 is 3 16 12 20 49 48 10 IO 14 19 5 17 13 20 53 51 II 12 16 20 12 18 14 20 57 52 12 13 17 21 l6 19 IS 21 153 13 14 18 22 19 20 16 21 5 53 14 15 19 23 22 21 17 21 9 53 is 16 20 24 25 22 18 21 13 52 16 17 21 25 27 23 19 21 17 50 17 18 23 26 28 24 20 21 21 47 18 19 24 27 29 25 21 21 25 44 19 20 25 28 30 26 22 21 29 40 20 21 26 29 31 27 23 21 33 35 21 23 27 on 30 27 24 21 37 29 22 24 28 1 29 28 24 21 41 23 23 25 ■ 29 2 28 29 25 21 45 16 24 26 3 27 25 26 2149 9 25 27 1 4 25 I 27 2153 1 26 28 2 5 22 2 28 21 56 52 27 29 3 6 20 3 29 22 0 43 28 r 5 7 16 4 si 22 4 33 29 1 6 8 13 S 1 22 8 23 30 2 7 9 9 S 2464 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 130 4'. Sidereal Time. 10 X 11 T 12 8 Ascen. n 2 3 a H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 22 8 23 O 2 7 9 9 5 2 22 12 12 I 3 8 10 4 6 3 22 16 O 2 4 9 11 11 7 4 22 19 48 3 5 10 11 56 8 S 22 23 35 4 6 11 12 50 9 6 22 27 22 5 8 12 13 46 IO 7 22 31 8 6 9 13 14 39 I I 8 22 34 54 7 10 14 15 33 12 9 22 38 4O 8 11 15 16 26 12 10 22 42 25 9 12 16 17 20 . 13 11 22 46 9 IO 13 17 18 13 14 12 22 49 53 I I 14 18 19 6 15 13 22 53 37 12 15 19 19 59 16 14 22 57 20 13 16 20 20 5i 17 IS 23 1 3 14 17 21 21 43 18 16 23 4 46 15 18 22 22 36 19 17 23 8 28 16 19 22 23 27 20 18 23 12 10 17 20 23 24 19 21 19 23 15 22 18 21 24 25 10 22 20 23 19 34 19 22 25 26 2 23 21 23 23 15 20 23 26 26 53 23 22 23 26 56 21 24 27 27 43 24 22 23 30 37 22 25 28 28 34 25 23 . 23 34 18 23 26 29 29 25 25 24 23 37 58 24 27 n 093 16 26 24 23 4i 39 25 28 1 1 6 27 25 23 45 19 26 29 2 1 57 28 26 23 49 0 27 3 2 47 28 27 23 52 40 28 1 4 3 37 29 28 23 56 20 29 2 4 4 28 Si 29 24 0 0 30 3 5 5 18 I 30TABLE OF HOUSES 46s TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 410 50'. Sidereal Time. 10 T 11 8 12 n Ascen. 2 «a H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 O O 0 0 7 \ 16 * 19 38 9 1 0 4 0 I 8 17 20 23 10 2 0 7 0 2 9 18 21 7 10 3 0 11 0 3 IO 19 21 5i 11 4 015 0 4 I I 19 22 35 12 5 0 18 0 5 12 20 23 19 13 6 0 22 0 6 13 21 24 3 13 7 0 26 0 7 14 22 24 47 14 7 0 29 0 8 15 23 25 3i 15 8 0 33 0 9 16 24 26 15 16 9 0 37 0 IO 17 25 26 59 16 IO 0 40 0 I I 18 26 27 43 17 11 0 44 0 12 19 26 28 27 18 12 0 48 0 13 20 27 29 11 19 13 0 52 O 14 21 28 29 54 20 14 0 55 O IS 22 29 oSl 38 20 14 0 59 O 16 23 23 1 21 21 15 1 03 0 17 24 I 2 4 22 16 1 06 0 18 25 2 2 48 23 17 1 10 0 19 26 3 3 32 24 18 114 0 20 27 3 4 16 24 19 118 0 21 28 4 s 0 25 20 121 0 22 29 5 5 44 26 21 125 0 23 n 6 6 28 27 22 129 0 24 1 7 7 12 27 22 133 0 25 2 7 7 56 28 23 136 0 26 3 8 8 40 29 24 140 0 27 4 9 9 24 25 144 0 28 5 10 10 9 1 26 148 0 29 6 11 10 54 1 27 152 0 30 7 12 11 38 2 28466 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 41 ° 50'. Sidereal Time. IO 8 11 O 12 Ascen. a 2 n A H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 1 52 O O 7 12 *11 38 2 28 1 55 O I 8 13 12 22 3 29 1 59 O 2 9 13 13 6 4 -A- 2 3 O 3 9 14 13 5i 5 I 2 7 O 4 10 15 14 36 6 2 2 II O 5 11 16 iS 21 6 3 2 IS O 6 12 17 16 6 7 4 2 19 O 7 13 18 16 Si 8 4 2 23 O 8 14 18 17 36 9 c 2 26 O 9 15 19 18 21 10 6 2 30 O IO 16 20 19 7 I I 7 2 34 O 11 17 21 19 52 12 8 2 38 O 12 18 22 20 38 12 9 2 42 O 13 19 22 21 24 13 10 2 46 O 14 20 23 22 10 14 11 2 50 O 15 21 24 22 56 15 12 2 54 O 16 22 25 23 42 16 13 2 58 ° 17 23 26 24 28 17' 14 3 2 O 18 24 27 25 i5 17 15 3 6 O 19 25 27 26 2 18 l6 3 10 O 20 26 28 26 49 I9 17 3 14 O 21 26 29 27 36 20 18 3 18 O 22 27 a 28 2.3 21 19 3 22 O 23 28 1 29 11 22 20 3 26 O 24 29 2 29 59 23 21 3 3i O 25 25 3 OWR 47 24 22 3 35 O 26 I 4 I 35 24 23 3 39 O 27 2 4 2 23 25 24 3 43 O 28 3 5 3 11 26 25 3 47 O 29 4 6 3 59 27 26 3 5i O 30 5 7 4 48 28 27TABLE OF HOUSES 467 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 410 50'. Sidereal Time, 10 n 11 12 a Ascen. np 2 np 3 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 3 51 O 0 5 7 4 48 28 27 3 55 O 1 6 8 5 37 29 28 4 0 O 2 7 9 6 26 =2= 29 4 4 O 3 8 10 7 15 1 29 4 8 O 4 9 11 8 4 2 «L 4 12 O 5 IO 11 8 53 3 I 4 16 O 6 11 12 9 42 4 2 4 21 O 7 12 13 10 31 4 3 4 25 O 8 13 14 11 21 5 4 4 29 0 9 13 15 12 11 6 5 4 33 O IO 14 16 13 1 7 6 4 38 0 II 15 17 13 51 8 7 4 42 0 12 16 18 14 41 9 8 4 46 0 13 17 18 15 31 10 9 4 5i 0 H 18 19 16 22 11 10 4 55 0 is 19 20 17 13 12 11 4 59 0 16 20 21 18 3 13 12 5 3 0 17 21 22 18 54 14 13 5 8 0 18 22 23 19 45 15 14 5 12 0 19 23 24 20 36 16 15 5 16 0 20 24 . 25 21 27 16 16 ■ 5 21 0 21 25 26 22 18 17 17 • 5 25 0 22 26 27 23 9 18 18 5 29 0 23 27 28 24 1 19 19 5 34 0 24 28 29 24 52 20 20 5 38 0 25 29 25 43 21 21 5 43 0 26 SI O 26 34 22 221 5 47 0 27 I I 27 26 23 23 5 5i 0 28 2 2 28 17 24 24 5 56 0 29 3 3 29 9 25 25 6 0 0 30 4 4 30 0 26 26468 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 410 50'. Sidereal Time. IO IX a 12 Ascen. 