Pld 7251 1 UC-NRLF *B 2Sfl 772 I D E S C R I I'TI U N f IM >U\T VF.llNON SCHOOL I iiassa j^^ ^^^^^^^^»i ^- g.-i^i^S^ ^IFT Ml 3 3 Sue Dunbar DESCRIPTION MOUNT VERNON SCHOOL. a^i^3« BEING A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE INTERNAL ARRANGE- t MENTS AND FLANS OF THE INSTITUTION. ^TitjresselJ to a T^eb) - y -f *-'u.i.^*..^U» ftii-C*^ '%J'iA..*^V'^'*^ / ^ INTRODUCTION. The following brief description of the Mount Vernon School has been prepared, simply because the distribution of such a work among the pupils seemed to be the easiest and surest method of making them, on their admission to the school, acquainted with its arrangements and plans. It is addressed, therefore, throughout to a pupil, and is designed almost entirely for a new scholar. It will however doubtless in many instances fall into the hands of the parents and friends of the scholars. In fact arrangements are made by which any scholar can procure a copy for any friend who may desire one. The work is not however to be considered as published, or as offered to the public at all, but as intended for private circulation among those interested in the school. This explanation is made, not to protect the plans and arrangements which the book describes, from examination and discus- sion, but simply to explain the familiarity and minute- ness of detail, which may be proper under these circum- stances, but which would be out of place in a work in- tended for the community at large. A word to teachers who may see this book. The sys- tem which it describes is one, which has gradually grown up in the institution under the writer's care. The school was commenced with a small number of pupils, and IV]280805 IV INTRODUCTION. without any system or plan whatever, and the one now in operation has been insensibly and by slow degrees formed, through the influence of various and accidental circumstances. The writer has no idea that it is superior to the plans of government and instruction adopted in other schools. It is true that there must necessarily be some system in every large school ; but various instruc- ters will fall upon different principles of organization, which will naturally be such as are adapted to the habits of thought and manner of instruction of their respective authors, and consequently each will be best for its own place. While therefore some system, — some methodical arrangement is necessary in all schools, it is not necessa- ry that it should be the same in all. It is not even de- sirable that it should be. The author considers his plan as only one among a multitude of others, each of which will be successful not by the power of its intrinsic quali- ties, but just in proportion to the ability and faithfulness with which it is carried into effect. Mount Vernon School^ Oct. 1, 1832. MOUNT VERNON SCHOOL. - As a large school is necessarily somewhat com- plicated in its plan and as new scholars usually find, that it requires some time and gives them no little trouble to understand the arrangements they find in operation here, I have concluded to write a brief description of these arrangements, by help of which you will, I hope, the sooner feel at home in your new place of duty. That I may be more distinct and specific I shall class what I have to say under separate heads. CHAPTER t PERSONAL DUTY. Your first anxiety as you come into the school room, and take your seat among the busy multi- tude, if you are conscientiously desirous of doing your duty, will be lest, ignorant as you are of the whole plan and of all the regulations of the institu- tion, you should inadvertently do what will be con- *1 C Personal Duty. sidered wrong. I wish first then to put you at rest on this score. There is but one rule of this school. That you can easily keep. You will observe on one side of my desk a clock upon the wall, and upon the other a piece of apparatus that is probably new to you. It is a metallic plate upon which are marked in gild- ed letters, the words " Study Hours'^ This is upright, but it is so attached by its lower edge to its support, by means of a hinge, that it can fall over from above, and thus be in a horizon- tal, position ; or it will rest in an inclined position, — half down, as it is called. It is drawn up and let down by a cord passing over a pully. When it passes either way, its upper part touches a bell, which gives all in the room notice of its motion. Now when this " Study CardJ^* as the schol- ars call it, is up, so that the words " Study Hours" are presented to the view of the school, it is the signal for silence and study. There IS THEN TO BE NO COMMUNICATION AND NO LEAVING OF SEATS EXCEPT AT THE DIRECTION OF TEACHERS. When it is half down, each scholar may leave her seat and whisper, but she must do * It happens to be called study card because a sort of card made of pasteboard was the fii-st form of the apparatus. A metallic plate was afterwards substituted. Personal Duty. 7 nothing which will disturb others. When it is do7A)n, all the duties of school are suspended and scholars are left entirely to their liberty. As this is the only rule of the school it de- serves a little more full explanation, for not only your progress in study, but your influence in pro- moting the welfare of the school, and conse- quently your peace of mind and happiness while you are a member of it, will depend upon the strictness with which you observe it. Whenever then the study card goes up, and you hear the sound, of its little bell, immediately and instantaneously stop, whatever you are sa}^- ing. If you are away from your seat go directly to it, and there remain, and forget in your own silent and solitary studies, so far as you can, all that are around you. You w^ill remember that all communication is forbidden. Whispering, making signs, writing upon paper or a slate, bow- ing to any one,— and in fact ever]/ possible way by which one person may have any sort of men- tal intercourse with another is wrong. A large number of the scholars take a pride and pleasure in carrying this rule into as perfect an observance as possible. They say, that as this is the only rule with which I trouble them, they ought cer- tainly to observe this faithfully. I myself how- ever put it upon other ground. I am satisfied, that 8 Personal Duly. it is better and pleasanter for you to observe it most rigidly, if it is attempted to be enforced at all. You will ask " Cannot we obtain permission of you or of the teachers to leave our seats or to whisper, if it is necessary?" The answer is " No." You must never ask permission of me or of the teachers. You can leave seats or speak at the direction of the teachers, i. e. wjien they of their own accord, ask you to do it, but you are never to ask their permission. If you should, and if any teachers should give you permission, it would be of no avail. I have never given them authority to grant any permissions of the kind. You will then say, are we never on any occasion whatever to leave our seats in study hours ? Yes you are. There are two ways. 1. At the direction of teachers. Going to and from recitations, is considered as at the di- rection of teachers. So if a person is requested by a teacher to transact any business, or is elect- ed to a public office, or appointed upon a com- mittee, — leaving seats or speaking, so far as is really neccessary for the accomplishing such a purpose, is considered as at the direction of teach- ers, and is consequently right. In the same manner, if a teacher should ask you individually, Personal Duty. 9 or give general notice to the members of a class to come to her seat for private instruction, or to go to any part of the school room for her, it would be right to do it. The distinction, you observe, is this. The teacher may of her otcn accord, direct any leaving of seats which she may think necessary to accomplish the ob- jects of the school. She must not however, at the request of an individual for the sake of her mere private convenience, give her permis- sion to speak or to leave her seat. If for exam- ple a teacher should say to you in your class, " As soon as you have performed a certain work you may bring it to me," — you would in bring- ing it, be acting under her direction and would consequently do right. If however you should want a pencil and should ask her to give you leave to boiTOw it, even if she should give ypu leave, you would do wrong to go, for you would not be acting at her direction, but simply by her consent, and she has no authority to grant consent. 2. The second case in which you may leave your seat is when some very uncommon occur- rence takes place which is sufficient reason for suspending all rules. If your neighbor is faint, you may speak to her and if necessary lead her out. If your mother or some other friend should 10 Personal Duty. come into the school room you can go and sit with her upon the sofa, and talk about the school. And so in many other similar cases. Be very careful not to abuse this privilege, and make slight causes the grounds of your excep- tions. It ought to be a very clear case. If a young lady is unwell in a trifling degree so as to need no assistance, you would evidently do wrong to talk to her. The rule in fact is very similar to that which all well bred people ob- serve at church. They never speak or leave their seats unless some really important cause, such as sickness, requires them to break over all rules and. go out. You have in the same manner, in really important cases, such as serious sickness in your own case or in that of your companions, or the coming in of a stranger, — or something else equally extraordinary, power to lay aside any rule and to act as the emergency may require. In using this discretion however, be sure to be on the safe side ; in such cases never ask per- mission. You must act on your own respon- sibility. Reasons for this rule. When the school was first established there was no absolute prohibition of whispering. Each scholar was allowed to whisper in relation to her studies. They were often, very often, enjoined to be conscientious Personal Duty. 11 and faithful, but as might have been anticipated the experiment failed. It was almost universally the practice to whisper more or less about sub- jects entirely foreign to the business of the school. This they all repeatedly acknowledged ; and the scholars almost unanimously admitted, that the good of the school required the prohibition of all communication during certain hours. I gave them their choice, either always to ask permis- sion when they wished to speak,— or to have a certain time allowed for the purpose, during which free inter-communication might be allowed to all the school ; — with the understanding, how- ever, that out of this time, no permission should ever be asked or granted. They very wisely chose the latter plan, and the study card was constructed and put up to mark the times of free communication, and of silent study. The card was at first down every half hour for one or two minutes. The scholars afterwards thinking, that their intellectual habits would be improved and the welfare of the school promoted, by their hav- ing a longer time for uninterrupted study, of their own accord, without any influence from me, pro- posed that the card should be down only once an hour. This plan was adopted by them, by vote. I wish it to be understood that it was not my plan, but theirs, and that I am at any time 12 Personal Duty. willing to have the study card down once in half an hour, whenever a majority of the schol- ars, voting by ballot, desire it. You will find that this system of having a distinct time for whispering, when all may whis- per freelj^ all corjamunication being entirely ex- cluded at other times, will at first give you some trouble. It will be hard for you, if you are not ac- customed to it, to learn conscientiously and faith- fully to comply. Besides, at first you will often need some little information, or an article, which you might obtain in a moment, but which you cannot innocently ask for till the card is down, and this might keep you waiting an hour. You will, however, after a few such instances, soon learn to make your preparations before hand, and if you are a girl of enlarged views and elevated feelings, you will goodhumoredly acquiesce in suffering a little inconvenience yourself, for the sake of helping to preserve those distinct and well defined lines, by which all boundaries must be marked, in a large establishment, if order and system are to be preserved at all. Though at first, you may experience a little inconvenience, you will soon take pleasure in the scientific strictness of the plan. It will gratify you to observe the profound stillness of the room where a hundred are studying. You will take Personal Duty. 13 pleasure in observing the sudden transition from the silence of study hours to the joyful sounds, and the animating activity of recess, when the Study Card goes down ; and then when it rises again at the close of the recess, you will be gratified to observe how suddenly the sounds which have filled the air and made the room so lively a scene are hushed into silence by the sin- gle and almost inaudible touch of that little bell. You will take pleasure in this, for young and old always take pleasure in the strict and rigid oper- ation of system, rather than in laxity and disor- der. I am convinced also that the scholars do like the operation of this plan for I do not have to make any efforts to sustain it. With the ex- ception that occasionally, usually not oftener than once in several months, I allude to the subject, and that chiefly on account of a few careless and unfaithful individuals, I have little to say or to do to maintain the authority of the study card. Most of the scholars obey it of their own accord, implicitly and cordial- ly. And I believe they consider this faithful monitor, not only one of the most useful, but one of the most agreeable friends they have. We should not only regret its services, but miss its company, if it should be taken away. This regulation then, viz., to abstain from 2 i'4 Personal Duty. all communication with one another, and from all leaving of seats, at certain times which are marked by the position of the Study Card, is the only one which can properly be called a rule of the school. There are a great many ar- rangements and plans relating to the instruc- tion of the pupils, but no other specific rules rela- ting to their conduct. You are, of course, while in the school, under the same moral obligations which rest upon you elsewhere. You must be kind to one another, — respectful to superiors, — and quiet and orderly in your deportment. You must do nothing to encroach upon another's rights, — or to interrupt and disturb your compan- ions in their pursuits. You must not produce disorder, or be wasteful of the public property, or do any thing else which you might know is in itself wrong. But you are to avoid these things, not because there are any rules in this school against them, for there are none ; — ^but because they are in themselves wrong ; — in all places and under all circumstances, wrong. The universal and unchangeable principles of duty are the same here as elsewhere. I do not make rules pointing them out, but expect that you will, through your own conscience and moral princi- ple, discover and obey them. Such a case as this for example once occurred. Personal Duty. 15 A number of little girls began to amuse them- selves in recess with running about among the desks, in pursuit of one another, and they told me, in excuse for it, that they did not know that it was " against the ruleJ^ " It is not against the rule ;" said I, " I have never made any rule against running about among the desks." " Then " asked they, " did we do wrong ?" " Do you think it would be a good plan,'* I enquired, " to have it a common amusement in the recess for the girls to hunt each other among the desks?" " No sir," they replied simultaneously. " Why not ? There are some reasons. I do not know, however whether you will have the in- genuity to think of them." " We may start the desks from their places," said one. " Yes," said I, " they are fastened down very shghtly so that I may easily alter their position." " We might upset the inkstands," said another. " Sometimes" added a third, "we run against the scholars who are sitting in their seats." " It seems then you have ingenuity enough to discover the reasons. Why did not these reasons prevent your doing it." '* We did not think of them before." 