UC-NRLF B 3 137 ST3 BX A14- WHAT IS MY FAITH F A MEMBEK OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. (k LIBRARY OF THE University of California. P /5 A^ Received ^<^^ >^^9 7 Accession No, (;f(^ f'/^jL . Class No, WHAT IS MY FAITH? A MEMBEE OF THE SOCIETY OE ERIENDS. C A R I. T S L E : PRINTED BY HUDSON SCOTT AND SONS, JAMES STREET. 1891. PREFACE In publishing tlie third edition of this little book, the Author commends it to the prayerful consideration of all who desire to know the truth as it is in Jesus Christ. The Society of Friends have no written creed beyond the authority of the Holy Scriptures, and they believe them to be the only written authority that man can rely upon as the revealed will of God, and that no custom, opinion, creed or religion can be of any value that does not accord with them. On the question of the necessity of outward sacraments, the Society of Friends differ from many of their christian brethren, believing that they were but types of the great sacrifice, and of Christ's cleansing blood. They claim to be in Christian fellowship with all true believers ; in no way condemning those who construe as a command of Christ, the use of material elements ; at the same time believing that their use has a tendency with worldly people to satisfy them, by resting upon the form rather than upon the substance. This was very early shown in the history of the church. (See 1 Cor. xi, 20 to 22, r.v.) While not accepting "holy communion" as an outward rite, the Society of Friends acknowledge the necessity of often meeting together in Christ's name, believing in His own promise, " where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matt, xviii, 20.) The fact of the Apostles and early Christian Jews having continued these rites, as well as that of circumcision, after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, is not very surprising, as we find that Paul did not at first realize the non-necessity of his use of outward baptism (1 Cor. i, 14-18), nor did Peter at first realize the baptising power of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles. (Acts xi, 15-16.) The ancient Fathers encouraged the performance of outward ordinances*; but the extracts given from some of their writings show that they felt the growing tendency was to rely too exclusively upon the outward form as necessary to Salvation. *" Saint Augustine in his time comphiined that they (Rites and Ceremonies) were grown to such a number, that the estate of Christian people was in worse case concerning that matter than were the Jews ; and he counselled that such j^oke and burthen should be taken away." ♦ * * •* For as those be taken away which were most abused, and did burthen men's consciences without any cause ; so the other that remain, are retained for a discipline and order ; which (upon just causes) may be altered and changed, and therefore are not to be esteemed equal with Coci's Law." •' On CereiHoniea " in the Book of Common Prayer. whatB" my faith ? What is your Faith? That God is my Creator and the Creator of all things in heaven and earth ; that Christ Jesiis, the Son of God, is my Redeemer ; and that the Holy Spirit, "which proceedeth from the Father," is my light and guide through this world. I also believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the revealed will of God. What do you understand by God being your Creator ? That as Adam was created "of the dust of the ground," so God has given me a body which will return unto the dust ; but I also believe that He has given me, as unto Adam, the breath of life, and that it is eternal. What do you understand by Christ being your Redeemer ? That "as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" (1 Cor. XV, 22). I believe that Christ Jesus is God, and that he was made flesh, accord- ing to ancient prophecy : "Behold a Gen. ii, 7 Gen. iii, 19 ; Eecl. xii, 7 ; 1. Cor. XV, 50 Gen. ii, 7; 1 Cor. xv, 44 Daniel xii, 3; Matt, xxv, 46 : Rev. xiv, 11 Col, iii, 4 1 Cor. i, 30 John i, 1, also x, .John i, 14 WHAT IS MY FAITH ? virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel " (God with lis). Isaiah vii, 14. That this same Jesus — "The lamb of God" — died for me, bearing my sins on the cross; that he rose from the grave the third day, and that He ascended up into heaven, and now sitteth at the right hand of God, to make intercession for all who look to Him, and who pray to the Father in His name. I confess that I have earned the "wages of sin," which "is death," but believe that through faith in the blood of Christ, the debt of sin is paid, and the victory over death is won. What do you understand by the Holy Spirit being your light and guide through this world ? Jesus said to his disciples, "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world" (John ix, 5) ; and when about to depart from them, "It is expedient for you that I go away, for, if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you" (John xvi, 7) ; and in the same discourse, "The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name. He shall teach you all things" (John xiv, 26). I believe that this Holy Spirit is that "light of life" which Christ promised to all who follow Him ; that Matt, i, 21 John i, 29 ; iii, 14, 15 Rev. vii, 13, 14 1 Cor, XV, 4 Luke xxiv, 51 Rom. viii, 34 John xiv, 13 ; 1 Tim, ii, 5, (j 1 Tim. i, 15 Rom. vi, 23 Eph. i, 7 ; 1 Peter 1, 18, 19 Gal. iii, 13 1 Cor. vi, 20 1 Cor. XV, 57 John i, John vii, 39 John xiv. 16, 17 1 Cor. xii, 7 to 13 1 John ii, 27 John XV, 26 ; xvi, 13, Lulie xii, 12 John viii, 12 Rom. viii, 26, 27 i WHAT IS MY FAITH P 5 He quickens those who are spiritually Eph. ii, 1 dead, and sanctifies the heart in which 1 Peter, i, 2 ; 1 Cor. vi , 11 He dwells. 1 Cor. iii, 16, 17 I also believe that if mine eye Matt, vi, 24 be evil (or double-sighted) the light 1 John ii, 9 that is in me will become darkness John xii, 35 (Matt, vi; 23) ; but that if mine eye be single, my whole body will be full of 2 Cor. iv, 6 light (22), and that as long as I dwell 1 John i, V in this light I shall be dead to sin, and Eph. V, 8, 9 my life be "hid with Christ in God" 2 Cor. V, 7 ; John xiv, 17 (Col. iii, 3). On the baptism of the Holy Spirit, see pages 9 to 12. What do you understand by the scriptures being the revealed will of God ? *' That no prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man ; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy 2 Samuel xxiii, 2 Ghost" (2 Peter i, 20, 21). Christ told the Jews that they were to " search the scriptures," and adds, "they are they which testify of me" (John v, 39, Gen. iii, 15 ; Joh xix, 23, 25 ; Isa. Hii, 1 to end ; Micah V, 2, &c., &c. also 45, 47). In the reading of the scriptures I believe it is necessary to pray for the light of the Holy Spirit to enlighten my understanding, so that I may be John xvii, 17 made " wise unto salvation through 2 Tim, iii, 14 to 17 faith which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Psalm cxix, 105 WHAT IS MY FAITH ? When Jesus was eating the last passover with His dis- ciples, ** He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, *' This is my body which is given for you: this do in rememhrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you " (Luke xxii, 19, 20). Why do you not fulfil this command to the disciples by eating material bread, and drinking material wine, as most other christians do ? Because I understand the *' body " and the " blood " here spoken of to have a spiritual signification, the "bread" and the "wine" being used as a type or figure of the Word which "was made flesh and dwelt among us;" and who offered himself upon Calvary for the sin of the world. These outward symbols could not by any means become the very body and blood of Christ, therefore the par- taking of Christ's body — which is necessary for all who receive His life in them — must be a spiritual act, through faith in the Redeemer's sacrifice. (See Romans xiv, 17., R.v.) Luke xxii, 8, &c. Neitlier ^latthew, Mark, nor John allude to this com- mand ; Matthew and J«i4m | being the oidy witnesses ( present at the last supper ; who record what took place. ^ It is hardly likely that they would have omitted such a command in their {>:ospels if they had under- stood it to mean the insti- tution of a Christian rite ? Their silence seems almost conclusive on this point. The following- is from a chapter ** On Ceremonies" in the Common Prayer Book: ** Christ's Gospel is not a ceremonial Law (as inucli of Moses' law wasi, hut it is a Relij^ion to serve God, not in bondage of the figure or shadow, l)ut in the freedom of the Spirit." *' Why dost thou ])repare thy teeth and thy stomach ? Believe, and thou hast eaten. To believe on Him is to eat the living bread. He eats who believes on Him." — Augustine, Tract 25 and 26, on John vi. Cyprian says — " The eat- ing of Christ is our abiding in Him."- Neander's Hist., vol. 1. Joh)i vi, 53, 54 John iii, 14, 15 WHAT IS MY FAITH ? Christ's command, " to wash one another's feet" is positive and definite; but christians do not consider it neces- sary to accept it in the outward sense, because they acknowledge its far deeper signification, as teaching them the lesson of true humility. So also w^ith the command, '*do this in remembrance of me," we are invited to partake of a far more glorious privilege than any outward rite, by accepting Christ's propitiatory sacrifice as our abiding faith. The spiritual signification of this "holy communion" is fully explained by Christ in John vi: "I am the living bread Avhich came down from heaven" (51). " Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you " (53) . Our natural senses show^ us that this eating and drinking of His flesh and blood, must be a spiritual exercise of the soul ; and it has the glorious promise added, " He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me and I in him" (56 R.v.) " This is that bread which came down from heaven ; not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead : he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever" (58). John xiii, 14, 15 Rom. ii, 29 Phil, ii, 3 to 8 2 Cor. iii, 6 lleb. X, 19 to 22 Rom. viii, 9 to 11 Matt, xviii, 20 Matt. V. 6 John XV, 5, 1 Cor. V, 7, WHAT IS MY FAITH ? How do you explain Paul's admonition to the Corinthian Church ? (1 Cor. xl., 20-34). Paul considered ifc necessary to warn the Church against those who had changed the simple meal which Theophylact says " was intended as a sign of love and fellowship " to one of unseemly feasting (21), telling them that these ceremonies were far from praiseworthy (22) . Not that he upbraid- ed them for meeting to break bread in remembrance of their Lord's sacrifice, but to bring home to their minds the solemnity of the sacrifice thus typified (26). It will be seen that there is no command given by Paul, but a simple statement which he had himself heard and told them of (23), and which they had made a plea for feasting and drunkenness. But the central thought of the Apostle is found in verse 28, where he draws their attention away from the outward type contained in the Pass- over, to the spiritual feeding on Christ, the " Living bread": *' But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of thai bread and drink of that cup" (28). " He that eateth and drinketh un- worthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body" (29). Jude 12 ./ Ex. xii, 3-10 Heb- X., 10 John vi, 35 ; iv, 14 The bread and fhe cup (R. v.) WHAT IS MY FAITH ? At an earlier date than this epistle, " the apostles and elders, with the whole church," sent a message through Paul and others, because of the dis- sentions among the Gentile Church on the question of circumcision, to enumerate for their guidance the ^'necessary things" that "it seemed good to the Holy Ghost to lay upon" them ; and this did not include any such rites as water baptism, or partak- ing of material bread and wine in remembrance of our Saviour's sacrifice. Seeing, then, that the Holy Spirit has quickened my soul, and brought me into communion with God through the merits of the Eedeemer's sacrifice and intercession, no law of man should in any way trammel this free grace; for if I have faith to hear His gentle entreaties, and open the door of my heart to His love, He will come in and sup with me and I with Him (Rev. iii, 20). Why do you not practice the ceremony of outward baptism? Because I believe in what Paul speaks of as the " one baptism " (Eph. iv, 5), and which Peter tells us is " not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good con- science toward God" (1 Peter iii, 21). (See Isaiah i, 16 to 18; and Psalm li, 2,3). Acts XV, Rom. viii, 11 Epli. ii, 1 2 Cor. xiii, 14 Col. ii, 14 ; Gal. v, 1 1 John iv, 13 **The only baptism that can heal us is repentance and the knowledge of God. What need is there of that baptism which can only cleanse the flesh and the body ? Be washed in your flesh from wrath and co- vetousness, from envy and hatred ; and behold the body is pure." — Justin Martyr, to Trypho the Jew ; Taylor's Life of Christ; and Dr. Hal ley. 10 WHAT IS MY FAITH ? Is not outward baptism commanded by Christ? Christ in no place enjoins water baptism upon His followers ; and the baptism of infants is not so much as named in the scriptures. Is not that a command to baptise with water in Matt, xxviii, 19 ? It rather points to the " one baptism" of the Holy Spirit "baptising them 171^0 the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (r.V.) Just before Christ's ascension He reminds His disciples of the baptism of the Holy Spirit which they should so soon receive, and which the nations were soon after baptised into through their 'preaching. Christ told His dis- ciples that they were " clean through the word " He had spoken unto them; and it was through 'preaching the ivord — the spiritual "washing (orlaver) of water hy the loord^' — that the nations were baptised ^^ into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." And Paul shows us that the tendency of outward baptism was prejudicial in those to whom he had administered the outward form ; the effect being to exalt his own person instead of Christ (1 Cor. i, 12, 13), and he goes on to "thank God" that he had only out- wardly baptised two disciples and a few others " lest any should say that ** Infant or poedo-baptism is not commanded in scrip- ture, nor was its necessity determined in the church till the eiffhth age after Christ. In the j'ear 418, in the Milevitaji Council, a provincial of Africa, a canon was made for it ; but never till then." — Jeremy Taylor's Liberty of Prophecy." Acts i, 5 1 Cor. xii, 13 ; Gal. iii, 27 Acts xi, 15, 16 John XV, 3 ; xvii, 17 John xyii, 20 ; Acts viii, 4 Titus i, 3 Eph. V, 26 1 Cor. i, 18 Luke X, 17 "The twelve last verses of Mark xviare wanting in our two oldest MSS., and are stated by the earlier fathers not to have existed in the majority of their MSS. Internal evidence also is against St. Mark having been the writer" (Dean Alford), so that verse 16 does not need further explanation. WHAT IS MY FAITH? 11 I had baptised in mine own name " (15) , and further on he explains to them the nature of Christ's command to him, "for Christ sent me not to baptise, but to preach the gospel" (17). Does not the baptism of Christ imply an example to his followers ? Christ was baptised and circum- cised, both being parts of the Jewish ritual. He came not to destroy, but to fulfil the law and the prophets, and now shows us, in the new testament of His blood, a more excellent way. John the Baptist says of himself, "I indeed baptise you with water unto repentance," and then goes on to show the perfection of Christ's spiritual baptism, "He shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost and with fire" (Matt, iii, 11). And in another place, when the Jews question him about Christ's baptism, he admits with all humility, "He must increase, but I must de- crease" (John iii, 30). Paul, in comparing the gifts and sacrifices of the Jewish ritual, says — that they could not make the conscience perfect, " being only (with meats, and drinks, and divers washings), carnal ordinances, imposed on them Rom. XV, 16 to 19 ** He is no proselyte until he is circumcised and bap- tised." Babylonish Gemara (part of the Talmud) Jeva- moth, fol. 46, 2— Lightfoot, Hor. Heb. in Matt, iii, 6 Matt. V, 17 Gal. iii, 13 Luke xxii, 20 Heb. xii, 24 1 Cor. vi, 11 John i, 33 Acts i, 5 ; also xl, 15 to 17 John iv, 26. Rom. iii, 27, 28 Col. ii, 20 and 22 12 WHAT IS MY FAITH ? until a time of reformation^' (Heb. ix, 10 R.V.), and then compares those sacrifices with the one great Sacrifice for sin, which purges " the conscience from dead works to serve the living God" (14). What do you understand by that part of Christ's con- versation with Nicodemus — ''Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the King- dom of God"? (John iii, 5). I understand this to mean, that as water is' necessary for cleansing, so repentance is necessary for regenera- tion, the former being typical of the latter. Paul, in writing to Titus, calls it "the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost" (Titus iii, 5). I believe, therefore, that I must truly repent of my sins and find for- givenes through Christ Jesus ; and being washed from my sins through faith in his precious blood, be made a new creature; and as a new-born babe grow in Christ, experiencing the development of divine grace in my heart, which is compared by Christ to the growth of the grain of corn— "first Eph. ii, 15 1 Peter 1, 2 Ezek. xxxvi, 25 to 27 Mark vi, 12 ; Luke xiii, 3 Acts iii, 19 Col. ii, 12, 13 Rev. vii, 13, 14 Matt, xviii, 3 ; Jolin iii, 7, 8 Col. ii, 7 WHAT IS MY FAITH t 13 the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear" (Mark iv, 28). In conclusion, I cannot know the baptism of the Holy Spirit unless I abounds in love, becanse love is the link of reconciliation between God and man, love being the special attribute of His person, for *' God is love " (1 John iv, 8). Love is the first-fruit of God in my heart, for it teaches me to love all men, and is also the test of discipleship ; Christ says, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another" (John xiii, 35.) It also teaches me that I am not to judge my brother, but to judge this rather — that I put no stumbling block, or an occasion to fall, in my brother's way. It is the key to the question that has been a mystery to so many — "What is truth?" For if I love my heavenly Shepherd I shall follow him, and He will guide me to all truth. His words of promise to His fol- lowers are — "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." 1 Cor. xiii, 4 to 7 John iii, 16 1 John iv, 9, 10 1 John iv, 7 1 John iv, 20 Col. iii, 14 Rom. xiii, 10, also xiv, 10 Rom. xiv, 13 John xviii, 3 John X, 4 John xviii, 37 1 John ii, 27 John XV, 10 John XV, 13, 14 14 WHAT IS MY FAITH ? Christ has commanded me, "Swear not at all," "but let your communica- tions be yea, yea, and nay, nay, for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." I believe, therefore, that judicial as well as all other oatlis are contrary to this command, and lessen the value of simple truth. Christ has commanded me to "love my enemies ;" I believe, therefore, that war is contrary to this command. He further commands me, ''resist not evil," and the Apostle Paul also enjoins me not to "avenge" myself, but to "overcome evil with good.'* THE r»ieiESTIIOOI>. Christ says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life ; no man cometh unto the father but hy me." I believe, therefore, that there is no necessity for any earthly priest, because "He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them" (Heb. vii, 25). In Christ's conversation with the woman of Samaria (John iv) He tells her, ''God is a spirit ; and they that worship him must ivorship (him) in spirit and in truth" (24), and that ^^ whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst" (14); Matt. V, 33 to 'c James v, 12 Compare the laws given by Moses, Numbers xxx, 2; Deut. xxiii, 21 to 23: and referred to b3' Christ, Matt. V, 33, witli verse 34. Matt. V, 43 to 45 James iv, 1, 2 1 Peter ii, 21, 22 Matt. V, 39 Rom. xii, 19 to 21 John xiv, 6 John X, 9 Heb. vii, 16 and 28 Heb. iv, 14, 15 Heb. viii, 1, 2 Rev. xxii, 17 Isaiah Iv, 1 to 3 See verse 10 WHAT IS MY FAITH ? 15 and the Apostle Paal tells us that "where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (2 Cor. iii, 17) ; and in another place, "God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father, (Gal. iv, 6). I believe, therefore, that the 'Hrue ivorshippers, shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth ; for the Father seeketh such to worship him" (John iv. 23). I believe, also, that such will seek "fellowship one with another," and that all who follow Christ and belong to the Church "which is His body" of which He is "the head," "are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sac- rifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." I desire to examine myself as before God, who knoweth the secrets of the heart, and to ask in faith for the doctrines of His grace to be made manifest in my soul ; and if I fail to realise them fully now, through the infirmity of the flesh, that I may be enabled to bear with patience the yoke of Christ, and know His strength to be made perfect in weakness ; not laying for myself any other foundation of faith or of works than that already laid — which is the only sure founda- tion— "Christ Jesus, and him crucified." Gal. V, 1 and 18 Gal. iv. 3 to "i Phil, iii, 3 1 John i, 7 Heb. X, 25 John viii, 12 Eph. i, 23 Eph. iv, 15 1 Peter ii, 9 1 Peter iv, 10, 11 1 Peter ii, 3 to 5 Job xxxi, 4 to 6 Rom. i, 17 Jolin iii, 21 Rom. vii, 21 to 25 1 John V, 3 to 5 2 Cor. xiii, 4 2 Cor. xii, 9 1 Cor. iii, 12, 13 1 Peter ii, 6 1 Cor. iii, 11, also ii, 2 ^^^^ ^^i^^^^ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE | STAMPED BELOW i AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. FtB : ^ %^9 d *7A f||:>D '^/O MMgll^ -^^ .igiiLi"ril^'^ BT* "W^^' IRtA* v> »-■ ^ — VA 04121 _^ -^fiXs" ' ?7^ 7 751 Amj^" M4- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY