wmw m g^ ^■^ aN' h h ^ f v: f V 1/ A \.l^ (!i / >¥ / .'f ^o^*t4enotn^^H> ^coia ^Afitai4t fiUU 70 ^dama. ^ Captain John W ADAMS was born in Camden. New Jersey in 1935 and raised in Kokomo. Indiana, graduating from Kokomo High School in 1953. After attending Purdue University, he entered the U.S. Naval Academy in 1954. graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering and was commissioned as an Ensign in June. 1958. He entered flight training after graduation and was designated a Naval Aviator in December 1959. He commenced his first fleet tour with VS-32 in January I960 at Quonset Point. Rhode Island. During this tour he made deployments in the Atlantic and Caribbean aboard the USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN, flying the S-2F aircraft. In July. 1963. Captain ADAMS was assigned to the U.S. Naval Post Graduate School at Monterey. California for a year's study. Upon completion of this tour, he served as Aide to the Director. Field Support Activities, Washington D.C. from July 1964 to August 1965. Captain ADAMS has also served tours as Bureau of Naval Personnel. Plans and Programs Support Activities: Assistant Navigator on board the USS RANDOLPH: attended the Naval War College at Newport. Rl: earned his Master of Science degree in Political Science from the George Washington University: replacement pilot training at FAETULANT and VS-30; assigned to VS-24 in Norfolk. Va: served as Administration and Operations Officer in VS-24 after relocation to Quonset Point aboard the USS INTREPID: VS-30 as the Executive Officer: S-3A Fleet Introduction Officer for Commander, Air Anti-Submarine Wing One; Executive Officer and Commanding Officer of VS-22 at Cecil Field in Flordia: with VS-22 he conducted the first Atlantic Fleet S-3A deploy- ment onboard the USS SARATOGA and won the Arnold J. Isbell. COMNAVAIRLANT Aviation Safety. COMNAVAIRLANT Battle Efficiency "f" and COMSIXTHFLT ASW Excellence Awards. Since June 1976. he has reported to Commander Air Anti-Submarine Wing One. and served as Chief Staff Officer until June 1977. He next served on the staff of Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (AIR WARFARE) as Sea Based ASW Plans and Programs Officer until June 1979. He commanded Air Anti-Submarine Wing One from August 1979 until December 1980. and after detachment, attended various courses of instruc- tion prior to reporting to the USS SYLVANIA. He assumed command of the USS SYLVANIA in July 1981. deploying twice to the Mediterranean and was relieved in December 1982. After a brief TAD period Captain ADAMS reported for duty as COMMANDER. SERVICE SQUADRON TWO in March 1983. ^a*ttttt€M<U*t^ O^^icci \^T n- OFmiR Captain Vernon L ROSSON is a native of Southeast Texas. He graduated from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, in I960, and attended graduate school at the University of Texas until November, 1961 when he entered Officers Candidate School at Newport. Rhode Island, receiving his commission as an Ensign in April, 1962. Captain ROSSON has served as Mine Counter Measures Officer aboard the USS WOODPECKER (MSC-209): as Operations Officer aboard the USS CROMWELL (DE-I0I4), as Communications Officer at COMCRUDESFLOT ELEVEN; as Com- manding Officer aboard the USS PLEDGE (MSO-492): and as Executive Officer aboard the USS SYLVANIA (AFS-2). He also received his degree in Communications Engineering from the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California and attended the Command and Staff Course at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. Captain ROSSON is Married to the former Louise Carolyn LAKIE of Port Arther, Texas. They have a son. Marc, and two daughters, Allison and Kristin. Captain ROSSON assumed command of USS BUTTE (AE-27) in June, 1981 and relieved in June, 1983 by Commander William R MADISON. ^o^iUUk ^e%H»*i .d TRm4^k pholo by. OS I KCKN (^at^u^t^AtcU<^ O^^cce^ Capl Wallace M RIGGS Dec 1968 May 1970 Capt William L RIGOT Aug 1971 Aug 1972 Capt G rover K GREGORY May 1970 Aug 1971 Capt James H SCOTT Aug 1972 Oct 1973 Cdr Leonard R YOUNG Oct 1973 Oct 1975 O^ 7<ie "USS Scute (/iS-27) Cdr Kenneth R 6USTAFSON Oct 1975 Aug 1976 Cdr Eugene H BLACK May 1979 Jun 1981 Cdr Harry K McENTYRE Sept 1976 May 1979 Capt Vernon L ROSSON Jun 1981 Jun 1983 Cdr William R MADISON Jun 1983 Present ^<%m*it<!Htdet 70iiii<UK /R 7ft<iuU4<%4t Commander William R. MADISON was bom in Kansas City. Mo and is a 1964 graduate of Kansas State University. He received his commission in April 1965. upon completion of Officers Candidate School at Newport. Rl. Prior to assuming command of USS BUTTE on June 8. 1983. Commander MADISON was the Executive Officer onboard the USS PIEDMONT. Previous assignments at sea include tours as Damage Control Assistant aboard the USS SA VAGE (DER-386). Engineering Officer aboard the USS FECHTELER (DD-870). Meterologist aboard the USS GUADACANAL (LPH-7). and Engineering Officer aboard the USS DETROIT (AOR-4). Ashore. Commander MADISON was assigned to the Readiness and Training Div. Commander. Naval Surface Force. U.S. Atlantic Fleet, and served as a Meteorologist at the Fleet Weather Center, both of Norfolk. Va. Commander MADISON has attended the Naval Destroyer School. Newport, Rl-. the Armed Forces Staff College. Norfolk. Va: and the Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey. Ca. phola by, OS I KCKN photo by, SMC JONES Commander David B JENNINGS is a native of Wilmington. North Carolina. After his graduation from Bishop England High School in Charleston. South Carolina in June 1965. he attended the US Naval Academy at Annapolis. Maryland. There he received his Bachelor of Science degree and was commissioned as an Ensign in June 1969. Commander JENNINGS has served as Electronic Materials Officer aboard the USS PERKINS (DD-877): as Naval Tactical Data Systems Officer aboard the USS CHICAGO (CA-I I); as Combat Information Center Officer aboard the USS HALSEY (CG-23); as Operations Officer aboard the USS WICHITA (AOR-I). He also served on the Royal Australian Naval Staff College for two and one half years in the Personnel Exchange Program (PEP). Commander JENNINGS reported aboard the USS BUTTE (AE-27) and has been serving as Executive Officer since June 21. 1982. (^a*H*tunuUn. ^«UAieC ^ ffctuUtt^ photo by. Oil KIKN pholo br. OSI KIKN /i s 7 LENGTH: 564 FT DISPLACEMENT: 19.000 TONS DRAFT: 28 FT HORSEPOWER; 22.000 SHAFT BEAM: 81 FT SPEED: 20+ KNOTS ARMAMENT: . TWO TWIN 3"-50 DUAL PURPOSE GUN MOUNTS REPLENISHMENT AT SEA STATIONS: 7 VERTICAL REPLENISHMENT STATIONS: / COMPLEMENT (with AIR GROUP embarked): 18 OFFICERS 295 ENLISTED The ships seal represented above is emblematic of the many characteristics of BUTTE. The dominant figure of the insignia is a silhouette represents a modern ammunition ship. The silhouetted helicopter represents BUTTE's vertical replenishment capabilities. The butte in the background is emblematic of our name and our relation with Butte, Montana. The chain which encloses the seal is emblematic of our vital link with the combatant forces and BUTTE's capability of ammunition delivery around the clock and around the world. The four stars in the lower half of the seal represents BUTTE's first administrative assignment to Commander. Service Squadron FOUR, the two stars in the upper half of the seal represents BUTTE's present administrative assignment to Commander, Service Squadron TWO and BUTTE's primary assignment under the operational control of Commander, SECOND Fleet. The total of six stars is emblematic of BUTTE's secondary assignment to Commander, SIXTH Fleet. The color scheme is elementary. RED, encircling the seal and the butte in the background, is indicative of the ever present danger in handling explosive materials. YELLOW, in the sky portion, is symbolic of the caution used in handling ammunition and of BUTTE's ability to be on any horizon for delivery to the fleet. Blue, in the lower half represents the sea. ^C4to^ cuuC Tftc^^ca^ USS BUTTE is one of the Navy's newest class of ammunition ships. Described informally as a "floating ammunition depot. " this 564 foot long vessel delivers to ships at sea the bombs, missiles and other ordnance required by naval combatants. By the use of the latest equipment available BUTTE can transfer ammunition to two ships alongside her and with the use of two CH-46 helicopters can rearm even two other ships in the vicinity. Besides her replenishment systems, BUTTE has 3" /SO gun mounts, a passive roll stabilization tank to provide a steady deck, a fleet of fork-trucks to handle the ammunition, all in a safe and efficient manner. BUTTE was christened and launched August 7, 1967. in Quincy. Massachusetts, and commissioned December 14. 1968, in the Boston Naval Shipyard as the second of the 'Kilauea' class ammunition ships. She was fitted out in Boston and was moved to her first home port of Norfolk, Virginia in December. 1969, In July of 1978 her home port was shifted to Brooklyn, New York where she remained until her home port became Naval Weapons Station Earle, Leonardo, New Jersey, in June 1979. BUTTE has had more than 600 ships alongside and has made ten major deployments in addition to several short cruises for shakedown, training and munitions delivery or downloads. Nine of BUTTE's deployments were to the Sixth fleet in the MED. BUTTE was also attached to the Seventh fleet on several occasions. The first was in the Western Pacific from December 1972 to July 1973 where she operated in the Tonkin Gulf and was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal with one Battle star. During the 1970 Jordan Crisis, the ship was awarded the Meritorious Unit Citation for her peacekeeping role in that operation. For her 1981 deployment to the Indian Ocean, BUTTE was awarded the Navy Expeditionary Medal. During the 1982 MED and Indian Ocean deployment BUTTE was named the best ship in Service Squadron TWO and was awarded the Battle Efficiency "E", Communications "C". Damage Control "DC" and Deck Seamanship "Crossed Anchors " awards. This year BUTTE has participated in the Bayruit operations and escorted two Saudi-Arabian Patrol Gunboats across the Mediterranean. ^^ Toarmina. a beautiful setting. CAPT Vernon L ROSSON photo by, OSI KEgN photo by, OSI KERN photo by, OSI KIKN Honored guests and crew. photo by, OSI KEItN photo by, OSI kit tHelo 06, Toar- mina. Officers, and the Air Det witness this solemn occasion. CAPT ROSSONt- and CDR MAD- ISON await the final moments J'"" -'^ Chaplin Patrick. Capt O'Reilly. Capt Rosson. Cdr Madison photo brt OSI KCKN CDR William R. MADISON CTF 63 Capt O'Reilly relates BUTTE's accom- plishments photo by. OSI KCRN photo by, OSI KCKN 3 - i tnlcit by, J03 VIKKIO "No task offers such a stirring challange and significant responsibility as comman, of a navy vessel," Commodore Charles W. O'Reilly. COMNAVSERVFOR SIXTHFLT and CT, 63, said as key-note speaker. Onboard BUTTE on June 8. 