16 Personal Duty. ** True ; that is the exact state of the case. Now when persons are so eager to promote their own enjoyment, as to forget the rights and the comforts of others, it is selfishness. Now is there any rule in this school against selfishness." " No sir." " You are right. There is not. But selfish- ness is wrong, — very wrong, in whatever form it appears, — here, and every where else ; and that whether I make any rules against it or not." You will see from this anecdote that though there is but one rule of the school, I by no means intend to say that there is only 07ie way of doing wrong here. That would be very absurd. You must not do anything which you may know hy 'pro'per reflection to he in itself wrong. This how- ever is an universal principle of duty, not a rule of the Mt. Vernon School. If I should attempt to make rules which would specify and prohibit every possible way by which you might do wrong, my laws would be innumerable. And even then I should fail of securing my object, unless you had the disposition to do your duty- No legislation can enact laws as fast as a pervert- ed ingenuity can find means to evade them. You will perhaps ask what will be the conse- quence if we transgress, — either the single rule of the school, or any of the great principles of Personal Duty. 17 duty. In other words what are the punishments which are resorted to in the Mt. Vernon School ? The answer is there are no punishments. I do not say that I should not, in case all other means should fail, resort, to the most decisive measures to secure obedience and subordination. Most certainly, I should do so, as it would plainly be my duty to do it. If you should at any time be so unhappy as to violate your obligations to yourself, to your companions or to me, — should you misim- prove your time, or exhibit an unkind or a selfish spirit, or be disrespectful or insubordinate to your teachers, — I should go frankly and openly, but kindly to you, and endeavor to convince you of your fault, I should very probably do this by addressing a note to you, as I suppose this would be less un- pleasant to you than a conversation. If such a case, I shall hope that you will as frankly and openly reply ; telling me whether you admit your fault and are determined to amend, or else informing me of the contrary. I shall wish you to be sincere^ and then I shall know what course to take next. But as to the consequences which may result to you if you should persist in what is wrong, it is not necessary that you should know them before hand. They who wander from duty always plunge themselves into trou- bles they do not anticipate ; and if you do what 18 Personal Duty. at the time you are doing it, you know to be wrong, it will not be unjust that you should suf- fer the consequences, even if they were not be- fore hand understood and expected. This will be the case with you all through life, and it will be the case here. I say it will be the case here ; I ought rather to say that it would be the case should you be so unhappy as to do wrong and to persist in it. Such cases however never occur. At least they occur so seldom, and at intervals so great, that eve- ry thing of the nature of punishment, that is, the depriving a pupil of any enjoyment, or subject- ing her to any disgrace, or giving her pain in any way in consequence of her faults, except the simple pain of awakening conscience in her bosom is almost entirely unknown. I hope that you will always be ready to confess and forsake your faults, and endeavor while you remain in school to improve in character and attain as far as possible every moral excellence. I ought to remark before dismissing this topic, that I place very great confidence in the scholars in regard to their moral conduct and deportment and they fully deseiTe it. I have no care and no trouble in what is commonly called the gonern- ment of the school. Neither myself nor any one else is employed in any way in watching the Personal Duty. 19 scholars, or keeping any sort of account of them. I should not at any time hesitate to call all the teachers into an adjoining room, leaving the school alone for half an hour, and I should be confident, that at such a time order and stillness and attention to study would prevail as much as ever. The scholars would not look to see wheth- er 1 was in my desk, but whether the Study Card was up. Th?) school was left in this way, half an hour every day during a quarter, that we might have a teacher's meeting, and the school went on, generally quite as well, to say the least as when the teachers were present. One or two instances of irregular conduct oc- curred. I do not now recollect precisely what they were. They were however, fully acknowl- edged and not repeated, and I believe the scholars were generally more scrupulous and faithful then than at other times. They would not betray the confidence reposed in them. This plan was con- tinued until it was found more convenient to have the teacher's meeting in the afternoons. When any thing wrong is done in school, I generally state the case and request the individ- uals who have done it to let me know. They do it sometimes by notes and sometimes in con- versation, — ^but they always do it. The plan always succeeds. The scholars all know that 20 Personal Duty. there is nothing to be feared from confessing faults to me; — but that on the other hand it is a most direct and certain way to secure returning peace and happiness. I can illustrate this by describing a case which actually occurred. Though the description is not to be considered so much an accurate account of what occurred in a particular case, as an illus- tration of the general spirit and»manner in which such cases are disposed of. I accidentally under- stood, that some of the younger scholars were in the habit during recesses and after school of ring- ing the door bell and then running away, to amuse themselves with the perplexity of their compan- ions, who should go to the door and find no one there. I explained in a few words, one day, to the school, that this was wrong. " How many," I then asked, *' have ever been put to the trouble to go to the door, when the bell has thus been rung ? They may rise." A very large number of the scholars stood up. Those who had done the mischief were evidently surprised at the extent of the trouble they had occasioned. " Now," I continued, " I think all will be con- vinced that the trouble which this practice has occasioned to the fifty or sixty young ladies, who cannot be expected to find amusement in such a Personal Duty, 21 way, is far greater than the pleasure it can have given to the few who are young enough to have enjoyed it. Therefore it was wrong. Do you think the girls who fang the bell might have known this by proper reflection ?" " Yes sir," the school generally answered. " I do not mean " said I, " if they had set them- selves formally at work to think about the sub- ject; but with such a degree of reflection as ought reasonably to be expected of little girls, in the hilarity of recess and of play. " Yes sir," was still the reply, but fainter than before. " There is one way by which I might ascertain whether you were old enough to know that this was wrong, and that is by asking those who have refrained from doing this, because they supposed it would be wrong, to rise. Then if some of the youngest scholars in school should stand up, as I have no doubt they would, it would prove that all might have known if they had been equally con- scientious. But if I ask those to rise who have not rung the bell, I shall make it known to the whole school, who they are that have done it, and I wish that the exposure of faults should be private, unless it is necessary that it should be public. I will therefore not do it. I have my- self however, no doubt that all might have known that it was wronor." 22 Personal Duty. "There is," continued I, " another injury which must grow out of such a practice. This I should not have expected the little girls could think of. In fact I doubt whether any in school will think of it. Can any one tell what it is ?" No one replied. I should suppose that it would lead you to dis- regard the bell when it rings and that consequent- ly a gentleman or lady might sometimes ring in vain ; the scholars near the door, saying, ' Oh it is only the little girls.' •' Yes sir," was heard from all parts of the room. I found from farther enquiry that this had been the case, and I closed by saying, " I am satisfied, that those who have inadvert- ently fallen into this practice are sorry for it, and that if I should have it here, no more cases of it would occur, and this is all I wish. At the same time, they who have done this, will feel more ef- fectually relieved from the pain which having done wrong must necessarily give them, if they individually acknowledge it to me. I wish therefore that all who have done this would write me notes stating the facts. If any one does not do it, she will punish herself severely, for she will feel for many days to come, that while her com- panions were willing to acknowledge their faults, Personal Duty. 23 she wished to conceal and cover hers. Conscience will reproach her bitterly for her insincerity and whenever she hears the sound of the door bell it will remind her not only of her fault, but of what is far worse her willingness to appear innocent when she was really guiltyP Before the close of school I had eight or ten notes acknowledging the fault, describing the circumstances of each case, and expressing prom- ises to do so no more. It is by such methods as this, rather than by threatening and punishment that I manage the cases of discipline, which from time to time oc- cur, but even such as this, slight as it is, occur very seldom. Weeks and weeks sometimes elapse without one. When they do occur they are al- ways easily settled by confession and reform. Sometimes I am asked to forgive the offence. But I never forgive. I have no power to forgive. God must forgive you when you do wrong, or the burden must remain. My duty it is to take measures to prevent future transgression, and to lead those who have been guilty of it, to God for pardon. If they do not go to him, though they may satisfy me, as principal of a school, by not repeating the offence, — they must remain unfor- given. I can forget and I do forget. For ex- ample, in this last case, I have not the slightest 24 Daily Eccercises. recollection of any individual who was engaged in it. The evil was entirely removed, and had it not afforded me a convenient illustration here, perhaps I should never have thought of it again, — still it may not yet be forgiven. It may seem strange that I should speak so seriously of God's forgiveness for such a trifle as that. Does he no- tice a child's ringing a door bell in play? He notices when a child is willing to yield to tempta- tion, — to do what she knows to be wrong, — and to act, even in the slightest trifle, — from a selfish disregard for the convenience of others. This spirit he always notices, — and though I may stop any particular form of its exhibition, it is for Him alone to forgive it and to purify the heart from its power. ^ But T shall speak more particu- larly on this subject under the head of Religious Instruction. CHAPTER II. ORDER OF DAILY EXERCISES. There will be given you when you enter the school a blank schedule in which the divisions of each forenoon for one week are marked, and in . which your own employments for every half hour are to be written. A copy of this is inserted on the adjoining page. d) p H O Q l2* § O O Q S D O Q Se; o o H O 1 H u pi 6 CO s n H to O «1 O !5 •< en O Ml 5 Q O oo to 00 1 26 Dail^ Exercises. This schedule, when filled up, forms a sort of a map of the week, in which you can readily find what are your duties for any particular time. The following description will enable you better to understand it. Opening of the School. The first thing which will call your attention as the hour for the commencement of the school approaches in the morning, is the ringing of a bell, five minutes before the time arrives by the regulator, who sits at the curtained desk before the Study Card. One minute before the time, the bell is rung again, which is the signal for all to take their seats and prepare for the opening of the school. When the precise moment arrives, the Study Card is drawn up, and at the sound of its little bell, all the scholars recline their heads upon their desks and unite with me in a very short prayer for God's protection and blessing during the day. I adopted the plan of allowing the scholars to sit, because I thought it would be pleasanter for them, and they have in return been gener- ally, so far as I know, faithful in complying with my wish that they wotild all assume the posture proposed, so that the school may present the uniform and serious aspect which is proper when we are engaged in so solemn a duty. If Daily Exercises. 27 you move your chair back a little you will find the posture not inconvenient, but the only reward you will have for faithfully complying with the general custom is the pleasure of doing your du- ty, for no one watches you and you would not be called to account should you neglect to con- form. After the prayer we sing one or two verses of a hymn. The music is led by the piano, and we wish all to join in it who can sing. First Hour. — Evening Lessons. We then, as you will see by the schedule, com- mence the first hour of the day. It is marked evening lessons, because most, though not all of the studies are intended to be prepared out of school. These studies are miscellaneous in their character, comprising Geography, History, Natural and Intellectual Philosophy and Natural History. This hour hke all the other hours for study is divided into two equal parts, some classes reciting in the first part, and others in the second. A bell is always rung five minutes before the time for closing the recitation, to give the teachers no- tice, that their time is nearly expired, and then again at the time, to give notice to new classes to take their places. Thus you will observe that five minutes before the half hour expires, the bell 28 Daily Exercises. will ring, — soon after which the classes in recita- tion will take their seats. Precisely at the end of the half hour, it will ring again when new classes will take their places. In the same man- ner notice is given five minutes before the second half of the hour expires, and so in all the other three hours. At the end of the first hour the Study Card will be let half down, five minutes, and you will perceive that the sound of its bell will immediate- ly produce a decided change in the whole aspect of the room. It is the signal, as has been before explained, for universal permission to whisper, and leave seats, though not for loud talking or play, so that those who wish to continue their studies may do so without interruption. When the five minutes has expired, the Card goes up again, and its sound immediately restores silence and order. Second Hour. — Languages. We then commence the second hour of the school. This is devoted to the study of the Lan- guages. The Latin French and English classes recite at this time. By English classes I mean those studying the English as a Language, i. e. classes in Grammar, Rhetoric and Composition. The hour is divided as the first hour is, and the bell is rung in the same way, i. e. at the close of Daily Exercises. 29 each half hour, and also five minutes before the close, to give the classes notice that the time for recitation is about to expire. First General Exercise. You will observe then that there follows upon the schedule, a quarter of an hour marked G. That initial stands for General Exercise, and when it arrives each pupil is to lay aside her work, and attend to any exercise which may be proposed. This quarter of an hour is appropriated to a great variety of purposes. Sometimes I give a short and familiar lecture on some useful sub- ject connected with science or art, or the princi- ples of duty. Sometimes we have a general reading lesson. Sometimes we turn the school into a Bible class, and again the time is occupied in attending to some general business oi\he school. The bell is rung one minute before the close of the time and when the period appropriated to this purpose has actually expired, the Study Card, for the first time in the morning, is let entirely down, and the room is at once suddenly transformed into a scene of life and motion and gaiety. First Recess. The time for the recess is a quarter of an hour, *3 30 Daily Exercises. and as you will see it is marked R. on the schedule. We have various modes of amusing ourselves and finding exercise and recreation in recesses. Some- times the girls bring their battledoors to school. Sometimes we have had a large number of soft balls with which they amuse