4* t 4 >?•#$*; ■jtmJa ran •?*** '<* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY *U"i. Liu) Li'Urjry, Ht*)0(\*i*i l CATALOGUE CF THF. LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY LAW DEPARTMENT COMPILED BY ALBERT1NE F. PHILLIPS, LIBRARIAN 1905. L.130 In compiling this catalogue of the Law Department of the Lou- isiana State Library, my object has been to place before the members of the bar of our state, as well as those of other states, who may have access to it, a better and more comprehensive arrangement of the books contained therein. I have given the list of laws as they are bound, and I think this will assist in locating anyone of the various states and years required Some will be found to overlap each other. RULES. 3 rtin^ tin- facta personally, or by note. Any suggestions for making the Library more useful are invited, and any reader having cause for complaint will greatly oblige the Librarian by i . These rules shall be publicly posted in the Library and a copy given to every borrower, and no violation of them will he excused on the plea oi ignorance. 2. The Library shall he kept open from 9 a. in. to 5 p. in., daily. except Sundays and legal holidays, and during the summer months until 4 j). m.. on Saturdays to 12 m. 3. Judges of the various courts, members of the bar of Louisiana, red in the Library register (in good standing), may borrow books, same to be delivered to them only on personal application, or on written order, by which full responsibility for books so delivered >umed. Xo book shall be lent by a borrower. 4. The Library shall be free to all conforming to these rules; but no reader in the Library can retain any book required for immediate official use by State officer or court. Reading not permitted in the French Library or duplicate room. 3. No <>ne shall withdraw from the Library more than six books at a time, and these must be returned before others can be had. nor p them any longer than two weeks without renewal; said renewal ng for one week longer. 6. No borrower shall keep a book or books more than two days after notice from the Library that it is wanted. Thus: Notice sent May 7th allow- Ma> 8th and 9th in which to return books. Any book turn-turned after fifteen days notice, shall he eon sidered lost, in which case the borrower shall pay its value. 8. N irrections of the press, or marks of any kind on books forbidden. Books an- assumed to be in a proper condition when led, and the borrower shall be held responsible if a book be found mutilated or injured upon its return. i,. All loud conversation is forbidden. The use of tobacco and smoking is strictly prohibited. to. That any rules necessary to protect the State Library against . injure or inconvenience to readers may be enforced, and that anv borrower refusing or 1 to conform to anj of these rules, or failing to return promptly and in good order anv book loaned them, shall forfeit all privileges in the State Library. H\ mder of Secretary of State, r-1 •*~*rm'y UNITED STATES REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. Reporters. Vols. Mule of Citation. Period. Dallas 4 1-4 1 LJ. S. or Dal 1790-1800 Cranch 9 (5-13) U. S. or Cranch. . 1801-1815 Wheatoti 12 (14-25) U. S. or Wheat. . 1816-1827 Peters 16 (26-41) U. S. or Pet. . . . 1828-1842 Howard 24 (42-65) U. S. or How. .. 1843- 1860 Black 2 (66-67) U. S. or Black. .1861-1862 Wallace 2}, (68-90) U. S. or Wall. . . 1863- 1 874 Otto 17 (91-107) U. S. or Ot 1874-1882 Davis 78 (108-186) U. S 1882-1901 Butler 11 (187-197) U. S 1902-1904 CONDENSED REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. Peters (Condensed) 6 (1-6) Pet. Cond 1790-1827 CIRCUIT COURT REPORTS. PIRST CIRCUIT. (Composed of Me., Mass., N. H. and R. Is.) Gallison 2 m 2) ('.all 1812-1815 Mason 4 (i, 3-5) Mason 1816-1830 imncr 3 (1-3) Sumn 1829-1839 3 (1 3) ston [839 [843 Woodbury & Minot 3 u 3) Wood. & M [845-1847 \ 11 1 1 riif [858 [878 SECOND CIRCUIT. (Composed of Conn., N. Y. and Vt.) Paine 1 ( 1 > Paine [810 [826 itchford 24 (i 24) Blatchf 1S45-1SSS THIRD CIRCUIT. (Composed of Del., Pa rind N. J.) Wallace 1 (1) Wall. Sen [801 Washington 4 (1-4) Wash. C. C 1803-1827 6 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY FOURTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Md., N. C, S. C, Va. and W. Va.) Reporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Brockenbrough 2 (1-2) Brock.or Marsh. Dec. 1802- 1836 Campbell (Taney's Dec.)... 1 (1) Taney or Camp. C. C..1836-1861 Hughes 4 ( 1-2, 4-5) Hughes 1792-1883 FIFTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Ala., Fla., Ga., La. Miss, and Texas). Woods 4 (1-4) Woods 1870-1883 SIXTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Ky., Mich., Ohio and Tenn.) Bond 2 (1-2) Bond 1856-1871 Flippin 2 (1-2) Flip 1859-1880 SEVENTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of 111., Ind. and Wis.) McLean 6 (1-6) McL> or McLean . . . 1829-1855 Bissell n (1-11) Biss 1851-1883 EIGHTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of Ark., Col., la., Kas, Minn. Mo. and Neb.) Hempstead 1 (1) Hemp !839-i855 Woolworth 1 (1) Wool 1863-1869 Dillon 5 (1-5) Dill 1870-1880 McCrary 5 (1-5) McCrary 1880-1883 NINTH CIRCUIT. (Composed of California, Nevada and Oregon). McAllister 1 (1) McAl 1855-1859 Deady 1 (1) Deady 1861-1869 vSawyer 10 (1-9, 11) Sawy 1870-1886 CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. Abbott 1 (1) Abb 1865-1870 Bee 1 (1) Bee 1792-1809 Gilpin 1 (1) Gilp 1828-1836 Federal Reporter. . 126 (1-126) Fed. Rep 1880-1904 COURT OF CLAIMS. Nott & Huntington. .4(1, 4-6) Ct. of CI 1863-65, 68-70 Nott & Hopkins 2 (10-11) Ct. of CI 1874-1876 Nott & Hopkins. ... 3 (20-22) Ct. of CI 1884-1887 Nott & Hopkins 1 (26) Ct. of CI 1890-1891 Nott & Hopkins 7 (32-38) Ct. of CI 1896-1903 OPINIONS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. Doc. No. 55 2 ( ) Opin. U. S. Atty. Gen 1791-1851 Hall 1 (5) Opin. U. S. Atty. Gen 1848-185 1 Bentley 2 (17-18) [*iq] Opin.U.S.Atty.Gen.1881-1887 Hibbard 1 (20) Opin. U. S. Atty. Gen 1891-1894 Brandenburg 2 (21-22) Opin. U. S. Atty. Gen. . . . 1894- 1899 Lott & Finch 1 (23) Opin. U. S. Atty. Gen 1899-1902 Vol. 1° in No. 2888 Congressional Series. DIGEST OF OPINIONS. Aut: Vols. Reports Digested Period Bentley i (1-16) Opin. Atty. Gen 1 789-1881 ♦(See below 1 ( 1 Opin. Atty. Gen 1789-1886 INDEX AND DIGEST OF U. S. REPORTS. Auth.. . Vols. Reports Digested Period Alden's Index 3 [ U. S. to 14 Howard 1790-1852 American Digest (An- thon) 1 Federal and State, Pub. 1813. American Digest (Day) 1 Federal and State, Pub. 1816. A in eric a n Digest (Wharton 1 Vol. 3.. 1 Several Courts of Law in U. S..1790-1823 American Chancery Di- t, 2d ed 2 Federal and State 1 789-1 841 American Chancery Di- gest. 3d ed 3 Federal and State 1789-1851 Baylies' Digested Index 3 U. S. and English, Pub. 1814. Curt airts of Ad- miralty) 1 U. S. and English 1789-1839 I h >lcombc 1 Supreme Court 1790-1847 : 3 Supreme, Circuit and District. . . 1789-1838 Peter's Fed Digest.... 2 Supreme. Circuit, Dist. & Adm. 1801-1847 United States Digest (Eq.) 2 Federal and State 1789-1847 United States Digest (Rev.) 18 Federal and State 1790-1858 Wheat' >n I Supreme Court and Continental Court in Prize Causes 1789-1820 Federal Reporter Di- -t 5 106-190 U. S. ; 1-120 Fed. Rep. & I-23 Snp. Court Reporter. ... 1880- 1902 'DiffMt in Mo. 23 UNITED STATES. Period Acts of Congress (Folwell, Printer) Pub. 1796 Acts of Congress Vol . 1 . . 1807-09 Acts of Congress Vol . 2 . . 1809-1 1 Acts of Congress Vol. 3. .1811-13 Acts of Congress Vol. 4. .1814-16 Acts of Congress Vol. 5. . 1817-21 Acts of Congress Vol. 6. . 1822-25 Acts of Congress Vol . 7 . . 1826-28 Acts of Congress Vol. 8. . 1829-31 Acts of Congress Vol. 9. . 1832-34 Acts of Congress Vol. 10. . 1835-37 Acts of Congress Vol . 11.. 1837-40 Acts of Congress 1844-46 Acts of Congress 1846-47 Laws of United States 1832-33 Laws of United States x 834-35 PAMPHLET ACTS. Acts of 31st Congress, 1 S 1850 Acts of 40th Congress, 2 S 1867-68 Acts of 40th Congress, 3 S 1868-69 Acts of 41st Congress, 2 S 1869-70 COMPILED LAWS. Laws of United States (Bioren Edition) Vol. 1 1789- 18 15 Laws of United States (Bioren Edition) Vol. 2 1789-1815 Laws of United States (Bioren Edition) Vol. 3 1789-1815 Laws of United States (Bioren Edition) Vol. 4 1789-1815 Laws of United States (Bioren Edition) Vol. 5 1789- 181 5 Laws of United States (Bioren [Colvin] Edition) Vol. 6.1815-21 Laws of United States (Bioren Edition) Vol. 9 1 &33~39 Laws of United States (Bioren [French] Ed.) Vol. 10.1839-45 Public and General Statutes (Story, Vol. 3) 1789-1836 Public and General Statutes (Story, Vol. 4) 1828-36 Statutes-at-Large and Treatise (Minot) 1845-48 Statutes-at-Large and Treatise (Minot) 1848-51 Statutes-at-Large and Treatise (Minot) 1849-52 UNITED STATES. Statutes-at-Large and Treatise (Minot) Statutes-at-Large and Treatise i Minot) U. S. STATUTES-AT-LARGE. Vol . 1 ( Peter's ) Vol. 2 ( Peter's) Vol. 3 ( Peter's) Vol. 4 (Peter's) Vol. 5 (Peter's) Vol. 6 I Peter's ( Private Laws) . . Vol. 7 < I Vter's) (Indian Treaties) . . Vol. 8 (Peter's) (European Treaties) . . Vol. 9 ( Minot ) Vol. 10 ( Minot) Vol . 1 1 ( Minot and Sanger) V '1 . i _' i Sanger) Vol . 1 3 ( Sanger ) Vol. 14 (Sanger) Vol. 15 ( Sanger ) Vol. [6 (Sanger) Vol .171 Sanger I Vol. [9I Secretary of State) V< '1 . 20 ( Secretary of State) Vol . 21 I Secretary of State) V< .1 . 22 1 Secretary of State) V( '1 . 23 ( Secretary of State ) Vol . -'4 ( Secretary of State) Vol . 26 ( Secretary of State) Vol. -'7 I Secretary of State) Vol . 28 retary of State ) V< »1 Secretary of State i V<>] .30 retary of State ) Vol . 31 I Secretary of State | Vol. 32 retary of State 1 Vol . 33 ( ; if State ) 1 Statute-. 1S7 }. piled Statutes, [901, Vols. 1-3 (Mallory). piled St.-io: 1 ' 1903. Vol. \ (Supplement- Mallory) DIGEST OF LAWS. Period Brightly'i Digest of Laws, Vols, i and 2 [789 [865 Gordon'i Dig Laws, Pub 1837 Period 852-54 854-5« 789-99 800-13 813-23 823-35 835-45 789-1845 778-1842 778-1845 845-51 851-55 855-59 859-63 863-65 865-67 867-69 869-71 871-73 875-77 877-79 879-81 881-83 883-85 885-87 SSrmond I B) the Judges 2 Shepherd 12 Shepherd 3 Shepherd Jones 5 Shepherd 2 Jones 2 Clark San ford Sh< pherd Jones Shepherd Moore Shepherd & Tillman. Tillman Shepherd Tillman Shepherd Tillman Shepherd Tillman Shepherd 4 Morrissetl I [utcheson Shepherd ~ I [utcheson Shepherd 1 Walker 1 [oughton Mode of Citation Period I) 1-3) i-5) i-9) 1-10) 13) 22-23) 24-3 2 ) 37-38) 40) 44-48) 50-50 56-57) 58) 59) 60) 61-62) 63-66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 70 73) 74) 75) 7" 79) 80) s, 1 82-83 , 84) 97) Minor 1820-26 Stew 1827-31 Stew. & P 1831-34 Por 1834-39 Smith's Cond. Ala 1836-38 Ala 1840-46 Ala 1848 Ala 1853 Ala 1853-58 Ala 1860-62 Ala 1866 Ala 1870-72 Ala 1873-74 Ala 1876-77 Ala 1877 Ala 1877 Ala 1877 Ala 1878 Ala 1879-80 Ala 1880 Ala 1880-81 Ala 1881 Ala 1881 Ala 1881-82 Ala 1882-83 Ala 1883 Ala 1883-84 Ala 1884-85 Ala [885-86 Ala [886 Ala [886 87 \la 1K.X7 Ala 1SS7 «,i Ala 1891 9a Ala [89I-99 12 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY Keporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Morrissett i (98) Ala 1891-92 Coleman 1 (99) Ala 1891-92 Thorington 1 ( 100) Ala 1892-93 Coleman 6 ( 101-106) Ala 1893-94 Thorington I ( 107) Ala 1894-95 Marks & Sayer 1 ( 108) Ala 1895-96 Walker 1 ( 109) Ala 1895-96 Coleman 9 ( 1 10-1 18) Ala 1896-97 Bouldin 1 (119) Ala 1898 Coleman 1 ( 120) Ala 1899 Cobb 1 (121) Ala 1898-99 Coleman 2 (122-123) Ala 1898-99 Cobb 1 ( 124) Ala 1899-1900 Coleman 7 (125-131) Ala 1899-1900 Speake 1 (132) Ala 1901 Coleman 8 (133-140) Ala 1901-04 SESSION LAWS. 1821-25, ^Z* 1823, 1876-77, 1833-35. 1878-79, 1835-37, 1880-81, 1838-4I, 1882-83, 1843-45, 1884-85, 1849-5O, 1886-87, I85I-52, 1888-89, 1853-54, 189O-9I, 1855-56, 1892-93, 1857-58, 1894-95, 1859-60, 1896-97, 1865-66, 1898-99, 1866-67, I 9°3i 1868, 1870-71, STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS. Digest of Laws, 1836. (Aikens) . Digest of Laws, 1843. (Clay). Code of 1852. (Ormond, Bagby and Goldthwaite) . Revised Code of Laws, 1867. (Walker) . Code of 1876. (Keyes, Wood and Roquemore) . Codes of 1886, 2 Vols. (Brickell, Hamilton & Tillman). Codes of 1896, 2 Vols. (Martin) . ARIZONA TERRITORY. REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Dann ! I (i) Ariz 1866-84 Lewis 4 (2-5 I Ariz 1885-98 SESSION LAWS. 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1873 1877-81 1885 *i889 *i895 1889-97 1899 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Compile d Law 8, .S; 7 . (Hoyt). Statutes, [887. ( King, Goodrich & Wells). Include Laws of Revised Statutes . 1901 . *TImm coaU Rm lattofu »"d MaaorlaU ao\ eoatalood !■ • ■• 11.-1 » .f mum period ARKANSAS. (Organized March 2d, 1819. Admitted June 15th, 1836). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Pike 5 (1-5) Ark 1837-44 English 8 (6-13) Ark 1845-53 Barber 1 1 ( 14-24) Ark 1853-67 Cox 3 (25-27) Ark 1867-72 Moore 7 (28-34) Ark 1872-79 Turner 14 (35-48) Ark 1879-86 Mansfield 4 (49-52) Ark 1886-89 Crawford 19 (53-71) Ark 1889- 1903 DIGEST. Author Vol. Reports Digested Period Rose 1 ( 1 to 23 Ark l857-6l SESSION LAWS. 1840-46 1879 1848-53 1881 1855-59 1883 1866-67 1889 1868 1891 1868-69 1893 1871 1897 1873 1899 1875 1901 1877 1903 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS, Etc. Digest of Statutes, 1848. (English). Digest of Statutes, 1858. (Gould). Constitutions, 1868, 1874. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Compiled Corporation Laws, 1899. (A. C. Hull). Digest of Revenue Laws, 1903. (A. E. Moore) . Digest of Election Laws, 1904. (F. W. Crockett) Corporation Laws, 1904. (F. W. Crockett). CALIFORNIA (Acquired of Mexico. Admitted Beptember '.Hh, 1850). REPORTS. Ro; Vols. Mode of Citation Period Bennett i (i) Cal 1850-51 Hepburn 3 (2-4) Cal 1852-64 Morris 1 (5) Cal 1855 Booraem 3 (6-8) Cal 1856-57 Lee 4 (9-12) Cal 1858-59 Harmon 3 (13-15) Cal 1859-60 Jev 4 ( 16-19) Cal 1860-62 Hillyer 3 (20-22) Cal 1862-63 Turtle 10 (23-32) il 1863-67 Hale 5 (33-371 Cal 1867-69 Robinson 1 (38) Cal [869 Thompson 2 (39-4 Cal 1870-71 ttlc 11 (41-51 ) ' ;1 1871-76 Tattle ft Carpenter.. . 1 (52) Cal 1877-78 Carpenter 1 (53) Cal 1878-71) Smith 9 (54-62) Cal [87 r-82 10 72) Cal 1883-87 meroy 74 (73-146) Cal [887-1905 SESSION LAWS. 1854 [877-78 Amendments 1855 [881 1856 [883 [884-85 [886 87 1 88- 1 ! 8< 1 1 [893 ! O 1 72 [897 18 Amendment! [QOO "i |875 Amendment 19 .877-7X 16 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS, Etc. Digest of Statutes, 1850-58. (Wood's). Index to Laws, 1850-93. (Johnston). Civil Code of 1872. (Haymond, Burch & McKune) . Code of Civil Procedure, 1872. (Haymond, Burch & McKune) Political Code, 1872, 2 Vols. (Haymond, Burch & McKune) . Penal Code, 1872. (Haymond, Burch & McKune). MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Insurance Laws, 1874. Provisions of Political Code Relative to Public Schools, 1873. CHICKASAW NATION. Constitution, Treaties and Laws, i860. CHOCTAW NATION. Laws of 1852-57. COLORADO. February 28th, L861. Admitted August 1st, 1876). Reporters Vols, llallctt 2 (l-2) Prance 9 ( 3-1 1 ) Beck 5 (12-16) Robinson 7 ( 17-23) rdon 9 ( 24-32 1 REPORTS. Mode of I iitation Colt) Colo Coin Colo Colo COURT OF APPEALS. I ( 1) Colo. App. Beck Robinson 8 (2-9) Colo. App Gordon 9 (10-18) Colo. App Period ■ • 1864-75 . . 1876-88 . . 1888-92 . . 1892-97 I 898- I 903 1891-92 1892-97 . . . 1897-1902 ■ bor Ta\ lor's DIGEST. Vol. !."• ports Digested . I ( I to 14 Colo Period 1864-90 1870 1879 1 88 1 1885 1887 1889 Revised Statutes. 1- ral Laws, 1^77 . Civil Code, [877. neral Statutes, 1883. SESSION LAWS. 1893 1894 1897 1899 l'>02 1903 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS. CONNECTICUT. Eatified the U. S. Constitution, January 9th, 1788). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Day 21 (1-21) Conn 1814-52 Matson 3 (22-24) Conn 1852-56 Hooker 38 (25-62) Conn 1856-93 Andrews 14 (63-76) Conn 1894-1903 SESSION LAWS. Public 1826-27 Public and Private 1835-40 Public and Private 1841-44 Public 1836-45 Private 1845-49 Public 1846-53 Private 1850-53 Private 1854 Private 1856 Public 1854-56 Public and Private 1857 Private 1858 Public and Private 1859 Public and Private i860 Public 1861 Public and Private 1862-63 Public 1864 Public 1865-68 Private 1865 Private 1867-68 Public and Special 187 1 Public and Special 1872 Public and Special 1873 Public and Special 1874 Public and Special 1875 Public and Special 1876 Public and Special 1877-78 Public and Special 1879 Public and Special 1880 Public and Special 1881 Public and Special 1882 Public and Special. ..... 1883-84 Public and Special 1885 Public and Special 1886 Public and Special 1887 Public and Special 1889 Public 1893 Special 1893 Public and Special 1895 Public 1897 CONNECTICUT. 19 Public 1869-70 Special 1897 Public and Special 1899 Special 1899- 190 1 Public 1901 Public 1903 Special 1903 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS, Etc. tutc Laws, 1808-1815. (Book II). Index to Special Laws, 1789- 1897. Compiled Statutes, 1835. Compiled Statutes. 1838. Revised Statutes, 1849. Revised Statutes, 1854. General Statutes, 1866. (Revision). General Statutes. 1875. (Revision). General Statutes. 1888. (Revision). General Statutes, 1902. (Revision). Index to General Statutes and Public Acts, 1875-82. Index to General Statutes, 1889-93. DAKOTA TERRITORY. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Militia Laws, 1888. Militia Laws, 1893. Compiled, Public Roads Laws, 1903. (Organized March 2d, 1861. Divided into North Dakota and South Dakota February 22d, 1889). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Bennett 1 (1) Dak 1867-77 Smith 3 (2-4) Dak 1878-88 Tripp 2 (5-6) Dak 1888-89 SESSION LAWS. 1867-68 1883 1870-71 1885 1872-73 1887 1879 1889 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Compiled Laws, 1887. (Caldwell & Price). DELAWARE. (Ratified the U. S. Constitution, December 7th, 1787). REPORTS. LAW. Vols. Mode of Citation Period Harrington 5 (1-5) Har. Del 1832-55 Houston 9 (1-9) Hous 1855-93 Marvel 2 (1-2) Marv 1893-97 PennewilTs 4 U-4> Penn 1897-04 CHANCERY. Batt-. D. M 2 (1-2) Del. es, G. H 2 (3-41 Del. Isbury 2 (5-6) Del. Wolcott 1 (7) Del. Ch 1814-66 Ch 186'. 73 Ch 1874-92 Ch 1892-95 CRIMINAL. Houston 1 I 1 I I fous. Crim 1856-79 DIGEST. Ri'L I i 5 Har 1S3J 55 1 1 s Del. Ch 1S14 85 ( 1 I [OUS. dim 1K55 80 i 1 6 Hous. 1 1855-83 SESSION LAWS if [818-182 1877 J I 22 [879 1824 25 l88l 39 I885 u it 22 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY 1847-49 1889 1859 1891 1866-67 1893 1869 1895-97 Vol. 20 1871 1898-99 Vol. 21 1873 1901-03 Vol. 22 1875 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS, Etc. Laws of 1 700- 1 797, Vols. 1 and 2. Laws of 1798-1805, Vol. 3. Laws of 1806-1813, Vol. 4. Revised Code of 1852, as Amended to 1874. Revised Code of 1852, as Amended to 1893. FLORIDA. (Organized March 30th, 1822. Admitted March 3d, 1845). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Branch I Archer & Hogue I Hogue i 1 'w 3 Galbraith 3 Galbraith & Meek i Drew i Cooke 2 Raney 5 Cooper 4 Lamar 16 Lamar Whitfield 2 Mode of Citation Period i) Fla 1846-47 2) Fla 1848-49 3 & 4 in 1 ) Fla 1850-52 5-8 in 3) Fla 1853-59 9-1 1 ) Fla 1860-67 12) Fla 1867-69 13) Fla 1869-71 14-15) Fla 1871-76 16-20) Fla 1876-84 21-24) Fla 1884-89 25-34) Fla 1889-94 36-42) Fla 1895-1900 43-44) Fla 1901-02 DIGEST. Authors Choates Vols. Reports Digested . . i (1-24 Fla Period 1846-88 SESSION LAWS. Territory, 1835-44 Territory and State, 1845-53 • s 54-55 1858 1868-69 1873-74 1*77-79 1881 State. 1883-85 1887 1889 1895 1897 1899 [901 "KJ3 24 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS. Digest of Laws, 1847. (Thompson). Code of Procedure, 1870. Revised Statutes, 1892. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Militia and Patrol Laws, 1847. vSchool Laws, 1848-49. Election Laws, 1850. Constitution, 1851. GEORGIA. (Ratified the U. S. Constitution, December 12th, 1787). REPORTS. Beporto Vols. Charlton. R. M I Dudley i Kelley 3 Kcllcy & Cobb 2 Cobb 15 Martin 10 Lester 3 ter 1 Icley 2 Hammond 9 Hammond & Jackson 1 Jackson 7 Jackson Jackson 2 Jackson & Lumkin 6 •) & Lumkin Lumkin 10 Lumkin & Peoples 1 2 tevem i.s Graham 24 Mole of Citation R. M. Chartl. Dud. Ga 1 1 4-5 6-20 21-30 3i '33 33 Sup 34-35 36-44 45 46-50 57-58 59 62-66 '•7 7'' 77 78-79 >7 1 [2 Sup. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. Ga. ( '-a . Ga. Ga. Ga. I '..1 [897-1904 Period 811-37 831-33 846-47 848 849-56 857-60 860-63 864 864-66 867-72 872 872-74 876-77 877 878-81 881-86 SSo 886-88 sss «,7 DIQE8T. Authors I;, porl • I Hgl lt«d !'■ Itiod & Harris 1 ( 1 M < '.a 1X407.) Van Epp'i 1 (62-81 Ga [870-88 26 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY SESSION LAWS. I820-2I 1872 1823-24 1873 1826-27 1874 1828 1875 1830 1876 ♦1829-3 1 -32 l %77 1834-35 1878-79 1837-39 1880-81 1841 * 1882-83 1842-43 1884-85 1845 1886 1847 l88 7 1849-50 1888 1853-54 1889 l8 55 _ 56 1890-91, Vols. 1 and 2 1857 1892 1858 1893 1859 l8 94 i860 1895 1861 1896 1862-63 1896-97-98 1863-64 1899 1866 1900 1868 1901 1869 1902 1870 1903 11871-72 1904 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS. Digest of Laws, 1755-1800. 1801. Laws of 1801-1810 (Clayton). 1812. Digest of Laws to 1820 (Prince). 1822. Digest of English Statutes in force 1225-1753 (Schley). 1826. Digest of Laws (Prince). 1837. Statute Law and State Papers (Hotchkiss). 1845. Analysis of Statutes (Cobb). 1846. *1830 not contained in this. 1 Called session. GEORGIA. 27 Penal Code (Cobb). 1850. Revised Code (Irwin). 1868. Revised Code (Irwin, Lester & Hill) . 1873. Revised Code (Lester, Rowell & Hill) . 1882. Revised Code (Hopkins. Anderson & Lamar). 1895. Vols, i, 2 and 3. HAWAII. (Annexed as a Territory July 7th, 1898) REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Robertson 1 (1 Davis 1 (2 -ociate Justices 1 (3 Judd 1 (4 Foster 1 (5 Foster I (6 -ociate Justices I (7 ter 5 (8-12 1 (13 1 (16 Period ...1856 ...1857-65 . . . 1866-77 . . . 1877-83 ...1883-86 . . . 1886-89 . . .1887-89 1889-19OO , I9OO- 1902 .. .1904-05 Author Edii DIGEST. Vol. Raporti DigMted • 1 1-14) IVriod. 1847-1903 LAW. Laws of Territory, 1901 . Laws of Territory. I903. Laws of Territory, l4 (Special Session) IDAHO (Organized March 3d, 1861. Admitted July 3d, 1891). REPOETS. Reporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Prickett i (i ) Idaho (N. S.) 1866-80 National Reporter System 1 (2 ) Idaho (N. S. ) 1881-92 Hasbrouck 7 (2-8 Idaho 1881-1903 SESSION LAWS. Territorial State 1863-64 General 1890-91 *i864 1893 1865-66 General Laws 1897 1866-67 ti876-79 1901 1903 General Laws 1880-81 (Contains Civil Code) General Laws 1882-83 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS, Etc. Revised Statutes, 1887. (Territorial). * Political Code, 1902, Vol. 1. (Annotated). Civil Code, 1902, Vol. 2. (Annotated) . Civil Procedure, 1902, Vol. 3. (Annotated) Penal Code, 1902, Vol. 4. (Annotated). ^.Second Session. .Containing- also laws in force not printed before by the Goverment. ILLINOIS. (Organized February 3d, 1807. Admitted December 3d, 1818). REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. rtera Vols. Mode of Citation Period I'.r eese I (i Scammon 4 (2-5 Gilman 5 (6-10 k 20 ( 1 1 -30 Freeman [21(31-151 I 111 1863-94 Phillips <>4 (152-215) 111 1894-1905 ) 111. or Breese. ..1819-31 ) 111. or Scam. .. 1839-43 ) 111. or Gilm. . . . 1844-40 ) HI 1849-63 APPELLATE COURT. Bradwell 20 (i-i I Smith 27 I j 1 -47 1 Newell 62 1 48-] 10 ) Jot Vddington 4 (111-114) 111. App [877-86 111. App [886 111. App 1893-K 111. App 1904-05 DIGEST. Autli' Vols. man 2 I !<•!. 1 I ."Hi,' 2 Kinney 3 . Shrimski, Little int [ndex I Kgest 2 Beporti Digested Period 1- 1 5 111 1819-54 [6-29 111 [854 63 1 ..;■) Ill [819-66 Breese to [42 111 [819 92 1 27 111 . App [819 92 1 [9 111. and [-96 111 \pp [8x9 1 mo 1 HESKION LAWS. 1869 Public [869 Private, Voli. 1 -1 30 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. 1823-25 1871-72 Public 1830 1873 Is t Session 1835 1873-74 1838-39 i875 1839-40 1877 1841 1879 1842-43 1881 1845 1883 1847 1885 1849-51 1887 1852 1889 1853 1890 Ex. Session 1854 1891 1855 1893 1857 Public 1895 Regular and Extra 1859 Public 1897 1 86 1 Public 1898 Extra Session 1863 Public 1899 1865 Public 1901 1867 Public 1903 1867 Public, Private and Special 1905 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS. Revised Laws, 1829. Revised Laws, 1833. Statutes, 1858 (Scates, Treat & Blackwell), Vols. 1-2. Statutes, 1866 (Scates, Treat & Blackwell), Vols. 1-3. Revised Statutes, 1874 (Hurds). Annotated Statutes, 1885 (Star & Curtis), Vols. 1-2. Annotated Statutes, 1885-92 (Starr & Curtis), Supp. Vol. 3. Annotated Statutes, 1902 (Jones & Addington), Supp. Vol. 4. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Insurance Laws, 1879. School Laws, 1872-77. Railroad and Warehouse Laws, 1877, INDIANA. (Organized Mny 7th, 1800. Admitted December 11th, 1816). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode o Blackford 8 (i-8 ith i (i Carter 2 (l-2 Porter 5 (3"7 Tanner 7 (8-14 Harrison 3 (15-17 Kerr 5 ( 18-22 Harrison 7 (23-20 Black 24 (30-53 Martin 17 (54-7° Dice 29 (71-79 Kern 17 (100-1 16 Griffiths 16 ( 1 17-132 Moon 12 (133-144 Remy 18 1 [45-162 Self' i 1 [63 Citation Period Black 1817-48 Smith (Ind.).. 1 848-40 Ind 1848-51 Ind 1851-56 Ind 1856-60 [nd 1860-61 Ind 1861-64 Ind 1864-68 End 1868-77 Ind 1877-80 Ind 1880-85 End 1885-80 End 1880-03 Ind i803-95 [nd 1895-1903 [nd 1004 APPELLATE COURT Griffith* 5 (1-5 ) [nd. App [890-92 n 9 (6-14 I Ind. App [892 95 19 (15 33) Ind. App [895 1 SESSION LAWS. [8l8 [8l9 *l822 25 l82l [863 [865 [867 • • Hill UK 32 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY 1833-34 1871 1835-36 1872-73 Reg. and Special 1839-42 1875 1843-44 1877 1845 1887 1846-48 1889 1849 1891 1850-51 1893 1853 1895 1855 1897 1857 1899 1859 1901 1861 1903 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS. Revised Laws, 1824. Revised Laws, 1831. Revised Laws, 1838. Revised Laws, 1843. Revised Statutes, 1852, Vols. 1-2. Revised Statutes, 1881. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Manual of Election Laws, 1889. Insurance Laws, 1899, 1901 . Laws Concerning the Assessment of Property for Taxation, 1899. IOWA. (Organized June 12th, L838. Admitted December 28th, 1846). REPORTS. Vols. M"rris I Greene 4 Clark 8 Withrow 13 ifode of ( < 1-4 (1-8 (9-21 Stiles 16 (22-37 Runnells 19 I 38-56 Hight 2 (57-58 rsole 22 ( 5<>-8o mond 9 (81-89 Salinger 27 (90-117 lwall [8 11 [8-I2S Citation Period Mor. Iowa 1839-4(1 G. Greene 1847-54 [owa 1855-59 Iowa 1859-66 Iowa 1867-73 [owa 1873-81 Iowa 1881-82 Iowa 1882-90 !<>\\a 1890-95 Iowa 1895-1902 Iowa 1902-04 DIGEST. Auti Vols. Beporti Digested Period Dillon 1 (Mor.-io [owa 1839-60 Hammond 1 (10-20 [owa 1859-66 lain 3 ( Mor.-S.j Iowa [839-93 SESSION LAWS. 1 881 . V, [882 . 1 88< . $58 [89O i8( [892 •l>.w. ft ■ • ■ ; \% and 34 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. 1864 1894 1866 1896 1868 1897 Ex. Session 1870 1898 1872 1900 1876 1902 1878 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS. Code of 1851. Revision of Statutes, i860. Code of 1873. Annotated Code (McClain) Vols. 1 and 2, 1888. Annotated Code (McClain), Vol. 3, 1888-92, Supplement. Annotated Code, 1897. Annotated (Supplement) Code, 1902. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Insurance Laws, 1868. Road Laws, with Amendments to 1870. KANSAS. (Organize! May 30th, L854. Admitted January 29th, 1861). REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. K. : Vnls.Mo.lr i,l' Citation Period 1 '.:niks 5 (1-5 ) Kan 1862-70 Webb 15 (6-20 I Kan 1870-78 Dassler 1 (21 ) Kan 1878 Randolph 35 (22-56) Kan 1878-' ^ Qemens 3 1 ?7-?<> I Kan •. . 1896-98 wry IO (60-69) Kan i8Q9-Km>4 COURT OF APPEALS. Randolph 2 (1-2 ) Kan. App [895-96 1 )• 2 13-4 ) Kan. App 1S-5 Qemens 2 (5-6 1 Kan. App [896-97 Dewey 4 (7-1 1 " Kan. App [898-1901 SESSION LAWS. rritoriaJ Mat.' •18 [885 ti> [886 18: [887 1 88; > [891 I Si fl ■ 7 1 1 & 15 [897 1873 [898 I'".\ . Session 74 1 8 [90] 1903 1K77 r . . Session 38 1 [905 ', »W A 4th S*«. 36 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. STATUTE LAW. Statutes of 1855 (Territory). General Statutes, 1868. Compiled Laws (Dassler), 1879. General Statutes, 1889, Vols. 1 and 2. (Taylor). General Statutes, 1897, Vols. 1 and 2. (Webb). General Statutes, 1901. (Dassler). MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. School Laws, 1877. Digest of Election Laws, 1891. . KENTUCKY. ganised •< >ut of Virginia. Admitted Jane 1st, 1792). rs Hughes i Sneed i Ky. 1 decisions i i i kinliii I Bibb 4 Marshall 3 Littell 5 Monroe 7 Marshall 7 I )ana 9 Monroe 18 Metcalfe 4 Duvall 2 -h 14 Iman 5 i lines [6 Turner 5 !'-n 4 McBeath < » REPORTS. Vols. liod< 1 3 4-7 8-10 11-15 17-23 24-30 31-39 40-57 58^1 ' a 1 >3 <>4~77 83-98 99 103 1 1 ' I I "7 « 18-1 [6 1 it.it LOB Period 1 [ughes Ky. . 1 785-1801 K\ . I tec 1801-05 I [ardin 1805-08 Bibb 1808-17 A. K . Marsh. . 1817-21 Littell 1822-24 T. B. Mon. .. .1824-28 J. J. Marsh. . . . [829-32 I >ana [833-40 l'». Mon [840 57 Met. Ky [858-63 Duv 1863-66 Bush 1866-79 Kv [879-85 Kv [885-96 K\ [896-98 Ky [898-1900 Ky [900-03 DIGEST. Author* v.. is. Beporti Digested Period Pirtlej 2 (Hardin— J. J. Marshall. .1805-31 Mom Harlan 2 (Ky. Dec. 14 B. Monroe. 1801 53 •r 1 117 B. Monroe 2 Duvall. 1853-66 Barbour a (Hughes 80 Ky [785-1878 1802 SESSION LAWS. [82 1 »5 [825 [827 [828 29 38 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. 1830 1865, Vols. 1 and 2 1 83 1 1865-66 1832 1867, Vols. 1 and 2 1833 1867-68, Vols. 1 and 2 1834 1869 1835 1869-70, Vols. 1 and 2 1836-37 1871-72, Vols. 1 and 2 1837-38 1873-74 1838-39 1876, Vols. 1 and 2 1839-40 1878, Vols 1 and 2 1840-41 1879, Vols. 1 and 2 1841-42 1881, Vols. 1 and 2 1842-43 1883-84, Vols. 1 and 2 1843-44 1885-86, Vols. 1 and 2 1844-45 1887-88, Vols. 1, 2 and 3 1845-46 1889-90 1847-48 1891-93 1848-49 1894 1849-50 1896 1851-52 1897 1853-54, Vols. 1 and 2 1898 1855-56 1900 1857-58, Vols. 1 and 2 1900 Ex. Session 1859-60. Vols. 1 and 2 1902 1861, Vols. 1 and 2 1904 1863-64 1905 Special Session STATUTE LAW. Compilations, Etc. Review of Criminal Code, (Timlins & Blair), 1804. Digest of Statute Law, (Littell & Swigart), 1822, Vols. 1 and 2, Annotated . Revised Statutes, (Wickliffe, Turner & Nichols). 1852. Code of Practice, (Johnson, Harlan & Stevenson), 1854. Revised Statutes, (Stanton), i860, Vols. 1 and 2. Supplement to Revised Statutes, (Meyers), 1866. General Statutes, (Bullock & Johnson), 1873. Codes of Practice, Civil and Criminal, 1S76. Statutes, (Barbour & Carroll), 1894. LOUISIANA. ded Louisiana to the United \ i-ril 30th, L803). na divided into two partt ■ of Orleans and Districl of Loi ina, March 26th, 1804. u Districl of Louisiana and called Ter- ritory of Louisiana. March 3d, 1805. ■is admitted into the Union as a State and called Louisiana, April sill. Is] Martin 12 ■;. S. ' 8 Mill 5 14 1 - 4 - dolph 5 4 M , REPORTS. VIode of 6 A 3 1 1 1 2 l-S l [2 i-4 7-11 \j 15 [6 [8 24 28 47-50 1 1 2 Citation Period M. or Mart. I. a. t8a 1-23 M. or Mart.N.S. 1823-30 La 1830 33 I. a [833-41 Rob [841-46 la. An [84I I. a. An [850 51 An [852 An [857 60 An [86l 6 1 An [86; I. a. I. a. I .a . La. I. a. I. a. I I l.a. \n. An. \n. An. An. ..1 .1877 79 . . I SS( > . 1 1 1 ■ [QOO Rcpts [QOl ;OUS RETORT 01 ted ' £d 1 40 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. DIGEST. Authors Vols. Eeports Digested Period. Christy I (i M. O. S. to 4 M. N. S.. 1809-26 Benjamin & Slidell 1 (1 M. O. S. to 5 La. An.. 1809-34 Deslix 1 ( 13 La. An. to 3 Rob 1838-43 Deslix ' 1 (General Index and Digest 1 M. O. S. to La. An 1809-46 Hennen 2 ( 1 M . to 6 La. An 1809-51 Walker 1 (15 to 21 La. An 1860-69 Louque 1 (15 to 30 La. An 1860-78 Taylor 1 ( 30 La . An . , p. 800, to 40 La. An. p. 18 1878-88 Breaux 1 (40 to 52 La. An 1888-1900 Knobloch (Criminal Cases)... 1 (1 M. to 39 La. An 1809-87 SESSION LAWS. TERRITORIAL. Acts of 1st Session of First Legislature 1804-05 (Imp. ) Acts of 1st and 2d Sessions of First Legislature 1806-07 Digest of Laws in Force (or Civil Code) 1808 Acts of 2d Session of Third Legislature 181 1 STATE. Acts of 2d Session of Second, and 1st of Third, and 1st of Fourth 1816-17 & 19 Acts of 2d Session of Third, and 1st and 2d of Fourth Legislature 1818-20 Acts of 1st and 2d Session of Fifth, and 1st and 2d of Sixth Legislature 1821-24 Acts of 2d Session of Sixtb 1st and 2d of Seventh, 1st of Eighth 1824-27 Acts of 2d Session of Eighth, and 1st and 2d Session of Ninth 1828-30 Acts of 2d Session of Ninth, and 1st and 2d Session of Tenth 1830-31 Acts of 1 st Session of Tenth, and 3d of Tenth Legislature. 183 1-32 Acts of 1 st and 2d Session of Eleventh Legislature 1833-34 Acts of 1st Session of Twelfth Legislature 1835 Acts of 2d Session of Twelfth, and 1st Session of Thir- teenth 1836-37 Acts of 2d Session of Thirteenth, and 1st Session of Fourteenth 1838-39 LOUISIANA. Acts of 2d Session of Fourteenth and ist Session of Fif- teenth Acts of 2d n of Fifteenth Legislature Acts of ist Session of Sixteenth Legislature Acta 'i of Sixteenth, and ist Session of Seven- teenth Acts of ist and 2d Session of First Legislature Acta of 2d n of First, and [st and Extra of Second Jslatnre Acta of Regular Session of Third Legislature Acta of Regular Seaaion of Fourth Legialature Acts <»t Regular if Firat Legislature Acts of isl on of Second Legialature Acts n of Second Legialature :' i st Seaaion of Third Legialature Acta of 2d Session of Third Legislature Acts of [si ion of Fourth Legislature Ac; I Seaaion of Fourth Legialature Acts of ist m of Fifth, and [st of Sixth Legialature. ;' Extra Session of Sixth Legislature Acts of ist ami j<\ Session of First Legislature Acts of Extra Session i _'^ November) Acts of [st and 2d Session of Second Legislature Acts oi 2d Session ond Legislature :■ .11 of First Legislature ;' 2d and 3d Session of First Legislature n of Second Legislature Act ion of Second Legislature Acts of ist Session of Third Legislature 1 [si Session of Third, and 2d Session of Fourth. . Acts of ist and Extra Session of Fourth Legislature. . . . I 1 st Sessii 'ii of Fifth I legislature n of Fifth Legislature ■ I n of Fifth, and 1 st Session of Sixth. ■ii Acts of Exti 1 Extra Session •1 •n •1 ular Session ' i ' ' '1 Acts of Regular n n 41 1840-41 842 843 844-45 846-47 847-48 850 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 86O-6I Si i 3 864-6S S< ,5 866 S< r 868 8( >< 1-70 871 87a 873 873 74 & 76 871 1 880 88i 882 SSt 88( i sss B« 1 1 42 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Acts of Regular Session 1896 Acts of Regular Session 1898 Acts of Extra Session 1899 Acts of Regular Session 1900 Acts of Regular Session 1902 Acts of Extra Session 1903 Acts of Regular Session 1904 STATUTE LAW. Compilations, Etc. Digest of Civil Laws, Territory of Orleans, (Eng. and French). 1808. (Civil Code). Digest of Laws, (Martin), Territory and State, (Eng. and French), 1816. Las Siete Partidas, (The Seven Parts), Laws in Force in Louisiana translated by Moreau & Carleton, 1820, Vols. 1 and 2. Civil Code, 1825. Digest of Laws, (Moreau) Territory and State, (Eng. and French), 1828, Vols. 1 and 2. Civil Code, (Annotated by LTpton & Jennings), (Eng. and French), 1838. White's New Recopilacion, (Translation of Institutes of Civil Law of Spain), 1839, Vols. 1 and 2. Code of Practice, (Upton), (Eng. and French). 1839. Digest of Laws, (Greiner) . 1841 . Penal Law, (Robinson), 1841, Vols. 1 and 2. Digest of Laws, (Billiard & Curry), 1842, Vol. 1. Digest of Laws and Decisions, (Warfield) . 1848. Revised Statutes, (Pierce, Taylor & King). 1852. Revised Statutes, (Phillips). 1856. Index and Concordance of the Civil Code, (Cook). 1857. Criminal Jurisprudence of La., (Voorhies) . i860. Code of Practice, (Morgan). 1861 . Code of Practice, (Fuqua) . 1866. Civil Code, (Fuqua). 1867. Revised Civil Code, (Ray) . 1869. Revised Civil Code, 1870 with Amendments, 1880. Revised Statutes, (Ray), 1870. Vol. 1 and 2. Revised Statutes, (Voorhies). 1876. Revised Civil Code, 1870 with Amendments, T887. Revised Civil Code, (Voorhies Annotated by Saunders) . 1888. Revised Civil Code, (Annotated by Merrick). 1900. Vols. 1 and 2. LOUISIANA. 43 le of Practice, (Garland). 181)4. [ndcx to Acts, I Mam. 1- | [890 Index to Vets, 1 Man 1 . li (1895). Revised Law-. I Wolff 1 . 1897. Revised Law-. (Wolff). 1904, Vols. 1 and 2. MISCELLANEOUS. tpilation of Law- ( ani/ation and Support of a System of Public Education, (Conway). 1S70. Index to Succ - in Parish of ' Orleans, [805-46, < Bertin) . [849. -trate and Parish Officers' Guide, (Revised by Seghers & Leonard). [88 •1 in Louisiana, 1 Saunders I , [887 . Schmidt'- La. Law Journal, May, [841 — Apl., [8 Militia Law- and General Regulations for the Army, [834, (also in Act of [834 Formulary of Civil Procedure, [903. SENATE AND HOUSE JOURNALS. irnal du Senat [812-19 irnal de la Chambre [812-19 urnal [813 & [6-21 I [< iuse J( lurnal [817-23 1 louse Journal [818-24 I louse Journal [819-25 irnal l [( ■•• 1 fournal 1 1 -41 44 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Journal du Senat 1840-45 Senate Journal (and House of 1843. Appendix) 1841-43 & 45 Journal de la Chambre (and Appendix) 1841-45 House Journal (and Appendix. No 1844) 1841-45 House Journal (Eng. and French) 1846-47 Senate Journal (and Extra Session) Eng. and French. 1848 House Journal (and Extra Session) Eng. and French. 1848 Senate Journal and Docs. (Eng. and French) 1850 House Journal and Docs. (Eng. and French) 1850 Senate Journal and Docs. (Eng. and French) 1852 Senate Journal and Docs, and Debates (Eng. and French) 1853 House Journal and Docs, and Debates (Eng. and French) 1853 House Journal and Docs, and Debates (Eng. and French) 1854 Senate and House Journal (and House of 1865) .... 1864 Senate and House Journal (and Extra Session 1865) . . 1865-66 Senate Journal 1868-69 Senate and House Journal (and Extra Sessions) 1870 Senate and House Journal 1871 Senate and House Journal (and Extra Session 1871) . . 1872 Senate and House Journal (and Extra Session 1872)1873 Senate and House Journal 1874 Senate and House Journal 1875 Senate and House Journal 1876 Senate and House Journal 1877 Senate and House Journal 1878 Senate and House Journal 1879 Senate and House Journal 1880 Senate and House Journal (Extra Session) 1881 Senate and House Journal 1882 Senate and House Journal 1884 Senate Journal 1886 House Journal 1886 Senate Journal 1888 House Journal 1888 Senate Journal 1890 House Journal 1890 Senate Journal 1892 House Journal 1892 Senate Journal 1894 House Journal 1894 LOUISIANA. 45 Senate Journal I&>6 House Journal 1896 Senate Journal 1898 House Journal 1898 ate Journals < [899 Extra Session) 1899- 1000 1 louse Journals -i [899 Extra Session ) iSuse J( 'urnal 1902 ate and House Journal 1 Bound with Acts of Extra — ion 1 1903 Journal of Constitutional Convention 1845 Journal of Constitutional Convention (En£. and French ) 1852 Journal of Constitutional Convention (Hng. and French | 1861 Journal of Constitutional Convention (Eng. and French 1 [864 Journal of Constitutional Convention 1867-68 Journal in Constitutional Convention 1879 Journal of Constitutional Convention 1898 invention 1804 ite Debatet and Appendix Officers' Reports) 180405 Senate I tebates 1870 1 1< use I debates 1870 } [owe I tebates 1871 nstitutions, [812-1898 CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. of ( Ordinances and Resolutions, 1831. (Eng. and French). 1 Ordinances, Resolutions, etc., 1836. 1 Eng. and French). Ordinances, Resolutions, etc. Supplement, [836. (Eng. ■ d French 1 , Analytical Di( Acts (Revised b) Moid 1 The City Charter 1846. Journal of Municipality No. I, Feb., 1845 May. 1847. (Eng. and French > . Journal of Municipality No. I, June, i^). r May, [850. ( I"nj^. and Ml h ) . Ordinal I Municipality No. 2. (Compiled by Southmayd), 1848. lid ( 'rdinaii' e (R< ; D) I .< ■ >V) 1. 1 S 5 7 . I .■ it) Law I and < M'diuaii' 1 6. rell' D »f ( 'it-. ' » 1 < 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 . ■ -'_•. nn'a 1 Hgesl • >i I !h j ' Ordinate es, 18 - MAINE. (Organized Out of Massachusetts. Admitted March 15th, 1820). REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Eeporters Greenleaf 9 (1-9 Fairfield^ 3 (10-12 Shepley 6 (13-18 Appleton 1 (19 Appleton & Shepley 1 (20 Shepley 10 (21-30 Redington 4 (31-32 Heath 5 ( 36-40 Adams 2 (41-42 Ludden 2 (43-44 Hubbard 1 (45 Virgin 9 ( 52-60 Smith 4 (61-64 Pulsifer 4 (65-68 Hastings 2 (69-70 Spaulding 10 (71-80 Hamlin 19 (81-99" Period Me. or Greenl. .. 1820-32 Me. or Fairf . . . . 1833-35 Me. or Shep. . . . 1836-41 Me 1841 Me. ..' 1841 Me 1842-49 34-35) Me 1849-53 Me. 1853-55 Me 1856 Me 1857-58 Me 1858 Me 1860-72 Me 1871-75 Me 1875-78 Me 1878-80 Me 1880-88 Me 1889-1905 DIGEST. Authors Vols. Reports Digested Period Virgin 2 (27-36 Me 1847-69 Plaisted & Appleton 1 (1-68 Me 1820-78 Coffin 1 (69-81 Me 1879-89 SESSION LAWS. Public Laws, 1822-25 Private and Special, 1835-36 1828 * 1 837-39 1820 and 24-31 Acts and Resolves, 1840-41 1832-39 1842-43 (*ResoIves, 1837, Private & Special Acts. 1X31 & Resolves, 1839) MAINE. [844-45 1877 [846-47 1878 l88l [852-53 1883 1866 1885 1887 1889 1 8' [891 1S70 1893 [87I 1895 [872 1897 [873 i8<><) 1874 [901 1875 [903 1876 1905 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. impiled _ 1 . \ ols. 1 and 2. 35, [836 3 1. Vols. [-3. led Iv 35, [836-39, 1840-41, Vols. 2-4. ] 84 1 . 1 87 1 . ■ I Star 1 Freeman's Supplement. 1 . iCELLANEOUS LAWS. MARYLAND. (Ratified the U. S. Constitution, April 28th, 1788). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode Harris & McHenry 4 ( 1-4 Harris & Johnson 6 ( 1-6 Harris & Gill 2 (1-2 Gill & Johnson 10 (1-10. Gill 9 (1-9 McGruder 2 (1-2 Miller 16 (3-18 Brewer 8 ( 19-26 Stockett 53 (27-79 Brantly 16 (80-96 Hamlin 2 (97-98 Brantly 1 (99 of Citation Period H. & McH.... 1658-1799 H. & J 1800-25 H. & G 1826-29 G. & J 1829-39 Gill 1843-51 Md 1851 Md 1852-62 Md 1863-67 Md 1867-94 Md 1894-1903 Md 1903-04 Md 1904 CHANCERY. Md. Chancery Decisions 4 (1-4) Md. Ch. 1847-54 DIGEST. Authors Vols. Reports Digested Period Stockett, Merrick & Miller 1 (1 Gill-8 Md. & Md. Ch.. 1843-55 Cohen & Lee 1 (9-20 Md. ) 1855-63 Burgwyn 1 (21-45 Md.) 1863-76 Ringold's Index 1 (H. & McH.-6i Md. & Bland & Md. Ch 1658- 1883 1816 1822 1823 1824 1825 SESSION LAWS. 1826 1827 1834 1835 1836 MARYLAND 49 1837 1870 1838 1872 18.: 1870 1840-41 1S78 \2 1S80 [84445 1882 185 - [886 ISSS [8« 1890 1854 [892 [85 1894 IS: [896 -'O [898 I'KX) 1866 [901 F.x. Session 1867 1902 '>8 i'»04 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. ipilcil La. 92-1784, 1785-1799, (Kilty), Vols. I and 2. ropiled Law- [692-1839 (D01 l, Vols. 1-3. [nd ind Resolves, [832-37. mentary Law-. [838, (Dorsey). >tt, McCullough & Mackall), i860, Vols. 1 and 2. British Statutes in Force in M<1. (Alexander), 1870. Revised C Mayer, Fisher & Cross), Annotated, [878, Vol. 1. Publk General Law-, c !"••*-». 1S8S. \'«.N. 1 and 2. Pn! Poe), [888, Vols. 1 and 2. ment to Publi ral Law-., (Poe), i8<)o-i<)oo. MASSACHUSETTS. (Organized Out of Maine. Admitted March 3d, 1820. Eeporters Williams I Tyng 16 Pickering 24 Metcalfe 13 Cushing 12 Gray 16 Allen 14 Browne 13 Browne & Gray 2 Browne 3 Lathrop 31 Kellen 10 Tucker 21 Tucker & Swift I Swift 10 REPORTS. Vols. Mode of (i (2-17 (18-41 (42-54 (55-66 (67-82 (83-96 (97-109 (iio-iii (112-114 (1 15-145 (146-155 (156-176 (177 (178-187 Citation Period Mass 1804-05 Mass. or Tyng. 1806-22 Mass. or Pick. .1822-40 Mass. or Met.. 1840-47 Mass. or Cush. 1848-53 Mass. or Gray. 1854-60 Mass. or Allen. 1861-67 Mass 1867-72 Mass 1872-73 Mass 1873-74 Mass 1874-88 Mass 1888-92 Mass 1892-1900 Mass 1900-01 Mass 1901-05 Authors Bigelow Minot . DIGEST. Vols. Eeports Digested Period . i (1-12 Mass 1804-15 . 1 (1 Mass. -4 Met 1804-42 SESSION LAWS. Laws and Resolves Acts and Resolves T 780-8 1 1792-93 1782-83 1794-95 1784-85 1796-97 1786-87 1798-99 1788-89 1800-OI 1790-91 1802-03 MASSACHUSETTS. 51 1804-05 187 1 Laws [872 1816-18 [872 Extra l8l9-2] 1873 1 820- J 4 1875 1870 [825-26 • 1877 '. . - ft '29 ft '31 1S78 1870 \u 1881 • 35 & Resolves '36-37 1882 1838-41 1883 44 [884 [845 1885 1846-47 1886 [ 847-48 1887 *-49 1888 -50 [88 2-53 [890 |S,,| 185S 1892 189^ i857 1894 18. ,5 i860 [896 . s. ,; 1 & £ 1899 [868 [900 l<>OI [902 [903 [905 •Special Laws . Vol. 1 1 ( Private and Special 1 . \'<>i. [3 ( Private and Spe* ial 1 . Vol .141 Private and Special i J, Vol. 15 ( Private and Special) 1889-931 Vol. [6 (Private and Special) , Vol. 171 Private and Special » 1898-1901, Vol. [8 1 1 and Special 1 ' I.»M t>ut coatalni both F 52 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. STATUTE LAW. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1 692-1714, Vol. 1. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1715-1741, Vol. 2. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1757- 1768, Vol. 4. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1769-1780, Vol. 5. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1692-1780, Vol. 6, Appendix No. 1. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1692-1702, Vol. 7, Appendix No. 2. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1703- 1707, Vol. 8, Appendix No. 3. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1708-1719, Vol. 9, Appendix No. 4. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1720-1725, Vol. 10, Appendix No. 5 . Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1726- 1733, Vol. 11, Appendix No. 6. Acts and Resolves of Province of Mass. Bay, 1734-1740, Vol. 12, Appendix No. 7. Compiled Laws, 1780- 1816, Vols. 1-4. Laws, 1823, Vols. 1 and 2. (Stearns, Shaw & Metcalf ) . General Statutes, i860. (Richardson & Sanger) . Public Statutes, 1882. Supplement to Public Statutes, 1882-88. Index to Public Statutes, 1882-87. (W. V. Kellen) . Supplement to Public Statutes, 1889-95. Revised Laws, 1902, Vols. 1 and 2, and Index 1902. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Compiled Laws Relating to Coal Mining, 1883-95. Compiled Laws Relating to Elections, 1876. Compiled Laws Relating to Elections, 1888. . MICHIGAN. ganisad January 11th, L805. Admitted January 26th, 1837). Harrington i (i Walker i m REPORTS. CHANCERY. \ ola. Mode of ( litatioD - Manning ' Gibl 3 Coo ley 8 Meddaugh i Jennison 5 rke 4 I 14 -'-' Puller 47 i'.r< LAW. 2 1 1 -J 1 I 1 (2-4 1 5-12 I 13 ( I4-18 ( [9-22 (23-3 6 I 37-58 (59-105 I 106-133 -7 llarr. Walk. Poll^. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mich. Pcrio. 1 . . 1836-4-' • • 1842-45 Mich.. . . 1843-47 1847-50 1851 57 185&-64 iSf.4-65 [865-69 [869-7] 1871-77 1S77 86 iSS',,,5 1895-1903 DIGEST. Reports hi. . 4 I 1 lair, to 117 Mich SESSION LAWS. A uti ! I lhane) (Territorial) Laws [837-39 [84O }i • s ; [844 1-3 \ ..l. 4 1 Supplemental > 18 19 50 rltory and State) | |S ; 1 E« Period I83; I ■ .i. f Do** n»t < ., nt.no 54 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. State 1870 1859 1871, Vols. 1-3 1865 1872 1869, Vols. 1-3 1873, Vols. 1-3 Public and Local, 1874, Extra Session Public Acts, 1875 i875 1877 1877 1879 1879 1881 1882 Local Acts, Public Acts, Local Acts, Public Acts, Local Acts, Public Acts, Public and Local Acts, Public Acts, 1883 Public Acts, 1885 Public Acts, 1887 Public Acts, 1889 Public Acts, 189 1 Local Acts, 1 89 1 Public Acts, 1892, (Special Session) Public Acts, 1893 Local Acts, 1893 Public Acts, 1895 Local Acts, 1895 Public Acts, 1897 Local Acts, 1897 Public Acts, 1898, (Extra Session) Local Acts, 1899 Public Acts, 1899 Public Acts, 1899-1900, (Extra Session) Public Acts, 1900 (Extra Session) Public Acts, 1901 1901 1903 1903 1905 Local Acts, Public Acts, Local Acts, Local Acts, STATUTE LAW. Revised Statutes, 1838. Revised Statutes, 1846. (Harrington & Roberts) (Sandford M. Green). MICHIGAN. 55 npilcd Laws, [857, Vols. 1-2. (Thomas M. Coolcj l. Cor [871, Vols. 1-2. (James S. Dewey). Ind. ieneral Law s Annotated Statutes, 1882, Vols. 1-2. (Howell's). Annotated Statutes, 1883-90, Vol. 3. (Howell's Supplement). MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. npilcd School Law-. [859. ipiled School Laws, 1869. piled Soli." ■! Law 5, [873. mpiled School Law-. [881 . hool Laws, i> ipiled School Lav. -. [893. npiled School Law-. [897. ipiled School Law-. iS«»S. Law-. [899. tpiled School Laws. i< >oi . mpiled School Law-. 1903. tpiled Election Law-. [875 mpiled Election Lav. -. [894. mpiled w Supplement, 1895 tion Law-. \<). •npik-d Railroad Law-. 1S75. •npilcd Railroad Law-. [879. mpiled Railroad Law -. [899. •npilcd Game and Fish Law-. [893. ime and Fish Lav. 5, [897. mpiled Game and Fish Law-. [899. mpiled Game and Fish Law-. 1901 . ' >3- - 97 . implied H ind Bridges Law el 1875- nd Bridges I .aw. etc. . [894 , mpiled Highv nd Bridges Law. eu 1 •<). I Public I lealth I i Publu 1 lealth I Mini: 18. I Mini' and Supplement. lK REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Period 1-9 ) Minn 1851-64 IO-20) Minn 1865-74 21-47) M' 1111 1874-91 48-51 j » Minn 1892-95 <*)--?•) Minn 1895-1900 79 ) Minn 1900 80-81 I Minn 1900 82 ) Minn 1900-01 83-84 ) Minn 1901 85-86) Minn 1902 87-92) Minn 1902-04 SESSION LAWS. . 1 of * 1849-52 Territorial Genera] ami Special, 1857 Territorial and State Gener il. [860 General and Special, ~\i8S^ General, [865-66 General, [887 eral, [867-68 Special, 1887 eral, 1869-70 • reneral, 1 ss. 1 eral, [871-72 « reneral, [89] eral, 187 Special, [89] eral, : • reneral, [89s ial, 1877 < reneral, , ft ,7 '• v ; 1 reneral, fi8 and Spi 1879 General, [901 ami Spi [88i ( reneral and Special, 1903 and Spi rial, [883 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Statutes, 1851 . 1 Wilkinson 1 . 1 Palmer > . • Young ; 78, with Supplement to 1883. (Young) - • Suj.rrmr ( ,,uM - >rt »f Bum* Trvai 1 -- ISSISSIPPI. (Organized April 7th, 1798. Admitted December 10th, 1817). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period CHANCERY. Freeman I ( ) Fr. Miss. Ch .... 1839-43 Smedes & Marshall 1 ( ) S. & M. Ch 1840-43 LAW. Howard 6 (2-7 ) Miss, or How. Missi834-42 Smedes & Marshall 9 (12-13, 16, 19,21-22) Miss. or S. & M 1845-50 Cushman 7 (23-29) Miss 1851-55 George . . . . * 9 (30-33, 35-39) Miss 1855-63 Reynolds 3 (40-42) Miss 1864-69 Morris 6 (43-48) Miss 1870-73 Harris & Sirhrall 4 (49-52) Miss 1873-76 Brown & Hemingway 13 (53-65) Miss 1876-88 Brame & Alexander 10 (66-75) Miss 1888-98 Mc Willie 9 (76-84) Miss 1898-1905 DIGEST. Author Vols. Reports Digested Period Andrews 1 (45-56 Miss 1871-79 Heidelberg 1 (45-64 Miss 1871-87 Brame & Alexander 1 (45-73 Miss 1871-96 SESSION LAWS. Laws of 1818-19 1842-44 1828-29 1848-50 1831-33 1854 1836-38 1856-58 1839-40 1866-67 MISSISSIPPI. i8j 189O ! S. iJ 1873 l8<)4 1874 75 [896 187 77 [897 . iSmX Special Session *o l'KX) » [902 [904 59 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. ritorial Statutes, [816. ipiled Laws of Public Mature, [824-38. 1839. ( Alden & Van 1 [oesen ) . Hutchison's Code, [798-1846. (Territory and Stat< [823. < Poindexter ) . ,.1871. 1 Johnston I . Xv 880. (Campbell). An- (Thompson, Dillard & Campbell), MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. A Manual of tin- Laws Establishing and Governing the Courts of Mi--.. 70. MISSOURI. (Organized June 4th, 1812. Admitted August 10th, 1821). REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. Reporters Vols. Mode of McBride I (i Edwards 2 (2-3 Bay 4 (5-8 Stringfellow 3 (9-1 1 Robards 2 ( 12-13 Gardenshire 2 ( 14-15 Bennett 6 ( 16-21 Jones 9 (22-30 Jones, Barclay & Whittelsey. . 1 (31 Whittelsey 10 (32-41 Post 23 (42-64 Skinker 15 (65-79 Brown 57 (80-136 Brown & Rader 1 ( 137 Rader 49 (138-187 COURT OF APPEALS Berry 16 (1-16 Berry & Mister 12 ( 17-28 Lewis & Mister 4 (29-32 Lewis & Guthrie 3 (33-35 Goldsmith & Guthrie 32 (36-67 North & Guthrie 13 (68-80 Smith & Guthrie 21 (81-101 White & Guthrie 9 (102-110 Citation Period Mo 1821-28 Mo 1829-34 Mo 1837-44 Mo 1845-48 Mo 1848-50 Mo 1851-52 Mo 1852-55 Mo 1855-60 Mo 1860-62 Mo 1862-67 Mo 1867-77 Mo 1877-83 Mo 1883-96 Mo 1896 Mo 1896-1905 Mo. App 1876-85 Mo. App 1885-88 Mo. App 1888-89 Mo. App 1889-90 Mo. App 1890-96 Mo. App 1897-99 Mo. App. . .1899-1903 Mo. App 1903-05 MISSOTKI. 6 SESSION LAWS. Territory, 1820 1873 State. 1829 1874 1836-37 1875 1838-39 ( Public ft Private) [877 1840-41 (Public ft Private 1 1870 ;j-43 ( Public & Private) 1881 1844-45 (Local ft Private) 1883 [846-47 ( Public ft Private) [885 [848-49 (Public) 1889 1851 [89] 1852-53 [892 Ex. Session ;; [893 1858-5 [895 18' [897 18 [899 [869 1901 187 1 I903 1871 Ex. Session I905 1873 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Revised and Digested Laws of 1825, Vols. 1 and 2. 1 Statutes, [835. Revised Statute-. [845. (Jones). neral Statutes, [866. (Denny). d Statute-. [879, Vols. 1 and 2. Revised Statutes, [889, Vols. 1 and 2. Revised Statu;.-. [8 9, Vols. 1 and > MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. mpiled Insurance Laws, [879. Reynolds). mpiled Corporation Law s, [899, 1 Lesueur > . the K< venue Laws, [903. 1 Also Rept. of State T ax Com mission) . MONTANA. (Organized May 26th, 1864. Admitted November 8th, 1889). REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Reporters Blake 2 ( 1-2 Blake & Hedges 1 (3 Hedges 3 (4-6 Buck 2 (7-8 Maddox 10 (9-18 Maddox & Bach 1 (19 Bach 2 (20-21 Official Reporter 10 (22-30 SESSION LAWS Period Mont 1868-77 Mont 1877-80 Mont 1881-87 Mont 1888-89 Mont 1890-96 Mont 1896-97 Mont 1897-98 Mont 1898- 1904 Territory 1871-72 1873 Ex. 1874 1877-79 1887 1889 Session State 1 89 1 1893 1899 1903 1903 Ex. Session STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Revised Statutes, 1879 (Territory) Also Ex. Session 1879, anc ^ Ses- sion 1881. Compiled Statutes 1888. (Territory). Annotated Code, Vol. 1, Political and Civil, 1895. (Annotated by Booth) . *Annotated Code, Vol. 2, Penal and Code of Procedure, 1895. (An- notated by Booth) . ♦Contains Magna Charter. NEBRASKA. puiised May 30th, L854. Admitted March 1st, 1867). Woolworth 2 unse i All _'_' 1 npbell 32 ! [erdman 7 I. in i I [erdman i I "n< ifficial > 3 REPORTS. Vols. Mode of I Citation Period (1-2 ) Neb 1855-71 (3 I Neb 1873-74 (4-25 I Neb 1875-89 (26 ) Neb 1889 1 27-58 I Neb iKK.j-c,.i I 59-65 I Neb i8oi-03 Lindsa) ( Unofficial ) 1 (4 ) Neb h>o3 DIGEST. Vols. Reports Digested Period Maxwell 1 (1-6 Neb 1855 7- .11 (Index Digest) 1 (1-12 Neb [871-82 •.n | [ndex D 1 (1-15 Neb 1871 8 1 .:i | [ndex I tigesl ) 1 (1-20 Neb [871 86 .11 I [ndex I ' [ (1-25 Neb 1X71 89 SESSION LAWS. rritory, 1857 i8< . i8( 1 & , 1 187a 1875 1877 1879 1SX1 1 88 j ' 883 [885 [887 1 881 1 [89] 64 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. 1895 1901 1897 1903 1899 I905 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Revised Statutes, 1866. General Statutes, 1873. (Brown). Compiled Statutes, 1881. (Annotated by Brown). Compiled Statutes, 1887. (Annotated by Brown) . Consolidated Statutes, 1891. (Annotated by Cobbey) . Annotated Code, 1901. (Cobbey). Annotated Statutes, Codes (Cobbey) 1903, Vols. 1 and 2. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS. Life and Fire Insurance Laws, in Force August, 1895. Irrigation Laws, 1897. Election Laws, 1897. (Compiled by Sheldon). NEVADA. (Organize! M - . 1861. Admitted October .".1st, 1864). REPORTS. Vols. Mode of citation Period The Judges I (i ) Nov 1865 I Iclm 3 1 2-4 I Nev 1866-68 Helm & Littell 5 (5-9 | Nev 1869-74 Bricknell 11 1 to-20 | Nev 1874-90 pli 1 i 2] ) Nev 1890-W3 Howell 5 1 22-26) Nov [894-1902 1 (27 ) Nev 1 903-04 SESSION LAWS. Statute-. [864 1883 6 1887 1889 iSn 1891 1 87 1 1893 [873 1895 1875 1897 '*" 1 8- n 1 1879 1901 1903 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. led I... 73, \ ol«. 1 and 2. | Bonnifield & Urals ) 1 Bail) & I [ammond I . npiled I ... - . , ( i uuni' 1 . NEW HAMPSHIRE. (Ratified U. S. Constitution June 21st, 1788). Reporters Adams i Richardson & Woodbury i Anonymous 16 Foster i Chandler I Foster 1 1 Fogg 6 Chandler 7 Hadley 2 Shirley 7 Hall 2 Jenks I Ladd 6 Parsons 2 Hibbard i Riedell 5 REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Period I 2 3-18 19 20 21-31 3 2 -37 38-44 47-48 49-55 56-57 58 59-64 65-66 67 68-72 N. H 1816-19 N. H 1819-23 N. H 1823-48 N. H 1848-49 N. H 1849-50 N. H 1850-55 N. H 1855-59 N. H 1859-63 N. H 1869 N. H 1869-75 N. H 1875-76 N. H 1876-79 N. H 1879-88 N. H 1888-91 N. H 1891-93 N. H 1894-1904 Authors Gilchrist Bell DIGEST. Vols. Reports Digested . 1 (1-12 N. H.... . 1 (13-31 N. H... Period 1816-42 1842-55 Laws, 1805 1820 1824-25 1827-32 1832-39 1835-40 SESSION LAWS. *i84i-44 1842-46 1846-50 1851 1859 1865 *Also contains Ga. laws, '.835. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 67 1868 [883 [869 1885 18; 1 887 $71 1 881 1 --• O-9I 1873 [893 -4 [895 [87s [897 [8; [g 1877 1 < 10 1 I903 79 [905 e88i STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Compiled Laws, 1830. 1 842 . Compiled Statutes, [853. General Stan.- • -. General Public Statute s, [891. In< : J. NEW JERSEY. (Eatified the U. S. Constitution December 18th, 1787). Reporters Vols. Coxe i Pennington I Halsted 7 Green 3 Harrison 4 Spencer 1 Zabriskie 4 Dutcher 5 Vroom, P. D 6 Vroom, G. D. W 35 Saxton 1 Green, H . W 3 Halsted 4 Stockton 3 Beasley 2 McCarter 2 Green, C. E 12 Stewart 18 Dickinson 21 REPORTS. LAW. Mode of Citation i ) N. J. Law, or Coxe, N. 2 ) N. J. Law, or Pen. N. 6-12 ) N. J. Law, or Halst. ( 1 13-15) N. J. Law, or Green, N. 16-19) ^ T - J- Law, or Harr. N. 20 ) N. J. Law, or Spenc. . . 21-24) N. J. Law, or Zab. . . . 25-29) N. J. Law, or Dutch. . 3°"35) N. J. Law, or Vroom. . 36-70) N. J. Law, or Vroom. . Period J- 1 790-95 J. 1806-13 I 796- I 804 1821-1831 J.I83I-36 J -1837-42 . . 1842-46 • • 1846-55 ..1855-62 . .1862-72 I 872- I 904 EQUITY. 1 ) N. J. Eq. or Sax 1830-32 2-4 ) N. J. Eq. or Green Ch. . 1834-45 . Eq. or Halst. Ch. 1845-53 . Eq. or Stock 1852-58 . Eq. or Beas 1858-61 . Eq. or McCart j 1852-58 ] 1860-62 16-27) N. J. Eq. orC. E. Gr. . 1862-76 28-45) N. J. Eq. or Stew. N. J.. 1877-89 46-66) N. J. Eq. or Dick. N. J. 1889-1904 5-8 ) N. J. 9-1 1 ) N. J 12-13) N. J. 14-15) N. J, Authors Stewart (Law & Equity) DIGEST. Vols. Reports Digested Period .3(1 -48 N . J . Law and 1-41 N. J. Eq 1790-1886 NEW JERSEY. n'» Wall's Supplement to Stew... i (20-30 Vroom ; 15 -18 1 l.au & Equity) Stew.; 1-9 Dick. .. 1X87- iSgX 1 Federal Decisions in X. J., Vols. 29 to 79, Federal Reporter). SESSION LAWS. Acts, 1 - 1877 •ifi 18; 1 s : , , 1 1840-43 [880 1842-44 [881 1845-48 582 1849-50 [883 185 1 [« ,NS; 18: [886 M [887 '• v [888 185 1 88 1 .s- [89 [89] 185 [892 i8( 1 s. >3 18' IS. -4 [866 189s 18' [896 1897 186 [898 1870 [899 $71 I'KX) 187a [901 Vi Is. 1 and 2 U I9O3 [904 and Spl. Session [905 STATUTE LAW. O01 118. O. ( n ) . 1 [8a l . impiled Pub «aws, (Harrison). ed Stat m • 1 - 1 70 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Digest of Laws, 1709-1855. (Nixon). Revised Statutes, 1874-75. Index to Colonial and State Laws, 1877. (Hood). Revised Statutes, 1709- 1877. Supplement to Revised Statutes, 1877- 1886. General Statutes, 1709-1895, Vols. 1, 2 and 3. MISCELLANEOUS Dickinson's Probate Court Practice, 1884. Digest of Fees, Costs and Salaries of Public Officers, 1888. (Starr) NEW MEXICO. (Orgriin .. 1S50). Gildersli REPORTS. • t Citation .. 9 (1-9) \. M.... Period 1852-.,', '-5- 51-55 1882 SESSION LAWS. [886 1 1 8. V is I'K)I 03 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. ■ ' '7 ■ ■ 1 1»» of ' NEW YORK. (Ratified the U. S. Constitution July 26th, 1788). REPORTS. SUPREME COURT AND COURT OF ERRORS. Reporters Vols. Caines (Cases) ... i (i & 2 in i Johnson (Cases) 3 (1-3 Caines 3 (1-3 Johnson 20 ( 1-20 Cowen 9 (1-9 Wendell 26 ( 1-26 Hill 7 (1-7 Denio 5 (1-5 Lalor ( Supp .) 1 (1 Mode of Citation Period Cai. Cas 1801-05 Johns. Cas 1799-1803 Cai 1803-05 John 1806-23 Cow 1823-28 Wend 1828-41 Hill, N. Y 1841-44 Denio 1845-48 Lalor, or Hill & Denio Supp T842-44 SUPREME COURT. Barbour 67 ( 1-67 ) Barb i&47"77 Lansing 7 ( 1-7 ) Lans. or N. Y. Sup. Ct.. . 1869-73 Hun 92 (8-99 ) Hun or N. Y. Sup. Ct. . . 1874-95 Silvernail (Cases not re- ported in official series 5 (1-5 ) Silv. Sup. N. Y 1889-90 Hun APPELLATE DIVISION SUPREME COURT. 98 (1-98 ) Hun, App. Div 1896-1904 CHANCERY. Johnson 7 ( 1-7 ) Paige 11 (1-11 ) Barbour (Annotated).. 3 (1-3 ) Edwards 4 ( 1-4 ) Johns. Ch 1814-23 Paige 1828-45 Barb. Ch 1845-48 Edw. Ch 1831-50 Sandford 4(1-4 ) Sandf. Ch 1843-47 NEW YORK. 73 COURT OF APPEALS. mstock 4(1-4 > \. V. or Coins 1847-51 Men 6 (5-10 I X. Y. <>r Seld 1851-54 Keraan 4 ( 11-14 ' X. Y. or Kern 1854-56 ith [3 (15-27 1 X . Y 1857-1 13 Tiffany '.. 12(28-39 I X. Y [863-68 Hand 6 (40-45 1 X. Y [869-7] 101 (46-146) X. Y 1871-95 ith [6 (147-162 X. Y [895-1900 iddl 17 (163-I79) X. Y K)OO-l<)04 Silvernail (Cases not >rted in official 4 ( 1-4 ) Silv. App. X . Y 1886-91 SUPERIOR COURT -City of New York. Hall 1 (2 i Hall or N. Y. Super. Ct.... 1829 5 < 3-7 1 Sandf. or X. Y. Super. Ct. 1847-52 6(8-13) Duer or N. Y. Super. Ct. 1852-57 2(14-15) Bosw. or N. Y. Super. Ct. 1856-58 r 9 (33-41) Jones & Sp. Super Ct... 187 1-77 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Smith I (2 ) I'.. I). Smith 1858 PRACTICE. Howard 16(1-21,23-35,) How. Pr 1844-68 (37- 39*49i 52 \ How. Pr [869-74 i*7<>77 t How. Pr, '/ How. Pr. CRIMINAL. Wheeler i Wheel. Cr. Cai 1791-1825 Parker . . 6 I 1 6) Pari [816 21 MISCELLANEOUS. Lockwood iM 1 Lock. Rev. Cai [799-1847 74 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. DIGEST. Authors Vols. Eeports Digested Period Church i (Coleman's Cas. — 18 Johns 1794-1821 Clerke & Hogan 4 (All the Courts 1794-1848 Tiffany 1 (1-27 N.Y 1847-63 Danforth & Wickes 2 (1-125 N - Y 1847-91 SESSION LAWS. Laws 1825-26 i860 1827 1862 1828 1863 1829 1864 183 1 1865 1832 1866, Vols. 1 and 2 1833 1867, Vols. 1 and 2 1834 1868, Vols. 1 and 2 1835 1869, Vols. 1 and 2 1836 1870, Vols. 1 and 2 1837 1871, Vols. 1 and 2 1838 1872, Vols. 1 and 2 1839 1873 1840 1874 1841 1875 1842 1876, Vols. 1 and 2 1843 1877, Vols. 1 and 2 1844 1878 1845 1879 1846 1880, Vols. 1 and 2 1847, Vols. i and 2 1881, Vols. 1 and 2 1848 1882, Vols. 1 and 2 1849 1883 1850 1884 1851 1885 1852 1886 1853 1887 1854 1888 1855 1889 1857, Vols. 1 and 2 1890 1858 1891 i859 [892, Vols . 1 and 2 V 70RK. 75 i and . [899, Vols. 1 and 2 1 and 2 1900, Vols. 1 and 2 ;. i& 2,Pt. [,2 Pt2 1. Vols. 1. 2 and 3 1 and 2 1902, Vols. I and 2 /ols. 1. -' and 3 [903, Vols. 1 and 2 1 and _• IQ04. Vols. I and 2 STATUTE LAW. Compilation-, Etc. of the '77475 Republished bj F. Cook, Secretary of the State) 1777-84, Vol. 1. Republished bj F. Cook, Secre- tary of State, 18$ .il. 2, Republished by F. Cook, Secre- tary 3l ite. [887. the State) 78 Vol. 3, Republished by F. Cook, Secre- tary of State, 1887. tate) 1 too, Vol. 4, Republished by F. Cook, Man-. 1SS7. if the 11, Vol. 5, Republished b) F. Cook, Secretary the Sta1 , Vol. I (C. R. & Geo. Webster $7-1801, Vol. 2 (C. R. & Geo. Webster • I (C. R. & Geo. Webster edition I, .4. Vol . 1 1 W ebster & Skinner edition ►, \ ol. 5 < Webster & Skinner edition >, 813, Vols. 1 and _• (Revised b> Van Nfe \\ • I. 3 ( Bcin ion I .aw -. \\ . & S . • 16-18, \ "I . 4 < Beii ion I .aw -. \\ . & S. ■ I (Duei Butler 81 Spencei tg ! Stall" l j . With 1 t< S oorhies edition >. 1851 . 76 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Code of Procedure, 1857. (Voorhies fifth edition). Townsend, 1857. Practice of the District Courts of City of New York and the Amend- ments to the Code of Procedure, 1857. General Index to Laws, 1777-1857 (Gillett), 1859. Annotated Constitution, 1846, with Constitutional Provisions of other States (Hough), 1867. Code of Procedure, 1848-71 (Banks & Bros.) Code of Remedial Justice (in Vol. 2, Laws of 1876). Code of Civil Procedure (in Vol. 2, Laws of 1877). Code of Criminal Procedure (in Vol. 2, Laws of 1881). The Penal Code (in Vol. 3, Laws of 1881) . Index to Laws, 1886-1896 (Baxter), 1897. Revised Statutes, Codes and General Laws, 1896, Vols. 1-3 (Birdseye). MISCELLANEOUS LAWS, Etc. Election Code, 1880. Election Code, 1885. Code of Election Laws, 1890. Compiled Safety Fund Law, 1875. NORTH CAROLINA. (Ratifio.i tho V. s. Constitution, -1st November, 1789). REPORTS. LAW. ■ n Vols. Mode of Citation Period Haywood 2 (1-2 1 Hayw. N. C.1879-1806 nference 1 11 1 X . C. Conf. .. 1800-04 >lina Law Repository 1 I ) Cas. L. Rep.. .1813-14 Taylor (term reports) 1 1 I N.C. Terra Rep. 1816-18 Hawks 2 (1-4 ) Hawks ) 1820-21 \ 1825--'!' Murphy 3 (1-3 1 Murph [804-19 • reux 4 (1-4 ) Dev [826-34 remix ft Battle 4 (1-4 I Dev. & Bat. .. .1834-39 [redell 13 (1-13 ) [red [840-52 Busbee 1 (1 I Busb [852 53 7 (1-7 ) Jones, X. C... 1853-60 Phillips -■ (63-64 ) X. C [868-70 McCorkle 1 (65 I X. C 1S71 • 2 (66-67 I N- C [872 Hargrove a (68-70, 73-75) x - C 1873-76 •ian [6 (76-91 ) X . C 1877-84 20 I |2 1 1 1 ) X . C 1 885 • |2 11 ( 1 12-122) x . ( ' [892-98 Buxton 4 (123-126) X . C [898-1900 Walter <> (127 136) X . C [900-04 2 (137-138) x. c 1904-05 EQUITY. I »• 1 1 1 j 1 Dev. Eq [826-34 Deveretu 8 Battle 2 (1-2) Dev. ft !'..it. Eq... 1834-39 8 (1-8) Ired. Eq [840 52 1 (1 1 Busb. Eq [852 5.^ 5(1-5) Jones, Eq [853 63 78 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Author Jones DIGEST. Vols. Reports Digested . i (Ired. to Busb. & 4 Ired. Period Eq. to Busb. Eq.) i845"53 Rule of North Carolina Supreme Court directs that Reports prior to 63d be cited as follows : 1 & 2 Martin as 1 N. C. 1 Haywood as 2 N. C. 2 Haywood as 3 N . C . 1 & 2 Carolina Law Repository as 4 N . C . 1 Murphey as 5 N . C . 2 Murphey as 6 N . C . 3 Murphey as 7 N . C . 1 Hawks as 8 N. C. 2 Hawks as 9 N . C . 3 Hawks as 10 N. C. 4 Hawks as 11 N . C . 1 Devereux Law.. as 12 N. C. 2 Devereux Law. .as 13 N. C. 3 Devereux Law.. as 14 N. C. 4 Devereux Law. .as 15 N. C. 1 Devereux Eq. . . .as 16 N. C. 2 Devereux Eq. . . .as 17 N. C. 1 Dev. & Bat. Law. as 18 N. C. 2 Dev. & Bat. Law. as 19 N. C. 3 & 4 Dev. & Bat. Law as 20 N . C . 1 Dev. & Bat. Eq..as 21 N. C. 2 Dev. & Bat. Eq . . as 22 N . C . 1 Iredell Law as 23 N. C. 2 Iredell Law as 24 N. C. 3 Iredell Law as 25 N. C. 4 Iredell Law as 26 N. C. 5 Iredell Law as 27 N. C. 6 Iredell Law as 28 N. C. 7 Iredell Law as 29 N. C. 8 Iredell Law as 30 N. C. 9 Iredell 10 Iredell 11 Iredell 12 Iredell 13 Iredell 1 Iredell 2 Iredell O J Iredell 4 Iredell 5 Iredell 6 Iredell 7 Iredell 8 Iredell Law as 31 N. C, Law as 32 N. C, Law as 33 N . C . Law as 34 N . C . Law as 35 N . C . Eq as 36 N. C. Eq as 37 N. C. Eq as 38 N. C. Eq as 39 N. C. Eq as 40 N . C . Eq as 41 N. C. Eq as 42 N . C . Eq as 43 N. C. Busbee Law as 44 N. C. Busbee Eq as 45 N . C . 1 Jones Law as 46 N. C. 2 Jones Law as 47 N . C . 3 Jones Law as 48 N . C . 4 Jones Law as 49 N . C . 5 Jones Law as 50 N. C. 6 Jones Law as 51 N . C . 7 Jones Law as 52 N . C . 8 Jones Law as 53 N . C . 1 Jones Eq as 54 N. C. 2 Jones Eq as 55 N. C. 3 Jones Eq as 56 N , 4 Jones Eq as 57 N . 5 Jones Eq as 58 N. C. 6 Jones Eq as 59 N . C . 1 & 2 Winston .... as 60 N . C . Phillips Law as 61 N. C. Phillips Eq as 62 N. C. C. C. NuKTH CAROLINA. 79 SESSION LAWS. La 8l7 821 43 47 51 69 7i 74 Pub! Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ c & C \ c & c) c) c & Private ) Private I Private 1 Private ) Privj Private | l'ri\ [879 I 881 1 1 88 1 1883 1SS5 1891 [893 [895 [897 , s. ,7 [899 1901 1 1 , »3 I I n »3 1 Public & ( Public & (Public & 1 I 'ublic & 1 Public & I Public & 1 Public & I I 'ublic & 1 Public) . I'ubli. ( Public) I i 'rivate 1 1 1 -ublic) 1 I 'rivate 1 ( Public) 1 I 'rivate ) I Publ ( Private I ( Public & Private) I 'rivate I 'rivate 1 'rivate 1 •rivate 1 'rivate 1 Private > Private ) Private I STATUTE LAW. Compilations. - , Vol. 2 (Ri d b\ Potter, Taylor & Yancey, 1796-1820), 1821 . 1 Statutes, 1837, Vols. 1 and 2 (Nash, [redell & Battle). I Moore, & Rodman > . Public Statutes, [873. i ami 2 (Dortch, Manning & Henderson). NORTH DAKOTA. (Dakota Divided. Admitted November 2d, 1889). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Camp i (i ) N. D 1890-91 Hoskins 1 (2 ) N. D 1891-92 Cochrane 8 (3-10) N. D 1892-1902 Carothers 1 (11 ) N. D 1902-03 Ames 1 (12 ) N. D 1902-04 SESSION LAWS. » 1889-90 1897 1891-92 1899 1893 1901 1895 1903 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Revised Codes, 1895 (Corbet, Newton & Amidon) . Revised Codes, 1899 (Falley). OHIO. • L787. Admitted November 89th, 1802). REPORTS. . I . 6 . i . i :it<'ii ik Warden lilh I _' [6 6 Mode "i" ' itation IVriod ii ) ( )hio [841-42 [4-19 I < )hio [846 [ I >hio St. . . 1852-53 1 < >hio St [853 3 ) ( >hio St. . . [853-54 10-13, 15-21 ) 1 >hio St.1856-7] 23 1 < >hio St... 1871 24-31, 35-42) < foio St... 1873-85 r~ i Ohio St.. 1885-88 51 1 < >hio St... [888 94 71) l iln.. St. [894-1904 DIGEST. \'ni > ted Period . 1 (O. 1-20; O. St. 1-15) 1821 SESSION LAWS. 1 I Vol. 1 \ ( Vol. ;il 1 Vol. nil ncral ral and Local 1 ncral and I. 1 Vol. ! I.-- al ol. 38 nd Local * 1 - 1 \ -•] ral and Local A ' 82 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. * 1841-42 (Vol. 40) General and Local * I 842-43 (Vol. 41) General and Local * 1 843-44 (Vol. 42) General and Local * 1844-45 (Vol. 43) General and Local *i8 4 5-46 (Vol. 44) General and Local * 1 846-47 (Vol. 45) General and Local ♦1847-48 (Vol. 46) General and Local ♦1848-49 (Vol. 47) General and Local * 1849-50 (Vol. 48) General and Local * 1850-5 1 (Vol. 49) General and Local 1852 (Vol. 50) General and Local 1852-53 (Vol. 50 General and Local 1854 (Vol. 52) General ;.. 1858 (Vol. 55) General and Local 1859 (Vol. 56) General and Local i860 (Vol. 57) General and Local 1861 (Vol. 58) General and Local 1862 (Vol. 59) General and Local 1863 (Vol. 60) General and Local 1865 (Vol. 62) General and Local and x\ppendix 1866 (Vol. 63) General and Local and Appendix 1867 (Vol. 64) General and Local and Appendix 1868 (Vol. 65) General and Local 1868-69 (Vol. 66) General and Local 1870 (Vol. 67) General and Local 1872 (Vol. 69) General and Local 1873 (Vol. 70) General and Local and Appendix 1874 (Vol. 7i) General and Local 1876 (Vol. 73) General and Local and Index to Vols. 66-73 1877 (Vol. 74) General and Local 1878 (Vol. 75) General and Local 1879 (Vol. 76) General and Local 1880 (Vol. 77) General and Local 1884 (Vol. 81) General and Local 1885 (Vol. 82) General and Local 1886 (Vol. 83) General and Local 1887 (Vol. 84) General and Local 1888 (Vol. 85) General and Local 1889 (Vol. 86) General and Local 1890 (Vol. 87) General and Local 1891 (Vol. 88) General and Local 1 tReports of Auditor and Treasurer included. OHIO. 1893 1 Vol. 90) Genera] \ 91) Genera] and Local [896 (Vol. ieneral and Local (Vol. 93) ( General and Local 1900 (Vol. i)4 1 General and Local (\ ■ ieneral and Local Ex. (Vol. 96) 1 ieneral and Local 1904 (Vol. 97) 1 ieneral and Local STATUTE LAW. Compilations, Etc. neral Act- Revised, [824. (See Session Laws. 1823-24). •lcral Act- Revised, 1831. (S Session Law-. [831). tutes, 1 - - wan ) . 1 Statute.-. 1854 1 Swan ) . Index t<> Lav • : "7- General and Local (Coggeshall), [858. [88o, Vols. 1 and 2 (Daugherty, Brasse & < 'key 1 . MISCELLANEOUS LAWS, Etc. Compiled School La .-. .piled School Law -. 1S7. 1. Compiled School i< >4 . dined and Revised by Auditor for [904). Lure Food Law-. [897 [903, [904. mpiled 11 Lav 13. A L • and Ballot Election Laws, u iting to Soldier-. Sailor-. Bounties and Memorials, J. g to Building and Loan ' itions, [91 1 OKLAHOMA. (Organized as a Territory May 2d, 1890). Reporters Green . Dale . . . Burford REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Period .. i (i ) Okl 1893 • • 3 (2-4 ) Okl 1893-96 .. 9 (6-14 ) Okl 1894-1904 1897 1899 SESSION LAWS. I90I I903 OREGON. (Organized August 14th, 1848. Admitted February 14th, 1859). Reporters Wilson 2 Bellinger 3 Odeneal 1 Stratton 3 Holmes 3 Thayer I Strahan 1 Burnett 3 Morrow 22 REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Period ) 2-3 4-6 ) 11 ) 12-14) 15-17) 18 ) 19 ) 20-23) 23-44) Or 1862-70 Or 1870-77 Or 1883-84 Or 1884-87 Or 1887-89 Or 1889-90 Or 1890 Or 1890-92 Or 1892-1904 OREGON. B5 SESSION LAWS. eneral and Special (Territorial). 1895 1 s. |8 1S74 1899 »7 . KK3I I. ,1 [903 Special Session [905 STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Laws of Oregon, 1853. (Oregon Archive-. [841-53)' (Grover). [850. $5 5 . neral Laws, [843 72 (Compiled by Deady & Lane), [874. Hill'.s Annotated Laws, Vols. 1 and _*. [887. Annotated Codes & Statutes, Vols. 1 & 2, [902 1 Bellinger & Cotton). PENNSYLVANIA. (Eatified the U. S. Constitution 12th December, 1787). REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. Reporters Vols. Dallas 4 Addison I Yeates 4 Binney 6 Sergeant & Rawle ij Rawle 5 Penrose & Watts 3 Watts 10 Wharton 6 Watts & Sergeant 9 Grant's Cases 3 Barr 1 Harris 4 Casey 11 Wright 7 Smith 26 Norris 15 Outerbridge 14 Amennan 5 Crumrine 31 Monaghan 19 Kress 28 Schaffer 16 Mode of Citation Period \ ) Dall 1754-1806 ) Add. Pa. ...1791-1799 -4 ) Yeates 1791-1808 -6 ) Binn 1791-1814 -17 ) S. & R 1814-28 -5 ) Rawle 1828-35 -3 ) P. & W 1829-32 -10 ) Watts 1832-40 -6 ) Whart 1835-41 -9 ) W. & S 1841-45 -3 ) Grant Pa 1852-63 Vol. 6 ) Pa. St 1847 21-24 ) Pa. St 1852-55 25-27, 29-36) Pa. St. . . . 1855-60 41-42, 45-46, Pa. St 1861-65 48-50) 51-56, 60-64, Pa. St 1865-76 67-81) 82-96 ) Pa. St 1876-80 97-110 ) Pa. St 1880-85 111-115) Pa. St 1886-87 1 16-146) Pa. St 1887-92 147-165) Pa. St 1892-95 166-194) Pa. St 1895-1900 195-210) Pa. St 1900-05 PENNSYLVANIA. 87 Rep • I Kr\ Ulison. . . . .after & Allison. Scl v Weimcr. SUPERIOR COURT. Vols. Mode of I itation Period [2 3 I 11 . 818 30 834-35 8 3 <. 841 SESSION LAWS. 864 8l .7 868 8l H I 872 873 874 876 87; 878 8? I 881 883 885 891 895 897 ')OI 903 >S STATUTE LAW. -12 I Pa. Sup. Ct. . 1895-1900 3-15 1 Pa. Sup. Ct i«k»oi 6-26) Pa. Sup. Ct 1901-04 i f tl Ith, 1 7 • onstitution 89tfa May. i: KEPORTS. jell Durl wles Mode of I itation i i 3 Ames 4 v Bradley i 2 en 7 i . | R. ._• | R. (3 i R. (4-7 | R. ) R. (9-10 i R . I i i -i : i R. eld -' (19-20) R. 5 (21-25 1 R. Period ..1828-51 ..1850-53 ..1853-56 . .1854 . . 1861 ..1868-87 . . [887-92 . .1895 [899 [904 DIGEST. •10m PP Ind( Vols. I;, port - 1 digested . 1 (mo R. I .1 ( 1-15 R. 1 . 1 ( 1-20 R. I I ' . 1 i o . 1 [827 72 [827 88 -iSION LAWS. Public Laws [89I 1 81 £ 90 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY 1850 1882-83 1890 1884-85 Acts and Resolves 1885-86 1850-51 1886-87 I85I-53 1887-88 1854 1888-89 1856 1889-90 i860 1890-91 1869-70 1891-92 1871-72 1892-93 1872-73 1893-94 1873-74 1894-95 1874-75 1895-96 1875-76 1896-97 1876-77 1897-98 1877-78 1898-99 1878-79 1900-01 1879-80 1902 1880-81 1903 1881-82 STATUTE LAW. Compilations, Etc. Revised Public Laws, 1822. Revised Public Laws, 1844. Index to Acts and Resolves, 1758- 1850 (Bartlett) 1856. Revised Statutes, 1857. Supplement to Revised Public Statutes, 1857-67. General Statutes, 1872. Index to Acts and Resolves, 1863-73 (Addeman) 1875. Revised Public Statutes, 1882. General Laws, 1896. SELECTED CASES ON SPECIAL SUBJECTS. BANKRUPTCY REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Period il Bankruptcy Re- Reports ( Scfainn i ( VoL 3) Nat . Bank. Reg Pub. 1S74 CRIMINAL REPORTS. d Criminal Beporti Pub. Hawk) 3 (i-3> Am. (Vim. Rep 1880-83 Gibb 5 (4-8) Am. (Vim. Rep 1 884-1 jj Beni Heard 2 (1-2) B. & H. Lead. Crim 1856-57 Parker (N. V.) 6(1-6) Park. Cr. Cas 1816-21 Wheeler (N. Y.) 3 (1-3) Wheel. Cr. Cas [791-1825 •1 (Del.) 111 > Hous. Crim 1856-79 Vimina! Reports ) . INTERSTATE COMMERCE REPORTS. ! Ill C I m Reports. . . 9 11 'ii Inters, C C. Rep [888 i Anno- tated 1 (61-65 1 < K>3 NATIONAL REPORTER SYSTEM. •tcr 136 (1 136) Fed. Rept'r [880-1905 upplemenl 93 (1-93) \. Y. Snpp [888-1905 SOUTH CAROLINA. (Ratified the U. S. Constitution 23d May, 1788). REPORTS. Law Reporters Vols. Bay 2 Brevard 2 Nott & McCord i McCord 2 Harper i Bailey 2 Hill 2 Riley I Dudley i Cheves i McMullen 2 Speers 2 Strobhart , 4 Richardson 14 Equity Desaussure 2 Harper McCord Bailey Hill Cheves McMullen Speers 1 Strobhart 4 Richardson 8 Mode of Citation Period 1-2 ) Bay 1783-1804 3 Vols, in 2) Brev 1793-1810 2 Vols, in 1) N. & McC. .1817-20 4 Vols, in 2) McCord. . . .1821-26 1 ) Harp 1823-26 1-2 ) Bail 1828-32 3 Vols, in 2) Hill, S. C. . . 1833-37 1 ) Riley 1836-37 1 ) Dud. S. C... 1837-38 1 ) Chev 1839-40 1-2 ) McMull 1835-42 1-2 ) Speers 1842-44 1, 3-5 ) Strob 1846-50 1-3, 5-15) Rich ) 1832-46 J 1851-68 4 Vols, in 2) Desauss. . 1784-1816 1) Harp. Eq 1824 2 Vols, in 1) McCord, Eq.1825-27 1) Bail. Eq 1830-31 2 Vols, in 1) Hill, Eq 1833-37 1 ) Chev. Eq 1839-40 1) McMull. Eq / 1827-37 ) 1840-42 r ) Speers, Eq 1842-44 1-4) Strob. Eq 1846-50 1-2, 4-6, 8), Rich. Eq. . . . 1844-46 (13-14) 1850-68 SOUTH CAROLINA. 95 SUPREME COURT. Rid N. S 9 (i, 3-10) S. C. or Rich. \. S [868-78 Shand 34(11-44 | S. C 1878-95 Efird 25 (45-69 ) S. C 1895-1904 SESSION LAWS. Acts and Resolutions Acts and Resolutions 1817 and [820 [882 Dec. . 883 1884 1841 1885 18 [886 ■ 1 X88-89 IS [891 ■ [892 9 [893 [894 72 [896 [897 1 s. £ IS i< >n l<>CO ■ - Men. [90] 1902 ~< [903 [904 an. [905 STATUTE LAW. Coiupllatl' : Public Statu' 1 \. Vols. 1 .^ 1 Brevard i . Vols. i-K •!' 36-37) Tenn. or Sneed. . . . 1853-57 Head 3 (38-40) Tenn. or Head... 1858-59 Idwell 6 (41-4'M Tenn. or Cold. . . 1860-69 Il.i^k.-i] 11 (48, 50-59 ) Tenn. or I U-isk. 1870-72 Baxter 7 (60, 63-68) "Tenn. or Baxt. 1872-77 I..-.-; 16 (69-84) Tenn. or Lea 1878-86 24 (85-108) Tenn. or Pick. [886 [901 3 . 109 1 1 1 1 Tenn. or Gates. [902 03 DIGEST. Aiiti Vols. Report! Digested Period ing 3 (Overton to 6 Lea 1796-1880 5Upplemenl 1 (6 Lea to 2 Pick [880-1888 ; .mil :■ ii.- 98 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. SESSION LAWS. 1817 I82I-22 1823-24 1827 1831 1832 Called Session 1835-36 1837-38 1839-40 1841-42 1843-44 1847-48 1849-50 1853-54 1857-58 1859-60 1861 1865 (Apl.) 1865-66 (Oct. and Apl.) 1866 July, Ex. Session 1866-67 (Nov.) 1867-68 (Oct.) 1868 (July, Ex. Session) 1868-69 (Nov.) 1869-70 (Oct.) 1871 1872 1873 1875 1877 1879 1879 Ex. Session 1881 1881 Ex. Session 1882 Ex. Session 1883 1885 1885 Ex. Session 1887 1889 1890 Ex. Session 1891 1893 1895 1897 1898 Ex. Session 1899 1901 1903 STATUTE LAW. COMPILATIONS. Compiled Laws, 1715-1820 (Scott's) Vols. 1 and 2 (Include Laws of North Carolina now in force in this State). 1821. Compiled Statute Laws, 183 1 (Haywood & Cobbs) Vol. 1. Compiled Statute Laws, 1836 (Caruthers & Nicholson). Code, 1858 (Meigs & Cooper). Code, 1884 (Milliken & Vertrees) . Annotated Code, 1895 (Grayson) Vols. 1 and 2. I TEXAS. (Admitted December 29th, 1845.) REPORTS. SUPREME COURT. ortera Vols. Webb & Duvall 3 Hartley, O. C 7 Hartley. O. C. & R. K i i •re & Walker 3 Walker i hal | Supp. ) i Robards & Jackson 2 chal 4 Wheelock 6 Terrell & Walker 14 Terrell 20 Walker 17 Wilkinson 9 Mode of Citation Period ( [-3 ) Tex 1846-48 (4-io I Tex 1849-53 (n-21 I Tex 1853-58 i-24) Tex 1858-60 (25 - 1 Tex i860 • 25 Supp. | Tex i860 (26 ■_•;- I Tex 1861-65 1-31 ) Tex [866 69 (3 2 -37) Tex [869-73 (38-51 I Tex tfi (52-71 I Tex [879-88 (72 88) Tex [888-95 i 89 <~ 1 Tex [895-1904 court of appeals. Criminal. Jackson & Jacks* >n 27 (1-27 1 I JackM,,, 1 (28 1 T •i & Wilson 1 • ) T Wilson & White [ I I 1 White 14 (31 n > T App [876-89 App [889 90 App [890-9] App [891 \pp [892 1 COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS. Walker to (1-10 I Tex. Civ. App. ... 189: Webb 1 mi 1 i Civ. Vpp . . 1895 Wilkinson 3 (12 [4) Tex. ( !i\ . \\>\>. ... Wilkinson A Webb 18 (15 \pp. [903 100 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. DIGEST. Authors Vols. Reports Digested Period Alexander & Webb I ( i Dallam to 10 Tex 1840-53 SESSION LAWS. State 1846 1850-53 1855-56 General and Special 1859-60 General and Special * 1 86 1 -64 General Laws, Ex. Session 1866 General and Special 1870 General and Special 1871 General 1874-76 General 1879 General t88i General and Special 1882-83 General 1885-87 General 1889 General 1889 Special 1891 General 1891 Special 1892-93 General 1895 General and Special 1897 General and Special 1899 General 1900 General and Special 1 90 1 General and Special 1901 Ex. Session — General and Special 1903 General 1905 General and Called Session STATUTE LAW. Laws of Coahuila and Texas, 1824-36. Digest of Laws (Hartley), 1850. Digest of Laws (Oldham & White). 1859. Annotated Digest (Paschals), 186 Revised Statutes, 1879. Revised Statutes, 1895. Codes (Penal and Criminal Procedure) (James Willie), 1857. "Contains Constitution for Provisional Government Confederate States of America, etc, Reporter UTAH. (Organized September It, 1850. Admitted January 4, 1896). REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Period . [-2 (3 (4 (5-9 ) ) 1 [agari 2 Snow 1 Marshall & Zane 1 Zane 5 Williams 3 ( 10-12) Utah Tanner 5 (13-17) Utah 1896-98 Nye 6 (18-23) Utah [898-1901 Tli. ■nip- in 5 (24-28) Utah 1901-05 Utah 1850-81 Utah 1881-84 Utah 1884-86 Utah 1886-04 1895 SESSION LAWS. Acts [85 [-52 1 Territory | [896 1 State 1 ; (Territory) [899 Laws [901 [890 ' Territory ) [903 [892 ( Territory 1 1 1 ,05 STATUTE LAW. Compilations, Etc. I Statutes, [8< mpiled Lav. -. [888, Vols. 1 and 2. •1 Statu!.-. [898 I Young, Smith & Lee) VERMONT. (Admitted March 4, 1791). REPORTS. Keporters Vols. Tyler 2 By the Judges 1 Shaw 1 Weston 1 Washburn 6 Deane 3 Williams 2 Shaw 2 Veazey 8 Rowell 8 Palmer 8 Prouty 8 Stafford 3 Haselton 2 Powers 2 Mode of Citation Period 1-2 ) Tyl 1800-03 7 ) vt :....i8 33 10 ) Vt 1836-38 12 ) Vt 1840 17, 19-23) Vt 1842-51 24-26) Vt 1850-54 28-29) vt 1855-57 31-32) Vt 1858-60 37-44) Vt 1864-72 45-52) Vt 1872-80 53-60) Vt 1880-88 61-68) Vt 1889-95 69-71 ) Vt 1894-99 72-73) Vt 1900-1901 74-75) Vt 1902-03 DIGEST. Authors Vols. Reports Digested Washburn 2 ( N . Chip . to 22 Vt Period Roberts Roberts' Supp. . 1789- 1850 1 (N. Chip, to 48 Vt 1789-1876 1 (49 to 60 Vt 1876-89 SESSION LAWS. Laws 1816-19 1820-22 1826-27 and '30 1835 and 37-38 1840-43 1845-48 1848-50 1850-52 VERMONT. 103 1853-54 [878 1856 [880 1857 1882 1858 1884 1859 1886 1865 1888 1866 . 1890 1867 iS(,i and 1892 Ex. Session 1868 1894 1869 1896 1870 [898 Extra and Regular [900 1874 1902 1876 1904 STATUTE LAW. Compilations, Etc. mpiled Laws. [798 (also 1 So 1 Imperfect). Compiled Laws, [808, Vol. i . mpiled Laws, 18 17. Vol. 3. Compiled Laws, [835 (Thompson) Vol. 2. I Statutes. 1840. Compiled Laws. [851 (Williams eral Statute-. [862, and Appendix 1870 (Shaw), d Laws, 1880 ( Pitkin, Huse & Willard 1 . Revised Statutes, 18- MISCELLANEOUS. npiled School Law-. 1875 ' Davis Revised Law- relating to Public Instruction, i> led School Laws in force, [893 (Taylor), ral Law- relating to Public Instruction, [8 •.I Laws relating to Pul j (Taylor), relating to Traffii in Intoxicating Liquor, [88 relating to 1 ting ] iqu< ir, [885 , relating to Traffic in Intoxicating Liquor, 1895. piled Election La al Law - relatii ; Hectioi [i 15. eral Law - relatii • ral I. 1K74 . cral L lating to Imsurai: 15. 104 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. General Laws relating to Fish and Game, 1895. General Laws relating to Peddlers, Auctioneers and Itinerant Vendors, 1895. General Laws relating to Highways, 1895. General Laws relating to Savings Banks, Savings Institutions and Trust Companies, 1889. General Laws relating to Banks, 1895. Revised Laws relating to Taxation, 1880. General Laws relating to Taxation, 1895. General Laws relating to Private Corporations, 1895 . Constitution 1777- 1850. VIRGINIA. (Ratified the V. s. Constitution, .lune 26th, 1788). REPORTS. Report* Vols. Washington 2 Call ..' 3 1 [ening & Munford 4 Munford 2 Gilmer 1 Randolph 6 Leigh 12 Iv ibinson 2 < .rattan 31 1 lansbrough 15 Burks 13 Mode of I itation Perio.l i -2 ) Wash . \'a 1790-96 1-3 I Call 1 779- 1803 1-4 ) Hon. & M 1806-10 1-2 ) Munf 1810-1 1 1 ) Gilmer 1820-21 [-6 ) Rand 1821-28 1 - 1 2 ) Leigh 1829-42 [-2 ) Rob. Va 1842-44 1 23. 25-31. 33) Gratt. .. .1844-80 76-90) Va 1881-95 « ) 1 - i 03 ) Va 1895-1905 Laws [820-2S I832-33 1834-35 183I [839-4O 1X4 I -4 J 1844-45 1K47-4X [8 [851 18 IK:. J-54 |K SESSION LAWS. [857-58 [865-66 [866-67 [869 7< 1 [870-71 1872-7 '3 [874 [875-76 [876-77 [877 78 1X7, 187 1 82 1883-84 106 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. 1884 Ex. Session 1895-96 1885-86 1897-98 1887 1 899- 1 900 1887-88 1 90 1 1889-90 1901-02 1891-92 1902-3-4 Ex. Session 1893-94 1904 STATUTE LAW. Compilations, Etc. Statutes-at-Large (Hening) 1619-1792, Vols. 1-8, 10-13. Abridgment of Public Acts in force in 1758 (Mercer), Vols. 1 and 2, 1859. Revised Code, 1803. Revised Code, 1819 (Leigh), Vols. 1 and 2. Revised Code, 1849. Revised Code, i860 (Munford) . Revised Code, 1873 (Munford). Revised Code, 1887 (Burke, Staple & Reily) . WASHINGTON. (Organized March 8, L853. Admitted November 11th, 1889). REPORTS. ra Vols. Mode of Citation Period Allen i Territorial i 2 (l-2 ) Wash. Ter 1854-85 Struve * 1 (3 ) Wash . Ter 1887-88 Krieder 1 State) 32 ('-.V I Wash 1889- 1903 Remington 4 < 33-31 i \ Wash 1903-05 SESSION LAWS. Territory State Session, being also Code 1 1 889-' y 1 h55 1893 -60 1895 1877 1897 1899 l88i lf>OI \<)<>\ Ex. Sessi< 'ii 86 [903 1887-88 STATUTE LAW. Compilations, Etc. 55 (Included in Laws of 1st Session). Annotated Statutes and Code, 1891 (Hill), Vols. 1 and ad Lav [877. School La '/7 . Election Law . 1877. WEST VIRGINIA. (Organized from Virginia. Admitted June 19th, 1863). REPORTS. Reporters Vols. Mode . of Citation Period Hagan 5 (1-5 ) W . Va 1863-72 Mathews 4 (6-9 ) W., Va 1873-76 White 6 ( 10- 15 ) W . Va 1877-79 Watts 9 (16-24) W. Va 1879-84 Caldwell 12 (25-36) W. Va 1884-92 Riley 6 (37-42) W. Va 1892-96 Rticker 4 (43-46) W. Va 1896-99 Freer 8 (47-54) W. Va 1899-1904 May 2 (55-56) W. Va 1905 SESSION LAWS. Laws 1863 1877 1866 1879 1867 1881 1868 1885 1868 Ex. Session 1890 1869 1899 1870 1901 1 87 1 1903 1872 1904 Ex. Session 1875 STATUTE LAW. Compiled Laws, 1861-66 (Being Constitution & Statutes of Virginia and West Virginia) . Code, 1868 (With Appendix to 1870) . Code, 1 89 1 (Warth). WISCONSIN. (Organized April 30th, L836. Admitted May. 1848). REPORTS. Vols. Mode of Citation Period Chandler 4 (1-4 ) Chand [849-52 nney 3 (1-3 1 Pinn 1839-52 ih u 1 1 -11 ) Wis [853-60 oner 4 (12-15 ) Wis 1860-62 Conover, O. M 42 (16-58 ) Wis 1862-83 nover, F. K 61 (59-119) Wis 1883-11)03 I. auih & Conover 1 1 un ) Wi^ 1004 nover, F 2 (122 1 Wis 1004 DIGEST. Aut! Vols. Reports Digested Period Starr 1 11 Pinney to 54 Wis [839-82 Bumell ( Supplement to Starr) . 1 (55 to 73 Wis [882-89 SESSION LAWS, of Acts of 2 > Territory 1 [858 < General Territi 1 tate, [848) 1858 Private and Local 1849-51 General and Special 1859 General 2 General and Special '859 Private and Local ral [860 < icneral I < ieneral I reneral ; Private an ions Simons ons Simons < ID (12) (13) (14) <>5> I [6) Simons X . S . (1) I [are Simon- ' 17 1 & Simons X. (2) an ( 3 ) S. 1 (Vo . 1... 1 1 • 17) 1 1 Vo . [8) 1 ( Vo . [9) i (Vo . 20) 1 1 \ .21) 1 (Vo _>_> ) 1 ( Vo • 23) 1 (Vo . 24) [ (Vo • 25) 1 (Vo . 26) 1 (Vo . 27) 1 (Vo . 28) 1 (Vol 1 (Vo • 30) 1 (Vo ■ 30 1 (Vo • 32) 1 (Vol • 33) 1 (Vol • 34) 1 (Vol • 35) 1 (Vol ■ 36) 1 (Vo • 37» 1 (Vol ■ 38) 1 (Vol 1 (Vol • 40) 1 (Vol .41) 1 (Vol . 42) 1 (Vol • 43) Eng. Ch, Eng. Ch, Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Eng. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch, Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch, Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Eng. Ch Engr. Ch, 337-4-' 838-40 S38-41 841-47 841-42 842-44 847-49 84 1 -4 j ' 43 843-44 845-47 848-50 844-45 843-44 844-4' > 8 1.6-49 840-50 845-46 840-43 84 ' --14 842-45 844 845-48 847 49 850-5] 851-52 849 1 4 1 COMMON PLEAS. ry Blackstone 2 (1 2) II. Bl 17- common law B prints. Court of Common Picas, fend Other Courts. Taunton 1 5 and 6) 1 (Vol. 1 l l . 1 [813-16 derip & Bingham 1 1 1. Barnewell & Miens* >n l j), »w, X. P. m. Pt -•• i ' ' Vol. C. 1 1 CROWN ( h 1 3rd Ed. 1 -* ii-'i Leach . 116 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. BRITISH CROWN CASES— Reprints. British Crown Cases 6 (1-6 Brit. Cr. Cas. . . . 1799-1852 Russell & Ryan Vol . 1 Moody Vol . 2 Jebbs Vol . 3 Moody (2) Vol. 4 Dennison (1) Vol . 5 Dennison & Pearce Vol . 6 EXCHEQUER. McClelland & Younge 1(1 ) McCl. & Y 1824-25 REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS— Reprints. English Law & Equity 39 (1-32, 34-40) Eng. L. & Eq.1850-57 KING'S AND QUEEN'S BENCH. Dunlap's Abridgment to Coke Reports 1 ( ) Dun. Abr. Co. 1572-1617 Saunders 3 ( 1-2, Pts. 1 & 2) Saund. . 1666-72 Comyns 1 (2, Imperfect) Comyns. . . 1736-41 Cowpers 1 ( ) Cowp 1774-78 Douglas 2 (1-2 ) Doug 1778-81 Dun ford & East (Term Re- ports) 6 (1-3, 6-8)T.R. or D.& E.1785-1800 East 9 ( 1-7, 9-10) East 1800-09 NISI PRIUS Peake 1 (1 ) Peake 1 790-95 MISCELLANEOUS. Williams-Abridgment of Cases in Courts of Law — Time of George III 5 (1-5) Pub 1798 MISCELLANEOUS— Reprints. Moak's English Reports (Vari- ous Courts) 9 ( 1-9) Moak 1871-74 English Common Law & Chan- cery (Jurist Ed.) 2 (1-2) Eng. L. & Eq 1839 ENGLISH REPORTS. 117 DIGEST. Author Vols. Reports Digested Period Biddle & McMurtrie's Index to Enj^. Common Law. 2d ed. . 2 I t-83 [nclusive, Pub. 1857 Chitty's Equity (by Jas. Mc- Cauley 1 3d ed 4 (Courts of Equity, etc. . 1557-1853 Comyns, 5th ed 8 ( Laws of Eng. & Nisi Prius Cases, Pub. 1824-26 I larrison 7 ( Common I ,aw Courts, etc 1756-1851 Moore's Index 2 (Term Reports 1785-1818 Pritchard 1 1 I tigh Court of Admiralty, etc., Pub. 1848 STATUTES. Compilations, Etc. Addington's Penal Statutes, 1780. Paeon's Abridgment of Law, 1768-70, 5 Vols. Coke'- Institutes, Pt. 3. 1044. Coke's Institutes. Pts. 3 and 4. [680. Coke's Institutes, Pt. 2. 1681. Cruise's Digest of Laws of England, 1808. Vol. 2. English Laws, 1771 (Province of New Hampshire in New England). Wood's Institutes, 17-; Wood's Civil Law, 1730. SCOTLAND. The Institutes of the I tland, 2d Pan ( Dairy mple), [681 DOMINION OF CANADA. UPPER CANADA. (Now Ontario) COMMON PLEAS. Eeporters Vols. Mode of Citation Period Upper Canada Common Pleas. 4 (1-4) U. C. C. P 1850-55 KING'S OR QUEEN'S BENCH. King's or Queen's Bench O. S. 3 (3-5) U. C. Q. B. O. S. 1830-38 Queen's Bench 36(1, 3. 5-13,) U. C. Q. B.. .1844-82 (15, 16, 19-46) (Continued by Ontario Reports) . ONTARIO. Queen's Bench Chan. & Com- mon Pleas 24 (1-3. 5-25) Ont 1882-94 DIGEST. Authors Vols. Reports Digested Period Robinson & Harrison 1 (Q. B. & Prac 1823-51 LOWER CANADA. (Now Quebec) Stuart's King Bench 1 ( ) Stuart L. C. K. B. 1810-35 Lower Canada Reports (Supe- rior Court) 12 (15, 11-17) L. C. Rep. .. 1850-67 Seignoral Questions 2 ("A." "B.") L. C. Seig. Rep 1854-56 SUPREME COURT. 1 ' isters & Coutlee 9 (26-34) Can. S. C. R. . . 1895- 1904 CANADA LAWS. General Police Act of 13th and 14th Session, 1850. DOMINION OF CANADA. IIP STATUTES. 16U1 Victoria, 1852-53, Vols. 1 & 2. 17th & iSth Victoria, [854-55. i'/th & 20th Victoria, [856. 20th Victoria, [857. 2nd Victoria, 1858. jjii' 1 Victoria, 1859. 38th Victoria, 1865. th & 30th Victoria, 1866. 3 1 si Victoria, [867, Pt 1 . Victoria. 1868, Pt. 2. 32/1 & 33rd Victoria. 1869. 33rd Victoria, 1870. 34th Victoria, 187 1 . 32d~34th Victoria, 1872. 35th-37th Victoria, 1873. 37th Victoria, 1874. 42nd Victoria, 187-). 43rd Victoria, 1880. 45th Victoria, 1882, STATUTES OF QUEBEC— (Lower Canada). 39th Victoria, 1875. 40th Victoria, 1876. • Victoria. 1878. 41st & 42<1 Victoria, 1878. 43rd Victoria, 1880. 44th & 45th Victoria, 1881. h Victoria, 1883. Victoria, 1885. & 50th Victoria, 1886. h Victoria. 18X7. '. • ria, 1X88. I Victoria, [8 I Victoria, 1890. Victoria, 1891. 55th & 56th Victoria, 1892. 56th Victoria, 181)3. 57th Victoria, [894. 58th Victoria, 1895. 59th Victoria, [895. (Dec. ) Victoria, 1897. <»!st Victoria, [897-98. 62nd Victoria, [8 63rd Victoria, i<)oo. 1st Edward VII, [901. 2nd Edward VII, [902. 3rd Edward VII, im- 13 . 4tli rd VII, [904. 5th Edv ard VII, [905. STATUTES OF ONTARIO (Upper Canada) ria. 1- 44th Victoria •ria, !■ ! \ • • • • 4<,tli Victoria ria. !■'- ■ ■ 1, 1889. ria, i s ' 5 ) 1 1 1 \ ictoria, 1891 . - • 1 2 . : 'I ■ rd VII, 1 Kd.iu rd VII, [904. • ' VII, ] 9 120 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. STATUTE LAW. Compilations. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations et Arrets du Conseil D'Etat du Roi, 1854. Edits et Ordonnances et Jugements des Intendants du Canada, 1855, Vol. 2. Sommaire Acte Des Municipalites et des Chemins du Bas Canada, 1855- Complement des Ordonnances et Jugement des Gouverneures et In- tendants du Canada, 1856. Les Actes Seigneuriaux : Avec un Index Copieux, 1856. Les Status Refondus du Bas Canada, 1859. Revised Statutes of Lower Canada, 1845. Index to Statutes of Lower Canada, 1856. Revised Statutes of Upper Canada, 1843, Vol. 1 (Public Acts) . Consolidated Statutes of Canada, 1859. Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Vols. 1 and 2. TRIALS. Burr's Trial, by Robertson, 1808, Vols. 1-2. Celebrated English Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Juris- prudence from the earlier records to 1825, Vols. 2-6. Court-Martial of Col. G. T. Winthrop, 1832. Freeman's Trial, by Hall, 1848. Green's Trials for High Treason in Scotland, Vols. 1-3. Howell's State Trials (1 163-1820), Vols. 1-33. Modern State Trials, by Townsend, 1850, Vol. 1. Important Trials in Law Reporter, by Chandler, 1841 . Record of Star Route Trials (Second Trial), 1883, Vols. 1-4. Report of Webster Case, by Bemiss, 1850. IMPEACHMENT TRIALS. George G. Barnard (New York), 1872, Vols. 1-3. George M. Curtis (Senate of New York), 1872. John H. McCunn (Senate of New York), 1872. Chas. A. Edmonds (Michigan), 1872, Vols. 1-2. Sherman Page (Michigan), 1878, Vols. 1-3. DOMINION OF CANADA. 121 Horace G. Prindle (New York), 1872, Vols, 1-2. Andrew Johnson. President. 1808. E. St. Julieil Cox (Minnesota). 1 88 1 . Vols. I-;,. David Butler (Nebraska). 1871. Case of Judge Watrous, [858. MURDER TRIALS. Thomas W. Piper (Massachusetts), 1875. Henry K. Goodwill 1 .Massachusetts), 1885. Sarah J. Robinson (Massachusetts), 1888. CLAIMS. Alabama Claims, Vols. 1 - 1 5 1 and Index. Myra '.'lark Gaines vs. 1 ). X. Hennen. 1 855-59. State of Louisiana vs. State of Mississippi ( Boundary, i<)02-05) TEXT BOOKS. Abbott's Clerks and Conveyancers Assistant, Vols. 1-3, 1868. Abbott's Collection of Forms of Pleadings, 1858. Abbott on Shipping, 1822. Abridgment of Cases in Equity in the High Court of Chancery, Vols. 1-3. 1793- Adams' on Ejectment, 1854. Addington's Penal Statutes, 1786. Adye's Treatise on Courts Martial, Vol. 1, 1796. Allen on Sheriffs, 1845. American Jurist, Vols. 1-10, 1838-43 (Chushing) . American Law Journal, Vols. 1-3, 1808-10. American Law Magazine, Vols. 1-5, 1843-45. American Law Register, Vol . 1 . American Leading Cases, Hare and Wallace's Notes, Vols. 1-2, 1852. American Railway Cases. (Smith & Bates' Notes), Vols. 1-2, 1854 and 1856. Amos & Ferrad on Fixtures, 1855. Angell on Carriers, 1851. Angell on Highways, 1857. Angell & Ames on Corporations (Private), 1882. Anson on Contracts, 1887. Archibald's Nisi Prius, Vols. 1-2. 1853. Archibald's Pleas of the Crown, 1813. Arnold on Insurance, Vols. 1-2, 1850. Azuni's Maritime Law, 1806. Bacon's Arbidgment, Vols. 1-5. Bacon's Abridgment, Vols. 1-10. Bacon on Benefit Societies and Life Insurance, Vols. 1 and 2, 1894. Balch's International Courts of Arbitration, 1896. Ballantine on Limitations. 1829. Barbour's Criminal Law, 1852. Barbour's Chancery Practice, Vols. 1-2, 1843. Barbour's Law of Set Off with an Appendix of Precedents, 1841. TEXT BOOKS. 123 Barrington on the Statutes from Magna Charta to 21st James I, 1796. Barry's Practice of a Justice of the Peace. Vols. 1-4. 1790. Bate's Digest of Fire Insurance. 187;. lie's Questions and Answers. Vols. i-_\ 1850. Beck's Medical Jurisprudence. Vols. I -J. 1850. Bemis — Report of Webster Case ( Murder). 1S50. Benedicts' Admiralty (Jurisdiction and Practice), 1850. Be- s' Admiralty, [894. Benjamin on Sales. 1875. Bennett & Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. Vols. 1-2. 1856-57. Bentham on Legislation, [830. Berryman's Digest of Fire Insurance, 1873. Bigelow on Estoppel. [890. Bingham on Infancy and Coverture. [849. Bishop's Criminal Law. Vol. 1. [892. iop on Marriage and Divorce, [852. Black's Constitutional Law. 1S07. Blackstone's Commentaries, Vols. 1 and _\ 1865. (Sharswood) . - Chancery Practice [824. Blunt's Commercial Digest, 1848. Blydenburg on L'sury, 1844. Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Vols. 1 and 2, [897. Brackenridge — Trust and Trustees, [842. Brackenridge's Law of Miscellanies, [8i ;. Brandenburg on Bankruptcy, Forms and Orders, [898. Blight's I In-hand and Wife, Vols. i--\ 1850. m's Legal Maxim-. [864. Brown on Statutes of Frauds, i s llro Civil and Admiralty Law. \ "1 . 2. [8 Bump on Fraudulent Conveyances. Natural anil Political Law. V"l-. 1 _\ [8 ments, li 'ill ol) ;.| . BurriU's Law Dictionary, Vol , 1 2, i860. Burrill's Pr.v \S.]t>. BurriU's Appendix of F01 1 \6. 08. on Bills, ■ n Arbitration. 1853. 124 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Celebrated English Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Juris- prudence from the earliest records to 1825, Vols. 2-6. Chandler — Important Trials in Law Reporter, 1841 . Chipman on Contracts, 1852. Chipman on Governments, 1852. Chitty on Bills, 1868. Chitty's Criminal Law, Vols. 2-3, 1847. Chitty's Pleadings, Vol. 2, 1809. Chitty's Pleadings, Vols. 1-2, 185 1. Chitty's General Practice, Vols. 1-4, 1835-36 and 1839. Chitty's Law of Nations, 1812. Chitty's Medical Jurisprudence, 1836. Clarke's Criminal Law of Canada, 1872. Clerk's Assistant, '1834. Clerk's Rudiments of American Law, 1842. Cleveland's Banking Laws of New York, 1857. Cobb on Slavery, Vol. 1, 1858. Code of Napoleon, or the French Civil Code translated by Richards, 1864. Code of Gentoo Laws, or Ordinations of the Pundits, from a Persian translation made from Sanscrit, 1777. Coke upon Littleton, 1853. Colly er on Partnership, 1848. Conkling's Admiralty, 1848. Conkling's Admiralty, Vols. 1-2, 1857. Conkling's Treatise on Jurisdiction, 1842. Cook's Manual of the Law of Highways, 1870. Cook on Stock and Stockholders, and Corporation Law, Vols. 1-2, 1894. Cooke's Bankrupt Laws, Vols. 1-2, 1799. Cooley's Blackstone, Vol. 2, 1872. Cooky's Constitutional Limitations, 1890. Cooper's Justinian (3d Edition) . Coote on Mortgages, 1850. Cory's Treatise on Accounts, 1839. Cowen's Treatise on Civil Jurisdiction of Justices of Peace, 1856. Cross on Pleadings, 1891. Cross on Successions, 1895. Curtis' Commentaries, 1854. Curtis' Equity Precedents, 1850. Curtis on Patents, 1849. Dagge's Considerations on Criminal Law, 1772. Dalrimple the Institutes of Laws of Scotland, 1681. TEXT BOOKS. 125 Daniel on Negotiable Instruments, Vols. 1-2. 1891 . Dart's Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate, 1851. Dayton on Surrogates, 1 S 5 5 . IV Hart's Courts Martial. [846. Denis on Contracts of Pledge, (898. Dillon on Municipal' Corporations, 1872. Dogherty's Crown Circuit Companion, 1791. Domat's Civil Law. [86l. Drake on Attachments, [854. Douglas on Elections. Vols. [-3, 1775. Dunlap's Agency (Paley's), [847. Bast's Treatise on Pleas of the Crown, Vols. 1-2. 1806. Edwards' on Bailments, 1855. Edwards' on Receivers in Equity, [857. Ellis on Fire and Life [nsurance, [854. Ellis' Laws and Customs of England, Vols. 1-2 (in 1 Vol.), 1827. Elliot <»n Private Corporations (2d Edition), 1897. Emerigon on Insurance, [850. iche — Elements of the Spanish Law (Translated by Coopwood), 1880. inasse's \'i>i Prius, 1S1 1 . Euei tern of Pleading, [791 . Fearne on Remainders, Vols. 1-2, [845. r on Equit) . [8< >~ . Finch's English Law. 1(1X7. Flanders on Maritime Law of Europe, Vols. 1-2. 1806. Frederician Code. Vols. 1-2. 1761. Flanders on Shipping, 1853. 's Formulary of Civil Procedure, 1 - K33 . Gilbert's Law of Replevins, 1755. on Banks and Banking, [857. •ham «.\ Waterman's New Trials, Vols. [-3, 1855. m Real I 'roperty, Vols. 1 3, [849. Trial • r High Treason in Scotland. Vols. 1-.^. [825. Vols. 2-3, [868, and Vol. 1. [892. Greenleaf 1 ruled I :■ >. enleaf 1 h rruled I & Pond's Railroad Laws and Charters, Vols. 1-2, [851. n I. av. [8 |X. Grotius on War and Peace, 1738. ild on w at. 1- 1 Riparian I etc. I, [89] , 126 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY Hadley's Introduction to Roman Law, 1896. Hall's Landowners' Manual, 1847. Hall— Freeman's Trial, 1848. Hall's Law Journal, Vol. 1, 1821. Hamilton — The Federalist (on the Constitution), 1895. Handbook of Life and Accident Insurance, 1897. Hare on Discovery of Evidence, 1849. Harrison's Chancery, Vols. 1-2, 1807. Harrison on Lunacy Laws, 1884. Hatsell's Precedents, Vols. 1-4, 1794. Hawkin's Pleas of the Crown, Vols. 1-2, 1788. Hayden's Statutory Requirements Relating to Insurance, 1881 . High on Injunction, 1873. High on Extraordinary Legal Remedies, 1896. Highmore on Lunacy Laws, 1882. Hill on Trustees, 1854. Hilliard on Real Property, Vols. 1-2, 1855. Hinkley on Testamentary Law, 1878. Holcombe's Law of Debtor and Creditor, 1848. Holcombe's Leading Cases upon Criminal Law, 1847. Hoffman's Course of Legal Study, Vols. 1-2, 1836. Holcombe's Merchants Book of Reference for Debtor and Creditor, 1848. Holmes' Statesman, 1840. Holt's Navigation Law, Vols. 1-2, 1820. Homan's Naval Laws of the United States, 1843. Hovendon on Frauds, Vols. 1-2, 1825. Howe's Studies in the Civil Law, 1896. Howell's State Trials, from the earliest periods to 1821, Vols. 1-33. Hume's Criminal Law (Scotland), Vols. 1-2, 1797. Humphrey's Precedents, Vols. 1-2, 1845. Impey's Office of Sheriff's, 1800. Imperial or Civil Law, 1732. Instructor Clericalis, Vols. 1-5, 1727. Jacob's English Law Dictionary, Vols. 1-6, 181 1. Jarmin on Wills, Vols. 1-2, 1849. Jenny's Equity Jurisdiction, 1840. Jone's Introduction to Legal Science, 1842. Kaufman Mackeldy's Compendium of Modern Civil Law, Vol. 1, 1845. Kairn's Principles of Equity, Vols. 1-2, 1778. Kelly on Usury, 1853. Kent's Commentaries, Vol. 1, 1844. TEXT BOOKS. 127 Kent's Commentaries, Vols. 2-4. 1866. Kent's Commentaries, Vols. 1-4, 1873. Kinne's Lav Compendium, Vols. 1-0. [851. Kinney's Law Dictionary, t8 Kirtland on Surrogates, 1 S35 . Kyd on Awards. 1701 . Kyd on Awards. 17 - Treatise on Law of Corporations, Vols. 1-2, 1703-9.4. Lacey's Digest of Railway Decisions, Vols. 1-2. 1875. Lambert on Dower, 1834. Laucheimer's Forms of Procedure. i8. Law on l*. S. Courts' Jurisdiction, 1852. Law Journal. New Series, Vols. 4-''. [813-14. Law Magazine, Vols. 1-31. [828-44. Leading Cases in Equity — Hare & Wallace's Notes, Vol. 2, Pts. 1 & 2, 1852. Mercatoria Americana, Vol. i, 1802. Library of Law and Evidence, 1857. Library of Law and Equity, Vols. [-IO, 1845. Lindley on Partnership, Vols. 1-2, 1888. Livingston's Criminal Jurisprudence. Vols. 1-2, 1873. Livingston's Law Register, 1859. Livingston's Law Register and < Ifficial Journal, State Record and Col- lect'/:' istant, [86$. Livingston — System of Penal Law for Louisiana, [824. Loma ■ of Law of Real Property, Vols. 1-3. 1855. Li: jiiity Pleadings, [845 . Martindale's Law Directory, [875-76. Matthews on Presumptive Evidence, [830. Maxwell's Marine Law. Vol. I. [808. May's I '. S. I' leral ! 'ra [8 12. Vrthur .Martial, Vol Molloy's ! li. Vols. 1 2. 1769. M01 [-2, 1853. i 'r;\ at itions, Vol i, 1894. M<<: tice, [8 M01 las (Tran lated from the Spanish), \ M<»r <■ on ..nd Bankin ■. [857. Molllt"!!'- ('! I 3, [829, [83 I rth "ii Probate Court! of Mississippi, [845. 128 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Odgers on Libel and Slander, 1891. Oliver's Precedents, 1840. Ord on Usury, 1809. Owen on Bankruptcy, 1842. Parson's Commentaries, 1836. Parson on Contracts, 1855. Parson's Mercantile Law, 1856. Parson on Shipping and Admiralty, Vols. 1-2, 1869. Peake's Evidence, 1812. Perry on Trusts, Vols. 1-2, 1889. Phillips on Evidence, Vols. 1-2, 1839. Phillips on Evidence, Vols. 1-3, 1849. Phillips on Evidence, Vols. 1-2, 1850. Phillips on Insurance, Vols. 1-2, 1840. Pleader's Assistant in King's Bench, etc., 1795. Pothier on Obligations, Vols. 1-2, 1826- 1839. Preston on Legacies, 1827. Pufendorf on Law of Nature and Nations, 1749. Rawle on Covenants for Title, 1854. Read's American Pleader's Assistant, 1806. Reid's Report of Case of Brig. Gen'l Armstrong, 1857. Reeve's History of English Law from time of the Saxons to reign of William and Mary, Vos. 1-3, 1787. Reeve's Law of Shipping, 1807. Reeve's on Law of Descent, 1825. Richardson's Practice in Courts of King and Queen's Bench and Com- mon Pleas (2 Vols, in 1), 1792. Robinson's Practice, Vols. 1-2, 1854, 1855. Robinson's Digest of Penal Laws of La., 1841. Roberts on Fraudulent Conveyance, 1845. Rockwell's Spanish and American Law, 185 1. Roper on Wills and Testaments, 1800. Roper on Wills, 1803. Roper on Legacies, 1827. Roscoe's Criminal Evidence, 1874. Russell on Crimes, 1845, Vols. 1-2. Russell on Crimes, 1850, Vol. 1. Sands Suits in Equity, 1854. Sanders on Uses and Trusts, 1855, Vol. I. Sansum's Digest of Law of Insurance, 1881 . Saunders on Pleading and Evidence, 185 1, Vols. 1 and 2. Saunders on Taxation, 1887. TEXT BOOKS. 129 Schmidt's Law Journal, 1841. jwick "ii Statutory and Constitutional Law. 1 S 5 7 . Sclden's Practice in King's Bench, [796. '08 and 181^, Vols. 1-3. jeant's Constitutional Law. [822. Shaw Ellison Insurance, [854. Shelford on Law of Railroads, [855, Vols. i-j. Sherman's Marine Insurance, [841. Simonton's Federal Courts, [898. Smith on Delaware Corporations, [899. Smith's Mercantile Law. 1 S 5 5 . Smith's Leading l |<: -'- Vols. : Smith's Practice. [854-55, Vols. 1 ■_•. Spence's Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, 1846, Vols. 1 -j. nce's Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, 1850, Vols. 1-2. rkie on Slander, [826. phen's Comment; 1841, Vols. 1-4. nee, [81 j . York Council of Revision, 1850. <>n Agency, 1 S44 . Story on Bailmei (.3. ry on Bills of Exchange, [863. n Contracts, [8 44. :i Equity Pleading s, [84 ry on Equit) Jurisdiction, Vols. 1 2, 1873. ry on Partnership, [8( >8. on Promissor) Notes, [845. ry 1 »n tl nstitution, 1873. ry on Sales, 1875 . len on Vend< >n . Vols. 1 2, [85 1 . idal I .• .'. - of England, t8: Sutherland on Statutory Construction, [891. Sutherland on Damages, Vols. 1 .-,. 1893. nburnc 1 »n T« I ind Wills, 1 ; ■ .hurtle "II T' lid Wills. Vl lis .1-3. 1 849 . "tl Wills, [843, Vols. I and Pi ! »4 . Walla Thomas' Jurisprudence, i$& 130 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Thomas on Negligence Rules and Decisions, 1895. Thompson's Assessors, Collectors and Town Clerk's Manual, 1870. Thompson's Supervisors' Manual, 1869. Tidd's Practice, Vols. 1-2, 1856. Tollers' Law of Executors and Administrators, 1800. Townsend's Modern State Trials, Vol. 1, 1850. Tremaine's Pleas of the Crown, Vols. 1-2, 1793-94. United States Form Book, 1847. Vattel's Law of Nations, 1859. Voorhies' Criminal Jurisprudence of La., Vol. 1, i860. Walker's Introduction to American Law, 1837. Warren's Law Studies, 1845. Waterman's Treatise of Civil Jurisdiction, 1849. Watson on Partnership, 1807. Went worth's Pleadings, Vols. 1-10, 1797. Wharton's Criminal Law, Vol. 2, 1874. Wharton's Criminal Law, Vols. 1-2, 1885. Wharton's Criminal Pleading and Practice, 1889. Wharton's Digest of International Law, Vols. 1-3, 1886. Wharton's Digest of International Law, Vols. 1-3, 1887. Wheaton's Law of Nations, 1845. White's Notarial Guide, 1897. White's New Recopilacion (Collection of Laws, Charters and Local Ordinances of Great Britain, France and Spain, etc.), Vols. 1-2, 1839. Williams' Trade and Commerce, 1812. Williams on Personal Property, 1855. Williams on Executors, Vol. 1, 1855. Willis on Trustees, 1827. Wood's Civil Law, 1730. Wood's Institutes, 1738. Wood on Railroads, Vols. 1-3, 1894. FRENCH LAW DEPARTMENT. Jurisprudence Tomea Aguesseau, D'Oeuvres 16 I teccaria, Des Dclits, etc i Benoit, Traite de la Dot 2 Bernardi, Cours Rapport i, t le 2^ Clerk's Praxis 1 8 "ir 3 Code Civil, or Recueil maine 1 le, 1".. ii tin Notariat 2 V.. de Traite des Privi 1 Langlade, . ition Civil Commercial 5 . Elements de la Jurisprudence 1 Locr ces verbaux du Conseil d'Etat <> . .'• rbaux, tabic . [ue 1 rit du Code de I lerce 10 iii du Code Civil 7 primitive 3 ize livres du Code, I . t, 3, 4 3 ti< »n sur le Code Civil 1 Livii :pose D'un Systeme de Legislation Criminelle, [872.. 2 Civih • 1 Marcade, Le droit Civil Francois (> Marcad la Prescription 1 Mackeldey, Droit Romain 1 Merlin, Questions de Droit 8 Merlin, 5 Merlin, Repertoire d prudence tomes, [-4, 7-36 17 Michelet, < >rigine du I >roit Francais 1 ■tor. 1 >r> lit R< main ations ) 3 '<-r. Droit Romain 1 La P< on) 1 irre, Oeuvres Judiciares 1 Motifs et D ur le C ivil 1 Justini* ii 2 Novum Juri^ lium 3 la. Medicine I 4 . Expl le Justinien 1 1 7 . r... '■ 2 Paul. Pont, '< 1 ■ : • ( !hange 2 I »roit 1 1 : 2 2 Viaritimcs. . . 2 Pothier, 5 2 Publi< \ 134 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Proudhon, Domaine de Propriete 3 Proudhon, Droit d'Usage (tomes, 6, 7), 2 Proudhon, Droit d'Usufruit 5 Parallele du Code Penal, Anglais et Frangais 1 Proces Verbal de corps Legislatif, sessions 1852-3 3 Proces, verbal des Conferences termes par ordre du roi pour l'examen des Articles de TOrdonnance Civile et Criminelle I Proces, verbaux, Chanbres des Paris, sessions 1838, 1841-42, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847 7 Proces, verbaux, Chambres des Deputes, annexes, 1831, 1832, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1844, 1845 12 Pufendorf, Le Droit de la Nature 2 Recueil Judiciaire, 1539-1772 6 Recueil General des Lois et Arrets 1 Recueil des Lettres Circulaires tomes, 14-15, 17, 20 4 Revue de la Jurisprudence 5 Revue de la Legislation 13 Revue de la Legislation et Jurisprudence 3 Rey, Jos., Institutions Judiciaires de l'Angleterre 2 Royer, M., Credit Foncier en Allemagne et en Belgique 1 Rogron, Codes Frngais Expliques 2 St. Joseph, A. de, Codes de Commerce Etranger 1 St. Joseph, A. de, Codes Civils Etrangers 1 Sirey, Code Civil Annote I Sirey, Codes Annotes I Sirey, Jurisprudence du XlXeme Siecle I Sirey, Recueil des Lois Arrets, et Table 30 Seriziat, Regime Dotal 1 Seligny, Journal de la Cour de Cassation 3 Sept Codes 1 St. Prix, B. de, Notes sur le Code Civil 3 Theirs, A., De la Propriete I Tissot, J., Le Droit Penal 2 Toulier, Droit Civil Francais 6 Toulier, Droit Civil 8 Science des Notaires 2 Traite des Benefices 2 Troplong, De l'Exchange et du Lonage 1 Troplong, Droit Civil Explique 1 Traite des Donations 1 Vattel, Droit des Gens 2 Voet, J., Table des Commentaires I Reglemens Sur Les Scelles et Inventaires 1 LAW ABBREVIATIONS. A American tsee also Am.); Queen Anne; Anony- mous; . Mali. una; Arkansas; Louisiana Annual Reports. A. B Anonymous reports at end of Benloe's Reports. A. a, B. b " A " i rent, "B" back of a leaf. A. C Appellate Court; Appeal Cases. A. C. C American Corporation Oases < Wlthrow 's . ) A. C. L. J American Civil Law Journal, New York. A. D Anno Domini — in the year of our Lord; American Decisions (Select Cases), San Francisco. A Ins. R American Insolvency Reports. A. J American Jurist. A. K. Marsh. (Ky.) a. K. Marshall's Ky. Reports. -\- L. C American Leading Cases. A L* J American Law Journal (Hall's), Philadelphia; Al- bany Law Journal. A- !-• M American Law Magazine, Philadelphia. A. L. Rec -...American Law Record, Cincinnati. A. L. Reg- American Law Register, Philadelphia. A L. Rep American Law Reporter, Davenport, Iowa. A. L Rev American Law Review, Boston. A L. T American Law Times. A. L. T. Bankr American Law Times Bankruptcy Reports. A. L. T. R American Law Times Report. A. M. & O Armstrong. Macartney & Ogle's Nisi Prius Reports, Irish. A M°° A. Moore's Reports, in 1 Bosanquet ft Puller. A B Anno Regni; in the year of the Reign . A B. R American Railway Reports. A Rep American Reports (Selected Cases), Albany. A ' ! ' : Adolphus A Bills, English Queen's Bench Reports. a • l„ N. s Adolphus A Ellis' Reports, English Queen's Bench, New Series. A .\ K. R. c American A English Railway Cas< A ■ ", Arnold A Hodge's Kngllsh Queen 's Bench Reports. A ■ *•••■ Alcoch A Napier's Irish King's Bench Reports. At. or Abr Abridgment . Ab. Ed. Cas Equity Cases Abridged (English). Abb Abb. .tt's l\ B. circuit and District Court Reports. Abb .vim Abbott's Admiralty Reports. A),U ''" c Abbott's New fork Curt of Appeals Decisions. AM ' ''' Abbott's New York Practice Reports. Abb. U. s Abbott's United states Circuit court Reports. Ad. Adams (See Adam i. Addis. >n < see Add.) A '> ' -ont \ ,|,n ,,,, on Contracts. x ' 1 Ad FMnem, near the end. Ai1 A E A.b.iphus A Ellis' Reports (English). A ' 1 ' 1 Addison's Reports, Pa. ; Adam's English Bccls- i Reports. 1 Adjudged; Adjourned Adm Admiralty; Admitted A'lm \ Boc Admiralty and Ecclesiastical; English Law Re- ts. \«1 in . r. Aik Aiken's Vermont Report Al ..Aleyn's Belt i ies, kihk h; a l.ib.ima . Alii Al. & N (or Al. & Nap ' Napier' Irish King's i:.n, h Koporta. Alt v R( I Minor's Alabama Re- p..rtM . Ala L J Jouri Ala. N. H Mabams Reports, New Berlss (Alabama Reports propel 136 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Ala. Sel. Cas Alabama Select Cases, by Shepherd. Alb. Arb Albert Arbitration (Liord Cairn's Decisions). Alb. L. J Albany Law Journal . Alb. L. Sch. J Albany Law School Journal. Ale. (or Ale. Reg-.) Alcock's Irish Registry Cases. Aid Alden's Condensed Reports, Pennsylvania. Aid. Cas. Cont Aldred 's Cases on Contracts. Aleyn Aleyn 's Selected Cases, English King's Bench. Alex. Cas Reports of the Alexandria Case, by Dudley. All Allen (see Allen) . All. N. B Allen's New Brunswick Reports. All. Ser Allahabad Series, Indian Law Reports. All. Tel. Cas Allen's Telegraph Cases. Allen Allen's Massachusetts Reports; Allen's Reports, New Brunswick. Am American; Amended; Amendment. Am. C. L. J Amercan Civil Law Journal, New York. Am. Corp. Cas American Corporation Cases. (Withrow 's) . Am. Cr. Rep American Criminal Reports, edited by Hawley. Am. Dec American Decisions (Selected Cases), San Fran- cisco. Am. Dig American Digest. Am. Insol. Rep American Insolvency Reports. Am. Jur American Jurist, Boston. Am. L. Cas American Leading Cases. Am. L. J. (or Am. Law J.). American Law Journal (Hall's) Philadelphia. Am. L. M American Law Magazine, Philadelphia. Am. L. Rec American Law Record, Cincinnati. Am. L. Reg American Law Register, Philadelphia. Am. L. Rep American Law Reporter, Davenport, Iowa. Am. L. Rev American Law Review, Boston. Am. L. T American Law Times, Washington & New York. Am. L. T. Bankr American Law Times Bankruptcy Reports. Am. L. T. R American Law Times Reports. Am. Lead. Cas Hare & Wallace's American Leading Cases. Am. Prob. Rep American Probate Reports. Am. R. R. Cas American Railway Cases (Smith & Bates). Am. R. R. Rep American Railway Reports, New York. Am. St. Rep American State Reports. Am. Them American Themis, New York. Am. Tr. M. Cas American Trade Mark Cases (Cox's). Am. & Eng. Cora, Cas. . .American & English Corporation Cases. Am. & Eng. Encyc. of L. . American & English Encyclopaedia of Law. Am. & Eng. Pat. Cas American & English Patent Cases. Am. & Eng. R. R. Cas. ... American & English Railroad Cases. Am. & Eng. Ry. Cas American & English Railway Cases. Amb. (or Ambl.) Ambler's English Chancery Reports. Amd Amended . Amer American (see Am.) Ames Ames' Reports (4-7 Rhode Island); Ames' Reports (1 Minn.) Ames, K. & B Ames, Knowles & Bradley's Reports (8 Rhode Island) . Ames & Sm. Cas. Torts... Ames & Smith's Cases on Torts. An Anonymous . And Andrews' English King's Bench Reports; Ander- son's English Common Pleas Reports. Andr Andrew 's English King's Bench Reports; see also And. Ang. and Dur Angell & Durfee's Reports (1 Rhode Island). Ann. ..., Queen Anne: see also Annaly. Ann. Reg Annual Register, London. Annaly Annaly 's edition of Lee temp. Hardwicke. Anne Queen Anne (thus, 1 Anne, denotes the first year of the Reign of Queen Anne) . Anon Anonymous. Anson Cont Anson on Contracts. Anst Anstruther's English Exchequer Reports. Anth. (or Anth. N. P. ) . .Anthon 's New York Nisi Prius Reports. App. Bre Appendix to Breese 's Reports. App. Cas Appeal Cases, English Law Reports . App. Cas. Beng Sevesthe & Marshall's Bengal Reports, India. App. Ct. Rep Bradwell's Illinois Appeal Court Reports. App. Rep. (Ont.) Appeal Reports, Ontario. Apploton Appleton's Reports (19, 20 Maine). Apud At, among, contained in, by, with, quoted in. Ar A rrete . Arabin Decisions of Sergeant Arabin. Arbuth Arbuthnot's Selected Criminal Cases, Madras. Arch Court of Arches, England. Arch. P. L. Cas Archbold 's Abridgment of Poor Law Cases. LAW ABBREVIATION 137 her & Hogue Archer & H< orts (2 Florida), \l llS . R Reports | bourne istralla Ariz Arixona . Ark \ i . : ■ Arkley ' I R< I" ' Ark. Ann Arkansas Annotat irts. Ark. 1. J Arkans - I. Fori Smith. Arkl ml . Arms. Con. Elec • i ins. is. Elect, c.is .\ Flections, New York. Alius. Mam A e » a lrisli Xisi PrlUS !:• Arms. Tr Armstrong's Llmmertck Trials, Ireland. Am Arnold's English C Pleaa Reports; Arnot's Trials, Scotland. Am. El • Arnold Ish. Am. A H. B '" Arnold & Hodges' English Ball Courl Reports. Arn. ft H. 1 Arm. hi & 1 Q. B. Am. A Hod Arnold a H 's Bench Reports. Araot Cr. C Arnot's Criminal i . Scotland. Art Article. Ash. (or Asimi.i Ashmead 's Penn i Reports. e .'■ Abridgment owden's Reports; Ashe's the Y' .ir Books (or i" Coke 's Re- ports; "i Com Ashley 's i Ashton Inions of th< United States Attorneys '!• raj. Asp Aspinall's Admiralt? Reports, English. I English Maritii . New Serli As- 11 . ii C Aspinall Maritii C es. plnall Aspinall' Reports. h. Book of (pari 5 of fear Book). Atcb Atchison 's English nd Trade Reports. Atk Atkyi • : s. Atk. r j . T Atkyns' Parliamentary Tracts. Atl. Rep Atlantic Reporter. Ats \ Of. Any A1 Atw - Atw.) Atwater's Reports (1 M Auch Inleck' i S ch Court of A ust Austin Court Ca itralia. Auflt Jur on Jurisprudence; Australian a ust. jur. Rep Au n Jurlsl i ; l.. T in Law Timi A ust L LI si \ Law List. x l County Courl Repoi the Common Bench; Book.. B A Bail B I. B Bar Bench and i Ball < B l ■ Brown' i • I Court ( Lown B. C. R B r Lown II). l: Ch ik . MS. i ' Bonum Fa.< turn (appro d on tbi L II B. L. Baltimori Md , B. M • I . B Mom i i : : . • i i . iii-ii. ■ B. P I: R i 158 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. B. R. H Cases in English King's Bench temp., Hardwicke. B. Reg Bankruptcy Register, New York. B S Bancus Superior, or Upper Bench . B* & A Barnewall & Adolphus ' English King 's Bench Re- ports; Barnewall & Alderson 's English King's Bench Reports; Barron & Arnold's English Election Cases; Banning & Arden 's Patent Reports. B. & A. Pat. Cas Banning & Arden 's Patent Cases. B. & Ad Barnewall & Adolphus' English King's Bench Re- ports. B. & Aid Barnewall & Alderson 's English King 's Bench Re- ports. B. & Arn Barron & Arnold's Election Cases. b! & Aust.' ...... '. Barron & Austin's English Election Cases. B & B....!.... Broderip & Bingham's English Common Pleas Re- ports; Ball & Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports; Bench & Bar, Chicago. B. & Bar Bench & Bar, Chicago . B. & C Barnewall & Cresswell's English King's Bench Report. B. & D Benloe & Dalison, English Common Pleas Reports. B. & F Broderip & Fremantle's English Ecclesiastical Re- ports. B. & H Blatchford & Howland 's United States District Court Report's. B. & H. Lead. Cas Bennett & Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. B & I Bankruptcy and Insolvency Cases. B. & L Browning & Lushington 's English Admiralty Re- ports. B. & P Bosanquet & Puller's English Common Pleas Re- ports. B. & P. N. R Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports. B. & S Best & Smith's English Queen's Bench Reports. Ba. & Be Ball & Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports. Bac. Dig. (Ga.) Bacon 's Georgia Digest . Bagl. (Cal.) Bagley's Reports (16 California). Bail. (S. C.) Bailey's Law Reports, South Carolina. Bail. Eq. (S. C. ) Bailey's Equity Reports, South Carolina. Bail. Ct. Cas Lowndes & Maxwell's English Bail Court Cases. Bail. Ct. Rep Saunders & Cole's English Bail Court Reports. Bailey Bailey 's Law Reports, South Carolina . Bailey Eq Bailey's Equity Reports, South Carolina. Bald. (U. S.) Baldwin's Reports, U. S. 3d Circuit. Bald. App. 11 Pet Baldwin's Appendix to 11 Peters. Baldw. (U. S.) Baldwin's U. S. Circuit Court Reports, Vol. 1. Ball Cas. Torts Ball Cases on Torts. Ball & B Ball & Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports. Bait. L. Trans Baltimore Law Transcript. Banc. Sup Bancus Superior, or Upper Bench. Bank Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Court. Bank. Reg Bankruptcy Register, New York. Bankr. Rep American Law Times Bankruptcy Reports. Banks (Kan.) Banks Reports (1-5 Kansas). Bann Bannister's Reports, English Common Pleas. Bann. Br Bannister's edition of O. Bridgman's English Common Pleas Reports. Bann. & A. Pat. Cas Banning & Arden 's Patent Cases. Bar Barnardiston's English King's Bench Reports; Bar Reports in all the Courts, English; Bar- hour (see Barb. ) Bar. Ch Barnardiston 's English Chancery Reports . Bar. & Cr Barnewall & Cresswell's English King's Bench Reports. Bar. N Barne 's Notes, English Common Pleas Reports. Bar. & Ad Barnewall & Adolphus' English King's Bench Re- ports. Bar. & Al Barnewall & Alderson 's English King 's Bench Re- ports. Bar. & Arn Barron & Arnold's English Election Cases. Bar. & Aust Barron & Austin's English Election Cases. Bar. & Cr Barnewall & Cresswell's English King's Bench Reports. Barb. (Ark.) Barber's Reports. Arkansas (14-24). Barb. (N. Y. ) Barbour's New York Supreme Court Reports. Barb. Abs Barbour's Abstract of Chancellor's Decisions, New York (or Saratoga Chancery Sentinel). Barb. Ch Barbour's New York Chancery Reports. Barb. Dig. (Ky.) Barbour's Digest of Kentucky Reports. Barb. S. C. (N. Y.) Barbour's Reports, Supreme Court N. Y. Bare. Mo. Dig Barclay's Missouri Digest. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 139 Barn, lor Barn. C. P.). . . .Barne'a English Common Pleas Reports. Barn. Kir Barn. K. P.) . . . . Barnardiston 'a English King's Bench Reports; •!n's English Common Pleas Reports. Barn. Ch Barnardiston 's English Chancery Reports. Barn. \" Barne'a Notes on Cases, English Common Pleas. Barn. & Ad Barnewall & Adolphus' English King's Bench Re- porta . rn. a Aid Barnewall & Alderson's English King's Bench Reports. • :; ,v <'r Barnewall & Cresswell's English King's Bench Reports. rnes Barne's Notes of Cases in Common Pleas. met Barnet's English Central Criminal Court Reports, Y..ls. •JT-'.'L' . it.irr Barr's Reports (1-10 Pennsylvania State); Barry. Stat Barrington on Statu! rr .v Arn Barron & Arnold's English Election Cases. Barr. .v- Aust Barron & Austin's English Election Cases. :. El. Caa Bartlett's i resslonal Election Cases. Bat. . \. C.) Battle's North Carolina Digest. Bates (Del.) Bate's Delaware Chancers Reports. Bate (or Batty) Batty's Irish King's Bench Reports. it, (Tenn.) Baxter's Reports, Tennessei (8. C.) Bay's South Carolina Reports; Bay's Reports (1-8 and R-8 Missouri) . Beavan, English. Crlm. R. ...'.'.'. JBeali nal Law. Beas. (N .i I Beasley, New Jersey Chancery Reports. Beau ( <. r Beatty) ! !!!!!!! JBeatty's Irish Chancery Reports. , v ' ' i:.-. iv. m's English Rolls Court Reports. Beav! R." 'it C.* Cases! !! '.'. iEnglish Railway and Canal Cases, by Beavan and oth< Beck'9 Med Jur Beck's Medical Jurisprudence. Bee (or Bee Adni.).. ...... Be< ' '-' '"■ s - District Court Reports. Bel Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports, temp. Richard n Bel. (Bombay) Bellasis' Bombay Reports. Bt l i i H . ...Belli ■ -. Henry \'lll (Brooke's New Cases). Beling (Ceylon).... Beling, Ceylon Reports. Beling- & Van. (Ceylon). .Beling & Vanderstraten 's, Ceylon Reports. Bell Bell's English Crown Cases; Bell's Scotch Appeal Bell's Scotch Session c.,s,. S ; B.-ll's Cal- cutta Reports; Bellewe's English Klng-'s Bi • ■ h Reports; Brooks's New Cases, by Bellewe; Bellinger's Reports (4-8 Oregon*; Bellasis' Bombay Reports . Bell Ap Caa Bell's Scotch House of Lords (Appeal) Cases. Bell Bench & B.* N." h! '. '. '. 1 Bell 'a Bench and Bar of New Hampshire. Bell C. C. . Jlell' El flish Crown Cases Reserved; Bellasis' Civil cases. Bombay; Bellasis' Criminal Cases, Bombay . Bell C H. C Bali's Repoi Calcutta High Court. f.j,.]i ..... '. ......... ' : *' 11 s Caaes, Scotch Court of Sessions , l;,. I pnj j b ii Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports (time of rd II). Bell's Commentaries, Bcotland. j, I,., r.eii s i >iei iona ry, Scot land , Bell Di( jJBell's Dictionary ol Decisions, Court or Sessions, ■I lancl . n C Bail's Re] High Court of Calcutta Bell it L Beii' Lord's Cases, Scotch Appeals. Bell See. Cas Bell'a ■ In the Scotch Court of Sessions Bell Belt's Supplement to Vesej Senior's English i 'ha ne. i - Report Benm n. & h .1 l»*nn< Lt& Heard 'a I •• tdlng < Criminal Cast . ... B- ni ley 'a < !hanc< ni Bentli tilted Btati Qeneral'a i Opinions . Mo.) Berry 'i ! C es. I I'a ri on 'S New R Bi mlth'a i een 's Bench Reports, it's i"' Blatchford & Howland'a c. s. District Court R m. M I Mill 's !:• i .a . Bibb i bb '■ K< nt ui k> Reports. . Blckm II & 1 i ■ n i '.mi i \ Bid In- lock Bi ok . Kiddle on Btock Bid '.' irr Biddle on Warranties In Sale ■ .ii. ii '■ n 140 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Big-. B. N Biglow 's Cases on Bills and Notes . Big-. Cas Bigelow 's Cases, William I, to Richard I. Big. Torts Bigelow's Leading Cases in Torts. Big. Bills Bigelow on Bills. Notes and Cheques. Big. Eng. Proc Bigelow on English Procedure. Big. Eq Bigelow on Equity. Big. Estop Bigelow on Estoppel. Big. on Fraud Bigelow on Fraud. i • ; C4-. L. i. Cas Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases. Big. L. & A. Ins. Cas Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases. Big. Lead. Cas Bigelow 's Leading Cases on Bills and Notes; Torts or Wills. Big. Ov. Cas Bigelow's Overruled Cases. Bigg. Ry. Acts! Bigg's Railway Acts. . i . r n Bignell 's Indian Reports. Bin Binney's Pennsylvania Reports. Bin'g Bingham 's English Common Pleas Reports . Binm. Dig! ' (Mich.) Binmore 's Digest, Michigan. Binn Binney's Pennsylvania Reports. Bish. Cr". ' L Bishop on Criminal Law. Biss. .'.'....'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.... Bissell 's U. S. Circuit Court Reports. Bk. ... . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Bankruptcy; Black 's U. S. Supreme Court Reports. Bk. judg. ..... . .......... ! ."Book of Judgments, by Townsend. Bk 0- . L. J........... Banking Law Journal. Bl Black's U. S. Supreme Court Reports; Blatchf ord 's U. S. Circuit Court Reports; Blackford's In- diana Reports; Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports; Blackstone's Commentaries. Bl. C. C. (U. S.) Blatchf ord 's Reports, U. S. Circuit Court Reports. Bl. Com Blackstone 's Commentaries. Bl. H Blackstone, Henry, English Common Pleas. Bl. Pr. Cas. (U. S.) Blatchf ord 's Prize Cases, U. S. District of New York. Bl. R William Blackstone's Reports, English Common Law Reports. Bla. Ch. (Md.) Eland's Maryland Chancery Reports. Bla. H Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Bl. R William Blackstone's Reports, English Common Law Courts. Bla. Ch. (M. D.) Bland's Maryland Chancery Reports. Bla. H Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Re- port . Black. Cond. Rep Blackwell's Condensed Illinois Reports. Black (Ind.) Black's Indiana Reports (30-53). Black (U. S.) Black's U. S. Supreme Court Reports. Blackf Blackford 's Indiana Reports . Blake (Mont.) Blake's Montana Reports. Blakel. Pens Blakeley on Pensions. Bland Ch Bland 's Maryland Chancery Reports. Bleck. (Ga.) Bleckley's Georgia Reports (34-35). Bli Bligh 's English House of Lords Reports. Blick. Black Kliokensderfer 's Blackstone. Bliss' Code Bliss' Annotated Code, New York. Bloom. Man. Cas Bloomfield 's Manumission Cases, New Jersey. Blyth San. L Blyth'on Sanitary Law. Bol. Bank Col Bolles on Bank Collections. Bomb. Sel. Cas Bombay's Select Cases. Bond (U. S.) Bond's IT. S. Circuit Court Reports. Bonn. Carr Bonney's Law of Carriers. Boor. (Cal.) Booraem 's California Reports (6-S). Borr Borradaile's Reports, Bombay . Bos. (N. Y.) Bosworth's Now York Superior Court Reports (14-23). Bos. & P Bosanquet & Puller 's English Common Pleas Re- port . Bost. L. Rep Boston Law Reporter. Bosw. (N. Y.) Bosworth's New York Superior Court Reports (14-23). Bott P. L Bott on Poor Law. Bouln Houlnois' Reports, Bengal. Bourke Bourke's Reports, India. Bouv. L. Diet Bouvier's l.aw Dictionary. Boyd Adm Boyd's Practice in Admiralty. Br Bracton; Bradford; Bradwell; Brayton; Breese; evard; Brewster; Bridgman; Brightly; British; Britton; Brockenbrough; Brooke; Broom: Brown; Brownlow. Br. Abr Brooke's Abridgments. Br. C. C British (or English) Crown Cases. (American Re- print) . I. \\V ABBREVIATIONS. 141 Ch. C -. English . iig Islons. Br. N. C English King's Bench Re- leal Cas< : >ld h's English Common ;ts . I on's English Admiralty R< - . . i ■>.'. ts; Bradford 'a Surrc Bradwell'a Illinois Re- 1 • : p. Tis. i 111. i | pp< Hate Reports. Ind its. '■'■ ' Flii I Reporl ts. 1 ollna Reports . ■ ports I 19-26 ) . Ala. > - Reports. : Reports; Pennsyl- irts. it. Pun! m's Digest of Laws of ■ (Mlnn.1 Reports. Hrit. CoL B. C Courl Reports. Reports; Brown's Nisi iwn 's English Cham lm Reports. ' 'Sll . sh Kin h . N. P teports; Brown's 's Bern '■' ntle' English Ecclesiastical 1 ; Go! igh's English Common h Isfa Admiral! Re- ' Dei . r. s. ■ E i lommon I i ' :••• ncii . Pari . • ■ ■ : Brown's 1 •• rown 's I ' . S . I 'I Michigan Nisi ■ is (4-10 Ne h House of Leports (53-58) of < *i > t ti tin > 1 1 HI). : Rl pOI Report Capi nl i ind ■ ■ 1 1 i i ; irnett '» 142 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Burke Cel. Tr Burke's Celebrated Trials. Burm. D. R Burmah Law Reports. Burn Burnett 's Wisconsin Reports. Burr. Prac Burrill 's Practice. Burr. S. C Burrow's English Settlement Cases. Burr Tr Burr's Trials, U. S. Circuit Court. Burt. Cas Burton's Collection of Cases and Opinions. Burt. Sc. Tr Burton's Scotch Trials. Busb. (N. C.) Busbee's Law Reports, North Carolina. Busb. Eq. (N. C.) Busbee's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Bush Bush's Kentucky Reports. C Case; Chapter; Cited; Code; Codex; Court. C. A Court of Appeals; Chancery Appeals. C. B Common Bench . C. B. N. S Common Bench Reports, New Series. C. C Circuit Court; Crown Cases; Chancery Cases; County Court; City Court; Civil Code; Cepi Corpus; Coleman's Cases (N. Y.); Causes Celebres. C. C. A County Court Appeals, English; U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals. C. C. C Choice Cases in Chancery. C. C. E Cain's Cases in Error, N. Y.; Cases of Contested Elections. C. C. R Crown Cases Reserved; City Court Reports; Circuit Court Reports. C. D Commissioner's Decisions, U. S. Patent Office. C. E. Gr C. E. Green's New Jersey Equity Reports (16-27). C. H. Rec City Hall Recorder (Rogers), New York City. C. J. B 4 Chief Judge in Bankruptcy. C. J. C Couper's Judiciary Cases, Scotland. C. J. Civ Corpus Juris Civilis. C. L Common Law; Civil Law. C. L. J Central Law Journal, St. Louis; Chicago Law Journal; Canada Law Journal, Toronto. C. L. R Common Law Reports, English Common Law; Cleveland Law Record, Cleveland, Ohio. C. M. & R Compton, Muson & Roscoe's English Exchequer Reports. C. N. Conf Cameron & Norwood 's North Carolina Conference Reports. C. N. P. C Campbell's Nisi Prius Cases, English. C. of C. E Cases of Contested Elections, U. S. C. P Common Pleas; Crown Pleas; Code of Practice; Code of Procedure. C- P. C. Cooper's Practice Cases; English. C. P. Div Common Pleas Division, English Law Reports. C. P. Rept Common Pleas Reporter, Scranton, Pa. C. P. U. C Common Pleas Reports, Upper Canada. C R Chancery Reports; Code Reporter, New York. C. R. N. S Code Reporter, New Series, New York. C S Court of Sessions, Scotland. C. S. C. R Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter. C. W. Dud. (S. C.) c. W. Dudley's South Carolina Law or Equity Reports. C & A Cooke & Alcock's Reports, Irish King's Bench and Exchequer. C. & C Coleman & Caire's Cases, New York. C & D Corbett & Daniell's English Election Cases; Craw- ford & Dix 's Irish Circuit Cases. C- & F Clark & Pinelly's English House of Lords Cases. C- & J. Crompton & Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. C- & K. . . . Carrington & Kirwan's English Nisi Prius Reports. C. & L. C. C Cane & Leigh 's Crown Cases . C. & L. Dig Cohen & Lee's Maryland Digest. C & M Carrington & Marshman's English Nisi Prius Re- ports; Crompton & Meeson 's English Ex- chequer Reports. C- & N Cameron & Norwood 's North Carolina Conference Reports. C & P Carrington & Payne 's English Nisi Prius Reports; Craig & Phillips' Chancery Reports. C. & S. Dig Conner & Simonton's South Carolina Equity Digest. Ca. res;j Capias ad respondendum. Ca. sa Capias ad satisfaciendum. Cab. & El Cababe & Ellis, English. Cai. (N. Y.) Caine's Reports, New York Court of Error. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 143 i California Reports; Calthrop's English King's B< di !i Reports . CaL L. J California Law Journal. Call c.iU's Virginia Reports. lth Calthrop's English King's Bench Reports. i & Nor Cameron ft Norwood's North Carolina Conference Reports. •up. Dec Campbell's Reports of Taney's Decisions. U. S. i llrcuit < !ourl . ■i. Sup. Ct Canada Supreme Court Reports. • .^ I Cane & Leigh's Crown Cases Reserved. L J ' Carolina Law Journal, Charleston, S. C. L) Carpenter's California Reports <~>3). '. i I ml. ) Carter's Indiana Supreme Court Reports (1-2). h Carthew's English King's Bench Reports. Cas i ■ - Ca ey's Pennsylvania Reports (25-36) . C. L Cases in Crown Law. Ch C - in Chancery. Knglish; Cases in Chancery (9 Modern R< ports > . Set Cases of Settlement, Kn^lish King's Bench. Wm. I Blgelow's Cases. William I to Richard I. Cent. L. J Central Law Journal. Ceyl. Leg. Misc Ceylon Legal Miscellany. App. Cas Chancery Appeal Cases, English Law Reports. Cases in Chancery. Ch. Cr. L Chltty'S Criminal Law. Ch. Pre Precedents In Chancery. Ch. R. M. (Ga.) R, M. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Ch. T. !'. P. (Ga i T. U. P. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Dig. 'Mich, i Chaney'a Michigan Digest. Chan. (Mich.) Chaney's Michigan Reports (37-44). nd. (N. H.) Chandler's New Hampshire Reports (20, 88-44). Chand. (Wis.) Chandler's Wisconsin Reports (1-4). nd. Cr Chandler's Criminal Trials, American. Chase (U. s.) Chase's U. S. Circuit Court Decisions. k ci • ' Student's Blackstone. Chase Tr C Trial (Impeachment) by the U. S. Sen 3 C.) th Carolina Law Reports. v. Ch. (or Eq.) CI South Carolina Equity Reports. Chic. L. J Chicago Law Journal, Illinois. Ip. (N. B.) Chlpman's New Brunswick Reports. p (Vt.) Chlpman's Vermont Reports. Chitty's English Ball Court Reports. Chit. Bl Chltt) chit i v on ( Criminal Law. • Eq. Dig Chitty's English Equity Digest. Chit Med Jur Chitty's Medical Jurisprudence. ( ihitty 's stai iites. Chamber's Upper Canada Reports. chr Rob Christopher Robinson's English Admiralty Re- ports. Cincinnati Law Bulletin, On., Ohio. r ln. B C Rep Cincinnati Superior Court Reports. City Court R New York City. Civil Pr lure Reports, New York. CI. App ('lark'' App. il C House of Lords. Ch Clarki ' Chancery Reports, New York. CI A n ci..rkc a Hall's Contested Elections In Congress, Clapp'a [nd ' k i i ... o Rhode island Reports. rk ciaik's Api English House of Lords; rk 's Alabama Reports; ('lark's Pennsyl- I i rns i Report s . •V'- Clarl w Fork Chancers Reports; Clark' Mli Re] ■ r k'- t H. 1 ■ rke Hall's Cases ol Contested Elections in Claytoi ' Ei Nisi Prius Cs i rk ii ci, ri; Hoi Decision a Court of Sessions. i. R«-p ci. ■. . land k ihlo i Law Report. Rep ind i. ' w R( port( • '"Hf CilfTord 1 i Circuit Court Reports. n Cases; Clifford '. U. B. Ciroult . ., • • w Clow' i ■ i on Torts . Count ■ ' b King's r.. n. h !:• ■ i is ( founl ■ i h Chui h. Rep Count) Court Ruport i i i ■ • ( !oke '• [nstltul 144 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Co. PI Coke 's Pleadings . Cobb (Ga.) Cobb's Georgia Reports (6-20). Cobb Cas. Int. L Cobb's Cases on International Law. Cobb. St. Tr Cobbett 's (afterwards Howell's) State Trials. Cochr Cochran 's Nova Scotia Reports . Cock. & R Coekburn & Rowe's Election Cases. Cocke (Ala.) Cocke's Alabama Reports (16-18). Cocke Pr Cocke's Florida Reports (14-16); Cocke's U. S. Practice. Cod. Jur. Civ Codex Juris Civilis. Code Civ. Pro Code of Civil Procedure. Code Cr. Pro Code of Criminal Procedure. Code La Civil Code of Louisiana. Code Nap Code Napoleon . Code Rep New York Code Reporter. Code Rep. N. S New York Code Reuorter, New Series. Cof. Dig-. (Ky.) Cofer's Kentucky Digest. Cohen Dig-. (Md.) Cohen's Maryland Digest. Coke Coke's Reports, English King's Bench. Coke Coke's Institutes. Coke Lit Coke on Littleton . Col Colorado Reports; Column; Colonial; Columbia. Col. C. C Collyer's Chancerv Cases, English. Col. Cas. (N. Y.) Coleman's Cases, New York. Col. L. Rep Colorado Law Reporter. Col. & Cai Coleman & Caine's Cases. New York. Cold. (Tenn.) Coldwell's Tennessee Reports. Cole Pole's edition of Iowa Reports. Cole. Cas. Pr Coleman's Cases, New York. Coll Collyer's English Chancery Cases; Colles' Parlia- mentary Cases. Coll. P. C Colles' English Parliamentary Cases. Colo. Colorado Reports. Colo. L. Rep Colorado Law Reporter. Colq Colquit's Reports (1 Modern). Colvil Colvil's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Ses- sions. C« m Comyn's Reports, English King's Bench; Comber- bach's English King's Bench; Comstock's Re- ports (1-4 New York Court of Appeals); Com- mon; Commissioner; Commentary; Commerce; Commercial; Communes. ■ ," l:l - ',,' ip Commissioner of Appeals. com. 1j English Common Bench Reports, by Manning, Granger & Scott. Com. Dig Comyn's Digest. Com. Jour Journals of the House of Commons. Com. R English Common Law Reports (American Reprint). Com. Pat Commissioner of Patents. Com. PI... Common Pleas, English Law Reports. Com. PI. Div. •••••• Common Pleas Division. Com. PI. Rep. (Pa.) Common Pleas Reports, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Comb Comberbach's English King's Bench Reports. Comm Commentaries. Comp. Dec Comptroller's Decisions. Const Comstock's Reports (1-4 New York Court of Ap- peals). Comyn's Comyn's English King's Bench Reports. Con Contra; Contracts; Conover's Reports (16-116 Wis- consin); Continuation of Rolle's Reports (2 Roll") . Con. Cus Conroy 's Custodian Reports . Con. & L Conner & Lawson 's Irish Chancery Reports. Cond. Ch. R. (or Eng. Ch.). Condensed English Chancery Reports (American 1 :• print) . Cond. Rep. U. S Peter's Condensed U. S. Reports. < onf. (N. C.) Conference Reports (by Cameron & Norwood), North Carolina Cong. El. Cas Congressional Election Cases. ' ong. Gl Congressional Globe, "Washington. Congs, Etec Congressional Record, Washington. Conk. Ad in lonkling's Admiralty. ' '"'in i Jonnecl icul Reports. Conr Conroy's Custodian Reports. ' isisl Consistory Court; Haggard's Consistory Reports, English . I Con itution; Treadway's Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, list. U. S Constitution of the United States. Con1 Contract; Contra; Continental; Continued. Contra Opposed; to the contrary. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 145 Coo. & Al Cooke & Alcoek's Irish King's Bench Reports. Cook V Adm Cooke's Vice- Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Cooke I took* s Cases of Practice. English Common Pleas; Cooke's Tennessee Reports. Cooke Pr Cas Cooke's Practice Reports, English Common Pleas. Ice & \1 ick's Reports, Irish King's Bench. Cool. (Mich.) Cooley's Michigan Reports (5-12). Cool. Bl Cooley's Blackstone. Cool Con L Cooley's Constitutional Limitations. Coop •. . . .Coop* r 's English Chancery Reports; Cooper's Ten- nessee Chancery Reports. Cooper C. C Cooper's Chancery Cases temp. Cottenham. p. C. & Pr Cooper's Chancery and Practice Reports, Upper nada . ■p. Op. (U. S.) Cooper's United States Circuit Court Reports. p Min. Dec Copp's United States Mining Decisions. Coram; Coryton's Bengal Reports. b. & Dan Corbett & Daniel's English Election Cases. Corp. Jtir. Civ Corpus Juris t'ivilis. Cory. (Calcutta) Coryton's Bengal Reports. Couper'8 Judiciary Report. Scotland. llor The Counsellor, New York City. ta Ch County Courts Chronicles. a Rep Comity Courts Reports, English. Coup Couper's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Court CI U. S. Court Of Claims Reports. Court J. A Dist. CL Rec. Court Journal and District Court Record. it Besa Cas Court of Session Cases, Scotland. Cow Cowen 's New York Reports; Cowper's English Kind's Bench Reports. Cow. Cr. (N. Y.i Cowen's Criminal Reports. Cr. Dig Cowen's Criminal Digest. Cowp Cowper's English Klnp's Bench Reports. Cow[. (as cowper's Cases (in the third volume of Reports in Chancery l . Cox Cox's English chancery Reports; Cox's English Criminal Cases; Cox's Arkansas Reports (25- -7 I Am. T. M. Cas Cox's American Trade Mark Cases. C C Cox's English and Irish Criminal Cases. Cn Coz's English Chancery Cases. Cr. Cas Cox's • mal Cases. Cox J. S Cas Cox' Joint Stock Cases. Cox A Atk '""X A Atkinson. English Registration Appeal Re- ports. • (N J ' Coxe's N'cw Jersey Reports. Cranch's United states Supreme Court Reports. U. Si Cranch's United States Circuit Court Reports. cr. <'as. Res Crown C H erved «'r. I. Ifag criminal Law Magazine. Cr II .. R Crompton, Muson ,v Rnsmc 'a English Exchequer Ri ports. i Crane! Cr. A Dlx Crawford A Dix's Irish Circuit Court Cases. Cr. A i'h cralfj A Phillips' English Chancery Reports. bbe (U. S.) Cl United States District Court Reports. Craig A i'h Cn i Phillips' Bngli b Chancery Reports. Bl Ci Btuarl A Patton's Scotch Appeals Cases. Craik 's Engl Cel< bras. ich Cranch's United states Supreme court Reports. •■ i leylon Reports. Cresswi ilvency Cases. criminal Law Magazine, Jersey City, N T . J. Crlra Re< Criminal i; Philadelphia; criminal Re- corder, London! Criminal Recorder (1 Wheel er's New fork Criminal Report) l Crli p Ch. i Ci Ipp •■• Church and Clei C as. Crltchfleld 's Ohio State Reports (1-11). Croki '.■• English Kl h Reports; Railway's English kihrt'h Bench Reports, published by ke •ar Croke's English Kind's Bencfa Reports temp, i !harl< i Cro.) Ells Croke's English Kind's Bench Reports temp. Ells ib< lh 'i Cro I Croke's English King's Bench Reports temp • Cro i •■> .Engll •• rltlms Law Reports, published by ekford star Chambi i Cs isa, imptoa 146 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Cromp. Exch. R Crompton 's Exchequer Reports, English. Cromp. M. & R Crompton, Meeson & Roscoe's English Exchequer Reports. Cromp. R. & C. Pr Crompton 's Rules and Cases of Practice. Cromp. & Jerv Crompton & Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. Cross Sue Cross on Successions. Crosw. Pat. Cas Croswell's Patent Cases. Crounse (Neb.) Crounse's Nebraska Reports. Crowth Crowther's Ceylon Reports. Ct Court; Circuit. Ct. App Court of Appeals . Ct. CI Court of Claims. Ct. Err Court of Errors . Ct. Gen. Sess Court of General Sessions. Ct. Rev Court of Review . Ct. Sess. Cas Court of Sessions Cases, Scotch. Ct. Spec. Sess Court of Special Sessions. Cul Culpabilis (guilty) . Cummins (Idaho) Cummin's Idaho Reports. Cunn Cunningham's English King's Bench Reports. Cur. (U. S.) Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports. Cur. Or. Cas Curwen 's Overruled Cases, Ohio. Curr. Com Current Comment. Curry (La.) Curry's Reports (6-19 Louisiana Reports). Curt Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports; Cur- tei 's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Curt. Adm. Dig Curtis' Admiralty Digest. Curt. Cond. (U. S.) Curtis' United States Condensed Reports. Curt. Dec Curtis' United States Supreme Court Reports. Curt. Ecc Curteis' English Ecclesiastical Reports. Curtis Curtis 's United States Circuit Court Reports . Curw. Or. Cas Curwen 's Overruled Cases, Ohio. Cush Cushing's Massachusetts Reports; Cushman's Mis- sissippi Reports. Cush. Elec. Cas Cushing's Election Cases in Massachusetts. Gushing (Mass.) Cushing's Massachusetts Reports. Cushm. (Miss.) Cushman's Mississippi Reports. D Denied ; Doubted ; Decimus ; Decree ; Decret ; Dictum or Dicta; Dictionary (particularly Morison's Dictionary of Scotch Session Cases); Delaware; Dallas' United States and Pennsylvania Re- ports; Denio's Reports, New York; Dunlop, Bell & Murray's Reports, Scotch Session Cases (Second Series) . D'An D 'Anver 's Abridgment . D. B Domesdav Book . D. C District Court; District of Columbia. D. C. A Divisional Court of Appeal, England. D. C. L Doctor of the Civil Law. D. Chip D . Chipman 's Reports, Vermont . D. D Dono Debit; Doctor of Divinity. D. Dec Dix's School Law Decisions, New York. D. F. & J De Gex, Fisher & Jones' English Chancery Re- ports. D. F. & J. B De Gex, Fisher & Jones' English Bankruptcy Re- ports. D. G. — D. Gex De Gex, Eng-lish Bankruptcy Reports. D. G. & J De Gex & Jones, English. D. G. & S De Gex & Smith, English. D. G. F. & J De Gex, Fisher & Jones, English. D. G. J. & S De Gex, Jones & Smith, English. D. G. M. & G De Gex, Macnaghten & Gordon, English. D. J. & S De Gex, Jones & Smith's English Chancery Re- norts. D. J. & S. B De Gex, Jones & Smith's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. D. M. & G De Gex, Macnaghten & Gordon 's English Chancery Reports. D. M. & G. B De Gex, Macnaghten & Gordon's English Bank- ruptcy Reports. D. N. S Dowling's Reports, New Series, English Bail Court; Dow, New Series (Dow & Clark, English House of Lords Cases). D. P. B Dnmpier 's Paper Books (see A. P. B. ) D. P. C Dowling's English Practice Cases. D. & B Dearsly & Bell's English Crown Cases. D. & C Dow K- Clark's English House of Lords (Parlia- mentary Cases) . D. & Ch Deacon & Chitty's Reports, English Bankruptcy Cases. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 147 D. & E Durnford A East's English King's Bench Term ports. D. & J De G«\ A .l>nes' Reports, English Chancery. D. & J. B De Gex A Jones 'a English Bankruptcy Reports. L Dowllng A Lownili's ' Knglish Bail Court Reports. D. & M Davison A Merlvale'a English Queen's Bench Re- ports . D. & P Denlson A P< rce 'a Crown Cases. D. & R... Dowllng A Ryland'a English King's Bench Re- 1 i i • . ' ports. I H. M. C Dowllng .<- Ryland'a English Magistrate Cases. D. & R. X. P Dowllng A Ryland'a English Xisi Prlus Cases. D. A B Doctor & Student; Drewry & Smale's Chancery Reports. D. A Bw Deane A Bwabey'a English Ecclesiastical Rerort8. D. & W Drewry A Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports; Drewry A Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. D. & War Drewry A Warren'a Reports, Irish Chancery. Da - Dakota; Territory Reports. Ily 1* R Daily Law Record. Daily Rec Dally Ri cord. Reg Daily Register. New York. Dak Dakota Territory Reports. Dak. T Dakota Territory Reports. ' Dallas' I'nited States Reports; Dalison 's English Common Pleas Reporta (bound with Benloe); Dalrymple'a Scotch Session Cases. Dale Ecc Dale's Ecclesiastical Reports, English. Dalls Dalison'a English Common Pleas Reports. Dall Dallas' Pennsylvania and I'nited States Reports. : Dig Dallam's Texas Digest. Dalr Dalrymple'a Cases, Scotch Court of Sessions. Daly Daly 's New York Common Pleas Reports. Dampier MSS Darapier'a Paper Books. '« Danlell'a Exchequer and Equity Reports, English; Danner's Reports (42 Alabama). & LI Danson A Lloyd 'a Mercantile Caaea. Dana Dana's Kentucky Reports. an Darin's Arizona Reports; Danner's Alabama Re- ports. Caa Dartmouth College Caae. I 'as Dasent'a Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports; also Common Law Reports, Vol . 3. D*v Davie 'a United States District Court Reports (now republished aa I Ware); Davy's or Davies' Irish King 'a Bench and Exchequer Reports; Davie'a Reporta (Abridgment of Sir Ed. Coke's Reports); Davis' Hawaiian Reports. A Mer Davison & Merivale'B Reports, Queen's Bench. Davis J. C. B Davis' United Btatea Supreme Court Reports. (Conn, i Daj *■ Connecticut Reports. . (U. s. ) Deady'a United Btatea District Court Reports. Dea A c Deacon A Chitty'a Bngllah Bankruptcy Reports. ■v Deana A Bwabey'a Reporta, English Probate and Divorce Courts. i" ■ D( English Bankruptcy Reports, ''■ s.) Deady'a United Btatea Circuit Court Reports. ine D< I Bwabey'a) Bngllah i • t- ■ . l . . . j . ■ and Divorce Reporti D< no's Reporta (24-Sfl Vermont). Dean C ( ' Dearaly'a English Crown C i" • ••• R i I' ngliab crown Casea. Dean & And Deaa A Anderson's Reports, Bcotcb Court of Ses- sion . Decision; Decree Decretal. ■m Declslona of Joint Commission. Def( I >efendai '"■ ' De Oex'a English Bankruptcy Reports, '" ■''••* r | i 1 1. .;. i ■ ., ' English Chancery '" ,; ' « >' ••• J '"• Oax, Fisher A Jones' English Bankruptcy Ap- ' Ih . Delawan Reporta Delano 'a English Revision •■H . •!• J Delaware Cham - R< poi ts, by it ites. Delaware Criminal < by H ton ''-'.- Ca " "• lane's I ., . . Cases. ,^,' 1 '/v" r v . !" '' R"Ports, City of New York. , " ,: \ ' Denlo ••■ •■. York Bupi ■ ■ i;. ports. '" nit ■•■■.. Englll h Courts. . "'■ '■ •' i ■• ' ■• • i i. 'A Journal . '• '' ■ '" '■' "" Bngllah crown Cases (1 I '■ nlMon ) 148 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Denio (N. Y.) Denio 's New York Reports. Des. (S. C.) Desaussure's South Carolina Equity Reports. D e v Devereux's North Carolina Law Reports; Deve- reux's United States Court of Claims Reports. Dev. & Bat. (N. C.) Devereux & Battle's North Carolina Law Reports. Dev. & Bat. Bq Devereux & Battle's North Carolina Equity Re- ports. De Witt (O.) De Witt's Reports (24-42 Ohio State). Di. (or Dy.) Dyer's Reports, English King's Bench. Dice (Ind.) Dice's Indiana Reports. Dick Dicken's English Chancery Reports. Diet Dictionary . Dig Digest. Dill. (U. S.) Dillon's United States Circuit Court. Dirl Dirleton 's Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions . Disn. (0-) Disney's Ohio Supreme Court Reports. Dist. Col District of Columbia. Div Division . Div. & Mat. Ct Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Court. Doct . & S Doctor and Student . Dod. (or Dods.) Dodacn 's English Admiralty Reports. Dom Dominus . Dom. Book Domesday Book. Domat Domat 's Civil Law . Don . Ch Donnelly 's Chancery, English . Dor. (Quebec) Dorion's Quebec Queen's Bench Reports. Doug Douglas' Michigan Reports; Douglas' English King's Bench Reports; Douglas' English Election Cases. Dow Dow 's English House of Lords Cases. Dow & CI Dow & Clark's English House of Lords Cases. Dow. & L Dowling & Lowndes' English Bail Court Reports. Dow. & Ry Dowling & Ryland 's English King's Bench Re- ports. Dow. <& Ry. M. C Dowling & Ryland 's English Magistrate Cases. Dow. & Ry. N. P Dowling & Ryland 's English Nisi Prius Cases. Dowl Dowling 's English Bail Court Reports. Dowl. N. S Dowlinar's English Bail Court Reports, New Series. Dr Drewry 's English Vice-Chancellors Reports; Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sug- den; Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Napier. Dr. & Sm Drewry & Smale 's English Chancery Reports. Dr. & Wal Drury & Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports. Dr. & War Drury & Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. Draper Draper's Upper Canada King's Bench Reports. Drew Drewry 's English Vice-Chancellor 's Reports; Drew's Reports (13 Florida). Drew. & Sm Drewry & Smale 's English Vice-Chancellor's Re- ports. Drink Drinkwater's English Common Pleas Reports. Dru Drury 's Irish Chancery Reports temp . Sugden . Dru. t. Nap Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Napier. Dru. t. Sug Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sugden. Dru & Wal Drury & Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports. Dru. & War Drury & Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. Dub Dubitatur; it is doubted, or doubtful. Dud . (Ga . ) Dudley 's Georgia Reports . Dud. Ch. or Eq. (S. Car.) .Dudley 's South Carolina Equity Reports. Dud. L. (S. Car.) Dudley's South Carolina Law Reports. Duer (N. Y.) Duer's New York Superior Court Reports. Dun Duncan (see Dune); Dunlap (see Dunl.) Dun. & Cum Dunphy & Cummin's Remarkable Trials. Dune. Ent. Cas Duncan's Scotch Entail Cases. Dune. N. P Duncombe's Nisi Prius Cases. Dunl Dunlap 's English Chancery Reports. Dunl. Abr Dunlap 's Abridgment of Coke's Reports. Dunlop or Dunl., B. & M.Dunlop, Bell & Murray's Reports, Second Series, Scotch Session Cases. Dunn Dunning 's English King's Bench Reports. Durfee Durfee's Reports (2 Rhode Island). Durie Durie's Scottish Court of Session Cases. Durn. & E Durnford & East's English King's Bench Reports (Term Reports). Dutch. (N. J.) Dutcher's New Jersey Law Reports (25-29). Duv .Duvall's Canada Supreme Court Reports; Duvall's Kentucky Reports. Dwight Dwigrht's Charity Cases, English. Dy Dyer 's English King 's Bench Reports . LAW ABBREVIATIONS 1*9 B East's Rep ern Reporter; Equity; Ex- chequer; English; Explained; Easter Term; g Edward; eodem (In the same place or under the same title). L English Common Law Reports (American reprint). e| d. s E. D. Smith's New Xbrk Common Pleas Report. Bj" Rep Bnglle eslastical Reports. I Bast lndl< B i <■ East India Company . :;,, English Law and Equity Reports (American re- print | . [•; t Basl er Term . j; ft a Ecclesiastical and Admiralty; Error and Appeal. g l>k . \ k ...Error and Appeal Reports; Ontario. K. ft ii. Ellis & Blackburn's English Queen's Bench Re- ! Mils. E. lV E Bills .v.- Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. y Eagle ft ?oung llsh Tithe Cases. Bast's English King's i:< neh Reports. Bast's English King's Bench Reports; East's Notes ..i Cases iii Morley's Indian Digest. it. Reptr Eastern Reporter. • r Eccl. ) Ecclesiastical. Bd Edition; Edited; Editor; Edward; Edinburg; Eden's English Chancery Reports. H. Bro Eden's edition of Brown's English Chancery Re- I ii i r t B . Bd. C. R. (N. V.> Edward's New York chancery Reports. i. J Edinburg Law Journal. Eden 's English Chancery Reports. Edgar 'a Reports, Court of Session, Scotland. Edm. Bel. Cas. < X . x".). .Edmond's New Fork Select Cases. Bdw King Edward; Edward's New York Chancery Re- ports; Edward's English Admiralty Reports; Edwards' Reports (2-3 Missouri). Edw. Abr Edwards' Abridgment of Prerogative Court Cases. (Tho.) Edwards' English Admiralty Reports. El Queen Elizabeth; Elchies' Decisions, Scotch Court oi Set Bions. El. B. & E Ellis. Blackburn ft Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. Bled ion Cases. Bl. Diet Elchies' Dictionary of Derisions, Court of Sessions aland. El. A: Bl Ellis ft Blackburn's English Queen's Bench Re- pot El. & El Ellis ft Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. Eliz Queen Blizabeth. Ell.. Bl. .v- Ell Ellis, Blackburn A Bills' English Queen's Bench Reports. Els.. \V. Bl Blsley'a edition of Wm. Blackstone's English King's Iieiu-h Reports. Eng English; English 's Reports (6-H Arkansas i ; •■ En- glish i: " (American reprint, edited by Mouk) . Eng. Ad Bn| Admiralty; English Admiralty Reports print) . g. C. C. (or Cr. C Crown i (American reprint). Eng. Ch English Chan "English Chancery Reports" (American reprint Eng. c. l English Common Law Reports (American reprint). English Bi ileal Reports (Am reprint). English i. er Reporti (American reprint). Judg Scotch Court ol S cided by the • • Ba gllah Judgi Eng. L. & En .English Law ami Bquil rta i Imerlcan re- Csj I ( Bngll h and Si I it. i.i.rts. ,r A PP and Irish Appi al < aaes. Engllnh i Ark > Engllsl 13 Arkai Bntrii •. ■' Modi rn R< poi Judgments (by A. i. ckett), N< w South W'a : Reports; Gilbert 'a Equity Reports; iinr ollna Equity Reporta; Tha Bpottlawooda v.rr k 4pp. Brroi and K\ . Reports, Upper runtdt 150 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Ersk. Dec Erskine's United States Circuit Court, etc., Deci- sions in 35 Georgia. Esp Espinasse's English Nisi Prius Reports. Et. Al.'. Bt alii (and others). Ev . Evidence . Ew' Ewart 's Manitoba Reports . Ewell Cas. Inf. (or L. C). Ewell 's Leading Cases on Infancy, etc. Ex Executor; Exchequer. Ex D (or Ex. Div.) Exchequer Division English Law Reports. Ex rel Ex relatione. At the information of; by the re- lation. Exp Expired ; Exparte ; Explained . Exr Executor. Ext Extended . Eyre Eyre's Reports; English King's Bench, temp. William III. F Followed; Faculty, Collection of Court of Sessions Decisions. F . Abi Fitzherbert 's Abridgment . F. b. C Fonblanque's Bankruptcy Cases. F. B. R Full Bench Rulings, Bengal. F. c Faculty Collection of Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions, folio edition. F. Diet Karnes & Woodhouslee's (folio) Dictionary, Scotch Court of Sessions Cases. F. & F Foster & Finlason's English Nisi Prius Reports. F. Fitz Falconer & Fitzherbert 's English Election Cases. F. & S Fox & Smith's Irish King's Bench Reports. Fairfield Fairfield's Reports (10-12 Maine). Falc Falconer's Scotch Court of Session Cases. Falc. & Fitz Falconer & Fitzherbert 's English Election Cases. Fam. Cas. Cir. Ev Famous Cases of Circumstancial Evidence, by Phillips. Far. (or Farr.) Farresley's Reports, English King's Bench (7 modern Reports). Fed The Federalist. Essays on United States Consti- tution. Fed . Cas Federal Cases . Fed . Rep Federal Reporter . Fent. Imp. Judg Fenton's Important Judgments, New Zealand. Fent N. Z Fent's New Zealand Reports. Ferg. Cons Ferguson's (Scotch) Consistorial Reports. Ferg. Ry. Cas Ferguson's Five Years Railway Cases. Ff Pandects of Justinian. Fi. Fa Fieri facias (that you cause to be made) a writ. Fin Finch's English Chancery Reports; Finlason (see Finl). Finch Cas. Cont Finch's Cases on Contract. Finl. Dig Finley's Irish Digest, with Original Cases. Finl. L. C Finlason's Leading Cases on Pleading. Finl . Rep Finlason 's Report of the Gurney Case . First pt. Edw. Ill Part II of the Year Books. First pt. H. VI Part VII of the Year Books. Fish Fisher's U. S. Patent Cases; Fisher's U. S. Prize Cases. Fish. Pr. Cas Fisher's Prize Cases, U. S. District Court. Fitzg Fitzgibbon's English King's Bench Reports. Fitz. Abr Fitzherbert 's Abridgment. Fl. & K Flanagan & Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports. Fla Florida; Florida Reports. Flan. & K Flanagan & Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports. Flip Flippin 's United States Circuit Court Reports. Fogg (N. H.) Fogg's Reports (32-37 New Hampshire). Fol Folio ; Foley 's Poor Law and Decisions . Fonbl Fonblanque's English Bankruptcy Reports. For Forrests's Exchequer Reports; Forrester's Chan- cery Reports (Cases temp. Talbot). Forb Forbes' Decisions in the Scotch Court of Sessions. Fort Fortesque's English King's Bench Reports. Forum The Forum (periodical), Baltimore and New York. Fost Foster's Legal Chronicle Reports, Pennsylvania; Foster's Reports (21-31 New Hampshire). Fost. Cr. Cas Foster's English Crown Cases. Fost. & F Foster & Finlason's English Nisi Prius Reports. Fount Fountainhall 's Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions. Fowl. L. Cas Fowler's Leading Cases on Collieries. Fox Fox's Reports, English. Fox & Sm Fox & Smith's Irish King's Bench Reports. Fr. Oh Freeman's English King's Bench and Chancery Reports; Freeman's Mississippi Chancery Re- ports. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 151 Fr. E. C Fraser's Election C Fran. Rom. L Franclllon's Romances of the i.iu France Fran. ■ il Colorado). b. Elec. Cas Fraser's English Election Oases. Fraz. (.or Fraz. Adm.). . Fraaer 'a .vim i rait > Scotland. Free Fre» man 'a English King's Bench Reports (1 Freeman's King's Bench; - Freeman's Chan- ris); Freeman 'a Illinois Reports ( S 1 - 1 6 1 ) . Free. Ch Freeman 'a English Chancery Reports; Freeman's Missis bancery Reports. Freem Bee Pi Fries Tr .' Trial 01 John Fries for Treason . Full B. R Full Bencb Killings, Bengal (or Northwestern Provlnc< s I Full. Fr. Tr Fuller's Noted French Trials. Fult Fulton 's Reports, Bengal . G King George; Gale's English Exchequer Reports. G . B Greal Britain. G. Gr. (Iowa) George Green's Iowa Reports. G. M. Dudl. (Ga.) G. M . Dudley's Georgia Reports. G. & D Gale & Davison's English Queen's Bench Reports. G. & J Gill & Johnson 's Maryland Reports; Glynn & Jame- BOn'S English Bankruptcy Reports. Ga Georgia; Q Reports. Dec Georgia Decisions, Superior Courts. Ga. L. J Georgia l.aw Journal. Ga. L. Rep Georgia haw Reporter. Ga. Supp Lester's Supplement to S3 Georgia Reports. Ga). (Fla.) Galbraith's Reports (9-11 Florida). Galb. ft M. (Fla.) Galbraitb ft Meek's Reports (12 Florida). •• Gale 's English Exchi quer Reports. <;ale & Dav Gale & Davison 'a Knglish Queen's Bench Reports. (U. S.) Gallison'a United States Circuit Court Reports. Cr. Cas Gallick'fl Reports of French Criminal Cases. Gard . (Mo.) Gardenhire's Missouri Reports (14-15 Missouri). Gard. N. Y. Rept Gardenler 's N'.w York Reporter. ;,ar Gaspar'a Small Cause Court Reports, Bengal. Gayarre Gayarre'a Reports <-">-2S Louisiana Annuals). Gaz. B Gaaette of Bankruptcy, London. d, ft M Geldart's ft Maddock's Knglish Chancery Reports. Geld. & O Geldert & Oxley's Decisions, Nova Scotia. Gen. Arb Genevs Arbitration. Gen. <>M General Orders. Gen. Sess General as, l. Dig General Digest. • ,. t General Term. (;• Georgia Report Geo" Coop .George Cooj English Chancery rases, time of Eld< Geo. Dec Georgia Dec rge (Miss.)..'.' George's Report! (80-89 Mississippi) ( ;ii, | ,, ,. Gibson's Scotch Decisions. Oibba (Mich.)!!. ! !!! Gibbs' Michigan Reports (2-4). :.s Jud. chr Gibb'a Judicial Chronicle. r ; i rr Glffard's Engllsl Chancellor's Reports. r;irr ft ii Glffard A Hemming 'a Reports, English Chancery. OH, Oilman's Reports (6-10 Illinois); Oilbert'i English Chancerj Rep Oilmer'a Virginia Reporta ; 1 Ollmour ft Falconer's Scotch Session Cases. t) Ollbi rts, English Chancery; Oilbert'i English Common P Reports, Gilbert's English Equity or Chancery Reporta. x.) CI l.l. Reports Ollpin'a United I ..ait Reporta. n Gilpin '■ Opinions of the i B attorney General. k .i , i Bankruptcy Repot El Ca nvlllo 'h Englim • . ports, Irish Court Olenn (La I Glenn's Loulslat i Reporta (16*18 Louisiana An- nual i on 'a Repot i nkrupt • Oodbolt'a English Klng'a Bencb Reports. tebel 'a sea. Idei I fh'S KnKllnh KIiik'h Bench R-portu 152 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Good. Pat Goodeve's Abstract of Patent Cases. Good. & Wood Full Bench Rulings, Bengal, edited by Goodeve & Woodman. Gord. Tr. Tr Gordon's Treason Trials. Gosf Gosf ord 's Manuscript Reports, Scotch Court of Session . Gould Gouldsborough 's English King's Bench Reports. Gould L. Diary Gould's Lawyers' Diary. Gould & T. Notes Gould & Tucker's Notes on the U. S. Revised Statutes. Gow Gow 's English Nisi Prius Cases . Gr Grant's Cases, Pennsylvania; Green's New Jersey Reports; Greenleaf's Maine Reports. Gr. Ev Greenleaf on Evidence. Gr. Eq. (or Ch.) Green's New Jersey Equity Reports; Gresley's Equity Evidence. Grah . Pr Graham 's Practice . Granger Granger's Reports (22-23 Ohio State). Grant Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports; Grant's Pennsylvania Cases; (Grant of) Elchies' Scotch Session Cases; Grant's Jamaica Re- ports; Grant's Chancery Reports, Ontario. Grant E. & A Grant's Error and Appeal Reports, Ontario. Grat. (or Gratt.) Grattan's Virginia Reports. Gray Gray's Massachusetts Reports (67-82). Gray Cas. Prop Gray's Cases on Property. Gray Inn J Gray's Inn Journal. Green (N. J. ) Green's New Jersey Law (13-15) or Equity Reports (2-4). Green (R. I.) Green's Rhode Island Reports (11). Green. (Me.) Greenleaf's Maine Reports (1-9). Green Bag The Green Bag, Boston, Mass. Green C. E. (N. J.) c. E. Green's Chancery Reports, New Jersey. Green Cr. L. Rep Green's Criminal Law Reports. Green Cr. Cas Green's Scottish Criminal Cases. Green. Ov. Cas Greenleaf's Overruled Cases. Greene Greene's Iowa Reports; C. E. Greene's New Jer- sey Equity Reports. Greenl Greenleaf's Reports (1-9 Maine). Gren Grenier 's Ceylon Reports . Grein. Dig. (La.) Greiner's Louisiana Digest. Grier Ind. Cas Grier's Index of Cases. Grif. L. Reg Griffith's Law Register, Burlington, New Jersey. Grif. P. R. Cas Griffith's English Poor Rate Cases. Griffin, Pat. Cas Griffin's Index of Patent Cases. Grisw. (O.) Griswold's Ohio Reports (14-19). Guth. Sh. Cas Guthrie's Sheriff Court Cases, Scotland. Gwil. Ti. Cas Gwillam's Tithe Cases. H King Henry; Hilary Term; Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports; Hill's New York Re- ports. H. A Hoc Anno. H. Bl Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Re- ports. H. C House of Commons. H. C. R High Court Reports, India. H. I Hawaiian Islands. H. L. (or H. L. Cas.) House of Lord's Cases. H. L. Rep English House of Lord's Reports. H. T Hilary Term; hoc titulo. H. & B Hudson & Brooke's Irish King's Bench Reports. H. & C Hurlstone & Coltman's English Exchequer Re- ports. H. & D Lalor's Supplement to Hill and Denio's New York Reports. H. & G Hurlstone & Gordon's English Exchequer Reports; Harris & Gill's Maryland Reports. H. & H Horn & Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports; Harrison & Hodgin 's Municipal Reports, Up- per Canada. H. & J Harris & Johnson's Maryland Reports; Hayes & Jones Exchequer Reports, Ireland. H. & M Hening & Munford's Virginia Reports; Hemming & Miller's English Vice-Chancellor's Reports. H. & M. Ch Hemming & Miller's Chancery Reports, English. H. & McH. (or M'H.) Harris & McHenry's Maryland Reports. H. & N Hurlstone & Norman's English Exchequer Reports. H. & P Hopwood & Philbrick's English Election Cases. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 153 H. & R Harrison A Rutherford's English Common Pleas Ri ports. H. & S. (Miss.) Harris A Blmrall'a Mississippi Reports. H. & T Hall A Twell's English Chancery Reports. H. & W Harris. Wallaston'a English Kind's Bench iiiristnnc A WalmBley's English Ex- ■ ports . Hare 'a Cham rts. See I [addlngton . Haddington Haddington's Manuscript Reports, Scotch Court of Set Hadl. (N. H.) lia.ii.', mis (4:.-is New Hampshire). Hagan'a Utah Reports (1-2); Hasan's West Vir- ginia Reports < 1 -5) . g. (or Hagg.) Adm. . .Haggard's Admiralty Reports, English. g. (or Hagg.) Conn. .Haggard 's Consistory Reports, English. Hag. (or Hagg.) Ec H lesiastical Reports. English. i. & M. (Md.) Hagner & Miller's Maryland Reports. Halles Hailes's Scotch Court of Session Reports. Hal. Law (N. J.) Halsted'fi New Jersey Law Reports (6-12). Hale. Min. Cas Halcomb's Mining Cases, London, 1826. Hale (Cal.) Hale's California Reports i:i:5-37). Hale C. L Hale's History of Common Haw. Hale Ecc Hale's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Hale P. C Hale's 1'leas of the Crown. Halk. Comp Halkerstone 'a Compendium of Scotch Faculty De- ons . Hall Hall's New Fork Superior Court Reports; Hall's Reports (66-57 New Hampshire). Hall Am. L. J Hall's American Law Jouri Hal] Jour. Jur journal of Jurisprudence (Hall's). Hall A Tw Hall & Tw.ll's English Chancery Reports. Hallett (Col.) Hallett'a Re] L-2 Colorado). »t. in. J.) Halsted's New Jerse] Law Reports (6-12). n .1st. Ch. (N. J.) Halsted's New Jersey Equity Reports (5-8). Hamilton's Report, Scotch Court of Sessions. Ham. (O.) ll I's Reports 1-9 Ohio). Ham. A. & O Hameston, Allen & Otter's .Magistrate Cases, En- b (3 Ni w S< Bsion Cas. Ham. Fed The Federalist. Ham. N. P Hammond's Nisi Prius. llamm. iGa.) Hammond's Reports CO-44 Georgia); Hammond's R( poi > • i Hilo). nm. & Jack Hammond A Jackson 's Reports (45 Georgia). Hannay's Reports, New Brunswick. Hand (N. Y.) Hands .New York Court of Appeals Reports (40-41 X Y . ndy Handy 'a Cincinnati Superior Court. es Hani ' English Chancery Reports. Hanm Hanmer's Lord ECenyon*s Notes, English King's I ;• neb . "■inn Hani New Brunswlek Reports. Har. (Del I Harrington's Delaware Reports (1-5). Harrington's Michigan Chancery Reports. Har. (N. j.) Harrison's New Jersey Law Reports (16-19) Har. St. Tr Hargrave's state Trials A Q (Md I Han-is A Gill's Maryland Report*. Har. & J. (Md.) Harris Maryland Reports Har. & M.ii. (Md.) Harris A McHenry'a Maryland Reports Har. & Ruth Harrison I Rutherford's English Common Pleas Rl ; orl Har. \ Hare A w.ii Bars;. Trials, Hargrove's Resorts North Carolln | • California; Harmon 'a ■'I'l • Common Pleas Reports ,s i ...Harper's South Carotins Law Repot C.) Harper's Equltj Bouth ( arolina 154 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Harr, ,. . . .„, Harrison's Reports, New Jersey Law (16-19); Har- rington's Reports, Delaware; Harrington's Reports, Bombay; Harrington's Chancery Re- ports, Michigan; Harris' Reports (13-24 Penn- sylvania State); Harrison's Reports (15-17 and 23-29 Indiana). Harr. Con. (La.) Harrison's Condensed Louisiana Reports. Harr. & G. (Md.) Harris & Gill's Maryland Reports. Harr. & Hodg Harrison & Hodgin 's Upper Canada Municipal Re- ports. Harr. & J. (Md.) Harris & Johnson's Maryland Reports. Harr. & McH. (Md.) Harris & McHenry's Maryland Reports. Harr. & Ruth Harrison & Rutherford's English Common Pleas Reports . Harr. & Sim. (Miss. )... .Harris & Simrall's Reports (49-52 Mississippi). Harr. & Woll Harrison & Wollaston's English King's Bench Re- ports. Harring Harrington's Delaware Reports; Harrington's Michigan Chancery Reports. Harris Harris' Pennsylvania State Reports (13-24). Harris Dig. (Ga.) Harris' Digest of Georgia Reports. Hartley (Tex.) Hartley's Reports (4-10 Texas). Haw. L. Rev Haward 's Law Review. Hast. (Me.) Hasting 's Reports (69-70 Maine). Hats . Prec Hatsell >s Precedents . Hav. P. E. I Haviland's Reports, Prince Edward's Island. Haw Hawkins (see Hawk.); Hawaiian Reports. Haw. Cr. Rep Hawley 's American Criminal Reports. gawk. (La.) Hawkins' Reports (19-24 Louisiana Annuals). Hawk. Co. Litt Hawkins' Coke upon Littleton. Hawk. PI. Cr Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown. Hawks. (N. Car.) Hawks' North Carolina Reports. Hawl. Cr. Rep Hawley 's American Criminal Reports. Hay Hay 's Calcutta Reports . Hay Haywood's North Carolina Reports; Haywood's Tennessee Reports; Hay's Irish Exchequer Reports; see also Hays. Hay Dec Hay's Scotch Decisions. Hay Exch Hay's Irish Excheauer Reports. Hay P. L. Dec Hay's Poor Law Decisions of Scotland. Hay & M Hay & Marriott's Admiralty Reports (usually cited Marriott's Reports). Hayes Hayes 's Irish Exchequer Reports . Hayes & Jo Hayes & Jones's Irish Exchequer Reports. Hayw Haywood's North Carolina Reports; Haywood's Tennessee Reports. Hayw. L. R Haywood's Law Register, Boston. Hayw. & H. (D. C.) Haywood's & Hazleton's Districfof Columbia Re- ports. Haz. Pa. Reg Hazard's Pennsylvania Register (16 Vols.) Haz. U. S. Reg Hazard's United States Register. Head (Tenn.) Head's Tennessee Reports. Heath (Me.) Heath's Reports (36-40 Maine). Heck. Cas Hecker's Leading Cases in Warranty. Heisk. (Tenn.) Heiskell 's Tennessee Reports (48-59). Helm (Nev.) Helm's Reports (2-9 Nevada). Hem See Hemp . Hem. & M Hemming & Miller's English Vice-Chancellor's Reports. Hemp. (U. S.) Hempstead's United States Circuit Reports. Hen King Henry . Hen. Bl Henry Blackstone 's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Hen. La. Dig Hennen's Louisiana Digest. Hen. Man. Cas Henry's Manumission Cases. Hen. Quiz Cas. PI Henning's Quiz Cases on Pleading. Hen. & Mun Hening & Munford 's Virginia Reports. Hepb. (Cal.) Hepburn's Reports (2-4 California). Het. (or Hetl.) Hetley's English Common Pleas Reports. Heyw. (Ga.) Heyward's Table of Cases, Georgia. High Ct High Court Reports, Northwest Provinces of India. High Extr. Rem High on Extraordinary Remedies. High Inj High on Injunctions. Hill Hill's New York Supreme Court Reports; Hill's Law Reports, South Carolina. Hill Ch. Pr Hill's Chancerv Practice. Hill Eq. (or Ch . ) Hill's Equity Reports, South Carolina. Hill & Den Lalor's Supplement to Hill & Denio's Reports, New York. Hillyer (Cal.) Hillyer's Reports (20-22 California). LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 155 Hilt. (N. T.) Hilton's New York Common Pleas Reports. Ho. Lords Cas House of Lords' Cases (Clark's). Hob Hobart 's English King's Bench Reports. Hodg Hodge's English Common Pleas Reports. Hodg. Can. Elec. Caa .... Hodgin »s Canada Election Cases. HofT Hoffman's Land Cases, 1'nited States District Court; Hoffman's New York Chancery Reports. Hon*. Ch. (N. Y.) Hoffman's New York Chancery Reports. HofT. L. C Hoffman's Land Cases, Hoff. Lead. Cas Hoffman's Loading Cases on Commercial Law. Hog Hogan 's Irish Roll Court Reports. Hog. St. Tr Hogan 's State Trials, Pennsylvania. Hogue (Fla.) ... Hogue's Reports (.3-4 Florida). Hole. L. Cas .' Holcombe 's Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Holm, or Holmes (U. S.). Holmes' Reports, United States Circuit Court, First Circuit. Holt Holt's English King's Bench Reports; Holt's En- glish Nisi Prius Reports; Holt's English Equity Reports. Holt Ad Holt's English Admiralty Reports. Holt Eq Holt 's English Equity Reports. Holt N. P Holt's English Nisi Prius Reports. Holt R. of R Holt's Rule of the Road Cases. Home Home 's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Ses- sions; see also Karnes. Hooker (Conn.) Hooker's Reports (25-62 Connecticut). Hoon Hoonahan 's Sind Reports, India. Hop Hopkinson (see Hopk.) Hop. & C Hopwood & Coltman's English Registration Cases. Hop. & Ph Hopwood & Philbrick's English Registration Cases. Hope Hope (of Kerse) Manuscript Decision, Scotch Court of Session. Hopk Hopkinson 's United States District Court Admir- alty Decision. Hopk. Adm. (or Judg. ). .Hopkinson 's Pennsylvania Admiralty Judgments. Hopk. Ch. (N. Y.) Hopkins' New York Chancery Reports. Hopw. & Colt Hopewood & Coltman's English Registration Ap- peal Cases. Hopw. & Phil Hopwood & Philbrick's English Registration Ap- peal Cases. Hor. & Th. Cas Horrigan & Thompson's Cases on Self-Defense. Horn & H Horn & Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports. Horw. Y B (Horwood's) Year Books of Edward 1. House of L House of Lords; House of Lords Cases. Houst. (Del.) Houston's Delaware Reports. Houst. Cr. Cas. (Del. ).. Houston 's Delaware Criminal Cases. Hov. Supp Hovenden's Supplement to Veasey, Jr 's, English Chancery Reports. How Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports; Howard's Mississippi Reports; Howard's New Voi k Practice Reports. How. App. (H. Y.) Howard's New Fork Appeal Cases. How! Cr. Tr Howlson'l Criminal Trials (Virginia). How! Miss Howard's Mississippi Law Reports (2-8). How. N. P Howell's Nisi PrlUS Reports, Michigan. How. Po. Cas Howard's Popery Cases, Ireland. How. IT. (N, Y.) Howard's N'.-w York I'raetiee Reports. HOW. St. Tr Howell's (English) State Trials. Hu Hughes (see Hugh). Hub. Leg. I >i r Hubbell's Legal Directory. ••) Hubbard's Reports . ... Iredell's North Carolina Equity Reports. Irv Irvine's SCOtCb Justiciary Reports. J. .' Scottish Jurist. Edinburgh; King James; Justice; Johnson's New York Reports. J. A Judicature Acts of England. J. Adv. Gen Judge Advocate General. J. C Johnson ■- New York Supreme Court. J. C. P Justice of the Common Pleas. J. Ch Ibhnson's New Fork Chancery Reports. .1 d'Ol Les Jugtnens d't Heron. J H Journal of the House. J . J lust Ices . J. J. Marsh. (Ky.) J. J. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. J. K. B Justice of the King's Bench. J, Kel Sir John Kelyng's English Crown Cases. J. P Just : J. P. Sm I. P. Smith - .- English King's Bench Reports. J. Q. B Justice of the Queen's Bench. J . R rohnson'8 New York Reports . J. S. Gr. (N. J.) J s. Green's New Jersey Reports. .1 i'. B Justice <>f the [Jpper Bench. J. A h Johnson A Hemming 's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports . .i A La. t Jones A La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports. J. I s. . & Lumpkin (Ga.). Jackson A Lumpkin's Georgia Reports t">9-66). I • ' v Scotia Reports; King James. James Op James' Opinions. Charges, • Jan- s J. ■ Cases, Nova Scotia. t i A Montagu's English Bankruptcy Re- Ms ( in 2 Glyn A Jamison ) . I r. Tr Jardine's Criminal Trials. m <"h. PT .larman's Chancery PractiCt m. 'Wills .1.1 Mian on Wills. jebb mr Jebb Cr. C). . .. Jebb's Irish Crown Cast jebb Jebb Queen's Bench Reports. Jebb Jebb A Byrnes' Irish Queen's Bench Reports. Jeff ) lefferson Inla Reports. jefr Mii Jeffei Manual of Parliamentary Practice. j . • K.Jenkin's Eight Centuries ol Reports, English B cbequi J. -nil i.MhIi - rennlsot R ; Michigan) j | and Jones) .i I | .\ La Touche's Irish Chancery Repoi • n«.) Join Mew Fork Reports; Johnson' Reports of ■ Johnson's Chs act rj Rs • ml; Johnson's English ViCS rts . Johl nt.. I B< Circuit Court Reports (of ( "Ir ' I '• ||01 v i Mew York Cast di ch York Chancery it- ports. Johnson's ■ R( orts; Johnson '■ Ri ports, rr. .......... J ifork Couri of I Chai D< Ions. •[> Trial Hlor'i Reports - I tig's Bi s/llsh Cbanoery Reports /. j John ton' Reports New Zealand 158 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Jon. Exch Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports. Jones Jones » Reports (43-48, 52-57, 61-62 Alabama) . Jones' Reports (11 Pennsylvania State). Jones' Reports (22-30 Missouri); Jones' Law or Equity Reports, North Carolina; Jones' Irish , T Exchequer Reports; Jones' Upper Canada. j^tl ir Sir Will iam Jones ' English King 's Bench Reports. To™* tT "a w";u; , ; , "? ir Thomas Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Jones, B. & W. (Mo.)... Jones, Barclay & Whittlesey's Reports (31 Mis- souri, Supreme Court) . Jones' Eq. (N. C.) Jones's North Carolina Equity Reports. Jones' Index Jones' Index to Legal Periodicals. Jones Ir Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports. Jones (N. C.) Jones' North Carolina Law Reports. Jones (Pa.) Jones' Reports (11 Pennsylvania State). Jones T.. Sir Thomas Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Jones U. C Jones' Reports, Upper Canada. Jones W. Sir William Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Jones & c Jones & Cary 's Irish Exchequer Reports. Jones & L. •••••••••• Jones & La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports. Jones & McM. (Pa.) Jones & McMurtrie's Pennsylvania Supreme Court Reports. Jones & Spenc. (N. Y.).. Jones & Spencer's New York Superior Court Re- ports (33-62). Jour. Bank. L Journal of Banking Law. Jour. Jur Journal of Jurisprudence (Hall's). Jour. Jur. (Sc.) Journal of Jurisprudence and Scottish Law Maga- zine, Edinburgh. Jour. Law Journal of Law, Philadelphia. Jour. Ps. Med Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. Jud Judgments; Judicial; Judicature; Book of Judg- ments. Jud. Chr Judicial Chronicle. Jud. Repos Judicial Repository, New York. Jud. & Sw Judah & Swan's Reports, Jamaica. Judg. U. B Judgments in the Upper Bench and Common Pleas. Jur Jurist, London, 1854 (or, the Jurist or Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence, 1827; or, the Jurist, Washington, D. C. ; or the Jurist, New York). Jur. N. S Jurist, New Series, English. Jur. N. Y Jurist, or Law and Equity Reporter, New York. Jur. Ros Roscoe's Jurist, London. Jur. Sc The Scottish Jurist, Edinburgh. Jur. Wash. D. C The Jurist, Washington, D. C. Jurid. Rev Juridicial Review. Juris Jurisprudence. Jurispr Jurisprudent, Boston. Jurist Jurist (see Jur.) Just . Inst Justinian 's Institutes . Just. P The Justice of the Peace, London (periodical). Juta Juta 's Cape of Good Hope Reports . K King; Keyes ' New York Court of Appeals Reports; Kenyon's English King's Bench Reports. K. B. King's Bench. K. C King's Council. K. C. R Reports in the time of Chancellor King. K. S King's Sergeant. K. & P. N. S. W Knox & Pitzhardinge 's New South Wales Reports. K. & G. R. C Keane & Grant's English Registration Appeal Cases. K. & J Kay & Johnson, English Vice-Chancellors' Report. K. & O Knapp & Ombler's English Election Cases. Kam Kames ' Decisions of the Scottish Court of Ses- sions. Kara. Rem. Dec Kames' Remarkable Decisions, Scottish Court of Sessions. Kam. Sel. Dec Kames' Select Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions. Kan. (or Kans.) Kansas; Kansas Reports. Kan. C. L. Rep Kansas City Law Reporter. Kan. L. J Kansas Law Journal. Kay Kay's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Kay & J Kay & Johnson's English Vice-Chancellors' Re- ports. Ke Keen's English Roll's Court Reports. Keane & Gr Keane & Grant 's English Registration Appeal Cases. Keb Keble's English King's Bench Reports. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 159 Keen Keen '- English Rolls Court Reports. en. Cas. Qua. Cont....i. Q isl Contracts. Kt-ilw Keil way's English King's Bench Reports. Kel. 1 Sir John Kelyng's English Crown Cases. Kel . 2 Win . K< dish Chancery Reports. Kelly 1 ■ Reports < i -:t Georgia) . I. J sir John Kelyng's English King's Crown Cases. Kel. \v \\'m. Kelyng's English Chancery Reports. ly (Ga. ) Kelly 's Reports ( 1-3 Georgia I . Kelly & Cobb Kelly A Cobb's Reports (4-6 Georgia). Kelyng Kelyng's English King's Bench Reports. K^n Kentucky (see Ky.) Dec Kentucky Decisions, l>y Sneed . L. J Kentucky Law Journal. Ken. L. Rep Kentucky Law Reporter. •i (M C.) Kenan's Reports (76-91 North Carolina). Kent Kentucky (see B ]<• :it Comm Kent's Commentaries. •iy Kenyon's English King's Bench Reports. Keny. C. H. (or 3 Keny.) . Chancery Reports at the end of 2 Kenyon. nyon English King's Bench Reoorts rn Kernan's Reports (11-14 New York Court of Ap- Reports); Kern's Reports (100-116 In- diana) . i<. rr Kerr's New Brunswick Reports; Kerr's Reports ( 18-22 Indiana ) . Kf-rr N' B K rts, New Brunswick. Kerse Kerse's Manuscript Decisions. Scotch Court of Ses- sions . Key (or Keyes) K< ■ ' New York Court of Appeals Reports cir- cular 1863-1868). .1 Kellwey's (or Keylway's) English King-'s Bench R< porl Kilk Kilkerran's Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions. Kin. L. Diet Kinney's Law D ry. King d.a.) King's] (6-6 Louisiana Annuals). King Cas Cases in Kii dorado Civil Practice. Klni? Cas. temp Sel< temp. King. English Chancery. Kinc ronf Kii Conflicting Civil Cases. King A L. Anno King A Leonard's Annotations for the West Sys- i b nd ol her Report i , Kir. Knap] l Cases (English Privy Council). Kn. N. S. W Knox's N'« v. South \Va! >rtB. Knapp Knapp's Privy Council Reports, England. Knott Stat. L Knott 's Statute Laws ol the Stati Knowlc-s (R. I.) Knowles' Reports (8 Rhode island). i Knox's New South Wales Reports. Kn. A Moo Knapp A Moore's Reports (8 Knapp's Privy Coun- cil Report Kn. A Om Knapp English Election Repoi i A ah (Pa.) K . Aiiinson's Pennsylvania Superior Court Kulp Kulp '*- Luz< rn« I Ky icky: Kentucky Reports. Sneed'a Kentucky Decisions, 1801-05. '. J Kentucky Law Journal. Ky i. R«p Kentucky Law Reporter. L Lav Lol; Limited; Lansing's Supreme Court it' N ew Vnrk. i r Canad Leading • B i White A Tudor' L< idlng I In Equity, ' ' I ; i .■ eel te, Toronto C. J . Lower da Jun •. Montreal; Lord Chief Jus- C. Jui .] | ■ • i.i i .'. Journal, Mont real R Lower < I ■ j j ii .... i . • rial of J iidence it ■ ' i i Philadelpl J ii ii. 1 1 (see Hall); J. Adm I Admiralty • I Ipp ilM. J Hn n k pries, El j ( • ( • I : 160 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Li. J. C. P Law Journal, New Series, Common Pleas. L. J. Can Law Journal, Canada. L. J. Ch Law Journal, New Series, English Chancery. L. J. D. & M Law Journal, New Series, English Divorce and Matrimonial. Li. J. Ecc Law Journal, New Series, English Ecclesiastical. L. J. Ex. D Law Journal, New Series, English Exchequer Di- vision. Li. J. Exch Law Journal, New Series, Exchequer. L. J. H. L Law Journal, New Series, English House of Lords. L. J. J Lord Justices. L. J. K. B. or Q. B Law Journal, New Series, King's or Queen's Bench. Li. J. L. C Law Journal, Lower Canada. Li. J. L. Tracts Law Journal, Law Tracts. L. J. M. C Law Journal, New Series, English Magistrate Cases. Li. J. M. & W Morgan & Williams' Law Journal, London. L. J. Mat. Cas Law Journal, New Series, Divorce and Matri- monial. L. J. N. C Law Journal, Notes of Cases. L. J. N. S The Law Journal, New Series, London. L. J. O. S The Law Journal, Old Series, London. L. J. O. S. C. P Law Journal, Old Series, English Common Pleas. L. J. O. S. Ch Law Journal, Old Series, English Chancery. L. J. O. S. K. B Law Journal, Old Series, King's Bench. L. J. O. S. M. C Law Journal, Old Series, English Magistrate Cases. L. J. P. Cor P. C.) Law Journal, New Series, Privy Council. L. J. P. D. & A Law Journal, New Series, Probate, Divorce and Ad- miralty. L. J. Prob Law Journal, New Series, Probate. Li. J. Q. B Law Journal, New Series, Queen's Bench. L. J. Rep Law Journal Reports. Li. J. Rep. N. S Law Journal Reports, New Series. D. J. Sm Smith's Law Journal, London. L. J. U. C Law Journal, Upper Canada. L. L Laws; Law Latin; Local Laws; Law Library; Law Lists. L. L. B Bachelor of Laws. L. L. D Doctor of Laws. Li. M. (or Mag.) Law Magazine, London. L. M. & P Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock's English Bail Court Reports. L. Mag. & Rev Law Magazine and Review, London. L. N Law News; Liber Niger, or the Black Book. L. O Legal Observer, London. L. P. B Prayer Book of Lawrence, J., in Lincoln's Inn Library. L. P. R Lilly's Practical Register. L. Quar. R Law Quarterly Review. L. R Law Reports; Law Recorder; Louisiana Reports; Law Review; Law Reports; (Law Times Re- ports, N. S.) L. R. A Lawyers' Reports Annotated. L. R. A. & E English Law Reports, Admiralty and Ecclesias- tical. L. R. App. Cas English Law Reports, Appeal Cases. L. R. Burm Law Reports, British Burmah. L. R. C. C English Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved. L. R. C. P English Law Reports, Common Pleas. L. R. C. P. D Eng-lish Law Reports, Common Pleas Division. Lt. R. Ch English Law Reports, Chancery, Appeal Cases. L. R. Ch. D English Law Reports, Chancery Division. L. R. E. & I. App Law Reports, English and Irish Appeals. L. R. Eq English Law Reports, Equity. L. R. Ex English Law Reports, Exchequer. L. R. H. L English Law Reports, English and Irish Appeal Cases House of Lords. L. R. H. L. Sc English Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases House of Lords. L. R. Ind. App English Law Reports, Indian Appeals. L. R. Ir Law Reports, Ireland. L. R. Misc. D Law Reports, Miscellaneous Division, English. L. R. N. S Irish Law Recorder, New Series. Li. R. N. S. W Law Reports, New South Wales. t d' Ki ™ Eng-lish Law Reports, Privy Council, Appeal Cases. L. R. P. Div English Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Ad- n T. o t-* mlralty Division. t 5' V.' English Law Reports, Probate and Divorce. L. R. Q. B English Law Reports, Queen's Bench. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 161 L. R. S. A Law Reports, South Australia. L. R. Sc. & D English Law Reports, Scotch ami Divorce Cases. before the House of Lords. L. R. Bess. Cas English Law Reports, Session Cases. L. R Btat English Law Reports, statutes. L. Rec Law Recorder. L. Rec. N. S Law Recorder, New Series. L. Rep. (Mont.) Law Reporter, Montrt I*. Repos Law Resposltory. L. Rev I . ■ w Review. L. Rev. & Quart. J Law Review and Quarterly Journal. L. S Locus Blgllll— Place for a Seal . 9sJ Salic Law . L Stu. Mif. N'. s Law student's Magazine, X'-w Berles. L. T Law Times, New Scries, English; Law Times, Bcranton, Ps . L. T. r? Law Times Bankruptcy Reports (American). L. T N s Law Times Reports, Mew Berles, London. L. t. i >. s Law Times. Old Series. L. T. R The Law Times Reports in all the Courts. .\ V. Ins. Cas Life and Accident Insurance Cases. I. .v B. Ins. Dig Littleton & Blatchley's Insurance Digest. ,v- C Leigh & Case's English Crown cases Reserved. L. & c. C. C Leigh A I ' . ' < Irown Cas< L. A B English Law and Equity Reports (American Re- print i . L. c. c.i. t-T L C.) Cont . Langdell 'a Cases <>n the Law of Contracts. jang. c.i for L. c.i Sales. Langdell's Cases on the Law of Sales. pi Langdell 's Cases In Bquitj Pl( adlng. Lans. (N. Y.) Lansing's New York Supreme court Reports. Ch. (N. v.i Lansing's New York CI Reports. Dec Laperrlere's Speaker's D . Canada. Latitat; Latch . i k); Library. Lib. Ass Llbei i Y.-ar Hooks, Part V) . Lib. I ii 1 1- .....< Hd Book of Bntrii Lib. l. Library of Law and Equity. Books. b. Civ. Lib Lieber '8 Civil Liberty. Di^ Llgon's Digest (Alabama). Lil Lilly's Reports or Entries, English Court of As- bIzs . Lind. Tart Lindley <>n Partnership. Linn I nil Linn 's Index of Pennsylvania Reports. (or Lltt.)..". ...!.!!! Littleton's Reports, English Common Pleas and Exchequer; Littell's Kentucky Reports. Lltt. Bel. Cas. (Ky.). ... Littell's Select i Kentucky. Litt. Ten Littleton 's Tenures. Lltt. \- H Littleton a. Blatchley's Digest <>t" Insurance De- cisions . Liv. (N. V ' Livingston's Mayor's Court Reports, New York. Liv. Jud. Op. (or Cas.). . Livingston's Judicial Opinions, New York City \i i yor 's < 'iiiirt . Liv. I. M _: Livingston's Law Magazine, New York. Liv. L Reg Livingston's Law Register, New fork. LI Legea (Laws); Lloyd. Ll. A G Lloyd & Goold's Reports, temp. Sugrden, Irish < !ha ncery . Ll. & Q. t. P I Goold 1 i: ports, temp. Plunkett, Irish < Ihancery. Ll. .v \v. ">r Lloyd A w.i. Lloyd & Welsby's English Mercantile cases. Loc. clt Loco citato (in the pla ed) . Loc, ■ G a Local Courts and Municipal Gazette, Canada. Li k I s. (N. T.). L'M-kv. l's Reversi s, New York, Lt E ! ndl L Standi Reports, English. ft Lofft's English King's Bencl Reports. LofTt Max M ippended to Lofft's Reports. Lom. C. ll. Rep. (N y.i.i. Cltj Hall Reporter, New fork. Lond. Jur London Jurist, reports in all tin- court i .lii". N. S Lond Jurist, New Series. !. L Mag London Law Magazine. Ls. • NI • Tt i in . Mill Pennsyl ■•: ' I Mi I lull. It > ..t 1 1. leh Cot esslon M oe Mac and M< 164 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. M. C Magistrate Cases; Mayor's Court. M. C. C Moody's English Crown Cases Reserved. M. D. & D. (or De G. ).... Montagu, Deacon & De Gex's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. G & S Manning, Granger & Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. M. Li. J Memphis Law Journal, Tennessee. M. L. Mag Monthly Law Magazine. M. L. R Maryland Law Record, Baltimore. M. M. R Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. M. P. C Moore's English Privy Council Cases. M. R Master of the Rolls. M . T Michaelmas Term . M. & A Montague & Ayrton 's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. & B Montagu & Bligh's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. & C Mylne & Craig's English Chancery Reports; Mont- agu & Chitty's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. & G Manning & Granger's English Common Pleas Re- ports; Maddock & Geldart 's English Chancery Reports. M. & Gel Maddock & Geldart 's English Chancery Reports (6 Maddock) . M. & Gord Macnaghten & Gordon's English Chancery Reports. M. & H Murphy & Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports. M. & K Mylne & Keen 's English Chancery Reports. M. & M Moody & Malkin 's English Nisi Prius Reports. M. & M'A Montagu & M 'Arthur's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. M. & P Moore & Payne's English Common Pleas Reports. M. & R Manning & Ryland 's English King's Bench Re- ports; Moody & Robinson's English Nisi Prius Reports; Maclean & Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. M. & R. M. C Manning & Ryland 's English Magistrate Cases. M. & S Maule & Selwyn 's English King's Bench Reports; Moore & Scott's English Common Pleas Re- ports. M. & W Meeson & Welsby's English Exchequer Reports. m! & T. (Tenn.) Martin & Terger's Tennessee Reports. Mac See Mc. Mac Arth Mac Arthur's District of Columbia Reports. Mac. N. Z Macassey's New Zealand Reports. Mac. & G Macnaghten & Gordon's English Chancery Reports. Mac. & Rob Maclean & Robinson's English Appeal Cases. Macas Macassey 's Reports, New Zealand . Maccl Macclesfield's Reports (Modern Reports, Part X). Macd Macdougall 's Jamaica Reports . Macf. (or Macfar.) Macfarlane's Reports, Jury Courts, Scotland. Mackey Mackey's Reports, District of Columbia. Ma d McLean 's L T nited States Circuit Court Reports; Maclaurin's Scotch Criminal Decisions. Macl. Dec Maclaurin's Decisions, Scotch Courts. Macl. & R Maclean & Robinson's Reports, English House of Lords, Appeals from Scotland. Macn Macnaghten 's Select Cases in Chancery, temp . King; W. H. Macnaghten 's Reports, India. Macn. N. A. Beng Macnaghten 's Nizamut Adawlut Reports, Bengal. Macn. S. D. A. Beng (W. H.) Macnaghten's Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports, Bengal. Macn. Sel. Cas Select Cases in Chancery temp. King, edited by Macnaghten. Macn . & G Macnaghten & Gordon 's English Chancery Reports. Macph Macpherson, Lee & Bell's (Third Series) Scotch Court of Session Cases. Macq Macqueen 's Scotch Appeal Cases . Macq. H. L. Cas . . Macqueen 's Scotch Appeal Cases (House of Lords). Macr. P. Cas Macrory 's Patent Cases, English. Macr. & H Macrae & Hertslet 's Insolvency Cases. Mad Maddock 's English Chancery Reports; Madras. Mad. H. C Madras High Court Reports. Mad. Jur Madras Jurist, India. Mad. L. J Madras Law Journal. Mad. S. D. A. R Madras Sudder Dewaney Adawlut Reports. Mad. Sel. Dec Madras Select Decrees. Mad. Ser Madras Series (East) India Law Reports. Mad. & Geld Maddock & Geldart 's English Chancery Reports (6 Maddock). Madd Maddock 's English Vice-Chancellors ' Reports . LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 165 p Made Perpetual . ir Madras (see Mad.) Magistrate, London. Id | C a Maglstr • Bpeclally the series edited by Bitth Bton, Wist- ft Parnell l . - . Thar M Magnus Rotolus (the great Roll ol the Exchequer). Maim-; Main.' R< pOl iland Maltland'a Scotch Court of Session Cases. "> Malloy's Irish Chancery Reports. Malone : Editor Heiskell's Tennessee Reports. Man Manning - Reports (English Court of Revision); i; Manning's Reports <1 Michigan); Manuscript; Manning's Louisiana Unreported i lae Man. Cas Manumission Cases In New Jersey, by Bloomneld. Man. El. Cas Manning's English Election Cases (Court of Re- vision i i. Gr. A B Manning:, Granger ft Scott's English Common Reports (1-8 Common Bench Reports). i. & G Manning ft Granger's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Man. A Ry Manning A Rylaud's English King's Bench Re- ports. Mann See Man. son Manson's English Reports. Manurn. Cas Manumission Cases, New Jersey. Mar Maritime; March's English King's Bench Reports; Marshall's United states Circuit Court Re- ports; Marshall's Kentucky Reports; Martin's Louisiana Reports; Martin's North Carolina Reporl . Marshall's Reports, Bengal. Br March's Translation of Brooke's New Cases. Mar. L. C English Maritime Law Cases (Crockford > . Mar. L. C. N. S English Maritime haw Cases. New Series (As- 11 > . Martin's Louisiana Reports. Mar. N. C Martin's North Carolina Reports. Mar N. S Martin's Louisiana Reports. New Series. Mar. Notes & Q Maritime Notes ami Querli Mar. R English Maritime Law Reports. Mr. Reg Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. March March 's Translation of Brooke 's New Cases, King "s B( neh . :h N C March's New English King's Bench. ine Ct. R Marine Court Reports (Mc Adam's) New fork. it Marriott's English Admiralty Decisions; Mar rack's European Assurance Cases, rr. Adm Marriott's Reports, English Admiralty, rs U 's English Admiralty Reports. Marshall's United state Circuit Court Decisions; Marshall's English Common Pleas Reports; Marshall's Bengal Reports; Marshall's Ceylon Reports. K. iKy.i \ k. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. P Marshall's English Common i-l.-as Reports. Ic : Marshall at-. < •.ileal Ion Marshall ' Marsh I •• e Marshall's United States Circuit court Decisions Brockenbrough) . i J .i .i m .! ball 's Kentucky Repoi ; M rtln. M i I ;■ ports. '••■ Ions In Martin's North Caro- ls. ' K (Tenn > \l T< >,.,. • . i;. ports. ' '■'■ '■'< Reports; Martin 's Mori h Cam Una Reports; Martin's Reports (21 3u Georgia) ; i [ndlai ■ llrcult « 'om i R( ports. Mn | chusetts Reports, es. Mass •• It .i Uw Reporter, Boston Mil ., , • i: . • (21-24), Reports (• West vtr- l ivyn's English King's Bench Report*. 166 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Maur. Dec Mauritius Decisions. Mav ' Maxim. , $£yn . ".'.".'. Maynard 's Reports, Edward II (Year Books, Part ■vr/T See Mac. McAl'l" Vu*"s ')'" " McAllister's United States Circuit Court Reports. McArt'h (b C) ..McArthur's District of Columbia Reports. McA. & M. '(D. C.).' McArthur's & Mackey's District of Columbia Re- ports. McB (Mo ) McBride's Missouri Reports (1 Missouri). McCah '. McCahon's Kansas Reports. McCar. (N J.) McCarter's New Jersey Equity Reports. McCl McClelland 's English Exchequer Reports . McCl. & Y McClelland & Young's English Exchequer Reports. McClain's Cas. Car McClain 's Cases on Carriers. McCook (O.) McCook's Reports (1 Ohio State). McCord (S. C.) McCord's South Carolina Law Reports. McCord Eq. (or Ch.) McCord's South Carolina Equity Reports. McCorkle (N. C.) McCorkle 's North Carolina Reports (65 North Carolina) . McCr. or McCrary (U. S.) . McCrary 's United States Circuit Court Reports. McFar McFarlane's Reports (Scotch Jury Court) . McGill McGill 's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session . McGl. or McGloin's (La.) . McGloin 's Louisiana Reports. McL. (U. S.) McLean's United States Circuit Court Reports. McL. & R McLean & Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. McMul. (S. C.) McMullan 's South Carolina Law Reports. McMul. Eq. (S. C.) McMullan 's South Carolina Equity Reports. McPherson McPherson, Lee & Bell's (Third Series) Scotch Court of Session Cases. McQ McQueen's Scotch Appeal (House of Lords Cases) . Md Maryland ; Maryland Reports . Md . Ch Maryland Chancery Reports . Md . L . J Maryland Law Journal . Md. L. Rec Maryland Law Record, Baltimore. Md. L. Rep Maryland Law Reports, Baltimore. Md. L. Rev Maryland Law Review. Me Maine; Maine Reports. Means (Kan.) Means' Kansas Reports. Med. Leg. J Medico-Legal Journal. Med. Leg. P Medico-Legal Papers. Medd. (Mich.) Meddaugh 's Michigan Reports (13 Michigan). Mees. & Ros Meeson & Roscoe 's English Exchequer Reports. Mees. & Wels Meeson & Welsby 's English Exchequer Reports. Meigs (Tenn. ) Meigs ' Tennessee Reports. Mem. L. J Memphis Law Journal, Tennessee. Menz Menzies ' Reports, Cape of Good Hope . Mer Merivale's English Chancery Reports. Merc . Cas Mercantile Cases . Met. (or Mete.) Metcalfe's Kentucky Reports; Metcalf's| Massa- chusetts Reports (42-54 Massachusetts). Mete. (Ky.) Metcalfe's Kentucky Reports. Met. Ch. Cas Report of the Methodist Church Case. Mich Michigan; Michigan Reports; Michaelmas. Mich. L Michigan Lawyer, Detroit. Mich. N. P Michigan Nisi Prius Reports. Mich . T Michaelmas Term . Middx. Sit Sittings for Middlesex at Nisi Prius. Miles (Pa.) Miles' Philadelphia District Court Reports. Mil1 Mill's South Carolina Constitutional Reports; Miller's Reports (1-5 Louisiana); Miller's Re- ports (3-18 Maryland). Mill. Dec Miller's Decisions (Woolworth's Reports) United States Circuit Court; Miller's Decisions United States Supreme Court. Mill- La Miller's Reports (1-5 Louisiana). Mill- Md Miller's Reports (3-18 Maryland). MlUer Miller's Reports (1-5 Louisiana); Miller's Reports (3-18 Maryland). Min Minutes; Minor; Minor's Alabama Reports. Min. Repts Mining Reports. Minn Minnesota; Minnesota Reports. Minor Minor's Reports, Alabama. Miss Mississippi; Mississippi Reports. Miss. St. Cas Mississippi State Cases. Mitch. M. R Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. M. M Manuscripts. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 167 Mo Missouri; Missouri Reports; Moore's English King's Bench Reports; Moore's English Com- n Pleas Reports; Moore's English Privy mil Reports; Modern Reports, English; Monthly . Mo. App Missouri Appeals Reports. Mo. I. A Moore's Indian Appeals. Mo. Jui Monthly Jurist, Bloomington, ill. Mo. l. Mag Monthlj Law Magazine, London. Mo Leg Exam Monthly Legal Examiner, New York. Mo. p. c .' Moore's i:niy Style (Style's King's Bench Reports i . Mo] tor Moll ) Mollory's Irish Chancers Reports. Moly Molyneau's Reports, English courts, temp. Cns. 1, Mon. Montana Territory; Montana Reports; T. B. Mon- roe's Kentucky Reports; Monthly. Mon. B. (Ky.» B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports. Mon! T. B. (Ky.) T. B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports r. ... See Mon . Mont Montana. Montana Reports; Montagu's English Bankruptcy Reports; Montriou's Bengal Re- ports. Mont. Cond. Rep Mont real Condensed Reports. Mont. D. & DeG Montagu, Deacon A De Gex's English Bankruptcy R< ports. ■ t . L. N Montreal Legal New Mont. L. R Montreal Raw Reporter yr Montagu A Ayrton's English Bankruptcy Reports. Mont A Bl Montagu A Bligh's English Bankruptcy Reports. Monl •' Montagu A Chltty's English Bankruptcy Re], oris. m MacA Montagu A MacArthur's English Bankruptcy Re- porl B i Montesquieu's spirit ol Laws. t> Montgomery Count] Law Reports. 1th. J. I- Monthly Journal of Raw. Washington. Month. Jur Monthly Jurist. Illinois. Month. K. M Monthly Raw Magazine, London. ■. Rep Law R( porter, Boston , nth Leg Bi Legal Examiner, New York. Month. West. Jur Monthly Western Jurist. American. •.tr Monl Reporl al; Montriou's Supple- no nt to Moit .in 's Report s . Francis m -e's English King's Bench Reports; .1 m Moore's English Common Pleas Reports Mood) 's English Crown Cases. Moo \ v Report (] Bosanquet A Pullei after Dace 170) Moody's English <"iown Cases Ri erved ' ' M i tes, English Courts, Moo C P ....Moore's English Common Pleai Repoi Mo Moon The Oorham Case, English Pi ouncll. ind App Privy < Council, Indian Appeal) J- B I B M ' R< poi I English Common PI ' s . Moo i -ouncii Cast Moo M i ,. M . N1 1 rlui Ri poi tl M •-)'■■ Moot i:,,. [It h Common Pl< ii R< ports M •' i Pi in R, Engll ih Common Pleui R< poi h King'M it. nch Ri poi . Moors '■ i ■ ■ Report Id Bn- ouncll Repoi I M i ;• , INI 168 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Moore (A.) Moore's Reports in 1 Bosanquet & Pullen. Moore (Ark.) Moore's Arkansas Reports (28-33 Arkansas). Moore B. I Moore's Bast Indian Appeals. Moore G. C Moore's Gorham Case (English Privy Council). Moore K. B Sir F. Moore's English King's Bench Reports. Moore P. C Moore's Privy Council Reports. Moore & P Moore & Payne's English Common Pleas Reports. Moore & S Moore & Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Moore & W Moore & Walker's Reports (22-24 Texas). Mor. (or Morr.) Morrison's Dictionary of Decisions in the Court Sessions, Scotland; Morris' Iowa Reports. Mor. Bank. Cas Morrell's Bankruptcy Cases, English. Mor. Die Morison >s Dictionary of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Mor. Min. Rep Morrison's Mining Reports. Mor. St. Cas Morris' Mississippi State Cases. Mor. Supp Supplement to Morison 's Dictionary, Scotch Court of Sessions. Mor. Syn Morison 's Synopsis, Scotch Session Cases. Mor. Tran Morrison's Transcript, United States Supreme Court. Morris Morris' Iowa Reports; Morris' Reports (5 Cali- fornia); Morris' Reports (43-48 Mississippi); Morris' Jamaica Reports; Morris' Bombay Re- ports. Morris & Har Morris & Harrington 's Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports, Bombay. Morse Tr Morse's Famous Trials. Morton Morton's Reports, Bengal. Mos Mosley 's English Chancery Reports . Ms Manuscript. Mss Manuscripts. Mum. Jam Mumford's Jamaica Reports. Mun Municipal; Munford 's Virginia Reports. Munf . (Va. ) Munford 's Virginia Reports. Mur Murphy's North Carolina Reports; Murray's Jury Court Reports (Scotland); Murray's Ceylon Reports; Murray's New South Wales Reports. Mur. U. S. Ct Murray's Proceedings in the United States Courts. Mur. & Hurl Murphy & Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports. Murph Murphy 's North Carolina Reports. Murr Murray's Scotch Jury Trials; Murray's Ceylon Re- ports; Murray's New South Wales Reports. Murr. Over. Cas Murray's Overruled Cases. Murray Murray 's Scotch Jury Court Reports . Murray (Ceylon) Murray's Ceylon Reports. Mut. (Ceylon) Mutukisna's Ceylon Reports. Myl. & Cr Mylne & Craig's English Chancery Reports. Myl. & K Mylne & Keen's English Chancery Reports. Myr. Fed. Dec Myer's Federal Decisions. N Note; Novellae; Nebraska; New. N. A Non Allocatur. N. B Nulla Bona; Nota Bene; New Brunswick. N - B - H National Bankruptcy Register, New York; New Brunswick Reports. N. Benl New Benloe, English King's Bench Reports. N. C North Carolina; North Carolina Reports; Notes of Cases (English Ecclesiastical and Maritime). N. C. C New Chancery Cases (Young & Collyer) . N. C. Conf North Carolina Conference Reports. N. C. Ecc Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts. N. C. L. Rep North Carolina Law Repository. N. C. Str Notes of Cases, by Strange, Madras. N. C. T. Rep North Carolina Term Reports. N. Chip N. Chipman's Vermont Reports. N. D No date; North Dakota. N. E New England; New Edition. N. E. I Non Est Inventus. N. E. Rep Northeastern Reports. N. F Newfoundland; Newfoundland Reports. N. Eng. Rep New England Reports. N. H New Hampshire; New Hampshire Reports. N. H. & C English Railway and Canal Cases, Nicol, Hare, Carrow, etc. N. J New Jersey; New Jersey Reports. N. J. Eq. (or Ch.) New Jersey Equity Report!. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 169 v j. l New Jersey Law Reports. K. J. L. J New Jersey Law Journal, Sommerville, N. J.; New Jersey Law Journal. Plainfeild. N. J. If, l Nelson's Lutwyche, English Common Pleas Re- in ' r t s . H || New M< I i- • - N- w Mexico Reports. X y ig Caa ! Ntu Magistrates Cases, English. N. m.-x New Mexico. N. NOV NOVellS (Juris Clvllis) . \ of Cas Notts of Cases, English Ecclesiastical and Karl- time Courts; Notes of Cases at Madras (by Strange l - N. P Nisi Prlus; Notary Publie. N. P. Cas Nisi Prlus Cases. N. P. Rep Nisi Prlus Reports, English. \ pr. Cas New Practice Cases, English. N . R New Report s, English Common Pleas . N R. B. P New lie ports nt" i'.osa liquet & Puller. N. S New Berles; Nova Scotia. N. S. Dec Nova Scotia Decisions. N. s. L. R Nova Bcotia Law Reports. N. S. W New South Wales. N. S. W. L. R New South Wales Law Reports. N. \v. Law R«-\- Northwestern Law Review, Chicago, 111. N. \v. p Northwest Provinces Reports, India. N. W. Rep Northwestern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. N W. Rep. (Victoria) ... Northwestern Reports, Victoria. N. Y New York; New York Court of Appeals Reports. N Y. App New York Appellate Division, Supreme Court. N. Y. Cas. Err New York Cases in Error (Calnes ' Cases) . N. Y. Ch. Sent New York Chancery Sentinel. N. Y. City H. Rec New York City Hall Recorder. N. Y. Civ. Pr. Rep New York Civil Procedure Reports. N. Y. Code Rep N, w York Code Reporter, New York City. N. Y. Con. Rep New York Condensed Reports. N Y. Cr. R New York Criminal Reports. N. Y. Jur New York Jurist. N. Y. L. J New York Law Journal, New York City. N. Y. Legal N New Fork Legal News. N. Y. Leg. O N-w York Legal Observer N. Y. Op. Att. G.n Sick. 1 's opinions of the Attorneys General of New York. N Y. P. R New fork Practice Reports. N T. Roc New Fork Recorder. N Y. Reg N.w York Dally Register, New York City. N. Y. s. R x, w York State Reporter. N. Y. Supp x.w Fork Supplement. N. Y. T. R New York Term Reports (Caines' Reports). N. Y. Them New York Themis. N. Y. Trans X.w York Transcript, New York City. • v - * N.w Zealand N. z. Jur New Zealand Jurist . g. Z. Rep New Zealand Reports. ■*• ■ Jl Notl A Huntington's Reports . McCord's South Carol 1 1 orts. • k - P Nevlli i Perry's English Kit. Bench Reports. Napton 's r< port • I 1 1 » . Xarr Mod x Modemae, or Btyle's K ing 's Bench Re- ports . Nal National . • : R Xatloi ptcy R( gl Nntura Bret lum. .National I tlori 1: I- I: • • National I... w I i • Rep Na tlon rter. L. ItOV .National R«g Natlonul Kcglst< M.a.l. 1 s l C . I- . Nalton 's Collect Ion of Stats Pap< I Nd N< Hand Reports, . Reports. L Boh. J Need ham boo] Journal. t- Cas American N< ■■•■■i. BlOOinfleld *l Manumis- sion i..r Negro) Cases, New Jersey. 170 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Nel. (or Nels.; or Nels. g v0 Nelson 's English Chancery Reports . Nell . Nell 's Ceylon Reports . Nels'. Fol. Rep Finch's Chancery Reports, edited by Nelson. Nev Nevada; Nevada Reports. Nev. & M Nevile & Manning's Reports, English King's Bench. Nev. & Macn Nevile & Macnamara 's English Railway and Canal Cases. Nev. & P Nevile & Perry's English King's Bench Reports. New Ann. Reg New Annual Register, London. New Benl New Benloe's Reports, English King's Bench. New Br New Brunswick; New Brunswick Reports. New Cas. Eq New Cases in Equity (S, 9 Modern Reports). New Eng. Rep New England Reporter. New Mag. Cas New Magistrates ' Cases (Bittleston, Wise & Par- nell). New Pr. Cas New Practice Cases (English) . New Rep New Reports in all the Courts, London; Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports (4, 5, Bos. & Pul . ) New Sess. Cas Carrow, Hammeston & Allen's New Session Cases V English) . New Term Rep New Term Reports; Dowling & Ryland 's King's Bench Reports. New York See N . Y . New Zea. App New Zealand Appeal Reports. Newb Newberry's United States Admiralty Reports. Newbyth Newbyth's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Session Cases. Newf Newfoundland . Newf. Sel. Cas Newfoundland Select Cases. Nich. H. & C Nicholl, Hare & Carrow 's English Railway and Canal Cases. Nicholson Nicholson 's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Nient Cul Nient Culpable — not guilty. Nil. Reg Nile's Weekly Register. Nisbet (Nisbet of) Direlton's Scotch Session Cases. No. Ca. Ecc. & Mar Notes of Cases (English) Ecclesiastical and Mari- time. Nol., or Nol. Set Nolan's Settlement Cases. Nol.' Mag. Cas Nolan's English Magistrates' Cases. Non Cul Non Culpabilis — not guilty . Norris (Pa.) Norris ' Reports (82-96 Pennsylvania). Nort. L. C Norton's Leading Cases on Inheritance, India. North Reports temp. Northington (Eden 's English Chan- cery Reports) . North. Co'. Rep Northampton County Reporter. North. W. L. J Northwestern Law Journal. Not. Cas Notes of Cases in the English Ecclesiastical Courts; Notes of Cases at Madras (Strange). Not. Dec Notes of Decisions (Martin's North Carolina Re- ports) . Not . J Notaries Journal . Not . Man Notaries Manual . Not . Op Wilmot 's Notes of Opinions and Judgments . Nott & Hop. (U. S.) Nott & Hopkin's Reports (8-15 United States Court of Claims) . Nott & Hunt. (U. S.) Nott & Huntington's Reports (1-7 United States Court of Claims) . Nott & McC. (S. Car.)... Nott & McCord's South Carolina Reports. Nov . Sc Nova Scotia Supreme Court Reports . Nov. Sc. Dec Nova Scotia Decisions. Nov. Sc. L. R Nova Scotia Law Reports. N °y Noy's English King's Bench Reports; Noy 's Maxims. O Ohio Reports; Oregon Reports; Otto's United States Supreme Court Reports. O- B Old Benloe; Orlando Bridgman 's English Reports. O- B. S old Bailey's Session Papers. O. Benl old Benloe 's Reports, English Common Pleas. O. Bridg Orlando Bridgman 's Reports, English Common Pleas; Carter's Reports temp. Bridgman, En- glish Common Pleas. O. B. & F. N. Z Ollivier, Bell & Fitzgerald's New Zealand Reports. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 171 O C Orphan's Court. O C C Ohio Circuit Court Reports. O. G Official Gazette, United states Patent Office, Wash- on. l). O. L. J Ohio Law Journal. Oil. A H Olaalley & Hardcastle *a English Election Cases. O. N. B Old Nairn. i Brevlum. O. s Old Series; Ohio Statt Reports, O. St Ohio State Reports. O'Keefe Ord O'Ki Orders in Chancery, Ireland. O. T .' Oyer and Terminer. Oct Octavo Oct. Str Octavo Strange (Select Cases Relating to Evi- dence) • Officer (Minn.) Ofl Reports il-n Minnesota). Ogden (La.) Ogden 's Reports (12-15 Louisiana Annuals). Ohio Ohio Reports. Ohio C. C Ohio Clrcuil Court Reports. Ohio L. J Ohio Law Journal. Ohio Leg. N Ohio Legal News, Norwalk, Ohio. lo Prob Ohio Probate Court Reports. Ohio R. Cond Ohio Reports Condensed. Ohio St Ohio State Reports. Okla Oklahoma: Oklahoma Reports, Olc. (or Oic. Adm.) Olcott's United states District Court (Admiralty R< ports » . Oldr Oldrlght's Reports, Nova Scotia. '• I:. A L olive,-. Beavan ft Lefroy's (English Railway and es, Vols. .". -T i . oil. B. & F Ollivler, Bell ft Fitzgerald's New Zealand Reports. Onsl. N. P Onslow's Nisi Prlus. Ont Ontario; Ontario Reports. Ont. App Ontario Appeal Reports. Ont. Pr Ontario Practice Reports. Op. Att. Gen Opinions ot the United States Attorneys General. Op. Att. Gen. N. Y Sickel's Opinions ot Attorneys General of New York . Or Oregon; Oregon Reports. Or. T. R Orleans Term Reports (1-2 Martin 's Louisiana Re- ports i . Ord Orders; Ordinances. Oreg Oregon; Oregon Reports. Orl. Bridg Orlando Bridgman'S English Common Pleas Re- ports. iond (Ala.i .i ■ Reports (12-16 Alabama), Qt. (U, B.) United States Supreme Court Reports. • •' ' ■ > Outerbridgi Reports (97-liu Pennsylvania State) r. (Tenn.) Overton's Tennessee Reports, ° wen owen's English King's Bencb Reports; Owen's N. w South Wales Reports. ° xl "- v Young's Vice-Admiralty Decisions, Nova Scotia. edited by Oxl< Iv Blaster (P Srmi Pennsylvania; Peters; i. Page; Placitum; Partldad; Plokerlng's sfassachuset 1 1 r- ports. P ls'ji P 1892 !• 1893 P ' It P 189 P P ! V English Law Reports, Probate Division, nine* 1' I *»« / P I • ■ P i BO I P ; I i P 1902 P 1904 p \ i > Peters' ns. P i i Crown; Parliament i Prsc P ; Privy II . Prist Court; Pi P. C. App h Law Repot P ■ ' C Privy Petei i rcult Court Reports. P. C. R . Pai lei Iminal Reports, "■ • k. ) 172 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. p. D English Law Reports, Probate Division. P. E. I. Rep Prince Edward Island Reports (Haviland) . P. F. S P. F. Smith's Reports (51-Sl 1 ^ Pennsylvania State). P. Jr. & H. or P. & H. (Va.) Patton, Jr., & Heath's Virginia Reports. P. Li Public Lands; Pamphlet Laws; Poor Laws. p. L. j Pennsylvania Law Journal; Pittsburgh Legal Journal, Pa. p. l. r Pennsylvania Law Record, Philadelphia. p. N. P Peake's English Nisi Prius Cases. P. O. Cas Perry's Oriental Cases, Bombay. P. P Parliamentry Papers. P. R Parliamentary Reports; Pennsylvania Reports by Penrose & Watts; Pacific Reporter. P. R. C. P Practical Register in Common Pleas. P. R. Ch Practical Register in Chancery. P. R. U. C Practice Reports, Upper Canada. P. R. & D Power, Rodwell & Dew's English Election Cases. P. S. C. U. S Peters' Supreme Court, United States. P. S. R Pennsylvania State Reports. P. W. (or P. Wms.) Peere-Williams' English Chancery Reports. P. & C Prideaux & Cole's Reports, English Courts (New Session Cases, Vol. 4). P. D Perry & Davidson's English Queen's Bench Re- ports; Probate and Divorce Law Reports. p. & H Patton, Jr., & Heath's Virginia Reports (Special Court of Appeals) . p. K Perry & Knapp's English Election Cases. P. & M Philip & Mary. p. & R Pigot & Rodwell 's English Election Cases. P. & W Penrose & Watts' Pennsylvania Reports. Pa Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Reports, by Penrose & Watts; Pennsylvania State Reports. Pa. or Paine (U. S.) Paine 's Reports, United States Circuit Court. Pa. Co. Ct. Rep Pennsylvania County Court Reports. Pa. Dist. Rep Pennsylvania District Court Reports. Pa. L. G Legal Gazette Reports (Campbell's), Pennsylvania. Pa. L. J Pennsylvania Law Journal Reports (Clark's); Pennsylvania Law Journal, Philadelphia. Pa. L. Rec Pennsylvania Law Record, Philadelphia. Pa. N. P Brightly 's Nisi Prius Reports, Pennsylvania. Pa. St Pennsylvania State Reports. Pa. St. Tr Pennsylvania State Trials (Hogan's). Pac. Coast L. J Pacific Coast Law Journal, San Francisco. Pac. L. Rep Pacific Law Reporter, San Francisco. Pac. Law Mag Pacific Law Magazine, San Francisco. Pac. Reptr Pacific Reporter. Pai. (N. Y.) Paine's United States Circuit Court Reports. Pai. Ch. (N. Y.) Paige's New York Chancery Reports. Paige (N. Y.) Paige's New York Chancery Reports. Paige Cas. Dom Paige's Cases on Domestic Relations. Paige Cas. Part Paige's Cases on Partnership. Paine C. C. (U. S.) Paine's United States Circuit Court Reports. Pal. (or Palm.) Palmer's English King's Bench Reports; Palmer's Reports (53-60 Vermont). Pamph Pamphlet . Pand Pandects. Papy (Fla.) Papy's Reports (5-8 Florida). Par Paragraph; Parker's English Exchequer Reports. Par. Dec Parson 's Decisions, Massachusetts. Par. Eq. Cas Parson's Select Equity Cases, Pennsylvania. Park Parker's English Exchequer Reports; Parker's New Hampshire Reports; Parker's New York Criminal Reports. Park. Cr. Cas Parker's New York Criminal Cases. Park. Exch Parker's English Exchequer Reports. Park. Rev. Cas Parker's English Exchequer Reports (Revenue Cases) . Parker Parker's English Exchequer Reports; Parker's New York Criminal Reports, Parker's New Hampshire Reports. Pari. Cas Parliamentary Cases (House of Lords Reports). Pari. Reg Parliamentary Register. Pars Parsons tsee Par . ) Pars . Ans Parson 's Answers to the Fifth Part of Coke 's Re- ports. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 173 Pars. Eq. Cas Parson's Select Equity Cases, Pennsylvania. Pas. T Pascal Term or Easter Term. Pasch. (Tex.) Paschal 's R (88-11 Texas). Pat Patent; 'a Scotch Appeal Cases; Paterson 'a Scotch Appeal Cases; Paterson 's New South Wal< .- Eleporta . Pat. App. Cas Paton'a Scotch Appeal - (Oraigie, Stewart & Paton); Paterson 'a Scotch Appeal Cases. Pat . Dec Patent Decisions. Elee. Cas Patrick 'a Election Cases, 1'pper Canada. Pat. Law Rev *.... Patent Law Review. Washington, D. C. Off. Dec Patent Office Decisions. t. Off. Gaz Official G United States Patent Office. Wash- ington. D. C. Pat. ; lish Law Reports Prater's i on Conflict of Laws. Pract Th< Pracl Itioner. Pratt Bott \ . . . Bott 'a English Poor Law Cases, tt Cont. <'as Pi , traband-of- War Cases. Pratt P. L. Cas Pratt's English Poor Law Casi .-. Ch is in Chancery, English. I '! Prer Prerogat Ive Court. Pale President Falconer 's Scotch mour & Falconer > . for Prlct I Price's English Exchequer Reports. Notes P P Prli ■■( Points of Practice, English Ei ch< quer C Price <* S. Tr. Mark Cas. Price & Stewart's Trade-Mark Cases, Pricket t (Id.) Prickett 's Rej Prld. A C Prideaux & Cole'e Reports (English), New Session Cases. Vol. I. Printed Decisions (Sneed'a), Kentucky, Coum App Privy Council Appeals. r Pro Qui n nl the Plaintiff) . Div Probate Division, English Law Reports. & Adm. Div ' and Admiralty Division, English Law Rc- ports . iV '' iv Probate and Divorce, English Law Reports ■ ■ ■' ' !' Mni Matrimonial Cases. B. & B Proctor's Bench and Bar, New Fork. Liwy Property Lawyer (Periodical), England. Prou.lf. Land Dec Proudflt's United States Land Decisions. Prl . Rep irts. ch. & M. L. j Psycological and Medico Legal Journal. Pt Part . Public Statu- Pugj n ■ ■' Brum a Ick Reports. > : (N. B.) p fl Burbrldge's \ew Brunswick Reports ■'•'' (M( > Pulslfer'a Maine Reports (65-68 Maine). Ct Pun ;■ Court. Rec Punji rd. Pyke ■• ' 'mi..,!. i King ' B< m b R( poi ta ■ Price Prin. Priv. Prob I'm. Prob Proc. Q Q l: estlon; Quadragesms (Year Books, Part l \ i.i nil • i. en 'a Bench Reports I Adolphus Bench R< B B •J Q D R i: B B B B English Law n 's Bench Division, B I. R I • V . i llsh Law R< porta . Idolphua .v Bills i Mew ■ i i: ii.i il which i ■ ■ • i ' PI IV) 176 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. Quar. L. Rev Quarterly Law Review, Richmond, Va. Quar. L. Jour Quarterly Law Journal, Richmond, Va. Queb. L. R Quebec Law Reports. Queb. Q. B Quebec Queen's Bench Reports. Queens. L. J Queensland Law Journal. Queens. L. R Queensland Law Reports. Quin. or Quincy (Mass. ) .vQuincy 's Massachusetts Reports. Quinti, Quinto Year Book, 5 Henry V. Quo War Quo Warranto . R Reports; The Reports, Coke's; King Richard; Roy or Rex; Rolls; Revision; Reversed; Re- solved; Repealed; Rawle's Pennsylvania Re- ports; Rettie, Crawford & Melville's (Fourth Series) Scotch Session Cases. R. A Registration Appeals; Regular Appeals. R. C Record Commission; Railway Cases. R. C. & C. R Revenue, Civil and Criminal Reporter, Calcutta. r. I Rhode Island; Rhode Island Reports. R. J. & P. J Revenue, Judicial and Police Journal, Calcutta. R. L. & S Ridgeway, Lapp & Schoales, Irish King's Bench Reports. R. L. & W Robert, Learning & Wallis' English County Court Reports. R. M. Ch. (Ga.) R- M. Charlton 's Georgia Reports. r \ N . P Roscoe 's Nisi Prius . r' pi c Real Property Cases, English. R. P. & W. (Pa.) (Rawle), Penrose & Watt's Pennsylvania Re- ports. r . r Railroad ; Railway . R. R. & Can. Cas Railway and Canal Cases, English. pt g Revised Statutes. R. t. "f.V. ".".".".". V.7."! '.'.'.'.'. Reports temp. Finch, English Chancery. r! t. h! !.'!!.*!!.'!!!!!!! '. . Reports temp. Hardwicke (Lee), English King's Bench; Reports temp. Holt (Cases Concerning Settlements) . R. t. Hardw Reports temp. Hardwicke, English King's Bench. R. t. Holt. . '. Reports temp. Holt, English King's Bench. R. t. Q. A Reports temp. Queen Anne (11 Modern Reports). R. & B. Cas Redfield & Bigelow 's Leading Cases on Bills and Notes. R. & C. Cas Railway and Canal Cases, English. R. & C. N. Sc Russell & Chesley's Reports, Nova Scotia. R. & G. N. Sc Russell & Geldert's Reports, Nova Scotia. R. & M Ryan & Moody's English Nisi Prius Reports; Rus- sell & Mylne's English Chancery Reports. R. & M. C. C Ryan & Moody's Crown Cases Reserved, English. R. & M. N. P Ryan & Moody's Nisi Prius Cases, English. R. & R. C. C Russell & Ryan's English Crown Cases, Reserved. Ra. Ent Lord Raymond's Entries. Rail, (or Railw.) Cas. ... Railway Cases. Rail. & Can. Cas. ........ Railway and Canal Cases, English. Rail. & Corp. L. J Railway and Corporation Law Journal. Ram. Cas. P. & E Ram's Cases of Pleading and Evidence. Ram. & Mor Ramsey & Morin's Montreal Law Reporter. Rand. (Va.) Randolph's Virginia Reports; Randolph's Kansas Reports (21-56 Kansas); Randolph's Reports (7-11 Louisiana Annual). Raney (Fla.) Raney's Reports (16-20 Florida). Rang. Dec Spark's Rangoon Decisions, British Burmah. Ratt. L. C Rattigan 's Leading Cases on Hindoo Law. Raw. or Rawle (Pa.). ... Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports. Rawle P. & W (Rawle) Penrose & Watt's Pennsylvania Reports. Raym Lord Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. Raym . Ent Lord Raymond 's Entries . Raymd. Sir T Sir Thomas Raymond's English King's Bench Re- ports. Rayn Rayner 's English Tithe Cases . Real Est. Rec Real Estate Record, New York. Real Pr. Cas Real Property Cases, English. Rec Records; Recorder. Rec. Dec Veaux 's Recorder's Decisions, Philadelphia. Red Redfield 's New York Surrogate Reports; Reding- ton's Reports (31-35 Maine). Red. Am. R. R. Cas Redfield 's American Railway Cases. Red. Cas. R. R Redfield 's Leading Cases on Railroads. LAW ABBREVIATIONS. 177 Red. Cas. wills id's Leading Caaea on Wills. Red. & Rip. Cas. R. N. .. Redfleld & Blgelow's Leading <>n Bills and If. (or Redf. Sur. )... .Redfleld 'a Mew York Surrogate Reports; (see a 1 8 ! : Reding:. (Me.) ngton'a Reporta (81-86 Maim-'). 'raud Re< d 's Leading Casea <>n statute nf Frauds. >:• • Wills R on Wills . The Daily i: New York City. Cas Registration i Relly'a English arbitration i ,. c r , tr ' Remarkable Criminal Trials. Rem. Tr Cumraina A Durphy'a Remarkable Trials. Report or Report tied; Wallace 'a " The Reporters;" The Reporter, Boston, Mass.; The porter, Washington and Mew York. Rep. (l. 2. etc.) !■ -■ etc., Cookt flisn King 'a Bench Reports. (Clayton 'a) Reporta Isea at Yorke. Kq Gilbert 'a Chancery R< ports. •r R< porta of CaseB, Dewanny Ada win t. Madras. pr Reportc i of Pi (Cooke's) . Ch Reporta In Chancery, English. i. Pr Reporta In Chancery, Practice. Com. Cas Reporl immerical Caaea, Bengal. Rpp. Const. Ct Reporta of the Constitutional Court, South Caro- lina (Treadway, Mill or Harper). Rep. Cr. L. Com Reporta of Criminal Law Commissioners. Kq Gilbert 'a English Reporta In Equity. Rep. Pat Reporta of Patents, etc., C O. A Reporta temp. Queen Anne (11 Modern Reports'). - l Cas. Ch Kelynge's (W.) Reports, English Chancery. Rep t Finoh . rta temp.) Pinch, English Chancery. , Hard Lee's R temp. Hardwicke, English King's Bench . t TTo]t Reports temp. Holt (English Cases of Settlement). Br.*!.'.'.'! English Common Pleas Reports, temp. O. dgman . .. t. Q. A Reporta temp Queen Anno m Modern Reports). t. Talb Renorta temp. Talbot, English Chancery. . Yuri Reporta of Assises m'a Reports). Reports Coke 'a English King 'a Bench Reports. ■ r Reporter, Res Reaolved; Resolution; Reserved. Res . fas Rei Tudg. N. S. w Reserved and Equity Judgments, Mew South Wales. nrttie Rettle, Crawford A Melville '■ Bcotcfa Besslon Cases ) . C. & C. Rop Revenue, Civil and Criminal Reporter, Bengal. Rev. r.as Revenue C Rev. rrit Critique, Montn Rev. J. Cases. S. Aust. L. R Smith Australian l,;iv, Reports. S. B '"' per Bench, or Supreme Bench. C South Carolina; Smith Carolina Reports, New Same Case; Superior Court; Supreme lor C B C C S lhancerj Cases (Pari 8 of Casea In Chan- cery); Small Cans.- Court, Indiana. s. c. E Relating to Evidence (Strange). S. C. R South Carolina Rej New Series; Harper's Bouth Carolina Reports; Supreme Court Re- 's. B Car Sout! Carolina; South Carolina Reports, New ea . B Oak South Dakota; South Dakot irta, D. A Sudd< r I >< wanny Adawlui Reports, India. B Shaw. Dunlop & Bell's Scotch Courl of Session "Ms f! I s ) . D & B. Sup Shaw, Dunlop A Bell's Supplement, containing House of Lord'i i tecislona . \[ R. I or Rep era Ri porti r, B( Paul, Minn. \ ' T * ree Adawlui Reports, India. • tor 'a Journal . s Just -law's Justiciary Cases, Scotland. s L Solicitoi Li Law . B I. C Smith 's Li B i- C '>;■;■ Stuart 'a Lower Canada Appeal < '.ki's. ■' Scottish Law journal. Edlnburi '•■ l: Law Review, St. Louis, Mo.; Scottish I • n Ri porter, i-:urgh. Point; Same Pi Inclpl Soutl • Berli of United States Treasury Decl- ine. N v i 'a New Fork City Superior Courl Resorts. s T (or 81 Trl.) Btat< 'Hi . 8 V. a i: - jut's Vice-Admlralt) Reports, Queb 1 -■■ ern Law Journal and Reporter Nash- vllle, Tenn. \ Repti 3outl Smltl Ri di h R( ports. i Courl Ri ports •^liaw, Dunlop 4 Bell '■ Scotch Courl of Session Ri ' : Olfford' English Vice Chancellor') Ri [rlsfa Chan. ports. ■ M ■ ' Api House ol Lords; m Reports. ■i ci, • II 'a Mlssl Reports. Irish i i Report \ .. • ■ lhancellor '« Ri ports. 180 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. S & Sc Sausse & Scully's Irish Chancery Reports. s ; & sm Searle & Smith's English Probate and Divorce Re- ports. S. & T Swabey & Tristram's English Probate and Divorce Reports. Qallr Salkeld's English King's Bench Reports. a i 'a Ai. Salmon's Abridgment of State Trials. aoi m • « rf ; Salmon 's edition of State Trials . bairn. &. xr Sanders; Sanford (see Sand.) ban. gan Franc i SCO L, aw Bulletin. «orT wr t t San Francisco Law Journal. Z ' ,Vt v i Sandford's New York Superior Court Reports. band . t in . x.) Sandf ord 's New .York Chancery Reports . %™a' V -pin' Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian) Reports. ^nriHf Sandford's New York Superior Court Reports; na Sandf ord 's Reports (59 Alabama) . Sandf Ch (NY) Sandford's New York Chancery Reports. Sandl .' St .' Pap*. ..'..'.'.'.'.'. '. Sandler 's State Papers Sar Ch Sen Saratoga Chancery Sentinel. Sau & Sc Sausse & Scully's Irish Rolls Court Reports. a * H 'Saunder's English King's Bench Reports. oh jL'n Saunders & Cole's English Bail Court Reports. a Un S' x ivfnA Saunders & Mcrea's English County Court Cases. bauna. & iviac Sausse & Scully's Irish Rolls Court Reports. bausse & be « Savile's English Common Pleas Reports. Sav Sawyer's United States Circuit Court Reports. Saw. (or bawy.j Saxton 's New Jersey Chancery Reports. bax. (or baxt.; Sayer 's English King's Bench Reports. Sa y Scilicet (that is to say) ; Scaccaria (Exchequer) ; Sc Scott 's Reports, English Common Pleas; Scotch; Scammon's Illinois Reports. Scottish Jurist. Sc. Jur - Scottish Law Journal and Sheriff Court Record. «! t ivr Scottish Law Magazine and Sheriff Court Reporter. be. Li. M Scottish Law Reporter. Edinburgh. Sc. L. R Scott's New Reports, English. Sc. N. R.. Scotch Court of Session Cases. Sc. Sess. Cas Scotch and Divorce Appeals (English Law Re- Sc. & Div. App ports). . Scammon's Illinois Reports (2-5 Illinois). o C S m 'p t r Schoales & Lefroy's Irish Chancery Reports. | c j} • * ijet Schalk 's Jamaica Reports . SchaiK . . • Schmidt 's Law Journal, New Orleans. benm. . . [Scire facias (that you make known). Sci fa ad dis deb. . . ' . ' Scire f acias a(i disprobandum dibitum (the name of a writ in use in Pennsylvania) . .. Scilicet (that is to say) . ^ cl1 'Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. a CO " xr' t? 'Scott's New Reports, English Common Pleas. ew aimy Adawlut, B D v. :i- Select l <■ Sudder Adawlut, Madras. Selden's Reports (5-10 New fork Court of Ap- is). N. v.) Selden's Notes, New York Court or Appeals. w. A Barn The First Pari of Barnewall & Alderson's English K Ing 's ('•• rich Reports . i or Semb . ) Semble | it - ra»- S Lowb. Re] English Common Law Reports, American reprint I ,-. Lowbi i Serg. A Raw. (P i Sergeant & Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports. Session i igllsh King's Bench Report irt of s- s^i. mi I Sc....- Session i ch Court of Session. ■ Pap. C. C i' s.ssimi i i ntral Criminal Court. Sess. Pap. ■•. B Session Papers, Old Bailey. Cas Settlemi C - s, English. '• & Rem. C - English Settlen d Removal Cases (Burrow's t i i 1 1 1 • ■ 1 1 1 i ' H. «' - >s High Court Reports, Bengal. '• S. D. A s dder Dewannj Adawlut Reports, Bengal. Sl1 Sheriff; Shower's English Parliamentary Cases; Shower's English King's Bench Reports; Shep- lej is ami 21-80 Blaine); Shaw's tCh Appeal Cases; Shaw, etc.. First Series of Session i Shaw's Scotch JuSticI Shaw's Srntch Teind Court Reports; G. B. Shaw's Reports (10 Vermont); \v. c, . Shaw's Reports (80-86 Vermont); Shir- ley's Reports (49-6G New Hampshire); Shel- don's Buffalo (N. v.i Superior Court Reports; Shepherd's Reports (19-21 24-41 49-51 60 66, 68 70, 72, 74, :-;- ,-95 Alabama); Shipp'c R< ports l»;i;-i;7 North Carolina); •Hi's Reports (11-28 South Carolina); SI ford's Reserved Judgments, Victoria. Bh. App !, \ ,,,.. , , s Sh. Crim. Cas Shaw' Cr ninal Ca es (Justiciary Court). Bb. Jus Shaw • es, Scotland. sh. w. ,v <• tenay's Scotch Appeal Re- ports (Wilson & Shav. ' Reports). Bh 'ii - ch Court of Session Reports ■ I Sl SCOt '.,■.,. -es. I . i Vict > \ Ictorla Ri port Car.). .8 nd' Rej rts (11-45 Bout h Carolina, N. s. ) Bhara . Tab C nn.). Sh Table • out . I: »p Shai teal Propei iw . . . Bha Series irt of Session • Shaw 'a Scotch haw 'a Scotch Telnd R< B Bh (10 \ • rmont I . W. Q fihnw App Caa Lorda . Court of Sen Ion I tunlop .', Bi toh Session Fti porta. -..lit. e of Lord w W. & C ■ Repi BnglUfa ■ , ■■• • monl ' irt of Session h a pp< ea . if Buffalo, 182 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY Shep '. Shepley's Reports (13-18 and 21-30 Maine); Shep- herd's Reports (19-21, 24-41, 49-56, 60, 63-66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76-79, 82-83, 85-95, Alabama). Shepley Shepley 's * Reports (13-18 and 21-30 Maine). Sher. Ct. Rep Sheriff Court Reports, Scotland; Sheriff Court Re- porter. Ship. Gaz Shipping Gazette, London. Shipp (N. Car.) Shipp's Reports (66-67 North Carolina). Shir. Cr. L. Cas Shirley's Criminal Law Cases. Shir. D. C. Ca Shirley's Dartmouth College Case. Shir. L. C Shirley's Leading Cases Made Easy. Shirley (N. H.) Shirley's Reports (49-55 New Hampshire). Show Shower's Parliamentary Cases; Shower's King's Bench Reports. Show. K. B Shower's English King's Bench Reports. Show! P. C Shower's English Parliamentary Cases. Sick. (N. Y.) Sickels' Reports (46-146 New York Court of Ap- peals) . Sick. Min. Dec Sickel 's Mining Laws and Decisions. Sick. Op. (N. Y.) Sickles' Opinions of the New York Attorneys General. Sid Siderfin's English King's Bench Reports. Silv. App. (N. Y.) Silvernail's New York Court of Appeals Reports.. Silv. Sup. (N. Y. )....*... Silvernail 's New York Supreme Court Reports. Sim Simon's English Vice-Chancery Reports. Sim. Dig. Pat. Dec Simond's Digest of Patent Office Decisions. Sim. N. S Simon's English Vice-Chancery Reports, New Series. Sim. & Stu. (or Sim. & S. ) Simons & Stuart 's English Vice-Chancery Reports. Sinclair Sinclair's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Session Cases. Sir T. J Sir Thomas Jones' Reports. Six Circ Cases on the Six Circuits, Irish. Skill. Pol. Rep Skillman's New York Police Reports. Skin Skinner's English King's Bench Reports. Skinker Skinker's Reports (65-79 Missouri). Slade (Vt.) Slade's Reports (15 Vermont). Sloan Leg. Reg Sloan's Legal Register, New York. Sm Smith (see Smith). Sm. C. C. M Smith's Circuit Courts-Martial Reports, Maine. Sm. Cond. Ala Smith's Condensed Alabama Reports. Sm. L. J J- P. Smith's Law Journal, London. Sm. L. C Smith 's Leading Cases. Sm. L. Cas. Com. L Smith's Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Sm. & B. R. R. Cas Smith & Bates American Railway Cases. Sm. & G Smale & Giffard, English Vice-Chancery Reports. Sm. & M. (Miss.) Smedes & Marshall's Mississippi Reports. Smith Smith's New Hampshire Reports; P. P. Smith's Pennsylvania State Reports; E. P. Smith's Re- ports (15-27 New York Court of Appeals); E. D. Smith's New York Common Pleas Reports; Smith's Reports (54-55 California); Smith's Reports, Indiana; Smith's Reports 61-64 Maine); Smith's Reports (1-11 Wisconsin); Smith's Volume of Heiskell's Tennessee Re- ports; J. P. Smith's English King's Bench Reports; see also Sm. Smith (Cal.) Smith's California Reports. Smith Cond. (Ala.) Smith's Condensed Alabama Reports. Smith (E. D.) (N. Y.)..E. D. Smith's Common Pleas Reports, New York. Smith (E. P.) E. P. Smith's Reports (15-27 New York Court of Appeals) . Smith Ind Smith's Indiana Reports. Smith (J. P) J- B- Smith's English King's Bench Reports. Smith Lead. Cas Smith's Leading Cases. Smith Me Smith's Reports (61-64 Maine). Smith N. H Smith 's New Hampshire Reports. Smith N. Y Smith's Reports (15-27 New York Court of Ap- peals) . Smith P. P. (or Pa.).... P. P. Smith's Pennsylvania Reports. Smith Wis Smith's Reports (1-11 Wisconsin). Smith & B. R. R. C Smith & Bates' American Railway Cases. Smith & Bat Smith & Batty 's Irish King's Bench Reports. Smoult Notes of Cases in Smoult's Collection of Orders, Calcutta. Smy Smythe's Irish Common Pleas Reports. Sneed Sneed 's Tennessee Reports; Sneed 's Kentucky De- cisions. Sneed Dec Sneed 's Kentucky Decisions . Snow Cas. Int. L Snow's Cases on International Law. So. Aus. L. R South Australian Law Reports. LAW ABBREVIATIONS 183 r South Carolina: South Carolina Reports. Car. Const South Carolina Constitutional Reports tby Tread- way, by Mill, <>r by Harper » . r. L. J South Carolina Law Journal, Columbia. South Dakota; South Dakota Reports. P. (or Bast.) Rep. ... Southeastern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. L. J S urn Law Journal and Reporter, Nashville Tenn . Bo. L. R South. in Law Review, Nashville, Tenn. L. R. .\ 5 Southern Law Review, New Series, St. Louis, Mo. L. T Southern Law Times. ; « Southern Reporter, st . Paul, Minn. \v . (or Weal I Rep .. Southwestern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. L. J Southwestern Law Journal. Nashville, Tenn. Sol. Gen Solicitor General. Sol. J Solicitor's Journal. London. J >v R Solicitor's Journal and Reporter, London. Som. Gaz Somerset Gazette. South Ail. Rep South Atlantic Reportei th Aus. L. R South Australia Law Reports. South Car South Carolina. th Dak South Dakota. at. Rep Southeastern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. th. L. T Southern Law Times. • .1 Southern Law Journal, Tuscaloosa. Ala. •<•' J. & Rep Southern Law Journal and Reporter, Nashville, Tenn . th. Law Rev Southern Law Review, St. Louis, Mo. th Rep Southern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. South. \Y . L. J Southwestern Law Journal. hard (N. J.» Southard's New Jersey Law Reports. Itheast. Rep Southeastern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. it hern Rep Southern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn. SouthW. L. J Southwestern Law Journal and Reporter. hw. Reptr Southwestern Reporter, St. Paul. Minn. Spinks 1 English Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Re- pots; Spear's South Carolina Law Reports A Special Appeal . l-'i (or «'h.» Spear's South Carolina Equity Reports Sp. i B Spink's Prize Cases. Special Term. Special and Select.-,] Law Cases. ; - Spark-' Reports, British Burmah. Spauldlng's Reports (71-80 Maine). ' Speer's South Carolina Law Reports. r.) Sp.er's South Carolina Equity Reports. Spelman's Reports, Manuscript English King's I :. I..!. Reports, r Sp.n.er's New J.rsev Reports; Spencer's Reports ( 1 0-20 Minnesota ) . ■ -• Bel. Cas. (Bombay) . Spei ' Bombay Bel eel Cases. nks Spinks' English Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Re- poi k- P. C Spinks' English Prize Cases. Si ner's Reports (12-15 Wisconsin). ■'tis- Sir R. Bpottlswoode 's Reports. Scotch court of s. salon . Bpottis C. i. & Eq Common Law ami Equity Reports, published by spot t Iswoode (U. B.).B] 'a United States Dtstrlcl Court (Admiralty Decisions) . Stat.-; story's United States Clrcuil Court Repo I . Stall ' Scotch < !oui I oi Session i: ports; Stuart i.Miiio- .v Peddle), Scotch ■ Slon • 'as.s . I. B 81 llllngfh • Inglish. i ■>..! mbi i ' . StUllngfli tlcal Cases, English . M ,v P Stuart. Mllm .'■ Peddie's BCOtCh Session Case*. P State] Re p R( i ■•■■ Ti hi ..t Bei n nton '<> I Stanton* R Ohio) Btarkle 1 English Nisi Prlus P p . i inii Nisi Prlus Reports, i. tuti i. . , Trl .1 184 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY Stat. Western Statute of Westminister. Stat. Winch Statute of Winchester. State Tr State Trials, English. Steph. Com Stephen's Commentaries. Stew Stewart's Alabama Reports; Stewart's New Jersey Equity Reports. Stew. Adm. (or V. A. ).. Stewart 's Vice-Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Stew. Eq. (N. J.) Stewart's Reports (28-45 New Jersey Equity). Stew. N. Sc Stewart's Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Stew. & P. (Ala.) Stewart & Porter's Alabama Reports. Stiles Stile 's Reports (22-37 Iowa) . Still. Eccl. Cas Stillingtieet 's Ecclesiastical Cases. Sto. (or Sto. C. C.) Story's United States Circuit Court Reports. Stock. (N. J.) Stockton's New Jersey Equity Reports. Stockt. (N. B.) Stockton's New Brunswick Reports. Stockett (Md.) Stockett's Reports (27-79 Maryland). Stockton Ch. (N. J. ).... Stockton's New Jersey Chancery Reports. Story (U. S.) Story's United States Circuit Court Reports. Str Strange 's English King's Bench Reports; Strange 's Madras Supreme Court Reports. Str. Cas. Ev. (or Str. 8vo. ). Strange 's Cases of Evidence ("Octavo Strange"). Str . N . C Sir T . Strange 's Notes of Cases, Madras . Stra Strange (See Str . ) Stran Strange (See Str . ) Strange, Madras Strange 's Notes of Cases, Madras. Stringfellow (Mo.) Stringfellow 's Reports (9-11 Missouri). Strob. (S. Car.) Strobhart's South Carolina Law Reports. Strob. Eq., or Ch. (S. Car.) Strobhart's South Carolina Equity Reports. Stu. Adm. (or V. A. ).... Stuart 's Vice-Admiralty Reports, Lower Canada. Stu. Ap Stuart's Appeal Cases (Lower Canada King's Bench Reports). Stu. K. B. (or L. C .)... Stuart 's Lower Canada Reports. Stu. Mil. & Ped Stuart, Milne & Peddie's Scotch Court of Session Reports. Stuart Stuart's Lower Canada Reports; Stuart's Vice-Ad- miralty Reports; Stuart, Milne & Peddie's Scotch Session Cases. Stuart L. C. K. B Stuart's Lower Canada King's Bench Reports. Stuart L. C. V. A Stuart's Lower Canada Vice-Admiralty Reports. Sty. (or Style) Style's English King's Bench Reports. Sty. Pr. Reg Style's Practical Register. Sud. Dew. Ad Sudder, Dewanny Adawlut Reports, India. Sud. Dew. Rep Sudder, Dewanny 's Reports, Northwest Provinces, India. Sum., or Sumn. (U. S. ).. Sumner 's United States Circuit Court Reports. Summ. Dec Summary Decisions, Bengal. Sumn. Ves. (or Sum. Ves. ). Sumner 's edition of Vesey's Reports. Sup Superior; Supreme; Superseded; Supplement. Sup. Ct Supreme Court. Sup. Ct. Rep Suprme Court Reporter of Decisions of the United States Supreme Court. Super Superior. Super . Ct Superior Court . Supp. Ves. Jun Supplement to Vesey, Jr's Reports. Supr Supreme. Surr The Surrogate (Periodical) . Susq. Leg. Chron Susquehanna Legal Chronicle. Suth Sutherland 's Reports, Calcutta . Suth. F. B. R Sutherland's Full Bench Rulings, Bengal. Suth. P. C. J. (or A.). .. Sutherland's Privy Council Judgments (or Ap- peals) . Suth. W. R Sutherland's Weekly Reporter, Calcutta. Sw Swanston's English Chancery Reports; Swabey's English Admiralty Reports; Sweeney's New York Superior Court Reports; Swan's Tennes- see Reports; Swinton's Scotch Justiciary Cases; Swan; Sweet; Swift. Sw. (or Swab.) & Tr Swabey & Tristram's English Probate and Divorce Reports. Swab, (or Swab. Ad. )... Swabey 's Admiralty Reports, English. Swan Swan's Tennessee Reports; Swanston's English Chancery Reports. Swan. Ch Swanston's English Chancery Reports. Swanst Swantston's English Chancery Reports. Sween. (N. Y.) Sweeney's New York Superior Court Reports. Sweet M. Sett. Cas Sweet's Marriage Settlement Cases. Swin. Jus. Cas Swinton's Scotch Justiciary Reports. Swin. Reg. App Swinton's Scotch Registration Appeal Cases. Swint Swinton . Syllabi The Syllabi, American . Syme Syme 's Scotch Justiciary Cases . LAW ABBREVIATIONS 185 Ser Syno riea of the United States Treasury De- cisions. T T On the time of I ; Territory; Title; Trinity Term . T. B. Mon T. B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports. T. J >r _' Join -■.... T. Jones' English King's Bencb Reports. T. R T.rin Reports (Dunford A Kasti. English. T. R. (N. r.) i-. lin.-'s (Term) Reports, New York. T. R.). . Tempore Regis Edwardl. T. Raym sir T. Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. T. T Trinity Term. T. r. p. Charlt. (Ga.)..T. r. P. Charlton's Reports, Georgia, T. A C. (N. V . i Thompson ..V- Cook's New York Supreme Court Re- ports. T. A G Tyrwhltt A Granger's English Exchequer Reports. T. A M Temple A Mew's Crown Cases, English. T. ,x.- p Turner A Phillips' Reports, English Chancery. Turner A Russell's English Chancery Reports. Taft El. Cas Taft's Contested Election Cases in the United States Senate. Tail Talt 's Manuscript Decisions. Scotch Session Cases. Tal. i or Talb.) Cases tempore Talbot. English Chancery. Tarn Tamlyn's English Rolls Court Reports. Tan. (U. B.) Taney's United States Circuit Court Reports. Tanner (Ind.) Tanner's Reports < s - 1 4 Indiana*. Tap. (O.i Tappan's Ohio Common Pleas Reports. Tail. Term R Tarleton's Term Reports, New South Wales. .n. (or Taunt.) Taunton's English Common Pleas Reports Tax L. Rep Tax Law Reporter. (J. L > .1 . L. Taylor's North Carolina Reports. Tay. N. C Taylor's North Carolina Reports. Tay. U. C Taylor's I'pper Canada Reports. Tay. A B Taylor A Bell's Bengal Reports. Taylor Taylor's North Carolina Reports; Taylor's Upper Canada Reports; Taylor's Bengal Reports; Taylor's Manitoba Reports. Tel The Telegram, London. p Templar, English; Tempore (in the time of). Tern] ' ■ il Cases in Chancery Tempore George II . M Temple A .Mew \s English Crown Cases. •i Tennessee; Tennessee Reports. Tenn C Thompson's Unreported Cases. Tennessee, Term, rii cooper's Tennessee chancery Reports. Rep Tennessee Legal Reporter, Nashville Territory. Term Term Reports. English King's Bensh (Dunford & East 'a R< ports) . in N. C Terra Reports, North Carolina, by Taylor. Terr Territory; Terrell's Reports (f.2-71 Texas). Tex Texas; Texas Reports. App i Court of Appeals Reports (Criminal Cases). • • Texas App' alS, Civil Cases. T< x . Civ. <'as Texas Civil Cas< - I >< cld< d by the Court of Appeals. ■ . Crim Rep T< I !rimlnal Reports. Ct. Rep. . T( Court Reporter. Tex. L. J Texas Law Journal, Tyler, Texas. i. Rep Texas Law Reporter. i. Rev Texas Law Review , Jupp Twenty-five Texas Supplement (by Paschal). Tex . LTnrep. Cs Texas Unreported Cases (by Posey). Th "Thomas (see Thom.); Thomson <«u-e Thom.); Thomp ■ Thomp . » • Thacher 's Crlmli etts. Th -Thomas' Leading cases In Constitutional Law Th (N. v i .. Thompson A Coolc'i New York Supreme court i: poi Thacl ' Ci Imlnal < !ases. i. .Thayer' "n Constitutional Law, . M i on Evident , La Theml . Montreal, Quebec; The American The* u o Voi k Thom . i ; Thomson < see Thou Thompson < see Thomp • Thom .Thomsoi Scotia; Thomas' Wyom- in Ri ports. Tie i mst , L. (or L „ _'i ■ i .. .,ii- mi ions I law 1 itM . Ri ports. ■ ■ ons, No' • \ i ukiin'H Reporti 'i Maryland I'hnn- 186 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY Thomas (Wyo.) Thomas's Reports, Wyoming Territory. Thomp. Cal Thompson's Reports (39-40 California). Thomp. N. B. Cas Thompson's National Bank Cases. Thpmp. Tenn. Cas Thompson's "Unreported" Tennessee Cases. Thomp. & C Thompson & Cook's New York Supreme Court Re- ports. Thompson Thompson's Reports (39-40 California). Thomson Thomson 's Nova Scotia Reports . Thorn Thorton 's Notes of Cases, Ecclesiastical and Mari- time. Thos Thomas (see Thorn . ) Tiffany (N. Y.) Tiffany's Reports (28-39 New York Court of Ap- peals) . Times L. Rep Times Law Reports. Tinw Tinwald 's Reports, Scotch Court of Sessions. Tit Title; Tithe. Tithe Cas Tithes Cases, English. To. Jo Sir Thomas Jones' English King's Bench Reports. Tobey (R. Is.) Tobey's Reports (9-10 Rhode Island). Toml. Cas Tomlin's Election Evidence Cases. Toml. Supp. Br Tomlin's Supplement to Brown's Parliamentary Cases. Tot. (or Toth.) Tothill's English Chancery Reports. Town. St. Tr Townsend 's Modern State Trials, England. Tr Trial; Treatise; Transcript; Translated; Transla- tion; Translator; Transactions; Trust. Tr. App New York Transcript Appeals. Tr. Ch Transactions of the High Court of Chancery (Tothill's Reports). Trans. App Transcript Appeals, New York. Tread. (S. Car.) Treadway's South Carolina Constitutional Re- ports. Trem. PI. Cr Tremaine 's Pleas of the Crown. Trin Trinity Term . Tristram Tristram's Supplement to 4 Swabey & Tristram. Tru. Railw. Rep Truman's American Railway Reports. Tuck Tucker's New York Surrogate Reports. Tuck. Sel. Cas Tucker's Select Cases, Newfoundland. Tuck. Surr. (N. Y.) Tucker's Surrogate Reports, New York. Tudor Cas. Eq Tudor 's Leading- Cases in Ea.uity. Tudor Cas. Merc. L Tudor 's Leading Cases on Mercantile Law. Tudor Cas. R. P Tudor's Leading Cases on Real Property. Tupper Tupper's Reports, Ontario Appeals; Tupper's Up- per Canada Practice Reports. Tur. (or Turn. & Rus. ).. Turner & Russell's English Chancery Reports. Turner (Ark.) Turner's Reports (35-48 Arkansas). Tuttle (Cal.) Tuttle's Reports (23-32 and 41-51 California). Tuttle & Carp Tuttle & Carpenter's Reports (52 California). Ty Territory; Tyler. Tyl. (or Tyler) Tyler's Vermont Reports. Tyng. (Mass.) Tyng's Reports (2-17 Massachusetts). Tyr. (or Tyrw.) Tyrwhitt's English Exchequer Reports. Tyr. & Gr Tvrwhitt & Granger's English Exchequer Reports. U Utah ; Utah Reports . U. B Upper Bench. U. B. P Upper Bench Precedents temp. Car I. U . C Upper Canada . U. C. App Upper Canada Court of Appeals Reports. U. C. C. P Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports. U. C. Ch Upper Canada Chancery Reports. U. C. Cham Upper Canada Chambers Reports. U. C. E. & A Upper Canada Error and Appeals Reports. U. C. Jur Upper Canada Jurist. IT. C. K. B Upper Canada King's Bench Reports. U. C. L. J Upper Canada Law Journal, Toronto. U. C. O. S.... Upper Canada King's Bench Reports, Old Series. U. C. Pr. (or P. R.). ... Upper Canada Practice Reports. U. C. Q. B Upper Canda Queen 's Bench Reports . U. C. Rep Upper Canada Reports. U. K United Kingdom. U. S United States; United States Supreme Court Re- ports. U. S. App United States Circuit Court of Appeals Reports. U. S. C. C United States Circuit Court; United States Court of Claims. U.S. Ct. CI Repors of the United States Court of Claims. U. S. D. C United States District Court. U. S. First Comp. Dec... United States First Coptroller's Decisions. IT. S. Jur United States Jurist, Washington, D. C. U. S. L. Int United States Law Intelligence and Review, Provi- dence and Philadelphia. 17. U. u. U. u. B u. a B [71 m. In iv. LAW ABBREVIATIONS 187 I. J United Stat Journal, New Haven and New I k. i. Mag United States Law Magazine, New York. R - United Stat .- itutes. Reg United States Register, Philadelphia. i " n i t s Court. V C. Rep Vice-Chancellor's Reports, English. V. r> Various Dates. I.. R Victorian Law Reports, Australia. V. N Van Ness ' Prize Case, U. S . District Court . V. R Vermont Reports. V. A H Vesey & Beames' English Chancery Reports. V. - Verni Scriven's Irish King's Bench Reports. Virginia; Virginia Reports. Vs Virginia criminal Cases (by Brockenbrough & Holmes) . Va . Ch. Dec Chancery Decisions, Virginia. Va. L. J Virginia Law Journal. Richmond. L. Reg Virginia Law Register, Lyn< hburgh, Va. R Virginia Report Van K Van ECoughnet's Reports (15-21 Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports). Van N Van Ness' Prize Cases. Vanderstr Vanderstraaten 's Ceylon Reports . igh.) Vaughan's English Common Pleas Reports. x Vaux's Recorder's Decisions, Philadelphia. Ve. (or Ves I Veses » see Ves.) & 1 1 Vesi > & Beames' English Chancery Reports. ■ Veazey's Reports (36-44 Vermont). Vent Ventris' English Common Pleas Reports. Ver. (or Verm.) Vermont Reports. Vernon's English Chancery Reports. Vernon > Hovenden. .Vesey, Senior's Chancery Reports. Vesey mes' English Chancer; Reports. ■'• ....Vesey (Vesey's) English Chancery Reports I Ves. » Victorian Reports. I. R ....Victorian Law Reports, Australia. Vict. L. R ' ..Victorian Law Reports, Equity. Vlcl I. R. 1 M . Victorian Law Reports, Insolvency. Probate and m itrlmonial. Vict i. R M Victorian Law Reports, Mlnlni Vlt torlan Review . L T ... Victorian Law Times. Melbourne, Victorian Report ■. i .... Victorian St. it.- Trials. vii .Vilas & Bryant's edition of Wisconsin Reports. Vin. Abi ...Vlner's Abridgment ■■■ and Equity. '. • . . . \ Repot 80 Maine); Virginia (set Va.) Vlt . . Vld< Hut 1 1 hat Is to \ • rbo. v m 's Nev ih. \'r O. D. W. Vi oom '■ N' w jei • ■■ Law Report (P. D.) . i' i • \ I R< port ■ (10 \> rmont W .... King William Minis I . W I HliCI • tlrMl King William I I wi i nit.-.) Si Com ports; Wendcii •* n.w v . . i u Reports; w R«.pnrt », i -'. eekly; Wisconsin; Wyoming , 188 OUISIANA STATE LIBRARY W. 1, 2 Statutes of Westminster, 1, 2. W. A Western Australia. W. Bl Sir William Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports. W. C. C Washington's United States Circuit Court Reports. W. C. Reptr West Coast Reporter. W. H. Chron Westminister Hall Chronicle, London. W. H. & G Welsby, Hurlstone & Gordon's English Exchequer Reports. W. J Western Jurist, Des Moines, Iowa. W . Jo Sir William Jones 's English King 's Bench Reports. W . Kel William Kelynge 's English Chancery Reports . W. L. Bull Weekly Law Bulletin. W. L. Gaz Western Law Gazette, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. L. Jour Western Law Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. L. M Western Law Monthly, Cleveland, Ohio. W. L. R Washington Law Reporter, Washington, D. C. W. N Weekly Notes, London. W. N. Cas. (Pa.) Weekly Notes of Cases, Philadelphia. W. P. Cas Wollaston's English Bail Court (Practice) Cases. W. R Weekly Reporter, London; Weekly Reporter, Ben- gal; Wendell's Reports, N. T.; Wisconsin Re- ports; West's Reports, English Chancery. W R. Calc Sutherland's Weekly Reporter, Calcutta. W. Rep Weekly Reporter; West's Reports, temp. Hard- wicke, English Chancery; Western Reporter. W. Rob W. Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. W. T. R Weekly Trancript Reports, New York. w! Ty. R Washington Territory Reports. W. Va West Virginia; West Virginia Reports. w! W. & A'B. Vict Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Reports, Victoria. w! W. & D Willmore, Wollaston & Davison's English Queen's Bench Reports. W. W. & H Willmore, Wollaston & Hodges' English Queen's Bench Reports. W. & C Wilson & Courtnay's Scotch Appeal Cases (see Wilson & Shaw) . W. & M Woodbury & Minot's United States Circuit Court Reports; William & Mary. W. & S Watts & Sergeant 's Pennsylvania Reports; Wilson & Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases. W. & S. App Wilson & Shaw's Scotch Appeals, English House of Lords. W. & T. Eq. Ca. (or L. C.) White & Tudor 's Leading Cases in Equity. W. & W. Vict Wyatt & Webb's Victorian Reports. Wa Watt's Reports, Pennsylvania; Wales. Wait St. Pap Wait's State Papers of the United States. Wal Wallace (see Wall . ) Wal . by L Wallis ' Irish Reports, by Lyne . Walk Walker (see Walker) . Walk. Ch. (Mich.) Walker's Michigan Chancery Reports. Walk. Miss Walker's Mississippi Reports (1 Miss, or Walk.) Walker Walker's Mississippi Reports; Walker's Michigan Chancery Reports; Walker's Reports (25, 72-88 Texas) . w a ii Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports; Wallace (Senior) United States Circuit Court Reports; (Wallace's) Philadelphia Reports; Wallis' Irish Chancery Reports. Wall. C. C Wallace's Reports, United States Circuit Court Reports. Wall Ch Wallis' Irish Chancery Reports. Wall. Jr Wallace's (J. W. ) United States Circuit Court Re- ports. Wall (Pa. ) Wallace 's Legal Intelligencer Reports, Pennsyl- vania Court (Philadelphia Reports) . Wall Rep ..Wallace on the Reporters; Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports. Wail s C ..Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports. Wall". Sen. .'.'.'.' .'.'i". ! Wallace's (J. B.) United States Circuit Court Re- ports. Wallis Wallis ' Irish Chancery Reports . Walsh Walsh 's Registry Cases, Ireland . Warb Cas. Cr. L Warburton's Cases in Criminal Law. Warb. & Haz. P. E. I. . . Warburton & Hazard's Reports, Prince Edward's Island . Ward. (Ohio) Warden's Reports (see Warden). Ward Week. L. Gaz. ... Warden 's Weekly Law Gazette. Warden (Ohio) Warden's Reports (2, 4 Ohio State). Warden & Smith Warden & Smith's Reports (3 Ohio State). Ware Ware's United States District Court Reports. LAW ABBREVIATIONS 189 u ^sh Washington; Washington's United States Circuit irl Reports; Washington's Virginia Reports; Washburn's Reports (16-23 Vermont). sh. C. C Washington's I'nited States Circuit Court Reports. Wash. Jur Washington Jurist . Wash. L. Excb Washington Law Exchange. Wash. L. Rep Washington Law Reporter, Washington. D. C. Ter Washington Territory Reports. Wash. Ter. X. s Allen's Washington Territory Reports, New les . Wash. Va Washington's Virginia Reports. aburn (Vt.)....* Washburn's Reports (16-23 Vermont). Wat Watklns; Watson. Wat. C. G. IT Watermeyer's Cape of Good Hope Reports. Watts Watts' Pennsylvania Reports; Watts' Reports (16- I T West Virginia l . Watts & Serg. (Pa.) Watts & Sergeant's Pennsylvanis Reports. We West; West's English House of Lords Cases; West's Chancery Reports. Web i is Webster's Patent Cases, Knglish. Webb (Kan.) Webb's Reports (6-20 Kansas). Webb, A'l:. A W Webb, A. 'Beckett & Williams* Victorian Reports. Australia . Webb, A'R. A W. Eg. ... Webb, A 'Beckett & Williams ' Equity Reports, Vic- I I ■! ia . Webb, A'R. & W. I. P. M Webb, A 'Beckett & Williams' Insolvency Probate ami Matrimonial Reports. Victoria. Webb, A'R. & W. Mln...Webb, A 'Beckett & Williams' Mining Cases, Vic- toria . Webb & Duval (Tex.) Webb & Duval's Reports (1-3 Texas). 1 Webster (see Web.) k. Cin. L. R Weekly Cincinnati Law Bulletin. "Week. Jur Weekly Jurist. Bloomlngton, 111. k L. Gaz Weekly Raw Gazette, Cincinnati. k. L. Mag Weekly I. aw Magazine. Week. R. Roc Weekly Raw Record. k. R. Rev Weekly Raw Review. San Francisco. Cal. Week. MO Weekly Notes ol' Cases. London. k. No. Cas Weekly Not, ol Cases, Philadelphia. Week. Re!'"- Weekly Reporter, London; Weekly Reporter, ga i . k Trans. Repts Weekly Transcript Reports, New York. ght. Med Leg. Gas. . Weight-man's Medico-Legal Gazette, Rondon. Wei W( Irish Registry Cases. lab. II X- G Welsby, HurlStOne & Cordon's English Excheqm r R< ports. Welsh Welsh's Registry Cases, Ireland; Welsh's Irish at Sligo; Welsh's (Irish) Cases of James llll.V. i Welsh f Lords; W< English Chancery; Western's Tithe es; Weston's Reports • i. i Western Law Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio. West i. Mo Western Law Monthly, Cleveland, ''bio West. L. T Western Law Tlm< Obs Western Legal Observer, Quincy, 111. We Rep \ Report) Res I. J Western Reserve Raw Journal 'I" Cna W( Tit Im • West ' it . W( t' Rei English Chancery, temp Hard wlcke West Va W« • \ ■• w • I Virginia Reports. Westoi Bench Ri ports . Wh . Whenton 's United Reports; wi p i Whi eh i '■ V ..i k V. ' lmlii.il • wi. i. < • . . White i Tod.o • • i ■ i ■ • m in Equll ) i Report Ti In Hi. United Btat .' n '■ I'nll dlial I '.INC. \V|,, . |... i I ) . 190 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY Wheel. Abr. C. L. Cas. . Wheeler's Abridgment of American Common Law Cases. Wheel. Cr. C. (N. Y. ).. Wheeler 's New York Criminal Cases. Wheel. Cr. Rec Wheeler's Criminal Recorder, New York (1 Wheeler's Criminal Cases). Whit. Mas. L. Cas Whitman's Massachusetts Libel Cases. Whit. Pat. Cas Whitman's Patent Cases, United States. White White's Reports (10-15 West Virginia). White Jus. Rep White's Justiciary Reports, Scotch. White & T. L. Cas White & Tudor 's Leading Cases in Equity. Whitm. Lib. Cas Whitman's Massachusetts Libel Cases. Whitm. Pat. Cas Whitman 's Patent Cases. Whitm. Pat. Law Rev... Whitman's Patent Law Review, Washington, D. C. Whitt Whittlesey's Reports (32-41 Missouri). Wight, (or Wightw. ) . . . . Wightwick's English Exchequer Reports. Wight El. Cas Wight's Election Cases, Scotch. Wil William's (see Will. ) ; Wilson (see Wils. ) Wile. (Ohio) Wilcox's Ohio Reports (10 Ohio). Wile . Cond Wilcox 's Condensed Reports, Ohio . Wilk. P. & M Wilkinson, Paterson & Murray's Reports, New South Wales. Wilk. & Ow Wilkinson, Owen Reports, New South Wales. Will Willes' English Common Pleas Reports. Will. Abr. Cas Williams' Abridgment of Cases. Will. Ann. Reg Williams' Annual Register, New York. Will.-Bund St. Tr Willis-Bund's Cases from the State Trials. Will. Mass Williams' Reports (1 Massachusetts). Will. (Mass.) Cit Williams' Massachusetts Citations. Will. P Peere William's English Chancery Reports. Will . Saund Williams ' Notes to Saunders ' Reports . Will. Woll. & Dav Willmore, Wollaston & Davison's English Queen's Bench Reports. Will. Woll. & Hodg Willmore, Wollaston & Hodges' English Queen's Bench Reports. Will. Vt Williams' Reports (27-29 Vermont). Willes Willes ' English Common Pleas Reports . Williams Williams' (Peere) English Chancery Reports; Williams' Reports (27-29 Vermont); Williams' Reports (1 Massachusetts). Willis. Cas. Cont Williston 's Cases on Contracts. Willis. Cas. Sales Williston 's Cases on Sales. Willm. W. & D Willmore, Wollaston & Davison's English Queen's Bench Reports. Willm. W & H Willmore, Wollaston & Hodges' English Queen's Bench Reports. Wilm Wilmot's Notes of Opinions, English King's Bench. Wilm. Op. (or Judg. ) . . . Wilmot 's Notes of Opinions. Wils Wilson's English Common Pleas Reports. Wils . Ch Wilson 's English Chancery Reports . Wils. Ent Wilson's Entries and Pleadings (same as 3 Lord Raymond) . Wils. Exch Wilson's English Exchequer Reports. Wils. (Ind.) Wilson's Indiana Superior Court Reports. Wils. K. B Sergeant Wilson's English King's Bench Reports. Wils. (Or.) Wilson's Oregon Reports (1-3 Oregon). Wils. & Court Wilson & Courtenary's Scotch Appeal Cases (see Wilson & Shaw). Wils. & Sh Wilson & Shaw's Scotch Appeals Cases. Wils. Sup. Ct Wilson's Superior Court Reports, Indiana. Wilson Wilson's English Common Pleas Reports; Wil- son's English Chancery Reports; Wilson's En- glish Exchequer Reports; Wilson's Indiana Superior Court Reports; Wilson's Reports (1-3 Oregon) . Win Winston's Law Reports, North Carolina; Winch's English Common Pleas Reports. Win. Eq Winston's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Winch Winch 's English Common Pleas Reports . Wins. Eq Winston's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Winst Winston's Law or Equity Reports, North Carolina. Wis • Wisconsin; Wisconsin Reports. Wis. Leg. N Wisconsin Legal News. With. Corp. Cas Withrow's American Corporation Cases. Withrow (Iowa) Withrow's Reports (9-21 Iowa). Wkly. L. Bull Weekly Law Bulletin and Ohio Law Journal, Columbus. Wm. Bl William Blackstone's English King's Bench Re- ports . Wm. Rob William Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. Wms Williams (see Will.) Wms. Ann. Reg Williams' Annual Register, New York. Wms. Mass Williams' Reports (1 Massachusetts). LAW ABBREVIATIONS 191 Wins. Notes Williams' Notes to Saunders' Reports. Wins. Peere Peere Williams', English Chancers Reports. wins. Baund Williams' Notes to Saunders 1 Reports. Wins, vt Williams' Reports (27-29 Vermont). Wol Wollaaton's English Kail Courl Reports. Wolf. & B Wolferstan A Bristow's English Election Cases Wolf. A D. El. Cas Wolferstan A Dew's English Election Cases Woll. (or Wol. P. C.) Wollaston'a English Ball Court Reports. Wood Wood's United States Clrcuil Courl Reports; Wood's English Tithe Cases. W I Deer Wood's (Decrees In) Tithe Cases, Wood, H ■ Button Wood's Decrees In Tithe Cast Wood A M. (U. S.) Woodbury .v Minot's United States Clrcuil court Report B . W n. Cel. Tr Woodfall's Celebrated Trials. England. Woodm. Or. Cas Woodman's Reports of Thacher's Criminal Cases, Massachusel t s . ds (or Woods C. O.Wood's United States Circuii Court Reports. Woodw. Dec. Pa Woodward's Common Pleas Decisions, Pennsyl- vania . Wool. (U. S.) Woolworth's Reports; United States Clrcuil Court Report s . Woolw Woolworh'8 United States circuit Court Reports: Woolworth's Reports <1 Nebraska). Words. Elect. Cas Wordsworth's Election Cases. Wr Wright (see Wright). Wr. ior Wr. Ohio) Wright's Nisi Prius Reports. Ohio. bright Wright's Reports (37-50 Pennsylvania Btati Wright's Ohio N'isi Prius Reports. Wy Wyoming; Wyoming- Reports; Wythe's Virginia Chancery Reports. u 'v Dec Wyatt's Dickens' Chancery Reports. Wyatl W. & A'B Wyatt, Webb & A 'Beckett's Reports. Victoria. Wyatt W. & A'B. I. P. & Wyatt. Webb .V- A. 'Beckett '8 Insolvency, Probate ■1 and Matrimonial Reports. Victoria. Wyatt W. A A'B. Min... Wyatt. Webb & A 'Beckett's Mining Cases. Vic- toria . Wyman Wyman's Reports, India. Wynne Hoy Wynne's Bovlll's Patent Cases. Wyo Wyoming; Wyoming Reports . Wyo. Ter Wyoming Territory. X" Year: y< at< 's Pennsylvania Reports. Y, B Year Books, English King's Bench, etc. Y. B. Ed. T year Books of Edward i. y B. s. C rear nooks. Selected Cases 1. V A '" Ch Young) A Collyer 's English chancery Reports. Y Ac c. Ex Younge A Collyer's English Exchequer Cases V. & J Younge A .lewis' English Exchequer Reports. Yale L. J Yale i ,. ( w Journal. -• I Cs Yat ■■ s New York Selected Cas< Feat e« ' Pi nnsylvanla Reports . V'i (or Yelv.) Yelverton's English King's Bench Reports. (Tenn.) Jfergei 's Tennessee Reports (9-18 Tenn.) Yo V o 1 1 1 1 g i i i ■ •■ y o 1 1 . i York Leg. Reg York Legal Reglstei York Clayton's Reports (York Issisi i Foung's Reports ,r Equity Re- ports. Younge d Jewls' English Exchequer Reports rig 'Minn.) Young'i Reports <:M-i7 Minnesota) Young Adm Young's Nova Scotia Admlraltj C Young M i. Cas Young' Maritime Law cases. M.J ... Zabriskle 's New rerst Reports. Zlnn Cs Tr /.inn's Selected Cases In th< La* of Trust TABLE OF CONTENTS. I KITED STATES: Page Supreme Court Reports 5 Circuit Court Reports 5.6 Circuit and District Court Reports 6 Court of Claims 6 Opinions of Attorney General 6 Digest of Opinions 7 Index and Dig" st of U. S. Reports 7 T. S. Btatutes-at -Large 9 Compiled V . S. Laws 8-9 Miscellaneous U. S. Laws 10 ALABAMA 1 Reports 11-12 Session Laws 12 Stat at,- Law 12 \UI/<>\ \ 13 Session Laws 13 Statute Law 13 AUK t\MS: >rts 14 Digest 11 1 -t it. Law H < ll.ll OltMAi Reports It LI LI < iik k» \ \\ V \TIO> : 1 •: 1 U II ( ikk 1 \ w NA1 IOI 1 Laws ,fi • ill <»IC \ lid: 1 1 l)lK' ■< 17 HcmmIoii Ls MTS ' ' 1 1 C I . : W ' " 194 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. CONNECTICUT: Paee Reports 18 Session Laws 18-19 Statute Law 19 DAKOTA TERRITORY: Reports 20 Session Laws 20 Statute Law 20 DELAWARE: Reports 21 Digest 21 Session Laws 21-22 Statute Law 22 FLORIDA: Reports 23 Digest 23 Session Laws 23 Statute Law 24 GEORGIA R . Digest 25 Laws 26 Law 26-27 Reports Session Laws. HAWAII TERRITORY: 27 Reports Digest Session Laws. 27 IDAHO: Reports 2S ?s Session Laws Statute Law 28 ILLINOIS: Supreme Court Reports 29 Appellate Court Reports 29 Digest iV Session Laws 29-30 Statute Law 30 ■5(1 Miscellaneous Laws INDIANA: Supreme Court Reports 31 Appellate Court Reports 31 Session Laws ti Statute Law ** Miscellaneous Laws TABLE OP CONTENTS. 195 IOWA i Pace Reports 33 Digest 33 Session Laws 33-34 Statute Law 34 Miscellaneous Laws 34 KtNMM Supremi Court Reports... 3-, Appeals Court Reports 3f> Session Laws 35 Statute Law |6 K I Nil ( K\ Reports 37 37 Session Laws 37-::s Statute Law 3 s IOIIM \\ \ •rts 3!» 1" Ion Lawt 40-4^ Statute Law 4 2-4:; Miscellaneous La ws 4:'. te and Housi Journals 43-45 Constitutional Convention Journals #8 stitutlona '■"■ Ordinances -City oi New Orleans ■*■"> >I \ I M : : Repoi •■ Digest 4,; mn Laws I '• ' • ■ :'•■ Law ■* ' VI Vl{ \. I \ M): 4S Ion Lawi " ''' n ...49 H4NSU III S| lis ■ MH II H . \ N I I DlffCSl H»-HHl"ll I I 196 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. MINNESOTA: Page Reports 57 Session Laws 57 Statute Law 57 MISSISSIPPI: Reports 58 Digest 5S Session Laws 58-59 Statute Law 59 Miscellaneous Laws 59 MISSOURI: Supreme Court Reports 60 Appeals Reports 60 Session Laws 61 Statute Law 61 Miscellaneous Laws 61 MONTANA: Reports 62 Session Laws 62 Statute Law 62 NEBRASKA: Reports 63 Digest 63 Session Laws 63-64 Statute Law 64 Miscellaneous 64 NEVADA: Reports 65 Session Laws 65 Statute Law 65 NEW HAMPSHIRE: Reports 66 Digest 66 Session Laws 66-67 Statute Law 67 NEW JERSEY Law Reports 68 Equity Reports 68 Digest 68-69 Session Laws 69 Statute Law 69-70 Miscellaneous "0 NEW MEXICO TERRITORY: Reports 71 Session Laws 71 Statute Law 71 TABLE OF CONTEXTS. 191 NEW YORK: Pace Supreme Court Reports 72 Appellate Division Reports TJ Court of Appeals Reports 73 Buperlor Court Reports 7:; Common Pleas Reports 7:: • ; •• Reports 73 Miscellaneous Reports 7:: I 'i^-st 74 Session Laws 74-7.". Statut.- Law 75-76 Miscellaneous Laws, Ktc 7»; NORTH < vitoi.n v.- Law Reports 7 7 Equity Reports 7 7 Digest 7S Session Laws 79 Statute Law 79 NOHTH DAKOTA : Reports SO Bsion LawH BO B atute Law 80 OHIO: Reports 81 Digest 81 on Laws M-s:: statut.- Law 88 ellaneoua Laws. Etc x: »M MlnM \ : Reports 84 on Laws y I •IHI.OON: 84 v Statut-- I. w 86 ll.\ \-\ |.\ \ M \ : BO ports v .' . ^ Lu V.M yv < I'HII I II II II (I: 1 ... u . IIIHHII : IM \ Ml: i MffMl ■ '• • A ss I I 10 198 LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. SELECTED CASES — SPECIAL, SUBJECTS: Page Bankruptcy Reports 91 Criminal Reports 91 Interstate Commerce Commission Reports 91 Public Land Decisions 91 Digest of Land Decisions 92 Railway Reports 92 Digest of Railway Decisions. . 92 U. S. Comptroller Decisions 92 Digest of U. S. Comptroller Decisions 92 SELECTED CASES — ALL, THE STATES: Lawyers ' Reports Annotated 93 Digest to Lawyers ' Reports 93 NATIONAL REPORTER SYSTEM: Federal Reporter 93 Digest to Federal Reporter 93 New York Supplement 93 SOUTH CAROLINA: Law Reports 94 Equity Reports 94 Supreme Court Reports 95 Session Laws 95 Statute Law 95 SOUTH DAKOTA: Reports 96 Session Laws 96 Statute Law 96 TENNESSEE: Reports 97 Digest 97 Session Laws 98 Statute Law 98 TEXAS: Supreme Court Reports 99 Criminal Appeals Reports 99 Civil Appeals Reports 99 Digest 100 Session Laws 100 Statute Law 100 UTAH: Reports 101 Session Laws 101 Statute Law 101 VERMONT: Reports 102 Digest 102 Session Laws 102-103 Statute Law 103 Miscellaneous Laws 103-104 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 199 % IIU.IMA: Page Reports lli:i 1 Lawa 105-106 Btatute Law 106 \\ 4>HIN(;T(lN : porta 107 slon Lam a 107 Stat hi. I ..,« 10" \\ KMT \ IIU.IM \ : Reports 108 slon Laws. 108 Btatute Law los w ■*< OlfSIIfi '•• porta io9 Digest 109 Slon Laws 109-110 Statute Law no m r orate > Reports 1 1 1 Session Laws Ill Statute Law in nOLAHDi Table of Regnal Years Ill-Ill Law Terms 113 Admiralty H- Ill 1 H - 1 l ". Common Pleaa Reports 115 Comnv Reporta 11;, - • C 115-116 ■ hequer Reports 116 Law and Bqultj Reporta 116 Kind's and Queen 'a Bench Reporta 116 Nisi Prlui Reporta 116 ftflacellaneoua Reporta no Dlgreat ii: 117 ■COTLAlf D i In ..117 DOHUJIOM «»• < t If ADA I Upper Canada Common Pleaa Reporta ... i i ^ KitiK'h and Queen 'a Bencta Reporta i i ^ Dlffeal us Lower Canai 1 1 s I : . ; ■ • I i • HI ,i lite* 1 1 '• 110 i tiala 111 Teal Booka I l :i l - 1 3 4 In Leu 111 111 %K •s« 4* SS& 2jv tf i$p raw T , *-*£ ^** ^V AVJj, ; «• 4 «-*£ ' ?$& sfc is l^^&U >?h 2 ^T* Tf» & ' 4 / ■ >4V ^i ' 4 Ji K J^K A* :* *9M. : ~tM ^'% 'o#k.