1983 as Capt Vernon L. Rossoi turned over the command of the ship to Cdr William R. Madison. Anchored in the beautiful harbor of Taormina. Sicily, gently smoking Mt. Etna servet as a memorable backdrop to the flag-adorned flight deck and the crew in whites, attendini the change of command ceremony. BMCM Straugh presented Capt Rosson with his pennant "I almost wished something would go wrong today, so that I may continue to serve witi the men I am proud to call my crew. " Capt Rosson said as he turned over his command Cdr Madison said. "Assuming command of a vessel is the highlight of any Navy Officer: career. To be blessed with an excellent ship and an outstanding crew, such as I havt observed aboard BUTTE is a delight . . . Capt Rosson. I am proud to relieve you ai Commanding Officer of this ship." w (^ i t t^ O- • ^ 3 <.^ fSf' .V'' g^' .t«^V^ %^^ ft.f. i t A. ^\' M Si ■ - — w^m pfioco by, HM3 SCINTILLA .w A^^>'' ON^ ^^ V^^ .\^' .^^ W |P|H| pig L JNP^jH ^^^'ijHH 1^ ^1 ^^B^^. \:f^ U ^^y^RI ^ z^',^^'^ wjl ^^^B^^r .-^"i . 'j^mT'^ ^J w 9IIIH ^V^ -1 'A ^"' P ^-4^1 ^^^^B^^^^^^^^ %^ i ^H afy/V SHOOTS photo by, J03 VERKICO pholo *>■. JOi VIKKICO MEDICAL CASUALITY DRILLS pholo by, J03 VCRRICO pholo bf J03 VERKICO REPLENISHMENTS MAN OVERBOARD DRILLS A'' ^^ pholo by, I03 VERRICO Hf CONGRA TS. RMC and MMC photo by: OSI KERN ^^eefc ^%ax^' This one didn't get away. photo by: MMFR SUTTIE Hey pretty face. Remember this one? photo by: SN OSBORNE Where's your horse. Tony? photo by: BMI ANACITO m a ifi' .. e Aj GOOD job Gonzo! photo by: AD2 GATES Yis BUDS for you SUPO. 10 to by: SKI GUERRERO Our Bartender: BMCM STRAUCH Our Bar: The Jersey Devil Inn photo by: OSI KERN I've got something especially for you. photo by: OSI KERN c\ <!, "h LOOK MOM NO H A ^ D WHAT A PUNCH — SALTY. LOOKIIIIIIl SHAFT-ALLEY ■ .lifigSt--' ■ ""^--^•■fifc:" SAUDI-ARABIAN TRANSIT III BEER AND A MOVIE IN AUGUSTA BAY ... PONT LOOK Ur WILLIS. ii HOLIDAY - for the crew ROUTINE - for the det SHIEK WILLIAMS in full headdress f 3 GOOD LIBERTY? WHERE? DID YOU MISS A SPOT ? ■'HI. IM THE EDITOR?- photos by, OSI KEKN FOTCH. MY ARM DONT BENT THAT WAY ... .y DECK DEPARTMENT ^^ LCDR DEASARO STATEN ISLAND. NY FIRST LIEUTENANT m^m. CW02 SWADLEY ENS CAUTHON BMCM STRAUGH DALLAS. TX BOONVILLE. MO COMMAND MASTER SHIPS BOS'N CARGO OFFICER CHIEF LTJG KUREK ENS OTT ENS VARGO LT THOMAS CRANFORD. NJ UNION. NJ ELLWOOD CITY. PA DARBY. PA 1st DIV OFF 2nd DIV OFF 3rd DIV OFF STRM DIV OFF BMC DALEY GMGC WILLIAMS BMI DAVIS FRAMINGTON. NH ST JOSEPH. MO EATONTOWN. NJ 1st DIV LCPO 3rd DIV LCPO STRM DIV LCPO ^ y BMI ANACITO ENGLEWOOD. CO TITS WHAT IS HE TRYING TO DO ? photo by. NCI FINCH BMI MARTIN BM2 JABLONSKI BM2 RYAN BM2 DYBSKI BM3 SHEPHERD QUEENS. NY CLEVELAND. OH ALBANY. NY CHIOPEE. MA WICHITA. KS ANTONIO KEITH GEORGE RICHARD SHEP BM3 HORR BM3 SUNELL BMSN EXINER SN D. SMITH SN J. SMITH TROY. NY DETROIT. Ml MOSCOW. KS ROCKVILLE. MD MARTINSVILLE. IN CHUCK m SUNNY TIMOTHY GREY KNIGHT SMITTY SN PEREZ SN NIENENTHAL SN DONNELLON SN ALLEN SA D ALT ON MILWAUKEE Wl SAN ANTONIO. TX MARLBORO. MA EL PASO. TX RED BANK. NJ EDWARD JAMES SWOOP REDBONE PETER SA KENNEDY ORLANDO. FL RONALD SA OSBORNE WASHINGTON D.C. COOL CAT SA MARTIN DANESE. W. VA JERRY SA WHITSETT GREENSBORO. NC MASK SA MORIN SAN ANTONIO, TX RON BINGO BINGO BINGO SA BECHTOLD TIGARD. OR MARK JUST CHILLIN OUT SA TINSLEY OWENSBORO. KY JAMES pholo by Oil klRHI photo by, SN OSBC SA MADER DUNKIRK. IN MARK "Settte AS - 27 ^ phoic t-r. JOi vcmtico SA IRISH BROOKLYN. NY RICHARD pholo bY' OS I kCKN •I SEE AN ANT. SA CONWAY PHILLY. PA SHAWN I PONT EVEN KNOW A TOM SA WYER SA WHEELER BRIELLE. NJ LA WRENCE SA KUHARSKI HOUSTON. TX YOGI SA CERDA NOWHERE. USA JULIO LONELY BULL. USS BUTTE and USS NEW JERSEY ^ U ^!» J pholo by, OSI KIKN ^endc^ photo by BMCM STKAUCH m t/ GMGI SULLIVAN \0 WHERE. USA ■GOOD BUDDY" r'i GMGSN YESKE COLOMA. Ml TODD ^^ photo by, CMCSN TOD MOUNT 31 WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN GMG3 WATSON GMG3 DIBBLE GMG3 WINNINGHAM GMG3 GONZALES NOWHERE. USA NOWHERE. USA BAYVILLE. NJ BRONX. NY BOB KEVIN POOH ED GMGSN COMPTOS SENECA. SC ALAN GMGSN FAIRBERT FREDONIA. Wl FUZZY SN CALDWELL W. MEMPHIS. AK THOMAS SN FUNDERBURG BROONWOOD. TX JAMES SN MARTINS BRONX. NY MARTY JJ SN EGGLESTON WINTER PARK. FL WAYNE WHERE DID YOU WANT ME TO SHOVE THIS, GOOD BUDDY ? GMGSA RITENOUR NOWHERE. USA BILLY SA HOWARD RALIEGH. NC ROBERT SA WILKERSON BAYVILLE. TX WILK SA WOLFF SA TOLBERT SA HOLMES SA f^'OGOCKI IMPERIAL BCH. CA JACKSONVILLE. FL ALBANY. GA DEV^OIT. Ml BOB STEVE DAWANE RO'KI