51 L-;' UC-NRLF II III j& III 11 8 *B 3fll 43D LANGUAGE V. J* -:> 1* i> *. ;> G 1 1 II oy THB Coteig' 0f- Victoria, iKD OTHFR AUSTRALIAN DISTRICTS; With parallel T.-anslations and familiar specimens in dialogue, as a guide to Aboriginal Protectors, and others engaged in ameliorating the'r iiion DANIEL W , uS.H.S,, * : 1 5,5- Author of "Horius Tasmi " Gui'le to the Linnsean -J.C ; System of Botany," "Manual of Practical Gardening," &c. -1,5 SECOND EDITION. * PUBLISHED BY THOMAS BROWN, MARKET SQUARE, MOORABOOL STREET, 6EEL0NG, 1859. It Kilt 1 j IBRARY NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ? LANGUAGE OF THB B ft ft Colons of $ktoria, AND OTHBB AUSTRALIAN DISTRICTS; With parallel Translations and familiar specimens in Dialogue, as a guide to Aboriginal Protectors, and others engaged in ameliorating their condition. DANIEL BUNCE, C.M.H.S., Author of " Hjprtus Tasmaniensis," " Guide to the Linnsean System of Botany," "Manual of Practical Gardening," &c. SECOND EDITION. PUBLISHED BY THOMAS BROWN, MARKET SQUARE, MOORABOOL STREET, GEELONG. 1859. P/. 7o uther monomeetb Banyock brearback Palreert Palreert Willum Bullarto n' yeelam Wood'theno Moort Uonga-beek Burra burr a Bibberoom Jeed-tho N' uther n' ya'alingo N' ya'arunning Bullarto Ca'arnduce Youarrabuck Coongurt Powerding Kye ! ! monomeetb. Umarraleek "Wonthulong see " able " Yannatherra-aha Coongamea brimbine Wirrate Parmboonth Myooith cornee uonga n'gerrood- jeeth Molong molook Weeakabill Agility Agree Ah ! denoting contempt Aid, help Alarm Alas, denoting pitj Alcohol, spirits Ale or beer Alike Ally, a friend Almighty God Aloft Alone Aloud Alteration Altercation, dispute Altogether Always Amaze, confusion Ambition, wish for power Amity Amourous Amuse Ancient Anew, over again Anger Anguish, pain Ancle of the foot Annex, to join together Announce Annoy Another Answer Ant Antagonist, enemy Antipathy, dislike Antique, old Apiece, to divide Apologisa Apparel Apparent Appear Appertain, belonging to Appreciate Apprehensive Approve Approach Apt, quick Arrogantly, proudly You'dleenth Monomeeth Joornduck see abettor Ween'gamool currungmeen Eeburra woorarra rummeethan Bilim Bilim bilim Jonediah myrrinbiangoo Monomeeth cooleenth Bullarto manning' ata Yallambee lark Carnic n' ya'llamboonon Therray Uonga Jumbunna porkwadding Oordivallyal allambee Yannanayowoit Kie ! ! Dullallally Monomeeth Ca'andeet Carmboonith Weffakabill Youonga Porkwadding Eeburra Geenonga r tha Jindi woraback Jumbuok Neelam Youanga Mirambeena Jumbuck Booran Wurragal cooleenth N' u' d' lam Weeal Flour Fly, to go away Fly, an insect Foal, young of horse Foe, an enemy Fog Follower, an attendant Folly Food Fool Foot Footpath, road Fop Forbear, to pause Ford, shallow water Forehead Foreigner Forelock, hair on the forehead Forget! ulness, loss of memory Foulmouthed, bad language Foundling Fountain, a spring Four footed Fowhng-picce Frag ranee Frankly, without reserve Fraud, cheat freeze Frequent, often seen Lhig'an ling'an Myrnong'atha Benjeroo vor benjeroo vor ca'auboo Mooyoop .1 >numl!emara Beenack Wurrook Mooyoop Wouhvee Wool wee < 'uvrumburra Marp bVamboonth L'muk N* groorook Dullally Allambee ba'anth F>ullarto queeop queeop Fmllarto eeip .Nurong Jeetho Birmabttck Wyeeboo kirtkirtarn:x>k Warragul cooleenth I'uliarto lark Youong'a cooleenth M' ya*arunning Jindarning thang'oith >y" ya'arunning (ieenong'atha Parding Cooleenth n' ya'arunuinj; Burra Wyeeboo ba'anth gee brow Cooleenth n' ya'alingo uong'a beek Yttrragong'atha X' ya arur.ning cowong Oaarndooith Bouboop n' uther parbine n' uthcr marmoonth K' ya'alingo ba'anth IVnjeroovorbenjeroogecnonga'tlia ! >> uuibullabull Monomeeth cong'atha N' uther mooyoop l'eimberilaliy Dumbalk Fretful Friend Fright Frivolous Frock, gown -coat Frog Frost, ice Frown Frugal, miserly Fruitful, abundant Full, complete Fun Fundament Fur. on opposum rug Furnish, to supply Furthest Fury, passion Fusty Gabbler, a prater Gale of wind < rallant, brave Gammon, to deceive Gang, number of men toge (Gasconade, to brag flash, a deep cut or wound Ga?p for breath ( lather, to collect Gaunt, thin slender Gay, cheerful Gaze, to look earnestly < ienorosity Gentle, mild Gently, slowly Genuine, real Get to bring* Girl, a yonng female iiive Glad, cheerful Glance, quick view Gleeful, merry Gloom, want of li^ht Gloomy, melancholy Glum, sullen Glut, overmuch Glntton ,to c;rind the teeth in Go, to walk off God, the supreme Fork wadding Wontbulong Parmboonth Maoyoopgoo'nong Thirrong'alook Ncrrurt Dumbalk Myrringata Porkwadding N ; uther oodiyalyal umar:\leek Bullarto Noojee see cheerful Moomgatha Woilard wollard Eumaraleek Wirrate Porkwadding N* u' d' lam cong'atha Cooleenth bullarto jumbunna Mornmoot N 1 uther pa'amboonth Monyoopgoo'nong {her Bullarto cooleenth allambce Pullallally Galbarmuck I "muck yang'ana J 5 u ! I art o w out h aggi Jindy neelingo Girbeenthon iyalyal nang'ooith good good Na'.trangabbceraee N' uther mooyoop Wonthaggi Moomnoondick Eumaraleek < 'arbethon Wyeeboo nang'ana Oarbethon l (ooroontfa Mardan Mardau Uullarto nandubber Thittle Roonduck -leetho Bullarto marming'atha Mulloko jeetho 20 Good Gorge, the throat Gormandizer Graceless, abandoned Grant, a thing- granted Grasshopper Grass Grave, for the dead Grave, serious Grease, to smear with fat Great, large Greedy- Greeting, a salutation Grief Groan, fetching deep sigs Grog Ground Ground, to lay on Growling, grumbling Grub, a destructive worm Grugdingly, unwillingly Gruff, surly Gnll, to cheat Gum, viscous juice of wattle and ot^er trees Gun Gut, to draw out the guts Ha ! an expression of wonder Habitation Hack, cut into pieces Hackney, a horse Hail, frozen rain Hair Hairy, covered with hair Half Half-witted Half-sighted Halt, to stop Hand Hand, to givo Hand-basket Handily, with skill Handsome Harrassed, tired 1 rarbinger, a messenger Hark ! listen ! Harsh, austere Hasten Hat Monomeeth Thallarabegoon see glutton N' eelam Mirambcek eumaraleek Murrack Poath Numbuck Uther jumbuck Uguck Bullarto Bullarto garag Cabbe melemung'il Mardan Mardan N' gubborner or Bilim Beek Yallambee beek sec saucy see caterpillar N' uther umaraleek Porkwadding Mooyoopgoo'nong Korrong Drumbullabull Poggoomuck Eye!! Willam Bumbuck Kirtkirtarnook Dumbalk Yarragong'atha Yarragong'atha bullarto Wyeebooroomera N' ya'arunning Wyceboo nang'ana Thurrijee Myrong'atha Eumaraleek Beenack N' uther n' ya'arunning see good see breathless Wintharra n' gurrung'uith Thooamee Porkwadding Youarrabuck Cobberra cowong 21 Hate, to detest Haughtily proud Haul, to drag Haunch, thigh Hawk, a bird Haze, cloud Head Headlong rash Heal, to cure Hear Heart Heartache, sorrow Heartiness, sincerity Heartless, wanting courage Heave, to lift Heed, caution Heel, the hind part of the foot Help, to ass st Henco Here, in this place Heroic, brave Hew, to cut Hey ! exclamation Hiccup Hide, to conceal Hide, a skin Hie. to go qnickly High, elevated Highminded, proud Highway, road Hilarity Hill Hither Ho, enough Hoarfrost Hoax, imposition Hold, to keep Hold, be still Hole, a hollow plac Holla, stop Home Homeward Honest Hook, for fish Hooked Hoot, shout of contempt Hope Horrible, shocking Hors* Bullarto n' u' d' lam Dullally "Wonthaggi Thirrong-atha Wilgul Lark Cowong see strife Jindivick boothoono Mirring Dorong Bullarto mardan IS' uther mooyoop Pa'amboonth Tha'ambuck Nclwork Durong'y burn Wyeering'ana n' gell Jeetho Myaring N* uther pa'amboonth Binduck Kye ! quanthee 1 N' gaang Yillcrtbee Tatbce Jecthe youarrabuck Neerim JJullally Purring Carbeethon Morack N' ya'alingo Noogee Dumbalk Mooyoop Cong'ack Noogee see to burrow Waugh ! Mirambeek willam Jeetho willam Monomeeth n' uther pimberlalljr Ling 'an ling'an Kirring T'see waugh Mulloko monomeeth N' ulam Kirtkirtarnook >r> Horse hair Horseleech Horseshoe Hospitality Hostile, an enemy Hot Hotheaded, passionate House, place of abode Houseless How Howl, like a dog Hubbnb, great talking Huge, immense Hum, to sing low Humble Humdrum, stupid person Humid, moist Humourous Hundred Hungry Hunt Hurl, to throw Hurra, shout of triumph Hurricane, violent storm Hurry, be quick Hussy, bad woman Hypocrite, a dissembler Ice Idiot, a fool Idleness, lazy Ignite, to kindle a fire Ignoble, worthless Ignorant 111, sick Illiberal, mean 111 nature illness, sickness Imbosom, to hold in the bosom Imburse, to give money Immediate Immense, large Immodest, shameless Immoral, irreligious Impart, communicate Impatient, passionate Impede, to hinder Imperceptible, not seen Imperfect, unfinished Imperious, proud Kirtkirtarnook yarragong-atha Thirumaleek Kirtkirtarnook geenong'alook Bullarto eumaraleek "VYarragool cooleenth Bullarto weenth Forkwaddmg Will am N' uther myarum myarum Quanthee Marrooing Bullarto Jumbunna Bullarto Young 'yeo N' uther dullally Cooleenth n' ya'arunning Wyeeboo ba'anth Carbeethon Oordiyallyall Nerriburdin see chase Umuck Kie ! monomeeth Bullarto mornmoot Youarrabuck N' eelam baggarook Mooyoop Dumbalk N' ya'arunning cowong Yerrallerning Wurrock weenth N' u' d' lam cooleenth K* ya'arunning Thyowon N' uther umaleek Uther umaleek Thyowon Yallambee brimbrimgatha Eumaraleek dandridibblo Mulloko Bullarto Ca'andooith N' uther marming'atha J umbuck Bullarto porkwadding Ooorng-uck N' uther nang'ooith Ts T ' uther Noogco Dullally 23 Impertinent Impetuosity, fury Implore, to beg Impolitic, imprudent Importunate Imposition, cheat Impostor, a cheat Impudence Impure, unchaste Inactive Inadvertence, carelessness Inarticulately, to speak indistinctly Inattention Inaudible Incantation, a charm Incapable, unfit Incarcerate, to confine Incensed, provoked Incision, a wound Incite, to stir up Incivility Incomplete Incongruity, absurdity Inconsolable, Inconversible, unsocial Incorrect Incorrigible Incorrupt, honest Increasing Incredible, not to be believed Incurable Indebted, to owe Indecently Indecision, hesitation Indecorous Indefatigable Indelicate Indifferent Indigence, want Indigenous, native Indigent, in want Indignation, anger Indiscernable, not to be seen Indiscreet, to act foolishly Indisposition, sickness Individual, one person Indolent, lazy Indulgent, kindness ludustrious Dullally Bullarto porkwadding Eumaraleek N' ya'arunning Bullarto jambunna eumaraleek Pimberlally Cooleenth mooyoopgoonong Dullally Ca'andooith Yerrallerning see stup ; d N' uther monomeeth jumback see careless Na'arung'uith Byawark lark .N' uther noogee Totekarrawa Pork wadding Roaturnhnng Wirraway Bullarto dullally N* uther noogee N' ya'arunning Bullarto mardan N' uther jumbuck In' uther noogee N' yellam Monomeeth cooleenth Mulloko bullarto Mooyoopgoonong Coopbarninthyoowung Ongue hook Ca'andooith Weenthuga weenthunga see indecent Palrurt see indecent see careless N' uther bullarto Mirambeek bcek Nerreeburdeen Porkwadding N' uther nangooith N' ya'arunning Thyowon Oarnboo cooleenth Yerrallerning Monomeeth I'alruit 24 Inebriated, drunken Inept, unfit Inert, sluggish Inexhaustible Infamous, bad Infant Infanticide Infection Inferior Infertile, barren Infinite, immense Inferior Inflame, to set on fire Inflation, Infold, wrap up Inform, to tell Infuriate, enraged Ingenuous Ingrate, ungrateful person Ingress, entiance Inhabit, to dwell Inharmonious, not sweet Inhospitable Inhuman Iniquitous, sinful Injure Innocence Inquire, to ask Insane, mad Inside Insincerity Insipid, want of taste Insolence Instant, the present moment Insufficient Insult Inter, to bury Interchange Interpret, to explain Intimate, to tell Intimate, familiar friend Intolerable, very bad Intoxicate, to make drunk Intrepid, fearless Intrusion Invalid, sick person Invisible Invite Inundation, overflow of water Bullarto bilim N' uther noogee Yerrallerning Oordiyalyal N' u' d' lam Booboop Ja'albunna booboop Coong-uck K' uther monomeeth N' giabooboop Oordiyalyal Wceakabull Allambee weenth Marp Coomuckawabilly tJumbunna Bullarto porkwadding N* uther n' ya'arunning N' u' d' lam cooleenth Mirambeek n' ya'alingo Mirambeek allambee ft' uther monomeeth Bullarto garng Bundarraboon N' yellam Ja'aburt ft' uther mooyoop Jumbuck ft' ya'arunning Gullasothoon Mooyoop N' u' d' iam Dullally Youarrabuck ft' uther noogee T'see waugh see dead Coorowork Jumbuck Mirambeek Jumbuck Mirambeek wonthulong Bullarto n' yellam Bilim umaraleek N' uther pa'amboonih Quanthueeneera n' ya'alingo- see ill N' uther nang-ana N' ya'alingo willam. Bullarto ba'antb. 25 Ire, anger Irrecoverable, lost for good Itch Jabber Jacent, lying at length Jaded, tired Jaunt, walk about Jeer, to treat with scorn Jesting, laughing Join together Joke Jolly Jostle, to push Jot, a tittle Journey, to travel Joy Jug, a drinking vessel Jusjgler, a cheat Juice Jump Just, honest Juvenile, young Kick, with the foot Kidnap Kindneys Kill, deprive of life Kind, benevolent Kindle, to set on fire Knave, a rascal Knee Knife Knock Knot, to tie Look, lo ! behold ! Labour, to work Lackaday, alas Laconic Lacleation, giving suck Lad, a boy Lady, white woman Lag behind Lake Lamb, young sheep Lame, cripple Lament Lance, a long spear Do do made of reeds Land, country, soil Language Pork wadding Jindivick Tha'arabuck Buliarto jumbunna Yimmerboordy see breathless Yannathan Tsee waugh Carnboon see bind see jesting see jesting Yonduck Wyeeboo Y'annay wirrato Carbeethon Tarnook Mooyoopgoonong Lillereboo Youdlee Monomeeth cooleenth N' uther Wccakabull Kirrack Pimberlally booboop Mirboo Ja'alburt Monomeeth Wirrock wecnth N' u' d' lam Barding Gallopin gallopin gweeop Jingeelbark Barraback Kye ! mirambeena nang'ooith? Wookooardjiily Yucca ! yucca 1 Wyeeboo jumbuck Baremburbywa Yan yean N' gammojiggerook Myarring'inna Buliarto ba'anth Wyeeboo eeip Galburnin Mardan Gweeon Jcerar Beek Jumbunna 26 .Languid Lank, long and thin Lapse, to forget Large, big Lascivious, lustful Late, slow Laud, to praise Laugh Lawn, grassy plain Lnx, diarrhea Lay, to lie down Lazy, unwilling to work Leaf, of trees and plants Lc;.f!ess Leak, to run out Lean, without fat Leap, to jump Learned, clever Least, superlative of little Leave, to go away Leech J. eft, opposite to the right Leisure Lenity, kindness Less 3 .cthargic, sleepy Level country Levity Lewd, wicked, hurtful Liar 1 liberal Liberate, to set free Lick, to touch with the tongue Lie, to lie down Lieu, taking another thing instead Life, animal being Lifeless, dead Lift up Light, rays of the sun Do not heavy Lightfingered, thievish Light, kindle a fire Lighthearted Lightheaded Like, pitased with Likeness Limp, to halt Limpid, clear, puro see ill N' uther marp N' ya'arunning Bullarto Carndceth Narring-oboornee Monomeeth Kurrambee Monomeeth poath Bullarto n' ya'alingo conong 3M' yeemoonth or yimmerboody see idle Marron jN' uther marron Jindivick ba'anth N' uther marp see jump N' uther n' ya'arunning Wyeeboo Mirambeek jcetho Thirumaleek Wirram Thirrong'atha see slow N' uther porkwadding Wyeeboo Mulloko umina see flat see cheerful Ca'arnthooith see deceit Bullarto umaleek Jeetho Tovvrambuck N' yeemoonth Uong'a Wecagoon Murmbull Tarmbuck Noweenth or durran durran Bullar bullar Pimbullally Wurrock weenth K' uther mardan Oowong n' ya'arunning Um um monomeeth Burraguck morobeck IN' garrabooen Quinkke monomeeth 1 inc, a string Linger, to remain Lip, of the mouth Listen, to hearken Listless, heedless Little, small in quantity Lively Live, to be in a state of life Liver, one of the entrails Lizard Lo! Load, a burden Leaf of bread Loath, to hate Local, here, in this place Do in that place Lodging, temporary abode Lofty, proud Log, piece of wood Loggerhead, thick skull, a dolt Loins of the body Loiter, to linger Lonely Long, not short Longevity, length of life Look, behold Loose, to set free Loquacity, too much talk Lord, Supreme Being Lose, to suffer loss Loud, much noise Love, affection Lounge, lazy Louse Lowly, humble Low spirited, dejected Ludicrous, burlesque Lug, to drag Lunar, relating to the moon Lunatic, madman Lunation, the revolution of moon Luscious, sweet Lust, carnal desire Lustily, with vigour Mad Madly, foolishly Maggot Magnanimous, brave Billarng sec loiter Boron g Thooamee N' uther tartbanerra Wyeeboo Karbeethong Wee'agoon Booith Doonburrim Kye! Barn boon Kurong N' uther monomeeth Myaring Cobborin Allambee myaring muiloko jeetho Dullallj Kalk N' u' d' lam ccwong Beally goonong "Warring-aboornee Ca'arneek Neerim Bullarto weeakabull Kye ! mirambeena nang'ooith ? Jeetho Bullarto jumbuck Marming'atha Jindivick Torra'avvecnth Quinkee monomeeth see idle Moonong N' uth( r dullallally },' ardan Mooyoopgoonong Wonthaggi Mecniyan Cooleenth n' ya'arunning the Carnboo menh an Monomeeth worong'atha Ca'arrdooee Balrurt see lunatic N' ya'arunning Korumburra Monomeeth n' uther pa'&mboonth 28 Magpie Maid, a virgin Mam, to cripple Male, the he of any species Malice, spite Mamma, mother Man, male adult of the human species Manful, bold Maniac Manifest, clear Manifold, many in numbers Manikin, a little man Manceuver, skilful Manure Many, numerous Manyheaded Mar to spoil Mare Marine, belonging to the sea Mark, foot mark Marrow, in bones Marsh, a bog Massacre, murder Mastication, chewing Matchless Matricide, killing a mother Mature, perfect Meagre, thin Mealy mouthed Mean, contemptible Meat Meat offering Meditate, think study Meek, gentle Melancholy Menace, to threaten Mention, to r peat Merciful, compassionate Meridian, midday Merit Merry Messenger Midday, noon Midnight Midwinter Mighty, powerful Migration, removing Mild, kind, gentle Barroworn Moonmoondick Gulburnin Cooleenth Porkwaduing Parbine i Cooleenth see magnanimous sec mad Noojee Dordiyalyal Wyeoboo cooleenth N' uther n' ya'arunning Conong OorJiyalyal Oordiyalyal cowong'atha Bullarto poromboom Kirtkirtarnock Warrain Geenong Jajidtch Tarkeeth Ja'albunna Thung-ook N' uther mooyoop Ja'alburt parbine Noogee N' uther marp Wonthaggarook N' u' d' lam Bui gar. a Eumaleek bulgana Nurring'ian Wonthaggarook Nurring-ian Wirraway Jumbunna N' uther porkwadding Bullarto noweenth Monomeeth Carmboonith Yannee thoee Bullarto noweenth Booronthooith Berring Palrurt Jeetho uong'a willam WoDthaggarook 29 Milk Milksop Wine, belonging to mo Minikin, small Minor, not of age Minute, small Mirth Misapprehend, not to understand Misbecoming, unseemly Mischief Miscreant, a wretch Miserable, unhappy Misguide, lead wrong Misinform, to give a false account Misle, to rain in small drops Miss, young xvnmarried woman Miss, not to hit Miss, not to see Misshapen, deformed Misery Mist, a low thin cloud Mistake Mistiness, cloudy Mistrustful, doubtful Misty Misunderstand Mite, small Moan, to grieve Mockery Modern, not old Modest Modicum, small Moist Money Moneyless, poor Monocular, one-eyed Month Moody Moon Moorland, marshy ground Morass More, in greater number Morose, peevish Morrow Morsel, a small piece Mortal, a human being, man Most, the greatest in number Most, the greatest in quantity Mother Brim brim Coolcenth na'arunning Mirambeek Wyeeboo Yan yean see minikin Karbeethong N' ya'arunning or weenthungj ft' u' d' lam see bad Nulam cooleenth Mardan Mooyoopgoonong Mooyoop Wyeeboo ba'anth mellaba Moonmoondick Koolenthethan N' uther nang-ana Kalburning n'g narragoo Bullarto mardan Wyeeboo lark ft' ya'arunning Bullarto lark VYeenthunga see mist "VYeenthunga Wyeeboo Mardan Mooyoogpoonong To or on go Wunthaggarook Wyeeboo "Wyeeboo ba'anth Dandridibble Is' uther dandridibble Carnboo myrring'atha Ca'anboo meniyan Narringyan Mealy an Turkeeth Turkeeth Uonga umaralcek Pork wadding Booy boorooing Wyeeboo Cooleenth Oordiyalyal Bullarto Parbine Moth? .:. the act of moving Motio:.. Iowa Move to change place Mould, ground, the earth Moon Mount . Mcu n, to grieve Mouth Mouth, to grn i great deal lung a vessel to drink from Multip. hush ler, a mutt - Mums Murder Murderer, one who kills iiurkv. dar.- Murmur, grumble -ong a oes r. to asseir. -.lent, dumb Mutton Myriads, great nu: -nail horse . oq the fingers or toes Naked, uncovered Name I -hort sleep Narrate, to tell . belonging to th. Natura Natural, unafivcted Navel, part of the body Naught r, bad, wicked a feeling of disgust Nay, D n' uther booboop Tannathan Yallambee beck . ooee Seek N' ^orack N* gorack bullarto Mardau Parooth Worong'atha Thoumeenmeila Bullarto Conong Tarnock Ooi diyalyal Cubbout nang'ooith leenmella nong Bullarto umaraieek art Ja'albanna Booroointh or lark eenmelia Palrurt Banibra Yane'vaing Drumbullabull Yarra^ondock :;' ya'alingo Cubl Eeip Oordiyalyal Miramheek Coonoojee Wyeeboo kirtkirtarnook Therreoermyrnong Yan-boorneen Ncrrena Jumtuck .tha er barmburrim N' ya'aiunning ccoleenth N' uther mooyoop book N' n' u bar ;i Near, close to hand Keck, part of the body Necklace, ornaments worn the neck Needle, of bone Needless, that will do Negation, denial Negative, a denial Negligent, careless Neighbour or friend . birds nest Net New, not old News Niggard, covetous Nigh, near Night : raring, travelling in the Nimble, quick Nine, in number Ninny, a fool Nip, to pinch Nipple, a teat No, denial Nobody, not any one Nocturnal, by night Nod, to bend the head Noddy, a simpleton Noise, outcry None, all gone Nonsense Noon, day Nose Note, observe, remark ; ng Nourish, to support Nudity, nakedness Nugatory, no good Nuisance Number, many Numerous Numskull Nutriment, food O ! interjection Obese Obscene, disgusting Obscure, to darken N* uther wirrate Koorn round Coornburt Kullsp Noogee N' uther N* uther N' uther tartbannerra Wonthulong Queeop queeop willam Pellong Toorong'a N' gull N' uther umaleek N' uther wirrato Booronthooith night Booronthooith yannathan Youd'leenth Eenjeroo vor benjeroo vor benjeroo vor benjeroo vor carnboo N' ya'aruiiuiiig cooWenth Pmu-ock Brimbrimg'atha N' uther N* uther uonga Jeetho booroonthooith Pundruyong cowong'onock N' ya'aruuning cooieenth rawcenth Jindivick Mooyoopgoonong Bullarto no wet nth Cong*atha N' uther Jiiung mung N' uther boolong Jindarning thang'oith Yanboorncen N' uther noogee N' u' d' lam Oordiyalyal Oordiyalyal see ninny Jindarning thung-oith Kye! ilarp see nuisance Booroonth 32 Observe, to mark Occupy Ocean Ochre Odious Oderiferous, sweet Off, distance * Offend, to make angry Offer, to give Officious Offspring, children Oh, demoting sorrow Oily, greasy Old, ancient Omit, forgot On, go forward Once One, not two One-eyed, one eye Onward Openhanded, generous Openhearted, generous Opiniative, proud Opponent an enemy Opprobrium, disgrace Oration, a speech Orison, a prayer Orphan Ostentation, pride Other, not the same Overcast, clouded Overcome, to subdu Overmuch Over night Overreach, deceive Oversleep Ours, ourselves Out, not here Outcry, a noise Outlandish, foreign Outreach, cheat Outright, immediately Outsleep Own, belonging to oneself Ox, bullock Pain Pair, two Palaver, talk idly Mung mung Allambee willam Warrain w oorap N' u' d' lara Monomeeth Wirrate Mulloko porkwadding Umaraleek Dullallally Bcoboop Yucca yucca 1 Youeyook Wecakabull N' yaarunning Jcetho Carnboo Carnboo Carnboo myrring'atha Jeetho Bullarto umaraleek Bullarto umaraleek see officious Warragul ]S* u' d' lam Jumbuck M arming' atha M' uther Ma'amoonth n' uther parbinc Dullallally Uong'a Bullarto laik Bang'ath Noogee Yeilingoith or booey-roonthooith Mooyoop Bullarto umina Mii'ambeena mlrambeek Jindivick or n' uther allambee Thoora-weenth Uonga beck Mooyoop Buna burr a Bullarto umina Mirambeek Bulganna Noortutninun Benjeroo Mooyoopgo onong S3 Paltry Pant Papa or father Parched, dried up Parent, father or mother Paroquet Paracide, who kills his father Parrot Parsimony, greedy Parson Part, to separate Partner, a sharer, a friend Party, a number of individuals Pass, to go beyond Passion, anger Passive, easy Past Pastime Pate, the head Path, a track- Pathless, trackless Patient Paunch, the belly Pause, a stop Paw, the forefoot of a beast Peace, silence Peaceable, quiet Peak, a hill Peculate, to defraud Peep, a sly look Peevish Penetrate, to understand Penknife Pennyless, no money Pensive Fcradventure Perambulation Perceive, to observu Perfect Perfidious, false Perhaps Perish, to die Permanent Perpetual Perplexed Person, man or woman Perspicuous, quick sighted Perspiration Pert, saucy K' ulam see breathless Marmoonth Jindivick ba'anth or cooroornoing Marmoonth or parbine Needly-ooing Jaalburt marmoonth Darnum see greedy N'gammoojidtch marming-atlja Cobbobcone Wonthulong Oodtbenong cooleenth Yannaboothoointh Porkwadding N' uther porkwadding Jindivick Carbeethon Cowong-atha Pardin N ' uther pardin N' uther porkwadding Belling-atha Eurra ! Myrnong-atha Thoomee see patient N' gorack Pimbullally Nang-ark Thoumeenmeenmcria Urn um noojee Gallopin gallopin gweeop N' uther dandedibble Mirring-ian Ah ah, or weenthunga Yannathan Mung mung Noogee or monomeeth N' n' d' lam see peradventure Murmbull Meilbnrdeen Meilburdcen Weenthunga Cooleenth or Cooleenthebaggarook Monomeeth myrring-atha Wurroor Dullallally Petition, to supplicate Pettish Petty, small Pilfer Pillage Pine, to grieve Pish I ! Pistol Plaindealing Plaint lamentation Plaintive Flay, to sport Pleasant Pleaides, constellation Plenty, abundance Plot, to scheme Plover, a bird Plumage, feathers Plume, to make proud Plump, fat Plunder, to steal Plural, many Point, sharp end Pointless, not sharp Pollution Poltroon, a coward Pompous Ponder, to think Ponderous, heavy Pony, small horse Postpone, to put off Pot, pannikin Potbellied Pout, to look sullen Powerful Prayer Preacher Precarious Precaution Precious, costly Precipitate, to hurry I Yegnancy Prejudice, dislike Prepare, to make ready Preposterous, absurd Prerogative, belonging to on Present, not absent see ask Thoumeenmeeamella Wyeeboo Pimbullally Pimbullally Bullarto marden T* see wagh Wyeeboo drambullabulf Monomecth cooleenth Eeburra ! or yucca yucca Eeburra ! or yucca yucca Carbcethon Monomeeth One of the deities worshipped b< the natives and called Mooi Moon dick Bullarto Mooyoopgoonong Burribarridth see feather Bullarto dullallally Marp Pimbullally Oordiyalyal Jen jen moon N' uther kurrick kurrick N' ulam Pa'amboonth Dullallally Murring ian see heavy Wyeeboo kirtkirtarnock Mulloko or burra burra Tarnock Marp Thoumeenmella N' uther mooyoop or palrurt Marming'atha Marming'atha n' g'amoojidtch Wecnrbunga Thort borra boon Monomeeth Youarrabuck Mulloko booboop Neclum Youarrabuck N' ya'arunning i self Mirambeek see here 35 Present, to give Presently, soon Preserve, to keep Presumptious, arrogance Pretence, a pretext Pretext Pretty, handsome Prevaricate, to lie Pride Priest Prime, first rate Probity, honesty Proceed Procession, a train marching Procrastinate, delay Procure, to fetch, obtain Prodigality, wasteful Profanely, wickedly Profess, openly Profligate, wicked Profusion abundance Promenade, v\ alking Promise Prompt, quick Pronounce, to speak Properly, in a fit sense Prostrate, laid flat Proud Provisions, victuals Provoke to enrage Prowess, bravery Provident Pseudo, false Pshaw ! interjection Puerile, childish Puff of wind Pule, to cry Pulse, motion of the blood Punctual Puny, small Pure, not sullied Purloin, to steal Pursue, chase Pus, corrupt matter from a sore Pusillanimous, cowardly Pustule, a pimple or sore Put, to place, lay Putrefaction, rotteness Pigmy, a small man Eumaralcek Mulloko N' uther u myoa Dullallally Mooyoopgoonong Mooyoopgoonong Monomceth ]S' u' d' lam Dullallally N' -. ammoogidtch inarming-atha Monomeeth sec good Geetho Oordiyalyal coolecnih geetho Thcema koing'ack Wonthaggi Yon myoo N' uther marming'atha >. 'uther Mooyoop N' yellam cooleenth Builarto Yannathm Kotti run joomboilong'oith You arrabuck Jumbunna Monomeeth or noojee N' yeemoonth Dullallally Jindarning-thung-oith Mulloke pork wadding see brave JS : ' uther u myoa Mooyoopgoonong T' see wagh iN-ya-arunning Wveeboo morn moot Mai dan Iroontha wothoingun N uther mooyoop Wyeeboe Monomeeth Pimbul'ally see hunt Beelmeek Pa'amboonth Boothoon Yallambee see carrion Wveeboo cooleenth SG Quadruped, four leg's Quake, to shake with cold Quake, to shake with fear Quantum, sufficient Quantity, bulk Quantity, numbers Quarrel, to fight Quarrelsome Quash, to crush Quell Quench, to extinguish fire Query, question Question, to enquire Quibble Quick Quicksighted Quiet, not to speak Quietude Quietus, a full discharge Quirk, a taunt Quite, completely Rage, violent anger Raillery, satire Rain Rdnbow Raise, to raise up Ramble, to wander Rancour, striking Rancorous, malicious Ransack, to plunder Rapacious, greedy Rapid Rapture, delight Rascal Ravenous, hungry Readily, with speed Real, genuine Recede, fall back Recline Recognise Recollect Recompense, to gain Recover, get well again Recreant, cowardly Recumbent, lying Red, colour of blood Reduce Redundance Reed Benjeroo vor benjeroo geenong Moortring-an Bullarto parmboonth Noogee Bullarto Oordiyalyal see combat Thoumeenmeenmolla Noogee Noogee Jindivick weeinth Quanthee Quanthce Mooyoopgoonong Youarrabuck Moromee.h nvyrring-atha > urring-ian Nurrm ;-ian Noogee M ooyoopgoonong Koogee Bullarto porkwadding see quirk Ba'anth mellaba Durooke Lark Carmuggy Yannathan IS' ulam cong-atha Porkwadding Pimbullally K' uther umaraleek Burra or youarrabuck Monomecth N' yelain coolecnth Bullarto nerreburdin Youarrabuck ]\'' uther mooyoop N' ya'alingo Allambee Mirambeek nangooith Mung mung Kumaleek Jindivick Boothoono Parmboonth N' )eemoonth Beebeethu'ung Mulloko wyeeboo Bullarto Geerar 37 Reedy, many reeds Refrain, by and by Refreshment "Refuse, to deny Refuse, worthless Regain Regret Reins, the kidneys Rejoice Rekindle, a fire Relief Religion Relish Remain Remand, to call back Remember Remiss, careless Remote, distant Remove, to go away Render, to give Renounce, to disown Renowned, eminent Replete, full Reply Report, loud noise Repose, sleep Reprobate, abandoned Repugnant Repulse, to drive away Request, to ask Reserve, to keep some back Reserved, modest Reside Residence, place of abode Resolute, firm Rest, sleep Restiff, unwilling to stir Restiff, without sleep Restore Retain Retch, to vomit Retire Return, to come back Reverse, the other Revocate, calling back Roward Rib Rid, clear away Ridicule Ceerar oordiyalya- Mulloko indarning thung-oith N' uther N' u' d' lam ICong'arra muggy Mar dan see kidneys Noncmeeth Worock weeinth Umaleek IV'arming'atha Monoineeih M' uther jeetho Wirambeena n' ya'alingo Mung mung N' ya'arunning Wirrate Jeetho uong'a beek Umaleek K' uther mirambeek N' uther mooyoop Noogee Jumbunna Thoora weenth Fumina ft' ulam cooleenth ft' ulher monomeeth Jeetho Umaleek Koortworko Wonthaggarook AUambee Willum tt ilium N' uther parmboonth Umina N' uther carmuggy N' uther umina Eumaraleek see reserve Korramoonith Jeetho ft' ya'alingo Uong'a Mirambeena n' ya'alingo Umaleek ft' yeelingo turnin Jindivick Mooyoopgooitong 38 Rifio, to rob Eight, proper Rind, back of trees Rin~e, to cleanse Riot, an uproar Ripe, complete Rise, to get up River, a stream Rivulet, a small river Road Roam Rob, to steal Robust, strong Rogue Roue Rouse, to wake up Rudeness Ruor, oppossom Run, to go quick Runt, a dwarf Sabbath, a day of worship Sad, sorrowful Sagacity Saliva, spittle Sameness, not another Sand Sane, sound mind Satiate, full Satisfied Savage, wild Saucy Saw, to see Say, to speak Scabby, sores Scalp, the skull Scamper to run with speed Scandalous, shameful Scar, mark of a wound Scarce Scare, frighten Science, knowledge Scoff, ridicule Scold, to chide Scorch, to burn Scorn, contempt Scoundrel Scourge, to punish Scout, one sent to look for enemy Pimbullally Alonomceth Willam Barmburrim Thoora-weenth Noogee Carmuggy Worrowing Worrowing wyeeboo Parch n Yannathan Pimbullally Palrurt N' ulam cooleenth Yannathan Carmuggy ! carmuggy ! Dullallalfy Coogurra or wollard wollnrd Geetho youarrabuck Wyeeboo cooleenth Yellingbo marming'atha Bullarto marden N' uther n' yaarunning Mogormeenth N' uther uorg'a Karkaroek N' uther n' ya'arunning Bullarto or noogee Monomeeth 01 noogee Warragul cooleenth Dullalially ftlirambeek nang'ana ilumbunna Boothoon or bibboroom Cowong-atha Youarrabuck geetho 1 ullarto n' u' d' lam Pidjering IS 7 ' utber bullarto Parmboonth N* uther n' ya'arunning Mooyoopgoonong Thouroecnmeenmella Tonimbuck T' see wagh IS? u' d' lam cooleenth Ja'alburt i tee messenger 39 Scowl, to frown Scrap, a bit Scratch, tear with the nails Scream Screen, to hide Scurvy or scabby Scurvily Sea, ocean Seated, sitting Second, next to the first Secret, private Sedate, quiet Seduction See, to perceive by the eye Seal, to close the eyes Seemingly, doubtfully Seemly, decent j Seen Self, oneself Send, to despatch Senior, oldest Sensible Sensual, carnal Separate Serene * Serious Serpent, a snake Settled, confirmed Seven Several, many Sew, to join together Shabby, mean Shadow, a shade Shallow, not deep Sham, delusion Shamefaced, modest Shameful Shameless, impudent Shark, sea fish Shave Sheep Sheepseyes, loving look Shew, to shew to another Shift, to move Shilling Shin Ship or large vessel see scold Wyeeboo Tha'arabuck Ja'albuck see conceal Boobooroom N' uther monomeeth Warrain Allambee Benjeroo N* uther uonga cooleenth nang- ana Nuring'ian Pimbullally baggarook Mirambiak nangooth N' uther nang-ooith "Weenthunga Monomeeth Nang'ooith Mirambiak Jeetho Weeakable N' uther n' ya'arunning Carndooith Cobboboonee Monomeeth N' uther mooyoopgoonong Coornmill Noogee Benjeroo vor benjeroo vor benjeroo vor carnboo Oordiyalyal Marguck N' ulam Moola Bollardy week Bullarto mooyoopgoonong Worthaggarook N' rf d' lam Dullallally Nulling'arung Jindivick yarragondock Eeip N' uther mooyoop myrring'ata Mirambeena nang'ana Jeetho uonga willani Carnboo dandridibble Karung Bullarto corong 40 Shirt Shiver with cold Shoe Short, not long Shortly, quickly Shoulder Shout Shower, rain Shred, a small piece Shriek, a cry of anguish Shudder, quake with fear Shut, close the door Shy, bashful Sick Sight, to see Silent Silliness, stupid Simpleton, silly Sinful, wicked Sing Singly, by oneself Sire, father Sister Sit on a seat Six Skilful Skin, the hide Skinny, wanting flesh Skull Sky, the heavens Slaughter, to slay Slay Sleep Sleepless Sleet, snow Slender, thin Slyness, cunning Slothful, lazy Slumber, light sleep Sly Small Smart, pain Smartly, briskly Smell Smile, to look kindly Smockfaced Snake Snappish, cross tempered Snarl, cross tempered Thirrong'alook Murra murra bargoagan Geenong'alook Wyeeboo n'uther wirrate Mulloko Bargarro Waugh ! kye ! Ba'anthmellaba Wyeeboo Eburra ! yucca ! Parmboonth Tote kooda waugh Jeeraboon see ill Nang'ana N' uther jumbuck N' ya'arunning N' ya'arunning N' ulam Yainyaing Carnick n' yallamooonon Marmoonth Mollokin Allambee Benjeroo vor benjeroovor benjeroo N' uther n' ya'arunning see hide N' uther marp Cowong'atha Boorurn Bullarto ja'alburt Ja'alburt Umina Umina n' uther Cabbing N' uther marp Mooyoopgoonong see idle "Wyeeboo umina Mooyoop Wyeeboo Yucca yucca Youarrabuck Narrobuck Monomeeth nang'ooith N' uther yarragondock see serpent Thoumeenmeenmella Thoumeenmeenmella 41 Snore Snow Sob, to cry Soho Soil, dung Sojourn, to remain a while Solicit, ask Somewhere Son Soon Sore, tender place Sorry Sot or drunkard Spark of fire Speak Spear, long pointed weapon Speech Speed, quick Spite Spleen Splendid Spotless, pure Squall, to scream Stagger, to reel Star Stare, to look with wonder Starless, no stars Starving, hungry Stay, dont go Steal, theft Steed, a horse Step, footstep Stick, piece of wood Stifle, to choke Stink Stool, evacuation Stop, pause Stork Storm, tempest Storm, rain Stout Strangle Stratagem Stream, running water Stripling, a youth Strut, to walk affectedly Stupid Successfully Suckle, a child at the breast N' yeerurkooleen Cabbing Mardan Kye ! waugh ! Conong Allambee Umaleek Winthunga Mirambiak booboop Mulloko Boothoone see bemoan Bullarto bilim Wyeeboo weenth Jumbuck Neerim J umbunna Youarrabuck Porkwadding see peevish Monomeeth Monomeeth Thooraweenth Bilim ponraneen Tutbyrum Bullarto nang'ana !N' uther tutbyrum Nerreburdeen N' uther jeetho Pimbullally Kirtkirtarnook Geenong'atha Kalk kalk see choke IS' yellam warrobuck Conong Cooragook Korroorook Bullarto Mommoot Bullarto ba'anth mellaba Marp see stifle Mooyoopgoonong Monomeeth ba'anth Yan yean Dullallally N' ya'arunning Noojce Umaleek booboop brimbrim'gatha 42 Sudden, surprise Suffice, sufficient Suffocate Suitable, agreeable Sulky Sullen Summer Summit, top Sun Sunday Sundry, many Sunrise Sunset Supply, to give Suppose Surly Suspicion Swamp Swan Swarm, a crowd Swear Sweet Swift, quick Swine Tadpole Talk Tall Tardy, slow Tarry, stay Taste Tear, water from the eye Teeth Tell, to relate Terror, fear Thanks Thee, thou Theft, stealing There, at that place Thief Thigh Thin, lean Thine Third Thirsty ~ Thither Three Throat Throng, or multitude Quanthuenera Noogee see choke see suffice N' uther jumbuck N' uther jumbuck Bullarto n' yoweenth Cobbeya nerregootha Noweenth Yellingbo marming'atha Oordiyalyal Carmuggie n' yowoenth Jindivick n' yoweenth Eumaraleek Keelonit.h see sulky Weenthunga Tarkeeth Koon-warra Oordiyalyal N' ulam jumbunna Monomeeth Youarrabuck Yarwee Poorneet Jumbunna Neerim N' uther burra burra Yallambee Tany a goon Ba'anji myrring Leong'atha Mirambeek jumbuck Pa'amboonth Monomeeth mirambeena Mirambeena Pimbullally Cobborin Cooleenth pimbullally Thirrong N' uther marp Mirambeena Benjeroo vor carnboo Cooroonoing Cobborin Benjeroo vor carnboo Koorn Oordiyalyal cooleenth or bagga- rook Thumb Thunder Tie, to fasten Timid, fearful Tiny, small Tipsy, drunk Toes Tomahawk To-day To-morrow Tooth Track, to follow Trail Travel Trick, to cheat Trousers Truth True Truehearted, honest Tumble Turf, covered with grass Tush Umbrage Unbecoming, indecent Uncertain, doubtful Unchaste Uncivil Unclouded, no clouds Undaunted Undeceive Understand Unfaithful, treacherous Unfed, hungry Unfeigned, sincere Unfinished Unfit Unfixed, vagrant Unforeseen Ungenerous Unguarded, careless Unimportant, never mind Uninhabited Unintelligent, ignorant Unit, one Unite Universal, total, all Unjust Myrnong Drumbullabull Tote karrawagh Parmboonth "Wyeeboo see drunkenness Geenong'atha < ' albiling n' garrook Yellingbo Booyboorooing Leong'atha Kang'ana geenong'atha Nang'ana geenong'atha Yannathan Mooyoop Thirrong'alook N' uther mooyoop N' uther mooyoop Monomeeth cooleenth Powrding Poath Bun*a ! Porkwadding Carndooith Wecnthunga see indecent Cooleenth dullallally N' uiher lark N' uther parmboonth N' uther mooyoop N' uther n' ya'arunning N' u' d' lam Bullarto nerreburdeen see undeceive N' uther noogee IS' uther noogee Bullarto yannathan N' uther mirambiak nang'ana N' uther umaleek N' uther tartbannerra "Wollawordock N' uther cooleenth allambee wil- lam N' ya'arunning Carnboo Marguck Bullarto in quantity, or Ordiyal- yal in numbers N' uther monomeeth 44 Unkind Unknowing-, ignorant Unmarried, single man Unmarried, single woman Unmeaning Unmeet, improper Unmindful, negligent Unmixed, pure Unmourned, not wept for Unnecessary, ncet'less Unneighbourly, unfriendly Unobtrusive, modest Unoccupied Unpalatable, Unparralleled, none other like it Unpeaceable, quarrelsome Unperceivable, not to be seen Unreal, not real Unsaid, not yet uttered Unseemly, indecent Unseen Unserviceable, no use Unsettled, uncertain Unshod, no shoes, barefoot Unshaved Unskilful Unsoiled, pure Unsound, corrupt Untenanted Unterrified Up, to rise Upstart, proud Urchin, a child Urine Utter, to speak Vacant, gone Vacate, to go away Vagabond Vague, doubtful Vain, proud Valiant, brave Valid, satisfactory Valour Vanish, to disappear Vanity Vast, very great Vaunt, to 1 Velocity, speed Venal, bad N' uther monomeeth see stupid N' uther baggarook N' uther cooleenth see ignorant N' ulam N' uther tartbannerra Monomeeth N' uther mar dan Noogee N' uther monomeeth see modesty see uninhabited N' u' d' lam N' uther uong'a Bullarto porkwadding N' uther nang'ana Mooyoopgoonong N' uther jumbuek Carndooith see unperceivable N' uther noogee "Weenthunga N' uther geenong'alook Bullarto yarragondock see stupid Monomeeth or barmburrim N' u' d' lam see uninhabited N' uther parmboonth Carmuggy Dullallally Booboop Bolk Jumbunna Jindivick Mirambeek jeetho Ts T ' ulam cooleenth "Weenthunga Dullallally N' uther parmboonth Noogee see valiant Jindivick Dullallally Bullarto Dullallally Youarrabuck N' ulam 45 Verbose, full of words Verify, to prove true Vestal, pure, virgin Vestige, foot mark Vice, wicked Vicinity, not distant Vicious Vile _ Villain, a wicked wretch Virgin, a maid Visitor Vociferous, noisy Voracious Vouchsafe, to give Wade, to walk through water "Wail, lament Wait, stop Wakeful Waken, to rouse from sleep Walk W r alking stick Wander Wane, to diminish Wanton, lascivious Waim, not cold Wash, to wash Water Way, a road We, you and me Wearied, harrassed by another Weason, windpipe Wee, small Week, or seven days Weep, to cry Welcome Well, properly, that will do Went, or gone Wept What? What for Whence, from what place Where Whereabouts Whiskers Whisper Whistle see talkative IS' uthor mooyoop Moonmoondick Nang'ana geenong Carndooith IS' uther wirrate see vice see vice see vagabond Moonmoondick Uong'a cooleenth n' ya'alingo miramheek willam Bullarto jumbuck Nerreburdeen Umaleek Yannathan ba'anth Mardan Burra ! K' uther umina Carmuggy Yannathan Myrnong kalk see ramble Mulloko jindivick Bullarto carndooith Woolen boorin Corowock Ba'anth Pardin Mirdnbena vor mirambiak * Noogee noogee (spoken sharply) Thullarabcegoon Wyeeboo Benjeroo vor benjeroo vor benjeroo vor carnboo noweenth Mardan bullarto Monomeeth mirambeena n' yaalingo Noogee Jindivick or jeetho see weep Quanthee Quanthuenera Quanthee n' ya'aling Winter Wintowrding Yarragon dockatha Wyeeboo jumbuck Woolerreby 46 V' hither, where Wholesome, good Whoreish, unchaste Why ? what for ? Wicked Wide, remotely, at a distance Wife Wild savage Wind Windy, very stormy Winter Wise, Wither, fade away Withdraw Wives, plural Woman Women, plural Wonder Woodpigeon Worse, more bad Worst Worthy, deserving Wot, to know Wrath, anger Wretch, a worthless person Wrong, injury Ye, nominative plural of thou Yea, yes Yesterday Yonder You, yourself Young, youthful Young, offspring Y'our, belonging to you Youth, past childhood, if a boy Youth, past childhood, if a girl Zest, to relish W 7 intowrding Monomeeth Bullarto carndooith Quanthuenera ? N' udlam Wirrate Coolenyeebaggarook Worragul Mornmoot Mornmoot bullarto Bullarto dumbalk N' uther n' ya'arunning Jindivick Jeetho Benjeroo(if 2 if more) oordiyalyal Baggarook Benjeroo buggarook, if 2 if more oordiyalval Kye ! " Moongoobera Bullarto n' ulam Bullarto n' ulam Monomeeth N' uther n' ya'arunning Pork wadding see vagabond see unjust Mirambeena Um um Yellingoith Oobborin Mirambeena N' yuther weeikable Booboop Mirambeena Yan yean Moonmoondick Monomeeth FAMILIAR SPECIMENS IN DIALOGUE. SPECIMEN THE FIRST. Having furnished the reader with the language preceding. The next step to be considered, in order to accomplish the object or which the work was indeed originally commenced, namely, o act as an adjunct to the intentions of the worthy Bishop in christianising, or more properly speaking, civilizing the benighted and unhappy aboriginal inhabitants of this highly favoured pro- vince ; is to furnish specimens of their language in dialogue, as follows : Q Winter wintowrding jeetho mirambeena? Where are you going ? A Mirambeek geetho warrain. I am going to the beach. Q Oordiyalyal cooleenth, cooleenjee baggarook yallambee warrain ? Are there many black men and black women at the beach ? A N' uther (if there are but few) woodtheeno (if many). No, very few, or yes, plenty. Q Mirambeena nang'ana, wyeeboo corong? Did you see a small boat ? A Um um carnboo, benjeroo, benjeroo vor carnbco. Yes, one, two and three. Q Mirambeena monomeeth cooleenth ? Are you a good fellow ? A W r eenthunga, quanthueenera mirambeena jumbuck ? I dont know, why do you ask ? Q Wintowrding mirambeena willam ? Where is your house ? A Cobborin (pointing) n' uther mirambeena nang'ooith ! There, dont you see. Q Eumaraleek weenth mirambeek pipe ? Give me a light for my pipe ? A N' uther mirambeek umeraleek; mirambeena wonthaggi weenth. I shall not give it, fetch it yourself. Q Quanthueenera mirambeena bullarto porkwadding jumbuck n' u' d' lam ? Why are you sulky and speak saucily ? A N' uther mirambeena bullarto n' gammoodjidtch. You are not a gentleman. 48 Q Mirambeena n' ya'arunning, n' uther mirambeena nang'ooith mirambeek bullarto n' gammoojidtch ? You are stupid, dont you see that I am a gentleman ? A N' uther. Mirambeena n' uther mirambeek, n' ya'arunning. No, its you and not me that is stupid. Q Mulloko n' ya'alingo ba'anth mellaba ? Shall we soon have rain ? A Um um, booroonthooith wyeeboo ; booybooroing bullarto. Yes, to-night a little and plenty to-morrow. Q N' uther ba'anthmellaber yellingbo ? No rain to-day ? A N' uther, mirambeek jumbuck, mirambeena, n' ya'arunning. No, I told you once, you are stupid. Q Mirambeena, ncrreburdin? Are you hungry ? A Um um, bullarto. Yes, very. Q Mirambeena jeetho yarra yarra wonthaggy ba'anth, miram- beena n' ya'alingo, mirambeek eumaleek nurong vor bulgana ? If you will go to the River Yarra Yarra and fetch some water, on your return 1 11 give you some bread and meat? A Um ! um ! mirambeek jeetho wonthaggi ba'anth, n' uther mirambeena mooyoopgoonong mirambeek n' ya'alingo. Yes, yes, I'll go and fetch the water, but do not you gammon me or deceive me on my return. Q N' uther mooyoop ? No gammon? A Noogee. That will do. Q Wonthaggi mirambeek kirtkirtarnock ? Fetch my horse ? A Wintowrdmg dandredibble. Where is the money. Q Mirambeek umalcek mirambeena dandredibble mulloko ? I'll give you the money directly ? SPECIMEN THE SECOND. Blackfellow Q Wintourding allambee n' gammojidtch bullarto marming'ata (God) ? Where is the white man's God ? A Allambee lark bullarto wirrate. Beyond the clouds a long way. Whiteman - Wintowrding allambee bullarto marming'ata cooleenth vor eooleengeebaggarook ? Where is the black man and black woman's God? A Cobborin, mirambeena nang'ooith? (pointing to the seven stars cr pleaides. ) There ! do you see. 49 Whitcman Name benjeroo vor benjeroo vor benjeroo vor carnboo Tutbyrum ? Name the seven stars ? A Moonmondick (a virgin, see language.) Blackfellow N'gammoojidtch, nang'ana marming'ata, god, jeetho lark ? N' uther paidine, n' uther poath, n' uther nang'ooith geenong'atha. Did the white people see God go up in the clouds ? There is no road, no grass, and of course no track Englishman Cooleenth, nang'ana moonmoondick jeetho lark, n' uther pardine, n' uther poath, n' uther geenong'atha ? English Did the blackfellows see moonmoondick go up to the clouds, there is no road, no grass, and of course no track. This of course puzzles the blackfellows, and by such means as this only can these poor creatures be eventually taught effectually the principles of our blessed religion. Blackfellow Quanthuenera oordiyalyal n' gammoojidtch jeetho Pyrenees, mirambick nang'ana yannathan pardin ? English Why are so many white men going to the Pyrenees, I have seen them travelling on the road ? Whitefellow N' gammoonjidtch yannee Pyrenees, mulloko n' ya'alingo, wonthaggy bullarto munnip dandredibble yellow money. English The white people are going to the Pyrenees, and will shortly return bringing with them plenty of dust which makes the yellow money. End of the language of the Victoria Aborigines. DIALECT VARIOUS TRIBES OF ABORIGINES BEYOND THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. Space will not admit of more than a few of the leading words of each tribe. Lt is trusted, however, that the present vocabulary will be suffi- cient to enable the reader to form his own opinion as to the similarity or otherwise of the language of these untutored children of the wilds. Condamme River or language of a tribe of blades inhabiting that part of the Condamine River called by them Yandukal, at no great distance from its junction with the Balonne, or as the blacks pronounce the word ; Balloone-yee, laying great stress on each separate syllable. For the information respecting this tribe, I am principally indebted to R. Birrell and John Dangar, Esquires, both of whom had just taken possession of their runs in this new country at the time I visited that District, and to judge from the good feeling which existed between these gentlemen and their literally savage friends, they must have taken no little pains in acquiring the power which they appeared to have over the whole of the tribes. A, one Pia Breast Bearie Come here Yang-niana Elbow Goo-a Eyes Mecl Four Kang-uai Foot Geenon Father Talleema, or abille Go away Y T on-anana Head ' Cabbine Hair Talgar Infant Teeing-ona Kangaroo Con-bee Leg Thirra or coonool Many in number Toogool-gurra Many in very great number Toogool-amba Mother Taran or goonie Man, old Walla 51 Man, white Toogune Mouth Wanda Nose Mooroo One Pia Opossum Mearie Old woman Tara-mea Old man Walla Shoulder Tulga Two Columbula Three Columbula pia Teeth Tan ah Tongue Thallin To see at a distance Milleara Young woman Bamburra or mickie DISTRICT OP GRAFTON RANGE OR FITZ ROY DOWNS. A, one Arm Anus Ankle Belly Breast Back Bark of tree Chest Chin Calf of leg Cloud Charcoal Come here Camp Drink to Eat to Ear Eyebrows Four Forehead Foot Fire Faeces Ground-earth Hand Hair Head Heel Wong-arra Marng-oonth Boonthee or Tholong Bardick Thee-ba Ng'a-raoonth Boroka A-ga Mendee N'g-ang-ook Oolbarra Bundarra Mee-thing Oko-mondong Yambee or cumbee Boong-bee D' jadth Mung-a Meelgan O-tho Bul-ga Theenong Poordeenth Gonong Ng'-nanthee Murt-tha Art-tha Thong-o Ng'-ooloo 52 Kangaroo Neck Nose One Rain Rug Ribs Shoulder Stone Stick Shell Sun Sleep' Two Three Teeth Tongue Thigh Testes "Whiskers Wind Water Koorooman' Beeral Beeral Wongarra Ramous Ooree ooree or o-ong-a Meart-tha Thora Bang-oo Ng'-oong-oo Tholing Thar-oo A-ga Bullandee Bullandee wong-arra E-eeah Thal-leenth Tharra Boonya boonya* Ang-atha A-oulth Yag-gal DARLING DOWNS Obtained from the natives at Rosenthal, the station of Frederick Bracker, Esq. Anus Arms Birth Birds Basket Breast Belly Bellyfull Corrobberee Camp Child Cloud Cockatoo Duck Day to Deaf Jeetook or mogoon Lang-ool Jeera-bool Handbirra Warrack Ng'-a'ara Mur-kut Sat-tool Ng-narree My-oora Beeing-yal Mut-ta Go-ar Boorong-al Mumbeea Parking- arr a * Is it not possible that the native name of the Araucaria Bidwellii (Bunya Bunva) may have been derived from this. 53 Drink Booy-bee Die Ballung-all Eyes Mea Ears Peed-na Eists Warrack Feet Geenong Eire Wv-burra Get up Bung-a Grass Reeyuck Hungry Wyeera Head Cabbi Hair Ca-abooy Kangaroo Corromon Kill Boomgull Legs Yarrook Laughing Jackass Minjeil Mouth Ng'-undaj Man young Younurra Wan old Budyi Moon Reebook Night Oodletee maltook Nose Mora Necklace Pooral Opossum Kara Old man Budyi Old woman Woolarooka Pigeon Unang-ul Rug Thccna-gung-il Rain Do-gam Sleep Ulgall Snore Eenugh or borroonda Smoke Youlbell or yeeope Sun Boroka or mung-arra Stars Gunnayan Stone D' jarrong To-morrow Talto To-day Mumbeea To-night Oodlee multook That will do Koorool Teeth Tai rong Throat Kangnorangna Timber N'akerra Walk Yang-al White woman -iarrinjee Whiskers Yarning Woman young Euba mickey Woman old "Woolarrooka Wind Warrup Water Coke 54 DISTRICT OF WIDE BAY, Obtained from the blacks on the station of W. Oliver, Esq., Nananga on the Burnett River. Arm Keening Aster Alloi Breast Ba-rem brim Bramble Moonoombee Belly Moo Child Nunee Cloud Ba-alth Cusuarina (oak) Warrameela Eyes Mea Ear Peerong Earth Char Foot Geenong Grass Pow'ath Gum trees Mannerim Hair Duan Hand Ma-ang Head Ma'-ra Mouth Tomborong Man Beerabool Nettle Parree Ochre Goeeing Rain Go-ong Sun Ng'-aun-anth Tea-tree Tanbang Teeth Deang Woman Queemee NEW ENGLAND. Fire Wee or darlow Eyes Mee Water Kollee or tabbull OMIO- SNOWY MOUNTAINS. Beard Yarrang Breast Meenyagang-a Chin Windung-arraninna Eyes Goondaluona Ears Gunyanninna Foot Geenong-ana 55 Faeces Hand Knee Mouth Nose Tongue Testes Goonong Marryung-ana Bunniackninna Youranninna Noranninna Thuileenth Cubbarkonar CASTLEREAGII AND MACQUARIE RIVER DISTRICTS. Arm Anus Belly Breast Bomerang Bye-and-by Bark Bread Birds Canoe Clouds Come here Come back Cut Cheeks Copulation Children Dog Eyes Ear Earth Eyebrows Foot Fly Fire Fish Finger Go away Go back Head Hand Hair Hat, cover for the head I have taken I take Kangaroo Ba'agoon Wirree or boobool Boorbinne Kg'ammo Bar g an Tu'alam Toorang Wickai Dibil-aiyne "Wurgan Yeeroong Ta-yunna Tagne-ooloongada Bung-alga Togal Tana-taree Boorai Mirri Mill Hood-da Da-goon Ng'air Dinnong Boormial Weene Goo-ai Yoolong Yanna-yee Yanna-yee' Ballang Marra Yarraine or rigong Caboonde Addie burrimally Addie burrima Bundar 56 Leg Lightning Lips Meat Moon Man Moustache Nose Native dog Opossum rug Opossum skin Rain Rainbow River Spear Shield Sun Stars Stop Smoke Snake Teeth Tongue Testes Tomahawk Thunder Wood Water Whirlwind Wind Wife or husband Woman We take We will go What is your name Where do you come from Where are you going Wait Boaa-yo Mig-e Elinjee D' journe Guwang Mai-gue Moolid-jin Morrow Yonguee Bad-dang Willai Lalinje Elubrejinne Bil-la Doo'd'loo Margee Yerai Jeeralang Goee-oo Ouddal Dooroong Eerai Tallai Boonj along Bourgong-ee Moorooboorai Maddan Callignee Jeerar Jeerar Ng'ooban Yinnar Alice burrima Alice Yanna Audi-indoo-youree Ta-gooa-indo hang-ai Ta-gooa-indo yan-nai Goi-yon Obtained from a tribe of blacks who were on their way to Dorondoa for the Bunya Bunya Forest, passing our camp (Dr. Leichhardt's) at Bockarraboy or Charlies Creek. A, one Anus Beard Boy Chin Calf of leg Carboon Moom Yekerra Noonee Ycc-koo Booeyoo 57 Come here Child Dont know Day to Eat Four Faeces Get up Go away Girl Gum tree white Sit down Mouth Nettle No Testes Toe Thigh Two Three Throat That will do To-day To-morrow Tea tree Yes Yesterday Ya-on-anna Non-nonji Wokadgeeabinna Beeing-jerring-o Gea Yon onba Conong Kidderraj Elliana Noonee noonee Nanburrula Geeang-bi Worong-atha ' Parre Orka Byaroon Beering-on Thong -arra Beeyoonba Coromda Bookurra Neero Beeing-jerring-o Tom torn ya'-aingo Tanbang Ya-a Njj-roontha Bockarraboy is a tributary of the Balonne or Condamine. As the intrepid Australian traveller, Or. Leichhardt, alludes to these people in a letter to William Hull, Esquire, I have obtained that gentleman'3 permission to publish the same, and I have conse- quently given it together with my own remarks. The great and general interest felt for that enterprising and self-devoted writer must be the author's excuse for giving the letter a place in these pages. Sydney, 20th October, 1847. My dear Sin, Mr. Bunce wished me to send his share of dried plants, collected on our journey to Peak Bange, and on the trip to the Maranoa, to your care. As he himself is inclined to join me again on a new attempt to cross the continent to the westward, and as Port Phillip was so distant from our starting point, he determined upon remaining at Darling Downs, and in the Moreton Bay Dis- trict, to examine the Bunya Bunya brushes, and to make, if possible, some collections of plants and seeds. I have to thank you for yonr essay on the aborigines. I was in the midst of my preparations for starting, and h:id not time enough to pay it sufficient attention ; but I shall take the first opportunity 58 of studying it, and should I find that any observations made on the tribes to the northward thould differ, or should tend to other con- clusions, I shall take the liberty of communicating them to you. It is a very interesting fact, that the relationship of language extends much farther to the northward along the western waters, than along the sea coast ; and Mr. Bunce will have told you, that he met natives on Charlie's Creek, a tributary of the Condamine or Balonne, whose language had many words in common with that of several tribes at Tort Phillip, with whom he seems to have had long intercourse. The most interesting and still most obscure feature amongst the tribes to the northward are the Castes, which seem to be unknown to tne southward. Mr. F. N. Isaac was either the first, or one of the first, who discovered their existence amongst the natives at Darling Downs, and Captain Macarthur, in Port Essington, told me of them amongst the Monabar tribes and those of the Cobourg peninsula. These castes are probably intimately connected with the laws of intermarriage, which seem to be very general, and by which the natives effect the proper crossing of blood. Mr. Bunce mentioned to me that a young friend of his, Mr. Dunbar, would be inclined to join me on my next expedition, and that he would be a person well adapted for the purpose. Mr. Bunce has seen enough of our life in the bush and of myself, to judge of the necessary qualifications activity, good humour, sound moral principles, elasticity of mind and body, and perfect willingness to obey my orders, even if given harshly are the prin- ciples requisites for my expedition. I have been extremely unfortunate in the cb4e of some of my former companions, and you well know that even one Sauve qui peut is sufficient to upset a whole army. Should you know the young man, I should feel deeply obliged if you would examine him on these points, and give me a direct answer about his intentions I shall be most willing to oblige Mr. Bunce, who seems much attached to Mr. Dunbar. Fxcuse the liberty I take in asking such a favour, the interest which you have taken in my proceeding of discovery has encouraged me to do so. Believe me to be, My dear Sir, Your most obedient servant, (Signed) LUDW1G LEICHHAJRDT. To William Hull, Esq., J. P., Melbourne, Port Phillip. The merest observer, who has had the least experience in tra- velling through the bush, must have remarked, that there exists a 59 vast difference of complexion in the difFerent individuals comprising the various tribes. It is this difference in complexion, which con- stitutes the castes spoken of by Dr Leichhardt. The tribe of aborigines, to which my attention was first directed, in whom I observed this very singular feature in crossing the blood, were a tribe inhabiting a portion of the country on the Condamine river, called Terreboo, now fully occupied by the squatters ; among whom are -John Dangar and Richard Birrell, Esquires. It was the latter gentleman who furnished me with many interesting particu- lars relating to the Terreboo tribes. The two castes were distinguished by the words Cobbi, masculine ; and Cobbitha, feminine ; flippi, masculine ; and Hippitha, feminine. The first, or Cobbi and Cobbitha, are those having the blackest complexion ; and the latter, are those many shades lighter. In their unions, marriages between sexes of the same castes are strictly prohibited, or in other words a Cobbi must join his fate with that of a Hippitha, and vice versa. Dr. Leichhardt also speaks of my remarking a similarity in the language of some aborigines at Charlies creek, and it may perhaps not be uninteresting to state how the incident took place. It will -probably be in the recollection of many of my readers that we were detained at that place for some time, from the loss of our cattle, mules and horses, the whole of these animals having made a simultaneous rush from the camp in the middle of the night, during the Doctor's watch. Our next cause of detention was the receipt of news, through a messenger who had been despatched by Arthur Hodgson, Esq. of Darling Downs, of Sir Thomas Mitchell's return. Strange to say, that although one of our companions, Mr. Hely, was despatched to the Pcst-office, with instructions to wait for the receipt of letters containing further particulars respecting Sir Thomas's expedition, which were of the greatest consideration to Dr. L., not a single letter arrived, and we had to start without the intelligence so anxiously expected. During our stay at this place, many tribes of natives passed our camp, who were on their way to Dorundoa, to the Bunya Bunya brushes to collect and eat the fruit of those large and magnificent trees. (The botanical name of the Bunya Bunya tree is Araucaria Bidwcllii.) Perhaps I shall be better understood by representing it as a species of Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria Excelsa.) The present species is however much larger than the latter kind, with large feather like branches. Altogether a more magnificent tree it is difficult to conceive ; the fruit is as large as a common sized cocoa nut, and when roasted the taste is equal if not superior to that of a mealy potato. It is said, although I am not prepared to vouch for its truth, that eating this fruit gives the natives who partake of it a strong relish for human flesh, and that many of their number are killed for the pur- pose of appeasing their unnatural and degraded appetites. The Bunya Bunya tree only produces fruit in any quantity every third 60 year. It is confined to a narrow belt of elevated country on the coast range, south of Wide Bay, averaging twelve and a half miles wide by twenty-five in length, and in no other part of Australia is this truly elegant tree to be met with. On one occasion these people remained near our camp for a longer time than usual ; in fact, longer than was agreeable to us, their number being very great, and their talking frightened our cattle. I fancied that in the course uf their talk I observed a very remark- able similarity in the sound of many of their words to those of the Port Phillip tribes, and to determine the fact, I advised Dr. Leich- hardt to make a note of a few words which I told him of as in use in that District. These people were perfectly wild, and approached with caution, and the only means of making myself understood was by signs and pointing to my mouth. The fellow immediately comprehended my object, and said, " Worong." I then said, " Atha ;" and he imme- ately repeated the whole word, " Worong'atha," and appeared to be not a little astonished at my apparent knowledge of his language. I must confess that Dr. Leichhardt and myself were nearly as much surprised as the blackfellow ; for we found, as we continued the examination, that the same extraordinary similarity was appa- rent, his answers for the names of things asked being nearly the same as those used in this district, and of which, as before observed, I had furnished the Doctor with notes previously. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Tage. Preface Introduction Language aad parallel translations . . . . . . , . 1 Familiar specimens in dialogue . . . . . . . . . . 47 Dialect of the various tribes of aborigines beyond the Colony of Victoria .-. . . . . . . . . . . 50 Condamine River . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 District of Grafton Eange or Fitz Roy Downs .. .. 51 Darling Downs . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Wide Bay 54 New England . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Omiof-Snow Mountains .. .. ..54 Castlereagh and Macquarie River Districts . . . . . . 55 Tribe of blacks visiting the Bunya Bunya brushes .. . . 56 Dr. Leichhardt's letter . , &~ CD 10 > CO ~a m D 09 m t o 2> 3? > r- o Q * JO > rr, 3 Q cr (D 3D