themselves. A more common amusement is marching to the music of the piano. For this purpose a set of signals by the whistle, has been devised, by which com- mands are communicated to the school. In these and similar amusements the recess passes away, and one minute before it expires the bell is rung, to give notice of the approach of study hours. At this signal the scholars begin to. prepare for a return to the ordinary duties of school, and when at the full expiration of the recess the Study Card again goes up, all ought to be immediately silence and attention and order. Third Hour. — Mathematics. There follows next, as you will see by reference to the schedule, an hour marked Mathematics. It is time for studying and reciting Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and similar studies. It is divided, as the previous hours were, into two equal parts, and the bell is rung as has been des- Daily Exercises, 31 cribed, five minutes before the close, and precisely at the close of each half hour. Second General Exercise. — Business. Then follows two quarter hours, appropriated like those heretofore described, the first to a Gen- eral Exercise, the seotnd to a Recess. At the first of these, the general business of the school is transacted. As this business will probably ap- pear new to you, and will attract your attention, I will describe its nature and design. At first you will observe a young lady rise at the secretaries' desk, to read a Journal of what was done the day before. The notices which I gave, — the arrangements I made, — the subjects dis- cussed and decided, and in fact every thing im- portant or interesting in the business or occurren- ces of the preceding day — is recorded by the sec- retary of the school, and read at this time. This Journal ought not to be a mere dry record of votes and business, but as far as possible, an interesting description in a narrative style, of the occurrences of the day. The Secretary must keep a memo- randum, and ascertain that every thing important really finds a place in the record, but she may em- ploy any good writer in school to prepare, from her minutes, the full account. After the record is read, you will observe me 32 Daily Exercises. take from a little red morocco wrapper, which has been brought to my desk, a number of narrow slips of paper, which 1 am to read aloud. In most assemblies, it is customary for any person wishing it, to rise in his place, and propose any plan, or as it is called, " make any motion" that he pleases. It would be unpleasant for a young lady to dq this, in presence of a hundred com- panions, and we have consequently resorted to another plan. The red wrapper is placed in a part of the room accessible to all, and any one who pleases, writes upon a narrow slip of paper any thing she wishes to lay before the school, and deposites it there, and at the appointed time the whole are brought to me. These propositions are of various kinds. I can perhaps best give you an idea of them by specimens such as occur to me. "A. B., resigns her office of copyist as she is about to leave school." " Proposed, that a class in Botany be formed. There are many who would like to join it. " When will vacation commence .'*" " Proposed, That a music committee be appointed, so that we can have some marching in recess." " Proposed that school begin at nine o'clock." " Mr. Abbott. Will you have the goodness to explain to us what is meant by the Veto Message." *' Proposed that we have locks upon our desks." You see that the variety is very great, and Daily Exercises. . 33 there are usually from four or five to ten or fif- teen of such papers daily. You will be at liber- ty to make in this way any suggestion or enqui- ry, or to propose any change you please in any part of the instruction or administration of the school. If any thing dissatisfies yoii, you ought not to murmur at it in private, or to complain of it to your companions, thus injuring, to no purpose, both your own peace and happiness and theirs, — ^but you ought immediately to bring up the sub- ject in the way above described, that the evil may be removed. I receive some of the most valuable suggestions in this way from the older and more reflecting pupils. These suggestions are read. Sometimes I decide myself Sometimes I say the pupils may decide. Sometimes 1 ask their opinion and wishes and then after taking them into consideration, come to a conclusion. For example I will insert a few of these pro- positions, as these papers are called, describing the way in which they would be disposed of Most of them are real cases. " Mr. Abbott. The first class in Geography is so large that we have not room in the recitation seats. Cannot we have another place .?" After reading this I should perhaps say, " The class in Geography may rise and be counted." 34 Daily Exercises. They rise. Those in each division are counted by the proper officer, as will hereafter be explain- ed; and the numbers are reported aloud to me. It is all done in a moment. " How many of you think you need better ac- commodations ?" If a majority of hands are raised I say, " I wish the teacher of that class would ascer- tain whether any other place of recitation is va- cant, or occupied by a smaller class at that time, and report the case to me." " Proposed, that we be allowed to walk upon the com- mon in the recesses." " I should like to have some plan formed by which you can walk on the common in recesses, but there are difficulties. If all should go out to- gether it is probable that some would be rude and noisy, and that others would come back tar- dy and out of breath. Besides as the recess is short, so many would be in haste, to prepare to go out, that there would be a great crowd and much confusion in the Ante-room and passage ways. I do not mention these as insuperable ob- jections, but only as difficulties which there must be some plan to avoid. Perhaps however they cannot be avoided. Do any of you think of any plan ?" Daily Exercises. 35 I see perhaps two or three hands raised, and call upon the individuals by name and they ex- press their opinions. One says that a part can go out at a time. Another proposes that those who are tardy one day should not go out again, &c. " I think it possible that a plan can be formed on these or some such principles. If you will appoint a committee who will prepare a plan, and mature its details, and take charge of the execu- tion of it, you may try the experiment. I will allow it to go on as long as you avoid the evils I have above alluded to." A committee is then raised to report in writing at the business hour of the following day. " Proposed that the Study Card be down every half hour." You may decide this question yourselves. That you may vote more freely I wish you to vote by ballot. The boxes will be open during the next recess. The Vote Receivers will write the question, and place it upon the boxes. All who feel interested in the subject, may carry in their votes, Aye or Nay. When the result is re- reported to me I will read it to the school. In this and similar ways the various business 36 Daily Exercises. brought up is disposed of. This custom is useful to the scholars, for it exercises and strengthens their judgment and their reflecting powers more than ahuost any thing besides ; so that if interesting them in this way in the management of the school, were of no benefit to me, I should retain the practice as most valuable to them. But it is most useful to me and to^ the school. I think nothing has contributed more to its prosperity than the active interest which the scholars have always taken in its concerns, and the assistance they have rendered me in carrying my plans into effect. You will observe that in transacting this busi- ness, very little is actually done by myself, ex- cept making the ultimate decision. All the de- tails of business are assigned to teachers, or to of- ficers and committees appointed for the purpose. By this means we dispatch business very rapidly. The system of oflaces will be explained in another place ; but I may say here that all appointments and elections are made in this quarter hour, and by means of the assistance of these officers the transaction of business is so facilitated that much more can sometimes be accomplished than you would suppose possible. I consider this period as one the most important in the whole morning. Daily Exercises. 3^7 Second Recess. After the expiration of the quarter hour above described, this study card is dropped, and a recess succeeds. Fourth Hour. — Sections. In all the former part of the day the scholars are divided into classes^ according to their profi- ciency in particular branches of study, and they resort to their recitations for instruction. They now are divided into six sections as we call them, and placed under the care of swperhitendents, not for instmction, but for what may be called super- vision. Teaching a pupil is not all that is neces- sary to be done for her in school. There are many other things, such as supplying her with the various articles necessary for her use, seeino* that her desk is convenient, — that her time is well arranged, — that she has not too much to do, nor too little, — and that no difficulty which can be removed, obstructs her progress in study or her happiness in school. The last hour is appropria- ted to this purpose, with the understanding how- ever, that such a portion of it as is not wanted by the superintendent, is to be spent in study. You will see then when the last hour arrives, that all 4 38 Daily Exercises. the scholars go in various directions, to the meet- ings of their respective sections. Here they re- ^ main as long as the superintendent retains them. Sometimes they adjourn almost immediately; perhaps after having simply attended to the dis- tribution of pens for the next day ; at other times they remain during the hour, attending to such ex- ercises as the superintendent may plan. The de- sign, however, and nature of this whole arrange- ment, I shall explain more fully in another place. I only mean here to say, that it occupies this hour. Close of the School. As the end of the hour approaches, five minutes notice is given by the bell, and when the time ar- rives, the study card is half dropped for a moment before the closing exjercises. When it rises again the room is restored to silence and order. We then sing a verse or two of a hymn, and com- mend ourselves to God's protection in a short prayer. As the scholars raise their heads from the posture of reverence they have assumed, they ' pause a moment till the regulator lets down the study card, and the sound of its bell is the signal, that our duties at school are ended for the day. CHAPTER III. INSTRUCTION AND SUPERVISION OF PUPILS. For the instruction of the pupils, the school is divided into classes^ and for their general super- vision, into sections, as has been intimated in the preceding chapter. The head of a class is called a Teacher, and the head of a section, a Superin- tendent. The same individual may be both the Teacher of a class, and the Superintendent of a section. The two offices are however entirely distinct in their nature and design. As you will perceive by recalling to mind the daily order of exercises, the classes meet and recite during the the first three hours of the school, and the sec- tions assemble on the fourth and last. We shall give each a separate description. I. CLASSES. The object of the division into classes is in- struction. Whenever it is desirable that several 40 Instruction and Supervision. individuals should pursue a particular study, a list of their names is made out, a book selected, a time for recitation assigned, u teacher appointed and the exercises begin. In this way a large number of classes have been formed, and the wishes of parents or the opinion of the Principal, and in many cases that of the pupil, determines how many and what shall be assigned to each individual. A list of these classes, with the ave- rage age of the members, the name of the teacher and the time of recitation, is posted in a conspic- uous place, and public notice is given whenever a new class is formed. You will therefore have the opportunity to know all the arrangements of school in this respect, and I wish you to exercise your own judgment and discretion a great deal, in regard to your studies. I do not mean 1 ex- pect you to decide, but to reflect upon them Look at the list, and consider what are most use- ful for you. Propose to me or to your parents changes, whenever you think any are necessary • and when you finish one study reflect carefully, yourself, on the question what you shall next _ , commence. The scholars prepare. their lessons when they please. They are expected to be present and prepared at the time of recitation, but they make the preparation when it is most convenient. The Instruction and Supervision. 41 more methodical and systematic of the young la- dies, mark the times of study as well of recita- tion upon their schedules, so that the employment of their whole time at school is regulated by a systematic plan. You will observe too, that by this plan of having a great many classes reciting through the first three hours of the morning, eve- ry pupil can be employed as much or as little as her parents please. In a case of ill health, she may, as has often been done, in such cases, at the request of parents, join one or two classes only, and occupy the whole forenoon in preparing for them, and be entirely free from school duties at home. Or she may, as is much more frequently the case, choose to join a great many classes, so as to fill up perhaps her whole schedule with rec- itations, in which case she must prepare all her lessons at home. It is the duty of teachers to take care however, when a pupil pleads want of time as a reason for being unprepared in any les- son, that the case is fully examined that it may be ascertained whether the individual has joined too many classes, in which case some one should be dropped, and thus the time and the employ- ments of each individual should be so adjusted as to give her constant occupation in school, and as much more as her parents may desire. By this plan of the classes each scholar goes on just 4* 42 Instruction and Supervision, as rapidly in her studies as her time and talents and health will allow. No one is kept back by the rest. Each class goes on regularly and sys- tematically, all its members keeping exactly to- gether in that study, but the various members of it will have joined a greater or less number of other classes according to their age or abilities or progress in study, so that all will or may have full employment for their time. When you first enter the school you, will for a day or two be assigned to but few classes, for your mind will at first be distracted by the excite- ment of new scenes and pursuits, and the intel- lectual eiFort necessary for joining a class is greater than that requisite for going on with it, after being once under way. After a few days you will come to me and say perhaps ; — for this is ordinarily the process ; — " Mr. Abbott, I think I have time for some more studies." *' I will thank you to bring me your schedule," I say in reply, " so that I can see what you have now to do." By glancing my eye over the schedule in such a case, I see in a moment what duties have been already assigned you, and from my general sched- ule, containing all the studies of the school, I se- lect what would be most suitable for you, after Instruction and Supervision. 43 conferring with jou about your past pursuits and your own wishes or those of your parents in re- gard to your future course. Additions are thus made until your tiuie is fully occupied. The manner of recitation in the classes, is al- most boundlessly varied. The design is not to have you commit to memory what the book con- tains, but to understand and digest it, — to incor- porate it fully into your own mind, that it may come up in future life in such a form as you wish it for use. Do not then in ordinary cases endeav- or to fix words, but ideas in your minds. Con- ceive clearly, — paint distinctly to your imagina- tion what is described, — contemplate facts in all their bearings and relations, and thus endeavor to exercise the judgment and the thinking and reasoning powers, rather than the mere memory, upon the subjects which will come before you. II. SECTIONS. In describing the order of daily exercises, I al- luded to the sections which assemble in the last hour of the school. It is necessary that I should fully describe the system of sections, as it consti- tutes a very important part of the plan of the school. ,44 Instruction and Supervision, Besides giving the scholars the necessary in- t ellectual instruction, there are, as I have ah'eady remark'jd, a great many other points which must receivje attention, in order to promote their progress and to secure the regular operation and general welfare of the school. These various points have something common in their nature, but it is difficult to give them a common name. They are such as supplying the pupils with pens and paper, and stationary of other kinds, — be- coming acquainted with each individual, ascer- taining that she has enough, and not too much to do, — arranging her work so that no one of her duties shall interfere with another, — assisting her to discover and to correct her faults, — and removing any sources of difficulty or causes of discontent, which may gradually come in her way. These, and a multitude of similar points constituting what may be called the general administration of the school, become, when the number of pupils is large, a most important branch of the teach- er's duty. To accomplish these objects more effectually, the school is divided into six sections, arranged not according to proficiency in particular studies, as the several classes are, but according to age and general maturity of mind. Each one of v these sections is assigned to the care of a Super- Instruction and Supervision. 45 intendent. These Superintendents, it is true du- ring most of school hours are also Teachers. Their duties however as Teachers, and as Super- intendents are entirely distinct. I shall briefly enumerate the duties which devolve upon her in the latter capacity. 1. A Superintendent ought to prepare an ex- act list of the members of her section, and to be- come intimately acquainted with them, so as to be as far as possible their friend and confidant, and to feel a stronger interest in their progress in study and their happiness in school, end a greater person- al attachment to them than to any other scholars. 2. She is to superintend the preparation of their schedules, — to see that each one has enough and not to much to do, by making known to me the necessity of a change where such necessity exists ; — to see that the schedules are submitted to the parents and that their opinion, or sugges- tions if they wish to make any, are reported to me. ' 3. She is to take care that all the daily wants of her section are supplied, — that all have pens and paper, and desks of suitable height. If any are new scholars she ought to interest herself in assisting them to become acquaint- ed in school, —if they are friendless and alone, to find companions for them, and to endeavor in 46 Instruction and Supervision. every way to make their time pass pleasantly and happily. 4. To watch the characters of the members of her section. To enquire of their several teachers as to the progress they make in study, and the faithfulness and punctuality with which they prepare their lessons. She ought to ascer- tain whether they are punctual at school, and regular in their habits, — whether their desks are neat and well arranged, anri their exercises care- fully executed. She ought to correct, through her own influence any evils of this kind she may find, or else immediately to refer the cases where this cannot be done to me. The better and the more pleasantly to accom- plish the object of exerting a favorable influence upon the characters of the members of their sec- tions the Superintendents ought often to bring up subjects connected with moral and religious duty in section meetings. This may be done in the form of subjects assigned for composition, or propo- sed for free discussion in writing or conversation, or, the Superintendents may write themselves, and read to the section the instructions they wish to give. 5. Though the Superintendents as such, have necessarily speaking no teaching to do, still they ought particularly to secure the progress of every pupil in what may be called the essen- Instruction and Supervision. 47 tial studies, such as reading, writing, and spell- ing. For this purpose they either see that their pupils are going on successfully in classes in school, in these branches, or they may attend to them in the Section, provided that they never al- low such instruction to interfere with their more appropriate and important duties. In a word the Superintendents are to consider the members of their sections as pupils confided to their care, and they are not merely to discharge mechanically any mere routine of duty, such as can be here pointed out, but to exert all their powers, their ingenuity, — their knowledge of human character, — their judgment and discretion in every way, to secure for each of those commit- ted to their care, the highest benefits which the institution to which they belong can afford. They are to keep a careful and faithful record of their plans and of the history of their respective Sections and to endeavor, as faithfully and as dil- igently to advance the interests of thie members of them, as if the Sections were separate and in- dependent schools of their own. A great responsibility is thus evidently intrust- ed to them, but not a great deal of power. They ought not to make changes, except in very plain cases, without referring to me. They ought not to make rash experiments, or even to try many 48 Instruction and Supervision. new plans without first obtaining my approval of them. They ought to refer all cases which they cannot easily manage to my care. They ought to understand the distinction between seeing that a thing is done^ and doing it. For example, if a Superintendent thinks that one of her section is in too high a class in Arithmetic, her duty is not to undertake, by her own authority, to remove her to a lower one, for as superintendent she has no au- thority over Arithmetic classes ; nor should she go to the opposite extreme of saying, " I have no authority over Arithmetic classes and there- fore I have nothing to do with this case." She oug^t to go to the teacher of the class to which her pupil had been unwisely assigned, — converse with her, obtain her opinion, — then find some other class more suited to her attainments, and after fully ascertaining all the facts in the case, bring them to me, that / may make the change. This is superintendence ; — looking over the con- dition and progress of the scholar. The super- intendents have thus| great responsibility, ind yet comparatively little power. They accomplish a great deal of good, and in its ordinary course, it is by their direct personal efforts, but in making changes and remedying defects and evils, they act generally in a different way. The last hour of school is devoted to the Sec- Instruction and Supeo'vision. 49 lions. No classes recite then, but the Sec- tions meet, if the Superintendents wish, and attend to such exercises as they provide. Each section has its own organization, its own officers and plans. These arrangements of course, vary in their character according to the ingenuity and enterprise of the Superintendents, and more es- pecially according to the talents and intellectual ardor of the members of the Section. The two upper Sections are called Senior, the next two Middle, and the two younger Junior. The senior Sections are distinguished by using paper for Section purposes with a light blue tinge. To the middle Sections is assigned a light straw color, and to the junior pink. These colors ar© used for the schedules of the members and for the records and other documents of the Section. This account, though it is brief will be suf- cient to explain to you, the general principles of the plan. You will soon become acquainted with the exercises and arrangements of the par- ticular Section to which you will be assigned, and by taking an active interest in them and en- deavoring to co-operate with the Superintendent, n all her measures, and to comply wath her wishes, you will very materially add to her hap- piness, and do your part towards elevating the character of the circle to which you will belong. 