PIliT DAYS IN NUMBER VanAMBURCH 2Ho DEPA No .r^^ r.^-y Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/firstdaysinnumbeOOvanarich FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER A PRIMER OF ARITHMETIC BY DELLA VanAMBURGH SILVER, BURDETT AND COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO G A D^ Copyright, 1903, By silver, BURDETT AND COMPANY. £i:;UCAT^ONi DEFtt".- cue.- PREFACE. It is not the purpose of this book to teach number facts to the primary pupil. Education is development, and especially is this true of the best primary work. The mind of the child just entering^ S(?hool is bent upon investigation, exploration, and 'd}^^V3ry; It- J^/ the privilege of the primary teacher to guide this 'investigation^ , f\u'ras,h proper and fruitful environment for exploraiion,;arid 't^^a'cb %n6 'oniiS' the use of the best written and spoken language in which he may tell of his discoveries. There is no broader field for the free development of the child mind than is to be found in number work. The child needs only to be invited and he will discover many facts concerning his home, birds, animals, flowers, fruits, and forms ; in short, he will discover the world in which he lives. It is the purpose of this book to emphasize the discoveries the pupil makes in his explorations in the world of number, and to furnish help and means by which he may express these facts to others and record them for himself. It is sincerely desired that the teacher who may use this book will not present the work as a basis for the number lesson. Each page should be made the result of investigation and original research, in which the pupil is led to discover the facts he finds expressed upon the page. This book is designed to furnish systematic written work for the pupil, in which he finds expressed in written words, figures, and signs the facts he must have discovered and expressed understandingly in the oral lessons. Number work, as well as every phase of primary education, should be made a delight and the children should be happy in its accomplish- ment. Della VanAmburgh. fj4 1 4^32 SUGGESTIONS. CONVERSATIONAL LESSONS. One of the first essentials in primary education is the ability of the pupil to talk without restraint and in good language. To cor- relate this phase of development with number work lends interest to the lesson, inspires self-confidence in the pupil, awakens the child mind to the realization of the wonders it is his privilege to explore. Number work is one of the means of the primary teacher by which the natural investigating tendency of the child may be turned into channels where he Avill make discoveries concerning the truths of nature and the inventions of man. The pictures throughout the book are not in any way designed to take the place of actual objects. Such objects as are attractive and interesting to the pupil are represented. They are familiar to him, and yet they suggest many avenues of study to the skilful teacher. The first few pages are suggestions for conversational work. Ob- jects of life have been chosen because the animal kingdom naturally interests the child mind. Quadruped, biped, bird, fish, and insect are represented. The child is easily led to observe, study, and classify the animals around him. He is interested in observing the many kinds belonging to one class and in studying separately and comparatively their forms, foods, homes, habits, and usefulness. In this work, num- ber appeals incidentally to the mind and little need be said in regard to it. Page 10 represents the inventions of man. The objects suggested should be studied with a purpose of discovering something of their manufacture, the material used, their parts, and their distinctive use- fulness. 5 6 SUGGESTIONS. Fruits and flowers invite the pupil to study nature. Fruits sug- gest the study of color, form, leaves, trees, vines, buds, blossoms, seeds, pulp, skins, juices, and the condition of the country and climate in which the tree is found. Flowers suggest the study of plants, leaves, roots, stems, buds, petals, pistils, stamens, form, size, color, individual characteristics, condition of the soil, and the season in which the plant grows and blossoms. The children should be invited to gather a specified number of flowers, leaves, twigs, or buds of a certain kind. It is well to give the pupil a definite task. Failure of earnest effort to accomplish a purpose is of more value than undefined results attained at random. The child who diligently searches for eight maple leaves and fails to find one has really accomplished more than the pupil who has been told to gather a few leaves and presents scores of them of every variety. GEOMETEICAL FOEMS. Many of the lessons lead to the study of the simplest of geomet- rical forms. It is very desirable that the pupil make his own material for use in this work by cutting squares, triangles, . and circles from colored paper; and moulding spheres, cylinders, and cubes from clay or cutting them from small potatoes. The facts expressed upon pages 57, 58, 59, and other similar pages, are capable of being represented by drawings or by pasting colored forms upon -a sheet of paper. This is a delightful occupation for little people and one that requires thought and care. ANALYSIS. A simple form of analysis is presented, as on pages 21, 26, 32. These lessons make practical application of the facts that have been discovered in the preceding work. Great care should be taken that the pupil be quite familiar with every word occurring on the page before the lesson is presented. If possible, use the real objects men- SUGGESTIONS. 7 tioned in the problems and allow the children to act out the thought expressed. When the pupil is familiar with the thought, he may read the analysis and supply the missing words. He should then copy the page, giving attention to arrangement, paragraphing, punctuation, neatness, and accuracy. MONEY. Money should be studied with real coins in the hands of the teacher and, if possible, toy money in the hands of the pupils. It is well to allow the children to buy and sell, setting their own prices and making their own change. They- will discover in this work the facts expressed upon the pages devoted to money transactions, which should be stud- ied orally and then written with all blanks filled. TIME. Make a thorough study of the calendar. Teach the names of the months, the days of the week, the seasons, and the months included in each season. Note the time of the change of the seasons and the effects of the change upon the woods and the field. It is interesting to make a suggestive calendar each month and keep a record of the attendance, of holidays, bright and cloudy days, snowstorms, and rain. Study the watch and the clock. The reading of the time from the face of a clock or watch is fascinating to children. MEASURE. A clear idea of the pint, quart, gallon, peck, and bushel, inch, foot, and yard can only be obtained from the real measures. The pupil should do as much real measuring as possible. He is interested in measuring water and sand. He should make a foot measure and a yard stick, or a yard tape-measure, with which he may find the dimen- sions of his desk, the room, windows, tables, chairs, his height, etc. 8 SUGGESTIONS. NUMBER LANGUAGE LESSONS. A series of number essays are interspersed throughout the book, as on pages 39, 92, and 104. These lessons require the pupil to make independent investigation. The pupil should write these little essays with the utmost care. GENERAL. To obtain the best results, no written work should be required of the pupil before the teacher is quite sure that he is able to express understandingly in spoken words the statement desired in writing. Each and every page is designed to be reproduced by the pupil. This may be accomplished in various ways: by grouping objects, pasting forms, drawing, or writing. To vary the written work, the word may be used .where the figure and sign occur ; and the figure and sign may be exchanged for the word. The pupil should always have sufBcient assistance and means of helping himself, whether it be little or very much, to insure a clear understanding and absolute accuracy. 10 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 11 12 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 13 ooo ooo oooo oooo 14 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 15 2 2 3 3 3 U 4 4 4 , 5 5 5 5 5 lo o lo b lo o 1111111 S--8 S S 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 T "1 16 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. J2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 lo 2 3 4 5 lo "I 2 3 4 5^^8 2345lo^8Cj FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 17 2 3 4 5I0 "] 8 cj'io 2345lo']8C| 10 2345lo"|8C| 10 234510^8^1 10 2345loq8C|io 2345loq8C| 10 2. 3 45 I <] 8 c| 10 2345lo^SC| 10 2345lo"18C||0 18 FIKST DAYS IN NUMBER. + and plus and 1 + 1 less minus :''Ql:/^. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 19 2 = Two two = II 1 + 1 = ? . 2 + ? =2 2-0 = ? 2 + = ? ? +2 = 2 2-? =1 + 2 = ? 2-1 = ? 2-? =0 1 + ? = 2 2-2 = ? 2-? =2 Loucv ^. I Xox^ + I JUvcy = — 2 ^Ixxx^ — I Xcu^ = — Xcu^ Q/Tvey Axxn^ ojyxAj cvrUy ^tcvc^ oJvo — Xcu^. 3uXV ytcU^^ Uy^lA^ OTUy IxXX^ 'iA.' ptciX^. 20 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. J2 jXcu^ aAyCy — ^YY\x>AAy trucuYV I ptax^. I ptcLX^ Uiy — UA^ tnxxrrv 2 ILcuv^. oiLKy yCcvcy^ oJvo — TrvoA^ey trvcuw cvruy ptax^. c3u>o lAy — ^YxxyAAj vnxi/yv cvrUy. c3ux> tAy — yrvoAAy tnxvrv 0. O^TUy Ui/ — UAA^ thxvrv 2. 2 lAy TYVO^Uy VTUX/YV I. 2 'iAy — rwoAAy thja/y\y I i/^ — bui^ vrucoTv 2. QyYUy-nxxl^ o|/ tuxv ptcu^ ty^ — [XcLX^. Q/n^-nxiXp op tux> lA^ — : i of 2 = — FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 21 TTLcuuy rvoAy I Xcu^. TUXl/ rvoAy I ptcu^. iTLayi^ curuL TUXt rtoyOKy — Xcu^^; iKX^CXyUUU^ 1 + 1=2. 3oTw ruaxt 2 pLcu^. cW>ey to^vb i op \\aIL rucxA^ I pci/ny. nUo/O^ hxiA^ I parrv. 22 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 3 = Three three = III 2 + ? =3 ? +2 = 3 3-1 = ? 3-? =1 1 + ? =3 ? + 1 = 3 3-2 = ? 3 - ? = 2 0+ ? =3 ? +0 = 3 3-3 = ? 3- ? =0 3 + ? = 3 ? + 3 = 3 3-0 = ? 3- ? =3 balls. kites. 2 balls + 1 ball = — balls. 1 kite H kites = 3 kites. 3 tops — 1 top = — tops. 3 kites kites = 1 kite. 3 kites — 1 kite = — kites. 3 balls - 2 balls = — ball. tops. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 23 One-third of 3 tents is — tent. Two-thirds of 3 tents are — tents. Three-thirds of 3 tents are — tents. i of 3 tents = — tent. 1 of 3 tents = — tents. f of 3 tents = — tents. One-third of 3 flags is — flag. Two-thirds of 3 flags are — flags. Three-thirds of 3 flags are — flags. ^ of 3 flags = — flag, f of 3 flags = — flags, f of 3 flags = — flags. 24 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 3 balls are — more than 2 balls. 3 balls are — more than 1 ball. 1 ball' is — less than 3 balls. 2 balls are — less than 3 balls. 3 tops are — more than 1 top. 3 tops are — more than 2 tops. 3 kites are — more than 1 kite. 2 kites are — less than 3 kites. 3 kites are — more than 2 kites. 1 kite is — less than 3 kites. 2 tops are — less than 3 tops. 1 top is — less than 3 tops. 3 fans are — more than 1 fan. i Op 3 yzaAaA^ = — yuAju. Q/n>ey-truAycL oy 3 tc^cv lA^ — tcvja^. i oy 3 toja^^ = — tcvjoy. O/yvey-tmAxly oy 3 IxvlL^ t^ — IxxlL, i O-y 3 l}o cirruL — oAAy vnAAAy. 3is- - more than 2. 3 is- - more than 1. 2 is- - less than 3. lis- — less than 3. Three is - — more than one. Three is - — more than two. Two is - less than three. One is — - less than three. 26 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. QJUiAxv nxxAy 2 ya/Yv^. TU/tt nxiAy I Loyrv. fUXt nxxycL 3 pLcLX^. j^vvo toA^ i o|/ \jOJUYY\j. nboUO^ U>^yt ptcXX^^; fn^OCLUy^Uy FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 27 3 + ? 1 + ? 2 + ? 4 + ? 4 = Four four = IV cJCKA/'l/ pO-UA/ 4 ?+3=4 4-1=? 4 ?+2=4 4-2=? 4?+l=4 4-4=? 4 ?+.4 = 4 4-3 = ? 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = ? OrUTUy OAA/ 2'^ l/TV pcKA/v. 8 + 1 = ? 28 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. apples. pears. peaches. 3 apples + 1 apple = ? apples. 2 pears + ? pears = 4 pears. 1 peach + ? peaches = 4 peaches. 4 apples — 2 apples = ? apples. 4 pears — 1 pear = ? pears. 4 peaches — ? peaches = 2 peaches. ? apples + 2 apples = 4 apples. ? apples + 2 apples = 4 apples. ? peaches + 1 peach = 4 peach( ? pears + 1 pear = 4 pears. 4 peaches -— ? peaches = 2 peach 4 apples — ? apples = 1 apple. 4 pears — ? pears = 1 pear. les. 4 apples 2 apples ? apples- 4 peaches 1 peach ? peaches 4 pears ? pears 1 i)ear FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 29 4 apples. 4 oJ^J^JjM^. 3 apples. 2 apj)les. 1 apple. 4 apples are ? more than 3 apples. 4 apples are ? more than 2 apples. 4 apples are ? more than 1 apple. 3 apples are ? less than 4 apples. 2 apples are ? less than 4 apples. 1 apple is ? less than 4 apples. Four is - Four is - Four is - Three is Two is - One is - more than three. more than two. more than one. - less than four, less than four, less than four. 30 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. One-half of 4 flags is — flags. 1 of 4 flags = — flags. Two-halves of 4 flags are — flags, f of 4 flags = — flags. One-fourth of 4 drums is — drum. ^ of 4 drums = — drum. Two-fourths of 4 drums are — drums, f of 4 drums = — drums. Three-fourths of 4 drums are — drums. 1^ of 4 drums = — drums. Four-fourths of 4 drums are — drums. I of 4 drums = — drums. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 31 One-half of 4 is ? 4h-2 = ? Two 2's are ? 2x2 = ? 2 flags X 2 = ? flags. 4 drums -^ ? = 1 drum. 4 drums x V = 4 drums. One-fourth of 4 is ? 4h-4 = ? Four I's are ? 1x4 = ? 4 flags -f- ? = 2 flags. 2 flags X ? = 4 flags. 1 drum X ? = 4 drums. i. of 4 is ? f of 4 is ? 1 of 4 is ? f of 4 is ? ? is 1 of 4. ? is 1 of 4. Q/yvt'-xKAA'triy o-y pouA/ t/^ — . OUi-O-ruaX'LKy^ Oy XMA/'V tA' — 32 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. MyCyCUAAAy . fUXt nxxAy 2 xvrv^. \Yhcvxy rvcv^ 2 LcvnAy. UaaJL a/ruL VlVcv^ rvouiHy — La/vxA^] \MJKlAAAAy . dA/UyTYV. CoaX rvoA/ — dAAAyrrxAy] IhxixjjuA^ CL/ja^X^^ to ^lowyv. (lLcv\xv ruiA^ — Ou^^oAAAy] trUyTYV to CclAX. CoaX nyCL/^ — ^pAxxxiJnJi^ ] [MJ^XlybUhAy . uveyTyv to Tiyeytt. TUytl/ nxxAy — ja^yoAy; FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 33 5 = Five live = V SiyxK/ P ■ 3 + ? = 5 ? + 4 = 5 5-5 = ? 5-? = 5 4 + ? = 5 ? + 1 = 5 5 - 1 = ? 5-? = 4 2 + ? = 5 ? + = 5 5-3 = ? 5-? = 2 1 + ? = 5 ? + 2 = 5 5-0 = ? 5-?.= + ? = 5 ? + 3 = 5 5 - 4 = ? 5 - ? = 1 5+0=5 ? - 5 = 5 5-2 = ? 5-? = 3 2 oy^ihJUy^ + ? o/jayjai^^ = 5 a^a^Ley^. I {uUxAy + ? ^XXAy^ = 5 ^^UXV'V^. 3 joytOyciuy^ + 2 ja^xLorUy^ = ? ^pAxvcivU^y. ? oAxxmxuAy + 3 oAximx^A^ = 5 oAxjurvc^4M^. 5 ^bJUxAy^ — 3 ja^yoAA^ = ? ^pAxxAAy. 5 oybyb^Uy^ — I ayja^ytey = ? oJ^iJqaaJia 5 OACL/nXl^^ — 2. O'LOyTU^ye^ = ? oAycuoox:^^. 34 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 2 + 2 There are two 2's and + 1 = ? more in 5. 3 + 2 = ? There is one 3 and — more in 5. • + 4 + 1 = ? ■ There is one 4 and — more in 5. Two 2's and 1 are ? One 3 and 2 are ? 2 times 2 and 1 are ? 1 time 3 and ? are 5. 2x2+1=? 3x1+2=? One 4 and 1 are ? Five I's are ? 1 time 4 and ? are 5. 5 times ? are 5. 4x1+? = 5. 1x5 = ? Note. — Read the sign ( x ) " multiplied by." FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 35 5 cherries. 5 QyrUAAAAAy. 3 cherries. 2 cherries. 5 cherries are ? more than 4 cherries. 5 cherries are ? more than 1 cherry. 5 cherries are ? more than 3 cherries. 5 cherries are ? more than 2 cherries. 1 cherry is ? less than 5 cherries. 3 cherries are ? less than 5 cherries. 2 cherries are ? less than 5 cherries. 4 cherries are ? less than 5 cherries. Five is — more than four. One is — less than five. Five is — more than two. Three is — less than five. Five is — more than three. Two is — less than five. Five is — more than one. Four is — less than five. 36 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. One-fifth of 5 chairs is — chair, i of 5 chairs = — chair. Two-fifths of 5 chairs are — chairs. I of 5 chairs = — chairs. Four-fifths of 5 chairs are — chairs. ^ of 5 chairs = — chairs. Three-fifths of 5 chairs are — chairs, f of 5 chairs = — chairs. Five-fifths of 5 chairs are — chairs, f of 5 chairs = — chairs. 1- of 5 = fof5 = I- of 5 = I of 5 = I of 5 = ? is i- of 5. ? is I of 5. ? is f of 5. ? is f of 5. ? is 4 of 5. FIRST DAYS IX NUMBER. 37 TUXt hxxAy 3 VycL QyhAAAAAJly CL/rVcL 2 I ^yexL oJpJoJUy. OtoAxiy nxi/^ ■ — cxyja^bXeyciy; [puycuuJUy . CoaX ruoycL 5 IxjxiAy. M^y uAxyJuy 2 yiouoAy. MAy ruoAy — fXcm-^ ; [yixyouuAAy . WaxL rucvdy 5 oAxx/YvayO^ cvnAy ^xoXcL f oX 0/yUy ja^^cuc/ny cx>A/fav I oeynyt. 3"iya>ey 38 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. REVIEW. Four + one = — . Three — two = — . Three + one = — . Four — two = — . Two + one = — . Two — two = — . 1 of 4 flags = ? i of 3 kites = ? i of 4 tents = ? f of 4 flags = ? I of 3 kites = ? | of 4 tents = ? 1 apple X 2 = ? 4 drums 4- 2 = ? 1 orange x 3 = ? 5 chairs ~ 5 = ? 2 peaches x 2 = ? 3 balls -^ 3 = ? Q/rUy joyexuiMay nxxAy o^rvo '^iAaAj. oq^aaAj FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 39 , . Si cL/tteyTiycl tvvo — — jS>cnx>oX. nLoyp nXXAAy iA^ CVri/cL TYlyOiy iyxjAAy cJvo . c9 a/YYV 'UJUlAy^ oXcL. cX Y\Xl/\Hy ja^cX/, tcKUx^, cL/yvcL ik>u> trUy TUlyOOOyt/^ Ov XobOeA/ciy. cJrUy lA Cb ^\}AJ\/\ju IhxxaaAa/ yuL JU>AAj~V\y. ol vt/yu>u> ihji/ rva/YY\AAy oX iKy^xiA. cX [AAXJi/ to nXCLAy truy oXruAA. 40 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 6 = Six six = VI s^vso iiAyCO 5 + ? = 6 . ? + 5 = 6 6- 1 =? 6-? = 5 3 + ? = 6 ? + 2 = 6 6 - 4 = ? 6-? = 4 + ? = 6 ? + 1 = 6 6-2 = ? 6-? = 6 6 + ? = 6 ? + 6 = 6 6-5 = ? 6-? = 4 2 + ? = 6 ? + = 6 6-6 = ? 6-? = 3 l + ? = 6 ? + 3 = 6 6-0 = ? 6-? = l + ? = 6 ? + 4 = 6 6-3 = ? 6-? = 2 5 Lvrrvo^YUiy + I Uyrwo-rv = ? teymxvriy^. 3 cv^pJpAJUi^ + ? ahy^hlMy = lo cxJpJfJjUiy. I ^pAxv'v + ? ja^yoAy^ = lo iuxv\^. lo oAjojYuyu^ — I oAyCL/nx^ = ? oAorrux^y^. FIRST DAYS IX NUMBER. 41 There are — 2's in six There are — 3's in six. There is one 4 and ? more in six. V2^^ There is one 5 and ? more in six. 2 pansies x ? = 6 pansies. 6 pansies -^ 3 = ? pansies. 3 violets X ? = 6 violets. 6 violets -r- 2 = ? violets. 4 leaves + ? leaves = 6 leaves. ^ of 6 violets = ? violets. ? daisies + 1 daisy = 6 daisies, i of 6 pansies = ? pansies. 42 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 6 roses. 5 roses. 4 roses. 3 roses. 2 roses. 6 roses are ? more than 5 roses. 6 roses are ? more than 2 roses. 6 roses are ? more than 1 rose. 6 roses are ? more than 3 roses. 6 roses are ? more than 4 roses. SDiyDC/ \J^ — 'YYX.oAAy Vnxxm/ tuxv. S^{yOO \y^ TYVOAAy UVO/Tly VnAAAy. 0/rUy t/^ UAA^ vruOuTV ^lAyDC/. SnTUyey ly^ Ub^lAy VruO/YXy hA/20. 3u>o t/^ — U/^i^ tnxi/yv ^uxx/. 1 rose. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 43 S^lA/^yey-tiviAycL^ CVy lo teyOyOKy^ O/Uy VUXAM^' ^j lo U-UycUv lA^ IKAycUiy. lo U-UycUv \J^ (MAxL^. 3u>-o-KvaXaMy^ op lo lyoAj'^ oJvo — lyAXoJ^. f oX lo U-UxL^ C(yUy IKAycL^. f oi^ Q/ri/^-nxxX Oy 2" O^ i of 6 = ? f of 6 = ? f of 6 = ? ? is 1 of 6. ? is 1 of 6. ? is I of 6. 44 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 3 + 3 3 X ? 3 violets X ? = 6 violets. 2 pansies x ? = 6 pansies. ? 2 + 2 + 2 = ? 6 2 X ? =6 + of 6 violets = ? violets. ^ of 6 violets = ? violets. 6^2 6h-3 i of 6 = ? i of 6 = ? 1 violet X ? = 6 violets. 6 violets -j- ? = 1 violet. 6 violets X ? = 6 violets. 6 violets ^ ? = 6 violets. 6x? 64-? 1 X? = 6 6-h? = l FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 45 PoaaL nxiA^ 5 ^QxvrUiAAJiy. (jrucxAjilAy rua^ IplqxxaaAjo . \x>^y^ to TrL^/rvoy. OtoAyOv nxi/^ — V>A^y^ ; i op vnAyrvxy to CXa/Lxiy. CXo/'ui/ ruoA^ — QxOWrV nXlxL lo ^pyCVl^AAAy^. Ma^ gXlAHy f oy tKAyvYv to TUaa/. TUXt nxiy^ — jaxiyTv^vU/^ ; lKX2yayUy{Uy . iHX^OAyLAyt/ . 46 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 6 + ? = 7 2 + ? = 7 3 + ? = 7 + ? = 7 4 + ? = 7 5 + ? = 7 1 +? = 7 7 + ? = 7 7 = Seven ? + 6 = 7 ? + 7 = 7 ? + 3 = 7 ? + = 7 ? + 1 = 7 ? + 5 = 7 ? + 2 = 7 ? + 4 = 7 seven = VII 7- 1 = ? 7-4 = 7-7 = 7-2 = 7-0 = 7-3 = ? 7-5 = ? 7-6 = ? 7-? = 7- ? = 4 7-? = 6 7-? = 3 7-? = 1 7-? = 5 7-? = 7 7-? = 2 \J<\AAAj tX^X^iXy a/YuL ^-''^^^^ OJVO (UylHy'ny IXVC^. 3"t/iK/ tx^^c^A^ ayrudy — u^x^A^ aA^ cUAHyyv ex|x^. cJO-U/U (J^XlAy CL/TVcly VCl^X-^ OjVO tiAA>Vru VOXlAy. jae/OKy-yv ex^^c^A^ UA^ tuxv vc^'^ oJvo — EyoxiA. jaooHyrv tx|x^ UAA xvuA/ tx^x^A^ ciA^y — tax: J3e/\K/W tx^x^ UAA- ooo^ ^^9^ oA/t- — exxxaA. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 47 There are — 3's and ? more in seven. 3 nuts -f 3 nuts + 1 nut = ? nuts. There are — 2's and ? more in seven. 2 nuts + 2 nuts + 2 nuts + 1 nut = ? nuts. There is one 4 and ? more in seven. 4 nuts + ? nuts = 7 nuts. There is one 5 and ? more in seven. 5 nuts + ? nuts = 7 nuts. There is one 6 and ? more in seven. 6 nuts + 1 nut = ? nuts. 48 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 7 books. Tl^ 6 books. 5 books. 4 books. 3 books. "] lK>CVftA/ OJVO ? TYVO-^Uy tnyO/rV lo ^OCVfty^. ^ uooftA^ oAyey ? Tnx>A/ey Vrva/Yv 3 uo-oft/^. •^ LK>o4t/^ OA/ey ? TWO-Vy thxxyYV I U-OO-ft/. •^ lK>o4tAy oAyey ? TYVCVVy thxX/YV 2 UOolt/^. •^ l>CK>ft^ oAAy ? TyvoVy Vruo/Yv 5 l^xyixAy. 6 books are ? less than 7 books. 5 books are ? less than 7 books. 1 book is ? less than 7 books. 2 books are ? less than 7 books. 4 books are ? less than 7 books. 3 books are ? less than 7 books. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. ^ 49 Seven is — more than six. Seven is — more than fom\ Seven is — more than two. Seven is — more than three. Seven is — more than one. Seven is — more than five. Six is — less than seven. One is — less than seven. Four is — less than seven. Five is — less than seven. Three is — less than seven. Two is — less than seven. 7 is 2 more than ? 7 is 4 more than ? 7 is 6 more than ? 7 is 1 more than ? 7 is 3 more than ? 7 is 5 more than ? 6 is ? less than 7. 1 is ? less than 7. 2 is ? less than 7. 3 is ? less than 7. 4 is ? less than 7. 5 is ? less than 7. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. One-seventh of 7 cups is — cup. 1 of 7 cups = — cup. Two-sevenths of 7 cups are — cups, f of 7 cups = — cups. Six-sevenths of 7 cups are — cups, f of 7 cups = — cups. Five-sevenths of 7 cups are — cups. ^- of 7 cups = — cups. Three-sevenths of 7 cups are - I of 7 cups = — cups. cups. Four-sevenths of 7 cups are — cups. 4^ of 7 cups = — cups. i-of 7 = ? f- of 7 = ? ? is 1 of 7. ? is t of 7. 1 is 1 of ? ? is \ of 7. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 51 Charles had 3 nuts and finds 4 nuts. Charles has — nuts ; because . Paul had 7 nuts and lost 5 nuts. Paul has — nuts ; because . Charles finds 7 eggs and breaks ^ of them. Charles breaks — egg ; because . Clara* had 7 cups and breaks f of them. Clara breaks — cups ; because . John had 7 books and sells f of them. John sells — books ; because . Ned gathered 4 baskets of walnuts and 3 baskets of chestnuts. Ned gathered — baskets of nuts ; because Nell has found 7 apples. Four-sevenths of them are red apples. Nell has found — red apples ; because John has made 5 snowballs. Ned has made 2 snowballs. The boys have made — snowballs; because 52 FIEST DAYS IN NUMBER. 8 = Eight eight = VIII 7 + ? 4 + ? 1+? 3 + ? 6 + ? 2 + ? 5 + ? 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ? + 7 ? + 2 ? + l ? + 4 ? + 5 ? + 3 ? + 6 - 1 = ? - 8 = ? -6 = ? -4 = ? -2 = ? - 7 =? -5 = ? 8-? 8-? 8-? 8-? 8-? 8-? 8-? MAAA/ri/ hXlAJJ- yL/OH^ \AMMynAy lyTV CtU^ UVbcUi^. — oJrvlAAAAj'b^. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. ^ 53 1 nest + ? nests = 8 nests. 4 nests + ? nests = 8 nests. 2 nests + ? nests = 8 nests. 6 nests + ? nests = 8 nests. 3 nests + ? nests = 8 nests. 5 nests + ? nests = 8 nests. 7 nests + 1 nest = ? nests. ? eggs + 5 eggs = 8 eggs. ? eggs + 3 eggs = 8 eggs. ? eggs + 6 eggs = 8 eggs. ? birds + 2 birds = 8 birds. ? birds + 4 birds = 8 birds. ? birds + 1 bird = 8 birds. 8 nests — 5 nests = ? nests. 8 eggs- 1 egg.= ? eggs. 8 birds — 4 birds = ? birds. 8 eggs - 3 eggs = ? eggs. 8 nests — 2 nests = ? nests. 8 birds — 6 birds = ? birds. 8 eggs - ? eggs = 1 egg. 54 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. oooo oooo There are — 4's in eight. oruJUy oJvo — 4'^ t/W UX^AlJu. oo oo oo oo There are — 2's in eight. ooo ooo oo There are — 3's and — more in eight. ooooo ooo There is one 5 and — more in eight. cJruyuy Uiy cvrUy 5 a/ruL — rwchAju i/Tiy vuiKJu. ooooooo o There is one 7 and — more in eight. oooooo oo There is one 6 and — more in eight. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. nnnn Dnnn 8 squares. 8 ^IXViAXXAAAy. 55 DDD nnnn a §nnne 7 squares. 6 squares. 5 squares. 4 squares. 8 ^Ul/UXXAyt/^. OAyey ? TVVO^Uy thxi/YV 4 ^i^Cj^UXlAytA/. 8 civOyUXlA/eyciy CXAyCy ? TriyOA/ey VruCVTV lo ^^vCUAyQ/lXA/. 8 ^i^uxiAx^ cxA^ ? TWoVy truiyn/ 3 ^i^uxiA/tA^ 8 ^ixviAxxAAJ^ qJvu ? TwaA/ey trvayrv I ^u:^AAyaAye/. 8 ^i^UX^l/Uy^ CX/Uy ? TWO-^Uy trUWV 5 ^lX:^[AXV\Ay^. 7 is ? less than 8. 6 is ? less than 8. 5 is ? less than 8. 4 is ? less than 8. 1 is ? less than 8. 3 is ? less than 8. 56 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Eight is — more than six. Eight is — more than seven. Eight is — more than four. Eight is — more than two. Eight is — more than three. Eight is — more than one. Eight is — more than five. Eight is — more than naught. Seven is — less than eight. Four is — less than eight. One is — less than eight. Five is — less than eight. Three is — less than eight. Two is — less than eight. . Six is — less than eight. Naught is — less than eight. Two nests are — less than eight nests. One bird is — less than eight birds. Five trees are — less than eight trees. Six eggs are — less than eight eggs. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. — _ 57 One-half of 8 triangles is — triangles. i of 8 triangles = ? triangles. Two-halves of 8 triangles are — triangles, f of 8 triangles = ? triangles. A AA AA A One-fourth of 8 triangles is — triangles. 1 of 8 triangles = ? triangles. Two-fourths of 8 triangles are — triangles. f of 8 triangles = ? triangles. Four-fourths of 8 triangles are — triangles. f of 8 triangles = ? triangles. Three-fourths of 8 triangles are — triangles, f of 8 triangles = ? triangles. 58 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. One-eighth of 8 triangles is — triangle. 1 of 8 triangles = — triangle. Three-eighths of 8 triangles are — triangles. f of 8 triangles = — triangles. Five-eighths of 8 triangles are — triangles. f of 8 triangles = — triangles. Four-eighths of 8 triangles are — triangles. f of 8 triangles = — triangles. Two-eighths of 8 triangles are — triangles. f of 8 triangles = — triangles. Six-eighths of 8 triangles are — triangles. f of 8 triangles = — triangles. Eight-eighths of 8 triangles are — triangles. f of 8 triangles = — triangles. Seven-eighths of 8 triangles are — triangles. 1^ of 8 triangles = — triangles. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. — - 59 oo oo oo oo 4 squares x ? = 8 squares. 2 circles x ? = 8 circles. 4 + 4 4x ? 2+2+2+2 2 x ? =8 ■| of 8 squares = ? squares. ^ of 8 squares = ? squares. 8-r-2 = ? 8-^4 = ? 1 of 8 = ? i of 8 = ? 1 square x ? = 8 squares. 8 squares x ? = 8 squares. 8 squares -e- ? = 1 square. 8 squares -j- ? = 8 squares. 8x? = 8 1 X? = 8 8-T-? = 1 84-? = 8 60 • FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Helen had 7 cents and earned 1 cent. Helen has — cents ; because . John had 8 cents and spent 3 cents. John has — cents ; because . Clara had 8 cents and gave Helen ^ of them. Helen has — cents ; because . John had 8 cents and spent i of them. John spent — cents ; because — . Helen has 4 cents. Clara has 2 times as many. Clara has — cents ; because . Clara had 8 cents and spent f of them. Clara spent — cents ; because . Doris has 8 flowers. One-half of them are roses. Doris has — roses ; because . Helen has found 8 leaves. One-fourth of them are yellow leaves. Helen has found — yellow leaves; because . Kalph has gathered 8 baskets of nuts. Two-fourths of them are chestnuts. Ralph has — baskets of chest- nuts ; because . FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 61 corner GX>A/yU/ly corners edge One triangle has — corners. Three triangles have — corners. One triangle has — edges. Two triangles have — edges. One triangle has — edges. Four triangles have — edges. One square has — corners. Two squares have — corners. One square has — edges. Three squares have — edges. One square has — corners. Four squares have — corners. One square has — corners. Five squares have — corners. edges 62 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 9 = Nine nine = IX TU/rU/ TVl/Vlyt- 8 + ? = 9 ?+l=9 9-1=? 9-? = 4 4+.? = 9 ?+7=9 9-6=? 9-? = 7 6+? = 9 ?+3=9 9-5=? 9 - ? = 1 2 + ? = 9 ?+5=9 9-2=? 9-? = 2 3 + ? = 9 ?+0=9 9-4=? 9-? = 5 0-|-? = 9 ?+6=9 9-0=? 9-? = 3 1 + ? = 9 ?+4=9 9-3=? 9-? = 9 5 + ? = 9 ?+8=9 9-8=? 9-? = 8 7 + ? = 9 ?+2=9 9-7=? 9-? = 6 UeXt OXO/tmyUxi/ Ay^V-V IKXAiWtcV Oy cLcUA^- FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 63 S IxxaJxaX^ + I IxxAMaX) = ? IxxAAXAyt^. 4 IxxyblxAytAy + ? IxxAAUyt^ = ^ {}^Uy truCLyTly 3 ^jaAx^'Uy^. ^ ^iJpJnAAAy^ oJVb ? TVlyOAyey UlXVYV 2. '^WoAAJU^. ^ '^S^JoAAAJb^ OTUy ? TYVOAyey UlXI/TV 5 ^^OrU/Uy^. ^ 'J\^JoJO\JU^ oJvo ? myoAyey thxvrv "] ^lAiiveyuy^. 8 spheres are ? less than 9 spheres. 6 spheres are ? less than 9 spheres. 5 spheres are ? less than 9 spheres. 7 spheres are ? less than 9 spheres. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 67 Nine is — — more than eight. Nine is - — more than two. Nine is - — more than six. Nine is - — more than four. Nine is - — more than one. Nine is - — more than three. Nine is - — more than seven. Nine is - — more than five. Eight is - — less than nine. Six is — less than nine. Four is - — less than nine. Two is — - less than nine. One is — - less than nine. Three is — less than nine. * Five is - — less than nine. Seven is — less than nine. 3 cubes 4 cubes 2 cubes 3 cubes • 4 cubes 2 cubes ? cubes 1 cube * ? cubes 9 cubes ? cubes 9 cubes G8 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. S OOO- 3clO One-third of 9 spheres is — spheres. 1 of 9 spheres = ? spheres. Two-thirds of 9 spheres are — spheres. of 9 spheres = ? spheres. One-third of nine cubes is — cubes. 1 of 9 cubes = ? cubes. Three-thirds of 9 cubes are — cubes. -| of 9 cubes = ? cubes. One-third of nine cylinders is - — cylinders. 1^ of 9 cylinders = ? cylinders. Two-thifds of 9 cylinders are — cylinders. ■| of 9 cylinders = ? cylinders. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 69 CAxLyTlycU/UV. One-ninth of 9 cylinders is — cylinder. i of 9 cylinders = — cylinder. Three-ninths of 9 cylinders are — cylinders, f of 9 cylinders = — cylinders. Six-ninths of 9 cylinders are — cylinders, f of 9 cylinders = — cylinders. Nine-ninths of 9 cylinders are — cylinders, f of 9 cylinders = — cylinders. Five-ninths of 9 cylinders are — cylinders, f of 9 cylinders = — cylinders. 1 is i of 9. 2 is I of 9. 1 is i of 9. ? is 4 of 9. 1 is i of 9. 4 is I of 9. 1 is i of 9. ? is 1 of 9. 1 is L of 9. 8 is I of 9. 1 is i of 9. ? is f of 9. 70 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 3do3QOQO0L 3 spheres x ? = 9 spheres. 1 cube X ? = 9 cubes. 3 x? = 9 1 x? = 9 ? X 3 = 9 ? X 9 = 9 ^ of 9 spheres 1 of 9 cubes = — spheres, cube. 9^3 = ? 9^9 = ? 9-r- 1 =? i of 9 = ? i of 9 = ? ^ of 9 = ? 9 spheres -;- 3 = ? spheres. 9 cubes 4- 1 = ? cubes. 9 spheres -^ ? = 1 sphere. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. _ _ 71 Helen had 6 pansies. She finds 3 pansies. Helen has — pansies ; because ; . Clara had 9 roses. She lost 4 roses. Clara has — roses ; because . John had 9 violets. He gave ^ of them to Helen. Helen has — violets ; because . Nell had 9 pinks. She gave f of them to John. John has — pinks ; because . May has 3 roses. John has 3 times as many roses. John has — roses ; because . One rose costs 1 cent. Nine roses cost — cents ; because . Euth has found 4 violets in the woods and 5 daisies in the field. Ruth has found — flowers; because . Clara has gathered 9 roses. One-third of them are red roses. Clara has gathered — red roses; because 72 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 9 + ? 7 +? 1+? 6 + ? 8 + ? 3 + ? 10 + ? 2 + ? 5 + ? 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 = Ten ten = X 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 =? 4 = ? 7 = ? 6 = ? 8 = ? 2 = ? 3 = ? 5 = ? 9 = ? 10 = ? 10-? 10-? 10-? 10-? 10-? 10-? 10-? 10-? 10-? 10-? 3 9 10 1 2 5 6 4 7 8 yuy^YYXy (X.OCO IaIaa^ omxt \^xyAAAy jaA/rvfc/^. ^hjy FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. ^3 9 squares + 1 square = ? squares. 4 triangles + ? triangles = 10 triangles. 5 cubes + ? cubes = 10 cubes. 7 spheres + ? spheres = 10 spheres. 8 cylinders + ? cylinders = 10 cylinders, 3 cubes + ? cubes = 10 cubes. 1 circle + ? circles = 10 circles. 2 squares + ? squares = 10 squares. 6 cubes + ? cubes = 10 cubes. ? violets + 6 violets = 10 violets. ? roses + 2 roses = 10 roses. ? pansies + 5 pansies = 10 pansies. ? daisies + 4 daisies = 10 daisies. ? leaves + 1 leaf = 10 leaves. ? roses + 3 roses = 10 roses. ? pansies + 7 pansies = 10 pansies. ? violets + 8 violets = 10 violets. 1 daisy + ? daisies = 10 daisies. 7 leaves ? leaves 10 leaves 4 pansies ? pansies 10 pansies 2 violets ? violets 10 violets 74 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 10 apples — 1 apple = ? apples. 10 cherries •— 5 cherries = ? cherries. 10 pears — 4 pears = ? pears. 10 oranges — 7 oranges = ? oranges. 10 lemons — 2 lemons = ? lemons. 10 peaches — 6 peaches = ? peaches. 10 grapes — 3 grapes = ? grapes. 10 nuts — 8 nuts = ? nuts. 10 cherries — ? cherries = 1 cherry. 10 tents — 1 tent = ? t6nts. 10 flags — ? flags = 2 flags. 10 drums — ? drums =5 drums. 10 kites — ? kites = 7 kites. 10 balls - ? balls = 1 ball. 10 tops — ? tops = 4 tops. 10 books — ? books = 8 books. 10 fans — ? fans = 3 fans. 10 drums — ? drums = 6 drums. 10 grapes 10 cherries 10 pears — 2 grapes — 4 cherries — 7 pears ? grapes ? cherries ? pears FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. ^ 75 There are — 5's in ten. OnAAAy OJVU 5'^ t/TV te/TV. There are — 4's and — more in ten. There are — 3's and — more in ten. There are — 2's in ten. There is one 6 and — more in ten. There is one 8 and — more in ten. There is one 9 and — more in ten. ^JoJUvo U)y oTUy ^ amxt — Tnx>Ayey lyTv teyyv. There are — I's in ten. ^3aAAAj oJvu — I '^ t/rv ti/rv. 76 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Ut/YV clo4XaAy^ a/\Ay rYU>\Ay VTUX/YV ^U/LKyTV cLoJXoA/^. oorv dxyVUxAA^ qJvu — 'yyxjoAAj Vrvcurv Tu/rUy ^t/rv d/oilxxAy^ oJvo — -yruyAAj Uva/rv a/v^ cLcmXciAA^. St/TV cLaXtaAy^ ou\Aj — TwoAyey fcri/a/yv tuxv clo4XaAAy. 3t/yv cLa^tXoAy^ oAyt/ — rrx^yAAj trux/TV o/rUy cUm!JxiA/. ut/TV cLoXLoA/^ oA/t/ — mx>V^ tnxi/yv po-uAy cLo-tXayLAy. 3eyTV cU)XLaAAy aA^ey TWOA^ tnyQyTV voJvuu U^yTV cLcmXcl/'Uv clAX/ — 'yyvoAAj Vruo/YV OixynX/ 3e/ny cLoXLcxAAy oJvu — TYvoAyt/ triyoyrv ^Mxr dyCKytoyVly FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 77 Ten is — more than nine. Ten is — more than six. Ten is — more than one. Ten is — more than five. Ten is — more than seven. Ten is — more than two. Ten is — more than four. Ten is — more than three. Ten is — more than eight. Ten is — more than naught. Nine is — less than ten. Seven is — less than ten. Four is — less than ten. Two is — less than ten. One is — less than ten. Three is — less than ten. Five is — less than ten. Six is — less than ten. Eight is — less than ten. Naught is — less than ten, 78 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Helen has ten flowers. Dorothy has live roses. Mary has one lily. Doris has three pansies. Ruth has seven violets. Agnes has nine daisies. Helen has — flowers more than Dorothy. Helen has — flowers more than Ruth. Helen has — flowers more than Doris. Helen has — flowers more than Mary. Helen has — flower more than Agnes. Agnes has — flower less than Helen. Dorothy has — flowers less than Helen. Ruth has — flowers less than Helen. Mary has — flowers less than Helen. Dorothy and Mary have — flowers. Doris and Ruth have — flowers. Dorothy and Doris have — flowers. Mary and Agnes have — flowers. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 79 ^3000 -gaoooL agao-QoaoQO One-half of 10 cubes is ? cubes. ^ of 10 cubes = ? cubes. Two-halves of 10 cubes are ? cubes, f of 10 cubes = ? cubes. One-fifth of 10 cubes is ? cubes. ^ of 10 cubes = ? cubes. Three-fifths of 10 cubes are ? cubes, f of 10 cubes = ? cubes. Two-fifths of 10 cubes are ? cubes, f of 10 cubes = ? cubes. ? is i of 10. ? is f of 10. ? is 1 of 10. ? is I of 10. ? is i of 10. ? is f of 10. 80 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. One-tenth of ten circles is — circle. ^ of 10 circles = — circle. Five-tenths of ten circles are — circles. ^-Q of 10 circles = — circles. Two-tenths of ten circles are — circles. ■^-Q of 10 circles = — circles. Four-tenths of ten circles are — circles. ^-Q of 10 circles = — circles. Six-tenths of ten circles are — circles. ^-Q of 10 circles = — circles. Ten-tenths of ten circles are — circles. ^ of 10 circles = — circles. Three-tenths of ten circles are — circles. ^-Q of 10 circles = — circles. Seven-tenths of 10 circles are — circles. yV ^f 10 circles = — circles. Eight-tenths of 10 circles are — circles. j-\ of 10 circles = — circles. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 81 5 cylinders x ? = 10 cylinders. 2 spheres x ? = 10 spheres. 5 X ? = 10 1 X ? = 10 ? X 5 = 10 ? X 10 = 10 ^ of 10 cylinders = ? cylinders, ^ of 10 spheres = ? spheres. 10 H - 2 = - ? 10- - 5 = = ? 10- rl0 = = 9 t of 10 = ? ? ? lof 10 ^otlO 10 cylinders -r- 2 = ? cylinders. 10 spheres -r- 5 = ? spheres. 10 spheres -r- 1 = ? spheres. 10 spheres -^ ? = 1 sphere. 82 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. John had $5 and earned $5. John has — ; because . Clara had $10 and spent $6. Clara has — ; because . Helen had $ 10. She spent ^ of her money. Helen spent — ; because . Nell has $2 and May has 5 times as much money. May has — ; because . Ned had $10. He spent ^ of his money. Ned spent — ; because . Tom had $10. He spent f of his money. Tom spent — ; because . Mary bought 5 books this morning. She paid $2 for each book. Mary paid — for her books ; because Harry paid $10 for a tent. He sold the tent for 8. Harry lost — ; because . FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 83 REVIEW. 2 and 1, 4, 2, 6, 5. 8 less 1, 6, Z^S, 4. 5 and 2, 5, 4, 0, 1. 10 less 5, 1, 4, 7, 6. 1 and 9, 6, 8, 7, 4. 9 less 3, 9, 7, 2, 4. 4 and 2, 5, 6, 3, 1. 6 less 5, 0, 3, 1, 4. 3 and 7, 5, 2, 0, 3. 7 less 7, 2, 5, 4, 3. ^ of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. i of 4, 8, 1. 1 of 9, 3, 6, 1. 1 of 1, 10, 5. 2 leaves x 2, 3, 5. 10 leaves ~ 2, 5, 1. 3 daisies x 2, 1, 3. 8 oranges -h 1, 4, 2. One pansy lias — petals. Two pansies have — petals. One pansy lias — stem.. Fonr pansies have — stems. One triangle has — corners. Two triangles have — corners. Three triangles have — corners. One square has — edges. Two squares have — edges. One square has — corners. Two squares have — corners. 84 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 1 = One one = I ClmAy OTUy 2 = Two two = II cJULMD- tux> 3 = Three three = III ^kAAAy tr^AAAy 4 = Four four =IV cJO-U/U [OAAAy 5 = Five five = V 3"irLKy 6 = Six six = VI S^UX/ cUXX> 7 = Seven seven = VII s^o-xHyvv cUyOK/W 8 = Eight eight = VIII £ixpvt uxxlvt 9 = Nine nine = IX TliXrUy TUyTVey 10 = Ten ten = X 3t/TV teyTV FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 85 I 23 4 5 lo q 8 ^_I0 II 12 13 14 l5llo I-] IS |C| 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 2"| 28 2^] 30 31 32 33 34 35 3lo 3"] 38 3^ 40 41 42 43 44 45 4lo 4^ 48 4C| 50 51 52 53 54 55 51 5^ 58 5^] loO lol lo2 lo3 U U lolo k"! lo8 lot] qO qi "]2 q3 ^4 ^5 ^b ']"] ^8 qc| SO SI 82 S3 84 85 Slo S"] 88 S^ (]0 t]l c|2 c|3 c|4 c|5 c|lo cj^^ c|s c|C| | OO 86 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. co-urriytvuy. cjruy ^JUxyL oX QyTLcL iyt iAy {/YXXyrLl/^ tyOTlXX^. CL/WcL . \3oJU \aAj ^UJu^^ to TVUy, *' 13^ tWoylKy." ^^nAy wJuJjO ^UlyO^, "Bey jo^UA^." 3rUy uXuyty ^VOyOly^, "13ey t/lylyUy." OrueyVy QyVy VycL ^iXVlyja^y^ O/riycL 1/rv otAAy yioucv, \jJilL oixvuy teXt -yy^cyey uj-h/u^ \J\j\AAj QyTYUA/lXXlyTUiy U>a^ey CKA/^/ ■ Note. — The pupil should study a flag in, his own hands. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 87 10 + ? = 1 4 + ? = l 2 + ? = l 7 + ? = l 9 + ? = l 6 + ? = l 1 + ? = 1 8 + ? = l 11 = Eleven eleven = XI 1 ?+ 2 = : 11 1 ?+ 1 = : 11 1 ? + 3 = 1 ?+ 4 = : 11 1 ? + 10 = : 11 1 ?+ 5 = 1 ?+ 9 = 1 ?+ 6 = 1 ? + 8 = 1 ?+ 7 = 11 1 = ? 11- 7 = ? 11- 2 = ? 11- 8 = ? 11- 3 = ? 11- 9 = ? 11- 4 = ? 11- 5 = ? 11-10 = ? 11- 6 = ? ?= 1 ?= 7 ?= 2 ?= 8 ?= 3 ?= 9 ?= 4 ?= 5 ?= 6 ? = 10 88 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 11^1 = ? 1 X ? = 11 11 -^ 11 =? 11 X ? = 11 J^ of 11 = ? 11 ^ ? = 1 ^ofll=? 11^? = 11 (5x2) + ? = 11 Two 5's + ? = ll (3 X 3) + ? = 11 Two 3's + ? = 11 (4 X 2) + ? = 11 Two 4's + ? = 11 (2 X 5) + ? = 11 Three 3's + ? = 11 There are — 5's and ? more in 11. There are — 3's and ? more in 11. There are — 4's and ? more in 11. TUXt XyU/ruL tAAy^HyTV ^VKuXl/^ i/YV thjO ^Kl/rVcL. 3"CVUAy oX VnA/YYV [AMy\Ay ^QA/nAV. OyVL^ cMxAA^ \AMy\Ay [A>hJJjy. — cJnAJUUl^ \AMAAy Qxm/ny rucuL tLtnMyrv ^qaImma^ [/yv ruAy truo vcdxAy. M^y nxv^ — |ayeyiM>Uy^ i/Yv hJu^ ^px>CVLAX^Ja/t t{AMA/VA/YUAAy. Sit rvou^ — iAjcuu^. J)t KxiA^ pexvt OOXMOy LouCAy VVCUby CXyA/YVO\Ay. LyoucJru youCAy nxxAy — vdxiAAy. OrUy yCUUy^ Chjy tnAy QyUAPty OJVO . ^3aAy uLc^iAy CHp trUO CAAAHy OJVO • ^iojOJOy tdxUy [Ay LOnOX^. CL ^lA/UyTVCXy t/yi^cio/t^ toTlXl^ W-lUy \JUXQJf\y CLAXMAy^rVcL tjOAJ^ Qy\AAyAj. CL QAAAyAj UMA/t TU>t IaMAj Qy IMlXt. Note. — The pupil should examine a cube in his own hands and make his own discoveries. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 93 13 = Thirteen thirteen = XIII 12 + ? = 13 V+ 1 = 13 13-10 = ? 13-?= 2 10 + ? = 13 ?+ 9 = 13 13- 1 = ? 13-?= 8 11+? = 13 ?+ 2 = 13 13- 7 = ? 13-?= 3 6 + ? = 13 ? + 10 = 13 13- 2 = ? 13-?= 9 8 + ? = 13 ?+ 3 = 13 13- 8 = ? 13-?= 4 1+? = 13 ? + ll = 13 13- 9 = ? 13-? = 10 3 + ? = 13 ?+ 4 = 13 13- 3 = ? 13-?= 5 5 + ? = 13 ? + 12 = 13 13-12 = ? 13-? = 11 2 + ? = 13 ?+ 5 = 13 13- 4 = ? 13-?= 6 4 + ? = 13 ?+ 6 = 13 13-11=? 13-? = 12 7 + ? = 13 ?+ 7 = 13 13-5 = ? 13-?= 7 9 + ? = 13 ?+ 8 = 13 13- 6 = ? 13-?= 1 G/'ixu^L ou/t vhAAytuuro caAxiajJx^ Axyrvx \aAj ay-riycL OX^tuMA^ jaXt/ja-tAA'. jSt-OHyTV CAAy- OAJjly OjXJO 'VlAj. CVVOWycV OJ\IU IX^iXo-IXP. 94 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Thirteen is — more than ten. Thirteen is — more than twelve. Thirteen is — more than nine. Thirteen is — more than one. Thirteen is — more than five. Thirteen is — more than eleven. Two is — less than thirteen. Six is — less than thirteen. Eight is — less than thirteen. Four is — less than thirteen. Three is — less than thirteen. Seven is — less than thirteen. 13 -f- 1 = ? 1 X ? = 13 ^V of 13 = ? ? is 3-V of 13 13-^13 = ? 13 X ? = 13 ^V of 13 = ? ? is ^i of 13 Two 6's + ? = 13. (5x2) + ? = 13. Two 5's + ? = 13. (4x3) + ? = 13. Three 4's + ? = 13. (2x2) + ? = 13. Three 3's + ? = 13. (3x4) + ? = 13. Four 2's + ? = 13. (3x3) + ? = 13. Four 3's + ? = 13, (6x2) + ? = 13. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 95 14 = Fourteen fourteen = XIV 13h-? = U ?+ = 14 14- . 2 = ? 14-? = 10 10 + ? = 14 ?+ 8 = 14 14- ■ 10 = ? 14-?= 8 1+? = 14 ?+ 1 = 14 14- 3 = ? 14-?= 1 12 + ? = 14 ?+ 9 = 14 14- 11=? 14-?= 9 2 + ? = 14 ?+ 2 = 14 14- • 4 = ? 14-?= 2 14H-? = 14 ? + 10 = 14 14- • 12 = ? 14-? = 14 3 + ? = 14 ?+ 3 = 14 14- 5 = ? 14-?= 3 11 + ? = 14 ? + ll = 14 14- 13 = ? 14-? = 13 4 + ? = 14 ?+ 4 = 14 14- 6 = ? 14-?= 4 8 + ? = 14 ? + 12 = 14 14- ■ 14 = ? 14-? = 12 5 + ? = 14 ?+ 5 = 14 14- 7 = ? 14-?= 5 6 + ? = 14 ? + 13 = 14 14- 8 = ? 14-? = 11 7 + ? = 14 ?+ 6 = 14 14- 1=? 14-?= 6 9 + ? = 14 ?+ 7 = 14 14- 9 = ? 14-?= 7 ooAAAytiAyrv iAy tvTV o/ri/cl — . 96 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 14 is ? more than 10. 13 is ? less than 14. 14 is ? more than 7. 2 is ? less than 14. 14 is ? more than 12. 9 is ? less than 14. 14 is ? more than 8. 11 is ? less than 14. 14 is ? more than 3. 4 is ? less than 14. Two 6's + ? = 14. (5x2) + ? = 14. Two 5's + ? = 14. (9x1) + ? = 14. Three 4\s + ? = 14. (3x3) + ? = 14. Two 7's + ? = 14. (4x2) + ? = 14. Five 2's + ? = 14. (2x7) + ? = 14. One-half of fourteen is — . i of 14 = ? One-seventh of fourteen is — . ^ of 14 = ? One-fourteenth of fourteen is — . A^ of 14 = ? 14 ? is 1 of 14. — is two-sevenths of fourteen. ? is ji^ of 14. — is two-fourteenths of fourteen, ? is i of 14. — is two-halves of fourteen. Four and — 5's are fourteen. Two and — 4's are fourteen. Five and — 3's are fourteen. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 97 15 = Fifteen fifteen = XV 14 + ?=15 ? + 15 = 15 15-10 = ? 15-?= 7 + ?=15 ? + 14 = 15 15- 6 = ? 15-?= 9 1 + ?=15 ?+ = 15 15-14 = ? 15-?= 1 8 + ?=15 ?+ 1 = 15 15- 5 = ? 15-?=10 2 + ? = 15 ? + 13 = 15 15- 7=? 15-?= 3 9 + ? = 15 ?+ 2 = 15 15- 4 = ? 15-? = 11 3 + ? = 15 ? + 12 = 15 15- 8 = ? 15-?= 4 10 + ? = 15 ?+ 3 = 15 15- 3 = ? 15-? = 12 4 + ? = 15 ? + ll = 15 15- 9 = ? 15-?= 5 11+? = 15 ?+ 4 = 15 15- 2 = ? 15-? = 13 5 + ? = 16 ? + 10 = 15 15-11=? 15-?= 6 12 + ? = 15 ?+ 5 = 15 15- 1=? 15-? = 14 6 + ? = 15 ?+ 9 = 15 15-12 = ? 15-?= 7 + ? = 15 ?+ 6 = 15 15- = ? 15-? = 15 15 + ? = 15 ?+ 8 = 15 15-13 = ? 15-?= 8 13 + ? = 15 ?+ 7 = 15 15-15 = ? 15-?= 2 Fifteen is fourteen and — . Fifteen is ten and — . Fifteen is thirteen and — . 98 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Fifteen fish are — more than ten fii^h. Fifteen birds are — more than nine birds. Fifteen lambs are — more than six lambs. Fifteen rabbits are — more than two rabbits. Fifteen butterflies are — more than one butterfly. Twelve buds are — less than fifteen buds. Three leaves are — less than fifteen leaves. Four seeds are — less than fifteen seeds. Five stems are — less than fifteen stems. Seven twigs are — less than fifteen twigs. i-of 15 = ? iofl5 = ? J^ofl5 = ? 