A 4 9 5 7 3 ; o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS ON RAILROADS m FOREIGN COUNTRIES GOVERNMENT EEGDLATION t GENERAL; CONTINENTAL EUROPE: INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT AGREEMENT; GREAT BRITAIN; FRANCE; GERMANY; BELGIUM; SWITZER- LAND; ITALY; AUSTRIA-HUNGARY; RUSSIA COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVEKNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 i^.^./'y /w,V :4m: ,- r JO ^■::,i^ •sojg pao[AK3 ■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS ON RAILROADS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION GENERAL; CONTINENTAL EUROPE: INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT AGREEMENT; GREAT BRITAIN; FRANCE; GERMANY; BELGIUM; SWITZER- LAND; ITALY; AUSTRIA-HUNGARY; RUSSIA COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRP:N TISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1905 ( L. C. <'ur«l, 5— L'lKlOH '9 • • • • • • • • • • • t • • • • .• . • ' PREFATORY NOTE The purpose of this List is to provide means of ascertaining the main provisions of tho systems of raih'oad administration in the sev- eral countries of Europe. The List is restricted to works already in tlie Library or that have been ordered for the Library. Condensed statements from the amuial reports of foreign railways are printed from time to time in the Railway news, I^ondon. Fuller abstracts of these reports appear regulaily in the '"Revue generale des chemins de fer" and also in the "Archiv fiir Eisenbahn- wesen." The latest of these reports found in the files of the above journals are noted in the accompanying list under the respective coun- tries. Annual surveys of railroad affairs in Europe by Leon Clement Colson are published in the Bidh^tin of the International railway con- gress. These appear under the author's name in the accompanying List. Tabulated statistics of the raih-oads of the several countries are given in "Statistical abstract for the principal and other foreign coun- tries in each year from 1892-3 to 1903," London, 1905. The following administrative reports not at present in the Librar}'' have been ordered: Germany. Statistik der Giiterbewegung auf deutschen Eisenbahnen, 1903; and Prussia. Statistik der im Hetriebs betindlichen Eisenbahnen Deutschlands, 1902. The following foreign railroad periodicals are received currently by the Library: Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, Berlin; Bulletin des transports inter- nationaux par chemins de fer, Berne; Bulletin of the International railway congress, Brussels; Mitteilungen aus der Tagesliteratur des Eisenbahnwesens, Berlin; The Railway engineer, London; The Rail- way magazine, London; The Railway news, London; Recueil des pieces ofKcielles relatives aux •chemins de fer suisses, Berne; Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramw^ays, Paris; Revue pratique des chemins de fer, tramways & automobiles, Paris ; La Revue technique [et les] Annales des travaux publics et des chemins de fer, Paris; Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir Eis(>nbahnkunde in Berlin. Berlin; Zeitung des Vereins deutscher Eisenbahnverwaltung, Berlin. A. P. C. (triffin Herbert Putnam OAief BlUiograpJier Librarian of Congress Washington^ D. (7., July i, 1905 I SELECT LIST OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ON RAILROADS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES: GOVERNMENT REGULATION GENERAL Aucoc, Leon. Conferences sur radmini.stration et le droit adminis- tratif, faites a KEcole des ponts et chaussees. 2. ed. rev. et auo-nientee. Vol. 3. Des routes et des ponts; Des chemins de fer d'interet general et d'interet local; Des tramways. Pa/ris: Dunod, 1882. (^), 967, (1) pp. 8°. "Resume et comparaison de la constitution du reseau fran^ais avec celle des reseaux des pays Strangers," pp. 336-381. Cauwes, Paul. Cours d'economie politique, contenant avec Texpose des principes ranal37se des questions de leg'islation econo- mique. 3. ed. Tome 4. Paris: L. Larose, 1893. {2\ 67?^ pp. 8°. "Chemins defer: 1. Etablissement des chemins defer; Systemes suivis; Grandes et petites compagnies; Concours financier de I'etat. II. Del'exploitation des chemins de fer; Monopole; Tar- ifs; Consequences de ['exploitation industrielle par les compag- nies; Rachat; Exploitation par Tetat, on, par des compagnies fermieres; Constitution definitive du reseau d'int('-r6t general," etc., pp. 65-231. Colson, [Leon] Clement. Review of traffic questions. Railwa3^s in 1900 and 1901. Railway returns for 1900 in France, Ger- many, and Eng-land. The results of workino- the main railways in France during 1901. {M Bulletin of the International railway congress, vol. 17, Jan., 1903, pp. 73-84. Brussels, 1903. 8°.) Review of traffic (questions. Railways in 1901 and 1902; Proposals for purchase by the state. Railway returns for 1901 in France, England, Germany, and the United States of America. The results of working the main railways in France during 1902. Proposed state purchase of the West- ern and Midi railways. {In Bulletin of the International railway congress, vol. 17, Oct., 1903, pp. 961-973. Brussels, 1903. 8°.) 5 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Colson, [Leon] Clement. Review of traffic questions. The railwaj^s in 11>02 and 1903. Railwa}' returns for 19(i2 in France, England, and (jerman}-. The results of working the main railway's in France during 1903. (/*/ Bulletin of the International railway congress, vol. 18, Dec, 1904, pp. 1885-1901. Brussels, 1904. 8°.) Deligny, Paul. Etude comparee du droit de rachat dans les conces- sions de chemins de f er d'interet general et de son role dans la politique des etats. Park: Guillaumin (& &% lOOJ,.. 232 ;pj). 8-. Contents. — 1. partie. Etude du droit de rachat et de son role dans la politique des pays etrangers. Preliuiiuaires. — Pays anglo- americains. Compagnies libres, pp. 13-21; Alleniagne, pp. 22-62; Autriche, pp. 63-74; Hongrie, pp. 75-77; La Suisse, pp. 78-94. 2. jjartie. Du droit de rachat dans les concessions de chemins de fer en France et de son role dans la politique fran^aise: Notions historiques. — Des idees et des opinions successivement emises relativement au regime des chemins de fer et introductions suc- cessives des clauses relatives au droit de rachat dans les actes de concessions, pp. 97-107; Du role historique de la clause de rachat dans la politique fran^aise en matiere de chemins de fer, pp. 108- 176; De la clause de rachat dans les concessions de chemins de fer en France. De son principe et de son application, pp. 177-232. "Si I'on envisage I'operation du rachat au point de vue economique, 11 est impossible a un espiit non prt'venu de ne pas reconnaitre que I'Etat a su tout aussi bien et dans certain cas mieux que I'industrie privee donner satisfaction aux besoins des contrees qu'il etait appele il desservir; I'examen que nous avons fait de r exploitation par I'Etat dans les pays etrangers ne pr^sente rien qui permette d'affirmer que les Compagnies privees se fussent montrees plus habiles a g6rer leur exploitation ni sui'tout plus soucieuses des interets g^neraux. L' experience du r^seau d'Etat franrais, quelqu' incomplete, quelle ait ^'te nous a fourni sur ce point des indications suffisamment explicites' pour que nous n'ayons pas a y revenir." Ed-wards, Clement. Railway nationalization. With a preface bj^ the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles \V. Dilke. London: Metliuen and co.^ 1898. xit^^SS 2>2^- 12^ • {Social questions of to-dai/.) This is a presentation of statistics and arguments in favor of govern- ment ownership. The operations of state railways in Europe are summarized from official reports and from other treatises. \^ Die ELsenbahnen der Erde 1898-1902. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, May-.Tune, 1904, pp. 551-561. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) RAILROADS IN FORP:iG]Sr COUNTRIES: GENERAL 7 Encyklopadie des ^osamten Eison>)ahnwesens in alphubetischer / Anordnung'. Hrscr. yon Victor K()ll. Wim: Carl C,-r(M\ S<>hi>, IS! f 0-1895. 7 vols. Ill mf ra- tions. Folded plates. Folded majps. 8^. Grre at Britain. Fore igv office. Commercial. No. 18 {1891). Corre- spondence respecting' tarifl's for goods and passengers on Belgian state railways, and returns for 1888, showing the working- of Belgian and of Austrian and Hungarian rail- way's. Jul}' 1891. 27 pp. F. {Great Britain. Parlia- ment. 'Sessional j^apers, 1890-91., vol. 83. C. 61^23.) Commercial. No. 2 {1898). Further reports b}' Her Majesty's representatives abroad on bounties on the con- struction and running of ships paid ])y the state in the countries in which the}' reside, and particulars with regard to the granting of preferential railwa\- rates. Jul}' 1898. 116 pp. F'. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional j>aj)€rs, 1898, vol. 92. C. 8720.) PaTllatnent. Select committee on raihoays. Report, together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. 1 August 1881. 2 pts. F"^. {Great Brit - ain. Parliament. Sessional jyapers., 1881., vols. 13 and llf,.) Incorporates evidence in regard to the traffic, rates on the French, Belgian, German, Swedish, Russian, Finnish, and Dutch railways. Select committee on raihrays {rates and fares). Report, together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. 27 Jul}^ 1882. Ixxxviii, 545 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1882., vol. 13.) Incorporates evidence in regard to the trathc rates on the railways in France, Holland, Switzerland, Canada, Belgium, Italy, nnd Germany. Hadley, Arthur T. Railroad transportation: its history and its laws. Neiv Yorh and London: G. P. Putnani's sons, 1885. v, (i), 269 pj). 12°. Jeans, James Stephen. Railway prol)lems: an inquiry into the eco- nomic conditions of railway working* in different countries. London: Longmans, Green and co., 1887. scxviii,560 pp. 8"^. 8 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Johnson, Emory Richard, American railway transportation. Re- vised ed. Neiii Yoi'h: D. Ajypleton and company, 1904- -fvi, /^34'Pp. Ilhistrations. Maps. Folded cha/rt. 12"^. {App)letoni husiness series.) " Railway charges in the United States and other countries," pp. 293-304. Passenger fares and freight rates are given for the following coun- tries: England, Prussia, Austria, and Hungary. Kaufmann, Wilhelm. Die mitteleuropaeischen Eisenbahnen und das internationale ofl'entliche Recht. International-rechtliche Studien und Beitruge. ' Leipzig: Duncker & Humhlot, 1893. xi'v.,'289 jyp. S°. " In einem ersten allgemeinen Theil wird die Entwicklung und Bedeutung des internationalen Verkehrs und der Einfluss der Eisenbahnen auf diese Entwicklung unter wirthschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten dargestellt. Es folgt ein Versuch, ein Inter- nationales, offentliches Eisenbahn recht systematisch aufzubauen und nach verschiedenen Seiten hin auszugestalten . . . Recht verdienstlich ist dagegen der zweite (Schluss-) Theil, eine Dar- stellung der Entstehung, Entwicklung und gegenwiirtigen Verf as- sung des Vereins der deutschen Eisenbahnverwaltung. " Archiv fi'ir Eisenbahnwesen, v. 17, p. 414- Le Chevalier, Roger. Du caractere jiiridique de Fadministration des chemins de fer dc Tetat. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1902. (4), 139 pp. Jf°. " Bibliographie," pp. 133-135. Contents. — Introduction: Le role des chemins de fer et la necessity d'une intervention do I'etat; L' organisation des chemins de fer de I'etat; Les caracteres juridiques du reseau de I'etat; L'admi- nistration des chemins de fer de I'etat dans ses rapports avec ses agents; L' administration des chemins de I'etat dans ses rapports avec les tiers. Argues that exploitation of the railroads is a legal attribute of the state and is not necessarily socialistic. Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre Paul. L'etat moderne et ses fonctions. 3. ed., revue et aug-mentee. Paris: OuiUaumin <& cie, 1900. xil., }p87 pp. 8^. "De 1' exploitation des chemins de fer par I'etat," pp. 204-229. Traite de la science des tinances. 6. ed.. refondue et aug^- mentee. Paris: Guillaumin et cie^ 1899. 2 vols. 8^. {Economistes i& puhlieistes contemporains) "Etats qui sont propriotaires de chenain de fer," vol. 1, pp. 25-27; " Arguments pour et contre rexploitation des chemins de fer par I'etat," vol. 1, p. 100; "Les resultats de I'exploitation des che- mins de fer par I'etat et les compagnies dans les differents pays," vol. 1, pp. 103-105. ct KAILROADS IN FOREIGN COFNTRIP^S: GENERAL 9 Leyen, Alfred von der. Eisenbahiipolitik. {In Han(hvorterl)uoh der Staatswissenschaften, 2. Auflage, vol. 3, pp. 52(>-557. Jena, lilOO. 4°.) Contents. — 1. Bej^riff uiul Eiitwickelungder Eisenbahnpoiitik. 1. Begriff. 2. Entwickelung. II. ( irundsatze der Eisenbahnpoiitik. 3. AUgenieines. Die Systemfrage. 4. Die -\niage der Eisen- bahnen. 5. Die lM^^e^l)ahnver\valtuIlg. III. Die Eisenbahn- poiitik der hauptsiichlieh.^ten Staaten iler Erde. 6. Dais Deutsche Reich. 7. DiedeutschenMittelstaaten. 8. Dae Konigreich Preus- sen. 9. Oesterreich uml Un^^arn. 10. Die Liinder de,« Orient.':. 11. Russland. 12. Skandinavien. 13. Die Seliweiz. 14. Belgien. 15. Niederlande. l(i. Italien. 17. Frankreieli. IS. Si)anien und Portugal. 19. Grossbritannien nnd seine Kolonieen. 2(t. Asien nnd Afrika. 21. Amerika. lAaXhieson, ^firm ., puUishers, Zo7ido7i. Twenty years' iiiilway statis- tics. 1885-1905. [London : K C. Mat/ueson cb .so/hs\, J^JO^'j. JOl />/>. 10-. Meili, Friedricb. Das Recht der modernen Verkehr.s- und Trans- portsanstalten. Leipzig: Duncker <& IlwnUot., 18S8. xi., 130 pp. 8^. Meyer, Baltha.sar Henry. Foreign railway event.s in 1902-03. (/;; American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 2.3, Jan., 1904, i>p. 121-140.) Railway regulation under foreign and doniestie law.-. Pre- pared under the direction of the Industrial connnission. {In U. S. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 9, pp. 897-1004. Washington, 1901. 8°.) Foreign railway charters and important laws, pp. 943-961; Prussian railways, pp. 962-983. Meyer, Hugo Richard. Government ownership of railwavs. {In Railway age, vol. 36, July 10, 190.3-O,t. 9, 1903, pp. 32-168.) Government regulation of railway rates; a .study of the experience of the United States, Germany, France. Austria- Hungary, Russia, and Australia. Neiv Yorh: The Macmillan company, 1905. xxiw'i, ^86 pp. Folded map. 8^. The chapters dealing with the experience of Austria-Hungary, Russia, anil Australia are reprinted from the "Railway age," * July lO-Oct. 9. 190.!. The chapters on German railroads have been rewritten from tiiose contributed to the "Railway age." The autlior writes in the i)reface that the net result of his study " has l)een tiie disclosure of such overwhelming jiroofs of the evils of State direction of industry, or interference with its natural course, that he has become (irmly convinced of the unwisdon of government regulation of railways or their rates." 1209—05 2 10 LIBKAEY OF CO^'GRESS Milhaud, Edo-ard. Le rachat cles chemins de fer. Pari><: KJouard Comely et &% 190J,. xiti, (1), 315 j?jj. 12^. Contexts. — Comment les grandes compagnies travaillent ropiniou publique; L' exploitation des chemins de fer par I'etat et par les compagnie;;; L'exemple de la Suisse; L'exemple de la Belgique; L'exemple de Tltalie: L'exemple de TAllemagne; Eesultats financiers de Texploitation des chemins de fer en Prusse: Le reseau d'etat en France; L' opinion des chambres de commerce; Les conventions " liberatrices;" Le rachat de I'Ouest. Favors government owTiership. Newcomb, Harry Turner. Railway rate regulation in foreign countries. Press of George H. Hoirard, Washington, D. C, 1905. 33 pp. 8-. Contents. — Cnited Kingdom; On the Continent; France; Austria- Hungary: Italy; Germany; Conclusions. PhiHppovich, Eugeu von. Die wi.ssenschaftliche Behaudlung des Transportwesens. [In Zeitschrift fiir Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltung, vol. 14. pp. 1-28. Wien und Leipzig, 1905. 4°.) Picard. Alfred. Traite des chemins de fer: economic politic[ue — com- merce — finances — administration — droit— etudes comparees sur les chemins de fer etrangers. Paris: J. Bothsc/tikL 1887. 5 vols. Diagrams. 8^. Deals with political . economy of railroads, commerce, finances, administration, law, and comparative stndies of foreign railroads. State exploitation is considered in vol. 1 in regard to Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Xetherlands, Port- ugal, Roumania, Russia, Sweden and Norway, and Switzerland. Finances, including subventions, are discussed in vol. 2, organiza- tion and administration in vol. 3, while vol. 4 deals with com- mercial exploitation and is largely concerned with matters of tariffs. Pret, C. A. Sexploitation des voies ferrees par I'etat dans le> pays etrangers et ses resultats. {In blonde economique. 15. annee. Jan. 28, 1905, pp. 99-100.) Roussel. Felix. Le rachat des chemins de fer et Texploitation par Fetat. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 22, Dec. 10, 1899, pp. 487-514; vol. 23, Mar. 10. 1900, pp. 510-532.) The first article is devoted to an exposition of the French railroad regime; the second makes a comparison with the results of the systems in force in Belgium. Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. The outcome is, according to the author, unfavorable to govern- ment ownership. EAILROADS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES: GENERAL 11 Sarlat, Joseph. Dii role eoonoinif|no do Vt^tnt on niatiere crexploita- tion de chemin.s de for. Sarlat: JL'chelet, 1903. (^), 157 jjj). -S'^. Gives a brief exposition of tlie principles of railroa- nehmenden nocli in Geltung verbleibenden friiheren Gesetze, Verordnungen, Kundmaohungen, Erliisse, Judicate u. s. w. 2. Ausgabe mit Supplement. Wien: 2[anz'.sche l\ a. J:. Ilof-Vetiags- und Universitdts- Buchhandbmg ^ ISdJf.. xvi^ 310^ 31 2)p- 8°. Cahen, Edoiiard. L'influence du dol et de la faute grave sur la responsabilite des chemins de fer dans le transport inter- national des marchandises (contribution a Totudc do la Con- vention du li. octobre, 1890). Paris: L. Larose, 1903. (^), 211 pp. 8°. "Bibliographie," pp. 19.5-20.5. Convention Internationale sur le transport de marchandises par chemins de fer. Proces-verlxil tinul de la troisieme con- ference. (Berne, 5 au 17 juillet, 188(5. ) {In Bulletin de la Commission internationale du Congres des che- mins de fer, vol. 1, .Tan., 1887, pp. 10-20; Feb., 1887, pp. 61-70.) Droz, Numa. L'union internationale des chemins de fer. (in Revue generate de droit international public, vol. 2, Mar.-Apr., 1895, pp. 169-184.) *Eger, Georg. Das internationale Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisen- bahnfrachtverkehr. Vom 14. Oktober 1890. Erlautert mit eingehender Beriicksichtigung der Materialien, insbe- sondere des schweizerischen und deutschen Entwurfs neb.st Motiven, sowie der Protokolle der internationalen Kon- ferenzen zu Bern. Berlin: C. Ileymaims Verlag, 1893-189 1^. J, parts. S^. ^Indicates that the work is nc^t at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. 13 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Eger, Georg. Das Internationale Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisen- balint'rachtverkehr, nebst Ausfiihrungsbestimmungen, An- lagen und Formularen in der Fassung des Zusatz-Ueber- einkoramens vom 16. Juni 1898 und in Verbindung mit dem neuen Betriebs-Reglement- des Vereins deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen giiltig von 10. Oktober, 1901. Erliiutert von Georg Eger. 2. Anflage. Berlm: J. Guttentag,1901. x,269,{l)2>2^. Folded table. 8^. Hilscher, Franz. Das osterreichisch-ungarische und internationale Eisenbahn-Transportrecht. Wien: A. Ildlder, 1902. xx, (2), 316 pj). 8°. {Schriften uher Yei'hehrsioesen: Ilrsg. vom Clvh osterreichisclier Eisenhahn- heamten. II. Reihe., Bd. 1.) Contents. — Einleitung; Der Eisenbahnfrachtvertrag; Die Marken- giiter; Der Personenbef<')rderungsvertrag; Der Gepiickbeforde- rungsvertrag. ' ' Im folgenden ist der Versuch gemacht, das gegenwartig geltende Eisenbahufrachtrecht auf Grund der Bestimmungen des oster- reichisch-ungarischen Rechtes und des Berner internationalen tibereinkoinmens i'lber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkehr systematisch darzustellen." Leyen, Alfred von der. Das Berner internationale Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkehr. {In Zeitschrift fiir das gesanimte Handelsrecht, vol. 39, pp. 1-125. Stuttgart, 1891. 8°.) Continued by liis " Die Fortbildung des Eisenbahnfrachtrechts seit dem Berner internationalen Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisen- bahnfrachtverkehr. ' ' Die Fortbildung des Eisenbahnfrachtrechts seit dem Berner internationalen Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbahn- frachtverkehr. {In Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Handelsrecht, vol. 49, pp. 381-523. Stuttgart, 1900. 8°.) Continuation of his "Das Berner internationale Uebereinkommen iiber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkehr." Lyon-Caen, Charles Leon, La convention du 11 octobre 1890 sur le transport international des marchandises par chemins de fer. {In Journal du droit international prive, vol. 20, pp. 465-476; vol. 21, pp. 435-471; 641-676. Paris, 1893-1894. 8°.) Noel, Octave. Un projet de Convention internationale sur les trans- ports par chemins de fer. {In L'Economiste frangais, vol. 6, 31ay 4, 1878, pp. 554-556.) INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT AGREEMENT 15 *Pietsch, W. Der Eisenbahii-Giiterverkohr (deutsch and intenui- tional). Berlm: Max PmcJi, 1901. vl, 160 />/>. S'-.. Poinsard, Leon. De.s transports intornationaiix \)\iv cheniins do fer. {In Journal du droit international privt'-, vol. 19, pp. ."^-55. Parif, 1892. 8°.) * Rosenthal, E. Internationales Eisenbahn-frachtrecht, auf Gruiid des internationalcn Uebereinkoniinens fiber den P^isenl)ahn f rachtvcrkehr voni 1-J-. Oktober 1890, und der Konferenz- beschliisse vom Juni und September 1893 dargestellt. Jena: G. Fischer, 180 Jf.. u;x!i, o98 p}>. 8'-. * Schwab, Josef. Die Neuerungen im Eisenbahn-Betriebsreglement. Im Vero-leich zum Betricbs-Retjlenient voni .1. JsTiuinl unter Beriicksiohtiounof des internationalen L'ebereinkoni- mens iiber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkehr. 2. Aufl. 'mei):B.v. Waldheiri,, 1892. iil, 97 j>p. 8'-. Van Eyser, Note sui- la Convention internationale pour lo transport de marchandises par cheniins de fer. {In Bulletin de la Commission internationale du Congres des che- mins de fer, vol. 1, Jan. 1887, jjp. 5-10.) Zeitschrift fiir den internationalen Eisenbahntransport, hrsg. von dem Central-Amt in Bern. Bern: 1893-1896. J^ voh. ^. Pulilished also in French with the title, "Bulletin des transports internationaux par chemins de fer." * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. GREAT BRITAIN OFFICIAL REPORTS G-reat Britain. Parliament. The railway and canal traffic acts. 1854, 1873, 1888, and 1894, and other statutes; with the general rules of the railway and canal commission. London: Darlin(j & wn^ 1S99. 91 pp- 8^- — Same. London: Darling & son.^ 190-i. 9!f, 2)p. 8°. /Select committee on railway coniniunication. lst-5th reports; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 6 February, 2 March, 14 Ma}', 2 July, 10 July, 1840. 5 pts. F*-'. {Great Britain. Parliament. Ses- .sional pajjers., lS.lf.0, vol. IS.) Select committee on railways. lst-6th reports of the select conunittee appointed to consider whether any and what new provisions ought to be introduced into such rail- way bills as ma}^ come before this House during the pres- ent or future sessions, for the advantage of the public and the improvement of the railway S3'stem [etc.]; together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 16 Februaiy, 1 March, 1 April, 15 May, 24 May, 22 July, 1844. 6 pts. F°. ( Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional jxipers, ISlf-li..^ 1)01 . 2.) Select committee of the House of Lords. Report from the committee appointed to take into consideration the best means of enforcing one uniform system of management on railroads in operation or to be constructed, and to secure the due f ultilment of the provisions of the acts of Parlia- ment under which the companies have obtained their pow- ers, where!)}' greater accommodation and safety may be ensured to the public; together with the minutes of evi- dence taken before the said committee. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 15 July, 1846. (9), (1), 113, (1), 101-170 pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament Sessional pajpers., 181^6, vol. 13.) 16 RAILROADS IN GREAT BRITAIN 17 G-reat Britain. Parliament. Select committee of the Home of Lords. Appendix to report, and general index to the principal matters contained in the evidence taken ])et'oro the Select committee of tlio House of L(H'ds on railways. Session 1846. Ordered, by the Hou.se of Commons, to be printed, 15 July, 1846. 173-186 pp. F'-. {Grmt Britain. Par- liament. Sessional papers, 18Ji.6, vol. 13.) Select committee on railway acts enactments. 1st and 2d reports from the Select committee appointed to in(iuii'e whether, without discouraging legitimate enterprise, condi- tions ma}^ not be embodied in railway acts better titled than those hitherto inserted in them to promote and secure the interests of the public; together with minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. Ordered, ))y the House of Commons, to be printed, 7 August, 25 August, 1846. 2 pts. F . {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional pajjers^ ISJfU, vol. n.) Select committee on raihrny and canal hills. Ist-oth reports. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 28 February. 18 March, 8 Ajjril. 8 July, is.^r,. 6 pts. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional pa- pers, 1852-53, vol. 38.) Royal commission on raikoays. Report of the com- missioners. Presented to both Houses of Parliament l)y command of Her ^Majesty. Ma}' 7, 1867. 2 vols. F . ( Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1867. vol. 38,2:)ts. 1 and 2.) Joint select committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on railway co)npanies amalgamation. Report, together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 2 August, 1872. 2 pts. F". {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional p(ipers, 1872, vol. 13, pts. 1 and 2.) Select committee of the House lK lS7.'f-lD0o. 11 vols. 8^. BOOKS Acworth, William Mitchell. The elements of railway economics. Oxfirrd: The Clcvrendon press^ 1905. 159. (1) p)p. 12°. " Chapters are devoted to railway capital, expenditure and income, 'charging what the traffic will bear,' the method of charging, and classification and rates." Argues that "equal rates for transpor- tation are impossible." English and American railways — A comparison and a contrast. (J?i Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 139-147. Wash- ington, D. C, 1893. 8°.) Government interference in English railway* management. (in Compendium of transportation theories, pp. 267-276. Washing- ton, D. C, 1893. 8°.) RAILROADS IN GREAT BRITAIN 23 Acworth, William Mitchell. The new railwa}' rates. {In Economic journal, vol. 3, March, 1898, pp. 1.34-138.) A criticism of the rate legislation of 1«93, which is termed a " lamentable and ludicrous fiasco." Thinks a step in the right direction would be a recasting of railroad statistics and a strength- ening of the personnel of the Board of trade. Passenger fares — An international coinparison. (In Railway age, vol. 38, Dec. 2, 1904, jip. 778-779.) -^ — The railways and the traders; a sketch of the railwa}- rates question in theor}^ and practi(;e. London: J. Murray, 1891. U, S78 j)]). 12^. Criticises adversely the railway legislation giving control of rates to the British Board of Trade. The railways of England. 3d ed. London : John Murray.^ 1889. xvi., J^7 pj>. TUuatrationH. Plates. 8^. Same. 5th ed. With 67 illustrations. London: JoJm Murray, 1900. xxiv, J^SO pp. 8'". ''The railways of Germany" and England. A reply. {In Contemporary review, vol. 87, April, 1905, pp. 570-576.) Defends the English system in answer to Eltzbacher, in the Contem- porary for Feb., 1905. The railways of Scotland: their present position. A\'ith a glance at their past and a forecast of their future. W"\t\\ a map of the Scottish railwaj^ sj^stem. London: John Murray, 1890. viii, 199 pp. Folded map. 12°. The state in relation to i-ailways. {In Mackay, Thomas, ed. A policy of free exchange, pp. 163-210. London, 1894. 8°.) [Testimony regarding government regulation of English rail- way's.] {In U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee (jn interstate commerce. Regulation of railway rates. Hearings, May 8, 1905, to May 17, 1905, vol. 3, pp. 1843-1870. Washington, 1905. 8°.) The Board of trade and railway- rates. {In Railway news, vol. 82, Oct. 1, 1904, pp. 501-502.) 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Boyle, Edward, and Thomas Waghorn. The law relating to traffic on railways and canals. London : ^¥. Cloioes and sons, 1901. 3 vols. 1^. CoxTENTS. — Vol. 1. Commentary on the .statutes decided 1831-1901. Forms of pleading. Conditions, regulations, and notices relating to passenger, goods, live-stock, and parcels traffic. Bye-la\vs of railway and canal comjianies. Tables of maximum charges. — Vol. 2. Reports of the parliamentary committees on which the I'urrent legislation relating to traffic is based, and which are not elsewhere obtainable. General statutes relating to railway and canal traffic. Rules of the Railway and canal commission. Reg- ulations of the railway and canal rates and charges. Confirma- tion acts, 1891-4. Special powers of canal companies as revised iu 1893-4. — Vol. 3. An epitome of the facts, arguments, and deci- sions of all the principal cases relating to tlie conveyance of traffic by railway and canal, and decided previously to September, 1901. General index to volumes 1, 2, and 3. British and American railway rates. {In Railway news, vol. 82, Sept. 10, 1904, pp. 419-420.) "A fairer test is to compare corresponding rates for corresponding distances, . . . Such a comparison has, in fact, been drawn up on an exhaustive scale by the officials of the Caledonian Railway Company, the tables compiled by them (in order to contrast Cale- donian rates with those in operation on certain leading American lines) occupying no fewer than forty pages of printed foolscap." The British railway court. {In The Outlook, vol. 79, Feb. 11, 1905, pp. .355-356.) Argues that rate regulation does not necessarily mean "rate reduc- tion," as shown ))y the experience of the British railway court. British rail^ways and their critics: dividend residts; coal prices — 1890 and 11101 : dividends of individual companies; capital expended and progress; returns for capital expended; increase in mileage, vehicles, work done, and revenue; ten 3'ears' improvements in railway facilities; the facts as to large locomotives; high-capacity wagons for merchandise and mineral traffic. {In Railway news, finance, and joint-stock companies' journal, vol. 79, March 28, 1903, page 523; April 4, 1903, pp. 562-563; April 18, 1903, page 6.35; May 2, 1903, page 711; May 16, 1903, pp. 776-777; May 23, 1903, pp. 812-813.) Bro-wne, John Hutton Balfour, and H, S. Theobald. The law of rail- way companies: being a collection of the acts and orders relating to railway companies in Great Britain and Ireland, with notes of all the cases decided thereon. 3d ed. by J. H. Balfour Browne and Frank Balfour Brow^ne. London: Stevens and sons, 1899. Ixl, 1036 jjp- 4-^- RAILROADS IN GREAT BRITAIN 25 Butter-worth, A. KaAe. The luw relating to maximum rates and cbaraes on railways. l)oino- a treatise on the railway rates and charges order conlirmation acts, 1891 to 18i'6, and the railway and canal trallic act, 189-1. By A. K. Butterworth, assisted by A. li. Butterworth and F. H. Cripps-Day. London: Butterioorth ik co., 1897. ici, {!), 232 pp. S-. Chapman, Sydney J. Work and wages in continuation of Lord Brassey's "Work and wages" and *" Foi-eign work and English wages." Part I. Foreign competition. \\'ith an introduction h}' Lord Brasse3\ London: Longmanfi, Green and co.., 190 Jf,. xxxi\{l)., 301 pp. "Railways," pp. 257-296. Cohn, Gustav. Untersuchungen iiber die englische Eisenbahnpolitik. Leipzig: Dnncker cfc IlumUot, 187li,-1883. 3 vols. 6'-. Contents.— Vol. 1. Die Ent\vickeIungderEi8enbahnge.setzgebungin England. Vol. 2. Zur Beurtheilung der englit^chen Eisenbahn- politik. [Vol.3.] Neue Folge. Die englische Eisenbahnpolitik der letzten zehn Jahre (1873-1883). Cotsworth, Moses Bruine. Railway maximum rates and charges, . . . assimilating, comparing, and explaining the numerous railway (rates & charges) order contirmation acts of 18'.il and 1892 for all the railway companies and traders in the United Kingdom, with the parliamentary (or maximum) classification, alphabetically arranged for comparison with the railway clearing house (or working) cla.ssification; together with comparatiye scales of maxinunn rates and charges worked out to 000 miles in conyenient form; also indexed details of all exceptions and reseryations. Together with the wbole of the six railway trafHc c'^c.. acts, goyern- ing railway rates. 3d ed. rey. London : Bern ro^f cfe wns, 190 J^. {2) ,19U .rri, (1) j}p. Tahles. 16°. Darlington, H. R. The railway rates and the carriage of merchandise by railway. London: Stevens and sons, 1893. xxxvi. r>81 pp. 8^ Eltzbacher, O. The agricultural prosperity of Germany. (7» Contemporary review, vol. S7, Apr., 1905, pp. 457-478.) "Only in that country [England] which was the pioneer in railway transport, the railways are allowed to extort from the country- men freight charges which even now make the meditieval form of transport the ciicuper one." 1209—05 1 30 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Eltzbacher, O. The railway's of Germany. {In Contemporary review, vol. 87, Feb., 1905, pp. 174-192.) Compares the railway systems of Great Britain and Germany, to the disadvantage of the former. Quotes statistics in support of this argument. "The foregoing facts and figures clearly prove the wisdom of Bismarck's policy and the immense superiority of the German State-owned railways over the British private railways." Evans, A. Dudley. British railways and goods traffic. — Is preference given to foreign produce ? {In Economic journal, vol. 15, Mar., 1905, pp. 37-43.) "Eight alleged cases of preference examined. In no case is prefer- ence by British railways found in favor of imported goods. Lower rates for export, among the Continental railways, explain the lower through rates." Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 19: 518. Grrierson, J. Railway rates. English and foreign. London: Edward Stanford^ 1886. viii, 208., Ixxii pp. 8°. Contains comparison of English rates with those of Holland, Bel- gium, Germany, and France. Argues against proposed (1886) railway legislation. Grrinling, Charles H. British railways as business enterprises. {In Ashley, W. J., ed. British industries, pp. 150-172. London, 1903. 8°. ) \ The histor}" of the Great northern railway. 184:5-1902. A new issue, with an introduction and an additional chapter. London: MetJiuen <& co., 190S. xvi'n., IfGS 2>P- Frontispiece. LllvMtrations. Lhrtraits. Map. <§" ?o Jeans, James Stephen. The new railway rates. {In Fortnightly review, vol. 59, Feb., 1893, pp. 223-236.) An exposition of the provisions of the railway rate law of 1893, with some discussion from the standpoint of a critic of the railway companies. Johnson, Emory liichard. American railway transportation. Re- vised ed. New Yorl': D. Appleton cfe cy;., 190 I^,. xvi., JfSJf. pj). Illus- trations. Maps. Folded chart. 8°. (Appletons^ business series.) "Relation of the railways to the state in the United Kingdom and France," pp. 322-334. Laing, S. Our railway system. I. — State control. {In The Fortnightly review, vol. 45, April, 1886, pp. 449-461.) Considers "a control of railways in the public interest to be essen- tial" and points out "some of the leading principles which must be kept in view in any legislation on the subject." RAILROADS IN GREAT BRITAIN 27 McDermott, E. K. Railways. London: Methuen ck ro., lOOJf. vu', (1), 197 pp. J3'-. "Railways and the public," pp. 25-64. Contains brief survey of legislation regulating railway rates. Mange, Alfred. Les tarif.s anglais et Tapplication du railway and canal traffic act dc ISSH. (/u Journal des econoinistes, 5. s('r., t. 24, May, 1893, pp. 2?.."-!-244. ) Martin, R. Biddulpli. Notes on the purchase of the railways by the state. [With discussion.] {Ill Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. ."^.6, June, 1S7.S, pj). 177-255.) Paish, George. The British railway position. Reprinted fi-oni the Statist; with an introduction by George S. Gibb. London: The Statkt, 1902. xiv,322 pj). <^^. Exposition of the economical operations of the British railroads with statistical tables. Compares the earnings and expenses of British and American railways. Parsloe, Joseph. Our railway S3"steni. II. — The railwa}' pro])lem. (/// The Fortnightly review, vol. 45, April, 1886, pp. 462-471.) Expresses dissatisfaction with })resent system and sees no alterna- tive to state acquisition. Pendleton, John. Our railways, theii- origin. d(^velopment. incident, and romance. London, [etc. ^: Cassell and co.., 1896. 2 vols. LUustrations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Plans. Facslmilies. 8°. Contains a chapter on rate agitation. Pratt, Edwin A. The organization of agriculture. London: Jolm Murray., 190J^. xi., (i), JfiS pp. 8^'\ "The railways and agriculture," pp. 1-11; "Do the railways help the farmers?" pp. 827-363. Railways and their rates; with an appendix on the British canal problem. London: Jolm Murray. 1905. ix, {1), 361 pp. Plates. 8°. Contents. — Introductory; Railway rates legislation; Railway linance; Taxation of railways; Classification and leading principles; Equal mileage rates; Preferential and differential rates; (ieneral British conditions; The Southampton case; Sundry services; The carriage of dead meat; The lish traffic; Fruit and vegetables; General con- tinental conditions; The railways of France; The railways of Ger- many; The railways of Holland; The railways of Belgium; The railways of Denmark; Conclusion; Appendix: The British canal problem. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Pratt, Edwin A. — Contimied. "Portions of some of the chapters are reproduced from a series of articles in The Times. The book is on the side of the railway companies, and an unsuccessful attempt is made to show that such of them as have bought up many of the canals of this coun- try have done their duty to the public with regard to the water- ways." Athenaeum, June 3, 1905. Principles of freight rate-making on British railwaj^s. {In Eailway age, vol. 38, Oct. 7, 1904, pp. 504-505.) The Railway .year book for 1904. (Seventh 3^ear of publication.) Compiled and edited by G. A. Sekon \^pseud.\ G. A. Noke^. PiihUsJitd at the office of the '^Railvxiy magazine,'''' {London^ 190 J^\. 31^ pp. 8^, Rail"ways and finance in 190-i. {1)1 Railway news. Statistical supplement, .Jan. 7, 1905, pp. 3.3-48.) "Railways and the people," pp. 3t>-37; "Railway law," p. 37; "Indian railways," p. 39; "Colonial railways," p. 40. Rate-making in Great Britain. (/;( Railway age, vol. 38, Oct. 7, 1904, p. 491.) Ross, Hugh Monro. British railways; their organisation and man- agement. London : E. Arnold, 190 Jf. vii, 24^, (1) pp. Illustrations. 12-. •^ Samuelson, -S/V B. Railway goods tariffs of Germany, Belgium, and Holland compared with those of this countr}-. London: Harris, 1886. 36 2)p. 8°. Schooling, John Holt. Lessons from raihva}^ statistics. {In Railway magazine, vol. 12, May, 1903, pp. 424-431; June, 1903, pp. 450-457.) Smart, Harry. British slow freight rates: their origin and present basis. {Ill Railway news, vol. 82, Sept. 3, 1904, pp. 37.3-374.) Reprint of an article in the July number of the Bulletin of the inter- national railwav congress. State rail-ways for Ireland, London: The Fahian society, 1899. lo pp). 8^. [Fahian tract no. 98.) * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Lil)rary of Congress, but has been ordered. RAILROADS IN GREAT BRITAIN 29 Stevens, William J. British railway fares and their influence on trafHc. {In Engineering magazine, vol. 14, ^lar. , 1898, pp. 964-972.) "Gives a careful comparison between English and American pas- senger fares. The very low excursion rates in England are compared with the hi<:her American rates and the tendency of competition to provide cxti'tidctl facilities is noted. " Eiu/iiit't^rinf/ index, vol. 3 : 760. Th-waite, B. H. Homo and forcij^n rates for t^oods traffic. (//( Practical engineer, vol. 17, Apr. 28, 1898, pp. 399-400.) "Summary of an address delivered before the London Chamber of , Commerce. Advocating the low freight policy." Engineerinfi index, vol. 3 : 759. ITlrich, Franz. Traite general des tarifs de chemins dc fer, contenant une etude speciale des tarifs appliques en Allemagne. Autriche-Hongrie, Suisse, Italic, France, Belgique. Hol- lande, Angleterre et Russie. Fd. franraise, revue par Tauteur. Paris: Baudnj et &\ 1890. (2), x, 555 pp. ^°. "Angleterre," pp. 488-514. Waghorn, Thomas. Railway competition and dividends. {In Railway news, vol. 82, July 23, 1904, p. 139; July 30, 1904, pp. 182-183rAug. 6, 1904, p. 224; Aug. 13, 1904, pp. 268-269; Aug. 20, 1904, pp. 312-313.) Wall, Walter W. British railway finance; a guide to investors. London: G. Richards., 1902. xii, Ii.10 pp. 12^. "Whelpley, James Davenport. Why English railroads are safe. {In World's work, vol. 9, Mar., 1905, pp. 5933-5938.) FRANCE OFFICIAL REPORTS France. Ministere des tra/vaux ptihlics. Direction des chetnins defer. Cherains de fer f ran^ais. Situation au 31 deceinbre 1870- 1881. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1871-1882. 11 vols in 9> Folded maps. F^. Chemins de fer franfais. France europeenne et Algerie. Documents statistiques relatifs a I'annee 1882- 1885. Paris: Imprimerie nationale., 188^,-1887. 8 vols, in Jf.. F°. Statistique des chemins de fer fran^ais au 31 decembre 1887-1898. Documents principaux et docu- ments divers. Paris: Imprimerie natio?iale, 1889-1899. 32 vols, in 22. Folded miwps. F'^. L'exploitation des chemins de fer franc^^ais en 1902 et 1903. {In Revue de science et de legislation financieres, vol. 2, Oct.-Dec, 190-i, pp. 725-726.) Resultats de I'exploitation des chemins de fer d'interet general en France, en 1901. (/n Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 28, Sept., 1905, p)). 224-229.) Resultats obtenus en 1903, sur le reseau des chemins de fer de I'etat f ranyais, d'apres le compte d'administration public, de ladite annee. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 27, Aug., 1904, pp. 206-211.) Resultats obtenus en 1903, sur les reseaux des six compa- gnies principales des chemins de fer franyais. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 27, Aug., 1904, pp. 111-123.) 30 RAILROADS IN FRANCE 31 BOOKS Aucoc, Leon. Conferences «ur rudniinistration et le droit adminls- tratif, faites u TEcole des ponts et chaussees. 2. ed., rev. et aug-nicntee. Tome 3. Des routes et des ponts; Des chemins de fer d'interet general et d'interet local; De.> tramways. Paris: Dtinod, 1882. (^), 967, {1) pp. 8^. "Des chemins de fer," pp. 240-982. Contents. — Chaj). 1. Des chemins de fer d'interet general: Sect. 1. Notions historiques et documents statistiques sur la constitution du reseau; 2. Des concessions de chemins de fer et des conven- , tions financieres passc'es entre I'etat et les conce-ssionnaires; 3. De I'administnition du reseau d'etat; 4. Des chemins de fer consider^s comme propri^tes publiques; 5. Retries relatives a I'execution des travaux; 6. Regies relatives a I'exploitation; 7. Regime des proprietes riveraines des c;hemins de fer; 8. De la police des chemins de fer. Chap. II. Des chemins de fer d'interet local. Chap. III. Des chemins de fer industriels. Chap. IV. Des tramways. Bailleu, G. Les eompag-nies de chemins de fer et les droits de Tetat. {In Revue politi(iue et parlementaire, vol. 3, Mar., 1895, pp. SOT- SIT.) Baum, Charles. Les chemins de fer de I'etat et les- chemins de fer concedes a des compagnies privees. Etude economique. 2. ed. Lille: Tnijrt'. de Lefebvre-Ducrocq., 1877. 60 j^P- 8^. ' Resultats do I'exploitation des chemins de fer f ranyais. Etude economique. 2. ed. Lille: Impr. de Lefebvre-Diierocq, 1877. 57 pp. 8^. Benoit, Felix, Les chemins de fer franyais et leur rachat par Tetat. Paris: Baiidry et &'^. 1896. 36 pp.., incl. table. 8^. Bordeaux, (leorges. Notes sur les chemins de fer. La question du rachat. Paris: Aux bureaux de ^'' Pin format ion Jinaneiere.:^ [^190 Jf]. 157, {2) pp. 8^. Les Chemins de fer et Tetat. xxx. {In Renaissance latine, 3. ann^e, vol. 1, Mar. 15, 1904, pp. 467-491; vol. 2, April 15, 1904, pp. 93-114.) Gives a resume of the history of the relations between the state and the great companies, then examines particularly the situation of the "Compagnie de 1' Quest," and finally passes in review the arguments for and against the repurchase of this company. The writer thinks the state should make new agreements with the company with certain provisions which he names; but in the event of their nonaccepttmce by the company the state should take over the road. 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Colson, [LeonJ Clement. Les chemins cle fer et le budget de la France. {In Bulletin de la Commission internationale du Congres des chemins de fer, vol. 10, Apr., 1896, pp. 348-415; May, 1896, pp. 516-550. ) French railwaj^s — how their operation is controlled bj gov- ernment regulations. (/nU. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on interstate commerce. Regulations of railway rates. Hearings, April 20-May 23, 1905, vol. 5, pp. 265-295. Washington, 1905. 8°.) Translation of a chapter of his " Abrege de la legislation des chemins de fer et tramways." Review of traffic questions. The French railways and tram- ways in 1902. {In Bulletin of the International railway congress, vol. 18, Feb., 1904, pp. 167-172.) Keview of traffic questions. Railwaj^s of local interest and rural tramways in France during 1901. Urban railways and tramways in France during 1901. {In Bulletin of the International railway congress, vol. 17, Mar., 1903, pp. 251-259.) Revue des questions de transports. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, 12'' annee, vol. 64, May 10, 1905, pp. 381-400.) Contains "Les resultats de I'exploitation des chemins de fer f ran- yais d'interet general en 1904." Transports & tarifs; regime administratif des voies de com- munication, conditions techniques et commerciales des transports, lois economiques de la determination des prix, tarifs des chemins de fer, statistique du tratic en France et a I'etranger. 3. ed. , rev. et augm. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1896. {J/), 682, (1) pp. Illustrations. Map. Diagrams. 8°. "Dans cette nouvelle redaction, comme dans la premiere, j'ai pense (ju'il iniportait de degager les regies generales relatives au regime des voies de communication et aux lois economiques qui dominent les questions de transport, plutot que d'accu- muler des notions parti culieres, necessairement tres incompletes, sur les prix applicables aujourd'hui a des expeditions determi- nees." Introduction, p. 2. Transports et tarifs; supplement a la deuxieme edition. Lois, reglements et actes administratifs posterieurs au 30 juin 1898; statistiques mises a jour d'apres les dernieres publications f ran^aises, rapprochees des statistiques etran- geres et des releves historiques. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1903. Jf.Ii. pp. 8^. RAILROADS IN FRANCE 33 Deligny, Paul. Du droit de rachat dans les concessions de chemius de for en France ct de son role dans la politique franyaise. {In Jii.H Etude coniparc'e ^eH relatives au droit de rachat dans les actes de concession.^; 2. Du rule histori(iue de la clause de rachat dans la politique Jranyaise en niatiere de chemins de fer; 3. De la clause de rachat licatiun. Deubel, Robert. Du rac-hat des chemins de t'cr et de ses conse- quences. Farl.'^: Ch. Bemnger, 1903. 7^7, {2) j>^>. 8'^. Considers the arguments which have been advanced for and against government exploitation, with conclu.'-ions that the state and public interests wiil gain by the undertaking. Filippini, Antoine. Controle de Tetat sur la gestion tinanciere (\v> compag-nies de chemins de fer, Lille: ImjJrinierie L. Danel, 1903. {6)., 130 pj). Ji>-. Godet, Adrien. Recueil de la legislation des chemins de fer d'inU'nt general. Paris: A. Roussedu., 1903. (4-), 391 pp. S^. Contents. — Travaux publics; Services financiers; Police des che- mins de fer; Police sanitaire des animaux; Cahier des charges; Frais accessoires; Transports; Douanes; Contributions indirectes; Timbre et enregistrement; Octrois; Personnel i\es compagnies; Accidents du travail; Reglementation du travail. Appendice: Chemins de fer d'interet local et tramways; Voies ferrees des quais maritimes. Gomel, Charles. Les chemins de fer franyais en 1904. (//( L' Economiste f ran(;ais, 33. aunee, July 1, 1905, pp. 5-7: July 15, 1905, pp. 83-85. ) Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reporU. Annual series, no. 3172. French budget for 11>04. London, 190 J^. 29 pp. <§". Relation of state to railways, pp. 10-19. Guene, E., and F. Goujet. Question d'actualite: nos voies ferrees; constitution du reseau, son developpement, les compagnies ou Tetat, conventions, rachat. Avec une preface de Edgard Milhaud. Paris: Ch. Beranger, 1905. .vii,27GpjK U . 1209—05 5 34: LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Guillaumot, Georges. L'organisation des chemins de fer en France. Construction des chemins de fer, exploitation technique et commerciale, constitution et fonctionnement des grandes conipagnies. Pari^: ArfJiur Bousseau, 1899. (^), Ji.16 pp. 8°. Reprinted from La Quinzaine, vols. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27. Contents. — Histoire des chemins de fer, 1823-1899; Construction des voies ferrees; Les six grandes cc^mjiagnies et I'administration du reseau d'etat; Leur organisation tinanciere; Constitution et fonctionnement des grandes compagnies et du reseau d'etat; Exploitation des voies ferrees; Exploitation technique des che- mins de fer; Exploitation commerciale des voies ferrees; Du trans- port des marchandises; Du transport des marchandises en petite vitesse; Conclusion. Gruyot, Yves. Notes sur les chemins de fer (comptes de 1903). {In Revue internationale du commerce, 6. annee, June 30, 1904, pp. 267-294. ) Resultats de I'exploitation en 1903, pp. 267-269; Les compagnies des chemins de fer contre le public, pp. 276-278; Les erreurs de I'etat et les conventions de 1883, pp. 285-288; Lesaleas du rachat, pp. 288-290; La Confederation Suisse et les actionnaires des chemins de fer, pp. 290-292; L' exploitation par I'etat, pp. 292-294. Hamon, Frantz. L^ivenir de la politique franyaise en matiere de chemins de fer; complement a Touvrage de M. R. de Kaufmann. Paris: C. Beranger, 1900. {J^), 351 j^p. 8°. "Dans ce volume, !\L Hamon a expose les conventions conclues en 1894; donne des statistiques plus nouvelles sur le materiel de nos chemins de fer; montre les mesures prises en faveur de leur per- sonnel, i)ar les compagnies, telles que caisses de retraites, etc. Eniin il a su grouper contre le rachat propose au Parlement dans differentes propositions de loi, les plus importants arguments. II a fait lil une (Euvre utile et qui merite d'etre louee et recom- ■mandee." Journal des economistes, 5. sfr., t. 45, p. 297. Jaray, Gabriel Louis, La question du rachat et la gestion financiere des chemins de fer de I'etat f ran^'ais. {In Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 17, Nov. 15, 1902, pp. 683- 708.) Comparison of the financial results of government operation and private companies in France, and accessorily of the Belgian state roads. Is unfavorable to state operation. Johnson, Emory Richard. American railway transportation. Re- vised ed. New York: D. Ajypletori and company., 190 If., a^v^', IfSlf. pp. Ilhistrations. Maps. Folded chart. 8°. {Appletons' business series.) "Relation of the railways to the state in the United Kingdom and France," pp. 322-334. RAILROADS IN FRANCE 35 Jourdain, U. L'cxploitatioii dcs chomin.s do fer dc Tetui inuuiiis, (/// Revue politiijue et parlemcntaire. vol. 1<). Feb., 1899, pp. 207- 287.) Kaufmann, Richard von. La politi(|U(' triUK/uiso en matiere do che- niins do fer, traduit, mis a jour ot ])i-oo('(l(' d'uiic ('tudo com- plementaire par Frantz Ilainon. Fari^-: CL Berajujev, 1000. (2), xl, (J). 099 pp. 8^. A favorable review of the administration and operation of French railroads. ]\Iake.s a comparison with Prussian railroads, conced- ing superiority to the French. A criticism of the work by a < jer- nian authority takes issue with his conclusions. See Premi- 1^^- Contents. — Comment les grandes compagnies travaillent I'opinion publique; L' exploitation des chemins de fer par I'etat et par les compagnies; L'exemple de la Suisse; L'exemple de la Belgi- que; L'exemple de I'ltalie; L'exemple de TAllemagne — Resultats financiers de I'exploitation des chemins de fer en Prusse; Le rt'seau d'etat en France; L' opinion des chambres de commerce; Les conventions "liberatrices;" Le rachat de I'Ouest. Favors government ownership. Plichon, , />. I'^ntes. 8'^. "The railways of France," pp. 205-LMO. Roussel, Felix. Le rachat des chemins de fer et Texjiloitation ])ar I'etat. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 22, Dec. 10, 18P9, pp. - 487-514; vol. 23, Mar. 10, l!tOO, pp. .^l()-532.) The first article is devoted to an exposition of the French railroad regime; the second makes a comparison with the re-sults of the systems in force in Belgium, Switzerland, (iermany, and Austria. The outcome is, according to the author, unfavorable to govern- ment ownership. Rouvier, Maurice. [Discussion des propositions de loi tendant au rachat des reseaux de TOuest et du ]Midi. | {In Journal olficiel de la Republique fran(;aise, 36. annt'C, Jan. 27, 1904, pp. 135-142.) An analysis of the situation by the Minister of finance. "La conception du rachat et de I'exploitation par I'Etat ne se rele- vera pas promptement des coups terribles que lui a assent's M. Rouvier." Leroy-Beaulku, P. L' Economise franralt<, Jan. SO, 1904. p. 137. Sarlat, Joseph. Du role economique de Tctat en matiere d'exploita- tion de chemins de fer. Sarlat: Michdet, 1903. {2), 157 pp. 8°. Gives a brief exposition of the principles of railroad administration in England, the United States, Holland, Italy, Germany, Austria- Hungary, Belgium. Devotes a chapter to the French system. Say, Leon. Le rachat des chemins de fer. {In Journal des economistes, 4 s(^r., 1. 16, Dec. 15, 1881, pp. 329-351. ) Schlemmer, G., and Henry Bonneau. Recueil de documents rela- tifs a I'histoire parlementaire des chemins de fer franvais. Principaux discours aux chambres, exposes des motifs des projets de lois, rapports, etc. Paris: Vve. C. Dunod. 1898. U), 685, iv pp. ^°. Covers the period 183:3-1896. The documents are connected by historical notes. Sciama, G. Propositions de rachat des chemins de fer par Tetat. Rapport prescnte au nom de la deuxieme commission. (Jn Paris. Chambre de commerce. Travaux pendant I'annee 1900, pp. 194-219. Paris, 1901. 8°.) Opposed to state ownership. 1128.12 38 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS' \ Thery, Edmond. Histoire des grandes compagnies de ohemins de fer franyais dans leurs rapports financiers avec Fetat. [5. ed.] Paris: ^conomiste europeen, 189Ii.. ^SJf. pj^- Tahles. 12^. {Etudes economiques et financier es.') Ulrich, Franz. Traite general des tarifs de chemins de fer, contenant une etude speciale des tarifs appliques en Allemagne, Autriche-Hongrie, Suisse, Italie, France, Belgique, Hol- lande, Angleterre et Russie. Ed. frangaise, revue par I'auteur. Paris: Baudry et &% 1890. (^), x, 655 pp. JfP. "France," pp. 402-448. Whiley, Charles W. Railways in Europe: France. {In U. S. Consular reports, vol. 46, no. 170, Nov., 1894, pp. 309-326.) Wickersheimer, Charles Emile. Etude sur le rachat des chemins de fer d'Orleans, de POuest, de I'Est et du Midi. Construction de 20.000 kilometres de chemins de fer economiques. Pre- face de Camille Pelletan. Paris: Imprlmcrie Chaix, 189'2. xiii., 213., (2) pp. If'. Examination of the financial operations o£ the railroads proposed to be purchased and exploited by the government. The work constitutes an argument for government ownership. GERMANY OFFICIAL REPORTS Alsace-Lorraine. Die Reichseisenbahnen in Elsass-Lothiinofen uiul (lie Wilhelm-Luxemburg-Bahnen im Recbnungsjahr 1908, (1. April, 1903 bis 31. Marz 1904.) {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 28, Mar.-Apr., 1905, pji. 400-407. Berlin, 1905. 8°.) Baden. Jahresbericbt iiber die Staatseisenbahncn und die Bodensee- Dampfscbifffahrt im Grossherzogtuni Baden fiir da.s Jahr 1902. KarlsTuhe: Chr. Ft. Milller'sche Hqfhiichhandlung., lOOo. 75 p]). 35 tnhles {partly folded). If'. The Library has also the volumes for 1895-1898. Die Eisenbabnen im Grossherzogtum Baden im ,Iabre 1902. (In Archiv fiir Eisenbahuwesen, vol. 27, May-June, 1904, pp. 670-678. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) Bavaria. Die baj^eriscben Staatseisenbabnen und Scbili'abrtsbetriebe im Jahre 1902. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, May-June, 1904, pp. 638- 650. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) Prussia. Beriebt iiber die Ergebnissc des Betriebes der preussischen Staatseisenbabnen im Etatsjahr 1878 79-1902. Berlin, 1879-1903. 25 ojoU. In 13. 7^°. Eisenbabn-Verordnungsblatt. Hrsg. vom konigliob preussi- scben Ministerium der otfentlicben Arbeiten. 1.-25. Jabrg. 1878-1902. Beiiin, [1879-1903]. 25 vols. Tlkistrations. Folded tables. • ^°. Die Entwicklung der Giitertarifc dor preiissiscb-hessischen Staatseisenbabnen. (In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 28, Jan.-Feb., 1905, pp. 80- 104. Berlin, 1905. 8°.) Erweiterung und Vervollstiindigung des preussischen Eisen- babnnetzes im Jabre 190-1. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, July-Aug., 1904, pp. 807- 853. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) 39 40 LIBRARY OB^ CONGRESS Prussia. Der Etat der preussisch-hessischen Eisenbahnverwaltung fill' das Etatsjahr 1904. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, .Tuly-Ang., 1904, pp. 927- 939. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) Die A^ereinigten preussischen und hessischen Staatseisenbahnen im Rechnungsjahr 1903. (I7i Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 28, Mar.-Apr., 1905, pp. 408- 449. Berlin, 1905. 8°.) Saxony. Statistischer Bericht ilber den Betrieb der unter koniglich .sachsischer Staatsverwaltung stehenden Staats- und Privat- Eisenbahnen mit Nachrichten iiber Eisenbahn-Neubau im Jahre 1903. Dresden: C. Ileinrich^ [1903\ i)\ 171 pp. Map. F^. Die unter koniglich sachsischer Staatsverwaltung stehenden Staats- und Privateisenbahnen im Jahre 1903. (in Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 28, Jan. -Feb., 1905, pp. 199-216. Berlin, 1905. 8°.) Wiirttemberg. Amts-Blatt der koniglich-wiirttembergischen Ver- kehrsan.stalten. Jahrg. 1872-1900. Stuttgart., Druck der Stuttgarter Buchdruckerei-Gesellschaft, [etc., 1872-1900]. 29 vols. 8°. Verwaltungs-Bericht der koniglich-wiirttembergischen Ver- kehrsanstalten im Rechnungsjahre 1879'80-1902 3. Stuttgart: VerlagderJ. B. Metslerschen Buchhandlung [efc.]., 1881-190^. 22 vols. Folded maps. Folded tahles. Folded diagi'ams. IfP. Die koniglich wiirttembergischen Staatseisenbahnen und die Bodenseedampfsehiftfahrt im Etatsjahr 1902, {In Archiv K\v Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, ]May-June, 1904, pp. 660- 669. Berlin, 1904. 8= QO Verein deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen. Festschrift iiber die Thatigkeit des Vereins deutscher Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen in den ersten 50 Jahren seines Bestehens. 1846-1896. Berlin: Druck der NaucMschen Buchdruckerei., 1896. xxxix, Ii,16 pp. Portraits. Tahles. Diagrams. F°. Gives an historical record of the operation of the Verein from 1846 to 1896, textual history of regulations, freight agreements, tariffs, etc., with an account of the various publications issued during the period. RAILROADS IN GERMANY 41 BOOKS Acworth, William Mitchell. '"The railways of (Terman}-'- and En^'- land. A reply. {In Contemporary review, vol. S", Apr., lOOo, pp. 570-576.) Defends the English system in answer to Eltzbacher, in the Con- temporary for Feb., 1905. Burmeister, Hans. Geschichtliche Entwiokoluno- des Giitertarifwe>;(ms der Eisenl)ahnon Deutschland.s. Ein Beitrao" zum Verstiind- niss der Tariftraj>-e der Geo-enwart, Leipzig: Verlag vo/i Duncher db Iltanhlot. 1S99. (.f), 62. (1) pj). 8^. Cauer, Wilhelm. Betrieb und Verkehr der preussischen Staatsbahnen . Ein Handbuch fiir Behorden und Beamte. Berlin: Yerlag von J ulluH Springer^ 1897-1903. 2 vol a. 8^. Contents. — I. Theil. Organisation und Stellung der preussischen Staatsbahnen; Der Zugdienst; Die Lokomotiven und Eisenbahn- wagen. 18(7. xxiii, (1), 471 pp. Mit G7 Abbildungen im Text und auf 4 Tafeln. II. Theil. Personen-und Giiterverkehr der vereinigten preussischen und hessischen Staat.sbahnen. 1903. xxxvi, 848 pp. Mit 46 Abbildungen im Text und auf 3 farbigen Tafeln. Deligny, Paul. Etude du droit de rachat et do son role dans la poli- tique des pays etrangers. Alleiuag-ne. {Ill his Etude comparee du droit de rachat dans les concessions de chemins de fer d'interet general, pp. 24-62. Paris, 1904. 8°. ) Contents.— Section 1. Gen^ralit^s; 2. Intervention de I'etat, a I'ori- gine, dans le regime des voies ferries; ses causes; 2. Achemine- ment de la politique prussienne vers la reprise des voies ferrees; premiere periode, jusqu'en 18(59; 4. Politique de la Prusse apres la guerre 1870; 5. Resultats compar6es de la nationalisation des voies ferrees en Allemagne avec ceux de 1' exploitation privee en France; Conditions cconomiques et financieres des voies ferrees dans les deux pays et leur action comparee sur les abaissements possibles detarifs; 6. Causes qui niaintiennent I'el^vation relative aux tarifs en Allemagne; 7. De ramortissement. Eger, Georg. Das deutsche Frachtrecht niit besonderer Beritcksich- tigung des Eisenbahn Frachtrechts. Kin Koninientar zu TUel 5, Buch 4 des Deutschen Handelsgesetzbuchs und /u dem Deutschen, Oesterreich-Ungarischen und Vereins- Eisenbahn-Bctriebs-Reglement. 2. vennehrte Aufl. Berlin: Carl Bey vianns Verlag, 1888-1891. 3 vols. 8"". 42 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Eger, Georg-. Die Eisenbahn-Verkehrsordnung- vom 26. Oktober 1899, nebst den allgemeinen Zusatzbestimmungen und Abfertigiing-svovschriften aiif Grundlage dcs deutschen Haiidelsgesetzbuchs vom 10. Mai 1897. 2. Aufl. Berlin: J. Guttentag. 1901. xlmii,713pp. 8-. "Literatur," pp. ix-xvi. •• Eisenbahnrec'htlicbe Entscheidungen deutscher nnd oster- reicbischer Gericbte. Bd. 1-10. Berlm: C. Ileijmanns Verlag, 1885- 189 J^. 10 vols. 8^. In 1894 enlarged in scope to fiover French, Belgian, Italian, and Swiss railway laws, etc., under the title " Eisenbahnrechtliche Ent.scheidungen und Abhandlungen." •^ Das Gesetz iiber die Babneinbeiten vom 19. August 1895 in der Fassung des Gesetzes vom 11. Juni 1902. Berllv: J. (rnttentag, 1905. itii, 508 pp. 8'^. Das Gesetz iiher Kleinbabnen und Privatanscblussbabnen. Vom 28. JuU 1892. Kommentar. Nebst einem cbrono- logiscben Verzeichnisse aller beziiglicben Gesetze, Aus- fiibrungsanweisungen, Betriebsvorsehriften, Verordnungen und Erlasso. 2. Autl. Berlin., 190 If.. J. Guttentog. xxx.c, 531^. pp. Folded j)lttni<. 8^. Hand])ucb des preussiscben Eisen})ahnrecbts. Breslau: J. U. Kerns Verlag, 1889-1896. 2 vols. 8°. Eltzbacher, O. Tbe agricultural prosperity of Germany. ( /n Contemporary review, vol. 87, Apr., 1905, pp. 457-478.) "Only in that country [England] which was the pion^ier in railway transport, the railways are allowed to extort from the country- men freight charges which even now make the mediaeval form of transport the cheaper one." Tbe railwa3's of Germany. (Jn Contemporary review, vol. 87, Feb., 1905, pp. 174-192.) Compares the railway systems of Great Britain and Germany to the disadvantage of the former. Quotes statistics in support of this argument. "The foregoing facts and figures clearly prove the wisdom of Bismarck's policy and the immense superiority of the German State-owned railways over the British private railways." \ Fleck, G. Studien zur Geschicbte des preassiscben Eisenbabnwesens. (Jn Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, ^lar.-Apr., 1904, pp. 359- 373; :May-June, 1904, pp. 587-597; July-Aug., 1904, pp. 854-870. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. Railroads in Germany 43 Fochier, Kmiiianiiel. L'exploitation des chemins do fer par I'rtat en Allemao-ne. Paris: L. Larose, 1901. {2\ WI^, (1) pjj. 8^. "■ Fohlinger, ( )tto. (Jeschichte dor Eisenbalincii in KL-^a^s-Lothrintron Lind ihres Transport- Verkch res. Strasshiirg : Heitz i& Mundcl ^ 1H97 . mil^ IH'2 jyp- S-. Great Britain, Fore'mn (>-§ice. iJiplomat'w and atiDndar rej>ortx. Mhcellaneous seriex., J902^ no. 67 J^.. Gormany. Report otj Prussian railways. Presented to both Houses of l*arlia- ment, b}'' command of His Majesty, Februar}', 19«)2. London: Harrison <&; sons^ 1902. 56 pp. 8'-'. An historical survey of the operation and achninistration of Prus- sian railroads from 1850, the beginning of State ownership, down to 1901. Heckel, M. von. Eisenbahnverwaltuno- und Finanzpolitik in Preussen. (/?* Jahrl)ucher fiir Xational(')kononiie nnd Statistik, 'A. Folge, I>d. 24, pp. 75-86. Jena, 1902. 8°.) Herr, Fritz. Railways. {In International exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Otlic-ia! catalogue. Exliibition of the (ierman empire, pp. '267-279. Berlin, 1904. s°. ) Hoff, W. Zur Wiederkehr des zehnten Jahrestag-es dor NeuordnuMLi" der preussischen Staatseisenbahnverwaltuno-. 1. April 1895 bis 1. April 1905. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 28, Mar.- Apr., 1905, pp. 307- 330. Berlin, 1905. 8°.) Johnson, Emory Richard. American railway transportation. Re- y vised ed. JVeiv York: I). Appleton and company^ 190^. ;rv/, JfSJi. pp. Illustrations. Maps. Folded, chart. 12~'. {Apj)letons' husifiess series. ) "Relations of the railways and the state in Italy and Germany," pp. 335-348. Kaufmann, Richard von. La politiciue fran9ai.se en niatiere de chemins de fer, traduit, mis a jour et precede d'une etude complementaire par Frantz Hamon. Paris: Oh. Beramjer, 1900. (^), ,/v', (7), 099pp. 5^. A favorable review of the administration and operation of French railroads. Makes a comparison with Prussian railroads conced- ing superiority to the French. A criticism of the work by a German authority takes issue with his conclusions: See, "Prcus- sische Jahrbiicher," vol. 87, 1897, page 379. * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Kech, Edwin. Die Griindung der g-rossherzoglich Imdischen Staats- eisenbahnen. Beitrag zur Geschichte der badischen Eisen- bahnpolitik. Ka'dsriiJie: Dntcl' mid Verlag der G. Braunschen Ilofhuch- druckerei, 1905. {8), 131, (1) pp. 8-. Kronig, Fritz. Die Verwaltung- der preussischen Staats-Eisenbahnen. Breslau: W. G. Korn, 1891-92. <2 vols, in 1. 8^. Leyen, Alfred von der. Zehn Jahre Staatseisenbahn- Verwaltung- in Preussen. {In Deutsche Rundschau, vol. 107, June, 1901, pp. 407-425.) List, Friedrich. Ueber ein siichsisches Eisenbahnsystem als Grund- lage eines allgemeinen deutschen Eisenbahns3'stems, Neu hrsg. und eingeleitet von L. O. Brandt. Mit eine Beilage: Das deutsche Eisenbahnsj^stem. Leipzig: P. Reclam, 1897. 77pp. Map. 8°. {Unwerscd- Bihliothek.^ no. 3669.) Liittke, . Generaltarife. {In Verein deutscher Eisenbahnverwaltungen. Zeitung, vol. 44, Oct. 15, 1904, pp. 1279-1283. Berlin, 1904. F°. ) This article begins by saying that certain trade journals have been filled during the previous summer with a whole series of com- plaints as to "the difficulties which traders under the existing system of tariff records have in ascertaining any specific rates with ease and certainty." The writer goes on to point out that it is not easy for the German State railways even to go as far as the French private railways and replace by one single comprehensive publication "the existing welter of tariffs and supplemental tar- iffs." The French publication known as Chaix is b)' no means complete. It only gives the more important rates and conditions, yet it occupies 2,700 quarto pages of small print and weighs 14 lbs. avoirdupois. The Austrian railways, continues Herr Liittke (Austrian only, not Hungarian), do publish a complete collection of all their tariffs, which may be regarded as the pattern of what such a work should be. It is divided into fourteen parts, occu- pies 6,000 pages, and weighs 32 lbs. avoirdupois. That no such collection exists for the German railwa3's, Herr Liittke acknowl- edges; "that such a collection might be made, is undoubted." But it would need to be vastly bigger than the Austrian. Ger- many has more than four times as many stations; the tariffs referring to the international traffic between (lermanj- and Austro- Hungary would alone require some 3,000 to 4,000 pages. "In any case, as a glance at the tariff record of the German Imperial Railway Office shows, a compilation of the tariffs in which Ger- many is interested, even if the transit tariffs were omitted, implies not a book but a library." Contemporary review, April, 1905, pp. 574-575. RAILROADS IN GERMANY 45 Mange, Alfred. LV'xploitution ties cheuiins de for de hi Prusso dcpuis leur rachat par l\'tut. {Li Revue des deux mondes, :;. pc'-r., t. 117, May, 1893, pp. 142-l(j8. ) Mason, Frank II. Railways in Europe: Germany. (/// U. S. CoiiHular reports, vf)l. 46, no. 170, Nov., 1894, jjp. 827-331. ) Meyer, Balthasar H. Railway regulation under foreign and domestic laws. (/» U. S. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 9, pp. 897-1004. Washington, 1901. 8°.) "Prussian railways," pp. 962-983. Meyer, Hug-o Richard. Government ownprshi]^ of riiilwavs. Ger- many. {In Railway age, vol. 36, July 10, 1903, pp. 32-34; .July 17, 1903, pp. 62-65; July 24, 1903, pp. 92-95; July 31, 1903, pp. 124-126.) I. Germany — The conflict of sectional interests; II. Local and per- sonal discrinunation; III. Railway revenue an- -^^^• Contains a section "L'exemple de I'Allemagne. Resultats finan- ciers de I'exploitation des cliemins de fer en Prusse." *Morlok, G. von. Die koniglichen witrttembergischen Ei.senbahnen. Ritckschau auf deren Erbauung wahrend der Jahre 1835-1889, unter Beriieksichtigung ihrer geschichtlichen tecbnischen iind tinanziellen Momente und Ero-ebnisse dargestellt. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1890. vUi., 23.'^. j>j). Illustrations. ^fajJ. J^~'. Miiller, Karl. Die badischen Eisenbahnen in historisch-statistischer Darstelhing, Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Eiseubahn- wesens. (Mit 2 Karten und 1 Tafel.) Heidelberg: Horning und BerJienhusch,190Jt^. xvi, 1^66 j)]). Folded sheet. Folded map. 8°. Contents. — Geschichte der Eisenbahnen und der Eisenbahnpolitik; Statistik der badischen Eisenbahnen. Pages 403-411 contain "Die 1)adischen Staatseisenbahnen im Yer- gleiche mit den ubrigeii dcutsclien Staatsbahnnetzen." Pages 415-462 contain legislative enactments from 1835 to 1886. * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. 46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Le Nouveau reglement de transport des chemins de fer allemands. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 23, Jan., 1900, pp. 106-109.) Offenberg, . Der wirtschat'tlicho Charakter des Extraordina- Tiuins der preus.sischen Staats-Eisenbahuverwaltung, (7)i Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 26, May-June, 1903, pp. 487- 499. Berlin, 1903. S°.) Pappenheim, Max. Das Transportgeschaft nach dem Entwurf eines Handels-Gesetzbuehs iiiit Ausschluss des Seehandelsrechts. , Kid: Ll2>^!m d; Tlscher, 1896. HJ^ pp. 8^'. Pattinson, J. Pearson. Notes on German railroads. (In Railroad gazette, vol. 30, Apr. 15, 1898, pp. 273-274.) "Some of the salient points of German railroad working, discussing passenger rolling stock, fares, stations, and s])eed." Engineering index, vol. :J, p. 731. Pratt, P^dwin A. Railways and their rates; with an appendix on the British canal problem. London : John Ilnrnuj., lOOo. /,/•, (/), 361 pp- Plates. 8^. "The railways of Germany," pp. 241-266. Pret, C. A. Les chemins de fer aUemands. (/» Monde economique, vol. 15, Apr. S, 1905, pp. 421-422.) "Bien que les salaires des employes de cliemin de fer allemands aient augments dans tous les Ktats, en meme temps que diminu- aient partout les prix de transport des marchandises et des voya- geurSj les resultats financiers des chemins de fer d'Etat sont devenus plus satisfaisants d'annee en annee, ce qui est du pour la plus large part a la ))onne administration dont ils sont I'objet." Schipfer, A. Preussisch-deutsche Eisenbahnfragen, insl)esondere die Reform des Personenverkehrs. Berlin: L. Simeon Nachf.., 1905. Jf^S pp. 8^'. {Volksioirt- schaftllche Zeltfragen.. Heft 209. ) Schmidt, W. Einrichtuno-en fiir den Eisenbahnverk(>lir. (//I Deutscher Verl)and fiir das kaufmannische I'nterrichtswesen. Handbuch der Wirtschaftskunde Deutsclilands, vol. 4, pp. 695-709. Leipzig, 1904. 4°.) Schulz, Albert. Uel)er die Dctaritieriing von " Zucker zur Ausfuhr " auf deutschen Eisenbahnen und die Ausnahme-Tarifierung- auf den preussischen Staatsbahnen. 2. Aufi. Berlin: ]\(Ukammer dc Muhlhrecht, 1900. vli, 68 pi?. 8°. Schulze, W. A. Die Fahrgeschwindigkeit der Schnellziige auf deut- schen und amerikanischen Eisenbahnen. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, July-Ang., 1904, pp. 1109- 1132. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) " >.' « RAILROADS IN GERMANY 47 Statistique pour Toxorcice 1902, des chemins de fer faisant partie de rUiiion AUeiiiande " Verein," divisds en 3 groupos savoir: 1. g-roupe, Cheniiiis de fer de rAUeniagne; '1. groupe. De I'Autriche-Hongrie; 3. groupe. Du Luxeinhoiug, de la Hollande et divers. [In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 28, Mar., 1905, pp. 194-200.) "Extrait des Statistische Nachrichten von den Eisenbahnon des Vereins Deutscher Eisenbalm-Verwaltung fiir das Reclinnngs Jahr 1902." Strutz, Georg. Die Eisenbahn-Verwaltiing. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1901. viii, (^), [56"/]-10o6 jjjk S'. {Schwarz, O. mid G. Strutz. Der Staatshanshalt mid die Finanzen Preusseiis., Bd. 7, S. Liff.) Contexts. — Die Eisenhahn-Verwaltimg: Entstehungsgescliii'liti- der preussis(;hen Eisenbahnen. Die Einnahmen der Eisenliahnver- waltung. Die Ausgaben der iMsenlialmverwaltung. Die Feber- schiisse der Eisenbahnverwaltung und ihre Verwendung. Die Eisenbahnanleiheii . Taussig, Frank William. Keceiit discussions on railway nianagonient in Prussia. {In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 9, Oct., 1894, pp. 77-87.) Thamer, C. Die Giiterbevvegung auf deutschen Eisenbahnen ini .Tahre 1903 im Vergleich zu der in den Jahren 1900, 1901 und 1902. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, Sept. -Oct., 1904, pj). 1133- 1170. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) TolsdorfF, . Die vereinigten preussischen und hessischen Staatsei- senbahnen im Rechnungsjahr 1903. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 28, ]\Iar.-Apr., 1905, i)p. 40S- 449. Berhn, 1905. 8°.) Traffic statistics from Germany and Hungary. {In Railroad gazette, vol. 41, May 21, 1897, pp. 356-357.) Summarizes the passenger and freight traffic from 1888 to 1895, showing freight tonnage and earnings, number of passengers and earnings, making comparison with American railroads. Trommer, Ludwig, ed. Eisenbahn Zeitfragen. Folgc der grundlc- genden Vorarbeiten fiir eine neue Verkehrsordnung und kiinftige Verkehrswissenschaft. Zurich: Art. Instltut Orell Fiissli, 1902. n: 119, {l)pp. ,S. 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS *Ulrich, Franz, Les chemins de fer de Tetat, les voies navngables d'etat et la politique economique do rAUemag-ne. Traduit de Tallemaud, avec une introduction par Henry Haguet. Paris: Bureaux dti Journal des tra7}sij>orts^ 1898. 8°. * Stafi'cltarife und Wasserstrassen. Berlm: J. Springer, 189Jf. v, 234, pp. 8"^. Traite o-eneral des tarifs de chemins de fer, coutenant une etude speciaie des tarifs appliques en Allemagne, Autriche- Hongrie, Suisse, Italic, France, Belgique, Hollande, Angle- terre et Russie. Ed. f ranfaise revue par I'auteur. Paris: Baudry et &\ 1890. {2), ,r, 555 pp. J4P. Allemagne: I. Prescriptions relatives aux tarifs emanant de la loi, des actes de concession et du coutrole administratif. 1. Prusse. 2. Autres etats allemands. 3. Empire d' Allemagne. II. Developpe- ment historique de la tarification des marchandises et systemes divers de tarifs. Vale, A. The Luebeck-Buecken railway. [In Railway magazine, vol. 9, Dec, 1901, pp. 513-522.) Waechter, Max. Die Kleinbahnen in Preussen. Berlin: J. Springer, 1902. {6),[v]-ri,268 jjp. Tahles. If?. "Literaturverzeichniss," pp. 267-268. Wathelet, -T. Quelques principes financiers relatifs a Texploitation des chemins de fer en Prusse. Pa;rls: Giard et Brieve, 190J,. 8°. Quelques principes financiers relatifs a Texploitation des chemins de fer en Prusse. {In Revue de science et de legislation financieres, vol. 2, July-Sept., 1904, pp. 389-404. ) Examines the financial organization of the Prussian railroads as regards the preparation of the budget and the method of render- ing accounts. The French text of the laws of 1882, 1897, and 1903 is given as an appendix to the article. * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. BELGIUM OFFICIAL REPORTS Belgium. Ministere de V agriculture^ de VliulKstrie et des travaux jmhlics. Chemin de fer de Fetat. Tarif et conditions reglementaires pour le transport des marchandises. finance.s, equipages, chevaux, bestiaux, chiens, etc. Anvers: Dewever freres, 1848. 8 jjp. 8'-'. MiniHtere de.s chemins de fer^ posies et telegrcijyhes. Chemins de fer, postes, telegraphes, telephones et marine. Compte- rendu des operations pendant les annees 1840-1908. Bruxelles, 1840-1901^. 61 vols. Folded maps. FoUhd tables. F^. Statistique des chemins de fer de la Belgique pour Tannee 1902. {In Revue gen^rale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 27, March, 1904, pp. 220-226. ) BOOKS Belgian railwa^^s and cheap fares. (/» Railway news, vol. 80, Sept. 20, 1903, p. 474.) Great Britain. Foreign office. Commercial no. 18 {1891). Corre- spondence respecting tariffs for goods and passengers on Belgian state railways, and returns for 1888 showing the working of Belgian and of Austrian and Hungarian rail- wa,ys. Presented to both Houses of Parliament l)y com- mand of Her Majesty. 'July, 1891. London^ 1891. 27 j)^. F°. {Great Britain. Farliamott. Sessional papers, 1890-91, vol. 83. C. 6J,:23.) ■ Diplomatic and. considar reports. Annual series 3116. Report for the year 1902 on the finances and commerce of Belgium and budget estimate for 1904. London, 190 If.. W pp. 5°. State railways, pp. 9, 10. 49 50 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Laveleye, A. de. Histoire des vingt-cinq premieres annees des che- mins de fer beiges. 1862. Bruxelles, A. Decq; Parw, E. Lucrolx. {2), ri, 228 pp. 8°. Contents. — 1. Chemins de fer de I'etat. II. Chemins de fer con- cedes. III. Resume. Milhaud, Edgard, Le rachat des chemins de fer. Paris: Edouard Cmmely et cie., IdOlf.. xiii., (i), 315 j)p>. 12^. Contains a section, "L'exemple de la Belgique." Pratt, Edwin A. Railways and their rates; with an appendix on the British canal problem. London: John Murray., 1905. ioc^ (1), 361 pp. Plates. 8'-. "The railways of Belgium," pp. 286-303. Renkin, J. Les chemins de fer de I'etat beige. {In Revue economique Internationale, vol. 3, Nov., 1904, pp. 593- 632. ) Ulrich, Franz. Traite general des tarif s de chemins de fer, contenant mie etude speciale des tarifs appliques en AUemagne, Autriche-Hongrie, Suisse, Italic, France, Belgique, Hol- lande, Angleterre et Russie. Ed. frauyaise revue par Fauteur. Paris: Baudry et &% 1890. (^), »■, 555 pp. Jf-. "Belgique," pp. 449-475. SWITZERLAND OFFICIAL REFOKTS Switzerland. Le budget des c-hemins de fer de la Confederation Suisse pour 1902. {hi Revue gencrale des cbeminsde fer etdfcstraiinvavH, vol. L'o, Feb., 1902, pp. 151-152.) Die Eisenbahnen der Schweiz iin Jahre 1902. {In Archiv fiir eisenbahnwesen. vol. 27, Nov.-Dec, 1904, pp. 1405- 1414. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) Rapport et propo.sition du Conseil d'administration de.s clieniins de fer federaux au Conseil federal ii Tappui du ])udget des chemins de fer federaux pour 1905, pour «^tre souniis a I'Assemblee federale. Du 30 septembre 1904. {In Feuille federale de la confederation suis.«e, 56. annee, vol. 5, no. 44, Nov. 2, 1904, pp. 149-271. Berne, 1904. 8°.) Rapport presente a I'AssfMublee federale par le Conseil federal Suisse sur sa gestion pendant Tannee 1908. Berne: ImprimeTie C. J. Wyss^ 190 Jf.. (^), 8Ji.6 pp. Folded taUes. 8°. ' ' Departement federal des postes et des chemins de fer," pp. 611-830. Recueil des pieces offieielles relatives aux chemins de fer suisses. n. s., vol. 19-20. Berne: K. J. Wyss, 1903-190J^. 3pts. 8°. Schweizerische Eisenbahn-Statistik. 1868-1900. Bern: Orell, Fussli db cie [etc.\ 1877-1902. 23 vols. F'. Title-pages and contents also in French. ■ Statistique des chemins de fer suisses pour Faiuiee 1901. {In Revue g(?ncrale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 27, Jan., 1904, pp. 20-27.) BOOKS Bernhardt, R. Die schweizerische Ostalpenbahn in historisi-her, technischer, kommerzieller und volkswirthschaftlicher Beleuchtung. Vol. 1. Zurich: Verlag: Art. institvt Orell Filssli, 1903. i.r, (7), 138, (2) pjj. Haps. Jf. 51 52 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS Clerget, Pierre. La vie economique. La politique de la Suisse en matiere de chemins de fer. {1)1 Revue economique internationale, vol. 2, May 15-20, 1905, jip. 372-385. ) "Quant au rachat lui-meme, s'il est en desaccord avec un principe pose d ■priori, il nous a ]iaru ici absolument conforme aux faits geographiques et aux veritable interets politiques et economiques du pays." Deligny, Paul. Etude du droit de rachat et de son role dans la poli- tique des pays etrangers. La Suisse. {hi his Etude comparee du droit de rachat dans les concessions de chemins de fer d'interet general, pp. 78-94. Paris, 1904. 8°.) Contents. — Section 1. Origine du rachat. — Periode du federalisme; 2. De la clause de rachat et de son role dans la politique federale Suisse; 3. Motifs politiques et economiques du rachat et premiers resultats de la nationalisation des voies ferrees en Suisse; 4. Du budget des chemins de fer federaux et de la taritication. Dietler, Hans. The regulation and nationalization of the Swiss railways. Philadel'phia : American academy of political and social science^ 1899. 62 ])j). 8^. {Publications of the Arnerican academy of political and social science, no. 250.) Translated from the German by B. H. Meyer. Gives synopsis of the federal law of Oct. 15, 1897, providing for repurchase of railways. Sam.i {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 13, Mar., 1899, pp. 143-172; May, 1899, pp. 291-322.) G-eorg, A. Voies de communications. {In La Suisse au dix-neuvieme siecle, vol. 3, pp. 227-289. Lausanne, 1901. 4°.) ' ' Le rachat des chemins de fer suisses et I'etat actuel du reseau ferre," pp. 285-289. * Gubler, Heinrich. Die Kontrolle des Bundes liber das Rechnungs- wesen der Eisenbahnen. Zurich: J. Ruegg, 1898. 152, (1) pp. 8°. Haguet, Henry. Le rachat des chemins de fer suisses et ses conse- quences. Paris: C. Be'ranger [etc], 1903. 128 pj^. 5^. Cover-title. "Nouslivrons au lecteur franyais, dans les pages qui vont suivre, les resultats d'une enquete que nous venons de terminer en Suisse sur la reprise des chemins de fer par I'etat, arrachee au peuple, apres de longues luttes, par le parti radical centraliste, qui detient le pouvoir depuis plus de vingt-cinq annees. "La conclusion qui s'en degage se resume en deux mots: le rachat Suisse a ete une erreur et sera una deception." Introduction. * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. RAILROADS IN SWITZERLAND 53 Henry, L. Paul. Le rachat des chemins dc fer en Suisse. {In Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 19, Nov., 1904, pj.. 718-740; vol. 20, Jnly-Aug., 1905, pp. 442-464.) Herold, Robert. Der schweizeri.schc Bund und die Eisenbahnen l)i^ zur Jahrhund'M-twende. Der albnahbg-e Siej^ zentrali.sti- scherTendenzen unddieDureht'iihruno-derVer.staatliehung. Mit einer kartographischen Beilage. Stuttgart imd Berlin, 1902. J. G. Cotta. viii., 971, (1) />j>. Folded map. 8'^. {Mwichener volkswirtacKaftliche Stu- dien. 1^9. S>tucl'.) Macdonald, J. R, The referendum and the Swiss raih-oads. {In American monthly review of reviewi^, vol. 17, April, 1898, pp. 443-445. ) A review of attempts to nationalize the Swiss railroads, and of the agitation which resulted Feb. 20, 1898, in a vote of .384,148 for nationalization and 177,180 against. Micheli, Horace. State purchase of railways in Switzerland. Tr. l)y John Cumniings. Neio York: Pah. for the American economic association hy the Macmillan company; London: S. Sonnenschein d: co., 1898. (4^), 3o3-Ii£0 pp. 8^. {Ameincan economic associa- tion. Economic studies, vol. 3, no. 6.) Milhaud, Edgard. La nationalisation des chemins de fer suisses. {In Revue socialiyte, vol. 38, Oct., Nov., Dec, 1903, pp. 434-455, 547-563, 683-711.) A refutation of the arguments advanced by Haguet against govern- ment control. The writer supports his contentions with elaborate statistics. Le rachat des chemins de fer. Paris: ^donard Comely et cie, WOJ^.. xiii, (i), Slo pp. i^°. Contains a section " L'exemple de la Suisse." Oetiker, J. Legislation Suisse des chemins de fer. Recueil des lois. ordonnances et arretes les plus importants reiatifs au.x chemins de fer suisses. Elaboi-e par le Dr. J. Oetiker a la demande du Departement federal des postes et des chemins de fer. Berne: Neukomm,& Zhnmermann, 1903. ;i; 800pp. Folded taUes. 8°. Loi federale concernant I'acquisition et I'exploitation de chemins de fer pour le compte de la Confederation, ain.si que I'organi.-^ation de I'administration des chemins de fer federaux (du 15 octobre 1897), pp. 06-88. Les Projets de tarifs pour les chemins de fer suisses repris par I'etat. {In Revue gen^rale des chemins de fer et les tramways, vol. 23, Mar., 1900, pp. 263-265.) 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Racca, Vittorio. A proposito della nazionalizzazione delle ferrovie in Isvizzera. {In Giornale degli economisti, vol. 28, June, 1904, p[). 526-539.) Rathgeb, J. G. Eisenbahnwesen: Eisenbahnverstaatlichung. (J» Handwdrterbuch der schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft, Social- politik und Verwaltun^, vol. 1, pp. 873-888. Bern, 1903. 4°.) Segesser, Hans A. von. Die Per.sonentarife der schweizerischen Privateisenbahnen und die Tarif ref ormen der Bundesbahnen. Zurich: Zurcher cfc Furrer, 1902. viii, 137 pp. 8°. Ulrich, Franz. Traite o-eneral des tarifs de chemins de fer, contenant une etude speciale des tarifs appliques en Allemagne, Autriche-Hongrie, Suisse, Italie, France, Belgique, Hol- lande, Angleterre et Kussie. Ed. fran^aise revue par Tauteur. Paris: Baudrij et &\ 1890. (2), *•, 565 pp. 4°. "Suisse," pp. 343-364. Volmar, Fr. Eisenbahnwesen. Geschichte. {lit Handwurterbuch der schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft, Social- politik und Verwaltung, vol. 1, pp. 864-873. Bern, 1903. 4°.) Weissenbach, Placid. Die Durchfiihrung- der Verstaalichung in der Schweiz. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, Nov.-Dec, 1904, pp. 1259-1327; vol. 28, Jan.-Feb., 1905, pp. 105-156. Berhn, 1904- 1905. 8°.) "Wiedemann, C. P. Die geschichtlicbe Entwickelung der schwei- zerischen Eisenbahngesetzgebung. Zurich: SchuUheiss ds co., 1905. 116pp. 8°. * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. ITALY OFFICIAT- RK PORTS Italy. Commissione cV incMesta sulV esercizio delle ferrovie italiani-. Atti (lella Commis.sione d' inchiestu siilT esercizio dolle ferrovie italiane . . . presentati dal Mini.stro do! lavoi-i puhblici (Baccarini) nolla tornata del 31 iiiarzo 1881. Bom a: T!p. ernU Botia, 1881. 7 roU. Mapn. Folded taUes. Folded diagrauis. JfP. {Atti jmrlanientarL Lc- gislatura xiv-Prhna sessio7ie 1880-81. Camera del dejjutatl. Doc. n. xxxiv.) Ministero del lavorl puhhliel. Relazione suUe stradc ferrate italiane. 1867-1884. Firense, 1869-1886. 11^ voh. F°. * Reale commlssione per lo studio di proposte intorno alV ordi- namento delle strade ferrate. Atti. Roma, 1903-1901^. 10 vols. ^^. Rapport de la Commission royalc italienne charofee de Fenqiiete sur I'exploitatiou dcs ciieinins do fer. {In Revue genorale des cheinins de fer et des tramways, vol. 27, Mar., 1904, pp. 236-249.) Statistique des chemins de fer de Tltalie. Pour rannoe 1891. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vul. 21. Jan., 1S98, pp. 33-42.) BOOKS Claus, H. Die Betriebsergebnisse dor italienischen Eisenbalinrn im Jahre 1901. ( J?i Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, .Mar.-Ajjr., 1904, pp. 407- 420. Berlin, 1904. S°.) Die Eisenbahnfraue in Itilicn. {Li Archivfiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 25, Sept. -Oct., 1902, pp. 1023- 1034. Berlin. 1902. 8°.) Cottreau, Alfredo. II problema ferroviario e Ic .sue possibili soluzioni. {In Nuova antologia, vol. 137, Sept. 15, 1894, pp. 211-233; Oct. 15, 1894, pp. 633-675. ) Cucheval-Clarigny, Les chemins de fer italiens. {In Revue des deux uiondes, vol. 276, July 1, 1884, pp. 72-105: July 15, 1884, pp. 373-417.) * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but has been ordered. 55 56 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Doucet, Robert. Les chemins de fer italiens. {In Monde economique, 13e annee, Dec. 5, 1903, pp. 712-713.) Fazio, Achille. 11 problema ferroviario in Italia. Rotiui: Crovw-tij). C. Colomho, 1903. 7Ji,pxj. 4^. A vigorous defense of private control of railroads. Ferraris, Maj>giorino, L' anarchia f erroviaria in Italia. {In Nuova antologia, vol. 115, Jan. 16, 1905, pp. 278-318.) Come si viaggia in Italia eel all'estei'o. {Li Nuova antologia, vol. 115, Jan. 1, 1905, pp. 144-168.) L' isolainento ferroviario di ISapoli e del Mezzo-giorno. {In Nuova antologia, vol. 115, Feb. 1, 1905, pp. 503-542.) Progress! ferroviarii. [In Nuova antologia, vol. 116, Mar. 16, 1905, pp. 342-345.) Fischer, P. D. Italien and die Italiener. Betrachtungen und Stu- dien iiber die politischen, wirthschaftlichen und sozialen Zustande Italiens. 2. Autl. Berlin : Verlag von Julius Springer., 1901. i\ {3) , JfSd pp. 8°. "Das Verkehrswesen, pp. 268-292. Griorgio, Antonino di. La rete ferroviaria della Sicilia nei riguardi del la difesa. {In Nuova antologia, vol. 116, Mar. 16, 1905, pp. 300-307.) Jaray, Gabriel Louis, (^fnc? Francois J. Pietri. Le regime des chemins de fer en Italie. {In Revue de science et de legislation financieres, vol. 3, Jan. -Mar., 1905, pp. 69-108.) Contents. — 1. Evolution historique du regime des chemins de fer. 2. Rapports de I'l'tat et des compagnies. 3. Rapport des com- pagnies et des emploj-es de chemin de fer. 4. Rapports des com- I^agnies et du public. 5. Les resultats de 1' exploitation des che- mins de fer en Italie et leur developpement. Johnson, Emor}' Richard. American railway transportation. Re- vised ed. J^ew York: 1). Appleton and company^ 190 J^. xvi, Jf,3^ pp. Illustrations. Maps. Folded charts. 12^. {Appletons' business series.) "Relations of the railway's and the state in Italy and Germany," pp. 335-348. Jones, "\^'allace S. Railways in Europe: Italy. {In U. S. consular reports, vol. 46, no. 170, Nov., 1894, pp. 331-362.) Lanino, G. II problema ferroviario del porto di Geneva. (/)t Nuova antologia, vol. 116, Mar. 1, 1905, jip. 119-125.) RAILROADS IN ITALY 57 Lavergne, Alexandre de. La question des cheniins dc fer en Italic. (In Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 20, Mar., 1005, pf). 1:^7-155. ) Lenchantin, Luioi. Ret^inio dellc strade ferrate italiane. {In Jiis Vie e inezzi di i-omniunicazione, vol. 1, pp. 158-185. Torino, 1902. 12°.) Lucas, Felix. Les cliemins de fer de I'ltalic. Leiir hi.stoire, leur exploitation et leurs tarifs. Paris: Imprimerie nationale^ 188S. (2)^ 190 pp. 8°. Ouvrage piiblie par ordre de M. le niinistre des travaux public*. (Minsion aeconii)lie en 1882.) Milhaud, Edgard. Le rachat des cheniins de fer. Paris: Edouard Comely et cle^ 190 1^^. ,riu^{l)^315 jyp- 1^^- Contains a section "L'exemple de I'ltalie." Pantano, Edoardo. 11 prohlenia ferroviario. Esercizio di stato od esercizio private? {In Nuova antologia, vol. 195, June 16, 1904, pp. 697-704.) Reply to an article in previous number of Nuova antologia. Con- troverts tlie argument that the exi)eriences of France discourage government ownershi]) in Italy. I Progetti ferroviarii. (J?i Nuova antologia, vol. 116, Mar. 1, 1905, pp. 187-191.) Concerning the proposetl law for government ownership of Italian railroads. Proposed state control of Italian railways. (J/i American monthly review of reviews, vol. ;^I, Apr., 1905, pp. 483-484. ) [Le Regime des chemins de fer italiens.] {In Revue politique et parlementaircN vol. 44, X\^r. 10, 1905, pp. 175-180. ) La Reorganisation des chemins de fer en Italic. {In Revue gene rale des chemins de fer et iles tramways, vol. 26, Aug., 1903, pp. 135-146.) * Rossi, A. Spesa d'esercizio e quantita di personale delle principal! reti ferroviarie italiane e di alcune reti estere: ricerche statistiche. Roma: Tip. delV Unione cooj)erativa edltrice^ 1897. Ml pp. ^". * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Library of Congress, but ha.^ been ordered. 58 LIBKAEY OF CONGKESS Saporito, [Vincenzo]. La question du rachat des chemins de fer en Italic. Extraits du rapport presente au nom de la Com- mission royale italienne chargee de Fenquete sur Fexploi- tation des chemins de fer. Paris: Charles Beranger, 1903. 158, {^) j^jj. 5°. This report was drawn up for the Itahan Parhament to provide information to guide its action in regard to the proposed taking over by the Government of the Italian railroads. The original report comprised upward of 600 quarto pages. The translation herewith presented is an abridgment. The report first considers the railroad policies of the countries of Continental Europe, Great Britain, and the United States. It then examines into the causes which brought about State exploitation in the countries where it has been adopted. It then presents alternate plans for railroad organization in Italy. The speech by Zanardelli before the Italian Chamber of Deputies, in opposition to State control, June 3, 1903, is printed in the appendix. Saporito' s report is favorable to private management. Spera, Giuseppe. L'esercizio ferroviario e le poasibili riforme ed economie. 2, ed. Boma : Tipografia cooperativa soclale, 1897. % parts in 1 vol. Folded map. F°. Tajani, Filippo, Sexploitation par I'etat des chemins de fer italiens. {Ill Revue economique Internationale, 2" annee, vol. 3, Aug. 15-20, 1905, pp. 331-358.) Reviews the changes in Italian raili^oad policy from 1863 to the present time, with a study of the causes. The writer considers state exploitation a natural outcome of conditions and takes a favorable view of its adoption. Le strade ferrate in Italia; regime legale, economico ed amministrativo. Milano: Ulrlco Iloepli, 1905. iyU.,{l),263 p)p. ^J/P. {Man- uali Iloepli.) Ulrich, Franz, Traite general des tarifs de chemins de fer, conte- nant une etude speciale des tarifs appliques en Allemagne, Autriche-Hongrie, Suisse, Italie, France, Belgique, Hol- lande, Angleterre et Russie. Ed. franyaise revue par I'auteur. Paris: Baudry et c'% 1890. (2), x., 555 jjp. Jt". "Italie," pp. 365-401. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY OFFICIAI. REPORTS Austria-Hungary. Statistik der in dcMi ini Keichsrathc; vert re ton en KOnig-reichen und Liindern ini Betriebe j^e.stundenen Locoinotiv-Eisenbahnen. Bd. 1. 1898 — 5. 1902. Wie?!, 1900-1903. 5 voh. F^. Statistische Nachrichten von den osterreichisch-ungarischen Eisenbahnen. 1870-1890. Wien, 1873-1894. IS vols, in 8. F°. Hauptergebnisse der osterreichischen Eisenbahnstatistik fiir das Jahr 1902. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 28, Jan. -Feb., 1905, pp. 217- 234. Berlin, 1905. 8°. ) Die k. k. osterreichischen Staatsbahnen ini Jalire 1903. {Li Archiv fiir EisenbahnAvesen, vol 28, Jan. -Feb., 1905, pp. 235- 246. Berlin, 1905. 8°.) BOOKS Austria-Hungary: railway and canal s\^stems. {In Railway news, vol. 83, May 27, 1905, pp. 861-862.) The Austrian government's aid to traders through railway rates. {In Railway news, vol. 83, Apr. 29, 1905, page 679.) Buschman, Maximilian Freilierr von, cmd Carl Bitter Rumler von Aichen'wehr. Das neue Eisenbahn-Betriebsrcglenient in Gegeniiberstellung zum internationalen Uebereinkonimen iiber den Eisenbahnfrachtverkeiir unter Beifiigung der auf den Inhalt des Betriebsreglements Bezug nehmen- den noch in Geltung verbleibenden friihereu Gesetze, Verordnungen. Kundmachungen, Erliisse, Judicate u. s. w. 2. Ausgabe mit Supplement. Wien: Manz'sche k. v.. I. Uof- Verlags- und Universitlit.^- Buchhandhmg, 1894. '^^h 310^ 31 j)p. 8^. 59 / 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Deligny, Paul. Etude du di'oit de rachat et de son role dans la poli- tique des pa3's etrangers. Autriche. {In Ids Etude eoniparee du droit de rachat dans les concessions de chemins de fer d'interet general, pp. 63-74. Paris, 1904. 8°.) Contents. — Section 1. De la clause de rachat dans les concessions de chemins de fer en Autriche. 2. Du rule historique du droit de rachat dans la politique autrichienne en matiere de chemins de fer. 3. Raisons t'conomiques et politiques qui ont determine le rachat en Autriche. 4. Consequences du rachat et avenir de la jiolitique autrichienne en matiere de chemins de fer. Etude du droit de rachat et de son role dans la politique des pays etrangers. Hongrle. {In his Etude comparee du droit de rachat dans les concessions de chemins de fer d'interet general, pp. 75-77. Paris, 1904. 8°.) Contents. — Section 1. Dispositions legislatives concernant le droit de rachat. 2. Role de la clause de rachat dans la politique des chemins de fer hongrois. Eder, Albert. La nouvelle organisation de Tadministration de Fetat instituee pour les chemins de fer de I'Autriche. {In Bulletin de la Commission Internationale du Congres des chemins de fer, vol. 10, May, 1896, pp. 551-582. Bruxelles, 1896. 8°. ) Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 3Hsec'Uaneo\(s series, 1899, no. 513. Austria-Hungary. Report on the working of the railways of Hungary under the zone taritf system, by Gerard Lowther. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, September, 1899. London: Harrison and sons, 1899. 11pp. 8°. Mi!. Contains a survey of the railroad system of Austria-Hungary, with statistical tables showing the operations for a series of years, and an account of the Programme of new state railways for 1900-1904. Hungarian railroads: Ten-year comparison. {In Railway news, vol. 80, Nov. 14, 1903, page 702.) RAILROADS IN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 61 Kupka, P. F. Austrian expeiience with passenger fares. {In Railroad gazette, vol. 30, Oct. 21, 1898, pp. 762-763.) "From an aec^ount by P. F. Kupka, published in the 'Journal of the German railroad union.' Changes made and their effects are discussed." Engineering index, vol. 3, }i. 759. Leeder, Oskar, and Heinricli Rosenberg. Die Umgestultuncr der Eisenbahii-(Tiitort:irit'e OstciTi'ltlis. p]ine Studie zur Frage der Verstaatlichuiio- der Frivatbahnen. Wien: A. Jluldtr., 190S. (.^), 51 pj). Folded map. H . {Schrifte7i uber Ve)-kehrsv)esen. Hr.s dsterreichi- scher Elsenhahn-Beamte'n. 1. Reihe, lift, -i.) Meyer, Hugo Richard. Government ownership of railways. Aus- tria-Hungary and the Danubian provinces. {In Railway age, vol. 36, Aug. 7, 1903, pp. 158-160; Aug. 14, 1903, pp. 189-191.) Nagel, Rudolf. Die Eisenbahnen Ungarns im Jahre 1902. {In Archiv fi'ir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, Sept.-Oct., 1904, pp. 1178- 1193. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) Die koniglich ungarischen Staatsbahnen im Jahre 1902. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, July-Aug., 1904, pp. 956- 976. Berlin, 1904. 8°. ) Nouvelle moditication du tarif par zones des chemins de fer de Tetat hongrois. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 25, Dec, 1902, pp. 363-364.) Oesterreichischer Eisenbalinbeamten-Verein. Geschichte der Eisenbahnen der oesterreichisch-uugarischen Monarchic. Wien: K. ProchasTca, 1898. ^ vols, hi 5. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Jf Contexts Bauer, F. Verrechnung und Abrechnung der Transport-Einuah- men. 3. Bd. Birk, A. Unter-und Oberbau. 2. Bd. Buschman, A. Freiherr von. Verwaltung der oesterreichischen Eisenbahnen. 4. Bd. Buschman, M. Freiherr von. Die Entwicklung des Eisenbahu- Transportrechtes. 4. Bd. Csdkiiny, J. M. von. Entwicklung des Betriebes. 3. Bd. Dobiecki, A. von. Das Localbahnwesen in Ungarn. 3. Bd. Eisenbahnbureau des k. u. k. Generalstabes. Unsere Eisenbahnen im Kriege. 2. Bd. Engel, F. R. Die Kleinbahnen in Oesterreich. 1. Bd., 2. Th. Eugelsberg, E. Wohlfahrts-Einrichtungen. 3. Bd. Englisch, Th. Personen-Tarife. 3. Bd. Fischel, H. Hochbau. 2. Bd. 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Oesterreichischer Eisenbahnbeamten-Verein — Continued. Forcher, A. Zugforderung. 3. Bd. Gerstel, G. Mechanik des Zugsverkehrs. 3. Bd. Golsdorf, K. Locomotivbau. 2. Bd. Gonda, J. Geschichte der Eisenbahiien in Ungarn von 1866 bis zur Gegenwart. 3. Bd. Gostkowski, R. Freiherr von. Beheizung und Beleuchtung der Eisenbahnwagen. 2. Bd. Jellinek, L. Tarifwesen. 3. Bd. Kazda, O. Zugforderung. 2. Bd. Kelenyi, E. Wagenbau. 3. Bd. Koestler, H. Die Wiener Stadtbahn. 1. Bd., 2. Th. Kohlfiirst, L. Signal- und Telegraphenwesen. 3. Bd. Konta, J. Geschichte der Eisenbahnen Oesterreichs von 1867 bis zur Gegenwart. 1. Bd., 2. Th. Kupka, P. F. AUgemeine Vorgeschichte. 1. Bd., 1. Th. . Das Localbahnwesen in Oesterreich. 1. Bd., 2. Th. Lindheim, A. Ritter von. Unsere Eisenbahnen in der Volksvvirth- schaft. 2. Bd. Mdhhng, F. Organe des Betriebes. 3. Bd. Neumann, K. von. Die Eisenbahn-Gesetzgebung in Ungarn. .3. Bd. Novell}', E. Werkstiittenwesen. 3. Bd. Ow, J. von. Wagenbau. 2. Bd. Pauer, A. Frachten-Tarife. 3. Bd. Peez, A. Die Stellung unserer Eisenbahnen im Welthandel. 2. Bd. Perner, J. Hochbau. 3. Bd. Reitler, E. Bahnhofsanlagen. 2. Bd. Riedl, K. Briickenbau. 3. Bd. . Eisenbahnbau ini Allgemeinen. 3. Bd. Roll, V. Die Entwicklung der Eisenbahn-Gesetzgebung in Oester- reich. 4. Bd. Speidl, F. Oberbau. 3. Bd. .; Spitzner, J. Werkstiittenwesen. 2. Bd. Strach, H. Geschichte der Eisenbahnen Oesterreich-Ungarns von den ersten Anfangen bis zum Jahre 1867. 1. Bd., 1. Th. Szlabey, E. Locomotivbau. 3. Bd. Weichs-Glon, Beichsfreiherr zu. Einwirkung der Eisenbahnen auf das Volksleben und culturelle Entwicklung. 2. Bd. Werner, K. Tracirung. 2. Bd. Wittek, H. Hitter von. Oesterreichs Eisenbahnen und die Staats- wirthschaft. '2. Bd. Zezula, F. Die Eisenbahnen im Occupations-Gebiete. 3. Bd. Zuffer, J. Briickenbau. 2. Bd. Pauer, Albert. Lehrbuch des Eisenba'hn-Tarifwesens mit besonderer Berucksichtig'ung des Tarifwesens der osterreichisch- ungarisehen Eisenbahnen — dargestellt als Unterrichtsbe- helf fill' Eisenbahnbeamte, Eisenbahn- und Handelsakade- mien, sowie zum Gebrauehe fi'ir Landwirte, Industrielle, Kaufleute, und Spediteure. Wien: K. K. Ilof- und StaaUdruckerei^ 1900. .i\ Jfil })p. Map. Diagrams. IfP. {Lehr- und Handhiieher fur den Eisenhalmdienst. 1. Bd.) RAILROADS IN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 63 Rank, Einil. Das Eisenbahntarifwesen in seiner Beziehung zu Volks- wirtschat't und Verwaltung. Mit eiuem Vorworte von Dr. Emil Sax. Wie?i: A. Bolder, 1895. xviii, 779, (1) jyp. Folded tables. 8°. Grundziige des Eisenbahntarifwesens unter besonderer Bcriicksichtigung- der verhaltnisse Osterreichs. Wien: A. Bolder, 1900. mil., 176 pp. 8'-. "••■ Roll, V. , and von Marquet, edn. Die osterreichischen Eisen- bahngesetze. Sannnlnng der das osterreichische Eisenbalm- wesen betreffenden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Judikate. 5. vollstandig umgearb. u. ergiinzte Aufl. ^V!en: ManzKche k. und h. hof- Verlags- und UniverHitdtH- Buchhandlung ^ 1905. xx, 1518 pp. 8°. Ulrich, Franz. Traite general des tarifs de chemins de fer, contenant une etude speciale des tarifs ap|)li(iues en Alleniagne, Autriche-Hongrie, Suisse, Italie, France, Belgique. Hol- lande, Angleterre et llussie. Ed. franyaise revuo par I'auteur. Paris: Baudry et d% 1890. (^), x, 555 pp. ^°. "Autriche-Hongrie," pp. 305-342. * Indicates that the work is not at present in the Librarj' of Congress, but has been ordered. RUSSIA OFFICIAL REPORTS Russia. Aperyu statistique des chemins de f er et des voies navigables de la Russie. Avec annexe de cartes et de tableaux graphiques. Section de statistique et de cartographie du Ministere des voies de communication, /St. Petersbourg : Impr. du Mhristere des voies de communica- tion {J. ]^. KoucJmereffd; c'0, 1000. (5), 180 pp. '2 folded maps. J^ folded statistical diagrams. !fP. Aper^u des chemins de fer russes depuis I'origine jusqu'en 1892. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 23, April, 1900, pp. 357-386; June, 1900, pp. 628-642.) Le budget des chemins de fer de I'etat Russe en 1902. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 25, Dec, 1902, pp. 364-365.) Les chemins de fer russes en 1898. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 22, Aug., 1899, pp. 106-108.) Les resultats du nouveau tarif pour le transport des vo}"- ageurs en Russie. {In Revue generale des chemins de fer et des tramways, vol. 22, Jan., 1899, pp. 58-60.) BOOKS Drage, Geoffre3% Russian affairs. London: J. Murray., 190 Jf. irr, {1), 738 pp. Tahles. 9 maps {7 folded). 8^. State railway system, pp. 286-296. Jonas, Charles. Railways in Europe: Russia. (JnU. S. Consular reports, vol. 46, no. 170, Nov., 1894, pp. 362-364.) Kovalevskii, Vladimir Ivanovich, ed. La Russie a la fin du 19'' siecle. Paris: Paul Dupont, [etc. \ 1900. xx, 989, (2) pp. Folded sheets. Folded maps {colored^. JiP. "Chemins de fer," by Th. Lipsky, pp. 852-872. 64 RAILROADS IN RUSSIA 05 Matthesius, Oskar. liussische Eisenbahiipolitik iiii neunzehnten Jahrhundert von 1836 bis 1881; (1881 bis 1903). {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 26, Sept. -Oct., 1903, pp. 933- 980; Nov.-Dec, 1903, pp. 1225-1272; vol. 27, Jan. -Feb., 1904, pp. 72-118; vol. 28, Mar.-Apr., 1905, pp. 354-380. Berlin, 190.3- 1905. 8°.) To be continued. Meyer, Hugo Richard. Government owner.ship of railways. \'I1- VIII. Russia. {In Railway age, vol. .36, Aug. 21, 1903, pp. 221-223; Aug. 28, 1903, pp. 247-248. ) Ulrich, Franz. Traitc general des tarifs de cheniins de fer, contenant une etude sptk'iale des tarifs appli(iues en Allemagne, Autriciie-Hongrie, Suisse, Italie, France, Belgicjue, Hol- lande, Angleterre et Russie. Ed. francaise revue par I'auteur. Park-: Baudry et c''\ 1890. . (^), a-, 555pp. J^^. "Russie," pp. 515-544. Weryho, Peter. Die Eisenbahntarife Ru.sslands fiir Getreide und Mehl in dem letzten Dezennium 1889-1899. {In Verein fiir Sozialpolitik. Schriften, vol. 89, pp. 170-322. Leip- zig, 1900. 8°.) Wittschewsky, V. Die Eisenbahntinanzen Russlands. {In Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, vol. 27, I\lay-June, 1904, pp. 562- 574. Berlin, 1904. 8°.) TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILROAD Krahmer, G. Sibirien und die grosse sibirische Eisenbahii. Leipzig: ZuckscJmoerdt c& co., 1897. iv, (^), 103pp. Folded map. 8^. {Russland in Asien. Bd. in.) Russia. Guide to the Great Siberian railway. Published l)y the Min- istry of w^ays of communication, edited by A. I. Dmitriev- Mamonov and A. F. Zdziarski. English translation by Miss L. Kukol-Yasnopolsky, rev. by John Marshall. St. Petersburg: Artistic printing society, 1900. (2), 5W jyp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. Folded plans. 8^. Guide du grand chemin de fer trans-siberieu. Edite par le Ministere des voies de communication, sous la redaction de A. I. Dmitrief-Mamonof et de ringvnieur A. F. Zdsiarsky, tr. du russe par P. Tacchella. St. Petersbourg : Societe d'impression artistique, 1900. (^), 572 pp. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. Folded plans. 8^. 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Russia. "Weo'woiser auf dor j^rossen sibirisohen Eison)):ihn; lieraus- "Goobeii untor Rodaktion von A. I. Dmitri iow Munionow uud des Tngenieurs A. F. Zdziarski. Aus dcni Kusi«is;cheii von A. Liitschg. St. Petershurg : Kunstdrucl'geselhchqft^ 1901. (4), 602 pp. Illustrations. I^lates. Portraits. Folded maps. 8°. United States. Bureau of statistics. The Russian onipiro and the Trans-Siberian railway. (/» its Monthly tiummary of I'ommerce and finance, n. 8., vol. 6, Ai.ril.l899, pp. 2501-2599. Folded map. Washington, 1899. 4°.) "Wiedenfeld, Kurt. Die sibirische Bahn in ihrer wirtscliat'tlichen Bedeutung. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1900. {J^), W2 pp. Map. 8°. AUTHOR INT)i:X Page Afwortli, William Mitchell 22-28, 41 Alsace-Lorraine'. Official reports. 39 Ancoc, Leon 5, 31 Austria-IIuiigary. OUicial reports. 59 Baden. Official reports 39 Bailleu, G 31 Bauer, F 61 Bauni,01uules 31 Bavaria. Official reports 39 Belgimn: Ministere de I'agricnlture, de r Industrie, et des travaux publii's 49 Ministere des chemins de fer, postes et telegraphes 49 Benoit, Felix 31 Bernhardt, R 51 Birk, A 61 Bonneau, Henry 37 Bordeaux , Georges 31 Boyle, Edward 24 Brandt, L. 0. 44 Brassey, Thomas, 1st baron 25 Browne, Frank Balfour 24 Browne, John Hutton Balfour 22, 24 Briill, 60 Burmeister, Hans 41 Buschman, A., Freiherr von 61 Buschman, Maximilian, Frriiierr von ..13,59,61 Butterworth, A. Kaye 25 Butterworth, Arthur Reginald 25 Cahen, Edouard 13 Cauer, Wilhelm 41 Cauwes, Paul 5 Chapman, Sydney J . 25 Claus, H ' 55 Clerget, Pierre 52 Cohn, Gustav 25 Colson, Leon Clement 5-6, 32 Cotsworth, jNIoses Bruine 25 Cottreau, Alfredo 55 Crii)ps-Day, F. H 25 Csaktiny, J. M. von 61 Cucheval-Clarigny, 55 Cunnnings, John 53 Darlington, H. R 25 Day, F. IL Cripps- 25 Deligny, Paul 6, 33, 41, 52, 60 Deubel, R()l)ert 33 Dietler, Hans 52 Dilke, Sir Charles W 6 Dobiecki, A. von 61 Doucet, Robert 56 Drage, Geoffrey 64 Droz, Nunia 13 Eder, A Ibert 60 Edwards, Clement 6 Eger, Georg 13, 14, 41, 42 Eltzl)acher, O 25, 26, 42 Engel, F. R 61 Engelsberg, E 61 Englisch, Tli 61 Evans, A. Dudley 26 Fazio, Achille 56 Ferraris, ]\Iaggiorino 56 Filipj^ini, Antoine 33 Fischel, H 61 Fischer, P. D 56 Fleck, G 42 Fochier, Emmanuel 43 Fohlinger, Otto 43 Forcher, A 62 France. ^Ministere des travaux publics 30 Freud, Alexander 11 Georg, A 52 Gerstel, G 62 Giorgio, Antonino di 56 Godet, Adrien 33 Golsdorf, K 62 Gomel, Charles 33 Gonda, J 62 Gostkowski, R. Freiherr von 62 67 68 AUTHOR INDEX Page Goujet, F 33 Great Britain: Parliament 16 Joint select conimittee of the Houfrr-*''-'^^s;. .'' V ■• %^^^ ■f.i. v. a UniversH Southi Librj Ai I ■ .-■.^:_ '■" ■"■•^-- -.-,