BSRKCieY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBBAEI SCHOOL ^r~~" ■10} ■If Accessions h.i^r- Class v'^-- l&u THE /.^f- PUBLIC LIBRARY OF ^m SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY. GUIDE TO THE SYSTEM OF CATALOGUING OF THE REFERENCE LIBRARY; ^ WITH REGULATIONS FOR VISITORS, HINTS TO READERS AND STUDENTS, RULES FOR CATALOGUING, AND SUBJECT-HEADINGS USED IN mt DICTIONARY INDEX. 3rd EDITION— JULY, 1898. SYDNEY : WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 23335 a u The Hon. James Norton, LL.D., M.L.C, President. The Hon. Edmund Barton, M.A., Q.C., M.L.C. The Hon. J. F. Burns. The Hon. Edward Greville, M.L.C. The Hon. Philip Gidley King, M.L.C. Professor M. W. MacCallum, M.A. Alexander Oliver, Esq., M.A. ®^ctts—'Sidtxtnce Sibrarg : Principal Librarian and Secretary ... Pirst Assistant Librarian Second Assistant Librarian ... Cataloguers ... Editor of the Historical Records of N.S.W. fC. Henry C. L. Anderson, M.A. George H. Gifford. Hugh Wright. J. Brennan, M.A. James Pierce. Prank M. Bladen. ■40^^964 A GIFT I / ^n The Classification, which was adopted in 1869 on the formation of the Library, is distinguished by letters A to K, ^s shown in the following Synopsis : — A.— NATURAL SCIENCES, PHYSICS, MATHEMATICS, PINE AETS, INDUSTRIAL ARTS and TRADES. B.— HISTORY, CHRONOLOGY, ANTIQUITIES, and MYTHOLOGY. C— BIOGRAPHY AND CORRESPONDENCE. D.— GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, TRAVELS and ATLASES. E.— PERIODICAL LITERATURE, REPORTS and NEWSPAPERS. F.— LAW, COMMERCE, ECONOMIC SCIENCE, POLITICAL ECONOMY, POLITICS, AND SOCIAL ECONOMY. G— EDUCATION, METAPHYSICS, MORAL PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, and OCCULT SCIENCES. H.— POETRY, DRAMA and THE STAGE. J —GENERAL LITERATURE, PHILOLOGY, and COLLECTED WORKS. K.— WORKS OP REFERENCE. Books belonging to the Australasian Collection have the letter M prefixed to the Class letters above. In every Class the Presses holding the Books commence with No. 1 and continue with consecutive numbers to the end of the Class. The Shelves in each Press are lettered from P to Z, so as to avoid the letter of a Shelf being mistaken for the letter of a Class. The Books on each Shelf are numbered from 1 up to 40, or more, according to the length of a Shelf. Large-sized Books, placed in Presses for holding large quartos and folios, which are not accessible to the public, are marked t or J after the Shelf nimiber. In order to obtain the use of Books so marked, and also all Books bearing the Class letter E, and Books relating to Australasia, which are all stored in the Basement or in the Galleries, visitors must make application to an Assistant of the Library. Example: — "Badger's Statutes' of New Zealand" (vol. 1) is numbered MF 3 S 1, which means — Class 'E, Press 3, Shelf S, Book 1, in the Australasian Collection. 06^ IV CLASS A. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, FINE ARTS, INDUSTRIAL ARTS AND TRADES. Including : — Acoustics; Aeronautics; Agricultuek; Anatomy; Anthropology; Apiculture; Architecture; Assaying ; Astronomy. Biology ; Botany ; Chemistry ; Cookery ; Crystallography. Dairy-farming and Dairying ; Domestic Economy. Electricity ; Embryology ; Engineering ; Entomology ; Ethnology and Ethnography ; Evolution. Fine Arts [Decoration, Design, Drawing, Engraving, Etching, Music, Fainting, Pliotography, Pottery, Sculpture] ; Fisheries and Fish Culture ; Forestry; Fruitgrowing. Gardening Geodesy ; Geology. Heat ; Hospitals ; Hydraulics ; Hygiene. Industrial Arts; Irrigation. Light and Optics. Manufactures; Mathematics; Medicine; Metallurgy; Meteorology; Microscopy; Military Art AND Science ; Mineralogy ; Mining. Natural History ; Naval Art and Science ; Navigation ; Numismatics. Paleontology; Pathology; Physics; Physiology; Pneumatics. Science, History of ; Sericulture ; Ship-building ; Sports and Pastimes ; Stock [Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Poultry, Sheep] ; Surgery ; Surveying. Toxicology; Trades. Veterinary Science and Practice; Viticulture. Water Supply of Towns ; Wine-making. Zoology. CLASS B. HISTORY, CHRONOLOGY, ANTIQUITIES AND MYTHOLOGY. Including : — Africa; America; Ancient History; Archeology; Asia: Australasia. Europe. Folk-lore. History — General ; History, Philosophy of. Mythology, CLASS C. BIOGRAPHY AND CORRESPONDENCE. CLASS D. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, TRAVELS AND ATLASES. Including : — Africa ; America ; Arctic and Antarctic Regions ; Asia ; Atlases, Charts and Maps ; Australasia and Islands of the Pacific. EUROPK Geography — General : Guide-books. Hand-books of Resources. Topography; Travels. r . .' Voyages. CLASS E. PERIODICAL AND SERIAL LITERATURE, REPORTS AND NEWSPAPERS. Including : — Almanacs and Calendars ; Army and Navy Lists ; Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. Census Returns ; Civil Service Blue Books and Registers. Directories. Electoral Rolls. Government Gazettes; Guides and Hand-books, Yearly. Law Reports. Magazines, Reviews, and Periodicals — General. Newspapers. Parliamentary Debates, and Votes and Proceedings ; Patents. Societies and Institutions — Reports, Proceedings and Transactions of ; Statistics ; Statutes. University Calendars and Registers. Year-books. Vl CLASS R JURISPRUDENCE, COMMERCE, ECONOMIC SCIENCE, POLITICS, POLITICAL ECONOMY AND SOCIAL ECONOMY. Including : — •■ Banking. Civil Service ; Commerce and Trade ; Currency. Economic Science. Law. Medical Jurisprudence. Political Economy ; Politics. Social Economy ; Statutes (General Systems and Codes) CLASS G. THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, MORAL PHILOSOPHY, MENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION. Including : — Bible, the — Commentaries, Concordances ; Bibles and Testaments, Hymn-books, Prayer Books, Rituals, Christian Churches and Sects ; Christianity ; Church Institutions and "Work ; Church Polity, Administration and Ordinances ; Churches (Buildings), History and Records or ; Clairvoyance. Ecclesiastical History ; Education. Freemasonry. Hypnotism. Kindergarten. Logic. Magic and Occult Sciences ; Metaphysics ; Mind and Body ; Missionary Work ; Moral Philosophy. Philosophy — General; Phrenology; Physiognomy; Psychology. Religion — General ; Religion and Science ; Religion in Education ; Religions — Non-Christian ; Reliqious Allegories. Sermons; Social Ethics. Theology. vn CLASS H. POETRY AND DRAMA. Including : — Acting. Ballads and Popular Poetry. Drama, the ; Dramatic Literature. Humorous Poetry and Parodies. Poetry, Collections and Selections of; Poetry — Theory, Philosophy and Art ov ; Poets— Works of. Stage, The. CLASS J. LITERATURE, PHILOLOGY AND COLLECTED WORKS. Including : — Bibliography ; Book Rarities. Collected Works ; Commentaries and Literary Criticism. Dictionaries of Languages. Elocution and Public Speaking. Fiction. Hieroglyphics; Humour and Comic Literature. Journalism. Libraries and Library Economy; Literature, History and Criticism op Literature — General. Manuscripts ; Miscellaneous Literature [Addresses, Essays, Lectures, Speeches, Prose Selections]. Paleography; Philology. CLASS K. WORKS OF REFERENCE-GENERAL. Including : — Catalogues of Books, Fine Arts, Museums, &c. Dictionaries op Names, Proverbs, and Quotations. Encyclopedias and Works of General Information; Exhibitions — Catalogues and Reports of. Heraldry and Genealogy. Note. — Works of Reference on Special Subjects are placed in their Respective Classes. Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias of Agriculture, Architecture, Botany, Chemistry, Engineering, Gardening, Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Medicine and Science are placed in Class A, each in its own section ; Dictionaries of Archaeology, Chronology, and History are placed in Class B ; Dictionaries of Biography in Class C ; Dictionaries of Geography and Gazetteers in Class D ; Almanacs, Calendars, Directories and Year-books, issued at regular intervals, are placed in Class E ; Dictionaries of Commerce and Trade, Economic Science, Law and Political Economy in Class F ; Philosophy and Theology In Class G ; and Dictionaries, Concordances, Grammars and Glossaries of Languages in Class J. VIU [From Government Gazette of 24th March, 1876.] REGULATIONS FOR Visitors to the Public Library of New South Wales. 1. The Library will be open every week-day, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., except New Year's Day, Anniversary Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Queen's Birthday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and such other days as the Trustees may from time to time direct. 2. Visitors will not be permitted, under any circumstances, to take books out of the Library. 3. Adult visitors may themselves take from the shelves such books as they wish to read, but must leave them on the Library tables when done with. All persons under 18 years of age must apply to one of the Library Assistants for such books as they may desire. 4. Such visitors as may wish to make extracts from the books, papers, maps, &c., with inli, must make special application to the Librarian to do so. 5. No conversation will be allowed in the Library, otherwise than in a whisper. 6. No person will be permitted to sit in the room with his hat on ; nor will any person who is intoxicated, or in a dirty condition, be admitted to the Library. 7. Children under 12 years of age are not admitted. 8. Any visitor writing in or upon, folding down a leaf, defacing, mutilating, or otherwise injuring any book, spitting on the floor, smoking in the doorway, or eating food or fruit, will be excluded from the Library. 9. The Librarian has the power to remove, by force if necessary, any visitor who shall wilfully break any regulation, or injure any property of the Library, or shall otherwise prove offensive to readers or officers of the Institution. 10. The Librarian shall at all times have power to prohibit any book or books, Ac, from being taken off the shelves, or to exclude from the Library any person or persons who may refuse to comply with any part of the Regulations of the Institution, or to obey any reasonable directions of the Librarian. 11. Readers desirous of proposing books for addition to the Library, may do so by writing the Title and Author of the same in a Suggestion Book, which will be submitted regularly to the Trustees for consideration. IX HINTS TO READERS AND STUDENTS. The whole of the books in the E,eference Library are now catalogued under the Author or Editor, and published in four volumes, which are available to the Public. The main Author Catalogue contains all the books received from the opening of the Library in 1869 down to 1887 ; the first Supplement embraces the books received during the years 1888-92 ; the second Supplement covers the years 1893-95, and the third Supplement contains the books of 1896-7, and will be continued till it makes a five years' supplement. The current books are promptly catalogued as they come in week by week, and printed on slips which are pasted in alphabetical order into two current Catalogues, which are kept in the charge of the senior Assistants, — one in each of the two Reading Rooms, and are made available to the Public through these Officers. If a student does not know the Author or Editor of the work he requires, he should give an Assistant the exact Title and indicate the subject, in order to guide him in finding it, if it be in the Library. Eor the sake of students and original workers the whole of the books are being minutely indexed, and grouped together under about 5,000 Subject Headings as shown in this Guide. Such a Classified Dictionary Index is available for the 1893-95 and 1896-7 Supplements, and is being compiled from day to day for the current 1898 Catalogue. The Index for the Main Catalogue and the 1888-1892 Supplement will be finished during this year, but as it contains over 250,000 entries, it will take over a year to print it. The Sections and Subject Headings shown in this Guide do not comprise all that are used in the Index, for the name of any country, place, dialect, language, mineral, game, plant, animal, insect pest, chemical element, division or genus in Botany or Zoology, disease, religious denomination or sect. College or University, fruit-tree or crop may become a section if a book or a Magazine article has been written about it. New Sections and Subject Headings will necessarily be made every week ; but the present edition of the Guide shows the principal ones, and indicates by the cross-references how different sections are co-related, and what choice has been made between synonymous and variant headings. Personal names are not used in the Index, only in the Author Catalogue ; for whether a Book is written by or about a person, it is catalogued under that person's name. Thus, all the Books written about Napoleon Bonaparte are entered under his name in the Author Catalogue. All important articles in Scientific Society Publications and Australasian Periodicals, and articles on Australasian subjects contained in any Periodical received in the Library, are noted in the Index, but not the general articles in British, European, and American Periodicals, most of which can be found in Poole and Eletcher's Index to Periodical Literature, the Cumulative Index, or the Review of Reviews Index. Persons requiring further information on any subject connected with the Library are invited to apply to an Assistant Librarian or to the Library Assistant in charge of the Booms. Students wishing for the use of the Students' Room for the purpose of making extracts in ink, or copying plates from books, and those desiring special facilities for original work should apply, in writing, to the Principal Librarian. HENRY C. L. ANDERSON, May, 1898. Principal Librarian. h RULES FOR CATALOGUING. The General Catalogue of the Library is arranged in two parts — A. A Catalogue of Authors in the alphabetical order of their names ; B. A Dictionary Index in which each book is entered under one or more appropriate subject-headings or form- entries. The Author-Entries are of two kinds : (1) Main Entries, describing adequately the contents of the books to which they refer ; (2) Partial Entries or Analytical References, in which part of this information is repeated, in order that under the name of each person may be shown not only the books of which he is the sole and avowed author, but also those which he has written anonymously or in collaboration, or as part of a series or collection, or which have been written about him. Simple references are also used, to point from other forms of a name or title to the one which is adopted. A main-entry, of which, in its complete form, few books should have more than one, consists of — (1) A Heading, giving the name of the Author of the book, or such substitute for it as the Rules provide. (2) A Description of the contents of the book, as far as possible in the words of the title-page. (3) The Imprint, a statement as to its place and date of printing, and its size. (4) An Explanatory Note, when necessary. {See also B. M. Rules 23, 24.) 1 T) 1 ^ u i 1 J Author Entry. 1. Books are to be entered under : — A. Real surnames of Authors, whenever they can be ascertained, followed by (a) titles, (6) Christian names in full, when possible, (c) other distinguishing marks. The Latinized form of a name, if generally used by the Author, is to be adopted, e.g., Erasmus and Linnaeus. An anonymous work, of which the Author has been ascertained, should always have a reference from the Title. B. Initials of Authors' names (with accompanying epithets added), when those only are known, the last initial being put first — to represent the surname, unless there is evidence from the book that the surname is repre- sented by one of the preceding letters. All such books shall also get a partial entry under their titles. C. Pseudonyms of the writers, when the real names are not ascertained, — Pseud, being added. Otherwise a reference only will be given from pseudonyms or sobriquets. Pseudonyms will be indicated by the epithet Pseud., appellations by " " ; e.g., " Globe Trotter." D. Names of Editors of collections, or titles of such series and collections, — each separate part being at the same time sufficiently catalogued under its own Author and indexed under its appropriate subject-heading. E. Names of Countries (with Government Departments as sub-headings), Cities (in English), Societies, Political Parties, Religious Denominations, Reporters of Trials, Military Orders, or other collective bodies or Institutions which are responsible for their publication. p. First striking word (not an article or serial number) of the real titles of Periodicals or anonymous books, with references from the commonly used title, and any other noticeable word, name of a place, proper name, or person, or catch-title (in English) — the abbreviation {Anon.) being added to the titles of all anonymous works. A motto or the designation of a series should be neglected when it begins a title, but may be added in italics after the other imprint entries. 2. Commentaries accompanying a text, also translations, are to be entered under the Author or heading of the original work, with a reference from the name of the commentator, editor, or translator ; but commentaries or criticisms without the text, and commentaries on Acts of Parliament, under the name of the commentator, with a reference from the original author. An Epitome or Revision is to be entered under the original Author with a reference from the Epitomizer or Reviser. Excerpts and Chrestomathies from a single Author are to be similarly treated. 3. The Bible, or any part of it (including the Apocrypha), also anonymous commentaries, in any language, is to be entered under the heading Bibles and Testaments in the Author Catalogue, with subdivisions for the two Testaments. 4. The Talmud and Koran (and parts of them) are to be entered under these words respectively ; the sacred books of other religions under the names by which they are generally known, — references being made from the names of Editors, Translators, » 6 12mo. >) J> 7 8vo. >» JJ 8f Royal 8vo.- -length up t Imp. 8vo. jj n Small 4to.- -square J) 4to. u jj XXI 57. Generally prefer a specific heading to a generic one ; i.e., enter a work under its subject however small, rather than under a section or class which includes that subject ; e.g., books or articles on Codling moth, Texas fever. Platypus, Clarence River, 42nd Regiment, Rose, Cockatoo, should bo entered under these subject-headings rather than under the larger classes — Entomology — Economic, Diseases of Animals, Zoology, New South Wales, Army — British, Gardening or Flowers, Birds — respectively. Make abundant cross-references from the cla.sses and larger groups of subjects to all the subject-heading.s which they may include. Generally prefer common names of insect pests, birds, flowers, animals, and diseases to the scientific ones. 58. The entries under the name of a country should be sub-divided as follows : — (1) General (including Descriptive Works, Guide Books, Handbooks, and Travels). (2) Army. (.3) Bibliography. (4) Biography. (5) Climate. (6) Colonies and Dependencies. (7) Commerce and Trade. (8) Constitution and Constitutional Law. (9) Constitutional History. (10) Discovery, Exploration, and Early Voyages. (11) Finance and Taxation. < (12) Geography, Topography, and Maps. (13) Government and Administration. (14) History (grouped in order of dynasties, epochs, or centuries). (15) Navy. (16) Parliament. (17) Politics.— (A) Home. (B) Foreign. (18) Public Lands. (19) Religion. (20) Social Life and Customs. (21) Statistics. (22) Statutes (General Systems and Codes). 59. Books dealing with any of the following important subjects with special reference to any particular country should be placed under the name of the country as a sub-heading under the main subject-heading : — Agriculture, Archceology, Architecture, Aristocracy, Ballads, Banks and Banking, Birds, Botany and Flora, Capital and Labour, Cattle and Cattle-breeding, Ceramics, Charities, Civil Service, Coins, Commerce and Trade, Consuls and Consular Service, Cooperation, Copyright, Costume, Currency, Dairying, Dramatic Literature, Ecclesiastical History, Education, Emigration and Immigration, Entomology, Ethnology, JExhibitions, Ferns, Fiction, Fine Arts, Fisheries, Folk-lore, Forestry, Fruitgrowing, Genealogy, Geology, Heraldry, Hospitals, Humour and Comic Literature, Inscriptions, Irrigation, Jews, Journalism, Labour Question, Land Tenure, Law Reports, Lepidoptera, Libraries, Lighthouses, Local Government, Manufactures and Industries, Medals, Meteorology, Military History, Mineralogy, Mining and Mineral Resources, Missions and Missionary Work, Music, Mythology, Natural History, Naval History, Newspapers, Ornithology, Painting, Palaeography, Pateontology, Patents and Trade Marks, Physical Geography, Poetry, Police, Postal Service and Administration, Prisons, Public Health, Public Works, Railways, Reformatories, Sculpture, Secret Societies, Socialism, Sport and Sporting Adventures, Supreme Court, Tales, Tariffs, Technical and Industrial Education, Postage Stamps, Timbers, Typography, Universities, Viticulture, Wine-making, Working Classes, Zoology and Fauna. 60. The entries under small Subject-headings should be arranged alphabetically by titles ; those under the larger headings should be grouped topically, when practicable. Under each language the following sub-divisions may be used : — (1) Alphabet, Orthography, Orthoepy, Punctuation, Spelling Reform, Inscriptions. (2) Derivations, Etymology, Formation of Words. (3) Dialects, Arc'iaisms, Glossaries, Provincialisms, Slang. (4) Dictionaries, Lexicons, Idioms. (5) Grammars, Syntax, Accidence, Analysis. (6) History of. (7) Prosody, Accent, Metres, Rhymes, Versification. (8) School-books, Readers, Text-books, Examination Papers, Selections, Spelling Books, Conversational Handbooks. (9) Synonyms. The following sub-headings should be used for large sections, as closely as practicable : — (1) General (including Theory of. Utility, Philosophy of. Methods). (2) Addresses, Essays, Lectures, Discourses, Disputations, Letters, Pamphlets, Tracts, Theses. (3) Bibliography. (4) Biography. (5) Dictionaries, Cyclopasdias, Lexicons, Concordances, / / XXIU (6) Education, Teaching of, Study of, Colleges, Museums, Schools, Training Schools, Laboratories, Gardens, Experiment Stations. (7) History of. (8) Laws and Legislation. (9) Manuals, Charts, Compendiums, Handbooks, Textbooks, Outlines, Systems. (10) Periodicals, Magazines, Reviews. (11) Societies, Exhibitions, Boards, Institutes, Conferences — Journals, Reports, Transactions. (12) Statistics. (13) Treatises, Collected Works, Extracts, Collections, Libraries, Series, Miscellanies. 61. Important events or epochs in the history of a country which have a distinctive title should be entered under that title, with a cross-reference from the country ; e.g., St. Bartholomew's Day, Eureka Stockade, Irish Rebellion 1798, Indian Frontier Campaigns, French Revolution 1779-99, American Civil War, Thirty Years' War, Soudan Contingent, Crimean War, Reign of Terror, Trafalgar — Battle, War of the Roses. 62. Enter a book under the heading which best expresses its subject, whether the title indicates it or not, e.g., — " The Cruise of the Betsy" goes under Geology — Scotland. " With the Jungle Folk" „ „ Burmah — General. " Lenten Dishes" " Memoirs of Talleyrand" " Silver and Gold" " New Light on the Bible" " Sport in the Alps" Cookery and Cookery Schools. France — History. Currency. Cuneiform Inscriptions. Chamois. Most books must be entered under several headings, and some, such as a volume of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, under as many as fifty headings. Any article, however short, that has Australasian interest and embodies original research in any department of knowledge, should be entered in the Index, while many long and aim- less disquisitions may be ignored. \See also Cutter's Rules, § 105-112.] 63. Rather than make the language and the literature of a country two sub-headings under the name of the country, make each a subject of itself — -the name of the country being used as an adjectival prefix ; e.g., Greek language, Japanese literature. 64. Make form-entries for grouping together the works in the chief forms of literature, — Anecdotes, Ballads, Dramatic Literature, Epigrams, Epitaphs, Essays, Fables, Fairy Tales, Fiction, Humour and Comic Literature, Legends, Letters, Parodies, Periodicals — General, Poetry, Satires, Songs, Speeches and Orations, Tales, — subdividing each group, when necessary, by countries — American (meaning United States), Australian, British, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Scottish, Spanish, &c. 65. Make form-entries for general works such as Encyclopaedias, Gazetteers, General Information — Works of, Year-books ; but place special ones such as Dictionaries of Agriculture, Chemistry, Medicine, &c., or Dictionaries of Languages, or Hand-books of Countries in groups under their own appropriate headings. 66. Make copious cross-references [See also'] between allied subject-headings, between the large class headings and the small specific headings, and vice versd. Thus a student finding an entry under Aspidiotus perniciosus will be referred also to Scale Insects, thence to Insects, Injurious, and to Entomology, Economic. Make explanatory notes under such entries as Parliament, Congress, Academies, Societies, Universities, Museums, Galleries, &c., in regard to whose entry there is a diverse usage, and state what is the rule of this Catalogue. In short, adopt any practicable method, suggested by your experience and intelligence, of making the treasures of this Library easily available to the students and original workers who invoke its aid. July, 1898. HENRY C. L. ANDERSON. Note— In the Index of the Lending Branch Catalogue the titles of all books will be inserted in the alphabetical arrangement (in brevier type) in which the subject-heading is not contained or clearly indicated, articles being always transposed. References from proper names or catch-words will also be given when deemed advisable. [See Rule 38.1 The titles of Works of Fiction will be given under the subject-heading Fiction. XXV SUB-HEADINGS FOR USE IN THE AUTHOR CATALOGUE. MAY, 1898. CANADA — Government Departments — Reports and Publications — Acts. {See Statutes.] Archives. Bureau of Industries. Census. Civil Service. Colonization. [^See Immigration and Colonization.] Confederation. Dairy Commissioner. Department of Agriculture. Department of Customs. Department of Finance. [^See also Department of Inland Revenue.] Department of Indian Affairs. Department of Inland Revenue, \_See also Depart- ment of Finance.] Department of Interior. Department op Justice. Department of Marine and Fisheries. Department of Militia and Defence. Department of the Post Office. Department of Public Works. Department of Railways and Canals. Department of Secretary op State. Department of Trade and Commerce. Experimental Farms. Geological and Natural History Survey. Immigration and Colonization. [See also Depart- ment of Interior.] Insurance. Parliament. Patent Office. Statistical Yeae-Book. Statutes. Supreme Court. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— G*oi;ernOTen< Departments — Reports and Publications — Acts. [See Statutes.] Admiralty. [See also Greenwich Observatory; and under the main Author Entry — Nautical Almanac] Aged Poor (Royal Commission). Agriculture (Royal Commission Reports). ISee also Board of Agriculture.] Army. [See War Office.] Audit Office. d XXVI ^Public Library of New South Wales, GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND— cowJinwec^. Australasian Federation. Bills. \_See Statutes.] Board of Agriculture. Board of Health. Board op Trade. \^See also Labour Department ; Weights and Measures.] British Museum. \_See also under main Author Entry.] Canals. [See Board of Trade.] Census. Charities. Chronicles and Memorials. ■ Civil Service. Colonial Office. Companies — Reports. Consular Reports. [See Foreign Office.] Convicts. Co-operation (Reports). Council of Medical Education. Crime, Criminals and Prisons. [See also Prison Commission. ] Crofters (Royal Commission). Customs. Diplomatic and Consular Reports. [See Foreign Office.] Ecclesiastical Commissioners. Education, Science, and Art. [See also British Museum ; London University ; National Gallery ; National Portrait Gallery ; Scotch Education Department ; South Kensington Museum.] Electric Powers. (Report.) England. [See also under Public Record Office.] Estimates. [See Finance.] Exchequer Rolls. [See also Public Record Office.] Explosives. Factories and Workshops. • Finance. [See also Customs ; Taxation.] Fisheries. Foreign Office. Friendly Societies. Geological Survey. Greenwich Observatory. [See also under main Author Entry and under Cape of Good Hope — Royal Observatory.] Historical MSS. Commission. Home Office. [See also Mineral Statistics ; Factories and Workshops.] House of Commons. [See Parliament.] House of Lords. [See Parliament.] Hydrographic Office. Immigration. Sub-headings for use m the Author Catalogue. xxvu GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELA'^D— continued. India Office. Intoxicating Liquors (Reports). Ireland. [See also under Public Record Office.] Irish Constabulary. Kew Royal Gardens. [See also under main Author Entry.] Labour (Royal Commission Reports, &c.) Labour Department. Land. Law Reports. [See under Author Entry — Law Reports of Great Britain and Ireland.] Lighthouses. Local Government. London University. [See also under main Author Entry for Registers and private publications.] Lunacy. Master of the Rolls. Meteorological Council. Mineral Statistics. Mint. Murray River. •National Debt. [See Finance.] National Gallery. [See also under main Author Entry for Catalogues and private publications.] National Portrait Gallery. [See also under main Author Entry.] Nautical Almanac. [See under the main Author Entry.] Navy and Navy List. [See Admiralty.] *New South Wales. [See also Convicts.] Norfolk Island. Opium (Royal Commission Report). Ordnance Survey. Parliament. Parliamentary Debates. [See under Parliament] Patent Office. Pauperism. Police. [See also Irish Constabulary.] Poor Law Commission. Post Office. Prison Commission. Prisons. Privy Council. Public Accounts. Public Record Office. Railways. Records Commission — Publications. *NoTE. — Any British Parliamentary Paper or Report referring to one of the Australasian Colonies would be placed under the name of that Colony as a sab-heading. XXVlll I'ublio Library of New South Wales, GEEAT BRITAIN AND I^'EIjA.'^D— continued. Register of Great Seal of Scotland. [See under Public Record Office.] Registrar-General. Royal Commissions. [See under the Subject of each Commission as a sub-heading.] Savings Banks. Science and Art. [See Education, Science and Art.] Scotch Education Department. Scotland. [See also under Public Record Office.] Scottish Records Publications. [See under Public Record Office.] Secondary Punishment. *SouTH Australia. South Kensington Museum. [See also under the main Author Entry.] South Sea Islands. State Papers. State Trials. Statistics. [See also Census ; and Mineral Statistics.] Statutes and Bills. Steam Communication. Tariffs. Taxation. Telegraphs. Transportation. [See Convicts.] Treasury. Treaties. Tuberculosis (Royal Commission Report). Vaccination. Volunteers. [See War Office.] Wales. [See also under Public Record Office.] War Office. Weights and Measures. Western Pacific (Royal Commission Report). MASSACHUSETTS— »S'tofe Departments— Reports and Ptiblications — • Adjutant-General. Agricultural Experiment Station at Amherst. [See also Board of Agriculture.] Almshouse. Attorney-General. Auditor of Accounts. Board of Agriculture. [See also Agricultural Experiment Station.] Board of Arbitration. Board of Commissioners op Prisons. Board of Commissioners of Savings Banks. •Note. — Any British Parliamentary Paper or Report referring to one of the Australasian Colonies would be placed under the name of that Colony as a sub- heading. Sub-headings for use in the Author Catalogue. XXIX MASSACHUSETTS— co«S«« a?so Hydraulic Engineering ; Water Supply.] Arabesques. Arabia. D. Yemen.] Arabia Petrffia. D. Arabic Language. J. Arabic Literature. J. Arabs. A. Arachnida. A. [S«« aZj!o Acarina ; AraneinajArthrogastra; Artliropoda ; Mites ; Scorpions ; Spiders.] Aragon. B. and D. Aramaic Language. .1. [See also Babylon and Babylonia ; Chaldean Language ; Cuneiform Inscriptions.] Araneidse. A. [^See also Arachnida, ; Spiders.] Arbitration and Conciliation. F. [See also Capital and Labour ; Labour Question — Laws and Legislation ; Master and Servant ; Strikes.] Arbitration, International. F. [See also Alabama, The ; Behring Sea Fisheries ; Disarmament ; Geneva Arbitra- tion ; International Law and Relations.] Arbor-Day. A. and G. [See also Forestry.] Arboriculture. [See Forestry ; Fruit-growing.] Archaeology. General. B. [See also Abbeys ; Amulets : Anthropology ; Architectural Antiquities ; Arms and Armour ; Athens ; Biblical Archeology ; Brasses ; Bronze Age ; Castles ; Catacombs ; Cathedrals and Churches ; Caves ; Christian Anticjuities ; Christian Art ; Classical Antiquities ; Classical Dictionaries ; Cliff Dwellings ; Coins ; Costume ; ; Customs and Manners ; Egyptology ; Epitaphs ; Ethnology ; Folklore; Heraldry; Hieroglyphics; History, Ancient ; History, Mediwvjil ; Indians, American ; Inscriptions ; Iron Age ; Lake-dwellers ; Monuments ; Mounds ; Mummies ; Mythology ; Numismatics ; Pageants ; Palfeography; Parthenon; Pompeii; Pottery; Pyramids " ' ~ Round Towers; Sculpture; Stone Age ; Stone- and Obelisks Rome ; Seals ; Signs and Sign-boards henge ; Superstition ; Temples ; Ancient Countries and Places.] Dictionaries. — Periodicals. — Societies. — By Countries. and the names of u Fublio Lihi'ciry of X?to South TFales. Archaeologists, C. Archseopteryx. A. [See also Palaeontology — Ai-es.] Archbishops. [See Bishops ; Christian Biography.] Archery. A. Arches. A. Arches of Triumph. B. Archiannelida. A. [See also Annelids ; Helminthology.] Architects. C. Architects and Contractors. (Law.) F. Architectural Acoustics. A. Architectural Antiquities. A. Architectural Drawing. A. Architectural Drawings. A. [See also Plans.] Architectural Periodicals. [See Architecture — Perio- dicals ; Building — Periodicals.] Architectural Societies. [See Architecture — Societies.] Architecture, General. A. [See also Abbeys; Alhambra; Arches; Architects; Architectural Acoustics; Archi- tectural Antiquities ; Architectural Drawing; Archi- tecture — Periodicals; Architecture — Societies; Archi- tecture — By Countries; Building; Building Materials ; Building — Periodicals; Carpentry ; Castles; Cathedrals and Churches ; Cattle Markets ; Christian Art ; Dairy Buildings; Decoration; Dwelling ; Ecclesias- tical Architecture ; Farm Buildings ; Fine Arts — By Countries ; Grain Magazines and Elevators ; Heating of Buildings ; Horticultural Buildings ; Hospitals ; Hotels ; Libraries ; Marine Architecture ; Naval Architecture ; Palaces ; Parthenon ; Plans ; Pyramids and Obelisks ; Roofs ; Sanitary Engineering ; Schools ; Sculpture ; Specifications ; Stair-building ; Strength of Materials ; Temples ; Theatres ; Tombs : Towers and Spires ; Ventilation.] Dictionaries and Cyclopfedias. A. Periodicals. E. Societies. E. By Countries. [As.syrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Byzantine, Chinese, Gothic, Grecian, Egyptian, Indian, Japanese, Persian, Roman, Romanesque, Swiss.] Arctic Regions and Voyages. D. [See also Antarctic Regions ; Franklin Expedition ; North Pole.] Argentine Republic. D. [See also Buenos Ayres.] Argon, A. [See also Air.] Argonauts. (Mythology). B. [See also Mythology — • Greek.] Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. B. [See also Highland Regiments.] Arians and Arianism, G. [See also Heresies ; Nestorian Church; Socinianism; Trinity; Unitarianism.] Aristocracy. F and K. [See also Baronetage; Constitu- tions of Countries ; Fanuly Histories ; Genealogy ; Gentry, Landed ; Heraldry ; Peerage ; Seats of Nobility ; Visitations of Counties.] By Countries. K. Subject Headings for Dictionari/ Index. 15 ^ristotelianism. (i. [See also Philosophy — Greek ; and under Aristotle in Author Catalogue.] ' Arithmetic. A. [See also Book-keeping ; Calculating Machines ; Mensuration ; Metric System ; Numbers, Theory and Concept of ; Weights and Measures.] Armada, Spanish. B. Armenia. D. [See also Armenian Church ; Armenian Massacres ; Turkey in Asia.] Armenian Church. G. [See also Ecclesiastical History.] Armenian Language and Literature. J. Armenian Massacres. B. Armenians. A. Armies — Ganeral. A. [See also Army, British; and under sub-heading Army under each Country.] Arminianism. G. [See also Calvinism ; Predestination.] Armored Ships. [See Naval Architecture; Naval En- gineering ; Warships.] Armorican. J. Arms and Armour. A. [See also Artillery ; Military Art and Science ; Small Arms ; Swords ; Weapons.] Fine Arts. A. Army, British. B. [See also Armies — General; Army Service Corps ; Artillery ; Battles ; Camel Corps ; Cavalry ; India — Army ; Infantry ; Medical Service — Army and Navy ; Military Art and Science ; Militia ; Mounted Infantry ; Regimental Histories ; Transport, Military ; Victoria Cross ; Volunteers ; and under Great Britain and Ireland — War Office in the Author Cata- logue. For other Armies see under the Country ; e.ff., Germany — Armi/.^ Examinations. G. [See also Great Britain and Ireland — War Office in the Author Catalogue.] Lists. E. Medical Schools and Museums. G. [See also Medical Service, Army and Navy.] Orders, Regulations and Instructions. F. Army Service Corps. A. [&e a7«o Transport, Military.] Army, U. S. [See United States — Army.] Aromadendric Acid. MA. [See also Gums.] Army Worm. (Leucaniaunipuncta.) A. [See also Insects, Injurious ; Noctuidre.] Arrest. F. Arrow-heads. [See Archaeology ; Stone Age.] Arsenals. A. [See also Military Architecture.] Arsenic. A. [Se^a^so Poisons, Poisoning and Antidotes.] Arson. F. Art. [See Fine Arts ; Industrial Arts.] Art Criticism. A. [See also Pre-Raphaelitism.] Art Education. [See Drawing ; Fine Arts— Teaching ; Technical and Industrial Education.] 16 Public Library of New South TFalej, Art Galleries. [See Fine Arts — Galleries, Exhibitions ; aZso Berlin Royal Academy ; British Museum; Louvre; Luxembourg Gallery ; Pitti Gallery ; Tate Gallery ; Uffizzi Gallery ; National Gallery ; South Kensington Museum ; S'ee Astronomy — Societies.] Astronomy. A. [-See also Almanacs ; Asteroids ; Astro- logy ; Astronomers ; Astronomical Instruments Astronomical Photography ; Astro-Physics ; Calendars Comets; Cosmic Dust; Eclipses; Geodesy; Gravitation Greenwich Observatory ; Jupiter ; Latitude Deter- minations ; Longitude Determinations ; Mars Meteorology; Meteors; Milky Way ; Moon; Nautical Almanacs ; Nautical Astronomy ; Navigation ; Nebulse and Star-clusters; Nebular Hypotheses; Observatories; Pendulum Experiments; Planets; Plurality of Worlds; Satellites ; Saturn ; Seasons ; Spectroscope ; Spectrum Analysis ; Star Atlases ; Star Catalogues ; Sun and Solar System ; Telescope, The ; Tides ; Transits ; Venus ; Zodiac ; Zodiacal Light ; and under each Planet.] Observatories and Stations — Reports. E. c 3.8 Fublio Library of New South Wales. Astronomy — Periodicals. E. ■ — Societies. E. : Nautical. [See Nautical Astronomy.] Astro-Physics. A. Asylums, Benevolent. F. [/S««a7so Hospitals; Orphans and Orphan Schools ; Poor Laws ; Workhouses.] Asylums for Blind. [See Blind — Asylums.] Asylums for Deaf and Dumb. [See Deaf and Dumb — Asylums.] Asylums for Indigent Children, [See Children's Asylums.] Asylums, Lunatic. [See Lunatic Asylums.] Atavism. A. [See also Heredity.] Athanasian Creed. G. [See also Creeds.] Athanasianism. G. Athens. D. [See also Parthenon.] Atheism. G. [See also Agnosticism ; Deism ; Freethought ; God ; Humanitarianism ; Infidelity ; Materialism ; Mysticism ; Pantheism ; Positivism ; Rationalism ; Spinozism ; Theism ; Theology, Natural.] Athletics. A. [See also Gymnastics; Olympic Games; Phjsical Education; Running; Sports.] Associations, Clubs, Societies. A. Athos, Mt. B. [See also Macedonia.] Atlantic Ocean. D. Atlantis. J. Atlas Mountains. D. Atlases and Maps : Astronomy. [See Stars — Atlases.] Atlases : Geography. D. [See also Maps ; Georgraphy, Ancient — Atlases ; Physical Geography — Atlases and and Maps ; and under each Country.] Atmosphere. [See Air.] Atolls. [See Corals and Coral Reefs Atomic Theory. A. [See also Chemistry— General ; Chemistry — History of ; Molecular Physics.] Atonement — Theology. G. [See also Redemption.] Atrophy. A. Attainder. F. Attention. G. Attica. B. [/Se« aZso Athens; Greece— History, Ancient.] Attorneys. F. [See also Agents.] Attorneys-General — Opinions; MF. Attorneys-General — Reports. E. Auckland Islands. MD. [See also New Zealand.] Auctions and Auctioneering. F. Auditors (Law.) F. [See also Accountants] Auditors General — Reports, E. [See also New South Wales — Auditor-General in Author Catalogue.] Augsburg Confession. G. [See also Creeds ; Lutheran Church.] Augustinianism, G Augustinians. G. [See also Religious Orders.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 19 Auk, The. A. [See also Palseontology — Aves. Aural Surgery. \_See Ear, The.] Auricular Confession. [See Confession.] Auroras. A. [See also Zodiacal Light.] Auscultation. A. [See also Diagnosis.] Australasia. MB. and MD. [See also Australia ; New Zealand ; Polynesia ; Tasmania ; and under the names of Cities, Colonies, Islands, Towns, and Subjects.] Discovery, Exploration, and Early Voyages. MD. Australasian Association for Advancement of Science. MA. [See also under this Title in Author Catalogue for its publications.] Australia. General and Descriptive. MD. [See also Aborigines of Australia ; Australian Literature ; Australians ; Federation, Australian ; Fine Arts — Australian ; Maps, Early, showing Terra Australis ; Music, Australian ; and under the names of Cities, Colonies, Districts, Mountains, Rivers, Town.s, and Subjects which are sub-divided by countrie.s..] Bibliography. MJ. Climate. MA. Commerce and Trade. MF. Constitution and Constitutional Law. MF. Constitutional History. MF. Defence and Defence Forces. MA. Discovery, Exploration, and Early Voyages. MD. Finance and Taxation. MF. Geography Topography, Maps. MD. [See also Maps, Early, showing Terra Australia.] Government and Administration. MF. History. MB. Naval Defence. MA. Politics. MF. [See also Federation, Australian.] ^ Public Lands. MF. Social Life and Customs. MG. Statistics. ME. Australian Alps. MD. Australian Art. [See Fine Arts — Australian.] Australian Desert. MD. Australian Literature. MJ. [See also Special Catalogue of Australian Authors; and under Fiction— Australian j Tales — Australian ; Poetry — Australian.] Australian Museum. MA. Australian Music. [See Music — Australian.] Australians. MA. [See also Aborigines of Australia.] Austria and Hungary. D. [See also Bohemia ; Bosnia ; Carinthia ; Carniola ; Croatia ; Dalmatia ; Herze- govina ; Hungary ; Istria ; Moravia ; Ruthenians ; Silesia ; Transylvania ; Tyrol ; and under the names of Cities, (fee] Austro- Italian War, 1866. B. Authority in Religion. [See Liberty of Conscience.] 20 J?ubliG Library of Neio South Wales, Authors and Authorship. C. and J. [See also Authors and Publishers ; Copyright and Literary Property ; Dramatists ; Epigrammatists ; Essayists ; Historians ; JournaUsts; Literary Methods and Style; Litterateurs ; Novelists ; Philologists ; Philosophers ; Poets and Song-writers; Pseudonyms and Anonyms; Publishers.] • By Countries. Authors and Publishers. (Ethics.) G. [See also Publishers.] Autocars. [See Motor-Carriages and Auto-cars.] Autographs. J. [&« oZso Manuscripts ; Pakeography.] Automatism. G. [See also Consciousness ; Unconscious, The.] Autopsy. A. Autotypes. A. [See also Photography.] Autumn. A. Avalanches. A. Avarice, G. Average. [See Insurance — Marine.] Aves. [See Birds ; Ornithology ; Palteontology — Aves.] Avesta. [See Parseeism ; Zend-Avesta ; Zoroastrianism.] Avignon. B. [See also Ecclesiastical History ; Papacy.] Awards, Law of. [See Arbitration.] Axioms. [See Epigrams ; Maxims ; Proverbs ; Quotations.] Ayrshire. D. Ayrshire Cattle. A. [See also Dairy Cattle.] Azimuth Tables. A. [See also Geodesy.] Azores. D. Aztec Race. A. [See also Archaeology — Mexico ; Mexico — History.] B Babylon and Babylonia. D. [See also Accadians ; Assyria ; Biblical Archseology ; Chaldea; Cuneiform Inscriptions; Nineveh.] Babylonian Language and Literature, J. Baccarat. A. Bacillaria. [See Desmids ; Diatoms.] Bacilli. [See Bacteriology.] Backgammon. A. [See also Games.] Baconian Philosophy. G. [^e also Empiricism : Shakspere-Bacon Controversy ; and under Bacon, Sir Francis in Author Catalogue.] Bacon-making. A. [See also Dairy-farming ; Pigs.] Bacteria. [See Bacteriology ; Botany — Cryptogamic ; Fer mentation ; Fungi ; Germs in Disease.] Bacteriology. A. [See also Biology — Periodicals; Botany — Cryptogamic ; Microscopy ; Mycetozoa.] Economic. A. [See also Fermentation ; Germs in Disease ; Leguminosifi ; Nitrogen in Agriculture ; Serums ; Yeasts.] Subject Headings fSystem.s, Nomenclature.] Botanical Periodicals. [See Botany — Periodicals.] Botanical Societies. [See Botany — Societies, Exhibitions.] Botanists. C. Botany. General. A. [See also Algro ; Alpine Plants ; Aquatic Gardening and Plants; Bacteriology; Botanists; Botany and Flora — By Countries ; Botany, Crypto - gamic; Botany, Economic ; Botany, Medical ; Botany of the Bible; Botany, Physiological and Structural ; Cells, Structure, Development and Theory; Climbing Plants; Collecting; Colour of Flowers ; Distribution of Plants ; Evolution; Ferns; Fertilization; Fungi; Hybridization; Insectivorous Plants ; Kew Royal Gardens ; Lichens ; Linnsean System of Botany ; Mosses ; Orchids ; Pelagic Botany ; Plant-lore ; Plants ; Seaweeds ; Seedlings ; Trees and Shrubs ; Weeds ; and under each Order.] Manuals, Systems, Nomenclature. A. Dictionaries. A. Periodicals. E. Societies, Exhibitions. A. Education, Gardens, Museums, Laboratories. A. History of. A, Subject MeacUnffs Joi' Dictionary Index. 29 Botany. Cryptogamic. A. [/Se* a?«oA]g£e; Bacteriology; Bryopliyta ; CharaceiB ; Desmids ; Diatoms ; Ferns ; Fungi ; Hepaticie ; Lichens ; Lycopodiums ; Mosses ; Mycetozoa ; Phallophyta ; Protopliyta ; Pteridophyta ; Seaweeds ; Yeasts.] . Economic. A. [See also Acclimatisation ; Botany, Medical ; Camphor ; Climbing Plants ; Dye-plants ; Essences and Essential Oils ; Experiment Farms and Stations ; Fibres and Fibre Plants : Flower-gardening ; Fodders and Food Stuffs ; Forage Plants ; Grasses ; Gums, Kinos, and Resins; Medicinal Plants; Poisonous Plants ; Prickly Comf rey ; Prickly Pear ; Scent-plants ; Seeds and Seed-testing ; Weeds ; Yerbamate ; and under the Name of each Crop and Plant.] Fossil. [See Pateontology — Pahcobotany.] Medical. A. [See aho Botany, Economic ; Drugs ; Materia Medica ; Medicinal Plants ; Pharmacology ; Poisonous Plants.] Physiological and Structural. A. [See also Cells, Structure and Theory ; Climbing Plants ; Colour of Flowers; Embryology; Histology; Morphology; Move- ment in Plants ; Protoplasm ; Seedlings.] Botany and Flora — By Countries. Botany Bay. MD. Botany of the Bible, A. Boundaries of Countries. F. [^See also Geodetic Surveys.] Bounties. [See State Bounties.] Bounty, Ship. B. [See also Mutinies ; Pitcairn Island.] Bowling. A. Boxing. A. [See also Prize-fighting.] Boyne Battle, 1690. B. [See also Orangoism.] Boys. General. G. Clubs. F. [See also Social Problems.] Brachiopoda. A. [See also Molluscoidea ; Palieontology.] Brachyura. A. [See also Crustacea.] Brahma Samaj. [See Brahmanism ; Hinduism.] Brahmanism. G. [See also Buddhism ; Hinduism ; Polytheism ; Keligions — General.] Brain, A. [See also Apoplexy ; Craniology ; Idiocy ; Insanity ; Intellect ; Meningitis ; Mental Physiology and Hygiene ; Mind and Body ; Nerves and Nervous System; Phrenology; Psychology; Skull.] Brakes. A. [See also Mechanical Engineering.] Brandy. A. [See also Alcohols ; Distillation.] Brass. A. Brasses. A. Bravery. [See Courage ; Heroes and Heroism.] Brazil, D. Bread. A. [See also Cookery ; Flour.] Bread-stuflFs — General. A. [See also Cereals Grain Magazines Breakwaters. A. Engineering.] Breathing. [See Piespiratory System.] \ Flour; Wheat ; and under each Grain.] [See nlso Harbours ; Hydraulic 30 J?uhlic Library of New South Waies. Breeding. General. A. '[See also Alternation of Gene- rations ; Cattle and Cattle Breeding; Hered.tjj Hybridization; and under each animal.] Bremen. D. \See also Hansa Towns.] Breton Language. J. Breviaries. \_See Liturgies; Missals and Breviaries; Prayer-books ; Rituals.] Breweries. A. Brewing. A. \See also Ale ; Breweries ; Malt and Malting.] Bribery. F. Bricks and Brick-making. A. [See also Ceramics ; Terra Cotta; Tiles.] Brickwork. A. [See also Building.] Bridges. A. [See also Arches ; Engineering — General.; Forth Bridge ; Hawkesbury Bridge ; London Bridges ; Strains and Stresses ; Strength of Materials.] Brigands. C. [See also Bushrangers; Criminals; High- waymen.] Bright's Disease. A. [See also Albuminuria ; Kidneys.] Brisbane. MD. British Art. [See Fine Arts — British.] British Association for the Advancement of Science A. [See also in Author Catalogue for its publications.] British Columbia. D. British Guiana. D. British Museum. A. and K. [See also under Title in Author Catalogue, for its Catalogues and Publications.] British South Africa Chartered Co. B. [See also Mashonaland ; Matabeleland ; Rhodesia ; South Africa.] Britons, Ancient. A. [See also English, The.] Brittany. D. [See also Breton Language ; France.] Broken Hill. MD. Brokers, F. [See also Agents ; Stock Exchange ; Stocks and Shares.] Bromine. A. A. [See also Catarrh ; Lungs ; Respiratory Bronchitis. System.] Bronze. A. Bronze Age. A. [See also Anthropology.] Bronzes and Bronze Work. A. Broom Corn. A. [See also Sorghums.] Brotherhoods. G. [See also Monasticism ; Religious Orders.] Brownists. G. [See also Congregationalism.] Brunswick, House of. B. [See also Great Britain- History , Germany — History.] Brushware. A. Brussels. B and D. Brussels Museum. A. Bryology. [See Mosses.] Subject Headings Jor Dictionary Index. 31 Bryophyta. A. \_See also Mosses.] Bryozoa. [-Se« Polyzoa.] Bubonic Plague. A. r.S^e aho Black Death ; Great Plagues of Loudon ; Plague-i.] Buccaneers. [See Pirates and Piracy.] Bucharest. D. Buckhounds. A. Buckwheats. A. Buda Pesth. D. Buddhism. G. [_See also Brahmauism ; Confucianism ; Hinduism ; Taoism ; Theosophy.] Budding. [See Fruit-growing ; (Jardening ; Grafting and Budding.] Buenos Ayres. D. Buffalo. [See Bison.] Buffoons. [See Fools and Jesters.] Bugle Sounds. [See Trumpet and Bugle Sounds.] Building. General. .A.. [See aho Avchea; Architecture; Brickwork; Building Materials ; Buttresses; Car- pentry ; Ceilings ; Cements ; Chimneys ; Fireplaces ; Gas-fitting; Glazing; Heating of Buildings ; Masonry; Painting ; Paper-hanging ; Piers ; Plans ; Plastering ; Plumbing; Quantity Surveying ; Roofs ; Ship-building; Specifications ; Stair-building ; Tiles ; Ventilation.] Cyclopajdias. A. ■ Periodicals. E. [Se^n^w Architecture — Periodicals.] Laws and Legislation. F. [^(^ Fire Prevention; Public Health.] Building Acts. [See Building — Laws and Legislation.] Building Materials. A. [See also Bricks ; Cements ; Iron ; Stone ; Strength of Materials ; 'rimbers.] Building Periodicals. [See Building — Periodicals.] Building Societies. F. [See also Friendly Societies.] Bulbs and Bulb-Culture. A. [See also Gardening.] Bulgaria. D. [See also Servo-Bulgarian War.] Bulgarian Language. J. ■ [See also Cyrillic Language.] Bull-fighting. A. Bull-roarers. [See Bora ; Rites and Ceremonies — Abori- gines of Australia.] Buoys. A. Buprestidse. A. [See also Beetles ; Coleoptera.] Burglary. F. Burial, F. [See also Catacombs ; Cemeteries ; Coffins ; Cremation ; Disinfection ; Embalming ; Epitaphs ; Funeral Rites ; Inscriptions ; Mounds ; Mummies ; Tombs and Mausoleums ; Urns.] Burlesques. H. [See also Drama ; Farces ; Parodies.] Burmah. D. Burmah, British. D. [&« aZso Colonies, British.] Burmese Wars. B. Burns Clubs. J. [See also Literature— Societies.] 32 Ftiblio Library of Neto South Wales, Burnsiana. \_See undei* Burns, Robert in Author Cata- logue.] Bush Life. MF. [See also Rural Life and Pleasures.] Bushrangers. MC. [See also Brigands ; Criminals ; Highwaymen.] Business. [See Commerce and Trade ; Commercial Edu- cation.] Business Manuals. [See Commerce and Trade — Manuals.] Butterflies. A. [See also Entomology ; Insects ; Lepi- doptera ; Moths.] Butter. A. [See also Dairy Cattle ; Dairying ; Milk.] Buttons. A. Buttresses. A. Byzantine Art and Architecture. [See Architecture — Byzantine ; Fine Arts — Byzantine.] Byzantine Empire. B. [See n&o Constantinople ; Cru- .sades ; Roman Empire.] Byzantium. D. [See also Constantinople ; Roman .....n Empire.] c Cabala. [See Kabala.] Cabinet, The. F. [See also Executive ; Government.] Cabinet Work. A. [See also Furniture.] Cables. A. [See also Chains ; Electric Telegraphs — Con- struction ; Pacific Cable ; Rope.] Cabs and Cabmen. F. Cabul. B. and D. Cage-birds. [See Birds ; Canary ; Finches ; Parrots.] Caisson Disease. A. Calcium. A. Calculating Machines. A. [Sec also Mathematical In- struments.] Calculi. A. [See also Genito — Urinary System.] Calculus, Differential and Integral. A. [See also Mathematics.] Caledonia. [See Scotland.] Calendars. E. [See also Almanacs ; Chronology ; Year- books.] Calendars and Registers of Universities and Colleges. E. [See also under each University in the Author Catalogue and in the Index.] Calico. A. Calico-printing, A. [See also Dyes and Dyeing.] California. D. [See also United States ; Yosemite Valley ; and under California in the Author Catalogue.] Caliphs. C. [See also Bagdad ; Mohammedanism ; Sultans of Turkey.] Calisthenics. [See Gymnastics ; Physical Education.] Calorimetry. A. [See also Heat ; Temperature ; Thermo- meters.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 33 Calvinism. G. [See also Antinomianism ; Arniinianism ; Predestination ; Presbyterianism ; Puritans and Puri- tanism ; Westminster Confession of Faith ; and under Calvin, John, in tlie Author Catalogue.] Cambodia. D. Cambridge. (Mass. U.S.A.) B. [_See also Harvard University.] Cambridge University. G. Camel Corps. A. \_See also Mounted Infantry.] Camels. A. Cameos. A. [See also Gems and Precious Stones.] Camera. A. [See also Optics ; Photography.] Camera lucida. A. [See also Microscopy.] Camera obscura. A. [See also Optical Instruments.] Cameron Highlanders. [See Seventy-ninth Regiment.] Cameronians, [See Covenanters.] Camisards. G. [See also Persecutions.] Camp Meetings. G. [See also Methodism ; Revivals.] Campaigns. [See Wars.] Campanology. [See Bell-ringing.] Camphor and Camphor Laurel. A. Camping. A. Canada. D. [See also British Columbia ; Canadians ; Manitoba ; New Brunswick ; Newfoundland ; Nova Scotia ; Prince Edward's Island ; and under each City, Di\'ision, Lake, and Place ; also under Canada in the Author Catalogue for Otiicial Publications.] Canadian Campaigns. B. [See also Red River Expedi- tion.] Canadian Literature. .J. [See also Fiction — Canadian.] Canadians — General. A. French. A. Canaigre. A. [See also Tannins.] Canals. A. [See also Baltic and North Sea Canal ; Hydraulic Engineering ; Irrigation ; Manchester Ship Canal ; Nicaragua Canal ; Panama Canal ; Suez Canal ; Transpoi-tation ; Water Supply ; and under the name of each Canal.] Canary, The. A. Canary Islands. D. Cancer. A. Candles. A. Cane and Cane-work. A. [See also Basket-making.] Canker Worm. (Anisopteryx pometaria.) A. Cannabis indica. [See Hasheesh ; Indian Hemp.] Cannibals and Cannibalism. G. [(Se* aZso Anthropology; Ethnology ; Heathen Barbarism ; Savagism.] Canning and Preserving. A. [See also Fruit-canning ; ]Meat I'reserving ; Preserving and Preservatives.] Cannon. A. [See also Artillery.] Canoes and Canoeing. A. [See also Boating.] Canon, A. [See also Music — General.] 34 Public Library of New South Wales. Canon Law, G. [S«« a?«o Alcohols ; Alkaloids; Fats and Oils; Foods, Chemistry of; Physiological Chemistry Proteids ; Ptomaines.] Cherries. A. [See a?so Fruit-growing; Pomology.] Chess. A. [See also Games.] Chesnut. A. [See also Nuts.] Chicago. D. Chicago Exhibition (1893). K. [See also in Author Catalogue under Chicago Exhibition ; and New South Wales — Exhibitions. ] Chicago University.^ ^G. Chicken Cholera. A. [See also Poultry.] Chicken Pox. A. Chicory. A. Chief Justices. C. [See also Chancellors ; Judges ; Lawyers.] Child Life. G. [See also Boys ; Children — General ; Family ; Girls ; Home ; Infant Life Protection.] Children — General. F. [See also Boys ; Child Life ; Education — Primary ; Factories and Factory System ; Family ; Girls ; Home ; Infant Life Protection ; Infanticide ; Juvenile Offenders ; Kindergarten ; Parents.] Diseases. A. [See also Children's Hospitals.] Management. G. Laws and Legislation. F. Legal Status. F. [See also Infants — (Law).] Children's Asylums. F. [See also Boarding-out System ; Industrial Schools ; Juvenile Offenders.] Children's Books. J. [See also Nursery Rhymes and Tales.] Children's Hospitals. A. [See also Children — Diseases.] Chili. D. Chili-Peru Wars. B. [See also South American Wars.] Chillagoe Caves. MA. Chiltern Hundreds. F. Chimneys. A. [See also Fire-places.] Chimpanzee. A. [See also Apes.] 40 iPublio Library of Neio South Wales. A. \_See also Ceramics.] China. B. and D. [See also Chinese ; Cliinese-Japanese War ; Manchuria ; Mongolia ; and under each part of China.] Religion. G. \_See also Buddhism ; Confucianism j Tao-ism.] China Painting. China Sea. D. Chinch Bug. (Blissus leucopterus). A. [See also Ento- mology, Economic ; Insects, Injurious.] Chinese. A. [/Sea a?so Aliens; Chinese Question; Coreansj Emigration and Immigration ; Shans ; Tartars.] Chinese Campaigns. B. Chinese-Japanese War, 1896. B. Chinese Language. J. [See also Pidgin-English.] Chinese Law. [See Law — Chinese.] Chinese Literature. J. [See also Drama — Chinese.] Chinese' Question. F. [See a^so Aliens; Coloured Labor Question ; Emigration and Immigration ; Eace Problems.] Chiropody. [See Foot, The.] A. [See also Bats.] [See Palmistry.] [See also Indian Frontier — Campaigns.] [See also Crusades ; Feudalism.] [See also Narcotics.] A. [See also Gold (Metallurgy).] [See also Bleaching ; Chlorination.] A. A. [See also Anaesthetics.] [See also Bacteriology; Epidemics; Chiroptera. Chiroscopy. Chitral, D. Chivalry. F. Chloral. A. Chlorination. Chlorine. A. Chlorodyne. Chloroform. Choco. A. Choirs. A. Cholera, Asiatic. A. Germs in Disease.] Cholera Morbus. A. Chorea. A. Christ. [See Jesus Christ.] Christadelphians. G. Christian Art and Symbolism. A. and G. [See also Catacombs ; Church Decoration ; Church Furniture ; Cross, The ; Ecclesiastical Architecture ; Emblems ; Iconoclasts ; Ritualism ; Saints ; Symbolism.] Christian Biography. General. C. [See also Apostles ; Bishops ; Cardinals ; Clergy ; Fathers of the Church ; Martyrs ; Missionaries ; Monks ; Nuns ; Pilgrim Fathers ; Popes ; Preachers ; Priests ; Puritans ; Re- formers, Religious ; Saints ; Theologians.] Christian Churches and Sects. General. G. [See also Apostles and Apostolic Church ; Arians and Arianism ArmTenian Church ; Calvinism ; Coptic Church Creeds ; Greek Church ; Hussites ; Lutheran Church Mennonites ; Nestorian Church ; Quakers ; Reunion of Churches ; Swedenborgianism ; Zwinglianism ; and under each Denomination and Sect.] Statistics. G. Subject Headings for Diclionary Index, 41 Christian Endeavour Movement. G. Christian Ethics. G. \_See also Adultery ; Chastity ; Vice ; Virtue.] Christian Evidences. G. [See also Bainpton Lectures ; Deism ; Gnostics and Gnosticism ; Hulsean Lectures ; Inspiration of the Bible ; Miracles ; Prayer ; Rationalism ; Religion and Science ; Theology — Natural.] Christian Science. [^See Faith Healing.] Christianity. General. G. [^See also Apostles and Apos- tolic Church; Apostles' Creed ; Atheism; Atonement; Bampton Lectures ; Bible, The ; Canon of Scripture ; Christian Art; Christian Churches and Sects; Christian Endeavour Movement ; Christian Ethics ; Church and State ; Christian Evidences ; Christianity, History of Church, The, and Social Problems ; Cross, The Ecclesiastical History ; Fathers of the Church Heresies; Incarnation; Inspiration of the Bible; Jesus Christ ; Miracles ; Missions and Missionary Work ; Persecutions; Religion and Science; Religion in Educa- tion ; Resurrection ; Theology — Systematic ; and under each Christian Church and Sect.] Addresses, Lectures, Pamphlets. G. Teaching of. \_See Religion in Education.] . History of. G. [5«e also Apostles and Apostolic Church ; Catacombs ; Christian Art ; Cross, The ; Cru- sades ; Ecclesiastical History ; Essenes ; Fathers of the Church ; Knights Templars ; Patristic Literature.] Statistics. G. Christianity and Science. {See Christian Evidences; Religion and Science.] Christmas. G. \_See also Christmas Carols; Church Decoration ; Festivals, Church.] Christmas Carols. H. {See also Religious Poetry.] Christ's Hospital. A. Chromatography. {See Colours and Colouring.] Chromolithography. A. {See also Colour-printing; Lithography.] Chromophotography. {See Colour Photography.] Chronicles : Bible. G. Chronograms. B. Chronology. General. B. {See also Almanacs and Calendars ; Dates, Dictionaries of ; History — Dic- tionaries ; Time Systems and Standards.] Biblical. G. {See also Botany and Flora — {See also Registers Chrysanthemums. Japan.] Church and Parish Registers. K. of Births.] Church and School Lands. MF. {See also Church and State ; New South Wales— Public Lands.] Church, The, and Social Problems. G. [See also Socialism, Christian.] 42 JPiiblio Library of Neio South Wales, [Se« Stage and Church.] G. [See also Church of England Church and Stage. Church and State. Church Polity; Ecclesiastical History ; Liberty of Con- science ; Religion in Education ; Roman Catholicism.] Church Antiquities. B. and G. [See also Abbeys ; Catacombs ; Cathedrals and Cliurches ; Christian Art ; Church Furniture ; Ecclesiastical Architecture ; Eccle- siastical Vestments ; Fasts and Fasting ; Festivals, Church.] Church Architecture. [See Ecclesiastical Architecture.] Church Attendance. [See Public Worship.] Church Councils. [See Councils, Church.] Church Decoration. G. [See also Christian Art ; Fes- tivals, Church.] Church Extension. [See Missions — City and Home.] Church Furniture. A. [See also Christian Art ; Church Decoration ; Ecclesiastical Architecture ; Ecclesiastical Vestments ; Lecterns.] Church History. [See Ecclesiastical History.] Church Institutions and "Work. G. [See also AltSLi-H ; Baptism ; Bethels ; Bible Society ; Burial ; Christian Ethics ; Church and Social Problems ; Church and State ; Cliurcli Missions ; Cliurch Music ; Church Polity ; Clergy Lists ; Communion ; Confession ; Con- lirmation ; Divinity Schools ; Eucharist ; Evangelistic Work ; Fasts and Fasting ; Festivals, Church ; Guilds ; Liturgies ; Missions and Missionary Work ; Monas- teries ; Ordination ; Prayer ; Preaching ; Priesthood ; Public Worship ; Revivals ; Rituals ; Sacraments ; Sisterhoods and ; Sunday and Sunday Observance ; Sunday Schools ; Tithes ; Y.M.C. Associa- tions ; Y.W.C. Associations.] Church Law. [See Ecclesiastical Law.] Church Libraries. J. Church Missionary Society. G. Church Missions. G. [See also Missions and Missionary Work — City and Home and Foreign.] Church Music. A. and G. [See also Hymns and Hymnody ; Psalms and Psalmody.] Church of Christ. G. Church of England. G. [See also Apostles' Creed ; Apostolic Succession ; Athanasian Creed ; Church and State ; Creeds ; Ecclesiastical History — Eru/land ; Ecclesiastical Law ; England — Religion ; Episcopacy ; Episcopal Church — America ; Episcopal Church — New South Wales ; Episcopalianism ; Fasts and Fasting ; Festivals, Church ; Nonconformists ; Puritans ; Pusey- ism ; Ritualism ; Sacraments ; Sisterhoods ; Thirty-nine Articles ; Tithes ; Tractarian Movement.] Church of Ireland. G. [See also Disestablishment and Disendowment ; Episcopalianism ; Ireland — Religion.] Church of Scotland. G. [See also Covenanters ; Dis- establishment and Disendowment ; Free Church of Scotland ; Presbyterianism ; Scotland— Religion.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 43 Church Polity. G. [See also Absolution ; Apostolic Succession ; Asceticism ; Baptism ; Celibacy ; Church and State ; Episcopacy ; Fasts and Fasting ; Liturj^ies ; Lord's Supper ; Ordination ; Penance ; Preaching ; Priesthood ; Public Worship ; Religion in Education ; Religious Orders ; Reunion of Churches ; Ritualism ; Sacraments; Sisterhoods; Sunday and Sunday Observ- ance; Tithes.] Church Property. G. Church Vestments. [See Ecclesiastical Vestments.] Churches. [See Cathedrals and Churches ; Ecclesiastical Architecture ; also under the name of each Church.] Churches, History and Records of. G, [See also Chan- tries ; and under the name of each Church.] Churches and Sects — Statistics. [See Christian Churches and Sects — Statistics; and under each Denomination and Sect.] Cicadffi. A. Cider and Perry. A. Cigars. A. Cinchona. A. [See also Quinine.] Cinderella. J. Cinematographe. A. Cingalese. [See Singhalese.] Cinnamon. A. [See also Tropical Agriculture.] Cipher. J. [/S«« aZso Cryptography ; Sign Language ; Tele- graph Codes.] Circassia. B. and D. Circulatory System. A. [See also Aorta ; Arteries ; Blood ; Heart ; Vascular System ; Veins.] Circumcision. G. Circumnavigation. [See Voyages — General.] Circus. A V Cirripedia. A. [See also Crustacea.] Cistercians and Trappists. G. [See also Benedictines ; Monasticism ; Monks; Religious Orders.] Cities— General. A. Architecture of. A. History of. [See under name of each City.] Citizenship. F. and G. [See also State Ethics.] Citric Acid. A. Citron. A. [See also Lemon.] City, The. F. [See also Cities.] Civets. A. [See also Carnivora.] Civil Engineering. A. [See also Arches ; Bridges ; Buttresses ; Canals ; Docks and Dockyards ; Embank- ing ; Engineering — General; Engineering — Periodicals; Engineering — Societies ; Engineers ; Harbours and Harbour Construction ; Lighthouses ; Public Works ; Railways — Construction ; Reclamation of Land ; Retain- ing Walls; Rivers; Roads and Road-making; Strength of Materials; Tunnelling ; Wharves.] Civil Law. F. 44 JPuLUc Library of Neio South Wales. Civil Service— General. F. [See aUo Pensions and Superannuation Laws and Schemes ; and under Sub- headings under the name of each country in the Author Catalogue.] Blue Books, Lists, Registers. E. Examinations, Manuals, Guides. G. By Countries. F. [See also under sub-heading Civil Service or Public Service under each country in the Author Catalogue.] Civil War in America. [See American Civil War.] Civil War of England, 1625. B. [See also War of the Roses, 14.55-8-5.] Civilization. F. [See also Anthropology ; Archseology ; Culture ; Ethnology ; Evolution — Social Economy, Man, Natural History and Development of.] Cladocera. A. [See also Crustacea ; Entomostraca.] Clairvoyance. G. [.] Council of Nic8ea. (a.d. 325.) G. [See also Nicene Creed. ] (a.d. .) G. Council of Trent, (a.d. 1545-63.) G. Councils, Church. G. [See also Council of Niesea ; Council of Trent ; Ecclesiastical History ; CEcumenical Councils; Vatican Council.] Council, Vatican. [See Vatican Council.] Counter-irritation : Therapeutics. A. Counterpoint. A. [S««a?«o Bacon-making; Dairy Cattle; Dairying ; Ensilage ; Experiment Farms and Stations ; Feeding Experiments ; Fodders and Food-stuffs ; Foods, Chemistry of ; Forage Plants ; Grasses ; Manures ; Pastures ; Pigs.] By Countries. Dairying. A. [See also Butter ; Cheese ; Dairy Appli- ances ; Dairy Buildings ; Dai ry-f arming ; Milk.] Dakota Language. J. [See also Indians, American — Languages.] Dakota, North. D. Dakota, South. D. Dalmatia. B. and D. Damages. F. Damaraland. D. [See also South Africa.] Damascening. A. [See also Metal-work.] Dams. A. [See also Hydraulic Engineering; Weirs] Dancing. A. [See also Ballet ; Balls.] Daniel, Book of. G Danish Language. J. Danish Literature. J. Danube River. D. Darjieling. D, Subject Headings fo)^ Dictionary Index. 57 Darling River. MD. Darwinism. \_See Evolution; and under Darwin, Charles, in Author Catalogue.] Date Palm. A. Dates, Dictionaries of. B. [See also Chronology — General.] Dauphine. D. [^See also Alps ; France — General.] Day of Judgment. [See Eschatology; Judgment, Day of.] Deaconesses. [See Sisterhoods.] Deaf-mutism. A. [See also Deaf and Dumb.] Deaf and Dumb — General. G. [See also Deaf-mutism ; Sign-language. ] Asylums and Education. G. Deafness. [See Ear, The.] Death. G. [See also Burial ; Embalming ; Eschatology ; Funeral Rites ; Future State ; Purgatory ; Resurrec- tion.] Debates. [See the sub-heading Parliament under the name of each country in the Author Catalogue.] Debating. General. J. [See also Elocution ; Oratory ; Parliamentary Law and Practice ; Public Meetings ; Public Speaking ; Rhetoric] Societies. G. Debtor and Creditor. F. [See also Assignments ; Bank- ruptcy ; Credit System ; National Debts.] Decadence. [See Degeneration.] Decalogue. G. Decimal System. A. [See also Metric System ; Weights and Measures.] Decoration and Ornament. A. [See also Alphabets, Initials and Monograms ; Arabesques ; Bronzes ; Carving ; Church Decoration ; Design, Decorative ; Embroidery ; Enamels ; Fancy Work ; Fans ; Fine Arts ; Floral Decoration ; Furniture ; Gems ; House Decoration ; Illumination ; Jewellery ; Metal Work ; Mosaics; Needlework — Fine Arts; Painting; Pottery; Sculpture ; Tapestry ; Terra Cotta ; Vases ; Wall Papers ; Wood-carving.] Decorations of Honour. K. [See also Badges ; Legion of Hpnour ; Medals and Decorations ; Military Orders ; Victoria Cross.] Decoys. A. [See also Trapping.] Deeds — Law. F. [See also Charters and Deeds ; Convey- ancing ; Real Property.] Registration. F. Deer. A. [See also Chamois ; Elk ; Reindeer.] Deer-stalking. A. [See also Sports.] Defence Forces of New South Wales. [See Soudan Contingent ; Volunteers — New South Wales ; and under New South Wales — Defence Forces in Author Catalogue and in Index.] Defence of Religion. [See Christian Evidences.] Deformities. A. [See also Abnormities ; Monstrosities ; Surgery.] H l^ubiic Libvarij of Neic South Walei, Degeneration, A. \_See also Evolution.] Dehorning of Cattle. A. [See also Cattle and Cattle- breeding.] Deism. G. [See also Agnosticism ; Atheism ; Free- thought ; Infidelity ; Positivism ; Rationalism ; Spin- ozism ; Theism ; Theology — Natural.] Deity and Divine Attributes. [See God.] Delago, Cape. 13. [See also Mozambique.] Delagoa Bay. D. Delirium tremens. A. [See also Dipsomania.] Delisle's Method. [See Astronomy ; Eclipses.] Delos (Sailles.) D. Delphinidse. A. [See also Dolpliins.] Deluge, The. A. and G. [See also Creation ; Geology.] Delusions. [See Hallucinations.] Democracy. F. [See also Aristocracy ; Crowd, The ; Crown, The ; Despotism ; Election and Representa- tion ; Evolution — Social ; Government ; Liberty ; Mobs ; Monarchy ; Oligarchy ; Payment of Members ; People, The ; Referendum ; Republicanism ; Suffrage.] Demonology. G. [See also Angels ; Apparitions ; Devil ; Witchcraft.] Demotic Language. [See Egyptian Language.] Demurrage. [See Maritime Law.] Dengue Fever. A. Denmark. B. and D. Denominational Schools. G. [See also Public Schools — ■ New South Wales ; Religion in Education.] Denominations. [See Christian Churches and Sects — Statistics ; Religions — Statistics ; and under each Church and Sect.] Dental Colleges. G. [See also Dentistry — Education and Training.] Dentistry — General. A. [See also Dental Colleges ; Teeth.] Education and Training. G. Dentition. A. [See also Osteology ; Teeth.] Deodorants. A. [See also Disinfection and Disinfectants ; Hygiene ; Public Health ; Sanitation.] Deontology, G. Dermatology. A, [See also Cutaneous System ; Skin.] Dervishes, B. andG. [&eaZso Fakirs; Mohammedanism.] Descartes — System of Philosophy. [See Cartesianism ; and under Descartes in Author Catalogue.] Descent of Man, A. [•S'ee a?so Evolution ; Man, Natural History and Development of ; and under Darwin in the Author Catalogue.] Deserts and Steppes. A. [See also Physical Geography.] Design — Decorative. A. [See also Carpets ; Decoration ; Devices ; Needlework — Fine Arts ; Wall Papers.] Desmids. A. [See also Algx ; Diatoms; Infusoria.] Despotism. F. [See a?«o Democracy; Liberty; Monarchy; Tyranny.] Subject Headings Jor Dictionai^ Index. 59 Detectives. F. [/S«« also Police.] Determinants. A. [See also Algebra. Determinism. G. \_See also Arminianisin ; Calvinism ; Election (Theology) ; Fatalism ; Freedom of Will ; Liberty ; Necessitarianism ; Predestination ; Will] Deuteronomy. G. Development. A. [See also Degeneration ; Embryology ; Evolution ; Man, Natural History and Development of; Mind.] Devices. A. [See also Christian Art ; Emblems ; Heraldry ; Mottoes ; Symbolism ; Symbols.] Devil, The. G. [See also Demonology.] Devotional Exercises. G. [See also Church Music ; Hymns ; Liturgies ; Lord's Prayer ; Lord's Supper ; Meditations, Devotional ; Prayer-books ; Sacraments ; Theology — Devotional and Practical ; Worship.] Dew. A. [See also Meteorology.] Dhoura. [See Sorghums.] Diabetes. A. [See also Kidneys.] Diagnosis. A. [See also Pathology.] Dialectics. [See Logic] Dialects. [See Americanisms ; English Language — Dia- lects; Greek Language— Dialects ; Philology ; Slang; under each English County and under sub-heading Dialects, under each Language.] Diamond, The, and Diamond Mines. A. [See Crystallography ; Gems and Precious Stones ; neralogy.] Diamond Drills. A. [See also Artesian Water also Mi- and Wells ; Bores and Boring ; Wells and Well-boring.] Diamond Jubilee. [See Queen Victoria's Jubilee, 1897.] Diaphragm. A. Diaries. [See Journals.] Diarrhoea. A. Diatomacese. [See Diatoms.] Diatoms. A. [See also Algse : Desmids ; Infusoria.] DicotyledonsB. A. [See also ATpeta.]se ; Bota,ny — General; Gamopetalse ; Polypetalaj ; and under each Order and Genus.] Dictionaries. [See Classical Dictionaries ; Names ; Quo- tations ; Rhyming ; Slang ; and sub-heading Diction- aries under each Subject and Language.] Didymium. A. Die-sinking. A. Dietetics. A. [See also Beverages ; Cookery ; Digestion ; Food ; Hygiene ; Meat ; Narcotics ; Stimulants ; Vegetarianism. ] Digestibility of Food Stuffs. [See Feeding Experiments; Fodders and Food-Stuffs.] Digestion and Indigestion. A. [See also Constipation ; Cookery ; Dietetics ; Hygiene; Liver ; Stomach.] Digestive System. A. [/Seea^so Constipation; Digestion and Indigestion; Intestines; Liver; Mouth; Stomach; and under each Organ.] 60 J^ublio Library of New South TFciles. Digests of Caies —Law. [Sea Li-.v R3p3rt3 and Digests.] Digitalis. A. Diligence. G. Dingo. MA. Dining. [See Eating; Gastronomy.] Dinornithidse. A. [See also Moa ; Zo'ilogy and Fauna— New Zealand.] Diphtheria. A. [See also Bacteriology; Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Germs in Disease ;S3rums; Throat; Toxine.] Diplomacy. F. [See also Ambassadors ; Consuls and Consular Service ; International Law ; Treaties.] Diplomatists. [See Ambassadors ; Consuls and Consular Service.] Diprotodon, A. Dipsomania. F. [See also Alcoholism ; Curatel Pro- cedure ; Delirium tremens ; Drink Question; Inebriate Asylums ; Temperance.] Diptera. A. [See also Entomology ; Flies ; Insects ; Mosquito.] Directories. [See Medical Eegisters ; and under the name of the City, Country, Trade, Profession, &c.] Disarmament. F. [See also Arbitration ; International Law and Ilelations ; Peace.] Disasters. B. Discoverers. [See Inventors ; Travellers and Explorers.] " Discovery," Ship. B. [See also Scientific Expeditions and Voyages.] Diseases, Human, and Treatment. [/Su* Contagious and Infectious Diseases; Diagnosis; Epidemics ; Medicine — ■ General ; Pathology ; Tropical Diseases ; and under each Disease.] Diseases of Animals. A. [See also Actinomycosis ; Anthrax ; Cattle Plagues ; Chicken Cholera ; Con- tagious Diseases ; Epidemics ; Glanders ; Pleuro-pneu- , monia ; Quarantine ; Scab in Sheep ; Swine Fever ; Texas Fever ; Ticks; Tsetse Fly ; Tuberculosis; Veterinary Science ; under the name of each Animal, and under United States — Department of Agricidture, in the Author Catalogue.] Diseases of Plants, [See Fungi ; Insects, Injurious ; Plant Diseases.] Disestablishment and Disendowment. G. [See also Church and State ; Church of England ; Church of Ireland ; Church of Scotland.] Disinfection and Disinfectants. A. [See also Anti- septics ; Contagious and Infectious Diseases ; Deodo- rants ; Formalin; Hygiene; Public Health; Sanita- tion.] Dispensaries. A. [See also Hospitals.] Dissection. [See Anatomy ; Vivisection.] Dissenters. [See Nonconformists.] Distillation. A. [-S«« «/so Alcohols; Brandy ; Whisky.] Distinction. G. [See also Genius ; Heredity.] Distress for Rent. F. Subject Seadingsjor Dictionary Index. 61 Distribution of Plants and Animals. A. \See aUo Botany and Flora — By Countries ; Palseontology — By Countries ; Zolilogy and Fauna — By Countries.] Distribution of Wealth. F. \_See also Capital ; Profit- sharing ; Social Economy ; Social Problems ; Work and Wages.] Divers and Diving. A. [See also Diving Bells ; Swim- ming.] Divination. A. [See also Clairvoyance ; Magic ; Omens ; Oracles ; Second Sight.] Diving Bells. A. Divining Rod. G. Divinity Schools and Colleges. G. [See also Religion Education ; Theology — Education.] Divorce. [See Marriage and Divorce.] Docks and Dockyards. A. [See also Civil Engineering ; Harbours ; Wharfs.] Doctors and Surgeons. C. [See also Medical Profession ; Medical Registers; Medicine — Education.] Dodo, The. A. [See also Paleeontology — New Zealand.] Dog, The. A. Dogma. G. [Sm a?so Theology — Systematic and Doctrinal.] Dolls, A. Dolphins. A. [&«a?so Cetacea; DelphinidaB; Porpoises; Zipliiidie.] Domesday Book. B. Domestic Animals. A. General. [See also Birds; Cat ; Cattle ; Dog ; Domestication ; Farm Buildings ; Horse ; Pigeons ; Pigs ; Poultry ; Sheep ; Veterinary Science.] Domestic Economy. A. [See also Cookery ; Dress- making ; Family; Food; Fuel; Furniture; Heating; Home ; Hotels ; Laundry ; Needlework ; Servants ; Ventilation.] Domestic Education. G. [See also Children ; Domestic Economy ; Family ; Home ; Servants.] Domestic Servants. [See Servants.] Domestic Service. A. [See also Domestic Economy ; Family ; Servants.] Domestication. G. Domicile. F. [See also International Law.] Domiciliary Visitation. G. [-See «?so Theology, Pastoral.] Dominicans. G. [See also Monasticism ; Monks ; Religious Orders.] Dominoes. A. [See also Games.] Doric Architecture. [See Architecture — Greek.] Doshisha University, Japan. G. Dower. [See Marriage and Divorce.] Dragon Flies. A. Drainage — Agricultural. A. [See also Agricultural Engineering ; Agriculture — Cyclopaedias ; Hydraulic Engineering ; Irrigation. ] 62 Publio Library of New South Wales. Eraitagc and Sewerage— Public Health. [_See Plumb- ins; ; Sanitary Engineering ; Sanitation ; Sewage, Disposal.] Drama, The ; General. H. [^See also Acting; Actors; Amateur Theatricals ; Ballet, The ; Burlesques ; Charades ; Drama — Chinese ; Drama — Greek ; Drama — Hindu ; Dramatic Art and Criticism ; Dramatic Litera- ture; Dramatists; Interludes; Music — Drama; Miracle, Morality and Mystery Plays ; Opera ; Pantomime ; Stage, The; Theatre.] Periodicals. E. — — — Societies. H. Education, Study, Teaching. G. History of. H. {_See also Miracle, Morality, and Mystery Plays ; Ober-Ammergau.] Laws and Legislation. F. Chinese. H. Greek. H. . * Hindu. H. Dramatic Art and Criticism. H. [See also Acting ; Actors ; Drama — History of.] Dramatic Literature. General. H. [See also Ballet ; Burlesques ; Farces ; Interludes.] By Countries. Dramatists. C. Draughts. A. [See also Games.] Dravidian Language and Literature. J. Drawing and Sketching. A. [See also Architectural Drawing ; Artistic Anatomy ; Caricatures ; Carto- graphy ; Geometrical Drawing ; Mechanical Drawing ; Pastel Drawing ; Perspective ; Technical Education.] Drawings A. [See also Engravings ; Etchings.] Dreams. G. [See also Apparitions ; Mind and Body ; Sleep ; Somnambulism.] Dredging — Engineering and Machinery. A. Dredging — Zoology. A. [See also Challenger Expedi- tion ; Marine Zoology ; Ocean.] Dresden Gallery. A. [See also Fine Arts — Galleries.] Dress — Ethics of. G. [See also Clothes and Clothing ; Costume ; Sumptuary Laws ; Toilet ; Uniforms.] Dressmaking. A. [See also Clothes and Clothing ; Cos- tume ; Fashion Journals ; Needlework.] Dreyfus Case. F. [See also under Dreyfus, Captain Alfred, in Author Catalogue ; and France — Army, in Index.] Dried Fruits. [See Fruit-drying.] Drill. [See Physical Education.] Drill and Minor Tactics. General. A. [See also Artillery; Camel Corps ; Cavalry; Infantry; Military Art and Science ; Military Engineers and Artificers ; Mounted Infantry ; Tactics ; Transport, Military.] Drills. A. [See also Artesian Water and Wells ; Bores and Boring ; Diamond Drills ; Mining Machinery ; Wells and Well-boring.] Subject Meadingsfor Dictionary Index. 63 Drink Question. F. [&« also Alcoholism ; Delirium tremens ; Dipsomania ; Drinking Customs ; Good Templars ; Gothenburg System ; Inebriate Asylums ; Liquor Traffic; Local Option; Temperance.] Laws and Legislation. F. [See aho Gothenburg System ; Liquor Traffic ; Local Option.] Drinking Customs. B. and F. \_See also Beverages ; Drink Question ; Social Ethics ; Temperance ; Toasts.] Drinking Songs. H. Driving. A. [/See also Coaching.] Dromornithidse. MA. [See also Emu ; Paleontology — Australia.] Dropsy. A. Drosera Whittakeri. A. [See also Insectivorous Plants.] Droughts. A. [See also Periodicity.] Drowning. A. [See also Accidents ; Life-saving.] Drugs. A. [See also Adulteration ; Materia Medica ; Narcotics ; Pharmacy ; Prescriptions ; Stimulants ; and under each Drug.] Druggistry. [See Pharmacy.] Druggists. C. [See also Chemists.] Druids. G. Drunkenness. [See Curatel Procedure ; Dipsomania ; Drinking Customs ; Inebriate Asylums ; Temperance.] Druses. G. [See also Ecclesiastical History — Syria; Maronites.] Drying of Fruit. [See Fruit-drying.] Dualism. G. [See also Monism.] Dublin University. G. [See also Trinity College.] Duck-billed Platypus. [See Platypus.] Ducks. A. rSee also Decoys ; Game and Game-birds ; Poultry and Poultry-Farming.] Duelling. F. and G. Dugong. MA. Dumb Asylums. [See Deaf and Dumb — Asylums and Education.] Dumb, The; Education of. [See Deaf and Dumb — Asylums and Education.] Dumfries. D. Dunkirk. D. Duodenum. A. Duploye-Sloan Method. [See Shorthand.] Durham Cattle. [See Shorthorns.] Dutch, The. A. Dutch Art. [See Fine Arts — Dutch.] Dutch Colonies. [SeeAcheen; Holland— Colonies; Trans- vaal ; and under each Colony.] Dutch Dictionaries. [See Dutch Language— Dictionaries.] Dutch East Indies. D. Dutch Guiana. D. Dutch Language. J. Dictionaries. J. 64 Fuhlic Library of New South Wales. Dutch Literature. J. Dutch Keformed Church. G. [See also Reformed Dutch Church of America.] Dutch Repuhlic. [See Holland.] Duties. [See Customs and Excise ; Tariffs ; Taxation ; and under subheading Finance and Taxation under each Country.] Duties, Civil, Public, and Social. [See Christian Ethics ; Citizenship : Customs and Manners ; Deontology ; Duty ; Social Ethics ; State Ethics.] Duty. G. [See also Citizenship ; Moral Philosophy.] Dwarfs. A. [See also Pigmies.] Dwelling-houses— Architecture. A. [See also Seats of Nobility and County Families ; Workmen's Dwellings.] Dwelling-houses— Sanitation. [See Sanitation.] Dyaks. A. [See also Borneo.] Dye Plants. A. [See also Botany — Economic] Dyes and Dyeing. A. [See also Aniline Dyes ; Bleach- ing ; Calico-printing.] Dynamics. A. [See also Force and Energy; Mathe- matics; Mechanics; Physics; Statics.] Dynamite. A. [See also Explosives.] Dynamo Machines. A. [See also Electric Lighting ; Electric Motors ; Electrical Engineering.] Dysentery. A. Dyspepsia. [See Digestion and Indigestion.] E Ear, The, and Hearing. A. [See also Acoustics ; Deaf and Dumb ; Hearing.] Earth, The. A. [See also Antarctic Regions; Arctic Regions ; Astronomy ; Cosmogony ; Creation ; Deluge ; Earthquakes ; Geodesy ; Geology ; Gravitation ; Met- eorology ; North Pole ; Physical Geography ; South Pole ; Tropics ; Volcanoes ; Voyages — General.] Earthenware. A. [See also Pottery.] Earthquakes. A. [See also Seismology ; Volcanoes.] Earthworks. A. [See also Engineering — General.] Earthworms. A. [See also Annelids ; Chsetopoda ; Mould ; Oligochseta.] Easements. F. [See also Land Tenure.] East, The. (Oriental Countries). B. [See also Oriental History ; Oriental Periodicals ; and under each Country.] East India Company. B. East Indies. D. [See also Dutch East Indies; Malay Peninsula; Papuans; andunder each Islander Group.] Easter. G. [See also Festivals, Church.] Easter Island. D. Eastern Church. [See Greek Church.] Eastern Question. F. [5«« ncos and Boards ; Grange, The.] Farming. [See Agricultural Implements; Agriculture — General ; xVgriculture — Periodicals ; Cattle and Cattle- breeding ; Dairy Farming ; Drainage ; Ensilage ; Experiment Farms and Stations ; Farm Buildings ; Fences ; (Jrain Magazines and Elevators ; Pastures.] Faroe Islands. D. [See also Denmark ; Iceland.] Faroese Language and Literature. J. Farriery. A. [See also Horse ; Veterinary Science.] Fashion. [See Clothes and Clothing ; Costujne ; Dress.] Fashion Journals. E. Fasts and Fasting. G. [See also Advent ; Festivals, Church ; Good Friday ; Lent ; Passover.] Fatalism. G. [See also Determinism ; Freedom of the Will.] Fathers. F. [See also Parents.] Fathers of the Church. G. [See also Apocrypha ; Apostles; Councils, Church; Ecclesiastical History; Patristic Literature; Saints ; and under each of the Fathers — Augustine, Clement, Origen, Tertullian — in the Author Catalogue.] Fats and Oils. A. [See also Butter ; Castor Oil ; Cocoa- nut Oil and Cake ; Cod-liver Oil ; Colza Oil ; Cotton- seed Oil and Cake ; Linseed ; Oils; Oil-yielding Plants ; Olives and Olive Oil ; Petroleum ; Waxes ; and under each Oil.] Fauces. A. Faunas of Countries and Places. [See Zoology and Fauna — /^y CouHtries.^ Faust — Legends. J. [See also Legends.] Fayal. D. Fear. G. Feasts. [See Fasts and Fasting ; Festivals, Church.] Feathers. A. [See also Pterylography.] Federal Government and Federalism. F. [See also sub-heading Constitution under Canada, Switzerland, and United States.] Federation, Australian. MF. Federation, Imperial, and Defences. F. [See also Coaling Stations; Colonies and Great Britain; Customs Union.] Fee Simple. [See Land Tenure ; Real Property.] Feeble-minded. G. [See also Idiocy ; Idiot Asylums.] 78 Fublio Library of Neio Sottth Wales. Feeding Experiments. A. [&« aJ»o Cattle and Cattle- breeding ; Experiment Farms and Stations ; Fodders and Food-stuffs ; Foods, Chemistry of.] Feejee. [^See Fiji.] Feelings, G. Feet. {See Foot, The.] Fellenberg System of Education. G. \_See also Manual Education ; and under Fellenberg in Author Catalogue.] Female Education. [See Women — Education, Hygiene, and Training.] Female SuflFrage. [See Woman Suffrage.] Fences and Fencing. A. [See also Barbed Wire; Gates.] Fencing — Gymnastics. A. Fenians. F. [See also Home Rule ; Ireland — Politics ; Secret Societies.] Fermentation. A. [See also Alcohols ; Bacteriology ; Brewing ; Putrefaction ; Technological Chemistry ; Yeasts.] Ferns. A. [See also Botany, Cryptogamic] Fertilization — Botany. A. Fertilization — Zoology. A. [See also Biology ; Cells, Structure and Theory ; Embryology. ] Fertilizers. [See Manures.] Festivals, Church. G. [See also Christmas ; Church Decoration ; Easter ; Fasts and Fasting ; Pageants ; and under each Festival.] Fetichism. G. [See also Idolatry ; Superstition ; Worship.] Feudalism. B. [See also Chivalry ; Clans and Clan System ; History, Mediaeval.] Fevers. General. A. [&« aZso Contagious and Infectious Diseases ; Disinfection and Disinfectants ; Epidemics ; Germs in Disease ; Tropical Diseases ; and under each Fever.] Fibres and Fibre Plants. A. [See also Agave ; Cotton ; Flax; Ginseng; Hemp; Jute; Paper-making Plants ; Raffia ; Ramie ; Silk ; Textile Fabrics ; Wool ; and under each Fibre and Fibre Plant.] Fichtean Philosophy. G. [See also Knowledge, Theory of; Philosophy — German; and under Fichte in Author Catalogue.] Fiction. General J. [See also Allegories, Religious ; Anecdotes; Fables; Fairy Tales ; Folk-lore; Legends; Novelists ;, Parables ; Religious Stories ; Tales.] Bibliography. J. Criticism. J. History of. J. Reading of. J. By Countries. Australian. MJ. Field Fortifications. [See Military Engineering.] Fighting. A. [See also Boxing; Bull-fighting; Prize- fighting.] Figs. A. [(See also Fruit-growing.] Subject Seadingsfor jDleilonar'j Index. n Figure Painting. [See Portrait Painting.] Fiji. MD. Fijian Language. MJ. [_See also Papuan Languages.] Fijians. A. \_See also Papuans.] Files. A. Filices. [&« Ferns.] Filters and Filtration. A. \_See also Water Supply of Towns.] Finance. F. . [.S^e «/t(o Banks and Banking ; Bi-nietallism ; Capital ; Commerce ; Credit System ; Currency ; Exchange ; Funds, The ; Income Tax ; Interest ; Land Tax ; Liquor Duties ; Loans ; Monopolies ; National Debts; Panics; Prices; Single Tax ; Sinking Funds ; Stocks ; Tariffs ; Taxation ; and under each Country in Author Catalogue and in Index, under subiieading Financn.'^ Financial Statements. MF. [^See also subheading Finance and Taxation under the name of the Country.] Financiers. {_See Capitalists and Financiers.] Finches. A. Fine Arts. General. A. \See also Esthetics and yEstheticism ; Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms ; Archffiology ; Architecture; Art Criticism; Artists; Artistic Anatomy; Art Sales ; Bas-reliefs ; Book- plates ; Brasses ; Bronzes ; Cameos ; Caricatures ; Cartoons ; Carving ; Ceramics ; China Painting ; Christian Art ; Chromolithography ; Coins ; Costume ; Decoration and Ornament ; Design; Drawing; Earthen- ware; Embroidery ; Enamels; Engraving; Engravings; Etching; Fancy Dress; Fancy Work; Flower Painting; Frescoes ; Furniture, Art ; Gems ; Glass Embossing ; Glass Painting ; Goldsmith's Work ; House Decora tion ; Ideology ; Illumination ; Illustration of Books ; Immoral Art; Impressionism; Intaglios; Iron Castings; Ivories ; Jewellery ; Lace and Lace Alaking ; Land- scape Gardening ; Landscape Painting ; Leather Work ; Lithography ; Majolica ; Medals ; Metal Work ; Mezzotint ; Miniature Painting ; Modellina ; Mosaics ; Music; Musical Instruments; Needlework; Nude in Art ; Painting ; Pastel Drawing ; Photo-engraving ; Photographs ; Photography ; Picture Posters ; Porce- lain ; Portrait-painting ; Portraits ; Pottery ; Pre- llaphaelitism ; Primitive Art ; Renaissance ; Scenery ; Bock-carvings; Sculpture; Seals ; Silversmith's Work; South Kensington Museum ; Statues and Statuary ; Symbolism ; Tapesti-y ; Terra Cotta ; Vases ; Wall Papers ; Woodcarving.] Addresses, Lectures. A. Dictionaries, CyclopEedias. A. Galleries, Exhibitions^Catalosjues. A. Periodicals. E. Societies. A. Education, Teaching, Schools. G. \_See also Tech- nical Education.] - — By Countries. [Aborigines of Australia ; ^gean ; American ; Australian ; Belgian ; British ; Byzantine ; Dutch ; Flemish ; French ; German ; Greek ; Indian ; Italian ; Japanese ; Maori ; Phcsnician ; Spanish.] 80 TuhUo Library of Neio South Wales. Finger Rings. A. Fingers, A. Finite and Infinite. G. Finland. D. \_See also Lapland.] Finmark. D. {_See also Lapland ; Norway.] Finnish Language and Literature. J. Fir Trees. A. {^See also Coniferse.] Fire. A. [See also Combustion ; Fire Engines ; Fuel ; . Heat ; Heating of Buildings.] Fire Arms, [See Small Arms.] Fire Brigades and Departments. F. Fire Damp. [See Fires in Mines ; Gas in Mines.] Fire Engines. A. [/S«« a?so Fire Brigades.] Fire Insurance. [See Insurance, Fire.] Fire OrdeaL A. Fire Prevention. F. [See also Building Laws and Legis- lation : Fire Brigades.] Fire Worship. G. [See also Parseeism ; Religions, Pri- mitive ; Zoroastrianism.] Firenze Galleria Imperiale. [See Florence Imperial Gallery.] Fireplaces. A. [/S««rt7«o Chimneys; Heating of Buildings.] Fireproofing. A. Fires, Famous. B. Fires in Mines. A. [See also Explosions ; Gas in Mines; Miners' Safety Lamps.] Fireworks. A. Fiscal Question. [See Cobden Club ; Corn Laws ; Fair- trade V. Free-trade ; Free-trade ; Freetrade r. Protec- tion ; McKinleyism ; Protection ; Tariffs.] Fisheries, Fish Culture, Fishing Industry. A. [See aZifo Aquariums; Fishing; Herrings; Marine Zoiilogy ; Oysters and Oyster Culture; Pearls and Pearl Fisheries; Salmon ; Trout ; and under each Fish.] By Countries. A. Fishes. A. [See also Fisheries ; Fishing; Ichthyology ; Marine Zoology ; Palseontology ; and under each Fish. ] Fishing and Fishing Tackle. A. [See also Fisheries ; Herrings ; Salmon ; Trout ; and under each Fish.] Flags. K. [See also Heraldry.] Flat "Worms. A. [See also Helminthology.] Flattery, (i. Flax— Cultivation and Spinning. A. [See also Fibres and Fibre Plants ; Linen ; Linseed ; Textile Fabrics.] Flax, New Zealand. (Phormium tenax.) MA. [See also Fibres and Fibre Plants.] Fleet-street, London, B. and J. Flemish Art. [See Fine Arts— Flemish.] Flemish Language and Literature. J. Flies. A. [See also Diptera ; Entomology ; Insects.] Flight. A. [See also Aeronautics ; Animal Mechanism ; Birds.] Subject Headings for Dictiona}'!/ Index. 81 Flint Implements. [See Primeval Man ; Stone Age.] Flogging. [See Corporal Punishment.] Floods. A. [See also Deluge, The ; Hawkesbury Floods ; Meteorology.] Floral Decoration. A. Floras of Countries and Places. [See Alpine Plants; PalsBontology ; and under Botany and Flora — Bi/ Countries.'] Floriculture. [See Flower Gardening.] Flour. A. Flower Festivals. G. Flower Gardening. A. [See also Bulbs; Flowers; Gardening; Greenhouse Gardening; Orchids; Primula; Roses ; Scent Plants ; Window Gardening ; and under each Flower.] Flower Painting. A. Flowers. A. [See also Artificial Flowers; Colour of Flowers ; Fertilisation ; Floral Decoration ; Flower Festivals; Flower Gardening; Flower Painting; Foliage and Flowering Plants ; Orchids ; Scent Plants ; and under each Flower.] Fluids. A. [See also Hydrodynamics ; Hydrostatics ; Osmosis.] Flukes. A. [See also Parasites and Parasitic Diseases ; Trematodes.] Flute. A. [See also Musical Instruments.] Fluxes. A. [See also Metallurgy.] Flying Fox, (Pteropus.) MA. [See also Pteropidee; Zoology and Fauna — Australia.] Flying Machines, [See Aeronautics.] Fodders and Food Stuffs. General. A. [See also Cocoanut — Oil and Cake ; Feeding Experiments ; Foods, Chemistry of ; Forage Plants ; Linseed Oil and Cake ; Sorghums ; and under each Food Stuff.] Fog Signals. [See Signals.] Fogs. A. Foliage and Flowering Plants. A. [See also Begonias; Green-house Gardening.] Folk-lor€. B. [See also Amuhts; Archaeology ; Ballads ; Chapbooks ; Charms ; Customs and Manners ; Devil ; Divining Rod ; Evil Eye ; Fables ; Fairies ; Fairy- tales; Gypsies; Legends; Medicine — Folk-lore; Mytho- logy ; Proverbs ; Sagas ; Superstition.] By Countries. B. Folk-mote. F. [See also Witenagemote.] Folk-Songs. H. [/See a?«o Ballads; Songs— By Countries.] Folk-tales. [See Fairy-tales ; Folk-lore.] Fonts. A. [See also Church Furniture.] Food. A. [See also Alcohols ; Beverages ; Bread ; Butter ; Cookery ; Dietetics ; Digestion ; Eating ; Flour ; Fodders and Food Stuffs ; Food Adulteration ; Foods, Chemistry of ; Fruit ; Horse-flesh ; Hygiene ; Meat '; Milk; Preserving and Preservatives; Sugar; Vegetable Products ; Vegetarianism ; Wine.] 82 Public Library of Neio South Wales. Food Adulteration. A. \See also Adulteration ; Milk and Milk Inspection ; Oleomargarine ; Public Health.] Food Preservation. \_See Canning ; Fruit-canning ; Pre- serving and Preservatives.] Food Supply. F. \^See also Corn Laws ; Famines ; Free Trade; Protection.] Foods, Chemistry of. A. [See also Feeding Experi- ments ; Fodders and Food Stuffs ; Food Adulteration ; Fruits, Analyses of ; and under each Food.] Foods — Cookery. [See Cookery.] Fools and Jesters. B. Foot, The. A. [See also Boots and Shoes ; Hosiery.] Foot and Mouth Disease. A. [See also Diseases of Animals ; Veterinary Science and Practice.] Football. A. Forage Plants. A. [See also Beans ; Clovers ; Cow-peas; Fodders and Food Stuffs ; Grasses ; Lucerne ; Maize ; Millets ; Pea-nuts ; Peas ; Prickly Comfrey ; Prickly Pear; Rape; Sainfoin; Salsolacese; Sorghums; Vetches ; and under each Crop.] Foraminifera. A. [See also Trotozoa, ; Rhyzopoda.] Force and Energy. A. [/S««aZ«o Cosmology; Mechanics; Physics ; Statics.] Forecasts, Literary. J. [See also Ideal States.] Foreign OfiBce Lists. [See under Great Britain and Ireland — Foreign Office in Author Catalogue.] Foreign Missions. [See Missions and Missionary Work — Foreign.] Foreign Policy. [See Politics — Foreign under each Country.] Forensic Medicine. [See Medical Jurisprudence.] Forestry and Forest Conservation. A. [See also Arbor- day ; Landscape Gardening ; Timbers ; Trees and Shrubs ; and Forestry under each Country in Author Catalogue, for Government Publications.] Dictionaries. A. Schools. • G. — Laws and Legislation. F. By Countries. A. Forgery. F. Formalin. A. [See also Preserving and Preservatives.] Formicarise. [See Ants ; Heterogyna ; Hymenoptera.] Formosa. D. Forms in Law. F. [See also Actions at Law ; Affidavits; Bail and Bailments ; Pleading.] Forth Bridge. A [See also Bridges — General.] Fortification. [See Artillery ; Gunnery ; Military Archi- tecture ; Military Engineering.] Fortune-telling. G. [See also Astrology ; Clairvoyance ; Divination ; Magic ; Palmistry.] Forty-Second Regiment. B. [See also Highland Regiments.] FoBsilB. [See Palaeontology.] Subject Seadingsfor Dictionary Index. 83 Foul Brood in Bees. A. [^See also Bees and Bee-farming.] Fouling. [^See Corrosion and Fouling.] Foundations, [_See Masonry.] Foundlings. F. [See also Adoption.] Fourierism. F. [_See also Communism ; Socialism.] Fourteentli of July. B. [See also France — History.] Fourth Dimension. A. [See also Geometry.] Fourth of July. [See Independence Day.] Fowls. [See Poultry.] Fox, The. A. Foxglove. A. [See also Digitalis.] Fox-hunting. A. Framboesia. A. [See also Tubercolosis.] France. B. and D. [See also Brittany; Franco-German War; French, The; French Revolution; Huguenots; Legion of Honour ; Napoleonic Literature; Napoleonic Wars; Orleanism ; Paris Commune ; Reign of Terror ; Tuileries ; Vendee, La ; under Districts, Cities, and Subjects ; and under Napoleon in the Author Catalogue.] [For sub-divisions see under Great Britain.] Franchise. [See SuflVage.] Franciscans. G. [See also Capuchins ; Monasticism ; Monks ; Religious Orders.] Franco-German War, 1870. B. Franklin Expedition. D. [See also Arctic Regions.] Fraud. G. [jSe« a?so Impostors and Imposture; Swindlers and Swindling.] Freckles. A. [See also Dermatology.] Free Church of Scotland. G. [See also Church of Scotland ; Covenanters ; Presbyterianism ; United Presbyterians.] Free Public Libraries. [See Libraries— Free Public] Free Trade. F. [See also Cobden Club; Corn Laws; Fair Trade v. Free Trade ; Free Trade v. Protection ; Protection ; Tariffs ; and under Cobden Club in Author Catalogue.] Free Trade v. Protection. F. Freedom in Religion. [See Toleration.] Freedom of the Will. G. [See also Arminianism; Calvinism ; Determinism ; Election (Theology) ; Fatalism; Liberty; Predestination; Will.] Freehold, F. [See also Real Property.] G. Freemasonry, Freethought, Infidelity ; French, The. G. [See also Agnosticism ; Atheism ; Deism ; Positivism ; Rationalism ; Spinozism.] A. French Academy, J. [See also Acad^mie Fran^aise, L', in Author Catalogue.] French Art. [See Fine Arts — French ; Louvre, The.] French Canadians, [See Canada — History ; Canadians — French.] 84. Public Library of New South Wales. [See France — Colonies ; and under each [See French Language — Diction- French Colonies Colony.] French Dictionaries aries.] French Guiana. D I'rench Institute. J. [See also Institut Frangais, L', in Author Catalogue.] French Language and Dialects, J. [See also Breton Language.] French Literature — General. J. [See also Dramatic Literature— French ; Poetry— French ; Fiction— French ; French Academy ; Provengal Language and Literature.] French Philosophy. [See Materialism ; Philosophy — French ; and under Comte, Condillac, Cou.sin, Des- cartes, Diderot, Lamennais, Malebranche, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Se« aZso Great Britain— Finance.] Funeral Rites. G. [See also Burial ; Customs and Man- ners ; Funerals.] Funeral Sermons and Orations. [See Sermons — Funeral.] Funerals. F. [See also Burial ; Cremation ; Customs and Manners.] Fungi. A. [See also Bacteriology ; Botany — Crypto- gamic ; Botany — Economic ; Fungi in Agriculture and Fruitgrowing; Lichens ; My cetozoa; Pathology, Vege- table ; Plant Diseases ; Protophyta ; Rust in Wheat.] Fungi in Agriculture and Fruit-growing. A. [See also Pathology, Vegetable ; Plant Diseases ; Rust in Wheat ; Spraying.] Fungicides. [See Fungi in Agriculture ; Plant Diseases ; Spraying.] Fur-bearing Animals. A. Furnace, H.M.S. D. Furnaces. A. [See also Metallurgy.] Furniture. A. [See also Cabinet Work ; Church Furni- ture; Decoration and Ornament; House Decoration; Lamps; Mirrors; Upholstery; Wood-carving.] Furs and Fur Trade. A. Future State. G. [See also Death ; Eschatology ; Eternal Punishment ; Heaven ; Hell ; Immortality ; Judgment, Day of ; Millennium ; Purgatory ; Resurrec- tion ; Souls ; Transmigration.] G Gaelic Language. J. [See also Celtic Languages ; Irish Language ; Manx Language.] Gaelic Literature. J. GaU-making Insects. A. [See also Galls.] Gall-stones. [See Calculi.] Galleries. [See Fine Arts— Galleries ; and under the title of each Gallery in Author Catalogue and Index.] Galls. A. [See also Gall-making Insects ; Pathology, Vegetable.] Galvanism. [See Voltaic Electricity.] Galvanizing. A. 86 Fuhlio Library of New South Wales. A. [_See also Electricity, Measurement of.] Galvanometers Gambia. D. Gambler Islands. MD. Gambling. G. Game and Game Birds. A. [See also Decoys; Deer- stalking ; Game Laws ; Grouse ; Hunting ; Lions and Lion Hunting ; Pheasants ; Shooting ; Sport and Sporting Adventures ; and under each Animal and Bird.] Game Laws and Poaching. F. Games. A. [^ea^so Amusements; Bagatelle; Billiards; Cards; Chess; Conjuring; Draughts; Riddles; Sports and Pastimes ; Toys ; and under each Game.] Gamopetalffi. A. \_See also Botany : GeneralJ] Gangrene. A. \_See also Necrosis.] Gaols. [See Prisons.] Garbage, Disposal of. F. [See also Public Health ; Street-cleaning. ] Gardening. General. A. [^See also Aquatic Gardening ; Botany -Gardens ; Bulbs; Climbing Plants ; Experiment Farms and Stations ; Flower Gardening; Fruit-growing; Fungi in Agriculture and Fruitgrowing ; Grafting ; Greenhouse Gardening ; Horticultural Buildings ; Insects, Injurious ; Landscape Gardening ; Public Gardens; Scent Plants; Vegetable Gardening; Weeds; Window Gardening.] Dictionaries. A. Periodicals. E. Societies, Boards, Exhibitions. A. Schools, Training. G. Gardens, Botanic. [See Botany — Gardens.] Garter, Order of The. K. [See also Heraldry ; Orders.] Gas Analysis. A. Gas Engines and Motors. A. Gas. (Heating, Lighting, and Cooking). A. [See also Fuel ; Gas Engines.] . Manufacture and Works. A. Gas in Mines. A. [See also Explosions ; Fires in Mines ; Miners' Safety Lamps.] Gas-fitting. [See Plumbing.] Gas, Natural. [See Petroleum.] Gases. A. [See also Air ; Air Pump ; Barometers ; Gas Manufacture ; Osmosis ; Pneumatics ; and under each Gas.] Gasteropoda. Gastritis, A. Gastronomy, A Gastrotomy. A. A. [See also Snails and Slugs.] [See also Cookery ; Eating ; Food.] [See also Surgery.] Gates. A. [See also Fences.] Gatling Guns, A. [See also Artillery ; Maxim Guns.] Gauging. A. Gazetteers. [See Geography — Dictionaries and Gazetteers.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 87 Geese. A. \_See also Poultry.] Gelatine. A. [See aho Animal Products.] Gelatine Dynamite. A. [See also Explosives.] Gems and Precious Stones. A. [-S«« also Cameos ; Diamond ; Jewellery ; Lapidary Work ; Mineralogy ; and under each Gem and Stone.] Genealogical Periodicals. [See Genealogy — Periodicals.] Genealogy. General. K. [See also Badges ; Baronetage and Knightage ; Church and Parish Registers ; Epit- aphs ; Family Histories ; Heraldry ; Peerage ; Registers of Births, Deaths, and Marriages ; Seats of Nobility ; Wills, Registers of ; and under each English County.] Periodicals. E. By Countries. K. General Average. F. [See also Insurance, Marine ; Maritime Law.] General Information, Works of. K. [See also Encyclo- pjedias ; Year Books.] Generals, Lives of. C. Generative Organs and System. A. [See also Chastity; Contagious Diseases — Laws and Legislation ; Genito- urinary System ; Social Purity ; Venereal Diseases.] Genesis — Old Testament. G. Geneva Arbitration. F. [See also " Alabama," The ; Arbitration, International ; International Law ; Red Cross Associations.] Genito-Urinary System. A. [See also Bladder ; Calculi; Dermatology; Diabetes; Fallopian Tubes ; Generative Organs ; Gynaecology ; Kidneys ; Urinary Organs ; and under each Disease.] Genius. G. [See also Psychology.] Gentleness. G. Gentoo Laws. [See Law — Hindu.] Gentoo Language. [See Telugu.] Gentry— Colonial. MK [See also Family Histories- American.] Gentry — Landed. K. [See also Aristocracy ; Genealogy.] Geodesy. A. [See also Azimuth Tables ; Earth ; Geodetic Surveys ; Pendulum Experiments ; Surveying.] Geodetic Surveys. A. [See also Boundaries of Countries ; and under United States in the Author Catalogue.] Geographical Distribution of Plants and Animals. [See Botany and Flora — By Countries ; Distribution of Plants and Animals ; Zoology and Fauna — By Countries,] Geographical Societies. [See Alpine Clubs; Geography- Societies.] Geography : General. D. [See also Antarctic Regions ; Arctic Regions; Atlases; Biblical Geography; Bound- aries of Countries; Cartography; Latitude; Longitude; Maps ; Maritime Discovery ; Physical Geography ; Pilots and Pilotage; Sailing Directions ; Travellers and Explorers; Travels; Tropics; Voyages; and under the sub-heading Geography, Topography, and Maps— under each Country.] 88 JPublio Lib7Hiry of New South Wales. Geography. Congresses — Proceedings. D. Dictionaries and Gazetteers, Nomenclature. D. History of. B Periodicals. E. Societies. E. Teaching of. G. Ancient. D. Atlases. D. ■ Biblical, \_See Biblical Geography.] Physical, \_See Physical Geography.] Geological Periodicals. [_See Geology — Periodicals.] Geological Societies, [See Geology — Societies.] Geological Surveys, Maps and Atlases. \_See Geology — Surveys, Maps and Atlases ; and under the name of each Country in the Author Catalogue.] Geologists. C. Geology — General. A. {See also Artesian Water and Wells ; Bronze Age ; Caves ; Coal-mining ; Corals and Coral Reefs; Creation; Deluge; Earth; Earthquakes; Geology — Societies ; Geology — Surveys ; Geology — Agricultural; Geology hy Countries; Geology, Econo- mic ; Geysers ; Glacial Geology ; Iron Age ; Meteors and Meteorites; Mineralogy; Palaeontology; Petrifac- tion; Petrology; Primeval Man; Physical Geography ; Seismology ; Stone Age ; Volcanoes.] Manuals, Compendiums, Charts, A. Dictionaries, A. Museums and Collections — Catalogues. A. Periodicals. E. Societies. E. . Surveys, Maps, and Atlases. A. By Countries. A. {See also sub-heading Geolo- gical Survey under name of Country in Author Catalogue, for Official Publications.] Agricultural, A. {See also Soils and Subsoils.] Economic. A. {See also Amber ; Asbestos ; Asphalt; Bitumen; Chalks; Clays; Coal; Geology, Agricultural ; Gems ; Granite ; Graphite ; Gypsum ; Jet ; Limestones ; Marbles ; Meerschaum ; Mineral Waters; Mineralogy; Ozocerite; Peat; Petroleum; Phosphates ; Pumice Stone ; Salt ; Soils and Subsoils ; Stone ; Sulphur ; and under each Metal and Mineral.] Stratigraphical. A. (Sub-divided as in the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature.) Geometrical Drawing. A. {See also Mechanical Draw- ing ; Perspective.] Geometry. A. {See also Conic Sections ; Curves ; Geo- metrical Drawing ; Mathematics ; Mensuration.] Georgian Language. J. Georgian Literature. J. Gephyrsea, A. {See also Helminthology.] German Art. {See Berlin Royal Academy ; Fine Arts — German.] German Church, {See Reformed German Church.] Subject Seadings for Dictionary Index. 89 J. {See also Dutch ; Flemish Dramatic Poetry — German Colonies. {See Germany — Colonies.] German Dictionaries. {See German Language — Diction- aries.] German Language. Frisian ; Saxon.] Dialects. J. German Literature — General. J. [^See also Literature — German ; Fiction — German ; German.] German Nature Cure, A. German Philosophy. {See Philosophy— German, and under Fichte, Hegel, Jacobi, Kant, Leibnitz, Lotze, Schelling, Schlegel, Schleiermacher, Schopenhauer in Author Catalogue.] German Universities. {See Universities — German ; and under the title of each University.] Germans, The. A. Germany. B and D. {See also Brunswick, House of ; Franco-German War ; Germany — Colonies ; Germans, The ; Reformed German Church ; and under each Country, City, and Subject.] • [The same Subdivisions (also Army, Colonies, Navy) will be used as in the case of Great Britain (q.v.).] Germicides. [See Disinfection ; Germs in Disease ; Sanita- tion.] Germs in Disease, A. {See also Bacteriology ; Con- tagious and Infectious Diseases ; Diphtheria ; Disin- fection ; Pathology ; Protophyta; Typhoid; and under each Infectious Disease.] Gestation, A. {See also Embryology.] Gesture Speech. {See Sign Language.] Geysers and Hot Springs, A. Ghetto. {See Jews.] Ghibellines. {See Guelphs and Ghibellines.] Ghosts. G. {See also Apparitions ; Hallucinations ; Magic ; Mind and Body ; Psychical Research ; Spirit- ualism ; Supernaturalism ; Superstition.] Giants. A. {See also Abnormities ; Teratology — Zoology.] Gibraltar. D. Gifford Lectures. G. {See also Theology, Natural.] Gilbert Islands, MD. Gilding. A. {See also Electro-plating.] Gilds. {See Guilds.] Gin, A. {See also Alcohols, — General.] A. {See also Botany and Flora — China.] {See Gypsies.] A. A. {See also Bridges ; Roofs.] {See also Women — Education.] G. A. {See also Alps ; Arctic Regions ; Ginseng, Gipsies. Giraffe. Girders, Girls. G, Girton College. Glacial Geology, Icebergs.] Glaciers. A. {See also Glacial Geology.] u 90 Public Library of Naw South Wales, Gladiators. B. Glanders. A. [See also Diseases of Animals.] Glands. A. [See also Lymphatic System; Thyroid Gland ; and under each System for its own Glands.] Glandular Fever. A. Glasgow. D. Glasgow University. G. [See also Universities — British ; and in Author Catalogue, for its own Publications.] Glass-blowing. A. Glass Embossing. A. Glass Houses. [&« Greenhouse Gardening; Horticultural Buildings.] Glass Manufacture. A. Glass Painting and Staining. A. Glass-ware. A. Glazing. A. Glossaries. [See sub-heading Dialects, Glossaries under each Language.] Glossina morsitans. [See Tsetse Fly.] Gloves. A. Glucose. A. Glue. A. Glycerine. A. Glycyphyllin. A. Gnostics and Gnosticism. Marcionism.] Goats. A. God and Divine Attributes Christianity ; Creation ; Idolatry ; Jesus Christ Theism; Theodicy; Theology — Natural; Trinity.] Gods and Goddesses — Mythology. B. [See also Jupiter ; Mythology ; Venus ; and under each God.] Goitre. A. [See also Cretinism ; Thyroid Gland.] Gold. (Currency.) F. [See also Bi-metallism ; Coinage ; Mints.] Gold. (Metallurgy.) A. [See also Alchemy ; Assaying ; Chlorination ; Cyanide JProcess ; Gilding ; Gold-fields ; Gold-mining ; Goldsmith's Work.] Gold Coast. B. and D. Gold-fields. A. By Countries. A. Gold-mining. A. [See also Gold-fields ; Prospecting.] Golden Fleece. [See Argonauts.] Goldsmith's "Work. A. [See also Gilding ; Jewellery.] Golf. A. [See also Sports and Pastimes.] Gonorrhoea. A. [See also Venereal Diseases.] Good Friday. G. Good Templars. F. [See also Temperance— Societies.] Gophers. (Geomys.) A. [See also Eodentia.] Gordon Highlanders. B. [See also Highland Regiments.] G. [See also Heresies ; G. [See also Atheism ; Deism ; Holy Ghost ; Monotheism ; Religion ; Subject Keadings Jor Dictionary Index. 91 Gorilla. A. {See also Apes ; Monkeys ; Orang-Outang.] Gospels — New Testament. G. {See also under each Gospel.] Gothenburg System : Liquor TraflBc. F. [See also Local Option.] Gothic Architecture. [See Architecture — Gothic ; Cathe- drals and Churches ; Ecclesiastical Architecture.] Gothic Language. J. [See also Teutonic Languages.] Goths. B. [See also Arians and Arianism.] Gourkhas. A. [See also Nepaul.] Gout. A. Governesses. G. [See also Teachers.] Government. (Forms, Methods, Functions.) F. [See also Anarchy ; Aristocracy ; Bicameral System ; Cabinet, The; Civil Service ; Clans and Clan System ; Constitutional History ; Constitutional Law ; Consti- tutions of Countries ; Crown, The ; Democracy ; Election and Representation ; Electric Telegraphs — Administration; Executive; Family; Federal Govern- ment and Federalism ; Feudalism ; Folk-mote ; Local Government ; Monarchy ; Parliamentary Practice ; Party System ; Police ; Political Economy ; Politics ; Postal Service and Administration ; Prerogative ; Public Health; State, The; State Ethics; Suffrage; Tribes and Tribal System ; Upper Chambers ; Veto ; Village Communities ; Witenagemote ; and sub- heading — Government and Administration under each Country.] Government Gazettes. [iS'ee under each Colony in Author Catalogue.] Governors (American States.) C. (Australian Colonies.) MC. Grace. G. [See also Faith ; Salvation.] Grade-crossing. [See Railways — Construction.] Grafting and Budding, A. [See also Fruit>-growing ; Gardening.] Grail, Holy. [See Holy Grail.] Grain, [See Cereals.] Grain Magazines and Elevators. Hoists, and Elevators.] Graining. [See Painting (Trade).] Graminese. A. [See also Botany — Economic; Grasses.] Grammar, [See Philology; and subheading — Grammar, under each Language.] Grammar Schools, [See Colleges ; Education, Secondary ; High Schools ; and under the title of each School.] Gramophone. A. Granada, D. [See also Alhambra.] Granaries— Architecture. [See Grain Magazines and Elevators.] Grange, The. F. [See also Agriculture and Politics; Agriculture — Societies ; United States — Politics.] Granite. A. Grants, Land, [See New South Wales— Public Lands.] A. [See cdso Lifts, 92 JPublio Library of New Soulh Walos. Grape Vine. {See Viticulture.] Grapes. A. [See also Currants ; Phylloxera ; Raisins ; Viticulture ; Wine-making.] Graphite. A. Graphology. \_See Writing.] * Grasses. A. \_See also'&ota.ny — Economic; Dairy Farming; Fodders and Food Stuffs ; Forage Plants ; Gramineae ; Pastures.] By Countries. A. Graveyards. \_See Cemeteries.] Gravitation. A. [jSfe« aZso Astronomy ; Pendulum Experi- ments ; Physics ; Specific Gravity.] Gray's Inn. B. \_See also Inner Temple ; Law — Education ; Lincoln's Inn ; Middle Temple.] Great Britain, D. General and Descriptive. [See also Army, British ; Civil Service ; Colonies, The, and Great Britain ; Consuls and Consular Service ; Education, Primary; England; English, The ; English Language ; English Literature; Federation, Imperial; House of Commons ; House of Lords ; Ireland ; Navy, British ; Scotland ; Wales ; and under the different Counties, Cities, Rivers, Mountains, (fee; and under Subjects, e.S«« Entomology ; Rhyncota.] Hemorrhoids. A. Hemp. A. [S'«e aZso Abnormities; Monstrosi- ties ; Teratology — Zoology.] Hermeneutics. [See Biblical Criticism.] Hermits. [See Asceticism ; Religious Orders.] Hernia. A. Hero-tales. [See Folk-lore.] Heroes and Heroism. G. and C. [See also Adventures ; Courage; Travellers; Martyrs; Missionaries; Saints; Victoria Cross.] Herpetology. [See Reptiles.] Herrings. A. [See also Fisheries.] Hertfordshire. D. Hervey Archipelago. [See Cook Islands.] Herzegovina. D. [See also Balkan Peninsula.] Hessian Fly. (Cecidomyia destructor.) A. [See also Entomology, Economic; Insects, Injurious ; Wheat.] Heterocera. A. [See also Lepidoptera ; Moths.] Heterogenesis. [See Biology ; Life, Origin of.] 98 Public Library of New South Wales. Heterogyna. A. \_See also Ants ; Hymenoptera.] Heteropoda. A. [^See also Mollusca.] Hexapoda. \See Entomology ; Insects.] Hibbert Lectures. G. [^See also Philosophy — Oriental.] Hibernation. A. Hieroglyphics. A. \^See also Alphabets ; Egyptology ; Inscriptions; Palseography ; Philology, Comparative; Rock-carvings ; Sign Language ; Writing.] High Church. [5«e Ritualism.] High Schools. G. [^See also Colleges ; Education, Secondary.] Higher Education. [See Education, Secondary.] Highland Clans and Clan Costumes. B. [See also Clans and Clan Systems ; Highlanders, Scottish.] Highland Regiments, History of. B. [See also Regi- mental Histories ; and under each Regiment.] Highlanders, Scottish. A. [See also Celts.] Highlands of Scotland. D. [See also Highlanders.] Highwaymen. C. [See also Brigands ; Bushrangers ; Criminals.] Highways. [See Roads.] Himalayas. D. Himyaritic Language. J. [See also Amharic ; Arabic ; Ethiopic Languages ; Sabseans ; Yemen.] Hindoos. A. [See also Indian Races.] Hindu Languages. J. [See also Hindustani Language , Huzwaresh ; Indie Languages ; Marathi ; Prakrit Lan- guages.] Hindu Law. [See Law — Hindu.] Hinduism : Religion and Philosophy. G. [See also Thugs ; Vedas, The.] Hindustani Literature. J. [See also Drama, Hindu.] Hindustani Language. J. Hip Diseases. A. [See also Joints — Anatomy.] Hirudinea. A. [See also Leeches.] Hispano-American War. [See American-Spanish War.] Histo-chemistry. [See Physiological Chemistry.] Histology. A. [See also Anatomy ; Biology ; Cells, Structure, Development, and Theory ; Microscopy.] Historians. C. [See also Antiquarians.] Historical Charts and Albums. [See History — Manuals, Charts, Compendiums.] Historical MSS Commission. B. [See also under Great Britain and Ireland in Author Catalogue.] Historical Periodicals. [See History— Periodicals.] Historical Societies. [See Archaeology— Societies ; History — Societies.] History, Constitutional. [See Constitutional History.] History, Ecclesiastical. [See Ecclesia,stical History.] Subject Seadings Jor Dictionary Index. 99 History — General. B. [See also Archseology ; Battles ; Biblical History ; Chronology ; Civilization ; Coloniza- tion ; Costume ; Crusades ; Eastern Question ; Ecclesiastical History ; Genealogy ; Family Histories ; Famines ; Heraldry ; Historians ; History — Ancient ; History,MediaBval; Military History; Mutinies; Naval History ; Napoleonic Wars ; Numismatics ; Reforma- tion ; Renaissance ; Revolutions ; Riots ; Treaties ; Sieges ; Slavery ; Social Economy ; Wars ; and under sub-heading History under Names of Countries and Subjects.] Ancient. ( — 476 a.d.) B. [(Sfee aZso Accadians ; Archaeology; Assyria; Attica ; Babylon and Babylonia ; Bceotia ; Celts ; Chaldea ; China ; Classical Diction- aries ; Constantinople ; Cuneiform ; Ecclesiastical His- tory; Egypt ; Egyptology; Etruria; Greece; Hittites ; Hieroglyphics; India; Italy; Jewish History; J udea; Latium ; Media; Mesopotamia; Nineveh; Parthia; Persia; Phoenicia; Rome; Sicily; Syracuse; Syria; and under each Ancient Country.] Mediaeval. (476-14.53 a.d.) B. [See also Carlo- vingian Literature ; Chivalry ; Crusades ; Feudalism ; Inquisition ; Knights Templars ; Monasteries ; Renais- sance ; and under the name of the Country.] PMlosophy of. B. Manuals, Charts, Compendiums. B. Dictionaries. B. Periodicals. E. Societies. E. Teaching of. G. Hittites. A. [(See aZso Accadians ; Mongols.] Language. J. \_See also Accadians ; Hierogly phics.] Hockey. A. [See also Sports.] -Hoists. [See Lifts, Hoists, and Elevators.] Holidays. B. [See also Arbor Day ; Christmas ; Easter ; Fasts ; Festivals ; Independence Day ; New Year ; Thanksgiving Day.] Holiness. G. Holland. B and D. [See also Dutch East Indies ; Fine Arts — Dutch ; Dutch Language ; Netherlands ; Re- formed Dutch Church.] Holothuroidea. A. [See aha Echinodermata ; Sea Cu- cumbers.] Holstein Cattle. A. [See also Dairy Cattle.] G. [See also Trinity.] Legends. J. [See also Arthurian Ro- Holy Ghost. Holy Grail : mances ; Mabinogion.] Holy Land. [See Palestine.] Holy Orders. G. [See also Sacraments, The.] Holy Roman Empire. B. [See also Carlovingian Litera- ture; GuelphsandGhibellines; Roman Empire; Rome.] Holyrood Palace. B. [See also Edinburgh.] 100 Public lAbrai^j of New South TVales. Home, The. F. [^See also Cliildren ; Family ; Domostic Economy ; Home Education ; Women — Education ; Women — Position, Treatment, and Influence; Women — Work, Professions, and Employment.] Home Education and Life. G. \See also Character; Home, The ; Moral Education ; Self-culture.] Home Rule. F. [See also Ireland — Politics.] Homeric Question. J. \_See also Greek Literature.] Homes and Shelters. F. \_See also Social Problems.] Homes of England. [See Seats of Nobility.] Homicide. F. Homilies and Homiletics. G. [See also Preachers ; Preaching ; Sermons ; Theology — Pastoral.] Homoeopathy. A. Homoptera. A. [See also Aphides ; Cicada ; Entomo- logy ; Locusts ; Rhyncota.] Honduras. D. Honey. A. [See also Bees and Bee- farming.] Hongkong. B. and D. [Se^ also Colonies, British.] Honolulu. D. [See also Hawaii ; Sandwicli Islands.] Hooping-cough. A. Hop Louse. A. Hope. G. Hops. A. Horn. A. Horn Expedition. MA. [See also Scientific Expeditions.] Horn Fly. (Hoematobia serrata). A. [See also Insects, Injurious.] Horology. A. [See also Clocks ; Time Systems and Standards ; Watches.] Horse, The. A. [See also Coaching ; Driving ; Farriery ; Horse-breeding ; Horse-racing ; Horse-training ; Hunt- ing; Racehorse; Riding; Saddlery; Stables; Trotting; Veterinary Science.] Horse-bot. (Ga.sterophilus equi). A. [See also Insects, Injurious.] Horse-breeding. A. [See also Clydesdale Horse ; Honse- training ; Ponies ; Race-horse ; Shire Horse ; Suffolk Punch Horse ; and under each breed.] Horse Diseases. [See Horse, The ; Veterinary Science.] Horse-flesh. A. [See also Food ; Meat] Horse-racing. A. [See also Equestrian Games ; Gambling ; Horse-breeding; Stud-books; Trotting.] Horse-shoeing. [See Farriery.] Horse-training. A. Horsemanship. [See Driving ; Horse-racing ; Riding.] Horticultural Buildings. A. Horticultural Periodicals. [See Gardening— Periodicals.] Horticultural Schools and Gardens. [See Botany — Gardens ; Gardening — Schools.] Horticultural Societies and Shows. [See Gardening — Societies, Exhibitions, Boards.] Subject Headings f 07' Dictionary Index. 101 Horticulture. \_See Flower Gardening ; Fruit Growing ; Gardening ; Horticultural Buildings.] Hosiery. A. Hospitals — General. A. [See also Asylums, Benevolent ; Children's Hospitals; Convalescent Homes; Dispen- saries; Hospitals — Construction; Lunatic Asylums; Nursing ; and under the name of each Hospital.] Administration. A. ■ Construction. A. Hospitallers. [See Knights Templars.] Hot-houses. [See Green-house Gardening; Horticultural Buildings.] Hot Springs. [See Geysers and Hot Springs.] Hotels. A. [See also under name of any famous Hotel.] Hottentots. A. [See also Namaqua Language.] Hours of Labour. [See Capital and Labour ; Eight-hour Question ; Factories and Factory System — Laws ; Labour Question ; Working Classes.] House Decoration. A. [See a?»oCarj)ets; Decoration and Ornament ; Fancy Work ; Furniture ; Paperhanging ; Upholstery.] House of Commons. F. [B'or Debates and Proceedings, see under Great Britain and Ireland — Parliament in Author Catalogue ; also under sub-heading Parliament under Great Britain in Index.] House of Lords. F. [See also Upper Chambers ; and for Debates and Proceedings under Great Britain and Ireland^ — Parliament ; also under Great Britain — Par- liament in Index.] Household Management. [See Domestic Economy.] Household Medicine. [See Family Medicine.] Housekeeping. [See Domestic Economy.] House-painting. [See Frescoes; Marbling; Painting — Trade ; Sign-writing.] Houses. [See Dwelling Houses.] Housing of the People. [See Workmen's DweUings.] Hovas. A. [See also Madagascar.] Hudson Bay. B. and D. Huguenots. G. [See also Ecclesiastical History— France.] Hull-house, Chicago. F. Hulsean Lectures. G. [See also Christian Evidences.] Human Anatomy. [See Anatomy — General.] Human Physiology. [See Physiology— General.] Humane Societies. E. [See also Cruelty to Animals.] Humanitarianism. G. [See also Positivism.] Humble Bee. A. [See also Bees ; Insects.] Humbug. [See Impostors and Imposture.] Humility. G. Humming Birds. A. [See also Trochilida;.] Humourous Poetry. [See Humour and Comic Literature ; Macaronic Poetry ; Parodies.] 102 Tuhlic Library of New South Wales. Humour and Comic Literature. J. [^See also Fools and Jesters ; Humourists ; Humourous Poetry ; Parodies ; Satire.] By Countries, J. Humourists and Satirists. C. Hungarian Language. J. Hungarian Literature. J. Hungary. D. [See also Austria.] Huns. A. Hunting. A [See also Dogs ; Game ; Sport and Sporting Adventures.] Husband and Wife. F. [See also Family ; Home ; Marriage and Divorce.] Hussites. G. [See also Anabaptists ; Persecutions.] Huzwaresh Language. J. Hybridization. A. Hydatids and Hydatid Disease. A. [See also Parasites and Parasitic Diseases.] Hyde Park, London. B. Hydraulic Engineering. A. [See also Bars ; Break- waters; Buoys; Canals; Dams; Docks; Drainage; Dredging; Embanking; Harbours; Hydraulic Press; Hydraulic Ram; Hydraulics; Hydrodynamics; Hydro- statics ; Irrigation ; Lifts ; Lighthouses and Beacons ; Piers ; Reclamation of land ; Reservoirs ; Rivers ; Water Supply; Waterwheels; Weirs; Wharfs.] Hydraulic Press. A. Hydraulic Ram. A. Hydraulics. [See Hydraulic Engineering ; Hydrostatics ; Hydrodynamics ; Mechanics.] Hydrodynamics. A. [See also Fluids ; Hydrostatics ; Mechanics.] Hydrography. A. [See also Bars; Currents; Geodetic Surveys ; Marine Surveying ; Soundings, Sea.] Hydroid Zoophytes. [See Hydrozoa.] Hydrometer. A. Hydropathy. A. [See also Balneo-therapeutics ; Baths and Bathing ; German Nature Cure ; Health Resorts.] Hydrophilidse. A. [/See aZso Beetles ; Coleoptera.] Hydrophobia. A. [See also Dog.] Hydrostatics. A. [See also Fluids ; Hydrodynamics.] Hydrotherapeutics. [See Hydropathy.] Hydrozoa. A. [/S««a?so Acalephse; Medusae; Zoophytes.] Hygiene. A. [See also Air, The ; Banting ; Baths and Bathing; Beverages; Children; Climatology; Clothing; Dietetics; Disinfection; Epidemics; Exercise; Food; Germs in Disease ; Gymnastics ; Health ; Health Resorts ; Heredity; Injurious Occupations ; Longevity; Luxury ; Meat Inspection ; Medical Baths ; Mind and Body; Narcotics; Noxious Trades; Nursing; Physical Education ; Plagues ; Public Health; Quarantine ; Recreation ; Sanitation ; School Hygiene ; Sleep ; Temperance; Therapeutics; Training; Vegetarianism; Ventilation; Water.] Hygrometers. A. Subject Keadings for Dictionary Index. 103 Hyksos. B. and G. [See also Egypt, Ancient; Egyptology; Memphis.] Hylo-idealism. G. Hyloism. [See Materialism.] Hylozoism. G. Hymenoptera. A. [See also Ants ; Bees ; Entomology — General ; Heterogyna ; IchneumonidiE ; Trigonalyidse ; Wasps.] Hymns and Hjrmnody. G. [See also Church- Music ; Psalms and Psalmody ; Religious Poetry.] Hypnotism. G. Hyp ochondria. [See Melancholy. ] Hysteria. A. laian Language. MJ. [See also Loyalty Islands.] Ice and Ice-making. A. [See also Cold Storage ; Com- pressed Air ; Refrigerating Machinery.] Ice Age. [See Glacial Geology.] Ice Caves. [See Glacial Geology.] Ice Yachts and Ice-sailing. A. Icebergs. A. [See also Glacial Geology.] Iceland. D. [See also Faroe Islands.] Icelanders. A Icelandic Language. J. Icelandic Literature. J. Ices. A. [See also Confectionery.] Ichneumonidse. A. [See also Hymenoptera.] Ichnology. [See Palseontology.] Ichthyology. (Scientific Treatises.) A. [/See a&o Fisheries ; Fishes.] Iconoclasts. G. [See also Christian Art and Symbolism.] Iconography. A. [See also Emblems ; Statuary ; Symbol- ism.] Ideal States. P. [See also Communism ; Forecasts, Literary ; Socialism, State.] Idealism. G. [/See aZso Hegelianism; Platonism; Realism ; Transcendentalism . J Ideals. G. Ideas, Innate. [See Intuitionalism.] Identification of Criminals. F. [See also Anthro- pometry ; Criminals.] Ideography. A. [See also Hieroglyphics ; Inscriptions ; Palseography ; Rock-carvings.] Idiocy. A. and G. [See also Feeble-Minded ; Idiot Asy- lums ; Insanity.] 104 TiibliG Lihrmvj of New South Wales. Idioms. J. \See also under sub-division Dictionaries under each Language.] Idiot Asylums. F and G. [^See also Feeble-Minded ; Idioity.] Idolatry. G. \_See also Fetichism ; Religions, Primitive.] Iguana. A. Ilex cassine. [See Yerba-Mate.] Illegitimacy. F. Illiteracy. G. \_See also Culture.] Illumination. [See Candles ; Electric Lighting ; Gas — Heating, Lighting, Cooking; Lamps; Lighting of Towns.] Illumination — Fine Arts. A. [See also Alphabets, Initials, and Monograms ; Decoration ; Palaeography.] Illusions. [See Apparitions ; Ghosts ; Hallucinations.] Illustration of Books. A. [See also Book-plates ; En- graving ; Illumination ; Photo-engraving.] lUyrian Language and Literature. J. Imagination. G. Immaculate Conception. G. [See also Vatican Council ; Virgin Mary.] Immigration. [See Emigration.] Immoral Art. G. [See also Nude in Art.] Immoral Literature. G. [See also Condemned Books ; Obscene Publications.] Immorality. G. Immortality. G. [See also Future State ; Soul, The.] Impeachment. F. Imperial Federation and Defence. [See Colonies and ■ Great Britain ; Federation, Imperial.] Imperialism. F. Implements. [See Agricultural Implements and Machinery.] Impostors and Imposture. G. [See also Swindlers and Swindling.] Impressionism. A. [See also Realism.] Imprisonment. F. [See also Prisons ; Reformatories.] Incarnation. G. [See also Immaculate Conception ; Jesus Christ ; Virgin Mary.] Incas. A. [See also Pera ; Quichuans.] Income Tax. F. [See also Finance ; Taxation.] Increment. [See Betterment ; Capital and Labour ; Co- operation ; Land Tenure ; Socialism.] Incubation. A. [See also Embryology.] Incunabula. J. [See also Bibliography; Book Rarities; Typography.] Independence Day. B. [>S'e«aZso United States— History.] Independents. [See Congregationalism.] Index Expurgatorius, [See Condemned Books.] Subject Headings Jor Dictionary Index. 105 Index Librorum Prohibitorum. [^See Condemned Books.] Indexes to Periodical Literature. [See Periodicals — Indexes.] Indexing. J. [See also Bibliography ; Cataloguing ; Library Economy.] India. B. and D. [See also Anglo-Indian Terms and Phrases ; Anglo-Indians ; Fine Art.s — Indian ; Hima- layas ; Hinduism ; India — Religions ; Indian Cam- paigns ; Indian Frontier; Indian Mutiny; Kulu ; Kuram Valley ; Manipur ; Naga Hills ; Sikh War ; Sikhs ; Zenana Missions ; and under each Place and Subject.] Army. (1) British. (2) Native. A. Biography. C. Religions. G. [See also under each Religion.] India-rubber. [See Guttapercha.] Indian Art. [See Fine Arts — Indian.] Indian Campaigns. B. Indian Corn. [See Maize.] Indian Frontier. F. Indian Frontier Campaigns. B. Indian Hemp. (Cannabis indica). A. [See also Hasheesh.] Indian Law. [See Law — Hindu.] Indian Mutiny. B. Indian Politics. [See India — Politics] Indian Races. A. [See also Hindoos.] Indiana. D. Indians, American. A. [See also Cliff Dwellings; Incas; Mounds and Mound-builders; Pueblos; Sign Languages; Sioux; Totemism; and under each Tribe.] Languages. J. Indians, Lives of. [See India — Biography.] Indie Languages. J. [See also Dravidian ; Hindu Lan- guages; Hindustani; Marathi; Pali; Prakrit; Sanskrit.] Indie Religions. [See Brahmanism ; Buddhism ; Hinduism ; India — Religions ; Mohammedanism ; Parseeism.] Indies, East. [See East Indies.] Indigestion. [See Digestion.] Indigo. A. [See also Tropical Agriculture.] Individualism. F. [See also Collectivism ; Communism ; Crowd, The ; Socialism.] Indo-China. D. [-S^e a?so Annam; Burmah; Cambodia; Cochin China ; France— Colonies ; Malay ; Siam ; Tonquin.] Indo-Europeans. [>S'«« Anthropology; Aryan Languages; Aryans ; Ethnology ; Romance Languages ; Teutonic Languages.] Indo-Germanic Languages. [See Aryan Languages.] Indoor Amusements. [See Games.] Indulgences. G. [See also Purgatory.] 106 Fublic Library of New South Wales. Industrial Arts. General. A. [^See also Agriculture ; Architecture; Animal Products; Blacksmithing ; Book- binding; Boots and Shoes; Brewing; Bricks and Brick- making ; Building ; Cabinet-work ; Calico-printing ; Carpentry ; Carriage-building ; Carving ; Commerce ; Cookery ; Decoration and Ornament ; Distillation ; Domestic Economy ; Dyes and Dyeing ; Electrical Engineering ; Engraving ; Exhibitions — Industrial ; Farriery ; Fisheries ; Furniture ; Gardening ; Gilding ; Glass; Gun-making; Hats and Caps; Industrial Arts — Periodicals ; Industries — Primitive ; Injurious Occupa- tions; Instrument-making; Inventions; Lathes and Lathe-work; Machine Tools; Machinery; Manual Education; Manufactures and Industries; Marquetry; Masonry ; Mechanical Engineering ; Mechanics, Prac- tical ; Mending and Repairing ; Metalfounding ; Min- ing; Navigation ; Noxious Trades ; Painting ; Patents; Pattern-making ; Photography ; Plumbing ; Pottery ; Printing ; Receipts, Workshop ; Rural Economy and Industries ; Saddlery and Harness ; Shipbuilding ; Statistics, Industrial ; Tanning ; Tapestry ; Technical Education ; Technological Chemistry ; Technology ; Telegraphy; Textile Fabrics ; Tools; Trades; Uphols- tery ; Watch-making ; Weaving ; Wood-work ; and under each Art, Trade and Industry.] Cyclopaedias. A. Periodicals. E. {See also Manufactures and Indus- tries — Periodicals.] History of. B. Teaching of. [See Technical Education.] By Countries. Industrial Chemistry. [See Technological Chemistry.] Industrial Periodicals. [See Industrial Arts — Periodi- cals.] Industrial Schools and Institutes. G. [See also Manual Education and Training ; Technical Education.] Industries, Primitive, A. [See also Primeval Man.] Inebriate Asylums. F. [See also Dipsomania; Drink Question.] Inebriety. [See Dipsomania.] Infallibility. G. [See also Popes ; Roman Catholicism ; Vatican Council.] Infant Life Protection (Law). F. [See also Children ; Infanticide.] Infanticide. G. Infantry. A. [jSe«o?soMilitary Art and Science; Mounted Infantry ; Shooting.] Drill and Minor Tactics. A. Infants (Law). F. [See also Children — Legal Status ; Infant Life Protection.] Infants' Diseases. [See Children — Diseases.] Infection. [See Contagious and Infectious Diseases ; Disinfection ; Epidemics ; Pathology ; Plagues.] Infidelity. G. [See also Agnosticism ; Atheism ; Deism ; Free-thought ; Rationalism ; Spinozism ; Theism.] Infinite. [See Finite.] Infirmaries. [See Hospitals.] Subject Seadingsfor Dictionary Index. 107 Inflammation. A. Influenza. A. Infusoria, A. \^See also Desmids ; Diatoms ; Phytozoa ; Protozoa ; Rhyzopoda ; Rotifera.] Inheritance (Law). P. [See also Intestacy ; Probate ; Primogeniture ; Succession, Law of ; Wills.] Initials. [See Alphabets, Initials and Monograms.] Injunction. F. Injurious Insects. \_See Insects^Injurious.] Injurious Occupations. F. \_See also Noxious Trades.] Ink. H. Inlay Work. [See Marquetry.] Innkeepers. F. [See also Hotels.] Inns. [See Hotels.] Inoculation. A. [See also Small-pox ; Vaccination.] Inorganic Chemistry. [See Chemistry — Inorganic] Inquests. [See Coroners.] Inquisition. G. [(Se« a ?so Ecclesiastical History — Spain; Martyrs ; Persecutions.] Insane, Asylums for, [See Lunatic Asylums.] Insanity. A. and G. [See also Brain ; Hallucinations ; Idiocy ; Lunacy Laws ; Lunatic Asylums ; Medical Jurisprudence ; Mind and Body ; Nervous System.] Inscriptions. B. [See also Alphabets ; Cuneiform Inscrip- tions ; Epitaphs ; Hieroglyphics; Palaeography; Runic Inscriptions ; Writing ; and under sub-division — Alpha- bet under each Language.] By Countries. B. Insectariums. [See Entomology — Laboratories.] Insecticides. [See Plant Diseases ; Spraying.] Insectivora. A. [See also Moles.] Insectivorous Plants. A. [See also Drosera Whittakeri.] Insects : General. (Popular Works). A. [See also Ento- mology — for Scientific Works ; and under each Class.] Injurious and Beneficial to Agriculture. A. [See also Aphides ; Bees ; Beetles ; Butterflies ; Codling Moth ; Entomology, Economic ; Hessian Fly ; Hop Louse ; Lady-birds ; Locusts ; Moths ; Parasites ; Phylloxera ; Plant Diseases; Potato Moth; Scale Insects ; Spraying ; and under each Insect Pest, by its common name.] Insolvency. [See Bankruptcy.] Insomnia. A. [See also Sleep.] Inspiration. G. Inspiration of the Bible, G. [See also Canon of Scripture.] Instinct and Animal Intelligence, G. Institutions, Charitable and Philanthropic. [See Asylums ; Hospitals ; Charities — Societies.] Instrumentation. A. [See also Orchestration.] Instrument-making. A. 108 I'uhlio Library of New South Wacea. Instruments. [See Astronomical Instruments ; Calculat- ing Machines ; Mathematical ; Musical ; Optical ; Philosophical ; Science — Teaching, Laboratories an d Apparatus ; Surgical ; Surveying Instruments.] Insular Faunas and Floras. [See Distribution of Plants and Animals ; and Botany and Flora — By Countries ; Zoology and Fauna — By Countries.] Insurance : General. F. [See also Probabilities.] Accident. F. Fire. Life. F. F. [See also Annuities ; Friendly Societies ; Insurance, State and Compulsory ; Probabilities.] — Live Stock. F. — Marine. F. State and Compulsory. F. [See also Old Age Pensions.] Intaglios. A. Integral Calculus. [See Calculus ; Mathematics.] latellect. G. [. Kidnapping. F. [See also Coloured Labour Question.] Kidneys — Diseases. A. [/Sf«« a^so Albuminuria; Bright's Disease ; Diabetes ; Uraemia.] Killarney. D. Kindergarten. G. [See also Education, Primary ; Object Lessons ; and under Fellenberg ; Frobel ; Herbart, J. 'F. and Pestalozzi, in Author Catalogue.] Kinematics. A. [See also Dynamics ; Force ; Mechanics ; Motion.] Kinetics. [See Dynamics; Force; Gases; Gyroscope; Kinematics; Mechanics; Motion ; Physics.] Kinetoscope. A. Kings, Lives of. C. [See als-> Cza,rs; Emperors; Mon- archy.] Kings : Old Testament. G. Kingsmill Islands. MD. Kinos. [See Gums, Kinos and Resins.] Kiowa Indians. A. [See also Indians, American.] Kissing. G. Kitchen Gardening. [See Vegetable Gardening.] Kites. A. [See also Meteorological Instruments.] Kiwai Language. MJ. [See also Polynesian Languages and Dialects.] 114. JBublic Library of New South Wales. Kiwi bird. (Apteryx australis). MA. [See also Birds — New Zealand.] Kleptomania. G. Klondyke Gold-field. D. \_See also Gold-fields ; Yukon.] Knightage. [See Baronetage.] Knighthood, Order of. K. [See also Heraldry ; Knights Templars ; Military Orders.] Knights of Malta. [See Knights Templars ; Malta.] Knights of St. John. [See Knights Templars.] Knights Templars. G. [See also Crusades ; Free- masonry ; Malta ; Militaiy Orders.] Knives. A. [See also Cutlery.] Knitting. A. [See also Fancy Work.] Knots and Splices. A. [See also Navigation.] . Knowledge, Theory of. G. [See also Assoclationalism ; Education ; Fichtean Philosophy ; Intuitionalism ; Kantian Philosophy; Perception; Reality; Sensation; Transcendentalism ; Truth.] Koheleth. G. [See also Judaism.] Koiari. [See Papuans.] Koitapu. [See Papuans.] Kola Nut. A. Koran. G. [See also Mohammedanism ; Sacred Books.] Koumiss. A. [See also Milk.] Krakatoa. MD. Kriegspiel. A. Kroatian. [See Croatian.] Krypton. A. [_See also Air.] Kulu. D. Kuram Valley. D. Kurdish Language. J. Kurdistan. D. Kurds. A La Plata. D. La Trappe. [See Cistercians ; Religious Orders.] Labels. F. Laboratories. [See Biology — Laboratories; Chemistry — Laboratories ; Physics — Laboratories; Zoology — Labora- ties and Stations ; and under sub-heading Laboratories under each Science.] Labour Bureaus and Departments. F. [See also under each Country in Author Catalogue for Ofiicial Reports.] Subject lEeadingsfor Dictionary Indeed. 115 Labour Question. F. [See also Apprentices ; Arbitra- tion; Capital and Labour; Chinese Question; Coloured Labour ; Co-operation ; Eight-hour Question ; Em- ployer's Liability ; Factories ; Friendly Societies ; Guilds ; Master and Servant ; Old Age Pensions ; Poor ; Prison Labour ; Profit-sharing ; Social Problems ; Strikes ; Trades Unions; Work and Wages ; Women — Work ; Working Classes.] • Laws and Legislation. F. [See also Eight-hour Question ; Employer's Liability ; Factories ; Labour Party (N.S.W.); Payment of Members.] By Countries. Labour Party (N.S.W.) MF. Labour Settlements. F. [See also Village Communities.] Labouring Classes. [See Working Classes.] Lace and Lace-making. A. [See also Needlework.] Lacquer and Lacquering. A. Lacrosse. A. [See also Sports and Pastimes.] ijaarone Islands. D. Lady-birds. A. [See also Coccinellidse ; Entomology, Economic ; Insects, Injurious and Beneficial.] Lagos. D. Lady Margaret College. G. Lahore. B. Lake-dwellers and Lake-dwellings. A. [See also Indians, American ; Venezuela.] Lamaism. G. [See also Buddhism ; Thibet] Lamellibranchiata. A. [See also Acephala ; MoUusca.] Lamentations — Old Testament, G. Lamps. A. [See also Electric Lighting ; Lighting ; Miners' Safety Lamps.] Lancashire Plot (1694). B. Lancaster, Duchy of. B. Land Banks. [See Agricultural Banks ; Savings Banks.] Land Courts. F. [See also Land Tenure — Laws.] Land Laws. [See Land Tenure — Laws.] Land Tax. F. [See also Betterment ; Single Tax.] Land Tenure. General. F. [See also Betterment ; Crofters ; Easements ; Feudalism ; Land Courts ; Land Tax ; Landlord and Tenant ; Real Property ; Rent ; Single Tax ; Taxation ; and Land Tenure — By Goun- tries.'\ Laws and Legislation. F. By Countries. F. Land Systems. [See Land Tenure — By Countries.] Landlord and Tenant — Law. F. Lands, Crown, of Australasia. [See sub-heading Public Lands under Australia, and each of the Colonies.l Lands Departments, F. [See also under each Ck)untry in Author Catalogue for Official Reports.] 116 J?ublic Library of New South TFales. Lands — New South Wales. {See New South Wales — Public Lands ; and under New South Wales — Lands in the Author Catalogue, for Official Publications.] Lands — United States. {See United States — Public Lands ; and under the name of each State in Author Catalogue for Official Reports.] Lands — Victoria, {See Victoria — Public Lands; and under Victoria — Lands, in Author Catalogue.] Landscape Gardening. A. [&« also Cemeteries ; Forestry ; Gardening ; Hedges ; Mausoleums ; Parks ; Trees and Shrubs.] Landscape Painting, k. Landslips. A. Language — General. [/See Philology ; Volapiik; and under each Dialect and Language.] Languages, Teaching of. G. [-See also Philology — Educa- tion, Teaching of.] Languedoc. D. Langue d'Oc. {See Provengal Language and Literature ; Troubadours.] Laos. {See Shans.] Lapidary Work. A. {See also Gems and Precious Stones.] Lapland. D. {See also Finland ; Finmark ; Russia.] Larceny. F. Larch. A. Lard. A. Larynx. A. {See also Throat ; Respiratory System ; Voice.] Latent Heat. {See Heat.] Lathes and Lathe Work. A. Latin Dictionaries. {See Latin Language — Dictionaries.] Latin Language. J. (1) Ancient; (2) Mediaeval; (3) Modern. {See also Italic Languages ; O.scan Langu- age.] Latin Literature. J. (1) Ancient ; (2) Media!val ; (3) Modern. {See also Dramatic Literature — Latin ; Poetry — Latin.] Latin, Low. [-See Latin Language — Mediaeval ] Latin Poetry. {See Latin Verses ; Poetry — Latin.] Latin Verses. (Academic Compositions.) J. {See also Latin Language — Prosody.] Latitude Determinations. A. {See also Astronomy ; Pendulum Experiments.] Latium. B. {See also Prseneste ; Tarracina ; and other Cities and Places in Ancient Italy.] Latter-day Saints. {See Morraonism.] Laughing Gas. {See Nitrov.s Oxide.] Laughter. G. Laundry. A. Laureateship, {See Poetry — History of.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 117 Law — General. F. [See also Actions at Law ; Admiralty Court ; Adoption ; Agriculture ; Aliens ; Appeal, Courts of ; Apprentices ; Arbitration ; Assaults ; Assignments ; Attorneys-General — Opinions ; Auc- tions ; Auditors; Bail and Bailments; Banks and Banking ; Bankruptcy ; Barristers ; Bastardy ; Bigamy ; Bills of Costs ; Bills of Lading ; Bills of Sale ; Building ■ — Laws ; Building Societies ; Canon Law ; Carriers ; Chancery ; Charities ; Children — Legal Status ; Civil Law ; Codiiication ; Commercial Law ; Common Law ; Companies ; Constitutional Law ; Consular Law ; Con- tagious Diseases ; Contracts ; Conveyancing ; Copy- right ; Coroners ; Corporations ; Court Practice and Procedure; Crime; Crimes; Criminal Law; Criminals; Crofters ; Currency ; Customs and Excise ; Damages ; Debtor and Creditor ; Ecclesiastical Law ; Education — Laws and Legislation ; Electoral Laws ; Electricity- Laws and Legislation ; Employer's Liability ; Equity ; Evidence ; Exchange ; Extradition ; Factories ; Feud- alism ; Forestry ; Forms in Law ; Friendly Societies ; Game Laws ; Guardians ; Habeas Corpus ; Husband and Wife; Infant Life Protection ; Inheritance; Inn- keepers ; Insurance ; International Law and Eelations ; Irrigation — Laws ; Judges ; Jury, Trial by ; Justice Departments ; Justices of the Peace ; Labour — Laws and Legislation ; Land Tenure — Laws ; Landlord and Tenant ; Law — Almanacs ; Law — By Countries ; Law Courts ; Law — Dictionaries ; Law — Education ; Law — Periodicals ; Law Reform ; Law Reports ; Lawyers ; Legal Profession ; Libel ; Libraries — Laws and legisla- tion ; Liens ; Liquor Traffic— Laws ; Lunacy; Magistrates' Guides ; Maritime Law ; Marriage and Divorce ; Master and Servant ; Maxims ; Medical Jurisprudence ; Mercantile Law ; Military Law and Administration ; Mining — Laws ; Mortgages ; Mosaic Law ; Municipal Government — Laws and Legislation ; Mutiny Act ; Naval Law and Administration ; Nisi Prius ; Noxious Trades ; Outlawry ; Parliamentary Law and Practice ; Partnership ; Patents and Trademarks ; Pawnbroking ; Penal Legislation and Systems ; Personal Property ; Pleading ; Poor Laws ; Postal Laws ; Privy Council ; Probate ; Procedure ; Public Health ; Quarantine ; Railways ; Real Property ; Riparian Rights ; Sanitary Laws ; Sheriffs ; Shipping Law ; Solicitors ; Succession, Law of ; Sumptuary Laws ; Supreme Court Taxation ; Tithes ; Torts ; Treason ; Trials ; Trusts and Trustees ; Vaccination ; Vendors and Purchasers ; Vice- Admiralty Court; Water Supply; Weights and Measures ; Wills; Women — Position, Treatment and Influence ; also under subheading Laws and legislation under each Subject, and subheading Statutes under each Country.] Almanacs and Directories. E. Dictionaries. F. Education, Schools, Training. G. History of. B. Periodicals. E. ■ Societies and Institutes. E. \See also Gray's Inn ; Inner Temple ; Lincoln's Inn ; Middle Temple.] By Countries. F. (American, Chinese, Greek, Hindu, Mohammedan, Noraian, Scottish, &c.] Law Copying. F. 118 ^Public Library of New South Wales, Law Courts. F. [See also Courb Practice; Justice, Administration of ; Police Courts.] Law Periodicals. \See Law — Almanacs ; Law — Periodi- cals.] Law Keform. F. [See also Codification.] Law Reports and Digests. E. [See also Attorneys- General — Reports. ] By Countries. E. Law Schools. [See Law — Education, Schools, Training.] Law Societies and Institutes. [/See subheading Societies and Institutes under Law.] Lawn Tennis. A. [See also Sports.] Laws. [See Laws and Legislation under each Subject ; and under the sub-heading Statutes under the name of the Country in Author Catalogue.] Lawyers. C. [See also Barristers at Law ; Chancellors ; Chief Justices ; Court Practice ; Judges ; Legal Pro- fession ; Solicitors.] Lazarettes. [See Hospitals, S««a/60 Atlas Mountains; Sahara; Tafilet.] Morphia. A. [See also Narcotics ; Opium ; Pharmacy.] Morphology. A. [See nho Anatomy; Biology; Denti- tion: Embryology; Histology; Muscles; Nerves and Nervous System ; Osteology.] Mortality Statistics. [See Statistics— Vital.] Mortars. [See Cements ; Limes.] Mortgages. (I^w.) F. [See also Credit Foncier.] Mortuaries. [See Cemeteries.] Mosaic Law. G. [See also Judaism.] Mosaics. A. Mosques. A. [See also Mohammedanism.] Mosquito. A. [See also Diptera.] Mosses. A. [See also Algae ; Botany, Cryptogamic ; Hepaticffi ; Lichens ; Lycopodiums.] Mothers. F. [See also Family ; Home.] Moths. A. [&« aZso Butterflies; Entomology; Heterocera; Insects; Lepidoptera; Noctuidse; Sphinxes.] Motion. A. [See also Cosmology; Dynamics; Force; Kinematics.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Indea 141 Motor Carriages and Auto-cars. A. Motors. \_See Dynamics ; Engines.] Mottoes. J. \_See also Devices ; Emblems ; Heraldry.] Motu Language. MJ. [^See also New Guinea ; Papuan Languages.] Mould. A. [^See also Earthworms.] Moulding. A. [&e also Iron-castings ; Metal-founding ; Pattern-making.] Mounds and Mound-builders. B. [&« also Indians, American.] Mountaineering. D. [See also Alpine Clubs ; Alps.] Mountains. A. and D. Mounted Infantry. A. [_See also Camel Corps.] Mourning Customs. G. Mouth, The. A. [See also Lockjaw ; Teeth.] Movement in Plants. A. [See also Botany, Physiological ; Climbing Plants.] Mozambique. D. Mozambique People and Languages. A. Mulberry Tree3, A. [See ol.o Sericulture.] Mules. A. Multiple Expansion Engines. [See Engines ] Mummies. B. [See also Egyptology ; Embalming.] Mumps. A. Mung Bean. [See B3ans.] Mungoose. [See Mongoose.] Municipal Corporations. F. [See also Aldermen ; Boroughs ; City, The ; Local Government ; Municipal Government.] Municipal Engineering and Works. A. Municipal Government. F. [See also County Councils ; Garbage; Local Government; Municipal Regulations ; Sanitation ; Street Cleaning ; Water Supply.] Laws and' Legislation. P. Municipal Regulations. F. [&« a^.w under each Town.] Mural Paintings. A. Murder. F. [See also Assassination ; Infanticide.] Musci. [See Mosses.] Muscles — Anatomy. A. Musee de Lyon. [See Lyons Museum ; and in Author Catalogue under this Title.] Museums. General. A. [See also Australian Museum ; Botany — Museums; Brisbane Museum; British Museum ; Melbourne Museum ; Natural History — Museums ; South Kensington Museum ; U.S. National Museum ; Zoology — Museums ; and under the title of each Museum, both in the Index and the Author Catalogue.] Architecture. A. 142 Public Library of New South Wales. Museums. Guides and Handbooks. A. Reports. E. [&« a Zso Australian Museum; Brisbane Museum ; British Museum ; Melbourne Museum ; South Kensington Museum ; U.S. National Museum ; and under the title of each National Museum under its Country in Author Catalogue, for Official Reports.] Mushrooms. A. \_See also Fungi.] Music. General. A. [See also Acoustioa; Canon; Choirs; Churcli Music ; Counterpoint ; Fugue ; Harmony ; Instrumentation; Music-Drama; Music — Education; Musical Criticism ; Musical Form and Composition; Musical Instruments ; Musicians ; National Songs ; Opera; Orchestration; Singing and Voice-Culture; Sol-Fa Method ; Songs.] Australian. MA. [/See also Songs — Australian.] Collections. A. Training, Dictionaries. Education — History. A. — - Periodicals. E. — Societies. A. [See Academy or Society.] Schools. G. also under the title of each Music-Drama. H. [See also Wagnerian Music and Opera.] Music Halls. H. Musical Criticism. A. Musical Education. [See IMusic — Education, Training, Schools ; Singing.] Musical Form and Composition. A. Musical Instruments. A. [See also Bell-ringing ; Harp ; Instrumentation; Organs; Pianoforte; Tuning ; Violin ; Violoncello ; and under each Instrument.] Musicians. C. [See also Organists ; Pianists ; Singers ; Violinists.] Musk Melon. [See Melons.] Musk-oxen. A. Musketry. [See Shooting, Military.] Mustard. A. Mutinies. B. [See also Bounty, Ship ; Indian Mutiny ; Pitcairn Island ; Revolutions.] Mutiny Act. F. [See aha Military Law.] Mycenae. B. and D. Mycetozoa. A. [See also Protophyta ; Protozoa.] Mycology. [See Fungi.] Myology. [See Muscles.] Myriopoda. A. [See also Centipedes.] Mystery Plays. [See Miracle, Morality, and Mystery Plays; Music-drama; Ober-Ammergau.] Mysticism. G. [See also Jansenists; Neo-Platonism ; Phallic Worship ; Port Royalists ; Quietism ; Rosi- crucians ; Spinozism ; Swedenborgianism ; and under Blake, Bohme, Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, Plotinus, Reuchlin, Servetus, in the Author Catalogue.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 148 Mythology. General. B. [&e oZm Animal-lore; Animals and Plants in Mythology ; Animals, Worship of ; Archteology; Argonauts; Classical Dictionaries; Fairy- tales; Folk-lore; Gods; Indians, American ; Legends; Myths; Plant-lore; Popular Errors; Religion — History of ; Sagas ; Serpent-worship ; Superstition.] ■ Dictionaries. B. \_See also Classical Dictionaries.] ■ • By Countries. B. Myths. B. Myxomycetes. [See Mycetozoa.] Myzostomaria. A. \_See also Worms.] IN • Naga Hills. D. Nagana. [See Tsetse Fly.] Nagas. A. [See also Assam.] Nahuatl. [See Mexican Language.] Nails. A. Nama Dialect. [See Namaqua Language.] Namaqua Language. J. [See also African Languages ; Hottentots.] Names — Dictionaries. K. [See also Pseudonyms.] History of. J. Nanga, The. [See Rites and Ceremonies — Aborigines of Australia.] Naphtha. A. Naphthalene. A. [Sei also Coal-tar.] Naples, D. Napoleonic Literature. J. [See also under Napoleon in Author Catalogue.] Napoleonic Wars (1789 1815). B. [See also France History ; Napoleonic Literature.] Narcissus and Jonquil. A. [See also Amaryllidie; Bulbs and Bulb-culture.] Narcotics. A. [See also Chloral ; Hasheesh ; Morphia ; Opium ; Stimulants ; Tobacco.] . Natal. D. [See also South Africa.] National Australian Convention. [See Federation, Australian.] National Banks. F. [See also Agricultural Banks ; Banks and Banking ; Savings Banks.] National Debts. F. [See also Finance.] National Education. G. [See also Education — By Countries; Illiteracy ; Public Schools, N.S.W.] National Gallery, London. A. [See also London National Gallery in Author Catalogue, for Catalogues ; and under Great Britain and Ireland, for Official Reports.] National Insurance. [See Insurance, State and Com- pidsory.] National Libraries. [See Libraries— State.] 144 Public Library of Neio South Wales. National Portrait Gallery. A. \See also in Author Catalogue, under London National Portrait Gallery, for Catalogues; and under Great Britain and Ireland, for Official Reports.] National Schools. (N.S.W.) \See Education, Primary —New South Wales ; Public Schools, N.S.W.] National Songs. H. Nationalism and Nationality. F. Nationalization. General. F. \_See also Land Tenure ; Single Tax ; Socialism, State.] (1) Land. (2) Railways. Native Currant. (Leptomeria acida). MA. Natural History. (Popular Botany and Zoology). A- [See also Animal-lore ; Animals and Plants in Myth- ology ; Aquariums ; Biology ; Botany ; Collecting ; Distribution of Plants and Animals ; Evolution ; Geology ; Instinct ; Menageries ; Mineralogy ; Natura- lists ; Nature ; Paleontology ; Plant-lore ; Taxidermy ; Zoology ; and under each Animal.] Dictionaries. A. \ See also 'Bot&ny — Dictionaries; Zoology — Dictionaries. ] Addresses, Lectures, Pamphlets. A. Museums, Collections, Exhibitions. A. Periodicals. E. Societies. E. ■ By Countries. A. \See also Botany and Flora — By Countries ; Zoology and Fauna — By Countries.] Natural Philosophy, [See Physics.] Natural Religion. [See Religions, Primitive; Theology, Natural.] Natural Science. [See Natural History ; Physics.] Natural Selection. A. [See also Evolution ; Heredity.] Natural Theology. [See Theology, Natural.] Naturalism. G. [See also Agnosticism ; Romanticism ; Supernaturalism ; Theology, Natural.] Naturalists. C. [See also Biologists ; Scientists.] Naturalization, F. [See also Citizenship.] Nature and Natural Law. A. [See also Metaphysics ; Natural History; Science; Theology — Natural.] Naucratis, B. [See also Egyptology.] Nauheim. A. Nautical Almanacs. E. [See also under the title of each in Author Catalogue.] Nautical and Naval Dictionaries, [See Naval Art and Science — Dictionaries. ] Nautical Astronomy. A. [See also Compass ; Latitude ; Longitude ; Nautical Almanacs ; Navigation.] Nautical Instruments, A. [See also under each Instru- ment.] Nautical Life, [See Naval Life; Sailors and Nautical Life.] Nautical Surveying, [See Marine Surveying.] Nautilus. A. [See also Cephalopoda.] Naval and Nautical Periodicals, [See Naval Art and Science — Periodicals.] Subject Headings for Dictionaiij Index. 145 Naval Architecture. A. [&«oZso Shipbuilding; Torpedo Boats ; Trireme.] Naval Art and Science. A. \^See also Gunnery ; Merchant Navy and Service ; Naval Architecture ; Naval Artillery ; Naval Defences ; Naval Education ; Naval Engineering ; Naval Law ; Naval Tactics ; Navigation and Seamanship; Privateering; Sails and Sailraaking: Shipbuilding ; Signals and Signalling ; Torpedoes ; Warships.] Education, Colleges, Training Ships. G. Dictionaries. A. Periodicals. E. Naval Artillery. A. Naval Battles. B. [See also Naval History.] Naval Biography. C. [_See also Admirals ; Pirates ; Sailors.] Naval Defences. F. [See olsn this sub-heading under Australia and each Colony.] Naval Dictionaries. [See Naval Art and Science — Dictionaries.] Naval Education. (J. [See also Naval Art and Science — Education, Colleges, Training Ships; Navy, British — Examinations.] Naval Engineering. A. [See also Marine Engineering ; Shipbuilding ; Warships.] Naval History. B. [See a/so Admirals ; "Alabama"; Armada ; Naval Battles ; Naval Biography ; Navies of the World ; Navy, British ; Pirates ; JPressgang ; Privateering; Sailors and Nautical Life; under sub- heading A'avy under each country, and under Navy Records Society in Author Catalogue.] Societies. E. Naval Law and Administration. F. [See also Admiralty Court ; Maritime Law.] Naval Life and Customs. B. [See also Sailors and Nautical Life.] Naval Reserves. A. and F. Naval Societies. [See Naval History — Societies.] Naval Tactics. A. [See also Naval Art and Science.] Navies of the World — General. A. [See ahn Navy, British; and under sub-heading Navj/ under each Country.] Navigation and Seamanship. A. [See also Azimuth Tables ; Beacons ; Compass, The ; Knots and Splices ; Latitude ; Life-boats ; Lighthouses ; Logs of Ships ; Longitude ; Merchant Navy and Service ; Nautical Almanacs ; Nautical Astronomy ; Naval History ; Oil at Sea ; Pirates ; Sailors ; Ship-building ; Shipwrecks ; Signals and Signalling; Yachting.] Laws and Legislation. F. [See also Maritime Law ; Naval Law.] Navigator's Islands. [See Samoa.] Navigators. [See Travellers and Explorers.] 146 JPublio Library of New South Wales. Navy, British. B. [See also Ambulances ; Marines ; Medals and Decorations, Military and Naval; Medical Service — Army and Navy ; Merchant Navy ; Naval Artillery ; Naval Reserves ; Sailors ; Warships ; for other Navies see under the country, e.g., France — Jfavy.'] Examinations. G. [See also Naval Education.] Lists. [See under Great Britain and Ireland — Admiralty, in Author Catalogue.] Orders. [See Great Britain and Ireland- -Admi rality, in Author Catalogue.] NebulsB and Star Clusters, A. Nebular Hypotheses. A. [/SeeoZso Astronomy; Comets ; Cosmic Dust.] Necessitarianism. G. [See also Determinism ; Freedom of the Will ; Liberty.] Necromancy. [See Magic ; Sorcery ; Witchcraft.] Necrosis. A. [See also Gangrene.] Needle-making. A Needlework. A. [See also Dress-making ; Embroidery ; Fancy-work ; Knitting ; Lace and Lace-making ; Needlework — Fine Arts ; Sewing ; Tapestry.] Needlework — Fine Arts. A Negrilloes. MA. Negrito Races and Languages. [See Aborigines of Australia ; Papuans ; Polynesians.] Negro Minstrelsy and Plantation Songs. A. Negro Slavery. [See Slavery and Slave Trade.] Negroes. A. [See also American Negroes ; Race Pro- blems ; Slavery.] Nehemiah : Old Testament. G. Nematodes. A. [See also Entozoa ; Helminthology ; Parasites ; Worms.] Nemertines. A. Nengonese Language, MJ. [See aZso Papuan Languages.] Neo-Kantian Philosophy, G. Neo-Platonism, G. [See also Manichseism.] Nepalese Language, J. Nepaul. D. [See also Gourkhas.] Neptune— (Astronomy). A. Nerves and Nervous System. A. [See also Brain ; Cells; Chorea; Convulsions; Epilepsy; Headache; Hysteria ; Insanity ; Locomotor ataxia ; Neuralgia ; Neurasthenia ; Neuritis ; Paralysis ; Spinal Cord ; Spine ; Tetanus.] Nestorian Church. G. [See also Arians and Arianism ; Chaldea ; Christianity — History of ; Ecclesiastical History — Eastern Church ; Greek Church : Heresies.] Nests. [See Eggs and Nests ; Birds.] Netherlands, [See Holland.] Neuralgia, A. [See also Nerves and Nervous System.] Neurasthenia. A. [See also Nerves and Nervous System.] Subject Headings Jor Dictionary Index. 147 Neuritis. A. \_See also Nerves and Nervous System.] Neuroptera. A. [jSee also Entomology.] New Britain, MD. Language. MJ. New Brunswick. D. New Caledonia. MD. [See also Pines, Isle of.] New Church. [See Society of the New Church ; Sweden- borgianism.] New England. B. and D. [See also Connecticut ; Maine ; Massachusetts ; New Hampshire ; Pilgrim Fathers ; Rhode Island ; Vermont.] New France. MD. New Guinea and Archipelago. MD. [See also Amboyna; Bismarck Archipelago ; Motu Language ; Papuan Languages ; Papuans ; Torres Straits.] Languages. MJ. [See also Papuan Languages ; Wedau Language.] New Hebrides. MD. [See also Ambrim ; Erromanga ; Kanakas ; Mallicolo ; Missions and Missionary Work ; Pacific Islands ; Polynesian Languages ; Polynesians ; Tanna ; and under each Island.] Languages and Dialects. MJ. New Ireland. MD. Language. MJ. New Orleans. B and D. New South Wales. — General and Descriptive MD. [See also Aborigines of Australia ; Bush Life ; Bush- rangers; Colonization; Convicts and Convict System ; Jenolan Caves ; Supreme Court ; and under each District, City, Town, and those Subjects which are sub-divided By Countries.] (For sub-divisions see specimen page XLVIII of the Introduction.) New Testament — Commentaries. G. [See also Apoca- lypse ; Biblical Criticism ; Epistles ; Gospels ; Lord's Prayer ; Miracles ; Parables ; and under each Gospel and Epistle.] New Testaments: Texts. [See Bibles and Testaments in Author Catalogue.] New Year. B. [See also Customs and Manners; Hallowe'en ; Holidays ; Scotland — Social Life and Customs.] New York City. B. [See also Brooklyn ; Chautauqua ; Cornell University ; Saratoga ; Vassar College.] New York State. D. [See also in Author Catalogue for State Publications and Reports.] New York State University. G. New Zealand. MD. [See also Chatham Islands ; Mac- quarie Island ; Maoris; Stewart Island ; under Subjects, 'Towns, &c. ; and in Author Catalogue for Government Publications and Reports.] Newfoundland. D. Newgate Prison. F. Newnham College. G. [See also Women— -Education.] 148 Public Library of New South Wales. Newspaper, The. J. \_See also Journalism; Journalists; Press, The.] Newspaper Correspondents. {See Journalists.] Newspaper Cuttings. J. Newspapers, American. E. • British. E. Fijian. ME. French. E. • , German. E. V C Tirnl/^t. -MIT? Queensland. ME. . , AnRf,rfl.lifln IVlTf! Tasmanian. ME. Victorian. ME. "WoRt Aii^^LtraliJin ATP General Indexes to Newspapers. [For an Index to any special Newspaper, see under its title in the Author Catalogue.] [See also Special Catalogue of current Newspapers received in Newspaper Room, but not bound for reference.] Newtonians. G. Newts. A. [See also Amphibia ] Next of Kin. K. Niagara Falls. D. Nibelungen. [See Mythology — Germany.] Nibelungenlied. H. [See also Poetry— German.] Nicaragua. D. [See also Central America.] Nicaragua Canal. A. Nicene Creed. G. [See also Council of Nicjea; Creeds.] Nickel. A. Nicknames. K. Nickobar. D. [See also Papuan Languages ; Papuans.] Niger. D. [See also Africa— British ; Africa— French.] Nihilism and Nihilists. F. [See also Anarchy ; Russia- Politics ; Russia — Social Life and Customs.] Nile. D. Nilometers. A. [See also Periodicity ; Rain and Rainfall] Ninety-third (93rd) Regiment. [See Argyll and Suther- land Highlanders ; Highland Regiments; Regimental Histories.] - Nineveh. D. Nisi Prius. [See Actions at Law.] ' Nitidulidae. A. [See also Clavicornia ; Coleoptera.] Nitrate of Soda. [-See Manures.] Nitrogen in Agriculture. A. [See also Agricultural Chemistry ; Bacteriology — Economic ; Cow-peas ; Ex- periment Farms and Stations; Leguminosre; Lucerne; Manures.] Nitroglycerine. A. [See also Dynamite ; Eyplosives.] Nitrous Oxide. A. Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 149 Nobility. {See Aristocracy ; Heraldry ; Peerage ; Seats of Nobility.] Noctuidae. A. [S^e a?«o Lepidoptera; Moths.] Nomenclature in Botany. {See Botany — Nomenclature.] Nomenclature in Zoology. {See Zoology — Nomenclature.] Nominalism. G. {See also Conceptualism ; Realism ; Scholasticism. J Non-Christian Religions. [Se« Religions, Non-Christian.] Nonconformists and Nonconformity. G. {See also Brownists ; Church of England ; Congregationalism ; Presbyterianism ; Puritans ; Quakers ; Wesleyan Methodism.] Nordenfeldt Guns. A. {See also Machine Guns.] ' Norfolk Island. MD. Normal Schools. {See Teachers — Training Schools.] Norman Conquest. B. Norman Language. J. . {See also French Language.] Norman Lawi. {See Law— Norman.] Normandy. B. and D. Normans. B. {See also Normandy.] Norse Languages. {See Danish ; Icelandic Language ; Norwegian Language ; Scandinavian Languages.] Norsemen. {See Scandinavians ; Vikings.] North America. D. [S««a?so America; Indians, American; and under each Country and Subject.] North Pole. D. {See also Arctic Regions and Voyages.] Northern Territory. MD. {See also South Australia.] Norway. D. {See also Scandinavia ; Sweden.] Norwegian Language and Literature. J. {See also Danish Language ; Icelandic Language ; Scandinavian Literature.] Nose. A. Notornis. MA. {See also Birds— New Zealand.] Nototheriidse. MA. [&« aZ«o Marsupials; Paleontology— Australia.] Nova Scotia. D. Novatianism. G. {See also Absolution.] Novel, The. {See Fiction— General ; Fiction— History of.] Novelists. C. Novels. {See Fiction.] Noxious Trades. A and F. {See also Injurious Occupc- tions ; Nuisances ; Public Health.] Nubia. D. {See also Egypt ; Soudan.] Nubians. {See Ethiopians.] Nude in Art. A. {See also Immoral Art.] Nuisances, A. {See also Noxious Trades; Public Health ; Sanitation.] Numbers : Old Testament. G. Numbers, Theory and Concept of. A. {See also Metaphysics ; Quantity.] Numidian Language. J. 160 Public Library of New South Wales. Numismatics. General. A. [See also Coins; Medals: Tokens.] By Countries. A. Nunneries. [5'«« Abbeys; Convents; Nuns.] Nuns. G. \_See also Convents ; Monasticism.] Nursery Rhymes and Tales. J. [See also Children's Books.] Nurses— General. A. \_See also Ambulances ; Hospitals ; Obstetrics.] Education, Training of. G. Nursing. A. Nutrition. A. {See also Animal Heat ; Digestion ; Metabolism.] Nuts. A. \_See also Kola Nut ; and under each Nut.] Nyamwezi Language. J. o Oaks. A. Oaths — (Law). F [_See also Swearing.] Oats. A. \_See, also Cereals.] Obedience. G. Obelisks. [See Pyramids.] Ober-Ammergau. H. \See also Drama — History of; Miracle, Morality and Mystery Plays ; Passion Plays.] Obesity. A. Object Lessons. G. [See also Kindergarten ; School Management; Teaching.] Obscene Publications. F. [Se« o&o Cetacea; Delphinidse; Dolphins.] Port Jackson. MD. Port Phillip. MD. Port Royalists : Ecclesiastical History. G, {See also Jansenists.] Portal "Vein — Diseases. A. {See also Liver.] Portrait Painting. A. {See also Miniature Painting.] Portraits of Authors, Celebrities, &c. (Special Albums.) A. [Porti-aits found in Biographical Works will be noted under the respective names in Author Catalogue.] Ports. {See Harbours.] Portugal. D. Portuguese Colonies. {See Brazil ; Delagoa Bay ; Mexico ; Portugal — Colonies ; South Africa ; and under each Colony.] Portugese in India, {See India.] Portuguese Language. J. Portuguese Literature. J. Positivism. G. {See also Agnosticism ; Atheism ; Comtean Philosophy ; Deism ; Freethought; Infidelity; Rationalism; Realism; Spinozism; Theism; Theology, Natural.] Possession Islands. D. {See also Antarctic Regions; South Victoria Land.] Post mortem Examinations. {See Autopsy.] Postage Stamps. F. Prriodicals. E. By Countries. Postal Conferences. F. Postal Laws. F. Postal Service and Administration. F. {See also Parcel Post ; Postage Stamps ; Postal Conferences.] Posters. {See Picture Posters ; Street Literature.] Potash in Agriculture. {See Agricultural Chemistry; Manures.] Potato. A. {See also Fungi in Agriculture ; Plant Diseases ; Spraying.] Potsdam Royal Observatories. A. {See also Pot.sdam — Konigliche Observatorien in Author Catalogue.] Pottery. A. {See also Ceramics; China Painting; Clays; Earthenware ; Majolica ; Porcelain ; Terra Cotta ; Tiles; Vases.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 171 Poultry and Poultry-farming. A. \See also Diseases of Animals ; Ducks ; Experiment Farms and Stations ; Geese ; Turkeys.] Periodicals. E. Societies. E. Poverty. F. [See[also Pauperism ; Poor Laws.] Powder. [See Gunpowder.] Practical Chemistry. [See Analytical Chemistry; Metallurgy.] Prseneste. D Prakrit Language. J. [See also Indie Languages; San- skrit.] Prayer. G. [See also Devotional Exercises ; Liturgies ; Lord's Prayer ; Prayer-books ; Revivals ; Ritualism.] Prayer Books and Special Forms of Prayer. G. [See also Devotional Exercises ; Litanies ; Liturgies ; Meditations, Devotional ; Missals.] Pre-Adamites. [See Primeval Man.] Pre-Raphaelitism. A. Preachers. 0. [See also Clergymen ; Evangelistic Work ; Homilies and Homiletics ; Missionaries ; Preaching; Priests ; Reformers, Religious ; Theologians.] Preaching. G. [See also Church and Social Problems ; Evangelistic Work ; Homilies and Homiletics ; Preachers ; Public Speaking ; Reformers, Religious ; Sermons.] Precedence. F. Precious Stones. [See Gems.] Precis Writing. G. Predestination. G. [See also Arminianism ; Calvinism ; Election ; Fatalism ; Freedom of Will ; Salvation ; Theology, Systematic and Doctrinal.] Premiers. [See Prime Ministers.] Prerogative. F. Presbyterianism. G. [See also Calvinism; Church of Scotland ; Congregationalism ; Covenanters ; Free Church of Scotland ; Puritans and Puritanism ; Reformed Dutch Church of America ; United Presby- terians ; Westminster Confession of Faith.] by Countries. G. Prescriptions, Medical. A. [See also Materia Medica ; Pharmacopffiias ; Pharmacy.] Preserving and Preservatives. A. [See also Antiseptics ; Canning; Formalin; Fruit Canning; Meat Preserving.] Presidents. C. Press, The. J. [&«aZso Journalism; Journalists; Libel.] Pressgang. B. [See also Naval History.] Prevention of Disease. [See Contagious and Infectious Diseases— -Laws and Legislation ; Disinfection and Disinfectants ; Hygiene ; Public Health ; Sanitation.] Prevention of Smoke. [See Smoke Prevention.] Price-books, Builders'. [See Building ; Building Materials.] 172 Fublio Library of Ncio South IVales. Prices. F. \_See also Monopolies ; Political Economy ; Trades Unions ; Value ; Work and Wages.] Prickly Comfrey. A. Prickly Pear. MA. Pride. G. Priesthood. G. [/Se« aZso Celibacy ; Ordination; Roman Catholicism.] Priests. (By Denominations.) C. [_See also Clergy; Missionaries.] Primates, A. [See also A'^es ; Monkeys.] Prime Ministers. C. Primeval Man. A. {^See also Anthropology; Anthro- pometry ; Archaeology ; Craniology ; Ethnology ; Man, Natural History of.] Primitive Art. A. Primitive Man. [See Industries, Primitive ; Man, Natural History of ; Primeval Man.] Primitive Methodists. [See Methodist Episcopal Church ; Wesleyan Methodism.] Primitive Religions. [See Religions, Primitive.] Primitive Society. F. [See also Customs ; Ethnology ; Family; Marriage Customs ; Society, History of.] Primogeniture. F. Primrose. A. Primrose League. F. Primula, The. A. Prince of Wales Island. MD. Princes. C. [See also Kings.] Princeton University. G. Printing. General. A. [See also Aldine Press; Book- selling ; Calico printing ; Caxtons ; Colour-printing ; Copyright; Elzevir Press ; Kelmscott Press; Linotypes; Printing Machinery ; Publishing ; Type and Type- setting ; Typography.] History of — By Countries. A. [See also under Caxton, William ; Gutenberg, Johann ; iu Author Catalogue.] Printing Machinery. A. [See also Linotypes.] Prints. [See Engravings.] Prison Labour. F. Prisons. F. [See also Crime ; Imprisonment ; Newgate ; Penitentiaries ; Police ; Punishment ; Reformatories.] By Countries. F. Private Judgment in Religion. [See Liberty of Conscience ; Toleration.] Private Schools. G. Privateering. F. [See also International Law.] Privilege. F. Privy Council. F. Prize Fighting. A. [See also Boxing ; Fighting.] Probabilities. A. [See also Insurance; Lotteries; Risk.] Probate : (Law). F. [See also Succession, Law of; Wills.] Subject Seadingsfor Dictionary Index. 173 Procedure : (Law). F. {See also Court Practice and Procedure.] Processions. B. [See also Lord Mayors' Show ; Pageants ; Queen Victoria's Jubilee.] Proclamations. [See under sub-heading Proclamations under name of Colony.] Proctotrypidae. A. [See also Hymenoptera.] Produce Trade. F. Professions, Occupations and Trades. [See under each.] Professional and Business Ethics. G. [See also Archi- tects and Contractors ; Authors and Publishers ; Clprgy ; Employers' Liability; Legal Profession; Master and Servant ; Medical Profession.] Profit. F. Profit-sharing. F. [See also Capital and Labour ; Com- munism; Cooperation; Labour; Socialism; Work and Wages ; Working Classes.] Prohibited Books. [See Condemned Books.] Prohibition. [See Local Option.] Projectiles. A. [See also Artillery ; Ballistics ; Gunnery ; Small Arms.] Projection. A. [See also Geometrical Drawing.] Promissory Notes. F. Pronunciation. J. [See also Reading ; and under the sub-heading Grammar under each Lauguage.] Proof-reading. A. Propellers. A. [See also Screw Propellers.] Property. F. [See also Capital ; Conveyancing ; Copy- right ; Inheritance ; Land Tax ; Liens ; Mortgage ; Property Tax ; Real Property ; Socialism ; Taxation ; Tithes; Wills.] Property Tax. F. 'Prophecy. G. [See also Anti-Christ ; Divination ; Fortune-telling ; Oracles ; Second Advent.] Prophets. C. [See also under each of the Prophetical Books. ] Prose Selections. [See Selections Prose.] Prosody. J. [See also Accent ; Metre; Poetry — General; Rhyming Dictionaries ; Versification ; and under sub- heading Prosody under each Language.] Prospecting. A. [See also Gold-mining.] Prostitution. F. [See also Contagious and Infectious Diseases — Laws and Legislation ; Social Purity.] Protection. F. [See also Fair-trade v. Freetrade ; Free- trade V. Protection ; M'Kinleyisni ; State Bounties ; Tariffs.] Proteids. A. [/S«ea?so Albuminoids; Chemistry, Organic; Foods, Chemistry of ; Physiological Chemistry.] Protestant Episcopal Church, U.S.A. G. Protestantism. G. [See also Albigenses ; Baptists ; Calvinists ; Dutch Reformed Church ; Ecclesiastical History; Huguenots; Lutherans; Moravians; Reforma- tion, The; Reformed Dutch Church of America; Reformed German Church ; Roman Catholicism.] 174 Fuhlic Library of New South Wales, Protococcacese. [^See Algse.] Protophyta. A. [/Sea aZso Bacteriology ; Botany — Crypto- gamic ; Germ in Diseases ; Mycetozoa ; Yeasts.] Protoplasm. A. [See also Biology ; Botany, Physiological ; Cells, Structure and Theory ; Morphology.] Protozoa. A. [;5««aZso Infusoria; Mycetozoa j Rhyzopoda.] Provengal Language and Literature. J. Proverbs, Book of. G. Proverbs — Dictionaries. K. [See also Epigrams ; Maxims ; Quotations.] Prunes. A. [See also Fruit-growing; Plums.] Pruning. A. [See also Fruit-growing ; Gardening.] Prussia. D. [See also Franco-German War ; Germany.] Psalms and Psalmody. G. [See also Church Music; Hymns and Hymnody.] Psalms of David, The. G. [See also under David in Author Catalogue.] Psalter, The. G. Pseudoneuroptera. A. [See also Dragon Flies ; Ephem- eridcC ; Termites ; White Ants.] Pseudonyms and Anonyms. J. Psorospermosis. A. [See also Parasites and Parasitic Diseases.] Psychical Research. G. [See also Dreams ; Ghosts ; Hallucinations ; Hypnotism ; Second Sight ; Spiritual- ism ; Telepathy.] Psycho-therapeutics. [See Faith-healing ; Mental Heal- ing ; Mind and Body.] Psychological Societies. [See Philosophy — Societies; Psychology — Societies.] Psychology. General. G. [See also Brain ; Consciousness ; Instinct ; Knowledge, Theory of ; Memory ; Mental Physiology ; Metaphysics ; Ontology ; Philosophy — Periodicals; Psychical Research; Psychology, Animal; Reaction ; Soul.] Periodicals. E. ■ Societies. E. Psychology, Animal. G. [See also Instinct.] Psychometry. G. [See also Clairvoyance ; Physiological Psychology.] Pteridophyta. A. [;See aZso Ferns; Lycopodiums.] Pteropidse. A. [See also Flying Fox.] Pteropoda. A. [See also Mollusca.] Pterylography. A. [See also Feathers.] Ptomaines. A. [ySeeaZso Alkaloids, Vegetable; Bacteriology; Chemistry — Organic ; Germs in Disease ; Poisons ; Putrefaction ; Toxine and Anti-Toxine ; Tuberculin.] Public Accounts. F. [See also Auditors — General — Reports.] Public and State Libraries. [See Libraries — National and State ; and under the title of each Library in Author Catalogue.] Public Buildings. A. [See also Architecture ; Cities ; and under each Class of Building.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 175 Public Debts. [S«« National Debts.] Public Gardens. A. [Se* aZ«o Botany— Gardens; I'arks.] Public Health. A. General. {^See also Adulteration ; Air — Chemistry ; Cholera ; Contagious and Infectious Diseases ; Cremation ; Diphtheria ; Disinfection and Disinfectants ; Epidemics ; Explosions ; Explosives ; Factories ; Food- Adulteration ; Foods, Chemistry of ; Garbage ; Health — General ; Hygiene ; Infant Life Protection ; Injurious Occupations ; Meat Inspection ; Medical Education ; Milk and Milk Inspection ; Noxious Trades ; Nuisances ; Plagues ; Poisons ; Quarantine; Sanitary Engineering ; Sanitation; Sewer- age; Slaughtering; Small pox ; Social Purity; Statis- tics, Vital ; Street Cleaning ; Typhoid Fever ; Vaccin- ation ; Water and Water Analysis.] Boards and Societies. A. Laws and Legislation. F. Public Meetings. F. Public Eecords Office. B. [^See also under Great Britain and Ireland in Author Catalogue, for Official Publications.] Public Schools, N.S.W. G. [^See also Denominational Schools : Education, Primary — New South Wales ; National Education ; Reading Books ; Religion in Education.] Public Service. [See Civil Service ; and under the name of each Country in the Author Catalogue, for Reports.] Public Speaking. J. [See also Debating ; Elocution ; Oratory ; Preaching ; Reading ; Rhetoric ; Voice.] Public Works. A. [See also Public Buildings ; and under the name of each Colony in the Author Catalogue, for Official Reports.] Public Worship. G. Publishers. C. [See also Authors and Publishers ; Book- sellers and Book Trade.] Publishing. J. [See also Authors and Publishers ; Books ; Booksellers and Book Trade ; Copyright.] Pueblos. A. [See aZso Cliff Dwellers; Indians, American.] Puerperal Fever. A. [See also Obstetrics.] Pugilism. [See Boxing.] Pulleys. A. Pulpit Oratory. [See Preachers ; Preaching ; Sermons.] Pulse, The. A. [See aiso Heart.] Pumice Stone. A. Pumps. A. [See also Air-pumps.] Punctuation. J. Punishment. F. [5e« aZ«o Capital Punishment ; Corporal Punishment ; Crime ; Criminal Law ; Criminals ; Eternal Punishment ; Penal Legislation ; Secondary Punishment.] jjunjabi. J. Purgatory. G. [See also Future State ; Indulgences.] Puritans and Puritanism. G. [See also Calvinism ; Church of England; Congregationalism ; Noncon- formists; Pilgrim Fathers ; Presbyterianism; Quakers.] Purpose. G. 176 Ttihlic Library of Neic South Wales. Puseyism. G. \_See also Ritualism ; Tractarian Move- ment ; and under Pusey in Author Catalogue.] Pushto Language. J. \_See also Afghans ; Iranic Languages.] Putrefaction. A. [/S'** aZso Bacteriology; Fermentation; Ptomaines.] , Puzzles. A. [^See also f Acrostics ; Charades ; Enigmas ; Riddles.] Pyaemia. A. [See also Blood.] Pygmies. [See Pigmies.] Pyralidas. A. [See also Lepidoptera ; Moths.] Pyramids and Obelisks. B. ^ Pyrenees. D. Pyrography and Pyrogravures. A. Pyrotechnics. [See Fireworks.] Pyroxylin. [See Gun-cotton.] Pythagoreanism. G. [See also Transmigration.] Q Quacks and Quackery, [See Impostors and Imposture ; Swindlers and Swindling.] Quadrumana. A. [See also Apes ; Monkeys.] Quadrupeds. A. [See also Natural History ; Zoology.] Quakers and Quakerism. G. Quantity. G. [See also Cosmology ; Numbers.] Quantity Surveying. A. Quarantine. A. [See also Public Health.] Quarrying, A. [See also Blasting ; Explosives ; Mining ; Stone and Stone-work.] Quarter Sessions. [See Courts of Law.] Quaternions, A. [See also Mathematics.] Quays. [See Harbours.] Queen Victoria's Jubilee, 1887. B. 1897. B. ■ Queen's College, Cork. G. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. [See Seventy- ninth Regiment.] Queens and Empresses. C. Queensland. MD. [See also Aborigines of Australia ; Kanakas; under the names of Cities, Districts, and Subjects; and, for Government Publications, under Queensland in Author Catalogue. Quichuans, The. B. [See also Incas ; Peru.] Quicksilver, [See Mercury.] Quietism. [See Mysticism.] Quietists. [5«« Jansenists; Old Catholics; Port Royalists.] Quince. A. [See also Fruit-growing ; Pomology.] Quinine. A. [See also Alkaloids, Vegetable ; Cinchona ; Drugs; Materia Medica ; Pharmacy.] Quotations — Dictionaries. K. [See also Anecdotes ; Epigrams ; Maxims ; Proverbs— Dictionaries.] Subject Headings Jor Dictionary Index. Ill R Rabbis and Rabbinic Learning. G. \_See also Judaism ; Kabala ; Talmud.] Rabbits, A. [/Sf«« a?so Game and Game-birds ; Rodentia.] Rabies. [&« Hydrophobia.] Race-horse. A. [See also Horse; Horse-racing; Horse- training ; Stud-books.] Race Problems. F. fSee also Aliens ; American Negroes ; Chinese Question; Coloured Labour Question ; Coloured Schools and Institutes ; French Canadians ; Indians ; Kanakas ; Negroes ; United States — Politics.] Races of Man. [See Anthropology ; Ethnology.] Racing. [See Horse-racing.J Racoon. A. Radiation. A. [See also Heat ; Light ; Molecular Physics ; Optics ; Rontgen Photography ; Wave Motion, Theory of.] Radiata. A. [See also Coelenterata ; Echinodermata.] Radicalism. F. [&« aZso Conservatism ; Liberalism.] Radiographs. A. [See also Rontgen Photography.] RafBa Fibre and Palm. A. [See also Fibres and Fibre Plants.] Ragged Schools. G. Railway Carriages. [See Rolling Stock.] Railways — Administration. F. [See also Carriers.] Periodicals. E. By Countries. F. Railways— Construction. A. [See also Bridges ; Civil Engineering; Electric Railways; Locomotives; Nation- alization ; Rolling Stock ; Tramways ; Tunnelling.] By Countries. A. Rain and Rainfall. A. [See also Droughts; Mete- orology ; Kilometers ; Periodicity ; Vapour, Aqueous.] Rainbows. A. Raisins. A. [See also Currants ; Grapes ; Viticulture.] Ramie Fibre. A. [See also Fibres and Fibre Plants.] Rape (Brassica campestris). A. [See also Colza Oil.] Rarotonga. MD. [See also Cook Islands.] Raspberries. A. Rationalism. G. [5««a^oAgnosticism; Atheism; Christian Evidences; Deism; Empiricism; Free-thought; In- fidelity ; Intuitionalism ; Miracles ; Spinozism ; Super- naturalism ; Theism ; Transcendentalism.] Rats. A. [See also Rodentia.] Reaction. G. Reading. G. [See also Pronunciation ; Reading Circles • Self Culture.] Reading-books. G. Reading Circles and Unions. J. [See also Chautauqua ; Reading ; Selections— Prose ; Self Culture ; Summer Schools.] 178 Public Library of New South Wales. Ready Reckoners. A. Real Property — (Law). F. \_See also Conveyancing ; Deeds — Registration ; Easements ; Mortgages ; Per- sonal Property ; Property ; Taxation.] Realism. G. [/S«« also Conceptualism ; Impressionism ; Nominalism ; Positivism ; Scholasticism.] Reality. G. {See also Consciousness ; Knowledge, Theory of; Ontology.] Reason. G. \_See also Instinct ; Logic ; Philosophy ; Psychology; Rationalism.] Reasoning. G. [See also Logic] Rebellions — General. B. Receipts — Medicine. [See Pharmacopoeias ; Prescrip- tions.] Receipts — Workshop. A. [See also General Information, Works of ; Mending and Repairing.] Rechabites. F. [See also Temperance — Societies.] Recipes — Cooking. [See Cookery.] Reciprocity. F. [See also Customs Union; Fair Trade V. Free Trade ; Tariffs.] Recitations. J. [See also Elocution ; Reading Books ; Rhetoric ; Selections — Prose.] Reclamation of Land. A. [See also Embanking.] Reconnaissance. [See Military Surveying.] Recreation. A. [See also Amusements ; Games ; Sports and Pastimes.] Red Cross Associations. F. [See also Ambulances ; Medical Service — Army and Navy.] Red River Expedition. B. [See also Canada — History.] Red Sea and Islands. D. Redemption. G. [See also Atonement ; Salvation j Theology, Systematic and Doctrinal.] Referendum. F. [See also Democracy.] Reflection. G. Reflex Action. A. [See also Nerves and Nervous System.] Reformation. F. [See also Prisons ; Punishment ; Reformatories.] Reformation, The. G. [See also Ecclesiastical History ; Huguenots ; Hussites ; Protestantism ; Reformers, Religious ; Waldenses ; and under Luther in Author Catalogue.] By Countries. G. Reformatories. F. [See also Inebriate Asylums ; Juvenile Offenders ; Penitentiaries ; Prisons.] Reformed Dutch Church of America. G. [See also Dutch Reformed Church; Presbyterianism.] Reformed Dutch Church. [See Dutch Reformed Church.] Reformed German Church. G. Reformers, Religious. C. Reformers, Social. C. Refrigerating Machinery. A. [See also Cold Storage ; Compressed Air ; Ice-making.] Refugres. [See Reformatories.] Subject Seadings for Dictionary Index. 179 \_See also Costume ; Ecclesiastical Vest- [See also Baptism ; Con- Regalia. A ments.] Regeneration. — Biology. A. Regeneration — Theology. G. version ; Salvation.] Regimental Histories. B. [Set also Army, British; Highland Regiments ; and under each Regiment.] Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages, K. \_See also Church and Parish Registers ; Marriages and Marriage Licenses.] Registers of Universities and Colleges. {See Calendars.] Reign of Terror, 1793-4. B. [See also French Revolu- tion.] Re-incarnation. G. [See also Theosophy.] Reindeer. A. Relation of the Sexes. G. Relationship. F. and G. Religion. General. G. Christian Evidences [See also Allegories ; Atheism ; Christianity ; Church and State ; Councils, Church ; Creation ; Creeds ; Ecclesiastical History ; Enthusiasm ; Evolution ; Faith ; Fanaticism ; Heresies ; Idolatry ; Miracles ; Monasticism ; Mysti- cism ; Mythology ; Pantheism ; Porsecutions ; Philo- sophy; Positivism; Prayer; Rationalism; Reformation, The ; Religion and Science ; Religion in Education ; Religions — General ; Religions, Non-Christian ; Reli- gions, Primitive; Revivals; Ritualism; Saints; Serpent Worship ; Sky Worship ; Sunday ; Supernaturalism ; Symbolism ; Test Laws ; Theology, Natural ; Theo- sophy ; Worship ; and subheading Religion under each Country.] Addresses, Essays, Pamphlets. G. Christian. [See Allegories, Religious ; Canon of Scripture ; Christianity ; Creeds ; Crusades ; Greek Church ; Heresies ; Huguenots ; Infidelity ; Jansenists ; Knights Templars ; Moravians ; Persecutions ; Refor- mation, The; Religious Orders; Revivals; Unitarian- ism ; XJniversalism ; Vatican Council ; and under each Denomination and Sect.] Dictionaries. G. Education, Teaching, Schools. G. [See also Religion in Education.] • History of. G. Laws and Legislation. Periodicals. E. Societies. E. Statistics. K. By Countries. each Country.] Religion and Science. G. [See also Biblical Criticism ; Christian Evidences ; Deism ; Evolution ; Genesis ; Inspiration of the Bible ; Miracles ; Optimism ; Posi- tivism ; Theology, Natural.] Religion in Education. G. [See also Denominational Schools ; Religion — Education ; Sunday Schools.] Religion in the State. [See Church and State.] F. [See subheading Religion under 180 JPublio Libi^ary of Neio South Wales. Keligions — General. G. [See also Christian Churches and Sects — Statistics ; Religions, Non-Christian.] ■ Statistics. K. Non-Christian. G. [5'e« a?so Agnosticism ;Arians; Atheism; Brahmanism; Buddhism; China — Religions; Confucianism ; Dervishes ; Druids ; Druses ; Essenes ; Fetiehism ; Free-thought ; Gnosticism ; Hibbert Lec- tures ; Hinduism ; Idolatry ; India — Religions ; Judaism ; Maori Religion and Mythology ; Mexico — Religions ; Mohammedanism ; Mormonisni ; Mythology ; Paganism ; Parseeism ; Peru — Religions ; Polytheism ; Rationalism ; Religions — General ; Religions — Primitive ; Rosicru- cians ; Semitic Religions ; Serpent Worship ; Shalam Children ; Shinto ; Spiritualism ; Taoism ; Theosophy ; Zend Avesta.] Primitive. G. [See also Fire Worship ; Mythology ; Parseeism ; Phallic Worship ; Religion, History of ; Serpent Worship ; Sky Worship ; Theology, Natural ; Totemism ; Tree Worship ; Vedas.] Religious Education. [See Church and State ; Divinity Schools and Colleges ; Religion — Education, Teaching, Schools ; Religion in Education ; Sunday Schools ; Theology — Education.] Religious Liberty. [See Church and State; Free-thought ; Liberty of Conscience ; Nonconformists; Persecutions.] Religious Orders. G. [See also Anglican Orders ; Athos, Mt. ; Augustinians ; Benedictines ; Brotherhoods ; Capuchins ; Carmelites ; Carthusians ; Cistercians ; Dominicans ; Ecclesiastical History ; Franciscans ; Jesuits; Knights Templars; Monasteries; Monasticism; Monks ; Nuns ; Sisterhoods ; Ursulines ; and under each Order.] Religious Pamphlets. [See Religion — Addresses, Essays, Pamphlets.] Religious Periodicals. [See Religion— Periodicals.] Religious Persecutions. [See Persecutions.] Religious Poetry. H. [See also Christmas Carols ; Hymns and Hymnody.] Religious Societies, [See Religion — Societies.] Religious Statistics. \See Churches and Sects — Statistics ; Religions : General — Statistics.] Religious Stories. G. [See also Allegories ; Parables.]- Remainders. [See Real Property.] Reminiscences. C. [See also Biographical Sketches.] Renaissance, The. B. [See also History, Media3val.] Rent. F. [See also Interest ; Land Question.] Repairing. [See Mending.] Repentance. G. [See also Absolution ; Confession ; Conversion ; Penance ; Redemption ; Regeneration ; Revivals ; Salvation.] Reporting. [See Journalism.] Repousse Work. A. Representation. [See Election ; Suffrage.] Representative Government. [See Government.] Reprisals. [See International Law.] Subject Seadingsfcr Dictionary Index. 181 Reproduction, A. [See ako Botany, Physiological; Embryology ; PertUisation ; Parthenogenesis ; Physi- ology.] Reptiles. A. [See also Adders and Vipers ; Alligators ; Crocodiles ; Lizards ; Snake-bite ; Snakes ; Tortoises and Turtles; and under each Family.] Republicanism. F. [See also Democracy ; Monarchy.] Reservoirs. A. [See also Water Supply.] Resins. [See Gums, Kinos, and Resins.] Resources of Countries. [See Mining and Mineral Resources — By Countries ; and under heading General under each Country and State.] Respiratory System. A. [See also Larynx ; Lungs ; and under each Organ.] Responsibility. G. [See also Agnosticism ; Conscience.] Rest. G. [See also Recreation.] Restaurants. A. Resurrection. G Resurrectionists. Retaining Walls. Retina. [See Eye.] Reunion of Churches. [See also Future State.] A. A, G. Revelation. G. [&e a&o Bible; Christianity; Theology, Natural.] Revelations: Bible. G. Revenue Laws, [See Finance; Tariffs; Taxation; and under sub-heading Finance and Taxation under each Colony.] Reviews. [See Literary Criticism ; Literature — Periodicals.] Revivals. G. [See also Conversion ; Evangelistic Work ; Missions and Missionary Work; Prayer; Salvation Army.] Revolutions. General. B. [See also French Revolution ; Mutinies ; Riots.] Revolvers. [See Small Arms.] Rhea. (Bcehmeria nivea.) [See Ramie Fibre.] Rhetoric. J. [See also Elocution ; Eloquence ; Meta- phor ; Oratory ; Public Speaking ; Voice.] Rheumatic Arthritis. A. [See also Rheumatism.] Rheumatism. A. [See also Gout.] Rhine, River. D. Rhode Island. D. Rhodesia. D. [See also British South Africa Chartered Co. ; South Africa.] Rhone, River. D. Rhopalocera. A. [See also Lepidoptera.] Rhubarb. A. Rb3aning Dictionaries. J. [See also Prosody,] Rhyncota. A. [See also Bugs.] 182 Public Library of New South Wales. Bhyzopoda. A. [See also Amoeba ; Foraminifera.] Bice. A. [See also Cereals.] Rickets. A. Biddies. A. \_See also Acrostics ; Charades ; Enigmas ; Puzzles.] Riding, A. [_See also Horse, The.] Eifle Associations. E. [See also Shooting, Military.] Bifles. [See Shooting, Military ; Small Arms.] Big Veda. [See Vedas, The.] Bigging. [See Masts and Rigging.] Binderpest. A. [See also Cattle Plagues.] BingS. A. [See also Finger-rings.] Bingworm. A. [See also Parasites and Parasitic Diseases ; Skin.] Biots. B. [See also Mobs ; Revolutions.] Biparian Bights. F. [See also Irrigation — Laws j Water Supply.] Bisk. F. [See also Insurance ; Probabilities.] Bites and Ceremonies. F. [See also Coronations; Customs ; Fasts and Fasting ; Funeral Rites; Liturgies ; Marriage Customs ; Mass ; Ordination ; Ritualism ; Sacraments; Social Ethic ; Totemism ; Worship.] By Countries. F. Aborigines of Australia. MF. [See also Bora.] Bitualism. G. [See also Church of England ; Puseyism ; Rites and Ceremonies ; Roman Catholicism ; Tractarian Movement.] Bituals. G. [See also Litanies ; Liturgies.] Eivers. A. [See also Embanking; Floods; Hydraulic Engineering ; Reclamation of Land.] Biviera. D. [See also Grasse ; Health Resorts ; Mediterr- anean ; Mentone ; Monaco ; Nice.] Boads and Boad-making. A. [See also Pavements ; Tires ; Transportation ; Wood Pavements.] Bock-boring. [See Artesian Water ; Bores and Boring ; Diamond Drills.] Bock-carvings and Bock-paintings. MA. [See also Carvings ; Fine Arts — Aborigines of Australia ; Fine Arts — Maori,] Rock-melon. [See Melons.] Bocks. [See Petrology.] Bocky Mountain Locust. (Caloptenus spretus) A. [See also Insects, Injurious.] Bocky Mountains. D. Bod, The. [See Fishing and Fishing Tackle.] Eodentia. A. [See also Gophers ; Mice ; Rabbits ; Rats ; Squirrels.] Boiling Stock. A. [See also Railways — Construction.] Romaic. [See Greek Language— Modern.] Roman Art. [See Fine Arts— Roman.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 183 Roman Catholicism. G. \_See also Abbeys ; Absolution ; Anti-Christ ; Canonization ; Cardinals ; Celibacy ; Church and State ; Church Music ; Confession ; Convents ; Councils, Church ; Ecclesiastical History ; Ecclesiastical Law ; Excommunication ; Fasts and Fast- ing ; Fathers of the Church ; Immaculate Conception ; Indulgences ; Infallibility ; Inquisition ; Jansenists ; Jesuits ; Lent ; Litanies ; Liturgies ; Lourdes ; Mass ; Miracles ; Missals ; Missions and Missionary Work ; Monasteries ; Monasticism ; Monks ; Nuns ; Old Catholics ; Papacy ; Papal Bulls ; Penance ; Persecu- tions ; Pilgrimage ; Popes ; Priesthood; Protestantism; Purgatory ; Reformation ; Religion in Education ; Reunion of Churches; Rituals; Rosary ; Sacraments; Saints; Sisterhoods; Test Laws; Tractarian Move- ment; Transubstantiation ; Ultramontanism ; Vatican Council, 1869 ; Vatican Palace ; Virgin Mary.] By Countries. G. Roman Empire. B. \_See also Archaeology — Italy ; Holy Roman Empire ; Roman Senate ; Rome.] Roman Fever. A. Roman Law. {See Civil Law.] Roman Literature, [See Latin Literature.] Roman Senate. B. Romance Languages and Literature. J. \_See also French, Italian, Portuguese, Provencal, Romansch, Spanish Languages.] Romances. General. J. [See also Fiction ; Legends.] Greek. J. Latin. J. Mediaeval. J. [See also Old English Language and Literature, 1000-1460.] Romansch Language and Literature, J. Romanticism. J. [See also Naturalism,] Rome, B. and D. [See also Archaeology — Italy ; Cata- combs; Colosseum; History, Ancient; Italy — History; Roman Empire ; Roman Senate.] Rbntgen Photography. A. [See also Radiographs.] Roofs. A. [See also Arches ; Building ; Girders.] Rope. A. [See also Cables ; Hemp ; Knots and Splices • Wire.] Rosary. G. Roses. A. [See also Flower Gardening.] Rosicrucians. G. [See also Mysticism ; Phallic Worship ; Religions, Primitive.] Rotary Motion. [See Gyroscope ; Kinematics ; Motion.] Rothamsted Experiment Farm. A. [See also Experi- ment Farms and Stations ; and under Lawes, Sir J, B. in the Author Catalogue.] Rotifera. A. [See also Infusoria.] Roumania. B. and D. Roumanian Language and Literature. J. Round Towers. B. [See also Archajology — Ireland.] Routes for Trade and Travelling. F, 184 Fublic Library of New South Wales. Rowing. [See Boating.] Royal Academy. A. Royal Naval Reserves. [See Naval Reserves; and undtr the title in the Author Catalogue.] Royalty. F. By Countries. Rubber Goods. [See Guttapercha.] Rubella. A. [See also Measles ; Scarlet Fever.] Rubrics. [See Liturgies.] Rulers. [See Czars ; Emperors ; Kings ; Monarchy ; Queens; Popes; Presidents; Princes.] Rum. A. Ruminantia. A. [See also Mammalia.] Runic Inscriptions. J. [See also Palaeography; Scandinavian Languages.] Running. A. [See also Athletics ; Sports.] Rural Life and Pleasures. J. [See also Camping ; Frontier and Pioneer Life ; Gardening ; Hunting ; Peasantry ; Sports and Pastimes.] Rural Economy and Industries. A. [See also Agri- culture ; Dairying ; Estate Management ; Gardening.] Russia. B. and D. [See also Anarchy and Anarchists ; Crimean War ; Finland ; Greek Church ; Lapland ; Nihilism : Russia — Politics ; Russo-Turkish War ; Siberia ; Slavonic Races.] Russia in Asia. F. [See also China ; India — Politics ; Russia — Politics ; Siberia.] Russian Church. [See Greek Church.] Russian Language. J. [See also Slavonic Languages.] Russian Literature. J. Russian Thistle. A. [See also Weeds.] Russniaks. [See Ruthenians.] Russo-Turkish War (1877). B. [See Russia — History ; Turkey — History.'] Rust in Wheat. A. [For other Rusts Agriculture; Pathology, Vegetable ; Plant Diseases.] Ruth : Old Testament. G. Ruthenian Language. J. [See also Slavonic Languages.] Ruthenians. A. [See also Poland ; Slavonian Races.] Rye. A. [See also Cereals.] s Sabseans. J. [See also Yemen.] Sabbath Question. [See Sunday and Sunday Observ- ance.] Sabbath Schools. [See Sunday Schools.] Sabianism. G. [. [See also Africa, West; Colonies, British.] Sight, A. [See also Colour-blindness ; Eye ; Senses ; Spectacles.] Sign-language, J. [See also Deaf and Dumb.] Sign-writing. A. Signals and Signalling. A. '■ Signs and Sign-boards. A. TSee also Advertising; Picture Posters ; Sign- writing.] Sikh War. B. Sikhs. A. [See also India — Army ; India — Religions.] Silage, [See Ensilage.] Silesia. D. Silk Manufacture and Trade, A. [See also Sericulture.] Silkworms, [See Sericulture.] Silky Oak (Grevillea robusta). MA. [See also Forestry — Australia.] Silos. [See Ensilage.] Silver. F. [See also Mints ; Silversmiths' Work.] Silver: Currency. A. [/S«« aZso Bi-metallism ; Currency.] Silver Mining. A. [See also Metallurgy ; Silver — Currency.] Silversmiths' Work. A. [See also Electro-plating ; Plate, Gold and Silver.] • Simony, G. \ Subject Seadingsjor Dictionary Index. 193 Sin. G. \_See also Absolution ; Confession ; Crime ; Pre- destination ; Repenteance ; Salvation ; Temptation.] Sinai. D. Sinai Monastery. G. Singapore. D. [See also Straits Settlements.] Singers. C. [See also Musicians.] Singing and Voice Culture. A. [See also Hymns and Hymnody ; Music — Education ; Psalms and Psalmody; Singers; Songs; Voice.] Singhalese Language. J. » Single Tax. F. [See also Betterment ; Land Tenure ; Land Tax ; Nationalization — Land.] Sinking Funds. F. [See also Finance.] Sioux Indians. A. [See also Lidians, American.] Siphonophora. A. [See also Coelenterata.] Sisterhoods and Deaconesses. G. [See also Convents ; Little Sisters of the Poor ; Nuns ; Religious Orders ; Sisters of Charity ; Sisters of Mercy ; Women — Work.] Sistine Chapel. G. [See also Vatican Palace.] Sisters of Charity. G. Sisters of Mercy. G. 63rd Regiment. B. [See also Regimental Histories.] Skating. A. [See also Curling ; Tobogganing.] Skeletons. A. [See also Anatomy.] Sketches, Character. J. [See also Biographical Sketches.] Sketching. [See Drawing.] Skiascopy. [See Eye, The.] Skin. A. [See also Colouration, Animal ; Cutaneous System ; Dermatology ; Eczema ; Freckles ; Leprosy ; Lupus; Measles: Ringworm; Rubella; Scarlet Fever ; Secretion ; and under each Skin Disease.] Skittles. A. [See also Games.] Skull. A. [See also Anthropology ; Brain ; Craniology ; Head.] Sky Worship. G. [See Theology, Natural.] Slander. F. also Religions, Primitive ; Slang and Slang Dictionaries. J. [See also American- isms ; and under the subdivision Dialects under each Language.] Slate. A. Slating. A. Slaughtering and Slaughter-houses. A. [See also Meat Inspection; Public Health.] Slavery and Slave Trade. F. [See also Abolitionists ; Africa — History ; American Civil War ; American Negroes; Confederate States; Negroes; Race Problems ; United States— History.] 2b 194 iPublic Library of New South Walea. Slavonia. [See Croatia.] Slavonic Languages, J. [/Se«a?so Bohemian; Bulgarian; Croatian; Cyrillic; Hungarian; Livonian ; Moravian; Polish ; Russian ; Servian ; Slovenian.] Slavonic Races. A. [See also Balkan Peninsula ; Bohemia ; Bulgaria ; Croatia ; Poland ; Russia ; Ruthenians ; Servia.] Sleep. A. [See also Dreams ; Hypnotism ; Insomnia ; Somnambulism.] Sleeping Sickness. A. [See also Tropical Diseases.] Slide-rule. A. [See also Engineering ; Logarithms.] Sloan System. [See Shorthand.] Sloth. G. Sloths. A. Slovakian Language. [See Moravian Language.] Slovenian Language. J. Sloyd System. [See Manual Education.] Slugs. [See Snails.] Slums and Slumming. F. [See also Church and Social Problems.] Small Arms. A. [See also Ammunition ; Arms and Armour ; Gunpowder ; Shooting.] Small-pox. A. [See also Contagious and Infectious Diseases ; Inoculation ; Vaccination.] Smell. G. [See also Senses.] Smelting. A. [See also Metallurgy.] Smithsonian Institution. A. [See also U.S. National Museum ; and under this title in the Author Catalogue for its own publications.] Smoke Prevention and Consumption. A. [See also Chimneys ; Fuel.] Smokeless Powders. Picric Acid.] Smoking. A. and F. [See also Tobacco — Manufacture.] Smuggling, F. Smuts. [See Fungi in Agriculture; Pathology, Vegetable ; Plant Diseases.] A. [See also Gunpowder ; Melinite; A. [See also Gasteropoda ; Helicinse.] Snails and Slugs. Snake-bite, A. Snakes. A. [See also Reptiles.] Snow. A. Snowshoeing. A. Soaps. A. Socage. [See Land Tenure.] Social Customs. [See Customs and Manners; Social Ethics; and sub heading Social Life and Customs under each Country.] Subject Headings for Dictionary Index. 195 Social Economy — General. F. {^See also Altruism ; Arbitration ; Asylums, Benevolent ; Boarding-out System ; Building Societies ; Charities ; Children ; Cliildren's Asylums ; Church and Social Problems ; Citizenship ; Civilization ; Clubs ; Communism ; Co- operation ; Crime; Customs and Manners ; Distribution of "Wealth ; Drink Question ; Eight-hour Question Emigration ; Evolution — Social Economy ; Family Feudalism ; Friendly Societies ; Gambling ; Guilds Homes and Shelters; Hospitals; Humane Societies Ideal States ; Industrial Schools ; Inebriate Asylums Insurance, State and Compulsory ; Labour Question Life-boats ; Marriage and Divorce ; Master and Servant Monopolies; Old Age Pensions; Pauperism ; Pensions Political Economy ; Poor Laws; Population; Prisons Profit-sharing; Property; Prostitution; Public Health Punishment; Reformation; Reformatories; Rural Life and Pleasures; Slavery; Slums; Social Ethics ; Social Purity ; Social Problems ; Socialism ; Society, History of ; Statistics ; Temperance ; Village Communities ; Woman Suffrage ; Women— Work ; Work and Wages ; Workhouses; Working Classes; Workmen's Dwellings.] Manuals, Systems, Compendiums. F. Dictionaries. F. Addresses, Lectures, Discourses. F. • Periodicals. E. ' Societies. E. Laws and Legislation. F. Social Ethics. G. \^See also Asylums, Benevolent ; Benevolence ; Capital and Labour ; Caste ; Charity ; Children; Christian Ethics; Citizenship; Clans and Clan System; Conversation; Courtship; Cowardice; Cruelty to Animals ; Customs ; Dress ; Drink Question ; Drinking Customs ; Duelling ; Etiquette ; Flattery ; Friendship ; Heroes and Heroism ; Immoral Art ; Immoral Literature ; Master and Servant ; Monogamy; Polygamy ; Reformatories ; Rites and Ceremonies ; Slander; Slavery; State Ethics; Stimulants; Sumptuary Laws; Swearing; Temperance; Truth; Vices; Virtues; Vivisection ; and sub-heading Social Life and Customs under each Country.] Social Life, [See sub-heading Social Life and Customs under each country.] Social Problems. F. [See also; Church and Social Problems; Citizenship; Condition of the People ; Dis- tribution of Wealth ; Education ; Eight-hour System ; Friendly Societies ; Homes and Shelters ; Ideal States ; Industrial Schools ; Insurance — Life ; Labour Question ; Marriage ; Old Age Pensions ; Pauperism ; Pensions ; People, The ; Poor, The ; Poor Laws ; Prostitution ; Religion ; Savings Banks ; Slums ; Social Economy ; Social Ethics; Social Purity; Statistics and Economics — Periodicals ; Sunday and Sunday Observance ; Tem- perance ; Working Classes. Social Purity. F. [See also Age of Consent ; Contagious and Infectious Diseases — Laws and Legislation ; Pros- titution.] Social Science. [See Social Economy.] 19G Piihlic lAhrai'y of Neio South Wales. Socialism. General. F. Subdivided (1) Pro. ; (2) Contra. [/S'ee «?A'o Altruism; Anarchy; Church and Social Prob- lems; Collectivism; Communism; Co-operation; De- mocracy ; Evolution — Social Economy ; Fourierism ; Friendly Societies ; Ideal States ; Individualism ; Labour — Laws and Legislation ; Labour Settlements ; Man, Natural History and Development of ; Nihilism ; Old Age Pensions ; Oneida Community ; Optimism ; Profit sharing ; Property; Reformers, Social ; Socialism, Christian'; Socialism, State; Society, History of ; Village Communities. ] Periodicals. E. Societies. E. Christian. G. State. F. Socialists. C. \_See also Reformers, Social.] Societies, Institutions and Clubs: General. E. [^See also Alpine Clubs ; Boys' Clubs ; Building Societies ; Friendly Societies; Guilds; Humane Societies ; Oriental Societies; Secret Societies; Trades Unions; Trusts; and under the sub-heading Societies under the following Subjects : — Acclimatization ; Actuarial Science ; Agri- culture ; Anthropology ; Archaeology ; Architecture ; Astronomy ; Banks and Banking ; Bible ; Biology ; Botany; Charities; Chemistry; Education; Electricity; Engineering ; Entomology ; Ethnology ; Fine Arts ; Gardening ; Geography ; Geology ; History; Law ; Libraries; Literature; Medicine; Meteorology; Micro- scopy; Military Art and Science; Mining; Missions and Missionary Work ; Natural History ; Naval Art and Science ; Pharmacy ; Philology ; Philosophy ; Photo- graphy ; Physics ; Political Economy ; Poultry ; Religion; Science — General; Social Economy; Sports and Pastimes ; Statistics and Economics ; Technology ; Temperance ; Universities ; Veterinary Science and Practice ; Viticulture ; Women ; Zoology ; also under the Title of each Society in the Author Catalogue for its publications.] Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. G. Society, History of. F. \_See also Civilization ; Customs and Manners; Ethnology; Evolution — Social Economy; Family; Man, Natural History of ; Primitive Society.] Society Islands. MD. {^See also Tahiti.] Society of the New Church. G. [^See also Swedenborgian- ism. Socinianism. G. [£'«e aZ«oArians and Arianism; Trinity; Unitarianism.] Sociology. [_See Church and Social Problems; Evolution — Social Economy ; Social Economy ; Social Problems ; Society, History of ; Statistics.] Socratic Philosophy. G. [See also Philosophy — Greek ; and under Socrates in Author Catalogue.] Soils and Subsoils. A. [-See Agricultural Chemistry ; Agriculture ; Alkali in Soils ; Manures ; Public Health ; Sanitation.] Soja Beans. [/See Beans.] Sol Fa Method. A. [/See also Music— General.] Solar System. [-See Sun and Solar System.] Subject Seadmgsfor Dictionary Index. 197 Soldering. A. [-See a?so Plumbing; Receipts, Workshop.] Soldiers. C. {See also Battles ; Generals ; Military Life and Customs ; Pensions ; Soldiers' Homes ; Victoria Cross ; Wars.] Soldiers' Homes. F. Sole-Fish. A. A. [See also Araehnida.] r. [See Egoism.] MD. [See also Africa — East.] Solifugae. Solicitors. Solipsism. Solomon Islands. Somali Land. D. [See also Broom- Forase Plants : Somnambulism. G. [See also Dreams ; Hypnotism ; Mind and Body ; Sleep.] Sonatas and Symphonies. A. Song of Solomon. G. [See also Koheleth.] Song-writers. [See Poets and Song-writers.] Songs. H. [See also Ballads ; Carols ; Drinking Songs ; Folk-songs ; Jacobite Songs ; Lyrics ; Musicians ; National Songs; Negro Minstrelsy and Plantation Songs; Sea Songs; Singers; Sonnets; War Songs.] By Countries. Aborigines of Australia. MH. Australian. MH. Scottish. H. Sonnets, H. [See also Ballads ; Poetry — Selections.] Sophists and Sophistry. G. [See also Philosophy— Greek.] Sorbonne, The. G. [See also Universities, French.] Sorcery. [Sf«e aZso Barometers ; Geodesy ; Levelling ; Marine Surveying ; Military Surveying ; Quantity Surveying; Theodolite; Trigonometry.] Periodicals. E. • Societies and Institutes. E. Teaching, Instruments, Apparatus. Susa. B. [See also Persia.] 204 Tublic Libranj of New South Wales. Suspension Bridges. {See Bridges.] Swaziland, D. Swearing. G. Sweating System. F. {See also Capital and Labour; Master and Servant ; Monopolies ; Work and Wages ; Working Classes.] Sweden. B. and D. Swedenborgianism. G [See also New Church.] Swedish Drill. {See Physical Education.] Swedish Language. J. Swedish Literature. J. Swimming. A. {See also Baths and Bathing; Divers and Diving.] Swindlers and Swindling. F. {See also Impostors and Imposture.] Swine Fever. A. {See also Diseases of Animals ; Pigs.] Swiss Dialects. J. Swiss Literature. Switzerland. B and D. {See also Alps ; Tyrol ; and under the name of each City, Lake, and Canton.] Sword Exercises. {See Fencing ; Gymnastics.] Swordfish. A. {See also Ziphiidse.] Swords. A. {See also Fencing.] Sydney. MB. and MD. {See also Port Jackson.] Sydney Observatory. MA. {See also Observatories.] Sydney University. MG. {See also Universities, Aus- tralian.] Sylviculture. {See Forestry.] Symbiosis. A. [See also Biology.] Symbolism. G. {See also Christian Art; Cross, The; Devices ; Emblems ; Parseeism ; Phallic Worship ; Religions, Primitive ; Serpent Worship ; Totemism.] Symbols and Symbolic Representation. G. {See also Devices; Emblems; Symbolism.] Symphonies. {See Sonatas.] Synaesthesia. A. Synagogues and Tabernacles. A and G. Synchronograph. A. Synonyms and Antonyms. J. {See also under sub- division Synonyms under each Language.] Synoptic Problems. {See Biblical Criticism : New Testa- ment.] Syphilis. A. {See also Contagious and Infectious Diseases — Laws and Legislation ; Prostitution ; Social Purity ; Venereal Diseases.] Syracuse. D. Syria. {See Palestine.] Syriac Language. J. {See also Peshito; Semitic Lan- guages.] Syriac Literature. J. Syrian Campaign. B. Syrian Church, G. {See also Nestorian Church.] Syrups. A. {See also Fruit-canning.] Subject Seadings for Dictionary Index. 205 T Tabernacle. G. Table, The. A. ISeealsoQookevj ; Domestic Economy ; Eating ; Food.] Tableaux. A. Table-rapping. [>S'«« Spiritualism.] Table Talk. J. [See also Anecdotes; Conversation; Essays, General.] Tables of Insurance. [See Insurance.] Tables of Interest. \_See Interest Tables.] Tables of Weights and Measures. \_See Weights and Measures.] Taboo. G. i Taborites, The. G. Tachyglossidse. MA. [See also Ant-eaters ; Echidna.] Tact. G. Tactics. A. [See also Artillery ; Cavalry ; Drill and Minor Tactics ; Infantry ; Military Art and Science ; Mounted Infantry ; Naval Tactics.] Taenia echinococcus. A. \_See also Hydatids; Tape- worms.] Tafilet. D. Tahiti. MD. Tailoring. A. Tales— General. J. [^See also Anecdotes.] Australian. MJ. [See also Fiction, Australian.] Scottish. J. [S^« aZ«o Humour and Comic Litera- ture— Scottish ; Scottish Life and Character.] Talismans. [See Amulets ; Charms.] Talmud — Judaism. G. Tamil Language and Literature. J. [See also Dra- vidian ; Singhalese.] Tammany. P. [See also States — Politics.] Tangier. D. Politics — Societies ; United Tanna. MD. Tanning. A. Tannins. A. Taoism. G. [See also New Hebrides.] [See also Leather ; Tannins.] [See also Canaigre ; Wattles.] [See also Buddhism ; China — Religions ; Confucianism.] Tape Worms. A. [See also Cestoda; Entozoa; Parasites; Tsenia echinococcus.] Tapestry. A. [See also Decoration and Ornament ; Textile Fabrics.] Tar. A. [See also AniHne Dyes ; Asphalt ; Coal-tar.] Tares. [See Vetches.] Tariffs. F. [See also Corn Laws ; Customs and Excise ; Finance; Free Trade; McKinleyism; Protection; Reci- procity ; Smuggling ; Taxation ; and under the sub- division Finance and Taxation under each Country.] By Countries. 206 Fublic Library of New South Wales, Tarracina. D. [See also Latium.] Tartans. A. \_See also Highland Clans ; Uniforms.] Tartars. A. \_See also Chinese; Mongolians; Turcomans.] Tasmania. MB and MD. [_See also under Tasmania in Author Catalogue, for Official Publications.] Tasmanians. \_See Aborigines of Australia — Tasmania.] Taste. (Judgment). [See Esthetics and ^stheticism ; Literary Criticism.] Taste. (Sense). G. [See also Senses.] Tate Gallery, London. A. [See also Fine Arts — Galleries.] Tattooing. A. [See also Maoris.] Taverns. A. [See also Hotels ; Innkeepers.] Taxation. F. [^SfeeaZso Betterment; Customs and Excise ; Finance ; Income Tax ; Land Tax ; Liquor Duties ; Loans ; National Debts ; Octrois, Les ; Single Tax ; Tariffs ; and under sub-division Finance and Taxation under each Country.] Taxidermy. A. Taxonomy. A. [See also Botany — Manuals, Systems, Nomenclature ; Collecting — Manuals ; Zoology — Manuals, Systems, Nomenclature.] Tea. A. [See also Beverages ; Terba-Mat6.] Teachers. C. [See also Educational Reformers and Teachers ; Teachers — Training Schools.] Training Schools and Systems. G. Teaching. G. [See also Educational Reformers and Teachers ; Examinations ; History — Teaching of ; Languages, Teaching of ; Object Lessons ; Reading Books ; School Management ; Science — Teaching ; Teachers ; Teachers — Training Schools ; and under the sub-division Education and Teaching of, under each Subject.] Technical and Industrial Education. G. [See also Agriculture — Education ; Engineering — Education ; Manual Education ; Mining — Education.] Technological Chemistry. A. [See also Acids ; Adul- teration ; Alkalies ; Alloys ; Aniline Dyes ; Animal Products; Asphalt; Beverages; Blacking; Bleaching; < Bombs; Bones; Brewing; Calico-Printing; Candles; Cellulose; Cements; Chemicals, Manufacture of ; Coal- tar ; Dyes ; Essences and Essential Oils ; Explosives ; Fats and Oils; Fibres; Fireworks; Food Adulteration; Foods ; Fuel ; Gas Manufacture ; Gelatine ; Glucose ; Glue ; Glycerine ; Gums and Resins ; Guttapercha and India-rubber ; Horn ; Industrial Arts ; Ink ; Kerosene; Manufactures; Manures and Fertilisers; Matches ; Mending and Repairing ; Metallurgy ; Mineral Waters ; Oils ; Oleomargarine ; Paints and Pigments ; Perfumery ; Sea Water ; Soaps ; Sugars ; Tannins ; Tar ; Technical Education ; Varnishes ; Vulcanizing ; Waxes.] Teclinology. A. [/See a?so Industrial Arts; Technological Chemistry.] Dictionaries. A. Handbooks. A. Subject Seadingafor Dictionary Index. 207 Technology Periodicals. E. [See also Industrial Arts — Periodicals.] Societies. E. Teeth. A. [See also Dentition ; Dentistry.] Teetotalism. [See Drinking Customs ; Temperance.] Teetotums. [See Spinning Tops.] Telautograph. A. Telegraph Administration. [See Electric Telegraphs — Administration. ] Telegraph Codes. F. Telegraph Companies : (Law). F. Telegraphic Periodicals. [See Electric Telegraphs — Periodicals.] Telegraphs. [See Electric Telegraphs; Pneumatic Tele- graphs.] Telegraphy, Practical. A. Teleology. G. [See also Cosmology.] Telepathy, G. [See also Clairvoyance ; Hypnotism ; Occult Sciences; Spiritualism; Thought Transference.] Telephone. A. Telephony. A. Telescope, The. A. [See also Astronomical Instruments.] Telugu Language and Literature. J. Temperament. G. [See also Character ; Mental Physio- logy; Mind and Body; Physiognomy.] Temperance. F. [See also Alcohols ; Beverages ; Drink Question ; Drinking Customs ; Good Templars ; Inebriate Asylums ; Liquor Prohibition ; Liquor Traffic — Laws ; Liquors ; Local Option ; Narcotics ; Stimulants ; Temperance — Societies.] Periodicals. E. '■ — Societies. F. [See also Good Templars ; Recha- bites.] Temperature. A. [S«« a?so Kabala; Re-incarnation.] Therapeutics. A. [See also Antiseptics ; Bacteriology ; Balneo-Therapeutics ; Counter Irritation ; Dietetics ; Drugs; Electro-Therapeutics; Exercise; Faith Healing ; Homoeopathy ; Hydropathy ; Hygiene ; Inoculation ; Massage ; Materia Medica ; Nursing ; Pathology ; Pharmacy ; Serums ; Stimulants ; Surgery ; Toxine ; Vaccination and under each Disease.] 9 n 210 iPublio Library of New South Wales, Thermo-dynamics. A. \_See also Heat.] Thermo-electricity. A. Thermometers, A. [See also Calorimetry ; Heat ; Temperature.] Thermophone. A. Thessaly. B. Thibet. D. [_See also Lamaism.] Thirty-nine Articles. G. [See also Church of England.] Thirty Years' War, 1618-48, B. [See also Germany— /iistovy.] Thistles, A. [See also Weeds.] Thoracic Organs. A. Thought Transference, G. [See also Clairvoyance : Second Sight; Telepathy.] Thread-worms, [See Nematodes.] Throat, A. Thugs. G. [See also Assassins ; Hinduism ; India — Religions.] Thyroid Gland. A. [See also Cretinism ; Glands ; Goitre.] Thysanura, A. [See also Entomology— General.] Ticks and Tick Fever, (Bobphilus bovis.) A. [See also Cattle Plagues ; Diseases of Animals 3 Texas Fever.] Tidal Waves, A. Tides. A. [See also Moon.] Tigers, A, [See also Carnivora.] Tiles. A. [/Se« aZso Bricks ; Pottery.] Timber Trees, [See Forestry; and under the name of each Tree.] Timber Trees— Diseases. A. [See also Forestry ; Pathology, Vegetable ; Plant Diseases.] Timbers. A. [See also Forestry ; Ironbark ; Strength of Materials; Timber Trees — Diseases; Wood Pavements ; and under each Timber.] Australian. MA. Timbuctoo, D. Time, G. [See also Almanacs ; Cosmology ; Horology ; Metaphysics ; Space.] Time Systems and Standards, A. Tin. A. Tin-plate Manufacture, A. Tirah. D. [See also Indian Frontier.] Tires : (Law). F. [See also Eoads ; Waggons.] Tithes, G. [See also Ecclesiastical Law.] Titles. [See Conveyancing; Deeds — Registration; Real Property.] Toads. A. [See also Batrachia; Frogs.] Toadstools. [See Fungi ; Mushrooms.] Toasts, G. [See also Drinking Customs.] Tobacco-growing, A Tobacco-manufacture, A. [See also Smoking.] Subject Seadingafor Dictionary Index. 211 Tobogganing. A. Toilet. F. \_See also Baths and Bathing ; Cosmetics ; Costumes ; Perfumery.] Tokens. A. [See also Coins ; Numismatics.] Toleration. G. [See also Liberty of Conscience.] Tomato. A. Tombs and Mausoleums. A. [See also Brasses ; Burial ; Catacombs ; Cemeteries ; Coffins ; Epitaphs ; Funeral Rites ; Urns.] Tonga and Friendly Islands. MD. Tonic Sol Fa. [See Music; Sol Fa Method.] Tonquin. D. [See also France — Colonies ; Indo-China.] Tontine. [See Insurance, Life.] Tools, Making and use of. A. [See also Agricultural Implements ; Machine Tools ; Machinery.] Topography— General. D. [See also Cartography ; Charts ; and under sub-heading Geography, Topography, and Maps, under name of Place.] Tories. [See Conservatism ; Great Britain — Politics.] Tornadoes. A. [See also Cyclones ; Storms ; Winds.] Torpedo Boats. A. Torpedoes. A. [See also Explosives.] Torrens System. [See Deeds — Registration ; Real Pro- perty.] Tortoises and Turtles. A. Torts: (Law). F. Total Abstinence. [See Drink Question.] Totalisator. [See Gambling.] Totemism. G. [See also Clans and Clan System; Indians, American ; Religions, Primitive.] Touch. G. [See also Senses.] Tournaments. B. [See also Chivaby.] Tower of London. B. Tower Worship. [See Phallic Worship.] Towers and Spires. A. [See also Ecclesiastical Architecture ; Round Towers.] Town Officers. [See Municipal Government.] Towns. D. [See also Boroughs ; Cities ; Lighting of Towns ; Local Government ; Municipal Government ; Village Communities ; Water Supply of Towns.] Toxicology. [See Lead Poisoning ; Medical Jurisprudence ; Poisons, Poisoning, and Antidotes; Ptomaines; and under each Poison.] Toxine and Anti-toxine— Therapeutics. A. [See also Bacteriology ; Diphtheria ; Serums and Sero-therapy.] Toynbee Hall. G. [See also University Settlements.] Toys. A. [See also Dolls.] Tract Societies. G. [See 'also Religion— Societies ; Tracts.] Tractarian Movement, 1833. G. [See also in Author Catalogue under Keble, John ; Manning, Cardinal ; Newman, Cardinal; Pusey, Dr. ; Wilberforce, Bishop.] 212 Public Library of New South Wales. Tracts. G. \_See also Tract Societies.] Trade, \_See Commerce and Trade ; Trade, Boards of; Trade Protection ; and under each Country under the sub-heading Commerce and Trade.] Trade, Boards of. F. Trade Journals. \_See Industrial Arts — Periodicals ; Trade Protection — Journals ; and undereach Trade.] Trade-Marks. ^See Patents.] Trade Protection. F. \_See also Monopolies.] Journals. E. Trades. A. [See also Commercial Law ; Injurious Occu- pations ; Noxious Trades ; Prices ; Produce Trade ; TariflPs ; and under each Trade.] Trades Directories. E. Trades, Noxious and Injurious. [See Injurious Occupa- pations ; Noxious Trades ; Public Health.] Trades Unions. F. [See also Capital and Labour ; Co- operation ; Eight-hour Question ; Guilds, Trade ; Industrial Arts; Labour Question; Strikes.] Tradition : Ecclesiastical Polity. G. Traditions. [See Folk-lore ; Legends.] Trafalgar: Battle. B. Tragedies. [See Dramatic Literature.] Tragedy. [See Drama, The.] Training, Athletic. G. [/S^««aZ«o Athletics; Gymnastics ; Physical Education.] Training (Moral Education.) G. [>Sf««aZso Culture; Home Education ; Moral Education ; Self-culture.] Training Ships. [See Naval Art and Science— Educa- tion, Training Ships, Schools.] Tramps. [See Vagrants.] Tramways. A. [See also Electric Railways.] Trance. G. [See also Hypnotism.] Transcendentalism. G. [See also Hegelianism ; Idealism ; Kantian Philosophy; Neo-Kantian Philosophy; Neo- Platonism ; Platonism ; Rationalism.] Transits. A. [See also Mercury ; Venus.] Transmigration. G. [See also Pythagoreanism ; Re- incarnation ; Soul, The.] Transport, Military. A. [See also Army Service Corps; Military Art and Science.] Transportation. A. [-S'^^ also Canals ; Carriages ; Commerce; Motor Carriages; Railways; Roads and Road-making ; Rolling Stock ; Steamship Companies ; Tramways.] Transportation— Criminals. F. [See also Convicts; Penal Colonies ; and under Great Britain and Ireland — Convicts, and New South Wales — Transportation, in Author Catalogue.] Transubstantiation. G. [See also Lord's Supper ; Mass.] Transvaal. D. [See also Boers ; Jameson Raid ; South Africa.] Transylvania. D. Subject Seadingsfor Dictionary Index. 213 Trapping. A. [r SE 14955