2 3 nt H. M. S. O 0 0 0 , O 0 6 0 O O 4 4 O 0 26 26 6 4 O I 5 5 0 52 27 27 6 9 O 2 6 6 I 43 28 28 6 13 O 3 7 7 2 34 29 29 6 18 O 4 8 8 3 25 "1 t 6 22 O 5 9 9 4 16 O I 6 26 O 6 10 10 S 8 I 2 6 30 O 7 11 11 5 59 2 3 6 35 O 8 12 12 6 50 3 4 6 39 O 9 13 13 7 4i 4 5 6 44 O IO 14 13 8 32 5 6 6 48 O 11 15 14 9 23 6 7 6 52 O 12 16 15 10 14 7 8 6 57 O 13 17 16 11 5 8 9 7 1 O 14 18 17 11 56 9 10 7 5 O 15 19 18 12 47 IO 11 7 9 O 16 20 19 13 38 IO 12 7 14 O 17 21 20 14 29 II 13 7 18 O 18 22 21 15 20 12 14 7 22 O 19 23 22 16 10 13 i5 7 27 O 20 24 23 17 0 14 16 7 3i O 21 25 24 17 5 15 17 7 35 O 22 26 25 18 40 l6 17 7 39 O 23 27 25 19 30 17 18 7 44 O 24 28 26 20 20 18 19 7 48 O 25 28 27 21 9 18 20 7 52 O 26 29 28 21 58 19 21 7 56 O 27 29 22 47 20 22 8 0 O 28 I =2= 22 3<5 21 23 8 5 O 29 2 I 24 25 22 24 8 9 O 30 3 2 25 13 23 25TABLE OF HOUSES 469 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 410 50'. Sidereal 10 IX 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. a n — — 1 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 8 9 O 0 3 2 25 13 23 25 8 13 O 1 4 3 26 2 24 26 8 17 0 2 5 4 26 50 25 27 8 21 0 3 6 5 27 38 25 28 8 25 0 4 7 5 28 26 26 29 8 29 0 5 8 6 29 14 27 >3 8 34 0 6 9 7 0*1 2 28 I 8 38 0 7 10 8 O 50 29 2 8 42 0 8 11 9 I 37 t 3 8 46 0 9 12 10 2 24 1 4 8 50 0 IO 13 11 3 11 2 4 8 54 0 II 14 12 3 58 2 5 8 58 0 12 15 12 4 45 3 6 9 2 0 13 16 13 5 32 4 7 9 6 0 14 17 14 6 18 5 8 9 10 0 is 18 15 7 4 6 9 9 H 0 16 19 16 7 50 7 10 9 18 0 17 20 17 8 36 7 11 9 22 0 18 21 18 9 22 8 12 9 26 0 19 22 18 10 8 9 13 9 30 0 20 23 19 IO 53 IO 14 9 34 0 21 24 20 II 39 11 15 9 37 0 22 25 21 12 34 12 16 9 41 0 23 26 22 13 9 12 17 9 45 0 24 26 23 13 54 13 18 9 49 0 25 27 24 14 39 14 19 9 53 0 26 28 24 15 24 15 20 9 57 0 27 29 25 16 9 16 20 10 r 0 28 =£2= 26 16 54 17 21 10 5 0 29 I 27 17 39 17 22 10 8 0 30 2 28 18 23 18 23470 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 410 50'. Sidereal Time. 10 np 11 12 Ascen. m 2 t 3 H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 O 0 10 8 0 0 2 28 18 23 18 23 10 12 0 1 3 28 19 8 I9 24 10 16 0 2 4 29 19 52 20 25 10 20 0 3 5 20 36 21 26 10 24 0 4 6 1 21 20 22 27 10 27 0 5 7 2 22 4 23 28 10 31 0 6 8 2 22 48 23 29 10 35 0 7 8 3 23 32 24 AVV •VW 10 39 0 8 9 4 24 16 25 I 10 42 0 9 10 5 25 0 26 2 10 46 0 IO I I 6 25 44 27 3 10 50 0 II 12 7 26 28 28 4 10 54 0 12 13 8 27 12 28 s 10 57 0 13 14 9 27 56 29 6 11 1 0 14 15 10 28 40 V? 7 11 5 0 15 16 IO 29 23 I 8 11 8 0 16 16 II 01 7 2 9 11 12 0 17 17 12 0 51 3 10 11 16 0 18 18 13 1 35 4 11 11 20 0 19 19 14 2 19 4 12 11 23 0 20 20 14 3 2 5 13 11 27 0 21 21 is 3 46 6 14 11 31 0 22 22 16 4 .3° 7 15 11 34 0 ' 23 22 17 5 14 8 16 11 38 0 24 23 17 5 58 9 17 1142 0 25 24 18 6 42 IO 18 1145 0 26 25 19 7 27 II 19 1149 0 27 26 19 8 12 11 20 1153 0 28 27 20 8 56 12 21 1156 0 29 28 20 9 40 13 22 12 0 0 30 29 21 10 24 14 23TABLE OF HOUSES 471 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 410 50'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 m Ascen. * 2 1 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r O 0 12 O O 0 29 21 IO 24 14 23 12 4 O I "l 22 I I 9 15 24 12 8 O 2 O 23 I I 54 16 25 12 II O 3 I 23 12 39 17 26 12 18 O 4 2 24 13 24 18 28 12 l8 O 5 3 25 14 9 19 29 12 22 O 6 4 26 14 55 20 X 12 26 O 7 5 26 15 41 21 I 12 29 O 8 5 27 16 27 22 2 12 33 O 9 6 28 17 13 23 3 12 36 O IO 7 29 18 0 24 4 12 40 0 II 8 i 18 47 25 5 12 44 O 12 9 0 19 34 26 6 12 48 O 13 10 1 20 21 27 7 12 52 O 14 11 2 21 8 28 8 12 55 O 15 II 3 21 56 29 9 12 59 O 16 12 4 22 45 W 10 13 3 .O 17 13 4 23 34 I 11 13 6 0 18 14 5 24 23 2 12 13 10 0 19 15 6 25 12 3 13 13 14 0 20 16 7 26 1 4 14 13 18 0 21 17 8 26 5i 5 IS 13 21 0 22 x7 8 27 4i 6 17 13 25 0 23 18" 9 28 32 7 18 13 29 0 24 19 10 29 23 8 19 13 33 0 25 20 11 0 V3 IS 10 20 13 36 0 26 21 11 1 7 11 22 13 40 0 27 22 12 2 0 12 23 13 44 0 28 23 13 2 53 13 24 13 48 0 29 23 14 3 47 14 25 13 52 0 30 24 IS 4 42 15 27472 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 410 50'. Sidereal Time- 10 m 11 m 12 t Ascen. 2 3 K H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 52 O 0 24 15 4 42 i5 27 13 55 O 1 25 16 5 37 16 28 13 59 O 2 26 16 6 33 18 r 14 3 O 3 27 17 7 29 19 1 14 7 O 4 28 18 8 26 20 2 14 II O 5 29 19 9 24 21 3 14 15 O 6 29 20 10 23 i 23 5 14 19 O 7 t 21 11 22 24 6 14 23 O 8 1 21 12 22 25 7 14 26 O 9 2 22 13 22 ! 