J. PALMER O’NEIL & CO. 68 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION, FISHING TACKLE IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Headquarters for, and Manufacturers of Glass Balls. MYERS, SHINKLE & CO., PRINT , 145 WOOD STREET. THE WESTLEY RICHARDS HAMMERLESS GUN SPORTSMEN'S GOODS, illustrated catalogue.OPEN SEASONS--GAME AND FISH, Showing the season in which it is permitted to kill each kind of Game and Fish, in every State, Territory and Province, "where such a season is prescribed by law". Compiled from original authorities and published by the Forest and stream, 39 Park Row, New York, July 20, 1882 GENERAL PROVISIONS. It is unlawful: To kill, have in possession, transport or sell game birds, animals and iish, save only in the open season for each given be!ovv ; to net or snare game birds or animals ; to take or kill game fishes by any other means than angling; to shoot waterfowl at night, 01 with any other than shoulder-guns ; to hunt rabbits with ferrets ; to enter inclosed land for shooting without consent of owner ; to Kill except for scientific purpose insectivorous 01 song birds at any time, or to rob nests of wild birds (except birds of prey.) Laws forbidding export of game obtain in Colorado, Connecticut, Dakota, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Ontario, Wyoming. Discriminations against non-residents obtain in Delaware, Iowa, Missouri, New Brunswick, New Jersey, North Carolina, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Tennessee. FISH.—Black Buss.—la, June 1-Mar 1; Me, July 1-Apr 1; Mass, July 1-Dee 1; N II, June 15-Apr 30; N J, June 1-Nqv. 1; N Y, June 1-Jan 1; Out, May 15 Apr 15; Pa, June 1-Jan 1; Que, May 15-Apr 15; 11 I, July 15-Mar 1; Utah, prot. 1884; Vt, July 1-May 15; Va, July 1-May 1; Wis, May 1-Feb 1. Bull Trout.— Wash Ter, Apr 1-Oct 1. California Trout in N Y, Sept 1-May 15. Grayling —Mich, June 1-Nov 1; N II, June 1-Apr 1. Jack (white) Salmon.—W Va, June 15 May 1. Lake Trout (salmon trout)—Cal, Apr 1-Nov 1; Mass, Apr 1-Oct 1; N II, Apr 30 Sept 30; N J, Mar 1-Oct 1;NY, Apr 1-Oct 1; Ont, Nov 10-Nov 1; Pa, Oct 1-Jau 1; Que, Dec 1 Oct 15; Vt, May 1 Sept 1; Wash, Apr 1-Oct 1. Land locked Salmon.— Me, May 1-Oct 1; Mass, Apr 1-Oct 1; N II, Apr 30-Sept 30; Vt, May 1-Sept 1; W Va, Jan 1-Sept 1. Longs.—Vl, May 1-Sept 1. Muscallonge.—N H, June I-Apr 1; NY, June 1-Jan 1; Ont, May 15-Apr 15; Que, May 15-Apr 15, Pickerel. -N H, June 1 Apr 1; Ont, May 15-Apr 15; Pa, June 1-Jau 1; Que, May 15-Apr 15. Pike.—N II, June 1-Apr 1; Pa, June 1-Jan 1. Pike Perch.—N II, July 1-May 1. Salmon.—Cal, Sept 15 Aug 1; Conn, prot. to 1681; la, Feb. 1-Nov 1; Me, Apr 1-Sept 15; Mass, May 1-Aug 1; N B and N S, Feb 1-Sept 15; N II, June 14--------(?); Pa, Apr 1-Aug 1; Wash, Apr 1-Oct 1; Que, May 1-Sept 1. Salmon Trout.—See Lake Trout Smelt.— Mass, June 1-Mar 15. Toaue.—Me, May 1-Oct 1. Trout, (Speckled or Brook.) — Cal, Apr 1 Nov 1; Conn, Apr 1-July 1; la, Feb 1-Nov 1; Me, May 1 Oct 1; Mass, Apr 1-Oct 1; Mich, May 1-Sept 1; Minn, Apr 1-Oct 1; N II, Apr 30-Sept 30; N J, Mar 1-Oct 1; N M Apr l-Dcc 1; N Y, Apr 1-Sept t; N C, Dec 30-Oct 15; Ont, May 1-Sept 15; Pa, Apr 1-Aug 1; Que, Dec 31-Oct 1; It I, Mar 1-Aug 15; Va, Apr 1-Sept 15; Wash, Apr 1-Oct 1; W Va, June 1-Sept 1; Wis, Apr 15-Sept 15. Wall eged Pike.—Ill, June 1 Mar 1; la, June t-Mar 1; Vt, May 20-Apr 20. White Perch —Me, July 1-Apr 1; N H, July 1-May 1. States, etc. Crouse. Quail. Deer. Woodcock. Wildfowl. Pc?oused WHd Turkey. Alabama Sep 15-Mar 15 Oct 20-Feb 14 California.. Sep 15-Mar 15 Sep 15-Mar 15 July 1-Nov 1 Colorado. .. Oct 1-Nov 1 Protected Sept 1-Jau 1 Connecticut Oct 1-Jan 1 Oct 1 Jan 1 Oct 1-Jau 1 Oct 1-May 1 Oct 20-May 1 Sept 15 Mar 15 Dakota Aug 15-Jan 1 Aug 15-Jan 1 Oct 1-Jan 1 Delaware.. . Nov 15-Jan 15 Nov 15-Jan 15 July 1-Jan 1 Aug 15-Jan 1 Dist. Col Aug 1-Feb 1 Nov 1-Feb 1 Aug 15-Jan 1 July 1-Feb 1 Georgia Apr 1-Oct 1 Apr 1-Oct 1 Sept 1-April 1 Sept 1-Feb 1 Idaho Prot’d Sep’83 Prot’d Sep’83 Aug 1-Mar 1 Illinois Oct 1-Jan 1 Oct 1-Jan 1 Sept 1-Jan 15 July 4-Jan 1 Indiana Oct 15-Dec 20 Oct 15-Dec 20 Oct 1-Jan 1 July 1-Jan 1 Kansas Nov 1-Jau 1 Sept 1-Apr 15 Aug 1-Mar 1 Aug 15-May 1 Aug 15 Dec 1 Sept 1-Jan 1 Sept 1-Apr 15 Sept 1-Feb 1 Nov 1-Feb 1 Aug 15-May 1 , Aug 15 Dec 1 Oct 1-Jan 1 Kentucky... Oct 1-Mar 1 Oct 1-Mar 1 Sept 1-Mar 1 June 1 Jan t Sept 15-May 1 Sept 1-Feb 1 Maine Sept 1-Dec 1 Prot’d Sep’83 Oct 1-Jau 1 Sept 1-Dec 1 Maryland... Aug 15-Jan 1 Nov 1-Dec 24 June 15-Feb 1 Sept 1 May 1 Sept 1 Jan 1 Nov 1-Mar 31 Sept 1-Apr 1 Michigan... Sept 1-Jan 1 Nov 1-Jan 1 Oct 1-Dec 1 Aug 1-Jan 1 Minnesota.. Sept 1-Dec 1 Sept 1-Dec 1 Nov 1-Dec 15 July 4-Nov 1 Mississippi. Oct 1-May 1 Oct 1-May 1 Sept 15-Mar 1 Missouri.... Oct 15-Feb 1 Oct 15-Feb 1 Sept 1 Jan 15 July 1-Jan 10 Montana .. Aug 1-Mar 1 Prot’d to ’85 Aug 10 Feb 1 Sept 1-May 1 Sept 1-Nov 1 Oct 1-Jan 1 Sept 1-May 1 Sept 1-Dec 1 Aug 15-Fob 1 Sept 15-Mar 1 Nebraska... Aug 15-Feb 1 Oct 1-Dec 1 Oct 1-Jan 1 Nevada. . , Sept 1-Apr 1 Sept 1-Apr 1 Aug 14 Dec 1 Sept 1-Apr 1 N. Bruns .. . Oct 1-Jan 1 Aug 1-Mar 1 Sept 1-Apr 1 Sept 1-Mar 15 .. NewHamp. Sept 1-Feb 1 Sept 1-Feb 1 Sept 1-Dec 1 Aug 1-Feb 1 New Jersey Nov 1-Jaii 1 Nov 1-Jan 1 Oct 31, 1884 July l-Aii" 1 Aug 1-Feb 1 New Mexico Sept 1-May 1 Sept 1-May 1 Sept 1-May 1 New York.. Sept 1-Jan 1 Nov 1-Jan 1 Aug 1-Dec 1 Aug 1-Jan If N. Carolina. Oct 1-Apr 1 Oct 1 Apr 1 Augl5-Febl5 Nova Scotia Oct 1-Jan 1 Aug 1-Mar 1 Sept 1-May 1 Sept 1 Jan 1 Ontario Oct 1-Jan 1 Oct 1-Jan 1 Sep 15 Dec 15 Aug 15-May 1 Oregon Aug 1-Apr 1 Sept 1-Apr 1 Sept 1-Feb 1 Sept 1-Apr 1 Nov 1-Jan 1 Nov 1 Jan 15 Sept 1 May 1 Oct 1-Jau 1 Oct 1-Jan I Penna Oct 1-Jan 1 Oct 15-Jan 1 Oct 1-Dec 3 July 4-Jan 1 Quebec Sept 15-Jan 1 Sept 1-Feb 1 Sept 1-Feb 1 R. Island Sept 1-Feb I Oct 15-Jan 1 July 1-Jan 1 S. Carolina.. Sep 15-Mar 15 Sep 15 Mar 15 Sept 1-Mar 1 Sep 15-Mar 15 Tennessee.. Sept 15-Mar 1 Sept 15-Mar 1 Sept 1-Mar 1 Sept 15-Mar 1 Texas Sept 1-Mar 1 Sept 1-Mar 1 Aug 1-Mar 1 Sept 1-May 15 Oct 1-Jan 1 Oct 15-Jan 1 Sept 1-Apr 15 Sept 1-Mar 1 Sept 15-Mar 15 Sept 15-May 1 Vermont ... Sept 1-Mar 1 Prot’dNov’eO Sept 1-Marl Sept 1-May 1 . Virginia.... Aug 1-Feb 1 Nov 1-Feb 1 Sept 1-Jan 15 July 1-Feb 1 Wash Ter.. Aug 15-Jan 1 Protected Aug 15-Jan 1 West Va— Sept 1-Feb 1 Oct 15-Jan 1 Sept 1-Jan 15 Wisconsin. . Aug 15-Jan 1 Aug 15 Jan 1 Sept 15-Jan 1 July 10-Jan 1 Wyoming .. Aug 15-Oct 15 Prot’d to ’87 Aug 1-Nov 15 Sept 1-May 1 Oct 15-Feb 1 Aug 15-Jan 1 Nov 1-Apr 1 Sept 1-Feb 1 Sept 1-Feb 1 Aug 15-May 15 July 15-Nov 15  AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SALE OF THE CELEBRATED GUNS OF AS WELL AS THE FOLLOWING AMERICAN MAKES: AND OTHERS; ALSO, THE Winchester Repeating Rifles, Remington’s, Ballard, Stevens’, &c. Our stock of Sportsmen’s Goods, in every line, will be found as complete as that of any house in the United States, and we shall continue, as in the past, to sell nothing but reliable goods. Any weapon purchased, from us, whether costly oh not, may be relied upon as the best that can be procured for the money. It is of course impossible, in a Catalogue of this kind, to enumerate all the articles we deal in. Sportsmen can order from us any article that constitutes a Shooting or Fishing outfit, and have their orders promptly filled. J. Palmer O'Neil & Co. Westley Richards & Co,, London and Birmingham, J. D. DOUGALL, W. & C. Scott & Son, Sam’l Buckley & Co. P. Webley & Son, C. G. Bonehill, J. P. Clabrough & Bro. Wm. Arden, Parker Brothers, E. Remington & Sons, Colts’, Baker,IN placing this Catalogue and Price list in the hands of our friends and patrons, we wish to make * plain the conditions and terms of sale. In this connection it may not be amiss to state, that all goods sold by us, whether costly or not, will be found the very best that can be procured for the money. We do not pretend to sell Guns or other goods below cost; but it will be our aim in the future, as it has been in the past, to give good value for the money. Our stock of fine goods is not excelled, if it is equalled, by any house in this country or in Europe, and it is our belief that during the past two years we have placed in the hands of sportsmen a greater number of Fink Guns, than all the other dealers in the United States combined. That we have done so in Hammerless Guns, there is not a particle of doubt. Our trade in these goods having extended to nearly every State in the Union, makes it desirable that such terms of sale should be adopted as will at once be fair and equitable to purchaser, and at the same time perfectly safe to us. After having tried almost every conceivable plan, we have finally adopted the C. 0. D. system as the best and safest. We have experienced some annoyance and considerable loss by sending Guns and other goods long distances C. 0. D., which upon arrival at their destination were not called for, and as a consequence we were compelled to order the goods back, paying express charges both ways. To obviate this, we have found it necessary to require from those who desire to purchase Guns, or other goods, a remittance, sufficient to cover express charges both ways in ease the goods should be returned. In future, we shall require this remittance, without exception, from every correspondent. The instructions to express agents on all C. O. D. packages are as follows: “ Allow two days for examination and trial; then if the gun suits, send the money to us. If it does not suit, return the Gun to us and the money to depositor.” It seems to us that no fairer conditions could lie asked. In all cases where remittances accompany the order, the amount so remitted will lie credited on the C. O. D. bill. If the Gun or goods are retained, the purchaser of course only pays the express company the balance due on the goods. If the goods are returned without expense to us, the amount that has been remitted will in all cases lie promptly refunded. Very truly, yours, J. PALMER O’NEIL & CO.MUZZLE-LOADING GUNS, SINGLE BARREL. No. 103 M.—Boys’ Single GlUl.—Imitation twist barrel, side look, varnished stock, blued steel mountings, 18 to ‘24 gauge, weight from 4 to 5 lbs $ 3 00 No. 103^ M.—Same as No. 103, with bar lock, bright mountings and l>etter finished....... 3 50 No. 105 M.—Men's Single Guns.—Polished back action lock, and polished mountings, with nose cap, imitation wire twist barrel, ribbed, 14, lf> and 18 gauge, weight 5£ to 6£ lbs. 5 00 No. 1.06A M.—American Made Single Gun.—New musket barrel, patent solid breech, case hardened frame, oiled walnut stock, well bored, 16 gauge, 30 to 31 inch barrel, 5^ to 6£ lbs., imitation ebony ramrod, brass mountings, capped wormer. A thoroughly reliable gun................................................................... 6 50 No. 1.13 M.—Boys’and Men’s Fine Single Gun.—Real twist barrels, patent breech, bar lock, steel tube, hickory ramrod with brass wormer and butt cap, oiled walnut stock, checked grip and fore end, 12 14, 16 and 18 bore, 28 to 34 inch barrel, weight 5£ to 7 lbs................................................................... 13 00 This gun (No. 113 M.) can be furnished choke bored when desired, for 83.UO extra. MUZZLE-LOADING GUNS, DOUBLE BARREL. No. 107 M.—Muzzle-Loading Double Barrel Shot Gun.—Rack action locks, bright polished mountings, imitation twist barrels, walnut stained stock, 10, 12 and 16 gauge, 30 to 34 inch barrels, weight 8 to 10 lbs $ 7 00 No. 109 M.—Muzzle-Loading Double Barrel Shot Gun.—Back action locks, blued mountings, patent breech, imitation twist barrels, checked grip, oiled stock, 10, 12 and 14 gauge, 30 to 34 inch barrels, weight 8 to 10 lbs.............................. 9 00 No. 112 M.—English Double Gun.—Bar locks, real twist barrels, patent breech, long strap break-off, oiled walnut stock, 12, 14 and 16 gauge, 30 to 34 inch barrels, weight 7 to 9 lbs................................................................... 12 00 No. 114 M.—English Double Gun.—Bridle bar locks, line London twist barrels, long strap break-off, checked grip and fore end, spring triggers, oiled walnut stock, 12, 14 and 16 gauge, 32 to 34 inch barrels, 7 to 9 lbs. weight 14 00 Our No. 114 M. English Double Gun is made to special order, and is without doubt the best gun for the money in the market. Sportsmen in search of a reliable weapon at a very low price should not fail to examine this gun before purchasing. No. 114^ M.—Boys’ English Double Gun.—Same as No. 114 M.,but made light and strong, 12, 14 and 16 gauge, 24 to 2(5 inch barrels, 5 to 6 lbs. weight 14 50 We recommend this gun to parents who wish to place in the hands of their sons something safe, reliable and durable. No. 117 M.—Fine Double Gun.—Bridle bar locks, laminated steel barrels, patent breech, English walnut stock, oil finished, checked grip and fore end, barrels heavy and strong at breech, 12, 14 and 16 gauge, 30 to 34 inch barrels, 7 to 8| lbs. weight 17 00 No. 119 M.—Same as No. 117 M., but 10 gauge, 32 to 34 inch barrels, 9 to 10 lbs. weight 19 00 No. 125 M.—Extra Fine English Double Gun for Duck and Trup Shooting, Choke Bored. — Fine laminated steel barrels, patent breech, percussion fence, long strap break-ofr, bridle bar locks, steel tubes, heavy hickory ramrod with wormer and butt cap, English walnut stock oiled finish, checked grip and fore end, blued steel mountings, spring triggers, 10 gauge, 30 to 34 inch barrels, 9i to 11 lbs. weight, 25 00 This is a splendid weapon. No 135 M.—W. & C. Scott & Sons .—Double muzzle loading gun, fine laminated steel barrels, extra fine gun throughout, 10, 12 and 14 gauge, 7^ to 10 lbs. weight............. 35 00J. PALMER O’NEIL & CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH 5 SHOT BELTS. No. 590.—Single Irish charger, common sheep skin 8 50 No. 595.—Double “ “ “ “ . 75 No. 600.—Double Oregon, 2 lever chargers, made of heavy water-proof canvas...................... 1 50 No. 620.— Double Oregon, 2 lever chargers, made of bridle leather 2 50 Powder Flasks and Shot Pouches for Muzzle-Loading duns. No. I F. No. 2 C. No. 4013. No. S. & D. POVTDEE IFLiLSES. No. 50 F. 8 oz., common spring, assorted shell and rabbit $ 50 No. 60 F. 10 oz., “ “ “ 60 No. 1 F. 12 oz., patent inside spring, assorted shell and rabbit.......... 1 00 No. 2 F. 16 oz , extra fine bronzed copper, patent fire proof top 2 00 No. 2 C. 8 oz., extra fine hogskin, covered, patent inside spring, fireproof top 2 00 No. C. 12 oz., “ “ “ “ “ 2 50 SHOT POUCHES. No. 4010.—3 lbs., dog and tree stamped, brass lever. 8 75 No. 4013__4 lbs., “ “ “ “ 1 00 No. S «fc D.—3 lbs., English make, white oak leather 1 00 No. “ —4 lbs., “ “ “ “ 1 25 No. 4032—5 lb. steel lever 2 00 No. 35 W— Steel Wad Cutter 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 gauge $ 35 No. 50 W.—Steel Wad Cutter. 9, 10 and 11 gauge........................... 50 No. 60 W.—Steel Wad Cutter, 6, 7 and 8 gauge............................. 00 muzzle-loading nipple wrenches. No. 25 N. W.—Iron socket, with wood handle $ 25 No. 50 N. W.—Steel socket, “ T ” pattern................................. 50 No. 100 N. W.—Steel socket, “ T ” pattern, with pick and cap........... 1 00 CAP PRIMERS FOR MUZZLE-LOADING SHOTGUNS. No. 90 C. P.—Common oval shape cap primer $ 90 No. 125 C. P.—Round, with bent nose, better quality.................... 1 25 We keep constantly on hand full lines of ramrod tips and wormers, in all styles and sizes. Also, chargers for all styles of shot pouches, powder flasks, etc., as well as gun tubes, plugs, nipples, hammers, locks, bullet moulds, cutters, springs, triggers, trigger guards, and rifle cap boxes.6 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Breech-Loading Single Guns. No. 205 B.—Forosf Terror.—Single barrel breech-loading gun, blued barrel and frame, musket stock, plain finish, 12 gauge, 32 to 34 inch. 7i to 8 lbs...........................$ 5 00 No. 207 B.—Same as No. 205 B., with imitation Damascus barrels, cheeked stock and better finish, 7 00 No. 214 B.— Forehand & Wadsworth.—Single gun, top lever, rebounding lock, pistol grip, patent fore end, nickle-plated frame, 12 gauge, 30 to 32 inch, 6 to 7 lbs., with plain steel barrel...........................................................$14 oo No. 215 B.—Same as No. 214 B, with line twist barrel.......................................................................... . 15 oo No. 219 B.—Forehand & Wadsworth.—Single gun for duck and trap shooting, top lever, double bolt, Pistol grip, patent fore end, rebounding lock, checked heel plate, nickel-plated frame, 10 gauge, 30 to 32 inch, 9 to 10 lbs. weight, choke bored, plain steel barrel................................................................. 19 00 No. 222 B.—Same as No. 219 B, with fine twLt barrel........................................ 22 00 No. 218 B.—American Arms Company.—Single semi-hammerless breech-loading gun, top lever, pistol grip, patent fore end, fine twist barrel, 12 bore, 30 to 32 inch, 5 to fi lbs., choke bored $18 00 No. 220 B.—Same as No. 218 B, 10 bore, 30 to 32 inch, 8^to 9i‘lbs....................... 20 00 We have listed above those single breech-loading guns, which we consider best value for the money. We, however, keep constantly on hand all makes ol single guns, including .1. Stevens Co.’s, Remington's, Rupertus’, American, Standard, and others, which we will always be pleased to supply at iuar. u-faeturers’ prices. Forehand & Wadsworth Single Breech-Loading* Gun, No. 219.—Forehand «V Wadsworth. —Single gun. No. 205 B. AMERICAN ARMS COMPANY SINGLE SEMI-HAMMERLESS GUNJ. PALMER O’NEIL & CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 7 ENGLISH BREECH-LOADING CENTRAL FIRE DOUBLE GUNS, 12 Gauge. 10 Gauge No. 321 B.—Will. Moore A Co.—Side lever, back action locks, low set hammers, tine twist barrels, oiled walnut stock, spring triggers, checked grip and fore end, 10 and 12 gauge. 12 gauge weigh from 7$ to 84 lbs., 10 gauge from 84 to 94 lbs $21. 00 $23. 00 No. 323 B.—Same as No. 321 B., with rebounding locks $23. 00 $25 .00 No. 325 B.—Will. Moorr A Co.—Side lever, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, fine twist barrels, oiled walnut stock, spring triggers, checked grip and fore end, 10 and 12 gauge. The 12 gauge weigh from 74 to ^2 lbs., the 10 gauge from 84 to 94 lbs 25 00 27 50 No. 330 lb—Win. Arden.—Same style as No. 325 B., with pistol grip stock, and better finished.................................................................... $30 00 $32 50 No. 333 B.—J. R. Evans.—Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, with low set hammers, pistol grip stock, patent fore cud, line twist barrels, heavy at breech, 30 to 32 inch barrels, 10 and 12 gauge. The 12 gauge weigh from 74 to 8^ lbs., the 10 gauge from 8 to 10 lbs............................. $32.50 $35 .00 We can furnish any of the above guns, choke bored, for $5.00 additional. No. 335 B Win. Arden.—Top lever, double bolt, extension rib fastening, dove-tailing into the solid breech, bar rebounding locks, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, laminated steel barrels, choke bored, lock plates and frame well engraved and finished, 30 to 32 inch barrels, 10 and 12 gauge. The 12 gauge weigh from 74 to 9 lbs, the 10 gauge from 84 to 10 lbs...........$35 .00 $37 .50 No. 340 B.— Will. Arden.— top lever, double bolt, extension rib, pistol grip, fence percussion, patent fore end, solid strikers. (The lumps in this gun extend through the frame, making a very strong breech fastening.) Fine laminated steel or Damascus barrels, 30 and 32 inch long, 10, 12 and 16 gauge. The 16 gauge weigh from 6 to 7 lbs., the 12 gauge from 74 to 9 lbs., and the 10 gauge from 9 to 10 lbs.......................... $40. 00 $ 45. 00 No. 350 B.—Same as No. 340 B.—More engraving and better finish throughout................. $50.00 $55 .00 No. 325. SIDE LEVER, Bar LOCK. REPRESENTS No. 340 B.C.G. BONEHILL’S Breech-loading Double Barreled Huns. Represents No. 445 B 12 Gauge. 10 Gauge. No. 4 if) B.—C. G. Bonehill. —top lever, direct double bolted cam action, with lumps extending through the frame, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, large head gilt strikers, Damascus barrels, pistol grip, patent fore end, scroll fence percussion, tip and toe butt plate, choke bored..........................$45 00 $50 00 No. 450 B.—C. G. Konriiill.—Same as 445 B, but with extension rib.......................... 50 00 55 00 No. 455 B.—€. G. Bonehill “Challenge (inn.”—Top lever, double bolt, through lumps, extension rib, pistol grip, patent fore end, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, (lying below line of sight when gun is cocked,) solid head, gilt plated plungers, line Damascus barrels, handsome dark oiled walnut stock, horn heel plate; handsomely engraved and finished, choke bored; patterns furnished with gun when desired................................ 55 00 60 00 No. 475 B.—C. G* Bonehill’s Treble Wedge Fast.—Top lever, double bolt, extension rib dove-tailing into solid breech, pistol grip stock, with horn heel plate, patent fore end, extra quality Damascus barrels, highly engraved and finished, very handsome gun, 30 and 32 inch barrels, either full choke, modified choke, or cylinder bore, or one barrel choke and other cylinder, 10 and 12 gauge. The 12 gauge weigh from 7^ to 9 lbs., the 10 gauge from 8$ to 10 lbs, 75 00 85 00No. 580 B.—CLABROUGH’S TREBLE WEDGE GUN No. 552 II.—P. (iubroilgli & Bro’s.—Top lever, double bolt, extension rib, pistol ioGauKe grip, patent fore end, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, large bead plungers, scroll fence percussion, fine laminated steel barrels, finely engraved and finished, 10, 12 and 16 gauge, 28 to 82 inches $52 50 $55 00 No. 570 B.—J. P. ( labroiigh & Bro’s.—Same as No. 552 B, with better stock, more engraving, better finish throughout, choke bored......................... 70 00^ 75 00 No. 580 B.—,1. P. Cluhrough A Bro’s.—Treble wedge fast action, with Scott’s top lever and double bolt, fine Damascus barrels, pistol grip, patent lore end and all improvements, choke bored, 10, 12 and 16 gauge. 16 gauge weigh from 6 to 7 lbs.; the 12 gauge weigh from 6^ to 9 lbs.; the 10 gauge weigh from 9 to 12 lbs................................................... 80 00 85 00 No. 1110 B.—J. P. (’labroiigh & Bro’s.—Treble wedge fast action, selected locks, barrels and stocks, finest gun throughout.................................................. 110 00 115 00 No. 680 B.—J. P. (’Inhroiigli Hnmmerless Gun.—We recommend this as the best 12Gau«e- ioG*uge. and simplest of all the hammerless guns for a moderate price; operates the easiest, and is the least liable to get out of order. The hammers can l>e let down without snapping, by simply pressing the triggers and closing the barrels. 'This gun has Scott’s patent double bolt top action, extension rib, pistol grip, choke bore, patent fore end, and all improvements. The hammers are cocked, and triggers locked automatically by opening the gun. The safety bolt is on top of the grip immediately in the rear of the lever, and is so arranged that the shooter can slide the l>olt off of safety by a slight movement of the thumb. These guns have Damascus barrels, and are choke bored on the most approved system. They are made 10 and 12 gauge, 80 and 32 inch barrels. The 12 gauge weigh from 7 to 8i lbs., and the 10 gauge from 9£ to 10* lbs. $125 00 $130 0010 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. W. & C. SCOTT & SONS’ Central Fire, Double Barreled Breech-Loading Buns. patent fore end, bar rebounding locks, Damascus barrels, 10, 12 and 16 gauge, weight of 16 gauge from 6 to 7 lbs., weight of 12 gauge from 7^ to 8^ lbs., weight of 10 gauge from 8 to 10 lbs......................$ 60 00 8 65 00 No. 685 B.—Top lever, double bolt, extension rib, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, (lying below the line of sight when cocked,) solid strikers, patent fore end, pistol grip, horn heel plate, Damascus barrels, full choke, handsomely engraved and finished................................... 95 00 I DO 00 No. 6,100 B.—Same as No. 685 B, 10 gauge, 10 to 11 lbs. weight, extra close choke... Km no No. 6,130 B.—Same as No. 685 B, elaborately engraved and finished..................... 125 00 130 00 No. 6,165 B.—Top lever, double bolt, extension rib, circle pointed through lumps, patent fore end, pistol grip, horn heel plate, handsome dark curled walnut stocks, fine quality Damascus barrels, full choke, elaborately engraved and finished, either with hammers or-hammerless 165 00 175 00 No. 6,300 B.—Premier Quality*—Any action desired, all improvements, liest materials throughout, either hammerless or with hammers .................................. 300 00 315 00 This C ut represents No. 6,165, with Hammers. No. 660.—W. C. Scot! & Sous' special grade, top lever, double bolt, pistol grip,J. PALMER O’NEIL & CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 11 Colt’s Breech-Loading Central Fire Double (fan. All these guns have top lever, bar rebounding locks and patent lever fore end fastening. LATEST PRICES. 12 Gange. 10 Gauge. Twist barrel, straight walnut stock, plain finish, 28 to 32 inch, 7£ to 10 lbs...............$50 00 $65 00 Same as above, with half pistol grip 55 00 70 00 Fine twist barrels, straight walnut stock, checked and line engraving, 7^ to 8^ lbs 55 00 70 00 Same as one just above, with half pistol grip........................... 60 00 75 00 Laminated barrels, straight walnut stock, checked and line engraving, 7£ to 8£ lhs. .... 60 00 75 00 Same as one just above, with half pistol grip........................... 65 00 80 00 Laminated barrels, straight walnut stock, checked and neatly engraved, 7^ to Sk lbs.... 70 00 85 00 Same as one just above, with half pistol grip........................... 75 00 90 00 THE NEW REMINGTON SHOT GUNS. Tins new Remington gun has top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, direct solid plungers, pistol grip, patent fore end, choke bored and is a thoroughly reliable, clean killing weapon. 10 & 12 Uauge, 8 to 8% lbs. 10 Gauge, to 10 lbs. No. 745.—A merican walnut stock, pistol grip, checked, decarbonized steel barrels, choke bored, bar rebounding locks, case hardened frame and trimmings..........$45 00 $55 00 No. 760.—Better quality stock, fine twist barrels, pistol grip, better finish throughout... 60 00 70 00 No. 785.—English walnut stock, Damascus or laminated steel barrels, pistol grip, fine bar rebounding locks, handsomely engraved and finished..................... 85 00 95 00 No. 765.—Double gun, one barrel rifle, either 38, 40, 44 or 45 calibre, as desired, and one shot barrel, either 10 or 12 gange, decarbonized steel barrels, bar rebounding locks 65 0012 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. The Parker Breech-Loading Gentral Fire Double Gun. THE NEW PARKER SHOT GUN. . * 12 Gauge. 10 Gauge. Fine Damascus steel barrels, fine American walnut stock,cheeked and engraved,pistol grip.$80 00 $85 00 Ditto, without pistol grip....................................................... 75 00 80 00 Fine English twist barrels, line American walnut stock, no engraving, pistol grip 65 00 70 00 Ditto, without pistol grip........................................................ 60 00 65 00 Plain twist barrels, no engraving, pistol grip.................................................. 55 00 60 00 Ditto, with straight grip......................................................... 50 00 55 00 Finer grades up to $300.00. Please note that all Parker guns in above list have patent fore end without extra charge. 16 gauge Parker guns cost $15.00 more than 12 gauge of same grade. On all Parker guns with lifter action as shown in above cut, we allow a discount of 15 per cent, on above prices in all eases where cash accompanies the order. This new Parker gun has top lever, extension rib, solid head plungers, nickel plated to prevent corrosion, and is made with a patent check hook and pin which sustains the weight of the barrels when the gun is open, thus preventing any strain upon the hinge pin, making the gun very durable and strong. 12 Guuge. 10 Gauge. Fine Damascus steel barrels, fine American stock, cheeked and engraved, pistol grip... .$80 00 $85 00 Ditto, with straight grip............................................................... 75 00 80 00 Fine English twist barrels, fine American stock, no checking or engraving, pistol grip.. 65 00 70 00 Ditto, with straight grip........................................................... 60 00 65 00 Plain twist barrels, no checking or engraving, pistol grip....................................... 55 00 60 00 Ditto, with straight grip................................*. fto 00 55 00 Finer grades up to $300.00. TOP LEV Eli ACTION. LIFTER ACTION.BAKER BREECH-LOADING DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN. All Baker guns are choke bored, have rebounding locks, extension rib and patent fore end. PRICES. Quality A.— English twist barrels, 10 or 12 gauge, black walnut stock,checked grip and fore end.$45 00 Quality A.—With pistol grip......................................................... 50 00 Quality It. —Damascus or laminated steel barrels, 10 or 12 gauge, black walnut stock, pistol grip checked, border engraved.............................................. GO 00 Quality ('. —Same as Quality B.—Selected stock, more engraving, better finish throughout 80 00 Finer grades furnished to order up to $200.00. THE 33 A KER Three Barrel Rifle and Shot Sun Quality No. 1.—English twist shot barrels, 10 or 12 gauge, choke bored, rifle barrel, 44 calibre, using either long or short central fire cartridge, black walnut stock,...........$ 75 00 Quality No. 2.—Same as Quality No. 1.—With fine Damascus or laminated shot barrels, pistol grip stock, well finished and engraved 100 00 Finer qualities of Baker three barrel guns furnished up to $200.00. Five dollars extra for pistol grip on No. 1 three barrel gun. Ten dollars extra for any length exceeding 30 inch on three barrel guns. The 10 gauge double barrel guns weigh from 8£ to H lbs. The 12 gauge double barrel guns weigh from 8 to 9 lbs. The three barrel guns weigh from 9 to 10^ 11m. J. PALMER O’NEIL & CO., G8 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 1314 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. EXTRA HEAVY DUCK AND TRAP GUNS. Represents Nos. 4 and 5, D. & T. WE would call the attention of those who desire to purchase extra heavy Guns for Duck or Trap Shooting to the following list, in which will be found descriptions and prices of heavy single Muzzle-loading Guns, heavy single Breech-loading guns, heavy double Muzzle-loading Guns, and heavy double Breech-loading Guns. The Guns described on this page are made to stand heavy charges, and are choked for long range shooting. No. 1, I). A' T.—Heavy single muzzle-loading gun; real twist barrel, patent breech, steel tube, percussion fence, 32 to 36 inch barrel, 10 or 12 gauge, weight 8 to 9 lbs., choke bored, $ ]8 00 No. 2, I). A T.—Heavy double muzzle-loading gun ; laminated steel barrels, patent breech. percussion fence, bar locks, steel tubes, oiled walnut stock, 32 and 36 inch barrels, 8 or 10 gauge, weight 9 to 12 lbs., choke bore,............................ 28 00 No. 3, D. A T.—Heavy single breech-loading gun; fine twist barrel, rebounding lock, top lever, double bolt, pistol grip, patent fore end, oiled walnut stock, 10 gauge, 30 to 34 inch, choke bore, 9 to 12 lbs.............................................. 22 00 No. 4, 1). A T.—Heavy double breech-loading gun; fine laminated steel barrels, bar rebounding locks, top lever, double bolt, extension rib, pistol grip, patent fore end, horn heel plate, 10 gauge, 30 to 34 inch, 10 to 11 lbs., choke l>orc........................................ 55 00 No. 5, D. A T.—Heavy-double breech-loading gun ; fine laminated steel barrels, top lever, double bolt extension rib, pistol grip, patent fore end, horn heel plate, 8 gauge, 34 to 36 inch, weight 12 to 15 lbs., choke l>ore, made by J. P. Cln-brough A Bro | ] 5 00J. PALMER O’NEIL A CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 15 WESTLEY RICHARDS & CO.’S HAMMERLESS GUN. This gun possesses some entirely new features, and will be found superior to any other hammerless gun. The lock mechanism is very simple and strong, containing only four pieces. In this lock the swivel, which is the weakest part in the ordinary lock, is entirely dispensed with. These guns are made with the Anson A Deeley Patent Automatic Safety Bolt so constructed that the triggers are firmly locked whenever the lever is moved to open or close the gun, thus effectually preventing any possibility of accidental or premature discharge. The guns of Westley Richards & Co., have always been of the highest quality, and although the firm has been manufacturing fire arms for over half a century, it is successfully claimed they have never turned out a poor gun. The breech fastening in this gun is the strongest and most durable to-day in use, and will never become loose or shaky no matter how long it is used. We recommend all sportsmen who can afford the luxury of a perfect gun to purchase Westley Richards’. They are made in four qualities only, viz: “ C ” Quality, no engraving ; u C” Quality, engraved ; “ B ” Quality and “ Highest Quality.” DESCRIPTION AND PRICES. 12, 14, 16* »> Gauge. No. 1, “C” Quality.—No engraving, top lever bolt, with Westley Richards’ patent solid steel extension rib fastening, dove-tailing into the solid breech, best quality laminated steel barrels, full choke, modified choke, or cylinder bore as preferred, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, automatic safety bolt, case hardened frame and body......................... .. .$200 00 $215 00 No. 2, “ C ” Quality.—E ngraved, same as No. 1, stock finished with horn heel plate. 250 00 265 00 No. :i, “B” Quality. —Top lever bolt, with Westley Richards’ patent solid steel extension rib fastening, dove tailing into the solid breech, Fine Damascus Barbels, full choke, modified choke, or cylinder bore as desired, selected curl walnut stock, with horn heel plate, pistol grip, patent fore end, automatic top safety bolt and all improvements, handsomely engraved and finished 300 00 315 00 No. 4.—Highest Quality, best gun made, same as “ B ” Quality, with more engraving, solid gold cap on pistol grip, and very highly finished throughout, 400 00 415 00 We furnish these Guns in all gauges and weights from stock on hand, or will have made to special order without extra charge. Time required on special orders about four months, order to l>e accompanied with a deposit of $50.00. We can also have these guns made to special order with two sets barrels fitted to same stock at an additional cost of from 25 to 33 per cent.ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. IMPLEMENTS FOR BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUNS. LOADERS. No. lit.—Black walnut rammer and base, with steel needle for uncapping 8 25 No. 17.—Black walnut rammer with steel uncapping needle and niekle plated wad starter, 10 and 12 gauge........ 50 No. 29.—Cartridge loader, Barclay pattern, with inside spring, brass, box-wood handles, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge 1 25 No. 30.—Same as No. 29, nickel plated........................ I 75 BENCH CLOSERS, CARTRIDGE CRIMPERS. No. 29. Bii relay Loader. No. “ C.”—Plain shell crimper without expelling pin, 10 and 12 gauge, ... 81 00 No. I.— Bronze and light trimming, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge 1 60 No. 2.— Bobtail pattern, adapted for screwing fast to benches................................. 1 75 No. 1103.—Red Japan, brass and ebony trimming, with expelling pin, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge, 2 00 No. 1100.—Patent straight leed closer. This closer crimps any length of shell without binding or warping. Red Japan, brass, with Cocobolo handle, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge..... 2 50 No. 1203.—Made by James Dixon A Sons, England, extra quality, 10 and 12 gauge.................. 5 00 No 17. Loader and Rammer. No. IIOO. Straight Line Closer.No. 15. —Loading Plug, with steel cap extracting needle $ 25 No. 1180. —Recapper only, bronze finish, very compact, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge............... 50 No. 1180]. —Recapping only, suitable for all primers, red Japan finish, 10, 12, 14 and 16 gauge.. 75 No. 1182 H.—Hunter’s Recapper, polished steel finish, 10 and 12 gauge......................... 1 00 No. 1181. —Horseley Pattern, plain finish. (This machine both caps and decaps) 1 50 No. 118*2. Horseley Pattern, same as No. 1181, better finish...... 2 25 No. 1183 N.—Horseley Pattern, same as No. 1182, niekle plated finish. 3 00 No. 1184. —Remington Pattern, decaps and recaps, an excellent tool............................. 1 00 Shell Cutters and Extractors. No. 1124.—Shell Cutter, with loading rod, square blade, nickel plated, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge. .$1 50 No. 1173.—Ring Shell Extractor, nickel plated, 10, 12, 14 and 16 gauge....................... 50 No. 1175.—Hook Shell Extractor, nickel, 10 and 12 gauge......................................... 50 No. 1170—Ring Shell Extractor, with screw for recapping, nickel plated, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge........................................................................... 75 No. 117.—Parker’s Pattern, combination. This tool can he used as a capper, shell extractor, and screw driver ; it is very complete and useful; 10 and 12 gauge................. 1 00 No. 118.—Same as No. 117, with handle....................................................... 1 50 No. 1175.—Hook Shell Extractor. No. 1173. King Shell Extractor No. 1183 N.-Horseley Pattern. No. 1180, Capper. RECAPPERS AND CAP EXTRACTORS. BREECH-LOADING IMPLEMENTS-Continued. J. PALMER O’NEIL A CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 1718 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. POWDER AND SHOT MEASURE. No. 1114.—Combination Powder and Shot Measure, walnut handle, nickel plated howl, mea- sures powder charge from 2] drams to 5 drams and shot charge from I oz. to 15 oz....................................................................$ 50 No. 23 C.—With boxwood handle and better finish, measures same charges.............. 75 No. 1107 B.—Dixon’s Standard Combined Powder and Shot Measure, German silver bowl and trimmings, ebony handle. 2] to 3] drams powder, 1 to 1] oz. shot........ 1 110 No. 1107 BL.—Same as No. 1107 B, measures from 3 to 5<» drams powder, and 1^ to 2] oz. shot. 1 25 •No. 1107 BS.—Same as No. 1107 BL, measures from 2 to 3 drams powder, and from ^ oz. to 1] oz. shot................................................................ 1 00 No. 1106.—(Shot measure only,) Dixon’s Standard Shot Measure, box wood handle, measuring 1 to 1] oz 75 No. 1108.—(Powder measure only,) ebony handle, nickel plated bowl and trimmings, 4 to 6 drams................................................................... 1 00 No. 1109.—(Powder onl}',) ebony handle, nickle plated howl and trimmings, 5 to 8 drams.... 1 25 Xo. 90. Flesh wood, 3 Jointed Rod, brass trimmings and implements $ 90 No. 301.—Madeira wood, 3 jointed, brass trimmings and implements.............................. | 25 No. 303.___Ebony finished, 3 jointed, brass trimmings and implements.......................... I 50 No. 304.___Ebony finished, 3 jointed, nickel trimmings and implements......................... I 75 No. 305. Lance wood, 3 jointed, nickel trimmings and implements.............................. 2 00 Xo. 221____Cocobolo wood, 3 jointed, Orion trimmings and implements........................... 2 50 Xo. 325.___Ebony wood, 3 jointed, nickel trimmings and implements............................. 3 00 Xo. 334.___Cocobolo wood, extra heavy, 3 jointed, Orion trimmings and implements.............. f 00 Any of above Hods furnished in two joints at same prices. The implements mentioned in this list includes wool washing swab, wire scratch brush, slotted wiper and wormer as shown in the above cuts. •No. Illl.').—:< .lointfil Cleaninir Ko No. 242 N.—Bristol Brush, brass, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge...................................................... 1 0020 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PH ICE LIST Telescopic Trunk. No. 66. Made of solid sole leather, with heavy iron frame and corners, locked by means of lock buckles on stout straps, with case inside complete to fit any gun . Tray in top to keep linen from other clothing ; will carry shells and outfit for extended hunting trip; the contents being always held firmly in place makes it a splendid sportsman's and tourist’s trunk When packed to its fullest capacity it is 15 inches high by 15 inches wide, length 30 or 32 inches, as ordered. ' Prick, $26.00. Leather Loop Cartridge Belt, No. 80. Canvas Cartridge Bag. No. 3. Low Gun Case, No. 40. Closed. Leather Victoria Gun Case, No. 50. Boat Cartridge Box, No. 91. Sole Leather Ammunition Case, No 98. No. 5, A. M. Anson Mills’ Woveu Cartridge Belt. Canvas, Full Length, Gun Case, No. 60. Leather, Full Length, Gun Case, No. 52GUN, RIFLE AND AMMUNITION GASES. Trunk Shaped Cases. No. 45.—Covered with heavy water-proof canvas, open ends, nickel plated corners, sliding trays for barrels and stock. A light, handy case, $4 50 No. 41.—Same as No. 45, except covered with extra heavy water-proof canvas, and hound on the ends with angle iron ................................... 5 00 No. 44.—Second quality, same as No. 40, except made of lighter leather, and not so highly finished 8 25 No. 40.—Sole leather, nickel plated corners, barrels placed hack of stock.......................... 9 00 No. 36.—Second quality, same as No. 35, except made of lighter leather, iron frame, and not so highly finished............................... 10 50 No. 35.—Good quality sole leather case, made of extra heavy leather, nickel plated corners, steel frame, with compartments in cover holding sev>- enty-five shells.............................. 13 50 No. 39.—Extra line sole leather, steel frame, double handles, excelsior lock, lined with billiard cloth, space for shells in cover, finest American case... 20 00 No. 66.—Thomson’s sole leather telescopic trunk, heavy iron frame and corners, locked by means of lock buckles on stout straps, with case inside complete, to fit any gun ; tray in top to keep linen from other clothing ; will carry shells ami outfit for extended hunting trip ; the contents being al ways held firmly in place, makes it a splendid sportsman’s or tourist's trunk. When packed to its fullest capacity, it is 15 inches high by 15 inches wide ; length 30 or 32 inches, as ordered.... 26 00 No. 65 E.—Rest quality English sole leather, low case, with patent spring lock, compartments for complete set of implements, lined throughout with billiard cloth 35 00 No. 75 E.—Same as No. 65 E, with brass corners, and tan canvas cover over case. Best outfit made, 50 00 Victoria Shape Leather and Canvas Cases. No. 0.—Canvas cover, Victoria shape, barrels under stock, with handle...............................$ 1 00 No 64.—Same as No. 0, made of heavy water proof canvas, lined with flannel, bound with leather... 1 50 No. 40 V.—Best quality water-proof canvas, Victoria style, barrels under stock, bound with leather, lined throughout..............*.................. 2 00 No. 45 V.—Best, quality water-proof canvas, Victoria style, barrels under stock, bound and tipped with bridle leather, with sling strap and j>ocket holding three-jointed cleaning rod, or twenty-five loaded shells .'... 3 50 No. 50.—Victoria style, barrels under stock, made of heavy bridle leather $ 5 50 No. 51.—Same as No. 50, with pocket added to hold three joint cleaning rod 6 00 No. 55 E.—Same as No. 51, made of heavy bridle leather, with sling strap and pocket holding three-jointed cleaning rod, or twenty-five loaded shells, extra quality.................................... 6 50 Full Lfiigtli 11 ilk and Shot (inn Cases. No. 63.—Heavy water-proof canvas, with handle, to fit 28 to 34 inch barrels..................... 1 00 No. 60.—Extra heavy water-proof canvas, with handle, lined with, flannel, bound with leather... 1 50 No. 73 It.—Heavy water-proof canvas, full length rifle cover, lined with flannel, tipped and bound with bridle leather, sling strap and swivels, made to fit rifle with 22 to 34 inch barrel. In ordering this case, please state length of barrel......... 2 00 No. 73 R. L.—Made of heavy bridle leather, with handle, and sling adapted to Winchester, Marlin, and other repeating rifles, 22 to 34 inch barrel. . 8 00 No. 56—Creedmoor rifle case made of heavy sole leather, all in one piece, crimped to form over block, with sling and handle, loops for cleaning rods, pockets for sights and name plate.......... 10 50 Ammunition Cases. No 87.—Made of heavy sole leather, lock handle and straps, divisions to separate shells, holds 300 rounds...........................................$ 7 00 No. 88.—Same as No. 87, holds 200 rounds.......... 6 00 No. 89.—Same as No. 87, except covered with heavy water-proof canvas, holds 300 rounds 4 50 No. 90.—Same as No. 89, to hold 200 rounds 4 00 No. 91.—Boat cartridge box, solid leather, tin lined, holds 200 rounds, especially adapted for battery and blind shooting 6 00 No.-92.—Same as No. 91, without tin lining 5 00 No. 93.—Trap shooter’s ammunition case, made of solid leather, nickel plated spring lock, holds 50 rounds 4 00 No. 95. —Sole leather, Creedmoor rifle ammunition case, holds 80 rounds, divided into eight compartments, beside space for bullets, tools, wipers, &c. 0 00 No. 98.—Sole leather rifle ease, holds 50 rounds, space for bullets, tools, Ac 4 00 CARTRIDGE BAGS AND BELTS. Cartridge Hags. No. 1.—Tan canvas cartridge hag, leather trimmings, shoulder strap and outside p cket, made in three sizes, for 50, 75 and 100 shells....$ t 00 No. 3.—Best quality tan canvas Cartridge bag, water-proof, with shoulder strap and two pockets, made in three sizes, holding 50, 75 and 100 shells 2 00 Sliot Gun Cartridge Belts. No. 00.—Canvas cartridge belt, with leather trim mings, holding 16 shells, 10, 12 and 16 gauge....$ 50 No. 0.—Canvas cartridge belt, with shoulder strap, better quality, holding 25 shells............ 75 No. 1.—Leather cartridge belt, shoulder strap, lined, holding 32 cartridges $ 1 00 No. 80.—Leather loop belt, with shoulder to prevent cartridge from falling through, lined and stitched, with strap to go over shoulder............. 2 00 Bitie Cartridge Belts. No. 3 R. B.—Plain leather russet or black, with loops, adapted to rifle or pistol cartridges, 32. 38, 40. 44, 45 and 50 calibre $ 1 25 No. 4 R. B.—Same as No. 3 R. B, better quality, nickel plated buckle................................. 1 75 No. 5 A. M.—Anson Mills woven cartridge belt, adapted to all sizes of rifle or shot gun cartridges, 2 00ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. WINCHESTER METALLIC SHOT SHELL. WINCHESTER PAPER SHOT SHELL. IF IF, X C E S WINCHESTER METALLIC SHOT SHELLS, 10, 12, 14, 16 or 20 gauge, in Boxes containing 25 Shells, using Winchester Primer No. 2. 24, 2T9B and 2& inch long, per box, 25 shells.$ 2 50 2| to 3 inch, per box, 25 shells................. 3 00- Remington's, 10, 12, 16 or 20 gauge, using Berdan primer, in boxes containing 2 doz. shells, with primer and reprimer, per box. 3 50 20 shells, without reprimer, per box............. 2 40 By the 100.................................... 10 00 U. M. C. Co.’s Metallic Shell. Sturtevant pat. movable anvil, (using C. P. B. L. cap,) in boxes containing 20 shells, 10, 12, 14, 16 or 20 gauge, 2] to 2f inch long,$ 3 00 Do, do. 2| to 3^ inch long, 2 50 Berdan patent, using Berdan primer, in boxes containing 20 shells, 10, 12, 14, 16, or 20 gauge, 2] to 2$ inch long 2 40 Berdan patent, using Berdan primer, in boxes containing 20 shells, 10, 12, 14, 16, or 20 gauge, 2f to 3£ inch long............... 3 00 For 8 gauge shells, any of the above make, ad keg..............’................. 2 50 25 “ 7 00 Orange Ducking, Nos. 1 to 5. 1 fine, 5 coarse. 1 lb canisters 1 00 64 tb keg........................ 4 25 Orange Lightning, Nos. 1 to 7. 1 fine, 7 coarse. Put up only in I lb canisters 1 25 Trade Supplied at Manufacturers* Trices. We also keep constantly on hand a full line of Curtis er llux IVr of 260. 1,000. Eley Bros, pink edge, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge.....................................$ 40 $1 40 Eley Bros, pink edge, 9, 10 A. 11 gauge 50 1 75 Eley Bros, pink edge, 8 gauge........ 60 2 15 Eley Bros, grey edge, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge..............* 25 8(1 Eley Bros, grey edge, 9,10 & 11 gauge 30 I 00 Eley Bros, grey edge, 8 gauge 35 1 15 Baldwin; card, 12, 14 and 16 gauge.. . 25 8u Baldwin, card, 9, 10 and 11 gauge.... 30 1 00 Baldwin, card, 8 gauge............... 35 I 15 ACTUAL SIZE. Eley Bros.’ Thick White Felt Wads, packed in 4 lb bags, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 14, 16 and 20 gauge. Per bag...............................................$ 1 oo By mail to any address upon receipt of price. SHOT.—SOFT, CHILLED, AND TIN-COATED, AT MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Eley's Rest Quality three-eiirlith inch Thirk W hite Felt Wads.J. PALMER O’NEIL & CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 23 Shooting Hat, No. 14. Solo Hat, No. 15. HUNTING BOOTS AND SHOES. No. 20.—Special, oil finished, water tight, grain leather shoe, made with broad heavy soles, and low heel, hob nails on heel and sole, laced in front with hooks, English style water-tight tongue $ 7 50 No. 22.—Same as No. 20, except made of black leather-no hob nails—for street use as well as hunting purposes...................................................... 8 00 No. 26.— Hoot.—This boot combines all the advantages of a top boot, with the ease in getting off and 011, and the comfort in wearing of a laced shoe; is watertight to the top, and cannot run down, as it is held up over the swell of the calf by buckle and strap. They are made with broad Scotch soles and low broad heels; hob nails 011 heel and ball—made of best English grain leather, oil-finished and water-proofed, either in red or black, with or without hob nails, as ordered.................................................................... 14 00 Leather I.eggins, to buckle, No. 30. RUBBER GOODS. Sportsmen’s rubber coats, dead gra--s color; si/es 1 to 6, (l small, 6 large,) $ 6 00 Light weight rubber boots, short top, 53-5°! heavy hip, 6 00 Rubber hats and caps.................................$2.00 to 3 00 Rubber stamps for marking si/e of shot in cartridge, numliered from l to 10, and B and BB, per set.,.. 2 00 Rubber recoil pads $ 1 00 Black serge lined reversible rubber coats, si/es 1 to 6.. 6 00 Mackintosh water-proof reversible coats, short, with game pockets............................................. 20 00 Mackintosh water-proof reversible coats, long, with game jiockels......................................... 25 00 SHOOTING COATS. No. 1.—Shooting coat, light canvas, four outside pockets, and inside game pocket $ 2 00 No. 2.—Shooting coat, same style, better quality canvas, 3 00 No. 4.—Shooting coat, heavy duck, and better made throughout........................................... 5 00 No. 6.—Best quality Water-proof duck...................... 6 00 No. 12.—English corduroy coat, narrow ribbed, eight outside pockets, and new style inside game pockets, 15 00 No. 25.—Best quality corduroy English made, lining and game pockets button in............................ 25 00 SHOOTING PANTS. No. 8.—Light weight canvas $ 2 50 No. 9.—Heavy water-proof canvas......................... 3 50 No. 10. —English corduroy............................... 7 00 SHOOTING VESTS. No. 3.—Light canvas, four large outside pockets $ 3 00 No. 5.—Heavy canvas, with cartridge loop pockets, holding 50 rounds...................................... 5 00 No. 7.—English corduroy, four large outside pockets . 6 00 Corduroy anil velveteen suits, in all shades and weights, made to order in any style desired, from $15.00 to $35.00. Samples of material furnished on application. IN ORDERING SUITS Send breast measure and length of sleeve from middle of back to wr.st, with arm raised and bent, for coat; breast measure for vest; waist and inseam measure for pants; si/e head for hat or cap. _______ Canvas Shooting Coat, No. 6. No. 14.—Shooting hat, (dead grass color,) $ 2 50 No. 15.—Solo hat, (dead grass color,)...................... 2 50 No. 16 —Single visor cap, with havelock..................... 2 50 Water -proof Shoe, No. 20, special. LEGGINS. No. 28.—Best English canvas, leather bound....$6 00 No. 50.—Made of heavy water-proof bag leather, to buckle, button or lace................... 4 00 No. 324.—Made of extra heavy water-proof canvas, to buckle or lace........................... 2 50 No- 33 —Thigh leggin, made of heavy water proof can- vas, bound with leather, lace to knee, buckle R> thigh.................................... 3 50 RULES FOR SELF-MEASUREMENT. Send measurement of largest part of calf, and length of leg from heel to knee.ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. GLASS BALL TRAPS & GLASS BALLS. AGENTS FOR Mole's Improved Rotating Glass Ball Trap. MOLE’S REVOLVING TRAP, The Rest Glass Ball Trap in the Market, and the only one that sells freely, and gives enlire satisfaction. Mole’s Rotating Glass Rail Trap, latest improved, single,. Mole’s Rotating Glass Rail Trap, latest improved, double, $ 9 00 $11 00 Plain Glass Balls, amber or blue, per 1000,. 810 00 LIGOWSKY Weight, 15 Lbs. Height, 18 Inches. Ligowsky Clay Pigeon Trap $10 00 Clay Pigeons, per 1000 20 on Clay Pigeons are packed in barrels containing from 300 to 450 LIGOWSKY CLAY PIGEON TRAP. Pigeons. Clay Pigeon Trap.CLAY PIGEON H IT L K H. PRINCIPAL RULES FOR MATCH Cl.A88 A. Rule I. Traps and Rise.—All matches shall be shot from screened traps. Rise for single 15 yards, and double birds to be 12 yards. In double bird shooting the traps shall be placed 4 to 6 feet apart. The horizontal direction of the flight of bird shall be varied for each consecutive shot. Rule II. The vertical angle of flight shall not exceed 15 degrees. The 4th notch giving maximum velocity shall only be used in matches. Rule III. Bribing & Penalty.—Any competitor or other person bribing, or attempting to bribe, the trapper or puller, or attempting to obtain an unfair advantage in any manner whatsoever,to be disciualified from shooting or sharing in the results of the match. RULE IV. The butt of the gun must be held below the elbow as well as below the arm pit, and must not be put to the shoulder until the shooter has called pull, otherwise the referee shall declare it a lost bird, whether it is hit or missed. Rule V. Size of Gun.—The shooter shall not be allowed to use a gun of larger calibre than that known as No. 10. Rule VI. Rising of Birds.—The shooter, when he is at his mark ready to shoot, shall give the caution “Are you ready?” to the puller, and then call “ Puli'.” Should the trap be pulled without the word being given, the shooter may take the bird or not; but if he fires the bird must be deemed to be taken. If, on the trap being pulled, the bird does not rise three feet high and ten yards distance, it is at the option of the shooter to take it or not; if not, he must declare it by saying “ No bird ”; but should' he fire he must abide by the results. Rule VII. If the gun be not cocked, it is a lost bird. Rule VIII. All birds must be broken in the air to count; that is, the shot must knock an easily perceptible piece o.ut of the clay bird while in the air; otherwise it shall be scored a lost bird. If a bird is shot on the ground it is a lost bird. Rule IX. There shall be 110 restrictions as to the size of shot used, (6 and 7 are recommended 1, or charge of powder (3^ to 4 y2 drams recommended), but the charge of shot shall not exceed 1 ‘4 oz. Dixon measure 1106 or 1107. Anyone using larger quantity of shot shall forfeit all rights in the matches. Rule X. Flight of Birds.—In single shooting, if more than one bird is liberated, the shooter may call “ No bird,” and claim another; but if he shoots he must abide the consequences. In double shooting both birds shall be on the wing when the first is shot at. If but one bird flies, and but one barrel is fired or snapped, the birds shall in no wise be scored, whether hit or missed, but the party shooting shall have two more birds; or if both birds fly and are broken with one barrel he must shoot at two other birds. In Double Shooting, when more than two traps are pulled, the shooter may call “No bird,” and claim two more ; but if he shoots he must abide by the consequences. Rule XI. Ties.—In case of a tie at single birds the distance shall be increased 3 yards, and shall be shot off at five birds. In case of a second tie the distance shall again be increased 3 yards, and this distance shall be maintained till the match is decided. The ties at double bird shooting shall be shot off at 15 yards rise at three pair birds each, and in case of second ties three more pairs each at 18 yards rise, and so on until decided. In all cases both traps must be sprung at the same time. All ties shall be shot off on the same grounds immediately after the match, if they can be concluded before sunset. In case they cannot be concluded by sunset, they shall be concluded 011 the following day, unless otherwise directed by the judges or referee. This, however, shall not prevent the ties from dividing the prizes, if they may all agree to do so. Should one refuse to divide, then it must be shot off. Any one of the ties being absent thirty minutes after the time agreed upon to shoot them off shall forfeit his right to contest for the prize. Rule XII. Time at the Score.—A participant in a match shall hold himself in readiness to come to the score when his name is called by the scorer. If he is longer than five minutes, it shall be discretionary with the referee whether he shall allow him to proceed further in the match or not. Rule XIII. Miss fire.—Should gun miss fire or fail to discharge, from any cause, it shall score as a lost bird, unless the referee finds, upon examination, that the gun was properly loaded, and the miss-fire unavoidable, in which case he shall allow another bird. Rule XIV. Birds and Decision.—If a bird shall fly towards parties within the bounds, in such a manner that to shoot at it would endanger any person, another bird shall be allowed; and, if a bird is shot at within the bounds by any person besides the party at the score, the referee shall decide how it shall be scored, or whether another bird shall be allowed. Rule XV. Loading Guns.—In cjise of breech-loaders the party called to the score shall not place his cartridge in his gun until he arrives at the score. In case of muzzle-loaders the party called to the score shall not place the cap on his gun until he arrives at the score. No one but a contestant has a right to challenge. Rule XVI. Referee.—A referee shall be appointed before the shooting commences. The referee’s decision shall be final. He shall have power to call “ No bird,” in case any bird fails to fly and may allow a contestant another bird in case the latter shall have been interfered with, or may, for any reason satisfactory to the referee, be entitled to it. ADDITIONAL Itl'LES TO PRECEDING PRINCIPAL RULE* FOR CLASS II. IIUHLINGIIAM CL.U1I HULK MATCI1EH, Rule XVII. Rise for single birds, 18 yards. Rise for double birds, 15 yards. Rule XVIII. If the shooter’s gun miss fire with the first barrel and he use the second and miss, the bird is to be scored lost. Rule XIX. If the miss-fire occurs with the second barrel, the shooter having failed to kill with his first, he may claim another bird; but he must fire off the first barrel with a cap on, and a full charge of powder, or in case of a breech-loader, with a blank cartridge, before firing the second. And he must not pull both triggers at the same time. Rule XX. If the shooter advances to the mark and orders the trap to be pulled, and does not shoot, or his gun is not prop-’ erly loaded, or does not go off owing to his own negligence, that bird is to be scored lost. Rule XXI. Should a bird that has been shot at be flying away, and a by-stander fires and brings it down, the referee may, if satisfied the bird would not have fallen by the gun of the shooter, order it to be scored a lost bird ; or if satisfied that the bird would have fallen, may order it to be scored a dead bird; or if in doubt 011 the subject he may order the shooter to shoot at another bird. Rule XXIV. In Double Shooting.— If the shooter’s gun misses fire with the first barrel, he may demand another two birds ;• but if he fires his second barrel, he must abide by the consequences. If the miss-fire occurs with the second barrel, the shooter having killed with his first, he may demand another bird, but can only use one barrel; if he missed with his first barrel, rule 19 will apply. ADDITION TO PRINCIPAL KI7LK8 FOR CLASS C. JIOG AllIlUH’ FIVE Tit A1* CLAY PIGKON MATCH ES. Rule XXV. All matches or sweepstakes shall be shot from five traps, 4 to 6 feet apart, 15 yards rise, measured from the centre trap, with the use of one barrel only, the choice of trap to be decided by the referee by drawing gunwads or throwing dice. RULE XXVI. One man only shall pull the traps holding the five lines in one hand (the left), underneath which the other hand (the right), thus concealed from view, shall pull one (or two for double) of the five lines, leaving the shooter uncertain from which trap the clay pigeon will rise. The trap-puller shall stand from four to six feet behind the shooter. The traps shall be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The referee shall have five gun-wads in his pocket, having numbers upon them corresponding to the numbers on the traps. When the shooter is at the score ready to shoot, the referee shall draw a wad from his pocket or throw a dice, and show the number to the trap-puller. The trap-puller will then say “ Ready,” after which the shooter must call “Pull.” In all cases the trap-puller must pull fair for each shooter. If the trap should be sprung before the shooter has given the word, he can take the bird or not, at his option ; but if he shoots, the bird or birds shall be scored whether hit or not, as the case may be. Rule XXVII. Birds 011 the Wing.—In double shooting, both birds must be on the wing when the first is shot at, and if the other should alight before shot at, if it has gone less than 20 yards, the party shooting shall shoot at two more birds, and if the first bird shot at is missed, and the other alights before being shot at, (if it has flown less than 20 yards), the party shooting shall fire a blank cartridge at the first bird of the next pair, and then shoot at the other bird with the other barrel, or, if both birds fly and are killed with one barrel, he must shoot at two other birds.No. 350 C. G—Boys’ Cadet gun, 25 inch barrel, weight 3 lbs., 38 calibre, breech-loading, length of bayonet, 8 inches, with sling $ 3 50 No. 650 C. G.—Rest quality Cadet gun, length of barrel, 30 to 32 inches, weight 7'] lbs., bar lock, muzzle-loading, length of bayonet 17 inches, with sling........................... fi 50 No. 250 C. G.—Prussian musket, muzzle-loading, 12 bore rifled, 42 inch barrel, weight 9| lbs., length of bayonet 17 inches, with sling............................................ 2 50 Special discount on club orders. No 1012. Half stocked muzzle-loading rifles, brown barrel, double trigger, ribbed, brass mount- ing, varnished maple stock $12 00 No 1013.—Same style as No. 1012, with oval patch box................................................ 13 00 No. 1015.— Half stocked muzzle-loading rifle, brown barrel solid breech or lump on barrel, with vent screw instead of plug and nipple, donbie triggers, ribbed, brass mounting, varnished maple stock, bullet mould, well fitted, and ball screw on end of ramrod 15 00 No. 1016________Same as No. 1015, with patent breech and oval patch box.............................. 16 00 No. 1020. Half stocked muzzle-loading rifle, patent breech, German silver mounting, round cheek piece, raised sight, bolt loop and escutcheons 20 00 No. 1025._Same style as No. 1020, with fine curled maple stock, standard steel barrel, German silver mounting, muzzle turned down for starter, made in superior style, long and round balls, raised sight, fine set triggers 25 00 No. 1035. Double muzzle-loading rifle, over and under iron barrels, well put together, patent breech, set triggers, curled maple stock, brastf mounting, patch box and well finished, 35 00 No. 1040.____Same as 1035, German silver mounting, standard style barrels, fine set triggers, fine locks, two ramrods, well ribbed, and finished in good style 40 00 No. 1030. Double muzzle-loading rifle and shot gun combined, over and under barrels ; shot gun 12 to 16 gauge, rifie 60 to 150, or smaller if desired 32 50 MUZZLE-LOADING RIFLES. CADET AND DRILLING GUNS.Loug Range Creedmoor Model, using Straight Shell. Shot by the American Teams at Creedmoor and Dolly Mount. Sighted up to 1,500 yards. E. REMINGTON & SONS’ NEW MODEL RIFLE. 44 Calibre, Long Range Creedmoor .—Pistol grip, oiled walnut stock, witli Vernier wind gauge, sights and spirit level complete......................................................$85 00 Finer Grades up to $150. 40 Calibre, Mid Range.—Pistol grip, oiled walnut stock, combination peep and open rear and Beach combination front sight, 28 inch barrel......................................... 31 00 40 Calibre, Hunters’ or Sporting.—Pistol grip, oiled walnut slock, plain open sights, 28 inch barrel................................................................................ 26 00 45 Calibre Western Rifle.—Using U. S. Government 45 calibre centre lire cartridges, pistol grip, oiled walnut stock, plain open sights, 28 inch barrel 27 00 All the above Kitles have the New Remington Breech system, using central tire ammunition, and are chambered for the straight everlasting shell. Indian Police Model.—Plain walnut stock, military finish, with swivels for sling, 24 inch barrel. .$22 00 Hunters' or Sporting Model.—A finish, plain, open sights, 24] inch barrel................... 27 00 Hunters’ or Sporting Model.—B finish, plain, open sights, 24] inch barrel, half octagon barrel, pistol grip, stock checked....................................................... 35 00 Hunters’or Sporting Model,—with combination sights extra.................................... 5 oo E. Remington & Sons' New Magazine Rifle. J. PALMER O’NEIL ’> Pistol Grip Off Hand. —Marlin’s short graduated peep and wind gauge sights, modified Swiss pattern, hand-made polished selected stock, pistol grip, regulation weight and trigger pull, for 200 to 500 yards target shooting, using everlasting shells, 38-50 and 40-63, 28 inch and 30 inch 70 00 LONG RANGE CREEDMOOR No. 7 Lout: Range Creedmoor Rifle.—Half octagon barrel, 34 inches long, Marlin’s improved Vernier peep sight, graduated to 1,300 yards, wind gauge, with spirit level, bead and aperture disks, morocco sight case, band made, pistol grip stock, full checkered, regulation weight and trigger pull, fine handled wiping rod, using everlasting shells, 44 calibre. 100 grains powder...............................................................$75 00 No 7, A 1, Long Range Creedmoor Rifle.—Rigby barrel, finely engraved, extra handsome Eng-’ lish walnut stock, rubber butt plate, regulation weight and trigger pull, every part made with the greatest possible care, using the new thin everlasting shells, 45 calibre, 100 grains powder 90 00 BALLARD RIFLE. 40-63 30 i inch 10 lbs. 40-63 32 u 11 u 40-90 30 44 44 40-90 32 44 1H 44 - 45 Gov. 30 4; 10 44 45 “ 32 44 11 44 45-100 30 Li 11 44 45-100 32 44 12 44 30 inch $30 00 32 “ “ Pacific.” No. r».REPEATING RIFLES. The 38 calibre Winchester ltitle is intended to meet the demand for a small bore repeating rifle, suitable for small game and glass ball shooting. The cartridge contains 40 grains of powder and 160 of lead, shooting accurately up to 260 yards. Set triggers.................................................................................................$4 00 Graduated rear peep sight.................................................................................... 5 00 Beach combination, front sight............................................................................... 2 50 Swivel and sling strap..................................................................................... 2 00 Complete set of reloading tools tor 38 or 44 calibre......................................................... 5 qq “ “ “ 45 calibre.....................................] (; qq “ “ “ “ 50 calibre, express............................rifle.......................... 7 o<> Any of above Rifles furnished with Extras as follows : Extras for Winchester Repeating Rifles. No. 1 W. R.—Winchester Ritle, model ’73, 38 or 44 calibre, 15 shots, round barrel, plain open sights, weight 8] to 9 lbs........... No. 2 W. R.—Winchester Rifle, model ’73, 38 or 44 calibre, same as No. 1, octagon barrel.................................. No. 3 W. R.—Winchester Rifle, model ’73, 38 or 44 calibre, same as No. 1, with short magazine holding six rounds.................. No. 4 W. R.—Winchester Rifle, model ’73, 38 or 44 calibre, octagon barrel, either full length Or short magazine, English curl walnut stock, pistol grip, either shot gun butt or rifle butt, as preferred, case hardened frame and body, very’ handsome weapon, No. 5 W. R.—Winchester Rifle, model ’76, 45 calibre, 12 shots, weight 9 and 9i lbs., round barrel................................... No. 6 W. R.—Winchester Rifle, model '76, same as No. 4, octagon barrel. .. No. 7 W. R.—Winchester Rifle, model ’76, 45 calibre, octagon barrel, short magazine................................................ No. 8 W. R.—Winchester Rifle, model ’76, 45 calibre, same as No. 6, with English walnut stock, pistol grip, case hardened frame and body.................................................... No. 9 W. 11.—Winchester Express Rifle, 50 calibre, 10 shots, weight 9 to 10 lbs., round barrel.....................•................ No. 10 W. R.—Winchester Express Rifle, same as No. 9, octagon barrel.... No. 11 W. R—Model 1880, Express, 50 calibre, short magazine, octagon barrel, English walnut stock, pistol grip, shot gun butt, case hardened frame and body, very handsome weapon............................. BARRELS . 24 inch. 26 inch. 28 inch. $25 00 $27 00 $29 00 ) 27 00 29 00 31 00 27 00 29 00 31 00 43 00 i 45 00 47 00 27 00 29 00 29 00 45 00 35 00 38 00 54 00 30 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Marlin Repeating Rifles. No. 12, M. R.—Marlin Repeating Rifle, 10 shot, 28 inch, octagon barrel, using 45 calibre, government cartridge $32 00 No. 13, M. R.—Marlin Repeating Rifle, 10 shots, 28 inch octagon barrel, using Marlin cartridge, 40 calibre............................................................................ 32 00 In presenting this price list of the Marlin Repeating Rifle, we take occasion to say that all anticipations relative to the success of this rifle have been more than realized. From all parts of the country, unsolicited, come testimonials for the gun. We are satisfied that its great success is largely due to simplicity of construction. The fact that it has less pieces than any other lever repeating rifle is greatly in its favor. The system on which this rifle is constructed possesses many notable advantages. The arm is constructed on the holt system. The hoit comes solidly up to the breech and covers the entire base of the cartridge, thereby preventing any danger if a defective cartridge should be used. This rifle can be loaded when the parts are at rest, or when the lever is open. A single motion cocks the gun, ejects the shell of the last cartridge fired, brings a cartridge from the magazine into the barrel and securely and solidly locks the breech, one motion only remaining to complete the operation, viz : pulling the trigger. It is not necessary to take the gun from the shoulder, or remove the hand, to |>erform these motions. The arm can he used as a single breech-loader with as great rapidity as any gun in the market. The parts are all made from the best material that can be procured, are strong, durable, and not liable to get out of order. These rifles are made 45 ami 40 calibre; the 45 calibre uses the U. S. Government regulation cartridge, containing 70 grains of powder and 405 grains of lead. The 40 calibre takes a special cartridge, with CO grains of powder and ‘260 grains of lead. The barrel is octagon and 28 inches long, and the weight of the arm is 9] pounds. The magazine holds nine cartridges. The stocks are of sound, thoroughly seasoned English walnut, and the finish is very superior. 45 calibre, Government, 0. F., for Marlin Rifle per 100, % 3 50 40 calibre, Marlin, C. F............................................................................ “ 3 50 Complete set of reloading tools for Marlin Repeating Rifles, 45 calibre 6 00 Complete set of reloading tools for Marlin Repeating Rifles, 40 calibre 6 00 Primed shells for reloading........................................................................per 100, 2 00 Bullets............................................................................................ “ 1 00 Prices of Central Fire Cartridges for Marlin Repeating Rifle.STEVENS’ GALLERY AND SPORTING RIFLES. 24 in. 26 in. 28 in >o. 22, 82 find 88 Calibre, Him Fire Gallery Rifle.—Oiled stock, open sights, nickel frame, weight 5^ to 6] lbs $20 00 $22 00 $24 00 Ditto With varnished stock and combination sights.................................. 23 00 25 00 27 00 Ditto.—30 inch barrel, 8 to 9 lbs.................................................. 29 00 Any of above rifles, 32 and 38 calibre, central tire, same price as above. No. 27, F. W.—Frank Wesson Gallery Rifle, 22, 32 or 38 calibre, oiled walnut stock, blued frame, plain open sights 24 ill. $27 00 26 i $28 n. 00 28 i $29 n. 00 No. 30, I'. W.—Frank Wesson Sporting Rifle. 22,32, or 38 calibre, oiled walnut stock, nickel plated frame 30 00 31 00 32 00 No. 37], F. W. Frank Wesson, same as No. 21, with globe and peep sight.. . . 37 50 38 50 39 50 Swivels and sling furnished witli above rifles, extra 00 Complete set of reloading tools 3 00 Combination attachments and loading tools combined, with 50 central tire shell: III 00 .1. PALMER O’NEIL A CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 31 SALOON OR FLOUBERT RIFLES. FRANK WESSON GALLERY AND SPORTING RIFLE. QUACKENBUTSH AIR GUNS. Shoots either darts or slugs. Karh Kille parked in neat box, with 6 darts, 1(H) slugs, and !i paper targets. purrKS s Full nickel plated barrels, new model $12 00 Full nickel plated, old model 10 00 Darts, j>er do/.., 75 cts.; paper targets, per do/.., 20 cts.; slugs, per hundred, 60 cts. No. 6, F. Varnished stock, medium quality, bright mountings, using noiseless Floubert car- no No. 7, E. — Black stock, better quality, bright mountings, using noiseless Floubert cartridges... 7 00 No. 8, F. — Varnished stock, best quality, with slide extractor, blight mountings, using noiseless Floubert cartridge 8 00 No. 13. F, oo calibre Remington model, with extractor, rifled, shoots 22 calibre cartridge 13 00 No. 14, F. Same as No. 13, F., with pistol grip stock, checked 14 1 7 00 00 A O. No. 17, 17], I. F. 32 calibre, Remington model, nickel plated mountings, oiled walnut stock, checked grip. This rifle uses 32 calibre short powder cartridge, or 32 calibre Floubert noiseless cartridge, or 32 calibre shot cartridge. An excellent weapon for slioot- 17 5032 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Uncle Sam.—Bright tinisli, 2, 3 or 4 inch barrels, for powder and ball, each $ 50 Nero. Blue steel barrel, orion metal frame 1 25 Climax.—22 calibre, single shot, for blank cartridges 25 Eclipse.—22 calibre, single shot, for 22 metallic cartridge, nickel plated 75 Eclipse.—32 calibre, single shot, full nickel plated 1 60 7 Shot, 22 Calibre Revolvers. No. 1. 7 shot, 22 calibre, wood handle, nickel plated frame and barrel $ 1 15 No 1, L. —22 calibre, 7 shot, long cylinder, steel barrel, nickel plated, well rifled ... —Same as No. 1, L, with rubber handle and better finish 1 35 No 1, It. 1 50 No. 1, F. 0. —32 calibre, 7 shot, rubber handle, fluted cylinder, octagon steel barrel, well rifled, screwed to- gether frame, (we furnish this pistol either round or saw handle, as preferred) 2 00 No. 1, M. & II.—22 calibre, 7 shot. Smith & Wesson model, rosewood handle, nickel plated frame and barrel, full sighted, well rifled : 4 00 No. 1, C. 0. —Colt’s old model, 22 calibre, 7 shot, using either long or short cartridge, nickel plated frame, cylinder and barrel, blued hammer, wood handle 3 50 No. 1, C. N. —Colt’s new model, 22 calibre, 7 shot, nickel plated frame, cylinder and barrel, blued hammer, rosewood handle 4 00 No. 1, I. —Colt’s new model, same as No. 1, N, witli ivory handle 5 50 No. 1, It. E. —Colt’s new model, 22 calibre, 7 shot, nickel plated frame, cylinder and barrel, engraved, with rubber handle, very handsome 0 00 No. 1, IV —Colt’s new model, 7 Shot, 22 calibre, fluted cylinder, nickel plated, pearl handle 7 00 No. 1, I). —9 shot revolver, Duplex, 9 shots, 22 calibre, centre barrel 32 calibre, nickel plated frame, cylinder and barrel, rubber handle, (this pistol is built on the Smith & Wesson system, the barrel being hinged at the end of the frame) 7 00 No. 1, S. —Sharp’s 4 shot, 22 calibre, nickel plated frame, steel barrel, well rifled, a thoroughly teliable, light, compact weapon 4 00 SINGLE BARRELED PISTOLS. COLT'M NEW :tO CALIB11E. No. 1|, C. —Colt’s new model, 30 calibre, 5 shot revolver, nickel plated frame, cylinder and barrel, blued r hammer, rosewood handle...................................................• • • •; • • • • • • * 1 o0 No. 1], I. E.—Colt’s new model, 30 calibre, same as No. 1], C., ivory handle, engraved cylinder frame and barrel, very handsome............................................................................ *9 90 These Revolvers are intended to meet the demand for a weapon of more force than the 22 calibre revolvers. I liey are very light and small, and at the same time have great penetration. The reputation of the Colt Fire Arms Company for reliable work is too well known to need comment at our hands. All the revolvers listed by us under this name are genuine Colt revolvers, and the prices have been placed by us very low. REVOLVERS AND PISTOLS.Rim Fire. Central Fire. 32 CALIBRE REVOLVERS. No. 2 —32 calibre, 5 shot, long cylinder, using either long or short cartridge, wood handle, nickel plated 2 00 No. 2, F. —32 calibre, 5 shot, long fluted cylinder, using either long or short cartridge, rubber handle, nickel plated frame, cylinder and barrel, octagon, well rifled and finished 2 75 No. % S. —Same as No. 2, F, with rubber saw handle 3 00 No. 2, R. M.—Forehand & Wadsworth, Russian model. 32 calibre, 5 shot, long cylinder, using either long or short cartridge, rubber handle, octagon barrel, nickel plated frame, cylinder and barrel 4 00 No. 4 X. L.—32 calibre, 5 shot, either central life or rim tire cartridges, steel barrel and cylinder, fluted rubber saw handle, oct. barrel, full sight, well rifled. A thoroughly reliable weapon in every respect, 5 00 No. •> ~) C. —Colt’s new model, 32 calibre, 5 shot, fluted cylinder, using either long or short cartridge, either rim or central lire, nickel plated frame, cylinder and barrel, blued hammer, rosewood handle.. « 00 No. 2, C. R.—Same as No. 2, 0, with ivory handle 7 25 No. 2, P. E.—Colt’s new model, central fire, 32 calibre, 5 shot, with pearl handle 8 50 Out ml Fire. 38 CALIBRE REVOLVERS. Rim Fire. No. 3. —38 calibre, 5 shot, fluted cylinder, wood handle $ 3 50 No. 3, R. —38 calibre, 5 shot, long fluted cylinder, using either central fire or rim fire cartridges, rubber handle, octagon barrel, full sighted, nickel plated, well rifled................................ 5 00 No. 3, B. —Forehand \ Wadsworth, 38 calibre, 5 shot, long fluted cylinder, with patent safety notch, can Im> loaded or unloaded without removing cylinder, rubber handle, nickel plated, octagon barrel, full sighted, well rifled........................................................................................... 5 50 No. 5, X. L.—38 calibre, 5 shot, long fluted cylinder, using either rim tire or 38 calibre central fire Smith «fc Wesson cartridge, rubber saw handle, nickel plated, octagon barrel, full sighted, well rifled. A thoroughly reliable revolver........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 00 5DOUBLE ACTING REVOLVERS. Represents Xo. 2, H.

on, price, complete........................................................................................................... $27 00 RELOADING TOOLS FOR SMITH I WESSON REVOLVERS.COLT REVOLVERS. Adapted to Colt’* 41 Double Acting Revolver*. Adapted to Colt’s 44 Single Acting Revolvers. For Colt’s Revolvers of smaller calibre than above, see pages Nos. 32 and 33. Adapted to C«>lt'* 38 C*l. Revolver*. d No. 2b, C.—Colt’s double acting, central fire, 38 calibre, six shots, full nickel handle, 2£, 31 and 41 inch barrel plated, rubber $16 00 No. 21, C.—Same as No. 20, C, with slide shell extractor 17 00 No. ‘22, C Colt’s double acting, 41 calibre, central fire, six shot, nickel plated, blued hammer, 31, 41, 5 and 6 inch barrel rubber handle, 17 00 No. 23, C.—Same as No. 22, 0, with slide shell extractor 18 00 No. 24, C.— Colt’s single acting, 44 calibre, Frontier model, using 44 calibre, central lire cartridge, nickel plated, rosewood handle, 7 inch barrel 16 00 No 25, C.—Colt’s double acting, Frontier model, 44 calibre, central fire, six shot, rubber stock with swivel, sliding shell extractor, 7 inch barrel... . nickel plated, 24 00 No. 26, C.—Colt’s double acting, 4f> calibre, central fire, six shot, nickel plated, with swivel and slide shell extractor, 71 inch barrel rubber handle 25 00 Adapted to Colt’* 44, Frontier Model, Single and Double Acting. Adapted to Colt’* 4.r> Calibre, Double Actiug Revolver*.J. PALMER O’NEIL A CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 37 Holsters and- Belts. BELTS. No. 30, B.—Common black leather, for 22 and 32 calibre revolvers * 50 No. 31, B.—Russet leather, do. do. do. 60 No. 32, B.— Russet leather, for 38, 41, 44 and 45 calibre revolvers, nickel plated buckle 75 No. 33, B.—Russet leather, with cartridge loops, adapted to 32, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45 and 50 calibre cartridges, with nickel plated buckle 1 50 No. 34, B.—Anson Mills’ woven cartridge belt, adapted to all sizes of cartridges, from 32 to 50 calibre, and shot gun shells from 10 gauge to 20 gauge 2 00 No. 35, H. Common black leather, for 22 and 32 calibre revolvers, with belt loop or button $ 65 No. 36, H. Black harness or russet leather, army and navy sizes, hand sewed and blocked with belt loop................................................................................ 1 75 No. 37,______H.____Combination holster and cartridge belt, a very convenient way to carry a large.revolver, is recommended by army officers and plainsmen 2 00 No. 38, H_Russet bridle leather, Mexican pattern, embossed, with belt loop. 1 ftp No. 39, R. H.—Soft rubber pocket holster, to protect revolver from effects of perspiration, 22 and 32 calibre size............................................................................................................................... 1 25 No. 40, R. II.—Same as No. 39, 11. H., 38 calibre size...................... 1 50 In ordering holsters, please state what style of revolver is to be used in it. In ordering cartridge loop belts, please give calibre of revolver. Holsters and belts will be forwarded by mail prepaid in all cases where remittance accompanies the order. KepreiwiitH No. :I7. H. Kt-pmnits to. SX, H. Kcprt'Meiits No. HU, II.RIFLE AND PISTOL CARTRIDGES RIM FIRE CARTRIOCES. CENTRAL FIRE CARTRIDGES. 44 Winchester, 50 in box 44 Remington, 50 “ Net Per Box. $1 00 90 Net Per 1,000 $17 00 16 00 44 Evans, 50 44 1 10 20 00 44 Long, 50 “ 45 Webley, 50 “ 45 Colt, ' 50 “ 1 1 50 90 25 27 00 16 00 22 00 45 S.,tW, 50 “ 50 Pistol, 50 44 • • 1 1 10 25 20 00 22 00 40-50 grains Grooved Bullet, 'JO in bx, 45-50 ‘4 Patched 44 20 “ 40-70 “ Grooved 44 20 44 40-70 44 Patched 44 20 44 49-90 44 Sharp & Ketninglon Sper'l, 20 in box, 42 Russian 65 65 70 70 Per lot) 3 25 3 25 3 50 3 50 4 00 . 3 50 42 Carbine 43 Peabody, Grooved Bullet 43 44 Patched 44 43 Spanish 43 Greek 3 50 43 Carbine . 3 25 43 Egyptian 44-60 grains Grooved Bullet 44 60 44 Patched 44 3 50 . 3 50 44 77 44 Grooved 44 3 50 44-77 44 Patched 44 . 3 50 t V ..... 44-90 44 Remington Special 44-90 to 105 grains, Sharp’s Special 45-100 grains, Sharp’s Special 45 Sporting 45 Government 4 50 4 50 . 5 00 45 44 Carbine . 3 25 45 Peabody Martini 45 44 44 Carbine . 3 30 45-75 Winchester... 45 Danish 3 50 . 3 25 45 Van Choate 45 Roumanian 50- 70 grains 3 50 50 Carbine 50-90 grains, Sharp’s 50 Sporting 50 Express 4 50 3 80 58 Snider, Turkish Model 3 50 58 M usket 3 50 58 Carbine 3 25 irxim: FIRE Net Net Per Box Per 1, 00 B. B. Caps, 250 in >o\ $ 75 82 75 22 Blank, 50 44 15 22 Short, 100 44 • 40 3 00 22 Long, 100 44 50 4 00 22 Extra Long, 100 44 60 5 00 25 100 44 50 4 40 30 Short, 50 44 35 5 50 30 Long, 50 44 40 6 25 32 Extra Short, 50 44 40 6 00 32 Short, 50 44 40 6 00 32 Long, 50 44 50 6 75 32 Extra Long, 50 44 50 8 25 38 Short, 50 44 60 8 50 38 Long, 50 44 70 9 OO 38 Extra Long, 50 . 44 75 12 00 41 Short. 50 44 50 7 50 41 Long, 50 44 70 9 50 44 Short, 50 44 85 12 00 44 Hat, Winchester k Henry, 50 in box 90 13 00 44 Pointed 44 44 50 u 90 13 00 44 Flat A Colt, 50 u 90 13 00 44 Long, Ballard, 50 <( 90 13 00 44 Extra Long, Howard 50 it 1 00 14 00 46 Short, 50 u 90 12 00 46 Long, 50 a 1 00 15 00 56-46 Spencer Sporting, 50 44 1 40 20 00 56- -50 44 Carbine 50 44 1 40 20 00 56- -52 Rifle, 50 44 1 35 19 00 56- -56 44 Carbine 50 44 1 35 •19 00 CENTRAL 32 S. & W., 50 in box. $ 60 $1 1 00 32 Colt, 50 4 i 60 11 00 32 Short, 50 44 60 11 00 1 32 Long, 50 44 65 12 00 38 S. A W., 50 44 70 12 00 38 Short, 50 44 70 12 00 38 Long, 50 44 75 13 00 38 Extra Long, 50 44 1 25 22 50 41 50 44 75 13 50 44 Webley, 50 44 90 16 00 44 Colt, 50 44 90 16 00 44 S. & W., Am. , 50 44 90 16 00 44 S. A W., Rus ., 50 44 1 00 17 50 RXXwC A.XTXD CEXTTHJLX4 EIRE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. 3839 PALMER O’NEIL A CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 39 Xo. 19. Plain round wood target with cast iron plate, 12 inch diameter, for cap and shot, self setting, ringing bell when bull’s eye is hit $ 2 50 Xo, *20,______Same as No. 19, with \ inch iron plate, for 22 calibre Floubert cartridges................... 3 00 No. 21.—Same as No. 19, with $ inch iron plate, for 22 calibre cartridge, with wrought iron bull’s eye............................................................................................ * 00 Xo. 22. Plain round target with large gong set by rope from stand, 18 inch diameter, heavy iron, for 22 calibre cartridge, 6 00 Xo. 23. Boll and Figure Target, comic ligure raising and ringing a gong when bull’s eye is hit, 18 inch, entirely of iron, for Floubert or B. B. cartridges, set by rope from stand.......................................................................................... 7 00 Xo. 24._______Same, with heavier iron, for 22 calibre cartridges............................................ 8 00 X’o. 25. Drummer Girl, beating drum and raising a flag when bull’s eye is hit, heavy iron covered, for 22 calibre cartridge, size 2 ft. wide 6 ft. high, set by rope from stand...........................$35 00 X'o. 26. Biurler raising arm to mouth with trumpet, heavy iron covered, for 22 cartridge, size 2 ft. wide 6 ft. high, set by rope from stand..................................................... 55 00 X'o, 27. Lion and Tiger Fight, tiger springs on lion’s back and bites him in the neck, causing him to bleed and roar in an excited manner when bull’s eye is hit, heavy iron covered, for 22 cartridges, size 5 ft, wide 6 ft, high, set by rope front} stand,40 00 TARGETS. TARGET No. 21. For 22 Calibre Cartridges.40 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND P1UCE LIST. HUNTERS’ KNIVES. This Cut represents Nos. 24,812 and 236. No. 24,612.—J. Rogers A Soils’—Rest quality sheath knife, buck-horn handle, 8 inch, curved point blade, tine russet leather sheath, with belt loop and German silver trimmings $3 00 No. 236.—Barclay Bros.—Buck horn handle, 6 ] inch, curved point blade, enamel leather sheath, with German silver trimmings 1 75 No. 235.—Barclay Bros.—Plain horn handle, 6 inch, center point blade, enamel leather sheath, German silver trimmings....................................................... 1 50 No. 310.—Barclay Bros—Checked horn handle, 5 inch, double-edged blade, enamel leather sheath, with German silver trimmings.......................................... 1 50 Xo. ioo.—Slater Bros.—Plain ivory handle, 6 inch, double-edged blade, enamel leather sheath, with German silver trimmings 1 25 No. 7,653.—George Wostenholm A Sons.—Lock back dirk knife, buck horn handle, 4 inch curved point blade............................................................ 1 75 No. 7,621.—George Wostenholm A Sons.—Lock back dirk knife, smooth horn handle, 4 inch center point blade............................................................ 1 50 No. 323.—Peters Bros.—Lock back, curved point dirk knife, 5 inch blade, deer foot handle. hand guard and belt ring...................................................... 3 00 No. 102.—Same as No. 323, with cork screw attachment......................................... 4 00 A full assortment of Fine Razors, Razor Strops, Pocket Knives, Ac. Hunting Knives and Pocket Compasses by mail, to any address, postage prepaid, on receipt of price. "lost because he had no Compass," PRICES OF -POCKET COMPASSES. Each No. 0.—Common Brass, no stop $ 50 No. 66,173.— “ “ better quality................................ 75 No. 3,847.—Fine brass, small size, with stop. 1 00 No 6,454.— “ “ large “ “ 1 50 Xo. 175.—Good quality, in mahogany case, with automatic stop............................. 1 75 Xo. 510.—Medium size, fine quality, nickel plated case, no stop............................ 1 25 No. 839.—Watch shape, nickel plated case, with stop, fine quality......................... 1 75 Xo. 8.—Best quality, nickel plated case, automatic stop ................................ 2 00J. PALMER O’NEIL & CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 41 KENNEL GOODS DOG COLLARS FOR SETTERS \ POINTERS FANCY DOG COLLARS for Small Pet Dogs. No. 58.—Harness leather, russet or black, to buckle, with nickel name-plate and D ring for chain, 17 to21 in. long, £ in. & 1£ in.wide,$ 50 No. 53.—Same as No. 58. with brass buckle L) ring and name-plate, buckle tongue made with loop to lock with small padlock.... 75 No. 136.—Thomson’s, made of heavy bridle leather, nickel plated buckle,chain ring and name plate, 16 to 24 in. long, 1 in. wide 75 No. 137.—Thomson’s, combination slip & straight collar, made of heavy bridle leather, nickel plated buckle, chain ring and name-plate ; impossible for dog to slip this collar, as it tightens with pulling and loosens as soon as the strain is off 1 00 No. 113.—Same style as No. 137, round leather, and lighter, can be used as a choke collar if desired 1 00 No. 49.—Double harness leather stitched, russet, heavy cast nickel plated trimmings, 16 to 22 inches long, 3f inch, 1 inch and inch wide, to fasten with padlock and keeper.......................................... 1 00 No. H. L.—Made rf hog skin, lined witli bridle leather, stitched, nickel name-plate with swivel or I) ring, as preferred, 16 to 22 in. long, J inch to 1 inch wide................. 1 25 No. H. W.—Same as No. H. L., lj inch wide 1 50 No. 135.—Extra heavy leather, nickel plated trimmings, buckle locks with a key ; cannot be taken from dog's neck without cutting ; finest leather collar made............... 2 00 No. 225.—Von Tillius’ patent spike collar, complete with book of instructions for educating the dog with the use of the force collar.......................................... 2 25 No. H. M.—Double harness leather, four rows hand stitehed, extra heavy, 1$ l()l* inch wide, extra heavy cast nickel trimmings, 20 to 28 inches, for large bull dogs, mastiffs, Newfoundland, &c , &e................. 5 00 No. S.—Studded collars, with swivel or ring to lock or buckle, made of heavy bridle leather, stitched, 16 to 22 inches long, 1 to 1$ inch wide, very One ...................... 4 00 No. 149.—Fancy morocco leather, nickel nameplate and buckle, 9 to 13 incites long, £ inch to f inch wide, assorted colors $ 25 No. 151.—Same as No. 149, hand painted............... 50 No. 81.—Silver plated dog and cat. collar, lined with velvet in assorted colors, 8 to 12 in. long, | in. Avide, fasten with small padlock................................................. 75 No. 163.—Same as No. 81, gold or silver plated, 12 to 16 in. long, ^ to | in. wide......... 1 25 No. 264.—Same as No. 81, with hand engraved celluloid band, very fine............. 2 50 No. 265.—Plain white celluloid piccadillo shaped collar, with coral band and bow fastened with separable collar button, with swivel ring and gold plated loop for bell 3 50 Used for dog and cat collars, charms, bird cages, Ac. No. 210.—Small, light or heavy, burnished, open or round, with rings......................$ r>0 No. 212.—Small, chased or plain, gilt or silver plated. with loops or rings ............................. 75 No. 218.—Same as No. 212, medium or large size.. 1 00 CHAIN DOG COLLARS. No. 60.—Nickel plated, to fasten with padlock, size, 9 to 15 inches, each $ 60 No. 260.—Do. do. with leather lining, each.................................................................. 80 No. 160.—Gold plated, size, 9 to 15, each................................................................ 1 00 No. 360.—Do. do. do. leather lining, each.................................................... 1 50 No. 43.—Nickel and gold plated, lined with enamel leather, size, 14 to 20 inches. Finest collar made..... 2 00 Name neatly engraved on any collar, 5 cents per letter. All Kennel goods, except Chains, Wire Muzzles and Glover’s Mange Cure, will be forwarded by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price. ottle.................................................. 50 Dog Brushes.—Mahogany back, oval shape, bristle brush with hand strap................................ 60 Dog Combs.—Horn, coarse teeth, 5 inches long........................................................... 25 Dog Muzzles.—Patent, polished wire hinged jaw, with spring, assorted sizes.......................... 1 00 do. —Medford patent, leather, fits any size head ........................................... 50 All Kennel goods, except (duiijis, wire muz/les, and Glover's mange I'lM'P, will be fest however to wind it night and morning. It will wear for years and is offered at a price within the reach of everybody. The Waterbury watch is not a toy, but a real watch of the ordinary size, the main spring is nearly four times the length of an ordinary spring and will not break, every one being calculated to out-wear the watch. The stem winder 1ms a positive stop when the watch is wound up, which prevents it being damaged by over-winding. The parts are all inter-changeable, and in case of breakage, the broken part can be replaced at a trifling cost. We confidently believe that this watch will be appreciated by sportsmen, farmers, miners, laborers, school boys, and all persons who want a reliable time-piece at an extremely low price.J. PALMER O’NEIL & CO., 68 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. 47 Lawn Tennis Balls, Poles, Nets, Rotary Markers, &c., constantly on hand, No 10.—Set for four Players.—Contains 2 line inlaid handled bats, 2 tine eork handled bats, 12 covered regulation balls, set of extra finished ixdes, lxjst quality net, 36x4 feet, boundary pegs, lines and runners, mallet and book of instructions, complete in strong box...............................................................$35 00 No 9.—Set for four Players.—Contains 4 kxtka fink regulation bats, one dozen regulation balls, fine set of Poles, best quality net, 36x4 feet, boundary pegs, lines and runnel’s, mallet and book of instruc tions, complete in strong box..................................................................................................................................... 30 00 No. 8.—Set for four Players.—Contains 4 improved and superior regulation bats, 4 covered regulation balls, best quality net, 33x4 feet, first quality poles, boundary pegs, lines and runners, mallet and lxx>k of instructions, complete..................................................................... 25 00 No. 6.—Set for four Players.—Contains 4 regulation bats, 4 covered regulation balls, superior net, 33x4 ft., painted portable poles, lines and runners, mallet and book of instructions, complete in strong box... 20 00 No. 5.—Set for two Players.—Contains 2 regulation bats, 4 covered regulation balls, superior net, 33x4 ft, painted portable poles, lines and runners, mallet and book of instructions, complete in strong box, 15 00 No. 4.—Set for four Players.—Contains 4 regulations bats, 4 regulation balls, net, 27x4 feet, portable poles, lines and runners, mallet and book of instructions, complete in strong lx>x....................................... 15 00 No. 2.—Set for four Players.—Contains 4 regulation bats, 4 balls, good net, 24x4 ft., portable poles, lines and runners, mallet and book of instructions, complete in box....................................... 10 00 No. 1.—Set for two Players.—Contains 2 regulation bats, 4 regulation balls, good net, 24x4 feet, portable poles, lines and runnel’s, mallet and book of instructions, complete in box.......................... 6 00 No. A.—Set for the Million.—Consists of 2 cord strung bats, folding poles, net, 3 balls and rope, with instructions, in plain wooden box............................................................. ............................... 3 50 NEW REGULATION TENNIS BALLS. No. A.—Horseman’s best felt covered, cemented and sewed $6 i 0 No. B. “ “ “ “ “ 6 00 No. C.— *' “ Canvas “ “ (Waterproof) 4 00 No. D.— “ “ Uncovered, 1882 ball 3 00 AYRE’S BEST REGULATION BALL, (for grass) 8 00 Tennis Balls, for Practice. No. 1.—Regulation Lawn Tenuis Balls, plain..........................................................................$2 00 No. 2.— “ “ “ “ fancy 2 50 No. 3.— “ " “ “ felt covered and sewed.....................1......................... 4 00 TENNIS RACKETS OR BATS. No. 8.—“The Newport Hat,’* black gut, for ladies or gentlemen, 11 to 15 oz each, $4 00 No. 6.—Cork Handled, white gut, for ladies or gentlemen, 11 to 15 oz “ 5 00 No. 66.—Cork Handled, double strung, for ladies or gentlemen, 11 to 15 oz “ 6 00 No. 7.—Inlaid Handle, for ladies or gentlemen, 11 to 15 oz................................................. “ 6 0(1 No. 10.—Prize Hat, inlaid handle, fine work, for ladies and gentlemen, 11 to 15 oz “ 10 00 No. 20.—Kxtra Inlaid, extra fine throughout “ 15 00 No. 30.—Extra Inlaid, solid silver mountings “ 25 00 TENNIS SHOES. No. 1.—Low Tennis Shoe, best quality, white or colored canvas, witli corrugated rubber soles, for ladies or gentlemen $4 50 No. 2.—Same style, made of alligator skin.............................$6 50 No 10.—Ladies’or gents’ gaiters, white or colored canvas, with corrugated rubber soles........................... 5 00 No. 11.—Same as No. 10, Alligator skin,. 7 50ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. SUNDRIES. Belmontyle Oil, the best rust preventive, per bottle $ 50 Paravasaline, per bottle....................................................................................... 50 Black Fish Oil, the best lubricant, per bottle............................................................... 25 Rouge Paste, for polishing inside of barrels, per box ......................................................... 50 Emery Paste, per box........................................................................................... 50 Browning Brush, each........................................................................................... 50 Gun Cleaning Brushes, Westley Richards’ make, bone handle, bristle on three sides, with this brush the devices between barrel and rib, and grooves about extractor can be easily cleaned. 50 Vest Pocket Oil Cans........................................................................................... 25 Metal Oil Bottle, with screw top, small..................................................................... 1 00 “ “ “ “ large....................................................................... 3 00 Glass Oil Bottle, with screw top............................................................................... 75 Pocket Match Boxes, spring top, nickel plated.................................................................. 35 Pocket Match Boxes, morocco covered, spring top................................................................ 50 Monarch Water Proof, per box................................................................................... 25 Farrow’s Patent Bullet Lubricator, per box..................................................................... 25 Rubber Camping Blankets, size 4x6 ft., plain rubber......................................................... 1 50 “ k‘ “ “ Mackintosh.............................!..................... 3 50 Fisher’s Patent Rifle Cleaner, any calibre, hair scratch brush and rubber disk................................. 75 Monkey Wrench, small nickel plated monkey wrench with adjusting screw in handle, very handy tool...................................................................................................... 50 Ewell’s Nickel Solution, for nickel plating shells, trimmings, Ac.............................................. 25 Patent Drinking Filters with composition base, rubber tube.................................................. 1 00 Ice Creepers................................................................................................... 25 Parker Plunge Pigeon Traps, per pair..................................................................... 25 00 Hawe’s Patent Ground Plunge Pigeon Traps, each.............................................................. 4 00 Gwynne Price’s Ground Traps, English style, per set of five traps 10 00 RUBBER GUN AND RIFLE COVERS. Full length Rubber Gun Cover, fancy checked $3 00 “ “ “ Mackintosh 2 50 “ “ “ “ plain black rubber................................................... 1 50 PERCUSSION CAPS, Hick’s G. D. Percussion Caps, full count, per 1,000 8 50 Winchester Water Proof Percussion Caps, per 1000......................................................... 55 Eley Bros.’ Water Proof Percussion Caps, per 1000......................................................... 80 German S. B. Caps, for shot and cap guns, per 1000....................................................... 75 48SPORTSMAN'S LIBRARY. LIST OF SPORTSMAN’S BOOKS.—We will forward any of these books by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. Address, Pittsburgh Fire Arms Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Adirondacks, Camps and Tramps in..........................$1 25 Adiroudacks, Guide to, Wallace’s........................... 2 00 Adirondack Wilderness, In the, Warner’s ................... 75 Amateur Trapper,.........................paper, 50c ; bds 75 American Angler’s Book, Norris............................. 5 50 American Angler’s Guide, Brown............................. 2 00 American Bird Fancier........................................ 30 American Boy’s Own Book, Sports and Games................. 2 00 American Roadsters and Trotting Horses.................... 5 00 American Wild Fowl Shooting, J. W. Long.................... 2 00 American Kennel, Burges.................................... 3.00 Angling, a Book on, Francis...............................7 50 Archer, Modern .............................................. 25 Archery, Fencing and Broadsword.............................. 20 Archery, Witchery of, Maurice Thompson ................... 1 50 Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam...................... 3 00 Art of Swimming.............................................. 30 Art of Swimming, Monstery................................. 50 Art of Swimming, Webb........................................ 50 Athletic Sports for Boys.................. bds, 75c ; clo. 1 00 Athletic Sports, Stonehenge............................... 1 00 Atlantic Islands as Resorts for Health and Pleasure 3 00 Bailey’s Birds of the United States 1 25 Baird’s Birds of North America............................30 00 Baueker’s Method of Horemausliip 1 00 Bechstein's Chamber and Cage Birds 1 50 Bits and Bearing Reins....................................... 50 Boat Sailing, Piactical 1 00 Books for Sportsmen : Angling, 50c ; Common Objects of the Seashore, 50c ; Cage and Singing Birds, 50c ; Dogs, 75c ; Birds’ Eggs and Nests, 50c; Fresh and Salt Water Aquarium, 50c ; Native Song Birds, 75c ; Shooting, 50c. Boys’ Treasury of Sports and Pastimes, etc................ 2 00 Breech-Loader, Gloan 1 25 Breech-Loader, Modern, Greener............................ 2 50 Bruce’s Stud Book, 3 vols..................................30 00 Butler on the Dog......................................... 2 00 Cage and Singing Birds, Adams................................ 50 Camp Cookery, Miss W. Parsloa .................................-............................ 50 Canoe and Camera, Steele 1 50 Canoe Traveling, Powell................................... 3 00 Canoe, Voyage of the Paper, Bishop’s...................... 2 50 Cassell’s Book of Birds, 4 vols...........................12 00 Choke Bore Guns, Greener.................................. 3 00 Complete American Trapper, Gibson 1 75 Coues’ Birds of the Northwest............................ 4 50 Cones’ Field Ornithology.................................. 2 50 Coues’ Fur Bearing Animals................................ 3 00 Coues’ Key to North American Birds........................ 7 00 Crack Shot................................................ 1 25 Dadd’s American Reformed IIoisc Book, 8vo 2 50 Dadd’s Modern Hoi sc Doctor, 12mo 1 50 Dead Shot................................................. 1 25 Dog Breaking, by Holahird.................................... 25 Dog Breaking, Hutchinson.................................. 3 75 Dog, the, Dinks, Mayhew and Hutchinson.................... 3 00 Dog, the, Hill............................................ 2 00 Dog, the, Idstone 1 25 Dog Paths to Success......................................... 50 Dogs and their Doings, Morris 1 75 Dogs and their Ways, Williams 1 25 Dogs of Great Britain, America and other countries.... 2 00 Dogs, by Stables............................................. 75 Dogs, Management of, Mayhew, 16mo............................ 75 • Dogs, Points for Judging.................................... 50 Dogs, Richardson.........................paper, 30c ; clo. 60 Dogs, Webb 3 50 Durant’s Sea Bathing ; its Use and Abuse..................... 25 Dwyer’s Horse Book........................................ 2 00 Every Boy’s Book of Sports and Amusements................. 3 50 Farrar’s Guide to Moosehead Lake............................. 50 Farrar’s Guide to Richardson & Rangeley Lakes 50 Farrar’s Pocket Map of Moosehead Lake... 1 00 Farrar's Pocket Map ot Rangeley Lake Region.................. 50 Field, Cover and Trap Shooting, Bogardus 2 00 Fish and Fishing, Manly 5 25 Fish {latching and Fish Catching 1 50 Fishing, Bottom or Float.................................... 50 Fishing in American Waters, Scott......................... 3 50 Fishing Tourist, Ilallock................................. 2 00 Flirtation Camp, VanDyke 1 50 Fly Fishing and Worm Fishing................................. 50 Fox Hunting, Noble Science of............................. 7 50 Fur, Fin and Feather......................................... 50 Frank Forester’s Field Sports...............................$4 00 Frank Forester’s F sli and Fishing 2 50 Frank Forester’s Fishing with Hook and Line, paper.. 25 Frank Forester’s Manual for Young Sportsmen................ 2 00 Frank Forester’s Sp’ting Scenes & Characters, 8vo.2vls. 4 00 Gun, Rod and Saddle ...................................... 1 00 Ilallock’s Sportsmen’s Gazetteer............................ 3 00 Hand Book for Riflemen..................................... 50 Hand Books of American Travel, 3 vols... .................. 6 00 Hand Books on Out Door Amusements : Gymnastics, 20c ; Cricket, 25c ; Rowing and Sailing, 20c ; Riding and Driving,-20c ; Arcliery, Fencing and Broadsword, 20; Manly Exercises, 20; Croquet, 20c; Fishing, 25c; Quoits and Bowls, 25c; Swimming, 25c ; Skating, 25c ; Shooting, 25c. Herbert’s Hint to Horse Keepers 1 75 Hints to Riflemen, Cleveland 1 50 Holden’s Book of Birds.....................paper, 25c; clo. 50 Horseback Riding, Durant 1 25 Horse Breaking. Moreton.................................... 2 50 Hoise Portraiture, Simpson............................... 2 00 Horses and Hounds..................................................................................... 8ff Horses and Riding, Neville................................. 3 00 IL rses, Famous American Race.............................. 75 Horses, Famous American Trotting........................... 75 Horses, Famous, of America 1 50 How to Camp Gut, Gould 1 00 How to Hunt and Trap, Batty’s 1 50 How to Row, Derrington..................................... 2 00 Humorous Sketches, Seymour 6 00 Hunter and Trapper, Thrasher............................... 1 00 Hunting and Hunters of all Nations, Frost 1 50 Jaunts and Jollities, Jorrocks............................. 7 50 Jennings’ Horse Training................................... 1 25 Life of a Sportsman, Nimrod................................12 00 McClure’s Stable Guide 1 00 Mayhew’s Horse Doctor...................................... 3 00 Mayliew’s Horse Management................................. 3 00 Mil ot’s Land and Game Birds............................... 3 00 Naturalists’ Guide, Maynard................................ 2 00 Oars and Sculls, Woodgate.................................. 1 75 On the Wing. Bumstead 1 50 Partridge and Pheasant Shooting, Schley’s.................. 2 00 Picture Book of Birds 1 25 Pistol, the................................................ 50 Practical Kennel Guide 1 50 Prairie and Forest, Parker Gillmore 1 50 Prime’s I Go a Fishing..................................... 2 50 Rarey’s Horse Tamer........................................ 50 Riding Recollections, Whyte Melville’s..................... 3 00 Rifles and Markmanship, by Gildersleeve 1 50 Rifle Practice, Wingate ................................... 1 50 Rifle, the Theories and Practice of........................ 50 Sailing Boat, Folkard...................................... 7 00 Samuels’ Birds of New England.............................. 4 00 Setter Dog, the, Laverack.................................. 3 75 Shooting, Boating and Fishing.............................. 1 00 Shooting, Dougall......................................... 3 50 Shooting on the Wing....................................... 75 Sidney’s Book of the Horse............................... 12 50 Solitary Hunter, Palliser.................................. 80 Sportsman, American, Lewis’, new edition................... 2 75 Stonehenge, Dogs of Biitish Islands........................ 7 50 Stonehenge, Encycloiredia of Rural Sports.................. 4 50 Stonehenge, Horse Owner’s Cyclopedia.................. 3 75 Stonehenge on the Dog................................ 3 75 Stonehenge on the Horse, Eng. ed., 8 vo.............. 3 50 Stonehenge on the Horse, Am. ed., 12tno............. 2 00 Strength and Skill......................................... 1 25 Taxidermy, Practical, Batty 1 50 The Gun and How to Use it to Kill Every Fair Wing Shot, by Gwvne Price.................................... 25 Trapper, Gibson’s Complete American........................ 1 75 Trouting on the Brule River, King.......................... 1 50 Veterinary Dictionary, Going............................... 2 00 Wallace’s American Stud Book ..............................10 00 Wallace’s American Trotting Register, 2 vols...............20 00 Wild Fowler, the........................................... 7 50 Wilson’s American Ornithology, 3 vols......................18 00 Wood’s Natural History of Birds............................ 6 00 Woodruff’s Trotting Horses of America...................... 2 50 Wrinkles, by Old Shekarry.................................. 2 40 Yacht Sailor, Vanderdecken................................. 3 75 Youatt and Spooner on the llorse........................... 1 50 Youatt on the Dog......................................... 3 50ACTUAL SIZE OF THE MANUFACTURED BY UNEXCELLED FOR Improved Machinery, together with our method of Manufacturing, enables us to present to the Sportsman a brand of Spherical Shot uniform in size, having a superior finish, and yet perfectly clean. STANDARD DROP AND BUCK SHOT