UC-NRLF 863 M7 1 *B SEb TS2 Geometric Properties Completely Characterizing the Set of All the Curves of Constant Pressure in a Field of Force ' 4 I BY Eugenie M. Morenus Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Pure Science, Columbia University PRESS OF THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY PHILADELPHIA I92Z . » I . . . Geometric Properties Completely Characterizing the Set of All the Curves of Constant Pressure in a Field of Force BY Eugenie M. Morenus o^ % Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Pure Science. Columbia University PRESS OF THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY PHILADELPHIA 1922 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction v Chapter I. Geometric Properties of the Set of oo * Curves S c 1 Section 1. The differential equation of S c 1 2. Osculating parabolas 2 3. Hyperosculating circles 2 4. The focal circle 3 5. Correspondence between acceleration vectors and element tangents 5 6. Characteristics of the quartic generated 6 7. The force vector 8 8. The radius of the hyperosculating circle 8 Chapter II. The Converse Problem for S c 10 Section 1. Nature of the Converse Problem 10 2. Converse of Property 1 10 3. Converse of Property 2 10 4. Converse of Property 3 11 5. Converse of Property 4 15 6. The parameter 16 Chapter III. Geometric Properties of the Quadruply Infinite System 5 18 Section 1. Intrinsic equation of the system 18 2. The Cartesian equation 19 3. Osculating conies 20 4. Circles as curves of infinite pressure 20 5. Hyperosculating circles 21 6. The length of the force vector 22 7. The radius of curvature of conic 1 22 8. Second center of curvature of conic 1 23 9. Intercept of the asymptote of the cubic of Property 4 24 10. Direction of the cubic 25 1 1 . Hyperosculating parabolas 26 12. Intercept of the quintic of Property 7 28 (iii) 478713 IV CONTENTS. PAGE Chapter IV. The Converse Problem for S 29 Section 1 . Converse of Property 1 29 2. Converse of Property 2 29 3. Converse of Property 3 29 4. Converse of Property 4 31 5. Converse of Property 5 32 6. Outline of final steps -. 33 7. Converse of Property 6 33 8. Converse of Property 7 34 9. Converse of Property 8 35 CURVES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE INTRODUCTION In the Princeton Colloquium lectures, 1909, Professor Edward Kasner of Columbia University pointed out several unfinished problems connected with a field of force. He showed that the trajectories whose characteristics he had previously described (Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 401-424, July, 1906) might be considered as a special case of either of two more general problems : to find curves along which a constrained motion is possible such that the pressure of the moving particle against the curve is (1) proportional to the normal component of the force or (2) constant. The pressure, since the curve is considered smooth, is con- nected with the normal component of acceleration by the formula v 2 P = N. In the case of trajectories a particle moves freely r under the action of a force which depends only on the position of the particle; that is, there is no pressure and P = o. P = o is ob- tained when k = o from P = k N, which represents the first general problem, or when c = o from P = c, which represents the second general problem. Regarding P = o as a special case of P = k N, Professor Kasner stated five properties characterizing the system S* of <» 3 curves corresponding to any value of the parameter k. Sarah Elizabeth Cronin in her dissertation, 1917, found geometric properties completely characterizing the system of °° 4 curves obtained by combining all the systems Sjt. It is my purpose to consider the problem represented by P = c, the problem of curves along which a constrained motion is possible such that the pressure against the curve remains constant. I. I shall prove that the system S c of °o 3 curves of constant pressure corresponding to any one value of the parameter c has four properties. Property 1. For any given lineal element (x, y, y') the foci of the osculating parabolas of the single infinity of curves deter- mined by the given element lie on a circle passing through the given point. (v) Vi INTRODUCTION. Property .2. Of the <» l curves having the given lineal element (x, y, y' ,) one has contact of the third order with its circle of curvature. The locus of centers of the oo 1 hyperosculating circles obtained by varying the initial direction is a conic passing through the given