27 8 14 30 O IO 3 23 14 22 28 9 14 34 0 II 4 24 15 24 29 11 14 38 O 12 5 25 16 27 X 12 14 42 O 13 6 26 17 31 2 13 14 46 O 14 6 27 18 35 3 14 14 50 O 15 7 28 19 40 5 16 14 54 O 16 8 29 20 47 6 17 14 58 O 17 9 29 21 55 7 18 15 2 O 18 10 v? 23 3 9 19 15 6 O 19 11 1 24 12 10 21 15 10 O 20 12 2 25 22 IX 22 15 14 O 21 13 3 26 33 13 23 15 18 O 22 14 4 27.45 14 24 15 22 O 23 15 5 28 59 15 25 15 26 O 24 15 6 043? 15 17 27 15 3i O 25 16 7 I 32 19 28 15 35 O 26 17 8 2 50 21 29 15 39 O 27 18 9 4 9 22 8 15 43 O 28 19 10 5 29 24 2 15 47 O 29 20 11 6 50 25 ■ 3 15 5i O 30 21 12 8 12 27 4TABLE OF HOUSES 473 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 410 50'. Sidereal Time. 10 t 11 1 12 Ascen. 2 X 3 8 H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 IS 51 O 0 21 12 8 12 27 4 IS 55 O I 22 13 9 36 29 5 15 59 O 2 23 14 11 1 T 6 16 4 O 3 24 15 12 28 I 8 16 8 O 4 25 16 13 57 3 9 l6 12 O 5 26 17 15 28 5 10 16 16 0 6 27 18 17 O 6 11 l6 2t- 0 7 28 19 18 33 8 13 16 25 0 8 29 21 20 8 9 14 l6 29 0 9 V3 22 21 44 11 15 16 33 0 IO I 23 23 32 12 16 16 38 0 II 2 24 25 1 14 17 l6 42 0 12 3 25 26 41 15 18 l6 46 0 13 4 26 28 23 17 20 16 51 0 14 5 27 OX 6 18 21 16 55 0 15 6 29 I 50 20 22 16 59 0 16 7 Ai/V .W 3 24 21 23 17 3 0 17 8 I 5 20 23 24 17 8 0 18 9 2 7 8 24 25 17 12 0 19 10 4 8 58 26 27 17 16 0 20 11 5 10 49 27 28 17 21 0 21 12 6 12 4i 29 29 17 25 0 22 13 7 14 34 « n 17 30 0 23 14 9 16 28 2 1 17 34 0 24 15 10 18 23 3 2 17 38 0 25 16 I I 20 19 5 3 17 43 0 26 17 12 22 15 6 4 17 47 0 27 18 14 24 11 8 5 17 51 0 28 19 15 26 7 9 7 17 56 0 29 20 l6 28 3 10 8 18 0 0 30 21 18 30 0 12 9474 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 41 ° 50'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 Ascen. ¥ 2 8 3 n H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 18 O 0 0 21 18 0 O 12 9 18 4 0 I 22 19 1 57 14 10 18 9 0 2 23 20 3 54 15 11 1813 0 3 25 21 5 50 16 12 18 17 0 4 26 23 f-r / 46 17 13 18 22 0 5 27 25 9 4i 19 14 18 26 0 6 28 26 11 35 20 15 18 30 0 7 29 28 13 29 21 16 is 35 0 8 29 15 22 23 17 18 39 0 9 I X 17 15 24 18 18 44 0 IO 2 2 19 7 25 *9~ 18 48 0 I I 3 4 20 58 26 20 18 52 0 12 5 5 22 48 28 21 18 57 0 13 6 7 24 37 29 22 i9 1 0 14 7 8 26 24 -n 23 19 5 0 is 8 10 28 IO 1 24 19 9 0 16 9 12 29 55 3 25 1914 0 17 10 13 I 8 39 4 26 1918 0 18 12 14 3 21 5 27 19 22 0 19 13 16 5 1 6 28 . 19 27 0 20 14 17 6 40 7 29 19 31 0 21 IS- 19 8 17 8 25 19 35 0 22 16 20 9 52 9 I 19 39 0 23 17 22 11 27 11 2 19 44 0 24 19 23 13 0 12 3 19 48 0 25 20 25 14 32 13 4 19 52 0 26 21 27 l6 2 14 5 19 56 0 27 22 29 ‘17 30 15 6 20 0 0 28 24 r 18 57 16 7 20 5 0 29 25 2 20 22 17 ■ 8 20 9 0 30 26 3 21 47 18 9TABLE OF HOUSES 47 5 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 41 ° 50'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 cp Ascen. 8 2 O H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / O 0 20 9 O 0 26 3 21 47 18 9 20 13 O 1 27 5 23 iO 19 10 20 17 O 2 28 6 24 32 20 11 20 21 O 3 X 8 25 52 21 12 20 25 O 4 I 9 27 IO 22 l3 20 29 O 5 2 11 28 27 23 14 20 34 O 6 3 12 29 43 24 14 20 38 O 7 4 14 on 58 25 15 20 42 O 8 5 15 2 12 26 16 20 46 O 9 6 17 -3 26 27 17 20 50 O IO 7 18 4 38 28 18 20 54 6 I I 8 19 5 49 29 19 20 58 0 12 9 21 6 58 55 20 21 2 0 13 11 22 8 6 I 21 21 6 9 14 12 23 9 13 2 22 21 IO 0 15 13 25 IO 20 2 23 21 14 0 16 14 26 11 26 3 23 21 l8 0 17 16 27 12 3i 4 24 21 22 0 18 17 28 13 35 5 25 21 26 0 19 18 8 H 38 6 26 21 30 0 20 19 2 15 40 7 27 21 34 0 21 20 3 16 40 8 28 21 37 0 22 22 5 17 40 8 29 21 41 0 23 23 6 18 40 9 a 21 45 0 24 25 7 19 39 10 1 21 49 0 25 26 9 20 38 11 1 21 53 0 26 28 10 21 35 12 '2 21 57 0 27 29 11 22 3i 13 3 22 1 0 28 r 12 23 20 13 4 22 5 0 29 1 14 24 23 14 5 22 8 0 30 3 15 25 18 15 5476 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 41 ° 50'. Sidereal Time. 10 K 11 T 12 8 Ascen. n 2 3 a H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 22 8 O O 3 15 25 18 15 5 22 12 O I 4 16 26 13 16 7 22 l6 O 2 5 17 27 6 *7 7 22 20 O 3 6 18 27 59 18 8 22 24 O 4 7 19 28 52 18 9 22 27 O 5 9 20 29 44 19 IO 22 31 O 6 10 22 O 93 36 20 II 22 35 O 7 11 23 I 27 21 12 22 39 O 8 12 24 2 18 22 12" 22 42 O 9 13 25 3 9 22 13 22 46 O IO 15 26 3 59 23 14 22 50 O I I 16 27 4 49 24 15 22 54 O 12 17 28 5 38 25 l6 22 57 O 13 18 29 6 27 26 17 23 I O 14 19 n 7 16 26 18 23 5 O 15 20 1 8 4 27 19 23 8 O 16 21 2 8 52 28 19 23 12 O 17 23 3 9 40 29 20 23 16 O 18 24 4 10 28' a 21 23 20 O 19 25 5 11 15 0 22 23 23 O 20 26 6 12 2 1 23 23 27 O 21 27 7 12 49 2 24 23 31 O 22 28 8 13 35 3 24 23 34 O 23 29 9 14 21 4 25 23 38 O 24 8 10 15 7 4 26 23 42 O 25 1 11 15 53 5 27 23 45 O 26 2 12 16 38 6 28 23 49 O 27 3 13 17 23 7 29 23 53 O 28 5 14 18 8 7 W 23 53 O 29 6 15 18 53 8 O 24 0 O 30 7 16 19 38 9 ITABLE OF HOUSES 477 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. cp 8 □ a a H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 O O 0 0 6 12 15 25 6 w O 4 0 I 7 13 l6 12 7 1 0 7 0 2 8 14 l6 59 8 2 O II 0 3 9 15 17 45 9 3 0 is 0 4 IO 16 18 32 10 4 O l8 0 5 I I 17 19 18 IO 5 O 22 0 6 12 18 20 4 11 6 O 26 0 7 13 19 20 50 12 7 O 29 O 8 14 20 21 37 *3 8 O 33 O 9 IS 21 22 23 14 8 O 37 O IO 16 21 23 9 15 9 0 40 O II 17 22 23 55. 