BMI APRIL ATTLEBORO. MA ■BOG UN- f f;-i mm PULLING SHORE PATROL REAL EXCITING MMI HOWARD MM 2 PARLIAMENT EM J SCHULTZ BM2 HUGHES MM3 SECORD WATERLOO. lA YONKERS. NY DETROIT. Ml ALLENTOWN. NJ POMREEFER. NJ •HOWIE' RICHARD KEVIN RA YMOND ERIC EM 3 MAURE READING. PA SCOTT BM3 HOYOS MM3 LAMB MM 3 LAURIA SN MODE COLLEGE PT. NY SPRINGFIELD. MO NEW BERLIN. NY HAZLET. NJ CARLOS RICKEY BRIAN MICHAEL 5/V REITZ S\ CHATTIN SN WITHERS SN KURTZ SN SELLERS TOLEDO. OH SHARON HILL PA PINEBLIST. AK AKRON. OH SELMON. NC CHARLIE ANTONIO JESSIE "ROCK- MICKEY SN PODOLL WASHINGTON DC MARTIN FN CASAL SAUCERTIES. NY GARY SA STALLINGS BRONX. NY "GOLDIE- j photo by. OSI KCKS pholo by OSI K[KM A.:^ FN DRAYTON CHARLESTON. SC DARRYL SA NEUMANN HOUSTON. TX ■TEX' FA CENOVA W' STOVER. NY M\RK St^eoxa^ ^e^upt P%ccU pholot bf, OS I KIKN LTjg THOMAS (Stream Div Officer) represents his division well against SWA T (Short. Wirey. and Tough) ENS Joe SAKRAIDA. "Peek-a-Boo" BMI APRIL wonders: "What are they doing?' ^^t^^ed^t<uta£c<Ufp "Pride pours from our do MT 31 MANNED AND READY LOOKOUT DUTIES photo by, GMGSN TODD WHATs L.M.E.T. 7 z> a. photo by, OS I KCKN GMG2 MATTHEWS RECEIVES HIS ESWS PIN photo by, J03 VeHRICO READY LIFEBOAT CREW photo by, OSI KERM photo by, JOS VEKKICO e ^^^ ^ pholo by, OSI KCRN ^ tA LCDR MACDONALD MELBOURNE. FL ■DENNIS' LT WASSIK PETERMOUNT. NJ "CHEWIE- LT RUEBENS MANASSAS. VA ■•CORN- LT COSS TERRE HAUTE. IN ■MBA.' LT TOOLE WHACEMOUOH. MO ■GIMP- LTJG SOUTH WARE) ALBUQUERQUE. NM ■■DIAMOND JIM- gkjm'JM CW02 BARANN BERLIN. GE SQUID' AMS2 MASON DETROIT. Ml "NAS" AD2 HANDLIN CLAYMONT. DE •p. /" AMEI (NAC) AMHI (NAC) BYERS ATI PIVERAL AEI HILDRETH HECTOR ALLEGAN. Ml MARYVILLE. MO PENSACOLA. FL NORFOLK. VA ■BEAV •PIV •HILDY- ANCIENT MARINER photo by: OSI KCSN KM mm AMS2 NYDEGGER AD 2 (NAC) AD 2 GATES PR 2 CAINTIC AM ^2 (AWS) GATES. OR WITTENAUER NIX A. MO BALTIMORE. MD GARLAND ■SUNSHINE' LOUISVILLE. KY •WITT- -GONZO" -DR LUV ST PETERSBURG. FL '■SWEET LOU- AMH3 REEBER AE3 BALUNGER AK3 CAMBRA SMITH! OWN. NY BURLINGTON. NC HURON. OH ROCKY DOUGH BOY SCOTTY ..so^ ^v .0^ ^i vv SN^ C^ C^ \fe ^M APAN ROPEN COMMACk. NY ROCKO AZAN THOMAS PATERSON. NJ BUCK WHEAT 4'. pholc by> Oil K.IRH •"pe^ 7<^ pholo by. OS I K[RN ^^Ue*uC£^ photo by, OS I KISN pholo by, OS I KCRN Vlfa K pholo by, OSt KCUN S&le^' '*S(^tcCe" WEBO I 6 2 photo by: OSSN MARABLE NO COMMENT photo by: OS I KERN HI MOM photo by: OS I KERN COMPRENDE ?????? photo by: PNSN WILKINSON FOR CAROLINE and JOHN JR photo by: MM2 JANNIE ITS ALL BEHIND ME NOW photo by: OS I KERN THE MORNING AFTER 7 THREE TIMES AS UGLY ! photo by: OS I KERN ^ (/t ft c^ USS VIRGINIA (CGN-38) ihoto by: OS! KERN JSS PUGENT SOUND (AD-38) JSS CANISTEO (AO-99) jhoto by: OS I KERN USS EISENHOWER (CVN-6<. photo by: OS I KER USS BELKNAP (CG-2( photo by: OS I KER ITS SAGITTARIO (F-561 ITIALIAN NAV photo by: OS! KER ■IMS AMR (PGG-521) '>AUDI-ARABIAN NAVY ihoto by: SN TAYLOR S^^^i^^^ O^ So-cd^ Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: hut holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1:20.21 The River Jordan PSALM I Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season: his leaf also shall not wither: and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. ^^ .■ .A- The Garden Tomb 4(B The old and the new city of Jerusalem As it is written, there is none righteous, no. not one. Rom 3:10 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Rom 3:23 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin: and so death passed upon all men. for that all have sinned: Rom 5:12 But God commendeth his love toward us. in that, while we were yet sinners. Christ died for us. Rom 5:8 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son. that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth in him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:16.17.18 For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom 6:23 Jesus saith unto him. I am the way. the truth, and the life: no man comet h unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Rom 10:13 Behold. I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door. I will come in to him. and will sup with him. and he with me. Rev 3:20 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness: and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Rom 10:9.10 For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Fph 2:8.9 And as it is appointed unto men once to die. but after this the judgment: Heb 9:27 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God: and that believing ye might have life through his name. John 20:31 Sf /Re S^i^i^itwe«tt^ o^ f^S3 BM3 WILLIAMS PCS WILLIAMS RMI RINKO RMC SPEELMAN BM2 ROBERTS BT2 DRIGGERS MM2 GOLDBACH BMI DAVIS MSI QUEVEDO MMC BORST EMI MUNDO IC3 McCOTTER BMI HALPIN MM2 CLARK EM2 HUDSON MM 3 ODOUGHERTY BMI ADAMS QM2 MOORE HTI FLAHERTY OS3 GASTON PC 3 POTTS BM3 SHEPHERD BM3 GREENE SKI GUERRERO MS2 EVANGELISTA BM2 HUGHES MR 2 ANDERSON BMC DALEY NCI FINCH ET3 COSBY YNSN BARNES GMGI SULLIVAN S700\i LT THOMAS LT McFARLAND GMGI MATHEWS HTI FLAHERTY MAC JONES OSI KERN BMI APRIL GMTI TURKETTE MMC BLACK 4& OSI JW KERN S MAC E JONE RECEIVE THE COVETED ESWS PIN