Original Hardwood Casket Designs Supplement to Hardwood Casket Catalog Number Two Buckstaff Co. Oshkosh, WisconsinORIGINAL HARDWOOD CASKET DESIGNS SUPPLEMENT TO HARDWOOD CASKET CATALOGUE NUMBER TWO The buckstaff Co. OSHKOSH, WISCONSINTHE GLOBE PRINTING CO. OSHKOSH, WIS.THE illustrations herewith represent our latest designs in Hardwood Caskets. These illustrations represent those brought out since the issue of our last Hardwood Casket Catalogue. We offer these for your best consideration in design, quality, finish and price. Thanking our patrons for past favors and soliciting your orders. Respectfully, The Buckstaff Co.Information To ascertain the price of any extra size casket herein illustrated, add to regular Iist as follows: A Minimum Charge of T VS for First Extra Size I CV for Second Extra Size V SS for Third Extra Size On All Caskets Listing at CV SS and Eelow, On All Caskets Above CV SS, Add to Regular List : 1 or/ for First Extra Size 17C-0 for Second Fxtia Siz< 20'/ for Third Extra Size For Half Couching any regular Casket, shown or described, add as follows: I SS for Cutting and Lining O. G. and Trimming Head Panel. *1.00 for Counterlining, plus the Pillow and Lining Set selected. To illustrate: If a T VS Pillow and Lining Set is desired, the total additional charge to regular pric • of casket would he O VS. Therefore a CV SS regular casket converted into a half couch with a T VS Pillow and Lining Set, would list at TT VS. This same rule applies to a cheaper or better casket. The Pillow and Lining Set determines tin* additional price. For a full or 41/»-inch Drop Side Casket, with any interior described in this catalog, add to the regular price of casket the price of the interior. All interiors are interchangeable.Telephone and Telegraph Notice We will appreciate your Telephone and Telegraph orders at all times, being well equipped to give you efficient service, but we especially request that you favor us with such orders during REGFLAR WORKING HOI RS, as BE I 1 ER SER\ ICE and SCPERIOR WORKMANSHIP can be rendered, consequently perfect satisfaction, both to you and your customers, guaranteed. Always give time ot Funeral and place orders as far in advance as possible. All telegrams will be answered, giving you the exact time tin* article leaves our city and approximate time of its arrival. Handles shown on caskets are not included in price, but can be furnished when desired at market prices. BELL PHONES: Office, Nos. 14 and 14. Resident, No. 1621. Resident. No. 2.409. Resident, No. 1488. Resident, No. 4441. The Buckstaff CompanyDOME COUCH No. 1199DOME COUCH End View No. 1199 Dome Couch No. 1199 Ouartered Oak. Interior No. 94. Material, Art Silk. Style vs.ss Golden or Early English Design No. 402, page 26. shows this Casket closedNo. 1448 Circassian Walnut. Interior No. 226, Liberty Satin. Regular 6-9 x 21 Style VB SSNo. 1451 Circassian Walnut. Satin finish. Interior No. 200, Art Silk Style vvssNo. 1449 Circassian Walnut Interior No. 226 Liberty Satin.......................... Style VI VS Regular 6-3 x 21No 1450 Mahogany. Interior No. 291, Art Crepe Silk,. Style IE.SS Regular 6-9 x 21No. 1447 Quartered Oak. Interior No. 229, Marceline Silk. Style TB SS Regular 6-3 x 21No. 1446 Quartered Oak. Interior No. 229. Marceline Silk. Style TE VS Regular 6-3 x 21No. 1453 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Interior No. 201, Figured Silk Style TB SS Regular 6-3 x 21Style TB.SS No 1452 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Interior No. 204. Soft Figured Silk Regular 6-3 x 21No. 438 Circassian Walnut. Satin Finish Stylo IE.SS Regular 6-3 x 21Stvle IC VS No. 490 Circassian Walnut. Satin finish. Regular 6-3 x 21No. 446 genuine Black Walnut. Polished or Dull. Full Oval top Style TV.SS Regular 6-3 x 21No. 456 Mahogany. Polished or Dull. Full OvalTop Style vv.ss Regular 6-3 x 21Style No. 442 Mahogany. Polished or Dull................................................................................................. TO.VS Regular 6-2 x 21No. 497 Mahogany. Polished or Dull Style TOSS Regular 0-2 x 21No. 420 Mahogany. Polished or Dull Style TV SS Regular 0-3 x 21 0 3 x 23No. 452 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Full Oval Top................................................................................... Regular 6-3 x 21 Style IV.SSRegular 6-3 x 21 Style TOSS No. 496 Quartered Oak. GoldenNo. 489 Quartered Oak. Golden or Early English. Regular 6-3 x 21 Style TV SSNo. 402 Quartered Oak. Polished <>r Dull Regular 6-3 x 21 6-3 x 23 Style CO SSNo. 404 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Full Oval Top. Style co.vs Regular 6-3 x 21No. 491 Quartered Oak. Golden Regular 6-3 x 21 Style CO ssNo. 450 Quartered Oak Style TC.SS Regular 6-3 x 21TWO TONE OAK CASKET No. 413 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Two Tone Dull Ivory Carvings or Dull Golden Carvings. Style TC.VS Regular 6'-3 x 21TWO TONE OAK CASKET No. 412 Quartered Oak. :Polished or Dull. Dull Ivory Carvings or Dull Golden Carvings. Regular 6-3 x 21 Style TC.SS 6-3 X 23TWO TONE OAK CASKET Stylo No. 430 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Dull Carvings or Ivory Shaded Dull Finish............................................................... TA.BV Regular 6-3 x 21TWO TONE OAK CASKET Style No. 429 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Dull Golden Carvings or Dull Ivory Carvings...........................................................TA.CV Regular 6-3 x 21 6-3 x 23No. 415 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Regular 6-3 x 21 Style TA.VSNo. 427 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull style co.ss Regular 6-3 x 21 6 3 x 23Regular 6-3 x 21 Style CB.BV No. 431 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull.No. 419 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull Style CB VS Regular 6-3 x 21No. 439 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull Style CY.SS Regular 6-3 x 21Style co.vs Regular 6-3 x 21 No. 434 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull.No. 425 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull Style CO.SS Regular 6-3 x 21Stylo CB BV No. 418 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. All Finishes Regular 6-3 x ‘21No. 433 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Style CV.SS Regular 6-3 x 21Polished or Dull Style CV.SS Regular 6-3 x 21 No. 399 Quartered Oak.No. 487 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull. Style CV.SS Regular 6-3 x 21Style CV.SS No. 488 Quartered Oak. Polished or Dull Regular 6-3 x 21No. 426 Quartered Oak Top with Plain Oak Body. Golden Finish Regular 6-3 x 21 Style CV.SSStyle CSSS Regular 6-3 x 21 No. 492 Plain Oak. Golden finish.No. 499 Plain Oak. Golden Style CSSS Regular 6-3 x 21Regular 6-3 x 21 6-0 x 21 Style CSSS No. 455 Plain Oak. GoldenNo. 449 Plain Oak. Golden Style CSSS Regular 6-3 x 21SPECIAL INFORMATION ON HALF COUCH AND FULL COUCH INTERIORS No. Material Casket No. Catalog Page Price 94—Bird’s Eye Art Silk 1199 6 $22.00 200—Art Silk 1451 9 9.00 201—Figured Silk 1453 14 8.50 204—Soft Figured Silk 1452 15 9.00 226—Liberty Satin 1448 8 12.00 229—Marceline Silk 1447 12 8.50 231—Art Silk Crepe 1450 11 11.001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 A C T I V E B O Y S You’d better not throw me away WE DELIVER THE GOODS THE BUCKSTAFF COMPANY OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN (over)KEY TO COST MARK 1 2 3 4 5 6 ACTIVE 7 8 9 0 BOYS The above Cost Mark will be used by us in the future on Circulars, Folders, etc., which you will receive. We make use of this Cost Mark as a means of protection to you in case the literature falls into the hands of those not engaged in your line. THE BUCKSTAFF COMPANY OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN PLEASE PRESERVE (oveR)