5 CHAPTER IV. Officers. In consequence of the disposition early mani- fested by the scholars, to render me every assist- ance in their power in carrying into effect the plans of the school and promoting its prosperity, I gradually adopted the plan of assigning to va- rious officers and committees, a number of spe- cific duties, relating to the general business of the school. These offices have gradually multiplied as the school has increased, and as business has accumulated. The system has from time to time been revised, condensed and simplified and at the present time it is thus arranged. The partic- ular duties of each officer, are minutely described to the individuals themselves at the time of their election; all I intend here is to give a general view of the plan, such as is necessary for the schol- ars at large. There are then at present five departments of business entrusted to officers of the school, the names of the officers, and a brief exposition of their duties are as follows. Officers. 51 I. REGULATORS. It is the general duty of the Regulators to as- sist in the ordinary routine of business in school. The Officers of this department are as follows. Name. Duty. C To take charge of the clock, First Regvlator. / bell, and study card, and to su- ^ perintend the whole department. To act as subtitute of the first Second Regulator. Four DistribiUors < Four Vote Receivers. in her absence. To distribute and collect vrhr.tcver may be required of them, each in her own division. They sit in desks assigned to them, and each has a flat box covered with dark morocco, from which she distributes to her di- vision whatever is required, such Las pens, papers, copies, &c. They sit at desks assigned, at the head of the principal aisle, two on each side. They have two ballot boxes in which they receive the votes, writing the question which is to be ta- ken, or the name of the officer to be elected, and leaving it up- on the boxes during the time allotted for receiving the votes. Each two receive, sort and count the votes for the side of the room on which they respec- tively sit, and report separately to me. I incorporate the two statements and make known the result. 52 Officers, II. SECRETARIES. Their general duty is to keep the various re- cords of the school. The officers and their du- ties are as follows. Name. Duty. To keep a journal of the bus- iness transacted each da3% — and to read the record on the follow- ing day ; to carry forward a his- tory of the school which was long since commenced, and to record such writings as the First Secretary, i school may direct. By this however it is not meant that she shall actually do this alone, but take the responsibility of seeing that it is done. The Copyists, mentioned below, will execute „most of the work. r To act as the substitute of the , J former in her absence, and to ex- econ ecre ary.<. ^^^^.^ pj-^yj^^g writing relating to l_the school for the Principal. To keep the books and exe- cute the writing of this depart- fhre'e Copyists. ^ ment, the arrangements being I made, and the rough drafts pre- L pared by the Secretaries. C To have her seat in front of Messenger. < the Secretaries and act as their f assistant. Officers. 58 III. ACCOUNTANTS. Their general duty is to keep all the books and accounts of the school. Officers as follows. Name. Duty. To keep the Journal and Led- ger, posting the books regular- Fir St Accountant. ^ \y from the blotter furnished by the Principal, and making out _the balance sheet each quarter. To keep a register of the schol- ars, — their times of arrival and departure,-^to write orders for books and to charge them to the receivers, and to prepare any other documents or statements, connected with the accounts, which may from time to time be _ called for. To assist in adding columns, ' and balancing the books. ' To assist the First or Second Accountants, by executing wri- ting of any kind, connected with the accounts, such as making out bills, or copying documents or statements of any kind. To sit in front of the Account- ' ants and to act as their assist- ant. Second Accountant. Auditor. Writer. *4 54 Officers. IV. LIBRARIANS. Although we have properly speaking no libra ry, I have thought it more convenient to use this name. These officers have the charge of the stationary, and of such books and especially sets of class books, as belong to the school, and also of the maps, tablets, and in a word all the literary apparatus of the school. Name, Duty. To take charge of the stock of paper, quills, pencils, and all the stationary and books belong- ing to the school. They are to see that they are properly arranged in the place of deposit or upon the shelves Their charge however extends only to the preserving of these in proper places and in proper order, when not in use, and de- ^livering them, when called for. Four Assistants. S To assist in preparing paper ( and quills for use. C To sit in front of the Libra- Messengcr. J rians and to act as their assis- f tant. First Librarian. Second Librarian. V. CURATORS. Their general business is to have the ^reneral Officers, 55 supervision and care of the furniture of the room, not so much continually to put things in order, as to observe and form plans for removing causes of disorder. First Curator. Second Curator. Name. Duty. To take the general superin- tendance of the business, — to ascertain when any disorder arises from carelessness, either accidental or habitual, and to devise measures for preventing it in future, such as the case may require. Also to assign to the ^assistants their respective duties. {To take specific charges, such as to have care of the fire, the passage-ways, the Ante-room, the Recitation seats, &c. C To sit in front of the Cura- Messenger. / tors and to act as their assis- ^ tant. The Secretaries and Accountants are appointed by the Principal, and will generally be chosen from the teachers. The first in each of the other departments are chosen by ballot, by the schol- ars. Each one thus chosen, nominates the sec- ond in her department, and they two the assistants. These nominations must be approved by a teach- er's meeting, for if a scholar is inattentive to 56 Officers. her studies, disorderly in her desk, or careless and troublesome in her manners, she evidently ought not to be appointed to public office. No person can hold an office in two of these departments. She can, if she pleases, however, resign one to ac- cept another. Each of these departments ought often to assemble, and consult together and form plans for carrying into effect with greater ef- ciency the objects entrusted to them. They are to keep a record of all their proceedings, the head of the department acting as secretary for this pur- pose. The following may be given as an example of the manner in which business is transacted by means of these officers. On the day that the above description of their duties was written, I wished for a sort of director3% to assist the col- lector employed to receive payments for the bills ; and, ,to obtain it, I took the following steps. At the business quarter hour, I issued the fol- lowing order. "Before the close of school I wish the dis- tributors to leave upon each of the desks, a piece of paper," (the size I described). " It is for a pur- pose which I shall then explain." Accordingly at any leisure moment, before the close of school, each one, went w4th her box to the stationary shelves, which you will see in the Officers. 57 corners of the room, where a supply of paper, of all the various sizes, used in school, is kept, and taking out a sufficient number, they supplied all p Leavmg seats, when allowed . * ' * « Lessons, when studied ..,'*'' jn Librarians ... * * ' * * • Jv 64 Marching ....'... ^ Middle Sections 53, 54, 55 44 N Natural History . Notes . 27 19 72 INDEX. O. Obedience, to the Study Card 1^ Officers SO Opening of the school 26 P. Permission to leave seats ------ 8 Personal duty -.------5 Philosophy, Natural and Intellectual - - - 27 Piano - - 26 Positions of the Study Card 6 Proposition, specimens of ------ 32 Punishments --------17 R. Rule of the school, reason for it - - - - 6, ID Recess 37 Recess first 29 '• second 29,36 Recitation 48 Regulation 26 Regulator -------_50 Religious exercises 56 Religious instruction 65 S. Sections 37,4^ Secretary 31, 52 Senior Sections - - -49 Schedule of Studies, specimen of - - - - 25 Sincerity --23 Singing ---------27 Study Card 6 *i ■ o - 28 Superintendant, duties of 45, W. Walking on the common - - - - - - 34 Whispering, when allowed 10 " specified time for . - - - ]3, 28 Wrapper - ■ -32 Writer - - 53 VA 00750 iVi280805 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIKtARY %.