m WILLIAM PHILLIPS TILDEN AND Cnfcutes PRINTED, NOT PUBLISHED BOSTON PRESS OF GEO. H. ELLIS, 141 FRANKLIN STREET 1891 THIS VOLUME HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE FAMILY AND NEAREST FRIENDS. CONTENTS. CHAl'THK PAGE I. ANCESTRY, 5 II. MY CHILDHOOD, 10 III. MY BOYHOOD, 19 IV. BOYHOOD, 30 V. BOYHOOD, 42 VI. YOUNG MANHOOD, 60 VII. CRISIS, 66 VIII. PREPARATION FOR THE MINISTRY, 75 IX. EARLY MINISTRY, 85 X. EARLY MINISTRY, 96 XI. CONCORD MINISTRY, 106 XII. WALPOLE MINISTRY, 122 XIII. FITCHBURG MINISTRY, 128 XIV. CHURCH GREEN MINISTRY 140 XV. EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL, 145 XVI. EXTRACTS FROM JOURNAL, 152 XVII. EUROPEAN TRAVEL, 164 XVIII. CHARITY LECTURE, 183 XIX. SEVENTY, 190 XX. COMMUNION SERVICE, 204 XXI. END OF BOSTON MINISTRY, 211 XXII. ROWEN, 217 XXIII. ROWEN, 225 XXIV. ROWEN, 230 XXV. ROWEN, 244 XXVI. LAST DAYS, 253 APPENDIX, 263 AUTOBIOGRAPHY i. ANCESTRY. HAVING passed my seventy-seventh birth anniver- sary, I have thought it might be well, while enjoying a fair degree of memory and strength, to jot down some of the incidents of my long and somewhat varied life. I do this particularly for my children and grand- children and hoped for great-great-grandchildren, think- ing it possible that many years hence, when I shall be to them only a memory or a tradition, they may like on some stormy day, when they have nothing else to do, to look it over, and possibly talk about it to their children and children's children. First, let me say a word of the old town in which I was born, and tell you something of our ancestors as far back as we can trace them. Scituate is one of the old towns of Plymouth County, Massachusetts. It borders on Massachusetts Bay, has a coast line of seven or eight miles, and is about half- way from Boston to Plymouth. Its aboriginal name was " Satuit," the name of a brook that empties into the harbor. It means "cold brook." That is the way the town is spelled in the earliest records. Shortly after it was written " Seteat," then "Cittewat." But about 1640 the orthography was settled as "Scituate." 6 Autobiography The town was settled very early. It opened unusual facilities through its harbor and the North River, which formed the southern boundary line, for commerce, fish- ing, and ship-building. These have been its leading industries from the beginning until fifty years ago, when all three began to decline. But, when I was a boy, the North River was lined with ship-yards, and the harbor filled with fishing vessels and coasters. The first ship that visited the North- west coast from this country was built on the North River in 1774. She was called the "Columbia," and commanded by Captain Kendrick, who explored the river Oregon, and renamed it after his ship " Colum- bia." It still retains both names. Among the earliest settlers of Scituate was Nathaniel Tilden, who came from England with his family before 1628. Just how long before is not known. But in this year the old records tell of large tracts of land sold by Henry Merritt to Nathaniel Tilden, showing that he was a man of means. He was from Tenterden in the county of Kent. Other gentlemen came with him from the same place, and they were called " the men of Kent." The first street laid out was called " Kent Street." This was near the harbor. On this street Nathaniel Tilden lived. A few years later he was chosen "Ruling Elder" of the first church in Scituate, and after that is known as Elder Nathaniel Tilden. All his children were born in England. Their names were Joseph, Thomas, Mary, Sarah, Judith, Lydia, and Stephen. He died in 1641, and his will shows that he had prop- erty, "a stone house with lands in Tenterden, Eng- land, with large possessions, in lands, in Scituate and Ancestry 7 Marshfield." In his inventory are "ten swarms of bees, appraised at io." Rev. Samuel Deane, in his History of Scituate, from which I have gleaned liberally, says, " It is the earliest notice we have met with of the keeping of bees in the Colony." So that, if any of my children's children's children should choose commerce in honey as a profession, they can quote their American ancestor as a pioneer in the business. From Elder Nathaniel's eldest son, Joseph, our branch of the Tildens descended. He succeeded to his father's estate on Kent Street. He was a member of the second church, and was chosen deacon in 1655. He belonged to the liberal or moderate class of Puritans. His father had willed him lands in Scituate and Marshfield. He married, and had nine children. His son Samuel, born 1660, settled on the North River in Marshfield, near Gravelly Beach. He had a son Samuel, born 1689; and he, living on the same homestead, had a son Samuel, born 1718, who was the father of my grandfather Sam- uel, who lived to about ninety-four, occupying the same lands which had been in the family since 1640. After my grandfather had passed his labor, he divided his property, mainly in land, among his children, and they became responsible for his support, a common thing in those days, but very unwise, as it always proves. So the old estate was cut into bits, and has since passed into other hands. And now a word of our English ancestry. Elder Nathaniel seems to have come from good stock. My cousin, the late Thomas Tilden, of New York, when he was in England, visited Sir John Maxwell Tylden, knight of Milsted, county of Kent, and learned from manuscripts in his possession that our American ances- 8 Autobiography tor traced his lineage in direct lines through a succes- sion of Tyldens, among them Sir John, Sir Thomas, Sir William (who fought in the van of the English army under the Black Prince, at the battle of Poictiers), Sir Henry (time of Edward II.), to Sir Richard Tylden, who lived in the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I. of Eng- land. He was seneschal to Hugh de Lacy, constable of Chester during the reign of Henry II. He after- wards assumed the cross, accompanied Cceur de Lion to the Holy Land, and fought under him at the battle of Ascalon against Sultan Saladin. Thus we are enabled, from reliable sources, to trace our English lineage back to the latter part of the twelfth century. In Burke's "Landed Gentry," 1858, the Tyl- den family is spoken of as one of great antiquity. The Tylden coat-of-arms combines the insignia of the Church, the military, and the nobility. St. Andrew's cross on the shield denotes the Church, the battle-axe upon the crest the military, the ermine on the cross nobility. As our earliest known progenitor, Sir Rich- ard, assumed the cross and fought under Richard the Lion-hearted for the Holy Land, we see the appropri- ateness of the cross on the shield and the battle-axe on the crest, while the titles to the family names, from gen- eration to generation, abundantly justify the "ermine" as a token of nobility. As native-born Americans, citizens of a republic whose nobility consists in noble men and noble women, we do not put a high value on titles : we prefer the real thing ; and yet it is pleasant to know that our English ancestors, living in an age when titles of dis- tinction were highly regarded, and under a government which conferred its honors on supposed real worth, Ancestry 9 were deemed not unworthy of an honored place in society. We like to feel that we have a worthy ances- try back of us ; and we can freely forgive their titles in the assurance we feel that there was true nobility among them. Should we, as the American descendants of Elder Nathaniel, our branch especially, ever devise a coat-9i- arms, while we should hold on to the cross as the sym- bol of our Christian faith, we should want to substitute for the "battle-axe" a "broad-axe" crest, as more fitting. And we could do it with pride, as the battle-axe is a symbol of destruction, while the broad-axe is a symbol of rpel to a free church. 158 Autobiography Others who did not attend the Sunday services made glad his heart by their contributions to the "poor's purse" and their aid in all efforts to meet the necessary expenses of the work. A few extracts from some of the Annual Reports made to the Executive Committee of the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches may be of interest. In the Annual Report for 1875 he says : "The attendance on our Sunday morning service is encouraging, both in numbers and in manifest interest. As our doors swing both ways, and egress is as easy as access, none stay with us except from choice. So we have no grumblers, a rare felicity, which we highly appreciate. . . . " We numbered on our Sunday-school roll at the close of the year, including teachers and officers, two hundred and eighty-three. I regard the Sunday-school as a vitally important branch of our free church work. As we hold our session in the afternoon, I am enabled to take the superintendence of it ; and I am accus- tomed to think that I could better be spared from either of the other Sunday services than this. " It is said sometimes that our free churches are too much like the other churches. If the other churches are all right, this should be to our praise. " It is said there are no dirty or ragged children in our Sunday-schools. We are delighted to have visitors notice this, for, not believing in dirt or rags, our effort is to clean and clothe. Again, it is said that well- to-do people attend our free churches. We are very grateful that they do. It is one of the brightest spots in our work. We welcome all such, not merely for Extracts from Journal 159 the pecuniary aid they render, but as missionaries of the gospel of brotherhood. . . . " There is a wide difference between giving and min- istering. With only money one may give ; but only with love and sympathy can one minister. Desiring to make our free church in some humble measure a ministry, we have commenced another year in good heart and hope." One of the special features of this ministry was the Friday evening conference meeting, of which he says : "The various themes of Christian believing and living are treated in a familiar way, inviting questions and free conversation. Many who attend them count very fondly upon this oasis hour coming between the Sundays." "We cannot report the number of conversions at these or any other of our meetings. We leave all this with Him who ' knoweth the heart,' content to hope that some soul may be comforted in its sorrow, strengthened to bear patiently the heavy burdens of life, and inspired with a brighter hope and a warmer love for God and man, by joining with us in prayer and song and spiritual communion on these occasions." Who of those who attended these meetings can for- get the strength of his conviction of the immortal life, as, with his face illumined and his soul aglow, he seemed to be gazing into the open heavens, and mak- ing it as real to us as the world in which we are now living? No account of this ministry would be complete which did not speak of his faithful co-worker, Mrs. A. L. Mayberry, who was connected with the mission when 160 Autobiography he first took charge of it, and between whom and him- self existed a sweet and strong friendship, lasting not only through the seventeen years of his pastorate, but to the end of his life. In one of the Annual Reports he says : " I wish to bear testimony to the fidelity of your missionary Mrs. Mayberry, and to the marked ability with which she has performed, and is still performing, her arduous duties, and to her special fitness for her peculiar work, a work requiring a rare combination of Christian sympathy with sound judgment and practical wisdom. I count it a great favor to have for a co-laborer one so well fitted for the work, and whose interest in the ob- ject of the mission is so deep and hearty." His journal for September, 1869, says: "We spent our vacation at Whitefield, N. H. While we were there, dear George sailed for Liverpool, on his way to Paris, where he hopes to spend some time in the study of his profession. It is hard to have him go ; but, still, I am glad he has the ambition to desire it. May God bless the dear boy, and make his stay abroad fruitful of many blessings." November 7. " We hear from our absent boy every week. It is a cordial to our hearts. Our boy at home has just started in business. He is a first-rate fellow. May God prosper him ! " December 7. " Had a charming letter from George yesterday. We are thankful for these words from the dear boy. They are meat and drink to his mother and me. We are blessed in our children, the three on earth and the one in heaven, immortal links in our golden chain. O Father, may the chain that binds us all to- gether draw us all closer to thee ! " Extracts from Journal 161 August, 1870. "Dear George returned the latter part of June, enriched by study, travel, and love. We have such confidence in him we .feel sure that the one to whom he has been attracted must be pure and noble, though we have never seen her. " Dear Will and Anna had a daughter born to them on the iQth of July. They have called her Mary Anna. God bless the little darling with its father and mother ! " We have now four grandchildren, two here on the shores of time and two on the golden shores of eter- nity. Joseph Tilden, now eight years old, a bright and beautiful boy, Laura's first-born, and the little first-born of Will and Anna, here in the flesh, and Mary Foster and Georgie, children of Laura, now with the angels in the spirit land. "May the invisible arms of Love Divine, holding the seen and the unseen in their embrace, fold them all safely and lovingly forever! " May n, 1872. " Day before yesterday was my sixty- first birthday. " When I was young, in the early part of my ministry, I thought a minister should retire from pastoral charge at fifty, and preach only now and then as occasion might call. As years went by I ran up the slide to sixty as the period for retiring. But here I am at sixty- one still in the harness, and hoping to hold on some years more, if the good Father should spare my life. I love the work, it is as dear to me as ever. And, al- though I get tired /// it, I never get tired of it, and, as soon as I am rested, I long to take up again the old staff of ministerial duty. It is a budding rod, and blos- soms with many a joy as we clasp it, and climb with it the ever-ascending path of common duties." 1 62 Autobiography In November, 1875, she who had walked by his side for over forty years " Passed through glory's morning-gate, And walked in Paradise." A brief illness, typhoid fever, ended on this earth a life always delicate, but a life of untiring devotion to hus- band and children. A sermon preached soon after her going away has the following: "What this precious one was to me and to her chil- dren my tongue refuses to tell. I could not speak it if I would, and, with her native reserve and shrinking from publicity so freshly before me, I would not if I could. But you know how often, as we have prayed together here, we have thanked God for our homes, and asked his grace that we might be true to all home loves and duties. What my home has been to me and my children was owing much more than I can tell you to the loving wife and mother, so faithful, so tender, so true, who was so largely its light and joy. Home was her earthly heaven, and her thoughtful care, her wise counsel, her sweet and tender affection, made it heavenly to us all. Few knew her beyond the circle of her personal friends. She was quiet, retiring, in- clined more to silence than to speech, but so pure and chaste in word and thought and life, so transparently truthful, so simply and naturally good and true, and loyal always to her own highest convictions, that to know her was to love her." His journal has the following: "Some weeks after mother rose, George and Alice kindly left their home in Brookline to spend the winter with me. In Decem- Extracts from Journal 163 her, feeling worn, I was advised to go away for a little season, and went to Washington, D.C., for the first time. I found much to interest me, and was benefited by the change. On my return, I stopped in New York, and there heard that little Laura Mary was sick in Bos- ton of scarlet fever. When I returned, which was early in January, 1876, she was very sick, and little Charlie was taken ill the next day. After two weeks of dreadful suffering little Laura became an angel. " She was a very lovely child. I think that at times she had the most radiant face I ever saw, in one so young. She was full of exultant life, with robust health, rosy cheeks, and sparkling eyes, that flashed through her golden hair as she shook it over her face in glee. " The very day we followed her dear form to the field of peace little Charlie was so sick that it seemed as if he might not live till we returned, but the next day he was better, and as soon as possible his distressed par- ents took him and the babe Alice out to their Brook- line home, where he rapidly recovered." " Will and Anna have now two beautiful girls, May and Cora." June 27, 1878. "I have another little granddaugh- ter,* the child of dear Alice and George. The dear God bless the sweet lamb and its happy parents, and, whatever its name may be, may it be written in the book of life ! " * Edith Selina. XVII. EUROPEAN TRAVEL. IN the summer of 1878 Mr. Tilden went abroad for eleven weeks, his pulpit being supplied by labors of love from brother ministers, Dr. Lothrop in his case calling it "a toil of fondness." In speaking of the proposed trip, Mr. Tilden says : " I have no excuse for going on the ground of illness or overwork. I am remarkably well, never having had the ministerial sore throat and being in no special need of a sea voyage or change of climate on account of physical prostration. I go because I want to, I take my daughter with me because I want her to help me enjoy what may be enjoyable in the trip, for all pleasures are more than doubled in being shared by those we love." " We sailed from New York in the steamer ' Devonia ' of the Anchor line, June 29. The day was clear and bright, like the hopes of the large party of two hundred and forty odd, about to launch forth together on our Musical and Educational Excursion, as it was rather ambitiously called. The friends who came on board to shake hands and say a parting word were unusually numerous because of the unusual number about to embark, so that the waving of handkerchiefs from European Travel 1 65 the hundreds on the pier, as we hauled out into the stream, was prolonged and enthusiastic. But when we were fairly off, and were conscious that three thousand miles of ocean stretched out between us and the land we were seeking, we did feel I did, I confess a little bit, just a little, you know, as you would if you had been one of us. " But our noble steamer moved off stately and grace- fully, till the last waving flash of white from the reced- ing pier and city was lost. Then each wiped the dust from his eyes, and looked out on the beautiful view which opened as, without a sail spread and scarcely a ripple at the sharp prow, we glided down the harbor, by Staten Island, through the Narrows, and out by Sandy Hook." Of the celebration of the Fourth of July on ship- board he says : " Some one of our company had written a half-seas-over poem, to be sung to ' America ' and ' God save the Queen,' and, as I was the only one to whom the handwriting was familiar, it fell to my lot to read. " We had few to sing, but, with Carl Zerrahn for a leader, it was bound to go. So, after the gun was fired and the hurrah fitly rendered, I planted my feet far apart, and with a stout man at my back with a hand on each shoulder to keep me steady, the paper snapping in the wind and wet with the spray, I read the verses, the first and last only being sung. As we had only one copy, I had to deacon the lines two at a time, and we pilgrims, ' while the breaking waves dashed high,' sent out our voices on the wings of the grand old na- tional air, with the roar of wind and sea for a chorus." 1 66 Aiitobiography " We arrived in Glasgow July 9, and our first day's journey was over the principal Scottish lakes and the region known as the Trosachs, to Sterling, the Royal Castle, and thence past the historic Bannockburn to Edinburgh. " Giving only one day to Edinburgh and its attrac- tions, we took a special train by the North British Railway to Melrose, visiting the ruined abbey and the home of Sir Walter Scott, then through Carlisle, Leeds, Sheffield, Leicester, and Bedford to London. " I think I never enjoyed a day's ride so painfully as that day, in the little, uncomfortable box cars made in the shape of an old-fashioned stage-coach, with door on the side fast locked for fear of accidents. The only redeeming features were the weather and the views. The scenery was all new to us, and as interest- ing as it was charming. "The first thing that struck me was the almost en- tire absence of forests, groves, and trees generally. But the rich grain-fields were waving with golden harvests, just then being gathered, and the grass on hill-slopes and valleys had the same peculiar light green we had observed on the lawns and domes of Ireland and on the mountain borders of the Scottish lakes. It was curious to an American eye to see how all the houses in Scotland, in country as well as in city and town, were built of stone. We do not remember a single building of wood in all Scotland. Even the shanties on the country hillsides and valleys have their walls of stone with thatched roofs. The scarcity of forest timber is the obvious cause. It gives to all structures, great and small, an appearance of solidity and durabil- European Travel 167 ity, in singular contrast with our American deal and clapboard method of construction. " As soon as we strike the line separating Scotland from England, we strike brick. All through England, especially in the country, brick is the prevailing mate- rial for building. But the views on either side, as we sweep on in our lightning express, are 'dissolving,' save those at a distance, which did not seem in such earnest haste, and remained longer in the field of vi- sion. These gave us a glimpse of the rural beauty of England and the richness of her highly cultivated soil. "Here, in the place of the stone walls of Scotland, the eye is rested with the green hedges, which very largely take the place of fences all through England, di- viding the fields into parallelograms, rhomboids, and other geometrical figures, creating a landscape quite unlike anything we see in our country districts. "But the New England eye searches in vain for a barn in all England. This seems odd enough to a Yankee, accustomed to regard the barn of the farmer as quite as essential as his house, generally much larger, and often better-looking and more cared for. But the climate of England, so much milder than ours, obviates the necessity of barns by permitting farmers to stack their hay in the open air. But they do it with great care, thatching the top of each stack like a cottage roof, to shed the rain and keep the hay fresh and sweet. The long rows of sheds, seen here and there, tell of sheltered retreats for feeding flocks and herds in storm and cold. " But it is growing dark and we are getting tired of looking, when the engine whistles and the brakes go 1 68 A utobiography down, and the guard cries out, 'Bedford.' This is only forty-eight miles from London, and, if you have ever read ' Pilgrim's Progress,' you will remember it was in a jail in this old town John Bnnyan, about two hundred years ago, wrote his immortal volume. We, too, are pilgrims now, glad enough that we are within two hours of the 'hub' of England, which, however foggy and smoky and dark it may be, we look for- ward to as a 'celestial city' to our aching bones. "An hour or two more of reticent nodding, jouncing, and pensive contemplation, quite in contrast with our jubilant spirits earlier in the day, and we are roused by the cry of 'London.' It is eleven o'clock. But the immense platform is crowded with hack-drivers and policemen, and general confusion. In the crowd is the junior member of 'Cook & Sons,' on whose tickets we are travelling. He is there to meet us, and greet us, and assign us to our quarters for the night. The several divisions are called to gather in companies, for the coaches in waiting. We could not all be accommodated at one hotel. Each division had been assigned, so we must guard against getting mixed. My daughter and myself had enlisted in the 'Third Division.' We waited in vain for the call. No Third Division, what did it mean ? We had heard 'Second Swiss' vociferated with unction, but had no knowledge of it, had never heard of it. We began to feel anxious. The most of our party had gone. It was getting toward midnight. ' Second Swiss ' was again shouted, as if by one looking up stragglers. 'That isn't our name!' 'Yes, it is.' Unknown to us, our name had been changed some time on the European Travel 169 voyage, and we who left New York as members in good and regular standing of ' Third Division ' ar- rived in this hubbub of England at midnight as ' Sec- ond Swiss.' " We were relieved to find we had a name, though it had been changed by our sponsors without our knowl- edge. But it was not a pleasant experience. A good night's rest, however, carried off the nameless sensa- tion, and we awoke refreshed for London sight-seeing, promptly responding ever after to our new name of ' Second Swiss.'- " As we came into the city in the dark, perhaps it will be well first to go out again a little way on one of the elevated railroads and see how the city looks as you approach it in open daylight. The view from the ele- vated track is peculiar, not in landscape, but in roof- scape. You look out on acres and over square miles of roofs and chimneys spread out like a small Sahara, with here and there a single building rising above the rest. On each of the thousand chimneys standing like grim sentinels on this waste of roofs there are as many chimney-pots as flues. Multiply each stack by two, three, four, five, or six, as the case may be. These pots are of all sorts, sizes, shapes, and colors. There are tall pots and short pots, straight pots and crooked pots, round pots and octagonal pots, pots ornamented and pots plain, pots in groups and pots single, pots black, pots red, pots brown, with all the intermediate shades which London smoke is capable of producing, all placed there simply to aid the draught, without the slightest idea, probably, of how much they would add to the picturesqueness of the roof-scenery of the great city." 1 70 A utobiography Then follow visits to the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, St. Paul Cathedral, the Albert Memorial, statue of Lord Nelson, and many other places of interest. Of the old cathedral he says : " I should not care to worship there save on great occasions. I love life better than death, the living present better than the dead past. Still, the place is full of solemn interest, and I am glad to have trodden its marble floor and looked on its mon- ument of departed glory." "July 1 7 we embarked at Harwich fora twelve hours' run over the North Sea. Landing at Flushing, but not stopping, we take train for Antwerp. We pass through only a little strip of Holland, but it is a good sample of the ' hollow country,' for it lies below the sea-level, pro- tected by embankments from the ocean tides. It is a low, level plain, highly cultivated, with very few trees, and these quite diminutive in appearance. " Streets and avenues are often bordered with small poplars, looking as straight and prim as the toy trees of children and about as large. We did not see a good- sized, respectable tree in this whole region. But what Holland lacks in trees she makes up in windmills. The reason why water doesn't run down hill in Hol- land is not owing to any perversity of the water, but only because there are no hills for it to run down. So the winds that sweep in from the North Sea are made to do the grinding and flouring of that rich grain country. " It was the season for harvesting, and the men and women were in the fields, doing their level best. Woman's right to do a man's work, wherever she can, European Travel 171 seems to be fully allowed all over the continent. Whether she duly appreciates her privilege I don't know, but the fields she joins the man in cultivating give tokens of golden harvests. " I was surprised to see the. extent of the shipping in Antwerp, and the splendid docks she has erected for its accommodation. Its quaint old streets and market- places, the large number of uniformed soldiers, the curiously bonneted peasantry, and the street cafes, con- verting the sidewalks and half the street into beer saloons, seem very odd to an American eye. "But its main attractions to an overnight tourist are its cathedral and museum of art. In all the vicissi- tudes of war to which the city has been subjected, the cathedral, with its spire shooting up four hundred and four feet into the sky, has been deemed too beautiful to be destroyed. " In the south transept is the great masterpiece of Rubens, ' The Descent from the Cross.' It is wonder- ful for its delineation of death, bloody, cruel death, wonderful as a work of art, but to me it is dreadful to look at. It is like looking at the crucifixion itself. I wonder how people can stand and admire the art, the force and vigor of the muscular delineation, the admirable foreshortening of a limb, or the exquisite coloring, when the whole picture just because it is so masterly is so ghastly and horrible. " In the museum one is painfully impressed with the dolorous character of most of the pictures. I did not understand the reason of this till I learned they were mostly collected from suppressed convents. I think a large share of the pictures might have been suppressed, 172 Autobiography too, without harm. They perpetuated the old idea of appealing to the religious sympathies through various forms of the suffering and dead Christ. "These painful pictures are so multiplied that at last I walked by them with my hand for a screen to shut them out, glad to find now and then some object of sweet and happy life on which to rest the pained vision. " Of course there are some beautiful pictures here, but they are mostly of a character to make the bright sunshine and pure air outside a particularly pleasant change. " Indeed, the air and sunshine, the moon and stars, are about the only things here that seem homelike. " But we must be off for Brussels, leaving many things of interest unnoticed. " Brussels is a very beautiful city, combining the old and new, narrow, old-fashioned thoroughfares with broad spacious avenues, old Flemish houses with fine modern structures, in a very charming way. " Two things everybody must see, however short his stay and whatever else he misses, the lace manufac- tory and the cathedral. " I must tell you a little about our dinner, or ' table d'hote} as it is called. Here in Brussels it consisted of twelve different courses. As there were just fifty of us, it took six hundred clean plates to serve our party. This sounds very luxurious. It gives a suggestion of very high living. But it is anything but that, I assure you. The first course is a few spoonfuls of soup of some sort. Then perhaps a small piece of meat. Then a potato as a special course. Then fifty more clean plates, and a bit of cauliflower is served ; another fifty European Travel 173 clean plates, and a bit of something, you don't know what, and so on, number eleven being generally a chick- en's wing where they get so many chickens' wings is a mystery and number twelve being a thin slice of ice- cream, a mere suggestion, just enough to moisten the mouth and make you think how nice it would be if you could only have some to eat as well as taste. And after all this clatter of dishes, called out of courtesy courses, you rise faint and hungry, thinking what you would give for one good, old-fashioned square meal. " We have no time to speak of the museums, the picture galleries, ducal palace, palace of the king, and the like, but, before leaving, I must quote a word or two which I find jotted down in pencil. 'It is funny to see how we are stared at and jabbered about by the people here, as if we were from New Zealand or the interior of Africa. Even a dog harnessed to a milk-cart barked at me this morning, showing that he perceived I was an exotic. He evidently felt himself high above me, though not too high to speak, in his own way, which I understood better than most I heard.' " After a day's ride, with the thermometer at 8o, we arrive at Cologne, and go at once to see the grand old cathedral, not stopping to wash or sup. I name it as a warning to all travellers never to be guilty of such folly. We were too tired to see and too hungry to ap- preciate if we could have seen. The next morning, when rested and breakfasted, we went again, and, lo ! what we were too tired to see the evening before came out in all its grand old glory." Then comes a wonderful day on the Rhine, the beauty and grandeur increasing with every mile. His 1 74 ^ utobiograpJiy note-book says : "6 P.M. The last hour has exceeded all the rest. I am full. I close my book, and content myself with looking, looking, looking." Then a night at Wiesbaden, a railroad ride from Frankfort to Heidelberg, which, he says, "was about as beautiful as anything this side paradise could be. Heidelberg, the famous old university town, lies in the charming valley of the Neckar, girt about with everlasting hills. The university, the castle ruins, with their old gardens and winding paths, the magnifi- cent views from the legendary heights, no words can fitly describe." Baden-Baden, Strasbourg, a Sunday at Schaffhausen, and the journey to Switzerland is entered upon. " Our course through this wonderful land is zigzag through the elevated plateau, leaving the long Jura range on the right and the broad Alpine belt mainly on the left. Our first stopping-place after leaving Schaffhausen was Zurich, the Boston of Switzerland, the hub of Swiss intelligence and industry. "The next day's ride was to Lucerne, a queer old town, with its buildings all jumbled together clear down to the lake shore. Its old walls and watch towers, and narrow bridges for foot people only, its church and cathedral, the famous ' Lion of Lucerne ' by Thorwald- sen, cut out of the solid rock, these, and more things than I have time to name even, are full of interest. " On the afternoon of the last day of July we were booked for the ascent of the Rigi, and must go then or never, whatever the weather. But we were full of hope, with just doubt enough mixed with it to prevent its intoxicating influence. European Travel 175 " By the help of our kangaroo engine, we first mount up over the little village, getting a balloon view of its house-tops and church spires. And now we mount higher and higher, opening out into a sky view of the beautiful lake below and the valleys spotted with vil- lages and waving with golden harvests. ' Oh ! this is charming,' we all say, and keep saying it with emphasis, just as if somebody had doubted our assertions ; but there was no one to doubt, and we were all ready to declare that this view alone would richly repay us for a night on the summit, even if we saw nothing more. No sooner said than done. A listening cloud near by took us at our word, and closed in upon us forth- with. The beautiful picture vanished. Our adjectives changed to meet the changed conditions. Our spirits fell with the barometer. Conversation took a more subdued and serious cast. We were resigned, of course we were; but how could we be jubilant? Our little kangaroo, however, didn't seem to mind it, and kept pushing us still on and up, till he landed us on the summit. Here we alighted. We could see the immense hotel, and for that we made our hungry and thirsty way. Having found our rooms and refreshed ourselves, we walked out into the dense cloud. I had often wished myself in the clouds, when a child, look- ing up as they floated over so gracefully. It didn't seem nearly so nice now as it looked then. " But we congratulated ourselves on being almost six thousand feet up in the air. True, we could not see anything, but we might if it should break away; and so we strolled round, trying a sort of Swiss content- ment and take-it-easy. 176 Autobiography " Soon I observed a group gathered on the western brow of the summit, as if looking down at something. Was it a goat on a sheltering precipice, or a gallant young man gone down the perilous cliff to pluck a mountain daisy for his lady-love ? I would go and see. I went, and saw ! Every now and then the strata of the cloud below us, growing thin, would reveal patches of the landscape below. The whole valley being bathed in sunlight while we were in cloud, these little gleams of beauty we got through the gauzy veil of mist were the most charming I ever saw. There we stood and watched for the openings in the veil. For a long time the clouds would sweep by, so heavily laden that nothing could be seen but the thick, impenetrable leaden gray, extending far down the mountain side. But we buttoned up our coats and hugged our shawls, and waited till by and by another view of the transfig- ured valley would suddenly break upon us, all the more wonderful in its beauty for being seen in its golden ra- diance through this veil of mist. "Watching these dissolving views of Nature's own making, time passed swiftly, and the sunset hour drew nigh. Should we get a view of the mountains? No- body could tell, but we were mostly Yankees, and could guess. That we didn't guess alike or guess right was of no consequence. There was a satisfac- tion in exercising our gifts. But the clouds did settle, and wander off, like herds on the mountain side going home. The heavy cloud which the Rigi had worn all the afternoon slipped off his head and wound itself round his stalwart form as a mantle. The valleys were filled with the billowy mist, and away off, where European Travel 1 77 we knew the snowy peaks must be, a ring of clouds hung suspended, hiding all. But it was not quite sun- set yet, and we waited. Here and there a spot in the belt of cloud grew thin. Hundreds of eyes were look- ing ; for ours was not the only party on the summit, and groups of expectant faces on the knolls and elevated platforms around were turned mountain-ward with eager gaze. A shout of joy! Some one has caught sight of a white peak through an opening in the cloud. Another blessed rift, and another peak is seen. And now another in a new direction ! And yet another ! The excitement increasing as one after another dis- covers a new peak in the breaking clouds, a discov- ery second only to that of Columbus, when from the deck of the ' Pinta ' he sighted the longed for Western shore. "At last, when all had become discoverers, the ex- citement abated, and we all settled down into a calmer enjoyment of the scene, as peak after peak, range after range, came into view. So clear is the air that they seemed close to us, though some of them may have been forty miles away. As the sun declines, the glory deepens. At last he kisses one after another good- night with his golden lips, and the gathering darkness, hiding them from view, gives rest to our weary eyes. " Congratulating ourselves as the most favored of mortals, we go to our suppers and our beds with grate- ful hearts. "After a short, cold night, we were roused by the blast of the mountain horn as the dayspring colored the east, and, half dressing ourselves for fear we should be late, rushed out into the cold, damp mountain air, 1/8 A utobiography and waited for the dayspring to brighten into dawn. It seemed to be a long time brightening, but at last there was light enough to see the white peaks just beginning to show themselves on the dim horizon. They looked cold and shivery. Perhaps it was the reflection of ourselves. We stamped our feet, circulated in and out among the queer-looking bundles of clothes hastily tied up into a resemblance of men and women, and tried to hurry up old Sol. But it was in vain. He was slow as a Swiss in his movements, but sure ; for, see, at last he has kindled a light on the tip of that summit yonder. See it creep down the snowy sides, and then suddenly leap over to another peak, and yet another, and another, until the Bernese Oberland is all ablaze with mountain glory! It was a glorious sight." Alpnacht, Brienz, and Giessbach were visited, a mem- orable Sunday at Interlaken, then Freibourg, quaint and curious, was reached. Of this he says : " It is built largely on the steep slopes of a deep ravine, through which runs a small stream, which is spanned by a gos- samer-like suspension bridge, nearly a thousand feet long, the longest, it is said, in Europe. "Across another ravine close by is another suspen- sion bridge nearly as long, and more than three hun- dred feet above the water. I don't exactly know why it was, but, when I went to the edge of that highest bridge to drop a pebble into the stream three hundred feet below, I stood off a little from the rail, and reached over, so that I didn't see just how long it took for the stone to fall. And, then, as I walked on and over alone, in the rain, I found myself inclining to the centre of the bridge, and walking very quickly. Of course it European Travel 1 79 was only because it rained. These tight rope bridges over yawning chasms may be very safe, I suppose they are, but it takes a little time so to adjust one's feelings to them as fully to enjoy the landscape views they give, especially when a loaded team meets you on the centre, and you feel the whole Swiss wire set- tle beneath you. "We were sorry to leave the odd jumble of a city built on slopes so steep that the inmates of one tier of houses look down into the chimneys of the next neigh- bors below, where you can trace the old city walls of the feudal age, and where the hotels are so accommo- dating as to let you drive right in through the front door, a whole omnibus load, and alight in the carriage room and stable, which occupy the first floor." The next day he was in Geneva. He says : " It is the most densely populated of any Swiss town, and since it slipped out of the hands of Napoleon, after that little mishap at Waterloo, and was restored to the Swiss Confederation, it has been one of the foremost cities of Switzerland. "Here John Calvin, that stern, strong, powerful theological dogmatist, lived and wrought, fighting with Luther, Melanchthon, and Zwingli the battles of the Reformation. " For every blow he struck for political and ecclesi- astical liberty the world will hold him in honor, but his unrelenting persecution of Michael Servetus for a difference in the interpretation of Scriptures he was pleased to call heresy, culminating at last in the burn- ing to death of Servetus by a slow fire of green wood, incited and sanctioned by Calvin and his associates in 1 80 A iitobiography Church and State, is a stain upon his character as well as his name, which no palliating circumstances can ever wash away. "While there, I found, though with difficulty, the spot where the shameful tragedy took place. My first inquiries at the hotel were fruitless. No one seemed to know anything about it. All knew about Calvin ; but who was Servetus ? I finally went to the American consul, and even he was obliged to inquire, so sweetly forgetful the Genevese had become of that little excitement caused by the burning of a heretic three hundred years ago. At last I found the place where the martyr to free thought was burned. No stone, no token of the heroism or the hate there re- vealed, marked the spot ; and, as I stood there alone, how could I but thank God for the marvellous change in human thought and religious toleration ? "The ' Academic,' a fine building, contains a portrait of Servetus, under which is written, ' Burned at Geneva for the honor and glory of God.' "But we look once more on the charming lake and its surroundings, spend the last franc we can spare at the persuasive stores where so many attractions tempt, and, grateful for our thirteen days of never-to-be-forgot- ten pleasure in this cloud-land of beauty and grandeur, take the train for Paris. We pass out of the station, catch a glimpse of the women washing their clothes in the rushing Rhone, shoot out into the open country and follow the river down the valley, where grandeur and beauty still follow us, as if reluctant to part, till twilight comes on, and after a night on wheels that know no rest, and allow but little, we find ourselves in European Travel 181 the dim morning light in the midst of what is called the finest city in the world." A few days in Paris, a few days in London, and the homeward bound voyage is embarked upon. In his own church, September, 1878, he said : " When I last stood in this pulpit, eleven weeks ago to-day, to tell you a little of my proposed trip, I spoke, from the words of a hopeful prophet, of 'going down to the sea with a song.' For, while I was not unmind- ful of the perils of the great deep, I was sure that, what- ever might befall, it was always safest and best, every way, not to anticipate calamity, but to go forth with a song of trusting faith in Him 'who holdeth the waters in the hollow of his hand.' " And now, as I come again to meet you and greet you, after nearly ten thousand miles of travel by sea and land, without a single accident or an hour's serious sickness in the whole journey, the precious old Script- ure, ' If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me,' comes to me with a new meaning. " I have been borne on the wings of many mornings and varying winds to the uttermost parts of our Atlan- tic Sea, and back again with so rich an experience of his protection and blessing that, if I have not felt his invisible hand guarding, the fault must be looked for in myself, and not in that providence of love which overarches us all, and always. "I have had a good time, have enjoyed much, have seen many things new and foreign ; and yet I have seen but a little streak of ocean waters, and only a narrow 1 82 Autobiography belt of Scottish, English, and continental scenery and life, just enough to show what travel would reveal, of interest and instruction, if one only had the time and means to do it leisurely, reaping, binding, and binning, on the way, all the rich harvests of historic associa- tions waving luxuriantly on every hill and plain. " But I stayed long enough. I had rather have my bird's-eye view, taken on the wing, and home than a long stay, with a longer separation from the only peo- ple that care anything about me on the face of the earth. I have always told you on returning from my short vacations, spent at the mountains or the seashore, that the best part of going away was coming home again ; and this becomes more emphatic as the distance increases. So that, as I have been about ten times as far away as ever before, I am ten times as glad to be at home again, to look into your faces, to give and re- ceive the cordial greeting, and to know that the same divine hand which reveals itself in the uttermost parts of the sea is seen and felt, also, in its guidance and pro- tection on the land just as truly." XVIII. CHARITY LECTURE. 1879-1880. REST. MARRIAGE. CHARITY LECTURE. AFTER another year devoted to his chosen work, his journal of Oct. 5, 1879, says: "I preached from the text, ' I am weary.' I told my dear little flock I was too weary to go on with my work, and must rest for a season. It is a great step to take, but it seems the right thing to do. God grant that so it may prove. The Rev. Francis S. Thacher supplies my pulpit for ten Sundays, occupying my rooms and serving the society as its pastor. May the dear God bless him and his labors ! " Sunday, December 22. " Having recovered my strength, I resumed my labors to-day with a Christmas service and communion." Feb. 19, 1880, he was married to Miss M. Louise Haley, who had been for twenty-five years a parish- ioner, his dear friend, Rev. Dr. H. W. Bellows, perform- ing the ceremony. On the first Sunday in December, 1880, he delivered the annual " Charity Lecture " in Hollis Street Church, and the following correspondence ensued : 184 Autobiography BOSTON, Dec. 7, 1880. Dear Sir, After the conclusion of the exercises at Hollis Street Church last Sunday evening it was unanimously voted by the representatives of the churches having charge of the Charity Lecture that a copy of your excellent sermon, and of the poem with which it concluded, be asked of you for publication. They thought that in no better way could they endeavor to recall the public attention to this oldest charitable institution in Boston than by giving a general circulation to your most interesting sketch of this charity and to your touching poem. We hope that the same exalted motive which inspired you to write them will prompt you to comply with their request. Yours sincerely, G. WASHINGTON WARREN, Chairman. JOHN CAPEN, Secretary. To this Mr. Tilden replied as follows : Dear Friends, Your kind note, transmitting to me the vote of " the representatives of the churches having charge of the Charity Lecture," in which you are pleased to urge so persuasively my com- pliance with the vote, gives me all the more pleasure that there was not the most distant thought of such a request being made when the hasty sketch of our city charities, beginning with the oldest, was written. But surprised as I was by your request, and inadequate as I know the paper to be, I cheerfully yield it for print, if, on further thought, you may deem it desirable. The "Christmas Story in Rhyme," with which I closed, was written for another occasion, and printed a few years ago in the Old and New. As it suggests a kind of charity that no organiza- tions can fully supply, a charity to which all are called by the Holy Spirit of Human Sympathy, I yield that, also, to your wishes. Yours for all good things, old and new, W. P. TILDEN. A few extracts from this lecture may be read with interest. The text chosen was from Heb. xiii. 16 : " To do good and to communicate forget not ; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." Charity Lecture 185 He says: "I have been so much interested and edi- fied in looking over the ancient records that I beg the privilege of noting some things which may prove of as much interest to some of you as they have to me. These records have been kept with remarkable fidelity and legibility, showing the good penmanship of colonial days, and making it easy to trace the stream of benefi- cence which it chronicles, and which has watered the wastes of poverty in our city for one hundred and sixty years. " The head-waters of the stream, like most head- waters, are lost in obscurity; but the first recorded spring bubbled up from a little circle of benevolent- hearted folk who were accustomed to meet quarterly, on Sunday evenings, for charitable purposes, at the house of one Elder Brigham. After the Elder's death they met with his son Henry, and still later at the house of Deacon Jonathan Williams, such ministers as they deemed desirable and could obtain being invited to preach. " But there is no record of these meetings up to 1720, when it was decided to request the ministers of the town to take their turns in regular course. With this new arrangement the record begins. Cotton Mather, naturally enough, was the first to preach ; and he took for his text the words that I have quoted : ' To do good and to communicate forget not ; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.' Dr. Mather was at this time about fifty-seven, in the prime of his powers, a colleague of his father, Increase Mather, in the pas- torate of the North Church, the father being in ad- vanced age. The first meeting was held March 6, 1 86 Autobiography 1720; and a collection was taken of thirty pounds and ten shillings, distributed among sixty-one persons. At first these quarterly gatherings were known simply as ' Charity Meetings,' but subsequently as ' The Quar- terly Charity Lecture.' Under the latter title the or- ganization has come down to us. " For twenty years after the new departure the meet- ings were still held in the house of Deacon Williams ; but in 1740 they went to the 'Chamber of the Town House, where the Representatives meet.' Two years later is this quaint record: 'March 7, 1742, Mr. Crocker, a young gentleman, preached for Rev. Thomas Prince. Such a thronged assembly of women, boys, &c., that the gentlemen who usually attend could not get in. Collected 7$. Lost by ye thronged assembly at least ^30.' This is interesting, as showing that in those primitive times they thought more of the amount collected than of the largeness of the con- gregation. "In 1785 it was thought best to remove to the Old South Meeting-house. Here they continued to hold the lectures until the great fire rendered it unfit for use. " I find by the record that I am destined to go down to posterity, or up to the top shelves of the Historical Society, as the last preacher of the Quarterly Lecture in the Old South Meeting-house while it was yet a church, and before it became itself an object of public charity. To one whose prospect of posthumous dis- tinction is limited there is some comfort even in this." " All the Mathers Increase, Cotton, and Samuel, father, son, and grandson were on the stage when Charity Lecture 187 the record of this charity began. Here we meet with Wadsworth, Foxcroft, Chauncy, Colman, Checkley, Peter Thacher, Joseph Sewall, and Thomas Prince of the Old South, famous as a preacher and a man of letters. This was the Prince whose quaint prayer, when the French fleet was on its way with the inten- tion of laying Boston in ashes, is thus thrown into verse by Longfellow : " ' O Lord, we would not advise, But if in thy providence A tempest should arise To drive the French fleet hence, And scatter it far and wide, Or sink it in the sea, We would be satisfied; And thine the glory be.' " The fleet never arrived. " Here, too, we meet with Mather Byles, the first minister of Hollis Street Church, ordained as its pastor near a century and a half ago, who during the latter part of his life, in Revolutionary times, was arrested for his sympathy with the Tories, and put under guard, which was changed from time to time, till his final re- lease, leading him to say, with his usual wit, that he had been 'guarded, regarded, and disregarded.' " Here, too, we meet with Dr. Belknap, of hymnal notoriety, and Howard, John Eliot, Dr. Cooper, . Dr. Kirkland, Channing, Buckminster : here, also, we meet Greenwood, Ware, and Pierpont, and so on to those who are still among us, honored and beloved. " One of the many things noted in this record is the 1 8 8 A utobiography fact, very simple in itself, that 'June 7, 1830, Rev. Ralph Waldo Emerson preached.' The title sounds queer now. But we can almost hear his low, rich voice repeat rather than read the text he chose for the occa- sion : ' Let no man seek his own, but every man an- other's wealth.' "'Sept. 2, 1838, Rev. Mr. Bartol preached. This being the first time he was ever called to preach this lecture, he knew not the hour, and came late.' I know of no one who can better bear this record, since in his later youth no one has shown himself more free from the charge of what has been called a 'belated theolo- gian.' " This ancient and honorable charity has raised and expended, during its one hundred and sixty years of work, two hundred and eighteen thousand dollars. It must be said, however, that a large part of the annual receipts, of late years, has come from the bequests of a former generation, the interest of these bequests being added each year to the collections. "The smallest box-collection recorded occurred on Dec. 6, 1863. It was one dollar and sixty cents. But even then the shades of the departed came forward and made up the amount to one thousand four hun- dred and forty-one dollars and eighty-nine cents. The worthy scribe makes this comment: 'The lecture was very thinly attended, so that a similar occurrence will probably stop fot procession of the contribution-boxes.' ' One dollar and sixty cents ! ! ' he adds, with two scornful exclamation points." Then follows an account of the various charitable and beneficent organizations of Boston ; and the ser- Charity Lecture 189 mon closes with an earnest appeal for " the sweetest and most blessed charities where hand and heart go together, and the soul of the needy one is fed with real sympathy, while the body is supplied with needful food." XIX. SEVENTY. 1881. MAY 9, 1881, "his generous-hearted parishioners celebrated his seventieth birthday by inviting as many of his old friends outside the parish as the church could accommodate. We copy from " Seventy," a little book printed, but not published, and which was a record of the services of that evening : "An informal meeting was held at which reception and refreshment committees were appointed. Mrs. Maybury, Mr. Tilden's assistant, though her name does not appear, was, virtually, a most active and effi- cient member of all the committees by her wise coun- sel and invaluable assistance. "Mr. Henry C. Whitcomb, who was the first man to greet Mr. Tilden to his new field of labor in Concord Hall, fourteen years ago, was selected to preside ; and Mr. William Parkman, an active member for years, born on the same day as Mr. Tilden, was invited to speak a word of welcome to the assembled friends. "THE OCCASION." MAY 9, 1881. "The weather was delightful, and the church well filled with parishioners and invited guests. The Bos- Seventy 191 ton Association of Ministers, having been invited to meet with Mr. Tilden, was largely represented. "The pulpit and platform were tastefully decorated with flowers, all gifts of love ; and the whole church, in its chaste simplicity, seemed to reflect the smile of the happy people gathered. "The services opened with a voluntary on the organ, followed by the Lord's Prayer, chanted by the congregation. " Mr. Whitcomb then rose, and said : ' Dear friends, we have met together to-night, as a loving family and its guests, to congratulate our dear pastor, friend, and brother on this his seventieth birthday. It is not an occasion for sadness, but rather for joy and gladness and may our hearts go out to God in thankfulness and love that our pastor has been spared to us for so many years, in the fulness of his strength and vigor, to guide and counsel us to a better living and preparation for the life beyond ! We can well say the world is better for his living ; and may the Lord crown his coming years with glory and strength ! Our pastor's twin (in years), brother Parkman, will now give to the friends present our word of welcome.' " Mr. Parkman, in an off -hand, free-and-easy vein, touched with humor, as is his wont, made a pleasant speech of welcome, which was responded to by Rev. S. K. Lothrop, D.D., in behalf of the Boston Associa- tion, as follows: "'Mr. Chairman and Friends, It falls to my lot as moderator of the Boston Association of Ministers to thank you for the welcome you have given us to this pleasant occasion, the celebration of your pastor's 1 92 A titobiography seventieth birthday. Let me assure you that all the members of our Association, his brothers and co-work- ers in the ministry in this city and neighborhood, feel as deep an interest in this gathering and its purpose as you do. We are as ready as you are to hold our brother Tilden in grateful reverence and honor. We dare not say that we know him as well you do, who see him day by day, week in and week out, year after year, as he discharges with singular wisdom, fidelity, devot- edness, and success the duties of his ministry among you. But we know him well. We know something of his history and more of his progress, development, power, and usefulness. We know, at least I know, for brother Tilden told me so many years ago, and I dare say it is known to all of you; and, if it is not, I am glad to tell it, for it is to his glory and honor. He said to me many years ago, " Brother Lothrop, the first time I ever heard you preach was in 1835 or 1836, in Mr. Stetson's church at Medford ; and at that time I was a journeyman ship-carpenter in one of the Medford ship-yards." I have loved and honored Mr. Tilden ever since he told me that. I believe, if I had been a jour- neyman ship-carpenter at the age of twenty-four or five, I should not have had energy or power enough to work myself out of that ship-yard into the pulpit, much less into an honored and eminent place in the pulpit. Brother Tilden has done this. We know that he has never been called to any duty that he has not dis- charged thoroughly well to his own honor and the ac- ceptance and satisfaction of those who called him to perform it. We know that in every parish of which he has had charge there the kingdom of God has grown Seventy 193 and enlarged ; that everywhere he has left impressions upon hearts and consciences which time has not oblit- erated, but life and character have given testimony to their abiding power. And now, arrived at that ex- cellent age which may be regarded as simply the full maturity of human power, we find him here to-night, surrounded by his loving parishioners and friends, in the vigor of health and strength, with a glory in those full white locks that fill us with reverence (and some of us with a passing shade of covetousness; for why should brother Tilden have such a quantity of those locks, and I, his senior, so few?), and with the fulness of experience, wisdom, and love beaming in his counte- nance, with everything about him giving hope and promise of long years of happiness, honor, and useful- ness yet to come. . . . " ' " God buries his workmen, but carries on his work." In gratitude and thankfulness, let us remember the fathers who have fallen asleep, and the legacy of hon- orable fame they have left us. Let us imitate their virtues and avoid their faults, if they had any ; and let us all, the elder and the younger, according to our years and our strength, keep our hands at the plough, and see that we cut a clean, deep furrow, straight for the truth and by the truth. Sure I am that brother Til- den will do this in the future as in the past. In the name of the Association and in behalf of his brethren, I congratulate him upon having reached this golden period of life. May it last many years, in all its glory, beauty, and usefulness ; and, when the end comes, may it be like the launch of one of those beautiful ships which he helped to build in his youth, a slow, grand 194 Autobiography movement, growing more and more grand and majes- tic, till at last, like as it floats out upon the water, he may float in peace and safety upon that mighty ocean of spiritual life for which his soul has been so thor- oughly prepared.' "Rev. E. E. Hale, D.D., responded to the call of Mr. Whitcomb as follows : " ' It will hardly be believed that I am stepping so closely upon our friend's footsteps that I could give to this assembly anecdotes of his early ministry. For when I was breaking the ice myself, in that curious and fascinating experience when a young man begins, one of the cheerful and happy prognostics for my pro- fessional life came to me when I first heard his name. I was in the city of Washington, detached thither to take such care as a boy could of the Unitarian pulpit in that city. As I made my first visit in one of the stalwart households of that city, they told me of their regret in leaving Concord, in New Hampshire, because they had to leave our Mr. Tilden. It was to me a charming picture of the tie knit, not in many years, between pastor and people; and I know I did my best to learn from them by what magic that tie was woven. The impression I formed of this young man has never changed, as to-night I need not say. And one of the happinesses of life now is that we are thrown together as two colleagues here, both still young men, and per- mitted to do our work side by side.' "The presiding officer called on Rev. C. A. Bartol, D.D., who said: " ' My Friends, my B tot her, my Brethren, and my Sis- ters, Dr. Lothrop spoke of our comparatively more or Seventy 195 less knowing Mr. Tilden. I was reminded of the mod- ern positivist, materialistic, utilitarian, experimental, scientific notion of knowledge, as of facts generalized by the understanding from impressions of sense. But, indeed, do we not know persons as well as phenomena, appearances of things ? It seems to me we know them even better. Properly speaking, in the strict meaning of the word, we cannot be said to know things at all, but only to know about them, to recognize certain properties in them ; but persons are really known to us. They are nearer to us, and things are farther off. We go round anything as we go round a mountain. But the person is close to us, and we know him or her more truly, living in our sight or vanished away. The affections know, the heart knoweth. Now, Mr. Tilden is a man we know by our love and trust. I remember, at the ordination of Charles Pollen to the ministry, Dr. Channing thanked God for a man in whom we could confide. I have only to say that in Mr. Tilden we can and do confide. We know him, with his radical thought, conservative heart, courageous speech, rever- ent and spiritual mind, uniting all extremes in a beau- tiful proportion. May he long still live, and stay here to teach and console ! ' " Poems written for the occasion by Mrs. C. A. Mason of Fitchburg, Mrs. T. H. Burgess of Boston, and Miss Elizabeth Thacher, a teacher of the Sunday- school, were then read. " A few extracts from some of the many letters : 196 Autobiography " LETTER FROM DR. BELLOWS. " My dear Old Friend and Young Heart, Please communicate to your society my inability to join them on the gth of May in celebrating their pastor's arrival at the canonical goal of human life, and my extreme regret that I can only share in spirit the in- terest of that occasion. I should so much like to give them in person my testimony to the unchanging devotion of your soul to the highest and purest interests of humanity, the constancy of your friendship, and the enviable power of holding to you forever those you once attached. I should dwell upon my happiness in having been for seven years (when you were by no means so ripe as now) your summer parishioner at Walpole, N.H., and of shar- ing the universal feeling there, what a lucky and happy people they were to have so large a minister in so small a field. . . . " I know what kind of a slip you have given old Time, and, while allowing him to make his notches in his own record, have carefully prevented his making them in your spirit. I sometimes think you wear his outward livery (a great white head and beard) only to deceive him, and make him think you his humble servant ; for I find you very boyish and alert and enterprising when I look- beneath the disguise. I should like to take lessons against a re- mote future, if you are really as young and gay as you behave. " Affectionately your young friend, " H. W. BELLOWS. "LETTER FROM WILLIAM T. BRIGGS, CONGREGATIONAL MINISTER OF EAST DOUGLASS, MASS. "My dear Brother, I received the very kind and cordial in- vitation from your church to join in the observance of your seventieth birthday. The announcement was very startling, and, Thomas-like, I refuse to believe that my friend is a whit older than when we swung the broad-axe together. Do you remember when, laying out frames and hewing heavy timber, we discussed almost fiercely the high themes of 'fore-knowledge, free will, and fate,' 'till, in endless mazes lost,' we ended about where we began ? Do you remember how cordially we differed on doctrinal points, and how you would hammer away on the hard side of Calvinism ? Seventy 1 97 Do you remember, if you do not, I do, when I was about leav. ing Andover Seminary, your earnest invitation, twice repeated, to preach in your pulpit at Concord, on the Sabbath? It seemed to me then, and does now, that was a liberal thing. But do you re- member my reply ? If you do not, I do ; and a pretty narrow and mean reply it was, I think. I said : ' You must not expect me to return this. I am willing to preach in your pulpit, but not willing that you should preach in mine.' Nobly you accepted the terms, and it has been a shame to me ever since. . . . " Let me congratulate you at threescore and ten that your large eye is undimmed and your natural strength unabated. " Lovingly and fraternally yours, " WM. T. BRIGGS. " Mr. Tilden, being now called upon, received a warm welcome from the audience, and spoke as fol- lows : " ' My kind Parishioners and Friends, What a pity a man can never be seventy but once, especially when he comes to " the canonical goal," as Dr. Bellows calls it, with blessings so many and so rich as greet me here to-night ! " ' I do thank you all, my ever thoughtful and gen- erous parishioners for this birthday party, my kind friends for accepting the invitation to share the oc- casion with us, and for the cordial words and kindly greetings from present and absent ones in prose and verse. I am in a mood to-night to pardon all the extravagance of friendship. I rather like it. I shall make believe it is all true till to-morrow ; and even then let in the light upon it very cautiously, the illu- sion of being somebody is so sweet. A man's seven- tieth birthday is no time to deny or even distrust anything said in his praise. It is wiser to swallow it all. It is probably his last chance. 198 Autobiography "'And, now, what shall I say for myself? It would be safer to hide behind your fragrant screen of compli- ments and say nothing. But I am seventy, the hero of the evening ; and, though indebted to Father Time for all these honors, I must speak. '"As nothing is set down to egotism after three- score and ten, and as we are here in a free-and-easy, pleasant-fellowship sort of way, I think I will venture to tell you a little of my early life, and how it was, with so poor an outfit, I squeezed into the pulpit. The strong contrast of my early life with the early lives of most of those who are in the ministry may give some interest to the simple story it would not other- wise have.' " Then follows the story of his early life and struggles, told substantially as in this Autobiography, and closing as follows : " ' Dull and commonplace as my ministry may have seemed to others, and little as there is to show for it anywhere, I have nevertheless enjoyed it so completely that, could I live my life over again, I should not hesi- tate for a moment what profession to choose. It would be the ministry. It would be the Christian ministry. It never seemed grander, more glorious, or more hope- ful than now. But I should want to be better prepared for it. As there are no gifts, so there is no culture too rich to be laid on its altars. I wonder that more young men are not drawn to the ever-growing, ever- deepening, ever-widening, ever more and more attrac- tive ministry of redeeming love. I thank God afresh on this my seventieth birthday that I have been per- mitted to serve even as a drop in this mighty tide Seventy 199 of Christian influence, so manifestly lifted by the heavenly orbs which, spite of all the sediment of error and superstition mingling with it, are steadily lifting the world to a higher life, and bearing it on its heaven- appointed destiny. " ' Dear friends, again I thank you for this delightful occasion. You will never know how good a thing it is to be seventy till you get there. And, when you do, may you all have as true friends to congratulate you and as many blessings to move your hearts with grati- tude to God as I have to-night!' "After Mr. Tilden had closed, during a moment's pause in the exercises, Mr. Hale rose and said, ' I think we shall agree that the world has not been wrong for eighteen centuries and a half in thinking that a carpenter's shop and a fishing boat are the best schools for apostleship and ministry.' " The congregation then united in the hymn, " ' Press on, press on, ye sons of light,' which went gloriously to the tune of ' Missionary Chant.' "All present were then invited to a social tea in the vestry below, which was filled with a happy throng of people, who, as they greeted each other, were borne along by the current to extend their congratulations in person to Mr. Tilden, who received their cordial greetings and good wishes as they passed on. "The long table was richly decorated with elegant flower-pieces and bouquets, the tribute of kind friends for the occasion, and bountifully spread with refresh- ments from the homes of the parishioners and friends. 2OO Autobiography Back of the platform where Mr. Tilden stood to wel- come his friends was his picture, wreathed with smilax, and on either side, in figures wrought with flowers, 1811. 1881. " During the collation the delightful fellowship con- tinued. Friends anchored side by side in snug har- bors for happy chat, or sailed round in small fleets, hail- ing old acquaintances, and signalling some word of good cheer in keeping with the happy spirit of the evening. "At last the time came for saying 'good-night' ; and the large company retired to happy dreams." The following letter from Dr. H. O. Stone, of Fram- ingham, a former parishioner of Concord, N.H., was re- ceived too late to be read at the birthday part)' : Dear Friends of our Beloved Septuagenarian, I will address you to the exclusion of the latter, lest his modesty be offended by the plain, unvarnished tale unfolded. In the year 1844, not long after Mr. Tilden's settlement over the Unitarian society in Concord, N.H., I became one of his parishioners, listening to his sermons, enjoying his society and friendship, and blessed by his spiritual ministrations. During the years of his service there anti-slavery and the kindred re- forms of peace and temperance were discussed as never before. Filled with the spirit of Jesus of Nazareth, and yearning with his whole soul to preach the "glad tidings of deliverance to the cap- tives " and oneness with the Father, Mr. Tilden faithfully delivered the message impressed upon his conscience and reason. One or two incidents of his career there will indicate his spirit and conduct. At that time Stephen S. Foster, who, by his fearless and per- sistent rebukes of Church and State for their complicity with slavery, had drawn upon himself the hatred and wrath of the Seventy 20 1 pro-slavery elements of society, was lecturing in New Hampshire. He was feared and denounced by recreant ministers and time- serving politicians. To fellowship him was to incur the displeas- ure of these classes. This sturdy modern prophet one summer Sunday went to hear our "son of a carpenter" preach. The ser- vices were conducted with the serene consciousness of the Father of all, habitual to the preacher; and his convictions of human re- sponsibility and duty were uttered with his usual impressive ear- nestness. In his sermon, he alluded to slavery in unmistakable terms, and at its close, looking straight at Stephen Foster, said, " I see one in the audience whose zeal and labors in the anti- slavery cause are well known : I should be glad to hear a word from him"; thus vindicating the freedom of the gospel he preached, the freedom of the pulpit he stood in, and contrasting them with the pro-slavery churches who had spurned Stephen and dragged him out of their meeting-houses with violence. He, all unused to having the courtesy of free speech tendered him, rose and expressed the satisfaction he had received in listening to the sermon, and said he had nothing to add. In those days it required the courage of a hero to speak for the slave, especially when persistency in demanding for him free- dom as his birthright and as the duty of slaveholders and their northern accomplices, aroused the fears of the timid, lest the agitation should break in two the organizations which by some persons were considered of more value than human liberty. It was in such a crisis that spiritual wisdom and celestial insight guided our pastor and lifted him to a plane of thought and action where the fear of man is never a snare, but trust in the infinite God enters the soul like a strengthening angel. Well do I remember the occasion when, after one of his ear- nest rebukes of the great national sin and stirring appeals to each individual conscience, some who loved the old Unitarian Church trembled as if an earthquake had unsettled its foundations. It was whispered : " Such preaching will not do. We shall go to ruin." Not so thought our preacher. The very next Sunday he discoursed from the text, " Stand fast, in nothing terrified," in which he reviewed the whole ground, in no defiant spirit, but in a lofty strain of moral and religious enthusiasm, reassuring the 2O2 Autobiography timid and strengthening the faltering, and so set the old Unitarian Church upon the rock of eternal justice. When the encroachment of the slave power culminated in the Mexican War waged for the extension of slavery, an impetus was given to the cause of "peace" which resulted in the agitation of that reform all over the North. Here, too, the pupil of May was not behind his teacher. Without waiting for a fast-day privilege, he spoke from the pulpit, in small gatherings outside, and in con- ventions. At this period there was the coincidence in Concord on the same day of a Peace Convention and an assembly of New Hamp- shire volunteers on their way to the seat of war. Mr. Tilden, with Adin Ballou, looked in at the war party. Some of the speakers referred to Mr. Tilden's well-known opinions of war so pointedly and in such scornful terms that he felt called upon to reply. He rose with a countenance pallid with emotion, and in a calm and firm voice spoke to the assembly of the gospel of peace as presented by Jesus in the New Testament. He told them that it was his duty as a Christian minister to preach that gospel, and they knew that the work they were entering upon was directly opposed to the spirit and teaching of Jesus. He was heard in silence. It seemed as if an angel had hushed the air that the sweet tones of peace might enter the ears of that armed multitude. Our preacher had conquered for the time an army with muskets and banners by the sword of the spirit. New Hampshire's quota marched out of the capital with this benison ringing in their ears. But time will not permit me to dwell further upon the fidelity of our friend in every field of labor during his brief ministry in Concord. He was as true in the temperance movement as in other reforms, enlightening public sentiment and uplifting the downfallen. The same spiritual graces, social qualities, and tender sym- pathies, the same ringing laugh, hearty pressure of the hand, and words of cheer, the same trustful prayers uplifting afflicted souls, endeared him then as now to all who came within his influ- ence. Dear friends, you know all this better than any words can express. Seventy 203 Now, my dear brother, come back within the hearing of my voice, while I thank God for all your ministry in Concord did for me, and for all your friendship has done and is still doing. The light which surrounds the Infinite Spirit can alone reveal it in its fulness. In that light may we walk to the end of time, and be- yond enlarge and purify the affection which death cannot oblit- erate ! Very sincerely yours, HENRY ORNE STONE. XX. COMMUNION SERVICE. MR. TILDEN had long been dissatisfied with the small number of our worshipping congregations who were interested in the communion service. As one who loved the service and longed to see it lifted out of "the letter which killeth " into "the spirit which giveth life," he was continually asking himself, "What shall be done with our communion service? What can be done to awaken a rational and intelligent interest in it ? Why is it that some of the best, or, if not the best, just as good and just as Christian men and women as any in the congregation, never partake of the symbols ? They believe in Jesus just as truly t thank God for his mission just as deeply, desire his spirit just as earnestly, and have the love of God and man at heart just as sincerely. Why, then, do they never stay to the commemorative rite ? or, if they stay, never partake ? " He says : " It is a serious matter, especially with such ministers as believe in the rite, and long to see it ob- served, not by a select few, but by the whole congrega- tion. " Possibly, with some other method of administration, the observance may be made to seem more simple and natural, and so win the favor of those who have hitherto stood aloof from it. Communion Service 205 "Is there any such method ? We think there is. Dr. Furness, of Philadelphia, was the first, as far as we know, to suggest and adopt it. He proposed to his church that the symbolic bread and wine should not be distributed, but stand on the table to speak through the eye to the heart, of the self-sacrificing love of Him who gave himself for the world's uplifting, the minister interpreting their significance. " No one who knew Dr. Furness could doubt for a mo- ment his reverence for Jesus, or his love of the wonder- ful character he had made the study of his life. But it was a change ; and changes, however rational and need- ful, always come slowly. One who said that, if he wished to give up the communion, he thought this a graceful way of doing it, fairly expressed, perhaps, the common feeling with which the new method was re- ceived. But to me it seemed a step up out of the letter into the spirit, and I hailed it with joy. I saw in it the solution of many of our difficulties. It settled forever the temperance question, so far as the communion was concerned. We could still use wine as a symbol, if we used it as a symbol only. All could then participate in the service without any misgivings, just as all may look upon the cross, and think their own thoughts of its meaning and of Him who died thereon. Parents and children could now come together, and none would be disturbed by having the symbols offered to him, when he desired only the bread and wine of devout thought. All, absolutely all, of every shade of Christian faith, could now together think of Jesus, and thank God afresh for his living and dying love for man. " Fully believing that this method was simpler, more 206 Autobiography natural and rational than the old, we have adopted it, not without some dissenting views, of course ; for old associations are strong, and we seldom pass without a protest of the feelings, at least, from the old to the new, even when reason tells us that the new is better. "But, having passed, I am more and more gratified with the new method. The expressions of satisfaction that came to me after the first use of the symbols, as symbols only, with the whole congregation as spiritual communicants, filled me with a sweet assurance that I was right in my hopes. I found that many felt as I had often done, that the mere eating and drinking, or rather the making believe eat and drink, for to that the old method is reduced, was no aid, but a hin- drance, to the spiritual enjoyment of the service. What made the service quickening and helpful was not the unnatural attempt at eating and drinking with no view to physical nourishment, but the thought waked, the aspirations roused, by the contemplation of the match- less One. With tears on his cheek, one man told me after that service that he had never before felt that he had anything to do with the rite or the rite anything to do with him. Now he began to_/iWits meaning. " It should be said, however, that some of our people would still prefer the old way, with all its disadvantages and limitations. But, as the new method has the many advantages already named, it has been adopted in faith and hope of greater good to a much larger number than was ever reached in the old method. "The New South Free Church, therefore, instead of having 'given up the communion,' as some have intimated, has made this change in the sincere desire Communion Service 207 to make more of the service, not less ; to free it from what to many seems artificial, and open alike to parents and children, old and young, professors and non-pro- fessors, even as many as ever think of Jesus with grati- tude or feel the shadow of a desire for more of his spirit of self-sacrificing love. "Four times in a year at Christmas, Easter, Whit- Sunday, All Saints' and All Souls' we keep our feast of commemoration. We try to make these occasions great days for our little church, days of reverent joy and gladness, not for a few, but for all, the children's voices adding a note of gladness to our sacred songs. We give our own interpretation to these old days, so long held sacred by the Church, of which, though dis- owned, we claim to be a part, however small, a twig, if not a branch of the living vine, and would keep them sacred to the great truths they stand for, and to the memory of Him whose name we honor, whose spirit we crave, and in whose blessed work of redeeming love we would in some humble measure share." The order of service on the Sundays when the com- memorative rite was observed was as follows : Organ Voluntary. Sentence and Prayer. Hymn. Scripture. Prayer. Hymn. Address (at the table). Hymn. Scripture and Prayer. Responsive Service. The congregation being seated, the minister, break- ing the bread, will say : 2o8 Autobiography "When Jesus broke the bread in the upper chamber, just before his crucifixion, he said, 'This is my body, broken for you.' And, when he took the cup, 'This is the New Testament in my blood, shed for you.' It is significant that, while the twelve who reclined with him at the table ate and drank, Jesus himself refused the cup, saying : ' I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in the kingdom of God.' " We use these symbols now as symbols only, as Jesus used the wine, of which he did not drink. This bread is only bread, this wine is only wine ; and, at best, it could only nourish the body. To feed on these literally 'is not to eat the Lord's Supper.' We would discern the real presence in these symbols, and nourish our souls on that. Through this veil of material things we would commune with things eternal. We would feed on that living bread which came down from heaven in Christ, and which our Father is continually giving us. We would drink of the heavenly wine of self-sacrificing love for God and men, and all things true and good, and so remember Jesus as to enter more fully into his spirit, his Sonship, and his great work of Redeeming Love. " And now, that each one may have an opportunity to think his own thought, pray his own prayer, question his own soul, commune with his own heart, and be still, we will unite in a season of silence." This silence is broken by the minister, when all unite in chanting the Lord's Prayer. Benediction. Mr. Tilden never lost his love for and his strong in- terest in this method of observing the commemorative Communion Service 209 rite. In a lecture to the students of the Meadville Theological School he says : " My counsel is, therefore, to you who are studying for the ministry of our liberal faith, do not attempt this new method unless you be- lieve in it, thoroughly believe in it. And, when you do, you will make your people believe in it ; and you and they, if I may judge from my own experience, will enjoy it as never before. " Dr. Furness's successor, Joseph May, did not believe in it, and so went back to the old method. My succes- sor in Boston has done the same. This is not at all discouraging to one who is converted to the new method. It is just what every change has to contend with, tem- porary relapse into the old ways. It is a reflex wave, which recedes for the time, while the ocean tide is all the time rising. " For one, I believe the new method is destined to rise. I think it is linked with the heavenly orbs. I be- lieve no crowned Canute of ecclesiasticism can order il back. It will roll in by and by and cover our Unitarian flats, and float our grounded barges and refresh us with a new wave from that eternal sea of spiritual life that is ever lifting us out of the bondage of the letter into the freedom of the spirit. "Whether this method be widely adopted in our day or not, I feel a strong assurance that it will more and more prevail in our liberal Church. It was born of us ! born of the head and heart of one of the truest lovers and most reverential students of Jesus our body has ever produced. It fits our thought. It is spiritual. It shows the rational meaning of the rite, and sweeps away all the old objections to its general observance. 2 1 o A ntobiography " Whatever a few may say against what they call a destructive innovation, just as the Catholics regarded the restoration of the rite to primitive simplicity by Zwingli as dangerous and destructive, still if we fully believe that the new method is better than the old, should we not, in the spirit of Zwingli, make one more change in this rite of the Church that has passed through so many, and cut it clear of all mate- rialism, making it a purely symbolic and spiritual com- memoration ? "I should be proud to belong to a church that would venture to take this step, and glad and grateful to be an instrument, however humble, in bringing about a consummation so devoutly to be wished." XXL END OF BOSTON MINISTRY. 1883-1884. RESIGNATION. FAREWELL SERMON. CHARGE TO REV. G. H. YOUNG. MAY 20, 1883, Mr. Tilden, at the close of his ser- mon Sunday morning, read the following letter, which he told his people he had sent to the Executive Com- mittee of the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches : BOSTON, May 9, 1883. Gentlemen, I am seventy-two years old to-day. I am also in the seventeenth year of my pastorate of the New South Free Church. Putting the two together, and remembering that years tell in more than one sense, I herewith send in my resignation of the office I have so long held, to take place at the expiration of the present year, Dec. 31, 1883. I make this communication thus early that you may have abun- dant time to select the best man that can be obtained to continue the work. I do not propose to withdraw from the ministry, which I love as well as ever ; for, though an old man, I hope to do some further service in some lighter field of labor. But I am beginning to find the multiform duties of this position, which are more arduous and constant than the pastorate of an ordinary church, rather too much for my strength. And, besides this, I have a growing conviction that a new voice and a fresh hand, especially the voice and hand of a younger man, would do more and better service than I am now able to do. I am happy to say that no lisp from any one of your committee, or any delegate of the Fraternity, or any member 212 A utobiography of our Free Church, has ever come to me with the slightest sug- gestion of a wish that I should retire. My resignation comes solely from my own conviction that the time has come. But I cannot close this note without most cordially thanking you, gentlemen of the committee, and all who have preceded you during my pastorate, for the uniform kindness you and they have extended to me during my long and pleasant ministry. That God may continue to bless you in the great and good work you have in charge, and guide you to a wise choice in filling the vacancy at the close of the year, is the heart's desire of Yours truly, W. P. TILDEN. His last sermon as pastor of the New South Free Church was given Dec. 30, 1883, in which he says, " I choose a text that has not a drop of sadness in it, that inspiring word of Paul to his church at Philippi, 'Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, Re- joice.' "We will shelter ourselves this morning under the brave words. Then, if we are tempted to sadness, we will let in the gladness as well we may ; for surely a seventeen years' ministry, with trials so few and bless- ings so many, must hold in its wide arms abundant cause for rejoicing in the Lord again, and yet again. " Seventeen years is a long time when it is front of us, and we look expectantly along its waving and uncertain lines. But when we have passed over and through, and have left them behind, they dwindle into a span, and seem almost as shadowy as a remembered dream. . . . " But we are happy to-day in looking forward as well as backward, happy in having with us not only the angel of memory with the closed volume, but the angel End of Boston Ministry 2 1 3 of hope also, with her open book, pointing her prophetic finger to the new ministry with which the new year will open." After a retrospective view of the work of these years he says : "And now, my dear friends and parishioners, what shall I say in view of all your kindness and forbear- ance, your lenient judgment and patient listening, some of you for the whole term of my pastorate and others for a shorter time, but just as kindly ? I might as well say nothing, and let your own hearts interpret the gratitude I feel for all your many kindnesses. I shall bear away with me also a sweet assurance of your real friendship and best wishes, given in so many ways, as one of the evidences that my ministry has not been in vain. . . . " I count it a most felicitous arrangement that my successor, Rev. George H. Young, is to be installed on the evening of this my last Sunday with you, giving me the privilege of joining with you all in his inaugura- tion, not leaving you a single hour without a minister, his work beginning the very moment mine will end, when, at the same stroke of the time, the old year and the old ministry are rung out as the new year and the new ministry are rung in. " To make this ministry a useful and a happy one, something else will be necessary besides his devo- tion to his work, your devotion to your work ; for he comes not to do your work for you, but to help you in doing it for yourselves, that you all, working together as a band of Christian believers, may not only continue the work of a broad, free church we have begun, but 214 -^ utobiography carry it forward and lift it higher and strike its roots deeper until, through God's blessing, the fruits of Chris- tian life will grow in such sweet clusters that all will know without asking that this is a living branch of the living vine. " Oh, there is a great work for you to do here, if with united hearts and willing hands you all take hold and help your new minister to do it ! He can do nothing alone; but, with God's grace never withheld and your cordial co-working, you and he together can do all things, all things that Heaven requires, and that will be a work large enough to make the very angels long to share it with you. " I hear it whispered that one and another are think- ing of leaving when I go. That is the worst compli- ment you can pay to my preaching. Go away because I go ! Why, if you have loved the little church of our liberal faith, where we have worshipped and worked together so long, if you have rejoiced in its Christian hospitality, rejoiced that here outward and artificial distinctions are cast out, and all invited to come as the equal children of a common Father in a faith as bright as Christ's own, and a spirit of humanity like that which led him to go about doing good, then my going only because I feel myself not fully equal to all the work required would seem to be a new reason for your staying to strengthen the hands and encourage the heart of him who comes to give to the cause here the freshness of his manliest powers. . . . " If you let the thought of usefulness as well as pleas- ure enter into the question, could you do as much good anywhere else ? No : stay, all of you stay, cheering End of Boston Ministry 215 the new minister with your hearty and cordial co-opera- tion and cheering also the heart of the old minister, when he is away, with the glad tidings that the church of his love and prayer is rising through your united labors into a higher Christian life and broadening its field of Christian usefulness." In his charge to the new pastor the same evening he says : " Take a kindly and tender care of my little flock. I have been with them in their joys and sorrows, hopes and fears ; and now I am about to leave them I feel very solicitous for their real religious welfare. Somehow, my own shortcomings loom up before me in such for- midable shape that I feel like charging you to shun all my faults and bring all your own virtues to aid you in taking the tenderest care of them. You are to be their spiritual helper, their religious friend. You are to be a counsellor to the young, a brother to those in the prime of life, a son on whom the aged may lean with confidence and trust. " But remember that in this free church, as in other churches, you must give your best strength to your pulpit sermons. There is no church in Boston where a good, stirring, earnest Christian sermon will be more highly appreciated than here. You come with a large stock of old sermons : I charge you to use them spar- ingly. A new sermon is better than an old one, if it isn't so good. Somehow, our sermons, like ourselves, bear unmistakable signs of the year of our Lord in which they were born. They may have been good in their day, but the day is past, and to lean on them is fatal. Saul, in his great strait, fell forward on his sword, and committed suicide that way. It was common among 2 1 6 A utobiography old warriors. But many a minister from middle life on has committed suicide by falling back on his old ser- mons. It is an easy death, to be sure ; for the old sermons have seldom point enough to hurt, but the result is just as sure as the old method. As you would live, then, and have your people feel the throbbing of your fresh life, keep studying, keep thinking, keep writing. "And I charge you to do your best every time. Don't save your great thoughts for great occasions. Fresh thoughts, like fresh peaches, should be used the day they drop. Keep them for a great party, and they spoil. One of the most successful ministers we have ever had in our liberal faith said to me that he told his people all he knew every Sunday. He emptied himself, and left it to the next week to fill up. Of course, it was playful exaggeration, for it was Dr. Bel- lows who said it ; but there was a great truth in the playfulness. The stream must be kept running if the water is to be kept pure. " Look aloft, open your soul to the Holy Spirit, follow the highest light, and so by pureness, by knowledge, by long-suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, do the work of an evangelist, and make full proof of your ministry ! " XXII. ROWEN. 1884. SERMON ON OLD AGE. MEADVILLE. RED COTTAGE. INVI- TATION TO RETURN TO MEADVILLE. FREDERICK DOUG- LASS. LETTER FROM DR. LIVERMORE IN " REGISTER." THE book in which he kept the record of his preach- ing after this date was headed " Rowen." In a sermon on " Old Age," he said : " I wish to emphasize the healthiness to mind and heart, too, of regular work of hand or brain. It does more than we know to keep the faculties bright and the mind actively interested in the world of thought and duty in the midst of which we live. It vitalizes the blood in brain and limbs. It helps to make old age happy and useful. Active minds under healthy pressure often shine the brightest after the mid-day of life, as the sun in the heavens often pours out its warmest rays after it has passed the meridian. Illustrations of this are seen everywhere. Every city and town and neighborhood boasts its old persons who have kept on ripening till the angel of the harvest came. . . . "Every time we meet an old friend, after a few years of absence, we see the marks left on face and form by the footfall of time; and how gently and gradually dear Mother Nature lays her white crown 2 1 8 A utobiography upon our heads or draws new lines on the face, so gently and gradually that we never know just when it is done, any more than the oak knows just when its leaves are changed, or the golden grain when the husks are bleached." He was unconsciously drawing his own portrait in these words, and also giving the key to his perpetual youth. Mr. Tilden, believing that the people would more readily become attached to the new minister in the absence of the old one, and consequently the best inter- ests of the church promoted, accepted the invitation which had been previously tendered him to preach for two months in Meadville, Pa., and on the next Sunday, Jan. i, 1884, stood in that pulpit. He became immediately interested in the church, the people, and the Theological School. The two months grew into four under the hospitable roof of Professor Frederic Huidekoper. A letter in the Register, which he wrote from Mead- ville, speaks of the School as " beautiful for situation," and says: "If it be not the 'joy of the whole earth' quite yet, it is surely the joy of a zealous group of young prophets, who aspire to be 'a joy to the whole earth,' when they shall have completed their course, and have become the true prophets of the Lord. " Meadville is a delightful town. True, it is not Cam- bridge ; but it has a college as well as a theological school, and a French creek nearly as large as the Charles River, and subject to overflows such as that little classic and aristocratic stream never experienced. Nevertheless, Cambridge has some advantages, espe- Rowen 219 cially for such as graduate from the university. But for the young men out in the country, who in farming, lumbering, or at the carpenter's bench hear a voice calling, ' Come over into Macedonia, and help us,' and who, if they ever respond, must do it at once, without a college preparation, for such hard-handed but warm- hearted young men, whose eyes are opened to the glory of our liberal faith, and who are not afraid of hard study and hard work in making preparation for a useful life, Meadville is the place. It is quiet, it is healthy, it is central, in short, just the location for a school of robust prophets who come to study, not the literature of religion merely, but how to do brave service for the kingdom of God. We need more of this class of Chris- tian workers in our liberal Church. There cannot be too much learning if it be all consecrated to the world's uplifting. But, when learning makes a man dainty and fastidious, when it makes him sigh for the flesh-pots of rich societies, and look scornfully on small places with low salaries, however great their need of a spiritual helper, then the learning is a clog, a hindrance, a stone around neck and heels, which has sunk many a man, leaving only a few bubbles on the stagnant waters to tell where he went down. The learning for ministers is the learning which enlarges the heart while it broadens the intellect, which brings one into closer sym- pathy, not with the refined and the cultivated merely, but with that class who first heard Jesus gladly, 'the common people.' Religion in white gloves is not the kind for which humanity waits. It is bare-handed, muscular piety that isn't afraid of hard work in hard soil that we most deeply need. 22O Autobiography "We have ministers enough for our large and rich congregations, more than enough. A long file of them is always waiting for a vacancy in the delectable places. They would rather wait ; for death is always busy, and disaffection, swifter than death, is always dissolving ties and opening doors. They would rather wait till the lottery is drawn, in the forlorn hope of a prize, than accept the call of that little struggling church, where the pay is small, however large the pros- pect under undismayed and manly labor. " We have, according to our Year Book, seventy-five parishes without ministers. The most of these, of course, are small and poor. We want ministers for these seventy-five small, poor churches, each one of which may grow into a mighty power for spiritual life under the guidance of a brave soul touched with the spirit of God. " We want as many more to fill new openings and calls for live, earnest, self sacrificing men, to break the bread of our liberal faith to those who are hungering for it. Who will come to Meadville or go to Cam- bridge, to prepare for such a work ? The schools are one in spirit and purpose, in aim and end. Each should rejoice in the prosperity of the other, as they both do in every token of deeper religiousness on the part of those they send out to work for God and man in the great field of the world. " Young men, in city and country, rich or poor, from farm or mechanic's bench or academy, who among you, to whom our liberal faith is dear, will come and enter on this broad field of hard work and poor pay, a work whose reward is in itself, and whose check only the bank of heaven will honor ? " Rowen 22 1 As Mr. Tilden had no longer a Boston parish, he no longer needed a Boston home, and, besides, he wanted to be nearer the children and grandchildren he so dearly loved, and who filled so large a portion of his heart. His daughter Laura, with her husband and son, lived in Dorchester. His eldest son and family were near, and his youngest son had a home in Milton (the Havvthornes). And these three households were all within little more than a mile of each other. His heart had already decided the location, even be- fore his son George sent to Meadville the plan of a cottage, with the offer of land in his own garden to build upon. A letter written at this time says : "You see, I can't preach much longer. We must have a home somewhere. That corner of the garden is made on purpose, and George's plan is inspired. Happy man that I am ! such children and grandchildren, and a cot for our old age in prospect. The hope is blessed. The fruition with Him who doeth all things well." This home, the ground for which was broken by his little grandchildren March 13, 1884, was christened the " Red Cottage." It more than realized all his fondest hopes, and was to him the harbor of refuge after all his wanderings, the dearest spot in all the world, the place from which his spirit took its upward flight. Before leaving Meadville, he received the following letter: REV. WM. P. TILDEN : Dear Sir, In the name of the congregation of the Independent Congregational Church of Meadville, I take great pleasure in in- viting you to return after the summer vacation, and continue the ministrations which have been so acceptable for the coming year. 222 Autobiography In sending this invitation, I am especially gratified at being able to accompany it with such a complete list of signatures, which will prove to you the entire unanimity with which your return is desired by the whole congregation. I do not know that we can offer you any inducement to remain, longer with us, save the very simple one that we need you; and, since it is so much more "blessed to give than receive," I can but hope that our very necessities will plead eloquently in our behalf. Most sincerely yours, LUCY T. W. TYLER, Secretary. MEADVILLE, Pa., March 27, 1884. Many things contributed to make the stay in Mead- ville delightful, not the least of which was the renewal of his old acquaintance with Dr. A. A. Livermore, President of the Theological School, through whose influence, probably, the first invitation to preach in Meadville came, and by whose invitation also he bad given a course of lectures to the students. So he con- sented to come for a part of the next year, from Oc- tober, 1884, to May, 1885. On his homeward journey he spent a few days at Old Point Comfort, and was for a short time the guest of Rev. R. R. Shippen, of Washington, preaching for him morning and evening. While in the city, he dined one day with Frederick Douglass, who says in a letter afterwards : " I see the kind-hearted and brave minister of the gospel who had the courage to invite me, an un- known and despised fugitive from slavery, into his new pulpit in Norton, Mass., to plead the then much perse- cuted cause of the slave. More than forty years have passed since this, to me, important event, and I rejoice that I live to speak of it, and you live to note my grate- ful mention of it. I like to look over the field of the Rozven 223 past and recall such incidents ; and I rejoice that I have lived to have your dear white head once under my roof." After a summer in the Red Cottage, Milton, he re- turned to Meadville Oct. i, 1884. The hospitality of the Huidekopers was boundless. Two delightful months were spent with Mr. Alfred Huidekoper, and four months and a half with Miss Elizabeth G. Huidekoper, who opened to the pastor and his wife her large house and larger heart. Saint Eliza- beth he ever afterwards called her. In both house- holds everything possible was clone for his comfort and happiness. In preaching and lecturing and in delightful social intercourse the winter sped swiftly. At its close the following letter appeared in the Register from the pen of Dr. A. A. Livermore : We have a sad farewell to say to-day to our venerated pastor, Rev. William P. Tilden. He has for two seasons ministered to the Unitarian church, out of his rich spiritual experiences, and from the fountains of a warm, loving heart. These qualities make him one of the youngest and freshest of our ministers. If the advanced in years like him because he carries a white head and a fully stored history of more than forty years of usefulness, the young love him because he is young as the youngest in cheerful spirits and fond sympathies. How wonderfully various are the gifts of men ! How every man is a new world in himself, unlike any that went before or any that shall come after! Brother Tilden is a world in himself ; and the peculiarity of his world is that it possesses to an unusual degree the attraction of gravita- tion, he is one of the drawing kind. In that respect he re- sembles the great Master himself, who drew all men to him, and whom the people heard gladly. He has done much to revive our church, increase the Sunday congregations, add members to the 224 Autobiography church, and harmonize and spiritualize conflicting religious views. He takes a sensible, practical outlook of the times, and gives a charitable interpretation to aspects of thought and speculation which some regard as boding no good to the future of our Zion. Not only in the church have we had beautiful and deeply Christian discourses and services, Sunday after Sunday, for he has made only one exchange since he has been here, but in the Theological School, both last year and this year, he has given lectures on the duties and aims of the ministry of the most useful and telling character. To specify no other, that on " Sealed Orders" would make a column in the Register that would benefit not only every theological school in the land, but even the lords of the pulpit themselves. Especially in setting the duties of the preacher and those of the pastor in due and true perspective with one another, he has done excellent service. Nor is he the man who says one thing and does another. His ministry here has been distinguished not only for constant industry, fresh new sermons, eager and wide reading, but helpful calls on every possi- ble son or daughter of the parish, the looking up of the stray lambs of the flock, and hearty mingling in social gatherings, both in the society and in other churches. In one word, it has been all along the renovation of the ministerial office, in church and parish, brought down to date, filled out in its opportunities of usefulness, and breathing the Christ-like and helpful spirit. It is not the new wine in new bottles so much as the good old wine, mellowed by lime and experience, in new bottles. But our blessings brighten as they depart ; and now we have to bid farewell to our friends, and to wish them all manner of happiness in their Milton home, which they abundantly deserve. XXIII. ROWEN. 1885-1886. BRIGHTON. ATLANTA. MAY MEMORIAL SERMON. LECTURES AXD BACCALAUREATE IN MEADVILLE. CLOSE OF MINISTRY AT BRIGHTON. SEPTEMBER, 1885, he took the supply of the Brighton pulpit for a few months, and while there made an ex- change of seven Sundays with Rev. George L. Chancy, of Atlanta, Ga. From the latter place he wrote to the Unity : " We are not ' marching through Georgia,' only in camp for a time. We are here in this city of roses and balmy air on an exchange with brother Chaney, who is at the North with his sick wife, now happily re- covering from a long illness. We find they have together been doing a noble work here, winning the honor and love not only of their own people, but of out- siders, by their earnest work in behalf of a Christianity that is deeper and higher and broader than any ' ism.' Their return to Atlanta will be hailed with joy. The Church of our Father has a fine chapel, with a corner lot in the centre of the city reserved for a church edifice when the time shall come. It must come at no distant time ; for the city is rapidly growing, and minds and hearts are opening to the glory of our growing faith. This pioneer movement inaugurated by the Chaneys is 226 A ntobiograpJiy no longer an experiment. It is an established fact. We have one church of the future in Georgia, and may confidently hope that the ten times one will come through hard working and patient waiting. We have spent a most delightful season here with the saints and sinners of our own and other faiths, and shall bear away pleasant memories and bright hopes of our brave little church planted here and planted to grow." In June of that year, 1886, he went to Meadville and gave a course of eight lectures to the students of the Theological School, and two sermons, the last being the Baccalaureate, in ten consecutive days. On September 1 2th he gave a sermon in Syracuse, N.Y., on the unveil- ing of a mural tablet to the memory of his dear friend, Samuel J. May. A brief extract from that sermon is given here : " Calm as a June morning, but firm as Gibraltar, he was a moral hero. No wonder a phrenologist, on examining his head, told him he should have been a soldier. Indeed, he was a soldier. He had not missed his calling : only his warfare was of the higher kind, and his weapons " ' Those mild arms of Truth and Love, Made mighty through the living God.' "Then he came to you, fortunate people, and blessed you for more than a quarter of a century. I say more than a quarter of a century, for he blessed you after he resigned his pastorate just as he did before, until a voice from heaven whispered to him, ' COME UP HIGHER,' and, with a faith in the immortal life scarcely less clear than sight, he rose. Row en 227 " What he was to you in all those ripest years of his ministry, in the church, in the home, in the schools, in the city, in the nation, what a son of consolation he was in all your sorrows, how sincerely he rejoiced with the rejoicing and wept with the weeping, what a preacher he was of truth and righteousness as he saw it, how loyal to his highest light, how ready to meet danger and death in obedience to the higher voice, how, when the great hour of emancipation struck, his soul leaped forth in joy and gratitude at the glorious consummation of his life-long labors and prayers, and then the growing beauty and glory of his life as the shadows lengthened and the sunset hour drew nigh, all this, and more, you know so well that I can only hint at what, to you, is open vision. " It was my privilege to be with you fifteen years ago, oh, how the years fly ! when we met in the old church for the last offices of faith and affection. I never witnessed such an occasion. Dearly as I loved him, it did not seem like a funeral. It was rather like a grand and solemn apotheosis, the crowning of a noble soul with the highest honor man can ever receive, the revered love of his fellows, won by noble living. " Many of those who gathered around the grave, and looked up, not down for him, have since passed on, leaving only a few of the old-time veterans in the moral fight to gather now and then, with ever-narrowing cir- cles, to talk over the 'times that tried men's souls.' " But still you keep his memory green. In the grati- tude of your hearts, you have made this new church of your love and prayer a ' May Memorial,' that his name and memory may still mingle with your best thoughts 228 A utobiography and highest aspirations. And now his kindred in flesh and spirit have asked the privilege of placing on these walls their memorial of honor and affection, to show their personal love of the man you have so delighted to honor. " ' HE WAS A GOOD MAN.' Yes, and a great man, great in Christ's idea of greatness, when he said to his disciples, WHOSOEVER WILL BE GREAT AMONG YOU, LET HIM BE YOUR MINISTER, the greatness of service. "That he fought not with carnal, but spiritual weap- ons required not less courage, but more, as it calls for more heroism to be stoned for truth than to stone him who assails it. His courage was tempered with the Christ spirit. With no cry of ' Lord, Lord ! ' he followed closely in the Master's steps. With what a mighty ' Amen ' in our hearts we heard those words of his dear friend, President \Vhite, spoken at his grave : " ' Here lies before us all that was mortal of the best man, the most truly Christian, I have ever known, the purest, the sweetest, the fullest of faith and hope and charity, the most like the Master. Had our Lord come upon this earth again, and into these streets, any time in these thirty years, he was sure of one follower. Came he as black man or red man or the most wretched of white men, came he in rags or sores, this one dear friend would have followed him, no matter what weapons, carnal or spiritual, were hurled at the procession.' " Golden words ! History and epitaph in one. We cannot add to them if we would. We can only repeat the text, ' HE WAS A GOOD MAN.'" On the last Sunday in December, 1886, Mr. Tilden Row en 229 closed his engagement in Brighton, feeling that the society had been long enough without a resident pastor. It was a pleasant year of ministerial service, though a good deal broken into by the Southern trip and the Meadville lectures. The drive of one hour from Milton to Brighton was through a delightful part of country and city, and was most enjoyable. A choir of young girls and boys was organized while he was there, in which he took great interest, calling them always " my choir." XXIV. ROWEN. 1887-1889. PLYMOUTH, ATLANTA, CHATTANOOGA, NEW ORLEANS, NASH- VILLE, CHARLESTON, SAVANNAH. PLYMOUTH. ILLNESS. NOTICE IN "WATCHMAN." WILMINGTON. INVITATION TO SETTLE IN WILMINGTON. CALL DECLINED LETTER TO C. G. AMES. ANOTHER COURSE OF LECTURES AT MEAD- VILLE. THE first Sunday of the new year 1887 he was in- vited to preach in Plymouth, Mass. This was followed by eight delightful Sundays in the same parish, the people wishing him to supply their pulpit for a time after his return from another Southern trip. In March he writes from Atlanta to the Register: " Forty-eight hours apart, as the cars fly ; but the cli- matic change, as we experienced it, was from winter to summer. Sunday, 6th inst., we waded, knee-deep, through driven snow to the Church of the Disciples, Boston, to speak a word to the lonely flock who missed the voice of their good shepherd. Soon may they hear it again! Sunday, I3th, we are here at Atlanta, in a perfect spring garden, peach-blossoms in all their glory, crab-apple and pear-trees just putting on their deli- cately tinted robes, the blue-green grass carpeting the lawns, and the young wheat almost tall enough to Row en 231 wave. The change seems magical as well as delightful. Atlanta is really a very beautiful city. We thought so last year. We think so this year still more vigorously. It is constantly growing, not only in population and business enterprise, but in that architectural finish and beauty which one hardly expects to see in a city so young. "Mr. Chaney is just now holding services in Chatta- nooga, another rapidly growing city, four hours away, where he hopes that the corner-stone of a new liberal church may be laid. He thinks that the time has fully come for ' church extension ' in these new fields." A few weeks later Mr. Tilden writes from Chatta- nooga as follows : "This rapidly growing city is known as 'The Southern Gateway of the Alleghanies ' ; and, although it sounds slightly ambitious, there are solid terra firma reasons for so regarding it, since the Ten- nessee River, on a graceful curve of which the city is built, pushes its way between the mountains, marking the only natural path to the region beyond. The In- dians called it Chattanooga, or 'crow's nest,' because, doubtless, of its being such a cosey retreat, hemmed in by the surrounding heights. But its natural advan- tages as a landing near the 'Gate' for receiving and shipping the primitive products of the surrounding country led to its settlement by the whites, who ob- tained a charter in 1852. "The war, sweeping away everything in the settle- ment, slaves and all, left the soil clean for a fresh beginning. Since then the growth of the place in commerce, in manufactures, in numbers, and in wealth, has been wonderfully rapid, and is still rising in a per- fect freshet of prosperity. 232 Antob iograpJiy " During the last few months there has been a boom in real estate here, which has made some small land- owners comfortable and large ones corpulent. But the freshet is subsiding, and those caught on the bars will have to wait for another boom to take them off. But our chief interest in the city just now is not in its commerce or its corner lots, but in its religious needs. We are here, by advice and counsel of Bishop Chancy, to see if there be any call for Unitarian church exten- sion. Of course, everybody else is here before us, Catholic and Protestant. ' If you had only come last year,' it is said, 'you could easily have started a church ; but now the liberals have joined the other churches, and really,' etc. But, remembering who gave the cheering promise, 'The last shall be first,' which fits our tardy habits as if made for our special benefit, we went to work. The bishop came here for three Sundays, while we supplied his pulpit in Atlanta ; and then we came for three Sundays more. Our place of meeting is an 'upper room,' up two flights, not 'large' or 'furnished ' like that at Jerusalem, but with numbers most encouragingly akin to that early Christian gather- ing. But, if numbers were few, opinions were many, ranging all the way from old-fashioned Unitarianism to new-fashioned nothingarianism, with a freedom of ex- pression that was sublime in its transparent honesty. One would have hardly deemed it possible to get so many opinions from so few persons. It was a unique company. It was plain that the creed must be very simple and general that could unite them. But, fortu- nately, we had no creed to offer, only a purpose of getting good and doing good ; and on this broad ground we found a cordial response. Rowen 233 " Here is a grand chance for some young Eliot or Chancy to give himself, soul and body, to founding and building up a liberal church a church of the spirit, a church of humanity in this charming 'Gate- way of the Alleghanies.' " April 24 he preached in New Orleans for Rev. C. A. Allen, in whose charming home and in that of Mr. C. Holloway a week was spent, the week of the South- ern Conference. This in itself was a great delight ; and both gentlemen were unwearied in their kindness to the strangers, showing them the attractions of their lovely city, its homes, its typical gardens, its cathedral, market, old French and Spanish houses, its many pres- ent beauties, and the traces of its historic past. The next Sunday was spent in Nashville, Tenn. A letter to his daughter at this time says : " We have been here nearly two days, and have found but one Unitarian, and he doesn't know whether he is one or not. But I have engaged the Olympic Theatre for next Sunday morning and evening, and then and there hope to make my debut as an apostle of our blessed faith. Should there be only that one present, who doesn't quite know where he stands, I shall hope to drive him from the fence, and make him see where he is before I get through. But I guess there will be two, possibly three, so that we may claim the blessing prom- ised to that number. That we are homesick goes with- out saying; but we bear it, promising to each other, if we ever do get home, we 'won't do so again.' ' The next Sunday was spent in Birmingham, where he preached only in the evening, as he was unable to procure any place for morning service. He returned 234 Autobiography to Atlanta the next day, May 9 (his birthday). He writes home as follows : Dear Children and Grandchildren, Thanks, thanks, thanks, for telegram and letters. Oh, how refreshing they were, when I reached Atlanta after a seven hours' ride from Birmingham, in a hot sultry, dusty day ! I could sit and think of you all, and of what you were thinking and doing, for I knew we poor estrays would mingle with your thoughts. I was all alone, so I jolted, and mused, and thought, and loved, and longed amid a crowd of tired travellers, comforted with the sweet thought that we were pointing homeward, though fifteen hundred miles away, and that every jolt and lurch brought me a little nearer to the " little Red " and all it stands for. So far we have had, on the whole, a good time, though fatiguing. But you may be assured, my dear ones, that after this we shall be as glad to stay at the " little Red " as you will be to have us. If we didn't love you all so well, we could stand this being away better, but love is a great pull-back to the missionary zeal of an old man. After two more Sundays in Atlanta he went to Charleston, S.C., where a warm welcome awaited him from Rev. and Mrs. E. C. L. Browne, whose two hearts he had made one some twenty-five years before. He supplied the pulpit for Mr. Browne one Sunday, and was introduced by him to the congregation as the " good gray head which all men knew." A letter from Mr. Browne at this time in the Register says: "Father Tilden, the loved bishop of souls, has touched our south country with his episcopal benignity, a spirit more genial than our breezes, and a smile, not prostrating like our sun, but carrying the strength of faith. After establishing several churches (potential) in partibus infidclium, strengthening the faith and Rowen 235 zeal of the congregations in Atlanta and New Orleans, cheering the Southern Conference with the optimism of his experience, giving his hearty benediction and charge, as well as example, to the young evangelist, now work- ing alone in the far South-west, last of all he brought the treasure of his presence to Charleston, lingering with us in a whole restful week of communion before his final ascension to Boston. We can still hear his voice, though his presence is gone. What a peculiar thrill is in it, vibrating with a mingle of human sympathy and divine hope. He came as we have known him of old, as when, twenty-three years ago, in the April freshness of a New England town, he preached in the old church on the hill my ordination sermon. He came the same, unless one is reminded of Jones Very's thought, " ' Father, there is no change to live with thee, Save that in thee I grow from day to day.' But he goes in another character. He will hereafter be Rabbi Ben Ezra to us ; for no one ever more persua- sively said, in obedience to this law of fulfilment, " ' Grow old along with me ! The best is yet to be, The end of life, for which the first was made. Youth shows but half. See all. Trust God, nor be afraid ! ' But, whether bishop or rabbi, or brother or father, whether growing old or in perpetual youth, his good works follow him, and our love must crown him." Mr. Tilden's letter from Savannah, June 2, 1887, says : " We had a delightful stay with the Brownes. 236 Autobiography Preached for him Sunday. Came here Tuesday. Did the city yesterday, and it surprised us with its beauty. Sail to-day at about three in the ' Gate City ' for dear old Boston and the dearer children, grandchildren, and friends. " We hope to arrive at the Hub some time Sunday afternoon, if all goes well. And all will go well, what- ever comes, for ' Our Father's at the helm.' Oh, shall we not be glad to see Boston Light, and the light in so many heart windows ashore waiting for us ! " After his return he accepted an invitation to supply the Plymouth pulpit for six months ; but, before that engagement was quite concluded, he had a serious ill- ness (bronchitis) which kept him in bed many weeks, and from which, though he apparently recovered entirely, he never regained his former vigor. But he still loved his chosen work just as well as ever, and said after every service, " I thank God that I have been able to preach once more." About this time the following statement appeared in the Watchman: Every now and then somebody gives us a moving picture of a happily settled pastor, sexagenarian, who is the idol of his congre- gation and "doing his best work," as a living refutation of the nonsense about " the dead line of fifty," which limits the useful- ness of ministers. This, however, is raising a false issue. No- body charges upon churches that they summarily dismiss or get rid of their pastors as soon as they are fifty years old. No doubt a man who is well preserved physically, and able for his work, may often live on with the same people for years after that date. But suppose a man on the shady side of fifty to be (from no cause that is to his discredit) without pastoral charge : what are his chances of receiving a call, or even of being asked so much as to supply a pulpit for a Sabbath or two ? When somebody will in- stance such a man whose services are in brisk demand, we will Roiven 237 admit an exception to a very general rule. When two are named, we will reconsider the question." The Register says, " If the Watchman is willing to count Unitarians, we will move a reconsideration, and mention two men past seventy in constant demand among us, Dr. A. P. Peabody and Rev. W. P. Tilden." Oct. 8, 1888, he commenced a six months' pastorate in Wilmington, Del. A Register letter says : " There is a large Quaker element in the society here, which is very interesting. The Hicksite Friends are essentially Unitarians, and easily and naturally affiliate with us, especially the ris- ing generation. They bring what Matthew Arnold called 'sweetness and light.' We welcome both. "Our little vine-clad brick church is delightfully situ- ated on a street abounding in churches. We have a Sunday attendance of near a hundred, sometimes more. " Wilmington is a rapidly growing city. Its rolling surface gives picturesqueness to its billowy streets, and limits horse-cars to the more level lines. The quaint old houses of a former generation, sprinkled in here and there among the new ones, are very interesting. But in the prominent streets and out on the hills are some ele- gant structures of the modern style, showing how wealth and taste are united in making the city beautiful. The bird's-eye view from high points of the Brandywine and Christiana Rivers, that encircle the city in their liquid arms, and pour their united waters into the broad Dela- ware as it sweeps on to the capes, is very grand. As a seaport, Wilmington has great advantages. Its ship- building interest in wood and iron is most refreshingly 238 Autobiography prosperous. One vessel is no sooner launched than an- other keel is stretched upon the blocks. The yards are so full of men as to remind me of Medford fifty years ago. Wilmington is sure to grow, and the first Unita- rian society to grow with it." His home letter for December 25th says: "Hail! and a merry Christmas to you all, Laura and the doctor, Will and Anna, George and Alice, Joseph, and May, and Cora, and Charlie, and Elsie, and Edith, thrice merry, merry, merry Christmas to you all. Well, it is good for the inward eyes to see you. You look as if you had had a good dinner. The turkey and pudding shine through. How did we come ? Not on the wires or through the telephone, but in the good old way of thought and affection by which Adam and Eve held intercourse the first time they lost sight of each other among the trees of the garden. We talk of abolishing time and space with electricity and tin tubes : bungling inventions they are in comparison with the electrical battery of the brain and heart by which we can girdle the globe in less than thirty min- utes, and dine with our loved ones whenever we please, however far away. But we didn't come to talk phi- losophy or eat dinner, though we should like a bite, it looks so nice and smells so Christmasy, but just to take your hands and look into your eyes and tell you all that we don't get over loving you a bit, and don't want to, though, if we only could ease up a little, it would be more comfortable when we are away down in Delaware." At the end of six months the Register contained the following notice : R oiv en 239 Wilmington, Del. This society has been enjoying the minis- trations of Rev. William P. Tilden for the past six months ; and during that time the attendance upon the Sunday services has steadily increased. Mr. Tilden has won the hearts of all alike, young and old, conservative and radical. His eloquent preaching, his gentle and manly spirit, his fatherly interest and tender sym- pathy, have so attracted to himself and to the religion he so thoroughly represents in his walk and conversation, that the action of the society at its meeting on Sunday, March 10, was both natural and logical. The following preamble and resolutions were on that occasion unanimously adopted : Whereas this society has enjoyed for the last six months the minis- trations of Rev. William P. Tilden, and during that time it has learned to love and respect his character, and appreciate his high spiritual and intellectual qualities ; and Whereas we feel that our spiritual perceptions have been quickened and our intellectual faculties enlarged and strengthened by his eloquent and impressive teachings, therefore, Resolved, That this society extends to Rev. William P. Tilden a unanimous call to become its pastor. Resolved, That the trustees be requested and authorized to make such arrangements with Mr. Tilden as may be necessary to secure his services to the society, pledging themselves to sustain and support him in his pastoral work. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to wait upon Mr. Tilden, and present to him this call, and urge upon him its acceptance. Mr. Tilden's decision has not yet been ascertained, but every member of the society and congregation awaits it with undis- guised anxiety. It is, perhaps, unusual for a call to be extended to a minister seventy-seven years of age; but this society asks no better service than he can render. And it will be their greatest pleasure to sustain him with their love and sympathy during the remaining years of his ministerial work. If he should remain, the future prosperity of this society will be assured. Gratifying as this call was, Mr. Tilden, feeling that the society misjudged his strength, and knowing his in- ability for continuous work, felt obliged to decline, which he did in the following letter : 240 Autobiography MESSRS. GEORGE W. STONE, DANIEL W. TAYLOR, AND HEY- WOOD CONANT, Committee of the First Unitarian Society of Wilmington, Del. : Gentlemen and Brethren, Your kind invitation to the pastorate of your church is before me. It is remarkable for its cordiality and for the largeness and entire unanimity of the vote. I feel sure that such a call to one of my age, who came not as a candidate, must have warm hearts behind it, and that I may confidently rely on its pledges of support and co-operation. It demands most serious consideration. This I have tried to give it. I sincerely hope I have been guided wisely, and that you will all see, on due reflection, that my decision is best for you as well as for myself. When I left my church in Boston five years ago, it was with the fixed and, as I think, wise purpose of not taking another pastorate. I left for rest and change, intending still to preach as long as strength and opportunity continued. Both have been granted to a remarkable degree, so that these years of here and there preaching have proved the happiest of my long ministerial life. Three of the churches to which I have ministered for a longer or shorter period are now rejoicing in acceptable pastors and going on prospering and to prosper. When I came to Wilmington, although an entire stranger to you all, I hoped that here also I might pave the way for some good man in whom you could all unite; but, lo ! in the abounding kindness of your hearts you wish me to stay as your permanent pastor. This is as gratify- ing as it is unexpected, for we all love to be loved. Were I not remarkably wise, I might yield to my feelings rather than to my judgment, and accede to your generous proposals. But I know my inability for prolonged and continuous service too well to take such an advantage of your kindness. I owe my present health and strength very largely, I think, to my migratory habits. I do not stay long enough in a place to get tired or for the people to get tired of me. I seem to thrive best on the wing, and should not dare to light for any length of time, lest I should not be able to rise. Should I stay longer with you, you might love me less and think less of my preaching. I prize your good opinion too highly to run the risk. Be assured, therefore, that I am doing you as well as myself the greatest kindness in declining your per- suasive call. Rou'en 241 We shall bear away with us delightful memories of your pleasant city and our many kind friends here. We shall ever feel a deep interest in the welfare of your church, which hence- forth will be our church, too; and it is our hearts' desire and prayer that in fulness of time one may be sent to you who will prove himself a true helper in the divine life. Your six months' minister and all-time friend, W. P. TILDEN. A letter to his daughter from Wilmington, March 29th, says : We hope to come right through on Monday as I wrote you, in spite of George's powerful persuasives to stay over night in New York. What do we care about the little village of New York? A night in the little Red will be more restful than Fifth Avenue Hotel. Lovingly to all, FATHER. A few days later he writes to his dear friend, Rev. C. G. Ames, as follows : MAY 9TH, 1889. Dear Ames, You guessed right. I write from the culm of my seventy-eighth birthday. I like the altitude : the air is pure and the prospect glorious. I wouldn't go down into the valley of youth or the hillsides of toil, where you youngsters are digging, if I could. I like to be up here, away from the crowd, where I can take life easy, work when I feel like it and then play, " kiss my hand to the stars,'' look out on the peaks still higher up, glistening in the sunshine, and the peaks still beyond, that we see only with the in- ward eye. No ! I wouldn't go back if I could, not even to pick up dropped stitches : I should be sure to drop more, and make the hole larger and more difficult to mend. " Only once this way " is the mysterious fiat. The shortcomings we mourn lift us by keep- ing us humble. My only regret away up here is that I have done so little in a long life, but I try not to let that over-trouble me. The dear God knows it all, and loves me still, as he does all his wayward children. 242 Autobiography My life has been so free from crosses that I look for no crown. I have been overpaid, cash down, every day; and, if there were a strict accountant up there, I should be bankrupt and in hopeless debt. But " he delighteth in mercy." It is good to be in debt to him so rich in forgetting love. . . . I am always, in ever enduring love and immortal hope, Your own brother, TILDEN. In June, of this year he went again to Meadville to repeat the course of lectures which were given to the Theological School in 1886. Again he gave eight lect- ures and two sermons (the last being the Baccalaureate) in ten consecutive days. A letter to his daughter at this time says : " Here we are, safe and sound, well homed with Dr. and Mrs. Liv- ermore, who take the best possible care of us. Your hot beef tea was charming. My last cup was in the car, heated nicely by the porter. Meadville is looking gloriously. The old friends seem glad to see us. The school is full and flourishing, and the students listen to my lectures with apparent interest. I have given two lectures, and bear it very well. Tell the doctor I do not forget his wise counsel, and think I have been benefited by it, even if I do not toe the mark exactly. . . . This is a brilliant letter ! The doctor will see that I am not overtaxing my mind. He prescribed mental rest, and this note shows how faithful I am to his prescription. My stupidity is most encouraging. I must be convalescing." His journal of June 30 says : "Was obliged to give up an engagement to preach on account of illness, The wise Dr. Green says I must not preach again until September. So I have cancelled two other engage- Rowen 243 ments, and have gone into the dry dock for repairs, hoping to be seaworthy again in September." September ist he occupied the Newton pulpit, and the journal says: "I have not preached before since my Baccalaureate at Meadville. Have been too ill. Thanks to the dear Father for strength restored." XXV. ROWEN. PLAINFIELD. CONCORD. INVITATION TO REMAIN IN PLAIN- FIELD. WILMINGTON. WORK OF THE MINISTRY. LATER in the month, September, 1889, Mr. Tilden went to Plainfield, N.J., to preach for seven Sundays to the little society just started there. He says, in a letter to the Register: "There are twelve Plainfields in the United States, showing that it is a favorite name. But we doubt if any one of them equals in rural beauty and general attractiveness this growing city of New Jersey. Situated on the New Jersey Central Railroad, only an hour from New York, less by express, it furnishes not only a summer retreat for New Yorkers, but an all-the-year-round home for many who do business in the great city. With a dry, sandy soil, and good, pure water, it has long been noted for its general healthiness. " One of its great charms consists in its being a country city. There are no ' blocks,' save in the busi- ness streets. Separate houses with generous grounds are the general rule ; and, while it is mainly a plain field as to the surface, it is so picturesquely laid out, with so many curved and diagonal streets, that the usual checker board monotony of cities with a plain Roiven 245 surface is largely obviated. The soil, though light, is rich ; and the shade-trees, with which the streets are abundantly fringed, have a heavy foliage, which is just now in its golden glory. The population is estimated at ten thousand, and is constantly increasing. Many new buildings, some very beautiful, are going up. "The city had fourteen churches, representing the leading denominations, when Rev. D. W. Morehouse, Secretary of the New York Conference of Unitarian Churches, came here a few months ago, to see if there were any demand for a church of our liberal faith. He found a few earnest Unitarians waiting for him. After holding a few Sunday evening services, the little band of brave men and women felt they were ready for action; and on the i/th of July, 1889, they organized the First Unitarian Society of Plain field. Now there are fifteen churches in this city ; and the last, though the youngest and smallest, is yet destined, as we fondly hope, to do good and noble service for a progressive Christian faith. "We are fortunate in having the mayor of the city, Hon. Job Male, an interested member of the society. He is a Unitarian to the 'manner born,' being a mem- ber of All Souls', New York, in the early ministry of Dr. Bellows. He came to Plainfield years ago, and is one of the city fathers, widely honored and beloved. As the young society found it difficult to obtain a suit- able place of worship, Mr. Male opened one of his pri- vate houses, fitting the lower part for Sunday services, and offering it free to the society till they could do bet- ter. This has been simply but conveniently furnished by the society. We held our first meeting in the 246 Autobiography 'Home Church' last Sunday, and the rooms were so well filled as to suggest the necessity of early enlarge- ment. Everything looks very hopeful, and we may confidently count on a prosperous and self-sustaining church as the ultimate and sure result." At the end of his seven weeks' engagement he re- turned to Milton to spend the month of November, in order that he might attend the dedication of the new church at Concord, N.H., and also that he might gather about him, as was his wont, his children and grand- children for a Thanksgiving party. After preaching in Concord, N.H., before his old pa- rishioners Sunday evening, November loth, and assist- ing at the dedicatory services on Monday afternoon, he gave an address at a social gathering in the evening, in which he said : " The three years I was with you, from 1844 to 1847, were years of great excitement. The devil's trinity, as we used to call it, war, intemper- ance, slavery, some of us fought against with all the non-resistant fight there was in us. The two first re- main, wounded, but still vigorous, while what seemed then the master evil has been swept away forever. But the opposition to any word spoken against the di- vine institution at this time, on the part of many, was intense. One of my parishioners told me he thought that nothing of a worldly character should ever be let into a Christian pulpit. As sin is supposed to be some- what worldly, this was a decided narrowing down of the sphere of the pulpit. " One good woman on whom I called with brother Thomas, who kindly went round with me to get ac- quainted with his people, was inclined to be very plain- Row en 247 spoken in her ideas of preaching. Brother Thomas said in his mild way, ' Sister, I think brother Tilden preaches the gospel.' She turned upon him, and said, 'Well, if Mr. Tilden preaches the gospel, you didn't.' ' I think there are some parts of the gospel that I did not emphasize as I should,' said brother Thomas. " On the other hand there were those who were loyal to the true and the right, who held up my hands and encouraged my heart to speak without fear or favor what I believed to be the truth of God. Could your fathers and mothers only have known that in twenty years from that time 'liberty would be proclaimed throughout all the land to all the inhabitants thereof," I think they would have kept me another year. But it was all right, for, if I had not gone, you would not have had the blessed ministries of Woodbury, Beane, Gil- man, and all the rest, to lead you on to the higher life. " Dear old friends, and new ones, too, the few who remain and the many who have come in, I rejoice with you in this your glad and hopeful hour. Both the church I preached in and the new one that followed went up, prophet-like, in flame, and now another, fairest of the three, has risen on the spot. Here the fathers wor- shipped, and here the children and the children's chil- dren shall gather for the worship and work of the church. Hopeful outlook. Theory is giving place to life, and theology is blossoming into the fruit of pure religion. It remains only that you dedicate yourselves, the only true temple of the Holy Spirit, to God and man." After a happy Thanksgiving in the Red Cottage, never a happier or merrier, he returned to Plainfield 248 Autobiography for the winter, the following letters having been re- ceived : REV. W. P. TILDEN, Milton, Mass. : Dear Sir, Our Board of Trustees, having satisfied themselves as to their financial resources, now authorize and intrust me to tender to you on their behalf an invitation to take the regular pastoral charge of our society for as long a time as you can stay with us. . . . The Board desires me to state that the unanimous voice of the society expresses the hope that you will accept, in which hope earnestly joins, Yours very sincerely, CHARLES W. OPDYKE, Sec'y of the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, X.J. Nov. 3, 1889. A letter of Nov. 6, 1889, from Rev. D. W. More- house, Secretary of the New York Conference of Uni- tarian Churches, says : Dear Mr. Tilden, I went over and preached for the little flock in their cosey new home last Sunday. If you could have wit- nessed the eagerness with which the people gathered around me at the close of the service, inquiring if I thought " it would be possible to induce Mr. Tilden to come back," you would have no doubt about the earnestness of the call to minister to these people. They look to you with a tenderness of attachment which it is very pleasant to witness, and which is to me the assurance that they will so heartily respond to your leadership that a few months more of your ministry with them will put them on a foun- dation so sure that their growth and prosperity will be entirely assured. I do not hesitate, therefore, to beg you to come back and be their minister a little longer; and, in making this request of you, I here renew the promise I made several weeks ago, that, if at any time you desire a labor of love, you shall have such relief as you need. We do not want to overtax you, but rather it is our desire to make the work as light as possible for you. Rowen 249 We want your presence in Plainfield. All that the loving care of thoughtful and considerate people can do to make your stay in Plainfield agreeable will most cheerfully be done. If you can, under these conditions, see your way clear to accept the invitation which the trustees, in obedience to the unanimous wish of the society, will send you, you will confer a great favor and blessing upon them and me. Affectionately yours, D. W. MOREHOUSE. His record book says : "December I. Having come to Plainfield to take the pastorate of the First Uni- tarian Society for the winter, I preached my inaugural from the words, ' Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my helpers in Christ Jesus, . . . likewise the church which is in their house.' ' : In this month he went to Wilmington to help the dear friends whom he was permitted to call his parish- ioners the year before, in installing their new minister. December 27 he writes home: "We don't intend to be absent another Christmas, if we are this side the river. We see you can't have a real old-fashioned Christmas without us. George writes that he thinks he will take Charlie with him to New York next week. I have written him to come out and spend a night with us. 'Oh, that will be joyful." A letter of Jan. 16, 1890, to his daughter, says, in speaking of the death of a friend : "So the great wheel of life keeps turning, and we never know whose turn comes next. That is just as it should be. To trust is better than to know. . . . Oh, how we did enjoy George's and Charlie's Sunday visit to us ! We grew a cubit and a span while they stayed. Had they remained, we should have become 'giants in Gath.' " After the delivery of his last course of lectures in 250 Autobiography Meadville, in the summer of 1889, the following resolu- tions were presented to him : Resolved, That we, the students of Meadville Theological School, tender our thanks to the Rev. Mr. Tilden, of Milton, Mass., for his instructive course of lectures upon the ministerial offices, so beautiful in their spirit and so valuable in material. Resolved, That we feel that the course of lectures just closed, to which we have listened with so much pleasure and profit, would be still more valuable to us if we possessed them in a form more enduring and complete than that contained in the insufficient mental record and the incomplete note-book. We therefore take this opportunity to express the hope if we may do so without trespass upon plans otherwise determined upon that the Rev. Mr. Tilden may find it convenient to put in the enduring form of print these wise counsels to his younger brethren, these words so full of the spirit of manly Christianity, and which surely have proceeded from the experiences of a long and useful life, devoted to disinterested and noble service of the Christian ideals. For many years to come, before we ourselves possess the experience of long Christian service, we are sure that these true words of our venerable adviser will do much to guide us safely upon our way. In response to which Mr. Tilden made this reply : In complying with the foregoing request, I yield the distrust of age to the sanguine judgment of youth, and dedicate these famil- iar lectures to the students of the Meadville Theological School, past, present, and future, and to all earnest students of " the faith that makes faithful." w. p. T. While in Plainfield, he prepared the lectures for pub- lication ; and, as it was a great pleasure to give them to the students, so also was it a great pleasure to revise them for publication. They were issued in book form in March, 1890, under the title of "The Work of the Ministry." Rowen 251 Many appreciative notices of the volume appeared in the various Unitarian periodicals and in the daily papers, and many friends bore loving testimony to its value. Dr. A. A. Livermore, President of Meadville Theo- logical School, said : " If service to God and man is, as I believe it is, the great end of human life, how nobly to the falling of the last sands in the hour-glass has he fulfilled his part in the great life-drama ! I am more happy than I can tell that he was enabled to print that beautiful book on the ministry, the best, I believe, on the whole, to be found in the world. It will stand as a monument to his memory and genius long after we and ours are passed away." Dr. A. P. Peabody says: "Thanks for your admi- rable book, which is of unspeakable value as a testi- mony of what the ministry has been and ought to be, yet in some quarters has almost ceased to be. Nothing could be better." Dr. John H. Morison writes : " It gives me very great pleasure to say that I have seldom, if ever, read a book with more entire satisfaction than your lectures to the Meadville students. I know of no book of the kind that I think so entirely what it should be, and that I shall be so glad to put into the hands of any young minister whom I know to be very earnest to do all that can be done to fill with fidelity and success the great duties of his office." From Rev. William T. Briggs, Congregational min- ister of East Douglass : " I thank you hugely for those Meadville Lectures. I opened the little book, saying to myself, ' I have only time to peep into them ' ; but I was half through before I really took a long breath. 252 Autobiography As I read, I kept saying, ' What next ! what next ! ' When a book holds me in that way, I say there is something in it. I have praised you so much that it rather mortifies me to say much more in that line ; but, as to these lectures, ' No man shall stop my boast- ing in all the region of Achaia ! ' Your suggestions and advice chime in most happily with what my experience and observation of more than forty years have taught me. I have read a good deal about ministers' advice to students preparing for the ministry, etc., but have met with nothing more sensible, practical, and really inspiring than your lectures." From Mrs. Thomas G. Wells, a loved parishioner of early days, and an old friend of many years : My dear Friend, I cannot resist sending you this beautiful letter of cousin Samuel May's. You can believe it all : "Dear Cousin Elizabeth Wells, Mr. Tilden's book is so naturally, simply, and heartily written that it was easy reading, and I have read a very large part of it already; and I can now express my thanks to you, not only on general principles, but because I know how sensible, sweet, and good the little book is. How happily he steers clear of rocks and quicksands all through the book as well as in the closing chapter, ' Sealed Orders ' ! Every young minister at least might be glad of such a book. He has rounded out his fifty years of the ministry most fittingly with the little volume, which will carry along his image and likeness long after he has passed from earth. To think of his doing such good work, and so much of it, for the little volume is brimming over with thoughtful and sensible ideas and suggestions, when verg- ing so closely to his eightieth year ! " I think we all who have any kinship with Samuel J. May may be glad and, humanly speaking, thoroughly satisfied at the kind of men he induced to take up the ministry, witness Frederick T. Gray, Thomas J. Mumford, and W. P. Tilden, to speak of no other. XXVI. LAST DAYS. 1890. ILLNESS. DEATH. FUNERAL SERVICES. EARLY in the winter he began to be afflicted with rheumatism, but paid little attention to it for some time. Finally, as it grew no better, but rather seemed to be gaining, his doctor advised rest ; and he very reluctantly left Plainfield for a few weeks' stay in Lake- wood, N.J. And his last sermon before the Plainfield society, on the " Passion Week of Human Life," April 30, 1890 (the Sunday preceding Easter), proved to be the last he would ever give. While in Lakewood, he wrote to the Register as follows : " Having been compelled by stress of ' under the weather' to leave with great regret the temporary pas- torate of this young church, I want to say a further word of its condition and prospects, that sister churches all around, knowing something about it, may extend the hand of Christian fellowship now in its day of small things. " Paul sent his greeting in one of his Epistles to the 'church in the house.' That is just what the church is at present. It is emphatically a ' church in the house,' a home church, with home accommodations for worship and work. 254 Last Days "The society, though small, contains good stock, ' seasoned timber that never gives,' such as George Herbert set to church music.* Those constituting the society are men and women so thoroughly respected in the community that there is little serious opposition to the new movement. When a minister introduced us to his congregation as ' glow-worms,' intending to indi- cate the feebleness of our light, we accepted the epi- thet with pleasure as happily suggestive of our mis- sion, 'alight shining in a dark place.' But, on the whole, there is a very kindly feeling shown by the other churches, which, I am sure, will increase as they know us better, and see that our sole aim is the up- building of the kingdom of truth, righteousness, and love." About this time the following letter was received from Rev. D. W. Morehouse : My dear blessed young Friend, I say young, for it is impossi- ble for me to regard you as old. Old in heart and spirit it is im- possible for any one to be who is filled, as you are, with the enthu- siasm of a faith that makes for everlasting youth. I can never sufficiently thank you for the splendid work you did for our cause in Plainfield. The society under your charge has become thoroughly homogeneous, and, best of all, has had its religious character distinctly formed. In all this you have made your successor's success comparatively easy. I wish every new society that I organize could be so fortunate as to come under your shaping influence for a few months. And I shall hope that it may be so in many cases yet, for I refuse to believe that rheu- * How well we remember his ringing laugh, when a witty friend remarked, "That was a singular reason why other people should give to the Plainfield Church, the fact that the society is composed of ' seasoned timber that never gives' I I know that all the societies have more or less of that kind of timber, but it took you to utilize it in the way of reaching other people's pockets." Last Days 255 matism is to be permitted to deprive us of the active co-operation of one who is still one of our most vigorous as well as our wisest preachers. Yes, you will do "lots of preaching yet" with your lips as well as your life. We cannot let you off. There are so few of us who can make the preaching of our daily life match the preaching of our lips that we cannot spare the eloquent persuasions of the one preacher among us who can beat us all in that respect. So you must not think of retiring from the good work yet. But the sanguine hopes of his friends were not real- ized ; and after a six weeks' stay in Lakewood, during which he grew worse instead of better, his son George came out to bring him back to the Red Cottage, Milton. By the doctor's advice he took his bed for a few weeks of absolute rest, hoping that this means, which had brought him effectually through what seemed a more serious illness, would prove equally successful this time. But it was of no avail. His strength stead- ily declined, his suffering becoming more and more in- tense. July 19 he writes: "I have had along life, enjoyed many blessings, and now, dear Father, thy will, not mine, be done. May none of the dear ones mourn greatly for my going! We don't mourn over sunset, however pleasant the day. Most of the time, as I lie half dozing on my bed, I am amid the old play-grounds of my childhood, on the river or on the sea. Time and again I find myself sailing out of Scituate harbor, which I did so often for seven consecutive years. But I seem always to be bound out, headed toward the sea, never coming in. The water is smooth, and the weather serene and beautiful. I do not have to take 256 Last Days any pains to steer. The boat glides serenely in the channel, and there seems to be some unseen hand at the helm. The sea breeze is fresh, and the prospect is beautiful. And so I sail on, but never seeming to get out of the harbor. It is well. Why should I wish to come back, when I never sail ' beyond his love and care,' and when there are loved ones beyond the golden shore who wait ? " But many long weeks of pain were before him ere his feet should stand on the other shore. As evening drew nigh, he frequently repeated Dr. Furness's beautiful hymn, commencing, " Slowly by God's hand unfurled, Down around the weary world Falls the darkness. Oh, how still Is the working of his will ! " The last time, only a few hours before his going away, it was with feeble and faltering lips, and with many mistakes, but he went on bravely to the end. He was released from his sufferings on the morning of Oct. 3, 1890. His earthly life was over, but there remained in the hearts of parishioners and friends affectionate and grateful memories, which found ex- pression in loving words from churches and from homes. Memorial services were held in Norton, the first church over which he was settled, in Plainfield, by the societv to which he ministered the last few months j and who had his latest word, in Meadville, in Atlanta, in Walpole, in Wilmington, and in Plymouth. On Sunday, October 5th, after services at his own Last Days 257 home and at the First Parish Church, Milton, in the clear, bright sunshine of a perfect day, the worn-out body was borne to the field of peace. The service at the Red Cottage was attended only by the family and nearest relatives. The casket was placed in the study so long hallowed by his presence. No one who looked upon his face will ever forget its perfect beauty, the beauty of a completed life, the beauty of one who already walked in the light of the immortal day. The silence was broken by Rev. W. I. Lawrance, who repeated the twenty-third psalm and offered prayer. Rev. Roderick Stebbins made a brief address, and read the following lines from Longfellow's " Bayard Taylor ":- " Dead he lay among his books ! The peace of God was in his looks. " As the statues in the gloom Watch o'er Maximilian's tomb, " So those volumes from their shelves Watched him silent as themselves. " Ah ! his hand will nevermore Turn their storied pages o'er; " Nevermore his lips repeat Songs of theirs, however sweet. " Let the lifeless body rest ! He is gone who was its guest ; " Gone, as travellers haste to leave An inn, nor tarry until eve. 258 Last Days "Traveller! in what realms afar, In what planet, in what star, " In what vast, aerial space Shines the light upon thy face ? " In what gardens of delight Rest thy weary feet to-night ? " Lying dead among thy books, The peace of God in all thy looks." At the conclusion Rev. W. H. Fish spoke substan- tially as follows : " As I rise, my friends, to say a few words, I do so with the feeling that this has ever been a most sacred and consecrated home, an earthly paradise, so near to heaven that there is only a thin veil between. Not alone in precious memories and sweeter affections will he still live, but as a translated spirit, ever living and loving on, a ministering spirit of consolation and peace. "Dr. Channing used to say that, if we had a new sense, a new eye, we might perhaps see that the spirit- ual world encompassed us on every side, and then quote Milton's saying, that "'Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth, . . . both when we wake and when we sleep.' And I shall love to think of this home henceforth as one to which the angels come with their messages of consolation and joy, consolation to the dear ones who remain and joy to those who went before. Last Days 259 " This is, of course, not the time and place for eulogy. Fitting words will, no doubt, be spoken at the church to-day, but they will, I am sure, fall below the excellence and the merit of our brother ; and, after all shall be said, his character and life will rise to our view as the best eulogy he can possibly receive. "When Andrew D. White stood by the open grave of the sainted Samuel J. May, he looked down and said, with affectionate and tender emphasis, 'There lies the best Christian that I ever knew ' ; and Samuel J. May and Mr. Tilden were one in spirit, indeed, as spiritual father and son in the gospel ; and I can say of the blessed one whose outward form now lies in the casket before me, as beautiful in death as in life, there lies one of the best Christians I have ever known. And may the rich consolations which the dear, as- cended one has given to others through his long and blessed ministry now be theirs from whom this loving husband, father, grandfather, has been taken ! Still may this home continue to open to the heavens and the heavens to it ; and may all the members of this family, from the oldest to the youngest, rejoice in the hope of the glorious immortality which this loving and faithful follower of Christ so long preached in the unc- tion and love of the Spirit ! " Another service was then held in the First Parish Church, a few rods away, the body being borne up the aisle by the sons, grandsons, and the physicians who attended him in his long illness. The church was filled with former parishioners and friends from Boston and elsewhere. Many beautiful flowers, the loving gifts of dear friends, covered the pulpit and casket. 260 Last Days Rev. Roderick Stebbins, the pastor of the church, read passages from the Bible, and Rev. Dr. Briggs of- fered prayer, tender, touching, and comforting. The congregation then sang one verse of " Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings," a favorite hymn with Mr. Tilden. Rev. Dr. E. E. Hale then rose, and said, " All who ever saw this man saw one who walked with God." He spoke of his long fellowship and acquaintance with the risen one, the influence he exerted during a few months' sojourn in Plainfield, and the uplifting influ- ence of his whole life. He said : " He was a lover of nature and of the Word ; a great reader, always abreast of the times. He entered into the deepest subjects; he had an exquisite sense of humor; he was tender as a woman ; he rejoiced with those who re- joiced, and wept with those who wept ; his face was a benediction. Truly, the presence of God was with him, not as a servant of God, but as a child of God." Rev. Charles G. Ames said : "A beautiful thing has happened. When God's light shines in a man's mind, it makes him wise. When God's love enters the man's heart, it makes him good. When the gift of expression is added, it makes the man a leader and a prophet. Then through his life and through his lips God is revealed. Such a life we have seen, to such lips we have listened. The voice that has fallen into silence was a voice of faith, hope, and love, bringing us a message from the heavens. " We can hardly be mourners, for this occasion is more like a coronation than a funeral. We can hardly speak of loss, so thankful are we for the gift of such Last Days 261 a life and such service. We have had him, we have had all he could give, his long, full, well-rounded term, a noble day's work. " ' Twelve long, sunny hours, bright to the edge of darkness, Then the short repose of twilight and a crown of stars.' " He was a great believer, and that made him a great worker, like that early missionary whose motto was, ' Expect great things from God : attempt great things for God.' " He lived in an eventful period, a period of much transition in religious thought, and shared the changes, yet held fast his trust and his consecrated purpose. 'It is not an enlightened age,' said Lessing, 'but it is an age becoming enlightened.' Our ascended brother had served his generation by welcoming the growing light, and by giving it to mankind. And the beauty of it all is that he was as good as his word. He taught with his persuasive lips the truth which had first been made the law of his own life. He preached righteous- ness, not as a theory only, but a vital principle, the very kingdom of God set up in the soul of man. " No, I will not speak of loss, but of richest gain, now and forever secure. In closing a letter, he once wrote, ' I am fraternally and eternally yours.' Yes, he is eternally ours. Say this for your comfort : ' He is eternally ours.' And we who were his fellow- workers, and all who have shared his inspiring service, will join with you in saying from tender, grateful hearts, ' He is eternally ours.' " The congregation then sang " My God, I thank thee," this hymn being also a favorite. 262 Last Days Dr. Peabody was the next to add a word of apprecia- tion and remembrance, saying : " I knew him as a stu- dent, perhaps earlier than any one present, when he was preaching for a year in Dover, N.H, and I was settled in Portsmouth ; and I noticed even then his fervor. No man loved souls more than he, and he won souls. He loved humanity under any form. He spent his life serving and imitating his divine Master, going about doing good. "His course of lectures to the students at Meadville on the ' Work of the Ministry ' was one of the most important services of his life. I should be unwilling for any young man to enter the ministry without first mastering the spirit of these lectures." Dr. Peabody closed the services with a brief prayer. The assembled friends looked once more upon the face so loved and venerated in life, so beautiful in death, and the body was carried to the family lot in Milton Cemetery, where, after a ringing word from Dr. Hale and a hand-clasp from Mr. Ames to the nearest friends, bidding them look " not into the open grave, but into the open heavens," it was laid to rest. He expressed the wish that his only epitaph might be, " v A minister who loved his work." APPENDIX. TRIBUTES. EXTRACTS FROM SERMONS BY REV. H. H. BARBER AND REV. GEORGE L. CHANEV. PORTRAIT. MR. TILDEN AS PREACHER BY DR. A. A. LIVERMORE. WE append a few of the many tributes which were paid to the memory of the risen one. The Christian Register of Oct. 9, 1890, contained the following notice : A CROWN OF GLORY. "The hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness." What a crown of glory it was on the head of William P. Tilden ! To one who saw him rise in the pulpit it seemed as if he had just come out of the transfiguring cloud, and that some of the white mist hung about his radiant face ; for his face shone as did that of Moses when he came down from the mount. There was no William among the twelve apostles ; but William P. Tilden was a man whom Jesus would have chosen if he had met him by the seaside. Indeed, the story of his life and entrance in the ministry has a New Testament, Galilean picturesqueness. It was the story of a young man born on the Massachusetts coast, where he could hear the roar of the sea. He was the son of a ship-carpenter, and there was no pulpit for him in his early vision. His book education was wrought in the district school ; but there was another education which he was wont to call his academical 264 Appendix course. It was such an education as Peter got on the lake of Galilee, or such an education as he would have got in the nine- teenth century if he had joined a mackerel fleet, like young Tilden at the age of thirteen. "Many a boy," he said, "goes to Exeter to prepare for Cambridge with less pride and joy, I have no doubt, than I started off on my grand expedition, dressed in my fisherman's suit, every article of which, from my red flannel shirt to my pea-jacket and tarpaulin, was made by my previous mother's own hands. " For six or seven consecutive summers I continued in this academy, learning some things as is the case, I suppose, in other seminaries which had better be forgotten, but many other things of a highly useful nature, not taught in other institutions of learning. I really think I was a good fisherman ; for the summer I was sixteen I was 'high line,' as it is called, beating even the skipper, packing one hundred and thirty-four barrels, I think it was, caught by my own hands." "About this time I began with my father in the ship-yard, still fishing during the summer months while I was learning my trade. I wish I had time to tell you a little about this part of my educa- tion. The daily recitations in this my university course needed no offset or balance of foot-ball, base-ball, boat-race, or other gymnastics. We took all that the natural way. Our broad axes and mauls were our dumb-bells, whip-saws and cross-cuts our vaulting bars, and deck beams borne up the creaking stage on our shoulders were our patent lifts. We worked from sun to sun in those days, often having a steaming forehood to bend after sunset to use up the summer twilight. But you 'literary fellers,' whose education has been so sadly neglected in these directions, probably don't know what a forehood means. And, even if I should tell you it is a plank to be bent round the bow, set home, buckled to, reined in, wedged hard down, clamped to the timbers, butted and spiked, ready for boring and treenailing, I doubt even then if I should give you a perfectly clear idea, so difficult it is for scholars trained in different schools to understand each other's terms." Such was the apostolic school in which he was reared. Nor was the Jesus call wanting. It came to him when he was twenty- Tributes 265 three years of age, through the faithful preaching of Rev. Caleb Stetson, who ministered in the old parish church of Medford. " My soul was awake now, hungry for the bread of heaven ; and I found it. It seemed to me I had never heard such preaching before. And I think I never had. He was in his prime. And as he unfolded, Sunday after Sunday, the great central principles of the Unitarian faith, the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, sin its own sorrow, goodness its own reward, it seemed like a revelation from heaven, as if I had never heard them before. I saw them from a new standpoint. They fed my hungry soul. They gave me back the heavenly Father of my childhood, trans- figured and glorified. Oh, how those truths sunned and warmed and quickened my soul ! They arched a new heaven over me, and put a new earth beneath my feet." Like Paul, he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. The call came to him with an authority which could not be resisted. His lack of advantage stood in his way. At twenty-five he had to turn back to his simple school studies, and fit himself for the duties of the ministry in a denomination with a high and exacting standard of culture. He tells us how he struggled with Latin and with Greek, how he chalked the Greek letters on a beam over his work-bench, and how he struggled in translating Virgil, to the merriment of his teacher. But at last he concluded to give up a scholastic course. He came under the influence of that noble man, Rev. Samuel J. May, of whom we may say, as Garfield said of Mark Hopkins, that to know him was a liberal education. He guided him into the precincts of the ministry, and he never had occasion to regret the kindly, helpful counsel he gave to the young ship-carpenter. There are few lives which furnish a stronger contrast to the ordinary traditions of preparation for a Unitarian minister than the life of Mr. Tilden. His preparation was not of books, but of men. His education was wrought in the school of life, and it was there that his ministry was to be exercised. In the course of time the ship-carpenter completely disappeared in the minister ; and few of those who heard Mr. Tilden in later years could imag- ine the disadvantages under which he labored in entering the min- istry, at the age of twenty-five, with so slight a literary prepara- tion. 266 Appendix As in the case of the early disciples of Jesus, Mr. Tilden's career showed that the scholastic door is not the only door to the Christian ministry. Unitarianism would have lost not a little, and the Christian ministry still more, if it had not ignored tradition and opened the way to one whom God had called. Many of those who most enjoyed his preaching were men who had received every advantage of a college training. It was a part of the triumph of his life, after preaching in various parishes in New England, to come to Boston and minister there for many years. It was a ministry rich, devoted, benedictory. It was not confined to the pulpit : it radiated in the home ; it was a constant influence in the community. Mr. Tilden preached not only by the power of his words, but by the power of his life. He was of a refined, poetic temperament, a natural idealist ; and if, instead of working at the ship-carpenter's bench, he had passed through college hajls, no man would better have appreciated the spirit of Greek literature or life than would he. Some of his hymns written for special occasions reveal his clear poetic vision. He early felt the force of the Transcendental movement. He never lost the glow of his early joy in God or the ardor of his faith in the brotherhood of man. These great truths which inspired him at the first continued to inspire him to the last. They were the essential truths of his gospel. His life was long and beautiful. He worked almost to the last. It was his delightful mission in later years, after giving up his Boston church, to go out and reanimate feeble societies in other cities. His last important public work was the course of lectures he delivered at the Meadville Theological School, which were noticed at length in these columns. This book is a beautiful memorial of his own rich and fruitful ministry. His hoary head was a crown of glory, and he did not wait to enter another life to wear a crown of righteousness woven from his own noble character. From Unity : Father Tilden blessed be his memory! will go in and out among his brother ministers no more. On the morning of Tributes 267 October 3 he breathed his last at his home in Milton, near Boston. From the ship-yard where he toiled as a carpenter, he won his way as one of the sweet poets and gentle prophets of the Unita- rian fellowship, growing to the last, fraternal and open as was his spirit. Beautiful was his life, beautiful was the memory of the same. All who ever knew him will find it a little easier to live in the spirit for having touched his genial nature and basked in the sunshine of his countenance. The Unitarian Review had the following : Some dim association recurring in connection with the recent illness and death of our beloved brother Tilden led us to turn to the files of an old correspondence, and we came upon the letter from which the following extract is taken. The letter was writ- ten during a visit to Samuel Joseph May at Syracuse, N.Y., about the time that we had heard, regarding Mr. Tilden, of the very unconventional and bold act of inviting out of the audience into his pulpit one of the people known as " Abolitionists " under exactly the feeling expressed in the words, " 1 have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me ? " The passage in the letter reads as follows : " Mr. May gave me a very interesting account of Mr. Tilden, of Concord, N.H. It seems that the New Year's Sermon he sent me was prophetic, and that he is going to leave the place. About a third of the people there resist his independence of speech, though he is a man of real genius, and has the most charming spirit and character in the world, and though these same persons say he is altogether the best Christian in the place. He has been so much with the Abolitionists that some persons are prejudiced against him. But (like Mr. May) he has such beauty of temper and breadth of view and so sweet a moral earnestness that he stands quite apart from the ferocious and uncompromising technical people.* " He was a ship-carpenter in Scituate, had been in Medford, and joined Mr. Stetson's church; and Mr. May was first inter- That IB, apparently, those who wore that name like a badge. ED. 268 Appendix ested in him by finding that he was the writer of some very beau- tiful lines of welcome, when he preached his first sermon in Scitu- ate. He was an admirable teacher ; and, after coming to know him more thoroughly, Mr. May said to him, ' I do not like to speak slightingly of any man's calling or occupation, but I am sorry to see you where you are. You ought to be a teacher of men. Why will you not devote yourself to it, and preach ? ' At this he was much affected, and confessed that it had been a secret and haunting desire with him, which he never dared once to speak of. But Mr. May encouraged him to cherish it, and come to him for instruction and help. So for three or four years, while working six hours a day at his trade, he went on reading, study- ing, and conversing. Being a man of great humor and fun withal, their conversations took a cheerful and jovial turn ; and many a time Mrs. May would put her head into the study to inquire what particular point of theology was the origin of that last burst ! "At length Mr. May's place was unexpectedly left vacant while he went over to help Mr. Sewall, and he called on Mr. Tilden to fill it for him. He was startled, and begged off; but Mr. May had been insidiously preparing his mind by leading him to assert first very strongly the wrong and harm of societies de- pending wholly on the minister, and the duty of other men to do just such things: so he went. Mrs. May was very distrustful and uneasy, not having half her husband's cheerful confidence in him ; but she was altogether charmed and delighted, first with the mod- est and beautiful apology with which he began, and then with the exceeding fervor and beauty of his service. [The sermon was one of Dr. N. Parker's or Channing's.] And soon after, when he consented to preach his own sermons, his reputation spread at once all over the country, and it was not long before he was regu- larly employed to preach. Isn't that a beautiful way for a man's vocation to come to him ? " All the qualities which this letter describes will be recognized as highly characteristic of the temper of the man, and of the long ministry, covering just fifty years, which has made him affection- ately known to so wide a public. He filled his place always with a certain modesty and reticence which have kept him, in a degree, in the shade compared with some more shining reputations. Tributes 269 And, indeed, there was no trait in him more marked than the humility of spirit, touched with a kindly and cheery temper, that made him eager always to see and own the best there was in other men, whom he was alike ready to honor as his teachers and to love as his brethren. Those lives are very few in which through so long a record there is so little to recall not in entire harmony with the first and best impression. The Unitarian printed in full the address " From Ship-yard to Pulpit," prefacing it with these words : The following is one of the most charming autobiographical sketches we have ever seen. As it deals with the life of one greatly beloved throughout our Unitarian ranks and far beyond, and one whose recent death touches all hearts with unusually tender sorrow, we are sure we shall do our readers a favor by reprinting it. It was given as an address by Mr. Tilden at a re- ception tendered to him by the New South Free Church, Boston, on his seventieth birthday. May 9, 1881. The address deals mainly with the earlier part of Mr. Tilden's life. It is a story particularly inspiring to the young, quite as inspiring as any- thing in the early life of Franklin or Lincoln or Channing or The- odore Parker. And the story could not be more delightfully told. The Boston Post said : Mr. Tilden was beloved by his parishioners for his kindly ways, and his thoughtful care of their welfare; and the good that he accomplished was of no small order. A forcible and interesting speaker, he impressed all his hearers by a remarkable combina- tion of vigor of thought with simple colloquial and yet impres- sive style of expression. Whatever he said came from the heart, and that feeling won the belief as well as the attention of the listener. ... It has always seemed somewhat remarkable that, having pursued his studies while at the mechanic's bench, and never having had the advantages of a liberal education, he should have ministered so acceptably to a congregation accustomed to 2/O Appendix accomplished scholars in the pulpit. At the church -on Church Green, Summer Street, he was the successor of Orville Dewey, one of the lights of the Unitarian denomination, who was himself the successor of Alexander Young, F. W. P. Greenwood, Samuel Cooper Thacher, President John T. Kirkland, and Oliver Everett ; and to have ended the succession of able preachers in that church was of itself no small distinction. The Boston Transcript says, Possibly no other Boston clergyman has had more close, inti- mate, and appreciative friends than fell to the lot of this recently deceased pastor. At a meeting of the Boston Association of Congre- gational Ministers held Nov. 10, 1890, the following record was unanimously adopted and ordered to be placed upon the records, and a copy sent to the family of the late Rev. W. P. Tilden : - The Boston Association of Congregational Ministers, with a deep sense of the loss it has sustained in the death of the Rev. William Phillips Tilden, for a quarter of a century one of its honored and beloved members, desires to put upon its records an expression of its affectionate appreciation of one whom to know was to love, who proved by his life the power of his faith, who illustrated the worth of character, and has left behind him that memory of the just which is blessed. A minister of Christ because of the necessity laid upon him to preach the gospel, he loved and magnified his office. Impressive and reverential in manner, his word was with power. He never sought notoriety by sensational effects, nor by levity "to woo a smile when he should win a soul." It could never be said of him that " The hungry sheep looked up And were not fed." Tributes 271 He did not bring great truths down to the popular level, but he led his hearers' thought to the highest themes, by his own faith strengthened theirs, and lifted them from what is low to what is ennobling. He preached a living faith. He moved in no settled grooves ; he laid up in and brought forth from his treasury things new and old; and, while his locks were white with age, his heart retained the freshness of youth, and his mind was ever open to whatever of new truth it might please God to reveal. Therefore, his preaching was with power and unction from above. His education and training made him familiar with men, and gave him a knowledge of human nature that adapted him to touch the inmost springs of the human heart. Sensible of his loss in not having acquired a knowledge of books in early life, he labored zealously to supply his deficiencies in that regard, read carefully, and familiarized himself with the best of the best literature, and so imbued himself with the fruits of the best scholarship that, while the common people heard him gladly, the learned and the teachers none the less willingly and profitably sat at his feet and listened to his words. For fourscore years he walked with God, and to many souls was a ministering spirit, for he not only " Allured to brighter worlds, but led the way." In the many parishes where he was called to minister his mem- ory will be tenderly cherished. Those upon whose heads his hands have laid the waters of baptism, those who have sealed be- fore him the vows which have brought to them life's happiest companionships, those who have tasted his sympathy in the hours of their most crushing bereavements, know that he was indeed a son of consolation, and all those who were by him consecrated to the work of the ministry will ever associate him with the most sacred recollection of their lives. He was a man of strong convictions, and could be a son of thunder for truth and righteousness. He could fearlessly rebuke sin in high places. He was an ardent defender of whatever cause he espoused. He was a zealous defender of the doctrines he 272 Appendix believed. But so honest and sincere was he that even those who differed from him respected him, and, though his frankness often created opponents, it never lost him friends. He possessed great friendliness of manner and cheerfulness of disposition. The sunshine of his smile diffused light and happi- ness. He loved men as God's children. He was one of those " Who God doth late and early pray More of his grace than gifts to lend, And walked with man from day to day As with a father and a friend." It was no wonder, then, that in death his face shone, as if he had talked with God, and had already received a revelation of things unspeakable. To his sorrowing family we tender our sincere sympathy in their bereavement. The end of the upright man has been peace They have the comfort and assurance of faith that their loss is his gain. While we sorrow with them that we are no more to see his face, we rejoice that Unitarianism in Boston has had so noble a representation, the Christian ministry so faithful a member, and we ourselves so loving a friend. We shall treasure his memory, and find in it an incentive to greater fidelity to our own trust, an encouragement to renewed endeavor, a rebuke to our faint-heartedness, a condemnation of our self-seeking. Being dead, he shall yet speak to us of love and truth, of God and duty, of Christ and faithfulness. S. H. WINKLEY, Moderator. BROOKE HERFORD, Scribe. Rev. Dr. G. W. Briggs, of Cambridge, said : A little while since a true preacher was carried to his grave, a man whose face was a benediction, whose words were inspira- tion. When I stood in the pulpit at Milton and looked down upon him, this text kept coming to my mind, " The beauty of holi- ness." I bid farewell to a life-long friend and brother, whose tongue will speak no more with its sweet persuasiveness, whose Tributes 273 pen will no longer write hymns of bright and triumphant faith. But, although dead, he is speaking still with a deathless voice in the hearts that have been gladdened by his presence and inspired by his ministry. Dr. H. A. Miles, of Hingham, writes : I count it among my precious blessings that I have known and appreciated Mr. Tilden. I shall never forget how our acquaint- ance began. It was during his brief ministry in Concord, N.H. I found on his study table all the then recent books on every sub ject at that time interesting the public mind ; and I remember saying to myself, This man will inquire widely, and will give the vigor of his nature to the cause which seems to him to be good. Dear man, how he fulfilled that prophecy, and rounded his life accordingly ! He had a merit as a preacher which distinguished him among our ministers who deal so much in ethical, dogmatic, and logical sermons, through the influences of our training, which we can no more escape than we can escape our atmosphere. He addressed the affections, with no extravagance and cant, but with winning directness and manly earnestness. How welcome he was in all the pulpits ! and the loving aureole which enveloped his person drew strangers to him out of the pulpit. I was once in a railway train with him, but he occupied a seat in the forward end, and I in the rear of the car. I observed how every passenger was looking at him, and those leaving or entering the train fixed their eyes on him. Evidently, they did not know him personally, but they were attracted by a genial humanity conspicuous at a glance. Spared the infirmities of old age, he lived long enough to gather to himself the affections of thousands. From Horatio Stebbins, D.D., of San Francisco: After all the earthly scene is closed, it is grateful to look back, as a traveller, weary a little with the day, stops to look at the glory of the setting sun. What an inheritance do we all succeed to 274 Appendix who outlive such a one as Mr. Tilden ! We all feel that the strength of the world is more solid, and the heavens more pure, for such a one's having lived. He always seemed to me one of the happiest men, though he bore the sorrows and wrongs of all. He had such reliance on truth, virtue, and God that his joy to be full needed only the sympathies of his fellow-men. Though I have known him these many years, but not intimately, I have es- teemed it a great privilege to see him as I have in the two summers in which I have visited Milton. His fine spiritual in- sight, his religious sensibility, the ease and strength of his moral sense impressed me, and I thought that he had about as much character as any man I ever saw. I know of nothing finer for any human creature than to leave such an impression on tho^e who come after him. Extract from a sermon by Rev. W. I. Lawrance : One such, so dear to many of us, and so recently translated that he seems even more than before a constant presence among us, is doubtless in all your minds. Nature did much for that face to make it beautiful, but the love of God did more, and made it beam with a celestial light which not even death could dim. Nature did much for the mind and character, giving natural delicacy, courtesy, affection, for all ; but the grace of God did more, and made every act, every word, every influence, full of heavenly beauty. No idle words seemed fitting, no coarse or critical words possible, in his presence. Sitting, talking with him, the thoughts were drawn upward, and only the higher things seemed worth speaking of. From Mrs. D. C. Nash, of Wellesley Hills, Mass. : My first acquaintance with dear Mr. Tilden was when I was a child and went to the public school in South Scituate, thence to his private school for young ladies. He won the hearts of all his pupils, manifesting the same Christian spirit then as always through his whole life. Tributes 275 From Mrs. M. J. Thomas, of Newton, formerly of Concord, N.H. : I talked with him of my many cares and burdens. It was selfishness on my part, for he was such a burden-bearer for every one in trouble that, when it got too heavy to bear alone, I was al- ways sure of being comforted by his strong and helpful and lov- ing counsel. Mr. John Capen, of Boston, wrote : I gratefully recall his ready compliance with my request that he should furnish a hymn for the Unitarian Festival. The first was so fine and so cheerfully given that I had the hardihood to I won't say trouble him but to apply to him several times after- wards, and always with success. All of these hymns I keep, and prize as among the best ever furnished for that Festival. Rev. N. S. Hoagland, of Olympia, Wash., formerly a Meadville student, writes: I suppose many theological students really feel less ardor for the ministry during the third year than they do during the first. They have had so much to do with books and so little to do with people that their affections and interests are apt to be for books rather than for people : hence the ministry loses for them her first charms. Mr. Tilden came into my school life at an opportune moment. He renewed my first love. Whether in the pulpit or the lecture-room, he revealed the power and grace of the minister's calling. He himself was an object lesson of what he taught. He won us not so much to himself as to a trustful, loving, consecrated service of humanity. At a memorial service held in Norton a paper was read by Mrs. E. T. Witherell. She referred to the last sermon he gave in that church on "Beautiful Gates." She says : 276 Appendix We could all assent to the beautiful in passing in at the gates of childhood, youth, and manhood; but, when one said to him after the service, " I cannot call old age and death beautiful gates," he replied : " Well, when you are as old as I am, you will see it. You haven't got there yet : that is all." April 21, 1891, was to have been a happy day for us; for on that day Mr. Tilden, had he lived, would have celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination. A letter of June 30 says : " I am counting fondly upon being with you, if I am able. At my age all is uncertain; but, if health permits, it would be a great joy to me to keep the anniversary of my ordination with the dear old flock of my first love." Expressions of sorrow for his death, thankfulness for his life, and of sympathy for his family, were re- ceived from Norton, Walpole, Brighton, Atlanta, Wil- mington, and Plainfield societies. The latter voted to place a tablet to his memory in the wall of their new church and hang his portrait in the room of their Bible class. At the memorial service held in Plainfield the pastor, Rev. Hobart Clark, said : Whatever creed he might have held, with whatever Christian fellowship he might have worshipped, men who had once known him would say without a doubt, " He has eternal life." And why? Because they have seen it in his face and heard it in his voice. Not to-day only would men say this, as his outworn body is borne to its last resting-place by tender hands to mingle with the dust from whence it came, while he himself has sought a better habi- tation. They would have said so at any time within these many years. Meeting him upon the street, taking him by the hand, looking into his untroubled eyes, and hearing him speak with equal interest and equal confidence of things earthly and things heavenly, they would have said, they have said : Here is a man who already has eternal life. Here is one who knows God and Tributes 277 who lives with him from day to day. Here is one who is already of Christ's fellowship, and who has, not a different life from other men, but more life than ordinary men possess, even though his pulse beat more feebly and his step be slow with the weight of many years. Here is a man whose life is given freely to all man- kind, and yet hidden with Christ in God. The ordinary questions regarding what is sometimes called Christian salvation seem to mean very little in the presence of such a man as Mr. Tilden ; and those other questions concerning immortality are still more out of place. Long ago his life had burst the boundaries of space and time. It retained its mortality, it was proud and glad to do so, but was already taking on its immortality. He knew no more about the future than other men, but he knew God and was already living in eternity. Extracts from a sermon preached at Meadville, Pa., Oct. 12, 1890, by Rev. H. H. Barber : " He was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith." ACTS xi. 24. The remembrance of a good man's life is a perpetual lesson of virtue, and the influence of a genial and consecrated spirit a peren- nial cheer and benediction. There is no instruction in faith and morals like the instruction of holy character, and no testimony to the reality of religion like a man in whom it visibly lives and rules. The good man is a " living epistle " of the Spirit, sealed and sent by Gocl for witness and counsel to all who know him. He is an embodied gospel, to charm and cheer us on to new con- viction of the beauty and the possibility of the righteous life. Some portion of the Divine Word is made flesh in him anew, for us to behold there the glory of God full of grace and truth. We have the completed lesson of such a life to study and be grateful for to-day. A week ago news came that our friend Rev. William P. Tilden, after a long summer's illness, had passed out of pain into peace. To most of you he had been known but a few years; but here and in your homes, as a minister and friend, you felt his rare 2/8 Appendix quality and the cheer and lift of his genial and devout spirit. I have known him near thirty years, since his hand was laid on my head in the ordination prayer. Those who know his history remember that he bore his witness for his convictions and met his rebuffs and hardships for it, none more loyally, as none more uncomplainingly and sweetly. He became a minister near the spring-tide of that zeal for moral and social reforms in which Channing led. It was a good school for courage in the young prophet, as also for wisdom and endurance ; and Mr. Tilden was one of those who learned all these lessons well, and witnessed a good confession in loyalty of utterance, as also in accepting the rebukes and penalties of his loyalty. It is well to remember that the qualities that were so pleasing, and the address that had such a fine charm in its open frankness, were not formed in the atmos- phere of mere conformity, or the effort to please, but by com- mending itself first to every man's conscience in the sight of God. But it was his wish to serve; and this desire made him thought- ful and painstaking in his work and in all his intercourse, and developed in him that readiness of sympathy and frankness of address which gave him so much power. He cared for the wel- fare of men, and knew how largely it lay in the friendly aspect, the kindly word, the encouraging tone. Beginning as a fisherman and carpenter, he never came to take the scholar's view chiefly or use mainly the scholar's methods. The necessity that made him a preacher without much regular preparation was largely overcome by the freshness and alertness of his mind, which seized the vital points of knowledge, and went straight for the substance of truth. He made up for the early lack of training by a long process of self-training, which lasted his whole life long. He kept his mind young and his zeal for knowl- edge fresh, and few men came to be more intelligent as to current thought and the great problems of life than he. He believed that the minister should have spiritual experience of that he was set to teach ; or, rather, he sought to be a religious teacher because he had experience of the worth and the reality of the religious life. And, then, he tried to grow in spiritual truth, that he might have more to give. And so power grew with seeking. Tributes 279 He did not care much for analysis in the things of the spirit. Or, if he analyzed, he preferred the touchstone of moral feeling to the measuring-rod of the logical understanding. Religious speculation had his sympathy and even admiration ; but he warmed its chilliest and brightened its cloudiest regions with the sun of his devout imagination. He believed in the future of religion and the future of the world, and held all to be secure in the hands of God. He was a son of consolation, a guide to better faith and cheer, a ray of the divine sunshine wherever he went. " God buries his workman, but carries on his work." When Mr. Tilden was seventy years old, a venerable brother wished for him that his age might be like the launching of one of the ships he had helped to build. And it was so. Almost to the last he was per- mitted to rejoice and to help others rejoice in the work he loved. No more welcome and helpful service could have been rendered than that with which he repeatedly blessed our church and school here. " Sealed Orders " he called the last lecture he gave us, to emphasize the Divine leading and unfolding that come in the min- ister's work and life. When his sealed orders came, his life passed quietly down the ways of pain and peace, and out into the unknown waters, to meet his Pilot face to face. His life has been successful, even as the world counts success, in the warm affection and growing honor and appreciation of men. And that has been because it has also been a success in the truer and everlasting sense of pure aspiration, hearty helpful- ness, growing insight of truth, enlarging trust. So. while it kept its early loyalty, it grew, as was fit, more and more into the sun- shine. Extracts from a sermon preached in Atlanta, Ga., by Rev. George L. Chancy, October, 1890: The Christian minister whose recent death invites us this morn- ing to thankful recollection of his life, if not the carpenter's son, was himself, at first, a carpenter. The Spirit found him where it had found his Master, in a carpenter's shop. There, in the whole- some nurture of hand industry, he was hewing out the sturdy frame which was to stand so well the attack and shock of Time. There, 280 Appendix in the society of workingmen, he was learning their way of think- ing, as well as their handiwork, and laying the foundation for that respect for labor and laboring men which made him through life an intelligent and warm advocate of their just claims upon the fruits of their labor. I like to picture him as he must have looked then, if his youth were any promise of his beautiful, strong manhood a russet- haired hewer of wood, with clear, blue-gray eyes, and strong, inci- sive nose and chin, a mouth with purpose in its close, and with sweet persuation in its loosened lines when speech or laughter set it free. A hand and arm that could drive a wedge or shield and pet a kitten, so strong so tender. A sort of Adam Bede in his resolute, stanch manhood, his rage at all villany, his love of beauty, and reverence for good. And this is the man, hammering and chopping at his trade, whom a wiser than man chose and called to be a minister of life and spirit to his age. I do not mean that any audible voice out of heaven summoned him or any unusual apparition ordained him. He was called by his own spirit brooding over the sign of spirit in the amazing world into which he had been born. Among the causes which made this calling articulate and sensible to the ear was that of Rev. Samuel J. May. If spirits out of the body are suffered to attend and second the labors of kindred spirits on earth, I can believe that something of the gracious power and sweetness of Tilden was due to the con- tinuing ministry of May. Dear hearts ! true souls ! emancipated themselves because de- voted to the emancipation of all who were bound by sin, by preju- dice, by ignorance or misfortune. How like a double star they shine now in their heavenly Father's home ! . . . A manly sturdiness upheld all the gracious sweetness of his customary speech, as solid masonry upholds the vine that runs over it. He lived so near the heart of Truth that I think he sometimes wearied of the slow, painstaking groping after Truth with which religious manuals and commentaries are filled. I doubt if his mind ever knew the processes which make the first principles of religion problematic. He enjoyed God too much ever to doubt him. Scepticism makes no headway when the Tributes 281 heart-way has been with God. So this child of the Father who is in heaven lived among us full of grace and truth. . . . I know, from personal observation, how beneficent his ministry in the New South Free Church was. He only gave it up when the burden of years made him unequal to the work. Then, with that readiness to go wherever he was most needed, and to do what- ever he could do best, which distinguished his whole life-work, he entered upon a ministry at large which extended from Meadville in the West to Brighton in the East, and from Atlanta in the South to Wilmington and Plainfield in the Middle States. No longer a candidate for settlement in any parish, he never assumed the temporary charge of a church that did not want him to stay with them. Old churches usually have a weakness for young men, but the older parishes of Meadville and Brighton vied with young Wilmington and Plainfield for this aged minister. There was nothing strange in it, for he was young in heart, a man-child. That old rendering of that older Hebrew name de- scribes him. All ages found in him their delightful companion. With the sober he could show himself sober, and with the gay he could be gay. His laugh was as whole-hearted as his sympathy. It had all the freedom and abandonment of childhood, yoked with manly good sense. It cleared the air into which it volleyed like a joyous burst of thunder. If the sun could laugh, I think it would laugh like that. Reverberating sunshine only could de- scribe it. It was the hilarity of the soul. Such laughter as that dispels disease, banishes sorrow, uplifts depression, rebukes mel- ancholy, delights friends, and reconciles enemies. It is the oil of gladness. Again and again, when he was blessing us with his benignant word and look, I have wished that he might have his physical youth restored to him, his soul was always young, and that he might take us for his colleague in the surely successful work of reconciliation and good will to which he seemed called bv nature and consecrated by God. I wonder if in his youth he could have been as winning and converting as he was in ripe old age. I suspect that, like the earlier John, he was a son of thunder in the days when indignation at earth's wrongs prompts the cry, " Shall we command fire to come down from heaven and consume 282 Appendix them ? " There are flashes of moral electricity, soul lightning, in the record of his earlier pastorates which show that Love had her chariot of wrath as well as her preparation of the gospel of peace. This man was no preacher of smooth things, when the heart of his people needed the cruel kindness of the surgeon's knife. But he dipped his whip of small cords into oil and wine, and offered healing even when he wounded. He was a singer as well as a prophet in Israel. His hymns had singular concinnity with the times for which he wrote them. They chimed. He poured himself, as it were, so melting was his sympathy, into the mould of the tune and, lo ! the musical poem. Occasions of church reunion especially awoke his Muse. He was never more happy in heart or pen than when he was giving ex- pression to brotherly love. He was equally liberal in heart and mind. Nature made him large-hearted : culture made him large- minded. And by culture I do not mean the greenhouse variety. An oak in a conservatory were not more out of place than he would have been among the exotics of merely fashionable society. Always a gracious and dignified presence wherever he might be, he would have soared above the roof of any little establishment that sought to confine him, even as I have seen in the valley of the Yosemite a tree whose foot was in the centre of the house, while its head, two hundred feet aloft, was conversing with the Cloudy Rest and El Capitan. He died untitled by the theologian's consummate degree ; but few were better entitled to it, if Doctor of Divinity means, as it should, an able teacher of divine things. He knew God. The theologians only know about him. I find in him a first-hand dealing with the Spirit. He witnesses the things whereof he was a witness. He dignified all he touched. When he had said grace, the baker's loaf became " bread which cometh down from heaven." His benediction at the close of the service was as the good wine kept till the last. Worshippers who worshipped with him in the Church of our Father will remember how, on Easter Sunday, "in the beauty of the lilies," his prophecy of immortality floated to them across the sea of doubts and sorrows on which their faith goes voyaging in this half-lighted world. Nor will they ever root from their memories the expressions of his face, Tributes 283 the fathomless intonations of his voice, the cheer and pleasant- ness of his society, the delightful encouragement of his listening silence, and the cordial of his speech. He had the pastor's every gift and calling. Whatever his theme, the effect was religion; and the homes he visited felt as if the church had come to them and laid its hand in blessing on them. Crayon portraits of Mr. Tilden had been hung in three of the churches where he had ministered for a longer or shorter time. On the Sunday he preached his farewell sermon at the New South Free Church, Dec. 30, 1883, the society placed upon its walls his portrait, the work of Mr. F. E. Wright. In 1 886 Alfred Huidekoper, Esq., of Meadville, Pa., presented to the Independent Congregational Church of that town a crayon by a local artist. Early in the winter of 1891 Mrs. C. L. Heywood exe- cuted for the Plainfield society another crayon, to be hung in the new church soon to be erected. It was the earnest wish of many old friends and pa- rishioners that his portrait in oil might be placed in the building of the American Unitarian Association, 25 Beacon Street, Boston. A movement for this object was made under the direction of Mrs. A. L. Mayberry and Mr. H. C. Whitcomb, and Mr. E. H. Billings was the artist chosen. The large number of people who wished to share in this testimony of love and appreciation did so with the understanding that any sum in excess of what was needed for the portrait should be given to the endowment fund of the Meadville Theological School, and the committee were enabled to make a handsome contribution to that institution in which Mr. Tilden was so much interested. 284 Appendix On the 29th of April, 1891, the formal presentation took place in Channing Hall, which was rilled with loving friends. Dr. A. P. Peabody opened the service with prayer, and paid a tender and eloquent tribute to the early friend, the worker in every good cause, the Christian minister. We subjoin the following report from the Boston Transcript, though it very inadequately represents the beauty of the service and the spirit of the occasion : Dr. Peabody said : " Mr. Tilden was identified with the anti- slavery movement and other great reforms, for he felt that to be a Christian was to take to his heart everything that Jesus would take to his heart. Strength and beauty were the great traits of his character. He combined the strength of the Christian with the beauty of holiness which might have belonged to a contented life, but was never marred by the severe work which was his work at a time when the public, to their shame, did not recognize the claims of humanity which he recognized from the very first. But he never rebuked sin with a spirit that did not manifest a love for the sinner as well as for those sinned against. As for his private life and character, all of you who knew him know how kind and sweet and domestic it was. We may well be thankful that his life was prolonged as it was. In behalf of the committee who have had the matter in charge, and who have found their work earnestly seconded by the artist, I present to the Unitarian Association the beautiful portrait before you. I present it not as to a Unitarian Association, but as to a portion of the one universal Church ; for his was a name we do not want to confine within the limits of a denomination. He was one of the kind of men that Christ makes, one of the men who would recognize as a Christian every Christ-like man and woman, one who, when needing a defi- nition of a Christian, only inquired if a man was a follower of Christ." Rev. Grindall Reynolds received the portrait on behalf of the Unitarian Association, and said : " It gives us the deepest pleas- Tributes 285 ure on the part of the Association to accept this portrait. Our walls are hung with the portraits of a great number of the saints and heroes of the Christian faith, and yet I question whether the portrait of any man more winning, more useful as a Christian preacher and pastor, can be found on our walls than the portrait we gaze upon to-day. I receive it with all the more pleasure be- cause it is a real portrait, because it gives not only the face and form, but the best expression of the man we respect and the man we love." Mr. Reynolds described the work accomplished by Mr. Tilden, and, continuing, said: "He threw into his power as a preacher the power of a deep conviction and a great heart. I can only say in conclusion that it will be a real joy to every one who comes into this room to see this speaking portrait that reminds us of the sweet, loving, devoted, strong man that our friend was." The exercises closed with the benediction. The following notice of Mr. Tilden as a preacher is from the pen of Dr. A. A. Livermore, ex-President of the Meadville Theological School, who says, " To a stranger it might seem too laudatory, but to those who knew and loved him it would appear to fall short of the truth": REV. WILLIAM P. TILDEN AS PREACHER. There are three factors involved in the problem of Preaching : I. Natural Powers; 2. Education; 3. Religious Faith. In all these respects Mr. Tilden was favored with superior advantages in reality, whatever might be a superficial judgment to the con- trary. He was endowed by nature with a fine constitution ; built on a large scale, sound, manly, and finely attuned. His physique was cast in a generous mould. By hard labor as a ship-carpenter, in his youth and early manhood, his frame was well developed, so that he passed a hard working life in the ministry beyond the allotted threescore years and ten. Tall, straight, and stately, with a most benignant countenance, haloed in old age by silver 286 Appendix locks, he had a right royal mien and dignified address, which would make him a man of mark in any company. Nor was his intellectual and moral manhood inferior to his physical endowments. He had a large talent of native good sense, the faculty of seeing and judging of things as they were, and a quick susceptibility to discern the true, the beautiful, and the good, the heritage of an unspoiled nature. While dignified in bearing, his warm heart brought him in sympathetic relations with others, and he wore no stiff professional garb to break the charm. It was said of one who was self-taught that he had a very poor teacher, but Mr. Tilden was favored in this respect. He had a good instructor, though not from school or university. He drew from pure fountains within, and the aid he derived from his pastor, Rev. Samuel J. May, was of the happiest kind. He had none of the technical bias of learning to warp the native integrity of his soul. His bright and genial trust in the Fatherhood of God, and the beliefs flowing from the central sun of theology, made him a cheer- ing preacher. His sympathy and fine tone of brotherly love were something better than eloquence, and captivated all hearts. His liberalism had no savor of indifferentism, nor did it fossilize with age. He grew in power as he grew in age, and his last days were his best days. He kept his mind ever open to whatever new truth, or old truth with new effulgence, was ready to break forth from God, man, nature, or the Bible. One of his characteristic sermons was, " The Word of God is not bound." Few young men were as young and fresh as he was in his faith, which sprang from his heart like a fountain in the sunlight. The pulpit was his " joy," if not his throne. He was in his native element when he entered it. He loved to preach, and he brought forth fruit in his old age. He never preached with more interest and power than in his last years in Meadville, Plymouth, Brighton, and Plainfield, where he drew most sympathetic hearers. His whole service was characteristic. That single, arrowy Script- ure phrase that began the service and went straight to the hearl, and pitched the note of worship, the brief, tender invocation, the Tributes 287 reading of the Scriptures, hymns, prayers, sermon, benediction, constituted one harmonious whole, each part helping the others. It was a beautiful idyl, pure in taste, but strong in appeal and per- suasion. He was, as he said of another, a born minister. His good genius found him out in the ship-yard. Then his new faith was no capricious feeling or holiday senti- ment, but deep as life, close as color to the leaf, vital as blood, a gospel that was indispensable to the recovery of man and society, or, in his favorite phrase, "to the uplifting of humanity to a higher plane of action." Hence he was first and always a re- former, and his pulpit a tribune to try and judge the questions of society and the church, anti-slavery, temperance, peace, purity, politics, and every religious cause of human welfare. But he ad- vocated his most incisive views with such a bland and lovable spirit that none could justly take umbrage, in this respect follow- ing the footsteps of his teacher, Mr. May. He never, as the cus- tom of some is, put a stinging snapper on the whip with which he chastised the sins of the day. He took no offensive airs of I am holier than thou in his strong appeals. Though his opponents might hate his principles, they could not, as was said of another, but love the man. In the volume of lectures on the ministry to the students of Meadville, one of the best we have, Mr. Tilden gathered up the wisdom of his long and devoted service in the pulpit, for the help of his younger brethren. He gave little heed to barren specula- tions, foreign to his own taste and useless to the needs of the plain people. He took the truth which he had already tested and found to be good, and applied it to the service of his hearers. Many preachers are overstocked with pedantic and undigested learning and given to unproved speculations. It is the old scho- lastic habit brought down to the present day. In illustrations he was refined and apposite, and mixed his dis- courses with touches of a delicate and juicy humor, for he had a poetical imagination. While Mr. Tilden was open-minded to the unfoldings of new truths or the fresh applications of old ones, he was no iconoclast, but kept the even tenor of historical continuity, and respected the 288 Appendix Christian perspective of the chief commandments. He built on Christ, and made his all-persuasive appeal from that " coigne of vantage." As was said of another of our lately translated breth- ren, he was better fitted to preach to the righteous than to sin- ners. He could hardly believe men were as bad as they really are. The atmosphere of his church was cheery, bracing, and hopeful. The common people heard him gladly, as they did his Master. "The bright heavens" was a phrase on his lips not sel- dom. He was our Saint John to take the eagle flight into the heaven, and proclaim the glories of love. His last years were rich with the ripe fruit and full harvest of Christian experience and a long and loving walk with God. His sermons were bright sparks struck from the anvil of truth and righteousness. His prayers were "foregleams of immortality.'' His theology was summed up in God as the heavenly Father, Jesus as our leader, sin its own punishment, goodness its own re- ward, Christianity the divine instrument, life the school, character the end, and heaven our home. Peace be to his beautiful memory ! 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