& THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES iarlttwt 1913 t_ I B R A R Y' LI annul ~1 r, . /D v 'VuvtaiK- V uimiu'Hivui I ioji J cnnAuWani , 1913 r au^ ol' J too turn. Music, . . Marshallton Band. PRAYER Rev. W. L. Cann. SONG, . . . Marshallton Public Schools, led by Miss Anna Nields. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS, George Morris Philips, LL. D., President Chester County Historical Society. SKETCHES OF DARLINGTON AND OF MARSHALL, J. W. Harshberger, Prof, of Cryptogramic Botany, Univ. of Pa. POEM, . Prof. J. Russell Hayes, Swarthmore College. ADDRESS, . . Dr. J. T. Rothrock, Secretary of State Forestry Commission. SONG, .... Marshallton Schools. ADDRESS, . . . Irvin C. Williams, Deputy Commissioner of Forestry of Pa. SONG " America." Music Marshallton Band. WILLIAM DARLINGTON. Born near the ancient village of Dilworth, now Dilworthtown, Birmingham township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, April 28, 1782. Died at West Chester, Pa., April 23, 1863. Let the plants of Chester which he loved and described, blossom forever above his tomb." ( By his wish inscribed upon the tomb of William Darlington, in Oaklands Cemetery, at West Chester. ) Flowers have an expression of countenance as much as men and animals. Some seem to smile ; some have a sad expression ; some are pensive and dif- fident ; others again are plain, honest and upright HENRY WARD REECHER. Ye wild flowers ! the gardens eclipse you 'tis true : Yet, wildings of nature, I dote upon you, For ye waft me to summers of old, When the earth teemed around me with fairy delight, And when daisies and buttercups gladdened my sight, Like treasures of silver and gold. THOMAS CAMPBELL. JTo me the meanest flower that blows can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH. And from his ashes may be made The violet of his jiative land. TENNYSON. 579577 To BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ESQ., ET AL., of the American Philosophical Society, Arbustrum Americanum, 1785. INTRODUCTION. " When we take a survey of mankind in general, and of the several requisites by which life is rendered comfortable and desira- ble, the productions of the Vegetable Kingdom are amongst the foremost ; -as affording, the principal necessaries, conveniences, and luxuries of life." HUMPHRY MARSHALL. No tree in all the grove but has its charms, Though each its hue peculiar. WILLIAM COVVPER. Cedar, and pine, and fir, and branching palm, A sylvan scene, and as the ranks ascend Shade above shade, a woody theatre Of stateliest view. JOHN MILTON. The woods appear With crimson blotches deeply dashed and crossed, Sign of the fatal pestilence of Frost. . BAYARD TAYLOR. For mine is the old belief That midst your sweets and midst your bloom, There's a soul in every leaf ! BALLOU. For the tree of the field is man's life. Deuteronomy xvi : 19. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow ; they toil not, neither do they spin ; and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not ar- rayed like one of these. Matthew vi : 29, jo. Flowers are words Which even a babe may understand. A wilderness of sweets. BISHOP COXE. JOHN MILTON. 2 r ; s* I There's rosemary, that's for remembrance ; And there's pansies, that's for thought. HAMLET. It never rains roses ; when we want To have more roses we must plant more trees. GEORGE ELIOT. Committee A: 5. C. SchmUCker, Chairman, George M. Philips, Joseph T. Rothrock, Lewis K. Stubbs, Jesse E. Philips, J. Carroll Hayes, Mary I. Stille, Smith Burnham, Wm. P. Sharpless, John H. Darlington, Addison L. Jones, George W. Moore, Frank E. Lamborn, John R. Bingaman, Gilbert Cope, Charles R. Hoopes, C. B. Cochran, Wm. M. Potts, Charles L. Huston, Thomas H. Marshall, Samuel Marshall, Wm. T. Sharpless, Geo. B. Johnson, Edw. S. Pax son, S. L. Martindale, Justin E. Harlan, Edw. Darlington, chad? s Ford, John H. Darlington. Local Committee. Harry B. Le Feure, Thomas P. Worth, Walter S. Lilley, Frank E. Lamborn, Mary E. Roberts, Mary P. McFarland, R. Mary Marshall, Dr. Edwin L. Palmer, Fred McFarland, On Lewis K. Stubbs, Charles R. Hoopes, Smith Burnham, On Program Mary I. Stille, J. Carroll Hayes, '.an, John E. Baldwin, J. William Moore, Wilson Loller, Alfred S. Hallowell, Wm. M. Trimble, Davis Garrett, John Hoopes, Harry J. Wickersham, Edward Trimble. Markers. C. B. Cochran, Addison L. Jones. and Invitations. Lewis K. Stubbs, oj/ me/ cWictu' GEORGE MORRIS PHILIPS, President. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Vice-Pres., GILBERT COPE, Recontiug sec., SAMUEL MARSHALL, Vice-Pres. t J. CARROLL HAYES, corr. sec. LEWIS K. Directors. GILBERT COPE, GEO. MORRIS PHILIPS, SMITH BURNHAM, CHARLES R. HOOPES, EDWARD S. PAXSON, Treasurer. Councillors. MARY INGRAM STILLE, REBECCA MICKLE HEMPHILL, MALINDA MARSHALL HOOPES, FRANCIS D. BRINTON, GEORGE B. JOHNSON, SAMUEL L. MARTINDALE. Curators. ALICE COCHRAN, JUSTIN E. HARLAN. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below M-10,'48(B1040)470 SB 63 D2C4