- ywww y v^ : *m . - & , .wUv'.L.' '*fe*i ; w v v ^ SW**^-*^* /v v V v wv w V* ' w V * fy-^-vy. : REESE LIBRARY OK THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received Accessions , 188 O**- Shelf No. JL "ASTRONOMY LIBRARY [MARCH, 1878.] THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE EOYAL IRISH ACADEMY. VOLUME XXVI. SCIENCE. X. A Supplement to Sir John HerscheVs " General Catalogue of Nebulas and Clusters of Stars." By J. L. E. DREYER, M.A., F.R.A.S., Astronomer at the Earl of Eosse's Observatory. r - - 2 j) DUBLIN: PUBLISHED BY THE ACADEMY, AT THE ACADEMY HOUSE, 19, DAWSOX-STREET. SOLD ALSO liY HODGES, FOSTER, & FIGGIS, GRAFTON-ST. AND BY WILLIAMS & NORGATE, LONDON : Henrietta-street, Covent Garden. EDINBURGH : 20, South Frederick-street. 1878. ( * ) ASTRONOMY 'i"7ci ABMBW. TRANSACTIONS, VOL. XXV. (SCIENCE). PAKT. d. 1. Additional Observations on Muscular Anomalies in Human Anatomy (Third Series), with a Catalogue of the Principal Muscular Variations hitherto published. By ALEXANDER MACALISTKK, L. II. C. S. I., L. M., T. 0. D., Professor of Zoology, University of Dublin. (With Plates I. to III.) 060 2. Account of Experiments upon the Retardation experienced by Vortex Rings of Air when moving through Air. By KOBKKT STAWELL BALL, LL. D., Professor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanism, Royal College of Science for Ireland. ("With Plates IV. to X.), 2 3. The Theory of Screws : a Geometrical Study of the Kinematics, Equilibrium, and small Oscillations of a Rigid Body. By ROBERT STAWKLL BALL, LL. D. (With Plates XI. and XII.), 3 4. A Monograph on the Anatomy of Chlamydophorus Truncatus (Harlan), with Notes on the Structure of other Species of Edentata. By ALEXANDER MACALISTEH, M. B., T. C. D., President of the Royal Geological Society of Ireland; Professor of Zoology, and Director of the Museum in the University of Dublin. (With Plates XIII. to XV.), . . . . o 3 5. Some Theorems in the Reduction of Hyper-elliptic Integrals. By JOHN C. MALET, M. A., . 010 6 Screw Co-ordinates and their Applications to Problems in the Dynamics of a Rigid Body. By ROBEKT STAWELL BALL, LL.D., F.R.S., 1 C 7. On Accessory Lobes of the Human Lungs. By EDWARD W. COLLINS, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Dublin. (With Plate XVI.), 1 8. On certain Symmetric Functions of the Roots of an Algebraic Equation. By JOHN C. MALET, M. A. 1 9. Experiments on the Movements of Water in Plants (Part I.) By WILLIAM RAMSAY McNAB, M. D., Edin. ; Professor of Botany, Royal College of Science for Ireland (With Plates XVII. to XXIV.) 2 10. Researches in Chemical Optics. By the Rev. J. H. JELLETT, B.D., Senior Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin 3 11. Report on the Strength of Single-riveted Lap Joints. By BINDON B. STONEY, M. A., M. R. I. A., Memb. Inst. C. E. (With Tables and Plate XXV.) 2 6 12. On the first Comet of 1845. By DR. W. DOBERCK, Astronomer at Colonel Cooper's Observa- \ tory, Markree, Co. Sligo I Q 13. On ft? Bootis (considered as a Revolving Double Star). By DR. W. DOBERCK, Astronomer at ( Colonel Cooper's Observatory, Murkree, Co. Sligo, ) 14. Report on the Anatomy of Insectivorous Edentates. By ALEXANDER MACALISTER, M.B., Pro- fessor of Comparative Anatomy, University of Dublin. (With Plates XXVI. & XXVIL), 010 15. On the Seychelles Fern Flora. By J. G. BAKER, F. L.S., Royal Herbarium, Kew. (With Plates XXVIII. to XXXI.), 1 16. Researches on the Structure of the Spines of the Diadematidse (Peters). By II. W. MACKINTOSH, B. A. (With Plates XXXI.* to XXXIII.) 2 6 17. On Nine-point Contact of Cubic Curves. By A. S. HART, LL. D., S. F. T. C.D., .... 1 18. Experiments on the Movements of Water in Plants. (Part II.) By WM. RAMSAY McNAB, M. D. Edin., Professor of Botany, Royal College of Science for Ireland, 010 19. On the Binary Stars 7 Coronae, T Ophiuchi, y Leonis, Aquarii, 36 Andromedae, and i Leonis. By DK. W. DOBERCK, Astronomer at Colonel Cooper's Observatory, Markree, 010 20. Report on the Superinduced Divisional Structure of Rocks, called Jointing ; and its Relation to Slaty Cleavage. By WILLIAM KINO, Sc. D., Professor of Mineralogy and Geology, Queen's University in Ireland, and Queen's College, Galway. (With Plates XXXIV. to XXXVIII.) With Title-page and Table of Contents to Volume, 3 PRICE OP VOLUME XXV., bound in cloth boards, 1 17 \J\ Five catalogues by Dr. John Lewis Emil Prayer: Call number Accession number QB 851 D 7 34702 Title of catalogue - where published Date A supplement to Sir John Herschel's "Gen- eral Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars". 1878. (Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, volume 26) Iflhere shelved in the Students' Obsy. Room 11 - smith rnl (s\tar catalogue^) lie and rec binding) QB 851 H 5 A new general catalogue of nebulae and clusters of stars, being the catalogue 37916 of the late Sir John F.W. Herschel, Eart. , revised, corrected, and enlarged. 1888. (Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 49, part l) Rdom 11 - ; ri jiiihli i \ 9W^IJJ * (star catalogues) (brownish purple Binding; QB 851 P 679 M 39751 Index catalogue of nebulae found in the years 1888 to 1894, with notes and corrections to the New General Cat- alogue. 1895. (Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 51, pages 185-228) Room 11 QB 851 D 68 II 40820 Second index catalogue of nebulae and clusters of stars; containing objects found in the years 1895 to 1907, with corrections to the New General Cat- alogue and to the Index Catalogue for 1888-94. 1908. (Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 59, part 2) (star catalogues) (blue and grey binding) Room 11 S94 (star catalogues) \ (blue and grey binding) QB 1 R 61 Corrections to the New General Catalogue resulting from the revision of Sir William Herschel's Three Catalogues of Nebulae. 1912. (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 73, pages 37-40) (Monthly Notices of the Royal 'Astr. Society) Additional copies of some of these are also kept in the U.C. Main Library. nm 10-10-39 ( 381, ) X. A Supplement to Sir John HerscheVs " General Catalogue of Nelulce and Clusters of Stars" By J. L. E. DEEYEE, M. A., F. R. A. S., Astronomer at the Earl of Basse's Observatory. [Read February 26, 1877.] INTRODUCTION. IT is now about thirteen years since Sir John Herschel published his " General Catalogue of Nebulae" in the " Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society" for 1864. By far the greater part of this work was founded on the observations made by himself and his father, who for so many years were the only investigators in this branch of Astronomy. But even before the publication of this " General Catalogue" the Nebulae had become objects of more general attention. Formerly it was only the possessors of large reflecting telescopes who thought their optical means sufficient for work on these faint objects, but when D' Arrest had shown how much could be done with a small refractor for the determination of the positions of the brighter Nebulas several astronomers turned their attention in this direction. We need not here mention all the valuable series of observations which have been given to the public tlirough the exertions of Schonfeld, Schultz, Vogel, G. Riimker, and others ; far exceeding them all in importance is the great work of D' Arrest's, " Sideruni nebulosorum observations Havnienses." What makes this work so important is, that it alone of all similar ones, except those of the two Herschels, is founded on zone-observations (sweeps), made with a powerful instrument in order to determine and describe all the Nebulae which came into the field. The indefatigable observer whose early death all astronomers lament succeeded in forming a work, in which he is EL. IB. ACiD., TBANS., TOL. XXVI. SCIENCE. 2 I 382 DREYER On Nebulce and Clusters of Stars. not surpassed by anybody as regards the extent and value of his observa- tions, while he often surprises the reader by the sharp and critical acumen with which he analyses and explains the work of his predecessors. The Copenhagen Observations may be supposed to be in the hands of every observer of Nebulae, and they are in many ways quite necessary as a supplement to the " General Catalogue." Although the probable errors of D' Arrest's observations are not much smaller than those in Sir John Her- schel's positions, still the former are entirely free from the large accidental errors which may not seldom be found in the latter, and at which nobody wonders when he considers the construction of Herschel's instrument. There are therefore many cases in which the " General Catalogue," although giving the result of eminent observers' exertions, put together in a most wonderfully careful manner, is not in accordance with the heavens. And it is not only through D'Arrest's observations that such discrepancies appear : the other works on Nebulae which have appeared since 1864 have made others visible. Added to this, a considerable number of new Nebulae have been found since the " General Catalogue" was published; so that this excellent work, both as regards completeness and exactness, appears to want a supplement. The necessity of arranging such a supplement for my own use soon became obvious to me, when, in 1874, I began to work at the Earl of Rosse's Observatory. Remembering a remark of Sir John Herschel's, that any amount of time spent in preparing extensive working-lists is well spent, I brought together such a list of all the objects, which an examination of all the previous Birr observations had shown in want of being re-observed for one reason or another. This occupation, as well as the reduction of the current observations, necessarily involved a careful study of the work done on the Nebulae at other observatories especially by D' Arrest, and Dr. Schultz at Upsala, whose " Micrometrical Observations of 500 Nebulae" were published about that time. The study of these works, and all similar ones, combined with the personal acquaintance with the objects which my position has facilitated, has, by degrees, made me collect a series of notes and corrections to the " General Catalogue," which I have thought might DREYER On N<>l>nl Schonfeld's ingenious suggestion is right, according to which 48 s are to be subtracted 2862 from the R. A.'s ot h. 1189, 1190, and 1194, and the descriptions of h. 1189 and 1190 2865 are to be exchanged. The following Nebulae form this group : 2869J 2844 = h. 1178 12" 12 m 14' 5.568 12 39 5070 12 41 2852 = h. 1183 = 89 12 48 2865 = h. 1190 13 2857 = h. 1187 = 94 13 14 83' 50'-8 56-3 45 52 52 50 Seen by h. (" 3 more seen"), first deter- mined by Schonfeld and D'Arrest. vF, eS, seen by Schultz on 3 nights. With respect to H.'s Nfbulse, n. 568, 569, 570, 571, there can likewise be no doubt that Schonfeld's conjecture is right, that their P. D. is 83 50' (compare the G. C., p. 28), and that they are identical with the above group. No traces of nebulosity have been seen by anybody in 82 50'. 394 DREYER On Nelulce and Clusters of Stars. No. 2859 2863 2865 2882 2884 2891 2903 2893 2899 2909 2914 2915 2922 2932 to 2940 2949 2955 2956 2967 2969 2972 2984 2988 2993 2989 2992 2995 2999 3003 NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. G. C. 2856, 2862, and 2869, are therefore to be struck out, and the rest to be corrected according to the above. The only thing that puzzles me is, that h. 1194 alone of the whole group was also observed in sweep 251, and that the E. A. (but not the descrip- tions) agree within a fraction of a second ? h. must have made the same mistake in 251 probably he used a wrong E. A. for a zero star in both sweeps (117 and 251). There is no reason whatever for supposing any change in this group. ii. 377. Is = 2858 = H. 323 as suggested by Marth. To be struck out, = in. 300. = h. 1190 (see above). E. A. should be 12 h 13 m 0'. Description vF, vS. H., F; h., vB; D'Arrest, vF. Not found by D'Arrest (Query, did he search " 10' ad austrum" instead of 10' nf ?). Not seen by Schultz. There is not any " great error in Lord Eosse's account." The Nebula south of the scarlet star (3060) was seen after h. 1196 and 1202 had been observed, pro- bably while the telescope was being moved back to the meridian. E. A. in the G. C. is 30 e too small (D'Arrest. 2 obs.). h. 1213 and 1215. There is some discordance between Scho'nfeld, Schultz, and D'Arrest, as to which of these is the faintest. Scho'nfeld says, h. 1215 is, while Schultz agrees with h. in making 1213 the faintest. D'Arrest says, in anote to h. 1215, that it appears from his observations, that 1215, in 1862, was the faintest. 1 cannot, however, reconcile this remark to the fact of D' Arrest's only having one observation of h. 1213 (3 of 1215), adding to it : " Duarum preeedens ac debilior." It does not seem likely that any change has taken place here. E. nova about 30' f h. 1200. Is most probably = D' Arrest's nova (12 h 16 m 9', 77 51'). The descriptions agree. E. A. is 12" 17". E. A. l m too small. = in. 97. Not seen either by h., by D'Arrest, or at Birr Castle. E. novce. " Twelve knots examined." The G. C. contains more than 12 Nebulae between 12 h 18 m - 21 m and 76 - 77, so there does not appear to have been sufficient reason for introducing these nine "novae." = h. 1244. Scho'nfeld thinks this Nebula = n. 168. This certainly agrees with H.'s words : ' " The most southern is E." n. 167 and 168. One of these is = h. 1244, the place of the other is, according to the Observations Havnienses : 12 h 18- 35', 7G 25' 7" (H.'s place is wrong). The Birr obser- vation agrees with this, so there is no doubt atout it. 2956, therefore, to be struck out. = in. 39. E. A. 20 s too great according to D'Arrest. Seen as pB or pF by D'Arrest (4 obs.). N. P. D. is 58 0' 19" (error of reduction). E. A. is 12" too small (D'Arrest and Schultz). = n. 497. N. P. D. 3' too small (D'Arrest. 