FO, THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF THE SURFAC SHIP SYSTEMS AS PRESENTED BY CDi WR MADISON. CO. 4 ''S^pUCc \0'. Whatdya see STUD? photo by: OS I KERN How far have you walked Tim ? photo by: OSI KERN HYJURICK ? Working ? photo by: OSI KERN Pride and Professionali HT3 KEEFER just getting ready photo by: OSI KERN OVAUCHERTY ? Shore Patrol ? photo by: OSI KERN JOHN. LES and PERRY m. ning up for another unrep! photo by: OSI KERN r^ to/ ^ TA/'s statue holds memories of Italy's glorious past, photo by: OS! KERN Tours of Mt. Vesuvius. Capri and Naples provided only part of the entertainment while in the port of Naples. Other attractions included sporting events at Carney Park along with division parties and a scenic view from the inside of this volcanic crater. The facilities here included an Olympic-sized swimming pool, golf course, miniature golf, volleyball nets, tennis courts, hut the most amusement of the stay here was on the Softball fields where Deck Department defeated the Wardroom Warriors 1 2 to 3. There have been no recent comments about that game from the Wardroom. A lone fisherman in the bay may not see the still active Mt. Vesuvius as we do. photo by: OS I KERN ^cuute^ ^ TAie Riviera p*0to *^ OSI KCKN The boat lined harbor The Princely Palace 1 M<^^f^ photo br. OSI KCKN Monte-Carlo's Cape Martin ^^ccdtcacc Jacques Yves Cousteau Museum On display here a scale model of the CAL YPSO. it's name taken from the sea nymph who delayed Odys- seus on her island. Ogygia, for seven years. GREEK MYTHOLOGY. photo by, OSI HCKN A bugler solemnly blows taps. Seven crewmen in crisp whites shoulder their M-14's and fire a 21 gun salute. Two flags, one American, one French, are raised up from their half mast position. The Rhone American Military Cemetery in Draguignan. France, commemorates the 861 graves of American soldiers who perished on French soil during World War II. The remains of more than 1200 others that orginally were buried here have been returned to their families. Sixty two of those remaining at Rhone remain unidentified and their graves are marked "COMRADE IN ARMS". The "Wall of the Missing" commemorates the names of 293 others who died in action, but whose remains were never recovered. Those attending the Memorial Day Ceremonies were: FIRING SQUAD; GMGC Williams. GMG3 Watson. GMG3 Dibble. GMG3 Winningham. GMG3 Pickney. GMG3 Gonzales. SN Compton. SA Wilkerson. BUGLER: MM3 Caruso. COLOR GUARD: PRI Rudd. NCI Finch. SN Todd. SN Yeske. SN Meek. SN Rittenhour. PHOTOGRAPHERS: OS I Kern. J03 Verrico. SN Smolen. MEMORIAL ADDRESS: Capt Rosson. INVOCATION and BENEDICTION: SIXTHFLT CHAPLIN. Cdr Broughton. article and photos by, OS I KEKS Nv M\C (Sm JONES BROOKLYN. NY EUGENE BMI (SW) DAVIS ANYWHERE. USA HANK EM2 SCHULZ DETROIT. Ml KEVIN AD2 WITTENOUR LOUISVILLE. KY WITT &s s O V DETACHMENT ^,oMgr»..#^*5.!L ^X^^ ■ ^t mn km M^ N^' m: CW02 William V. AVELINO. known to us all as the "BOS'N" was born in Newark, N.J. on November 27. 1945. He enlisted in the Navy on July 27. 1963. was a veteran of the Vietnam War and served his country for nearly 20 years. The BOS'N died in service to his country in the early hours of May 25. 1983 aboard BUTTE while deployed to Eastern Med. He suffered an apparent heart attack in his sleep and death was quick and painless. Despite the finality of the heart attack, valiant efforts were made by his shipmates for several hours until arriving at Sigonella. Sicily. BOS'N AVELINO's sudden death was a great loss, not only to those he left at home but also to the ship and everyone that knew him. The BOS'N was a leader, a professional seafaring man. and a friend to many of us. He was a proud man. proud to serve his country and to die in service to it. A memorial service was held for the BOS'n (photos on opposite page) onboard BUTTE on the afternoon of May 25. 1983. A calm sea with islands in the distant background and a destroyer keeping silent escort a few hundred yards away were the backdrop as the 21 gun salute was fired and taps were played. BOS'N A VELINO is survived by his wife. Barbara Ann and their three children, Augustino. Marie and Michael, who still reside in the Fort Monmouth. New Jersey area. '^$^^m A^"^ .%^ ^3t .0^" Left: OSSN MARABLE (Salty Dizog) Right. YNSR LUNNEY (Sugar Ray Lunney) "Both men receive hard left jabs." Left. OSSN DANCY (D. C. Dan) Right: MM 3 CUTE "Dancy. Still on his feet" Referee: BMI APRIL w Left: SN HOLDER Right: RMSN EDWARDS (The Ghoul) "Nice shirt ED" Left: SN TODD (The BULL) Right: SMS SEESE "NO CONTEST" Left: ENS SAKRAIDA (Secret Squirel) Right: LTjg THOMAS (Tee Square) Watch those punches. JOE" Left: SA HERNANDEZ (Hit-Man) Right: OSSN SWANHART (The Swan) Voted the funniest match of the day- ZIU But Captain, He was supposed to go down in the second round. Left: ENS JOHNSON (Willy Weasel) Right: LTjg McFARLAND (Killer) Watch out Killer. He's got blood in his eyes. Referee: BMI Davis photos by: OS I KERN ^ ^ % a e C Israel, a fascinating blend of Jewish and Moslem cultures, proved to be a truly memorable experience. The people were friendly and very hospitable. BUTTE spent five unforgettable days here from June 27 to July I. Travelling back over 2000 years in history, a two-day tour took many sailors to the ancient cities of Nazareth, Galilee. Jerusalum and Bethlehem, with overnight accomodations in Tel Aviv. The tour guides were invaluable in providing service and information about the sites; such as the Wailing Wall, the Garden of Gethsemane and the Church of the Nativity. Meticulous restoration projects being conducted on the ruins at Capernaum and on the fourth century mosaics at Tabgha were impressive as the men watched history being rebuilt. Anchoring in the harbor of Haifa provided an excellent view of the picturesque city of Acre with it's many minarets and domes, historic Mount Carmel. and the hills rising to Nazareth. Many new friends were made in the Holy Land and everyone came away with a feeling of having been someplace special. It was easy to see why Israel truly is the "Promised Landl" anicle by, JOB VIKKICO photo by OSI KCKN Sunrise over BETHLEHEM Tour guide: BOBBY - 73 yrs young Bobby has been a tour guide for over 32 yrs in the Holy Land and has enjoyed meeting millions of people from all around the world that share the same basic beliefs and scripture. And BOBBY loved to tell jokes. Your typical American tourists. Miot by, OS I XCKN ScUtc- ^OiAcCff u^ ^ ^ ,^3* s-S^ twan^-mmonom 'fmia'm^iwinn ■OJIUI ~ ny^n ncNKMTAnraf sSi \ the end Gunner. We didn't send any bullets on that last load, photo by. EMC HAMON MIDSHIPMEN TRAINING "We used to navigate this way?' photo by: OS I KERN HOLIDAY for the crew. ROUTINE for the airdet. photo by: OS I KERN We've transferred more fuel than bullets. Where the h — are the AOEs?" photo by: OS I KERN DRIFTWOOD ? or RANXEROX? photo by: OS I KERN Eat. Drink and be Merry!, that's our motto photo by: OS I KERN "How's the weather up there?' photo by: OS I KERN Down by the old mill Uream . . nhoto by: OS I KERN Caught 'cha X. O. photo by: OS I KERN Softball and Beer. Softball and Beer. Heck with Softball, give me a Beer, photo by: BTFN BADILLO Congratulations. J. T. Typical American Tourist, photo by: JOS VERRICO photo by: OSI KERN §§ LT WRYW PARUN. NJ ENGINEERING OFFICER m ENS MORROW EATONTOWN NJ A DIV OFFICER V M CW02 (SW) CHAM- BERLIN LEVITTOWN. PA B/M DIV OFFICER ENS MACDONALD MANCHESTER. CT E DIV OFFICER LTJG JOHNSON MORRISVILLE. PA R DIV OFFICER BTC (SW) CERSOLI PENSACOLA. FL B DIV LCPO EMC (SW) HAMON ANYWHERE, USA E DIV LCPO MMC (SW) BLACK EARLE. NJ M DIV LCPO HTC BO LINGER NATRO! \ HGTS. PA R DIV LCPO y MM I TIRADO BRONX. NY 'J. T.- MM2 GOLDBACH WEXFORD. PA WAYNE EN2 MINES GEORGETOWN. GUYANA RICKFORD MM2 ANG PUTS THE FINAL TOUCHES ON HIS PMS SCHEDULES pholo *>■, 05/ KIRN MM2 ANG EN2 LANICH MM2 SAWYER PHILIPPINES CLEARFIELD. PA WEBSTER. NY SAMUEL DAVID JOHN ENFN BRANDT ANN ARBOR. Ml JAMES ENFN RUSSEL TROY. TX MICHAEL MMFA SMITH EASTON. PA NEVIN MM3 CARR GOLDSBORO, NC RONNIE EN 3 NOLAN CONCORD. NC DARRELL MM 3 WHITE BALTIMORE. MD PEABODY MMFN BERNARD PENSACOLA. FL DANIEL FN JARVIS OLMSTED FALLS. OH COOKIE EN3 DOBRY AND MMC BORST EN- SURE THE FILTERS ARE CLEAN ON THIS SPOT INSPECTION. Fii n<i kFQM ftJk BTI (SW) CLARK GREENSBURG. IN •ODDLY- ^ ^uaI^co^ BTI SOMMER LAFETTE. NJ ■'B. T. ONE- BT2 (SW) CAMPO NEW YORK. NY CLIFF BTI CLARK AND MMI HAYES. NOW THIS IS A TIGHT WATCh photo by, OS I KCRN BT2 RICCI BT2 OSBORNE BT3 WILLIS BT3 PIZZINO PREPARES TO PHILADELPHIA. PA E. MEADOW. NY ROSWELL. NM CLEAN THE STACK DAN PETER KELLY BT3 EAST BT3 COLLIGAN BT3 PIZZINO BT3 SHEA READING. PA FREDERICK. MD McKINLEY. GA SAVANNAH. GA SCOTT JAMES JOSE GARY 7^ Mr- r BT3 LEAS. BT2 RICCI. AND BT3 PIZZINO REMIND BT3 RIVET TO CALL ME ON WEDNESDAY FOR PICTURES. photo by, OS I KIRN ^^ WADE CORALVILLE. I A RORY "■'■^ r f iA BT3 H INCH MAN BT3 LEAS BT3 RYAN BT3 RIVET ELKINS. W. VA MINGO JCT. OH LOUISVILLE. KY SCHROON LAKE. NY DON DOUG STEPHEN ROBERT BT3 DRIGGERS BTFN RYE BTFN VANDERVEER BTFN BADILLO BRYAN. TX CEDARVILLE. Ml WHITEHOUSE STA. NJ GILROY. CA LEW DAVE ••VANDY' GUILLERMO FN FORRESTER MENA. AR DAVE f^ n^ FR SLO^E WHEEL- RIGHT. KY JAMES J c^ilmVoWRJ- l-AiW S ^cac^co^ ICI CURZI GLEN GARDNER. NJ JOHN iM EM2 DeFAZIO IC2 ROW EM 2 PEFFERMAN EM2 BOURQUE BROOKLYN. NY SHOW LOW. AZ CRYSTAL. Ml KPORT. ME FRANK ^ JERRY ^ JAMES JOE ^^ 1 C^ \ ^^^^ ■P> ^ V* i)"^ -^ L»^«^ "^ r V "»t ir ly ^ J ^jS^J^'^ s. ii r ^^0^^ J ,'# ^^^tf^B ^ ir^ i^ 1 m^~*" ..^JB^^^I £ h Wa i i^ >u^bIV^ ^gii^H fMJ BEAUDFT EM3 PARKS fAIJ McGRAW f/MJ COGLIANO ''RANKLIN. NH CHARLOTTE. NC ANSTED. W. VA KEYPORT. NJ BRUCE KEITH JAMES ALAN EMS JAMPETRO BROWNS MILLS. NJ KEN EMFN CUNNINGHAM NEW HARTFORD. NY RICHARD EM3 LOVE ROCK HILL. SC EVERETT ICFN DeFELICE CLEARWATER. FL "ACE" EMFN SCHEFFER ICFN DOLBY PARAMUS. NJ PITTSBURG. PA THOMAS MARTIN ICFN ILLES PERTH AMBOY. NJ GABOR FA SIMS LITTLE ROCK. AR EXELL n ^ ^ y vXi.