15 H- 3 = ? fof 15 = ? f of 15 = ? 3-V of 15 = ? 15^ 5 = ? 1 of 15 = ? f of 15 = ? TVofl5 = v 15^15 = ? 3 grapes x ? = 15 grapes. 5 peaches x ? = 15 peaches. 1 pear x ? = 15 pears. 15 cherries x ? = 15 cherries. Harry has cut fifteen colored circles. One-third of them are red. Harry has — red circles. Fred has cut fifteen colored squares. One-fifth of them are violet. Fred has — violet squares. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 99 REVIEW. Fifteen is — more than one, ten, six, two, nine. - - Five is — less than ten, eight, twelve, six, eleven. i of 10 leaves, 6 dollars, 14 books, 12 cubes, 8 seeds. 1^ of 12 triangles, 9 cylinders, 6 squares, 15 spheres. 2 birds, 4 nests, 3 eggs, 5 fish, 1 lamb x 3. 7 grapes, 5 oranges, 6 pears, 4 cherries, 3 lemons x 2. 4 pansies, 12 daisies, 8 roses, 10 violets, 6 lilies -7- 2. 15 buds, 9 leaves, 12 stems, 6 seeds, 3 flowers -r- 3. One-half of four and one-half of six is — . One-third of nine and one-third of three is — . One-half of twelve and one-third of twelve is — . One-third of six and one-fourth of eight is — . One-third of fifteen and one-half of ten is — . (1 of 10) + (i of 12) = ? (1 of 14) - (1 of 12) = ? (iofl5) + (iof 9) = ? (1 of 15) -(1 of 9) = ? (lof 8) + (1 of 12) = ? (1 of 12) -(1 of 8) = ? (I of 10) + (i of 15) = ? (1 of 12) - (1 of 4) = ? 100 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. CVrxAy i/YV tyt. Si CXl/YV CXMA/wt ^QAAXUy^ O-y iTbOTV l/W ojyxAj — TvcuX^ tyw iyt. TTLoa/ cUy^Kt/ ^vtamxi/^ cvrv — ux^. — CXy Vy TYlXIycUy oX . ^rUy \JChilL LOAy TYlAJy t/Tlity l/cl/ "YYXXlAjO Oy . SrUy xaAj oakA/ iyt lA^ TrvcucUy O-y — . TyWy 6jjJ{v lA/ — yeyeyt nAx^^. St L^ — t/yvcilyt^ tcvnyOy. Jit ly^V IXKVclveA/ UMxi^ey. Jl \amaL \ujJ\^ rvhOA^ (IaMav — cL/yvcL — . FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. ^/ - ^^ ^ ' ^IQl 16 = Sixteen sixteen = XVI ■' 15 + ? = 16 ?+ 9 = 16 16- 1 = ? 16-?= 1 10 + ? = 16 ?+ 1 = 16 16-15 = ? 16-?= 7 12 + ? = 16 ? + 10=16 16- 2 = ? 16-?= 2 11 + ? = 16 ?+ 2 = 16 16-14 = ? 16-?= 8 14 + ? = 16 ? + ll = 16 16- 3 = ? 16-?= 3 1+? = 16 ?+ 3 = 16 16-13 = ? 16-?= 9 4 + ? = 16 ? + 12 = 16 16- 4 = ? 16-?= 4 7 + ? = 16 ?+ 4 = 16 16-12 = ? 16-?= 5 9 + ? = 16 ? + 13 = 16 16- 5 = ? 16-? = 10 2 + ? = 16 ?+ 5 = 16 16-11=? 16-?= 6 3 + ? = 16 ? + 14 = 16 16- 6 = ? 16-? = 11 5 + ? = 16 ?+ 6 = 16 16-10 = ? 16-? = 14 6 + ? = 16 ? + 15 = 16 16- 7 = ? 16-? = 12 8 + ? = 16 ?+ 7 = 16 16- 9 = ? 16-? = 15 13 + ? = 16 ?+ 8 = 16 16- 8 = ? 16-? = 13 Eight and eight are — . One-half of sixteen is — . Four 4's are — -. One-fourth of sixteen is — . 102" , ' "■"„ FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 16 daisies -h 2 — ? daisies. ^ of 16 daisies = ? daisies. 16 pansies ^ 4 = ? pansies. ^ of 16 pansies = ? pansies. 16 roses -;- 8 = ? roses. ^ of 16 roses = ? roses. ^ of 16 = ? f of 16 = ? i of 16 = ? f of 16 = ? i-of 16 = ? 9 f of 16 rVofl6 = ? Aofl6 = v 2 trees x ? = 16 trees. 4 plants X ? = 16 plants. 8 vines x ? = 16 vines. 1 bush X ? = 16 bushes. — 2's are sixteen. — 4's are sixteen. — 8's are sixteen. — I's are sixteen. 2x? = 16 lx? = 16 16^2 = ? 16^ 8 = ? 4x? = 16 8x? = 16 16^4 = ? 16 -=-16 = ? Two 7's and ? are 16. 16 is 1 and 5's. Three 5's and ? are 16. 16 is 6 and 10. Four 4's and ? are 16. 16 is 2 and 7's. Five 3's and ? are 16. 16 is 4 and 6's. Two 6's and ? are 16. 16 is 6 and 2's. 16-(5x3) = ? 16-(7x2) = ? 16-(6x2) = ? 16-(4x4) = ? 16-(3x3) = ? 16-(8x2) = ? FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 103 15 is ? less than 16. 16 8 is ? less than 16. 16 10 is ? less than 16. 16 2 is ? less than 16. 16 13 is ? less than 16. 16 1 is ? less than 16. 16 11 is ? less than 16. 16 4 is ? less than 16. 16 s ? more than 10. s ? more than 12. s ? more than 0. " s ? more than 7. s ? more than 5. s ? more than 6. s ? more than 14. s ? more than 3. Ethel cut sixteen triangles from paper. One-half of them are blue. Ethel has — blue triangles. Hazel cut sixteen circles from paper. One-fourth of them are yellow. Hazel has — yellow circles. Alice cut sixteen squares from paper. One-eighth of them are black. Alice has — black squares. Helen has painted sixteen flow^ers. Three-fourths of them are roses. Helen has painted — roses. Clara has painted sixteen leaves. One-fourth of them are yellow. Clara has painted — yellow leaves. 104 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. tO-oftA/ uiuy Qy ^CU2^. 3k^^ XIX3^ op Qy f txLcyo^. Sit rucvhy — ^J\pJaAy\Aj \AMAL TVGvt U/fu/ CXy CMX/fHy. Tyi/O^ lAy UyfUy Qy ^JcJoAJUy. Ou Uiy UyfUy Oy ^ja/loyeAyey. OYVO tyQyVtny ly^ tlyfuy Qy . VJV UMyiX TnXX/ftyey Ou ^iJoivtAly oZ . Jit TTUAy^t iRy CWVcly . Note. — The pupil must study a sphere in his own hands. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBP^R. 105 17 = Seventeen seventeen = XVII 16 + ? = 17 ■ ^+ 1 = 17 17- • 4 = ? 17-' '= 14 + ? = 17 >+ 3 = 17 17- • 6 = ? 17-' '= 6 10 + ? = 17 ' ^+ = 17 17- • 3 = ? 17-; '= 1 15 + ? = 17 : '+ 2 = 17 17- • 7 = ? 17-: '= 7 ii + ? = i7 : '+ 4=17 17- 2 = ? 17-' '= 2 i + ? = i7 : '+ 8 = 17 17- = ? 17-: '= 8 6 + ? = 17 ' '+ 6 = 17 17- 1=? 17-: '= 3 2 + ? = 17 ' ' + 10=17 17- 8 = ? 17-' >= 9 7 + ? = 17 ' + 11 = 17 17- • 5 = ? 17-' '= 4 3 + ? = 17 ' '+ 7 = 17 17- ■ 9 = ? 17-' ' = 10 8 + ? = 17 ?+ 9 = 17 17- ■17 = ? 17-' '= 5 4 + ? = 17 ? + 12 = 17 17- -10 = ? 17-' ' = 11 9 + ? = 17 ' ^ + 16 = 17 17- 14 = ? 17-' ' = 15 5 + ? = 17 • ^ + 18 = 17 17- ■11=? 17-' ' = 12 12 + ? = 17 ? + 17 = 17 17- ■ 15 = ? 17-' ' = 16 17 + ? = 17 ^ + 14 = 17 17- 12 = ? 17-' ' = 13 13 + ? = 17 ?+ = 17 17- -16 = ? 17- ? = 17 + ? = 17 !' + 15 = 17 17- -13 = ? 17-' ' = 14 106 FIRST DAYS W NUMBER. 17 flowers are — more than 10 flowers. 17 leaves are — more than 4 leaves. 17 buds are — more than 15 buds. 17 blossoms are — more than 12 blossoms. - 17 plants are — more than 9 plants. 1 is ? less than 17. 5 is ? less than 17. 9 is ? less than 17. 10 is ? less than 17. 2 is ? less than 17. 6 is ? less than 17. 11 is ? less than 17. 12 is ? less than 17. 3 is ? less than 17. 7 is ? less than 17. 13 is ? less than 17. 14 is ? less than 17. 4 is ? less than 17. 8 is ? less than 17. Two 8's and ? are 17. 17 is two 5's and ? Two 7's and ? are 17. 17 is two 6's and ? Three 5's and ? are 17. 17 is two 8's and ? Four 4's and ? are 17. 17 is two 7's and ? 17 -(4x4) = ? (2x7) + ? = 17 17 -(^ of 10) = ? 17 -(2x5) = ? (8x2) + ? = 17 17 -(^ of 16) = ? 17 -(2x8) = ? (3x4) + ? = 17 17 -(i of 14) = ? 17 -(5x3) = ? (5x2) + ? = 17 17 -(i of 12) = ? FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 107 18 = Eighteen eighteen = XVIII /TV + ? = 18 ?+ 1 = 18 18- ■'6 = ? 18-?= 5 + ? = 18 ?+ 6 = 18 18- - 1=? 18-?= 6 l + v = i8 ?+ = 18 18- - 7 = ? 18-?= 1 6 + ? = 18 ?+ 2 = 18 18- - 2 = ? 18-?= 7 8 + ? = 18 ?+ 7 = 18 18- ■ 8 = ? 18-?= 2 2 + ? = 18 ?+ 3 = 18 18- - = ? 18-?= 8 7 + ? = 18 ?+ 8 = 18 18- - 3 = ? 18-?= 3 9 + ? = 18 ? + 10 = 18 18- ■ 5 = ? 18-?= 9 3 + ? = 18 ?+ 4 = 18' 18- - 9 = ? 18-?= 4 10 + ? = 18 ?+ 9 = 18 18- ■ 4 = ? 18-? = 10 4 + ? = 18 ?+ 5 = 18 18- -18 = ? 18-?= 5 11 + ? = 18 ? + ll = 18 18- - 14 = ? 18-? = 11 15 + ? = 18 ? + 15 = 18 18- - 10 = ? 18-? = 12 12 + ? = 18 ? + 12 = 18 18- - 15 = ? 18-? = 16 16 + ? = 18 ? + 16 = 18 18- -11=? 18-? = 13 13 + ? = 18 ? + 13 = 18 18- -16 = ? 18-? = 17 17 + ? = 18 ? + 18 = 18 18- - 12 = ? 18-? = 14 14 + ? = 18 ? + 14 = 18. 18- -17 = ? 18-? = 18 18 + ? = 18 ? + 17 = 18 18- ■13 = ? 18-? = 15 108 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Eighteen shells are — more than ten shells. Eighteen pebbles are — more than six pebbles. Eighteen stones are — more than one stone. Eighteen ships are — more than four ships. 18 is ? more than 10. 18 is ? more than 9. 18 is ? more than 12. 18 is ? more than 17. 18 is ? more than 5. 18 is ? more than 2. 18 is ? more than 8. 18 is ? more than 13. 1 is ? less than 18. 7 is ? less than 18. 5 is ? less than 18. 4 is ? less than 18. 6 is ? less than 18. 3 is ? less than 18. 11 is ? less than 18. 14 is ? less than 18. 9's are 18. — is one-half of eighteen. 6's are 18. — is one-third of eighteen, 2's are 18. — is one-ninth of eighteen. 3's are 18. — is one-sixth of eighteen. I's are 18. — is one-eighteenth of eighteen. 18-T-2 = ? 9 X ? = 18 iof 18 = ? 18^3 = ? 6 X ? = 18 iof 18 = ? 184-6 = ? 3 X ? = 18 ^ of 18 = ? 18-^9 = ? 2 X ? = 18 lof 16.^? FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 109 I- of 18 = ? iofl8 = ? iofl8 = ? iofl8 = ? fofl8 = ? fofl8 = ? |-ofl8 = ? fofl8 = ? 18 -(4x4) = ? (8x2) + ? = 18. 18 -(i of 18) = ? 18^(3x5) = ? (6x3) + ? = 18. 18 -(i of 18) = ? 18 -(2x7) = ? (4x3) + ? = 18. 18 -(^ of 18) = ? Mxv\A/\A^ rucxAy dA^OyUj-'TV iAxynXvuYv VVCUXXAy. op otayuy. QyvxAy-VnAAxL oy Vruurru oJvo OAjJoyh^. IKxXt^. O^aAj nXX^ IKlXUiy. truly u>cm>cLa/. O/rUy-TUyno/tny oX truyyyv a/Uy OH 110 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. OYXAy^ QyXyUyTlAAAy 'iAy mxixbo O-y . Sit V\XXAy jybcL/t yaXUUby. J(t nXXAiy C/UyV\KycL VOuQAj. tyOuQJrV VUvty LcUMy t/^ Qy jo/ey'ly ytyC/t . Qy OOAXiyyiycUy^/ (OXX/^ CAAAy^V-uL ixLcUy^. OOX^iv OUA/OKxiy lAx^O t^ Qy ^^pAAypUcA) . Qy Cyi^Xl'TlycU/ly UMAA/ [AAVO Ou '^S^JoJUVO. Qy CyUyUyTXcUyV UMytX tiyfUy Qy OUAHy. iyojo'b^ — \j^ IamAj cxy Q^xua/YxAAAj. TyVuy — ly^ UyKUy Qy CmyUyTlycU/ly. Sytyt Uy^ TTUOyktyey CXy CAAyUyTui/y'ly C>|/ . ^\^V \xy\AAj rrujAVO 'OO — t/rvcrU/^ ho-^rxxv. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Ill 19 = Nineteen nineteen = XIX 18 + ? = 19 ?+ 1 = 19 19- ■ 10 = ? 19-?= 1 10 + ? = 19 ?+ 8 = 19 19- • 1 = ? 19-? = 18 4 + ? = 19 ?+ 2 = 19 19- • 8 = ? 19-? = 10 12 + ? = 19 ?+' 9 = 19 19- ■ 12 = ? 19-?= 4 i3 + ? = 19 ?+ 3 = 19 19- ■ 13 = ? 19-? = 12 6 + ? = 19 ? + 10 = 19 19- ■ 2 = ? 19-? = 13 1+? = 19 ?+ 4 = 19 19- • 6 = ? 19-?= 6 3 + ? = 19 ? + ll = 19 19- ■ 17 = ? 19-? = 15 17 + ? = 19 ?+ 5 = 19 19- ■ 18 = ? 19-?= 3 5 + ? = 19 ? + 12 = 19 19- ■ 14 = ? 19-? = 17 2 + ? = 19 ?+ 6 = 19 19- • 3 = ? 19-?= 5 7-+? = 19 ? + 13 = 19 19- ■ 15 = ? 19-?= 2 8 + ? = 19 ?+ 7 = 19 19- • 19 = ? 19-?= 7 11+? = 19 ? + 14=19 19- ■ 4 = ? 19-?= 8 9 + ? = 19 ? + 15 = 19 19v ■ 5 = ? 19-? = 11 14 + ? = 19 ? + 18 = 19 19- ■ 7 = ? 19-?= 9 16 + ? = 19 ? + 16 = 19 19- ■ 9 = ? 19-? = 14 15 + ? = 19 ? + 19 = 19 19- 11 = ? 19-? = 16 19 + ? = 19 ?+ = 19 19- ■16 = ? 19-?= + ? = 19 ? + 17 = 19 19- ■ = ? 19-? = 19 112 19^ 1=? 19-f-19 = ? FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. J-, of 19 = ? lx? = 19 19 X ? = 19 A of 19 = ? ? is iV of 19. ? is if of 19. 19 circles are — more than 10 circles. 19 squares are — more than 1 square. 19 triangles are — more than 15 triangles, 12 spheres are — less than 19 spheres. 13 cylinders are — less than 19 cylinders. 17 cubes are — less than 19 cubes. 19 is ? more than 10. 19 is ? more than 18. 19 is ? more than 5. 19 is ? more than 13. 19 is ? more than 1. 14 11 15 9 7 s ? less than 19. s ? less than 19. s ? less than 19. s ? less than 19. s ? less than 19. Nineteen is — more than two. Nineteen is* — more than six. Nineteen is — more than eight. Eleven is — less than nineteen. Sixteen is — less than nineteen. Thirteen is — less than nineteen. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 113 Two 9's + ? are nineteen. (6x3) + ? = 19. Four 4's + ? are nineteen. (7x2) + ? = 19. Three 5's + ? are nineteen. (3x3) + r= 19. Two 8's + ? are nineteen. (5x2) + ? = 19. Two 7's + ? are nineteen. (4x4) + ? = 19. In nineteen there are — 9's and ? more. In nineteen there are — 5's and ? more. In nineteen there are — 6's and ? more. In nineteen there are — 7's and ? more. In nineteen there are — 8's and ? more. In nineteen there are — 4's and ? more. Mr. Smith spent nineteen dollars for a coat and hat. The coat cost fifteen dollars. Mr. Smith paid — dollars for the hat. Nineteen children are playing in the woods. Ten of them are boys. — girls are in the woods. Harry is eighteen years old. Fred is one year older. Fred is — years old. 114 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. flat face curved face straight edge curved edge One cube has — corners. Two cubes have — corners. One cube has — straight edges. Two cubes have — straight edges. One cube has — flat faces. Two cubes have — flat faces. One cylinder has — curved edges. Two cylinders have — curved edges. One cylinder has — flat faces. Three cylinders have — flat faces. One cylinder has — curved face. Two cylinders have — curved faces. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 115 20 = Twenty twenty = XX 19 + ? = 20 ? + 19 = 20 20- -19 = ? 20-?= 1 10 + ? = 20 ? + 10 = 20 20- ■ 10 = ? 20-?= 6 6 + ? = 20 ?+ 1 = 20 20- - 1=? 20-?= 2 4 + ? = 20 ?+ 5 = 20 20- - 5 = ? 20-?= 7 l+? = 20 ? + 18 = 20 20- ■ 18 = ? 20-?= 3 3 + ? = 20 ?+ 9 = 20 20- ■ 9 = ? 20-?= 8 18 + ? = 20 ?+ 2 = 20 20- ■ 2 = ? 20-?= 4 2 + ? = 20 ?+ 6 = 20 20- ■ 6 = ? 20-?= 9 5 + ? = 20 ? + 17 = 20 20- ■17 = ? 20-?= 5 7 + ? = 20 ?+ 8 = 20 20- ■ 8 = ? 20-? = 10 9 + ? = 20 ?+ 3 = 20 20- ■ 3 = ? 20-? = 12 8 + ? = 20 ?+ 7 = 20 20- - 7 = ? 20-? = 14 11+? = 20 ?+ 4 = 20 20- ■ 4 = ? 20-? = 16 17 + ? = 20 ? + 11 = 20 20- ■ 11 = ? 20-? = 18 14 + ? = 20 ? + 13 = 20 20- ■ 13 = ? 20-? = 20 16 + ? = 20 ? + 12 = 20 20- -12 = ? 20-? = 19 12 + ? = 20 ? + 14 = 20 20- ■ 14 = ? 20-? = 17 13 + ? = 20 ? + 16 = 20 20- ■ 16 = ? 20-? = 15 15 + ? = 20 ? + 15 = 20 20- - 15 = ? 20-? = 13 20 + ? = 20 ? + 20 = 20 20- ■20 = ? 20-? = ll 116 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. One-half of twenty nuts is — nuts. One-fourth of twenty twigs is — twigs. One-fifth of twenty seeds is — seeds. One-tenth of twenty leaves is — leaves. i of 20 = ? X 4 of 20 = ? 1 of 20 = ? 3-V of 20 = ? f of 20 = ? f of 20 = ? 1 of 20 = ? ^% of 20 = ? 20- r 2 = ? 10 X ? = 20 — lO's are twenty. 20- r 4 = ? 4 X ? = 20 — 4's are twenty. 20- r 5 = ? 5 X ? = 20 — 2's are twenty. 20- r 10 = ? 2 X ? = 20 — 5's are twenty. Two 9's + ? =20. Four 4's -f ? = 20. Three 6's -f ? = 20. Six 3's + ? = 20. Two 7's + ? =20. Nine 2's + ? = 20. Rollin planted twenty seeds in his garden. One- half of them are beans. Rollin planted — beans. Hugh planted twenty trees in the yard. One-fifth of them are maple trees. Hugh planted — maple trees. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 117 Twenty fans are — more than one fan. Twenty flags are — more than five flags. Twenty tops are — more than two tops. Twenty tents are — more than six tents. Twenty drums are — more than three drums. Twenty leaves are — more than seven leaves. Twenty pansies are — more than four pansies. Twenty roses are — more than eight roses. Twenty daisies are — more than thirteen daisies. Twenty violets are — more than nine violets. Twenty apples are — more than fourteen apples. Twenty peaches are — more than ten peaches. Twenty pears are — more than fifteen pears. Twenty oranges are — more than eleven oranges. Twenty lemons are — more than sixteen lemons. Twenty grapes are — more than twelve grapes. Twenty cherries are — more than seventeen cherries. Twenty flowers are — more than nineteen flow^ers. Twenty trees are — more than eighteen trees. 118 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. REVIEW. Twenty is — more than ten, one, six, two, five. Ten is — less than fifteen, eleven, twenty, sixteen. There are — 4^s in eight, twenty, sixteen, twelve, four. There are — 3's in nine, twelve, six, three, fifteen. 1 of 10, 20, 8, 16, 14. 1 of 16, 8, 12, 20, 4. 1 of 9, 6, 15, 3, 12. 1 of 20, 5, 10, 15, 1. Helen saw ten cherries on the tree this morning. She watched a robin eat one-half of them. The robin ate — cherries. Rollin found fourteen violets in the woods and four daisies in the field. Rollin found — flowers. There were twenty chestnuts on the tree last night. This morning one-fourth of them have fallen to the ground. There are — nuts on the ground. There are six apple trees in the orchard. Hugh gathered two baskets of apples from each tree. Hugh gathered — baskets of apples. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 119 MAAXiyru nxv^ tiAM/rJyiAy cLc^tXaA/^. . Rx)Xt4yyv rvcv^ tA/rv cLo-tXoA'^. S'^iycvnit/ riyQy^ ruyrvotiA/Yv cloXtaA/^. jSvdrrUyXiy nXXy^ ^lAyQCytjJ^rV cLoXLoA^^. RUxxAAy. €l/YW dx>tXaAy \Jly O/UXlAytey^^. Q/TU/ dotXa/ly lAv cLi/TYUy^. QyyUy cLoA/toAy ty^ CA/Y\AAy. QyVht/ mX/ty-cU)XtxiAy ty^ CMyTl/fc^. Qy'Vlyey nxoiyy-cLoXtaA/ LA^ dA/YYUJl'- CWUy nXXyty-clx>X4ya/ly Uiy CLAJXXAAAAAy. Clyyvu oAxxyAXAJv \J^ — oe/rvt^. 124 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 1 dollar + 1 cent = — cents. 1 dollar + 1 dime = — cents. 1 dollar + 1 quarter = — cents. 1 dollar + 1 half-dollar = — cents. 1 dollar + 1 nickel = — cents. 1 half-dollar + 1 dime = — cents. 1 half-dollar + 1 quarter = — cents. 1 half-dollar -f- 1 nickel = — cents. 1 half-dollar + 1 cent = — cents, 1 half-dollar + 1 dollar = — cents. 1 quarter + 1 cent = — cents. 1 quarter + 1 dime = — cents. 1 quarter -f 1 half-dollar = — cents. 1 quarter + 1 nickel = — cents. 1 quarter + 1 dollar = — cents. 1 dime + 1 cent = — cents. 1 dime + 1 nickel = — cents. 1 dime + 1 quarter = — cents. 1 dime -f 1 dollar = — cents. 1 dime -\- 1 half-dollar = — cents. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 125 1 half-dollar is — cents less than 1 dollar. 1 quarter is — cents less than 1 dollar. 1 dime is — cents less than 1 dollar. ~^~ 1 cent is — cents less than 1 dollar. 1 quarter is — cents less than 1 half-dollar, 1 dime is — cents less than 1 half-dollar. 1 cent is — cents less than 1 half-dollar. 1 nickel is — cents less than 1 half-dollar. 1 dime is — cents less than 1 quarter. 1 cent is — cents less than 1 quarter. 1 nickel is — cents less than 1 quarter. 1 cent is — cents less than 1 dime. 1 nickel is — cents less than 1 dime. 1 cent is — cents less than 1 nickel. 1 dollar — 1 cent = — cents. 1 quarter — 1 dime = — cents. 1 dime — 1 cent = — cents. 1 dollar — 1 ((uarter = — cents. 1 half-dollar — 1 quarter = — cents. 1 dollar — 1 dime = — cents. 126 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. is — cents more than 2 quarters. f 1 is — cents more than 9 dimes. f 1 is — cents more than 75 cents. $1 is — cents more than 3 quarters. f 1 is — cents more than 6 dimes. $1 is — cents more than 5 nickels. $1 is — cents more than 90 cents. f 1 is 1 half-dollar and — cents. $1 is 3 quarters and — cents. f 1 is 1 half-dollar and — dimes. f 1 is 50 cents and — dimes. $1 is 5 dimes and — quarters. f 1 is 2 quarters and — nickels. f 1 is 80 cents and — dimes. One-half of 1 dollar is — cents. One-half of 1 dime is — cents. One-fifth of 1 quarter is — - cents. One-half of 1 half-dollar is — cents. One-tenth of 1 dollar is — cents. One-fourth of 1 dollar is — cents. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 127 Nell had 1 dollar. She spent i of her money. Nell spent — cents ; because ^ of 1 dollar isoO^cents. May had 1 half-dollar. She spent ^ of her money. May spent — cents ; because . Tom had 1 dollar and earned 1 quarter. Tom has — cents ; because . Paul had 1 dollar and spent 1 (quarter. Paul has — cents ; because . May has 1 quarter and Helen has 4 times as much money. Helen has — ; because . John had 1 dollar. He spent 1 dime. John has — cents; because — . Helen has 1 dime, which is ^ of May's money. May has — cents ; because . Hugh paid 10 cents for a rose and 25 cents for a bunch of violets. Hugh paid — cents for the flowers ; because . Hazel paid 75 cents for a basket of apples and 25 cents for a basket of grapes. Hazel paid one — for the fruit ; because . 128 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. Winter. J^UyTlxLaynjy 1 8 15 22 2C| Tn^vrvcLcuo^ 2 q \\o 23 30 SuyeA^^LoyOiy 3 10 n 24 31 TJj^exLruA^ixivuy 4 1 1 iS 25 ShyUy'lAcLcUO^ 5 12 |C] 2lo cJ^A/dxiyl^ k 13 20 2q jS^CLytuAxLcUOAy r 14 21 28 h^ GLu^oax>6^ ^>t/|(>tt/nv(KAy G-otolKA^ ■•..•■ j FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 129 TYiA/ri/uytey Qyyw ruyuAy 'y^ — rru/wyJuu^. UA/nxiru CL/t — o'cXoolt/. lijt^ uiyt cU/n/weAy CUV o'CMyO-ott/. Jl g^CV to [HxL Cut o'CAXXlMy QyTuiy \AAAy cut — c^'cXcK2/ft/. QaaA/ ^u^Axxvt o-jayeynA/ ayt — VAXtAyW to- ^MyriyOy Qyt O-'cXcK^tt/. 130 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 1 month and 1 day are — days. 1 week and 1 day are — days. 1 year and 1 day are — days. 1 month and 1 week are — days. 1 year and 1 week are — days. 1 week and 1 week are — days. 1 month less 1 day is — days. 1 year less 1 day is — days. 1 week less 1 day is — days. 1 month less 4 days is — days. 1 week less 2 days is — days. 1 year less 10 days is — days. One-half of one day is — hours. One-half of one month is — days. One-half of one hour is — minutes. One-half of one year is — months. Two months are — days. Three weeks are — days. Two weeks are — days. Fourteen days are — weeks. Two days are — hours. Two months are — weeks. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 131 LIQUID MEASURE. 1 gallon + 1 quart = - — quarts. 1 quart + 1 pint = — pints. 1 pint + 1 gill = — gills. 1 gallon — 1 quart = — quarts. 1 quart — 1 pint = — pints. 1 pint — 1 gill = — gills. Two gallons are — quarts. Three quarts are — pints. Two pints are — gills. Two quarts are — pints. Four pints are — quarts. Eight quarts are — gallons. Twelve quarts are — gallons. Twelve pints are — quarts. 132 -FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER, DRY MEASURE. I joyeycit/ [Ay C^UXXAyt^. 1 bushel and 1 peck are — peeks. 1 peck and 1 quart are — quarts. 1 bushel less 1 peck are — pecks. 1 peck less 1 quart are — quarts. Two bushels are — pecks. Two pecks are — quarts. Three bushels are — pecks. Three pecks are — quarts. 2 bushels and 1 peck are — pecks. 2 pecks and 2 quarts are — quarts. 2 bushels less 2 pecks are — pecks. 2 pecks less 4 quarts are — quarts. 2 bushels less 3 pecks are — pecks. 2 pecks less 6 quarts are — quarts. FIRST DAYS IX NUMBER. 3rUy UyTUy Uiy tK/O hiix>\JUAJG Vi/YUy. 134 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. LINEAR MEASURE. I XKvt t^ — vrxycJnAJ^. ■ 1 yard + 1 foot = — feet. • 1 foot + 1 iiicli = — inches. 1 yard + 1 inch = — inches. 1 yard — 1 foot = — feet. 1 yard — 1 inch = — inches. 1 foot — 1 inch = — inches. Two yards are — feet. Two yards are — inches. Two feet are — inches. Three feet are — inches. 2 yards and 2 feet are — feet. 2 yards and 1 inch are — inches. 2 feet and 3 inches are — inches. 3 feet and 4 inches are — inches. FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 135 OrxAy iLKvJi^ oJvo — . cx ooyrt/ yimycL — jatx^ytuA^'^ uyjao-ooy trUy u>-CL/tt^. cx ru:iA>6 cx>u/yiyUxi/ — uMyTtcto-uj-^. Ooyc^ny uM/yi/cLcvu> rucu^ — i>a/TUycV. CluA/ ^.o-orw nxi/^ — cLooAy^. yt/Cyt UMycLey. cX trUyTVft/ tyt Ui^ QylKVU/t AjJu lyTiy ouyV "lootyv. lijey nxiAKy — joyLcL/nyt^ i/ru — lyo^uM^ o/rvcL — cuAAA^ oJvo ayfc ^iyC/nx>oX 136 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. REVIEW. One day is one-seventh of one — . One inch is one-twelfth of one — . One week is one-fourth of one — . One pint is one-half of one — . One month is one-twelfth of one — . One dime is one-tenth of one — . One quart is one-fourth of one — . One nickel is one-half of one — . One foot is one-third of one — . One cent is one-tenth of one — . Five cents is one-half of one — . Two quarts is one-half of one — . Two weeks is one-half of one — . One nickel is one-third of — cents. One quarter is one-half of — cents. One-half of one dollar is — quarters. One-half of one gallon is — quarts. One-half of one foot is — inches. One-fifth of one quarter is — cents. FIKST DAYS IN NUMBER. 137 4 nests 3 barns 10 houses ? 4 dolls 6 tops 9 balls 9 3 flies 2 butterflies 5 spiders ? 4 brooks 3 rivers 4 creeks ? 4 pearls 6 diamonds 3 rubies ? 6 boats 4 steamers 5 ships 4 hammers 5 saws 1 file 7 robins 6 canaries 4 red birds 5 shawls 3 cloaks 2 capes 7 turnips 3 potatoes 5 beets 138 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 2 4 9 3 4 7 9 4 4 6 3 6 8 2 2 6 8 3 3 8 6 9 7 6 9 4 4 9 6 9 9 8 2 4 3 3 . 6 7 5 5 8 3 4 1 8 7 5 2 2 2 7 6 2 . 7 ■ 9 2 7 9 7 9 4 5 6 4 6 1 6 8 6 8 2 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 5 4 8 3 4 2 3 9 3 6 2 2 1 9 6 5 4 8 2 4 1 6 7 9 7 9 6 9 5 5 2 8 5 8 8 4 8 7 2 8 7 3 6 2 6 5 3 .2 4 6 9 2 4 6 5 6 4 6 6 4 4 9 3 4 3 1 5 4 5 8 6 4 7 8 9 7 9 7 2 3 2 4 4 2 3 4 8 8 4 2 6 3 6 7 4 6 2 9 6 4 3 3 5 4 6 5 6 5 8 7 5 2 3 6 8 3 4 6 9 8 2 6 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 139 22 16 10 52 16 32 16 31 11 11 32 11 14 21 41 12 46 11 21 11~ 32 19 23 21 46 45 42 16 26 14 81 32 46 23 21 11 16 42 25 29 33 33 U 12 45 32 31 11 12 23 73 42 56 23 32 34 25 28 36 24 45 46 25 61 46 54 32 26 25 26 42 25 27 46 81 22 43 456 413 326 241 246 333 211 425 133 137 211 144 346 332 133 432 346 125 122 416 342 146 122 425 241 213 126 221 246 236 232 356 132 233 423 127 214 222 246 346 134 223 123 321 241 223 231 346 242 126 133 321 324 252 140 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 12 12 12 ' 22 22 • 22 34 34 34 45 45 45 26 26 26 12 ill 22 x3 34 x3 45 x3 26 x3 46 46 46 46 32 32 32 32 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 27 17 17 17 17 46 x4 82 x4 25 x4 27 x4 17 x4 223 223 223 416 416 416 227 227 227 135 135 135 246 246 246 223 x3 416 x3 227 x3 135 246 x3 123 123 123 246 246 246 101 101 101 200 200 200 208 208 208 123 x3 246 x3 101 x3 200 x3 208 x3 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 141 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Two 2's = ? Two lO's = ? Two 4's = ? Two I's = ? Two 9's = ? Two 6's = ? Two 3's = ? Two 12's = ? Two 7's = ? Two 5's = ? Two ll's = ? Two 8's = ? 1x2 = ? 12 X 2 = ? 5x2 = ? 2x2 = ? 11 X 2 = ? 8x2 = ? 3x2 = ? 10 X 2 = ? 7x2 = ? 4x2 = ? 9x2 = ? 6x2 = ? ? is 1- of 20. ? is 1 of 10. ? is 1 of 22. ? is 1 of 24. ? is 1 of 2. ? is 1 of 6. ? is i of 18. ? is i of 4. ? is 1 of 14. ? is i of 12. ? is 1 of 8. ? is 1 of 16. ?-^2= 1 ?- -2=4 ?H-2 = 8 ?-r-2= 6 ? ^ -2 = 11 ?-^2 = 2 ? -h 2 = 10 ?- r2= 9 ?H-2 = 7 ? H- 2 = 12 ? _ 1-2=3 ?-h2 = 5 142 FIRST DAYS IN NUMBER. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 123456789 10 11 12 123456789 10 11 12 Three 2's Tliree 4's Three 3's Three 5's Three 10' s Three 9^8 Three 12's Three ll's Three I's Three 6's Three 7's Three 8's 1 X 3 2x3 3x3 4x3 12 X 3 11 X 3 10 X 3 9x3 5x3 6x3 7x3 8x3 ? is 1 of 3. ? is 1 of 9. ? is 1 of 15. ? is i of 21. ? is 1 of 6. ? is i of 12. ? is 1 of 18. ? is 1 of 24. ? is 1 of 36. ? is i of 33. ? is 1 of 30. ? is 4 of 27. 3 = 1 3 = 3 3 = 5 3 = 4 ?-^3 ?H-3 ?H-3 ?^3 12 9 7 8 2 6 10 11 FIRST DAYS IX XUMBER. 143 10 10 10 10 11 11 ir 11 12 12 12 12 Four I's Four 4's Four 10" s Four 7's Four 2's Four 5's Four ll's Four 8's Four 3's Four 6's Four 12's Four 9's 1x4 2x4 3x4 4x4 5x4 6x4 7x4 8x4 9x4 10 X 4 11 X 4 12 X 4 1 is i of ? 3 is 1 of ? 4 is 1 of ? 2 is i of ? 10 is 1 of ? 6 is i of ? 5 is i of ? 7 is i of ? 8 is 1 of ? 11 is i of ? 12 is 1 of ? 9 is i of ? ?H-4 ?H-4 ?-=-4 ?-^4 ?^4 = ?H-4 = ?H-4 = ?-=-4 = 10 11 9 8 4 6 7 12 144 FIRST DAYS IX NUMBER, 12 3 4 12 3 4 12 3 4 12 3 4 12 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 Five I's = ? Five 7's = ? Five 10s = ? Five 4s = ? Five 2s = Five 8s = • Five lis = Five 5"s = ' > > > Five 3's = ? Five O's = ? Five 12s = ? Five 0"s = ? 1x5 = ? 2x5 = ? 3x5 = ? 4x5 = ? 5x5 = ? 0x5 = ? 7x5 = ? 8x5 = ? 9x5 = ? 10 X 5 = ? 11 X 5 = ? 12 X 5 = ? 6 is 1 of ? 4 is 4- of ? 2 is 4- of ? 1 is 4- of ? 10 is i of ? 9 is 4- of ? 7 is i of ? 3 is 4- of ? 5 is i of ? 8 is 1 of ? 11 is 1 of ? 12 is I of ? ?H-5= 1 ? H- 5 = 10 ? ^ 5 = 12 ?-e-5= 9 ?H-5 = 2 ?^5 = 3 ?--5 = 4 7^5 = 5 ? ^ 5 = 11 ?-e-5= 6 ?H-5= 7 ?-r-5= 8 IC 49559 aOHHHiBM 541432 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY