BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OP CAUFORNIA THE LONDON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, WITH THEIR 'SIZE^, PRICES, AND PUBLISHERS. CONTAINING THE BOOKS PUBLISHED IN LONDON, AND THOSE ALTERED IN SIZE OR PRICE, SINCE THE YEAR MDCCCXIV TO MDCCCXXXIX. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY ROBERT BENT, Aldine Chambers, 13, Paternoster Row ; AND SOLD BY LONGMAN, ORME, AND CO. J J. G. AND F. RIVINGTON ; HAMILTON AND CO. SHERWOOD AND CO. ; DUNCAN AND MALCOLM; WHITTAKER AND CO.; SIMPKIN AND CO.; W. EDWARDS; AND R. GROOMBRIDGE. EDINBURGH: ROBERT CADELL. MDCCCXXXIX, LOAN STACK G. WOODFALL, ANGEL COURT, SKINNER STREET, LONDON. ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL. /SCHOOL* CLASSIFICATION. Page Miscellaneous Literature . . . . . . . -. . 1—250 Divinity and Ecclesiastical History 251 — 330 Law and Jurisprudence 331 — 349 Medicine, Surgery, Physiology, and Chemistry 350 — 373 Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, etc 374 — 410 Bagster's Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, etc 412 — 415 Ackermann's World in Miniature 2 Aldine British Poets 5 Atlases, Charts, &c . ] 1 — 13 Biblical Cabinet . 256 Bridgewater Treatises 29 Camberwell Collegiate School Books, English 37 Latin, etc 379 Chalmers's (Dr.) Works 264 Chambers's Educational Course 41 Christian's (The) Family Library, (Seeley) 265 Constable's Miscellany 50 Edinburgh Academy Books, Greek and Latin 383 Cabinet Library 68 Encyclopsedia Metropolitana 71 Eton College School Books . 384 Family Library (Murray and Tegg) 75 Classical Library (Valpy and Hodgson) 76 French Classics (Tentouillac) 386 (Whittaker) 409 Hamilton and Jacotot Systems of Instruction .... 388, 389 Hughes's Divines of the Church 288 Harrow School Books, Greek and Latin 389 Jardine's Naturalist's Library 115 Juvenile Cyclopaedia (Darton) . . . .• . . . .119 Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia 126 Library 126 Library for the Young . . 1^ of Anecdote 132 Entertaining Knowledge 131 Original Romance 131 Useful Knowledge 131 Little Library (Harris) 134 Locke's System of Classical Instruction 893 ( iv ) CLASSincATiON — Continued. Page Martin's Colonial Library 143 Masterpieces of English Prose Literature 144 Modem Traveller, edited by Conder ....... 152 National Library (Colburn) 159 Oriental Translation Fund Publications 165, 166 Philosophical Transactions . . .173 I>ublic Records of Great Britain .181,182 Regent Latin Classics . . 400 Roscoe's Novelist's Library 192 Sacred Classics ( Rickerby ) 31 1 Scott's Poetical and Prose Works 198 Novels, Tales, and Romances 199 Select Christian Authors (Collins) 313,314 — Library (Fisher) 201 Standard Library of Modem Literature (Bentley) .... 212 NoveUsts(Colbum) 212 Novels (Bentley) . . .... . 212, 213 Surtees' Society PubUcations . . ..... . . 218 Theological Library (Rivington) ..... . , . 321 Transactions of various Public Institutions 227 Medical, Surgical etc., Societies . . ... o 371 Travels in various Countries, for Children o 228 Westminster School Books . . 409 Alteration in Peices, etc., which have taken place during the printing of the Volume 411 ABBREVIATIONS. /. p. for large paper ; /. p. for fine paper ; col. for coloured. Tract Soc. . . . Religious Tract Society. Irish T. S. . . . Irish Tract Society. Taylor & W. . . Taylor and Walton. Smith & E. . . . Smith, Elder and Co. Saund. & B. . . . Saunders and Benning. Knight and L. . . Knight and Lacey. »»• The Prices in the Catalogue are to be understood as in boards or in cloth, unless otherwise stated, as follows:— M. for bound in leather ; h. bd. for half-bound; sh. for sheets. THE MODERN LONDON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE. ABA — ACC ABASSAH, an Arabian Tale, 8vo Abbatt's(R.) Elements of Plane & Spherical Trigonometry, fcap. Treatise on the Calculus of Variations, fcap. . . Abbess (The) a Romance, by W. H. Ireland, 3 vol. 12mo . of Valtiera, a Novel, 4 vol. 12mo Abbey of Kilkhampton Revived, 12mo Innisraoyle, an Irish Story, 18mo Abbot of Montserrat, 2 vol. 12mo Abbott's (Jacob) Works, 1 vol. 8vo China and the English, IBmo Hoaryhead and the Valleys below, I8mo . fcap. 3s, Hamilton — 32rao 10 12 2 Little Philosopher, 18mo, h. hd, Scholar learning to Talk, roy. 18mo Reader j Pieces in Prose and Vei-se, 18mo Rollo at Play ; or. Safe Amusements, roy. I8mo Work, roy. 18rao .... learning to read, roy. 18rao . Teacher, 18mo by Mayo, 12mo . . . . .0 I I I Abdalla the Moor and the Spanish Knight, 4 vol. 12mo Abduction ; or, Adventures of Major Samey, 3 vol. sm. 8vo . Abdy's (E. S. ) Residence & Tour in the U. States, 3 vol. sm. 8vo Abeel's (Dav.) Residence in China, &c., 1830-^3, 12mo Abel AUnutt, a Novel, by Jas. Morier, 3 vol. sm. 8vo . Abel's (Clarke) Narrative of a Journey in China, 4to Abelard and Heloisa, 12mo Abercrombie's (John) Practical Gardener, by Salisbury, fcap. Gardener's Companion, by Mean, I8mo Journal, I8mo .... (Dr. John) Philosophy of the Moral Feelings, fcap. Inquiries on the Intellectual Powers, &c.,sm. 8vo Aberdeen's (Earl of) Inquiry into Grecian Architecture, sm. 8vo Abington's Pensive Musings on Pleasures of Melancholy, 12mo Abode of Wisdom, in Letters, 12mo . . . . .0 Absent Man, a. Narrative, 12mo . . . . . .04 Absurdities, in Prose and Verse, sm. 8vo . . . .08 Academic Errors, or Recollections of Youth, 12mo . .05 Academy, or Picture of Youth, I2mo, hd . . . .03 Accidents of Youth, 18mo, 2s. 6c?. — coloured . . .03 Accomplished Hypocrite, 2 vol. 12mo . . . . 12 Account of a New Process in Painting, 8vo . . . .08 an Excavation of a Roman Town, 1772, 8vo . 6 B Anderson Richardson 6 Richardson 6 Newman Newman Wright 6 Holdsworth 6 Newman Tegg 6 Ward 6 Hodson 6 Tegg Seetey 6 Hodson Parker 6 Hodson 6 Hodson 6 Hodson Darton Seeley Newman Knight Murray Nisbet 6 Bentley Longman Longman Cadell 6 Cadell Baldwin Murray 6 Murray Murray Fraser 6 Nisbet Baldwin 6 Morgan 6 Valpy 6 Harris Souter Neivman Rivingion Baldwin 2 ACC— ADA Account of Anne Jackson, 18mo . • • • * ? ? Jamaica and its Inhabitants, 8vo . • ' ^ ' Persons remarkable for Health and Longevity, l2mo 8 Van Diemen's Land and Guide to Emigrants, 12mo 4 . 1830, 18mo . . .07 Warwick, Leamington, &c., 8vo . . . 16 Wobum, its Abbey and Vicinity, 12mo . .06 — the Abipones, 3 vol. 8vo 1 16 - Ancient and Modern State of Lichfield, sm. 8vo 5 Battle of Waterloo, 8vo .... 6 Cape Colony, 8vo 6 Cunningham Family, 18mo . . . .02 English Stage from 1660 to 1830, 10 vol. 8vo 5 10 . Native Africans in Sierra Leone, 8vo . .09 Pictures at the Brit. Institutions, 8vo, 9s. 6c? — 1. p. 16 Pindarics, and different Mahratta States, 8vo . 7 Poor Dutch Colonies, 12mo . . . .06 Public Charities in England and Wales, 8vo . 12 United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, 8vo . 12 War between Spain and Spanish America, 8vo 9 Accum's (Fred.) Treatise on Brewing, 12mo . . .09 Culinary Poisons, 12mo . .09 Making Bread, 12mo . .04 Wine, 12mo . .03 Ackerley's (C. H.) Plan for Navigating the River Thames, 8vo 10 Ackermann's History of Cambridge, 2 vol. eleph. 4to . . 12 12 Oxford, 2 vol. eleph. 4to . . 12 12 _ Westminster Abbey, 2 vol. 4to . . 12 12 — Winchester, &c. Schools, eleph. 4to . 6 6 Microcosm of London, 3 vol. eleph. 4to . . 10 10 Tour from Geneva to Milan, imp. 8vo . . 2 12 of the English Lakes, 4to, 3/. — ^large paper 4 10 Rhine, eleph. 4to . . . .44 Seine, eleph. 4to . . . .44 Ackeemann's World in Miniature, 18mo, viz : — Africa, (Western) 4 vol 11 Asiatic Islands and New Holland, 2 vol. . . . 12 Austria, 2 vol. 12s.— China, 2 vol 12 England, Scotland and Ireland, 4 vol. . . . 1 12 Hindoostan, 6 vol. 21 8s. — Japan, 1 vol. . . .08 Illyria and Dalmatia, 2 vol. . . . . . . 12 Netherlands, 1 vol. 8s.— Persia, 3 vol 16 Russia, 4 vol. 11. 12s.— South Sea Islands, 2 vol. . . 12 Spain and Portugal, 2 vol. . . . . . . 12 Switzerland, 1 vol. 8s. — Thibet and India, 1 vol. . .06 Turkey, 6 vol 2 2 Ack worth (The) English Vocabulary, 18mo, bd. . . .01 Acland's ( H. D. ) Illustrations of the Vaudois, 8vo, 10s. 6c?. — ^1. p. 15 Acton's (EHza) Poems, 18mo 5 Actress; or. Countess and no Countess, 4 vol. 12mo . . 16 of the Present Day, 3 vol. I2mo . . . .0 18 Ada Reis, a Tale, 3 vol. 12mo 15 Adam's (Alex.) Classical Biography, 8vo . . . .07 Roman Antiquities, by J. R. Major, 8vo . . . 10 Plates to, 8vo . . . .07 Questions on, 8vo . . .06 by Boyd, roy. 18mo . . .05 ■ Questions on, by Boyd, roy. 18mo 1 Summary of Geography and History, 8vo, bd. . . 15 (R. and J. ) Works on Architecture, 3 vol. imp. fol. h. bd. 7 17 ( W. ) Gem of the Peak, or Matlock and its Vicinity, 12mo 5 Adams' (Hannah) History of the .Jews, 8vo . . . . 12 ( Jas. ) Elements of the Ellipse, 8vo . . . .0 12 ( G. ) Astronomical & Geographical Essays, by Jones, 8vo 12 Geometrical and Graphical Essays, by Jones, 2 vol. 8vo 16 (W. B.) Origin, &c., of English Pleasure Carriages, 8vo 15 (Charl.) Stolen Child; or, Laura's Adventures, 18mo 1 Hatchard 6 Longman 6 Simpkin Smith ^E. Cowie Rivington Baldwin Murray Longman Ridgway 6 Fenner Hatchard Rodd Hatchard Weale 6 Murray Duncan Simpkin Ackermann Longman Longman Longman 6 Longman Longman 6 Longman Ackermann Ackermann Ackermann Ackermann Ackermann 6 Ackermann Ackermann Ackermann Ackermann Ackermann 6 6 6 Harvey TiU Longman Sherwood Harper Murray CadeU 6 CadeU 6 WhiUaker Whittaker 6 Tegg 8 Teqg CadeU 6 Weak 6 Longman Duncan f^ Longman Jones Jones Knight 6 Parker ADA— ^SC Adams' (Charl.) Child of the Atlantic, 18mo . . . (Jos. ) Memoirs of the late John Hunter, 8vo . . Sketches on the African Coast, 8vo .... (W. ) Modem Voyager and Traveller, 4 vol. roy. ISmo 1 (John) Elements of Reading, 12mo, hd. . . .0 Elements of Useful Knowledge, by Jamieson, 12mo, hd. --■-'-' History of Great Britain, 12mo, hd. Modern Discoveries in Europe, 12mo Asia, 12mo . Africa, 12mo N. and South America, 12mo Remarks on the West Coast of Africa, 8vo Roman History, 12mo, hd. Select Lessons, 18mo, hd. 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Twenty Years ago, 3 vol. 12mo Advice from a Lady to her Grand-daughters, 12mo on Playing the Piano-forte, 18mo to Governesses, 12mo .... 1 11 1 8 4 15 . 7 . 3 . 3 Jiilia, fcap. 7 Proprietors on the care of Oil Paintings, sm. 8vo . 3 Adye's (R. W.) Bombardier and Pocket Gunner, by Eliot, 18mo 7 iEschylus' Agamemnon, transl. by Harford, 8vo, 18s. — 1. p. . 2 Symmons, 8vo . .08 B2 6 Parker CaUow 6 Hurst Fisher 6 Whittaker Whittaker 6 Whittaker 6 Sherwood 6 Sherwood 6 Sherwood 6 Sherwood 6 Whittaker 6 Whittakei- 6 Whittaker Murray Longman Longman Cadell 6 Simpkin Whittaker Stocking Sharpe JBagster BuU Bentley Longman Westley Newman 6 Longman Westley Colhurn 6 Cadell CadeU Hamilton Sharpe Longman Hurst Longman Cadell Harris Harris Murray Hurst Smith SrE. 6 Harris Tegg Cadell Hatchard Hailes Groombridge 6 Saunders Colhurn Johnston Colhurn Baldwin Colhurn 6 Colhurn 6 Colhurn Allman Newman Hatchard Longman Hatchard 6 Murray 6 Sherwood 6 Egerton Murray Taylor ^^ W. 4 ^SC— ALB ^schylus' Prometheus & Sophocles Electra, transl. by Fox, 8vo Tragedies, in English Prose, with Notes, 8vo s transl. by Potter, 8vo . . Affair at Charlton Holt, 12mo Affairs of the Nation, 12mo ...... Affection's Gift ; or. 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Smith 14 6 Leigh 3 6 Longman 3 Longman 18 Longman 9 Baldwin 2 6 Baldwin 2 6 Lo7igman 2 6 Baldwin 10 6 Hunter 1 4 Baldwin 1 8 Longman 1 5 Longman 1 4 Ljongman 2 Longman 1 6 Baldwin 4 C Van Voorst 2 6 Baldwin 3 3 Whittaker 1 11 6 Bull 4 Simpkin 12 6 Parker 6 Cadell 1 8 Hunt 15 Parker 7 Knight 15 Rivington 12 Longman 3 Longman 6 6 Duncan 3 3 L^ongman 16 L^ongman 14 Smith ScE. 7 Cadell 8 E. Wilson 4 4 E. Wilson 7 6 E. Wilson 16 6 Newman 5 6 Hurst 1 Newman 1 12 Hurst 2 2 Cocks 2 6 Hunter ALB— ALL Album of Flowers, with Poetical Descriptions, 4to . Tablets ; Companion to Bijou Almanack, 12mo Alcuin's Life, translated from the German, by Miss Slee, 12mo Aldei-son's (Jas.) Orthographical Exercises, 18mo, hd. . (M. A.) Essay on the Nature of Steam, &c. 8vo Aldine British Poets, fcap., each .... Vol. 1, 2, Bums. Vol. 20, Shakspeare. 3, 4, Thomson. 21 to 2o, Dryden. 5, CoUins. 26, Pai-nell. 6, Kirke White. 27, 28, 29, Swift. 7, 8, 9, Cowper. 30, 31, Young. 10, Surrey, Earl of. 32, Akenside. 11, Wyatt, Sir Thomas. 33, 34, Butler. 12, Beattie. 35, 36, Prior. 13, 14, 15, Pope. 37, Falconer. 16, Goldsmith. 38, Gray. 17, 18, 19, Milton. Aldrich's ( Hen. ) Civil Architecture, by Smyth, 8vo — - Introduction to Logic, 12mo Aldridge's Historj' and Antiq. of all the Courts of Law, 8vo . Alexander's (J. E.) Expedition into S. Africa, 2 vol. sm. 8vo Intelligence respecting Europe, 8vo Sketches in Portugal, 1834, 8vo Transatlantic Sketches, 2 vol. 8vo Travels from India to England, 4to . of Mirza Itesa Modean, 8vo through Russia and the Crimea, 2 vol. 8vo Voyage in the Colonies of W. Africa, &c. 2 vol. 8vo _ (Wm.) Observations on Meeting-houses, 4to ( A. ) Treatise on the Nature of Vision, &c. 8vo . — ( S. ) English Grammar, 18mo .... (Dr-) Horse Poeticae; or. Poems \rith Notes, sm. 8vo (W. H.) 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Aiken's Beauties and Defects of the Horse, imp. 8vo Alia Giornata ; or, to the Day, 3 vol. sm. 8vo Allan Breck ; by the Author of " Subaltern," 3 vol. sm. 8vo . M'Dougal; or, Scenes in the Peninsula, 3 vol. 12mo . Allan's (J. H. ) Bridal of Caolchaim, and other Poems, 8vo . (Geo.) Life of Sir Walter Scott, 8vo . . . ( Rt. ) Manual of Mineralogy, 8vo .... Allason's (Tho.) Antiquities of Pola, folio, 3/. 15s. — 1. p. 10 5 Rock 6 Schloss © Hurst Whittaker Sherwood Pickering 18 2 5 1 1 18 10 1 8 1 11 9 1 16 1 1 16 11 4 10 1 15 1 18 1 10 1 11 18 12 10 10 5 10 3 Ailbut's (J.) Elements of Useful Knowledge, 12mo, hd. Allen's (Cha.) History of England, 12mo, 6c?. . . .04 Roman History, 12mo, hd. 4 (Lt. Wm.) Views in the Island of Ascension, imp. 4to 1 4 (Tho.) History of Lambeth, 8vo, 1/. 15s.— 4to . 3 10 London, 4 vol. 8vo . . .22 Surrey and Sussex, 4 vol. 8vo . 1 15 Yorkshire, 6 vol. 8vo, 4/. 4«.-3 vol. 4to 8 8 Wldttaker 6 Whittaker Wildy Colburn Allen 6 Cochrane Dcntley 6 Allen Taylor^ W. Colhum Colburn Harvey Longman 6 Longman Simpkin Harvey Whittaker 6 Rivington Longman 6 Baldwin Harvey 6 Houlston 6 Newman AUen Newman 6 Whittaker 6 Harvey 6 Newman 6 Colburn 6 Hatchard Newman Longman CadeU 6 Chvrton Fuller Saunders 6 Bentley Newman Hookham 6 Fisher 6 Longman Hurst 6 Jackson 6 Hunter 6 Hunter Smith Sf E. Nichols Virtue Virtue Virtue 6 ALL— ANC Allen's (Tho.) History of the County of Lincoln, 2 vol. 4to . large paper Panorama of London, 16mo, bd. . . . . 12 (Rev. W.) Ancient Geography, 12mo, bd. Elements of English Grammar, with Notes, 12mo, bd. abridged, 18mo, bd. . Modem Geography, 12mo, bd. (E.) History of England, 2 vol. 18mo, bd. (John) Inquiry of the Royal Prerogative in England, 8vo Principles of Riding, for Ladies, roy. 8vo Gentlemen, roy. 8vo Treatise on Arithmetic, 12mo, bd. 3s. 6d — Key to . (T. S.) Original Rhymes, 12mo .... Trip to Paris, in Verse, 12mo .... (W. E.) Treatise on Cultivating Cucumbers, &c., 8vo (M. A.) Ship of the Desert, 18mo, ^. bd. 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Ambassador's Secretary, a Novel, 4 vol. 12mo Ambition, a Novel, 3 vol. 12mo Ambrosse's (Bertie) Opoleyta, a Poem, 8vo Amelia, by Fielding, 3 vol. 12aio America, an Epistle, with other Poems, 12mo and the Americans, by a Citizen, 8vo American Biography ; Lives of Mrs. Judson and Ramsay, 18mo Broad Grins, 18mo .... Indians, (Customs and Manners of,) 18mo Mariners, or the Atlantic Voyage, 12mo Negociator, sq. 12mo, bd. . in England, by Lieut. Slidell, 2 vol. sm. 8vo Paris in 1838, 2 vol. sm. 8vo . Americans (The); by an American in London, 12mo as they are, sm. 8vo Ames' (Jos.) Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, 4 vol. 4to Amory's (Tho.) Life of John Buncle, 3 vol. sm. 8vo Amphlett's ( Wm. ) Emigrant's Directory to N. America, sm. 8vo Amulet, or Christian Remembrancer, 1827 to 1836, 18mo, each Amurath, Prince of Persia, 12mo .... Amusement and Instruction, 18mo .... Amusements in Retirement, sm. 8vo .... of Western Heath, 2 vol. 18mo, ?i. bd. 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Maps & Tables of Chronology, &c., used at Harrow, I2rao, h. hd. Millar's Imperial School Atlas, roy. 4iO, h.hd. . . .1 Miller's Miniature County Atlas, 18mo, h.hd. . . .0 Mui-phy's Classical Atlas, 16mo, h.hd. . . . .0 Myers' General Atlas, 4to, h.hd. 1 Ostell's General Atlas, 4to, A. hd. 18s. — col. 1/. Is. — imp. 4to 1 Oxford Atlas of Ancient Geography, 4to, h.hd . . . ' ■ School Atlas of Ditto, 8vo, h.hd. . Oxley's Celestial Planisphere, 8vo, and plates folio Palmer's Bible Atlas, roy. 8vo, h. bd. 9s. — coloured . Patteson's Ancient and Modem Atlas, 4to, A. hd. 16s. — col. full coloured Pawley's General Atlas, 4to, h. hd. 21 12s. 66?. — coloured . Minor Atlas, 4to, h. hd. 11. lis. 6d. — coloured 10 6 1 11 2 8 5 5 3 11 11 2 2 12 1 5 12 1 4 11 3 16 8 20 12 3 3 2 7 Payne's Atlas for Younger Students in Geography, 8vo, h. hd. Pinkerton's General Atlas, folio, h. bd. School Atlas, 8vo, h. hd. Pla}'fair's General Atlas, by Pyper, folio, h. bd. . Quin's Historical Atlas, 4to, h.hd. 2 Reid's Introductory Atlas of Mod. Geography, 8vo, col. h. hd. Rubie's British Celestial Atlas, roy. 4to, h. bd. . Russell's Atlas of Modem Geography, 8vo, h. hd. 10s. — col. 12 Ancient Geography, 8vo, h. hd. 10s. — col. 12 and Mod. Geogi'aphy, roy. 4to, h. bd. 1 4 2 12 5 5 1 18 18 12 1 14 7 7 Shaw's Atlas of Nature, folio, h. hd Smith's Ancient and Modem Atlas, 4to, h. bd. coloured Classical Atlas, 4to, h. bd. 11 14s. — coloured (reduced) 4to, h. hd. School Atlas, 8vo, h. hd. . English Atlas, 4to, h. hd. folio, h. hd. 61. 6s, — ^full coloured General Atlas, 4to, h. hd. 31. 3s coloured (reduced) 4to, h. bd Modem School Atlas, 8vo, h. bd. Stackhouse's Universal Atlas, folio, h. hd. . Teesdale's British Atlas, coloured, folio, h. hd. 51. 5s. — 1. p. General Atlas, coloured, folio, h. hd. 51. 5s. — I. p. Thomas's Library Atlas, 4to, h. hd. 14s coloured Imperial School Atla?, 4to, h. hd. 12s. — col. Thomson's Atlas of Scotland, folio, h. bd. ... Cabinet Atlas, imp. 4to, //. bd. ... Classical and Historical Alias, imp. folioj //. hd. 12 2 12 15 17 17 2 2 8 8 6 Simpkin Harvey Churton Whittaher Whittaker Daiton Cadell Chapman Chapman Loriyvian Longman Longman Orr 6 Whittaker Whittaker Jones Booth Barfield Leigh Dowding Wliittaker Simpkin Wliittaker Simpkin Simpkin Baldwin Whittaker Miller 6 Whittaker 6 Fisher 6 Baldivin Whittaker Whittaker Davis Baldwin Valpy 6 Valpy Whittaker Wliittaker Harvey Cadeli CadeU Duncan Seeley Simpkin Scott Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin 6 Whittaker Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith 6 Smith Smith S7nitk 6 Harris Author Author Thomas Thomas Baldivin Baldwin Baldivin ATL— AYS ATLASES, CHARTS, &iC.— continued. Thomson's General Atlas, folio, h.hd. . . . .1111 School Atlas, 8vo, h.hd. . . . . 10 Union Atlas, coloured, folio, h. bd 10 Walker's British Atlas, imp. 4to, col. h. bd. 3/. 35.— 1. p. . 4 4 Modern General Atlas, col. 8vo, & 4to, each 12 Universal Atlas, coloured, 8vo, . . . 12 Wallis's Pocket Atlas of England and Wales, col. 12mo, h. bd. 15 WTiittaker's School Atlas, 8vo and 4to, h. bd., each . . 12 Wilkinson's General Atlas, 4to, 1 16 Classical Atlas, 4to, 2 4 Woodbridge's Modem Atlas, coloured, 4to, h. bd. . .08 Wyld's Ancient Atlas, coloured, 4to, . . . 12 . and Modern Atlas, coloured, 4to, . 15 Atlas of the World, coloured, imp. 4to, h. bd. . 2 12 General Atlas (58 Maps), coloured, folio, h. bd. . 10 10 — (30 Maps), coloured, folio, h. bd. .66 School Atlas, coloured, 8vo, . . .0 12 Scripture Atlas, imp. 8vo, h. bd. 11. 5s. — coloured . 116 Attempt to Elucidate the English Language, 12mo . .04 Illustrate the Rules of English Grammar, 12mo . 4 Attersoll's (E. & M.) 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[^DIVINITY AND 6 Wfdttaker 7 Westley 7 Longman 4 Whittaker 7 Rivington 3 6 Hatchard 6 6 Holdsworth Souter Fisher 6 Harris Rivington Nisbet Hatchard Longman Baynes Tegg Baynes Tegg Baynes Tegg Harvey Hatchard Seeley 6 Fox Holdsworth Harvey Duncan Baynes Baynes Simpkin 6 Hatchard Hamilton 6 Williams Hamilton Virtue 6 Baynes 6 Longman Hamilton 6 Nisbet Baynes 6 Cornish Duncan 6 Holdsworth Saund.SfB. Hamilton Seeley Rivington Groombridqe Hatchard ' 6 Seeley Rivington 6 Rivington Palmer Green Hunter Smallfield 6 Hunter Wightman Seeley CadeU Baldwin Whittaker 6 Simpkin 6 Wetton R. Baynes 6 Burch 6 Hatchard Ball ECCLES. HIST0RY.1 BED—BES Beddome's Villc^e Sermons, 8 vol. 12mo, I6s. — 8 vol. Svo . 1 4 Bedp's History of the Primitive Church, by Hurst, Svo . . 10 Begg's (J. A.) Evidence of the Redeemer's Return in Glory, 12mo Beke's (C. T.) Researches in Primeval History, vol. 1, Svo Belcher's (Jos. ) Narratives from the Sacred Volume, 12mo Pastoral Recollections, IBmo .... 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[^DIVINITY AND 3 6 Hatchard 6 Hatchard 6 Rivington W. Phillips Harvey W. Phillips Rivingtoii Duncan Duncan Whittaker 6 Baynes Tegg 6 J'ract Soc. Rivington Baldivin Whittaker Dinnis Sherwood Tract Soc. Lackhigton 6 Simpkin Ackennann Relfe Porker Rivingtofi 6 Whittaker Tilt 6 Simpkhi Hatchard BaU Vol. 1 and 4. Ernesti's Principles of Interpretation 2. Philological Tracts on the New Testament, &c. 3, IB. Tittmann's Synonymes of the New Testament . 5. 12. Tholuck's Exposition of Paul to the Romans 6. 20. Tholuck on the Sermon on the Mount 7. Planck's Sacred Philology and Interpretation . 8. Pareau's Interpretation of the Old Testament . 9. Storr on the Kingdom of Heaven, &c. . 10. Stuart on the Syntax of New Testament Dialect 11, 17. Rosenmiiller's Biblical Geography of Central Asia 13, 14. Steiger's Exposition of 1st Epistle of St. Peter . 15. Liicke's Commentary on St. John's Epistles 16, 19. Umbreit's Commentary on Book of Job 21, 23. Billroth's Commentary on the Corinthians 22. Krummacher's Cornelius the Centurion . Biblical Extracts, by a Lady, roy. 18mo Keepsake, 1835-36, roy. Bvo, bd.j each . Offering, 2 vol. sm. 8vo .... Bickersteth's ( Edw. ) Chief Concerns of Man, 12rao . Christian Hearer, I2mo .... Student, 12mo Truth, 12mo .... Compan. to the Communion, IBmo, bd. 2s.-32mo, bd. Occasional Works, 12mo Practical Guide to the Prophecies, 12mo Scripture Help, 12mo . Sermons on the Advent, IBmo Treatise on Prayer, 12mo the Lord's Supper, I2mo Treatises (Four), abridged, IBmo, h. bd. (John) Lectures on the Litany, I2mo Sermons on the Example of Christ, 12mo 10 5 10 12 10 5 5 5 5 II 10 6 12 12 4 2 1 1 14 3 3 3 Biddulph's (T. T.) Essays on the Lit'orgy and Collects, 3 vol. Bvo Inconsistency of Conformity to the World, 12mo Lectures on the Holy Spirit, Bvo .... 