2 obs.). E. novae. Entered to fill the number of "11 knots" observed in Birr. I think, myself, that h. 1203 and D' Arrest's nova nf were seen as well as the other nine mentioned in the G. C., p. 29. As 2955 and 2956 are one Nebula, one " nova" (2992) is to be struck out, while the one f 1275 is right. For "vb" read "vB." As already pointed out by D'Arrest, the remark in the G. C., that n. 56 and rr. 90 were seen in one sweep (1st March, 1784) is contradicted by the numbers. According to the Phil. Trans., the Nebulae were observed on the 14th and 21st March, 1784. DREYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. 395 NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. 3008 3016 3017 3022 3023 3024 3025 3029 3030 3041 \ 3042) 3046 3050 3051 3056 3060 3071 3079 3084 3120 3130 3170 3172 3174 3176 3185 3196 3199 3239 3245 3256 3269 3333 i. 23. Schonfeld's position is 12" 21 37"5, 77 28' 13". H.'s P. D. is 4' too great. = h. 1291. To be struck out; is beyond doubt = h. 1278 = n. 848. According to D'Arrest the place is perfectly empty. E. A. 11 s too small; P. D. is 75 10' 37" (Schultz), pL, F. 11. nova?. To be struck out. Nova 0. Struve, h. 1293, 1294, 1305, -were seen. D'Arrest has another nova here. = rr. 115. E. A. is 14' too small (Schultz). = n. 116. G. C. has: " Not seen by D'Arrest." Observations Havnienses contain two ob- servations. Has likewise been observed by Schb'nfeld and Schultz. E. A. 14' too small. = ii. 114. Seen as a first class Nebula by D'Arrest. i. 197 and 198. D' Arrest's positions are (in perfect accordance with G. Eiimker's) 12" 23- 42"3 23 48 -6 47 31' 28" 34 50 = nr. 42. Seen by D'Arrest as pF (brighter than m. 41). ii. 118. Not seen by anybody after H. m. 69. D' Arrest's position is 12" 24 m 35 s -5, 72 22' 19", F, pL, biN, E (2 obs.). The * 9m is 8 s p (not f), (D'Arrest). To be struck out, = h. 1299 (3032), the star is B. "W. 12" 378 (Sch. red star 148). = h. 1326. Is = n. 849 ; but both H. and h. are wrong with respect to the P. D. D' Arrest's position is 12" 26 m 30"9, 25 17' 2". Phil. Trans., 1833, have : A star 9m near (D'Arrest has * 10 p 10'), G. C. has erroneously " * 9inv." Is probably to be struck out. Not seen as a nebulous star ly anybody except h., who seems to have had some doubts on the subject. (See his remarks, Phil. Trans., 1833, pp. 499-500). R. A. 30' too small. H. and D'Arrest agree. Not found by D'Arrest. The only "B * 9m" near the place is B. D. 14 2523, 6'5 mag., whose R. A. is exactly l m greater than that of G. C. 3120. For 89 16' 17" read 89 46' 17" (misprint). = h. 1401. Is = h. 1399. Before seeing Schultz's remarks on h. 1402, I had suspected that M 60 had been mistaken for 1402 by the Birr observer. It is certainly strange that Schultz could see the dupli- city, which was neither visible to h., nor to D'Arrest, nor to Vogel. n. 20. Not found by D'Arrest. It is most likely = n. 148, as already suspected by h. (see his note to 3148). For h. 1402 read h. 1404. " 2 B stars f." Phil. Trans., 1833, have " 6' np of 2 Bst," which should be, " 2 Bst 6' np." ii. 39. Is it = h. 1419, with an error of 10' in the P. D. ? The descriptions seem to agree, and Schultz says about 1419: "rindubious, even in twilight." Neither Schultz nor D'Arrest mention n. 39. = h. 1421. Not found by D'Arrest and Vogel. H. nova. To be struck out : is evidently = h. 1442. = h. 1446. Not found by D'Arrest. It is very likely = h. 1440, as the observations were made in diiferent sweeps. There is only this one Nebula here. D'Arrest calls it once R, another time oval. In 1867 he remarked, that it had appeared far brighter in 1862. Undoubtedly = ii. 344. h. 1494 = ii. 386. D' Arrest's position is 12 h 50 m 35"8, 61 44' 54" (6 obs.). Auwers' place is nearer to this than the G. C. is. 396 DREYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. No. NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. 3336 3343 3364 3374 3421 3482 3489 3576 3588 3597 3698 3703 3714 3722 3766 3778) 377'J j 3785 3795 3807 3830 3836 3855 3869 3905 3922 3956 3976 4003 4020 h. 1496. h. thought this = n. 385, but D' Arrest has found them both as different objects. I have entered n. 385 in the Catalogue. = h. 1500. R. A. uncertain. D' Arrest's is 16' less (3 obs.). = n. 392. D' Arrest's N. P. D. is 61 27' 16" (4 obs.). in. 760 is = n. 190, as already suspected by Marth and Auwers. No Nebula seen by D' Arrest in the spot, -where 3374 should be. = ii. 185. Position wrong; it is = 3426 (Markree Catalogue and D' Arrest agree). For in. 312 read 11. 312. R. nova. Is, no doubt, the same as D'Arrest's nova, 13 h 12 58'-3, 101 50 '8", pB, pS, R, bM. = n. 689. According to M. Tempel, not " pB, pL, R," but vS, IE. = h. 1633. Schultz has once looked for it in vain (but under unfavourable circumstances). Not observed by anyone after h. According to the well-agreeing observations by H., D' Arrest, and Mr. Mitchell in Birr, there are here only 3 Nebulae 3595 = h. 1637 = in. 86 3596 = 1638 = in. 85 3602 = 1643 = in, 87 and h. 1639 is, no doubt, = 1643, with an error of 30 in the R. A. (which h. only deter- mined once ; they were observed in different sweeps). 3597 is, therefore, to be struck out. In Phil. Trans., 1861, p. 728, should evidently, for 1638, be read 1637, and for 1639, 1638. To be struck out ; is = 3696. To be struck out ; = 3704. 11. 844 is, no doubt, = 3715 (i. 238), at least it was not seen by D' Arrest. R. nova. To be struck out, only 3712, 3721, 3725 seen in Birr. Is quite certainly = 3760. Are the same as as 3773 and 3774. D' Arrest found the following positions : 13 h 58 44"2 35 0' 27" 58 57 6 34 57 39, which agree pretty well with the drawing from Birr Castle and the places of 3773 and 3774. D' Arrest has also observed a Nebula(F, S,R, * 12-13 p 9' v Is) almost at the place of G. C. 3779, but only one. I prefer, therefore, setting it down as a nova. R. A. is too great. P. D. 2V too small, according to Auwers and D' Arrest. The latter could not see 3793. To be struck out ; is = 3808. Strange, that h., in a case like this (or 3722), has not remarked the carelessness of the observer. Phil. Trans., 1861, "about 10' sp h. 1770." D'Arresthas observed a Nebula 4' p, 5'-4 north of 1770. = in. 551. Not seen by h. and D' Arrest. It is very likely = h. 1770 = 3835. R. nova, D'Arrest's position is 14 h 14 m 9'-0, 85 54' 52" (pF, pL, mE). R. A. in G. C. 1 too great. N. P. D. should be 74 (not 75). Most probably = h. 1816 (3902), which is not mentioned in the Phil. Trans., 1861. Misprint of 10' in Auwers' work (Vierteljahrsschrift der astron. Gesellschaft, I., p. 183). Lacaille's P. D. is 145 56' 51" for 1860. Identity therefore certain. For "*15p"read"* lip 15'." The star is south of the nebula. R. nova. Observed by D' Arrest, 14" 46 m 42"5, 85 50' 21", pF, pL, R. 2' south of 4019, the place is therefore 14" 52" 31', 39 47'"5. DREYER On Nebulce and Clusters of Stars. 397 No. NOTES AXD CORRECTIONS. 4022 4043) 4044 j 4057 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4088 4092 4105 4110 4114 4115 4117 4122 4124 4127 4128 4130 4131 4133 4134 4149 4152 4161 4167 4190 4227 4244 4247 4266 in. 311. D'Arrest has one observation of a Nebula in 14" 54 m 28"0, 16 18' 46", forming a triangle with two stars of 11 m. It is no doubt = in. 311. R. novae. Not seen by D'Arrest and Schultz. Are probably to be struck out. " 6 Nebulae found," but 4038, 39, 42, 45, 46, 47, may all have been seen in the large eyepiece with a field of 30' diameter. n. 684 must be = 4060. H. says : " n. 684, two, the second pB, S, iE, the first is n. 545." D'Arrest has only seen n. 545 and 4060, exactly in the same R. A. H. has here no doubt, as often, only given one place for two Nebulae. 4057, therefore, must be struck out. n. 758. The place is 15" 11 40"4, 33 57' 53" (D'Arrest, 2 obs.). H.'s positions of this and neighbouring Nebula? are wrong. Auwers, p. 57 (note to n. 757). M. 5. Discovered by Gotfried Kirch on the 5th May, 1702. The following is an extract from Marie Margarethe Kirch's diary, now in the possession of Lord Lindsay : " Durch solches Suchen [for the comet then visible] fand mcin Mann durch ebon diesen 3 Sch. Tub. hoch iiber /* [Serpentis, mentioned in the foregoing] ein neblicht, abcr doch deut- liches Stemchen, es hatte viel feine andere Sternchen um sich, doch eins stand son- derlich per Tubum iiber diesen ungefahr also [then follows a rough sketch of a star and the "nebulous star" below it] .... May 6. Das neblichte Sternchen haben wir deutlich auf seiner vorigen Stelle gefunden." At 10.30, p. M., on the date mentioned, 5 M would be about 8 above //, Serpentis, and the sketch made by M. M. Kirch represents exactly the relative position of 5 M and the * 5 Serpentis, as seen in an inverting tele- scope (per tubum). Communicated by Dr. R. Copeland. To be struck out ; is = n. 758. n. 760. See note to 4082. D' Arrest's position is 15" 13 ra 0-4, 34 4' 9". For 32 10' read 33 10'. Not mentioned by R. as a separate Nebula. To be struck out ; is = n. 760. = h. 1918 (misprint). D'Arrest's R. A. is 20* greater (1 obs.). = 11. 654. 1787 F, 1865, " tertiae classis e pallidissimis " (D'Arrest). Winnecke was, in 1876, able to see and even measure it with a 6^-inch refractor. n. 761. See note to 4082. D'Arrest's position is 15" 30 m 9"6, 32 57' 48". R. A. should be 15" 30"> 42". R. nova. To be struck out ; 4114 and 4116 were seen. Auwers makes the R. A. 8 s less, D'Arrest 17 s less than the G. C. Position to be corrected, like h. 1934 and n. 766. It should be 15" 34 m 0', 30 6' 22" (not seen by D' Arrest ; only seen once in Birr). Rosso C. D'Arrest's position is 15 h 35 m 2"-8, 30 9' 2". R. A. is wrong. H. has 15 h 35 39 s , Rumker and D'Arrest 15 h 35 m 49-1. H.'s R. A. is 32' less than D'Arrest's. Auwers agrees with the G. C. = n. 766. R. A. should be 15" 36 48"! (D'Arrest, see 4082). = 4131, and not "nova." For m. 378, read m. 738. H. calls it vF, R, D'Arrest B, mE, 4'1. Both H. and h. make Aa + 3* or 4' ; D'Arrest has 0''0. = m. 140. Marth has observed a Nebula in 15 h 59 m 5", 69 4' (No. 302). There can be but little doubt it is = in. 140. Auwers has R. A. 16" 3 nl 54 s in good accordance with D'Arrest. D'Arrest has one observation of HI. 740, but in R. A. 16 U 19 m 59' (?). = h. 1967. R. A. is 44 s too great (Schultz). = iv. 50. N. P. D. is 5 s too small. Auwers' N. P. D. is 47 1' 10"; G. C. is 1 wrong. = m. 124. R. A. is 24". too great (Stephan, Astr. Nachr., No. 1867). EL. IK. ACAD., TKAJfS., VOL. XXVI. SCIENCE. 21, 398 DREYER On Nebulce and Clusters of Stars. No. NOTES AND COEEECTIONS. 4268 4302 4373 4383 4390 4473 4514 4527 4538 4567 4585 4602 4603 4604 4646 4649 4653 4654 4799 4803 4809 4816 4817 4818 4823 4827 4835 to 4841 .4872 4873 4881 4890 4912 j 4913 j 4917 4918 4920 4930 4935 4941 J. Schmidt says the E. A. is 2 m too great (Astr. Nachr., No. 1678), but he is -wrong, as H., h., D' Arrest, and Schonfeld agree perfectly. The description should be Cl, P, stL. H.'s E. A. is 16 s too small. = ir. 902. E. A is 21 s too great (Schultz). Not omitted in Auwers' work, but to be found on p. 76. The variability seems most doubtful ; it is certainly still a first-class Nebula, or at least among the very brightest of the second class. For read O- = n. 202. Not noticed by D' Arrest, who has two observations of a S. R. F. Nebula in 19" 49 19', 61 5' 24", which also has been observed by Marth. No Nebula ; a star 12 m. with some eF st around. Sec also D' Arrest and Schonfeld. To be re-observed ; three observations ; the nebulosity only seen once. = 4586. See G. C., p. 38. E. Novse. D' Arrest has seen the first one in 20 h 40"" 14', 90 9' 25". I have measured the two others (f. 4605), but must refer the reader to the coming publication of the Birr Observations. = in. 209. D' Arrest gives the result of three observations 21 h fm 4 ,. 4j 77 Q/ g" = h. 2108. Not found by D'Arrcst (twice), while 2109 was visible. E. A. 10-7 too small (H. and D'Arrest). E. A. is 2 m 0' too great (D'Arrcst). E. nova = h. 2164, and, accordingly, to be struck out. For 24'" 57" read 25 m 2 s . Not seen a second time ; not found by me. E. A. wrong; should be 22 h 29 13" (H. and D'Arrest). = C. (Eosse), Schultz : 22 h 30 57 s -9, 56 16' 18". = E. (Eosse), D'Arrest: 22 h 31 3"0, 56 21' 19". = D. (Eosse), D'Arrest : 22 h 31 20'6', 56 18' 39". = B. (Eosse) = h. 2174 = in. 166. Is not at all " er." Do not exist. The words " 7 knots found," in the Phil. Trans., 1861, p. 735, refer to the following Nebulae : h. 2183 and 2184. h. has, by a mistake, applied them to h. 2181 (4834). All seven to be struck out. E. nova?. Two of the " three Nebulas involved in F nebulosity" were observed by D'Arrest. h. 2195 arid another 3' p, 25" south, vF, vS, vlE. Is, no doubt, = 4882. See errata in the Cape Observations. D'Arrest's E. A. is 21 s less (3 obs.). E. novsc. Four Nebulas seen by Schultz and Tempel, viz., h. 2218, 2219, Nova D'Arrest and Nova Schultz about 8 s f. 2219, 1' n (looking nearly like 2218). The two last men- tioned are most probably the same as those seen in Birr. Observed by D'Arrest, vF, vS. = h. 2221. Not seen by D'Arrcst, Vogel, and Schultz. The Birr Observation might, per- haps, have been of one of the other Nebulae in this neighbourhood : a second time it was looked for in vain. For "bM*6" read "bM*16." m. 186. D'Arrest's position is 23" 11" 10"-9, 95 10' 44". = h. 2229. Not seen bv D'Arrcst, Schultz, and Tempel. Perhaps = D'Arrest's nova, with an error of 15' in the N. P. D. No Nebula, only a few stars close together. Compare Schonfeld, i., p. 115; Auwers, p. 77. Not in Observationes Havnienses. DEEYER On Nelulw and Clusters of Stars. 399 No. NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. 4942 4953 4967 4972 4974 4980 4982 4984 5003 < 5004 ) 5013 5033 5036 5047 5066 53". = 4943. D' Arrest and Secchi (Astr. Nadir., 1571) have P. D. = 81 E. A. is 12' too small (D 1 Arrest, Schultz, etc.). h.'s N. P. D. wrong. H. has 58 20', in accordance with D' Arrest. N. P. D. should be 87 14' 24". Observed both by D' Arrest and by me. Place quite correct. To be struck out ; = in. 187, whose E. A. is 9 8 too small (P. D. 2V too great). Auwers has 23 h 27" 11'; D' Arrest has 23'' 27 20', but N. P. D. 4' smaller (4 obs.). Are two distinct Nebulae, observed by D' Arrest and me. Correction to the place of 5004. = + 8% + 5'. E. A. is l m too great. Searched for in vain by D' Arrest. Probably only some F stars. E. A. is 23" too great. H. and I)' Arrest agree. To be struck out ; = 5048. For 65 (P. D.) read 69. REFERENCES TO FIGUEES OF NEBULA IN VARIOUS WORKS. The following list comprises all figured Nebulae which are not included in Sir John Herschel's list (General Catalogue, p. 40). The abbreviations are as follows : Lassell. Mr. Lassell's Paper in yol. xxxvi. of the " Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society." D'A. S. N. D'Arrest's work, " Siderum Nebulosorum Obscrvationes Havnienses." Secchi. Descrizione del nuovo osservatorio del Collegio Romano. 1856,* Vogel. Dr. H. C. Vogel : Positionsbestimmungcn von Ncbelflecken und Sternhaufcn zwischen + 9 30' und + 15 30' Decl. Leipzig, 1876. M. N. Monthly Notices of the Eoyal Astronomical Society. * Most of these figures are very strange looking, and do not appear to be very like the objects ; but as they were made by an astronomer of Father Secchi's standing, I have, of course, included them in the list. 2L2 400 DKEYER On Nebula and Clusters of Stars. REFERENCES TO PUBLISHED FIGURES OF NEBULAE. G. C. h. Work cited. No. of Plate. No. of Fig. G. C. h. Work cited. No. of Plate. No. of Fig. 138 61 Lassell ... I. 1 2890 1211 Lassell . III. 17 600 262 Lassell, .... I. 2 3025 11. 115 Lassell .... IV. 19 604 264 Lassoll, I. 3 3028 1296 IV. 18 826 2618 Lassoll . . I. 4 3049 1312 IV. 20 905 332 Vogel, . . II. 2 Vn crpl I. 9 1137 355 D' Arrest, S. X., . . (p. 37) 3106} 1357 Lassell, V. 21 1157 357 Secchi, IV. 8 3132 1376 Lassell, V. 22 Lassell, 11. 6 3155 1386 V. 23 1179* 360 3165 1397 Lassell V. 24 1202 iv 33 D' Arrest, S. JT , . . (p. 80) 3258 1456 Lassell, V. 25 1225 365 Sccclii, IV. 12 3321 1486 Lassell, VI. 26 Lassell I. 8 3342 - 1498 Vogel, I. 10 1227 1361 v. 28 379 D' Arrest, S. N., . . Vogel, II. (p. 80) 15 3536 3572 iv. 70 1622 D' Arrest, S. N., . . VI. (p. 290) 27 1425 393 Voeel. I. 1 3606 3523 VII. 28 1437 399 Secchi, rv. 6 3614 1649 JjtlSSfll VII. 29 D' Arrest S X (p. 86) 3615 1650 Votfel, I. 11 1511 3075 Lassell, . ... ii. 9 4087 1917 D' Arrest, S X., . . (p. 319) 1519 444 Lassell, i. 10 4290 3680 Lassell, VII. 30 Secchi IV. 15 4343 1989 Lassell VII. 31 1532 450 Secchi, IV. 13 ( 1991 \ T ..11 *19 Lassell, D' Arrest, S. N., . . M. N., xxvui., I. 11 (p. 92) (p. 155) 4390 \ 3718 / 2000 .Lassell, Mem.E.A.S., xxxm., Secchi, I. IV. 3 / 464) 4403* 2008 Lassell, II. 33 1565 Secchi, IV. 11 J 1567 3095 Secchi, .... IV. 14 4447 2023 Vogel, D' Arrest, S. N., (p. 334) 1861 604 Lassell, .... II. 12 Holden Wash.Obs.,'74, VI. 2 2017 3228 Secchi IV. 16 4487* 2037 Lassell, IX. 34 2052f 688 Phil Trans., 1861 XXVII. 13 4510 2047 Secchi .... rv. 1 2099 2102 710 3248 D' Arrest, S. X., . . Secchi, . IV. (p. 133) 5 4514 2050 D' Arrest, S. N., . . Secchi, IV. (p. 336) 7 Lassell, .... in. 14 4532 2060 Lassell, IX. 35 2197* 3295 Secchi, IV. 10 2347 840 Vogel i. 2 D'Arrest, S. N., . . (p. 338) 2373 854 Lassell, .... ill. 15 4572 2075 IX. 36 Vogel, .... i. 4 4628 2098 X. 37 0077 ( 857 ) Secchi, IV. 2 1876 > 4687 ( 2128 ) IV. 9 2378 859 Vogel, i 3 1 3878 ' 2786 1132 Vogel, i. 6 4886 2202 D'Arrest, S. K, . . (p. 360) 2806 1148 Vogel, i. 7 I. 12 2838 1173 Lassell, IV. 16 4892 2205 D' Arrest S X., . . (p. 362) Vogel I. 8 4964 2241 IV. 4 2H68 1192 D' Arrest, S. N., . . (p. 207) Lassell, X. 38 * See notes. t Not 1911, asinG. C. t Xot in Phil. Trans., 1850. By Lassell. DREYER On Nebula and Clusters of Stars. 401 NOTES. No. 1179 = h. 860. The following monographs have appeared since 1864 : Lord Kosse's in the Phil. Trans., 1868. G. P. Bond's in the Annals of the Observatory of Harvard College, T., 1867. Secchi, Sulla grande nebulosa di 6 Orion e, 1868. D' Arrest's in his paper, " Undersogelser over de nebulose Stjerner." 1872.* No. 2197 = h. 3295 (rj Argus). See the volumes of the Monthly Notices, E. A. S. Plates are found in vols. xxiv., p. 2 (Abbott), xxvm., p. 200 (id.), xxrx., p. 82 (Captain Herschel), i., p. 234 (Abbott). No. 4403 = h. 2008 (Omega Nebula). Two drawings of this Nebula, by Trouvelot and Holden, arc found in Professor Holden' s interesting Paper on supposed Changes in the Nebula M. 17 (American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xi., May, 1876). Compare "Wash. Obs., 1874, Plate vi. M. Tempel, of the Observatory at Arcetri, near Florence, has made a considerable number of draw- ings of Nebulae with the two fine Amici telescopes at his disposal, which it is to be hoped may soon be published. The following Nebulae have, for the first time, been carefully drawn at Arcetri: G. C. 132, 155-56-57, 516, 768, 1202, 1227, 1270, 1949, 1950, 2318, 2660, 2801, 2810, 2825, 2839, 3105, 3107, 3108, 3110, 3142, 3160, 3274, 4315, 4795, 4810, 4911-12-13-15, 5053. Vol. vur. of the Annals of the Observatory of Harvard College, which was received at Birr Castle in the summer of 1877, contains lithographs from drawings by Mr. Trouvelot of the follow- ing Nebulae : G. C. 116 (PI. 33), 1179 (PI. 24, Woodbury type), 4230 and 4294 (PI. 25), 4355 (PL 32), 4447 (PL 34), 4532 (PL 35). * Two old drawings of the Neb. in Orion (not mentioned by h.) are to be found in Rozier's Journal de Physique, vol. 22, 1779 (by Le Fevre de 1'Oratoire), and in Sthroter's " Aphroditographische Fragmente," Helm- stadt, 1796, Plate n. Both these drawings are not without value. 402 DEEYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF NEBULA. No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Eight Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for I860, Jan.[0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5080 1 h m s 006 + 3-07 o / 82 28 it -20-1 F, vS, R, aim. stell. 2 5081 2 * . 16 3-07 i 82 23 20-1 eF. 1 5082 , , Struve, 1865, . 1 17 3-08 66 59 20-1 vF, N in n end. 1 5083 . . Struve, 1865, . 1 27 3-08 67 20-1 F, R, * 9-10 sf. 1 5084 3 * . 1 50 3-08 69 10 20-1 vF, vS, R, bM. 1 5085 . . Schultz, . . . 2 11 3-08 63 2-8 20-1 F, vS, iR, mbM, h. 4, p 19 s . 2 5086 . , Schultz, . . . 2 21 3-09 57 28-2 20-1 F, * 10 att. (Qy. = 6). 1 5087 D' Arrest, . . 3 14 3-08 64 56-2 20-1 vF, pL, R, 2 Fst. n. 3 5038 4 . . . 3 38 3-08 68 49 20-1 Neb. st. 13m. 1 5089 5 . . . . 3 45 3-07 87 6 20-1 eF, vS, or neb. st. 1 5090 6 . . 5 33 3-09 68 46 20-1 P F, 8, IE, gbM. 1 5091 7 . . . . 5 42 3-09 68 41 20-1 F, vS, stell. 1 5092 , , Secchi, 7 39 3-06 98 8-8 20-0 vF. 1 5093 . , D' Arrest, . . . 10 31 3-09 79 20-0 20-0 pF, S, R, sbM. 2 5094 . , Pechiile, . . . 13 17 3-07 89 55-3 20-0 vF, S, R. 1 5095 , , US nova, C., . . 14 8 3-11 68 14-5 20-0 eeF, cL, R. 1 5096 , , Schultz, . . . 14 34 3-11 68 21-2 20-0 eF (Qy. = 40, 41, 42). 1 5097 . . D' Arrest, . . . 14 34 3-11 68 22-9 20-0 vF, vS, * 13 sp. 2 5098 . D' Arrest, . . . 14 46 3-11 68 22-1 20-0 vF, vS. 2 5099 . . Struve, 1866, . 18 40 3-05 99 3 20-0 F, pL, * 7 sf 5'. 1 5100 . , Tempel, . . . 19 15 3-07 93 17-3 20-0 vF, S, s bM. 1 5101 . , Secchi, 19 59 3-05 98 43-2 20-0 vF. 1 5102 8 20 3-07 89 27 20-0 F, vS. 2 5103 . . D' Arrest, ... 23 21 3-35 27 25-7 19-9 Cl, pL, st 10 . . . J inv. 1 5104 9 23 47 3-08 85 37 19-9 F, eS, sbM. 1 5105 10 . > . . 23 54 3-08 85 39 19-9 eF, S. 1 5106 11 24 6 3-08 85 35 19-9 vF, vS, iR. 1 5107 . . Schultz, ... 28 48 3-15 66 48-4 19-9 eF, stell., h. 32 sp. 1 5108 12 29 23 3-08 88 2 19-9 eF. 1 5109 13 29 35 3-08 88 52 19-9 F, S, R. 1 5110 , . Tempel, ... 32 8 3-04 99 53-3 19-9 F. 1 5111 14 32 9 3-07 89 53 19-9 eF (h. 41 n). 2 5112 . . Stephan, Tin., 32 28 3-08 87 14-0 19-8 eF, vS, ibM. 1 5113 . . E-jnova, C., . . 32 29 3-08 87 19-7 19-8 F,R. 2 5114 15 33 8 3'08 88 1 19-8 pF. 2 5115 , . Stephan, vin., . 33 47 3-08 87 19-7 19-8 eF, S, mbMN. 1 5116 . . Stephan, Tin., . 34 57 3-22 54 26-4 19-8 eF, vS, R, gbM. 1 5117 16 36 14 3-08 87 47 19'8 vF, pL. 1 5118 D' Arrest, ... 41 8 + 3-20 63 4-8 -19-7 eF, pS, IE, probably =137. 1 DBEYER On Nebula and Clusters of Stars. 403 No. of atalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5119 D' Arrest, . h m s 43 41 + 3-26 o / 54 55-3 ii -19-7 Cl, L, 1C. 1 5120 . . D' Arrest, . . . 44 12 3-03 99 21-2 19-7 F, pS, * 11 up. 1 5121 17 40 27 3-03 99 32 19-6 vF, vS, IE, aim. stell. 1 5122 18 47 11 3-03 98 19-6 vF, S. 1 5123 . . E, nova, C., . . 47 30 3-24 59 13-8 19-6 F, S, E, * 10" n, ii. 214 nf. 1 5124 19 .. .. 47 56 3-03 98 7 19-6 cF. 1 5125 20 .. .. 47 58 3-03 98 6 19-6 P F. 1 5120 . . K, nova, B., . . 49 27 3-06 92 32-2 19-6 vF, cS, h. 77 1' np. 1 5127 .. Tempel, . . . 49 30 3-02 100 42-5 19-6 pB, pL, * 12, 13 n. 1 5128 . . E-jnova, B., . . 49 41 3-00 92 31-1 19-6 Stellar. 1 5129 .. Phil. Trans., 1861, 50 15 3-24 60 24-3 19-6 vF, eS, stell. h. 79 p. sev. 5130 21 50 34 3-04 95 51 19-6 cF, vS. 1 5131 22 50 41 3-04 95 53 19-6 vF, vS. 1 5132 D' Arrest, . . . 50 49 3-22 63 53-1 19-6 F, IE, * 9-10 sf. 2 5133 23 50 50 3-04 95 54 19-6 F, 8, E. 1 5134 24 50 50 3-04 95 50 19-5 F, E. 1 5135 25 53 30 3-03 97 37 19-5 vF, S, E. 1 5136 26 53 46 3-03 97 32 19'5 vF, vS. 1 5137 27 54 17 3-03 97 38 19-5 vF, vS, gbM. 1 5138 28 54 31 3-03 97 30 19-5 vF, vS. 1 5139 29 .. .. 54 47 3-03 97 34 19-5 vF, vS. 1 5140 30 54 54 3-03 97 34 19-5 eF. 1 5141 31 56 1 3-03 97 5 19-4 eF, vS. 1 5142 32 i 56 5 3-03 97 44 19-4 vF, S, iB, 1 5143 . . D' Arrest, ... 56 28 3-68 28 42-7 19-4 Cl, vl Ei. 1 5144 33 57 8 3-07 91 31 19-4 eF, vS. 1 5145 34 .. .. 57 31 3-07 91 33 19-4 vF, vS. 1 5140 . . B 3 uova, D., . . 59 3-28 58 19-4 19-4 Stell. mbM, r. 1 5147 . . EJ nova, D., . . 59 14 3-29 58 26-6 19-4 vF, vS. 1 5148 B 3 nova, . 59 21 3-29 58 24-2 19-4 vF, vS. 2 5149 R. nova, . . . 59 48 3-29 58 21-6 19-4 vF, h. 86 np. 2 5150 35 1 49 3-10 86 13 19-3 eF, S, IE. 1 5151 E, nova, B., . . 1 52 3-30 57 38-2 19-3 eF, S, E, 215 np. 1 5152 ES nova, ... 115 3-30 58 6-9 19-3 vF, S, E. 3 5153 E, nova, B., . . 1 119 3-30 58 0-9 19-3 eF, vS, 217 f. 1 5154 E 3 nova, B., . . 1 1 22 3-30 57 59-1 19-3 eF, stell. 217 f. 1 5155 Eo nova, ... 1 1 27 3-30 57 56-5 19-3 eF, vS, E, 217 3' s. 1 5156 Schultz, ... 136 3-31 57 35-6 19-3 vF, vS, 11. 220 f 8'. 1 5157 Schultz, . . . 1 3 32 3-31 57 37-9 19-3 vF, S, iE, mbM, n. 220 up. 2 5158 36 . . 1 6 48 3-08 88 38 19-2 eF, S, E. 1 5159 37 . . 1 7 41 3-08 88 49 19-2 vF, vS. 1 5160 38 . . 1 7 48 3-10 86 26 19-2 F, vS, stell. 2 5161 39 . . 1 8 45 3-10 85 33 19-1 F, vS, aim. stell. 1 5162 40 1 10 55 3-10 86 30 19-1 eF, vS, stell. 1 5163 p , Steplum, in., 1 11 31 3-19 74 24-6 19-1 eF, vS, E, IbM. 1 5164 41 . . 1 12 9 3-18 75 52 19-0 eF, S, E. 1 5165 42 1 12 35 3-18 75 56 19-0 Neb. * 12m. 1 5166 43 1 12 39 3-18 75 52 19-0 eF, S. 1 5167 44 1 12 54 3-19 74 42 19-0 cF, vS, stell. 1 5168 45 1 13 59 3-10 86 52 19-0 eF, S, E. 1 5169 D' Arrest, ... 1 15 37 + 3-35 57 24-2 -18-9 eF, eS. 1 404 DREYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- Tations. 5170 46 h m s 1 15 37 8 + 3-14 o / 81 16 // '-18-9 vF, vS, stell. 1 5171 , . ~Bv nova, . . . 1 15 47 3-35 57 29-8 18-9 Nebula, h. 108 nf. 1 5172 47 > . . 1 16 3 3-14 81 18 18-9 vF, S, E. 2 5173 , . Schultz, . . . 1 16 4 3-36 57 14-1 18-9 vF, vS, IE. 2 5174 , . Stephan, nn., . 1 16 8 3-15 79 26-5 18-9 eF, vS, S* inv. S* att. 1 5175 48 1 16 57 3-14 81 25 18'9 F, vS, R. 1 5176 . , D' Arrest, . . . 1 17 41 3-36 57 3-7 18-9 F, pL, E, IbM. 1 5177 . . D' Arrest, . . . 1 18 23 3-06 92 7-8 18-9 vF, vS, 1 st of 3. 2 5178 t t D' Arrest, . . . 1 18 36 3-06 92 6-1 18-9 F, S, E, bM. 3 5179 . , D'Arrest, . . . 1 18 42 3-06 92 1-8 18-9 eF, eS. 1 6180 D' Arrest, . . . 1 20 7 3-05 92 41-9 18-8 eF, S, E, * 10 p. 1 5181 49 . . 1 21 44 3-16 79 35 18-8 eF, vS, E. 1 5182 ; D'Arrest, . . . 1 22 2 3-36 58 13-5 18-8 vF, pS, * 13, 14 sp. 1 5183 . . Stephan, vm., . 1 23 10 3-25 67 17-0 18-7 eF, pL, iE. 1 5184 D'Arrest, . 1 24 4 3-39 57 14-4 18-7 vF, pL, pmE, * 12 p. 1 5185 D'Arrest 1 25 17 3-55 45 47-4 18-6 F, vS, r? 1 5186 , . D'Arrest, . . . 1 25 46 3-36 60 2-1 18-6 Companion to M 33. 1 5187 . . ;D' Arrest, . . . 1 27 34 4-09 26 10-1 18-6 Cl, S, pEi, st 14 . . . 1 5188 % < D'Arrest, . . . 1 28 7 3-40 56 57-2 18-6 Xeb. $, * 8 np. 1 5189 Stephan, in., 1 28 43 3-53 48 23-6 18-5 eF, vS, E, IbM. 1 5190 50 1 29 29 3-12 84 53 18-5 vF, S, gbM. 1 5191 . , Stephan, vnr., . 1 30 15 3-43 55 20-9 18-5 eF, eS, sev. Fst inv. 1 5192 51 . . . . 1 32 51 3-12 84 59 18-4 F, pL, m E. 1 5193 D'Arrest, . . . I 34 39 3-33 64 33-9 18-3 F, vS, E, r? 1 5194 D'Arrest, . . . 1 42 35 3-47 55 24-4 18-0 vF, vS. r ? 1 5195 E, nova, D., . . 1 44 35 3-50 54 28-6 18-0 vF, pS, bet. 2 st, h. 157 sp. 1 5196 t t D'Arrest, . . . 1 44 45 3-50 54 38-2 18-0 vF, pS, 4st sf. 1 5197 D'Arrest, . . . 1 45 18 3-50 54 28-1 17-9 F, vS, E. 5 5198 D'Arrest, . . . 1 45 41 3-50 54 28-0 17-9 vF, vS. 1 5199 ES nova, C, . . 1 48 45 3-46 57 33-0 17-8 cF, E, vS, in a A of st. 2 5200 j Phil. Trans., 1861, 1 49 24 3-47 57 30-1 17-8 f p!3, eS, E, bM, forms D neb. 1 with 11. 222. j scv. 5201 D'Arrest, . . . 1 49 27 3-51 54 46-1 17-8 pB, pL, E, gmbM. 2 5202 D'Arrest, . . . 1 49 34 3-52 54 20-6 17-8 Cl, vS, E. 1 5203 % t E z nova, C., . . 1 49 38 3-47 57 19-9 17-8 cF, E, 456 nf. 2 5204 52 . . . . 1 50 57 3-35 65 47 17-7 vF, vS. 1 5205 Stephan, vin., . 1 52 15 3-45 59 22-1 17-6 cF, vS, E, IbM. 1 5206 Stephan, vm., , 1 53 3-46 58 47-8 17-6 eF, S, iE, vF st att. 1 5207 t t D'Arrest, . . . 1 53 19 3-41 61 50-0 17-6 vF, L, E (Qy. D). 1 5208 t t Stephan, vm., . 1 53 34 3-46 58 51-1 17-6 eF, cS, vF * att. 1 5209 D'Arrest, . . . 1 53 47 3-24 75 2-8 17-6 eF, vS. 2 5210 D' A., Stephan, in., 1 54 19 3-47 58 36-4 17-6 vF, S, IE. 2 5211 t Stephan, in., 1 55 12 3-47 58 36-0 17-5 eF, vS. 1 5212 t t D'Arrest, . 1 56 29 3-42 61 52-2 17-5 eF, eS, E, 2 st 14 p. 2 5213 Stephan, in., 1 57 47 3-21 77 25-2 17-4 vF, vS, E, bM. 1 5214 Stephan, vm., . 1 58 9 3-72 46 &-8 17-4 eF, E 45, pL, bM. 1 5215 t t Stephan, vi., 205 3-46 61 25-7 17-3 vF, vS, irr. 1 5216 D' A., Stephan, vi., 2 31 3-46 61 27-1 17-3 pF, vS, E, * 13 n. 2 5217 53 . . 2 1 11 3-14 84 22 17-3 F, S, mE. 1 5218 t t Stephan, vi., 2 1 18 3-46 59 55-5 17-3 cF, S, E, IbM. 1 5219 D'Arrest, . . . 2 1 45 + 2-97 98 25-8 -17-3 F, S, * 11s, 1st of 3. 2 DREYEE On Nebula; and Clusters of Stars. 405 No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. Keferences to other Authorities. Eight Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- rations. 5220 D' Arrest, . . li m 222 B + 2-97 o / 98 25-5 // -17-2 pF, vS, K, 2nd of 3 2 5221 54 2 2 16 3-14 84 34 17.2 vF, pS. 1 5222 D'Arrest, . . 2 2 17 3-54 55 7-6 17-2 F, vS, * 9-10 sp. 1 5223 55 2 2 52 3-16 82 49 17-2 eF, vS. 1 5224 D' Arrest, . . 2 2 56 3-49 58 34-0 17-2 glob. Cl, F, S, E. 2 5225 56 2 2 56 3-14 84 37 17-2 F,S. 1 5226 Stephan, vm., . 2 3 26 3-74 46 5-6 17-2 eF, vS, R, gbM. 1 5227 p t Stephan, vi., 2 6 51 3-48 59 52-6 17-0 * 13 in F neb. 1 5228 D' Arrest, . . 2 7 23 3-57 54 44-9 17-0 vF, S, $ att. sp. 1 5229 Stephan, v., . . 2 8 10 3-45 62 3-1 17-0 eF, eS, iE. 1 5230 D' Arrest, . . 2 9 54 3-08 89 24-1 16-9 vF, vS (? ? = m. 2). 1 5231 57 2 15 30 3-44 64 8 16-6 vF, vS, stell. 1 5232 58 2 15 33 3-44 64 5 16-6 eF, vS. 1 5233 59 2 17 41 3-45 63 26 16-5 eF, vS, stell. 1 5234 60 2 17 43 3-45 63 25 16-5 eF. 1 5235 61 2 18 11 3-45 63 26 16.5 eF. 1 5236 Tempel, . . . 2 18 58 3-06 91 0-7 16-4 vF, pS. 1 5237 62 2 19 36 3-46 63 25 16-4 eF, vS, stell. 1 5238 B 2 nova, C, . . 2 19 55 3-35 70 14-8 16-4 eF, S, iE, vg bM, n. 489 sf 1'. 1 5239 D'Arrest, . . 2 20 3 3-53 59 19-2 16-4 F, pL, iE. 2 5240 Tempel, ... 2 20 26 3-06 90 52-7 16-4 vF, eS, ? O. 1 5241 D'Arrest, . . 2 20 43 3-35 70 20-6 16-3 pB, S, E, IbM, * 11 sf. 3 5242 D'Arrest, . . 2 21 7 3-54 58 59-0 16-3 F, S, E, bM. 3 5243 t l Stephan, m., 2 22 52 3-61 55 52-6 16-2 vF, vS, E, bM. 1 5244 D'A., St., HI., . 2 22 56 3-51 61 2-1 16-2 pF, S, E, mbM. 4 5245 Stephan, vm., . 2 23 54 3-62 55 7-7 16-2 eF,pL, IE, IbM. 1 5246 Stephan, nr., 2 24 29 3-49 62 33-1 16-1 eF, S, gbMN. 1 5247 t f Stephan, m., 2 26 3-51 61 18-4 16-1 pB, E 75. 1 5248 Tempel, . . . 2 26 7 3-37 69 39-7 ! 16-1 vF, vS, O'stnr. 1 5249 Stephan, in., 2 26 44 3-55 59 5-8 16-0 eF, vS, E, bM. 1 5250 Stephan, m., 2 26 44 3-41 67 12-2 16-0 vF, eS, E, bM. 1 5251 63 2 29 32 3-09 88 34 15-9 eF, vS. 1 5252 Stephan m., 2 29 40 3-78 49 4-9 15-9 vF, vS. 1 5253 . . Stephan, in., 2 29 47 3-79 48 57-8 15-9 vF, vS. 1 5254 64 2 29 50 3-17 83 18 15-9 F, S. 2 5255 65 2 29 52 3-17 83 17 15'9 vF. 2 5256 Steuhau in., 2 29 54 3-79 48 56-4 15-9 eF. 1 5257 Stephan, in., . 2 29 58 3-78 49 9-0 15-9 vvF, pS, diff. 1 5258 . , Stephan, m., . 2 30 19 3-79 48 56-2 15-8 vF, vS. 1 5259 . . Stephan, m. L . 2 30 35 3-79 49 6-9 15-8 vF, vS. 1 5260 66 2 30 38 3-10 88 29 15-8 eF, stell. 1 5261 67 2 30 41 3-10 88 32 15-8 vF, eS, stell. 1 5262 ( t Stephan vni., . 2 30 49 2-91 101 38-1 15-8 eF, S, E. 1 5263 Stephan, vm., . 2 30 52 2-91 101 36-9 15-8 eF, S, E, IbM. 1 5264 68 Tempel, ... 2 31 5 3-10 88 30 15-8 F, S, E, psbM. 2 5265 , . Tempel, . . . 2 31 23 3-05 91 53-7 15-8 vF. S. 1 5266 69 . . 2 31 30 3-10 88 23 15-8 eF, vS. 1 5267 70 . . 2 31 34 3-10 88 24 15-8 eF, S. 1 5268 71 . . . 2 31 57 3-16 84 3 15-8 pF, S, E, psbM. 1 5269 72 2 32 3-22 79 46 15-8 eF. 1 5270 73 . . . . 2 32 2 3-22 79 49 15-8 F, S, mE. 1 i BL. IE. ACAD., TRANS., VOL. XXVI. SCIENCE. 2 M 406 DREYER On Nebula and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue No. in Harth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Accension for I860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5271 Stephan, in., h m B 2 33 18 g + 3-80 o / // 49 6-0 // -15-7 F, 8, bM. 1 5272 D'A., St. in., . 2 34 3 3-64 55 50-3 15-6 F, S, * 18 inv. n. 2 5273 . . D' Arrest, 2 34 25 3-34 72 23-2 15-6 vF, vS, IE. 1 5274 . . D' Arrest, 2 39 9 3-12 86 58-7 15-4 F, S, R, IbM, bet. 2 st. 2 5275 Stephan, vin., . 2 40 18 3-16 85 56-9 15-3 eF, pS, R. 1 5276 Stephan, vin., . 2 40 55 3-16 86 0-5 15-3 vF, eS, R, bM, * 13 p. 1 5277 D' Arrest, . . 2 41 29 3-06 90 51-7 15-2 vF, vS, r?, * 14s. 1 5278 74 s 2 41 49 3-19 82 29 15-2 F, vS, R. 1 5279 75 ( 2 42 3-27 77 20 15-2 vF. 1 5280 76 . , 2 42 4 3-27 77 21 15-2 F, vS, stell. 1 5281 77 . t 2 42 21 3-27 77 22 15-2 F, pS. 1 5282 78 2 42 29 3-27 77 17 15-2 vF. 1 5283 79 . . 2 42 46 3-27 77 20 15-2 vF. 1 5284 80 2 42 56 3-27 77 15 15-1 vF. 1 5285 81 . . 2 43 4 3-27 77 25 15-1 Close to aS * . 1 5286 82 g 2 45 12 3-27 77 20 15-0 vF. 1 5287 83 2 47 59 3-07 90 6 14-8 vF, S, p of D neb. 1 5288 Stephau, viii., . 2 48 1 3-06 90 45-0 14-8 eF, S, R, p of 2. 1 5289 84 . . . . 2 48 1 : 3-07 90 6 14-8 pF, S, R, f of D neb. 1 5290 Stephan, TIII., . 2 48 5 3-06 90 45-3 14-8 eF, S, R, f of 2. 1 5291 . . D' Arrest, 2 48 9 4-00 44 7-3 14-8 Cl, vS, vF + neb. 1 5292 . . Stephan, vni., . 2 51 22 2-90 100 57-6 14-6 eF, S, IbM, p of 2. 1 5293 Stephan, vin., . 2 51 28 2-90 100 56-8 14-6 eF, S, IbM, f of 2. 1 5294 80 , t 2 52 57 3-26 78 43 14-6 eF, S. 1 5295 86 2 53 9 3-26 78 47 14-5 eF. 1 6296 , . E 2 nova, . . . 2 55 27 3-91 48 12-0 14-4 vF, S, R. 1 5297 Rj nova, D, . . 2 56 52 2-86 102 36-0 14-3 eF, eS, * 12 sf, 642 sf 3'. 1 5298 87 3 1 12 3'10 88 26 14-1 F, pL, R. 1 5299 . . Stephan, nr., 3 3 31 3-85 51 12-7 13-9 F, vS, R, diff. 1 5300 88 t 3 3 52 3-25 79 44 13-9 eF, vS, R. 1 5301 89 . . 377 3-11 87 51 13-7 F, vS, stell. 1 5302 , . R^ nova, . . . 3 10 28 3-94 48 58-0 13-4 vF, vS. 2 5303 . . R! nova, D, . 3 10 37 3-94 48 52-5 13-4 vF, vS. 1 5304 . . R2 nova, . . . 3 10 38 3-94 48 56-5 13-4 vF, vS. 2 5305 Rj nova, D, . . 3 10 41 3-94 48 57-0 13-4 < vF, vS, forms D neb. with 1 \ n. 603, 1'sf. 5306 . , RZ nova, D, . . 3 10 47 3-94 49 2-3 13-4 vF, vS. 1 5307 . . Rj nova, D, . . 3 10 51 3-94 48 53-3 13-4 vF, S, * llml'p. 1 5308 . . D' Arrest, . . 3 11 5 2-94 97 48-6 13-4 P F,S. 1 5309 D' Arrest, . . 3 13 10 3-03 92 37-2 13-3 F, pS, R, * 13sp. 2 5310 . , D' Arrest, . . 3 13 51 2-93 97 54-0 13-2 vF, sev. st. iuv. 1 5311 5312 D' Arrest, . . I. Schmidt, . . 3 14 20 3 17 23 3-02 2-29 92 48-3 127 37-1 13-2 13-1 pB, pS, R, * 16 att. 2 1 5313 Stephan, vni., . 3 23 18 2-96 96 1-4 12-6 eF, eS, R, bM, * 13 p. 1 5314 D'Airest, . . 3 26 27 2-99 95 28-6 12-4 pF, S. 2 5315 Winnecke, 3 27 36 2-55 116 18-5 12-3 F, 10'L. 1 5316 j J. Schmidt, . 3 28 41 2-29 126 44-6 12-3 F. 1 5317 . , J. Schmidt, . 3 30 31 2-31 125 40-5 12-2 F. 1 5318 . . J. Schmidt, . . 3 31 9 2-30 125 46-0 12-2 F. 1 5319 . , J. Schmidt, . 3 31 9 2-30 125 37-8 12-2 F. 1 5320 90 3 31 20 + 3-37 74 37 -12-0 Neb. * 13m. 1 DREYER On Nebula: and C'htsfcrs of Stars. 407 No- of Catalogue No. in Marth's Catalogue 1 References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5321 J. Schmidt, . )l m B 3 31 29 + 2-29 o / // 126 28-2 Ti -12-2 F. 1 5322 p t J. Schmidt, . 3 31 50 2-29 126 12-9 12-1 F. 1 5323 . . J. Schmidt, . . 3 32 40 2-29 126 7-9 12-1 F. 1 5324 J. Schmidt, . . 3 34 2-29 125 58-9 12-0 F. 1 5325 . . D' Arrest, . . 3 35 46 2-95 96 18-4 11-7 F, vS, 13p. 1 5326 J. Schmidt, . . 3 37 2-29 125 36-4 11-8 F. 1 5327 91 * . . 3 37 23 3-12 87 37 11-6 eF, pL, iE. 2 5328 D' Arrest, . . 3 39 5 2-99 94 34-7 11-5 vF, vS, vlE. 4 5329 D' Arrest, . . 3 39 10 2-99 94 30-6 11-5 vF, vS, IE. 5 5330 92 3 42 54 3-20 83 28 11-2 vF, S, vlE. 1 5331 93 3 46 58 3-27 79 51 11-0 vF, S, E. 1 5332 Stephan, vin., . 3 53 49 3-55 67 15-8 10-4 eF, vS, iE, mbM. 1 5333 Stephan, vnr., . 3 57 21 3-61 64 58-6 10-1 vF, vS, E, b3I, r. 1 5334 Tempol, . . . 4 5 42 7-47 15 3-2 9-4 pB, L. 1 5335 94 t t 4 9 25 3-66 63 35 9-2 vF, vS. gbM. 1 5336 95 . . < 4 9 48 3-08 89 32 9-2 vF, S. 1 5337 96 i 4 9 51 3-17 85 34 9-2 vF, S, E. 1 5338 t , Tempel, . . . 4 10 10 20-13 4 3-3 8-8 vF, vS. 1 5339 (O.Struve,1868, 1 D' Arrest, . J4 13 33 3-49 70 49-0 8-9 !!! var. S, E, lS T n = * 13. sev. 5340 Stephan, Tin., . 4 21 25 2-96 95 29-6 8-3 vF, vS, E, r. 1 5341 . . D' Arrest, . . 4 23 38 3-23 82 40-0 8-1 F, S, * 12 nf. 1 5342 97 4 23 56 3-08 89 44 8-1 vF. 1 5343 . . D'Arrest, . . 4 24 46 2-96 95 21-9 8-0 vF, vS (probably = 867). 2 5344 t , Ej. nova, . 4 25 15 3-08 89 35-5 8-0 pF, cS, * 12m 2'n. 1 5345 . . D'Arrest, . . 4 37 10 2-95 95 43-7 7-0 vF, pS, E(h328np). 1 5346 . , Stephan, vin., . 4 47 19 3-14 86 57-8 6-2 F, S, * 11 inv. 1 5347 t t G. Biimker, . . 4 52 53 4-56 40 42-4 5-7 Cl, vS, st. + neb. ? sev. 5348 t t Ej. nova, B. . 4 55 2 2-99 93 30'0 5-5 vF, vS, h342p3'-6. 1 5349 t D'Arrest, 4 55 9 3-63 66 24-^2 5-5 Cl, P. 1 5350 < t Stephan, Tin., . 5 7 30 2-82 100 47-5 4-5 F. S, E, IbM. 1 5351 98 * . . . 5 14 13 3-22 83 28 3-9 eF, S, E. 1 5352 m B D'Arrest, . . 5 28 10 2-96 94 49-6 2-7 * 8-9 inv. in neb. (V 30). 2 5353 . . D'Arrest, . . 5 28 19 2-96 94 46-4 2-7 B % inv. in neb. (V30). 1 5354 ( G. P. Bond, 1 1 Dreyer, . . J 5 38 11 2-84 100 8-3 1-8 vF, pS, iE, r?, * 9-10, 6'u. 2 5355 D'Arrest, . . 5 39 10 3-07 90 3-8 1-7 eF, vS, * 9-10 np 4'. 2 5356 . . Tempel, . 5 39 22 3-07 89 57 1-7 F, pL, M78n 1 5357 ( Winnecke, . \ I Tempel, . / 5 56 18 9-58 11 37 o-o pB, 2'1, IE. 2 5358 Stephan, viii., . 5 56 53 2-84 99 43-8 -0-2 F, * 12 inv. 1 5359 D'Arrest, . . 6 3 58 2-93 96 11-5 + 0-4 eF, S, IE, * 11-12 sp. 3 5360 D'Arrest, ... . 6 5 53 3-38 77 9-0 0-6 Cl, lEi. 1 5361 99 . . 6 23 11 3-19 84 54 2-1 S * in nebulosity. 1 5362 ", . Borelly, . 6 36 16-86 5 25-3 3-6 pF, pL, IE. 2 5363 Duner, . . . 6 37 29 5-45 29 0-3 3-4 F, S, iE r, ?. 5 5364 (Tempel, . . i I Winnecke, . t 6 38 31 21-67 4 2 3-9 F, 60", IbM. 2 5365 . . D'Arrest, . . 6 38 36 3-95 56 24-5 3-5 Cl, vS, lEi. 1 5366 D'Arrest, . . 6 39 3 3-95 56 26-8 3-5 vF, vS. 1 5367 D'Arrest, 6 40 2 + 3-94 56 38-6 + 3-6 F, r. 1 M2 408 DREYER On Nebula and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue No. in Marth's Catalogue References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance fur 1860, Jan 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5368 D'Arrest, . . . h m 6 40 20 + 3-94 o / 56 29-9 // + 3-6 eF, eS, r? 1 5369 1 R. nova a = ) ( D'Arrest, ) G 41 33 3-94 56 30-7 3-7 eF, S, gbM. sev. 5370 ( 'Winnecke, \ ( Borelly, . j 6 44 29 21-33 4 3-3 4-5 pB, pL, IE, bM. 2 5371 Stephan, vr., 6 48 23 4-39 44 36-5 4-3 eF, vS, vF * inv. 1 5372 . . Tcmpel, . . . 7:: 10-8 9 32 5-2 pB, pL, R, 2st 1 1 nr. 1 5373 . , Stephan, Tin., . 706 4-34 45 19-4 5-3 eF, S, E. 1 5374 100 7 54 3-56 69 11 5-4 vF, vS. 1 5375 101 . 7 1 1 3-56 69 10 5-4 pF, S, IE, vlbM. 1 5376 . . Stephan, vi., 7 5 24 3-36 77 30-1 5-7 eF, eS, iR. 1 5377 E-j nova, C, . . 7 13 53 6-41 20 41-3 6-5 Neb. * or vFvS, in. 748 sf. 1 5378 102 Stephan, vi., 7 14 1 3-59 67 39-4 6-5 vF, pS, R, psbM. 2 5379 103 . 7 16 33 3-63 65 56 6-7 eF, vS, E. 1 5380 . . Phil. Tr., '61 (), 7 17 56 3-92 55 53 6-8 eF, vS. 2 5381 104 . . 7 18 10 3-61 66 39 6-8 eF, vS. 1 5382 Stephan, n., 7 18 16 2-86 99 23-2 6-8 eF, vS * inv. * 11s. 1 5383 . . Phil. Tr., '61 (0, 7 18 29 3-92 55 53 6-9 eF, vS, h. 446 f 17 8 , 71" s. 2 5384 , , R 3 nova, . . . 7 19 29 3-92 55 57-9 6-9 Stellar. 1 5385 . . RS nova, B, . . 7 19 58 3-92 55 53-2 7-0 vF. 1 5386 . Rj nova, B, . . 7 20 3 3-92 55 54-0 7-0 eF. 1 5387 105 7 23 38 3-69 63 49 7-3 vF, S, iR. 1 5388 Stephan, vin., . 7 26 3-88 56 52-6 7-5 eF, vS, sev. vFst inv. 1 5389 106 7 28 5 3-33 78 6 7-6 eF, S. 1 5390 , . Stephan, vin., . 7 28 31 3-48 71 48-6 7-6 vF, eS, bM. 1 5391 , , Rj nova, C., . 7 32 56 4-68 37 18-6 8-0 pF, pS. vmE, * 12 att. 1 5392 . . Stephan, vin., . 7 37 26 4-07 50 37-9 8-4 vF, mbM. 1 5393 . Stephan, vnr., . 7 37 28 4-07 50 38-9 8-4 vF, mbM, S * att. s. 1 5394 Stephan, vi., 7 38 45 3-70 62 43'8 8-5 eF, eS, R, bM, r. 1 5395 . . Stephan, vi., 7 42 35 3-43 73 16-9 8-8 vF, eS, R, bM. 1 5396 . . Rj nova, C, . . 7 43 37 4-84 34 6-2 8-9 F, pL, R, h. 467 sp. 1 5397 . . D'Arrest, . . . 7 46 41 4-87 33 16-5 9-1 F, R, bM. 1 5398 107 . . . . 7 49 17 3-24 82 9 9-3 Neb. * 12 m. 1 5399 108 . . 7 49 25 3-64 64 26 9-3 vF, S, psbM. 1 5400 109 . . 7 49 49 3-64 64 27 9-3 vF, S, gbM. 1 5401 110 . . 7 50 58 3-07 90 15 9-4 F, S, IE. 1 5402 111 . . 7 51 23 3-23 82 8 9-4 eF, pS, iR. 1 5403 112 . . 7 52 20 3-56 67 14 9-5 eF, S, glbM. 1 5404 113 . . 7 52 27 3-19 84 1 9-5 vF, S, R. 1 5405 114 * . 7 58 11 3-45 71 54 10-0 vF, vS, E, psbM. 1 5406 . . Stephan, vnr., . 7 58 48 4-02 50 26-5 10-0 vF, S. 1 5407 115 . . 7 59 26 3-24 81 36 10-1 vF, S, mE. 1 5408 , . Stephan, vni., . 7 59 44 4-02 50 28-4 10-1 F, S, R, bM. 1 5409 . . Stephan, vni., . 8 2 48 3-62 64 23-0 10-3 eF, vS, R. 1 5410 , . Stephan, vin., . 8 2 51 3-62 64 24-6 10-3 vF, vS, R. 1 5411 . . Stephan, vni., . 843 3-15 85 57-2 10-4 vF, vS, R, mbM. 1 5412 116 . . 8 9 22 3-51 68 38 10-8 vF, S, glbM. 1 5413 117 . 8 10 49 3-51 68 36 10-9 vF, vS. 1 5414 . . Stephan, vin., . 8 10 59 3-52 68 6-9 10-9 eF, eS, R, IbM. 1 5415 . . Rj nova, C, . 8 13 11 3-50 68 38-9 11-0 eeF, L, R, 1650 3' s. 1 5416 Stephan, vni., . 8 13 20 + 3-47 70 24-7 + 11-1 eF, vS, irr. * 13 att. 1 DBEYEE On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. 409 No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Eight Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. Annual Prrcessio for 1880 Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5417 118 h m s 8 14 32 k + 3-61 o / 63 50 // + 11-2 eF, eS, stell. 2 5418 . , D' Arrest. . . . 8 18 16 8-41 11 30-3 11-6 F, S, E, IbM. 2 5419 119 . . 8 18 49 3-41 72 10 11-5 eF, vS. 1 5420 120 . . . . 8 18 52 3-61 63 40 11-5 eF. 1 5421 121 8 19 37 3-42 72 15 11-6 vF, S, IE. 1 5422 122 8 21 49 3-51 68 2 11-7 eF, vS. 1 5423 123 . . 8 21 54 3-51 68 2 18-7 F, S. 1 5424 124 . . . . 8 27 9 3-58 64 30 12-1 vF, S, pmE, gbM. 1 5425 , , D' Arrest, . . . 8 27 28 6-64 16 32-2 12-2 eF, pS, R. 1 5426 125 Lassell, . . . 8 29 9 3.60 64 35 12-2 F, S, E. 2 5427 126 . , , . 8 29 18 3-60 64 32 12-2 vF, S, R. 1 5428 127 . . 8 29 52 3-58 64 37 12-3 F, S, R. 2 5429 128 8 30 6 3-46 69 48 12-3 eF. 1 5430 129 . . 8 30 19 3-46 69 48 12-3 eF, vS. 1 5431 130 8 33 17 3-45 69 57 12-5 eeF, vS. 1 5432 131 9 34 8 3-45 69 59 12-6 eF neb. * . 1 5433 132 8 34 42 3-45 69 52 12-6 Neb. *. 1 5434 133 . * . . 8 36 11 3-29 77 45 12-7 eF, S, E. 1 5435 . . Phil. Trans., 1861, 8 46 54 4-33 38 8-5 13-4 F, S, TI. 823 n. 10 5436 . . Tempel, . . . 8 48 44 3-03 92 30 13-5 vF, vS. 2 5437 Tempel, . 8 48 44 3-03 92 34 13-5 vF, vS, 1727 1' s. 1 5438 Tempel, . 8 48 50 3-02 92 45 13-5 vF, IE, doubtful. 1 5439 . . Tempel, . . . 8 48 58 3-03 92 28 13-6 vF, vS, 4 st 14 f. 2 5440 . . Tempel, . 8 49 5 3-03 92 32 13-7 vF, S. 1 5441 134 * * . * 8 49 31 3-39 72 11 13-6 vF, S, R. 1 5442 135 D' Arrest, . . . 8 50 5 3-13 86 32-4 13-6 pB, iR, mbM. 3 5443 . . Borelly, . . . 8 50 9 7-88 11 22-6 13-7 pB, L, E. 1 5444 136 D' Arrest, . . . 8 50 19 3-13 86 22-9 13-6 F, S, R, mbM. 3 5445 137 Tempel, . 8 51 30 3-27 78 18 13-7 F, S, R, bM. 2 5446 138 8 53 2 3-13 86 16 13-8 F, S, R. 1 5447 139 . . 8 53 26 3-27 78 22 13-8 F,pL. 1 5448 140 8 54 3 3-27 78 22 13-8 vF, pL, IE. 1 5449 141 8 54 3 3-14 85 44 13-9 vF, vS, R. 1 5450 142 8 54 26 3-37 72 35 13-9 vF, L, R. 2 5451 143 . . 8 54 35 3-22 81 8 13-9 F, vS, R. 2 5452 144 8 55 11 3-37 72 33 13-9 eF, vS, R. 2 5453 145 . . 8 56 23 3-40 71 11 14-0 vF. 2 5454 146 8 56 45 3-40 71 12 14-1 eF, vS. stell. 2 5455 147 . . 8 57 23 3-40 71 14-1 vF, vS, stell. 1 5456 148 8 57 40 3-39 71 11 14-1 eF, eS, stell. 2 5457 149 8 57 48 3-39 71 7 14-1 pF, pL, vmE, gbM. 2 5458 150 . . 8 59 37 3-40 71 1 14-2 vF, S. 1 5459 151 . . . . 9 2 18 3'20 82 15 14-4 vF, 8, IE. 2 5460 152 9 3 16 3-20 82 13 14-4 F, S. 2 5461 153 9 6 17 3-28 77 17 14-6 vF, vS, mbM. 2 5462 154 . . . 975 3-41 69 44 14-7 vF, S, R, IbM. 1 5463 155 , , . . 978 3-37 71 50 14-7 F, R. 1 5464 . , D'Arrest, . . . 9 8 12 3-37 71 49-2 14-7 eF, vS, sp of 2. 1 5465 156 D' Arrest, . . . 9 8 14 3-37 71 47-0 14-7 eF, vS, nf of 2. 2 5466 D'Arrest, . 9 8 26 3-37 71 41-6 14-8 eF, sev. st nr. 1 5467 R? nova, C, . 9 8 40 + 3-90 47 28-0 + 14-8 ?, cL, vmE, n. 708 p. 1 410 DREYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth'g Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5468 157 h m 9 8 46 I + 3-41 o / 69 30 ii + 14-8 eF, pL. 1 5469 t f Rj nova, D, . . 9 9 1 3-41 69 20-9 14-8 vF, stellar, h. 578 f 10'-5. 1 5470 158 9 9 46 3-41 69 29 14-8 eF. 1 5471 159 . . 9 9 50 3-41 69 29 14-8 F. 1 5472 160 ii 9 10 23 3-34 73 13 14-9 pB, vS, E. 2 5473 t t D' Arrest, . . . 9 10 51 3-54 63 8-3 14-9 Cl, S, st F, vC. 1 5474 161 9 15 39 3-13 86 15 15-2 vF, S, mbM. 1 5475 162 D' Arrest, ... 9 16 20 3-11 87 18-8 15-2 pF, S, iR, 14 f. 2 5476 t t D' Arrest, . . . 9 16 46 3-52 62 37-8 15-2 F, S, E, bM. 2 5477 163 . . 9 16 49 3-17 83 28 15-2 vF, pL, IE. 1 5478 4 , Bj noTa, . . . 9 18 5 3-26 77 57-1 15-3 eF, h. 597 si. 1'. 1 5479 Bj no-va, . , . 9 18 18 3-26 77 59-1 15-3 eF, h. 598 p. 1 5480 164 * * 9 18 31 3-11 87 10 15-3 vF, S, vlE. 1 5481 165 9 18 33 3-11 87 18 15-3 vF, S, vlE. 1 5482 t t D' Arrest, . . . 9 18 34 2-90 101 2-9 15-3 vF, vS, E, IbM. 3 5483 166 . . 9 19 8 3-20 81 26 15-4 F, pL, E. 2 5484 t t D' Arrest, . . . 9 19 37 2-90 100 57-0 15-4 F, S,r? 5 5485 ^ t D'Arrest, . . . 9 22 14 3-45 65 43-6 15-6 F, vS, E, * 17 att. 1 5486 167 i 9 22 29 3-11 87 12 15-6 eF, S. 2 5487 168 * . . 9 22 37 3-11 87 20 15-6 vF, vS, IE. 2 5488 Schultz, . . . 9 26 18 3-23 79 12 15-8 : eF, h. 608 sp. 1 5489 169 . 9 26 29 3-22 79 54 15-8 vF, pL, iE. 1 5490 t t Tempel, . 9 27 16 3-23 79 6-3 15-8 1' diatn. com. 2 5491 170 . . * 9 27 21 3-04 91 53 15-8 pF, S, mlM. 2 5492 171 1 t 9 28 17 3-32 72 35 15-9 vF. 1 5493 D'Arrest, . . . 9 29 18 3-44 65 47-1 15-9 F, pL, E. IbM. 4 5494 172 9 29 22 3-33 72 23 15-9 vF, S, B, bM. 2 5495 173 9 30 10 3-33 72 20 16-0 F, vS, IE. 2 5496 174 9 30 13 3-33 72 18 16-0 eF. 1 5497 175 * t 9 30 26 3-11 86 38 16-0 vF, iE. 2 5498 176 > i 9 30 27 3-11 86 38 16-0 F, S, like a neb * . 2 5499 177 9 30 39 3-33 72 19 16-0 eF, vS, IE. 2 5500 178 . . . . 9 30 47 3-33 72 20 16-0 F, S, iE, bM. 2 5501 179 9 31 16 3-32 72 20 16-0 vF, S, E. 2 5502 180 9 32 9 3-32 72 35 16-1 vF, double ? 1 5503 181 . . . . 9 32 29 3-08 89 37 16-1 P F, S, E. 1 5504 182 * 9 33 33 3-15 84 12 16-2 F, vS, vlE, psbM. 1 5505 t f Rj nova, . . . 9 41 50 3-58 55 46-9 16-6 pF, pS, E, bM. h. 645 f. 1 5506 183 . . . 9 42 11 3-10 88 11 16-6 F, vS, aim. stell. 1 5507 t , D'Arrest, . . . 9 42 15 3-25 76 39-4 16-6 vF, S, E. 5 5508 184 . . 9 45 12 3-11 87 12 16-7 vF, S, iE. 1 5509 185 . . . . 9 46 7 3-09 88 39 16-8 pB, S, TIE, gbM. 2 5510 186 9 47 17 3-29 72 53 16'8 eF. 1 5511 187 9 49 22 3-10 87 54 16-9 vF, vS, aim. stell. 1 5512 D'A.(Qy.=n.909) 9 49 27 5-38 17 12-4 16-9 vF, vS, ii. 333 and 334 f. 2 5513 Bj nova, D, . 9 50 33 3-21 78 50 17-0 vF, vS. 1 5514 188 . . , , 9 52 42 3-04 92 13 17-1 eF, S, E. 1 5515 189 . . 9 53 4 3-04 92 19 17-1 eF, S, iE. 1 5516 190 9 53 23 3-04 92 18 17-1 : vF, vS. 1 5517 191 . . 9 53 41 3-04 92 23 17-1 eF, S. 1 5518 192 9 53 47 + 3-04 92 18 +17-1 eF, vS. 1 DBEYER On Nebulcc and Clusters of Stars. 411 No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1881). North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5519 193 h m B 9 54 29 + 3-04 o / 92 20 n + 17-2 eF. 1 5520 194 . . . 9 59 14 3-25 74 58 17-4 vF. 1 5521 t t D' Arrest, Struvc, 10 17 3-49 57 27-5 17-4 F, S, IE, N = * 15. 2 5522 ( f D' Arrest, . . . 10 3 17 5-44 15 4-5 17-6 vF, S, E, * 13 att. f. 2 5523 D' Arrest, . . . 10 9 48 5-32 15 7-1 17-9 F, pL, E, IbM. 4 5524 195 . 10 9 57 3-15 82 15 17-8 pF, vS, gbM, sev. F st nr. 1 5525 BJ nova, C, . . 10 14 30 4-00 32 16 18-0 j cB, vS, sbM, in. 911 5' dist. \ (Qy. p. or f ). j 1 5526 Schultz, . . . 10 23 58 3-37 60 48-8 18-4 F, vS, IE, h. 721 nf. 1 5527 196 10 32 12 3-12 84 10 18-6 vF, eS, stell. 1 5528 197 10 34 30 3-12 84 17 18-7 eF, vS, aim. stell. 1 5529 198 10 35 1 3-08 89 38 18-7 eF, itell. 1 5530 199 i i 10 35 8 3-08 89 39 18-7 F, S, E. 1 5531 200 , , 10 35 15 3-12 84 15 18-7 vF, vS. 1 5532 201 t 10 36 31 3-13 82 30 18-8 eF, vS. 1 5533 202 D' Arrest, . . . 10 36 55 3-19 75 10'9 18-8 F, S, mbif. 3 5534 203 10 37 32 3-13 82 41 18-8 vF. S, E. 1 5535 204 D' Arrest, . . . 10 41 34 3-19 75 2-5 18-9 *** in F neb. y. 4 5536 205 * 10 43 2 3-20 73 2 19-0 F, vS. 1 5537 206 < i 10 43 18 3-20 73 1 19-0 F, eS, aim. stell, close to S * . 1 5538 207 . . . . 10 43 41 3-14 80 48 19-0 eF, vS, aim. stell. 1 5539 208 Tempel, . . . 10 43 54 3-18 75 20 19-0 F, vS, E, aim. stell. close to a 8 . 2 5540 209 . . 10 44 10 3-15 79 59 19-0 vF, S, IE, glbM. 1 5541 210 . . . . 10 45 6 3-16 78 43 19-0 vF, eS, aim. stell. 1 5542 211 * * 10 45 6 3-14 80 43 19-0 eeF, vS, aim. stell. 1 5543 212 . . . , 10 45 39 3-15 79 4 19-0 eF, vS, pmE. 1 5544 213 10 50 52 3-14 79 55 19-2 eF, vS, aim. stell. 5545 214 . . . . 10 50 57 3-14 79 58 19-2 eeF, eS, stell. 5546 215 * . * 10 59 40 3-12 82 5 19-4 eF, vmE, pos. 50 . 5547 , Struve, 1869, . 11 1 8 3-24 62 37 19-4 vF, * 9 np 3'. 5548 , , D' Arrest, . . . 11 1 28 4-42 13 40-6 19-4 vF, pL, * 17 nr. 5549 . . D' Arrest, . . . 11 3 22 3-25 60 40-5 19-5 pF, S. 5550 . , Struve, 1869, . 11 3 49 3-24 62 16 19-5 pF, pL, * 8m 2' n. 5551 t t D' Arrest, . . . 11 4 24 3-30 53 47-6 19-5 F, vS, stell. 5552 ( , D' Arrest, . . . 11 5 44 3-20 66 35-2 19-5 pB, pL, E, * 11 p. 1 5553 . . Tempel, . . . 11 6 3-10 85 35-7 19-5 vF, * 14 f. 1 5554 216 * * . . 11 7 7 3-17 71 58 19-5 eF, 8, pmE, pos. 60. 1 5555 217 Tempel, . . . 11 7 50 3-17 71 58 19-6 F, vS, stell. * n. 2 5556 218 . . 11 8 19 3-10 84 8 19-6 vF, pS, aim. stell. 1 5557 219 * . . 11 8 27 3-17 71 49 19-6 eeF, vS, aim. stell. 1 5558 , . Struvc, 18G9, . 11 10 7 3-22 62 36 19-6 pF, S, bM. 1 5559 Struve, 1869, . 11 10 18 3-22 62 37 19-6 pL, dif. * 10-11 nf 2'. 1 5560 220 Tempel, . . . 11 13 56 3-09 86 2 19-7 F, vS, aim. stell. n 33 2' n. 2 5561 221 * . . 11 14 11 3-09 86 13 19-7 eF, vS. 1 5562 222 . . . 11 14 21 3-09 86 25 19-7 vF, vS. 1 5563 223 11 14 26 3-09 86 20 19-7 eF neb. *. 1 5564 , . B 2 nova, B, . . 11 21 23 3-23 53 44-4 19-8 eF, pS, h. 899 4' s. 2 5565 , , BZ nova, D, . . 11 21 33 3-23 53 33-5 19-8 eF, vS. 1 5566 , . B, nova, B, . 11 21 48 3-23 53 48-7 19-8 eF, h. 899 p. 1 5567 t t D' Arrest, . . . 11 24 33 3-09 85 44-7 19-8 vF, vS. 1 5568 D' Arrest, . . . 11 25 5 + 3'08 88 24-3 -t-19-8 vF, np of 2. 1 412 DREYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue. No. in M&rth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5569 D' Arrest, . . . h m s 11 25 14 + 3-08 o / 88 25-3 // + 19-8 vF, sf of 2. 1 5570 Struve, 1869, . 11 28 8 3-16 64 7 19-9 vF, bet. 2 st 12m. 1 5571 . . D' Arrest, . . . 11 29 15 3-32 34 24-3 19-9 S, IE, * 11 nr. 2 5572 D'Arrest, . . . 11 32 19 3-13 68 46-1 19-9 vF, vS, E, * 15 p. 1 5573 D' Arrest, . . . 11 33 40 3-25 39 20-3 19-9 pB, S, E' glbM. 2 5574 i , D'Arrest, . . . 11 34 31 3-13 69 7-2 19-9 ! F, S, bM. 2 5575 D'Arrest, . . . 11 34 52 3-10 78 50-5 19-9 eF, vS, h. 950 2' s. 1 . 5576 D'Arrest, . . . 11 36 41 3-12 69 9-2 20-0 F, S, IE CQy. = 2522). 2 5577 f t D'Arrest, . . . 11 36 45 3-12 69 11-5 20-0 vF, pS, IE (Qy. = 2523). . 2 5578 Borelly, . . . 11 37 13 3-11 72 39-5 20-0 S, E, bM. 1 5579 D'Arrest, . . 11 37 23 3-16 55 53 :: 20-0 eF, vS, PD doubtful. 1 5580 D'Arrest, . . . 11 37 23 3-16 55 52:: 20-0 f Xorth of the last one, others ) near. ) 1 5581 224 11 37 53 3-09 80 46 20-0 vF, 2' 1, mE 70, glbM.' 1 5582 D'Arrest, . . . 11*38 35 3-12 69 27-3 20-0 vF, pS, IE, in. 387 sf. 2 5583 D'Arrest, . 11 39 49 3-11 69 23-4 20-0 F. 1 5584 Struve, 1869, . 11 42 43 3-11 67 53 20-0 S, E, mbM, * 10-11 11 50". 1 5585 I , D'Arrest, . . . 11 43 28 3-11 69 12-1 20-0 F, S, B. 1 5586 . . D'Arrest, . . . 11 44 17 3-12 61 4-9 20-0 i pF, pS. 1 5587 t t D'Arrest, . . . 11 44 28 3-11 68 13-3 20-0 Cl, S, st F, vC. 2 5588 m t Borelly, . 11 44 49 3-10 72 24-3 20-0 pF, IE. 1 5589 Borelly, . . . 11 44 58 3-10 72 21-8 20-0 eF, E. 1 5590 . . D'Arrest, . . . 11 45 43 3-10 68 44-4 20-0 pF, pS, E, * 8 p 24'. 2 5591 Ej nova, . . . 11 46 22 3-16 41 19-4 20-0 eF, i. 202 2>r' s. 1 5592 D'Arrest, . . . 11 47 59 3-11 57 1-5 20-0 F, pL, IE, bM, * 12 p. 1 5593 . t E 2 nova, . . . 11 48 38 3-18 28 42-0 20-0 vF, vS, ii. 840 f 17 s . 1 5594 D'Arrest, . . . 11 50 18 3-11 56 52-4 20-0 F, S, IE, 1st of 3. 3 5595 t D'Arrest, . . . 11 50 25 3-11 56 56-1 20-0 : pB, vS, 2nd of 3. 4 5596 f ( D'Arrest, . . . 11 50 32 3-11 56 55-0 20-0 F. pL, IE, bM, 3rd of 3. 4 5597 Struve, 1869, . 11 50 55 3-09 64 6 20-0 pF, vS, mbM, * 7 sp 2'. 1 5598 225 * 11 51 17 3-08 79 12 20-0 i vF, S, IE. 1 5599 226 . . 11 52 50 3-08 81 2 20-0 vF, vS, IE, stell. N. ,1 5600 t , D'Arrest, . . . 11 53 19 3-09 57 16-5 20-1 ! cF, vS, * 17 vnr south. 1 5601 227 11 55 10 3-08 69 5 20-1 i vF, vS. 1 5602 t t D'Arrest, . . . 11 55 34 3-07 87 29-2 20-1 F, pS, A2Fst(Qy. = h. 1057). 1 5603 228 D'Arrest, . . . 11 56 I 3-08 69 30-0 20-1 F, vS, vlE, aim. stell. 4 5604 229 11 56 36 3-08 68 57 20-1 eF, vS. 1 5605 230 11 56 48 3-08 68 55 20-1 eF. 1 5606 t t EJ nova, C, . . 11 57 6 3-08 69 1-5 20-1 eF, h. 1067 np. 1 5607 231 D'Arrest, . 11 57 37 3-07 78 37-0 20-1 F, vS, E, glbM. 3 6608 232 11 57 59 3-07 78 34 20-1 vF, vS, IE, IbM. 1 5609 233 . . . . 11 58 1 3-07 78 37 20-1 eF, vS. 1 5610 . . D'Arrest, . . . 11 58 6 3-07 67 0-2 20-1 F, S. 2 5611 f t D'Arrest, . . . 11 58 22 3-07 68 59-5 20-1 F, pS, E. 1 5612 . . D'Arrest, . . . 11 58 27 3-07 68 40-1 20-1 vF, S, E, p of 2. 3 5613 D'Arrest, . . . 11 58 29 3-07 68 56-0 21-1 vF, vS, * 15 f 1'. 1 5614 D'Arrest, . . . 11 58 31 3-07 68 40-3 20-1 vF, S, E, f of 2. 4 5615 f . D'Arrest, . . . 11 58 40 3-07 68 44-7 20-1 F, pS, E, * 1 1 np. 4 5616 D'Arrest, . . . 11 58 43 3-07 68 42-1 20-1 eF, vS. O 5617 1 t D'Arrest, . . . 11 59 35 3-07 78 37-4 20-1 O, pB, S, E, * 10-11 sf. 1 5618 Phil. Trans., 1861, 11 59 49 + 3-06 46 14-5 + 20-1 vF, i. 195 6'nnf. sev. r Ofi\ DREYEE On Nebtilce and Clusters of Stars. 413 No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for I860, Jan. 0. Annual Preri-esion for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. i No. of Obser- vations. 5619 Rjnova, . . . h m 12 41 6 + 3-06 o / 46 7 // + 20-1 vF, vS, ill. 108 np. 1 5620 . . D' Arrest, . . . 12 56 3-05 24 6-4 20-1 F, vS, IE, r? 3 5621 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 1 45 3-07 93 14-6 20-1 pE, IbM. 1 5622 D' Arrest, . . . 12 2 24 3-07 87 25-5 20-1 F, S, diffic. p of D neb. 1 5623 D'Arrest, . . . 12 2 29 3-07 87 25-9 20-1 F, S, diffic. f of D neb. 1 5624 ^ D'Arrest, . . . 12 3 1 3-06 53 20-9 20-1 F, S, * 12 sf. 2 5625 f t D'Arrest, . . . 12 4 59 3-06 75 59-2 20-0 eF, * 10 np, h. 1119 f. 1 5626 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 5 16:: 3-05 60 2:: 20-0 eF ) very near h. 1120, 21, 1 5627 D'Arrest, . . . 12 5 16:: 3-05 60 2:: 20-0 eF ) 22, 24. 1 5628 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 8 18 3-06 79 38-1 20-0 pF, pS, IE, * 14 np. 3 5629 234 > 12 10 50 3-06 83 38 20-0 F. 1 5630 235 t t 12 11 19 3'06 83 39 20-0 F, E. 1 5631 236 * 12 12 34 3-06 83 40 20-0 P F. 1 5632 ( Sehonfeld, . ) ( D'Arrest, . j 12 12 39 3-06 83 56-5 20-0 pF, S, 2nd of 6 neb. sev. 5633 237 . . 12 13 16 3-06 83 37 20-0 pF. 1 5634 238 12 13 40 3-06 83 36 20-0 pF. 1 5635 . , D'Arrest, . . . 12 14 10 3-02 61 3-4 20-0 vF, S. 1 5636 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 14 54 3-05 76 26-4 20-0 F, pL, K, h. 1203 sp. ;$ 5637 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 15 48 3-05 78 40-5 20-0 F, vS, sp of 2. 4 5638 D'Arrest, . . . 12 15 58 3-05 78 36-3 20-0 vF, vS, iR, nf of 2. 4 5639 D'Arrest, . . . 12 16 9 3-05 77 51-5 20-0 vF, L, mE (probably = 2909). o 5640 . , D'Arrest, . . . 12 16 25 3-02 60 0-1 20-0 vF, IE, com. 1 5641 D'Arrest, . . . 12 16 54 3-05 77 I'l 20-0 F, pL, iR, bM. 5 5642 D'Arrest, . . . 12 16 55 3-05 78 0-6 20-0 pF, S, IE, IbM. 3 5643 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 17 32 3-05 77 2-7 20-0 vF, S, R. 5644 Sehonfeld, . . 12 18 21 3'04 72 45-3 20-0 eS, stellar or neb. * 11 '12. B6V. 5645 239 . . 12 18 32 3-07 88 40 20-0 vF, vS, aim. stell. 1 5646 , . D'Arrest, . 12 18 59 3-05 78 32-4 20-0 F, pS, m. 39 p. 14', 14' s=. 1 5647 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 19 16 3-01 61 21-6 20-0 F, S, r. 1 5648 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 20 3 3-05 79 48-4 20-0 F, pL, iR, bM. 4 5649 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 20 10 3-01 61 29-6 20'0 Cl, F, S. 1 5650 240 . . 12 20 24 3-06 83 20-0 2 st in eF neb y. 1 5651 D'Arrest, . . . 12 21 10 3-05 79 47-6 20-0 vF, pL, mE. 2 5652 D'Arrest, . . . 12 21 32 3-05 79 57-8 20-0 pB, pS, R, bM, * 13 s. 4 5653 D'Arrest, . . . 12 22 23 3-05 81 31-9 20-0 vF, pS, iR. 2 5654 Struve, D'Arrest, 12 22 24 3-05 81 13-6 20-0 vF, vS, IE. 5 5655 . , J. Schmidt. . . 12 22 34 3-05 81 19-4 20-0 vF, vS(Qy.not found by D'A.) 1 5656 D'Arrest, . . . 12 23 24 2-77 25 11-5 19-9 pF, vS, R, * 13 att. 2 5657 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 23 36 3-05 81 12-6 19-9 pB, pS, R, bM. 2 5658 241 * 12 23 57 3-07 88 37 19-9 vF, vS, iR. 1 5659 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 25 26 2-75 24 59-8 19-9 Cl, vS, st F, mC. 1 5660 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 25 46 2-71 22 53-5 19-9 F, R (Qy. vS Cl). 1 5661 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 26 35 3-03 74 3-8 19'9 Cl + neb. close to a f . 2 5662 242 . . 12 27 31 3-06 85 55 19-9 eF, vS, nearly R. 1 5663 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 29 17 2-98 62 17-2 19-9 F, vS, R, mbM. o 5664 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 31 19 2-97 60 17-4 19-9 vF, eS. 1 5665 D'Arrest, . . . 12 34 34 2-97 63 9-1 19-8 vF, S, IE, 1st of 3. 1 5666 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 34 38 2-97 63 11-4 19-8 F, S, R, * 12 np, 2nd of 3. 2 5667 . . D'Arrest, . 12 34 44 2-97 63 9-8 19-8 F, pL, E, 3rd of 3. ) 5668 D'Arrest, . . . 12 38 23 + 2-74 34 21-9 + 19-8 F, E (Qy. r). 1 EL. IK. ACAD., TBAXS., VOL. XXVI. SCIENCE. 414 DREYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 181)0, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. Annual Prei-essio for 1880 Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5669 D' Arrest, . . . h m B 12 42 3 + 2-94 o / 62 0-7 n + 19-7 Cl, F, S, vmC. 1 5670 . . D' Arrest, . . . 12 43 8 2-94 61 25-0 19-7 F, S, E. 2 5671 . . D' Arrest, . . . 12 43 29 2-94 61 55-3 19-7 vF, vS (Qy. r). 1 5672 . . D' Arrest, . 12 43 38 2-94 61 48-1 197 eF, eS. 2 5673 . . D' Arrest, . 12 44 38 2-93 61 48'6 19-7 eF, * 6 n. 2 5674 . . Winnecke, 12 46 3-12 99 43 19-6 pB, E. 1 5675 . . D' Arrest, . . . 12 47 22 2-93 62 10-5 19-6 vF, vS, n. 345 f. 1 5676 D' Arrest, . . . 12 47 23 2-92 61 56-2 19-6 vF, S. 1 5677 243 * * . . 12 47 40 3-03 81 11 19-6 eF, vS, IE, vlbM. 1 5678 244 12 48 1 3-03 81 11 19-6 eF, eS, aim. stell., close fh. 1474. 1 5679 . . D' Arrest, . . . 12 48 7 2-92 61 54-4 19-6 F, S, E, IbM. 1 5680 245 * . . 12 48 31 3-03 81 19-6 eF, eS, E, IbM. 1 5681 . . D' Arrest, . . . 12 48 40 2-91 61 43-2 19-6 F, pS, E, bM. 3 5682 . . D' Arrest, . . . 12 49 42 2-92 62 16-6 19-6 vF, vS, n. 346 np. 2 5683 D' Arrest, . . . 12 49 53 2-91 61 13-3 19-6 F, S, E. 1 5684 . . W. H., n. 385, . 12 50 45 2-91 61 38-6 19-5 vF, vS (D'Arrest). 5 5685 . . D' Arrest, . . . 12 50 46 2-91 61 44-2 19-5 vF, vS, h. 1494 sp. 1 5686 D'Arrest, ... 12 51 17 2-91 61 0-0 19-5 pF, S, IE. 3 5687 . . D' Arrest, ... 12 51 28 2-92 62 56-1 19-5 pB, E, bM. 1 5688 . , D'Arrest, . . . 12 51 29 2-91 61 16-3 19-5 F, S, E. 1 5689 , . D'Arrest, . . . 12 51 33 2-91 61 5-3 19-5 F, vS, r. 1 5690 D'Arrest, . . . 12 51 55 2-91 61 34-0 19-5 vF, pL, com. 1 5691 . , D'Arrest, . . . 12 52 14 2-90 61 7-2 19-5 F, vS, p of D neb. 2 5692 , . D'Arrest, . . . 12 52 15 2-91 62 25-7 19-5 F, vS, E. 1 5693 , , D'Arrest, . . . 12 52 17 2-80 61 6-8 19-5 pF, S, E, f of D neb. 1 5694 D'Arrest, . . . 12 52 29 2-90 61 9-5 19-5 vF, vS, * 7-8 f 13'. 1 5695 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 52 53 2-90 61 17-1 19-5 F, h. 1501 and 1502 nr. 1 5696 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 53 11 2-90 60 59-9 19-5 F, S, IE, * 9 sp. 3 5697 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 53 12 2-90 61 16-0 19-5 vF, S, others near. 1 5698 D'Arrest, . . . 12 53 15 2-90 61 16-3 19-5 Multiple neb. 1 5699 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 53 18 2-90 61 15-9 19-5 F, S, E, 11. 391 f 4'. 2 5700 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 53 29 2-83 52 3-5 19-5 vF, * 20 sp, * 17 nf. 1 5701 , . D'Arrest, . . . 12 53 30 2-90 61 2'5 19-5 vF, S, E. 3 5702 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 53 53 2-90 61 19-5 19-5 vF, vS, * 15 p. 2 5703 , , D'Arrest, . . . 12 54 2 2-90 61 5-3 19-5 eF, vS, * 13 att. 1 5704 . . D'Arrest, ... 12 54 5 2-90 61 13-1 19-5 vF, vS. 1 5705 5706 5707 ' * Ej nova, . . . EJ nova, . . . R, nova, . . . 12 54 10 12 54 10 12 54 13 2-82 2-82 2-82 51 54 51 54 51 54 19-5 19-5 19-5 3 neb. (incl. n. 645) in a line n and s, a fourth one f. 1 1 1 5708 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 54 35 2-90 61 26-0 19-5 vF, vS. 2 5709 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 54 42 2-89 59 56-0 19-5 pB, S, E, IbM, * 11-12 f. 3 5710 D'Arrest, . . . 12 55 7 2-90 61 37-3 19-5 P B, S, E, glbM. 4 5711 D'Arrest, . . . 12 55 59 2-89 61 12-3 19-4 F, S, * 16 close p. 1 5712 . , D'Arrest, . 12 56 17 2-89 61 13-3 19-4 F, S. 2 5713 D'Arrest, . 12 56 28 2-89 61 12-9 19-4 F, S, IE. 1 5714 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 57 2 2-89 61 9-7 19-4 vF, vS. 1 5715 , , D'Arrest, . . . 12 57 37 2-88 60 12-9 19-4 eF, S. 1 5716 . . D'Arrest, . . . 12 59 3 2-89 61 45-8 19-4 F, S, E, N= * 16. 1 5717 D'Arrest, . . . 13 7 2-87 60 42-4 19-4 F, vS, IE, * nr. 1 5718 . . D'Arrest, . . . 13 2 4 3-10 94 31-4 19-3 vF, vS. 2 5719 246 13 2 5 + 3-05 86 55 + 19-3 vF, vS. 1 DUEYER On JFcluhe ami Clusters of Stars. 415 No. of Catalogu No. in Marth's Catalogue References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for I860, Jan 0. Annual Preuessiot for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Ohser- Tatione. 5720 247 13 2 24 + 3-06 o / 88 23 n + 19-3 pB, S, E, bM. 1 5721 D' Arrest, . . . 13 4 8 2-79 52 36-4 19-3 vF, pL, E, * 13 att. n. 1 5722 248 13 5 3-05 86 4 19-2 vF, vS. 1 5723 t t D' Arrest, .". . 13 7 55 2-83 58 23-1 19-2 F, S, E. 3 5724 249 13 8 32 3-05 86 24 19-1 F, vS, stell. 1 5725 250 13 9 57 3-01 81 25 19-1 eF, S, IE. 1 5726 t f D' Arrest, . . . 13 10 13 3-02 83 12-9 19-1 F, S, IE. 3 5727 251 . . 13 11 7 3-14 99 30 19-1 vF, vS. 1 5728 252 13 11 7 3-14 99 24 19-1 vF, vS. 1 5729 253 13 11 36 3-01 81 19 19-1 eF, eS, stell. 1 5730 t g D' Arrest, . . . 13 11 50 3-16 101 48-1 19-1 F, S, * 14 nf. 1 5731 254 13 12 6 3-01 81 25 19-0 vF, eS, stell. 1 5732 D' Arrest, . . . 13 12 31 2-84 60 45-4 19-0 pF, S, iE, * 7-8 np. 4 5733 t t D'Arrest, . . . 13 13 10 2-89 66 16-1 19-0 pB, pL, iE, * 17 s. 2 5734 255 . . 13 13 59 3-00 80 17 19-0 I vF, vS, IbM. 1 5735 256 13 14 12 3-06 88 56 19-0 F, S, IE. 1 5736 t D'Arrest, . . . 13 17 26 2-81 58 16-8 18-9 F, pS, IE, N = * 15. 1 5737 t t D'Arrest, . . . 13 17 36 2-96 75 9-8 18-9 vF (Qy. r). 1 5738 257 . . 13 19 30 3-05 86 58 18-8 eF, S. 1 5739 258 13 21 9 3-04 86 18 18-8 eF, S, IE. 1 5740 259 . . 13 23 56 3-08 91 1 18-7 vF. 1 5741 260 . . 13 24 5 3-08 90 54 18-7 vF. 1 5742 261 13 24 9 3-08 90 59 18-7 vF. 1 5743 262 * 13 24 45 3-08 90 59 18-7 vF. 1 5744 263 * * > 13 26 35 3-03 85 10 18-6 vF, S, IE. 1 5745 264 * * 13 28 42 3-04 86 18 18-5 F. S, bM. 1 5746 265 * i 13 28 49 3-14 97 46 18-5 F, vS. 1 5747 266 13 30 22 3-03 85 26 18-5 vF. vS. 1 5748 267 . . . . 13 30 26 3-03 85 11 18-5 vF, vS. 1 5749 t t D'Arrest, . . . 13 33 2-75 58 18-1 18-4 vF, S, iE. 2 5750 t , D' Arrest, . . . 13 37 9 1-68 21 37-3 18-3 F, S, stell. 1 5751 268 13 48 34 3-01 84 18 17-8 vF, vS, IE. 1 5752 269 * * 13 50 5 3-01 84 3 17-7 vF, vS, stell. 1 5753 270 13 51 18 3-00 82 49 17-7 F, vS, stell. 1 5754 271 * * * . 13 51 24 3-00 83 15 17-7 vF ray, 2' 1. 1 5755 272 . . * 13 57 18 3-18 99 2 17-4 vF, vS, iE. 2 5756 , , D'Arrest, . . . 13 58 2-90 74 56-8 17-4 P F, S. 2 5757 , , D'Arrest, . . . 13 59 34 2-12 34 56-1 17-4 F, S, E, * 12-13 p. 5 5758 . , D'Arrest, . . . 14 6 45 2-97 81 40-7 17-0 F, pS, E, IbM, * 16 nf. 2 5759 . . D'Arrest, . . . 14 7 25 2-97 81 49-3 17-0 vF, pL, * 10 p. 1 5760 273 14 10 38 2-96 81 9 16-8 eF, S, iE. 1 5761 274 . . 14 10 40 2-97 82 18 16-8 eeF, S, IE. 1 5762 275 * * 14 10 41 2-97 81 53 16-8 eF, S, E. 1 5763 . , D'Arrest, . . . 14 11 9 2-97 81 41-1 16-8 eF, vS (must be = 3830). 1 5764 276 . . . 14 11 53 2-99 83 55 16-8 3 st in neb y. 1 5765 277 . * . 14 12 12 2-97 82 19 16-8 vF, S. 1 5766 278 . . . . 14 12 19 2-97 82 19 16-8 eF, S. 1 5767 279 . 14 13 16 2-97 82 17 16-7 eF, S, IE. 1 5768 280 * 14 13 46 2-97 82 27 16-7 vF, S, IE. 1 5769 281 . . . , 14 14 2-98 83 8 16-7 F, vS or neb. * . 1 5770 B, nova, B, . . 14 17 8 2-42 49 3 + 16-5 vF, bet. in., 733 and 734. 1 2N2 416 DREYER On Nebula and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5771 282 h m 14 28 34 + 3-06 o / 89 23 + 15-9 TF, TS. 1 5772 . . D' Arrest, . . . 14 28 47 2-95 81 5-0 15-9 F, S. 1 5773 283 . . . . 14 35 35 3-07 89 45 15-6 1 TF, S, mE. 1 5774 284 i * . 14 36 49 3-04 87 48 15-5 F, S, bM. 1 5775 , . D' Arrest, . . . 14 53 1-05 25 31-8 14-6 TF, TS (Qy. r). 1 5776 285 . . 14 53 22 3-04 87 48 14-5 vF, S, iR. 1 5777 286 . . . > 14 58 31 3-03 87 28 14-2 F, S, E. 1 5778 287 * * . . 14 59 28 2-96 83 5 14-2 : eF, S, iR. 1 5779 . . J. Schmidt, . . 15 5 31 3-15 94 23-7 13-8 ! TF, S, * 12 att. n. 1 5780 288 . . . . 15 27 59 2-97 84 33 12-3 ; eF, TS, aim. stell. 1 5781 289 . . . . 15 28 15 2-97 84 27 12-3 i eF, TS, stell. 1 5782 . . D' Arrest, . . . 15 28 23 2-84 77 47-0 12-3 F, S, R, * 16 close f. 2 5783 D' Arrest, . . . 15 28 46 2-84 77 29-2 12-2 pB, pL, com. IbM. 3 5784 290 15 29 23 2-96 83 52 12-2 vF, S, neb. *. 1 5785 291 15 32 44 3-23 98 9 11-9 F, S, iR. 2 5786 292 . . 15 35 59 2-91 81 18 11-7 eF, eS, R, TlbM. 1 5787 293 . . 15 40 41 2-90 81 15 11-4 eF, eeS, stell. 1 5788 , , US nova, . 15 42 4 2-46 60 56-5 11-3 Neb. 100" s of m. 371. 1 5789 294 , . . . 15 46 27 2-83 77 35 11-0 TF, S. 1 5790 295 , . , . 15 46 46 2-83 77 38 11-0 F, pL. 1 5791 296 . . . . 15 46 48 2-83 77 31 11-0 F, TS, stell. 1 5792 . . Stephan, vn., . 15 47 59 2-10 48 56-3 10-9 eF, TS, iR, IbM. 1 5793 297 * * t 15 50 4 2-49 62 38 10-7 TF, S, E. 1 5794 Stephan, TIL, . 15 51 5 2'60 67 11-2 10-6 eF, eS, iR, IbM. 1 5795 298 . 15 55 24 2-81 77 1 10-2 i TF, TS. 1 5796 299 . . 15 57 9 3-11 91 44 10-2 TF neb. * . 1 5797 300 * . 15 57 31 2- 85 45 10-2 \-F, TS, R, stell. 1 5798 301 * . * 15 57 32 2- 9 85 49 10-2 TF, S. 1 5799 . . Stephan, i., . . 15 58 9 2- 9 71 51-9 10-1 TF, eS, F * close. 1 5800 . , Stephan, i., . . 15 58 18 2-69 71 53-6 10-1 F, S. 1 5801 . . Stephan, i., . . 15 58 22 2-69 71 54-8 10-1 TF, TS. 1 5802 302 . . * * 15 59 5 2-62 69 4 10-0 F, pL, iR (Qy. = in. 140). 1 5803 . . Stephan, vn., . 15 59 46 2-61 68 8-0 10-0 eF, E, sbM. 1 5804 Stephan, TIL, . 16 4 50 2-77 75 22-5 9-6 eF, TS, R, bM. 1 5805 303 16 5 28 2-47 62 45 9-5 TF, S, E. 1 5806 304 16 5 29 2-47 62 42 9-5 F, sbM. 1 5807 , . Stephan, TIL, . 16 5 38 2-77 '75 25-7 9-5 cF, TS, R, bM. 1 5808 . . Stephan, n., 16 6 16 2-86 79 46-3 9-5 TF, S, R, bM. 1 5809 . . Stephan, TIL, 16 6 45 2-77 75 27-3 9-4 eF, TS, dime. 1 5810 305 > . . 16 6 58 2-40 60 15 9-4 F, S. 1 5811 306 . . 16 7 2-40 60 10 9-4 F, TS, stell. N. 2 5812 307 . . 16 9 1 2-47 63 6 9-3 TF, TS, R, bM. 2 5813 308 . . . . 16 9 57 2-43 61 29 9-2 TF, S, R. 1 5814 309 . . 16 14 15 2-16 52 35 8-9 TF, S, R. 2 5815 . . Stephan, TIL, . 16 17 6 2-81 77 53-1 8-6 eF, TS, TlbM. 1 5816 Stephan, n., 16 18 9 2-01 48 44-3 8-6 TF, TS, R, bM. 1 5817 310 . . * 16 20 38 2-52 65 31 8-4 \-F, S, with st. 1 5818 . . Stephan, i., . . 16 23 2 2-28 56 52-7 8-2 TF, S, IbM. 1 5819 Stephan, i., . . 16 23 3 2-28 56 50-3 8-2 F, S, IbM. 1 5820 . . Stephan, i., . . 16 23 10 2-28 56 50-5 8-2 TF, S, IbM. 1 5821 Stephan, TIL, . 16 25 52 + 2-01 49 9-4 + 8-0 eF, TS, R, mbM. 1 DREYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. 417 No. of Catalogue. No. in Mirth's Catalogue. Keferenc.es to other Authorities. Right Ascension for I860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5822 Stephnn. TIL, . h m s 16 26 53 + 2-01 o 1 49 8-0 Ti + 7-9 eF, TS, E, TlbM. 1 5823 311 ".. .. I 16 32 13 2-16 53 37 7-4 TF, TS, stell. 1 5824 312 . . 16 32 18 2-16 53 42 7-4 eF, E, stell. 1 5825 313 g t 16 33 50 2'16 53 38 7-3 eF. 1 5826 314 t t 16 34 22 2-52 65 58 7-2 eF, TS. 2 5827 315 16 34 34 2-52 65 57 7-2 eF, TS. 2 5828 Stephan, IT., 16 38 41 2-02 49 55-8 6-9 eF. 1 5829 316 . . . . 16 40 8 2-89 80 41 6-8 F, S. 2 5830 317 > 16 42 18 2-44 63 33 6-6 TF, S. 1 5831 318 16 45 1 2-97 85 24 6-4 F, S, E. 2 5832 Stephan, TIL, . 16 45 39 1-89 47 0-8 6-3 TF, E, bi N np sf. 1 5833 Stephan, IL, 16 46 12 3-01 87 26-8 6-3 TF, pL, E. 1 5834 319 Stephan, IL, 16 51 11 2-07 61 57-0 5-9 TF, TS, E. 2 5835 320 Stephan, IL, 16 51 44 2-07 61 55-4 5-8 eF, TS. 2 5836 321 Stephan, IL, 16 51 57 2-07 61 55-9 5-8 eF, TS. 2 5837 322 Stephan, n., 16 52 26 2-07 61 55-3 5-8 F, S, E. 2 5838 323 Stephan, n., 16 53 12 2-07 61 55-2 5-7 eF, S, E. 2 5839 324 16 53 18 2-07 61 49 5-7 TF, E. 1 5840 325 16 53 26 2-07 61 52 5-7 TF. 1 5841 326 16 54 8 2-33 60 2 5-6 eF, TS. 1 5842 327 Stephan, IL, 16 54 52 2-52 66 44-9 5-6 eF. 2 5843 328 Stephan, n., 16 54 56 2-52 66 45-2 5-6 eF. 3 5844 329 t . 16 55 10 2-92 83 7 5-5 pB, S, IE. 1 5845 330 16 55 21 2-33 59 58 5-5 TF, S, E. 1 5846 331 . . 17 1 46 2-98 85 53 5-0 pB. 2 5847 332 * * 17 6 8 2-51 66 27 4-6 TF, S, E, sbM. 2 5848 Stephan, TIL, . 17 6 16 1-91 48 10-5 4-6 pB, TS, E. 1 5849 333 * i 17 6 48 2-51 66 33 4-5 F, TS, E, bM. 2 5850 334 i * 17 6 53 2-51 66 36 4-5 eF, S. 2 5851 Tempel, . . . 17 8 16:: 3-36 102 40 4-3 B, S, bet. 2 st T nr. 1 5852 Stephan, IT., 17 8 20 1-96 49 34-3 4-4 eF, * 13 p 0--5. 1 5853 t t Stephan, IL, 17 8 23 2-58 69 31-3 4-4 eF, iE, pS, TlbM. 1 5854 Stephan, TIL, . 17 9 4 1-82 46 3-4 4-4 eF, TS, diffic. 1 5855 Stephan, vn., . 17 9 49 1-82 46 11-3 4-3 eF, TS, diffic. 1 5856 Stephan, vii., . 17 10 1-82 46 9-4 4-3 TF, TS, E, bM. 1 5857 Stephan, TIL, . 17 10 48 1-82 46 11-8 4-2 TF, oTal, ibM. 1 5858 Stephan, TIL, . 17 12 3 1-81 46 1-7 4-1 vF, TS, E, bM. 1 5859 Schultz, . . . 17 13 23 1-84 46 42-1 4-0 * 9m (Qy. neb. or eSCl). 1 5860 335 . . 17 20 39 2-80 78 20 3-4 F, S, E. 1 5861 336 * * 17 21 43 2-41 63 22 3-3 TF, S, E. 2 5862 337 17 23 6 2-69 73 40 3-1 F, TS, E. 1 5863 Stephan, TIL, . 17 23 53 2-93 83 36-4 3-1 T difficult. 1 5864 338 17 24 20 2'69 73 35 3-0 TF, pL. 1 5865 339 D'A., Stephan, n., 17 25 38 2-90 82 50-0 2-9 pB, S, TIE. 4 5866 340 Stephan, IL, 17 32 41 2-62 71 2-4 2-3 F, S, iE, gbM. 2 5867 Stephan, IL, 17 34 13 2-77 77 18-0 2-2 TF, TS, smbM. 1 5868 341 . . 17 36 2-45 66 15 2-0 pF, S, TlbM. 1 5869 342 17 37 57 2-44 64 25 1-8 TF, TS, stell. 1 5870 Stephan, TIL, . 17 37 55 3-00 86 46-0 1-8 eF, E, TlbM. 1 5871 343 . . 17 38 22 2-44 64 34 1-8 F, S, stell. 1 5872 344 17 38 27 + 2-63 71 47 + 1-8 TF, S, mE. 1 418 DREYER On Nebula and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. Deferences to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5873 Stephan, i., . . h in a 17 38 35 + 2-43 o / 64 25-5 a + 1-8 vE, vS, E. 1 5874 345 17 39 8 2-07 53 9 1-7 vF, S, pmE, bM. 2 5875 346 . . . 17 40 50 2-57 69 10 1-6 pF, S, iE, gbM. 2 5876 347 i . . 17 41 10 2-12 54 22 1-6 eF, vS, iE. 2 5877 348 . 17 41 20 2-12 54 22 1-6 vF, S, E. 2 5878 349 . . . 17 41 57 2-56 69 5 1-5 eeF, S. 1 5879 350 . . 17 43 10 2-56 69 8 1-4 eF, vS, stell. 1 5880 351 . 17 43 30 2-57 69 11 1-4 vF, pL, iE. 2 5881 352 . . 17 44 27 2-65 72 25 1-3 vF, vS, IE. 1 5882 353 17 44 28 2-65 72 25 1-3 vF, S, E. 1 5883 . . Stephan, vii., . 17 46 3 2-46 65 28-7 1-2 eF, vS, E, mbM. 1 5884 354 Stephan, n., . . 17 46 38 2-25 58 30-1 1-1 vF, vS, E. 2 5885 355 Stephan, n., . 17 48 22 2-63 71 35-8 1-0 \V, vS, etell. 3 5886 356 Stephan, n., . . 17 48 42 2-63 71 38-7 0-9 F, S, E. 3 5887 357 . 17 49 14 2-63 71 36 0-9 S D * in neb. 2 5888 358 17 50 55 2-20 56 46 0-7 F, vm E, sbM. 1 5889 359 Stephan, i., . . 17 53 51 2-45 65 6-1 0-5 vF, vS, stell. 2 5890 . . J. Schmidt, . . 17 54 23 3-84 119 48-1 + 0-4 vF, I 49 sf. 1 5891 360 17 59 26 2-44 64 46 0-0 F, yS, E, mbM. 1 5892 361 17 59 40 + 2-62 71 28 o-o fvF. pL, iE, forms D neb.) ( with in. 555. 2 5893 . . D'Arrest, . . 18 14 -0-02 23 23-7 o-o F, pS, iE. 1 5894 362 ii 18 2 52 + 2-66 72 37 -0-3 eF, vS. 1 5895 363 D'Arrest, . . 18 4 46 2-74 75 56-4 0-5 pF, pL, E. 4 5896 364 *i 18 4 51 2-55 68 48 0-5 eF, vS, stell. 1 5897 365 * * 18 5 30 2-72 75 3 0-6 P B, S, E. 2 5898 366 . * 18 5 51 2-55 68 35 0-6 eF, vS. 1 5899 367 18 6 4 2-55 68 34 0-6 vF, S. 1 5900 368 . 18 6 35 2-55 68 36 0-6 F, p of D neb. 1 5901 369 * 18 6 37 2-55 68 36 0-6 F, f of D neb. 1 5902 , , Stephan, i., . . 18 6 51 2-43 64 22-8 0-7 eF, dif . bet. 2 F st. 1 5903 370 i * 18 7 38 2-56 68 57 0-7 eF, S, E. 1 5904 371 18 7 43 2-62 71 13 0-7 F, vS, E, stell. 1 5905 372 18 8 2 2-56 68 59 0-8 eeF, vS, stell. 1 5906 373 Stephan vn., 18 8 10 2-53 67 45-2 0-8 vF, vS, E, IbM. 3 5907 374 * 18 9 59 2-45 65 1 0-9 F, vS, stell. 2 5908 Stephan, vir., . 18 10 56 2-71 75 2-9 1-0 F, S, E, mbM, r. 1 5909 375 . * . . 18 12 7 2-76 76 49 1-1 vF, vS. 2 5910 376 * . 18 13 7 2-49 66 25 1-2 F, S, E. 2 5911 377 . 18 14 1 2-49 66 22 1-3 pF, S, E, bM. 2 5912 378 . . . . 18 16 22 2-70 74 23 1-5 vF, pL. 2 5913 379 . . 18 16 34 2-49 66 35 1-5 vF, S, IE, bM. 2 5914 380 . 18 19 31 2-38 62 32 1-8 F, S, E, gbM. 2 5915 381 * 18 21 15 2-72 75 18 1-9 vF, S, E. 2 5916 , . Stephan, v., . . 18 23 6 2-51 67 10-8 2-1 vF, vS, E, bM. 1 5917 . , Stephan, vir., . 18 27 56 2-18 56 2-5 2-4 vF, vS, sbM. 1 5918 382 . * . 18 28 5 2-52 67 14 2-4 F, vS, IE. 2 5919 383 Stephan, 11., . 18 28 45 2-52 67 11-8 2-6 F, vS, E, gbM. 3 5920 Stephan, n., . . 18 29 10 2-29 59 23-2 2-6 vF, vS. 1 5921 384 . . 18 31 19 2-53 67 56 2-7 eF, pL. 1 5922 385 Stephan, n., . . 18 31 48 + 2-42 63 42-0 -2-9 vF, vS E, mbM. 3 DREYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. 419 No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5923 386 Stephan, n., . h m a 18 32 51 8 + 2-45 o / 64 44-7 -2-9 F, pS, iE, bM. 3 5924 Stephan, vn., . 18 32 52 1-96 50 3-6 2-9 vF, E, 45". 1 5925 387 18 33 50 2-53 67 48 2-7 eF, S, close to a S * . 1 5926 388 Stephan, u., . 18 35 45 + 2-10 53 45-7 3-2 F, pS, E, bM. 2 5927 ^ D' Arrest, . . . 18 36 19 -0-64 19 35-6 3-2 vF, po, * 8 f, 7' dist. 2 5928 389 18 36 40 + 2-08 53 13 3-3 vF. 1 5929 390 18 39 33 2-45 64 38 3-5 F, vS, stell. 1 5930 t t Stephan, v., , . 18 40 50 2-24 57 52-0 3-6 eF, IE, dif. iE. 1 5931 D' Arrest, . . . 18 42 54 1-73 44 26-9 3-8 pF, S, IE. 2 5932 D' Arrest, . . . 18 43 16 1-74 44 36-1 3-8 B, S, E, mbM. 3 5933 391 Stephan, .1., . 18 44 56 2-42 63 19-5 4-0 vF, S, E, bM. 3 5934 392 18 45 39 2-19 56 12 4-0 vF, S, E, bM. 1 5935 393 J. Schmidt, 1861, 18 52 13 4-05 127 4-6 4-6 * 6.7 in F, pL, neb. 86Y. 5936 394 J. Schmidt, 1861, 18 52 15 4-05 127 3-8 4-6 * 8 in F, pL neb. sev. 5937 395 J. Schmidt, 1861, 18 52 28 4-05 127 8-5 4-6 Var. (11.. .) with var. iicb. ! ! sev. 5938 396 18 55 20 2-37 61 25 4-9 eeF, S. 1 5939 , , Stephan, n., . . 18 57 51 2-56 68 35-8 5-1 pB, vS, bM. 1 5940 397 18 58 27 3-21 96 14 5-1 pB, S. 2 5941 398 St. (n. and M.S.). 19 5 42 2-32 59 40-9 5-7 pF, S, mE or E (var. ? ?) 3 5942 399 19 11 4 3-11 91 52 6-2 S, E, ill defined disc. 1 5943 . . Stephan, IT., 19 12 40 1-77 44 14-8 6-3 eF, diffic. 1 5944 400 . 19 34 41 2-45 63 1 8-1 in vF, S neb. 1 5945 401 19 36 32 2-51 67 15 8-3 F, S, E, bM. 1 5946 402 19 36 54 3-23 97 9 8-3 F, pL, E. 2 5947 403 D 1 Arrest, . . . 19 49 19 2-42 61 5-4 9-3 F, pL, vlE. 4 5948 , , Stephan, v., . . 19 51 2 2-33 58 1-0 9-4 eF, vS, 3 st inv. 1 5949 404 19 53 28 3-04 88 39 9-6 F neb. am. st. 1 5950 405 19 58 20 3-27 99 26 10-0 F, S, E. 1 5951 t ^ D' Arrest, . . . 20 10 33 2-71 72 23-9 11-9 eF neb. * (Qy. eSCl). 1 5952 406 t t 20 13 18 3-33 102 42 11-1 vF, S. 2 5953 407 . . 20 13 24 3-33 102 48 11-1 ! F. S. iE. 2 5954 408 20 14 18 3-13 92 59 11-2 vF, S, E. 2 5955 409 20 14 22 2-95 83 59 11-2 eF. 2 5956 410 . . 20 16 39 2-95 83 59 11-3 pF, pL, E. 2 5957 411 . . 20 16 46 3-59 115 15 11-4 eF, vS, IE, h. 2076 p. 1 5958 412 . 20 20 27 3-14 93 30 11-6 pB, S, E. 2 5959 413 t t 20 20 38 2-92 82 22 11-6 vF, S, att. to a S * . 1 5960 414 i * 20 22 36 2-56 64 45 11-8 F, S, E. 1 5961 415 20 22 36 3'12 92 39 11-8 vF, pL, E. 2 5962 416 20 25 52 2-89 80 35 12-0 eF, IE. 2 5963 417 t t 20 26 4 2-89 80 34 12-0 pB, pL, mE. 2 5964 418 20 26 13 2-89 80 37 12-0 F, mE. 2 5965 , ( Schultz, . . 20 26 47 2-94 83 5-3 12-1 pB, vS, h. 2081 f. 2 5966 . . Stephan, iv., . 20 29 1 3-17 95 6-2 12-2 eF, IE, IbM. 1 5967 419 ^*- 20 31 30 2-95 83 30 12-4 ! pF, S, E. 1 5968 420 Stophan, i., . . 20 31 37 3-17 95 27-6 12-4 pF, vS, E, mbM. 3 5969 421 20 37 1 3-02 87 18 12-8 F, S, vlE. 2 5970 422 . , . , 20 37 12 3-03 87 55 12-8 eF, pL, E. 2 5971 423 * 20 37 41 3-03 87 55 12-8 vF, S, E. 2 5972 424 > * > 20 41 36 2-94 82 47 13-1 F, pL, E. 2 5973 425 1 20 42 28 + 2-97 84 32 -13-1 vF, S, E. 2 420 DREYER On Nebulce and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 5974 426 h m 20 43 14 + 2-90 o / 80 36 // -13-2 F, S, R. 2 5975 , , I1 2 nova, . 20 44 54 2-49 59 53:: 13-2 Neb. *, neby cE pf. 1 5976 427 t . 20 45 1 3-18 96 17 13-2 eF, iR. 2 5977 428 . . 20 45 5 3-18 96 16 13-2 vF, S, iR. 2 5978 429 t i * 20 45 11 3-18 96 14 13-2 i vF. 2 5979 430 20 49 7 2-90 80 3 13-5 eF, pL, E. 2 5980 431 20 53 16 3-60 118 34 13-8 eeF, vS. 1 5981 432 20 53 38 3-60 118 36 13-8 i eeF, vS. 1 5982 . . D' Arrest, . . . 20 54 9 2-77 72 44-5 13-9 vF, vS, IE, * 15 close f. 2 5983 , , D' Arrest, . . . 20 54 16 3-30 103 25-8 13-9 Cl, S, P(Qy.neb.). 1 5984 433 . * 21 1 14 2-80 74 13 14-3 vF, vS, R, stell. 2 5985 434 * . . 21 1 48 2-77 72 5 14-3 vF, S, vlE. 2 5986 435 . . 21 3 2 2-83 75 27 14-4 vF, S, R. 2 5987 436 . . 21 3 4 2-83 75 25 14-4 vF, vS, R. 2 5988 437 . . 21 7 23 2-86 76 57 14-7 vF, S, R. 2 5989 . . Stephan, v., . . 21 9 14 3-09 91 24-4 14-8 eF, vS, biN pf . 1 5990 438 D'Arrest, . . . 21 14 48 2-71 67 30-5 15-1 pB, 8, vlE. 4 5991 , , Stephan, iv., 21 15 11 2-37 51 25-2 15-1 vF, vS, R, F * inv. 1 5992 439 * * . 21 15 37 2-78 71 56 15-2 pF, S, R. 2 5993 440 D'Arrest, . . . 21 19 20 3-18 97 36-3 15-4 vF, sbM (Mhas 19 m 33'). 3 5994 441 . . 21 19 47 2-89 78 26 15-4 ; vF, close to a S *. 2 5995 442 . 21 20 52 3-10 92 15 15-5 : vF, S, R, stell. 2 5996 443 . . 21 21 52 3-25 102 6 15-5 vF, vS, iR. 1 5997 444 . 21 22 41 2-98 83 49 15-6 vF, S, E. 2 5998 445 t f 21 22 55 3-05 88 12 15-6 F. 2 5999 446 i 21 23 48 2-66 63 54 15-6 vF, S, vlE. 2 6000 . . G. P. Bond, . . 21 25 2 3-07 89 53-0 15-7 O (Qy. D'A. oiily a * 9). ! sev. 6001 447 21 25 28 2-98 84 2 15-7 eF, S, E. 1 6002 448 . 21 32 41 2-95 81 39 16-1 F, vS, R, stell. 1 6003 449 . 21 32 43 2-99 84 20 16-1 F, pL, R. 1 6004 450 * * * 21 33 31 3-17 97 24 16-1 vF, S, R, stoll. 1 6005 , . Stephan, IT., 21 34 30 3-17 97 20-7 16-2 ! eF, eS. R, bil. 1 6006 451 t 21 35 40 2-90 78 1 16-3 : vF, S, stell. 1 6007 452 t * > i 21 36 29 2-65 61 41 16-3 vF, pL, mE. 2 6008 453 21 37 12 3-17 97 10 16-3 vF, S, vlE. 2 6009 , , Stephan, iv., 21 37 36 3-13 94 14-7 16-4 vF, vS, R, vlbM. 1 6010 454 * . * 21 40 1 3-26 103 53 16-5 vF, S, vlE, vgbil. 1 6011 455 * > 21 42 14 2-91 78 9 16-6 vF, vS, steU. 1 6012 456 . . 21 44 42 3-04 87 37 16-7 F.R. 2 6013 457 D' Arrest, . . . 21 44 52 3-04 87 34-9 16-7 F, S, IE. 5 6014 t t D'Arrest, . . . 21 45 2 3-04 87 18-9 16-7 vF, vS, R. 3 6015 t t D'Arrest, . . . 21 45 7 3-04 87 21-4 16-7 , vF, vS, R. 3 6016 458 21 54 32 3-lt) 92 38 17-2 eF, vS, stell. 1 6017 459 i . 21 54 37 3-11 92 52 17-2 eF, vS, stell. 6018 460 . 21 56 7 3-07 90 6 17-2 F, S, IE. 2 6019 , . Stephan, n., . 21 56 15 2-94 79 28-6 17-2 eF, vS, iR, IbM ) ere these ! 1 6020 t m Stephan, iv., 21 56 16 2-94 79 28-0 17-3 vF, vS, R, gbil ) identical ? i 1 6021 461 * 21 58 3 3-09 91 20 17-3 eF, vS, stell. i 6022 462 < > * 21 58 56 2-88 73 54 17-4 F, S, IE, bM. i 6023 463 * > > 21 59 2-88 73 55 17-4 vF, S. i 6024 464 21 59 58 + 3-17 98 47 -17-4 eF, 8, stell. i DEEYER On Nebulae and Clusters of Stars. 421 No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 6025 465 h in > 22 1 23 i + 3-07 o / 90 11 Ti -17-5 vF, S, E. 1 C026 466 22 3 45 3-09 88 35 17-6 vF, 8. 1 6027 467 Stcphan, n., . . 22 5 7 2-77 64 49-5 17-6 F, 8, R. 3 6028 Stephan, IT., 22 5 31 2-57 51 58-1 17-6 vF, vS, R, IbM, np of 2. 1 6029 Stephan, iv., 22 5 48 2-57 51 59-5 17-7 F, vS, R, IbM, sf of 2. 1 6030 468 22 7 56 2-92 76 52 17-7 vF, S, stell. 1 6031 469 . . 22 7 58 2-92 76 52 17-7 vF, S, stcll. 1 6032 470 22 8 46 3-13 95 44 17-8 cF, vS. 1 6033 Stephan, \., . . 22 9 16 2-62 53 25-1 17-8 cF, cS, st att. n, p of 2. 1 6034 Stephan, iv., 22 9 24 2-86 71 27-9 17-8 pF, IE, * 10 att. s. 1 6035 Stephan, v., . . 22 9 33 2-62 53 24-1 17-8 vF, S, IbM, f of 2. 1 6036 Stephan, iv., 22 9 41 2-90 74 13-5 17-8 eF, eS, R, bM. 1 6037 471 . 22 13 1 2-75 61 19 17-9 vF, pE. 2 6038 472 .. 22 14 55 3-31 112 36 18-0 3 st in F neb. y. 2 6039 473 22 14 56 3-12 94 44 18-0 F, vS, IE. 1 6040 Stephan, vin., . 22 15 21 3-12 94 49-5 18-0 eF, pS, iR. 1 6041 474 22 15 33 2-65 54 21 18-0 F, S, R. 2 6042 475 22 16 2 2-65 54 19 18-1 vF, pS, mE. 2 6043 Stephan, vrn., . 22 16 15 2-66 54 29-5 18-1 F, vS, R, mbM. 1 6044 476 22 16 18 3-12 94 41 18-1 F, vS, R, aim. stell. 1 6045 477 22 17 28 2-72 58 16 18-1 vF, S, E. 2 6046 478 22 17 38 2-72 58 19 18-1 vF, S, vlE. 2 6047 479 22 17 43 2-91 74 7 18-1 vF, S, iR. 1 6048 Stephan, vin., . 22 17 56 2-66 54 30-4 18-1 F. vS, R, mbM. 1 6049 Stephan, vin., . 22 17 57 2-66 54 34-9 18-1 pF, vS, mbM. 1 6050 480 . . 22 17 58 2-72 58 14 18-1 eF, S, mE. 2 6051 Stephan, vni., . 22 18 1 2-66 54 37-2 18'1 vF, vS, mbM. 1 6052 481 . . 22 20 51 2-90 73 17 18-2 vF, vS, R. 2 6053 482 22 21 3-11 93 36 18-3 vF, eS, stell. 1 6054 483 i 22 21 40 2-91 73 34 18-3 pB, S, pmE. 2 6055 Stephan, vin., . 22 21 42 2-91 73 55-9 18-3 eF, eS, R, srnbM. 1 6056 Stephan, iv., 22 21 59 2-76 60 25-4 18-3 eF, S. oval, F * inv. 1 6057 484 . . 22 23 18 3-22 104 54 18-3 vF, pL, iR. 1 6058 485 . . 22 27 32 3-02 84 54 18-5 F, S. 2 6059 486 22 27 46 3-33 116 50 18-5 cF, E. 1 6060 Stephan, iv., 22 29 8 2-73 55 55-0 18-5 vF, eS, R, bM. 1 6061 . . Stephan, vm., . 22 29 30 2-74 56 46-7 18-5 vF, vS. 1 6062 . , Stephan, vur., . 22 29 35 2-74 56 45-5 18-5 eF, eS. 1 6063 . . Stephan, YITI., . 22 29 40 2-74 56 44-8 18-5 eF, eS. 1 6064 Stephan, vin., . 22 29 41 2-74 56 46-5 18-5 F, vS. 1 6065 487 22 30 6 2-90 71 35 18-6 pF, pL, iR. 2 6066 488 22 30 14 2-90 71 34 18-6 vF, vS, neb. *. 2 6067 Schultz, . 22 30 24 2-74 56 23-0 18-6 F, vS, h. 2172 f. 2 6068 R 2 nova, . . . 22 30 27 2-74 56 19-7 18-6 eF, eS, h. 2172 f. 2 6069 , , Stephan, n., . . 22 30 41 2-68 52 10-6 18-6 pB, S, IE, bM. 1 6070 Schultz, . 22 30 47 2-74 56 18-9 18-6 vF, vS, h. 2174f. 1 6071 t t Stephan, iv., 22 31 51 2-74 55 13-7 18-6 cF, vS. 1 6072 Stephan, vin., . L>2 32 13 2-75 56 39-4 18-6 eF, vS, R, IbM, S * inv. 1 6073 489 . > i 22 32 21 3-11 94 53 18-6 pF, vS, R. 2 6074 m t Stcphan, iv., 22 32 22 2-74 55 11-2 18-6 cF, vS. 1 6075 490 22 32 39 + 2-98 79 39 -18'6 cF, vS, stell. 1 EL. IR. ACAD., TBANS., VOL. XXVI. SCIENCK. 2O 422 DEEYER On Nebula; and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue No. in Marth's Catalogue : References to other Authorities. Eight Ascension for 1860, Jan. Annual Precessior for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. Annual 'Precessioi . for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 6076 491 h .u 22 33 39 + 2-97 o / 78 50 " 1 - 18-7 i vF, pL, iR. 1 6077 492 ... 22 34 7 2-97 78 46 18-7 vF. 1 6078 493 . . 22 34 27 2-97 78 48 18-7 eF. 1 6079 494 . . 22 36 26 3-04 86 34 18-8 eF, vS. 1 6080 . . D' Arrest, . . . 22 36 50 2-76 56 43-7 18-8 pF, pL, E, * f. 2 6081 495 . . 22 37 26 2-98 79 56 18-8 eF, S, stell. 1 6082 496 D' Arrest, . . . 22 37 29 3-05 87 4-7 18-8 vF, pS, IE. 2 6083 . . D' Arrest, . . . 22 37 43 2-77 56 23-2 18-8 pF, bet, 2 F st. 2 6084 497 . . 22 38 36 2-99 79 41 18-8 eF, vS. 1 6085 498 . . 22 38 46 2-99 79 37 18-8 F, S, iR. 1 6086 499 . . 22 39 3-05 87 31 18-8 F, vS, bM, stell. 1 6087 500 . . . . 22 39 2 2-99 79 52 18-8 vF, pL, R. 2 6088 501 * * 22 40 11 3-05 87 7 18-9 eF, vS, R. 1 6089 , . Stephan, vin., . 22 41 13 2-70 50 30-0 18-9 eF, S, R, IbM. 1 6090 . . HZ nova, . 22 43 22 2-99 79 1-4 19-0 Neb., * 11 f. 1 6091 , . Stephan, v., . . 22 44 36 2-76 53 39-3 19-0 eF, vS, R, bM. 1 6092 S. Coolidge, . . 22 46 3: 3-07 89 16 19-0 Neb. * (Harvard Coll., 1859 1 6093 502 . . 22 46 38 2-98 78 16 19-1 eF, S, R. 1 6094 503 . . . 22 46 40 3-12 97 18 19-1 F, S, IE. 1 6095 . . Stephan, v., . . 22 46 46 2-82 58 36-8 19-1 eF, vS. 1 6096 504 . . 22 46 58 2-93 70 32 19-1 eF. 1 6097 505 . . 22 47 42 2-93 70 30 19-1 vF, vS. 2 6098 506 . . 22 47 59 2-93 70 28 19-1 eF. 2 6099 507 . . 22 48 27 3-12 96 15 19-1 F, pL, pniE, vgbM. 2 6100 508 . . . . 22 48 54 2-85 60 56 19-1 vF, S. 2 6101 509 Struve, D' Arrest, 22 49 4 3-05 86 49-2 19-1 vF, pS, vlE. 4 6102 . . Struve, 1865, . 22 50 5 3-02 82 17 19-2 F, S, * 9 sf 4'. 1 6103 510 * . . 22 50 7 3-08 91 47 19-2 '\ F, vS, R, bM. 2 6104 , . D' Arrest, . 22 50 26 3-02 81 57-2 19-2 eF, vS. 2 6105 511 . . . 22 51 10 3-09 91 55 19-2 vF, vS, R, stell. 2 6106 512 . . * . 22 51 58 2-86 61 30 19-2 Long patch of F neb. y. 2 6107 . . Stephan, vin., . 22 52 2-80 54 56-8 19-2 eF, S, iR. 1 C108 . . Tempel, . . . 22 53 33 3-16 103 40-3 19-2 vF, S. 1 6109 . . Struve, 186o, . 22 53 33 3-02 82 20 19-2 pF, pL, * 10-11 sp 2'. 1 6110 . . Stephan, vm., . 22 54 35 3-06 88 29-4 19-3 eF, pL, R. 1 6111 513 . . 22 54 52 2-97 75 11 19-3 vF, vS, aim. stell. 2 6112 514 D' Arrest, . . . 22 54 58 2-97 74 46-3 19-3 vF, vS, E, h. 2202 p. 4 6113 . . Stephan, v., 22 55 18 2-89 63 42-1 19-3 eF, eS, bM. 1 6114 515 . . . 22 55 30 2-97 75 12 19-3 eF, vS. 1 6115 . . Struve, 1865, . 22 56 34 3-06 87 42 19-3 F neb * . 1 6116 516 . . 22 57 8 2-87 60 36 19-3 vF, S, R. 1 '6117 517 . . 22 57 11 2-95 70 41 19-3 eF, vS. 1 6118 518 . 22 57 17 2-95 70 40 19-3 vF, S. 1 6119 D' Arrest, . . . 22 57 34 3-06 87 38-1 19-3 ( F,S,N,= *15(Qy. = Struve'sj neb. * 6115). 1 6120 519 . . . . 22 57 44 3-06 88 10 19-3 'eF, E. 1 6121 520 . . . . 22 58 2 3-06 88 12 19-4 vF, vS, vlE, vgbM. 2 6122 521 * * 22 58 33 3-06 87 41 19-4 F, vS, stell. 1 6123 522 . * 23 38 3-07 89 49 19-4 vF, vS, stell. 1 6124 523 Lassell, . . . 23 40 2-93 67 47 19-4 F, S, R. 2 6125 524 . . 23 1 27 3-23 115 7 -19-4 eF, vS, stell. 1 DKEYER On Nebula; and Clusters of Stars, 423 ; No. of Catalogue No. in Marth's Catalogue References to other Authorities. Eight Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 6126 525 li m a 23 2 25 + 3-22 o / 115 10 // -19-4 vF, S, iR. 1 6127 526 . 23 3 17 3-03 83 10 19-5 vF, vS, stell. 1 6128 527 . . 23 3 25 3-03 83 9 19-5 eF. 1 6129 528 t 23 3 36 3-03 83 11 19-5 vF, S, stell. 1 6130 529 23 3 37 2-99 76 21 19-5 vF, S, stellar. 1 6131 530 23 5 39 3-24 119 7 19-5 ; vF, P L, E, gbM. 1 6132 . , Stephan, vin., ". 23 5 47 2-86 55 52-3 19-5 eF, pL, iR. 1 6133 531 . 23 5 53 2-96 70 30 19-5 F, vS, stell. 1 6134 532 23 6 2 3-09 92 51 19-5 vF, vS, stcll. 2 6135 533 . 23 6 5 3-04 84 26 19-5 vF, S, R. 2 6136 534 . . . 23 6 9 3-02 79 59 19-5 vF, pL. 1 6137 . . Tempel, - . 23 6 16 3-21 114 33-3 19-5 F, pS, bet. 2 st. 1 6138 535 i 23 6 23 3-09 92 30 19-5 vF, pS, psbM. 1 6139 536 t 23 6 30 3-00 76 47 19-5 ceF, E. 1 6140 537 . . 23 6 35 3'09 92 30 19-5 eF, vS. 1 6141 538 23 6 36 3-00 76 45 19-5 eF, vS, vlE, gbM. 1 6142 539 . . 23 6 49 2-94 65 51 19-5 vF, vS, stellar. 1 6143 540 t 23 7 3-09 93 32 19-5 eF, vS, aim. stell. 2 6144 541 > 23 7 10 3-09 93 29 19-5 vF, TS, IE. 2 6145 542 . . 23 7 10 3-09 92 48 19-5 F, S, R. 2 6146 543 ( t 23 7 14 3-09 93 27 19-5 eF, vS, IE. 2 6147 544 t 23 7 36 2-99 74 49 19-6 F, vS, stell. 1 6148 545 i 23 7 39 3-02 80 7 19-6 eF, eS, stell. 1 6149 546 23 7 46 3-09 92 57 19-6 eF, vS. | 6150 547 . . . . 23 7 54 3-09 93 6 19'6 eF, S, IE. 1 6151 . , D* Arrest, . . . 23 8 18 2-98 71 43-2 19-6 pF, pS, R, * 10' 11 p. 5 6152 548 23 8 22 2-99 74 50 19-6 Neb. * 13m. 1 6153 Schultz, Tempel, 23 8 26 2-98 71 46-8 19-6 vF, vS, R (probably = 4913). 2 6154 549 23 8 29 3-09 93 9 19-6 eF, eS, aim. stell., h. 2220 f. 2 6155 550 " 23 8 41 2-98 71 51 19-6 eeF, neb. * 13m. 1 6156 t t Schultz, . . . 23 8 47 3-05 86 16-0 19-6 F, vS, iR, sp of 2. 3 6157 Schultz, . . . 23 8 51 3-05 86 14-5 19-6 F, vS, iR, nf of 2. 2 6158 f t Secchi, . . . 23 9 9 3-08 90 49-2 19-6 vF. 1 . 6159 551 > * 23 9 10 2-99 74 56 19-6 eeF, vS, E. 1 6160 . . Stephan, Tin., . 23 9 32 2-95 66 16-0 19-6 eF, pL, iR, sev. st inv. 1 6161 Schultz, . . . 23 9 50 2-98 71 47 19-6 (vF, gr of neb. or cE neb.) ) with sev. knots. ( 2 6162 552 * * 23 9 52 2-98 72 18 19-6 ( eeF, aim. stell. 1 6163 . . D' Arrest, . . . 23 9 59 2-95 66 46-2 19-6 P F, S, E, rr. 1 6164 553 i 23 10 10 3-04 84 7 19-6 F, S, vlE. 1 6165 554 i 23 10 34 3-03 81 20 19-6 eF, vS, stell. 1 6166 . . Holden, . . . 23 10 38 3-05 86 5-8 19-6 vF, mE, * 12-13 close f. 1 6167 555 * 23 10 46 3-04 83 21 19-6 vF, vS. 1 6168 556 * r 23 10 48 3-03 81 20 19-6 F, vS, stell. 1 6169 557 * * 1 23 10 49 3-03 82 10 19-6 eF, vS, aim. stell. 2 6170 558 . . 23 10 53 3-03 81 5 19-6 vF, vS, IE, gbM. 1 6171 559 i t 23 10 59 2-98 72 1 19-6 eF, eS. 1 6172 560 i > 23 11 4 3-07 90 30 19-6 eF, vS. 1 6173 561 . * 23 11 10 3-04 84 11 19-6 pF, S, R, vgbM. 2 6174 562 23 11 17 3-02 79 25 19-6 F, S, R. 1 6175 563 23 11 33 + 2-98 72 6 -19-6 eF, vS, gbM. 2 424 DREYER On Nebula and Clusters of Stars. No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Right Ascension for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Distance for 1860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 6176 564 23 11 35 I + 2-98 o / 72 1 n -19-6 cF, eS, stell. 1 6177 565 . . 23 11 47 2-98 72 4 19-6 eF, eS, stell. 1 6178 566 . . . . 23 11 47 3-07 90 31 19-6 F, vS, stell. 1 6179 567 . . 23 11 47 3-04 83 19 19-6 eF, vS, bM. 1 6180 568 . . 23 11 48 3'04 83 21 19-6 vF, S, E, glbM. 1 6181 569 D' Arrest, . 23 12 8 3-03 82 24-8 19-6 vF, pS, IE, IbM. 2 6182 570 > . . 23 12 25 3-03 81 16 19-6 vF, vS, gbM. 1 6183 571 D' Arrest, . . . 23 12 38 3-03 82 11-1 19-6 pB, vS, E, bM. 5 6184 Secchi, . . . 23 12 42 3-07 90 34-0 19-6 vF. 1 6185 Secchi, 23 13:: 3-07 90 33:: 19-6 vF, nf of 2. 1 6186 572 * 23 13 3 3-04 82 36 19-7 eF, vS. 1 6187 573 Tempel, . . . 23 13 11 2-96 66 32 19-7 F, S, vlE. 2 6188 574 23 13 18 3-04 82 24 19-7 eF, vS, stell. 1 6189 575 23 14 9 3-07 89 22 19-7 vF, vS, stell. 1 6190 Stephan, v., 23 15 27 3-02 78 52-4 19-7 vF, S, iE, dif. IbM. 1 6191 576 * * 23 15 43 3-07 89 20 19-7 vF, vS, bM. 1 6192 Stephan, T., 23 15 47 3-02 78 47-0 19-7 F, pS, iE, dif. IbM. 1 6193 Secchi, . . . 23 19 27 3-09 95 31-3 19-8 vF. 1 6194 6195 (Stephan, viri., .j |) Tempel, . . .1 'Schultz, . . 23 19 43 23 19 55 2-97 2-86 65 41-3 48 12-7 19-8 19-8 vF, * s, 2st 11-12 p. * 8m, neb. ? 2 1 6196 Secchi, . . 23 20 12 3-09 94 57-3 19-8 vF. 1 6197 Secchi, . . 23 20 12 3-07 90 57-3 19-8 vF. 1 6198 I 6199 ' Secchi, . . . 23 20 :: 3-07 90 57 19-8 Surround 6197. 1 6200 . . ' 6201 577 D' Arrest, . . . 23 20 43 2-98 67 10-9 19-8 F, S, E. 2 6202 578 23 21 9 2-98 67 14 19-8 eF, vS, stell. 1 6203 579 ; D' Arrest, . . . 23 21 38 3-06 87 15-4 19-8 pB, S, E, mbMN, stell. 3 6204 Secchi, Tempel, 23 22 3-03 79 19-5 19-8 F, * 13n. 2 6205 580 * 23 23 20 3-07 90 41 19-8 F, vS, stell. 2 6206 . , Strove, 1865, . 23 24 2 3-00 69 24 19-8 F, dif. * 11 201, 80". 1 6207 581 23 26 7 3-09 93 29 19-8 eF, stell (nrm. 187). 1 6208 582 23 26 41 3-06 85 55 19-9 F, S, IE. 2 6209 583 . . . . 23 27 14 3-09 93 41 19-9 eF, vS. 1 6210 584 -* . 23 27 18 3-09 93 44 19-9 vF, eS, stell. 1 6211 585 23 27 54 3-06 85 58 19-9 eF. 1 6212 586 D' Arrest, . . . 23 28 32 3-09 93 39-0 19-9 pF, vS, stell. 4 6213 Tempel, . . . 23 28 45 3-00 67 8-3 19-8 vF. 1 6214 Tempel, . . . 23 30 35 3-12 105 53-3 19-9 vF, S. 1 6215 587 23 31 4 3-00 65 5 19-9 vF, S, E. 2 6216 D' Arrest, . . . 23 31 39 3-03 74 48-9 19-9 pB, pL, E, inbil. 2 6217 Stephan, v., . . 23 31 52 3-11 102 59-9 19-9 eF, pL, iE. 1 6218 D' Arrest, . . . 23 33 2-97 63 39-2 19-9 vF, vS, IE, * 10 sp. 3 6219 , . Tempel, . . . 23 34 5 3-13 111 0-3 19-9 pB, pL, E. 1 6220 588 . . . . 23 34 17 3-06 87 3 19-9 F, S. 1 6221 589 . . 23 34 22 3-06 87 3 19-9 vF, pL. 1 6222 , . Secchi, . . . 23 36 22 3-07 90 17-3 20-0 vF. 1 6223 . . Secchi, 23 36 22 3-07 90 18 20-0 s of the last one, v nr. 1 6224 590 . . 23 37 41 3-01 64 52 20-0 eF. 1 6225 Stephan, v., . . 23 38 20 + 2-99 63 27-5 -20-0 vF, vS, iE, 1 DREYER On Nebula, and Clusters of Stars. 425 No. of Catalogue. No. in Marth's Catalogue. References to other Authorities. Eight Ascension for I860, Jan. 0. Annual Precession for 1880. North Polar Annual Distance Precession for 1860, Jan 0. for 1880. Summary Description. No. of Obser- vations. 6226 P.T., 1861, D'A., h m 23 39 59 g T-3-01 o / 61 16-5 II -20-0 F, S, IE, h. 2268 f. sev 6227 6228 11, nova, C., . . 23 43 50 RJ nova, C., . . | 23 43 52 in 63 ;;:; ss ^^^^2273. 1 I 6229 Stephan, vin., . 23 46 7 3-03 62 29-7 20-0 vF, vS, K, bM. 1 6230 591 . . . . 23 46 59 3-07 90 24 20-0 F, S, IE. 2 6231 592 23 48 41 3-07 90 13 20-0 vF, S, K. 1 6232 g g Stephan, v., . . 23 50 55 3-06 74 17-0 20-0 eF, eS, bM. 1 6233 G. P. Bond, . 23 51 17 3-10 123 20-7 20-0 Like a comet (1850). 1 6234 D' Arrest, . . . 23 52 21 3-05 59 29-1 20-0 vF, vS, * 16 close p. 1 6235 23 54 1 3-07 83 2-3 20-1 Neb. (Obs. de Moscou n.) 1 6236 593 23 54 56 3-07 87 51 20-1 eF, vS. 1 6237 594 23 55 15 3-07 87 26 20-1 vF, S, R, stell. 2 6238 Schultz, . . . 23 56 15 3-07 70 4-5 20-1 F, 8, IE, h. 2300 nf. 2 6239 RS nova, C, . . 23 57 11 3-07 59 18-3 20-1 eF, L. 2 6240 595 23 59 1 3-07 82 24 20-1 eF, neb. * 13m. 2 6241 596 23 59 26 3-07 82 24 20-1 eeF, vS. 2 6242 597 23 59 35 3-07 82 21 20-1 eF, S, R. 2 6243 598 23 59 41 3-07 82 25 20-1 eF, p of D neb. 2 6244 599 23 59 43 3-07 82 25 20-1 eF, f of D neb. 2 6245 600 23 59 56 3-07 82 21 20-1 eF, S. 1 ADDENDA. 1 1 1, 0246 . i R 2 nova, . . . | 6 +3-07 M fi-0 20-1 1 VF > S ' G ' C " l 2 ' D ( verified > 1 !( 1877). 2 6247 R, nova, C. . . 2 34 58 3-60 58 8-1 -15-6 ; eeF, 9' f , 15"s of 597. 1 6248 R nova, ... 6 54 57 4'66 39 1 + 4-8 vF, h. 424 12's. ^ 1 6249 Rznova, D ; . . 13 28 13 2-94 75 22-5 + 18-6, (eF, pS, h. 1637 sp (found, { 1877). 1 6250 Coeda. ... 20 35 53 0-74 24 3-1 -12-6 pB, oval, dif. * 15 close f. 2 6251 Ro nova, C, . . 22 59 31 2-85 56 39-3 + 19-4 (vF, vS, h. 2207 p (verified, | j 1877). j 2 EL. IE. ACAD., TEAKS., VOL. XXVI. SCIENCE. 2P 420 DKEYER On Nebula; and Clusters of Stars. ADDITIONAL NOTES AND COEEECTIONS TO THE GENEEAL CATALOGUE. 278^) 283 284 \ 288 289J 312 318 456 517 551 595-96 597 618 867 868 869 1193 1481 1548 1603 The places of 283 and 284 (E. novee) are 283, 1" 15 ra 16" 57 15' eeF, h. 106 sf. 284, 1 15 43 57 17-2 vF, R. Nothing has ever been seen in Birr in the place given by Schultz for m. 157, sp h. 106 (sec above, page 387), while two nebulae were seen np h. 106, viz. 283, and what must be m. 157 = 288, l h 15 m 13 s 57 13' . This latter nebula forms a nearly rectangular triangle with 278 = in. 156 and h. 106 = m. 158. G. C. 285-86-87 are to be struck out, as already remarked on p. 387. E. nova, l h 17 55 1 18 38 ,, 1 49 41 2 10 18 56 4'-3 55 59-4 57 18-7 76 7-6 = h. 229 = ii. 278. In the Month. Not. xxxvm., p. 104, "Winnecke draws attention to the remarkable circumstance, that this nebula was invisible to Schb'nfeld in Dec. 1861, and to Vogel in Nov. 1865, while it was easily seen by D' Arrest, Schonfeld, and "Winnecke in 1856, 1863, 1864, 1868, and 1877. This certainly looks as if the nebula was variable. R. nova, 2" 34"' 2 34 2 45 = 5343 4' 1 24" 1 4 25 36 s 49 38 (4 h 24" 55' 5 . 58 58 49 46" 95 95 D. neb. eeF neb. (6247) s Compare Phil. Trans., 1833, p. 499- 6'-4. 7'-9. 1 . 95 21'-9' 24'-0. 21-0 (eF). t Orionis is not nebulous. H. was doubtful about it. 500, and D' Arrest's "Eesultate," p. 316. = m. 874 is according to H..26" f, 4's of n. 861, its place is therefore 6 h 55 m 23', 39 17'-2. The * 7'8 mag. is spp and not in Pos. 19. E. nova, 7" 50 m 42', 62 35'-8, vF, S, E, * 13m 1' f. The places of these E. novse have been taken by the kind permission of Lord Eosse from the MS. of the Observations of Nebulas, Part I. (O h to 8 h , R. A.), which were prepared for pub- lication, and sent to the Royal Dublin Society after this paper had been laid before the Academy, and while it was in the press (February, 1878). EEEATA. On page 386, in the note to 31, Jor 0-7, read 0'-7. On page 393, among the notes to 2844, &c., the second nebula should have the number 5632, instead of 5568. TRANSACTIONS, VOL. XXVI. (SCIENCE). (Already Published-) Price to the Public . . d, 1. On the Binary Stars 44 Bob'tis, 77 Cassiopeiae, and /j. Draconis. By W. DOBERCK, Ph.D., Member of the International Astronomical Society, Astronomer at Markree Observatory. With Addenda to Previous Memoirs, .......... 2. Oil the Intertubular Tissue of the Mammalian Testis. By REUBEN J. HABVEY, M. D. With Plate I., . . .... 3. Report on the Chemical, Mineralogical, and Microscopical Characters of the Lavas of Vesu- vius from 1631 to 1868. By REV. SAMUEL HAUGHTOK, M. D., D. C. L., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Geology in the University of Dublin ; and EDWAED HULL, M. A., F. R. S., Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland. With Plate II., . 4. -On w Leonis considered as a Revolving Double Star. By W. DOBEECK, Ph.D., M.R.I. A., Astronomer at Markree Observatory, ...... S. Report on the Exploration of Shandon Cave. By A. LEITH ADAMS, F. R. 8., F. G. 8., Pro- fessor of Zoology in the Royal College of Science for Ireland. With Plate III. and Woodcuts, .......... 6. Report on the Allotropism of Selenium, and on the Influence of Light on the Electrical Conductivity of this Element. By HAEEY NAPIEB DEAPEE, F. C. S., and RICIIAED J. Moss, F.C. S., 7. The Red Stars : Observations and Catalogue. By J. BIRMINGHAM, 8. On a New Species of Parasitic Green Alga belonging to the Genus Chlorochytrium of Cohn. By EDWABD PEECEVAL WEIGHT, M. A., M. D., F. L. S. ; Professor of Botany in the Uni- versity of Dublin ; Secretary to the Royal Irish Academy. With Plates IV. and V., 9. Oil a Species of Rhizophydium Parasitic on Species of Ectocarpus, with. Notes on the Fruc- tification of the Ectocarpi. By EDWAED PEECEVAL WEIGHT, M. A., M. D., F. L. S. ; Professor of Botany in the University of Dublin ; Secretary to the Royal Irish Academy. With Plate VI., . 10. A Supplement to Sir John Herschel's "General Catalogue of Nebulse and Clusters of Stars." By J. L. E. DBLYEB, M. A., F. R. A. S., Astronomer at the Earl of Rosse's Observatory, 1 1 1 1 1 TRANSACTIONS, VOL. XXVII. (POLITE LITERATURE & ANTIQUITIES). 1. On the Bell of St. Patrick, called the Clog an Edachta. By WILLIAM REEVES, D. D., . .010 NOTE. Papers in Polite Literature will no longer form a separate branch of the TRANSACTIONS, but will be published with those on Antiquities, as together forming one section. The Transactions, therefore, instead of being divided into three sections, will consist of two, namely, "Science," and "Polite Literature & Antiquities," as is the case in the PROCEEDINGS of the Academy. The Volumes of the Transactions (as well as of the Proceedings) will in future consist of Papers in either of these sections exclusively ; so that, though Parts of each may be issued concurrently, their pagination will be distinct, and they will not, as heretofore, form sections of the same volume. ' DUBLIN: Printed at the University Press, by POHSOKBY AND MTJBPHT, Printers to the Royal Irish Academy. I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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