*.'S'Y^ »r&«a MMI HAYES MM2 McGUIRE BINGHAMTON. NY KEARNY. NJ RICHARD BILL MM3 SLEVIN RECORDS VARIOUS REMOTE PRE- SURES THROUGHOUT THE ENGINEROOM pholo by, OS I URN MM2 CLARK MM2 WILSON MM2 TILLMAN PHILADELPHIA. PA BRIDGEPOND. CT NEW ORLEANS. LA KEVIN MIKE E. T. MM3 MUCHARD MM3 SLEVIN MM3 McDERMOTT MM3 CUTE ROCHESTER. NY ST A TEN IS. NY BABYLON. NY PAWTUCKET. Rl MR. VALVE JOHN BRIAN SEA WOLF MM 3 DAVIS RED BANK. \J DAVEY MMFN HALLORAN WEETOWN, MA BRIAN MMFA McCARDLE BOSTON. MA JOHN MMFN SPECHT PAWTUCKET. Rl JOHN MMFA SUTTIE DORCHESTER. MA JOHN MM3 VENETTE NEW JERSEY BRUCE MMFA SUTTIE PREPARES HIS EQUIPMENT FOR INSPECTION pholo by, OSI K[KN y HT2 ALEXANDER NEDERLAND. TX TONY HT2 DALEY CASLETON. VT DAVE HT2 HARRIS CHICOPEE. MA MIKE ^t /4i^'t Sn<^ HT3 LYNCH HT3 KEEFER HT3 BASEY HT3 CARLSON BRONX. NY CORNING. NY GOOS BA Y. OR NEW BETHLEHEM. PA DENNIS SCOTT RICHARD JEFF HTFN ANDERSON WALLKILL NY TONY HT3 CARLSON SQUARES UP A GOOD JOB. NO MATTER HOW SMALL IT MAY SEEM. photo by: OS I ««\ ■M SN PETRILLOSE ANYWHERE. USA MARTIN FA SHA^ JEY ST LOW MO f. JERRY Sf^t^^teenc^ HT3 CARLSON squares off for a professional job. pholo bp OS I KIRN HU ALEXANDER prepares for some real work. MRSN SMITH turns out some excellent work for repaii pholo by Oil KIKS "We want to rock down to electric avenue. " pholo byi OSI kEUM EN2 MINES ENS BERNARD S ENS NOLAN perfoi wonders together. pholo by, Oil KIRN \MHI BYERS [MEI HECTOR V here's the New Jersey? tola by, OSI KCKN MSI HOPWOOD "NO COMMENT' photo by, OSI KIKN 7MI SEXTON inheres the New Jersey? tolo by, OSI KEKN RMI THOMAS ■HELP!" photo by, OSI kCKN BMI APRIL Where'd everyone go? photo by, BMI ANACITO ETI WITHERS Don 't touch my repeater. photo by, OSI KIKN PR I RUDD AMHI BYERS NCI FINCH HTI FLAHERTY BMI WEST BERRY "Wasn't that a party! " pholo by. OSI KCKN V GOLCUK: Turkish Naval Base and Shipbuilding Restricted Availability Shipyard workers repair and replace many of Butte's old parts. ENS Olson. LTJG Sakraida, LTJG Johnson. CW02 Swadley and friends enjoy this little get-together at the Admirals Club. CPR MADISON and Turkish ADMIRAi exchange plaques at the formal party givei by the Admiral at the Admirals Club. Butte is not the only one receiving repairs here in Golcuk. pholoi i>r OSI KIRN gj LT ERNEST TALLAHASSEE. EL Supply Officer ,^'^, LTJG PENNOYER WEBSTER GROVES. MO S-3/S-4 Div Officer SKCS (SW) ALLEN DENVER. CO S-l/S-2 Div Officer ^ut CiUtA^uct Sccfafai^f, 7f(M^ ctMt cU it cit cMJ §s >^ SKI GUERRERO SANTA CLARA. CA •JESSIE" "and I just got started' SK3 CASTRO SK3 HEALY SK3 YARBROUGH HU MACAO. P. R. CHICAGO. IL EATONTON. GA LUIS KEVIN CURTIS SN JOHNSON SN BROWN SN TORRES SN W ATKINS MONTCLAIR. NJ EVANSVILLE. IN NOWHERE. USA LONG VIEW. TX HULIN ROBERT GERARDO DONALD -^ &§ >s* MSI NOV EL A BROOKLYN. NY DANIEL MSI QUEVEDO ZAMBALES. P. I. BURT l-r. MSSN COPELAND. MS3 SIMERUNK. MS3 LAZAR, MS3 GERACI S MSSA SINCLAIR prepare chow??????? pholo by, OS I KCSN MS2 VILLANUEVA B//3UIO CITY, P I. "Bk AL" MS2 EVANGELISTA ZAMBALES. P. /. REGGIE MS3 FREDLEY ALLENTOWN. PA ANDREW MS 3 GERACI PORT JEFF STA. NY DOMINICK MS3 SIMERLINK YOUNGSTOWN. OH GREGORY MS2 EVANGELISTA and CAPT ROSSON. Reggie re-enlists for another four years. Congra tula tions. MS3 PUSKAS MSSN GRUBBS MSSN COPELAND MSSN WALKER SN LAVALLE HOPELAWN. NJ ANYWHERE USA BELOIT. Wl KANSAS CITY, MO AiYWHERE. USA MARK ALLEN DANNY TORE AN SlIPHEN ^ ^ SH2 DELCAMP ANGOLA. NY SCOTT SH3 WARE MEMPHIS. TN JOHNNY SH3 WILSON . . . Ships store operator SA HASSIM PITTSBURG. PA DEREK SH3 CLAFLIN SH3 CRAWFORD SH3 WILSON SN JONES SN MYERS ATTLEBORO. MA PHILADELPHIA. PA SELMA. AL MT VERNON. NY MCCONNESVILLE. C TIM ^ GREGORY BERNARD THOMAS MARVIN m S O- H^ ^ Cf DKl JUACHON OAKHURST. NJ DIEGO DK3 WILLIAMS NEPTUNE. NJ LARRY T*- A\Y CONTACTS. BERNIE? s 6 e e c '7 DO- ^ THERE'S NO PEEP SHOW IN HERE. "I DO' "I HITM- phalo, by, OSI KERU (it i e e TODD. WE HAVIN- SEA GULL FOR DINNER AGAIN???????? SCOTT. WHAT'S THE WATER FOR?? BUT. WHY ARE ONLY THE BOTTOMS LEFT HERE???????????????????? REDBONE. AINT THAT HARD WRITING BACKWARDS? ILLER UP AND CHECK UNDER THE HOOD. SIR??? phatoi by, OS I KEKN SAILING 6 HERMOSOS Y BRAVOS TOROS - 6 de Iq ocreditada ginadeiia con divisa v»rj y grono de Oo<\ FRANCISCO GALACHE de Villovieio d^ Y, •.■■., poro lo-. tSPAC ^Ma"^- "EL VITi" ELCORflOB'ES pholoi by. OSI «eV PERATIONS DEPARTMENT LT DUNCAN FRANKLIN. TN Operations Officer ETCS FERGUSON NCI FINCH HAMMELS. NY HIGHLAND PARK. NJ 3-M Coordinator COMMAND CAREER COUNCILOR LT MC FARLAND LTJG SAKRAIDA LYNNFIELD. MA EATONTOWN. NJ Navigator/ ON Div Officer Comma/ OC Div Officer ENS OLSON PNC DOROFEE ETI (SW) WITHERS BAYSHORE. NY PENNSAUKEN. NJ EATONTOWN. NJ CICO/OI Div Officer PAO/X Div Officer OF Div Officer 'y Sc^«t^i£f^t^^ SMC (SW) JONES ALHAMBRA. CA RICHARD phelot by, SMC JONES ■'-J^-. i^' ill' SM2 BROWN SM2 FAGG SMS HENDERSON SMS SEESE .' .ISA GOMEZ BRONX, NY HOUSTON. TX SAN ANTONIO. TX N. ARLINGTON. NJ lONROE NY ALVAN JOHN ■TEX- BILL OE •>■ ^ RMC LECLAIR JACKSONVILLE. FL MURRA Y RMC CIMINO POTTSTOWN. PA DAVE photo by, OS I KCRN RMI THOMAS RMI JONES RM2 EVANS RMS BAEZ RMS RAYMOND EMPORIA. PA CLARKSVILLE. TN HAWTHORNE. NJ BRONX. NY ANYWHERE. USA TIM JAMES KEN ANIBAL JOHN PM3 WHELAN SN MARCHANT SN MORRIS RMSN WILLIAMS RMSN EDWARDS BROOKLYN. NY LAKELAND. FL ANYWHERE. USA JAMAICA. NY COLUMBUS. OH Rli. HARD SCOTT DENNIS MICHAEL GEORGE '> ^ pholo by, OSI KCKN ET2 WHITAKER ET2 COOPER SN LENNON SN DINARDO ANYWHERE. USA NEW YORK, NY BLANDENBORO, NC ROCHESTER. NY •JOHN DOG" HENRY •TWIN /" WILLIAM w§ y OS I (SW) KERN BARRYTON. Ml •J. W." OS I (SW) LAWLER LONG ISLAND CITY. NY -A. vr •RADAR LOVE- THE RADAR GANG ^ >S* M OS3 MILLER OSS JONES OSS CAMPBELL OSS WAT KINS SOMERVILLE. NJ BROOKLYN. NY NEW YORK. NY CORPUS CHRIST 1. TX WILE E. COYOTE FOTCH ■JUGHEAD' "CLEM" (super genius) OSSS SWASH ART TRENTON. NJ ZANXEROX OSSN CHANDLER LOS ALAMOS. NM ■MOUSE" P / e i OSSN BATTLE PHILADELPHIA. PA BERNIE OSSN BARDEN CLAREMONT. NH •REDBONE" "Writing backwards is not the only strange thing we do. " OSSN MARABLE WASHINGTON DC SALTY DOG OSSN DANCY WASHINGTON DC DC DAN fft^e a^ f^ d^ / ^^ "S o^ J' o- ^ OSSN FRISCO NEWBFITIAN. CT P. RO K nm ^ ^ y Game of chess. John? PN3 KEHRER MONTGOMERY. AL MOE YN3 BARNES ELBA. AL PERRY YN3 ROBERTS BIRMINGHAM. AL MICHAEL YNSN HAIGH PNSN HEARN YNSN LUNNEY PNSN WILKINSON FAYETTEVILLt NC MERIDIAN. MS ROCH. NY SEBRING. FL CHUCK LES ■HAMBURGALER- ■BLADE- NOW SET THE UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT DETAIL TDI BENTLEY CLIFTON PARK. RON NY PNSN SMOLEN SN GARRISON SN TAYLOR JOS VERRICO OKALAWAHA. FL TUCUMCARI. NM MOORESTOWN. NJ OLD BRIDGE. NJ SMOKIN SMOLEN BART SUPER SKA TE JOSE / COOK OR CORP MAN ? FIT OR UNFIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION ? HM2 SCINTILLA SUNBURY. PA RON oil;" ' "-J ncii n^^^ 11 CRACK US A SMILE. RMC LECLAIR HMI HAZEL WOOD ANYWHERE. USA MIKE % . QMC (SW) STEPHENS ANNISTON. AL "KIDD" QMI SEXTOS QM2 MOORE QMSN STEWART QMSN COX JERSEY CITY. NJ ANYWHERE. USA PHILADELPHIA. PA DENVER. CU JOE GUY JAMES B. J.' 1IQ§ (^&«t^%CitctCcit6<^^4^: SN Otis Osborne and his wife Valerie welcomed a baby BOY February 6th. 19 OTIS JR weighed 7 lb 4 oz. Congratulations. SN Joel Stewart and his wife Patricia welcomed a baby GIRL March 2nd. 198 JESSICA weighed 9 lb 10 oz. Congratulations. MM2 Samuel Ang and his wife Luth welcomed a baby GIRL April 22nd. I98i KRYSTLE weighed 5 lb 5 oz. Congra tula tions. GMG3 Michael Winningham and his wife Lisa welcomed a baby BOY June 23 1983. MICHAEL JR weighed 9 lb 8 oz. Congra tula tions. TDI Ronald Bentley and his wife Lisa welcomed a baby GIRL July 1st. 1983. SHANNON JEAN weighed 5 lb 10 oz. Congra tula tions. MSI Daniel Novela and his wife Honoria welcomed a baby BOY July 21st. 19. CHRISTOPHER DARCA weighed 5 lb 6 oz. Congra tula tions. « y \ GMG3 Kevin Dibble and his wife Jodie welcomed a baby BOY August 5th. 19, ^ KEVIN JR weighed 9 lb 14 oz. Congratulations. BM2 Keith Jablonski and his wife Sherry welcomed a baby GIRL August 16th. 19. ^^f REBECCA ANN weighed 6 lb 15 oz. 0^' X *°va ui' Congratulations. >^ <Ck <^^ I V° J. AMH3 Doug Reeber and his wife Jennifer welcomed a baby GIRL August 21st. I9i S^\v^^V^* 'y^ii^^ £^' "^^ ^^"^ MICHELLE weighed 7 lb I oz. V ^ \0 ^^ ^V .J u* A SMC Richard Jones and his wife Mona welcomed a baby GIRL August 23rd. 19, \^^ \°'^ K'N ^S i** HEATHER DANIELLE weighed 7 lb 9 oz. ^ ^ %" ^^<s% \^ r^ Congratulations. ^ "^ \y AMEI Alan Hector and his wife Josette welcomed a baby BOY August 28th. I9i ,t?N PHILLIP weighed 7 lbs. rO^ Congratulations. GMG3 Robert Watson and his wife Doris welcomed a baby BOY September 19 1983. ROBERT ALAN III weighed 7 lb 3 oz. Congratulations. PNSN William Smolen and his wife Margaret welcomed a baby BOY September 19 1983. NATHANIEL GREGORY weighed 7 lb 6 oz. Congratulations. MM 3 Ronnie Carr and his wife Mary welcomed a baby BOY October 18th. I9i DARIUS DEMOND weighed 5 lb 7 oz. Congra tula tions. ENSIGN M. L. Cauthon and his wife Carol welcomed a baby GIRL November II 1983. JACQUALINE ANN weighed 8 lb 8 oz. Congratulations. Tft a%%ia^e^: lAT IS MARRIAGE ? 't's a tlix-am lilleclwitli meaning Tliat starts coming true Because you nave someone io snare litewitn you... It's a loved one nesiue you Wnerever you ^o, Two liearts joinea to^etlier Bywords whispered low... It's a wondertui nlending of lau^nter and tears, A warm understanding Tliat deepens witn years... It's sayingi,"! love you", Witn words or a glance. It's caring... it's snaring A life -long romance. EJi Kenneth West and Cynthia Oberle joined hands in Holy Matrimony on April 15th. 1983 in Leonard Town. Maryland. Congratulations. MM 3 Brett Davis and Michelle Urban joined hands in Holy Matrimony on July 30th. 1983 in Spotswood. New Jersey. Congratulations. 'x v^ < *>.. SviebV ^. < < >^. * i .^ e / y- V 'T^cCcaffi^ \ \ ^ a^ue 1 1 ^^c CflE 'JME JSS IJTlfc »S! sir ?f1g£- ^ ^ a%j.*>°4t •\^ 4! • • • t, iiVS^ t (^ncU^^ ^aa^ Sta^ EDITOR: OSI (SW) KERN LAYOUT S DESIGN: OSI (SW) KERN CRUISEBOOK OFFICER: ENS MACDONALD ««fetJk SALES S PHOTO LAB TECH: PNSN SMOLEN JOURNALIST: JOS VERRICO ASST EDITOR: NCI ^A^ut^ t<^: WALSWORTH PUBLISHING COMPANY and the Norfolk staff. BARRY and JEANNE. ALL BUTTE photo contributors and those that had recommendations for the cruise book even if they were not used. Previous Crewmember - William Robert LAIRD. Commercial ArtisL Middletown. NJ. HH^ >VALS WORTH PUBLISHING COMPANY m Mircdin*. Mo U S A CRUISE BOOK OFFICE 1^03 West untie Creek Road Norfolk, Virginia 23505 MOST CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: (other than the editor) HM2 SCINTILLA (right) GMGSN TODD (above) i**i M tr^^-^^ '■"^BP^ Hjji^, m ^ ^^! ^^'V^tSl^t^' "^^jJ^'^.J i- ^'-^V H hi«>i^-i^u:ak:L ;iL-«^''.: ■mi -''*%^^