51st Psalm, I2mo .... Hamilton 6 Baynes Murray Ckurton 6 Sedey Seeley 6 Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley Seeley 6 Seeley Seeliy Seeley 6 Seeley 6 Seeley Seeley Hatchard Scelejf Hamikvn Seeley ECCLES. HISTORY.] BID BON Biddulph's (T. T. ) Theology of the early Patriarchs, 2 vol. 8vo . (Theop.) Plain and Pi-actical Sermons, 3 vol. 12mo . Bingham's (Jos.) Works, vol. 1 to 4, 8vo ..... ( R. ) Practical Discourses, 8vo . . ( R. J. ) Sermons, Svo ...... (VV. A.) Truth and Inspiration of the Bible, 12mo (C. H.) Lectures on the 32d Psalm, 12mo . Bingley's (\Vm.) Economy of a Christian Life, 12rao . Binney's (T.) Discourses on the Power of Faith, Svo . Birch's (Cha.) Exposition of the Collects, 12mo Biscoe's ( Rd. ) History of the Acts of the Apostles, Svo Bishop's (Alf.) Discourses on the Apostle John, 12mo Manual for Dissenters, 12mo ..... Christian Memorials, 12mo ..... ( Wm. ) Sermons to a Country Congregation, 2 vol. 12mo Bissland's (The.) Sermons, Svo ...... ■ Preaching of the Cross, 12mo Black's ( Dav. ) Sermons, 8vo ....... Blackley's (Tho.) Plain Sermons, Svo Practical Sermons, 3 vol. 12mo ..... 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Pilgrim's Progress, large type, 8vo, lO.s'. — 1 p. abridged by Smith, 12mo r DIVINITY AND 8 Baynes 4 4 Westley 2 2 Duncan 12 Baynes 5 Longman 10 6 Houlston 3 6 Burns 18 Tait 1 1 Hamilton 12 Cadell I 6 Longman 1 1 Westlexf 4 Whittaker 3 6 Rivington Hatchard 12 6 Hatchard 3 6 Pickering 5 Longman 8 Longman 8 Hunter 5 Hamilton 2 Westley 5 Hamilton 10 6 Westley 12 L.onqman 10 6 Underwood 4 6 Hatchard 6 Cadell 8 Cadell 10 6 Cadell 4 6 Cadell 7 Cadell 6 Cadell 7 6 Nisbet 6 Baldwin 6 Hamilton 3 Hamilton 5 Gale 18 Duncan 5 Holdsworth 2 6 Hamilton 12 Hunter 5 6 Seeley 5 Seeley 6 Seeley 1 1 Seeley 4 Simpkin Seeley 5 10 Seeley 5 Seeley 2 6 Mardon 3 8 Payne 8 RivingtoH 18 Whittaker 5 6 Rivington 5 Rivington 2 6 Seeley 10 Longman 6 Rivington 2 6 Baker 5 Rivington 7 6 Rivington 5 Jackson 2 Westley 7 6 Simpkin 8 6 Kelb/ 16 Westleif 2 6 Harris ECCLES. HISTORY.] BUN BUR Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, by Burder, 12mo, bd. — Dibdin, in Vei"se, sm. 8vo Gilpin, 8vo, 12s. — 1. p. Ivimey, 8vo 12mo . 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Simpkin 6 Parker Fellowes C. Wright 6 Groombridge Longman Duncan 6 Hatchard 6 Rivington Ball 6 Seeley 6 Hamilton Hamilton Richardson 6 Seeley Longman Seeley Mawman Mawman Mawman Mawman Allman Mawman Mawman 6 Seeley Simpkin G Sherwood Sherwood Duncan Rivington 6 Simpkin Parker Hamilton 6 Hatchard 6 Cadell Jackson Hatchard Hatchard 6 Hatchard TUt Tilt 6 Simpkin 6 Tegg Simpkin Baldwin Simpkin 6 Duncan Tegg 6 Seeley 6 Hatchard Burns Tract Soc. Baylies Williams 6 Hatchard Baynes Baynes 6 Nisbet Tegg Hamilton Baynes h.hd. ECCLES. HISTORY.] FLA FOX Flavel's Touchstone of Sincerity, &c., by Bradley, 12mo ■ Treatises on Keeping and Searching the Heart, ]8mo Works, 6 vol. 8vo Fleetwood's (John) Life of Christ, 8vo, 7s Qd. Sherwood. — 4to Fleming's (R.) Fulfilling of the Scripture, (1681,) 18mo . Works on the Prophecies, 8vo . (W.) Scripture Gazetteer, 2 vol. roy. 8vo ( Tho. ) Sermons, 8vo Fletcher's (W.) Introduction to the Scriptures, 18mo. (Alex.) Christian Conqueror, 12mo . 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Groonihridge 6 Longman Whittaker 6 Parker 6 Longman Tegg Mawman Priestley Priestley Fellowes 6 Murray 3 6 Whittaker 7 6 Mawman 7 6 Smith SfB. 6 Smith Sf E. 6 Whittaker Priestley Longman Whittaker Whittaker 6 Whittaker Longman Allen Allen Cohhett Cohhett 2 Cohhett 6 Cohhett 3 Cohhett 4 5 5 6 7 9 12 4 4 9 1 16 6 10 4 10 14 14 6 14 10 9 7 7 1 5 15 2 5 5 12 LATIN, ETC.] COG — DAN Coghlan's ( F. ) Tableau Portatif de Londres, 32mo . Cole's (Rt.) Art of Reading Greek, 12mo Companion to the Eton Greek Grammai*, 12mo Collier's Ordo Verborum, to 1st and 3d Books of Celsus, 32mo . CoUoquia Quotidiana, 12mo, bd. Condones et Orationes ex Historicis Gr8ecis,"12mo, sh. 8s. — 1. p. — Latinis, l2mo, sheets . Conjuration contre Venise, 12mo Connelly's English Grammar for Spaniards, 12mo, bd. Connor's ( S. ) Elements of Greek Grammar, 8vo Constantini (P. L. ) Nuova Scelta di Prose Italienne, 2 vol. 12mo Morale Poetica Italiana, 12mo .... 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B. ) Doctrine of the Latin Subjunctive Mood, Svo Gregory's (John) Legacy, Italian,12mo, Ss. — Italian and French . 3 D 2 5 Boosey 7 6 Simpkin 4 Souter 6 6 Boosey 3 S Parker 1 5 Duncan 9 J. Priestley 2 Simpkin 6 Rivington 4 Whittaker 1 Dubochet 6 Wacey I 5 Gardiner 1 1 Harding 1 1 Harding 15 Allen 8 Allen 15 Allen 1 Allen 2 12 6 Allen 1 1 Alleyi 1 Allen 1 5 AUen 1 Allen 6 Jos. Bohn 16 Whittaker 4 6 Longman 6 Richardson 10 4 Whittaker 7 Cadell 5 E. Wilson 4 WiUiams 5 Whittaker 6 6 Longman 5 Harvey 7 7 Booth 2 Souter 2 Chappie 3 Hamilton 1 4 Baldwin 8 Hearne 8 GreenhiU 7 6 Whittaker 3 6 Taylor ^W. 3 6 Whittaker 10 Whittaker 6 J. Priestley 3 6 Dulau 6 Simpkin 4 Longman 6 Longman 6 Longman 2 Haifes 3 10 Simpkin Hailes 3 6 Simpkin 3 6 Wliittaker 12 Whittaker 7 6 Porter 5 WJiittaker 3 6 Taylor 8c W. 4 Whittaker 4 6 Ta7jlorScW. 2 6 Longman 8 Bagster 8 John Bohn 3 6 Collingwood 388 GRE — HAM [HEBREW, GREEK, Greswell's (Edw.) Harmonia Evangelica, 8vo, sAeefe . . .0 11 Payne Gretton (F. E.) on Translation of Eng. Poetry into Latin, 12mo 6 Whittaker Grimani's ( G. ) Conversations, Ital. Fr. and Eng., 2 vol. 12mo . 10 Gardiner Italian and English Grammar, 12mo . . . . 10 6 Gardiner Grimm's (A. L.) Five Arabian Tales in German, 12mo . .040 Wacey Gros' (C.) Elements of French Conversation, 12mo, bd. . .026 Dulau First Step to the French Language, 12mo, hd. . . .026 Whittaker French Grammar, 12mo, hd. 5s Key to . . .036 Whittaker Pronunciation, 12mo 2 Whittaker Spelling Book, 12mo, bd. 2 Whittaker Grotius (Hugo) de Veritate, 12mo, bd. 5 Collingwood (Oxon,)12mo . . . .04 Q Payne with English Notes, by Valpy,12mo,6 8Vo . . 14 Whittaker Delphinij 8vo, bd. . . . . .090 Whittaker Owen, 12mo, bd, 6 6 WiUiams Ruperti et Koenig, 2 vol. 8vo, 1/ 16s.— 1. p. 3 12 Priestley ■■ ■■ abridged, Svo . .0140 Pickering — ^ -■ Select Satires of, by Spillan, 12mo, bd. .076 Whittaker KaIM on the Orthography of the German Language, 12mo .020 Wacey keegan's (W.) 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Histoire Romaine, 12mo, 6c/. . . .046 AUman La Fontaine (John) Fables, avec notes par Levizac, 12mo, 6c/. . 6 Dulau Laing's Greek and English Lexicon to New Testament, 8vo . 10 6 Seeley Laisne's (T.) French Accidence, 12mo, bd. . . . .026 Whittaker Idioms, 12mo, bd. 3 6 Whittaker View of English and French Languages, 12mo, bd. .020 Whittaker Lafayette Memoires, Correspondence, et MS S. 3 vol. 8vo . . 1 16 Saunders Lamb's Hebrew Characteristics derived from Hieroglyphics, Svo .086 Parker Lambert's (N.) Beginner's French Book, 12mo . . . .03 6 Baldwin Las Casas' Vie Privee de Napoleon a St. Helena, 4 vol. Svo .220 Colburn Laseque's Speaking French Grammar, 12mo, bd. . . .036 Edwards Latin Authors, selected for the Use of Schools, 12mo . .036 Taylor ^ W. 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French Grammar, 12mo, 6c/. . . . .020 Whittaker First Book, 12mo, bd. . . .030 Whittaker LATIN, ETC.] LEB— LOO Lebrun's (Isidore) Tableau Statistique, etc., des deux Canadas, 8vo 10 Leclercq's Proverbes Dramatiques, by Lefebvre, 18mo . .03 Lefons de Fenelon, 12mo, hd. 5 pour les Enfans, 12mo, 6 Trachiniee, Greece, English Notes by Brasse, sm. 8vo Notis Brunck et Scheefer, 8vo Sorelli, II Paradiso Perduto di Milton, 8vo Isabelli degli Aldobrandi, Tragedia, &c., sm. 8vo La Peste, a Poem, in Italian, 8vo . Pensieri e Poesie, 12mo, hd. Spiller's French Exercises, 12mo, hd. . » . . . Spineto's (Marq.) Oratore Italiano, 12mo Spitzner's ( Franz. ) Elements of Greek Prosody, 8vo . Spyers's (Tho.) Praxis on the Eton Latin Syntax, }2mo . Squire's (Edm.) Exercises for Writing Greek Verse, 12mo Key to, 12mo . Q . St. Reay Narratio de Josepho, 12mo Stael's (Mad.) Corinne, ou I'ltalie, 3 vol. 12mo . . . St. Quentin's (D.) French Grammar, 12rao, hd. Introduction to French, 12mo, hd. les Ecrits de Rousseau, 8vo - CEuvres Inedites, par Mad. Necker, 3 vol. 8vo — Vue de la Litterature, 2 vol. 8vo Allemagne, 3 vol. 8vo » ; abrege, 12mo, 3s 6c?. -with plates Considerations sur la Revolution Fran9oise, 3 vol. 8vo . 1 Lettres sur Angleterre, 8vo 1 1 2 1 2 Zulma, 8vo Steele's (Wm.) Greek Extracts, 12mo, hd. . . . . Outlines of Greek Grammar, 12mo, hd. . Stephens' (Hen.) Greek Thesaurus, 39 parts, folio, each 1/ Is.-l.p, (E.) Treatise on the Greek Expletive Particles, 12mo Steps to Sense Verses, 18mo, hd. \s 6d. — Key to Stewart's ( Cha. ) Anvari Soohyly of Hussein Vaiz Kashify, 4to . Stobeei Florilegium, Greece, a Gaisford, 4 vol. 8vo, sheets . ; ; large paper, sh. 10 Storia della Lingua e della Litteratura Italiana, 12mo . . Streit's (D. F.) German and English Military Dictionary, 12mo . Stuart's (Moses) Hebrew Grammar, 8vo . . . . . • Chrestomathy, 8vo . . . . Suidee Lexicon, Greece, recensuit Gaisford, 3 vol. folio, sheets . 7 large paper, sh. 10 Sumner's (Bp.) Preelectiones Academics) Oxonii Habita, 8vo . Surenne's (G.) French Colloquial Instructor, sq. 18mo, hd. . Grammatical Dictionary, 18mo, h. hd. . Instructor, sq. 18mo, hd. . — Key to, 18mo, hd. — Grammatology, 3 vol. sq. 18mo, hd. . Manual, 18mo, h. hd. . . . . Primer, 18ma [^HEBREW, GREEK, 5 Payne 9 Payne Whittaker Black Duncan Longman 6 Priestley Simpkin Longman 6 Priestley Longman Whittaker 6 Priestley Longman Simpkin Whittaker 6 Payne Longman 6 Priestley 6 Priestley Simpkin, Longman Longman 6 Priestleij Lfulau 6 Author JDulau Dulau 6 Simpkin 6 Dulau Whittaker Whittaker 6 Whittaker 6 Whittaker 6 Whittaker 6 Whittaker Payne Colburn 6 Whittaker Baldivin 6 Treuttel Colburn Treuttel Colburn Murray Colburn 6 Duncan 6 Duncan Valpy 6 Talboys 6 Whittaker Allen Payne Payne 6 Rolandi Schloss Whittaker Whittaker Payne Payne Murray Simpkin Simpkin 6 Simpkin 6 Simpkin Simpkin SitnpktTi 6 Whittaker 15 8 9 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 10 10 5 3 3 5 5 5 3 1 10 7 5 4 7 6 2 5^ 4 4 2 6 15 4 16 10 3 16 12 16 6 3 2 2 4 1 LATIN, ETC.] SUR— TES Surenne's French Reading Instructor, sq. 18mo, hd. . Rhetorical Grammar, 8vo, 9s. -Key to, 18mo . Translator, sm. Svo ..... Petit Cours de Fran9ais, roy. ISmo, hd, 4s, — Key to . Svinine's Details sur le General Moreau, 12mo .... Sylloge Confessionum sub tempus Reformandse Ecclesise, Svo, sh. Syntactical Examination, 12mo, bd Tableau de la Litterature Fran9aise de Dix-huitieme Siecle, Svo Tablet of French Pronunciation, ISmo Tabulae Herodotese, 12mo • Thucydidese, 12mo ..... Taciti Opera, cum Notis Emesti et Oberlini, 4 vol. Svo Brotier, cura Valpy, 4 vol. Svo ■ with Brotier's Notes in English, 3 vol. sm. Sv edidit Carson, Svo, hd. Germania et Agricola, by Barker, sm. Svo ■ Spillan, 12mo . Historiae, cum Notis Relhan, Svo Moribus Germanorum Libellus, Relhan, 12mo, 5s 6c?, Talisman, (Le) pour 1S32, sm. Svo . Tandon's French Grammar, Svo, hd. Tardy's ( Abbe) Pronouncing French Dictionary, 12mo, hd. Tarver'S (J. C. ) Choix en Prose et en Vers, 12mo, 6c?. Dictionary of French Verbs, 12mo French Grammar with Exercises, 12mo, hd. — Exercises, 12mo, hd. Language simplified, 12mo, hd. Phraseology, 12mo, hd. Pronunciation, 12mo, hd. Inferno di Dante, 2 vol. Bva -2 vol. 48rao Tasso, Italian, 2 vol. Svo, 12s. Rolandi. by Rampini, 12mo Zotti, 2 vol. I2mo French and Enghsh, 2 vol. 12mo . Tate^s (Jas.) Greek Grammar, 12mo, hd. . Horatius Restitutus, Svo . Introduction to the Greek Metres, Svo Rules to form the Ovidian Distich, Svo Tattam's ( H. ) Egyptian Grammar, Svo and Young's Egyptian Grammar and Dictionary, Tayler's (C.) Introduction to Greek Iambics, 12mo . Taylor's (Mrs.) Solicitude for a Daughter, French, 12mo (Wm.) Oriental Historical MSS. (Tamil), 2 vol. ( G. ) Latin Grammar, Svo, 6c?. Teatro Espanol, con Notas, 4 vol. Svo Italiano, by Zotti, 3 vol. 12mo Telemachus, French, by De la Voye, ISmo Gros, 12mo, hd. . Ventouillac, 12mo, 6c?. Wanostrocht, 12mo, 6c?, and English, 2 vol. 12mo Italian, 2 vol. ISmo Terentii Andrianus, &c., with Notes by Phillips, Svo Comoediae, edidit Zeunius, 2 vol. Svo, 2Z2s.— 1. p, in usum Delphini, Svo, 6c?. . ex edit. Zeunii, (Harding,) fcap. &c., cura Giles, Svo Reinhardt, Notes by Hiekie, I2m(> Westerhovii, 12mo (typis Corrall,) 4Smo Latin and English, by Patrick, Testamentum Vetus, Greece, 6 vol. Svo, sheets, l/7s. — ^1. p Holmes et Bos, 2 vol. ISmo Novum, Greece, 4 vol. sm. Svo, sheets Bowyer, 4to Dakins, 12mo, hd. — Duncan, 12mo, hd. Sva 4to Svo sh. 2 2 1 10 5 4 12 7 12 4 10 6 12 12 2 12 5 2 9 18 2 3 2 3 3 10 3 18 14 2 4 6 4 9 6 8 3 15 8 16 9 3 6 15 4 4 12 14 1 7 5 4 6 7 7 3 3 6 4 3 3 1 405 6 Simpkin Whittaker Whittaker 6 Simpkin 6 Longman 6 Payne Simpkin Colhurn Jotf 6 Whittaker Whittaker Priestley Whittaker Longman Whittaker 6 Longman 6 Groomhridgc Whittaker Whittaker Longman Egerton Longman 6 Souter Souter Souter Souter Williams Souter 6 Dulau Dulau Pickering Parquet Dulau Dulau & Hamilton Cradock Baldwin 6 Baldwin Arch Arch 6 Taybr ^ W. 6 Taylor k W. Alien 6 Roake Boosey © Dulau 6 Parker Whittaker Low 6 Longman Whittaker Treuttel Tegg Priestley Whittaker Whittaker Jas. Bohn 6 J. Priestley 6 Valpy Pickering Whittaker Payne Tegg Payne Nichols Cadell 6 Cowic 406 TES— TUR Testamentum Novum, Greece, Knapp, sm. 8vo . Lloyd, 12mo, sheets — Mills, 12mo, hd. Text by Trollope, 8vo Griesbach, Mill et Scholz, 12mo . cum Notis Hardy, 2 vol. 8vo cum var. Lect. Griesbach, 2 vol. 8vo ex edit. Griesbachii, ISmo . Hardy, 8vo 2 2 Eng. Notes, by Valpy, 3 vol. 8vo 2 5 et Eng. Cardwell, 2 vol. 12mo, sh. 15 Eng. Notes, by Bloomfield, 2 vol. 8vo 2 abridged by ditto, 12mo 12 by Burton, 2 vol. 8vo 1 4 ■ 3 10 5 for Schools, 12mo, hd. 48mo 32mo, 8s. Bagster. — 32mo et Latine, by Leusden, 2 vol Theatre of the Greeks, revised by Donaldson, Bvo Theocritus, Bion. etc. Gr. et Lat. cum Notis, 2 vol. 8vo, 18s. — ^1. p. Thieme's Eng. and Germ, and Germ, and Eng. Dictionary, 32mo, hd. Thiersch's (Fred.) Greek Grammar, by Sandford, 8vo Thirlwall's (T. ) Diatesseron, Latin, 12mo, hd. . Thistlethwaite's (W. ) Boy's Latin Construing Book, 12mo, hd. Thompson's ( H. ) French Grammar, 12mo, hd. . 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Svo Timaei Lexicon Vocum Platonicarum, Ruhnkenii, Svo Tooti Nameh ; or, Tales of the Parrot, Persian and Eng. roy. Bvo Tourreil's ( M. L. ) Panorama des Enfans, fcap. Tourrier's (J.) French Model Book, 8vo . Little French Model Book, sq. 12mo Trapp's Praelectiones Poeticae, 12mo, hd. . 24mo Triglott Gospel ; St. Matthew, Gr. Lat. and Eng. Interlinear, Svo Mark, Ditto Ditto Luke, Ditto Ditto John, Ditto Ditto Evangelists, Gr. Lat. and Eng., Interlinear, Svo with Grammar, Svo 1 Tristan's Poetical Remains, in French, by Michel, 2 vol. 12mo . 1 Trollope's (W.) Excerpta ex Ovidio, 12mo, 6c?. . . . Notse in Euripidem, 2 vol. Svo 1 Pentalogia Graeca, Svo Sallust and Cicero's Orations, I2mo, hd. . . . Turner's (W.) Exercises to the Latin Accidence, &c., 12mo, hd. [[HEBREW, GREEK, 6 Whittaker 7 6 Payne 5 Greenhill Rickerhy Taylor ^ W. Whittaker Mawman Rivinijton Allman Whittaker Payne Longman Longman Payne 6 Parker 6 Pickering Tegg 9 Whittaker 15 Rivington 1 11 6 Whittaker 4 Hughes 16 Cadell 4 6 Whittaker 2 6 Hatchard 2 6 Cowie 2 Groomhridge 2 Groomhridge 10 Arch 6 Arch 1 Payne 14 Paijne 14 Priestley 1 11 6 Priestley 17 Longman 2 8 Whittaker 4 14 6 Priestley 2 12 6 Whittaker 2 2 Priestley 12 Priestley 6 Payne 6 Souter 6 Treuttell Wacey Souter 6 Souter Souter 6 Souter 6 Souter Bossange Valpy Priestley IS AUen 4 Fisher 8 Longman 2 6 Longman 5 Whittaker 9 Taylor Sf W. 5 Taylor &^W. 9 Tayhr ^ W. 6 Taijlor ^ W. 8 Taylor ^ W. 11 6 Taylor ^W. 10 Pickering 3 6 Rivington 4 Whittaker 14 Rivington 3 6 Rivington 3 Longman LATIN, ETC.] TUR — VET Turner's Selections from Pliny, Latin, 12mo, bd. Tumour's (Geo.) Mahawanso, Pali and English, vol. 1, 4to Turpin's Charles the Great and Orlando, Span, and Eng. 2 vol. 8vo 1 Turrell's Extraits Litteraires, Vers et Prose, 12mo French Synonymes and Genders of Nouns, 12mo Tursellinus de Particulis Latinis, cura Bailey, 8vo Tyrwhitti Conjecturse in iEschylum, &c, 8vo, sheets, 5s 6d. Urcullu's (D. J.) English Grammar for Spaniards, Bvo, bd. Gastronomia 6 los Placeres de la Mesa, 12mo, bd. Valpy's Delphin Latin Classics, 141 vol. 8vo, 18s. each — ^1 Analecta Latina Majora, 8vo, bd. Andrian of Terence, 12mo, bd. . Cicero de OfFiciis, with English Notes, 12mo, bd. Ciceronis Epistolee, 12mo, bd. . with English Notes, 12mo, bd. Orationes, with English Notes, sm. 8vo Elegantise Latinse, 12mo, bd. 4s 6d. — Key to Epitome Sacrae Historise, 18mo, bd. Etymological Dictionary of the Latin Language, 8 Fundamental Rules of the Greek Language, 8vo Greek Delectus, 12rao, bd. 4s. — Key to Second, 8vo, bd. Third, 8vo, bd. 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Ventouillac's Bouquet Litteraire, 18mo .— French Librarian, 8vo .... Poetry, with Eng. Notes for Children - — ■ Rudiments, 12mo • Li\Te de Classe, with English Notes, i2mo Morceaux d' Histoire, 18mo . Vergani's Grammaire, Italian and English, 12mo, 6c?. . Italien et Francois simplifiee, 12mo ' Raconti Istorici, da Comelati, 12mo Verites Amusantes et Interessantes, par James, 12mo . Vertot (Aubert) Revolutions de Portugal, par Boisgelin, 12mo, bd. Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi, in Museo Britanuico, 4to . P- 18mo 407 4 6 Baldwin 1 11 6 Alleri 1 1 Boosey 7 6 Longman 3 6 Longman 12 Priestley 11 Payne 8 Ackermann 3 Ackermann 1 16 Valpy 10 6 Baldwin 2 Lonqmun 6 6 Longman 2 Longman 3 Longman 7 6 Longman 2 6 Longman 2 Longman 13 6 Whittaher 10 6 Whittaher 2 6 Longman 9 6 Longman 15 6 Longman 3 6 Lonqman 6 6 Lonqman 1 1 Baqster 5 Whittaher 6 Whittaher 6 6 Longman 10 6 Longman 3 6 Longman 6 Longman 3 Lonqman 5 6 Longman 3 6 Longman 6 L^ongman 2 6 Longman 1 6 I^ongman 2 6 Longman 2 6 Longman 2 Lonqman 2 6 Whittaher 3 6 Whittaher 4 6 Longman 4 6 Longman 1 6 Whittaher 2 6 Whittaher 4 6 Whittaher 3 6 Whittaher 3 6 Lonqman 7 6 Longman 1 1 Duncan 2 6 Payne 6 Whittaher 3 6 Low 18 Treuttel 2 Low 3 6 Low 5 Low 3 6 Low 5 Souter 3 Dulau 5 6 Dulau 5 Simpkin Dulau 5 4 4 Payne 408 VIE— WAN Vieyra's (Anth.) Arte de Fui*tar, 8vo Portuguese Dictionary, 2 vol. 8vo abridged, sq. 12mo, bd. Grammar, 8vo, bd. Exercises, 12mo, bd. VigePs Treatise on Greek Accents, .12mo . . 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' Grammar, 12mo, bd. As — Key to Vocabulary, 12mo, bd. . and English Dialogues, 12mo, bd. Gil Bias, abrege, 12mo, bd. Latin Grammar, 12mo, bd. . Key to, by Kennedy, 12mo, bd. Livre des Enfans, 12mo, bd. Numa Pompilius, I2mo, bd. Petite Encyclopedic, 12mo, bd. Pierre Le Grand, 12mo, bd. [^HEBREW, GREEK, 10 6 Hansard 1 16 Whittaker 10 6 Whittaker 7 6 Didau 3 6 Whittaher 1 6 Whittaker 19 Payne 1 1 Priestley 9 6 Longman 10 Longman 3 6 Longman 11 Longman 7 Payne \5 Lonqman 3 6 Simpkin 3 6 Duncan S Pickering 6 6 Priestley 1 8 Pickering 14 Jas. Bohn 10 Harding 14 Whittaker 1 1 Whittaker 9 Whittaker 6 6 Taylor &• W. 15 Whittaker 4 Baldwin 1 1 Whittaker 13 Jennings 8 Simpkin 3 6 Simpkin 10 6 Whittaker 7 Whittaker 1 1 Whittaker 2 5 Jennings 6 Longman 9 6 Murray 4 Whittaker 16 6 Longman 3 Hamilton 2 6 Simpkin 4 Lonqman 3 6 Bulau 5 Dulau 4 Simpkin 6 Wacetj 8 Dulau 8 6 Longman S Longman 12 Longman 1 5 Knight 4 Wacey 5 Mawman 3 3 Hnqhes 1 8 Baldwin 4 6 Boosey 6 Boosey 3 Simpkin 3 Baldwin 2 Waccy 6 Wacey 4 6 Baldwin 2 6 Wacey 2 Wacey 4 Wacey 6 Baldwin 5 Boosey LATIN, ETC.] WAN — WIL Wanostrocht's Recueil Choisi, 12mo, hd. — Sequel to, 12mo, hd. . Telemaque, 12mo, hd. ..... Wanthier's Geographie Aneienne comparee a la Moderne, 4to, h. hd. Ward's Greek Grammar, 12mo, hd. Latin Accidence, 12mo, hd. . ■ Grammar, l2mo, hd. . Watson's Apology for the Bible, French, by Ventouillac, 12mo . Wattez' (F. J.) Colloquial Exercises on French Idioms, 12mo . Webb's (Tho.) Greek Prosody and Metre, 8vo . Webster's ( Alex. ) Latin Delectus, 12mo, hd. Welchman (Edw.) de Articulis Ecclesise Anglicanae, 8vo Wendebom's (F. A.) German Grammar, with Exercises, 12mo, 6c?. Weminck's Dutch and English Dictionary, sq. 12mo, hd. Westminster School Books, viz. jiEsopi Fabularum Delectus, l2mo, hd. Electa, Greek, I2rao, hd. . Epigrammatum Graecorum Delectus, 12rao, hd. Excerpta ex Ovidio, 12mo, hd. . Greecae Grammatica Compendium, 12mo, hd. Grammatica Busbeiana, 12mo, hd. Hebraicas Grammatica Rudimenta, 12mo, hd. Introduction to Grammai*, 12mo, hd. . Latin Grammar, 8vo, hd. . Mai-tialis, 12mo, hd. . Ovidii Fasti, 12rao, hd. . Poematum Graecorum Delectus, 12mo, hd. Sacred Exercises, 12mo, hd. . Xenophontis Memorabilia, 12rao, hd. Weston's ( Step. ) Fan Hy Cheu, Chinese and English, roy Persian Distichs, Persian and English, roy. 8vo 4.09 Remains of Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese, 8vo Whitaker's (C. P.) French Grammar, sq. 12mo, h. hd. White's ( E. J. ) Diatessaron, Greek, 8vo, sheets . WTiitehead's ( S. ) Spanish Grammar and Exercises, 12mo Whittaker's Series of French Classics, roy. 24mo, Cottin . . . EUzabeth; ou, les Exiles en Siberia Fenelon . . Abrege des Vies des Anciens Philosophes Aventures de Telemaque Estelle, Pastorale .... Gonzalve de Cordoue .... Guillaume Tell, et Eliezer Nephthali Numa Pompihus .... Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane, 2 torn. Belisaire ..... Les Incas; ou, la Destruction de Perou St. Pierre . Chaumiere Indienne — Atala, par Chateaubriand Paul et Virginie .... Henriade Histoire de Charles XII. Russie sous Pierre le Grand Florian Le Sage . Marmontel Voltaire Whittaker's (Geo.) Fabulee Selectee, 12mo, hd. . Florilegium Poeticum, 18mo, hd. Grammatical Figures, 18mo, hd. Latin Exercises, ]2mo, hd. 3s. — Key to . Grammar, 12mo, hd. . Whittock's French and English Pictorial Vocabulary, sq. 12mo Wilcke's (J. ) French and Italian Pronunciation, 12mo, hd. Wilkins's (Cha.) Sanskrit Grammar, 4to . WilHams's (Dav. ) Ars Rhetorica, 12mo, hd. . . Clavis Classica, 12mo, hd. ... Maitre Mythologique, 12mo, hd. Speaking Latin Vocabuliary, 12mo, hd. Willis's ( A. ) Hebrew Grammar, 8vo .... Wilson's ( Cha. ) Elements of Hebrew Grammar, 8vo . ( H. H. ) Sanscrit and English Dictionary, 4to 3G 8vo 3 Longman 4 Boosey 4 6 Longman . 10 6 Longman 2 6 Longman 1 Longman 2 6 Longman 4 Rivington 2 6 Parker 6 Baldwin 2 6 Poole 6 6 Whittaker 8 Wacey 12 Whittaker Ginger 2 6 3 6 3 6 4 1 2 2 1 3 6 5 3 3 6 5 4 5 6 Baldwin 6 Baldwin 7 Payne 6 6 Leiqh 3 6 Payne 7 6 Baldwin Whittaker 2 6 4 5 2 6 5 3 4 6 10 3 5 3 2 6 3 4 6 5 2 Whittaker 3 Whittaker 1 6 Whittaker 2 Whittaker 2 6 Whittaker 2 6 Whittaker 2 Simpkin 4 4 Allen 3 Sherwood 3 Sherwood 3 6 Sherwood I 6 Sherwood 6 jRivinqton 10 6 Duncan , 4 6 Allen 410 WIL— ZUM Wilson's (Jos. ) French and English Dictionary, imp. 8vo . 18mo, bd. . Wittich's (W.) German for Beginners, 12mo WolfTs (J. F.) Manual of Hebrew Grammar, with Points, 8vo Wolski's (F. A.) French Extracts for Beginners, roy. ISmo Wood's Easy Exercises in French Grammar, 12mo, bd. Woodford's (Edw.) Elements of the Latin Language, 12mo, bd. Woodhouse's ( Rd. ) Grammar, Span. , Port. , and Italian, 8vo Wordsworth's (C.) Greek Grammar for Schools, 12mo Worsley's ( Israel) French Delectus, 12mo, bd. . Wright's (G. N.) Eton Greek and English Grammar, 12mo, bd. • Greek Rudiments, 12mo, bd. . . . . Sentences, 12mo, bd. ( M. ) Greek and English Lexicon, ISmo [HEBREW, GREEK, ETC. .220 Ball .050 Ball -.050 Taylor 8f W. 2 6 Cornish .020 Whittaker .030 Baldwin .016 Whittaker .070 Allen .036 Murray . 4 Longman . 4 Joy .026 Whittaker .040 Whittaker .070 Tegg Xenophontis Opera, Gr. et Lat. 10 vol. 12mo 10 vol. sm. 8vo Schneider, 6 vol. 8vo, sheets . large paper, sheets Anabasis, Greece, Balfour, sm. 8vo Hutchinson, 8vo, 95. — with Latin ! '■ — Long, 12mo, 5s. — 8vo — - — • Negris, 12mo .... — — : Schneider, 8vo, sh. 7s 6c?. — 1. p. et Lat. Townsend, 8vo . . ■■ ch. 1 — 6, Lexicon by Hardy, 12mo Cyropsedia, Greece, Barker, sm. 8vo . Hutchinson, 8vo . Major, 12mo Schneider, 8vo,sh. 9s.— 1. p. ; — et Lat. Hutchinson, 8vo, bd. . Lib. 1 — 3, Geoghegan, 12mo 10 8 4 1 4 10 3 Historia Grseca, Gr., Dindorfii, 8vo, sheets Schneider, 8vo, sh. 12s. -1. p. 12 6 Memorabilia, Greece, Benwell, 8vo Greenwood, 8vo with Latin Schneider, 8vo, sh. 7s 6d,-\.p. Young, with Index, 8vo Latin, 8vo CEconomicus, etc., Gr., Schneider, 8vo, sheets large paper Opuscula Politica, Gr., 8vo, sheets, 10s. — 1. p. . 12 1 6 9 9 10 16 8 8 7 16 16 Yeates' (Tho.) Collation of an Indian Hebrew Pentateuch, 4to Hebrew Grammar, roy. 8vo ... Syriac and EngKsh Grammar, 8vo 9 4 7 Yehring's Progressive Lessons, French, Ger. and Eng., 16mo, each 2 Young's (W.). Latin Dictionary, 8vo, 6rf. 13 — ^ (T.) Egyptiari Dictionary, 8vo . . . . . 12 Yriarte's Compendio de Ja Historia de Espana, 12mo . . .05 Fabulas Literarias, a JOsse, sm. 8vo . . . .07 ZoTTi's (R.) 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Boyer and Deletanville's French and English Dictionary, Svo, hd. Bunyan's Pilgiim's Progress, Memoir by St. John, 12mo Clarkson's History of the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Svo Cooper's (M. A.) Thamuta; Spirit of Death, &c.. Poems, 12mo De Tocqueville's Democracy in America, 2 vol. Svo . Draper's Parables of Christ, J vol. sq. 16mo Duncan's Cottage Fire-side, ISmo .... Froissart's Chronicles of England, &c., 2 vol. imp. Svo Gould's Dictionary of Painters, 2 vol, 12mo Gray's Elegy, (Polyglott Edition,) sm. Svo Hay's Addresses of the Lord Rectors of Glasgow, roy. Svo Inwood's Tables for purchasing Estates, &c. , 1 2mo James's Life of Edward, the Black Prince, 2 vol. fcap. Kennett's Parochial Antiquities, 2 vol. 4to . Latrobe's Alpenstock; or. Sketches of Switzerland, fcap. Leigh's Picture of London, ISmo ... Lindley's Key to Structural, &c. , Botany, Svo . Loudon's Hortus Britannicus, with Supplement, Svo . 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Svo 2 2 Harding BAGSTER'S BIBLES, ETC. 3G2 ( 4,12 ) BAGSTER'S BIBLES, NEW TESTAMENTS, PRAYER BOOKS, PSALTERS, CONCORDANCES, AND LEXICONS, IN ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. nOAAAI fiev BvTjrois rAQTTAI, /xta h^K6avaT0i(nv. The Books are in Cloth Boards, except otherwise expressed. BIBLIA SACRA POLYGLOTTA BAGSTERIANA; containing Eighth various Bibles at one view (see the following Diagram), viz. — Hebrew, f ~' Greek, English, Latin, German, Italian, French, and Spanish Languages ; / " with Prolegomena, by the Rev. Samuel Lee, one vol. folio . . . ) s. d. 8 *** The above Polyglott Bible is published in Eight single Bibles, as follows in this Catalogue ; or, by combining the Languages two and two, in Four Vo- lumes. The following are foolscap 8vo size — English Version, the usual authorized text, embellished with 14 highly finished coloured Maps and Charts, being one of the pages of the above Polyglott Bible, printed (as all are) page for page vdth the several languages in this Catalogue 18 English Version, with Index 19 6 English Version, with Common Prayer 12 English Version, with Common Prayer and New Version . . , .12 6 English Version, with Common Prayer and Index 14 English Version, with Cruden's Concordance 13 English Version, with Index and Cruden's Concordance . . . . .14 6 English Version, with Scotch Psalms 0190 English Version, with Watts's Psalms and Hymns 12 English Version, with Greek Testament interleaved 14 English Version, interleaved with the " Treasury of Scripture Knowledge," . 1 10 *#* This work is published under the title of " The Treasury Bible." See p. 415. English Version and Index, with Greek Testament, Schmidt's Greek Concord- ance, Cruden's Concordance, Greek and English Lexicon . . . 1 19 6 English Version, interleaved with Septuagint - . .17 English Version, interleaved with Septuagint and Greek Testament . . .116 English Version, (of Old Testament,) interleaved vdth Hebrew Bible . . 1 11 6 English Version, interleaved with Hebrew Old and New Testament . . .220 English Version, interleaved with French Version 18 English Version, interleaved with Italian Version . . , . . .18 English Version, interleaved with Portuguese Version 18 English Version, interleaved with German Version 18 English Version, int(irleaved with Latin Vulgate Version . . . . .18 English Version, interleaved with Spanish Version , . . . . .18 bagster's bibles, prayer books, concordances, etc. 413 Greek New 18 1 4 1 4 1 10 1 11 6 2 2 2 2 1 8 1 14 Hebrew and French Hebrew and Italian Same price as Hebrew and German. Hebrew Bible (with Points) Hebrew Bible (with Points) and Hebrew Testament Hebrew Bible (with Points) and Greek Testament Hebrew Bible (with Points) and Hebrew and Greek Testament Hebrew Bible, with the English on opposite page . Hebrew and English Bible, and Greek and English Testament Hebrew Bible and Greek Septuagint interleaved, and Hebrew and Testament interleaved Hebrew Bible, interleaved with German Bible TTie same, with Hebrew and German New Testament Hebrew and Spanish Hebrew and Latin Hebrew and Portuguese *#* The Hebrew Bible, without points, in the same variety of Combinations, Bindings, and Prices, as the Hebrew Bible, with points. Greek Septuagint Version 13 6 Greek Septuagint Version and Greek Testament 18 Greek Septuagint Version, Testament, and Common Prayer . . . .12 Greek Septuagint Version and English Old Testament interleaved . . .17 Greek Septuagint Version and Greek Testament interleaved with the Latin .18 Greek and English Bible. — See English and Greek, page 412. Greek and Hebrew Bible. — See Hebrew and Greek, above. Greek and French 1 Greek and German Greek and Italian | Greek and Spanish and Greek and Portuguese, the same price as Greek and Latin. Latin Vulgate Version 10 Latin Vulgate Version and the Common Prayer 14 Latin Vulgate Version and the French Version interleaved . . . .10 Vulgate Version and Hebrew. — See as above, Hebrew and Latin. Vulgate Version and Greek. — See as above, Greek and Latin. Vulgate Version and EngUsh. — See Enghsh and Latin, page 412. Latin and Spanish I Latin and German Latin and Portuguese | Latin and Italian are the same prices as the above Latin and French. French Version 10 French Version and the Common Prayer 14 French Version and the Italian Version interleaved 10 French and Hebrew. — See as above, Hebrew and French. French and Greek. — See as above, Greek and French. French and Latin. — See as above, Latin and French. French and English. — See English and French, page 412. Note. French and Spanish — French and Portuguese — and French and German — same price as French and Italian. Italian Version 10 Italian Version and the Common Prayer 14 Italian Version and the German Version interleaved . . . . .10 Italian and English See English and Italian, page 412. Italian and Hebrew, — See as above, Hebrew and Italian. Italian and Greek. — See as above, Greek and Italian. Italian and French. — See as above, French and Italian. Note. Italian and Spanish— Italian and Portuguese— are the same price as the above Italian and German. Spanish Version 10 Spanish Version and the Common Prayer 14 Spanish Version and the German Version interleaved 10 Spanish Version and the Portuguese Version 10 Spanish and English.— ^See English and Spanish, page 412. Spanish and Hebrew. — See Hebrew and Spanish, above. Spanish and Greek. — See Greek and Spanish, above. Spanish and Latin. — See Latin and Spanish, above. Spanish and French See French and Spanish, above. Spanish and Italian. — See Italian and Spanish, above. German Version a ^^ n German Version and the Common Prayer • .0140 German Version and the Portuguese . . . .. . . . .100 414 BAGSTERS BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, CONCORDANCES, ETC. German and English See English and German, p^e 412. German and Hebrew See Hebrew and German, page 413. German and Greek See Greek and German, page 413. German and Latin. — ^ee Latin and German, page 413. German and French — See French and German, page 413. German and Italian See Italian and German, page 413. German and Spanish. — See Spanish and German. Portuguese Version • * . ' , • . 10 Portuguese Version may be interleaved with all the other Bibles in the pre- ce(hng two pages of this Catalogue. THE MINIATURE EDITION OF THE POLYGLOTT BIBLE. This series is now in the course of publication. The Miniature English Version, in cloth bds 12 In calf binding, 15s 6d. and 16s. In Turkey morocco binding, 18s. The Miniature French Version, in cloth bds. . 12 In calf binding, 15s 6c?. and 16s, In Turkey morocco binding, 18s. BAGSTER'S COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE. Comprehensive Bible, crown 4to 1150 Comprehensive Bible, demy 4to, larger type 2 Comprehensive Bible, royal 4to . . .300 Comprehensive Bible, printed on imperial writing paper, having four inches of margin for manuscript notes, SI 15s. or in vellum 4 4 NEW TESTAMENTS, IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES. foolscap %vo size, ALL ADAPTED TO INTERLEAVE WITH THE VARIOUS LANGUAGES. Greek Testament 060 Hebrew Testament 060 Hebrew Testament, with Hebrew Psalms 8 German Testament ..040 French Testament 040 ItaUan Testament 040 Spanish Testament . . . . . 4 Enghsh Testament 040 Latin Testament . .040 Portuguese Testament 040 Greek and English Testament 0100 Hebrew and English Testament and Psalms 12 *** The price of any combination of these languages, one with another, may be ascertained by adding together the prices of the separate volumes. New Testament : English, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese, in one volume 2 Greek Testament, Schmidt's Concordance, and Greenfield's Greek and English Lexicon ., . . 15 Greek Testament, interleaved with the English Testament, Schmidt's Greek Concordance, Cruden's English Concordance, and Greenfield's Greek and English Lexicon 110 Greek New Testament and Common Prayer . 10 Syriac Testament fPeschitoJ of Widmanstadt, 1555, post Svo . , .080 Syriac Testament and Lexicon, post 8vo 12 Syriac Lexicon, post Svo, cloth .040 COMMON PRAYERS, LEXICONS, AND CONCORDANCES, IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES, OF A SUITABLE SIZE TO BIND UP WITH THE FOREGOING BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS, foolscap SvO sizC. Greek Common Prayer . " ~ M. Greek Common Prayer . Latin Common Prayer . German Common Prayer . *^>* As these editions are printed page for page ahke, any two or more' may form a volume, and the price is regulated by adding together the price of each book, as before stated. Common Prayer, in eight languages, the whole exhibited at every opening, one \ol\ixne,fcap. 8vo . . . , 110 4 French Common Prayer . 4 4 Italian Common Prayer . 4 4 Spanish Common Prayer . 4 4 English Common Prayer . 4 2 2 3 5 6 5 7 6 8 6 9 4 6 4 4 4 4 BAGSTERS BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, CONCORDANCES, ETC. 415 LiTURGiA Britanxica Octaglotta, in one volume, 4to . Greek and English Lexicon, fcap. 8vo, sewed Cruden's Concordance to the Old and New Testament Schmidt's Greek Concordance, fcap. 8vo POLYMICRIAN SERIES OF NEW TESTAMENTS, Small Pocket Volumes, 32mo size. English New Testament, vA-ith the esteemed References of the ' English Version ' of the foregoing Polyglott, and printed in a centre column, illustrated with coloured maps English New Testament, with Cruden's Concordance English New Testament, with the Bible Version of the Psalms, with References in a middle column . . . English New Testament, with the Psalms and Cruden's Concordance Greek New Testament, with References and Various Readings Greek New Testament, with Qreek and English Lexicon .... Latin New Testament Hebrew New Testament French New Testament Italian New Testament .......... Spanish New Testament Giermau New Testament .......... POLYMICRIAN SERIES OF CONCORDANCES, LEXICONS COMMON PRAYERS, AND PSALTERS, 3Qmo size. Cruden's Concordance to the Old and New Testament, in which are given, with- out one omission, every appellative word and every proper name found in the large editions, and reference to every passage of Scripture, arranged under one alphabet Schmidt's Concordance to the Greek Testament * . . . . . .0 Greenfield's Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament, in which the various senses of the words are distinctly explained in English, and author- ized by references to passages of Scripture . . . . . ■ . Cruden's Concordance to the New Testament Cruden's English, and Schmidt's Greek Concordance to the New Testament Schmidt's Concordance, and Greek and English Lexicon .... Syriac Lexicon of the same size as the Syriac New Testament .... COMMON PRAYERS, 32mo size. Greek, or Modem Greek . .040 Latin Common Prayer . .040 German Common Prayer . .040 PSALMS. English (Bible Version) Psalms, with a centre column of References from the English Version of the Polyglott Bible, 32mo, sewed, each Is., or roan, embossed . . . ." 020 Greek, Latin, German, French, Itahan, and Spanish Psalms, 32mo, sewed, each Is., or roan embossed . . . 020 SCRIPTURE ATLAS, a Series of Fourteen Maps and Chronological Chart, engraved and coloured in the first style, bound in silk . . .050 INDEXES. Index to the Bible, of various sizes, to bind up with the many editions of the Sacred Scriptures, sewed 016 THE TREASURY BIBLE. Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, containing 500,000 Scripture References and numerous Notes, suited to any Bible, one volume, foolscap 8vo . . 12 Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and Index to the Bible, fcap. 8vo . . 13 6 Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and Cruden's Concordance, fcap. 8vo . .0170 Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Cruden's Concordance, and Index to the Bible, fcap. 8vo 18 Treasury Bible, consisting of the * Treasury of Scripture Knowledge ' and the ' English Version of the Polyglott Bible ' interpaged, fcap. 8vo . . .110 Treasury Bible, printed on a writing paper, with lines prepared in the fabric of the paper for manuscript matter, 4to 1100 * Novi Testamenti Grseci Ta^ttsrov, aliis Concordantise, ita concinnatum, ut et locos repe- riendi, et vocum veras significationes, et significationum diversitates per coUationera investi- gandi, ducis instar esse possit. Ex opera Erasmi Schmidii, depromtum a Gulielmo Greenfield. French Common Prayer Itahan Common Prayer Spanish Common Prayer 5 6 3 2 8 9 4 4 4 4 LONDON : GEORGE WOODFALL, ANGEL COURT, SKINNER STREET, piitttei* in ©rtri«arfi to ^tt IWajegtg. FEB 2 3 1965 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO"— ► 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 - HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS AAAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW NOV 9 1979 I/:;; '-''^ IKC OHL NOV 2 6 979 > 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1 1 /78 BERKELEY, CA 94720 U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES