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The demand for another edition of this work lias afforded an opportunity to enlarge the same by adding a number of forms and amplifying the information given according to the most recent practice. Speoial attention is called to the full directions given as to the preparation of the Affidavit for Inland Revenue and to the exhaustive particulars concerning the incidence of the Estate Duty contained in Chapter 3. The new .Rules relating to the sealing of English Grants in Ireland through the Principal Registry in London have been noted, as also is the recent practice as to second or subsequent grants. Instructions for the resealing of Colonial Grants have been added. c. h. p.; October, 1897. THE FINANCE ACT, 1894. Waterlow & Sons Limited have prepared the following Forms for use with the Inland Revenue Affidavits issued under above Act. No. 852. — Particulars of the Debts due and owing from the Deceased, being Part 1 of Schedule 1. 852a. — Particulars of the money out on Mortgage, Bills, &c, comprised in Account No. 1. 853. — Particulars of Peal Property of which the Deo B i d was absolute owner, comprised in Account No. 5. 854. — Particulars of the Debts and Incumbrances on the Real Property comprised in Account No. 5. 854a. — Particulars of Personal Estate passing on the death of the Deceased included in Account No. 5. 855. — Particulars of Real Property which passed on the death of Deceased under a disposition other than the Will of Deceased, comprised in Account No. 5. 855a. — Particulars of Leasehold Property which passed on the death of Deceased under a disposition other than the Will of Deceased, comprised in Account No. 5. 856. — Particulars of Leasehold Property, comprised in Account No. 1 . 856a. — Particulars of the Rents of Real and Leasehold Property, comprised in the Accounts. 857. — Particulars of Stocks and Shares, comprised in Account No. 1. 857a. — Particulars of " Other " property in respect of which Estate Duty is paid on separate Accounts. Price 2d. each, 2/6 per quire, PLUS POSTAGE. WATERLOW & SONS LIMITED, London Wall, London. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Chapter 1. Probates ...... 1-10 2. Oath for Executors— Jurat . . . 11-20 „ 3. Affidavit for Inland Revenue — Probate Duty — Estate Duty — Free Mark on Affidavit —Engrossment of Will . . . 21-40 4. Procedure — Fees 41-45 „ 5. Administration (Will) .... 46 6. Oath for Administrator (Will) . . . 48-60 „ 7. Bond for Administration (Will) . . . 61-66 ,, 8. Administration ...... 67-74 „ 9. Oath for Administrator — Bond . . 75-85 „ 10. Wills of Married Women .... 86 „ 11. Double Probate 87-89 „ 12. Cessate Grants 90-93 ,, 13. Grants de bonis non ..... 94-97 „ 14. Exemplification — Renunciation — Noting Domicile — Duplicate Grants — Resealing Scotch, Irish and Colonial Grants . 100-110 ,, 15. Additional Security — Alteration in Grants — Revocation — Caveats . . . 111-117 „ 16. Tables of Fees 118-123 „ 17. Precedents of Forms . . . . 124-139 „ 18. Rules and Orders — Precedents of Costs — List of District Registries — Table of Succession to Real and Personal Estate 140-182 Ikdex .......... 183 WATERLOW & SONS LIMITED, 85 & 86, London Wall, E.C., Direct special attention to their LAW AGENCY DEPARTMENT In which all matters referred to in the following pages are attended to with the greatest care and promptitude. THE PRACTITIONER'S PROBATE MANUAL. CHAPTER 1. PROBATES. The practitioner on receiving a will (with or without a codicil) for the purpose of proving the same should first consider the following points : — 1. Its execution. 2. Alterations or interlineations. 8. Plight and condition. 4. Incorporation by reference. 5. Appointment of executors. 1.— EXECUTION. The attestation clause to a will or codicil should show (a) that it was signed by the testator, or by some other person in his presence and by his direction ; and such signature should be made or acknowledged by the testator in the presence of two or more witnesses present at the same time, and such witnesses should attest and subscribe the will in the presence of the testator. Should the attestation in the will be deficient in any of these points and there be a codicil, and such codicil show that the requirements of the Act have been complied with, and be on the same («) Wills Act, 1837, s. «J. B 2 The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. sheet of paper as the will, or on a Beparate sheet of paper and the will referred to therein by date, no affidavit will be required. If there be no such properly executed codicil, an affidavit of due execution of the will will be required to be made by one of the attesting witnesses to the will. An affidavit made, in respect of the execution of a will, by a witness who is also a> witness to a codicil to such will, should speak as to the execution of such codicil even if it is properly attested. (See "Affidavit of Due Execution," p. 126.) Will signed by direction of the Testator. — In this case the attestation clause should show that the will was read over to the testator and signed in his presence, and by his direction, and that he acknowledged the signature made for him in the presence of the witnesses. If this is not shown in the attestation clause an affidavit of due execution is required to be made. Testator signs by his mark. — In this case the attes- tation clause must show that the will was read over to the testator, and that he perfectly understood and approved of its contents. If the attestation clause does not show this, an affidavit will be required, to be made by a witness or failing him by some person competent to speak to the fact, to show that the testator had knowledge of the contents of the will. Where such affidavit is made by one of the subscribing witnesses, he must make the affidavit of due execution in the usual form, with the following clause added : — " And I lastly make oath that previously to the execution of the said will by the said testator the same was read over to him by me this deponent (or by A. B. in my presence), and the said testator at such time seemed thoroughly to understand and approve of the contents of his said will." The Practitioner* 8 Probate Manual. 3 Testator signs twice. — In this case it is necessary that an affidavit by one of the attesting witnesses be made explaining the circumstances of the double signature. If there appear to have been two or more attempts by the testator to sign, it sometimes becomes necessary to include in the affidavit the usual clause as to reading over and explanation. Testator signs in the Attestation clause. — When (as is frequently the case in home-made or litho- graphed forms of wills) the testator signs in the attestation clause, an affidavit by one of the subscribing witnesses is required, to show that testator meant and intended such signature as his final signature to his will. (See " Affidavit of Due Execution," p. 126.) Testator signs below the Witnesses. — When the signature of testator appears below the signatures of the witnesses, the supposition is that the testator signed after the witnesses, and this fact would render the will invalid. In order, therefore, to validate the will, an affidavit should be made by at least one of the witnesses, showing that testator signed first, and setting out fully the circumstances under which his signature appears below the signatures of the witnesses. If on affidavit of both witnesses being produced it should appear that the requirements of the statute (a) were not complied with, the Registrar will refuse probate. (See " Probate Refused," p. 116.) Affidavits by attesting Witnesses. — Ride 70 says that : "In every case where an affidavit is made by a subscribing witness to a will or codicil, such subscribing witness shall depose as to the mode in which the said will or codicil was executed and attested." (a) 1 Vic. c. 26 Hint 16 Vic. C. 21. B 2 4 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. Attesting Witnesses dead. — When both the sub- scribing witnesses are dead, an affidavit should be made by some person present at the execution, and such person must depose to the death of the witnesses and to the facts of the execution, adhering to the usual form of affidavit of due execution as much as possible. In default of such affidavit, an affidavit as to the handwriting of deceased and of the attesting witnesses should be furnished and a statement that the witnesses are dead and that, as far as can be ascertained, no other person was present at the execution should be embodied. The Registrar will not refuse this affidavit if made by a person interested in the will. (See also p. 1-JO, Rule 7.) 2.— ALTERATIONS OR INTERLINEATIONS. When alterations, interlineations, or erasures appear in a will and are not authenticated (1) by the initials or signatures of testator and witnesses, in the margin, or (2) by a full reference to such alterations, etc., in the attestation clause, the ordinary affidavit as to execution will be required, and at the foot thereof the following clause should be added : — " And having particularly observed the following alterations appearing in the said will, namely (here recite alterations, giving the number of the line and page of the will in which they appear), I lastly make oath that such alterations as aforesaid were made and written in the said will as the same now appear previously to the execution thereof by the said testator." If the alteration is in the date of the will the deponent must in his affidavit indicate the circumstances which enable him to fix the date. If such attesting witnesses cannot make the required affidavit, an affidavit must be made by some person who can depose as to the time when The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 5 such alterations were made, and if this evidence is n<>l available an affidavit as to the facts must be filed. (For "Affidavit as to alterations," see p. 125.) If such altera- tions were made after the execution, and unattested, the probate will issue as if such alterations had not been made. In the latter case a copy of the will as it originally stood will be required to be made for registrar's fiat, and filed with the original will. (See " Fiat," p. 115, and Rules 8-11.) 3.— PLIGHT AND CONDITION. If, from the appearance of the will, it appears that there may have been some document attached to it, or that some portion of it may have been cut off, the Registrar may call for an affidavit, to be made by the executors, or some other competent person, stating that the will was in the same plight and condition as when executed. If the affidavit is made by one of the subscribing wit- nesses, such witness will first depose to the execution of the will in the usual form. (See affidavit of " Plight and Condition," p. 131, and Rule 14.) 4.— INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE, etc. When the testator by his will refers to any document existing at the date of the will, as containing a disposition of any part of his property, the opinion of the Registrar should be taken as to whether or not such document is to be incorporated with the original will and form part of the probate. If the will or codicil refers in error to some other testamentary disposition, e.g., a codicil referring to the three previous codicils when in fact there were only two ; an affidavit of search by the executors will be required. • '> The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 5.— APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTORS. Particular care should be taken that the names of the executors are correctly quoted in the will. Any dis- crepancy that may appear should be cleared off in the oath. For instance — if the correct name of an executor be " Thompson," and his name appears in the will as " Thomson," lie would be described in the oath as " Thompson (in the will written ' Thomson ')." If, however, the difference between the names is such as to suggest the probability that a person other than the applicant is the person intended by the testator, an affidavit of identity must be prepared, and must show that it was testator's intention to appoint the applicant, and that there was at the date of the will no person answering in all particulars to the name and description of the person appointed by the will. This affidavit may be made by the writer of the will or by some disinterested person competent to speak to the facts, and the facts must be of such a character as to satisfy the Registrar that the deponent is the person intended by testator to act as executor. (For form see page 128.) Executor according to the tenor. — When a testator does not expressly name any executor, but by direction to pay debts or otherwise charges a trustee or legatee with the duties of an executor, such person may take a grant of probate as "Executor according to the tenor of the will." Executor resides abroad. — In this case a grant of administration with the will annexed will be made to the attorney of such executor appointed under a power executed by him for that purpose ; but grant will not be given to the attorney of an executor resident abroad if another executor appointed by the will is in the United Kingdom, unless such other executor renounce probate. (See pages 100 and 137.) The Practitioner'' a Probate Manual. 7 Executor a Minor. — A grant in these cases may be made to the guardian of the executor for his use and benefit until he shall attain his majority. (See p. 59.) GENERAL. Draft of Will executed. — In this case it is necessary to file a special affidavit setting out the circumstances under which the draft was executed ; and an affidavit as to search is also required. Certificate of delay. — When a period of three years has elapsed from testator's death to the time of application for a first grant, a certificate under the hand of the applicant is required, to be verified by the practitioner (or such certificate may be made by the practitioner solely as solicitor for the party applying for the grant), to show why the grant has not been sooner applied for, and also to show for what purpose the grant is required. In all cases it is necessary to give particulars and value of the estate, and where the property in respect of which the grant is required is a reversion which has fallen into possession, the dates of death of testators and of life tenants should be given. (See " Affidavit or Certificate of Delay," p. 132.) Seven clear days must elapse from the date of death before a grant of probate may be made. Will bears no date. — In this case an affidavit by at least one of the subscribing witnesses speaking as to execution and particularly as to the date of execution is required, and to identify the will in the affidavit, it may be referred to as beginning thus " ," ending thus ." The deponent should in the affidavit give his reason for remembering the date of the execution. But if neither of the witnesses remember the date of the execution, 8 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. thon the required affidavit may be made by any other person who may have been present at such execution. The usual affidavit of search for any other will may also be required. (See "Affidavit of Search," p. 132.) Where the Will bears more than one date, the date last given in the will is taken as the date of the will, and no affidavit is necessary to substantiate it. Scotch Will. — If the will has been confirmed by a Commissary Court, a certified copy showing such confirma- tion will be accepted without proof of validity. If the will has been merely deposited and not confirmed a certified copy will be accepted on filing an affidavit, by a Writer to the Signet or by an Advocate, that the will is valid according to Scotch law and that the copy would be accepted in a Scotch Court, (The form is given on page 129.) The grant is not limited until the original is produced. Will in the Welsh language must be translated by a competent person, either a clergyman or a solicitor (not the extracting solicitor), and an affidavit by the translator verify- ing such translation and stating his qualification must be filed. The original will must be marked by the person applying for the grant. Isle of Man Witt.— An. authenticated copy under the Seal of the Manx Court including a copy of the Act of Probate is accepted. An affidavit of domicil or of British status is not required. Will of British subject dying domiciled abroad. — By virtue of The Wills Act, 1861 (24 & 2o Vict., cap. 114), if the will is made out of the United Kingdom, it will be admitted to probate if it can be shown that such will was made in accordance with (1) the law of the place where the same was made, or (2) the law of the place where such j)erson The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 9 was domiciled when the same was made, or (-3) the laws then in force in that part of Her Majesty's dominions where he had his domicil of origin. If the will was made in the United Kingdom it is valid if the same be executed according to the law of that part of the United Kingdom where the same was made. In every case an affidavit as to British status is required except where the deceased died domiciled in any of the Colonies brought within the Colonial Probates Act, 1892, by Order in Council. (See page 105.) The affidavit of validity may also be required. The forms of affidavit will be found on pages 129 and 131. The following are the words of the statute : — Section 1. Every will and other testamentary instrument made out of the United Kingdom hy a British subject (whatever may be the domicile of such person at the time of making the same or at the time of his oi- lier death) shall as regards personal estate be held to be well executed for the purpose of being admitted in England and Ireland to probate, and in Scotland to confirmation, if the same be made according to the forms required either hy the law of the place where the same was made, or by the law of the place where such person was domiciled when the same was made, or by the laws then in force in that part of Her Majesty's dominions where he had his domicile of origin. Section 2. Every will and other testamentary instrument made within the United Kingdom by any British subject (whatever may be the domicile of such person at the time of making the same, or at the time of his or her death) shall as regards personal estate be held to be well executed and shall be admitted in England and Ireland to probate, and in Scotland to confirmation, if the same be executed according to the forms required by the laws for the time being in force in that part of the United Kingdom where the same is made. Foreign Will. — On application in England for probate to a foreign will, if a verified copy of such will and of the grant of probate by a foreign Court is produced, the Regis- trar will not require an affidavit that the will is valid accord- ing to the law of the country of which the deceased was a 10 The 'Practitioner'' $ Probate Manual. subject. If the copy is not accompanied by a copy of the Act of Probate or the foreign equivalent thereto an affidavit as to the validity of the will must be filed. This affidavit must be made by an advocate or other duly qualified legal person having a status in the foreign country equal to the English barrister-at-law, and who is conversant with the laws of the country of which the deceased was a subject. (The form is given on page 129.) If the documents are in a foreign language a translation of same duly certified by a notary public must be annexed to them. The foreign copy, not the translation, must be marked by the deponent and the commissioner. The above rules apply to the will of an English person who had become naturalized in a foreign country notwithstanding the will may be in English form and duly attested. The oath and affidavit to lead a grant of probate will be explained in the following chapters. It should be noted that the Registrars do not settle draft papers except in complicated cases, and then only when the applicant resides abroad or the application is for a second grant. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 11 CHAPTER 2. OATH FOR, EXECUTORS. As the oath for executors is practically the groundwork for a grant of probate, it cannot be too carefully prepared. In order to clear up the different points arising in it, and to make its preparation as simple as possible, the oath is given at length and the blanks will be explained numerically. [Oath — For an Executor.] |n tljc ||igf} (To tut of $tist't«. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the Goods of deceased. I (or we) (*) make oath and say that believe the paper writing hereto annexed and marked by (a)to contain the true and original last Will and Testament (') of(') of («) deceased; who died ( 6 ) on the day of ,18 , at that (") and that lam ( 7 ) Execut in the said will named, and that will well and faithfully administer the personal estate and effects of the said Testat by paying h just debts and the legacies contained in h Will [and two codicils], so far as the same shall thereto extend and the law bind and that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the snid Estate and effects, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross personal estate and effects of the said Testat is of the value of (") and no more, to the best of knowledge, information and belief. (The deponents should sign as near to the foot of the oath as possible, in order to leave room for fresh jurat here, should it be necessary to have the oath resworn.) Sworn by at on the day of 18 . Before me, A Commissioner for oaths, (a) See marking exhibits, p. 10. 12 The Practitioner's Probate Manna/. 1 . Name and description, etc. — Here insert names, residences and occupations of the executors, taking chit thai the name, address and description agree with that given in the will. (See Chapter 1, p. 6.) Should the executor have changed his address or occupation since the date of the will, his postal address and occupation at the time of making the oath should also be given. A Clerk in Holy Orders is described as " The Reverend of , Clerk." The description " Vicar of " or " Rector of " cannot be considered as the residence of an executor, but his true place of abode must be first given, and the description referred to will follow the word " Clerk." Executor described as " the younger." — Where an executor, being the son of the deceased, is described in the appointment as " the younger," such description need not appear in the oath ; but where an executor, not being the son of the deceased, is described in the will as " the younger," he must be described as such in the oath, or as " heretofore the younger," as the case may be. Otherwise an affidavit of identity will be required. A Dissenting Minister may be described in the oath as " The Reverend of , Wesleyan Minister," or as the case may be. Where the executors are " Bankers' Clerks," " Merchants' Clerks," " Solicitors' Clerks," etc., they must be so described. A Mariner or Seaman should be described as " Master Mariner," or " Mariner in the Merchant Service," or as the case may be. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 13 An Executrix can only be described as " Spinster," " Widow," or " Wife of (here give name of husband)." If the applicant is the widow of deceased, she will be described as " of , widow, the relict of the deceased hereafter named." Deponents affirm. — Where Executors object to take an oath the words in italics " make oath and say " must be struck through, and the following clause inserted, " do solemnly, sincerely and truly, declare and affirm." 2. Insert here " with a codicil thereto," or as the case may be ; the number of the codicils, if more than one, should be given. If the Executor is sworn on a certified copy the oath should read " to contain the true last will, &c." As to marking the will, see p. 40. 3. Name of deceased. — The full Christian name and surname of the deceased should be inserted here. As a general rule the Registrars adopt the signature of a testator as his name, although it differ from the name as written in the heading of the will. In case of a variance between the name of the testator in the heading of the will and the name as signed at the foot or end of it, and in case the former is the more correct, the testator should be described by the name he signs, the word "otherwise,", followed by the name given him in the will, being added. If the testator's name is wrongly spelt in the will, and he sign his will by his initials or by a mark, he should be described in the probate by his correct name, the word " otherwise," followed by the name written in the will, being added. If the testator is described in the will as the " elder," but does not so subscribe himself, such description is not to be inserted in the probate. If the testator is described in the will as the " younger," but does not so subscribe himself, 14 The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. he should, notwithstanding, be described in the probate as the " younger," or " heretofore the younger," as the case may be. It' an alias is required to be set up an affidavit as to the necessity of same must be given. The affidavit must state fully the reasons for the alias, such as the existence of deeds in both names or as the case may be. 4. Residence of testator. — If testator's place of residence at the date of death does not correspond with that given in the will both addresses should be inserted thus " of formerly of The occupation of deceased will follow the residence. A mariner or seaman should be described as "master mariner," or " mariner in the merchant service," or as the case may be. A Testatrix will be described as "spinster," "widow," or " wife of 5. Date and place of death. — The date and place of death should here be shown. If by reason of deceased being lost at sea, or for some other reason the fact of the death cannot be sworn to, application must be made on motion to the Court for leave to presume the death to have taken place on or since some fixed period. An office copy of the order of Court must be filed with the other papers when the application for grant is made and a fee of 2s. 6d. paid in respect thereof, (a) The form of words should follow («) As the expense of moving the Court for a grant of probate or ad- ministration in cases of presumed death, when the property for which a representation is required is of small amount, is felt to be excessive, it has recently, with a desire to reduce expense to the parties in these cases, been directed that when the property to be claimed by the executor or administrator by means of the grant does not exceed £100, the motion in Court for the grunt shall in future be dispensed with, and the application for the same shall be made to the Registrars of the Principal Probate Registry, who will require such advertisements to be published, and call for such evidence as they may consider necessary, and order the grant to issue or take the directions thereon of one of the Judges of the Court in Chambers. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 15 the Order, thus : — " who died on or since the day of ,18 , as appears by an Order of this Division of the High Court of Justice, made the day of , 18 , at some place unknown." A Declaration of the Personal Estate is also required (p. 133) and in the case of Administration the sureties must justify (p. 130). The place of death must be given as " who died on the day of 18 , at sea, on board the British steamship ." If deceased had disappeared and the exact date of death cannot be given, the oath should read " was last seen alive on the day of 18 , and was found dead on the day of 18 , at If the application is made in the District Registry the fixed place of abode and the name of the district should be added after the date and place of death. (See " List of Registries," p. 176.) G. Relationship of Executors to deceased. — In addition to the ordinary description of executors, if they bear any relationship to the deceased, such relationship, if given in any part of the will, should be inserted here thus : — " That I am the [son or daughter or niece, or as the case map be'] of the said deceased." Occasionally it becomes necessary to be even more particular in the description ; as, for instance, when a testator appoints " my nephew , son of my late brother ," or " my brother-in-law," or " my wife's sister." In every case the description should correspond with that given in the will. (a.) Executor a Minor. — If an executor is shown by the will (in any part of it) to have been a minor when the will was made, and the will bears date within 21 years of the application for Probate, the following clause should here be inserted : " That I, the said (name of minor), attained the age of 21 years on the day of , 18 ." K » The Practitioner' & Probate Manual. (h.) Wife executrix — but not appointed by name. — Where deceased appoints his wife an executrix, but does not mention her by name in the will, the following clause should here be inserted : " That I, the said (name of relict), was the lawful wife of the said deceased at the date of his said will — to wit, on the day of , 18 ." 7. The style of the executors (of which the following are some examples) is to be inserted here : — One male executor. . . .The sole executor. All males . . . . . .The executors. (a) One of the executors being dead the other proves . . The surviving executor. (i) Power reserved to one and the other proves . . . .One of the executors. U) One or more of the executors renounce the other proves One of the executors. A female . . . . . .The sole executrix. All females . . . . . .The executrixes. Partly male and partly female executors . . . , . .The executors. For executor according to the tenor . . . . . .See Chapter 1, page G. The relict of the deceased executrix for life or widow- hood . . . . . . The executrix for life (if I remain a widow)- Executor as to part of the estate . . . . . .That I am the sole executor in respect of all the personal estate of the said deceased except personal estate in the Colony of The Practitioner* s Probate Manual. 17 (a.) Deceased executor. — If one of the executors is dead at the time application is made for the grant, it should be stated in the margin of the oath whether he died in the lifetime of the testator or survived him and is since dead. (b.) When power reserved. — When application for probate is not made by all the executors, and the non- proving executor has not renounced, power must be reserved to him to take a similar grant, and a note to that effect should be inserted in the margin, thus : — " Power to be reserved to A. B. and C. D. (relationship as in the will, and in the case of females the status as ' widow,' ' spinster,' ' wife of ' to be added) , the other executors." Such non-proving executor can come in at any future time and take out a grant of double probate (see " Double Probate," Chapter 11) or may subse- quently renounce. (See page 100.) If one of the executors is a minor at the time of application for a grant of probate, power is to be reserved to him to come in and prove on attaining his majority (by taking out a grant of double probate), and a marginal note should be made in the oath as follows : " Power to be reserved to A.B. (relationship to deceased if any) a minor, the other executor named in the will, when he shall attain the age of 21 3 r ears." A copy of the account, No. 1, must be filed with the papers. (c.) Where one of the executors renounces t a statement to that effect should be inserted in the margin in this form : " A.B., the other executor named in the said will, has renounced." (See " Form of Renunciation of Probate," p. 187.) 8. Here insert in figures the actual gross amount of the Personal Estate in England corresponding to the amount shown as the total of the Account No. 1 in the affidavit for Inland Revenue. Care must be taken to insert this amount C 18 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. specially in cases under the Finance Act, 1894, where Real Estate is included in the affidavit. The amount of the Real Estate must not of course be inserted in the oath, as the Court of Probate has jurisdiction over Personal Estate only. The grant cannot be limited to the amount of the Personal Estate, which is dealt with by the will, but extends to all the Personal Estate situate in England of which deceased died possessed. If deceased died possessed of Personal Estate in Scotland the oath will take the form indicated on p. 134. The Solicitor extracting the grant should mark at the head of the oath " Extracted by A.B., solicitor of The oath, being now supposed to be in proper form and correct in every particular, should be read over by or to the applicant, who will then sign it (usual signature suffi- cient) ; and particular care should here be taken that the signature agrees with the name. Deponent a Marksman. — Where the deponent makes his mark, such mark must be made in the presence of the Commissioner who administers the oath. (See also page 19.) Alterations in oath. — Care should be taken that the Commissioner initials all alterations, and where two altera- tions occur in the same line the Commissioner will initial each alteration. If an alteration is made by erasure, and upon such erasure words or figures are written, the Commissioner must write such words or figures in the margin and initial same. If the oath is returned by the Registrar for additions or amendments, and it becomes necessary to prepare a fresh form, the form which had been previously examined must be returned to the Registrar for comparison. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 19 JURAT. The following Rules will be ample explanation of the mode of filling up the jurat. " In every affidavit made by two or more deponents, the names of the several persons making the affidavit shall be inserted in the jurat, except that, if the affidavits of all the deponents is taken at one time by the same officer, it shall be sufficient to state that it was sworn by both (or all) of the above-named deponents." " No affidavit, having in the jurat or body thereof any interlineation, alteration or erasure, shall be filed or made use of, unless the interlineation or alteration other than by erasure, is authenticated by the initials of the officer taking the affidavit, nor in the case of an erasure, unless the words or figures appearing at the time of taking the affidavit to be written on the erasure, are re-written and signed or initialed in the margin of the affidavit by the officer taking it." It may be added, however, that where there is only one deponent, it is sufficient to say " sworn at, etc., etc." Unless the place where the oath is taken has been men- tioned before in the oath, the county in which the place is situate should be shown in the jurat. The word " affirmed " will be substituted for " sworn," if the deponent affirms. Deponent a marksman, or blind, or illiterate. — If deponent is a marksman, or is blind, or illiterate, the following must be inserted in the jurat, before the words " before me," — " this affidavit having been first read over to the said A.B., who seemed perfectly to understand the same, and made his mark thereto in my presence." C2 20 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. The practice, which obtains in the other Divisions of the High Court, of a third person witnessing the mark of an illiterate person and being sworn thereto does not apply to the Probate Division. II7/t> may administer oaths — in England. — (1) The Principal Registrars ; (2) District Registrars ; (3) Surro- gates at the commencement of the Court of Probate Act, 1857 ; (4) Commissioners for Oaths ; (5) persons specially appointed to administer oaths in the registries. The oath must not be administered by the Extracting Solicitor. In Scotland and Ireland and the Colonies the oath may be sworn before any Judge, Notary Public or other person lawfully appointed to administer oaths. Oaths sworn in foreign parts should be taken before a Notary or a British Consular Agent. By the Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1881, and the Finance Act, 1894, certain Inland Revenue officers are appointed to administer oaths in cases which pass through them to the Court. The Practitioner'' a Prohatr Manual. 21 CHAPTER 3. AFFIDAVITS FOR COMMISSIONERS OF INLAND REVENUE. The duty payable on an application for Grant of Probate or Administration in respect of the personal Estate of a person dying on or before the 1st August, 1894, is Probate Duty and is chargeable, by virtue of the Customs and Inland Revenue, 1881, upon the Personal Estate passing under the deceased's will or intestacy. The duty payable if the deceased died after the 1st day of August, 1894, is Estate Duty under the Finance Acts, 1894 and 1896, and is charged upon all property, real and personal, which passes either constructively or actually upon the death of the deceased and whether under his will or intestacy or any other title. CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE ACT, 1881. (44 Vic, Cap. 12.) The forms provided for the payment of Probate Duty under this Act are as follows : — Form A. — For use where the deceased died on or before the 1st day of August, 1894, in all cases except those for which form B. is applicable. This form is also used for second and subsequent grants where the deceased died on or before the 1st August, 1894. Form B. — For use where deceased died on or before the 1st day of August, 1894, where the whole personal estate wherever situate, and without deducting debts (including mortgage debts on specific property created by the deceased) and funeral expenses, does not exceed £100, so that no stamp 22 The Pr petitioner's Probate Manual duty is payable, or when such estate does not exceed £300, and the fixed duty of £1 10s. is payable under Section 33 of the Act, The court fee is 15s. only. Form E. — For payment of Temporary Estate Duty under the Customs and Inland Revenue Act of 1889. In filling up these forms it should be noted that the duty is charged upon the value of the estate at the date of the affidavit and that all income on the property due at the date of death and accrued to the date of the affidavit should be brought into the account. The debts to be deducted in form "A" must not be voluntary debts expressed to be payable on the death of the deceased or payable under any instru- ment not delivered to the donee thereof three months before the death of the deceased ; nor debts primarily payable out of Real Estate, except in cases where the devisee and the residuary legatee are one and the same person, in which case he may elect to deduct the debt against the Personal Estate. Where the deceased died domiciled abroad a deduction of debts is not allowed except where such debts are specifically charged against or recoverable out of any property included in the affidavit. The funeral expenses must not include the cost of mourning or tombstone or the cost of transferring the body to any distant place of interment. The rates of duty are as follows : — Above £100 and not above £500... £1 for every full sum of £50 or part of £50. „ £500 „ „ £1,000...£1 5s. for every full sum of £50 or part of £50. „ £1,000 £3 for every full sum of £100 or part of £100. If the estate is over £10,000 the Temporary Estate Duty, being an additional duty of £1 for every full sum of £100 or part of £100, is chargeable thereon. (Form E above.) The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 23 FINANCE ACTS, 1894 & 1896. (57 & 58 Vic, Cap. 30 ; 59 & 60 Vic, Cap. 28.) The forms for the payment of Estate Duty are as follows : — Form A-l. — For use in cases where the property passing on the death of a person dying after the 1st day of August, 1894, consists of (1) Real and Personal Estate of the deceased to which he was absolutely entitled ; (2) property in which deceased or any other person had an interest which ceased on the death of the deceased and upon which Estate Duty is payable ; (3) property which, under the terms of the Act, is deemed to pass on the death of the deceased. This form must not be used for cases under Section 16 (1) of the Act of 1894. (See form B-l.) Form A-4. — For use in cases where the only property passing on the death of the deceased and chargeable with Estate Duty is the deceased's own personal property situate in the United Kingdom ; except where form B-l is applicable. If by the deceased's death any other property, under any title whatever, became chargeable with Estate Duty this form should not be used. Form B-l. — For use in cases where application for grani is made imder section 16 (1) of the Act. This section applies in cases where the whole of the estate, real and personal, in respect of which Estate Duty is payable on the death of the deceased, exclusive of property settled otherwise than by the will of the deceased, does not exceed the gross value of £500, no deduction being taken for debts (including mortgage debts on specific property created by the deceased) and funeral expenses. Inter vivos gifts, donationes mortis causa, Nomination Policies effected by the deceased, and property of which the deceased and any other person were joint 24 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. tenants, are not considered "settled property," and their value and the value of any other property chargeable with Estate Duty not strictly within the definition given in Section 22 (1 h. 8f i.) of the Finance Act, 1894, must be considered in calculating the amount of the estate. Moveable property situate abroad must be considered in fixing the limit of £500 unless the deceased died domiciled abroad. By the operation of Section 17 of the Finance Act, 1896, where the Estate is of the net value of over £100 but not exceeding £200 the duty payable is £1. In order to obtain the benefit of the Section form A-l or A-± must be used. Form A-5. — For use in every case where an application is made for a second or subsequent grant in respect of property which came within the operation of the previous grant. The unadministered assets only should be included giving the value for same as at the date of the affidavit. For particulars as to the " free mark," which must be obtained in every case, see p. 38. For cceterorum and other grants in respect of estates not the subject of the previous grant the appropriate form of affidavit, as for an original grant, must be used and the value of the assets stated as at the date of death. Charge of Duty. Every item of property of whatever value which is charge- able with duty must be taken into account and included in the assets. The value of the property upon which Estate Duty is payable is the value at the date of death of the deceased, and the income of the assets up to such date should be brought into account. The particulars required in the affidavit The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 25 are indicated in the various paragraphs and special attention should be given same. If any part of the Personal Estate is situate in Scotland or Ireland the separate values should be given in paragraph 4 of the affidavit in order that the domicile may be noted on the grant for resealing in Scotland ; or that the certificate of payment may subsequently be obtained for the purpose of resealing in Ireland. (See also page 102.) If the deceased died domiciled out of the United Kingdom it is not necessary to give particulars of the property of the deceased situate abroad. With reference to paragraph 13 it is necessary to give particulars of all other property passing by the death of the deceased, which is chargeable with Estate Duty, such as the deceased's own free Real Estate, gifts inter vivos, real and leasehold property of which deceased was tenant for life Nomination Policies, donations mortis causa, annuities pro- vided by the deceased other than by his will, etc. Aggregable and non-aggregable property passing on the death of the deceased and liable to Estate Duty should be distinguished. In respect of any of this " other property " which is liable to aggregation the duty thereon may be paid upon the affidavit, or may be paid upon a separate account. If not paid upon the affidavit paragraph 14 should be struck out ; and, for the purpose of fixing the rate of duty particulars and values of the aggregable estate should not be included in accounts Nos. 4 and 5 but should be shown by a schedule annexed to the affidavit. This schedule should give short particulars of the disposition under which the property passes and should show the relationship of the beneficiaries to the tenant for life. If deceased had a share only of any item brought into the affidavit it is necessary to show how he became possessed of such share, i.e., by will or purchase (giving full particulars), 26 The Practitioner 9 8 Probate Manual. and il should be stated whether he had any and if so what interest in the remaining share. The Schedules annexed to the affidavit should be of the same size as a page of the official form and should be signed by the deponents. It is not necessary to have same marked as exhibits by the Commissioner. The values of the various items included in the affidavit are not critically examined at the time the grant is taken. This examination is made by the officials of the Legacy Duty Office to whom the affidavit is forwarded after the grant has passed the seal. A cojry of the affidavit cannot be obtaiued from the Controller of Legacy Duties except upon the written consent of the person who rendered such affidavit or of his legal personal representative. The various accounts annexed to the affidavit will be explained in their order. It may be convenient to state with regard to the important question of aggregation that if the estate passing on the death of the deceased (exclusive of property settled otherwise than by the will of the deceased) does not exceed the net value of £1,000 such property is not to be aggregated with any other property but forms an estate by itself. Account No. 1. — In this account must be included all the free Personal Estate of the deceased. The various items to be included are set out in the official form but all personal property of which deceased died possessed which may not be indicated in the account should be brought in. For example : Property on board of ships represented by Bills of Lading in this country, property in transitu to the United Kingdom at the date of death, property on the high seas, patents, copyrights, etc. Peal Estate agreed to be sold by the deceased in his lifetime or to purchase which the deceased gave any option to a Lessee, (which option Tin 1 Practitioner's Probate Manual. 27 has been taken), must be brought into account. The Personal Estate of the deceased situated abroad should not be included in Account No. 1. The principal values of the various items must be brought into account and the basis upon which Bueh principal value has been calculated should be shown. If any asset has been valued for the purposes of duty the original valuation must be filed and will not be given out again unless stamped, in which case a copy will be required. Particulars of the mortgage, book and other debts, and of the interest thereon due at the death, and an apportionment of such income io date of death, should be supplied by schedules annexed to the account. If the nominal value of any debt due to the estate is not brought into account an explanation should be furnished and the parties should add an undertaking to account for the balance if subse- quently received. Published quotations, or brokers' certificates, or letters from secretaries of companies should be supplied as evidence of the value at the date of death of stocks and shares included in the account which are not quoted on the London Stock Exchange List. If the securities are quoted in the London List it is not necessary to supply any evidence of value. The value of the stocks and shares quoted in a Stock Exchange List is arrived at by taking the average price of the actual business done on the day. If no business has been done the price accepted by the Commissioners is the price between the lower quotation and the medium of the two prices quoted. For example : If the stock is quoted 148 — 152 the value for Estate Duty is 149 the medium between 148 and 150. The forthcoming dividends on the shares are not to be included unless the stock is quoted ex div. If the deceased died on a Sunday or on any day when the Stock Exchange was closed the price must be taken from the list of the day preceding. 28 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. Foreign Bonds, etc., payable to bearer or transferable in the United Kingdom should be included in this account. Full particulars of the leasehold property included in the account, such as the term of the lease, the ground-rent, names of tenants, separate rentals, annual deductions, etc., must be given. The rules regarding allowances and the valuation of leasehold property are the same as those relating to Real Estate, as to which see infra. Any mortgage due from the deceased for which the leasehold property is the sole security may be deducted from the principal value. The principal value of the property upon which duty is payable is the full market- able value thereof, and a statement that such value is given should be added to the particulars. The value of all interests in expectancy of which deceased died possessed should be included whether the duty on such interests is paid on the death of the deceased, or is deferred by virtue of Section 7 of the Finance Act, 1894, or is not payable on such interest. If Estate Duty is payable on the death of the deceased, on the corpus of the fund out of which such interest springs, duty is not also payable on the value of the interest in expectancy ; but the value of such interest must be considered in the aggregation of the estate passing on the death of the deceased for determining the rate of duty. If the corpus of the fund already forms part of the aggregated estate, the value of the interest must be deducted from the summary for the purpose of determining the rate and amount of duty. Examples of Interests in Expectancy are as follows : — (a) Interest expectant in property of which a person living at the date of death of the deceased was tenant for life. The value of the interest is aggregable with deceased's own estate and the duty may be paid on the affidavit or may be deferred. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 29 (b) Interest expectant in property of which deceased was tenant for life under a disposition not made by the deceased and the income of which property passes for life to some person other than the wife or husband or lineal issue or lineal ancestor of deceased. The corpus of the property is chargeable with Estate Duty on deceased's death but forms an " Estate by itself " and is not aggregable. The value of the interest is not also chargeable with duty, but it is to be aggregated with deceased's own estate and other aggregable property for determining the rate of duty. (c) Interest expectant in property of which deceased was tenant for life under a disposition not made by the deceased and the income of which property passes for life to the wife or husband or lineal ancestor or lineal issue of the deceased. (d) Interest expectant in property of which deceased was tenant for life under a disposition made by the deceased and the income of which property passes for life to some person living at the death of deceased. (e) Interest expectant in property of which a person living at the date of death of deceased was tenant for life under a disposition made by the deceased within 12 months of his death ; or made at any other time if deceased reserved to himself a power of revocation. In the above cases (c) (d) and (e) the corpus of the property is chargeable with Estate Duty on deceased's death and is aggregable, but the value of the interest is not aggregable and duty on such value of the interest is not payable on deceased's death. 30 The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. Deductions against value. — With regard to the debts whi<-h may be deducted, special attention is called to Section 7 of the Finance Act, 1894, and it should be noted that full particulars of each item must be given. "Where the debt is for " money lent " or "bant over-draft " the date of the loan and the nature of the security should be given, and if should be stated whether the debt is legally recoverable, giving the facts of the case. The names and addresses of all creditors must be supplied. If there is a deficiency of Real Estate after deducting the mortgages thereon such deficiency should be included in this schedule as a deduc- tion against Personal Estate. The funeral expenses must be reasonable, and no allowance will be made for mourning or a tombstone. The funeral expenses of a married woman, which are in strictness payable by her husband (unless specially charged on her separate estate by her will), may be deducted. The foreign debts and funeral expenses of a person dying abroad but domiciled in the United Kingdom are as a rule allowed, but sec " Soward's Estate Duty," 2nd edition, page 92. Account No. 2. — This account should contain particulars of the Personal Estate situate abroad of which a person dying domiciled in the United Kingdom was possessed. Estate Duty is chargeable thereon by virtue of Section 2 (2), Finance Act, 1894. The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are deemed to be included in the term " abroad " for the purpose of Estate Duty. Foreign bonds, shares or stock saleable or transferable in the United Kingdom should not be included in this account but should be accounted for in Account No. ] . The value of foreign patent rights should be included in this account. In the schedule to the account must be shown the debts due from the deceased to persons resident out of the United Kingdom but not including debts contracted to be The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 31 paid in the United Kingdom or charged on property situate in the United Kingdom which have been deducted in the schedule to Account No. 1. The debts must have been incurred by the deceased for full consideration in money or money's worth wholly for deceased's own use and benefit. In this schedule deduction should also be taken against the' principal value of the property included in the Account No. 2, of any duty payable in a foreign country (not a British possession) by reason of deceased's death in respect of such property situate in that country. The duty, which has actually been paid upon Personal Estate included in this account in a British possession to which Section 20, Finance Act, 1894, has been applied by Order in Council, is allowed against the duty paid in England upon such property. If the section has not been applied to the possession the duty is treated as if paid in a foreign country, see supra. There is no provision in the Act for an allowance in cases where duty has been paid in a British Consular Court on the Personal Estate included in this account, but an application to the Treasury for an allowance will be considered. A deduc- tion against such principal value may be taken of any sum, not exceeding 5 per cent, on the value of the property, represent- ing additional expense incurred in administering or realizing such property by reason of the property being situate out of the United Kingdom. The ordinary expense of realization is not a proper deduction against Estate Duty, and therefore the amount to be taken must be only such extra expense entailed by reason of the situation of the property. Accounts Nos. 3a and 3b. — Particulars should be given in these accounts of the personal property, other titan that included in accounts Nos. 1 and 2, of which the deceased was at his death competent to dispose but of which he did not dispose. A person is deemed competent to dispose of property if he had such an estate or interest therein or such general 32 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. power as would if he wore sui juris enable him to dispose of the property. In the second part of the account should be given particulars of money which the deceased had at his death a general power to charge on Real Property other than his own Heal Estate whether such power was exercised by his will or not. Full information of the disposition by virtue of which the deceased had power to dispose of the Personal Property or to charge Real Property should be furnished ; such as the dates of deeds, names of parties thereto, name of testator, date of death, date and place of proof of will, etc. The accounts should only be used if the duty on the pro- perty included therein is being paid upon the affidavit and then only if such property is liable to aggregation. If the duty is not being paid upon the affidavit or the property is not aggre- gable, the value of the propert}' should be shown by separate schedules and referred to in paragraph 13 of the affidavit. Accounts Nos. 4 and 5. — In these accounts should be included all other property chargeable with Estate Duty on the death of the deceased and upon which duty is being paid upon the affidavit for grant. Such " other property" includes gifts inter vims, donations mortis causa, annuities provided by deceased other than by his will, Real and Personal Estate of which deceased was tenant for life, deceased's severable share of property of which he was a joint owner, deceased's own Real Estate, etc., etc. Leasehold property of which deceased was the absolute owner must be included in Account No. 1 being part of his own Personal Estate. The various items included in the account should be shown by separate schedules, but the totals should be inserted in the account on the form. In the case of property of which deceased was tenant for life only, particulars of the disposition under which the property passed and the relationship of the beneficiaries to the deceased should be given. If deceased's interest in any property was less than the whole a statement The Practitioner 9 8 Probate Manual. 33 showing how deceased acquired such interest should be annexed. The principal value of each item should be given and the basis of such value must be indicated. In the case of real and leasehold property each item should be separately specified and numbered and the names of tenants and separate rentals supplied. If the property is unoccupied or is in the occupation of the owner or a relative the gross property- tax assessment, or if not so assessed tike gross poor-rate assess- ment must be given. The reduced assessment for collection of Income Tax on the property is not accepted as an indica- tion of the annual value of property for the purpose of Estate Duty. The annual deductions in respect of each item of the property should be stated in order to show the net annual value. The amount usually allowed for repairs is 10 per cent, on the gross annual value, but in the case of small property 15 per cent, is sometimes allowed on a statement as to the character of the houses. For agricultural property 7^ per cent, on the gross annual value is the usual allowance. Rates paid by the owners (and stated so to be) will be allowed, except in cases where the property-tax or poor-rate assessment is given as the gross annual value. Property-tax is not a proper deduction and no allowance is made against the annual value for empties or for expenses of collection. The interest on any mortgage charged on the property should not be taken into consideration in fixing the net annual value as the principal will be allowed against the saleable value. The principal value upon which duty is payable is the price which the property would realizo if sold in the open market. If the property has been sold since the death the gross amount realized is the basis for duty. In estimating the value of a freehold public-house the goodwill and fixtures should be taken into consideration and the fact should be stated. Agricultural property is to be valued in D 34 The Practitioner* 8 Prolate Manual. the manner prescribed by Section 7 (5), Finance Act, 1894, but it should be noted that the allowance for management expenses can only be taken if 25 years' purchase on the net annual value is given. The deductions allowed against the principal value of the property included in the account are the incumbrances on such property which were created by deceased himself or by his predecessors in title. If created by the deceased they cannot be allowed unless incurred for full consideration in money or money's worth wholly for deceased's own use and benefit and to take effect out of his interest. If there is a right of reimbursement from any other estate or person the debt will not be allowed unless such reimbursement cannot be obtained. If the mortgage is charged on different portions of deceased's estate such debt should be apportioned. Where the debts on deceased's Real Estate exceed the value thereof a deduction of such deficiency may be taken in the schedule to the account No. 1. Any deficiency of Personal Estate shown by account No. 1 may be included in the schedule. The account No. 5 annexed to the affidavit should not be used except for property which is chargeable with Estate Duty on deceased's death and is aggregable with deceased's own estate and then only when the duty on the property included therein is being paid upon the affidavit. If the duty on the aggregable estate is not accounted for at the time of grant, or if the property is not aggregable, a schedule should be annexed to the affidavit giving the particulars of the " other " property passing in order that in the case of aggregable property the rate of duty may be determined. For this purpose the particulars need not be in detail, but the principal value of the property must be shown as nearly as possible. It is, however, necessary to show under what disposition the property passes and also the relationship of the Tlic Practitioner* 8 Probate Manual. :>>:, beneficiaries to the deceased. Fuller particulars must be supplied when the duty is accounted for. The paragraph in the affidavit referring to such " other " property must be modified by striking out the reference to account No. 5, and the schedule above mentioned should be otherwise identified. The rates of Estate Duty are as follows : — Rate Where the net P •ineipal Vulue of the Estate per Cent. £ € £ b. d. Exceeds 100 i ind does not exceed 500 1 ,, 500 ,, „ 1,000 2 5 1,000 >j 10,000 3 J 10,000 ,, 25,000 4 , 25,000 ,, ,, 50,000 4 10 , 50,000 ,, 75,000 5 , 75,000 J J 100,000 5 10 ., 100,(1(11) >> 150,000 6 , 150,000 > J ,, 250,000 6 10 , 250,000 J J ,, 500,000 7 , 500,000 ,, ,, 1,000,000 7 10 5 1,000,000 " ■ " 8 In the estates of persons dying before the 1st July, 1896, the duty is calculated on every £10 or fractional part of £10, so that an estate of the value of £905 is charged as £910. In cases where the fractions of the net value of the real and personal estate upon which duty is offered make together less than £10, for example £905 and £904 = £1,809, the duty on the fraction is thrown upon the larger sum (in this instance on the £905), and the duty would be charged on £910 and £900 respectively. This rule would not apply if only part of the aggregated sum is being paid on the affidavit, for in this ease t\)e duty on th^ whole fraction would be charged. By Section 17 of the Finance Act, 1896, it is enacted that in the estates of persons dying on or after 1st July, 1896, where the principal value of an estate com] irises a fraction of £100 in excess of £100, or of any multiple of £100, such fraction D2 36 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. is to be excluded from the value of the estate for the purpose of determining both the rate and the amount of duty ; except that where the value exceeds £100 and does not exceed £200 the duty is to be £1. For example, an estate of £10,080 is charged as an estate of £10,000, and the rate of duty being £3 per cent., the duty would be £300. An estate of £10,100 would, however, be dealt with as of that value, and the rate being £4 per cent., the duty would be £404. An estate of £594 would be charged as £500 at the rate of £1 per cent., the duty being £5. In cases where duty is paid upon Real and Personal Estate on the affidavit for Inland Eevenue on taking the grant, and there is a fraction of £100 in the value of each estate, the rule is as follows : — (1) If the two fractions together do not exceed £100, each fraction is to be left out of account; (2) if, however, the two fractions together exceed £100, the amount which has the larger fraction is to be increased to the next multiple of £100, and the other fraction is not to be considered. Thus, (1) Eeal Estate £740 and Personal Estate £442, total £1,182, duty is charged on £1,100, that is, £700 Real and £400 Personal ; (2) Real Estate £860, Personal Estate £450, total £1,310, duty is charged on £1,300, that is, Real £900 and Personal £400. If Estate Duty on the Real Estate is not paid on the affidavit for grant and the value of the Personal Estate is under £100 the duty is charged on the actual value of such Personal Estate. If the duty on the Real Estate is not being paid upon the affidavit for grant the rate of duty is ascertained by excluding the fraction on the aggregated estate, but the amount of duty is determined by disregarding the fraction in each case except when the value of the estate upon which duty is being paid is under £100. Thus, Personal Estate £268, Real The Practitioner * Probate Manual. 3? Estate £1,478, total £1,746, the rate of duty is 3 per cent., and the duty on the Personal Estate is charged on £200. But if the Personal Estate is £70 and the Ileal Estate is £1,478, the rate of duty is 3 per cent., and the duty on the Personal Estate would be £2 2s. 0d., being 3 per cent, on the actual amount as explained above. Where the gross value of the property, real and personal, settled and not settled, in respect of which Estate Duty is payable on the death of the deceased (exclusive of property settled otherwise than by the will of the deceased) does not exceed £300, a fixed duty of 30s., and where the gross value of such property does not exceed £500, a fixed duty of 50s. may be paid, instead of the ad valorem duty according to the scale. The court fee in each case is 15s. only. Interest at 3 per cent, on the duty on the Personal Estate is charged from the date of death to the date of payment. In cases where the fixed duty of 30s. or 50s. is paid within one year of the death, interest on the duty is not charged, but if the application for the grant is made after the expira- tion of one year from the death, interest at the rate of 3 per cent, is charged from the date of death to the date of pay- ment. This interest is paid by means of postage stamps. Interest on the duty on Peal Estate is not chargeable until the expiration of twelve months from the date of death, except in cases where the Peal Estate has been sold within that period in which case interest on the duty at 3 per cent, is charged from the date of completion of sale to date of payment. Fuller particulars as to the charge of duty under the Finance Act, 1894, and the important subject of aggregation will be found in the " Handbook to the Estate Duty," by A. W. Soward, of the Legacy Duty Office, published by Waterlow and Sons Limited ; who have also prepared forms for use with the various Inland Revenue affidavits, specimens of which will be forwarded on application. 38 The Practitioner's Probate Manual DUTY-PAID STAMP OE CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT ON AFFIDAVIT. The Commissioners of Inland Revenue will, on presenta- tion of a memorial, accompanied by the affidavit of value to be lodged on applying for a grant tie bonis non or cessate grant or double probate, impress a duty-paid stamp or endorse a certificate of payment of duty on such affidavit, if duty has been paid on the original estate. If any portion of the estate to be included in the second or subsequent grant has not borne Probate or Estate Duty a corrective affidavit must be rendered and the duty paid, after which the free stamp or certificate will be impressed or endorsed. If the deceased died on or before the 1st day of August, 1894, form " A " is the appropriate affidavit, but if the death was after the 1st of August, 1894, form " A-5 " must in every case without exception be used. The form of memorial is as follows : — TO THE HONOURABLE cT be (f ommissioners of |nlatrb ilcbnuu. THE MEMORIAL of [the Memorial may be signed by the solicitor ; it must not be sent by post but presented personally, or through an agent, at the Head Office in London} Res. 18 Fo. Afft. No. SHKWETH THAT late of Deceased died on the day of 18 THAT mi the day of 18 Probate of hifl Will (or at the case may be) was granted by the Registry (if the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice to THAT [state here the circumstances which render tin further grant necessary. The exact date of death of an Executor or Ad mi nisi rat or should be stated.} THE said swore the Personal Estate and Effects of the said lieceased to be of or under the value of £ and paid a Stamp Duty of £ (1) upon such grant of which is herewith produced for inspection; {or), (2) upon the Affidavit of value for Inland Revenue which is now filed at the Legacy and Succession Duty Office). [Strike out the words at 1 or 2 as the case may be.] THE Personal Estate and Effects of the said Deceased for or in respect of which the said Probate (or as the case may be) was granted, consisted of the items set forth in the following Account No. 1. The Practitioner s Probate Man aul. 39 Account No. 1. THAT the Estate remaining to be administered, consists of the items Bet forth, in the following Account No. 2. Account No. 2. THE said who is \»tate how entitled to new grant] of the said now applies for a Grant, of and hath sworn the Personal Estate and Effects of the said deceased to be of the value of £ YOUK MEMORIALIST therefore humbly pray that your Honourable Board will in' pleased to grant the usual Duty-paid Stamp or Certificate of payment of Duty on the Inland Revenue Affidavit for the proposed new Grant. DATED this day of 18 (Signature) In the Account No. 1 should be inserted particulars of the assets in respect of which the original grant was obtained and their value at that date. Full description of leaseholds, stocks and shares should also be given. If the details caunot be supplied a statement to this effect must be made in the Account. The Account No. 2 should contain particulars of the estate remaining to he administered at the date of the memorial and the items should be identified with the assets in Account No. 1. If the assets remaining to be administered are under the value of £100 and the deceased died on or before the 1st day of August, 1894, a free mark on the affidavit is not necessary, but if the death is after that date a memorial must in all cases be submitted in order that a certificate may be endorsed on the affidavit. It is not necessary to produce the original grant if taken on or after the 1st day of June, 1881. The memorial may be signed by the solicitor extracting the grant. It must not be sent by post, but must be pre- sented personally at the Legacy Duty Office in London. 10 The Practitioner 9 a Probate Manual. ENGROSSMENT OF WILL. The will must be fairly and legibly engrossed on parchment, the spelling and abbreviations appearing as in the original; but the alterations (if any), if shown to have been made before execution of the will, and they are such as can be read with the will as it stood before alteration, must be written fairly as part of the text, and not fac- simile. If figures are given in thp will they must appear in the engrossment. Objection is taken in the Registry to any material part of the will being written upon an erasure. When bookway skins or small open skins are used the fold must allow for the seal which is 4" X 4". The writing should be on both sides of bookway skins. The engrossment will be collated with the original will in the Registry. The folios (90 words) must be marked thereon before lodging. Marking Exhibits. — Where only the ordinary oath is filed with the will, it is sufficient that the executors and commissioner sign the will (as also the codicil, if any) in this fomi — E. F., Commissioner. p j,' [ Executors, no exhibit clause being required ; but where any additional affidavit is to be filed, the following form should be written on the will — " This is the testamentary paper writing, or will (or codicil) referred to in the annexed affidavit of sworn on the day of 18 before me, E. F., Commissioner." This latter direction does not apply to the Principal Registry and is not obligatory in some District Registries. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 41 CHAPTER 4, PROCEDURE. The papers to lead application for the grant of probate being now presumed to be in order, the practitioner will attend at the Registry with the papers as under : — 1. Original will (and codicils if any), 2. Oath for executors, 3. Affidavit for Inland Revenue, duly stamped, 4. Engrossment, and any other affidavits necessary in proof of due execu- tion of the testamentary papers and of their condition when executed, identity of executors, etc.; and instrument of renunciation under the hands of the renouncing exe- cutors, if any, and will make application for the fee- sheet, the form of which is given on the following page, with explanation of each item. It may not be out of place here to suggest the desira- bility of papers to lead grants of probate or administration being brought into the Registry as early in the day as possible, so as to allow the officials sufficient time for careful examination, and to make the requisite searches, which latter are, in some cases, very lengthy. 42 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. $n the ¥)igl) (Court of Justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY LIST OP REGISTRY PEES RECEIVED ON GRANT. Deceased. 18 . Column for affixing Fee Stamp, (a) Note — Items 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 1H, 20, are not payable when the application for Grant is made in the Principal Registry. Administering Oaths Each Oath 1 G Marking Exhibits Wlietlier on the same paper or not, 1, - each Attesting Bond 1/6. Each subsequent Attestation, 1/- Receipt Notice of Application to Principal Registry Filing ditto Certificates from Principal Registry Filing ditto Registrar's Certificate, 2, 6 Filing each Affidavit, with or without exhibits, 2 .'-; Every other Instrument, 2 6 each Engrossing and Collating Will for I further Grant, folios f Registering and Collating Will, folios Ditto facsimile or Pencil Marks, folios Probate or Administration with Will ) under Seal. Under £ ... ) Administration under Seal. Under) £ Copy J Principal Registry, Will for folios Ditto facsimile or Pencil Marks, I folios | Record of Grant for ditto Search (18 ) Do. in Principal Registry Special or Limited Grant, folios Settling draft Oath to lead ditto Enrolment of ditto, folios Ditto Bond, folios Where the Property to be dealt with is under £20, 1/- per folio : above £20 2/- per folio. Collating Documents and Certificate Fiat Noting Record of First Grant Noting Domicile £ ». {a) The Stamps to be used are " Judicature Fee Stamps," and so marked, they are of the values of Id., 2d., Gd., 1, -, 1 6, 2 -, 2 6, 3 -, 5 -, 10, -, £1, £2, £5. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 43 Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Those charges are made when papers are sworn to in the Registry. 4. When the papers are handed into the Registry, the practitioner will receive from an officer of the Court a temporary voucher for them, which voucher should be returned to the Registry when the grant is received. This fee of Is. is charged for preparing the voucher. 5. This notice to lead certificate from Principal Registry is prepared in the Registry, and the fee of Is. charged for preparing it. 6. When the certificate has been received from the Principal Registry, it is filed with the papers, and the fee of 6d. charged for filing it. 7. This fee is for the certificate issued from the Principal Registry when the application is made through a District Registry. 8. This is the fee 6d. for filing the above in the Registry. 9. This fee is charged for the certificate by the Registrar at the foot of the grant as to the gross value of the personal estate (required by Act of Parliament). 10. Here should be inserted all affidavits and other documents which are to be filed in the Registry. No charge is made for filing oath or bond, or affidavit for Inland Revenue. 11. Where a grant of double probate or administration with the will de bonis non is applied for in the District Registry, the engrossment is made in the Registry, and a fee of 4s. 6d. for the first three folios, and Is. 6d. for every additional folio is charged. (Extra words over the folio being in all cases counted as a folio.) 44 The Practitioner* a Probate Manual. 12. This fee is also at the rate of 4s. 6d. for the first three folios, and Is. 6d. for every additional folio. 13. This fee is at the rate of Is. for the first two folios, and 6d. for every additional folio, and is charged in addition to the fees in No. 12. 14. Here is inserted the fee charged upon the net amount of estate according to the scale. (See p. 118.) 15. The same herein. 16. The charge of 2s. 6d. for the first five folios, and 6d. for every additional folio, is made for this copy, which is sent to the Principal Registry with the weekly return. 17. See No. 13. 18. This fee is charged for the record of the grant filed in the Registry, a duplicate of which is sent to London with the weekly return. Where the record exceeds five folios in length, in case of a limited or special grant, it is charged at the rate of 6d. per folio. 19. The fee of 6d. for every full year or part of year is charged for making search in the Registry, the calculation being made from the date of death to application for the grant. 20. The fee of 6d. a year is charged for making this search in the Principal Registry where the calendars are not complete in the District Registry. 21. This fee is charged at Is. per folio where the estate to be placed in the possession of or dealt with by the administrator by means of the grant is under £20, but at 2s. a folio when it exceeds that sum. 22. This fee is 2s. 6d. for 10 folios and under, and 3d. for every additional folio. The Practitioner* 8 Probate Manna/. 45 23. The same as 21. 24. In cases of special grants the bond is prepared in the Registry, and the same fee as in No. 21 is charged. 25. This fee is 2s. 6d. for 10 folios and under, and 3d. for every additional folio. 26. See Registrar's Fiat, referred to in Chapter 1, page 115. The practitioner makes the copy will according to the particular circumstances of the case. 27. This fee is charged in case of a second or supple- mentary grant. 28. This fee relates to cases in which Scotch property is included in the Affidavit for Inland Revenue and to which reference is made in the Oath. (See page 101.) 4G The Practitioner's Prolate Manual. CHAPTER 5. ADMINISTRATION WITH THE WILL ANNEXED. When the practitioner receives a will for the purpose of proving the same, and there are no executors thereby appointed ; or if any appointed, they have died before the testator, or, having survived him, have died without having proved the will ; or have renounced probate ; or being resident abroad, have appointed an attorney to act for them, the Court will grant administration (with the will annexed) of the Personal Estate and effects of the deceased. The renunciation by an executor of probate of the will includes a renunciation of his right to administration with the will annexed if he is entitled to such grant as residuary legatee in trust or otherwise. The same rules as to the execution of the will, etc., referred to in Chapter 1, are equally applicable to a will annexed to a grant of administration. The grant is made to the persons interested in the following order : — 1. Attorney of executor (who resides out of England). 2. Universal (or residuary) legatees in trust (one or more of them, not exceeding three). 3. Residuary legatees for life (one or more). 4. Residuary legatees substituted on the decease of those who take a life interest (one or more). 5. Residuary legatees (one or more). The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 47 6. The legal personal representatives of residuary legatees who survived the testator, but have since died, in cases where all the residuary legatees are dead. The grant constituting such legal personal representative or, if same not available, a copy of the Act of Probate or Administration must be produced. The Court alwa} r s prefers a living person, entitled in distribution, to the representative of a deceased residuary legatee. 7. The next-of-kin when no residuary legatee is appointed or when the gift of residue has lapsed. 8. A legatee. A few examples of the foregoing forms of grant will be found in the next chapter. Where there is any doubt as to the interest of the applicant in respect of which a grant should be made, the opinion of the Registrar should first be taken in order to avoid error. In addition to the ordinary oath (described in the next chapter), and affidavit for Inland Revenue, the Court requires a bond to be given by the administrator (will). (See Chapter 7.) For the Inland Revenue affidavit and special instruc- tions thereon, see Chapter 3. A certificate of the practitioner as to the cause of delay in applying for a grant is required when the application is not made until three years after testator's death. (See Certificate of delay, p. 132.) Seven clear days must elapse from the death of testator before a grant of administration (will) can be made to his estate. 48 The Practitioner* 8 Probate Manual CHAPTEE 6. OATH FOR ADMINISTRATORS (WITH THE WILL ANNEXED). Rule 43 directs that, " the oath of administrators, and of administrators with the will annexed, is to be so worded as to clear off all persons having a prior right to the grant, and the grant is to show on the face of it how the prior interests have been cleared off and the oath is to set forth, when the fact is so, that the party applying is the only next-of-kin of the deceased." The form of oath is given here at full length, in order to explain the blanks numerically. [Oath — For Administrators with the Will.'] fit tbc $jigb Court of fustite. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY IN the goods of deceased (*) I, of make oath and say that, believe the paper writing hereto annexed, and marked by to contain the true and original last will and testament ( 3 ) of (*) of (*) deceased, who died ( 5 ) on the day of 18 , at and that (") and that will faithfully administer the personal estate and effects of the said deceased by paying h just debts, and the legacies contained in h Will and distributing the residue of h estate according to law; that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said personal estate and effects, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross personal estate and effects of the said deceased is of the value of £* and no more to the best of knowledge, information, and belief. Sworn at on the 18 Before me, A Commissioner for Oaths. .} * As to the amount to be inserted here, see page 17. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 49 1. See 1, Chapter 2. 2, 3, and 4. See 2, 3, 4, 5, Chapter 2. 6. Here all persons having a prior right to the grant in the order set forth on pages 46 and 47 should he cleared oil'. The interest in respect of which the applicant proposes 1<> take the grant should then be shown. In order more perfectly to illustrate these two latter points, a few descriptive eases are given. AVhere the applicant is related to the deceased, the relationship must he shown at No. 6. The relationship to the deceased of any persons who were entitled to the grant and are dead or have renounced must also be given. (See page 15.) Where a grant of administration (will) is made to a representative of a person entitled, care must be taken that the date of the grant to the representative, and the Registry from which it issued, are correctly stated in the oath. The leading grant must be produced. The administrator must be sworn to the oath, and must execute the bond, before the same commissioner. EXAMPLES OF CLEARING OFF. No executor appointed — Grant to the sister, the residuary legatee in trust. (6) The said deceased did not in his said will name any executor; that I am the sister of the said deceased, and the residuary legatee in trust named in his said will. No executor appointed — Grant to child cue of the residuary legatees. (6) The said deceased did not in his said will name any executor; that I am the son of the said 50 The Practitioner' % Probate Manual deceased and one of tlie residuary legatees named in his said will. [Note. — II sometimes happens that a testator bequeaths his estate to a person subjed to a condition, e.g., on condition thai the legatee does not marry outside a particular faith, in such case it must be shown thai a1 the time of making the application for Grant the condition is complied with.] No executor or residuary legatee — Grant to widow. (6) The said deceased did not in his said will name any executor or residuary legatee ; that I am the lawful widow and relict of the said deceased. Executors renounce — No residuary legatee named — Grant to lawful widoiv and relict. (6) A. B., and C. D., the executors named in the said will, have renounced the probate and execution thereof ; that the said testator did not in his said will name any residuary legatee ; that I am the lawf id widow and relict of the said testator. No executor or residuary legatee — Grant to brother. (6) The said deceased did not in his said will name any executor or residuary legatee ; that the said deceased died a widower without child or parent ; that I am the natural and lawful brother and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased. Sole executor and residuary legatee survives testator and dies without proving — Grant to representative of residuary legatee. (6) That A. B., the sole executor and residuary legatee named in the said will, survived the said deceased and is since dead without having taken upon himself probate and execution thereof ; that I am the executor The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 5] of the will of the said A. B., deceased, I having duly proved his said will in this Division at the Principal Registry thereof on the day of , 18 . Executors die in testators lifetime — Grant to re- siduary legatee. (6) A. B., the brother of the said testator, and C. i)., the executors named in the said will, died in testator's lifetime ; that I am the residuary legatee named in the said will. Executors and residuary ley a tees in trust die in testator s lifetime — Grant to the relict of deceased, the residuary legatee for life. (6) A. B. and C. B., the executors and residuary legatees in trust named in the said will, died in testator's lifetime ; that I am the relict of the said testator, and the residuary legatee for life named in his said will. Executor and residuary legatee in trust, and the widow, the residuary legatee for life, both renounce — -Grant to the son, one of the residuary legatees substituted. (6) A. B., the sole executor and residuary legatee in trust named in the said will, has renounced the probate and execution thereof ; that C. B., widow, the relict of the said testator, the residuary legatee for life named in his said will, has renounced the letters of administration (with the said will annexed) of his personal estate ; that I am the son of the said testator, and one of the residuary legatees substituted in his said will. E2 52 The Practitioner's Prolate Manual. One executor renounces — the other executor died in testator's lifetime — Grant to residuary legatee. (6) A. B., one of the executors named in the said will, has renounced the probate and execution thereof ; that C. D., the other executor named in the said will, died in testator's lifetime; that I am the residuary legatee named in the said will. Executor dies in testator s lifetime — Gift of residue lapsed — Grant to brother as one of the next-of-kin. (6) A. B., the nephew and the sole executor named in the said will, died in the lifetime of testator ; that C. 7)., the son, the sole residuary legatee named in the said will, also died in the lifetime of the said testator a bachelor; that the said deceased died a widower without child or parent, that I am the natural and lawful brother and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased. Executor dies in testator s lifetime — Residuary legatee (the son) edso dies in testators lifetime but leaves issue — Grant to rejwesentative of dead residuary legatee [Wills Act, 1837]. (6) A. B., the sole executor named in the said will, died in the lifetime of testator; that C. D., the son, the sole residuary legatee named in the said will, also died in the lifetime of the said testator leaving lawful issue ; that I am the executor of the will of the said C. 2)., deceased, I having duly proved his said will in this Division at the Registry thereof on the day of 18 . The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 53 Sole executrix and residuary legatee for life dies in testators lifetime — Residuary legatee for life substituted renounces — Grant to residuary legatee substituted. (6) That A. B., the lawful wife of the said deceased and the sole executrix and residuary legatee for life named in his said will, died in the lifetime of the said deceased ; that C. D., spinster, the lawful daughter and the residuary legatee for life substituted in the said will, has duly renounced the letters of administra- tion (with the said will annexed) of the personal estate of the said deceased ; that I am the natural and lawful son and as such one of the residuary legatees substituted in the said will. Sole executrix and universal legatee (the widow) renounces — Grant to ■son, one of the next-of-kin. (6) That A. B., the lawful widow and relict and the sole executrix and the universal legatee named in the said will of the said deceased, has duly renounced the probate and execution thereof and also the letters of administration (with the said will annexed) of the personal estate of the said deceased ; that I am the natural and lawful son and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased. No executor or residuary legatee in trust appointed- Residuary legatee renounces — Grant to next-of-kin. (6) That the said deceased did not in his said will name any executor or residuary legatee in trust \ that A. B., spinster, the daughter, and the sole residuary legatee named in the said will, has duly renounced letters of administration (with the said will 54 The Practitioner' & Probate Manual, annexed) of tin 1 personal estate of the said deceased; that ihf said deceased died :i widower; that I am the natural and lawful son and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased. Executors and universal legatees in trust and re- siduary legatee all survived hut died without proving — (I runt to representative of residuary legatee. (6) A. B. and C. D., the executors and universal legatees in trust named in the said will, survived the said testator, but died without taking upon themselves the probate and execution thereof. That E. F., the residuary legatee named in the said will, also survived the said testator, but died without taking upon him- self letters of administration (with the said will annexed) of the personal estate of the said testator ; That I am the executor [or acting executor'] of the will [or the administrator of the personal estate] of the said E. F., deceased, by virtue of a probate [or of letter* of administration] granted to me by this Division at the Principal Registry thereof, on the day of 18 . Two executors appointed, both survived but one died without proving, the other renounces — Grant to widow residuary legatee for life. (6) That A. B., one of the executors named in the said will, survived the said deceased and is since dead without having taken upon himself probate and execu- tion of the said will ; that C. I)., the son, the other executor named in the said will, has duly renounced probate and execution thereof ; that I am the lawful widow and the residuary legatee for life named in the said will. Tin- Practitioner 1 a Probate Manual. 55 Executors renounce — Residue heijueatheil to children as a class, and not by name — Grant to son, one of the residuary legatees (a minor at the date of the will). (6) A. B. and C. I)., the executors named in the said will, have duly renounced the probate and execution thereof ; that I am the natural and lawful son of the said deceased, and as such (having attained the age of 21 years), one of the residuary legatees named in his said will. Two executors accord///;/ to the tenor both survive and die without proving ; residuary legatee for life (the iridoto) died in lifetime of testator — Grant to son (not named) one of the residuary legatees substituted. • (6) That A. B. and C. B., the executors according to the tenor of the said will, survived the said deceased and are both since dead, without having taken upon themselves probate and execution of the said will ; that K. M., the lawful widow and the residuary legatee for life named in the said will, died in the lifetime of the said deceased ; that I am the lawful son of the said deceased, and as such one of the residuary legatees substituted in the said will. Sole executor and residuary legatee dies in testator's lifetime — Testator died a bachelor — Grant to a legatee on renunciation of father. (6) A. B., the sole executor and residuary legatee named in the said will, died in testator's lifetime ; that the said testator died a bachelor ; that C. D., the natural and lawful father and next-of-kin of the said testator, has renounced the letters of administration 56 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. (with the said will annexed) of the personal estate of the said testator; that 1 am n Legatee named in the said will. Sole executor and residuary legatee renounces — Deceased dies a bachelor without parent — Grant to next-of-kin. (6) A. B., the sole executor and residuary legatee named in the said will, has renounced the probate and execution thereof ; that the said deceased died a bachelor without parent; that I am the natural and lawful sister, and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased. Sole executor survives but did not prove — No residuary legatee — Grant to nephew one of the persons entitled in distribution. (6) A. B., the sole exeontor named in the said will, survived the said deceased, and is since dead without having- taken upon himself probate and execution of the said will ; that the said deceased did not in his said will name any residuary legatee ; that the said deceased died a bachelor without parent leaving G. II, his natural and lawful brother and only next-of-kin, who has duly renounced [or who is since dead without having taken upon himself] letters of administration (with the said will annexed) of the personal estate of the said deceased ; that I am the lawful nephew, and one of the persons entitled in distribution to the personal estate of the said testator, being the natural and lawful son of II. II., the natural and lawful brother also of the said testator, who died in his lifetime, to wit on the day of 18 . The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 57 Wife (one of the executors and the residuary legatee for life) dies in testator s lifetime — The other executor survives testator and dies without proving — Residuary legatees (minors) renounce through their guardian — Grant to a creditor, (a) (6) The said deceased by his said will appointed his wife, A. B. (who died in his lifetime), and C. D., executors, and his said wife residuary legatee for life. That the said C. D. survived the said testator, but died without having proved the said will. That E. F. (b) and G. H., the natural and lawful and only children of the said testator, and as such the residuary legatees substituted in the said will, are now in their minority, to wit, the said E. F., a minor, of the age of years only, and the said G. H., a minor, of the age of years only. That I. J., widow, the lawful aunt, and one of the next-of-kin, and the curatrix or guardian lawfully elected of the said minors, has on their part and behalf duly renounced the letters of administration with the said will annexed of the personal estate of the said testator ; that I am a creditor of the said deceased. Executor cited, to accept or refuse probate does not appear — Grant to the son, one of the residuary legatees. (6) A. B., the son of the said deceased, the sole executor named in the said will, has been cited to accept or refuse probate of the said will, but has in no wise appeared, and that by an order made in this matter on the day of 18 (a) In this case a special furm of bond is required. (b) A female minor will be described as a " spinster." 58 The Practitioner* % Probate Manual. it was ordered thai Letters of administration, with the said will annexed, of the personal estate of the said deceased be granted to me, this deponent; that I am (he son of the said testator, and one of the residuary legatees named in his said will. [In this case a copy of the Registrar's order will be filed, and in ease there has been no personal service of the citation, the sureties will have to justify. See Affidavit of Justification of Sureties, P . 130]. Executors survive deceased and renounce — ( ,' runt to guardian of sole residuary legatee. |n the |)igb Court of justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of deceased. I, of make oath and say that of deceased died at on the day of 18 having made and duly executed his last will and testament bearing date the day of 18 and thereof appointed and executors who have duly renounced probate and execution thereof; that spinster the lawful daughter and the sole residuary legatee named in the said will is now in her minority to wit of the age of years and upwards and under the age of 21 years; that there is no testamentary or other lawfully appointed guardian of the said minor ; that I am the lawful and only [or one of ihe~] next-of-kin of the said and that she has by an instrument in writing under her hand bearing date the day of 18 elected or chosen me to be her curator or guardian for the purpose of taking letters of administration (with the said will annexed) of all and singular the personal estate and effects of the said deceased for her use and benefit and until she shall attain the age of 21 years ; that I believe the paper writing hereto annexed and marked by me to contain the true and original last will and testament of the said deceased ; that I will faithfully administer the personal estate of the said deceased for the use and benefit of the said until she shall attain the age of 21 years by paying the just debts of the said deceased and the legacies contained in his said will and distributing the residue of his said estate according to law; that I will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said personal estate and effects and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross personal estate and effects of the said deceased is of the value of £ and no more to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Sworn at , this day of 18 , J Before mo The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 59 Sole executor and residuary legatee a minor Grant to guardian. (Usual Hi.amng.) 1, of make oath ami say thai of deceased died on the day of L8 sit having made and duly executed his last will ami testament bearing date the day of L8 and thereof appointed his son sole executor and sole residuary legatee ; that, the said is now in his minority to wit the age of years and upwards but under the age of 21 years ; that, their is no testamentary or other lawfully appointed guardian of the said minor; that I am the lawful and only next-of-kin of the said minor; that the said minor has by an instrument in writing, etc., etc. [complete n» preceding form], Iii all cases of grants to guardians for the benefit of minors the proposed administrator must file a declaration of the personal estate of the deceased except where the whole estate is under the gross value of £20 or where the guardians are appointed by the High Court of Chancery or other competent Court or are the testamentary guardians of the minors. (See rules on pages 150 and 151. For the form of election and declaration, see pages 133 and 135.) The minors must elect their next-of-kin, but if such next- of-kin renounce his right to guardianship the minors may elect their next friend. If the minors have not any blood relation an application must be made to the Queen's Proctor as to whether he will interfere on behalf of the Crown, and his decision in writing must be produced to the Registrar. If the testamentary guardian of a minor apply for grant the probate of the will of the person appointing such guardian must be produced. Administration will be granted to one of two or more testamentary guardians on consent of the other or others. 60 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. Executor resides abroad — Grant to his lawfully appointed attorney. [For Power of Attorney, see p. L36.] [In this case, as the form somewhat differs from the ordinary fomi of oath for administrators (will), a full form is here given] : |n the iHgb (fourt of justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE KKOISTRY. IN I he goods of deceased. I, of (trade), make oath and say that of deceased, died on tin- day of 18 , at , having made and duly executed his last will and testament bearing date the day Brown, of No. 20, John Street., in the City of Durham, spinster, make oath and say, that Henry Brown, of the City of Durham, grocer, deceased, died on the day of 18 at [having a fixed place of abode at a widower, and intestate, leaving Mary Brown, spinster, John Henry Brown and Ernest Brown, his natural and lawful and only children, and only next-of-kin, who are now in their minority and infancy respectively, to wit, the said Mary Drown, being a minor, of the age of 15 years only; the said John Henry Brown, being a minor, of the age of ten years only ; and the said Ernest Brown, being an infant, of the age of five years only. That there is no testamentary or other lawfully appointed guardian of the said minors and infant, that 1 am the lawful aunt and only [or one of the] next-of-kin of the said minors and infant, and that the said minors have, by an instrument in writing bearing date the lttth day of January, 1884, elected or chosen me to be their curatrix or guardian, for the purpose of taking out letters of adminis- tration of the personal estate of the said intestate, to be granted to me for the use and benefit of the said minors, and until one of them shall attain the age of 21 years; that I will faithfully administer the personal estate of the said intestate for the use and benefit of the said minors and infant, and until one of them shall attain the age of 21 years, by paying his just debts and distributing the residue of his estate according to law ; that I will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said estate, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross personal estate and effects of the said intestate is of the value of One thousand three hundred and one pounds five shillings and nine pence, and no more, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Sworn, &c. [Oath for mother of minors a Stat afar// Guardian — Guardianship of Infants Act, 188(3.] (Usual Hiading.) I of widow, make oath and say that of deceased, died on the day of 18 at intestate, a widower without child, leaving spinster, and his lawful grandchildren and only next-of-kin him surviving ; that the said and are now in their minority, to wit, the Bald being a minor of the age of years only, and the said being a minor of the age of veins only ; that I am the natural and lawful mother and the lawful guardian of the said and ; that I will faithfully administer, etc. [and so on to the end as in preceding form]. The Practitioner's Probate Ma mini. 73 \Oath for Guardian of Infant.] (Usual Heading.) I of make oath and say as follows :— 1. That of deceased, died on the day of ih at intestate, a widower, leaving spinster, his natural and lawful and only child, who is now in her infancy, to wit, of tho age of years Only and under the age of seven years. 2. That there is no testamentary or other lawfully appointed guardian of the said infant, 3. That I am the lawful grandfather and only next-of-kin of the said infant and that I have been duly assigned her curator, or guardian, for the pm-pose of taking letters of administration of the personal estate of the sail 1 deceased for the use and benefit of th I said infant and until she shall attain the age of 21 years. 4. That 1 will faithfully administer the personal estate of the saiil deceased for the use and benefit of tho said infant and until she shall attain the age of 21 years, by paying, etc., etc. [as in preceding form to the end]. The papers necessary are Election, Oath, Inland Revenue Affidavit, Bond and Declaration (the latter, if the effects amount to £20 and upwards). The fee of 2s. 6cl. each is charged for filing the Election and Declaration. Administration to the attorney of a person entitled to administration resident out of England will be granted, without notice to the other next-of-kin. The power of attorney must be filed, and such power and the notarial certificate and declaration annexed thereto are not liable to stamp duty. If, however, the power refers to other matters the Deed and the papers annexed thereto must be stamped and a copy mil be accepted. The original Deed must be produced and will be returned when the copy is filed. ? I The Practitioner's Probate Manual. The following is the form of oath : — h\ the pigj) Court of Justice. PROBATE, DIYOBOE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (l'RUBATK.) THE REGISTRY. IN the floods of deceased. I, of make oath and say that of in the of deceased died on the day of 18 , at intestate, a widower, leaving CD., his natural :hk1 lawful and only son and only next- of-kin, who is now residing at in the of that 1 am the lawful attorney of the said and that will faithfully administer the personal estate of the said deceased for the use and benefit of the said and until he Shall duly apply for and obtain letters of administration Of the personal estate of the said deceased to he granted to h by paying h just debts, and distributing the residue of the said estate according to law; that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said estate and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do, and that the j^ross personal estate and effects of the said deceased is of the value of £ and no more, to the best of knowledge, information and belief. Sworn by the above-named at on the day of 18 . Before me A Commissioner for Oaths. On an application for administration by an attorney a copy of the account No. 1 annexed to the Inland Revenue affidavit must be filed with the papers. //' the next-of-kin of an intestate is a lunatic not so found by inquisition, administration will be granted to the next-of-kin of such lunatic for his use and benefit during lunacy. The fact that the next-of-kin is a person of unsound mind must be proved by affidavit {see page 129). The following is the form of oath : — (Usual Heading.) I of make oath and say as follows ; — 1. The said of spinster, deceased, died on the day of 18 intestate, a spinster, leaving her natural and lawful father and next-of-kin, her surviving. 2. That the said is now and has been for many years past a lunatic or person of unsound mind. :<. That no committee has been appointed of the personal estate of the said the lunatic aforesaid, nor has any person been entrusted with the applica- tion thereof under the Lunacy Act, 1890. I. That I am the lawful wife of the said the lunatic aforesaid, and that I will faithfully administer the personal estate of the said deceased for the use and benefit of the said during his lunacy, by paying her just debts, etc. [as in the preceding form to the end']. The proposed administrator must file a declaration of the personal estate of the deceased (page 133), and the sureties to the bond must make an Affidavit of Justification (page 130). The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. 75 THE REGISTRY. deceased, of deceased died at and that will faithfully CHAPTEK 9. OATH FOE ADMINISTRATORS. In order more particularly to describe the filling-up of this form, it is given here at length, and the blanks will be referred to numerically. [Oath for Administrators.] £u the D'tcjb (fourt of Justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) IN the goods of (')I make oath and say, that C) on the day of 18 intestate ; (') and that I am ( 4 ) administer the personal estate and effects of the said deceased by paying h just debts, and distributing the residue of h estate and effects according to law ; that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said estate and effects, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross personal estate and effects of the said deceased is of the value of and no more, to the best of knowledge, information and belief. Sworn at on the day of 18 Before me A Commissioner for Oaths. 1. Here insert full Christian names and surnames of administrator, with place of abode and occupation or addition. {See page 12.) The relationship of the adminis- trator to the intestate is not to be inserted here. 2. Here insert full Christian names and surname of intestate, with place of residence and description at the time of his death, and any former residence and description necessary to identify him. 76 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. The status of ii femnlo should bo given as "widow," "spinster," or "wife of ." 3 & 4. Particular attention must be paid to the filling-in of these two blanks. No. 3 is intended for the insertion of the words " a bachelor," or " spinster," " a widower," or " widow," as the case may be, and showing that no relation having a- prior right survived the intestate, or in case any had survived that such relation had renounced or had since died without having taken administration. No. 4 must show the interests in which the administrator claims to take the grant. The following description of such interests as described in grants of administration will be useful for reference : — A husband A wife A father A mother A child A brother or sister A nephew or niece .. "The lawful husband." . . "The lawful widow and relict." . " The natural and lawful father and next-of-kin." . . " The natural and lawful mother and only next-of-kin." . " The natural and lawful son [or daughter] and only [or one of the] next-of-kin." . " The natural and lawful brother [or sister]." If there be no parents living, the brother or sister is further to be described as " one of the next-of-kin," or the "only next-of-kin." . " The lawful nephew," and " one of the " or " the only next-of-kin. " If a brother or sister be living, and (he nephew or niece, being the child of a brother or sister of the intestate, who died in his lifetime, apply for administration, he or she is to be described as " one of the persons entitled in distribution to the personal estate of the deceased." The Practitioner* 8 Probate Manual. 77 A Grandparent, Grand- child, consin-german, etc. ... ... ..." The lawful and one of the next- of-kin," or " only next-of-kin." In order to illustrate these points (3 & 4) more fully, a number of examples are given as follows : — Wife dies in lifetime of Iter husband — Grant to husband. — Deceased died intestate; (2) to be here de- scribed as " wife of me, this deponent," (3) (here rule up blank), and that I am (4) "the lawful husband of the said intestate." Wife dies in lifetime of Iter husband who is since also dead — Grant to executors of husband. — Deceased died intestate, (3) " leaving A. B., her lawful husband, who has since died without having taken upon himself letters of administration of her personal estate," and that we are [or I am one of] (4) " the executors of the will with a codicil thereto (if any) of the said A. B., I having duly proved the same in this Division at the Registry thereof on the day of , 18 ." [Notii:. — One of two or more executors may apply, but adminis- trators must apply jointly. The leading Grant or Copy Act must lie produced. If the executor of the husband renounces, grant will be given to the residuary legatee named in the will of the husband.] Wife survives — Grant to widow — Deceased died intestate, (3) (here rule up blank), and that I am (4) "the lawful widow and relict of the said intestate." [Note. — The Registrar will in some cases granl administration to the widow and one of the next-of-kin of the deceased if it can be shown by affidavit that this course will be for the benefit of the estate. The affidavit must be made by the widow, who should slate thai she is aware of her riglil to grant solely. The names of the beneficiaries should be given in the affidavit and their consent to the grant must be obtained.] 78 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. Decease// dies intestate — Widow survives, but dies without taking— Grant to son. — Deceased died intestate, (3) "leaving A. />.. widow, his lawful widow and relict, who has since died without having taken upon herself letters of administration of his personal estate," and that I am (4) " the natural and lawful son and only next-of-kin of the said intestate." On renunciation of widow — Grant to son. — Deceas.'d died intestate, (3) "leaving C. D., widow, his lawful widow and relict, who has duly renounced the letters of administration of liis personal estate," and that I am (4) " the natural and lawful son, and one of the next-of-kin of the said intestate." Deceased dies a widow — Grant to son. — Deceased died intestate (3) " a widow," and that I am (4) " the natural and lawful son and only (or " one of the ") next-of- kin of the said intestate." Deceased dies a widow [or widower~\ without child or parent — Grant to brother. — Deceased died intestate, (3) " a widow [or widower] without child or parent," and that I am (4) " the natural and lawful brother, and one of the next-of-kin of the said intestate." Deceased dies a widow without child — Grant to grandson. — Deceased died intestate, (3) " a widow without child," and that I am (4) " the lawful grandson and one of the next-of-kin of the said intestate." Deceased died a widower — Grant to child. — Deceased died intestate (3) " a widower " and that I am (4) " the natural and lawful child and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased." The Practitioner 1 8 Probate Manual. 79 Deceased dies child, who has since died — Grant to grandson (son of a deceased daughter), one of the persons entitled in distribution — Deceased died intestate, (3) "a widower, leaving A. B., spinster, his natural and lawful daughter and only next-of- kin, who has since died without having taken upon herself letters of administration of his personal estate," and that I am (4) " the lawful grandson and one of the persons entitled in distribution to the personal estate of the said intestate, being the natural and lawful son of C. D., widow, the natural and lawful daughter also of the said intestate and who died in his lifetime, to wit on the day of , 18 Deceased dies a bachelor [or spinster'] — Grant to father. — Deceased died intestate, (3) " a bachelor [or spinster,"] and that I am (4) "the natural and lawful father and next-of-kin of the said intestate." Deceased dies a widower without child [or bachelor] — Grant to representative of father. — Deceased died intestate, (3) " a widower without child [or a bachelor] leaving A. B., his natural and lawful father and next-of-kin, who has since died without having taken upon himself letters of administration of the personal estate of the said intestate," and that I am (4) " the administrator of the personal estate of the said A. B., letters of administration of his personal estate having been granted to me by this Division at the Registry thereof on the day of , 18 Deceased dies a bachelor [or spinster] without father — Grant to mother. — Deceased died intestate, (3) " a bachelor [or spinster] without father," and that I am (4) "the natural and lawful mother and only next-of-kin of the said intestate." 80 The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. Deceased dies a bachelor or spinster — Father renounces and consents — Grant to his son or daughter. — Deceased died intestate, (3), "a bachelor leaving A. li., his natural and lawful father and next-of-kin, who has duly renounced the letters of administration of his personal estate and consented to the same being granted to me," and that I am (4) " the natural and lawful son [or daughter] of the said A.JB." Deceased died a spinster without father Grant to brother on renunciation of mother. — Deceased died in- testate (3) " a spinster without lather leaving widow, her natural and lawful mother and only next-of-kin, who has duly renounced letters of administration of the personal estate of the said intestate," and that I am (4) " the natural and lawful brother of the said deceased." Deceased died a bachelor without father leaving mother since also dead — Grant to brother. — Deceased died intestate (3) " a bachelor without father, leaving widow, his natural and lawful mother and only next-of-kin, who is since dead without having taken upon herself letters of administration of the personal est ale and effects of the said intestate," and that I am (4) " the natural and lawful brother of the said deceased." Deceased died a bachelor [or spinster] without parent —Grant to brother. — Deceased died intestate (3) " a bachelor [or spinster] without parent," that I am (4) "the natural and lawful brother and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased." Deceased dies a, bachelor, without parent, brother or sister — Grant to nephew (or niece, or uncle, or aunt). — Deceased died intestate, (3) " a bachelor, without parent, brother or sister," and that I am (4) the " lawful [nephew] and one of the next-of-kin of the said intestate." The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 81 Deceased dies a widow , without child or parent — On renunciation of brother or sister — Grant to one of persons entitled in distribution. — Deceased died intestate, (3) " a widow without child or parent, leaving A. B. [widow] her natural and lawful [sister] and only next-of-kin, who has duly renounced the letters of administration of her personal estate," and that I am (4) " the lawful niece, and one of the persons entitled in distribution to the personal estate of the said intestate, being the natural and lawful daughter of C. D., widow, the natural and lawful sister also of the said intestate, and who died in her lifetime, to wit on the day of ,18 Deceased, dies leaving widow and children all since deceased — Grant to administrator of one of them. — Deceased died intestate, (3) " leaving A. B., his lawful widow and relict, and C. D. and E. R, spinster, his natural and lawful children and only next-of-kin, and together the only persons entitled in distribution to his personal estate, who have all since died without having taken upon themselves letters of administration of the personal estate of the said intestate," and that I am (4) " the administrator of the personal estate of the said A. B. [or C. B., or E. F.], letters of administration of the personal estate of the said having been granted to me by this Division at the Registry thereof , on the day of ,18 ." Deceased dies a widower without child [or bachelor] or parent, brother or sister, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece — Grant to cousin-german. — Deceased died in- testate, (3) " a widower without child or parent [or bachelor without parent], brother or sister, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece," and that I am (4) "the lawful cousin-german and one of the next-of-kin of the said intestate" G 82 The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. Deceased dies a bachelor without parent, brother or sister, nnele or mint, nephew or niece, or consin-gcrman — Grant to first cousin once removed. — Deceased died intestate (3) " a bachelor without parent, brother or sister, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, or cousin -gerrnan," and thai I am (4) " the lawful first cousin once removed and only next-of-kin of the said deceased." Deceased dies leaving husband an undischarged bankrupt — He renounces — Grant to Official Receiver in Bankruptcy. — Deceased died intestate, (3), "leaving the said E. F, her lawful husband, her surviving ; that the said E. F. has duly renounced letters of administration of her personal estate and effects ; that the said E. F. was on the day of ,189 adjudicated a bankrupt on a Receiving Order, dated the day of , 189 , of the County Court of holden at ; that no order for his discharge has yet been made, (4) and that I am the trustee of the estate of the said E. F, as such Official Receiver as aforesaid." Deceased died a widower [or bachelor] without child or parent — On renunciation of next-of-kin grant to creditor. — Deceased died intestate (3) " a widower without child or parent [or bachelor without parent] leaving widow, his natural and lawful sister and only next-of-kin and the only person entitled in distribution to his personal estate, who has duly renounced letters of administration of his said personal estate," and that I am (4) " a creditor of the said deceased." For instructions as to filling up of remaining blanks, see Chapter 2. Affidavit for Inland Revenue, see Chapter 3. Tin' Practitioner's Probate Manual. 83 BOND {Intestacy. NOW All Men by these Presents, That We K arc jointly and severally bound onto The Right Honourable, the President of the Probate Division uf the High Oonrtof Justice, in the Sum of Pounds, of good and lawful M oney of Ghreat Britain, to be paid to the said or to the Judge of the Probate Division of the Baid Court for the time being, for which payment well and truly (o be made we bind ourselves and of us, for the Whole, our Heirs, Executors, ami Administrators, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals. Dated the day of in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above-named the (4) of (name) of {address and description) deceased, who died on the day of 18 , and the intended Administrator of the Personal Estate and Effects of the said Deceased (5) do, when lawfully called on in that behalf, make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Personal Estate and effects of the said deceased which have or shall come to hands, possession, or knowledge, or into the hands and possession of any other person for , and the same so made to exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, into the District Registry attached to the Probate Division of }\vv Majesty's High Court of Justice at , whenever required by law so to do. And the same Personal Estate and effects, and all other the Personal Estate and effects of the said deceased at the time of death, which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for , do well and truly administer according to Law (that is to say) do pay the debts to which did ou e a1 decease; And further do make, or cause to be made, a just and true account of said administration, whenever required by law so to do, and all the rest and residue of the said Personal Estate and effects do deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons as shall be entitled thereto, under an Act of Parliament intituled " A» Art fm- the better Settling of Intestate Estates." And if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased, and the executor or executors or other persons therein named do exhibit the same into the Probate Division of the said Court, making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the said being thereunto required, to render and deliver the letters of administration granted (approbation of such Testament being first had and made) into t lie Probate Division of the said < ourt, then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the within named in the presence of A Commissioner for Oaths. G2 84 T/ir Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. The foregoing form of bond is used in all cases of ordinary administration. The description of the proposed administrator's interest and the name, address and description and date of death of the deceased are held to be material to the Bond. Examples of the special wording for the blank marked (4) showing the interest of the person taking the grant are here given. It will be observed that the words follow closely the form of the oath. (4) ''The lawful widow and relicl of A. B., etc." (4) "The natural and lawful BOn and one of the next-of-kin of A. B., etc." (4) "The administrator of the personal estate of C. B. t deceased, the lawful husband of A. B.. ete." (4) "The natural and lawful mother and the lawful guardian of and ininois, the lawful grandchildren and the only next-of-kin of A. />'., etc." (4) "The lawful uncle and the curator or guardian duly elected of D. B., a minor, the natural and lawful son and only next-of-kin of A. B., etc." (4) "The lawful attorney duly appointed of C. B., the natural and lawful brother and only next-of-kin of .4. B., etc." (4) " The lawful wife of F. B., a lunatic or person of unsound mind, the natural and lawful father and next-of-kin of A. B., etc." The blank space at (5) is for use in the case of grant to a guardian, or an attorney, or to the next-of-kin of a lunatic, or in a grant de bonis non. For example : — Grant t<> guardian. — (5) " For the use and benefit of the said minor and until he shall attain the age of twenty-one years." Grant to attorney. — (5) " For the use and benefil of the said C. B., and until he shall duly apply for and obtain letters of administration of the personal estate of the said deceased to be granted to him." The Practitioner $ Probate Manual. 85 Grant t<> next-of-kin of a lunatic. — (5) "For the use and benefit of the said F. li. during his lunacy." Grant de bonis >k»i. — (5) " Left unadministered by C. B., widow, deceased, whilst living the lawful widow and relict of the said deceased." The instructions given in Chapter 7 as to the sureties, the penalty and the execution of a bond for administration (will) are applicable to a bond in an intestacy. 86 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. CHAPTER 10. WILLS OF HARMED WOMEN. On and after the 19th April, 1887, to establish a claim for a grant of probate of the Will or of Letters of Adminis- tration with Will annexed of the personal estate of a Married Woman or of a Widow whose Will was made during coverture, it will be unnecessary to recite in the oath the power in execution of which the Will has been made, or to set out the separate Personal Estate passing under the Will, or, in fact, to allege that the testatrix was possessed of any separate Personal Estate. The Grant will be made in respect of the whole personal property of the testatrix, and take the form of ordinary grants of probate and letters of administration with Will annexed, and will issue to executors or residuary legatees, as the case may be, and, in the event of a partial intestacy, to the surviving husband. As there will not in future be any limitation or specialty in the grants to be issued, there will no longer be any necessity for the settlement of draft oaths. The new rules are not applicable to cases in which any second or subsequent grant is required to complete a representation where a limited or special grant has already issued. The ordinary oath for executors (Chapter 2) and for Administrators with the Will annexed (Chapter 6) will now be used. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 87 CHAPTER 11. DOUBLE PROBATE. Where power has been reserved in an original grant of probate to one or more of the executors to come in after- wards and prove, and it becomes necessary that such executors, or either of them to whom power has been reserved, should join in the administration of the estate, the Court will make a grant of Double Probate to such executors for that purpose. The grant may iu all cases be taken in the Principal Registry. The papers required are the oath and Inland Revenue affidavit. [Form of Oath for Double Probate.] |n tbe |)tglj Court of fusticc. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of deceased. I of (trade) make oath and say as follows : - 1. That of (trade), deceased, died on the day of , 18 , at , [having at the time of his death a lixed place of abode at aforesaid, within the district of the county of J, and having made and duly executed his last will and testament bearing date the day of 18 and thereof appointed his (relationship if any) and hi* (relationship if any) executors. 2. That in the month i >f 18 the said one of the said executors, proved the said will in this Division at the Registry thereof, power being reserved of making the like grant to me the said the other executor, when I should apply for the same. :i. That, I believe the paper writing hereto annexed and markedby nu to contain tin trui and original last will and tettament for, if sworn upon the first grant, " the parchment exhibit hereunto annexed, partly written and partly printed, to contain the true last will and testament " I [or, if sworn upon ;n i office copy, under seal, "the paper writing hereunto annexed to contain the true lust will and testament " | of the said deceased ; thai I am one of the executors named in the said will, and that I will well and faithfully 1 administer the personal estate of the said testator, by paying his just debts and the legacies contained in his said will, so far as the same shall thereto extend and the law hind me. That T will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said estate, and render a just anil true account thereof whenever required by law so to do, and that the grOSS value of the unudniinislered personal estate of the said testator amounts to & and no more, to the best of my knowledge. information and belief. Sworn, &e. 88 The Practitioner 1 s Probate Manual. If power lias 1 n reserved to mi executor, who at the date of the first grant was shown to be a minor, the oath should statf that lie has attained tlie age of 21 years. For Affidavits of Inland Revenue, see Chapter 3, and as to the free mark on the Affidavit, see page 38. When the oath and affidavit are ready to be sworn to, the parties will attend at the Registry and be sworn upon the original will. If it is inconvenient for the parties to attend at the Registry for that purpose, they may be sworn upon the original grant of probate, or an offiee copy (under seal) of the will. Such original grant or office copy will have to be filed with the other papers in the Registry, and will not be delivered out. The fee of Is. is charged for looking up the original will, and 2s. 6d. for filing the grant or office copy under seal. In the Principal Registry the engrossment must be made by the practitioner; such engrossment should not contain the Act of the first grant. In the District Registry the engrossment is made in the Registry, and a charge of 4s. 6d. for the first three folios, and Is. 6d. for every additional folio, is made for engrossing and collating. The fee of 2s. 6d. is also charged for making the usual notations on the records. No search fee is payable. An office copy of the act of the first grant must be obtained and lodged with the papers. The grant is in general terms, and is applicable to the whole personal estate of the testator, but the amount of the assets in the Oath and Inland Revenue affidavit, should only be that of the unadministered personal estate. The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. 89 The seal fees, if no stamp duty is payable, are as follows : — Personal estate under the value of : — s. d. £100 1 £200 3 £300 7 6 £450 12 Above £450 12 6 !)() The Practitioner'* Probate Manual. CHAPTER 12. CESSATE GRANTS. When an executor has been appointed for life, or for a definite period, and his grant of probate, by reason of his death or otherwise, ceases to be operative ; or when any grant of administration, limited in duration, ceases, it becomes necessary that the estate should be represented, and the Court will make a second or supplemental (or as it is usually termed " Cessate ") grant of probate or administration to the person or persons next entitled to it. PEOBATE. [Oath for cessate probate to a substituted executor.] |n the pig|j Court of justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION'. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of deceased, I, of (trade) , make oath and say that of (trade), deceased, died on the day of 18 , at having made and duly executed his last will and testament, bearing date the day of 18 , and thereof appointed his son executor for life, and at his said son's decease substituted his nephew (me the deponent) executor. And I further makeoath, that on the day of 18 , the said duly proved the said Will in this Division at the i v thereof, and is since dead, to wit, on the day of is , whereby the said probate has ceased and expired : And I further make oath, that I believe the parchment exhibit hereunto annexed partly written and partly printed and marked by me, to contain the said last will and testament of the said testator, of which probate was granted as aforesaid ; that I am the nephew of the said testator, and the executor substituted in his said will, and that I will well and faithfully administer the personal estate of the said testator by paying his just debt.- and the legacies contained in his said will so far as the same shall thereto extend and the law bind me ; that I will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said estate and render a just and true account thereof whenever The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 91 required by law so to do ; [thtit tho said testator had at the time of his death a fixed place of abode at aforesaid, within tin; district of the county of ] and that the gross value of the whole of the unadministered personal estate of the said testator is of the value of £ and no more, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Sworn, &c. The papers required are the oath and affidavit for Inland Revenue and office copy act of the first grant. For affidavit for Inland Revenue, see Chapter 3, and for instructions as to duty paid stamp on such affidavit, see page 38. The Procedure is the same as in the case of a Double Probate. (See Chapter 11.) The fees are also the same. ADMINISTRATION (WILL). When a grant of administration (with the will) has been made to a guardian for the use and benefit of a minor executor, and such grant has ceased by reason of the minor attaining 21, or the death of the guardian, the executor being still a minor, a further grant will be made to the executor, or to his newly-elected guardian as the case may be. [Form of Oath for Cessate Administration, Will.} $n ibe $igb (Court of justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of deceased. I, of (trade) make oath and say that of deceased, died on the day of 18 , at having made mid duly executed his last will and testament, bearing date the day of 18 , and by his said will appointed his son sole executor, the said being then a minor of the age of years only. And I farther make oath and say, that on the day of is , administration (with the said will annexed) of the personal estate of the said testator was granted by this Division at the Registry thereof to the lawful uncle, and one of the next-of-kin, and the curator or guardian duly elected of the said minor for his use and benefit, and until he should attain the age 01 HI years. And I further make oath and say, that since the premises, to wit, on the day of 18 ,the said has departed this life, whereby the said administration with the said will annexed has ceased and expired. And I further make oath and say that the said is still in his minority, to wit, a minor of the age of years only. \)2 '/'//<■ Practitioner's Probate JJamutl. Ami I farther make oath and say that I believe the paper writing hereto annexed and marked bj me to contain the true [ and original | last will and testament of the said testator; that I am the lawful uncle also and one of the next-of-kin of the said minor, anil that lie hath elected or Chosen me to he bis curator or guardian lor tin; purpose of taking out letters of administration (with the said will annexed) of the personal ''state of the said testator Eor ins use and benefit, and until he shall attain the age of 21 years, and that I will well and faithfully administer the personal estate Of the Said testator for the use and benefit of tin said minor, and until he shall attain the age of 21 years, by paying his just debts and the Legacies contained in his said will, and distributing the residue of his estate according to law; that I will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of nil ami singular the said estate, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do; [that the said testator had at the time of his death a fixed place of abode at aforesaid within the district of the COUntyof ], and that the gross value of the whole of the unadministered personal estate of the said testator is [ exact i/ross amount] and no more, to the hest of my knowledge, information and belief. Sworn, &c. The papers required are the Oath, Inland Revenue Affidavit Bond, and Office copy act of first grant. For Affidavit of Inland Revenue, see Chapter 3. Bond, see Chapter 7. For Procedure, see Chapter 11. For Duty-paid Stamp on Affidavit, see page 38. ADMINISTRATIONS. (CESSATE.) The two most usual forms of cessate grants of administra- tion are made under the following circumstances, viz. : — (1) Where a grant made to a guardian elected by the minor next-of-kin of an intestate ceases on the death of such guardian, such next-of-kin being then still in their minority, it becomes necessary that another grant of administration should be made to a newly elected guardian. The form given on the preceding page, drawn in conjunction with the framework of the form given below, will meet this case. (2) Where a grant made to a guardian elected by a minor next-of-kin of an intestate, ceases by reason of the minor having attained his majority. The form of oath applicable to this case is here given. The Practitioner 1 8 Probate Manual. 93 (Form of Oath.) Ju the fjigh Court of justice. PROBATE, DrVOEOB AND ADMIKAI/I'V DIVISION. (PROBATE.) TDK REGISTRY. IN the goods of deceased. I, of (trade), make oath and say that of (trade), deceased, died on the day of 18 , at , a widower and intestate ; that in the month of 18 , letters of administration of the personal estate of the said intestate were granted by this Division at the Registry thereof, to , the lawful (relationship) and one of the next-of-kin, and the curator or guardian lawfully elected of me the deponent, (then n minor), the natural and lawful and only Child and only next-of-kin of the said intestate, for my use and benefit, and until I shonld attain the age of 21 years. And I further make oath. and say, that since the premises, to wit, on the day of , 18 , [, this deponent, have attained the age of 21 years, whereby the said letters of administration have ceased and expired. And I further make oath and say, that I am the natural and lawful son, and only next-of-kin of the said intestate ; that I will faithfully administer the personal estate of the said intestate by paying his just debts, and distributing the residue of his said estate according to law ; that I will exhibit a true anil perfect inventory of the said estate, and render a just, and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross unadministered personal estate of the said intestate is of the value nt' [exact grott amount], and no more, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Sworn, Ac. The papers required are Oath, Affidavit for Inland Revenue, Bond and Office copy act of first grant. For Affidavit for Inland Revenue, see Chapter 3, and as to the duty paid stamp, see page 38. Bond, see page 83. The seal fees where no stamp duty has been paid are as follows : — If the personal estate is under the value of- £100 £200 £300 Above £300 s. d. 1 4 G 12 12 G The Practitioner's Probate Manual. CHAPTEE 13. GRANTS DE BONIS NON. ADMINISTRATION (WITH THE WILL) DE HON IS NON. WriERE Probate of a will has been granted to the executors named therein, and such executors have since died (the survivor intestate), leaving part of the estate uuadministered, the Court will make a grant of adminis- tration (with the will annexed) of such unadministered estate to the residuary legatee or other person entitled thereto. [See Chapter 5.) It will, of course, be understood that all persons having a right prior to that of the applicant for the grant must be cleared off in the usual way. The proposed Administrator may attend at the Registry and be sworn upon the original will or may be sworn upon the first grant or upon a sealed copy of the will. An office copy of the Act of the first grant must be lodged with the papers. The engrossment of the will should not contain the Act of the first grant. The grant issues in respect of the unadministered assets, and these assets only must be brought into the Affidavit for Inland Revenue and the gross amount thereof given in the oath. The papers required are the Oath, Inland Revenue Affidavit and Bond. The Practitioner* 8 Probate Manual. 95 [Form of oath to lead grant of administration (trill) de bonis non to residuary legatee^] fit the tfngb (fourt of Justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods ol deceased, [, iif widow, make oath and sayas till lows : — 1. That of (trade), deceased, died on the day of Is , at having at the time of his death a fixed place of abode at aforesaid, within th^ district of tin" county of J, and having made and duly executed ins last will and testament, and thereof appointed hit ton, sole executor. 2. That in month of Is , the said duly proved the said will in this Division at the Registry thereof, imd for some time intermeddled in the personal estate of the said testator and after- wards died, to wit, on the day of 18 .intestate, leaving part thereof unudministered. 3. That I believe the [paper] writing hereto annexed and marked by me to contain the true [and original] last will and testament, of the said testator; that I am the relict of the said testator and the residuary legatee named in the said will ; and that I will well and faithfully administer the personal estate of the said testator left unadministered as aforesaid, by paying ins just debts and the legacies contained in bis said will, and distributing the residue of his estate according to law: that I will exhibit a line and perfect inventory of the said estate so left unadministered as aforesaid, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law bo to do, and that the gross value of the whole of the personal estate of the said testator left unadministered as aforesaid, is [insert exact gross value of estate left unadministered I, and no more, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Sworn, &c. [Grant to representative of sole executor and sole residuary legatee.^ (Usual Heading.) , make oath and say as billows: — , deceased, died obtain the seat of the Irish < 'ourt to a granf issued by the English Court a oertifioate as to the payment of stamp duty and in case of administration a certificate of sufficient security must be obtained. The former is issued by the Legacy Duty Office and the latter by the Probate Court. If the deceased was trustee only of property in Ireland the following affidavit must be made : — |n the ;4iic|l) cCoiut of justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PBOBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods f deceased. I, of , make oath and say as follows : — 1. That of deceased, died on the day of 18 , at , and probate of his will was granted to me this deponent the executor named in the said will mi the day of 1H , by this Division at the Registry thereof. 2. That the said deceased was at the date of his death the sole sur- viving- executor of the will of of deceased, who died on the day of 18 , and whose will was proved at on the day of 18 . '.i. That at the date of the death of the deceased there were standing in his name as such surviving executor of the will of the said deceased the following securities, namely : — [(7£re particular* and value at date of death. ,] 1. That the said deceased was a trustee only of such securities I had not any beneficial interest therein nor had he any beneficial interest in any real or personal estate in Ireland. ■">. That the said probate of the will of the said deceasi A, is about to be resealed in the Probate ami Matrimonial Division of the Sigh Court of Justice in Ireland in respect of the said trust estate, and for this purpose it is desired t'> obtain from the Controller of Legacy and Succession Duties a certificate that Probate [or Estate Duty is nut payable in respect of such trust estate. Sworn, etc. If through inadvertence the fact that the estate included Irish assets is not stated in the affidavit for Inland Revenue, the Controller of Legacy Duty will not issue the stamp duty certificate until such mistake has been rectified by filing a statement in the form subjoined. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 105 The statement may be signed by one of two or more executors or administrators. h\ the 'i\\c\\) (fouvt of justice. PROBATE, DIVOBCE ami a n.M 1 1;.\ i,tv division. (PROBATE). THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of deceased. I, of . , do hereby certify as follows : — 1. The said of deceased, died on the day of L8 , at 2. That on the day of 18 probate of bis will [or administration of his personal estate | was granted by this Division at the Registry thereof, to me, the sole executor named in the said will [or the lawful widow and relict of the said deceased, or at the ease may 6e.] 3. That in the affidavit filed oil taking the said grant and dated the day of 18 , I stated that the personal estate of the said deceased was of the gross value of & , and that the whole of such personal estate was situate in England. ■t. That the statement in such affidavit as to the situation of the said personal estate was through an oversight made in error and that as a matter of fact part of such personal estate, namely, of the value of £ was situate in Ireland. 5. That I desire to have the true facts as to the situation of the said personal estate noted on the said Affidavit for Inland Revenue in order that I may obtain a certificate as to the payment of Estate [or Probate j Duty on the personal estate situate in Ireland. (Signature.) RE-SEALING OF COLONIAL PBOBATES. The Colonial Probates Act, 1892 (55 Vict. cap. 6) provides that where a Court of Probate in a British possession, to which the Act lias been applied by an Order in Council, has granted (whether before or after the passing of the Act) probate or letters of administration in respect of the estate of a deceased person, such grant may, on being produced to a Court of Probate in the United Kingdom, be sealed with the seal of that Court, and thereupon shall have the same force and effect in the United Kingdom as if granted by that Court. The Act applies to any probate Gr letters of adminis- tration granted by a British Court in a foreign country. I (Mi The Practitioner's Probate Manual. The grant is do! to be re-sealed until tlie Probate Duty (or Estate 1 >u( v, or other duty payable on tin- value of the estate ami effects in the I Ttiited Kingdom for which probate of administration is granted) has been paid; ami, in the case of letters of administration, until security has been given sufficient in amount to cover the property in the United Kingdom to which the grant relates. The Court may also require evidence as to the domicile ,,)' the deceased. For the purposes of the Act a duplicate of any grant sealed with tic seal of the Court granting same, or ;i copy thereof certified as correct by or under the authority of the Court granting the same, shall have the same effect as the original. By a Registrar's order exemplifications and copies which do not give a copy of the Act of Probate or Administration cannot be re-sealed. Special or limited or temporary grants are not to be sealed except upon an order of one of the Registrars. The practice on re-sealing is as follows : — The applicatiou must be made in the Principal Registry by the executor or administrator, or by the attorney (lawfully authorized for that purpose) of such executor or adminis- trator. The power of attorney will be in the form given on page 1:36. A notice of such application in the prescribed form must be inserted once in the Times newspaper, unless otherwise directed by the Registrars. The notice need not previously be submitted to the Registrars. A copy of the grant to be re-sealed must be filed in the Registry ; such copy may be on foolscap or brief sized paper, and must include copies of all testamentary papers admitted to probate. The Practitioner 1 8 Probate Jin nual. 107 The oath of the executor, administrator or attorney musi be in the prescribed form, see page 108. In the case of application to re-seal letters of administra- tion the applicant must give bond to cover the personal estate <>t' the deceased within tlu> jurisdiction of the Court of Probate. The form of bond is subjoined, and with regard to the sureties and penalty the practice given on page 63 is to be observed. In every case and especially when the domicile of the deceased, as sworn to in the affidavit, differs from that sug- gested by the description in the grant, the Registrars may require further evidence as to domicile. If it should appear that the deceased was not at the time of death domiciled within the jurisdiction of the Court from which the grant issues the seal of the English Court is not to be affixed unless the grant is such as would have been made by the High Court of Justice in England. When the application is made after the lapse of three years from the death of the deceased, a certificate of reason of delay must be filed (form on page 132). The affidavit for Inland Revenue, if deceased died on or % before 1st August, 1894, will be form "A"; if deceased died after that date will be form " A-l," see Chapter 3. The places to which the Act has been extended by Order in Council are as follows : — Cape of Good Hope Western Australia New South Wales Ontario (Province) Victoria British Guiana New Zealand South Australia Gibraltar Straits Settlements British Honduras Tasmania Hong Kong Gold Coast Colony Manitoba Nova Scotia 108 The Practitiotier's Probate Ma una/. British Columbia Jamaica Barbadoes Lagos Bahamas Fiji Trinidad and Tobago Natal Leeward Islands North- West Territories (Canada). 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 The fees payable are as follows : — 8. . (or E. V.), of make oath and say :— 1. That a grant of probate of the will (or letters of administration of the personal estate) of A.B., late of deceased, was granted to me (or CD.) by the Court at on the day of 18 . 2. That the said deceased was at the time of his death domiciled at , [the following words to be struck out if inapplicable] within the jurisdiction of the said Court. 3. That the notice hereunder annexed was inserted in the Times newspaper on the •lay of 18 . 4. That I am the attorney lawfully appointed of CD., under his hand and seal, and am duly authorised to apply to this Court for the sealing of the said grant. [Thi* paragraph to be struck out if inapplicable.] 5. That the value of the personal estate in England amounts in value to the sum of and no more, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Sworn, etc. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 109 [Advertisement.] A. I}., deceased. Notice is hereby given thnt after the expiration of eight days application will be made in the Principal Probntc Registry of the BTiph Court of Justice for the sealing of the probate of the will (or letters of administration of the personal estate) of A. It., late of , deceased, granted by tlie Court at on the day of W Solicitors fur [Administration bond (with or without will).] KNOW all men by these presents, that we, A.B., of , CD., of , and E.F„ of , are jointly and severally bound unto O.H., the President of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, in the sum of pounds, of good and lawful money of Oreat Britain, to be paid to the said Q.H., or to the President of the said Division for the time being, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us, for the whole, our heirs, executors, and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated the day of in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety The condition of this obligation is such, that if the above-named A.B., the adminis- trator (with the will dated the day of , annexed) by authority of the Court at , acting under letters Of administration granted to on the day of , and now about to be sealed in England under the Colonial Probates Act, 1892, of the personal estate of K.L., late of deceased, who died on the day of 18 , do, when lawfully called on in that behalf, make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of the personal estate of the said deceased in England which has or shall come to hands, possession, or knowledge, or into the hands and possession of any other person for , and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, into the Principal Probate Registry of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, whenever required by law so to do, and the same personal estate do well and truly administer according to law ; and further do make, or cause to be made, a true and just, account of said administration, whenever required by law BO to do, then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to remain In full force end virtue. Signed, scaled, and delivered > by the within-named in the presence of A Commissioner for Oaths. 110 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. [Administration bond (with or without will) on application by attorney.'] KNOW all men by these presents, that we, A.B., of , CD., of , and K.F., of , are jointly and severally bound unto a. 11., the President of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, in the sum of pounds, of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the said G.H., or to the President of the said Division for the time being, for which payment well and truly to be made wo bind ourselves and each of us, for the whole, our heirs, executors, and administrators, (irmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated the day of in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety The condition of this obligation is such, that if K.L., of , the adminis- trator (with the will dated the day of , annexed), by authority of the Court at , acting under letters of adminis- tration granted to on the day of , and now about to be sealed in England under the Colonial Probate Act, 1892, of the personal estate of M.N., late of deceased, who died on the day of 18 , do, when lawfully called on in that behalf, make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of the personal estate of the said deceased in England which has or shall come to hands, possession, or knowledge, or into the hands and possession of any other person for , and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, into the Principal Probate Registry of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, whenever required by law so to do, and the same personal estate do well and truly administer according to law ; and further do make, or cause to be made, a true and just account of said administration, whenever required bylaw so to do, then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to remain in full force and virtue. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the within-named in the presence of A Commissioner for Oaths. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. Ill CHAPTER 15. ADDITIONAL SECURITY — ALTERATK I X IN GRANTS— VOLUNTARY REVOCA- TION OF GRANT- REGISTRAR'S FIAT —PROBATE REFUSED— CAVEATS. ADDITIONAL SECURITY ON INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF AN ESTATE. If it is discovered, after a grant of administration (with or without will annexed) has been made, that the amount given as the value of the estate was less than the true value thereof, by reason that some part of such estate was under- valued or by reason that additional assets have been ascer- tained, it will be necessary to pay additional Probate or Estate Duty by means of a corrective affidavit. The form " D " is to be used if the deceased died on or before the 1st August, 1894 ; if the deceased died after that date, form " D-l " should be used. Before the Inland Revenue authorities will endorse on the Grant a certificate as to the payment of the additional duty, a certificate of additional security must be given, and a notation made on the Grant by the Registrar that full security has been given for the increased value of the estate. In order to obtain this certificate, an affidavit should be made by the administrator in the prescribed form (see page 124). A further certificate of delay is required in cases where a certificate was filed with the first grant. A new bond must also be given in double the amount of the additional assets. The interest of the administrator iu the estate should be inserted in the bond which should be prepared as if for 112 The Practitioner 1 & Probate Manual. an original grant except that the word "intended" should be omitted. The Rules applying to bonds for grant apply also to these cases. (See Chapters 7 and 9.) The bond and affidavit will be filed with the original papers. The fees are 12s. 6d. Should, however, the grant have been originally taken out under the 33rd Section of the Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1881, or under the Finance Act, 1894, Section 16, and the value of the estate is afterwards sworn to exceed the sum of £300, or £500, as the case may be, payment is demanded of the full foes which would have been payable if the full gross value of the personal estate had been set forth when the grant issued. The same payment is demanded where the personal estate has originally been sworn to amount to a sum under or not exceeding £100. No credit can be taken in the former case for the fee of 15s. paid when the grant issued, as this is held to be forfeited. If the parties object to the foregoing demand the} r will be called upon to furnish a statement in writing setting forth the nature and particulars of the additional property and the reason why it was not included in the original estimate of value brought in when the grant passed. The certificate will be withheld until the Registrars have considered such statement, ALTERATIONS IX GRANT. Any alteration that may be required to be made in a grant which has passed from any Registry can only be made therein by an order from one of the Principal Registrars. The order is founded upon an affidavit setting out the facts. If the application is made in the District Registry the alteration is made by the District Registrar on receipt of the order. The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. 113 VOLUNTARY REVOCATION OF GRANT. When by reason of errors in a grant or otherwise, it becomes necessary that the grant should be revoked, the practitioner will prepare an affidavit of the circumstances for the consideration of the Registrar of the Principal Registry, who will prepare and make the order, or require such further evidence as may be thought necessary. If the grant was taken in the District Registry the application to revoke must be made there, but the affidavit is to be headed " Principal Registry." If the grant is to be revoked by reason of the discovery for the first time of a will ; or of a will of a later date than that proved, such will must be produced on filing the affidavit. The grant will be cancelled in the Principal Registry. The special form of oath to lead the substituted grant cannot be sworn until the old grant has been cancelled. With the papers for the new grant must be filed a copy of the Act of the old grant having the order of revocation noted thereon. The affidavit for Inland Revenue will contain the assets as the same may be found with the value of same as at the date of the affidavit (Act of 1881), or their value at the death (Act of 1894), see Chapter 3. If the person applying for the second grant is the person who took the first grant the Inland Revenue authorities will grant a free mark, see page 38. If this is not the case duty must be paid by the applicant for the substituted grant, and the person to whom the grant was given in the first instance must make application to the Commissioners for return of the duty by means of a Corrective Affidavit. The fees payable are the same as on an application for an original grant, but the search is made from the date of revocation. I I 1 I Tin' Practitioner 1 s Probate Manual. TIip forms to be used are as follows: — | Affidavit to lead Revocation of Probate, a later Will having been foundJ\ |n tbr ''iiiqli 0"ourt of fust'ue. PROBATE, DIVORCE A.ND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) TDK PRINCIPAL REGISTRY. IN' the g Is of deceased. I of make oath and say as follows '• — 1. The said of deceased, died on the day of 18 at haying duly made and executed a will bearing date the day of 18 whereof 1 the said was appointed the sole executor. 2. I verily believed (until I had as hereinafter deposed ascertained to the contrary) that the said will was the last, will and testament of the said deceased, and 1 applied to this Division at the Registry, thereof, for and obtained on the day of is a grant of probate of the said will on the suggestion that such will was the last will and testament of the said deceased. :i. That since the date last mentioned I have discovered [state hoir] a will duly made and executed by the said deceased, of a later date than the date of the above- mentioned will, to wit, a will bearing date the day of 18 whereof the said deceased appointed sole executor, and whereby the said deceased revoked all wills previously made by him. !•. I am therefore desirous that the probate, heretofore granted to me, shall be revoked and declared null and void by this Division, and I have instructed my solicitors, to pray and procure the said probate to be revoked, declared null and void and cancelled accordingly. Sworn, etc. [Affidavit to lead Revocation of Administration, a Will having been foundJ\ (Usual Heading.) I of make oath and say as follows : — 1. The said of died on the day of 18 at 2. I verily believed (until I had as hereinafter deposed ascertained to the contrary) that the said deceased died intestate, and being the natural and lawful child and one of the next-of-kin of the said deceased I applied to this Division at the Registry thereof for and on the day of 18 obtained therefrom letters of administration of all and singular the personal estate and effects of the said deceased, on the suggestion that he died intestate, a widower. 3. Since the date last mentioned [on looking through the papers and deeds of the said deceased, or as the case may be~\ I found the original last will and testament of the said deceased, which said will is duly made and executed by the said deceased and bears date the day of 18 4. [State why search teas not made earlier or other reasons why the will was not disco re red.] 5. I am therefore desirous that the letters of administration granted to me, as before stated, shall be revoked and declared null and void by this Division, and I have instructed , my solicitor, to pray and procure the said letters of administration to be revoked, declared null and void and cancelled accordingly. Sworn, etc. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. L15 [Oath to !ea at the foot or end thereof « these words, "meaning and Intending such recited sig- ]ls tne Bame wnv appears thereon, in the presence of me and of ( 10 ) nature in liual and due execu- ' ' Eton of his said Will." (101 Insert name or names tht ' " lh er subscribed witness (») of the other subscribing wit- ness or witnesses. thereto (") of us being present at the same time, and i Hi or " witnesses " (12) "both " or "all." we thereupon attested and subscribed the said ( 13 ) in (13) " Will" or " codicil," (H) "Will" or "cpdiciL" the presence of the said testat Specif)/ lli the interlinea- uSSi l '1%Z'^'''',n,d''',n'r'h< And having particularly observed the following alteration written on erasures, and name o%2%3 Sktht ';:::■:,:;'. ^ appearing in the said (») namely, the „., ' I further make oath and say that the said recited alteration ( ,5 ) (16) "Will or "codicil. J (171 In case the alterations mnrle nnr! written in the Rnifl O") were made after execution, strikeout from 15 and insert i"'iie' s'lid'u'iH a"'the'sam" as the same now appear previously to the execution thereof (") ii.iw appear previously to the execution thereof, hut at some JnJ OTE- _ If execution tea* In/ nmkina /' fi./ti'sfiin/ IIV/how a.s- /o of U8 1,em * l 5resent at by these words " mean- ing and. intending such the same time, and we thereupon attested and subscribed the recited signature in final and due execution sai(1 (13) j n tne presence of the said testat of his said will." (10) Insert name or names of the other sub- scribing witness or wit- nesses. And I further make oath and say, that previously to the execution (11) Or " witnesses." (12) " Both" or "all." f the said ("I by the said testat the same was (13) "Will" or " co- ' ' (14) " Will " or " co- read over t0 h b y( 15 ) ancl he the said testat dicil." (15) "Me" or "by at such time seemed thoroughly to understand and approve of the A. II.. in my presence." (10) "Will" or "co- contents of h said ( ,0 ) died. Sworn by the said "| at on the day of ,18 J Or style of other per- Before me, son authorised to ad- . _ . . minister oaths under A Commissioner for oaths. . the Act. N.B. — The following exhibit clause, to be signed by the Commissioner, to be put on the will (or codicil) referring to this affidavit : " This is the testamentary paper writing or will referred to in the annexed affidavit of sworn on the day of , 18 ." Before me, .f. /;., A Commissioner, etc. (See page 40.) 128 The Practitioner*8 Probate Manual | Affidavit to lead Registrar's Order assigning a guardian of an infant fo tnkf ij rant. | Page 7 1. |n the %nqh (Kottri of fustier. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THK PRINCIPAL REGISTRY. i N the •-' is of deceased. I of make oath and say as follows : — 1. Tlmt Die silid of deceased, died at OH the day of is , intestate, a widower, leaving spinster, his natural and lawful and only child, who is now an infant, to wit, of the age of four years and upwards, hut under the age of seven \ ears, and who, as 1 am advised, ie therefore bylaw incapable of acting in her own name, and of electing a guardian to act on her part and behalf, and that there is no testamentary or other lawfully appointed guardian of the said infant. 2. I am the lawful grandfather and one of the next-of kin of the said infant, 'and I am ready and willing to undertake the guardianship of the said infant for the purpose of taking letters of administration of the personal estate of the said deceased, for the use and benefit of the said infant until she shall attain the age of twenty-one years. Sworn at, etc. THE REGISTRY, IN the goods of I of 1. The said day of IS , at [Affidavit as to Identity of Executor.] Page 6. |« the *)ic|b (Court of jUisticc. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) deceased, make oath and say as follows : — of deceased, died on the having made and duly executed his last will and testament hereunto annexed bearing date the day of IS , and thereof appointed me, this deponent, sole executor. 2. That the said testator described me in his said will as his nephew, but as a matter of fact I am not the nephew of the deceased, but am the lawful nephew of the lawful wife of the said deceased. 3. That the said deceased in his lifetime always spoke of and referred to me as his nephew and that he during his lifetime informed me of his intention to appoint me executor of his will. 4. That I am well acquainted with the family and relatives of the said deceased, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the said deceased has not and never had a nephew of the name of 5. That I am the only person of the name of residing at as described in the said will. Sworn, etc. T/ir Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual '. 129 [Affidavit as to validity <>/ Scotch Copy Will which has not been confirmed.'] Page 8. (Usual Heading). I of , Writer to the Signet in Scotland, make oatli and Bay us follows : — 1. That l have Fall knowledge of the laws and constitutions of the Kingdom of Scotland anil have perused the copy of the will of of deceased, now hereunto annexed, which will is on record in the books of the for the county of 2. That the said will is duly made in accordance with and conforms to and is valid by the said laws and constitutions of Scotland. '■i. That the said official copy hereunto annexed is by the said laws and con- stitutions equivalent in all respects to the original, and that such copy would he received in all Courts in Scotland as making faith in judgment equally with the original, and that confirmation by the Commissary Court of Scotland is granted on production of such official copy. Sworn, etc. [Affidavit as to validity of will.] Page 9. (Usual Heading.) I of [description] make oath and say as follows : — 1 That I am [state qualification such as " adcocate""] and have full knowledge of the laws and constitutions of the Empire [or Republic or as the case may be] of 2. That I have perused the last will and testament of the said of deceased, now hereunto annexed, bearing date the day of 18 , and I make oath and say that the said will is duly made in accordance with and conforms to and is valid by the said laws and constitutions of the said Empire of Sworn, etc. [Affidavit as to Lunacy.] Page 74. (Usual Heading.) We of physician and of asylum attendant, respectively make oath and say as follows : — 1. And first I the said make oath and say that (who is, as I am informed and verily believe, the natural and lawful father and next-of-kin of the said spinster, deceased) has been for the period of years last past attended by me in my professional capacity, he being an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum, where he now is under the care of my co-deponent the said and that the said has been for many years anil now is a person of unsound mind and totally incapable of manag- ing his affairs or of doing any act or thing whatever which requires the exercise of judgment or thought and that he is not likely soon to recover the use of his mental faculties. 2. And I the said make oath and say that I am an attendant at the said lunatic asylum where the said is now under restraint and confined, and that the said Ins been for the period of years confined in the said lunatic asylum and has there been under my care by reason of the fact that he is a person of unsound mind and that he now is a lunatic and totally incapable of managing himself pi his affairs. Sworn, etc. K L30 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. {Affidavit of handwriting .\ Page 4. I" % W l $k &o\ul of Justin. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY. SESSION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of deceased. I, CD., of in the county of (trade), make oath that I knew and was well acquainted with A. B., of in the county of (trade), deceased, who died on the day of 18 at | and had at the time of his death a fixed place of abode at within the district of the county of | lor many years before and down to the time of his death, and that daring such period I have frequently seen him write, and also subscribe his name to writings, whereby I have become well acquainted with his manner anil character of handwriting and sub- scription, and having now with care and attention perused and inspected the paper writing hereunto annexed, purporting to be and contain the last will and testament of the said deceased, bearing date the day of 18 beginning thus " "ending thus" "and being thus subscribed " A. B. " [or as the case may be'], I further make oath, that I verily and in my conscience believe the whole body, series and contents of the said will, together with the names "A. B." subscribed thereto as aforesaid [or, as the case may bo], to be of the true and proper handwriting and subscription of the said deceased. Sworn, etc. [Affidavit of justification of sureties.] Pages 61, 74. fit iljr iigb Court of $asii«. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of , deceased. We, A. B„ of (trade), and C. D., of (trade), jointly and severally make oath that we are the proposed sureties on behalf of E. F., the intended administrator of all and singular the personal estate of , of (trade), deceased, in the penal sum of (here insert full amount of bond, with shillings and pence, if any), far his faithful administration of the said personal estate of the said deceased ; and I, the said A. B., for myself further make oath, that I am, after payment of all my just debts, weU and truly worth in real and personal estate the sum of £ s. d.* ; and I, the said 0. P., for myself further make oath that I am, after payment of all just debts, well and truly worth in real and personal estate the sum of £ s. d.* Sworn by both the above-named \ deponents at he Before me, A Commissioner for oaths. ' The gross amount of the personal estate of the deceased. on the day of 18 f The Practitioner's Probate Manual. L31 [Affidavit ofpliyht and condition of amljmdvng of will.] Page 5. #n % $igrj Court of |usticc. PROBATE, DIVORCE ANh ADMI I! A I.TY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. tNthegoodsof deceased. /, C. D„ of in tiie count \ of (trade), make oath that I am the sole executor named in the paper writing now hereunto annexed, purporting to be and contain the last will and testament of A. B., of (trade), deceased, who died on the day of 18 , at , [and had at the time of his death a fixed place of abode at , within the district of the county of ], the said will hearing date the day of 18 , and having viewed and perused the said will and particularly observed [here describe the plight and condition of the will or any other mutter* requiring to he accounted for, and net forth the finding of the will in Us present state, and, if possible, trace the will from the possession of the deceased up to the time of making the affidavit |, I, the deponent, lastly make oath that the same is now in all respects in the same state, plight and condition us when found by me [or us the case mag /»'] as aforesaid. Sworn, etc. [Affidavit as to British Status.] Page 9. %\x tbc '$iqb (f ourt of Justice. Sworn at, etc. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of deceased. j f make oath and say as follows :— (1) lam the sole executor named in the last will and testament of the said of now hereunto annexed bearing date the day of 18 . (2) That the said will was made at (3) That the deceased was a British subject ami born of English parents at and that h domicil of origin was English. K2 132 The Practitioner's Probate Manual [Affidavit of search.] Page 8. h\ the ¥)igb (fourt of justice. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION (PROBATE.) 'I'll I'. REGISTRY. I N the goods of deceased. I, ('. D., of , in the county of , make oath Chat I am the sole executor named in the paper writing hereunto annexed, purporting to be and contain the last will and testament of A. B., of deceased, who died on the day of 18 , at , [and had at the time of his death a fixed place of abode at within the district of ], the said will beginning thus " ," ending thus " " and being thus subscribed " ." And referring particularly to the fact that the blank spaces originally left in the said will for the insertion of the day and month of the date thereof have never been Supplied (or as the case may be). I further make oath, that I have made inquiry of K. F., the solicitor of the said deceased, and that I have also made diligent and careful search in all places where he, the said deceased, usually kept his papers of moment and concern, anil in his depositories, in order to ascertain whether he had or had not left any other will, but that I have been unable to discover any such will. And I lastly make oath, that I verily believe the said deceased died without having left any will, codicil, or testamentary paper whatever, other than the said will by me hereinbefore deposed of. Sworn, etc. [Affidavit of reason of delay.] Page 7. (Heading as Above.) I NT the goods of deceased. I, the Party applying for of of deceased, who died on the 18 make oath and say as follows :— That the only personal estate and effects which the said deceased died possessed of consisted of* That I am now applying for the said for the purpose only of Sworn at, etc. [Certificate of reason of delay.] Page 7. (Heading as Above.) I of the party applying for probate of the will [or administration of the personal estate] of of deceased, do hereby certif y that the reason why I have not sooner applied for the suid probate [or administration] is that the only personal estate of which the said deceased died possessed consisted of* and that the said grant is now required for the purpose of and for no other purpose. (Signed) I believe the above to be true. (Signed) solicitor. •Particulars and value of the personal estate should be set out and if the estate to be administered (•(insists of a share under a will or intestacy full information and dates of death should be given. deceased. The Practitioner '.s Probate Manual. L33 [Caveat.] Page 116. |n the ¥iicil) (fourt of Justice. (PROBATE DIVISION.) THE BEGI8TRT. Insert aanw, real- Let nothing be done in the g0 ods of dence, and title, pro- b * Cession, business, or addition of deceased. Here insert all refer- ences at date of death. of Insert names, resi- deceased, who died on the day of One thousand cienees, and titles, pro- ei ht nun(irec i and llt [ an ,l had „,. the fessions, business, or . , ' additional of Cavea- tlme °t death a fixed place of abode at tors. aforesaid, within the District of ] unknown to of having interest. Dated day of 18 (Signed) [Declaration of personal estate.] Pages 71, 74. |u the fuqb July, 1882, and thereof appointed his nephews, William Jones and Thomas ? £ Jones, executors. £>o Now, we the said William Jones, hotel-keeper, and Thomas Jones, hotel-keeper, "^ji " l present residing at in the city of Paris, in the Republic of 3 fe France, do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint William .Smith, of the city and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne aforesaid, printer, to he our lawful attorney S & for the purpose of obtaining administration (with the said will .annexed) of the ■£ personal estate of the said testator, to be granted to him for our use and benefit, S and until we shall duly apply for and obtain probate of the said will to be granted tons; and we hereby promise to ratify and confirm whatever our said attorney shall lawfully do atio)i.^\ [Potver of attorney of next-of-kin of an intestate.'] Page 73. ^ WHEREAS, ANDREW BROWN, of John Street, in the city of Durham, brewer, deceased, died on the 25th day of January, 1882, at John Street 3 aforesaid, a bachelor and intestate, having at the time of his death a fixed o place of abode at John Street aforesaid, within the district of the county .3 of Durham, and leaving John Brown, his natural and lawful father, and ■£ next-of-kin, him surviving. a o ^ NOW, I, the said John Brown, at present residing at Ross, in the Province of 3 £ Westland, in the Colony of New Zealand, miner, the natural and lawful father, and £,3 next-of-kin of the said intestate, do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint 'I homae &a Smith, of the said city of Durham, draper, to be my lawful attorney for the purpose ■- of obtaining letters of administration of the personal estate of the said intestate, to g be granted to him for my use and benefit, and until I shall duly apply for and obtain letters of administration of the personal estate of the said intestate to be granted to me. g And I hereby promise to ratify and confirm whatever my said attorney shall lawfully * do or cause to be done in the premises. £ In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 5th day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1882. Signed, sealed and delivered by the^l said John Brown in the presence > of J (L.S.) The Practitioner * Probate Manual. L37 \ Renunciation of probate and administration with the will annexed.] Page 16. I'll the ¥)ic\b Couri of dustier. PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. (1) Insert name only IN the goods of (•) deceased, of deceased. (2) Insert name, resi- WHEREAS (") of (») dsnee, title, profession, bnaiiiesB or addition of difldonthe day of 18 ,at deceased. ,„ _ .„ , c ., Thaving at the time of (*) li death a fixed place of abode at (:tl Or "formerly of, L & etc., "bat of late," etc. aforesaid, within the district of the county of ], having (4) " His "or" her." made and duly executed ( s ) last will and testament (") (5) "His "or " her." bearing date the day of 18 (G) " With one co- „.,,.„. dicil " or with " (') a nd thereof appointed his (here insert codicils " thereto as the case may be. relationship, if any) ( 8 ) executor (7) If any codicils .„. their dates should be * ' also inserted. (8) Or, "and of his NOW, the said ( ,n ) do hereby declare said will or codicil appointed," as the case . . , . __ mtL-y hp that have not intermeddled m the personal estate and effects ot (9) " And universal Hie said deceased, and will not hereafter intermeddle therein with (or residuary) legatee m trust," or as the case intent to defraud creditors, and do hereby expressly renounce all may be. right and title to the probate and execution of the said will (10) If therenunciant ster " or "wife of " ( ll ) (or the Letters of Admiiiistrafio)/ with the said will she should here be so . -. described. annexed, of the pergonal estate and effects of the said deceased, as the case (11) " And codicils," maybe), if any. Signed by the said this ~j day of 18 in the > presence of J (One disinterested witness sufficient, who should add his residence and addition to his signature). L38 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. [Renunciation of administration.] Page 68. h\ the Viiqli (Court of h\s(m. PROBATE, DIVORCK A NO ADMIRALTY DIVISION. (PROBATE.) THE REGISTRY. IN the goods of WHEREAS count; ni 18 ,at [having at the time of h death a fixed place of abode at aforesaid, within the district of the county of Insert name only of deceased. [Insert the name, residence and title, pro- fession, business or ad- dition of the deceased, at full length.] (1) " A bachelor," " spinster," " widow- er," or otherwise. To be varied according to the fact. , ( 2 i " His natural and i eav i n ,r (name of renunciant) ( 2 ) lawful child (or chil- dren), or one, two, etc., of his natural and law- ful children, or we are his [insert relationship] and one, two, etc., of his next-of-kin," or otherwise.and showing his, her or their degree as kindred to the de- ceased. See Chap. 8 & 9. deceased. of in the deceased, died on the day of intestate, (') NOW (3) If renunciant is a " widow," " spinster," or " wife of ," it must be here shown. do hereby expressly renounce all the said (*) right and title to letters The "Practitioner* a Probate Manual. is si i own that the same have been executed in accordance with the provisions of statutes 1 Vic. c. 26, and 15 Vic. o. 24.] 4 P.R. and 7 D.R. — If there be no attestation clause in a will or codicil presented for probate, or if the attestation clause thereto be insufficient, the [District] Registrar must require an affidavit from at least one of the subscribing wit- nesses, if they or either of them be living, to prove that the provisions of 1 Vic. c. 26, s. 9, and 15 Vic. c. 24, in reference to the execution were in fact complied with. \Ja. The practice of registering affidavits shall be dis- continued, and in lieu thereof a note, signed by the District Registrar, shall be inserted on the engrossed copy, will, or codicil annexed to the probate or letters of administration, and registered, to the effect that affidavits of due execution, of domicile, or as the case may be, have been filed. Provided, that in cases presenting difficulty the affidavits themselves may still be registered, with the consent of a Registrar of the Principal Registry.] 5 P.R. and 8 D.R. — If on perusing the affidavits of both the subscribing witnesses it appear that the requirements of the statute were not complied with, the [District] Registrar must refuse probate. 6 P.R. and 9 D.R. — If on perusing the affidavit or affi- davits setting forth the facts of the case, it appear doubtful whether the will or codicil has been duly executed, the [Dis- trict] Registrar [must transmit a statement of the matter to the Registrars of the Principal Registry, who] may require the parties to bring the matter before the Judge on motion. 7 P.R. and 10 D.R. — If both the subscribing witnesses are dead, or if from other circumstances no affidavit can be obtained from either of them, resort must be had to other The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 1 !•". persons (if any) who may have heen present at the execution of the will or codicil ; but if no affidavit of any such oilier person can be obtained, evidence on affidavit must be pro- cured of that fact and of the handwriting of the deceased and the subscribing witnesses, and also of any circum- stances which may raise a presumption in favour of the due execution. Interlineations and alterations. 8 P.R. and 11 D.R.— Interlineations and alterations are invalid uuless they exist in the will at the time of its execu- tion, or, if made afterwards, unless they have been executed and attested in the mode required by the statute, or unless they have been rendered valid by the re-execution of the will, or by the subsequent execution of a codicil thereto. 9 P.R. and 12 D.R. — When interlineations and altera- tions appear in the will (unless duly executed, or recited in or otherwise identified by the attestation clause), an affidavit or affidavits in proof of their having existed in the will before its execution must be filed, except when the alterations are merely verbal, or when they are of but small import- ance and are evidenced by the initials of the attesting witnesses. Erasures and obliterations. 10 P.R. and 13 D.R. — Erasures and obliterations are not to prevail unless proved to have existed in the will at the time of its execution, or unless the alterations thereby effected in the will are duly executed and attested, or unless they have been rendered valid by the re-execution of the will, or by the subsequent execution of a codicil thereto. If no satisfactory evidence can be adduced as to the time when 144 The Practitioner's Prolate Manual. such emsuros and obliterations were made, and the words erased or obliterated be not entirely effaced, but can upon inspection of the paper be ascertained, they must form part of the probate. 11 P.R. and 14 D.R. — In every case of words having been erased or obliterated which might have been of importance, an affidavit must be required. Deeds, ete., referred to in a will. 12 P.R. and 15 D.R. — If a will contain a reference to any deed, paper, memorandum, or other document, of such a nature as to raise a question whether it ought or ought not to form a constituent part of the will, the production of such deed, paper, memorandum, or other document must be required, with a view to ascertain whether it be entitled to probate ; and, if not produced, its non-production must be accounted for. 13 P.R. and 16 D.R. — No deed, paper, memorandum, or other document can form part of a will unless it was in existence at the time when the will was executed. Appearance of the paper. 14 P.R. and 17 D.R. — If there are any vestiges of sealing wax or wafers or other marks upon the testamentary papers, lending to the inference that a paper, memorandum, or other document has been annexed or attached to the same, they must be satisfactorily accounted for, or the production of such ] taper, memorandum, or other document must be required ; and, if not produced, its non-production must be accounted for. The Practitioner* & Probate Manual. 140 Married woman's will* 15 P.R. and 18 D.R. — -In granting' probate of a married woman's will, made by virtue of a power or administration wilh such will annexed, the power under which the will pur- ports to have been made must be specified in the grant. Codicils. 16 P.R. and 19 D.R. — The above rules and orders re- specting wills apply equally to codicils. Doubtful cases. [20 D.R. — If it be doubtful whether any will or codicil be entitled to probate, or whether any interlineation, altera- tion, erasure, or obliteration ought to prevail, or whether any deed, paper, memorandum, or other document ought to form part of a will or codicil, or if any doubt arise in consequence of the appearance of the paper, or on any other point, the District Registrar must communicate with the Registrars of the Principal Registry.] Letters of administration with irill annexed. [21 D.R. — The right of parties to letters of administration with the will annexed, and letters of administration with the will annexed de bonis noil, depends so entirely upon the circumstances of each particular case, taken in connection with the wording of the will, that no general rules, other than those which have obtained a judicial sanction, can be laid down for the guidance of the District Registrars. Whenever the right of the party applying is at all questionable, a statement of the case, accompanied by a copy of the will, must be transmitted to the Registrars of the Principal Registry, who will advise thereon.] * This rule is repealed l>y sin Order dated the 29tli day <>f March, L887. (See Page 86.) L I Hi The Practitioner's Probate Man no I. AS TO PROBATE OF WILLS, CODICILS AND TESTAMENTARY PAPERS RELATING TO PERSONALTY, AND DATED BEFORE THE 1st JANUARY, 1838. Execution of a will. 17 P.R. and 22 D.R. — It is not necessary that a will, co- dicil, or testamentary paper dated before 1st January, 1838, should be signed by the testator or attest ed by witnesses to con- stitute it a valid disposition of a testator's personal property. Although neither signed by the testator nor attested by witnesses, it may nevertheless be valid ; but in such cases the testator's intention that it should operate as his will, codicil, or testamentary disposition must be clearly proved by circumstances. 18 P.R. and 23 D.R. — A will, codicil, or testamentary paper, signed at the end of it by the testator, and attested by two disinterested witnesses (although there be no clause of attestation), is prima facie entitled to probate. 19 P.R. and 24 D.R. — In cases where a will, codicil, or testamentary paper is attested by two witnesses, such witnesses are not required to have been present with the testator at the same time. It is sufficient if the testator subscribed his name or made his mark to it in the presence of one attesting wit- ness, or produced it with his name ahead}* - written or his mark already made, to one attesting witness, and afterwards produced it to the other attesting witness, provided that on each occasion he declared it to be his will, codicil, or testamentary disposition, or otherwise notified his intention that it should operate as such. 20 P.R. and 25 D.R.— If the will, codicil, or testamentary paper is signed at the end of it by the testator, but is unat- The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. 147 tested, and there is nothing to show an intention that it should be attested by witnesses, the affidavit of two disinterested persons, to prove the signature to be of the handwriting of the testator, will bo sufficient to entitle the paper to probate. 21 P.R. and 26 D.R. — If the will, codicil, or testamentary paper is signed at the end of if by the testator, and attested by one witness only, and there is nothing to show the testator's intention that it should be attested by a second witness, the affidavit of one disinterested person, to prove the signature to be of the handwriting of the testator, will be sufficient to entitle the paper to probate. 22 P.R. and 27 D.R. — The circumstance of a person being named as an executor in the will, codicil, or testamentary paper, or being interested as a legatee, or as the husband or wife of a legatee under such will, codicil, or testamentary paper, rendered him or her incompetent to become an attesting witness to it, so that if the name of a person so interested appears as that of a subscribing witness to the will, codicil, or testamentary paper, the same, so far as regards his or her attestation, must be considered as unattested, and his or her evidence in support thereof will be inadmissible unless he or she shall first release his or her interest thereunder. 23 P.R. and 28 D.R.— [The will, codicil, or testamentary paper should appear on the face of it to be a complete docu- ment;] if an attestation clause or the word "witnesses" appear written at the foot of the paper, the same being unattested, or if the paper purport on the face of it to be a draft of a will, the copy of a will, or instructions for a will, it must prima facie be considered as an incomplete paper, and not, save under special oirciimstances, entitled t" probate. L2 1 18 The Practitioner's Probate Ma una I. Appearance of paper. 24 P.R. and 29 D.R. — Airy appearance of an attempted cancellation of a testamentary paper by burning, tearing, ob- literation or otherwise, and every circumstance leading to a presumption of abandonment or revocation of sneh a paper on the part of the testator must be accounted for [or explained by affidavits. In such cases the testamentary paper and the evidence taken in support of it should be transmitted to the Registrars of the Principal Registry.] Alterations and interlineations. 25 P.R. and 30 D.R. — Alterations and interlineations made by the testator, if unattested, are to be proved by the affidavits of two persons as to his handwriting. If the same are in the handwriting of any person other than the testator, it will suffice to prove by affidavit that such alterations and interlineations were known to and approved of by the testator. Proof by affidavit that they existed in the paper at the time it was found in the repositories of the testator recently after his death may, under circumstances, suffice. Alterations and interlineations made since the 31st December, 1837, are subject to the provisions of 1 Vic. c. 26. Deeds, etc., referred to in a will or annexed to a will. 26 P.R. and 31 D.R. — With respect to deeds, papers, memoranda, or other documents mentioned in a testamentary paper, or appearing to have been annexed or attached thereto, the foregoing rules, orders and instructions as to wills, bear- ing date since the 31st December, 1837, will apply. Re-publication by codicil. 27 P.R. and 32 D.R.— A will made before the 1st January, 1838, is re-published by a subsequent codicil thereto duly executed. Tlw Practitioner's Probate Manna/. 1 1!) AS TO LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. [33 D.R. — The duties of the District Registrar in granting Letters of administration are in many respects the same as in cases of probate. In both cases he must ascertain the time and place of the deceased's death, and the value of the property to be covered by the grant, and see that the applicant has been sworn as required by statute 55 Geo. III. c. 184.] Notice to other next-of-kin. 28 P.R. and 34 D.R. — Where administration is applied for by one or some of the next-of-kin only, there being another or other next-of-kin equally entitled thereto, the [District] Registrar may require proof by affidavit or statutory declaration that notice of such application has been given to such other next-of-kin. Limited administrations. 29 P.R. and 35 D.R. — Limited administrations are not to be granted unless every person entitled to the general grant has consented or renounced, or has been cited and failed to appear, except under the direction of the Judge. 30 P.R. and 36 D.R. — No person entitled to a general grant of administration of the personal estate and effects of the deceased will be permitted to take a limited grant, except under the direction of the Judge. Administrations undeY section 73. 31 P.R. and 37 D.R. — Whenever the Court, under s. 73, appoints an administrator other than the person who, prior to the Court of Probate Act, 1857, would have been entitled to the grant, the same is to be made plainly to appear in the oath of the administrator, in the letters of adminis- tration and in the administration bond. L50 The Practitioner* & Probate Manual. Gfrants to an attorney. 32 P.R. and 38 D.R. — In the case of a person residing out of England, administration, or administration with the will annexed, may be granted to his attorney, acting under a power of attorney. Grants of administration to guardians. 33 P.R. and. 39 D.R. — Grants of administration may he made to guardians of minors and infants for their use and benefit, and elections by minors of their next-of-kin or next friend, as the case may be, will be required ; but proxies ac- cepting such guardianships and assignments of guardians to minors will be dispensed with. 34 P.R. and 40 D.R. — In all cases of infants (i.e., under the age of seven years), not having a testamentary guardian or a guardian appointed by the High Court of Chancery, a guardian must be assigned by order of the Judge, or of one of the Registrars [of the Principal Registry] ; the Registrar's order is to be founded on an affidavit showing that the proposed guardian is either de facto next- of-kin of the infants, or that their next-of-kin de facto has renounced his or her right to the guardianship, and is consenting to the assignment of the proposed guardian, and that such proposed guardian is ready to undertake the guardianship. 35 P.R. and 41 D.R. — Where there are both minors and infants, the guardian elected by the minors may act for the infants without being specially assigned to them, by order of the Judge or a Registrar [of the Principal Registry], pro- vided that the object in view is to take a grant. If the object be to renounce a grant, the guardian must be specially assigned to the infants by order of the Judge or of a Registrar [of the Principal Registry] . The Practitioner's Probate Manual. L51 36 P.R. and 42 D.R. — In all oases where grants of ad- ministration are to be made for the use and benefit of minors or infants, the administrators are to exhibit a declaration on oath of the personal estate and effects of the deceased, except when the effects are sworn under the value of £20, or when the administrators are the guardians appointed by the High Court of Chancery, or other competent Court, or are the testamentary guardians of the minors or infants. Adm in ist rotor's oath . 37 P.R. and 43 D.R. — The oath of administrators, and of administrators with the will, is to be so worded as to clear off all persons having a prior right to the grant, and the grant is to show on the face of it how the prior interests have been cleared off, and is to set forth, when the fact is so, that the party applying is the only next-of-kin, or one of the next- of-kin of the deceased. In all administrations of a special character, the recitals in the oath and in the letters of administration must be framed in accordance with the facts of the case. Administration bonds. 38 P.R. and 44 D.R. — Administration bonds are to be attested by an officer of the Principal Registry, by a District Registrar or his chief clerk, or by a Commissioner or other person now or hereafter to be authorised to administer oaths under 20 and 21 Vic. c. 77, and 21 and 22 Vic. c. 05, but in no case are they to be attested by the proctor, solicitor, attor- ney or agent of the party who executes them. The signature of the administrator or administratrix to such bonds, if not taken in the Principal [or District] Registry, must be attested by the same person who administers the oath to such admin- istrator or administratrix. L52 The "Practitioner* & Probate Manual. [45 D.R. — In ordinary cases two sureties are to Le required, lml when the property is bond, fide under the value of £50, one surety only may be taken to the administration Lund]. 39 P.R. and 46 D.R. — In all eases of limited or special administration two sureties are to be required to the adminis- tration bond (unless the administrator Le the husband of the deceased or his representative, in which case but one surety will be required), and the bond is to be given in double the amount of the property to be placed in the possession of or dealt with by the administrator by means of the grant. The alleged value of such property is to be verified by affidavit if required. 40 P.R. and 47 D.R. — The administration bond is, in all cases of limited or special administrations, to be prepared in the [District] Registry. 41 P.R. and 48 D.R.— The [District] Registrars are to take care (as far as possible) that the sureties to adminis- tration bonds are responsible persons. Justification oj sureties. 42 P.R. and 49 D.R. — When any person takes letters of administration in default of the appearance of persons cited, but not personally served with the citation, and when any person takes letters of administration for the use and benefit of a lunatic or person of unsound mind, unless he be a com- mit tee appointed by the Court of Chancery, a declaration of the personal estate and effects of the deceased must be filed in the Registry, and the sureties to the administration bond must justify. The Practitioner* a Probate Manual. L53 GENERAL RULES AND ORDERS FOR THE PRINCIPAL AND DISTRICT REGISTRARS. Last mils. [50 D.R. — The District Registrar is not, in any casein which a will apparently duly executed has been produced to 1 1 i 111 for probate or for administration with the will annexed, to grant probate of any former will, or administration with any former will annexed, or administration to the deceased as having 1 died intestate, without an order of the Judge or of one of the Registrars of the Principal Registry, showing that the last will is not entitled to probate. In the absence of such order the District Registrar is to communicate with the Registrars of the Principal Registry]. Time of issuing grant. 43 P.R. and 51 D.R. — No probate or letters of adminis- tration, with the will annexed, shall issue until after the lapse of seven days from the death of the deceased, unless under the direction of the Judge, or by order of one* of the Regis- trars [of the Principal Registry]. 44 P.R. and 52 D.R.— No letters of administration shall issue until after the lapse of fourteen days from the death of the deceased, unless under the direction of the Judge, or by order of one* of the Registrars [of the Principal Regis-try]. 45 P.R. and 53 D.R. — In every case where probate or ad- ministration is, for the first time, applied for after the lapse of three years from the death of the deceased, the reason of the delay is to be certified by the practitioner to the [District] Registrar. Should the certificate be unsatisfactory, [or the case be one of personal application, the District Registrar is * In the Principal Registry "two." I VI The Practitioner* a Probate Manual. to require an affidavit, or to communicate with the Registrars of the Principal Registry], the Registrars are to require such 1 1 roof <>r (he alleged cause of delay as they may see fit. TPilUng up (/rants. 46 P.R. and 54 D.R. — Every grant of probate or of letters of administration issued from the [District] Registry is to be filled up there [and any former grant which has been revoked or has ceased is to be cleared off therein]. Notices of applications. [55 D.R. — Notices of applications for grants of probate or administration, with the will annexed, transmit ted by the District Registrar to the Registrars of the Principal Registry, are to contain (in addition to the particulars specified in s. 49 of the Court of Probate Act, 1857) an extract of the words of the will or codicil by which the applicant has been appointed executor, or of the words (if any) upon which he founds his claim to such adminis- tration]. [56 D.R. — Notices of application are to set forth the names and interests of all persons who, according to the practice of the Court, would have a prior right to the applicant, and to show how such prior right is cleared off. In case the persons or any of them have renounced, the date of his or her renunciation must be stated. If the applicant claims as the representative of another person, the date and particulars of the grant to him must appear]. Oaths of executors and administrators. 47 P.R. and 57 D.R. — The usual oath of administrators, as well as that of executors and administrators with the will, is to be subscribed and sworn by them as an affidavit, and then filed in the Registry. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. L55 [58 D.R. — The draft oaths to lead grants of special or limited probate or administration, with or without the will an- nexed, are to be transmitted by the District Registrar to the Registrars of the Principal Registry, in order to their being settled, and no special or limited grant is to issue until the draft oatli to lead the same has been settled by a Registrar of the Principal Registry]. hi nil ih/ of pa rites. 48 P.R. and 59 D.R. — The [District] Registrars may in cases where they deem it necessary, require proof, in addition to the oath of the executor or administrator, of the identity of the deceased, or of the party applying for the grant. Testamentary papers to be marked. 49 P.R. and 60 D.R. — Every will, copy of a will, or other testamentary paper to which an executor or adminis- trator with the will is sworn, must be marked by such execu- tor or administrator and by the person before whom he is sworn . Renunciations. 50 P.R. and 61 D.R. — No person who renounces probate of a will or letters of administration of the personal estate and effects of a deceased person in one character is to be allowed to take a representation to the same deceased in another character. Revocation am! alteration of grants. [62 D.R. — Grants of probate or letters of administration can only be revoked by order of the Judge or of one of the Registrars of the Principal Registry]. [63 D.R. — No grant of probate or letters of adminis- tration is to be altered by a District Registrar, without an order of a Registrar of the Principal Registry having been L56 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. previously obtained. In case the name of the testator or intestate requires alteration, the notice of application must he renewed, and the alteration ordered is not to be made by the District Registrar until the usual certificate on such notice has been received from the Principal Registry]. Affidavits. 51 P.R. and 64 D.R.— Every affidavit is to be drawn in the first person, and the addition and true place of abode of every deponent making it is to be inserted therein. 52 P.R. and 65 D.R. — In every affidavit made by two or more deponents, the names of the several persons making the affidavit shall be inserted in the jurat, except that, if the affidavit of all the deponents is taken at one time by the same officer, it shall be sufficient to state that it was sworn by both (or all) of the " above-named " deponents. 53 P.R. and 66 D.R.— No affidavit having in the jurat or body thereof any interlineation, alteration or erasure, shall be filed or made use of unless the interlineation or alteration, other than by erasure, is authenticated by the initials of the officer taking the affidavit, nor, in the case of any erasure, unless the words or figures appearing at the time of taking the affidavit to be written on the erasure are re-written and signed or initialled in the margin of the affidavit by the officer taking it. 54 P.R. and 67 D.R.— Where an affidavit is made by any person who is blind, or who, from his or her signature or otherwise, appears to be illiterate, the [District] Registrar, Commissioner, or other authority before whom such affidavit is made, is to state in the jurat that the affidavit was read in the presence of the person making the same, and that such person seemed perfectly to understand the same, and The Practitioner 1 & Probate Manual. \~>7 also made his or her mark, or wrote his or her signature, in the presence of the [District] Registrar, Commissioner, or other authority before whom the affidavit was made. 55 P.R. and 68 D.R.— No affidavit is to be deemed sufficient which lias been sworn before the party on whose behalf the same is offered, or before his proctor, solicitor or attorney, or before a partner or clerk of his proctor, solicitor or attorney. 56 P.R. and 69 D.R. — Proctors, solicitors and attor- neys, and their clerks respectively, if acting- for any other proctor, solicitor or attorney, shall be subject to the rules in respect of faking- affidavits which are applicable to those in whose stead they are acting. 57 P.R. and 70 D.R. — In every case where an affi- davit is made by a subscribing witness to a will or codicil, such subscribing witness shall depose as to the mode in which the said will or codicil was executed and attested. 58 P.R. and 71 D.R.— The [District] Registrars are not to allow any affidavit to be filed [unless with the concur- rence of the Registrars of the Principal Registry] which is not fairly and legibly written, or in which there is any interlineation, the extent of which at the time the affidavit was made is not clearly shown by the initials of the Com- missioner or other person before whom it was sworn. In the Principal Registry the leave of the judge must !><• obtained. Caveat x. 59 P.R. and 72 D.R. — Any person intending to oppose the issuing of a grant of probate or letters of administration must, either personally or by his proctor, solicitor or attorney, enter a caveat in the Principal Registry, or in the proper District Registry. If in the Principal Registry the person L58 The Practitioner** Probate Manual. entering the oaveat must also insert the mime of tlie deceased in the Index to the- Caveat Book. 60 P.R. and 73 D.R. — A caveat shall bear date on the day it is entered, and shall remain in force for the space of six months only, and then expire and be of no effect ; but caveats may be renewed from time to time. 61 P.R. and 74 D.R.— The [District] Registrar shall, immediately upon a caveat being entered, send a copy thereof [to the Registrars of the Principal Registry, and also] to the Registrar of any [other] District in which it is alleged the deceased resided at the time of his death, or in which he is known to have had a fixed place of abode at the time of his death. 62 P.R. and 75 D.R.— No caveat shall affect any grant made on the day on which the caveat is entered, or on the day on which notice is received of a caveat having been entered in the District [or Principal] Registry. 63 P.R. — All caveats shall be warned from the Principal Registry only. The warning is to be left at the place mentioned in the caveat as the address of the person who entered it. 64 P.R. — It shall be sufficient for the warning of a caveat that a Registrar send by the public post a warning signed by himself, and directed to the person who entered the caveat, at the address mentioned in it. 65 P.R. — The warning to a caveat is to state the name and interest of the party on whose behalf the same is issued, and if such person claims under a will or codicil, is also to state the date of such will or codicil, and is to contain an address within three miles of the General Post Office, at which any notice requiring service may be left. The form of warning will be supplied in the Registry. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. \~M 66 P.R. — Before any citation is signed by a Registrar, a caveat shall be entered against any grant being made in respect of the estate and effects of the deceased to which such citation relates, and notice thereof shall be sent to the District Registrar of any District in which the deceased ap- pears to have resided at the time of his death. 67 P.R. — In order to clear off a caveat when no appear- ance has been entered to a warning duly served, an affidavit of the service of the warning, stating the manner of service and an affidavit of search for appearance and of non-appear- ance, must be filed. [76 D.R. — Caveats shall be warned from the Principal Registry only]. [77 D.R. — After a caveat has been entered, the District Registrar is not to proceed with the grant of probate or administration to which it relates until it has expired or been subducted, or until lie has received notice from the Principal Registry that the caveat has been warned and no appearance given, or that the contentious proceedings consequent on the caveat have terminated]. [78 D.R. — The further rules in respect to caveats will be found in the " Rules, Orders, and Instructions for the Regis- trars of the Principal Registry "]. Citations and subpoenas. 68 P.R. — No citation is to issue under seal of the Court until an affidavit, in verification of the averments it contains, lias been filed in the Registry. 69 P.R. — Citations are to be served personally when that can be done. Personal service shall be effected by leaving a true copy of the citation with the party cited, and showing liini the original, if required by him so to do. L60 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 70 P.R. — ( !ita1 ions and other instruments which cannot he personally served are to be served by the insertion of the same, or of an abstract thereof, settled and signed by one of the Registrars as an advertisement in such morning and evening London newspapers, and such local newspapers, and at such intervals as the Judge or one of the Registrars may direct. [79 D.R. — Citations and subpoenas can he issued from the Principal Registry only, and the rules applicable to them will be found in the " Rules, Orders, and Instructions for the Registrars of the Principal Registry "]. [80 D.R. — No grants are to issue from a District Registry after a citation without the production of an office copy of the decree or order of the Judge, or of one of the Registrars of the Principal Registry authorising the same]. Blind and Illiterate testators. 71 P.R. or 81 D.R.— The [District] Registrars are not to allow probate of the will, or administration with the will annexed, of any blind or obviously illiterate or ignorant person, to issue, unless they have previously satisfied themselves that the said will was read over to the testator before its exe- cution, or that the testator had at such time knowledge of its contents. [When such information is not forthcoming, the District Registrars are to communicate with the Registrars of the Principal Registry]. Alterations in (/rants, etc. 72 P.R. — When any alteration is made in a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration which has issued from a District Probate Registry, or when any such a Grant is revoked and the Volume of the printed Calendar containing The Practitioner & Probate Manual. 161 the entry of the Grant has been forwarded to the Dislriet Registrars, Notice of such alteration or revocation is without delay to be forwarded by the Registrars of the Principal Registry to the District Probate Registrar from whose Registry the altered or revoked Grant issued. [82 D.R. — Whenever the value of the personal estate and effects of a deceased person is resworn under a different amount, or any alteration is made in a grant, or a renunciation is filed, notice of such reswearing, alteration or renunciation is without delay to be forwarded by the District Registrar to the Registrars of the Principal Registry, but no fee shall be payable in respect of any such notice]. Lists of grants. [83 D.R. — The lists of grants of probate and administra- tion required to be furnished by the District Registrars under s. 51 of the Court of Probate Act, 1857, are to be furnished on the first and every other Thursday in the month, and are to contain the name of the Registry in which each grant was made, and the Christian and surname of each testator and intestate]. [84 D.R. — Every such list of grants furnished by the District Registrar is to be accompanied by a copy of the record of each grant mentioned in it. The record, besides stating the necessary particulars of the grant to which it refers, is to contain the place and time of death of the testator or intestate ; the names and description of each executor or administrator ; the date of each grant ; and the sum under which the- value of the personal estate and effects is sworn, and in cases of administrations the names and description of the sureties]. [85 D.R. — Within four da}'s from the end of each month each District Registrar is to forward 1<> the Principal Registry M Ki'2 The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. a return, arranged alphabetically, of all grants of probate or letters of administration passed at his District Registry during the preceding month]. Irish Grants. 73 P.R. — The Seal is not to be affixed to any probate or letters of administration granted in Ireland, so as to give operation thereto as if the grant had been made by the Court of Probate in England, unless it appear from a Certificate of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, or their proper officer, that such probate or letters of administration is duly stamped in respect of the personal estate and effects of which the deceased died possessed in England. In respect to letters of administration, the provisions of statute 21 & 22 Vict. c. 95, s. 29, must also be complied with. Grants for property in the United Kingdom, etc. 74 P.R. and 86 D.R. — Whenever a grant of probate or of letters of administration is made under Statute 21 & 22 Vic. c. 56, for the whole personal estate and effects of a deceased within the United Kingdom, it must appear by the affidavit made for the Inland Revenue Office that the testator, or intestate, died domiciled in England, and that he was possessed of personal estate in Scotland other than that excluded by 22 & 23 Vic. c. 80, and the value of such personal estate must be separately stated in such affidavit. In case any portion of the personal estate be in Ireland, a separate affidavit and schedule must also be filed. Upon all such grants a note or memorandum must also be written and signed by the [District] Registrar to the effect that the testator or intestate died domiciled in England. [87 D.R. — Grants of probate and administration made in Ireland, and confirmations granted in Scotland, must be taken to tlic Principal Registry, and not to a District Registry, to The Practitioner's Probafr Ma mini. K;:j be sealed with the seal of the Court of Probate, in order to the same having force and effect in England]. Notices to Queen' * Proctor. 75 P.R. and 88 D.R. — In all cases where application is made for letters of administration (with or without a will an- nexed) of the goods of a bastard dying a bachelor or ;i spinster, or a widower or widow without issue, notice of such application is to be given to Her Majesty's Procurator- General (or in case the deceased died domiciled within the Duchy of Lan- caster, to the Solicitor for the Duchy in London), in order that he may determine whether he will interfere on the part of the Crown ; and no grant is to be issued until the officer of the Crown has signified the course which he thinks proper to take. 76 P.R. — In the case of persons dying intestate without any known relation, a citation must be issued against the next-of-kin, if any, and all persons having or pretending to have any interest in the personal estate of the deceased, and the service thereof upon them shall be effected as required by Rule 70. Such citation must also be served upon the Queen's Proctor, or upon the solicitor for the Duchy of Lancaster, as the case may require. [89 D.R. — In the case of persons dying intestate without any known relation, a citation must be issued from the Prin- cipal Registry against the next-of-kin, if any, and all persons having or pretending to have any interest in the personal estate of the deceased. See the rules, orders, and instructions for the Registrars of the Principal Registry]. Transmission of Papers. 77 P.R. — After motions have been made before the judge in Court, the Registrars are, on the application of the parties (unless the judge shall otherwise direct i. In transmit M 2 Kll The Practitioner's Probate Manual. to a District Registrar the original papers and documents, in order that the grant of probate or administration maybe completed in a District Registry. 78 P.R. — Papers and other documents may be transmitted by the Registrars of the Principal Registry to the District Registrars through the Post Office. Such letters or packets are to be superscribed with the words, "On Her Majesty's Service," and may be registered if thought necessary. [90 D.R. — When motions are to be made before the Judge in Court, with regard to any application for probate or administration at a District Registry the District Registrar is to transmit all original papers and documents to the Principal Registry, and the same, after the directions of the Court have been taken, will, on the application of the parties, be returned to the District Registrar, together with an office copy of the decree of the Judge]. [91 D.R. — Original papers are also to be forwarded to the Principal Registry whenever an inspection of them is neces- sary, in order to enable the Registrars to answer the questions submitted to them by the District Registrar]. [92 D.R. — Original papers and documents may be trans- mitted by the District Registrars to the Registrars of the Principal Registry through the Post Office. Such letters or packets are to be superscribed with the words "On Her Majesty's Service," and may be registered, if thought necessary]. Probate cojiien of wills. 79 P.R. — The Registrars are to take care that the copies of wills and affidavits to be annexed to the probates or letters of administration are fairly and properly written, and are to reject those which are otherwise ; but it shall not The Practitioner's Probate Manual. L65 be necessary that such copies be written in the engrossing hand heretofore in use. [93 D.R. — The District llegistrar is to take care that the copies of wills and affidavits to be annexed to the probate or letters of administration are fairly and properly written, and is to reject those which are otherwise]. Office copies. 80 P.R. and 94 D.R.— Office copies of wills, and other documents furnished in a [District] Registry, will not be collated with the original will or other document, unless specially required. Every copy so required to be examined shall be certified under the hand of the [District] llegistrar to be an examined copy. 81 P.R. and 95 D.R.— The seal of the Court is not to be affixed to any office copy of a will, or other document, unless the same has been certified to be an examined copy. Attendances with documents. 82 P.R. and 96 D.R.— If a will or other document filed in a District Registry is required to be produced at aiiy place within three miles of that Registry, application must be made for that purpose not later than the day previously to that named for its production. 83 P.R. — If a will or other document filed in the Registry is required to be produced at any place beyond the above distance, application must be made for that purpose in sufficient time to allow for making and examining a copy of such will or other document to be deposited in its place, and in every case such notice must be given (except by special leave of the Judge or Registrars) at least 24 hours before the clerk in whose charge the will or other document is to be placed will bo required to set off. I mi The Practitioner's Probate Manual. (97 D.R. — If a will or other document filed in a District Registry is required to be produced at any place beyond the above distance, application must be made for that purpose in sufficient time to allow for making and examining a copy of such will or other document to be deposited in its place]. Doubtful mid difficult cases. [98 D.R. — The District Registrars are in every case of doubt or difficulty to communicate with the Registrars of the Principal Registry]. SiibjMcnas to briny in Testamentary Papers. 84 P.R. — Any person bringing in a will or testamentary paper, in obedience to a subpoena, is to take it in the first instance to the clerk of the papers, who will prepare a minute to be signed by the Registrar to whom the will or paper brought in is to be delivered, and the Registrar will sign the minute recording the delivery thereof. 85 P.R. — The minute is to be entered in the book of Registrar's Minutes in the usual manner ; and the fee for the entry, and a further fee for filing each testamentary paper, will then be payable. If these fees should not be paid by the person bringing in the will or paper, the same are to be charged to the person who may first apply to the clerk of the papers to make use of the will or paper so brought in. In case the person bringing in a will or testamentary paper may desire to have a voucher for its delivery into the Registry, he may take an office copy of the minute on paying the usual fee for the same. 86 P.R. — Any person served with a subpoena to bring in a testamentary paper is at liberty to enter an appearance on payment of the usual fees, if he thinks fit to do so. The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 1/' Bills of Costa," by C. W. Scott. COSTS OF PROBATES. Precedent No 1. 3n tbc 1bigb Court of Justice. Pkobate, Divorce and Admiralty Division. (Probate.) In the goods of Deceased. Effects sworn under £100 Perusing will and taking instructions fur probate ..... £0 Copy will for use Effects sworn under £200. Effects sworn above eii'Mi and under £1,000. 6 8 £0 6 £0 6 8 ■id. per folio of 72 words in cases. Oath of executors, and attendance on the party being sworn Paid commissioner's fee . 5 8 10 Is. i*i'/. each deponent and Is. each exhibit. 1 -1 1 4 &d. each deponent. O 1 4 Affidavit of value and inventory for Inland Revenue, and attendance on the party being sworn charge according to circumstances for time and trouble in getting ueces sary information, and for affidavit, at per folio ..... Paid commissioner's fee . Engrossing and collating the will, .'' folios of 00 words or under. including parchment If exceeding 3 folios of ',Ki words, then every other folio Stamp on receipt .... Paid Probate [or Estate] duty Stamp fee on search Probate under seal (solicitor's fees) . ° For the duty on Probates, see Chapter 3. f For amounts to be inserted opposite " Probate under seal " and " Court fees," see next page. I) 4 6 4 6 4 6 1 6 o 1 6 1 6 1 \:1. 1 * it 1 * (id. for every year after the death. 10 3 f The Practitioner'' a Probate Manual. 109 Effects sworn under 6100. Extracting Clerk's fee Paid ( !our1 Eees . . . . Registering and collating will. 3 folios of 90 words or under . If exceeding 3 folios of '. |( > words then at per folio . Registrar's certificate Letters, messengers, etc. eo o 4 6 Effects sworn under 6200. eo o K fleets sworn above 6200 and under Cl.ooo. eo 4 6 4 1 6 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 5 10 H The amounts to be inserted opposite " Probate under seal" and ''Court fees " are as follows : — Probate under seal. .Solicitor's fees. Court fees. If effects sworn under £.300 450 600 800 1,000 Note. —By Section 33 of the Act, 44 Vic, chap. 12, where the gross estate is under L'30o, the Court Ice is 15s. only; and by Section lfl of the Act, 57 & 58 Vic, chap. 30, where the grogs estate is under £500, the Court fee is 15s. only. Where the property is sworn at an exact sum such as £1,000 or £10,000, the Probate Duty or Estate Duty is charged on those sums, but the Court fee is charged on the next highest amount. . £0 7 6 • £0 7 6 12 12 16 6 16 6 1 2 6 1 2 6 1 13 1 13 The Practitioner* a Probate Manual. Perusing will and tioiis for Probate Copy will for use PltECEDKNT N(). 2. Effects sworn under £2,000. Effects BWCTH under £1,000. Effects sworn above 64,000 and under t7o,000. taking instruc- . . £0 13 4 £0 13 4 £1 1 Or according to circumstances. . \il. per folio of 72 words in all eases. Oath of executor and attendance on the party being sworn . . . £0 10 £0 Paid commissioner's fee . . . Is. Qd. each each exhibit. Affidavit of value and inventory for Inland Revenue and attend- ance on the party being sworn (charge for affidavit at per folio is. 4a. mid for extra trouble and attendances in getting necessary information according to circum- stances.) Paid commissioner's fee . Engrossing and collating the will, 3 folios of 90 words or under, including - parchment . . .04 6 If exceeding 3 folios of 90 words then .... Stamp on receipt .... Paid Probate [or Estate] duty Stamp fee on search Probate under seal (solicitor's fees) . Extracting ..... ( 'lerk's fee ..... Paid Court fees .... Registering and collating will, 3 folios of 90 words or under If exceeding 3 folios then at per folio .... Registrar's certificate Letters, messengers, etc. . lo i) £0 10 deponent an< 1 h Vs. <> folios of 90. words oi under, including parchment ..... If exceeding 3 Folios of 90 words, then Stamp on receipt ..... Paid Probate [or Estate] duty Stamp fee OD search .... Probate under seal (solicitor's t'ec) Extracting ......... Clerk's fee ......... Paid court fees ........ Registering and collating will, 3 folios of 90 words or under If exceeding 3 folios then for each folio . Registrar's certificate ....... Letters, messengers, etc. 4 6 1*. Qd. for every otherfolio. . 1 III/, per year in all cases. 13 1 1 Or according to circumstances. * The amounts to be inserted "Court fees" are as follows : — ipposite "Probate under seal" and Probate Probate under seal. under seal. Solicitor's Court ees. fees. If effects sworn inn er £80,000 . ei6 17 6 £16 17 6 ), 90,000 . 18 15 is L5 It u 100,000 . 20 12 6 20 12 6 11 i> 120,000 . 21 1 1 3 21 11 3 h 140,000 . 23 8 9 23 8 9 It t! 160,000 . 25 6 3 25 6 3 1} 1) 180,000 . 27 3 9 27 3 9 J, 200,000 . 29 1 3 29 1 3 5) 1) 250,000 . 30 18 9 30 18 9 )) II 300,000 . 35 12 6 35 12 6 1) )) 350,000 . 40 6 3 40 6 3 11 loo.OOO . 41 17 C) 41 17 6 I) )) 500,000 . 43 8 9 4:5 8 9 17'2 T/ic Practitioner's Probate Manual. Additional charges where necessary. And for every additional £100,000, or any fractional part of £100,000, under which the personal estate is sworn, in addition to the ahove fees, a further fee for probate under seal of £3 2 6 In addition to the ahove for all second or subsequent grants of probate or letters of administration with will annexed, the same fees for looking- up the will and bespeaking engrossment as on similar grants upon which no stamp duty is payable. When there are two or more executors, and they are not sworn at the S'tme time, for each attendance after the lirst on their being sworn to oath and affidavit — If the effects arc sworn under £20 2 6 If the effects are sworn under £100 . . . . o If the effects are sworn above £100 . . . . .068 In respect of Letters of Administration with Will annexed. In addition to the above fees for preparing and attendance on the execution of the bond if the effects are — Under £20 026 £20 and under £100 6 8 £100 and upwards 0100 Paid commissioner Is. 6d. and court fee stamp 5s. For engrossing and collating a will or codicil for a grant of probate or letters of administration with the will annexed, when there are pencil marks in the will or codicil, or when the will or codicil is to be registered fac-simile, in addition to any other fee for engrossing and collating the same — If the pencil marks in the will or codicil, or the part or parts thereof to be registered fac-simile, are two folios of ninety words in length or under . . . . . . -Old If exceeding two folios, for every additional folio or part of folio of ninety words 6 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. 173 COSTS OF ADMINISTRATIONS. Precedent No. 4. h\ tlK Uiffl) Court of %\\%titu Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division, (Probate.) In the goods of Deceased. Instructions for administration. Oath uf administrator, and attend- ance on his being sworn, and on his execution of the bond Commissioner's fee .... Affidavit of value and inventory for Inland Revenue and attending administrator on his being sworn (Charge for affidavit per folio Is. 4y/. and according to cir- cumstances for time and trouble in (jetting necessary infor- mation.') Commissioner's fee .... Instructions for bond Drawing and engrossing same Paid stamp on bond Attending sureties on their reading over, and with them on their executing bond .... Commissioner's fee .... Stamp on receipt .... The Registrar having required a certificate of cause of delay in taking out the grant. Drawing same ...... Paid fee on filinjr .... Effects Effects Effects sworn nbovo sworn sworn £200 and under £100. under £200. under £800 £0 3 4 £0 6 8 £0 6 8 068 10 13 4 1*. &d. each deponent and la. Cut. on each execution of bond. Is. Qd. each deponent. 06 8 068 068 5 068 068 Nil 5 5 068 068 068 Is. 6rf. each surety, 10 1 " 1 050 050 05 026 02 6 026 171 The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manual. Regisl rar's certificate Paid Probate [or Estate] duty (The duty <>n administrations is the tunic as mi probati s, and will be found in Chapter 3.) . Stamp Eee on search Letters of administration under seal Extracting ..... Clerks . Paid court fees .... Letters, messengers, etc. Effects sworn under .€100. £0 2 6 Nil Effects Effects sworn above sworn £200 and under £200. under £800. £0 2 6 £0 2 d. for every year after death. 3 4 6 * 6 8 (i 6 8 (i 6 8 2 i) •j 2 1 (i 4 6 * 5 o () 5 (» i) 5 (1 I )r according to circumstances. * The amount to be inserted opposite " Letters of administration under seal " ami " ( 'ourt fees " are as follows : — If effects sworn Letters of Letters of Adminis- Adminis- tration tration under seal. under seal. Solicitor's • lourt fees. fees. under £300 .... £0 12 O £0 12 450 . o L6 6 16 6 (!00 .... 1 2 6 1 2 6 SOI) .... 1 13 (I 1 13 i) Precedent No. 5. Effects Effects sworn Effects sworn above sworn above £800 and under £2,000 and under £2,000. under LI ,500. t7O,000. Instructions for administration Oath of administrator and attend ance on his being sworn and on his execution of the bond ( lommissioner's fee .... Affidavit of value and inventory for Inland Revenue, and attending administrator on his being sworn (Charge for affidavit per folio Is. Ad. and according to cir- cumstances for time and trouble in f/et/inn their executing bond .... I !ommissioner's fee .... Stamp on receipt .... The Registrar having required a certificate of cause of delay in taking out the grant. Drawing same ..... Engrossing at per folio . Filing ..... Registrar's certificate Paid Probate [or Estate] duty Stamp fee on search Letters of administration under sea Extracting .... Clerks ..... Paid Court fees — . Letters, messengers, etc. * For duty, see Chapter 3. t The amount to be inserted opposite " Letters of administration under seal" and "Court fees" are as follows : — Letters of administration under seal. . 5 5 5 . 4 4 4 . 2 6 2 6 o -1 6 2 (5 U 2 <; 2 6 _ * Qd. for every year after death. It 4 10 () . it 6 8 13 4 13 4 . () 5 o 5 7 6 .t . 5 10 13 4 Or according to circumstances. If effects sworn under £850 ,. '•" , " 950 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500 And so on. see page lis. Solicitor's fees. 2 5 3 7 (> I 'oiirt fees. 5 (I 76 The Practitioner' '« Probate Manna/. lalo'll M°fi»cf d g i s S-3 i.' B a J a - o ai ■- 05 O H B d O -5 <\ —' •S o > T- X ^ * " = • *» W *W ^ O -_• l— I EH 1—1 C+5 EH O i— i P3 Eh go Q Eh go -' p w j£ ^ d a 3 OB go o'-s £ a 2-1 '>> issg a ■ F) ^ A j ■* a « (H B Cb • ffl "" o si 30, 05 5 O 32 • 5 "3 . H W . fed Oh' [ScbmdHi^ P5H pq c §« »c »rr X i-t X -f r: i- ^ — w i^ — 83 ic ~ ic n I ■* C lO i-H X Q 1(5 i-i 1(3 Tf 00 © iio c in in x ic ia »ra iq ^r t*» »o o * b : : J £ a 2 ^ oo £ iS O o ^ 5 ~ «h o £ ■* 2 .5 : o "g 2 °'°° - -a - OoCJ | a -a « o | _, - a J : SJa° 3 8 9 o u o* r-a-a- 3,"S5 bT t3 o » cS P £ ? ° -5 s c - ro o o o g d > -_ § S 2 glo'f-B ° o o o o'Sf? es w . - -a ■ B • : :§ So w« S - j^« «i£oC03t3-t! pqpqfqfqpqpqo O r> h r "| b a c « a^^o - _ ^ /, ■s.a v .? •?3 : : ^= : ^ .Jz; .^j CO ■ Oh o -- a ri ■s. -a Sj« o =s ->-. * „ ^ i . M -g H S "g 2 §3 - >> a ca Og.2 go-ago 2 ^ - 5 .& 3*2 - ^ 5 >s ac-icuai-^oK-rS" "l^flPQ-^.ig.jg g a^^ TJTJ 3^ «, W .2^- s.sasgs |§ g 5H O .= CD = br CO a ~ o - o a >; o o _ a - - a oo a i^i ; >-. Sc5 aa a ■" « !5 W iJa 3 s «Ph OO ChOQ ' OOfi 3m8 eg Mho o> w H 00 GO W w O b> ^ W ^ O The Practitioner' 8 Probate Manna/. 177 w 3\: Pa 3 .dd 4I4 111 as HO a" CO a .<3o< £o5«j fa - . H. Jam Jones. Young. yoe Bmil J. Jewe Walts. £ma En'W n Wca>-5 d £ o5 W mis aa H *f o ts a Hi 8 ^ bOh B-3 O t» h * 2a n x t» — -c - r: m x tc 'O x to 'O o rt 1H|H rH O :e *-'t: : : CD d -fc 3 .s| sJ6 : 3 P : : ST P. . d ° J! s „sg • O «fl o *3 .B 3? ^ so" _ .p : o H?f s ! O oj oo,M p •£ fefo-J d S ^ a a saSa d d d J; o o o o OOO £ ■ a '5'fi-c ..GO u_, -2 M &* ■ • ^ a a£S ^ • I. I. QQ En t> P w a H w f/1 H w CO - W r^ ^M /, u-K Po is ► N ITS The Practitioner* 'a Prohafr Manual. S -i. 5 M M> .9 > £ ^ H >- ^ i *j cc 03 t« • <-< »H -" > ^ w ou P.2 .a *• o cc »^ 00 3 C3 o a 9 -1 e oil a -s ■c a si S-9-S.I ■s « J S a cj .;3 -*r w Oh ^^ LI'S Q z M U 03 o *H S.-3 to » » fe *» 5 ~Ja,3 a < 03 CM a < •2 3 S^ 3 .4 w £3 0»flK es CC 5 - o 13 •* OJ ,fi -a a 32 H 4 so. _3 33*9 ^ z «o o|- 2 l - o ei fl «£S i C T3 D 00 i> os a a-t; 03 o 2 to "= fc, ,a = 00 W a * ° a a! .3 s. CO u t si** V o Ja 3*.3o -z 00 S •a a *1F sa-l ■- 3 — Pi u- t! to -a ~ O 3 03 O . CO O in «H u £ «= w a-5^"^ " -S-a o_ 0) a oi ~J c- as 2 a la " °> 3 < H" 3 -H CO Eh _ r S 8 3 0) a^ij . £■§'2 5 iU ._ '— '^ "So o g-gm © i* H S >S fc op (^ s; >^a S a ^ ? ^ ^ o o T3 T3 "?is T3 u a =-■ = W W ■Sft.' w w & a o ."2 a p OJ o fc O jo - ♦• * S 1 - ~i 4 — 1 M OJ >* ga=s "V a > O) 0J -^ (Til £ t< 0J ^ fe* 5 S^-£ •« 03 & 2 * , O £ fe"W OJ ^S g «-> J3 S.2 23 oSqgi: 53 « 9q} •pitissaojt: SB 'MOpiM 09 o ■•■■9 *^ G "V "^ *^ -1 r - - i a s a a-° O OO & • o o . , oj'g oT^S i- ^ 0J S-a a *« m -a CU 13 -a >> oj ,a 5 S - — ^^3 a TJ c3 CD ■2 o - 3 — CJ 5 p< 2 ^ ^> Eg ^a S£^ J ^ 3* °3 T3 <*-■ na -^ . -a a S 3 ° OJ -j CO Jh ^ k 0J OJ --H o* bo • fc cj3 o «. 2'afl P- ^ CO O O o "a"5 OJ o •; fei — kl OJ ^d W 2 T3 fe; OJ 13 eL?"3 o*^ is -a T3 O c ,o ■fl _jd -a oj a> "a -a *a 03 r? 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"A V •3 a 1 •P V ."S \> '■3 >-> •A CD [? •3 lly divided n only take re equally ►> be ^ >."^ fl J3 CD CD §1 ^ 03 CD 03 03 -M ?> £ S K a a fl 3±-^ p A a _g O 3 a «< %%% 5 90 3 o 1 0- W w •H r? ■ (»> a O fl O ^05 fl CD -3 3 1 "o §?J 13 CD ^ fl 03 • • • ^a "oj U be oi 9 55, Sg fl • • & £ > 1^2 CO rfl OT3 CD ID ~^CD CD h CD "^ 09 m4?45 111 i 1 E oS CD §•0 p.>a 3 U O O 3 '3 i. - :- S CD CD iJ«53 "« 1 "3 M P C Q cj 03 03 OJ CD oJ 32S u u l- 000 CD 3 U • • "P • •fl in E OJ XI be s u a . "p A -3 A 3 1 Q 03 CD "c T3 *CS 'fl « 2 2 03 03 03 ^- a CD IS S 3 CD "S -P O XI CD •P OS -A •P fl 03 EL T3 3 09 CD O H s fl fl J^a-fl i CD "3 ,; 3 (^ . 03 _ fl CD fl "a! So 3 fl 03 CD fl O "3 i 000^ ■ O 03 *J fl '^3 CD - < < 5 5 O =3 < < ■« p M „ • 'JT • fl - (•ra ii • a fl en' 1* CO O CD c 2 - CD CD O rO fl CD -M rfl 60 . P 03 "P 1- • O O . u CD a . 'S ^ 00 T3 •- bo CD fl A 03 O be 1 > 03 CD OS P - O — 09 P O 4) •/. 2 03 =3 •** & „.(!« ^s "^ S CD ■** 03 CD S b rt CD O 60.11 S •s I .13"* .2 C fl _. 03 fl fl « | .H fl ^ 3 !? • 'fl CO 5I11 "C q fl a .2 § -a fl 1- So « rfl tO »fl is ^ 60 g JO- 'S aj ■§"3 f S fl * m 03 S fl g> d XI 03 fl A — -"P S 03 *. 00 00 A CD ==a f A O -g «> s ^^ 2 « fe a ° °5 qj CD fl -A O IS ^"fl" 2 " a s-g s a s 5 " 2 22 5j >> he CD "go 3*8 03 ^ * * w CD - CD O DC ■ m &e m PIT A CD I-. A fci T3 O A O | p "A T! A 3 A O fl" 2 JP a cu ^J 3 CD T3 fl OS fe -A C 03 C O^ •£- fl •P g -p «- c O oo 2 S-s i te •« 2 p ^ 03 3 BC-- P 9 03 g •a "p fl s 03 JJ Et CD CD CD fl «i 03 O fl CD ^ |3 A.H- c8 ^ ffi a REM w QQ OO & C. 3 Q ft X 2 ISO TJic Practitioner's Probate Manual. s fc.T3 o a a . e . s a . J o u g c "SB'S ",0 £ e>a g _a o 75 tt« 60 -a [• at) i. b X *> - a G OJ • — .att o3r= "3 &ii c - D be £ £ ? 3 .3 c .„ j 5 J= G -G a O tu O oj t« Cv - U 0) ., H gi n] b m C O O o — c \S 0.3^ o ^ _ 05 <- "a es « 53 S ,ca ^P^» j*> .a a ?h j^ir ' i? a, -£r - ** a "" a a_ a -^ — OJ cs a; a cs W a « ,a *» v cs -* &5 -a£ ■Js ap •* 2 -.13 m-9 _ o as ^"W T3 5 J w ■a £! -a « . a •*> & b* cz rJ1 CO oj CS ^° OQ ^ r— >-■ a & os^oj a Oa * a m m ® ® •a cs a 3 a_g •« s i y^ .2 ® Sl3 -- a) S^J, 53 g The Practitioner's Probate Manual. ~- -s-3 u jawa)i- Ec * a 2 .30 ■^ n j" -a a _* a bC<« _» « 6C»* _• 4; 60 11 ■** 1* /-s a *** a S 2 a <3 SCO a c •- a u a-« a H a t-axJt.aH'cL n3 CO ^ O a 53 1 .a 8 -r P -a g a 01 k (►> P5 !■ r« a 3 p no ^ — a 3 W w J* -a Jh'D-\ °° J? a OS ►*• C8 +3 £.2 a- a CT | p o< gg w B> « .9 3 .2 •25 £ ,«J ,S OS 5 ■ 5 s § la -si •° fe 9 I a -a -3 C a 3*8 « n 5 ~ ^ a "gj a c . 0> fe-S s « o a ►J J S S? a ^ '3 <- I -of £ U OS 2 -a a C 2,0 a 9 3 -a .1! S ^ 5? , ® C O •2-3 w ;?c« 8 a b 2 - bo 3 -a -H 3 ^os"" Q f^ _tO ««-4 W feat. "W, '15 u ° a t, :c»^ J= a g *•$ - — a a - - r _a a ; - = •2 » ,_r '"o-s s a 3 es s 1 82 The Practitioner's Probate Manual. S-2 la co-a 0,2 C3T5 Rot* 2» > 1 5* 1 p H;a t, o £■5 a .= ■ r. ~ i a-2 A - JO U .13 = it e o o a . p o a o c8»9 fe -♦^ +j 0)*^^^ CD ,"S -^> cd a> O «w "co c *** cd o <** ' -flo-flo ft ao ~ era ^ <1 — l. s-H r • • 3 ? o^5«j — £ r -J >~ a ~~i -3 v ^ h - *> tc ~T :Z~=: w ■3 -j O c CD - 3 a ja a . a » a .« s » S3 .S « 22 « 3 S3 J§ 3j g -§ g C3 _, > H eS d ^ ^ CD -° O ' • '- .-^ 3 P (71 oi S3 ""3 :<33 x cc P -^ ^, ' o »- -^ > a * g.g 3oi-«-j gg *3 - - ad ^ ."ti 1) -- - ■~ h ^a ~ "3 A CD j- CD a a qj jo « co-ea ^^'CD-a^K.S^CD INDEX. L88 I N 1) K X. ADDITIONAL SECURITY, 111. forms of affidavit, 124. ADMINISTRATION WITH WILL, (n attorney, 46. to residuary legatee, 46. to Legal personal representative of residuary legatee, 17. grant must be produced, 49. to legatee, 17. form of oath, 48. bond (will), 61. cessate, 91. ile bonis nun 94. tables of succession, 178. ADMINISTRATION, to whom made, 67, 68, 178. to guardian, 70, 71, 72, 73. to attorney, 73. to next-of-kin of lunatic, 74. oath, 75. bond, 83. cessate; 92. de hums non, i)7. costs, 173-175. ADMINISTRATION (CESSATE), 91, 92. ADMINISTRATION BE BONIS NON, 97. ADMINISTRATION (WILL) BE BONLS NON, 94. ADMINISTRATOR, oath for, 75. description of, 76. ADMINISTRATRIX, 76. AFFIDAVIT, as to execution of will, 2, 3, 126, 127. by mark, 2, 127. as to reading over of will, 2, 127. as to alterations in will, 4, 125. as to handwriting, 1, 130. 1N, of deeds in will, 5, 144. INCREASING ESTATE, additional security, 111. forms of affidavit, 124. INFANTS, administration to guardian of, 70-73. appointment of guardian of. 128. INLAND REVENUE, affidavits for, 21. free marks, 38. INTERLINEATIONS, in will, 4, 125. in oath, 18. INTESTACY, grants in, 67. oaths in, 75 et seq. bond in, 83. tables of succession, 17.S. INTESTATES ACT, 1890, 178. IRELAND, oaths in, 20. property in, 25. resealing in, of English grants, 103. IRISH GRANTS. 102. 104. ISLE OF MAN, will from, 8. property in, 30. 189 L90 INDEX. JURAT, 10. JUSTIFICATION OF SURETIES. (See Affidavit.) LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, of which deceased was owner, 28. of which deceased was tenant for life, 32. I , E< JATEE, grant to, 47. oath for, .5.5. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, with will annexed, 46. in intestacy, 67. LUNATIC, grant to next-of-kin of, 74. affidavit as to lunacy, 129. MAN, ISLE OF, will from, 8. property in, 30. MARTNER, 12, 14. MARKETABLE SECURITIES, value of, for grant, 27. foreign bonds, etc., 30. MARKING EXHIBITS, 40. MARKSMAN, testator a, 2. affidavit as to, 127. deponent a, 18, 19. party to bond a, 65. MARRIED WOMAN, surety to bond, 61. will of, 86. MEMORIAL FOR FREE MARK, 38. MINORS, executors, 7, 15. administration (will) to guardian of, 58, 59. administration to guardian of, 70-73. when of age, grant to, 91, 92. MOTHER, grant to, 67, 79. NAME OF EXECUTOR, 6. NAME OF TESTATOR, 13. INDEX. 191 NEXT-OF-KIN, administration (will) to, 4 7. description of, 67, 68. table of, 178. NOTATION, of domicile, 101. form of affidavit, 134. after grant passed, 101. form of affidavit, 134. OATH, for executors, 11. for administrators (with will), 48. to guardian of minor, 58, 59. to attorney, 60. for administration to guardian of minors, 72. to guardian of infant, 73. to attorney, "i. to next-of-kin of lunatic, 74. for administrators, 75. for administration to official receiver, 82. for administration to creditor, 82. for double probate, 87. for cessate probate, 90. for cessate administration (will), 91. for cessate administrators, 93. for administration (will) de bonis twn, 95, 96. for administration de bonis noil, 98, 99. for re -sealing Colonial grant, 108. to lead substituted grant, 1 1 5. for noting domicile when grant passes, 134. for noting domicile after probate, 134. OATHS, who may administer, 20. in .Scotland, 20. in Ireland, 20. in Colonies, 20. in foreign parts, 20. OFFICE COPY WILLS, 120. OFFICIAL RECEIVER, grant to, 82. ORDERS AND RULES, 140-167. PERSONAL ESTATE, gross value to be inserted in oath, 17. grant given in reaped of .ill of which deceased died possessed, 18. in Scotland, 18. in Ireland, 18, 104. abroad, 30. PLACE OF DEATH, 14. 102 INDEX. PLIGHT AND CONDITION, 5. affidavit of, 131. POWER OF ATTORNEY, forms of, 136. POWER RESERVED, 17. renunciation after, 100. PRECEDENTS, of tonus, 124-139. of costs, 108-175. PROBATE, refused, 3, 11G. to issue seven days after death, 7. double, 87. costs of, 167, 168. PROBATE DUTY, 21. PROCEDURE, for probate, 41. for administration (with the will), 46. for administration, 67. for double probate, 87. for cessate grants, 90. for de bonis non grants, 94. on re-sealing, 102. PROPERTY, Probate duty on, 21. Estate duty on, 23. personal estate, 24. gifts inter vivos, 25. interests in expectancy, 28. foreign, 30. real estate, 33. succession to, tables, 178. QUEEN'S PROCTOR, 59, 70. RATES OF DUTY, 22, 35. REAL ESTATE, value of, not to be included in oath, 18. duty on, 33. succession to, 178. REASON OF DELAY, 7,47, 69, 111. form of, 132. REFUSAL OF PROBATE, 3, 116. REGISTRAR'S FIAT, 5, 115. INDEX. 193 REGISTBEES (DISTRICT), list of, 176. RELATIONSHIP, of executor to deceased, 15. RENUNCIATION, by executor, 17. includes renunciation of right to administration, 46. by guardian, 57, 139. of administration, 68. alter granl passes, 1 00. forms of, 137, 138. RESEALING, Irish grants, 102. Scotch grants, 102. English grants in Ireland, 103, 104. Colonial grants, 105-110. RESIDENCE, of executor, 12. of testator, 14. of intestate, 75. of administrator, 75. RESIDUARY LEGATEE, grant to, 46, 95. representatives of, grant to, 47, 96. forms of oath for grant to, 49, ei seq. REVOCATION OF GRANT, 113. affidavit to lead, 114. RULES AND ORDERS, 140-107. SCOTCH GRANTS, 8. noting domicile, 101. re-sealing of, 102. SCOTCH WILL, 8. affidavit as to validity, 129. SCOTLAND, personal estate in, 18, 25. oaths in, 20. SEAL FEES, 118. SEAMAN, 12, 14. SEARCH, 8. affidavit of, 132. O lit I INDK.V SEARCHES, 119. SECOND GRANTS, 87, ei teq. SECURITIES, value of, for grant, 27. foreign, 28, 30. SIGNATURE, to will, 1, 13. of testator by his direction, 2. by liis mark, 2. in two places, 3. in attestation clause, 3. below signatures of witnesses, 3. SISTER, grant to. 68. SOLICTTOE EXTRACTING GRANT. 18. cannot take oath, 20. STAMP DUTY, on bond, 62. SUBDUCTING CAVEAT, 117. SUBSTITUTED GRANT, 113. oath to lead, 115. SUCCESSION, tables of, 178. SURETIES TO BOND, 61. married woman, 61. cannot be discharged, 62. affidavit of justification, 130. SWEARING FEES, 43. TABLES, of fees, 118-123. of succession, 178. TAXATION OF COSTS, 167. TESTATOR, execution by, 1,2, 13. signature of, by his direction, 2. by his mark, 2. in two places, 3. in attestation clause, 3. below signatures of witnesses. 3. INDEX. 195 TESTATOB— [continual). name of, 13. description of, in oath, 13. residence of, 14. relationship of executors to, 15. TESTATRIX, 14. Set also Tfstator). TIME, for probate to issue, 7. for administration (will) to issue, 47. for administration to issue, 69. TRANSLATIONS. 8, 10. VALUATION, marketable securities, 27. original must be filed, 27. isehold properly, 28. real estate, 33. VOLUNTARY REVOCATION OF GRANT, 113. WARNING CAVEAT, 117. WELSH WILL, 8. WIDOW. executrix, 16. administratrix, 67, 77. not " next-of-kin," 68. WILL. execution of, 1. signed by direction, 2. signed by testator's mark, 2. signed in attestation clause, 3. signed below witnesses, 3. witnesses dead, 4. alterations in, 4. plight and condition of, 5. documents, etc., referred to in, 5. executors appointed by, 6. executor by tenor of, 6. draft of, 7. bearing no date, 7. bearing more than one date, 8. of British subject dying domiciled abroad, 8. [ale of Man, 8. Scotch, 8. Welsh, 8. Foreign, 9. 1915 INDEX. WILL {continued). copy of. sworn to, 1(>, 13. transmission of original, 123. affidavit as to alterations in, 125. affidavits by witnesses to, 125, 127. affidai il as to validity, 129. WILLS .MT, L837, I, 3. WILLS ACT, L852, 3. WILLS ACT, 1861,8. WITNESS, to will, 1. to codicil, 1,2. affidavit by, as to execution, 2, 3, 126. as to reading over, 2, 127. as tii alterations. 4, 125. as to date of will, 7, 8. as to plight, 131. if both dead, affidavit as to execution, 4. forms of affidavit by, 125-127. "YOUNGER," 13. LIST OF LEGAL AND GENERAL BOOKS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY WATERLOW & SONS LIMITED, LAW, PARLIAMENTARY AND GENERAL STATIONERS, PRINTERS, &c, 85 & 86, LONDON WALL; FINSBURY STATIONERY WORKS, E.C ; AND 49, PARLIAMENT STREET, S.W., ETC., ETC., LONDON. Branch Office: TEMPLE ROW, BIRMINGHAM 10-G-U7. WATERLOW $ SONS LIMITED, LAW PUBLISHERS. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS (ENGLAND) ACT, 1883, with Notes and Forms, and :i Summary of the Procedure. By J. W. 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No. 852. — Particulars of the Debts due and owing from the Deceased, being Part I. of Schedule i. 852a. — Particulars of the Money out on Mortgage, Bills, &c, comprised in Account No. i. 853. — Particulars of Real Property of which the Deceased was absolute owner, comprised in Account No. 5. 853a. — Particulars of Real Property passing by death of Deceased. 854. — Particulars of the Debts and Incumbrances on the Real Property comprised in Account No. 5. 854a. — Particulars of Personal Estate passing on the death of the Deceased, included in Account No. 4. 855. — Particulars of Real Property which passed on the death of Deceased under a disposition other than the Will of Deceased, comprised in Account No. 5. 855a. — Particulars of Leasehold Property which passed on the death of Deceased under a disposition other than the Will of Deceased, comprised in Account No. 4. 856. — Particulars of Leasehold Property, comprised in Account No. 1. 856a. — Particulars of the Rents of Real and Leasehold Property, comprised in the Accounts. 857. — Particulars of Stocks and Shares, comprised in Account No. 1. 857a. — Particulars of " Other " Property passing on the death of the Deceased upon which duty is paid on Separate Accounts. 857b. — Particulars of the Dividends on Stocks and Shares comprised in Account No. 1. F*rice 2d. each, 2/6 per quire, plus postage. WATERLOW & SONS LIMITED, London Wall, London, E.C. The Practitioner's Probate Manual, (SEVENTH EDITION.) SUPPLEMENT TO THE AliOVK, SHOWING THE CHANGES EFFECTED LAND TRANSFER ACT, 1897, (60 & 61 Victoria, cap. 65.) AND THE FINANCE ACT, 1900. (Section H.) By Section 1 of the above Act it is enacted that where Real Estate is vested in any person without a right in any other person to take by survivorship it shall, on his death, notwith- standing any testamentary disposition, devolve to and become vested in his personal representatives or representative from time to time as if it were a chattel real vesting in them or him. The Section is to apply to any Real Estate over which a person executes by Will a general power of appointment as if it were Real Estate vested in him. Probate and Letters of Administration may be granted in respect of Real Estate only, although there is no personal Estate. The expression " Real Estate " in this Act shall not be deemed to include land of copyhold tenure or customary free- hold in any case in which an admission or any act by the Lord of the Manor is necessary to perfect the title of a purchaser from the customary tenant. The Section applies only in cases of death after the com- mencement of the Act, which is the 1st day of January, 1898. By Section 2^ it is provided that where a person dies possessed of Real Estate the Court shall in granting Letters of Administration have regard to the rights and interests of persons interested in his Real Estate, and his heir-at-law, if not one of the next-of-kin, shall he equally entitled to the Grant with the next-of-kin. When, therefore, the applicant for the Grant is not one of the next-of-kin of the deceased, it will be necessary to show either that the deceased did not die possessed of Real Estate, or, by separate Affidavit, who is the heir-at-law. The most common case is that of an application for Grant by a guardian of a minor, when it must be shown, by separate Affidavit, that one of the minors electing the guardian, or for whose use the Grant is given, is the heir-at-law of the deceased. The passing of this Act has necessitated a change in the forms used in the Probate Registry, and these forms are given in the following pages. The forms are available for all cases, whether the deceased died before the 1st January, 1898, or on or after that date. The reference in the forms throughout the Probate Manual to the " Personal Estate and Effects of the Deceased " should be varied, so as to read, " all the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the deceased." It should be noted that in the form of Oath the amount of the Estate to be inserted will, if deceased died before 1st January, 189S, be the gross value of his personal Estate only ; but if he died on or after that date, the gross value of the personal Estate plus the gross value of the Real Estate must be given. [Oath for Executor. .] (Page 11, " Probate Manual.") (Ubi w, Beading.) IN the Estate of deceased. I (or We) of make oath and say, that believe the paper writing hereto annexed, and marked by to contain the true and original last Will and Testament of of formerly of deceased, who died on the day of 1 at that and that Bxecut in the said named, and that will well and faithfully administer according to law all the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased, and that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said Estate, and render a just and true account thereof, whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross value of the said Estate of the said deceased amounts to £ * and no more to the best of knowledge, information and belief. Sworn, etc. [Oath for Administrator (Will).'] {Page 48, "Probate Manual.") (Usual Heading.) IX the Estate of deceased. I (or We) make oath and say, that believe the paper writing hereto annexed, and marked by to contain the true and original last Will and Testament of of formerly of deceased, who died on the day of 1 at and that and that will well and faithfully administer according to law all the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased, and that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said Estate, and render a just and true account thereof, whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross value of the said Estate of the said deceased amounts to £,* and no more, to the best of knowledge, infor- mation, and belief. Sworn, etc. [Oalh for Administrator.] (Page 75, "Probate Manual.") (Usual Beading.) IN the Estate of deceased. I (or We) make oath and say, that of deceased, died on the day of 1 at Intestate a and that of the said deceased, that will faithfully administer according to law all the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased ; that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said Estate, andr end era just and true account thereof, whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross value of the said Estate of the said deceased amounts to '-' " and no more, to the best of knowledge, information, and belief. * If the deceased died on or since the 1st January, 1S98, insert the gross value of the Personal plus the gross value of the Real Estate, us defined by Sec. I, Land Transfer Act, 1897. If deceased died before 1st January, 1898, insert the gross value of the Personal Estate only. K> [Bond —Intestacy.] ( Page SS, " Probate Manual.") _NOW All Men by these Presi nte, thai w r e are jointly and several!} bound onto The Bight Honours the President ol the Probate Divorce and Admiralty Division of Her Majesty 's i ligh I lourl ol Jusl ice, in the Sum of * rounds, of good ami lawful monej nt Great Britain, to be paid to the Baid or to the President of the said Division for the time being, for which payment well ami truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for the Whole, our Heirs, Executors and Administrators tinnh h.\ Lit Is. Sealed with our Seals. Dated the day of in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above-named the of of deceased, who died on the day of 1 and the intended Administrat of all the Estate which by law devolves to and vesta in the personal representative of the said deceased do, when lawfully called on in that behalf make, or cause to be made, a true and perfed Inventory of the said Estate which has or shall come to Hands, Possession, or Knowledge, or into the Hands and Possession of any other Person for , and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, into the Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice , whenever required by Law so to do. And the said Estate do well and truly Administer according to Law. And further do make, or cause to be made, a just and true Account of said Administration, whenever required by Law so to do. And if it shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Testament was made by the said Deceased, and the Executor or Executors or other persons therein named do exhibit the same into the Probate Division of the said Court, making request to have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the said intended Administrat being thereunto required, do render and deliver the Letters of Administration (approbation of such Testament being first had and made) in the said Court, then this Obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to remain in full force and virtue. IV: [Bond — Administration ( Will).'] {Page 03, "Probate Manual.") .NOW All Men by these Presents, That We are jointly and severally bound unto The Right Honourable the President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, in the sum of * Pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid to the said or to the President of the said Division for the time being, for which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us, for the whole, our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals. Dated the day of in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above-named of of , deceased, who died on the day of 1 and the intended Administrat (with the Will annexed) of all the Estate which by law- devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased do when lawfully called on in that behalf, make or cause to he made a true and perfect Inven- tory of the said Estate which has or shall come to Hands, Possession, or Knowledge, and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, into the Registry of the said Division at whenever required by law so to do, and the said Estate do well and truly Administer according to law, and further do make or cause to be made a just and true Account of said Administration when shall be thereunto lawfully required, then this Obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to remain in full force and virtue. * Note.— If deceased died on or since 1st January, 1898, the Penal Sum is double the gross Personal Estate plus double the gross Annual Value of the Real Estate. If deceased died before that date the Penal Sum is double t he gross Personal Estate. '[Declaration of Estate.] (Page 1SS, " Probate Manual.") (i fsuAli Heading.) IX the Estate of deceased. A true declaration of all the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of of deceased, who died on tin' day of 1 at (and had at the t line of h death a fixed place of abode at ) which has at any time since h death coin'- to the hands, possession or knowledge of l In intended Adininistrat of the said Estate made and exhibited upon and by virtue of the Corporal oath of the said as follows, to wit : First, this declarant declares the said Estate to be as follows :— Personal Property: — £ i. d. Ileal Property: — This declarant further declares that no Estate devolving to and vesting as aforesaid in the personal representative of the said deceased has at any time since h death come to the hands, possession or knowledge of this declarant, save as hereinbefore set forth. On the day of 1 the said was duly sworn to the truth of the above declaration at in the Before me A Commi sioru r for Oaths. [Affidavit for Notation of Domicile.] (Page ISA, "Probate Manual.') (Usual Heading.) IN the Estate of deceased. I, make Oath, and say that of deceased, died on the day of 1 , at and was at the time of h death domiciled in that part of the United Kingdom called England, that granted to me by the said Court at the Registry thereof, on the at h and saj , that believe the paper writing hereto annexed, and marked by to contain the true and original last Will and Testament of of formerly of deceased, who died on the day of 1 at that and thai Execut in the said named, and that will well and faithfully administer according to law the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased and that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said Estate and render a just and true account thereof, whenever required by law so to do ; that the said deceased died domiciled in England ; and that the gross value of the said Estate of the said deceased in the United Kingdom amounts to & and no more, to the best of knowledge, information and belief. Sworn, etc. [Oath for Guardian of Minors.] (Page 72, " Probate Manual.") (Usual Heading.) I, of make Oath and say, that of deceased, died on the day of at a and intestate leaving h natural and lawful and only child and only next-of-kin who are now in their minority to wit the said a minor of the age of years only, the said a minor of the age of years only : that there is no testamentary or other lawfully appointed guardian of the said minors : that the lawful of the said minors, and that the said minors have by an instrument in writing bearing date the day of 1 , elected or chosen to be their curator or guardian for the purpose of taking out Letters of Administration of all the Estate which by Law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased to be granted to for and until one of them shall attain the age of 21 years ; that will faithfully administer according to law all the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased for the use and benefit of the said minors and until one of them shall attain the age of 21 years ; that will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of the said Estate and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do ; and that the gross value of the said Estate of the said deceased amounts to £ and no more, to the best of knowledge, information, and belief.* Sworn, etc. If there is no real Estate add, " And I further make oath and say that the said deceased did not die possessed of any real Estate." [Affidavit as to Heir-at-Law of Decease'/. \ (Usual Headihg.) In the Estate of I of make oath and sa\ as follows: — 1. That of deceased, died on the day of l , at aforesaid, a hachelor without a parent and intestate (<i certain freehold property, situate at , which said rial Estate became the property of the deceased by virtue of three several Indentures of Conveyance on a purchase of the said freehold property by the gaid 3. That late of , the father of the said deceased, was married once only, viz., to , in or about the year . He died on day of 18 , having survived his said wife 4. There were issue of the marriage children, and no more, viz. : — 5. That under the circumstances stated in this Affidavit I am the heir-at-law of the said deceased, Sworn by the said at in the the day of 19 Before me A Commissiomr for Oaths. [Renunciation of Probate and Administration (Will).'] (Page 1S7, "Probate Manual.") (Usual Heading.) WHEREAS of deceased, died on the day of One thousand nine hundred at and had at the time of h death a fixed place of abode at v\ ithin the district of And Whereas he made and duh executed h last Will and Testament, bearing; date the day of one thousand hundred and and thereof appointed NOW the said do hereby declare, that have not intermeddled in the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased, and will not hereafter intermeddle therein, with intent to defraud creditors ; and do hereby expressly renounce all right and title to the Probate and execution of the said Will anil to the belters of Administration with the said Will annexed, of tlie said Estate of the said deceased. Signed by the said, etc. [Ren a natation of Admiinistration.] (Page 13S, " Probate Manual.") (Usual Heading.) WHEREAS late of in the County of deceased, died on the day of One thousand hundred and at Intestate leaving me NOW the said do hereby renounce all right and title to the Letters of Administration of the Estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased. Signed, etc. 10 AFFIDAVIT FOE INLAND REVENUE. In respect of the Estate of persons who have died on or after 1st January, 1898, the following forms must be used : — Form A-3 for cases in which Form A-l was applicable for deaths prior i<> 1st January, 1898 (see page 23 of the Manual.) It should be particularly noted that in every case paragraph 7, which shows the value of the Estate in respect of which the Grant is to be given, must remain. The Account No. 1 contains two parts, part No. 1 being for the personal Estate of the deceased, and part No. 2 containing particulars of the gross annual value and the gross principal value of the Real Estate in England vested in the deceased without a right in any other person to take by survivorship ; and real property over which deceased executed by Will a general power of appointment. Copyhold or customary land, where an admission or act by the Lord of the Manor is necessary to perfect the title of a purchaser from the customary tenant, is not to be included in this Account No. 1. If the duty on this Real Estate is being paid upon the Affidavit, full particulars thereof are to be given in Account No. 5 ; if not so paid, particulars, not necessarily in detail, should be given in a separate account. In Account No. 5 should be given particulars of all Real Estate in respect of which Estate Duty is payable upon the death of deceased, and which duty is being paid upon the Affidavit, whether the property is aggregable or non- aggregable. If there is any property which is chargeable with Estate Duty on the death of the deceased, but in respect of which the duty is not being paid upon the Affidavit, the particulars thereof should be shown by separate Accounts and should not be included in the Accounts Nos. 3 to 5 in the Affidavit. 11 Form k-i for eases where the only property passing is Personal Estate under the deceased's Will or intestacy. Form B-2 is for cases in which Form 13- 1 was applicable for deaths prior to 1st January, 1898 (see page 23 of the Manual). The form is similar to Form B-l, but makes provision for indicating the Real Estate which devolves to or vests in the personal representative of the deceased. It should be particu- larly noted that paragraph (5, which shows the value of the Estate in respect of which the grant is to be given, must in every case remain. The Rules as to the description and valuation of Real Estate which are indicated on pages 32-31 of the Manual remain unaltered. By Section 5 of the Land Transfer Act, 1897, it is enacted that nothing in the first part of the Act shall affect any duty payable in respect of Real Estate, or impose any other duty than is now payable in respect thereof. By Section 13 of the Finance Act, 1900, the rate and amount of duty payable upon the Estates of persons dying on or after the 9th April, 1900, will be determined bj r the exact amount of the net value of the Estate. If, therefore, the net value of the Estate of a person so dying is £509, the rate of duty will be 2 per cent., and the amount of duty will be £10 3s. Id. The basis for rate and amount of duty in the cases of persons dying before the 9th April, 1900, will be as indicated on page 35 of the Probate Manual. For List of Forms see over. N.B. — In every case where the death was before 1st January, 1898, the old forms of Affidavit must be used. — Waterloo & Sons Limited, London Wall, London.— Watekuuw & Sons Limited. LIST OF PROBATE FORMS i NDBR THE LAND TRANSFER ACT, 1897 No. 3.- I. 5. Hi. 17. L8. 21.- 22.- 23] 1 L87. I L92. 1193.- 1194.- 1195.- PRINCIPAL REGISTRY. < >nt li Eor Executor Oath for Administrator (with Will) -Qath Eor Administrator I'.oml Intestacy Bond — Administral ion | Will) -Declaration of Estate -Ivciiunciatiuii of Probate and Administration -Renunciation of Administration -Oath for Guardian of a Minor I 9/p -Affidavit for Notation of Domicile ) ' ^ ' 1 1.1 tli fur Executors, including Scutch Property Oath for Administrator, including Scutch Property -Oath for Administrator (Will), including Scutch Property -Renunciation of Probate only (Will) No 4, 5, 6, IT, 18, 19, 00 — ) 23, 24, L187. 1192, 1193. 1194. 119:.. DISTRICT REGISTRY. D.R. — Oath for Executor D.R. — Oath for Administrator (with Will) D.R. — Oath for Administrator D.R. — Bond — Intestacy I >. 1 1. — Bond — Administral i< >n ( Will) D.R. — Declaration of Estate D.R. — Renunciation of Probate and Administration (Will) D.R. — Renunciation of Administration D.R. — Oath for Guardian of a Minor I »,. — Affidavit for Notation of Domicile ) ' * — Oath for Executors, including Scotch Property Oath for Administrator, including Scotch Property -Oath for Administrator (Will), including Scutch Property — Renunciation of Probate onlv 1/6 per quire. 1/6 per quire. 1/6 per (pi ire. I 6 per quire. A complete list of Probate Forms will be sent post free on application to WATERLOW & SONS LIMITED, London Wall, London. LAV LIBRARY [IVERSITY OF 1 . § - ■• ■ ■ ■ iP*M