STACK ***** TNITED STATES I Calif ornij Regional Facility j COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR: FO K INSTANTANEOUS DETECTION 0* o COUNTERFEIT "GREENBACKS" 3 gp NATIONAL BANK NOTES, 2 ^ IKING THE GEOMETKIC LATHE-WORK, KEY TO THE MYSTIC .NUMBERS THE TEST ON ALL GOVERNMENT PAPER. M JOHN F. BEAZELL. 1'ITTSBURGH: PRINTED BY W. S. HAVEN, CORNER WOOD AND THIRD STREETS. 1867. UNITED STATES RULES FOB DETECTING COUNTERFEIT "GREENBACKS" AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES, MAKING THE GEOMETRIC LATHE-WORK. AND KEY TO THE MYSTIC NUMBERS THE TEST ON ALL GOVERNMENT PAPER. B V JNO. P. BEAZELL. PITTSBURGH: PRINTED BY W. S. HAVEN, CORNER WOOD AND THIRD STREETS. 1867. [The following Key is perfectly reliable, and will be fully ex- plained by the teacher.] SECEET KEY, Counterfeit Letter A, Remainder, - - 1 B, " 2 " C, - 3 D, Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by JOHN F. BEAZELL, In the Clerk's Office in Western District of Pennsylvania. INTRODUCTORY. BANK NOTE ENGRAYING, &c. IT is not our purpose to present to the public a book of such magnitude as to prevent its perusal by men of business, but to condense as much as pos- sible a few plain facts on the subject of Bank Note Engraving, and the mode by which counterfeits may be detected. We have been led to this from the fact that no work has been published devoted exclu- sively to the present paper currency. Those that we have seen treat of the Old State Banks whose notes are obsolete, and much that is said in regard to them is inapplicable to the present Bank paper. When Bank Note or Paper Currency was first in- troduced as the circulating medium, no engravings were used; the notes were printed with only common type. Such were easily imitated, and rogues soon put into circulation notes so well executed, that they could not be distinguished from the genuine issues. Engravings were next added as barriers to counterfeit- ing, but these too were in a short time so well imitated that even good judges of money were often deceived. This led engravers to the practice of using private marks on the notes they printed for the different Banks ; and Bankers, with a pen, marked their issues in such a manner that they might know them again. 20031.08 Since the year 1816, numerous and important im- provements have been introduced by Bank Note Engravers, and at the present time the amount of artistic skill employed, and the elaborate and costly machinery used, as well as the large capital invested, render it impossible for counterfeiters to produce notes equal in beauty of execution to the genuine. THE USE OF DIES THE GEOMETRIC LATHE, &c. The greatest obstacle to counterfeiters is the use of dies and the Geometric Lathe, as well as the invention of transferring engravings by means of a powerful machine called the "Transfer Press" but perhaps the greatest security to the paper currency of nearly the whole commercial world is the work produced by the Geometric Lathe. This wonderful machine was first used by Murry, Fairman & Co., of Philadelphia, in 1816, and in view of the great beauty of the work, and difficulty of imitation, its inventor, Mr. Asa Spencer, an "ingenious Yankee," repaired to Eng- land soon after, where it was also adopted by the Bankers, both of that country and Scotland. The value of the Geometric Lathe for Bank Note Engraving does not consist simply in the beauty of its work, but from the fact that it cannot be made to imitate any figure previously executed. It works out an original figure every time it is used, so that if a counterfeiter even had a lathe, he would be no better off than without it. The beauty and variety of lathe-work may be seen on all government paper, and is the test-work from a five cent note to a thousand dollar bond. It has been made the bulwark of defence to the present paper currency. The medallion ruling, Perkin's plate, and large lettering formerly used on the State Bank Notes, being very properly discarded, a8 after a long trial it was found that the Geometric Lathe-work was the most difficult for counterfeiters to imitate. There are many other obstacles to counterfeiters. They consist principally in the perfection of genuine work, and the power of producing, by means of dies, a number of plates of any given picture or orna- mental portion of work needed on a Bank Note, each of which plates is an exact copy of the original, even to the smallest line or dot. Thus, when any of the Bank Note Engraving Companies produce a portrait, a die is made from the engraved portrait, and by means of this die, the plates with this portrait upon them, can be multiplied by those who have the die, and by no one else, not even the engraver who execu- ted the original portrait from which the die was made, because the smallest shade or dot about the features materially changes the expression of a face that might be perfect in all other respects. HOW DIES ARE MADE, &c. The Engraver selects a piece of the best cast-steel of the proper size, and having carefully annealed, or softened it, and smoothed its surface, proceeds to en- grave upon it the intended device. When this is done the steel is hardened, and is termed a matrix. A cylinder of soft steel is now prepared, and being properly polished and adjusted, is made to roll over the engraved surface of the matrix, under a heavy pressure, until it receives a perfect impression in relief of the work upon the matrix. The cylinder is then hardened, and is called a Die, and being made to roll over the polished surfaces of soft steel plates, transfers its impressions to them. 6 These plates are exact fac-similes of the original matrix, and are used in the process of printing Bank Notes. Another difficulty is found by counterfeiters in imitating the shading of letters and portraits, which is done by the Ruling Engine, and consists of a suc- cession of perfectly parallel lines, all equally deep in the plate, and taken altogether produce a shade resem- bling one sweep of a painter's brush, and does not look as if made up of separate lines, which will be found to be the case when examined closely. The imitation of this work by counterfeitei's is done with a graver, and the lines will be found to be uneven, some darker and some closer together than others, and this produces a scratchy appearance. The same Ruling Engine is often used to produce skies, or clouding on landscapes, or the back-ground of portraits seen on genuine bills this also being imitated by the graver will have a scratchy appearance, as before mentioned. WHY GENUINE WORK EXCELS COUNTERFEITERS'. The large amount of capital required to perfect a Bank Note Engraving Establishment, the number of first-class artists employed, and the use of elaborate machinery, render it impossible for counterfeiters to equal the work done by regular Bank Note Engravers. The preparation of a plate for a genuine note is the work of at least ten first-class artists. In what- ever branch the artist excels, he is employed. One may excel as a portrait engraver, another in lettering, &c., &c., whereas one counterfeiter may be coinpelled to do all the work on his plate, and he would be a prodigy if he were a proficient in all the branches. This accounts for the difference in the several parts of a counterfeit. Sometimes the lettering will be well executed, while the vignette, or some other parts of the note, will be very defective. The counterfeiter not having machinery for trans- ferring dies, engraves directly on the plate he prints with. This gives his notes the appearance of having been printed with wood-cuts rough and scratchy. There is always a defect in the eyes of portraits on counterfeit notes, as well as a want of natural expres- sion in the countenance. For example, see the failure on counterfeit Greenback ones, tens, and fifties, respectively, of Chase, Lincoln and Hamilton, and their general failure in the small human figures in the representations of the historic paintings on counter- feits of the National Banks. THE DESIGN OF THE U. S. TREASURY SUCCESS OF COUNTERFEITERS. It was the expectation of the Treasury Department that the Government paper should excel all previous issues of Bank Notes in beauty of execution and suitable devices. For this purpose the best artists in the world were employed, and no expense spared to attain this object. It was supposed when the elegant Greenbacks were issued that the counterfeit- ers' occupation was gone, but this proved to be a serious mistake, as counterfeits of several denomina- tions soon made their appearance so well executed that they found their way into Banks; and at this time "all sorts and sizes" are afloat, from the dimin- utive three-center to the thousand dollar Treasury bond, and counterfeits of various denominations on some hundred National Banks are scattered broadcast 8 over the entire country, so well executed as to deceive those who are ignorant of the rules for judging money. In view of the certainty that the country will soon be so flooded with counterfeits that it will be danger- ous for those incapable of judging correctly to receive money, every man of business, and especially young men, should give the matter of counterfeit detection their careful attention. The faculty of judging money can only be acquired by a frequent examina- tion of perfect work. Bankers and others who daily handle large sums of money have a great advantage over those who do not. Those who have not this advantage must improve their judgment by other means. This can be successfully and speedily ac- complished. Let the student take well printed notes and examine them carefully with a microscope, look- ing at them intently every day, and in a short time a test will be formed in his mind of what perfect work should be, and the moment he sees that which is imperfect it will arrest his attention. He can then examine the test-work and settle the question as to its genuineness. We will again repeat this fact, that the greatest security against counterfeiters is the machine-work on genuine notes. This the counterfeiter attempts to imitate by hand. The most remarkable is the beautiful work of the Geometric Lathe. This net- work of curvilineal lines is found encircling the de- nominational figures in various forms, as perfect as nature. THE PERFECTION OF THIS WORK is THE TEST OF ALL GENUINE BILLS. 9 In accordance with the foregoing statements -we deduce the following RULES. The whole currency of the United States and the Canadas is printed from plates engraved by the American, National, and Continental Bank Note Engraving Companies. Their work is of great beauty and perfection, which may be attributed as much to the efficiency of costly and elaborate machinery as to the superior skill of the artist. The general principle upon which the detection of counterfeits is based, is, that certain parts of a plate by which genuine bank notes are printed, are engraved by machinery, while those of a counterfeit plate are engraved by hand. The machine used for engraving those parts of a plate with which bank notes are printed, such as ovals, circles, &c., which usually surround the de- nominational figures, consisting of network, is called the Geometric Lathe. This lathe work is the distin- guishing characteristic of all genuine bills, and is largely used in all government issues, and is the chief test of their genuineness. There is another machine used in engraving, called the Ruling Engine. The characteristics of the work of this machine are the fine parallel lines used in shading letters and other portions of the plate, and like the lathe, produce a beautiful uniform- ity in its work, which cannot be done by hand. It may be asked, why do not counterfeiters avail themselves of the advantages of machinery, such as engraving companies use? Because, if it were possi- ble for them to procure the machinery, they would not venture to invest from $100,000 to $150,000 in a business which, if discovered, would result in a 10 total loss of property, and subject them to a criminal's punishment; and this would be the inevitable result, as the machinery is too bulky for concealment. Counterfeiters are therefore compelled to work with such tools as they can conceal, and there is no lathe work on any of their notes, it is only an imitation; and although there are many other points of difference between counterfeit and genuine bills, a thorough knowledge of this one feature will furnish an infalli- ble test. As has already been stated, the network, or those fine curvilineal lines found around the denominational figures, and other parts of a genuine note, are pro- duced by the Geometric Lathe. An examination of this work by a microscope will settle the question as to its genuineness and as this kind of work is largely used on all government paper, it should be made a particular study, both by examining notes with the naked eye, and the microscope, and the student will thus soon become familiar with genuine work. By a careful examination with the glass these fine curvilineal lines will be found to cross each other at regular angles around the figure, never breaking or running one into another, or showing any irregularity whatever; while the imitations of the counterfeiter may, to the naked eye, have a strong resemblance, yet the glass will reveal the most surprising defects. Various rules have been given to prevent persons from receiving counterfeit money. The most import- ant is to look at all notes with a scrutinizing eye. Let this become a fixed habit. Many good judges of money have taken counterfeits through inattention. A frequent examination of genuine notes with the microscope will soon so impress their image upon the mind that the first glimpse of a counterfeit will be startling. It will be "detected at sight!" 11 CERTIFICATES PROM BANKERS & BUSINESS MEN. NATIONAL BANK OF FAYETTE Co., 1 Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 1st, 1867. / I am acquainted with the mode of detecting counterfeit money, copy-righted by J. F. Beazell, and have no doubt of its great value when thoroughly understood. In fact, it is the only correct method. Signed, JNO. K. EWING, President. We fully concur in the above recommendation. N. HOLMES & SONS, Bankers. PITTSBURGH, Sept. 20th, 1867. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK, 1 Pittsburgh, Sept. 20, 1867. / I am acquainted with Mr. Beazell 's mode of detecting coun- terfeit money, and until I learned that system had little confi- dence in my judgment. I take pleasure in recommending it to the business men of this city. His rules are infallible. GEO. D. TINDLE, Treasurer. RARE CHANCE FOR MEN OF SMALL CAPITAL.-Col. J. W. Beazell oilers for sale, State, County and City rights of a very valuable patent, which in its use is adapted to every man of business. Having examined it, we can say there is no surer or more delightful way to realize a competency than to possess the right for a good county or large city. Eights for States have been sold at a large figure, although Col. Beazell is selling County and City rights on reasonable terms. Pitts. Commer- cial. RECOMMENDATION PROM LEADING MERCHANTS OF PITTSBURGH, PITTSBURGH, Oct. 20, 1867. The system for detecting counterfeit money at sight, by Mr. J. F. Beazell, is invaluable to all persons handling money, and is so plain and complete that it can be thoroughly understood in five minutes' time. It is certainly the only true method, and we speak knowingly when we say it is worth one hundred times what it costs to learn it. No Banker or Business man should be without it. Very respectfully. John Stevenson & Son (jewelers), 93 Market Street; Smith- son, Palmer & Co. (Auctioneers), 59 Fifth Street; John I. House & Co. (Grocers), Water Street; Keymer Bros. (Con- fectioners), Wood Street; R. Robinson & Co. (Merchants), 255 Liberty Street; Wm. Carr & Co. (Merchants), Wood Street; Gray, Posseil & Reese (Merchants), Fifth Street; Alex. MG- Callum (Merchant), Fifth Street; Wm. Sumner & Co. (Sew- ing Machines), Fifth Street; Macrum & Carlisle (Merchants), Fifth Street; Richard B. Breed (Merchant), Wood Street; Schoyer & Co., Post Building ; Joseph Home & Co. (Mer- chants), 77 Market Street ; J. H. Richards (Merchant), 30 Fifth Street; J. Porterfield & Co. (Merchants), 15 Market Street; J. M. Burchfield & Co. (Merchants), Market Street; C. H. Love & Bro. (Merchants), Market Street; Dunseath & Ha^lett (Jewelers), Fifth Street; Bates & Bell (Merchants), Fifth Street ; Graff Hugus & Co. (Stove Dealers), Liberty Street ; Geo. Malin (Merchant), 69 and 70 Water Street; James Robb, Jr., 89 Market Street ; A. L. Hawkins (Merchant), 79 Wylie Street ; E. Reineman, 67 Smithfleld Street ; J. J. Snod- grass, 24 St. Clair Street; Rutledge, Perry & Co., 345 Liberty Street; Henry Miner (Newsdealer), 71 and 73 Fifth Street; W. W. Knox, 137 Liberty Street; A. P. Chatoney (Sewing Machines), Fifth Street; J. C. Thompson, 17 Market Street. ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., \ Sept. Uth, 1867. J I take pleasure in recommending to the business men of this city, Mr. Beazell's mode for detecting counterfeit money. His tests are infallible, and / would not be without the informa- tion I received from him in five minutes for $1,000. Respectfully, &c., LEVI HAY. PITTSBURGH, 1 September 1 6th, 1867. J Mr. Beazell's method of detecting counterfeit money is the best I have ever seen, and no one (receiving instructions in it,) can be "humbugged" with counterfeit money. J. McC. CREIGHTON, Gen'l. Sup't. Pa. R. R. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000104389 2 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. So; Li