UC-NRLF B 3 33fl THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID OF THE Of VII. FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND 8. LIST OF THE PISCES. BY WILLIAM C. ^KENDALL. BOSTON : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY FROM THE GURDON SALTONSTALL FUND. APRIL, 1908. Bui L lib FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. The Library and Publishing Committee will issue, as volume seven of the Occasional Papers, a Catalogue of the animals of New England. Parts will be published at irregular intervals, and though the details of the several - lists will vary somewhat in the different groups, each list will include, 1st, the accepted name (scientific and vernacular); 2d, reference to the original description, with record of locality; 3d, reference to an authentic description and illustration, and 4th, habitat and occurrence. The Committee considers these lists a necessary preliminary to a series of comprehensive, illustrated monographs, the publication of which it is hoped the Society will at some later time take upon itself. The Committee also believes that these lists will aid in the accumulation of valuable material for the New England collection of the Society. With this in view a separate check list of names will be issued with each part. In this check list the + indicates a specimen in the Society's Museum; the that a trustworthy record exists. Toward the accomplishment of its aims the Committee invites the cooperation of all interested in the Fauna of New England. Communications concerning specimens should be addressed to the CURATOR of the Society (Chas. W. Johnson), notes and records of occurrence to the EDITOR of the "Fauna of New England" (Samuel Henshaw). Boston Society Natural History, 234 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Me. N.H. Vt. Myxine glutinosa .... Petromyzon marinus . . . unicolor Ichthyomyzon con color . . Chlamydoselachius anguineus Mustelus canis Galeocerdo tigrinus Prionace glauca Carcharhinus obscums . . milberti . . limbatus . . Sphyrna zygaena . Alopias vulpes Carcharias littoralis . . . Isurus dekayi Lamna cornubica .... Carcharodon carcharias . Cetorhinus maximus . . . Squalus acanthias .... Centroscymnus coelolepis Centrosyllium fabricii . . . Somniosus microcephalus Echinorhinus spinosus . . Squatina squatina . . . - . Raja erinacea ocellata radiata eglanteria senta ...... laevis Tetronarce occidentalis . . Dasyatis centrura .... hastata .... Pteroplatea maclura . . -. Myliobatis freminvillei . . Rhinoptera bonasus Acipenser sturio .... rubicundus . . . brevirostrum . . Lepisosteus osseus .... Amia calva . . + Felichthys marinus Galeichthys felis Mass. R. I. Conn. , Me. |N.H.| Vt. (Mass. R. I. Conn. Ameiurus lacustris vulgaris nebulosus Carpiodes thompsoni ... ' ' Catostomus catostomus commersonii .... nigricans Erimyzon oblongus Moxostoma aureolum Chrosomus erythrogaster .... Pimephales notatus anuli Semotilus bullaris atromaculatus . - . *. Leuciscus carletoni Phoxinus neogaeus Abramis crysoleucas Notropis bifrenafus + muskoka blennius hudsonius cornutus atherinoides rubrifrons . . ... Rhinichthys cataractae atronasus + + Couesius plumbeus + Hybopsis kentuckiensis Exoglossum maxil lingua Anguilla chrisypa + + + Leptocephalus conger Muraena retifera Tarpon atlanticus Elops saurus Albula vulpes Hiodon tergisus Etrumeus teres -f Clupea harengus Clupanodon pseudohispanicus Pomolobus mediocris -f pseudoharengus .... + * + + aestivalis Alosa sapidissima 4. Opisthonema oglinum Brevoortia tyrannus Anchovia brown ii . . argyrophanus mitchilli . . Coregonus quadrilateralis clupeiformis labradoricus Stanley! Argyrosomus artedi . , Salmo salar .... sebago . Cristivomer namaycush Salvelinus fontinalis agassizii . , aureolus . . oquassa . Osmerus mordax . . spectrum . abbottii . . , Argentina silus ... Trachinocephalus myops Synodus foetens . . . Maurolicus pennant! . Umbra Km! . . . . , pygmaea Esox americanus reticulatus lucius Me. + masqumongy Fundulus majalis heteroclitus . diaphanus . Lucania parva . . , *-' Cyprinodon variegatus Tylosurus marinus . -. '.'- acus . . . Athlennes hians . . Hyporhamphus roberti Euleptorhamphus velox Scomberesox saurus Parexocoetus mesogaster Exocoetus volitans . -f- N.H. Vt. R. I. Conn. 1 + + + + I Me. N.H. Vt. Exocoetus rondeletii Cypsilurus heterurus furcatus gibbifrons Eucalia inconstans Pungi tius pungitius Gasterosteus aculeatus I -f atkinsii j + bispinosus Apeltes quadracus Fistularia tabacaria Macrorhamphosus scolopax Syngnathus fuscus Hippocampus hudsonius . Percopsis guttatus . . . Menidia beryllina cerea . menidia notata . Mugil cephalus .... curema .... trichodon . . . Sphyraena barracuda . guachancho borealis Polydactylus octonemus . Ammodytes dubius . . americanus . Holocentrus ascensionis . Mullus auratus .... Scomber scombrus . japonicus . Auxis thazard .... Gymnosarda pelamis . alleterata Thunnus thynnus . Germo alalunga Sarda sarda Scomberomorus maculatus .... t regalis ca valla Trichiurus lepturus Istiophorus nigricans . Tetrapterus imperator Xiphias gladius '. . . + Mass. II. I. Conn. + + Me. N.H. Vt. Oligoplites saurus . . . * . Naucrates ductor .... Seriola zonata lalandi ..... dumerili Decapterus punctatus . . . macarellus Trachurus trachurus . . . Trachurops crumenopthalmus Carangus bartholomaei hippos .... crysos . . Alectis ciliaris Vomer setapinnis .... Selene vomer Chloroscombrus chrysurus . Trachinotus falcatus . . . goodei argenteus carolinus . . Pomatomus saltatrix . Rachycentron canadus . . Coryphaena hippurus . . Lampris regius Ceritrolophus niger . . . Palinurichthys perciformis . Gobiomorus gronovii . * . * Peprilus paru . . . . * ,> Poronotus triacanthus Tetragonurus cuvieri . Amploplites rupestris . Enneacanthus obesus . Lepomis auritus .... Eupomotis gibbosus . . . Micropterus dolomieu salmoides Stizostedion vitreum . . . canadense Perca flavescens .... Percina caprodes .... Cottogaster copelandi . . . Boleosoma olmstedi . . . Boleichthvs fusiformis . . I. Conn. Me. iN.H.i Vt. Muss. R. I. Gobiosoma bosci Echeneis naucrates naucrateoides Remora remora brachyptera Rhombochirus osteochir Opsanus tau Pholis gunnellus + Leptoclinus maculatus Lumpenus lampetrseformis .... Ulvaria subbifurcata Cryptacanthodes maculatus Anarhichas minor lupus + Zoarces anguillaris Lycodes reticulatus verrillii Merluccius bilinearis Pollachius virens + Microgadus tomcod Gadus callarias Melanogrammus aeglifinus .... Lota maculosa + Urophycis regius ....... + tenuis chesteri chuss Gaidropsarus argentatus .Enchelyopus cimbrius Brosmius brosme Macrourus bairdii Hippoglossus hippoglossus .... Hippoglossoides platessoides . . . Paralichthys dentatus oblongus Limanda ferruginea Pseudopleuronectes americanus Liopsetta putnami Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Lophopsetta maculata Achirus fasciatus Lophius piscatorius Pterophryne histrio Dibranchus atlanticus Conn. + ! I I -T MARSIPOBRANCHII. HYPEROTRETI. MYXINIDAE. 1. MYXINE GLUTINOSA Linne. Hagfish; Borer; Slime-eel. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 650. "!N OCEANO." Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 2, pi. 1, fig. 2. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 7. ME. Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893); off Casco Bay (Kendall coll.). N. H. Directly east from Portsmouth (Putnam 1873). HYPEROARTII. PETROMYZONIDAE. 2. PETROMYZON MARINUS Linne. Lamprey; Lamper-eel. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 230. "IN MARI EURO PAEO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 10; 1900, pt. 4, fig. 3. Petromyzon americanus Lesueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 251, pi. 38, fig. 4. Petromyzon nigricans Lesueur. Storer, ibid., p. 253, pi. 39, fig. 6. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878); Brunswick (Bowdoin college); Presumpscot River (Me. Fish comm. 1875); Casco Bay (Kendall 1896); Penobscot River (Kendall coll.); Stillwater (Merrill coll. 1898). N. H. Merrimac and Pemigewasset rivers (Belknap 1792 and 1813); Merrimac River (N. H. Fish comm. 1886). VT. (Thompson 1842); Manchester (N. H. Fish comm. 1891). OCC. PAPEKS B. S. N. H. 1908. VOL. 7. 2 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. HYPEROARTII. PETROMYZONIDAE. MASS. Connecticut River at Northhampton (Lesueur 1818); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1839); Merrimac River, Lowell (Storer, 1839 & 1867; Lawrence (Holmes coll. B. S. X. H.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Beverly (Goode & Bean 1879); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Providence River (DeKay 1842); Xarragansett Bay; Taunton River (Tracy 1906). CONN. Hartford; Stratford; Stonington; Housatonic and Connecticut Rivers (Linsley 1844). 3. PETROMYZON UNICOLOR (DeKay). Lake lamprey. Aminocoetes unicolor DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 383, pi. 39, %. 250 [larva]. "LAKE CHAMPLAIN." Petromijzon marinus unicolor (DeKay) Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 10. Surface, 4th rept. fisheries, game, & forests N. Y., 18, 1899, p. 194, fig. 1, a, b. VT. Lake Champlain (DeKay, 1842). 4. ICHTHYO.MYZON CONCOLOR (Kirtland). Silvery lamprey; Mud-eel; Blind-eel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 11. Ammocoetes concolor Kirtland, Bost. journ. nat. hist., 1840, vol. 3, p. 473, pi. [larva]. "MAHONING RIVER; SCIOTO RIVER." VT. Winooski River (Thompson, 1842). PISCES. SELACHII. DIPLOSPONDYLI. CHLAMYDOSELACHIDAE. 1. CHLAMYDOSELACHIUS ANGUINEUS Garman. Frilled shark. Garman, Bull. Essex, inst., 1884, vol. 16, p. 47. "JAPAN." Bull. mus. comp. zool., 1885, vol. 12, p. 1-35, pis. 1-20. Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 508, pi. 6, fig. 22. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 16. ME. New Harbor [?] (Hanna, 1883). ASTEROSPOND YLI . GALEIDAE. 2. MUSTELUS CANIS (Mitchill). Smooth-hound ; Smooth-dog. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 227, pi. 37, fig. 2, 2a. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 29. Squalus canis Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815,. vol. 1, p. 486. "NEW YORK." MASS. Provincetown ; Holmes Hole (Storer 1867); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Borland coll.). R. I. (DeKay 1842); Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank; Newport (Bean 1880). 3. GALEOCERDO TIGRINUS Miiller & Henle. Tiger shark. Miiller & Henle, Plagiostomen, 1841, p. 59, pi. 23. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 32.. 4 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. ASTEROSPONDYLI. GALEIDAE. MASS. Provincetown [?] (Atwood 1865); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). 4. PRIOXACE GLAUCA (Linne). Great blue-shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 33; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 4, 5, fig. 16, 16a. Squalus glaucus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 235. "IX OCEAXO EUROPAEO." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp Fowler 1904). 5. CARCHARHIXUS OBSCURUS (LeSueur). Dusky shark; Shovelnose. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 31. Squalus obscunis LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1818, vol. 1, p. 223, pi. 9, figs, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. " XEW YORK." Carcharias obscurus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 219, pi. 36, fig. 2. MASS. Xahant (Storer 1839 & 1847); Provincetown (Storer 1867); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844). 6. CARCHARHIXUS MIL^ERTI (Miiller & Henle)* Blue shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 37. Carcharias (Prionodon) milberti Miiller & Henle, Plagiostomen, 1841, p. 38, pi. 19, fig. 3 (teeth). " IM MITTELMEER UND IM OCEAN." PISCES. 5 SELACHII. ASTEROSPONDYLI. GALEIDAE. Lamna caudata De Kay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 354, pi. 62, fig. 205. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Brenton Reef (DeKay 1842). 7. CARCHARHINUS LIMBATUS (Miiller & Henle). Spotted-fin shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 40. Carcharias (Prionodon) limbatus Miiller & Henle, Plagiostomen, 1841, p. 49. "MARTINIQUE." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). SPHYRNIDAE. 8. SPHYRNA ZYGAENA (Linne). Hammerhead shark; Hammerhead. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 45. Squalus zygaena Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 234. "EUROPA; AMERICA." Zygaena malleus Val. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 238, pi. 38, fig. 3. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839) ; Chatham; Cape Cod (Storer 1842); Holmes Hole (Storer 1842 and 1867); Chatham; Province- town (Storer 1848); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp and Fowler 1904). R, I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. Noank (Goode 1879). ALOPIIDAE. 9. ALOPIAS VULPES (Gmelin). Thresher; Thrasher; Swingle-tail; Swivel-tail. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 45; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 6, fig. 20. 6 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. ASTEROSPONDYLI. ALOPIIDAE. Squalus vulpes Gmelin, Syst., nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1496. "MEDITERRANEAN." Carcharias vulpes Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 221, pi. 36, fig. 3. ME. Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893); East of Matinicus and off Monhegan (Kendall coll. 1895). MASS. Xahant (Storer 1839); Eastside of Boston Harbor (Jackson 1852); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1867); Provincetown (Atwood 1865); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound; Menemsha Bight; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. -Stonington (Linsley 1844). CARCHARIIDAE. 10. CARCHARIAS LITTORALIS (Mitchill). Sand shark; Shovel nose shark; Dogfish shark. Squalus littoralis Mitchill, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 328. "NEW YORK." Carcharias griseus Ayres. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 217, pi. 36, fig. 1. Carcharias littoralis (Mitchill). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 46. ME. Casco Bay at Small Point (Kendall coll. 1896). MASS. Lynn (Storer 1842 and 1842) Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Boston Bay (B. S. X. H., Cutting coll.); Provincetown; Xantucket (Goode 1884); Provincetown (Storer 1843?); Xorth Truro; Mon- omoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Xarragansett Bay at Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). PISCES. 7 SELACHII. ASTEROSPONDYLI. LAMNIDAE. 11. ISURUS DEKAYI (Gill). Mackerel shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 48, 1900; pt. 4, pi. 6, fig. 21. Isuropsis dekayi Gill, Ann. lye. nat. hist. N. Y., 1861, vol. 7, p. 409. Lamna punctata Mitchill. Storer, Report, 1839, p. 185, pi. 3, fig. 2. ME. Casco Bay (U. S. Nat. Mus. 1873). MASS. "In our bay" (Storer 1839); Marshfield (Storer 1839); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Tiverton; Point Judith (U. S. nat. mus. 1887); Narra- gansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. Oyster River; Stratford (Linsley 1844). 12. LAMNA CORNUBICA (Gmelin). Mackerel shark; Blue shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 49; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 6, fig. 22. Squalus cornubicus Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1497. " SHORES OF CORNWALL." Lamna punctata Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 225, pi. 37, fig. 1. ME. Off Monhegan (Storer 1867; Kendall coll. 1895); Casco Bay (Bowdoin College); off Cape Elizabeth (Norton coll. 1905). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1867) ; off Gloucester (Goode & Bean 1879). R, I. (Tracy 1906). 13. CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS (Linne). Maneater; Great white shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U..S. nat. mus. 1896, pt. 1, p. 50. 8 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. ASTEROSPONDYLI. LAMNIDAE. Squalus carcharias Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 235. "Eu- ROPA." Carcharias atwoodi Storer. Store r, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 222, pi. 36, fig. 4. ME. Eastport (Goode 1884). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1848 and 1854, 1867); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). CETORHINIDAE. 14. CETORHIXUS MAXIMUS (Gunner). Basking shark; Bone shark. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1891, pt. 1, p. 51; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 7, fig. 23. Squalus maximus Gunner, Trondhjem selskabskr, 1765, vol. 3, p. 33. "COAST OF NORWAY." Selaclius maximus Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 229, pi. 37, fig. 3. ME. Off Cape Elizabeth (Storer 1867); Eastport (Verrill 1870). MASS. Provincetown (Mitchill 1815 and Storer 1839, 1840 and 1867). CYCLOSPONDYLI. SQUALIDAE. 15. SQUALUS ACANTHI AS Linne. Dogfish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 233. "Ix OCEANO EUROPAEO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 54; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 8, figs. 24, 24a. PISCES. 9 SELACHII. CYCLOSPONDYLL SQUALIDAE. Acanthias americanus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 232, pi. 38, figs. 1, la. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880); Matinicus; Isle au Haute; Stockton Springs; Searsport; Gotts Island; Mt. Desert Rock; Sandy Point (Evermann 1903); Casco Bay (Bow- doin College; Kendall coll.). MASS. (Storer 1846) West Yarmouth (Lyman 1861); Provincetown ; Massachusetts Bay; Marthas-Vineyard (Storer 1867); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. (Tracy 1906). 16. CENTROSCYMNUS COELOLEPIS Bocage & Capello. Bocage & Capello, Proc. zool. soc. London, 1864, p. 263, fig. 4. "PORTUGAL." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 55; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 8, fig. 25. MASS. Off Gloucester (Jordan & Evermann 1896). 17. CENTROSCYLLIUM FABRICII (Reinhardt). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 56; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 8, fig. 26. Spinax fabricii Reinhardt, Dansk. vid. selsk. forh., 1828, vol. 3,. p. 14. "GREENLAND." MASS. Off Gloucester (Bean 1880 and Jordan & Evermann 1896). SOMNIOSIDAE. 18. SOMNIOSUS MICROCEPHALUS (Bloch & Schneider). Sleeper shark; Nurse. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 57, Squalus microcephalus Bloch & Schneider, Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 135. "NORTHERN SEAS." 10 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. CYCLOSPONDYLI. SOMNIOSIDAE. Scymnus brevipinna DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 235, pi. 38, fig. 2. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872); off Portland Wood 1846); Portland (Goode & Bean 1896). MASS. Marblehead (LeSueur 1818); Coast of Massachusetts (Kneeland, 1847); Xahant (Storer 1849 and 1867); Province- town (Storer 1848 and 1867). ECHINORHINIDAE. 19. ECHINORHIXUS SPINOSUS (Gmelin). Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 8, pi. 3, fig. 9. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 4, 58. Squalus spinosus Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1500. "THE OCEAX." MASS. Provincetown (Goode & Bean 1879 and 1896). SQUATINIDAE. 20. SQUATIXA SQUATIXA (Linne). Angelfish; Monkfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 58. Squalus squatina Linne, Syst, nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 233. "IX OCEAXO EUROPAEO." Squatina dumerili DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 363, pi. 62, fig. 203. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873) Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). BATOIDEL RAJIDAE. 21. RAJA ERIXACEA Mitchill. Little skate; Bonnet skate. Mitchill, Amer. journ. sci., 1825, vol. 9, p. 291. "NEW YfoRK." PISCES. 11 SELACHII. BATOIDEI. RAJIDAE. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 68; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 9, fig. 29. Raia diaphanes Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 240 [in part], pi. 39, fig. 1 ? ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus., 1872) ; Casco Bay (Bowdoin College; Kendall coll.). MASS. Provincetown; Nahant; Charles River (Storer 1863); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Cutting coll.); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole; Provincetown, Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899) ; Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). CONN. Mouth Connecticut River (Garman 1874); Noank (Bean 1880) Long Island Sound, off Bridgeport; off Stratford and Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off S. W. Ledge; off Brand- ford Beacon; off Faulkners Island (Kendall coll. 1892). 22. RAJA OCELLATA Mitchill. Big skate ; Winter skate. Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 477. "NEW YORK." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 68; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 10, fig. 50. Raia diaphanes Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 240 [in part]. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus., 1872); Portland Goode & Bean 1879); Smallpoint, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1863); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Nahant (Garman 1874); Woods Hole; Provincetown; Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (Tracy 1906). 12 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII . BATOI DEI . RAJIDAE. Coxx. Stratford (Linsley 1843?); Long Island Sound, off Bridgeport and Stratford (Kendall coll. 1890). 23. RAJA RADIATA Donovan. Prickly skate. Donovan, Hist. Brit, fishes, 1808, vol. 5, p. 94, pi. "GREAT BRITAIN." Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 508, pi. 9, fig. 27. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 69. ME. Casco Bay (Portland soc. nat. hist.). MASS. Xahant (Garman 1874); Annisquam (B. S. X. H.); Salem; Gloucester; Provincetown (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 & Smith 1898). Coxx. New London [?] (Linsley 1844); Xoank (B. S. X. H. r Hyatt &Ilathbun coll.). 24. RAJA EGLAXTERIA (Bosc). Briar skate. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 71. Raia eglanterial$osc. Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons 1800, vol. 2, p. 103. "CHARLESTON, S. C." ? Raja ocellata De Kay, X. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 369, pi. 65, fig. 212. MASS. Penikese Island (Garman 1874); Gloucester; Province- town (Bean 1880); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). Coxx. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Xoank (B. S. X. H.). 25. RAJA SEXTA Garman. Garman, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1885, vol. 8, p. 43. "CAPE COD BAY." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 71. MASS. Cape Cod Bay (Garman 1885). PISCES. 13 SELACHII. BATOIDEI. RAJIDAE. 26. RAJA LAEVIS Mitchill. Barndoor skate. Mitchill, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1817, vol. 2, p. 327. "NEW YORK." Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 28, . pi. 9, fig. 29. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 71. Raia laevis Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 242, pi. 39, fig. 2. ME Eastport (U. S. nat mus., 1872); Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896). MASS. New Bedford (Storer 1839); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1863; Garman 1874); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898) ; Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. (Tracy 1906). CONN. (Linsley 1844); Noank (Goode 1879). NARCOBATIDAE. 27. TETRONARCE OCCIDENTALS (Storer). Torpedo; Numbfish; Crampfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 77; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 11, fig. 33. Torpedo occidentalis Storer, Amer. journ. sci., 1843, vol. 44, p. 165, pi. 3. " MASSACHUSETTS." Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 247, pi. 39, fig. 5. ME. Off Seguin; Casco Bay (Smith & Kendall 1897). MASS. Truro (Storer 1839); Chilmark 3 miles from Gay Head (Storer 1847); Provincetown (Storer 1843, 1845, 1845b and 1863); Wellfleet (Storer 1839, 1843?, 1843 and 1863). Thatchers Island; 14 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. SELACHII. BATOIDEI. NARCOBATIDAE. Lanesville (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899); off Sakonnet (Tracy 190(3). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844). DASYATIDAE. 28. DASYATIS CENTRURA (Mitchill). Sting ray ; Stingaree ; Clam-cracker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 83. Raja centrum Mitchill Trans, lit. and philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 479. "COAST OF LONG ISLAND." Pastinaca hastata DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 244, pi. 39, fig. 3. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1842, 1842, and 1863); Chatham (Storer 1857 and 1863); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844). 29. DASYATIS HASTATA (DeKay). Sting ray. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47 U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 83. Pastinaca hastata DeKay, X. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 373, pi. 65, fig. 214. "RHODE ISLAND." MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1842); Chatham (Storer 1858). R. I. (DeKay 1842). 30. PTEROPLATEA MACLURA (LeSueur). Butterfly ray. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 86. Raja maclura LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. 1, p. 41, pi. [1], figs. 1, 2, -a, b, c. "XEWPORT, R. I." PISCES. 15 SELACHII. BATOIDEI. DASYATIDAE. Pastinaca maclura LeSueur. DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 375, pi. 65, fig. 213. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport LeSueur 1817; DeKay 1842); Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. Sayb rook; New Haven (Linsley 1844). MYLIOBATIDAE. 31. MYLIOBATIS FREMINVILLEI LeSueur. Eagle ray. LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1824, vol. 4, p. 111. "RHODE ISLAND." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 89. Myliobatis acuta Ayres. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 245, pi. 39, fig. 4. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1841, 1842, and 1863); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. (LeSueur 1824); Narragansett Bay (Tracy 1906). CONN. (Ayres 1841; Linsley 1844); Noank (Garman 1885). 32. RHINOPTERA BONASUS (Mitchill). Cow-nose ray. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 90. Raja bonasus Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 479. "NEW YORK." Rhinoptera quadriloba LeSueur. DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 375, pi. 66, fig. 217. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899); off Block Island (Tracy 1906). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844). 16 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. CHONDROSTEI. ACIPENSERIDAE. 33. ACIPEXSER STURIO Liiine. Common sturgeon. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 237. "MARI EUROPAEO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 105; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 20, fig. 45. Acipenser oxyrhinchus Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 431, pi. 35, fig. 4. ME. Kennebec River (Storer 1863) ; Androscoggin River (Atkins 1887); Cathance River, tributary of Kennebec (Kendall coll. 1901); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). MASS. Charles River at Watertown (Storer 1839); Deer Island (Storer 1842); outside Boston Harbor; Truro (B. S. N. H.); Provincetown (Storer 1863); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Merrimac River at Lawrence (Goode & Bean 1879); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Menemsha Bight; Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899); off Sakon- net; off Quonset; Block Island (Tracy 1906). Coxx. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). 34. ACIPEXSER RUBICUXDUS LeSueur. Lake sturgeon; Stone sturgeon; Rock sturgeon. LeSueur, Trans. Amer. philos. soc., 1818, vol. 1, p. 388, pi. 12. " LAKES OXTARIO, ERIE, AXD ALL THE UPPER LAKES." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 106; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 21, fig. 46. VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842; Evermann & Kendall 1894); (Storer 1842). 35. ACIPEXSER BREVIROSTRUM LeSueur. Short-nose sturgeon. LeSueur, Trans. Amer. philos. soc., 1818, vol. 1, p. 390. "DELA- PISCES. 17 TELEOSTOMI. CHONDROSTEL ACIPENSERIDAE. WARE RIVER." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 106. MASS. Boston Harbor [?] (Durkee 1855); Waquoit [?] (Lyman 1872); Rockport [?] (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole [?] (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. !. [?] (Tracy 1906). RHOMBOGANOIDEA. LEPISOSTEIDAE. 36. LEPISOSTEUS OSSEUS (Linne"). Gar; Gar-pike. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47 U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 109. Esox osseus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 313. "AMER- ICA SEPTENTRIONALI, ASIA." Lepisosteus lineatus Thompson, Hist. Vermont, 1842, p. 145, fig. [young]. Lepisosteus bison DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 271, pi. 43, fig. 139. VT. Lake Champlain; Winooski River (Thompson 1842); (Storer 1842). CYCLOGANOIDEA. AMIIDAE. 37. AMI A CALVA Linne. Mudfish; Dogfish; Bowfish; Grindle. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 500. "CAROLINAE AQUIS DULCIBUS, VARius ESCULENTUS." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 113; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 22, fig. 51. Amia ocellicauda Thompson, Hist. Vermont. Appendix, 1842, p. 35. 18 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. CYCLOGANOIDEA. AMIIDAE. VT. Whitehall, Otter Creek; Lake Champlain; Winooski River (Thompson 1853). NEMATOGNATHI. SILURIDAE. 38. FELICHTHYS MARINUS (Mitchill). Gafftopsail cat. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 118; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 23, fig. 52. Silurus marinus Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 433. "NEW YORK." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873); New Bedford (Goode 1879); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). R. I. Brentons Reef (Tracy 1906); Newport (B. S. N. H. Powell coll.). 39. GALEICHTHYS FELIS (Linne). Sea catfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 128; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 23, fig. 52. SHu-rus felis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 503. " CAR- OLINA." MASS. Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). 40. AMEIURUS LACUSTRIS (Walbaum). Great forked-tail cat; Mathemeg. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 137. Gadus lacustris Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 144. " ARCTIC AMERICA." VT. Lake Champlain; Winooski River (Thompson 1842); Lake Champlain at S wanton (Evermann & Kendall 1894). PISCES. 19 TELEOSTOMI. NEMATOGNATHI. SILURIDAE. 41. AMEIURUS VULGARIS Thompson. Bullhead. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 140. Pimelodus vulgaris Thompson, Hist. Vermont, 1842, p. 138. "LAKE CHAMPLAIN." Jordan, Bull. 10, U. S. nat. mus., 1877, p. 88, pi. 18, fig. 33; pi. 19, fig. 34. VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842). 42. AMEIURUS NEBULOSUS (LeSueur). Bullhead; Hornpout; Minister. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 140. Pimelodus nebulosus LeSueur, Mem. mus., 1819, vol. 5, p. 149. "LAKE ONTARIO/' Pimelodus atrarius DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 279, pi. 20, fig. 3. ME. Almost everywhere common. Sebago Lake and outlet (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.); St. Croix; St. Johns; Union Penob- scot; Kennebec; Androscoggin and Presumpscot river basins (Kendall coll.). N. H. Almost everywhere common. Cold, Caldwell, Warrens, Pout, Great, Boyces, Bradford, Todds, Goose, Clark, Mud, Lily, Indian, Clarksville, Butternut, Stocker, Eastmans, Miller, Angle, Island, Wash, Long, White Oak, Flints, Pennichuck, Rocky, Lakins, Hinmans, Sawyers, Clay, Smiths, Clements, Grassy, Rolfes, Carrs, Little Massabessic, Otternick, Cherry, Great, Country, Little, Crooked, Spaldings, Cedar, Nays, Pratts, Clarks, Otter, Little Sunapee, Suncook, Jennes, Little Bow, Harvey, Knowltons, Duncan, Gumpars, Whites, Cunningham, Moses, Cass, Captains, W 7 orldsend, Hunkins, Morgan, Baptist, Bow, Little Bow, Trout, Boulster, Cones, Bear, Pleasant, Jones, Sim- mons, Day, Great, Bakers, Line, Cabots, Policy, Hititite, Nut- 20 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. NEMATOGNATHI. SILURIDAE. chells, Beach, Sargent and Bartons ponds, and Squam Lake. (X. H. Fish comm.). VT. Connecticut River & larger tributaries; Barnat (Thompson 1842); Connecticut River; Lake Champlain; Clyde River; Lake Memphremagog (Evermann & Kendall 1894). MASS. "Throughout the state" (Storer 1855); Jamaica Plains (B. S. X. H., Van Vleck & Henshaw coll.) ; Warwick (B. S. X. H., Putnam coll.); East Wareham (Goode 1879); Quashnet River, Fal mouth (Kendall coll. 1894). R. I. Mashapaug, Randalls, Benedict and Fenners ponds; Ponegansett Reservoir; Pocassett River (Pope coll. 1888-1896). Coxx. Salsbury Lake; Thatcherville Factory Pond, near Bridgeport (Linsley 1844). EVENTOGNATH1. CATOSTOMIDAE. 43. CARPIODES THOMPSOXI Agassiz. Carp-sucker; Buffalo; Drum. Agassiz, Amer. journ. sci., 1855, vol. 19, p. 191. "LAKE CHAM- PLAIX." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. nius., 1896, pt. 1, p. 167. VT. Lake Champlain (Agassiz 1855; Evermann & Kendall 1894). 44. CATOSTOMUS CATOSTOMUS (Forster). Long-nose sucker; Red sucker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 176; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 32, fig. 77. Cyprinus catostomus Forster, Philos. trans., 1773, p. 155. "STREAMS ABOUT HUDSON BAY." PISCES. 21 TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CATOSTOMIDAE. ME. Cupsuptic Lake (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.); Craigs Brook; Alamoosook Lake; Toddy Pond; Glasier Lake; Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County (Kendall 1902) ; Umbagog Lake (Ken- dall & Goldsborough coll. 1905). N. H. Connecticut Lakes and tributaries of Upper Connecti- cut River (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904); Umbagog Lake (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1905). VT. (LeSueur, 1817); Sleeper River; Caspian Lake (Ever- mann & Kendall 1902). 45. CATOSTOMUS COMMERSONII (Lace"pede). Sucker; White sucker; Black sucker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 178; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 34, fig. 83. Cyprinus commersonii Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons, 1803, voL 5, p. 502. Catostomus bostoniensis LeSueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad. r 1855, vol. 5, p. 290, pi. 22, fig. 3. ME. Everywhere abundant. Moosehead Lake (B. S. N. H, Davidson coll.). Cambridge River, Upton; Sebago Lake and outlet (B. S. N. H. Putnam coll.); St. Johns, St. Croix; Union; Penobscot ; Androscoggin, Kennebec, Presumbscot river basins and many other localities (Kendall coll.). N. H. Everywhere common. Stocker, Angle, Island, Wash, Big Dummer, Little Dummer, Corner, Otter, Little Sunapee,, Moses, Stinsons, Bow and Great ponds (N. H. Fish comm.). Con- necticut Lakes and tributaries of upper Connecticut River (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904); Umbagog Lake (Kendall & Golds- borough coll. 1905). VT. Common everywhere. (Thompson 1842); Lake Cham- plain; Passumpsic River, Clyde River; Memphremagog and Caspian lakes (Evermann & Kendall 1902). 22 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CATOSTOMIDAE. MASS. Neighborhood of Boston (Le Sueur 1817) ; Charles River at Watertown (Storer 1839 and 1855); Williamstown (B. S. X. H. Buck & Xason coll.); Fresh Pond, Cambridge (B. S. X. H. Van Vleck coll.); very common (Goode & Bean 1879); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894) ; near Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. "Xarragansett Bay" (R. I. Fish comm. 1899); Masha- paug Pond (Pope coll. 1895). Coxx. (DeKay 1842); "Passim" (Linsley 1844). 46. CATOSTOMUS NIGRICANS LeSueur. Hog-sucker; Stone roller; Black sucker. LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. I, p. 102. ERIE." Bean, Fish Perm., 1893, p. 26, pi. 21, fig. 31. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 181. VT. Sleeper River at St. Johnsbury (Evermann & Kendall 1894). MASS. Walpole [?] (Storer 1839). 47. ERIMYZOX OBLONGUS (Mitchill). Chubsucker; Roach; Barvel. Cyprinus oblongus Mitchill, Rept. fish. X. Y., 1814, p. 22, fresh streams and lakes ["NEW YORK"]. Catostomus tuberculatus DeKay, X. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 190 [in part]. Catostomus gibbosus LeSueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 291, pi. 22, fig. 4. Erimyzon sucetta oblongus (Mitchill) Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 186. ME. Sebago Lake, Little Sebago Lake; Thomas Pond; Songo and Presumbscot rivers (Kendall coll.). PISCES. 23 TELEOSTOMI. E VENTOGNATHI . CATOSTOMIDAE. N. H. (DeKay 1842); Squam Lake; White Oak Pond (N. H. Fish comm.). VT. [?] (Storer 1843). MASS. Connecticut River, Northampton (LeSueur 1817; Storer 1839); Watertown (Storer 1839); Miles River, Menham (Goode & Bean 1879); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Fresh Pond Cambridge (B. S. N. H. Van Vleck coll.). R. L " Narragansett Bay/' (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. "Housatonic" (Linsley 1844). 48. MOXOSTOMA AUREOLUM (LeSueur). Redhorse; Mullet; Red-fin sucker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 192. Catostomus aureolus LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. 1, pi. [18], p. 95. "LAKE ERIE, NEAR BUFFALO." DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 201, pi. 42, fig. 133. VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842; Evermann & Kendall 1894). CYPRINIDAE. 49. CHROSOMUS ERYTHROGASTER Rafinesque. Red-bellied minnow. Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohioensis, 1820, p. 47. "Omo RIVER." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 209. Bean, Fish. Penn., 1893, p. 32, pi. 22, fig. 35. ME. Freeport (Kendall & Smith 1894); Eagle Lakes, Aroo- stook Co.; Matagamon River; Matagamonsis Lake; Penobscot River at Bangor; Cobbosseecontee Lake; Lake Auburn (Kendall coll.). N. H. Indian Stream tributary of Upper Connecticut River, near Pittsburg, Coos County (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). 24 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. EVEXTOGNATHL CYPRINIDAE. 50. PIMEPHALES NOTATUS (Rafinesque). Blunt-nose minnow. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 218. Minnilus notatus Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohioensis, 1820, }). 47. "Omo RIVER." Hyborhynchus notatus (Raf.), Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc. r 1869, vol. 13, p. 392, pi. 13, fig. 5. VT. Lake Champlain (Evermann & Kendall 1894); Swanton (Carter coll. 1907). 51. PIMEPHALES AXULI Kendall. Blunt-nose; Rings minnow. Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. 360, fig. "CROSS LAKE THOROUGHFARE, EAGLE LAKES, AROOSTOOK COUNTY, MAINE." ME. Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County; Lunkasoos Lake, Penobscot County (Kendall 1903). 52. SEMOTILUS BULLARIS (Rafinesque). Chub; Dace; Chiven. Cyprimis buUaris Rafinesque, Amer. month. *mag. & crit. rev., 1817, vol. 1, p. 120. "HUDSON RIVER AND WORD CREEK." Cheilonemus pulchellus Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 286, pi. 22, fig. 2. Semotilus corporalis (Mitchill). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 221. ME. Almost everywhere abundant. Richardson Lake & Metallick Brook; Sebago Lake and outlet (B. S. X. H., Putnam coll.); Moosehead Lake (B. S. X. H., Davidson coll.); St. Johns; PISCES. 25 TELEQSTOMI. EVENTOGNATH1. CYPRINIDAE. St. Croix, Union, Penobscot; Kennebec; Androscoggin, Presump- scot river basins (Kendall coll.). N. H. Everywhere. Squam Lake and Winnipesaukee (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.); Connecticut Lakes and Upper Connecticut River waters (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842). MASS. Almost everywhere. Worcester County; Walpole (Storer 1839); Menham Lake (Goode & Bean 1879); New Bedford (Goode 1879) ; South Hadley Falls (Bean 1880) ; Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Boston and Waltham (B. S. N. H.); Ipswich; (B. S. N. H, Brown coll.). CONN. "Common" (Linsley 1844). 53. SEMOTILUS ATROMACULATUS (Mitchill). Horned dace ; Mummychub ; Mud-chub. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 222; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 40, fig. 100. Cyprinus atromaculatus Mitchill, Amer. monthly mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 324. "WALLKILL RIVER, NEW YORK." ME. Widely common. (Linsley 1844); Freeport (Kendall & Smith 1894); Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County; Allagash River lakes; Matagamon River waters; West Branch Penobscot River waters; Union River basin; Kennebec River waters; Androscog- gin River waters; Royals River basins (Kendall coll.); Mataga- mon waters (Smith 1902). N. H. Upper Connecticut River and tributaries; Connecticut Lakes (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). VT. Western part of Vermont (Thompson 1853); Clyde River; Memphremagog Lake (Evermann & Kendall 1894); East Creek & Caspian Lake (Evermann & Kendall 1902). MASS. Housatonic River ( ?) ; Brooks near Williams College [?] (Storer [Putnam] 1867). 26 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CYPRINIDAE. Coxx. Stratford; Canaan (Linsley 1844); Fairfield County (Ayres 1850). 54. LEUCISCUS CARLETOXI Kendall. Carle tons Chub-minnow. Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. 357, %. 1. "BILL FISH BROOK, TRIBUTARY OF EAST BRAXCH PEXOBSCOT RIVER, A MILE BELOW MATAGAMOX LAKE/' ME. Bill Fish Brook, tributary of Matagamon River; South- ards pond, tributary of Hale Pond of West Branch of Penobscot River; Smith Brook, outlet of Haymock Lake, tributary of Allagash River; Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County (Kendall 1903); Bangor (Bowdoin College). 55. PHOXIXUS XEOGAEUS Cope. Bronze minnow. Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc., 1869, vol. 13, p. 375. "NEW HUDSOX, LlVIXGSTOXE COUNTY, MlCHIGAX." Leuciscus neogaeus (Cope). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 240. Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. 356. ME. Bill Fish Brook, tributary of Matagamon River; Mataga- monsis Lake; Southards Pond near Hale Pond, tributary of \Yest Branch of Penobscot River; Smith Brook, outlet Haymock Lake, tributary of Allagash River (Eagle Lake); Cross Lake Thorough- fare, Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County; Lunkasoos Lake, tributary of Matagamonsis Lake (Kendall 1903); Cambridge River, tribu- tary of Umbagog Lake (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1905). X. H. Indian Stream, tributary of Connecticut River near Pittsburg, Coos County (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). PISCES. 27 TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CYPRINIDAE. 56. ABRAMIS CRYSOLEUCAS (Mitchill). Golden shiner; Roach; Bream. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 250; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 45, fig. 111. Cyprinus crysoleucas Mitchill, Kept. fish. N. Y., 1814, p. 23. "NEW YORK." Leucosomus americanus Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 118, pi. 21, fig. 2. ME. Widely common. Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County; St. Croix and other waters Washington County; Penobscot Andros- coggin; Kennebec, Presumpscot river waters (Kendall coll.). N. H. Umbagog Lake (Kendall & Goldsborough Coll. 1904). VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842). MASS. Fresh Pond, Cambridge (B. S. N. H., Van Vleck coll.); Rileys Pond, Waltham (B. S. N. H., Warren coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Wenham Lake (Goode & Bean 1879). R. I. "Narragansett Bay" (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899); Masha- paug and Benedict ponds (Pope coll. 1888-1896). CONN. " Common" (Linsley 1844). 57. NOTROPIS BIFRENATUS (Cope). Bridled minnow. Jordan and Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 258. Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. 361. Hybopsis bifrenatus Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc., 1869, vol. 13, p. 384. "SCHUYLKILL AT CONSHOHOCKEN [PA.]." ME. Sebago and Little Sebago lakes (Kendall 1903); outlet ChafBn Pond, tributary to Sebago Lake (Kendall coll.). MASS. (Jordan & Evermann 1896). 28 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CYPRINIDAE. 8. XOTROPIS MUSKOKA Meek. Muskoka minnow. Meek, Publ. 41, Field Columb. mus., Zool. ser., 1899, vol. 1, p. 308. "GuLL LAKE, ONTARIO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1900, pt. 4, p. 3140. ME. Bill Fish Brook, tributary to MatagamDii River (East Branch of Penobscot); Hay Brook tributary to Matagamon on Grand Lake Thoroughfare; Smith Brook, outlet of Haymock Lake, tributary of Eagle Lake of Allagash River; Cross Lake Thoroughfare, Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County (Kendall coll. 1901 and 1903); Matagamon waters (Smith 1902). 59. XOTROPIS BLEXXIUS (Girard). Straw- minnow. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. Xat. Mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 261. Alburnops Ucnnius Girard, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1856, p. 194, "ARKANSAS RIVER." VT. Lake Champlain, S wanton (Carter coll. 1907). 60. X"OTROPIS HUDSONIUS (Clinton). Spawneater; Shiner; Smelt. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 269; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 47, fig. 119. Clupea hudsonia Clinton, Ann. lye. nat. hist. X. Y., 1824, vol. 1, p. 49, pi. 2, fig. 2. "ALBANY, AND OTHER PLACES ON THE HUD- SON RIVER [X. Y.]." Hybopsis hudsonius Clinton. Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc., 1869, vol. 13, p. 386, pi. 12, fig. 3. VT. Lake Champlain (Evermann & Kendall 1894). PISCES. 29 TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CYPRINIDAE. 61. NOTROPIS CORNUTUS (Mitchill). Shiner; Redfin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 281. Cyprinus cornutus Mitchill, Amer. monthly mag. & crit. rev., 1817, vol. 1, p. 289. "WALLKILL RIVER [NEW YORK]." Hypsolepis cornutus Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 284, pi. 21, fig. 3. ME. Everywhere abundant. St. Johns, St. Croix and other waters in Washington County, Union, Penobscot, Kennebec, Androscoggin, Royals and Presumpscot river basins (Kendall coll.). N. H. Squam Lake (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.); Upper Con- necticut River and Lakes (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904) ; Upper Androscoggin River and Umbagog Lake (Kendall & Golds- borough coll. 1905). VT. Clyde and Passumpsic rivers (Evermann & Kendall 1894); Caspian Lake (Evermann & Kendall 1902). MASS. Berkshire Co. (Storer 1842, 1842, and 1844); Blan- ford, Hampden Co., (Olmsted 1843?); Fresh Pond, Cambridge (B. S. N. H., Van Vleck coll.); Wenham Lake; Merrimac River at Andover (Goode & Bean 1879) ; Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894). R, I "Narragansett Bay" (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. "In several large streams" (Linsley 1844). 62. NOTROPIS ATHERINOIDES Rafinesque. Silverside minnow. Rafinesque, Amer. month, mag. and crit. rev., 1818, p. 204, "LAKE ERIE"; Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 293. VT. Lake Champlain, Swanton (Carter coll. 1907). 30 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CYPRINIDAE. 63. NOTROPIS RUBRIFRONS (Cope). Rednose minnow. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. rnus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 295. Alburnus rubrifrons Cope, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1865, p. So, " KlSKIMINITAS RlVER." Alburnellus rubrifrons Cope, Trans. Amer. Philos. soc., 1869, vol. 13, p. 388, pi. 8, fig. 3. VT. Lake Champlain, Swanton (Carter coll. 1907). 64. RHINICHTHYS CATARACTAE (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Long-nose dace; Broad-nose minnow. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 306. Gobio cataractae Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1842, vol. 16, p. 315. "NIAGARA FALLS." Argyreus nasutus Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 289, pi. 22, fig. 1. N. H. Upper Connecticut River, its tributaries and Lakes (Kendall & Goldsborough 1904). VT. Sleeper River; Passumpsic River (Evermann & Kendall 1894). MASS. Blanford (Ayres 1843?); Nichols Brook (Storer 1855). Coxx. West Hartford (Ayres 1843); Northford (Linsley 1843). 65. RHIXICHTHYS ATRONASUS (Mitchill). Black-nose dace; Brook minnow; Rock shiner, Potbelly. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 307. Cyprinus atronasiis Mitchill, Trans, lit. philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 460. Fresh water brooks inhabited by trout. "[WALLKILL RIVER. NEW YORK.] " PISCES. 31 TELEOSTOMI. E VENTOGNATHI . CYPRINIDAE. Argyreus atronasus Heck. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 288, pi. 21, fig. 4. ME. Common everywhere especially, in brooks. Parmacheenee Lake (B. S. N. H., Snow & \\hittier coll.); Sebago Lake (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.); St. Johns, St. Croix, Union, Penobscot, Kennebec, Androscoggin, Royals & Presumpscot River basins (Kendall coll.). N. H. Upper Connecticut River and Lakes, and their tributaries (Kendall & Goldsborough 1904). VT. Streams flowing into Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842) ; Sleeper River; Passumpsic River; Lake Memphremagog (Ever- mann & Kendall 1894). MASS. Cohasset (B. S. N. H., Bryant coll.); Chicopee River {B. S. N. H., Wheatland coll.); Williamstown (B. S. N. H., Buck and Nason coll.); "Common in brooklets everywhere in Massa- chusetts (Goode & Bean 1879). R. I. "Narragansett Bay" (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. "Small running streams" (Linsley 1844). 66. COUESIUS PLUMBEUS (Agassiz). Chub-minnow. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 323. Gobio plumbeus Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, p. 366. "LAKE SUPERIOR * * * LAKE HURON." Ceratichthys prosthemius Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc., 1869, vol. 13, p. 367, pi. 11, fig. 4. ME. Common almost everywhere. Metallic Brook, Richard- son Lake (B. S. N. H., Putnam? coll. 1864); St. Johns; Penob- scot, Kennebec, Androscoggin, Royals and Presumpscot River basins, and many other localities (Kendall coll.); Freeport (Ken- dall & Smith 1894). 32 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. EVENTOGNATHI. CYPRINIDAE. X. H. Upper Connecticut River and Lakes, and their tribu- taries (Kendall & Goldsborough Coll. 1904). VT. Clyde River at Newport (Evermann & Kendall 1894); Caspian Lake (Evermann & Kendall 1902). 67. HYBOPSIS KENTUCKIEXSIS (Rafinesque). Hornyhead; Jerker; Indian chub. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 322. Luxilus kentuckiensis Rafinesque, Ichth. Ohioensis, 1820, p. 48. "Omo RIVER." Ceratichthys biguttatus Kirtland. Cope, Trans. Amer. pbilos. soc., 1869, vol. 13, p. 366, pi. 11, fig. 5. MASS. Near Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 68. EXOGLOSSUM MAXILLINGUA (LeSueur). Cutlip; Niggerchub. Cope, Trans. Amer. philos. soc., 1869, 'vol. 13, p. 360, pi. 11, fig. 1. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 327; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 54, fig. 140. Cyprinus maxillingua LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. 1, p. 85. "PIPE-CREEK, MARYLAND." VT. Lake Champlain (Evermacin & Kendall 1894). APODES. ANGLTLLIDAE. 69. ANGUILLA CHRISYPA Rafinesque. Eel; Common eel. Rafinesque, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1817, vol. 1, p. 120. "LAKE GEORGE; HUDSON RIVER; LAKE CHAMPLAIN." Anguilla bosioniensis DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 408, pi. 33, fig. 1. PISCES. 33 TELEOSTOMI. APODES. ANGUILLIDAE. Anguilla chrysypa Rafinesque. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 348; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 55, fig. 143. ME. Everywhere along the coast and in nearly all fresh waters. Eastport (B. S. N. H., Shurtleff coll.); St. Croix; Union, Eastport; Grand Lake Stream (Bean 1880); Penobscot, Kennebec, Andros- coggin, Royals, and Presumpscot river basins; Eastport; Casco Bay (Kendall coll.). N. H. Butternut, Stocker, Eastmans, Miller, Angle, Island, Wash, Clarks, Messers, Pleasant, Suncook, Jenness, Little Bow, Harvey, Knowltons, Bagley, Long, Great, Bakers, Lime and Bartons ponds (N. H. Fish comm). Connecticut Lakes (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). VT. Lake Champlain; Connecticut River; outlet of Barnards Pond (Thompson 1842). MASS. Boston; Boston Bay (LeSueur 1817); Medford; Water- town (Storer 1839); Holmes Hole (Storer 1863); Woods Hole (Bean 1880); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Maiden (B. S. N. H., Sandborn coll.); Wellesley (B. S. N. H., Denton coll.); Mystic River (B. S. N. H., Van Vleckcoll.); Annis- quam (B. S. N. H.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Woods Hole; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Newport (LeSueur 1817); Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899); Mashapaug and Fenners ponds; Pocassett River; Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-1896) Greenwich Bay (Tracy 1906). CONN. Hartford; Northford (Linsley 1844); Noank (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & Rathbun coll.). LEPTOCEPHALIDAE. 70. LEPTOCEPHALUS CONGER (Linne). Conger eel; Sea eel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 354; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 57, fig. 148. 34 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. APODES. LEPTOCEPH ALID AE . Muraena conger Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 245. "OCEANO EUROPAEO." Lepiocephalus gracilis Storer, Proc. Bost. soc. nat. hist., p. 76, 1845, vol. 2. Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 256. [Young.] ME Cherryfield (Storer 1845, 1846, and Wheatlaml 1852); Old Orchard (Norton coll. 1906). MASS. Nomans Land (Storer 1839); Nahant (Storer 1867 and B. S. N. H., Cook coll. 1858); North Trnro (KendalJ coll. 1896); Falmouth; Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R, I. Near Block Island (Mitchill 1818); Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). MURAENIDAE. 71. MURAENA RETIFERA Goode & Bean. Goode & Bean, Proc. U. S. nat. inns., 1882, vol. 5, 435. "CHARLESTON, S. C." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 401; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 65, fig. 173. MASS. Tuckernuck Island (Smith 1900). ISOSPONDYLI. ELOPIDAE. 72. TARPON ATLANTICUS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Tarpon. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 409; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 67, fig. 177. Megalops atlanticus Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1846, vol. 19, p. 398. "GUADALOUPE." MASS. South Dartmouth; Quisset; Menemsha (Smith 1898); Marthas Vineyard; Woods Hole (Sherwood & Edwards 1901). PISCES. 35 TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. ELOPIDAE. R. I. Newport (Goode 1879); Narragansett Bay; Dutch Island Harbor (Sherwood & Edwards, 1901). 73. ELOPS SAURUS Linne. Ladyfish; Tenpounder. Linne, Syst. nat. ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 518. "CAROLINA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 410; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 67, fig. 178. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873); New Bedford; Woods Hole (Bean 1880); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nan- tucket (Sharp and Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). ALBULIDAE. 74. ALBULA VULPES (Linne). Bonefish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 411; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 68, fig. 179. Esox vulpes Linn6, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 313. "AMER- ICA." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I._- Newport (Bean 1880, Tracy 1906). HIODONTIDAE. 75. HIODON TERGISUS LeSueur. Mooneye. LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1818, vol. 1, p. 364. "Lake Erie at Buffalo." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 413; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 68, fig. 180. VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842). 36 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. CLUPEIDAE. 76. ETRUMEUS TERES (DeKay). Round herring. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 420. Alosa feres DeKay, X. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 262, pi. 40, fig. 128. "HARBOR OF XEW YORK." MASS. Woods Hole (Bean 1880); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). R. I. Xewport (Goode 1879 and Tracy 1906). 77. CLUPEA HAREXGUS Linne. Herring; Labrador herring; English herring; Englishman; Sper- ling (young). Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 317. "M. EUROPAEIS." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 421; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 62, fig. 185. Chipe.a clonyata LeSueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 330, pi. 26, fig. 1. ME. A'ong our coast especially at Herring Gut (Williamson 1832); all along the coast, especially Passamaquoddy Bay and vicinity. (Moore 1897); Eastport (Yerrill 1871; U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878); Casco Bay (Bean 1880; Lee 1885; Kendall coll.). X. H. ([Peck] Belknap 1792). MASS. Falmouth; Duxbury; Marthas Vineyard (Storer 1839); Edgartown; Massachusetts Bay; Provincetown Harbor (Storer 1859); Ipswich Bay (Bean 1880); Menemsha Bight; Monomoy; Xorth Truro (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm., 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). Coxx. Stratford (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 37 TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. CLUPEIDAE. 78. CLUPANODON PSEUDOHISPANICUS (Poey). Spanish sardine. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 423. Sardinia pseudohispanica Poey, Memorias, 1860, vol. 2, p. 311. "CUBA." Clupea pseudohispanica (Poey). Kendall & Smith, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1894, vol. 14, p. 17. MASS. Woods Hole; Menemsha Bight (Kendall & Smith 1894; and Smith 1898). 79. POMOLOBUS MEDIOCRIS (Mitchill). Hickory shad; Hickory jack; Fresh water tailor; Fall herring. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 425; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 71, fig. 188. Clupea mediocris Mitchill, Kept. fish. N. Y., 1814, p. 20. "That part of the bay of New York which borders on Staten Island." Alosa lineata Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 340, pi. 27, fig. 2. ME. "Mouths of Kenduskeag and other fresh rivers (William- son (1832); Maine coast (Goode 1884); Small point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896); Freeport (Kendall coll. 1900). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1847 and 1859); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Boston Harbor (B. S. N. H., Wheildon coll.); New Bedford; Woods Hole (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896) ; Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898) Tarpaulin Cove (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford ; New Haven ; Housatonic and Connecticut rivers (Linsley 1844). 38 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. CLUPEIDAE. 80. POMOLOBUS PSEUDOHAREXGUS (Wilson). Ale wife; Elwife; Gaspereau; Sawbelly; Kyak. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 426; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 71, fig. 189. Clupea pseudoharengus Wilson, Ree's cyclopedia, 1811?, vol. 9, p.. Alosa cyanonoton Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 339, pi. 27, fig. 1. ME. Common all along the coast, entering all accessible streams. Eastern, Kennebec, Sandy, East Branch of Penobscot (Me. Fish comm. 1867); Eastport U. S. Nat. Mus. 1872; (Kendall coll. 1893); Sebasticook, Sandy, East Branch of Penobscot, Denny^, Pennama- quan, Damariscotta, East Machias, Chandlers, Wescongus, Harring- ton, Turik, St. Georges, Androscoggin, Saco, Mousam and Piscata- qua rivers; Patten Stream; West Gouldsborough, Mt. Desert and Casco Bay (Atkins 1887); Casco Bay (Kendall coll.); western tribu- taries of St. John and St. Croix River (Rathbun & Wakeham 1897). X. H. Cobbetts Pond [land locked] (X. Wentworth coll.). MASS. Watertown, Taunton, Medford, pond in Manchester and Chester; Merrimac River; Mystic River (Storer 1859); Wa- quoit (Lyman 1872); Melrose (B. S. X. H., VanVleck coll.); Cohasset Xarrows (Bean 1880) ; XorthTruro; Monornoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp and Fowler 1904). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899; Taunton River (Tracy 1906). CONN. " Common" (Linsley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880). 78. POMOLOBUS AESTIVALIS (Mitchill). Glut herring; Summer herring; Blueback; Blackbelly; Kyack. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 426; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 71, fig. 190. PISCES. 39 TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. CLUPEIDAE. ? Clupea aestivalis Mitchill, Kept. fish. N. Y., 1814, p. 21. "NEW YORK." Alosa tyrannus DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 334 [in part], pi. 26, fig. 3. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Dennys River (Kendall 1894; Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll.); Lower Penobscot River (Kendall coll. 1902). N. H.- MASS. Sandwich (Storer 1839); Provincetown (Storer 1847 and 1858); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). 82. ALOSA SAPIDISSIMA (Wilson). Shad. Jordan & Evemiann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 427; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 72, fig. 191. Clupea sapidissima Wilson, Ree's cyclopedia, 1811 ?, vol. 9, p. Alosa praestabilis DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 332, pi. 26, fig. 2. ME. In all our rivers until stopped by dams (Williamson 1832); Kennebec; Merry Meeting Bay; Cathance tributary of Kennebec; Sebasticook, Sandy, Penobscot, West Branch, Eastern rivers (Me. fish comm. 1867); Eastport (U. S. nat. mus., 1872; Kendall coll. 1893);'Orland River (Merrill coll. 1899); off the coast (Kendall coll. 1895); Casco Bay (fT. S. nat. mus. 1873; Bean 1880; Ken- dall coll.), St. Croix (Rathbun and Wakeham 1899). Kennebec; Penobscot; St. Croix; East Machias; Wescongus; Harrington; Mousam; Piscataqua rivers (Atkins 1887). N. H. Merrimac River (Thompson 1842); VT. Connecticut River at Bellows Falls (Thompson 1842). MASS. Charles, Merrimac and Concord rivers (Storer 1839 and 1859); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.) ; West Yar- 40 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. CLUPEIDAE. mouth (Lyman 1861); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Salem Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); New Bedford (Bean 1880); Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899); Rimistick Point; Dutch Island Harbor; Taunton River (Tracy 1906). Coxx. -"Common" (Linsley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880). 83. OPISTHOXEMA OGLIXUM (Le Sueur). Thread herring. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 432. Megalops oglina LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. 1, p. 359. "XEWPORT, R. I." Chatoesus signifer DeKay, X. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 264, pi. 41. MASS. Buzzards Bay; Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. L Xewport (LeSueur 1817); Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm. 1899). 84 BREVOORTIA TYRANNUS (Latrobe). Menhaden; Pogy. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 433; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 73, fig. 195. Chipea iymnnus Latrobe, Trans. Amer. philos. soc., 1802, vol. 5, p. 77, pi. 1. "CHESAPEAKE BAY." Alosa menhaden Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 336, pi. 26, fig. 4. ME. "On our coast and up rivers as far as fresh and saltwater mix" (Williamson 1832); Mouth Penobscot River (B. S. X. H., Storer coll.); Passamaquoddy Bay; Castine; Belfast; Brookline; Cranberry Isles ; Sargentville ; Matinicus ; X T ew Haven ; Monhegan ; Damariscotta ; Pemaquid; Wescongus; Booth Bay, Bristol; Round PISCES. 41 TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLL CLUPEIDAE. pond; Waldoboro; Pond Island; Portland; Pine Point (Goode 1877); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll.; Smith 1902). N. H. MASS. Massachusetts Bay; Provincetown ; Lynn; Sandwich (Storer 1859); Boston Bay (B. S. N. H., Cutting coll.); Salem (B. S. N. H., Brown coll.); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Danvers (Goode & Bean 1879); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish comm., 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); Saybrook .(Kendall coll. 1890). ENGRAULIDIDAE. 85. ANCHOVIA BROWNII (Gmelin). Striped anchovy. Atherina brownii Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1397. ''JAMAICA." Stolephorus brownii Gmelin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus, 1896, pt. 1, p. 443. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 [?]; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). 86. ANCHOVIA ARGYROPHANUS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Silvery anchovy. Engraulis argyrophanus Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1848 r vol. 21, p. 49. " EQUATORIAL ATLANTIC." Stolephorus argyrophanus Cuv. & Val. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 444. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 42 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYL1. ENGRAULIDIDAE. 87. ANCHOVIA MITCHILLI (Cuvier & t Valenciennes). Whitebait. Engraulis mitchilli Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poiss., 1848, vol. 21, p. 50. "NEW YORK; CAROLINA; LAKE PONTCHATRAIN." Engraulis vittata Baird & Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 341 [?], pi. 27, fig. 3. Stolephorus mitchilli (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Jordan & Ever- mann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 446. ME. Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1907). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1859); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. (Tracy 1906). SALMONIDAE. 88. COREGONUS QUADRILATERALIS Richardson. Round whitefish ; Menominee ; Frostfish ; Chiven ; Billfish ; Shad- waiter. Richardson, Franklin journ., 1823, p. 714, pi. 25, fig. 2. "FoRT ENTERPRISE, BRITISH AMERICA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 465. Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish, comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. 365, fig. ME. Moosehead Lake (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); Clear- water pond, Industry; Umsaskis of Allagash River; Cross Lake and Square Lake of Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County (Kendall 1903); Debsconeag Lakes, Piscataquis County (Kendall coll.). N. H. Lake Winnepesaukee (Prescott 1851); First Connecti- cut Lake (N. H. Fish comm. 1892). VT. Lake Champlain?; Lake Memphremagog (Evermann & Kendall 1894). 89. COREGONUS CLUPEIFORMIS (Mitchill). Whitefish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 465; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 76, fig. 202. PISCES. 43 TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. SALMONIDAE. Salmo clupeiformis Mitchill, Amer. monthly mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 321. "SAULT STE MARIE." VT. (Storer 1842); Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842; 1853 and Evermann & Kendall 1894). 90. COREGONUS LABRADORICUS Richardson. Whitefish; Pound-fish; Shadwaiter; Shad; Gizzard-fish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt, 1, p. 466; Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. 363, fig. Salmo (Coregonus) labradoricus Richardson, Fauna Bor. Amer., 1836, vol. 3, p. 206. "MUSQUA RIVER, [LABRADOR]." ME. Waters of the East and West branches of the St. Croix River; Moosehead Lake; Debsconeag Lakes; lakes of the Allagash; St. Frances and Fish rivers (Kendall 1903). N. H. Lake Winnepesaukee (Prescott 1851). VT. Lake Champlain; Lake Memphremagog (Evermann & Kendall 1894). 91. COREGONUS STANLEYI Kendall. Little whitefish; Stanleys whitefish. Kendall, Bull. U. S. fish, comm., 1903, vol. 22, p. 366, fig. "MAINE." ME. Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County (Kendall 1903). 92. ARGYROSOMUS ARTEDI (LeSueur). Cisco; Lake herring. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896 pt. 1, p. 468. Evermann & Smith, Rept. U. S. fish. comm. for 1894, 1896, p. 30, pi. 21. Coregonus artedi LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1818, vol. 1, p. 231. "LAKE ERIE; NIAGARA RIVER." 44 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. SALMONIDAE. VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842); Lake Bomoseen, Rutland County; Vergennes (Evermann & Kendall 1894). 93. SALMO SALAR Linne. Salmon; Sea salmon. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 308. "I.\ T OCEAXO EUROPAE." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 0, p. 320, pi. 25, fig. 2. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 486. ME. Kennebec River (Mitchill 1818) ; Affluent of Union River (Girard 1854); notably in the Penobscot; St. Croix, Dennys riv- ers; Penobscot Bay and neighboring coastal waters ;. Casco Bay (Kendall coll.). X. II. All along Merrimae River as far up as Woodstock dam (X. H. Fish, comm., 1878); Amoskeag Falls (X. H. Fish, comm., 1880; Merrimac River (X. H. Fish Comm. 1890). VT. Lake Champlain; Connecticut River, formerly (Thomp- son 1842). MASS. Merrimae River (Storer 1839, 1859 and Agassiz 1859); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Lawrence (X. H. Fish comm. 1878, 1879, 1880, 1883); Massachusetts rivers (Goode & Bean 1879); XorthTruro (Kendall coll. 1896); Buzzards Bay; Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); off Tuckernuck, Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm., 1899); Sakonnet River (Tracy 1906). Coxx. Connecticut River (Linsley 1844). 94. SALMO SEBAGO Girard. Landlocked Salmon; Fresh-water salmon; Blackspot trout; Sal- mon trout. Girard, Proc. acad. nat.' sci. Phil., 1853, p. 380. " SOUTHERN MAINE." PISCES. 45 TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. SALMONIDAE. Salmo salar sebago Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 487. ME. Originally in St. Croix Lakes, Grand Lake and Grand Lake Stream; Green Lake (Reeds Pond) in Union River basin; Sebec Lake, Penobscot basin; Sebago Lake, Presumpscot basin; now widely distributed by fish cultural operations. " Sebago pond"? (Storer 1839); (Girard 1853). 95. CRISTIVOMER NAMAYCUSH Walbaum. Great Lakes trout; Mackinaw trout; Namaycush; Lunge; Togue; Laker; Lake trout. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 504; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 82, fig. 217. Sa mo namaycush Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 68. " HUD- SON BAY." ME. Most deep lakes in eastern and northern Maine. Thomp- son Pond in Poland; Tunk Lakes in Hancock county; Lakes of the Upper Kennebec, Penobscot and St. Johns rivers and the St. Croix system, Wilton Pond (Me. Fish comm. 1867); Moosehead Lake (Goode 1879 and B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); Kurd pond; Matagamon Lake; Webster, Telos, Chamberlain, Eagle, Church- ill, Beau, Glasier lakes; Eagle Lakes, Aroostook County, Moose- head Lake (Kendall coll. '1901 and 1902). N. H. Winnepesaukee Lake; Squam Lake; East Pond in Enfield; Newfound Lake and First and Second Connecticut lakes (N. H. Fish comm. 1892); First and Second Connecticut lakes (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). VT. Lake Champlain; ponds in Orleans County; Bellwater pond in Barton and several ponds in Glover and Charleston (Thompson 1842); Lake Champlain; Lake Memphremagog ; Cas- pian Lake; Dunmore; Willoughby; Maidstone (Evermann & Kendall 1894). 46 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. SALMONIDAE. 96. SALVELIXUS FOXTINALIS (Mit chill). Trout; Brook trout; Red spot; Squaretail. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 506; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 82, fig. 218. Salmo foniinalis Mitchill, Kept. fish. X. Y., 1814, p. 12. "Xsw YORK." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 322, pi. 25, fig. 3. ME. Almost everywhere in brooks, rivers, ponds and lakes. Moosehead Lake (B. S. X. H., Hamlin coll., Davidson coll.); Belgrade Lake (B. S. X. H.). X. H. Pond, Monadnock Mt. (Bigelow 1849); Enfield (Storer 1859); Beaver Meadow, Fords, Mountain, Clarksvilje, Monad- nock, Converse, Clarks, Morrills, Little, Squam, Safety, Bog, Big Dummer, Little Dummer, Garlands, Connor, Bean, Dan Hole, Pierce, Stinsons, Baptist, Trout, Boulster, Chapmans, Picket Hill, Gilman, Bear and Rocky Ponds (X. H. Fish comm.); Connecticut Lakes and vicinity (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904); Umba- gog Lake, Molnichwock Pond and Brook, Androscoggin River (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1905). VT. Sleeper River; tributaries of Memphremagog, Caspian Lake (Evermann & Kendall 1894 and 1898). MASS. Sandwich (Forsyth 1846; Storer 1839 and 1859); Waltham (B. S. X T . H., Warren coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899); small streams in Foster, Scituate and Gloucester (Pope coll.). COXN. Housatonic (Linsley 1844); "Many Streams" (Ayres 1844). 97. SALVELIXUS AGASSIZII (Garman). Dublin Pond trout. Salmo agassizii Garman, 19th rept. Mass. fish, comm., 1885, p. 20, fig. 17, 18. "DUBLIX POXD (LAKE MOXADXOCK) X. H." PISCES. 47 TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. SALMONIDAE. Salvelinus fontinalis agassizi (Garman). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. rnus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 507. N. H. Monadnock Lake; Center Pond (Garman 1885; and N. H. fish comm.). 98. SALVELINUS AUREOLUS Bean. Golden trout ; White trout ; 'Silver trout. Bean, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1887, vol. 10, p. 628. "SUNAPEE LAKE, N. H." Salvelinus alpinus aureolus (Bean). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 511; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 83, fig. 220. ME. Floods Pond, Otis, Hancock County (Kendall coll. 1903). N. H. Sunapee Lake (Bean 1887 and 1889); Danhole Pond (N. H. fish comm. 1890; Jordan & Evermann 1896). VT. Averill Ponds (Wentworth coll.). 99. SALVELINUS OQUASSA (Girard). Blueback trout; Blueback. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 514 1900, pt. 4, pi. 83, fig. 221. Salmo oquassa Girard, Proc. Bost. soc. nat. -hist., 1853, vol. 4, p. 262. "MOOSEMEGANTIC LAKE * * * KENEBAGO." ME. Mooslucmaguntic and Oquassa lakes, Kennebago Stream (Girard 1853); Rangeley and Mooselucmaguntic (Me. fish comm., 1867); Kennebago Stream (Kendall coll. 1900); Rangeley Stream (Kendall coll. 1903 and 1904); Rainbow Lake, Piscataquis County (Garland 1903 and 1604). 48 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. ARGENTINIDAE. 100. OSMERUS MORDAX (Mitchill) . Smelt. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 523; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 86, fig. 228. Atherina mordax Mitchill, Rept. fish. X. Y., 1814, p. 15, "Xzw YORK." Osmerus viridescens LeSueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 327, pi. 25, fig. 4. ME. Common along the whole coast. St. Croix and other Washington County Waters; Eastport; Union, Penobscot; Ken- nebec; Androscoggin, Presumpscot river basins, Rockkind; Casco Bay (Kendall coll.); Sabattis Pond [?] (Merrill coll.); Green Lake [?] (Race coll.); Craigs Brook Craigs and Toddy ponds [?] (Atkins coll.). X. H. Squam and Winnepesaukee lakes (H. R. Storer 1857 and X. H. fish comm. 1870); Stocker, Long, Sandy and Smith Ponds (X. H. fish comm.). VT. Lake Champlain and Lake Memphremagog (Evermann & Kendall 1894). MASS. Jamaica Pond (H. R. Storer 1857); Watertown; Mil- ton River (Storer 1839 and 1859) ; Annisquam (B. S. X. H.) ; Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899) ; Xarrow River (Tracy 1906). Coxx. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880). 101. OSMERUS SPECTRUM Cope. Wilton Pond smelt. Cope, Proc. Amer. philos. soc., 1870, vol. 11, p. 490. " WILTON POND, KENNEBEC COUNTY, MAINE." PISCES. 49 TELEOSTOMI. ISOSPONDYLI. ARGENTINIDAE. Osmerus mordax spectrum (Cope). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 523. ME. "Wilton Pond" (Cope 1870); Wilson Pond (Stanley coll. 1904). 102. OSMERUS ABBOTTII Cope. Gobbosseecontee smelt. Cope, Proc. Amer. philos. soc., 1870, vol. 11, p. 490. "CoBBOS- SEECONTIC LAKE." Osmerus mordax abbottii (Cope). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 524. ME. Cobbosseecontee Lake (Cope 1870; Stanley & Berry coll.). 103. ARGENTINA SILUS Ascanius. Herring smelt. Ascanius, Icon. rev. nat:, 1763, fasc. 3, p. 3, pi. 24. " NOR- WAY." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 526. ME. Belfast; Biddeford pool (Goode & Bean 1880). IN1OMI. SYNODONTIDAE. 104. TRACHINOCEPHALUS MYOPS Forster). Ground spearing. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 533; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 88, fig. 235. Salmo myops Forster, Bloch &, Schneider, Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 421. "ST. HELENA." MASS. W T oods Hole (Smith 1898). 50 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. INIOMI. SYNODONTIDAE. 105. SYNODUS FOETENS (Linne). Lizzardfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 538; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 88, fig. 236. Salmo joetens Linne, Syst. nat. ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 513. " CAR- OLINA." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm., 1899). MAUROL1CIDAE. 106. MAUROLICUS PENNANTI (Walbaum). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, vol. 1, p. 577. Argentina pennanti Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 47. "ENG- LAND." Scopelus humboldtii Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. aead., 1858, vol. 6, p. 328, pi. 25, fig. 5. Maurolicus borealis Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 96, pi. 30, fig. 111. MASS. Xahant (Storer 1839); Provincetown (Storer 1859); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). HAPLOMI. UMBRIDAE. 107. UMBRA LIMI (Kirtland). Mud minnow; Mud fish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 623. Hydrargyra limi Kirtland, Boston journ. nat. hist., 1841, vol. 3, p. 277, pi: 2, fig. 4. "NORTHERN OHIO." Hydrargia atricada [!] DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 220. PISCES. 51 TELEOSTOMI. HAPLOMI. UMBRIDAE. VT. Lake Champlain and tributaries (Thompson 1842); "Ver- mont" (DeKay 1842). 108. UMBRA PYGMAEA (DeKay). Mud minnow. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 624; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 99, fig. 268. Leuciscus pygmaea DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 214, pi. 42, fig. 13. "TAPPAN, ROCKLAND COUNTY, N. Y." CONN. [?] ESOCIDAE. 109. Esox AMERICANUS (Gmelin). Banded pickerel; short-nose pickerel; Trout-nose pickerel. Esox lucius ft americanus Gmelin, Syst. nat. 1788, vol. 1, p. 1319. "LONG ISLAND, N. Y." Esox fasciatus DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 224, pi. 34, fig. 110. Esox ornatus Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 313, pi. 24, fig. 2. Lucius americanus (Gmelin). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 126. VT. Lake Bomosen (Ripley coll. 1905). MASS. Sherburne (Storer 1843); Charles River at Framing- ham (Girard 1854); Concord River (Thoreau 1859, Putnam 1859); Charles River at Wayland (Sprague 1859) ; East Lexington (B. S. N. H., Sprague coll.); Andover (B. S. N. H., Sanborn coll.); Fresh Pond, Cambridge (B. S. N. H., VanVleck coll.); Wellesley (B. S. N. H., Denton coll.); Wenham Lake (Goode & Bean 1879). R. I "Narragansett Bay" (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Samp-Mortar River, Fairfield (Linsley 1844). 52 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HAPLOMI. ESOCIDAE. 110. ESOX RETICULATUS LeSueur. Pickerel; Grass pike; Jack. LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1818, vol. 1, p. 414; " CON- NECTICUT RIVER, ADAMS, MASS." Store r, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 311, pi. 24, fig. 1. Lucius reticulatus (LeSueur). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 627. ME. Now widely distributed especially in the southern half of the state. Sebago Lake and outlet (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.) ; St. Croix and other Washington County waters (Kendall 1894); Union, Penobscot, Kennebec, Androscoggin, Royals and Presump- scot River basins (Kendall coll.). N. H. Winnipesaukee Lake (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); Butternut, Stocker, Eastmans, Miller, Spectacle, Angle, Island, Wash, Long, Goves, Whittaker, Upper, Cranney, Middle, Pleas- ant, Grassy, Clarks, Camp Swamp, Little, Squam, White-Oak, Flints, Pennichuck, Rocky, Larkins, Hinmans, Sawyers, Clay, Smiths, Clements, Rolfs, Carrs, Little Massabesic, Otternick, Cherry, Great, Country, Halfmoon, Streeter, Perch, Mink, Young, Henry, doughs, Crooked, Hothole, Spaldings, Cedar, Berry, Round, Pratts, Messers, Otter, Little Sunapee, Suncook, Jenness, Little Bow, Harvey, Knowltons, Duncan, Gumpars, Whites, Cunningham, Pierce, Jones, Governors, Peckus, Cass, Sandy Stin- sons, Loon, Captains, Policy, Worlds End, Hunkins, Station, Star, Bow, Bolster, Gilman, Lovewells, Province, Pine River, Great East, Bagleys, Bear, Jones, Day, Bakers, Line, Cabots, Smiths, Rusls, Beach & Sargents Ponds (N. H. fish comm.). VT. Connecticut River and most of its larger tributaries (Thompson 1842); Lake Champlain; Connecticut River (Ever- mann & Kendall 1894). MASS. Connecticut River, Adams (LeSueur 1818); Brewster, Cape Cod (Storer 1839 and 1859); near Greenfield (Ayres 1843); PISCES. 53 TELEOSTOMI . H APLOMI . ESOCIDAE. Charles River (Sprague 1855); Menham (B. S. N. H., Brown coll.); East Gloucester (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894). ' R. I. Pocassett River, Ponegansett Reservoir, Georgiaville (Pope coll. 1895). CONN. Hockanum River, about 2 miles east of Hartford (Ayres 1843); Hartford (Linsley 1844). 111. Esox LUCIUS Linne. Pike; Pickerel. Linne, Syst. nat, ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 314. "EUROPA." Lucius lucius (Linne). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat, mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 628; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 100, fig. 269. VT. Dimmore Lake, Salisbury (B. S. N. H.); Lake Cham- plain and Lake Memphremagog (Evermann & Kendall 1894); Lake Bomosen (Ripley coll. 1905). 112. Esox MASQUINONGY Mitchill. Muskalonge. Mitchill, Mirror, 1824, p. 297. "LAKE ERIE.". Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 629; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 100, fig. 270. VT. Lamoille River (Thompson 1850 and 1853); Lake Champlain (Evermann & Kendall 1894) POECILIIDAE. 113. FUNDULUS MAJALIS (Walbaum). Killifish; Mayfish; Bass killy; Yellowtail. Garman, Mem. mus. comp. zool, 1895, vol. 19, p. 104, pi. 2, fig. 5-6; pi. 9, fig. 1-8. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 639; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 101, fig. 271. 54 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HAPLOMI. POECILIIDAE. Cobitis majalis Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 12. "LONG ISLAND." Hydargyra flavula Val. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 309, pi. 23, fig. 5, 6. MASS. Holmes Hole; near Boston (Storer 1842 and 1859); Salem (Wheatland 1859) ; West Yarmouth (Lyman 1861); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); South Mill Pond [?] (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nan- tucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). Coxx.- Noank (Goode 1879). 114. FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS (Linne). Killifish; Mummichog; Chub; Minny. Tomcod; Cobler. Garman, Mem. mus. comp. zool., 1895, vol. 19, p. 97, pi. 2, fig. 2; pi. 8, fig. 1. Cobitis hcteroclita Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 500. "CAROLINA." Fundulus ^pisculentus Cuv. & Val. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5," p. 294, pi. 23, fig.- 3, 4. Fundulus nigrofasciatus Cuv. & Val. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 295, pi. 23, fig. 1. Fundulus heteroclitus macrolepidotus (Walbaum). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 641. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872 and 1892). Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873, Bean 1880 and Lee 1885); ponds near New Meadows (Bowdoin college). Freeport (Kendall coll. 1892, 1898; 1899, 1900; 1901; 1902; 1903). MASS. Sandwich (LeSueur 1817); Holmes Hole, (Storer 1839); Cambridge; Boston (Storer 1855); Salem (Wheatland 1859); West Yarmouth (Lyman 1861); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); PISCES. 55 TELEOSTOMI. HAPLOMI. POECILIIDAE. Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, VanVleck & Gardiner coll.); Cohasset (B. S. N. H., Bryant coll.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Newport (LeSueur 1817); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844); Noank (Goode 1879). 115. FUNDULUS DIAPHANUS (LeSueur). Freshwater minnow; Shorefish; Flathead. Garman, Mem. mus. comp. zool., 1895, vol. 19, p. 102, ,pl. 2, fig. 7. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 645; 1900, pt. 2, pi. 103, fig. 275. Hydrargira diaphana LeSueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. 1, p. 130. "SARATOGA LAKE, N. Y." Fundulus multifasciatus Cuv. & Val. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 296, pi. 23, fig. 2. ME. Boy den and Pennamaquan lakes and Grand Lake Stream (Kendall & Smith 1894) ; Chickawaka Lake, Rockland (Kendall coll. 1895); Craigs Pond, Lake Auburn, Cobbosseecontee Lake; Still water River (Merrill coll. 1899) ; Marranocook Lake (Berry coll. 1899) ; brook at Brunswick (Bowdoin college) ; Matagamonsis Lake (Kendall coll. 1900 and Smith 1902); Kurd ponds; Cross Lake Thoroughfare (Kendall coll. 1901); Floods pond and outlet (Kendall coll. 1902). MASS. Concord; Lowell (Storer 1855); Fresh Pond, Cam- bridge (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, VanVleck & Gardiner coll.); Wenham Lake (Goode & Bean 1879); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Smith 1898). R. I. "Narragansett Bay" (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). CONN. "Common" (Linsley 1844). 56 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HAPLOML POECILIIDAE. 116. LUCANIA PARVA (Baird & Girard). Rainwater fish. Garman, Mem. mus. comp. zool., 1895, vol. 19, p. 93, pi. 3, fig. 3. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 665; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 109, fig. 292. Cyprinodon parvus Baird & Girard, Kept. 9, Smithsonian inst., 1855, p. 345. "GREENPORT, LONG ISLAND." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 117. CYPRINODON VARIEGATUS Lacepede. Sheepshead minnow. . Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons, 1803, vol. 5, p. 486. " SOUTH CAROLINA." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 255. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 671; 1900, pt. 4, pi. Ill, fig. 296. MASS. Wes!: Yarmouth (Lyman 1861); Cape Cod (Storer 1867); Falmouth; Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). CONN. "Common"; Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844); Xoank (Bean 1880). SYNENTOGNATHI. BELONIDAE. 118. TYLOSURUS MARINUS (Walbaum). Garfish; Silver gar; Billfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 714. Esox marinus Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 88. B clone truncata LeSueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 314, pi. 24, fig. 3. PISCES. 57 TELEOSTOMI. SYNENTOGNATHI. BELONIDAE. ME. Wolfsneck, Freeport, Casco Bay (Kendall coll.). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839 and 1859) ; Vineyard Sound (B. S. N. H., Storer and Kneeland coll.); Waqupit (Lyman 1872); Great Tisbury Pond, Marthas Vineyard (B. S. N. H., Da vis coll.); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (LeSueur 1821); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Wickford (Tracy 1906). CONN. Stratford; Hartford (Linsley 1844); Connecticut River near Hartford (Ayres 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 119. TYLOSURUS ACUS (Lacepede). Houndfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 716; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 116, fig. 309. Sphyrna acus Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons, 1803, vol. 5, p. 6, pi. 1, fig. 3. "MARTINIQUE." MASS. Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). 120. ATHLENNES HIANS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 718. Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1905, vol. 23, pt. 1, p. 125, fig. 40. Belone hians Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1846, vol. 18, p. 432. "HAVANA, BAHIA." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). HEMIRHAMPHIDAE. 121. HYPORHAMPHUS ROBERTI (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Halfbeak. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 721; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 117, fig. 312. 58 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. SYNENTOGNATHI. HEMIRHAMPHIDAE. H emirhamphus roberti Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1846, vol. 19, p. 24. "CAYENNE." MASS. Vineyard Sound: Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Cope 1870); Narragansett Bay (R. 1. fish comm. 1899). 122. EULEPTORHAMPHUS VELOX PoeV. Poey, Synopsis, 1867, p. 383. "CUBA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 724. MASS. Off Nantucket, (Putnam 1870). R. L Newport (Goode 1879). SCOMBERESOCIDAE. 123. SCOMBERESOX SAURUS (Walbaum). Billfish; Needlefish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 725; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 117, fig. 314. Esox saurus Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 93. "CORNWALL." Scomberesox storeri DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 315, pi. 24, fig. 4. ME. Monhegan (Goode & Bean 1879); Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896); Old Orchard (Bowdoin college 1898). MASS. Cape Cod; Nantucket Shoals (Storer 1839); Province- town (Storer 1859); Weir River, Hingham (B. S. N. H., Grutman coll.); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & VanVleck coll. 1879); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1$79); Cape Cod (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R.I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm., 1899); Newport (Tracy 1906). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 59 TELEOSTOMI. SYNENTOGNATHI. EXOCOETIDAE. 124. PAREXOCOETUS MESOGASTER (Bloch). Black-wing Flyingfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. inus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 728. Exocoetus mesogaster Bloch, Ichthyologia 1795, pi. 399. R, I. Block Island (Goode 1879); Newport (Jordan & Meek 1885). 125. EXOCOETUS VOLITANS Linne. Flyingfish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 316. "IN ALTO PELAGO, EUROPAEO & AMERICANO" * * *. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 734; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 118, fig. 318. MASS. Vineyard Sound; Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). CONN. New Haven; Stonington (Linsley 1844). 126. EXOCOETUS RONDELETII Cuvier & Valenciennes. Flyingfish. Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1846, vol. 19, p. 115, "NAPLES; SICILY; CANARIES/' Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 733; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 118, fig. 317. MASS. Menemsha Bight (Smith 1901). 127. CYPSILURUS HETERURUS (Rafinesque). Flyingfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2836. 60 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. SYNENTOGNATHI. EXOCOETIDAE. Exocoetus heterurus Rafinesque, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi, 1810, p. 58. "PALERMO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 735. Exocoetus noveboracensis Mitchill. DeKay, N. Y., fauna, 1 42, pt. 4, p. 230, pi. 36, fig. 114. MASS. Woods Hole; Menemsha Bight (Smith 1900). R. I. Block Island (Goode 1879). 128. CYPSILURUS FURCATUS (Mitchill). Flying-fish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, 2836. Exocoetus furcatus Mitchill, Trans, lit. and phiL.soc. N. Y r . , 1815, vol. 1, 149. R. I. Newport (Jordan & Meek 1885 and Tracy 1900). 129. CYPSILURUS GIBBIFRONS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Flyingfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2836. Exocoetus gibbifrons, Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1846, vol. 19, p. 118. "ATLANTIC." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 741. R. I. Newport (Jordan & Evermann 1896). HEMIBRANCHI. GASTEROSTEIDAE. 130. EUCALIA INCONSTANS (Kirtland). Brook Stickleback. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 744. PISCES. 61 TELEOSTOMI. HEMIBRANCHIL GASTEROSTEIDAE. Gasterosteus inconstans Kirtland, Bost. journ. nat. hist., 1841, vol. 3, p. 273, pi. 2, fig. 1. "TRUMBULL COUNTY, OHIO." ME. Tributary brook of Cobbosseecontee Lake (Smith 1900; Kendall 1903). VT. Mouth of Franklin Brook (Evermann & Kendall 1894). 131. PUNGITIUS PUNGITIUS (Linne). Nine-spined stickleback. Gasterosteus pungitius Linne. Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 296. "EUROPA." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 91, pi. 8, fig. 5. Pygosteus pungitius Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 745. ME. Kennebec County (Storer 1837); Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872); Brunswick (Bowdoin college 1890); Grand Lake Stream (Kendall 1894); Casco Bay (Lee 1885); Freeport (Kendall coll.); Cross Lake Thoroughfare, Aroostook County (Kendall coll. 1901 and 1903); Sebois River (Kendall coll. 1902). MASS. Salem (Storer 1839); Salem (Wheatland 1859); Fresh- water pond, Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; .Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. (Tracy 1906). CONN. Housatonic (Linsley 1844); Hockanum River (Ayres 1844). 132. GASTEROSTEUS ACULEATUS Linne. Three-spined stickleback; Thornback; stickleback; Hornpout. Linne, Syst. nat, ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 295. " EUROPA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 747; 1900, pi. 99, fig. 320. 62 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HEMIBRANCHII. GASTEROSTEIDAE. Gasterosteus bispinosus Walbaum. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 748. Gasterosteus biaculeatus Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 88, pi. 8, fig. 2, 3. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Rockland (Kendall coll. 1895); Casco Bay and tributary waters (Kendall coll.); New Meadows River (Bowdoin College); Brook in Brunswick (Kendall coll. 1903). MASS. Provincetown ; Boston (Storer 1839); Nahant; Brookline (Storer 1853); Salem (Wheatland 1859); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, VanVleck & Gardiner coll.); Cohasset (B. S. N. H., Bryant coll.); Maiden (B. S. N. H., Sandborn coll.); Wood's Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank (B. S. N. H., Hyatt &RathbuncolL). 133. GASTEROSTEUS ATKINSII Bean. Freshwater stickleback. Bean, Proc. U. S. nat. mus. 1879, vol. 2, p. 67. "SCHOODIC LAKES, ME." Gasterosteus bispinosus atkinsii (Bean). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 748. ME. Grand Lake Stream (Bean 1879); Tributary of Cob- bosseccontee Lake (Kendall coll. 1899); Lake Auburn (Kendall coll. 1900); Billfish Brook, tributary Matagamon River; Mata- gamonsis, Webster, Telos, Chamberlain, Eagle, Churchill and Glasier, lakes; Allagash River and Cross Lake Thoroughfare (Kendall coll. 1901); Matagamon Waters (Smith 1902); Moose- head Lake (Kendall coll. 1902); Floods Pond (Kendall coll. 1903). PISCES. 63 TELEOSTOMI. HEMIBRANCHI. GASTEROSTEIDAE. 134. GASTEROSTEUS BISPINOSUS Walbaum. Two-spined stickleback. Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 450. "NEAR NEW YORK, HEMPSTEAD, L. I.] " Gasterosteus wheatlandi Putnam. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 279. Gasterosteus gladiunculus Kendall. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2836. ME. Along the whole coast in salt and brackish water. Bay of Fundy (Bowdoin college 1891); Creek at Small Point, Casco Bay; off Monhegan Island (Kendall coll. 1896); Porters Landing, Freeport (Kendall coll. 1898; 1899, 1900 and 1903); New Mead- ows River (Bowdoin college 1901). MASS. Swampscott (M. C. Z.); Nahant (Storer 1867); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). CONN. Stratford [?] (Linsley 1844). 135. APELTES QUADRACUS (Mitchill). Four-spined stickleback; Bloody stickleback. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 752; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 120, fig. 322. Gasterosteus quadracus Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 430. "NEW YORK." Storer, Mem.- Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 89, pt. 8, fig. 4. ME. Along the whole coast in brackish water. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873); Chick- awaka Lake and outlet, Rockland (Smith & Kendall 1896); Free- port (Kendall coll. 1898-1903). MASS. Salem (Storer 1839 and Wheatland 1859); from Boston to Provincetown (Storer 1853); freshwater pond, Annis- 64 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. HEMIBRANCHII. G ASTEROSTEID AE . quam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, VanVleck & Gardiner coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragarisett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). Coxx. Hartford; Stonington; Stratford (Linsley 1844); Xo- ank (Bean 1880). FISTULARIIDAE. 136. FISTULARIA TABACARIA Linne. Trumpetfish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 312. "Ix AMERICA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 757. Fishdaria serrata Bloch. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 318, pi. 25, fig. 1. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839; 1849 and 1859); Rock- port (Goode &Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Goodel879); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). MACRORHAMPHOSIDAE. 137. MACRORHAMPHOSUS SCOLOPAX (Linne). Snipefish. Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 483, pi. 117, fig. 396. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 759, Batistes scolopax Linne, Syst. nat. ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 329. "MEDITERRANEAN." MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1857; Goode & Bean 1879); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1896). PISCES. 65 TELEOSTOMI. LOPHOBRANCHII. SYNGNATHIDAE. 138. SYNGNATHUS ruscus Storer. Pipefish. Storer, Report, 1839, p. 162. " NAHANT, HOLMES HOLE [MASS.]." Siphostoma fuscum (Storer). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 770. Syngnathus peckianus Storer, Report, 1839, p. 163, pi. 1, fig. 2, and Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 412, pi. 33, fig. 3. ME. Eastport (U. S. Fish Comm. coll. 1890; Kendall coll. 1893); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1887; Lee 1885; Bowdoin Col- lege; Kendall coll. 1898-1900); off the coast (Kendall coll. 1895). N. H. Piscataqua River. MASS. Nahant; Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); West Yarmouth (Lyman 1861); Boston Harbor (Storer 1863); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Storer coll., Cutting coll.); Cohasset, Boston (B. S. N. H., Bryant coll., Kneeland coll.); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll.); Cape Ann; Swampscot (B. S. N. H.), Cape Cod (Storer [Putnam] 1867); Salem; Beverly Bridge (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R .1. fish comm. 1899 and Pope coll.). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Long Island Sound, off Stratford; Bridgeport; Middle Ground; Penfield Reef (Kendall coll., 1890); off S. W. Ledge; off Branford Beacon; off Norwalk Light House (Kendall coll. 1892). 139. HIPPOCAMPUS HUDSONIUS DeKay. Sea-horse. DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 322, pi. 53, fig. 171. "NEW YORK." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 416, pi. 33, fig. 4. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 777; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 122, fig. 327. 66 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. LOPHOBRANCH1I. SYNGNATHIDAE. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839 and 1863); Provincetown. (Atwood 1850); Massachusetts Bay? (Goode & Bean 1879); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). ACANTHOPTERI. PERCOPSIDAE. 140. PERCOPSIS GUTTATUS Agassiz. Trout-perch; Sand roller. Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850, p. 286. "LAKE SUPERIOR." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 784 ; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 121, fig. 329. VT. Lake Champlain; Winooski River (Thompson 1850 and 1853). ATHERINIDAE. 141. MENIDIA BERYLLINA CEREA Kendall. Waxen silverside. Kendall, Rept. U. S. fish comm., 1901, 1902, p. 261, fig. "WOODS HOLE." Menidia gracili.v (Giinther). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 797. MASS. Truro; Sandwich; Falmouth; \YoodsHole; Wareham River; New Bedford (Kendall 1901). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). 142. MENIDIA MENIDIA NOTATA (Mitchill). Silverside s; Britt; Sand smelt; Capelin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2840. PISCES. 67 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. ATHERINIDAE. Aiherina notata Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 446. "NEW YORK." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 165, pi. 16, fig. 1. Menidia notata (Mitchill). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 800. ME. Along the whole coast; Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893); Orland (Bean 1880); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Kendall coll., 1892; 1898-1902). N. H Piscataqua River (Storer 1853). MASS. Provincetown; Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); West Yarmouth (Lyman 1861); Charles River (Storer 1853); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vie ck & Gardiner coll.); Gloucester (Kendall 1903); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler ,1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & and Rathbun coll.); Bridgeport (Kendall coll., 1890). MUGILIDAE. 143. MUGIL CEPHALUS Linne". Striped mullet. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 316. "IN OCEANO EUROPAEO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 811; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 126, fig. 343. Mugil lineatus Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 167, pi. 16, fig. 4. ME. Wolfsneck, Casco Bay (Kendall 1903 and Smith 1902). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1852 and 1853); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). 68 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. MUGILIDAE. R. L Newport (Bean 1880); Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). Coxx. Stratford (Linsley 1844). 144. MUGIL CUREMA CuvitT & Valenciennes. White mullet. Cuv. &. Val. Hist. nat. poissons, 1836, vol. 11, p. 87. "BRAZIL; MARTINIQUE; CUBA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 813; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 126, fig. 344. MASS. Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm., 1899). 145. MUGIL TRICHODOX Poey. Fantail mullet. Poey, Ann. Lye. nat. hist. X. Y., 1875, vol. 11, p. 66, pi. 8, fig. 4-6. "CUBA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 816. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). Coxx. Stonington (Linslev 1844). SPHYRAENIDAE. 146. SPHYRAEXA BARRACUDA (Walbaum). Barracuda. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2841; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 128, fig. 349. Esox barracuda Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 94. Sphyraena picuda Bloch & Schneider. Jordan Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 823. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). PISCES. 69 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SPHYRAENIDAE. 147. SPHYRAENA GUACHANCHO Cuvier & Valenciennes. Barracuda; Guaguancho. Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1829, vol. 3, p. 342. "HAVANA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 824. MASS. Woods Hole (Goode & Bean 1880) ; Woods Hole and Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Willow Beach, near Wickford (Tracy 1906). 148. SPHYRAENA BOREALIS DeKay. Northern barracuda. DeKay, N. Y. Fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 37, pi. 60, fig. 196. "NEW YORK." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 163, pi. 12, fig. 3. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 825. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1843d and 1853); Marthas Vine- yard (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). POLYNEMIDAE. 149. POLYDACTYLUS OCTONEMUS (Girard). Threadfin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 830; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 128, fig. 350. Polynemus octonemus Girard, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1858, p. 167. "BRAZO; SANTIAGO; GALVESTON." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). AMMODYTIDAE. 150. AMMODYTES DUBIUS Reinhardt. Sand Launce ; Lant. Reinhardt, Kong. Dansk. vid. selsk. Afh., 1838, vol. 7, p. 132. 70 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTER1 . AMMODYTIDAE. "GREENLAND." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 281. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 832. MASS. Boston (Giinther 1862); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 151. AMMODYTES AMERICANUS DeKay. Sand Launce; Lant; Sand eel. DeKay, N. Y. Fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 317, pi. 52, fig. 167. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 410, pi. 33, fig. 2. Jor- dan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 833; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 129, fig. 351. ME. Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893); Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896). MASS. Holmes Hole; Provincetown (Storer 1863); Nan- tucket (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Gloucester (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, VanVleck and Gardiner coll.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). CONN. Long Island Sound; Stratford (Linsley 1844). HOLOCENTRIDAE. 152. HOLOCENTRUS ASCENSIONS (Osbeck). Squirrelfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 849; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 131, fig. 138. Perca ascensionis Osbeck, Iter in China, 1771, p. 388, "ASCEN- SION ISLAND." MASS. Katama Bay [?] (Bean 1899 and Smith? 1900). R. I. Newport (Goode 1879). PISCES. 71 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. MULLIDAE. 153. MULLUS AURATUS (Jordan & Gilbert). Surmullet. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 856; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 132, fig. 360. Mullus barbatus auratus Jordan & Gilbert, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1882, vol. 5, p. 280. "PENSACOLA." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). SCOMBRIDAE. 154. SCOMBER SCOMBRUS Linne. Mackerel. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 297. "IN OCEANO ATLANTICO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 866; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 123, fig. 363. Scomber vernalis Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 132, pi. 11, fig. 2. ME. All along the coast. Boon Island Ledge (Atwood 1865) ; Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885); Kendall coll. 1892 and 1896, 1899 and 1900); off Mount Desert, Monhegan, Casco Bay and Boone Island (Ken- dall coll. 1895). MASS. Massachusetts Bay; Cape Cod; Nantucket; Vineyard Sound (Storer 1853); Boston Bay (B. S. N. H., Cutting coll.); Provincetown (Atwood 1865 and Bean 1880); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck and Cutting coll.); Gloucester (Bean 1880); off Gay Head; at Menemsha Bight; Monomoy; North Truro (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899 and Pope coll.); 72 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SCOMBRIDAE. off Block Island (Kendall coll. 1896) Sakonnet River; Newport; Block Island (Tracy 1906). Coxx. Branford; Stratford (Linsley 1844). 155. SCOMBER JAPONICUS Houttuyn. Chub mackerel; Hardhead; Bullseye; Spanish mackerel. Houtuyn, Verhandl. Holl. maatsch. Haarlem, 1782, vol. 20, p. 381. "JAPAN." Scomber dekayi Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 130, pi. 11, fig. 1. Scomber colias Gmelin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 866; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 133, fig. 364. ME. Off Casco Bay (Bowdoin college 1893; Kendall coll. 1895); Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1853, and Bean 1880); Lynn? (Storer 1853); off Gay Head; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1898) Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844). 156. Auxis THAZARD (Lacepede). Frigate mackerel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 867; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 133, fig. 365. Scomber thazard Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons 1802, vol. 3, p. 9. "6 and 7 s. LATITUDE, COAST OF NEW GUIXEA." MASS. Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 157. GYMXOSARDA PELAMIS (Linne). Oceanic bom'to; Striped bonito. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 868. PISCES. 73 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SCOMBRIDAE. Scomber pelamis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 297. "IN PELAGO INTER TROPICOS." MASS. Provincetown ; Vineyard Sound (Goode & Bean 1879); Chilmark (Goode 1879); Woods Hole (Bean 1880); Me- nemsha Bight (Smith 1898). 158. GYMNOSARDA ALLETERATA (Rafinesque). Little tunny; Bonito. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 869; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 134, fig. 366. Scomber alleterata Rafinesque, Caratteri di alcuni generi nuovi, 1810, p. 46. "PALERMO." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). 159. THUNNUS THYNNUS (Linne"). Tunny; Horse mackerel; Tuna. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 870. Scomber thynnus Linne, S^st. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 297. "INTER TROPICOS IN PELAGO." Thynnus secundo-dor sails Storer, Mem. Amer acad., 1853, vol. 5,. p. 143, pi. 12, fig. 4. ME. Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893). MASS. Kettle Island; Pigeon Cape (Storer 1839); North River, Salem (Wheatland 1852); Cape Ann; Provincetown; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1853); Milk Island; North River, Salem; beach at Beverly (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). 74 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SCOMBRIDAE. 160. GERMO ALALUNGA (Gmelin). Long-finned albacore. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 871; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 134, fig. 367. Scomber alatunga [sic] Gmelin, Syst, nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1330. "SARDINIA." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 161. SARDA SARDA (Bloch). Bonito; Skipjack. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1396, pt. 1, p. 872. Scomber sarda Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1793, vol. 4, p. 44, pi. 334, " EUROPE." Pelamys sarda Cuvier. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 141, pi. 11, fig. 5. ME. Harpswell, Casco Bay (Bowdoin college 1890). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Lynn; Nahant (Storer 1842 f); Holmes Hole; Lynn (Storer 1844) ; Provincetown ; Lynn; Marthas Vineyard (Storer 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898); Cedar Tree Neck (Sherwood & Edwards 1901); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 162. SCOMBEROMORUS MACULATUS (Mitchill). Spanish mackerel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 874; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 134, fig. 368. PISCES. 75 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SCOMBRIDAE. Scomber maculatus Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 426, pi. 6, fig. 8. "NEW YORK." Cymbium maculatum, Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 146, pi. 13, fig. 1. ME. Monhegan (Storer 1853). MASS. Lynn (Storer 1842 a); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1842c); Provincetown (Storer 1853); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899) ; Princes Neck, Newport (Tracy 1906). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). 163. SCOMBEROMORUS REGALIS (Bloch). Kingfish; Gero. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 875; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 135, fig. 369. Scomber regalis Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1793, vol. 4, p. 38, pi. 333. "MARTINIQUE." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (Tracy 1906). 164. SCOMBEROMORUS CAVALLA (Cuvier). Sierra. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 875. Cymbium cavalla Cuvier, Regne anim., ed. 2, 1829, vol. 2, p. 200. "BRAZIL." MASS. Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). 76 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERL TRICHIURIDAE. 165. TRICHIURUS LEPTURUS Linne. Scabbardfish; Cutlassfish; Hairtail. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 246. "AMERICA; CHINA"; Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 147, pi. 12, fig. 1. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 889; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 137, fig. 375. ME. Monhegan (Storer 1853). MASS. (Storer 1842); Buzzards Bay (Storer 1842 f); Mass- achusetts Bay (Storer 1845); Lynn; Provincetown (Storer 1853); Wellfleet; Salem Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Goode 1879); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I.- Newport (Sherwood & Edwards 1901); Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish eomm. 1899). ISTIOPHORIDAE. 166. ISTIOPHORUS XIGRICAXS (Lacepede). Sailfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 891 ; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 137, fig. 376. Makaira nigricans Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons 1802, vol. 4, p. 688. "ROCHELLE." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Goode 1884). 167. TETRAPTERUS IMPERATOR (Bloch & Schneider). Spearfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 892. PISCES. 77 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. ISTIOPHORIDAE. Xiphias imperator Bloch & Schneider, Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 93, pi. 21. "MEDITERRANEAN." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). XIPHIIDAE. 168. XIPHIAS GLADIUS Linne. Swordfish. Linne, Syst. nat. ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 248. "EuROPA." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 149, pi. 13, fig. 2; Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 894. ME. Off Mt. Desert (Williamson 1832); off Portland (Goode 1884); Casco Bay (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.). MASS. Marthas Vineyard; Gay Head; off Nantucket (Storer 1853); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); off Nomans Land (Goode 1879); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898) ; Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. New Haven (Linsley 1844); Block Island; off Sakonnet Point (Tracy 1606). CARANGIDAE. 169. OLIGOPLITES SAURUS (Bloch & Schneider). Leather Jacket. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 898; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 138, fig. 378. Scomber saurus Bloch & Schneider, Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 321. " JAMAICA." 78 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. MASS. Menemsha Bight; Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Goode 1884). 170. NAUCRATES DUCTOR (Linne). Pilotfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 900; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 139, fig. 379. Gasterosteus ductor Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 295. "IN PELAGO." ME. Near Seguin (Bowdoin college). MASS. Provincetown ? (Atwood 1859); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONX. Stonington (Linsley 1844). 171. SERIOLA ZONATA (Mitchill). Rudderfish; Shark pilot. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 157, pi. 15, fig. 5. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 902; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 139, fig. 381. Scomber zonatus Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 427. "BAY OF NEW YORK." MASS. Wellfleet (Storer 1844 a and 1853); Provincetown (Storer 1850); Beverly; North River, Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole; New Bedford (Bean 1880); Vineyard Sound Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 79 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. 172. SERIOLA LALANDI Cuvier & Valenciennes. Amber Jack. Cuvier & Valenciennes, Hist. nat. poissons, 1833, vol. 9, p. 208. " BRAZIL." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 903; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 140, fig. 382. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 173. SERIOLA DUMERILI (Risso). Amber Jack. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 903. Caranx dumerili Risso, Ichthyol. Nice, 1810, p. 175, pi. 6, fig. 20. "NicE." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith & Kendall 1896 and Smith 1898). 174. DECAPTERUS PUNCTATUS (Agassiz). Scad; Round robin; Cigarfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 907. Caranx punctatus Agassiz, Spix Pise. Bras., 1829, p. 108, pi. 56 a fig. 2. "BRAZIL." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. East Haven (Linsley 1844). 175. DECAPTERUS MACARELLUS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Mackerel Scad. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 909; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 140, fig. 383. Caranx macarellus Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1833, vol. 9, p. 40. "MARTINIQUE." 80 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R.I. Newport (Goode 1879); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 176. TRACHURUS TRACHURUS (Linne). Saurel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 910; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 140, fig. 384. Scomber trachurus Linne Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 298. "!N MEDITERRANEO." R. I. Newport (Goode 1882). 177. TRACHUROPS CRUMENOPTHALMUS (Bloch). Big-eyed Scad ; Goggle-eye. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 911; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 141, fig. 385. Scomber crumenopthalmus Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1793, vol. 4, p. 77, pi. 343. "ACARA IN GUINEA." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 178. CARANGUS BARTHOLOMAEI (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Yellow Jack. Caranx bartholomaei Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1833, vol 9, p. 100. "SAINT BARTHELEMI." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 919. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). PISCES. 81 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. 179. CARANGUS HIPPOS (Linne). Crevalle. Scomber hippos Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 494. "CAROLINA." ' Caranx hippos (Linne). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47 U. S., nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 920; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 141, fig. 387. MASS. Lynn Beach (Wheatland 1852 and Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880). 180. CARANGUS CRYSOS (Mitchill). Hardtail; Runner. Scomber crysos Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 424. "NEW YORK." Caranx chrysos Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 153, pi. 14, fig. 1. Caranx crysos (Mitchill). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 921. MASS. Boston (Storer 1843) Charleston (Storer 1853); Ipswich Bay (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & VanVleck coll.); Pro- vincetown; off Gloucester (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Bean 1880); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nan- tucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); near Saunders own, Narragansett Bay (Tracy 1906). 181. ALECTIS CILIARIS (Bloch). Thread fish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. '47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 931. 82 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. Zeus ciliaris Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1787, vol. 2, p. 236, pi. 29. "EAST INDIES." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1900). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844). 182. VOMER SETAPINNIS (Mitchill). Moonfish; Horsefish; Bluntnose; Shiner. Zeus setapinnis Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. X. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 384, pi. 1, fig. 9. "NEW YORK." Argyreiosus unimaculatus Batchelder. Storer. Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 156, pi. 14, fig. 2. Vomer setipinnis (Mitchill). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 934; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 144; fig. 392. ME. Saco (Batchelder 1845); Casco Bay (B. S. X. H.). MASS. Xear South Boston (Storer 1853); Danvers; North River, Salem; Gloucester (Goode & Bean 1879) [?]; Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Bean 1880); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). R. I. Xewport (Cope 1870 and Bean 1880); Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Greenwich (Linsley 1844). 183. SELENE VOMER (Linne). Moonfish; Horsehead; Lookdown. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 936; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 144, fig. 393, pi. 145, fig. 393 a. Zeus vomer Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 266. "AMERICA." Argyreiosus capillaris DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 155, pi. 14, fig. 3. PISCES. 83 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. ME. Casco Bay (Bowdoin college 1880; U. S. nat. mus. 1887). MASS. New Bedford (Storer 1843 and 1853); Woods Hole. (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904) Dorchester (B. S. N. H., Herse> coll.). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Long Island Sound Middle- ground (Kendall coll. 1890). 184. CHLOROSCOMBRUS CHRYSURUS (Linne). Bumper; Yellowtail. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 938; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 145, fig. 394. Scomber chrysurus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 494. "IN CAROLINA." MASS. Cape Cod? 185. TRACHINOTUS FALCATUS (Linne). Round pompano. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 941; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 146, fig. 396. Labrus falcatus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 284. "IN AMERICA." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 186. TRACHINOTUS GOODEI Jordan & Evermann. Permit. Jordan, & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 943. "WEST INDIES, NORTH TO WEST FLORIDA." MASS. Woods Hole, young (Smith 1898). .84 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CARANGIDAE. 187. TRACHINOTUS ARGEXTEUS Cuvier & Valenciennes. Silvery pompano. Cuvier & Valenciennes, Hist. nat. poissons, 1831, vol. 8, p. 413, "NEW YORK AND Rio JANEIRO." Jordan & Evennann, Bull 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 944. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 188. TRACHINOTUS CAROLIXUS (Linne). Pompano. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p 944; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 147, fig. 398. Gasterosteu-s carolinus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 1^2, 1766, vol. 1 pt. 1, p. 490. "IN CAROLINA." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898) Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Noank (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & Rathbun coll.). POMATOMIDAE. 189. POMATOMUS SALTATRIX (Linne). Bluefish; Horse-mackerel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p 946; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 148, fig. 400. Perca saltatrix Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 293 "CAROLINA." Temnodon saltator Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5 p. 159, pi. 15, fig. 1. ME. Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873); Portland; Booth Bay Kennebec River (Boardman & Atkins 1875); off Segifin (U. S nat. mus. 1879); Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896) Harraseeket River, Casco Bay, [young] (Smith 1902). PISCES. 85 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. POMATOMIDAE. MASS. New Bedford, and Holmes Hole (Storer 1839) ; Lynn (Storer 1842 f); Nahant (Jackson 1847); Buzzards Bay; Vine- yard Sound; Nantucket; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Hingham (B. S. N. H.); Menemsha Bight (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Muskeget River; Great Point Rip and Bass Rip; off Sankaty Head (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899) Newport (Tracy 1906). CO-NN. "Very common" (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). RACHYCENTRIDAE. 190. RACHYCENTRON CANADUS (Linne). Grabeater; Bonito. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 948; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 148, fig. 401. Gasterosteus canadus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. .491. "IN CAROLINA." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). CONN. Mouth of the Housatonic (Linsley 1844). CORYPHAENIDAE. 191. CORYPHAENA HiPPURUS Linne. Dolphin. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 261. "IN PELAGO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 952; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 149, fig. 402. MASS. Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). CONN. Noank (Goode 1879). 86 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. LAMPRIDAE. 192. LAMPRIS REGIUS (Bonnaterre). Moonfish. Goode & Bean Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 223, fig. Zeus regius Bonnaterre, Ichth., 1788, p. 72, pi. 39, fig. 155. Lampris luna (Gmelin). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 954. ME. (Goode & Bean 1896). CENTROLOPHIDAE. 193. CENTROLOPHUS NIGER (Gmelin). Blackfish; Black ruff. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 963; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 149, fig. 403. Perca nigra Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1321. "CORN- WALL." MASS. Dennis (Smith 1898). 194. PALIXURICHTHYS PERCIFORMIS (Mitchill). Rudderfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 964. Coryphaena perciformis Mitchill, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 244. "NEW YORK HARBOR." [ ?] Palinurus perciformis DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 152, pi. 13, fig. 3. ME. (Gill 1873; Jordan & Evermann 1896). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1842); Boston Harbor (Storer 1846); Holmes Hole; Boston (Storer 1853); Gay Head (B. S. PISCES. 87 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. , CENTROLOPHIDAE. N. H., Crosby coll.); Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); off Nomans Land; Marthas Vineyard (Goode 1879); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., 1880); Nantucket (Sharpe & Fowler 1904). STROMATEIDAE. 195. GOBIOMORUS GRONOVII (Gmelin). Portuguese Man of War Fish. Gobius gronovii Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1205. "TROPICAL AMERICA." Nomeus gronovii (Gmelin). Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 220, pi. 63, fig. 227. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 949. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 196. PEPRILUS PARU (Linne). Harvest fish; Pappyfish; Starfish. Stromateus paru Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 248. "IN AMERICA." Rhombus paru Linne. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 965; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 150, fig. 404. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 197. PORONOTUS TRIACANTHUS (Peck). Butberfish; Dollarfish; Skipjack; Sheepshead. Stromateus triacanthus Peck, Mem. Amer. acad., 1804, vol. 2, p. 48, pi. 2, fig. 2. "PISCATAQUA RIVER, N. H." 88 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. STROMATEIDAE. , Rhombus triacanthus DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 162, pi. 15, fig. 4. Rhombus triacanthus (Peck). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 967; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 151, fig. 405. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872 and Bean 1880); off Seguin (U. S. nat. mus. 1879); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1887 and Bean 1880); Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896). N. H. Piscataqua River (Peck 1804). MASS. Provincetown; Boston (Storer 1853); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Salem Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole; Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Xaushon (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R, I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). " CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); off Stratford (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). TETRAGONURIDAE 198. TETRAGONURUS CUVIERI Risso. Squaretail. Risso, Ichthyol. Nice, 1810, p. 387. "NICE." Jordan & Ever- mann; Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 976;.J.900, pt. 4 r pi. 152, fig. 411. MASS. Woods Hole (Goode & Bean 1896; Smith 1898). CENTRARCHIDAE. 199. AMPLOPLITES RUPESTRIS (Rafinesque). Rock Bass. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 990; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 156, fig. 419. PISCES. 89 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CENTRARCHIDAE. Bodianus rupestris Rafinesque, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1817, vol. 1, p. 120. " LAKES OF NEW YORK, VERMONT AND CANADA." VT. (Storer 1842); Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842); Lake Bomoseen (Evermann & Kendall 1894). I 200. ENNEACANTHUS OBESUS (Girard). Banded Sunfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 993. Pomotis obesus Girard, Proc. Bost. soc. nat., 1854, vol. 5, p. 40; "FRESH WATERS ABOUT HINGHAM [MASS.] AND IN A BRANCH OF THE CHARLES RIVER AT HOLLISTON." Bryttus obesus Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 254. MASS. Hingham; Holliston (Girard 1854); Concord (Thoreau 1859; Putnam 1859); Cambridge; Maiden (Storer 1867); Men- han Lake; Danvers; Beverly (Goode & Bean 1879). 201. LEPOMIS AURITUS (Linne). Longeared Sunfish; Red Sunfish; Roach. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1,. p. 1001; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 169, fig. 425. Labrus auritus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 283. "IN PHILADELPHIA/' Pomotis appendix DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., X853, vol. 5, p. .62, pi. 3, fig. 4. ME. Thompson Pond (Bowdoin college); Craigs Pond;. Pushaw Pond; Toddy Pond; Alamoosook Lake (Merrill coll. 1899). Cobbosseecontee Lake; Lake Auburn; Ambajejus Falls; 90 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CENTRARCHIDAE. First and Second Kurd ponds; Fourth Debsconeag Lake; Pok- wokamus Deadwater, West Branch of Penobscot; Hale Pond; Bowlin Pond; Green Lake; Branch Pond; Floods Pond (Kendall coll.). VT. -Connecticut River at Barnet (Thompson 1842); Lake Champlain, Bridgeport ( B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.). MASS. Concord River (Storer 1842 a, 1842 f and 1853); Ipswich River, Ipswich, (B. S. N. H.); Menham Pond and other waters in Essex County (Goode & Bean 1879). R. I. "Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Bridgeport; Hartford (Linsley 1844). 202. EUPOMOTIS GIBBOSUS (Linne). Sunfish; Flatfish; Roach; Hogback; Kiver. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1009; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 161, fig. 429. Perca gibbosa Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 292. "IN AMERICA." Pomotis vulgaris Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 60, pi. 3, fig. 1. ME. Presumpocot River (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.); Grand Lake Stream (U. S. nat. mus. 1877); Boyden Lake; Pennamquan Lake and River, Dennys River; Leweys Lake; St. Croix River; Maguerrowock Stream (Kendall 1894); Chickawaka Lake, Rock- land (Kendall coll. 1895); Sebago and Little Sebago lakes* and Songo River (Kendall coll. 1898); Androscoggin River and Lake Auburn (Merrill coll. 1899); Pettengills Pond, North Windham; Thomas Pond, South Casco; Cobbosseecontee Lake (Kendall coll. 1899). N. H. VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842) Dunmore Lake, Salis- bury (B. S. N. H.). MASS. (Storer 1839 and 1853); pond near Plymouth (Jackson PISCES. 91 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CENTRARCHIDAE. 1852); " Ponds of the County" (Putnam 1856); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); near Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. L "Narragansett Bay" (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Masha- paug, Benedict & Fenners ponds (Pope coll. 1894-96). CONN. "Common" (Linsley 1844). 203. MICROPTERUS DOLOMIEU Lacepede. Smallmouth Black-bass; Black-bass. Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons, 1802, vol. 4, p. 325. . Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1011; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 162, fig. 430. ME. Introduced; now widely distributed in southern half of state, from Cumberland to Washington Co. N. H. Introduced; now widely distributed. Winnipesaukee Lake (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.). VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842). MASS. Introduced; widely distributed. Great Sand Lake, Ware- ham; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1867); Wellesley (B. S. N. H., Denton coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894). R. I. Introduced; now common. CONN. Introduced?; Housatonic (Linsley 1844). 204. MICROPTERUS SALMOIDES (Lacepede). Largemouth Black-bass. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1012; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 163, fig. 431. Labrus salmoides Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons, 1802, vol. 4, p. 716. "SOUTH CAROLINA." ME. Lately introduced into Lower Kimball Pond, Fryeburg and Range Ponds, Poland. N. H. Introduced? VT. ? 92 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CENTRARCHIDAE. MASS. - Introduced; Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); near Woods Hole (Smith 1898); Wellesley (B. S. X. H. Denton coll.). R. I. Introduced; " Narragansett Bay" (II. I. fish comm. 1899). PERCIDAE. 205. STIZOSTEDION VITREUM (Mitchill). Pike Perch; Wall-eyed Pike. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1021; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 164, fig. 433. Perca vitrea Mitchill, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 247. "CAYCGA LAKE, X. Y." VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842); Winooski and Lamoille rivers (Evermann & Kendall 1894). 206. STIZOSTEDIOX CAXADENSE (Smith). Sauger; Sand pike. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1022; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 164, fig. 434. Lucioperca canadensis C. H. Smith, Griffith's Cuvier Regne anim., 1834, vol. 10, p. 275, pi. 7. "CANADA." VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1853). 207. PERCA FLAVESCENS (Mitchill). Perch; Yellow perch; Ring perch; Coon perch; Brindle perch. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1023; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 165, fig. 435. Morone flavescetis Mitchill, Rept. fish. X. Y., 1814, p. 18. "NEAR. XEW YORK CITY." PISCES. 93 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PERCIDAE. Perca flacescens Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 52, pl/2, fig. 1. ME. Thompson Pond (Bowdoin college); Grand Lake Stream; Meddybemps Lake, etc. (Kendall 1894); Songo and Presumpscot rivers; Sebago and Little Sebago lakes; Pettengill, Panther, Rattle snake, Thomas, and Hurd ponds; Cobbosseecontee and Marranocook lakes; Matagamon River and Matagamonsis Lake; Ambajejus Falls; Second and Fourth Debsconeag lakes; Pok- wokamus Deadwater; Beau Lake (Kendall coll.). N. H. Abundant in southern half of state; Pond near Monad- nock Mt. (Bigelow 1849); Lake Winnipesaukee (B. S. N. H., Put- nam coll.). VT. Common; Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842); Clyde River near Newport Missisquoi Bay (Evermann & Kendall 1894); Swanton (Carter coll. 1907). MASS. Concord River (Storer 1842 c and 1842 f); Fresh Pond, Cambridge (Storer 1842 f); common everywhere (Storer 1853); "Ponds of the County" (Putnam 1856); Salem (Wheatland 1859); Idlewood Lake Menham (B. S. N. H., Warren coll. & Brown coll.); Orleans, Cape Cod (Davidson coll.); abundant everywhere (Goode & Bean 1879); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); near Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Benedict, Fenners, Mashapaug ponds ; Pocassett River; Ponegansett Resevoir (Pope coll. 1898). CONN. Hockanum River, Hartford (Ayres 1843). 208. PERCINA CAPRODES (Rafinesque). Log perch; Hogmolly. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1026; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 165, fig. 436. Sciena caprodes Rafinesque, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 1, p. 354. "Omo RIVER." VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842). 94 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PERCIDAE. 209. COTTOGASTER COPELANDI (Jordan). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1045. Rheocrypta copelandi Jordan, Bull. 10, U. S. nat. mus., 1S77, p. 9. "WHITE RIVER, INDIANA." VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1853). 210. BOLEOSOMA OLMSTEDI (Storer). Tessellated darter. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 78, pi. 4, fig. 4. Etheostoma olmstedi Storer, Bost. journ. nat. hist., 1842 (1844), vol. 4, p. 61, pi. 5, fig. 2. " HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT." Boleosoma nigrum olmstedi (Storer). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1057; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 171, fig. 451. MASS. "Western portion of the state" (Storer 1853); Charles River (B. S. N. H., Baird coll.) New Salem (B. S. N. H., Tiask coll.); Quashnet River, Falmouth (Kendall coll. 1894); near Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. L "Narragansett Bay" (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). CONN. Hartford (Storer 1842); in nearly all freshwater streams (T.insley 1844). 211. BOLEICHTHYS FUSiFORMis (Girard). Redside darter. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1101; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 177, fig. 469. Boleosoma fusiforme Girard, Proc. Bost. soc. nat. hist., 1854, vol. 5, p. 41. "CHARLES RIVER NEAR FRAMINGHAM, MASS." Hololepis fusiformis Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 256. PISCES.. 95 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PERCIDAE. MASS. Charles River (Girard 1854); a small brook tribu- tary to Melrose Pond, Melrose (B. S. N. H., Putnam coll.); Framingham; Essex County and elsewhere (Storer 1867); Brook of Melrose Pond; Menham Lake; Newhall Crossing (Goode & Bean 1879) Waltham (B. S. N. H., Warren coll.). CHEILODIPTERIDAE. 212. APOGON IMBERBUS (Linne). King of the mullets. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1107. Mullus imberbus Linne, Syst. nat.-, ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 300. "IN MELITA." R. I. Newport (Cope 1870). 213. APOGON MACULATUS (Poey). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1109. Monoprion maculatus Poey, Memorias, 1860, vol. 2, p. 123. "CUBA." MASS. Katama Bay (Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Cope 1870). SERRANIDAE. 214. Roccus LINEATUS (Bloch). Striped bass; Rock; Rockfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1132; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 180, fig. 478. Sciaena lineata Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1792, vol. 3, p. 62, pi. 304. "MEDITERRANEAN SEA." 96 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SERRANIDAE. Labmx lineatus Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 54, pi. 1, fig. 4. ME. Kenduskeag (Williamson 1832); coast (B. S. X. H., Davidson coll.); Merrymeeting Bay; Saco, Kennebec, Eastern and Sebasticook rivers (Me. fish. comm. 1867);. Sheepscojt, Dyer, St. Croix and Piscataqua rivers; Winnegance Creek; Casco Bay (Atkins 1887). Wolfsneck, and Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896). X. H. (Storer 1853). MASS. Chelsea; Xantasket; Boston (Storer 1839); Province- town; Charles River; Buzzards Bay (Storer 1853); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. X. H., Cutting coll.); "Harbors of the County" (Put- nam 1856); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Essex County. rivers (Goode & Bean 1879); Holyoke (Bean 1880); Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Xantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R.I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Taunton River (Tracy 1906). CONN. Connecticut River to above Hartford; Stonington (Linsley 1844). 215. MOROXE AMERICANA (Gmelin). White perch. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1134; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 181, fig. 479. Perca americana Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1308. "NEW YORK." Labrax rufus DeKay, Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 57, pi. 1, fig. 1. ME. Lakes emptying into Kennebec River as far back as Skowhegan; into Penobscot River still further north; and in lakes of the St. Croix and intervening territory (Me. fish comm. 1867) ; PISCES. 97 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SERRANIDAE. Grand Lake Stream (U. S. nat. mus. 1877); Eastport and Freeport (Kendall coll. 1893); Sysladobsis, Big, Leweys and Meddybemps lakes (Kendall 1894); Pushaw and Cogchnewagn ponds (Merrill coll. 1899); Sebago and Little Sebago lakes (Kendall coll. 1898, 1899 and 1900); Cobbosseecontee Lake (Kendall coll. 1899) ; Har- raseeket River (Smith 1902). N. H. Wheelrights Pond (N. H. fish comm. 1877). MASS. Mouths of rivers, and ponds near Boston (Storer 1853 " Ponds of the county and occasionally in salt water" (Putnam 1856); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Floating Bridge Pond, Salem; Flax Pond, Lynn (Goode & Bean 1879) ; Idlewood Lake, Wenham (B. S. N. H., Brown coll.); Nantucket, and Brewster, Cape Cod (B. S. N. H., Ordway coll.) ; Fresh Pond, Cambridge (B. S. N. H., Van Vleck coll.); Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899) ; Mashapaug and Benedict ponds (Pope coll. 1888-1896). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 216. EPINEPHELUS ADSCENSIONIS (Osbeck). Rock hind. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1152; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 182, fig. 482. Trachurus adscensionis Osbeck, Voyage to China, 1771, vol. 2, p. 95. "ASCENSION ISLAND." MASS. Katama Bay [young] (Smith 1900). 217. EPINEPHELUS NIVEATUS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Spotted grouper; Snowy grouper. Boulenger, Cat. fish. Brit, mus., ed. 2, 1895, p. 226, pi. 3, fig. 3. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1156. 98 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SERRANIDAE. Serranus niveatus Cuv. & Val., hist. nat. poissons, 1828, vol. 2, p. 380. ''BRAZIL/' MASS. Woods Hole (Smith & Kendall 1894; Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Gill 1861 and Cope 1870); Tiverton; Point Judith (U. S. nat. mus. ); Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 218. EPINEPHELUS MORIO (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Red grouper. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1160; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 184, fig. 485. Serranus morio Cuv. &. Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1828, vol. 2, p. 285. "NEW YORK AND SAX DOMINGO." MASS. Katama Bay [young] (Smith 1898). 219. GARRUPA NIGRITA (Holbrook). Black Grouper. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1161; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 184, fig. 486. Serranus nigritus Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1856, p. 173, pi. 25, fig. 11. "CHARLESTON, S. C." MASS. Katama Bay [young] (Smith 1900). 220. MYCTEROPERCA BONACI (Poey). Black Grouper. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1174; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 187, fig. 492. Serranus bonaci Poey, Memorias, 1860, vol. 2, p. 129. "CUBA." MASS. Katama Bay [young] (Smith 1900). PISCES. 99 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SERRANIDAE. 221. MYCTEROPERCA INTERSTITIALIS (Poey). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1178. Serranus interstitialis Poey, Memorias, 1860, vol. 2, p. 127. "CUBA." MASS. Katama Bay [?] (Smith 1900). 222. CENTROPRISTES STRIATUS (Linne"). Sea Bass; Black Sea Bass. i Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1199; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 190, fig. 500. Labrus striatus Linne, Syst. nat., 1758, ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 285. "IN AMERICA." Centropristes varius Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 58, pi. 2, fig. 4. ME. Matinicus Island (B. S. N. H., Arethusa coll.) ; Wood Island, Casco Bay (Smith & Kendall 1896). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Holmes Hole; Gay Head; New Bedford; Massachusetts Bay; Nahant (Storer 1853); Salem Harbor; Nahant (Putnam 1856); Beverly Bar (Wheatland 1860); Cohasset Narrows (Bean 1880); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Nan- tucket Sound; Buzzards Bay (Collins & Rathbun 1887); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896) ; Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Noank (Bean 1880); off Bridgeport; off Stratford; the Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island (Kendall coll. 1892). 100 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERL SERRANIDAE. 223. RYPTICUS BISTRISPINUS (Mitchill). Soapfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1233; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 194, fig. 509. Bodianus bistrispinus Mitchill, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 247. "STRAITS OF BAHAMA." R. L Newport (Cope, 1870). LOBOTIDAE. 224. LOBOTES SURIXAMENSIS (Bloch). Flasher; Trippletail. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896 r pt. 1, p. 1235; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 194, fig. 510. Holocentrns surinamensis Bloch, Xat. ausl. fische, 1790, vol. 3, p. 98, pi. 243. "SURINAM." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); Menemsha Bight (Smith 1898). R.I. XarragansettBay; off Pine Hill (R.I. fish comm. 1899); Prudence Island (Sherwood & Edwards 1901); near Saunders- town (Tracy 1906). PRIACANTHIDAE. 225. PRI ACANTHUS AREXATUS Cuvier & Valenciennes. Catalufa; Bigeye. Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1829, vol. 3, p. 101. "BRAZIL." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1237; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 195, fig. 511. MASS. Woods Hole; Quisset Harbor (Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Jordan & Evermann 1896). PISCES. 101 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. LOBOTIDAE. 226. PSEUDOPRIACANTHUS ALTUS (Gill). Bigeye. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 1, p. 1239; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 195, fig. 512. Priacanthus altus Gill, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1862, p. 132, " NARRAGANSETT BAY AT CANANICUT FERRY, R. I." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 254. MASS. Marblehead Beach (Storer 1867); Woods Hole; Acushnet River, New Bedford [young] (Smith 1898). R. I. Cananicut Ferry (Gill 1862); Newport (Cope 1870). LUTIANIDAE. 227. LUTIANUS GRISEUS (Linne). Gray snapper; Mangrove snapper. Labrus griseus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 283. "IN AMERICA." Neomaenis griseus (Linne). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1255. MASS. Woods Hole [young] (Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Tracy 1906). 228. LUTIANUS jocu (Bloch & Schneider). Dog snapper. Anthias jocu Bloch & Schn., Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 310. "CUBA." Neomaenis jocu (Bloch & Schn). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. U. S. nat. mus. 1898, pt. 2, p. 1257. MASS. Woods Hole [young] (Smith 1898). 229. LUTIANUS APODUS (Walbaum). Schoolmaster. IPerca apodus Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 351. "BAHA- MAS."' 102 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. LUTIANIDAE. Neomaenis apodus (Walbaum). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus. 1898, pt. 2, p. 1258; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 197, fig. 515. MASS. Woods Hole, [young] (Smith 1898). 230. LUTIAXUS BLACKFORDII Goode & Bean. Red snapper. Goode & Bean, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1878, vol. 1, p. 170. "PENSACOLA, FLA." Neomaenis ay a (Bloch). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1264; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 197, fig. 516. MASS. Menemsha Bight [young] (Smith 1898). ' 231. LUTIAXUS AXALIS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Muttonfish. Mesopnon analis Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poiss., 1828, vol. 2, p. 452. "SAXTO DOMIXGO." Neomaenis analis (Cuv. & Val.). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1265; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 198, fig. 517. MASS. Woods Hole [young] (Smith 1898). 232. OCYURUS CHRYSURUS (Bloch). Yellowtail. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898 ; pt. 2, p. 1275; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 199, fig. 520. Sparus chrysurus Bloch, Ichth. Nat.ausl. fische, 1790, vol. 3, p. 28, pi. 262. "BRAZIL." MASS. Katama Bay [young] (Smith 1901). PISCES. 1 03 TELEOSTOMI . ACANTHOPTERI . SPARIDAE. 233. STENOTOMUS CHRYSOPS (Linne). Scup; Porgy. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1346; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 211, fig. 544. Sparus chrysops Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 471. "IN CAROLINA." Pagrus argyrops Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 127, pi. 10, fig. 4. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus., 1872); Casco Bay (Smith & Kendall 1896). MASS. Buzzards Bay; Vineyard Sound; Holmes Hole; Well- fleet; Sandwich; Boston; Nahant (Storer 1839 and 1853); Wa- quoit (Lyman 1872); Swampscot (B. S. N. H., Phillips coll.); Buzzards Bay (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); Nantucket Sound; Buzzards Bay (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Milk Island (Goode & Bean 1879; Cohasset Narrows (Bean 1880); Thatchers Island (Goode 1884); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp and Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899 and Pope coll.); Taunton River; Newport; Block Island (Tracy 1906). CONN. Bridgeport; New Haven (Linsley 1844); off Bridge- port; off Stratford; Middleground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulk- ners Island (Kendall coll. 1892). 234. LAGODON RHOMBOIDES (Linne). Pinfish ; Sailors choice ; Bream. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1358; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 215, fig. 552. Sparus rhomboides Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 470. "IN AMERICA." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 104 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SPARIDAE. R.I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899); Newport (Tracy 1906). 235. ARCHOSARGUS PROBATOCEPHALUS (Walbaum). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1361; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 216, fig. 554. Sparus probatocephalus Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 295. "NEW YORK." Sargus ovis Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 126, pi. 10, fig. 1. MASS. South of Cape Cod (Storer 1839 and 1853); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Woods Hole (B. S. N. H., Defiton coll.). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Newport (Tracy 1906). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844). GERRIDAE. 236. EUCINOSTOMUS GULA (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Silver jenny. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 464. 1370. Genes gula Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1830, vol. 6, p. 464. "MARTINIQUE." MASS. Woods Hole [young] (Smith 1898). KYPHOSIDAE. 237. KYPHOSUS SECTATRIX (Linne). Chub; Sailors choice. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1387; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 219, fig. 559. PISCES. 105 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. KYPHOSIDAE. Perca sectatrix Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 486. "IN AMERICA." MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Goode 1879). SCIAENIDAE. 238. CYNOSCION REGALIS (Bloch & Schneider). Weakfish; Squeteagne; Sea trout. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1407; 1900, pt. 4-, pi. 220, fig. 562. Johnius regalis Bloch & Schn., Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 75. "NEW YORK." Otolithus regalis Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 122, pi. 9, fig. 1. ME. (Holmes 1862). MASS. Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.); Nan- tucket; Marthas Vineyard; Provincetown (Storer 1839 and 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Milk Island, Gape Ann (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Bean 1880); Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp and Fowler 1900). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-99); Providence River; off Block Island (Tracy 1906). CONN. Mouth of Housatonic (Linsley 1844); off Bridgeport; off Stratford; Middle Ground [young] (Kendall coll. 1890); off Norwalk Light House; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). SCIAENIDAE. 239. LARIMUS FASCIATUS Holbrook. Holbrook, Ichth. South Carolina, 1856, p. 153, pi. 22, fig. 1. 106 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SCIAENIDAE. "CHARLESTON." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1424. MASS. Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). 240. SCIAENOPS OCELLATUS (Linne). Red drum; Channel bass. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1453; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 222, fig. 567. Perca ocellata Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 483. VIN CAROLINA." MASS. Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). 241. LEIOSTOMUS XANTHURUS Lacepede. Spot. Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons, 1802, vol. 4, p. 439, pi. 10, fig. 00- "CAROLINA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1458; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 223, fig. 569. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Newport (Tracy 1906). CONN. Branford (Linsley 1844). 242. MICROPOGON TJNDULATUS (Linne). Croaker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1461; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 224, fig. 570. Perca undulata Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 483. "IN CAROLINA." MASS. Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). PISCES. 107 TELEOSTOML ACANTHOPTERI. SCIAENIDAE. 243. MENTICIRRHUS SAXATILIS (Bloch & Schneider). Kingfish; Whiting; Sea mullet. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1475. Johnius saxatilis Bloch & Schn., Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 75. "NEW YORK." Umbrina nebulosa Store?. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 124, pi. 9, fig. 4. ME. Casco Bay (Lee 1885 and Bowdoin college). MASS. Nahant; Lynn (Storer 1842); Boston Light House; Lynn; Provincetown (Storer 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Marblehead Light; Spite Bridge, Danvers (Goode & Bean 1879); Cohasset Narrows (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharpe & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 244. POGONIAS CROMIS (Linne). Drum; Black drum. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1482; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 225, fig. 573. Labrus cromis Linne", Syst., nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 479. "IN CAROLINA." MASS. Provincetown (Goode & Bean 1879; Mystic River (B. S. N. H., Cutter coll.); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844). 245. APLODONOTUS GRUNNIENS Rafinesque. Freshwater drum; Sheepshead. Rafinesque, Journ. de phys., 1819, p. 88. "Omo RIVER." 108 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SCIAENIDAE. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1484; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 226, pi. 574. VT. (Storer 1842); Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842). POMACENTRIDAE. 246. EUPOMACENTRUS LEUCOSTICTUS (Muller & Troschel). Cocky pilot. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1555. Pomacentrus leucostictus Mtiller & Trosch., Schomburgk's Hist. Barbados, 1848, p. 674. " BARBADOS." MASS. Katama Bay (Smith 1900). 247. ABUDEFDUF SAXATILIS (Linne). Cocky pilot. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1561; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 234, fig. 590. Chaetodon saxatilis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 276. "IN INDIA." R. I. Newport (Cope 1870). LABRIDAE. 248. TAUTOGOLABRUS ADSPERSUS (Walbaum). Chogset; Gunner; Nipper; Wharffish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p, 1577; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 236, fig. 505. Labrus adspersus Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 254. "NEW YORK." PISCES. 109 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. LABRIDAE. Ctenolabrus ceruleus DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 274, pi. 21, fig. 1. ME. Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1892, 1896; 1898; 1900,1902; 1903); Portland (Bean 1880). MASS. Entire coast (Storer 1839 and 1855); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.) ; Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Arethusa coll.); Orleans, Cape Cod (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); Provincetown (Bean 1880); Gloucester (Bean 1880 and Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Gay Head; Cuttyhunk (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-99). CONN. "Common" (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); off Stratford (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island (Kendall coll. 1892). 249. TAUTOGA ONITIS (Linne). Tautog; Blackfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1578; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 237, fig. 596. Labrus onitis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 286. Tautoga americana DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 276, pi. 20, fig. 2. ME. Casco Bay (Lee 1885); Small Point, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896); Orrs Island, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1900); mouth Harraseeket River (Kendall coll. 1901); Freeport (Kendall coll. 1903); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). MASS. Plymouth; Nahant; Lynn; Boston; Wellfleet; Roch- ester Harbor (Storer 1855); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Massa- HO FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI . LABRIDAE. chusetts Bay (Bean 1880); Gloucester (B. S. X. H., Davidson coll.); Nantucket Sound; Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); off Conimi- cut Light (Pope coll. 1897-99); Pawtucket (Tracy 1906). CONN. Middle Ground; off Stratford; off Bridgeport; Ston- ington (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). SCARIDAE. 250. SPARISOMA FLAVESCEXS (Bloch & Schneider). Mud parrot. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1639. Scarus flavescens Bloch & Schn., Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 290. "CUBA." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1901). 251. SCARUS CROICEXSIS Bloch. Bullon. Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, vol. 3, p. 27, 1790, pi. 221. "ST. CROIX." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1650. MASS. Katama Bay (Smith 1901). ZEIDAE. 252. ZEXOPSIS OCELLATUS (Storer). John dory. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1660; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 246, fig. 618. PISCES. Ill TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. ZEIDAE. Zeus ocellatus Storer, Proc. Bost. soc. nat. hist., 1858, vol. 6, p. 386. "PROVINCETOWN, MASS." MASS. Pro vincetown (Storer 1858 a). EPHIPPIDAE. 253. CHAETODIPTERUS FABER (Broussonet). Spadefish; Porgy. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1668; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 247, fig. 619. Chaetodon faber Broussonet, Ichth., 1782, pt. 5, pi. 4. " JAMAI- CA." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (Tracy 1906). CHAETODONTIDAE. 254. CHAETODON OCELLATUS Bloch. Butterflyfish. Bloch. Nat. ausl. fische, 1787, vol. 2, p. 105, pi. 211, fig. 2. . Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. [mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1674; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 249, fig. 621. MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Gill 1861 and Cope 1870). 255. CHAETODON CAPISTRATUS Linne". Butterfly. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 1758. "IN INDUS." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1677; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 250, fig. 622. MASS. Woods Hole; Quisset Harbor (Smith 1898); Katama Bay (Smith 1901). 112 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. TEUTHIDIDAE. 256. TEUTHIS CAERULEUS (Bloch & Schneider). Blue tang. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1691. Acanthurus caeruleus Bloch & Schn., Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 214. " CAROLINA; HAVANA." MASS. Katama Bay [young], (Smith 1900). 257. TEUTHIS HEPATUS Linne- Tang. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 507. ''IN CAROLINA, AMBOINA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1991. MASS. Katama Bay [young] (Smith 1900). 258. TEUTHIS BAHIANUS (Castelnau). Ocean tang. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1693; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 256, fig. 629. Acanthurus baliianus Castelnau, Anim. nouv. ou rares de 1'Amer. du Sud, 1855, p. 241, pi. 11, fig. 1. "BAHIA." MASS. Katama Bay [young], (Smith 1900). BALISTIDAE. 259. BALISTES CAROLINENSIS Gmelin. Triggerfish. Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1468. "CAROLINA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1701; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 258, fig. 632. PISCES. 113 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. BALISTIDAE. MASS. Squam River, Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt coll.); New Bedford (Luce 1883); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Wickford (B. S. N. H., Lewis coll.); West Passage; Connanicut Island (Tracy 1906). 260. BALISTES FORCIPATUS Gmelin Triggerfish. Gmelin, Syst. nat, 1788, vol. 1, p. 1472. "'BRAZIL.'' Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1702. R. I. Newport (Cope 1870); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 261. BALISTES VETULA Linne. Old wife ; Bessy corker. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 329. "IN INSULAM ASCENSIONIS." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1703. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898 [young]); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). 262. CANTHIDERMIS SOBACO Poey. Sabaco. Poey, Memorias, 1860, vol. 2,. p. 324. "HAVANA." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1705. MASS. Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). MONACANTHIDAE. 263. MON ACANTHUS ciLiATUS (Mitchill). Filefish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1714; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 259, fig. 634. 114 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. MONACANTHIDAE. Balistes ciliatus Mitchill, Amer. month, mag. & crit. rev., 1818, vol. 2, p. 326. "BAHAMA STRAITS." Monacanthus massachusettensis Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 425, pi. 34, fig. 4. MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1839 and 1863). 264. MONACANTHUS HISPIDUS (Linne). Filefish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1715; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 259, fig. 635. Balistes hispidus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 405. "CAROLINA." Monacanthus signifer Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 426, pi. 35, fig. 1. MASS. Lynn and Nantucket (Storer 1843 a); Hingham; Lynn; Nahant; Boston Harbor (Storer 1863); Marthas Vineyard (B. S. N. H., Hyatt coll.); Cape Cod (Goode 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844). 265. ALUTERA SCHOEPFII (Walbaum). Foolfish; Turbot; Hogfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1718; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 260, fig. 636. Balistes schoepfii Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 461. "LoNG ISLAND." Monacanthus auranticus DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 423, pi. 34, fig. 3. ME. Portland (Storer 1845, 1848 and 1863). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Salem (Storer 1845, and PISCES. 115 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI . MONACANTHIDAE. 1863); Forest River Lead Works, Salem (Wheatland 1852 and Goode & Bean 1879); Menemsha Bight (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Goose Neck (Tracy 1906). CONN. -Long Island Sound; Stratford; Stonington (Linsley 1844). 266. ALUTERA MONOCEROS (Linne). Liza barbula. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1720. Smith, Bull. U. S. fish comm., 1899, vol. 18, p. 273, pi. 64. Balistes monoceros Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 327. "AsiA/' MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1899). OSTRACIIDAE. 267. LACTOPHRYS TRIQUETER (Linne"). Rock shellfish; Trunkfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1722; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 261, fig. 638. Ostracion triqueter Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 330. "IN INDIA." MASS. Katama Bay (Smith 1900). 268. LACTOPHRYS TRIGONUS (Linne). Trunkfish; Shellfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1723; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 263, fig. 641. Ostracion trigonus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 330. "IN INDIA." 116 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. OSTRACIIDAE. Lactophrys yalei DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 429, pi. 35, fig. 3. * MASS. Marthas Vineyard (Storer 1837, 1839, 1863); Holmes Hole (B. S. X. H.); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 269. LACTOPHRYS TRICORNIS (Linne). Cowfish; Toro. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1724; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 261, fig. 639. Ostracion tricornis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758,. vol. 1, p. 331. "ix INDIA." MASS. Katama Bay (Smith 1900). TETRAODONTIDAE. 270. LAGOCEPHALUS LAEVIGATUS Linne. Rabbitfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1728; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 268, fig. 642. Tetrodon laevigatus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 411. "IN CAROLINA." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad. 1863, vol. 8, p. 418, pi. 39, fig. 1. MASS. Nantucket (Storer 1842 and 1842); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898; Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay; Tiverton; Newport (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 117 TELEOSTOMI . AC ANTHOPTERI . TETRAODONTIDAE. 271. SPHEROIDES SPENGLERI (Bloch). Swelltoad; Tambor. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1732; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 264, fig. 644. Tetrodon spengleri Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1785, vol. 2, p. 135, pi. 144. "EAST INDIES." MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 272. SPHEROIDES MACULATUS (Bloch & Schneider). Swellfish; Puffer; Swelltoad; Baloonfish; Belle wsfish. Jordan & Evermann Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1733; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 264, fig. 645. Tetrodon hispidus var. maculatus Bloch & Schn., Syst. ichth., 1801, p. 504. "LONG ISLAND." Tetraodon turgidus Mitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad. 1863,. vol. 8, p. 417, pi. 33, fig. 5. - ME. Small Point, Casco Bay (Smith & Kendall 1896). MASS. Boston, Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Nahant; Manem- sha Creek (Storer 1863); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.); Salem Harbor (Wheatland 1852); Provincetown (Goode & Bean 1879); Cohasset Narrows (Bean 1880); North Tmro; Mon- omoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. "Very common" (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). 273. SPHEROIDES TESTUDINEUS (Linne). Tambor; Globefish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1734; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 265, fig. 646. 118 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. TETRAODONTIDAE. Tetraodon testudineus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 332. "IN INDIA." R. I. Newport (Cope 1870; Jordan & Evermann 1898). 274. SPHEROIDES TRICHOCEPHALUS (Cope). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1737. Tetraodon trichocephalus Cope, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1870, p. 120. "NEWPORT, R. I." R. I. Newport [?] (Cope 1870). DIODONTIDAE. 275. DIODON HYSTRIX Linne. Porcupinefish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 1758. "IN INDIA/' Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1745; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 266, fig. 648. MASS. Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). 276. CHILOMYCTERUS SCHOEPFI (Walbaum). Burrfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1748; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 266, fig. 649. Diodon schoepfi Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 601. "LONG ISLAND." MASS. Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Watch Hill (Goode 1879); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Newport (Bean 1880 and Pope coll. 1904). CONN. (Ayres 1843); Stratford; New Haven (Linsley 1844); 'Noank (Bean 1880). PISCES. 119 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. MOLIDAE. 277. MOLA MOLA Linne. Sunfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1753; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 267, fig. 651. Tetraodon mola Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 334. "IN MEDITERRANEO." Orthagariscus mola Schn. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 420, pi. 34, fig. 2. ME. Off Portland (U. S. nat. mus. 1875). MASS. Boston Bay (Storer 1839); Nahant (Binney 1843); Upper Southbridge, Boston (Storer 1844); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1863); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Salem Harbor; off Gloucester (Goode & Bean 1879); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Block Island (Tracy 1906). CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844); Noank (Goode 1879). SCORPAENIDAE. 278. SEBASTES MARINUS (Linne). Red perch; Bream. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1760; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 268, fig. 653. Perca marina Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 290. "IN NORVEGIA; ITALIA." Sebastes norvegicus Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 86, pi. 7, fig. 1. ME. Near Portland (Perley 1852); Eastport (Verrill 1871; U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Boardman & Atkins 1875; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885). 120 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTER1. SCORPAENIDAE. MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1836, 1853 and Bean 1880) ; Misery Island, in Salem Harbor (Wheatland 1852); Provincetown (Storer 1854); Salem Harbor (Putnam 1856 and Wheatland 1859); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). 279. SCORPAENA PLUMIERI Bloch. Scorpion. Bloch, Kongl. svenska vetensk. akad. Nya handl., 1789, vol. 10, p. 234. "MARTINIQUE." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1898. MASS. Katama Bay (Smith 1900). CONN. Stratford; Bridgeport (Linsley 1844). 280. SCORPAENA GRANDICORNIS Cuvier & Valenciennes. Lionfish. Cuvier & Valenciennes, Hist. nat. poissons, 1829, vol. 4, p. 309. "MARTINIQUE; PORTO Rico; HAVANA; SAN DOMINGO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1850; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 278, fig. 672. MASS. Katama Bay (Smith 1900). COTTIDAE. 281. ARTEDIELLUS ATLANTICUS Jordan & Evermann. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1906; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 285, fig. 690. Centridermiclithys uncinatus (Reinh.), Goode & Bean, Bull. Essex inst,, 1879, vol. 11, p. 13. MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879; Jordan & Evermann 1898). PISCES. 121 TELEOSTOMI . AC ANTHOPTERI . COTTIDAE. 282. TRIGLOPS PINGELLII Reinhardt. Reinhardt, Kong. Dansk. vid. selsk. Afh., 1832, vol. 5, p. 52. "GREENLAND." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U.S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1923; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 286, fig. 697. MASS. Near Race Point Lighthouse (B. S. N. H.); Massachu- setts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879). 283. COTTUS GRACILIS Heckel. Millers thumb; Rock cusk; Brook cask. Heckel, Ann. Wien. mus., 1839, vol. 2, p. 148. '"NEW YORK." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 72, pi. 4, fig. 3. Uranidea gracilis (Heckel). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1968. ME. Richardson Lake (B. S. N. H.); Auburn (U. S. nat. mus. 1883); Bear River (Bowdoin college); Webster, Chamberlain, Eagle, Churchill and Beau lakes; Cross Lake Thoroughfare; trib- utary of Aroostook River, Caribou, (Kendall 1903); Rangeley Lakes (Atkins coll. 1903); Sebago Lake (Moses coll., 1906). N. H. Saco River, Bartlett (Storer 1853); Upper Connecticut River tributaries; Connecticut Lakes (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). VT. Johnson (Girard 1850); Windsor, Burlington (Girard 1850); River Lamoille (Thompson 1853). MASS. Clintonville (Dowse 1850) Williamstown (B. S. N. H., Buck & Nason coll.); Plymouth (Goode 1879). CONN. Manchester (Linsley 1844; Ayres 1845; Girard 1850). 284. MYOXOCEPHALUS AENEUS (Mitchill). Grubby; Pygmy sculpin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1972; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 295, fig. 1716. 122 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. COTTIDAE. Coitus aeneus Mitchill, Kept. fish. N. Y., 1814, p. 8, "NEW YORK." ? Storer, Report, 1839, p. 20. ME. Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus., 1873; Lee 1885); Wolfsneck, Casco Bay (Kendall coll.). , MASS. Off Cape Ann (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, VanVleck & Gard- iner coll.); Gloucester; Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899) Willow Beach (Tracy 1906). CONN. Bridgeport; Norwalk (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 285. MYOXOCEPHALUS SCORPIUS (Linne). Shorthorn sculpin; UDd. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1974; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 295, fig. 717. Coitus scorpius Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 265. "IN OCEAXO EUROPAEO." ME. Eastport (Goode & Bean 1879; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Casco Bay, Freeport (Kendall coll. 1892 and 1896). 286. MYOXOCEPHALUS GROENLANDICUS (Cuvier & Valenciennes). Deepwater sculpin; Black sculpin; Daddy sculpin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1974. Coitus groenlandicus Cuv. & Val., Hist. nat. poissons, 1829, vol. 4, p. 156. "GREENLAND." Acanthocottus variabilis Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 74, pi. 4. fig. 1. ME. Eastport (Verrill 1871; U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880 and Kendall coll. 1893); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878); Casco PISCES. 123 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERL COTTIDAE. Bay (U. S. nat. mus, 1873); Portland (Bean 1880); Whaleboat Island, Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1892); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1893). MASS. Nahant; Boston (Storer 1839); Nantucket" Shoals (Storerl848); Shores of Massachusetts Bay (Ayres 1850); Chelsea (Girard 1850); near Craigie Bridge, Boston (Ayres 1850); off Nantucket; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1853); Salem (Wheatland 1859 and Bean 1880); Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Smith 1898); Cape Cod (Jordan & Evermann 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844); Shores (Girard 1850). 287. MYOXOCEPHALUS OCTODECIMSPINOSUS (Mitchill). Sculpin; Hacklehead; Toadfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 1976; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 296, fig. 718. Coitus 18-spinosus Mitchill, Rept. fish. N. Y., 1814, p. 7. "NEW YORK." Acanthocottus virginianus Girard. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 76, pi. 4, fig. 2. ME. Common along whole coast. Eastport (Verrill 1871 ; Kendall coll. 1893); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1892-1903); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878); Portland (Bean 1880). N. H. MASS. "Our bay" (Storer 1836) ; Massachusetts Bay (B .S. N. H., Kneeland & Wheatland coll.); Chatham (B. S. N. H., David- son coll.); common (Storer 1839 and 1853); Salem (Wheatland 1859); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Boston (Goode 1879); Salem; Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha 124 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. COTTIDAE. Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Cape Cod (Jordan & Evermann 1898); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L Brentons Reef (Tracy 1906). Coxx. Stonington (Linsley 1844). 288. GYMXOCAXTHUS TRICUSPIS (Reinhardt). Staghorn sculpin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2008. Coitus tricuspis Reinhardt, Kong. Dansk. vid. selsk. Afh., 1838, vol. 7, p. 117. "GREENLAND." ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872). 289. HEMITRIPTERUS AMERICANUS (Gmelin). Sea raven; Sea sculpin; Toadfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2023; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 305, fig. 738. Scorpaena americana Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, p. 1220. "AMERICA." Hemitripterus acadianus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 83, pi. 7, fig. 4. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1896); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878; Bean 1880); Portland (Bean 1880). N. H. MASS. "Very common" (Storer 1836); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1853); Salem Harbor (Putnam 1856); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Annisquam (B. S. X. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll.); Boston; Xantucket" Gloucester (Bean 1880); XorthTruro; PISCES. 125 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. COTTIDAE. Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Connanicut Island (Tracy 1906). CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). AGONIDAE. 290. ASPIDOPHOROIDES MONOPTERYGIUS (Bloch). Sea poacher; Alligator fish. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 80, pi. 8, fig. 1. Jor- dan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2091; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 312, fig. 756. Coitus monopterygius Bloch, Nat. ausl. fische, 1786, vol. 2, p. 156, pi. 178, "fig. 1, 2. - ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893). MASS. Near Nahant (Storer 1839); Provincetown ; Cape Cod; Boston Bay (Storer 1853); Ipswich Bay (B. S. N. H., H\att, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll.) ; Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879 and Bean 1880). R. I. Watch Hill (Goode & Bean 1879). CYCLOPTERIDAE. 291. CYCLOPTERUS LUMPUS Linne. Lumpfish; Lumpsucker. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 260. "IN OCEANO BALTHICO & SEPTENTRIONALI." Garman, Mem. M. C. Z., 1892, vol. 14, p. 21, pi. 8, fig. 1-3; pi. 9, fig. 2, pi. 10, fig. 3, pi. 11, fig. 10, pi. 12-13. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2096; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 313, fig. 757. Lumpus anglorium Willoughby. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 402, pi. 32, fig. 2. 126 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. CYCLOPTERIDAE. ME. - All along the coast. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Ken- dall coll. 1893); off Seguin (B. S. N. H., Arethusa coll. 1880); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873 and 1887; Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1896; Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1839; 1863); Massachu- setts Bay, off the Misery (Putnam 1817); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Goode 1879); Plymouth (B. S. N. H., Bartlett coll.); Swampscot (B. S. N. H., Nason coll.); Nahant (Garman 1892); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Ken- dall coll. 1896); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 292. EUMICROTREMUS spiNOSUS (Muller). Spring lumpfish. Garman, Mem. M. C. Z., 1892, vol. 14, p. 34, pi. 11, fig. 1-3. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2098. Cyclopterus spinosus Muller, Zool. Danicae Prodr., 1776 p. ix. ME. Eastport (Garman 1892). MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879) ; off Cape Ann (B. S. N. H.). LIPARIDIDAE. 293. NEOLIPARIS ATLANTICUS Jordan & Evermann. Dark lumpsucker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2107. "GODBOUT, QUEBEC. * * * SALEM. * * * WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS. * * * FROM NEWFOUNDLAND TO CAPE COD." Liparis (sp. ?) Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1867, vol. 9, p. 256. PISCES. 127 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. LIPARIDIDAE. Liparis montagui Donovan. Garman, Mem. M. C. Z., 1892, vol. 14, p. 47, pi. 7, fig. 6-20; pi. 8, fig. 8-12. ME. Eastport; Portland Harbor (Garman 1892); Kittery (Bowdoin college); Seguin (Spinney coll. 1900). MASS. Massachusetts Bay; Salem; Nahant (Storer [Putnam] 1867); Salem Harbor (Putnam 1873 and Garman 1892); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). CONN. (Garman 1892). 294. LIPARIS LIPARIS (Linne"). Seasnail; Striped seasnail. Garman, Mem. M. C. Z., 1892, vol. 14, p. 57, pi. 7, fig. 1-5, 21-22. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 116. Cyclopterus liparis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 414. "IN OCEANO SEPTENTRIONALI." ME. Near Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893). MASS. Salem Harbor (Putnam 1873); near Salem; Bakers Island (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. L Watch Hill Reef (Goode 1879); "Off Block Island"? (Garman 1892). CONN. Off Connecticut (Garman 1892). TRIGLIDAE. 295. PRIONOTUS CAROLINUS (Linne"). Sea robin; Greeneye. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2156; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 318, fig. 768. Trigla Carolina Linne, Mantissa, 1767, p. 528. "IN CAROLINAE MARI." Prionotus palmipes Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 66, pi. 5, fig. 1. 128 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. TRIGLIDAE. Prionotus pilatus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 68, pi. 6, fig. 1. ME. Casco Bay; off Monhegan (Smith & Kendall 1898); Casco Bay (Bowdoin). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839 and 1844) ; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1845); Green Island; Phillips Point, Lynn (Storer 1842); Salem Harbor (Wheatland 1852); Vineyard Sound; Green Island; Phillips Point, Lynn; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1845 and 1853); Tisbury (Storer 1853); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); Annisquam (B. S. N. H.); Cohasset Nar- rows (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish. comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford; Stonington (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); off Bridgeport; off Stratford; Middle Ground; Penfield Reef (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off Norwalk Light House (Kendall, coll. 1892). 296. PRIONOTUS STRIGATUS (Cuvier). Redwinged Sea robin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2167. Trigla strigata Cuvier, Regne anim., ed. 2, 1829, vol. 2, p. 161. "NEW YORK." Prionotus lineatus DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 64, pi. 5, fig. 4. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Salem Harbor (Wheat- land 1852); Vineyard Sound (Storer 1853); W T aquoit (Lyman 1872); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Gloucester (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, coll.); Woods Hole PISCES. 129 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. TRIGLIDAE. (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Marthas Vineyard (Jordan & Evermann 1898). R. I." Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford; Stonington (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); off Stratford; off Bridgeport; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off S. W. Ledge; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). CEPHALACANTHIDAE. 297. CEPHALACANTHUS VOLITANS (Linne). Flying robin. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 2, p. 2183; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 323, fig. 788. Trigla volitans Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 302. "IN MARI MEDITERRANEO, OCEANO, PELAGO INTER TROPICOS, IN ASIA, IMPRIMIS AD CAP. B. SPEI, SAEPE AGITATA EVOLANS EX AQUA." Dactylopter^is volitans Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1853, vol. 5, p. 70, pi. 6, fig. 5. ME. (Holmes 1862). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1853); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Bean 1880); Buzzards Bay; Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. L Nanragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). GOBIIDAE. 298. GOBIOSOMA BOSCI (Lace"pede). Naked goby. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p'. 2259. 130 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GOBIIDAE. Gobius bosci Lacepede, Hist. nat. poissons, 1800, vol. 2, p. 555, pi. 16, fig. 1. ''CHARLESTON, S. C." Gobius alepidotus Bosc. DeKay, N. Y. fauna, 1842, pt. 4, p. 160, pi. 23, fig. 70. MASS. Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). CONN. Bridgeport (Linsley 1844). ECHENEIDIDAE. 299. ECHENEIS XAUCRATES Linne. Sharksucker. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 261. "IN PELAGO IXDICO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2269; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 329, fig. 796. ? Echeneis albicauda ]\Iitchill. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 404, pi. 32, fig. 3. MASS. Boston (Storer 1839); Hyannis (Storer 1842); Colins Cove, Salem (Wheatland 1852); Boston Bay (Storer 1839. and 1863); Holmes Hole (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898); West Falmouth ^Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). 300. ECHENEIS NAUCRATEOIDES Zuiew. Pilotsucker. Zuiew, Nova acta acad. sci. imp. Petropol., 1789, vol. 4, p. 279. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2270. MASS. Hyannis (Storer 1842); Collins Cove; Mouth Merrimac River? (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Dutch Island Harbor (Tracy 1906). PISCES. 131 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. ECHENEIDIDAE. 301. REMORA REMORA (Linne). Remora. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2271. Eclwneis remora Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 260. "IN PELAGO INDICO." MASS. Salem Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). 302. REMORA BRACHYPTERA (Lowe). Swordfish sucker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2272; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 330, fig. 797. Echeneis brachyptem Lowe, Proc. zool. soc. London, 1839, p. 89. "MADEIRA." Echeneis 1^-laminatus Storer. Storer Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 406, pi. 22, fig. 4. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Wellfleet (Storer 1863); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). 303. RHOMBOCHIRUS OSTEOCHIR (Cuvier). Spearnsh sucker. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2273; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 330, fig. 798. Echeneis osteochir Cuv., Regne anim., ed. 2, 1829, vol. 2, p. 348. MASS. Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 132 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. BATRACHOIDIDAE. 304. OPSAXUS TAU (Linne). Toadfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2315. Gad-us tan Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 440. "IN CAROLINA." Batrachus tau Linne. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad. 1855, vol. 5, p. 271, pi. 19, fig. 1-2. ME. Kittery [?] (Holmes 1862). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Tisbury (Storer 1855); Cohasset (B. S. X. H., Bryant coll.) ; Long Point Creek (V. S. X. H., 1874); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comin. 1998). CONN. Xoank (Bean 1880). PHOLIDIDAE. 305. PHOLIS GUNNELLUS (Linne). Butterfish ; Rockeel. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2419; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 342, fig. 832. Blennius gunnellus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 257. "ix OCEANO ATLAXTICO." Gunnellus mucronatus Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 260, pi. 17, fig. 2. Gunnellus macrocephalus Girard. Storer, Mem. amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 261, pi. 17, fig. 3. ME. Along the whole coast. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; PISCES. 133 TELEOSTOMT. ACANTHOPTERI . PHOLIDIDAE. Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Matinicus Island (B. S. N. H., Arethusa coll. 1880); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1892); New Meadows River (Bowdoin college 1890). MASS. Chelsea Beach (H. R. Storer 1850); Holmes Hole; Provincetown; Nahant (Storer 1855); Naugus Head (Goode & Bean 1879); Ipswich Bay (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll.); New Bedford (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899 and Tracy 1906). CONN. Bridgeport; Stonington (Linsley 1844). STICHAEIDAE. 306. LEPTOCLINUS MACULATUS (Fries). Langbarn. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2433. Clinus maculatus Fries, Kongl. svenska vetensk akad. Nya handl., 1838 (1837), p. 49. "BAHUSLAN, SWEDEN." MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879). 307. LUMPENUS LAMPETRAEFORMIS (Walbaum). Snake blenny. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2438; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 344, fig. 840. Blennius lumpretae-formis; lampretaeformis ; lampretiformis, Wal- baum, Artedi Pise., 1792, pp. 184, 700 and 702. "ICELAND." Blennius serpentinus Storer. Storer Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 257, pi. 17, fig. 1. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872). 134 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. STICHAEIDAE. MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1848, 1855; Goode & Bean 1879). 308. ULVARIA SUBBIFURCATA (Storer). Radiated shanny. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1896, pt. 3, p. 2440; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 345, fig. 842. Pholis subbifurcatus Storer, Kept. 1839, p. 63. "XAHAXT." Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 258. ME. Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus., 1873); off Matinicus (Nor- ton coll. 1906). MASS. Xahant (Storer 1839 and 1855). CRYPTACANTHODIDAE. 309. CRYPTACANTHODES MACULATUS Storer. Wrymouth; Congereel. Storer, Kept., 1839, p. 28. "BOSTON HARBOR * * * XAHAXT." Mem. Amer. acad. 1853, vol. 5, p. 82, pi. 8, fig. 6. Jordan & Ever- mann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2443; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 345, fig. 843. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus., 1853; Kendall 1893); Port- land (Goode 1879); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1893); Middle Bay (Bowdoin College). X. H. (Peck 1804). MASS. Boston Harbor; Xahant (Storer 1839); Commercial Point (Storer 1842 f); Provincetown ; Dorchester: Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1853); Marblehead; Swampscot (Goode & Bean 1879); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Provincetown (Goode 1879). Coxx. Bridgeport (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 135 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. ANARHICHADIDAE. 310. ANARHICHAS MINOR Olafsen. Spotted wolffish. Olafsen, Reise i Island, 1772, p. 592. "ISLAND." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2446. ME. Eastport (Goode & Bean 1896). MASS. Off mouth Gloucester Harbor (Goode & Bean 1896). 311. ANARHICHAS LUPUS Linne". Wolffish; Catfish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 247. "IN OCEANO SEPTENTRIONALI ANGLiAE, &c." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2446; 1900, pf. 4, pi. 348, fig. 846. Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 299, pi. 77, fig. 269. Anarrhicas vomerinus Agassiz. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 265, pi. 18, fig. 1. ME. Eastport (Verrill 1871; Kendall coll. 1893); Casco Bay Lee 1885; Kendall coll.). MASS. Cusk Rocks (Storer 1839 and 1855); Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Arethusa coll.); off Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole; Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898). R. I. Coxswains Ledge (Goode 1879); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fishcomm. 1899). ZOARCIDAE. 312. ZOARCES ANGUILLARIS (Peck). Eelpout; Conger eel; Lamper-eel; Ling. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 263, pi. 17, fig. 4. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2457; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 348, fig. 850. Blennius anguillaris Peck, Mem. Amer. acad., 1804, vol. 2, p. 46, fig. "NEW HAMPSHIRE." 136 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. ZOARCIDAE. ME. Eastern River (Williamson 1832); Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893). Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878); Portland (Bean 1880); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1896; 1903 and 1904). N. H. (Peck 1804). MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1836) ; Provincetovv'n (Storer 1855); North Truro (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.) ; off Cape Ann, and Annisquam (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll.); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Nantucket Shoals (Goode 1879) ; Gayhead; Cuttyhunk (Smith 1898). R. I. Block Island; Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899). Coxx. Middleground (Linsley 1844). 313. LYCODES RETICULATUS Reinhardt. Reinhardt, Kong. Dansk. vid. selsk. Afh., 1838, vol. 7, p. 167, "GREEXLAXD." Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 305, pi. 78, fig. 273; pi. 81, fig. 281. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2465; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 349, fig. 854. MASS. Vineyard Sound (Goode & Bean 1896; Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (Goode & Bean 1896; Smith 1898). 314. LYCODES VERRILLII Goode & Bean. Goode & Bean, Amer. journ. sci., 1877, vol. 14, p. 474. " THIRTY MILES SOUTH OF CAPE N T EGRO, N. S. AND TWEXTY-SEVEX MILES SOUTH OF CHEBUCTO HEAD, HALIFAX." Lycenclielys verrillii Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 309, pi. 79, fig. 277. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2470; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 351, fig. 859. MASS. " Deep water of the bay" (Goode & Bean 1879); off Cape Cod; off Thatchers Island (Goode & Bean 1896). R. I. Newport [ ?] (B. S. N. H.). PISCES. 137 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. MERLUCCIDAE. 315. MERLUCCIUS BILINEARIS (Mitchill). Silver Hake ; New England Hake ; Whiting. Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 385, pi. 95, fig. 330. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2530. Stomodon bilinearis Mitchill, Kept. fish. N. Y., 1814, p. 7. ''NEW YORK." Merlucius albidus DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 363, pi. 28, fig. 2. ME. Along whole coast; Eastport (Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Portland (Bean 1880); Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839); Crab Ledge; Province- town (Storer 1859); Boston Bay (B. S. N. H., Cutting coll.); Annisquam (B. S. N. H.); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); New Bedford; Nomans Land; Gloucester (Bean 1880); off Cape Ann (Goode & Bean 1896); North Truro; Mon- omoy ; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896) ; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (Goode & Bean 1896; R. I. fish comm. 1899). . CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844); off Stratford (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). GADIDAE. 316. POLLACHIUS VIRENS (Linne"). Pollock. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2534; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 359, fig. 886. Gadus virens Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 253. "IN OCEANO EUROPAEO." 138 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI . AC ANTHOPTERI . GADIDAE. Meiiangus purpureus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 358, pi. 28, fig. 3. ME. Along the whole coast. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Verrill 1871; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); off Moosabec Light; Isle au Haute, Matinic, Matinicus, Monhegan and Seguin islands; Cape Porpoise (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Sheepscot River (Bowdoin college); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1892; 1896; 1900-1904); Searsport; Stockton Springs; Brook- ville (Evermann 1903). MASS. Common along whole coast; Jeffries Ledge (Storer 1839 and 1859); Provincetown (Atwood 1867); Salem Harbor (B. S. X. H., Brown coll.); Annisquam (B. S. X. H., Hyatt & Van Vleck coll.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Bean 1880); Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nan- tucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Dutch Island Harbor and from Brentons Reef to Sakonnet (Tracy 1906). CONN. Long Island Sound; Stratford (Linsley 1844). 317. MICROGADUS TOMCOD (Walbaum). Tomcod; Frostfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2540. Gadus tomcod Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 133. "NEW YORK." Morrhua pruinosa DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad. 1858, vol. 6, p. 357, pi. 27, fig. 5. ME. Common along whole coast. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Machias, Chandlers, Wescongus, Tunk, Penobscot, Kennebec and Piscataqua rivers; Casco Bay and tributaries (Atkins 1887); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; PISCES. 139 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1902); Penobscot River & Bay (Ever- mann 1903). N. H. Piscataqua River (Atkins 1880). MASS. Boston; Watertown (Storer 1839 and 1859); Massachu- setts Bay (B. S. N. H., Storer coll., Davidson coll.); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Streams flowing into Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880). 318. GADUS CALLARIAS Linne. Cod. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 252. "IN OCEANO EUROPAEO & BALTHICO." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat, mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2541; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 361, fig. 891. Morrhua americana Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 343, pi. 27, fig. 4. ME. Common along whole coast, Eastport (Verrill 1871 ; U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); grounds off Moosabec Light; Petit Manan; Mount Desert; Isle au Haute; Matinicus; Matinic and Monhegan islands; north; northeast; south and southeast of Monhegan; between Monhegan and Pemaquid; off Seguin; off Casco Bay; off Cape Porpoise (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Portland (Goode 1879); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885; Kendall coll.); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). N. H. Off Portsmouth; Piscataqua River (Collins & Rathbun 1887). MASS. Along whole coast (Storer 1839); Provincetown (Storer 1859; Atwood 1865 and Bean 1880); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Ipswich Bay (B. S. N. H., Davidson 140 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. coll.) ; Salem Harbor (B. S. N. H., Brown coll.) ; Cape Ann (Goode & Bean 1879); Nomans Land; Woods Hole; Gloucester (Bean 1880); Ipswich Bay; off Cape Ann, Middle Bank; Pollack Rip; Nantucket Shoals (Collins & Rathbun 1887); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); off Block Island (Collins & Rathbun 1887). CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844). 319. MELANOGRAMMUS AEGLIFIXUS (Linne). Haddock; Whiteeye. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2542; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 361, fig. 892. Gadus aeglifinus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 251. "iX OCEANO EUROPAEO." Morrhua aeglifinus Linne. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad. 1858, vol. 6, p. 355, pi. 28, fig. 1. ME. Along whole coast. Eastport (Verrill 1871; U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Grounds off Petit Manan; Mount Desert; Isle au Haute; Matinicus; Matinic, Monhegan and Seguin islands; off Casco Bay and Cape Porpoise (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Portland (Goode 1879); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Lee 1885; Kendall coll.). MASS. Cape Cod; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1839 and 1859); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); off Cape Ann; off Chatham, (Collins & Rathbun 1887); off Gay Head and Marthas Vineyard (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. L Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); off Block Island (Collins & Rathbun 1887). CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844). PISCES. 141 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. 320. LOTA MACULOSA (Le Sueur) . Burbot; Freshwater cusk; Lawyer; Ling. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2550; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 364, fig. 897. Gadus maculosus Le Sueur, Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1817, vol. 1, p. 83. "LAKE ERIE." Lota compressa Le Sueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad. 1858, vol. 6, p. 360, pi. 28, fig. 4. ME. Moosehead Lake (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); Sebago Lake (Mitchill 1818; Bowdoin college; Kendall coll. 1903); Still- water River (Merrill coll.); Eagle and St. Francis lakes (Perley 1852; Kendall coll. 1901 and 1903); Matagamon, and Allagash River lakes; Kurd Pond & Debsconeag Lake (Kendall coll. 1901). N. H. Ashuelot River (Storer 1839); Lake Winnipisseogee (Storer 1841?; 1842; Prescot 1851); Squam Lake; Winnipesaukee Lake (N. H. fish comm. 1877); Indian Stream & Connecticut Lakes (Kendall & Goldsborough coll. 1904). VT. Lake Champlain (Thompson 1842); (Storer 1842). MASS. Connecticut River at Northampton (LeSueur 1818). CONN. Canaan (Linsley 1844). 321. UROPHYCIS REGIUS (Walbaum). Spotted hake. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2553; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 364, fig. 898. Bknnius regius Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 186. "NEW YORK." ME. Off Seguin Island (B. S. N. H., Arethusa coll.). MASS. Woods Hole (Smith 1898). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844); off Stratford; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island (Ken- dall coll. 1892). 142 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. 322. UROPHYCIS TENTHS (Mitchill). Hake; White hake. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2555; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 365, fig. 901. Gadus tennis Mitchill, Kept. fish. N. Y., 1814, p. 4. "NEW YORK." Phycis americanus Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 365, pi. 29, fig. 3. ME. Muddy bottoms along the whole coast. Eastport (Verrill 1871); U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Bean 1880; Kendall coll. 1893); Portland (Bean 1880); Grounds off Moosabec Light, Petit Manan; Isle au Haute; Matinicus and Matinic Islands; southeast of Monhegan; between Monhegan and Pemaquid; off Seguin (Col- lins & Rathbun 1887); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873); Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1896; 1900 and 1903). MASS. Between Cape Ann and Boston Light House (Storer 1839 and 1859); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.); Annisquam (B. S. X. H., Hyatt & Van Vleck coll.); Provincetown (Atwood 1867 and Bean 1880); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Xorth Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Watch Hill (B. S. X. H., Hyatt & Rathbun coll.); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); off Watch Hill (Tracy 1906). CONN. Off Stratford; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890). 323. UROPHYCIS CHESTERI (Goode & Bean). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2556; 1900, pt. 4, p. 366, fig. 903. Phycis chesteri Goode & Bean, Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1878, vol. 1, p. 256. "OFF CAPE ANN IN 140 FATHOMS." MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879). PISCES. 143 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE 324. UROPHYCIS CHUSS (Walbaum). Squirrel hake. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2555; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 265, fig. 902. Blennius chuss Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 186. "NEW YORK." Phycis filamentosus Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 367, pi. 29, fig. 4. ME. Common along whole coast. Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893; Casco Bay (Kendall coll. 1896; 1898; 1900; 1902). MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1859; B. S. N. H.); Prov- incetown (Atwood 1867); Boston (Goode 1879); Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873 and Smith 1898). R. L Rhode Island (Rafinesque 1818); Point Judith (Mitchill 1818); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844); off Bridgeport; off Strat- ford Shoal Point; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulk- ners Island; off Branford Beacon; off Norwalk Light House (Kendall coll. 1892). 325. GAIDROPSARUS ARGENTATUS (Reinhardt). Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2559; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 367, fig. 906. Motella argentata Reinhardt, Kong. Dansk. vid. selsk. Afh., 1838, vol. 7, p. 128. "GREENLAND." MASS. Nahant (Gill 1863); Beverly Beach; Wests Beach (Storer [Putnam] 1867); Vineyard Sound (Goode 1879). 144 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. GADIDAE. 326. EXCHELYOPUS CIMBRIUS (Linne). Four bearded rockling. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2560; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 367, fig. 907. Gadus cimbrius Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 440. "ix O. ATLANTICO; SCAXICO." Motella caudacuta Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 361, pi. 29, fig. 1. ME. Off Pemaquid (B. S. N. H., Arethusa coll.); Jonesport (Kendall coll. 1893). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1848, 1859 and Bean, 1880); Nahant Beach (B. S. N. H., Cooke coll.); Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1859); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Smith 1898; Sherwood & Edwards 1901). 327. BROSMIUS BROSME (Miiller). Cusk. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2561. Gadus brosme Miiller, Zool. Danicae Prodr., 1776, p. 41. "DEN- MARK." Brosmius flavescens LeSueur. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 368, pi. 29, fig. 2. ME. Rock bottoms along the whole coast. Off Wells Bay and Cape Porpoise (Atwood 1867); Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893); grounds off Matinicus and Monhegan islands, and off Cape Por- poise (Collins & Rathbun 1887); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1893). N. H. (Linsley 1844). MASS. Middle Bank (Storer 1839 and 1859); Massachusetts PISCES. 145 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTER1. GADIDAE. Bay (B. S. N. H., Storer coll.); near Cape Cod (Atwood 1867); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. Fish Comm. 1899) off Newport (Tracy 1906). MACROURIDAE. 328. MACROURUS BAIRDII Goode & Bean. Rattail. Goode & Bean, Amer. journ. sci., 1877, vol. 14, p. 471. "MASS- ACHUSETTS BAY." Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 393, pi. 96, fig. 335. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2583. ME. Eastport (Kendall coll. 1893). MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1877; 1879; 1896); Gloucester [?] (Bean 1880); Vineyard Sound (Goode & Bean 1896). PLEURONECTIDAE. 329. HIPPOGLOSSUS HIPPOGLOSSUS (Linne). Halibut. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2611; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 271, fig. 918. Pleuronectes hippoglossus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 269. "IN OCEANO EUROPAEO." Hippoglossus vulgaris Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1858, vol. 6, p. 370, pi. 30, fig. 1. ME. Formerly abundant, now scarce. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872); New Ledge (Storer 1859); off the coast (Kendall coll. 1895). MASS. Nantucket Shoals; Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1859); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Halfway Rock, Salem Harbor; Glou- 146 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PLEURONECTIDAE. cester Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R I. Block Island (Sherwood & Edwards 1901); off Watch Hill and off Block Island (Tracy 1906). CONN. Stonington (Linsley 1844). 330. HIPPOGLOSSOIDES PLATESSOIDES (Fabricius). Sand-dab. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2614; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 372, fig. 919. Pleuronectes platessoides Fabr., Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, p. 164. "GREENLAND." Platessa dentata Storer. Store r, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 391, pi. 30, fig. 3. MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1863); Ipswich Bay, and off Cape Ann (B. S. N. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll. 1879); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879 and Bean 1880); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. L (Bean 1880 and Tracy 1906). 331. PARALICHTHYS DENTATUS (Linne). Simmsr flounder; Flounder; Turbot; Plaice. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p, , 2629; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 372, fig. 922. Pleuronectes dentatus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 458. "IN CAROLINA." Platessa oblonga DeKay. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, voL 8, p. 395, pi. 31^ fig. 2. ME. Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1872). MASS. Provincetown; Wellfleet (Storer 1863); Chatham PISCES. 147 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PLEURONECTIDAE. (B. S. N. H., Davidson coll.); North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole {Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 184^); Noank (Bean 1880); off Stratford Point; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890). 332. PARALICHTHYS OBLONGUS (Mitchill). Four-spotted flounder. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2632; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 374, fig. 924. Pleuronectes oblongus Mitchill, Trans, lit. & philos. soc. N. Y., 1815, vol. 1, p. 391. "NEW YORK/' Platessa quadrocellata Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 397, pi. 31, fig. 3. MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1847, 1863 and Bean 1880); Waquoit (Lyman 1872) ; South of Nantucket; Gayhead,- (B. S. N. H., Hyatt & Simonds coll.); Mouth of Salem Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); Noank (Bean 1880); off Stratford; off Bridgeport; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off S. W. Ledge; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). 333. LIMANDA FERRUGINEA (Storer). Rusty dab; Rusty flounder. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2644; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 377, fig. 929. 148 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PLEURONECTIDAE. Platessa fermguiea Storer, Kept., 1839, p. 141, pi. 2. "CAPE Axx/' Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 392, pi. 30, fig. 4. ME. Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873). MASS. Cape Ann (Storer 1839 and 1863); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Woods Hole (Baird 1873); Massachusetts Bay (Goode & Bean 1879); Salem; Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Vineyard Sound; Buzzards Bay (Smith 1898). R. L Xarragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). 334. PSEUDOPLEUROXECTES AMERicAxus (Walbaum). Winter flounder; Flounder; Roughback Flounder; Flatfish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2647; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 379, fig. 933. Pleuronectes americanus Walbaum, Artedi Pise., 1792, p. 113. "XE\V YORK." Platessa plana Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 389, pi. 30, fig. 2. ME. Common along the whole coast. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Bucksport (U. S. nat. mus. 1878 and Bean 1880); Portland (Bean 1880); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1892; 1893; 1896; 1900); Lower Penobscot River (Kendall coll. 1892); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). MASS. Boston Harbor (Storer 1843); Deer Island (Storer 1839; 1863); Massachusetts Bay (B. S. X. H., Putnam coll.); Orleans (B. S. X. H., Davidson coll.); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Xorth Truro; Monomoy (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Goode 1879; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Annisquam (B. S. X. H., Hyatt, Van Vleck & Gardiner coll.) ; New Bedford; Woods Hole; Pro vincetown; Bos- ton (Jordan & Evermann 1898). PISCES. 149 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PLEURONECTIDAE. R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Conimi- cut (Pope coll.); Willow Beach and Greenwich Bay (Tracy 1906). CONN. "Common" (Linsley 1844); off Bridgeport; off Strat- ford; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). 335. LlOPSETTA PUTNAMI (Gill). Smooth flounder; Smooth-back flounder. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2650; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 380, fig. 936. Euchalarodus putnami Gill, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phil., 1864, p. 216. "SALEM, MASS." Platessa glabra Storer. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, voL 8, p. 393, pi. 31, fig. 1. ME. Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Kendall coll. 1892, 1898-1900); Portland (Bean 1880); Bucksport (Bean 1878 and 1880); Belfast (Jordan & Evermann 1898); Penobscot River and Bay (Evermann 1903). MASS. Boston Harbor (Storer 1843 c); Salem (Gill 1864); Beverly Bridge,; Salem Harbor (Goode & Bean 1879); Boston (Jordan & Evermann 1878). R. I. Providence. 336. GLYPTOCEPHALUS CYNOGLOSSUS (Linne). Pole flounder; Leinon sole. Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 430, pi. 102, fig. 356. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2657. Pleuronectes cynoglossus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 269. "IN OCEANO BELGIUM ALLUENTE." ME. Eastport (Goode & Bean 1896). . MASS. Off Salem (Goode & Bean 1879); Gloucester (Bean 1880); Massachusetts Bay (Bean 1880 and Goode & Bean 1896). 150 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. PLEURONECTIDAE. 337. LOPHOPSETTA MACULATA (Mitchill). Window pane; Plaice Sand-dab. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2660; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 382, fig. 938. Pleuronectes maculatus Mitchill, Kept. fish. N. Y,, 1814, p. 9. "NEW YORK." Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 398, pi. 31, fig. 4. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1875 and Bean 1880); Bucks- port (Goode 1884); Casco Bay (U. S. nat. mus. 1873; Bean 1880; Smith & Kendall 1896). MASS. Provincetown (Storer 1845 and Bean 1880) ; Holmes Hole (Storer 1863); Waquoit (Lyman 1872); Salem Harbor; Gloucester Harbor; Milk Island (Goode & Bean 1879); Vineyard Sound; Gloucester (Bean 1880); North Truro; Monomoy; Me- nemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Woods Hole (Baird 1873; Bean 1880 and Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904). R. I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONX. Bridgeport; Stonington (Linsley 1844) ; Noank (Bean 1880); off Bridgeport; off Stratford; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890); off Faulkners Island; off S. W. Ledge; off Branford Beacon (Kendall coll. 1892). SOLEIDAE. 338. ACHIRUS FASCIATUS Lacepede. Hogchoker. Lacepede, Hist. nat. poiss., 1802, vol. 4, p. 659. "CHARLESTON, S. C." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2700; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 387, fig. 948. Achirus mollis Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1863, vol. 8, p. 400, pi. 32, fig. 1, 6. PISCES 151 TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. SOLEIDAE. MASS. Tashmore Pond, Holmes Hole (Storer 1839) ; Nahant (Storer 1842); Holmes Hole; Charles River (Storer 1863); Woods. Hole (Baird 1873); Nahant, Provincetown (Goode & Bean 1879); New Bedford (Bean 1880); Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Wareham River; Vineyard Sound; Woods Hole (Smith 1898). R. I. Providence; Newport (Bean 1880); Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899); Conimicut (Pope coll. 1894-97). CONN. Stratford (Linsley 1844); near Hartford (Ayres 1844);. off Stratford; Middle Ground (Kendall coll. 1890). LOPHIIDAE. 339. LOPHIUS PISCATORIUS Linne". Goosefish; Monkfish. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 236. "IN OCEANO EUROPAEO SUB LAPIDUM FORNiciBUS." Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2713; 1900, pt. 4, pi. 388, fig. 952. Lophius americanus Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 267, pi. 18, fig. 2. ME. Eastport (U. S. nat. mus. 1872; Kendall coll. 1893); Casco Bay (Lee 1885; Kendall coll. 1896; 1900). MASS. Massachusetts Bay (Storer 1839 and Cutting 1860); Boston Bay (Storer 1839); Provincetown (Storer 1855); Waquoit (Lyman 1872) ; Woods Hole (Baird 1873) ; Gloucester (Bean 1880) ; North Truro; Monomoy; Menemsha Bight (Kendall coll. 1896); Vineyard Sound (Smith 1898); Nantucket (Sharp & Fowler 1904) . R, I. Narragansett Bay (R. I. fish comm. 1899). CONN. Bridgeport; Stratford (Linsley 1844). 152 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TELEOSTOMI. ACANTHOPTERI. ANTENNARIIDAE. 340. PTEROPHRYXE HISTRIO (Linne). Mousefish. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2716. Lophius histrio Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 237. "IN PELAGO INTER FUCUM NATANTEM." Chironectes laevigatus Cuv. Storer, Mem. Amer. acad., 1855, vol. 5, p. 270, pi. 18, fig. 3. MASS. Holmes Hole (Storer 1839 and 1855); Woods Hole (Bean 1880 and Smith 1898). R. I. Montauk Point (?); mouth of Sakonnet River {Tracy 1906). CONN. Long Island Sound (Linsley 1844). OGCOCEPHALIDAE. 341. DlBRANCHUS ATLANTICUS Peters. Peters, Monats. kon. akad. wiss. Berlin, 1876, (1875), p. 736, pi. "WEST AFRICA 360 FATHOMS." Goode & Bean, Oceanic ichth., 1896, p. 501, pi. 122, fig. 413. Jordan & Evermann, Bull. 47, U. S. nat. mus., 1898, pt. 3, p. 2743. R. I. Off Block Island (Goode & Bean 1896); Newport [?] (Jordan & Evermann 1898). RETURN NATURAL RESOURCES LIBRARY TO +> 40 Gianinni Hall Tel. 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