15 10 0 44 O 12 18 23 24 4i 16 11 0 48 O 13 19 24 25 28 17 12 0 52 O 14 20 25 26 14 18 13 0 55 O 15 21 26 27 0 19 14 0 59 O 16 22 27 27 46 19 15 1 3 O 17 23 28 28 32 20 16 1 6 O 18 24 28 29 19 21 17 1 10 O 19 24 29 oft. 5 22 18 1 14 O 20 25 23 0 5i 23 19 1 18 O 21 26 I I 37 23 20 1 21 O 22 27 2 2 23 24 20 1 25 O 23 28 3 3 IO 25 21 1 29 O 24 29 3 3 56 26 22 133 O 25 n 4 4 42 27 23 136 O 26 1 5 5 29 28 124 140 O 27 2 6 6 15 28 25 144 O 28 3 7 7 2 29 26 148 O 29 4 8 7 48 m 27 152 O 30 5 9 8 35 1 ,28478 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time. 10 8 11 O 12 Ascen. | a ; 1 2 up 3 IIP H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 ' j 0 0 1 52 O 0 5 9 8 35 1 28 1 55 O I 6 10 9 22 2 29 1 59 O 2 7 10 10 9 3 2 3 O 3 8 11 10 56 4 I 2 7 O 4 9 ; 12 11 43 5 2 2 II O 5 IO 13 12 30 6 3 2 15 O 6 11 14 13 8 6 4 2 19 O 7 12 15 14 6 7 5 2 23 O 8 13 15 14 54 8 6 2 2 6 O 9 13 16 15 42 9 7 2 30 O IO 14 17 16 30 IO 7 2 34 O II IS 18 17 18 11 8 2 38 O 12 16 19 18 7 11 9 2 42 O 13 17 20 18 56 12 10 2 46 O 14 18 21 19 45 13 11 2 50 O 15 19 21 20 34 H 12 2 54 O 16 20 22 21 23 15 13 2 58 0 17 21 23 22 12 16 14 3 2 O 18 22 24 23 1 17 15 3 6 O 19 23 25 23 50 18 16 3 10 O 20 24 26 24 19 17 3 14 O 21 25 27 25 30 20 18 3 18 O 22 26 28 26 20 21 19 3 22 O 23 27 29 27 IO 21 20 3 26 O 24 28 29 28 I 22 21 3 3i O 25 28 SI 28 52 23 22 3 35 O 26 29 I 29 43 24 23 3 39 O 27 23 2 W 34 25 24 3 43 O 28 I 3 1 20 26 25 3 47 O 29 2 4 2 16 27 26 3 5i O 30 3 4 3 8 28 27TABLE OF HOUSES 479 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time. 10 n 11 12 a Ascen. HR 2 HR Jl H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5i 0 0 3 4 3 8 28 27 3 55 0 1 4 r* 3 4 0 29 28 4 0 0 2 5 6 4 52 29 4 4 0 3 6 7 5 44 I "l 4 8 0 4 7 8 6 36 2 1 4 12 0 5 8 9 7 29 O 3 2 416 0 6 9 10 8 21 4 3 4 21 0 7 10 11 9 14 5 4 4 25 0 8 11 12 10 7 6 5 4 29 0 9 12 13 11 0 7 6 4 33 0 IO 13 H 11 53 8 7 4 38 O I I 14 15 12 46 9 8 4 42 O 12 15 16 13 40 10 9 4 46 O 13 16 17 14 32 11 10 4 51 O 14 17 18 15 28 11 11 4 55 O 15 18 19 16 22 12 12 4 59 O 16 19 19 17 l6 13 13 5 3 O 17 20 20 18 IO 14 14 5 8 O 18 21 21 19 4 15 15 5 12 O 19 22 22 i9 58 16 16 5 16 O 20 23 23 20 52 17 18 5 21 O 21 24 24 21 56 18 19 5 25 O 22 24 25 22 41 19 20 5 29 O 23 25 26 23 36 20 21 5 34 O 24 26 27 24 31 21 22 5 38 O 25 27 28 25 26 22 23 5 43 O 26 28 29 26 20 23 24 5 47 O 27 29 n* 27 15 24 25 5 5i O 28 a 1 28 10 25 26 5 56 O 29 1 2 29 5 26 27 6 0 O 30 2 3 30 0 27 28480 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 a 12 hr Ascen. 2 3 m H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 6 0 O O 2 3 0=^ O 2 7 28 6 4 O I 3 4 O 55 28 29 6 9 O 2 4 5 I 50 29 t 6 13 O 3 5 6 2 46 1 6 17 O 4 6 7 3 41 1 2 6 22 O 5 7, 8 4 36 2 3 6 26 O 6 8 9 5 3i 3 4 6 30 O 7 9 10 6 26 4 5 6 35 O 8 10 11 7 20 5 6 6 39 O 9 11 12 8 14 6 7 6 44 O IO 12 13 9 8 7 8 6 48 O II 13 14 10 2 8 8 6 52 O 12 14 15 10 57 9 9 6 57 O 13 *5 16 11 Si 9 10 7 1 O 14 16 17 12 45 10 1 r 7 5 O 15 17 18 13 39 II 12 7 9 O 16 18 19 14 33 12 13 7 14 O 17 19 19 15 27 13 14 7 18 O 18 20 20 16 21 14 15 7 22 O 19 21 21 17 15 15 16 7 27 O 20 22 22 18 8 16 i7 7 3i O 21 23 23 t9 1 l6 18 7 35 O 22 24 24 19 *54 17 19 7 39 O 23 25 25 20 47 18 20 7 44 O 24 26 26 21 40 19 21 7 48 O 25 27 27 22 33 20 22 7 52 O 26 28 28 23 25 21 23 7 56 O 27 29 29 24 17 22 24 8 0 O 28 m rru 25 9 23 25 8 5 O 29 1 1 26 1 24 26 8 9 O 30 2 2 26 53 25 27TABLE OF HOUSES 481 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time. 10 a XX n 12 Ascen. 2 3 t H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 8 9 O 0 2 2 26 53 25 27 8 13 O 1 4 3 27 44 26 28 8 17 O 2 5 4 28 35 27 29 8 21 O 3 6 5 29 3<5 28 8 25 O 4 7 6 0*1 17 29 1 8 29 O 5 8 7 I 8 t 1 8 34 O 6 9 8 I 59 1 2 8 38 0 7 10 8 2 50 1 3 8 42 O 8 11 9 3 40 2 4 8 46 O 9 12 10 4 30 3 5 8 50 O IO 13 I I 5 20 4 6 8 54 O I I 14 12 6 IO 5 7 8 58 O 12 15 13 7 O 6 8 9 2 O 13 16 14 7 49 7 9 9 6 O H 17 15 8 38 8 10 9 10 O 15 18 l6 9 27 8 11 9 H O 16 19 17 10 16 9 12 9 18 O 17 20 18 11 5 10 13 9 22 O 18 21 18 11 54 11 14 9 26 O 19 22 J9 12 43 12 15 9 30 O 20 23 20 13 31 13 16 9 34 O 21 23 21 14 19 14 17 9 37 O 22 24 22 15 7 15 17 9 41 O 23 25 23 15 55 15 18 9 45 0 24 26 24 16 43 16 19 9 49 0 25 27 25 17 30 17 20 9 53 0 26 28 26 18 17 18 21 9 57 0 27 29 26 19 4 19 22 10 1 0 28 27 !9 51 20 23 10 5 0 29 1 28 20 38 21 24 10 8 0 30 2 29 21 25 21 254^2 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time. 10 M 11 12 Ascen. m 2 * 3 v> H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 T O 0 10 8 0 O 2 29 21 25 21 25 10 12 0 I 3 m 0 22 12 22 26 10 16 0 2 4 I 22 59 23 27 10 20 0 3 5 2 23 46 24 28 10 24 0 4 6 2 24 33 25 29 10 27 0 5 7 3 25 9 26 AW 10 31 0 6 8 4 26 5 27 I 10 35 0 7 8 5 • 26 52 28 2 10 39 0 8 9 6 27 38 29 3 10 42' 0 9 10 6 28 25 29 4 10 46 0 IO I I 7 29 11 *3 5 10 50 0 I I I I 8 29 57 1 6 10 54 0 12 12 9 0/ 43 2 7 10 57 0 13 13 10 1 29 2 8 11 1 0 14 14 10 2 IS 3 9 11 5 0 is 15 11 3 0 4 IO 11 8 0 16 16 12 3 46 5 II 11 12 0 17 17 13 4 32 7 12 11 16 0 18 18 14 5 18 8 13 11 20 0 19 19 14 6 4 9 14 11 23 0 20 20 IS 6 49 9 15 11 27 0 21 21 16 7 35 10 16 11 31 0 22 22 17 8 21 11 17 11 34 0 23 23 18 9 7 12 18 11 38 0 24 24 19 9 53 13 19 1142 0 25 25 19 10 40 14 20 n 45 0 26 26 20 11 26 15 21 1149 0 27 27 21 12 13 15 22 1153 0 28 28 22 13 0 16 23 1156 0 29 29 23 13 46 17 24 12 0 0 30 30 23 14 33 17 25TABLE OF HOUSES 483 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascem 2 3 Time. — m m * v> H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 12 O O O "i 23 14 33 17 25 12 4 O I 0 24 15 20 18 26 12 8 O 2 1 25 16 7 19 27 12 11 O 3 2 26 16 54 20 28 12 IS O 4 3 27. 17 42 21 29 12 18 O 5 4 27 r8 30 22 X 12 22 O 6 5 28 19 18 23 I 12 26 O • 7 6 29 20 6 24 2 12 29 O 8 6 t 20 54 25 3 12 33 O 9 7 0 21 43 26 ' 4 12 36 O IO 8 1 22 32 27 5 12 40 O I I 9 2 23 21 28 6 12 44 O 12 10 3 24 10 29 7 12 48 O 13 11 4 24 59 AVI/ wv 8 12 52 O 14 12 5 25 48 I 9 12 55 O 15 13 5 26 38 2 IO 12 59 O 16 13 6 27 28 3 12 13 3 0 17 14 7 28 18 4 13 13 6 O 18 15 8 29 8 5 14 13 10 O 19 16 8 29 58 6 15 13 14 O 20 17 9 0V3 49 7 16 13 18 O 21 18 10 1 4i 8 17 13 21 0 22 19 11 2 34 9 18 13 25 0 23 20 12 3 28 10 20 13 29 0 24 20 13 4 21 11 21 13 33 0 25 21 13 5 15 12 22 13 36 0 26 22 14 6 9 14 23 13 40 0 27 23 15 7 4 15 24 13 44 0 28 24 16 7 59 16 25 13 48 0 29 25 17 8 54 17 26 13 52 0 30 26 18 9 59 18 27484 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time. 10 m 11 m 12 t Ascen. 2 3 X H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 , o 0 13 52 O 0 26 18 9 59 18 27 13 ss O 1 27 19 10 46 19 29 13 59 O 2 27 20 11 43 20 r l4 3 O 3 28 20 12 4* 21 1 14 7 O 4 29 .21 13 39 23 2 14 II O 5 t 22 H 38 24 3 14 15 O 6 1 23 15 38 25 4 14 19 O 7 2 24 16 38 26 6 14 23 O 8 3 24 17 39 • 27 7 14 26 O 9 4 25 18 39 28 8 14 30 O IO 5 26 T9 40 X 9 14 34 O II 5 27 20 42 1 1 10 14 38 O 12 6 28 21 45 2 12 14 42 O 13 7 29 22 49 4 1,3 14 46 O 14 8 v? 23 54 5 14 14 50 O 15 9 1 25 1 ! 7 15 14 54 O 16 10 2 26 7 8 16 14 58 O 17 11 3 27 14 9 18 15 2 O 18 12 4 28 22 10 19 15 6 O 19 13 4 29 31 12 20 15 10 O 20 14 5 40 13 21 15 14 O 21 14 6 1 So 15 22 15 18 O 22 15 7 3 2 16 24 15 22 O 23 16 8 4 16 17 25 15 26 O 24 17 9 5 29 18 26 15 3i O 25 18 IO 6 43 20 27 15 35 O 26 19 I I 7 58 21 28 15 39 O 27 20 12 9 15 23 29 15 43 O 28 21 13 10 33 24 B 15 47 O 29 22 14 11 50 26 2 15 5i O 30 23 15 13 10 27 3TABLE OF HOUSES 485 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time. 10 t I X 12 U3 Ascen. 2 X 3 « H. 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M. s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 O O 0 23 21 Of 0 9 7 18 4 O 1 24 22 I 42 11 8 18 9 O 2 25 23 3 24 12 9 1813 O 3 26 25 5 6 13 10 18 17 O 4 27 26 / . 8 15 11 18 22 O 5 28 27 8 29 16 12 18 26 O 6 29 29 10 10 17 13 18 30 O 7 /wv w X 11 Si 18 14 •18 35 O 8 I 2 13 32 20 15 18 39 O 9 2 3 15 12 21 16 18 44 O IO 3 4 16 51 22 17 18 48 O I I 4 6 18 29 23 18 18 52 0 12 5 7 20 6 24 19 18 57 0 13 6 9 21 49 26 20 19 1 O 14 7 10 23 19 27 21 19 5 O 15 8 12 24 54 28 22 19 9 O 16 9 13 26 29 29 23 19 14 O 17 10 14 28 3 n 24 19 18 O 18 11 16 29 36 2 25 19 22 O 19 12 17 18 8 3 26 19 27 O 20 13 18 2 39 4 27 19 31 0 21 14 20 4 9 S 28 19 35 0 22 15 21 5 38 6 29 19 39 0 23 16 23 7 5 7 25 19 44 0 24 17 24 8 32 8 I 19 48 0 25 18 26 9 57 9 2 19 52 0 26 19 27 10 21 11 3 19 5<5 0 27 20 29 12 45 12 4 20 O 0 28 21 r 14 8 13 5 20 5‘ 0 .29 23 2 15 30 14 6 20 9 0 30 25 3 16 5° 15 7TABLE OF HOUSES 487 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 12 cp Ascen. 8 2 n 3 H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 20 9 O 0 25 3 16 50 is 7 20 13 O I 28 5 18 IO 16 8 20 17 O 2 29 6 19 29 17 9 20 21 O 3 X 7 20 46 18 10 20 25 O 4 2 9 22 2 19 11 20 29 O 5 3 IO 23 16 20 12 20 34 O 6 4 11 24 30 21 13 20 38 O 7 6 13 25 44 22 14 20 42 O 8 7 14 26 57 23 15 20 46 O 9 8 16 28 9 24 16 20 SO O IO 9 17 29 20 24 16 20 54 O I I 10 18 on 30 25 17 20 58 O 12 11 19 1 39 26 18 21 2 O 13 13 21 2 47 27 19 21 6 O 14 14 22 S3 •28 20 21 IO O 15 IS 23 4 59 29 21 21 14 O 16 16 25 6 5 £5 22 21 l8 O 17 17 26 7 10 I 23 21 22 O 18 19 27 8 14 2 24 21 26 O 19 20 29 9 17 3 25 21 30 O 20 21 8 IO 20 4 2'5 21 34 O 21 23 1 11 21 5 26 21 37 O 22 24 2 12 22 s 27 21 41 O 23 25 4 13 23 6 28 21 45 O 24 26 5 14 23 7 29 21 49 O 25 27 6 is 22 8 SI 21 53 O 26 28 7 16 20 9 1 21 57 O 27 29 9 17 18 10 2 22 1 O 28 r 10 18 16 11 3 22 5 O 29 1 11 19 13 11 4 22 8 O 30 3 12 20 10 12 4488 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 340 44'. Sidereal Time, 10 K 11 T 12 8 Ascen. n 2 3 a H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 22 8 O O 3 12 20 10 12 4 22 12 O I 4 13 21 6 13 5 22 16 O 2 5 14 22 1 14 6 22 20 O 3 6 15 22 56 i5 7 22 24 O 4 7- 16 23 5i 16 8 22 27 O 5 8 17 24 45 ! 17 9 22 31 O 6 9 19 25 39 1 17 10 22 35 O 7 IX 20 26 32 ! 18 10 22 39 O 8 12 21 27 25 19 11 22 42 O 9 13 22 28 17 20 12 22 46 O IO 14 23 29 8 21 13 22 50 O II 15 24 29 59 21 14 22 54 O 12 l6 25 OZo 50 22 15 22 57 O 13 17 26 I 4i 23 16 23 I O H 18 27 2 32 24 17. 23 5 O 15 19 28 3 22 25 17 23 8 O 16 20 29 4 12 25 18 23 12 O 17 22 n 5 I 26 19 23 16 O 18 23 1 5 So 27 20 23 20 O 19 24 2 6 39 28 21 23 23 O 20 25 3 7 28 29 22 23 27 O 21 26 4 8 17 29 23 23 31 O 22 27 5 9 ■ 5 SI 23 23 34 O 23 28 6 9 53 I 24 23 38 O 24 29 7 10 41 2 25 23 42 O 25 8 8 11 39 - 3 26 23 45 O 26 1 9 12 16 3 27 23 49 O 27 2 10 13 3 4 28 23 53 O 28 3 11 13 50 5 29 23 56 O 29 4 12 14 37 6 24 O O 30 6 13 15 24 7 iTABLE OF HOUSES 489 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° 00'. Sidereal 10 ir 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. cp 8 a a nc H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 O O O 0 l6 7 7 59 20 6 0 4 O I 17 8 8 30 20 6 0 7 O 2 18 9 9 1 21 7 0 11 O 3 20 10 9 32 22 8 0 IS O 4 21 10 10 3 22 9 0 18 O 5 22 11 IO 35 23 9 O 22 O 6 23 12 I I 6 24 10 O 26 O 7 24 12 I I 38 24 11 O 29 O 8 26 13 12 9 25 12 O 33 O 9 27 I4 12 4i 25 12 O 37 O IO 28 15 *3 12 26 13 0 40 O II 29 15 13 44 27 14 0 44 O 12 n 16 14 15 27 15 0 48 O 13 1 17 14 47 28 15 0 52 O 14 2 17 15 18 29 16 0 55 O 15 3 18 15 50 29 17 0 59 O 16 4 19 16 21 18 1 3 O 17 5 19 17 53 O 18 1 6 O 18 6 20 17 25 I 19 1 10 O 19 7 21 17 57 2 20 I 14 O 20 8 21 18 29 3 21 I 18 O 21 9 22 19 1 3 21 I 21 O 22 10 23 19 33 4 '22 i 25 O 23 11 23 20 5 5 23 I 29 O 24 12 24 20 37 5 24 1 33 O 25 13 • 25 21 9 6 24 1 36 O 26 14 25 21 41 6 25 1 40 O 27 15 26 • 22 13 7 26 1 44 O 28 16 27 22 45 7 27 1 48 O 29 17 28 23 18 8 27 1 52 O 30 18 28 23 51 8 28490 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 8 1 r O 12 1 Ascen. \ a ! 2 n A H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 1 52 O O 18 28 23 5i 8 28 I ss O I 19 29 24 24 9 29 I 59 O 2 20 SI 24 57 10 -A. 2 3 O 3 21 0 25 30 11 I 2 7 O 4 22 I 26 3 12 2 2 I I O 5 23 2 26 36 12 2 2 IS O 6 24 2 27 9 13 3 2 19 O 7 25 3 27 42 14 4 2 23 O 8 26 4 28 15 14 5 2 2 6 O 9 27 4 28 49 15 6 2 30 O IO 28 5 29 23 16 6 2 34 O I I 28 6 29 57 16 7 2 38 O 12 29 6 om 3i 17 8 2 42 O 13 25 7 1 3 18 9 2 46 O 14 I 8 1 39 18 10 . 2 50 O 15 2 8 2 14 19 IO 2 54 O 16 3 9 2 49 20 11 2 58 O 17 4 10 3 24 20 12 3 2 O 18 5 10 3 59 21 13 3 6 O 19 6 11 4 34 22 £3 3 10 O 20 7 12 5 9 22 14 3 14 0 21 7 12 5. 44 23 IS 3 18 O 22 8 13 6 19 24 16 3 22 O 23 9 14 6 54 24 17 3 26 O 24 10 x4 7 30 25 17 3 3i O 25 11 IS 8 6 26 18 3 35 O 26 12 16 8 42 26 19 3 39 O 27 13 16 9 18 27 20 3 43 O 28 14 17 9 54 28 21 3 47 O 29 15 18 10 30 28 22 3 5i O 30 i5 18 11 6 29 23TABLE OF HOUSES 491 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 n 11 £3 12 a Ascen. HR 2 m A H. M. s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5i 0 O ■ 15 18 II 6 29 23 3 55 0 I 16 19 I I 42 29 23 4 0 0 2 17 20 12 19 24 4 4 0 3 18 20 12 56 1 25 4 8 0 4 19 21 13 33 1 26 4 12 0 5 20 22 14 10 2 27 ~ 4 16 0 6 21 22 14 47 3 28 4 21 0 7 22 23 15 24 3 29 4 25 0 8 23 24 16 1 4 29 4 29 0 9 23 25 16 38 5 4 33 0 10 24 25 17 16 6 1 4 38 0 11 25 26 17 53 6 2 4 42 0 12 26 27 18 30 7 3 4 46 0 13 27 28 19 8 8 4 4 51 0 14 28 28 19 46 8 5 4 55 0 15 29 29 20 24 9 5 4 59 0 16 29 21 2 10 6 5 3 0 17 SI O 21 40 11 7 5 8 0 18 1 I 22 18 11 8 5 12 0 19 2 2 22 56 12 9 5 16 0 20 3 3 23 35 .13 IO 5 21 0 21 4 3 24 14 14 I I 5 25 0 22 5 4 24 52 14 I I 5.29 0 23 6 5 25 3i 15 12 5 34 0 24 6 5 26 9 16 13 5 38 0 25 7 6 26 48 16 14 5 43 0 26 8 7 27 56 17 15 5 47 0 27 9 8 28 5 18 16 5 5i 0 28 10 8 28 43 18 17 5 5<5 0 29 11 9 29 22 19 18 6 0 0 30 12 10 30 0 20 1 19492 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 11 a " 12 np Ascen. 2 3 m H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 6 0 O 0 12 10 30 0 20 19 6 4 O I 12 11 o=£= 38 21 19 6 9 0 2 13 11 1 16 22 20 6 13 O 3 14 12 1 55 22 21 6 17 O 4 15 13 2 53 23 22 6 22 O 5 16 13 3 12 24 23 6 26 O 6 17 14 •3 50 25 24 6 30 O 7 18 IS 4 29 25 24 6 35 O 8 19 16 5 7 26 25 6 39 O 9 19 16 5 46 27 26 6 44 O IO 20 17 6 24 27 27 6 48 O I I 21 18 7 2 28 28 6 52 O 12 22 19 7 40 29 29 6 57 O 13 - 23 19 8 18 IE t 7 1 O 14 24 20 8 56 0 1 7 5 O IS 25 21 9 34 1 1 7 9 O 16 25 21 10 12 2 2 7 14 O 17 26 22 10 50 2 3 7 18 O 18 27 23 11 28 3 4 7 22 O ___ l9___ 28 24 12 6 4 S 7 27 O 20 29- 24 12 44 5 6 7 3i O 21 w 25 13 22 5 7 7 35 O 22 I 26 ij 59 6 8 7 39 O 23 2 27 14 36 7 9 7 44 0 24 2 27 15 13 7 9 7 48 0 25 3 28 15 50 8 IO 7 52 0 26 4 29 16 27 9 II 7 56 0 27 5 29 17 4 10 12 8 0 0 28 6 =£= 17 41 10 13 8 5 0 29 7 1 18 18 11 14 8 9 0 30 7 2 18 55 12 ISTABLE OF HOUSES 493 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 a 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 t H. M. S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 O 0 7 2 18 55 12 14 8 13 O 1 8 2 19 3i 12 15 8 17 O 2 9 3 20 7 13 16 8 21 0 3 IO 4 20 43 14 17 8 25 0 4 I I 4 21 19 14 18 8 29 0 5 12 5 21 54 is 19 8 34 0 6 12 6 22 30 16 20 8 38 0 7 13 6 23 6 16 21 8 42 0 8 14 7 23 4i 17 22 8 46 0 9 15 8 24 16 18 22 8 50 0 IO 16 8 24 51 18 23 8 54 0 II 16 9 25 26 19 24 8 58 0 12 17 10 26 I 20 25 9 2 0 13 18 10 26 36 20 26 9 6 0 14 19 11 27 II 21 27 9 10 0 15 20 12 27 45 22 28 9 H 0 16 21 12 28 20 22 29 9 18 0 17 21 13 28 54 23 >3 9 22 0 18 22 14 29 28 24 1 9 26 0 19 23 14 o«i 2 24 1 9 30 0 20 24 15 0 36 25 2 9 34 0 21 25 l6 I IO 26 3 9 37 0 22 25 16 I 44 26 4 9 41 0 23 26 J7 2 18 27 5 9 45 0 24 27 18 2 Si 28 6 9 49 0 25 28 18 3 24 28 7 9 53 0 26 29 I9 3 57 29 8 9 57 0 27 29 20 4 30 t 9 10 1 0 28 =£= 20 5 3 0 10 10 5 0 29 I 21 5 36 1 11 10 8 0 30 2 22 6 8 2 12494 ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° oo'. Sidereal Time. IO HR 11 12 Ascen. m 2 3 10* H. M. 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O 0 0 0 / 0 0 13 52 O O 17 29 8 18 21 26 13 55 O I 17 ot 8 S3 23 28 13 59 O 2 18 I 9 28 24 29 l4 3 O 3 i9 I 10 3 25 r 14 7 O 4 20 2 10 38 27 2 14 II O 5 20 2 11 14 28 4 14 15 O 6 21 3 11 52 /Wt/ w 6 14 19 O 7 22 4 12 30 I 7 14 23 O 8 23 4 13 9 3 9 14 26 O 9 24 5 13 48 5 11 14 30 O IO 24 6 14 27 6 12 14 34 O II 25 6 15 6 7 14 14 38 O 12 26 7 15 45 9 15 14 42 O 13 27 8 16 25 11 17 14 46 O H 28 8 17 5 13 19 14 50 O 15 29 9 17 45 15 20 14 54 O 16 29 10 18 26 17 21 14 58 O 17 i 11 19 7 19 23 15 2 O 18 1 11 T9 48 21 25 15 6 O 19 2 12 20 29 23 26 15 10 O 20 2 13 21 11 26 28 15 14 O 21 3 14 21 54 28 8 15 18 O 22 4 14 22 ~ 39 X 1 15 22 O 23 5 15 23 26 3 2 15 26 O 24 6 16 24 15 6 4 15 3i O 25 7 17 25 4 9 5 15 35 O 26 8 17 25 54 12 7 15 39 O 27 8 18 26 45 15 8 15 43 O 28 9 19 27 37 18 10 15 47 O 29 10 20 28 21 21 11 15 5i O 30 11 21 29 36 24 13TABLE OF HOUSES 497 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° 00'. Sidereal Time. xo * IX l 12 t Ascen. 1 2 X 3 8 i H. M. S. 0 0 O 0 r 0 0 ii5 Si O 0 II 21 29 36 24 13 15 55 O I 12 22 013 23 27 14 15 59 O 2 13 23 1 22 r 16 16 4 O 3 14 23 2 23 3 17 16 8 O 4 15 24 3 27 6 18 l6 12 O 5 l6 25 4 34 9 20 16 16 O 6 17 26 5 43 12 21 16 21 O 7 17 27 6 56 15 22 16 25 O 8 18 28 8 19 17 24 16 29 O 9 19 29 9 34 20 25 16 33 O IO 20 10 56 23 27 16 38 O II 21 I 12 2 26 28 16 42 O 12 22 2 13 57 29 29 16 46 O 13 23 3 15 40 8 n 16 51 O 14 24 4 17 33 3 2 16 55 O 15 25 5 19 28 6 3 16 59 O 16 26 6 21 36 9 4 17 3 O 17 27 7 23 56 11 5 17 8 O 18 28 8 26 31 13 6 17 12 O 19 29 10 29 21 16 8 17 16 O 20 xj I I 2SXX 24 18 9 17 21 O 21 X 12 5 44 20 10 17 25 O 22 2 13 9 34 22 11 17 30 O 23 3 15 13 55 24 13 17 34 O 24 4 l6 18 48 26 14 17 38 O 25 5 17 24 11 27 15 17 43 O 26 6 18 ox 6 29 16 17 47 O 27 7 20 6 35 n 17 17 51 O 28 8 21 13 45 3 18 17 5<5 O 29 9 22 21 36 4 19 18 0 O 30 10 24 30 0 6 2049§ ASTROLOGY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° 00'. Sidereal Time. 10 n 12 Ascen. cp 2 n 3 n H. M. s. 0 0 O 0 0 0 l8 O O O IO 24 0 O 6 20 18 4 O I II 26 8 13 7 21 l8 9 O 2 12 27 15 47 9 22 18 13 O 3 13 29 23 7 10 24 18 17 O 4 14 AW 'WV 29 42 12 25 l8 22 O 5 15 2 Or oc 49 13 26 18 26 O 6 16 4 11 14 14 27 18 30 O 7 17 6 16 4 15 28 18 35 O 8 18 8 20 19 17 29 18 39 O 9 20 10 24 7 18 25 18 44 O IO 21 12 27 30 I9 I 18 48 O II 22 14 on 40 20 2 18 52 O 12 23 17 3 26 22 3 18 57 O 13 24 19 6 0 23 4 19 I O H 26 21 8 19 24 5 . 19 5 O 15 27 23 IO 32 25 5 19 9 O 16 28 26 12 3i 26 6 19 14 O 17 29 28 14 18 27 7 19 18 O 18 AW 'WV X 16 0 28 8 •19 22 O 19 2 4 17 34 29 9 19 27 O 20 3 7 19 3 25 IO 19 3i O 21 5 10 20 30 I II 19 35 O 22 6 13 21 52 2 12 19 39 O 23 7 15 23 7 3 13 19 44 O 24 9 18 24 18 4 14 19 48 O 25 10 21 25 25 5 15 19 52 O 26 12 24 26 30 6 16 19 56 O 27 13 27 27 33 6 16 20 O O 28 14 r 28 35 7 17 20 s O 29 16 3 29 36 8 18 20 9 O 30 ■ 17 6 05F 37 9 19TABLE OF HOUSES 499 TABLE OF HOUSES FOR LATITUDE 63° 00'. Sidereal 10 11 12 Ascen. 2 3 Time. cp £3 £3 H. M. 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D. H.M. D. H.M. D. H.M. M. M.S M. M.S. M. M.S. M. M.S. M. M.S. M. M.S. T 0.4 31 2.04 61 4.O4 91 6.04 121 8.O4 151 10.04 2 0.8 32 2.08 62 4.08 92 6.08 122 8.08 152 10.08 3 O.I2 33 2.12 63 4.12 93 6. 12 123 8. 12 153 10.12 4 0.16 34 2.l6 64 4.l6 94 6.16 124 8.16 154 IO. l6 s 0.20 35 2.20 •65 4.20 95 6.20 125 8.20 155 10.20 6 O.24 36 2.24 66 4.24 96 6.24 126 8.24 156 IO.24 7 0.28 37 2.28 67 4.28 97 6.28 127 8.28 157 10.28 8 O.32 38 2.32 68 4-32 98 6.32 128 8.32 158 IO.32 9 O.36 39 2.36 69 4-36 99 6.36 129 8.36 tS9 10.36 10 O.4O 40 2.40 70 440 100 6.40 130 8.40 160 IO.4O IX O.44 4i 2.44 71 444 101 6.44 131 844 161 IO.44 12 O.48 42 2.48 72 4.48 102 6.48 132 8.48 162 IO.48 13 0.52 43 2.52 73 4-52 103 6.52 133 8.52 163 IO.52 14 0.56 44 2.56 74 4-56 104 6.56 134 8.56 164 IO.56 15 I.OO 45 3.00 75 5.00 105 7.00 135 9.00 165 I I.OO 16 I.O4 46 3-04 76 5.04 106 7.04 136 9.04 166 II.O4 17 1.08 47 3.08 77 5.08 107 7.08 137 9.08 167 I 1.08 18 1.12 48 3.12 78 512 108 7.12 138 9.12 168 I 1.12 19 1.16 49 3.16 79 5.16 109 7.16 139 9.16 169 II.l6 20 1.20 50 3.20 80 5.20 IIO 7.20 140 9.20 170 I 1.20 21 I.24 5i 3-24 81 5-24 111 7.24 141 9.24 171 I I.24 22 1.28 52 3.28 82 5.28 I 12 7.28 142 9.28 172 I 1.28 23 1.32 53 3-32 83 5-32 113 7-32 143 9-32 173 11.32 24 I.36 54 3-36 84 5-36 114 7-36 144 9-36 i74 n.36 25 I.40 55 3-40 85 540 I 15 740 145 9.40 175 n.40 26 I.44 56 3-44 86 544 I l6 7-44 146 9.44 176 u.44 27 1.48 57 348 87 548 117 748 147 9.48 177 11.48 28 1-52 58 3-52 88 5-52 118 7-52 148 9-52 178 u.52 29 1.56 59 3*56 89 5.56 119 7.56 149 9.56 179 11.56 30 2.00 60 4.00 90 6.00 120 8.00 150 10.00 180 12.005©2 ASTR©L#GY OF THE #LD TESTAMENT TABLE F@R TURNING DEGREES AND MINUTES INT© TIME AND THE CONTRARY. D. H.M. D. H.M. D. H.M. D. H.M. D. H.M. D. H.M. M. M.S. M. M.S. M. M.S. M. M.S. M. M.S. M. M.S. 181 12.04 211 14.04 24I 16.04 271 18.04 301 20.04 331 22.04 182 12.08 212 14.08 242 16.08 272 18.08 302 20.08 332 22.08 183 12.12 213 14.12 243 l6.I2 273 18.12 303 20.12 333 22.12 184 I2.l6 214 I4.I6 244 l6.l6 274 18.16 304 20.16 334 22.16 185 12.20 215 14.20 245 16.20 275 18.20 305 20.20 335 22.20 186 12.24 216 14.24 246 16.24 276 18.24 306 20.24 336 22.24 187 12.28 217 14.28 247 16.28 277 18.28 307 20.28 337 22.28 188 12.32 218 14.32 248 16.32 278 18.32 308 20.32 338 22.32 189 12.36 219 14.36 249 16.36 279 18.36 309 2O.36 339 22.36 190 F 2.4O 220 14.40 250 16.4O 280 18.40 310 2O.4O 340 22.40 191 12.44 221 14.44 251 16.44 281 18.44 311 2O.44 34i 22.44 192 12.48 222 14.48 252 16.48 282 18.48 312 2O.48 342 22.48 193 12.52 223 14.52 253 l6 52 283 18.52 313 20.52 343 22.52 194 12.56 224 M-56 254 16.56 284 18.56 314 2O.56 344 22.56 I9S 13.00 225 15.00 255 17.00 285 19.00 315 21.00 345 23.OO 196 !3-°4 226 15.04 256 17.04 286 19.04 316 21.04 346 23.O4 197 13.08 227 15.08 257 17.08 287 19.08 317 21.08 347 23.08 198 13.12 228 15.12 258 17. 12 288 19.12 318 21.12 348 23.12 199 13.16 229 15.16 259 I7.l6 289 19.16 319 2I.l6 349 23.16 200 13.20 23O 15.20 260 17.20 29O 19.20 320 21.20 350 23.20 201 13.24 23I 15.24 261 17.24 29I 19.24 321 21.24 35i 23.24 202 13.28 232 15.28 262 17.28 292 19.28 322 21.28 352 23.28 203 I3-32 233 15-32 263 17.32 293 19.32 323 21.32 353 23-32 204 I3-36 234 I5-36 264 17.36 294 19.36 324 21.36 354 23-36 205 13.40 235 15.40 265 17.40 295 19.40 325 2I.4O 355 23.40 206 13-44 236 15-44 266 17.44 296 19.44 326 2I.44 356 23-44 207 13.48 237 15.48 267 17.48 297 19.48 327 2I.48 357 23.48 208 !3-52 238 15.521 268 17-52 298 19.52 328 21.52 358 23-52 209 I3-56 239 15.56, 269 17.56 299 19.56 329 21.56 359 23.56 210 14.00 24O. i6.ooj 270 18.00 300 20.00 330 22.00 360 24.OO