Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/essayslyricsOOjerdrich ESSAYS AND LYRICS. Sc(.^o^A.c£^ Soon^^^ /-eyz^a^^'^ ESSAYS AND LYRICS, SAMUEL SMILES JERDAN. EDITED BY HIS BROTHER, CHARLES JERDAN, M.A., LL.B. " He saw through life and death, through good and ill He saw through his own soul. The marvel of the everlasting will, An open scroll, Before him lay." Tennyson. (Ktrtnburg}}: ANDREW ELLIOT, 17 PRINCES STREET. 1878. [All Rights Reserved.] LOAN STACK EDINnUKGH : I'KINTED BY LORIMEK AND Gil. LIES, 31 ST. ANDKEVV SQUARE. PREFATORY NOTE. This Volume has been prepared in compliance with the request of many friends of the late Samuel Smiles Jerdan, who desire to possess his Poems in a collected form. It would have been printed merely for private circulation, but for the fact that he had so many friends in various parts of the country who may wish to obtain copies, and who are unknown to his representatives. Dennyloanhead, 1st July^ 187S. 517 CONTENTS. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. PAGE Birth and Parentage, . ' . xiii Boyhood, ..... XV Youth, xvi Early Manhood, . . . . ' XX Last Illness, .... xxiv Personal Appearance and Character, xxix Literary Remains, xxxii ESSAYS.