CATALOG No 10SHERER Pure Food Counters for Groceries CATALOG No. 10 SHERER-GILLETT COMPANY PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS CHICAGO, ILL Copyright 1914, Sherer-Gillett Co.Introductory Statement Our aim is to make the best possible grocery counter—cost what it may. Our aim is to include every worth-while convenience and every improved method of construction to the end that we shall produce the most perfect grocery counter on the market. Our Guarantee We guarantee every Sherer Counter to be exactly as represented in this catalog. If a counter is found to be not as herein represented, we will gladly take it off the hands of the purchaser without expense to him. SHERER-GILLETT COMPANY, S. J. Sherer, President. Vice-President. President. We have had thirty-five years experience in the grocery business. For a number of years we have made a study of counters for grocers’ use. Our early experience as salesmen took us into many retail stores, and we were behind the counter as well as in front of it. Later, we have been in contact with retail dealers, both in Chicago and in widely separated parts of the country, and have made a constant study of the requirements of the modern retail store. Our ambition is to build the best, the most complete and the most practical grocery counters. We are making the best counter we know how to make today, and we know of no feature of any other make of counter that we would care to add to our counter. No other manufacturer of store fixtures that we know confines himself to a single line like grocery counters. We do it because by knowing one line thoroughly we can get better results for the retail grocer than any man who knows and makes a little of everything. The Sherer Counter is better and more complete today than it was two years ago. If any practical man suggests to us a labor- or goods-saving device or a method of construction making our counter stronger or more serviceable or better adapted to save and earn money for our clients (the retail grocers), we will not spare expense to include it in the Sherer Counter. The finish selected and used on our counters is the result of long study and much experience, and will be found well adapted to the hard test of actual use in the store.Sherer Counter Construction Sherer Counters are the last word in store fixture construction. The exterior wood is the finest quality plain-sawed oak, finished golden. The cabinet work is unusually fine, the greatest attention being given to all details. The counters are characterized by heavy, massive con- struction, indicated by the fact that they weigh approximately 60 lbs. to the running foot. The drawers fit perfectly and run easily. Display pockets are dust proof. In short, everything that can be done is done to make Sherer Counters perfection itself. Figure No. 1 Figure No. 2 1 he illustration above gives a front view of a Sherer Counter showing the entire front used for display, contrasted with an old style counter showing valuable space wasted. This 12-foot Sherer Counter, displaying 30 attractive samples, will earn by extra sales of goods at least 30 cents a day. It will protect your valuable goods from contamination, and that is worth at least 5 cents a day. Not only that, but it will save in the time of yourself and clerks, by condensing your stock, at least 15 cents a day. There’s a total of 50 cents a day you can have as well as not. Fig. No. 2 gives a rear view of a Sherer Counter alongside one of the old style affairs. Could anything be more conducive to prosperity than the order, neatness, system, compactness and efficiency secured by using a Sherer? The contrast with the old style wastefulness and disorder is too marked to require comment. The loss in damaged and spoiled goods under the old counter would soon pay for a “Sherer.” Furthermore, the most cautious food inspector can find nothing about a Sherer Counter to criticise. A number of details in the construction of Sherer Counters are worthy of notice. We want to call attention in Fig. No. 3 to the following: (1) The lower tier of display pockets projects forward slightly, thus giving the greatest possible display value to the entire front of the counter; (2) the customer’s foot goes under the projecting front without marring the counter; (3) the cut-under base in the rear makes it easy to work at the counter; (4) the overlapping end of the drawer renders it dust and dirt proof; (5) the labeled drawer pulls enable the clerk to tell at a glance the contents of the drawers, and the price of the goods. Fig. No. 4 shows the separation of the display pocket and the drawer. In some counters, displays are attached to the drawers. Our method is to make them absolutely independent of each other so that the display may always be full even though the drawer may be only partially filled.Sherer Counter Construction Figure No. 5 shows how one of the display pockets of a Sherer Counter can be arranged with a display of your fanciest goods. Imagine the effect upon the customer of thirty or more displays of this sort. They present an irresistible appeal to the lover of good things to eat. The arrangement of the display pocket is convenience and efficiency itself. There are two grooves into which the piece of wood that forms the back of the display may fit, so that the space for the goods in the pocket may be wide or narrow as the nature of the goods may require. Over the top of the pocket fits another piece of wood so that the contents are kept absolutely free from dust. Remember that the display pocket is entirely apart and separate from the drawer. It is fitted by an ingenious device of our own patent, which holds it firmly in place and absolutely prevents it from becoming loose or dropping out. Figure No. 5 We are often asked what goods can be displayed and stored in Sherer Counters. I o anticipate the question on your part, we give below a partial list of such goods: The illustration below shows the various sizes of drawers which are used in Sherer Counters, and gives their dimensions. These drawers are solidly constructed and substantially braced underneath. The bottoms are of three-ply veneer, preventing them from breaking or warping. Dried Fruits Apples (2) Apricots Cherries Currants Dates Figs . • Nectarines Peaches Pears Peeled Peaches Plums Prunes (2) Raisins (2) Raspberries Peels Citron Lemon Orange Farinaceous Goods Beans, Butter Beans, Navy Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Roman Beans, Lima Beans, Swedish Brown Bolted Meal Corn Meal Cracked Wheat Farina Grits Graham Flour Hominy Lentils Macaroni (50) Noodles Oatmeal Peas, Green Peas, Marrowfat Peas, Scotch Peas, Split Pearl Barley Rice (2) Spaghetti Tapioca Vermicelli Nuts Almonds Brazil Filberts Hickory Mixed Nut Meats (4) Pecans Peanuts Walnuts Miscellaneous Brushes, Paint Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Stove Cakes Candy (20) Candles Clothes Lines Clothes Pins Cooking Chocolate Cocoa, Bulk Chewing Gum Crayons Crackers (6 to 12) Coffee (6) Cookies (6 to 12) Combs Extracts Grocers’ Drugs Lamp Wicks Matches Pencils Seeds, Flower Seeds, Vegetable Shoe Polish Soaps, Toilet Soaps, Laundry Sugar (3) Tea (6) Tobacco, Plug Tobacco, Smoking Wax Whole Spices YarnSherer Counter No. 66 Note the massive top which is just the right height from the floor to afford the finest kind of a working place for your clerks. This counter, as shown on this and the opposite page, is 15 feet 8 inches long, 27 l/i inches wide and 33J/2 inches high. It is made of the best quality plain-sawed furniture oak, finished in a rich golden color. There are thirty-one drawers, of three different sizes. The five large No. 3 drawers at the top hold a full box of crackers, box and all, or 61 lbs. of roasted coffee, or 130 lbs. navy beans. The five drawers under them hold a half box of crackers, box and all, or 80 lbs. navy beans, or 42 lbs. of roasted coffee. The twenty-one smaller drawers each hold 50 lbs. beans. The glass in the front of the dustproof display pockets is 29-oz. sheet crystal, almost as heavy as plate glass. The two largest sized drawers are on rollers, insuring easy action. The labeled drawer pulls are of iron. The substantial construction is shown by the fact that the counter weighs approximately 60 lbs. per running foot. Each drawer compartment is separate and distinct from every other, because there are substantial wooden partitions running horizontally and perpendicularly through the entire counter.Sherer Counter No. 66 If one Sherer Counter is all you can use at present, we would strongly recommend you to bu> a No. 66. This is the most serviceable and satisfactory counter for the average store, which we make, because— First — It is big enough to hold a lot of goods and to make a strong and varied display. Second—It contains drawers of three different sizes, enabling the grocer to carry adequate daily stocks of all goods stored in it. Third—It stores within eight feet from its center more than 2,000 lbs. of goods, making for quick and easy service of customers. Fourth—It advertises your determination to protect your goods and promotes cleanliness and order throughout your store. I his style counter is made in eighteen different sizes, varying from 5 feet 4 inches to 18 feet in length. Two of these sizes are shown on the two following pages. For specifications of other sizes, see page 22. “We believe this counter is equal to several good clerks, so far as Heres what one of our users, the Barrick Grocery & Market Com- selling goods is concerned, to say nothing of its attractiveness and con- pany of Denver, Colo., says: venience in the store. It is well worth several times its cost.”Sherer Counter No. 60 This counter is similar in construction to the No. 66 shown on the two preceding pages. Made of the bes£, quality of kiln-dried furniture oak. golden finish, it presents a very handsome appearance. It is 11 feet 11 inches long by 27 y2 inches wide and 33y inches high. It has 23 drawers of three different sizes. The four large No. 3 drawers at the top hold a full box of crackers, box and all, or 61 lbs. of roasted coffee. The four No. 2 drawers under them hold a half box of crackers, box and all, or 42 lbs. of roasted coffee. The four large and four medium drawers are on rollers. The display pockets are carefully protected against dust and are easily removable. The glass in the front of the pockets is 29-oz. crystal sheet. This style counter is very popular because of its convenient arrangement. It is made in 18 different sizes, two of which are shown on the preceding and opposite pages. For particulars about other sizes, see page 22.Sherer Counter No. 68 Rear View Sherer Counter No. 68 This counter, you will note, is very similar to the one shown on the preceding page, the only difference being in the length and in the number of drawers. The counter is 15 feet 10 inches long by 27l/2 inches wide by 33J/2 inches high. It has thirty drawers of three different sizes. Note the neat, trim appearance of the back of this counter. The drawers are made to fit perfectly, and have overlapping edges so as to be absolutely dust proof when closed. They move easily, the six largest ones and six medium size ones being on rollers. The labeled drawer pulls are of iron. Front View Sherer Counter No. 68Sherer Counter No. 20'4 Number 2014 This counter is a great favorite. It is, like those already described, built of fine furniture oak, finished a beautiful golden color. It is 12 feet 2 inches long by 25/2 inches wide by 33)4 inches high. There are thirty No. 1 drawers, as shown on page 5, 18)4 inches long by 12)4 inches wide by 7 inches deep. Here are your dried fruits, cereals, and other dry bulk goods, sanitarily stored in dust-proof drawers, all within easy reach. The height of the counter is just right so as to make it easy to work on. In addition, your goods are selling themselves through the attractive displays in the front. This style counter is made in eleven different sizes, varying from 3 feet 8 inches in length to 15 feet 8 inches.Sherer Counter No. 106 Front—Equipped with 30 regular display pockets. Rear furnished with 30 drawers as follows: Ten in lower row are our regular No. 1 drawers, 18)4 by 12)4 by 7 inches. Ten No. 10 drawers in middle row, each 18)4 by 12)4 by 12 inches, and Ten No. 9 drawers in top row, each 18)4 fiy 12>4 by 2)4 inches—a shallow drawer for display rather than storage. Front View of Sherer Counter No. 106 Rear View of Sherer Counter No. 106 Length, 12 feet. Height, 33)4 inches. Width, 25)4 inches. Plate glass top set in an oak framework 2)4 to 3 inches wide. Glass is additionally supported by crosspieces between drawers. Plate Glass Top Display and Storage Counter. The goods in the top drawers are beautifully shown. The heavy plate glass top resting solidly on the framework of the counter and on nine cross supports furnishes a solid working counter—and gives splendid display below to Figs, Dates, Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel and to any other fancy, high priced, profitable goods you may have. Rear View of No. 106 Siierer Counter with heavy plate glass top in two pieces. Note the shallow upper row of drawers— the large drawers in the middle row and the regular size No. 1 drawers holding 50 lbs. of goods at the bottom. Our metal drawer pulls furnished with card labels are fastened on with screws. Metal pulls are far superior to the common wooden pulls.Front View of Sherer Counter No. 115 Sherer “Barrel Swing” Counter No. 115 This counter furnishes a good method for handling sugar, rice, beans, oatmeal and other barrel goods. By setting the barrels on the swings as shown in the illustration of the rear, you are saved the expense and loss of rehandling. The barrel swings are simple and strong, and are included in the equipment of the counter without extra expense to you. The exterior of the counter is of oak, golden finish. The floor under the bins is solid, and the partitions at the sides are heavy and substantial. This counter is 13 feet 3 inches long, 34 inches high, and the top is 28)4 inches wide. There are twenty-seven displays, and the drawer equipment consists of 3 No. 2, 3 No. 3 and 9 No. 4 drawers. Rear View of Sherer Counter No. 115 If you require more spaces for barrels, we shall be pleased to quote prices. Let us know how long your counter should be to fill the space you can spare for this purpose, also how many barrel spaces you wish, and we will send sketch showing counter with drawers and barrel swing spaces and price complete. We recommend the practice of handling sugar, etc., directly out of the barrel, rather than transferring from barrel to drawer or bin and thence over the scale into the usual size package. When you move the sugar from the barrel, over the scale into the bag holding 50 cents or one dollar’s worth, you have done the work with the least effort. This counter can be furnished with two barrel swing spaces, and between them a storage space for sugar, etc., in packages. To do this, the counter must be made longer or certain drawers omitted.This style counter brings your heavy goods such as rice, beans, sugar, etc., to the center near the scale, thus reducing to a minimum your steps and time. Wasted time and effort are just so much money taken out of your cash register. The front view of this counter as shown here is exactly the same as that of our No. 20)4 shown on page 10. Note that there are display pockets in front of the tilting bins as well as in front of the drawers. The counter is 12 feet 5 inches long and has eighteen No. 1 drawers and three tilting bins. It is made in lengths varying from 8 feet to 16 feet. Number 80 The following are a few of the different sizes we make: No. 80—12 feet 3 inches long, 9 No. 1 drawers each end, 3 bins in middle. No. 81—12 feet 3 inches long, 12 No. 1 drawers one end, 9 No. 1 drawers other, 2 bins in middle. No. 82—9 feet 10 inches long, 9 No. 1 drawers each end, 1 bin in middle. No. 83—15 feet 10 inches long, 12 No. 1 drawers each end, 4 bins in middle. No. 84—8 feet 8 inches long, 6 No. 1 drawers each end, 2 bins in middle. No. 86—14 feet 7 inches long, 27 inches wide, 12 No. 1 drawers each end, 3 bins in middle. No. 91—15 feet 10 inches long, 12 No. 1 drawers one end, 15 No. 1 drawers other end, 3 bins in middle. No. 93—11 feet long, 9 No. 1 drawers each end, 2 bins in middle. None of the drawers in this counter will hold either a box or half box of crackers, box and all. Sherer Unique Combination Counter No. 80Sherer Counter No. 85 The modern grocer has a big advantage. You believe in selling at a profit. You believe in saving every cent and every minute that you can. Then how can you afford to get along without a Sherer Counter? No. 90—15 feet 4 inches long, 3 No. 2 and 3 No. 3 drawers one end, 15 No. 4 drawers other end, 3 bins in middle. This is one of our very best counters. For a small store where only one counter is to be installed, i t, or some one of its many m o d i f ica-tions, w’ i 11 be found an e x c e 11 ent fixture. I t combines in its three sizes ofTaciwers and in its bins a great variety of storage equipment. The display occupies the entire front. The three large No. 3 drawers are built to hold a box of crackers, box and all, The three No. 2 drawers just below them hold a half box of crackers. The nine No. 4 drawers each hold 50 lbs. of dried fruit or cereals. The two larger sizes of drawers work on rollers. Patented This counter is 12 feet 101/2 inches long and is similar in construction and appearance to No. 80 shown on the preceding page. We make this counter in several sizes and arrangements. For specifications see page 22. A few are as follows: No 85—9 No. 4 drawers one end, 3 No. 2 and 3 No. 3 drawers other end, 3 bins in middle, length 12 feet 10j^ inches. No. 88—13 feet 9 inches long, 12 No. 4 drawers, 5 tach Nos. 2 and 3 drawers, 1 bin. ________ ------------------------- No. 92—14 feet 2 inches long, 3 No. 2 and 3 No. 3 drawers one end, 5 bins, 3 No. 4 drawers other end.Sherer Counter No. 14 I his counter is particularly designed for the display and storage of No. 3, which will hold a full box of crackers, box and all, or 61 lbs. of coffee or crackers, and is admirably adapted for that purpose. In general roasted coffee. The No. 2 drawers, which make up the lower tier, will appearance and construction it is similar to our other counters. It is hold a half box of crackers, box and all, or 42 lbs. of roasted coffee. 10 feet 1 inch long, 27)4 inches wide and 33)4 inches high. It has Both the No. 2 and No. 3 drawers work on rollers. This style counter fourteen drawers. The seven large drawers in the upper tier are our is made in eight different sizes, as follows: No. Length Width Height No. 2 Drawers No. 3 Drawers 8 5' 11" 28 Li" 33 Li" 4 4 10 7' 4" 2854" 3354" 5 5 12 8' 9" 28 Li" 3354" 6 6 14 10' 1" 28 Li" 3354" 7 7 16 11' 6" 28 G" 3354" 8 8 18 12' 11" 28 54' 3354" 9 9 20 14' 4" 28 54" 3354" 10 10 22 15' 9" 2854" 3354" 11 11Sherer Combination Eclipse Counters These counters are designed to enable the grocer to display and push fancy goods, such as Candy, Nuts, Citron, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel, Figs, Dates, Chocolates, Selected Dried Fruits, etc. If these goods are attractively displayed and energetically pushed, the increase in your profits will surprise you. Number One Combination Counter shown at the left, consists of a showcase and a counter. Its total height is 48 inches. It is 46 inches long and 25)4 inches wide at the top, and 27 inches wide at the bottom. It has 9 drawers and a capacity of 450 lbs. The showcase is 14 inches high. Its top is of beveled plate glass, and all other glass, including that in the rear sliding doors is best quality I). S. A. The top of the counter is the bottom of the showcase. The counter part is one 9-drawer section of our regular Eclipse Counter, described in detail on page 10. Number 1 Number 2 Number Two Combination Counter consists of a No. 12)4 7-foot-5-inch counter with 18 No. 1 drawers, each with a capacity of 50 lbs., and a showcase of the same size and construction as that of a No. 1 counter described above. The counter is twice as long and has twice as many drawers as the No. 1 counter. In the Number Three Combination Counter, cut of which is not shown, we furnish a counter of the same size as the Number Two, and a showcase extending the entire length, the top of the counter being the bottom of the showcase. The showcase is 84 inches long, 23 inches wide and 14 inches high. ftSherer “Finest” Wall Fixture No. 1 This wall fixture is one of the most handsome pieces of store equipment which can be obtained anywhere. PARTICULARS Height over all, 9 feet 1)4 inches. Length, 12 feet 2)4 inches. Depth, front to rear, base, 25 inches. Shelving and small drawers, depth, 10)4 inches. The height of the base is 34 inches. The height of the ornamental top is 21 inches, and the height of the middle section from the counter top to the lower point of the ornamental top is 54)4 inches. Space between shelves is 9)4 inches for the lower space, 9 inches for the middle space and 12)4 inches for the upper space. The shelving space on either side of the extract cases in the middle of the counter is 49)4 inches. The two extract and perfumery cases in the middle section are separated by a partition made of wood, and there are two heavy plate glass shelves in each of these extract cases with hinged double doors in front. The mirror below is set at the extreme back of the counter top and is of heavy beveled plate glass of the very best quality, and is 17)4 by 39)4 inches. The. labeled drawer pulls on all of the drawers are solid brass. Each of the No. 8 drawers alongside of the mirror, 32 in all, will hold from 6 to 10 lbs. of goods, according to the sort of goods. The drawers in the counter below are regular No. 7 style of drawers, and they pull to the front instead of the rear. The display pocket is attached to the front end of the drawer and is a part of the same. The fixture is shipped in three sections—base in one section, ornamental top in one section and middle section consisting of shelves and drawers. "Finest” Wall Fixture No. 1Sherer “Finest” Wall Fixture No. 2 Whereas the original Finest Wall Fixture (No. 1) was based on a No. 20)4 counter, this new No. 2 is based on a No. 14)4. The length therefore is 8 feet 6 inches, height 9 feet 1)4 inches, depth front to back 24)4 inches. There are 21 No. 7 drawers, pulling to the front, with display attached to front end of drawer. Dimensions, 18 inches long, 12)4 inches wide, 7)4 inches deep. Capacity, about 50 lbs. There are 20 No. 8 drawers for fancy whole and ground spices or fancy bulk goods of any sort. These No. 8 drawers hold 8)4 lbs. whole spice and 8)4 lbs. ground spice. The mirror in center is bevel plate 32)4 by 16 inches. The extract or bottle goods case is 38)4 by 32)4 inches, has heavy plate glass shelves and two doors. How to Use This Money Maker The fixtures shown on this and the opposite page are designed with the idea of bringing together in compact space in the front of your store your finest and most profitable goods. Many merchants have found that these fixtures, properly equipped, have done wonders for them in the way of selling goods. A large amount and a great variety of goods can be taken care of, and not only do they display your goods in the most tempting and attractive way and keep them in an absolutely clean and sanitary condition, but they will save you a great deal of time in handling the goods. It gives your customers greater confidence in you if they see that you are doing your utmost to keep your store and their food clean. We suggest that you show and store in this case—in the 50-lb drawers at the bottom—your finest, fanciest dried fruit, including citron, orange and lemon peel and shelled nuts, confectioners sugar, candy-making materials, etc. In the 10-lb. drawers above we would put whole spices, ground bulk spices, seeds, etc. In the glass-door cases above, with plate glass shelves, we would put extracts, fancy toilet soap, perfumery, fancy bottle spices, etc. On the other shelves, olives, pickles, olive oil, carton and tin-box spices, and perhaps some of your fine preserved fruits in glass, maple syrup in glass, and such other fancy high-priced profitable goods as need to be shown and talked to your trade if you are to build trade on them.Sherer Wall Counter No. 40 Number 40 The illustration shows a front view of our Model Wall Counter. This counter is designed to set back against the wall under the shelving, and we strongly recommend its use in connection with one or more Eclipse Counters. The size counter shown is 13 feet 8 inches long by 23 inches wide by 33% inches high. 'The front, top and ends are of selected furniture oak finished golden. The back is of plain lumber, as it sets against the wall. The large No. 6 drawers are 19% inches long, 14% inches wide and 13% inches deep. The small No. 5 drawers are 19% inches long, 14% inches wide and 9% inches deep. The tilting bins will hold about 150 lbs. each. The bins occupy 4 feet 11 inches and the drawers 8 feet 10 inches of the total length. This style counter is made regularly in four sizes as given below. It may, however, be built in any desired length and with any combination of drawers and bins. SHERER MACARONI COUNTER No. 207 The illustration below shows a counter similar in style to No. 20% shown on page 10, except that it is expressly designed to hold and display all kinds of macaroni. It is 12 feet long, 27% inches wide and 33% inches high, and contains 30 No. 4 drawers which are long enough to hold full length macaroni. This style counter is made in three different lengths as shown in the Table of Specifications on page 22. No. Length Width Height No. of No. 6 Drawers No. of No. 5 Drawers No. of Bins 40 13' 8" 23" 33//' 6 6 3 41 10' 11" 23" 33/" 4 4 3 42 12' 1" 23" 33/" 6 6 2 43 12' 7" 23" 33/" 4 4 4 Sherer Macaroni Counter No. 207Sherer Tilting Bin Counter No. 30 Patent Applied for This style counter furnishes an excellent method of handling heavy goods in large quantities. We disapprove of the use of bins for quantities of goods up to 50 lbs. for the reason that the percentage of waste space around a small bin is very large. Our plan is to use all the space. Material, construction, finish, display pockets, etc., the same as in counters previously described. Dimensions.—Height, 33)4 inches. Width, 28 inches. Made regularly in 3 to 10 bin lengths. Bins.—20 inches front to rear, 16 inches wide and 28 inches deep. Each bin holds about 150 lbs. of goods. Bins never fly shut, and can be easily removed when it is desired to clean them. The use of this counter banishes the unsightly barrel and furnishes counter room on which packages can be tied up and displays arranged. Bins are finely balanced on metal bearings and tilt down easily, exposing goods in a convenient manner. Length No. Bins Shipping Weight No. 30— 5' 3" 3 250 No. 31— 6' 11" 4 325 No. 32— 8' 7" 5 400 No. 33—10' 3" 6 475 No. 34—11' 11" 7 550 No. 35—13' 7" 8 625 No. 36—15' 3" 9 700Sherer Counter No. 70 This counter is specially designed to utilize to the best advantage the valuable space in the center of the store between your rows of counters. For bottled and canned goods of all sorts it affords an excellent display. It is extremely useful also for special sales, to show articles specially advertised, or marked-down goods. Customers can easily see and examine the articles displayed, as the counter is open all around—there is 110 glass about it. The counter is made of the very finest quality kiln-dried furniture oak, finished a beautiful golden color. The shelves are finished both top and bottom. They are rounded and finished off, the posts are nicely turned and the ends of the counter are paneled. The counter is so put together as to insure perfect steadiness. It cannot become loosened or shaky. An iron rod, the full height of the counter, runs through the center of each post. It is tightened at the top, securing perfect rigidity at all times. Although piled to the top with the heaviest goods, the shelves cannot sag. The length of the counter is 8 feet. It is 18 inches wide and 6 feet high. The spaces between the shelves beginning at the bottom are 27, 15, 12 and 10 inches respectively. The false base is 5 inches high. The five shelves furnish 27 square feet of counter space.Corroborative Evidence From Some of Our 35,000 Users Sherer Counters Save Steps and Effort. T. G. Eberhardt Merc. Co., California, Mo.: “We like the counter. It saves a great many steps and displays the goods. We think your counter is best adapted to our needs after looking at several other makes.” Casseb Bros., San Antonio, Tex.: “It is a necessity that has long been needed, making a good display as well as facilitating the handling and showing of goods.” Jas. C. Davis’ Estate, Peace Dale, R. I.: “I am delighted with the counter and it has saved me many steps.” M. A. Wilkinson, Yellow Grass, Sask., Can.: j “I am very much pleased with the counter, and find it very compact, convenient, and an ornament to the store.” Janesville Tea Co., Janesville, Wis.: “It is a fine thing, gives us more room and displays the goods in fine shape.” Sherer Counters Save Goods, and Are Sanitary. Winroth Dahl & Co., Joliet, 111.: “It gives the store a much better appearance and is a good, clean, up-to-date receptacle for the food.” Welo & Teie, Hallon, N. Dak.: “Under our pure food laws no groceryman should be without one.” Biggs Bros., Regina, Sask., Can.: “It is clean, dust proof, and as well built as good furniture, and we do not hesitate to say that it has paid for itself. J. G. Snodgrass, La Grande, Ore.: “It places all our bulk goods together, protects them from mice and dust, and also keeps the dried fruit from drying out, thereby preventing shrinkage.” Sherer Counters Sell Goods. E. J. Houlihan, St. Louis, Mo.: “It is an ornament to the store and a silent salesman.” L. A. Breault, Auburn, Mass.: “Am very much pleased with counter and am thoroughly convinced that it really does sell the goods.” C. A. Bohlman, No. Tonawanda, N. Y.: “Am well pleased with the counter. I find it a silent salesman. Franz & Keeling, Calvert, Tex.: “Your counters are certainly selling the goods for us.” Wm. J. Miller, Uvalde, Tex.: “The counter stacks up fine. A good seller for any wide-awake merchant.” John Taylor, Salt Lake City, Utah: “I am greatly pleased with the counter. It is a silent salesman.” Sherer Counters Make Handsome Stores. De Voe Bros. & Co., Orwell, Ohio: “It certainly is an attractive piece of furniture.” S. S. Lundquist, Red Wing, Minn.: “It is one of the prettiest counters in this city and is admired by all who see it. It not only improves the appearance of my store, but it is one of the most convenient and up-to-date counters that has been brought to my attention.” Harry Moore & Co., Goldfield, Iowa: “It is the best piece of furniture I ever had in my store.” M. S. Levy, Lark, N. Dak.: “It is a beauty.” De Lamere Merc. Co., De Lamere, N. Dak.: “The fixture is a dandy and we are perfectly satisfied.” L. A. Howard, Belmont, Wis.: “Every one that comes into our store admires it.” E. Butler, Webster, Mass.: “It has created a good deal of pleasing comment, and certainly adds to the beauty of the store.” Toda Bros., Farmington, Calif.: “It is sure a dandy and improves the looks of the store one hundred per cent.” Sherer Counters Are Paying Investments. Tom D. Smith, Austin, Tex.: “After having this counter in our store we wish to say to you that it does save time and steps. It protects the goods from the unavoidable dust and dirt in a grocery store, keeps the goods clean and in first class condition, and best of all it is continually tempting my customers to buy goods which are shown in the counter and which are not on the customer’s buying list. “I am sure that the counter has already paid for itself and 1 am equally sure that it will continue a paying investment as long as it stands in my store.” W. W. Miller, Butler, Pa.: "We are glad to give it our heartiest recommendation. It is convenient, labor-saving and sanitary, and, above all, it gives a fine display of evaporated fruits, grain foods, cakes, and ail bulk goods, etc., greatly increasing our sales. Both as a salesman and an ornament, it is proving very satisfactory. Would not be without it for twice its cost.” J. E. Wright, McGregor, Tex.: “I find it a labor saver, an advertiser, a protection against flies, rats, cats, dust and shrinkage. I truly believe that the increased sales of sweet crackers will pay for it in one year.”Table of Specifications Dimensions Number of Drawers Style No. Page Length Width Height 1 2 3 4 7 8 11 12 13 “Sixty” 60 8 11' 11" 27V2" 33y2" 4 4 10 3 1 1 “ 61 6 7 8 9 13' 3y2" 27y2" 33y2" 5 5 10 3 1 1 “ 62 6 7 8 9 12' i" 27y2" 33y2" 5 5 7 3 1 1 “ 63 6 7 8 9 14' 8" 27y2" 33y2" 6 6 10 3 1 1 “ 64 6-7 8-9 14' 3" 27 y2" 33y2" 4 4 16 3 1 1 “ 65 6 7 8 9 14' 6" 27y2" 33y2" 5 5 13 3 1 1 “ 66 6 7 15' 8" 27y2" 33y2" 5 5 16 3 1 1 “ 67 6-7 8 9 5' 6” 27y2" 33y2" 2 2' 3 1 1 1 “ 68 9 15' 10" 27y2" 33y2" 6 6 13 3 1 1 “ 69 6-7-8-9 8' 1" 27y2" 33i/2" 3 3 6 1 1 1 “ 52 6 7 8 9 11’ 9" 271/2" 331/2" 3 3 15 1 1 1 “ 53 6-7 8 9 10' 6" 271/2" 331/2" 3 3 12 1 1 1 “ ” 54 6 7 8 9 18' %" 271/2" 331/2" 5 5 22 1 1 “ 55 6-7-8 9 10' 10" 271/2" 331/2" 4 4 9 1 1 1 a ♦ 56 6-7-8 9 17' 271/2" 331/2" 6 6 16 3 1 1 “ 57 6-7-8 9 16' 1" 271/2" 331/2" 7 7 10 3 1 1 <« 58 6-7 8^9 5' 6" 271/2" 331/2" 3 3 .. 1 1 1 “ 59 6-7 8-9 10' 4” 271/2" 331/2" 2 2 15 1 1 1 Eclipse 6% 10 3' 10" 251/2" 331/2" 6 1 1 1 “ Wi 10 5' 1" 251/2" 331/2" 9 •• .. .. 1 1 1 “ ioy2 10 6' 3" 251/2" 331/2" 12 .. .. 1 1 1 << uv* 10 7' 5" 251/2" 331/2" 15 .. .. 1 1 1 “ 14M, 10 8' 8" 251/2" 331/2" 18 1 1 1 “ i6ya 10 9' 10” 251/2" 331/2" 21 .... 1 1 1 44 18>/2 10 11' 251/2" 331/2" 24 1 1 1 44 2oy2 10 12’ 2" 251/2" 331/2" 25 .... 3 1 1 44 22V* 10 13' 5" 251/2" 331/2" 28 3 1 1 44 24y2 10 14' 7" 251/2" 331/2" 31 .. 1 .. 3 1 1 << ..26y2 10 15’ 10" 251/2" 331/2" 34 3 1 1 “Finest” Wall Fixtures 1 17 17' 2y2" 25" 9' iy2" 30 32 « M M 2 18 8’ 6" 25" 9' iya" 21 20 ‘14” Cracker 8 15 5' 11" 28i/2" 331/2" 4 4 .. “ 10 15 7' 4" 28i/2" 331/2" 5 5 .. “ 12 15 8' 9" 281/2" 331/2" 6 6 .. “ 14 15 10' 1" 281/2" 331/2" 7 7 •• “ 16 15 11' 6" 28i/2" 331/2" 8 8 .. “ 18 15 12' 11" 28i/2" 331/2" 9 9 .. “ 20 15 14' 4" 28i/2" 331/2" 10 10 .. .. 22 15 15' 9” 28i/2" 331/a" 11 11 .. 1 Dimensions Number of Drawers Style No. Page Length Width Height 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 Bins Glass Top Barrel Swing “Eighty” 106 1115 80 11 12 13 12' 13' 17' 3" 3" 251/2" 28i/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 28i/2" 28i/2" 281/21’’ 28i/2" 28i/2 1" 28i/2" 28i/2" 28i/2" 28i/2" 28i/2" 251/2" 251/2" 251/2" 23" 331/2" 34 " 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 33y2" 48" 48" 48" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" 331/a" 331/2" 6' 331/2" 331/2" 331/2" n 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 3 81 13 17' 3" 16 1 1 1 2 <4 82 13 9' 10" 15 1 1 1 <4 83 13 15' 10" 19 1 1 1 4 44 84 13 8' 8" 9 1 1 1 2 44 86 13 14' 7" 19 1 1 1 3 44 87 13 13' 2" 19 1 1 1 2 44 89 13 9' 11" 9 1 1 1 3 44 91 13 15’ 10" 77 1 1 1 3 44 93 13 11' 15 1 1 1 2 44 120 13 11' 12 1 1 1 3 85 14 17' ioy2" 9" 4 1 1 1 3 44 88 14 13' 5 5 7 3 1 1 1 1 44 90 14 15' 4" 10 1 1 3 44 92 14 14' 2" 1 1 1 5 94 14 10' 2" ? 7 6 1 1 1 2 44 96 14 16' 6" 13 10 9 3 1 1 3 44 109 14 19' 11' 1 1 1 5 44 118 14 8" 1 1 1 1 44 119 14 9' 15' 10" 6" 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 44 121 14 4 4 7 1 1 3 Combination Eclipse .. M K 1 2 t 3 40 16 16 16 19 3' 7' 7' 13' 10" 5" 3" 8" 6 15 15 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 41 19 10' 11" 23" 4 4 3 « M 42 19 17' 1" 23" 6 6 2 u « 43 19 17' 7" 23" 4 4 4 Bin Counter 30 31 20 20 5' 6' 3" 11" 28" 28" 3 4 « « 32 20 8' 7" 28" 5 “ “ 33 20 10' 3" 28" 6 44 44 34 20 11' 11" 28" 7 44 44 35 20 13' 7" 28" 8 44 44 36 20 15’ 3" 28" 9 Aisle Counter Macaroni Counter 70 205 21 19 8' 9' 8" 18" 271/2" 271/2" 271/2" 74 •• 207 19 17' 10 M (1 210 19 15’ 8" 39 Extra Charges fiBarrel Swings. tShow Case full length. ♦Counters over 16 feet long are made in two sections with a close joint. 1. An Alarm Money Drawer, Tucker’s best quality, can be fitted in place of one drawer, in any Eclipse Counter at $1.50 net, additional. 2. An extra charge of $1.00 per end is made for finishing counter ends to join flush, except on sectional counters. 3. If counters are ordered higher than regular height, an extra charge of $1.00 per added inch of height will be made. * 4. If counters are ordered wider than regular width, an extra charge of $2.00 for each added inch will be made. 5. An additional charge will be made on counters finished in white enamel.SHERER GILLETT CO. PATENTEES MANUFACTURERS CHICAGO