> THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY A LIST OF BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS JANUARY, 1915 PREPARED BY AKSEL G. S. JOSEPHSON CATALOGUER CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1915 . PREFACE The present list, the eleventh of the Library's bibliographical publica- tions, is a companion volume to the tenth, the List of Books on the History of Science, issued in IQII. These two lists bring together a large and im- portant class of books the titles of which are scattered through the public catalogues and not readily available there as a class. It was originally planned to issue one list covering the history of both science and industry; but it was soon found that this would be impracticable on account of the large number of titles, and undesirable as well because each of the two parts would interest a different group of readers. In general plan and in manner of selection of the material the two lists are similar, though in the present list biographies and material dealing with individual establishments have been included to a larger extent than in the former. The present list includes economic history of the industries and the first division is a survey of the resources of the Library in general economic and industrial history. History of the science of economics, on the other hand, is not included here, but in the List of Books on the History of Science, while the history of commerce and banking has its proper place with the history of industry. Though not a bibliography in a strict sense, because concerned with the resources of a single library only, this list may be regarded as a contribution to the bibliography of the subject covered, as it is a first attempt to bring together a considerable number of titles on the history of industry and the industrial arts. Furthermore, the Library has during recent years made a special effort to collect books bearing on this subject. As many titles among those included in this list have no entry under any division for history in the various sections and divisions of the classed catalogue, because dealing with special topics not provided with such divisions, and as the historical character of a book is not always apparent from its title, it is probable that some books have been overlooked, in spite of the large number that have been personally examined. The arrangement of the titles is largely that of the classed catalogue, though a certain amount of rearrangement has been necessary, in order to bring together under the class 600 material shelved or classified under the divisions of class 300. In the case of the larger divisions, subdivi- sions by countries or centuries have been introduced, but never both in the same division, nor has it been found necessary or feasible to follow this plan throughout the list. Copious references in the index both to coun- tries and to centuries will assist the student of a special country or period in finding the desired material. (3) ERRATA Iowa State Historical Society. Applied history, on page 5, should be on page 34, under Economic and Industrial History of the United States. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie, on page 8, should be on page 2, under Serials. Watson, James. The History of the Art of Printing, on page 204, should be on page 202, under History of Printing General Works. (4) CONTENTS 609 ( IENERAL INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY I Bibliographies i Serials I Treatises and monographs 2 Prehistoric and primitive 9 Ancient times 9 Nineteenth and twentieth centuries 12 INDUSTRIES OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES 15 Great Britain and Ireland 15 Germany and Austria-Hungary 21 France 25 Italy Spain 28 Netherlands Belgium 30 Other European countries 30 Asia 31 Africa 32 United States 33 Latin-America The Philippine Islands 36 History of guilds 36 History of inventions 41 Nineteenth and twentieth centuries 44 620 . 9 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING 45 Ancient times 46 Nineteenth and twentieth centuries 46 620.9 History of public works 50 621 .09 HISTORY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING .-.... 52 62 1 . i HISTORY OF STEAM ENGINEERING 53 James Watt 56 621 . 13 History of the locomotive 57 621 .3 HISTORY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING " 60 History' of telegraphy 63 History of submarine telegraphy The Atlantic cable 66 History of wireless telegraphy 66 History of the telephone 68 History of electric lighting 68 621 . 4 HISTORY OF AIR AND GAS ENGINES 69 621 .6 HISTORY OF PUMPING ENGINES 70 622 . 09 HISTORY OF MINING 70 History of coal and iron mining 72 History of other mining 75 623 .09 HISTORY OF MILITARY ENGINEERING 77 623. 4-. 5 History of firearms and ballistics 80 623 . 8 HISTORY^ OF NAVAL ENGINEERING AND SHIP BUILDING 85 623 . 9 History of warships and submarine vessels 89 624.09 HISTORY OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING 91 625. 5-. 6 HISTORY' OF HORSE AND POWER VEHICLES 92 625 . 7 HISTORY" OF ROAD MAKING 94 626-627 HISTORY OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING INLAND WATERWAYS 95 626.8 History- of irrigation, drainage, etc 99 628 . 09 HISTORY OF SANITATION 101 628. i History of water supply and water works 101 628 . 9 History- of lighting IO2 (5) CONTENTS 629 . 19 HISTORY OF AERONAUTICS 103 History of aerial navigation, balloons, airships, etc 107 History of aviation, flying machines, etc 112 630.9 HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS including land tenure 115 Ancient times 118 Great Britain and Ireland 119 Germany and Austria-Hungary 123 France 129 Russia 130 Scandinavian countries 130 Holland and Belgium 131 Asia and Africa 132 United States 133 South America 136 631 .9 History of agricultural implements 136 History of farm buildings 139 634.09 HISTORY OF HORTICULTURE 139 634 . 9 History of forestry 142 636 HISTORY OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY 1 44 636 . 1 Horses 1 44 636.2 Cattle and cattle breeding Sheep Hogs 146 636.7 Dogs 148 637 History of dairying 149 638 . i History of bee-keeping 149 639. i HISTORY OF FISHING AND FISH CULTURE 150 639 3 History of whale fishing 153 639 . 8 HISTORY OF HUNTING AND TRAPPING 153 640.9 HISTORY OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE 154 646 History of fashion and costume Cosmetics 157 650 . 9 HISTORY OF COMMERCE 159 Ancient times 163 Middle Ages and later 164 Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries 167 Nineteenth and twentieth centuries 169 650 . 9 History of weights and measures 1 70 650.9 History of money, banking and credit 171 Ancient times 1 74 Great Britain and Ireland 1 74 Germany 1 76 Netherlands 177 650.9 History of postal service 178 652 HISTORY OF WRITING 179 652 History of the typewriter 181 653 - 09 HISTORY OF STENOGRAPHY 1 82 Special systems 185 655.09 HISTORY OF THE BOOK Printing and the book trade General works 186 Ancient times 189 Great Britain and Ireland 190 Germany 192 France 193 Other countries 195 655. i HISTORY OF PRINTING GKNKKAI. WORKS 196 Block-books 202 655. II History of printing Invention and early discovery 204 Gutenberg 213 (6) CONTENTS 655 . 1 1 Invention of printing. Continued. Coster 223 ( astaldi 225 Printing in various countries 225 ( ireat Britain and Ireland 225 William Caxton 227 Germany and Austria-Hungary 228 France 232 Italy 236 Spain and Portugal 239 Russia 240 Scandinavian countries 240 Holland and Belgium 241 Switzerland 244 America 245 United States 245 Spanish America 247 Philippine Islands 248 655.2 History of types and type founding 249 6 55 2 3 History of music printing 250 655 . 28 History of type-setting machines 251 655-3 History of the printing press 251 655 . 32 History of color printing 252 655 37 History- of nature printing 253 655.4 HISTORY OF THE BOOK TRADE 254 England 255 Germany 258 France 264 Scandinavian countries 264 United States 265 655 53 History of book-illustration 266 655 . 6 History of copyright and censorship 268 656 . 09 HISTORY OF TRANSPORTATION 269 ( ieneral works 269 656 . 09 History of railroading 274 Great Britain and Ireland 275 Germany and Austria-Hungary 277 France 279 Switzerland 280 OtherEuropean countries 280 Asia 280 United States 281 Other parts of the world 284 656 . 9 History of navigation 284 Ancient times 286 Germany 287 Great Britain and Ireland 287 F ranee 288 Italy 289 United States and Canada 289 657 09 HISTORY OF ACCOUNTING 291 659 . 09 HISTORY OF ADVERTISING 292 660 . 9 HISTORY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 293 661 Various chemical substances 295 662 . 2 History of explosives 298 662 . 6 History of fuel 299 (7) CONTENTS 663.2 History of wine growing and the wine trade 300 663 . 3 History of brewing 302 663 . 9 Coffee Tea Chocolate 304 664 History of food industries 305 664 . 1 History of the sugar industry 308 665 . 5 History of the petroleum industry 310 665.6 History of the gas industry 313 665 . 801 History of the acetylene industry 314 666 HISTORY OF CERAMICS 315 General w r orks 315 Ancient times 318 Great Britain and Ireland 319 Germany and Austria-Hungary 323 Dresden 325 France 326 Sevres 329 Palissy 330 Italy 330 Other European countries 333 The Orient 333 United States 334 666 . 1 History of glass .... 33 6 666 .9 History of the cement industry' 339 667 HISTORY OF DYEING . 339 667 . 4 History of ink 34 2 668 . 6 History of fertilizers 34 2 669 HISTORY OF METALS Metallurgy Metal industry 343 669 . i History of iron and steel 344 Great Britain and Ireland 34 6 Germany and Austria-Hungary 347 United States 349 Scandinavian countries 35 * 669 . 2 History of precious metals 35 2 669.3-7 History of copper, brass, tin and other metals and alloys. . 354 674 HISTORY OF THE LUMBER INDUSTRY 356 675 HISTORY OF THE LEATHER INDUSTRY . 357 676 HISTORY OF PAPER MAKING . 35 8 Watermarks 3^1 677 HISTORY OF TEXTILE INDUSTRIES . 362 General works ' 3^2 Great Britain and Ireland 3^5 Germany 3^5 France 367 Other European countries 3^7 United States 3^8 677 . 19 History of the cotton industry 37 Great Britain and Ireland 37 Germany 37 1 Russia 37 2 Japan 37 2 United States 37 2 677 . 47 History of lace making 374 677 . 50 History of the linen industry 37 6 677 . 81 History of the silk industry 3/6 The Orient 378 United States -379 (8) CONTENTS 6/7 . 86 History of tapestry and embroidery 379 History 7 of the wool industry 381 678 History- of the rubber industry 383 679 HISTORY OF TOBACCO GROWING AND THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY 457 681 HISTORY OF CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING 383 Historical collections of clocks and watches 387 682 HISTORY OF SMITHCRAFT AND METAL WORK 388 682 Arms and armor 390 683 History of lock- and gun-making 391 685 HISTORY OF SHOEMAKING 392 686 History of bookbinding 394 Bookbinding previous to 1800 397 690.9 HISTORY OF BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURE _ 399 694 History of carpentry 402 709 HISTORY OF ART AND ART INDUSTRY 402 Ancient times 405 Middle Ages The Renaissance 406 Germany 407 France 408 Other European countries 409 Japan 409 Other parts of the world 410 710.9 HISTORY OF GARDENING 411 730.9. HISTORY OF CARVING AND SCULPTURE 413 737 History of numismatics 415 Ancient times 417 Great Britain and Ireland 419 Germany and Switzerland 420 France 420 Holland 42 1 Italy 422 Japan 423 United States 423 739 History of goldsmithing and jewelry 423 Germany 425 France 426 739 Silver plate 427 739 Pewter 428 745 HISTORY OF ORNAMENTS AND ORNAMENTAL DESIGN 429 745 History of illumination 431 749 History of artistic furniture 432 Fifteenth to eighteenth centuries 434 750 . 9 HISTORY OF PAINTING 435 760.9 HISTORY OF ENGRAVING 436 761 History of wood engraving 439 History of playing cards 443 763 History of lithography 443 770 . 9 HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY 445 780.9 HISTORY OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 449 786 History of the pianoforte 450 786 . 5 History of the organ 45 1 787. i History of the violin and violoncello 452 787.5 History of the harp and other string instruments 455 788 History of the flute, etc 456 (9) 6og GENERAL INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY Bibliographies Ferguson, John. 016.6 F38 35443 Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of se- crets. Six papers read to the Archaeological Society of Glas- gow, April 1 882 -January 1888. 6 vol., and index, in i. sq.O. Glasgow [1885-1896]. Vol. 1-2, published in 1896, were originally issued in 1882-1883. . Supplement. Vol. 1-4. sq.O. Glasgow 1894- 1900. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Archaeological Society of Glasgow, Hall, Hubert, 1857- , ed. 016.942 Hi4 A select bibliography for the study, sources, and literature of English mediaeval economic history. Compiled by a seminar of the London School of Economics under the supervision of Hu- bert Hall, .... London, P. S. King & Son, 1914. xiii, 350 p. 22<. (Half-title: Studies in economics and political science. No. 4 in the series of bibliographies by students connected with the London School of Eco- nomics and Political Science. ) Martin, Germain. 010.6465 i v.2 ' Bibliographic critique de 1'histoire de 1'industrie en France avant 1789. 27 p. [/ S^'-lETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Biblio- theque de bibliographies critiques, no. 2. Paris 1899.! No title-page. Serials Archiv. 053 A673 ' Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1909-. Continued from vol. i, Nov. 1908. illus., plates. 24 cm . 95334 Jahr. 1,033 2 Das Jahr ... . Ein Gesamtbild der Kulturentwicklung. ... . Leipzig, Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1913-. Continued from 1913. 26i cm . Editor: D. Sarason. 2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Vierteljahrschrift. 305-3 V674 40105 Vierteljahrschrift fur Social- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte .... a Berlin, Stuttgart, [etc.], W. Kohlhammer, 1903-. Continued from vol. I, 1903. 2^ cm . Preceded by Zeitschrift fur Social- und Wirthschaftsgeschichte. Vol. 1-2: Leipzig, C. L. Hirschfeld. Zeitschrift. 330-53 3 93199 Zeitschrift flir Social- und Wirthschaftsgeschichte, .... Erster- [siebenter] Band; 1893-1900. Freiburg i. B. und Leipzig, J. C. B. Mohr, 1893-94; Weimar, E. Felber, 1895-1900. 7 vol. 22 cm . Editors: 1893-1900, Stephan Bauer, L. M. Hartmann (with Carl Grunberg, Emil Szanto, 1893-94). Superseded by Vierteljahrschrift fiir Social- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. "Bibliographic" at the end of vol. 1-5, 7. Treatises and monographs Andre", Louis. 330.9 Q8o3 ' ... . Histolre economique depuis 1'antiquite jusqu'a nos jours, a. 1'usage des ecoles de commerce et des ecoles professionnelles. Paris, F. Alcan, 1908. [4], ii, 200 p. I9 cm . At head of title: Louis Andre. Biicher, Karl. 33o.9P8oo 14333 Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft. Vortrage und Versuche. Zweite, stark vermehrte Auflage. x,[2],395 p. O. Tubingen: H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1898. Contents: I. Der wirtschaftliche Urzustand. 2. Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft. 3. Die gewerblichen Betriebs-systeme in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung. 4. Der Niedergang des Handwerks. 5. Die Anfange des Zeitungswesens. 6. Arbeitsverein- igung und Arbeitsgemeinschaft. 7. Die Arbeitsteilung. 8. Arbeitsgliederung und . soziale Klassenbildung. 9. Die inneren Wanderungen und das Stadtewesen in ihrer entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Bedeutung. Biicher, Karl. 330.9 Qoo6 ! Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft. Vortrage und Versuche. Dritte, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. xi,466 p. O. Tubin- gen : H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1901. Contents: I. Der wirtschaftliche Urzustand. 2. Die Wirtschaft der Naturvolker. 3. Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft. 4. Die gewerblichen Betriebssysteme in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung. 5. Der Niedergang des Handwerks. 6. Die Anfange des Zeitungswesens. 7. Arbeitsvereinigung und Arbeitsgemeinschaft. 8. Die Arbeits- teilung. 9. Arbeitsgliederung und so.?iale Klassenbildung. 10. Die inneren Wande- rungen und das Stadtewesen in ihrer entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Bedeutung. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC Biicher, Karl. 330.9 30007 i n( j us trial evolution. By Carl Biicher. Translated from the third German edition by S. Morley Wickett. xi,[2],393 p. O. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1901. Contents: I. Primitive economic conditions. 2. The economic life of primitive peoples. 3. The rise of national economy. 4. A historical survey of industrial systems. 5. The decline of the handicrafts. 6. The genesis of journalism. 7. Union of labour and labour in common. 8. Division of labour. 9. Organization of work and the for- mation of social classes. 10. Internal migrations of population and the growth of towns considered historically. Butterworth, Benjamin, compiler. A6og 0400 izgso j^ e g row th of industrial art. Arranged and compiled under the supervision of the Hon. Benj. Butterworth, Commissioner of Patents and Representative of Interior Department, Board U. S. Executive Departments, World's Industrial and Cotton Centen- nial Exposition. New Orleans: 1884-5. 2 vol. of pi. sq.F 8 . Washington 1884. Butterworth, Benjamin, 1837-1898, comp. A6oQ 6401 ' The growth of industrial art. Arranged and compiled under the supervision of the Hon. Benj. Butterworth, commissioner of patents and representative of the Department of the Interior on United States Government Board, Cincinnati Industrial Exposi- tion, Cincinnati, Ohio; Southern Exposition, Louisville, Ken- tucky; The World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. Reproduced and printed in pursuance of act of Congress March 3, 1886, and acts supplementary there- to. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1892. [4], 200 p. illus. 5ox39i cm . Cooke-Taylor, Richard Whately, 1842- 338.94 06oo Introduction to a history of the factory system, by R. Whately Cooke Taylor. London, R. Bentley & Son, 1886. xviii, 441 p. 22 cm . Darmstaedter, Ludwig, 1846- 509 Q40i 42553 . . . 4000 Jahre Pionier- Arbeit in den exakten Wissenschaften. Berlin,). A. Stargardt, 1904. [ 4 ],v, 389, [i] P. 2ii<. At head of title: L. Darmstaedter and R. Du Bois Reymond. Added title-page, illustrated. The great events in the history of science from 2650 B. c. to 1903 A. D., chroncn logically arranged. 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Darmstaedter, Ludwig, 1846- 509 Q8oo 67791 Ludwig Darmstaedters Handbuch zur Geschichte der Naturwis- senschaften und der Technik. In chronologischer Darstellung. Zweite, umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Unter Mitwir- kung von Professor Dr. R. du Bois-Reymond und Oberst z. D. C. Schaefer herausgegeben von Dr. L. Darmstaedter. Berlin, J. Springer, 1908. x, [2], 1262, [2] p. 24 cm , Dubois, Marcel, & Kergomard, J. G. 380.9 Pyoi 1 Precis de geographic economique. La France 1'Europe 1'Asie 1'Oceanie 1'Afrique les Ameriques. viii,843 p. O. Paris: Masson & c ie , 1897. Eyth, Max, 1836-1906. 604 98 58096 Lebendige Krafte. Sieben Vortrage aus dem Gebiete der Tech- nik von Max Eyth. Mit in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Berlin, J. Springer, 1905. vi, [2], 284 p. incl. illus., tables, i fold, diagr. 2ii cm . Contents. i. Poesie und Technik. 2. Das Wasser im alten und neuen Agypten. 3. Die Entwicklung des land wirtschaftlichen Maschinenwesens in Deutschland, Eng- land und Amerika. 4. Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft der Cheopspyramide. 5. Binnenschiffahrt und Landwirtschaft. 6. Ein Pharao im _, r ahrhundert des Dampfes. 7. Zur Philosophic des Erfindens. Feldhaus, Franz Marie, 1874- 609 Ityoo 1 .... Die Technik der Vorzeit, der geschichtlichen Zeit und der Naturvolker. Ein Handbuch fiir Archaologen und Historiker, Museen und Sammler, Kunsthandler und Antiquare. Mit 873 Abbildungen. Leipzig und Berlin, W. Engelmann, 1914. xv p., 1400 columns [700] p. 873 illus. 27i cm . At head >/ 'title: F. M. Feldhaus. Four blank pages at end for Notizen. Felix, Ludwig, 1830- 33<>.i 0300 90330 Entwicklungsgeschichte des Eigenthums unter culturgeschicht- lichem und wirthschaftlichem Gesichtspunkte. Von Ludwig Fe- lix. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1883-1903. 4 vol. in 6. 22 cm . Contents. I. Thl. Der Einfluss der Natur auf die Entwicklung des Eigenthums. 1883. vi, [2], 308 p. 2. Thl. Der Einfluss der Sitten und Gebrauche auf die Ent- wicklung des Eigenthums. 1886. xi, 462 p. 3. Thl. Der Einfluss der Religion auf die Entwicklung des Eigenthums. 1889. ix, 388 p. 4. Thl. i. Ha'lfte. Der Einfluss von Staat und Recht auf die Entwicklung des Eigenthums. 1896. x, 504 p. 4. Thl. 2. Halfte. Der Einfluss von Staat und Recht auf die Entwicklung des Eigenthums: i. Abthl. Das Mittelalter. 1899. x "> 77^ P- 2. Abthl. Die neue Zeit. Die franzo- sische Revolution. Register. 1903. ix, 623 p. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 5 Friedrich, Ernst, 1867- 380.9 Q400 90334 Allgemeine und spezielle Wirtschaftsgeographie, von Dr. Ernst Friedrich, .... Mit 3 Karten. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 1904. 37 P- 3 fld- m aps. 22 cm . "Literatur-verzeichnis," p. [8]. Friedrich, Ernst, 1867- 380.9 Q704 61607 Allgemeine und spezielle Wirtschaftsgeographie. Von Dr. Ernst Friedrich, .... Mit drei Karten. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung, 1907. 468 p. 2 fold. maps. 2^ cm . "Literatur-Verzeichnis," p. [9]. Friedrich, Ernst, 1867- 380.9 Q8oi ' Einfiihrung in die Wirtschaftsgeographie; Produktion, Verkehr und Handel der Erde, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Deutsch- lands und der deutschen Kolonien, von Dr. Ernst Friedrich Leipzig, List & von Bressendorf, 1908. [4] J 53 P- front, (fold. map). 23i cm . "Die 'Einfiihrung in die Wirtschaftsgeographie' ist aus zehn Vortragen entstanden, die ich Winter 1906/07 in der Gehe-Stiftung (Dresden) gehalten habe." Vorwort. Friedrich, Ernst, 1867- 1,380.9 Rioo 5 .... Geographic des Welthandels und Weltverkehrs, von Dr. Ernst Friedrich, .... Mit 6 Karten. Jena, G. Fischer, 1911. viii, 429, [3] p. vi fold. maps. 26 cm . Hahn, Eduard. 609 Qsoi 60857 .... Das Alter der vvirtschaftlichen Kultur der Menschheit. Ein Ruckblick und ein Ausblick. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1905. xvi, 256 p. I diagr.- 24 cm . At head of title: Ed. Hahn. lies, George. 609 Pgoo J Flame, electricity and the camera. Man's progress from the first kindling of fire to the wireless telegraph and the photography of color. xv,398 p. il. 17 pi. 7 por. 2 tables. O. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1900. Iowa State Historical Society. 309.777 Raoo 94660 Applied history, edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Iowa City, Iowa, The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1912-. Vol. I-. 23. {Half-title: Iowa applied history series.) Karmarsch, Karl. 0331^400 3502 Geschichte der Technologic seit der Mitte des achtzehnten Jahr- hunderts [2],vii,932 p. O. (MUNICH. K. AKADEMIE DERWisSENSCHAFTEN. Geschichte derWissenschaften in Deutsch- land, vol. 11.) Munchen : R. Oldenbourg, 1872. 6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Kovalevskii, Maksim Maksimsovich, 1851- 330-94 Qioo 33232 j-)j e (jkonomische Entwicklung Europas bis zum Beginn der a kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsform. Von Maxime Kowalewsky. Mit Genehmigung des Verfassers aus dem Russischen ubersetzt von Leo Motzkin. l-[vil] ..... Berlin, R. L. Prager, 1901-1914. 7 vol. 2l4 cm . {Added l.-p.: Bibliothek der Volkswirtschaftslehre und Gesell- schaftswissenschaft. xi-xv, xx.) Vol. 4 translated by August Scholz, vol. 5 by M. B. Kupperberg, vol. 6-7 by A. Stein. Contents. I. Romische und germanische Elemente in der Entwicklung der mittelal- terlichen Gutsherrschaft und der Dorfgemeinde. 1901. [8], 539, [i] p. 2. Die Feudalisierung des Grundbesitzes in okonomischer Beziehung. 1902. [6], 466 p. 3. Englische, deutsche, italienische und spanische Wirtschaftsverfassung in der zweiten Halfte des Mittelalters. 1905. [8], 501 p. 4. Die Zersetzung der Grundherrlichkeit. Der Prozess der Bauernbefreiung. 1909. [8], 512 p. 5. Die hofrechtliche Verf as- sung des Gewerbes und des Zunftwesens. Der Schwarze Tod und seine wirtschaftlichen Folgen. 1911. [8] , 458 p. 6. Das Verschwinden der Horigkeit und die Wandlungen der Grundherrschaft in England und Italien. Bauernbefreiung und Grundentlastung in Deutschland und Russland. 1913. x, [2], 501 p. 7. Die Bauern als Eigentiimer des Bodens in Frankreich vor der Revolution. Die Wirtschaftsmonopole und die Feudal- rechte der Grundherren und ihre Beseitigung. Aufhebung der mittelalterlichen Standes- und Besitzordnung. Einfiihrung in der gleichen Erbfolge. Die Sakularisation der Kir- chengiiter und die Einziehung der Emigrantengiiter. Die Aufhebung des Zebnten. Au- toren- und Sachregister iiber das gesamte Werk. 1914. xi, [2], 509 p. Kraemer, Hans, 1870- , ed. I-SOQ Q202 10747 Weltall und Menschheit ; Geschichte der Erforschung der Natur und der Verwertung der Naturkrafte im Dienste der Volker. Her- ausgegeben von Hans Kraemer in Verbindung mit Professor an der Kgl. Bergakademie Dr. Louis Beushausen [u. a.]. Erster [fiinfter] Band. Berlin, [etc.], Bong & Co., [1902-1904]. 5 vol. 29 cm . Kulischer, Josef Mikhail. 33-94 Q 6o 97028 .... Ocherki iz istorii form promyshlennosti v zapadnol Evrople s XIII do XVIII ct. v sviazi s izucheniem voprosa o kharakterie pribyli v promyshlennosti etogo perioda. [Outline in historical form of the industry of western Europe in the I3th- i8th cent] S.-Peterburg, tip. A. G. Rozena, 1906. [2], ii, 290, [2] p. 24 cm . At head of title: I. M. Kulisher. Launhardt, Wilhelm, 1832- 609 Rooi 90139 .... Am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit. tJbersicht tiber die Wir- kungen der Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften und der Tech- nik auf das gesamte Kulturleben, von Dr.-ing. Launhardt, .... Dritte Auflage mit 16 Abbildungen im Text und auf 5 Tafeln. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1910. [6], 130 p. illus., 5 pi. (partly fold.) i8i cm . (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, Sammlung wissenschaftlich-gemeinverstandlicher Darstellungen. 23. Bandchen.) INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 7 MacGregor, David Hutchison, 1877- 338 RIOI 88796 The evo i u tion of industry, by D. H. MacGregor, .... London, Williams and Norgate; [New York, H. Holt and Co., 1911]. vii, 9-254, [2] p, I7i cm , {Added /.-/.. Home university library of modem knowledge. [24.]) "Note on books," p. 253-254. May, R. E. 330.9 Qoo3 8 Die Wirthschaft in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, mit i 30 Tabellen und vergleichenden Uebersichten. Zur Jahrhundert- wende. xvi,72/ p. O. Berlin: J. Edelheim, 1901. Milnes, Alfred, 1849- 330 .942 Q403 49503 p rom gild t factory. A first short course of economic history. By Alfred Milnes, .... London, J. Finch & Co., ltd., 1904. 83 p. I illus. I9 cm . "List of authors," p. 8. Neue. 608 M400 22934 j} as neue Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe und Industrien. Rund- schau auf alien Gebieten der gewerblichen Arbeit [Flinfte Auflage.] 6vol. il. pi. pi. of por. O. Leipzig: O. Spamer, 1864-1867. Contents; Vol. I. Einfiihrung in die Geschichte der Erfindungen. Bildungsgang und Bildungsmittel der Menschheit. viii,46o p. il. 10 pi. I pi. of por. 1864. Vol. 2. Die Krafte der Natur und ihre Benutzung. Eine physikalische Technologic. x,458 p. il. 3 pi. I pi. of por. 1865. Vol. 3. Die Gewinnung der Rohstoffe aus dem Innern der Erde, von der Erdoberflache sowie aus dem Wasser. vi,362 p. il. 3 pi. I pi. of por. 1864. Vol. 4. Die chemische Behandlung der Rohstoffe. Eine chemische Technologic. vii,[i],548 p. il. 3 pi. I pi. of por. 1866. Vol. 5. Die Chemie des taglichen Lebens. viii,376 p. il. 4 pi. I pi. of por. 1867. Vol. 6. Die mechanische Bearbeitung der Rohstoffe. vii,[i],359 p. il. 3 pi. i pi. of por. 1867. Oechelhaeuser, Wilhelm von. 609 Q6o2 69497 Technische Arbeit einst und jetzt von Dr. ing. W. v. Oechelhaeu- ser. Vortrag zur Feier des ^ojahrigen Bestehens des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure zu Berlin am n. Juni 1906. Berlin, J. Springer, 1906. 51, [i] p. 224 cm . Riedler, A. 609 P90i 24748 Ueber die geschichtliche und zukiinftige Bedeutung der Technik. Zwei Reden zur Feier der Jahrhundertwende und zum Geburtsfest Seiner Majestat des Kaisers ... Januar 1900 in der Halle der Koniglichen technischen Hochschule zu Berlin gehalten. [2], 40 p. Q. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1900. Samson-Himmelstjerna, H. von. 333-9 Q200 1 Die Wasserwirtschaft als Voraussetzung und Bedingung fur Kultur und Friede. viii,376 p. O. Neudamm : J. Neumann, 1903. "Autorenverzeichnis," p. 365-370. 8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Sombart, Werner, 1863- 338 Q400 43366 .... Gewerbewesen. Erster- [zvveiter] Teil. Von Werner Som- bart .... Leipzig, G. J. Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung, 1904. 2vol. I5i cm . (Sammlung Goschen, [203-204].) "Uberblick iiber die geschichtliche Entwickelung des Gewerbewesens," i. Teil, p. 62-108. Sombart, Werner, 1 863- 330-9 8300 91301 .... Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des modernen Kapita- lismus Miinchen und Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1913-. Vol. i-. 25 cm . At head of title: Werner Sombart. "Quellen und Literaturnachweise, " vol. i, p. [2O7J-22O; "Literatur und Quellen," vol. 2, p. [2093-232. Thiele, Ottomar, 1879- 609.1 Q603 69624 Ueber wirtschaftliche Verwertung ethnologischer Forschungen. Mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die okonomischen Beziehungen der Ethnologic zur Industrie von Ottomar Thiele, .... Tubingen, H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1906. vii, 55 p. 23i cm . Thurston, Henry Winfred. 330.2 Pgoo 21367 Economics and industrial history for secondary schools. 300 p. D. Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1899. Thurston, Henry Winfred. 330.2 Qooi as??? Economics and industrial history for secondary schools. 25 p. i table. D. (Teachers' manual.) Chicago: Scott, Foresman & Co., 1900. Unwin, George. 338 Q402 92228 i nc [ us trial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by George Unwin, .... Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1904. vii, [i], 277, [i] p. 22i cm . "List of manuscript sources," p. [2533-262. "List of books and articles consulted," p. [263]-27O. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin. 605.3 ^58 74813 Beitrage zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie. Jahrbuch des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure Berlin, J. Springer, 1909-. Continued from vol. I, 1909. illus. 28 cm . Vergilius, Polydorus, d. 1555. 60901 99179 Polydori Vergilii . . . , De rervm inventoribvs libri VIII. Et De prodigiis libri III. Cum indicibus locupletiifimis. Lvgdvni Ba tavorvm, apud F. Hegervm, 1644. [36], 565. [6], 209, [93] P . i3d m . Added t.-p. engr. "Dialog! de prodigiis," [6], 209 p. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 9 Warner, George Townsend. 330.942 R207 17 Tillage, trade and invention ; an outline of industrial history, by George Townsend Warner. London, Glasgow, [etc.], Blackie and Son, 1912. viii, 198 p. i8 cm . Wendt, Ulrich. 609 Q6oi 3 Die Technik als Kulturmacht in sozialer und in geistiger Beziehung. Eine Studie von Ulrich Wendt. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1906. viii, 322 p. 22 cm . "Literatur," p. fvii] viii. Contents. i. Das Wesen der Technik. 2. Die Griechen. 3. Die Romer. 4. Die Deutschen im Mittelalter. 5. Die Zeit von 1500-180x3. 6. Das 19. Jahrhun- dert. 7. Die Technik als Kulturmacht. Prehistoric and primitive Espinas, Alfred Victor, 1844- 309.1 P3oo 9 .... Les origines de la technologie, par Alfred Espinas, .... Paris, F. Alcan, 1897. 295 p. 23 cm . At head of title: Etude sociologique. "La Revue philosophique, aofit et sept. 1890, aotit et sept. 1891; 1'Archiv fur Ge- schichte der Philosophic, Band vi, Heft 4, et Band vn, Heft 2; les Annales de la Faculte des lettres de Bordeaux, annee 1893, n I, ont public sous forme d'articles le contenu de ce volume;" p. [5]. Montelius, Oscar i.e. 571. 094 Q300 Gustaf Oscar Augustin, 1843- a Die alteren Kulturperioden im Orient und in Europa, von Oscar Montelius. I. Die Methode. Stockholm, Selbstverlag des Ver- fassers, 1903. ii, 1 10, xvi p. illus. 33 x 26 cm . No more published? Weule, Karl, 1864- 309.1 RIOI 1 Kulturelemente der Menschheit, Anfange und Urformen der ma- teriellen Kultur, von Dr. Karl Weule, .... Mit vier Tafeln und zahlreichen Abbildungen nach Originalaufnahmen und Original- zeichnungen von K. Reinke. Stuttgart, Kosmos, [1912?]. 94 p. illus., rv pi. 2i cm . Ancient times Boeckh, August. 33-938 H700 The public economy of Athens. In four books ; to which is add- ed, A dissertation on the silver-mines of Laurion. Translated from the German. 2 vol. facsim. O. London: J. Murray, 1828. Translated by Sir George Cornewall Lewis. io BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Boeckh, August. 33-938 I8oo 6*694 Yhe public economy of Athens : to which is added a disserta- tion on the silver mines of Laurion. By Augustus Boeckh, .... Translated by George Cornewall Lewis, .... Second edition, revised. London, J. W. Parker, 1842. xiii, [2], 688 p. 23 cm . Francotte, Henri. 330.938 Qooi 90333 .... L'industrie dans la Grece ancienne Par Henri Fran- cotte, .... Tome l.-[ll.] Bruxelles, Societe beige de librairie. 1900-1901. 2 vol. 23i cm . "Extrait de la Bibliotheque de la Faculte de philosophic et lettres de PUniversite de Liege. Fascicule vii-vm." "Ouvrage couronne par 1* Academic royale de Belgique, prix Gantrelle, 3 e periode 1895-1898." Guiraud, Paul, 1850- 33-93 Qsoo 90351 .... Etudes economiques sur 1'antiquite. Paris, Hachette et c ie , 1905. [4], 297 p. I9 cm . (On cover: Bibliotheque variee.) At head of title: Paul Guiraud. "Ouvrage couronne par P Academic fran9aise." Contents. De Pimportance des questions economiques dans Pantiquite. L'evolu. tion du travail en Grece. L'impdt sur le capital a Athenes. La population en Grece. L'impdt sur le capital sous la Republique romaine. Histoire d'un financier romain [C. Rabirius Postumus]. L'imperialisme romain. Guiraud, Paul, 1850-1907. 331.09389001 )6522 .... La main-d'oeuvre industrielle dans 1'ancienne Grece, par Paul Guiraud, .... Paris, F. Alcan, 1900. [4], 217, [2] p. 2S cm . (Half-title: Universite de Paris. Bibliotheque de la Faculte des lettres. xn. ) Series title also at head of t.-p. Bibliographical foot-notes. Hoffmeister, Karl. 330-937 P900 31872 Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Roms. Eine socialpolitische Studie. [4] ,96 p. O. Wien: Manz'sche k. u. k. Hof-Verlags- und Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1899., Napier, James. 609.31^400 1581 Manufacturing arts in ancient times, with special reference to Bible history, v, [2], 367 p. D. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1874. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC n Neurath, Otto, 1882- 33-93 Q 6o 90376 2 ur Anschauung der Antike iiber Handel, Gevverbe und Land- wirtschaft, .... Von Otto Neurath, .... [Jena, G. Fischer, 1906.] 32, [2] p. 23i' m . Inaug.-Dis. Berlin. Lebenslauf. Oliver, Edmund Henry. 1*330.937 Qyoo ' Roman economic conditions to the close of the republic, by Ed- mund Henry Oliver, .... [Toronto] , University of Toronto Library, 1907. xv, 200 p. 27 cm . (Half-title: University of Toronto studies. History and eco- nomics.) "Edition limited to 650 copies." "Bibliography," p. [xiii]-xv. This study was undertaken and practically completed in fulfilment of the author's ob- ligations as Alexander Mackenzie fellow in political science in the University of Toronto during the sessions 19x52-1904. cf. p. [vii]. Pestalozza, Uberto. 330.938 Qoo2 9 .... La vita economica ateniese dalla fine del secolo VII alia fine del IV secolo avanti Cristo. Milano, L. F. Cogliati, 1901. [3]-! 15, [2] p. 22in. At head of title: Uberto Pestalozza. Reynier, Jean Louis Antoine, 1762-1824. 330-9355 H900 624<1 De 1'economie publique et rurale des perses et des pheniciens. Par L. Reynier. Geneve, Paris, J. J. Paschoud, 1819. xx, 416 p. I9i cm . Salvioli, Giuseppe, 1857- 330.937 Q6oi s ... . Le capitalisme dans le monde antique; etudes surl'histoire de 1'economie romaine, par G. Salvioli .... Traduit sur le manu- scrit italien par Alfred Bonnet. Paris, V. Giard & E. Briere, 1906. [6], 320, [2] p. 22 cm . (Bibliotheque internationale d'economie politique.) Tissot, Paul de. 333-037 Ngoo 9838 Etude historique et juridique sur la condition des agrimensores dans 1'ancienne Rome. Avec un appendice sur la loi aux cinq noms Mamilia Roscia Peducaea Alliena Fabia, par Paul de Tissot, .... [Paris], A. Rousseau, 1879. [4], 174 p. illus. (inch diagrs.) 22 cm . "Bibliographic," p. 1-5. Bibliographical foot-notes. 12 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Middle Ages Brants, Victor L J L 330.1 Oioi * L'economie sociale au moyen-a"ge. Coup d'oeil sur les debuts de la science economique dans les e"coles franchises aux XIII e et XIV e siecles, .... Louvain, C. Peeters; [etc., etc.], 1881. viii, 87 p. 24i cm . Cibrario, Luigi, i.e. Giann' Antonio Luigi, contc, 309.4 Lgoo 67035 1802-1870. Economic politique du moyen age. Par M. le chev. Louis Ci- brario, .... Traduite de 1'italien sur la 4 edition par M. Bar- neaud, avocat, et precedee d'une introduction par M. Wolowski, ... . Tome premier- [second]. Paris, Guillaumin et c ie , 1859. 2 vol. 22 cm . Nineteenth and twentieth centuries Biedenkapp, Georg, 1868- 609.2647 ' Bahnbrecher des Weltverkehrs, von Dr. Georg Biedenkapp. Berlin, Gose & Tetzlaff, 1904. [2], 242 p. i8i cm . Contents. Einleitung. James Watt. Robert Fulton. George Stephenson. Friedrich List. S. Th. Sommering. Ludolf Camphausen. David Hansemann. Werner v. Siemens. Wilhelm Siemens. Nikolaus Riggenbach. Philipp Reis. Heinrich v. Stephan. Alfried Krupp. Boyd, James Penny, editor. 031 PQOI Triumphs and wonders of the I9th century: the true mirror of a phenomenal era. A volume of original, entertaining and instruct- ive historic and descriptive writings, showing the many and mar- vellous achievements which distinguish an hundred years of material, intellectual, social and moral progress [2], 720 p. il. 12 pi. 3 por. O. Philadelphia: A. J. Holman, & Co., c. 1899. Cauderlier, Emile. 330.9 Q2oo 7633 involution economique du XIX e siecle. Angleterre, Belgique, France, Etats-Unis. Par Em. Cauderlier, .... Bruxelles, H. Lamertin ; Paris, V. Giard et L. Briere, [etc.], 1903. 246 p. 2I cm . "Bibliographic," p. [2433-244. Cochrane, Charles Henry. 609 Q40i 70726 Modern industrial progress, by Charles H. Cochrane .... Phil- adelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1904. xxvi, 17-647 p. front, (port.) illus., 2 col. pi., diagrs. 24 cm . Cochrane, Robert, editor. 609 P7oo 6749 The romance of industry and invention. 295 p. il. i pi. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 13 Figuier, Louis i.e. Guillaume Louis, 1819-1894. L6o2 0300 84430 Les nouvelles conquetes de la science, par Louis Figuier Paris, Librairie illustree, [1883-1885.] 4 vol. illus. 27i cm . T.-p. illus. Contents. vol. i. L'electricite. [4], iii, 644 p. incl. front, (port.), plates. vol. 2. Grands tunnels et railways metropolitans. [4], 644 p. incl. front., plates. vol. 3. Les voies ferrees dans les deux mondes. [4], 644 p. incl. front., plates. vol. 4. Isthmes et canaux. '[4], 630, [2] p. incl. front., plates. Fortunes. 6 9- 2 F 77 3422 Fortunes made in business : a series of original sketches, bio- graphical and anecdotic, from the recent history of industry and commerce. By various writers. 3 vol. il. pi. por. O. London : Sampson Low, ... & Rivington, 1887. Vol. I and 2 : second edition. Gibbins, Henry de Beltgens, 1865- 909.8 N62 v.is ' . . . . Economic and industrial progress of the century, by H. de Beltgens Gibbins .... London & Edinburgh, W. & R. Cham- bers, ltd. ; Philadelphia, Detroit, [etc.] , The Bradley-Garretson Co., ltd., 1903. xxx, [2], 524 p. 6 port. (incl. front.) 21 cm . (/ The nineteenth century series, vol. xv.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Two portraits are accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. Gibson, Charles R 670.2 Rooi 7525 pkg romance of modern manufacture. A popular account of the marvels of manufacturing by Charles R. Gibson .... With 28 illustrations & 16 diagrams. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Com- pany; London, Seeley & Co. ltd., 1910. xvi, 17-319, [i] p. incl. diagrs. 24 pi. (incl. front.) 2O cm . Hauff, Lilly. 396.5 Ri04 98428 j-)j e Entwickelung der Frauenberufe in den letzten drei Jahrzehn- ten. Mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der beruflichen Ent- wickelung in Halle a. S. Von Lilly Hauff. Berlin, Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1911. 1 7O p. 22i cm . Kohler, M , ed. 509 Qioo An der Wende des Jahrhunderts. Ruckblicke auf die Fort- schritte der Naturwissenschaften im 19. Jahrhundert und Aus- blicke auf die Aufgaben, welche das 20. Jahrhundert zu 16'sen hat. Eine Sammlung von 8 Vortragen. Herausgegeben von M. Kohler, ... . Esslingen a.N., W. Langguth, [1901]. [4], ii, [2], 321, [2] p. illus. 2i cm . Contents. Weiler. Die Elektrizitat im 19. Jahrhundert und ihre Anwendung in der Praxis. Engel. Entstehen und Vergehen der Welt. Kauffmann, H. Die Chemie. Gross. Die Technik. Spath. Die Heilkunde. Reinohl, F. Die Tier- und Pflanzen- welt. Schaible. Meeresforschungen. Haage. Die Entwicklung der Physik. 6SS14 i 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Nineteenth century. 031 QIOI 1 The 1 9th century; a review of progress during the past one hun- dred years in the chief departments of human activity. ix,494 p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Contents: I. Law and government : Nott,C. C. The immutability of the constitution. Moore, J. B. Progress of international law in the century. 2. History: Sedgwick, A. G. English political development in the century. Smith, M. Germany in the nineteenth century. Coolidge, A. C. The expansion of Russia in the nineteenth century. Bouri- not, SirJ.G. Canada in the nineteenth century. Lummis,C. F. Mexico. Griffis, W. E. The century's changes in China and Japan. 3. Sociology: Heilprin, L. Geographies conquests of the nineteenth century. White, H. The gold standard and gold production in the nineteenth century. Carnegie, A. Development of steel manufacture in the Uni- ted States. Cutter, C. A. Library development. Alexander, J. W. The phenomenon cf American life assurance. Howe, J. W. Changes in the legal and political status of woman. Catt, C. C. Women in the industries and professions. 4. Literature and the fine arts: Trent, W. G. American literature in the nineteenth century. Gosse, E. Eng- lish literature in the nineteenth century. Towse, J. R. The American theatre in the nineteenth century. Finck, H. T. The musical century. Sturgis, R. Progress of American architecture. Cox, K. Painting in the nineteenth century. 5. Education and science: Carter, F. The century's growth in higher education. Palmer, A. F. Higher education of women. Pierce, C. S. The century's great men in science. Newcomb, S. The century's advance in astronomical science. Billings, J. S. The progress of medicine in the nineteenth century. Lodge, O. Scope and tendencies of physics. Lang, A. Psychical research of the century. Stephen, L. Evolution and religious conceptions. 6. Applied science: De Vinne, T. L. Printing in the nineteenth century. Nicol, J. The birth and progress of photography. Trowbridge, J. Progress of electricity from 1800 to 1900. 7. Transportation: Chamberlain, E. T. Development of the merchant marine. Hadley, A. T. Railroad economy in the nineteenth century. Midgeley, J. W. Equip- ment, organisation, and operation of railroads. 8. The science of war: Maclay, E. S. Development of the navy. Wilcox, C. DeW. Changes in military science. Picard, Alfred, 1844- 1309 Q6oi 70689 ... . Le bilan d'un siecle (1801-1900). Tome premier- [sixi- eme]. Paris, H. Le Soudier, 1906-1907. 6 vol. 29i cm . At head of title: Alfred Picard. Contents. t. I. Education et enseignement, lettres, sciences, arts. 1906. [4], iv, 530 p. t. 2. Mecanique generale, electricite, genie civil et moyens de transport. 1906. [4], 406 p. t. 3. Agriculture, horticulture, forets, chasse, peche, industries alimentaires. 1906. [4], 437 p. t. 4. Mines et metallurgie. Industries de la deco- ration et du mobilier. Chauffage et ventilation. Eclairage non electrique. Fils, tissus, vtements. 1906. [4], 453 p. t. 5. Industrie chimique. Industries diverses. Eco- nomic sociale. 1907. [4], 470 p. t. 6. Hygiene. Assistance. Colonisation. De- fense nationale. 1907. x, [2], 493, [2] p. Progress of the century. 032 Qioo 27863 The progress of the century iii,[i],582,[2] p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1901. Contents: Wallace, A. R. Evolution. Ramsay, W. Chemistry. Petrie, W M. F.-. Archaeology. Lockyer, Sir J. N. Astronomy. Caird, E. Philosophy. Osier, W. Medicine. Keen, W. \V. Surgery. Thomson, E. Electricity. Mendenhall, T. C. Physics. Dilke, Sir C. W. War. Mahan, A. T. Naval shins, Lang, A. Literature. Clarke, T. C. Engineering. Religion: Gibbons, J., Cardinal. Catholicism. Allen, A. V. G. Protestantism. Gottheil, R. J. H. The Jews and Judaism. Smith, G. Free- thought. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 15 Schmoller, Gustav, 1838- 39Q3<> 2 41781 Ueber das Maschinenzeitalter in seinem Zusammenhang mit dem Volkswohlstand und der sozialen Verfassung der Volkswirtschaft. Vortrag gehalten in der Hauptversammlung des Vereines deut- scher Ingenieure zu Munchen am 30. Juni 1903, von Gustav Schmoller. Berlin, J. Springer, 1903. 30, [2] p. 22 cm . Smart, William, 1853- 33-942 Roo2 93136 Economic annals of the nineteenth century . . . by William Smart, .... London, Macmillan and Co., 1910-. Vol. i-. 23i cm . Vol. i : 1801-1820. Smith, George Barnett. 609.2 8648 17199 Leaders of modern industry. Biographical sketches. vi,477 p. D. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1894. Contents: The Stephensons. Charles Knight. Sir George Burns. Sir Josiah Mason. The Wedgwoods. Thomas Brassey. The Fairbairns. Sir William Siemens. The Ken- nies. Wells, David Ames. 330.96900 Recent economic changes and their effect on the production and distribution of wealth and the well-being of society, xii, 493 P- O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Whewell, William, & others. 604 W57 1146 Lectures on the progress of arts and science, resulting from the great exhibition in London, delivered before the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, at the suggestion of H. R. H. Prince Albert. [2], 463 p. il. i pi. D. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., 1854- Industries of different countries Great Britain and Ireland Allsopp, Henry. 330.942 R205 )391 An introduction to English industrial history, by Henry Allsopp, ... . Second edition. London, G. Bell & Sons, 1913. xi, [i], 160 p. incl. maps, plan. I9 em . "Interesting books for further study," p. 155-156. Contents. I. The manorial system. 2. Towns and gilds. 3. State-regulation and the mercantile system. 4. The industrial revolution. Beard, Charles. 330.942 Qioo 1 The industrial revolution. With a preface by F. York Powell. xiii,[i],io5,[i] p. D. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1901. Contents: i. England in 1760 agriculture, manufacture, politics. 2. The mechan- ical revolution and its economic effects. 3. The breaking up of the old order. 4. Revolt against laissez faire and beginning of organisation. 5. The industrial problem from the standpoint of mechanics and social needs. "Bibliography", last page. Brassey, Thomas Brassey, ist baron, 1836- 330.942 Q6oo 64167 Sixty years of progress ; and the new fiscal policy. By Lord a Brassey, .... Second edition. London, New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906. [8], 195 p. 22i cm . "First printed, under title 'Fifty years progress,' &c. February 1904." Contents. Introduction. I. Mr. Chamberlain's proposals. 2. General statistics of trade. 3. Threatened industries. 4. Social and economic conditions at home and abroad : under protection; under free trade. 5. Duties on food. 6. Back to the land. 7. Imperial unity by tariffs. 8. Trade in neutral markets. 9. Retaliation. 10. Tariff wars. ii. Dumping. 12. Free trade. 13. Trading methods. Technical education. Social reform. 14. Imperial co-operation. 15. Conclusions. Appendix. Index. Bremner, David. 609.41 The industries of Scotland : their rise, progress, and present con- dition. viii,535 p. O. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1869. Chalmers, George, 1742-1825. 330.942 H200 46412 An historical view of the domestic economy of G. Britain, and Ireland, from the earliest to the present times; with a compara- tive estimate of their efficient strength, arising from their popu- losity, and agriculture, their manufactures, and trade, in every age. A new edition, corrected, enlarged, and continued, to 1812. By George Chalmers, .... Edinburgh, A. Constable and Co. ; London, Longman, ... and Brown, [etc.], 1812. i-xxiv, 477 p. front, (fold, table). 22 cm . Pref. p. xxv- wanting. Collar, George. 609.42 R2OO 9 An industrial and social history of England. By George Collar, .... London, New York, Sir I. Pitman & Sons, ltd., [1912]. v, [6]-283 p. illus. i8i cm . Illustrated end-papers. Cunningham, William. 330.942 Oioo 35841 pjjg growth o f English industry and commerce. xiv,492 p. 2 maps, 2 tables. D. Cambridge: University Press, 1882. "Authorities cited," p. 473-482. Cunningham, William, 1 849- 330.942 P6oo 90321 -j-^g g row th of English industry and commerce, .... By W. Cunningham .... Cambridge, University Press, 1896-1903. 3 vol. 23 cm . Vol. 2-3 paged continuously. Vol. 2-3 first published in 1882. "List of authorities," [vol. i], p. [65i]-673; "Bibliographical index," [vol. 3], P- 943-998. Contents. [vol. I.] Early and middle ages. Third edition. 1896. xv, [l], 714 p. [vol. 2-3.] Modern times: The mercantile system. Laissez faire. 1903. 2 vol. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 17 Cunningham, William. 330.942 P20I 9641 The growth of English industry and commerce in modern times, xvi,//! p. 2 tables. O. Cambridge: University Press, 1892. "List of authorities", p. 704-738. Cunningham, William, 1849- 330.942 Qyoo 88567 The growth of English industry and commerce in modern times. By W. Cunningham, .... Cambridge, University Press, 1907. 2 vol. 23 cm . (On cover: Growth of English industry and commerce, [2-3].) "Bibliographical index," vol. 2, p. [943J-998. Contents. pt. I. The mercantile system, xxxviii, 608 p. pt. 2. Laissez faire. xii, [609]-I039 p. Cunningham, William, & McArthur, Ellen A. 330.942 PSOO 6 Outlines of English industrial history. xii,274 p. D. [Cam- bridge historical series.] Cambridge: University Press, 1895. Dircks, Henry, 1806-1873. 1609.298 D63 iio88 -pk e }jf e> t j mes an( j scientific labours of the second Marquis of Worcester. To which is added, a reprint of his Century of inventions, 1663, with a commentary thereon, by Henry Dircks, .... London, B. Quaritch, 1865. xxiv, 624 p. incl. illus., facsims. 2 port. (incl. front.), I fold. plan. 23. With reproduction of the original t.-p. of "A century of the names and scantlings of such inventions as at present I can call to mind to have tried and perfected." "Editions of the Century," p. 374-375. "Catalogue of early scientific works," p. 589-597. "Catalogue of books either quoted or consulted," p. 598-604. Only 30 copies printed. Gibbins, Henry de Beltgens. 330.942 Pyoo The industrial history of England. Fifth edition, revised. x,24O p. il. 5 maps. D. [University extension series.] London: Methuen & Co., 1897. Gibbins, Henry de Beltgens. 330.942 P6oi 14312 Industry in England. Historical outlines. xix,[i],479 p. il. 5 maps. O. London: Methuen & Co., 1896. 93(81 Holyoake, George Jacob, 1817-1906. 334-942 17 Self-help a hundred years ago. By George Jacob Holyoake, .... London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1888. vii, 214, [2] p. i9 cm . 0358 Hopkins, Thomas. 330.942 J4oo Great Britain for the last forty years; being an historical and analytical account of its finances, economy, & general condition, during that period. By Thomas Hopkins. London, Simpkin and Marshall, 1834. xi, 340 p. i6i cm . 1 8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Innes, Arthur Donald, 1863- 330.942 1J200 101089 England's industrial development; a historical survey of com- merce and industry, by Arthur D. Innes, .... London, Riving- tons, 1912. xvi, 374 p. 2O cm . Kennedy, William. 336.42 R300 94072 E n gii sn taxation, 1640-1799. An essay on policy and opinion, by William Kennedy. London, G. Bell & Sons, 1913. ix, 199, [i] p. 23 cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Levy, Hermann, 1881- 338-8 Qgo7 90364 M on0 pc>i e) Kartelle und Trusts in ihren Beziehungen zur Organi- sation der kapitalistischen Industrie, dargestellt an der Entwick- lung in Grossbritannien, von Dr. Hermann Levy .... Jena, G. Fischer, 1909. xiv, 322, [2] p. 24i cm . Mantoux, Paul. 1330.942 Q6oi 83135 La revolution industrielle au XVlll e siecle. Essai sur les com- mencements de la grande Industrie moderne en Angleterre, par Paul Mantoux, .... Paris, Societe nouvelle de librairie et d 'edi- tion (G. Bellais), 1906. [5L 543. CO P- iUus., I diagr. 25^. "Bibliographic," p. [SO3J-S34- Contents. Introduction. i. p tie . Les antecedents. 2. p tie . Grandes inventions et grandes entreprises. 3. p tie . Les consequences immediates. Meredith, Hugh Owen. 330.942 Q8oo 101090 Outlines of the economic history of England ; a study in social development, by H. O. Meredith, .... London, Bath and New York, Sir I. Pitman & Sons, [1908]. viii, 366 p. I plan, 2 fold, diagr. 22 cm . On cover: Pitman's Economic history of England. "Bibliography," p. 353-355. Mundell, Alexander. 330.942 J20O 90375 ^ comparative view of the industrial situation of Great Britain, from 1775 to the present time .... By Alexander Mundell, esq. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, [etc.], 1832. xv > !33> E 1 ] P- i fld. table. 2i cm . INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 19 Philp, Robert Kemp, 1819-1882. 309.42 Lgoi The history of progress in Great Britain. By Robert Kemp Philp. With numerous illustrations, by W. Newman, C. Mel- ville, J. Gilbert, H. C. Maguire, etc. Agriculture, roads, car- riages, water conveyances, domestic architecture, shipping, navi- gation, geographical discovery. London, Houlston and Wright, 1859. xiv, 386 p. col. front., 9 pi., 2 maps (i fold.), i fold, facsim. 2^ cm . Poole, Reginald Lane, 1857- 33 6 -4 2 R2O 96278 The Exchequer in the twelfth century. The Ford lectures de- livered in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term, 1911, by Reginald L. Poole, ... . Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1912. , 195. CO P- 2 3 cm - Porter, George Richardson. 3 I 4- 2 6 12068 -r^e p r0 g ress o f the nation, in its various social and economical relations, from the beginning of the nineteenth century. A new edition. xxiii,846 p. O. London: J. Murray, 1847. Porter, George Richardson, 1792-1852. 314.2 Lioo 90381 f^g p rO gress of the nation, in its various social and economical relations, from the beginning of the nineteenth century. By G. R. Porter, .... A new edition. London, J. Murray, 1851. xxvii, 843, [i] p. incl. tables. 22i cm . Contents. Population. Production. Interchange. Public revenue and expend- iture. Consumption. Accumulation. Moral progress. Colonies and foreign de- pendencies. Porter, George Richardson, 1792-1852. 314-2 R2OO The progress of the nation in its various social and economic re- lations from the beginning of the nineteenth century, by G. R. Porter. A completely new edition, revised and brought up to date, by F. W. Hirst, .... London, Methuen & Co., ltd., [1912]. xvi, [2], 735 p. incl. tables. 22i cm . Contents. I. Population. 2. Trades and occupations. 3. Wages (nominal and real), prices, and employment. 4. Pauperism. 5. Housing and rent. 6. Crime, drink, insanity. 7. The progress of education. 8. Local government in general. 9. The rising standard of comfort. 10. British agriculture, 1800-1850. n. British agri- culture from 1850. 12. British mines and mining. 13. Iron and steel manufactures. 14. Machinery, engineering, shipbuilding, and electrical trades. 15. The minor metal trades, hardware, glass, and pottery. 16. (a). Introduction to the textile industries. 16. (b). Gotten. 17. Wool. 18. Other textile trades, silk, linen, jute, and hemp. 19. Leather, boots and shoes. 20. Hosiery, lace, hats and gloves. 21. Paper and printing trades. 22. The chemical and soap trades. 23. Timber, and the building trade. 24. Food supplies and consumption. 25. Beer, wine, spirits, and tobacco. 26. A view of our foreign commerce and navigation in the first half of the nineteenth century. 27. British foreign trade (imports and exports), 1850-1910. 28. Progress of British shipping. 29. Internal communication. 30. The post office. 31. The coinage sys- tem of Great Britain and the empire. 32. Paper currency and banking, 1800-1850. 33. Progress of banking, 1850-1900. 34. Insurance. 35. Public revenue and expend- iture, 1800-1850. 36. National expenditure and debt, 1850-1910. 37. Taxation and commercial policy, 1840-1910. 38. The growth of wealth and capital. 20 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Price, Langford Lovell [Frederick Rice] . 330.942 Qoo2 28254 j^ short history of English commerce and industry. xi,252 p. D. London: E. Arnold, 1900. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. 330.942 M6oo zm A history of agriculture and prices in England from the year after the Oxford parliament (1259) to the commencement of the Con- tinental war (1793). Compiled entirely from original and con- temporaneous records. 7 vol. in 8. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1866-1902. Contents: Vol. 1-2. 1259-1400. 2vol. 1866. 01.3-4. 1401-1582. 2vol. 1882. Vol. 5-6. 1583-1702. 2vol. 1887. Vol.7. I 73~ I 793- Edited with sundry additions by one of his sons [Arthur G. L. Rogers]. I vol. in 2, paged continuously; vol. i: xv,i-599 p; vol. 2: xv,6oi~966 p. 1902. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold, 1823-1890. 330.942 0900 ' The industrial and commercial history of England. (Lectures delivered to the University of Oxford), by the late James E. Thorold Rogers, .... Edited by his son, Arthur G. L. Rogers. London, T. F. Unwin, 1892. xi, 473 p. 23i cm . Taylor, R. Whately Cooke. 338.4 06oo 5598 introduction to a history of the factory system. xviii,44i p. O. London: R. Bentley & Son, 1886. Toynbee, Arnold, 1852-1883. 330.942 0302 90396 Lectures on the industrial revolution in England ; popular ad- dresses, notes and other fragments, by the late Arnold Toynbee, .... Together with a short memoir by B. Jowett, .... Lon- don, Rivingtons, 1884. xxxvii, [2], 256 p. 23 cm . Toynbee, Arnold. 330.942 0400 17913 Lectures on the industrial revolution of the i8th century in England. Popular addresses, notes and other fragments. To- gether with a short memoir by B. Jowett. [Edited by Alfred Milner.] Fifth edition with appendix. xxxvii,3i9p. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green & Co., 1896, pref., 1884. Contents: Ricardo and the old political economy. The industrial revolution. Popu- lar addresses: I. Wages and natural law. 2. Industry and democracy. 3. Are radicals socialists? The education of co-operators. The ideal relation of church and state. Notes and jottings. Tughan-Baranovskij, Michail [Ivanovich]. 380.9420002 4 Studien zur Theorie und Geschichte der Handelskrisen in Eng- land. Von Dr. Michael von Tugan-Baranowsky. viii,[2],425 p. 2 il. 3 pi. of tables, 3 tables. O. Jena: G. Fischer, 1901. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 21 Ure, Andrew, 1778-1857. 338.941^100 The philosophy of manufactures; or, An exposition of the sci- b entitle, moral, and commercial economy of the factory system of Great Britain. By the late Andrew Ure, .... Third edition. Continued in its details to the present time, by P. L. Simmonds. London, H. G. Bohn, 1861. xvi, 766 (i.e. 778) p. front., illus., I fold, table. l8 cm . Appendix. 1860. Progress of manufactures since 1836. p. [467*3-756. P. [467*3-480* inserted between p. 478 and 481. Ward, Thomas Humphry, 1845- cd. 309.42 0703 ' The reign of Queen Victoria. A survey of fifty years of progress, edited by Thomas Humphry Ward, .... In two volumes, .... London, Smith, Elder, & Co., 1887. 2 vol. 2 fold, front. 23 cm . Contents. vol. I. Ward, T. H. Legislation of the reign. Same. Foreign policy. Anson, Sir W. R. Constitutional development. Wolseley, G. J. Wolseley, 1st viscount. The army. Wilson, C. W. Note on the ordnance survey. Brassey, Thomas Brassey, 1st baron. The navy. Bowen, C. S. C. The administration of the law. Court- ney, L. H. Finance. Hatch, E. Religion and the churches. Ward, T. H. Colonial policy and progress. Maine, Sir H. S. India. Blennerhassett, Sir R. Ireland. [6], 594 p. 2 fold. maps. vol.2. Giffen, R. The growth and distribution of wealth. Mundella, A. J. 6 Howell, G. Industrial association. Ward, T. H. Locomotion and transport. Caird, Sir J. Agriculture. Slagg, J. The cotton trade and industry. Bell, Sir L. The iron trade and its allied industries. Arnold, M. Schools. Fyffe, C. A. The universities. Huxley, T. H. Science. Carter, R. B. Medicine and surgery. Garnett, R. Literature. Ward, T. H. Art. Archer, W. The drama. Parratt, Sir W. Music. [4], 620 p. 2 diagr. Wood, Sir Henry Trueman Wright, 1845- 33-94 2 8003 ! Industrial England in the middle of the eighteenth century, by Sir Henry Trueman Wood, .... London, J. Murray, 1910. xii, 197, [i] p. 20 cm . "This little book grew out of a paper read last April [1910] at a meeting of the Royal Society of Arts, in which the author endeavoured to describe the industrial condition of the country at the time of the foundation of the Society in 1754." Pref. Germany and Austria- Hungary Arnold, Wilhelm, 1826-1883. 333.3 Mioo 96201 Zur Geschichte des Eigentums in den deutschen Stadten. Mit Urkunden. Von Dr. Wilhelm Arnold. Basel, H. Georg, 1861. XV, [2], 486, [2] p. 23i. 22 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Austria. Patentamt. 608.436 Qgoo 9ooo6 Rii c kblick auf die Entwicklung der Technik wahrend des ersten Jahrzehntes der Tatigkeit des K. K. Patentamtes. 1899-1908. Wien, Lehmann & Wentzel, 1909. 53 p. 28x2i cm . Baden (Grand duchy). Fabrikinspektion. 331.794 Q700 80448 Hausindustrie und Heimarbeit im Grossherzogtum Baden zu An- fang des XX Jahrhunderts. Bericht an das Grossherzoglich Ba- dische Ministerium des Innern, erstattet von D r Karl Bittmann, Oberregierungsrat, Vorstand der Badischen Fabrikinspektion. Herausgegeben von der Fabrikinspektion. Karlsruhe, Macklot- 'sche Druckerei, 1907. [2], iv, x, 1207 p. incl. illus., tables (partly fold.) 2 pi., 2 maps (i fold.) 264 cm . "Literatur," p. 1195-1204. Bettgenhaeuser, Richard i.e. Karl Richard, ed. 609.43 PQOO 90019 .... Die Industrieen des Herzogthums Braunschweig. I. Theil. Im Auftrage der Handelskammer fur das Herzogthum Braun- schweig bearbeitet von Dr. Richard Bettgenhaeuser, .... Braun- schweig, Druck von A. Limbach G.m.b.H., 1899. x, [2], 245, [i] p. incl. tables. 24i cm . (Veroffentlichungen der Handelskam- mer fiir das Herzogthum Braunschweig. Erster Band.) Brauns, C 3<>5-3 8 v.is6 90316 Kurhessische Gewerbepolitik im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Von Dr. C. Brauns. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 191 1. x, [2], 130 p. 23 cm . (/ Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Heft 156.) "Literaturverzeichnis," I p. following contents. Dressel, Hans. 330.943 Q8o4 75069 j}j e Entwicklung von Handel und Industrie in Sonneberg. Von Hans Dressel, .... Gotha, F. A. Perthes Aktiengesellschaft 1909. viii, 137, [i] p. 22i cm . "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [i34]-i37- Ehrenberg, Richard, 1857- 33 - 1 Q 20 4 36417 Grosse Vermogeri. Ihre Entstehung und ihre Bedeutung, von Dr. Richard Ehrenberg .... Jena, G. Fischer, 1902-1905. 2 vol. 24 cm . Contents . I . Bd . Die Fugger Rothschild Krupp . 1 902 . viii , 2 1 o p . front . , illus., i fold. pi. 2. Bd. Das Haus Parish in Hamburg. 1905. xi, 150 p. illus., 4 port, on 2 leaves. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 23 Fechner, Hermann, 1834- ^330. 943 (^703 90072 Wirtschaftsgeschichte der preussischen Provinz Schlesien in der Zeit ihrer provinziellen Selbstandigkeit, 1741 1806. Nach den Akten des Geheimen Staatsarchivs und des Handelsministeriums in Berlin, des Staatsarchivs und des Oberbergamtarchivszu Bres- lau, dargestellt von Professor Dr. phil. Hermann Fechner. Bres- lau, S. Schottlaender, 1907. . [6], x, 735, [3] p. 2 8. Gross-Industrie. A609.436 Q8oo 1 Die Gross-Industrie Osterreichs. Festgabe zum glorreichen a sechzigjahrigen Regierungs-Jubilaum Seiner Majestat des Kaisers Franz Josef I. dargebracht von den Industriellen Osterreichs 1908. Wien, L.Weiss, 1908-1910. 4 vol. illus., 5 pi. (i col.) 44 cm . Hagen. Handelskammer. 330-943 74757 Geschichte der Industrie im markischen Sauerlande. Heraus- gegeben von der Handelskammer zu Hagen. Bearbeitet von Dr. Voye, Sekretar .... Hagen, O. Hammerschmidt, 1908-. Vol. i-. 23i cm . Heyne, Moriz, 1837-1906. 609.43 Q8oo 5 Das altdeutsche Handwerk. Aus dem Nachlass von Moriz Heyne. a Mit dreizehn Abbildungen im Text. Strassburg, K. J. Triibner, 1908. xiv, [2], 218 p. 13 illus. 24 cm . Preface signed: B. Crome. Originally intended to form the first half of vol. 4 of the author's "Fiinf Bttcher deut- scher Hausaltertumer", shelf number L390.943 P90O "Moriz Heyne. Nekrolog von Edward Schroder," p. [vii]-xiv. Heyne, Moriz, 1837-1906. 1,390.943 Pgoo 24534 Fiinf Biicher deutscher Hausaltertumer von den altesten geschicht- o b lichen Zeiten bis zum 16. Jahrhundert. Ein Lehrbuch von Moriz Heyne. Erster- [dritter] Band ..... Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1899- 1903. 3 vol. illus. 254 cm . No more publishedat the time of the author's death. The completed first half of vol. 4 was published separately in 1908 under the title: "Das altdeutsche Handwerk", and has shelf number 609.43 Q800 Contents. i. Bd. Das deutsche Wohnungswesen. 1899. vi, [2], 406 p. 2. Bd. Das deutsche Nahrungswesen. 1901. [6], 408 p. 3. Bd. Korperpflege und Kleidung. 1903. [8], 373, [i] p. 24 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Huber, Franz. 1,330.943 Q6O4 92078 Funfzig Jahre deutschen Wirtschaftslebens. Von Prof. Dr. F. C. Huber. Stuttgart, C. Griininger (Klett & Hartmann), 1906. 136 p. incl. tables. 25i cm . Inama-Sternegg, Karl Theodor Ferdinand 330 .943 Q9o8 Michael von, 1843-1908. Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Von Karl Theodor von Inama- Sternegg. Erster Band. Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1909. xxxviii, 755 p. 23 cm . Preface to the second edition signed: Dr. Job. Paul v. Inama. "Bibliography," vol. I, p. [xxvi] -xxxviii. Contents. Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte bis zum Schluss der Karolingerzeit. Juckenburg, Karl, 1882- 330.53 18 ser.3 v.2 15 ... . Das Aufkommen der Grossindustrie in Leipzig, von Dr. Karl Juckenburg. Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1913. viii, 188 p. incl. tables. 24 cm . (Volkswirtschaftliche und wirtschaftsgeschicht- liche Abhandlungen . . . in. Folge, Hft. 2.) Published also as the author's inaugural dissertation, Leipzig, 1912. "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [i87]-i88. Kollmann, Julius. 1670.943 Rioo 66797 Die Grossindustrie des Saargebiets. Eine zusammenhangende Darstellung der geschichtlichcn und technischen Etitwickhing bis auf den gegemviirtigcn Stand, von Ingenieur Dr. phil et jur. J. Koll- mann. Mit einer Karte und 50 Abbildungen. Stuttgart, Franck- 'sche Verlagshandlung, 1911. 80 p. 50 illus., I fold. map. 25.i cm . {Half-title: Deutsche Arbeit Bd. I.) Misselwitz, Alfred. 305-3 7 v.68 96266 j)j e E n twicklung des Gewerbes in Halle a. S. wahrend des 19. Jahrhunderts, von Dr. Alfred Misselwitz, .... Jena, G. Fischer, [8], 125 p. incl. tables. 25. (In Sammlung nationalokonomischer und statis- tischer Abhandlungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Halle a. d. S. Achtund- sechzigster Band.) Mummenhoff, Ernst. 1,309.43 2 v.8 97274 Der Handwerker in der deutschen Vergangenheit. Mit . . . Ab- bildungen und Beilagen nach den Originalen aus dem 15. 1 8. Jahrhundert. Leipzig, E. Diederichs, 1901. 141, [i] p. illus., 5 pi., 4 fold, facsim. 28 cm . (/ Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte, vin. Band.) Illus. t.-p. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 25 Munich. K. Technische Hochsefctrte. 1*609.43 Q 6o o29o D ars tellungen aus der Geschichte der Technik der Industrie und Landwirtschaft in Bayern. Festgabe der Koniglichen Techni- schen Hochschule in Munchen zur Jahrhundertfeier der Annahme der Konigswiirde durch Kurfiirst Maximilian IV. Joseph von Ba- yern. Munchen und Berlin, R. Oldenbourg, 1906. xv > [ 2 ]> 3 2 3 ? illus., XXI pi. (partly fold., incl. maps, plans.), diagrs. 29^ x 23i cm . "Literatur" with some monographs. Contents. Dyck, W. v. Einleitung. Die Technik in Bayern zur Zeit der Regierung Maximilian Josephs I. Giinther, S. Ein Riickblick auf die Anfange des technischen Schulwesens in Bayern. Streiter, R. Munchener Architektur um 1806 und 1906. Hahn, M. Sanitare Zustande und Einrichtungen in Munchen am Anfang des xix. Jahr- hunderts. Voit, E. Entwickelung der Beleuchtung und Beleuchtungstechnik. Giin- ther, S., &* Loewe, F. Bayerisches Karten- und Strassenwesen sonst und jetzt. Schmidt, M. Die Messung der Basis Miinchen-Aufkirchen und die erste topographische Aufnahme Bayerns zu beginn des xix. Jahrhunderts. Kreuter, F., &" Henle, E. Der Wasserbau in Bayern. Dietz, W. Die Entwickelung des Briickenbaues und Bayerns Anteilnahme im xix. Jahrhundert. Lynen, W. Die Eisenbahnen und ihre Einrichtungen nach Jos. v. Baader; Die neuen Schnellzuglokomotiven der pfalzischen Eisenbahnen. Camerer, R. Ein Meisterwerk im Bau von Wasserkraftmaschinen. Voit, E. Feinme- chanik in Bayern. Hoyer, E. von. Die Faserstoffindustrie, Spinnerei, Weberei, Papier- fabrikation. Schultz, G. Die chemische Industrie Bayerns zu Anfang des XIX. und zu Anhang des xx. Jahrhunderts; Cber die Glasindustrie Bayerns vor 100 Jahren und in der Jetztzeit; Ober die Tonindustrie Bayerns vor 100 Jahren und in der Gegenwart. Lint- ner, C. Das Brauwesen. Kraus, C. Der Zustand der bayerischen Landwirtschaft vor 100 jahren im allgemeinen; Acker- und Pflanzenbau in Bayern vor loo Jahren. Pott, E. Landwirtschaftliche Tierproduktion. Schmoller, Gustav, 1838- 33-943 Nooi uoEoe 2 ur Geschichte der deutschen Kleingewerbe im 19. Jahrhundert. Statistische und nationalokonomischeUntersuchungen, von Gustav Schmoller. Halle, Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1870. xvi, 704 p. incl. tables. i8 cm . Contents. Ein Riickblick ins i8te Jahrhundert. Die Hauptresultate der preus- sischen Aufnahmen von 1795-1861. Die Hauptresultate der Aufnahmen in Baden, Wiirttemberg, Baiern und Sachsen im igten Jahrhundert. Die Umgestaltung von Pro- duktion und Verkehr im igten Jahrhundert. Die lokale und geschaftliche Vertheilung der Gewerbetreibenden. Der Kampf des grossen und kleinen Betriebs in emzelnen Gewerbszweigen . Tyszka, Carl von. 33 I -943 Q704 i734 Handwerk und Handvverker in Bayern im 18. Jahrhundert. Eine wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Studie iiber die bayerische Ge- werbeverfassung im 18. Jahrhundert, von Carl von Tyszka. Mun- chen, E. Reinhardt, 1907. vii, [2], 116, [i] p. incl. tables. 24 cm . France Avenel, Georges d'. 330.944 PSOO 17918 La fortune privee a travers sept siecles. xiv,4ii p. D. Paris: A. Colin & C ie , 1895. 26 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 90306 Avenel, Georges d', vicomte, 1855- 1^330. 9 P400 Histoire economique de la propriete, des salaires, des denrees, et de tous les prix en general, depuis Tan 1200 jusqu'en 1'an 1800, par le vicomte G. d'Avenel ..... Tome l-[v]. Paris, Impri- merie Rationale, 1894-1909. 5 vol. tables. 27i cm . Vol. 3-5 published by E. Leroux. "Ouvrage couronne par 1' Academic des sciences morales et politiques. (Prix Rossi en 1890 et en 1892.)" Biollay, Le*on, 1830- 338.50600 66709 Etudes economiques sur le xvm e siecle. Les prix en 1790. Par Leon Biollay. Paris, Guillaumin et c' e , 1886. [4], viii, 508 p. 22 cm . Bloch, Camille. 330.944 Qoo3 34282 Etudes sur 1'histoire economique de fe France (17601789). Preface de M. Emile Levasseur. ix,269,[2] p. I table. O. Paris: A. Picard & fils, 1900. Contents: Le commerce des grains dans la generalite d'Orle'ans (1768). La reparti- tion de la propriete fonciere a la veille de la revolution dans quelques paroisses de la generalite d'Orleans. Les assemblies municipales de 1787; leur caractere economique; leur fonctionnement. Les cahiers du bailliage d'Orleans au point de vue economique. Un projet de credit agricole au siecle dernier. Le traite de commerce de 1786, entre la France et 1'Angleterre, d'apras la correspondence du plenipotentiaire anglais. Boissonnade, Prosper Marie. 1,330.944 Qoo2 90313 Essai sur 1'organisation du travail .en Poitou, depuis le xi e siecle jusqu'a la revolution, par P. Boissonnade, .... Tome premier - [second]. Paris, H. Champion, 1900. 2 vol. 25 cm . "Sources manuscrites et imprimees," vol. 2, p. Boissonnade, Prosper Marie, 1862- 1,330.944 Q6oi ' Les etudes relatives a 1'histoire economique de la Revolution frangaise (1789-1804) par P. Boissonnade, .... Paris, L. Cerf, 1906. [4], 168 p. 26 cm . ( On cover: Publications de la Revue de synthese historique.) Bibliographical foot-notes. Des Cilleuls, Alfred. 609.44 P8oo ' Histoire et regime de la grande Industrie en France aux xvii e & XVlir 3 siecles. [2], 406 p. O. Paris: V. Giard & E. Briere, 1898. 101091 Dutil, Le'on. ^330.944 RIOI L'etat economique du Languedoc a la fin de 1'ancien regime (1750-1789) par Leon Dutil, ... . Paris, Hachette & c ie , 1911. xxiv, 961, [i] p. 25i cm . "Bibliographic," p. [xiii]-xxiv. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 27 Fagniez, Gustave Charles, 1842- 330.944 P8oo 29022 Documents relatifs a 1'histoire de 1'industrie et du commerce en a France l-[ll]. Publics avec une introduction par M. Gustave Fagniez. Paris, A. Picard & fils, 1898-1900. ?, vol. 23 cm ., (Collection de textes pour servir a Petude et a Penseignement de 1'histoire.) Bibliography, vol. I, p. Ivii-lxii; vol. 2, p. Ixxvi. Contents. I. Depuis le i er siecle avant J.-C. jusqu'a la fin du xm e siecle. 1898. [4], Ixiv, 349 p. 2. xiv e et xv e siecles. 1900. [4], Ixxix, 345 p. Farmer, Jean. 670.944 Rioo 99343 .... Messieurs les fabriciens, histoires lyonnaises. Paris, B. Grasset, 1911. [4], 272, [2] p. I9 cm . At head of title: Jean Farmer. Gras, L J 1380.944 Roo2 93148 .... Histoire du commerce local et des industries qui s'y rat- tachent dans la region stephanoise et forezienne (alimentation, vehement et toilette, habitation, professions diverses, etc.). Saint- Etienne, J. Thomas et c ie , 1910. [2], viii, 841 p. incl. tables. 25i cm . At head of title: L.-J. Gras. Joublesu, Felix. 330.944 L6oo Etudes sur Colbert; ou, Exposition du systeme d'economie poli- tique suivi en France de 1661 a 1683, par M. Felix Joubleau Tome premier- [second]. Paris, Guillaumin et c ie , 1856. 2 vol. tables. 22 cm . "Ouvrage couronne par P Academic des sciences morales et politiques." Levasseur, Emile. L330.944 Qooi ' Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de 1'industrie en France avant 1789. Deuxieme edition (entierement refondue). 2 vol. Q. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1900-1901. Levasseur, Emile i.e. Pierre Emile, 1828-1911. 338.5 PSOO 3 Les prix ; apergu de 1'histoire economique de la valeur et du revenu de la terre en France du commencement du Xlll e siecle a la fin du xviii 6 . Avec un appendice sur le prix du froment et sur les disettes depuis 1'an 1200 jusqu'a Fan 1891, par M. E. Le- vasseur Paris, Typographic Chamerot et Renouard, 1893. 148 p. incl. tables. 22 cm . "Extrait des Memoires de la Societe nationale d'agriculture de France, tome cxxxv. 1893." 28 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Marquet de Vasselot, Jean Joseph. 1,609.44 03 49427 L'histoire des arts industriels en France du XVi e au xix e siecle. Etat des travaux et questions a traiter. [Paris, 1903.] [38i]-397P- 25i cm - Caption tide. Signed: J.-J. Marquet de Vasselot. Extracted from Revue d' histoire moderne et contemporaine . . . tome IV, no. VI. 15 mars, 1903. Martin, Germain. 1,609.44 ^900 * La grande Industrie sous le regne de Louis XIV (plus particuliere- mentde 1660 a 1715). [4] ,11,446 p. I por. Q. Paris: A. Rous- seau, 1899. "Bibliographic et sources," p. 1-5. Martin, Germain. 1,609.44 Q OQI 90368 .... La grande Industrie en France sous le regne de Louis XV, par Germain Martin, .... Paris, A. Fontemoing, 1900. [4], 402 p. 254 cm . ( Bibliotheque de la Societe des etudes historiques. Fascicule III. Fondation Raymond.) Moreau de Jonne*s, Alexandra, 1778-1870. 33-944 M70I 90372 tat e" cc >nomique et social de la France, depuis Henri IV jusqu'a Louis XIV, 15893. 1715. Par A. Moreau de Jonnes, .... Paris, C. Reinwald, 1867. [4], 491, [I] p. 22i<= Icm Parmentier, A ,1865- 609 Q8o2 90294 .... Les metiers et leur histoire. Les boulangers. Les bou- chers. Patissiers et confiseurs. Les epiciers. Magons et tail- leurs de pierres. Les tisserands. Les drapiers. Tailleurs et couturieres. Les medicins. Les imprimeurs et les libraires. Les peintres, etc. Par A. Parmentier. 130 gravures. Paris, A. Colin, 1908. xii, 142, [2] p. incl. illus., plates. 2O cm . ("La petite bibliotheque," Serie B., Histoire anecdotique.) Vitrac, Maurice, ed. 1944 R300 948 " La France. Histoire et geographic economiques. Etudes redi- gees sous la direction de M. Maurice Vitrac, .... Paris, [Crete- Corbeil, printer, 1913-]. Vol. i-. illus. 28 cm . Italy Spain Bonn, Moritz Julius. 33-53 2 10694 Spaniens Niedergang wahrend der Preisrevolution des 16. Jahr- hunderts. Ein induktiver Versuch zur Geschichte der Quantitats- theorie. viii,i99p. [/;/ Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, no. 12.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1896. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 29 Doren, Alfred. 330 .945 Qioo 9 Studien aus der florentiner Wirtschaftsgeschichte Vol. I . O. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1901. Contents: Vol. I. Die florentiner Wollentuchindustrie vom vierzehnten bis zum sechs- zehnten Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des modernen Kapitalismus. xxii, 583, [I] p. 1901. Goury du Roslan, Jules. 330-946 08oo s Essai sur 1'histoire economique de 1'Espagne, par J. Goury du Roslan .... Paris, Guillaumin & c ie , [1888]. [6], 355 P . 22' m . Hartmann, Ludwig Moritz, 1863- 330-945 Q40O 48407 Zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Italiens im friihen Mittelalter. Ana- lekten von Ludo Moritz Hartmann. Gotha, F. A. Perthes, 1904. [4], 131 p. I fold, table. 22i cra . Contents. Bemerkungen zum Codex Bavarus. Zur Geschichte der Ziinfte im friihen Mittelalter. Die Wirtschaft des Klosters Bobbio im 9. Jahrhundert. Comac- chio und der Po-Handel. Marktrecht und Munera. Anhang i. Ubereinkunft zwischen den Langobarden und den Comacchiesen (715). 2. Urkunde Konig Hilde- prands fur Bischof Thomas von Piacenza ( 744 ) . 3. Bestatigung der Urkunde Konig Hildeprands durch Konig Ratchis (746). 4. Verordnung Walas, Abtes von Bobbio (834-836). 5. Die Einkiinfte des Klosters Bobbio. Necco, Achille. 338.5 Roo8 5 .... La curva dei prezzi delle merci in Italia negli anni 1881- 1909. Torino, Societa tipografico-editrice nazionale (gia Roux e Viarengo), 1910. 107 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 25 cra . ( On cover: Studi del Laboratorio di economia politica "S. Cognetti De Martiis" della R. Universita e del Regio politecnico di To- rino, IX.) At head of title: Achille Necco. Prato, Giuseppe. 1330.945 2 v.2 ' . . . . La vita economica in Piemonte a mezzo il secolo XVIII. Torino, Societa tipografico-editrice nazionale, 1908. xxvii, 470 p. incl. tables. 3ii cm . (/ Documenti finanziari degli stati della mo- narchia piemontese (secolo xvm ). Raccolta pubblicata sotto gli auspici del Ministero del tesoro. Serie I. Illustrazioni storiche e documenti, volume n.) At head of title: Giuseppe Prato. Sensini, Guido. 330. 945 9401 3 .... Le variazioni dello stato economico dTtalia neH'ultimo trentennio del secolo XIX. (Con due grandi tavole fuori testo). Saggio di semiologia economica. Roma, E. Loescher & Co. (Bretschneider e Regenberg), 1904. [8], 368 p. 2 fold, diagr. 25.i cm . At head of title: Guido Sensini. 3 o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY The'ry, Edmond, 1856- 330.945 . 330.9492 Q6oo 8 Onderzoekingen over de economische en sociale ontwikkeling van Amsterdam gedurende de i6de en het eerste kwart der I7de eeuw. Door Dr. W. van Ravesteyn jr. Amsterdam, S. L. van Looy, 1906. xiii, [2], 377 p. 4 fold, tables. 25i cm . Other European countries Daniel'son, Nikolai Frantsovich. 330.947 P8oi 90322 Histoire du developpement economique de la Russie depuis 1'af- franchissement des serfs, par Nicolas-on. Traduit du russe par Gg. Paris, V. Giard & E. Briere, 1902. vii, 523 p. 1 6 (i.e. 17) tables. 23 jcm Franz Joseph Prinz von Battenberg, 1861- 330.9497 Pool 47701 Die volkswirthschaftliche Entwicklung Bulgariens von 1879 bis zur Gegenwart. Nach amtlichen Quellen bearbeitet. Von Franz Joseph Prinz von Battenberg. Leipzig, Veit & Co., 1891. X, 202 p. 26 cm . Hildebrand, Hans [Olof Hildebrand]. 571. 0948 P200 81757 The industrial arts of Scandinavia in the pagan time. New edi- tion. viii,I50p. 129 il. D. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 31 Sering, Max, 1857- , ed. 330.947 R300 95579 R uss i anc i s Kultur und Volkswirtschaft. Aufsatze und Vortrage im Auftrage der Vereinigung fur Staatswissenschaftliche Fortbil- dung zu Berlin, herausgegeben von Max Sering. Berlin und Leipzig, G. J. Goschen'sche Verlagshandlung, 1913. viii, 283, [i] p. incl. illus., tables. 2j cm . "Literatur," p. viii. Contents. Geleitwort des Herausgebers. Die religiosen Grundlagen der russischen Kultur. Von Dr. Holl. Die Bedeutung der neueren russischen Literatur? Von Dr. Bruckner. Die Grundziige des russischen Rechts. Von Dr. Neubecker. Die innere Entwicklung Russlands seit 1905. Von Professor Dr. Hoetzsch. Die wirtschaftsgeo- graphischen Grundlagen der russischen Volkswirtschaft. Von Dr. Ballod. Zur Beur- teilung der russischen Agrarreform. Von Dr. Auhagen. Die russische Agrargesetzge- bung und ihre Durchfiihrung in der Praxis. Von A. Koefoed. Russische Industrie. Von Dr. O. Goebel. Die Petersburger Industrie. Von Wossidlo. Die russischen Finanzen. Von Dr. Wilkow. Russlands Stellung in der Weltwirtschaft. Von Dr. K. Wiedenfeld. Worsaae, Jens Jacob Asmussen. 571.0948 0200 12462 y ne industrial ar t s o f Denmark from the earliest times to the Dan- ish conquest of England. 2 parts in I. il. map. D. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, 1882. Asia Blagowiestschensky, Georg. 340.053 i v-46 12 Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Turkestans, von Georg Blago- wiestschensky, .... Berlin, E. Ebering, 1913. [ 6 L [5]-!97 P- in d. illus., map, tables, diagrs. 234. (/ Rechts- und Staats- wissenschaftliche Studien, Heft XLVI.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [5]-6. Dutt, Romesh Chunder, 1 848- 330.954 Q2OO The economic history of British India. A record of agriculture and land settlements, trade and manufacturing industries, finance and administration, from the rise of the British power in 1757 to the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837, by Romesh Dutt, ... . London, K. Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., ltd., 1902. xxiv, 459 p. incl. tables. 22 cm . Appendix: India in 1900 [statistical table] . Fukuda, Tokuzo. 330.53 2 v-42 ' Die gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Entwickelung in Japan von Tokuzo Fukuda, .... Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1900. x, 190 p. 23 cm . (/ Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, 42. Stuck.) "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. [vii]-x. Originally appeared as Inaug.-dis. Munich. 32 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Ghosh, Henry Hemantakumar. 609.54 Rooi 52902 The advancement of industry. Being a study of certain manufac- turing industries in India with suggestions for their development, by Henry Hemantakumar Ghosh, .... With 32 illustrations. Calcutta, R. Cambray & Co., 1910. ix, [l], 222 p. XXXII pi. 2I cm . Homan van der Heide, J 1*330. 959 Qyoo 68916 j ne econom j ca i development of Siam during the last half century. By J. Homan van der Heide ..... Bangkok, 1907. cover-title, 28 p. 24 cm . "Reprinted from the Journal of the Siam Society, vol. Ill, part 2." Rein, Johann Justus. 1,609.52 0900 27432 Y^g i nc j us t r ies of Japan. Together with an account of its agri- culture, forestry, arts, and commerce. From travels and re- searches undertaken at the cost of the Prussian goVernment. xii,57O p. 20 il. 24 pi. ii colored, 3 maps. Q. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1889. Africa Moszkowski, Max, 1873- 1^330.8 13 v-5 84335 .... Vom Wirtschaftsleben der primitiven Volker. (Unter be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der Papua von Neuguinea und der Sakai von Sumatra.) Vortrag gehalten am 10. Juli 1911 im In- stitut fiir Seeverkehr und Weltwirtschaft zu Kiel, von Dr. Max Moszkowski. Jena, G. Fischer, 1911. [4], 49 p. 28i cm . (/ Probleme der Weltwirtschaft. Schriften des Institute fiir Seeverkehr und Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel, v.) Stuhlmann, Franz, 1863- ^325.053 Hi7 v.i BOOS? Handwerk und Industrie in Ostafrika. Kulturgeschichtliche Be- trachtungen von Dr. Franz Stuhlmann, nebst einem Anhang : Die Gewinnung des Eisen bei den -Nyamwezi von R. Stern. Mit 77 Abbildungen, 4 Kartchen imText und 2 Tafeln, .... Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co. (L. & R. Friederichsen), 1910. xiv, 163 p. 77 illus., II maps. 29^ um . (/ Abhandlungen des Hamburgischen Kolonialinstituts, Band I.) Thonnar, Albert. ^330.967 1 Essai sur le systeme economique des primitifs d'apres les popula- tions de 1'Etat independant du Congo ; par Albert Thonnar, .... Bruxelles, P. Weissenbruch, 1901. XV, 121 p. 25 cm . INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 33 United States Allen, Nellie Burnham, 1864- 609.73 Rooi 90302 Industrial studies, United States, by Nellie B. Allen, .... Bos- ton, London, [etc.], Ginn and Co., ["1910]. xii, 335 p. illus. i8 cm . Bishop, John Leander. 670.973 M8oo 13500 ^ history of American manufactures from 1608 to 1860: ... , with a notice of the important inventions, tariffs, and the results of each decennial census. With an appendix, containing statis- tics of the principal manufacturing centres, and descriptions of remarkable manufactories at the present time. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 3vol. pi. of por. O. Philadelphia: E. Young & Co., 1868. Bogart, Ernest Ludlow, 1870- 330-973 0?o6 90312 -p ne econom i c history of the United States, by Ernest Ludlow Bogart, ... . New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., ['1907]. xv, 522 p. incl. front., illus., tables. 7 maps. 2i cm . {Half -title : Longman's commercial text-books.) "Selected references," at end of chapters. "Bibliography," p. 471-502. Bruce, Philip Alexander. 330.9755 18064 Economic history of Virginia in the seventeenth century. An inquiry into the material condition of the people, based upon original and contemporaneous records. 2 vol. map. O. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1896. "Bibliography," vol. I, p. xv-xix. Coman, Katharine, 1857- 33-973 Q$oo 90050 The i n d us trial history of the United States, for high schools and colleges, by Katharine Coman, .... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1905. xviii, 343, xxiv p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 26 pi., 7 maps incl. front. igb cm . "Illustrative readings," p. ix-x. "Bibliography," p. xi-xxiv, at end. Coman, Katharine, 1857- 330.9731*006 ' The industrial history of the United States. New and revised edi- tion. By Katharine Coman, .... New York, The Macmillan Company, 1911. xvi, [2], 461 p. front., illus., 30 pi., II maps. I94 cm . "Bibliography," p. 428-451. 34 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Documentary history. 330 .973 Qgoi 101093 ^ documentary history of American industrial society. Edited by John R. Commons, Ulrich B. Phillips, Eugene A. Gilmore, Helen L. Sumner, and John B. Andrews. Prepared under the the auspices of the American Bureau of Industrial Research, with the co-operation of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. With preface by Richard T. Ely and introduction by John B. Clark. Volume l-[x]. Cleveland, O., The A. H. Clark Com- pany, 1910-1911. 10 vol. in ii (vol. 5-10). 24i cm . "Bibliography," vol. I, p. [1051-107; vol. 5, p. [39]. "References," vol. 7, p. [151]. "Finding list of sources quoted," vol. 10, p. [I37]-I55- Contents. vol. 1-2. Plantation and frontier. 1910. 2 vol. 3 facsim. (2 fold.) vol. 3-4, and suppl. Labor conspiracy cases. 1910. 3 vol. 2 facsim. vol. 5-10. Labor movement. 1910-1911. 6 vol. 6 fronts., ports, on 9 pi., i diagr., 5 facsim Gerhard, Hermann, 1869- 380.53 4 v.i 93146 Die volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Sudens der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika von 1860 bis 1900. Von Dr. Hermann Gerhard. Halle a. S., Gebauer-Schwetschke Druckerei und Ver- lag m. b. H., 1904. 4, ii, 3-98, [2] p. 24i cm . (/ Angewandte Geographic, I. Serie, 12. Heft.) Abridged from the author's Inaug-Dis. Heidelberg, 1903. Greeley, Horace, & others. 609.73 Nioo 13559 y^e g rea f- industries of the United States : being an historical sum- mary of the origin, growth, and perfection of the chief industrial arts of this country: by Horace Greeley, . ... , and other eminent writers ...... 1304 p. il. 15 pi. O. Hartford : J. B. Burr & Hyde, 1872. Jackson, Giles B 309.75 Q8i3 90122 The industrial history of the negro race of the United States. [By] Giles B. Jackson and D. Webster Davis. Richmond, Va., The Virginia Press, [ C i9o8]. 400 p. incl. illus., ports. 22 cm . Macfarlane, John James, 1846- 670.9748 R200 90386 Manufacturing in Philadelphia, 1683-1912. With photographs of some of the leading industrial establishments. By John J. Macfarlane, .... [Philadelphia], Philadelphia Commercial Mu- seum, 1912. ioi p. illus., 2 fold. pi. 23i cm . McMaster, John Bach, 1852- 973 0300 isees j hj storv O f the p e0 pi e O f the United States, from the Revolution a to the Civil War. By John Bach McMaster .... Volume I- [vill]. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1897, [ C i883]-I9i3. 8 vol. illus., 23 maps (partly fold.), 3 plans. 22i cm . INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 35 Moore, Joseph Roswell Hawley, 1877- 330-973 RSOI 94 An industrial history of the American people, by J. R. H. Moore, .... New York, The Macmillan Company, 1913. xiii, 496 p. illus. (incl. facsims.), 2 maps (i fold.) ig^ cm . Oxford-Print, Boston. 1609.74 1 New England industries. Brief historical sketches concerning twenty-five leading industries in New England. Compiled, illus- trated ... by Oxford-Print. Boston, Oxford-Print, [ C i9ii]. 102 p. mounted illus. 27i cm . Most leaves printed on one side only. Phillips, John Burton, 1866- 1,051 64 v.7 30615 Freight rates and manufactures in Colorado. A chapter in eco- nomic history, by John Burton Phillips. (In The University of Colorado studies, December, 1909. [Boulder, Col., 1909.] 2Sd cm . vol. vii, no. I, 62 p.) j * Professional and industrial history. 1974.410 P300 1 Professional and industrial history of Suffolk County, Massachu- setts ..... 3 vol. por. Q. [Boston:] Boston History Co., 1894. Contents: Vol. i. Davis, W. T. History of the Bench and Bar. Vol. 2. Hill, H. A. Trade, commerce and navigation. Williams, M., & Howes, O., Jr. Financial his- tory. Banking institutions, state and national. Bailey, D. P. Boston Clearing-House. Savings banks. Trust companies. Ernst, C. W. The postal service. Biographies. Vol. 3. Ernst, C. W. Constitutional history of Boston. Forster, E. J. Medical pro- fession of Suffolk county. Cummings, P. Street railway system of Boston. Norcross, F. W. Wholesale shoe trade of Suffolk County. . The hide and leather trade of Suffolk County. Industrial history of Suffolk County. Boston's relations to the tex- tile industry. The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. Biographies. Sioussat, St. George Leakin. 306.145 i v.2i ... . Economics and politics in Maryland, 1720-1750, and the public services of Daniel Dulany the elder, by St. George Lea- kin Sioussat, .... Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1903. 84 p. 24i cm . (/ Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, series xxi, nos. 6-7.) Weber, Adna Ferrin, 1870- . 330.9747 Q4oo 3 .... The growth of industry in New York. By Adna F. Weber .... Albany, N. Y., 1904. 60 p. illus., 8 fold. maps. i8 cm . (/ Monographs on social economics, iv.) At head of title: New York State Department of Labor. Exhibit at Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, 1904. Wright, Carroll Davidson. 330.973 PSOO The industrial evolution of the United States. 362 p. il. i por. 4 maps. D. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) Meadville, Penna. : Flood & Vincent, 1897. 36 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Wright, Carroll Davidson, 1840-1909. 33-973 84U! The "industrial evolution of the United States, by Carroll D. Wright, .... New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1910. x, 11-362 p. front, (port.), illus., 4 maps on end papers. 2O cm . Latin-America The Philippine Islands Birkinbine, John, 1844- 620.6126 10 v.26 96188 .... Industrial progress of Mexico. [By] John Birkinbine ... Read June 15, 1909 ... . [Philadelphia, 1909?] 38 p. illus. 25i cm . (/ Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, vol. xxvi, no. 3.) Caption title. "A trail through the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. [By] H. E. Birkinbine," p. 201-218. Gemmingen, Max, freiherr von. 380.53 4 V-3 pt.10 oo8 j)j e Entwickelung der Fabrikindustrie im lateinischen Amerika, von Max frhr. von Gemmingen Halle a. S., Gebauer- Schwetschke, 1910. [6], 197, [i] p. 22 cm . (/ Angewandte Geographic, in. Serie, 10. Heft.) First part published as: Inaug.-dis. Leipzig. "Quellenverzeichnis, " p. 101-103. Tornow, Max L 330.9914 Q 100 90396 j} ie w i r tschaftliche Entwickelung der Philippinen. Von Max L. Tornow. Mit 10 Vollbildern, 4 Tafeln und einer Karte. Berlin, H. Paetel, 1901. [ 2 ] S3 P- IO pl- 1 fld map, 4 diagr. (2 fold.) 22 cm . 609 History of guilds Bbhmert, Victor i.e. Carl Victor, 1829- 1*338.6 M200 93297 Beitrage zur Geschichte des Zunftwesens. Von Victor Bohmert. .... Gekronte Preisschrift. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1862. vii, [l], 144 p. 27 cm . {Added t.-p.: Preisschriften von der Fiirstlich Jablonow- skischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, IX.) Brouwer Ancher, A J M 338.6 P503 93594 -Q e giiden, door A. J. M. Brouwer Ancher. 's-Gravenhage, Loman &Funke, 1895. xii, 294 p. 20 cm . Gallion, Wilhelm. 338.6 Root 90339 j) er Ursprung der Ziinfte in Paris, von Wilhelm Gallion, .... Berlin und Leipzig, W. Rothschild, 1910. vii, [i], 118, [2] p. 24i cm . (Added t.-p.: Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte. Heft. 24.) "Verzeichnis der Hauptquellen," p. [viii]. GUILDS 37 Hauser, Henri, 1866- 1/338.6 Qyoi 90353 Les compagnonnages d'arts & metiers a Dijon au XVII 6 et XVIII 6 siecles, par H. Hauser, .... Avec la collaboration des etudiants en histoire de 1'Universite de Dijon. Paris, A. Picard etfils, 1907. [4], 220 p. 25^ cm . "Documents," p. [7i]-2i7. Hegel, Karl i.e. Friedrich Wilhelm Karl von, 338.6 Pi03 93149 1813-1901. Stadte und Gilden der germanischen Volker im Mittelalter. Von Karl Hegel. Erster- [zweiter] Band. Leipzig, Duncker & Hum- blot, 1891. 2 VOl. 22i cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Herbert, William, 1771-1851. 338.6 J6oo ' The history of the twelve great livery companies of London ; principally compiled from their grants and records. With an his- torical essay, and accounts of each company . . . including notices and illustrations of metropolitan trade and commerce, as originally concentrated in those societies . . . with attested copies and trans- lations of the companies' charters. By William Herbert, .... Vol. i-[n]. London, The author, 1836-1837. 2 vol. illus., i table. 22 cm . Vol. i, 1837. Hohmann, Josef. 338.6 QQ03 1 Das Zunftwesen der Stadt Fulda von seinen Anfangen bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Von Dr. Josef Hohmann, .... Fulda, Fuldaer Actiendruckerei, 1909. [8], 125, [2] P . 2 4 i. "Quellen," p. [7]; "Fuldaische Literatur. Allgemeine Literatur," p. [8]. Keutgen, Friedrich. 338.6 9300 41236 Aemter und Ziinfte. Zur Entstehung des Zunftwesens, von Dr. F. Keutgen .... Jena, G. Fischer, 1903. x, 256 p. 24<| cm . Lambert, Joseph Malet. 338.6 Pio2 Two thousand years of gild life ; or, An outline of the history and development of the gild system from early times, with special reference to its application to trade and industry ; together with a full account of the gilds and trading companies of Kingston- upon-Hull, from the I4th to the i8th century. By Rev. J. Malet Lambert, ... . Hull, A. Brown and Sons ; [etc., etc.], 1891. xi, 414 p. 6 pi., 2 port. (incl. front.), 3 facsim. 23 cm . "Bibliography," p. [399]~4O2. 38 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Linden, Herman van der, 1868- 1*338.6 P502 92448 Les gildes marchandes dans les Pays-Bas au Moyen Age, par Her- man vander Linden, .... Gand, Librairie Clemm (H. Engelcke successeur), 1896. [8], 126 p. 25i cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Lumsden, Harry. 1*338.6 R20i ***" History of the Hammermen of Glasgow. A study typical of Scottish craft life and organisation, by Harry Lumsden . . . and Rev. P. Henderson Aitken, .... Paisley, A. Gardner, 1912. xxv, [2], 446, [2] p. front., 15 pi. (partly fold.), ports, on 4 pi., 4 fold, facsim. 25i cm . "Authorities referred to," p. [xiii]-xv. Martin Saint-Leon, Etienne, 1860- 338.6 PQOO 94809 .... Les anciennes corporations de metiers et les syndicats pro- fessionnels. Conference faite le 1 1 decembre 1898 au Palais du commerce de Lyon, sous les auspices de la Societe d'economie politique et sociale. Paris, Guillaumin & c ie , 1899. 54 p. 2ii cm . At head of title: Etienne Martin Saint-Leon. Martin Saint-Le"on, Etienne. 338.6 P7oo ioi56 Histoire des corporations de metiers depuis leurs origines jusqu' a leur suppression en 1791. Suivie d'une Etude sur 1'evolution de 1'idee corporative au XIX siecle et sur les syndicats professionnels. [2],x,67i p. O. Paris: Guillaumin & C ie , 1897. Marwick, Sir James David, 1826-1908. 1-338.6 Qgo2 3476 Edinburgh guilds and crafts. A sketch of the history of burgess- ship, guild brotherhood, and membership of crafts in the city, by the late Sir James D. Marwick, .... Edinburgh, Printed for the Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1909. [4], 4, v-xi, 258 p. front, (port.) 26 cm . (Scottish Burgh Records Society. Publications. XXI.) Morse, Hosea Ballou. 338.6 Qgoo 90373 -phe gilds of China, with an account of the gild merchant or Co- hong of Canton, by Hosea Ballou Morse, .... With 2 illustra- tions. London, New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green and Co., 1909. ix, 92 p. 2 pi. (incl. front.) 23 cm . "Works cited," p. 86-87. GUILDS 39 Miiller, Walther i.e. K Walther, 1884- 338.6 Roo3 90926 2 ur Frage des Ursprungs der mittelalterlichen Ziinfte. Eine wirtschafts- und verfassungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, von Dr. phil. Walther Muller. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer, 1910. xii, 92 p. 24i cm . {Added t. -p.. Leipziger historische Abhandiungen. Heft XXII.) "Quellen und Literatur," p. [x]-xii. Nardin, L&m, 1857- L338.6 Roo2 ' Histoire des corporations d'arts et metiers des ville et comte de Montbeliard et des seigneuries en dependant. D'apres les papiers inedits de ces societes et les archives de la principaute, avec une planche de sceaux, par Leon Nardin, . . . [et] Julien Mauveaux, .... Paris, H. Champion, 1910. 2 vol. i pi. 25i cm . Pappenheim, Max, 1860- 338.60800 ' Ein altnorvvegisches Schutzgildestatut nach seiner Bedeutung flir die Geschichte des nordgermanischen Gildewesens erlautert von Dr. jur. Max Pappenheim, .... Breslau, W. Koebner, 1888. . [8], 167, [I] p. 22h cm . The statute is printed in Old Norwegian and German in parallel columns. Bibliographical foot-notes. Pied, Edouard. 1*338.6 Q304 93132 .... Les anciens corps d'arts et metiers de Nantes. Premier - [troisieme] volume. Nantes, Impr. R. Guist'hau, A. Dugas, succ r , 1903. 3 vol. 25 cm . At head of title: Edouard Pied, .... "Le present ouvrage, tire a 200 exemplaires, a etc commence le i er avril 1903 et acheve le 30 mars 1904.' Rebillon, Armand. 338-6 Q202 1 Recherches sur les anciennes corporations ouvrieres et marchan- des de la ville de Rennes, par Armand Rebillon, .... Paris, A. Picard et fils; Rennes, Plihon et Hommay, 1902. 247 p. 25 cm . "Bibliographic," p. [5]-i4. Schmoller, Gustav. 309.43^400 v.n 26401 Strassburg zur Zeit der Zunftkampfe und die Reform seiner Ver- fassung und Verwaltung im XV. Jahrhundert. Rede gehalten zur Feier des Stiftungsfestes der Universitat Strassburg am I. Mai 1875. Miteinem Anhang: enthaltend die Reformation der Stadt- ordnung von 1405 und die Ordnung der Flinfzehner von 1433. ix,[2],i64p. [///Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Volker, vol. 1 1.] Strassburg I875- 40 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Schmoller, Gustav. 331.0943 Ngoo 27708 j}j e s trassburger Tucher- und Weberzunft. Urkunden und Darstellung nebst Regesten und Glossar. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der deutschen Weberei und des deutschen Gewerberechts vom xm.-xvii Jahrhundert. xxi,[2],588 p. Q. Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1879. "Nach der Zeitfolge geordnetes Verzeichniss der beniitzten deutschen Quellen, welche sich auf die Weberei und die ihr verwandten Gewerbe- und Handelszweige ausserhalb Strassburgs beziehen," p. 554-583. Smith, Joshua Toulmin, 1816-1869, ed. 338.6 Nooi 93844 English gilds. The original ordinances of more than one hun- dred early English gilds : Together with ye olde vsages of ye cite of Wynchestre; the ordinances of Worcester; the office of the Mayor of Bristol; and the costomary of the manor of Tettenhall- Regis. From original mss. of the fourteenth and fifteenth centu- ries. Edited, with notes, by the late Toulmin Smith, .... With an introduction and glossary, &c., by his daughter, Lucy Toulmin Smith. And a preliminary essay in five parts, on the history and development of gilds, by Lujo Brentano, .... London, pub- lished for the Early English Text Society, by N. Triibner & Co., 1870. cxcix, 483 p. 23 cm . Staley, Edgcumbe. 1*338.6 Q6oo 90388 ^e guilds of Florence, by Edgcumbe Staley. Illustrated after miniatures in illuminated manuscripts and Florentine woodcuts, with bibliographical and chronological tables. London, Methuen & Co., [i9Q6]. xxiii, [i], 622, [2] p. front., illus., 74 pi. 26 cm . "Bibliography," p. 585-599. Stewart, Horace. 1*338.6 PIOI 65408 History of the Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre- Drawers and of the origin and development of the industry which the Company represents. Compiled by Horace Stewart, .... Illustrated by Estelle D'Avigdor. London, printed for the Com- pany by the Leadenhall Press, 1891. xvi, 140 p. front., illus., 2 facsim. 26ix i<)k cm . "List of authorities and books of reference quoted in this history," p. [xv]-xvi. Walford, Cornelius, 1827-1885. 338.6 TSgoo 101095 Gjids . their origin, constitution, objects, and later history. By Cornelius Walford, .... [London], Printed for private circula- tion, 1879. 57 P- 25i cm - Reprinted from vol. v of Insurance cyclopaedia. INVENTIONS 41 609 History of inventions Beckmann, Johann, 1739-1811. 609 Fi 8 Beytrage zur Geschichte der Erfmdungen. Von Johann Beck- a mann, .... Erster- [fiinfter] Band. Leipzig, P. G. Kummer, 1786-1805. 5 vol. i8 cm . Each volume in four parts with special title-pages, dated 1783-1805. "Bibliographic der Geschichte der Erfindungen," vol. 3, p. 449-466, 559-5785 vol. 4, p. 464-471; vol. 5, p. 147-154, 505-510. "Register aller angefiihrten Schriften," in each volume. Beckmann , Johann , 1739-1811. 609 11400 4355 j^ history of inventions and discoveries. By John Beckmann, a .... Translated from the German, by William Johnston. Sec- ond edition, carefully corrected, and enlarged by a fourth volume. In four volumes. Vol. i-[ivj. London, J. Walker & Co., etc., 1814. 4 vol. 23 cm . Bibliographical references in foot notes. "Index to the authors and books quoted," in each volume. Beckmann, Johann, 1 739-1 8 1 1 . 609 H700 ! A history of inventions and discoveries. By John Beckmann, Translated from the German, by William Johnston. Third edition, carefully corrected, and enlarged by the addition of sev- eral new articles, .... London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, 1817. 4 vol. 2i cm . "Bibliography of the history of inventions," vol. I, p. 475-518. Bibliographical references in foot notes. "Index to the authors and books quoted," in each volume. Vol. 4 wanting. Beckmann, Johann, 1739-1811. 609 K6oo A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins. By John Beck- b mann, .... Translated from the German, by William Johnston. Fourth edition, carefully revised and enlarged by William Francis, ... ; and J. W. Griffith, .... Vol. l-[ll]. London, H. G. Bohn, 1846. 2 vol. fronts, ("ports. ) i8i cm . [Bohn's standard library.] "Memoir of the author," by H. G. Bohn, vol. I, p. xv-xxiii. Bibliographical references in foot notes. Burnley, James, 1842- 609 06oo j^ rom ance of invention : vignettes from the annals of industry and science. By James Burnley, .... With six illustrations by Gordon Browne. London, New York, [etc.], Cassel & Co., ltd., \886. viiij 376 P- front., 5 pi. 19 iCm 42 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Burns, Elmer Ellsworth, 1868- 609 Roo2 90037 The story of great inventions, by Elmer Ellsworth Burns, .... With many illustrations. New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1910. xii, [4], 248, [2] p. incl. front., illus. 2o cm . Du Bois-Reymond, A 609 Q6o4 stele E r fi nc iung und Erfinder, von A. Du Bois-Reymond. Berlin, J. Springer, 1906. vii, 284 p. diagrs., I fold, table. 23i cm . "Randbemerkungen und Quellennachweis," p. [268]-284. Feldhaus, Franz Marie, 1874- 609 Q6(>3 74286 Geschichte der grossten technischen Erfindungen. Von Franz a Marie Feldhaus. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen nach den Origi- nalen. Kotzschenbroda und Leipzig, H. F. A. Thalwitzer, [1906]. 68, [2] p. illus. I4i cm . "Literatur-Nachweise," p. [i] at end. Feldhaus, Franz M 509 Qaoo 41683 Lexikon der Erfindungen und Entdeckungen auf den Gebieten der Naturwissenschaften und Technik in chronologischer Uber- sicht mit Personen- und Sachregister, von Franz M. Feldhaus .... Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1904. viii, 144 p. 23i cm . Feldhaus, Franz Marie, 1874- 609 Q900 77236 Ruhmesblatter der Technik von den Urerfmdungen bis zur Ge- genwart, von F. M. Feldhaus .... Mit dem Bildnis Leonardo da Vincis und 231 Abbildungen und Tafeln nach den Originalen. Leipzig, F. Brandstetter, 1910. viii, 631 p. front, (port.) illus. 24 cm . "Literaturnoten," p. [594]-6i2. Forman, Samuel Eagle, 1858- 609 Rioo 3 Stories of useful inventions, by S. E. Forman ..... New York, The Century Co., 1911. xv, 248 p. front. (5 port.), illus. I9i cm . Contents. The match. The stove. The lamp. The forge. The steam-en- gine. The plow. The reaper. The mill. The loom. The house. The carriage. The boat. The clock. The book. The message. Fournier, Edouard. 25949 L e vieux-neuf. Histoire ancienne aes inventions et decouvertes modernes. Deuxieme edition refondue et considerablement aug- -nentee. 3 vol. D. Paris: E. Dentu, 1877. INVENTIONS 43 Harrison, H S 571-6 Q8oo 90106 .... Syllabus of a course of ten lectures entitled, Early inven- tions in the arts of life, by H. S. Harrison, .... [London, Printed for the London County Council, by Southwood, Smith and Co., ltd.], 1908. 2O p. 2l cm . At head of title: London County Council. Horniman Museum .... Autumn term, 1908. October 1 7th -December i gth. "Some of the books and papers in the Horniman Library which deal with early inven- tions in the arts of life," p. 12-20. Helbig, Carl Ernst, 1842- 309.1 Qoo2 5 Die erste Erfindung. Vorgeschichtliche und culturhistorische Gedanken, von Carl Ernst Helbig. Zweite unveranderte Auflage. Dresden-A., O. Damm, 1902. viii, 48 p. 2O cm . Holland, Rupert Sargent, 1878- 609 Ri(>3 90356 Historic inventions, by Rupert S. Holland, .... Philadephia, G. W. Jacobs & Co., [1911]. 295 p. front., 9 pi., 6 port. 22 om . (The historic series for young people.) End papers illustrated. Hoppe, Oskar, 1838- 620.9 01 8661 Beitrage zur Geschichte der Erfindungen. Von O. Hoppe Essen-R., G. D. Baedeker, 1880-. Pt. I-. 23 cm . Added t.-p. adds: Unter diesem Titel sollen in zwanglosen, in sich abgeschlossenen Lieferungen, zunachst diejenigen Erfindungen und wichtigen Verbesserungen behandelt werden, welche mit dem Harzer Bergbaue in einem causalen Zusammenhange stehen. Pt. 1-3: Clausthal, Gross'sche Buchhandlung. Hubert, Philip Gengembre, Jr. 609.2 H86 Inventors. 299 p. il. 3 pi. 6 por. O. (Men of achievement.) New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. lies, George, 1852- 609 Q6oo 1 Inventors at work, with chapters on discovery, by George lies, .... Copiously illustrated. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1906. xxii, [2], 503 p. illus., 15 pi., 8 port, inch front. 23 cm . "Books on iron and steel chosen and annotated by Professor Bradley Stoughton," p. 176-179. lies, George, 1852- 609.2 127 . . . o Leading American inventors, by George lies, .... With fifteen portraits and many illustrations. New York, H. Holt and Co., 1912. xv, 447 p. front., illus., 15 pi., 14 port. 2o cm . (Biographies of leading Amer- icans.) Contents. John and Robert Livingston Stevens. Robert Fulton. Eli Whitney. Thomas Blanchard. Samuel Finley Breese Morse. Charles Goodyear. John Ericsson. Cyrus Hall McCormick. Christopher Latham Sholes. Elias Howe. Benjamin Chew Tilghman. Ottmar Mergenthaler. 44 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Mason, Otis Tufton. 609.1 11147 -pjjg or jgj ns o f invention: a study of industry among primitive peoples. 419 p. il. 9 pi. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 28.] London: W. Scott, 1895. Piercy, Willis Duff. 609 RIOI 90191 .... Great inventions and discoveries, by Willis Duff Piercy. New York, C. E. Merrill Company [ C i9ii]. 206 p. incl. front., illus. I9 cm . (Graded supplementary reading series.) Nineteenth and twentieth centuries Bakewell, Frederick C 609 Lgoo 7 Great facts ; a popular history and description of the most re- markable inventions during the present century. By Frederick C. Bakewell, .... Illustrated with numerous engravings. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1860. xii, 307 p. front., illus. 2O cm . Byrn, Edward Wright. 609 Qooi 1 The progress of invention in the nineteenth century. [2],viii, 476 p. 306 il. i pi. O. New York: Munn & Co., 1900. "Chronology of leading inventions of the nineteenth century," p. 7-14. Corbin, Thomas W 609 Rio2 tease Mechanical inventions of today. Interesting descriptions of modern mechanical inventions told in non-technical language, by Thomas W. Corbin, .... With 112 illustrations & diagrams. London, Seeley, Service & Co., ltd., 1912. 323, [i] p. front., 88 illus. incl. diagrs., 23 pi. 2o cm . [Science of to-day series.] Doolittle, William Henry, 1844- 909.8 N62 v.i6 9 . . . . Inventions in the century, by William H. Doolittle .... London & Edinburgh, W. & R. Chambers, ltd. ; Philadelphia, [etc.], The Bradley-Garretson Co., ltd., 1903. xxxj [2], 495 P- 6 ports, incl. front. 2i cm . (/ The nineteenth century series, vol. xvi.) Hanson, John Wesley. 031 P902 Wonders of the nineteenth century. A panoramic review of the inventions and discoveries of the past hundred years, including descriptions and pictures of the improvements in agriculture, medicine, . . . , printing, photography, etc., etc., and the progress of mankind in peace, prison reform, literature, art, temperance, and all modern improvements, .... 641 p. il. 30 p. of pi. 23 pi. 22 paged in, 7 pi. of por. paged in, 2 gr. of por. paged in, i por. paged in. O. Chicago: W. B. Conkey, 1900, ENGINEERING 45 Muyden, G van. L6oQ 0200 81529 Die Erfindungen der neuesten Zeit. Zwanzig Jahre industrieller Fortschritte im Zeitalter der Weltausstellung. Mit Rucksicht auf Patentwesen und Kunstindustrie. Unter Mitwirkung von In- genieuren des kaiserlichen Patentamtes, herausgegeben von Dr. G. van Muyden und Heinrich Frauberger. Mit zwei Farben- drucken, vier Tonbildern, einem Atlas mit 16 Tafeln und ca. 700 Text-Illustrationen nach Zeichnungen von L. Burger, H. Leute- mann, Dr. O. Mothes, C. Nehlender u. A. Leipzig und Berlin, O. Spamer, 1883. x, 704 p. col. front., illus. (inch ports., diagrs.), 13 pi., I col. fold. pi. 25i cm . 8 plates have illustrations on both sides. Routledge, Robert. 609 Pgo2 25005 )} scover i es an d inventions of the nineteenth century. Thirteenth edition. Revised and partly re- written, with additions. xiv,[2], 820 p. il. 17 pi. O. London: G. Routledge & Sons, 1900. Sutherland, George. 609 Qioo ' Twentieth century inventions. A forecast. xvi,286 p. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1901. Contents : i . Inventive progress. 2. Natural power. 3. Storage of power. 4. Arti- ficial power. 5. Road and rail. 6. Ships. 7. Agriculture. 8. Mining. 9. Domestic. 10. Electric messages, etc. 11. Warfare. 12. Music. 13. Art and news. 14. Inven- tion and collectivism. Taking up inventions made in the nineteenth century in various departments of science, the writer carries them out to their possible sequence in the twentieth century. 620.9 HISTORY OF ENGINEERING Eude, Emile. 621.0944 Q2oo 1 Histoire documentaire de la mecanique franchise (fragments). D'apres le Musee centennal de la mecanique a 1'Exposition uni- verselle de 1900. Par Emile Eude .... Paris, V ve C. Dunod, 1902. ix, 322, [2] p. front., illus., ports., facsims., diagrs. 32 cm . Goddard, Dwight. 620.92 654 8 Eminent engineers. Brief biographies of thirty-two of the in- ventors and engineers who did most to further mechanical progress, by Dwight Goddard, . . . , New York, The Derry- Collard Company, 1906. 280 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 2oi cm . 4 6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904. 620.928641 8816 Lives of the engineers, with an account of their principal works ; comprising also a history of inland communication in Britain. By Samuel Smiles ..... With portraits and numerous illustra- tions. Vol. I-lil ..... London, J. Murray, 1862. 3 vol. 23 cm . Contents. vol. I. i. Early works of embanking and draining. 2. Life of Sir Hugh Myddelton. 3. Early roads and modes of travelling. 4. Bridges, harbours, and ferries. 5. Life of James Brindley. Fifth thousand, xvi, [2], 484 p. front., illus., I port. vol.2. 6. Life of John Smeaton. 7. Life of John Rennie. 8. Life of Thomas Telford. Fifth thousand, xiv, 502 p. front., illus., 2 port. vol. 3. George and Robert Stephenson. xx, [4], 512 p. front., illus., I port. Ancient times Barber, Francis M , 1845- 620.932 Qooi 72074 pkg mec h an i ca i triumphs of the ancient Egyptians. By Com- mander F. M. Barber, .... London, K. Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., ltd., 1900. x, 123, [i] p. illus., 12 pi. (i fold.), I fold, diagr. i8i cm . Germain de Montauzan, C 620.937 77545 Essai sur la science et 1'art de 1'ingenieur aux premiers siecles de I'Empire Remain, par C. Germain de Montauzan, .... Paris, E. Leroux, 1909. xviii, 122, [2] p. illus. incl. diagrs., 3 pi. (i fold.) 25<| cm . "Index bibliographique," p. [xv]-xviii. Merckel, Curt. 620.93 87433 Die Ingenieurtechnik im Alterthum. xix,[ 13,658 p. 261 il. I map. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1899. "Litteratur-Nachweis" at the end of each chapter. Nineteenth and twentieth centuries Alexander, John. 621.09284 A376 The two Stephensons, pioneers of the railway system, by John Alexander .... Fully illustrated. London, S. W. Partridge & Co., [1903]. i6op. front, (port.), illus. igi 6 " 1 . Bridier, Louis, 1830- 620.9250 676 99389 jjne famille franchise. Les de Lesseps, par L. Bridier, .... Pa- ris, A. Fontemoing, 1900. [6], 533 [6] P. 23 cm - Surge, Charles Ormsby. 620.9213 Bgi 74340 'phe ac j ven tures of a civil engineer. Fifty years on five conti- nents. By C. O. Burge, .... London, A. Rivers, ltd., 1909. xiv > C 2 ] 3*9 [i] P- front., 7 pi. 22 cm . ENGINEERING 47 Church, William Conant. 620.9226 47 ISOST The life of John Ericsson. New and cheaper edition. 2 vol. il. por. O. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1892. Church, William Conant, 1836- 620.9226 0471 90817 The life of John Ericsson, by William Conant Church, .... Il- lustrated. Two volumes in one. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1911. 2 vol. in I. illus., I pi., 3 port. (incl. front.) 2l cm . Cochrane, Charles Henry. 620.9 1 The wonders of modern mechanism. A resume of recent prog- ress in mechanical, physical, and engineering science. 402 p. il. 8 pi. paged in, I pi. O. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896. Cochrane, Charles Henry. 620.9 Pgoo ' The wonders of modern mechanism. A resume of progress in mechanical, physical, and engineering science at the dawn of the twentieth century. Third edition. 434 p. il. 14 pi. 7 paged in. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1900. Dickinson, H W 620.9231 D$6 1934 Robert Fulton, engineer and artist, his life and works, by H. W. Dickinson, .... With numerous plates and several illustrations in the text. London, New York, J. Lane ; Toronto, Bell & Cock- burn, 1913. xiv, [2], 333 p. illus., 29 pi., 5 port. (incl. front.) 22i cm . "List of writings by Robert Fulton," p. 282-283. 5246S Ehrenberg, Richard, 1857- 620.9281 33 Die Unternehmungen der Briider Siemens. Von Richard Ehren- berg. Erster Band. Bis zum Jahr 1870. Mit 7 Abbildungen. Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. xxxiv, 510 p. front., 5 port., I pi. 24i cm . No more published. Eyth, Max, 1836- 620.9227 98 1 Im Strom unserer Zeit. Aus Briefen eines Ingenieurs von Max Eyth. Erster- [dritter] Band Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1904-1905. 3 vol. 2o cm . "Im Jahr 1869 erschienen die ersten Bandchen meines 'Wanderbuch eines Inge- nieurs' . " Vorwort. Contents. i. Bd. Lehrjahre. 3. neu bearbeitete Auflage des Wanderbuchs eines Ingenieurs. 1904. xii, 418 p. incl. plates, col. front., 3 col. pi. 2. Bd. Wander- jahre. 3. neu bearbeitete Auflage des Wanderbuchs eines Ingenieurs. 1904. viii, 470 p. incl. plates, col. front., 3 col. pi. 3. Bd. Meisterjahre. 1905. viii, 527 p. incl. plates, col. front., 3 col. pi. 48 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Frith, Henry, 1840- 620.4 The triumphs of modern engineering by Henry Frith, With numerous illustrations. London, Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, [1890?]. viii, [93-323 p. illus. I9 cm . Harcourt, Leveson Francis Vernon-. 620.9 Pioo 305 Achievements in engineering during the last half century. Sec- ond edition. vi,[2],3ii p. 10 il. 12 pi. I por. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Helps, Sir Arthur. 620.9211 H36 1156 Life and labours of Mr. Brassey. 1805-1870. Second edition. xiv,[2],386 p. 2 pi. I por. 4 maps. O. London: Bell & Daldy, 1872. Hennig, Richard, 1874- 620.92 H39 78612 Buch beriihmter Ingenieure. Grosse Manner der Technik, ihr Lebensgang und ihr Lebenswerk. Fur die reifere Jugend und fur Erwachsene geschildert von Dr. Richard Hennig. Mit 43 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, O. Spamer, 1911. vi, [2],3o8p. illus. 23i cm . Contents. William Siemens, ein Universal-Ingenieur (1823-1883). James Bu- chanan Eads, der Ingenieur des Mississippi (1820-1887). John Ericsson, Ein Bahn- brecher im Schiffbau (1803-1889). Ferdinand von Lesseps, der Vater des Suezkanals (1805-1894). Alfred Nobel, der Dynamitkonig (1833-1896). Henry Bessemer, der Stahlkonig (1813-1898). John Fowler, der Schopfer der Londoner Untergrund- bahn und der Forth-Briicke (1817-1898). Nikolaus Riggenbach, der Vater der Berg- bahnen (1817-1899). Otto Intze, der Talsperren-Erbauer (1843-1904). Max von Eyth, der Dichter-Ingenieur~( 1836-1906). Humber, William, editor. 620.9 M300 1187 A record of the progress of modern engineering Compris- ing civil, mechanical, marine, hydraulic, railway, bridge, and other engineering works. With essays and reviews. [1863]-! 866. [4 vol.] il. pi. por. sq.F 4 . London 1863-1868. No more published. Jaeger, Wilhelm Ludwig, 1862- 620.9281 Ji7 '"" . . . Werner von Siemens, von Dr. Wilhelm Jaeger .... Leipzig, W. Weicher, 1906. [2], 52 p. front, (port.) 24 cm . (Manner der Wissenschaft. Heft. 5.) "Schriften von Werner von Siemens," p. 52. Jeaffreson, John Cordy. 620.9284 J34 The life of Robert Stephenson, F. R. S. etc. etc., late president of the Institution of Civil Engineers. With descriptive chapters on some of his most important professional works by William Pole. Second edition. 2vol. il. pi. por. O. London: Longmans, ... , & Dyer, 1866. ENGINEERING 49 Mackay, Thomas. 620.9231 Mig 29330 The j ife of Sir j ohn F ow } er engineer, Bart., K. C. M. G., etc. ix, [2], 403 p. 12 pi. i gr. of por. 2 por. 3 facsim. i paged in, I map. O. London: J. Murray, 1900. Nasmyth, James. 621. 09261 Ni7 83822 James Nasmyth, engineer. An autobiography edited by Samuel Smiles. xviii,456 p. il. 9 pi. I por. O. London: J. Murray, 1883. Siemens, Werner i.e. Ernst Werner von, 1816-1892. 620.9281 85711 ' Lebenserinnerungen von Werner von Siemens. Mit dem Bildniss des Verfassers in Kupferatzung. Dritte Auflage Berlin, J. Springer, 1901. [2], 317. [i] P- ^ont. (port.) 2^ m . Siemens, Werner von. 620.9281 8571 Personal recollections of Werner von Siemens. Translated by W. C. Coupland. [2], 416 p. i por. O. London: Asher & Co., 1893- Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904. 620.92848641 1 Lives of the engineers. George and Robert Stephenson, by Samuel Smiles The locomotive Popular edition. London, J. Murray, 1904. xliv, 466 p. front, (port.), illus., 7 pi. 2oi cm . Smith, George Barnett. 620.9250 8648 The life and enterprises of Ferdinand de Lesseps. Second edi- tion, revised up to date. 448 p. I por. D. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1895. Stevenson, David, 1815-1886. 620.97 I*9<>o 90391 Sketch of the civil engineering of North America. By David Stevenson, .... Second edition. London, J. Weale, 1859. x, [4], 218 p. illus., 12 pi. (partly fold.) i8i cm . [Weale's rudimentary series. lit.] Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894. 620.9284 8848 Records of a family of engineers, by Robert Louis Stevenson. London, Chatto & Windus, 1912. [6J, 229, [2] p. 194"". Begun in 1892; left unfinished. 50 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Williams, Archibald. 620.9 Q4OO ' The romance of modern engineering, containing interesting de- scriptions in non-technical language of the Nile Dam, the Panama Canal, the Tower Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Niagara Falls Power Co., Bermuda Floating Dock, etc., etc.; by Archibald Williams .... London, C. A. Pearson, ltd., 1904. 377 p. front., 22 pi., i plan. 2o cm . 620.9 History of public works Alzola y Minondo, Pablo de. 620.946 ?900 26024 Las obras publicas en Espana. Estudio historico. 597 p. O. (Biblioteca de la Revista de obras publicas.) Bilbao 1899. Bucerius. 330-6349 i v.129 soose j)j e Gemeindebetriebe der Stadt Remscheid. Bearbeitet von Dr. Bucerius, .... Im Auftrag des Vereins fur Socialpolitik heraus- gegeben von Carl Johannes Fuchs. Leipzig, Duncker & Hum- blot, 1909. [5] 59 P- mc l- tables. 22i cm . (/ Schriften des Vereins fur Socialpolitik, 129. Band, sechster Teil: Gemeindebetriebe, zweiter Band, sechster Teil.) Debauve, Alphonse Alexis, 1845- 620.944 P30O 72078 .... Les travaux publics et les ingenieurs des ponts et chaus- sees depuis le XVII 6 siecle. Paris, V ve C. Dunod, 1893. [4], 443 p. illus. (ports.) 2$k em . At head of title: A. Debauve .... Dumont, J B 1620.9 Qyoo 1 .... Les grands travaux du siecle. Ouvrage illustre de 256 gravures. Nouvelle edition. Paris, Hachette et c ie , 1907. [4], 458, [2] p. incl. illus., plates. 3o cm . At head of title: J.-B. Dumont. First edition published 1891. Ehrler, Joseph. 330-6349 i v.i29 90067 Die Gemeindebetriebe der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau. Bear- beitet von Dr. Jos. Ehrler, ... . Im Auftrag des Vereins fur Socialpolitik herausgegeben von Carl Johannes Fuchs. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1909. [6], ioo p. incl. tables. 23 cm . (/ Schriften des Vereins fur Socialpolitik, 129. Band, 5. Teil, Gemeindebetriebe, 2. Band, 5. Teil.) Grille, Antoine. L62 0.973 P6oo 8153 Les travaux publics aux Etats-Unis, [et a 1'Exposition de Chi- c cagoj. Par M. Grille, ... [et] M. Laborde, .... Paris, E. Bernard & c ie , 1896. [4], 240 p. illus. 28i cm . and atlas of [4] p. Ill (i.e. 72 pi. (partly fold. incl. diagrs.) 36x3O cm . [Revue technique de 1'Exposition universelle de Chicago, 1893, part 10.] Another copy in the Revue technique has shelf number L070.160 H32 ENGINEERING 51 Grossmann, Eugen. 336349 i v.130 9 Gemeindebetriebe in der Schweiz, in Belgien und in Australien. Von Dr. Eugen Grossmann, . . . Dr. Ernest Brees, . . . Prof. Dr. Robert Schachner, .... Im Auftrag des Vereins fiir Socialpoli- tik herausgegeben von Carl Johannes Fuchs. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1909. vi, 123, [i] p. inch tables. 23=. (In Schriften des Vereins filr Socialpolitik, 130. Band, 3. Teil, Gemeindebetriebe, 3. Band, 3. Teil.) "Quellen," p. 122. Contents. I. Die Gemeindebetriebe der Stadt Zurich. Von E. Grossmann. 2. Les regies communales en Belgique. Par E. Brees. 3. Die kommunale Socialpolitik in Australasien (Australien und Neuseeland). Von R. Schachner. HoraSek, Cyril I. 330-6349 i v.i30 90118 Die Gemeindebetriebe in Osterreich. Von Dr. C. Horacek, . . . Karl Schwarz, . . . Dr. K. T. Wachter, . . . Dr. L. Bernard, . . . Dr. Julius Sylvester, .... Im Auftrag des Vereins fiir Socialpolitik herausgegeben von Carl Johannes Fuchs. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1909. viii, 239 p. incl. tables. 2 fold, diagrs. 23 cm . (In Schriften des Vereins fiir Socialpolitik, 130. Band, I. Teil, Gemeindebetriebe, 3. Band, I. Teil.) "Literatur," p. 98. MacGeorge, George Walter. 620.954 P 40Q ' Ways and works in India. Being an account of the public works in that country from the earliest times up to the present day. viii,565 p. il. 3 pi. 6 maps. O. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1894. Contents: Introduction. Great Indian Trigonometrical Survey. Roads in India. Irrigation works in India. Railways in India. Water-supply of towns in India. The electric telegraph in India. Sea and harbour works in India. Maxwell, William Henry. L620.8 49 v.x 93198 .... British progress in municipal engineering; a series of three lectures, by William H. Maxwell, .... With numerous illustra- tions and three classified lists of British manufacturers of munici- pal engineering plant and material, .... London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1904. 182 p. plates, diagrs. (partly fold.), i fold. map. 27 cm . (National engineering and trade lectures, vol. I.) The ordinary plates (not folded) are printed on both sides. "List of municipal engineering literature," p. 179-182. Contents. I. General. Road engineering and maintenance. 2. Main drainage, sewage disposal, destructors. 3. Water supply. Conclusion. Michels-Lindner, Gisela. 330.6349 i v.i3O 90171 Geschichte der modernen Gemeindebetriebe in Italien. Von Gisela Michels-Lindner, .... Im Auftrag des Vereins fiir Social- politik herausgegeben von Carl Johannes Fuchs. Leipzig, Dunc- ker & Humblot, 1909. vi, 255 p. incl. tables. 23. (In Schriften des Vereins fiir Socialpolitik, 130. Band, 2. Teil, Gemeindebetriebe, 3. Band, 2. Teil.) 52 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Se*billot, Paul. 620.9 P400 ' Les travaux publics et les mines dans les traditions et les super- stitions de tous les pays. Les routes les ponts les chemins de fer les digues les canaux 1'hydraulique les ports les phares les mines et les mineurs. xvi,623 p. 428 il. 8 pi. O. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1894. "Bibliographic des principaux ouvrages rite's," p. 591-602. Weaver, Charles Clinton. 306.145 i v.2i 3 .... Internal improvements in North Carolina previous to 1860, by Charles Clinton Weaver, .... Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1903. 94 [ 2 ] P- 24i cm . (In Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and polit- ical science, series xxi, no. 3-4.) Weigel, Paul. 330.6349 i v.i29 90260 Die Gemeindebetriebe der Stadt Leipzig. Von Paul Weigel, .... Im Auftrag des Vereins fiir Socialpolitik herausgegeben von Carl Johannes Fuchs. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1909. > l $S> [i] P- inch tables. 23 cm . (/ Schriften des Vereins fiir Socialpolitik, 129. Band, 7. Teil, Gemeindebetriebe, 2. Band, 7. Teil.) 621.09 HISTORY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Kammerer, [0 ]. 621.869700 57012 Die Technik der Lastenforderung einst und jetzt. Eine Studie iiber die Entwicklung der Hebemaschinen und ihren Einfluss auf Wirtschaftsleben und Kulturgeschichte von Kammerer-Charlot- tenburg. Mit Schmuck von O. Blumel-Munchen. Miinchen und Berlin, P. Oldenbourg, 1907. viii, 262 p. illus. incl. diagrs. 24^ cm . "Benutzte Werke," p. [26i]-262. Lincke, Bruno. 338.94 Rioo 90365 j}j e schweizerische Maschinenindustrie und ihre Entwicklung in wirtschaftl. Beziehung, von Dr. B. Lincke. Frauenfeld, Huber & Co., [1911]. vii, 218, [2] p. 25 cm . "Literatur-Nachweis," p. [2I3J-2I8. 72046 Olmsted, Leverett Homer, 1836- 621.93 Q4 01 A short history of saws and power hack-saw machines ... by L. H. Olmsted .... [Hasbrouck Heights? N. J.], 1904. cover-title, 15 p. illus. I5ix8 cm . STEAM ENGINEERING 53 Porter, Charles Talbot, 1826- 621.1 Q8oo 9 Engineering reminiscences contributed to "Power" and "American machinist," by Charles T. Porter, .... Revised and enlarged. First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1908. xi"* 335 P- front., illus., 3 pi., 37 port., I fold, diagr. 23i cm . Ruhlmann, Moritz i.e. Christian Moritz, 1811-1896. 621.02 N502 28180 Allgemeine Maschinenlehre. Ein Leitfaden fiir Vortrage, sowie a zumSelbststudium des heutigen Maschinenwesens, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner Entwickelung. Fiir angehende Techni- ker, Cameralisten, Landwirthe und Gebildete jeden Standes. Von Dr. Moritz Ruhlmann, .... Erster [fiinfter] Band Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage Berlin, W. & S. Loewenthal, [1875-1903]. 5 vol. 24 cm . Bibliographical references scattered through the work. Contents. I. Bd. Maschinen zum Messen und Zahlen. Maschinen zur Aufnahme der Menschen- und Thierkrafte. Wasserrader. Wassersaulenmaschinen. Windrader. Dampfmaschinen. Luftmaschinen. [1875.] xii, 659, [i] p. 429 illus., i fold, table. 2. Bd. Miihlen. Landwirthschaftliche Maschinen. [1876.] x, 703, [i] p. 608 illus. 3. Bd. Strassen- und Eisenbahnfuhrwerke, einschliesslich der Locomotiven, Darnpf-Omnibusse, sowie der Maschinen und Apparate fiir pneumatischen Transport. [1877.] ix, [2], 596 p. 469 illus., i fold, table. 4. Bd. Maschinen zur Ortsveran- derung fester und fliissiger Korper, ... , Maschinen zum Comprimiren sowie zum Fortschaffen atmospharischer Luft und zum Zertheilen und Bearbeiten von Baumate- rialien. Transmission mechanischer Arbeiten auf grosse Entfernungen etc., etc. [1888. ] xiv, 809 p. 549 illus., 2 fold. pi. 5. Bd. Geschichte der Ruder-, Segel- und Dampf- schiffe. Practischer Schiffbau. Entwerfen von Schiffen. Theorie des Schiffes, Schiffs- kessel und Schiffsmaschinen. Begonnen von Geh. Reg. -Rath Dr. M. Riihlmann. Fortgesetzt und beendet von Prof. Osw. Flamm. [1891-1903.] [4], ix, [2], 883 p. 600 illus., 4 pi. 18423 Riihlmann, Moritz. 530.9 0500 Vortrage uber Geschichte der technischen Mechanik und theo- retischen Maschinenlehre sowie der damit in Zusammenhang stehenden mathematischen Wissenschaften. Zunachst fiir tech- nische Lehranstalten bestimmt. Erster Theil : Technische Me- chanik. xii,553 p. 85 il. 5 por. O. Leipzig: Baumgartner, 1885. No more published. 621.1 HISTORY OF STEAM ENGINEERING 50711 Cossham, Handel. 621.1 1,700 History of the steam engine ; a lecture, by Handel Cossham, . . . , delivered at the Bristol Mining School, December I4th, 1857. [Bristol?], Clarke and Winstanley, printers, 1859. [4]-l9p. 2 diagr. i7n. 54 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Frith, Henry. 621.1 P203 85631 jj,^ t r i um phs of steam. A new edition, revised and partly re- written. viii,263 p. il. 24 pi. 23 paged in, 2 por. paged in. D. London: Griffith Farran Browne & Co., [1892]. Galloway, Robert L. 621.1 Oooi 4892 The steam engine and its inventors ; a historical sketch. xix,26o p. 50 il. I pi. i map. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1881. Hering, Kurt. 510.9 N7 v.23 71468 .... Das 2OO-jahrige Jubilaum der Dampfmaschine, 1706-1906. Eine historisch-technisch-wirtschaftliche Betrachtung von Kurt Hering .... Mit 13 Figuren im Text. Leipzig, B. G. Teub- ner, 1907. [4]> 57> [0 P- iU us - 24 cm . (/ Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathema- tischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen, xxin. Heft.) "Literaturnachweis," I p. following p. 57. Jager, Ernst. 621.1 Q206 37693 Denis Papin und seine Nachfolger in der Erfindung der Dampf- maschine mit zwei Anhangen betr. die Steuertmg der einfach wirkenden Watt'schen Dampf- (Kornwall-) Maschine und den Briefwechsel zwischen Papin und Leibniz, liber Aerzte und Heil- mittel. Erweiterter Abdruck eines Vortrags vor dem Kaufm. Vereine Stuttgart vom 7. Nov. 1901 von Professor Dr. Ernst Jager. Stuttgart, A. Liesching und Cie, 1902. 41 p. i9ixi5 cm . . Supplement zu der Schrift von Prof. Dr. E. Jager liber Denis Papin Stuttgart, 1903. 23 p. i9ixis cm . Matschoss, Conrad. 621.09 Q8oo 8603 Die Entwicklung der Dampfmaschine. Eine Geschichte der orts- festen Dampfmaschine und der Lokomobile, der Schiffsmaschine und Lokomotive. Im Auftrage des Vereines Deutscher Inge- nieure bearbeitet von Conrad Matschoss. Erster [zweiter] Band. Mit . . . Textfiguren und . . . Bildnissen. Berlin, J. Springer, 1908. 2 vol. front., illus., 37 port. 27 cm . Matschoss, Conrad. 621.1 QIOI 5 Geschichte der Dampfmaschine. Ihre kulturelle Bedeutung, technische Entwicklung und ihre grossen Manner. xii,4Si p. il. 2 tables. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1901. "Litteratur," p. 442-449. STEAM ENGINEERING 55 Powles, Henry Handley Pridham. L62i.i8 Steam boilers, their history and development ; giving an account of the earliest known examples of steam generators, down to the most modern steam boilers, with descriptions and illustrations of all forms of boilers, and showing how in the course of devel- opment certain types have become persistent, including general remarks on boiler making, and on the performance of different types in practice. By H. H. P. Powles .... With numerous illustrations and plates. London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1905. xv, 335, [i] p. illus., xv pi. on 8 p., fold. pi. 28 cm . "List of books," p. 321-327. Read, David. 621. 09273 R22 4811 Nathan Read: his invention of the multi-tubular boiler and por- table high-pressure engine, and discovery of the true mode of applying steam-power to navigation and railways. A contribu- tion to the early history of the steamboat and locomotive engine. xv,[i],2Oi p. ii pi. i por. D. New York: Kurd & Houghton, 1870, pref. 1860. Richardson, Alexander. 1,621.17 The evolution of the Parsons steam turbine. An account of ex- perimental research on the theory, efficiency, and mechanical de- tails of land and marine reaction and impulse-reaction turbines ; ... , a record of progress in the applications of steam turbines; . . . , a description of the manufacture of turbines, and of the works of Messrs. C. A. Parsons and Company, Heaton, and of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, limited, Wallsend-on- Tyne. By Alex. Richardson, .... (With one hundred and seventy-three plates and numerous illustrations in the text.) Lon- don, "Engineering," 1911. xviii, [2], 264 p. inch illus., tables, front, (port.), CLXXin (i.e. 94) pi. (incl. diagrs. ) 2Q.J x 22 em . Most of the plates have illustrations on both sides. Reid, Hugo. 62i.iLioo The steam-engine ; a popular account of its construction, action, and history ; and a description of its various forms ; with a sketch of the laws of heat and pneumatics ; and a critique on M. Arago's "Eloge of Watt." Third edition, revised .... xi,269 p. 40 il. S. London: Groombridge & Sons, 1851. Stuart, Robert. 621.11400 A descriptive history of the steam engine. By Robert Stuart, .... Illustrated by engravings of forty-seven engines. The third edition. London, printed for Knight and Lacey, 1825. [2], vi, [2], 228 p. illus., 48 pi. incl. front. 24 cm . With manuscript marginal notes. Plates I and 22 wanting. 46789 5 6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Thurston, Robert Henry. 621.1^800 1272 A history of the growth of the steam-engine. xvi,[2],49O p. 162 il. i pi. D. (International scientific series, vol. 24.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1878. Thurston, Robert Henry. 621.1 6461 A history of the growth of the steam-engine. Third revised edi- tion. xvi,[2],48i p. il. D. (International scientific series, vol. 24.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1893. Thurston, Robert Henry, 1839-1903. 621.1 P604 93109 ... A history of the growth of the steam-engine, by Robert H. Thurston, .... Fourth edition revised. New York, D. Apple- ton and Co., 1897. xviii, 530 p. front., illus. (incl. ports., diagrs.) I9i cm . {Half-title: The inter- national scientific series, vol. xxiv.) Series title also at head of t.-p. James Watt Arago, Dominique Francois Jean, 1786-1853. 1620.9296 A6$9 oio96 Historical eloge of James Watt by M. Arago, .... Translated from the French, with additional notes and an appendix by James Patrick Muirhead, .... London, J. Murray; [etc., etc.], 1839- ix, 261 p. front, (port.) 22 cm . "Read at the public meeting of the Academy of Sciences, on the 8th of December, 1834." Pref. Carnegie, Andrew, 1837- 6209296621. 90040 James Watt. By Andrew Carnegie, .... New York, Double- day, Page & Co., 1905. [8], 241 p. 23 cm . Ernst, Adolf. 620.9296 71 James Watt und die Grundlagen des modernen Dampfmaschi- nenbaues. Eine geschichtliche Studie, vorgetragen in der 37. Hauptversammlung des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure zu Stutt- gart. v,io6 p. 27 il. i por. O. Berlin: J. Springer, 1897. Muirhead, James Patrick. 620.9296 M89i The life of James Watt, with selections from his correspondence. Second edition, revised. xvi,572 p. il. 4 pi. i facsim. O. Lon- don: J. Murray, 1859. LOCOMOTIVE 57 Muirhead, James Patrick, editor. 620.9296 M8g 4362 The origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt, illustrated by his correspondence with his friends and the specifications of his patents 3vol. il. pi. por. O. London: J. Murray, 1854. Contents : Vol. I . Introductory memoir and extracts from correspondence. Vol. 2. Extracts from correspondence. Vol. 3. Letters patent, specifications of patents, and appendix. Smiles, Samuel. 620.92118641 3033 Lives of Boulton and Watt. Principally from the original Soho mss. Comprising also a history of the invention and introduction of the steam-engine. xv,[i],52i p. il. pi. 2 por. O. London: J. Murray, 1865. Williamson, George, of Greenock. 1,620.9296 W67 99308 ]V[ emor i a i s o f the lineage, early life, education and development of the genius of James Watt. By George Williamson, .... [Edinburgh], Printed for the Watt Club by T. Constable, 1856. x, [2], xi, [i2]-262 p. 5 pi. (3 fold.), 3 port. (incl. front.), I fold, map, 7 facsim. (partly fold . ) 26 x 2O cm . Edited by J. Williamson. Acknowledgment of presentation copy to the queen, in form of facsimile autograph letter from C. Grey, inserted. 621.13 HISTORY OF THE LOCOMOTIVE [Archer, Mark.] 621.09239 A6y2 ' William Hedley, the inventor of railway locomotion on the pres- ent principle Third edition. With additional matter, letters, &c. London, C. Lockwood and Co., [pref. 1885]. xvi, 80 p. front., illus., m pi. (i fold.), I map. 22 cm . Preface signed : Mark Archer. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia. L62I.I3 Oioo 76185 History of the Baldwin Locomotive Works from 1831 to 1881. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1881. 53 p. incl. front., illus. 28 cm . Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia. 621.13 R303 89581 History of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1832-1913 [Philadelphia, Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1913.] 146 p. front, (port.), illus. 23i cm . Bell, Joseph Snowden, 1843- 621.13 R20$ The early motive power of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, by J. Snowden Bell. New York, Angus Sinclair Co., 1912. [8], 157 P. illus. 23i". 100536 5 8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Bird, George Frederick. 621.13 7*o8i fke l ocom otives of the Great Northern Railway, 1847-1902, by Geo. Fredk. Bird. With 8 full-page illustrations and 112 illustra- tions in the text by the author. London, The Locomotive Pub- lishing Co., ltd., 1903. xi, 203 p. front, (port.), 112 illus., 7 pi. I9 cm . Brown, William H. 625.0973 Nioo 19998 Yhe history of the first locomotives in America. From original documents, and the testimony of living witnesses. 242 p. 1 1 il. 7 pi. i por. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1871. Cooke, Charles J. Bowen. 621.13 esoe British locomotives : their history, construction, and modern de- velopment. By C. J. Bowen Cooke. With numerous illustra- trations from sketches and diagrams by C. E. Jones and R. A. McLellan, and reproductions of official drawings and photographs. London and New York, Whittaker and Co., 1893. xvi, 381 p. 2 fronts., illus., I pi., 3 diagr. (partly fold.) igk cm . Cooke, Charles J. Bowen. 621.13 Qooi 86667 British locomotives ; their history, construction, and modern de- velopment. By C. J. Bowen Cooke. Third revised and enlarged edition, . . . containing a paper on Compound engines, read by Mr. [F. W.] Webb before the Institution of Civil Engineers in June 1899. Numerous illustrations from sketches and diagrams by C. E. Jones and R. A. McLellan, and reproductions of official drawings and photographs. London and New York, Whittaker and Co., 1900. xix, 422 p., front., illus., 2 pi., 3 diagr. (partly fold.) i<)b cm . Cooke, Charles J. Bowen. 621.13 Q2o6 4 Some recent developments in locomotive practice. An adapta- tion of two lectures delivered at .the Royal Engineers' Institute, Chatham. viii,75 p. 52 il. 14 pi. O. London: Whittaker & Co., 1902. Fletcher, William. 621.14 Q4 01 >3i7<> English anc j American steam carriages and traction engines, by William Fletcher, .... With 250 illustrations. London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1904. xix, 427, [i] p. incl. front., illus., plates, tables. 24i cm . "Some portions of the work have appeared ... in ... the Engineer, the American engineer and railway journal, Machinery, and the Engineering times." Practically a continuation of the author's "The history and development of steam locomotion on common roads", cf. Pref. LOCOMOTIVE 59 Harrison, Joseph, jr. 621.13 N200 93115 The locomotive engine, and Philadelphia's share in its early im- provements. By Joseph Harrison, jr., .... Revised edition with an appendix, .... Philadelphia, G. Gebbie, 1872. x, 86 p. front., illus., n pi. (2 fold.) 243 95619 j)j e Eritwicklung der elektrischen Beleuchtung und der Industrie elektrischer Gluhlampen in Deutschland, von Carl Basch, ... . Berlin, F. Siemenroth, 1910. 96 p. inch tables. 23i cm . "Literaturnachweis," p. [9S]~96. Heap, David Porter, 1843- 627.9 0300 2353 History of the application of the electric light to lighting the coasts b of France. By Major D. P. Heap, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., engineer-secretary of the Light-House Board Washington, Gov't Print Off., 1883. 31 p. 27 illus., i map. 23^. "Mainly reprinted from 'Science'." AIR AND GAS ENGINES 69 621.4 HISTORY OF AIR AND GAS ENGINES Junge, Franz Erich, 1877- 621.43 Q8oo 93164 Gas power; a study of the evolution of gas power, the design and construction of large gas engines in Europe, the application of gas power to various industries and the rational utilization of low grade fuels, by F. E. Junge, .... New York, [etc.], Hill Pub- lishing Company, 1908. xiii, 548 p. incl. illus., tables. 9 diagr. (partly fold.) 24 cm . Knap, Georgia. 62I.43P902 9 Les secrets de fabrication des moteurs a essence pour motocycles & automobiles [2 e edition.] 552 p. il. i por. O. Troyes: V. Martelet, 1900. Liiders, Johannes. 1,621.41 R3O4 10004* j} er Dieselmythus. Quellenmassige Geschichte der Entstehung des heutigen Olmotors, von J. Liiders, .... Mit 12 Figuren im Text. Berlin, M. Krayn, 1913. 236 p. diagrs. 25. Contents. Einleitung. Verzeichnis der benutzten Schriften. Diesels Patent No. 67207 vom 28. Februar 1892. Diesels Broschiire (Anfang 1893). Die Kritiker der Broschiire Diesels. Diesels Patent No. 82168 vom 30. November 1893. Diesels Versuche mit dem neuen Motor ( 1893-1897). Schroters und Diesels Vortrage in Cas- sel (1897). Die Kritiker des Casseler Vortrages. Diesels Vortrag in Berlin (1912). Diesels Schrift: "Die Entstehung des Diesehnotors" (Herbst 1913). Maier, Wilhelm. 621.41 Q8oo ' Warmekraftmaschinen. Ein Riickblick auf deren Entwicklung seit Anfang der neunziger Jahre. Antrittsrede von Wilhelm Maier, .... Stuttgart, K. Wittwer, 1908. 31 p. 24 cm . Meyer, P 621.41 RSOI 3 Beitrage zur Geschichte des Dieselmotors. Von P. Meyer Mit einer Tafel. Berlin,}. Springer, 1913. [4], 56, [2] p. I fold, diagr. 22 cm . "Literaturiibersicht fur die Zeit bis rSgS," i p. at end. Richard. 62I>4 Qso8 .... Neuere Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Warmekraftma- schinen. Von Richard Vater, .... Mit 48 Abbildungen. Leip- zig, B. C. Teubner, 1906. vi, 136 p. 48 illus. incl. diagrs. iSh cm . (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt. 86. Band- chen.) 70 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 621.6 HISTORY OF PUMPING ENGINES Bjorling, Philip R L620.8 49 v.2 49948 .... British progress in pumps and pumping engines. By Philip R. Bjorling .... With numerous illustrations and a directory and classified list of pumps and pumping engines in Great Britain London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1905. xii, 70, 70 a-b, 71-92 p. 29 pi. (incl. diagr., I fold.) 26i cm . (/ National en- gineering and trade lectures . . . , volume n.) Most of the plates have illustrations on both sides. "Bibliography of books on pumps and pumping engines published in Great Britain," p. 71. Ewbank, Thomas. 621.641,100 4439 ^ descriptive and historical account of hydraulic and other ma- chines for raising water, ancient and modern : with observations on various subjects connected with the mechanic arts : including the progressive development of the steam engine: .... Twelfth edition, revised ... to which is added, a supplement, xvi, 608 p. 290 il. O. New York: Bangs, Platt, & Co., 1851, c. 1842. 622.09 HISTORY OF MINING Freise, Frd. 622.09 Q8oo * Geschichte der Bergbau- und Hiittentechnik. Von Dr.-Ing. Fr. a Freise. . . . Erster Band : Das Altertum. Mit 87 Textfiguren. Berlin, J Springer, 1908. viii, 187 p. 87 illus. 24i cm . No more published. "Nachweis der benutzten Quellen," vol. i, p. [i82]-i83. Gobet, Nicolas, 1737?-: 781 ? 622.0944 Fi Les anciens mineralogistes du royaume de France; avec des notes. Par M. Gobet. Premiere- [seconde] partie. Paris, Ruault, 1779. 2 vol. I fold. pi. 20 cm . Slip pasted over imprint reads: P. T. Barrois le jeune Paged continuously. 73720 Guarini, Emile. 1622.3 Q8oo .... Les mines a travers les ages. Sexploitation electrique. Paris, H. Dunod & E. Pinat, [1908]. cover-title, 35, [i] p. 26 cm . At head of title: Emile Guarini .... MINING 71 Hue, Otto. 331.7622 Roo2 93UO -Qj e B er g ar b e iter, historische Darstellung der Bergarbeiter-Ver- haltnisse von der altesten bis in die neueste Zeit, von Otto Hue. Erster-[zweiter] Band. Stuttgart, J. H. W. Dietz Nachf., 1910- 2 vol. illus. 23i cm . "Verzeichnis der hauptsachlich benutzten Literatur," vol. I, p. 451-455; vol. 2, p. 758-760. Hunt, Robert, F. R. S. 1622.0942 0700 9 British mining. A treatise on the history, discovery, practical development and future prospects of metalliferous mines in the United Kingdom. Second edition, revised. xx,[2],944 p. 231 il. 2 pi. Q. London: C. Lockwood & Co., 1887. Launay, Louis de, 1860- 622.09 Q8o2 93179 .... La conquete minerale, par L. de Launay, .... Paris, E. Flammarion, 1908. [4], 389, [2] p. 19. (Bibliotheque de philosophic scientifique.) "Bibliographic principale," p. [3812-384. Mannix, John Bernard. 622.02 R300 100601 Mines and their story, by J. Bernard Mannix. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co. ; London, Sidgwick & Jackson, ltd., 1913. xviii, 337, [i] p. col. front., illus., 46 pi. 25 cm . Mohrle, Th 622.28 R20O 92356 Eisenbeton unter Tage. Eine chronologische Zusammenfassung aller Neuerungen und Errungenschaften auf diesem Gebiete, von Zivilingenieur Th. Mohrle, .... Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1912. 46, [2] p. 44 illus. (incl. diagrs.) 25 cm . Ramirez, Santiago. 1,622.0972 0400 15470 Noticia historica de la riqueza minera de Mexico y de su actual estado de explotacion ..... 768, [4] p. i table. Q. Mexico 1884. Pages 761-768 and index are mutilated. Swineford, Alfred P 622.09774 N6oo 1 History and review of the copper, iron, silver, slate and other material interests of the south shore of Lake Superior. [By] A. P. Swineford. Marquette (L. S.), Mich., The Mining Journal, 1876. [2], 280 p. front., 9 pi. 2l cm . 72 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Tstmashiro, Wada. 1622.0952 12494 '-pke mining industry of Japan during the last twenty five years. 1867-1892. By Wada Tsunashiro, Director of the Mining Bu- reau, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Japan. [8], 304, [2] p. il. 4 pi. i map, i table. sq.Q. Tokyo 1893. Whittlesey, Charles. 1,061.823 iseo Ancient mining on the shores of Lake Superior. ... 1862. [4], 29 p. 21 il. i map. (In SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithso- nian contributions to knowledge, vol. 13, Washington 1863.) Williams, Archibald. 622.09 Q7oo 92230 The romance of modern mining ; containing interesting descrip- tions of the methods of mining for minerals in all parts of the world, by Archibald Williams, .... With twenty-four illustra- tions. London, Seeley and Co., ltd., 1907. 401, [i] p. front., 23 pi. 29i cm . ( On verso oft.-p.: The library of romance.) Wutke, Konrad, 1861- 1622.0943 Q 002 73473 Schlesiens Bergbau und Hiittenwesen ..... Namens des Ver- a eins fur Geschichte und Alterthum Schlesiens, herausgegeben von Konrad Wutke. Breslau, E. Morgensterns Buchhandlung (E. Wohlfarth), 1900-1901. 2vol.ini. 29x23. (Added t.-p.: Codex diplomat! cussilesiae. Zwanzigster- [einundzwanzigster] Band.) Contents. Urkunden (1136-1528"!. 1900. vii, 302 p. Urkunden und Akten (1529-1740). 1901. vii, 322 p. Zycha, Adolf. 622.007 42221 Das Recht des altesten deutschen Bergbaues bis ins 13. Jahr- hundert. Eine Studie aus der deutschen Rechts- und Wirth- schaftsgeschichte, von Dr. Adolf Zycha, .... Berlin, F. Vahlen, 1899. 622.09 History of coal and iron mining Armes, Ethel, 1876- . 622.09761 Rooi The story of coal and iron in Alabama, by Ethel Armes .... Birmingham, Alabama, published under auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, 1910. xxxiv, [2], 581 p. col. front., 16 pi., ports, on 13 pi., I map, I plan, i facsim. 93165 COAL AND IRON MINING 73 Becher, Johann Philipp. 554-3 Fi 1 Mineralogische Beschreibung der oranien-nassauischen Lande nebst einer Geschichte des siegenschen Hiitten- und Hammer- wesens. Zweite Auflage (die erste erschien 1789). viii, 326 p. Atlas of 4 maps. O. Dillenburg: M. Weidenbach, 1902. Bittner, Ludwig. 338.244 Qioo * Das Eisenwesen in Innerberg-Eisenerz bis zur Griindung der Innerberger Hauptgewerkschaft im Jahre 1625. Von Ludwig Bittner. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1901. 196 p. 25 cm . Boyd, Robert Nelson. 338.218 P2OO 8814 Coal pits and pitmen. A short history of the coal trade and the legislation affecting it. viii, 256 p. il. I pi. D. London: Whitta- ker & Co., 1892. Biittgenbach, Franz. 622.094 p 8oo ! Der erste Steinkohlenbergbau in Europa. Geschichtliche Skizze, von Franz Biittgenbach, .... Aachen, I. Schweitzer, 1898. 24 p. 24 cm . Dunn, Matthias. 338.218 K400 15648 ^ n historical, geological, and descriptive view of the coal trade of the north of England ; . . . . To which are appended a concise notice of the peculiarities of certain coal fields in Great Britain and Ireland ; and also a general description of the coal mines of Belgium, drawn up from actual inspection. ix,[i],248 p. O. Newcastle upon Tyne : W. Garrett, 1844. Galloway, Robert L 622.33 P8ci 20741 Annals of coal mining and the coal trade. [First -second series.] a London, Colliery Guardian Co., 1898-1904. 2 vol. front, (port. vol. 2), illus., 15 pi., 4 maps. 23 cm . Vol. I has subtitle: The invention of the steam engine and the origin of the railway. "The first half of the contents appeared in serial form, in the pages of the Colliery guardian." cf. Pref. vol. 2. A history of coal mining from the earliest times to the passing of the Coal mines in- spection act in 1850. Galloway, Robert L. 622.0942 6200 16647 A history of coal mining in Great Britain. xi,2/3 p. D. Lon- don : Macmillan & Co., 1882. Hey denreich , Eduard . o 1 5 . 43 HS i Bibliographisches Repertorium liber die Geschichte der Stadt Freiberg und ihres Berg- und Huttenwesens. Fur akademische Vorlesungen und fiir den Freiberger Altertumsverein. ix, [2] , 1 28 p. i pi. O. Freiberg in Sachsen : Craz & Gerlach, 1885. 74 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY [Holland, John], 1794-1872. 622.337500 90117 The history and description of fossil fuel, the collieries, and coal trade of Great Britain. By the author of the "Treatise on manu- factures in metal," (three volumes,) in the Cabinet cyclopaedia. .... Second edition. London, Whittaker and Co. ; [etc., etc.], 1841. xvi, 485, [ij p. incl. illus., tables. 23. T.-p. illus. Macdonald, C Ochiltree. 1622.3 Qgoo 90157 The coal and iron industries of Nova Scotia, by C. Ochiltree Macdonald, .... Halifax, N. S., Chronicle Publishing Co., ltd., 1909. [4], viii, 267 p. incl. tables, 6 maps (partly fold.), 3 diagrs. (partly fold.) 26 cm . "Bibliography," p. 267. Schneider, Robert. 622.09 OS 02 3 Die Entwickelung, Bedeutung und Zukunft des Bergbaues und der Eisenindustrie. Von Robert Schneider. Bochum i. W., Selbstverlag des Verfassers, [1905]. 58 p. illus. 19^ xi5 cm . Stegemann, Oskar. 622.19 ^74 78904 j-) er E scn weiler Bergwerksverein und seine Vorgeschichte 1784- 1910. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Aachener Stein- kohlenbergbaues. Von Oskar Stegemann, .... Mit zehn An- lagen. Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1910. iv, [4], Ii6p. viii pi. (incl. plans), 2 fold, maps, I fold, table, I fold, diagr. 25 cm . "Benutzte Literatur," p. [4]. Swineford, Alfred P 622.09774 Nioo 49954 Swineford's History of the Lake Superior iron district, its mines and furnaces. Second edition, containing report for 1870. A. P. Swineford, .... Marquette, Mining Journal Office, 1871. 98 p. 23 cm . Wolf strigl- Wolf skron, Max Reichsritter von. 622.09436 Q200 38491 Die Tiroler Erzbergbaue 1301-1665. Von Max Reichsritter von Wolfstrigl-Wolfskron .... Mit Unterstutzung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Innsbruck, Wagner'sche Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1903. xv, 473 p. 24i cm . " Literatur- Verzeichnis iiber den Tiroler Bergbau," p. [xiii]-xv. MINING 75 622.09 History of other mining Ardaillon, Edouard. 622.34 P7oi ' Les mines du Laurion dans 1'antiquite. [4] ,21 6, [2] p. 26 il. i. pi. 3 maps. O. [Bibliotheque des Ecoles franchises d'Athenes et de Rome, vol. 77.] Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1897. "Bibliographic," p. 3-4. Bleekman, George, 1862- 553.54 Rioo 9 The story of slate and the slate industry ... by George Bleek- man, .... [Harrisburg, Pa., The Telegraph Printing Company, C i9ii.] 92, [2] p. inch ill us., plans. I4ix22i cm . T.-p. illus. Brayley, Arthur Wellington, 1863- 553-S 2 R 3<>o 97833 -History of the granite industry of New England, by Arthur W. Brayley .... Boston, Mass., Published by authority of the National Association of Granite Industries of the United States, 2 vol. fronts., illus., 93 pi. (incl. ports.) 23i cm . Plates printed on both sides. Crane, Walter Richard, 1 870- 553-4 Q8oo 7 Gold and silver ; comprising an economic history of mining in the United States, the geographical and geological occurrence of the precious metals, with their mineralogical associations, history and description of methods of mining and extraction of values, and a detailed discussion of the production of gold and silver in the world and the United States, by Walter R. Crane, .... First edition. .... New York, J. Wiley & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1908. xi, 727 p. illus. (incl. maps), 10 pi., I fold, diagr. 2^^ cm . Georg von Gicsche's Erben, Breslau. 622.0943 Q4 01 65352 Geschichte der Bergwerksgesellschaft Georg v. Giesche's Erben. Festschrift zum zweihundertjahrigen Jubilaum der Gesellschaft am 22. November 1904 ..... Breslau, 1904. 3 vol. 32x23^. Contents. Die allgemeine Geschichte der Gesellschaft bis zum Jahre 1851. Von Dr. Konrad Wutke. x, 237, [i] p. illus., 2 pi., 3 facsim. (i fold.) Die Entwick- lung des Besitzes der Gesellschaft vom Jahre 1851 ab. Von Bergrat Fr. Bernhardi. [6], 127, [i] p. 20 pi., 4 fold, maps, 6 fold, diagr. Verfassungs- und Verwaltungs- geschichte der Gesellsehaft. Von Dr. Heinrich Wendt. [6], 199, [i] p. 4 pi., ports, on 5 leaves, I map, 2 facsim., 6 diagr. 76 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hoppe, Oswald i.e. Friedrich Oswald, 1873- 622.3481 Q8oo 93173 ) er Silberbergbau zu Schneeberg bis zum Jahre 1500 Freiberg, Gerlachsche Buchdruckerei, 1908. I59 [4] P- 22<. Inaug.-dis. Heidelberg. Lebenslauf. "Bibliography," p. [2]. Leadville. 1622.09788 Ngoo M639 L eac i v in e- its history and its resources. 10 p. sq.Q. [Lead- ville 1879.] No title-page. [Mansfeld'sche Kupferschieferbauende 622.0943 Q 001 J4856 Gewerkschaft.] Die Geschichte des Mansfeld'schen Kupferschieferbergbaues und Hiittenbetriebes. Festschrift zur Feier des 7OOJahrigen Jubilaums am 12. Juni 1900. [4] ,98 p. 2 tables. Q. Eisleben 1900. Meade, Edward Sherwood, 1874- 622.3435 Q8 96259 -phe story of gold, by Edward Sherwood Meade, .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1908. xv, 206 p. front., illus. i8 cm . "For my material I have utilized a series of magazine articles published by me some years ago in the Journal of political economy and the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science." Pref. Muck, Walter. 622.3419 Rooi 13234 Der Mansfelder Kupferschieferbergbau in seiner rechtsgeschicht- lichen Entwicklung. Band I.-2 Im Auftrage Sr. Durch- laucht des Fiirsten Joseph zu Colloredo-Mannsfeld bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Dr. jur. Walter Muck. Eisleben, Selbstver- lag des Verfassers, 1910. 2 vol. 254 cm . "Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis,' vol. I, p. [vii]-xi. Contents. Bd. I. Geschichte des Mansfelder Bergregals. [4], xxiv, 275, 261, [i]p. incl. tables. IV fold, maps in pocket, 4 facsim Bd. 2. Urkundenbuch des Mans- felder Bergbaus. [2], xvi, 727, [5] p. VI fold, pi., 4 facsim. (2 fold.) Facsim. in vol. I are printed on both sides. 30567 Nash, William Giles. 622.0946 Q40i The Rio Tinto mine; its history and romance. By William Giles Nash, .... London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., ltd., 1904. xi, 235 p. front., n pi. 22i cm . "Works and authorities quoted," p. ix. MILITARY ENGINEERING 77 Pfau, W Clemens. 622.0943 P8oo 67821 .... Geschichte des Steinbetriebes auf dem Rochlitzer Berge. Von Dr. C. Pfau. Rochlitz i. Sa., Druck von M. Bode, [1898]. cover-title, 156 p. I fold. pi. 25 cm . (Mitteilungen des Vereins fur Rochlitzer Geschichte. 2. Heft, 1898.) "Verzeichnis der angefiihrten Quellen," p. 152-153. Polak, J A 1622.09882 Q8oo " Historisch overzicht van de goudindustrie in Suriname, door J. A. Polak, .... Met een kaart. s'Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 1908. [6], 268, [6] p. I fold. map. 25i cm . . "Literatuur," 2 p. at end. Schroeder, Earl. 1,622.3419 H Die Entwicklung des Mansfelder Kupferschieferbergbaues unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Geschichte der Fordereinrichtung- en, von Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Karl Schroeder .... Mit 21 Kurven und 1 6 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1913. [6], 95, [i] p. incl. illus., tables, I fold, diagr. 25i cm . "Benutzte Literatur," p. [94]~95. Worms, Stephen. 1*338.2 Q40i 69577 Schwazer Bergbau im fiinfzehnten Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur * Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Von Dr. Stephen Worms, .... Wien, Manzsche k. u. k. Hof-Verlags- und Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1904. ix, [i], 176, [2] p. 26. 623.09 HISTORY OF MILITARY ENGINEERING Bartelt, Wilhelm. 1571.053 M3I3 v.4 3 .... Die Burgwalle des Ruppiner Kreises. Ein Beitrag zur Heimatkunde von Rektor Wilhelm Bartelt und Mittelschullehrer Karl Waase, .... Mit i Ubersichtskarte und 20 Tafeln, enthal- tend 27 Lageplane und 227 Abbildungen. Wurzburg, C. Ka- bitzsch (A. Stuber), 1910. [4], 65 p. xxi pi. (incl. map). 26 cm . (/wMannus-Bibliothek, No. 4; origin- ally published as Forschungen zur Friih- und Vorgeschichte Europas, i. Heft.) Clark, George Thomas. 623.10400 5340 Mediaeval military architecture in England. 2 vol. il. pi. maps. O. London: Wyman & Sons, 1884. 78 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Cohausen, August i.e. Karl August von, 1812-1894. 1-623.1 P8o3 1 Die Befestigungsweisen der Vorzeit und des Mittelalters. Von August von Cohausen .... Auf seinen Wunsch herausgegeben von Max Jahns. Mit einem Bildnisse des Verfassers in Kupfer- lichtdruck und mit einem Atlas von 57 Tafeln Abbildungen. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel, 1898. xliv, 340 p. front, (port.), 57 pi. (incl. map, plans). 2jk cm , Plates have special t.-p. Connolly, Thomas William J. 355. 0942 1,700 History of the Royal Sappers and Miners, from the formation of the corps in March 1772, to the date when its designation was changed to that of Royal Engineers, in October 1856. Second edition, with considerable additions. 2 vol. pi. O. London : Longman, ... , & Roberts, 1857. Cowper, Henry Swainson, 1865- 399 Qsoo 63443 y^g art o f a ttack. Being a study in the development of weapons and appliances of offence, from the earliest times to the age of gunpowder. By H. S. Cowper, .... With 361 illustrations. Uiverston, W. Holmes, ltd., printers, 1906. xviii, [2], 312 p. front., 356 illus. 22^ cm . "A short bibliography of some English works," p. [299J-3OI. Frobenius, Hermann Theodor Wilhelm, 1841- 623.1 R20O 87144 Unsere Festungen. Entwicklung des Festungswesens in Deutsch- land seit Einfiihrung der gezogenen Geschlitze bis zur neusten Zeit, von Hermann Frobenius, .... Berlin, Vossische Buch- handlung, 1912-. Vol. i-. illus. 24i cm . Jahns, Max, 1837-1900. 033 M400 v.2i 3512 Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften, vornehmlich in Deutsch- a land. Von Max Jahns. Erste - [dritte] Abteilung ..... Auf Veranlassung Sr. Majestat des Ko'nigs von Bayern herausgegeben durch die Historische Kommission bei der Kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Munchen und Leipzig, R. Oldenbourg, 1889- 1891. 3 vol. 22i cm . (/;/ Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland. NeuereZeit, einundzwanzigster Band.) Paged continuously. Contents. I. Abt. Altertum, Mittelalter, xv. und xvi. Jahrhundert. 1889. xlvi, 865 p. 2. Abt. xvii. und xvin. Jahrhundert bis zum Auftreten Friedrichs des Grossen 1740. 1890. xxxix p., p. [867]-i766. 3. Abt. Das xvin. Jahrhundert seit dem Auftreten Friedrichs des Grossen 1740-1800. 1891. xlviii p., p. Lloyd, Ernest Marsh. 623.092 1,77 1 Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot: engineer studies, vi, [23,239 p. 4 por. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1887. MILITARY ENGINEERING 79 Marva y Mayer, Jose. 623.09 Q30O 62355 Ciencias aplicadas al arte militar. Ateneo de Madrid, Estu- dios superiores, curso de 1903. Estudio historico de los medios de ataque y defensa. Resumen, hecho por la Revista tecnica de infantena y caballena, de las conferencias pronunciadas por el coronel D. Jose Marva y Mayer .... Edicion ilustrada con numerosos grabados. Madrid, Estab. tip. "El trabajo", 1903. 410, [2] p. 508 illus. 24i cm . Merz, Walther, ed. 1,623.1 Q40i 48469 j)j e mittelalterlichen Burganlagen und Wehrbauten des Kantons Argau. Mit Unterstlitzung der historischen Gesellschaft . . . herausgegeben von Walther Merz. l.-[il.] Band. Arau, H. R. Sauerlander & Co., 19051906. 2 vol. illus., 30 pi. (partly fold.), I fold, map, n plans (partly fold.), 31 tables (partly fold.) 33 cm . Paged continuously; vol. i : xi, f l], 300, 10 p.; vol. 2: x, 301-714 p. "Quellen" interspersed. Napier, David, 1790-1869. 1,623.09261 Ni6$ 100468 Dayid Napier, engineer, 17901869. An autobiographical sketch with notes Glasgow, J. Maclehose and Sons, 1912. ix, [i], 135, [i] p. front., illus., 15 pi., 12 port., I fold, plan, 5 facsim. (i fold.) 26 x I9 cm . "Introduction" and "Notes" by David Bell. "Note" signed: David Dehane Napier. Napier, James. 623.09261 Ni6 * 2062 Life of Robert Napier of West Shandon, chevalier of the Legion of Honour; knight commander of the Order of the Dannebrog; president of the Mechanical Engineers. By James Napier, .... Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1904. xiv, 267 p. 31 pi., 7 port. incl. front., I plan. 23 cm . Porter, Gen. Whitworth. 355-OQ42 0900 87398 History of the Corps of Royal Engineers. 2 vol. il. pi. of por. por. maps. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1889. 90311 Royal Engineers Institute, Chatham. 1623.6 Q40I Detailed history of the railroads in the South African W T ar, 1899- 1902. Vol. l-[ll]. Chatham, Royal Engineers Institute, 1904. 2 vol. 34o 47411 Burgstalle. Eine Untersuchung liber romisches Heerwesen. Von Eman. Seyler, .... Berlin, Vossische Buchhandlung, 1903. 112, [2] p. illus. 24 cm . Wangemann, Hauptmann . 623.0943 Q200 39363 Borage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der heutigen Kriegstechnik. Funf Aufsatze, von Wangemann Berlin, R. Eisenschmidt, 1902. 52 p. 22 cm . Watson, Sir Charles Moore. 023.09297 W33 78396 The life of Major-General Sir Charles William Wilson, Royal Engineers, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.C.L., LL.D., M.E. By Colonel Sir Charles M. Watson, .... With portrait, maps and illustrations. New York, E. P. Button & Co., 1909. xv, 419, [l] p. 3 port. incl. front., 15 pi., 5 fold. maps. 23 cm . Printed in Great Britain. "Publications, addresses, etc.," p. 401-404. -.5 History of firearms and ballistics Andersen, P 359-09489 Q8oo Bidrag til Soartilleriets historic, af P. Andersen, .... Udgivet med underst0ttelse af Marineministeriet. K0benhavn, [J. Cohen (G. A. Bach)], 1909. 189, [2] p. incl. tables. 24. 93380 Askins, Charles. 799-2 A835 101120 The American shotgun, by Charles Askins. Copiously illustrated with halftones from photographs and diagrammatic drawings by the author. New York, Outing Publishing Company, 1910. [6], 1 1-321 p. illus 2ii cm . Bashf orth, Francis, 1819- 623.5 Q70i 73742 Ballistic experiments from 1864 to 1880. By Francis Bashforth, .... Cambridge, University Press, 1907. 33, [i] p. 2ii<= m . Bashforth, Francis. 62 3-5 48497 A historical sketch of the experimental determination of the re- sistance of the air to the motion of projectiles, by Francis Bash- forth, .... Cambridge, University Press, 1903- [4], 30 p. illus. 24 CI . FIREARMS AND BALLISTICS 81 Birnie, Rogers, 1851- 623.4 Q7<>2 1024 .... Gun making in the United States by Captain (now Colonel) Rogers Birnie, jr. Ordnance Department, U. S. Army. Re- printed from the Journal of the Military Service Institution, by its authority, with corrections by the author. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1907. 144 p. illus., I fold, diagr. 24 cm . (Onversooft.-p.: War Department Docu- ment no. 298. Office of the Chief of Ordnance.) Blanch, H J . 1623.4 QQOQ 90781 A century of guns : a sketch of the leading types of sporting and military small arms, with over 150 illustrations of guns and rifles. .... By H. J. Blanch. London, J. Blanch & Son, 1909. xiii> [l]> I53> [6] p. incl. front., illus., plates, tables, diagrs. 2$& m . Contents. I. Flint lock period, volunteers, muskets and rifles. 2. The percussion system, the expanding bullet rifle. 3. The breechloading system, revolvers, capping breechloaders, the gastight cartridge, single breechloading military rifles. 4. Hammer- less and ejector guns, single-triggers, pump guns, the auto-loading system. 5- Repeat- ing and magazine rifles, the Lee-Enfield. Appendix. Tables of particulars of modern rifles. Drawings of cartridges of modern rifles. Campana, J. 623.4 Q 102 33625 L'aftillerie de campagne, 1792-1901. Etude technique et tac- tique. Artillerie lisse artillerie rayee artilleries franchise el allemande en 1901. ix,4i3 p. 24 il. i por. 4 maps. O. Paris: Berger-Levrault & c' e , 1901. Garbett, H., R. N. 623.5 P7oo 7839 ]sj ava } gunnery. A description and history of the fighting equip- ment of a man-of-war. xiv,36o p. 113 il. 11 pi. D. [Royal Navy handbooks.] London : G. Bell & Sons, 1897. Gothsche, 623.0943 Q40O 49488 j)j e ko'niglichen Gewehrfabriken. Kurze Darstellung ihrer Ent- stehung, Entwicklung und Aufgaben. Anhang: Ranglisten der Omziere und der Zeugoffiziere der koniglichen Gewehrfabriken 1801 1903, und graphische Darstellung der Arbeiterzahl bei denselben. Bearbeitet von Gothsche, Hauptmann, Direktions- assistent der Gewehrfabrik Erfurt. Berlin, Liebelsche Buchhand- lung, 1904. [4] 99> [1] ? 6 fold, plans, I fold, diagr. 22 cm . 82 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Greener, William Oliver, 1862- 016.623683 97849 A bibliography of guns and shooting. Being a list of ancient and modern English and foreign books relating to firearms and their use, and to the composition and manufacture of explosives ; with an introductory chapter on technical books and the writers of them, firearms inventions, and the history of gunmaking and the development of the art of wing shooting. Compiled and re- vised to date. By Wirt Gerrare \pseud.~], .... Westminster, Roxburghe Press, [1896]. vii, 216 p. 23 cm . About 2500 titles classified, with an author index. Greener, William Wellington. 683 P6oi 5920 j^ g un an( j j ts development. Sixth edition, rewritten. xvi,768 p. il. i pi. sq.O. London: Cassell & Co., 1896. Greener, William. 623.4 L8oo 73993 Gunnery { n 1858 i being a treatise on rifles, cannon, and sporting a arms ; explaining the principles of the science of gunnery, and describing the newest improvements in fire-arms. By William Greener, .... With numerous illustrations. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1858. xvi, 439, [i] p. front., illus. 23 cm . Gunther, Reinhold, 1863- 623.4 Qgo2 72428 .... Allgemeine Geschichte der Handfeuerwaffen. Eine Uber- sicht ihrer Entwickelung von Dr. Reinhold Gunther, .... Mit 123 Abbildungen und 4 tlbersichtstafeln. Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1909. xi, 131, [i] p. 4 fold, tables. 22i cm . (Wissen und Konnen.) Hime, Henry William Lovett. 623.4 Q402 8 Gunpowder and ammunition, their origin and progress ; by Lieut- Colonel Henry W. L. Hime .... London, New York and Bom- bay, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1904. ix, 256 p. 22i cm . "Books often quoted," p. ix. Jacobs, Karl, 1840- 623.09401 Rooi 83391 j-) as Aufkommen der Feuerwaffen am Niederrheine bis zum Jahre 1400. Auf Grund von Forschungen in Archiven und Museen. Von Dr. Karl Jacobs. Bonn, P. Hanstein, 1910. [4], v, 137 p. 24"". "Literaturangaben," p. [i]-ii; "Quellennachweis," p. [iii]-v. FIREARMS AND BALLISTICS 83 .- Kb'hler, Rudolph. 617.99 P7oo 30233 j)j e modernen Kriegsvvaffen. Ihre Entwicklung und ihr gegen- wartiger Stand, ihre Wirkung auf das tote und lebende Ziel. Ein Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Kriegschirurgie. 2 vol. paged continuously, il. O. Berlin: O. Enslin, 1897-1900. Contents: Vol. I. Die Entwicklung der treibenden Krafte bei den Fernwaffen. Die Entwicklung der Handfeuerwaffen. Das neueste Gewehr und sein Geschoss. Entwick- lung der Artilleriewaffe bis in die Gegenwart. Die Lehre vom Geschossfluge. Theorie der Geschosswirkung. xii, 1-207 p. 4 il. 1897. Vol. 2. Die Veranderungen der Geschosse im Lauf, in der Luft und im Ziel. Die Wirkungen der Geschosse auf nicht animate Ziele. Kriegschirurgie im engeren Sinne. xx,2O9-948 p. 52 il. 1900. "Quellen," at the end of each chapter. Lenz, Alfred von. 623.09290 1,54 49464 Lebensbild des Generals Uchatius des Erfinders der Stahlbronze- geschiitze. Von Alfred v. Lenz. Mit einem Portrat in Helio- gravure, zwei Abbildungen im Text, neun Briefen des Generals Uchatius an seine Frau aus der Belagerungsarmee von Venedig ' im Jahre 1849 und einer Musikbeilage. Wien, K. Gerolds Sohn, 1904. i v T 57> [9] P- front, (port.), illus. 24-i cm . Norton, Charles Benjamin, compiler. 1623.4 Oioo 23772 American inventions and improvements in breech-loading small arms, heavy ordnance, machine guns, magazine arms, fixed am- munition, pistols, projectiles, explosives, and other munitions of war, including a chapter on sporting arms. Second edition, with notes on cast-iron heavy guns and later inventions in machine guns and magazine small arms. 425 p. il. 29 pi. 2 paged in. sq.F. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. Sawyer, Charles Winthrop. 623.4 Rooi 90216 Firearms in American history, 1600 to 1800, by Charles Win- throp Sawyer. Boston, The author, [ C i9io]. [4], 237 p. 28 pi. incl. front. 2l cm . "For consultation," p. 232-234. 84267 Schneider, Rudolf. 623.09401 Roo2 Die Artillerie des Mittelalters. Nach den Angaben der Zeitge- O O nossen dargestellt von Rudolf Schneider. Mit 6 Textbeilagen und 8 Bildertafeln. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1910. x, 183 p. viii pi. 24 cm . Tennent, Sir James Emerson, bart., 1804-1869. 623.4 The story of the guns. By Sir J. Emerson Tennent, .. London, Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1864. xxii, 364 p. front., illus., 2 pi., i diagr. 2O cm . 10131 84 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Thierbach, M. 1623.4 Pgo2 30453 )j e geschichtliche Entwickelung der Handfeuerwaffen, bearbeitet nach den in den deutschen Sammlungen noch vorhandenen Origi- nalen. Zweite, durch Nachtrage und Tafeln erweiterte, Gesammt- Ausgabe. 3 parts in i vol. paged continuously; part i : xiv,i- 167 p.; part 2: vii, 169-268 p.; part 3: xi,269~538 p. 34 col- ored pi. Nachtrage 5 2 p. 2 colored pi. Q. Dresden-N. : C. Damm, 1899. Ward & Co., Montgomery, Chicago. 683P500 13992 Y^e evo lution of the gun. A brief and interesting review of the conception of a machine for the throwing of missiles, its gradual evolution through the implements of warfare and the chase, and its arrival at perfection in the gun of to-day. 40 p. il. T. Chi- cago c. 1895. Weiss, Robert. 623.4 Q8o6 J397i \Vaffenkunde. Ein Fu'hrer durch das Waffenwesen der Neuzeit. Fur Offiziere aller Waffen. Von Weiss Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Figuren. In drei Teilen Berlin, Liebel- sche Buchhandlung, 19081909. 3 vol. in i. 113 illus. incl. diagrs. 24-i cm . Contents. I. Tl. Treibmittel und Sprengstoffe, Handfeuerwaffen, Maschinenge- wehre und blanke Waffen. 1908. viii, 93 p. 2. Tl. Die Geschutze. 1908. vii p., p. [95]-349. 3. Tl. Wirkung und Gebrauch der Feuerwaffen. 1909. viii p., P- [350-506. 74293 Wille, Richard, 1841- 623.49307 Entwicklung der Verschliisse fiir Kanonen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der neusten Verschliisse System Ehrhardt. Von R. Wille, .... Mit 158 Brldern im Text und auf vier Ta- feln. Berlin, R. Eisenschmidt, 1903. vii, 123 p. 6l illus. incl. diagrs., iv fold. pi. 2^ Km . Wrzodek, G 623.4 Q 8o . . . Die Entwicklung der Handfeuerwaffen seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihr heutiger Stand. Von G. Wrzodek, .... Mit 21 Abbildungen und 2 Tabellen. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen- 'sche Verlagshandlung, 1908. 118, [2] p. 21 illus., 2 fold, tables. i$k cm . (Sammlung Goschen.) "Literaturiibersicht," p. [6]. 63141 NAVAL ENGINEERING AND SHIP BUILDING 85 623.8 HISTORY OF NAVAL ENGINEERING AND SHIP BUILDING Baasch, Ernst, 1861- 623.0943 P900 7 Beitrage zur Geschichte des deutschen Seeschiffbaues und der Schiffbaupolitik von Dr. Ernst Baasch Hamburg, L. Grafe & Sillem, 1899. V, [2], 351, [I] p. 24 cm . Barnaby, Sir Nathaniel, 1829- 909.8 N62 .19 45658 ... . Naval development in the century, by Nathaniel Barnaby .... London & Edinburgh, W. & R. Chambers, ltd. ; Philadel- phia, [etc], The Bradley-Garretson Co., ltd., 1903. xv, [2], 468 p. front, (port.), illus., 3 pi., 2 fold, diagr. 2ii cm . (/ The Nineteenth century series, volume xix.) Boehmer, George Hans. 071.91 i 1891 92696 -prehistoric naval architecture of the north of Europe. By George H. Boehmer. (/ Report U. S. National Museum. 1892. 23. p. 527-647. illus., pi. LXVIII- LXXXIV.) Bibliographical foot-notes. Cavanagh, Raymond. 623.8 Q6o2 The book of boats; a brief story of some of the queer prototypes of the modern launch, by Raymond Cavanagh. Drawings by E. P. Seidel. Saint Paul, Minn., Press of the Randall Printing Company, [ C i9o6]. [6], 11-122, [2] p. incl. front., illus. 17x13. Chatterton, Edward Keble. 623.8 Q902 Sailing ships; the story of their development from the earliest times to the present day, by E. Keble Chatterton. With a hun- dred and thirty illustrations. London, Sidgwick.& Jackson, ltd., 1909. xxi, 361, [i] p., i 1. col. front., illus., 62 pi. (partly fold. incl. plans.) 25 cm . "Bibliography," p. 339-343. 77848 Chatterton, Edward Keble. 623.09 Rooi Steamships and their story, by E. Keble Chatterton, .... With 153 illustrations. London, New York, [etc.] Cassell and Co., 1910. xx, 340 p. col. front., illus., 79 pi. 24^ cm . 86 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Colden, Cadwallader David. 620.9231 67 1304 The life of Robert Fulton, ... : comprising some account of the invention, progress, and establishment of steam-boats ; of im- provements in the construction and navigation of canals, .... vi,37i p. i por. i table. O. New- York: Kirk & Mercein, 1817. Flamm, Oswald. 330-943 Q6oo v.io 5 Schiffbau. Seine Geschichte und seine Entwicklung. Von Pro- fessor Oswald Flamm, .... Mit 20 Abbildungen. Berlin, Ver- lag ftir Sprach- und Handelswissenschaft (S. Simon), [1907?]. 75 p. 22 cm . (/ Handel, Industrie und Verkehr in Einzeldarstellungen, Band X. ) Fletcher, R A 656.9 Roo4 9 Steam-ships, the story of their development to the present day, by R. A. Fletcher. With a hundred and fifty illustrations. Lon- don, Sidgwick & Jackson, ltd., 1910. xx, 421, [i] p. col. front., illus., 90 pi. 25 cm . "Bibliography," p. 391-393. Hagedorn, Bernhard, 1880- 623.8 Die Entwicklung der wichtigsten Schiffstypen bis ins 19. Jahrhun- dert. Von Bernhard Hagedorn. Mit 16 Abbildungen und 28 Lichtdrucktafeln. Berlin, K. Curtius, [etc., etc.], 1914. xvi, 133, [2] p. 16 illus., xxvm pi. 2^h cm - {Added t. -p.: Veroffentlichungen des Vereins fiir Hamburgische Geschichte. Erster Band.) Holmes, Sir George Charles Vincent, 1848- 623.8 Qooi * 5637 Ancient and modern ships. Part l-[ll] ..... By George C. V. a Holmes, .... With . . . woodcuts. [London] , Published for the Board of Education by Chapman & Hall, 1900-1906. 2 vol. illus., plates. I9i cm .-22 cm . {Half-title: Victoria and Albert Museum. Science handbooks.) At head of title vol. 2: Board of Education, South Kensington. Victoria and Albert Museum. Contents. pt. i. Wooden sailing-ships. 1900. xv, 164 p. inch front., illus. pt. 2. The era of steam, iron & steel. Printed for H. M. Stationery Off., by Wyman and Sons, ltd. 1906. xii, 219 p. front., illus., 38 pi. (i fold.), I fold, table. Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission, New York. 1,620.9231 H86 81447 The Hudson-Fulton Celebration 1909. The fourth annual re- port of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission to the legis- lature of the state of New York. Transmitted to the legislature May twentieth, nineteen ten. Prepared by Edward Hagaman Hall ..... Volume l-ll. Pages i to [1421]. Albany, J. B. Lyon Company, state printers, 1910. 2 vol. col. fronts., 196 pi. (incl. ports.), 2 fold. maps. 27 cm . Paged continuously incl. plates. Maps in pocket of back cover of vol. 2. NAVAL ENGINEERING AND SHIP BUILDING 87 fersey City, N. J. Public Library. 620.9231 742 19388 Sail and steam. An historical sketch showing New Jersey's con- nection with the events commemorated by the Hudson-Fulton Celebration, September 25 October 9, 1909. Second edition. Prepared by the Free Public Library of Jersey City. [Jersey City, Press of A. J. Doan, 1909.] 20 p. 3 pi., 3 port. 23 cm . Plates printed on both sides. On cover: Hudson-Fulton Celebration 1609-1807-1909. Compiled from records and documents owned by the Library, by Edmund W. Miller, assistant librarian. KeHen, Jan Philippus van der, 1831- , ed. A623.8 R304 97837 Nederlandsche Zeeschepen van ongeveer 1470 tot 1830. Af- beeldingen naar prenten, schilderijen en scheepsmodellen hoofd- zakelijk berustende in het Rijks-museum te Amsterdam, uitgege- ven onder leiding van J. Philip van der Kellen ... met mede- werking van E, J. Benthem, .... Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1913. [4], xx p. xxxvi pi. 49i cm . Latrobe, John Hazlehurst Boneval, 1803-1891. 623.8 Nioo s . . . . A lost chapter in the history of the steamboat, .... By J. H. B. Latrobe. Baltimore, [Printed by J. Murphy], 1871. 44 p. 24 cm . (Maryland Historical Society. Fund-publication, no. 5.) Regarding the author's connection with a case (never brought to trial) involving a patent granted to Nicholas J. Roosevelt in 1814 for using vertical wheels with steam en- gines to propel boats. Lehmann-Felskowski, Georg, 1863- 1623.8 Q6o8 1 Der deutsche Schiffbau. i9OO-[i9i2]. Von G. Lehmann-Fel- a skowski. Berlin, Boll & Pickardt, [i9o6]-i9i2. 2 vol. illus. 27i~33 cm . Contents. 1900-1906. xiii, 250 p. 1907-1912. 287 p. 4 pi. Macfarlane, Robert, C.E. 621.121,001 History of propellers and steam navigation. With biographical sketches of the early inventors. 144 p. il. i pi. D. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1851. Main, Thomas, M. E. 62I.I2P300 4536 The progress of marine-engineering, from the time of Watt until the present day. xvii,248 p. il. 6 pi. I pi. of por. D. New York: Trade Publishing Co., 1893. 88 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Metz, Theodor. 330-53 2 v.ii7 93478 Der Rheinschiffbau am deutschen Rhein und in den Niederlanden. Ein Beitrag zur Stan dortsf rage und zur Wirtschaftsgeographie. Von Theodore Metz. Mit zahlreichen Tabellen und vier Karten- skizzen. Stuttgart und Berlin, J. G. Cotta, 1912. viii, [2], [101, [i] p. incl. tables. 2 maps (i fold.), I plan, i fold, diagr. 23 [i] !7 P- 34 illus. 22i cm . (Wissen und KSnnen. [Band 10.]) 625.7 HISTORY OF ROAD MAKING Ballen, Dorothy. 016.6257 621 Bibliography of road-making and roads in the United Kingdom, 94952 by Dorothy Ballen. With an introduction by Sir George Gibb, chairman of the Road Board. London, P. S. King & Son, 1914, xviii, 281 p. 22 cm . Based on the bibliography issued in 1906 by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Webb, and ma- terial collected by Mr. Webb during the years 1907-1911. Brindley, John Edwin. 625.007 R20i .... History of road legislation in Iowa, by John E. Brindley. Iowa City, la., State Historical Society of Iowa, 1912. xiii, 422 p. 24i cm . {Half-title: Iowa economic history series.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Chevalier, Michel, 1806-1879. 1,656.0973 Koo2 1 Histoire et description des voies de communication aux Etats Unis et des travaux d'art qui en dependent; par Michel Chevalier. Tome premier [deuxieme]. Paris, C. Gosselin ; [etc., etc.], 1840-1841. 2 vol. tables. 30. and atlas of xix fold. pi. (incl. maps, plan). S5 cm . Atlas has shelf number A656.0973 K002 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING INLAND WATERWAYS 95 Curtius, Ernst, 1814-1896. 1063.09 i 1854 loom 2 ur Geschichte des Wegebaus bei den Griechen. Von H rn> Cur- tius (/ Abhandlungen der K. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Berlin, 1855. 29x23 cm . 1854, p. [21 1 3-303.) Forestier, G. 684.5 Qooi 1685 La roue. Etude paleo-technologique. 140 p. 161 il. Q. Paris; Berger-Levrault & c ie , 1900. Kingsford, William, 1819- 625.7 ' History, structure, and statistics of plank roads, in the United States and Canada. By W. Kingsford ..... With remarks on roads in general, by F. G. Skinner ; and a letter on plank roads, by the Hon. Charles E. Clarke. Philadelphia, A. Hart, 1851. 40 p. illus. 23i cm . Webb, Sidney, 1859- 016.625 W38 Bibliography of road making and maintenance in Great Britain. 102564 j$y Sidney and Beatrice Webb. London, Roads Improvement Association, 1906. 34, [i] p. 2i4= m . 626-627 HISTORY OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING INLAND WATERWAYS De Salis, Henry Rodolph. 627.0942 i A chronology of inland navigation in Great Britain. Being a record of the dates of the principal works and events connected with inland navigation to the present time. Compiled from various sources ..... [4], 133 p. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1897. Forbes, Urquhart Atwell, 1850- 627.0942 4 Our waterways. A history of inland navigation considered as a branch of water conservancy, by Urquhart A. Forbes, . . . and W. H. R. Ashford. London, J. Murray, 1906. xv, 336 p. I fold, map (in pocket). 22 cm . 'List of authorities cited," p. 317-321. "Chronological list of acts of Parliament relating to rivers," p. 308-312. Georgi, Robert i.e. Otto Robert, 1831- 626.985 R3oo ' Urkunden zur Geschichte des Suezkanals, veroffentlicht von Ge- heimem Rat Dr. Georgi, . . . , und Albert Dufour-Feronce. Mit 6 Bildnissen. Leipzig, Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, T. Weicher, 1913. [4]. 199. CO P- 6 P rt - 2 4 cm - 96 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hardy, William J. 627.9 PSOO 25144 Lighthouses. Their history and romance. 224 p. il. 16 pi. 15 paged in. D. New York: F. H. Revell Co., [1895]. Jersey City, N. J. Public Library. 388.9747 Qgoi 1 From canoe to tunnel. A sketch of the history of transportation between Jersey City and New York, 1661-1909; a souvenir of tunnel day, July 19, 1909. Prepared by the Free Public Library of Jersey City. [Jersey City, Press of A. J. Doan, 1909.] 15 p. I pi., i port. 23 cm . The plate has illustrations on both sides. Johnson, Willis Fletcher, 1857- . 626.965 Q40O 5 Four centuries of the Panama canal, by Willis Fletcher Johnson, .... With maps and illustrations. New York, H. Holt and Co., 1906. xxi, 461 p. 10 pi., 6 port. (incl. front.), 6 maps. 2i cm . Keasbey, Lindley Miller. 320.53 3 v.n 28986 j) er Nicaragua-Kanal. Geschichte und Beurteilung des Projekts. xii,I09 p. I map. [/;/ STRASBURG. K.AISER-WILHELMS-UNI- VERSITAT. Abhandlungen, no. n.] Strassburg 1893. Contents: I. Geschichte des Kanals von Nicaragua: I. Abteilung. 1502-1814. Die Transitfrage zur Zeit des Merkantilismus. Das Kanalprojekt ein Regierungsunternehmen. II. Abteilung. 1814-1849. Die Transitfrage zur Zeit der Entwickelung des modernen Liberalismus und Individualismus. Das Kanalprojekt ein nationales Privatunternehmen. III. Abteilung. 1849-1867. Die Transitfrage zur Bliitezeit der liberalen individualisti- schen Ideen. Das Kanalprojekt ein internationales Privatunternehmen. iv. Abteilung. 1867-1892. Die Transitfrage in der Neuzeit. Das Kanalprojekt ein nationales Staats- unternehmen. 2. I. Abteilung. Bautechnische Untersuchung der drei Transitprojekte. II. Abteilung. Die Folgen eines hergestellten Kanals. Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie vicomte de, 1805-1894. 626.985 NSOI . .. . Lettres, journal et documents pour servir a 1'histoire du canal de Suez, .... Paris, Didier et c ie , 1875-1881. 5 vol. 22 CIn . A ' head of title: Ferdinand de Lesseps. Contents. [i. ser.] 1854-1856. 2. ser. 1857-1858. 3. ser. 1859-1860. 4. ser. 1861-1864. 5. ser. 1864-1869. Maassen, 627.0943 8 957017 Die romische Staatsstrasse von Trier uber Belgica bis Wesseling a. Rh. und der Romerkanal am Vorgebirge. Von Pfarrer Maassen, in Hemmerich. Mit zwei Zeichnungen. Bonn, C. Georgi, 1881. vi, 119 p. II fold. pi. (incl. map). 24 cm . HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. INLAND WATERWAYS 97 Matthews, William. 628.0942 ' Hydraulia; an historical and descriptive account of the water works of London, and the contrivances for supplying other great cities, in different ages and countries. By William Matthews, .... London, Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1835. xx, 454 p. front., 12 pi. (i fold.), 5 fold. maps. 23 cm . Another edition published in 1841 has title: An historical and scientific description of the mode of supplying London with water .... Portrait called for as frontispiece wanting, its place being taken by a plate intended to face p. 288; at p. 307 is a plate not noted in contents. Mexico. Junta directiva del desague delvalle de Mexico. 627.0972 I 3 Memoria historica, tecnica y administrativa de las obras del desague del valle de Mexico 1449-1900. Publicada por orden de la Junta directiva del mismo desagiie ... . Mexico, tip. de la Oficina impresora de estampillas, 1902. 2 vol. and atlas of 9 fold, maps, 23 fold, diagr. 3S cm . Introduction by Louis Gonzales Obregon. "Facsimile del primer libro impreso sobre el desague," facing p. 24. Contents. vol. I. lib. I. Espinosa, L. Description oro-hidrografica y geologica del valle de Mexico, lib. 2. Gonzalez Obregon L. Resena historica del desague del valle de Mexico 1445-1855. lib. 3. Espinosa, L. Resena historica y tecnica de las obras del desague del valle de Mexico 1856-1900. lib. 4. Espinosa, L., & Diaz Lombardo, I. Resena tecnica de la ejecucion del Gran canal y de las obras de arte 1886-1900. lib. 5. Esparza, R. Resena administrativa y economica de la Junta directiva del desague del valle de Mexico 1886-1900. [2], xv, 688 p. front., 28 pi., 22 ports., 2 plans, 3 maps, 1 facsim. vol. n. Apendices. [4], 462 p. Rive, B. L. de. 627.09493 i 7 Precis histprique et statistique des canaux et rivieres navigables de la Belgique et d'une partie de la France, . . [2], 643 p. 2 maps, i o tables. O. Bruxelles: Leroux, 1835. Rousseau, Harry H 626.965 0905 90210 The Isthmian canal, by H. H. Rousseau, .... Presented at the twentieth annual session of the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress held at Denver, Colo., August 16-21, 1909. Washing- ton, Gov't Print. Off., 1909. 53 p. 24i cm . Schindler, Arnold. 627.09 i 3 Ein geschichtlicher Riickblick auf einen 35jahrigen Kampf im Gebiet des Wasserbaues. Von A. Schindler. Basel, Buchhand- lung Lendorff, 1905. 46 p. 24 cm . 98 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Schuylkill and Susquehanna Navigation Company. 386.9748 Fi 93377 An historical account of the rise, progress and present state of the canal navigation in Pennfylvania. With an appendix, con- taining, abftracts of the acts of legiflature fince the year 1 790, and their grants of money for improving roads and navigable waters throughout the state ; to which is annexed, "an explanatory map." Published by direction of the President and Managers of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna and the Delaware and Schuylkill navigation companies. Philadelphia, printed by Z. Poulson, 1795. \2\, xvi, 77 p. incl. tables. I map. 2i cm . "Resolutions of the stockholders of the Delaware and Schuylkill Navigation Company" tipped in at end. Map wanting. Thompson, H Gordon. 627.0942 3 97297 pkg cana j S y S tem of England : its growth and present condition, with particular reference to the cheap carriage of goods. By H. Gordon Thompson, .... London, T. F. Unwin, [1903]. [6], 70, [4] p. 19x14". Published for the Cobden Club by request. U. S. A. Navy Department. Bureau of Navigation. L626-9 0300 852 Report of historical and technical information relating to the problem of interoceanic communication by way of the American isthmus. By John T. Sullivan By order of the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1883. [2], 219 p. 25 maps (partly fold.), 9 diagrs. 3l cm . "A list of works having reference to the subject of interoceanic communication," p. [2I4]-2I9. Whitford, Noble E 627.09747 26 93191 History of the canal system of the state of New York, together with brief histories of the canals of the United States and Canada. Vol. I-[II]. By Noble E. Whitford, .... Under authority of Henry A. Van Alstyne, state engineer and surveyor. [Albany, Brandow Printing Company, 1906.] 2vol. illus., 15 pi., 3 fold, maps, tables, v diagrs. 23 cm . {Added t.-p.: Supple- ment to the Annual report of the State Engineer and Surveyor of the state of New York for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1905.) Paged continuously; vol. i: vii, 1025 p.; vol. 2: vi, [2], [IO29J-I547 p. Folded map and diagr. in pocket at end of vol. 2. "Bibliography of New York canals and navigable waterways, by Minnie M. Beal," vol. 2, p. 1173-1366. "Biographies of engineers," vol. 2, p. [1145]-! 172. "Great canals of the world. Parts of a monograph . . . published by the United States .. . Bureau of Statistics," vol. 2, p. 1477-1511. IRRIGATION, DRAINAGE, ETC. 99 626.8 History of irrigation, drainage, etc. [Badeslade, Thomas.] 1,627.0942 5 72717 The history of the ancient and prefent state of the navigation of the port of King's-Lyn, and of Cambridge, and the reft of the trading-towns in thofe parts : and of the navigable rivers that have their courfe through the great-level .of the fens, called Bed- ford level. Also the history of the ancient and prefent state of draining in that level, in the province of Marfhland, and the hun- dreds and parts adjacent. From authentick records, and ancient manufcripts ; and from obfervations and surveys carefully made upon the spot thefe three years laft paft. With the. method pro- pos'd for draining the faid fens, and amending the harbour of Lyn : by Col. John Armstrong, chief engineer of England. Illustrated with maps. London, printed by J. Roberts, for the author, 1725. [12], 148 p. 5 maps (partly fold, and col.), I plan, I diagr. 39 cm . Dedication signed: Tho. Badeslade. California. State Engineer. 626.8 0500 4792 Irrigation development History, customs, laws, and administra- tive systems relating to irrigation, water-courses, and waters in France, Italy, and Spain. The introductory part of the Report of the State Engineer of California, on irrigation and the irrigation question. Wm. Ham. Hall, State Engineer. 622 p. O. Sacra- mento 1886. Dugdale, Sir William, 1605-1686. A627-5 Ei 46104 Y^ history O f imbanking and draining of divers fens and marshes, both in foreign parts and in this Kingdom, and of the improve- ments thereby. Extracted from records, manuscripts, and other authentic testimonies. By William Dugdale, .... The second edition, revifed and corrected, by Charles Nalson Cole, ... . London, printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, at the expence of R. Geast, 1772. xii, 469 p. front, (port.), ii fold. maps. 43 cm . Elstobb, William. 627.5 Fl An historical account of the great level of the fens, called Bedford level, and other fens, marshes and low-lands in this kingdom, and otherplaces; .... viii, [123,276 p. I map. O. Lynn: W. Wit- tingham, 1793. Intze, OttoL A ,1843- 627.80301 ' Entwickelung des Thalsperrenbaues in Rheinland und Westfalen von 1889 bis 1903. Vom Geheimen Regierungsrath Professor Dr. -Ing. Intze .... Aachen, La Ruelle'sche Accidenzdruckerei (J. Deterre), [1903]. 74 p. incl. illus., plates, fold, table. 2ii cm . ico BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Ronna, Antoine. 626.8 0803 ' Les irrigations 3 vol. il. maps, table. O. (Bibliotheque de 1'enseignement agricole. ) Paris : F. Didot & c ie , [ 1 889]-! 890. Contents: Vol. i. Les eaux d'irrigation et les machines. xv,73O p. 192 il. [1889.] Vol. 2. Les canaux et les systemes d'irrigation. [2],6i8 p. 360 il. [1889.] Vol.3. Les cultures arrosees. L'economie des irrigations. Histoire, legislation et administra- tion. [2],8iop. il. 10 maps, I table. 1890. Walch, George Turner. 1,627.0954 654 18588 The engineering works of the Godavari delta : a descriptive and historical account. Compiled for the Madras government by George T. Walch, M.INST.C.E., .... In two volumes Madras, Govt. Press, 1896. vol. i: xi, 165 p. front, (port.), 14 pi. (partly fold.), 3 maps (2 fold.); vol. 2: 46 fold. pi. (maps, diagrs.) 26 cm . Walch, George Turner. 627.0954 K64 38561 jhe engineering works of the Kistna delta : a descriptive and historical account. Compiled for the Madras government by George T. Walch, M.INST.C.E., .... In two volumes Madras, Gov't Press, 1899. vol. I : ix, 191 p. front, (port.), 8 pi. (partly fold.), 4 fold, maps; vol. 2: 37 (i. e. 47) fold. pi. (maps, diagrs.) 264 cm . Wheeler, William Henry. 627.5 P7oo 93497 ^ history of the fens of south Lincolnshire, being a description of the rivers Witham and Welland and their estuary, and an ac- count of the reclamation, drainage, and enclosure of the fens ad- jacent thereto. By W. H. Wheeler, .... Second edition. Greatly enlarged. Boston (Eng.) J. M. Newcomb ; London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., [1897]. [8], 489, [140] p. illus., 9 maps (partly fold.), 2 diagr. ( i fold.) 25 cm . Eight appendices and index, each paged separately. Appendix il: Books and reports relating to the Fenland; Appendix in : Title and dates of acts of Parliament relating to the Fenland; Appendix IV: Glossary of words used in the Fenland. Willcocks, Sir William, 1852- 626.8 Q302 The restoration of the ancient irrigation works on the Tigris ; or, The re-creation of Chaldea, by Sir William Willcocks, .... Be- ing a lecture delivered at a meeting of the Khedivial Geographi- cal Society, Cairo, 25th March, 1903. With two appendices ... and ten plates, Cairo, National Printing Department, 1903. 71, [2] p. 10 fold. pi. incl. fold. maps. 244 cm . Appendix A. Metecrological information about Bagdad, p. [33J-4O. Appendix B. "Egypt fifty years hence," a reprint of an address delivered before the Khedivial Geographical Society, March 15, 1902, p. [413-71. SANITATION - - JOT. 628.09 HISTORY OF SANITATION Cosgrove, John Joseph, 1869- 628.099900 93187 History of sanitation, by J.J. Cosgrove, .... Pittsburgh, U. S. A., Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co., C I9O9. viii, 124, [2] p. illus., i pi. 22 cm , Simon, Sir John. 614.0942 2 H673 E n gii s h sanitary institutions, reviewed in their course of develop- ment, and in some of their political and social relations. Second edition. xix,5i6p. O. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1897. 628.1 History of water supply and water works Bell, Thomas J 628.1 0200 90014 History of the water supply of the world, arranged in a compre- hensive form from eminent authorities, containing a description of the various methods of water supply, pollution and purification of waters, and sanitary effects, with analyses of potable waters; also geology and water strata of Hamilton County, Ohio, Statis- tics of the Ohio River, proposed water supply of Cincinnati to- gether with a number of valuable tables, and diagrams. By Thomas J. Bell, .... Cincinnati, P. G. Thomson, 1882. 134 p. incl. tables. 2 fold, diagr. 23. Blanchet, Adrien i.e. Jules Adrien, 1866- 628.0944 Q8oo ! Recherches sur les aqueducs et cloaques de la Gaule romaine. Par Adrien Blanchet. Paris, Picard & fils, 1908. viii, 161, [2] p. 6 illus., ix pi. 23 cm . Boston. Water Board. 1628.09744 N6oo ls432 History of the Boston Water Works, from 1868 to 1876. Being a supplement to a "History of the introduction of pure water into the City of Boston, with a description of its Cochituate water works, etc. [by N. J. Bradlee], 1868." vi,29O p. 13 pi. 3 maps, 2 tables. Q. Boston 1876. Bradlee, Nathaniel J. 1628.09744 M8oo History of the introduction of pure water into the City of Boston, with a description of its Cochituate water works. Compiled by a member of the Water Board. xxi,[2],299 p. 8 pi. 9 maps. Q. Boston, Mass., 1868. ic2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Corazza, Oscar. 628.nQioo 33545 Geschichte der artesischen Brunnen. Ein Versuch, dieGeschichte dieser Brunnen von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart darzu- stellen. iv,ii9,[i] p. O. Leipzig: F. Deuticke, 1902. Fabretti, Raffaele, 1618-1700. 628.0937 Ei 1 Raph. Fabretti . . . De aqvis et aqvaedvctibvs veteris Romae. Dis- sertationes tres. Romae, typis J. B. Bufsotti, 1680. J 93> [ 2 3] P- illus., 3 fold. maps. 24 cm . T.-p. engr. Forbes, S. Russell. 628.0937 PQOO 27793 Yhe aqueducts, fountains and springs of ancient Rome. [Third edition.] 55 p. O. Rome 1899. Front inus, Sextus Julius. 1,628.0937 Bi 21722 -p^ WO books on th e wa ter supply of the city of Rome of Sex- tus Julius Frontinus, Water Commissioner of the City of Rome, A D. 97. A photographic reproduction of the sole original Latin manuscript, and its reprint in Latin ; also a translation into English, and explanatory chapters, by Clemens Herschel. xxiv, [2],xxiii,296 p. il. i pi. 2 maps, I table. Q. Boston: D. Estes & Co., c. 1899. 628.9 History of lighting Allemagne, Henry Ren6 d'. 1,628.9 Pioo 87872 pjistoire du luminaire depuis 1'epoque romaine jusqu'au Xix e siecle. Ouvrage contenant 80 planches hors texte imprimees en deux teintes. Illustrations de M. Emile Solvet avec le concours de MM. Berteault et Vaucanu. [4],vi,7O2 p. il. 80 pi. sq. F. Paris: A. Picard, 1891. Bauer, Alexander. 607.394 20 v.i 31546 Die ersten Versuche zur Einfiihrung der Gasbeleuchtung in Osterreich. 55 p. 2 il. I pi. \_fn VIENNA. MUSEUM FUR GE- SCHICHTE DER OSTERR. ARBEIT. Monographien, vol. i.] Wien 1891. Benesch, Ladislaus von. A628.9 Qsoo o29 -Q as Beleuchtungswesen vom Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des XIX. Jahrhunderts, aus Osterreich-Ungarn, insbesondere aus den Al- penlandern und den angrenzenden Gebieten der Nachbarstaaten. Erlauterung der den Sammlungen des allerhochsten Kaiserhauses einverleibten Kollektion altertlimlicher Beleuchtungs-Gerate L. v. Benesch, von Ladislaus Edler von Benesch .... 60 Tafeln Lichtdruck nach photographischen Aufnahmen und 32 Seiten Text mit 35 Illustrationen. Wien, A. Schroll & Co., 1905. viii, 32 p. 35 illus., 60 pi. 43 cm . This collection forms part of the K. u. k. Kunsthistorisches Hof-Museum in Vienna. AERONAUTICS 103 Hess, Heinrich. 628.9 Q202 4>63i rjj e Entwicklung der Beleuchtungstechnik. Von Heinrich Hess, .... Mit 46 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Bunzlau i. Schles., O. Hoffmann, 1902. 67 p. 47 illus. 23 cm . Kern, Gaston. 1/628.9 Q9O2 2 .... Histoire de 1'eclairage a Strasbourg depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. Strasbourg, Imprimerie alsacienne anc 1 G. Fischbach, 1909. vii, 316 p. illus., I col. pi., i fold, plan, 2 tables (i fold.), 2 fold, diagrs. At head of title: Gaston Kern, .... On cover: Cinquantenaire de la C Ie 1'Union des gaz. Strasbourg, 1858-1908. T.-p. illus. Marechal, Henri. 1,628.9 P 4 15851- L'e'dairage a Paris. Etude technique des divers modes d'eclai- rage employes a Paris . . . gaz, electricite, petrole, huile, etc ..... viii,496 p. il. i map. Q. Paris: Baudry & C' e , 1894. Thomas, Ernest. 628.9 Pooi Histoire de 1'eclairage depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Monographic complete de tous les genres d'eclairage a Paris. [2],! 86 p. D. Paris: L. Sauvaitre, 1890. 629.19 HISTORY OF AERONAUTICS (3258 Aero Club of America. 629.19 Qyoo Navigating the air; a scientific statement of the progress of aero- nautical science up to the present time, by the Aero Club of America. Illustrated with photographs and diagrams. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1907. [14], ix-xli, 259 p. front., illus., 29 pi., 7 port, on 2 pi. 2o cm . Editorial note signed: Israel Ludlow, William J. Hammer, Augustus Post, publication committee. Bacon, Gertrude. 629.19 Q5O2 Balloons, airships and flying machines, by Gertrude Bacon. Lon- don, T. C. and E. C. Jack, [1905]. 124 p. front, (ports.), illus. i8i= m . (.Shilling scientific series.) On cover : Jack's scientific series. io 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Berget, Alphonse i.e. 1,629.13 Thomas Claude Xavier Alphonse, 1 860- a .... La route de 1'air. Aeronautique, aviation. Histoire- theorie- pratique. 82 diagrammes explicatifs, 66 gravures tirees hors texte ..... Paris, Hachette et c ie , 1909. [6], vi, [2], 311, [i] p. 82 diagr., 32 pi. inch front. 25d cm . At head of title : Alphonse Berget, .... Boffito, Giuseppe, 1869- 1016.629663 83919 .... Saggio di bibliographia aeronautica italiana con una dis- sertazione [Del volo degli uomini conosciuto dagli antichi] di A. M. Cortenovis ripubblicata in appendice da E. Vajna de Pava. Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 1906. 37 p. 4 illus. on i pi. 29i cm . "Estratto dal vol. vn, disp. u a I2 a e dal vol. vin, disp. i a , 2 a -3"e 4 a -5 a dellaBiblio- filia diretta dal comm. Leo S. Olschki." . Correzioni ed aggiunte tratte dalle schede del chiar. dottor Diomede Buonamici. Firenze, Presso la direzione dell'Istituto alia Querce, 1908. [2], 18 p. 29 cm . ( Pubblicazioni dell' Osservatorio del Collegio alia Querce (Firenze). Serie in 4, no. 17.) "Estratto dal vol. vm, disp. io-ii a e dal vol. ix, disp. i a -2 a , 4 a ~5 a , 6 a -7 a e 8" della Bibliofilia diretta dal comm. Leo S. Olschki." At head of each title: P. Giuseppe Boffito. Bound together. Brewer, Griffith. 629.13 13949 Aeronautics : an abridgment of aeronautical specifications filed at a the Patent Office from A.D. 1 8 1 5 to A.D. 1 89 1 . By Griffith Brewer and Patrick Y. Alexander. Illustrated. London, Taylor & Fran- cis, 1893. vi, [8], i6op. illus. 2ii cm . 8 blank pages for "aeronautical notes". Cavallo, Tiberius, 1749-1809. 629.19 Fi 90317 jj ie history and practice of aerostation. By Tiberius Cavallo, London, printed for the author and sold by C. Dilly [etc.], 1785. viii, 326, [7] p. 2 fold. pi. 2li cm . Grand-Carteret, John, 1850- 629.19 Qgoi 1 .... La conqute de 1'air vue par 1'image (1495-1909). As- censions celebres, inventions et projets, portraits, pieces satiriques, caricatures, chansons, curiosites diverses. 457 images en noir 14 hors texte en couleurs supplements divers prefaces ta- bles alphabetiques et analytiques. Paris, Librairie des Annales, '[1909]. 10 pts. in i vol. illus., 13 pi., (partly col., partly fold.), i facsim. 32i cm . At head of title: John Grand-Careret et Leo Delteil. AERONAUTICS 105 Hidalgo, Joseph. 629.19 Roo2 90355 j-jistory of aerial navigation. Lecture delivered by Professor Jo- seph Hidalgo, . . . before the Pacific Aero Club of San Francisco, California, January I, 1910. [San Francisco, C i9io.] 75 p. inch illus., ports, on plate. 17 icm Highway. 1.629.19 Q928 The highway of the air. An illustrated record of aviation, .... a Including a dissectible model of the Zeppelin airship. London and New York, Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1909. 17, [i] p. illus., I col. model. 3i cm . T.-p. illus. Colored plate pasted on back cover. Internationale Luftschiffahrts-Ausstellung 1,629.07 Rioo 86706 (ILA). isf, Frankftirt a.M., 1909. a Katalog der historischen Abteilung der ersten Internationalen Luftschiffahrts-Ausstellung (ILA) zu Frankfurt am Main 1909. Von Dr. Louis Liebmann . . . und Dr. Gustav Wahl, .... Mit 2 Tafeln und 80 Abbildungen. Frankfurt am Main, Wusten & Co., [I9ii]-I9i2. xxi, 513, [i] p. illus., 2 fold. pi. 2Q cm . Kirchhoff, Arthur. 629.19 Ro04 89511 Die Erschliessung des Luftmeers. Luftschiffahrt und Flugtech- nik in ihrer Entwicklung und ihrem heutigen Stande, gemeinver- standlich dargestellt von Arthur Kirchhoff. Zweite Auflage. Mit 141 Abbildungen. Leipzig, O. Spamer, 1912. vii, 240 p. illus. 23i cm . Luftschiffahrt. 629.19 Q8o8 73076 -Qj e Luftschiffahrt dem heutigen Stande der Wissenschaft ent- a sprechend dargestellt Mit 4 Doppeltafeln und zahlreichen Textabbildungen. Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, [1908]. 157 p. 17 illus., 4 pi. 20 cm . The plates have illustrations on both sides. Contents. Zur Einfiihrung. Hackstetter, K. Die Geschichte der Luftschiffahrt. Mickel, E. Die freie Luftschiffahrt. Schulze, P. Der unstarre Militarballon oder Fesselballon. Zeppelin, Graff, von. Das starre lenkbare Luftschiff des Grafen Zep- pelin. Hartmann, S. Zeppelin 1908. Sandt, E. Eine Fahrt ins Reich der Liifte mit dem Grafen Zeppelin. Stelling. Der lenkbare Parseval-Ballon. Hartmann, S. Das halbstarre System (deutscher Militarballon Bauart Basenach). Hofmann. Die Flug- maschine. io6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Marchis, Lucien Rene Andre Edmond, 1863- A62Q.I9 5 .... L'epopee aerienne. Preface de M. le commandant Paul a Renard, .... Paris, H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1910. [6], 104 p. 227 illus., v col. pi. (models). 25ix35 cm . At head of title: L. Marchis, .... Each plate accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. Montagu of Beaulieu, John Walter Edward 629.19 0714 Douglas-Scott-Montagu, 2nd baron, 1 866- , comp. a A short history of balloons and flying machines. Edited by Lord Montagu. With a chapter by Major B. Baden-Powell. Lon- don, "The Car Illustrated," 1907. [2], 123 p. illus. i8 cm . Nimfiihr, Raimund, 1874- 629.13 Q8o2 67769 Leitfaden der Luftschiffahrt und Flugtechnik in gemeinverstand- a licher Darstellung und mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der historischen Entwicklung. Von Dr. Raimund Nimfiihr, ... . Mit 221 Abbildungen im Text. Wien und Leipzig, A. Hartleben, 1909 (i.e. 1908). xiv, [2], 444, [2] p. 221 illus. incl. diagrs. 24i cm . , 2 blank pages at end for notes. "Leitfaden zur Einfiihrung in die aeronautische und flugtechnische Literatur," p. Rotch, Abbott Lawrence, 1861- 629.19 Q9ii 1 The conquest of the air; or, The advent of aerial navigation, by A. Lawrence Rotch, .... New York, Moffat, Yard and Com- pany, 1909. x, 192 p. incl. front., illus., plates. I9i cm . (Half-title: Present day primers.) Saint-F [ J ] P- front, (port.), 14 pi. 22$ cm . io8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Auerbach, Felix, 1856- 629.190300 63375 Hundert Jahre Luftschifffahrt. Die Aeronautik nach ihrer Ent- a wickelung und ihrem gegenwartigen Stande fur weitere Kreise wissenschaftlich dargestellt von Dr. Felix Auerbach .... Mit Abbildungen. Breslau, J. U. Kern (M. Muller), 1883. 67 p. illus. 2Oxi5^ cm . Bacon, Gertrude. 629.19206 9700 ' The record of an aeronaut: being the life of John M. Bacon by his daughter, Gertrude Bacon. With photogravure portrait and sixty-two illustrations. London, J. Long, 1907. 357> C 1 ] P- front., 34 pi., ports, on 6 pi. 22i cm . Bacon, John Mackenzie, 1846- 629.14 Q207 39123 j^g dominion of the air. The story of aerial navigation, by the a Rev. J. M. Bacon, .... With twenty-four plates of illustrations from photographs. London, New York, [etc.], Cassell and Co., ltd., 1902. viii, 348 p. front., 21 pi., 2 facsims. 2O cm . Brockelmann, Karl, 1866- , ed. 629.13 Q909 93267 YVir Luftschiffer, die Entwicklung der modernen Luftschifftechnik in Einzeldarstellungen, unter Mitarbeit erster Fachleute herausge- geben von Dr. Brockelmann .... Mit 300 Text Abbildungen und 10 Tafeln und Karten. Berlin und Wien, Ullstein & Co., 1909. [12], 433, [2] p. front, (port.), illus., 6 pi. d fold.), I fold. map. 24. Coxwell, Henry Tracey, 1819-1900. 629.1414 0700 23684 My life and balloon experiences .... By Henry Coxwell. a London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1887-1889. 2 vol. front., illus., 12 pi., 4 diagr. I9 cm . Contains chapters on military ballooning. Faujas de Saint-Fond, Barthe'lemy, 1741-1819. 629.1414 F2 77038 D escr iption des experiences de la machine aerostatique de MM. a de Montgolfier, et de celles auxquelles cette decouverte a donne lieu ; suivie de recherches fur la hauteur a laquelle eft parvenu le ballon du Champ-de-Mars ; . . . ; d'un memoire fur le gaz inflam- mable & fur celui qu'ont employe MM. de Montgolfier ; . . . , &c. &c. ; d'une lettre fur les moyens de diriger ces machines, .... Ouvrage orne de neuf planches en taille-douce, representant les diverfes machines qui ont ete conftruit.es jufqu'a ce jour, particu- lierement celle de Vertailles, & celle dans laquelle des hommes ont ete enleves jusqu'a la hauteur de 324 pieds, &c. &c. Par M. Faujas de Saint-Fond. Paris, Cuchet, 1783. xl, 299, [7] p. 8 pi. (incl. diagrs.), I fold, table. 22 cm . AERIAL NAVIGATION 109 Feldhaus, Franz Marie, 1874- 629.19 Q8os D Luftfahrten einst und jetzt. Von Franz Marie Feldhaus, .... b Mit 44 Abbildungen, darunter 14 Bildertafeln Berlin, H. Paetel, 1908. [4]^ 164 p. front., illus., 13 pi. I94 cm . Fonvielle, Wilfrid de, 1828?- 629.19 Q70i 5 .... Histoire de la navigation aerienne. Ouvrage illustre de 82 a gravures. Paris, Hachette et c ie , 1907. [4], 270, [2] p. illus. 28 cm . (Bibliotheque des ecoles et des families.,) At head of title: W. de Fonvielle. Fonvielle, Wilfrid de, 1828?- 629.1414 Pyoo 15315 .... Les ballons-sondes de MM. Hermite et Besancon et les as- ft censions internationales, precede d'une introduction par M. Bou- quet de la Grye, .... Paris, Gauthier-Villars & fils, 1898. ix, 112, [2] p. 27 illus. I9 cm . (Actualites scientifiques.) At head of title: W. de Fonvielle. Glaisher, James, 1809-1903, cd. 629.19 Nioo Travels in the air, by James Glaisher, . . . , Camille Flammarion, W. de Fonvielle, and Gaston Tissandier. Edited by James Glai- sher, .... [Second edition.] With one hundred and twenty- rive illustrations. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1871. xxix, [2], 398, [2] p. incl. illus., plates. 6 col. pi. (incl. front.) 26 cm . Hildebrandt, Alfred. 629.19 Q6oi 5 Airships past and present, together with chapters on the use of balloons in connection with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon, by A. Hildebrandt .... Translated by W. H. Story. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1908. xvi, 364 p. illus. (incl. ports., maps, facsims.), I fold. pi. 24 em . Printed in Great Britain. Hildebrandt, Alfred. 629.19(^711 7 Die Luftschiffahrt nach ihrer geschichtlichen und gegenwartigen Entwickelung, von A. Hildebrandt . . .' . Mit einem Titelbild (erste Farbenphotographie vom Ballon aus, von Prof. Miethe), 230 Textabbildungen und einer Tafel. Miinchen und Berlin, R. Oldenbourg, 1907. v, [2], 426 p. col. front., illus., I fold. pi. 24i cm . no BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hoogh, Peter. 629.1411 QQOI 72369 Zeppelin und die Eroberung des Luftmeeres. Zur Erinnerung a an die Begeisterung der grossen Tage des Jahres 1908 von Dr. Peter Hoogh. Leipzig, Berlin, Uranus-Verlag, [1909], [4], 236 p. front., illus., n pi. 2i4 cm . Contents. Die Erfindung des Luftballons. Die hochsten Ballonfahrten. Meer- und Alpenfahrten. Der Zauber und die Gefahren der Luftschiff ahrt ( nach Flammarion) . Das Luftmeer, das Element der Luftschiff er. Die Technik des Ballons (teilweise nach Flammarion). Die wissenschaftlichen Luftreisen (nach Flammarion). Die Ver- wendung des Luftschiffes im Kriege. Luftballonexperimente im Hause. Das lenkbare Luftschiff Zeppelins. Die Konkurrenten des Grafen Zeppelin. Der Vogelflug und die Flugmaschinen. Lecornu, J 1629.19 0305 44405 .... La navigation aerienne. Histoire documentaire et anec- a dotique. Les precurseurs, les Montgolfier, les deux ecoles, le siege de Paris, les grands dirigeables, et le sport aerien. Paris, Nony & c ie , 1903. vii, 484 p. 358 illus. 3i4 cm . At head of title. J. Lecornu. Linke, Franz i.e. Karl Wilhelm Franz, 1878- 629.19 Q92i 77036 Die Luftschiffahrt von Montgolfier bis Graf Zeppelin. Von Dr. a Franz Linke, .... Mit einem Beitrage liber Militarluftschiffahrt von Hauptmann a. D. A. Hildebrandt, .... Mit zahlreichen Bildern. Berlin, A. Schall, [1909]. 378 p. front, (port.), 34 pi. (i fold.) 25 cm . Martin, Rudolf Emil, 1867- 629.14 Q7o6 90164 Das Zeitalter der Motorluftschiffahrt. Von Rudolf Martin Leipzig, T. Thomas, 1907. viii, ioi p. incl. plates. 23 cm . May, Gustav. 629.14 0500 7 .... Ballooning : a concise sketch of its history and principles. a From the best sources continental and English. By G. May, .... London, Whittaker & Co., [etc.], 1885. [6]> 94> C 2 ] P- fold, front. I9i cm . (The specialists' series. Volume in.) Moedebeck, Hermann W L ,1857- 629.13 Q6oo 63889 j)j e L u ftschiffahrt, ihre Vergangenheit und ihre Zukunft, insbe- a sondere das Luftschiff im Verkehr und im Kriege. Von H. W. L. Moedebeck .... Mit 71 Abbildungen Strassburg, K. J. Trubner, 1906. [2], vi, 137 p. 71 illus. 2ii cm . AERIAL NAVIGATION in Rotch, Abbott Lawrence, 1861-1912. 629.19 Q707 8 Benjamin Franklin and the first balloons, by Abbott Lawrence Rotch .... Worcester, Mass., The Davis Press, 1907. i8p. 24 cm . "Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, volume xvin." Schindler, H 629.1411 Q8oi 76584 Graf Zeppelin, sein Leben und sein Werk, von H. Schindler. a Dresden, A. Huhle, [1908]. [2], 16, [2] p. 24 cm . Tissandier, Gaston, 1843-1899. " 1629.19 08oo Histoire de mes ascensions, recit de quarante-cinq voyages aeriens (1868-1888) par Gaston Tissandier. Huitieme edition entiere- ment refondue et augmcntee de plusieurs chapitres. Ouvrage accompagne de nombreux dessins, par Albert Tissandier, Ferat et "Adrien Marie, de diagrammes dresses par 1'auteur et de reproduc- tions de photographies. Paris, M. Dreyfous, [pref. 1888]. [6], xxiv, 308 p. inch front, (port.), illus., plates. 25-i cm . Turgan, Julien. 629.1414 Lioo Les ballons. Histoire de la locomotion aerienne depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours, par M. Julien Turgan; precedee d'une introduction, par M. Gerard de Nerval. Ouvrage orne de vignettes copiees sur les gravures authentiques et contemporaines. Paris, Plon freres, 1851. [4], iv, 208 p. front., 15 pi. (i fold.), i fold. plan. i6i cm . Turner, Christopher Hatton. 1629.19 MSOO 1 Astra castra, experiments and adventures in the atmosphere. By Hatton Turner, .... London, Chapman and Hall, 1865. xxiii, 530 p. front., illus., 31 pi., ports, on 8 pi. 3l cm . "Roll of the first 500 aeronauts, with thedate and place of their first ascents," p. [457]- 462. "Books hitherto published on aerostation," p. 463-465. Valentine, E Seton. 629.19 Q 2 os Travels in space ; a history of aerial navigation, by E. Seton Val- entine and F. L. Tomlinson, with an introduction by Sir Hiram Maxim, .... Profusely illustrated. London, Hurst and Black- ett, ltd., 1902. xvi, 328 p. inch front., illus., plates, ports., facsim. 22i cm . "List of aerial fatalities, 1785-1902," p. 323-324. ii2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Wegner von Dallwitz, R 629.13 Qgo6 74167 Der praktische Luftschiffer. Eine geschichtliche und technische a Ubersicht iiber den Stand der Luftschiffahrt undeine Entwicklung ihrer physikalischen und technischen Bedingungen. Von Dr. R. Wegner von Dallwitz, .... Mit 42 Abbildungen. Rostock i. M., C. J. E. Volckmann Nachfolger (E. Wette), 1909. x > IO 9> [3] P- i nc l- tables. 42 illus. incl. diagrs. 24i cm . Wilhelm, Balthasar. 629.19 Q927 79077 .... An der Wiege der Luftschiffahrt, von Balthasar Wilhelm, a SJ Erster- [zweiter] Teil Hamm (Westf.), Bree* & Thiemann, 1909. cover-title, p. [i37]-i98. 2 pi. 24i cm . (Frankfurter Zeitgemasse Broschiiren. Band xxvin. Heft 6-7.) Contents. I. Tl. Francesco Lana, s.j., der Erfinder des Luftschiffes. 2. Tl, Bartholomeu Louren9o de Gusmao, der erste Luftschiffer. 629.19 History of aviation, flying machines, etc. Chanute, Octave, 1832-1910. 629.15 P400 55S5 p r0 g ress i n flying machines, by O. Chanute New York, a The American Engineer and Railroad Journal, [pref. 1894]. iv, [2], 308 p. illus. incl. diagrs. 22i cm . Chanute, Octave, 1832-1910. 061.82 i 1910 93130 R ecen j- progress in aviation By Octave Chanute, .... (/ Smithsonian Institution. Annual report. 1910. Washington, 1911. 23-i cm . p. 145-167- 19 (*'- 10) pi.) "Reprinted . . . from Journal of the Western Society of Engineers, Chicago, April 1910." The plates have illustrations on both sides. Ennis, William Duane, 1877- 629.15 RIOI 90329 Flying machines to day, by William Duane Ennis .... 123 illus- trations. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1911. xvi, 205 p. incl. front., illus., ports., diagrs. 2O cm . Falkenberg, Gustav von. 629.1516 R200 1 .... Der Fallschirm, seine geschichtliche Entwicklung und sein technisches Problem, von Gustav von Falkenberg. Mit 83 Ab- bildungen im Text. Berlin, R. C. Schmidt, & Co. ; New York, E. Steiger & Co., [etc., etc.], 1912. 189 p. 83 illus. (incl. diagrs.) 22^ cm . (Bibliothek fur Luftschiffahrt und Flug- technik. Band 8.) AVIATION 113 Ferber, Ferdinand i.e. Louis Ferdinand, 1862-1909. 629.15 Roi2 7 .... Die Kunst zu fliegen, ihre Anfange ihre Entwickelung. a Von F. Ferber, .... Berechtigte Ubersetzung mit Nachtragen von A. Schoning Mit 108 Abbildungen. Berlin, R. C. Schmidt & Co.; New York, E. Steiger & Co.; [etc., etc.], 1910. 215 p. inch 108 illus., port. 22 cm . (Bibliothek fur Luftschiffahrt und Flugtech- nik. Band 4.) Ferris, Richard. 629.13 Rooi 1 How to fly ; or, The conquest of the air. The story of man's en- deavors to fly and of the inventions by which he has succeeded By Richard Ferris, .... Illustrated by over one hundred and fifty half-tones and line drawings, showing the stages of develop- ment from the earliest balloon to the latest monoplane and biplane London, New York, [etc.], T. Nelson and Sons, [ C i9io]. 475 p. incl. col. front., illus. I9i cm . "Biographies of prominent aeronauts," p. [379]~4o6. Gaston, R de. 1629.151 i 5 .... Les aeroplanes .... Etude technique, avec plans cotes, a des principaux aeroplanes. Par R. de Gaston, .... Paris, Li- brairie aeronautique, [1911]. Continued from 1911. illus. (incl. diagrs. ), tables. 28x22 cm . Grahame- White, Claude. 629.15 Ri02 90346 The story of the aeroplane, by Claude Grahame- White. Illustra- ted from photographs. Boston, Small, Maynard and Co., [ C I9I l]. xii, 390 p. front., 20 pi., 15 port., 7 tables. 2oi cm . Five of the tables have illustrations on both sides. Hofmann, Josef. 629.1519 R30O 3 Die Wasserdrachen. Ein Beitrag zur baulichen Entwicklung der Flugmaschine. Von Joseph Hofmann, .... Mit 57 Abbildun- gen im Text und 2 Tafeln. Miinchen und Berlin, R. Olden- bourg, 1913. [6], 87 p. illus., II fold, diagr. 22 cm . (Added t.-p.: Luftfahrzeugbau und Fuh- rung. xiv. Band.) [Marquis, Raoul], 1863- 629.15 9925 78068 .... Les aeroplanes, historique, calcul et construction, par H. a de Graffigny, [_pseud.~\ Deuxieme edition. Paris, B. Tig- nol, [1909]. [4], 140 p. incl. illus., diagrs. 2 pi. 23i cm . ( Bibliotheque des actualites indus trielles, no. 133.) The plates have illustrations on both sides. ii4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Martin, Rudolf Emil, 1867- 629.15 Q7oo 93388 j)j e Evening der Luft ; kritische Betrachtungen iiber die Motor- luftschiffahrt, von Regierungsrat Rudolf Martin. Mit 5 Abbil- dungen. Berlin, G. Siemens, 1907. 87, [i] p- 5 illus. 2i cm . Maxim, Hudson, 1853- 1,629.19 Ri02 95476 Chronology of aviation, by Hudson Maxim and William J. Ham- mer. New York, [Westfield, N. J., H. Francis, printer, 1912?]. cover-title, 23 p. incl. tables. 26 cm . "Reprinted from the World's almanac for 1911." Mowbray, Jay Henry. 629.19 RIOI 90374 Thrilling achievements of "bird men" with flying machines, being a comprehensive history of aerial navigation ... by Jay Henry Mowbray .... Embellished with a great number of pictures .... [Philadelphia, Pa., National Publishing Co., C i9ii.] vi, 256 p. incl. illus., plates, col. front., 6 pi. 25 cm . The plates have illustrations on both sides. Petit, F R 629.1519 R20i 94690 Les hydraeroplanes, par F.-R. Petit, .... Paris, H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1912. viii, [4], 84 p. 52 illus. 23i cm . Cover-title: Les hydraeroplanes. Etude technique et pratique des aeroplanes marins. Popper, Josef, 1838- 1629.131 Ri04 ioim j-j er Maschinen- und Vogelflug. Eine historisch-kritische flug- technische Untersuchung. Mit besonderer Hervorhebung der Arbeiten von Alphonse Penaud, von Josef Popper- Lynkeus. Mit Figuren im Text. Erweiterter Sonderabdruck aus der auto- mobil- und flugtechnischen Zeitschrift "Der Motorwagen." Ber- lin, M. Krayn, 1911. 103, [i] p. diagrs. 2$k cm . Sazerac de Forge, Le"onide i.e. Alexandre 629.15 9907 Francois Henri Le"onide, 1867- * .... L'homme s'envole. Le passe, le present et 1'avenir de 1'aviation. Ouvrage illustre de 42 gravures. Paris, [etc.],Ber- ger-Levrault & c ie , 1909. viii, 92, [2] p. illus. 22i cm . At head of title: Sazerac de Forge, .... AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 115 Turgan, L 629.19 Qg26 7 ... Histoire de 1'aviation. Avions et aviateurs d'hier, d'aujourd' a hui, de demain. (Etude documentaire.) Paris, L. Geisler, 1909. 280 p. illus. 23^ cin . At head of title: Turgan. 630.9 HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS including land tenure Cancalon, Victor. 630.9L700 Histoire de 1'agriculture depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu* a la mort de Charlemagne. Documents inedits sur 1'histoire des Gaulois, ... , etc. xxv,474 p. nar.O. Limoges 1857. Du Plessis de Gren&lan, J , comte. 630.9 Qsoo 8 ' Geographic agricole de le France et du monde, par le comte J. Du Plessis de Grenedan Avec une lettre-preface de M. le M is de Vogue, .... 1 1 8 figures et cartes dans le texte. Paris, Masson et c ie , 1903. xx, 424, [4] p. 117 illus. (incl. maps, diagrs.) 23 cm . Engelbrecht, Th. H. L630.9 P8oo Die Landbauzonen der aussertropischen Lander. Auf Grund der statistischen Quellenwerke dargestellt. 3 vol. Q. Berlin 1898- 1899. Contents: Vol. i. Die Verbreitung der landwirthschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. Die Verbreitung der landwirthschaftlichen Hausthiere. xi,279 p. 1899. Vol. 2. Statistiche Tabellen iiber Anbauflachen und Viehstand der aussertropischen Lander. x,383 p. 1898. Vol. 3. Atlas, viii p. 79 maps. 1899. Ermolov, AleksieT Sergfeevich. 1*398.3 71 6 Die landvvirtschaftliche Volksweisheit in Sprichworten, Redens- a arten und Wetterregeln. Von Alexis Yermoloff. Autorisierte Ausgabe. Erster Band. Der landwirtschaftliche Volkskalen- der. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1905. [4], iv, 567 p. zS^. Fraas,Carl. o 33 M 4 oo Geschichte der Landbau- und Forstwissenschaft. Seit dem sech- zehnten Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart xii,668 p. O. (MUNICH. K. AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN. Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland, vol. 3.) Munchen: J. G. Cotta'- sche Buchhandlung, 1865. n6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Grandeau, Louis Nicolas, 1834-1911. 1,630.9 Qsoo 6 L'agriculture et les institutions agricoles du monde au commence- a ment du XX e siecle. Par L. Grandeau, ... . Tome premier [v] .... Paris, Imprimerie Rationale, i9O5~[i9i2]. 5 vol. illus. 29i cm . Running title vol. 1-4: Exposition de 1900. Agriculture. Contents. t. i: I. La production agricole dans le monde. 2. Europe orientale. 3. Europe occidentale (moins la France). 1905. [4], iii, 754 p. 4 fold, maps, 2 fold, diagr. t. 2 : 3. (Suite.) 4. France. 1905. [4], 751 p. 2 fold, maps, 2 fold, diagr. t. 3: 4. (Suite et fin.) 5. Colonies franfaises. 6. Asie. 7. Oceanic. 8. Afrique. 1906. [4], 752 p. I fold. map. t. 4: 9. Amerique. 10. Production et consomma- tion des engrais mineraux dans le monde. n. Alimentation de 1'homme et du betail. 1906. [4], 674 p. t. 5: 12. La France (1900-1910). 13. Le monde (moins la France) de 1900 a 1909. 14. Les engrais mineraux (complement au livre x). Avec la collaboration de Charles de Saint-Cyr. Paris, M. Riviere et-c ie , [1912], viii, 644 p. I fold. map. Hanssen, Georg, 1809-1894. 338.1 Oooi 70598 Agrarhistorische Abhandlungen. Von Dr. Georg Hanssen, .... Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1880-1884. 2 Vol. 22i cm . Contents. I. Bd. Ansichten fiber das Agrarwesen der Vorzeit. Wechsel der Wohn- sitze und Feldmarken in germanischer Urzeit. Die Gehoferschaften im Regierungsbe- zirk Trier. Zur Geschichte der Feldsysteme in Deutschland. Zur Geschichte nord- deutcher Gutswirthschaft seit Ende des i6ten Jahrhunderts. Die mittelalterliche Feld- gemeinschaft in England nach Nasse, im Zusammenhalt mit der skandinavisch-germa- nischen. Das Agrarwesen der deutschen Schweiz in seiner geschichtlichen Entwickelung. Nach Miaskowski's Untersuchungen. iv, [2], 568 p. 2. Bd. Kommentar zu der Ab- handlung fiber die Trierschen Gehoferschaften im ersten Bande. Die Dorfwillkfiren oder Nachbarbeliebungen in norddeutschen Gegenden. Die Ackerflur der Dorfer. Landwirthschaftliche Zustande friiherer Zeiten in nordfriesischen Gegenden. Land- wirthschaftliche Zustande fruherer Zeiten auf der Halbinsel Sundewitt. Der historische Zug in dem Landgemeindewesen der Herzogth timer Schleswig und Holstein. iv, [2], 577. [I] P- Helm, Victor, 1813-1890. 309 Q205 90109 Kulturpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem Ubergang aus Asien nach Griechenland und Italien sowie in das ubrige Europa; historisch- linguistische Skizzen von Victor Hehn. 7. Auflage neu heraus- gegeben von O. Schrader, mit botanischen Beitragen von A. Eng- ler. Berlin, GebruMer Borntraeger, 1902. xxvi, 651 p. 25 cm . Holzner, Georg. 1630.73 Qsoi 55094 Der landwirtschaftliche Unterricht in Weihenstephan und Schleiss- heim von 1804 bis 1840. Nebst einer ausfiihrlichen Lebensge- schichte des Kgl. Staatsgiiter-Direktors Max Schoenleutner und vielen erlauternden Bemerkungen und Zusatzen. Von Dr. Georg Holzner, .... Munchen und Berlin, R. Oldenbourg, 1905. viii, 232 p. 25 cm . AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 117 Leadam, Isaac Saunders. 337.iP3oi What protection does for the farmer and labourer. A chapter of agricultural history. Fifth edition, revised. xxxvi,iO4 P- D. (COBDEN CLUB.) London: Cassell & Co., pref. 1893. Leouzon, Louis. 630.92 1,55 3 .... Agronomes et eleveurs. Bakewell. R. et C. Colling. A. Young. Sir J. Sinclair. Coke de Holkham. Jonas Webb. -W. Mac Combie. Sir J. B. Lawes. Thaer. Schwerz. Olivier de Serres. Tessier. Mathieu de Dombasle. A. Bella. -Yvart. Comte de Gasparin. E. Baudement. E. Malingie. J. B. Boussingault. J. A. Barral. Ed. Lecoutex. Avec portraits et planches. Paris, J. B. Bailliere et fils, 1905. [8], 360 p. xx pi. (inch ports.) 23. At head of title: Louis Leouzon .... '' McDonald, Donald. 1630.92 Mi4 ' Agricultural writers from Sir Walter of Henley to Arthur Young, 1200-1800. Reproductions in facsimile and extracts from their actual writings, enlarged and revised from articles which have ap- peared in "The Field" from 1903 to 1907. To which is added an exhaustive bibliography. By Donald McDonald .... Lon- don, H. Cox, 1908. [6], 228 p. illus. 26 cm . "The literature and bibliography of British agriculture," p. Reinhardt, Ludwig, 1864- 570.2 Rios .4 Kulturgeschichte der Nutzpflanzen, von Dr. Ludwig Reinhardt ... i. -[2]. Halfte. Mit ... Abbildungen im Text und ... Kunstdrucktafeln. Munchen, E. Reinhardt, 1911. ^ 2 vol. 92 illus., 168 (i.e. 84) pi. 23 cm. (/w Die Erde und die Kultur. Die Eroberung und Xutzbarmachung der Erde durch den Menschen. Band iv.) The plates have illustrations en both sides. Reitemeier, August Hubert, 1879- 581.15 Q40i Geschichte der Zuchtung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturpflanzen ..... Breslau, Buchdruckerei H. Fleischmann, 1904. vii, 198, [2] p. 224 cm . Inaug.-dis. Breslau. "Benutzte Litteratur," p. [iS/j-igs. Lebenslauf. Solms-Laubach, Hermann Grafzu, 1842- 1580.9 P8oo Weizen und Tulpe und deren Geschichte von H. Grafen zu Solms- Laubach, .... Mit i Tafel in Handcolorit. Leipzig, A. Felix, 1899. iv, [2], 116 p. i col. pi. 26 cm . "Litteratur zum Abschnitt iiber den Weizen," p. [ 3 2]- 34 . "Litteratur zur Ge- schichte der Tulpen," p. [io6]-n6. n8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Staudacher, Franz. 630.9 P7oo 9 Antike und moderne Landwirthschaft. Von Franz Staudacher. .... Wien, W. Frick, 1898. 143 p. 23d cm . Verein zur Forderung der Moorkultur 1,631.4 Q8oi 93492 im Deutschen Reich. Die Entwickelung der Moorkultur in den letzten 25 Jahren. Wichtige Tagesfragen auf dem Gebiete des Moorwesens. Mit 107 Textabbildungen und 6 Tafeln. Festschrift zur Feier des 25jahrigen Bestehens des Vereins zur Forderung der Moorkultur im Deutschen Reich. Berlin, P. Parey, 1908. xxviii, 233, [i] p. front, (port.), illus., 6 diagr. (partly col., partly fold.) 25^ cm . Walter, Josef. 630.9 Q8oo 67563 Geschichte des Bauernstandes. Von Josef Walter, .... Bud- weis, "Moldavia", 1908. 202, [2] p. i9 cm . Ancient times Braungart, Richard, 1839- 1630.9 R2OO sesse j)j e Urheimat der Landwirtschaft aller indogermanischen Volker an der Geschichte der Kulturpflanzen und Ackerbaugerate in Mittel- und Nordeuropa nachgewiesen von Dr. Richard Braun- gart, .... Mit 266 Abbildungen und I Tafel. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1912. viii, 470 p. illus., i pi. 30^ x 23 cm . Cato, Marcus Porcius, Censorius. 630.2 0200 49338 jyj t Porci Catonis De agri cvltvra liber. M. Terenti Varronis Re- rvm rvsticarvm libri tres. Ex recensione Henrici Keilii. Vol. I. [ill.] Lipsiae, B. G. Tevbner, 1882-1902. 3 vol. 23i cm . Contents. vol. i. M. Porci Catonis De agri cvltvra liber. M. Terenti Varronis Rervm rvsticarvm libri tres. 1882-1884. xvii, [2], 320 p. vol. 2, fasc. I. Keil, H. Commentarivs in Catonis De agri cvltvra librvm. 1894. xii, 194 p. fasc. II. Same. Commentarivs in Varronis Rervm rvsticarvm libros tres. 1891. vii, 313 p. vol. 3, fasc. i. Krvmbiegel, R. Index verborvm in Catonis De re rvstica librvm. 1897. [4], 82 p. fasc. II. Same. Index verborvm in Varronis Rervm rvsticarvm libros tres. 1902. [4], 292 p. Cato, Marcus Porcius, Censorius. 630.937 Ai 95181 Roman farm management. The treatises of Cato and Varro done into English, with notes of modern instances, by a Virginia farmer. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1913. xii, [2], 365 p. 20 cm . Preface signed: F. H. (i.e. Fairfax Harrison). Contents. Note upon the Roman agronomists. Note on the obligation of Virgil to Varro. Cato's De agricultura. Varro's Rerum rusticarum libri tres. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 119 Gummerus, Herman. ^330.937 Q6oo ' Der romische Gutsbetrieb als wirtschaftlicher Organismus nach den Werken des Cato, Varro und Columella. Von Herman Gum- merus. Leipzig, Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1906. viii,loop. 29<. (^^//.-/./BeitragezuraltenGeschichte. Funftes Beiheft.) Hoops, Johannes, 1865- 581.61 Qsoo Waldbaume und Kulturpflanzen im germanischen Altertum. Von Johannes Hoops, .... Mit acht Abbildungen im Text und einer Tafel. Strassburg, K. J. Trubner, 1905. xvi, 689 p. illus., i pi. 24 cm . Lasch, Richard. 630.9 Q40O 9 .... Die Landvvirtschaft der Naturvolker. Von Dr. Richard Lasch ... . Erster-[vierter] Artikel. [Berlin/ G. Reimer, 1904.] 4 pts. in I vol. 25 cm . "Sonderabdruck aus der 'Zeitschrift fur Socialwissenschaft. vn. Band. 1904'." Mortillet, Gabriel i.e. Louis Laurent Gabriel de, 571-63 Pooi 93481 no 1821-1898. .... Origines de la chasse, de la peche et de 1'agriculture, par Gabriel de Mortillet. I. Chasse, peche, domestication. Avec 148 figures, par A. de Mortillet Paris, Lecrosnier etBabe, 1890 xiii, 516 p. 148 illus. 22i cm . (Bibliotheque anthropologique. xn.) No more published. Mucke, Johann Richard, 1846- L630.gi P7oo 7 Urgeschichte des Ackerbaues und der Viehzucht. Eine neue Theorie mit einer Einleitung liber die Behandlung urgeschichtli- cher Probleme auf statistischer Grundlage. Von Dr. Joh. Richard Mucke, .... Greifswald, J. Abel, 1898. xxiv, 404 p. 26 cm . Great Britain and Ireland Andrews, Charles McLean. 306.1452 2644 The old English manor. A study in English economic history. xi,29i p. O. [JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University studies, extra vol. 12.] Baltimore 1892. Besse, Pierre i.e. Antoine Jules Jean Pierre. L338.I Roo3 101124 La crise et revolution de 1'agriculture en Angleterre de 1875 a nos jours; essai d'histoire economique, par Pierre Besse, ... . Paris, F. Alcan, 1910. [4], [vii]-xv, 390, [6] p. 25i cm . "Bibliographic," p. [vii]-xv. i 2 o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Brinkmann, Franz. 1/338.1 Qgo2 78176 Die Grundlagen der englischen Landwirtschaft und die Entvvicke- iung ihrer Produktion seit dem Auftreten der internationalen Konkurrenz. Von Dr. Franz Brinkmann. Hannover, M. H. Schaper, 1909. 128 p. incl. tables. 26i cm . Brodrick, George Charles. 333 .042 Oioo 1933 English land and English landlords. An enquiry into the origin and character of the English land system, with proposals for its reform. With an index. Published for the Cobden Club, viii, 515 p. O. London: Cassell, ... & Co., 1881. Cheyney, Edward Potts, 1861- 309.42 ?502 93188 .... Social changes in England in the sixteenth century as re- flected in contemporary literature. Part I. Rural changes. Ed- ward P. Cheyney, .... Boston, Ginn & Company; Halle a, S., M. Niemeyer, 1895. [4], 1 14 p. 2 (i.e. i ) pi. 22 cm . ( Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in philology, literature and archaeology. Vol. iv, no. 2.) The plate has illustrations on both sides. "Bibliography," p. [109]-! 12. Corner, Alfred. 334-663 21 83103 The drift in agriculture. By Alfred Corner, .... With an in- troduction by J. E. Patterson, .... London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., ltd., [1911]. 134 p. 7 pi. i8 cm . On cover : The drift in agriculture. The farmer and his market, Curtler, W H R 630.942 Q90i 90052 A short history of English agriculture, by W. H. R. Curtler. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1909. viii, 371, [i] p. 20 cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Dalrymple, Sir John, ^.th bart. Cranstonn, 1726-1810. 321.3 Fi ^ n essa y towards a general history of feudal property in Great Britain, .... By John Dalrymple, .... The third edition .... London, A. Millar, 1758. vii, [i], 344 p. 20 cm . Contents. I. History of the introduction of the feudal system into Great-Britain. 2. History of tenures. 3. History of the alienation of land property. 4. History of en- tails. 5. History of the laws of succession or descent. 6. History of the forms of con- veyance. 7. History of jurisdictions, and the forms of procedure in courts. 8. History of the constitution of Parliament. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 121 Domesday Commemoration, 1886. 309. 42 06oo 97243 .... Domesday studies, being the papers read at the meetings of the Domesday Commemoration 1886. With a bibliography of Domesday book and accounts of the mss. and printed books exhibited at the Public Record Office and at the British Museum. Edited by P. Edward Dove .... London and New York, Long- mans, Green, and Co., 1888-1891. 2 vol. 26 cm . At head of title: Domesday Commemoration 1086 A. D.-i886 A. D. Vol. 2 printed by Spottiswoode & Co. Paged continuously. Contents. vol. I. On the study of Domesday book. By S. Moore. On the Tur- kish survey of Hungary, and its relation to Domesday book. By H. Clarke. Domes- day survivals. By I. Taylor. Wapentakes and hundreds. By I. Taylor. Danegeld and the finance of Domesday. By J. H. Round. The ploughland and the plough. By I. Taylor. Notes on Domesday measures of land. By J. H. Round. A new view of the geldable unit of assessment of Domesday .... By O. C. Pell. 1888. xvi, [2], 399> C 1 ] P- v l' 2 - Note on the order of Domesday book. By H. Clarke. The church in Domesday. By J. Parker. Parish churches omitted in the survey. By H. J. Reid. The scope of local elucidation of the Domesday survey. By F. E. Sawyer. The Domesday survey of Surrey. By H. E. Maiden. On an alleged instance of the falli- bility of Domesday in regard to 'ancient demesne'. By Sir H. Barkly. The materials for the re-editing of the Domesday book. By W. de G. Birch. The official custody of Domesday book. By H. Hall. An early reference to Domesday. By J. H. Round. Summary of a 'New view of the geldable unit of assessment of Domesday'. By O. C. Pell. Domesday Commemoration 1886. Notes on the manuscripts &c. exhibited at H. M. Public Record Office. Domesday Commemoration 1886. Notes on the manu- scripts and printed books exhibited at the British Museum. Domesday bibliography [ed. by H. B. Wheatley]. 1891. vi p., p. [387]~7io. I fold. map. Dunlop, Olive Jocelyn. 33 1 .763 R300 The farm labourer; the history of a modern problem. By O. Jocelyn Dunlop ... . London, [etc.], F. Unwin, [1913]. [6], 268 p. 23 cm . Gamier, Russell Montague. 333-042 P20I 1 History of the English landed interest; its customs, laws and agri- culture. By Russell M. Gamier, .... London, Sonnenschein & Co.; New York, Macmillan & Co., 1892-1893. 2 vol. 22i cm . (On cover: Half-guinea international library.) Contents. [vol. I.] From the Roman occupation to the i8th century. 1892. xviii, 406 p. [vol. 2.] Modern period. 1893. xx, 564 p. 30743 Graham, P. Anderson. 630.942 Pgoo The revival of English agriculture. 276 p. D. London : Jarrold & Sons, [1899]. Contains chapters on farming in Germany, France, Italy and America. 122 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hasbach, Wilhelm. 331-763 Q802 93111 ^ history of the English agricultural labourer. By Dr. W. Has- bach, ... . Newly edited by the author and translated by Ruth Kenyon. With a preface by Sidney Webb. London, P. S. King & Son, 1908. xvi, 470 p. 22i cm . {Half-title: Studies in economics and political science, no. 15 in the series of monographs by writers connected with the London School of Economics and Political Science.) "The first edition was published in German ... in 1894, as Die englischen Land- arbeiter in den letzten hundert Jahren, no. 59 of the series published by the Verein fur Social Politik." "List of authorities quoted," p. [4I7J-45O. Ireland. Department of Agriculture and Technical 630.9415 Q3<30 Instruction. .... The progress of economic thought and work in Ireland. Four addresses to the First Council of Agriculture (1900-1903), by the Right Hon. Sir Horace C. Plunkett, vice-president of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. Dublin, printed for H. M. Stationery Off. by A. Thorn & Co., ltd., 1903. 56 p. 24 cm . At head of title : Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. Levy, Hermann. 630.942 Q400 93107 Entstehung und Ruckgang des landwirtschaftlichen Grossbetriebes in England. Wirtschaftliche und sozialpolitische Studien uber die landwirtschaftliche Betriebsfrage, von Dr. Hermann Levy. Berlin, J. Springer, 1904. vi, [2], 247 p. incl. tables. 24i cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Pratt, Edwin A 630.942 Q6oo ' The transition in agriculture, by Edwin A. Pratt .... London, J. Murray, 1906. x, 354 p. 10 pi. (incl. front.) 2 plans (i fold.) 2i cm . The purpose of the work is to show the development of various subsidiary branches of agriculture, to give some idea of the acceptance of the principles and practice of agricul- tural combination in England and to discuss some of the principles on which the advent of the "small holder" can best be encouraged, cf. Pref. Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. 330.942 M6oo A history of agriculture and prices in England from the year after the Oxford parliament (1259) to the commencement of the Con- tinental war (1793). Compiled entirely from original and con- temporaneous records. 7 vol. in 8. O. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1866-1902. Contents: Vol. 1-2. 1259-1400. 2vol. 1866. Vol. 3-4. 1401-1582. 2vol. 1882. Vol. 5-6. 1583-1702. 2 vol. 1887. Vol.7. 1703-1793. Edited with sundry additions by one of his sons [Arthur G. L. Rogers]. I vol. in 2, paged continuously; vol. i: xv >l~599 P; vol. 2: xv, 601-966 p. 1902. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 123 Tawney, Richard Henry. 333-042 R20O 10112, jj ie a g rar j an problem in the sixteenth century, by R. H. Taw- ney, .... With six maps in colour. London, New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green and Co., 1912. xii, 464 p. vi fold, diagr. 23-i cm . Whittaker, Sir Thomas Palmer, 1850- 333.042 R40O 99372 -r;j ie owners hip, tenure and taxation of land, some facts, lallacies and proposals relating thereto, by the Right Honble. Sir Thomas P. Whittaker, .... London, Macmillan and Co., 1914. xxx, 574 p. incl. tables. 23 cm . Young, Arthur, F. R. S. 630.9299 Y8 1 The autobiography of Arthur Young with selections from his cor- respondence. Edited by M. Betham-Edwards. x,48o p. 2 pi. 2 por. i facsim. O. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., l! Young, David. 630.942 F4 47278 National improvements upon agriculture, in twenty-seven essays, by David Young, .... Edinburgh, printed for, and sold by the author and by J. Bell, 1785. xx, 412 p. 2ii cm . Germany and Austria- Hungary Aubin, Gustav. 33 J -763 Ro02 93112 Zur Geschichte des gutsherrlich-bauerlichen Verhaltnisses in Ost- preussen von der Grundung des Ordensstaates bis zur Steinschen Reform. Von Gustav Aubin. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1910. vii, 192 p. 25 cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Austria. Land- und Forstwirte. Comite. 1,630.9436 Pgoo 7 Geschichte der 6'sterreichischen Land- und Forstwirtschaft und ihrer Industrien 1848-1898. Festschrift zur Feier der am 2. December 1898 erfolgten funfzigjahrigen Wiederkehr der Thron- besteigung Sr. Majestat des Kaisers Franz Joseph I. herausgege- ben von dem hiezu gebildeten, unter dem Protectorate Sr. Excellenz des K. k. Ackerbau-Ministers Michael Freiherrn von Kast stehen- den Comite. 4 vol. in 5. il. pi. por. maps, tables. Q. Wien : M. Perles, 1899. Supplementband. (Nachtrage und Specialab- handlungen.) 2 parts in I vol. il. Q. Wien 1901. i2 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Bartels, Adolf, 1862- 1,309.43 2 v.6 93200 . . . Der Bauer in der deutschen Vergangenheit. Mit Einhundert acht und sechzig Abbildungen und Beilagen nach den Originalen aus dem 15. 1 8. Jahr. Leipzig, E. Diederichs, 1900. 142, [2] p. 161 illus., 7 (i.e. 6) pi. zg cm . (In Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte, . .. [vi. Band].) At head of title. Adolf Bartels. T.-p. illus. "Von diesem Buch wurde eine nummerierte Liebhaber ausgabe auf Biittenpapier in IOO Exemplaren ... ." Dade, Heinrich Gerd, 1866- 1630.943 93647 Die deutsche Landwirtschaft unter Kaiser Wilhelm II. Mutterland und Kolonien. Zum 25jahrigen Regierungsjubilaum seiner Ma- jestat des Kaisers herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Dade, .... Er- ster- [zweiter] Band ..... Halle a. S., C. Marhold, 1913. 2 vol. illus., tables. 29-i cm . Contents. I. Bd. Konigreich Preussen. xi, 703 p. front, (port.), I col. pi. 2. Bd. Konigreich Bayern. Die iibrigen Bundesstaaten. Die Kolonien. Gesamten- wickelung. vi, 590 p. front, (port.) Ebeling, Julius Wilhelm Ferdinand, 1878- 630.943 Q4o6 93184 j n sc hlesisches Rittergut, seine Entwicklung seit dem Jahre 1824 und seine heutige Gestaltung ..... [Von] Ferdinand Ebeiling. Osterwieck/Harz, Buchdruckerei A. W. Zickfeldt, 1904. 68, 41, [2] p. incl. tables. 23 cm . Inaug.-dis. Breslau. Lebenslauf. Ehrler, Joseph. 330-53 12 .4 90066 .... Agrargeschichte und Agrarwesen der Johanniterherrschaft Heitersheim. Ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Breis- gaus. Von Joseph Ehrler. Tubingen, [etc.], J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1900. viii, 77 p. 24 cm . (In Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen der badischen Hoch- schulen, vierter Band, zweites Heft.) "Verzeichnis der Quellen," p. viii. Engelbrecht, Erwin. 305-3 8 .169 16 Die Agrarverfassung des Ermlandes und ihre historische Ent- wicklung. Von Erwin Engelbrecht, .... Miinchen und Leip- zig, Duncker & Humblot, 1913. viii, 256 p. I fold, map, i fold, table. 22-i cm . (In Staats- und sozialwissen- schaftliche Forschungen. ... Heft 169.) "Quellen und Literatur," p. 252-256. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 125 Frenzen, Peter Hubert, 1877- 630.943 Qyoo 66463 Untersuchungen uber die Entwickelung der Landvvirtschaft im Kreise Gladbach in den letzten fiinfzig Jahren, ir.it Beriicksichti- gung der von der Lokalabteilung Gladbach des Landwirtschaft- lichen Vereins fiir Rheinpreussen getroffenen Forderungsmass- nahmen Von Peter Frenzen, .... M. Gladbach, Druck von A. Korten, 1907. 86, [2] p. incl. tables. 23 cm . Inaug.-dis. Kunigsberg. "Lebenslauf." Gerdes, Heinrich, 1847- 331-763 Rooi 3 ... Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, von Heinrich Gerdes, .... Mit 21 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1910. [4], 122 p. 21 illus. i8i cm . (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt; Sammlung wissen- schaftlich-gemeinverstandlicher Darstellungen. 320. Bandchen.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. 121-122. Goltz, Theodor Alexander Ludwig Georg, 630.943 Q200 Frciherr von der, 1836-1905. Geschichte der deutschen Landwirtschaft ; von D r> Theodor Frei- herr von der Goltz .... Stuttgart und Berlin, J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1902-1903. 2 vol. 24-i cm . Contents. i. Bd. Von den ersten Anfangen bis zum Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts. 1902. viii, 485, [i] p. 2. Bd. Das neunzehnte Jahrhundert. 1903. vi, 420 p. Hecht, Moriz, 1869- 330-53 12 v.7sup. 90108 .... Die badische Landwirtschaft am Anfang des XX. Jahrhun- derts, von Dr. Moriz Hecht, .... Mit 6 Tafeln und 12 Karten .... Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1903. x, [2], 262 p. incl. illus., tables. 2^ cm . (In Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen der Badischen Hochschulen, vn. Bd., i. Erganzungsband.) "Von der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat Freiburg i. Br. mit dem Preis der Dr. Rudolf Schleiden-Stiftung ausgezeichnet. " Jelitto, Anton, 1858- 630.943 Rooi 9 Geschichte der oberschlesischen Landwirtschaft, von A. Jelitto. a Mit 44 Illustrationen und einer Original-Umschlagzeichnung von Professor Richard Knotel. Berlin, Breslau, [etc.], F. & C. Si- winna, [1910]. viii, 141, [i] p. front., illus. incl. ports. 2i4 cm . i26 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Jenssen, Christian. 1630.53 5 v.i8 J0615 Zur Geschichte der landwirthschaftlichen Zeitschriften Deutsch- lands von der Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts bis auf die Gegen- wart. Von Christian Jenssen {In Lcndwirthschaftliche Jahrbiicher. Berlin, 1889. 2$k cm . vol. 18, p. [589]- 706.) With bibliographies. Krische, Paul. 943.170 Qyoo 9 Die Provinz Posen. Ihre Geschichte und Kultur unter beson- derer Berlicksichtigung ihrer Landwirtschaft. Von Dr. Paul Krische. Mit einer naturwissenschaftlich-geologischen Abhand- lung liber die Provinz, von Dr. Carl Riemann. Mit 96 Abbil- dungen im Text und 2 Karten. Stassfurt, R. Weicke, 1907. xv, -[i], 318, [2] p. incl. 96 illus., tables. 2 fold. maps. 25 cm . "Obersicht der deutschen (franzosischen und englischen) Literatur iiber die Provinz Posen," p. [vii]-xv. Lange, Gustav, 1855- 630.943 Q8oo 65741 Die Entwickelung der landwirtschaftlichen Verhaltnisse, insbeson- dere der Viehzucht, auf dem Rittergute Bersdorf in Schlesien von 1 770 bis zur Gegenwart. Von Dr. Gustav Lange. Konigsberg i. Pr., Grafe & Unzer, 1908. 104 p. i diagr., i fold, table. 22i cm . Lenz, Friedrich i.e. Bernhard Hermann Friedrich, 330.943 R209 95705 1885- Agrarlehre und Agrarpolitik der deutschen Romantik. Von Dr. Friedrich Lenz. Berlin, P. Parey, 1912. viii, 191, [i] p. 23i cm . "Literatur-Ubersicht," p. 175-176. Maeder, Paul. 331-763 Roo3 90367 Borage zur Geschichte der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Lage und Entwicklung der ackerbautreibenden Bevolkerung in den grafschaften Hoya und Diepholz im Mittelalter, von Dr. Paul Maeder. Hildesheim, A. Lax, 1910. 77 P- 23^zwvThaer-Bibliothek.) Mises, Ludwig von. 305-3 12 v-4 8 ... Die Entvvicklung des gutsherrlich-bauerlichen Verhaltnisses in Galizien (1772-1848). Von Ludwig von Mises. Wien und Leipzig, F. Deuticke, 1902. vi, 144 p. 24 cm . (In Wiener staatswissenschaftliche Studien, 4. Band, 2. Heft.) "Verzeichnis der benutzten Akten und Druckschriften," p. Muller, Adolf. 330-53 16 v.4i Die Grundlagen der pfalzischen Landwirtschaft und die Entwick- lung ihrer Produktion im 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwarc. Von Adolf Muller, .... Leipzig, A. Deichert'sche Verlagsbuch- handlung Nachf, 1912. x, 151, [i] p. incl. tables, diagrs. 23.i cm . (In Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungs- studien mil besonderer Beriicksichtigung Bayerns, XLI.) Miiller, Friedrich. 330.53 16 v.io ' Die geschichtliche Entwicklung des landwirtschaftlichen Genos- senschaftswesens in Deutschland von 1848/49 bis zur Gegenwart. xx, 5 52 p. [/;/ Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsstudien, vol. 10.] Leipzig 1901. Schlitz genannt von Gb'rtz, Werner i.e. 305.3 7 v.2 Eberhard Christoph Werner, ^ra/von, 1849- Die Entwicklung der Landwirthschaft auf den Goertz-Wrisberg- schen Gutern in der Provinz Hannover auf Grund archivalischen Materials, von Werner Graf Goertz-Wrisberg Jena, G. Fi- scher, 1880. xv, 147, [i] p. incl. tables. 24 cm . (In Sammlung nationalokonomischer und statistischer Abhandlungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Halle a. d. S., zwei- ter Band, viertes Heft.) 128 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Seedorf, Wilhelm, 1881- 630.9260 8451 62514 Q tto von Munchhausen auf Schwobber, seine Bedeutung als land- wirtschaftlicher Schriftsteller und seine Verdienste um die Be- griindung der Landwirtschaftslehre. Von Wilhelm Seedorf, ... Gekronte Preisschrift. Gottingen, Druck der Dieterichschen Univ.- Buchdruckerei (W. F. Kaestner), 1905. viii, [2], 54, [4] P- 24i cm . Added t.-p.: Inaug.-dis. Gottingen, 1906. "Lebenslauf." "Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der benutzten Biicher," p. [vii]-viii. Siemssen, Gustav Reinhold Otto, 1875- 1,630.943 93121 Die Entwicklung der landwirtschaftlichen Verhaltnisse dreier Ritterguter Mecklenburgs wahrend des 19. Jahrhunderts ..... Von Gustav Siemssen. Halle a. S., 1903. [6],6i, [i] p. 2Si cm . Inaug.-dis. Halle. Lebenslauf. Sinning, Arnold. 630.943 Q90i 84937 -QJ C Entwickelung der Landwirtschaft in der Umgegend von Cas- sel wahrend der letzten 50 Jahre unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Landkreises Cassel. Von Dr. phil. Arnold Sinning, .... Cassel, E. Rottger's Buchdruckerei (E. Pillardy), 1909. viii, 240 p. 10 fold, tables. 234"". "Verzeichnis der benutzten Literatur," p. [3383-340. Stumpfe, E 630.943 0303 93490 -rjj e Besiedelung der deutschen Moore, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Hochmoor- und Fehnkolonisation, von Dr. E. Stumpfe. Mit vier Karten-Beilagen und zahlreichen Tabellen. Leipzig und Berlin, G. H. Meyer, 1903. x > [ 2 3> 469* [i] P- ind. tables. 4 fold, maps (in pocket). 22<| cm . Twiesselmann, Hermann. 630.943 Q6oo 62154 Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Kritik der preussischen Land- wirtschaftskammern sowie die Anwendung der gewonnenen Re- sultate auf die ubrigen deutschen Bundesstaaten von Hermann Twiesselmann, .... Tubingen, W. Kloeres Buchhandlung (Kloe- res & Brenner), 1906. [7]. "9 p- 2 3 i m . "Literatur- Verzeichnis," pref. p. [6-7]. Wimmer, Josef. 570-943 Q5 62475 Geschichte des deutschen Bodens mit seinem Pflanzen- und Tier- leben von der keltisch-romischen Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Historisch-geographische Darstellungen von J. Wimmer, .... Halle a. S., Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1905. viii, 475, [i] p. 24 cm . AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 129 Wismiiller, Franz Xaver, 1872- 630.943 Qgoo 4 Geschichte der Moorkultur in Bayern von Franz X. Wismiiller, .... Munchen, E. Reinhardt, 1909-. Vol. I-. fold. map. 24 cm . France Afanas'ev, GeorgYT Emel Yanovich, 1848- 1*338.1 P2oo 1 .... Le commerce des cereales en France au dix-huitieme siecle, etude historique, traduit du russe sous la direction de Paul Boyer. Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1894. [6],xix, 576 p. 25<= m . At head of title: Georges Afanassiev. "Cette traduction . . . peut passer pour une seconde edition, revue et corrigee, de 1'original russe." Avertissement. Franke, Bernhard, 1880- 336.44 Q30i ' Die Entwicklung der franzosischen Landwirtschaft unter der Herr- schaft des gegenwartigen Schutzzollsystems Berlin, 1903. 19, [3] p. 22 cm . Inaug.-dis. Berlin. Lebenslauf. "Literatur," p. [5]. Lafarge, Ren<. 630.944 Qioo 1 L'agriculture en Limousin au XVIII 6 siecle et 1'intendance de Tur- got, par Rene Lafarge .... Paris, A. Chevalier-Marescq & c ie , 1902. [4], 281, viii p. 26 cm . "Bibliographic," p. [i] viii. Lamoignon de Malesherbes, Chretien Guillaume de, 630.044 Fi Memoire sur les moyens d'accelerer les progres de 1'economie rurale en France. Lu a la Societe royale d'agriculture, par M. de Lamoignon de Malesherbes, .... Paris, [Impr.de P.-D. Pierres], 1 790. 88 p. 22 cm . S 3 2 3 P- 23 cm . (/ Emigrationsutredningen, Bilaga, IX.) Hollana and Belgium Blink, Hendrik, 1852- 630.9492 Q200 8 Geschiedenis van den boerenstand en den landbouw in Nederland, een studie van de ontwikkeling der economische, maatschappelijke en agrarische toestanden, voornamelijk ten plattenlande, door Dr. H. Blink. Erste- [tweede] deel. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1902-1904. 2 vol. 25 cm . Chlapowksi, Alfred von Chlapowo. 330.53 2 v.37 Die belgische Landwirtschaft im 19. Jahrhundert. x,i84p. \In Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, no. 37.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger 1900. i 3 2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Swart, Friedrich. 305.3 8 v.145 10240 Zur friesischen Agrargeschichte. Von F. Swart. Mit einer Karte: die friesischen Landschaften im 13. Jahrhundert. Leip- zig, Duncker & Humblot, 1910. xi, [i], 384 p. incl. tables. I fold. map. 23 cm . (In Staats- und sozialwissen- schaftliche Forschungen, Heft. 145.) Appeared in part as author's inaugural dissertation, Berlin, 1904 (47 p.) under title: Agrarverfassung und Erbrecht in Ostfriesland. "Literatur," p. [378]~38i. Asia and Africa Dilock, Prince of Siam. 1630.959 Q8oo Die Landwirtschaft in Siam. Ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftsge- 102714 schichte des Konigreichs Siam, von Dilock, Prinz von Siam Leipzig, C. L. Hirschfeld, 1908. [n],2i5p. 8 fold. tab. 25 cm . "Litteraturverzeichnis," p. [vii]-xi. Keng chih t'u. 1,325.053 Hi7 v.n 101188 K6ng tschi t'u ... Ackerbau und Seidengewinnung in China; ein kaiserliches Lehr- und Mahn-Buch, aus dem chinesischen ubersetzt und mit Erklarungen versehen von O. Franke, ... . Mit 1 02 Tafeln und 57 Illustrationen im Text. Hamburg, L. Frie- derichsen & Co., 1913. vi, 194 p. illus., en pi. (incl. facsims.) on 54leaves. 3oi cm . ( In Abhandlungen des Hamburgischen Kolonialinstituts, Band XI.) Most of the plates are mounted. Plates (l.-ll. Teil) are preceded by half-titles not included in collation. Originally published in 1210 by Low Show and consisted of 21 pictures descriptive of agriculture and 24 pictures descriptive of weaving, the pictures were accompanied by verses. In 1696 the work was remodeled by Emperor K'ang Hsi, new pictures made by Tsiao Ping Chen and new verses added to those of Low Show, several translations of this edition have been made. In 1 739 the work was republished by Emperor Keen Lung, new verses and prose descriptions added to the verses of K'ang Hsi, nothing of the origi- nal work being left but the titles of the pictures. This edition includes the Chinese text and translation of the Keen Lung edition and reproductions of the original 45 plates taken from a Japanese reprint of 1462, and repro- ductions of the 46 plates of the Keen Lung edition. Contents. I. Einleitung: Ackerbau und Seidengewinnung als ethische und religions- bildende Elemente. Ackerbau und Seidengewinnung in Literatur und Kunst. Das Keng tschi t'u und seine Geschichte. Das Keng tschi t'u K'ien- Lung's. II. Text des Keng tschi t'u : Vorwort des Kaisers K'ang Hi. Vorwort des Kaisers K'ien-Lung. Nachwort der sieben Literaten. I. Beschreibung des Ackerbaus. II. Beschreibung der Seidenge- winnung. Anmerkungen. Verzeichnis der chinesischen Namen fur gerate usw. des Ackerbaus und der Seidengewinnung. Index. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 133 King, Franklin Hiram, 1848-1911. 630.95 Rioo sans F arrn ers O f forty centuries; or, Permanent agriculture in China, Korea and Japan, by F. H. King, .... Madison, Wis., Mrs. F. H. King, 1911. ix, 441 p. front, (port.), illus. igk cta . Plath, Johann Heinrich, 1801 7-1874. 630.931 Mgoo ' Die Beschaftigungen der alten Chinesen. Ackerbau, Viehzucht, Jagd, Fischfang, Industrie, Handel. Von Dr. J. H. Plath, ... . Mu'nchen, Verlag der k. Akademie, 1869. 65 p. 27X2li cm . "Aus den Abhandlungen d. k. Bayer. Akademie d. W. I. Cl. xn. Bd. I. Abth." "Ueber die Industrie und den Handel" was not published in Abth. 2 of this vol. of the Abhandlungen, as originally intended. Poivre, Pierre, 1719-1786. 630.9 Fi Travels of a philosopher; or, Observations on the manners & arts of various nations in Africa and Asia. By M. Le Poivre, late envoy to the king of Cochin-China, and president of the Royal Society of Agriculture at Lyons. Baltimore, N. G. Maxwell, 1 8 1 8. 105 p. front. I9* cm . ist English edition, London, 1769. 71148 Stuhlmann, Franz, 1863- 570. 967 P40i v.io Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte von Ostafrika. Allgemeine Be- trachtungen und Studien liber die Einfiihrung und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Nutzpflanzen und Haustiere mit besonderer Be- rucksichtigung von Deutsch-Ostafrika von Dr. Franz Stuhlmann, .... Mit 4 Textabbildungen, 13 Verbreitungskartchen und 3 graphischen Darstellungen. Berlin, D. Reimer (E. Vohsen), 1909. xxiii, 907 p. illus. (inch maps, diagrs.) 27.i cm . (/ Deutsch-Ost-Afrika, Bandx.) United States 101129 Augstin, Max, 1879- 330.6349 i .141 Die Entwicklung der Landvvirtschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika und ihr Einfluss auf die Preisbildung landwirt- schaftlicher Erzeugnisse. Auf Grund von Reisen und Studien bearbeitet von Dr. Max Augstin, .... Miinchen und Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1914. [4]. 149. [i] P- incl. tables, i fold. map. 23"". (In Schriften des Vereins fur Sozialpolitik. Untersuchungen iiber Preisbildung. Abt. A: Preisbildung fur agrarische Erzeugnisse, 147. Band. Die Exportgebiete der extensiven Landwirtschaft. 2. TeiL) 134 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Burkett, Charles William. 630.9771 Qooi 24591 History of Ohio agriculture. A treatise on the development of the various lines and phases of farm life in Ohio. 211 p. 3 pi. i por. D. Concord, N. H.: Rumford Press, 1900. Dunning, N A , e d. 630.6128 i The Farmers' Alliance history and agricultural digest. Written by a board of editors. viii,[2],742 p. 18 pi. 18 por. O. Wash- ington : Alliance Publishing Co., 1891. Eiffe, Carl Cesar. 630.978 Rooi ' Friichte deutscher Arbeit. Dreizehn Jahre Farmleben im fernen Westen Nord-Amerikas. Von Carl Cesar Eiffe, .... Mit 82 Abbildungen und 2 Karten. I.-3. Tausend. Leipzig, Dieterich- 'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, T. Weicher, 1910. x, 225 p. 47 pi. (i col.), 2 maps. 24 cm . Gould, Clarence Pembroke, 1884- 306.145 i v.3i 9939V ^ ^ j^g j anc j S y Stem j n Maryland, 1720-1765, by Clarence P. Gould, .... Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1913. 106 p. 25 cm . (/ Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science . . . , series xxxi, no. I.) "These four chapters form part of a larger work intended to cover the economic his- tory of Maryland in the period designated." Pref. Greathouse, Charles Howard. 3538i P8o2 Historical sketch of the U. S. Department of Agriculture; its ob- jects and present organization (Revised edition.) 74 p. il. 2 pi. i pi. of por. O. (U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL- TURE. DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS. Bulletin, no. 3.) Washington 1898. Another copy in the Bulletin of the Division of Publications has shelf number 630.51 32 v.3 26282 Hall, Darwin Scott, 1845- 630.6158 Rooi ' History of the Minnesota State Agricultural Society from its or- ganization in 1854 to the annual meeting of 1910. Darwin S. Hall, supervisor, R. I. Holcombe, historian. St. Paul, The Mc- Grill-Warner Company, 1910. 405, xxiii p. incl. front, (port.), illus. 23i cm . Hibbard, Benjamin Horace. 330.51 *7 v.i 8 .... The history of agriculture in Dane Country, Wisconsin, by Benjamin Horace Hibbard, .... Madison, Wisconsin, 1904. [2, 69J-2I4 p. 25 cm . (/ Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 101 Economics and political science series, vol. i, no. 2.) Thesis (Ph. D.) University of Wisconsin. AGRICULTURE AND RURAL ECONOMICS 135 Hyde, John, 1848- 630.973 P303 93120 Geographical concentration, an historic feature of American agri- culture. By John Hyde, .... Prepared, by invitation, for the fifth biennial session of the International Statistical Institute, Chi- cago, 1893 .... Washington, D. C., Kensington Publishing Company, [1893]. 19 p. 23 cm . Printed for private circulation. Johnson, Samuel William, 1830-1909. 630.9245 J63 99366 j? rom th e letter-files of S. W. Johnson, professor of agricultural chemistry in Yale University, 1856-1896, director of the Con- necticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1877-1900. Edited by his daughter Elizabeth A. Osborne. New Haven, Yale University Press; [etc., etc.], 1913. [8], 292 p. illus., 2 port, (inch front.), facsim. 2ii cm . "1000 copies." The portraits have each a guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. "Bibliography of S. W. Johnson," p. [26g]-28o. Levasseur, Emile, 1828- 338.1 P40O 40017 .... L'agriculture aux Etats-Unis, par M. E. Levasseur ... . Precede d'une note de M. H. L. de Vilmorin ... . Paris, ty- pographic Chamerot et Renouard, 1894. [4]> 495 P- 27 (' e - 28) pi- (maps, diagrs.) 23^ cm . (Societenationale d'agri- culture de France.) "Extrait du tome cxxxvi des Memoires de la Societe." Marsh, Charles Wesley, 1834- 630.9255 M35 80520 Recollections, 1837-1910, by Charles W. Marsh. Chicago, Farm Implement News Company, 1910. xv, 299 p. 10 pi., 9 port. incl. front. 2o cm . Oetken, Friedrich. 630.973 P302 40565 j}j e Landwirthschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika sowie die allgemein-wirthschaftlichen, sozialen und Kultur- Verhaltnisse dieses Landes zur Zeit des Eintritts Amerikas in das fiinfte Jahrhundert nach seiner Entdeckung. Von Fr. Oetken. Berlin, P. Parey, 1893. [4], vi, [4], 848 p. 2 3 . Ohio. State Board of Agriculture. 630.9771 P9OO 93175 A brief history of the State Board of Agriculture, the State Fair, district and agricultural societies and Farmers' Institutes in Ohio. Columbus, O., F. J. Heer, state printer, 1899. 82 p. 24 cm . Table of contents on third page of cover "List of Farmers' Institutes," 1880-1899, P- 30-81. i 3 6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Periam, Jonathan. 363.973 7 ' The groundswell. A history of the origin, aims, and progress of the farmers' movement : embracing an authoritative account of far- mers' clubs, granges, etc. ; a full discussion of the transportation question and other grievances ; and a history of industrial educa- tion in the United States ; together with sketches of the lives of prominent leaders, etc., .... By Hon. Jonathan Periam, .... Over one hundred illustrations. Cincinnati, E. Hannaford & Co.; Chicago, Hannaford & Thompson, [etc.], 1874. xx, [2i]-576 p. inch front., illus. (incl. ports.) 2o cm . "The National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry," p. [566]~576. South America Kaerger, Karl. 1630.98 Qioo 28183 Landwirtschaft und Kolonisation im spanischen Amerika 2 vol. table. Q. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1901. Contents: Vol. i. Die La Plata-Staaten. ix,939 p. i table. Vol. 2. Die sudameri- kanischen Weststaaten und Mexiko. vh',743 p. 631.9 History of agricultural implements i Ardrey, R L 631.9 P400 74157 American agricultural implements. A review of invention and development in the agricultural implement industry of the United States in two parts. Part one : General history of invention and improvement. Part two : Pioneer manufacturing centers. By R. L. Ardrey. Chicago, the author, [ C i894], 236 p. illus. incl. diagrs. 23 cm . Includes revised historical articles by C. W. Marsh, editor of the Farm implement news. cf. Introd. Behlen, H 631.9 9404 9lg " Der Pflug und das Pfltigen bei deri Romern und in Mitteleuropa in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Eine vergleichende agrargeschicht- liche, kulturgeschichtliche und archaologische Studie, zugleich als ein Beitrag zur Besiedelungsgeschichte von Nassau, von H. Behlen. Dillenburg, C. Seel's Nachf. (M. Weidenbach), 1904. xvi, 192 p. 6 illus. 23i cm . "Ofter angefiihrte Quellen und deren Abkiirzungen," p. ix. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 137 Bornemann, Felix. 631.9 94675 Die Motorkultur in Deutschland. Unter Mitwirkung von B. Donath bearbeitet von Dr. F. Bornemann, .... Mit 121 Text- abbildungen. Berlin, P. Parey, 1913. viii, 230 p. 121 illus. 22^ cm . Casson, Herbert Newton, 1869- 609.253 27 90041 Cyrus Hall McCormick, his life and work, by Herbert N. Cas son .... Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1909. xii, 264 p. 23 pi., 8 port., (incl. front.), 2 facsim., I diagr. 2i cm . Casson, Herbert Newton, 1869- 631.9 Q8oi 90042 The romance O f t he reaper. By Herbert N. Casson, .... Illus- trated from photographs. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1908. xiv, 184 p. front., 9 pi., 16 ports, on 6 pi. I9 cm . Peering Harvester Co., Chicago. 631.9(2001 31031 official retrospective exhibition of the development of harvesting machinery for the Paris Exposition of 1900. 125 p. il. I pi. O. Paris [1900]. Title-page and text in both English and French. Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft. 1,630.6309 i v.177 90058 Die Entwicklung des landwirtschaftlichen Maschinenwesens in Deutschland. Festschrift zum 25jahrigen Bestehen der Deut- schen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft. Bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. G. Fischer, . . . Okonotnierat Dr. Albert, . . . Ingenieur G. Kiihne, . . . [u. a.] Berlin, Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesell- schaft, 1910. viii, 436 p. illus. 32.J cm . (/ Arbeiten der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesell- schaft, Heft 177.) Ellis, Lynn Webster, 1882- 631.9 Ri03 96193 Power and the plow, by L. W. Ellis and Edward A. Rumely, .... Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Page & Co., 1911. [9], 318 p. incl. tables, illus., front., 21 pi. igi " 1 . 5 'List of authorities consulted," p. 317-318. Gilbert, Frank. 631.9 0200 ' Jethro Wood, inventor of the modern plow. A brief account of his life, services and trials ; together with facts subsequent to his death, and incident to his great invention By Frank Gil- bert. Chicago, Rhodes & McClure, 1882. vi, 7-72 p. front, (port.), I pi. I9 cm . i 3 8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Greeno, Follett Lamberton, 1889- cd. 609.242685 3 Obed Hussey, who, of all inventors, made bread cheap. Being a true record of his life and struggles to introduce his greatest in- vention, the reaper, and its success, as gathered from pamphlets published heretofore by some of his friends and associates, and reprinted in this volume, together with some additional facts and testimonials from other sources. Edited by Follett L. Greeno. [Rochester, N. Y., The Rochester Herald Publishing Company], 1912. [2], 228 p. front., II pi., I port., 2 diagr. I9i cm . Grille, Antoine i.e. Charles Joseph Antoine. Lo7o.i6o R32 v.6 9109 L'agriculture et les machines agricoles aux Etats-Unis. Par M. a Grille, . . . [et] M. G. Lelarge, .... Paris, E. Bernard et c ie , 1896. [4], 177, [2] p. 27 cm . (/ Revue technique de 1' Exposition universelle de Chi- cago, 1893, 6 me partie.) Hahn, Eduard, 1856- 631.9(5900 73971 ... . Die Entstehung der Pflugkultur (unsres Ackerbaus). Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1909. viii, 192 p. 2i cm . At head of title: Ed. Hahn. Memorial. 609.253 MSI 15043 M emor i a i o f Robert McCormick, being a brief history of his life, character and inventions, including the early history of the Mc- Cormick reaper. [4]6i,[i] p. il. I facsim. O. Chicago 1885. Photo-engraved reprint, Chicago 1898. Stabler, Edward. 631.91400 17490 Overlooked pages of reaper history. ioo,[2] p. i por. O. Chi- cago, Illinois, 1897. Contents: A brief narrative of the invention of reaping machines; and an examina- tion of the claims of priority of invention: by a Maryland farmer and machinist. Also a short appendix consisting of English publications, as to the operation and success of reaping machines in England, in the years 1851, 1852 and 1853. Baltimore 1854. A review of the pamphlet of W. N. P. Fitzgerald, "Counsel for parties in the state of New York," in opposition to the extension of the patent of Obed Hussey: and also of the defence, or evidence in favour of said extension. With a narrative or brief history of reaping machines, and an examination of the claims for priority of invention : and an appendix. Baltimore 1855. Swift, Rodney Bartlett. 631.9 Pyoo 17642 \Yho invented the reaper? An answer to the protest statement said to have been filed at the Treasury Department. 54 p. 9 il. I por. O. Chicago 1897. HORTICULTURE 139 Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1853-1913. 631.99802 69396 c yrus Hall McCormick and the reaper. By Reuben Gold Thwaites Madison, published by the Society, 1909. [3], 234-259 p. front, (port.), I pi. 22^ cm . "From the Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin for 1908." History of farm buildings Mejborg, Reinhold Frederic Severin, 1845- 1,728.67 M47 &6 "' 6 Das Bauernhaus im Herzogtum Schleswig und das Leben des schleswigischen Bauernstandes im 16., 17 und 18. Jahrhundert, von R. Meiborg. Deutsche Ausgabe besorgt von Richard Haupt. Schleswig, J. Bergas, 1896. vii, [2], 205, [l] p. 256 illus. 32x24 cm . - . Anhang. Schleswig, 1896. 56 p. illus. 33 x 25 cm . "Verzeichnis der ungedruckten Quellen," p. 7-10; "Verzeichnis der gedruckten Quellen," p. 11-12; "Quellennachweis fur jeden Aschnitt," p. 15-18. Ranck, Chr 728.67 7 .... Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Bauernhauses. Von Chr. . Ranck, .... Mit 70 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner,. 1907. viii, 103, [i] p. 70 illus. i8i cm . (AusNatur und Geisteswelt. 121. Bandchen.) 634.09 HISTORY OF HORTICULTURE Augustin, Bela. 583.79 Q4OO 96202 Historisch-kritische und anatomisch-entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen liber den Paprika .... Nemetbogsan, A. Ros- ner, 1907. 86, [2] p. X pi. 22i cm . Inaug.-di>. Bern. Baltet, Charles. 634P500 3 L'horticulture dans les cinq parties du monde. Ouvrage cou- ronne de la medaille d'or du Congres et du prix Joubert de 1'Hyberderie par la Societe nationale d'horticulture de France et public sous ses auspices. xviii,[2],776 p. O. Paris 1895. "Ouvrages horticoles" under principal countries. Barnard, Alfred. 634.0942 PSOO 89133 Orchards and gardens, ancient and modern. With a description of the orchards, gardens, model farms, and factories owned by Mr. William Whiteley, of Westbourne Grove, London. By Al- fred Barnard, .... London, printed by Sir J. Causton & Sons, 1895- [2], iv, 260 p. illus. 22x28-4 em . i 4 o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY CabriS, Louis. 634.264 Qioo 36117 Recueil historique de 1'olivier. Notions sur sa culture et son produit. 37, [3] p. sq.D. Nice 1901. Cabrie, Louis. 634.264 Q200 90039 R ecue ji historique de 1'olivier. Notions sur sa culture et son pro- duit par Louis Cabrie, negociant en huile d'olive .... 2 me edi- tion amplifiee. Nice, Impr. des Alpes-Maritimes, 1902. 45, [2] p. i9i cm . Cockburn, John, of Onnistoun, 1679-1758. 634 F2 95185 Liters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun, to his gardener 1727- 1744. Edited with introduction and notes, by James Colville, .... Edinburgh, For the Scottish History Society, 1904. xliv, 106, [2], 8, 16, 13 p. front, (port.) 23. (Half-title- Publications of the Scottish History Society, vol. XLV.) Appended: Scottish History Society. Publications. List of members, 1902-1903. Report of the seventeenth annual meeting. Eisen, Gustav, 1850- 634.051 6 v.g 90328 .... The fig : its history, culture, and curing, with a descriptive catalogue of the known varieties of figs, by Gustav Eisen, .... Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1901. 317 p. front., illus., xv pi. 23 cm . (In Bulletin no. 9, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Pomology.) 'Bibliography of figs," p. 295-301 . Lelong, B M 634.271 P200 &0563 c a iif orn i a prune industry. History and importance of the prune industry, methods of cultivation, varieties, picking, curing, pack- ing and production. By B. M. Lelong, .... Sacramento, A. J. Johnston, supt. state printing, 1892. 33 p. illus. 24 cm . Menand, Louis, 1807- 630.9256 99319 Autobiography and recollections of incidents connected with hor- ticultural affairs, etc. from 1807 up to this day 1892. With por- trait and allegorical figures. "By an ever practical wisdom seek- er," L. Menand. With an appendix of retrospective incidents omitted or forgotten in the above, miscellaneous, etc. Albany, N. Y., Weed, Parsons and Co., 1892. 2, 200, [ii]p. front., illus., port. I9 cm . HORTICULTURE 141 Minnesota State Horticultural Society. 634.06158 93174 History of the Minnesota Horticultural Society, from the first meeting held at Rochester in 1 866, to the last at Saint Paul in 1873. Comprising debates, addresses, essays, and reports. Pub- lished by the Society in compliance with an act of the Legislature, .... Saint Paul, Office of the St. Paul Press Co., 1873. iv, 208 p. 23 cm . For continuation of the reports see its Annual report. Moens, J C B 1634.8 0200 79 * 85 De kinacultuur in Azie 1854 t/m. 1882, door J. C. B. Moens, .... Met 33 platen en een kaart. Uitgegeven door de Vereeni- ging tot bevordering der geneeskundige wetenschappen in Neder- landsch-Indie. Batavia, Ernst & Co., 1882. [6], xii, 393 p. incl. tables, front, (map), 33 pi. 3Ox23 cm . Roze, Ernest, 1833-1900. 1633.270 P8oo 45808 Hi s toire de la pomme de terre, traitee aux points de vue histori- - que, biologique, pathologique, cultural et utilitaire, par Ernest Roze .... Ouvrage orne de 158 figures explicatives et d'une planche coloriee reproduisant une aquarelle du XVI e siecle. Paris, J. Rothschild, 1898. [4], xii, 464 p. 158 illus., i col. fold. pi. 28 cm . Schlosser, P Jacob. 634.0973 6318* j}j e amerikanische Obstindustrie und die Entwickelung des ame- rikanischen Obstexportes von P. Jac. Schlosser. Frankfurt a. d. Oder, Konigliche Hofbuchdruckerei Trowitzsch & Sohn, 1905. [4], 71, [i] p. I fold, diagr. 24 cm . "Benutzte Werke" last page. Warburg, Otto, 1859- 583-92? P7o 62528 -Qj e Muskatnuss, ihre Geschichte, Botanik, Kultur, Handel und Verwerthung, sowie ihre Verfalschungen und Surrogate. Zu- gleich ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte der Banda-Inseln. Von Dr. O. Warburg, .... Mit 3 Heliograviiren, 4 lithographischen Tafeln, i Karte und 12 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, W. Engelmann, 1897. xii, 628 p. front., illus., 6 pi. 24i cm . "Litteratur-Verzeichniss," p. [594]-6n. 142 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 634.9 HISTORY OF FORESTRY Borgmann, Wilhelm. 634.943 Q405 8U30 )j e Eritwickelung des Forsteinrichtungswesens in den Lehrober- forstereien Eberswalde und Biesenthal der Koniglichen Forstaka- demie Eberswalde seit dem Jahre 1755 bis zur Gegemvart. Von Forstassessor Dr. Borgmann-Eberswalde. Neudamm, J. Neu- mann, 1904. 58 p. I fold, table. 23i cm . Brown, John Croumbie. 634.90300 1721 The forests of England and the management of them in bye-gone times. xvi,263 p. D. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1883. Brown, John Croumbie. 634.9 Ei 1719 French forest ordinance of 1669; with historical sketch of pre- vious treatment of forests in France. Compiled and translated by John Croumbie Brown. viii,i8o,8p. D. Edinburgh : Oliver &Boyd, 1883. Buchmayer, Augustin, 1835- 634.9436 Qsoo 66737 Historisch-biographische Reminiszenzen als Beitrag zu einer 6'sterreichisch-ungarischen Forstgeschichte in besonderer Bezie- hung zur Vorzeit der einstigen K. k. Forstakademie Mariabrunn. ... . Von Augustin Buchmayer, ... . Mit einer Widmungs- adresse und 34 Phototypien. Papiermuhle S.-A., Gebr. Vogt, 1905. 127, [i] p. ports, on vi pi. 24i cm . Fabricius, Ludwig, 1875- 634.9 Q505 4 Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften in der Forstwissenschaft. a Von Dr. Ludwig Fabricius .... Stuttgart, E. Ulmer, 1905. vii, 137 p. 24 cm . [Beiheft 2 der Naturwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift fur Land- und Forstwirtschaft.] Habilitationsschrift Miinchen. Fernow, Bernhard Eduard, 1851- 634.9 Q702 76315 j^ brief history of forestry in Europe, the United States and other countries, by Bernhard E. Fernow .... Toronto, Ont., Univer- sity Press; [New Haven, Conn., The Price, Lee & Adkins Co., x, 438 p. I9 cm . Forbes, Arthur C , 1866- 634.942 Rooi 93468 The development of British forestry, by A. C. Forbes, .... Il- lustrated. London, E. Arnold, 1910. xi, 274 p. 32 pi. 23 cm . FORESTRY 143 Freysoldt, A 634.943 Q4 2 5493-2 j}j e frankischen Walder im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur Forstgeschichte des Meininger Oberlandes. Nach den Quellen bearbeitet von A. Freysoldt, .... Mit einer Karte. Steinach S.-M., Selbstverlag, 1904. iv, 162, [2] p. i fold. map. 23 cm . Norway. Skogdirektoren. 1,634.9481 Q90O } Skogvsesenets historic, utgit i anledning av det offentlige skog- vaesens 5O-aarige virksomhet 1857-1907 ved skogdirekt0ren .... Kristiania, Gr^ndahl & S0ns Boktrykkeri, 1909. 2 vol. in i. illus., tables, diagrs. 274. Contents. I.Del. Historik. 292 p. 2. Del. Statistik. viii, 181 p. NoshTrvan, Gustasp. 674 0303 Das Stockholz. Seine friihere und jetzige Bedeutung in Deutsch- land und die Maschinen zu dessen Gewinnung in Theorie und Praxis. Eine geschichtliche, Wald- und volkswirtschaftliche und forststatische Studie. . . . Von Noshirvan Gustasp .... Giessen, v. Miinchow'sche Hof- und Universitats-Druckerei (O. Kindt), ' 1903. [4]> J 33 P- In f l d - P 1 - 23 cm . Inaug.-dis. Giessen. Pierron, Sander, 1872- 634.9493 Qsoo 89164 ... . Histoire de la fore't de Soigne. Ouvrage public sous les auspices de la Direction des eaux et forts et orne de 116 gra- vures. Bruxelles, C. Bulens, 1905. [6], v, 560, [2] p. illus., i pi. 2^h cm . At head of tide: Sander Pierron. Schwappach, Adam Friedrich, 1851- 634.943 Q404 74891 Geschichte des forstlichen Versuchswesens in Preussen. Von Professor Dr. Schwappach, .... Neudamm, J. Neumann, 1904. 43, [i] p. 24"". 71742 Vanselow, Karl. 330.53 16 v-36 Die okonomische Entwicklung der bayerischen Spessartstaats- waldungen 1814-1905. Von Dr. Karl Vanselow, .... Mit I Karte und 3 Kurventafeln. Leipzig, A. Deichert's'che Verlags- buchhandlung Nachf. (G. Bohme), 1909. x, 224 p. inch illus., tables (partly fold.) I fold, map, iv fold, diagr. 23^"". (In Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsstudien mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Bayerns, xxxvi. ) i 4 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Wessely, Joseph Eduard, 1826-1895. 1634.09296 74748 Josef Wessely's Berufsbiographie. Ein Ausschnitt aus der Ge- schichte des Forstwesens Osterreich-Ungarns. Herausgegeben von Karl Petraschek, .... Mit einem Titelbilde und drei Bil- dern im Text. Wien, W. Frick, 1908. xi, [i], 319 p. front., 3 ports. 26i cm . "Meine Literaturarbeit," p. 280-296. 636 HISTORY OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Gilbey, Sir Walter, ist bart., 1831- 636 Roo6 93471 j? arm stock I oo years ago, by Sir Walter Gilbey, .... London, Vinton & Co., 1910. xvii, [2], 154 p. col. front., I illus., II pi., 2 port. (l col.) 22 cm . Biographical notes, p. 136-154. Hilzheimer, Max. 6 3& Q9<>6 94212 .... Die Haustiere in Abstammung und Entwickhmg. Eine natur- und kulturgeschichtliche Darstellung. Von Privat-dozent Dr. M. Hilzheimer, .... Mit I Tafel und 56 Textabbildungen. Stuttgart, Strecker & Schroder, [1910]. [8], 126 p. front., illus. i8 cm . (Naturwissenschaftliche Wegweiser. Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher Darstellungen. Series A, Band n.) Holdefleiss, Friedrich, 1 848- 636 Qso8 54531 Die 6'ffentliche Forderung der Tierzucht in Deutschland a Von Dr. Friedrich Holdefleiss .... Erster Teil. Staatliche Massregeln zur Forderung der Tierzucht. Breslau, W. G. Korn, 1905. xvi, 356 p. 2S cm . No more published. Reinhardt, Ludwig, 1864- 5?o.2 RTOS v.3 89831 Kulturgeschichte der Nutztiere, von Dr. Ludwig Reinhardt. Mit 67 Bildern im Text und 70 Kunstdrucktafeln. Munchen, E. Reinhardt, 1912. [8], 760 p. 67 illus., 70 (i.e. 35) pi. 23 cm . (In his Die Erde und die Kultur, Bd. m.) The plates have illustrations on both sides. 636.1 Horses Dunkelberg, Friedrich Wilhelm. 636.1 QIOI 83579 j} as en gij sc he Vollblutpferd und seine Zuchtwahl. Historisch, statistisch und kritisch bearbeitet. xii,258 p. 5 tables. O. Braun- schweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1902. ANIMAL INDUSTRY 145 Gilbey, Sir Walter, istbart., 1831- 636.1 Pgoo 93474 The great horse ; or, The war horse : from the time of the Roman invasion till its development into the shire horse, by Sir Walter Gilbey, .... Second edition. London, Vinton & Co., ltd., 1899. vi, [2], 69 p. front., 16 pi. 22.i cm . Gilbey, Sir Walter, istbart., 1831- 636.1 Qooi 93470 Horses past and present, by Sir Walter Gilbey, .... Illustrated. London, Vinton & Co., ltd., 1900. [8], 89 p. 9 pi. incl. front. 22i cm . History of the horse in England arranged by reigns. Goldbeck, Paul. 636.1 Q2o8 42318 pf erc i ezuc ht und Pferderassen Englands sowie ihr Einfluss auf die Zucht Nord-Amerikas. Von Dr. Paul Goldbeck, .... Mit 1 1 Abbildungen im Text und 33 Abbildungen auf 22 Tafeln. Leip- zig, R. C. Schmidt & Co., 1902. viii, [4], 120 p. illus., 22 pi. 23i cm . "Litteratur," p. [il5]-n8. Guaita, Innocenzo, 1828-1898. 636.1 P8o3 58209 .... La Sicilia ippica. Opera postuma pubblicata a cura della Rivista di cavalleria. Volume l-[n] Roma, E. Loe- scher & c . (Bretschneider e Regenberg), 1902-1904. 2 vol. in I. 25=. At head of title: Generale Innocenzo Guaita. "Prefazione" signed: Giorgio Maggiacomo. Contents. vol. I. Sicilia antica. 1902. xv, 310 p. front, (port. ) vol. 2. Sicilia medioevale e Sicilia odierna. 1904. [4], 226 p. Simons, Karl. 636.1 R203 96738 Die Entwicklung der rheinischen Pferdezucht (rheinisch-belgisches Kaltblut). Von Dr. jur. Karl Simons, .... Zweite, neubear- beitete und vermehrte Auflage. Mit 21 Textabbildungen. Ber- lin, P. Parey, 1912. 125, [i] p. incl. 21 illus., tables. Bibliographical foot-notes. Tozer, Basil. 798 T66 90397 yj ie h orse j n history, by Basil Tozer, .... London, Methuen & Co., [1908]. xx, 304 p. front., 24 pi. I9i cm . "Some works consulted," p. xvii-xix. Wrangel, Karl Gustaf, Grefvc. 636.1 Pioo 35335 Ungarns Pferdezucht in Wort und Bild von Graf C. G. Wrangel. .... 4 vol. il.pl. maps, tables. O. Stuttgart: Schickhardt & Ebner, 1893-1895. 1 46 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 636.2 Cattle and cattle breeding Sheep Hogs Allen, Lewis F 636.2 M8oo seise American cattle : their history, breeding and management. By Lewis F. Allen, .... New York, O. Judd and Co., [ C i868]. 528 p. front., illus. igh cm - Allen, Lewis Falley, 1800-1890. 636.2 0200 *6467 American cattle : their history, breeding and management. Re- vised and brought down to the present time by the author. A thoroughly exhaustive work. By Lewis F. Allen, .... New York, O. Judd Company, 1883. 528 p. front., illus. igh cm - Bakker, Dirk Leonhard. 636.2 9905 931S9 .... Studien liber die Geschichte, den heutigen Zustand und die Zukunft des Rindes und seiner Zucht in den Niederlanden mit be- sonderer kritischer Beriicksichtigung der Arbeitsweise des- nieder- landischen Rindviehstammbuches Von Dirk Leonhard Bak- ker .... Mastricht, Druck Leiter-Nypels, 1909. [8], 138, 6 p. 21 pi., 2 fold, tables. 22i cm . At head of title : Aus dem Zootechnischen Institut der Universitat Bern. Inaug.-dis. Bern. Crone-Miinzebrock, August, 1882- 636.4 9703 90051 Die Entwicklung der Schweinezucht in Deutschland unter be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen Fragen .... Hannover, Druck von W. Jurgens, 1907. v, 112 p. inch tables. 22i cm . Inaug.-dis. Jena. Lebenslauf. Durst, Johann Ulrich. ^599.735 Pgoo 28016 j)j e Rj nc ier von Babylonien, Assyrien und Agypten und ihr Zusammenhang mit den Rindern der alten Welt. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Hausrindes. [4] ,94 p. 8 pi. sq. F. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1899. "Litteratur," p. 89-92. Feser, Armin. 636.2 Roo6 94824 Die Entwicklung der Kindvieh- und Kleinviehzucht in Nieder- bayern wahrend der letzen zehn Jahre. Zugleich Bericht fur das Jahr 1909. Festschrift zur 45. Wanderversammlung bayer. Landwirte in Straubing 1910. Erstattet von Dr. Armin Feser, .... [Landshut, J. Thommann'sche Buch- und Kunstdruckerei, 1910.] [Oi I 45 C 2 ] P- i nc l- tables, diagr. i pi., 2 maps (i fold.) 23 cm . On cover : Zuchtverband fur Fleckvieh in Niederbayern. ANIMAL INDUSTRY 147 Gibson, Herbert. 636.3 P300 1 The history and present state of the sheep-breeding industry in the Argentine Republic, by Herbert Gibson. Buenos Aires, Ravenscroft and Mills, [Edinburgh, printed], 1893. x, 297 p. incl. tables, front., 12 pi., 3 fold, maps, 5 plans. 23 cm . Half-title : Sheep-breeding industry in the Argentine Republic. Hazard, Willis Pope, 1825- , ed. 636.2 N200 ' The Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey cow : their history, nature and management. Showing how to choose a good cow ; how to feed, to manage, to milk, and to breed to the most profit. Edited from the writings of Edward P. P. Fowler, . . . , and others. By Willis P. Hazard. Illustrated. Philadelphia, Porter and Coates, [01872]. 142 p. front., 23 illus., 3 pi. 2o cm . McCoy, Joseph G. 636.2 1)400 !ooo4 Historic sketches of the cattle trade of the West and Southwest. [6],42/ p. il. i por. O. Kansas City, Mo.: Ramsey, Millett & Hudson, 1874. Macdonald, James, 1852- 636.21*003 10138 History of Aberdeen-Angus cattle, by James Macdonald . . . and James Sinclair ... . Revised edition by James Sinclair. Illus- trated. London, Vinton & Co., ltd., 1910. xviii, 682 p. illus., 30 pi., 31 port, on 6 pi. incl. front. 22 cm . "Literature of the breed," p. 519-520. Macdonald, James. 636.2 QQOI 74610 History of Hereford cattle. By James Macdonald, ... , and James Sinclair, .... Revised edition by James Sinclair. Illus- trated. London, Vinton & Co., ltd., 1909. xvi, 501, [2] p. front, 26 pi., ports, on 5 pi. 22 cm . Rushworth, William Arthur. 636.3 Pgoo The sheep. A historical and statistical description of sheep and their products. The fattening of sheep. Their diseases, with prescriptions for scientific treatment. The respective breeds of sheep and their fine points. Government inspection, etc., with other valuable information. Also an appendix containing sheep oreeuers' directory. 496 p. il. I pi. O. [Buffalo] : Buffalo Re- view Co., 1899. Sanders, Alvin Howard. 6 3 6. 2 Q OOI r Short-horn cattle. A series of historical sketches, memoirs and records of the breed and its development in the United States and Canada. Second edition. xiii,8-872 p. il. 46 pi. i colored, 9 pi. of por. i gr. of por. 4 por. O. Chicago : Sanders Publishing Co., 1900. i 4 8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Sinclair, James, ed. 636.2 Q7<>4 95281 History of Shorthorn cattle, edited by James Sinclair, .... Illus- trated. London, Vinton & Co., ltd., 1907. xiv, 895, [i] p. front., 52 pi., ports, on 12 pi., I fold. map. 22 cm . U.S.A. Department of Agriculture. 636.3 P200 13950 Bureau of Animal Industry. Special report on the history and present condition of the sheep industry of the United States. Prepared under the direction of Dr. D. E. Salmon, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, by Ezra A. Carman, H. A. Heath, and John Minto IOOO p. 96 pi. O. Washington 1892. 636.7 Dogs Albrecht, Oskar. 636.7 Q307 48406 Zur altesten Geschichte des Hundes. Studien zur Geschichte seiner Zahmung, Verbreitung und Rassengliederung, von Dr. med. vet. Oskar Albrecht. Miinchen, E. Reinhardt, 1903. 63 p. 23i cm . Dalziel, Hugh. 636.7 08oo IS314 British dogs: describing the history, characteristics, breeding, management, and exhibition of the various breeds of dogs estab- lished in Great Britain. Second edition. 2 vol. il. pi. tables. O, London: L. U. Gill, 1888-1889. Jesse, George Richard. 636.7 M6oo 3130 Researches into the history of the British dog, from ancient laws, charters, and historical records. With original anecdotes, and il- lustrations of the nature and attributes of the dog, from . . . wri- ters of ancient, mediaeval, and modern times. 2 vol. il. pi. O. London: R. Hardwicke, 1866. Martin, William Charles Linnaeus. 599-75 500 19925 Yhe history of the dog: its origin, physical and moral character- istics, and its principal varieties. 222 p. il. S. London: C. Knight & Co., 1845. Bound with this : Pratt A. The field, the garden, and the woodland. 1847. Watson, James, 1 845- 1-636.7 Qsoo 95222 'pj ie ( j Q g book A popular history of the dog, with practical in- formation as to care and management of house, kennel, and exhi- bition dogs ; and descriptions of all the important breeds. In ten parts. By James Watson. Illustrated from photographs. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1905-1906. 10 vol. in i. 10 fronts., illus., 228 pi. 26 cm . Paged continuously. BEE-KEEPING 149 637 History of dairying McCaffrey, Frank. 637.09944 Qgoo 90370 pj rst century of dairying in New South Wales, by Frank McCaff- rey, .... Sydney, Sydney and Melbourne Publishing Co., ltd., 1909. 338 p. front., illus. (incl. ports.) 24-i cm . p. 1-6, 337-338, advertising matter. Martiny, Benno. ^637. 4 Qgoo 74097 Geschichte der Rahmgewinnung. Von Benno Martiny Leipzig, M. Heinsius Nachfolger, 1909-. Vol. I-. illus., plates. 2g cm . Martiny, Benno. 637 Q4<>6 48427 Vor hundert Jahren. Darstellung der Milchwirtschaft Gross- Britanniens um das Jahr 1800. Ein Vorbild fur die gegenwartige Entwicklung der deutschen Milchwirtschaft. Von Benno Mar- tiny. Leipzig, M. Heinsius Nachfolger, 1904. xii, 217 p. 20 illus. 25 cm . "Quellenangaben, Anmerkungen, Erganzungen," p. [i22]-2O7. Sutthoff, Martin Joseph, 1876- 637 Q3I3 1 Die deutsche Milch viehhaltung seit dem Jahre 1873 und ihre Er- folge unter verschiedenen wirtschaftlichen verhaltnissen Mittel- deutschlands Von Martin Sutthoff. Konigsberg i. Pr., Buch- und Steindruckerei von O. Kiimmel, 1903. Ill, [4] p. 22 cm . Inaug.-dis. Konigsberg. Lebenslauf. Voigt, J F 637.6 Qsoo 48752 Geschichtliches iiber die Versorgung Hamburgs mit Milch, von Dr. J. F. Voigt. Mit sechs Abbildungen. Hamburg, O. Boysen, 1903. vi, 63 p. front., illus. 23i cm . 638.1 History of bee-keeping Billiard, Raymond. 638.1 Q400 68056 p_)j e Bi ene unc j dj e Bienenzucht im Altertume. Von R. Billiard. Mit 25 Abbildungen. Autorisierte Ubersetzung von Rektor Breiden. Millingen, T. Godden, 1904. 108 p. 25 illus. I9i cm . 1 50 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Couquaux, Maurice. 638 Qoo2 xi698 L' a pi cu lture en France au commencement du XX e siecle. 231, [2] p. D. Paris: Chamuel, 1900. Menzel, August. 1506.399 2 v.7i " 395 Die Biene in ihren Bezeihungen zur Kulturgeschichte und ihr Le- ben im Kreislaufe des Jahres. Von August Menzel, .... Zu- rich, Druck von Zurcher und Ferrer, 1869. 78 p. I col. pi. 25 x K)^ c335P- i7 cm - The bibliography is by J. R. Smith, the publisher. Dittmer, R 639.0943 Q200 41407 Die deutsche Hochsee-, See- und Kustenfischerei im 19. Jahr- hundert und bis zum Jahre 1902. Bearbeitet im Auftrage des Deutschen Seefischereivereins, von R. Dittmer .... Hannover und Leipzig, Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1902. [ 4 ], 70, [2] p. 23 Eberl, Georg. 664.9 P20O 36403 jQj e Fj sc hk on s erven der Alten. Programm des Kgl. alien Gym- nasiums zu Regensburg fiir das Studienjahr 1891/92. 34 p. O. Stadtamhof : J. & K. Mayr, 1892. 93469 Elder, John Rawson. 338-6 R200 The royal fishery companies of the seventeenth century, by John R. Elder, .... Glasgow, J. Maclehose and Sons, 1912. vi, [2], 136 p. 23"". FISHING AND FISH CULTURE 151 Goode, George Brown. 639.1^00 706 American fisheries. A history of the menhaden. With an ac- count of the agricultural uses of fish. By W. O. Atwater. And an introduction, bringing the subject down to date. xii,529 p. 29 pi. 2 maps. O. New York: O. Judd Co., 1880. Plate 30 cancelled. Reprinted from the Report of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries for i8jy. He'rubel, Marcel A 639.09 Rioo 3473 .... Peches maritimes d'autrefois et d'aujourd'hui. Paris, E. Guilmoto, [191 1]. viii, 342, [2] p. diagrs. 2oi cm . (Bibliotheque des amis de la marir.e.) At head of title: Marcel A. Herubel, .... "Index bibliographique," p. [3383-342. Histoire. 99 8 F2 32565 Histoire des pe"ches, des decouvertes et des etablissemens des hollandois dans les mers du nord ; Ouvrage traduit du hollandois par les soins du gouvernement, enrichi de notes, . . . par le C. Bernard de Reste. 3 vol. O. Paris: V e Nyon, an IX [iSoi]. "It is thought that this work in Dutch was a compilation from C. G. Zorgdrager> and the editor, perhaps, V. van der Plaats." Querard. Jank6, Janos. 1570.95 Pgoo v.i 14242 .... A Magyar halaszat eredete. Irta D r . Janko Janos, . . . , a Zichy Jeno grof eloleges beszamolojaval. 565 abraval. Budapest, Hornyanszky, V.; Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1900. 2 pts. in I vol. illus. 32x24 cm . (/ Zichy, J. grif, Harmadik Azsiai utazasa, I. kotet.) Paged continuously; pt. i: [12], 72, [2], 364 p. n.pl., I table; pt. 2: [4], [365J-634, [2] p. 4 Pi- Added t.-p. : Herkunft der magyarischen Fischerei; text in Hungarian and German in parallel columns. Bibliography, p. 44-48, second pagination. Jousset de Bellesme, 639.2 Q900 1 La pisciculture en France de 1884 a 1900. L'Aquarium du Tro- cadero 1'enseignement municipal de pisciculture les societes de peche 1'initiative privee. Par le D r Jousset de Bellesme, .... Ouvrage precede du rapport d'Abel Hovelaque, d'une lettre du D r H. Thulie Orne d'un portrait de 1'auteur. Paris, J.-B, Bailliere et fils, 1909. [4], viii, xv, 532 p. front, ("port.) 24 cm . Krause, Eduard i.e. J Eduard W , 1639.10401 1847- Vorgeschichtliche Fischereigerate und neuere Vergleichsstiicke. Eine vergleichende Studie als Beitrag zur Geschichte des Fischerei- wesens. Vcn Eduard Krause, .... Mit 648 Abbildungen auj 1 6 Tafeln und im Text. Berlin, Gebriider Borntraeger, 1904. xii, 168 p. illus., 16 pi. 27i cm . 1 52 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY McFarland, Raymond. 639.0974 Rioo 9.H59 ^ history of the New England fisheries, with maps, by Raymond McFarland, .... [Philadelphia], University of Pennsylvania; New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1911. [10], 457 p. 3 maps. 2O cm . "Bibliography," p. 338-363. Moore, Stuart Archibald, 1842- 1*639.1 Q300 t348o -r^ history and law of fisheries. By Stuart A. Moore . . . and Hubert Stuart Moore, .... London, Stevens and Hay nes, 1903 xliii, 446 p. 25i cm . Nicols, Arthur. 639.2 (boo The acclimatisation of the salmonidae at. the antipodes : its history and results. vii,238 p. D. London : Sampson Low, . . . , & Riv- ington, 1882. Rau, Charles. 1,061.823 Prehistoric fishing in Europe and North America. . . . 1884. xviii, 342 p. 405 il. i pi. (/// SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Smithso- nian contributions to knowledge, vol. 25. Washington 1885.) Rhode, Paul. 597-58 Pooi 1 Thynnorum captura quanti fuerit apud veteres momenti. 78, [2] p. O. Lipsiae 1890. Reprinted from Jahrhucher fur classische F/ii/ologie, Supplementband 18. Rosso, Raffaele del. 639.0945 Qsoo 57034 .... Pesche e peschiere antiche e moderne nell'Etruria maritti- ma. Con 250 illustrazioni. Volume primo - [secondo]. Firen- ze, O. Paggi, 1905. 2 vol. in i. illus., ix pi. (incl. I fold, map, i fold, plan), i port. 23i cm . Paged continuously; vol. I : xxxi, [2], 287 p.; vol. 2: [4, 28QJ-764, [2] p. Schneider, Konrad. ^373-43 38101 Der Fischer in der antiken Literatur I. (In Jahresbericht uber das Konigliche Kaiser-Wilhelms-Gymnasium zu Aachen .... Aachen, 1892. 28 cm . x p.) Wright, Sidney. 639.1 Q7oi The romance of the world's fisheries. Interesting descriptions of the many & curious methods of fishing in all parts of the world, by Sidney Wright. With twenty-four illustrations. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company; [etc., etc.], 1908, [1907]. 3I9> [*] P- front., 23 pi. 2oi cm . "Printed in Great Britain." HUNTING AND TRAPPING 153 639.3 History of whale fishing Scoresby, William. 998 1003 6 An account of the Arctic regions, with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery. 2 vol. pi. maps, tables. O. Ed- inburgh : A. Constable & Co., 1820. "Chronological enumeration of voyages undertaken ... in search of a northern com' munication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans," vol. I, p. (54)-(7i). Spears, John Randolph, 1850- 639.3 Q8oi The story of the New England whalers, by John R. Spears. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1908. ix, 418 p. front., 9 pi. 2O cm . Starbuck, Alexander. 639.3 N6oo 1685 History of the American whale fishery from its earliest inception to the year 1876. 768 p. 6 pi. O. [Washington 1878.] Published as appendix to the Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1875-1876. Another copy in that Report has shelf number 639.0973 1 Tower, Walter Sheldon, 1881- 330.51 7 v.20 >cm COMMERCE 163 Schoepp, F 380.9 94178 Economische crises. Beschrijving der voornaamste crises, met haar oorzaken, verschijnselen en gevolgen door F. Schoepp, .... Groningen, P. Noordhoff, 1909. [8], 300 p. incl. I fold, table. 23i cm . Thiele, Friedrich. 330.943 Q6oo v. 17-18 75675 j-jj e Deutsche Lagerhausindustrie. Ihre geschichtliche Entwick- lung, Organisation und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung in der Gegen- wart von Friedrich Thiele, .... Berlin, S. Simon, [1910]. 138 p. 2ii cm . (/ Handel, Industrie und Verkehr in Einzeldarstellungen, Band XVII/XVIII.) "Literatur," p. 134-136. Trescher, Erich, 1881- 337-Qi Q8oo Vorzugszolle. Ihre Geschichte und Wirkung im internationalen Warenaustausch. Von Dr. E. Trescher, .... Berlin, F. Sie- menroth, 1908. vii, 176 p. incl. tables. 24-i cm . Warren, Algernon. 658 (^413 1864 Commercial travelling, its features, past and present. By Alger- non Warren, .... London, T. F. Unwin, 1904. viii, 344 p. I9i cm . Webster, William Clarence. 380.9 Q3OO 93495 ^ general history of commerce, by William Clarence Webster, .... Boston and London, Ginn & Co., 1903. ix, 526 p. front., illus., 9 pi., 10 maps (partly fold.) I9i cm . "References," at ends of chapters. Zuanelli, Luigi. 1,382 RIOI . . . . L'ltalia nella conquista commerciale dell'Estremo Oriente. Milano, Soc. anonima per le arti grafiche "La Gutenberg", 1911. v [7]~3 l6 P- incl. tables. 28 CIB . At head of title: Luigi Zuanelli. Ancient times Ameilhon, Hubert Pascal, 1730-1811. 380.932 Fi Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des Egyptiens, sous le 02562 regne des ptolemees .... Par M. Ameilhon .... Paris, Sail- lant, 1766. xxiv, 332, [2] p. i6 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Gilbart, James William, 1794-1863. 380.9 700 * 01 Lectures on the history and principles of ancient commerce. By J. W. Gilbart, .... London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1847. xxiii, 316 p. front, (port.) 2oi cm . Huet, Pierre Daniel, 1630-1721. 380.93 F2 956ii Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des anciens. Par M. Huet, .... Lyon, B. Duplain, 1763. xxiv, 496 p. 2O cm . Periplus maris Erythraei. 380.93 Bi 931*7 yj ie p er iplus of the Erythraean Sea; travel and trade in the Indian Ocean, by a merchant of the first century ; translated from the Greek and annotated by Wilfred H. Schoff, .... New York, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and Co., 1912. [4], 323 p. illus., I fold. map. 24 cm . "Bibliography of the Periplus,'' p. 17-21. Speck, Ernst. 380.930001 3 * 3M Handelsgeschichte des Altertums von Prof. E. Speck . . . Erster- [dritter] Band Leipzig, F. Brandstetter, 1900-1906. 3 vol. in 4. 22 cm . Contents. i. Bd. Dje orientalischen Volker. 1900. viii, 591 p. 2. Bd. Die Griecben. 1901. viii, 582 p. 3. Bd. I. Halfte. Die Kartbager. Die Etrusker. Die RSmer bis zur Einigung Italians 265 v. Chr. 1905. viii, 535 p. 3. Bd. 2. Halfte. Die Romer von 265 v. bis [476 n.] Chr. 1906. 2 pts. in I vol. paged continuously. Vincent, William, 1739-1815. 1,380.95 Fi 61897 The commerce and navigation of the ancients in the Indian Ocean. By William Vincent, .... In two volumes London, T. Cadell, and W. Davies, 1807. 2 vol. 3oi x 23. Originally published as two separate works, vol. I in 1797, vol. 2, in 1800-1805. Contents. vol. I. The voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates. Col- lected from the original journal preserved by Arrian, and illustrated by authorities ancient and modem : containing an account of the first navigation attempted by Europeans in the Indian Ocean. To which are added three dissertations: Two, on the acronychal ris- ing of the Pleiades, by the Right Reverend Dr. Samuel Horsley, . . . and by Mr. William Wales, ... : and one by M. de la Rochette, On the first meridian of Ptolemy, xxxii, 579, [i] p. front, (port.), illus., I pi., 6 maps (5 fold.) vol. 2. The periplus of the Erythrean Sea. xvi, 791 p. front, (port.), I pi., 7 maps (6 fold.), 2 fold, tables. Middle Ages and later Bachtold, Hermann. 380.943 Roo3 * 0307 Der norddeutsche Handel im 12. und Beginnenden 13. Jahrhun- dert. Von Dr. Hermann Bachtold. Berlin und Leipzig, W. Roth- schild, 1910. [8], 314 p. 24 cm . {Added t.-p.: Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Ge- schichte. Heft 21.) COMMERCE 165 Bahr, Konrad. 380.943 Rio2 90308 j-[ anc [el und Verkehr der deutschen Hanse in Flandern wahrend des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von Dr. phil. Konrad Bahr. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1911. xi, 198 p. 25 cm . "Literaturverzeichnis," p. x-xi. Chau Ju-Kua. L572-95 Ci 99986 Chau Ju-Kua : his work on the Chinese and Arab trade in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, entitled Chu-fan-chT. Translated from the Chinese and annotated by Friedrich Hirth and W. W. Rockhill. St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1911. x, 288 p. I fold. map. 27. "Notes," with bibliographical references, with each chapter. Finot, Jules i.e. Adrien Jules, 1842- 380.9401 Q6oo 90331 tude historique sur les relations commerciales entre la Flandre et la republique de G6nes au Moyen Age, par Jules Finot, .... Paris, A. Picard, 1906. xii, 384 p. 22 cm . "Extrait des Annales du Comite flamand de France." GallOis, Gustav. 380.943 Q9QO 87101 .... Der Hansabund. Ein Ruhmesblatt deutscher Handelsge- schichte aus Deutschlands Mittelalter. Leipzig, O. Borggold, Separat-Konto, [1909]. [4], 331 p. 20 cm . At head of title: Dr. Gustav Gallois. Lindner, Theodor i.e. Ernst Friedrich Theodor, 1843- 943.138 Qoo2 s ' 4 '- Die deutsche Hanse. Ihre Geschichte und Bedeutung. Fur das deutsche Volk dargestellt von Theodor Lindner, .... Mit Titel- bild, 72 Abbildungen im Text und einer Karte in Farbendruck. Dritte Auflage Leipzig, F. Hirt & Sohn, 1902. 192 p. incl. front, (port.), illus., I fold. map. 23 cm . Lingelbach, William Ezra,, 380.942 Fi 95220 ^ ne m erchant adventurers of England, their laws and ordinances with other documents. [By] W. E. Lingelbach, .... [Phila- delphia, Longmans, Green & Co., New York], 1902. xxxix, 260 p. l9-i cm . {Added t.-p.: Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history . . . published by the Department of History of the University of Pennsylvania. Second series, vol. II.) 1 66 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Mayer, Theodor. 380.9436 Qgoo 95751 Der auswartige Handel des Herzogtums Osterreich im Mittelalter. Von Dr. phil. Theodor Mayer. Innsbruck, Wagner'sche Univer- sitats-Buchhandlung, 1909. x, 200 p. incl. tables. 24i cm . {Added t.-p.: Forschungen zur inneren Geschichte Osterreichs. Heft 6.) Poelman, H A 380.9492 Q6oo 101705 Geschiedenis van den handel van Noord-Nederland gedurende het Merovingische en Karolingische tijdperk, door Dr. H. A. Poelman. 's-Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 1908. [4], xi, 162 p. 24i cm . Rooseboom, Matthijs P 1380.941 Qgoi The Scottish staple in the Netherlands. An account of the trade relations between Scotland and the Low Countries from 1292 till 1676, with a calendar of illustrative documents, by Matthijs P. Rooseboom, .... The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1910. xiv, 237, [2], ccxlvi p. fold, front., 2 pi. 26 cm . "Bibliography," p. xiii-xiv. Schanz, Georg. 380.942 Oioi ' Englische Handelspolitik gegen Ende des Mittelalters, mit be- sonderer Berucksichtigung des Zeitalters der beiden ersten Tudors Heinrich vn. und Heinrich vm 2 vol. O. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1881. Contents: Vol. I. Darstellung. xix,684 p. Vol. 2. Zoll- und Handelsstatistik. Urkunden-Beilagen. xiii,[2],672 p. Seelmann, Theo, 1864- 332.09231 8452 8 .... Jakob Fugger, der Konig der mittelalterlichen Kaufherren, von Theo Seelmann. Stuttgart, C. & A. Ulshofer, 1909. 163, [i] p. 4 pi., 2 port. incl. front. 2O cm . (Manner des Erfolgs.) Studies. 380.942 R20i 97493 Studies in the history of English commerce in the Tudor period. I. The organization and early history of the Muscovy Company, by Armand J. Gerson, .... II. English trading expeditions into Asia under the authority of the Muscovy Company (1557-1581), by Earnest V. Vaughn, .... III. English trade in the Baltic during the reign of Elizabeth, by Neva Ruth Deardorff, .... [Philadelphia], University of Pennsylvania; New York, D. Apple- ton and Co., 1912. X '>[4]344P- 20 cm . [Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. History.] Bibliography with each monograph. COMMERCE 167 Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries Baasch, Ernst, 1 86 1 - 380.943 50813 Hamburgs Seeschiffahrt und Waarenhandel vom Ende des 16. bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Von Dr. Ernst Baasch. Her- ausgegeben vom Verein fur Hamburgische Geschichte. Ham- burg, L. Grafe & Sillem, 1893. [2], 1 26 p. 23 cm . Bernard, Jean Fre"de"ric. 97 1 F2 94084 Recueil d'arrests et autres pieces pour 1'etablissement de la Com- pagnie d'occident. Relation de la Baie de Hudson. Les naviga- tions de Frobisher, au Detroit qui porte fon nom. Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1770. [2], ioo, 253 p. 3 pi., i fold. map. I7 cm . (Half-tide: Recueil de voiages au nord, .... Tome vi.) Contents. Relation du Detroit etde la Baie de Hudson, a Monsieur * *. Par Mon- sieur Jeremie. Les trois navigations de Martin Frobisher, pour chercher un passage a la Chine et au Japon par la mer glaciale, en 1576, 1577 et 1578. Ecrites a bord du vaitteau de Frobisher, traduites de Panglois. Concession de la Louisiane a M. Crosat, pour 10. annees. ' Lettres patentes du roi du 14. septembre 1712. Recueil d'arrejts du roi. Brakel, S van. 1380.9492 Q8oi 74251 De Hollandsche handelscompagnieen der zeventiende eeuw, hun ontstaan hunne inrichting. Door Mr. Dr. S. van Brakel. 's-Gra- venhage, M. Nijhoff, 1908 [4], xxxiii, 189 p. 25i cnl . "Lijst van aangehaalde boeken en tijdschriftartikels, p. [i83]-i89. Foster, William, 1863- 380.954 2 90084 -p^e E n gii s h factories in India, 1624-1629; a calendar of docu- ments in the India Office, etc. By William Foster, .... Pub- lished under the patronage of His Majesty's Secretary of State for India in council. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1909. xlviii, 388 p. front, (facsim.) 23i cm . "The present instalment consists of 366 documents, all of which come from the India Office archives except two from the British Museum and five from the Public Record Of- fice. Of the first-mentioned class 107 belong to the 'o. c.' (original correspondence) series : the rest are drawn mostly from the Marine records and certain sections of the Factory records." Pref. Hagedorn, Bernhard. 380.53 Ai47 v.3 73488 .... Ostfrieslands Handel und Schiffahrt im 16. Jahrhundert. Von Dr. Bernhard Hagedorn. Berlin, K. Curtius, 1910. xxiv, 370 p. 22^ cm . (/ Abhandlungen zur Verkehrs- und Seegeschichte. Band in.) "Bibliographic," p. [xi]-xvii. 1 68 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Krafft, Hans Ulrich. 650.9246 K8$ 79159 j n deutscher Kaufmann des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Hans Ulrich Krafft's Denkwiirdigkeiten, bearbeitet von Adolf Cohn. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1862. xviii, 520 p. 2i4 cm = Lerch, Ernst. 330.53 15 v.26 90146 Der bernische Kommerzienrat im 18. Jahrhundert. Von Dr. Ernst Lerch. Tubingen, H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1908. vi, 160 p. 24i cm . (/ Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, Erganzungs- heft xxvi.) "Quellen," p. vi. Maliniak, J 330-53 17 n.s.v.2 101382 .... Die Entstehung der Exportindustrie und des Unternehmer- standes in Zurich im XVI. und XVII. Jarhundert. Von Dr. J. Maliniak. Zurich & Leipzig, Rascher & c ie , 1913. 135 p. 23i cm . (/ Ziircher volkswirtschaftliche Studien, [neue Folge], zweites Heft.) Masson, Paul, 1863- 1,380.944 Q8oo 94154 Les compagnies du corail. Etude historique sur le commerce de Marseille au XVI siecle et les origines de la colonisation francaise en Algerie-Tunisie. Par Paul Masson, .... Paris, Fontemoing, [etc., etc.], 1908, [4]. 254, [2] p. illus., v pi. 26 cm . Peabody, Robert Ephraim, 1887- 656.9 R205 9272 Merchant venturers of old Salem. A history of the commercial voyages of a New England family to the Indies and elsewhere in the XVIII century, by Robert E. Peabody. With portraits and other illustrations. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1912. 10, 168, [l] p. front., 6 pi., Sport. 22i cm . Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois, 1713-1796. 380.9 Fi 90201 Histoire philosophique et politique des etablissemens et du com- merce des Europeens dans les deux Indes. Par Guillaume- Thomas Raynal. Tome premier- [quatrieme]. Geneve, chez J.-L. Pellet, 1780. 4 vol. fronts, (port. vol. I.) and atlas of 50 fold, maps, 23 tables (partly fold.) 26cm. COMMERCE 169 Robinson, Frederick Percival. 380.942 RIOI 13147 The trade of the East India Company from 1709 to 1813, by F. P. Robinson Cambridge, The University Press, 1912. vi, [2], 186 p. I9 cm . "The Le Bas prize essay 1911." "List of authorities," p. [i8i]-i86. Nineteenth and twentieth centuries Berlin. As8o.943 Roo2 E9292 .... Berlin im Welthandel des XX. Jahrhundert. Chef redakteur Dr. E. Carlotta. Berlin, Boll u. Pickardt, 1910. TI 3 E 1 ] P ilhis. (incl. ports., facsims.) 5i cm . At head of title : Der Welthandel in Bildern. The world's commerce illustrated. Illus. t.-p. P. 93-113, advertising matter. Text, p. 7-12, 41-92, in German and English in parallel columns, p. 13-35 m German. Hunt, Freeman. 609.2 6854 Lives of American merchants. 2 vol. por. O. New York: Der- by & Jackson, 1858. Lux, Kathe. 381.5 Rooi 8 Studien liber die Entwicklung der Warenhauser in Deutschland, von Dr. Kathe Lux. Mit 9 Tabellen und 28 graphischen Dar- stellungen. Jena, G. Fischer, 1910. vi, 208 p. incl. tables, iv fold, diagr. 24 cm . Chapters 4 and 5 appeared as the author's inaugural-dissertation, Zurich, 1910. "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [i9o]-i92. Miinsterberg, Otto, 1854- 380.943 Ri03 9m y or v j erz jg Jahren. Streifziige in die Entwickelung des Danziger Handels unter Benutzung von Erinnerungen aus der Lehr- und Jugendzeit. Von Otto Miinsterberg. Danzig, A. W. Kafemann, G.m.b.H., 1911. 107, [I] p. 20 cm . Nestorovic, Ivan Z 330-53 18 ser.3 v.s 101708 . . . Der Aussenhandel Serbiens, von Dr. Ivan Z. Nestorovic .... Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1913. [8], 141, [i] p. incl. tables, diagrs. (i fold.) 24. (In Volkswirtschaftliche und wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Abhandlungen, in. Folge, Heft 5.) 170 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Stoddard, William Osborn, 1835- 380.92 8869 893S4 .... Men of business, by William O. Stoddard. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901, [ c i893J. [2], 317 p. inch I port, front., illus., 13 port. i8i cm . (Men of achievement.) Contents. John Jacob Astor. Cornelius Vanderbilt. Charles Louis Tiffany. John Roach. Levi Parsons Morton. Edwin Denison Morgan. Cyrus West Field. Chauncey Mitchell Depew. Alexander Turner Stewart. Philip Danforth Armour. Horace Brigham Claflin. Marshall Owen Roberts. George Mortimer Pullman. Peter Cooper. Marshall Field. Leland Stanford. 650.9 History of weights and measures Anthony, Edwyn. 1,389.42 Q400 17123 An enquiry into and an explanation of decimal coinage and the metric system of weights and measures, by Edwyn Anthony .... London, G. Routledge and Sons, ltd., 1904. viii, 103, [i] p. 25i cm . A demonstration of the possibility of introducing a decimal system of coinage, weights and measures into England. Davids, Thomas William Rhys, 1 843- 1737 029 1 .... On the ancient coins and measures of Ceylon, with a dis- cussion of the Ceylon date of the Buddha's death. By T. W. Rhys Davids London, Triibner & Co., 1877. iv, 62 p. illus., I pi. 32x24i cm . (International nuinismata orientalia.) Ibel, Thomas. 3 8 9 Q8oo i8078 Die Wage im Altertum und Mittelalter. ... Von Thomas Ibel .... Erlangen, Junge & Sohn, 1908. [4], 187 p. incl. illus., tables, i fold. pi. 22i cm . Inaug.-dis. Erlangen. Bibliographical foot-notes. Nicholson, Edward. 389 R2oi Men and measures. A history of weights and measures, ancient and modern, by Edward Nicholson, .... London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1912. i, 313 p. 2i cm . Revillout, Eugene, 1843- ^932 PSOO 85420 Melanges sur la metrologie, 1'economie politique et 1'histoire de 1'ancienne Egypte. Avec de nombreux textes demotiques, hie- roglyphiques, hieratiques ou grecs inedits ou anterieurement mal publics par Eugene Revillout. Paris, J. Maissonneuve, 1895. [4], Ixxviii, 522, [2] p. 29ix22 cm . Lithographed from manuscript. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 171 Tallent, Gustave. 389.1 Qgoo 9 .... Histoire du systeme metrique, par Gustave Tallent, .... Paris, H. Le Soudier, 1910. 178 p. illus., 4 fold. pi. i8i cm . (Bibliotheque de la Revue de 1'enseignement des sciences. Warren, Sir Charles, 1840- 389 Q30I ! The ancient cubit and our weights and measures., By Lieut. - General Sir Charles Warren, .... London, Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund, 1903. xx, 131 p. 5 diagrs. ig cm . Watson, Sir Charles Moore, 1844- 389.42 Rooi 93494 1.^^ we ights and measures as described in the laws of England from Anglo-Saxon times, by Colonel Sir C. M. Watson, .... London, J. Murray, 1910. xii, 107, [l] p. I94 cm . 650.9 History of money, banking and credit Arnold, Anton. 33 2 -954 Q6oo 51146 Das indische Geldwesen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner Reformen seit 1893. Von Dr. Anton Arnold, .... Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. xvi, 344 p. 24i cn >. "Literatur," p. [xv]-xvi. Brigham, Johnson, 1846- 332.092876 The banker in literature, by Johnson Brigham .... New York, The Bankers Publishing Co., 1910. [2], viii, 250 p. 17 port, (inch front.) 2i4 cm . Contents. Historical side lights on banks and bankers. Bankers as creators of literature. Some notable bankers in fiction. Dunbar, Charles Franklin. 332.iPioo Chapters on the theory and history of banking. vi,i99 p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891. Easton, Harry Tucker. 332.1 Q 4 o2 1 History and principles of banks and banking, by H. T. Easton, .... [New edition.] London, E. Wilson, 1904. viii, [2], 271 p. 2ii cm . 172 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Gilbart, James William, 1794-1863. 332.04 637 v.4 63919 y^g history and principles of banking. The laws of the currency, etc. By the late James William Gilbart, ..... London, Bell & Daldy, 1866. [6], 471 p. 23 cm , (In his [Works, vol. iv].) Hart, Adolphus M , 1813-1879. 332.09732 Lioo 100593 j^i s t or y O f the issues of paper-money in the American Colonies, anterior to the Revolution, explanatory of the historical chart of the paper money of that period. St. Louis, Union. Print, 1851. 20 p. 2i em . Copyrighted by A. M. Hart. [Hildreth, Richard], 1807-1865. 332.09X701 58568 The history of banks : to which is added, A demonstration of the advantages and necessity of free competition in the business of banking. London, J. S. Hodson, 1837. iv, 151 p. i7i cm . Illig, Hermann. 320.53 3 .31 looeis j} as Qeidwesen Frankreichs zur Zeit der ersten Revolution bis zum Ende der Papiergeldwahrung. Von D r Hermann Illig. Strass- burg, K. J. Trubner,, 1914. xii, 87 p. diagrs. 2T,k cm * (Added t.-p.: Abhandlungen aus dem Staatswissen- schaftlichen Seminar zu Strassburg i. E., Heft XXXI.) "Literatur-Verzeichnis," p. [xi]-xii. Lawson, William John. 332.0942 83468 The history of banking; with a comprehensive account of the origin, rise, and progress, of the banks of England, Ireland, and Scotland. By William John Lawson ..... Second edition, with additions. London, R. Bentley, 1855. [2], xii, [2], 524 p. 23 cm . "A list of the works consulted by the author ... ," p. 514-518. Murray, J. B. C. 332.8M6oo The history of usury from the earliest period to the present time. Together with a brief statement of general principles concerning the conflict of the laws in different states and countries and an examination into the policy of laws on usury and their effect upon commerce. 158 p. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1866. MONEY, BANKING 173 Nachod, Walter. 33^-53 J 5 v.28 90179 Xreuhander und Treuhandgesellschaften, von Walter Nachod. Tubingen, H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1908. viii, 149 p. 244 cm . (In Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, Erganzungs- heft xxvin.) Cover-title : Treuhiinder und Treuhandgesellschaften in Grossbritannien, Amerika und Deutschland. "Quellen und Literatur," p. vii-viii. Richardson, Hobart Wood, 1831-=! 889, 332.5 N8o2 98:12 Paper money : a collection of the principal historical facts bear- ing upon the current financial discussion. By H. W. Richard- son. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1879. 59 p. i8 cm c [Steinmann, Friedrich Arnold.] 332.09275 8823 100321 -Q as j-[ aus Rothschild. Seine Geschichte und seine Geschafte. Aufschllisse und Enthullungen zur Geschichte des Jahrhunderts, insbesondere des Staatsfinanz- und Borsenwesens. Zum ersten- male dargestellt Zweite Auflage. Erster- [zweiter] Theil. Hamburg, J. F. Richter, 1871. 2 vol. in i. I9i cm . Published anonymously. Stirling, Patrick James, 1809- 332.41 1301 1 De la decouverte des mines d'or en Australie et en Californie ; ou, Recherches sur les lois qui reglent la valeur et la distribution des metaux precieux, accompagnees de notes historiques sur les effets de 1'exploitation des mines americaines, a 1'egard des prix en Europe, aux xvi e , xvil e et xvni e siecles, etc., par M. P. J. Stir- ling Traduit en francais par M. Augustin Planche. Paris, Guillaumin et c ie , 1853. [4], 269 p. i fold, diagr. i8i cm . Wirth, Max, 1822- 332.40400 1 Das Geld. Geschichte der Umlaufsmittel von der altesten Zeit bis in die Gegenwart, von Max Wirth. Mit 52 in den Text ge- druckten Abbildungen. Leipzig, G. Freytag; [etc., etc.], 1884. [6], 213, [i] p. illus. i8i cm . (Half-tide: Das Wissen der Gegenwart ... xxv. Band.) Added t.-p. 174 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Ancient times Billeter, Gustav i.e, Karl Gustav. 332.8 P8oo 3711S Geschichte des Zinsfusses im griechisch-romischen Altertum bis auf Justinian. Von Gustav Billeter. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1898. xii, 381 p. 24 cm . "Der erste Teil des Buches war eine Dissertation." Vorwort. "Verzeichnis der in abgekiirzter Form zitierten Litteratur," p. ix-xii. Bompois, H Ferdinand, b. 1813. 1332.4938 N6oo 99341 Examen chronologique des monnaies f rappees par la communaute des Macedoniens avant, pendant et apres la conqute romaine, par H.-Ferdinand Bompois. Paris, A. Detaille, 1876. 1 02 p. v pi. 28x23. Freundt, Carl Wilhelm. 332.63 Rooi 101708 Wertpapiere im antiken und friihmittelalterlichen Rechte. Von Dr. Carl Freundt .... Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1910. 2 vol. in i. 23 cm . Streuber, Wilhelm Thoodor, 1815-1857. 332.0937 700 ' Der Zinsfuss bei den Romern. Eine historisch-antiquarische Ab- handlung. Von Dr. Wilh. Theod. Streuber, ... . Basel, Schvveighauser'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1857. x, 127 p. 23 cn \ "Litteratur fiber das romische Zmswesen, bei dieser Abhandlung grosstentheils be- nutzt," p. [vii]-viii. Treatise. 332-4937 Fi 9 A treatise of the revenue and false money of the Romans. To which is annexed a dissertation upon the manner of diftinguish- ing antique medals from counterfeit ones London, J. and P. Knapton, 1741. [8], xxxii, 227 p. 2O cm . "Tranflated from the original printed at Paris 1740." Bibliographical foot-notes. Great Britain and Ireland Avebury, John Lubbock, ist baron, 1834-1913. 332.0942 Q2OO :: A short history of coins and currency, in two parts, by Lord Avebury .... London, J. Murray, 1902. x, 138 p. illus., facsim. 17^. ("Murray's home and school library.) MONEY, BANKING 175 Cardonnel-Lawson, Adam Mansfeldt de, d, 1820. 1332.4941 Fi 93263 Numismata Scotiae, or, A series of the Scottish coinage, from the Reign of William the Lion to the Union. By Adam de Cardon- nel, .... Edinburgh, G. Nicol, 1786. W i57 33 P- pi. i-xiv. 30x24"". The plates, numbered i-iv, and i-n, respectively, relating to the division "The Gold coinage, with the billon or copper money," wanting. Cochran-Patrick, Robert William, 1842-1897. 1332.4941 N6oo S0040 R ecor d s O f the coinage of Scotland from the earliest period to the Union. Collected by R. W. Cochran-Patrick, .... Vol. I [2], Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1876. 2 vol. illus., xvi pi. 29x23. Each plate accompanied by a leaf with descriptive letter press. Gilbart, James William, 1794-1863. 332.09415 J6oo 63836 jke m - s t or y o f banking in Ireland. By James William Gilbart, .... London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Long- man, 1836. vii, 148 p. 23i cm . Lindsay, John. 1332.4942 K2oo 16341 A view of the coinage of the Heptarchy; to which is added a list of unpublished mints and moneyers of the chief or sole monarchs, from Egbert to Harold II. Also, ... an account of some of the principal hoards or parcels of Anglo-Saxon coins which have been discovered. viii,i35,[i] p. 6 pi. sq.Q. Cork 1842. Phillips, Maberly. 332.0942 P400 5 A history of banks, bankers, & banking, in Northumberland, Durham, and North Yorkshire, illustrating the commercial de- velopment of the north of England, from 1755 to 1894, with numerous portraits, facsimiles of notes, signatures, documents, &c. By Maberly Phillips, .... London, E. Wilson & Co., 1894. xxx, 466 p. front., illus., ports, on 5 pi. 26i cm . Ruding, Rogers, 1751-1820. 1.332.4942 Kooi 101709 Annals of the coinage of Great Britain and its dependencies; from the earliest period of authentic history to the reign of Vic- toria. By the Rev. Rogers Ruding .... Third edition, corrected, enlarged, and continued to the reign of Her present Majesty; to which is added, an entirely new index of every coin engraved, and where referred to throughout the work .... London, printed for J. Hearne, 1840. 3 vol. 160 pi., fold, map, plan, tables (partly fold.) 29i cm . Vols. 1-2, text; vol. 3, plates. Edited by J. Y. Akerman. 176 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Snelling, Thomas, 1712-1773. 332.4942 FS 5 Snelling on the coins of Great Britain, France and Ireland, &c. ... Containing seventy copper plates. London, [1762-1774], 7 pts. in i vol. 34 cm . Contents. Gold coin and coinage of England, from Henry the Third, to the present time. 1763. [2], iv, 36 p. 7 pi. Silver coin and coinage of England, from the Norman conquest to the present time. 1762. [2], 55 p. 17 pi. Copper coin and coin- age of England, including the leaden, tin and laton tokens made by the tradesmen . . . ; the farthing tokens ... ; and the tin farthings .... 1766. [4], 46, 6 p. illus., 6 pi. Silver coin and coinage of Scotland, from Alexander the First to the union of the two kingdoms; ... to which are added four plates of the gold, billon and copper coins of the fame kingdom. 1774. [4], 20 p. 10 pi. Miscellaneous views of the coins struck by English princes in France, counterfeit sterlings, coins struck by the East India Company, those in the West India colonies, and in the Isle of Man 1769. [4], 53 t 1 ] P- illus., 7 (i.e. 6) pi. A supplement to Mr. Simon's ettay on Irish coins. 8 p. front., 2 pi. The origin, nature, and use of jettons or counters. Especially those commonly known by the name of black money and abbey pieces. 1769. [2], 2, 16 p. vn pi. Thurston, Edgar. 332.4954 P302 ! Note on the history of the East India Company coinage from 1 75 3~i 83 5. By Edgar Thurston Calcutta, Baptist Mis- sion Press, 1893. [2], 33 p. 2 3 4"n. "Reprinted from the Journal, Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. LXII, part I, no. i, 1893." Germany Hoffmann, Moses. 305.3 8 .152 90116 Der Geldhandel der deutschen Juden wahrend des Mittelalters bis zum Jahre 1350. Ein Beitragzur deutschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte im Mittelalter. Von Moses Hoffmann, .... Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1910. ix, 236 p. 23 cm . (/ Staats-und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, Heft 152.) "Verzeichnis der hauptsachlich zitierten Werke," p. vi-ix. Homburger, Paul. 332.8 Qsoo 90357 -Qj e Entwicklung des Zinsfusses in Deutschland von 1870-1903. Volkswirtschaftliche Studie von Paul Homburger, .... Frank- furt, a.M., J. D. Sauerlander, 1905. [8], I00p. 23i. p. 100 advertising matter. MONEY, BANKING 177 Joseph, Paul, 1849- 1,332.494 0200 * 3591 Goldmiinzen des XIV. und XV. Jahrhunderts. (Disibodenberger Fund.) Nebst urkundlichen Beitragen zur Munzgeschichte der Rheinlande, besonders Frankfurts. Von Paul Joseph. Mit 4 Lichtdrucktafeln und einem Anhange, enthaltend 82 Urkunden. Frankfurt am Main, J. Baer & Co., 1882. [4], 232 p. iflus., 3 pi. 27 cm . "Wird auch im Archiv des Vereins fur Geschichte und Alterthumskunde in Frankfurt a. M. neue Folge, Bd. vm zum Abdruck gelangen." "Auflage 300 Exemplare. No. 233." Kleine, Karl, 1885- 305.3 7 v.62 ioi7io j)j e E n t w icklung des Halleschen Bankgewerbes, von Dr. Karl Kleine .... Jena, G. Fischer, 1910. x, 200 p. incl. tables. 2^ cm . (/ Sammlung nationalokonomischer und stati- stischer Abhandlungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Halle a. d. S., 62. Band.) Enlarged from the author's inaugural dissertation, Halle, 1910. Lemcke, Ernst. 330.53 12 n.s.v.2i 11 ... Die Entwicklung der Raiffeisen-Organisation in derNeuzeit; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Genossenschaftswesens, von Ernst Lemcke .... Karlsruhe i. B., G. Braun, 1913. viii, 139 p. 24^ cm . (In Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen der badischen Hoch- schulen, neue Folge, Heft 21.) "Quellen und Literatur," p. [vii]-viii. Netherlands Chijs, Pieter Otto van der, 1802-1867. 332.49492 Lioo 2 De munten [van Nederland] , van de vroegste tijden tot aan de pacifi- catie van Gend ; door P. O. van der Chijs, .... Uitgegeven door Teyler's tweede genootschap. Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1851- 1866. 9 vol. 27^ x 22-i cm . ( Added t. -p.: Verhandelingen uitgegeven door Teyler's tweede genootschap. Zes en twintigste stuk.) Title of vol. 9 omits "De vroegste . . . Gend." Contents. i. gedeelte. Hertogdommen Braband en Limburg. 1851. [4], 470, [2] p. xxxvi pi. 2. gedeelte. Graven en hertogen van Gelderland. 1852. viii, 469 p. xxx pi. 3. gedeelte. Heeren en steden van Gelderland. 1853. [2], viii, 302 p. xxin pi. 4. gedeelte. Heeren en steden van Overijssel. 1854. viii, 449, [i] p. xxi pi. 5. gedeelte. Friesland, Groningen en Drenthe (der heeren van Koe- vorden). 1855. [4], 688, [2] p. xxii pi. 6. gedeelte. Graafschappen Holland en Zeeland alsmede der heerlijkheden Vianen, Asperen en Heukelom. 1858. viii, 618 p. XLIV pi. 7. gedeelte. Bisschoppen, van de heerlijkheid en de stad Utrecht. 1859. vi, 426, [2] p. xxxi pi. 8. gedeelte. Leenen van de voormalige hertogdommen Bra- band en Limburg, enz. 1862. viii, 352 p. xxxin pi. 9. gedeelte. Frankische- en Duitsch-Nederlandsche vorsten. 1866. viii, 394, [2] p. xxin pi., i fold. map. 178 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Feith, Hendrik Octavius, 1813-1895. 332.49492 1700 98058 Het muntregt der Ommelanden. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der vaderlandsche munten, Door M r . H. O. Feith, .... Gro- ningen, A. L. Scholtens, 1827. 87 p. 24 cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. 650.9 History of postal service Bruns, Johannes. 383.4 Q7oo 101712 j as postwesen j seine Entwickelunq^ und Bedeutung, von Johannes Bruns ... . Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1907. v, 134 p. i8i cm . (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt .... 165. Bandchen.) "Literatur," p. 128-129. Gallois, Eugene. 380.9 P6oi 32027 La poste et les moyens de communication des peuples a travers les siecles. Messageries, chemins de fer, telegraphies, telephones. 382 p. 136 il D. [Bibliotheque scientifique contemporaine.j Paris: J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1896. Goller, Engelbert. 380.9239 658 * 3144 Jakob Henot (fi625) Postmeister von Coin. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der sogenannten Postreformation um die Wende des XVI. Jahrhundert, von Engelbert Goller, .... Bonn, C. Georgi, 1910. xii, 214 p. 23 cm . "Literaturverzeichnis," p. vii-x. "Quellen," p. x-xi. Great Britain. Post Office. 383.942 RiO2 90350 jj ie p ost office. An historical summary. Published by order of the Postmaster-General. London, H. M. Stationery Off., printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1911. 139 P- 5 pU i port. 24i<= m . Hamilton, Ivie George Joseph. 383 Rooi 9 An outline of postal history and practice with a history of the Post Office of India [by] Ivie G. J. Hamilton, .... Calcutta, Thacker, Spink and Co., 1910. [8], 215 p. 3 pi. (i col.), 2 ports. 22 cm . "Works consulted and quoted," I p. following contents. WRITING 179 Hemmeon, Joseph Clarence, 1880- 330.51 18 v.7 99304 The hi stor y O f the British Post Office, by J. C. Hemmeon,, .... Published from the income of the William H. Baldwin, jr., 1885, fund. Cambridge, Harvard University, 1912. xi, [i], 261, [i] p. 23 cm . (/ Harvard economic studies, vol. vn.) "Bibliography," p. [2531-256. Rensing, Franz Joseph. 383.943 Qgoo 5 Geschichte des Postwesens im fiirstbistum Miinster, von Dr. Franz Joseph Rensing. Mit einer Karte. Hildesheim, A. Lax, 1909. [7], 88 p. i fold. map. 2^ cm . (Added t. -p.: Beilrage fur die Geschichte Niedersachsens und Westfalens. 20. Heft.) "Benutzte Archivalien," p. [4]. "Haufiger benutzte Literatur," p. [6]. 652 HISTORY OF WRITING Astle, Thomas. L6$2 6300 aass -r;| ie or jgi n anc j progress of writing, as well hieroglyphic as ele- mentary, illustrated by engravings taken from marbles, manu- scripts, and charters, ancient and modern : also some account of the origin and progress of printing. Second edition, with addi- tions. [8],xxiv,24 Aloys Meister .... Paderborn, F. Scho- ningh, 1902. v, [2], 65 p. 25^ cm . Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-1899. 1417 Q2 4 Palaeography. Notes upon the history of writing and the medie- val art of illumination. By Bernard Quaritch. Extended from a lecture, delivered at a conversazione of the Sette of Odd Volumes, at the galleries of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours, I2th December, 1893. London, Privately printed, 1894. [4], 96 p. 21 col. facsim. 28i cm . "One hundred and ninety-nine copies of this book have been privately printed for my personal friends. This is copy no. 125." Stuebe, Rudolf. 652 0703 * Grundlinien zu einer Entwickelungsgeschichte der Schrift, von Dr. R. Stuebe .... Muenchen, Deutsche Graphologische Ge- sellschaft, 1907. iv, 35 p. 24d cm . WRITING 181 Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert Etienne 417 T27 Jean Baptiste, d. 1894. Beginnings of writing in central and eastern Asia; or, Notes on 450 embryo-writings and scripts. By Terrien de Lacouperie, .... London, D. Nutt, 1894. [4], 208 p. 23 cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Wattenbach, Wilhelm i.e. Ernst Christian Wilhelm, 652 P6oi 1819-1897. Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. Von W. Wattenbach. Dritte vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1896. vi, 670 p. 23i cm . Wuttke, Heinrich i. e. Johann Karl Heinrich, 1818-1876. 652 N200 45622 j-)j e Entstehung der Schrift, die verschiedenen Schriftsysteme und das Schriftthum der nicht alfabetarisch schreibenden Volker. Von Heinrich Wuttke. Mit 34 Tafeln Abbildungen. Leipzig, in Commission bei T. O. Weigel, 1877. xxiii, [i], 782, [3]-25, [i] p. xxxin (i. e. 34) pi. (partly fold.) 23i cm . Contents. Einleitende Betrachtungen. Zustand der Schriftlosigkeit. Vorstufen. i. Gegenstande als Manner. 2. Die Hautmalerei. Die Anfange der Schrift. Die Aetzschrift (Tatuirung). Redende Gegenstande. Zeichnungen. Schriftbehelfe der nordamerikanischen Indianer. Bilderschrift der Sudamerikaner. Quipuschrift der Peruaner. Mittelamerikanische Hieroglyfik. Tsinesische Schrift und tsinesesches Schrifttum. Umkreis des tsinesischen Bildung. Korea. Japan. Lutschu-Inseln. Hinterindien. Oestliche Mongolei. Die Hieroglyfik der Aegypter. Die Keilschrift im siidwestlichen Asien. Die Sprachlaute. Das Alfabet. Anmerkungen. 652 History of the typewriter Mares, George Carl. 652 $905 The history of the typewriter : being an illustrated account of the origin, rise and development of the writing machine. By Geo. Carl Mares. London, G. Pitman, 1909. [4], 318 p. 2i7illus. 22i cm . Advertisements, p. 315-318. Senechal, Georges. 652 Q3io Contribution a 1'histoire des machines a ecrire. Description des machines a ecrire frangaises depuis leur apparition jusqu'en 1870. D'apres les documents officiels (brevets d'invention, bulletins des societes savantes, etc.) Par Georges Senechal ... . Paris, Institut stenographique de France, 1903. [2]. 54. [2] p. illus. i9i m . i8 2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 653.09 HISTORY OF STENOGRAPHY Anderson, Thomas. 653.090200 5370 History of shorthand, with a review of its present condition and prospects in Europe and America. viii,3ii p. il. 2 pi. 3 por. D. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1882. Contains a bibliography of shorthand. Bianco, Salvatore. 653.094 PSOO 1 Stenografia. Sua origine e suo progresso in Europa con note statistiche del movimento stenografico in Italia e all'estero. 206 p. i por. 2 facsim. D. Palermo 1895. Blenck, Emil i.e. Karl Julius Emil, 1832-1911. 1,653.0943 0700 97910 Die geschichtliche Entwickelung, die gegewartige Lage und die Zukunft der Stenographic. Von E. Blenck, .... Berlin, W. Koebke, 1887. 14 p. incl. tables. 33. "Sonderabdruck aus der 'Zeitschrift des Koniglich Preussischen Statistischen Bureaus, Jahrgang, 1887'." Cornejo Carvajal, Juan. 653.96 0900 9 .... Resena historica del arte taquigrafico Madrid, F. Cao y D. de Val, 1889. 212, [4] p. I9 cm . At head of title: Juan Cornejo Carvajal. Faulmann, Karl. 653.09P400 " 8l67 Geschichte und Litteratur der Stenographic. viii,i73 p. O. Wien: Bermann & Altmann, 1895. Germanet, Fre'de'ric. 653.0944 P900 ' La stenographic ; ses origines et son histoire, ses principes et son avenir, par Frederic Germanet Nouvelle edition honoree d'une lettre de M. Emile Duploye. Aix-en-Provence, Impr. et librairie Makaire, B. Philip; [etc., etc.], 1899. [8], 103 p. illus. 22i cm . "Presse stenographique Duployenne en vigueur," p. 101-103. Gue"nin, Louis Prosper. 653.09 Q8oo 5 Histoire de la stenographic dans 1'antiquite et au Moyen-Age. Les notes tironiennes. Par Louis-Prosper Guenin, . . . , et Eugene Guenin, .... Pafis, Hachette et c ie , 1908. 416, [2], vi p. illus. I94 cm . STENOGRAPHY 183 Junge, Alfred. 653.3 p 01 0932 j)j e Vorgeschichte der Stenographic in Deutschland wahrend des 17. und 1 8. Jahrhunderts. Von Alfred Junge. Leipzig, J. H. Robolsky, 1890. xvi, 127, [l] p. 2oi cm . (. 4 dded t.-p.: Handbibliothek der stenographischen Wissenschaft. Erster Band.) Levy, Matthias. 653.09 M200 1 The history of short-hand writing ; to which is prefixed the system used by the author. By Matthias Levy London, Triibner & Co., 1862. viii, 194 p. front. I9i cm . Lewis, James Henry, 1786-1853. 653.09X500 93957 An historical account of the rise and progress of short hand, ex- tracted from lectures delivered at different periods by the author ; comprehending an impartial and critical examination of the vari- ous systems down to the present time, illustrated with numerous examples of their comparative excellence and defects ; also the true date and title of each system, accompanied with its respec- tive alphabet. By James Henry Lewis, .... London, W. Simp- kin & R. Marshall, [1825?]. xxiii, [i], 214, [4] p. I9i cm . Pitman, Sir Isaac, 1813-1897. 653.09 Pioo <-857 A history of shorthand, by Isaac Pitman Third edition. London, New York, I. Pitman & Sons, [etc., etc.], 1891. xvi, [4], 192, [2] p. illus. I7 cm . A critical and historical survey, chronologically arranged, of the principal works on stenography. Steger, C A 653.09 08oo 3294 Geschiednis der snelschrijftkunst (stenographic) door C. A. Ste- ger, .... Tweede, vermeerderde druk. Schoonhoven, S. & W. N. van Nooten, 1888. xii, [I3J-79, [i] p. 2o cm . Tokio. Stenographers' Club. 653.0952 * Stenography in Japan. 8 p. O. Tokyo, Japan, 1893. No title-page. 184 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Weizmann, Carl, & Fischer, Max, editors. 653.08 i 8882 p es tbuch zum V. Stenographentage des Deutschen Gabelsberger- Stenographenbundes. Den Theilnehmern am Stenographentage und alien Bundesangehorigen gewidmet. Im Auftrage des wiener Festausschusses herausgegeben. 171, [2] p. I il. O. Wien: C. Weizmann, 1895. Contents: Sonett. Festgruss. Fischer, R. Culturwert der Stenographic. Weiss, M. Die Perioden der Kindheit, der Jugend und des Mannesalters auf dem Gebiete der steno- graphischen Kunst. Zeibig, J. W. Pflege und Praxis der Geschwindschrift ausserhalb Europas. Lautenhammer, J. Dr. Wilhelm Fruth, konigl. bairischer Oberstabarzt a. D. Eggers, K. Die Stenographic in Nord-deutschland vor einem Menschenalter und in der Gegenwart. Gantter, E. Wandlungen in der Stenographic. Kronsbein, W. Die Stenographic auf dem vaticanischen Concil 1869/70. Ruess, F. Tironische Noten in dem Cod. lat. 18628 der Miinchner Staatsbibliothek. Thuma, J. Zur Geschichte der Wanderversammlungen in Osterreich. Auerbach, H. Unsere Propaganda-Mittel. Clemens, E. Zeitgemasse Betrachtungen. Oppermann, E. Zur Behandlung des steno- graphischen Lehrstoffs. Zander, C. Zur Frage des stenographischen Schulunterrichtes. Barta, F. Stellung des Stenographie-Unterrichtes in der Schule. Zeibig, Julius Woldemar. 653.09 N8oo 1194 Geschichte und Literatur der Geschwindschreibkunst, von Dr. Julius Woldemar Zeibig, .... Herausgegeben vom Konigl. Stenografischen Institute zu Dresden. Zweite, vermehrte verbes- serte und mit 41 Tafeln versehene Auflage. Dresden, G. Dietze, 1878. [8]> 393 [0 P-5 [2], 41 P- (lithog.) 2i cm . . Nachtrage zur Geschichte und Literatur der Geschwind- schreibkunst, von Dr. Julius Woldemar Zeibig .... Dresden, G. Dietze, 1899. 171, [I] p. 22i<. The additions are arranged with reference to the pages of the original work. Zimmermann, J. Ad. 653.09 P7oo )S97 Geschichte der Stenographic in kurzen Ziigen vom klassischen Alterthum bis zur Gegenwart unter besonderer Berlicksichtigung der Gabelsberger'schen Redezeichenkunst. viii,i43 p. 4 facsim. D. Wien: A. Hartleben, 1897. Special systems Alteneder, Joseph. 653.93 Q 20 Franz Xaver Gabelsberger, Erfinder der Deutsc..en Stenographic. Von Joseph Alteneder. Miinchen und Leipzig, G. Franzscher, 1902. xiii, [2], 447, [i] p. incl. front., illus. facsims. 23 cm . [i. Band. Gabelsber- gers Lebensverhaltnisse und offentliche stenographische Thatigkeit.] STENOGRAPHY 185 Baker, Alfred. 653.09269 617 99293 Yhe life of Sir Isaac Pitman (inventor of phonography) by Al- fred Baker. London, I. Pitman & Sons, 1908. xi, 392 p. front., illus., 15 pi., 5 port., 17 facsim. (l fold.) 22 cm . "Bibliography," p. 355~379- Biographical sketch. 653.09269 652 99399 ^ biographical sketch of Sir Isaac Pitman. Illustrated. London, I. Pitman & Sons; [etc., etc.], 1904. [2], 32 p. front, (port.), illus. (incl. 3 facsim.) 2O cm . On cover: Conference of the Incorporated Phonographic Society. Bath, 1904. German- American Stenographic Society 653.93 Pooi 97650 "Gabelsberger", New York. The new era of phonography. A few facts concerning the Ga- belsberger shorthand system. Published on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of the inventor's birthday, by the Ger- man-American Stenographic Society "Gabelsberger," in New York. New York, E. N. Miner, 1890. 32 p. front, (port.) 24 cm . "Francis Xavier Gabelsberger," p. [4]-6. Hirsch, Paul. 653.93 P 4<>o 7 .Geschichte der Arends'schen Stenographic. Nach authentischen Quellen bearbeitet von Paul Hirsch .... Berlin, C. Hause, 1894- 1895. 2 vol. in i. 2i cm . Paged continuously; vol. I: [8], 97 p.; vol. 2: [8, gg]-z66 p. front, (port.), 2 facsim. \ Jahne, Josef, 1862- 653.09 Q8oi ' Grundriss einer Geschichte der Stenographic. Mit besonderer Riicksichtnahme auf die Gabelsberger'sche Redezeichenkunst, verfasst von Josef Jahne. Mit 30 Abbildungen und Schriftproben. Handschrift von Julius Zumtobel, .... Wien, Manzsche k. u. k. Hof-Verlags- und Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1908. xvii, 80 p. illus. 2ii cm . "Bibliographic," p. [vii]-viii. Krumbein, Eduard. 653.93 Qioo Entwickelungsgeschichte der Schule Gabelsberger's mit 78 Lebensabrissen und einer Geschichtstafel zugleich als Hilfsbuch ftir die staatliche Stenographie-Lehrer-Prufung. 320 p. D. (Reuter's Bibliothek fur Gabelsberger-Stenographen, vol. 130.) Dresden: W. Reuter's Stenographic- Verlag, 1901. 653.09269 L62 The life and work of Sir Isaac Pitman. Illustrated. London, New York, [etc.], I. Pitman & Sons, 1894. [4] [7]-io8 p. incl. illus., 2 port. i6 cm . 1 86 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 655.09 HISTORY OF THE BOOK Printing and the booktrade- Gcneral works Bayley, Harold. 1*655. 14 3 A new light on the renaissance displayed in contemporary em- blems; by Harold Bayley. Illustrated with reproductions of nu- merous emblems. London, J. M. Dent & Co., [1909]. viii, 270 p. illus. 26 cm . "Notes and references," p. 233-261. A study in medieval water marks and printers' marks. Beitrage. Loio.8 4 93664 Borage zum Bibliotheks- und Buchwesen. Paul Schwenke zum 20. Marz 1913 gewidmet. Berlin, M. Breslauer, 1913. 288, [4] p. front, (port.), illus., 35 (i.e. 32) pi. (partly fold., incl. facsims.) 29* 22 cm . Adalbert Hortzschansky, editor. "Nr. 129. Die Auflage besteht aus 215 numerierten Exemplaren, von denen 180 fur den Handel bestimmt sind. Hiervon wurden Nr. 1-15 auf echtes Buttenpapier von Van Gelder Zonen gedruckt. ' ' "Die Schriften Paul Schwenkes," p. [5]-i6. British Museum. Department of Printed Books. 072.1212 5 .... A guide to the exhibition in the King's Library illustrating the history of printing, music-printing and bookbinding. [Lon- don], By order of the Trustees [T. and A. Constable, printers], 1901. 149 pi illus. (facsim.) 2ii cm . At head of title : British Museum. Brunei, Georges. 655.09 17123 Le livre a travers les ages. Numero unique [public a 1'occasion de L'Exposition du Livre] resumant 1'histoire du livre depuis les origines de 1'ecriture. Public sous la direction de Charles Men- del par Georges Brunei ..... 51 p. il. sq. F. Paris: C. Men- del, 1894. THE BOOK 187 Brunet y Bellet, Jose, 1818- 1655.09 P7oo 95178 .... L'escriptura, lo gravat, 1'imprempta, lo llibre per Josep Brunet y Bellet, .... Barcelona, Tip. "L'Avenc.," 1898. x, 299, [4] p. illus. 25i cm . (//z-f Erros histories, vol. 5.) "Tirada de 200 exemplars." Contents. Al lector. Lo llibre y sas vicissituts. Escriptura. Materials pera escriure. Lo gravat. La xilografia. Formacio del llibre. L'imprempta. Propa- gacio de 1'impremta. Qui va resoldre '1 problema? Gutenberg. Harlem. Stras- burg. Plet de Strasburg. Maguncia. Jenson. Jenson y Aldo. L'imprempta a Espanya. Appendix: Las cartas de jogar. Noticias d'algunas llibrerias de 1'edat mit- jana. Davenport, Cyril James H , 1848- 655.09 Q8oo 65781 -p^g b 00 k ( jt s history and development. By Cyril Davenport .... Illustrated. New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1908. vi, [2], 258 p. front., illus., facsims. 2i cm . {Half-title: The "Westminster" series. ") Geisler, Louis. 655.09(2501 87013 De 1'industrie du livre moderne. Conferences faites aux societes industrielles de 1'Est (27 mai 1905) et de Mulhouse (29 novem- bre 1905), par L. Geisler. [Aux Cha'telles, Raon-1'Etape (Vos- ges), 1905?] 86 p. illus., 7 pi. (partly col.) 24i cm . Gerring, Charles. 655.092 632 Notes on printers and booksellers, with a chapter on chap books. [4],viii,[4],i i8,[2] p. 21 pi. i pi. of por. i gr. of por. 14 por. 5 facsim. O. London: Simpkin, ... , Kent & Co., 1900. Heichen, Paul Hermann, 1848- 655.092 1136 Taschen-Lexikon der hervorragenden Buchdrucker u. Buchhand- ler seit Gutenberg bis auf die Gegenwart. Ein Handbiichlein fur Geschichte und Geographic der Buchdruckerkunst in alphabe- tischer Anordnung. Herausgegeben von Paul Heichen. Mit 7 Illustrationen. Leipzig, M. Schafer; Philadelphia, Schafer & Ko- radi, 1884. [4]. 343 CO P- illus. I4 cm . Koehler, Woldemar i.e. Ferdinand Eugen Woldemar, 655.00 06oo 56371 1871- Geschichte des literarischen Lebens vom Altertum bis auf die Gegenwart. In den Grundzugen dargestellt von Dr. W. Koehler. .... Gera-Untermhaus, W. Koehler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (F. E. W. Koehler), 1906-. Vol. I-. front., plates, maps. 25 cm . 1 88 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Lempertz, Heinrich. A655.OQ2 L$4 i?6246 BHder-Hefte zur Geschichte des Bucherhandels und der mit dem- selben verwandten Kiinste und Gewerbe. Herausgegeben von Heinrich Lempertz, .... 65 Tafeln mit 280 bildlichen Darstel- lungen in Kupferstich, Lithographic, Farbdruck und Holzschnitt, mit Text. Coin, I. M. Heberle (H. Lempertz), 1853-1865. 6 leaves. 65 pi. (partly col., incl. ports., facsims.) 49ix33i cm . Issued in 13 annual parts, "Jahrg. 1853-1865." Some of the plates are printed on both sides of the leaf. Pollard, Alfred William, 1859- 010.4 P76 iooo6i QJJ pj c t ure books, with other essays on bookish subjects, by Al- fred W. Pollard. London, Methuen and Co., 1902. [8], 282 p. illus., i pi. 23 cm . Reprinted from various periodicals. Contents. Old picture books. Florentine rappresentazioni and their pictures. Two illustrated Italian Bibles. A book of hours. The transference of woodcuts in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Es tu scholaris? English books printed abroad. Some pictorial and heraldic initials. England and the bookish arts. The first English book sale. John Durie's "Reformed librarie-keeper. " Woodcuts in English plays printed before 1660. Herrick and his friends. A poet's [Herrick's] studies. Prin- ters' marks of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The Franks collection of armorial book-stamps. By Alice Pollard : A Queen Anne pocket-book. Why men don't marry. Rawlings, Gertrude Burford. 655.09 Qioo 90199 Yhe story of books, by Gertrude Burford Rawlings .... Lon- don, G. Newnes, ltd., 1901. 171 p. incl. front., illus. I5i cm . (Oncover: The library of useful stories.) Smith, Adele Millicent. 655.09 Qooi 376io p rm ting and writing materials : their evolution, by Adele Millicent Smith . . . Philadelphia, published by the author, 1901. [2], xiv, 236 p. front, (port.) illus., 10 pi., 9 facsim. ig^ cm . 19872 Timperley, Charles H. 1655.09X900 Encyclopaedia of literary and typographical anecdote; being a chronological digest of the most interesting facts illustrative of the history of literature and printing from the earliest period to the present time Second edition, to which are added, a con- tinuation to the present, comprising recent biographies, chiefly of booksellers, and a practical manual of printing. vi,i I5,[i],996, 12 p. il. 4 pi. 4 por. Q. London: H. G. Bohn, 1842. Timperley, C. H. The printers' manual. U5,[i] p. il. I pi. London 1838. THE BOOK 189 Weise, Oskar. 30997 Schrift- und Buchwesen in alter und neuer Zeit. [4], 152 p. 3 7 il. D. (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt, vol. 4.) Leipzig: B. G. Teub- ner, 1899. Contents: i. Schrift und Schreibwerkzeuge. 2. Buchdruckereiwesen. 3. Briefwesen. 4. Zeitung u. Zeitschrift. 5. Inschriften. 6. Buchhandel. 7. Bibliothekwesen. Ancient times Birt, Theodor. 655.093 Oioo 1317 Das antike Buchwesen in seinem Verhaltniss zur Litteratur, mit Beitragen zur Textgeschichte der Theokrit, Catull, Properz, und anderer Autoren. vii,[i],5i8 p. O. Berlin: W. Hertz, 1882. Birt, Theodor, 1852- 1,655.093 Q70O 90025 j}j e B uc hrolle in der Kunst. Archaologisch-antiquarische Unter- suchungen zum antiken Buchwesen, von Theodor Birt. Mit 190 Abbildungcn. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1907. ix, [i],352p. illus. 25 cm . Half-title illus. "Einige haufiger zitierte Werke," p. ix. Dziatzko, Karl. 655.093 Qooi 33972 Untersuchungen uber ausgewahlte Kapitel des antiken Buch- wesens. Mit Text, Ubersetzung und Erklarung von Plinius, Nat. hist. XIII 68-89. iv,[2],2o6 p. O. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1900. Gardthausen, Victor Emil, 1843- 655.093 Rioo 1934 Das Buchwesen im Altertum und im byzantinischen Mittelalter. Von V. Gardthausen. Zweite Auflage. Mit 38 Figuren. Leip- zig, Veit & Co., 191 1. xii, 243 p. 38 illus. 25 cm . {Added t.-p.: Griechische Palaeographie. Erster Band. ) Bibliography at ends of chapters. Schubart, Wilhelm. 073.09 40 v.i2 1 . . . . Das Buch bei den Griechen und Romern. Eine Studie aus der Berliner Papyrussammlung von Wilhelm Schubart. Mit 14 Abbildungen im Text. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1907. [4] 159 P- 14 illus. 2i cll) . (In Handbiicher der Koniglichen Museen zu Ber- lin. [xii].) 1 90 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Great Britain and Ireland Dictionary. 655.0942 Rooi sosss j^ Dictionary of printers and booksellers in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of foreign printers of English books 1557-1640. By H. G. Aldis; Robert Bowes ; E. R. McC. Dix ; E. Gordon Duff; Strickland Gibson; G. J. Gray; R. B. McKerrow; Falconer Madan ; and H. R. Plomer. General editor: R. B. McKerrow. London, printed for The Bibliographical Society, by Blades, East & Blades, 1910. xxiii, 346 p. 22ixi8 cm . "List of some books and articles referred to by abbreviated titles," p. [xxi]-xxiii. Duff, Edward Gordon, 1863- 655.092 D8y sooes ^ century of the English book trade. Short notices of all prin- ters, stationers, book-binders, and others connected with it from the issue of the first dated book in 1457 to the incorporation of the Company of Stationers in 1557. By E. Gordon Duff. Lon- don, printed for the Bibliographical Society, by Blades, East & Blades, 1905. XXXV, [l], 20O p. 22 X I7 cm . Duff, Edward Gordon, 1863- 655.0942 R2OO 95i9i jke E n gij s h provincial printers, stationers and bookbinders to 1557, by E. Gordon Duff, .... Cambridge, University Press, 1912. ix, 153, [2] p. 4 facsim. I9 cm . (Half-title: The Sandars lectures, 1911.) "List of books printed by provincial printers or for provincial stationers [with an in- dication of the libraries where they are preserved]," p. 129-139. "List of authorities," p. I39-I43- Duff, Edward Gordon, 1863- 655.142 Q6oi .48*5 ^ ne p r i n ters, stationers and bookbinders of Westminster and London from 1476 to 1535. By E. Gordon Duff, .... Cam- bridge, University Press, 1906. [12], 256 p. 7 facsim. 19. (Half-title: The Sandars lectures 1899 and 1904. ) The lectures for 1899 were first printed in a small edition under the title: The printers, stationers and bookbinders of London and Westminster in the fifteenth century. [Aber- deen, privately printed, 1899.] Gibson, Strickland, 1877- 655.142 Q7oo 85201 Abstracts from the wills and testamentary documents of binders, printers, and stationers of Oxford, from 1493 to 1638. By Strick- land Gibson. London, Printed for the Bibliographical Society by Blades, East and Blades, 1907. [9], xv-xxiii, 61 p. 22 cm . "Chief authorities consulted," p. [8]. THE BOOK 191 Gray, George J 1655.0942 0400 95205 -phe earlier Cambridge stationers & bookbinders, and the first Cambridge printer. By George J. Gray. [Oxford], Printed for the Bibliographical Society at the Oxford University Press, 1904. [12], 81, [i] p. xxvni {i.e. 29) pi. 28i cm . (Half-title: Illustrated monographs. No. xiii.; Knight, Charles, 1791-1873. 655.0942 1,400 UBS? ThQ old printer and the modern press. ix,[3J,3i4 p. il. D. London: J. Murray, 1854. The first part is a remodelling of "William Caxton, a biography," published in 1844. "The second part embraces a very broad view of the progress of the press to our own day, especially in relation to the important subject of cheap popular literature." Preface. Plomer, Henry Robert, 1856- 655.092 P72 96277 Abstracts from the wills of English printers and stationers, from 1492 to 1630. By Henry R. Plomer. London, Printed for the Bibliographical Society, by Blades, East and Blades, 1903. ^[Oi^yp. 22xi8 em . ( [Bibliographical Society . Publications. 1903.]) Plomer, Henry Robert, 1856- 655.0942 Q7oo 4 A dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667. By Henry R. Plomer. London, Bibliographical Society, 1907. xxiii, [i], 199 p. 22xi7i cm . [Bibliographical Society. Publications.] Plomer, Henry Robert, 1856- 655.09298 P72 38345 R o bert Wyer, printer and bookseller. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, January 2 1 st, 1 895 . By Henry R. Plom- er. London, printed for the Bibliographical Society, by Blades, East& Blades, 1897. [6], 59 p. II facsim. on 6 1. 22xi8 cm . Worman, Ernest James. 655.142 Q6o2 89200 Alien members of the book-trade during the Tudor period. Be- ing an index to those whose names occur in the returns of aliens, letters of denization, and other documents published by the Hu- genot Society. With notes by Ernest James Worman. London, printed for the Bibliographical Society, by Blades, East & Blades, 1906. viii, 73 p. 22xi7i cm . [Bibliographical Society. Publications.] 192 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Germany Beitrage. 050.53 639 75892 B e it r age zur Geschichte des Buch- u. Zeitungsvvesens. Heidel- berg, J. F. Meissner, 1907-. Continued from vol. I. 23i cm . Vol. I has no general title. Editor: J. Friedrich Meissner. Vol. I : Frankfurt a. M. Grautoff, Otto. 1*655. 53 Qioo 80347 Die Entwicklung der modernen Buchkunst in Deutschland, von Otto Grautoff. Zweites Tausend. Leipzig, H. Seemann Nachf., [1901]. 4, 219 p. illus., II pi. (partly col.) 27 cm . "Litteraturverzeichniss, " p. [2l3]-2l6. Lorck, Carl Berendt, 1814-1905. 655.0943^900 90147 Die Druckkunst und der Buchhandel in Leipzig durch vier Jahr- hunderte. Zur Erinnerung an die Einfiihrung der Buchdrucker- kunst in Leipzig 1479 und an die dortige Kunstgewerbe-Ausstel- lung 1879, von Carl B. Lorck. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1879. viii, 164 p. 23 cm . Pallmann, Heinrich, 1849- 1,906.331 i v.7 96869 Sigmund Feyerabend, sein Leben und seine geschaftlichen Ver- bindungen. Nach archivalischen Quellen bearbeitet von Heinr. Pallmann. [Frankfurt a. M., K. T. Volcker, 1881.] viii, 272 p. front, (port.), 4 pi. 27i cm . (/ Archiv fiir Frankfurts Geschichte und Kunst. Neue Folge. Siebenter Band.) Half-title. Schmidt, Charles Guillaume Adolphe, 1812-1895. 027.043 889791 2 ur Geschichte der altesten Bibliotheken und der ersten Buch- drucker zu Strassburg, von C. Schmidt. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt's Universitatsbuchhandlung, F. Bull, 1882. [8], 200 p. 24 cm . Contents. I. Biicher und Bibliotheken zu Strassburg im Mittelalter (a revised trans- lation, by the author, of his article "Livres et bibliotheques a Strasbourg au moyen age" in Revue d'Alsace, 1877). n. Die Strassburger Buchdrucker vor 1520. III. Die eh- malige Bibliothek der Strassburger hohen Schule im ersten jahrhundert ihres Bestehns THE BOOK 193 Schmidt, Rudolf, 1875- 1655.092 8353 39464 Deutsche Buchhandler, deutsche Buchdrucker. Beitrage zu einer a Firmengeschichte des deutschen Buchgewerbes, von Rudolf Schmidt,.... i. -[6.] Band Berlin, F. Weber, 1902-1908. 6 vol. in 3. 25i cm . Paged continuously; vol. i: [8], 195 p.; vol. 2: [2, I97]~384 p. i illus. (port.); vol. 3: [2, 385J-584 p. I fold, table; vol. 4: [4, 5851-776 p.; vol. 5: [2, 7773-966, [2] p.; vol. 6: [2, 969]-! 155 p. Vol. 4-6: Unter Subvention des Borsenvereins der Deutschen Buchhandler zu Leipzig herausgegeben. Eberswalde, R. Schmidt. France Baudrier, Henri Louis ; 1815-1884. 1,015.44 32 ra Bibliographic lyonnaise. Rechercnes sur les imprimeurs, librai- res, relieurs et fondeurs de lettres de Lyon au XVI e siecle. Par le president Baudrier. Publiees et continuees par J. Baudrier. Premiere- [dixieme] serie Lyon, 1895-1913. 10 vol. illus., 8 pi. (partly fold.), 2 port, (i fold. incl. front.), 53 facsim. (partly fold.), 7 fold, tables. 26 cm . Delalain, Paul Adolphe, 1 840- 1,016.655 ^37 .... Essai de bibliographic de 1'histoire de rimprimerie typo- graphique et de la librairie en France. Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1903. [ 4 ], 46, [2] p. 27<-">. At head of title: Paul Delalain. Contents. \_ Introduction.] i . Ouvrages ayant un caractere general ou universel. 2. Ouvrages relatifs a 1'histoire de 1'imprimerie et de la librairie a Paris. 3. Ouvrages concernant 1'introduction de 1'imprimerie et les progres de la li^-airie dans les departe- ments. Addenda: I. Ouvrages generaux. 2. Paris. 3. Departements et provinces. Table des noms. Section n includes (p. 11-14) an index to the personal notices, obituaries, etc., printed since 1858 in the Journal gen. de 1'impr. et de la librairie (Bibliog. de la France) n. p tie ., Chronique. Delalain, Paul. 1,655.0944 Pgoo ' L'imprimcrie et la librairie a Paris de 1789 a 1813. Renseigne- nients recueillis, classes et accompagnes d'une introduction. [Avec trois fragments du plan de Paris en 1810.] r2],lx,36o, [2] p. 3 maps. O. Paris: Delalain freres, [1899]. "Les sources," p. iii-xxvi. Edition limited to 400 copies, of which this is no. 200. Delalain, Paul Adolphe, 1840- 655. 092 037 Les libraires & imprimeurs de 1' Academic francaise de 1634 a 1793. Notices biographiques, par Paul Delalain. Jean Camu- sat. Pierre Le Petit. Les trois Jean-Baptiste Coignard. Ber- nard Brunet. Ant. Demonville. Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1907. 156, [2] p. incl. illus., i fold, table. 25.i cm . i94 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Delisle, Leopold Victor, 1826- 015.44 037 95190 Catalogue des livres imprimes ou publics a Caen avant le milieu du XVl e siecle; suivi de recherches sur les imprimeurs et les librai- res de la mme ville, par M. Leopold Delisle. Tome premier - [second] Caen, L. Jouan, [etc.], 1903-1904. 2 vol. 23 cm . Contents. t. I. Notice des livres. 1903. xiv, 354, [2] p. t. 2. Recherches sur les imprimeurs et les libraires. 1904. cxxxi, [2], 178, [2] p. xxvn facsim. Each facsimile is accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. Forestie, Em. 655.0944 P8oo 1 Histoire de I'imprimerie et de la librairie a Montauban. Biblio- graphic montalbanaise. 8, xx, [4] ,378 p. il. 2 p. of fac-sim. 10 fac-sim. Q. Montauban: E. Forestie, 1898. Labadie, Ernest. 1,655.0944 Qoo2 34845 Notices biographiques sur les imprimeurs et libraires bordelais des XVI e , XVii e et XVIII 6 siecles, suivies de la liste des imprimeurs et libraires de Bordeaux, et du Departement de la Gironde au XIX e siecle. Documents pour servir a 1'histoire de rimprimerie et de la librairie. Iiii,[2],l84 p. il. 7 pi. I colored. Q. Bor- deaux: Mounastre-Picamilh, 1900. La Bouraliere, A. de. 655.0944 Qooi ' L'imprimerie et la librairie a Poitiers pendant le xvi e siecle. Precede d'un chapitre rtrospectif sur les debuts de rimprimerie dans la mme ville. [2],lxxxii,[2],396 p. il. 5 pi. paged in. I facsim. Q. Paris: E. Paul & fils & Guillemin, 1900. The introductory chapter was first published separately in May, 1898. Louisy, Paul. 655.09 0602 L'ancienne France. Le livre et les arts qui s'y rattachent depuis les origines jusqu'a la fin du xvm e siecle ; par M. P. Louisy .... Illustration de 221 gravures et d'une planche en couleur, tiree des ouvrages de M. Paul Lacroix (Bibliophile Jacob) sur le moyen age, la renaissance, le xvn e et le xvin e siecle. Paris, Firmin- Didot et c ie , 1894. [4], 270, [i] p. col. front., illus. (incl. ports., facsims.) 2j^ cm . (On cover. Bibliotheque historique illustree.) Contents. Le parchemin et le papier. Manuscrits. Miniature des manuscrits. La reliure. L'imprimerie. La librairie. Renouard, Philippe. 655.0944 Qioo Documents sur les imprimeurs, libraires, cartiers, graveurs, fon- deurs de lettres, relieurs, doreurs de livres, faiseurs de fermoirs, enlumineurs, parcheminiers et papetiers ayant exerce a Paris de 1450 a 1600. Recueillis aux Archives nationales et au Departe- ment des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale, par Ph. Re- nouard. Paris, H. Champion, 1901. xi > 365. [2] p. 244. (Societe de 1'histoire de Paris [et de 1'lle-de-France. Publications].) THE BOOK 195 Renouard, Philippe. 655.092 R2Q 90204 .... Imprimeurs parisiens, libraires, fondeurs de caracteres et correcteurs d'irnprimerie, depuis 1'introduction de 1'imprimerie a Paris (1470) jusqu'a la fin du xvi e siecle. Leurs adresses, mar- ques, enseignes, dates d'exercice. Notes sur leurs families, leurs alliances et leur descendance, d'apres les renseignements biblio- graphiques et des documents inedits. Avec un plan des quartiers de 1'Universite et de la cite. Paris, A. Claudin, 1898. xvi, 480, [4] p. facsim., map. igh cm - Contents. Libraires, imprimeurs, correcteurs et fondeurs de caracteres. Auteurs qui vendaient eux-mmes leurs ouvrages. Table des adresses classees par rues. Table des enseignes. Lisle chronologique. Table des noms de personnes. Vachon, Marius. 1,655.0944 PSOO 11206 Les arts et les industries du papier en France, 1871-1894. [4], 246 p. il. 26 pi. 3 facsim. 4 maps. sq. F. Paris : Librairies-Im- primeries Reunies, [1895]. Contents: I. Le papier. 2. L'imprimerie. 3. Les precedes de gravure. 4. Le livre. 5. Lapresse. 6. L'estampe. 7. L'affiche. 8. Le papier peint. 9. La reliure. 10. Postface. Werdet, Edmond. 655.0944 M400 36746 Histoire du livre en France depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789. Troisieme partie. Etudes bibliographiques sur les imprimeurs et libraires de Paris les plus celebres 2 vol. S. Paris: E. Dentu, 1864. Other countries Brown, Horatio Forbes. 1655.445 Pooi The Venetian printing press. An historical study based upon documents for the most part hitherto unpublished. xvii,[4],463 p. 22 facsim. sq. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1891. Kapp, Friedrich, 1824-1884. 655.06349 2 v.i Der deutschamerikanische Buchdruck und Buchhandel im vorigen Jahrhundert. Von Friedrich Kapp. (/ Archiv fur Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels. Leipzig 1878. 2l cm . i P- (5*3-770 Moes, Ernst Wilhelm. 655.09492 P6oo De Amsterdamsche boekdrukkers en uitgevers in de zestiende eeuw. Vol. I-. il. sq.O. Amsterdam : C. L. van Langenhuysen. 1900-. 196 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Stockum, W P van,y/'., cd. 1,655.09492 Rooi 78322 La librairie, 1'imprimerie et la presse en Hollande a travers quatre siecles. Documents pour servir a 1'histoire de leurs relations internationales. Recueillis et annotes, par VV. F. van Stockum, jr. Public a 1'occasion de la Vll e session du Congres interna- tional des editeurs a Amsterdam. La Haye, [Impr. Mouton & c ie ], 1910. [6], 5, [2] p. 218 facsim. on 105 pi. 36x28"'. Three plates have each a guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. "La reliure de ce livre est une reproduction de la reliure de Johannes Veldener, datee 1476, conservee a la Bibliotheque royale a La Haye." 655.1 HISTORY OF PRINTING GENERAL WORKS Adams, Thomas F. 655.02 KSOO 20057 Xypographia j or> T ne printer's instructor : a brief sketch of the origin, rise, and progress of the typographic art, with practical directions for conducting every department in an office, hints to authors, publishers, &c. 286 p. il. D. Philadelphia: L. Johr- son & Co., 1861, c. 1845. Ales, Anatole, 1840- 655.1406^00 98955 Les mo j nes imprimeurs, par Anatole Ales. Paris, L, Techener, 1873- II p. 24 cm . Bamford, John. 042 621 76148 Essays on the subjects of mechanism and literature. By J. Bam- ford. London, Hamilton, Adams, and Co., [etc.], 1838. vi, [7]-i37. [10] p. i9xn4 cm . Contents. History of the art of printing. The advantages of general knowledge. On the means of acquiring knowledge. Blades , William . ^655 . 1 0300 1 Numismata typographica ; or, The medallic history of printing. .... xvii,i44 p. il. 24 pi. sq.O. London: "Printers' Register" Office, 1883. "Full titles of all works quoted in the text," p. xi-xii. Reprinted from the Printers' register. Blades , William . L655 . 1 08oo The Pentateuch of printing, with a chapter on Judges. With a memoir of the author, and a list of his works, by Talbot B. Reed. xxvi,[2],i 17, [i] p. 58 il. 2 pi. sq.Q. London: E. Stock, 1891 . PRINTING 197 Bouchot, Henri Francois Xavier Marie, 1849- 655.09 06oi 1 .... Le livre; 1'illustration la reliure ; etude historique som- maire, par Henri Bouchot Nouvelle edition. Paris, Ouantin [189-]. 320 p. illus. 2i cm . (Bibliotheque de 1'enseignement des beaux-arts ) Added t.-p. engr. Title edition. First issued in 1886. Bouchot, Henri. 1655.090600 20S The printed book, its history, illustration, and adornment, from the days of Gutenberg to the present time. Translated and en- larged by Edward C. Bigmore. viii,3i2 p. 118 il. Q. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1887. Bouchot, Henri Francois Xavier Marie, 1849- 1.655.09 Pooi ! The book: its printers, illustrators, and binders, from Gutenberg to the present time. By Henri Bouchot .... With a treatise on the art of collecting and describing early printed books, and a Latin-English and English-Latin topographical index of the earliest printing places. Edited by H. Grevel .... London, H. Grevel & Co., 1890. xv, 383 p. incl. front, (facsim.), illus., ports., facsims. 26i cm . "Containing one hundred and seventy-two fac-similes of early typography, book- illustrations, printers' marks, bindings, numerous borders, initials, head and tail pieces, and a frontispiece." First translated into English by Edward Clements Bigmore and issued in 1887 under title: The printed book; its history, illustration and adornment. "The art of describing and cataloguing incunabula" (p. [322]~35i) is a translation of Anton Einsle's Incunabel Bibliographic, Wien, 1888. [Bradbury, Henry Riley], 1831-1860. 1^655.04 672 1,90*0 p r i nt j n g; it s dawn, day, & destiny London, Bradbury & Evans, 1858. 40 p. 28.ix22 cm . In volume lettered: Papers on printing. H. Bradbury. Bulgakov, Fedor IPich, 1852- L655.I 0900 ' 1391 Illfustrirovannaia istoriia knigopechataniia i tipografskago iskusstva. Tom. I. S izobrieteniiia knigopechataniia po XVIII viek vklfuchi- tel'no [Illustrated history of bookmaking and the art of printing. Vol. I. From the beginning of books to the beginning of the 1 8th century.] S.-Peterburg, A. S. Suvorin, [1890]. viii, 364, [i] p. 266 illus., 4 pi., 8 facsim. (partly fold.) 25 At head of title: F. I. Bulgakov. rcm 198 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Cotton, Henry, 1789-1879. 655.09X500 102J86 Y ne typographical gazetteer, attempted by the Rev. Henry Cot- ton .... Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1825. Xvi, 219 p. 22 cm . Appendix A. Index of pseudonymes, disguised or fictitious places. Appendix B. Books printed on vellum, in the Bodleian Library. [Deschamps, Pierre Charles Ernest], 1821- 655.14 Qooi ' 29b Liste des lieux d'impression en Europe, avec dates et noms d'im- primeurs, par Un bibliophile. Paris, A. Claudin, 1900. [6], io8p. i9 cm . Published anonymously. "Tire a cinquante exemplaires." [Deschamps, Pierre Charles Ernest], 1821- L655.I Q20I 96211 L'imprimerie hors l'Europe,par Un bibliophile. Paris, J. Maison- neuve, 1902. [61, 203 p. 25 cm . "II a etc tire, en outre, 15 ex. sur pap. de Hollande . . . et 15 ex. sur pap. du Ja- pon." Bulletin du bibliophile, Feb. 15, 1903. A specimen of the proposed new edition of his "Dictionnaire de geographic," a par- tial summary of which appeared anonymously in 1900 under title "Liste des lieux d'im- pression en Europe .. . par Un bibliophile." The manuscript of the main work was presented to the library of the Cercle de la librairie, Paris, in 1898; not yet published (Jan. '05). Withdrawn from circulation by the author. A new edition was printed in 1904. De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828- 655.1 Qoo2 10059 Title-pages as seen by a printer, with numerous illustrations in facsimile and some observations on the early and recent printing of books. By Theodore Low DeVinne. New York, The Grolier Club, 1901. xix, [i], 370 p. incl. facsim. (partly col.) 25 cm . Edition of 325 copies on Italian hand-made paper. Dupont, Paul. $55og 1400 18848 Histoire de rimprimerie. 2vol. D. Paris 1854. "Bibliographic," vol. 2, p. 537-612. Ellis, F H S 655.1 Qsoi 68536 j^ r oyal craft : being notes on the history and progress of print- ing. By F. H. S. Ellis. With preface by Mr. E. R. Alexander. Epping, A. B. Davis, ltd., 1905. ix, [i], 105, [i] p. front., illus. I7 cm . Falkenstein, Karl. 1-655.1 Kooi 9 Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in ihrer Entstehung und Aus- bildung. Ein Denkmal zur vierten Sacular-Feier der Erfindung der Typographic. i6,xiv,[2],4o6 p. il. 6 p. of pi. 33 pi. 2 p. of facsim. 4 facsim. i map. sq.Q. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1840. PRINTING 199 Gilliss, Walter. 655.1 Q200 ' The story of a motto and a mark. Being a brief sketch of a few printers' "marks" and containing the facts concerning the mark of the Gilliss Press, by Walter Gilliss. New York, The Gilliss Press, 1902. xi, [i], 42, [2] p. incl. front, (facsim.), illus. i8x ii cm . "Of this book there have been printed two hundred copies on plain paper; sixty copies on imperial Japan paper and twelve copies on French vellum paper for presentation." Hansard, Thomas Carson. 655.02Kioo Treatises on printing and type-founding. From the seventh edi- tion of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. vii,235 P- 3 pi- D. Ed- inburgh: A. & C. Black, 1841. Contains a chapter: Lithography, by William Nichol. Hansard, Thomas Curson, 1776-1833. 655.02 1500 1 Typographia : an historical sketch of the origin and progress of printing; with practical directions for conducting every depart- ment in an office: with a description of stereotype and litho- graphy. Illustrated by engravings, biographical notices, and por- traits. By T. C. Hansard. London, printed for Baldwin, Cra- dock, and Joy, 1825. [2], xvi, [7], 939, [25] p. front., illus., 16 pi. (i col. partly fold.), 11 port., 3 fold, facsim., 3 tables. 24 cm . Humphreys, Henry Noel. 1,655. iM700 A history of the art of printing from its invention to its wide- spread development in the middle of the sixteenth century. Preceded by a short account of the origin of the alphabet, and of the successive methods of recording events before the invention of printing. Second issue. xii,[2],2i6 p. 8 pi. 100 facsim. F 4 . London: B. Quaritch, 1868. Johnson, John. 655.02 1400 Typographia, or The printers' instructor : including an account of the origin of printing, with biographical notices of the printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the sixteenth century: a series of ancient and modern alphabets, and domesday charac- ters : together with an elucidation of every subject connected with the art. 2 vol. il. por. nar. D. London : Longman, ... & Green, 1824. Kennard, Joseph Spencer, 1859- 655.1 QIOI 5 Some early printers and their colophons, by Joseph Spencer Ken- nard. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs and Co., 1902. [2], 129 p. 22i cm . Added title within ornamental border. "Four hundred and fifty copies have been printed from type, of which this is no. 123." 200 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Lemoine, Henry, 1756-1812. 655.1 F4 sous Typographical antiquities. History, origin, and progress, of the art of printing, from its first invention in Germany to the end of the seventeenth century; and from its introduction into England by Caxton, to the present time ; . . . . Extracted from the best authorities, by Henry Lemoine, .... London, S. Fisher, I 797. 156 p. i84 cm . Lorck, Carl B. 655.10200 2106 Handbuch der Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst H5- 1882. 2 vol. in I. O. Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1882-1883. [Luckombe, Philip.] 655. iFi 324 A concise history of the origin and progress of printing; with practical instructions to the trade in general [12], 502, [4] p. il. i pi. O. London: W. Adlard and J. Browne, 1770. Luckombe, Philip, d. 1803. 655.1 FS 90149 T^g hi s t or y and art of printing. In two parts By P. Luc- kombe ... . London, printed by W. Adlard and J. Browne for J. Johnson, 1771. [12], 502, [4] p. incl. illus., tables, 2 front, (i fold.) 2i cm . A reissue with new t.-p. of the work published anonymously in 1770 under title "A concise history of the origin and progress of printing". Maser, Heinrich Julius. 655.26 Qioo 5 Der Titelsatz und seine Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart, von Ju- lius Maser und Otto Westram. Mit vielen instruktiven Beispielen. Leipzig, J. Maser, [1901]. 58 p. illus. 24i cm . Contents. Der Titelsatz und die Titelregeln, von Julius Maser. Der moderne Titel- satz, von Otto Westram. Pfizenmayer, Paul. 655.1 Q7oo The evolution of printing, by Paul Pfizenmayer, delivered before the Technical Publicity Association, Nov. 11, 1907. Published by resolution of the Technical Publicity Association. [New York, printed by J. C. and W. E. Powers, C I9O7.] xv, [i] p. 23 cm . Pollard, Alfred William, 1859- L655.I Qsoo 49335 ^ n essav on colophons, with specimens and translations, by Al- fred W. Pollard and an introduction by Richard Garnett. Chi- cago, The Caxton Club, 1905. xx, 198, [2] p. 284 cm . "The publication committee of the Caxton Club certifies that this copy of 'An essay on colophons' is one of an edition consisting of two hundred and fifty-two copies on French hand-made paper and three copies on imperial Japanese paper, printed from type, and completed in the month of August, nineteen hundred and five." PRINTING 201 Pollard, Alfred William. L655.I Pioo 11923 Last words on the history of the title-page with notes on some colophons. [8], 39 p. 27 facsim. sq.F. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1891. Only two hundred and sixty copies printed. Polypotype. 655.1 1700 101573 L C polypotype ; ou, Histoire de rimprimerie sous la figure d'un monstre. Paris, T. Bruere, 1827. 56 p. 2i cm . Roberts, William. 655.1 P3oi Printers' marks. A chapter in the history of typography, xv, 261 p. il. i pi. D. [Ex-libris series.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1893- Rust, Gustave Hermann, 1863- 655.10102 36278 Y^e history of printing, its invention and evolution. By G. H. Rust, Department of Printing, Chicago Normal School. Chicago, 1901. 23 p. illus. I4i cm ., bound igix i6 cm , Schulz, Otto August, 1803-1860. 655.1 Koo2 3 Gutenberg; oder, Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst von ihrem Ursprung bis zur Gegenwart. Bearbeitet von Otto August Schulz. Eine Festgabe fur jeden Gebildeten zur vierten Secularfeier des Typendrucks. Mit 8 Holzstichen. Leipzig, Schulz und Thomas, 1840. iv, 123, [i] p. incl. plates, front, (port.), 3 fold. pi. 23 cm . Contents. Einleitung. Vorlaufer der Buchdruckerkunst. Die Erfindungsge- schichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Mainz. Riickblick auf den Antheil, welchen Haar- lem, Strassburg und Bamberg an der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst haben. Verbrei- tung der Buchdruckerkunst iiber Deutschland und die iibrigen cultivirten Lander Europas. Weitere Verbreitung der Buchdruckerkunst iiber die andern Erdtheile. Die Buch- druckerkunst in ihrer Ausiibung und die vorziiglichsten Manner, welche sich um ihre Ver- vollkommnung verdient machten. Die Ursachen, welche das weehselnde Aufbliihen und Sinken der Buchdruckerkunst zur Folge hatten. Secularfeierlichkeiten und Denk- male. Typographische Bibliothek. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 655.1 LSOO 43846 Committee of General Literature and Education. The history of printing. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London, 1855. 232 p illus. I7 cm . 202 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 655.1 M200 100316 Committee of General Literature and Education. The history of printing. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [1862]. [4], 256 p. front, (port.), illus. i7 cm . Society of Printers, Boston. 655.06182 i v.2 90233 'pke development of printing as an art. A handbook of the ex- hibition in honor of the bi-centenary of Franklin's birth held at the Boston Public Library under the auspices of the Society of Printers. Publications of the Society, number II. Boston, Mas- sachusetts, January I to 29, 1906. Boston, Mass., The Society, 1906. [6], 94 p. 22-i cm . Stark, Adam, 1784-1867. 655.1 1/501 90389 panting : its antecedents, origin, history, and results. By Adam Stark, .... London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855. [6], 122 p. front. I7i cm . Block-books Doudelet, C LoQ3 Qaoo 96212 .... Le "Speculum humanae salvationis" a la Bibliotheque na- tionale de Florence. Gand, Librairie neerlandaise, 1903. [6], 42, [2] p. 14 illus. 26i m . At head of title: C. Doudelet. "II a ete tire de cet ouvrage: Douze exemplaires sur papier Japon imperial, nume- rotes de I a 12 et cent cinquante exemplaires sur papier velin, numerates de 13 a 162 ... no. 60." Bibliography, p. [5-6.] Guillot, Gaetan. 655.11 Q6oo 90102 .... Les moines precurseurs de Gutenberg. Etude sur 1'inven- tion de la gravure sur bois et de 1'illustration du livre. Par Gae- tan Guillot Paris, Bloud et c ie , [1906]. 62 p. facsims. 28 cm . (Science et religion. Etudes pour le temps present.) Contents. I. Les opinions de la critique ancienne. 2. La verite sur le role joue par Gutenberg. 3. Etat de 1' art allemand au debut du xiv e siecle. 4. Impossibilite, pour les laiques, d'inventer la gravure sur bois. 5. Examen des images. 6. Les textes. BLOCK-BOOKS 203 Hochegger, Rudolf. 020.53 2 5360 Ueber die Entstehung und Bedeutung der Blockblicher, mit be- sonderer Rlicksicht auf den Liber Regum seu Historia Davidis, Eine bibliographisch-kunstgeschichtliche Studie. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Unterrichtswesens. viii,67,[i] p. 3 facsim. (In Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, Beihefte, vol. 2. Leipzig 1889-91.) Masse"na, Victor, prince d'Essling, due de Rivoli, 1836- 092 Q30I 5 .... Le premier livre xylographique italien, imprime a Venise vers 1450. Paris, Gazette des beaux-arts, 1903. 44, [2] p. illus., 15 pi. 28x22 cm . At head of title: Prince d'Essling. Caption title: Passio D. N. lesu Christi; livre xylographique imprime a Venise vers 1450. Oracula sibyllina. 1,092 Q302 1 Oracula sibyllina (Weissagungen der zwolf Sibyllen) nach dem einzigen, in der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen aufbewahrten Ex- emplare, herausgegeben von P. Heitz. Mit einer Einleitung von W. L. Schreiber. 24 Tafeln und I Text Illustration. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Mundel), 1903. [4], 26, [2] p. I pi., 24 facsim. 27 cm . Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig, 1855- 1092 Q8oo 3 .... Basels Bedeutung fiir die Geschichte der Blockbiicher, von W. L. Schreiber. Mit 5 Abbildungen. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Mundel), 1909. ix . 49. [2] p. v pi. (incl. facsim.) 25 cm . (Studien zur deutschen Kunstge- schichte. 106. Heft.) Contents. Vorwort. Basel. Der Kalender des Ludwig zu Basel. Die sieben Planeten mit xylographischem Text. Der Heidelberger Blockbuchsammelband. Der Berliner Blockbiicherband. Canticum canticorum. Die xylo-chirographische Passion. Die chiro-xylographische Ars moriendi. Die St. Meinrat-legende. Oracula sybillina Historia sanctae crucis. Schreiber, Wilhelm Ludwig, 1855- 1,093.2 Q30O 5 Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Biblia Pauperum unter be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der uns erhaltenen Handschriften, von W. L. Schreiber. 29 Textillustrationen und I Lichtdrucktafel. (Sonderabdruck aus : P. Heitz und W. L. Schreiber, Biblia Pau- perum. Nach dem einzigen Exemplar in 50 Darstellungen.) Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Mundel), [1903]. [2], 45 p. illus. (facsims.) 33 cm . 204 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY [Watson, James], d. 1722. 655.1 F6 y^e hj s t or y o f the art of printing, containing an account of it's invention and progress in Europe : with the names of the famous printers, the places of their birth, and the works printed by them, and a preface by the publisher to the printers in Scotland. Edin- burgh, printed by J. Watson ; 1713. [2], 24, xlviii, 64 p. illus. i7 cm . Text by John Spottiswood, translated from J. de La Caille's Histoire de I'imprimerie. with additional information on printing in Scotland. "Specimen of types in the printing-house of James Watson," xlviii p. Preface, 24 p., and p. 63-64 of the text, wanting. Weigel, Theodor Oswald, 1812-1881. Aog2 38197 Die Anfange der Druckerkunst in Bild und Schrift. An deren friihesten Erzeugnissen in der Weigel'schen Sammlung erlautert von T. O. Weigel und Dr. Ad. Zestermann. Mit 145 Facsimiles und vielen in den Text gedruckten Holzschnitten. Erster- [zweiter] Band. Leipzig, 1866. 2 vol. illus. front, (port.), 145 facsim on 103 plates, (partly col. partly fold.) 4i cm , 655.11 History of printing Invention and early development Bernard, Auguste. 655.11 L200 36796 j-j e I'ofigjne e t des debuts de 1'imprimerie en Europe. 2 vol. fac- sim. O. Paris 1853. Contents: Vol. I. Da 1'invention et des inventeurs de I'imprimerie. [2],xvi,3i5 p. 13 facsim. Vol. 2. De la propagation et des premiers propagateurs de rimprimerie. [2],iv,452 p. Blades, William, 1824-1890. 010.46561 " 9326 Books in chains, and other bibliographical papers, by the late William Blades, .... London, E. Stock, 1892. xl, 232 p. incl. front. i8 cm . (The book-lover's library.) Contents. Introduction [a general notice of Mr. Blades' life-work, by Henry Benja- min Wheatley] Books in chains: pt. I. Wimborne minster, pt. n. England and abroad. The use and development of signatures in books. The early schools of typog- raphy. [From] the Book-worm (Berjeau) March, 1870. On the present aspect of the question, Who was the inventor of printing? [Read at the meeting of the Library asso- ciation of the United Kingdom, at Birmingham, September 20-23, 1887] De ortu ty- pographic. [From] the Book-worm, February- May, 1888: pt. I. Introduction, pt. n- III. Coster v. Gutenberg, pt. iv. Gutenberg v. Coster. Early Greek types of the Royal Printing Office, Paris, and the Chancellor of Cambridge University. [From] the Book- worm (Berjeau) January, 1869. The first printing-press in England, as pictorially pre- sented. [From] the Book-worm (Berjeau) October, 1869. Borckel, Alfred. 655.1 Qooi 30417 Gutenberg und seine berlihmtesten Nachfolger im ersten Jahr- hundert der Typographic, nach ihrem Leben und Wirken darge- stellt. xii,2ii p. 150 il. I por. O. [Klimsch's graphische Bib- liothek, vol. 5.] Frankfurt a M.: Klimsch & Co., 1900. Reprinted from Allgemeiner Anzeiger fur Driickereien, vol. 26-27, 1899-1900. PRINTING INVENTION 205 Bowyer, William, 1699-1777, ed. 655.11 F7 geoe -j^e or jgj n o f printing: in two essays: I. The subftance of Dr. Middleton's Differtation on the origin of printing in England. II. Mr. Meerman's Account of the firft invention of the art. An appendix is annexed, I. On the firft-printed Greek books. 2. On the firft-printed Hebrew books, with obtervations on tome modern editions ; and a collation, from Walton's Polyglott, of a remarkable paffage, as printed in Kings and Chronicles. 3. On the early polyglotts. London, W. Bowyer, and J. Nichols, 1774. xvi, 144 p. 2i cm . Supplement .... [London?], 1781. [2] p., p. 179-300. 2I cm . Contents. Dr. Ducarel's letter to Mr. Meerman. Mr. Meerman's answer to Dr. Ducarel. Mr. Meerman's second answer. Early books at Harleim. Dr. Taylor's letter on the subject of the Paris Bible. Additional remarks. Bruun, Christian Walther, 1831-1906. 1,655.11 Ogoo ! De nyeste unders0gelser om bogtrykkerkunstens opfindelse, af Chr. Bruun. Med 6 tavler og 15 figurer i texten. Kj0benhavn, P. G. Philipsen, 1889. viii, 92, [4] p. illus., VI facsim. (2 fold.) 34-i cm . "Udgivet af Forening for boghaandvoerk." "Oplagets st0rrelse 688 expl., hvoraf 38 expl. er trykt paa haandgjort papir." Contents. Fortale. Laurens Janszoon Coster. Johan Gutenberg. Det techniske i bogtrykkerkunstens opfindelse. Castellani, Carlo, 1822-1897. 655.11 Ogoi L'origine tedesca e 1'origine olandese dell' invenzione della stampa. Testimonianze e documenti raccolti e illustrati da C. Castellani .... Venezia, F. Ongania, 1889. 67 p. 23^ cm . Daunou, Pierre Claude Francois, 1761-1840. 655.11 6300 3 Analyse des opinions diverses sur 1'origine de rimprimerie, par Daunou, .... Lue a la seance de 1'Institut national, le 2 floreal an 10. Paris, Renouard, an XI [1803]. [2], 138 p. 20 cm . Also printed in Memoires de 1'Institut (Acad. sci. morales et politiques), t. 4, 1803; also in Lambinet, Origine de rimprimerie, 1801, t. i, p. 311-434. De Vinne, Theodore Low. 655.11 N6oo The invention of printing. A collection of facts and opinions de- scriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block-books of the fifteenth century, the legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster, of Haarlem, and the work of John Gutenberg and his associates. Second edition. 557 p. il. i pi. O. New-York: F. Hart & Co., 1878. 206 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Duff, Edward Gordon. 310 Early printed books. xii,2i9 p. 11 pi. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1893. Faulmann , Karl . 655 . 1 1 Poo i 2120 Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst nach den neuesten For- schungen. viii,i56p. 36 il. i table. O. Wien : A. Hartleben, 1891. Fischer von Waldheim, Gotthelf, 1771-1853. 090.4 F52 90081 Beschreibung einiger typographischen Seltenheiten, nebst Bey- tragen sur Erfmdungsgeschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. Erster- [sechste] Lieferung. . . . Von Gotthelf Fischer .... Mainz, Auf Kosten des Verfassers, und Nurnberg, bey I. L. S. Lechner, 1800-1804. 6 pts. in i vol. 8 pi. (partly fold. incl. facsims. ) 2i cm . Title varies: i. Lfg. : . . . Bey Eroffnung der Universitatsbibliothek su Mainz heraus- gegeben. 1800. 2.~4. Lfg. : Beschreibung typographischer Seltenheiten und merkwiir- diger Handschriften, nebst Beytragen [etc.] 1801-1803. 5. Lfg.: G. Fischers' s Be- schreibung . . . merkwiirdiger Handschriften [etc.] 1804. 6. Lfg. : G. Fischer's Bc.- schreibung ... seltner Handschriften [etc.] 1804. Gesellschaft fur Typenkunde des XV. Jahrhunderts. 1655.06 21 67627 Beitrage zur Inkunabelkunde. Herausgegeben von der Gesell- schaft fur Typenkunde des XV. Jahrh. [Leipzig, R. Haupt, 1907-.] Continued from no. I. 28x22 cm . Caption title. [Glaser, Wilhelm Heinrich Christian.] 655.143 Q300 97248 Bruchstucke zur Kenntnis der Lubecker Erstdrucke von 1464 bis. 1524, nebst Ruckblicken in die spate re Zeit, .... Lubeck, W. Glaser, 1903. 3 pts. in i vol. 2i cm . A reissue (with new t.-p. and collective table of contents and index) of three volumes published separately in 1902. Contents. [i. Hft.] Weltimperium und Reichsbiicherschatz. Der deutsche Buch- handel im Jahre 1900. Bruchstiicke zur Kenntnis der Lubecker Erstdrucke von 1464- 1524 nebst Ruckblicken in die spatere Zeit. xxxvii, 224 p. [2. Hft.] Ghotan, Dom- vikar und Diplomat, Schriftgiesser und Buchdrucker, Urheber des Mohnsignet in Magde- burg und Liibeck, in Stockholm und Moskau. 1474 bis 1494. 49 p. Anhang: Bar- tholomaus Ghotan in Stockholm und Moskau. Nebst einer Abhandlung iiber die An- fange der Buchdruckerei in Deutschlivland und Russland, [von Karl von Stern]. 18 p. Grolier Club, New York, N. Y. 016.093 G8g 19821 ^ description of the early printed books owned by the Grolier Club, with a brief account of their printers and the history of typography in the fifteenth century. 77>[i] p. il. I facsim. F. New- York 1895. PRINTING INVENTION 207 Hartshorne, Charles Henry, 1802-1865. 655.11 i v.2 The origin of printing: being the substance of a lecture delivered 103157 to the Northampton Mechanics Institute, December, 1851. By the Rev. Charles Henry Hartshorne, .... Northampton, T. Phillips, printer, [1852]. 16 p. 2ii cm . (/ Sotheby, S. Extracts, vol. 2.) Hodgkin, John Eliot. 090.4 H66 90291 Rariora, being notes of some of the printed books, manuscripts, historical documents, medals, engravings, pottery, etc., etc., col- lected (1858-1900), by John Eliot Hodgkin, .... Vol. l-[lll]. London, S. Low, Marston & Co., ltd., [1902]. 3 vol. illus. 28Ax22.i cm . Some of the facsimiles have descriptive letter-press on verso. Some plates have illus- trations on both sides. Title within decorative border; headpieces, initials, floreated end papers, numerous facsimiles of title-pages, autograph letters, etc., etc. "Printed by Bemrose and Sons, limited, at their press in the parish of Saint Peter in the town of Derby M.CMII." Contents. vol. I. Sibi et amicis. A word on the threshold. Classification of the collection. A note of the collection. Index to note of the collection. [2], xix, 124 p. 19 pi. (l col.), 3 port., 10 facsim. vol. 2. Preface to incunabula. The dawn of typog- raphy. The invention. Wooden types. The evolution of the type-mould. Incunabula in the collection. Palaeotypographia hollandica. xvth century proclamations. Water- marks. Bibliographical books. Index to incunabula. [10], iv, 297 p. 5 pi., 17 fac- sim. (partly fold.) vol. 3. Preface to historical broadsides. English broadsides. In- dex to broadsides. Halinitropyrobolia. Books on fireworks. Firework displays. In- dex to firework books and displays. Lusus naturae. [2], xiv, 161, viii, 92, 1 1 p. ill col. pi., 9 iacsim. Holtrop, Jan Willem, 1806-1870. 1655.14921^800 '02287 Monuments typographiques des Pays-Bas au quinzieme siecle. Collection de fac-simile d'apres les originaux conserves a la Bib- liotheque royale de La Haye et ailleurs. Publiee avec 1'autorisa- tion de son excellence le ministre de Tinterieur .... La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1857-1868. xiii, 126, [12] p. 133 pi., map. 37 cm . This copy lacks a front, (port.) mentioned by Bigmore & Wyman, Bibliography of printing; probably an extra illustration inserted in the British Museum copy which they examined. 57422 Jansen, Henri, 1741-1812. 655.11 0900 De 1'invention de rimprimerie, ou Analyse des deux ouvrages publics sur cette matiere par M. Meerman, .... Suivi d'une notice chronologique et raisonnee des livres avec et sans date, imprimes avant 1'annee 1501, dans les dix-sept provinces des Pays-Bas, par M. Jacques Visser ; et augmentee d'environ deux- cents articles par 1'editeur. Avec une planche. Paris, F. Schoell, 1809. xxiv, 392 p. i facsim. 2i cm . Dedication signed : Jansen. 208 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Koning, Jacobus, 1770-1832. 655.112 Hgoo )5216 Dissertation sur 1'origine, 1'invention et le perfectionnement de I'imprimerie. Par Jacques Koning, .... Couronnee par la Societe hollandoise des sciences a Harlem au mois de mai 1816. Traduite du hollandois. Amsterdam, S. Delachaux, 1819. viii, [4], 180 p. vn (i.e. 8) pi. (7 fold. incl. facsims.) 22 cm . Koning, Jacobus, 1770-1832. 655.112 H6oo 63155 Verhandeling over den oorsprong, de uitvinding, verbetering en a volmaking der boekdrukkunst Door Jacobus Koning, .... Door de Hollandsche maatschappij der wetenschappen te Haar- lem, in mei 1816, met den gouden eerprijs bekroond. Haarlem, A. Loosjes, 1816. [4], viii, 475, [i], xvi, [4] p. 2 pi. (l fold.), 7 fold, facsim., I table. 22A cm . "Verhandeling ter beantwoording der vrage: 'Kan het aan Haarlem met eenigen grond betwist worden, dat de kunst om met enkele verplaatsbare letters te drukken, aldaar voor het jaar 1440, door Laurens Koster is uitgedacht'?" Lambinet, Pierre, 1742-1813. 655.11 Hooi 93155 Origine de 1'imprimerie, d'apres les titres authentiques, 1'opinion de M. Daunou, et celle de M. van Praet; suivie des etablissemens de cet art dans la Belgique et de 1'Histoire de la stereotypie ; ornee de caiques, de portraits, et d'ecussons, par P. Lambinet. Tome premier [second]. Paris, H. Nicolle, 1810. 2 vol. illus., 2 pi., 4 fold, facsims. 2O^ em . New edition of the author's Recherches historiques litteraires et critiques sur 1'origine de rimprimerie ..... Lambinet, Pierre, 1742-1813. 655.11 F6 95880 R ec h ercnes historiques, litteraires et critiques, sur 1'origine de rimprimerie ; particulierement sur ses premiers etablissemens, au XV me siecle, dans la Belgique, maintenant reunie a la Republique frangaise : ornees des portraits et des ecussons des premiers im- primeurs beiges; par le citoyen P. Lambinet ..... Bruxelles, Impr. d' E. Flon, [1799]. [2], xvi, 500 p. 23i cm . La Serna Santander, Charles Antoine de, 016.093 99385 I752-I8I3. Dictionnaire bibliographique choisi du quinzieme siecle; ou, De- scription par ordre alphabetique des editions les plus rares et les plus recherchees du quinzieme siecle, precede d'un Essai histo- rique sur 1'origine de I'imprimerie, ainsi que sur 1'histoire de son etablissement dans les villes, bourgs, monasteres et autres endroits del'Europe; avec la notice des imprimeurs qui y ont exerce cet art jusqu'a Tan 1500; par M. de La Serna, Santander .... Pre- miere - [troisieme] partie ..... Bruxelles, J. Tarte, 1805-1807. 3 vol. 22 cm . The "Essai historique" was also issued separately in 1805. PRINTING INVENTION 209 Lichtenberger, Jean Frederic, 1743-1831. 655.111 1500 46298 pjjstoire de 1'invention de 1'imprimerie pour servir de defense a la ville de Strasbourg centre les preventions de Harlem, par J F. Lichtenberger, ... . Avec une preface de M. J. G. Schweig- haeuser, .... Accompagnee d'un portrait de Gutenberg et de huit planches originales gravees sur bois. Strasbourg, J.-H. Heitz; Paris, A.-A. Renouard, 1825. [2], viii, ioo p. front, (port.) 23 cm . Lichtenberger, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1844. 655.11 Hioo 96S49 Initia typographica illustravit lo. Frid. Lichtenberger, .... Ar- gentorati, Treuttel et Wurtz, 181 1. viii, [2], 259, [i] p. 22i cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Linde, Antonius van der, 1833-1897. 1655.11 06oo 2247 Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckkunst von Antonius von der Linde. 3 vol. il. pi. pi. of por. por. facsim. sq. F. Berlin : A. Asher& Co., 1886. Linde, Antonius van der, 1833-1897. 0930100 Ouellenforschungen zur Geschichte der Erfindung der Typo- graphic. Das Brevarium Moguntinum. Eine Studie von Anto- nius von der Linde. Wiesbaden, Feller & Geeks, 1884. [6], 82, [2] p. 23i cm . 4 [Madden, John Patrick Auguste], 1808-1889. 010.4 44 Lettres d'un bibliographic .... [i.-6. serie.] Versailles, Impr. E. Aubert; [etc., etc.], 1868-1886. 6 vol. in 4. illus., 4 pi., i fold, plan, 3 fold, tables, 6 facsim. 25". and atlas of 6 p, 3 pi , 2 col. pi., i plan, 2 facsim. 32. Six series of studies in the early history and technique of printing, based largely upon contemporary ms. sources and upon minute examination and analysis of specimens of early printing, many of them in possession of the author. Most of the material in series 3-6 appeared first in La Typologie Tucker, (Paris, 1874-86). Titles vary slightly, the author's name not appearing on t.-p. of series 1-4. Series 4-6 have added t.-p., engr. Atlas to series 6 is bound separately; shelf number L010.4 K26 18292 [Magne de Marolles, G. F.] 655.1 F2 Recherches sur 1'origine et le premier usage des registres, des signatures, des reclames, et des chiffres de pages dans les livres imprimes. iv,5i,8p. D. Paris: Barrois 1'aine, 1783. Published anonymously. Reprinted from L? Esprit desjournaux, May, 1782. "Nouvelles observations sur les signatures, contenant des additions & corrections aux Recherches precedentes." 8 p. 210 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Maittaire, Michael, 1668-1747. 1655.1 F3 37135 Annales typographici . . . Opera Mich. Maittaire A.M. Hagae- Comitum, 1719-1741. 5 vol. in 9. 28x2i cm . Contents. Tom. i. Ab artis inventae origine ad annum M.D. [12], 388 p. front, (port.) Hagae-Comitum, I. Vaillant, 1719. Tom. 2-3. Ab anno M.D. ad annum M.D.LVII. 2 vol. in 4. Hagae-Comitum, Fratres Vaillant et N. Prevost, 1722-1725. [Tom. 4. Ann. typ. ab artis inv. orig. ad a. M.n.LXiv. T. I (iv). in 2 part. Ed. n. Amst. 1733.] Tom. 5. Annalium typographicorum tomus quintus et ultimus; in tomus quatuor prseeuntes complectens. 2 vol. Londini, G. Darres & C. Du Bosc, 1741. The author states in the preface of torn. 5 that torn. 4, intended by the author as a supplement to torn. I, was called by the publisher, without the author's knowledge, "Tom I. Ed. n," as if it superseded the first edition. Some copies are called torn. 4. Some copies of torn. 5 seem also to be called torn. 4. Tom. 2, pars 2, has no title-page. Tom. i (4). Editio nova. 1733, missing; entry taken from Grsesse. Mallinckrodt, Bernhard von, 1591-1664. 655.11 Ei 1 De ortv ac progressv artis typographical Dissertatio historica, in qva praeter alia pleraque ad calcographices negocivm spectantia de avctoribvs et loco inuentionis praecipue inquiritur, proqve Mo- gvntinis contra Harlemenses concluditur : a Bernardo a Mallin- krot .... Coloniae Agrippinae, apud I. Kinchivm, 1640. [2, 4], I2S, [II] p. 20 cm . Added t.-p. engr., dated 1639. Enumerates no "avctores, qvi pro Mogvntinis testantvr; " 13 "avctores qvi pro Har- lemensibus testantur;" n "dvbii et ambigvi qvi Harlemensium meminerunt." Reissued in Wolf's Monumenta typographica, Hamburgi, 1740, pars prima, p. 547- 812. [Marchand, Prosper], ca. 1675-1756. 1655.111 F2 57396 j-jistoire de 1'origine et des premiers progres de rimprimerie. La Haye, V ve Le Vier, et P. Paupie, 1740. 2 pts. in 2 vol. front., illus. 26ix2i cm . Published anonymously. Meisner, Heinrich, & Luther, Johannes. 1655.11 Qooi 23914 Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Zum fiinfhundertsten Geburtstage Johann Gutenbergs. [2],n6 p. 100 il. i por. 14 facsim. Q. [Monographien zur Weltgeschichte, vol. II.] Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1900. "Auszug aus der wichtigsten Litteratur," p. in. Ottley, William Young. 1655.11 7400 18234 ^ n i n q u i r y concerning the invention of printing: in which the systems of Meerman, Heinecken, Santander, and Koning are re- viewed ; including also notices of the early use of wood-ingraving in Europe, the block books, etc. With an introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau. xlii,377 p. il. 34 pi. 4 facsim. sq.Q. London: J. Lilly 1863. The frontispiece is an extra illustration. PRINTING INVENTION 211 Panzer, Georg Wolfgang Franz, 1729-1805. 1,016.093 37974 Annales typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD post Maittairii, Denisii aliorumque doctissimorum virorum curas in ordinem redacti emendati et aucti opera Georgii Vvolfgangi Pan- zer .... Volumen primum [undecimum]. Norimbergae, im- pensis J. E. Zeh, 1793-1803. II Vol. 25ix2I om . Vol. 6- 1 1 tide reads: Annales typographici ab anno MDI ad annum MDXXXVI continu- ati ... . Contents. Ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD: vol. 1-3; supplementum : vol. 4, p. 215-462, 484-500; vol. 9, p. 197-308; vol. II, p. 309-350. Abanno MDI ad annum MDXXXVI : vol. 6-9, p. 104; supplementum: vol. 9, p. 341 -vol. 10, p. 56; vol. II, p. 351- 539. Libri cum nota anni at sine indicio loci et typographi, MD : vol. 4, p. 1-74, 462- 467; vol. 9, p. 308-314; MDI-MDXXXVI : vol. 9, p. 105-160. Libri indicio anni, loci, et typographi destituti, MD: vol. 4, p. 75-214, 468-483; vol. 9, p. 314-340; MDI- MDXXXVI: vol. 9, p. 161-196; vol. 1 1, p. 540. Index primus bibliographicus secun- dum ordinem alphabeti: vol. 5, p. 1-464; vol. 10, p. 57~vol. n, p. 200; vol. II, p. 541-607. Index secundus urbium et typographorum alphabeticus : vol. 5, p. 465- 496: vol. II, p. 201-234, 607-613. Index tertius typographorum juxta ipsorum prae- nomina et cognomina alphabeticus: vol. 5, p. 497-566: vol. n, p. 235-308. Index fontium: vol. n, p. 614-630. Emendanda et corrigenda: vol. u, p. 631-639. Pollard, Alfred William, 1859- 017.745 A6i5 9 Catalogue of books mostly from the presses of the first printers, showing the progress of printing with movable metal types through the second half of the fifteenth century. Collected by Rush C. Hawkins, catalogued by Alfred W. Pollard, and deposi- ted in the Annmary Brown Memorial at Providence, Rhode Is- land. Oxford, printed at the University Press, at the cost of Gen- eral R. C. Hawkins, 191 o. xxxv, 339 p. front. 29^ x 22<| cm . With this: A list of books printed in the fifteenth century in the John Carter Brown Library and the general library of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Oxford, printed at the University Press, IQIQ, 19 p. 294 X 22i cm . Quantin, Albert. 655.1 N7oo 1 Les orgines de rimprimerie et son introduction en Angleterre par A. Quantin, d'apres de recentes publications anglaises. Paris, A. Quantin et c ie , 1877. [4], 70, [2] p. 29X20 cm . No. 230 of a limited edition of 275 copies. Contents. I. Premiers essais d'imprimerie. Incunable. 2. Haarlem et Laurent Coster. 3. Mayence et Jean Gutenberg. 4. Faust et Schoeffer. 5. William Caxton. 212 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Reichhart, P. Gottfried. 020.53 2 5353 Beitrage zur Incunabelnkunde. Eingeleitet von O. Hartwig. I. i. Alphabetisch geordnetes Verzeichniss der Correctoren der Buchdruckereien des 15. Jahrhunderts. ii. Topographisch-chro- nologisch geordnetes Verzeichniss der Druckorte des 15. Jahrhun- derts, mit Angabe der . . . Buchdrucker, Buchhandler und Kosten- trager der Inctmabeln. xviii,464 p. (In Ccntralblatt flir Biblio- thekswesen, Beihefte, vol. 5. Leipzig 1895.) Reichhart, Gottfried, 1821- 1655.14 1,300 wo62o j}j e D ruc k or t e des XV. Jahrhunderts, nebst Angabe der Erzeug- nisse ihrer erstjahrigen typographischen Wirksamkeit. Mit einem Anhange : Verzeichniss der je ersten Typographen und jener Druckorte, deren allererste Drucker bis jetzt unbekannt geblieben sind. Aus den zuverlassigsten Quellen zusammengestellt und alphabetisch geordnet von P. Gottfried Reichhart, .... Augs- burg, F. Butsch, 1853. * 36, [2] p. so cm - Renault, Raoul i.e. Joseph Eugene Raoul, 1867- 655.11 Qsoo 8 .... Debuts de 1'imprimerie. Quebec, imprime pour 1'auteur, 1905. 72, [i] p. pi., port., facsims. 26 cm . At head of title: Raoul Renault. "Tire a trois cents exemplaires. No. 256." Roth, F Wilhelm Emil, 1853- 655.1430600 ' Die Druckerei zu Eltville im Rheingau und ihre Erzeugnisse. Ein Beitrag zur Bibliografie des 15. Jahrhunderts von F. W. E. Roth. Mit einem Facsimile des Vocabularius ex quo de 1477. Augsburg, M. Huttler, 1886. 30, [2] p. i facsim. 24"". Contents. I. Johann Gutenbergs zweite Druckerei und ihr Verhaltnis zur Eltviller Presse. 2. Die Eltviller Druckerei. 3. Die Eltviller Druckwerke. 4. DieBechter- muntze. 5. Die Statte der Eltviller Druckerei. Anlagen. Skeen, William. 655.11 N200 1 Early typography. By William Skeen. Colombo, Ceylon, 1872. [2], 424 p. 22^ cm . Sotheby, Samuel, 1771-1842. 1,655.11 i Extracts from various works on the origin of printing made by 34 S. Sotheby during his researches for his intended work thereon. 2 vol. 37i cm . Extracts, memoranda, notes, letters etc. in manuscript, and a few printed pamphlets, pasted on leaves as in a scrap-book. Arranged by S. Leigh Sotheby. Binder's title : Collections on the origin of printing by S. Sotheby and S. Leigh Sotheby. PRINTING INVENTION 213 Sotheby, Samuel Leigh, 1805-1861. LoQ2 1700 ss.se p r i nc jpi a typographica. The block-books, or xylographic delin- eations of scripture history, issued in Holland, Flanders and Ger- many, during the fifteenth century, exemplified and considered in connexion with the origin of printing. To which is added an attempt to elucidate the character of the paper-marks of the period. A work contemplated by the late Samuel Sotheby, and carried out by his son, Samuel Leigh Sotheby. Volume I-[m]. London, printed for the author by W. McDowalL 1858. 3 vol. illus., 125 facsim. (partly col.) 37 cm . Wetter, Johann. 655.111 J6oo )294 Kritische Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst durch Johann Gutenberg zu Mainz, begleitet mit einer, vorhin noch nie angestellten, genauen Priifung und ganzlichen Beseitigung der von Schopflin und seinen anhangern verfochtenen Anspriiche der Stadt Strassburg, und einer neuen Untersuchung der Anspriiche der Stadt Harlem und vollstandigen Widerlegung ihrer Verfech- ter Junius, Meerman, Koning, Dibdin, Otley und Ebert. Von J. Wetter. Mit dreizehn grossen Tafeln voll sehr genauer Fac- similes. Mainz, J. Wirth, 1836. xvi, 806, [l] p. 22 cm . and atlas of 13 facsim. 35ix3O cm . Atlas has shelf number L655.111 J600 Willett, Ralph, 1719-1795. 655.11 FS 84699 A memoir on the origin of printing, addressed to John Topham, ... by Ralph Willett, .... Newcastle, printed by S. Hodgson, 1818. iv, 63, [l] p. 2l cm . "Reprinted from the ilth volume of the Archaeologia, for private distribution. ' - Pref. Wolf, Johann Christian, 1689-1770, ed. 655.11 F 2 90268 Monumenta typographica, qvae artis hujus praestantissimae ori- ginem, laudem et abusum posteris produnt, instavrata studio et laborejo. Christiani Wolfii, .... Parsprima- [secunda]. Ham- burgi, svmtibvs C. Heroldi, 1740. 2 vol. in 4. I7 cm . Gutenberg Bb'rckel, Alfred. 1655.111 P7oo Gutenberg. Sein Leben, sein Werk, sein Ruhm. Zur Erinnerung an die soojahrige Geburt des Erfinders der Buchdruckerkunst fur weitere Kreise dargestellt. [8], 122 p. 34 il. i por. Q. Giessen: E. Roth, 1897. 2i 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Boysen, Karl, 1852- 606.346 i v.s6 95172 [Johann Gutenberg-Feier. Fest-Rede.] (/ Polytechnischer und Gewerbe-Verein, Konigsberg. Jahresbericht. 56. Vereins- jahr. I95>[io] p. O. Paris: H. Champion, 1889. Fischer, Gotthelf. 1655.111 6200 4Slli! Essai sur les monuments typographiques de Jean Gutenberg, mayengais, inventeur de rimprimerie. Par Gotthelf Fischer, .... Mayence, an X, [1802]. [4], 102 p. front., illus., i pi., 4 facsim. 28i cm . Added t.-p. engr. Fournier, Pierre Simon, 1712-1768. 655.11 F3 64344 Dissertation sur 1'origine et les progres de 1'art de graver en bois, pour eclaircir quelques traits de 1'histoire de rimprimerie, &prou- ver que Guttemberg n'en est pas 1'inventeur; par M r Fournier le jeune, .... Paris, imp. de J. Barbou, 1758. 92, [ 4 ] p. i84". With his De 1'origine et des productions de rimprimerie primitive en taille de boK 1759- PRINTING INVENTION 217 Fournier, Pierre Simon, 1712-1768. 655.11 F3 64345 Observations sur unouvrage intitule Vindiciae typographicae, [par J. D. Schoepflin,] pour servir de suite au traite De 1'origine & des productions de 1'imprimerie primitive en taille de bois. Par M. Fournier le jeune. Paris, imp. de J. Barbou, 1760. 62 p. iSi cm . Witli his De 1'origine et des productions de Pimprimerie primitive en taille de boir. 1759- Fournier, Pierre Simon, 1712-1768. 655.11 F3 3 De 1'origine et des productions de I'imprimerie primitive en taille de bois ; avec tine refutation des prejuges plus ou moins ac- credites fur cet art; pour fervir de fuite a la Differtation fur 1'origine de 1'art de graver en bois. Par M. Fournier le jeune, .... Paris, imp. de J. Barbou, 1759. 263 p. i8i cm . France, Anatole. 1655.111 72083 .... Jean Gutenberg; suivi du Traitte des phantosmes de Nicole Langelier; compositions de G. Bellenger, Bellery-Desfontaines, F. Florian et Steinlen, gravees par Deloche, Ernest et Frederic Florian, Froment, Mathieu .... Paris, E. Pelletan, 1900. [10], viii, 28, [2] p. front., illus., I port. 2b cm . , At head of title: Anatole France .... Illus. cover. Tiree a 113 exemplaires, plus un pour chacune des bibliotheques d'etat. No. 63. France. Imprimerie nationalc. A655.m Qoo2 A la memoire de Jean Gutenberg. Hommage de I'lmprimerie nationale et de la Bibliotheque nationale. 77, [2] p. i por. 8 p. of facsim. 13 facsim. sq. F 5 . Paris 1900. Contents: i. La Bible a 42 lignes. 2. La Bible a 36 lignes. 3. Les avis aux ru- bricateurs ou tables des rubriques dans les deux Bibles. 4. Les notes manuscrites d'un des exemplaires de la Bible a 42 lignes. 5. Psautier liturgique imprime avec les memes caracteres et la meme justification que la Bible a 42 lignes. 6. Eloge de Gutenberg im- prime a Paris en 1471. 7. Essais d'impression tentes a Avignon par Procope Wald- foghel pendant les annees 1444-1446. Gutenberg-Biichlein. 655.111 Qoo8 Gutenberg-BUchlein. Zur ftinfhunderrjahrigen Gedachtnisfeier des Geburtstages Johann Gutenbergs am 24. Juni 1900 heraus- gegeben von einem Mainzer Schulmann. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. 32 p. il. i pi. paged in, i por. O. Hannover: C. Meyer, 1900. 218 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Gutenberg-Fest. 655.111 QIOI 95209 Gutenberg-Fest zu Mainz im Jahre 1900. Zugleich Erinnerungs- Gabe an die Erofmung des Gutenberg-Museums am 23. Juni 1901. Mainz, H. Quasthoff, 1901. [2], 139 p. front. 24 cm . By Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Velke. Preface signed "Dr. Gassner, Oberbiirgermeister". Hessels, Jan Hendrik, 1836- 655.111 0200 72047 G u tenberg: was he the inventor of printing? An historical inves- tigation embodying .a criticism on Dr. van der Linde's "Guten- berg." By J. H. Hessels. London, B. Quaritch, 1882. [6], [vii]-xxvii, 201 p. fold, tables, facsim. 23 cm . "Only 200 copies printed for sale." Hupp, Otto. 1655.11 1 Q200 35318 Gutenbergs erste Drucke. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Geschichte der altesten Druckwerke. 98 p. il. F. Munchen : Verlagsanstalt vorm. G. J. Manz, 1902. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Hupp, Otto. L655.ui P8oo 96835 Ein- Missale speciale, Vorlaufer des Psalteriums von 1457. Bei- trag zur Geschichte der altesten Druckwerke, von Otto Hupp. 1 898. Munchen-Regensburg, Nationale Verlagsanstalt, Buch- und Kunstdruckerei, [1898]. cover-title, 30 p. illus. (facsims.) 3ix23 cm . Ihme, F A 655.111 Pioo 90276 Gutenberg und die Buchdruckerkunst im Elsass. Von F. A. Ihme. Strassburg, C. F. Schmidt, 1891. 52 p. 23 cm . Koster, Albert, 1862- 655.111 39366 jr es t rec i e zur funfhundert-jahrigen Geburts-Feier Johannes Guten- bergs, gesprochen in Mainz am 24. Juni 1900 von Albert Koster. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, [1900]. 3O p. 72051 Laborde, Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, L655.in Koo2 marquis de, 1807-1869. Debuts de Fimprimerie a Strasbourg, ou recherches sur les tra- vaux mysterieux de Gutenberg dans cette ville, et sur le proces qui lui fut intente en 1439 a cette occasion. Par Leon de La- borde. Paris, Techener, 1 840. 83 p. in fold. pi. 2;i cm . PRINTING INVENTION 219 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de, 1790-1869. 655.111 M6oo gsoso G u tenberg, inventeur de 1'imprimerie, par A. de Lamartine (1400-1469). Deuxieme edition. Paris, L. Hachette et c ie , 1866. [4], 49 p. I9i cm . (On cover: Bibliotheque des chemins de fer.) Linde, Antonius van der, 1833-1897. 1655.111 N8oo 2249 Gutenberg. Geschichte und Erdichtung, aus den Quellen nach- gewiesen. viii,582,xcvii p. O. Stuttgart: W. Spemann, 1878. Mainz. Festleitung der Gutenberg-Feier igoo. 1,655. mQooi S77 90277 Johann Gutenberg und die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Ein kulturgeschichtliches Bild zur funfhundertjahrigen Gedenkfeier von Gutenbergs Geburtstag, von Prof. Dr. W. Martens. Karls- ruhe, J. Lang, 1900. 46 p. inch front, (port.), illus. 24 cm . 220 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Mayr, Ludwig Wilhelm. 655.111 L8oo 57412 Der Prozesz Fust's gegen Gutenberg im Jahre 1455. I. Theiles V. Abschnitt einer von der k. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitiit Munchen im Jahre 1856 gekronten Preisschrift iiber die Erfin- dungsgeschichte der Buchdruckerkunst als Inaugural-Abhand- lung von Ludw. Wilhelm Mayr. Munchen, Druck von J. G. Weiss, 1858. 23 p. 24 cm . Meyer, Heinrich, 1812-1863. 1.655.111 Koo3 96264 jg^Q. Gutenbergs-Album. Herausgegeben von Dr. Heinrich Meyer. Braunschweig, J. H. Meyer; Philadelphia, J. G. Wessel- hoft; [etc., etc., 1840]. [6], xxi, [2], 348, [4] p. front., 5 pi., 8 port., 4 facsim. 32. Contents. i . Einleitung. 2. Deutsche Beitrage. 3. Beitrage in fremden Sprach- en. Schriftproben. Autographa der Mitarbeiter. Milchsack, Gustav, 1850- 655.111 Qoio 39585 Gutenberg, sein Leben und seine Erfindung. Rede bei der Gutenberg Feier des Braunschweigischen Buchdrucker-Vereins gehalten von Gustav Milchsack. Wolfenbuettel, J. Zwissler, 1900. vii, 32 p. 24i cm . Moon, George Washington. 1-655.1 Qioo The oldest type-printed book in existence : a disquisition on the relative antiquity of the Pfister and Mazarin Bibles and the "65- line A" catholicon : prefaced by a brief history of the invention of printing. [2], 47 p. 2 pi. of facsim. sq.Q. London: privately printed, 1901. "Only 241 copies were printed. This is no. 59.'"' Nover, Jakob. 655.111 Qoo6 33510 Gutenberg und die Bedeutung der Buchdruckerkunst. 188 p. il. 8 pi. paged in. O. Mainz 1900. Oberlin, Je"remie Jacques, 1735-1806. 655.111 Gioo 4 Essai d'annales de la vie de Jean Gutenberg, inventeur de la typographic. Par Jer. Jacques Oberlin .... Strasbourg, Lev- rault, an IX (1801). [2], 45 p. 24 cm . Pearson, Mrs. Emily Clemens. 655.111 Nooi 97616 Gutenberg and the art of printing, by Emily C. Pearson, .... Boston, Lockwood, Brooks, and Co., 1876. [2], vi, 292 p. front., illus., 12 pi., I facsim. I9d cm . An account of Gutenberg's life and work in the form of fiction, but with historical and technical chapters. PRINTING INVENTION 221 Schaab, Carl Anton. 655.111 Jooi ' Die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst durch Johann Gensfleisch genannt Gutenberg, zu Mainz, pragmatisch aus den Ouellen bearbeitet, mit mehr als dritthalb hundert noc 1 / ungedruckten Urkunden, welche die Genealogie Gutenberg's, Fust's und Schoffer's in ein neues Licht stellen, von C. A. Schaab .... Mainz, auf Kosten des Verfassers, 1830-1831. 3 vol. fronts, (ports.) fold, plates. 22^ cm . Schoepflin, Johann Daniel, 1694-1771. 1,655.111 Fi Jo. Danielis Schoepflini . . . Vindiciae typographicae. Argen- torati, J. G. Bauer, 1760. [6], 120, 42, [10] p. vii facsim. (i fold.) 26x2O^ cm . "Documenta typographicarum originum ex argentinensibus tabulariis et bibliothecis," 42 p. Contents. Notitia prsevia Gutenbergii Acta & primordia typographica Argentora'i. Typographia a Gutenbergio continuata & a Petro Schceffero perfecta Moguntire. Typ - graphia literarum sculptarum a Gutenbergii sociis continuata & perfecta Argentorati. Fabulosa Argentinensium de originibus typographicis traditio. Fallaces Fausti inscrip- tiones. Typographica argentinensis sera moguntinensi antiquior. Typographic^ Har- lemensium origines. Reliqua Gutenbergii fata. Gutenbergii successores Argentinse usque ad sec. xvi. Typographi Alsati"2 extra Argentoratum. Typographi alsatse extra Alsatiam . Schorbach, Karl, 1851- 655.111 P200 46552 Strassburgs Anteil an der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Von Karl Schorbach. [Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr, (P. Sie- beck), 1892.] [5771-655 p. i fold, facsim. 22& cm . Caption title. "Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte des Oberrheins, neue Foige," vii, 4. Schwenke, Paul, 1853- 1-655.06354 2 v.2 1 Die Donat- und Kalender-Type. Nachtrag und Ubersicht von Dr. Paul Schwenke Mit einem Abdruck des Donattextes nach den altesten Ausgaben und mit 7. Tafeln in Lichtdruck. Mainz, Verlag der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1903. [6], 49 p. 7 facsim. (partly fold.) 29 cm . (In Veroffentlichungen der Guten- berg Gesellschaft, n.) Continues and supplements Zedler's Gutenbergtype, Mainz, 1902. (Veroffentlichun- gen der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft. i. ) Contents. Allgemeines fiber Form und Bestand der Donat- und Kalender-Type. Die einzelnen Druckdenkmaler. Zur Geschichte der Donat- und Kalender-Type. Anmerkungen. Anhang. Donattext nach den altesten gedruckten Ausgaben. Schwenke, Paul, 1853- 1,655.111 Qoo4 ! Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des ersten Buchdrucks. [i. Die a 42zeilige Bibel. n. Die 36zeilige Bibel.] Von Dr. Paul Schwen- ke, .... [Berlin, 1900.] ix, 90 p. 19 illus., i facsim. 28 cm . (Festschrift zur Gutenbergfeier herausge- geben von der Koeniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, am 24. Juni 1900.) 222 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Sotzmann, Johann Daniel Ferdinand. 655.11 Kioo 57406 Gutenberg und seine Mitbewerber, oder die Briefdrucker und die Buchdrucker. Von J. D. F. Sotzmann. [Leipzig, Druck von F. A. Brockhaus, 1841.] [2, 5171-677, [i] p. ii pi. i8i cm . Extracted from Historisches Taschenbuch. Neue Folge n, 1841. Vries, Abraham de, 1773-1862. 1655.112 KSOO 96298 Arguments des Allemands en faveur de leur prevention a 1'inven- tion de rimprimerie; ou, Examen critique de 1'ouvrage de M. A. E. Umbreit: Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Par A. de Vries .... Traduit du hollandais par J. J. F. Noordziek, .... Faisant suite aux : Eclaircissements sur 1'histoire de 1'invention de rimprimerie. La Haye, impr. de A. D. Schinkel, 1845. XXX, 212 p. 24i cm , Zedler, Gottfried, 1860- ^655. 06354 2 v.io-n 93192 j}j e Bamberger Pfisterdrucke und die 36 Zeilige Bibel, von Prof. Dr. Gottfried Zedler, .... Mit 22 Tafeln in Lichtdruck, einer Tafel in Autotypiedruck, einer Typentafel im Text und 9 weiteren Abbildungen. Mainz, Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1911. [6], 113 p. illus., xxni pi. (incl. 22 facsim.) 28i cm . (/ Veroffentlichungen der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, x, xi. ) Holds that the 36 line Bible could not have been printed by Pfister. Demonstration, based on technical grounds, that it was printed by Gutenberg is reserved for a future monograph. Zedler, Gottfried 655.111 Qioo 8 Gutenberg-Forschungen. [8], 165 p. il. I pi. 3 facsim. O. Leip- zig: O. Harrassowitz, 1901. Contents: I. Gutenberg in Strassburg. Die Entstehung des Buchdrucks aus dem Stempeldruck. 2. Gutenbergs erster Versuchsdruck. Das Verhaltnis der 36- und 42zeiligen Bibeltype zu einander. 3. Die Gutenberg-Fustsche Druckerei. Der42zeilige Bibeldruck und die Ablassbriefe. 4. Die Pfistersche Druckerei in Mainz. Der 36zeilige Bibeldruck und die mit gleicher Type hergestellten mainzer Drucke. 5. Gutenberg als Leiter der Humeryschen Druckerei zu Mainz und spater der Bechtermiinzeschen zu Elt- ville. Das Catholicon und die friihsten Eltviller Drucker. 6. Gutenbergs Nachlass. Die weitere Verwendung der von Gutenberg hinterlassenen Typen. 7. Die Adam Gel- thusssche Inschrift. Zedler, Gottfried. 655.06354 2 v.i ' Die alteste Gutenbergtype. [4], 5 7 p. 12 p. of facsim. 7 facsim. [/ GUTENBERG-GESELLSCHAFT. Veroffentlichungen, no. i.] Mainz 1902. PRINTING INVENTION 223 Zedler, Gottfried, 1860- 1655.06354 2 v-4 96305 Das Mainzer Catholicon, von Dr. Gottfried Zedler Mit n Tafeln in Lichtdruck, einer Typentafel im Text und 22 weiteren Textabbildungen. Mainz, Verlag der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1905. [6]> 75 P- illus., XI facsim. (partly fold.) 29x22. (/ Veroffentlichungen der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft. IV.) Zedler, Gottfried, 1860- L655. 06354 2 vi2-i3 108888 Die Mainzer Ablassbriefe der Jahre 1454 und 1455, von Prof. Dr. Gottfried Zedler .... Mit 1 6 Tafeln in Lichtdruck, einer Tafel in Zinkatzung und 14 Textabbildungen darunter zwei Typentafeln. Mainz, Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1913. [6], 116 p. illus. 29 cm . and portfolio of xvn pi. (incl. 15 facsim.) 37i cm , (Added t.-p.: Veroffentlichungen der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, xii-xm.) Initials; tail-pieces. The facsimiles reproduce 3 mss. of the indulgence, and 6 issues each of the 30 line in- dulgence and the 31 line indulgence. Contents. I . Der Ablass f iir den Xonig von Cypern. 2. Geschichte und gegenwar- tiger Stand der Ablassbrieffrage. 3. Die erhaltenen Ablassbriefe. 4. Schrift und Satz der beiden Ablassbriefe. 5. Die Gusstechnik der Gutenbergischen Missallettern und der kleinen Ablassbrieftypen. 6. Die Ursache des doppelten Ablassbriefdruckes und die Entstehungszeit der 42 zeiligen Bibel. Coster Enschede*, Ch 1655.112 Q400 ' Laurens Jansz. Coster, de uitvinder van de boekdrukkunst. Door Mr. Ch. Enschede. Vervolg op het Technisch onderzoek naar de uitvinding van de boekdrukkunst. Haarlem, De Erven F. Bohn, 1904. [2], 56 p. 27i cm . Hessels, Jan Hendrik. 1655.1126700 2219 Haarlem the birth-place of printing, not Mentz. xiv,85 p. Q. London: E. Stock & Co., 1887. A criticism of "Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckkunst. Von Antonius von der Linde." Linde, Antonius van der, 1833-1897. 1655.112 NIOI 1 The Haarlem legend of the invention of printing by Lourens Jans- zoon Coster, critically examined by A. van der Linde. From the Dutch by J. H. Hessels, with an introduction, and a classified list of the Costerian incunabula. London, Blades, East & Blades, 1871. xxvi, [2], 1 70 p. I table. 24i cm . 224 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Linde, Antonius van der. 655.112 Nioo La legende costerienne de Harlem. Nouvel examen critique, precede d'une introduction historique par M. Ch. Ruelens. [2] ? 126 p. I table. O. Bruxelles: F. J. Olivier, 1871, Meerraan, Gerard. L655.ii Fi 8 Origines typographicae. Gerardo Meerman auctore. 2 vol. in I. por. facsim. table. sq.O. Hagae Comitum : N. Van Daalen, 1765. Meerman, Gerard, 1722-1771. 1655.112 F2 ! Uitvinding der boekdrukkunst, getrokken uit het Latynsch werk van Gerard Meerman, met ene voorreden en aantekeningen van o Henrik Gockinga; hierachter is gevoegt ene lyst der boeken, in de Nederlanden gedrukt voor't jaar MD, opgestelt door Jakob Visser. Amsterdam, By P. van Damme, 1767. 2 pts. in I vol. 26x22 cm . Seiz, Johann Christiaan. 655.112 Fi 3 Het derde jubeljaar der uitgevondene boekdrukkonst, behelzende een beknopt hiftoris verhaal van de uitvinding der edele boek- drukkonst; .... Door Johann Christiaan Seiz, .... Haerlem, gedrukt by I. en J. Enschede, 1740. [30], 258, [14] p. front., 5 pi. ( i fold.) 19"". "Catalogus der autheuren," p. 1-12. Vries, Abraham de, 1773-1862. 655.112 Kioo 61707 ;g r j e f van A. de Vries aan A. D. Schinkel, over Guichard's No- tice sur le speculum humanae salvationis, met drie bijlagen tot staving der naauwkeurigheid van het verhaal van Junius wegens de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst en ter wederlegging der meening : dat Coster Koster zou geweest zijn. 'sGravenhage, Boekdruk- kerij van A. D. Schinkel, 1841. [2], xii, 144 p. 23 cm . Vries, Abraham de, 1773-1862. 1655.112 ' Eclaircissemens sur 1'histoire de 1'invention de rimprimerie, con- tenant: Lettre a M. A. D. Schinkel, ou reponse a la notice de M. Guichard sur le Speculum humanae salvationis ; Dissertation sur le nom de Coster et sur sa pretendue charge de sacristain ; Recherches faites a 1'occasion de la quatrieme fete seculaire a Haarlem en 1823. Par A. de Vries ... Traduit du hollandais par J. J. F. Noordziek, .... La Haye, Impr. de A. D. Schinkel, 1843. Xlii, [2], 275, [I] p. 2 4 <. PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 225 Castaldi Fumagalli, Giuseppe. 655.11 Pioo 42923 .... La questione di Pamfilo Castaldi. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1891. 127 p. 2oi cm . At liead of title : Giuseppe Fumagalli .... Printing in various countries Great Britain and Ireland Ames, Joseph, 1689-1759. 1655.142 Fi " Typographical antiquities: or an historical account of the origin and progress of printing in Great Britain and Ireland : containing memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of books printed by them, from the year MCCCCLXXI to the year MDC. Begun by the late Joseph Ames .... Considerably augmented, both in the memoirs and number of books, by William Herbert .... In three volumes .... London, Printed for the editor, 1785-1790. 3 vol. front, (port.), illus., pi., facsim. 27 cm . Paged continuously. Printed dates partly erased, afterward supplied in pen and ink. "Memoirs of Mr. Joseph Ames. By R. Gough," vol. i, p. xiii-xxxv. Ames, Joseph, 1689-1759. 655.142 Hoo2 10 Typographical antiquities; or, The history of printing in England, Scotland and Ireland : containing memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by them. Begun by the late Joseph Ames .... Considerably augmented by William Her- bert ... and now greatly enlarged with copious notes, and illus- trated with appropriate engravings; comprehending the history of English literature, and a view of the progress of the art of engrav- ing, in Great Britain ; by the Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin .... London, W. Miller, 1810-1819. 4 vol. fronts., illus., plates, ports., facsims. 29. Vol. 1-2, published 1810-1812; vol. 3, 1816, by J. Murray; vol. 4, 1819, by Long- man, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. "Memoirs of Joseph Ames" by ... Richard Gough," vol. i, p. [i9]~5i. ''Some account of William Herbert" by the editor, vol. i, p. [7i]-95- "List of authors consulted and referred to," vol. I, p. [375]~379. 226 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Dickson, Robert, & Edmond, John Philip. 1655.141 Pooi 7164 Annals of Scottish printing, from the introduction of the art in 1507 to the beginning of the seventeenth century. xv,53O p. il. sq. F. Cambridge: Macmillan & Bowes, 1890. Dickson, Robert, 1828- 655.09260 056 95342 Who was Scotland's first printer? Ane compendious and breue tractate, in commendation of Androw Myllar. Compylit be Rob- ert Dickson, ... . London, Trubner & Co., 1881. 24 p. i9d cm . Edmond, John Philip, 1850-1906. 015.41 24 102291 The Aberdeen printers, Edward Raban to James Nicol, 1620 1736, by J. P. Edmond. Aberdeen, J. & J, P. Edmond & Spark, 1884-1886. 4 vol- 2 facsim. 2^ cm . "250 copies printed on small paper, and 25 copies printed on large paper. Small pa- per, no. 126." Each part has special t.-p. Contents. pt. I. 1620-1638. pt. n. 1638-1682. pt. in. 1682-1736. pt. iv. Historical notices, &c. Hart, Horace. 1,655.142 Qoo2 28594 N otes on a century of typography at the University Press, Oxford, 1693-1794. With annotations & appendixes, xvi, I72p.il. sq.F. Oxford: University Press, 1900. Only 150 copies printed. Havens, Munson Aldrich. 655.142 Qioo 37226 Horace Walpole and the Strawberry Hill Press, 1757-1789, by Munson Aldrich Havens .... Canton, Pennsylvania, The Kir- gate Press, L. Buddy 3rd., 1901. 86 p. front., i'lus. (facsims.), 2 port. 2O& cm . "Three hundred copies printed." "Publications of the Strawberry Hill Press," p. 75-86. Madan, Falconer, 1851- 655.142 Q4oo 97270 A chart of Oxford printing, < I468'-I9OO; with notes and illus- trations by Falconer Madan .... [Oxford] , Printed for the Bib- liographical Society at the Oxford University Press, February, 1904. 50 p. illus., vn facsim. (incl. front., fold, chart). 28 cm . ( On cover: Illustrated monographs issued by the Bibliographical Society, no. xu.) Based on a paper read before the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society, Feb., 1888 (printed in the Library for 1889) and on a lecture, before the Bibliographical Society Oct. 20, 1902 (printed in the "Periodical", Dec., 1902). "Second issue limited to 425 copies, slightly altered and corrected." First issue, "A presentation edition of one hundred copies . . . Christmas, 1903.'" PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 227 Madan, Falconer, 1851- 655.142 Q8oo 2 A brief account of the University Press at Oxford, with illustra- tions, together with a chart of Oxford printing. By Falconer Madan, .... Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1908. iv, [4], 40 p. illus., xxvi pi. (inch front., ports., facsims. I fold.), 4 diagr. 22xl8 cm . The diagrams have illustrations on both sides. Plomer, Henry Robert. 655.142 Qooi 88248 A short history of English printing. 1476-1898. xv,[i],33O p. 40 il. 4 por. sq.O. (English bookman's library, vol. 2.) Lon- don: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, & Co., 1900. Powell, Arthur Charles Joseph, 1853- 1655.142 N7<>o 9 A short history of the art of printing in England. By Arthur C. J. Powell .... London, J. M. Powell, "Printers' Register" Office, 1877. [2], 50 p. illus. 29X22 cm . Issued as a supplement to the Printers' register, in commemoration of the four hun- dredth anniversary of the introduction of printing into England. Singer, Samuel Weller, 1783-1858. 1655.11 i v.2 Some account of the book printed at Oxford in MCCCCLXVIII. 58 under the title of Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi in simbolo apostolo- rum. In which is examined its claim to be considered the first book printed in England. London, [Printed by Ballintyne & Byworth], 1812. [2], ii, 44, [2] p. 2 facsim. 22 cm . (/ Sotheby, S. Extracts, vol. 2.) Prefatory note signed: S. W. Singer. The work was later suppressed by the author. Southward, John. 655.1 Pyoo 1 Progress in printing and the graphic arts during the Victorian era. 96 p. il. 2 pi. 2 por. sq. F. London : Simpkin, . . . , Kent & Co , 1897. , Ralph. 655.09207 8912 John Baskerville. A memoir by Ralph Straus and Robert K. Dent. Cambridge, printed at the University Press for Chatto and Windus, London, 1907. xi, [ij, 144 p. front, (port.), xiv (i.e. 13) pi. (inch facsims., i fold.; 29x22 cm . "The edition is limited to 300 copies. No. 127." "Bibliography," p. 66-93. William Caxton. Blades, William. 655.09215656 The biography and typography of William Caxton, England's first printer. Second edition. xii,387 p. il. 7 pi. n facsim. O. London: Trubner & Co., 1882. 228 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Duff, Edward Gordon, 1863- 1655.09215 087 96192 William Caxton, by E. Gordon Dif.ff, .... Chicago, The Caxton Club, 1905. [2], 118, [2] p. front., xxv pi. (facsims.), I leaf in pocket. 3i cm . "The Publication Committee of the Caxton Club certifies that this is one of an edition of two hundred and fifty-two copies printed on American hand-made paper, of which two hundred and forty are for sale, and three copies printed on Japanese vellum. The printing was done from type which has been distributed. This is also one of one hundred and forty-eight copies into which has been incorporated a leaf from an imperfect copy of the first edition of Chaucer's 'Canterbury tales,' printed by William Caxton, and formerly in Lord Ashburnham's library, having been purchased for this purpose by the Caxton Club." Winship, George Parker, 1871- 655.09215 W"73 ' William Caxton ; a paper read at a meeting of the Club of Odd Volumes, in Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A., in January, M.D.C.C.C.C.V.i.l.l. By George Parker Winship. [Hammersmith, Doves Press], 1909. 26, [2] p. 24 cm . Colophon: Printed by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson at the Doves Press 15 Upper Mall Hammersmith. 300 copies on paper and 15 on vellum. Compositor: J. H. Mason. Pressmen: H. Gage-Cole and A. Lewis. Germany and Aiistria-Himgary Berlin. Konigliche Bibliothek. 1655.143 Rooi 90018 ^ ug c j en ers t en Zeiten des Berliner Buchdrucks ; der Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universitat Berlin zum 11. Oktober 1910 uberreicht von der Koniglichen Bibliothek. Berlin, Behrend & Co., 1910. [6], 112 p. illus. (incl. facsim. ), i pi. 31^ x 25 cm . Title vignette. Contents. Doktor Konrad Schwestermiller und sein Pestregiment von 1484. Von K. Haebler. Die Berliner Druckerei des Hans Weiss, 1540-47. Von P. Schwenke und E. Voullieme. Mit Beitragen von H. Krause und E. von Rath. Anh. I. Johann Schrages Hofgerichtsordnung von 1528. Anh. 2. Zur Geschichte des Bucheinbands in Berlin. Namen- und Sachregister. Collijn, Isak. 093 Q40I 95184 .... Drei neu aufgefundene niederdeutsche Einblattkalender des 15. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Liibecker Buchdrucks, von Isak Collijn. Uppsala, Akademiska bokhandeln (C. J. Lundstrom) ; Leipzig, O. Harrassowitz, [1904]. [2], 32 p. illus., 3 facsim. 22 cm . (Skrifter utgifna af K. Humanistiska veten- skaps-samfundet i Uppsala. IX. I.) "I. Kalender auf das Jahr 1492, gedruckt von Ghotan. 2. Kalender auf das Jahr 1493, gedruckt von Stephan Arndes. 3. Kalender auf des[ !] Jahr 1496, gedruckt mit Arndesschen Typen." 22Q Falk, Franz, 1840- 016.22 Fi8 96217 Bibelstudien, Bibelhandschriften und Bibeldrucke in Mainz, vom achten Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart; von Franz Falk. Mit Abbildungen. Mainz, F. Kirchheim, 1901. vi, [2], 336 p. illus., I facsim. 23-i cm . Contents. I. Buch. Mittelalter. Von S. Bonifatius bis Gutenberg, 750-1450. 2, Buch. Neuere Zeit. Von Gutenberg bis zur Gegenwart (i;5o-i9Oo). Gotze, Alfred, 1865- 655.143 Q5 95204 Die hochdeutschen Drucker der Reformationszeit, von Alfred Gotze. Strassburg, K. J. Triibner, 1905. xiii, 127 p. 79 facsim. 2i cm . "Gedruckt in 250 Exemplaren." Hase, Oscar, 1846- 655.443 5<>o J '~ 1 Die Koberger. Eine Darstellung des buchhandlerischen Ge- schaftsbetriebes in der Zeit des Uberganges vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit, von Oscar Hase. Zweite neugearbeitete Auflage. Leip- zig, Breitkopf & Hartel, 1885. [10], 462, cliv p. illus., 5 fold, facsims. 23 cm . Hassler, Konrad Dieterich, 1803-1873. ^655. 143 Kooi 42769 Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's zur vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst geschrieben von Dr. Konrad Dieterich Hassler, .... Mit neuen Beitragen zur Culturge- schichte, dem Faksimile eines der altesten Drucke und artistischen Beilaeen, besonders zur Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst. Ulm, o ' Stettin'sche Buchhandlung, 1840. 10 p., 156 columns [78 p.], 2 p. 6 pi., 2 facsims. 32x24 cm . Added title-page, illus., reads: Ulm's Buckdrucker Kunst. Geschrieben von D. Con- rad Dieterich Hassler. Mit mehreren artistischen Beilagen Heitz, Paul, 1857- 1655.143 P20i ' 4 ... . Elsassische Biichermarken bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhun- derts. Herausgegeben von Paul Heitz. Mit Vorbemerkungen und Nachrichten u'ber die Drucker von Dr. Karl August Barack, .... Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1892. [2], xx- iv, [2], 160, [2] p. illus. 36 tm . (Die Biichermarken oder Buch- drucker- und Verleger ei:hen. [Bard I.]) Heitz, Paul, 1857- 655.143 P6oo 100577 Frankfurter und Mainzer Drucker- und Verlegerzeichen bis in das 17. Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben von Paul Heitz. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1896. xv, [2] p., LXXXIV pi. [2] p., xni pi. 36ix28 cm . (Die Biichermarken oder Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen. [Band 4].) "Benutzte Werke," on verso of plate xni. 2 3 o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Konnecke, Gustav. 655.I43P400 33263 Hessisches Buchdruckerbuch enthaltend Nachweis aller bisher bekannt gewordenen Buchdruckereien des jetzigen Regierungs- bezirks Cassel und des Kreises Biedenkopf. Im Auftrage des Marburger Geschichtsvereins bearbeitet und herausgegeben iv,366,xxiii,[i74] p. 96 il. O. Marburg in Hessen : N. G. El- wert'sche Verlagshandlung, 1894. Kopp, Arthur, 1860- 655.09206 K83 99318 J h ann Balhorn (Druckerei zu Lubeck 1528 bis 1603). Kritisch beleuchtet von Arthur Kopp. Lubeck, Gebriider Borchers, 1906. * 43 C 1 ] ? iH us - 2ii cm . Lisch, Georg Christian Friedrich, 1801-1883. 655.143 Jgoo 87268 Qeschjchte der Buchdruckerkunst in Meklenburg bis zum Jahre 1540. Von G. C. F. Lisch .... Mit einem Anhange liber die niederdeutsche Bearbeitung des Reineke Voss. Aus den Jahr- buchern des Vereins fur Meklenburgische Geschichte und Alter- thumskunde [Jahrg. IV, 1839] besonders abgedruckt. Mit einer Steindrucktafel. Schwerin, Stiller'sche Hofbuchhandlung, 1839. viii, [2], 281 p. I fold, facsim. 2l cm . Mayer, Anton. 1655.14360300 !204 Wiens Buchdrucker-Geschichte 1482-1882. Herausgegeben von den Buchdruckern Wiens. 2 vol. il. pi. por. sq. F. Wien : W. Frick, 1883-1887. Merlo, Johann Jakob. 1655.09299 M54 ssiso uirich Zell, Kcelns erster Drucker. Nach dem hinterlassenen Manuskripte bearbeitet von Dr. Otto Zaretzky. Herausgegeben von der Stadtbibliothek in Koeln. viii, [2], 73 p. I il. I pi. 7 fac- sim. Q. [COLOGNE. STADTBIBLIOTHEK. Veroffentlichungen, Beihefte 3.] Koeln: Kolner Verlags-Anstalt & Druckerei, 1900. "Verzeichnis der Drucke" p. 39-46. Roth, F Wilhelm E. 655.143 P2OO 37924 j-)j e Buchdruckereien zu Worms a. Rhein itn XVI. Jahrhundert und ihre Erzeugnisse historisch-bibliographisch bearbeitet von F. W. E. Roth, Archivar a. D Worms, Selbstverlag des Vereins, 1892. viii, 80 p. 23i cm . (Vereinsgabe des Wormser Alterthumsvereins. [No. n.]) Roth, F. W. E. 020.53 2 5362 Die Mainzer Buchdruckerfamilie Schoffer wahrend des XVI Jahr- hunderts und deren Erzeugnisse zu Mainz, Worms, Strassburg und Venedig, .... viii, 250 p. (In Centralblatt fur Bibliotheks- wesen, Beihefte, vol. 3. Leipzig 1892-93.) PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 231 Schottenloher, Karl, 1878- 010.53 i v.2i 99303 Die Buchdruckertatigkeit Georg Erlingers in Bamberg von 1522 bis 1541 (1543). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Reformations- zeit von Karl Schottenloher. Leipzig, R. Haupt, 1907. xxiv, 220 p. illus., 7 facsim. (partly fold.) 2^ cm . (/ Sammlung bibliotheks- wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten ... , 21. Heft. II. serie, 4. Heft.) "Beniitzte Literatur," p. [xi]-xx. Schottenloher, Karl, 1878- 655.143 Roo2 85437 Die Entwickelung der Buchdruckerkunst in Franken bis 1530. Von Dr. Karl Schottenloher, .... Wurzburg, H. Stiirtz, 1910. viii, 97 p. 12 illus., v facsim. (partly fold.) 23i cm . (Added t.-p.: Neujahrs- blatter. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir Frankische Geschichte, v.) "Verzeichnis der allgemeinen und der im Texte abgekiirzten Literatur," p. [vii]-viii. Schwenke, Paul, 1853- 655.09296 8414 90227 H ans Weinreich und die Anfange des Buchdrucks in Konigsberg. Von Paul Schwenke. Konigsberg in Pr., F. Beyer's Buchhand- lung, 1896. 47, [i] p. 2 4 cm . "Erscheint Gleichzeitig in: Altpreussische Monatsschrift. Bd. xxxin. Heft 1/2." Schwetschke, Karl Gustav, 1804-1881. 1,655.143 Koo2 96292 Vorakademische Buchdruckergeschichte der Stadt Halle. Eine Festschrift von Gustav Schwetschke. Mit einem Anhang : I. Ehren-Rettung des sachsischen Merseburg, als des Druckorts "Marsipolis" und "Merssborg" von 1473, und mithin als der altes- ten norddeutschen Druckstatte. II. Supplementarisches zu Kain, Ebert, Schaab und Wetter, und zwei Tafeln Abbildungen. Halle, Gebauersche Buchdruckerei, 1840. viii, 1 26 p. 2 pi. 26 cm . Voullie'me, Ernst Hermann, 1862- 655.143 Q30i 97303 j} er Buchdruck Kolns bis zum Endedes fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Inkunabelbibliographie, von Ernst Voullieme. Bonn, H. Behrendt, 1903. 32, cxxxiv, [i], 543, [i]p. 24 cm . (Added t.-p.: Publikationen der Gesellschaft fiir Rheinische Geschichtskunde. xxiv.) "Verzeichnis der benutzten Bibliotheken und Literatur," pref. p. [30-32]. Wegener, Johannes. ^55. 143 Q400 46701 Die Zaine'r in Ulm. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Buchdrucks a im XV. Jahrhundert, von Johannes Wegener. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Mundel), 1904. vii, 70 p. 3oi cm . (Added t.-p.: Beitrage zur Biicherkunde des xv. & xvi. Jahr- hunderts, i. Band.) 232 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Weinberg, M 655.143 Q302 49042 -pj e hebraischen Druckereien in. Sulzbach (1669-1851). (Ihre Geschichte ; ihre Drucke ; ihr Personal). Von Dr. M. Weinberg. .... Frankfurt am Main, A. I. Hofmann, 1904. 1 86, [ 4 ] p. 25". "Sonderabdruck aus dem Jahrbuche der 'Jiidisch-literarischen Gesellschaft, Frank- furt a. M. 1903'." Zaretzky, Otto. 1665.143 P8oo 60049 .... Die Kolner Buchermarken bis Anfang des XVII. Jahrhun- derts herausgegeben von Paul Heitz. Mit Nachrichten liber die Drucker von Dr. Otto Zaretzky, wissenschaftlichem Assistenten der Stadtbibliothek in Koln. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz, (Heitz & Mundel), 1898. [2], li, [l], 5, [i] p. LXIII (i.e. 32) pi. 37 cra . (Die Buchermarken oder Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen. also [Veroffentlichungen der Stadtbibliothek in Koln, Beiheft2.]) The plates have illustrations on both sides. "Verzeichniss der benutzten Litteratur," p. [3] -5. France Alary, Jacques. 655.09223 A323 50823 L'imprimerie au XVi e siecle. Estienne Dolet et ses luttes avec la Sorbonne. 64 p. O. Paris 1898. Bernard, Auguste. 655. 1443^700 isssi j-[j s t- j re d e I'lrnprimerie royale du Louvre. [2],xii,[2],3i I p. O. Paris: rimprimerie imperiale, 1867. "Catalogue chronologique des editions de I'lrnprimerie royale du Louvre," p. 123- 263. [Bouchon, Georges.] 1655. 144 QIOI 47102 Histoire d'une imprimerie bordelaise 1600-1900. Les impri- meries G. Gounouilhou. La Gironde. La Petite Gironde. Bor- deaux, imprimeries G. Gounouilhou, 1901. [8], 665 p. illus. incl. facsims., 4 pi. (partly col.), 4 ports. 33i cm . Author's name appears in preface. Christian, Arthur. 1655. 144 Qsoo 47643 .... Debuts de 1'imprimerie en France. L'imprimerie nationale. L'H6tel de Rohan. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1905. [6], xxiv, 343, [2] p. illus. 28i cm . At head of title: Arthur Christian. Christian, Arthur. 1655. 144 Qoo2 35679 Qrigines de rimprimerie en France. Conferences faites les 25 juillet et 17 aout 1900. [Allocutions et introduction par M. L. Herbette.] Ixiv,i28,[io] p. 52 p. of facsim. 20 facsim. F. Paris 1900 PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 233 Claudin, Anatole, 1833- 1,655.144 Oooi 45046 Antiquites typographiques de la France ..... Paris, A. Clau- din, 1880-1897. 3 vol. illus., facsims. 26 cm . "Tire a 200 exemplaires." Claudin, Anatole. 1655. 144 P8oo The first Paris press. An account of the books printed for G. Fichet and J. Heynlin in the Sorbonne, 1470-1472. vi,ioo p. i pi. sq.O. [BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, LONDON. Illustrated monographs, no. 6.] London 1898. "Bibliography," p. 47-68. Claudin, Anatole. A65$. 144(3001 30380 Histoire de 1'imprimerie en France au xv c et au xvi e siecle. [Imprimee pour 1'Exposition universelle de 1900.] Vol. i . il. sq. F 5 . Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1900-. Claudin, Anatole. 655.144 Qioo Liste chronologique des imprimeurs parisiens du quinzieme siecle (1470-1500). 23 p. O. Paris: A. Claudin, 1901. "Tire a cent exemplaires." Reprinted from Bulletin du bibliophile. Claudin, Anatole, 1833- 1655.144 Oooi v.i ''... . Origines de rimprimerie a Albi en Languedoc (1480- 1484) ; les peregrinations de J. Neumeister, compagnon de Gu- tenberg, en Allemagne, en Italic et en France (1463-1484), son etablissement definitif a Lyon (1485-1507), d'apres les monu- ments typographiques et d^s documents originaux inedits avec notes, commentaires et eclaircissements par A. Claudin .... Paris, A. Claudin, 1880. [4], 104 p. xiv facsim. (i fold.) 2$& m . (In his Antiquites typographiques de la France, pt. I.) "Couronne par 1'Institut (Academic d 'inscriptions et belles lettres)." "Bibliographic," p. Claudin, Anatole, 1833- 1655.144 Pyoi 1 Les origines et les debuts de rimprimerie a Bordeaux, par A. Claudin, .... Paris, A. Claudin, 1897. 116, [2] p. illus., 2 pi. 25 cm . "Extrait de la Revue catholique de Bordeaux. Tire a cent exemplaires." 234 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Corrard de Breban, b. 1792. 655.144 N300 5 Recherches sur 1'etablissement et 1'exercice de I'imprimerie a Troyes, contenant la nomenclature des imprimeurs de cette ville depuis la fin du xv e siecle jusqu'a 1789 et des notices sur leurs productions les plus remarquables avec fac-simile et marques typographiques. Par M. Corrard de Breban. Troisieme edition revue et considerablement augmentee d'apres les notes manu- scrites de 1'auteur, par Olgar Thierry- Poux, .... Paris, A. Chossonnery, 1873. [4], ix, [n]-2oo p. illus. 23 cm . "Liste chronologique des imprimeurs troyens," p. [195] -200. Duprat, Francois Antoine Brutus. 655.144 Mioo 2292 Histoire de I'imprimerie imperiale de France ; suivie des speci- mens des types etrangers et frangais de cet etablissement; par F. A. Duprat .... Paris, Imprimerie imperiale, 1861. [4]t iv, 578 p. fold, table. 24 cm . "Imprime par autorisation de 1'empereur." Based on the author's "Precis historique," 1848. Greswell, William Parr. 015.44 G86 9972 Annals of Parisian typography, containing an account of the earli- est typographical establishments of Paris ; and notices of the most remarkable productions of the Parisian Gothic press : compiled chiefly to shew its general character; and its particular influence upon the early English press. xii,356 p. 12 pi. O. London: Cadell & Davis, 1818. [Greswell, William Parr.] 655.1447300 15410 ^ view of the early Parisian Greek press ; including the lives of the Stephani ; notices of other contemporary Greek printers of Paris ; and various particulars of the literary and ecclesiastical history of their times. Edited by E. Greswell. 2 vol. O. Ox- ford : D. A. Talboys, 1833. 90299 Jadart, Henri i.e. Charles Henri, 1847- 655.144 Les debuts de rimprimerie a Reims et les marques des premiers imprimeurs, 1550-1650. Par Henri Jadart Reims, Impri. de 1'Independant remois, 1893. viii, 1 1 8, [2] p. illus., 4 facsim. 22 cm . Illustrated with printers' marks, facsimiles of titles, etc. Cover dated 1894. PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 235 Lacroix, Paul, 1806-1884. 1*655. i L200 94539 .... Histoire de rimprimerie et des arts et professions qui se rattachent a la typographic (calligraphic, enluminure, parchemine- rie, librairie, gravure sur bois et sur metal, fonderie, papeterie et reliure), comprenant 1'histoire des anciennes corporations et con- freries d'ecrivains, d'enlumineurs, de parcheminiers, d'imprimeurs, de libraires, de carders, de graveurs sur bois et sur metal, de fon- deurs de caracteres, de papetiers et de relieurs de la France, depuis leur fondation jusqu'a leur suppression en 1789. Par Paul La- croix (Bibliophile Jacob), Edouard Fournier et Ferdinand Sere, .... Paris, Librairie historique, archeologique et scientifique de Sere, 1852. [4], 160 p. illus., 15 pi. (incl. facsims. partly col., I fold.) 27 cm . (Le livre d'or des metiers. ) Lepreux, Georges, 1857- 1,655.144 QQOO * 3 ... . Gallia typographica ; ou, Repertoire biographique ct chron- ologique de tous les imprimeurs de France depuis les origines de rimprimerie jusqu'a la revolution, par Georges Lepreux ... . Paris, H. Champion, 1909-. Vol.i-. tables. 25 cm . (Revue des bibliotheques. Supplement i-. ) Mellottee, Paul. 1655.144 Qsoi 47918 .... Histoire economique de rimprimerie ..... Paris, Ha- chette& c ie , 1905-. Vol. I-. front., illus., plates, maps, plans. 26 c At head of title: Paul Mellottee "Bibliographic," vol. I, p. cm Pellechet, Marie Le"ontine Catherine, 1840-1900. 655.144 P7oo 12 Une association d'imprimeurs parisiens au XV e siecle; par M. Pel- lechet. Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1897. [6] p. v facsim. 25". A note on two works issued by Antoine Caillaut and several other printers in coopera- tion. With facsim. reproductions of the leaves bearing their signatures (in acrostics). Philippe, Jules. 655.1440500 Origine de rimprimerie a Paris, d'apres des documents inedits. vii,2$3 p. il. 5 facsim. O. Paris: Charavay freres, 1885. "Index des principaux documents et ouvrages consultes," p. 243-249. Radiguer, Louis. 1655.144 Q30O l3 ,.. Maitres imprimeurs et ouvriers typographes (1470-1903). Paris, Societe nouvelle de librairie et d'edition, 1903. [4], xiii, 568, [2] p. 26 cm . Contents. Preface. Introduction. L'industrie du livre avant 1'invention de I'im- primerie. I. periode. L'ancien regime. Periode intermediate. L'imprimerie sous la revolution. Periode moderne. L'imprimerie au xix e siecle. Conclusion. Biblio- graphic. Table des matieres. Errata. 236 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Requin, H ^,1851- 655.144 Poor 98886 .... L'imprimerie a Avignon en 1444. Paris, A. Picard, 1890. 20 p. front, (facsim.) 23 cm . At head of title: L'abbe Requin. Italy Amram, David Werner. 655.145 Qgoo 90303 'pkg ma k ers o f Hebrew books in Italy, being chapters in the his- tory of the Hebrew printing press, by David Werner Amram. Philadelphia, J. H. Greenstone, 1909. xvii, 417 p. incl. illus., plates, ports., facsims. 2^ cm . Title within ornamental border. "Five hundred copies of this work were printed, each copy numbered and the type distributed. This is no. 162." "Some of the chapters of this book originally appeared as a series of articles entitled 'Hebrew printers and printing in Italy' published in the Jewish exponent of Philadelphia in 1906-1907. These have been revised and enlarged." Pref. "Bibliography," p. 409-413. Biagi, Guido. 1655.145 Qooi 9ooo p er i a stor j a del libro in Italia nei secoli XV e XVI. Notizie rac- colte a cura del Ministero della pubblica istruzione. Firenze, Venezia, [etc.], L. S. Olschki, 1900. xii, 123, [i] p. front. 26 cm . Letter to the Minister of Public Instruction signed: Guido Biagi. Added t.-p. illus. Bibliography with special subjects; "Elenco delle riproduzioni contenute nell' albodi document! per sevire alia storia del libro in Italia, nei secoli xv e xvi inviato alia Espo- sizione universale di Parigi," p. [iu]-i23. Bongi, Salvatore. 010.55 2 v.n 100582 Annali di Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari da Trino di Monferrato, stampatore in Venezia, descritti ed illustrati da Salvatore Bongi. Volume primo- [secundo]. Roma, Presso i principali librai, 1890-1897. 2 vol. I port. 23 cm . (/ [Italy.] Ministero dell'istruzione pubblica. Indici e cataloghi ... , n.) Contents. vol. i. Introduzione. Giovanni il vecchio con Gabriele suo figliuolo, 1536-1540. Gabriel Giolito solo per la prima volta, 1541-1550 (in parte); Gabriel Gio- lito insieme co' fratelli, 1550 (in parte) 1556 (in parte) Gabriel Giolito solo per la secon- da volta, 1556 (in parte), 1578 (in parte). 1890-1893. cxiii, 511, [2] p. vol. 2. Gabriel Giolito solo per la seconda volta [contin.] Giovanni il Giovane e Gio-Paolo fra- tello, 1578 (in pacte), 1591 (in parte). Gio-Paolo, insieme co' nipoti, 1591 (in parte) 1606. Elenco alfabetico delle edizioni giolitine. Indice. 1895-1897. 541 p. PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 237 Bresciano, Giovanni, 1864- 010.53 i v.i8 95174 Neapolitana. Contributi alia storia della tipografia in Napoli nel secolo XVI da Dr. Giovanni Bresciano .... Halle a. S., R. Haupt, 1905. 3, [6], 109 p. facsims. 24i cm . (/ Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. 18. Heft (II. Serie, I. Heft).) Didot, Ambroise Firmin. 655.09254 056 ]84oo Aide Manuce et I'hellenisme a Venise ..... [2],lxviii,646,[2] p. I pi. 3 por. i facsim. O. Paris: A. Firmin-Didot, 1875. "Bibliographic," p. Ivii-lviii. "Impressions aldines par ordre chronologique (1494-1515)", p. 62-412. Fava, Mariano. 010.53 * ^.32-34 90071 La stampa a Napoli nel XV. secolo, per Mariano Fava e Giovanni a Biesciano. ... . Leipzig, R. Haupt, 191 1-191 3. 2 vol 24 cm . and atlas. 44i cm . (/ Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Aibeiten, begrimdet von Karl Dziatzko t, fortgefuhrt und herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Konrad Haebler, 32.~34. Heft (n. Serie, I5--I7- Heft.).) "Opere piu spesso citate," vol. I, p. [xv]-xvii. Contents. vol. I. Notizie e documenti. 1911. xxxii, 199, [i] p. vol. 2. Biblio- grafia.... 1912. [8], 223, [i] p. Atlante. 1913. [8] p. facsims. on uc (i.e. 62) P l. Atlas has shelf number A010.53 1 Fumagalli, Giuseppe, 1863- 1655.145 Q400 97245 Lexicon typographicum Italiae. Dictionnaire geographique d'ltalie pour servir a 1'histoire de rimprimerie dans ce pays . . . par G. Fumagalli .... Florence, L. S. Olschki, 1905 [1904], xlvii, 587 p. 219 illus. (incl. ports.), 2 fold, facsim. 25 cm . "Contenant i 1'indication de toutes les localites d'ltalie geographique et politique, ou rimprimerie a ete introduite jusqu'a nos jours, avec la synonymic latine, francaise, etc. et celle des lieux supposes d'impressions; 2 des notices bibliographiques sur les edi- tions principes de chaque ville, bourg, chateau etc., et sur les faits les plus remarquables se rapportant a 1'histoire de 1'art iypographique dans ces localites; 3 des notices biogra- phiques sur les plus celebres imprimeurs italiens; 4 des notices statistiques sur 1'etat pre- sent de 1'imprimerie en Italic; 5 des renseignements historiques sur les arts auxiliaires de I'imprimene : lithographic, gravure, papetene, fabrication des encres, des presses, des ca- racteres etc." Kristeller, Paul i.e. James Paul, 1863- 1^55- *45 ' 6 . . . . Die italienischen Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen bis 1525. Herausgegeben von Dr. Paul Kristeller. Strassburg, J.H. E. Heitz, 1893. xiv, [2], 143, [3] p. illus. 36ix28i cm . ( Die Biichermarken oder Buchdrucker- & Verlegerzeichen. [Band 2.]) "Verzeichniss der benutzten Litteratur," i p. at end. 238 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Manzoni, Giacomo. 655.145 Oioo 38111 .... Studii di bibliografia analitica Bologna, G. Romag- noli, 1881-1882. 3 vol. in i. 22i cm . At head of title . Giacomo Manzoni. Contents. vol. I. Francesco da Bologna, incisore di caratteri mobili metallici da stampa nell' ultimo decennio del secolo xv e nel primo ventennio del xvi, e stampatore in Bologna negli anni 1516 e 1517, non pote essere Francesco Raibolini detto il Francia. iv, 76, [2] p. 1881. vol. 2. De' primi inventori delle lettere a stampa per servire alle arti dello scolpire, del miniare e dello scrivere; de' libri e degli esemplari di caratteri intagliati o imressi sino alia meta del secolo xvi, e degli autori di essi. Con 8 tavole silografiche. 168, [18] p. 8 illus. 1882. vol. 3. Del primo libro stampato in Firenze da Bernardo Cennini orafo scultore, delle benemerenze che egli e il figliuolo Pietro ebbero nell' arte tipografica, e degli errori corsi nelle epigr,afi poste solennemente a Bernardo in Firenze. Con due tavole. 58 p. 2 facsim. 1882. Oliva, Gaetano. 906.557 i v.i 3 L'arte della stampa in Messina. Dei tipografi e delle tipografie messinesi e dei loro piu important! prodotti librari dalla introdu- zione della stampa in Messina fino a tutto il secolo XVII. Ricer- chi e note, seguite da una breve appendice sulle stamperie mes- sinesi dei secoli xvm e XIX. (/ Societa storica messinese. Archivio storico messinese. Messina, 1900-1901. 24 cm . Anno I, p. 1-46, 186-208; anno n, p. 1-32.) Signed: G. Oliva. Ongania, Ferdinando, Venice. 655. 145 PSOI 14 L'art de rimprimerie a Venise. Venise, F. Ongania; New- York, A. Ongania, 1896-1897. [4, v]-viii, 216, 2i6 a -2i6 d , 217-228, [2] p. incl. illus., facsims. (partly col.), port. 3oi cm . Title vignette (port, of Jensen). Cover-title: "L'art de 1'imprimerie pendant la re- naissance italienne." A collection of facsimile illustrations of pages from early printed books, initials, borders, title-pages, printers' marks, art bindings, water marks, etc., with short introductions by Carlo Castellani (p. 5-16) en Venetian printing, water marks, printers' marks and music printing; also a note on bookbinding (p. 217-218). Edited and translated from the Italian edition by M. Le Monnier, with an additional notice of Nicolas Jenson. "Acheve d'imprimer a Venise le xxx juillet M.DCCC.XCV par la Typographic Emilienne avec les heliotypies de C. Jacobi, les photolithographies d'O. Bertani, les lithographies de G. Draghi, Scozzi, Kirchmayr, et F. Guggia, et avec les dessins de V. Scarpa." "Ouvrages cites," p. [2l]-22. Ongania, Ferdinando, editor. 1^655.145 P 5 oo Early Venetian printing illustrated. 228, [2] p. il. F. Venice: F. Ongania, 1895. Contents: Castellani, C. The art of printing at Venice during the Italian renaissance, p. 9-16. Printer's marks, p. 17-19. Castellani, C. The printing of music, p. 20. Bindings, p. 217-218. The remainder of the book is entirely taken up by facsimile il- lustrations. PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 239 Pansa, Giovanni. 655.145 Pioo 96271 La tipografia in Abruzzo dal sec. XV al sec. XVIII. Saggio critico- bibliografico di Giovanni Pansa. Lanciano, R. Carabba, 1891. viii, 103 p. 23-i cm . Spain and Portugal [Deslandes, V ], comp. 655.1469 Oioo 10056 Documentos para a historia da typographia portugueza nos se- culos XVI e XVII. Lisboa, Imprensa nacional, 1881-1882. 2 vol. in i. facsims. on 7 pi. (i fold.) 23i cm . Published anonymously. Haebler, Konrad. 1,655. 146 Pyoo 21719 The early printers of Spain and Portugal. [4], 165 p. 34 facsim. sq.Q. [BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, LONDON. Illustrated mono- graphs, no. 4.] London 1897. "Bibliography," p. 87-146. Haebler, Konrad, 1857- 1,655.146 P8oo 100170 Spanische und portugiesische Biicherzeichen des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts. Von Konrad Haebler. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Miindel), 1898. [4], xl, 46 leaves, illus. 36i cm . (Die Biichermarken oder Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen. ) "Verzeichniss der hauptsachlich benutzten Werke," I p. at end. Haebler, Konrad, 1857- 1,655.146 Qioo Typographic iberique du quinzieme siecle. Reproduction en fac- simile de tous les caracteres typographiques employes en Espagne et en Portugal jusqu'a 1'annee 1500. Avec notices critiques et biographiques, par Conrad Haebler, .... La Haye, M. Nijhoff; [etc., etc., !9Oi]-i9O2. [8], 91, [i] p.; [8], 91, [i] p. 167 facsim. on 87 pi. 36 cm Issued in 6 "livraisons." Added title-page and preliminary matter, as well as text, also in Spanish. Hazanas y la Rua, Joaquin. 655.146 P20O ' La imprenta en Sevilla, ensayo de una historia de la tipografia sevillana y noticias de algunos de sus impresores desde la intro- duccion del arte tipografico en esta ciudad hasta el ano de 1800, por D. Joaquin Hazanas y la Rua, .... Sevilla, Imp. de la Re- vista de tribunales, 1892. [6], 142, [2] p. 22. Cover-tide: La imprenta en Sevilla (1475-1800). 24 o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Mendez, Francisco, 1725-1803. 655.1461^100 ' Tipografia espanola ; 6, Historia de la introduccion, propagacion y progresos del arte de la imprenta en Espana. A la que antecede una noticia general sobre la imprenta de la Europa y de la China : adornado todo con notas instructivas y curiosas. Su autor Fray Francisco Mendez, .... Segunda edicion corregida y adiciona- da por Don Dionisio Hidalgo. Madrid, Imprenta de la Escuelas pias, 1 86 1. xiv, 436 p. illus., I col. pi., I fold, table. 244. Covers I5th century only. Sanpere y Miquel, Salvador, 1840- 655.146 Qgoo 76374 .... De la introduccion y establecimiento de la imprenta en las coronas de Aragon y Castilla y de los impresores de los incu- nables catalanes. Barcelona, "L'Aveng", 1909. 359> C 1 ! P- XXI (.**' *3) pl- (incl. v fold, facsim.) i8.i cm . At head of tide: S. Sanpere y Miquel. Russia Buchholtz, Arend, 1857- 1655. 147 Pooi '" 6 Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Riga, 1588-1888, von Arend Buchholtz. Festschrift der Buchdrucker Rigas zur Erinnerung an die vor 300 Jahren erfolgte Einfiihrung der Buchdruckerkunst in Riga. Riga, Miillersche Buchdruckerei, 1890. viii, 377 p. 6 facsim. (I fold.) 27i cm . {Half-title: Maatschappij der Antwerpsche bibliophilen. Uitgave[n] n r . 12, 15, 26.) Vol. 3 has imprint: Antwerpen, De Nederlandsche boekhandel; 's Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 1911. From the originals preserved in the Musee Plantin-Moretus at Antwerp. Rooses, Max. A655-09269R67 l ' 201 Christophe Plantin, imprimeur anversois. [6] ,445 p. il. 53 pi. 26 por. I pi. of por. 22 facsim. sq. F 5 . Anvers : J. Maes, [1884]. Rooses, Max, 1839- A655. 07903 R300 95649 Le Musee Plantin-Moretus par Max Rooses, .... La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1913-. Pt. i-. illus., plates, facsims. 45^x34. Ruelens, Charles [Louis], 1820-1890. 015.493 R83 3 Annales plantiniennes, par C. Ruelens & A. de B. Backer. Premiere partie. Christophe Plantin (1555-1589). Bruxelles, F. Heuss- ner, 1865. [4]. "I. [51-339 P- front, (port.) 23i cm . No more published. Vincent, Jean Barthe'lemy. 655.1493 M7oo 93177 Essai sur 1'histoire de 1'imprimerie en Belgique, depuis le xv me jusqu'a la fin du xvm me siecle, par J.-B. Vincent .... Bruxelles, Imp. de J. Delfosse, 1867. viii, 225 p. 22 em . "Imprime au nombre de 350 exemplaires." Willems, Alphonse Charles Joseph, 1839-1912. 655.09226 W66 * Les Elzevier; histoire et annales typographiques, par Alphonse Willems. Bruxelles, G. A. van Trigt; [etc., etc.], 1880. cclix, 607 p. col. front, (coat of arms), 2 pi., 2 facsim. (i fold.), I fold, table. 24^ cm . Contents. Introduction. i re p tie . Histoire des Elzevier. 2 e p tie . Annales typo- graphiques des Elzevier. 3* p tie . Annexes de la collection Elzevirienne : Editions im- primees en Hollande. Editions imprimees a Bruxelles. Les faux Elzeviers. Table alphabetique. 244 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Switzerland Aebi, Josef Ludwig. 655.1494 Nooi 95159 j}j e Buchdruckerei zu Beromiinster im fiinfzehnten Jahrhundert, von J. L. Aebi, .... Eine Festschrift zur Jubelfeier im Jahre 1870 Mit artistischen Beilagen. Einsiedeln, New-York, [etc.], Gebr. C. und N. Benziger, 1870. 40 p. front, (port.), I pi. (mounted phot.) 22 cm . Baumann, Rudolf. 655.1494 Qgoo Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der solothurnischen Buchdruckerei und der solothurnischen Zeitungen bis zum Jahre 1848. Von Dr. Rudolf Baumann. Balsthal, R. Baumann, 1909. [4], i35 4 p- 23"". Bernus, Auguste, 1844-1904. 1,655.1494 Q200 95166 L'imprimerie a Lausanne et a Merges jusqu'a la fin du xvi e siecle, par Auguste Bernus, .... Lausanne, G. Bridel & cie, [1904]. 47 p. incl. facsims. front, (port.) 28ix22^ cm . 2d, revised, enlarged and corrected edition. First appeared in Gazette de Lausanne, July 4-5, 1902 (also issued separately) . cf. pref. Heckethorn, Charles William. 1655. 1494 P7oo 11397 The p r i n ters of Basle in the XV. & XVI. centuries. Their biogra- phies, printed books and devices. xv,2o8 p. il. 3 pi. I map. F. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1897. Heitz, Paul, 1857- 1,655.1494 PSOO 102295 ^ Easier Biichermarken bis zum Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts .... Mit Vorbemerkungen und Nachrichten liber die Easier Drucker, v. C. Chr. Bernoulli .... Strassburg, J. H. E, Heitz ( Heitz & Mundel), 1895. xxxviii, [2], in p. incl. 217 illus. 36 cm . (Die Biichermarken, oder Buchdruc- ker- und Verlegerzeichen. Strassburg, 1892- . [Bd. 3.]) Heitz, Paul, 1857- 1655.1494 Q8oo 96831 .... Genfer Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen im XV., xvi. und XVII. Jahrhundert von Paul Heitz. Marques d'imprimeurs et de libraires de Geneve aux xv me , xvi me et xvii me siecles .... Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz, (Heitz & Mundel), 1908. x, 56, [2] p. incl. front., 168 illus. 37 cm . (Die Biichermarken oder Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen. [Band. 7.]) PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 245 Kopp, Karl Alois, 1850- 1,655.1494 Q6oo Zur Geschichte der Buchdruckerei von Beromiinster von K. A. a Kopp, .... Mit artistischen Beilagen. Luzern, Buchdruckerei J. Schill's Erben, 1906. cover-tide, 29 p. illus. 27ix2O-i cm . "Vorliegende Arbeit bringt die Studie iiber die Stiftsbibliothek von Beromiinster zum Abschluss." Pref. Liebenau, The odor von, 1840- 655.1494 Qooi 96250 Ueberblick liber die Geschichte der Buchdruckerei der Stadt Lu- zern. Verfasst von Dr. Th. von Liebenau, Luzern. Gedenkblatt zur 5OO-Jahrigen Gutenberg-Feier. Luzern, H. Keller, 1900. 62 p. 23 cm . America Fabricius, J. F. 655.173^00 2125 Notizen iiber die Einfiihrung und erste Ausbreitung der Buchdruck- erkunst in America 36 p. S. Hamburg 1841. Schilling, John E 053 H4i v.ia ' Die ersten Buchdrucker in Amerika. Von John E. Schilling. (/ Herbstbliiten. Wien, 1899. 2o cm . Dreizehnter Jahrgang, p. [i79]-2OO.) Thomas, Isaiah. 655.1711001 The history of printing in America. With a biography of print- ers, and an account of newspapers. To which is prefixed a con- cise view of the discovery and progress of the art in other parts of the world. 2vol. pi. por. nar. O. Worcester: I.Thomas, Jun., 1810. Thomas, Isaiah. 1*655.17X400 The history of printing in America, with a biography of printers, and an account of newspapers. Second edition With the au- thor's corrections and additions, and a catalogue of American publications previous to the revolution of 1776 2 vol. pi. por. O. [AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archseologia Americana, vol. 5-6.] Albany, N. Y., 1874. United States Hildeburn, Charles Swift Riche, 1855-1901. 655.1747 PSOO 3 Sketches of printers and printing in colonial New York, by Charles R. Hildeburn. With numerous illustrations. New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1895. xiv, [i], 189 p. illus. (facsims.) 3 port. (incl. front.) I9i cm . No. 282 of 375 copies primed. 246 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY International Typographical Union 331.06144 RSOO of North America. .... History of the Typographical Union, its beginnings, prog- ress and development, its beneficial and educational features, to- gether with a chapter on the early organizations of printers. Compiled by authority of the Executive Council of the Interna- tional Typographical Union, by George A. Tracy, .... [In- dianapolis], The International Typographical Union, 1913. 1165 p. 2 pi., 43 port., I diagr. 23^ cm '. At head of title: International Typographical Union, .... Littlefield, George Emery, 1844- 655.1744 Qyoo 97269 jj ie ear jy Massachusetts press, 1638-1711. By George Emery Littlefield. In two volumes. Boston, Mass., The Club of Odd Volumes, 1907. 2 vol. front., facsimiles. 244. "Limited to one hundred and seventy-five copies, of which this is no. 149." Providence Typographical Union No. 33. 655.1745 Q8oo 1 Printers and printing in Providence, 1762-1907. Prepared by a committee of Providence Typographical Union Number Thirty- Three as a souvenir of the fiftieth anniversary of its institution. [Providence, 1908.] 212, xcviii p. illus., 7 pi., ports, on 18 pi. 24. Roden, Robert F 655.1744 Q300 86288 .... The Cambridge Press, 1638-1692. A history of the first printing press established in English America, together with a bibliographical list of the issues of the press, by Robert F. Roden. New York, Dodd, Mead, and Co., 1905. [4], 7-193 p. front., 9 facsim. (2 fold.) 2o cm . (Famous presses, [vol. 2].) "This book is limited to an edition of seven hundred and fifty copies, of which fifty copies are printed on imperial Japan paper." "A bibliographical list of the issues af the Cambridge press," p. 145-185. Stewart, Ethelbert. 331.051 ULn v.n 78907 ^ documentary history of the early organizations of printers. By Ethelbert Stewart. (/ Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor. Washington, 1905. 23 cm . Vol. xi, p. 857-I033-) Weeks, Stephen Beauregard, 1865- 655.1756 Pioo 90259 'j'kg p ress o f North Carolina in the eighteenth century. With biographical sketches of printers, an account of the manufacture of paper, and a bibliography of the issues. By Stephen B. Weeks, .... Brooklyn, Historical Printing Club, 1891. iv, 5-80 p. 23i em . "250 copies printed. No. 55." PRINTING IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES 247 Spanish America Gestoso y Perez, Jose", 1852- 1655.172 Q8oo 9S218 Documentos para la historia de la primitiva tipografia mexicana. Carta dirigida al Sr. D. Jose Toribio Medina, por Jose Gestoso y Perez. [Sevilla], Tip. de la Andalucia moderna, 1908. 14, [i] p. 26 cm . Leon, Nicolas. 655.172 Qooi 96247 La imprenta en Mexico. 955.1319. (9/2.) Ensayo historico y bibliografico, por el Dr. N. Leon .... Mexico, Tipog. de "El Tiempo," 1900. 38 p. i8 cm . << 95S' I 3~ I 9- (97 2 -)" i s a misprint for the Dewey class number 655.172 (Hist, of printing in Mexico). A list of presses in Mexico about 1827 not included in Dr. Osores' Adiciones a la Biblioteca de Beristain. ff. p. 6. Medina, Jose* Toribio. A570-7648 9 v-3 >6 Historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en el antiguo vireinato del Rio de la Plata, por Jose Toribio Medina. La Plata, Taller de publicaciones del Museo ; Buenos-Aires, F. Lajouane ; [etc., etc.], 1892. 4pts.ini vol. illus., plates, ports., facsims., initials, vignettes. 46x32 cm . {Ad- ded ' t.-p.: Historia y bibliograffa de la imprenta en la America espanola . . . .) Added half-title : Anales del Museo de la Plata. Materiales para la historia ffsica y moral del continente sud-americano. Publicados bajo la direccion de Francisco P. Moreno .... Seccion de historia americana. in. Issued in parts, each with special t.-p. and pagination (xvi, xiv, 36, xiii, 12, xliii, 452, xii, 15, xviii pO Called "Parte segunda" with reference to his Bibliografia de la imprenta en Santiago de Chile, 1891, which the author regards as pt. i. The proposed 3d part, "La historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en Lima," has not yet appeared (Oct. 1904). Contains many facsims. of title-pages, manuscripts, etc., and numerous extracts and quotations. Titles transcribed line for line, with exact collations, bibliographical notes, etc., etc. "Tirada: 4 ejemplares en papel japon (134); 25 ejemplares en papel vitela (53 29); 500 ejemplares en papel fuerte (30 a 529). N 140." Slip pasted over part of imprint reads: Leipzig, K. \V. Hiersemann. Contents. pte. I. Historia y bibliograia de la imprenta en el Paraguay (1705-1727). pte. II. En Cordoba (1766). pte. in. En Buenos- Aires (1780-1810). pte. IV. En Montevideo (1807-1810). Medina, Jose" Toribio, 1852- 015.861 M46i 14 La imprenta en Bogota (1739-1821). Notas bibliograficas por J. T. Medina. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1904. IOI p. 24 cm . "Tirada de 200 ejemplares." Cover reads: (1740-1821). 248 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Medina, Jose* Toribio, 1852- 015.861 M46 96860 La imprenta en Cartagena de las Indias (1809-1820). Notas bibliograficas, por J. T. Medina. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1904. xlix, [52], 70, [2] p. 24 cm . "Tirada de 200 ejemplares." Medina, Jose" Toribio, 1852- 1,015.85 M46i 100576 La imprenta en Lima (1584-1824) por Jose Toribio Medina. Tomo I [iv]. Santiago de Chile, Impreso y grabado en casa del autor, 1904-1907. 4 vol. illus., facsims. 28 cm . "Tirada de 300 ejemplares." Cover of vol. 4 dated 1905. Medina, Jose" Toribio, 1852- 1015.72 M46 102297 La imprenta en Mexico (1539-1821) por Jose Toribio Medina ,. . Santiago de Chile, Impreso en casa del autor, 1908-1912. 8vol. 3i4 cm . "Tirada de 250 ejemplares." This set not numbered. Vol. 1 : 1912. Medina, Jose Toribio, 1852- 1,015.724 M46 102298 La imprenta en la Puebla de los Angeles (1640-1821) por J. T. Medina. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Cervantes, 1908. 1, [4, 3]-823 p. illus., facsims. 26 cm . Medina, Jose Toribio, 1852- 015.865 M46 96261 La imprenta en en [ !] Quito (1760-1818). Notas bibliograficas, por J. T. Medina. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1904. xxvi, [273-86, [2] p. 24 cm . "Tirada de 200 ejemplares." Philippine Islands Medina, Jose* Toribio, 1852- 1,015.914 M46 22038 L a j m prenta en Manila desde sus ongenes hasta iSic, par J. T. Medina. Santiago de Chile, impreso y grabado en casa del autor, 1896. xcvi, 280 p. 12 facsim. 2"j^ cm . "Tirada de 300 ejemplares." . Adiciones y ampliaciones, par J. T. Medina. Santiago de Chile, 1904. xi, 203 p. 27i cm . 249 Pardo de Tavera, Trinidad H. 655. 1914 P300 5 Noticias sobre la imprenta y el grabado en Filipinas. 48 p. O. Madrid: M. G. Hernandez, 1893. Retana y Gamboa, Wenceslao Emilio. 655-1914 Q8oo Tablas cronologica y alfabetica de imprentas e irnpresores de Filipinas (1593-1898). For W. E. Retana. Madrid, V. Suarez, 1908. 114, [2] p. i6 cm . "Tirada de 150 ejemplares." "Esta tabla constituye el esqueleto de un libro que podrfa llevar por tftulo Historia de la imprenta en Filipinas." Advertencia, [p. 7]. 655.2 History of types and type founding Antwerp. Musee Plantin-Moretus. 1,655.1493 Qsoo * Index charactervm architypographiae Plantinianae. Proeven der b lettersoorten gebruikt in de Plantijnsche drukkerij. Met eene in- leiding door Max Rooses, conservateur van het Museum Plantin- Moretus. Specimen des caracteres employes dans rimprimerie plantinienne. Avec une preface par Max Rooses, conservateur du Musee Plantin-Moretus. Antvverpen, Mvsevm Plantin-More- tvs, 1905. [4], 14, [90] P . 38x29"". Text in Dutch and French in parallel columns. "Van dit vverk vverden gedrukt 200 exemplaren. Dit exemplaar is no. 163." Camus, Armand Gaston, 1740-1804. 655.22 Gioo 19 Histoire et precedes du polytypage et de la stereotypie. Par A. G. Camus .... Paris, Baudouin, [iSoi]. [4]. 335 (*' 69, [i] p. front., illus. (ports.) I7i cm . T.-p. illus. [Gorrieri, Domenico.] 655.145 Q40I ' 50 " Some notes upon the history of F. Negroni's type-foundry at Bo- logna (Italy). 1904. [14] p. illus., i pi. 24 cm . Signed : Eng. Domenico Gorrieri. "To the Honorable General Italian Committee for the Universal Exposition at Sain Louis." Proctor, Robert. L6s - Q OQ2 The printing of Greek in the fifteenth century. [8] ,2 1 7 p. sq O [BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, LONDON. Illustrated monographs! no. 8.] Oxford 1900. Reed, Talbot Baines. 655. 21 0700 15460 ^ history of the old English letter foundries, with notes, histori- cal and biographical, on the rise and progress of English typog- raphy. xiv,379 p. il. i pi. i pi. of por. 6 por. 7 facsim. sq.Q. London: E. Stock, 1887. Wegener, Johannes. 010.53 i v.26 97304 Die deutsche oberrheinische Type (M 44 ) im 15. und 16. Jahr- hundert, von Johannes Wegener. Leipzig, R. Haupt, 1909. [6], 141 p. 24i cm . (/ Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, 26. Heft, (ii. serie, 9. Heft).) 655.23 History of music printing Goovaerts, Alphonse. 655.1492 N7oo Histoire et bibliographic de la typographic musicale dans les Pays-Bas ..... 608 p. 9 facsim. O. [Bruxelles 1880.] From Afeatoires coin-ounces ft mitres mcmoircs pnl>lit-es par 1' AfaJ<-nii L < rovale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, vol. 29, which has shelf number 064.123 Bound with this: Rysselberghe, F. van. Note sur les oscillations du littoral beige. PRINTING PRESS 251 Steele, Robert. 1,780.942 8814 1 The earliest English music printing. A description and bibliog- raphy of English printed music to the close of the sixteenth cen- tury, by Robert Steele. London, Printed for the Bibliographical Society at the Chiswick Press, 1903. xi, 108, [2] p. 46 facsim. 28^x23. (Half-title: Illustrated monographs. No. XI.) "A short bibliography of music printing," p. ix-xi. Thiirlings, Adolf. 655.2^200 2126 Der Musikdruck mit beweglichen Metalltypen im 16. Jahrhun- dert und die Musikdrucke des Mathias Apiarius in Strassburg und Bern. 32 p. il. O. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1892. 655.28 History of type-setting machines Herrmann, Carl. 655.28 Qooi 30760 Geschichte der Setzmaschine und ihre Entwickelung bis auf die heutige Zeit. [2. Auflage.] viia55p.il. O. Wien : im Selbst- verlage des Verfassers, pref. 1900. Hoger, Karl. 655.28 P7oo 1 Die typographischen Phanomene. Versuch einer Geschichte der Setzmachinen Part I-. D. Wien: Verlag des Buch- druckergehilfenorganes "Vorwarts", 1897-. Reprinted from Vonvarts. Thompson, John Smith, 1872- 655.28 Q400 History of composing machines. A complete record of the art of composing type by machinery. Fully illustrated. Also lists of patents on composing machines, American and British, chrono- logically arranged, by John S. Thompson. Chicago, The Inland Printer Company, 1904. [io],2Oop. illus. 2O C! ". Published serially in the Inland printer under the caption "Composing machines past and present", cf. Pref. 655.3 History of the printing press Goebel, Theodor i.e. August Theodor, 1829- 655.09246 655 ' Friedrich Koenig und die Erfindung der Schnellpresse. Ein bio- graphisches Denkmal. Von Theodor Goebel, .... Zweite Auf- lage. (Volksausgabe.) Stuttgart, F. Krais, 1906. xii, 407 p. illus. (incl. diagrs.), 6 pi., 2 port. (incl. front.), i fold, facsim. 2ii cm . 97498 2 5 2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hassard, John Rose Greene. 655.31 N8oo 76-9 y^g W onders of the press. 32 p. 3 pi. 2 facsim. D. New York: Tribune Association, 1878. Binder's title and inside cover read: The fast printing machine. [Hoe, Robert], 1839-1909. ^655.31 Q 2 oo 5 A short history of the printing press and of the improvements in printing machinery from the time of Gutenberg up to the present day. New York, printed and published for R. Hoe, 1902. 89, [2] p. incl. front., illus., plates. 27i cm . T.-p. illus. With special reference to the Hoe presses. 655.32 History of color printing Burch, R M 655.32 Roo2 81455 Colour printing and colour printers. By R. M. Burch. With a chapter on modern processes by W. Gamble. London, Sir I. Pitman and Sons, ltd., 1910. xviii, 280, [2] p. front., 26 col. pi., ports, on 7 pi., I facsim. 25 cm . Contents. I . Colour printing in the fifteenth century. 2. Colour printing in the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. 3. Colour printing in the eighteenth century. Sec- tion i: Le Blon's three-colour process. The later workers in chiaroscuro. 4. Colour printing in the eighteenth century. Section II : Intaglio printing processes, stipple, aquatint, etc. 5. Colour printing in the nineteenth century; chromo-xylography. Section I: Savage and his 'decorative printing'. Baxter, his licensees and his rivals. The Chiswick Press. 6. Colour printing in the nineteenth century; chromo-xylogra- phy. Section II : Knight, Leighton, Vizetelly, Evans, Fawcett, Silbermann, the Knof- lers, Hodson, etc. 7. Chromo-lithography. Section I : From the invention of the art to 1850. 8. Chromo-lithography. Section n: From the exhibition of 1851 to the present day. 9. Photo-mechanical colour printing, colour etching. 10. Modern colour pro- cesses. By \V. Gamble. Seidlitz, Woldemar von. 1,761 8458 72936 .... Geschichte des japanischen Farbenholzschnitts. Mit 95 Abbildungen. Dresden, G. Kuhtmann, 1897. xvi, [4], 220 p. illus., 10 fold. pi. 29 cm . At head of title: W. v. Seidlitz. "Litteraturverzeichniss," p. [2O5J-2IO. Seidlitz, Woldemar von. 1750.952 8458 82748 ^ history of Japanese colour-prints, by W. von Seidlitz. With illustrations in colour and black and white. London, W. Heine- mann, 1910. xvi, 207 p. col. front., 74 pi. (partly col., partly fold.) 25^ x I9 cm . Each coloured plate accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. "Bibliography," p. 195-200. NATURE PRINTING 253 655.37 History of nature printing Auer, Alois, Ritfcrvon Welsbach, 1813-1869. A655.37 300 94774 Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes oder die Erfindung, von ganzen Herbarien, Stoffen, Spitzen, Stickereien und iiberhaupt alien Originalien und Copien, vvenn sie auch noch so zarte Erha- benheiten und Vertiefungen an sich haben, durch das Original selbst auf einfache und schnelle Weise Druckformen herzustellen, ... . Vorgelesen in der Mathem. Naturw. Classe der Kais. Aka- demie der Wissenschaften zu Wien von Alois Auer, .... Wien, K. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1853. 12 p. 9~53> [*] P- ilhis., 4 pi., 2 port. incl. front. 6 facsims. 2oi cm . Humphreys, Arthur Lee. 655.442 pi ccac jiHy bookmen : memorials of the house of Hatchard, by Arthur L. Humphreys. London, Hatchards, 1893. viii, [2], 92 p. front., I pi., 2 port., I fold, table. 2O cm . Knight, Charles, 1791-1873. 655.442 95214 Shadows of the old booksellers. By Charles Knight ..... Lon- don, Bell and Daldy, 1865. xiv, [2], 320 p. 2O cm . Lawler, John. 655.56 P8oo 30094 B oo k auctions in England in the seventeenth century, (1676 1700). With a chronological list of the book auctions of the pe- riod. xliv,24i p. D. [Book-lover's library.] London : E. Stock, 1898. Marston, Edward, 1825- 655.09255 M35 102300 After work ; fragments from the workshop of an old publisher, by E. Marston .... London, W. Heinemann ; New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1904. xv, 344 p. front., plates, ports. 23 cm . "London publishers and booksellers whom I remember over fifty years ago," p. 323- 33. Works by "The amateur angler" and some unpublished notices of them, p. 339-344. BOOK TRADE 257 Marston, Edward, 1825- 655.092 Mas 96253 Sketches of booksellers of other days, by E. Marston. London, S. Low, Marston & Co., 1901. xii, 182 p. front., (port.), I pi., 6 port., I facsim. I7.i cm . Originally printed in the Publishers' circular, Jan.-May, 1901. Contents. I. Jacob Tonson, 1656-1736. 2. Thomas Guy, 1644-1724. 3. John Dunton, 1659-1733. 4. Samuel Richardson, 1689-1761. 5. Thomas Gent, 1691- 1778. 6. Alice Guy (wife of Thomas Gent). 7. William Hutton, 1723-1815. 8. James Lackington, 1746-1815. Marston, Edward, 1825- 655.442 Q200 6*54 sketches of some booksellers of the time of Dr. Samuel Johnson, by E. Marston .... London, S. Low, Marston & Co., 1902. xviii, 127 p. I pi., 7 port. (incl. front.), I facsim. I7i cm . A new series, supplementing the author's Sketches of some booksellers of other days. London, 1901. Reprinted for the most part from the Publishers' circular, 1901-1902. Contents. Michael Johnson, 1656-1731. Andrew Millar, 1707-1768. Thomas Davies, 1712-1785. Thomas Osborne, died 1767. [Barnaby] Bernard Lintot, 1674- 1735. Henry Lintot, 1709-1758. Robert Dodsley, 1703-1764. The friends of literature. Booksellers' literary club. Thomas Evans, 1739-1803. John Nichols, 1744-1826. William Bowyer, printer, 1699-1777. Edward Cave, 1691-1754. Mumby, Frank Arthur. 655.442 Rooi 1 The romance of book selling : a history from the earliest times to the twentieth century. By Frank A. Mumby, .... With a bib- liography by W. H. Feet. London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1910. xviii, 490, [i] p. front., illus., 15 pi., 21 ports., I facsim. 22i cm . "Bibliography," p. 431-470. Contents. The beginnings of the book world. Through the dark ages. The dawn of printing. The book trade under Queen Elizabeth. Shakespeare's publishers. Through the reign of James I. Charles I. and the Commonwealth. The Restoration and the revolution. The early eighteenth century. In Dr. Johnson's day. The end of the golden age of bookselling. The last half-century. Publishers of to-day. Ap- pendix I. The original charter of the Stationers' Company, granted by Philip and Mary, 1557. Appendix II. Bibliography of publishing and bookselling. By W. II. Peet (Reprinted (with additions) from Notes and queries). Index. Oliphant, Mrs. [Margaret Oliphant 655.09210 047 ms6 (Wilson)], 1828-1897. Annals of a publishing house. William Blackwood and his sons, their magazine and friends. Third edition. Vol. i -third volume. .... Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and Sons, 1897- 1898. 3 vol. fronts, (ports.) 22^ cm . Vol. 3, is in first edition and subtitle reads: John Blackwood, by his daughter, Mrs. Gerald Porter. The third volume of William Blackwood and his sons, their magazine and friends. Roberts, William. 655.442 0900 The earlier history of English bookselling, xii, 341 p. D. Lon- don: Sampson Low & Rivington, 1889. 258 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Tinsley, William, d. 1902. 655.09287 99316 R anc i or n recollections of an old publisher. William Tinsley. . o. . With portrait of the author. In two volumes. London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. ; Bournemouth [prin- ted] Bright's ltd., 1900. 2 vol. front, (port.) 23 cm . Germany Actenstiicke. 655.06349 i v-4 102302 Actenstiicke betreffend die Herausgabe einer Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels. Leipzig, Verlag des Borsen-Vereins, 1877, [4], 63 p, 22 cm . (/ Publikationen des Borsen-Vereins der Deutschen Buch- handler, iv.) Plans and reports preliminary to the organization of the "Historische Kommission" under whose auspices appeared : Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels bis in das sieb- zehnte Jahrhundert; von Friedrich Kapp, 1886 (which is to be continued; cf. Denk- schrift betreffend die Bearbeitung einer Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels der neueren Zeit . . . von Dr. J. Goldfriedrich, in Borsenblatt f. d. d. Buchhandel, Leipzig, 1894; 71. Jahrg., Beilage zu No. 42, 12 p.) Borsenblatt fur den deutschen Buchhandel. 655.06349 i v.8 95170 Ausgewahlte Aufsatze und Mitteilungen aus dem Borsenblatt fiir den deutschen Buchhandel. 1890. Leipzig, Borsenverein der Deutschen Buchhandler, 1891. viii, 426 p. 23 cm . (/ Publikationen des Borsenvereins der Deutschen Buch- handler, VIII.) Borsenblatt fiir den Deutschen Buchhandel und 655.06349 i v.2 die Verwandten Geschaftszweige. Gesammelte Aufsatze und Mittheilungen aus dem Borsenblatt fiir den Deutschen Buchhandel, 1869-1873. Leipzig, Borsen- Verein der Deutschen Buchhandler, 1875. [4]> 3 J S P- 22i cm . ( On cover: Publikationen des B.6rsen-Vereins der Deutschen Buchhandler. n.) Contents. Die Bedeutung des deutschen Buchhandels, besonders in der neuesten Zeit [von Fr. Perthes in Gotha] Beitrage zur Geschichte des Buchhandels und der Buchdruckerkunst. Biographisches. Zum Urheber- und Verlagsrecht. Statistische Notizen. Borsenverein der Deutschen Buchhandler. 655.06349 2 )S87 Archiv fiir Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels. Herausge- geben von der Historischen Commission des Borsenvereins der Deutschen Buchhandler. I-XX. Leipzig, Verlag des Borsenver- eins, 1878-1898. 20 vol. in 10. facsim. (partly fold.), tables (partly fold.) 22 cm . (Added t.-p.; Publikationen des Borsenvereins der Deutschen Buchhandler. Neue Folge.) "Das Archiv eine neue Folge der Publikationen ist dazu bestimmt, durch Er- schliessung und Ansammlung neuen Stoffes, die Ausarbeitung der 'Geschichte des Deut- schen Buchhandels' vorbereiten und fordern zu h elf en." ''Register . . . von Philipp Vorhauer," with vol. 20. BOOK TRADE 259 Borsenverein der Deutschen Buchhandler, Leipzig. 655.443 06oo 65762 Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels. Im Auftrage des Bor- a senvereins der Deutschen Buchhandler herausgegeben von der Historischen Kommission desselben. Erster [vierter] Band .., . Leipzig, Borsenverein, 1886-1913. 4 vol. 24i cm . Vol. I by Friedrich Kapp; vol. 2-4 by Johann Goldfriedrich. "Quellennachweiser und Anmerkungen, " at end of each volume. Contents. I. Bd. Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels bis in das siebzehnte Jahr- hundert. 1886. xxiii, 880, 12 p. in fold, diagr. 2. Bd. Vom Westfalischen Frie- den bis zum Beginn der klassischen Litteraturperiode. (1648-1740.) 1908. xvi, 552 p. 3. Bd. Von Beginn der klassischen Litteraturperiode bis zum Beginn der Fremd- herrschaft. (1740-1804.) 1909. ix, 673, [i] p. 4. Bd. Vom Beginn der Fre'md- herrschaft bis zur Reform des Borsenvereins im neuen Deutschen Reiche. (1805-1889.) 1913. xii, 595, [i] p. Borsenverein der Deutschen Buchhandler 655.06349 i 13 Publikationen des Borsen-Vereins der Deutschen Buchhandler ... . Leipzig, Borsen-Verein der Deutschen Buchhandler, 1874-. Continued from vol. i. 23 cm . "Neue Folge" published 1878-1898 in 20 vol. with added t.-p.: Archiv fiir Ge- schichte des deutschen Buchhandels. Brockhaus, Heinrich Eduard, 1829- 655.443 ' Die Firma F. A. Brockhaus von der Begriindung bis zum hun- dertjahrigen Jubilaum. 1805-1905. Von Heinrich Eduard Brockhaus. Mit 16 Tafeln. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1905. x, 441, [i] p. 3 pi., ports, on 13 pi. (incl. front.) 22 cm . Brockhaus, Heinrich Eduard, 1829- 655.09212 6781 Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus. Sein Leben und Wirken nach Briefen und andern Aufzeichnungen geschildert von seinem En- kel Heinrich Eduard Brockhaus. Erster- [dritter] Theil. Leip- zig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1872-81. 3 vol. front, (port.) 2i cm . 94066 Buchhandel. 655.443 L 4 oo Der Buchhandel vom Jahre 1815 bis zum Jahre [1860]. Bau- steine zu einer spatern Geschichte des Buchhandels Al- tona, Verlags-Bureau, 1854-1860. 6 vol. in i. I74 cm . Ascribed to August Prinz. Vol. 2 and 3 have also individual title-pages; vol. 5 and 6 add to title: und Erinne- rungen aus alter Zeit. Vol. 2-6: Hamburg & Altona. 2 6o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Buchhandel. 655.443 1500 91297 Der Buchhandel vom Jahre 1815 bis zum Jahre [1863]. Bau- steine zu einer spateren Geschichte des Buchhandels ..... Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Altona, in Commission im Verlags-Bureau, 1855-1863. 7 vol. in 2. i8 cm . Ascribed to August Prinz. Buchner, Karl. 655.443 32690 garage zur Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels. Von Karl a Buchner .... Giessen,J. Ricker'sche Buchhandlung, 1873-1874. Pt. i, 3. 23 cm . Contents. I. Hft. Zur Geschichte der Gleim-Bachmann'schen typographischen Ge- sellschaft. Zur Geschichte der Dessauer Gelehrtenbuchhandlung und Verlagscasse. Wieland und sein Merkur. Karl Friedrich Bahrdt und der*Buchhandel 1873. 72 p. 3. Hft. Wieland und Georg Joachim Goschen. Stuttgart, G. J. Goschen'sche Ver- lagshandlung, 1874. [4], 51 p. Pt. I: "In 100 Exemplarengedruckt." Druckenmuller, Alfred. 655.443 Q8oi 83231 Der Buchhandel in Stuttgart seit Erfindung der Buchdrucker- a kunst bis zur Gegenwart, von Dr. Alfred Druckenmuller. Stutt- gart, J. B. Metzlersche Buchhandlung, 1908. vi, 272 p. 22i cm . Engelmann, Wilhelm, Leipzig. 1655.443 R ioo s ... . Jubilaums-Katalog der Verlagsbuchhandlung Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig ..... Leipzig, Druck von Breitkopf & Hartel, 1911. [2], ii, 118, [2], 447 p. front., 6 pi., 4 port., i plan, 9 facsim. (partly fold.;, I fold, table. 27 cm . At head of title : 1811-1911. "Vorwort: Zur Geschichte der Firma," p. 1-118. Estienne, Henri, 1528-1598. 1655.44301 '-phe Frankfort book fair. The Francofordiense emporium of Henri Estienne. Edited with historical introduction, original Latin text with English translation on opposite pages, and notes by James Westfall Thompson. Chicago, The Caxton Club, 1911. xviii, 204 p. front, (port.), illus., 7 facsim. (partly fold.) 30'". "The publication committee of the Caxton Club certifies that this copy of "The Frank- fort book fair" is one of an edition consisting of three hundred copies on English hand- made paper and three copies on imperial Japanese paper, printed from type, and completed in the month of January, 1911." BOOK TRADE 261 Goschen, George Joachim Goschen, viscount, 1831- 655.09235 G6g 93io -p^g Yrfe and times of Georg Joachim Goschen, publisher and printer of Leipzig, 1752-1828. By his grandson, Viscount Goschen In two volumes. Illustrated. London, J. Murray, 1903. 2 vol. fronts., illus., 13 pi. (partly col.), 15 port., 13 facsim. 22i cm . Ease, Oskar von, 1846- 655.09285 H27 99307 jr m ji Strauss, ein deutscher Buchhandler am Rheine. Gedenk- buch eines Freundes. Mit einem Bildnisse. Von Oskar von Hase. Leipzig, Breitkopf und Hartel, 1907. xi, 276 p. front, (port.) 24 cm , Kirchhoff, Albrecht, 1827-1902. 655.443 Lioo 1 Beitrage zur G^eschichte des deutschen Buchhandels. Von Al- brecht Kirchhoff. Erstes- [zweites] Bandchen Leipzig, J. C. Hinrichs, 1851-1853. 2 vol. in i. i8 cm . Vol. 2 has added t.-p. : Versuch einer Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels im xvn. und xvin. Jahrhundert bis zu Reich's Reformbestrebungen. Von Albrecht Kirchhoff. Bibliographical references. Contents. I. Bandchen. Notizen iiber einige Buchhandler des xv. und xvi. Jahr- hunderts. 1851. iv, 152 p. 2. Bandchen. Das xvn. und xvm. Jahrhundert. 1853. vi, [2], 263, [i] p. Kirchhoff, Albrecht, 1827-1902. 655.443 OS 01 } Die Entwickelung des Buchhandels in Leipzig bis in das zweite Jahrzehnt nach Einfiihrung der Reformation. Eine geschicht- liche Skizze von Albrecht Kirchhoff. Leipzig, [Druck von Breitkopf und Hartel], 1885. 88 p. 24 cm . Koehler, Woldemar i.e. Ferdinand Eugen ^655.443 Q40I 90135 Woldemar, 1871- Das deutsche Buchgewerbe im Dienste der Wissenschaft. Denk- schrift zur Kritik und Abvvehr der Bestrebungen des Akademi- schen Schutzvereins aus nationalokonomischem Standpunkt ver- fasst von Dr. phil. W. Koehler, .... Heidelberg, K. Winters Universitatsbuchhandlung, [ 1 904] . xvi, 171, [2] p. 26 cm . Issued in three parts. A reply to Karl Biicher's Der deutsche Buchhandel und die Wissenschaft, Leipzig, 1903. Kohler, W. 1*655.4 P6oo Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Buchgewerbes von Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis zur Gegenwart. Nationalokonomisch-sta- tistisch dargestellt. xi,i83 p. 5 tables. Q. Gera-Untermhaus : F. E. Kohler, 1896. "Litteratur-Ubersicht", p. 179-183. 262 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Leonhard, Hans. 330-53 18 v.4 100598 Samuel Selfisch, ein deutscher Buchhandler am Ausgange des XVI. Jahrhunderts, mit dem Bildnis Selfisch 3 und zehn Facsimilebeila- gen. Von Dr. Hans Leonhard. Leipzig, Jah & Schunke, 1902. [4], vi, 129 p. incl. illus. (facsims.), i port. 24. (In Volkswirtschaftliche und wirtschaftgeschichtliche Abhandlungen, viertes Heft. ) Perthes, Clemens Theodor, 1809-1867. 655.09267 P43 looeio Friedrich Perthes' Leben, nach dessen schriftlichen und mu'nd- lichen Mitteilungen aufgezeichnet von Clemens Theodor Perthes, .... Erster- [dritter] Band. Achte Auflage. Jubilaums-Aus- gabe. Gotha, F. A. Perthes, 1896. 3 vol. in 2. front, (port.) 2i cm . Half-title : Zur Erinnerung an das Hundertjahrige Bestehen der Firma Friedrich An- dreas Perthes. 1796-1896. Pfau, Karl Friedrich. 655. 443 Poo i !107 Biographisches Lexikon des deutschen Buchhandels der Gegen- wart. Unter Berlicksichtigung der hervorragendsten Vertreter des Buchgewerbes der alten Zeit und des Auslandes ..... [4] , 464 p. 25 il. i pi. O. Leipzig: F. Pfau, 1890. Prager, Robert Ludwig, 1844- 655.443 Q?oo ' Bucher, Menschen, Dinge. Besprochen von Robert Prager ..... Berlin, R. L. Prager, 1907-1909. 2 vol. in i. 2i cm . "Sonderabdruck aus dem Borsenblatt fiir den deutschen Buchhandel." Prager, Robert Ludwig. 330.943 Q6oo v. 11-12 6oi84 Der Deutsche Buchhandel. Seine Geschichte und seine Organi- sation. Nebst einer Einfuhrung: Der Ursprung des Buches und seine Entwicklung. Von R. L. Prager. Erster- [zweiter] Band. Mit . . . Abbildungen. Berlin, Verlag fiir Sprach- und Handels- wissenschaft (S. Simon), [1907], 2 vol. in i. illus. 2li cm . (In Handel, Industrie und Verkehr in Einzeldar- stellungen, Band xi/xn.) Paged continuously; vol. i: 71 p.; vol. 2: [73]-l9l, [i] p. "Verzeichnis der von mir benutzten Literatur," p. i89~[i92]. Schroeder, Felix von. 330-53 18 v.9 97284 Die Verlegung der Buchermesse von Frankfurt am Main nach Leipzig, von Dr. Felix von Schroeder. Leipzig, Jah & Schunke, 1904. [2], vi, 83 p. 23i cm . (In Volkswirtschaftliche und wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Ab- handlungen, 9. Heft.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [v]-vi. BOOK TRADE 263 Schiirmann, August. 655.443 4b ' Jl - Der deutsche Buchhandel der Neuzeit und seine Krisis. Von Aug. Schiirmann. Halle a. S., Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1895. [6], 281 p. 20 cm . Schiirmann, August. 655.443 Oooi 38S73 Organisation und Rechtsgewohnheiten des deutschen Buchhan- dels. Von Aug. Schiirmann. Erster- [zweiter] Theil. Halle a. S., Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1880-1881. 2 vol. in I. 2O cm . Contents. vol. i. Die Entwickelung des deutschen Buchhandels zum Stande der Gegenwart. vi, [2], 333 p. 1880. vol.2. Die Usancen des deutschen Buchhandels und der ihm verwandten Geschaftszweige. Zweite neu bearbeitete Auflage. xiii, 245 p. 1881. Schiirmann, August. 655.443 P8oi 04 Zur Geschichte der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses und der Cansteinschen Bibelanstalt in Halle a. S. Zur zweihundertjahri- gen Jubelfeier der Franckeschen Stiftungen 1698-1898, von Aug. Schiirmann. Mit einem Bildnis Aug. H. Franckes. Halle a. S., Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1898. viii, [2], 255 p. front, (port.) 2i.i cm . Contents. i. Griindung und erste Anfange. 2. Die Bibelanstalt. 3. Das Frey- linghausensche Gesangbuch. 4. Der Waisenhausverlag in der ersten Halfte des 18. Jahr- hunderts. 5. Der Francke-Elersche Geschaftsbetrieb. 6. Von Gotthilf Francke bis zum Ausleben des Pietismus. 7. Die Nieme ir er-Periode. Teubner, B. G., Leipzig. 655.443 8 B. G. Teubner, 1811-1911 ; Geschichte der Firma in deren Auf- trag herausgegeben von Friedrich Schulze. Leipzig, [B. G. Teub- ner], 191 1. vi, 520 p. incl. front., illus. 2 pi. (i fold.), ports, on 28 pi., i plan, 15 facsim. (partly fold.), i fold, table. 23i cm . Part of facsimiles printed on both sides. Ornamental borders. Weidling, Konrad. 655.443 Q20O 1 Die Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung in Berlin in den Jahren 1614-1890, von Konrad Weidling. Berlin, Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung, 1902. vi, [2], 83, [i] p. front, (port.) 24 cm . Wolf, Carl. 655.443 IQOO 5 Ueber den deutschen Buchhandel. Von Carl Wolf, .... Miin- chen, C. Wolf, 1829. X, 89 p. 21 X I2 cm . "[Bibliographische] Anmerkungen," p. 49-75. 264 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY France Delalain, Paul. 1,655.444 Pioo 13562 Et uc i e sur \Q Hbraire Parisien du Xlll e au xv e siecle d'apres les documents publics dans le cartulaire de 1'Universite de Paris xliii,76 p. Q. Paris: Delalain Freres, 1891. 6541 Falk, Henri. 1,655. 444 Q6oo . . . . Les privileges de librairie sous 1'ancien regime. Etude his- torique du conflit des droits sur 1'oeuvre litteraire Par Henri Falk, .... Paris, A. Rousseau, 1906. [4], iii, 1 86, [2] p. 26 cm . These Univ. de Paris. "Bibliographic," p. [i8s]-i86. Nisard, Charles. 016.8 N63 Histoire des livres populaires, ou de la litterature du colportage depuis 1'origine de rimprimerie jusqu'a 1'etablissement de la Com- mission d'examen des livres du colportage 30 novembre 1852. Deuxieme edition, revue, corrigee avec soin et considerablement augmentee. 2 vol. il. D. Paris: E. Dentu, 1864. Pichon, Jerome Baron, & Vicaire, Georges, editors. 1,6^.444 Pcoo OGOft/t -|-%. VW I I I \J Jocuments pour servir a 1'histoire des librairies de Paris, 1486- 1600 [2],vii,294 p. il. 2 colored pi. Q. Paris : Techener, 1895. 28800 Werdet, Edmond, 1795-1869. 655.444 Moo i ' De la librairie francaise. Son passe son present son avenir, avec des notices biographiques sur les libraires-editeurs les plus dis- tingues depuis 1789, par Edmond Werdet .... Paris, E. Dentu, 1860. [4]t 394 P- i8 cm - Later advertised as pt. 5 of his Histoire du livre en France (parts 1-4, 1860-64). Scandinavian countries Dolleris, Andreas. 655.4489 P3oo 33294 Danmarks boghandlere. En personalhistorisk haandbog. [8], 222, [2] p. O. Kjobenhavn 1893. Nyrop, Camillus, 1843- 655.4489^01 Bidrag til den danske boghandels historic, af Camillus Nyrop. F6rste-[anden] del. K0benhavn, Gyldendalske boghandel (F. Hegel), 1870. 2 vol. front., illus. incl. ports. 2 facsim. 23 cm . "Trykt som manuskript." Vol. I has added t.-p. : Bidrag til den danske boghandels historic ... til minde om den Gyldendalske boghandels hundredarige jubilaeum. BOOK TRADE 265 Svenska Bokforlaggareforeningen. 655.4485 P300 15652 pestskj-jft m ed anledning af Svenska Bokforlaggareforeningens femtiars-jubileum den 4 december 1893. [6] ,291 p. O. Stock- holm 1893. Contents: Schiick, H. Om den alsta bokhandeln i Sverge. Seligmann, J. Nagra drag ur den Svenska Bokforlaggareforeningens vrirksamhet 1843-1893. Alfabetisk forteckning ofver ledamoter i Svenska Bokforlaggareforeningen 4 dec. 1843 4 dec. 1893. Forteckning ofver Svenska Bokforlaggareforeningens kommissionarer 4 dec. 1843 4 dec. 1893, ordnade efter stader och orter, jamte uppgifter om bokhandlare i Sverige fore fbreningens stiftande. Swederus, Magnus Bernhard, 1840- 655.4485 Q7oo !894 Bokladorna i Uppsala 1616-1907 ; ett bidrag till den svenska bok- handelns historia, af M. B. Swederus. Uppsala, Lundequistska bokhandeln, [1907]. [2], 1 10 p. 22i cm . United States Brotherhead, William. 655.4748 Pioo 95177 Forty years among the old booksellers of Philadelphia, with bib- liographical remarks. By W. Brotherhead, .... Philadelphia, A. P. Brotherhead, 1891. 122 p. i8xi4 cm . "Prices and editions of books," p. 75-101. . "Bibliography of William Bradford's books," p. 103-115. Growoll, Adolf, 1850-1909. 015.73691 96253 Book-trade bibliography in the United States in the xixth century, by A. Growoll ... ; to which is added A catalogue of all the books printed in the United States, with the prices, and place where published, annexed. Published by the booksellers in Bos- ton, January, 1804. New York, Printed for the Dibdin Club, 1898. [lo], Ixxvii, [2], 79 p. front, (port.) 2O em . "zoo copies of this book were printed for non-members in America, of the Dibdin Club. Subscriber's copy no. 62." Contents. pt. I. The beginnings of book-trade bibliography. Booksellers' associa- tions, 1801-1892. Side-lights on the early conditions of the book-trade. The first book- trade catalogue. Book-trade helps, 1801-1897. Chronological list of catalogues, book- trade and literary journals. Sketches of some American bookseller-bibliographers. pt.n. Catalogue .... Boston, 1804. 2 66 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 655.53 History of book-illustration Baer, Leo. Log6 37591 )j e iHustrierten Histonenbucher des 15. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Formschnittes von Leo Baer Dr. phil. Strassburg im Elsass, J. H. E. Heitz, 1903. 216, xcvi p. illus. 3oi cm . "Verzeichnis der benutzten Litteratur und der zu ihrer Anfiihrung gebrauchten Ab- kiirzungen," p. 13-17; "Beschreibung der wichtigsten Formstocke, die zur Historien- illustration verwendet wurden," p. iv-lxxviii. Crane, Walter, 1845- 655.53 P6o2 42455 Qf t | ie decorative illustration of books old and new, by Walter Crane. [Second edition.] London, New York, G. Bell and Sons, 1901. xiv, 337 p. incl. illus., plates, facsims. 2O cm . {Half-title: Ex libris series ) Du Maurier, George. 741 1)89 26913 Social pictorial satire. Reminiscences and appreciations of English illustrators of the past generation. iv,[2],99,[i] p. 21 pi. 3 por. D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1898. Heitz, Paul, 1857- Log6 P402 19334 Der Initialschmuck in den elsassischen Drucken des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts Von Paul Heitz. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Mundel), 1894-1897. 2vol.ini. illus. 284 cm . Contents. I . Reihe. Die Zierinitialen in den Drucken des Thomas Anshelm (Hage- nau 1516-1523.) Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Holzschnitts. 19, [i] p. xx pi. 2. Reihe. Zierinitialen in Drucken des Johann Griininger, Erster Theil (Strassburg 1483- 1531) und des Johann Herwagen (Strassburg 1522-1528). 12 p. xix pi. (i fold.) "Benutzte Biicher deren Titel im Texte nichte vollstandig angegeben Sind," pt. i, p. [i]. Kautzsch, Rudolf. Log6 P6oo 36748 j}j e Holzschnitte der Kolner Bibel von 1479. xv,8o p. 2 pi. Q. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, no. 7.) Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1896. Kutschmann, Theodor. ^655. 53 Pgoi 13660 Geschichte der deutschen Illustration vom ersten Auftreten des Formschnittes bis auf die Gegenwart. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. I : 1-200 p.; vol. 2 : 201-417 p. il. pi. colored pi. por. fac- sim. F. Goslar: F. Jager, pref. 1899. Monceaux, Henri. ^655. 09250 M74 Les Le Rouge de Chablis, calligraphes et miniaturistes, graveurs et imprimeurs. Etude sur les debuts de Illustration du livre au XV e siecle. 2 vol. il. pi. facsim. Q. Paris: A. Claudin, 1896- "Ouvrages a consulter," vol. I, p. 10-15. BOOK ILLUSTRATION 267 Morris, William, 1834-1896. 096 PSOO 32456 Some notes on early woodcut books, with a chapter on illumi- nated manuscripts. Various paging, il. i pi. O. New Rochelle, New York: C. Conwell, 1902. "Of this book there have been printed one hundred and twenty copies." Muther, Richard. 1096 0400 30304 j}j e Deutsche Bucherillustration der Gothik und Fruhrenaissance (1460-1530). 2 vol. in i. il. F 4 . Munchen : G. Hirth, 1884. Pollard, Alfred William. 096P300 135 Early illustrated books. A history of the decoration and illustra- tion of books in the I5th and i6th centuries. xvi,256 p. 58 il. i facsim. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1893. Pollard, Alfred William. 1,096 P400 ! Italian book illustrations, chiefly of the fifteenth century. 80 p. il. 9 pi. O. London: Seeley & Co., 1894. Strange, Edward Fairbrother, 1 862- 761 8897 97290 Japanese illustration. A history of the arts of woodcutting and colour printing in Japan, by Edward F. Strange, MJ.S. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1904. xx, 155 p. incl. illus., plates, vm col. pi. (incl. front.), 69 pi. 22^ cm . {Half- title: The connoisseur series.) Second edition. The colored plates are accompanied by a guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. Weisbach, Werner. 1,761 W43 ' Die baseler Buchillustration des XV. Jahrhunderts. [4] ,76 p. 14 pi. Q. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, vol. 8.) Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1896. White, Gleeson i.e. Joseph William Gleeson, 1,740.942 W$8 1851-1898. English illustration. "The sixties" : 1855-70. By Gleeson White. With numerous illustrations by Ford Madox Brown : A. Boyd Houghton: Arthur Hughes: Charles Keene: M. J. Lawless: Lord Leighton, R.R.A. : Sir J. E. Millais, P.R.A. : G. Du Maurier : J. W. North, R.A.: G. J. Pinwell: Dante Gabriel Rossetti : W. Small: Frederick Sandys; J. McNeill Whistler : Frederick Walker A.R.A. and others. London, A. Constable and Co., ltd., 1906. xix, 203, [i] p. front., 131 pi. 26 cm . "A re-impression of the original edition of 1897. A few small errors have been cor- rected." 268 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 655.6 History of copyright and censorship Birrell, Augustine. 655.6 PQOO 31875 g even lectures on the law and history of copyright in books. 228 p. D. London: Cassell & Co., 1899. Bowker, Richard Rogers, 1848- 655.6 R200 95171 Copyright, its history and its law. Being a summary of the prin- ciples and practice of copyright with special reference to the American code of 1909 and the British act of 1911, by Richard Rogers Bowker. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Com- pany, 1912. xxiii, 709, [i] p. 24i cm . "Chronological table of laws and cases, English and American," p. [653]-675. Geoffrey, Georges. 655. 66249 .... Etude historique et critique de la legislation franchise sur la propriete litteraire ..... Par Georges Geoffrey ..... Paris, V. Giard & E. Briere, 1905. [ 4 ], 98 P . 26. These Univ. de Paris. Gerstenberg, Heinrich, 1864- 323.332 Q8oo D ... . Die hamburgische Zensur in den Jahren 1819-1848. Von Prof. Dr. Heinrich Gerstenberg. Hamburg, E. Hirt, 1908. 58 p. 22i cm . Separate, from Programm Realschule, Hamburg. Bibliographical foot-notes. Hilgers, Joseph, 1858- 655.601 Q8oo 96233 jkg R omari index and its latest historian. A critical review of "The censorship of the Church of Rome" by George Haven Put- nam. By Joseph Hilgers, SJ. Reprinted from the Catholic fortnightly review, with an introductory note by Arthur Preuss. Techny, 111., Printed by the Society of the Divine Word, 1908. 48 p. 24 cm . Translation by A. Preuss, revised by Father Hilgers. Lemaitre, Henri. 1,655.605 Rooi 80048 .... Histoire du depot legal, . . . par Henri Lemaitre, .... Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1910-. Vol. I-. 25i cm . (Publication de la Societe franchise de bibliographic. Exer- cice 1909.) "Bibliographic," p. [ii7]-i28. TRANSPORTATION 269 Muller, Karl, 1879- 3 2 3-33 2 Q40I 96263 Die Geschichte der Zensur im alten Bern. Von Dr. Karl Muller. Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1904. [4], 208, [i] p. I fold, table. 22i cm . "Verzeichnis der verbotenen Schriften," p. 196-208. Putnam, George Haven, 1844- 655.601 Q6oo ' The censorship of the church of Rome and its influence upon the production and distribution of literature. A study of the history of the prohibitory and expurgatory indexes, together with some consideration of the effects of Protestant censorship and of cen- sorship by the state, by George Haven Putnam, .... In two volumes. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1906- 1907. 2 Vol. 23i cm . "Bibliography", vol. I, p. xvii-xxv. Saint- Vinebault, P G ^323. 332 Qsoo 7 .... La presse sous 1'Assemblee constituante. La liberte de la presse un proces de Marat Paris, A. Michalon, 1905. 63 p. 25i cm . At head of title: P. G. Saint- Vinebault. Zaretzky, Otto. 655. 143 Q6oi 2 Der erste Kolner Zensurprozess. Ein Beitrag zur Kolner Ge- schichte und Inkunabelkunde von Otto Zaretzky. Mit einer Nach- bildung des Dialogus super libertate ecclesiastica [von Heinrich Urdemann] 1477. Koln, M. Du Mont-Schauberg'sche Buch- handlung, 1906. vi, [2], 124 p. 25i cm . ( On verso oft.-p.: Veroffentlichungen der Stadtbibliothek in Koln. Beiheft6.) 656.09 HISTORY OF TRANSPORTATION General works Brindley, John Edwin. 625.007 R20i SB . . . . History of road legislation in Iowa, by John E. Brindley. Iowa City, la., State Historical Society of Iowa, 1912. xiii, 422 p. 24i cm . {Half-title: Iowa economic history series. ) Series title also at head of t.-p. 2 7 o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Chevalier, Michel, 1806-1879. 1656.0973 Koo2 93184 Histoire et description des voies de communication aux Etats Unis et des travaux d'art qui en dependent; par Michel Chevalier. Tome premier- [deuxieme]. Paris, C. Gosselin ; [etc., etc.], 1840-1841. 2 vol. tables. 3O cm . and atlas of xix fold. pi. (incl. maps, plan). 55 cm . Atlas has shelf number A656.0973 KQ02 Demolins, Edmond, 1852- 572.gQioi 33704 Les grandes routes des peuples, essai de geographie sociale. Comment la route cree le type social, par Edmond Demolins. .... Paris, F. Didot & c ie , [1901-1903]. 2 vol. illus. i8i cm . Contents. vol. I. Les routes de Pantiquite. [1901.] xii, 462 p. incl. maps. vol. 2. Les routes du monde moderne. [1903.] vii, 540 p. I fold. map. Earle, Alice, born Morse. 394 Qooi 27259 Stage-coach and tavern days. xvi,[2],449 p. il. 23 pi. 4 facsim. O. New York: Macmillan Co., 1901. Gilbey, Sir Walter, istbart., 1831- 656.1 Q30I 95202 Early carr iages and roads, by Sir Walter Gilbey, .... London, Vinton & Co., 1903. vi, [2], 122 p. front., illus., 3 pi., 2 port. 22-i cm . Harper, Charles George, 1863- 656.1 9300 90104 Stage-coach and mail in days of yore. A picturesque history of the coaching age. Vol. I [n]. By Charles G. Harper. Illus- trated from old-time prints and pictures. London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1903. 2 vol. illus., 63 pi. (incl. fronts., ports.) 23 cm . Hartung, Gottfried. 330-53 l6 v.i6 45782 Die bayerischen Landstrassen, ihre Entwicklung im XIX. Jahrhun- dert und ihre Zukunft. Eine historisch-kritische Studie aus dem Gebiete der bayerischen Verkehrspolitik von Gottfried Hartung. Leipzig, A. Deichert'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Nachf. (G. Bo'hme), 1902. [8], 107, [ i ] p. 23^ cm . (/ Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsstudien mil besonderer Beriicksichtigung Bayerns, xvi.) "Verzeichnis der Quellen,' ; p. [7]. Hogarth, David George, & Munro, J. A. R. 910.6233 4 7995 Modern and ancient roads in eastern Asia Minor. [/// GEO- GRAPHICAL SOCIETY, ROYAL. Supplementary papers, vol. 3, p. 639-744, 3 maps. London 1893.] TRANSPORTATION 2 7 1 Hulbertj Archer Butler. 656.097 Qioo The old national road ; a chapter of American expansion, by Ar- 102563 c h er Butler Hulbert .... Columbus, F. J. Heer, 1901. 151 p. front., illus., plates, maps. i8x I9i cm . Kirkman, Marshall Monroe, 1842- A656.09 PSOI 2 Classical portfolio of primitive carriers. Containing a picturesque account of the origin and evolution of transportation and em- bracing fifteen hundred beautiful engravings portraying the primi- tive people of the world and their methods of carriage in every age and quarter of the globe. By Marshall M. Kirkman, .... Chicago, The World Railway Publishing Company, [pref. 1895]. [18] p. 222 pi., I map. 26x36 cm . Countries alphabetically arranged. Plates printed on both sides, the illustrations for each country prefaced by brief descrip- tive letter-press. Loffler, Kaspar. 380.943 Roo4 4 Geschichte des Verkehrs in Baden, insbesondere der Nachrichten- und Personenbefb'rderung (Boten-, Post- und Telegraphenver- kehr) von der Romerzeit bis 1872, von K. Loffler, .... Mit 5 Beilagen, 7 Karten und 4 Tafeln. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1910. xviii, 588 p. iv pi. (i facsim.), 7 maps (partly fold.), 5 fold, tables. 25 cm . "Benutzte Archivalien, " p. [xii]. "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [xiij-xviii. McPherson, Logan Grant, 1 863- 380.94 Rooi Transportation in Europe, by Logan G, McPherson, .... With map. New York, H. Holt and Co., 1910. iv, [2], 285 p. I fold. map. 19"". "References," p. 271-272. Uzanne, Octave. 1656.09 P900 ' La locomotion a travers 1'histoire et les moeurs. Illustrations dans le texte et hors texte de Eugene Courboin. Nombreuses reproductions d'estampes anciennes. [2],xx,28i p. il. 38 pi. 20 colored. O. (Sports et transports en France et a 1'etranger.) Paris: P. Ollendorff, 1900. "Bibliographic," p. iv-xix. Marcevaux, F. 1656.09 P700 ' Du char antique a 1'automobile. Les siecles de la locomotion et du transport par voie de terre. [2],vi,285,[2] p. il. 3 pi. 2 paged in. Q. Paris: F. Didot & c ie , [1897]. 2 7 2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Martin, Alfred. 1,656.0944 P400 1 Etude historique et statistique sur les moyens de transport dans Paris. 462 p. 3 maps, 5 tables. Q. (FRANCE. MlNlSTERE DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE ET DES BEAUX- ARTS.) Paris: Impri- merie nationale, 1894. Moore, Henry Charles. 656.09 QIOI sons Omnibuses and cabs; their origin and history, by Henrv Charles Moore. With thirty-one illustrations. London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1902. v, 282 p. illus. 2i cm . Pennington, Myles, 1814- 656.04 00383 R a ii wa y S and other ways: being reminiscences of canal and rail- way life during a period of sixty-seven years ; with characteristic sketches of canal and railway men early tram roads and rail- ways .... Canada and its railways, trade and commerce .... With an appendix. By Myles Pennington .... Toronto, Wil- liamson & Co., 1896. 4, xix, [213-407, i, iv, [51-48 p. 9 pi., 34 port, (inch front.) 22 cm . Appendix has separate t.-p. and pagination. Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, 1877- 656.0975 Q8oo 98274 ^ history of transportation in the eastern cotton belt to 1860, by Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, .... New York, The Columbia Univer- sity Press, 1908. xvii, 405 p. incl. illus., tables, 2 maps (i fold.) 2O-i cm . "Bibliographical notes," p. 397. Pratt, Edwin A 3 8o -942 R200 96273 ^ history of inland transport and communication in England, by Edwin A. Pratt, .... London, K. Paul, Trench, Trtibner & Co., 1912. xii, 532 p. I9 cm . {Half-title: National industries.) "Authorities," p. 514-521. Ringwalt, John Luther. 1*656.0973 08oo 4555 Development of transportation systems in the United States. Com- prising a comprehensive description of the leading features of ad- vancement, from the colonial era to the present time ..... 398 p. 43 pi. i pi. of por. 3 maps, I facsim. F. Philadelphia: pub- lished by the author, 1888. TRANSPORTATION 273 Scheffel, Paul Hugo. 1656.0937 Q8oo 71341 Verkehrsgeschichte der Alpen. I. Band. Bis zum Ende des Ost- gotenreiches Theodorichs des Grossen. Von P. H. Scheffel, .... a Berlin, D. Reimer (E. Vohsen), 1908. viii, 206 p. 26 cm . No more published. Scott, Benjamin, 1814-1892. 656.0942 M700 1634 Locomotion ; being two lectures on the advances made in artifi- cial locomotion in Great Britain Second edition. By Benjamin Scott, .... London, published for the Working Men's Educational Union by S. W. Partridge, 1867. [4], 73 P- I7 cm - U.S. Bureau of Statistics. 1380.9 Q90 1 Department of Commerce and Labor. . ... Transportation routes and systems of the world. Development of steam-carrying power on land and sea, 1800 to 1908, and table of distances from New York, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Port Townsend to the principal ports of the world and the principal cities of the United States. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1909. 26 p. incl. tables. 3o cm . awd'fold. map. 81 x I45 em ., bound 3 [i] p- front., 24 pi. 2o cm . Wilson, William Hasell. 656.09 96302 ^ brief review of railroad history from the earliest period to the year 1894. By W. Hasell Wilson, .... Philadelphia, Allen, Lane & Scott, 1895. 53 P- i9 cm - Great Britain and Ireland Acworth, William Mitchell. 656.0942 0900 2583 The railways of England xvi,42/ p. 40!!. 16 pi. O. Lon- don: J. Murray, 1889. Cohn, Gustav. 380.942 ^400 ' Untersuchungen liber die englische Eisenbahnpolitik. Von Dr. Gustav Cohn. Erster [dritter] Band Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1874-1883. 3 vol. 23 cm . Contents. I. Bd. Die Entwickelung der Eisenbahngesetzgebung in England. 1874 xiii, 370 p. 2. Bd. Zur Beurtheilung der englischen Eisenbahnpolitik. 1875. xii, 646, [2] p. Neue Folge. Die englische Eisenbahnpolitik der letzten zehn Jahre (1873- 1883). 1883. viii, 196 p. Francis, John. 656.0942 Lioo 14838 A history of the English railway ; its social relations and revela- tions. 1820-1845. 2 vol. O. London : Longman, ... , & Long- mans, 1851. Frahm, Johann, d. 1909. 625.0942 Rioo 90332 Das englische Eisenbahnwesen, von Johann Frahm ... . Mit 353 Textfiguren und I Eisenbahnkarte. Berlin,}. Springer, 1911. [4], 323 p. illus. (incl. diagrs.), I fold. map. 27 cm . Gordon, William John. 656.0942 Rooi Our home railways, how they began and how they are worked, by W. J. Gordon, .... With 36 original coloured plates, by W. J. Stokoe and 300 illustrations from photographs. Vol. l-[n]. London and New York, F. Warne & Co., [1910]. 2 vol. front., illus., 48 pi., 36 col. pi. (partly fold.) 22 cm . 276 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Grinling, Charles Herbert, 1870- 656.091 6792 42884 -p^g history o f the Great Northern Railway, 1845-1902, by Charles H. Grinling. A new issue with an introduction and an additional chapter. London, Methuen & Co., 1903. xviii, 463 p. front, (port.), illus. 23 cm . Neele, George P 656.09261 N29 49670 R a {i wa y reminiscences. By George P. Neele, .... Notes and reminiscences of half a century's progress in railway working, and of a railway superintendent's life, principally on the London and North Western Railway, with some supplementary memo- randa as to the railway journeys to and from Scotland made by Her Late Majesty Queen Victoria. London, M c Corquodale & Co., printers, 1904. vi, [2], 544 p. illus., 24 port, on 6 pi. 24 cm Parsloe, Joseph. 656.0942 N8oo looe Q ur ra ii wa y Si Sketches, historical and descriptive, with practical information as to fares and rates, etc., and a chapter on railway reform. xii,294 p. D. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. Pendleton, John. 656.0942 P40O Our railways : their origin, development, incident and romance. 2 vol. il. pi. map, table. O. London: Cassell & Co., 1896. Stretton, Clement E. 656.091 Ms8i 34875 The history of the Midland Railway. xii,358 p. il. 12 pi. paged in, 4 por. 3 paged in, I fac-sim. paged in. O. London : Methuen & Co., 1901. Twenty years. 656.091 6 Twenty years' railway statistics. 1884-1904. [With the addition of 27 pages showing the percentage of expenses to receipts, gross and net earnings, &c., year by year for past 20 years of principal railways. London, F. C. Mathieson & Sons], C I9O4. 201 p. i6x9 cm . Williams, Frederick Smeeton, 1829-1886. 656.0942 L200 5018 Our iron roads : their history, construction, and administration. a By Frederick S. Williams, .... With numerous illustrations. Seventh edition. London, R. Bentley & Son, 1888. xvi, 520 p. 2 front., illus. 23 em . T.-p. illus. RAILROADING 277 Germany and Austria- Hungary Burmeister, Hans. 3 8 5-943 P 9 951SO Geschichtliche Entwickelung des Giitertarifwesens der Eisenbah- nen Deutschlands. Ein Beitrag zum Verstandnis der Tariffrage der Gegenwart. Vortrag gehalten im Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminar der Universitat Halle a. S. von Hans Burmeister. Leip- zig, Duncker & Humblot, 1899. [4], 62, [l] p. 22i cm . "Quellenangabe," p. [63]. Fuchs, Heinrich, 1883- 330-53 12 v.g 95199 .... Geschichte des badischen Giitertarifwesens bis zur Tarifre- form 1877, von Dr. Heinrich Fuchs. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1907. [8], 94 p. inch tables. 24i cm . (/ Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen der ba- dischen Hochschulen, ix. Band, 5. Heft.) Published also as the author's inaugural dissertation, Heidelberg, 1907. "Quelien," p. [7]. Jacob, Oskar. 656.0943 35023 j}j e k. wurttembergischen Staatseisenbahnen in historisch-stati- stischer Darstellung. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Eisenbahn- wesens. xi.igS p. I map. O. Tubingen: H. Laupp'sche Buch- handlung, 1895. Kech, Edwin, 385.943 RIOI 102452 ^ ^ Geschichte der deutschen Eisenbahnpolitik, von dr. Edwin Kech .... Leipzig, G. J. Goschen, 1911. 145 p. i6 cm . (Sammlung Goschen. [533.]) "Literatur," p. [6]-8. 31719 Kuhn, Ernst. L3I4-3 27 v.i8 Die preussischen Eisenbahnen in den Jahren 1886-1893, nebst Hinweisen auf die gleichen Verhaltnisse in den ubrigen deutschen Staaten sowie in Deutsch-Oesterreich. Mit 8 Tafeln kartographi- scher Darstellungen (in einem besonderen Umschlage). Bear- beitet von Ernst Kuhn, ... . Berlin, Koniglich statistisches Bureau, 1897. [2], 62 p. 334 cm . and atlas of 8 maps. 56^x48^. (/ Zeitschrift des Koniglich Preussischen statistischen Bureaus Erganzungsheft, xvui.) Atlas title reads: Das deutsche und deutsch-oesterreichische Eisenbahn-Netz am Schlusse der Jahre 1886-1893. Atlas has shelf number A314.3 27 v.13 278 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Kumpmann, Karl, 1883- 330-8 14 v.i Bass? j-)j e Entstehung der Rheinischen Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft 1830 1844. Ein erster Beitrag zur Geschichte der rheinischen Eisen- bahn, von Dr. Karl Kumpmann, .... Essen-Ruhr, G. D. Bae- deker, 1910. xx, 510 p. I pi., I map, I fold, table. 25 cm . (/ VeriJffentlichungen des Ar- chivs fur Rheinisch-Westfalische \Virtschaftsgeschichte, Band I.) "Quellennachweise," p. [5oi]~5O2. * Lins, Wilhelm. 330.53 26 v. 8 79334 Die thliringischen Eisenbahn-Verhaltnisse in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung und gegenwartigen Lage dargestellt von Dr. Wil- helm Lins. Mit Fr. Lists Diplom und einem Brieffaksimile im Anhange. Jena, G. Fischer, 1910. [8], 1 19 p. vi (i.e. 4) tables (2 fold.), i fold, facsim. 25 cm . (In Abhancl- lungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Jena, achter Band, erstes Heft. ) "Literatur-Verzeichnis, " p. [8], Lohmann, Fritz. 330-53 16 v.n 38907 j}j e Entwicklung der Lokalbahnen in Bayern von Fritz Lohmann. Mit einer Karte der bayerischen Vicinal- und Lokalbahnen und Angabe des Anlagekapitals, Verkehrs und der Betriebsergeb- nisse der einzelnen Linien bis zu dem Jahre 1899. Leipzig, A. Deichert'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Nachi., 1901. [6], 238, [2] p. fold. map. 23& cm . (In Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsstudien . . . , xi.) Miiller, Karl. 656.0943 Q20i 43634 -Qj e badjschen Eisenbahnen in historisch-statistischer Darstellung. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Eisenbahnwesens, von Dr. Karl Miiller. (Mit 2 Karten und I Tafel.) Heidelberg, Heidelberger Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei (Horning und Berkenbusch), 1904. xvi, 466 p. i illus., I fold, map, i fold, diagr. 25 cm . Oesterreichischer Eisenbahnbeamten-Verein. 1,656. 09436 P8oo 16343 Geschichte der Eisenbahnen der oesterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchic. [Unter Mitwirkung des K. u. k. Reichskriegsmini- steriums und hervorragender Fachmanner herausgegeben vom Oesterreichischen Eisenbahnbeamten-Verein. . . . Redigirt von Hermann Strach.] Vol. i-. il. pi. por. maps, tables. Q. Wien : K. Prochaska, 1898-. Scheyrer, Ferdinand. L656.09I M28 17344 Geschichte der Main-Neckar-Bahn. Denkschrift zum fiinfzigsten Jahrestag der Eroffnung des Betriebs der Main-Neckar-Bahn am i. August 1846. Auf amtliche Veranlassung verfasst. [6], 143 p. il. 9 pi. i por. 6 maps, 2 tables. sq.Q. Darmstadt: A. Bergstrasser, 1896. RAILROADING 279 Schoningh, Ferdinand, 1885- 385.943 Rl 4 97697 Die Geschichte und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Kleinbahnen (Uberlandstrassenbahnen) im rheinisch-westfalischen Kohlenre- vier. Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Stellung der Staats- eisenbahnverwaltung und der Kommunen zum Strassenbahnbau. Von Dr. rer. pol. F. Schoeningh. Mit einer Ubersichtskarte in i : 80000. Paderborn, F. Schoningh, 1911. xi, 422 p. incl. 43 tables. I fold, map in pocket. 23-i cm . France Charles, Ernest. 656.0944 P6oo 7075 Les chemins de fer en France pendant le regne de Louis-Philippe. [2]>v,28i p. Q. Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1896. Grippon-Lamotte, L 385.944 Q40i 3 Historique du reseau des chemins de fer frangais. Les six gran- des compagnies. Le reseau "etat." Par L. Grippon Lamotte. .... 2 gravures et une carte des chemins de fer francais. Is- soudun, Gaignault, 1904. xii, 543, [2] p. 2 pi., I fold. map. 23 cm . Slip pasted over imprint reads: V ve C. Dunod, Paris, 1904. Kaufmann, Richard von. 656.0944 P6oi 69S * Die Eisenbahnpolitik Frankreichs 2 vol. tables. O. Stutt- gart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1896. Monkswell, Robert Alfred Hardcastle Collier, 656.0944 Rioo 90173 3d baron, 1875- French railways, by Lord Monkswell, .... Illustrated. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1911. xii, 114 p. incl. front., illus. 22i cm . Picard, Alfred. 656.0944 0300 34218 Les chemins de fer frangais. Etude historique sur la constitution et le regime du reseau. Debats parlementaires actes legislatifs reglementaires administratifs etc. Public sous les auspices du Ministere des travaux publics 6vol. maps. Q. Paris: J. Rothschild, 1884-1885, Vol. 6 has only half title-page. Schlemmer, G 656.0944 P8oo Recueil de documents relatifs a 1'histoire parlementaire des che- mins de fer frangais. Principaux discours aux chambres, exposes des motifs des projets de lois, rapports, etc., par G. Schlemmer ... et H. Bonneau, .... Paris, V ve C. Dunod, 1898. [4], 685, ivp. 27i". "Texte des lois approuvant les conventions de 1883 et texte des conventions," p. [6ii]-68s. 2 8o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Switzerland Volmar, Fritz. 385-9494 64175 Die Anfange des Eisenbahnwesens im schweizerischen Bundes- staate. Von Dr. jur. Fr. Volmar, .... Bern, Ott & Bolliger, 1904. [4] '5i p. 23i cm - Originally published as Inaug.-dis. Bern, with slight variation in title. Volmar, Fritz. 385.9494 Rioo 96297 Bernische Alpenbahnpolitik 1850-1906. Denkschrift anlasslich des Durchschlages des Lotschbergtunnels, herausgegeben von der Berner Alpenbahngesellschaft. Verfasst von Dr. jur. Fr. Volmar, .... Langnau, Ruchdruckerei, Ritschard-Wyss & Cie, 1911. 280 p. 23 cm . Wiedemann, Karl Paul. 385.9494 Qsoo 96300 )j e g esc hichtliche Entwicklung der schweizerischen Eisenbahn- gesetzgebung. Von Dr. jur. C. P. Wiedemann, .... Zurich, Schulthess & Co., 1905. 115, [i] p. 24 cm . "Beniitzte Literatur," p. [3]. Other European countries Karosseroff, Iwan, 1884- 656.09497 Q7oo Zur Entwicklung der bulgarischen Eisenbahnen. . . . Von Iwan Karosseroff .... Erlangen, Buchdr. von Junge & Sohn, 1907. xii, 161, [i] p. 22i cm . Inaug.-dis. Erlangen. "Quellen-Angabe," p. [ix]-xii. Lebenslauf. Overmann, Joseph, 1876- 656.09492 Rooi 82925 -Q as Eisenbahnwesen in Holland. Mit besonderer Berucksichti- gung des Personenverkehrs. Von Jos. Overmann, .... Mit einer Eisenbahnkarte von Holland. Miinster in Westfalen, F. Coppenrath, 1910. vi, [2], 228 p. incl. tables. I fold. map. 24 cm . "Literatur," p. [v~|-vi. Asia Japan. Railway Bureau, A656.0952 Q300 97261 -j^g growth O f Japanese railways. [Historical summary. Tokyo, Printed at the "Japan Times" Office, 1903?] [4] P- 39 leaves, incl. tables, front., 17 pi., i fold, map, 3 diagr. (2 fold.) 27x 35 cm - Printed on one side of leaf only. On verso of t.-p. : The Railway Bureau, Department of Communications. RAILROADING 281 Kent, Percy Horace. 656.0951 Qyoo 96213 Railway enterprise in China. An account of its origin and de- velopment, by Percy Horace Kent. With maps. London, E. Ar- nold, 1907. ix, [2], 304 p. 5 maps (i fold.) 23=. Laboulaye, Edouard de. 385-951 Rioo 95217 Les chemins de fer de Chine, par Edouard de Laboulaye. Pre- face de M. Robert de Caix. Une carte hors texte. Paris, E. La- rose, 1911. [4], 340 p. I illus., i fold. map. 23. Schulz, Ernst. 385.954 Q90O 90225 -Qj e ostjndischen Eisenbahnen ; ihre Geschichte und Entwicklung, von Dr. Ernst Schulz. Berlin, Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1909. [6], 28l p. 22-i cm . "Literatur," p. [278]-28i. United States Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. 656.0973 N8oo 3139 Railroads : their origin and problems. [4],2i6p. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. [Cary, Ferdinand Ellsworth], 1848- 1,656.091 142 102453 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway system, and representa- tive employees ; a history of the development of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway, from its inception, together with introductory and supplementary chapters, tracing the progress of steam railroad transportation from the earliest stages, in America and abroad .... Buffalo, N. Y., Chicago, III, Biographical Pub- lishing Company, 1900. 947 p. inch illus., ports. 2g^ cm . Flint, Henry Martyn, 1829-1868. 656.0973 M8oo 90077 -pj^g ra ji roac j s O f the United States ; their history and statistics : comprising the progress and present condition of the various lines with their earnings and expenses, .... To which are added a synopsis of the railroad laws of the United States, and an article on the comparative merits of iron and steel rails. By Henry M. Flint, .... Philadelphia, J. E. Potter and Co., 1868. 452 P . i 9 . Hamblen, Herbert Elliott. 656.0973 P7oo 1 The general manager's story. Old-time reminiscences of rail- roading in the United States. x,3ii p. 21 pi. D. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. 282 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Haney, Lewis Henry. 330.51 17 v-3 95810 .... A Congressional history of railways in the United States to 1850. By Lewis Henry Haney, .... Madison, Wis., 1908. 273 p. illus. 23i cm . (/ Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 21 1. Economics and political science series, vol. 3, no. 2.) Thesis (PH.D.) University of Wisconsin, 1906. "Bibliographical note," p. 264-266; also bibliographical foot-notes. Haney, Lewis Henry. 330.51 17 v.6 90103 .... A congressional history of railways in the United States, 1850-1887. By Lewis Henry Haney, .... Madison, Wis., 1910. 6, [2], 7-335 p. incl. maps, tables. I fold, table. 23.| cm . (/ Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 342, Economics and political science series, vol. 6, no. I.) History. L656.ogi 1293 29160 Hj s t or y O f the Illinois Central Railroad Company and representa- tive employes. A history of the growth and development of one of the leading arteries of transportation in the United States, from inception to its present mammoth proportions, together with the biographies of many of the men who have been and are identified with the varied interests of the Illinois Central Railroad. 802 p. il. i colored pi. 22 pi. of por. paged in, 37 por. paged in. sq.O. Chicago, Illinois: Railroad Historical Co., 1900. Ackerman, W. K. History of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, p. 11-63. Hungerford, Edward, 1875- 656.0973 Rioo 96234 -p^g m0 (iern railroad, by Edward Hungerford, .... With many illustrations from photographs. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 191 1. xxi, 476 p. front., 32 pi., I diagr. 2i-i cm . The plates have illustrations on both sides of the leaf. Partly reprinted from various serials. Meyer, Balthasar Henry. 656.007 Q300 90169 .... Railway legislation in the United States, by Balthasar Henry Meyer, .... New York, London, The Macmillan Com- pany, 1903. xiii, 329 p. I9 cm . {Half-title: The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology.) At head of title: The citizen's library. "Chapter IV of the Introduction originally appeared in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, for January, 1902; and chapters n, in, iv of Part in appeared in the Political science quarterly for September, 1902." Pref. Contents. pt. I. Introduction. pt. 2. The progress of railway legislation. pt. 3. The past and future of the Interstate Commerce Commission. RAILROADING 283 New York. Public Service Commission. 352.0747 ^2150 1909 v.i 80793 ist District. History and description of rapid transit routes in New York City adopted under the Rapid transit act, embracing routes con- structed, under construction and validated for construction, to- gether with a map of each route and a combination map show- ing all such routes ; also routes laid out but not validated up to December 31, 1909. {In its Report. Albany, 1910. 22i cm . 1909, vol. i, p. 165-274. xxxi plans, I fold, map.) Poor, John Alfred. 656.09270 P79 ssas 'j'jjg rs j. international railway and The colonization of New Eng- land. Life and writings of John Alfred Poor. Edited by Laura Elizabeth Poor. v,4OO p. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1892. Contents: The life of John Alfred Poor. List of published writings. First article on the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railway; for the "Sherbrooke gazette". First article on the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railway; for the "Portland advertiser". Plan foi shortening the time of passage between New York and London. The northeastern boundary; report of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives. An Amer- ican Zoll-Verein; letter to the Ship-Canal Convention. The transcontinental railway; address delivered at Rutland, Vermont, June, 1869. A national highway; memorial to the Congress of the United States. A bill to secure cheap transportation of breadstuffs at uniform rates. The father of English colonization in America: a vindication of the claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges; delivered before the Historical Societies of Maine and New York, 1859. The first colonization of New England; an address delivered at Fort Popham, Maine, 1862. [Stennett, W H ] 656.091 4366 Yesterday and today. A history of the Chicago and North Western Railway system. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Chicago, [Winship Co., printer], 1910. [8], 199, [3] p. incl. illus., tables. 8 pi., I fold. map. 23.i cul . Stimson, Alexander Lovett. 656.0973 Oioi 3 History of the express business ; including the origin of the rail- way system in America, and the relation of both to the increase of new settlements and the prosperity of cities in the United States. [New edition.] 388 p. 3 pi. 8 por. O. New York: Baker & Godwin, 1881. Warman, Cy. 656.0978 P8oo ' The story of the railroad. xviii,28o p. 13 pi. 2 maps. D. [Story of the West series.] New York: D. Appleton & Co., il 284 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY White, Josiah, 1781-1850. 650.9297 99314 Josiah White's hiotory, given by himself. [Philadelphia, Press of G. H. Buchanan Company, 1909?] 75 P* 245 m . The title is a facsimile of the original manuscript title. "The journal of Josiah White is published, as giving in detail the circumstances which led to the introduction of canal navigation and the use of anthracite coal in Pennsyl- vania. 1 ' 100 copies printed for private distribution, of which this is no. 89. Other parts of the world Kandt, Moritz. 656.09945 ?40O 41463 TJeber die Entwickelung der australischen Eisenbahnpolitik nebst einer Einleitung Uber das Problem der Eisenbahnpolitik in Theorie und Praxis. Von Dr. Moritz Kandt Berlin, [H. Mam- roth], 1894. XXxiv, 263 p. 22i cm . "Litteratur und Quellen ... ," p. [ix]-xxxiv. Peru. Cuerpo de ingenieros civiles. 11656.0985 Q8oo 90187 .... Resena historica de los ferrocarriles del Peru por Federico Costa y Laurent. Lima, C. Fabbri, 1908. viii, [2], [9J-279, [4] p. 87 pi., ports, on 2 pi. (incl. front.), 15 maps (partly fold.), 53 tables (partly fold.) 29 cm . At head of title: Ministerio de fomento. "Jefe de la Seccion de estadistica del Cuerpo de ingenieros civiles, D. Federico Costa y Laurent." Royal Engineers Institute, Chatham. 623. 6 Q40I 90211 Detailed history of the railroads in the South African War, 1899- 1902. Vol. l-[ll]. Chatham, Royal Engineers Institute, 1904. 2 vol. 34i cm . After the war the British War Office compiled various reports on railway operations as a history of the railways during the war, in 4 vol., of which the first, by Sir E. P. C. Girouard, was published 1903. It wasdecided not to print theother 3 vol., but the Royal Engineers Institute took over the material and issued it in 2 vol. with some alterations. cf. Note, vol. i, p. [iii]. Contents. vol. i. Letter-press, xxvi, 275, [2], xxix-xli p. 2 fold, maps (incl. front.), 7 plans, I fold, table, 6 diagr. vol. 2. Illustrations, viii, 6l p. fold, front, (map), 93 pi. (partly fold., maps, plans, diagrs.) 656.9 History of navigation Friedrichson, J 656.9 Poo2 64163 Geschichte der Schiffahrt. Bilder aus dem Seewesen von J. Fried- richson, .... Hamburg, Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei Actien- Gesellschaft (vormals J. F. Richter), 1890. vi, 274 p. illus. 22i cm . NAVIGATION 285 Gelcich, Eugen, 1854- 1,656.9 Oioo 90734 Studien liber die Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Schiffahrt mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der nautischen Wissenschaften nebst einem Anhang Uber die nautische Literatur des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts und Uber die Entwicklungs-Geschichte der Formeln zur Reduction der Monddistanzen. Von Eugen Gelcich, .... Laibach, I. v. Kleinmayr & F. Bamberg, 1882. xi, 213 p. diagrs. 25^ cm . "Literatur," p. [ix]-xi. Kennedy, John. 1656.9 0309 47654 j^e ^1^0^ O f s team navigation. By John Kennedy. With numerous illustrations. Liverpool, C. Birchall, ltd., 1903. xvi, 328 p. front., illus., 4 col. fold, pi., 2 ports, on I pi. 25'". Macdonald, A. Fraser-. 656.9 P$oo 5023 Q ur ocean railways : or, The rise, progress, and development of ocean steam navigation. xii,266 p. il. 4 pi. 4 maps. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1893. Preble, George Henry. 656.90300 1593 A chronological history of the origin and development of steam navigation. 1543-1882. xix,484 p. O. Philadelphia: L. R. Hamersly & Co., 1883. Radttnz, Karl. 1656.9 Q7oi wen IOQ j arire Dampschiffahrt, 1807-1907. Schilderungen und Skizzen aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Dampfschiffes. Von Karl Radunz, .... Mit 125 Abbildungen und zwei Tafeln : Langs- und Querschnitt des Dampfers "Amerika". Rostock i. M., C. J. E. Volckmann Nachfolger, 1907. viii, 300 p. illus., I fold, pi., i fold, diagr. 26 cm . Schiick, Albert i.e. K W Albert, 1833- 538.71*003 95871 ^/y te Schiffskompasse und Kompassteile im Besitz Hamburger Staatsanstalten (mit n Tafeln und 3 Abbildungen im Text), von A. Schiick, .... Hamburg, Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1910. 47, iv p. illus., ii pi. (partly col.) 24^ cm . Siegel, Rudolf, 1852- 1,929.9 8571 1 Die Flagge. Geschichte der Entwickelung der auf den Kriegs- und Handelsschiffen zur Verwendung kommenden Flaggen unter Beriicksichtigung des Gebrauchs von Flaggen zu Signal- und Sa- lutzwecken. Von R. Siegel, .... Herausgegeben auf Veran- lassung des Staats-Sekretars des Reichs-Marine-Amts. Mit 48 bunten Flaggentafeln, 16 Schwarztafeln und 74 Textabbildungen. Berlin, D. Reimer (E. Vohsen), [ C I9I2]. xv, 267, [16], vi p. 74 illus., 16 pi., 48 col. pi. 28 cm . 286 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Smith, Joseph Russell, 1874- 387 Q8oo ' The ocean carrier ; a history and analysis of the service and a discussion of the rates of ocean transportation, by J. Russell Smith, .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons ; New York, Chicago, [etc.], Railroad Age Gazette, 1908. xi, 344 p. front., 32 pi., 5 maps (4 fold.) 2O cm . Trogneux, G 1,656.9 OQOI 90910 N ti ce historique sur les divers modes de transport par mer. Par G. Trogneux, .... Dessins de H, Derenaucourt. Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et c ie , 1889. vi, [2], 238, [2] p. illus. 25xl9 cm . "Ouvrages consultes," I p. following preface. Urquhart, W W 656.09 Rooi 81460 Reminiscences. The merchant marine ocean travel in the sixties and now; tragic, psychic, and romantic. By W. W. Urquhart. [New York, The Knickerbocker Press, 1910.] 47 p. front. i9i cm . "Dedicated to the survivors of the lost steamer Ville du Havre." Ancient times Breusing, Arthur i.e. Friedrich August Arthur, 656.5 0602 83698 1818-1892. Die Nautik der Alten. Von Dr. A. Breusing, .... Bremen, C. Schiinemann, 1886. xiv, [2], 219, [i] p. illus., 4 pi., I fold. map. 23 cm . Corazzini, Francesco, 1832- 656.9 P2oi 46838 .... Storia della marina militare antica. Documenti a Catania, a spese dell' autore, 1892-1908. 3 vol. in 5. 25 cm . At head of title: Cav. prof. F. Corazzini. Vol. 2,pt. 2, and vol. 3, cover-title: Storia deLa marina militare e commerciale Contents. [t. I, pte.] I. Sui porti militari dell'antica Atene. 2. Sulla ricostruzione delle antiche poliremi. Memorie che servono ad'illustrare 1'Atlante della marina militare italiana antica. 1892. [10], 199, [4] p. Ill fold. maps. t. 2, pte. I. La marina in Omero. Firenze, G. Passed . 1894. [ii]-xxxi, 399, [i] p. xiv pi. (inch maps, partly fold,) t. 2, pte. 2. La marina in Virgilio. Appendice: I. La marina in Aristofane. 2. La marinanei Persiani diEschilo. 3. Proposta di correzioni ad un passo diGellio. Torino, C. Clausen. 1898. xxviii, [2], 382 p. vn pi. incl. maps. t. 3. Le tavole attiche di marina tradotte per la prima volta e commentate. Torino, [Bologna], presso 1'autore, 1898-1908. 2 vol. vin pi., 8 maps. Corazzini, Francesco, 1832- 656.90201 46836 s tor j a della marina militare italiana antica, scritta da Francesco Corazzini. Livorno, R. Giusti, 1882. xv, 435. CO P- I 9k cm - NAVIGATION 287 Luebeck, Emil. 1656.9 Poo3 84629 .... Das Seewesen der Griechen und Romer. Von Dr. Emil Luebeck. Hamburg, Liitcke & Wulff, 1890-1891. 2 vol. in I. IV plates. 28 x 22 cm . Progr. Johanneum, Hamburg. Bibliographical foot-notes. Great Britain and Ireland Blackmore, Edward. 656.9 ?702 7703 The British mercantile marine : a short historical review, includ- ing the rise and progress of British shipping and commerce ; the education of the merchant officer ; and duty and discipline in the merchant service. xix,248 p. D. [Griffin's nautical series.] London: C. Griffin & Co., 1897. Forbes, Urquhart Atwell, 1850- 627.0942 4 Our waterways. A history of inland navigation considered as a branch of water conservancy, by Urquhart A. Forbes, . . . and W. H. R. Ashford. London, J. Murray, 1906. xv, 336 p. I fold, map (in pocket). 22i cra . 'List of authorities cited," p. 317-321. "Chronological list of acts of Parliament relating to rivers," p. 308-312. Jones, R. J. Cornewall-. 656.9 P8os *9ioo -j-^g ]3 r j t j s h merchant service. Being a history of the British mercantile marine from the earliest times to the present day. xvii,4o6 p. il. 78 pi. 2 colored. O. London : Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1898. Germany Baasch, Ernst, 1861- 656.9 P6o7 95586 Hamburgs Convoyschiffahrt und Convoywesen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Schiffahrt und Schiffahrtseinrichtungen im 17. und 1 8. Jahrhundert. Von Dr. Ernst Baasch, .... Hamburg, L. Friederichsen & Co., 1896. viii, 519, [i] p. 24i cm . Dresemann, Otto, 1 860- 656.0943 Q300 ^ ug ( j er j u g enc i ze jt der Rheindampfschiffahrt, von Otto Drese- mann. Coin, Kolner Verlags-Anstalt und Druckerei A.-G., 1903. [2], 109 p. 234 cm . 288 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Fischer, Kurt. 305.3 7 .58 ' Eine Sfudie iiber die Elbschiffahrt in den letzten 100 Jahren, un- ter spezieller BerUcksichtigung der Frage der Erhebung von Schiffahrtsabgaben, von Dr. Kurt Fischer, .... Jena, G. Fischer, 1907. xvi, 269, [i] p. incl. tables, diagrs. 24-i cm . (/> Sammlung nationalokonomischer und statistischer Abhandlungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Halle a. d. S., 58. Band.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [xv] xvi. Krumholz, Emil. 1656.9 Q6o5 90925 j-)j e Geschichte des Dampfschiffahrtsbetriebes auf dem Bodensee. Von K. u. K. Korvetten-Kapitan d. R. Emil Krumholz, .... Innsbruck, Wagner'sche Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1906. vii, 613, [i] p. incl. tables. 27i cm . Neubaur, Paul August Ferdinand, 1856- 656.91 N8i 57007 j) er Norddeutsche Lloyd 50 Jahre der Entwicklung. 1857-1907. Dargestellt von Dr. Paul Neubaur. Zvvei Bande Text und ein Illustrationsband. Leipzig, F. W. Grunow, 1907. 2 vol. illus. 23 cm . and atlas [14] p. 31 pi. (partly col., 2 fold.), ports, on 10 pi., 3 maps (i fold.), 12 diagr. 45 cm . Paged continuously; vol. I: [8], 384 p.; vol. 2: [4, 385J-748 p. Atlas has shelf number A656.91 N81 Schwabe, Hermann, 1828- 627.06322 i v.44 100619 .... Die Entwickelung der deutschen Binnenschiffahrt bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Von Schwabe, .... Berlin, Sie- menroth & Troschel, 1899. viii, 149 p. incl. tables. 23^ cm . (In Deutsch-oesterreichisch-ungarischer Verband fur Binnenschiffahrt. Verbands-Schriften, no. XLIV. ) Tietze, Walter Karl Ferdinand, 1882- 387.943 Q7O3 looel? j}j e Qderschiffahrt. Studien zu ihrer Geschichte und zu ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung, von Walter Tietze, .... Leipzig, A. Deichert, 1907. 2, iv, 131 p. 23 cm . Enlarged from the author's inaugural dissertation, Breslau, 1906. 43 p. "Zusammenstellung des wichtigsten Materials," p. 129-131. Prance Breittmayer, Albert, 1387.944 Q400 Le Rhdne. Sa navigation depuis les temps anciens jusqu'a nos jours, par Albert Breittmayer. Lyon, [etc.] H. Georg, 1904. [8], 105 p. 25i. "Bibliographic; liste des divers ecrits a propos de Petablissement du chemin de fei lateral au Rh6ne," p. 96-98. NAVIGATION 289 Italy Corazzini, Francesco, 1832- A656.Q 0500 46830 Atlante della marina militare italiana . . . dal cav. prof. Francesco Corazzini. Torino, Roma, [etc.], 1885-1903. 2 vol. 191 pi. 3iix45 cm .-36x5o cm . Vol. 2 published in Firenze, "a cura del R. Istituto geografico militare". Corazzini, Francesco, 1832- 656.9 P6o6 7 Storia della marina militare e commerciale del popolo italiano, scritta dal cav. prof. F. Corazzini di Bulciano, .... Firenze, vol. i, a spese dell'autore ; vol. 2, C. Clausen, 1896. 2 vol. 25 cm . Contents. tomo I. Introduzione. Marina orientale ed ellenica. Con quindici tavole. xxxii, 414 p. xv pi. (incl. maps, partly fold.) tomo 2. La marina preromana e romane. Con xvn tavole. xv, 489, [6] p. xvn pi. (incl. maps, partly fold.) United States and Canada Bacon-Foster, Mrs. Corra. 386.973 R202 102465 j? ar iy chapters in the development of the Patomac route to the West, by Mrs. Corra Bacon-Foster. Washington, Columbia His- torical Society, 1912. viii, 277 p. 8 pi., 4 port. (incl. front.), 4 facsim. 23i cm . In three parts; pt. i-n reprinted from the Records of the Columbia Historical Society. Contents. [pt.] I. The Ohio company and other adventures. 1748 to 1774- [pt.] II. The Patowmack company. 1784101828. From its unpublished records. [pt.] in. Life of Colo. Charles Simms, gentleman. With selections from his correspon- dence. Chittenden, Hiram Martin, 1858- 656.0978 Q300 0044 Hj s t OI y of early steamboat navigation on the Missouri River. Life and adventures of Joseph La Barge, pioneer navigator and Indian trader ... , by Hiram Martin Chittenden, ... . W r ith map and illustrations. In two volumes. New York, F. P. Har- per, 1903. 2 vol. II pi., 3 port. (incl. 2 front.), I map. 23i cm . ( Half-title: American ex- plorers series, iv. ) Paged continuously. Fry, Henry. 656. 4779 The history of north Atlantic steam navigation. With some ac- count of. early ships and shipowners. xiv,324 p. il. I pi. I map. D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1896. 2 9 o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hill, Charles S. 656.0973 0301 History of American shipping, its prestige, decline, and prospect. 194 p. il. O. New York: American News Co., 1883. Kingsford, William. 380.971 11793 The Canadian canals : their history and cost, with an inquiry into the policy necessary to advance the well-being of the Province. iv,i9i p. O. Toronto: Rollo & Adam, 1865. Judson, William Pierson, 1849- 656.09747 Qioo 90127 History of the various projects, reports, discussions and estimates for reaching the Great Lakes from tidewater. 17681901. By Wm. Pierson Judson, .... [Oswego? N. Y., 1901?] 22 p. I fold. map. 23 cm . [Oswego Historical Society, Oswego, N. Y. Publica- tion, no. 2.] Cover-title : History of the various projects, reports, discussions and estimates of canal routes across the state of New York ..... On cover: Seal of Oswego Historical Society. Morrison, John H 656.9 (302 90176 History of American steam navigation, by John H. Morrison. New York, W. F. Sametz & Co., inc., 1903. [2], 630, vi, [i] p. illus. 24 cm . Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. 386.9771 Qsoo 1 History of the Ohio canals, their construction, cost, use and par- tial abandonment. Published by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Columbus, Ohio, Press of F. J. Heer, 1905. viii, 181 p. incl. tables, diagrs. I fold. map. 2^ cm . "Prepared by Messrs. C. P. McClelland and C. C. Huntington, two . . . graduates of the Ohio State University, working under the direction of Prof. J. E. Hagerty." Intro- ductory note. Contents. Introduction. pt. I. History of the Ohio canals [by C. C. Huntington]. pt. II. Financial management of the canals [by C. P. McClelland]. pt. in. The value of the canals to the state throughout their history [by C. C. Huntington]. Ap- pendix. Plumb, Ralph Gordon. 387.973 RIOI 90379 .... History of the navigation of the Great Lakes, by Ralph G. Plumb. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1911. 83 p. 23i cm . At head of title: Committee on Railways and Canals. Hearings on commerce of the Great Lakes. The History is preceded by preliminary statement of the chairman of the Committee on Railways and Canals at the hearing of March i, 1911. ACCOUNTING 291 Trow, Charles Edward, 1833- 656.9 89383 The QJd shipmasters of Salem, with mention of eminent mer- chants, by Charles E. Trow, .... New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905. xxvii, 337 p. front., 21 pi., 10 port. 2i cm . 657.09 HISTORY OF ACCOUNTING Brown, Richard. 1*657.09 Qsoo 47927 j^ history of accounting and accountants. Edited and partly written by Richard Brown, .... Edinburgh, T. C. & E. C.Jack, 1905. xvi, 459 p. front., I pi., ports, on 6 pi., 15 facsims. 26 cm . "Bibliography of book-keeping," p. 343~3 6c) - Contents: pt. I. History of accounting: i. Mackay, J. S. Numeration. 2. Boyd, E. Ancient systems of accounting. 3. Same. Early forms of accounts. 4. Same. His- tory of auditing. 5-6. Fogo, J. R. History of book-keeping. pt. II. I. Boyd, E. Early Italian accountants. 2. Scotland before the charters, by the editor, incorporating notes by A. Sloan. 3. Same. Scottish chartered accountants. 4. England and Ireland, by the editor, incorporating notes by T. A. Onions and J. Martin. 5. The British colo- nies, etc., by the edit or. 6. Same. The United States of America. 7. Same. The con- tinent of Europe. 8. Same. Other foreign countries. 9. Patrick, J. Development of the profession. IO. The position and prospect, by the editor. Bibliography of book- keeping, compiled by the editor. Lists of deceased Scottish accountants, compiled by the editor and A. Sloan. DuBois, Charles (j 657.9537 93690 j^ b r j e f history of telephone accounting. A lecture delivered to the students of the Amos Tuck School of Administration and Finance, associated with Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. By Charles G. DuBois, ... . Feb. 10, 1913. [Hanover, N. H.?, 39> [!8]> 7> [3] p. I fold. form. 2/i cm . Kheil, Carl Peter. 1,657.0944 Q8oo 92202 (Jjjg,. "amerikanische" Buchfuhrung. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der franzosischen Buchhaltungs-Literatur des XIX. Jahrhunderts. Von Carl Peter Kheil. Wien, Manz'sche k. u. k. Hof-Verlags- und Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1908. viii, 88, [2] p. i fold, table. 26 cm . U. S. Treasury Department. Committee on Auditing. 657.9353 The accounting system of the United States from 1789 to 1910. Prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Committee on Auditing, Treasury Department. Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1911. 1 1 7 p. 23i cm . ( On verso oft.-p.: Treasury Department. Document no. 2003.) M. O. Chance, chairman. 2 9 2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 659.09 HISTORY OF ADVERTISING Burger, Konrad, 1856- A655-55 Q7oo 95179 Buchhandleranzeigen des 15. Jahrhunderts. In getreuer Nach- bildung herausgegeben von Konrad Burger, .... Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1907. [7] I5> [*] P- S 2 facsim. 44i cm . Datz, P ,1854- 659P400 37435 . . . Histoire de la publicite depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Tome premier, orne de 16 illustrations des- sinees par F. Courboin d'apres des documents originaux. Paris, J. Rothschild, 1894. t4l. 230, [2] p. i6illus. 23, At head of title : P. Datz. No more published. Grand-Carteret, John, 1850- 1659 Q204 90284 .... L'enseigne ; son histoire, sa philosophic, ses particularites ; les boutiques, les maisons, la rue, la reclame commerciale a Lyon ; croquis vivants de Gustave Girrane, estampes documentaires et pieces anciennes. Grenoble, H. Falque et F. Perrin ; Moutiers, F. Ducloz, 1902. [10], xxviii, 466, [2] p.incl. illus., plates (partly col.), facsim. col. front. 2gh cm No. I no of an edition of 1250 copies. "Bibliographic de Penseigne," p. 395-444. Hiatt, Charles. 6223 Picture posters : a short history of the illustrated placard, with many reproductions of the most artistic examples in all countries. xvi,36; p. il. i pi. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, pref. 1895. Maindron, Ernest. 1659 P603 12183 Les affiches illustrees (1886-1895). [4],ii,25i,[2] p. il. 64 pi F. Paris: G. Boudet, 1896. "L'oeuvre murale de Jules Cheret", p. 187-242. Munzinger, Ludwig. 659Qioi 34384 Die Entwicklung des Inseratenwesens in den deutschen Zeitungen. [8] ,90 p. O. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1902. Sampson, Henry. 309.42^00 A history of advertising from the earliest times. Illustrated by anecdotes, curious specimens, and biographical notes. x,6i6 p. il. 9 pi. 5 facsim. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1874. CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 293 660.9 HISTORY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Allen, John Fen wick. 660.92 A427 tt Some founders of the chemical industry; men to be remembered, by J. Fenwick Allen. Second edition. London, [etc.], Sherratt & Hughes, 1907. xxix, [2], 289, vi p. front., 21 port. I94 cm . Contents. I. William Gossage. 2. Josias Christopher Gamble. 3. James Mus- pratt. 4. Andreas Kurtz. 5. Henry Deacon. 6. James Shanks. 7. Christian Allhusen. 8. Peter Spence. Appendix I : Mr. William Keates. American Society for Testing Materials. 660.9224 A5I2 1111 Memorial volume commemorative of the life and life-work of Charles Benjamin Dudley, PH.D., late president of the Interna- tional Association for Testing Materials and of the American Society for Testing Materials. Philadelphia, Pa., American So- ciety for Testing Materials, [1911]. 269 p. i pi., 2 port. 25 cm . Dammer, Otto, 1839- , ed. L66o.2 Rooi 76679 ch em j sc he Technologic der Neuzeit, .... Herausgegeben von a Dr. Otto Dammer. Drei Bande. Mit zahlreichen Textabbildun- gen. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1910-1911. 3 vol. illus. 25i cm . Grossmann, Hermann, 1877- 1660.973 R2OO esses j)j e chemische Industrie in den Vereinigten Staaten und die deutschen Handekbeziehungen. Auf Grund von amtlichem Ma- terial bearbeitet von Dr. Hermann Grossmann, .... Leipzig, Veit & Co., 1912. iv, [2], 85 p. incl. tables. 25i cm . Histoire de I'industrie. 660.9 P8oo 15604 Histoire de I'industrie chimique. 160 p. D. (Petite encyclope- dic de chimie industrielle pratique, no. I.) Paris: E. Bernard & C ie , 1898. Hofmann, August Wilhelm. 660.9 ^500 ' Bericht liber die Entwickelung der chemischen Industrie wahrend des letzten Jahrzehends. Im Verein mit Freunden und Fachge- nossen erstattet 2 vol. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1875-1877. Reprinted from the Amtlicher Bericht iiber die Wiener Weltausstellung im Jahre 1873, v l- 3 P art * 2 9 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Kockerscheidt, J Wilhelm. 338.5 Qsoo 66313 Uber die Preisbewegung chemischer Produkte unter besonderer Berlicksichtigung des Einflusses neuerer Erfindungen und tech- nischer Fortschritte. Von Dr. J. Wilh. Kockerscheidt, .... Jena, G. Fischer, 1905. v, 125, [i] p. incl. tables. 24^. "Quellenangabe," I p. at end. Lunge, Georg. 660. 9494 Qioo 34743 Zur Geschichte der Entstehung und Entwicklung der chemischen Industrien in der Schweiz. Zusammengestellt im Auftrage der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir chemische Industrie, auf Grund von Mitteilungen seitens Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft. 71 p. O. Zurich: Art. Institut Orell Fussli, 1901. Miiller, Gustav. 1.330.943 Q20i aeosa j-)j e c hemische Industrie in der deutschen Zoll- und Handels- gesetzgebung des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zum Studium der deutschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte. xi,43/ p. Q. Berlin: R. Gaertner, 1902. Schreiner, Oswald. 668.7 Q*oi r History of the art of distillation and of distilling apparatus. By Oswald Schreiner, ... . Milwaukee, Pharmaceutical Review Publishing Co., 1901. [4L59P- 65 illus. 24 cm . (Added t.-p.: Pharmaceutical science series. Mono- graphs, no. 6.) "Adapted and supplemented from [Gildemeister and Hoffmann's] 'The volatile oils'." Schultze, Hermann. 1,660.943 Q8oo 1 Die Entwicklung der chemischen Industrie in Deutschland seit dem Jahre 1875. Eine volkswirtschaftliche Studie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Unternehmerverbande und der Rentabilitat der Aktiengesellschaften. Von Dr. Hermann Schultze. Halle a. S., Tausch & Grosse, 1908. viii, 309 p. incl. tables. 26 cm . Smith, John Lawrence, 1818-1883. 070.040 058 v.2 4 ... . The progress and condition of several departments of in- dustrial chemistry. By J. Lawrence Smith Washington, Gov't Print. Off., 1869. ix, 146 p. 5 illus., vn fold. pi. (incl. plan.) 24'". (/ Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867, volume II.) Stange, Albert. 540.9 Q30i 39970 Die Zeitalter der Chemie in Wort und Bild Verfasst von Dr. Albert Stange. Leipzig, P. Schimmelwitz, [pref. 1903-]. Pt. i-. illus. 24i cm . CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES 295 Stange, Albert, 1873- 540.9 Q70i 61730 Die Zeitalter der Chemie in Wort und Bild. Von Dr. Albert Stange. Mit vielen Portrats und Abbildungen nach Originalen. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1908. xiii, [2], 528 p. illus., 4 pi., ports, on 62 pi., I facsim., 2 fold, diagr. 23^ cm . "Literatur-Nachweis," p. [484J-488. With special reference to "the creation of economic values" and to the origin of im- portant branches of chemical industry, cf. Pref. The first four chapters are a reprint of an unfinished edition, published in 1903 by P. Schimmelwitz in Leipzig. Strunz, Franz, 1876- 660.93 Q5 67545 .... Die Chemie im klassischen Altertum. Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Chemie. Von Privatdozent Dr. Franz Strunz. Wien, Mayer & Ko., 1905. 25 p. 24 cm . (Vortrage und Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Leo-Gesell- schaft. 23.) Wichelhaus, Hermann. 660.9 Qooi ' Wirthschaftliche Bedeutung chemischer Arbeit, Zweite durch Nachtrage erganzte Ausgabe. [4], 59 p. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1900. Witt, Otto N. 1660.943 Q200 353U -Qj e chemische Industrie des Deutschen Reiches im Beeinne des o zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Eine Festschrift zum ftinfundzwanzig- jahrigen Jubilaum der Begrundung des Vereins zur Wahrung der Interessen der chemischen Industrie Deutschlands. 1877-1902. [4], 228, [2] p. Q. Berlin: R. Gaertner, 1902. Wrany, Adalb. 660.9437 Q2oo ' Geschichte der Chemie und der auf chemischer Grundlage beru- henden Betriebe in Bohmen bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Von Dr. Adalb. Wrany. Prag, F. Rivnac, [etc.], 1902. vii, 397 p. 23-i cm . Bibliography in text and foot-notes. 66 1 Various chemical substances Acheson, Edward Goodrich, 1856- 660.9201 Ai77 4 A pathfinder : discovery, invention and industry. How the world came to have aquadag and oildag; also, carborundum, artificial graphite and other valuable products of the electric furnace. The first of a series of educational biographical sketches of eminent inventors. New York, The Press Scrap Book, 1910. 143 p. incl. front, (port.) 24i cm . In effect an autobiography of Dr. Acheson with brief account of his discoveries and business career. 2Q 6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Baudry de Saunier, L ,1865- 663.5 Q4 01 44798 .... La majeste 1'alcool. Historique fabrication applications a 1'industrie, a 1'eclairage, au chauffage & a la force motrice. Ouvrage orne de 1 12 gravures, photogravures et schemas. Paris, V ve C. Dunod, [1904]. [io],35op. ii2illus. 23i cm . At head of title: L. Baudry de Saunier. Breuer, Carl. 668.3 Q?02 75808 .... Kitte und Klebstoffe. Geschichtliche und technische Ausfiihrungen von Carl Breuer, .... Mit 8 Abbildungen im Texte. Hannover, M. Janecke, 1907. viii, 260 p. I7 cm . (Bibliothek der gesamten Technik. 33. Band.) "Literatur," p. iv. Goldstein, Josef. 33-53 2 ^.13 io695 D eu tschlands Sodaindustrie in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Ein kritischer Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Zollpolitik. Mit einem Vorwort von Walther Lotz. xii,io8 p. [/# Mun- chener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, no. 13.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1896. Hesse, Albert Friedrich, 1866- 540.8 7 95969 {Jb er die Entwickelung der Industrie der atherischen Die in Deutschland in den letzten 25 Jahren. Von Albert Hesse. (/ Festschrift. OttoWallach ... iiberreicht. Gottingen, 1909. 24 cm . p. 1-151, incl. tables.) Holbling, Victor. L66i 0500 ' Fortschritte in der Fabrikation der anorganischen Sauren, der Alkalien, des Ammoniaks und verwandter Industriezweige. An der Hand der systematisch geordneten Patentliteratur dargestellt von Victor Holbling, ... . 1895-1903. Berlin, J. Springer, 1905. vi, [2], 763, [i] p. illus. 28i cm . Kingzett, Charles Thomas. 661.3^00 The history, products, and processes of the alkali trade, including the most recent improvements. xiii,[2J,247 p. il. 4 pi. O. Lon- don : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1877. Kohler, Hippolyt. 66i.9i4Pooi Carbolsaure und Carbolsaure-Praparate, ihre Geschichte, Fabri- kation, Anwendung und Untersuchung. vi,[2J,i92 p. 23 il. O Berlin: J. Springer, 1891. 52:17 CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES 297 Kohler , Hippolyt. 661.7 R 4 Die Industrie der Cyanverbindungen, ihre Entwicklung und ihr 96765 gegemvartiger Stand. Von Dr. Hippolyt Kohler, .... Mit 30 Abbildungen im Text. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1914. xiv, 200 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 24i cm . {Added t.-p,: Neues Handbuch der chemischen Technologic, vm.) Precht, Heinrich. 661.3 Q 6 o 79349 ,j e norddeutsche Kaliindustrie, von Professor Dr. H. Precht. Siebente vermehrte Auflage herausgegeben von Dr. R. Ehrhardt. Mit zvvei Karten. Stassfurt, R. Weicke'sche Buchhandlung, 1907. [4], 63 p. I fold, map, I fold, diagr. 23i cm . Progress. 615.08 n v.8-20 r Progress in alkaloidal chemistry during the year 19031906. By H. M. Gordin. Milwaukee, Pharmaceutical Review Publishing Co., [i904]-i9o8. 4 nos. in I vol. 23 cm . (/ Pharmaceutical science series, . . . Monographs, no. 8, 10, 17, 20.) 1903 is a reprint from the Pharmaceutical review, vol. 22. . A review of the literature on the estimation of alkaloids for the year 1905-1906. By W. A. Puckner. Milwaukee, 1906- 1907. 2 nos. 22i cm . (/ Pharmaceutical science series, ... Monographs, no. 13, 19.) Volatile oils. 615.08 n v.n,i8 94526 The Volatile oils: 1 904-[ 1 905]. By I. W. Brandel. Milwaukee, Pharmaceutical Review Publishing Co., 1906-1907. 2 nos. 23 cm . (/ Pharmaceutical science series, ... Monographs, no. n, 18.) Worden, Edward Chauncey. 679.15 Rioo Nitrocellulose industry. A compendium of the history, chemis- try, manufacture, commercial application and analysis of nitrates, acetates and xanthates of cellulose as applied to the peaceful arts, with a chapter on gun cotton, smokeless powder and explosive cellulose nitrates, by Edward Chauncey Worden In two . volumes. 324 illustrations. New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1911. 2 vol. 316 illus., 3 port. (incl. fronts.) 24i cm . Paged continuously. Bibliographical foot-notes. 298 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 662.2 History of explosives Guttmann, Oscar. 662.2P500 4324 -j-j le manufacture of explosives : a theoretical and practical treatise on the history, the physical and chemical properties, and the man- ufacture of explosives. 2 vol. il. O. [Specialist's series.] New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Contains a bibliography of explosives. Guttmann, Oskar. 662.2 Qgoo The manufacture of explosives, twenty years' progress. Four Cantor lectures delivered at the Royal Society of Arts in Novem- ber and December 1908, by Oscar Guttmann, .... London, New York, Whittaker and Co., 1909. viii, 84 p. front., 9 pi. 22i c I cm Guttmann, Oscar. 1662.3 Q6oo 53260 Monumenta pulveris pyrii. Reproductions of ancient pictures concerning the history of gunpowder, with explanatory notes. By Oscar Guttmann .... Eine getreue Wiedergabe alter Abbil- dungen zur Geschichte des Schiesspulvers. Mit erklaerendem Texte. Reproduction d'anciens tableaux concernant 1'historique de la poudre. Publication accompagnee de notices explicatives. London, printed for the author at the Artists Press, 1906. [10], 34, [6] p. 67 pi., ports, on 27!. 33<|x27 cm . Text in English, German and French in parallel columns. "Of this book there have been printed only 270 copies, of which this is no. 128." MacDonald, George William. L662.2 R20O 102466 Historical papers on modern explosives, by George W. MacDon- ald .... With an introduction by Sir Andrew Noble, bart London, New York, Whittaker & Co., 1912. xi, 192 p. 26 cm . ( On cover: The specialists' series.) "The papers in this volume have appeared at intervals during the last few years in the pages of Arms and explosives." Pref. Munroe, Charles Edward. 623.06191 i v.8-23 17514 Notes on the literature of explosives. No. 1-28. [/ UNITED STATES NAVAL INSTITUTE. Proceedings, vol. 8-23. Annapolis, Md. f c. 1882-1897.] Munroe, Charles Edward, 1849- 061.82 i 1910 93129 Some modern developments in methods of testing explosives .... By Charles E. Munroe .... (/ Smithsonian Institution. Annual report. 1910. Washington, 1911. 23-i cm . p. 291-306. 12 (.*. 6) pi.) "Reprinted . . . from the United States Naval Institute Proceedings, vol. 36, no. 3, whole no. 135." The plates have illustrations on both sides. FUEL 299 [Rideal, Charles F .] 662.2 R202 108467 The history of the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Company; a century cf success. New York, Business America, [ C I9I2]. [4], 224 p. illus. (incl. ports., facsims.) 23i cm . By Charles F. Rideal and Albert \V. Atwood, Rise. L662.2 Qgoi sim ^e rise and progress of the British explosives industry. Pub- lished under the auspices of the Vllth International Congress of Applied Chemistry by its Explosives Section. London, New York, Whittaker and Co., 1909. xiv, 418, [2] p. incl. front., illus., ports. 25ixi9 cm . Half-title illus. Editor: E. A. Brayley Hodgetts. "Bibliography," p. 170-179. Romocki, S J von. L662.2 PSOI 39938 .... Geschichte der Explosivstoffe. I -[ll] 1895-1896. Vol. 1-2. 25i cm . At head of title: S. J. von Romocki. Contents. I. Geschichte der Sprengstoff chemie, der Sprengtechnik und des Torpedo- wesensbiszum Beginn derneuestenZeit. Miteiner EinfiihrungvonDr. Maxjahns, ... . Mil vielen Reproduktionen von alien Handschriften, Malereien, Stichen u. s. w. Ber- lin, R. Oppenheim, 1895. [8], 394, [2] p. front, (port.), 92 illus. incl. diagrs. 2. Die rauchschwachen Pulver in ihrer Entwickelung bis zur Gegenwart. Mit vielen Ab- bildungen. Hannover, Gebriider Janecke, 1896. xi, 324 p. front, (port.), 48 diagr. No more published. Sprengel, Hermann Johann Philipp, 1834- 662.2 Q203 44328 -phe discovery of picric acid (melinite, lyddite) "as a powerful explosive" and of cumulative detonation with its bearing on wet guncotton, by Hermann Sprengel, .... Second edition London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1903. 56 p. front, (port.), 4 facsims. 22 cm . . Appendix to Sprengel's Discovery .... (1871.) Lon- don, 1903. 16 p. 22 cm . Bound together. The author has in order to uphold "the principle of priority," brought together a number of "articles and notes which have appeared ... at different times in various journals and publications". Also "a number of letters not hitherto published". 662.6 History of fuel Escard, Jean. 1553 Q6oi 83134 Le carbone et son Industrie, par Jean Escard, .... Paris, H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1906. xviii, 763 p. 129 illus. 26 cm . "Bibliographic" at end of each chapter. 300 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Liebel, Fridolin. 330-53 2 v.ii4 Die wurttembergische Torfwirtschaft ; eine wirtschaftsgeschicht- 102468 ij c he Studie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung Oberschwabens nach den Ergebnissen einer Privaterhebung, von Fridolin Liebel .... Stuttgart und Berlin, J. G. Cotta, 191 1. viii, 288 p. inch tables, fold, table. 23. (/ Munchener volkswirtschaitliche Studien .... 114- Stuck.) "Quellen," p. [287]-288. Nicolls, William Jasper. 553-23P700 12205 y^g stor y O f American coals. 405 p. I pi. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. Thorpe, [Thomas Edward], editor. 553- 2 N8o 12125 Coal : its history and uses. By Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Rucker, and Marshall. xii,363 p. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Contents: 1-2. The geology of coal. 3. Coal plants. 4. Animals of the coal meas- ures. 5-6. The chemistry of coal. 7. Coal as a source of warmth. 8. Coal as a source of power. 9-10. The coal question. 663.2 History of wine growing and the wine trade Bassermann- Jordan, Friedrich. 1,663.2 Q6o2 59356 Geschichte des Weinbaus unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Bayerischen Rheinpfalz. Von Dr. Friedrich Bassermann-Jordan. Mit 140 Textillustrationen und 20 Tafeln. Erster- [dritter] Band. Frankfurt am Main, H. Keller, 1907. 3 vol. illus. 3O cm . Paged continuously; vol. i: [10], 350 p. front., 8 pi.; vol. 2: [8, 35l]-69O p. 6 pi., I facsim.; vol. 3: [8, 6gi]-g62, [2] p. 4 pi. "Literatur," vol. 3, p. Cartel, G 634.4 Q200 weoz L a v jg ne et \Q v j n c hez les Romains, par G. Curtel .... Paris, C. Naud, 1903. [4], iii, 182 p. 22 cm . (On cover: Bibliotheque generale des sciences.) Degrully, Paul. 1,338.197 Roo2 87404 Essai historique et economique sur la production et le marche des vins en France. Par Paul Degrully, .... Paris, V. Giard et E. Briere, [etc., etc.], 1910. vi, 466 p. incl. illus., tables. 6 pi., I fold, diagr. 25i cm . "Bibliographic," p. [45i]-462. WINE GROWING 301 Denman, James Lemoine. 663.2M400 eise jh e v ; ne an( j j ts ^1^ more especially in relation to the produc- tion of wine : embracing an historical and descriptive account of the grape, its culture and treatment in all countries, ancient and modern xii,346p. D. London : Longman, ... ,& Green, 1864. Emerson, Edward Randolph, 1856- 663.2 Q200 -p^e story of the vine. By Edward R. Emerson. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. ix, 252 p. i9-i cm . Contents. The wines of antiquity. The wines of England and France. The wines of Spain and Portugal. African, Persian, and Indian wines. Chinese, Russian, and Turkish wines. Hungarian and Italian wines. The wines of Germany and Swit- zerland. The vine in America. Appendix: How the best champagne in France and America is made, as told by an expert before a committee of the United States Senate. Henderson, Alexander. 1.663.2 1400 14923 -p^g history of ancient and modern wines. xvi,[2],4o8 p. I table. sq.Q. London: Baldwin, Cradock, & Joy, 1824. Hoch, Friedrich August. 634.4 (3507 66038 2 ur Geschichte des Weinbaus in Mittelbaden. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Ortenau und Blihler Gegend. Anlasslich des 25jahrigen Bestehens des Handels- und Gewerbe-Vereins Buhl und der aus diesem Anlass stattfindenden Bezirks-Gewerbe- und Industrie-Ausstellung verbunden mit Weinausstellung und Kostprobetag herausgegeben von Dr. phil. Fr. A. Hoch. Buhl (Baden), Druck der Aktiengesellschaft Konkordia, 1905. 60, [2] p. front., illus. 23i cm . Redding, Cyrus. 663.27300 890 A history and description of modern wines. xxxv,4O7 p. il. O. London: Whittaker, Treacher, & Arnot, 1833. Roy-Chevrier, J. 634.4 Qooi 28454 Ampelographie retrospective Ouvrage honore de . . . : souscription du Ministere de 1'agriculture; medaille d'or de la Societe des viticulteurs de France et d'ampelographie, etc., etc. xv,53i p. O. Montpellier: Coulet & fils, 1900. Contents: Histoire de 1'ampelographie. Textes et biographies. I. Temps anciens. II. Moyen age et Renaissance, in. Temps modernes. With bibliographical notes for each author. "Bibliographic viticole de Bosc a Odart (1800-1850)," p. 511-525. 302 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Simon, Andre* L 1,338.197 Q6oo 59503 y^e history o f the wine trade in England. By Andre L. Simon, & .... Volume l-[nj. London, Wyman & Sons, ltd., 1906-1907. 2 vol. 25 cm . "List of authorities," vol. I, p. 363-372; vol. 2, p. 321-333. Contents. vol. I. The rise and progress of the wine trade in England from the ear- liest times until the close of the fourteenth century. 1906. xii, 387 p. vol. 2. The progress of the wine trade in England during the fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries. 1907. ix, 339, [i] p. front., 3 pi., I facsim. Thudichum, Georg, 1794-1873. 634.4^00 82169 Xraube und Wein in der Kulturgeschichte, von Dr. Georg Thudi- chum. Tubingen, H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1881. vi, 106 p. 2ii cm . "Benutzte und citirte Quellen," p. [99]-io6. Tb'pfer, Hermann. 663.2 9903 84266 2 ur Geschichte des Weinbaus und Weinverbrauchs in Thuringen. Von Dr. Hermann Topfer. Sondershausen, F. A. Eupel, 1909. vi, 132 p. 23 cm . "Benutzte Schriften," p. [i29]-i32. Vizetelly, Henry. 1663.20200 A history of champagne, with notes on the other sparkling wines of France. xii,263,[4] p. 344 il. 6 pi. I map. sq.Q. London: Vizetelly & Co., 1882. 1543 Wichmann, Fritz Johann Robert, 1870- 330.53 26 v.i 49897 j) er Kampf um die Weinverbesserung im Deutschen Reiche. Ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Gegenwart nebst einer Produktionsstatistik des deutschen Weinbaues. Von Dr. Fritz Wichmann. Jena, G. Fischer, 1902. ix, [i], 202 p. 24i cm . (/ Abhandlungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Jena . . . , eister Band, fiinftes Heft.) 663.3 History of brewing Arnold, John P 1663.4 RIOI S2&97 Origin and history of beer and brewing, from prehistorique times to the beginning of brewing science and technology. A critical essay. Illustrated. By John P. Arnold First impression. Chicago, Alumni Ass'n of the Wahl-Henius Institute of Fermen- tology, 191 1. xvi, 411, [i] p. 79 illus. 26 cm . This work was first written in German. The task of translation was entrusted to Mr. Wolf von Schierbrand. cf. author's pref. BREWING 303 Delbruck, Max. 663.3 0300 42217 Beitraee zur Geschichte des Biers und der Brauerei. Gesammel- o te Vortrage, von Prof. Dr. Max Delbruck . . . und Prof. Dr. Emil Struve. Berlin, P. Parey, 1903. 80 p. 23i cm . Eckenstein, Ed 1/663.3 Q6o4 63313 Entwickelung und Fortschritte der Malzfabrikation in den letzten vierzig Jahren von Ed. Eckenstein. Basel, Buchdruckerei E. Birkhauser, 1907. 214, [2] p. 64 illus. 28 cm . Slip pasted over imprint reads: Berlin, P. Parey, 1908. "Literatur," p. 177-180. Ehret, George. 663.4 Pioo Twenty-five years of brewing, with a ... history of American beer. Dedicated to the friends of George Ehret. 120 p. il. I por. 4 tables. sq.O. New York, c. 1891. Grewe, Josef. 320.53 6 v-5 58845 -Q as Braugewerbe der Stadt Miinster bis zum Ende der O furstbischoflichen Herrschaft im Jahre 1802. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung seiner Besteuerung. Von Dr. Josef Grewe. Leipzig, C. L. Hirschfeld, 1907. v 95 t 1 ] P- 25 cm . (In Abhandlungen ausdem Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminar zu Minister i. W., 5. Heft.) "Literatur," p. [iv]-v. Michel, Carl. 1663.4 Qioo 34123 Geschichte des Bieres von der altesten Zeit bis zum Jahre 1900 mit Einschluss der einschlagigen Gesetze wie: Malzaufschlag, Bestimmung der Gewerbefreiheit, Ausschank-Gerechtsamkeit, Auszug aus dem Nahrungsmittelgesetz, gesetzliche Bestimmung fur Bieruntersuchung, Statistik des Gerstenbaues, des Hopfen- baues, der Biererzeugung und des Eishandels. [2],! 5 5 p. Q. Augsburg: Gebruder Reichel, 1901. One hundred years. 1663.4 Q3<>o One hundred years of brewing. A complete history of the prog- ress made in the art, science and industry of brewing in the world, particularly during the nineteenth century. Historical sketches and views of ancient and modern breweries. Lives and portraits of brewers of the past and present. A supplement to the Western brewer, 1903. Chicago and New York, H. S. Rich & Co., 1903. xvi, 718 p. incl. illus., tables. 22 port. 34 cm . 90182 3 o 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Schluter, Hermann. 663.3 Roo2 ' The brewing industry and the brewery workers' movement in America, by Hermann Schluter. Cincinnati, O., International Union of United Brewery Workmen of America, 1910. 331 p. 2O cm . Thomann, Callus. 663.4 Qpoo 76171 American beer. Glimpses of its history and description of its manufacture. New York, United States Brewers' Association, 1909. 104, [2] p. 22 cm . Preface signed: G. Thomann. "Composed mainly of selected parts of two separate essays . . . published many years ago on two different occasions." Pref. Zahn, Christian. 663.4 Ro 2 8oi4o -Qj e Handwerksordnungen der Miinchener Bierbrauer vom Jahre 1660 und 1776. Bearbeitet von Christian Zahn, ... . Heraus- gegeben vom Verein Miinchener Brauereien e.V., in Munchen. Miinchen, B. Lindauersche Buchhandlung (Schopping), 1910. 94 p. 23i cm . "Literaturnachweis," p. [8]. 663 . 9 Coffee Tea Chocolate Baker & Co., Walter, Dorchester, Mass. 663.9 Pgoo so77 c ocoa anc j chocolate. A short history of their production and use. [Written by James M. Bugbee.] New edition. 71 p. il. I pi. of por. O. Dorchester, Mass., 1899. Chijs, J A van der. 1,633.286 Q303 90046 Geschiedenis van de gouvernements thee-cultuur op Java, za- mengesteld voornamelijk uit officieele bronnen, door M r . J. A. van der Chijs. Uitgegeven met medewerking van de N.-I. Re- geering door de N.-I. Maatschappij van nijverheid en landbouw. Batavia, Landsdrukkerij ; 's Hage, M. Nijhoff, 1903. viii, 604 p. 27 cm . [Concina, Daniele.] 663.9 Fi 57127 Memorie storiche sopra 1'uso della cioccolata in tempo di digiu- no, esposte in una lettera a Monsig. illustriss., e reverendiss. arcivescovo N. N. Venezia, S. Occhi, 1/48. [8], cxcvi p. 20 cm . Signed: N. N. FOOD INDUSTRIES 35 Ellis, John, F. R. S. 1633.218 F2 27634 ^ n historical account of coffee. With an engraving, and botani- cal description of the tree. To which are added sundry papers relative to its culture and use, as an article of diet and of com- merce. iv,7i p. i pi. Q. London: E. & C. Dilly, 1774. Manuscript additions, with index, 72-100 p. i pi. paged in, Chronological manuscript index of the "rise and progress of coffee", p. 70. Pohle, Gustav Wilhelm, 1878- 663.9 Q502 90194 p ro bi eme aus dem Leben eines industriellen Grossbetriebs, ... . Von Gustav Wilhelm Pohle, .... Naumburg a.S., Druck von Lippert & Co., 1905. iv, 97, [i] p. incl. illus., tables. 23i cm . Inaug.-dis. Rostock. Lebenslauf. Treats of the firm Gebriider Stollwerck in Cologne. Walsh, Joseph M. 663.9 P 4<>o 38342 Coffee; its history, classification and description, by Joseph M. Walsh, .... Philadelphia, H. T. Coates & Co., [ C i894]. [4], 309 p. front., illus., 7 pi., igh cai - Walsh, Joseph M. 663.9 ^200 38240 Tea . it s history and mystery, by Joseph M. Walsh, .... Phila- delphia, H. T. Coates, & Co., [ C i892]. 265 p. illus. I9i cm . 664 History of food industries Beaurieux, Noel. 338. 197 Q900 1 .... Les prix du ble en France au XIX e siecle (histoire et sta- tistique). ... , par Noel Beaurieux, .... Paris, E. Larose, 1909. [4], 108, [2] p. incl. tables, diagr. 25 cm . These Univ. de Paris. "Indications bibliographiques," p. 1-2. Bennett, Richard, 1844-1900. 679.30 P8oo 90016 History of corn milling By Richard Bennett and John Elton. London, Simpkin, Marshall and Co., ltd.; [etc., etc.], 1898-1904. 4 vol. illus. 22 cm . T.-ps. illus. Contents. vol. I. Handstones, slave & cattle mills. 1898. xix, 246 p. front, (facsim.). vol. 2. Watermills and windmills. 1899. xvi, 343 p. incl. front. vol. 3. Feudal laws and customs. With appendix upon steam and rolling milling. 1900. xii, 330 p. incl. front. 4 fold. pi. vol. 4. Some feudal mills, with memoir of the late Richard Bennett, by John Elton. 1904. xvi, 226 p. incl. front, (port.) jo6 BOOKS ON THE HtSTORY OF INDUSTRY Castendyck, Wilhelm, 1866- 338.1 Q305 93114 Die Entwicklung der Kornhausbewegung, mit besonderer Bertick- sichtigung der preussischen und der bayerischen Verhaltnisse. .... Von Wilhelm Castendyck, .... Erlangen, Buchdruckerei von Junge & Sohn, 1903. f 2~|,87 p. 22 cm . Inaug.-dis. Erlangen. Lebenslauf. "Beniitzte literatur," p. [iv]. Critchell, James Troubridge, 1850- 338.156 R200 39 A history of the frozen meat trade ; an account of the develop- ment and present day methods of preparation, transport, and marketing of frozen and chilled meats, by James Troubridge Critchell and Joseph Raymond .... London, Constable & Co., ltd., 1912. xviii,442p. front., plates, ports., fold, map, tables ( i fold.), diagrs. (i fold.) 24. [Fielding, Robert ] 664.5 R 01 5 Spices, their histories ; valuable information for grocers .... Seattle, Washington, The Trade Register, inc., C i9io. 6 1 p. illus. I7i cm . "Originally written by Robert O. Fielding, of the staff of the Trade register, in which the several articles appeared." Introd. Fromm, Max, 1882- 330*53 12 v.g 90085 .... Das Muhlengewerbe in Baden und in der Rheinpfalz, von Dr. Max Fromm. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1907. [8], 153 p. 24 cm . (In Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen der badischen Hoch- schulen, ix. Band, 4. Heft.) Originally published as : Inaug.-dis. Heidelberg. Gradmann, Robert, 1865- 338.1 QQOI 4 Der Getreidebau im deutschen und romischen Altertum. Bei- trage zur Verbreitungsgeschichte der Kulturgewachse, von Ro- bert Gradmann. Jena, H. Costenoble, 1909. [4], III p. 24 cm . Hailer, Hermann. 330*53 26 v.i 5 Studien liber den deutschen Brot-Getreidehandel in den Jahren 1880-1899 insbesondere uber den Einfluss der Staffeltarife und der Aufhebung des Identitatsnachweises, von Dr. Hermann Hailer. Jena, G. Fischer, 1902. [6], 162 p. 24i cm . (7n Abhandlungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Jena . . . , erster Band, drittes Heft.) "Quellen," p. [161]; "Literatur-Nachweise," p. 162. FOOD INDUSTRIES 307 Hehn, Victor. 664.4 34209 Das Sa i z Eine kulturhistorische Studie. Zweite Auflage, mit einem Nachvvort von O. Schrader. [2], 105 p. nar. D. Berlin: Gebruder Borntraeger, 1901. Hollander, Ludwig. 33<>-53 2 v.29 23782 Die Lag-e der deutschen Miihlenindustrie unter dem Einfluss der o Handelspolitik. 1879-1897. viii,97,[i] p. {In Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, no. 29.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1898. Howard, Albert. 1,633.297 Qgoo 90359 wheat in India, its production, varieties and improvement. By Albert Howard . . . andGabrielle L. C. Howard, .... Published for the Imperial Department of Agriculture in India, .... Cal- cutta, Thacker, Spink & Co.; [etc., etc., 1909?]. viii, [2], 288 p. illus., vii pi. (i fold.), 7 maps (5 fold.) 25i cm . "Glossary of vernacular terms," p. [285]-288. Luther, Gerhard. 305.3 8 v.24 2 Die technische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des deutschen Muhlengewerbes im 19. Jahrhundert. (Mit Beriicksichtigung der friiheren Entwicklung und unter Fortfiihrung bis auf die neueste Zeit.) Von Gerhard Luther. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1909. ix, 163, [i] p. 23 cm . (/ Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, 24. Band, 4. Heft.) Morris & Company, Chicago. 689.13 Qgoo 74733 The pictorial history of a steer. Being some account of America's only native industry as carried on in the meat packing plants of the country. Chicago, Kansas City, [etc.], Morris & Co., [ C I909]. 50 p. illus., i fold, table. 224x3O cm . Usher, Abbott Payson. 330-5* 18 v.9 The history of the grain trade in France, 1400-1710, by Abbott Payson Usher .... Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1913. xv, 405 p. 2 maps (inch double front.) 22i cm . {Half-title: Harvard economic studies .... Vol. ix.) Bibliography, p. 374-384. Zaharia, Al 1633.297 Rooi .... Le ble roumain. Recoltes des annees 1900-1908. Par le Dr. Al. Zaharia ..... Public par le Ministere de 1'agriculture et des domaines. Annexe au Bulletin du ministere, XXieme annee no. 9-10. Bucarest, A. Baer, 1910. ' 581 p. incl. tables. 10 fold. maps. 28 cm . At head of title: Institut de chimie. Laboratoire de chimje agricole. Text in French. Tables in French and Rumanian. 90271 3 o8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY >. 664.1 History of the sugar industry Borgnino, G Camillo. 1,633.285 Rooi 87274 .... Cenni storico-critici sulle origini dell'industria dello zuc- chero in Italia ..... Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1910. 216, [2] p. i pi. 25ixi9i cm . At head of title: Ing. G. Camillo Borgnino. "Dizionario bibliografico, delle pubblicazioni di autori italiani o di stranieri stabiliti in Italia concernenti la coltivazione delle piante zuccherine e 1'industria dello zucchero," p. [2O7]-2i6. Ellis, Ellen Deborah. 051 684 .4 51576 .... An introduction to the history of sugar as a commodity, a by Ellen Deborah Ellis ..... Philadelphia, The J. C. Winston Co., 1905. [4], 1 17 p. 23i cm . (/ Bryn Mawr College Monographs. Monograph series, vol. iv.) "Bibliography," p. [ii3]-ii7. Helot, Jules. 1*633.285 Qooi 86464 Le sucre de betterave en France de 1800 a 1900. Culture de la betterave legislation technologic. 220 p. il. 10 pi. sq. F. Cambrai 1900. Hesse, Alexandre Andre*. 1,338.185 Qgoo 90112 . . . Contribution a 1'histoire de 1'industrie en France et au XIX 6 siecle. L'industrie sucriere en France et les premieres tentatives de legislation internationale (1864-1877). Paris, V. Giard & E. Briere, 1909. [6], 162 p. 25i cm . At head of title: Alexandre- Andre Hesse .... Half-title: L'industrie sucriere en France .... "Bibliography," p. 3-5. Katzenstein, Willy. 338.185 P7oi 18336 Die deutsche Zuckerindustrie und Zuckerbesteuerung in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung dargestellt. viii,2i8p. O. Berlin: Haude & Spener'sche Buchhandlung, 1897. Legier, Emile. 1,664.1 * 937 Histoire des origines de la fabrication du sucre en France. Par Emile Legier, .... Paris, Bureaux de la Sucrerie indigene & coloniale, 1901. [6], 926 p. illus., i port. 28i cm . SUGAR INDUSTRY 309 Lippmann, Edmund 0. von. 664.1 Pooi 6011 Geschichte des Zuckers, seiner Darstellung und Venvendung, seit den altesten Zeiten bis zum Beginne der Rubenzuckerfabrikation. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte. xiii,[2],474 p. I pi. I map. O. Leipzig: M. Hesse, 1890. Meriau, Carlos. 1,338.185 Pioo 9 .... Histoire de 1'industrie sucriere dans la region du Nord. Ses commencements, ses progres, son etat actuel, ses rapports avec 1'agriculture. Par M. Carlos Meriau, .... Lille, Impr. L. Danel, 1891. [4], 267 p. 66 illus. incl. diagrs. 25. At head of title: Societe industrielle du nord de la France. N 73 ter Supplement au Bulletin n 73. Meyer, Georg Friedrich, 1848- 664.1 0507 81415 Zur Geschichte der Zuckerfabrikation (25 Jahre ohne Knochen- kohle). Von Dr. G. Fr. Meyer, .... Mit 35 Abbildungen im Text. Braunschweig, E. Appelhans & Co., 1905. viii, 116 p. illus. 24 cm . Progress. 664.1 MQOO i964 p r0 g ress o f the beet sugar manufacture in Europe. From the report of the [U. S.] Commissioner of Agriculture, for the year 1869. Denver, Denver Tribune Association, 1872. [2], 28 p. 24 cm . Preface signed : James Archer. Reesse, J J , 4 90013 History of petroleum; life of Col. Edwin L. Drake, by Edwin C. Bell ..... Titusville, "The Bugle" Print., 1900. vi, [2], 171 p. front, (port.) i6xi2 cm . Brackel, Oswald Franz Joseph FreiJierr von, 1873- 338.267 Q300 96206 ) er drejssigjahrige Petroleumkrieg. Eine handelswissenschaft- liche Studie von Dr. Frhr. Oswald v. Brackel und Joseph Leis. Berlin,). Guttentag, 1903. xvi, 464 p. 2 fold. maps. 24 cm . Brannt, William Theodore. 665.5P4OO 4331 Petroleum : its history, origin, occurrence, production, physical and chemical constitution, technology, examination and uses; together with the occurrence and uses of natural gas. Edited chiefly from the German of Prof. Hans Hoefer and Dr. Alexan- der Veith. xxvii,/i5 p. 284 il. i pi. 2 maps. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1895. Crew, Benjamin Johnson. 665.5 * A practical treatise on petroleum : comprising its origin, geology, geographical distribution, history, chemistry, mining, technology, uses and transportation, together with a description of gas wells, the application of gas as fuel, etc. With an appendix on the product and exhaustion of the oil regions and the geology of nat- ural gas in Pennsylvania and New York. By Charles A. Ash- burner. 508 p. 70 il. i pi. i map. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1887. Crum, A R y ed. 665. 5 Rioo ' Romance of American petroleum and gas. Volume i. (Illus- trated.) A. R. Crum, editor in chief, A. S. Dungan, associate editor. New York, N. Y., Romance of American Petroleum and Gas Co., [ C i9i i]. 363 p. incl. front., illus., plates. 70 ports. 28 cm . PETROLEUM INDUSTRY 311 Eaton, Samuel John Mills, 1820-1889. 553- 28 M 5 02 96215 p e t r oleum ; a history of the oil region of Venango County, Penn- sylvania. Its resources, mode of development, and value: em- bracing a discussion of ancient oil operations; with a map, and illustrations of oil scenes and boring implements. By Rev. S. J. M. Eaton, .... Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly & Co., 1866. x, 11-299 p. front, (fold, map), illus., 4 pi. I9 cm . Gentsch, Wilhelm, 1865- 665.6 P6oo 3 Die Petroleumlampe und ihre Bestandteile. Die Entwickelung der Petroleumlampe in den letzen Jahren. Mit 84 Abbildungen. Fur Erfinder, Fabrikanten und Konsumenten gemeinfasslich dar- gestellt von Wilh. Gentsch, .... Berlin, M. Krayn, 1896. 80 p. illus., diagrs. 23i cm . Goldberg, Jacques. 665.6 Rioo ' Die deutsche Lampe in Wort und Bild. Eine Zusammenstellung samtlicher Petroleum- und Spiritus-Brenner sowie Zylinder. Mit Anhang: Dochttafel. Bearbeitet von Jacques Goldberg. 4. Auf- lage. Berlin, Rundschau fur die Installations-, Beleuchtungs- u. Blechindustrie (Ebner & Ungerer), 1911. [26], 288 p. illus., I fold. pi. 24 cm . Advertising matter interspersed. Henry, J D 665.5 Qsoi Baku : an eventful history. By J. D. Henry. With many illus- 51973 t ra tions and a map. London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., [pref. a 1905]. xviii, 256 p. front., 20 pi., ports, on 3 pi. (i fold.), I fold. map. 23. Contents. pt. I. The origin, progress and present position of the Russian petroleum industry. pt. 2. The rising in the Caucasus. pt. 3. Batoum, Baku's chief oil port. Henry, J. T. 553.28 NSOO The early and later history of petroleum, with authentic facts in regard to its development in western Pennsylvania Also, life sketches of pioneer and prominent operators, with the refining capacity of the United States. 607 p. il. 6 pi. 27 por. O. Phil- adelphia 1873. Hunt, Charles. 665.7 Q?o6 3 A history of the introduction of gas lighting, by Charles Hunt, .... London, W. King, 1907. viii, 150, [2] p. inch illus., ports., facsims. front., 3 fold, diagr. 2^ em . 3 i2 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hynek, Constantin Eug , 1883- 665.5 Q6o3 90120 Ueber die Petroleumindustrie und den Petroleumhandel. Mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der rumanischen Oelfelder [ll ter Teil, 1-9.] Von Constantin E. Hynek [Botosa- ni, Segall & Marcu, 1906.] [2], 139, [l] p. incl. I fold, table. 22^ cm . Inaug.-dis. Berlin. Lebenslauf. Independence daily reporter. 1,553.28 Qsoi 98836 .... Independence daily reporter. Oil and gas magazine. His- tory of the mid-continent oil and gas field, Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory [1881-1905]. Second edition. Indepen- dence, Kan., C I9O5. cover-title, [5]-44, 44A-44B, [14], [45J-66 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 34^ cm . Special oil and gas magazine supplement. Montague, Gilbert Holland. 665.5 Q300 90174 -p^g r j se anc j p rO g ress o f t ne Standard Oil Company, by Gilbert Holland Montague. New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1903. v, [3], 142, [I] p. I9i cm . 27240 Redpath, Lionel Vane. 665.5 Q 001 Petroleum in California. A concise and reliable history of the oil industry of the state ..... 134 p. il. i map. O. Los Angeles, Cal., U. S. A. : L. V. Redpath, c. 1900. Renard, Marius. 1,622.33 Q8o2 78716 .... L'histoire de la houille. Planches hors texte, dessins et ornaments typographiques par 1'auteur. Bruxelles, J. Lebegue & c ie , [1908]. [4], iv, 164 p. illus. incl. diagrs., 16 pi. 3I cm . At head of title: Marius Renard .... "Bibliographic," p. iii-iv. Swoboda, Julius. 338.2 7818 Die Entwicklung der Petroleum-Industrie in volkswirtschaftlicher Beleuchtung. [8], 197 p. O. Tubingen: H. Laupp, 1895. "Litteratur", p. [7-8]. Tower, Walter Sheldon, 1881- 665.5 Q9i 90245 The story of oil, by Walter Sheldon Tower, .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1909. xi, [i], 270, [2] p. front., illus. I9i cm . GAS INDUSTRY 313 Whiteshot, Charles A 665.5 Q 2 3 1 The oil-well driller. A historical story of America's richest enter- prise, the oil industry, by Charles A. Whiteshot, .... Weston, W. Va., C. A. Whiteshot, 1902. [4], 7-127 P. i9 cm - 665.6 History of the gas industry American Gas Institute. 665.7 R200 * SUi Lectures delivered at the centenary celebration of the first com- mercial gas company to sell gas as an illuminant. Held at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa., April i8th and ipth, 1912. Edited and published by the American Gas Institute. New York City, [1912]. 174 p. illus. 2zh cm . Binder's title : Centenary lectures, 1812-1912. "Given under the auspices of the American Philosophical Society, the Franklin Insti- tute, the American Chemical Society, and the American Gas Institute." Contents. Munroe, C. E. By-products in gas manufacture. Cortelyou, G. B. Commercial and financial aspects of the gas industry. Forstall, A. E. The technique of gas manufacture. Lansingh, V. R. Gas as an illuminant. Rosa, E. B. The use of gas for heat and power; the testing of gas. Bauer, Alexander. 607.394 20 v.i 31546 Die ersten Versuche zur Einfiihrung der Gasbeleuchtung in Osterreich. 55 p. 2 il. i pi. [/ VIENNA. MUSEUM FUR GE- SCHICHTE DER OSTERR. ARBEIT. Monographien, vol. i.] Wien 1891. Bertelsmann, Wilhelm. 1540.53 6 v.i2 4 Die Entwicklung der Leuchtgaserzeugung seit 1890. Von Dr. W. Bertelsmann. Mit 38 Abbildungen. (/ Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Vortrage. Stuttgart, 1907. 2S cm . XH. Band., 7./8. Heft, p. [>3i]-32O incl. 38 illus., tables.) Bohm, C Richard. 665.6 Qsoo 1904 Das Gasgliihlicht, seine Geschichte, Herstellung und Anwendung. Ein Handbuch fur die Beleuchtungsindustrie. Von Dr. C. Ri- chard Bohm. Mit 379 Abbildungen. Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1905. xxii, 656 p. 379 illus. incl. diagrs. 23 cm . "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [459J-5I4- Gentsch, Wilhelm. 665. 6016 Gasgliihlicht. Dessen Geschichte, Wesen und Wirkung ..... 130 p. 68 il. D. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung. Nachfolger, 1895. 3 i4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Gentsch, Wilhelm. 1,665.6 Pgoo 3 Gliihkorper fiir Gasgliihlicht. Deren Geschichte, Herstellung und Wirkungsweise. [6], 89 p. 3 pi. sq.Q. Berlin: L. Simion, 1899. Schilling, N. H. 665.7 Ngoo 6S25 Handbuch fiir Steinkohlengas-Beleuchtung. Mit einer Ge- schichte der Gasbeleuchtung, von Professor Dr. F. Knapp. Dritte umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. xv,692 p. 388 il. Atlas of 77 pi. sq.O. Miinchen : R. Oldenbourg, 1879. Schilling, Eugen. 1,665. 7 P202 6sa6 Neuerungen auf dem Gebiete der Erzeugung und Verwendung des Steinkohlen-Leuchtgases. Zugleich Nachtrag zu [N. H.] Schillings Handbuch fiir Steinkohlengas-Beleuchtung. vii,259 p. 195 il. sq.Q. Miinchen: R. Oldenbourg, 1892. 665,801 History of the acetylene industry / Dumont, Georges, & Hubou, Ernest. 665.801 P6o3 aaoes Historique, proprietes, fabrication, applications de 1'acetylene. 122, [2] p. 41 il. O. Paris: Le Genie civil, 1896. Kuhn, C. 665.801 Qi02 34788 Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Acetylen-Industrie, nebst Anhang der koniglich allerhochsten Verordnung, die Herstellung, Auf- bewahrung und Verwendung von Acetylengas und die Lagerung von Karbid betrerfend, vom 26. Juni 1901 . 38 p. O. Munchen : R. Oldenbourg, 1901. Panaotovic, Jovan P. 665.801 Pyo6 33079 Calciumcarbid und Acetylen in Vergangenheit, Gegemvart und Zukunft. I24,[2] p. 4 il- O. Leipzig: J. A. Earth, 1897. "Literatur," p. [i]. Pellissier, Georges. 665.801 P702 9985 L'eclairage a 1'acetylene. Historique- fabrication- appareils- applications- dangers. 237 p. 102 il. O. [Bibliotheque de la revue generale des sciences.] Paris: G. Carre & C. Naud, 1897. Pictet, Raoul. 665.801 P6oo 32S50 L' ac |tylene. Son passe, son present, son avenir. 187, [2] p. il. 8 pi. paged in. O. Geneve: Georg & Co., 1896. CERAMICS 31 5 666 HISTORY OF CERAMICS General works Binns, Charles F. 738 651 The story of the potter. Being a popular account of the rise and progress of the principal manufactures of pottery and porce- lain in all parts of the world, with some description of modern practical working. 248 p. il. I pi. S. [Library of useful stories.] London: G. Newnes, 1898. Chaffers, William. 738 C34i 15653 T h e collector's hand book of marks and monograms on pottery & porcelain of the Renaissance and modern periods. Selected from his larger work (eighth edition) entitled "Marks and mono- grams on pottery and porcelain" with upwards of 3500 marks. A new edition revised and considerably augmented by Frederick Litchfield. xxx,[2J,234 p. il. D. London: Gibbings & Co., 1898. Chaffers, William. 1,738 C342 64328 -jijg k eram ; c gallery. Containing several hundred illustrations of rare, curious and choice examples of pottery and porcelain from the earliest times to the beginning of the Xixth century. With historical notices and descriptions by William Chaffers, .... Second edition revised and edited by H. M. Cundall, .... Lon- den, Gibbings and Co. ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1907. xxii, 468 p. incl. illus., plates. 18 pi., 5 col. pi. incl. front. 26 cm . Chaffers, William. 1,738 C34 6 Marks and monograms on European and oriental pottery and porcelain with historical notices of each manufactory and 3500 potters' marks and illustrations. A new (eighth) edition, . . . revised and edited by Frederick Litchfield. xix,9/8 p. il. Q. London: Reeves and Turner, 1897. "Works of reference," p. xiii-xix. Davillier, [Jean Charles] , Baron. 1,738.70 D28 18942 Les origines de la porcelaine en Europe. Les fabriques italiennes du xv e au xvil e siecle avec une etude speciale sur les porcelaines des Medicis. D'apres des documents inedits. [2], 140 p. il. sq. F. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1'art.) Paris: Librairie de 1'art, 1882. Dussieux, Louis [Etienne]. 738.26094 1 Recherches sur 1'histoire de la peinture sur 1'email dans les temps anciens et modernes, et specialement en France [2], 171 p. O. Paris: Leleux, 1841. 3i6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Forrer, Robert. L666.7 QIOI 90083 Geschichte der europaischen Fliesen-Keramik vom Mittelalter bis zum Jahre 1900, von Dr. R. Forrer, .... Strassburg i Els., Schlesier und Schweikhardt, 1901. 93> C 1 ] P- illus., evil pi. (partly col.) 32> Ceramic art in remote ages ; with essays on the symbols of the circle, the cross and circle, the circle and ray ornament, the fylfot, and the serpent, showing their relation to the primitive forms of solar and nature worship. [4],ii,i27 p. 55 pi. F 4 . London: J. B. Day, 1874. Contains a list of works quoted. Westropp, Hodder Michael. L738.Q3W52 344 Epochs of painted vases ; an introduction to their study. [4], 24 p. 9 pi. Q. London: Walton & Maberly, 1856. Great Britain and Ireland Bemrose, William, editor. 1*738 642 3 Bow, Chelsea, and Derby porcelain. Being further information relating to these factories, obtained from original documents, not hitherto published ..... xv,i74 p. il. 18 pi. 2 por. 8 facsim. paged in. Q. London- Bemrose & Sons, 1898. Bemrose, William, 1831-1908. 738.70 642 ' S38 Longton Hall porcelain. Being further information relating to this interesting fabrique, with numerous illustrations, by William Bemrose .... London [etc.] Bemrose & Sons, 1906. xxi, [i], 72 p. illus., XLVII (i.e. 49) pi. (partly col. incl. front.) 28 cm . T.-p. illus. Binns, Richard William. 738. 1 Worcester china. A record of the work of forty-five years, 1852-1897. Edited by Charles F. Binns. xvii,i4O p. 35 pi. (X London: B. Quaritch, 1897. 320 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Binns, W Moore. 1,738.70 joss j n e rst cen t ur y O f English porcelain, by W. Moore Binns, .... Illustrated. London, Hurst and Blackett, ltd., 1906. xvi, 251, [i] p. 77 pi. (partly col.) 29x22^, Contents. Introductory. Bow. Chelsea. Worcester. Longton Hall. Der- by. Pinxton. Lowestoft. Plymouth. Bristol. Caughley. Worcester Cham- berlains. Coalport. Spode. Grainger Worcester. Swansea. Nantgarw. Minton. Rockingham. Chronological schedule of English keramics. Appendix A-c. Blacker, J F 738 6561 102471 Nineteenth-century English ceramic art, by J. F. Blacker . . . with over 1200 examples illustrated in half-tone and line. Lon- don, S. Paul & Co., [1912]. 534 p. incl. illus., 95 pi. col. front. 24^ Icm Boch, Roger von. 330-53 2 v-3i 4 Geschichte der Topferarbeiter von Staffordshire im 19. Jahrhun- dert. xii,332 p. \_In Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, no. 31.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1899. "Die sanitaren Verhaltnisse des Topfergewerbes und ihre Regulierung durch spezielle Gewerbeordnung" , p. 295-332. Burton, William. 1,738 695 90038 ^ history and description of English earthenware and stoneware (to the beginning of the I9th century), by William Burton, .... Containing twenty-four plates in colours, together with repro- ductions of marks and numerous illustrations. London, New York, [etc.], Cassell and Co., ltd., 1904. xv, 192 p. 58 pi., xxiv col. pi. (incl. front.) 25^"". The colored plates are accompanied by a leaf with descriptive letter-press. "This edition is limited to 1,450 copies, of which this is no. 900." "Bibliography," p. 188-189. "Glossary of technical terms used in this volume," p. 184-187. Church, Arthur Herbert, 1834- 1705.2 5 v-3 99385 Josiah Wedgwood, master-potter, by A. H. Church, .... New edition, revised and enlarged. London, Seeley and Co. ; New York, Macmillan and Co., 1903. 82, [2] p. front., 26 pi. (partly col.), I port. 27i cm . (In The Portfolio, no. 3.) "Bibliographical notes," I p. at end. Downman, Edward A 738 075 45845 E n gii s h pottery and porcelain: a handbook for the collector. Giving the characteristics of the chief wares produced from the 1 6th to the 1 9th century, the different factory marks, and some present-day values of typical specimens. By Edward A. Down- man. Fourth edition, revised and greatly enlarged by Aubrey D. Gunn, .... London, L. U. Gill ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1904. [8], 324 p. front., illus., 7 pi. i8 cm . CERAMICS 321 Hobson, Robert Lockhart. 1,738.98 H6s 79716 Worcester porcelain. A description of the ware from the Wall period to the present day. Illustrated by ninety-two collotypes and seventeen chromo-lithographs. By R. L. Hobson London, B. Quaritch, 1910. [4], xi, 208 p. col. front., illus., cvm pi. (partly col. incl. I port.) 36 cm . "List of the principal ceramic works which have been consulted," p. xi. Hodgkin, John Eliot, & Hodgkin, Edith. 1738.70 H66 6579 Examples of early English pottery, named, dated, and inscribed. xix,i&7 p. 685 il. i pi. sq.F. London 1881. Jewitt, Llewellynn. L666.3 0300 6412 The ceramic art of Great Britain. New edition, revised. xii,642 p. 1816 il. Q. London: J. S. Virtue & Co., pref. 1883. Meteyard, Eliza. 73 8 -Q6 ^561 lass y^ ijf e O f j os i a h Wedgwood from his private correspondence and family papers .... With an introductory sketch of the art of pot- tery in England. 2vol. il. pi. por. O. London: Hurst & Black- ett, 1865-1866. Moore, Mrs. N Hudson. 738 M78 99352 j^e Q y ^1^ booi^ including Staffordshire, Wedgwood, lustre, and other English pottery and porcelain, by N. Hudson Moore. New York, F. A. Stokes Company, [1903]. I, xi, 300 p. front., 74 pi. 2i cm . T.-p. illus. "List of views, American, English & miscellaneous. By English potters," p. [254]- 283. "Works on pottery and porcelain consulted," p. [284]. Rhead, George Woolliscroft, 738 R34J 99344 British pottery marks, by G. Woolliscroft Rhead, .... With fourteen illustrations in half-tone and upwards of twelve hundred marks in the text. London, Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1910. iv> 303 p. front., illus. 22 cm . Rhead> George Woolliscroft. 1,738 R34 ' Staffordshire pots & potters, by the brothers G. Woolliscroft Rhead . . . and Frederick Alfred Rhead .... With 4 coloured plates, 116 illustrations in half tone, and 90 drawings in pen line by the authors. London, Hutchinson and Co., 1906. xvi > 3 8 3> C 1 ] P- illus., 64 pi., 4 col. pi. (incl. front.; 26 cm . 322 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Shaw, Simeon. 666.6 Igoo 33758 History of the Staffordshire potteries ; and the rise and progress of the manufacture of pottery and porcelain ; with references to genuine specimens, and notices of eminent potters xxiii, 244 p. O. London: Scott, Greenwood, & Co., 1900. First published in Hanley in 1829. Solon, L. M. 738.708689 1057 The art of the old English potter. xxiv,269 p. 52 il. 3 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. Solon, Louis Marc Emmanuel. 1738.70 86891 90234 ^ brief history of old English porcelain and its manufactories ; with an artistic, industrial, and critical appreciation of their pro- duction. By M. L. Solon, .... London and Derby, Bemrose & Sons, ltd., 1903. xvi, 255, [l] p. 48 pi., xx col. pi. (incl. front.) 26 cm . Each plate accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. "This edition is limited to twelve hundred and fifty copies. No. 950." "Bibliography of English porcelain," p. [243J-247. Townsend, Horace. 738.96 T66 99380 QU \Vedgwood ; some notes on its history and its collection, by Horace Townsend, .... New York, The Phcenix Press, [ C I9O7J. 30 p. incl. front., illus. I5i cm . ( On cover: Collector's notes series, no. i.) Turner, William. 1738 T8$ 20297 TJ.^ ceram j cs O f Swansea and Nantgarw : a history of the factories. With biographical notices of the artists and others, notes on the merits of the porcelains, the marks thereon, etc. Also an ap- pendix on the Mannerisms of the artists. By Robert Drane. 9 il. 34 pi. sq.Q. London: Bemrose & Sons, 1897. "Bibliography," p. 333-340. Turner, William, F.S.S. 73 T8$i 64951 "Transfer printing on enamels, porcelain and pottery. Its origin and development in the United Kingdom. By William Turner, .... Illustrated. London, Chapman and Hall, ltd. ; New York, [etc.], The Keramic Studio Publishing Co., 1907. xiv (i.e. 18), 175, [l] p. incl. tables, front., XLVIH pi. 24i cm . "Bibliography," p. 159-164. Turner, William. 73 8 T8 5 ioo6i6 \viHJam Adams, an old English potter. With some account of his family and their productions. Edited by William Turner, .... London, Chapman and Hall; New York, [etc.], The Ke- ramic Studio Publishing Co., 1904. xxii, 252, [l] p. col. front., LXXII pi. (incl. ports., facsims.), 5 fold, tables. 25 cm . "Of this work 650 copies have been printed, in two editions: (a) Ordinary edition, consisting of 600 copies, royal 8vo. (b) Large paper edition, consisting of 50 copies, large post 4to." The frontispiece has guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. CERAMICS 323 Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. 072.94 2 99379 ... . English earthenware made during the 1 7th and 1 8th cen- turies, illustrated by specimens in the national collections. By A. H. Church, .... Revised edition. With numerous illustrations. London, Printed for H. M. Stationery Off., by Wyman and Sons, 1904. xiii, [2], 132 p. 67 pi. 2ii cm . At head of title: Board of Education, South Kensington, Victoria and Albert Museum. "Bibliographical notes," p. [xv]. Germany and Austria- Hungary Berling, Karl. 738.42 845 3893 Die Fayence- und Steingutfabrik Hubertusburg. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der sachsischen Keramik von K. Berling. Mit 4 Tafeln in Lichtdruck. Dresden, Stengel & Markert, 1891. [4], 30 p. iv pi. 24i cm . Falke, Otto von, 1 862- 1738.26 Fi7 42155 Deutsche Schmelzarbeiten des Mittelalters und andere Kunst- werke der kunst- historischen Ausstellung zu Diisseldorf 1902. Herausgegeben von Otto v. Falke und Heinrich Frauberger. Mit 130 Lichtdrucktafeln, 25 farbigen Lichtdrucktafeln und 55 Text- abbildungen. Frankfurt a. M., J. Baer & Co.; H. Keller, 1904. [8], 151 p. 51 illus., 155 pi. (partly col.) 4O cm . Falke, Jakob von, 1825-1897. 738.70 Fi8 75336 .... Die K. k. Wiener Porzellanfabrik. Ihre Geschichte und die Sammlung ihrer Arbeiten im K. k. Oesterreich. Museum. Mit 17 Tafeln Abbildungen. Von Jakob von Falke. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1887. [6], 90 p. xvii pi. inch col. front. 32x24^. (K. K. Oesterreich. Museum fiir Kunst und Industrie.) Graul, Richard, 1862- 738.70 677 6 .... Altthiiringer Porzellan. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Por- zellankunst im XVIII Jahrhundert, von Richard Graul und Al- brecht Kurzwelly. Mit 61 Tafeln, 100 Textabbildungen, und 3 Markentafeln. Leipzig, E. A. Seemann, 1909. [4], vi, no, [4] p. front., illus., 60 pi., 3 pi. of marks. 38 cm . (Stadtisches Kunstgewerbe-Museum zu Leipzig.) Each plate accompanied by a leaf with descriptive letter-press. 3 2 4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Gutmann, Karl Friedrich. 1-738 Gg8 Die Kunsttopferei des 1 8. Jahrhunderts im Grossherzogtum Baden. Nach amtlichen Quellen bearbeitet von Karl Friedrich Gutmann. Mit fiinf Tafeln in Lichtdruck, sowie Vignetten, Abbildungen und Fayence-Marken nebst einem Brief in Faksimile. Karlsruhe i.B., G. Braunsche Hofbuchdruckerei, 1906. [8], 180 p. incl. illus., tables. V pi., 2 facsim. 3ox24 cm . The facsims. are printed on both sides. Heuser, Emil, 1851- L666.5 Q7oo 90783 jjj e pfaiz-Zweibriicker Porzellanmanufaktur. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Porzellans und zur Kulturgeschichte eines deut- schen Kleinstaates im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Von Emil Heuser, .... Mit Abbildungen im Text, 6 Tafeln und einer Karte. Neustadt an der Hardt, L. Witter, 1907. vi, [2], 240 p. illus., 4 pi., 2 maps. 29 cm . Heuser, Emil, 1851- 666.5 Q9 5s!6o j)j e p orze llanwerke von Frankenthal nach dem Pariser und dem Mannheimer Preisverzeichnis nebst Geschichte der Franken- thaler Formen. Von Emil Heuser. Neustadt a.d.H., L. Witter, 1909. [4], 68 p. 2 3 i". Kolbe, G 738.70 K8a 75317 Geschichte der Koniglichen Porcellanmanufactur zu Berlin nebst einer einleitenden Ubersicht der geschichtlichen Entwickelung der ceramischen Kunst. In Veranlassung des hundertjahrigen bestehens der Ko'nigl. Manufactur zusammengestellt durch G. Kolbe, .... Berlin, Konigliche Geheime Ober-Hofbuch- druckerei (R. Decker), 1863. viii, 299, [i] p. 23i cm . Marz, Johannes. 330-53 *8 n.s.v.7 100608 Die Fayencefabrik zu Mosbach in Baden [1770-1829]. Von Jo- hannes Marz. Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. [6], 110 p. 24 cm . (In Volkswirtschaftliche und wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Ab- handlungen, neue Folge, siebentes Heft.) Schirek, Carl. L738.54 8337 61455 Die K. k. Majolika-Geschirrfabrik in Holitsch. Materialien zu ihrer Geschichte von Carl Schirek. Mit 2 Tafeln Chromotypien und 33 Abbildungen im Text. Briinn, Verlag des Verfassers, 1905. 2 99> [*] P- illus., II col. pi. (incl. front.) 32ix24i cm . CERAMICS 325 Stieda, Wilhelm. 330.943 Q200 v.i sews j)j e Anfange cm [4], 75>[i]p- 22C "Tire a petit nombre . Quelques exemplaires sur velin , parchemm , \\ batman et Chine. Gamier, Edouard. 1.738.81 Gi8i 25337 Une page d'histoire. La manufacture de Sevres en Tan vill. [2], 19 p. sq.Q. Paris: H. Champion, 1888. Reprinted from the Gazette des Beaux-arts. Gamier, Edouard. A738.8i Gi8 19216 The soft porcelain of Sevres. With an historical introduction by Edouard Gamier. [Translated into English by H. F. Andresen.] [2], 32 p. il. 50 pi. F 5 . London: J. C. Nimtno, 1892. Hessling, Egon. A738.8i 1146 1 .... Choix de compositions et de projets de decoration de 1'epoque du I er empire. Public avec une notice historique et une table analytique par Egon Hessling et Georges Lechevallier- Chevignard, ... . Paris, E. Hessling, [1912 ?]. [14] p. 40 pi. (partly col.) 4oi cm . (Documents anciens de la Manufacture nationale de Sevres.) Lechevallier-Chevignard, Georges. 738.81 149 * 93 * 2 .... La manufacture de porcelaine de Sevres, par Georges Lechevallier-Chevignard, .... Paris, H. Laurens, 1908. 2 vol. in I. illus. 2^ cm . (Les grandes institutions de France.) "Bibliographic," vol. 2, p. [157]-! 60. Contents. [vol. I.] Histoire de la manufacture, 1738-1876. [4], 167, [i] p. [vol. 2.] Organisation actuelle et fabrication. Musee ceramique. Repertoire des mar- ques et monogrammes d 'artistes. [4], 163, [i] p. Sevres. Manufacture nationale de porcelaine. A738.8i 8511 .... Choix de compositions et de projets de decoration des epoques de Louis XVI et du Directoire. Public avec une notice historique et une table analytique par Egon Hessling et Georges Lechevallier-Chevignard, .... Paris, E. Hessling, [1912], [8] p. 20 pi. (partly col.) 4i cm . At head of title: Documents anciens de la manufacture nationale de Sevres. 330 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Palissy Dupuy, Ernest, 1849- 740.9265 092 3 ... . Bernard Palissy. L'homme 1'artiste le savant 1'ecri- vain. -Nouvelle edition revue et augmentee. Paris, Societe frangaise d'imprimerie et de librairic, 1902. viii, 342 p. I9 tm . (Nouvelle bibliotheque litteraire.) At Jica d of title: Ernest Dupuy . . . "Principaux ouvrages a consulter," p. [337]~339. Morley, Henry. 738.65 M82 3132 p a ii ss y the potter. The life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, his labors and discoveries in art and science, with an outline of his philosophical doctrines, and a translation of illustrative selections from his works. 2 vol. D. Boston : Ticknor, Reed, & Fields, 1853- Palissy, Bernard. 504 Pi7 isleo L es ceuvres d e Maistre Bernard Palissy. Nouvelle edition revue sur les textes originaux par B. Fillon, avec une notice historique, bibliographique et iconologique par Louis Audiat. 2 vol. il. O. Niort: L. Clouzot, 1888. Contents : Vol. I . Palissy, sa vie, ses oeuvres. Bibliographic raisonne des ceuvres de Bernard Palissy. Iconographie de Palissy. Devis d'une grotte pour la Royne Mere. Recepte veritable par laquelle tous les hommes de la France pourront apprendre a mul- tiplier et augmenter leurs thresors. Vol. 2. Discours admirables de la nature des eaux et fontaines tant naturelles qu'artificielles, des metaux, des sels et salines, des pierres, de~ terres, du feu et des emaux. Tainturier, A. 738.65 113 18976 L CS terres emaillees de Bernard Palissy, inventeur des rustiques figulines. Etude sur les travaux du maitre et de ses continua- teurs, suivie du catalogue de leur oeuvre. 136, [2] p. 3 pi. I por. O. Paris: V. Didron, 1863. "Index bibliographique," p. 6-8. Italy Argnani, Federigo. 1*738 A6g2 7564 Le ceramiche e maioliche faentine dalla loro origine fino al prin- cipio del secolo xvi. Appunti storicL Documentati con . . . tavole di stoviglie antiche. . . . xii,83 p. 20 pi. F. Faenza: G. Montanari, 1889. CERAMICS 331 Campori, Giuseppe. 738-54 26407 Notizie storiche e artistiche della maiolica e della porcellana di Ferrara nei secoli XV e XVI. Con una appendice di memorie e di documenti relativi ad altre manifatture di maiolica dell'Italia superiore e media. 150, [2] p. D. Modena 1871. Only 206 copies printed. Drake, William Richard. 666.3 M8oo 26285 Notes on Venetian ceramics. [4],4O,xxxiv p. O. London: J. Murray, 1868. Foresi, Alessandro. 1/738.70 F76 26645 s u ii e porcellane Medicee. Lettera al Barone di Monville e poche parole riguardanti gli scultori Conte di Nieuvverkerke e Giovanni Bastianini. 30 p. il. Q. Firenze 1869. Malagola, Carlo. 738.54 M2Q ei3o ]\/[ emor i e storiche sulle maioliche di Faenza. xi,544 p. il. D. Bologna: G. Romagnoli, 1880. Meurer, Moritz, 1849- A738.54 M57 45778 Italienische Majolica-Fliesen aus dem Ende des funfzehnten und Anfang des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts, nach Originalaufnahmen herausgecreben von M. Meurer .... Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 1881. O > [6] p. 24 (i.e. 21 ) col. pi. 47i cm . Milanesi, Gaetano, 1813-1895. 738 Ms8 96865 -QJ ca f a ggi o i o e d 'altre fabbriche di ceramiche in Toscana, secondo studi e documenti in parte raccolti dal Comm. Gaetano Milanesi. Commentario storico di Gaetano Guasti. Firenze, tipografia di G. Barbera, 1902. [6], xxvi, 494 p. illus. 2ii cm . Title vignette in blue. "Esemplare n. 391." "Tavola delle persone e Jelle cose piii notabili," p. Passeri, Giovanni Battista. 738.54 P26 86397 Istoria delle pitture in majolica, fatte in Pesaro e ne' luoghi cir- convicini descritta. Seconda edizione, con aggiunte importan- tissime. xx,2i5 p. il. 3 pi. O. Pesaro: A. Nobili, 1857. Pungileoni, L. Notizie delle pitture in majolica, fatte in Urbino, p. 100-120. Ran- ghiasci Brancaleoni, [F.], Marchese. Di Mastro Giorgio da Gubbio e di alcuni suoi lavori in maiolica ..... p. 121-155. Fratti, L. Lavori di Mastro Giorgio di Gubbio che trovansi nell' insigne raccolta di majoliche dipinte delle fabbriche di Pesaro e della pro- vincia Metaurense ... , p. 156-160. Delange, H. Appendice, p. 161-191. Monta- nari, G. I. Intorno ad alcune majoliche dipinte ... , p. 193-205. Mazza, D. Catalogo delle antiche stoviglie dipinte dall' Ospizio de' cronici ed invalid! di Pesaro come erede universale del fu signer Cavaliere Domenico Mazza, p. 206-211. 332 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Solon, Louis Marc Emmanuel. 1,738.54 8689 essis ^ history and description of Italian majolica. By M. L. Solon. With a preface by William Burton, .... With 24 coloured plates and numerous black and white illustrations. London, New York, Cassell and Co., ltd., [pref. 1907]. xvi, 208 p. col. front., illus., 49 (i.e. 48) pi., XXIII col. pi. 254. Each colored plate has guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. "Bibliography," p. 55-56, also under names of many localities. Wallis, Henry, 1830- 738-54 Wi$ 93104 j^g art Q f t j ie precursors. A study in the history of early Italian maiolica, with illustrations by Henry Wallis. London, B. Quaritch, 1901. xxii, [2], 99 p. illus. 22i cm . Title in black and red within ornamental border. "Edition of two hundred and twenty-five copies, printed on O. W. paper by Taylor and Francis, .... No. 46." Wallis, Henry, 1830- 738-54 41472 Oak leaf jars. A fifteenth century Italian ware showing Moresco influence with illustrations. By Henry Wallis. London, B. Qua- ritch, 1903. xli, 92 p. 83 illus. 22xi8 cm . "Edition of two hundred and fifty copies, printed on O. W. paper .... No. 64." Wallis, Henry. ' The oriental influence on the ceramic art of the Italian Renaissance. xxx,[2],5 At head of title: Jose Queiroz. Van de Put, A L 738 V 2 6 M369 Hispano-Moresque ware of the XV. century. A contribution to its history and chronology based upon armorial specimens, by A. Van de Put. London, The Art Workers' Quarterly, 1904. vi, [2], 105 p. col. front., illus., xxxiv pi. (partly col.), map, I fold, table. CERAMICS 333 Other European countries Havard, Henry, 1838- 738.22 H2Q 735o L a c ram iq ue hollandaise. Histoire des faiences de Delft, Haar- lem, Rotterdam, Arnhem, Utrecht etc. et des porcelaines de Weesp, Loosdrecht, Amsterdam et La Haye par Henry Havard. Ouvrage enrichi de trente cinq hors texte etde plus de cinq cents dessins, facsimile, marques, signatures etc. par M.M. Leopold Flameng, Henri Toussaint, Auguste Hotin, A. Mangonot et Ch. Goutzwiller. Tome premier- [second]. Amsterdam, Compa- gnie generale d'editions "Vivat", 1909. 2 vol. 33 cm . Contents. t I. Histoire. 260 p. 125 iiius , xx pi. (incl. col. front., facsims.) t. 2. Notices biographiques. 323, [3] p. 59 illus., xv pi. (partly col., incl. front.) Hay den, Arthur. 738. 19 H32 108473 Royal Copenhagen porcelain ; its history and development from the eighteenth century to the present day, by Arthur Hayden . . . with 5 coloured and 104 black-and-white plates and 70 illustra- tions in the text. London, [etc.], T. F. Unwin, 1911. 452 p. incl. illus., 107 pi. (4 col.), facsim. col. front. 29i cm . Colored plates accompanied by guard-sheets with descriptive letter-press. St. Petersburg. I FarforovyT i stekliannyT zavody. A738.77 8149 >814 Imperatorskn farforov'n zabod 1744-1904. Izdanie upravleni'Ta a Imperatorskimi zabodami. [The Imperial porcelain manufactory 1744-1904. St. Peterburg, 1906.] viii, 422, 63, [i] p. 493 illus. (incl. ports.), xn pi. incl. front., I col. pi. 40x30^. French resume, p. [327J-372. The Orient Bowes, James Lord. 1,738.26 667 6 Notes on shippo. A sequel to Japanese enamels, by James L. Bowes, .... London, K. Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., ltd., 1895. xii, 109 p. illus., 4 pi. 28i cm . "The Hirata family," p. 79-109. 75993 Fouquet, D 1738 F82 . Contribution a 1'etude de la ceramique orientale par le D r D. Fouquet. Avec 16 planches. Le Caire, 1900. [4], 164, [2] p. xvi pi. (partly col., partly fold., incl. I plan.) 29x23 cm . "Extrait des Memoires de 1'Institut egyptien." 334 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hippisley, Alfred E 071.91 i 1899 1900 97621 A sketch of the history of ceramic art in China, with a catalogue of the Hippisley Collection of Chinese porcelains. By Alfred E. Hippisley, .... (In Report of the U. S. National Museum. Washington, 1902. 23 cm . 1899/1900, p. 305-416. 21 pi.) Histoire. L666.5 L6oo ' Histoire et fabrication de la porcelaine chinoise. Ouvrage traduit du chinois par M. Stanislas Julien, accompagne de notes et d'additions par M. Alphonse Salvetat, et augmente d'un Memoire sur la porcelaine du Japon, traduit du japonais par M. le docteur J. Hoffmann. [2],viii,cxxiii,32O p. 15 pi. I map. Q. Parir>: Mallet-Bachelier, 1856. 2 copies of plate 9; plate 13 missing. Laufer, Berthold, 1874- 1738 1,36 99361 Chinese pottery of the Han dynasty. By Berthold Laufer. Lei- den, E. J. Brill, 1909. xv i> 339 P* 55 illus., LXXV pi. 26 cm . (Publication of the East Asiatic Commit- tee of the American Museum of Natural History the Jacob H. Schiff Chinese Expedi- tion.) Monkhouse, [William] Cosmo, 1840-1901. L666.5 QIOI 37644 ^ history and description of Chinese porcelain, by Cosmo Monk- house ; with notes by S. W. Bushell, C.M.G., containing twenty- four plates in colours and numerous illustrations. London [etc.] New York & Melbourne, Cassell and Co., ltd., 1901. xii, 176 p. facsim., xxiv col. pi. (incl. front.) 54 fig. on 48 pi. 25 cm . "This edition is limited to 1,000 copies, of which this is no. 725." The col. pi. are accompanied by descriptive letter press on separate leaves, "Glossary," p. 159-161. "Bibliography," p. 161-163. Thorns, Peter Perring. L738-93 138 ^ dissertation on the ancient Chinese vases of the Shang dynasty, from 1743 to 1496, B. C. Illustrated with forty -two Chinese wood engravings. By P. P. Thorns .... London, published by the author, 1851. 63 p. illus. 25i cm . United States 96203 Barber, Edwin AtLee, 1851- 666.3 Marks of American potters, by Edwin AtLee Barber ... with facsimiles of IOOO marks, and illustrations of rare examples of American wares. Philadelphia, Pa., Patterson & White Company, 1904. 174 p. front., illus. 2i cm . CERAMICS 335 Barber, Edwin Atlee. L738 623 4334 The pottery and porcelain of the United States : an historical re- view of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day. xvii,446 p. 222 il. i pi. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. Barber, Edwin Atlee. 738 6231 37611 The pottery and porcelain of the United States; an historical review of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day, by Edwin Atlee Barber . . . PH.D. . . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. With 277 illustrations. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. xxi, 539 p. front., illus. 23i cm . Barber, Edwin Atlee, 1851- 738 237 ' The pottery and porcelain of the United States ; an historical re- view of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the pres- ent day, to which is appended a chapter on The pottery of Mexico, by Edwin Atlee Barber .... Third edition revised and enlarged with 335 illustrations. New York, London, G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1909. xxviii, 621 p. front., illus. 23 C 1 ] P- c l- fr nt -> illus., i col. pi. 23< cm . (Art handbook of the Pennsyl- vania Museum and School of Industrial Art.) Connelly, John. 338.470 Rooi 99329 ^ century-old concern, business of Jones, McDuffee & Stratton Co. Founded by Otis Norcross, the elder, in 1810, unbroken record of growth and progress, the largest wholesale and retail crockery, china and glassware establishment in the country. . . . By John Connelly. [Boston, The G. H. Ellis Co., printers, 1910.] 52 p. illus. (partly col., incl. ports., facsims.) 2^ cm . {Half-title: Acenturyoi uninterrupted progress.) Ries, Heinrich, 1871- 666.4 QQOO 1 History of the clay-working industry in the United States, by Heinrich Ries . . . and Henry Lerghton .... First edition New York, J. Wiley & Sons ; London, Chapman & Hall, ltd., 1909. ix, 270 p. illus. 23i cm . The full-page illustrations are numbered as plates. "Bibliography," p. 241-245. 336 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 666.1 History of glass Balet, Leo. L748 Big *"" 74 Schwabische Glasmalerei, von Leo Balet. Stuttgart und Leipzig, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1912. [4], 165, [l] p. illus., VIII col. pi. (incl. front.) 3O^ cm . {Added t.-p.: Kata- loge der Kgl. Altertiimersammlung in Stuttgart. Band, n.) Barber, Edwin Atlee. 666.1 Qoo2 27471 American glassware, old and new. A sketch of the glass industry in the United States and manual for collectors of historical bottles. 112 p. il. 7 pi. D. Philadelphia, Pa., 1900. Bontemps, Georges. 666.iM8oo 7599 (^ide du verrier. Traite historique et pratique de la fabrication des verres, cristaux, vitraux. xi,7/6 p. 164 il. O. Paris: Librairie du dictionnaire des arts et manufactures, 1868. Breslau. Schlesisches Museum fur 1,738.34 675 "* 9 * Kunstgewerbe und Altertumer. Schlesische Glaser. Eine Studie liber die schlesische Glasindus- trie friiherer Zeit, nebst einem Beschreibenden Katalogder Glaser- sammlung des Museums Schlesischer Altertumer zu Breslau. Verfasst und Namens des Museums Schlesischer Altertumer her- ausgegeben von E. v. Czihak. Breslau, Museum Schlesischer Altertumer, 1891. vi, [2], 288 p. illus., VI pi. 24 cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Dorflinger, William F 666.1 Q200 9ooea Yhe development of the cut glass business in the United States. A paper read before the American Association of Flint and Lime Glass Manufacturers, at the annual meeting at Atlantic City, N. J., July 25th, 1902, by William F. Dorflinger. [New York, Press of R. L. Stillson, 1902.] [2], 5-21, [i] p. 25 cm . Dunlop, Madeline Anne Wallace-. 748 Dg2 21227 Glass in the old world. vi,[2],272 p. 6 pi. O. London: Field & Tuer, [1882]. Fre*my, Elphege. 666.1 QQOI 10*478 i-ii s toire de la manufacture royale des glaces de France au XVii e et au xvili e siecle par Elphege Fremy. Paris, Plon-Nourritet c ie , 1909. [4], xii, 444, [2] p. 23=. "Bibliographic," p. ix-xii. GLASS 337 Gamier, idouard, 1840- ^748 Gi8 90087 Histoire de la verrerie et de I'emaillerie, par Edouard Gamier, .... Illustration d'apres les dessins de 1'auteur, gravure de Tri- chon. Tours, A. Mame et fils, 1886. vii, 573 p. 119 illus., 8 pi. (4 col., incl. front.) 28 cm . The colored plates are accompanied by guard sheets with descriptive letter-press. Grossmann, Robert. 666.1 Q8o2 66452 .... Die technische Entwicklung der Glasindustrie in ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. Von Robert Grossmann, ... . Leipzig, W. Klinkhardt, 1908. iv, [2], 121 p. 2i cm . (Technisch-volkswirtschaftliche Monographien. Band 3.) Hecht, Otto. 305.3 8933 v.4 96229 )j e j k. Spiegelfabrik zu Neuhaus in Niederosterreich, 1701- 1844. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Merkantilismus, von Otto Hecht. Wien, C. Konegen (E. Stiilpnagel), 1909. viii, [2], 166 p. 24-i cm . (/ Studien zur sozial-, wirtschafts- und Verwaltungs- geschichte, iv. Heft.) "Verzeichnis der benutzten Akten und Druckschriften," p. [i65]-i66. Henrivaux, Jules Leopold Charles, 1850- L666.I Q3O2 1 La verrerie au xx e siecle, par Jules Henrivaux, .... Paris, E. Bernard et c ie , 1903. 464 p. illus., 2 pi. 28-i cm . Contents. La fusion du verre. -Production et manipulation. Phares et verres d'optique. Les bouteilles. Cristal-Taille et gravure. Appareils de chimie. Analyse des gaz des fours, mesure des temperatures, examen des defauts du verre Materiaux de construction. Verrerie artistique. La verrerie a Petranger. With this: Bibliographic de la peinture sur verre et de la verrerie. viii p. Horn, Georg, 1841- 331.8 Q3<>i ' Die Geschichte der Glasindustrie und ihrer Arbeiter; soziale Studie aus historischen und authentischen Quellen dargestellt von Georg Horn, .... Stuttgart, J. H. W. Dietz Nachf., 1903. viii, 368 p. 2O cm . Houdoy, Jules. L666.I 26391 Verreries a la facon de Venise. La fabrication flamande d'apres des documents inedits. [2], 77 p. Q. Paris: A. Aubry, 1873. Only 200 copies printed. Jarves, Deming. 666.1 1,400 Reminiscences of glass-making. [4] ,58 p. I pi. O. Boston: Eastburn's Press, 1854. 338 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Jarves, Deming. 666.iM5oo 4776 Reminiscences of glass-making. Second edition, enlarged, iv, 116 p. i pi. O. New York: Kurd & Houghton, 1865. Kisa, Anton Carel, 18,57-1907. 738 K643 64229 .. . DasGlasim Altertume, von Anton Kisa. Erster- [dritter] Teil Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1908. 3 vol. in I. 25 cm . {Added t.-p: Hiersemanns Handbiicher Band in.) Paged continuously; vol. i: xxi, 307 p. I53illus., I col. pi. ; vol.2: [2, 3O9]-6g2 p. 1 54-280 illus. , ii-xn pi. (partly col.); vol.3: [2, 693]~978, [2] p. 281-395 illus., fold. pi. A-G. Vol. 3 : Unter Mitwirkung von Ernst Bassermann-Jordan. Mit einem Beitrag iiber Funde antiker Glaser in Skandinavien von Oskar Almgren. Lange, Gustav, 1855- 305.3 8 v-9 74594 j-jj e Gi as i nc i us trie im Hirschberger Thale. Ein Beitrag zur Wirt- schaftsgeschichte Schlesiens von Gustav Lange. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1889. vi, [2], 145, [i] p. 23 cm . (/ Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, neunter Band, zweites Heft.) Also published as: Inaug.-dis. Tubingen. Lobmeyr, L 666.1 N40i 74749 Die Glasindustrie, ihre Geschichte, gegenwartige Entwicklung und Statistik. In Gemeinschaft mit Dr. Albert Ilg und Wende- lin Boeheim herausgegeben von L. Lobmeyr. Stuttgart, W. Spe- mann, 1874. x, 324, [2] p. 25 cm . Oidtmann, Heinrich. 1*748 039 87581 Die Glasmalerei. Allgemein verstandlich dargestellt von Dr. H. Oidtmann Koln, J. P. Bachem, [1893-1898]. Vol. .1-2, pt. i. 25i cm . No more published. Contents. I. Theil. Die Technik der Glasmalerei. [1893.] [2], 66, [2] p. illus. 2 pi. 2. Theil. Die Geschichte der Glasmalerei. I. Bd. Die Friihzeit bis zum Jahre 140x3. [1898.] vii, 368 p. Peterson, Heinrich. 607.394 20 v 5 31680 Zur Geschichte der Glasfarben-Erzeugung in Joachimsthal. 21 p. \_In VIENNA. MUSEUM FUR GESCHICHTE DER OSTERR. ARBEIT. Monographien, vol. 5.] Wien 1894. Vopelius, Eduard. 330 .53 2 loess Entwickelungsgeschichte der Glasindustrie Bayerns (nach seinem heutigen Umfang) bis 1806. xii,96 p. [/# Munchener volks- wirtschaftliche Studien, no. II.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1895. DYEING 339 Zschimmer, Eberhard. L666.I Qgo2 90273 -Qj e Giasjndustrie in Jena. Ein Werk von Schott und Abbe, ge- schildert von Eberhard Zschimmer. Mit Zeichnungen von Erich Kuithan. Jena, E. Diederichs, 1909. [4], 158, [2] p. inch illus., plates, ports., diagrs. 28 cm . 666.9 History of the cement industry American Cement Company, publishers. 666.9 P5 10910 History of the Portland cement industry in the United States. H2,[2] p. il. O. Philadelphia, U. S. A., 1895. Leduc, E. 666.9 Q20i 38276 Chaux et ciments. Historique ; theories anciennes et modernes. Developpement economique ; usines. Chaux et ciments de grappiers; chaux aeriennes, chaux hydrauliques. Ciments na- turels, de laitier et pouzzolanes. Portland artificiel. Contrdle technique de 1'usine. Essais et proprietes generales. Mortiers; beton, ciment arme. viii,484 p. 119 il. D. Paris: J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1902. May, Paul. 330 .53 16 v.37 72401 Die bayrische Zementindustrie. Von Dr. Paul May. Leipzig, A. Deichert'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Nachf. (G. Bohme), 1909. x, 92 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 23i cm . (/ Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsstudien mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Bayerns, xxxvil.) Moser, Robert. L69I.053 283 v.n sizes Geschichtliche Mitteilungen, statistische Angaben und wirtschaft- liche Betrachtungen liber die schweiz. Tonindustrie, von Dr. Rob. Moser, .... Mit 10 Figuren im Text. [Zurich, 1907.] [3]~5 P- I0 iN us - 32 cm . (/ Mitteilungen der Eidg. Materialpriifungsanstalt in Zurich, n. Heft.) 667 HISTORY OF DYEING Bottler, Max. 667.2 Roo4 Farbemethoden der Neuzeit. Von Prof. Max Bottler, .... Halle a.S., W. Knapp, 1910. xi, 296 p. incl. tables. 25 cm . 83376 340 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Dedekind, Alexander, 1856- 667.27 P8oo 77999 j n B e it r ag zur Purpurkunde. Von Dr. Alexander Dedekind. a [l.-iv. Band.] .... Berlin, Mayer & Miiller, 1898-191 1. 4 vol. vol. I : [6], 364 p. front, (port.), I fold, pi., 3 facsim. (partly col., partly fold.); vol. 2: [2], xxxii, 379 p. illus., 4 pi., 3 port. (incl. front.); vol. 3: viii. 778 p. 2 port. incl. front., 14 pi. (partly col., partly fold.), i fold, map; vol. 4: xiv, [2], 848 p. front, (port.), illus. 24.i cm . "Die Etymologic desWortes 'Purpur' in naturwissenschaftlicher Beleuchtung," vol. i, p. [i6]-i9l. "Neue Ausgaben seltener alterer Schriften iiber Purpur," vol. i, p. [2133-364; con- tinued under title : "Sammlung Internationale r Quellenwerke fur Purpurforschung," vol. 2, p. 1-279; vol. 3, p. [i43]~7o6. Includes: H. Strom's Om purpursneglen., Kj0ben- havn, 1777 [the Norwegian original with French and German translations], vol. 3, p. 153- 323, and H. de Lacaze-Duthier' "Memoire sur la pourpre," Paris, 1859, vol. 3, p. [581]- 690. "Die von Professor Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers in den Jahren 1896-1901 an den Her- ausgeber gerichtet gewesenen Briefe," vol. 3, p. [4i]-ni. "Sammlung einiger Besprechungen des i.-[n.] Bandes von diesem 'Beitrag zur Pur- purkunde'," vol. 2, p. 301-368; vol. 3, p. 758-778. Vol. 4: "Gewahrung von Einblicken in die Internationale Literatur der letzvergan- genen 4 Jahrhunderte iiber Purpur"; "Vorfiihrung von Hinweisen auf mehr als 300 Quellen zur Geschichte der neueren Forschungen iiber Purpur, exzerpiert au^ Steger's 'Dissertatio de Purpura' " ,. . . p. [2473-295; "Literatur ausdem Zeitraume der letzver- flossenen 4 Jahrhunderte iiber die verschiedenen Zweige der Purprologie, " p. [32i]-848. With numerous other bibliographical notes. Felsen, Fedor. 667.27 Qgoo 82220 j) er i n( ]igo unc j S eine Konkurrenten. Eine kritische Zusammen- stellung, von Dr. Fedor Felsen. Berlin, Verlag fiir Textil-Indu- strie, 1909. [4], 74, [2] p. illus. (samples, partly fold.) 29x22 cm . Felsen, Fedor. 667.3 Rl Turkischrot und seine Konkurrenten. Eine kritische Zusammen- stellung, von Dr. Fedor Felsen. Berlin, Verlag fiir Textil-Indu- strie, 1911. [4], 125, [3] p. illus. (samples). 29x22 cm . Fortschritte. 667.26 1 Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation und verwandter Industrie- zweige, .... An der Hand der systematisch geordneten und mit kritischen Anmerkungen versehenen deutschen Reichs-Patente dargestellt von Dr. P. Friedlaender, .... Berlin, J. Springer. 1 888-. Continued from vol. i, 1877-1887. 27 cm .-28i cm . Vol. 2- cover from two to three years each. DYEING 34i Jaubert, George F 667.26 P6o2 91457 Historique de 1'industrie suisse des matieres colorantes artificielles, par George F. Jaubert, .... Public a 1'occasion de 1'Exposition nationale de Geneve sous les auspices de MM. Jean Rod. Geigy & c ie , la Societe pour 1'industrie chimique a Bale, MM. L. Durand, Huguenin & c ie , a Bale. (Groupe xxvm ) Geneve, Georg &C, 1896. 105 p. 23 x I4 cm . Lauterbach, Fritz. 667.25 Qsoo 51595 Geschichte der in Deutschland bei der Farberei angewandten Farbstoffe mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des mittelalterlichen Waidbaues, von Dr. Fritz Lauterbach. Leipzig, Veit & Co., 1905. [6], 113 p. 24 cm . Nietzki, Rudolf Hugo, 1847- ^540.53 6 v.7 97640 Die Entvvickelungsgeschichte der kunstlichen organischen Farb- stoffe. Von Prof. Dr. R. Nietzki, .... (/ Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Vortrage. Stuttgart, 1902. 25i cm . vn. Band, p. [159]-! 88.) Reissert, Arnold. 667. 26 P8oo 2 Geschichte und Systematik der Indigo-Synthesen. Mit specieller Beriicksichtigung der einschlagigen Patentliteratur. 27 p. Q. Berlin: R. Friedlander & Sohn, li Rouffaer, G P 1667.3 Pgoo 36011 De batik-kunst in Nederlandsch-Indie en haar geschiedenis. Op b grond van materiaal aanwezig in 's Rijks etnographisch museum en andere openbare en particuliere verzamelingen in Nederland, bewerkt door G. P. Rouffaer en Dr. H. H. Juynboll. Utrecht, A. Oosthoek, [pref. :899]-i9i4. [12], xxxiv, 534, xi-xxv p. 80 pi. (partly col., partly fold.) 35i cm . [Publicatie uits Rijks etnojTaphisch museum, serie II, no. I.] "Bibliographic," p. xxiv-xxxiv. Added t.-p. in German; text in Dutch and German in parallel columns. Ft. 1-4: Haarlem, H. Kleinmann & co., 1899-1905; pt. 5-6: 1914. Sansone, Antonio. 667.3 P5 01 7962 Recent progress in the industries of dyeing & calico printing. Being a supplement to, "The printing of cotton fabrics" and "Dyeing". Vol. i-. il. pi. pi. of samples. O. Manchester: A. Heyvvood & Son, 1895-. 342 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Zacharias, Procopios. 667.2 Q8oo *<"<79 -Qj e Theorie der Farbevorgange. Geschichte, Kritik, Zusammen- fassung unter einheitlichen Prinzipien. D r . Procopios Zacharias, .... Deutsche Ausgabe. Berlin, Verlag fur Textil-Industrie, 1908. [8], 420, [2] p. incl. tables. 25. 667.4 History of ink Carvalho, David Nunes, 1 848- 667.4 Q4 96208 Forty centuries of ink ; or, A chronological narrative concerning ink and its backgrounds, introducing incidental observations and deductions, parallels of time and color phenomena, bibliography, chemistry, poetical effusions, citations, anecdotes and curiosa to- gether with some evidence respecting the evanescent character of most inks of to-day and an epitome of chemico-legal ink. By David N. Carvalho. First edition. New York, The Banks Law Publishing Co., 1904. viii, 374 p. 25 cm . 3 inserts tipped in. Davids & Co., Thaddeus, publishers. 667.4 Mooi 1175 The history of ink, including its etymology, chemistry, and bibli- ography. 72,4, [6], 7 p. 7 pi. 13 facsim. D. New York, c. 1860. 668.6 History of fertilizers Dllmann, Martin. L668.6 Q6oi 14139 Die deutsche chemische Dlinger-Industrie. Festschrift zum 25- jahrigen Jubilaum der Begrtindung des Verein [ !] Deutscher Dunger-Fabrikanten verfasst von Dr. Martin Ullmann 1880-1905. Sonder-Ausgabe. Stralsund, W. Bergholz Nachf. (A. Steinthal), 1906. vii, 203, [3] p. incl. tables, ports, on I pi., 2 fold. maps. 28x2ii cm , Vogel, August, 1817-1889. 053 8189 v.i8 Zur Geschichte der Liebig'schen Mineraltheorie. Von Dr. Au- gust Vogel Berlin, C. Habel (C.G. Liideritz'sche Verlags- buchhandlung), 1883. 44 p. 22 cm . (/M Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage, xvin. Serie, Heft 426.) METALS 343 669 HISTORY OF METALS Metallurgy Metal industry Becher, Johann Philipp. 554-3 Fi 35911 Mineralogische Beschreibung der oranien-nassauischen Lande nebst einer Geschichte des siegenschen Hlitten- und Hammer- wesens. Zweite Auflage (die erste erschien 1789). viii, 326 p. Atlas of 4 maps. O. Dillenburg: M. Weidenbach, 1902. Keromnes, Claude. 1671 0701 47500 .... Historique de la fabrication des principaux metaux em- ployes dans la construction mecanique. Le fer et ses derives : 1'acier et la fonte : le cuivre et le bronze. Travail des metaux. Conferences faites les 27 novembre et 1 1 decembre 1887 a la Societe industrielle du nord, par M. Claude Keromnes, ... . Lille, imprimerie L. Danel, 1888. 78 p. 42 illus., I plan. 26 cm . At head of title: Supplement au Bulletin 6 1 Societe industrielle du nord de la France. Lincke, Bruno. L338.Q4 Rioo 90365 j-)j e scnwe j z erische Maschinenindustrie und ihre Entwicklung in wirtschaftl. Beziehung, von Dr. B. Lincke. Frauenfeld, Huber & Co., [1911]. vii, 218, [2] p. 25 cm . "Literatur-Nachweis," p. [2133-218. Neumann, Bernhard. 1669.09 Q400 1653 Die Metalle. Geschichte, Vorkommen und Gewinnung nebst aus- flihrlicher Produktions- und Preis-Statistik. Vom "Verein zur Beforderung des Gevverbefleisses" preisgekronte Arbeit, von Dr. phil. Bernhard Neumann, .... Mit zahlreichen Tabellen und 26 farbigen Tafeln. Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1904. vi, [2], 421, [l] p. xxvi fold, diagr. 25 cm . Rossignol, Jean Pierre. 669.093 M300 ! Les metaux dans 1'antiquite. Origines religieuses de la metal- lurgie; ou, Les dieux de la Samothrace representes comme metallurges d'apres 1'histoire et la geographic. De lorichalique, histoire du cuivre et de ses alliages suivie d'un appendice sur les substances appelees electre. [2], 392 p. O. Paris: A. Durand, 1863. Stansfield, Alfred, 1871- 669.8 Q7oi ' The electric furnace, its evolution, theory and practice. By Al- fred Stansfield, .... With fifty-three illustrations. Toronto, The Canadian Engineer; New York, Hill Publishing Company, [etc.], 1907. xi, 211 p. 52 illus., i pi. 23^. 344 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 6690! History ot ir jjjg stor y O f j ron anc j s teel, by J. Russell Smith .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1908. ri, 193 p. front., illus., 7 pi. l8i cm . Great Britain and Ireland Bessemer, Sir Henry, 1813-1898. 669.09209646 96205 gj r fj enr y Bessemer, F.R.S. An autobiography. With a con- cluding chapter. London, Offices of "Engineering", 1905. xv, 380 p. front., illus., L pi. (incl. ports., facsims.) 29x23. Concluding chapter by the editor with the assistance of Mr. Henry Bessemer. "List of patents granted to Henry Bessemer, 1838-1883," p. 329-332. Contents. Preface. l. Early days. 2. The reward of invention. 3. Compres- sing plumbago dust, casting type, type-composing machine, etc. 4. Utrecht velvet. 5. The manufacture of bronze powder. 6. Improvements in sugar manufacture. 7. A holiday in Germany. 8. Improvements in glass manufacture. 9. The exhibition of 1851. 10. Early gunnery experiments. n. The genesis of the Bessemer process. 12. The Bessemer process. 13. Bessemer steel and Colonel Eardley Wilmot. 14. The Bessemer process and the War Office. 15. Bessemer steel: the Armstrong controversy. 16. Bessemer steel guns. 17. Cast steel for shipbuilding. 18. Manganese in steel- making. 19. Ebbw Vale. 20. The Bessemer saloon steam-ship. Conclusion. IRON AND STEEL 347 Hatfield, William Herbert, 672 R204 91604 Cast iron in the light of recent research. By W. H. Hatfield, ... . With frontispiece and 164 illustrations, including many photomi- crographs. London, C. Griffin & Co., 1912. xiii, 249 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. front. 23 cm . Swank, James Moore. 670.9748 Qooi Early iron enterprises in Cambria, Somerset, Westmoreland, and Indiana Counties. Prepare'd for the centennial celebration of the founding of Johnstown. 14 p. O. Philadelphia 1900. Cover title: Johnstown centennial. 1800-1900. Germany and Austria- Hungary Bittner, Ludwig. 338.244 Qioo 37334 j} as Ei senwesen j n Innerberg-Eisenerz bis zur Griindung der Innerberger Hauptgewerkschaft im Jahre 1625. Von Ludwig Bittner. Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn, 1901. 196 p. 25= -cm Knaff, A . 1,669.0943 Rooi SSTSS Beitrage zur Geschichte der Eisenindustrie an der mittleren Sieg, von A. Knaff, .... Dusseldorf, Verlag Stahleisen m.b.H., 1910. 83> [13] P- illus. incl. XII diagr. 28 cm . Leber, Engelbert. 669.09249 1,49 9 Adolf Ledebur der Eisenhuttenmann. Sein Leben, Wesen und seine Werke. Von Dr. Ing. Engelbert Leber. Dusseldorf, Stahl- eisen m.b.H., 1912. [8], 166 p. 4 pi., 2 port. incl. front. 2i cm . "Die Einzelabhandlungen Ledeburs," p. 159-165; "Die Buchwerke Ledeburs," p. 166. Leisse, Wilhelm, 1886- 305.3 8 v.i$8 93131 Wandlungen in der Organisation der Eisenindustrie und des Eisen- handels seit dem Griindungsjahr des Stahlwerksverbandes. Von Dr. Wilhelm Leisse. Munchen und Leipzig, Duncker & Hum- blot, 1912. xii, 208 p. tables (i fold.), diagrs. 23. (/ Staats- und sozialwissenschaft- licbe Forschungen, Heft 158.) Enlarged from the author's Inaug.-dis. Berlin. "Literaturverzeichnis," p. ix-x. Lemberg, Heinrich. 670.943(^100 ' Die Eisen- und Stahlwerke, Maschinenfabriken, Metallgiessereien und verwandte Gewerbe des niederrheinisch-westfalischen Indus- triebezirks und der angrenzenden Gebiete. 168 p. I map. D. Dortmund: C. L. Kriiger, 1901. 348 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Luxemburger Bergwerks- und Saarbriicker 1,669.0943 Q6oo 832)5 Eisenhiittenaktiengesellschaft. Die Burbacherhiitte, 185619060 Denkschrift zur Feier des fiinf- zigjahrigen Bestehens der Hutte am 22 Juni, 1906. [Saarlouis (Rheinld.), F. Stein Nachf. Hausen & Co., 1906.] ix, [2], 117, [4] p. incl. tables, xxxni pi. (incl. ports., plans.) 32-^ x24-i cm . On cover: Luxemburger Bergwerks- und Saarbriicker Eisenhiitten Aktien Gesellschaft. Burbacherhiitte bei Saarbriicken. Moselland. 669.1 Roo2 83108 .... Das Moselland und die westdeutsche Eisenindustrie. Vor- trage herausgegeben von der Vereinigung fur Staatswissenschaft- liche Fortbildung zu Berlin. [Erster-zweiter Teil.] .... Leip- zig, Duncker & Humblot, 1910. 2 vol. 2a4 cm . Half-title; each vol. has individual t.-p. "Literatur," vol. I, p. 2. Contents. I.T1. I. Sering, M. Das Moselland in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. 2. Kriiger, E. Das romische Trier. 3. Kentenich, G. Trier im Mittelalter. 4. Keune, J. B. Das alte Metz. 5. Bohmer, P. Das neue Metz. 6. Briimmer, F. Der Notstand in der Eifel, seine Ursachen und die Massnahmen der Staatsregierung zu seiner Behe- bung. 7. Weismiiller, O. Massnahmen zur Hebung der Land wirtschaft im Kreise Daun. 8. Gerdolle, H. Agrarpolitisches, Landwirtschaftliches und Geschichtliches iiber den Re- gierungsbezirk Lothringen und insbesondere den Landkreis Metz. [2], iv, [2], 204 p. fold, front, (map), illus., I fold. plan. 2. Tl. Schumacher, H. Die westdeutsche Ei- senindustrie und die Moselkanalisierung. ix, 153 p. Milliner, Alfons, 1840- 1669.1 Q8o2 68827 .... Geschichte des Eisens in Inner-Osterreich von der Urzeit bis zum Anfange des xix. Jahrhunderts. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der 6'konomischen, sozialen und handelspolitischen Verhaltnisse sowie des Eisenhandelsnach samtlichen europaischen. Landern, der Levante und Nordafrika. Im Auftrage und mit Unterstiitzung des hohen k. k. Ackerbauministeriums nach archi- valischen Quellen bearbeitet von Prof. Alfons Milliner. Mit zahl- reichen Illustrationen, Faksimiles von Urkunden und Karten. .... Wien und Leipzig, Halm und Goldmann, 1908-. Tt. i-. illus. 29 cm . Rabius, Wilhelm. 33-53 l8 n.s.v.8 Der Aachener Hutten-Aktien-Verein in Rote Erde 1846-1906. 96285 )j e Entstehung und Entwicklung eines rheinischen Huttemverks. Von Dr. Wilhelm Rabius. Mit 5 Kurven. Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. vii, 145 p. v diagr. (i fold.) 24 cm . (/ Volkswirtschaftliche und wirtschafts- geschichtliche Abhandlungen, neue Folge, achtes Heft.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [I44]-I45- IRON AND STEEL 349 Ross, Colin. 338.244 Rio2 87032 -Qj e jr n tstehung von Grosseisenindustrie an der deutschen See- kiiste. Von Dr. Colin Ross, .... Mit 4 Textfiguren. Berlin, J. Springer, 191 1. vii. 104 p. incl. tables, 4 diagr. 24i cm . Weyhmann, Alfred. 33 8 - 2 44 Q5 01 90262 Geschichte der alteren lothringischen Eisenindustrie von Alfred Weyhmann, .... Metz, Buchdruckerei der Lothringer Zeitung, 1905- 2, [6], 211 p. I fold. map. 24 cm . Inaug.-dis. Strassburg. "Sonderabdruck aus dem Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft fiir Lothringische Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Band xvn, 1905." Wupperman, Herman. 330.53 12 v.gsup. 90870 .... Die Industrie emaillierter Blechgeschirre in Deutschland, von Dr. Herman Wupperman. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1907. vii, loop. 24 cm . (/ Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen der badischen Hoch- schulen, ix. Band, 4. Erganzungsheft.) "Quellen," p. [99J-IOO. Wiist, Friedrich, 1860- 1338.244 Qgoi 92233 j)j e Entwicklung der deutschen Eisenindustrie in den letzten Jahren. Festrede zur Vorfeier des Geburtstages Sr. Majestat Kaiser Wilhelms II. gehalten am 26. Januar 1909 in der Aula der Koniglichen Technischen Hochschule zu Aachen, von Geh. Reg.- Rat Dr. F. Wiist, .... Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1909. 33, [i] p. diagrs. 28i cm . Ziegler, Franz Carl. 338.244 Rooi 84942 Die Tendenz der Entvvicklung zum Grossbetrieb in der Remschei- der Kleineisenindustrie. Von Dr. Franz Carl Ziegler. Berlin, K. Reuschel, 1910. x i 3 2 3 CO P- i nc '- tables. 23i cm , United States Berglund, Abraham. 306.118 i v.27 99311 .... The United States Steel Corporation. A study of the growth and influence of combination in the iron and steel indus- try, by Abraham Berglund, . . . New York, The Columbia University Press; London, P. S. King & Son, 1907. 178 p. 25 cm . (In Studies in history, economics and public law, edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University, vol. xxvn s no. 2 350 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Casterlin, Warren S 672 97236 F ortv years at cast steel and tool making. By Prof. Warren S. Casterlin, .... Second edition. [Scranton, Pa.], Scranton Tribune Printing and Binding, 1895. [8], 247 p. front, (port.), illus. i8-i cm . Casson, Herbert Newton, 1869- 338.244 Q7oo 96209 Yke romance of steel. The story of a thousand millionaires, by Herbert N/ Casson. New York, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1907. xiv, [2], 376 p. front., 3 pi., 62 port. 23 cm . Contents. The birth of the Bessemer process. The discovery of the great ore ranges. The rise of Andrew Carnegie. The Carnegie Company under Frick. The workmen-partners of Andrew Carnegie. The harvest of gold. J. Pierpont Morgan and the United States Steel Corporation. Six years of the steel trust. Pittsburgh. Birmingham and Pueblo. Steel kings of many cities. The future of steel. Dow, Jones & Co., New York, comp. 338-7 Ri03 0326 A decade in United States steel. Compiled by Dow, Jones & Co New York, N. Y., [Dow, Jones & Co.], 191 1. [2], 45 p. I fold, diagr., 2 fold, tables. 2oi cm . "Third edition." Iron and Steel Institute. 669.0973 Pooi 13547 'pke j ron anc | steel Institute in America in 1890. Special volume of "Proceedings." xix,[i],5o8 p. il. 25 pi. 6 maps. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, [1890?]. Bell, Sir L. On the American iron trade and its progress during sixteen years, n, 1-208*. Leschen, A., & Sons Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1672.97 Q7oo 97865 Half a century of rope making, 1857-1907. St. Louis, Mo., [etc.], A. Leschen & Sons Rope Company, [ C I9O7]. 87, [i] p. illus. 26 cm . On verso of t.-p. : Being a brief history of the house of A. Leschen & Sons Rope Com- pany, from its founding in 1857 to the present time, to which is also appended a cata- logue with illustrations and descriptions of its various products. Pearse, John Barnard. 669.iN6oo A concise history of the iron manufacture of the American colo- nies up to the Revolution, and of Pennsylvania until the present time. 282 p. il. I pi. I map. D. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott, 1876. IRON AND STEEL 351 Popplewell, Frank. 338.244 Q6oi 8 Some modern conditions and recent developments in iron and steel production in America. A report to the Electors to the Gartside Scholarships on the results of a tour in the United States in 1903-04. By Frank Popplewell, .... Manchester, The Uni- versity Press, 1906. x, [2], 119, vi p. 23i cm . (Half-title: Publications of the University of Man- chester. Economic series, no. in. Gartside reports on industry and commerce, no. n.) On verso of t.-p. : University of Manchester publications, no. XXI. Contents.- i. The metallurgy of iron and steel. 2. General considerations. 3. Raw materials. 4. Pig-iron production. 5. The manufacture of steel and of rolled steel products. 6. American labour and education. Swank, James Moore. 1,669.1 P200 4097 History of the manufacture of iron in all ages, and particularly in the United States from colonial times to 1891. Also a short history of early coal mining in the United States and a full account of the influences which long delayed the development of all Amer- ican manufacturing industries. Second edition, . . . revised and ... enlarged. xix,[i],554 p. Q. Philadelphia: American Iron and Steel Association, 1892. Swank, James Moore. 669.09748 N8oo 3 Introduction to a history of ironmaking and coal mining in Penn- sylvania. Contributed to the final report of the Pennsylvania Board of Centennial Managers. 125 p. O. Philadelphia: pub- lished by the author, 1878. Scandinavian countries Akerman, Richard i.e. Anders Richard, 1837- 338.244 1^300 ' Jeber den Standpunkt der Eisenfabrikation in Schweden zu An- fang des Jahres 1873, von Rich. Akerman, .... (Auf Kosten des Eisen-Comptoirs gedruckt.) Stockholm, K. L. Beckman, 1873- 53' [ J ] P- inch tables, i fold. map. 24^. Almquist, Johan Axel. 1,670.9485 P900 84019 Uddeholmsverken. Historisk skildring. [2J,viii,523 p. fl. lOpl. 10 por. 7 tables. Q. Stockholm: Central-tryckeriet, 1899. 352 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 669.2 History of precious metals Chaffers, William, 1811-1892. 671.69 Q70I 73629 ch a ff ers ' hand-book to hall marks on gold & silver plate. With revised tables of annual date letters employed in the assay offices of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Second edition. Edited and extended by Christopher A. Markham, .... London, Reeves and Turner, 1907. [8], 119 p. front., illus. ig^ cm . Chaffers, William. 16710300 35S7 Gilda aurifabrorum. A history of English goldsmiths and plate- workers, and their marks stamped on plate copied in fac-simile from celebrated examples ; and the earliest records preserved at Goldsmiths' Hall, London, .... Also historical accounts of the Goldsmiths' Company and their .hall marks; .... viii,26/ p. 2500 il. Q. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1883. Chaffers, William. 1,671 0302 89951 Gilda aurifabrorum. A history of English goldsmiths and plate- workers and their marks stamped on plate copied in facsimile from celebrated examples ; and the earliest records preserved at Goldsmiths' Hall, London, with their names, addresses and dates of entry. Also historical accounts of the Goldsmiths' Company and their hall marks : . . . . New edition. viii,26/ p. il. Q. London: Reeves & Turner, 1899. An exact reprint, except the title-page, of the edition of 1883. Chaffers, William. 1671 P6o2 9690 pj a ^ mar k s on gold and silver plate. With revised tables oi annual date letters employed in the assay offices of England, Scotland, and Ireland. To which is now added, A history of 1'orfevrerie franchise, with extracts from the statutes, ordinances, &c. . Eighth edition. With introductory essay by Christopher A. Markham. xliv,3O2 p. il. 2 pi. Q. London : Reeves & Tur- ner, 1896. Del Mar, Alexander. 669.2 QIOI )054 A history of the precious metals, from the earliest times to the present, by A. Del Mar Second edition revised. New York, Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., 1902. [2], xxii, [5]-479 9 P- 24 cm . "Bibliography," p. xi-xxii. PRECIOUS METALS 353 Jacob, William, i;62?-i85i. 669.27100 90123 An historical inquiry into the production and consumption of the precious metals. By William Jacob, .... In two volumes. London, J. Murray, 1831. 2 vol. 2li cm . Keane, Augustus Henry, 1833- 939-7 Qioo 93122 pke g \d Q Qphir, whence brought and by whom? By Profes- sor A. H. Keane, .... London, E. Stanford, 1901. xviii, 244 p. incl. front, (facsim.) 2i cm . "This volume has grown out of a series of papers on 'The gold of Ophir' communi- cated to Rhodesia during the months of August and September 1901." Pref. Laurent, L 1,669.2 Qi04 90140 .... L'or dans les colonies frangaises: historique gisements precedes d 'extraction commerce. Par L. Laurent, .... Paris, A. Challamel, 1902. 118, [2] p. incl. illus., maps. 25i cm . (Produits naturels des colonies et cultures tropicales.) Pariset, Ernest, 1826- 1,671 Qso8 49525 Les tireurs d'or et d'argent a Lyon, xvm e et XIX e siecles, par E. Pariset .... Lyon, A. Rey, imp., 1903. 58 p. 28 cm . Peters, Karl, 1856- 967 Q20i 93180 The Eldorado of the ancients, by Dr. Carl Peters, .... With two maps and ninety-seven illustrations from original drawings by Tennyson Cole and from photographs. London, C. A. Pear- son, ltd., 1902. x, 447, [l] p. front, (port.), illus., 2 fold. maps. 22^ cm . "My discoveries show particularly that the 'Ophir' of the time of Solomon was the country between the Lower Zambesi and the Limpopo River." Introd. Peters, Carl. 967 Q2OO 36106 Im Goldland des Altertums. Forschungen zwischen Zambesi und Sabi. Mit 50 an Ort und Stelle gemachten Original-Illustrationen von Tennyson Cole. xvi,4o8 p. il. 16 pi. i por. 2 maps in pocket. O. Miinchen: J. F. Lehmann, 1902. Santini de Riols, E N , 1847- 398.3 8235 1 .... Les pierres magiques. Histoire complete des pierres pre- cieuses ; leurs origines ; leurs vertus et leurs facultes ; leurs puis- sance occulte; leurs influences diverses sur 1'homme et les ani- maux; philtres, remedes qu'elles servaient a composer; thera- peuthique lapidaire ; pierres aphrodisiaques, et pierres anaphro- clisiaques. Paris, Bibliotheque Chacornac, 1905. [4], xxx, [30-173, [2] P . 19^. 4t head of title: E. N. Santini de Riols. 354 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 669. 3-7 History of copper, brass, tin and other metals and alloys Becker, Anton, 1868- 305-3 8 vd68 102474 rjj e stolberger Messingindustrie und ihre Entwicklung. Von Dr. A. Becker. Miinchen und Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1913. viii, 83 p. 23 cm . (/ Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen .... Heft 168.) "Verzeichnis der benutzten Quellen," p. 82-83. Berthele', Joseph i.e. Francois Marie Joseph, 1858- 673.08 Q3OO 65854 .... Enqueues campanaires. Notes, etudes et documents sur les cloches et les fondeurs de cloches du VIII e au XX e siecle. Montpellier, imp. Delord-Boehm et Martial, 1903. xvi, 758, [2] p. illus., I pi., 3 port. 25^. At head of title: Jos. Berthele. Best, Robert Hall. 33 I -7^73 Q5oo 2 Brassworkers of Berlin and of Birmingham. A comparison. Joint report of R. H. Best, ... , W. J. Davies, ... , C. Perks, ... . Fifth edition. London, P. S. King & Son, 1910. X, [2], 82 p. 22"". Bruchmiiller, Wilhelm. 669.718 P700 25540 Der Kobaltbergbau und die Blaufarbenwerke in Sachsen bis zum Jahre 1653. viii, 78 p. O. Crossen a O. : R. Zeidler, 1897. 'Verzeichnis der benutzten Litteratur", p. 72-73. Fleck, Alfred. 669.3 Q8oo " 6817 Beitrage zur Geschichte des Kupfers, insbesondere seiner Gevvin- nung und Verarbeitung von Dr. Alfred Fleck. Jena, G. Fischer, 1908. [4], 60 p. incl. table. 24.4 cm . Flower, Philip William. 669.6 N9oo 4583 ^ history of the trade in tin ; a short description of tin mining and metallurgy ; a history of the origin and progress of the tin- plate trade. And a description of the ancient and modern processes of manufacturing tin-plates. xiii,[3],2i9,[i] p. il. 9 pi. i por. I map. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1880. Gatty, Alfred. 673 K8oo 828 The bell: its origin, history, and uses. vii,[2],ii7 p. il. nar. D. London: G. Bell, 1848. COPPER, BRASS, TIN AND OTHER METALS 355 Ingalls, Walter Renton, 1865- 669.0973 Q8oo 97260 Lead and zinc in the United States ; comprising an economic his- tory of the mining and smelting of the metals and the conditions which have affected the development of the industries. By Wal- ter Renton Ingalls, .... New York, [etc.], Hill Publishing Com- pany, 1908. [4], x, 368 p. incl. illus., tables, diagrs. 3 pi. 24. [Lathrop, William Gilbert], 1865- 338.411 Q900 00143 jj^g b rass industry in Connecticut. A study of the origin and the development of the brass industry in the Naugatuck Valley. Shelton, Conn., W. G. Lathrop, 1909. vi, 143 p. 17 ports. I9 cm . "Bibliography," p. [I33J-I38. Laurent-Daragon, Ch. 673 Oioo 37481 Le bronze d'art. Etude historique et pratique de la fonte antique retablie par la fonte d'un seul jet et du caractere de la fonte ordinaire dans la seconde moitie du xix e siecle suivie de recherches metallurgiques inedites sur la nature du bronze, ses alliages, et les diverses manieres de la traiter dans ses applications artistiques et industrielles, par Ch. Laurent-Daragon . . . Paris, Le Bailly [1881] 68 p. 22 cm . ( On cover: Bibliotheque artistique) Masse", Henri Jean Louis Joseph, 1860- 1/671. 67 Q40o 90166 Pewter plate. A historical & descriptive handbook, by H. J. L. J. Masse, .... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1904. xxi, 299, [i] p. incl. illus., plates. 28 cm . Appendices. A. Touches at Pewterers's hall. B. Miscellaneous marks, including some hall-marks from various sources. c. Foreign marks (from various sources). D. Foreign pewterers. E. Bibliography of pewter. Mollenberg, Walter Max Emil, 1879- 338.219 Rioo J Die Eroberung des Weltmarkts durch das mansfeldische Kupfer, von Dr. Walter Mollenberg. Studien zur Geschichte des Thiirin- ger Saigerhiittenhandels im sechzehnten Jahrhundert. Mit zwolf Briefen Jacob Welsers d. A. von Nurnberg. Gotha, F. A. Per- thes A.-G., 191 1. xiv, 176 p. 2ii cm . Peltzer, Rudolf Arthur. 673 Qgoo 3 Geschichte der Messingindustrie und der kiinstlerischen Arbeiten in Messing (Dinanderies) in Aachen und den Landern zwischen Maas und Rhein von der Romerzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Von Rud. Arthur Peltzer. Mit 13 Abbildungen. Aachen, Cremer- sche Buchhandlung (C. Cazin), 1909. 231 p. 9 (i.e. 7) pi. (2 fold.) 22i cm . Two plates have illustrations on both sides. 356 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Pulsifer, William H 1669.4 08oi 4 Notes for a history of lead and an inquiry into the development of the manufacture of white lead and lead oxides, compiled by William H. Pulsifer.- New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1888. vi, [2], 389 P . 25i CI '>. Raven, John James, 1833-1906. 390.942 Q6oo 81100 The bells of England, by J. J. Raven With sixty illustra- tions. New York, E. P. Button & Co., 1906. xv 338 P- front., 50 illus., 7 facsim. 22 cm . Music in text. Reyer, Eduard. 553-45 Oioo Zinn. Eine geologisch-montanistisch-historische Monographic. iv,248 p. il. O. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1881. Contains a bibliography. Richards, Joseph William. 669.703 PSOO 4529 Aluminium: its history, occurrence, properties, metallurgy and applications, including its alloys. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xv,666 p. 46 il. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1896. Wiese, Leopold von. 1338.299 Q300 40813 Beitrage zur Geschichte der wirtschaftlichen Entvvicklung der Rohzinkfabrikation. Von Dr. phil. Leopold von Wiese. Frank- furt a. M., Druckerei Merkur, [1903]. vii, 221 p. 3 pi. (diagrs.) 2$& cm . 674 HISTORY OF THE LUMBER INDUSTRY Defebaugh, James Elliott, 1854-1909. 1*674 Q6oo History of the lumber industry of America, by James Elliott De- 50336 f e baugh .... Volume i-[2J. Chicago, The American Lum- * berman, 1906-1907. 2 vol. 9 pi., 7 port, inch front., i fold. map. 25 cm . Hotchkiss, George Woodward. L674 P8oo 14400 History of the lumber and forest industry of the northwest, v 754 p. 95 por. paged in. sq. F. Chicago: G. W. Hotchkiss & Co., 1898. Jucht, Wilhelm. 338.187 Q5<>o 66468 Geschichte der Holzzoll- und Holzhandels-Gesetzgebung in Bay- ern. Von Dr. Wilhelm Jucht, .... Berlin, J. Springer, 1905. viii, 183, [i] p. 25"". "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [vii]-viii. LEATHER INDUSTRY 357 Stanchfield, Daniel, 1820- 670.9776 Qooi 90239 ]-[j s t- or y O f lumbering in Minnesota. Pioneer lumbering on the upper Mississippi and its tributaries, with biographic sketches. By Daniel Stanchfield. Lumbering in the St. Croix valley, with biographical sketches. By William H. C. Folsom, .... Min- neapolis, Minn., D. Stanchfield, 1900. [6] p., p. [325]-362, [291 1-324. 8 port. incl. front. 24 cm . "Papers from vol. IX of the Minnesota Historical Society collections. The order of these papers, as printed in the original volume, is here transposed; but the original paging is retained." Adler, Fritz i.e. Friedrich Leopold, 1889- 330.53 12 n.s.v.i6 96199 ... . Die Entwicklung des deutschen Hautemarktes, von Dr. Fritz Adler. Karlsruhe i. B., G. Braun, 1913. viii, 181, [2] p. incf. tables. 2 fold, diagr. 24. (/ Volkswirtschaftliche Ab- handlungen derbadischen Hochschulen, neue Folge, Heft. 16.) "Verzeichnis der benutzten Literatur," p. [vii]-viii. Bryant, Seth. 675Pioi 14870 Shoe and leather trade of the last hundred years. 136 p. I por. D. Boston, Mass., 1891. Ebert, Georg. 33<>-53 16 v.48 Die Entwicklung der Weissgerberei. Eine okonomisch-techno- 103826 g ra phische Studie von Georg Ebert, .... Leipzig, A. Deichert, xl, 408 p. 23i cm . (In Wirtschafts- u. Verwaltungsstudien mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung Bayerns. ... , XLVIII.) "Litteratur," p. [387]~4o8. Hull, William, Jr. 675.347400 4612 The history of the glove trade, with the customs connected with the glove : to which are annexed some observations on the policy of the trade between England and France, and its operation on the agricultural and manufacturing interests. xvi,i44 p. D. Lon- don: F. Wilson, 1834. Jorissen, Franz. 675 Qgo2 96240 j}j e d eu t sc he Leder- und Lederwaren-Industrie. Die Hilfs- und Neben-Industriezweigederselben, sowie die einschlagigen Handels- gebiete in ihrer Entwickelung und heutigen Bedeutung. Bear- beitet von Dr. Franz Jorissen. Text dreisprachig : deutsch, englisch, franzosisch, mit zahlzeichen Abbildungen, Tabellen und graphischen Darstellungen. Berlin, Vereinigte Verlagsanstalten G. Braunbeck & Gutenberg-Druckerei Akt.-Ges., 1909. xv > 394 kcix, 105, [i] p. illus. 38 cm . "Literatur," p. xv. "Monographien einzelner Firmen aus den verschiedenen Branchen," Ixix p. 358 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Klein, Jos ,1879- 338.1310600 96244 Der sibirische Pelzhandel und seine Bedeutung fur die Eroberung Sibiriens .... Bonn, S. Foppen, 1906. 206, [2] p. 22 cm . Inaug.-dis. Bonn. Lebenslauf. "Litteratur," p. 204-206. Redmond, Daniel Walter, 1876- 675.34 R300 1006H -p^g i ea ther glove industry in the United States, by Daniel W. Redmond, .... New York, 1913. 97 p. i illus. 25 cm . Thesis (PH.D.) Columbia University, 1913. Vita. "Bibliography," p, 96. Stiasny, Edmund. 1660.53 641 v.3i pt.2 99582 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Lederindustrie. Von Prof. Dr. Edm. Stiasny. (/ Chemiker-Zeitung. Cothen, 1907. 35 cm . vol. 31, pt. 2, p. [1179]-! 181, 1196- 1198, 1206-1207, 1217-1219, 1241-1243, 1270-1271, 1281-1282.) Bibliographical foot-notes. Trier, Julius. 338.449 QQOO 73557 .... Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der technischen Ent- wicklung der deutschen Lederindustrie. Von Dr. Julius Trier. Leipzig, W. Klinkhardt, 1909. 91 p. 2ii cm . (Technisch-volkswirtschaftliche Monographien. Zehnter Band.) 676 HISTORY OF PAPER MAKING Blanchet, Augustin. 1676 Qoo6 90087 .... Essai sur 1'histoire du papier et de sa fabrication .... Paris, E. Leroux, 1900. [2], iv, 171, [4] p. 28 cm . (Exposition retrospective de la papeterie. Paris, 1900.) Briquet, Charles MoYse. 676 0602 99396 Recherches sur les premiers papiers employes en Occident et en Orient du X e au XIV e siecle, par C. M. Briquet, .... Paris, 1886. 77 p. 2 fold. pi. 23 cm . "Extrait des Memoires de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, tomexLVi." Bibliographical foot-notes. Butler Paper Co., J. W., Chicago. 676 Qioo 'pj ie s t or y o j paper-making. An account of paper-making from its earliest known record down to the present time. viii,i36 p. 1 6 pi. O. Chicago: J. W. Butler Paper Co., 1901. PAPER MAKING 359 Davis, Charles Thomas. 676 06oo 4786 The manufacture of paper: being a description of the various processes for the fabrication, coloring, and finishing of every kind of paper ; . . . . To which are added a history of paper, complete lists of paper-making materials, lists of American machines, tools, and processes .... 608 p. I Soil. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1886. Fittica, Friedrich [Bernhard], 1850- 676 Q2O3 40135 Geschichte der Sulfitzellstoff-Fabrikation, von Dr. F. Fittica .... Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1902. [4], 47 p. 24 cra . Herring, Richard. 676 1.500 6125 Paper & paper making, ancient and modern. With an introduc- tion by the Rev. George Croly. xvi,i25 p. 5 pi. 22 samples. O. London: Longman, ... , & Longmans, 1855. Hossle, Friedrich von. 1,676 Q7o8 Die alten Papiermiihlen der freien Reichsstadt Augsburg sowie 91033 a j te p a piere und deren Wasserzeichen im Stadt-Archiv und der Kreis- und Stadt-Bibliothek zu Augsburg. Gesammelt und ge- zeichnet von Friedrich von Hossle. Augsburg, Rieger'sche Buch- handlung, 1907. 39 p. front, (facsim.), illus., xxxvn pi. 3O cm . Karabacek, Josef, 1845- 6766702 16842 j~j as ara bj scne Papier; eine historisch-antiquarische Untersuchung von D r< Joseph Karabacek .... Mit I Lichtdrucktafel und 2 Textabbildungen. Wien, K. K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1887. [4], 92 p. illus., I facsim. 33 cm . "Sonderabdruck aus dem H. und ill. Bande der 'Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer.' 1887." [Koops, Matthias.] 1,676 Goo i Historical account of the substances which have been used to de- scribe events, and to convey ideas, from the earliest date, to the invention of paper. Printed on the first useful paper manufactured soley \_sic] from straw. 91 p. Q. London 1800. Krawany, Franz. 676 Q502 Die Entstehung, Entwicklung und voraussichtliche Gestaltung der Papierindustrie insbesondere mit RUcksicht auf die Osterr.- ungar. Monarchic. Eine Studie von Franz Krawany, .... Wien, Papier- und Schreibwaren-Zeitung, 1905. cover-title, 16 p. 24 cm . "Separatbeilage zur Papier- und Schreibwaren-Zeitung, Wien." 59696 3 6o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Mel'nikov, Nikolai Pavl. L676 Q6o6 79238 Histoire, statistique, literature d. 1. fabrication d. papier. Fili- grane. N. & P. Melnikoff. Istoriia, statistika, literatura pische- bumazhnago proizvodstva. Vodfanye znaki (filigran). Budush- chee pischebumazhnago proizvodstva. [Aktsiz na bumagu], Inzhener-tekhnologa N. P. Mel'nikova i P. N. Mel'nikova. S mnogimi risunkami v tekstfe. S.-Peterburg, tipografiTa P. P. Soikma, 1906. 207, ii p. illus. 29i cm . "Literatura pischebumazhnago proizvodstva," p. [I73J-2OI. [Munsell, Joel], 1808-1880. 676 L6oi A chronology of paper and paper-making. Printed for presenta- 102713 tion only> Albany, J. Munsell, 1856. 58 p. 3 samples. 24. Published anonymously. Three leaves of sample paper, one being of Japanese paper and two of straw. Munsell, Joel. 6761^400 4791 A chronology of paper and paper-making. Third edition, vii, [i],i74p. i il. i pi. O. Albany: J. Munsell, 1864. Munsell, Joel. 676.1*600 ioo66 Chronology of the origin and progress of paper and paper-making. Fifth edition, with additions. [2], 263 p. i pi. O. Albany: J. Munsell, 1876. Peignot, Gabriel. 67611200 4780 Essai sur 1'histoire du parchemin et du velin. [2],iio p. O. Paris: A, A. Renouard, 1812. Rostaing, Leon, Rostaing, Marcel, 1,676 Pgoo * 6894 & Du Sert, Fleury Percie. Precis historique, descriptif, analytique et photomicrographiquv, des vegetaux propres a la fabrication de la cellulose et du papier. ix,84 p. 50 pi. Q. Paris: H. Everling, pref. 1899. Smith, Joseph Edward Adams. 6766100 A history of paper. Its genesis and its revelations 104 .p. 2 il. O. Holyoke, Mass.: C. W. Bryan & Co., 1882. Smith, Joseph Edward Adams. 670.9219 8653 23241 pj oneer paper-making in Berkshire. Life, life work and influence of Zenas Crane. 55 p. i por. O. [Holyoke, Mass.: printed for private circulation, 188-?] Binder's title : Biography of a pioneer manufacturer. Urbani, Domenico. 676 Nooi 4774 Segni di cartiere antiche. 47 p. 10 pi. O. Venezia 1870. WATERMARKS 361 Watermarks Briquet, Charles MoYse. 1676 Qyoo 99330 .... Les filigranes. Dictionnaire historique des marques du papier des leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu'en 1600, avec39 figures dans le texte et 16, 112 facsimiles de filigranes. Paris, A. Picard & fils, 1907. 4 vol. facsims. 32i cm . Paged continuously. "Bibliographic," t. i, p. [viii]-x. Briquet, C. M. 6760800 Papiers et filigranes des archives de Gnes, 1 154 a 1700. 130 p. 74 pi. Q. Geneve: H. Georg, 1888. Reprinted from Atli della Societa ligure distoria patria, vol. 19, part 2. Heitz, Paul, 1857- 1676 Q402 97255 Les filigranes avec la crosse de Bale, par Paul Heitz, avec 75 planches. Strasbourg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Miindel), 1904. 18, [2] p. LXXV (i.e. 38) facsim. 32i cm . This isno. 3 of a series ("Premier fascicule" : Les filigranes des papiers contenus dans les archives de la ville de Strasbourg. 1902 [1901]; "Second fascicule" Les filigranes des papiers contenus dans les incunables strasbourgeois. 1903). The facsimiles have illustrations on both sides of the leaf. Heitz, Paul, 1857- 1,676 Q302 102475 j^es filigranes des papiers contenus dans les archives de la ville de Strasbourg. Par Paul Heitz. Strasbourg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1902, [1901]. 8, xl p. (facsims. of watermarks.) 32i cm . "Premier fascicule." The facsims. of watermarks are numbered 1-386; many of them include variants, numbered "a," etc. Les filigranes des papiers contenus dans les incunables strasbourgeois de la Bibliotheque imperiale de Strasbourg, Par Paul Heitz. Strasbourg, J. H. E. Heitz, 1903. 34, [2] p., L p. (facsims. of watermarks.) 32j cm . "Second fascicule ... . Un dernier fascicule donnera les filigranes contenant 1'ecu de Bale." The facsims. of watermarks are numbered 1-1330; many of them include variants, numbered "a," etc. Midoux, Etienne, & Matton, Auguste. 676 M8oo 46U Etude sur j es filigranes des papiers employes en France aux XIV e et XV e siecles. 64 p. 84 pi. O. Paris : Dumoulin, 1868. 362 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Wiener, Lucien. 1676 P^oi 97307 t u cl e sur les filigranes des papiers lorrains, par Lucien Wiener, .... Nancy, R. Wiener, 1893. [4]. 77 C 2 ] ? front., 25 pi., X col. pi. 29.^. "Tire a 150 exemplaires sur papier verge de la papeterie d'Arches ( Vosges). Exem- plaire no. 90." Zonghi, Aurelio. L6760ioi Le marche principali delle carte fabrianesi dal 1293 al 1599. 46 p. Q. Fabriano 1881. 677 HISTORY OF TEXTILE INDUSTRIES General works Dreger, Moriz. ^677 Q40I 45833 .... Kunstlerische Entwicklung der Weberei und Stickerei innerhalb des europaischen Kulturkreises von der spatantiken Zeit bis zum Beginne des XIX. Jahrhundertes, mit Ausschluss der Volkskunst, von Moriz Dreger Wien, K. k. Hof.- und Staatsdruckerei, 1904. xx, [2], 365, [i] p. and atlas of 348 (t.f. 339) pi. (partly col., partly fold.) 2 vol. 27 cm . (K. k. Osterr. Museum fur Kunst und Industrie.) Fischbach, Friedrich, 1839-1908. ^677 0300 i8878 Die Geschichte der Textilkunst nebst Text zu den 160 Tafeln des Werkes Ornamente der Gewebe, von Friedrich Fischbach, .... Hanau, G. M. Alberti, 1883. xxiv, 208 p. incl. illus., tables. 28 em . T.-p. illus. Fischer, Hugo. 1/679.50 08oo Geschichte, Eigenschaften und Fabrikation des Linoleums. Eine technologische Studie .... viii,83 p. il. 6 pi. Q. Leipzig: A. Felix, 1888. 5300 Gilroy, Clinton G. 10170 -pjjg art Q | weaving^ by hand and by power, with an introductory account of its rise and progress in ancient and modern times. For the use of manufacturers and others 537 o. il. 34 pi. i table. nar.O. London: Wiley & Putnam, 1845. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES 363 Heiden, Max. 1746 H36 972S4 Handworterbuch der Textilkunde aller Zeiten und Volker, fur Studierende, Fabrikanten, Kaufleute, Sammler und Zeichner der Gevvebe, Stickereien, Spitzen, Teppiche und Dergl., sowie fur Schule und Haus, bearbeitet von Max Heiden, .... Mit 16 Ta- feln und 356 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1904. iv, [2], 664 p. illus., xvi pi. 25i cm . Heiden, Max. 677 Qgo7 82539 j}j e Xextilkunst des Altertums bis zur Neuzeit. Eine IJbersicht ihrer technischen und stilgeschichtlichen Entwickelung, bearbeitet von Max Heiden, .... Berlin, Berliner Central- Verlag, G.m.b.H., 1909. xvi p. 480 columns (240 p.) 399 illus. 29 cm . Holt, Rosa Belle. 1745 97256 Rugs, oriental and occidental, antique & modern. A handbook for ready reference, by Rosa Belle Holt. New and enlarged edi- tion, entirely reset, with 33 full-page illustrations, 12 in full color, and other drawings in the text, and a map of the Orient. Chica- go, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1908. 4, x, [4], 15-201, [l]p. illus., 33 pi. (incl. col. front., n col. pi.), map. 28i cm . Each plate accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. "List of authorities," p. 175-178. Kimakowicz-Winnicki, M von. ^571.053 M3I3 v.2 . . . . Spinn- und Webewerkzeuge. Entwicklung und Anwen- a dung in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit Europas. Von M. von Kima- kowicz-Winnicki. Mit 107 Textabbildungen. Wlirzburg, C. Kabitzsch (A. Stuber), 1910. [4]7P- 107 illus. 26i cm . (In Mannus-Bibliothek, No. 2; originally pub- lished as Darstellungen iiber friih- und vorgeschichtliche Kultur-, Kunst- und Volkerent- wicklung, 2. Heft.) Kohl, Friedrich. 677 N200 Geschichte der Jacquard-Maschine und der sich ihr anschlies- senden Abanderungen und Verbesserungen, nebst der Biographic Jacquard's. Eine von dem Verein zur Beforderung des Gewerb- fleisses in Pre'ussen gekronte Preisschrift ..... [6],i97,[i] p. il. 1 6 pi. i por. sq.Q. Berlin 1872. Published as supplement to the Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gewerlifteisses. 364 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Latzko, Henry. Lo7o.i6oA938 13673 j)j e Textil-industrie au f der Columbischen Weltausstellung in Chicago 1893 und die Entwicklung derselben in den Vereinigten Staaten. [6], 194 p. [/ AUSTRIA. K. K. CENTRAL-COMMIS- SION FUR DIE WELTAUSSTELLUNG IN CHICAGO 1893. Officieller Bericht, no. 3. Wien 1894.] Schultze, Wilhelm Ferdinand Rudolf. 330.53 10 v.5 99403 j}j e p ro duktions- und Preisentwickelung der Rohprodukte der Textilindustrie seit 1850. Von Dr. Wilhelm Schultze. Jena, G. Fischer, 1896. viii, 107, [i] p. 8. (/ Staatswissenschaftliche Studien, 5. Band, 6. Heft.) Silbermann, Henri. ^677 Q202 35177 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der chemischen Technologic der Gespinstfasern 18851900. An der Hand amtlichen Materials herausgegeben von Henri Silbermann ..... Erster- [zweiter] Teil ..... Dresden, G. Klihtmann, 1902-1903. 2 VOL 29i cm . Contents. I. Teil. Maschinen und Apparate. Mil 922 Abbildungen. 1902. xiv, 540 p. 922 diagr. 2. Teil. Verfahren und Methoden. Mit 23 Abbildungen. Nebst den Palentanspriichen zu beiden Teilen. 1903. xix, 463, 207 p. 21 (i. e. 20) illus. Very, Edith. 677 R2o6 93493 Warp and woof ; the story of the textile arts, by Edith Very, .... Boston, New York, [etc.], Educational Publishing Company, Vol. I-. illus. 2oi cm . Walton, Perry. 677 R205 80546 The story of textiles, a bird's-eye view of the history of the be- ginning and the growth of the industry by which mankind is clothed, by Perry Walton. Compiled and written for John S. Lawrence. Boston, Mass., [Walton Advertising and Printing Company, C I9I2J. [2], 274, [2] p. front., 33 pi., 14 port. 24i cm . Contents. Beginning of textiles. Flax, linen, wool, cotton, and silk. Factory system. Era of invention. American industry before the Revolution. American in- dustry after the Revolution and before Slater. Era of Samuel Slater. Era of Lowell, Appleton, Moody, Jackson, and Boott. Other textile centres. Wyman, Partridge & Co., Minneapolis. 677 P8o3 86881 The story of progress in the dry goods trade. Second edition. [82] p. il. ob.O. Minneapolis [1898?]. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES 365 Great Britain and Ireland Blair, Matthew. 1,677.87 Q700 56737 j^g p a i s i e y thread industry and the men who created and devel- oped it, with notes concerning Paisley, old and new. By Matthew Blair, .... Illustrated. Paisley, A. Gardner, 1907. 206 p. front, (port.), illus. 26ixi9.i cm . Lord, John, 1835-1903. 6779303 42948 Memoir of John Kay of Bury, county of Lancaster, inventor of the fly-shuttle, metal reeds, etc., etc. With a review of the tex- tile trade and manufacture from earliest times. By John Lord .... Together with a brief memoir of the author by his broth- er William Lord, and an introduction by Archibald Sparke .... Rochdale, J. Clegg, 1903. xix, 174, [2] p. front., 7 pi., 12 ports., 4 facsims. on 2 pi., 2 fold, tables. I9 cm . "Impression limited to 500 copies this size." Scott, William Robert, , ed. 677 9503 97286 j^g recorc i s O f a Scottish cloth manufactory at New Mills, Had- dingtonshire, 1681-1703. Edited from the original manuscripts, with introduction and notes, by W. R. Scott, .... Edinburgh, printed at the University Press by T. and A. Constable, for the Scottish History Society, 1905. xci, 366 p. I port. 23 cm . {Half-title: Publications of the Scottish History So- ciety. Volume XLVI.) Thomson, Daniel. 677 Q305 ' The weavers' craft; being a history of the Weavers' Incorporation of Dunfermline, with word pictures of the passing times, by Daniel Thomson (one of themselves). Illustrated by William Thomson. Paisley, A. Gardner, 1903. 380 p. incl. front., illus. 22i x i8 cm . Germany Drescher, Karl, 1864- 331-0943 Q4<>2 k Die Wiederbelebung der Handspinnerei in Baden. Von Dr. Karl Drescher Karlsruhe, Komtnissionsverlag von A. Bielefeld's Hofbuchhandlung, Liebermann & Co., 1904. [8], 156 p. 26 illus., i fold. map. 23i cm . 84912 Finkenwirth, Kurt. 338.486 Rooi Die Gera-Greizer Textil-Industrie, von Dr. Kurt Finkenwirth. Greiz, F. Kellert, 1910. 138 p. incl. tables. 22-i cm . 366 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Frahne, Curt. 33 8 -486 Qsoo 58754 )j e Xextilindustrie im Wirtschaftsleben Schlesiens. Ihre wirt- schaftlichen und technischen Grundlagen, historisch-okonomische Gestaltung und gegenwartige Bedeutung. Von Dr. sc. pol. Curt Frahne Tubingen, H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1905. xii, 273 p. incl. tables. 2^ cm . Inaug.-dis. -Tiihingen. "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [257]-262. Gentzsch, Alfred. 338.447 Rooi 6 Die sachsische Tamburgardinenstickerei. Ein Beitrag zur Kla- rung der volkswirtschaftlichen Verhaltnisse des Konigreichs Sachsen. Von Dr. Alfred Gentzsch. Altenburg, O. Bonde, 1910. viii, 156 p. 234 cm . "Zugleich als Leipziger Dissertation erschienen." "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [vii]-viii. Germann, Karl. 330-53 18 ser-3 v.6 102446 .... Die deutsche Mobelpliisch- und Moquette-Industrie. Ge- schichtliche Entwicklung und gegenwartige Lage. Von Dr. phil. Karl Germann. Leipzig, Veit & Co., 1913. viii, 8 1 p. 24 cm . ( In Volkswirtschaftliche und wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Abhand- lungen. ill. Folge, Heft 6.) "Literatur," p. [8o]-8i. Gottheiner, Elisabeth. 305.3 8 v.22 96221 Studien iiber die Wuppertaler Textilindustrie und ihre Arbeiter in den letzten zwanzig Jahren, von Elisabeth Gottheiner. Leip- zig, Duncker & Humblot, 1903. vi, [2], 96 p. incl. tables. 23 cm . (In Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche For- schungen, zweiundzwanzigster Band, zweiter Heft.) "Obersicht iiber die benutzte Literatur," p. [9S]-96. Overmann, Anton. 677 Q8o8 78859 .... Die Entwickelung der Leinen-, Woll- und Baumwollindus- trie in der ehemaligen Grafschaft Mark unter Brandenburg- preussischer Herrschaft. Ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftspolitik der preussischen Konige im 18. Jahrhundert. Von Dr. Anton Over- mann. Miinster (Westfalen), F. Coppenrath, 1909. [8], 128 p. 24 cm . (Miinstersche Beitriige zur Geschichtsforschung. Neue Folge. XDC. Der ganzen Reihe 31. Heft.) "Literatur," p. [7]. Rasch, Albert. 33-53 J 5 v -35 99306 j-j as EJbenstocker Stickereigewerbe unter der Einwirkung der Mode. Von Albert Rasch. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1910. vii, 166 p. 244 cm . (/ Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, Ergan- zungsheft xxxv.) "Literatur," p. 165-166. TEXTILE INDUSTRIES 367 Schworm, Friedrich. 677 Q3io 87284 j}j e bayrische Textilindustrie und ihre Entwicklung seit 1875, von Dr. Friedrich Schworm. Mit zahlreichen statistischen Tabellen. Miinchen, J. Schweitzer, 1904. [8], 231, [i] p. incl. tables. 23.^. Published in part as author's Inaug.-dis. Miinchen. 87 p. France Cox, Raymond. 677 Q207 43477 Le Musee historique des tissus de la Chambre de commerce de Lyon. Precis historique de 1'art de .decorer Ics etoffes et cata- logue sommaire, par Raymond Cox .... Lyon, A. Rey et c ie , 1902. 270 p. illus. 22i cm . Guillaumot, Charles Axel, 1730-1807. 677 6400 9 Notice sur 1'origine et les travaux de la manufacture imperiale de tapisseries des Gobelins, par C.-A. Guillaumot . . . Deuxieme edition, suivie du catalogue des tapisseries qui decorent 1'appar- tement et la galerie d'exposition. Paris, Marchant [1804] 63 p. i9i cm . Lacordaire, Antoine Louis, 1801-1870. 677 1500 375M Notice historique sur les manufactures imperiales de tapisseries des Gobelins et de tapis de la Savonnerie, precedee du catalogue des tapisseries qui y sont exposees, par A. L. Lacordaire . . . Troisieme edition. Paris, a la Manufacture des Gobelins, H. Plon [etc.] 1855. [8], xii, 144, [4] p. illus., I plan. 22i cm . With this DuBois de Saint-Gelais, [L. F. ] Visite de Pierre le Grand aux Gobelins et a la Monnoie des medailles, avec des notices sur ces deux etablissements. p. [109-119] "Extrait de 1'Histoire journaliere de Paris, en 1716 et 1717." [Lacordaire, Antoine Louis], 1801-1870. 677 Mioo 42476 Notice historique sur les Manufactures imperiales de tapisseries des Gobelins et de tapis de la Savonnerie, precedee du catalogue des tapisseries qui y sont exposees. Paris, a la Manufacture des Gobelins, 1861. 9O p. 22 cm . Other European countries Bielschowsky, Frida. 305-3 8 v.i6o ' Die Textilindustrie des Lodzer Rayons. Ihr Werden und ihre Bedeutung. Von Frida Bielschowsky. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1912. xi, in, [i] p. I fold, table. 23 cm . ( In Staats- und sozialwissenschaf tliche For- schungen. Heft 160.) 3 68 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Espinas, Georges, ed. 677 Q6o7 93168 R ecue ji de documents relatifs a 1'histoire de 1'industrie drapiere en Flandre, publics par Georges Espinas et Henri Pirenne Bruxelles, Librairie Kiessling et c ie , P. Imbreghts, successeur, 1906-. Vol. I-. 3Ox23i cm . (^Half-title: Academic rpyale des sciences ... de Belgique. Commission royale d'histoire. [Publications in-quarto.]) Posthumus, Nicolaus Willem. 677 Q8c>4 73923 ) e geschiedenis van de Leidsche lakenindustrie. I. De middeleeu- a wen (veertiende tot zestiende eeuw). Door Dr. N. W. Posthumus. J s Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 1908, xii, 452 p., 6 fold, tables. 25 cm , Steinmann, Arthur. 330.53 17 v.7 63308 .... Die ostschvveizerische Stickerie-Industrie. Ruckblick und * Ausschau. Eine volkswirtschaftlich-soziale Studie mit einem Anhang iiber die sanitarischen Verhaltnisse in der ostschweize- rischen Stickerei-Industrie. Von Arthur Steinmann. Zurich, E. Rascher's Erben (vormals Meyer & Zeller), 1905. viii, 209 p. 22i cm> (/ Ziircher volkswirtschaftliche Studien, siebentes Heft.) Contents. I. Tl. Die Stickerei-Industrie in der Gegenwart und Zukunft. 2. Tl. Die Vergangenheit der Stickerei-Industrie. 3. Tl. Kritik des Zentral-Verbandes der Stickerei-Industrie der Ostschweiz und des Vorarlbergs und seiner Massnahmen. 4. Tl. Erhaltung und Gesundung der ostschweizerischen Stickerei-Industrie. Anhang. United States Bagnall, William R. 677 P^oo The textile industries of the United States, including sketches and notices of cotton, woolen, silk, and linen manufactures in the colonial period by William R. Bagnall, .... Volume I. 1639- 1810. Cambridge, The Riverside Press, 1893. xxii, [2], 613 p. front., 23 port. 22i cm . No more published. Fewkes, Jesse. 677 Q3ii 4 Fine thread, lace and hosiery in Ipswich, by Jesse Fewkes, and Ipswich mills and factories, by T. Frank Waters. Proceedings at the annual meeting December 7, 1903. Salem, Mass., The Sa- lem Press Co., 1904. [2], 48 p. front., illus. 23^. (Publications of the Ipswich Historical Society. XIII.) TEXTILE INDUSTRIES 369 Lamb's textile industries. ^677 Rio3 108476 L am jy s textile industries of the United States, embracing bio- graphical sketches of prominent men and a historical resume of the progress of textile manufacture from the earliest records to the present time; editor-in-chief, John Howard Brown ; managing editor, E. M. Norris .... Boston, Mass., J. H. Lamb Company, 191 1-. Vol. i-. front., plates, ports. z"jh cm . "The Slater edition is limited to 500 registered and numbered sets, of which this is set no. 254." Moore, Brent, 1877- SSS^SQ Q5o 97273 A study of the past, the present and the possibilities of the hemp industry in Kentucky. By Brent Moore, .... Lexington, Ky., Press of J. E. Hughes, 1905. [3]-i22 p. 5 fold, tables. 24^ cm . Thesis (Ph. D.) Columbia University. Vita. New York commercial. 337-586 Rioo l02477 ... Story of textiles in America. Article on the reasons why woolen trade requires tariff protection the story of textiles in America, in the New York commercial, June 6, 1911. [Wash- ington, Govt. Print. Off., 1911.] 24 p. 23* cm . ([U.S.] 62d Cong., ist sess. Senate. Doc. 53.) Presented by Mr. Gallinger and referred to the Committee on Printing, June 12, 1911. Reported favorably by Mr. Smoot, from the Committee on Printing, and ordered printed, June 21, 1911. Nourse, Henry Stedman, 1831-1903. 677 Q307 The power loom. Its genesis in Worcester County. By Henry Stedman Nourse ..... Worcester, Mass., The Hamilton Press, 1904. 29 p. 24 cm . "From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the annual meeting held in Worcester, October 21, 1903." Woodbury, Charles Jeptha Hill, 1851- 677 RIOI 96303 T ext ii e education among the Puritans. By C. J. H. Woodbury, .... Read before the Bostonian Society, Council chamber, Old State House, Boston, Mass., April i8th, 1911. [Boston, 1911.] 30 p. 25 cm . Reprinted from the Bulletin of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, June, 1911. 370 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 677,19 History of the cotton industry Curtis, Alice Turner. 633.219 RIOI 93464 The gtor y Q cottori) by Alice Turner Curtis, .... Illustrated by Harriet Roosevelt Richards. Philadelphia, The Penn Publishing Company, 191 1. 154 p. col. front., illus. 2O cm . Donnell, Ezekiel J. 338.119^200 4072 Chronological and statistical history of cotton. xviii,65O p. I pi. O. New York: published by the author, 1872. Houdoy, Jules, 1818-1882. 677.19(^306 44330 L a fii a t ure ^ e coton dans le nord de la France. Histoire monographic conditions du travail, par Jules Houdoy ... . Paris, A. Rousseau, 1903. [4]. 453P- 23 cm - "Index bibliographique," p. Oppel, Alwin. 1338.119 Q200 97275 Die Baumwolle nach Geschichte, Anbau, Verarbeitung und Han- del, sowie nach ihrer Stellung im Volksleben und in der Staats- wirtschaft. Im Auftrage und mit Unterstutzung der Bremer Baumwollborse, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. A. Oppel, .... Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1902. xv, 745 p. front., illus., I fold. map. 25i cm . "Litteraturangaben," p. [7I9J-728. Watkins, James Lawrence, 1850- 338.119 Q8o4 92829 King Cotton; a historical and statistical review 1790 to 1908, by James L. Watkins, .... New York, J. L. Watkins & Sons [ C I908]. [2], 321 p. incl. tables. 13 pi. 23i cm . "Bibliography of cotton," p. 282-287. Great Britain and Ireland Baines, Sir Edward. 677.1^500 11050 History of the cotton manufacture in Great Britain: with a notice of its early history in the East, and in all the quarters of the globe ; a description of the great mechanical inventions, which have caused its unexampled extension in Britain ; and . . . the condition of the classes engaged in its several departments. By Edward Baines, Jun. 18,9544 p. il. 14 pi. 3 por. O. London: H. Fisher, R. Fisher, & P. Jackson, pref. 1835. COTTON INDUSTRIES 371 Guest, Richard. 1677.19 1300 90100 ^ compendious history of the cotton-manufacture ; with a dis- proval of the claim of Sir Richard Arkwright to the invention of its ingenious machinery. By Richard Guest. Manchester, prin- ted by J. Pratt, 1823. C 2 ]> 7> 3 P- I2 pl- ( x fold.) 28x22 cm . Germany Dehn, R M R 338.419 R30O )?849 jj ie G erma n cotton industry. A report to the Electors of the Gartside Scholarships, by R. M. R. Dehn, .... Manchester, University Press, 1913. [10], 104 p. incl. tables. 23i cm . {Half-title: Publications of the University of Manchester [no. Lxxxvm]. Economic series, no. xiv. Gartside reports on industry and commerce, no. 10.) "Bibliography," p. 101-102. Dilthey, Friedrich Otto. 338.119 Q8o7 9 Die niederrheinische Baumwollindustrie. I. Die Geschichte der a niederrheinischen Baumwollindustrie. Von Friedrich Otto Dil- they. Jena, G. Fischer, 1908. viii, 55 p. 24i cm . "Literatur," vol. I, p. [v]. No more published. Grollich, Edmund. 305-3 8 v.i59 >7i5 Die Baumvvollweberei der sachsischen Oberlausitz und ihre Ent- wickelung zum Grossbetrieb. Von Edmund Grollich. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1911. x, 144 p. 23. (/ Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Heft 159.) "Literaiur," p. v-vii. Konig, Albin i.e. Friedrich Albin, 1868- 338.419 P9<>o 97868 Die sachsische Baumwollenindustrie am Ende des vorigen Jahr- hunderts und wahrend der Kontinentalsperre. Von Dr. phil. Al- bin Konig. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1899. x, 370 p. incl. tables. 22i cm . (Added t.-p.: Leipziger Studien aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte, fiinfter Band, drittes heft.) Appeared, in part, as author's Inaug.-dis., Leipzig, 1899. 34 p. "Verzeichnis des benutzten Aktenmaterials," p. [3<38]-37O. Contents. Einleitung. Die englische Konkurrenz bis zum Jahre 1806. Die Or- ganisation der kursachsischen Baumwollenindustrie und ihre Entwickelung bis 1 806. Die Zufuhr der englischen Waren und der Rohmaterialien der Baumwollenindustrie wah- rend der Kontinentalsperre. Die Wirkungen der Kontinentalsperre auf die sachsische Baumwollenindustrie . 372 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Lochmiiller, W 33<>-53 26 v-3 593 " Zur Entwicklung der Baumwollindustrie in Deutschland. Von Dr. W. Lochmiiller. Mit 3 Kurven im Text. Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. vi, [2], 1 27 p. 3 diagr. 24>i cm . (/ Abhandlungen des Staatswissenschaftlichen Seminars zu Jena, dritter Band, drittes Heft.) "Benutzte Literatur," p. [i25]-i27. Russia Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm. 3 2O -53 3 v.2i Geschichte der Baumwollindustrie in Russland vor der Bauern- 54849 emanzipation. Von Wilhelm Hammerschmidt .... Mit einer Karte. Strassburg, K. J. Triibner, 1906. xiv, 124 p. i fold. map. 23^. (/ Abhandlungen aus dem Staatswissenschaft- lichen Seminar zu Strassburg i. E., Heft xxi.) "Literaturiibersicht," p. [xi]-xiv. Schweikert, Kurt. 33-53 *7 n.s.v.4 Die Baumwoll-Industrie Russisch-Polens. Ihre Entwicklung zum 103827 Qrossbetrieb und die Lage der Arbeiter. Von Dr. Kurt Schwei- kert. Zurich und Leipzig, Rascher & Co., 1913. 381, [i] p. i map. 24 cm . (In Ziircher volkswirtschaftliche Studien, [neue Folge], viertes Heft.) Map has illustrations on both sides. Japan Nishi, Hikotaro. 330-53 *5 ^.40 90377 Die Baumwollspinnerei in Japan. Von Dr. Hikotaro Nishi. Tu- bingen, H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung, 1911. viii, 264 p. incl. tables. 24i cm . (/ Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft. Erganzungsheft XL.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [262^-264. United States Brooks, Eugene Clyde, 1871- 633.219 Rioo 90035 The s tory of cotton and the development of the cotton states, by Eugene Clyde Brooks, .... Chicago, [etc.], Rand McNal- ly &Co., [ C i9n]- x, 370 p. front. ,illus. (incl. maps). 19 "Bibliography," p. 369-370. r\cm 102478 COTTON INDUSTRIES 373 Copeland, Melvin Thomas. 330-5 1 *8 v.8 The cotton manufacturing industry of the United States, by Mel- vin Thomas Copeland .... Cambridge, Harvard University, 1912. xii, 415 p. 22i cm . {Half-title: Harvard economic studies .... Vol. vm.) "Awarded the David A. Wells prize for the year 1911-12 and published from the in- come of the David A. Wells fund." Bibliography, p. 398-405. Haffards, G. M. & Co. 670.9744 Rooi 96887 Fall River and its manufactories. 1803-1910. With statistical tables. Compiled from official sources by G. M. Haffards & Co. .... Twentieth edition carefully revised. Fall River, Mass., G. E. Bamford, 1911. 71 p. is cm . Hammond, Matthew Brown. 330.6103 i n.s.v.i 3 .... The cotton industry: an essay in American economic his- tory, by M. B. Hammond .... Part I. The cotton culture and the cotton trade, December, 1897 New York, published for the American Economic Association, by the Macmillan Company; London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., [1897]. xii, 382 p. I map, i fold, table, 2 fold, diagr. 24. (In Publications of the American Economic Association, new series, no. I.) "Bibliography," p. 359-369. South Carolina. Department of Agriculture. 677.190001 asses jj ie cot t- on m ills of South Carolina. Their names, location, ca- pacity and history Published for the Department of Agri- culture of the state of South Carolina, by order of the Board of Commissioners. Charleston, S. C., The News and Courier, 1880. 23 p. 22i cm . From the News and courier, of Charleston, S. C. White, George Savage, 1784-184-? 677.19 J6oo 5 Memoir of Samuel Slater, the father of American manufactures. Connected with a history of the rise and progress of the cotton manufacture in England and America. With remarks on the moral influence of manufactories in the United States. By George S. White Second edition. Philadelphia, 1836. 448 p. 8 pi. (i fold.), 4 port. incl. front., I plan, i facsim., 8 diagr. (i fold.) 23i cm . Wilkinson, Frederick. 633.219 P8oi 46023 The story of the cotton plant. 199 p. 38 il. i pi. S. [Library of useful stories.] London: G. Nevvnes, 1898. 374 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 677.47 History of lace making Brieuvres, M me Marguerite de. 746 676 88SS7 La dentelle. Historique de la dentelle a travers les ages et les pays, par M me Marguerite de Brieuvres. Modeles et dessins de M me M. Songy. Paris, Gamier freres, [1906]. vii, [9]-! 78, [2] p. 83 illus. I9 cm . {On cover: Bibliotheque des ouvrages de dames.) Channer, C C. 677.47 Qooi 37613 Lace-making in the Midlands, past and present, by C. C. Chan- ner and M. E. Roberts. London, Methuen & Co., 1900. [2], 80 p. front., 16 fig. on 15 pi. I9 cm . Cole, Alan S. 746667 14718 ^ renascence of the Irish art of lace-making. Introductory notes and descriptions by A. S. C. 40 p. 12 pi. O. London: Chap- man & Hall, 1888. Davidova, Sofiya. ^746 D28 48960 L a d en telle russe. Histoire, technique, statistique, par Mme Sophie Davydoff. Traite couronne par- 1' Academic des sciences de Saint-Petersbourg, traduit du russe sous la direction de 1'auteur. Contenant 80 planches en phototypie. Leipzig, K. W. Hierse- mann, 1895. [4], 28 p. 80 pi. (i fold.) 4iix3ii cm . Despierres, Mme. Ge*rasime. 1-746 1)46 84308 Hi s toire du point d'Alengon depuis son origine jusq'ua[ !] nos jours par M me G. Despierres. Ouvrage orne de huit planches hors texte et de sept vignettes. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, [etc., etc.], 1886. viii, 276 p. illus., vin pi. 25^. "Dictionnaire des noms des marchands et des fabricants de point d'Alen^on," p. [i8i]-2 73 . "Tirage 500 exemplaires sur papier teinte, 100 exemplaires numerates sur papier de Hollande." Dreger, Moriz, 1868- 746 D8i 80408 E n t\vicklungsgeschichte der Spitze. Mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Spitzen-Sammlung des K. k. Osterreichischen Museums fiir Kunst und Industrie in Wien, von Dr. Moriz Dreger Zweite, umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Wien, A. Schroll & Co., 1910. 2 vol. in I. 27 cm . Contents. [i.] Textband. xi, 161 p. incl. front., illus. 21 pi. [2.] Tafelband. [4] p. 100 (i.e. 92) pi. (partly fold.) LACE MAKING 375 Felkin, William. 677.41 M700 4876 A history of the machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures. xxvi,[2],559 p. 21 pi. 2 por. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1867. Goldenberg, Samuel L ^746 656 goose L ace> j ts origin and history, [by] Samuel L. Goldenberg. New York, Brentano's, 1904. [6]> 77 ? front, (port.), illus. 25i cm . He*non, Henri. 1,677.47 Qoo2 90111 L'industrie des tulles & dentelles mecaniques dans le Pas-de-Calais 1815-1900, par M. Henri Henon, .... Paris, Belin freres, 1900. 616 p. front, (port.), illus., i col. pi. 25^x19. Jackson, Mrs. [Emily]. 746713 28870 j^ history of hand-made lace. Dealing with the origin of lace, the growth of the great lace centres, the mode of manufacture, the method of distinguishing and the care of various kinds of lace. By Mrs. F. Nevill Jackson. With supplementary informa- tion by Ernesto Jesurum. x,[2],245 p. il. 12 pi. 7 por. Q. London: L. U. Gill, 1900. "The literature of lace," p. 94-105. Laprade, Mme. Laurence de. 746 31 64168 .... Le poinct de France et les centres dentelliers au xvn e et au XVIII 6 siecles. Ouvrage orne de quarante-trois illustrations. Lettre-preface de M. Henry Lapauze. Paris, L. Laveur, 1905. xxxvi, 395 p. incl. front., plates, ports. 24. At head of title: Mme Laurence de Laprade. LefSbure, Ernest. 74 6 ^52 6408 Embroidery and lace : their manufacture and history from the remotest antiquity to the present day Translated and enlarged, with notes, by Alan S. Cole. x,326 p. 154!!. O. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1888. Moody, A Penderel. 746 M77 5 Devon pillow lace : its history and how to make it, by A. Pende- rel Moody, assisted in the instructions by A. E. Tompkins. Lon- don, New York, [etc.], Cassell and Co. ltd., 1908. [4], 160 p. front., illus., 18 pi. 2o cm . Palliser, [Fanny (Marryat)] 677.47 Qioo 37654 "Mrs. Bury Palliser," 1805-1878. History of lace, by Mrs. Bury Palliser ; entirely revised, re-written, and enlarged under the editorship of M. Jourdain and Alice Dryden. Fourth edition. With 266 illustrations. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1902. xvi, 536 p. incl. front., illus. xciii (*'. e. 133) pi. on 107 1. incl. port. 26 cm . 376 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Pollen, M M "Mrs. J. H. Pollen." 1746 99351 Seven centuries of lace, by Mrs. John Hungerford Pollen. With a preface by Alan Cole, and 120 full-page illustrations. London, W. Heinemann; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1908. xvi, 58, [2] p. cxx (i.e. 60) pi. 32x a6 cm . "First printed June 1908; second impression November 1908." The plates have illustrations on both sides. 677,50 History of the linen industry Hornung, Erich, 1878- 338.450 Qsoo 68315 E n twicklung und Niedergang der hannoverschen Leinwandindu- strie. Von Dr. Erich Hornung. Hannover, Helwing'sche Ver- lagsbuchhandlung, 1905. viii, 147 p. incl. tables. 23 "Literatur," p. [vii]-viii. Warden, Alexander J. 677.50 M400 885 The linen trade, ancient and modern. Second edition. xi,/45 p. O. London: Longman, ... , & Green, 1867. White, James. 677.50 Q8oo 9629 y ne hand loom linen weavers of Ireland and their work. [Chica- go, Irish Hand-Woven Linen Damask Co.], C i9o8. 24 p. illus. 23i cm . Cover-title : Irish hand-woven linen damask, how and why it is distinguished. 677,81 History of the silk industry Allen, Franklin. 338.481 Q4<> 9728 y ne silk j n( justry of the world at the opening of the twentieth century. By Franklin Allen. [New York], Silk Association of America, 1904. 63 p. 24l cm . "The major portion of the pamphlet was originally prepared ... as an article for the 'Encyclopedia Americana.' " Introd. Beauquis, A 1,677.81 Roo2 102479 . . . Histoire ecoaomique de la soie, par A. Beauquis. Grenoble, Grands etablissements de rimprimerie generale, 1910. vii, 500, li p. incl. illus., tables. 254. Imprint covered by label of H. Dunod et E. Pinat, Paris. "Ouvrage recompense par 1'Academie des sciences morales et politiques (concours Rossi 1909)." Advertising matter, p. v-xlii. SILK INDUSTRY 377 Blair, Matthew. 1,677.81 Q400 1 The Paisley shawl and the men who produced it. A record of an interesting epoch in the history of the town by Matthew Blair .... Paisley, A. Gardner, 1904. 84 p. 15 pi. (l fold.) incl. front., ports. 26ix2O cm . Each plate has guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. Broglio D'Ajano, Romolo. 330-53 2 1 Die venetianische Seidenindustrie und ihre Organisation bis zum Anfang des Mittelalters. vi,[2],59 p. [/;/ Mlinchener volks- wirthschaftliche Studien, no. 2.] Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1893. Bujatti, Franz. 607.394 20 v.4 31549 j}j e Geschichte der Seiden-Industrie Oesterreichs deren Ursprung und Entwicklung bis in die neueste Zeit. v,[2],i7O p. I por. i table. [/ VIENNA. MUSEUM FUR GESCHICHTE DER OSTERR. ARBEIT. Monographien, vol. 4.] Wien 1893. Deutsch, Helene. 305.3 8933 ^.3 90057 j)j e Entwicklung der Seidenindustrie in Osterreich 1660-1840. Von Helene Deutsch. Wien, C. Konegen (E. Stulpnagel), 1909. viii, 210 p. 24i cm . (/ Studien zur Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsge- schichte, in. Heft.) "Verzeichnis der beniitzten Akten und Druckschriften," p. [2o8]-2io. Empire. 1745 E55 ' Empire. Seidenstoffe von der Wende des XVIII. Jahrhunderts. Funfzehn Tafeln. Herausgegeben von Schopp & Vorsteher Ver- lag, Elberfeld, [1909]. [2] p. 1 5 pi. 37i cm . Falke, Otto von, 1862- A745 Fi8 ' Kunstgeschichte der Seidenweberei, von Otto v. Falke. Erster- [zweiter] Band. Mit [612] Abbildungen. Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 2vol. illus., 132 pi. (partly col.) 37 om . ( Half-title: Textwerk zu Julius Lessing Gewebesammlung des Koniglichen Kunstgewerbe-Museums zu Berlin.) Bibliographical foot-notes. Kalesse, Eugen. 745 Ki2 5 .... Geschichte der Seidenwebekunst vom Mittelalter bis zum Rokoko. Von Eugen Kalesse, .... Leipzig, E. Schloemp, 1883. 37 p. 2ii x i6 cm . (Sammlung kunstgewerblicher und kunsthistorischer \'ortrage. No. 8.) 378 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Koch, Hans. 305-3 8 v.i28 90134 Geschichte des Seidengewerbes in Koln vom 13. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Von Hans Koch. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1907. xv, 124 p. 23 cm . (/ Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, Heft 128.) "Das erste Kapitel dieser Arbeit hat unter dem Titel 'Die Anfange des Seidengewerbes in Koln' der philosophischen Fakultat der Universitat Bonn als Dissertation vorgelegen." p. [vii]. "Verzeichnis der benutzten Quellen und Darstellungen," p. [xii]-xv. Nonotuck Silk Co., Florence, Mass. 89861 Silk. Its origin and culture. 46 p. il. sq.D. Florence, Mass., 1895- Pariset, Ernest. 1,330.944 QIOI 34589 Histoire de la fabrique lyonnaise. Etude sur le regime social et economique de 1'industrie de la soie a Lyon, depuis le XVl e siecle. 433 p. Q. Lyon: A. Rey, 1901. [Porter, George Richardson.] 032 Jo25 isaos A treatise on the origin, progressive improvement, and present state of the silk manufacture. xv,339 p. 39 il- ( In LARDNER, D., ed. The cabinet cyclopaedia. Useful arts.) London 1831. Published anonymously. Silbermann, Henri. 1,638 P7oi 18631 Die Seide. Ihre Geschichte, Gewinnung und Verarbeitung ..... 2 vol. il. Q. Dresden: G. Kuhtmann, 1897. "Bibliographischer Anhang," at the end of each chapter. The Orient Bolle, Johann. 1638 P8oi 93461 Der Seidenbau in Japan, von Johann Bolle, .... Nebst einem Anhange von demselben Verfasser, Die Gelb- oder Fettsucht der Seidenraupe, eine parasitare Krankheit. Mit zahlreicheri Illustra- tionen. Veroffentlicht im Auftrage des Kon. Ung. Ackerbau- Ministeriums. Budapest, [etc.], A. Hartleben, 1898. ix, 141 p. illus. 27. Cordemoy, Hubert Jacob de. 1,677.81 Q200 97239 Les soies dans I'extr^me orient et dans les colonies franchises ; les vers a soie et leurs similaires par le D r . Hubert Jacob de Cor- demoy, .... Paris, A. Challamel, 1902. [4], in, [i] p. col. front. 25i cm . (Produits naturels des colonies et cultures tropicales.) The frontispiece is accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. TAPESTRY AND EMBROIDERY 379 Giraud, Jean Baptiste, 1844- 677.81 0300 89548 Les origines de la soie, son histoire chez les peuples de 1'Orient, par J. B. Giraud, .... Lyon, [Impr. A. L. Perrin], 1883. 76 p. 22 cm . "Rapport presente a la Societe d'economie politique de Lyon, dans sa seance du 2 fevrier 1883." Herrmann, Albert. 1*950 Rooi 93151 Die alten Seidenstrassen zwischen China und Syrian. Beitrage zur alten Geographic Asiens, von Albert Herrmann. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1910-. Pt. I-. fold. map. 25. {Added t.-p.: Quellen und Forschungen zur alten Geschichte und Geographic . . . Heft 21.) Contents. pt. I. Einleitung. Die chinesischen Quellen. vii, [i], 129, [i] p. United States Brocket!, Linus Pierpont. 677.81 N6oo 995 The silk industry in America. A history : prepared for the Cen- tennial Exposition. 1876. [2],237 p. 2 fl. 25 pi. O. New York c. 1876. Mason, Frank Richardson. 330.6103 i ser.3 v.u 97271 .... The American silk industry and the tariff, by Frank R. Mason, .... Cambridge, Mass., American Economic Associa- tion; London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1910. [iii]-ix, [2], 182 p. 25i cm . (/ American Economic Association quarterly . . . , third series, vol. XI, no. 4.) "Bibliography," p. [i79]-i82. Wyckoff, William Charles. 677.81 Ngoo 4771 The silk goods of America : a brief account of the recent improve- ments and advances of silk manufacture in the United States. Published under the auspices of the Silk Association of America. 156 p. O. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1879. 677,86 History of tapestry and embroidery 76226 Astier de la Vigerie, Emmanuel Raoul d'Astier, 1746 baron d\ 1845 La Fabrique royale de tapisseries de la ville de Naples (1738 1799). Par le colonel d'Astier. Paris, H. Champion, 1906. viii, 33, [2] p. 28.ix23 m . 380 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Baumgarten, William. 746 632 36646 ^ lecture on the history of tapestry given before the Society of Antiquarians, at the Chicago Art Institute, March 25, 1897. 31 p. sq.D. Chicago: M. Field & Co., 1897. Brieuvres, M me Marguerite de. 746 6761 88288 La broderie. Historique de la broderie a travers les ages et les pays, par M me Marguerite de Brieuvres. Modeles et dessins de M me M. Songy. Paris, Gamier freres, [1907]. vii, 196 p. 94 illus. I9 cm . (On cover: Bibliotheque des ouvrages de dames.) Conti, Cosimo. 745 076 86231 Ri cercne storiche sull'arte degli arazzi in Firenze. xvi,i2O p. il. D. Firenze: G. C. Sansoni, 1875. Farcy, Louis de. A746 F22 30749 La broderie du xi e siecle jusqu'a nos jours d'apres des specimens authentiques et les anciens inventaires. iv, 144, 139-146, [2] p. 215 pi. F 6 . Angers: Belhomme, 1890. Fenaille, Maurice, 1855- 1746 F35 90073 tat ge'ne'ral des tapisseries de la manufacture des gobelins de- puis son origine jusqu'a nos jours, 1600-1900, publie par M. Maurice Fenaille. Paris, Hachette & c ie , 1903-1912. 5vol. illus., plates. 39ix28i cm . "325 exemplaires sur papier velin." Vol. 1-3: no. 106; Vol. 4-5: no. no. Grosch, Henrik August. A746 GQI 46 " .... Gamle norske billedtaepper, udgivne med statsunderstottelse af Kunstindustrimuseets bestyrelse ved H. Grosch .... Alt- norwegische Bildteppiche, mit Staatsunterstiitzung herausgegeben von der Direction des Kunstindustriemuseums .... Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 1901. [4], 9 p. 12 col. pi. 52i cm . At head of title : Kristiania Kunstindustrimuseum. Norwegian and German text in arallel columns. Guiffrey, Jules Marie Joseph, 1 840- ^746 6945 1 Histoire de la tapisserie, depuis le moyen age jusqu'a nos jours, par Jules Guiffrey. Tours, A. Mame et fils, 1886. viii, 533, [2] p. incl. illus., plates. IV col. pi. (incl. front.) 28 cm . "Appendice sur le commerce et le prix des tapisseries," p. [483]-495- Hunter, George Leland. 74 6 HQ 1 102480 x a pestries, their origin, history and renaissance, by George Le- land Hunter; with four illustrations in color and 147 halftone en- gravings. New York, John Lane Company; [etc., etc.], 1912. 438 p. illus., IV col. pi. (incl. front.) 24. Each col. plate accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press, Bibliography included in chapter xv. WOOL INDUSTRY 381 Jourdain, M 99360 The history of English secular embroidery, by M. Jourdain, .... London, K. Paul, Trench, Triibner and Co., 1910. xv, 202 p. col. fold, front., 63 pi. (partly fold.) 22 cm . Miintz, Eugene. 746 MQ2 254 A short history of tapestry. From the earliest times to the end of the 1 8th century. Translated by Miss Louisa J. Davis, xvi, 399 p. 94 il. D. [Fine-art library.] London : Cassell & Co., 1885. Thomson, W G 1746 10243 A history of tapestry from the earliest times until the present day. By W. G. Thomson, .... With four plates in colour, and numerous illustrations in black and white. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, [Frome, Eng., Selwood Printing Works], 1906. xvi, 506 p. illus., 74 pi. (incl. ports.), 4 fold. col. pi. (inch front.) 29i cm . 677-98 History of the wool industry Bischoff, James. 338.498 K200 9 A comprehensive history of the woolen and worsted manufactures, and the natural and commercial history of sheep, from the earli- est records to the present period. 2 vol. pi. table. O. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1842. Blin, Eugene. 677.98 PIOI 90088 L'industrie de la laine cardee dans la region normande, par Eu- gene Blin. [1891?] 32 p. 2oi cm . Bonwick, James, 1817-1906. 677.98 0700 * Romance of the wool trade. By James Bonwick, .... London, Griffith, Farran, Okeden, and Welsh, 1887. vi, [2], 472 p. igh cm - Buhler, Friedrich. 33<>-53 16 V.SQ 99940 Die Entwicklung der Tuchindustrie in Lambrecht. Von Dr. Friedrich Buhler. Leipzig, A. Deichertsche Verlagsbuchhand- lung, 1914. x, 146 p. incl. tables. 24 cm . (/ Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsstudien mit beson- derer Berucksichtigung Bayerns, L.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [ix]-x. 382 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Burnley, James. 677.980900 4010 The history of wool and woolcombing. xvi,487 p. 73 il. 3 pi. 5 por. O. London: Sampson Low, ... & Rivington, 1889. James, John, F.S.A. 677.98 1,700 9607 History of the worsted manufacture in England, from the earliest times : with introductory notices of the manufacture among the ancient nations, and during the Middle Ages. xvi,64O,4O p. 8 pi. O. London: Longman, ... , & Roberts, 1857. Kober, Erich, 1883- 338.498 Q8oi 3 Die Anfange des deutschen Wollgewerbes, von Erich Kober, .... Berlin und Leipzig, W. Rothschild, 1908. [6], 113 p. 244 cm . (Added t.-p.: Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Ge- schichte. Heft 8. ) Loup, Jean. 338.498 Roo2 88176 L'industrie lainiere dans le Tarn Par M. Jean Loup, ... . Toulouse, Librairie des etudiants, 1910. 328 p. 25i cm . These Univ. de Paris. "Bibliographic," p. [7] -8. Mussault, M 33 8 - J 98 Q900 .... Histoire du marche a terme sur laines peignees de Rou- 93i4i baix-Tourcoing Par M. Mussault. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1909. xi, 255 p. incl. tables. 25 cm . These Univ. de Paris. "Bibliographic," p. [v]-vii. Quandt, Georg Friedrich August. 305.3 8 v.i3 96283 -Qj e Ni e d er i aus itzer Schafwollindustrie in ihrer Entwickelung zum Grossbetrieb und zur modernen Technik. Von Dr. Georg Quandt. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1895. x, 298 p. 22i cm . (/ Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, 13. Band, 3. Heft.) Wright, Chester Whitney. 330.51 18 v.5 93195 Wool-growing and the tariff. A study in the economic history of the United States, by Chester Whitney Wright .... Awarded the David A. Wells prize for the year 1907-08, and published from the income of the David A. Wells fund. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1910. xiii. 362, [2] p. 4 fold, diagr. 23 cm . (/ Harvard economic studies . . . vol. V.) 'Bibliography," p. [ 3291-334. 383 678 History of the rubber industry Hancock, Thomas. 6781,600 4629 Personal narrative of the origin and progress of the caoutchouc or india-rubber manufacture in England. To which is added some account of the plants from which caoutchouc is obtained, its chemical analysis, . . . , etc. With an appendix, containing the specifications of the author's patents. vii,283 p. il. II pi. O. London: Longman, ... , & Roberts, 1857. India rubber and gutta percha and 1,678.0052 1394 97859 electrical trades journal. .... The quarter century number of the India rubber journal. A souvenir .... [18841909.] London, Maclaren & Sons, [1909]. Iviii, 102, lix-lxxxi p. illus. incl. ports., ports, on 9 pi., I plan. 33 cm . Advertising matter included in paging. Slingervoet Ramondt, A 678 1174 Zur Geschichte der Kautschukforschung. Zusammenstellung der wissenschaftlichen Verb'ffentlichungen aus dem Gesamtgebiet des Kautschuks von A. Slingervoet Ramondt, .... Dresden, Steinkopff & Springer, 1907. [6], 70, [2] p. 22i cm . Slip pasted over imprint reads: Berlin, Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft. "Cbronologische Uebersicht," p. [531-65. 681 HISTORY OF CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING Abbott, Henry George, pseud. 68 1 P700 6 Antique watches and how to establish their age. Brief biograph- ical sketches of the celebrated watchmakers of the world, and a directory of over 6,000 names of English, French, German, Dutch, Swiss and American watch and clock makers who were in the business prior to the year 1850. 204 p. il. 13 por. paged in. D. Chicago: G. K. Hazlitt & Co., c. 1897. Bachelin, Auguste. 681 08oo 9908 L'horlogerie neuchateloise. Public a 1'occasion de 1'inauguration du monument de Daniel Jeanrichard au Locle, le 15 Juillet 1888, sous les auspices du Departement Cantonal de 1'Industrie et de 1' Agriculture. vii,224 p. 2 pi. O. Neuchatel : Attinger Freres, 1888, Plates missing. 384 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Britten, Frederick J. 68 1 P400 Former clock & watchmakers and their work. Including an ac- count of the development of horological instruments from the earliest mechanism, with portraits of masters of the art; ... . viii,397 p. il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1894. Britten, Frederick James. 68 1 Q40i 46171 Old clocks and watches & their makers, being an historical and descriptive account of the different styles of clocks and watches of the past, in England and abroad to which is added a list of ten thousand makers, by F. J. Britten ... . Second edition, much enlarged, with seven hundred illustrations, mostly from photographs. London, B. T. Batsford, 1904. viii, 735 p. 704 illus. 2^h cm - Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge Samuel, 1848- 5 2 9-78 Q6oo 57068 Time anc i clocks : a description of ancient and modern methods of measuring time. By H. H. Cunynghame, .... With many illustrations. New York, E. P. Button, 1906. [6], 200 p. front., 82 illus. incl. diagrs. 2oi cm . Dietzschold, Conrad. 681 RIOI sooeo j) er c orne ii us Nepos der Uhrmacher, enthaltend 35 Lebensbe- schreibungen und Bildnisse von Uhrmachern (28), von fur die Uhrmacherei richtunggebenden Gelehrten (5), und das Uhrma- chergewerbe fordernden Personlichkeiten (2). Ein Beitrag zur Gewerbeforderung bearbeitet von C. Dietzschold, .... Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Krems a. d. Donau (N.-O.), C. Dietzschold, 191 1. 76 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 22i cm . [C. Dietzscholds Uhrmacherbibliothek. 5.] Dubois, Pierre. L68i Kgoo 8414 Histoire de 1'horlogerie depuis son origine jusqu' a nos jours. Precedee de recherches sur la mesure du temps dans 1'antiquite et suivie de la biographic des horlogers les plus celebres de 1'Europe. Illustrations archeologiques executees sous la direction de Ferdi- nand Sere. [4],4o8,[i] p. il. 42 pi. sq.Q. Paris: Moyen age et la renaissance, 1849. Dyer, George Lewis, 1871- 68 1 Roo3 90065 j ne s t or y O f Edward Howard and the first American watch. Bos- ton, Mass., E. Howard Watch Works, [ C i9io]. 20 p. col. illus. i6 cm . CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING 385 Hammarlund, H 681 62224 TJreiis historia. Af H. Hammarlund. Med 118 illustrationer. .... Stockholm, C. E. Fritze, [1904]. 100 p. 117 illus. 25 cm . "Sid. 6-67 sartryck ur uppfinningarnes bok bd. vi." Advertisements, p. [97]-ioo. Hertz, Gustav. 681 LIOI 85819 Geschichte der Uhren. 66 p. I pi. O. Berlin: Nicolai'sche Buchhandlung, 1851. Jerome, Chauncey. 681 Mooi 4378 History of the American clock business for the past sixty years, and life of Chauncey Jerome, written by himself. Barnum's con- nection with the Yankee clock business. 144 p. I por. D. New Haven: F. C. Dayton, Jr., 1860. Kendal, James Francis. 681 P20i A history of watches and other timekeepers. [6] ,2 5 2 p. il. i pi. D. London: C. Lockwood & Son, 1892. Kindler, Fintan. 68 1 Q502 55664 -Qj e uhren. Ein Abriss der Geschichte der Zeitmessung. Von P. Fintan Kindler, .... Mit 65 Illustrationen. Einsiedeln, New York, [etc.], Benziger & Co., A. G., 1905. viii, 189 p. 65 illus. I7 cm . {Half-title: Benzigers Naturwissenschaftliche Bib- liothek [7].) Moore, Mrs. N Hudson (Woodbridge). 681 Rio3 99309 i^e olc j c i oc k book, by N. Hudson Moore .... With one hun- dred and four illustrations .... New York, F. A. Stokes Com- pany, [1911]- *i> 339 P- front., 30 pi. (incl. ports.) 2i cm . "List of English clockmakers," p. [i63]-293; "List of American clockmakers," P- l>95]-33. The plates have illustrations on both sides. Nelthropp, Henry Leonard. 681 _ 8 A treatise on watch-work, past and present, viii, [4] ,310 p. il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1873. Noeldechen, W. 6gl p IQI ' Peter Hele der Erfinder der Taschenuhren. Eine Erzahlung fur die Jugend und das Volk. 1 12 p. 4 pi. S. [Horn'sche Volks- und Jugendbibliothek, no. 160.] Altenburg: S. Geibel, 1891. 386 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Pfleghart, Adolf. 305.3 8 v.i33 ' Die schweizerische Uhrenindustrie, ihre geschichtliche Entwick- lung und Organisation. Von A. Pfleghart, .... Leipzig, Dun- cker & Humblot, 1908. xii, 203, [i] p. 23. (In Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, Heft 133.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [x]-xii. Poppe, Johann Heinrich Moritz. 68 1 Gooi 19624 Ausflihrliche Geschichte der theoretisch-praktischen Uhrmacher- kunst, seit der altesten Art den Tag einzutheilen, bis an das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. x,564,[2] p. nar.O. Leipzig: Roch& Co., 1801. "Litteratur der Uhrmacherkunst," p. 505-564. Sandoz, Ch 681 Q407 esses L es horloges et les maitres horlogeurs a Besangon du xv e siecle a la revolution frangaise. Par Ch. Sandoz. Besangon, impr. J. Millot et c ie , 1905. ix, 88 p. illus. 23 cm . Saunier, Claudius, 1816-1896. 529(2200 38414 Die Geschichte der Zeitmesskunst von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Mit vielen Abbildungen von Claudius Saunier Ins Deutsche iibersetzt und neu bearbeitet von Gustav Speckhart, .... Bautzen, E. Hubner, [1902-1904]. [4], v, 1096, xvi p. 206 illus., I port., I fold, table. 24 cm . Schirek, Carl. L68i Poo2 16279 -Qj e jj^j. j n kulturgeschichtlicher und kunstgewerblicher Bezie- hung. xxxvii p. 50 il. F. (Mahrisches Gewerbe-Museum in Brlinn.) Brlinn 1890. Schmidt, Wilhelm i.e. Heinrich Friedrich 510.9 N7oo v.8 69607 Wilhelm, 1862- Heron von Alexandria, Konrad Dasypodius und die Strassburger astronomische Muensteruhr. Von Wilhelm Schmidt. (/ Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1898. 23i cm . Achtes Heft, p. [i75]-i94- i pi.) Thomson, Adam. 681 200 264 Time and timekeepers. xii.i95p.il. D. London: T. & W. Boone, 1842. Willard, John Ware. L68i Rioo 80264 A history of Simon Willard. inventor and clockmaker. Together with some account of his sons his apprentices and the work- men associated with him, with brief notices of other clockmakers of the family name, by his great grandson, John Ware Willard. [Boston, Printed by E. O. Cockayne], 1911. [8] i 133 P- front., illus., 38 pi. (partly col. incl. facsims.), ports. 32i cm . "This is number 105 from an edition limited to five hundred copies." COLLECTIONS OF CLOCKS AND WATCHES 387 Historical collections of clocks and watches Bassermann- Jordan, Ernst, 1876- L68i Qsoo -Qj e Geschichte der Raderuhr unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Uhren des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums, von Dr. Ernst Bassermann-Jordan. Mit 36 Textillustrationen und 24 Tafeln in Lichtdruck. Frankfurt am Main, H. Keller, 1905. [10], 113, [i] P- front., illus., 24 pi. 36i cm . 48380 Beillard, Alfred. 681 } Recherches sur 1'horlogerie, ses inventions et ses celebrites. No- tice historique et biographique d'apres les divers documents de la collection de 1'Ecole d'horlogerie d'Anet, par Alfred Beillard ..... Ouvrage orne de nombreuses illustrations dans le texte. Paris, E. Bernard et c ie , [1895], viii, 207, [l] p. incl. front., illus. 23 cnl . Dienstag, Paul. 338.418 Rooi 76544 ... . Die deutsche Uhrenindustrie. Eine Darstellung der technischen Entwicklung in ihrer volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung, von Dr. Paul Dienstag, .... Leipzig, W. Klinkhardt, 1910. 240 p. incl. tables. 22 cm . (Technisch-volkswirtschaftliche Monographien. Elfter Band.) Dubois, Pierre. 1739085 4793 Collection archeologique du prince Pierre Soltykoff. Horlogerie. Description et iconographie des instruments horaires du XVl e siecle, precedee d'un abrege historique de 1'horlogerie au moyen age et pendant la renaissance. Suivie de la bibliographic complete de 1'art de mesurer le temps depuis 1'antiquite jusqu' a nos jours. [2],2i4 p. 20 pi. sq.Q. Paris: V. Didron, 1858. Marfels'sche Uhren-Sammlung. A68i 08oi 19889 j-)j e Marfels'sche Uhren-Sammlung umfassend interessante Tasch- en-Uhren seit Erfindung derselben in ... Lichtdruck-Tafeln nebst erlauterndem Text. [4] p. 31 col. [i6p.] 48 pi. ob. Q. Frank- furt am Main: Kiihl & Co., pref. 1888. Text by R. Stackel. Wetherfield, David Arthur Fasham. L68i Q70O 64007 Old English clocks (the Wetherfield collection). With an intro- duction and notes by F. J. Britten. London, Lawrence & Jellicoe, ltd., 1907. . xi, 113, [i] p. col. front., 131 illus. 38^. "Three hundred and twenty copies of the work have been printed, of which three hundred are for sale. This copy is number 231." 3 88 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 682 HISTORY OF SMITHCRAFT AND METALWORK Bruning, Adolf. L682 Pgoo 99356 j)j e Schmiedekunst seit dem Ende der Renaissance, von Adolf Briining. Mit 150 Abbildungen. Zweites Tausend. Leipzig, H. Seemann Nachf., [1902]. [6], 146 p. illus., I pi. 26i cm . {Added (.-p.: Monographien des Kunstge- werbes, in.) Ebbetts, E. J. A739 15 ' Examples of decorative wrought ironwork of the 1 7th and 1 8th centuries ..... [6] p. 15 pi. F 5 . London : B. T. Batsford, 1879. Gardner, John Starkie, 1 844- 739 6171 90341 n gii s h ironwork of the xvilth and xvillth centuries; an histori- cal & analytical account of the development of exterior smithcraft. By J. Starkie Gardner, .... With 88 collotype plates from pho- tographs chiefly by Horace Dan, ... , and upwards of 150 other illustrations. London, B. T. Batsford, [1911]. xxxvi, 336 p. incl. front., illus. LXXXVIII (i.e. 89) pi. (l fold.) 25 cm . Contents. Medieval ironwork. The evolution of gates. Railings, balustrades, balconies, stair-ramps and grilles. Landholders, brackets, signs and vanes. Lists of smiths and designers. Leisching, Julius. A739 1535 M ' 61 Mobelbeschlage aus den Jahren 1770 bis 1840. 26 Lichtdruckta- feln. Ausgewahlt und herausgegeben von Julius Leisching, .... Wien, A. Schroll & Co., 1907. [4] p. xxvi pi. 43 cm . Luer, Hermann. 1,739 ^961 5 Geschichte der Metallkunst. Von Dr. Herm. Liier, . . . und Dr. Max Creutz, .... Zwei Bande. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 1904-1909. 2 vol. illus. 25 cm . Contents. i . Bd. Kunstgeschichte der unedlen Metalle : Schmiedeisen, Gusseisen, Bronze, Zinn, Blei und Zink, bearbeitet, von H. Luer. viii, [2], 660 p. 2. Bd. Kunst- geschichte der edlen Metalle, bearbeitet, von M. Creutz. viii, [2], 462 p. Me"nard, Rene*. 2164 Histoire artistique du metal ..... [2], 204 p. 224 il. 13 pi. sq.F 4 . Paris: J. Rouam, 1881. Molinier, Emile. 1,739 M 73 Les bronzes de la renaissance. Les plaquettes. Catalogue raisonne. Precede d'une introduction. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. (Bib- liotheque internationale de 1'art.) Paris: J. Rouam, 1886. SMITHCRAFT AND METALWORK 389 Pazaurek, Gustav E A740.8 10 v.6 41800 .... Kunstschmiede- und Schlosserarbeiten des 13. 18. Jahr- hunderts aus den Sammlungen des Nordbohmischen Gewerbe- Museums in Reichenberg mit Text von Dr. Gustav E. Pazaurek. 30 Lichtdruck-Tafeln mit 125 Darstellungen. Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1895. 6, [2] p. XXX pi. 5i cm . (/ Ornamentale und kunstgewerbliche Sammel- mappe, Serie VI ) Perry, John Tavenor. 1739 ?42 seise Dj nanc |erie. A history and description of mediaeval art work in copper, brass and bronze, by J. Tavenor-Perry, .... London, G. Allen & Sons, 1910. xii, 238 p. front., 71 illus., 28 pi. 26i cm . "Bibliography," p. 221-222. Roeper, Adalbert. &739 R62 11977 Deutsche Schmiedearbeiten aus filnf Jahrhunderten. Ausgewahlt und herausgegeben von Adalbert Roeper. Mit einem Vorwort versehen von Hans Bosch. [6] p. 50 pi. F 5 . Miinchen : J. Albert, [1896]. Schubert, Alfred. A73Q 8384 37787 Alte Kunstschmiedearbeiten aus dem XVI., XVII. und XVIII. Jahr- hundert. Thore, Gitter, Grab- und Treppengelander, Grabkreuze, Oberlichte, Bekronungen, Fullungen, Bander, Schllisselschilder. Thurklopfer, Gerathe etc. Nach den originalen Aufgenommen von A. Schubert, Architekt .... 20 Tafeln. Berlin, C. Claesen &c ie , [1889]. 20 pi. (partly col.) 49 cm . Seitz, Joseph. 739 8462 37714 Essai sur la fonte des anciens et celle des chevaux de Chio, accompagne de notes de M. Millin, et dedie a son altesse emi- nentissime le Prince primat; par Joseph Seitz. Paris, Delance, 1806. [4], 60 p. 2l cm . "Extrait du Magasin encyclopedique, numero de decembre, 1806.'' With this. [Bettoni, N.] Notizie storiche e poesie sui cavalli di Venezia. 1815. Schlegel, A. W de. Lettera ai signori compilatori della Biblioteca italiana sui cavalli di bronzo in Venezia. 1816. Venise. Chevaux, p. 321-328. [Extrait de ?] tome I., fevrier 1817. Shaiffer, Harry D 682.1 R200 91 Evolution of the horse shoe, Horseshoeing without nails vs. horse- shoeing with nails: by H. D. Shaiffer. Philadelphia, National Nailless Horse Shoe Company, [1912]. 45. [3] P- illus - 23d cm - 3Qo BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Weaver, Lawrence. ^739 W37 82764 English leadwork. Its art & history. [By] Lawrence Weaver, .... London, B. T. Batsford; Country Life, [1910]. xv, 268 p. incl. front., 441 illus. 3O cm . T.-p. illus. "A first attempt at a bibliography of publications relating to the history of English leadwork," p. t 2 5 I ]~ 2 57 682 Arms and armor Boeheim, Wendelin, 1832- 1,740.92 663 99349 M e j s ter der Waffenschmiedekunst vom XIV. bis ins xvm. Jahr- hundert. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kunst und des Kunst- handwerks, von Wendelin Boeheim, .... Mit 20 Tafeln in Lichtdruck und 159 Text-Illustrationen. Berlin, W. Moeser, 1897- xi, 246 p. illus., xx pi. 28i cm . Demmin, August. 399 Pioo 85380 Die Kriegswaffen in ihren geschichtlichen Entwickelungen von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. Eine Encyklopadie der Waffenkunde von August Demmin. Vierte Auflage. Mit liber 4500 Abbildungen von Waffen und Ausrustungen sowie liber 650 Marken von Waffenschmieden. Leipzig, P. Friesen- hahn, 1893. iv, i no p. illus. 23i cm . . Erganzungsband flir die vier Auflagen . . Wiesbaden, [1893-1896]. No. [i]-2. illus. 23^ cm . Ffoulkes, Charles. 1*399 R200 95676 j^ armourer an d his cra ft from the Xlth to the xvith century, by Charles Ffoulkes, .... With sixty-nine diagrams in the text and thirty-two plates. London, Methuen & Co., [1912]. xxii, [2], 199, [i] p. incl. illus., tables, front., XXXI pi. 32^x25^. "Works of reference," p. xx-xxii. Gardner, John Starkie. 1*705.2 5 .33 9 Armour in England from the earliest times to the reign of James a the First. By J. Starkie Gardner. London, Seeley & Co., ltd. ; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1897. loop, illus., vin pi. incl. front. 27^ cm . (/ The Portfolio, no. 33.) Gessler, Eduard A 355-094 Q8oo *3467 j)j e Trutzwaffen der Karolingerzeit vom VIII. bis zum XI. Jahr- hundert. Von Dr. phil. Eduard A. Gessler. Basel, Easier Buch- und Antiquariatshandlung vormals A. Geering, 1908. 160 p. 23i cm . "Quellenverzeichnis," p. [i57]-i6o. LOCK- AND GUN-MAKING 391 Lacy, Charles de Lacy. 1*399 Rl 102488 The history of the spur, by Charles de Lacy Lacy, M. A. [Lon- don], The Connoisseur, [1911]. vi, 8l, [i] p. illus., 47 (i.e. 50) pi. (incl. front.) 2%h cm . "A few of the illustrations and part of the text of this book appeared in ... 'Country life' in 1904." Scheibe, Ernst, 1884- 331-0943 Q8oi 90218 Studien zur Nurnberger Waffenindustrie von 1450-1550. (Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Arbeitsteilung.) .... Bonn, C. Georgi, 1908. i35 [3] P- 22 ^ cm - Inaug-dis. Bonn. Lebenslauf. Schwerzenbach, Carl von. A739 8415 99374 Die Schwerter und Schwertknaufe der Sammlung Carl von Schwerzenbach Bregenz. Mit einer Geschichte von Schwert und Dolch. Herausgegeben von Dr. R. Forrer . . . Mit 60 Lichtdrucktafeln und 360 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1905. vii, 62, [2] p. illus., LX pi. 4O cm . 683 History of lock- and gun -making Fox-Pitt-Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane, 1827-1900. L683 0300 On the development and distribution of primitive locks and keys. b By Lieut-General Pitt-Rivers, .... Illustrated by specimens in the Pitt-Rivers collection London, Chatto &Windus, 1883. 31, [20] p. illus., x pi. 3o4 cm . "The materials for this paper, together with the rest of the Museum, have been in course of collection since ... 1851, and some of the specimens illustrated have been ex- hibited to the public at Bethnal Green and South Kensington for some years." Germanisches Museum. Nuremberg. L399Nioo 2235 Quellen zur Geschichte der Feuerwaffen. Facsimilierte Nachbil- dungen alter Originalzeichnungen, M>niaturen, Holzschnitte und Kupferstiche, nebst Aufnahmen alter Originalwaffen und Modelle. 178 p. il. Atlas in 2 portfolios. sq.F. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1877. 392 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Moser, Ferdinand. ^.739 M855 60209 -Q er Kunstschlosser. Entwiirfe zu Kunstschlosserarbeiten vor- zugsweise im Style des 16., 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Ampeltra- ger, Beleuchtungsgegenstande, Hangeschlosser, Gitter, Kasetten- friese, Thiirbander, Thiirgriffe, Schliisselschilde, Grabkreuze, Thurmkreuze, Thore, Thurfiillungen, Firmenschilder etc. Ge- zeichnet und herausgegeben von Ferdinand Moser, .... 24 Tafeln. Zweite Auflage. Berlin, B. Hessling, [1896]. [4] p. 24 pi. North, Simon Newton Dexter, 1849- 680.9263 N8i 102483 sj meon North, first official pistol maker of the United States; a memoir, by S. N. D. North, LL. D. and Ralph H. North. Con- cord, N. H., The Rumford Press, 1913. xii, 207 p. front, (port.), plates. 25 cm . Raffalovich, Arthur, 1853- 670.9246 Ri2 102484 La dynastic Krupp, par Arthur Raffalovich .... Paris, Guillau- min et c ie . 1903. 20 p, 24, Reid, Sir Alexander John Forsyth, 1846- 1,609.231 R27 97279 The Reverend Alexander John Forsyth ... 1768-1843, and his invention of the percussion lock, by Major-General Sir Alexander John Forsyth Reid . . . from information collected mostly by Miss Mary Forsyth Reid. Aberdeen, The University press, 1910. 32 p. 8 pi., 2 port. (incl. front.), i facsim. 25i cm . Tryon, Charles Zimmerling, 1871- L683 Rioo 97300 -pke history of a business established one hundred years ago, 1811-1911, Edw. K. Tryon Company, Philadelphia. [Philadel- phia, Pa., Printed by Franklin Printing Company, 1911.] 48 p. illus. (incl. ports., facsim.) 26 cm . On cover: One hundredth anniversary, 1811-1911, On verso of t.-p. : Written and compiled by Charles Z. Tryon, illustrated by Charles Hunsicker Henkels. 685 HISTORY OF SHOEMAKING Gannon, Frederic Augustus, 1881- 675.81 R202 101117 ^ short history of American shoemaking, by Fred A. Gannon. [Salem, Mass., Newcomb & Gauss, printers, C I9I2.] 65 p. front., 6 pi., 5 port. 2o4 cm . SHOEMAKING 393 Hagg, S A 685 97457 Fotbekladnadens, skomakeriets och namnkunniga skomakares historia fran aldsta till narvarande tid, af S. A. Hagg, .... Med 33 i texten intryckta trasnitt. Stockholm, I. Haeggstroms bok- tryckeri, 1873. [4], III, [l] p. illus. 22i cm . "Biographiska notiser om historiskt namnkunniga skomakare," p. [88]-m. Lacroix, Paul, 1806-1884. ^391.4 M200 95218 Histoire de la chaussure depuis 1'antiquite la plus reculee jusqu'a nos jours ; suivie de 1'histoire serieuse et drolatique des cordon- niers et des artisans dont la profession se rattache a la cordonnerie, par P. Lacroix (bibliophile Jacob), . . . et Alphonse Duchesne. Edition enrichie de 250 gravures sur bois, .... Par F. Sere, .... Paris, A. Delahays, 1862. [4], 271 p. col. front., illus., 68 pi., 6 col. pi., 2 ports. 27 em . Lacroix, Paul, 1806-1884. L685 Lioo 7 .... Histoire des cordonniers et des artisans dont la profession se rattache a la cordonnerie, comprenant 1'histoire des anciennes corporations et confreries de cordonniers, de bottiers, de savetiers, de formiers, de marchands de crepin, de peaussiers, de tanneurs et de corroyeurs de la France, depuis leur fondation jusqu'a leur suppression en 1789; precedee de 1'histoire de la chaussure de- puis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours, par MM. Paul Lacroix (bibliophile Jacob), Alphonse Duchesne et Ferdinand Sere ..... Paris, Librairie historique, archeologique et scien- tifique de Sere, 1852. [4], 326, [2] p. col. front., illus., 76 pi. (partly col., i fold.), 2 port. 27 cn >. (Le livre d'or des metiers.) Lescohier, Don Divance. 33-5i J 7 v.y 100807 ... . The Knights of St. Crispin, 1867-1874. A study in the industrial causes of trade unionism, by Don D. Lescohier, .... Madison, Wis., 1910. 101 p. 23 cm . (/ Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 355. Economics and political science series, vol. 7, no. I.) Lives. 680.92 L75 Lives of distinguished shoemakers ..... Portland, Davis and 102654 South worth, 1849. iv [5]-34p. i9xiii cm . Contents. Saint Crispin. James Lackington. Timothy Bennett. Roger Sher- man. William Carey. Robert Bloomfleld. Simon Antoine. Hans Sachs. Wil- liam Gifford. Thomas Holcroft. Thomas Hardy. Cloudesley Shovel. George Fox. James Woodhouse. Jacob Behmen. Noah Worcester. John Pounds. 394 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 686 HISTORY OF BOOKBINDING Andrews, William Loring. 686 10213 ^ short historical sketch of the art of bookbinding. With a description of the prominent styles by William Matthews. Pub- lished for the benefit of the Art Loan Exhibition held April, 1895. 45 p. il. sq.S. [Art Loan monographs.] [New York] c. 1895. Be*raldi, Henri, 1849- 1/095 P 4 01 99324 .... La reliure du Xix e siecle. Premiere- [quatrieme] partie. Paris, L. Conquet, 1895-1897. 4 vol. fronts., illus., 283 col. pi., 8 port, on 2 pi., 10 facsim. 29 cm . "Tirage unique, deux cent quatre-vingt quinze exemplaires numerates sur papier velin du Marais. No. 208." At head of title: Henri Beraldi. Bergmans, Paul, 1868- L686 Q205 48212 .... Six anciennes reliures flamandes, par Paul Bergmans. Gand, N. Heins, imprimeur-lithographe, 1902. cover-title, [6] leaves, illus. 25i cm . At head of title: Inventaire archeologique de Gand. Catalogue descriptif et illustre des monuments, oeuvres d'art et documents anterieurs a 1830, publie par la Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie de Gand. Extrait. Brassington, William Salt. L686 Pioo 4029 Historic bindings in the Bodleian Library,. Oxford, .... xliv,64 p. il. 24 pi. sq.F. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1891. Brassington, William Salt. L686 P302 3818 A history of the art of bookbinding, with some account of the books of the ancients. xvi,277 p. il. 10 pi. Q. London: E. Stock, 1894. This work is a revision of An inquiry into the nature and form of the books of the ancients, by John Andrews Arnett [pseudonym of John Hannett]. London 1837. Brunet, Gustave. L686 N8oo 1 La reliure ancienne et moderne. Recueil de 116 planches de reliures artistiques des XVl e , XVII 6 , xvm e et XIX e siecles ayant appartenu a Grolier, Henri II, Francois i er , Diane de Poitiers, Marguerite de Valois, Louis XIII, Mazarin, etc., executees par Le Gascon, Clovis et Nicolas Eve, Hardy Mennil, Bauzonnet, Belz- Niedree, etc Introduction par Gustave Brunet accom- pagnee d'une explicative avec notice descriptive de 3 1 reliures des plus remarquables. [2],viii,8 p. Il6.pl. Q. Paris : P. Daffis, 1878. Cundall, Joseph. L6860ooi 4303 On bookbindings, ancient and modern. xi,[3],i32 p. il. 23 pi. sq.Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1881. BOOKBINDING 395 Cundall, Joseph. L686 K700 37203 On ornamental art, applied to ancient and modern bookbinding. Illustrated with specimens of various dates and countries. By Jo- seph Cundall. Read to the meeting of the Society of Arts held November 1847. London, published at the house of the Society of Arts, 1848. J 5 C 1 ] P- xii pi., I fold, facsim. 26x2oi cm . Davenport, Cyril. L686 P6oi 194M Royal English bookbindings. 95, [i] p. il. 1 6 pi. paged in. Q. London: Seeley & Co., 1896. Du Bois, Henri Pene. 686 0300 6728 Historical essay on the art of bookbinding. 42 p. O. New York: Bradstreet Press, 1883. Contains a bibliography of bookbinding. Fletcher, William Younger, 1830- 1*705.2 5 v.io 99320 Bookbinding in France, by W. Y. Fletcher .... London, See- ley and Co.; New York, Macmillan and Co., 1895. 80 p. 31 illus., vin col. pi. (incl. front.) 27. (/ The Portfolio monographs on artistic subjects, no. 10. ) Fournier, Edouard. 686 M40O 13976 L art de la reliure en France aux derniers siecles. [2], 268, [2] p. S. Paris: E. Dentu, i: .Gruel, L6on, 1841- L686 0700 1 Manuel historique et bibliographique de 1'amateur de reliures, par Leon Gruel .... Paris, Gruel & Engelmann, 1887-1905. 2vol. illus. 3ix24i cm . "Cette [premiere partie] a etc tiree a mille exemplaires tous numerates. N 779." Cette seconde partie a etc tiree a sept cents exemplaires .... No. 330." Vol. 2 published by L. Gruel. Contents. [i. p tie .] Preface. Etude sur 1'origine du format des livres. Introduc- tion generate . Manuel alphabetique. Additions. Bibliographic des ouvrages relatifs a la reliure. 1887. [6], 186, [2] p. 67 col. pi. (partly fold.), I fold, facsim. 2. p tte . Preface. Reliures de formes bizarre et irreguliere. Manuel alphabetique. Additions. Liste alphabetique des noms de relieurs dans les tomes I et II. 1905. [4], 186, [2] p. col. front., 67 col. pi., 2 facsim. (i fold.) Hannett , John, 1 803- 1 893 . 686 J700 An inquiry into the nature and form of the books of the ancients ; with a history of the art of bookbinding, from the times of the Greeks and Romans to the present day; interspersed with biblio- graphical references to men and books of all ages and countries. Illustrated with numerous engravings. By John Andrews Arnett \pseud.~\ London, R. Groombridge, 1837. iv, 212 p. front., illus., 13 pi. I7 cm . 3 g6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Harms, Bernhard. L686 Q200 37684 2 ur Entwickelungsgeschichte der deutschen Buchbinderei in der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Technisch Statistisch Volkswirtschaftlich. Von Bernhard Harms . . . Mit sechs Tabel- len. Tubingen [etc.] J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck) 1902. viii, 184 p. vi fold. tab. 27 cm . "Zur Geschichte der Buchbinderei-Litteratur," p. [1701-177. "Deutsche Buch- binderei-litteratur" : p. [1781-184. Also many bibliographical foot notes and references. Home, Herbert P. 686P40I 3706 The binding of books. An essay in the history of gold-tooled bindings. xiii,[3],224 p. i il. 13 pi. O. [Books about books.] London: Kegan Paul, . . . , & Co., 1894. Loubier, Jean. L686 Q4O2 ' Der Bucheinband in alter und neuer Zeit, von Jean Loubier. Mit 197 Abbildungen. Berlin und Leipzig, H. Seemann Nachfolger, [1904]. [4], 186, [2] p. 197 illus. 26 cm . (Monographien des Kunstgewerbes. x.) Marius Michel, [Jean], & Marius Michel, [Henri]. L6860ioi 9006 La reliure francaise, commerciale et industrielle, depuis 1'invention de rimprimerie jusqu' a nos jours. [6],i37,[i] p. il. 4 pi. F. Paris: D. Morgand & C. Fatout, 1881. Matthews, [James] Brander. 686P500 z897 Bookbindings, old and new: notes of a book-lover. With an ac- count of the Grolier Club of New York. xiii,342 p. il. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Prague. Handels- und Gewerbekammero L686 0404 Kunstgewerbliches Museum. . . . Bucheinbande vom XVIII. Jahrhundert bis in die neueste Zeit. Auswahl aus der im Kunstgewerblichen Museum vom 13. April bis 10. Mai 1903 veranstalteten Ausstellung von Bucheinbanden. tJber Beschluss des Museal-Curatoriums herausgegeben von Prof. D r . Karl Chytil, Direktor; F. A. Borovsky, Custos. xxx. Tafeln in Licht- und Farbendruck. Prag, Im Verlag des Kunstgewerb- lichen Museums der Handels- und Gewerbekammer, 1904. t.-p., [10], [10] p., t.-p. 46 facsim. on 30 pi. (partly col. ) 35i cm . The descriptive text is in German and Bohemian, the two parts each with separate t.-p. and mutually inverted. Bohemian t.-p.: UmSlecko-prumyslove museum Obchodni a 2ivnostenske komory v Praze. Vazby kni2ni od stoleti xvm. do nejkove'jsi doby. Vybe'r z vystavy vazeb kni2- nich v Umglecko-prumyslovem museu od 13. dubna do 10 kvgtna 1903 usporfadane. Z usnesem kuratoria musejnfho vydali Prof. D r . Karel Chytil, feditel; F. A. Borovsky, kustos , BOOKBINDING 397 Prideaux, Sarah Treverbian. 686 P300 An historical sketch of bookbinding, with a chapter on early stamped bindings by E. Gordon Duff. vi,[2J,3O3 p. 3 pi. O. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. Contains a bibliography of bookbinding. Rudbeck, Johannes Reinhold Gustaf, Friherre, 1867- 1/095 ^200 Svenska bokband under nyare tiden. Bidrag til svensk bokbin- 94493 derihistoria. En serie afbildningar af konstnarliga bokband sam- a lade och beskrifna af Johannes Rudbeck. l-[m]. I52i-[i88o]. .... Stockholm, Foreningen for bokhandtverk, 19121914. 3 vol. in 2. illus., 118 pi. 3i cm . Descriptive letter-press for each plate is on the opposite verso. Zaehnsdorf , London. 686 Poo3 8 A short history of book binding and a glossary of styles and terms used in binding. With a brief account of the celebrated binders and patrons of bookbinding from whom the various styles are named, description of leathers, etc. 37>[i] p. il. I pi. O. London 1895. Bookbinding previous to 1800 Bickell, Ludwig. A686 P304 8 Bookbindings from the Hessian historical exhibition illustrating the art of binding from the xvth to the xvmth centuries. De- scribed by D r . L. Bickell, with 53 heliotype prints on 42 plates. Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1893. 14 p. 42 pi. 48 x 344 cm . No. 50 of 100 numbered copies of the English edition of "Bucheinbande des XV. bis xvin. Jahrhunderts aus hessischen Bibliotheken, verschiedenen Klostern und Stiften, der Palatina und der Landgrafl. hess. Privatbibliothek entstammend, " Leipzig, 1892. "A new edition will not appear, the plates having been destroyed and the type dis- tributed." Copenhagen. Danske kunstindustrimuseum. L686 Q6oi ' Kunstfasrdige gamle bogbind indtil 1850; det Danske kunstin- dustrimuseums udstilling 1906, udgivet af Museet med en indled- ning af Emil Hannover. K0benhavn, Lehmann & Stage, 1907. 162, 10, [i] p. inch 144 facsim. 28 cm . 500 copies printed. 39 8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Davenport, Cyril. L686 QIOI 100589 Thomas Berthelet, royal printer and bookbinder to Henry VIII. king of England, with special reference to his bookbindings, by Cyril Davenport, .... Chicago, The Caxton Club, 1901. IO2, [2! p. illus., xvill pi. (partly col. incl. front.) 3ii cm . Edition of 252 copies printed on hand-made paper from type which has been dis- tributed. Each plate is accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. ichhorn, Christofer. 686 Oi 11435 Bokbindare och bokband i Sverige till ar 1720. 37 p. 15 il. O. [Stockholm 188-.] No title-page. Extracted from Meddclanden fran Svenska Slojdforeningen. Gray & Son, John P., Cambridge, Eng. 686 Qoo3 44601 A note upon early Cambridge binders of the sixteenth century. Cambridge, J. P. Gray & Son, 1900. cover-title, 13 p. illus. 24 cm . Marius Michel, firm, bookbinders, Paris. L686 0002 99378 La reliure f rangaise depuis 1'invention de rimprimerie jusqu'a la fin du XVIII 6 siecle, par MM. Marius Michel, relieurs-doreurs. . Paris, D. Morgand & C. Fatout, 1880. [6], 144 p. incl. illus., plates, xxn pi. (facsim.) 32 cm . By Jean Michel (later Jean Marius-Michel) and his son Henri. Deals with art bindings especially. Supplemented by a companion volume, La reliure fran9aise commerciale et industrielle, 1881. Plates have descriptive letter-press on guard-sheet. Mitius, Otto, 1865- 010.53 i v.28 cm Frankische Lederschnittbande des XV. Jahrhunderts ; ein buchge- schichtlicher Versuch von Dr. Otto Mitius, .... Mit dreizehn Tafeln. Leipzig, R. Haupt, 1909. viii, 44 p. xni pi. 24i cm . ( In Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaf tlicher Arbeiten begriindet von Karl Dziatzkot, 28. Heft, {n. Serie, 11. Heft).) [Techener, Jacques Joseph.] AOQS Mioo 7234 [f-jistoire de la bibliophilie. Recherches sur la reliure, sur les bibliotheques des plus celebres amateurs, armorial des biblio- philes ; accompagnee de planches gravees a 1'eau-forte par Jules Jacquemart, .... 50 pi. F 6 . Paris 1861-1864.] No title-page. Title taken from Brunei. The text was never published. Plates 34-47 and C missing. BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURE 399 Thoinan, Ernest. 686P303 4158 Les relieurs frangais (1500-1800). Biographic critique et anec- dotique, precedee de 1'histoire de la Communaute des relieurs et doreurs de livres de la ville de Paris et d'une etude sur les styles de reliure. [2],vii,4i6 p. il. i map. O. Paris: E. Paul, L. Hu- ard & Guillemin, 1893. Uzanne, Octave i. e. Louis Octave, 1852- L686 Q405 48133 'j'ke F renc h bookbinders of the eighteenth century, by Octave Uzanne .... Translated by Mabel Mcllvaine. Chicago, The Caxton Club, 1904. 133. [2] P- illus., xxpl. 3ih cm . . . . One of an edition of "two hundred and fifty-two copies printed on hand-made paper, ... ". "Bibliography," p. [i2i]-i23. Westendorp, Karl, 1873- 686 QQOI 73550 -Qj e K unst der alten Buchbinder auf der Ausstellung von Buchein- baenden im alten Schloss zu Strassburg Els. veranstaltet im Ok- tober 1907, durch die Landesverwaltung von Elsass-Lothringen. 133 Abbildungen mit Text u. Einleitung von Dr. K. Westen- dorp. Halle a d. Saale, W. Knapp, 1909. [2], 25, [137] p. front., 132 illus. 2ii cm . 690.9 HISTORY OF BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURE Addy, Sidney Oldall. 720.942 A227 1 The evolution of the English house. xxviii,223 p. il. 2 pi. paged in. D. (Social England Series.) London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1898. "Some books cited", p. 212-214. Borchardt, Ludwig. L72932 664 ' Die aegyptische Pflanzensaule. Ein Kapitel zur Geschichte des Pflanzenornaments, von Ludwig Borchardt. Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 1897. [8], 58 p. 88 illus. 30 cm . Goldstein, Julius. 330.53 17 n.s.v.s .... Arbeiter und Unternehmer im Baugewerbe Deutschlands. 103767 2 ur Vorgeschichte der grossen Aussperrung. Von Dr. Julius Goldstein. Zurich und Leipzig, Rascher & Cie, 1913. 224 p. 224 c . m . (In Ziircher volkswirtschaftliche Studien, [neue Folge], fiinftes Heft.) 400 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hanftmann, B 172 0.943 66430 H ess j sc h e Holzbauten. Beitrage zur Geschichte des westdeut- schen Hauses und Holzbaues, zur Flihrung durch L. Bickell: "Hessische Holzbauten." Von B. Hanftmann, .... Marburg, N. G. Elwert'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1907. xviii, [2], 200 p. 115 illus., I fold. map. 27i cm . Haupt, Albrecht, 1852- 1720.943 H29 71748 Die alteste Kunst insbesondere die Baukunst der Germanen, von der Volkerwanderung bis zu Karl dem Grossen. Von Albrecht Haupt. Leipzig, H. A. L. Degener, 1909. viii, [2], 289 p. col. front., illus., XLIX pi. 2J^ em . Lachner, Karl, 1851- 1720.943111 39939 G esc hichte der Holzbaukunst in Deutschland. Ein Versuch von Carl Lachner ... . Mit4 farbigen Tafeln, einer Radierung und 343 Textillustrationen. Leipzig, E. A. Seemann, [i885]-i887. 2 pt. in i vol. 28 cm . Contents. I. Teil. Der norddeutsche Standerbau. viii, 132 p. 182 illus., 4 coL pi. 2. Teil. Der suddeutsche Standerbau und der Blockbau. [2], 132 p. 161 illus., I pi. Lange, Konrad i.e. J Konrad F W 1,722.8 L26 100597 von, 1855- Haus und Halle. Studie zur Geschichte des antiken Wohnhauses und der Basilika, von Dr. Konrad Lange .... Mit 9 litho- graphirten Tafeln und 10 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1885. xii, 377 p. illus., ix fold. pi. (incl. plans). 25i cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Leixner, Otmar von. 1,721 1,53 67866 j-) er j-jolzbau j n seiner Entwicklung und in seinen charakteri- stischen Typen. Eine Studie von Architekt Otmar von Leixner, .... Wien, Lehmann & Wentzel (P. Krebs), 1907. vi, [2], 168 p. 155 illus., viii pi. 27 cm . "Literaturangabe und Quellen der Studie," p. [i65]-i68. Mejborg, Reinhold Frederic Severin, 1845- 1,728.67 M47 88826 Das Bauernhaus im Herzogtum Schleswig und das Leben des schlesvvigischen Bauernstandes im 16., 17 und 18. Jahrhundert, von R. Meiborg. Deutsche Ausgabe besorgt von Richard Haupt. Schleswig, J. Bergas, 1896. vii, [2], 205, [i] p. 256 illus. 32x 24 cm . . Anhang. Schleswig, 1896. 56 p. illus. 33 x 25 cm . "Verzeichnis der ungedruckten Quellen," p. 7-10; "Verzeichnis der gedruckten Quellen," p. 11-12; "Quellennachweis fur jeden Aschnitt," p. 15-18. BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURE 401 Precht, Franz. 7 2 -93 PQ 1 87143 Grundziige der Bauentwicklung der Haustypen im Abendland, von Franz Precht. Esslingen a.N., P. Neff (M. Schreiber), 1910. [4], 130, [2] p. 22 cm . Ranck, Chr 728.67 Ri5 S3017 .... Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Bauernhauses. Von Chr. Ranck, .... Mit 70 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1907. viii, 103, [i] p. 7oillus. i8i cm . (AusNatur und Geisteswelt. 121. Eandchen.) Scherer, Christian, 1859- 729.638326 ' Technik und Geschichte der Intarsia. Von Dr. Christian Sche- rer. Mit Titelbild und 25 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, T. O. Weigel Nachfolger (C. H. Tauchnitz), 1891. viii, 164 p. front., 25 illus. 2O.i cm . Sohrmann, Hans. 1,729. 32 8682 soyas j-)j e altindische Saule. Ein Beitrag zur Saulenkunde von Dr.-Ing. Hans Sohrmann. Mit 57 Abbildungen. Dresden, G. Kiihtmann, 1906. vii, 79, [i] p. 57 illus. 26 cm . "Verzeichnis der haupsachlich benutzten Quellenwerke," p. 79. Stephani, Karl Gustav, 1 862- 7 20 -943 S82 7 34227 Der alteste deutsche Wohnbau und seine Einrichtung. Bau- geschichtliche Studien auf Grund der Erdfunde, Artefakte, Bau- reste, Munzbilder, Miniaturen und Schriftquellen von Dr. phil. K. G. Stephani. In zwei Banden .... Leipzig, Baumgartner, 1902-1903. 2 V. 23 cm . Contents. I . Bd. Von der Urzeit bis zum Ende der Merovingerherrschaft. Mit 209 Text-Abbildungen. xii, 448 p. 209 illus. 1902. 2. Bd. Von Karl dem Grossen bis zum Ende des xi. Jahrhunderts. Mit 454 Text-Abbildungen. x, [2] , 705 p. 454 illus. 1903. Uhde, Constantin. 1720.9 1X29 40423 -Qj e Konstruktionen und die Kunstformen der Architektur. Ihre Entstehung und geschichtliche Entwickelung bei den verschiede- nen Volkern. 4 Bande. Herausgegeben von Constantin Uhde. Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 1902-. Vol. i-. illus. 33 cm . Vetter, Max. 1729.32 V64 Der Sockel. Seine Form und Entwicklung in der griechischen und hellenistisch-romischen Architektur und Dekoration von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Verschuttung Pompejis, von Max Vetter. Mit 8 Tafeln. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Miindel), 1910. [4], 86, [4] p. viii pi. 29<". {Half-title: Zur Kunstgeschichte des Auslandes. Heft 75.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [85J-86. 402 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene [Emmanuel]. 720.9V8i 8867 The habitations of man in all ages. Translated by Benjamin Bucknall. xvi,394 p. il. 9 pi. O. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1876. 694 History of carpentry Lacroix, Paul, 1806-1884. 694 Lioo 95348 .... Histoire de la charpenterie et des anciennes commtmautes et confreries de charpentiers de la France et de la Belgique, par Paul Lacroix (bibliophile Jacob), . . . , Emile Begin et Ferd. Sere. .... Paris, Librairie historique, archeologique et scientifique de Sere, 1851. [4], 31 p. 12 pi. (2 fold.) 27 cm . (Le livre d'or des metiers.) Richards, John. L6Q4 N200 17515 ^ treatise on the construction and operation of wood-working machines : including a history of the origin and progress of the manufacture of wood-working machinery xx,283 p. il. 23 pi. Q. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1872. 709 HISTORY OF ART AND ART INDUSTRY Balfour, Henry. 740-91 619 20363 y^e evo i u ti on o f decorative art. An essay upon its origin and development as illustrated by the art of modern races of mankind. xv,i3i p. 47 il. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1893. "List of works bearing upon the growth of decorative art," p. 129131. Bucher, Bruno [Adalbert], 1826-1899, ed. 1,740.9 685 57S78 Geschichte der technischen Kiinste. . . . Herausgegeben von Bruno Bucher. Erster- [dritter] Band. Stuttgart, W. Spemann, 1875-1893. 3 vol. 25i cm . "Nachlese zur Literatur" with each subject. Contents. I. Bd. Email. Glasmalerei. Mosaik. Lackmalerei. Miniatur. Glyptik. Formschneidekunst. 1875. xvi, 447 p. 70 illus., 3 pi. (i fold.) 2. Bd. Kupferstich. Goldschmiedekunst. Berlin und Stuttgart, 1886. viii, 425 p. 181 illus., 2 pi. 3. Bd. Kunstgewerbliche Eisenarbeiten. Bronze, Kupfer, Zinn. Der Buchein- band. Lederwerk. Die Mobel. Glas. Textilkunst. Keramik. Stuttgart, Berlin, [etc.], Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1893. xv, 6iop. illus- Charvet, Le*on. 1*709 38 18943 Enseignement de Tart decoratif. Comprenant son histoire gene- rale, 1'etude des caracteristiques des epoques, ses precedes indus- triels et la theorie de la composition decorative. [2],47i,[i] p. 1228 il. sq. F. Paris: Librairie des imprimeries reunies, [1888]. ART AND ART INDUSTRY 403 Glazier, Richard. 74'9 soles j^ manual of historic ornament. Treating upon the evolution, tradition and development of architecture and other applied arts. Prepared for the use of students and craftsmen. With . . . illus- trations by the author. [6],i36,iii p. il. I pi. paged in, I facsim. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1899, "Works of reference," p. 134-136. Glazier, Richard. 740-9 6461 90342 A manual of historic ornament, treating upon the evolution, tra- dition, and development of architecture & the applied arts. Pre- pared for the use of students and craftsmen by Richard Glazier .... Second edition revised and enlarged with 600 illustrations by the author. London, B. T. Batsford, 1906. [8], 168 p. incl. front., illus. 2S cm . "Text-books upon architecture and ornament," p. 162. "Works of reference," p. 163-165. Grasse, Johann Georg Theodor, 1814-1885. 740.92 675 Kunstgewerbliche Altertiimer und Kuriositaten. Fiihrer fiir Sammler und Liebhaber von Gegenstanden der Kleinkunst, von Antiquitaten sowie von Kuriositaten. Von Dr. J. G. Th. Graesse. Enthaltend . . . , nach Jahrhunderten geordnete Namen- und Markenverzeichnisse der bedeutenderen Bildner in Stein, Holz, El- fenbein, Wachs und Metallen . . . sowie der Meister in Email-, Miniatur- und Glasmalerei, . . . etc. seit den Zeiten der Renais- sance bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, von Friedrich Jaen- nicke. Vierte Auflage. Berlin, R. C. Schmidt & Co. ; London' D. Nutt; [etc., etc.], 1909. vi, [2], 246, [2] p. illus. 2i cm . 13062 Haddon, Alfred Cort. 971.7 P?oo i inco -w-* . w f J Evolution in art : as illustrated by the life-histories of designs. xviii,[2],364 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 30.] London: W. Scott, 1895. Contents: Introduction. The decorative art of British New Guinea: as an example of the method of study. The material of which patterns are made. The reasons for which objects are decorated. The scientific method of studying decorative art. Havard, Henry. L?09 H2 99ftfiOTJ,V. 1 ,. L art a travers les mceurs. Illustrations par C. Goutzwiller. [2], ii,404 p. il. 46 pi. 23 paged in. F. Paris: G. Decaux, 1882. 22662 404 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Havard, Henry, 1838- A7oi H2Q 90107 Histoire et philosophic des styles (architecture, ameublement, de- coration) par Henry Havard ... Ouvrage enrichi de 50 planches hors texte et de plus de 450 gravures d'apres les dessins de Yper- man, Mangonot, Boudier, Hotin, Melin, Roguet etc. et de nom- breuses reproductions de documents originaux. Premier- [deu- xieme] volume Paris, C. Schmid, 1899-1900. 2 vol. illus., L pi. (partly col.) 4ix32 cm . Illustrierte Geschichte. 1,740.9 129 57343 jn us trierte Geschichte des Kunstgewerbes. Herausgegeben . . . a von G. Lehnert. In zwei Banden. Berlin, M. Oldenbourg, [1907-1909]. 2 VOl. 27 cm . Contents. I. Bd. Das Kunstgewerbe im Altertum, im Mittelalter und zur Zeit der Renaissance von W. Behncke, O. von Falke, E. Pernice und G. Swarzenski. 1907. viii, 654, [2] p. illus., 78 pi. (partly col.) 2. Bd. Das Kunstgewerbe in Barock, Ro- koko, Louis xvi, Empire und neuester Zeit, im Gebiete des Islams und in Ostasien von E. W. Braun, M. Dreger und J. Folnesics, O. Kiimmel und G. Lehnert. 1909. viii, 896 p. 123 pi. (partly col.) [Maskell, William.] 740.91^37 sans The industrial arts. Historical sketches. Published for the Com- mittee of Council on Education. xiv,276 p. il. 2 pi. D. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, pref. 1876. Preface signed W. M. Pudor, Heinrich, 1865- 1740.9 Pg6 84438 Erzjehung zum Kunstgewerbe. Beitrage zu einer geschicht- lichen, asthetischen und technischen Betrachtung des neuzeit- lichen Kunstgewerbes, von Dr. Heinrich Pudor. Berlin-Steglitz, H. Pudor, 1906. vi, 126 p. 22 pi. 30- Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas James. 740.942 8216 61346 'pj^g ar |- s anc j cra f|;s movement. By T. J. Cobden-Sanderson. Hammersmith, Hammersmith Publishing Society, 1905. 39, [i] p. 2ii em . Vallance, Aymer, 1862- 1709.42 V24 99371 ^ rt j n E n gi anc i during the Elizabethan and Stuart periods, written by Aymer Vallance, with a note on the first century of English engraving by Malcolm C. Salaman. Illustrations after drawings by Wilfrid Ball, . . . , Harry P. Clifford, ... , E. Arthur Rowe and William Twopeny. Edited by Charles Holme. London, New York, [etc.], Offices of the Studio, 1908. x, 120 p. illus., 10 col. pi., 20 pi. I9i cm . "Special spring number of 'the Studio,' 1908." ART AND ART INDUSTRY 405 Velde, Henry van de. 740.9 V"54 91961 Die Renaissance im modernen Kunstgewerbe, von Henry van de Velde. Berlin, B. und P. Cassirer, 1901. 147, [i] p. igh cm - Ward, James. 740.9 W2i 8 Historic ornament. Treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament ..... 2 vol. il. pi. O. London : Chapman & Hall, 1897- Ancient times [Francica, Antonio.] 1,740.938 F84 37848 Oggetti d'arte greca nel secolo III avanti 1'era volgare. [Roma, R. stab. tip. G. de Angelis e figlio, 1885?] 1 6 p. 3 pi. 32i cm . Perrot, Georges, 1832- ^709.3 P42I 90184 Histoire de 1'art dans 1'antiquite . . . , par Georges Perrot . . . et Charles Chipiez, .... Tome premier- [vni]. Paris, Hachette et c ie , 1882-1903. 8 vol. illus. 28 cm . Vol. 8 is by G. Perrot. Bibliographical foot-notes. Contents.- t. I. L'Egypte. 1882. [2], Ixxvi, 879 p. inch plates, xiv pi. (partly col., 2 fold.) t. 2. Chaldee et Assyrie. 1884. [4], 821 p. incl. plates, plans, xv pi. (partly col., partly fold.) t. 3. Phenicie, Cypre. 1885. [4], 921 p. incl. plates, maps. X pi. (9 col.) t. 4. Judee. Sardaigne. Syrie. Cappadoce. 1887. [4], 833, [2] p. incl. plates, vin pi. (partly fold.) t. 5. Perse. Phrygie. Lydie etCarie. Lycie. 1890. [4], 928 p. incl. plates, xn pi. (partly col., partly fold.) t. 6. La Grece primitive, Part mycenien. 1894. [4], 1033 p. incl. plates, plans. XXI pi. (part- ly col., partly fold.) t. 7. La Grece de 1'epopee, la Grece archaique (le temple). 1898. [4], 691 p. incl. plates, plans, x pi. (partly col., partly fold.) i fold. plan. t. 8. La Grece archaique. La sculpture. 1903. xv, 756 p. front, (port.), XIV (i.e. 13) pi. (partly col., I fold.). Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, 1853- 740.932 99301 The arts & crafts of ancient Egypt, by W. M. Flinders Petrie, .... Containing one hundred and forty illustrations. Second edition, with additional chapter. Edinburgh & London, T. N. Foulis, 1910. xv, [i], 165, [i] p. front., illus., 46 pi. 2O cm . {Half-title: The arts and crafts of the nations.) Winckelmann, Johann [Joachim] . ^709.3 W72 The history of ancient art, translated from the German of John Winckelmann, by G. Henry Lodge. 4 vol. in 2. pi. por. sq.F. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1880. "Life of Winckelmann," vol. I, p. 1-104. Only 100 copies printed. 4 o6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Middle Ages The Renaissance Addison, Mrs. Julia De Wolf (Gibbs), 1866- 740.9401 A225 90002 ^ rts anc j cra f ts ; n the Middle Ages. A description of mediaeval workmanship in several of the departments of applied art, together with some account of special artisans in the early renaissance, by Julia De Wolf Addison, .... Illustrated. Boston, L. C. Page & Co., 1908. xix, 378 p. col. front., illus., 39 pi. (partly col.) 2i cm . The frontispiece and colored plates have guard-sheets with descriptive letter-press. "Bibliography," p. 365-367. Arts et metiers. 1,740.944 A792 32462 Les arts et metiers au moyen age. Etude illustree d'apres les ouvrages de M. Paul Lacroix sur le moyen a"ge et la renaissance. [2], 301, [2] p. 181 il. I colored pi. Q. (L'ancienne France.) Paris: Firmin-Didot & c ie , 1889. Labarte, Jules i.e. Charles Jules, 1797-1880. 740.94 LIII 75600 Handbook of the arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, as applied to the decoration of furniture, arms, jewels, &c. &c. Translated from the French of M. Jules Labarte. With notes, &c. copiously illustrated. London, J. Murray, 1855. xxxvi, 443 p. front., illus. 23 cm . Labarte, Jules. 1*740.941*11 18038 Histoire des arts industriels au moyen age et a 1'epoque de la renaissance. Deuxieme edition. 3 vol. il. pi. sq. F. Paris : V e A. Morell & C ie , 1872-1875. Contents: Vol. I. Sculpture. Serrurerie. Orfevrerie. Vol. 2. Orfevrerie. Pein- ture. Ornementation des manuscrits. Peinture sur verre. Mosai'ques. Peinture en matieres textiles. Vol. 3. Emaillerie. Damasquinerie. Art ceramique. Verrerie. Art de 1'armurier. Horlogerie. Mobilier civil et religieux. Lacroix, Paul. 5663 Les arts au moyen age et a 1'epoque de la renaissance. Ouvrage illustre ... par F. Kellerhoven. Deuxieme edition, revue. [2], iv,548 p. 419 il. 19 pi. Q. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C ie , 1869. Rigollot, Marcel Jerome, 1786-1859. 709 R44 1)7708 Histoire des arts du dessin depuis 1'epoque romaine jusqu'a la fin du XVl e siecle par M. Rigollot .... Accompagnee d'un atlas compose de 58 planches .... Paris, Dumoulin ; V e J. Renouard, 1863-1864. 2v. 22 cm . and atlas of 58 pi. 27 cm . Atlas has shelf number L709 R44 ART AND ART INDUSTRY 407 Shaw, Henry, F. S.A. 1,709.48534 The decorative arts, ecclesiastical and civil, of the Middle Ages, 32, [90] p. il. 40 pi. I por. Q. London: W. Pickering, 1851. Germany Brown, Gerard Baldwin, 1849- 740.94 B8i 97234 ^fae arts cra f|- s O f our Teutonic forefathers, being the substance of the Rhind lectures for 1909. By G. Baldwin Brown, ... . Containing twenty-two maps and one hundred and thirty illustra- tions. London & Edinburgh, T. N. Foulis, 1910. xviii, 250 p. front., illus. (incl. maps), xxxn pi. 2O cm . {Half-title: The arts and crafts of the nations.) "Bibliography," p. 232-038]. Falke, Jakob von, 1825-1897. 1,740.943 Fi8 Geschichte des deutschen Kunstgewerbes. Von Jakob von Falke, .... Mit Textillustrationen, Tafeln und Farbendrucken. Ber- lin, G. Grote, 1888. [6], 218, [2] p. 96 illus., 32pl. (partly col., partly fold.) 29 cm . (Added t. -p.: Geschichte der deutschen Kunst, v.) Hess, Wilhelm, 1858- 740.9261 1146 3 .... Johann Georg Nesstfell. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Kunsthandwerkes und der physikalischen Technik des XVIII. Jahrhunderts in den ehemaligen Hochstiften Wurzburg und Bam- berg, von Dr. Wilhelm Hess, .... Mit 14 Abb. im Texte und 13 Lichtdrucktafeln. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Mtin- del), 1908. xvi, 106, [2] p. front, (port.), illus., xn pi. 25i cm . (Studien zur deutschen Kungstgeschichte. 98. Heft. ) "Literaturbehelfe," p. [xij-xvi. Lux, Joseph August, 1872- 740.943 1,97 67548 ) as neue Kunstgewerbe in Deutschland. Von Jos. Aug. Lux. Leipzig, Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1908. v, 250 p. 81 pi. (i fold.) 23i cm . Contents. Vorwort. Der Weckruf des Pan. Die Erneuerung des Kunsthand. werks in England. Die Erneuerung der Ornamentik. Wiens heiliger Friihling. Deutsche Werkstatten. Mtinchen und Dresden. Bruno Paul. Richard Riemerschmid. Hermann Obrist. Bernhard Pankok. Josef M. Olbrich. Peter Behrens. Pau Schulze-Naumburg. Zehn Jahre Kunstunterricht. Die Ausstellungen. Architektur. Die gewerblichen Kiinste im Umkreis der Architektur. Industrie und Kunst. BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Rauecker, Bruno. 33-53 2 v.iog 90198 j-) as Kunstgewerbe in Miinchen, von Bruno Rauecker .... Stutt- gart und Berlin, J. G. Cotta, 1911. x, 162 p. incl. tables. 23i cm . (/ Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, 109. Stuck.) "Beniitzte Literatur," p. [i6i]-i62. Roth, Victor. 1740.9439 R74 73436 .... Geschichte des deutschen Kunstgewerbes in Siebenbiireen o o a von Dr. Victor Roth. Mit 75 Abbildungen auf 33 Lichtdruck- tafeln. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Mundel), 1908. xv, 259, [i] p. xxxni pi. 25i cm . (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte 104. Heft.^ France Migeon, Gaston. A740.7465 Ms8 32694 L'E X p OS ition retrospective de 1'art decoratif frangais (1900). Avec une introduction par M. Emile Molinier. [8],v,4O,4 p. il. 100 pi. 20 colored. F 5 . Paris: Goupil & c ie , [1900]. "II a ete tire de cet ouvrage . . . deux cents exemplaires numerote's. Exemplaire no. 078." Bound in 2 vol. Molinier, Emile i. e. A740.7465 M73i Charles Louis Marie Emile, 1857- Exposition retrospective de 1'art frangais des origines a 1800, par Emile Molinier . . . et Frantz Marcou .... Paris, E. Levy, [1902]. [4], iv, iv, 140 p. illus., 100 pi. 4l cm . {Half-title: Exposition universelle de 1900.) Strange, Thomas Arthur. 1,740.944 8897 97294 .... An historical guide to French interiors, furniture, decora- tion, woodwork & allied arts during the last half of the seventeenth century, the whole of the eighteenth century, and the earlier part of the nineteenth, by Thomas Arthur Strange. London, The author, [1903]. [4], 400 p. illus. 28 cm . At head of title: 400 pages of illustrations. ART AND ART INDUSTRY 409 Other European countries Archief. 740.9492 A673 12448 Archief voor Nederlandsche kunstgeschiedenis. Verzameling van meerendeels onuitgegeven berichten en mededeelingen betreffende Nederlandsche schilders, plaatsnijders, beeldhouwers . . . enz Bijeengebracht door Fr. D. O. Obreen. I.-7- deel. Rotterdam, van Hengel & Eeltjes, [etc.], 1877-1890. 7 vol. pi. 2i cm . No more published. Brussels. Exposition nationale, 1880. 740. 9 683 L'art ancien a 1'Exposition nationale beige. Public sous la direc- tion de M. Camille de Roddaz. Bruxelles, Rozez ; Paris, F. Didot & c ie , 1882. [2], 396 p. front, (col. facsim.), illus., 25 pi. (partly col.), 2 port. 32i cm . Williams, Leonard. 740.946 W67 61691 'pjjg ar j_ s anc j cra fj- s o f older Spain. By Leonard Williams. Vol- ume one [three]. London, Edinburgh, T. N. Foulis, 1907. 3 vol. fronts., illus., 170 pi., 2 port. 2O cm . (Half-title: World of art series.) "Bibliography," vol. 3, p. 261-268. Japan Dick, Stewart. 740.952 054 97241 y^ rts anc j cra f ts of old Japan, by Stewart Dick. With thirty illus- trations. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co.; Edinburgh, T. N. Foulis, 1905. [8], 152, [i] p. front., 28 pi. 2O cm . ( On cover: The world of art series [l].) Japan. Commission imperiale a V Exposition A740.952 J27 universelle de Paris, 1900. Histoire de 1'art du Japon. Ouvrage public par la Commission imperiale du Japon a 1'Exposition universelle de Paris, 1900. xv,277,[3] p. 99 il. 73 pi. 5 colored. F 5 . Paris: M. de Brunoff, pref. 1900. First planned by Kakouzd Okakoura; subsequently modified and completed by Mat ait ci Foukoutci and Yoshio Ki; translated by Emmanuel Tronquois. Kiimmel, Otto. 740.952 Ko/> 7 .... Das Kunstgewerbe in Japan, von Otto Kummel. Mit 168 Textabbildungen und 4 Markentafeln. Berlin, R. C. Schmidt & Co., [etc., etc.], 191 1. vi, [2], 199, [i]p. illus. 22i cm . (BibliothekfurKunst-undAntiquitatensamnv ler. Band 2.) 4 io BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Miinsterberg, Oskar, 1865- 1,709.52 Mg2 77496 Japanische Kunstgeschichte, von Oskar Miinsterberg. i-m. Braunschweig, G. Westermann, [1904-1907]. 3 vol. 28x2i cm . "Verzeichnis der benutzten Biicher und Aufsatze," vol. i, p. [xiii]-xxiv; vol. 3, p. [xxi]-l. Contents. i. Teil. Bildhauerei, Malerei, Ornamentik. [1904.] xxiv, 136 p. 108 illus., xiv pi. (partly col.) 2. Teil. Architektur, Lack, Bronze, Zellenschmelz, Tanz- Masken- Theater-Stoffe. 1905. xvi, 263, I p. 212 illus., xxm pi. (partly col.) 3. Teil. Topferei, Waff en, Holzschnitte, Giirtelhanger, Jnro-Netzke. 1907. Ivi, 392 p. 346 illus., XHI pi. (partly col.) Other parts of the world Griinwedel, Albert. 1,709.54 692 97251 Buddhist art in India. Translated from the 'Handbuch' of Prof. Albert Griinwedel, by Agnes C. Gibson. Revised and enlarged by Jas. Burgess, .... With 154 illustrations. London, B. Quaritch, 1901. vii, [i], 228, [2] p. illus. 26i cm . "Bibliography," p. 215-218. Kumarasvami, Ananda K 1,709.54 Kg6 Tsoeo Mediaeval Sinhalese art. By Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, .... Being a monograph on mediaeval Sinhalese arts and crafts, main- ly as surviving in the eighteenth century, with an account of the structure of society and the status of the craftsmen. [Broad Campden, printed under the care of the author at the Essex House Press, 1908.] xvi, 340, [2] p. 153 illus., Lin (i.e. 55) pi. (partly col.) 36i cm . "Four hundred and twenty-five copies printed .... Of twenty-five copies on hand- made paper this is no. 17." Miinsterberg, Oskar. 1,740.952 M92 45889 Bayern und Asien im XVI., XVII. und XVIII. Jahrhundert, von Oskar Miinsterberg. Mit 2 Heliograviiren und 28 Text-Illustra- tionen Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1895. 30 p. front., 28 illus., 2 pi. 3oi cm . (Half-title: Ostasiatisches Kunstgewerbe in seinen Beziehungen zu Europa.) "Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift des Munchener Alterthums-Vereins. Neue Folge. vi. Jahrgang, 1894." Pre*textat-Lecomte, 740.95 ?92 34 Les arts et metiers de la Turquie et de 1'Orient, par Pretextat Le- comte. Paris, Societe d'editions scientifiques, 1902. [4], 364 p. incl. illus., i pi. i8 cm . GARDENING 411 710-9 HISTORY OF GARDENING Berlepsch-Valendas, Hans Eduard von, 1852- 309.42 R200 v.3 i031 Die Gartenstadtbewegung in England, ihre Entwicklung und ihr jetziger Stand, von Architekt Berlepsch-Valendas, .... Mit 10 Textabbildungen und 19 Tafeln. Munchen und Berlin, R. Olden- bourg, 1912. [2], xii, [4], 190 p. incl. illus. tables. 16 pi., 3 fold, plans. 22 cm . {In Die Kultur des modernen England in Einzeldarstellungen, 3. Band.) "Literatur," p. [Cecil], Hon. Alicia [Margaret (TyssenJ-Amherst), L7I0.942 C32 9081 "Hon. Mrs. Evelyn Cecil." A history of gardening in England. By the Hon. Alicia Am- herst. London, B. Quaritch, 1895. xvi, 398 p. illus. 25i cm . "Bibliography of works on English gardening," p. [323] 379. Eliot, Charles William, 1834- 710.9226 42 99321 Charles Eliot, landscape architect, a lover of nature and of his kind, who trained himself for a new profession, practised it hap- pily and through it wrought much good. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1902. xxiv, [2], 770, [l] p. illus., 33 pi. (partly fold., incl. plans), 3 port. (incl. front.) 4 maps (3 fold., 2 in pocket), 17 plans (partly fold.), I facsim. 23 cm . Copyrighted, Charles W. Eliot. Some of the plates have illustrations on both sides. "A list of books on landscape gardening," p. 221-223. Fouquier, Marcel. A7I0.94 F82 80775 De Fart des jardins du XV e au XX e siecle, par Marcel Fouquier. Paris, E. Paul, 1911. x, [2], 254, [3] p. front., illus., 40 pi. (i col., incl. plans), 3 port, on 2 pi. 39-ix29-i cm . Some of the plates have guard sheets with descriptive letter-press. Gothein, Marie Luise. 1710.9 671 9 .... Geschichte der Gartenkunst. Erster- [zweiter] Band. Herausgeg. mit Unterstutzung der Koniglichen Akademie des Bauwesens in Berlin. Jena, E. Diederichs, 1914. 2 vol. illus. 28 cm . At head of title : Marie Luise Gothein. [Bibliographische] "Anmerkungen," vol. I, p. [4ii]~436; vol. 2, p. 465-477; "Verzeichnis der Abbildungen [und deren Quellen]," vol. I, p. [437] 443; vol. 2, p. [478]-483. Contents. I. Bd. Von Agypten bis zur Renaissance in Italien, Spanien und Portu- gal. vii, 446, [2] p. 2 fold, plans. 2. Bd. Von der Renaissance in Frankreich bis zur Gegenwart. Mit Tafeln und Illustrationen. [2], 505, [3] p. i fold. plan. 412 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Grisebach, August. 1710.9 G88 ' Der Garten; eine Geschichte seiner klinstlerischen Gestaltung, von August Grisebach. Leipzig, Klinkhardt & Biermann, [1910]. vii, [i], 125, [i] p. 88 pi. (incl. plans.) 28^. "Literaturverzeichnis," p. 121-123. Hampel, Carl. 710.2 Hi8 33145 Die deutsche Gartenkunst, ihre Entstehung und Einrichtung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ausfiihrungsarbeiten und einer Geschichte der Garten bei den verschiedenen Volkern. Bearbeitet fiir Gartner, Gartenbauschulen und Freunde der schonen Garten- kunst. vii, 301 p. 34 il. O. Leipzig: H. Voigt, 1902. Hazlitt, William Carew. 016.71 1133 Gleanings in old garden literature. vii,263 p. D. [Book-lover's library.] New York: G. J. Coombes, 1887. Hofmann, Kurt, 1887- 330-53 18 ser.3v3 108447 ... Die Entwickelung der Gartnerei, unter besonderer Berucksich- tigung der Verhaltnisse in Dresden. Von Dr. phil. Kurt Hof- mann. Leipzig, Veit & Co., 1913. [2], viii, 87, 30 p. incl. tables, diagrs. 24 cm . (/ Volkswirtschaftliche und wirt- schaftsgeschichtliche Abhandlungen. in. Folge, Heft 3.) Published also as the author's inaugural dissertation, Leipzig, 1912. "Literatur," p. [vii] -viii. Mangin, Arthur, 1824-1887. 1,710.9 M32 * 4353 Histoire des jardins anciens et modernes, par Arthur Mangin. Dessins par Anastasi, Daubigny, V. Foulquier, Frangais, W. Free- man, H. Giacomelli, Lancelot. Tours, A. Mame et fils, 1888. 400 p. incl. front., illus. 29^ cm . Migge, Leberecht. 710.2 .... Die Gartenkultur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mit 74 Illustra- 96679 tionen und 23 Tafeln. Jena, E. Diederich, 1913. [2], iii, [i], 161, [14] p. incl. 74 illus., plans, tables. 23 pi. 2li cm . At head of title: Leberecht Migge. Ranck, Chr 710.9 Ri5 .... Geschichte der Gartenkunst, von Chr. Ranck .... Mit 41 Abbildungen im Text. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1909. [4], ioo p. illus. i8i cm . (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt. 274. Bandchen.) "Literatur," p. [99]. Tuckermann, W. P. 1,710.945 1317 Die Gartenkunst der italienischen Renaissance-Zeit. xv,i87 p. 47 il. 21 pi. Q. Berlin: P. Parey, 1884. CARVING AND SCULPTURE 413 Vacherot, Jules. 1,710.944 Vi3 ' Les pares et jardins au commencement du xx e siecle, ecole fran- gaise (Barillet-Deschamps), par Jules Vacherot ... . Avec nombreux plans, photographies et figures dans le texte et hors texte. Paris, O. Doin; Librairie agricole, 1908. [6], v, 475 p. 504 illus. 28 cm . 730.9 HISTORY OF CARVING AND SCULPTURE Babelon, Ernest Charles Francois, 1854- 1,736 Bu 80008 .... Histoire de la gravure sur gemmes en France depuis les origines jusqu'a 1'epoque contemporaine ; ouvrage illustre de gra- vures dans le texte et accompagne de xxil planches en photo- typie. Paris, Societe de propagation des livres d'art, 1902. [iii]-xx, 262, [2] p. 55 illus., xxil pi. 29i cm . At head of title : Ernest Babelon. Brockhaus, Albert, 1855- 1736678 99332 ^ ^ Netsuke. Versuch einer Geschichte der japanischen Schnitz- kunst. Von Albert Brockhaus. Mit 272 schwarzen und 53 bunten Abbildungen. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1905. xiv, 482 p. illus., 53 col. pi. 29-J cm . The plates are accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. Cellini, Benvenuto. 740.9215 C33 Vita di Benvenuto Cellini scritta da lui medesimo. Tratta dall' autografo per cura di Giuseppe Molini con brevi annotazioni. viii,562 p. nar. S. Firenze 1830. Cellini, Benvenuto, 1500-1571. 740.9215 C333 1 Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. London, G. Newnes, ltd. ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1904. viii, 571 p. front, (port.) i7 cm . Added t.-p. illus. Cellini, Benvenuto, 1 500-1 571. 740.9215 332 The life of Benvenuto Cellini. Newly translated into English, by John Addington Symonds. Fifth edition. With mezzotint por- trait, and sixteen reproductions of Cellini's works. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1903. liv, [2], 464 p. 9 pi. (incl. front.) 2i4 cm . 4 i4 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Cellini, Benvenuto, 1 500- 1571. 740.9215 6334 74936 Leben des Benvenuto Cellini, florentinischen Goldschmieds und Bildhauers, von ihm selbst geschrieben. Ubersetzt und mit einem Anhange herausgegeben von Goethe. I. - [zweyter] Theil. Tubingen, J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1803. 2 vol. in 1 . 2O cm . Cust, Anna Maria Elizabeth. 736.44 96 93153 -pj ie j vorv W orkers of the Middle Ages, by A. M. Cust. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1902. xix, 169, [i] p. incl. front., illus. I9i cm . {Half-title: Handbooks of the great craftsmen.) "Bibliography," p. xvii-xix. "List of diptychs from Molinier," p. 157-163. "List of museums . . . richest in mediaeval ivory carving," p. 165-166. Demay, Germain. L736 039 86119 La paleographie des sceaux. [2], 73 p. il. Q. Paris: Impri- merie nationale, 1881. Ferrari, Giulio, 1858- 1^736.98 F4i 7 .... II legno nell'arte italiana. Riproduzioni in parte inedite di saggi dal periodo romanico al neo-classico. Duecentosettantasette tavoli con 45 I illustrazioni, raccolte e ordinate con testo esplica- tivo da Giulio Ferrari, .... Milano, U. Hoepli, [1910]. 24, [6] p. 277 pi. 3oi cm . (Collezione artistica Hoepli.) Furtwangler, Adolf. 1,736 F98 ! Die antiken Gemmen. Geschichte der Steinschneidekunst im klassischen Altertum. 3 vol. in case. il. pi. sq. F. Leipzig: Giesecke & Devrient, 1900. Contents: Vol. I. Tafeln in Heliogravure, xvi p. 67 pi. Vol. 2. Beschreibung und Erklarung der Tafeln. [6], 330 p. il. Vol. 3. Geschichte der Steinschneidekunst im klassischen Altertum. xiii, [23,464 p. 237 il. 3 pi. Hasak, [Max], 1856- ^730. 943 H27 45688 Geschichte der deutschen Bildhauerkunst im xill. Jahrhundert, von Hasak. Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 1899. xiv, 152 p. illus., 38 pi. (partly col., i fold.) 39i cm . Leasing, Julius, 1843- , ed. A736.98 46071 Holzschnitzereien desfuenfzehnten und sechszehnten Jahrhunderts im Kunstgewerbe-Museum zu Berlin, herausgegeben von Julius Lessing. Berlin, E. Wasmuth, 1882. [10] p. 48 pi. 47 cm . NUMISMATICS 415 Malim, Margaret F 1,736.98 M2Q 3 Old English wood-carving patterns from oak furniture of the Jacobean period. A series of examples, selected & drawn in fac- simile from rubbings, for the use of teachers, students, and classes. By Margaret F. Malim. Comprising 30 examples on 20 plates. London, B. T. Batsford ; New York, J. Lane Co., 1906. [4], 4 p. XX (i.e. 17) pi. (partly fold.) 38J cm . Maskell, William. 736 M37 Ivories, ancient and mediaeval. viii,i24 p. 35 il. O. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, pref. 1875. Newberry, Percy Edward. 1736.84 N42 99346 .... Scarabs ; an introduction to the study of Egyptian seals and signet rings, with forty-four plates and one hundred and six- teen illustrations in the text, by Percy E. Newberry, .... Lon- don, A. Constable and Co., 1906. xvi, 218 p. illus., XLIV pi. (incl. col. front.) 26 cm . (University of Liverpool. Institute of Archaeology. Egyptian antiquities.) Plon, Eugene. 1740.9215 Pj2 4 " Benvenuto Cellini, orfevre, medailleur, sculpteur. Recherches sur sa vie, sur son ceuvre et sur les pieces qui lui sont attributes. Eaux-fortes de Paul Le Rat. [6] ,414 p. il. 78 pi. 3 por. I facsim. sq. F 4 . Paris: E. Plon & c ie , 1883. Scherer, Christian. 736.44 8326 ! Elfenbeinplastik seit der Renaissance, von Christian Scherer. Mit 124 Abbildungen und einer Tafel. Leipzig, H. Seemann Nachfolger, [1902]. [4]. T 43> [Op- 1 24 illus. , i pi. 26 cm . (MonographiendesKunstgewerbes. vin.) Ward, John, 1832- 736.84 W2i The sacred beetle : a popular treatise on Egyptian scarabs in art and history. By John Ward, .... Five hundred examples of scarabs and cylinders, the translations by F. Llewellyn Griffith, .... London,). Murray, 1902. xviii, 122 p. front., illus., 16 pi. 22 cm . 737 History of numismatics Congres international d'histoire compare'e, 1/906 Q300 v.6 6662o 7-, Rome, 1903. .... Numismatica. Roma, Tip. della R. Accademia dei lincei, 1904. xx, 259, [2] p. illus., 5 pi., i map, I fold, facsim. 25^ cm . (In Atti del Con- gresso internazionale di scienze storiche, volume vi.) 4 i6 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Friedensburg, Ferdinand, 1858- 737 F 9 J 71977 Die Munze in der Kulturgeschichte. Von Ferdinand Friedens- burg, .... Berlin, Wiedmannsche Buchhandlung, 1909. viii, 241, [i] p. 86illus. 2i cm . Loon, Gerard van, 1683-1758. A737 L87 67445 H e dendaagsche penningkunde, zynde eene verhandeling van den oorspronk van't geld, de opkomft en't onderfcheyd der gedenk penningen ; den aardt en de rekenwyze der legpenningen ; de wyze van't fyfferen der ouden, den oorfpronk der syfferletteren, tover- penningen en noodmunten. Midsgaders van de vafte grondregelen die in't ontwerpen, vergaderen, fchikken en behandelen der pen- ningen moeten vvorden inachtgenomen. Door Mr. Gerard van Loon. s'Gravenhage, P. van Thol, 1734. [12], 389, [27] p. illus. 4oi cm . Luschin von Ebengreuth, Arnold, 1841- Lgo2 i v.5 90101 Allgemeine Munzkunde und Geldgeschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. Von Dr. A. Luschin von Ebengreuth, .... Mit 107 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Munchen und Berlin, R. Oldenbourg", 1904. xvi, 286, [2] p. illus. 25 cm . (/ Handbuch der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte. Abteilung v.) Bibliographical notes. Macdonald, George, 1862- 737 ^14 102450 oin types, their origin and development ; being the Rhind lectures for 1904, by George Macdonald .... Glasgow, J. Maclehose and Sons, 1905. x, 275 p. 20 figures (incl. 3 pi.), X pi. 24 cm . Each plate accompanied by guard-sheet with descriptive letter-press. "These lectures, delivered on the invitation of the council of the Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland, were addressed to a general audience." Pref. [Praun, Georg Septimus Andreas von], 1701-1786. 332.494 Fi 64420 Griindliche Nachricht von dem Miinzwesen insgemein, insbeson- dere aber von dem teutschen Miinzwesen iilterer und neuerer Zei- ten. Und dann auch von dem franzosischen, spanischen, nieder- landschen, englischen und danischen Miinzwesen. Zweyte und vermehrte Auflage. Helmstadt, C. F. Weygand, 1741. [32], 476, [4] p. 2oixioi cra . Published anonymously. "Verzeichniss der vornehmsten von dem Miinzwesen handelnden Autorum," p. 461-476. Prime, William Cowper. 737 Pg3 neeo c j nS) medals, and seals, ancient and modern With a sketch of the history of coins and coinage, instructions for young collectors, tables of comparative rarity, price lists of English and American coins, medals and tokens, &c., &c. 291, [i] p. il. I pi. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1861. NUMISMATICS 417 Ancient times Banduri, Anselmo. 1-737 B22 3 Numismata imperatorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palaeo- logos Augustos. Accessit Bibliotheca nummaria, sive Auctorum qui de re nummaria scripserunt. 2 vol. il. pi. F 4 . Lutetian Parisiorum: sumptibus Montalant, 1718. Cardwell, Edward, 1787-1861. 737 17 99335 L ec t ures on the coinage of the Greeks and Romans; delivered in the University of Oxford by Edward Cardwell .... Oxford, Printed by S. Collingwood for J. Murray, London, 1832. xvi, 238 p. 2ii cm . "Bibliography," p. xi-xii. De Tabley, John Byrne Leicester Warren, 737 D48 3d baron, 1835-1895. An essay on Greek federal coinage. By the Hon. J. Leicester Warren, .... London and Cambridge, Macmillan and Co., 1863. 62 p. 23 cm . Fellows, Sir Charles, 1799-1860. 1,737 F 33 4i82i c i ns O f ancient Lycia before the reign of Alexander. With an essay on the relative dates of the Lycian monuments in the Brit- ish Museum. By Sir Charles Fellows. London, J. Murray, 1855. [2], 20 p. 20 pi., 3 maps, (partly fold. incl. front.) I table. 29 cm . Hill, George Francis, 1867- 1*737 ^55 53493 Coins of ancient Sicily, by G. F. Hill, .... With sixteen collo- type plates of coins, eighty illustrations in the text, and a map. Westminster, A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1903. xv, 256 p. front., 80 illus., xv pi., i map. 26 cm . "Select bibliography," p. [23i]-236. Hill, George Francis, 1867- 737 3 Historical Roman coins from the earliest times to the reign of Augustus described by G. F. Hill With fifteen plates. London, Constable & Co., ltd., 1909. xvii, 191 p. xv pi. 23 cm . Humphreys, Henry Noel. 737 H88 ms Ancient coins and medals : an historical sketch of the origin and progress of coining money in Greece and her colonies : its pro- gress with the extension of the Roman Empire ; and its decline with the fall of that power. [2],iv,2o8 p. il. I pi. 10 pi. of fac- sim. O. London: Grant & Griffith, 1850. 4 i8 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Lenormant, Francois i.e. Charles Francois, 33 2 -493 N700 89538 1837-1883. La monnaie dans 1'antiquite. Legons professees dans la chaire d'archeologie pres la Bibliotheque nationale en 1875-1877, par Francois Lenormant. Tome premier- [ill]. Paris, A. Levy, [etc.], 1878-1879. 3 vol. 23 cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Madden, Frederic William. 1,737 M26 16770 History of Jewish coinage, and of money in the Old and New Testament. With woodcuts and a plate of alphabets by F. W. Fairholt. xii,xi,35O p. 254 il. I pi. Q. London: B. Quaritch, 1864. Samwer, Karl Friedrich Lucian, 1819-1882. 33 2 -4937 0300 644oo G esc hi c hte des alteren romischen Miinzwesens bis circa 200 vor Christi (554 der Stadt). Aus den hinterlassenen Papieren des Geheimeraths Dr. Karl Samwer, herausgegeben von M. Bahrfeldt, ... . Mit vier Lichtdrucktafeln und einer Karte. Wien, K. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei ; Berlin, W. H. Kiihl, 1883. 215 p. incl. illus., tables (partly fold.) 4 pi., i fold. map. 23i cm . Vaillant, Jean [Foy-]. 1/737 VIQI 4 Numismata imperatorum Romanorum praestantiora a Julio Caesare ad postumum usque . . . Editio prima Romana plurimis raris- simis nummis aucta. Cui accessit appendix a postumo ad Con- stantinum Magnum. 3 vol. il. Q. Romae : sumtibus C. Barbiel- lini, 1743. Vaillant, Jean [Foy-] . 1,737 19 19332 N umm i antiqui familiarum romanarum perpetuis interpretationibus illustrati. 2 vol. pi. F. Amstelaedami : G. Gallet, 1703. [Vettori, Francesco.] 1737 64 86184 II fiorino d'oro antico illustrate, discorso di un accademico etrusco .... xxviii,54O p. il. i pi. Q. Firenze 1738. Published anonymously. Walsh, Robert, 1772-1852. 737 Wi6 437i ^ n essav on ancient coins, medals, and gems, as illustrating the progress of Christianity in the early ages. By the Rev. R. Walsh, .... Second edition greatly enlarged. London, Howell anc Stewart, 1828. viii, 140, [4] p. front., 38 pi. i8ixu cm . NUMISMATICS 419 Great Britain and Ireland Boyne, William, 1853-1893. 7376711 9913 Trade tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England, Wales, and Ireland, by corporations, merchants, tradesmen, etc. A new and revised edition of William Boyne's work, by George C. Wil- liamson, .... With the assistance of some of the principal col- lectors of tokens in the United Kingdom as editors of their respec- tive counties. Illustrated by numerous plates and woodcuts, and containing notes of family, heraldic, and topographical interest respecting the various issuers of the tokens. Vol. I-[ll]. Lon- don, E. Stock, 1889-1891. 2 vol. illus., 22 pi. (i fold.) 23 cm . Paged continuously. "This work is issued in two volumes by subscription, and the edition is limited to two hundred and fifty copies only of this size, of which this copy is no. 1 1 extra." Burn, Jacob Henry. 737 693 3436 A descriptive catalogue of the London traders, tavern, and coffee- house tokens current in the seventeenth century ; presented to the Corporation Library by Henry Benjamin Hanbury Beaufoy. Sec- ond edition, xcv.28/ p. il. 2 pi. 2 por. O. London: Corpora- tion of the City of London, 1855. Montagu, Hyman. ^737 M76 17525 The copper, tin and bronze coinage and patterns for coins of England, from the reign of Elizabeth to that of her present Majesty. xvi,9i p. il. Q. London: Rollin & Feuardent, 1885. Robertson, John Drummond. 737 R$4 A handbook to the coinage of Scotland, giving a description of every variety issued by the Scottish mint in gold, silver, billon, and copper, from Alexander I. to Anne, with an introductory chapter on the implements and processes employed. xxvii, [2], 146 p. 27 il. i pi. sm. Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1878. Thorburn, William Stewart. 737 1391 1.9559 j^ gujde to t i le history and valuation of the coins of Great Britain and Ireland, in gold, silver, and copper, from the earliest period to the present time. Third edition. Revised and enlarged by Herbert A. Grueber. ix,268 p. 41 pi. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1898. 420 Thorburn, William Stewart. 737 1392 56421 ^ guide to the history and valuation of the coins of Great Britain and Ireland, in gold, silver, and copper, from the earliest period to the present time. By the late Lieut. -Col. WV Stewart Thor- burn. Fourth edition. Revised and enlarged by Herbert A. Grueber, .... Illustrated with forty-two plates. London, L. U. Gill; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1905. ix, [4], 283 p. front., XL (i.e. 41) pi. l8i cm . Germany and Switzerland Berstett, Adrian i.e. Karl Reinhard Adrian, 1737 646 67779 Frei/ierrvon, 1814-1876. Munzgeschichte des Zahringen-Badischen Furstenhauses und der unter seinem Scepter vereinigten Stadte und Landschaften, von A. Freiherrn von Berstett. Mit Abbildungen. Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder' sche Verlagshandlung, 1846. viii, 278 p. XLIX pi. (I fold.), I map, I fold, table, i diagr. 28x22i cm . Coraggioni, Leodegar, 1*737 84765 Munzgeschichte der Schweiz von Leodegar Coraggioni, ... . Mit fiinfzig Lichtdrucktafeln von Brunner & Hauser in Zurich. Genf , P. Stroehlin & c ie , 1 896. xi, 184, [2] p. incl. L tables. L pi. 3iix24 cm . "Verzeichnis der benutzten Quellen und Werke," p. [iSSJ-'S?- Hauser, Josef. 737 H2Q 58578 Die Munzen und Medaillen der im Jahre 1 1 56 gegrundeten (seit 1255) Haupt- und Residenzstadt Miinchen mit Einreihung jener Stucke, welche hierauf Bezug haben. Systematisch geordnet, zum Teil neu beschrieben, mit biographisch-historischen Notizen und 42 Lichtdrucktafeln versehen von Josef Hauser. Munchen, J. Hauser, 1905. xxxii, 318 p. xxxxn pi. 25 cm . France Barre, Albert. 1,740.92 627 26544 Q raveurs generaux et particuliers des monnaies de France. Con- troleurs generaux des effigies. Noms de quelques graveurs en medailles de la renaissance franchise ..... 35 p. I por. sq.Q. Paris 1867. Reprinted from the Annuaire de la Societe fratifaise de numismatiqtte et cT archeo~ rfe, 1866-1867. NUMISMATICS 421 Blanchet, Adrien i.e. Jules Adrien, 1 866- 1737 659 99333 j ra i te - des monnaies gauloises, par Adrien Blanchet, .... Paris, E. Leroux, 1905. 2 vol. in I. illus., IV pi. (incl. I fold. map). 2Si cm . Paged continuously. Fillon, Benjamin. 740-937 F48 } Memoire sur une decouverte de monnaies, de bijoux et d'ustensiles des ll e et lll e siecles faite en Vendee. 68 p. il. I pi. O. Napoleon- Vendee : J. Sory, 1857. Only 60 copies printed. Bound with : Fillon, B. Rapport presente a la Societe arche'ologique de Nantes. 1856. Mazerolle, Fernand, 1868- 1,740.92 M45 39925 Les medailleurs frangais du XV e siecle au milieu du XVil e , par F. Mazerolle ... . Tome premier [second]. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1902. 2 vol. 28ix23 cm . (Half-title : Collection de documents inedits sur 1'histoire de France, publics par les soins du Ministere de 1'instruction publique.) "Bibliographic des principaux ouvrages cites," vol. i, p. [clxxi] clxxviii. Contents. t. i. Introduction et documents. [4], clxxviii, [2], 630 p. t. 2. Cata- iogue des medailles et des jetons. [4], 267 p. Holland Beschrijving. L737 6465 * Beschrijving van nederlandsche historie-penningen, ten verfolge op het werk van Mr. Gerard van Loon Eerste tiende stuk. I73i-[i8o6]. Amsterdam, i82i-[i869]. 10 vol. in 2. 39d cm . Contents. [vol. i.] Uitgegeven door de tweede klaase van het Koninklijk-Neder- landsche instituut van wetenschappen, letterkunde en schoone kunsten. Eerste - vijfde stuk. 1731-1766. Amsterdam, Pieper & Ipenbuur, 1821-1848. I. stuk: [4], 70, [8] p. vi pi.; 2. stuk: [2], viii, [7i]-i32, [8] p. vn-xivpl.; 3. stuk: [4], [133]- 212, [12] p. xv-xxn pi.; 4. stuk: [2], vi, [2I3J-358, [14] p. xxm-xxix pi.; 5. stuk: [6], [359]-456, [8] p. xxx-xxxvi pi. [vol.2.] Uitgegeven door de Ko- ninklijke akademie van wetenschappen (afdeeling letterkunde). Zesde - tiende stuk. 1766-1806. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1861-1869. 6. stuk: [4], vi, 77, [2] p. xxxvii- XLIV pi,; 7. stuk.: [2, 79J-I4O p. XLV-LI pi.; 8 stuk: [2, I4i]-25i p. Lii-LXpl.; 9. stuk: [2, 253]-377 p. LXI-LXXII pi; 10. stuk: [2, 379]~536, xviii, [2],livp. LXXII-LXXXVIII pi. 422 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Bizot, Pierre, 1630-1696. 737 655 95742 Medalische historic der republyk van Holland. In't Franfch be- fchreeven door den Heer Bizot, en uit die taal in't Nederduitfch gebracht, en wel twee der den vermeerderd ; nevens alle de me- dalien der overtocht van Zyn Hoogheid na Engeland, des zelfs krooning, enz tot nu toe in gevoegfaame ordre getteld met een byvoegfel van de Grafsteden ter eere der dappere helden opge- recht. Amsterdam, P. Mortier, 1690. [8], 36, 364 (i.e. 558), 40, [16] p. illus., 135 pi. (2 fold.), 2 port. 24xi8i cm . Added t.-p. engr. Nahuys, Maurin Theodore Corneille Florent Napole*on, 1737 Ni4 92423 comte, 1832- Histoire numismatique du royaume de Hollande sous le regne de S. M. Louis-Napoleon, ... ; ou, Recit detaille des evenemens [ !] historiques de cette epoque, dont le souvenir est rappele par des medailles, monnaies, decorations, etc., avec documents et planches, par Maurin-Theodore-Corneille-Florent-Napoleon comte Nahuys, .... Amsterdam, F. Muller, [etc., etc.], 1858. xvi, 200, [2] p. front., 91 illus. on xin pi. (2 fold.) 29x22i cm . For supplement see Histoire numismatique de la Hollande, pendant la reunion a 1' Em- pire franfais . . . , which has shelf number L737 N141 Nahuys, Maurin Theodore Corneille Florent Napoleon, 1,737 92484 comte, 1832- Histoire numismatique de la Hollande, pendant la reunion a 1'Em- pire frangais; ou, Recit detaille des evenements historiques de cette epoque, dont le souvenir est rappele par des medailles, mon- naies, decorations, etc. avec documents et planches, par Maurin- Theodore-Corneille-Florent-Napoleon comte Nahuys, . . . precede d'un Supplement a 1'Histoire numismatique du royaume de Hol- lande sous le regne de S. M. Louis-Napoleon. Du me'me auteur. Utrecht, L. E. Bosch & zoon, 1863. xii, 224 p. front., illus., XV pi. 3 icoS. [2], 36 p. Rosenberg, Marc, 1852- L739 R726 830H j} er Goidschmiede Merkzeichen von Marc Rosenberg. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Mit einem Anhang liber byzantinische Stem- pel. Frankfurt am Main, H. Keller, 1911. xix, [2], 1186 p. illus. 25i cm . GOLDSMITHING AND JEWELRY 425 Rosenberg, Marc, 1852- 739 R728 0:247 Marc Rosenberg's Sammlung zur Geschichte der Goldschmiede- kunst Bearbeitet von Dr. Hermann Flamm. Frankfurt a. M., H. Keller, 1912-. No. i-. 2g cm . Rosenberg, Marc, 1852- 1*739 R?27 * 7424 .... Studien liber Goldschmiedekunst in der Sammlung Figdor. Von Marc Rosenberg. Wien, Artaria & Co., 191 1. [2], 77 p. 147 illus., II col. pi. (incl. front.) 35 cm . At head of title : Separatabdruck aus "Kunst und Kunsthandwerk" Jahrgang xiv. Streeter, Edwin William. 553-8 0401 87525 p rec j ous stones and gems, their history and distinguishing charac- teristics. By Edwin W. Streeter, .... Illustrated. Fourth edi- tion, revised and partly re-written. London, G. Bell & Sons, 1884. xvi, [i7]~347 p. col. front., 6 pi. (partly col.) 22 cm . Germany Frankenburger, Max. 1*739 F^S 88501 Die Alt-Munchner Goldschmiede und ihre Kunst, von Max Frankenburger. Mit 132 Abbildungen. Munchen, F. Bruck- mann A.-G., [1912]. xv, 543 p. incl. illus., plates. 25-i cm . "Biographische Notizen," p. 259-425. Gerstner, Paul. 338.457 Q8oo ' 3376 Die Entwicklung der Pforzheimer Bijouterie-Industrie von 1767- 1907. Von Paul Gerstner, .... Tubingen, W. Kloeres, 1908. xii, 284, [2], II p. 33 tables (partly fold.) 24i cm . "Literatur-Verzeichnis," p. [xi]-xii. Kolberg, Joseph, 1859- 1*739 ^83 89 Ermlandische Goldschmiede. Von Joseph Kolberg, .... Brauns- berg, C. Skowronski, 1907. 212, [2], xii p. i pi. 25-i cm . Olsen, Bernhard. 1*739 ^52 45476 Die Arbeiten der hamburgischen Goldschmiede Jacob Mores, Vater und Sohn, fur die danischen Konige Frederik II. und Christian IV. von Bernhard Olsen .... Hamburg, Verlagsan- stalt und Druckerei Aktien-Gesellschaft, 1903. 40 p. 35 illus. 32.ix25 cm . 426 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Schirek, Carl. 1^739 8337 40083 -QJ G p unz ierung in Mahren. Gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Goldschmiedekunst, von Carl Schirek. Mit 12 Abbildungen und 70 Marken. Brlinn, im Verlage des Vcrfassers, 1902. [4], 169, [6] p. illus. 35 cm . Prance Bouchot, Henri [Francois Xavier Marie], 1849- ,ed. A739 B66 37783 Cent modeles inedits de 1'orfevrerie frangaise des XVll e & XVIII 6 siecles executes par les orfevres-sculpteurs royaux, Nicolas de Launay, J. -Jacques Roettiers, Thomas Germain, Frangois-Thomas- Germain et reproduits d'apres les dessins originaux de la Biblio- theque nationale. Preface et catalogue par Henri Bouchot .... Paris, E. Rouveyre, [1888]. [8] p. 60 pi. 45"". Chassaing, Augustin. 739 038 3 Notes sur 1'orfevrerie du Puy au moyen-age et a la renaissance et prix-fait passe, en 1458, entre Jean de Bourbon, evque du Puy, et deux orfevres du Puy, pour la fagon d'une statue de Saint Pierre, en argent dore. 20 p. O. Le Puy 1874. Reprinted from the Annales de la Socii'te academique du Puy, vol. 31. Guiffrey, Jules Joseph, editor. 1*739 &94 25537 L CS or f vres de Paris e n 1700. Proces verbaux de visites et declarations faites en execution de 1'edit du mois de mars 1700. 30 p. Q. Paris: Detaille, 1879. Reprinted from the Bulletin tie /' Union centrale des beaux-arts appliques a f Indus- trie, 1878. Lacroix, Paul, 1806-1884. 1739 Lus 9 .... Histoire de I'orfevrerie-joaillerie et des anciennes commu- nautes et confreries d'orfevres-joailliers de la France et de la Bel- gique, par M. Paul Lacroix (bibliophile Jacob). ... , et M. Fer- dinand Sere Paris, Librairie historique, archeologique et scientifique de Sere, 1850. [10], 216, [2] p. incl. illus., tables. 14 pi. (i col.), 2 port. 27 cm . {Added t.-p.: Le livre d'or des metiers.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Added t.-p. engr. Prost, Bernard. 739 ?94 ' Presents d'orfevrerie offerts aux rois et reines de France et aux souverains etrangers a 1'occasion de leur entree a Paris. (1424 1 S&3-) 9'C 1 ] P- O. Nogent-le-Rotrou [1891]. Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Societe de rhistoire de Paris et de r Ile-de-Franct. vol. 1 8, 1891. 'No title-page. SILVER PLATE 427 Vinsac, Claude Dominique, b. 1 749. 1*739 ^78 1 Ancienne orfevrerie L. XVI. Recueil de dessins d'orfevrerie a 1'usage des marchands et fabricans orfevres, contenant tout ce qui a rapport au service de la table. Dessine et grave par Vinsac. 40 planches reproduisant 54 objets d'orfevrerie usuelle. Paris, A. Foulard, 1903. [4] p. 40 pi. 36 cm . "Tire a 150 exemplaires. N. 31." 739 Silver plate Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. ^739 665 82266 A mer i can church silver of the seventeenth and eighteenth centu- ries, with a few pieces of domestic plate, exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts, July to December 1911. Boston, 1911. xxv, [2], 163 p. 38 pi. incl. facsims. 26 cm . Each plate has guard-sheet with catalogue numbers of pieces shown. "American silversmiths," p. [i27J-i6i. Buck, John Henry. 736 6851 99359 Qj^ pi a t e) its makers & marks, by J. H. Buck, with numerous illustrations. New & enlarged edition. New York, The Gorham Manufacturing Company, 1903. 327 p. front., illus., 12 pi. 25 cm . Most of the plates have illustrations on both sides. "Bibliography," p. 11-12. Caldicott, J W 1739 Ci2 99331 ^e va i u e s of old English silver and Sheffield plate, from the xvth to the XlXth centuries. By J. W. Caldicott. Edited by J. Starkie Gardner, .... London and Derby, Bemrose & Sons, 1906. [ioj, 293, [i] p. illus., LXXXVII pi. 3iix25 cm . Cripps, Wilfred Joseph, 1841- 1*736 C86 7 Old English plate. Ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic : its makers and marks. By Wilfred Joseph Cripps, C.B., F. S. A. ... Library edition. With 123 illustrations, and upwards of 2,600 facsimiles of plate marks. London, J. Murray, 1901. xx, 519 p. 122 illus., 13 pi. incl. front. 26i cm . "In response to the suggestions ... of several plate collectors, the present edition has been prepared, containing illustrations of certain remarkable and historical pieces of plate . . . The text is the same as that of the sixth edition with a few verbal corrections." Pref. 428 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Curtis, George Munson, 1857- 739 CQ4 Early silver of Connecticut and its makers. By George Munson 94868 c ur ti s . Meriden, Conn., International Silver Co., 19 13. 115, [2] p. illus., xxxiii (i.e. 23) pi. (incl. 2 ports.) 2ii cm . Most of the plates have illustrations on both sides. Jones, E Alfred. 1*739 J7 1 78803 The old plate of the Cambridge Colleges, by E. Alfred Jones' .... Cambridge, The University Press, 1910. xxxvi, 125 p. cxx pi. (incl. front.) 32x25i cm . "Chronological list of the plate," p. [H3]-u8. Lowes, Mrs. Emily Leigh. 739 L95 76893 chats on old silver by E. L. Lowes. With a colored frontispiece, a 54 full-page illustrations, and numerous line-drawings in the text. New York, F. A. Stokes Co., [1909]. xix, 320 p. front., illus., 53 pi. 2i cni . Veitch, Henry Newton. L739 V53 90252 sh e m* e icl plate, its history, manufacture and art; with makers' names and marks, also a note on foreign Sheffield plate, with illustrations, by Henry Newton Veitch. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1908. xi v > 359 [*] P- icl. illus., LXXV (i.e. 74) pi. front, (port.) 28i cm . Descriptive letterpress on verso of plates included in pagination. Two plates not in- cluded in pagination. 739 Pewter Bell, Malcolm. 739 B 4* 97231 Old pewter by Malcolm Bell. London, G. Newnes; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, [1905]. xxii, 186 p. front., 106 pi. 23 cm . {Half-title: Newnes' library of the applied arts.) Demiani, Hans. 1*739 ^39 43033 p ran g i s Briot, Caspar Enderlein und das Edelzinn, von Hans Demiani. Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1897. [8], ii8p. 50 pi. 35x26i cm . "Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der mehrmals benutzten Biicher und'Abhandlungen," p. [iis]-ii8. ORNAMENTS AND ORNAMENTAL DESIGN 429 Markham, Christopher Alexander. 739 M34 99347 p ew ter marks and old pewter ware, domestic and ecclesiastical. With about 100 illustrations, 200 facsimile marks, and i,ooofull descriptions of touches from the touch plates at Pewterers' Hall, as well as other marks obtained from various sources. List of members of the Pewterers' Company from 1450 to the present time, etc., by Christopher A. Markham .... London, Reeves and Turner, 1909. xv, 316 p. front., illus., i pi. 26-i cm . Front, preceded by leaf with descriptive letter-press. Masse", Henri Jean Louis Joseph, 1 860- 739 M38 " Chats on old pewter, by H. J. L. J. Masse ... with ninety-one il- lustrations. London, T. F. Unwin, 1911. 422 p. incl. front., illus., 51 pi. 2oi cm . [The "chats" series, 10.] Bibliography, p. 19-20. Moore, Mrs. N Hudson. 739 M78 Qjj p ew t er> brass, copper, and Sheffield plate, by N. Hudson Moore, .... With one hundred and five illustrations. New York, F. A. Stokes Company, [1905]. xiii, 229 p. incl. front., illus., 65 pi. 2i cm . T.-p. illus. Navarro, Antonio de. 739 N22 .... Causeries on English pewter, by Antonio de Navarro. London, published at the offices of "Country Life" ltd., by G. Newnes, ltd. ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, [1910]. xvii, 176 p. incl. front., plates. 25. ("The Country life" library.) 745 HISTORY OF ORNAMENTS AND ORNAMENTAL DESIGN [Butler, Ellis Parker], 1869- L740-944 897 The French decorative styles from the earliest times to the pres- ent day. A hand-book for ready reference by the editors of the Upholstery dealer and decorative furnisher. New York, T. A. Cawthra & Co., [1904]. xx, 102, xxi-1 p. incl. front., illus. 3l cm . By Ellis P. Butler and Brittain B. Wilson. Advertising matter, p. i-xvi, xxi-1. Clifford, Chandler Robbins. 74<>-9 C6n $9323 'pkg decorative periods, by Chandler R. Clifford. Illustrated with many original and facsimile prints of contemporary and historic interest. New York, Clifford & Lawton, 1906. 310 p. incl. illus., plates, front. 24 cm . , "Bibliography," p. [299]. 43 Habermann, Franz Xavier. A74O.8 10 v-3 38090 .... Rococo-Ornamente. Auswahl mustergiltiger Motive des XVIII. Jahrhunderts. Habermann und andere Meister. 35 Blatt in Lichtdruck. Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1893. [6] p. 35 pi. 5i cm . (In Ornamentale und kunstgewerbliche Sammelmappe, Serie in.) Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, 1854- ed. 74-9 ^27 97343 Decorative designs of all ages for all purposes. With numerous engravings and diagrams. Edited by Paul N. Hasluck, .... London, Paris, New York & Melbourne, Cassell and Co., 1903. 160 p. 277 illus. i7-i cm . (Half -title: "Work" handbooks.") Ornementation usuelle. 1,740.54 i 20914 Ornementation usuelle de toutes les cpoques dans les arts indus- triels et en architecture. [Vol. 1-2. July, 1866-1868.] il. pi. sq.F 4 . Paris 1866-1868. Edited by Rodolphe Pfnor. No more published. Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. 740.932 P44 165M Egyptian decorative art. A course of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution. viii,i28 p. 220 il. D. London: Methuen & Co., 1895. Salin, Bernhard i.e. Karl Bernhard, 1861- ^739 8165 937o jjj e aitgermanische Thierornamentik ; typologische Studie uber germanische Metallgegenstande aus dem IV. bis IX. Jahrhundert, nebst einer Studie uber irische Ornamentik, von Bernhard Salin ; aus dem schwedischen Manuskript Ubersetzt von J. Mestorf. Stockholm, K. L. Beckmans Buchdruckerei, In Kommission bei A. Asher & Co., Berlin, 1904. xiv, 383 p. 741 illus. 30 cm . Speltz, Alexander. ^745 8743 826Hi -p^g s tyi es o f ornament from prehistoric times to the middle of the XlXth century. A series of 3500 examples arranged in historical order with descriptive text, for die use of architects, designers, craftsmen, and amateurs, by Alexander Speltz, .... Translated from the second German edition. Revised and edited by R. Phene Spiers, .... London, B. T. Batsford, 1910. ix, [i],647p. illus. 25"". "Reference books," p. [627J-629. ILLUMINATION 431 745 History of illumination Bradley, John William. 091 Qsoo 99342 in um i na ted manuscripts, by John W. Bradley. With twenty-one illustrations. London, Methuen & Co., [1905]. xiv, 290, [2] p. col. front., 20 pi. i5-i cm . C Half-title: Little books on art. ) "Manuscripts that may be consulted as examples," p. 244-276. "Bibliography," p. 277-285. Kautzsch, Rudolf. 096 P40I 1 Einleitende Erorterungen zu einer Geschichte der deutschen Handschriftenillustration im spateren Mittelalter. 86, [2] p. O. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, vol. I, no. 3.) Strass- burg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1894. Portalis, Roger. 740.92 P83 9 Les dessinateurs d'illustrations au dix-huitieme siecle. 2 vol. paged continuously, vol. i: [4],xxxii,i~386 p.; vol. 2: [2], 387-788 p. i pi. O. Paris: D. Morgand & C. Fatout, 1877. Biographies of illustrators and engravers, with bibliographies of their works. Robinson, Stanford Frederick Hudson. 1,096 Q8oo 9&37V Celtic illuminative art in the gospel books of Dufrow, Lindisfarne, and Kells, by the Rev. Stanford F. H. Robinson, .... Dublin, Hodges, Figgis, & Co., 1908. [2], xxx, [106] p. col. front., LI pi. (partly col.) 354x29^. Each plate accompanied by leaf with descriptive letter-press. Shaw, Henry, F.S.A. 1,096 M6oo 4 A handbook of the art of illumination as practised during the Middle Ages. With a description of the metals, pigments, and processes employed by the artists at different periods. viii,66 p. il. 15 facsim. F 4 . London: Bell & Daldy, 1866. Tymms, William Robert. 1096 Mooi The art of illuminating as practised in Europe from the earliest times. Illustrated by borders, initial letters, and alphabets, selected and chromolithographed by W. R. Tymms. With an essay and instructions by M. D. Wyatt. [2], 104 p. 100 pi. F. London: Day & Son, 1860.. Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, Library. 096 QIOI 3 .... Historical introduction to the collection of illuminated letters and borders in the National Art Library, Victoria and Al- bert Museum, by John W. Bradley London, printed for H. M. Stationery Off. by Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1901. [4], 182 p. 19 pi. (inch facsims.j 2i ca >. (Board of Education. South Ken- sington. ) "List of recent important works on illumination acquired by the National Art Library," p. [I79J-I82. 432 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 749 History of artistic furniture Bajot, Edouard, 1853- A749 Bi6 a Encyclopedic du meuble du xv e siecle jusqu'a nos jours, publiee sous la direction de Ed. Bajot. Recueil de planches contenant des meubles de style de toutes les epoques et de tous les pays, depuis le XV e siecle jusqu'a nos jours, classees par ordre alphabe- tique. Avec une notice historique. 2.000 meubles de style re- produits a grande echelle. Paris, C. Schmid, [1901-1909]. 6 vol. 600 pi. 47 cm . "Notice" signed Marius Menant. Hirth, Georg. 1,740.943 H6i ! Das deutsche Zimmer vom Mittelalter bis zum Gegenwart. Vierte unter Mitwirkung von Karl Rosner bis zur Gegenwart erweiterte Auflage. 2 vol. in i. il.pl. sq. F. Miinchen: G. Hirth, [1899]. Contents: Vol. I. Das deutsche Zimmer der Gothik und Renaissance, des Barock-, Rococo- und Zopfstils. xii,[2],448 p. 370 il. 8 pi. Vol. 2. Das deutsche Zimmer im neunzehnten Jahrhundert .... Von Karl Rosner. Mit einem Nachwort von Georg Hirth. [8], 259 p. 168 il. 12 pi. Jacquemart, Albert. 1.749 J 1 ^ 18235 Histoire du mobilier. Recherches et notes sur les objets d'art qui peuvent composer I'ameublement et les collections de 1'homme du monde et du curieux. Avec une notice sur 1'auteur par M. H. Barbet de Jouy. [2],iv,665,[2] p. il. 88 pi. paged in. Q. Paris: Hachette& C ie , 1876. Jacquemart, Albert, 1808-1875. 1,749 Ji6i 4 A history of furniture, with chapters on tapestry, oriental em- broidery and leather work, bronzes, ivories and other figures, clocks and time pieces, wrought iron, brass and other metal work, jewellery, gems and enamels, glass and ceramics, oriental lacquer and varnish, etc. Translated from the French of Albert Jacquemart. Edited by Mrs. Bury Palliser. [Second edition.] With over 170 illustrations. London, Reeves & Turner, [1907]. xvii, 470 p. front., illus. 27i cm . Koeppen, Alfred. 1.749 K8i 43854 G esc hichte des Mobels unter Beriicksichtigung der architek- tonischen und tektonischen Formen. Eine Stillehre fur Bau- und Mobeltischler. Die Entwicklung des Mobels von den Anfangen des menschlichen Wohnbaus bis zur romischen Kaiserzeit unter Einbeziehung des Mobiliars in den ostasiatischen Landern, von Dr. Alfred Koeppen und Carl Breuer. Mit 423 Abbildungen Berlin, New York, B. Hessling, 1904. viii, 309 p. 423 illus. 29i cm . "Inhaltsubersicht und Verzeichnis der benutzten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten," p. [v]-viii. ARTISTIC FURNITURE 433 Litchfield, Frederick. 1749 Lyu 67313 Illustrated history of furniture from the earliest to the present time, containing over three hundred and fifty illustrations of repre- sentative examples of the different periods. By Frederick Litch- field, ... . Sixth edition, revised and considerably enlarged. London, Truslove and Hanson, ltd., 1907. xxii, [2], 358 p. col. front., illus., 79 pi. 26i cm . i plate has illustrations on both sides. Luthmer, Ferdinand. 1,7491,97 43335 D eu t sc he Mobel der Vergangenheit, von Ferdinand Luthmer. Mit 142 Abbildungen. Zweites Tausend. Leipzig, H. Seemann Nachfolger, [1902]. [4], 137, [i] p. 142 illus. 26 cm . (Monographien des Kunstgewerbes. vn.) Macquoid, Percy. 1/749 M2 4 48470 ^ history of English furniture, by Percy Macquoid, .... With plates in colour after Shirley Slocombe, and numerous illustra- tions selected and arranged by the author London, Law- rence & Bullen, ltd.; New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1904-. Vol. i-. fronts., illus., col. plates. 39 cm . Robie, Virginia. 749 RSS )207 Historic styles in furniture, by Virginia Robie. Chicago, H. S. Stone, The House beautiful, 1905. [io],i96p. front., illus. 22xi8 cm . Putnam, John Pickering. 697.1 Oooi The open fireplace in all ages. New edition, revised and en- larged. xiv,204 P- 238 il. 56 pi. O. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. 16016 1 Roe, Fred. 1,749 Ancient coffers and cupboards, their history and descrption from the earliest times to the middle of the sixteenth century, by Fred Roe. With two coloured and numerous other illustrations by the author. London, Methuen & Co., 1902. xii, 128 p. incl. illus., plates. 23 pi., 2 col. pi. (incl. front.) Viollet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel] . 1390.31400 Dictionnaire raisonne du mobilier francais de 1'epoque carlovin- gienne a la Renaissance ..... 6 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris : V ve A. Morel & c ie , 1874-1875. Vol. i is in second edition. 434 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Wheeler, G Owen. 749 72183 Old English furniture from the i6th to the iQth centuries. A guide for the collector. By G. Owen Wheeler. Second edition. With much additional matter and many new illustrations of great interest to the collector. London, L. U. Gill, 1909. x, 748 p. incl. illus., plates. 4 fold. pi. 19^. Ziegenhorn & Jucker, Erfurt. 749 Z6 9 Riickblick auf die historischen Mobelformen im Zusammenhang mit der modernen Raumkunst. Zweite, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Herausgegeben von der Firma Ziegenhorn & Jucker, Hoflieferanten .... Erfurt, Ziegenhorn & Jucker, 1910. I43> CO P- '-Uns. 22i cm . Fifteenth to eighteenth centuries Bode, Wilhelm, 1845- 749363 43334 Die italienischen Hausmobel der Renaissance, von Wilhelm Bode. Mit 100 Abbildungen. Leipzig, H. Seemann Nachfolger, [1902]. [4] 83, [i ] p. ioo illus. 26 cm . (Monographien des Kunstgewerbes. vi.) Clouston, K Warren. 1,749 62 j^ Chippendale period in English furniture, by K. Warren Clous- ton, with illustrations by the author. London, Debenham & Freebody [etc.] New York, E. Arnold, 1897. xvi, 224 p. inc). front., illus., 14 pi. Dilke, [Emilia Frances (Strong)] Lady, 1/740. 944 057 37626 formerly Mrs. Mark Pattison, 1840- French furniture and decoration in the xvinth century, by Lady Dilke ... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1901. xix, 260 p. front., 68 pi. 29 cm . Appendix: List of artists and workmen leaving Paris for St. Petersburg in 1716. Spaendonck, G. van. Salons. Oudry, J. B. Salons. List of officials at the Gobelins. Caffieri, J. Chronological list of his work for the crown. Oeben and Riesener. De- tailed agreement for the Bureau du roi. Gouthiere. Entries in the sale catalogue of the duke d'Aumont. Duplessis. Entries in the livre-journal of Lazare Duvaux. List of French cabinet-makers. Graul, Richard, 1862- 073.09 40 v.io 51017 .... Das xvili. Jahrhundert. Dekoration und Mobiliar. Von Richard Graul. Mit 113 Abbildungen. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1905. iv, [2], 200 p. 1 13 illus. 2O-i cm . (/ Handbiicher der koniglichen Museen zu Berlin, ... [x]. Kunstgewerbemuseum.) PAINTING 435 Leinhaas, G. A. 645 QIOI 36658 Wohnraeume des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach gleichzeitigen Darstellungen auf Gemaelden etc. Mit einem Vorwort von Julius Lessing. [8] p. 20 colored pi. sq. F. Berlin : E. Was- muth, 1901. Lenygon, Francis. 1,740.942 1*54 99401 j^e d ecora tion and furniture of English mansions during the seventeenth & eighteenth centuries, by Francis Lenygon. Lon- don, T. W. Laurie, 1909. xii, [2], 215, [i] p. incl. illus., 27 moun'ed pi. mounted front., I mounted pi. 34i cm - "Books on furniture & decoration, published in England previous to 1800," p. 205 207. Lockwood, Luke Vincent. ^749 L8i 5 Colonial furniture in America, by Luke Vincent Lockwood. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. xix, 352 p. front., illus., 40 pi. 29 cm . Molinier. Emile i. e. A740.7465 M73 Charles Louis Marie Emile, 1857- - .... Le mobilier francais du XVII 6 et du XVIII 6 siecle, par Emile Molinier .... Paris, E. Levy; Londres, C. Davis, [1902]. [4], 76 p. illus., c pi. 4oi cm . (Musee du Louvre.) Simon, Constance. 1*749 $594 'ins E n gli s h furniture designers of the eighteenth century. By Con- stance Simon. London, A. H. Bullen, 1905. xvii, 216 p. front., 54 pi., 2 port. 28i c cm 750.9 HISTORY OF PAINTING Berger, Ernst. 1,751 6451 ' Beitrage zur Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Maltechnik. Mit Unterstiitzung des Koniglich preussischen Ministeriums dergeist- lichen, Unterrichts- und Medizinal-Angelegenheiten herausgege- ben von Ernst Berger, Maler. Munchen, G. D. W. Callwey, 1897-1904. 3 vol. 27^ cm . "Litteratur," series 1-3, p. 307-308; "Uebersicht der Quellenlitteratur des xvii. und xvni. Jahrhunderts," series 4, p. [4403-445. Contents. 1.-2. Folge. Die Maltechnik des Altertums. Nach den Quellen, Funden, chemischen Analysen und eigenen Versuchen ..... Vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage der "Erlauterungen zu den Versuchen zur Rekonstruktion der Maltechnik des Altertums". Mit zwei farbigen Tafeln und 57 Illustrationen. 1904. xii, 313, [i] p. illus., 5 pi. (partly col.) 3. Folge. Quellen und Technik der Fresko-, Oel- und Tempera- Malerei des Mittelalters von der byzantinischen Zeit bis einschliesslich der "Erfindung der Oelmalerei" durch die Briider van Eyck. 1897. xii, 281 p. 16 illus. 4. Folge. Quellen fur Maltechnik wahrend der Renaissance und deren Folgezeit (xvi.-xvm. Jahr- hundert) in Italien, Spanien, den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Frankreich und England, nebst dem De Mayerne Manuskript (zum ersten Male herausgegeben, mit Cbersetzung und Noten versehen). 1901. [10], xlvi, 454 p. 436 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., Chicago. 667.6 P7oo )937 History of paints, pigments and colors from remote ages. 72 p. il. sq. S. Chicago, U. S. A., 1897. King, Pauline. 747 K$8 80 American mural painting. A study of the important decorations by distinguished artists in the United States, by Pauline King. Boston, Noyes, Platt & Co., 1902, [ c i9Oi]. xiii, 264 p. incl. front., illus., plates. 24 cm . Laurie, Arthur Pillans, 1861- 751 1,371 3 Greek and Roman methods of painting. Some comments on the statements made by Pliny and Vitruvius about wall and panel painting. By A. P. Laurie, .... Cambridge, University Press, 1910. vi, 124 p, illus., i pi., 3 col. pi. (incl. front.) I9 cm . Laurie, Arthur Pillans, 1861- 751 L372 The materials of the painter's craft in Europe and Egpyt, from earliest times to the end of the xvnth century, with some account of their preparation and use. By A. P. Laurie .... Containing seven reproductions in colour & other illustrations. London & Edinburgh, T. N. Foulis, 1910. xv, 443, [i] p. col. front., illus., 5 pi., 7 col. pi. 2O cm . (Half-title: The arts and crafts of the nations.) "A list of books of reference," p. 3S6-[434]. Raehlmann, Eduard. L7$i Ri2 84502 Ub er die Maltechnik der Alten mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der romisch-pompejanischen Wandmalerei. Nebst einer Anlei- tung zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung der Kunstwerke, von Prof. Dr. E. Raehlmann, .... Mit drei Tafeln. Berlin, G. Rei- mer, 1910. 97 p. illus., in col. pi. 28x2ii cm . 766.9 HISTORY OF ENGRAVING Austin, Stanley Elston. 760.9 A937 ' The history of engraving from its inception to the time of Thomas Bewick, by Stanley Austin ; eighteen illustrations. London, T. W. Laurie, [1908?]. ix> J 99> [i] P- front., 16 pi. 2o cm . Chapin, Willis 0. L76o.9 36 6604 -j^e mas f- ers anc j masterpieces of engraving. xiv,266 p. il. 28 pi Q. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1 894. ENGRAVING 437 [Chelsum, James], i74o?-i8oi. 766 95182 ^ history of the art of engraving in mezzotinto, from it's origin to the present times, including an account of the works of the earliest artists. Winchester, Printed by J. Robbins, 1786. [4], ioo, [12] p. i8ixi2 cm . Published anonymously. Delaborde, Henri, vicomtc, 181 1-1899. 1760.945 037 sS9u;i .... La gravure en Italic avant Marc-Antoine (1452-1505). Par le V tc Henri Delaborde, .... Paris et London, Librairie de 1'art, [1883]. [4], 287 p. incl. illus., plates. 5 pi. 32.i c-ra . (Bibliotheque internationale de 1'art.) Evelyn, John, 1620-1706. 760.9 93 95194 Sculptura ; or, The history and art of chalcography, and engrav- ing in copper : with an ample enumeration of the moft renowned masters and their works. To which is annexed, a new manner of engraving, or mezzotinto, communicated by His Highnefs Prince Rupert to the author of this treatise, John Evelyn ... . The second edition. Containing some corrections and additions . . . and memoirs of the author's life, .... London, J. Payne, 1755. [4], xxxvi, 140 p. front, (port.), 2 pi. (i fold.) i84 cm . Frantz, Adolf, 1806-1889? 762 F85 9 Geschichte des Kupferstichs. Ein Versuch von D. A. Frantz. .... Magdeburg, Creutz'sche Buch- und Musikalien-Handlung (R. & M. Kretschmann), 1883. 307, [i] p. 2oi cm . Hind, Arthur Mayger. 760.9 E.^8 4 A short history of engraving & etching, for the use of collectors and students ; with full bibliography, classified list and index of engravers, by A. M. Hind, .... With frontispiece in photogra- vure and no illustrations in the text. London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., 1908. xviii, [2], 473 p. front., no illus. 24 cm . Appendices: i. Classified list of engravers (p. 343-390); n. General bibliography (p. 391-411); III. Index of engravers and individual bibliography (p. 412-473). Hodson, James Shirley. 76o.2H66 An historical and practical guide to art illustration, in connection with books, periodicals, and general decoration ..... [8], 224 p. il. 1 8 pi. 3 por. i pi. of por. i map, i table. O. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1884. 438 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Jansen, [Henri]. 700.9X20 ' Essai sur 1'origine de la gravure en bois et en taille-douce, et sur la connoissance des estampes des xv c . et XVl e . siecles ; ou il est parle aussi de 1'origine des cartes a jouer et des cartes geograph- iques ; suivi de recherches sur 1'origine du papier de coton et de lin; sur la calligraphic, depuis les plus anciens temps jusqu'a nos jours ; sur les miniatures des anciens manuscrits ; sur les filigranes des papiers des XIV 6 ., XV e . et XVl e . siecles; ainsi que sur 1'origine et le premier usage des signatures et des chiffres dans 1'art de la typographic. 2 vol. pi. O. Paris: F. Schoell, 1808. Kristeller, Paul. 1,760.94 K89 1 Kupferstich und Holzschnitt in vier Jahrhunde.rten, von Paul Kristeller. Mit 259 Abbildungen. Berlin, B. Cassirer, 1905. x > 595 ['] P- iM us - 26 cm . "Verzeichnis einer Reihe der wichtigsten Schriften iiber den Bilddruck," p. [567]- 574- Langalerie, Ch. de. 762 25 2 Notice sur 1'art de nieller et sur la decouverte de quelques em- preintes de nielles du XIV e siecle. 1 1 p. O. Orleans 1858. Reprinted from the Memoires de la Societe archeologique de /' Orleanais, vol. 4. Lippmann, Friedrich, 1839-1903. 760.9166 7 .... Engraving and etching. A handbook for the use of stu- dents and print collectors, by Dr. Fr. Lippmann, .... Third edition revised by Dr. Max Lehrs, translated by Martin Hardie. With 131 illustrations. London, H. Grevel and Co., 1906. xvii, 312 p. illus. 23 cm . (Handbook of the Royal Museums, Berlin.) "The literature of engraving," p. xi-xvii. Molsdorf, Wilhelm. 760.943 M&3 5 .... Die Bedeutung Kolns fiir den Metallschnitt des XV. Jahr- hunderts, von Wilhelm Molsdorf. Mit 10 Abbildungen im Text und 15 Tafeln. Strassburg, J. H. E. Heitz (Heitz & Miindel), 1909. 57, [2] p. illus., 16 pi. (partly fold.) 26 cm . (Studien zur deutschen Kunst- geschichte. 114. Heft.) Ottley, William Young, 1771-1836. 1760.9091 An inquiry into the origin and early history of engraving, upon copper and in wood, with an account of engravers and their works, from the invention of chalcography by Maso Finiguerra, to the time of Marc' Antonio Raimondi. By William Young Ottley, .... Vol. l-[n]. London, J. and A. Arch, 1 8 16. 2 vol. illus., 22 pi. ( i fold.) 29i cm . Paged continuously; vol. I : xxii, 478, [i] p.; vol. 2: [6], [4791-836 p. WOOD ENGRAVING 439 Salaman, Malcolm Charles, 1855- 760.9428159 9 The old engravers of England in their relation to contemporary life and art (1540-1800). By Malcolm C. Salaman, .... With forty-eight illustrations. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company ; London, Cassell and Co., 1907. viii, 224 p. front., 47 pi. 2li cm . "English bibliography of copper-plate engraving,'' p. [2I9J-22O. Sculptura. 760.9 8437 1 Sculptura historico-technica : or, The history and art of engraving. .... Extracted from Baldinucci, Florent le Compte [!] Fair- thorne [ !] the Abecedario pittorico, and other authors. With copper-plates. The fourth edition. London, J. Marks, 1770. xi, 264 p. 10 pi. i8ixn em . The first edition was published with title: Repertorium sculptile-typicum. Contents. i. The rise and progress of engraving. 2. Of engraving in general. 3. Of engraving, etching, and scraping on copper, as now practised. 4. An idea of a fine collection of prints. 5. The Repertorium; or, A collection of various marks and cyphers, with additions. To which is now added, A chronological and historical series of the painters from the eleventh century. Wessely, Joseph Eduard. 760.9 Wsi 11 Geschichte der graphischen Kunste. Ein Handbuch fiir Freunde des Kunstdrucks von J. E. Wessely. Mit vielen Abbildungen in Lichtdruck nach Originalen der betreffenden Kiinstler. Leipzig, T. D. W 7 eigel, 1891. xvi, 299 p. 35 pi., 14 port. 26 x i8 cm . Wibiral, Franz. 760.9246 W63 ' Das Werk der Grazer Stecherfamilie Kauperz, ein Nachtrag zu Josef Wastlers Steirischem Kunstlerlexikon, von Dr. Fr. Wibiral, .... Graz, U. Mosers Buchhandlung (J. Meyerhoff), 1909. [4], 48 p. front (port.) 3O cm . "Literatur," i p. following contents. 761 History of wood engraving Anderson, William. 761 14 Japanese wood engravings, their history, technique, and charac- teristics. By William Anderson New edition. London, Seeley and Co., ltd., 1908. xi, 13-218, [2] p. inch front., illus., plates. i5 cm . Bouchot, Henri Francois Xavier Marie, 1849- 096 Q200 . . . . Un anctre de la gravure sur bois. Etude sur un xylo- graphe taille en Bourgogne vers 1370. Paris, E. Levy, 1902. xii, 131, [2] p. illus., 5 pi. (2 fold.) At head of title: Henri Bouchot, .... 440 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Burr, Frederic M 1760.9203 694 52376 Life and works of Alexander Anderson, M.D., the first American wood engraver. By Frederic M. Burr, .... Three portraits of Dr. Anderson, and over thirty engravings by himself. New York, Burr Brothers, 1893. x, [n]-2io p. incl. illus., plates, front, (port.) 26 cm . "Only 725 copies of this work have been printed. This copy is no. 170." App. A. Autobiography of Dr. Anderson. App. B. Extracts from Dr. Anderson's diary for ... 1795-1798. Chatto, William Andrew. 1,761 0045 ^ treatise on wood engraving, historical and practical, by Wil- liam Andrew Chatto. With upwards of four hundred illustrations engraved on wood by John Jackson. A new edition with an ad- ditional chapter by Henry G. Bohn. London, Chatto and Win- dus, [1881]. xvi, 664 p. front., illus. 27 cm . First edition published in 1839 without Chatto's name on the title-page. "A dispute followed between Jackson and Chatto as to their respective shares in the credit of producing it. The project was Jackson's; the subjects were selected by him, and he contributed some of the historical matter, bore the cost of production, and engraved the illustrations. The whole was edited and brought into shape by Chatto. ' ' Dictionary of national biography. Chatto, William Andrew, 1799-1864. 1,761 391 92996 ^ treatise on wood engraving, historical and practical. With up- wards of three hundred illustrations, engraved on wood, by John Jackson. London, C. Knight and Co., 1839. xvij 749> [3] P- iUus., 4 pi. (i col.), i port., I fold. map. 27 cm . Preface signed : W. A. Chatto. Conway, Sir William Martin. 761 76 37624 'j-} ie wooc j cu tters of the Netherlands in the fifteenth century. In three parts : I. History of the woodcutters. II. Catalogue of the woodcuts. III. List of the books containing woodcuts. By Wil- liam Martin Conway. Cambridge, University Press, 1884. xvii. [2], 359 P- 23 cm . Contents. pts. l-n. I. Wood cuts from the block-books. 2. Louvain, Utrecht, and Bruges (1475-1484) 3. Leeu's early workmen at Gouda and Antwerp (1480-1491) 4. The Haarlem woodcutter and his school (1483-1500) 5. Foreign woodcuts used by Leeu and others (1485, 1491) 6. Zwolle (1484-1500) 7. Delft (1477-1498) 8. Brussels and Louvain (1484-1496) 9. Gouda, Deventer, Leyden, and Schoonhoven (1486-1500) 10. Late Antwerp woodcuts (1487-1500) pt. in. List of the books containing woodcuts : Block-books. Presses. Appendix : Audenarde and Ghent ( 1480- 1490) WOOD ENGRAVING 441 / Cundall, Joseph. 761 CQI 94748 A brief history of wood-engraving from its invention, by Joseph Cundall, .... London, S. Low, Marston, & Co., 1895. ix, [l], 132 p. front., illus. 19. Cust, Lionel. LogS P8oi 36128 j^g mas t er s anc i the 'Ars moriendi'. A chapter in the his- tory of engraving during the XV th century. With facsimile re- productions of engravings in the university galleries at Oxford and in the British Museum. [2],2i p 24 p. of facsim. 6 pi. of facsim. sq. F. [Prints and drawings from Oxford collections, no. i.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1898. Didot, Ambroise Firmin. 761 19106 Essai typographique et bibliographique sur 1'histoire de la gravure sur bois. Faisant suite aux Costumes anciens et modernes de Cesar Vecellio. xiv,3i6 col. [7,158 p.] O. Paris 1863. Heller, Joseph, d. 1849. 761 1136 B Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst von den altesten bis auf die neuesten Zeiten, nebst zwei Beilagen, enthaltend den Ursprung der Spielkarten und ein Verzeichniss der sammtlichen xylogra- phischen Werke ..... Bamberg, C. F. Kunz, 1823. *"> 457> [3] P- illus., u pi. (partly fold.) 2oi cm . Kurth, Julius i.e. Friedrich Erdmann Julius, 1870- 761 Kg6 1437 .... Der Japanische Holzschnitt ; ein Abriss seiner Geschichte. & Mit 75 Abbildungen und 100 Faksimiles von Signaturen. Er- stes bis fiinftes Tausend. Miinchen, R. Piper & Co., 1911. 125, [i] p. 75 illus., TOO facsim. on 2 fold. pi. 24 cm . At head of title: Dr. Julius Kurth. "Verzeichnis der Arbeiten des Verfassers, die im diesem Buche benutzt worden sind," p. 117. Linton, William James. 1/7611/65 The history of wood-engraving in America. viii,[2],7i p. il. 17 pi. 3 por. F. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1882. 442 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Massena, Victor, prince d'Essling, due de Rivoli, AOQ3 P400 1836- Etudes sur 1'art de la gravure sur bois a Venise. Les missels im- primes a Venise de 1481 a 1600. Description illustration bibliographic. Par le due de Rivoli. Avec cinq planches sur cuivre et 350 gravures, initiales et marques. Paris, J. Rothschild, [18943-1896. xxii, 350 p. front., illus., 4 pi. 40x29. Title vignette, illuminated; special vignette on cover, illuminated; colored initials, head and tail pieces, facsimiles, etc. "L" impression de ce volume a etc termine le 29 fevrier 1896. Elle a etc faite par MM. E. Arrault & cie., a Tours, pour M. J. Rothschild, editeur . . . au nombre de 300 exemplaires : sur papier du Japon, nos. I a 10; sur papier teinte, nos. 1 1 a 300. No. 278." Contents. Avant-propos : Considerations generales. Liste, par ordre chronologique, des missels ornes de gravures sur bois, imprimes a Venise de 1481 a 1600. Marques d'imprimeurs venitiens. i. p tie . Explication et description des principales gravures sur bois des missels venitiens, par ordre alphabetique. 2. p tie . Bibliographic des editions des missels venStiens publiees pour les dioceses et les ordres religieux. Table alphabetique des monogrammes de graveurs et des marques d'imprimeurs. Table des illustrations. Table des missels classes par dioceses et par ordres religieux. Table des missels classes par noms d'imprimeurs. Table alphabetique generale. Muther, Richard, 1860- 1,016.096 Mg8 99305 j-jj e altesten deutschen Bilder-Bibeln. Bibliographisch und kunst- geschichtlich beschrieben von D r Richard Muther. Munchen, M. Huttler, 1883. 4, 68 p. 27i cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. [Varlot, Louis.] 1,761 742 1 Xylographie de 1'imprimerie troyenne pendant le XV e , le xvi e , le XVii e et le XVIII 6 siecle, precedee d'une lettre du bibliophile Jacob, sur 1'histoire de la gravure en bois. Publiee par Varusoltis, de Troyes. 8 p. 72 pi. sq. F. Troyes : Varlot Pere, 1859. Varusoltis is pseudonym of Louis Varlot, Woodberry, George Edward, 1855- .761 W8$ 1 A history of wood-engraving, by George E. Woodberry. Illus- trated. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1883, [ C i882]. 221 p. incl. illus., plates, ports. 23 cm . Illus. t.-p. "A list of the principal works upon wood-engraving useful to students," p. [211]- 215- LITHOGRAPHY 443 History of playing cards Allemagne, Henry Rene 7-344 [2] p. illus., 34 pi. (incl. front., 2 col.) 2o cm . "Printed in Great Britain." 446 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Harrison, William Jerome. 770.9 H24 17184 j^ histoj-y o f photography written as a practical guide and an introduction to its latest developments. With a biographical sketch of the author [by VV. I. Lincoln Adams], and an appendix by Dr. Maddox on the discovery of the gelatino-bromide process. 136 p. i por. O. [Scovill's photographic series.] New York : Scovill Manufacturing Co., 1887. Hunt, Robert, 1807-1887. 061.82 i 1904-5 7387 The history of some discoveries of photography. By Robert Hunt. (/ Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Washing- ton, 1905-1906. 23-24 cm . 1903/4, p. 287-308, illus., vn (i.e. 4) pi. (incl. ports.); 1904/5, p. 163-192, IV pi. (incl. I port.).) [Pt. 2] title reads: History of photography: i. The photographic processes on paper of Sir John Herschel. II. Miscellaneous processes. in. Photographs on glass and recent improvements. Laussedat, Aime", 1819- 526.98 P200 61550 Historique de 1'application de la photographic au lever des plans. Conference faite au Congres de 1'Association frangaise pour I'avancement des sciences, sections de geometric et de mecanique, du genie civil et militaire et de geographic reunies (Pau, le 17 septembre 1892), par M. A. Laussedat .... Paris, Adminis- tration des deux revues, 1892. cover-title, 37, [2] p. 9 illus. 24 cm . "Extrait de la Revue scientifique. " Litchfield, Richard Buckley, d. 1903. 770.9296 Lyi 9 Tom Wedgwood, the first photographer. An account of his life, his discovery and his friendship with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in- cluding the letters of Coleridge to the Wedgwoods and an exami- nation of accounts of alleged earlier photographic discoveries. By R. B. Litchfield, .... London, Duckworth and Co., 1903. xvi, [2], 271 p. incl. table. 5 pi., 3 port. (incl. front.), I facsim. 23 cm . Meteyard, Eliza. 738.96 M562 } A group of Englishmen, (1795 to 1815). Being records of the younger Wedgwoods and their friends, embracing the history of the discovery of photography and a facsimile of the first photo- graph. xxii,4i6 p. 2 pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1871, PHOTOGRAPHY 447 Miethe, Adolf, 1862- 1,778. 70291 j}j e geschichtliche Entwicklung der farbigen Photographic. Rede zur Feier des Gcburtstages seiner Majestat des Kaisers und Ko- nigs Wilhelm II. in der Halle der koniglichen Technischen Hoch- schule zu Berlin am 26. Januar 1905 gehalten von dem zeitigen Rektor Miethe. Berlin, Buchdruckerei von Denter & Nicolas, [1905]. 15 p. 28 cm . Niewenglowski, G. H. 770.9 9505 Histoire et applications de la photographic. Lecon d'ouverture du cours de photographic professe au Polytechnicum ..... 24 p. il. D. (SOCIETE D'INSTRUCTION POPULAIRE SUPERIEURE.) Paris: H. Desforges, [1896]. Reprinted from Science frattfaia. Rohr, Moritz von. L77I.I2 R63 !664 Theorie und Geschichte des photographischen Objectivs. xx, 435, [i] p. 148 il. 4 pi. Q. Berlin: J. Springer, 1899. "Litteraturveichniss," p. 399-435. Schiendl, C 770-9 8332 57255 Geschichte der Photographic. Von C. Schiendl. Mit den Bild- nissen der Erfinder und Griinder der Photographic und einer Abbildung der ersten Photographic. Wien, Pest, Leipzig, A. Hartleben, 1891. vu > C 1 ]) 380 p. fold, front, (ports.) 24i cm . Schmidt, Curt. 778.25 8349 83117 Die Photographic im Dienste wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Von Dr. Curt Schmidt. Mit vielen Abbildungen. Wien und Leip- zig, A. Hartleben, [1909]. 222, [2] p. 81 illus. I4 cm . (Added t. -p.: Naturwissenschaftliche Taschenbiblio- thek. 3. Bandchen.) Contents. Himmelsphotographie und Spektrographie. Das Stereoskop in der Astronomic. Die Photographic im Dienste der Meteorologie. Mikrophotographie. Rontgen- Photographic. Photographic ohne Licht. Nachtbilder. Ein photogra- phisches Ra'tsel. Die Wellen des Lichtes. (Photographic der Farben. Die letzte Spektrallinie). Photographische Phonetik. Fliegende Geschosse. Elektrische Ent- ladungsfiguren und Elektroradiographie. Story, Alfred Thomas. 770.9 8887 17788 j he story of photography. 181 p. 38 il. S. [Library of useful stories.] London: G. Newnes, 1898. Tissandier, Gaston. 770.2 152 H870 ^ history and handbook of photography. Translated from the French .... Edited by J. Thomson. xvi,326 p. il. 16 pi. D. London: Sampson Low, . .. , & Searle, 1876. 448 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Silbermann, Henri, 1870- , ed. 1/770.98582 69727 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der photo- und chemigraphischen Reproduktionsverfahren, 1877-1906, an der Hand der Patent- literatur herausgegeben von Henri Silbermann. Erster [zweiter] Band Leipzig, H. A. L. Degener, [1907]. 2. vol. 29i cm . Contents. i . Bd. Methoden und Verfahren der Photographic. Mit 112 Abbildungen. xx, 287 p. 112 illus. incl. diagrs. 2. Bd. Methoden und Verfahren der Chemigraphie. xxii, 458 p. 308 illus. incl. diagrs. Traube, A 33O-943 Q6oo .14 sesas photographic und Farbenphotographie. Ihre Geschichte und Entvvicklung. Von Dr. A. Traube und Dr. H. Auerbach. Mit 14 Abbildungen. Berlin, Verlag fur Sprach- und Handelswissen- schaft (S. Simon), [1908]. 92 p. 14 illus. 22 cm . (/ Handel, Industrie und Verkehr in Einzeldarstellungen, Band xiv.) Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm, 1834-1898. 770-4 V86 52381 i^g p r0 g ress o f photography since the year 1879. A review of the more important discoveries . . . , within the last four years, with special consideration of emulsion photography, and an ad- ditional chapter on photography for amateurs. By Dr. H. W. Vogel, .... Intended also as a supplement to the third edition of the Handbook of photography. Translated from the German by Ellerslie Wallace, jr., ... Revised by Edward L. Wilson, . . , . With seventy-two illustrations. Philadelphia, E. L. Wilson, 1883. xii, [i7]-347 p. front, (port.), 72 illus. 2od cm . Weiss, Max. 1,778.2526 W43 93774 Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Photogrammetrie und die Begriindung ihrer Verwendbarkeit fur Mess- und Konstruktions- zwecke. Von Max Weiss, .... Stuttgart, Strecker & Schro- der, 1913. [8], 94 p. illus. (incl. diagrs.), 40 pi. 28 cm . "Literatur," p. [53J-94- Werge, John. 77-9 W 49 T^ evo i u tion of photography. With a chronological record of discoveries, inventions, etc., contributions to photographic litera- ture, and personal reminiscences extending over forty years. viii,3i2 p. 4 pi. of por. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1890 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 449 780.9 HISTORY OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Buhle, Edward. 780.85 B86 ' Die musikalischen Instrumente in den Miniaturen des frlihen Mittelalters. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Musikinstrumente. .... Von Edward Buhle. Mit Textfiguren und Tafeln. Leip- zig, Breitkopf & Hartel, 1903-. Vol. i-. front., illus., fold, plates. 24i cm . Galpin, Francis William. 780.942 6 Old English instruments of music, their history and character, by Francis W. Galpia, .... With one hundred and two illustrations. London, Methuen & Co., ltd., [1910]. xxv, 327, [i] p. front, (port.), 47 illus., 54 pi. 22i cm . (Half-title: The anti- quary's books.) "Books of reference," p. xiii-xvi. "[List of] some illustrations of musical instruments in manuscripts, carvings and paintings from the eighth to the eighteenth century (British examples only)," p. 301- 3"- Gressmann, Hugo, 1877- 780.933 G86 ' Musik und Musikinstrumente im Alten Testament. Eine religions- geschichtlfche Studie, von Hugo Gressmann, .... Gieszen, J. Ricker, 1903. [2], 32 p. 23"". (On verso oft.-p.: Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vor- arbeiten, II. Band, I. Heft.) Bibliographical foot-notes. Heger, Franz, 1853- 1739 11365 7 Alte Metalltrommeln aus Sudost-Asien. Mit Unterstutzung der Gesellschaft zur Forderung deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in Bohmen herausgegeben von Franz Heger .... Nebst einem Bande mit 45 Tafeln. Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1902. 245, [3] p. illus. and atlas of XLV pi. (partly fold. ) 37ix29.i cm . PI. 29-44 each accompanied by leaf of descriptive letter-press. "Literatur," p. 239-241. Mead, Charles W 1570.7103 4 v.3 The musical instruments of the Incas. A guide leaflet to the col- lection on exhibition in the American Museum of Natural History, by Charles W. Mead .... [New York], The Museum, 1903. 31 p. incl. illus., v pi. 25 cm . (Guide leaflet, no. 11.) Supplement to the American Museum journal. Vol. HI, no. 4, July, 1903. Music in text. 45o BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Rambosson, Jean Pierre, 1827-1886. 780.9 Ri4 90197 Histoire des instruments de musique, par J. Rambosson. Revue et augmentee par Yvanhoe Rambosson. Ouvrage illustre de 105 gravures. Paris, Firmin-Didot et c ie , [1897]. 190 p. incl. front., illus., plates. 24. "La musique automatique," p. [i75]-i8o. "Les instruments de musique dans 1' orchestration," p. [i8i]-i88. 786 History of the pianoforte Bie, Oskar, 1864- 786.1 647 90021 ^ history of the pianoforte and pianoforte players; translated and revised from the German of Oscar Bie, by E. E. Kellett, . . . and E. W. Naylor, .... With numerous portraits, illustra- tions, and facsimiles. London, J. M. Dent & Co. ; New York, E. P. Dutton &Co., 1899. xi, 336 p. front., illus., 5 pi., 16 port., I facsim. 24 cm . "This work does not profess to be so much a literal translation, as a somewhat free version of Dr. Bie's 'Das Klavier.' " Editor's pref. Music in text. Dolge, Alfred, 1848- 1786.1 D68 97842 Pianos and their makers, by Alfred Dolge .... Covina, Cal., Covina Publishing Company, 1911-1913. 2 vol. illus. incl. port. 254 cm . Contents. [vol. I.] A comprehensive history of the development of the piano from the monochord to the concert grand player piano. 191 1. 478 p. front., 22 pi., ports. on 4 pi. vol. 2. Development of the piano industry in America since the centennial ex- hibition at Philadelphia, 1876. 1913. 274 p. front., ports, on 25 pi. Some of the portraits and plates in volume I are printed on both sides of the leaf. Hipkins, Alfred James. 786.1 H6i 44883 .... A description and history of the pianoforte and of the older keyboard stringed instruments, by A. J. Hipkins, .... The wood engravings by John Hipkins London & New York, Novello, Ewer & Co., 1896. 130 p. front., illus., 8 pi. 2li cm . (Novello, Ewer and Co.'s music primers and educational series ) Marmontel, Antoine Francois, 1816-1898. 786.1 M34 3 Histoire du piano et de ses origines, influence de la facture sur le style des compositeurs et des virtuoses, par A. Marmontel, .... Paris, Heu gel & fils, 1885. xv, 464 p. i8i cm . ORGAN 451 Spillane, Daniel. 786.1 8756 C9 ' s History of the American pianoforte ; its technical development, and the trade. 369 p. i/pl. n por. 4 pi. of por. O. New York: D. Spillane, 1890. 786.5 History of the organ Casson, Thomas. 786.6 27 3 Lecture by Thomas Casson ... on the pedal organ, its history, design and control. Given ... , on March 23rd, 1905, before the members of the Incorporated Guild of Church Musicians ..... London, W. Reeves, C I9O5. 51 p. fold, front, (table). 22 cm . "Testimonial-;," p. [45]-5i. Degering, Hermann. 786.5 036 57039 )j e Orgel, ihre Erfindung und ihre Geschichte bis zur Karolin- gerzeit. Von Hermann Degering. Munster (Westf.), Coppen- rathsche Buchhandlung, 1905. [4], 86 p. vin pi. 24i cm . Hinton, John William, 1849- 786.5 HSQ 4 "Story of the electric organ. By J. W. Hinton ..... London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., ltd., 1909. [8], 124 p. illus., vii pi., 2 port. 21 x i6 cm . Schubert, Franz Ludwig. 786.5 8384 Die Orgel, ihr Bau, ihre Geschichte und Behandlung. Von F. L. Schubert. Dritte vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr. Rudolf Schwartz. Leipzig, C. Merseburger, 1898. [4], 158 p. illus. i6 cm . "Verzeichnis einiger namhafter Orgelkiinstler, " p. [ii3J-i2i. "Litteratur uber Orgelbau, Geschichte und Behandlung der Orgel, sowie verwandte Schriften," p. [i22]-i29. "Verzeichnis der Orgelbauer, Reparateure und Slimmer etc. der gegenwart in Deutsch- land < >sterreich-Ungarn Schweiz," p. Wangemann, Otto. 786.5 WiS :] ''" 4 Die Orgel, ihre Geschichte und ihr Bau. Dritte vollstandig um- gearbeitete Auflage. Neue Ausgabe. viii,258.[42] p. il. O. Leipzig: R. Ku'hn, 1895. Williams, Charles Francis Abdy, 1855- 786.5 W67 The story of the organ, by C. F. Abdy Williams, .... London, The Walter Scott Publishing Co. ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1903. xiv, 327, [i] p. front., illus., 8 pi. 19. (Half-title: The music story.) "Appendix c. Organ-builders," p. 214-239. "Appendix F. Bibliography," p. 275-279. "Appendix <;. Specifications of organs of various dates and countries in chronological order," p. 280-322. 452 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY 787.1 History of the violin and violoncello Abele, Hyacinth. 787.1 Ai4i 1 .... The violin & its story ; or, The history & construction of the violin. Translated and adapted from the German of Hyacinth Abele by Geoffrey Alwyn, with twenty- eight illustrations. Lon- don, "The Strad" Office; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1905. f8], 119, [3] p. front., iUus., T fold. pi. 19. ("The Strad" library, no. xv.) T.-p. illus. Music in the text. Allen, Edward Heron-. 787.1 A425 18970 Violin-making as it was and is : being a historical, theoretical, and practical treatise on the science and art of violin-making, for the use of violin makers and players, amateur and professional. Pre- ceded by an essay on the violin and its position as a musical in- strument. [Second edition.] xix,366,[i] p. il. 6 pi. I por. O. London: Ward, Lock, Bowden, & Co., pref. 1885. "The bibliography of the violin," p. 329-348. Balfour, Henry, 1863- 1787 Big S9875 jjjg natura i history of the musical bow. A chapter in the de- velopmental history of stringed instruments of music, by Henry Balfour, .... Primitive types. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1899. viii, 87, [i] p. 61 illus., I fold. map. 25i cm . Balfour & Co., London. 787.1 Big 97230 How to tell the nationality of old violins. By Balfour & Co. Il- lustrated throughout. Second and enlarged edition, with supple- mentary illustrations of some celebrated violins, etc. [London], Balfour & Co., [1901]. [8] p. 2-28 leaves, illus. 19"". The leaves have text on the recto, illustrations on the verso. Bauer, Heinrich. 1787.1 632 p rac tical history of the violin ..... Containing 778 genuine violin labels in true photographical reproduction, 1,200 violin- makers' names and biographies, etc., etc., by Heinrich Bauer. New York, The H. Bauer Music Co., C i9i I. 37 p. incl. front, (port.) 39 pi. 28 cm . Clarke, A Mason. 787.1 1 The violin and old violin makers, being a historical & biographical account of the violin, with facsimiles of labels of the old makers, by A. Mason Clarke .... London, W. Reeves, [1910]. [2], iv, [2], !2Op. front., illus. (facsims.) I9 cm . Added t.-p. illus. VIOLIN AND VIOLONCELLO 453 Foucher, G 787.1 F82 S6493 T rea ti se O n the history & construction of the violin with a short account of the lives of its greatest players and makers. Written especially for the use oj students preparing for the examinations of the College of Violinists by G. Foucher, .... New and re- vised edition. London, [printed by E. Shore & Co.], 1897. [8], 82 p. i6i em . Fry, George. 787.1 FQ4 The varnishes of the Italian violin-makers of the sixteenth, seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries and their influence on tone. By George Fry, .... London, Stevens & Sons, ltd., 1904. xii, 1 70 p. I fold, table. 22 cm . Greilsamer, Lucien. 667.7 Q8o2 ' ... . Le vernis de Cremone, etude historique et critique. Paris, Societe francaise d'imprimerie et de librairie, 1908. viii, 175 p. 23 cm . At head of title: Lucien Greilsamer. "Anciennes recettes de vernis," p. [iso]-i55. "Index bibliographique," p. [I73J-I7S. Hart, George, 1839-1891. 787.1 H25 The violin : its famous makers and their imitators, by George Hart. With numerous wood engravings from photographs of the works of Stradivari, Guarneri, Amati, and others. Popular edition .... London, Dulau and Co., [etc.], 1887. [8] i 9-450, [2] p. illus. 2o cm . Haweis, Hugh Reginald, 1839-1901. 787.1 H3i 669ie ... . Old violins. By Rev. H. R. Haweis. Edinburgh, J. Grant, 1905. 293 p. xii pi. (incl. ports., i facsim., i diagr.) 2i cm . {Half-title: Collector series.) Series title also at head of t.-p. Bibliography, p. 281-286. Hill, William Henry. 780.9284 9rs38 A n t on io Stradivari, his life and work (1644-1737) by W. Henry Hill, Arthur F. Hill, ... , and Alfred E. Hill. With an introduc- tory note by Lady Huggins. Second edition. London, Mac- millan and Co., 1909. xv i 3'9> [i] P- incl. illus., 6 pi., I port., 2 facsim., i table, col. front., 2 pi., port. 22i em . "Instruments of Antonio Stradivari, with records of prices paid," p. 282-289. Lyon & Healy, Chicago. 787.1 1,992 ' Rare old violins. Chicago, Lyon & Healy, [ C i9ii]. cover-title, [2], [5J--IO2 p. incl. plates. 264x13^ Catalog of violins for sale by Lyon & Healy, including historical sketch of violin ?nd maker, violin publications and books about the violin and violinists. 74254 454 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Niederheitmann, Friedrich. 787.1 N55 Cremona. Eine Charakteristik der italienischen Geigenbauer und ihrcr Instrumente von Friedrich Niederheitmann. 4. vermehrte und auf Grund neuester Forschungen verbesserte Auflage von Dr. Emil Vogel. Mit Bildern von.Caspar Tieffenbrucker alias Gaspard Duiffopruggar, Antonio Stradivari, Mustergcigen und 36 Geigen- zettel-Nachbildungen. Leipzig, C. Mcrseburger, 1909. xxxii, 158 p. illus. (incl. facsims. ) ports. 23 '/'". Ruhlmann, Julius i.e. Adolf Julius, 1816-1877. 77 ^85 90213 j}j e Q esc hichte der Bogeninstrumente, insbesondere derjenigen des heutigen Streichquartettes, von den friihesten Anfangen an bis auf die heutige Zeit. Eine Monographic, von Julius Ruhl- mann, .... Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von dessen Sohn Dr. Richard Ruhlmann, .... Mit in den Text ein- gedruckten Holzstichen und einem Atlas von XIII Tafeln. Braun- schweig, F. Vieweg und Sohn, 1882. xiij [ 2 L 3 21 P- illus. 23 cm . and atlas of 13 fold. pi. 21 x 264 cm . Saint-George, Henry, 1866- 787 8139 90214 .... The bow, its history, manufacture & use. By Henry - Saint-George. Illustrated by the author. London, "The Strad" Office, [etc.], 1896. [10], 124 p. incl. 45 illus., vm pi. front, (port.) I9 cm . ("The Strad" library, no. m.) "A list of bow makers," p. 67-75; bibliography, p. 123. Schebek, Edmund, 1819-1895. 787.1 8314 90217 yj ie V i ii n manufacture in Italy and its German origin. An his- torical sketch ; by Dr. Edmund Schebek. Translated from the German by Walter E. Lawson. London, W. Reeves, [1906?]. 63. CO P- l & m - Schlesinger, Kathleen. 780.85 8342 The instruments of the modern orchestra & early records of the precursors of the violin family. With over 500 illustrations and plates, by Kathleen Schlesinger. In two volumes .... London, W. Reeves, 1910. 2 vol. fronts., 17 pi. (i fold.), 2 fold, tables. 23 cm . Paged continuously. Added t.-p. in each vol. (vol. i) Modern orchestral instruments (history, structure, capabilities) a practical illustrated handbook . . . (vol. 2) The precursors of the violin family; records, researches and studies . . . with over 200 illustrations and plates, a bib- liography of music and archaeology and indices to the two volumes ..... "Bibliography," p. 501-600. HARP AND OTHER STRING INSTRUMENTS 455 Stoeving, Paul. 787.1 8872 1 The story of the violin, by Paul Stoeving, .... London, The Walter Scott Publishing Co. ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1904. xxvii, 323, [i] p. front., illus., 2 pi., 2 port., 2 facsim., I fold, table. i8-i cm . {Half-title: The music story series.) "Books of reference," p. 312-313. Wasielewski, Wilhelm Joseph von, 1822-1896. 787.3 W28 1 .... Das Violoncell und seine Geschichte. Zvveite, durchgear- beitete und vermehrte Auflage von Waldemar von Wasielewski. Leipzig, Breitkopf & Hartel, 1911. vi, [2], 255 p. illus. 234 cm . At head of title: Wilh. Jos. v. Wasielewski. Bibliography "Violoncellschulen von Mitte.des 18. Jahrhunderts bis auf die Gegen- wart", p. [2471-249. Zampa, Giovanni. 787.1 Zi2 99398 Violini antichi (storia e tecnica della liuteria). Lavoro compilato sulle migliori e piu recenti opere straniere ed italiane (Hill, Haweis, Hart, Lutgendorff, Wasielewsky ecc.) Sassuolo, P. Paoli, 1909. v, [2], 246, [2] p. .illus. 22i cm . At head of title: Dott. Zampa Giovanni. 787.5 History of the harp and other string instruments Biernath, Ernst. 787.6 647 ' Die Guitarre seit dem in. Jahrtausend vor Christus. Eine musik- und kulturgeschichtliche Darstellung mit genauer Quellenangabe. .... Herausgegeben von Ernst Biernath. Berlin, A. Haack, 1907. vi, [2], 144 p. 2i cm . [Bobillier, Marie.] 787.6 863 * 337 .... Notes sur 1'histoire du luth en France. Turin, [etc.], Bocca freres, 1899, [2], 83 p. 234". At head of tide: Author's pseud., Michel Brenet. "Extrait de la Rivista musicale italiana, tome v, fasc. 4, 1898 et tome vi, fasc. l r , 1899." Bibliographical foot-notes. Music in text. Flood, William H Grattan. 787.5 F6s 90078 The story of the harp, by W. H. Grattan Flood, .... London, The W. Scott Publishing Co., ltd. ; New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1905. xx, 207, [ I ] p. front., illus., 2 pi.. 2 port. i8 cm . (Half-title: The music story series. ) Music in text. "Principal sources for a bibliography of the harp," p. 197-199. 45 6 Kennedy, Hans. 787.8 K38 40208 j-)j e Zjth er in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Eine historisch-kritische Studie uber das Instrument und seine musi- kalischen Verhaltnisse, von Hans Kennedy. Mit Federzeich- nungen von demselben ..... Tolz, F. Fiedler, 1896. [8], 207 p. illus. 2oi cm . "Uebersicht aller bisherigen Zitherfachschriften in chronologischer Reihenfolge," p. 165-166. 788 History of the flute, etc. Altenburg, Wilhelm. 788.6 A466 97229 j}j e Klarinette. Ihre Entstehung und Entwicklung bis zur Jetzt- zeit in akustischer, technischer u. musikalischer Beziehung, von Wilh. Altenburg. Heilbronn a. N., C. F. Schmidt, [1904]. [ 4 ], 46 p. 23i". Music in text. Rockstro, Richard Shepherd. 788.5 1384 A treatise on the construction, the history and the practice of the flute, including a sketch of the elements of acoustics, and critical notices of sixty celebrated flute-players ; by Richard Shepherd Rockstro ; the greater part of the biographical information col- lected, and the whole of the extracts from the German and the Italian translated by Georgina M. Rockstro. London, Rudall, Carte and Co., [etc.], 1890. xli, [i], 664, iv p. 22-i cm . "Chronological list of the books and papers quoted in this work," p. xix-xxxviii. "List of original music in which the flute takes a principal part," p. [5i8]~527. "Lift of arrangements for the flute with other instruments," p. [528]-53O. TOBACCO GROWING AND THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY 457 ADDENDA 679 HISTORY OF TOBACCO GROWING AND THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY Arnold, Benjamin William. 3 6 - I 45 * 13644 f^i s tory of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894. 86 p. (In JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity studies, vol. 15.) Baltimore 1897. Billings, E R 633.288 NSOO Tobacco. Its history, varieties, culture, manufacture and com- merce, with an account of its various modes of use, from its first discovery until now. By E. R. Billings Hartford, Conn., American Publishing Company, 1875. xvi, [I7J-4S6 p. front., illus., 2 pi. 23 cm . Comes, Orazio, 1 848- 1,583.79 Qooi 5 - Histoire, geographic, statistique du tabac. Son introduction et son expansion dans tous les pays depuis son origine jusqu'a la fin du xix. me siecle, avec des notes sur 1'usage de tous les excitants connus: hachich, opium, betel, cafe, the, etc., par le D r . Prof. O. Comes, .... (Resume en 5 grands tableaux chronographiques en anglais.) Naples, Typographic cooperative, 1900. [4], 332 p. 5 fold, tables. 32i cm . Bibliographical foot-notes. Fairholt, Frederick William. 394. 15 N6oo Tobacco : its history & associations. Including an account of the plant and its manufacture ; with its modes of use in all ages and countries. vi,[2],332 p. 100 il. I pi. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876. Heymann, Otto. 330 .53 12 v.io .... Die Entwicklung des Pfalzer Tabakhandels seit den 7<3er Jahren, von Dr. Otto Heymann. Karlsruhe i. B., G. Braun, 1909. 168 p. 244 cm . (/// Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen der badischen Hoch- schulen, x. Bd., 5. Heft.) "Literaturverzeichnis," p. [i67]-l68. 458 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Kluss, Franz, 1879- 33-53 12 v. 8 sup. ioo606 Die 2i teste deutsche Gewerkschaft : die Organisation der Tabak- und Zigarrenarbeiter bis zum Erlasse des Sozialistenge- setzes. Von Dr. Franz Kluss. Karlsruhe, G. Braun, 1905. [8], 68 p. 24 cm . (/ Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen der badischen Hoch- schulen . . . , vm. Band, 2. Erganzungsband.) Published also as the author's inaugural dissertation, Heidelberg, 1905. "Literatur," p. 68. Penn, W A 394. 15 Qioo 97276 Yhe soverane herbe. A history of tobacco, by W. A. Penn. With illustrations by W. Hartley. London, G. Richards; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1901. vi, [4], 326 p. front., 4 pi. 2oi cm . T.-p. illus. Schroder, Ferdinand Karl Max, 1878- 338.188 QQOI b49 " Zur Geschichte des Tabakwesens in der Kurpfalz. . . . Von Fer- dinand Schroder .... Berlin, Druck von O. Kretschmer, 1909. 98, [2] p. 22& m . Inaug.-dis. Heidelberg. "Quellen," p. 6-7. Lebenslau^ INDEX INDEX Aachen see Aix-la-Chapelle. Aachener Hutten-Aktien-Verein in Rote Erde, 348. Abbe, E., 339. Abbott, H. G., pseud., 383. Abele, H., 452. Aberdeen, 226. --Angus cattle, 147. Abhandlungen zur Yerkehrs- und See- geschichte, 159. Abruzzo, 239. Academic francaise, 193. Accounting, 291. Acetylene industry, 314. Acheson, E. G., 295. Acworth, W. M., 275. Actenstiicke betreffend die Herausgabe einer Geschichte des deutschen Buch- handels, 258. Adams, C. F., Jr., 281. - T. P., 196. W., 322. Addenda, 457-458. AddiSon, Mrs. J. De W., 406. Addy, S. O., 399. Adler, P., 357. Advertising, 292. Aebi, J. L., 244. Aerial navigation, 107-112. Aero Club of America, 103. Aeronautical meteorology, 107. Aeronautics, 103-115. Afanas'ev, G. E., 129. Africa, 133. Agrarian laws, 130. Agricultural classes, 115-150. implements, 136-139. laborer, 121, 122. Agriculture, 115-150. Agrimensores, 1 1 . Airships, 107-112. Aix-la-Chapelle, 74, 355. Akerman, R., 351. Alabama, 72. Alary, J., 232. Albi, 233. Albrccht. G., 60. O., 148. Alcohol, 296. Alderney cows, 147. Aldus Manutius, 237. Alencon lace, 374. Ales, A., 196. Alexander, J., 46, 107. -J. H., 344- Algeria, 168. Alglave, E., 68. Alkalies, 296. Alkaloids, 297. Allemagne, H. R. d', 102, 443 Allen, E. H., 452. -P., 376. -J. F.,293- Allen, L. P., 146. -N.B.,33. Allgemeiner Deutschcr Zigarrenarbeiter- verein, 458. Alloys, 354-356. Allsopp, H., 15. Almquist, J. A., 351. Alphabets, 199. Alps, 273. Alsace, 218, 229, 266. Altenburg, W., 456. Alteneder, J., 184. Aluminum, 356. Alzola y Minondo, P. dc, 50. Ameilhon, H. P., 163. America, 245. American Cement Company, 339. De Forest Wireless Telegraph Co., 66. Gas Institute, 313. Iron and Steel Association, 89. Society for Testing Materials, 293. Ames, J., 225. Amick, M. L., 107. Ammunition, 82. Amram, D. W., 236. Amsterdam, 30, 195, 309. Ancient Times, 9-11, 46, 72, 75, 78, 89, 115, 136, 149, 150, 152, 156, 163-164, 174, 189, 286-287, 295, 306, 318-319, 405, 417-418. Anderson, A., 440. --T., 182. -W.,439- Andersen, P., 80. Andre, L., 2. Andree, R., 344. Andrews, C. M., 119. -W. L., 394- Anet. Ecole d'horlogerie, 387. Aniline colors,*34O. Animal industry, 144-154. design, 430. Anthony, E., 170. Antwerp. Musee Plantin-Moretus, 243, 249. Apiarius, M., 251. Applied history, 5. Arabia, 165, 359. Arago, D. F. J., 55, 56. Arata, P. N., 445. Arber, E., 255. Archer, M., 57. Archief voor Nederlandsche kunstge'- schiedenis, 409. Architecture, 399-402. Archiv fur die Geschichte der Natur- wissenschaften und der Technik, I . Arctic regions, 153. Ardaillon, E., 75. Ardey, R. L., 136. Arends shorthand, 185. Argau, 79. Argentine Republic, 147. Argnani, P., 330. Arkwright, Sir R., 371. 461 462 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Armes, E., 72. Armor, 390-391. plate, 89. Armorique, 327. Arms, 39~39i- Arnold, A., 171. -B. W., 457- E., 60. J. P., 302. W., 21. Ars moriendi, 441. Art, 402-410. Art industry, 45, 402-448. Artesian wells, 102. Artillery see Firearms. Artistic furniture, 432-435. Artois, 327. Arts and crafts movement, 404. et metiers au Moven Age, 406. Ashton, J., 154. . Asia, 31-32, 132-133, 181, 280-281, 449. Minor, 270. Askins, C., 80. Assyria, 146, 318. Astier de la Vigerie, E. R. d'A., 379. Astle, T., 179. Asymptotic telegraphy see Wireless teleg- raphy. Athens, 9, 10, n. Atlantic cable, 66. Atwpod, A. W., 299. Aubin, G., 123. Auer, A., 253. Auerbach, P., 108. Augsburg, 359. Augstin, M., 133. Augustin, B., 139. Auinger, H., 325. Auscher, E. S., 326. Austin, S. E., 436. Australia, 51, 173, 284. Austria. Land- und Forstwirte, 123. -Hungary, 21-25, 51, 102, 123-127, 142, 144-166, 228-232, 277-278, 313, 323-325. 347-349. 377- Patentamt., 22. Authors and their public, 254. Automobile industry, 93, 94. Avebury, J. Lubbock, baron, 174. Avenel, G. d', 25, 26. Aviation, 112-115. Avignon, 236. B Baasch, E., 85, 159, 160, 167, 287. Babelon, E. C. F., 413. Babylonia, 146. Bachelin, A., 383. Bachtold, H., 164. packer, A. de B., 243. Bacon, G., 103, 108. -J. M., 108. -Foster, Mrs. C., 289. Baden, 22, 125, 271, 277, 278, 301, 306, 324, 365, 420. Fabrikinspektion, 22. Baden-Powell, B., 106. Badeslade, T., 99. Baer, L., 266. Bagnall. W. R., 368. Bahr, K., 165. Bain, A., 61. Baines, Sir E., 370. Bujot, E., 432. Baker, A., 1X5. &Co., W., 304. Baku, 311. Balet, L., 336. Balfour, H., 402. Ballen, D., 94. Ballistics, 80. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 57. Bakewell, F. C., 44. Bakker, D. L., 146. Balbus, J., Catholicon, 220, 223. Baldwin Locomotive Works, 57. Balfour, H., 452. & Co., 452. Balhorn, J., 230. Ballen, D., 457. Ballistics, 80-84. Balloons, 107-112. Baltet, C., 139. Bamberg, 222, 231. Bamford, J., 196. Banda Islands, 141. Banduri, A., 417. Banker in Literature, 171. Banking, 171-178. Barber, E. A., 334, 335, 336. F. M., 46. Barnaby, Sir N., 85. Barnard, A., 139. Barnum, P. T., 385. Barral, G., 60. Barre, A., 420. Bartels, A., 124. Bartelt, W., 77. Basch, C., 68. Basel, 203, 244, 267, 361. Bashforth, F., 80. Baskerville, J., 227. Bassermann-Jordan, E., 387. - F., 300. Bastianini, G., 331. Batik- work, 341. Baudet, F. E. J. M., 154. Baudrier, H. L., 193. Baudry de Saunier, L., 296. Bauer, A., 102, 313. -H.,452. Baumann, R., 244. Baumgart, E., 329. Baumgarten, W., 380. Bavaria, 25, 129, 143, 146, 270, 278, 300, 338,339,356,367,4. Bayley, H., 186. Bazeries, E., 179. Beard, C., 15. Beaujon, A., 150. Beauquis, A., 376. Beaurieux, N., 305. Becher, J. P., 73, 343- Beck, L., 344. Becker, A., 354. Beckmann, J., 41. Bedford level, 99. Bee-keeping, 149-150. Beer, 302, 303. Beet sugar, 308, 309, 310. Behlen, H., 136. Beillard, A., 387. Beitrage zum Bibliotheks- und Buch- wesen, 186. zur Geschichte der Technik und Indus- trie, 8. INDEX 463 Bcitrage zur Geschichte des Buch- u. Zcitungswesens, 192. Bclck,W.,344. Belgium see Netherlands. Bell, E. C., 310. -J- S., 57- M., 428. T. J., 101. Belloc, A., 63. Bells, 354, 356. Bemrose, W., 319. Benesch, L. von, 102. Benjamin, -P., 60. Bennett, R., 305. Beraldi, H., 394. Berger, E., 435. -P., 179. Berget, A., 104. Berghman, G. S., 241. Berglund, A., 349. Bergmans, P., 241, 394. Berlepsch-Yalendas, H. E. von, 411. Berlin, 62, 169, 228, 263, 354. Konigl. Bibliothek, 228. Konigl. Porcellanmanufactur, 324. Berling, K., 323. Bern, 168, 251, 269. Bernard, A., 204, 232. -J. F.,i6 7 . -L. )5 i. Bernus, A., 244. Beromunster, 244, 245. BiTstett, A. von, 420. Bertelsmann, W., 313. Berthele, J., 354. Berthelet, T., 398. Bertin, R., 158. Bcsangon, 109, 386. Beschrijving van Nederlandsche historie- penningen, 421. Besse, P., 119. Bessemer, Sir H., 346. Best, R. H., 354. Bettgenhaeuser, R., 22. Biagi, G., 236. Bianco, S., 182. Bibles, Early printed, 214, 220, 221, 222. Bibliographies, I. of aeronautics, 104. of British agriculture, 117. of guns and shooting, 82. of inventions, i. of road-making, 94, 95. Bickell, L., 397. Bicycle, 92. Bie, O., 450. Biedenkapp, G., 12. Biedenkopf, (Germany), 230. Biedermann, E., 274. Bielschowsky, F., 367. Biernath, E., 455. Billeter, G., 174. Billiard, R., 149. Billings, E. R., 457. Binns, C. F., 315. -R. W., 319. -W. M., 320. Biollay, L., 26. Birch. S., 318. Bird, G. P., 58. Birk, A., 92. Birkinbine, J., 36. Birmingham, 354. Birnie, R., 81. Birrell, A., 268. Birt, T., 189. Bischoff, J-, 381. Bishop, J. L., 33. Bittner, L., 73, 347. Bizot, P., 422. Bjorling, P. R., 70. Black, Starr & Frost, 423. Blacker, J. F., 320. Blackmorc, E., 287. Blackwood, W., 257. Blades, W., 196, 204, 227. Blagowiestschensky, G., 31. Blair, M., 365, 377. Blakcy, R., 150. Blanch, H. J., 81. Blanchet, A., 101, 358, 421. Bleekman, G., 75. Blenck, E., 182. Blin, E., 381. Blink, H., 131. Bloch, C., 26. Blochmann, R., 67. Block-books, 202-204, 213. Blondel, S., 157. Bobillier, M., 455. Boch, R. von, 320. Bode, W., 434. Bodleian Library, 394. Boeckh, A., 9, 10. Boeheim, W., 390. Boehmer, G. H., 85. Boehn, M. von, 157. Boffito, G., 104. Bogart, E. L., 33. Bogoliepov, M. L, 160. Bogota, 247. Bohemia, 295. Bohemian colored glass, 338. Bohm, C. R., 313. Bohmert, V., 36. Boissonnade, P. M., 26. Bolle, J., 378. Bompois, H. F., 174. Bongi, S., 236. Bonn, M. J., 28. Bonnassieux, L. J. P. M., 160. Bontemps, G., 336. Bon wick, J., 381. Book, 186-269. auctions, 256. Bookbinding, 197, 394~399- before 1800, 397-399. Book-illustration, 197, 202, 266-267. Book keeping see Accounting Book trade, 254-265. Borchardt, L., 399. Borckel, A., 204, 213. Bordeaux, 194, 232, 233. Bore, H., 344. Borgmann, W., 142. Borgnino, G. C., 308. Bornemann, F., 137. Borscnblatt fur den Deutschen Buch- handel, 258. Borsenverein der Deutschen Buch- handler, 258, 259. Bosnia, 93. Boston, 101. - Museum of Fine Arts, 427. Water Board, 101. Bottger, J. F., 325, 326. 464 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Bottler, M., 339. Bouchon, G., 232. Bouchot, H. F. X. M., 197, 426, 439, 443. Boulard, J.,68. Boulton, M., 57. Bourdeau, L., 157. Bourne, H. R. P., 160. Boutan, L., 445. Boutet, H., 157. Bow, Musical, 454. porcelain, 319. Bowes, J.L., 333. Bowker, R. R.,268. Bowyer, W., 205. Boyd, J. P., 12. -R.N., 73- Boyne, W., 419. Boysen, K., 214. Brackel, O. F. J. von, 310. Bradbury, H. R., 197, 254. Bradlee, N. J., 101. Bradley, J. W., 431. Brakel, S. van, 167. Brannt, W. T., 310. Brants, V. L. J. L., 12. Brass, 354-3S 6 - Brassey, T., 48. T. B., baron, 16, 21. Brassington, W. S., 394. Braungart, R., 118. Brauns, C., 22. Brayley, A. W., 75, 154. Bread, 154. Brees, E., 51. Breisgau i. Baden, 124. Breitkopf, J. G. L, 443. Breittmayer, A., 288. Bremen, 88. Bremner, D., 16. Brentano, L., 40. Bresciano, G., 237. Breslau. Schlesisches Museum fur Kunst- gewerbe und Altertumer, 336. Breuer, C., 296. Breusing, A., 286. Brewer, G., 104. Brewing, 302-304. Bridge engineering, 91-92. Bridier, L., 46. Brieuvres, Mme. M. de, 374, 380. Briggs, C. F., 66. Brigham, J., 171. Bright, C., 66. SirC. T.,66. -E. B.,66. Briquet, C. M., 358, 361. Brindley, J. E., 94, 269. Brinkmann, F., 120. Bristol, 40. British Museum. Department of Printed Books, 1 86. Brittany, 129. Britten, F. J., 384. Brockelmann, K., 108. Brockett, L. P., 379. Brockhaus, A., 413. -F. A., 259. -H. E., 259. Broderick, G. C., 120. Broglio d'Ajano, R., 377. Brokerage, 161. Bronze, 355. Brooks, E. C., 372. Brotherhead, W., 265. Brouwer Anchor, A. J. M., 36. Brown, G. B., 407. -H. F., 185. -J. C., 142. -R., 291. W. H., 5S. Bruce, P. A., 33. Bruchmuller, W., 354. Brunei, G., 186. Brunet, B., 193. -G., 394- y Bellet, J., 187. Bruning, A., 3s. Bruns, J., 178. Brussels, 242. Exposition nationale 1880, 409. Bruun, C. W., 205. Bryant, S., 357. Bucerius, Dr., 50. Buch der Erfindungen, 7. Bucher, B. A., 402. Bucher, K., 2. Buchhandel vom Jahre 1815, bis zum Jahre 1863, 259, 260. Buchhandlung des Waiscnhauses, 263. Buchholtz, A., 240. Buchmayer, A., 142. Buchner, K., 260. Buck, J. H., 427. Buhle, E., 449. Buhler, F., 381. Building, 399-402. Bujatti, F., 377. Bulgakov, F. I., 197. Bulgaria, 30, 280. Burbacherhutte, 348. Burch, R. M., 252. Burge, C. O., 46. Burger, K., 292. Burkett, C. W., 134. Burmeister, H., 277. Burn, J. H., 419. Burner, R., 60. Burnley, J., 41, 382. Burns, E. E., 42. Burr, F. M., 440. Burton, W., 320. Butler, E. P., 429. Paper Co., J. W., 358. Biittgenbach, F., 73. Butterworth, B., 3. Byrn, E. W., 44. Cabrie, L., 140. Caen, 194. Cafes, 156. Caillaut, A., 235. Calcium carbide, 314. Caldicott, J. W., 427. Calico printing, 341. California, 140, 173, 312. State Engineer, 99. Cambridge, Eng., 99, 191, 398, 428. Mass., 246. Campana, J., 81. Campori, G., 331. Campredon, L., 344. Camus, A. G., 249. Camusat, J., 193. Canada, 95, 98, 147, 289-290. Cancalon, V., 115. INDEX 465 Cansteinsche Bibelanstalt, 263. Canton, China, 38. Capitalism, 8, 29. Carbolic acid, 296. Cardwell, E., 417. ' Carnegie, A., 56. Carnot, L. N. M., 78. Carpentry, 402. Cartagena de las Indias, 248. Carvalho, D. X., 342. Carving, 413-415. Gary, F. E., 281. Cassel, 128, 230. Casson, H. N., 68, 137, 350. -T., 451- Cast iron, 347. steel, 350. Castaldi, P., 225. Castellani, C., 205. Castendyck, W., 306. Casterlin, W. S., 350. Catalonia, 240. Cato, M. P., Censorius, 118. Cattle, 119, 126, 133, 146-148. breeding, 1 1 9, 126, 133, 146-148. Cauderlier, E., 12. Cavallo, T., 104. Cavanagh, R., 85. Caxton, W., 199, 200, 227-228. Cecil, A. M. (Tyssen-Amherst) , 411. Cellini, B., 413, 414, 415. Celtic art, 431. Cement industry, 296, 339. Censorship, 268-269. Ceramics, 315-339- Cereals, 129. Ceylon, 170. Chaffers, W., 315, 352- Chalcography, 437, 438. Chalmers, G., 16. Champagne, 302. Channer, C. C., 374. Chanute, O., 112. Chapin, W. O., 436. Chaplain, J., 318. Chappus, A. M., 160. Charabot, A., 154. Charles, E., 279. Charvet, L., 402. Chassaing, A., 426. Chatterton, E. K., 85. Chatto, W. A., 440. Chau Ju-Kua, 165. Chavagnac, X. de, 326. Chelsea porcelain, 319. Chelsum, J., 437. Chemical industry, 293-342. Chevalier, M., 94, 270. Cheyney, E. P., 120. Chicago and North Western Railway, 283. World's Columbian Exposition, . 50. Chijs, J. A. van der, 304. P. O. van der, 177. China, 38, 132, 133, 165, 240, 281. ware see Ceramics. Chio, 389. Chippendale furniture, 434. Chittenden, H. M., 289. Chlapowski, A. von C., 131. Chocolate, 304-5. Christian, A., 232. Church, A. H., 320. Church, W.C., 47. Church silver, 427. Cibrario, L., 12. Cincinnati, 101. Cipher, 179, 180, Clarinet, 456. Clark, G. T., 77. -L., 64. Clarke, A. M., 452. Claudin, A., 214, 233. Clay industry, 335. Clermont, 88. Clifford, C. R., 429. Clinch, G., 157. Clocks, 383-37- historical collections, 387. Cloth, 365, 368, 381. Clouston, K. W., 434. Coaches, 94. Coal, 300. mining, 72-74, 351. trade, 73, 74. Cobalt, 354. Cobden-Sanderson, T. J., 404. Cochituate Water Works, 101. Cochran-Patrick, R, W., 175. Cochrane, C. H., 12, 47. -R., 12. Cockburn, J., of Ormistoun, 140. Cocoa, 304. Coffee, 304-305- -R., 78. Cohn, G., 275. Cohong of Canton, 38. Coin types, 416. Colbert, 27. Golden, C. D., 86. Cole, A. S., 374. Collar, G., 16. Collieries, 74. Collijn, I., 228. Cologne, 231, 232, 269, 378, 438. Colonial furniture, 435. Colonization, 136, 160. Colophons, 199, 200, 201. Color photography, 447, 448. printing, 252. Colorado, 35. Column, 399, 401. Coman, K., 33. Comes, O., 457. Commerce, 159-170. Commercial geography see Economic geography paper, 174. travelling, 163. Commons, J. R., 34. Compass, 285. Composing machines, 251. Compound engines, 58. Concina, D., 304. Congo, 32. Congrcs international d'histoire com- paree, Rome, 1903, 415. Connecticut, 428. Agricultural Experiment Station, 135. Connelly, J., 335. Connolly, T. W. J., 78. Constance, Lake of, 288. Conti, C., 380. Conway, Sir W. M., 440. Cooke, C. T- B., 58. -SirW. F., 64. 466 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Cooks-Taylor, R. W., 3. Cookery, 154-157. Cooley, A. J., 158. Copeland, M. T., 373. Copenhagen. Dansk kunstindustrimuse- um, 397. porcelain, 333. Copper, 71, 354-356. mining, 76, 77. Copperplate engraving, 437, 438. Copyright, 268-269. Coraggioni, L., 420. Corazza, O., 102. Corazzini, F., 286, 289. Corbin, T. W., 44. Cordemoy, H. J. de, 378. Cordonnel-Lawson, A. M. de, 175. Corn milling, 395. Cornejo Carvajal, J., 182. Corner, A., 120. Corrard de Breban, 234. Cosgrove, J. J., 101. Cosmetics, 157-159. Cossham, H., 53. Costa y Laurent, F., 284. Coster, L. J., 205, 223-224. Cotarelo y Mori, E., 179. Costume, 157-159. Cotton, H., 198. Cotton industry, 370-373. states, 372. Couquaux, M., 150. Cowper, H. S., 78. Cox, R., 367. Coxwell, H. T., 108. Craftsmen, 24, 25. Crane, W., 266. -W. R., 75- -Z., 360. Credit, 171-178. Cremona, 453, 454. Creutz, M., 388, 423. Creuzbauer, A., 154. Crew, B. J., 310. Cripps, W. J., 427. Crises, 163 . Critchell, J. T., 306. Crone-Miinzebrock, A., 146. Cronica van der hilligen stat Coellcn, 214. Crum, A. R., 310. Cundall, J., 394, 395, 441. Cunningham, W., 16, 17. Cunynghame, H. H. S., 3X4. Curiosities, 403. Curtel, G.,300. Curtis, A., 444. -A.T.,370. G. M.,428. Curtius, E., 95. Curtler, W. H. R., 120. Curwen, H., 255. Cust, A. M. E.,4i4. -L., 441. Cut glass business, 336. Cutlery, 345, 346. Cyanides, 297. D Bade, H. G., 124. Dairying, 149. Dalrymple, Sir J., 1726-1810, 120. Dalziel, H., 148. Dammer, O., 293. Dane County, Wisconsin, 134. Daniel'son, N. F., 30. Danou, 208. Danzig, 169. Darmstaedter, L., 3-4. Dasypodius, K., 386. Datz, P., 292. Daul, A., 92. Daunou, P. C. F., 205. Davenport, C. J. H., 187, 395, 39^. Davidova, S., 374. Davids, T. W. R., 170. &Co. T., 342. Davillier, J. C., baron, 315, 327, 329, 3^, 424. Davis, C. T., 359. -D.W., 34. Day, L. F., 180. Deardorff, N. R., 166. Debauve, A. A., 50. Decimal coinage, 170. Dedekind, A., 340. Dedication of books, 255. Deering Harvester Co., Chicago, 137. Defebaugh, J. E., 356. De Forest, L., 66. Degering, H., 451. Degrully, P., 300. Dehn, R. M. R., 371. Delaborde, H., vicomte, 437. Delalain, P. A., 193, 264. Delbruck, M., 303. Delisle, L. V., 194, 327. Del Mar, A., 352. Delpeuch, Y. M., 89. Delteil, L., 104. Demay, G., 414. Demlani, H., 428. Demmin, A., 390. Demolins, E., 270. Demon ville, A., 193. Denman, J. L., 301. Denmark, 31, 130, 264, 397. Dent, R. K., 227. Denuce, J., 241. Department stores, 169. Derby porcelain, 319. De Salis, Mrs. H. A., 154. - H. R., 95- Deschamps, P. C. E., 198. Des Cilleuls, A., 26. Despierres, Mme. G., 327, 374. De Tabley, J. B. L. W., baron, 417. Deutsch, H., 377. Deutsche Landwirtschaf ts-Gesellschaf t , 137. Deutscher Tabakarbeiterverein, 458. De Vinne, T. L., 198, 205, 249. Devon, 375. Dibdin, T. F., 214, 225. Dick, S., 409. Dickinson, H. W., 47. Dickson, R., 226. Dictionary of printers and booksellers, 190. Didot, A. F., 237, 441. Dienstag, P., 387. Diesel motor, 69. Dietzschold, C., 384. Dijon, 37. Dilke, E. F. S., 434. Dilock, Prince of Siam, 132. Dilthey, F. O., 371. INDEX 467 Dinanderie, 389. Dingelstedt, F., 214. Dircks, H., 17. Distillation, 294. Dittmer, R., 150. Documentary history of American in- dustrial society, 34. Doenges, W., 326. Dogs, 148. Dolet, E., 232. Dolge, A., 450. Dolleris, A., 264. Domesday characters, 199. Commemoration 1886, 121. Domestic animals see Animal industry. science, 154-159. Domestication, 119. Donaldson, W. H., 107. Donnell, E. J., 370. Doolittle, W. H., 44. Doren, A., 29. Dorflinger, W. F., 336. Doudelet, C., 202. Dow, Jones & Co., 350. Downman, E. A., 320. Drainage, 99-100. Drake, W. R., 331. Drecker, Prof., 445. Dreger, M., 362, 374. Drescher, K., 365. Dresden, 412. Korporation d. Kaufmannschaft, 162. porcelain, 325-326. Dresdner Handelsinnung, 162. Dresemann, O., 287. Dressel, H., 22. Druckenmuller, A., 260. Drums, Metal, 449. Dry goods trade, 364. DuBois, C. G., 291. Du Bois, H. P., 395. Dubois, M.. 4. - P., 384, 3X7- Du Bois-Reymond, A., 42. Reymond, R., 3, 4. Du Chatellier, P., 327. Duchesne, A., 393. Dudley, C. B., 293. Duff, E. G., 190, 206, 228. Dugdale, Sir W., 99. Dulany, D., 35. Du Maurier, G., 266. Dumont, A., 318. -G., 314- -J. B., 50. Dunbar, C. F., 171. Dunfermline. Weavers' Incorporation, 365. Diinkelberg, F. W., 144. Dunlop, M. A. W., 336. O. J., 121. Dunn, M., 73. Dunning, N. A., 134. Du Plessis de Grenedan, J., comte, 115. Dupont, P., 198. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Company, E. I., 299. Duprat, F. A. B., 234. Dupuy, E., 330. Durgin, W. A., 61. Durham, 175. Durst, J. U., 146. Du Sert, F. P., 360. Dussicux, L. E., 315. Dutch East Indies, 341. Guiana, 77. Dutil, L., 26. Dutt, R. C., 31. Duverger, E., 214. Dyer, F. L., 61. -G. L., 384. Dyeing, 339-342. Dziatzko, K., 189, 215. E E. S., engraver, 441. Earl, A. (Morse), 270. Earthenware, 323. East Africa, 32. India Company, 169, 176. Indies, 168. Prussia, 123. Easton, H. T., 171. Eaton, S. J. M., 311. Ebbetts, E. J., 388. Ebeling, J. W. F., 124. Eberl, G., 150. Eberswalde, K. Forstakademic, 142. Ebert, G., 357. Eckenstein, E., 303. Economic geography, 4, 5, 88, 161. history, general, 1-45. Eder, J. M., 445. Edinburgh, 38. Edison, T. A., 61, 62. Edmond, J. P., 226. Egypt, 46, 146, 163, 318, 319, 405- 415- 430- Ehrenberg, R., 22, 47. Ehret, G., 303. Ehrler, J., 50, 124. Eiben, G., 155. Eibenstock, 366. Eichhorn, C., 398. Eiffe, C. C., 134. Eighteenth century, 37, 167-168. Eisen, G., 140. Eisenerz, Austria, 73, 347. Elbe, 288. Elder, J. R., 150. Eldorado, 353. Electric furnaces, 343, 345. lighting, 68. -organ, 451. railways, 93. Electrical engineering, 60-68. Electro-chemistry, 63. - -iron, 345. magnetic telegraph, 65. Eliot, C., 411. -C. W., 411. Ellis, E. D., 308. - F. H. S., 198. J-, 305- - L. W., 137- Ellwanger, G. H., 155. Elstobb, W., 99. Elzevir press, 241, 242, 243. Embroidery, 362, 366, 368, 375, 379~3' s i- Emerson, E. R., 301. Empire, 377. Enamels, 322, 323, 327, 330, 333, 337. Engelbrecht, E., 134. - T. H., 115. Engelmann, W., Leipzig, 260. Engineering, 45-115- 468 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY England see Great Britain. Engraving, 187, 436-445. Ennis, W. D., 112. Enschede, C., 215, 223, 249. en zonen, J., Haarlem, 249, 250. Ericsson, J., 47. Erlinger, G., 231. Ermland, 124, 425. Ermolov, A. S., 115, 130. Ernst, A., 56. Escard, J., 299. Eschweiler Bergwerksverein, 74. Espinas, A. V., 9. - G., 368. Estienne, H., 234, 260. Ethnologic investigations, 8. Etching, 437, 438. Etherial oils, 296. Etruria, 152, 318, 319. Eude, E., 45. Europe, 69, 73, 116, 142, 152, 160, 198, 271, 300. Eustis, C., 155. Evelyn, J., 437. Ewbank, T., 70. Explosives, 82, 298-299. Exports, 1 68. Express business, 283. Eyth, M., 4, 47. Fabretti, R., 102. Fabricius, J. F., 245. L., 142. Fabriczy, C. von, 422. Factory system, 3, 20. Faenza, 331. Fagniez, G. C., 27. Fahie, J. J., 64, 67. Faience, 316, 317, 327, 328, 333. Fairbairn, Sir W., 345. Fairholt, F. W., 457. Falk, F., 215, 229. - H., 264. Falke, J. von, 323, 407. O. von, 323, 377. Falkenberg, G. von, 112. Falkenstein, K., 198. Fall River, Mass., 373. False money, 174. Farcy, L. de, 380. Farm buildings, 139. Farmer, J., 27. Farmers' Alliance, 134. Institutes, 135. Fashion, 157-159. Faujas de Saint-Fond, B., 108. Faulmann, K., 182, 206. Fava, M., 237. Fechner, H., 23. Federation pour la defense des interets beiges a 1'etranger, 30. Feith, H. O., 178. Feldhaus, F. M., 4, 42, 64, 109. Felix, L., 4. Felkin, W., 375. Fellows, Sir C., 417. Felsen, F., 340. Fenaille, M., 380. Fenn, G. M., 255. Ferber, F., 113. Ferrara, 331. Ferrari, G., 414. Ferguson, J., i. Fernow, B. E., 142. Ferris, R., 113. Fertilizers, 342. Feser, A., 146. Festschrift zum funthundertjahrigen Ge- burtstage von Johann Gutenberg, 215, 216. Fetes voltiennes des telegraphistes, 61. Feudal property, 120. Fewkes, J., 368. Feyerabend, Sigmund, 192. Ffoulkes, C., 390. Fichet, G., 216, 233. Field, C., 89. - H. M., 66. Fielding, R. O., 306. Fifteenth century, 39, 40, 207, 208, 211, 212, 266, 267, 292. Fig, 140. Figuier, L., 13. Fillon, B., 421. Finger-ring lore, 424. Finkenwirth, K., 365. Finlaison, J., 61. Finland, 240. Finot, J., 165. Firearms, 80-84, 391-392. Fischbach, F., 362. Fischer, 362. -G., 216. K., 288. - von Waldheim, G., 206. Fish culture, 119, 133, 150-152, 153. Fishing, 119, 133, 150-152, 153- Fitch, J., 89. Fittica, F. B., 359. Flach, W., 130. Flags, 285. Flamm, O., 86. Flammarion, C., 109. Flanders, 165, 327, 368. Fleck, A., 354. Fleming, H., 93. Fletcher, R. A., 86, 89. - W., 58, 93. - W. Y., 395- Flint, H. M., 281. Flood, W. H. G., 455- Florence, 29, 40, 202. Flour mills, 306. Flower, P. W., 354. Flute, 456. Flying machines, 112-115. Fonvielle, W. de, 109. Food industries, 305-307. Forbes, A. C., 142. - S. R., 102. -U. A., 95, 287. Foresi, A., 331. Forest, F., 89. Forestie, E., 194. Forestier, G., 95. Forestry, 115, 123, 142-144. Forez, France, 27. Forman, S. E., 42. Forrer, R., 316. Forsyth, A. J., 392. Fortifications, 78, 79. Fortschrittc dcr Teerfarbeiifabrikation, 340. Foster, W., 167. Foucher, G., 453. INDEX 469 Fouquet, D., 333. Fouquicr, M., 41 1. Fournicr, E., 42, 395. - P. S., 216, 217. Fourteenth century, 40. Fowler, Sir J., 49. Fox-Pitt-Rivers, A. H. L., 391. Fraas, C., 115. Frahm, J., 275. Frahne, C., 366. Frame building, 400. France, A., 217. France, i, 4, 25-28, 68, 70, 97, 99, 115, 129, 142, 150, 151, 156, 161, 172, 193- 195, 232-236, 264, 279, 288, 300, 302, 305, 307- 308, 326-330, 367, 370, 393. 394- 395, 399- 4K. 420-421, 426-42?- 429, 434, 444, 455- Fruncica, A., 405. Francis, J., 275. Franconia, 398. Francotte, H., 10. Franke, B., 129. Frankenburger, M., 425. Frankenthal, 324. Frantz, A., 437. Frankfurt a. M., 161, 177, 229, 260. Franz Joseph. Prince of Battenberg, 30. Frauberger, H., 45, 323. Freiberg i. S., 73. Freiburg i. B., 59. Freight rates, 35, 277. Freise, F., 70. Fremy, E. ; 336. French Revolution, 26. Frenzen, P. H., 125. Freundt, C. W., 174. Freysoldt, A., 143. Friedensburg, F., 416. Friedrich, E., 5. Friedrichson, J., 2X4. Friesland, 132, 167. Frith, H., 48, 54. Frobenius, H. T. W., 78. Fromm, M., 306. Frommann, E,, 254. Frontinus, S. J., 102. Frozen meat trade, 306. Franklin, B., in. Fruit industry, 141. Fry, G., 453. - H., 289. Fuchs, H., 277. Fuel, 299-300. Fugger, J., 1 66. Fukuda, T., 31. Fulda, 37. Fulton, R., 47, 86, 88. Fumagalli, G., 225, 237. Fur trade, 358. Furniture, 432-435. Furtwangler, A., 414. Fust, Johann, 220. Fyfe, H. C., 90. G Gabelsbcrger, F. X., 184, 185. Gaget, M., 90. Gaguin, R., 216. Galicia, 127. Gallion, W., 36- Gallois, E., 178. Gallois, G., 165. Galloway, R. L., 54, 73. Galpin, F. W., 449. Gamble, W., 252. Gannon, F. A., 392. Garbett, H., 81. Garden cities, 411. Gardening, 411-413. Gardens, 139. Gardner, J. S., 388, 390. Gardthausen, V. E., 189. Garnett, R., 200. Gamier, E., 316, 329, 337. - R. M., 121. Gas engines, 69. Gas industry, 313-314. lighting, 102, 311. mantles, 314. Gaston, R. de, 113. Gatehouse, T. E., 61. Gatty, A., 354. Geisler, L., 187. Gelcich, E., 285. Gemmingen, M. von, 36. Gems, 413, 414. Geneva, 244. Genoa, 361. Gentsch, W., 311, 313, 314. Gentzsch, A., 366. Genzsch & Heyse, Hamburg, 250. Geoff roy, G., 268. Georgi, R., 95. Gera, 365. Gercke, H., 90. Gerdes, H., 125. Gerhard, H., 34. Gering, U., 214. Germain de Montauzan, C., 46. German-American Stenographic Society "Gabelsberger," New York, 185. Germanet, F., 182. Germanic races, 37, 39. Germanisches Museum. Nuremberg, 39 1 - Germann, K., 366. Germany, 21-25, 68, 72, 78, 85, 87, 88, 91, 93, 123-129, 137, 143, H4. H 6 . 149, 150, 155- 161, l6 3- 164, 165, 168, 169, 176-177, 183, 192-193, 228-232, 258-263, 277-279, 287-288, 294, 295, 302, 306, 307, 308, 323-326, 347-349, 357, 365-367, 371-372, 400, 407-408, 420, 425-426, 431, 433, 442, 458. Geronimi, E., 61. - F., 61. Gerrare, Wirt, 82. Gerring, C., 187. Gerson, A. J., 166. Gerstenberg, H., 268. Gerstner, P., 425. Gesellschaft fur Typenkunde des XV. Jahrhunderts, 206. Gessler, E. A., 390. Gestoso y Perez, ]., 247. Ghosh, H. H., 32. Gibbins, H. de B., 13, 17, 160. Gibson, C. R., 13. 445- - H., 147- S., 190. Giesche's Erben, Georg von, Breslau, 75. Gilbart, J. W., 164, 172, 175. Gilbert, F., 137. Gilbey, Sir W., 144, 145, 270. 470 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Gild merchant, 38. Gilda aurif abrorum , 352. Gilds, 15, 29, 36-40. Giles, E. B., 158. Gilliss, W., 199. Gilroy, C. G., 362. Giolito, G., 236. Giraud, J. B., 379. Gladbach, 125. Glager, W. H. C., 206. Glaisher, J., 109. Glasgow, 38. Hammermen, 38. Glass, 336-339- Glazier, R., 403. Gloves, 357, 358. Gobet, N,, 70. Gockinga, H., 224. Godavari delta, TOO. Goddard, D., 45. Goebel, T., 251. Goetstouwers, J. B., 30. Gold, 353. - mining, 75, 77, 173. Goldbeck P., 145. Goldberg, J., 311. Goldenberg, S. L., 375. Goldsmid, Sir F. J., 64. Goldsmithing, 423-427. Goldstein, J., 296, 399. Goller, E., 178. Goltz, T. A. L. G., von der, 125. Goode, G. B., 151. Goovaerts, A., 250. Gordon, W. J., 275. Gorowitz, Frau E., (Willenz), 345. Gorrieri, D., 250. Goschen, G. J., 261. G. J. G. viscount, 261. Gothein, M. L., 411. Gothsche, 81. Gottheiner, E., 366. Gotz, W., 1 60. Gotze, A., 229. Gould, C. P., 134- Gounouilhou, G., Bordeaux, 232. Goury du Roslan, J., 29. Gradmann, R., 306. Graff, W., 444. Graffigny, H. de, 113. Graham, P. A., 121. Grahame- White, C., 113. Grain trade, 306, 307. Grand-Carteret, J., 104, 292. Grandeau, L. N., 116. Granges, 136. Granite, 75. Gras, L., 27. Grasse, J. G. T., 403. Graul, R., 323, 434. Grautoff, O., 192. Gray, G. J., 191. & Son, J. P., 398. Great Britain, i, 15-21, 40, 46, 51, 64, 70, 7L 73. 74- 77- 94- 9, 99. 119-123. 142, 144, 145, 148, 149, 154, 157, 158, 162, 165, 166, 171, 174-176, 179, 190- 191, 199, 200, 225-228, 255-258, (257) 266 267, 272, 273, 275-276, 287, 288, 302, 319-323, 346-347, 365- 370-371, 38i, 383- 388, 390, 395, 399- 404, 411, 419-420, 427, 429, 433, 434, 435- 439- 44- 447, 457- Great Britain Post Office, 178. Great lakes, 290. Northern Railway, 58, 276. Grcathouse, C. H., 134. Greece, 10, 95, 116, 156, 287, 318, 319. Greek printing types, 234, 250. Greeley, H., 34. Greener, W., 82. -W. O., 82. -W. W., 82. Greeno, F. L., 138. Greilsamer, L., 453. Greiz, 365. Grcllier, C., 327. Grcssmann, H., 449. Greswell, W. P., 234. Grewe, J., 303. Grille, A., 50, 138. Grinling, C. H., 276. Grippon-Lamotte, L., 279. Grisebach, A., 412. Grocery trade, 162. Grolier Club, New York, N. Y., 206, 444. Grollich, E., 371. Grosch, H. A., 380. Gross-Industrie Osterreichs, 23. Grossmann, E., 51. - H., 293. - R-, 337- Groundswell, 136. Growoll, A., 256, 265. Gruel, L., 395. Gruner, M., 130. Grunweclcl, A., 410. Guaita, L, 145. Guarini, E., 70. Guenin, L. P., 182. Guernsey cows, 147. Guest, R., 371. Guiffrey, T- M. J., 380, 426. Guignet, C. E., 316. Guillaumot, C. A., 367. Guillot, G., 202. Guiraud, P., 10. Guitar, 455. Gummerus, H., 119. Gun-making, 391-392. Gunpowder, 82. Guns, see Firearms. Gunther, R., 82. Gutenberg, J., 205, 213-223. - -Biichlein, 217. Fest zu Mainz, 1900, 218. Museum, 218. Gutmann, K. F., 324. - O., 298. H Habermann, F. X., 430. Hachez, H., 155. Hack-saw machines, 52. Haddon, A. C., 403. Hadley, A. T., 274. Haebler, K., 239, 254. Haemmerlc, R., 93. Haffards, G. M. & Co., 373- Hagedorn, B., 86, 167. Hagen. Handelskammer, 23. Hagg, S. A., 393- Hahn, E., 5, 138. Hahn, F., 274. Hailer, H., 306. INDEX 471 Haillct de Couronnc, ]. H. G., 327. Hall. D. S., 134. -H., i. Hall marks, 352. Halle, E. von, 161. Halle a. S., 13, 24, 177, 231, 263. Hamblen, H. E., 281. Hamburg, 149, 159, 160, 161,167,268,287, 425- Hamilton, I. G. J., 178. Hamilton County, Ohio, 101. Hammarlund, H., 385. Hammer, W. J., 114. Hammerschmidt, W., 372. Hammond, M. B., 373. Hampel, C., 412. Hancock, T., 383. Handelskammer fur das Herzogthum Braunschweig, 22. Handicrafts, 2, 3, 23, 25. Haney, L. H., 282. Hanftmann, B., 400. Hannett, J., 395- Hannover, 127, 376. Hansa League, 165. Hansard, T. C., 199. Hansen, F., 444. Hanson, J. W., 44. Hanssen, G., 116. Harcourt, L. F. V., 48. Hardy, W. J., 96. Harlem, 209, 213. Harms, B., 396. Harp, 455. Harper, C. G., 270. Harrison, F., 118. -H.S.,43- -J., jr., 59- -W. J.,446. Hart, A. M., 172. - G., 453- H., 226. Hartmann, L. M., 29. Hartshorne, C. H., 207. Hartung, G., 270. Hartwich, C., 155. Hartwig, O., 215, 216. Hasak, M., 414. Hasbach, W., 122. Hase, O. von, 229, 261. Hasluck, P. N., 430. Hassard, J. R. G., 252. Hassler, K. D., 229. Hatfield, W. H., 347. Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung, 263. Hauff, L., 13. Haupt, A., 400. Hauser, H., 37. - J-, 420. Havard, H., 333, 403, 404. Havens, M. A., 226. Haweis, H. R., 453. Hayden, A., 333. Hazanas y la Rua, J., 239. Hazard, W. P., 147. Hazlitt, W. C., 412. Heap, D. P., 68. Heat engines, 69. Heath & Milligan Mfg. Co., 436. Hebrew printing, 232, 236. Hecht, M., 125. O., 337- Heckethorn, C. W., 244. Hedley, W., 57. Hedou, J., 444. Hegel, K., 37. Heger, F., 449. Hehn, V., 116, 307. Heichen, P. H., 187. Heiden, M., 363. Heitz, P., 229, 361, 244, 266. Helbig, C. E., 43. Hele, P., 385. Heller, J., 441. Helot, J., 308. Helps, Sir A., 48. Hemmeon, J. C., 179. Hemp, 369. Henderson, A., 301. Hennig, R., 48, 61. Henon, H., 375. Henot, Jacob, 178. Henrivaux, J. L. C., 337. Henry, J. D., 311. -J. T., 311. Heptarchy, 175. Heron of Alexandria, 386. Herbert, W., 37, 225. Herbette, L., 232. Hereford cattle, 147. Hering, K., 54. Hermite, 109. Herring, R., 359. Herrmann, A., 379. -C., 251. Hertz, G., 385. Herubel, M. A., 151. Hess, H., 103. W., 407. Hesse, A. A., 308. A. F., 296. Hesse, Germany, 73, 230, 397, 400. Hessels, J. H., 218, 223. Hessling, E., 329. Heuser, E., 324. Heydenreich, E., 73. Heymann, O., 457. Heyne, M., 23. Heynlin, J., 233. Hiatt, C., 292. Hibbard, B. H., 134. Hidalgo, J., 105. High-pressure engine, 55. High-tension electrical engineering, 62. Highton, E., 64. Highway of the air, 105. Hildebrand, H., 30. Hildebrandt, A., 109, no. Hildeburn, C. S. R., 245. Hildreth, R., 172. Hilgers, J., 268. Hill, A. E., 453- -A. F., 453- C. S., 290. -G. F.,4i 7 . -W. H., 4 53. Hilzheimer, M., 144. Hime, H. W. L., 82. Hind, A. M., 437. Hinton, J. W., 451. Hipkins, A. J., 450. Hippisley, A. E., 334. Hirsch, P., 185. Hirschberg. Glass industry, 338. . Hirth, G., 432. 472 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Histoire de la coiffure, 158. -de 1'industrie chimique, 293. Histoire des pedres, 151. et fabrication de la porcelaine chinoise 334- Hobson, R. L., 321. Hoch, F. A., 301. Hochegger, R., 203. Hodgkin, E., 321. -J. E., 207, 321. Hodgson and Co., London, 256. Hodson, J. S., 437. Hoe, R., 252. Hoffman, W. J., 180. Hoffmann, J., 334. - M., 176. Hoffmeister, K., 10. Hofmann, A. W., 293. -J-, 113- -K., 412. Hogarth, D. G., 270. Hoger, K., 251. Hogs, 146. Hohmahn, J., 37. Hoisting machinery, 52. Holbling, V., 296. Holdefleiss, F., 144. Holitsch. K. k. Majolika-Geschirr- fabrik, 324. Holland, J., 74. -R. S.,43- see Netherlands. Hollander, L., 307. Holmes, Sir G. C. V., 86. -W. H., 316. Holt, R. B., 363. Holtrop, J. W., 207, 242. golyoake, G. J., 17. olzner, G., 116. Homan van der Heide, J., 32. Homburger, P., 176. Home-industry, 22. Hoogh, P., no. Hoops, J., 119. Hopkins, T., 17. Hoppe, O., 43, 76. Horacek, C., 51. Horn, G., 337. Home, H. P., 396. Hornung, E., 376. Horology, 384. Horses, 144-45. Horseshoeing, 389. Horticulture, 139-141. Hosiery, 368, 375. Hosslc, F. von, 359. Hotchkiss, 'G. W., 356. L'Hdtel de Rohan, 232. Hotels, 156. Houdoy, J., 327, 337, 370. Houston, E. J., 61. Howard, A., 307. - E., 384- Huber, F., 24. Hubert, P. G., jr., 43. Hubertusberg. Faience and earthen- ware, 323. Hubou, E., 314. Hue, O., 71. Hudson, H., 86. Hudson-Fulton Celebration, 1909, 86. Hudson's Bay Company, 167. Huct, P. D., 164. Hulbert, A. B., 271. Hull, W. jr., 357. Humber, W., 48. Humphreys, A. L., 256. -H. N., 199, 417. Hungary, 142, 144, 145, 151. Hungerford, E., 282. Hunt, C., 311. - F., 169. -R., 71,446. Hunter, G. L., 380. Hunting, 119, 133, I53-I54- Hupp, O., 218. Hustin, J., 327 Huss, E. G., 130. Hussey, O., 138. Hyde, J., 135. Hydraulia, 97. Hydraulic engineering, 95-100. Inland waterways, 95-100. Hydroaeroplanes, 113, 114. Hynek, C. E., 312. I Ibel, T., 170. Iceland, 130. Ihme, F. A., 218. lies, G., 5, 43. Illig, H., 172. Illinois Central Railroad Company, 282. Illuminated manuscripts, 180, 431. Illumination, 180, 431. Illustrierte Geschichte des Kunstgewerl >es, 404. Imprimerie rationale, Pans, 217, 232, 234. Inama-Sternegg, K. T. F. M. von, 24. Incandescent lamps, 68. Incas 449. Independence daily reporter, 312. India, 31, 32, 51, 64, 66, 167, 171, 178, 281 307,410. India rubber and gutta percha and Electrical trades journal, 383. India rubber journal, 383. Indian Ocean, 164. - Territory, 312. Indigo, 340. Industrial history, general, 1-45. Industrial revolution, 15, 20. Industries of different countries, 15. Ingalls, W. R., 355. Initials, ornamental, 266. Ink, 342. Inland communication, 46. Innerberg, Austria, 73, 347. Innes, A. D., 18. Intarsia, 401. Interest, 174, 176. International Typographical Union of North America, 246. Internationale LuftschirTahrts-Ausst el- lung, ist, Frankfurt a. M., 1909, 105. Intze, O. L. A., 99. Inventions, i, 7, 41-45. Inventors, 42, 43. Iowa, 5, 94, 269. Iowa State Historical Society, 5. Ipswich, 368. Ireland, 175, 374, 376. Ireland, Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, 122. Iron, 32, 71, 74, 344~35i Iron and Steel Institute, 350. INDEX 473 Iron mining, 72-74. Iron works, 345. Irrigation, 99-100. Iseghem, A. F. van, 242. Italy, 28-30, 51, 99, 116, 163, 180, 236- 239, 267, 289, 308, 330-332, 4!2, 4 r 4. 4 22 . 434, 437, 453, 454. Ivories, 415. Ivory sculpture, 415, workers, 414. J Jackson, Mrs. E., 375. - G. B., 34- Jacob, O., 277. - W., 353- Jacobs, K., 82. Jacquard, J. M., 363. Jacquard machine, 363. Jacquemart, A., 316, 317, 432. Jadart, H., 234. Jaeger, W. L., 48. Jaennicke, P., 317. Jager, E., 54. Jahne, J., 185. Jahns, M., 78. Jahr, i. James, J., 382. Janko, J., 151. Tansen, H., 207, 438. Japan, 31, 32, 64, 72, 133, 183, 252, 267 280, 333, 334, 372, 37, 409-410, 423 439. 441- Commission imperiale a 1' Ex- position universelle de Paris, 1900, 409. Railway Bureau, 280. Japansche munten, 423. Jurves, D., 337, 338. Juubert, G. F., 341. Java, 304. Jeafferson, J. C., 48. Jean-Baptiste Coignard, 193. Jeans, J. S., 345. Jelitto, A., 125. Jena, 339. Jenssen, C., 126. Jentsch, O., 161. Jerome, C., 385. Jersey City, N. J., 96. Public Library, 87, 96. Jersey cows, 147. Jervis, W. P., 317. Jesse, G. R., 148. Jewelry, 423-427. Jewitt, L., 321. Jews, 176, 418. Joachimsthal, 338. Johnson, J., 199. - S. W., 135. - W. F., 96. Jones, E. A., 428. F. A., 62. -R. J. C., 287. -W., 4 2 4 . - McDuffee & Stratton Co., 335. Jorissen, F., 357. Joseph, P., 177. Joubleau, F., 27. Jourdain, M., 381. Jousset de Bellesme, 151. Jowett, B., 20. Jucht, W., 356. Juckenburg, K., 24. Judson, W. P., 290. Junge, A., 183. -F. E., 69. Jiiptner von Jonstorff, H. von, 345. K Kaerger, K., 136. Kalesse, E., 377. Kammerer, O., 52. Kandt, M., 284. Kansas, 312. Kanter, H., 161. Kapp, F., 195. Karabacek, J., 359. Karmarsch, K., 5. Karosseroff, I., 280. Karrass, T., 64. Katzenstein, W., 308. Kaufmann, R. von, 279. Kauperz, family of engravers, 439. Kautzsch, R., 266, 431. -R.,43i- Kay, J., 365. Keane, A. H., 353. Keasbey, L. M., 96. Kech, E., 277. Kellen, J. P. van der, 87. Kemmann, G., 62. Kendal, J. F., 385. Keng chih t'u, 132. Kennard, J. S., 199. Kennedy, H., 456. -J-, 285. -W., 18. Kent, P. H., 281. Kentucky, 369. Kergomard, J. G., 4. Kern, G., 103. Keromnes, C., 343. Keutgen, F., 37. Keyboard stringed instruments, 450. Keys, 391. Kheil, C. P., 29 1. Kimakowicz-Winnicki, M. von, 363. Kimball, D., 180. Kindler, F., 385. King, F. H., 133. -P., 436. Kingsford, W., 95, 290. King's-Lyn, 99. Kingston-upon-Hull, 37. Kingzett, C. T., 296. Kirchhoff, A., 105, 261. Kirkman, M. M., 271. Kisa, A. C., 338. Kistna delta, 100. Klapper, E., 93. Klasen, L., 62. Klein, J., 358. Kleine, K., 177. Kleist, E. J. von, 64. Klemming, G. E., 240. Kluss, F., 458. Knaff, A., 347. Knap, G., 69. Knight, C., 191, 256. Knights of St. Crispin, 393. Kober, E., 382. Koberger family, 229. Kobert, R., 424. Koch, H., 378. Kockerscheidt, J. W., 294. 474 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Koehler, W., 187, 254, 261. Koenig, F., 251. Koeppen, A., 432. Kohl, P., 363. Kohler, H., 296, 297. Kohler, M., 13. Kohler, R., 83. Kolbe, G., 324. Kolberg, J., 425. Kollmann, J., 24. Konig, A., 371. Konigsberg, 231. Koning, J., 208. Konnecke, G., 230. -o., 155- Koops, M., 359. Kopp, K. A., 245. Korea, 133. Kosack, E., 62. Koster, A., 218. Kovalevskii, M. M., 6. Kraemer, H., 6. Krafft, H. U., 168. Kratze, W., 326. Kraus, A., 161. Krause, E., 151. Krawsny, F., 359. Kreller, E. H., 62. Krische, P., 126. Kristeller, P., 237, 438. Kristensen, H. P., 130. Krumbein, E., 185. Krumholz, E., 288. Krupp family, 392. Kuhn, C., 314. Kuhn, E., 277. Kulischer, J. JVU 6. Kumarasvami, A. K., 410. Kiimmel, O., 409. Kumpmann, K., 278. Kurth, J., 441. Kutschmann, T., 266. Labadie, E., 194, 327. La Barge, J., 289. Labarte, J., 406. Laborde, 50. -L. E. S. J. de, 218. Laboulaye, E. de, 281. La Bouraliere, A. de, 194. Lace making, 368, 374~37 6 . Lachner, K., 400. Lacordaire, A. L., 367. Lacroix, P., 153, 194, 235, 393, 406, 426. Lacy, C. de L., 391. Lafarge, R., 129. Lake, C. S., 59. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway, 281. Superior, 71, 72, 74. Lamartine, A. M. L. de, 219. Lamb's textile industries, 369. Lambert, J. M., 37. Lambinet, P., 208. Lambrecht, 381. Lamoignon de Malesherbes, C. G. de, 129. Land system, English, 120. taxation, 123. tenure, 115-136. Landed interest, English, 121. Lang, G., 91. Langalerie, C. de, 438. Lange, G., 126, 338. Lange, H. O., 240. Lange, K., 400. Langenbeck, W., 161. Langlade, E., 158. Languedoc, 26. Laprade, Mme, L. de, 375. Lasch, R., 119. La Serna Santander, C. A. de, 208. Lasteyrie du Saillant, F. C. L. comte de 424. Lathrop, W. G., 355. Latin- America, 36, 247-248. Latrobe, J. H. B., 87. Latzko, H., 364. Laufer, B., 334. Launav, L. de, 71. Launhardt, W., 6. Laurent, L., 353. Laurent-Daragon, C., 355. Lauren tius Maria, Father, 242. Laurie, A. P., 436. Laurion, Greece, 9, 10, 75. Lausanne, 244. Laussedat, A., 446. Laut, A. C., 153. Lauterbach, F., 341. Lawler, J., 256. Lawson, W. J., 172. Lead, 355, 390. Leadam, I. S., 116. Leadville, 76. Leather industry, 357-358. Lebault, A., 156. Leber, E., 347. Lechevallier-Chevignard , G., 329. Lecocq, J., 327, 328. Lecornu, J., no. Ledebur, A., 347. Leduc, E., 339. Lefebure, E., 375. Legier, E., 308. Lehmann-Felskowski , G., 87. Lehmbeck, T., 93. Leighton, H., 335. Lcinhaas, G. A., 435. Lcipsig, 24, 52, 192, 261. Leisching, J., 388. Leisse, W., 347. Leixner, O. von, 400. Lelong, B. M., 140. Lemaitre, H., 268. Lemberg, H., 347. Lemcke, E., 177. Lemoine, H., 200. Lempertz, H., 188. Lenormant, F., 418.' Lenygon, F., 435. Lenz, A. von, 83. -F., 126. Le6n, N., 247. Leonhard, H., 262. Leouzon, L., 117. Le Petit, P., 193. Lepreux, G., 235. Lerch, E., 168 LeRouge family, 266. Leroux, A., 328. Leschen & Sons Rope Co., A., 350. Lescohier, D. D., 393. family, 46. INDEX 475 Lesseps, F. M., dc, 49, 96. Lessing, J., 414. Levasseur, E., 26, 27, 135, 161. Levy, H., 18, 122. Levy, M., 183. Lewis, J. H., 183. Leyden, 368. Liber regum, 203. Lichtenberger, J. F., 209. Liebel, F., 300. Liebenau, T. von, 245. Liebig, J. von, 342. Lighthouses, 96. Lighting, 102-103. Lille 327. Lima, 248. Limoges porcelain, 328. Limousin, 129. Limousin porcelain, 327. Lincke, B., 52, 343. Lincolnshire, 100. Linde, A. van der, 209, 219, 223, 224. Linden, H. van der, 38. Lindner, T., 165. Lindsay, J., 175. Linen industry, 376. Lingelbach, W. E., 165. Linke, F., 120. Linne, C. von., 131. Linoleum, 362. Linton, W. J., 441. Lins, W., 278. Lippmann, E. O. von, 309. - F., 438. Lisch, G. C. F., 230. Litchfield, F., 433. - R. B., 446. Lithography, 199, 443-445. Littlefield, G. E., 246. Livery companies, 37. Lives of distinguished shoemakers, 393. Livonia, 130. Lloyd, E. M., 78. -G. I.H.,345. Lobmeyr, L., 338. Lochmuller, W., 372. Locks, 389, 391-392. Lockwood, L. V., 435. Locomotive, 49, 54, 57-60. Lodz, 367. Loftier, K., 271. Lohmann, F., 278. London, 37, 97, 190, 255. and North Western Railway, 276. School of Economics, i . Gold and Silver Wy re- Drawers, 40. Longton Hall porcelain, 319. Loon, G. van, 416. Lorck, C. B., 192, 200. Lord, J., 365. Lorraine, 349, 362. Loubier, J., 396. Louisy, P.,- 194. Loup, J., 382. Louvre, 232. Lowes, Mrs. E. L., 428. Liibeck, 206, 228, 230. Lucerne, 245. Luckombe, P., 200. Liiders, J., 69. Luebeck, E., 287. Luer, H., 388. Luftschiffahrt, 105. Lumber industry, 356-357. Lumsden, H., 38. Lunge, G., 294. Luschin von Ebcngrcuth, A., 416. Lute, 455. Luther, G., 307. J., 210. Luthmer, F., 424, 433. Lux, J. A., 407. - K., 169. Luxemburger Bergwerks- und Saarbriicker Eisenhiittenaktiengesellschaft, 348. Lycia, 417. Lyon & Healy, 453. Lyons, 27, 38, 193, 233, 292, 353, 378. Chambre de commerce. Musee his- torique des tissus, 367. M Maassen, Pfarrer, 96. McArthur, E. A., 17. McCaffrey, F., 149. McClellan, .,159. McCormick, C. H., 137, 139 -R., 138. McCoy, J. G., 147. Macdonald, A. F., 285. -C. O., 74- McDonald, D., 117. Macdonald, G., 416. MacDonald, G. W., 298. Macdonald, J., 147. McFarland, R., 152. Macfarlane, J. J., 34. -R., 87. MacGeorge, G. W., 51. MacGregor, D. H., 7. McMaster, J. B., 34. Machinery, 52, 53. Mackay, T., 49. McPherson, L. G., 271. MacQuoid, P., 433. Madan, F., 226, 227. Madden, F. W., 418. J. P. A., 209. Madras, 100. Main, T., 87. Maindron, E., 292. Maeder, P., 126. Magne" de Marolles, G. F., 209. Maier, W., 69. Mainz, 213, 215, 218, 229, 230. Festleitung der Gutenberg-Feier, 1900, 219. Maittaire, M., 210. Majolica, 330, 331, 332. Malagola, C., 331. Malim, M. F., 415. Maliniak, J., 168. Mallinckrodt, B. von, 210. Malt, 303. Mangin, A., 412. Mannix, J. B., 71. Manor, English, 119. Mansfeld'sche Kupferschieferbauende Ge- werkschaft, 76, 77. Mantoux, P., 18. Manufactures, 35, 36. Manzoni, G., 238. Map makers, 241. Marcevaux, F., 271. Marchand, P., 210. 47 6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Marchis, L. R. A. E., 106. Marechal, H., 103. Mares, G. C., 181. Mareschal, A. A., 317, 318. Marfels'sche Uhren-Sammlung, 387. Mariabrunn, K. k. Forstakademie, 142. Maribo amt, 131. Maribo amis 0konomiske selskab, 131. Marine artillery, 80, 81. Marine engineering, see Naval engineer- ing. Maris, E., 423. Marius Michel, H., 396. -396. , Paris, 398. Mark (Brandenburg), 366. Markham, C. A., 429. Marmontel, A. F., 450 Marquet de Vasselot, J. J., 28 Marquis, R., 113. Marryat, J., 318. Marseilles, 168, 327. Marsh, C. W., 135. Marston, E., 256, 257 Martens, T., 242. W., 219. Martin, A., 272. G., i, 28. R. E., no, 114. -T. C.,6i. - W. C. L., 148. Martin Saint-Leon, E., 38. Martiny, B., 149. Marva y Mayer, J., 79. Marwick, Sir J. D., 38. Maryland, 35, 134. Marz, J., 324. Maser, H. J., 200. Maskell, W., 404, 415. Mason, F. R., 379. Mason, O. T., 44. Massachusetts, 154, 246. Masse, H. J. L. J., 355, 429. MassSna, V., prince d'Essling, 203, 442. Masson, Paul, 168. Matschoss, C., 54. Matthews, J. B., 396. W.,97- Matton, A., 361. Maurer, G. L. von, 126, 127. Maveda, S., 64. Maverick, A., 66. Maxim, Sir H. S., 107, in, 114. Maxwell, W. H., 51. May, G., no. -P., 339- -R. E.,7. Mayer, A., 230. Mayer, T., 166. Mayr, L. W., 220. Mazerolle, F., 421. Mead, C. W., 449. Meade, E. S., 76. Meal, 306, 307. Measures, 170-171. Meat packing, 307. Mechanical engineering, 52-53. Mecklenburg, 128, 230. Medina, J. T., 247, 248. Meerman, G., 205, 207, 224. Meersch, P. C. van der, 242. Mehrtens, G., 91. Meisner, H., 210. Mi'issen porcelain, 325-326 Meister, A., 180. Mejborg, R. F. S., 139, 400. Mellottec, P., 235. Mel'nikov, N. P., 360. Menand, L., 140. Menard, R., 388. Mendenhall, T. C., 62. Mendez, F., 240. Menhaden, 151. Menzel, A., 150. Merchant adventurers, 165, 168. Merckel, C., 46. Meredith, H. O., 18. Meriau, C., 309. Merlo, J. J., 230. Merseburg, 231. Metalwork, 388-392. Metric system, 170. Merz, W., 79. Messina, 238. Metal drums, 449. industry, 343-357- Metallurgy, 343-351- Metals, 343-357- Metalwork, 388-392. Meteyard, E., 321, 446. Metz, T., 88. Meurer, M., 331. Mexico, 36, 71, 97, 247, 248. Junta directiva del dcsagiie del vallc de Mexico, 97. Meyer, B.H., 282. - G. F., 309- H., 220. -0.,345- -P., 69. Mezzotint engraving, 437. Michel, C., 303. -F. X., 156. Michels-Lindner, G., 51. Michelsen, E., 127. Middle Ages, I, 12, 37, 38, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 115- 154. 164-166, 406-407. Middleton, C., 205. Midland' Railway, 276. Midlands, 374. Midoux, E., 361. Miethc, A., 447. Migeon, G., 408. Migge, L., 412. Milanesi, G., 331. Milchsack, G., 220. Military air-craft, 168, 110. Military engineering, 77-91. Milner, A., 20. Milnes, A., 7. Mineralogists, 70. Miners, 71. Mining, 70-77. law, 72, 73. Minnesota, 357. State Agricultural Society, '134. State Horticultural Society, 141. Mises, -L. von, 127. Missale speciale, 218. Missouri river, 289. Misselwitz, A., 24. Mitius, O., 398. Model farms, 139. Moedebeck, H. W. L., 1 10. Moens, J. C. B., 141. Moes, E. W., 195. INDEX 477 Mohrle, T., 71. Molin, A. de, 328. Molinicr, E., 388, 408, 435. Mollcnberg, W. M. E., 355. Moller, P. von, 131. Molsdorf, W., 438 Monccaux, H., 266. Money, 171-178. Mongolia, 160. Monkhouse, W. C., 334. Monkswell, R. A. H. C., 279. Monopolies, 18. Montagu, H., 419. of Beaulieu, J. W. E., baron, 106. Montague, G. H., 312. Montalembert, M. R., 78. Montauban, France, 194. Montbeliard, France, 39. Montelius, O., 9. Montgolfier, J. E., 108, no. - J. M., 108, no. Moody, A. P., 375. Moon, G. W., 220. Moor-lands, 118, 129. Moore, B., 369. -H. C.,272 -J. R. H.,35- - Mrs. X. H. W., 321, 385, 429. -S. A., 152. Moors, 128. Moquette industry, 366. Morante family, 179. Moravia, 426. Moreau de Jonncs, A., 28. Morges, Switzerland, 244. Morley, H., 330. Morris, W., 267. & Company, 307. Morrison, J. H., 88, 290. Morse, H. B., 38. Morse, S. F. B., 65. Mortillet, G., 119. Mosbach i/B. Faience factory, 324. Moselland, 348. Moser, F., 392. -R.,339- . Moszkowski, M., 32. Motorcycles, 92. Moustiers, 327. Mowbray, J. H., 114. Moyaux, A., 274. Muck, W., 76. Mucke, J. R., 119. Muirhead, J. P., 56. Miiller, A., 127. -F., 127. -G.,294. - K., 269, 278. -W.,39. Milliner, A., 348. Multi-tubular boiler, 55. Mumby, F. A., 257. Mummenhoff, E., 24. Munchhausen, O. von, 128. Mundell, A., 18. Munich, 154, 304, 408, 420, 425. Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 387. K. Technische Hochschule, 25. Municipal engineering, 51. works, 50, 51, 52. Munro, J. A. R., 270. Munroc, C. E., 298. Munsell, J., 360. Minister, 179, 303. Miinsterberg, O., 169, 410. Miintz, E., 381. Munzinger, L., 292. Mural painting, 436. Murray, J. B. C., 172. Muscovy Company, 166. Musee Plantin-Moretus, 243, 249. Music printing, 250-251. Musical bow, 452. instruments, 449-456. Mussault, M., 382. Muther, R., 267, 442. Muyden, G. van, 45. Myllar, A., 226. N Nachod, W., 173. Nahuys, M. T. C. F. N., comte, 422. Namur, 30. Nantes, 39. Nantgarw Pottery and Porcelain Works, 322. Napier, D., 79. - J., 10, 79. -R- 79, Naples, 237, 379. Nardin L., 39. Narrow gauge railways, 93. Nash, W. G., 76. Nasmyth, J., 49. Nassau, 136, 343. National Telegraph Memorial Monu- ment Association, 65. Nature printing, 253-254. Naugatuck Valley, Conn., 355. Naval, engineering, 85-91. tactics, 91. warfare, 91. Navarro, A. de, 429. Navigation, 99, 163, 164, 284-291. Necco, A., 29. Nedderich, F., 127. Neele, G. P., 276. Negroes, 34. Negroni, F., Bologna, 250. Nelthrppp, H. L., 385. Nephrit, 424. Nerval, G. de, in. Nesstfell, J. G., 407. Nestorovic, I. Z., 169. Netherlands, 30, 38, 51, 73, 87, 88, 97. 131-132, 146, 150, 151, 166, 167, 177- 178, 196, 207, 208, 241-243, 249, 280 333, 409, 421-422, 440. Netsuke, 413. Neubaur, P. A. F., 288. Neue (Das) Buch der Erfmdungen, 7. Neufchatel, 383. Neuhaus. K. k. Spiegelfabrik, 337. Neumann, B., 343. Neumeister, J., 233. Neurath, O., 11. Newberry, P. E., 415. New England, 35, 152, 153. Guinea, 32. - Jersey, 87, 423. Mills, Haddingtonshire, 365. South Wales, 149. York City, 283. - York colony, 245. - York commercial, 369. -York State, 35, 86, 88, 96, 98. 478 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY New York Public Service Commission. 1st District, 283. Zealand, 51. Nicaragua canal, 96. Nicholson, E., 170. Nicolls, W. J., 300. Nicols, A., 152. Niederheitmann, P., 454. Niederlausitz, 382. Niello work, 438. Nielsen, L. C., 241. Niethammer, F., 62. Nietzki, R. H., 341. Nieuwerkerke, 331. Niewenglowski, G. H., 447. Nimfiihr, R., 106. Nineteenth century, 12-15, 44. 45> 46-50, 59, 61, 91, 104, 140, 157, 159, 169-170, 291, 305. 308 Nisard, C., 264. Nishi,H.,372. Nitrocellulose industry, 297. Noalhat,H.,89. Noeldechen,W.,385. Nonotuck Silk Co., Florence, Mass., 378. Norcross, O., 335. Norddeutsche Lloyd, 288. Nordin, J. G., 240. North, R. H., 392. -s. f 392. -S. N. D., 392. North America, 49, 145, 152. Carolina, 52, 246. German Lloyd Steamship Company, Bremen, 88. -Yorkshire, 175. Northumberland, 175. Norton, C. B., 83. Norway, 380. Skogdirektoren, 143. Noshlrvan, C?., 143. Nourse, H. S., 369. Nova Scotia, 74. Nover, J., 220. Numismata typographica, 196. Numismatics, 415-421. Nuremberg, 391. Nutmeg, 141. Nyamwezi, 32. Nyon, 328. Nyrop, C., 264. O Oak leaf jars, 332. Oberlausitz (Saxony), 371. Oberlin, J. J., 220. Odense, 241. Oder, 288. Oechelhaeuser, W. von, 7. Oesterreichischer Eisenbahnbeamten- Verein, 278. Oetken.F., 135. Ohio, 134, 290. State Archaeological and Historical Society, 290. State Board of Agriculture, 135. Ohio river, 101. Oidtmann, H., 338. Oil engines, 69. Oklahoma, 312. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O., 257. Oliva, G., 238. Olive tree, 140, Oliver, E. H., 11. Olmsted, L. H., 52. Olsen, B., 425. One hundred years of brewing, 303. Ongania, F., Venice, 238. Ophir, 353. Oppel, A., 162, 370. Oracula sivyllina, 203. Orchards, 139. Orchestra instruments, 454. Organ, 451. Orient, 9, 333~334> 358, 3?8-379, 4i<>- Ornamental design, 402-410, 429-430. Ornementation usuelle dc toutes Ics epoques, 430. Orton, E., 318. Ostendorf, F., 91. Ostwald, W. F., 63. Ottley.W. Y.,2io, 438. Overmann, A., 366. J.,28o. Oxford, 190, 226, 227. University Press, 226, 227. Oxford Print, Boston, 35. Page, C., 346. Pagination, 209. Painting, 435-436. Paisley, 365. shawl, 377. Palatinate, 127, 306, 324, 457. Palissy, B., 330. Palliser, F. M., 375. Pallmann, H., 192. Panama canal, 96, 97, 98. Panaotovic, J. P., 314. Pangborn, J. G., 274. Panics, 20. Pansa, G., 239. Panzer, G. W. F., 210. Paper making, 358-362. money, 173. Papin, D., 54. Pappenheim, M., 39. Paprika, 139. Papua, 32. Parachutes, 112. Parchment, 360. Pardo de Tavera, T. H., 249. Paris, 36, 103, 193, 194, 195, 233, 234, 235, 264, 272. Communaute des relieurs ct doreurs de livres de la ville de, 399. Exposition universelle internal ionale de 1900, 91, 45, 137. Manufacture des gobelins, 380. Pariset, E., 353, 378. Parmentier, A., 28. Parsloe, J., 276. Parsons steam turbine, 55. Pas-de-Calais, 375. Passeri, G. B., 331. Paste, 296. Pastry, 154. Patents, 45. Patomac, 289. Pazaurek, G. E., 389. Peabody, R. E., 168. Pearse, J. B., 350. Pearson, Mrs. E. C., 220. Peasants' houses, 400, 401. INDEX 479 Peat, 300. Peignot, G., 360. Pellechet, M. L. C., 235. Pellissier, G., 314. Peltzer, R. A., 355. Penaud, A., 114. Pendleton, J., 276. Penmanship, 179, 180. Penn, W. A., 458. Pennell, E. R., 444. J-, 444- Pennington, M., 272. Pennsylvania, 98, 311, 335, 351. University, 166. Pentateuch of printing, 196. Periam, J., 136. Periplus maris Erythrsei, 164. Perquy, J. M. J. L., 242. Perrot, G., 405. Perry, J. T., 389. Persia, II. Perthes, C. T., 262. -F., 262. Peru, 284. Cuerpi de ingenieros civiles, 284. Peruvian bark, 141. Pesce, G. L., 90. Pestalozza, U., 1 1. Peters, K., 353. Peterson, H., 338. Petit, F. R., 114. Petrie, W. M. F., 405, 430. Petroleum industry, 310-313. Pettigrew, W. F., 59. Pewter, 355, 428-429. Pfau, K. F., 262. -W.C.,77. Pfister, A., 220, 222. Pfizenmayer, P., 200. Pfleghart, A., 386. Pforzheim, 425. Philadelphia, 34, 59, 265. Philippe, J., 235. Philippine Islands, 36, 248-249. Phillips, J. B., 35. -M., 175. -U. B.,272. Philip, R. K., 19. Phoenicia, u. Photogrammetry, 448. Photography, 445-448. Pianoforte, 450-451. Picard, A., 14, 279. Picardy, 328. Pichon, J., 264. Picric acid, 299. Pictet, R., 314! Pied, E., 39. Piedmont, 29. Pierard, E., 67. Piercy, W. D., 44. Pierron, S., 143. Piesse, S., 159. Pieters, C., 242. Pirenne, H., 368. Pitman, Sir L, 183, 185. Plank roads, 95. Plantin, C., 241, 243, 249. Plath, J. H., 133. Playing cards, 443. Plessner, M., 63. Plomer, H. R., 191, 227. Plon, E., 415. Plow, 136, 137. Plumb, R. G., 290. Plush, 366. Poelman, H. A., 166. Pohle, G. W., 305. Point-lace, 375. Poitiers, 194. Poitou, 26. Poivre, P., 133. Polak, J. A., 77. Poland, 372. Pole, J. G., 63. -W., 4 8. Pollard, A. W., 188, 200, 201, 211, 267. Pollen, M. M., 376. Polypotype, 201. Poole, R. L., 19. Poor, J. A., 283. Poppe, J. H. M., 386. Popper, J., 114. Popplewell, F., 351. Porcelain see Ceramics. Portalis, R., 431. Porter, C. T., 53. -G. R., 19,378. -W., 79- Portiere-making, 366. Portland cement industry, 339. Portugal, 239-240, 332. Posen, 126. Postal service, 178-179. Posters, 292. Posthumus, N. W., 368. Potash industry, 297. Potato, 141. Potters' marks 315, 316, 317, 320, 321, 325, 334- Pottery see Ceramics. workers, 320. Powell, A. C. J., 227. Power and the plow, 137. loom, 369. vehicles, 92-94. Powles, H. H. P., 55. Praet, J. B. B. van, 208. Prager, R. L., 262. Prague. Handels- und Gewerbekammer. Kunstgewerbliches Museum, 396. Prato, G., 29. Pratt, E. A., 122, 162, 272. Praun, G. S. A. von, 416. Preble, G. H., 285. Precht, F., 401, -H.,297- Precious metals, 352-353. Prehistoric times, 9, 363. Prescott, G. B., 65. Pretextat-Lecomte, 410. PreussischerLandwirtschaftskammer, 128. Price, L. L., 20. Prices, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 122, 133. of books, 255. Prideaux, S. T., 397. Prime, W. C., 416. Primitive peoples, 4, 9, 32, 44! 119, 271. Printers' marks, 201, 229, 232, 237, 239, 244. Printing, 186-254. Invention and early development, 204-225. press, 251-252. Private fortunes, 25. Proctor, R., 250. 480 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Professional and industrial history of Suffolk County, Mass., 35. Progress in alkaloidal chemistry, 297. of the beet sugar manufacture in Europe, 309. of the century, 14. of the nation, 19. Propellers, 87. Property, 4, 21, 26. Prost, B., 426. Protective tariff, 129. Providence, R. I., 246. -Typographical Union No., 33, 246. Prune industry, 140. Prussia, 143, 277. Public works, 50-52. Pudor, H., 404. Puebla de los Angeles, 248. Pulsifer, W. H., 356. Pumping engines, 70. Puritans, 369. Purple, 340. Putnam, G. H., 254, 255, 269. -J. P., 433- Q Quandt, G. F. A., 382. Quantin, A., 211. Quaritch, B., 180. Quartz lamp, 63. Queiroz, J., 332. Quito, 248. R Rabius, W., 348. Rachel, P., 162. Radiguer, L., 235. Radunz, K., 285. Raehlmann, E., 436. Raffalovich, A., 392. Raiffeisen system, 177. Railroad engineering, 92, 274-284 Railroading, 274-284. Railroads in war, 79. Railway legislation, 282. Rambosson, J. P., 450. Ramirez, S., 71. Ranck, C., 139, 401, 412. Rankin, E. M., 156. Rasch, A., 366. Rau, C., 152. Rauecker, B., 408. Raven, J. J., 356. Ravesteyn, W. van, jr., 30. Rawlings, G. B., 188. Raynal, G. T. F., 168 Read, D., 55. -N.,55- Reaper, 138, 139. Rebillon, A., 39. Redding, C., 301. Redmond, D. W., 358. Redpath, L. V., 312. Reed, T. B., 250. Rees, J. A., 162. Reesse, J. J., 309. Reichart, G., 212. Reid, Sir, A. J. F., 392. -H.,55- -J. D., 65. Reims, 234. Rein, J. J., 32. Reinforced concrete, 71. Reinhardt, L., 117, 144. Rcis, P., 68. Reissert, A., 341. Reitemeier, A. H., 117 Remscheid, Germany, 50. Renault, R., 212. Renaissance, 332, 388, 406, 412, 422, 434. Renard, M., 312. Rennes, 39. Renouard, P., 194, 195. Rensing, F. J., 179. Requin, H., abbe, 236, 328. Restaurants, 155, 156. Retana y Gamboa, W. E., 249. Revillout, E., 170. Reyer, E., 356. Reynard the Fox, 230. Reynicr, J. L. A., 11. Rhead, F. A., 321. -G. W., 321. Rheinische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft, 278. Rhine, 88, 287, 347, 371. Rhode, P., 152. Rhone, 288. Richardin, E., 156. Richards, J., 402. -J.W.,356- Richardson, A., 55. -H. W., 173. Rideal, C. F., 299. Riedler, A., 7. Riedmann, P., 126. Ries, H., 335. Riga, 240. Rigollot, M. J., 406. Ringwalt, J. L., 272. Rio de la Plata, 247. Rio Tinto mine, 76. Ris-Paquot, O. E., 328. Rise and progress of the British explosives industry, 299. Rive, B. L. de, 97. Road legislation, 94, 269. - making, 94-95. Roberts, W., 201, 257. Robertson, J. D., 419. Robie, V., 433. Robinson, F. P., 169. -S. F. H.,431. Rochlitz, 77. Rockstro, R. S., 456. Rococo, 430. Roden, R. F., 246. Roe, F., 433. Roedder, O., 93. Roeper, A., 389. Rogers, J. E. T., 20, 122. Rohr, M. von, 447. Rombouts, P., 243. Rome, 10, II, 46, 80, 96, 101, 102, 118, 174, 287, 300, 318, 319. Romocki, S. J. von, 299. Ronna, A., 100. Roofs, 91. Rooseboom, M. P., 166. Rooses, M., 243, 249. Rosenbaum, F., 318. Rosenberg, M., 424, 425. Ross, C., 349. Rossignol, J. P., 343. Rosso, R. I 26 , 33^, 33$, 366. Silk industry, 132, 376-379- Silver plate, 427-428. mining, 9, 10, 71, 75, 76. wire-drawers, 353. Simon, A. L., 302. -C-,435- Sir J., 101. Simons, K., 145. Sinceny, France, 327. Sinclair, A., 59. -J., 148. Singer, S. W., 227, 443. Sinhalese art, 410. Sinning, A., 128. Sioussat, St. G. L., 35. Sixteenth century, 8, 143, 266. Slater, S., 373- Slingervoet Ramondt, A., 383. Slip-decoration, 335. Skeen, W., 212. Slate, 71, 75- Sleeman, C., 90. Small arms, see Firearms. Smart, W., 15. Smiles, S., 46, 49, 57, 346. Smith, A. M., 188. -G. B., 15,49. - T- E. A., 360. -Mrs. J. H., 156. -J. L., 294. -J. R., 286, 346- -J- T., 40. - L. T., 40. -W., 66. Smithcraft, 388-392. Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents, 65- Snclling, Thomas, 176. Societe d'e'conomie politique et sociale, 38. Society for Promoting Christian Knowl- edge, 201, 202. of Printers, Boston, 202. Soda industry, 296. Sohrmann, H., 401. Soigne, 143. Solms-Laubach, H. Graf zu, 117. Solon, L. M. E., 322, 328, 332. Solothurn, 244. Soltykoff, P., 387. Sombart, W., 8. Sonneberg, 22. Sorbonne, 232, 233. Sotheby, S., 212. S. L., 212, 213. Sotzmann, J. D. F., 222. South, The (U. S.), 34- Africa, 284. African War, 79. America, 136. Carolina, 373. Department of Agriculture, 373. Southward, J., 227. Souvestre, P. ,'93. Spain, 28-29, 50, 99, 179, 239-240, 332, 409, 424. Spears, J. R., 153- Speck, A., 92. -E., 164. Speculum humanse salvationis, 202. Speltz, A., 430. Spessart, 143. Spices, 306. Spillane, D., 451. Spinning, 365. Sprengel, H. J. P., 299. Spurs, 391. Stabler, E., 138. Staffordshire pottery, 320, 321, 322. Stained glass, 338. Staley, E., 40. Stanchfield, D., 357. Standard Oil Company, 312. Stange, A., 294, 295. Stansfield, A., 343. Starbuck, A., 153. Stark, A., 202. Stationary engines, 54. Stationers' Company, 255. Staudacher, F., 118. Steam boiler, 55. engineering, 53-57- navigation, 285. ships, 85-89. Steel, 344-351- bronze, 83. - pens, 344. Steele, R., 251. Stegemann, O., 74. INDEX 483 Steger, C. A., 183. Steigerwalt, C., 423. Steinmann, A., 368. -P. A., 173- Stennett, W. H., 283. Stenography, 182-185. Stenzel, A., 91. Stephani, K. G., 401. Stephanus see Estienne. Stephenson, G., 46. -R., 48, 49. Stereotyping, 199, 208. Stern, R., 32. Sternberg, W., 157. Stevens, B. F., 255. Stevenson, R. L., 49. Sevenson, family, 49. Stewart, E., 246. -H., 40. Stiasny, E., 358. Stieda, W., 325. Stimson, A. L., 283. Stirling, P. J., 173. Stockum, W. P. van, jr., 196. Stoddard, W. O., 170.' Stoeving, P., 455. Stolberg, 354. Stollwerck, Gebriider, Cologne, 305. Stone quarrying, 77. Story, A. T., 67, 447. Stradivari, A., 453. Strange, E. F., 267. -T. A., 408. Strassburg, 39, 40, 192, 213, 218, 221, 230, 251. 36i, 399. astronomical clock, 386. Straus, R., 227. Strauss, E., 261. Strawberry Hill Press, 226. Streeter, E. W., 425. Streiflichter zur Geschichte des Buch- handels, 255. Streit, 63. Stretton, C. E., 59, 276. Streuber, W. T., 174. String instruments, 454, 455-456. Strousberg, B. H., 274. Strunz, F., 295. Stuart, R., 55. Studies in the history of English commerce, 166. Stuebe, R., 180. Stuhlmann, F., 32, 133. Stumpfe, E., 128. Stuttgart, 260. Submarine telegraphy, 66. vessels, 89-91. Suez canal, 95, 96. Suffolk County, Mass., 35. Sugar industry, 308-310. Sulfitzellstoff, 359. Sulzbach, 232. Sumatra, 32. Surface, G. T., 309. Surinam, 77. Surveying, n. Suspension bridges, 92. Sutcliffe, Mrs. A., 88. Sutherland, G., 45. Sutthoff, M. J., 149. Svenskabokforlaggareforcningen, 265. Swabia, 300, 336. Swank, J. M., 347, 351. Swansea, Ceramics, 322. Swarg, F., 132. Sweden, 130, 131, 265, 351, 397, 398. Telegrafstyrelesen, 65. Swederus, M. B., 131, 265. Swift, R. B., 138. Swineford, A. P., 71, 74. Switzerland, 51, 52, 244-245, 280, 294 339. 34i. 343. 368, 386, 420. Swoboda, J., 312. Sylvester, J., 51. Symbols in ceramic art, 319. vSynthetic indigo, 341. Tainturier, A., 330. Talbot, F. A., 274. Tallent, G., 171. Tanneries, 357. Tapestry, 379-381. Tarbe de Saint-Hardouin, F. P. H., 92 Tarn, 382. Tariffs, 33. Tawney, R. H., 123. Taylor, R. W. C., 20. Tea, 304-305. Techener, J. J., 398. Telegraphy, 61, 63-66. Telephone, 61, 68. accounting, 291. Tennent, Sir J. E., 83. Terra-cotta vases, 317. Terrien de Lacouperie, A. E. J. B., 181. Teubner, B. G., Leipzig, 263. Textile industries, 362-382. Thermo-electricity, 63. Thery, E., 30. Thiele, F., 163. -O., 8. Thierbach, M., 84. Thierry-Poux, O., 234. Thoinan, E., 399. Thomann, G., 304. Thomas, E., 103. -I-, 245. Thompson, H. G., 98. -J. S.,2 5 I. S. P., 68. Thorns, P. P., 334. Thomson, A., 386. -D., 3 6 5 . -W. G., 381. Thonnar, A., 32. Thorburn, W. S., 419, 420. Thorpe, T. E., 300. Thread, 368. Thrupp, G. A., 94. Thudichum, G., 302. Thuringia, 278, 302, 323, 325, 355. Thurlings, A., 251. Thurston, E., 176. Thurston, H. W., 8. R. H., 56, 88. Thwaites, R. G., 139. Tietze, W. K. F., 288. Tigris, 100. Tiles, 316. Timperley, C. H., 188. Tin, 354-356. Tinsley, W., 258. Tironian notes, 182. Tissandier, G., 107, 109, in, 447. 4 8 4 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Tissot, P. cle, 1 1. Title-pages, 198, 210. Tobacco, 457-45*. workers, 458. Tobien, A., 130. Tokens, 419. Tokio. Stenographers' Club, 183. Tomlinson, F. L., in. Tool-makers, 346. making, 350. Tompkins, A. E., 375. Topfer, H., 302. Tornow, M. L., 36. Torpedoes, 90. Torr, C., 89. Touchstones, 353. Tower, W. S., 153, 312. Townsend, H., 322. Toynbee, A., 20. Tozer, B., 145. Traction engines, 58. Trade routes, 162. Transfer printing, 322. Transformer, 63. Transportation, 96, 269-293. Trapping, 153-154- Traube, A., 448. Treatise of the Revenue and False money of the Romans, 174. Trescher, E., 163. Trier, J., 358. Trogneux, G., 286. Trouve, G., 60. Trow, C. E., 291. Troyes, 234, 442. Trust companies, 173. Trustees, 173. Trusts, 18. Tryon, C. Z., 392. Company, E. K., 392. Tsunashiro, W., 72. Tuckermann, W. P., 412. Tughan-Baranovskij, M., 20. Tulip ware, 335. Tulips, 117. Tulle, 375. .Tunis, 1 68. Turgan, J., in. -L., 115. Turkestan, 31. Turkey, 410. Turkey red, 340. Turner, C. C., 107. -W., 322. Turnor, C. H., ill. Tuscany, 331. Twelfth century, 19. Twentieth century, 12-15, 44> 46-50, 63, 169-170. Twenty years railway statistics, 276. Twiesselmann, H., 128. Tymms, W. R., 431. Type, 249-250. Type-founding, 199, 249-250. Type-setting machines, 251. Typewriter, 181. Tyrol, 74. Tyrrell, H. G., 92. Tyszka, C. von., 25. U Uchatius, F. von, 83. Uddeholm, 351. Ulidc, C., 401. Ullmann, M., 342. Ulm, 229, 231. Umbreit, A. E., 222. United States, 33-36, 50, 65, 89, 93, 94, 95. 98, 133-136, 138, 141, 142,^ 147, 148, 151, 156, 159, 172, 245-246, 265, 270, 271, 272, 281-284, 289-291, 293, 304, 313, 334-335. 349-351, 355, 356, 364, 368-369, 372-373, 379, 384 392, 423, 427, 435, 436, 441, 451. - Department of Agriculture, 134. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Animal Industry, 148. Navy Department. Bureau of Naviga- tion, 98. Department of Commerce and Labor. Bureau of Statistics, 273. United States Treasury Department. Committee on Auditing, 291. United States Steel Corporation, 349. University of Pennsylvania, 166. Unwin, G., 8. Uppenborn, F., 63. Upsala, 265. Urbani, D., 360. Ure, A., 21. Urquhart, W. W., 286. Usher, A. P., 307. Usury, 172. Uzanne, O., 271, 399. V Vacherot, J., 413. Vachon, IV \., 195. Vaillant, J. F., 418. Valentine, E. S., 1. 1. Vallance, A., 404. Van de Put, A., 332. Vanselow, K., 143. Varlot, L., 442. Varnish, 453. Varro, M. T., 118. Vasenius, G. V., 240. Vases, 319, 334. Vasterbotten, 130. Vater, R., 69. Vauban, S. Le P., 78. Vaughn, E. V., 166. Veitch, H. N., 428. Velde, H. van de, 405. Vellum, 360. Venango county, Pa., 311. Venice, 195, 203", 230, 236, 237, 238, 33 1 ,442. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 8. zur Forderung der Moorkultur im Deutschen Reich, 118. Vergilius, P., 8. Very, E., 364. Vetter, M., 401. Vettori, F., 418. Vibert, P., 273. Vicaire, G., 264. Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, 323, 431. Vienna, 230. K. k. Osterreichisches Museum fur Kunst und Industrie, 323, 325, 374. K. k. Porzellanfabrik, 323, 325. Vierteljahrschrift fur Social- und Wirili- schaftsgeschichre. 2. Vincet, J. B., 243. -W., 164. INDEX Vinsac, C. D., 427. Violin, 452-455. makers, 452, 453, 454. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E., 402, 433. Violoncello, 455. Virginia, 33, 457. Visscr, J., 207, 224. Vitrac, M., 28 Vizetelly, H., 302 Vogel, A., 342. -H. W.,448. Voigt, J. F., 149 Volatile oils, 297. Volkstedt. Porzellanfabrik, 325. Volmar, F., 280. Vopelius, E., 338. Voullieme, E. H., 231. Vries, A. de, 222, 224. W Waase, K., 77. Wachter, K. T., 51. Walch, G. T., 100. Walford, C., 40. Wallis, H., 319, 332. Walpole, H., 226. Walsh, J. M., 305. R., 418. Walter, J., 118. Walters, H. B., 319. Walton, P., 364. Walzel, A., 92. Wangemann, Hauptmann, 80. -0..45I. Warburg, O., 141. Ward, J., 405, 415. -T. H.. 21. & Co., M., Chicago, 84. Warden, A. J., 376 Ware, L. S., 310. Warehouses, 163. Waring, J. B., 319. Warman, C., 283. Warner, G. T., 9. Warren, A., 163. -Sir C., 171. Warships, 89-91. Wasielewski, W. J. von, 455. Watch making, 383-387. Watches, historical collections, 387. Water supply, 101-102. works, 97, 101-102. Watermarks, 361-362. Watkins, J. L., 370. Watson, Sir C. M., 80, 171. -D. K.,423- J., 148, 204. Watt, J., 56-57. Wattenbach, W., 181. Weaver, C. C., 52. - L., 390. Weaving, 40, 362, 365. Webb, B., 95. -F. W., 58. -S.,95. Weber, A. F., 35. Webster, W. C., 163. Wedgwood, J., 320, 321. -T., 44 6. pottery, 321, 322. Weeks, L. H., 94. -S. B., 246. Wegener, J., 231, 250. Wegner von Dallwitz, R., 112. Weidling, K., 263. Weigel, P., 52. -T. O., 204. Weights, 170-171. Weihenstephan, Germany, 116. Weinberg, 232. Weinreich, H., 231. Weisbach, W., 267. Weise, O., 189. Weiss, M., 448. -R., 84. Weizmann, C., 184. Welland river, 100. Wells, D. A., 15. Wendt, U., 9. Werdet, E., 195, 264. W T erge, J., 448. Wessely, J. E., 144, 439. West, T., 60. Westcott, T., 89. Westendorp, K., 399. Westminster, 190. Westphalia, 99, 347. Westram, O., 200. Westropp, H. M., 319. Wetherfield, D. A. F., 387. Wetter, J., 213. Weule, K., 9. Weyhmann, A., 349. Whale fishing, 153. Wheat, 117, 305, 307. Wheatley, H. B., 255. Wheeler, G. O., 434. -W. H., 100. Whewell, W., 15. White, G., 267. -J., 284, 376. -G. S.,373- Whiteshot, C. A., 313. Whitford, N. E., 98. Whittaker, Sir T. P., 123. Whittemore, H., 273. Whittlesey, C., 72. Wibiral, F., 439. Wichelhaus, H., 295. Wichmann, F. J. R., 302. Wiedemann, K. P., 280. Wiege der Luftschiffahrt, 112. Wiener, L., 362. Wiese, L. von, 356. Wilhelm, B., 112. Wilkinson, F., 373. Willard, J. W., 386. -S.,386. Willcocks, Sir W., 100. Wille, R., 84. Willems, A. C. J., 243. Willett, R., 213. Williams, A., 50, 72, 275. -C. F. A. ,451. -F. S., 276. - L., 409. Williamson, G., 57. Willson, B., 273. Wilmot, S. E., 91. Wilson, Sir C. W., 80. -W. H., 275. Wimmer, J., 128. Winchester, 40. Winckelmann, J. J., 405. Wine, 300-302. Winship, G. P., 228. 4 86 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY Wireless telegraphy, 64, 66-67. Wire-rope making, 350. Wirth, M., 173. Wismuller, F. X., 129. Witham river, 100. Witt, O. N., 295. Wohlin, N., 131. Wolf, C., 263. -J. C., 213. Wolff, T. T 94. Wolff-Beckh, B., 325. Wolf strigl- Wolf skron, M., Reichsritter von 74- Women's occupations, 13. Wood, Sir H. T. W., 21. -J-, 137- Woodcuts, 216, 217, 229, 252, 266, 267. Woodberry, G. E., 442. Woodbury, C. J. H., 369. Woodcarving, 414-415. Wood-engraving, 202, 438, 439-443. Wool industry, 369, 381-382. Worcester, E. S., 17. -40. porcelain, 319, 321. Worden, E. C., 297. World commerce, 5, 12. Worman, E. J., 191. Worms, 230. -S., 77- Worsaae, J. J. A., 31. Worsted, 381, 382. Wrangel, K. G., 145. Wrany, A., 295. Wright, C. D., 35, 36. C. W., 382. S., 152. -W., 60. Writing, 179-181, 187. Wrzodek, G., 84. Wunschendorff, E., 66. Wupperman, H., 349. Wuppertal, 366. Wurttemberg, 277, 300. Wiist, P., 349. Wutke, K., 72. Wuttke, H., 181. Wyckoff, W. C., 379. Wyer, Robert, 191. Wyman, Partridge & Co., Minneapolis, 364- Young, A., 123. -D., 123. -J. J., 318. Zacharias, P., 342. Zaehnsdorf, London, 397. Zaharia, A., 307. Zahm, A. F., 107. Zahn, C., 304. Zainer, brothers, 231. Zamagna, B., 107. Zampa, G., 455. Zaretzky, O., 230, 232, 269. Zedler, G., 222, 223. Zeibig, J. W., 184. Zeitschrift fur Social- und Wirthschafts- geschichte, 2. Zell, U., 230. Zeppelin, 110, in. Ziegenhorn & Jucker, Erfurt, 434. Ziegler, F. C., 349. Zimmermann, E., 326. -J. A., 184. Zinc, 355. Zither, 456. Zonghi, A., 362. Zschimmer, E., 339. Zuanelli, L., 163. Zurich, 51, 1 68. Zvcha, A., 72. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO +> 202 Main Library tOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW HAY 11197 3 VfK. CIR. APR 1 1 ) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1 1 778 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ID 24258 U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 316592 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY