THE BLACKBERRIES AND THEIR ADVENTURES BY EDWARD W. KEMBLE NEW YORK: R. H. RUSSELL LONDON: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER &f CO. MDCCCXCVIICOPYRIGHT 1897 By ROBERT HOWARD RUSSELL Printed in the United States PRESS OF REOFIELD BROS., 411~«t5 PEARL ST,, N. Y.CONTENTS The Start for the Country 3 Fireworks 35 Bicycling 7 / A Day with the Soldiers . 39 Mountain Climbing .... I I On the Golf Links .... 43 Shooting the Chute .... I C J A Game of Polo 47 Cross-Country Riding 19 Fhe Chicken Fight .... 51 Ocean Bathing 23 The First Snow Man 55 Athletic Games 27 Fhe Bear Ffunt 59 Crabbing ....... 31 The Cake Walk 63THE START FOR THE COUNTRY The Blackberries Prepare For A Holiday.COME all you cullud gen’lemen Git yo’ trunks packed right away, Fo’ de steamer is a-whistlin’ at de dock. We’s a-gwine to de country Fo’ to take a holiday, An’ de boat am boun’ to start at fo’ o’clock.THE BLACKBERRIES CO BICYCLING. A Brush On The Road.NOW we’s whizzin’ on de good roads, An’ eberyt’ing is fine, But now an’ den we fears we’s gwine ter smash ; Ain’t a-skeered of one anudder— Land o’ goodness ! —’tisn’t dat. It’s only when we pass some cullud “trash.”THKY CLIMB THli MOUNTAINS. “Scotty’s” Peril.DOAN speak ob mountain climbin’ T o us chillun any mo’; Doan ebber use dat topic if you please. What! You didn’t heah about it? How poor “Scotty” stubbed his toe, An’ dangled all de fo’noon in de breeze ?SHOOTING THE CHUTES. The Blackberries Encounter The Sea SerpentIt may be very funny To go shootin’ down de chute, But you want ter keep yo’ eye peeled when you do. Just as shuah as you is livin’ T’ings ’ll happen ef yer don’t, An de water sarpent he may git yer, too.AT THE MEADOWHURST HUNT CLUB, The Blackberries Follow The Hounds.YAS siree, dat’s what dey call it, Cross de kentry, dat’s de name, When dey gallop ober stones an’ lumpy groun’; What wif dogs an’ pickaninnies, An’ “ black trash” from roun’ erbout, Wonder is we ever got home safe an’ soun’.A DIP IN THE OCEAN A Deep Sea Monster Appears.JEST when de beach was crowded At de mornin’ bathin’ hour, All the Blackberries were jest a-goin’ in, When dere riz right out de water Sumphn’ like a debbil fish, Interduced hisself, an’ den bobbed down ag’in.THE ATHLETIC GAMES. Billy Wins In A Walk.YOU jest talk about yer walkin’, Why, yer don’t know what it is Till yer see our Billy Millions do his best. He jest walked ole Cinders Lightfoot ’Till we thought he’d drap down dead, An’ “Scotty” had ter stop an’ take a rest.THE BLACKBERRIES GO CRABBING. The Sport Grows Exciting.WHO proposed dat crab-bin’ party ? Wish he nebber had been born ! We was scared ter death dat day we was afloat. Billy Millions went in wadin’ An’ two crabs got hold of him, An’ “Scotty” very near upsot de boat.THE BLACKBERRIES CELEBRATE. A Premature Explosion.EF you’d seen de awful mix-up When dem fireworks went of! Legs an’ arms an’ sky-a-rockets jes a-flyin’! How dey started no one knows, Some kabustion, I suppose; ’Twas a lively sight ter see, dere’s no denyin .AT THE ENCAMPMENT. Brass Buttons Capture Everything.ONE day we took de notion Fer to go down to de camp, Whar we could see de soldiers on parade; But de uniforms so gay Won de ladies’ hearts dat day, An’ we poor boys was left out in de shade.THE BLACKBERRIES PLAY COLE. “Scotty’s” First Drive.BILLY Millions an’ his caddy Started out ter play some golf; Dey was chasin’ balls across de puttin’ green. “Scotty” drove oft' like a shot, Topping Billy on de spot Whar de wool am generally ter be seen.A GAME OF POLO. The Blackberries Meet With Defeat. NEXT time dose pickaninnies Go to play dat polo game, Dey’s got ter know more ’bout hosses dan dey do. Why, dose little “ Ragtown ” darkies Made ’em look like thirty cents, ’Cos dey understood de game an’ ridin’, too.THE CHICKEN FIGHT. An Untimely Interruption.WOULD yer b’lieve dem naughty chillun What dey done one Sabbuf day ? Jes when we gals was comin’ home fum meetin’, Dar dey wuz a-hoppin’ roun’ Wif two pullets on de groun’, Seem’ which poor bird would git de worstest beatin’.THE SNOW MAN. The Blackberries Receive An Awful Scare.WORFLESS brat ! Dat Tooter Williams, Scared us most to death one day When de first snow-fall had settled on de groun’; Made a great big ugly snowman Hid bellin’ him an’ called out: “Hold yer ban’s up, don’t yer dare to drap ’em down!”THE BEAR HUNT. The Hunters At A Disadvantage.PLEASE excuse us, Mister Bear, We’s not huntin’, ’deed we isn’t Only jest come out ter sniff de mornin’ breeze. But de bear he give a chuckle As he rub his paws an’ says : “ Is dose little guns ter sniff wif, if you please ? ”THE CAKE WALK. The Blackberries Receive The Prize.WHEN yer heah de fiddle sawin’, An’ de patter ob de feet, Den yer sartin dat de cake walk’s takin’ place; But some folks acts so foolish ’Cause dey nebber stops to think Dar can only be one winner in a race.