point in the direction of the force acting at that point. Property 3. The circle that corresponds according to Prop- erty 1 to a given lineal element is so situated that the element bisects the angle between the acceleration vector for the given element and the tangent to the circle at the given point. Property 4. That curve corresponding to a given lineal ele- ment, which according to Property 2 has third order contact with its circle of curvature has a radius of curvature equal to three times the ratio of the tangential component of the force to the normal component of the space derivative of the force. II. In the second part it will be shown that the four proper- ties described are sufficient to determine a set of oo 3 curves of constant pressure in a field of force. III. By varying the parameter c we get &> l sets of curves S c and therefore oo 4 as the total number of curves of constant pressure in a given plane field. The following properties of the quadruply infinite system are found to be sufficient to completely characterize it. Property 1. Those curves of constant pressure which have a given curvatiire element have osculating conies whose centers lie on a conic tangent to the given element. Property 2. The oo 3 circles of the plane are curves of con- stant pressure and the pressure for these curves is infinite. Property 3. The radius of curvature for the conic of Prop- erty 1 is one-tenth the difference of the radius of curvature for those curves having third order contact with their circles of curvature minus the radius of curvature of the given curvature element. Property 4. As the curvature of a given element varies, leaving the direction and point fixed, the second center of curvature of the conic of Property 1 describes a cubic curve which passes through the given point once and has an asymptote parallel to the fixed direction with a double point on the asymptote at infinity. Property 5. The asymptote of the cubic of Property 4 inter- sects the normal of the lineal element to which the cubic belongs introduction! " , - •»' : ■-:■:: ;vii at a point whose distance from the fixed point of the element is three-tenths the ratio of the tangential component of the force to the normal component of the space derivative of the force. Property 6. The tangent of the angle which the cubic of Property 4 makes with the normal to the fixed element is one-tenth the sum of three ratios. The first ratio is negative three times the product of the normal component of the second space derivative of the force, as specialized for those curves which have third order contact with their circles of curvature, multiplied by the tangential component of the force divided by the square of the normal component of the first space derivative of the force. The second ratio is four times the tangent of the angle which the first space derivative of the force makes with the normal. The third is the negative tangent of the angle which the fixed element makes with the force vector. Property 7 . Of the oo l curves of constant pressure having a given curvature element, two have contact of the fourth order with their osculating parabolas. The locus of the foci of these hyperosculating parabolas as the curvature varies, leaving the lineal element fixed, is a quintic curve having a triple point at the origin and having the element as double tangent. The third branch of the quintic at the origin is so placed that its tangent at that point makes with the line, of force an angle bisected by the element. Property 8. The quintic of Property 7 intersects the fixed element tangent at a point whose distance from the point of the element is five-halves the ratio of the normal component of the space derivative of the force to the normal component of the second space derivative of the force for those curves of constant pressure which are hyperosculated by the particular parabola whose focus is the point of intersection of the quintic and the ele- ment tangent. IV. Property 1 is characteristic of any set of oo < curves represented by a certain general fourth order differential equation and the other seven properties stated above are shown to be suf- ficient to specialize the equation and identify a set of oo 4 curves as curves of constant pressure. The writer takes this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge her indebtedness to Professor Kasner for his helpful criticisms and suggestions. CHAPTER I Properties of the Set S c of °o 3 Curves of Constant Pressure Corresponding to One Value of the Parameter c. 1. The differential equation of S c . Given a plane field of force in which the general equations of motion for a particle moving freely are (i) m di^ =

,) y'-

CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 3 Placing this value of y'" equal to that in equation (8) for S c and simplifying, we have y" = ~ ? , 7i? ', unless y" = o, which 3 {£ s (a 2 +0 2 )-3 (Jt+c) ffl-3 4 + < pV 2 -cV 2 CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 7 The tangents of the angles which these lines make with the line of force - = - are then found to be , i. e., they are pro- x

2 -}-^ 2 is thus identified as that distance between the centers of the generating pencils of rays which produces the simplest expression for the curvature of the branches of the quartic at the tac-node. Theorem VI. The quartic of Theorem IV is symmetrical with respect to the line of force. When the pencil of element tangents is on the line of force and at a distance from the fixed point of the chosen element equal to the length of the force vector the two branches of the quartic at the tac-node have the same curvature as that at the vertices of two parabolas : the latus rectum of one parabola is equal to the product of the parameter of the system of curves of constant pressure multiplied by the length of the force vector divided by the sum of the parameter and the length of the vector, while the latus rectum of the other parabola is the product of the same parameter and length divided by their difference. 7. Geometric construction of the force vector. Properties 2 and 3 furnish sufficient information for the geometric construction of the force vector. The direction of it is given by the direction of the conic which according to Theorem II is the locus of the centers of the hyperosculating circles belonging to the curves of constant pressure passing throtigh a given point. The magnitude of the force vector is represented by that distance between the centers of the pencils of rays generating the quartic curve of Property 3 which produces the simplest expression for the curvature of the branches of the quartic at the tac-node. 8. The curve which has a hyperosculating circle. Returning to Property 2 we see that the curvature of the curve of constant pressure corresponding to a given lineal element which has third order contact with its circle of curvature is char- acterized by the second derivative . „ = (*.-yV.) (l+y'T , y 3 {ip+y'f) Hence its radius of curvature 3 (y+yW 3 T f*-y8 n where ]v represents the normal component of the space derivative CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 9 3 T of the force vector. The fact that R c = -=- constitutes the fourth N property for S c and may be stated as Theorem VII. That curve, corresponding to a given element, which according to Theorem II has third order contact with its circle of curvature has a radius of curvature equal to three times the ratio of the tangential component of the force to the normal component of the space derivative of the force. CHAPTER II The Converse Problem for 5,.. 1. Nature of the converse problem. It will now be shown that the four properties found for 5, are sufficient to identify a triply infinite system of curves as curves of constant pressure in a field of force. It will appear that curves having Property 1 are represented by a general differential equa- tion of the third order having two undetermined coefficients, functions of x, y, y' and that each of the other properties specializes the coefficients until the equation (8) is developed. 2. Converse of Property 1. Professor Kasner has proved that the only triply infinite systems of curves possessing the property that for every lineal element the corresponding focal curve is a circle passing through the point of the element are those defined by a differential equation of the form (9) y'" = G (x, y, f) y"+H (x, y, y') y"* where G and H are arbitrary functions of x, y, y'. This type includes trajectories and all other curves of constant pressure as special cases since G and H for these curves have a particular form. 3. Converse of Property 2. A restatement of Theorem II avoiding the words of dynamics is as follows : Of the o° l curves associated with a given lineal ele- ment one has contact of the third order with its circle of curvature. The centers of the o° x circles, obtained by varying the initial direc- tion, lie on a conic which passes through the given point in a fi^ed direction whose slope is co. The general equation of a conic passing through the given point in the direction w is (16) X A' 2 -m X Y+v F 2 +3 (F-« A") =o. Here A' and \ ' are referred to the given point as origin and X, \i, v are any functions of x and y. If this conic is to be the locus of centers of curvature it must be — y> (\A-y'2) 1+/ 2 satisfied bv A = — .. — , Y = £- in which y and y belong •> y" y> to the curves whose osculating circles have centers A' and Y. Substituting in (16) and simplifying, ( 10) CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 1 1 -(1+/ 2 ) (X /»+/*/+*) n (1?) y " 3U+.J0 a relation which must be satisfied by X, n, v when 7' and y" belong to a set of curves having Property 2. The condition that curves of set (9) have third order contact with their circles of curvature gives (18) G+H y>' = \^ since /" = ] 1? y * for circles and /" = G y"+H y" 2 for sets \-\-y * of curves having Property 1. Substituting (17) in (18), that is combining Properties 1 and 2,- (19) G = 3/ 1 f_ (!+/') (\/ 2 +m/ + »0 1 + i+y 2 JL 3(i+co/) J Replacing G by this value in equation (9) we have the equation of curves with Properties 1 and 2. r-[- B ^][-^ ){\y'--+ny'+v) 3(1+0;/) /'+ H y' 4. Converse of Property 3. To avoid the assumption of the existence of a field of force Property 3 may be restated employing the facts of Theorems IV, V and VI. These theorems enable us to describe the line which forms with the tangent to the focal circle corresponding to a given element the angle which is bisected by the given element without using the fact that that line is the acceleration vector. Property 3 is then: There exists for each element tangent y' at the point (x, y) a certain line through the point such that the angle between this line and the tangent to the focal circle cor- responding to the element (x, y, y') is bisected by the element. The direction of this line varies with the direction of y' forming a pencil of lines C\ through the point (x, y) such that if the pencil formed by /, C2, is moved to a point on the fixed line of slope o> the points of intersection of corresponding rays lie on a quartic curve. The quartic has a tac-node at C 2 with the double tangent perpendicular to y' = o> and two distinct branches at d forming an angle bisected by y' = w. Moreover, there exists a vector F in the direction y' — w such that the tangents of the angles which the branches of the quartic at C\ make with y' = co are proportional to the positive and negative reciprocals of the magnitude of the 12 CURVES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE. vector, the constant of proportionality being an independent parameter. The quartic curve is symmetrical with respect to the line y' = l

-\-y' (x— ^ H Hence the tangent of the angle which the focal circle makes with 3 the element is — 3 /-(!+/») H' CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 15 By the condition imposed in Property 3 this must equal the tangent of the angle which the element makes with the line of slope a. -3 y'-a- ' '3/-(l+/') H ~~~' 1+ a y r 3 Solving for H we find H = —, . Hence the onlv svstems of oo 3 y —a curves having Properties 1 and 3 are those whose differential equa- 3 tions are of the form V" = G y" -\ — : v" 2 , where G is anv func- y — = (M' /2 +m/ + *)^ yt , c » = 3yy (1+/ 2 ) {\y'*+ny'+v) Vl+/») 3T V • CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 17 The first possibility makes y" f = o directly and therefore succeeding derivations are zero and the curves are straight lines. N f If y = — — y (l+y' 2 ) consider the space derivative of the normal component of force. Since N = — c, N, = o. — T . . 3 7 But N, = N and r for this value of y" is equal to -=-. r N . . N, = N - y = f N. Since N t = o, N = o. Consequently y" = o, y'" = o . . . Thus both possibilities lead to the conclusion that at every point when the slope is such that N+c = o the curves are straight lines. Since the particle can move in a straight line only when it is affected by a tangential component of acceleration alone, it is evident that c is a normal component of acceleration which, when the element tangent is in this direction, cancels the normal component of the force (2 )+2 y'">{ 1 +/ 2 ) y" 3 Vi+/ 2 After making these substitutions and simplifying, the equation (27) becomes (29) y IV [3 y" ('V)-(14-/ 2 )P 1 . We then have (31) T iv = 5(^+yV) y , 2 D /" r-3(^-y z?(i+/ 8 )|_+ (i+/ 2 -3 (+-y' (5 y'g+1) [3 y" (y+yV)-Pi (l+/ g )] ( } y (1+y 2 ) 2 [3 y" {*>+?*) -Pi d + v' 2 )] If 3 y" (tp-\-y'^) — P\ (l+y" 2 )^o that factor may be cancelled, 3 v" 3 (5 V 2 + 1 ) y lv = , v ./, — - and for every value of v" all the curves have (l+y 2 ) L fourth order contact with their circles of curvature. In fact, the CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 21 curves are then circles since succeeding derivatives for them must be obtained from y'; y", y'", y lv . Referring to the third order problem of S c and solving equa- tion (8) for c, we find [P, y"-3 y yi-V" (^-vV)] Vl+/ 2 C v'"(1+t'-)-3 f y" 2 3 y'y'" 1 If y'" = . . >o > as it must if the curves are circles, the denomina- \+y- tor of the above fraction becomes zero and the numerator, y" [3 y" (^+/^)-Pi(14\V 2 )]. It is evident then that c= oo when the constant pressure curves are circles unless y" = o (when the curves are straight lines)) or 3y"( curves, one from each S c , coincide. As the direc- tion of the element varies the center of this hyperosculating circle describes a conic passing through the given point in the direction of the line of force. This is the conic of Property 2 for every S c . It is also known from the third order problem that the radius of the hyperosculating circle mentioned above corresponding to a given lineal element is three times the ratio of the tangential component of the force to the normal component of the space 3 T derivative of the force. R, = -^=^. N 22 CURVES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE. 6. The length of the force vector. In order to find geometrically the length of the force vector in the fourth order problem it is necessary to investigate the relation of the circles of Property 2 in 5 to the quartic of Prop- erty 2 in S c . The acceleration vectors when the constant pressure is infinite fall along the normals. Consequently the points of intersection of these lines with the corresponding tangents when the pencil of tangents is moved to the point Ci at the extremity of the force vector lie on a circle. This circle is the limiting form of the quartic in S c as c approaches infinity and its diameter is the required length of the force vector. Theorem X. The °° 1 acceleration vectors for the circles of Theorem X which pass through a given point are perpendicular to the tangents to the circles at that point. When the pencil of tangents is moved to the point at the extremity of the force vector the points of intersection of the tangents with correspond- ing acceleration vectors form a circle which is the limiting form of the quartic of Theorems IV, V and VI, and whose diameter is the length of the force vector. Having found the length of the force vector its projections on the tangent and normal for any lineal element as well as the projections of the space derivative of the force vector can be found. 7. The radius of curvature of the conic of Property 1. The equation of the conic of Property 1 belonging to the general system (32) is (36) 3 y" 3 (3 y"A - 5) X-+3 v" 2 B X (Y-y'X) + C (Y-y X)--3 /" (Y-y X)=o (Kasner, Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc, March, 1907.) In the present problem 07) A = 5 ^+y'» B=- 1 D -3 OA-vV) y' n +(io/p 1 +)p 2 (i+/ 2 )y + (1+/ 2 ) 2 P 3 c = D{\+y'*) 9^y" 4 +3 j(5y' 2 - 1) Pi+y'Pz] y" 3 1 P £(l+/ 2 )[ +3 y'/Ml +/' 2 ) /' 2 where Pu P>>, Ps, D represent the values assigned them in (30). CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 23 Substituting (37) in (36) we have the conic which is the locus of centers of osculating conies for curves having a given curvature element in 5. (38) A' 2 [3 tW 2 +(5-/ 2 ) P iy "-P2y'y"-P s y' (l +y' 2 )] +x y [-3 a-/?) y /2 +i2 p 1 yy / +p 2 y'(i-y 2 ) + P 3 (l-y' 4 )] + V 2 [3 ^ y" 2 + { (5 y' 2 - 1) Pi+y'P 2 ] y"+Pi/ (i+/ 2 )] + X D y' (1+/ 2 ) -YD ( 1 +y"-) =0. Differentiating (38) with respect to X we find , , 10y"P,(l+/ 2 ) r y , ^ The radius of curvature for conic (38) is then (39) dV 1+3/2 Vi+y 10 /'A 1 _ j_ f 3 (y+yv) vi+7 2 d+y 2 ) 3 H j_ r» J ~To[_ Pi y" J 10 L j This is Property 3 and is expressed by Theorem XL The radius of curvature of the conic corre- sponding to a given curvature element by Theorem IX is one-tenth the difference of the radius of curvature for those curves having third order contact with their circles of curvature minus the radius of curvature of the given curvature element. 8. The locus of the second center of curvature of the conic of Property 1 is a certain cubic. The general formulas for the second center of curvature of a given curve are (Mis r - -4y'(l+;/ 2 ) /"(!+/') (4 °) *2 = y, 1 yr 3 ; (1+y 2 ) (1-3 / 2 ) , yV"(l+y' 2 ) 2 y* = j, + —jh • For the conic of Property 1, Y'=y', 10 V'P, (1+/ 2 ) y= D „,_ 30 y"Pi [ -3 U-y'v) y" 2 +(l+y' 2 ) (10 y'P x +P 2 ) y'H D* +(l+y' 2 ) 2 P 3 . J 24 CURVES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE. Substituting these derivatives for y', y", y'" in (40), [- 10 y'y" (1+/2) Pl Z) + 3 D [_ 3 ty-ftp) /"] (AU ,_ L -p 2 (i+/ 2 )y r + (i+y) 8 P«i • J K * l) x ~ ioo y 2 (i+/ 2 ) Px 2 ^ 2 : fio y (i+y) Pi £+3 yz? [-3 (tA-yV) y 2 ] L +p 2 d+y 2 ) y+ a+y /8 )p»i J ioo y 2 (i4-/ 2 ) Pi 5 To find the locus of the second center of curvature of conic (38) as y" varies, keeping y' constant, y" must be eliminated from the above equations (41). The elimination gives the following result, when the equation is simplified. (42) 3 P 3 (}'2~y'x 2 ) [3 (1+/ 2 ) (*+yV)-ro Pi (>-2-A 2 )] 2 4- Pi (1+/ 2 ) [3 (1+y 2 ) (^4-/^-10 Pi (r 2 -A 2 )] [- 10 Pi 6> 2 /+* 2 )+3 P 2 (y 2 -y'x 2 )} -9Pi 2 (i+y 2 ) («£-y>) (^ 2 -y 2 )=o. The general character of this curve is more easily seen by writing the equation in the form when y' has the special value zero. (43) 3 P 3 y 2 (10 Pij 2 -3 -3[3P,(^) + ^-^^} 10 Pi 2 In order to obtain a geometric interpretation for this expression it is necessary to write down the components of the second space derivative of the force vector. The normal component is found to be (14-/ 2 F (i+/»r For those curves which have third order contact with their circles * + t. r/ Pi(l+v' 2 ) of curvature, when V = „ / , ' , ' , 3 ( +^)+3r f V,] 3 (*+•*) (14-/^ Now P 2 = *„(l-4 / 2 )-f Vx(/ 2 -4)~S /{**+**) 26 CURVES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE. .-. 3 (*>+/*) P 3 +PiP2 = N c 3 (?+/*) (l+y 2 )' : =AT e 3 7(l+y 2 ) 2 -4AT • T (1+/ 2 ) 2 (44) becomes _3_ 10 To 3 JV e r-4 iV T+N 2 ^^ / } N 2 3N C T AT W iv l This is Property 6 and may be expressed in words as Theorem XIV. The tangent of the angle which the cubic of Theorem XII makes with the normal to the element to which the cubic corresponds is three-tenths the sum of three ratios. The first ratio is negative three times the product of the normal component of the second space derivative of the force, as specialized for those curves which have third order contact with their circles of curva- ture, multiplied by the tangential component of the force divided by the square of the normal component of the first space derivative of the force. The second ratio is four times the tangent of the angle which the first space derivative of the force makes with the normal. The third is the negative tangent of the angle which the fixed element makes with the force vector. (45) 1 1 . Hyperosculating parabolas. The differential equation for all parabolas in a plane is 5 y'" 2 y'2 = 3/ Those curves of S which have contact of the fourth order with parabolas must have the same value of y iv . Substituting (45) in (31) the equation is seen to be quadratic in y'" . Hence of the oo 1 curves of (31) having a given curvature element two have contact of the fourth order with their osculating parabolas. The locus of the foci of these hyperosculating parabolas as y" varies will now be found. The coordinates of the focus of a parabola in terms of derivatives are (46) z a 2(3- CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 27 -3 y »[y'"(y'«—\)+2 y'(3 y' 2 -//")] y'"2+(3 y"*-y'y'"y -3 y"[(3 y'" l -y'y"') (/ 2 -l)-2 //"] }'"' 2 4-(3 y"*-y'y'"y Solving these equations for y" and y'" (14-/2) (£-«/) (47) /' = 2 (a 2 4-/3 2 ) „, = 3 (1+/ 2 ) (/3-a /) [a+/3 y' + y' (/3-a y')) y 4 (a 2 4-/3 2 ) 2 When /', 7"' and y IV from (47) and (45) are substituted in (31) the locus of the focus (a, /3) as y[' varies will be found, a and /3 being referred to the chosen point (x, y) as origin. The resulting equation simplified is (48) 4 P 3 (a 2 4-/3 2 ) 2 (« + /3 y') - 10 Pi(a 2 4-/3 2 ) (a+/3 y') 2 4-2 Pifa s +/3«) (/3-a y') 2 + 2 P 2 (a 2 + /3 2 ) (a+0 V) (/3-a/) -3 ty-y+/$ (0-a y'y = o representing a curve of the fifth degree having a triple point at the origin and the element as a double tangent. Theorem XV. Of the °° ' curves of 5 having a given curvature element two have fourth order contact with their osculating para- bolas. The locus of the foci of the hyperosculating parabolas as the curvature varies, leaving the lineal element fixed, is a quintic curve having a triple point at the origin and having the element tangent as a double tangent. The slope of the third branch at the origin is found to be — , . , , . , — ^-;-\ and the angle which this line makes with the v+y't+y'W-yv) element is the same as that which the element makes with the line of force. Theorem XVI. The single branch of the quintic of Theorem XV at the fixed point is so situated that its tangent at the fixed point makes with the line of force an angle bisected by the element. Theorems XV and XVI express Property 7. 28 CURVES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE. 12. The point of intersection of the quintic with the chosen element. Let jS — ay' = o. We find then 5 P (49) a = — p 1 and P 2P 3 as the coordinates of the only point of intersection of the element tangent with the quintic (48) in addition to the points at the origin. The distance from the origin to this single point Q of intersection is 5 P x Vl+V 2 = 5iV_ 2 P 3 " 2 Ni ' In seeking the geometric explanation of this quantity it is necessary to observe that W.-ff- ^'"^^*^ 1 . (1+? ) ' Now since the quintic of Theorem XVI is the locus of foci of oscu- lating parabolas the point Q is the focus of a particular parabola. Using again the general coordinates of the focus (46) and giving them the special values (49) it is found that the only curvature possible in this case is given by y" — o. Hence we may say that N\ = N tt where N a indicates the normal component of the second space derivative of the force for those curves which are hyperos- culated by the particular parabola whose focus is Q. We now state as Property 8 the facts just proved. Theorem XVII. The quintic corresponding to a given lineal element by Theorem XV intersects the element tangent at one point besides the point of the element. The distance of this point from the point of the element is five-halves the ratio of the normal component of the first space derivative of the force to the normal component of the second space derivative of the force for those curves of constant pressure which are hyperosculated by the particular parabola whose focus is thus defined by the inter- section of the quintic and the element tangent. CHAPTER IV The Converse Problem for 5. 1. Converse of Property 1. Professor Kasner has proved that Property 1 is characteristic of all sets of °o 4 curves whose equations are of the form (32) y iy =A y'"-+B y'"+C, where A, B and C are arbitrary functions of x, y, y', y" . It will now be shown that the other properties already stated are sufficient to specialize the equation (32) until it takes the form (31) which is known to represent all the curves of constant pressure in a plane field of force. 2. Converse of Property 2. Since the circles of a plane are included in the system (32) the differential equation of the circles must satisfy the equation (32). Substituting V" = ^C, -v IV = V'1 ( ^ 2 C +1) in (32) we have 1+y- (1+/*) (50) 3/' 3 (5/ 2 +l)=VyM4+3/y /2 (l+/ 2 ) B+{\+y'"YC, a relation among A, B and C in consequence of Property 2. Solv- ing for C and substituting the resulting value in (32) we have the equation of all curves possessing Properties 1 and 2. (51) f*=A y'" 2 + B y'" . $ y" z {5 y' 2 +\)-9 y'ytA-Sy'y"* (1+/ 2 ) B (1+/ 2 ) 2 C will still be written instead of the long final term but it is under- stood that it may at any time be replaced by its value in terms of A and B as A and B are modified by later properties. 3. Converse of Property 3. In Property 3 we must make use of all the information implied in the expression "radius of curvature of those curves which have third order contact with their circles of curvature." In the converse problem the force vector and its derivatives are to be treated as purely geometrical vectors. The force vector will be called F and its first and second space derivatives F and F respect- ively. The projections of F on the tangent and normal for any given element will be called T and N and the corresponding pro- jections of F and F will be T, N, T and N. Expressed without assuming the existence of a field of force, the information involved in Property 3 is then as follows : (29) 30 CURVES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE. For each point in the plane there exists a vector F determined in direction and magnitude by the curves of 5 passing through the point which have third order contact with their circles of curvature. For every lineal element at the point there is one circle of curvature which has four points in common with each of oo 1 curves of the system 5. As the direction of the element varies the center of this circle describes a conic which passes through the fixed point in a certain direction indicated hereafter by y' = p and \p and its direction w = -.

^)2( a 24-/3 2 )2(«4-/3 y') -30 ^P^l+y' 2 ) (a 2 4-£ 2 ) (a+By'V 4-6P, 2 £ 1 (14-y' 2 ) (a 2 4-/3 2 ) 03-a/) 2 -4P,(l + y' 2 ) [3 (1+y 2 ) (^4-vV)+5 £ 3 Pi] (a 2 +£ 2 ) (jS-a/) («+/3 /) 4- [9 (14-/ 2 ) 2 (^+yV) 2 +30 ^Pjd+y' 2 ) (*+yty) 4-100 £ 4 Pi 2 ] ()8-a y') 2 (a+(3 3;') -9 PiE^l+y 2 ) (<^4-yV) (<3-ay') 3 = o, where £ 4 is written for brevity instead of (59). The form of this equation shows that every set of 00 4 curves having Properties 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6 has also the property that the foci of the hyperosculating parabolas correspond- ing to a given lineal element lie on a quintic curve which has a triple point at the origin and has the element tangent as a double tangent. Consider now the equation of the tangent to the third branch of (61) at the origin (62) J -9 (14-y 2 ) 2 (^ + jV') 2 -30 B«Pi{l+/«) (^4-yV) £_ 1 -100 B 4 P{--9 ff 1 P 1 y'(l+;/ 2 ) (y+yY) a / 9 /(l+/ 2 ) 2 (^+/,A) 2 +30 # 3 P,(1+/ 2 ) /(*>+/*) I 4-100 B i Pfy'-9 BiPrd+y' 2 ) (*>+/£) The tangent of the angle which this line makes with the element y'is (63) 9(14-/ 2 ) 2 (^4-yV) 2 +30^Pi(l+y /2 ) (^4-/^)4-100 B 4 P X 2 9£ 1 Pi(14-ri 2 ) (y+yV) CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 35 To satisfy Property 7 this must equal the tangent of the angle § j which the element makes with the line of force, — ' .. . When this equation is formed and solved for B 3 , using expres- sion (59) for B 4 , we have (64) B a = - 10 Pi 2 Pi(l+/ 2 ) (?+vty)+3 5,P,(^+vty) +B 1 P 1 P 2 Substituting this in the fourth order equation (60) as already modified by Properties 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6 we shall have (65) as the equation of curves having all seven properties so far employed in the converse problem. 9. Converse of Property 8. The point of intersection of the quintic (61) with the element y' is found by substituting 8 — a y' — o in equation (61). The co- r .1 • 15 Pi _, 15 Biy' ordmates of the point are a = ^ ,, — rr. and 8 = - ,, , ,„. and 2 (1+V 2 ) 2(1+/ 2 ) its distance from the fixed point of the element V a 2 +/3 2 = - , -. 2Vl+/ 2 By Property 8 this distance must be five-halves the ratio of the normal component of the vector F to the normal component of the vector F for those curves which are hyperosculated by the par- ticular parabola whose focus is the intersection of the quintic and the element tangent. Expressed in symbols this property gives the equation, 15 B l 5 P, Vl-f-/ 2 -^— . Hence 2 Vl-f/ 2 2 P 3 Pi(l + / 2 ) (66) Pi 2>Pz Now substituting (66) in (65) and simplifying, the fourth order equation takes the form of equation (31) representing all the curves of constant pressure in the field (