LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED AM) 453 SOUTH SPRING STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAUF. =" LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS Washington, the nation 1 s capital :L_ FlQQ.Rl.flP DATE DUE - : enssj m uoou Aq oj D ASK HIM ABOUT fihe Busy Corner of the Nation's Capital WASHINGTON. D. C. Headquarters for Everything for Women and Children It's a store that has a motto and liv s up to it "Always the best of everything for the least mom v." It's the only store in Washington where prices are notably low. Accommodation as weii as M/M;.;;- . visitors. Rest room no charge. Packages checked no charge. "Department _for Souvenirs Information Bureau no charge. Public telephones in the store. Telegraph office in the store. Women's and children's shoes polished no charge. Branch Post Office (Money Order) in the store. Special package delivery for outgoing trains free. Lun^h Grotto that is convenient and inviting Popular prices. THE VISITOR'S SHOPPING PLACE \SK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. JAMES L. NOR.RJS KMABLISHKD Lone Distance and Local Telephone. MEMBER OF THE PATENT LAW ASSOCIATION COUNSELOR IN PATENT CAUSES M> MI ^ Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents IN ACTIVE PRACTICE OVER THIRTY YEARS. Norra Office Bldg, erected in 1880. PATENTS Cor. F and Fifth Ss.. N. W.. WASHINGTON. D. C. National Bank of Washington, Washington, D. C. B 33S3TsS?. > w " hi '* ton ' D - c - The Bibcock & Willcox Co., New York City. The Colliery Kngineer Co.. Scranton, Pa. The Star Incubau>r& Brooder Co., Bonad Brook, N. J. Star ncubau>r& Brooder Co., Bonad Broo Cudahy Packing Co., Sooth Omaha, Neb. The Knickerbocker Co., Jackson, Mich., and St. Louis, Mo. The Tasteless Outnine Co., Asheville, N. C. The HowelU Mining Drill Co., Plynv uth, Pa. The White Mt. Freewr Co., Nashua, N. H. J.A. Kelly A Bros., Clinton, la. The Carter Manufacturing Co., Louisville, Ky. SPECIAL REFERENCES The Continental Gin Co., Birmingham, Ala. The Turner Machine Co., Danbury, Conn. Hardsocg Manufacturing Co., Ottumwa, Iowa. What Cheer Tool Co., What Cheer, la. Athol Machine Co., Athol, Mass. L. Boyer's Sons, New York City. Metallic Cap Manufacturing Co., New York City. CarySafe Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Columbia Carriage Co.. Hamilton, Ohio. Buckeye Iron & Brass Works, Dayton, Ohio. Jackson & Sharp Co., Wilmington-Del. Keating Implement & Mach. Co., Dallas, Tex. Boss Knitting Machine Works, Reading, Fa. Geo. W. Dunbar's Sons, New Orleans, La. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, THE WASHINGTON SCHOOL FOR BOYS Advisory Board Hon. David J. Brewer U. S. Supreme Court Gen. John W. Foster, LL. D. Ex-Secretary of State Charles C. Glover Pres. Riggs National Bank Hon. Hilary A. Herbert Ex-Secretary of Navy Hon William H. Taft. LL. D. Secretary of War Col. Carroll D. Wright U. S. Com'r of Labor References Charles W. Eliot, LL. D. Pres. Harvard University Daniel C. Gilman, LL. D. Pres. Carnegie Institute Arthur!. Hadley, LL. D. Pres. Yale University Wm. R. Harper, DO., LL. D. Pres. University of Chicago William T. Harris, Ph. D..LL.D, U. S. Com'r of Education Woodrow Wilson, Litt. D., LL. D. Pres. Princeton University WISCONSIN AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. THE WASHINGTON SCHOOL is located in the suburbs of Washington, at an elevation of 400 feet above the Potomac; it is surrounded by woods and fields, yet it is within half an hour's ride by convenient trolley of the heart of the city. With its Boarding and Day Departments, with its Junior and Senior Schools, with its modern buildings and its extensive athletic grounds, with its able Faculty and its thorough course of study, it offers unusual advantages for the education of a boy from the time he leaves the Kindergarten until he enters College. In a letter to the Head-Master President Eliot of Harvard says: "Your programme of studies is much more comprehen- sive than is usual, and the provision you make for choice of studies in the interest of each individual pupil is excel- lent. Your proportion of the number of teachers to the number of pupils is also unusually large." Ask Mr. Foster for an illustrated Year-Book or address the Head-Master LOUIS LEVERETT HOOPER. 3904 Wisconsin Avenvie, Washington, D. C. G U N S T O N A Boarding a.rvd Day School for Young Ladies. 1401 Massachusetts Avenue. 1212-1214 and 1232 14th Street, N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C. * The location on Highland Terrace, fronting on Thomas Circle, com- mands a beautiful view of the city. Reference is given, by per mission, to Gen. John M. Wilson, ,?f Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army. j} MR. & MRS. BEVERLEY R. MASON, 5 Principals, Jf 5^ Miss EDITH M. CLARK, LL. A , 3t Associate Principal. ^ ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. Georgetown University WASHINGTON. D. C. Under the Direction of the Fathers of the Society of Jesus THE COLLEGE. TH K GRADUATE SCHOOL offers to Graduate Students higher elective courses in Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Political Economy, General Literature and Philology, English Literature, French Literature, Constitutional History, Elementary, Theory of Music, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Meclianical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry. III I ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY. The staff of the Obsenatory is chiefly engaged in original observation and research, but special students will be taken if qualified. III! coil IT.IATE DEPARTMENT. Four years' course in Classics, Mathematics, English Natural Sciences, Philosophy, etc. TH E PR EPARATORY DEPARTMENT. Four years' course, preparatory to college. The School of Medicine and Dental Department. Students are required to devote their entire time to the study of medicine. Evening classes have been abolished, as it was found impracticable to properly train men engaged in other pursuits during theday. The fifty-fifth session will begin October i, 1004, and continue for eight months. A large corns of teachers in proportion to the number of students makes instruction more directly personal and adiptrd to the special needs nf the individual. The clinical facilities of the University Hospital and other city and government hospitals are ample, and the laboratories are all well equipped. Serial attention is invited to the educational advantages of the National Capital, with its unrivalled libraries, the Army Medical Museum, the Museum of Hygiene, and the various scientific laboratories which are open to students. ular of information giving full details of requisites for admission, etc., will be sent on applica- tion to GEOXCB M. K.OBER, Dean, 1600 T Street, N. W., Washington, I). C. The Li\ w Department has a faculty composed of jurists of national reputation. It utilizes to the full the advantages which make the national capital the greatest center of legal learning in the United States. S. M. \EATMAN. Further information and catalogues may be obtained by addressing THE SECRETARY OF THE FACULTY. Georgetown College, Washington, D. C. A.>K M R. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Perm. Ave. Books and Stationery Our reputation is based on The largest stock The finest stationery The lowest prices The quickest service The best book knowledge Our foreign connections U. S. Government Agents. U. S. Government Libraries Supplied. BRENTANO'S Penna. Ave. . llth St., N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. NEW YORK CHICAGO PARIS LONDON LEIPZIG Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence PATENT AND TRADE-MARK LAWYERS 602 F Street, N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. AND St. Paul Building, Established 1861 NEW YORK 52-page book on patents and trade-marks, containing impor- tant law points for inventors and manufacturers, besides illustra- tions of mechanical movements, sent free on application. -:- -:- GENIUS OF INVENTION. PATENTS promptly obtained OR HO PEE. Trade-Marks, CaveaU. Copyright* and Labels registered. TWENTY TEAKS' PRACTICE. Highest references. Send model, sketch or photo, for free report on patentability. All business confidential. HAND-BOOK FREE. Explains everything. Tells How to Obtain and Sell Patents, What Inventions Will Pay, How to Get a Partner, explains best mechanical movements, and contains 300 other subjects of importance to inventors. Address, H. B. WILLSON & GO. Le Droit Bldg., ,. WASHINGTON, D. C. S6ff NEW BEACONSFIELD Boston's Latest Hotel Enterprise. First Floor Covering Over One Acre of Spa.ce. Is Boston's Largest Summer a.nd Winter Hotel. Location the Best. Twenty-five minutes from center of city. Electrics every three minutes. Auto Carriage, capacity 100. Machine and tool house. Large stable accommodations. Private park, 10 acres, with Tennis Courts and playgrounds. A most delightful resting place for a long or short stay in Boston. Prices most reasonable for both transient and permanent guests. The restaurant is the very best. Write for particulars and booklet. This hotel is pronounced by artists and those who have seen it as the most artistic, both exterior and interior, of any in America. ARMED LIBERTY MODEL IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE STATUE SURMOUNTING THE CAPITOL DOME s= ASHINGTON BY CHARLES B. REYNOLDS FOSTER & REYNOLDS NEW YORK Copyright, 1904, by Charles B. Reynolds HOUSE EXTENSION. TH1 D ITOL. SENATE EXTENSION. Powell's Painting in the C;i|.it.>l. LANDING OF COLUMBUS ON SAN SALVADOR. THIS BOOK Is a complete and practical Handbook of Washington. It gives information that will add to one's convenience and pleasure here, and will enable the visitor to see Washington understandingly and to the very best advantage. Make use of the full Index on third page beyond. The Time Table on page 7 gives the hours to visit the public buildings. It will help plan the day's program. There is a Ready Reference Map on pages 14-15; with a large folded map in the back, which is the most accurate, complete and beautiful map of Washington ever made. More than 200 illustrations give an admirable series of views of all the objects of interest. Every care has been taken to make the book a delight to the eye; and the prose and the pictures will prove pleasant reminders of one's visit to Washington. NOTE. The text and illustrations are copyrighted throughout. All persons are warned against infringement or dealing in any infringements. Vanderlyn's viikting in the Capitol. u ^1ft>S fc?ty ARTS DE SOTO'S DISCOVERY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. CONTENTS. TIME TABLE, - READY REFERENCE, THE CAPITOL, - THE LIBRARY, THE WHITE HOUSE, THE CORCORAN ART GALLERY, - THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT, THE TREASURY, STATE, WAR AND NAVY, THE NAVY YARD, - SMITHSONIAN AND NATIONAL MUSEUM, THE PENSION BUILDING, - - HALLS OF THE ANCIENT?, THE SOLDIERS' HOME, ... ARLINGTON, - MOUNT VERNON, - ALEXANDRIA, - PAGE 7 8 21 55 9i 99 106 109 119 18 124 129 130 133 135 142 '63 Washington, the Nation's Capital. BAPTISM OF POCAHONTAS. Chapman's Painting in the Capitol. EMBARKATION OF THE PILGRIMS. Weir's Painting in the Capitol. Adams, J. 47 Adams, J. Q. 34 Adams, S. 34 Agricultural Dept. 10 Allen, Ethan 36 Allen, Wm. 36 Alexandria 163 American University 11 Anacostia 13 Arlington Cemetery 135 Arlington Mem. Bridge 13 Army Medical Museum 10 Arsenal 19 Avenues 9 Baker 32 Bartholdi Fountain n Bastille 144 Bates 44 Battle of Lake Erie 50 Bedford 44 Benning 13 Benton 36 Be-she-ke 44 Bivouac of the Dead 138 Bladensburg 13 Blaine House 20 Blair 36 Boone 28, 44 Botanical Gardens n Brightwood 13 British Legation 9, 121 Brother Jonathan 40 Bureau Engraving no Bureaus 8 Burgoyne 26 Cab Fares 9 Cabin John Bridge 13, 167 Cabot 28 Cameron 52 CAPITOL 21 Bronze Doors 32, 148 Clocks 34, 44, 47 Corner Stones 53 Crypt 53 Dome 24, 34 Liberty Statue 24 Guides 21 History 21 HOUSE 42 Clock 44 Committee Rooms 46 Hall Representatives 4: Lobby 44 Mace 42 Paintings 44 Retiring Room 44 Stairways 44 ROTUNDA 26 Canopy 28, 31 Frieze 28 Paintings 26 Portico 24, 32 INDEX. CAPITOL Continued Statues 32 Whispering Gallery 32 SENATE 46 Chamber 46 Committee Rooms 52 District Room 48 Marble Room 44 Paintings 50 Portico 24 President's Room 47 Reception Room 48 Stairways 50, 52 Vestibule 48 Vice-Pres. Room 48 STATUARY HALL 34 SUPREME COURT 46 Capitol, Old n Carnegie Library 12 Carroll 36, 44 Cars 9 Cass 36 Catholic University n Cemeteries 7, 133 Chapultepec 50 Chase 44, 46 Chevy-Chase 13 Churches (see Map) Christ Church 163 Circles (see Map) Clarke 44 Clay 47, 52 Clay House 20 Clinton 36 Clock, Historical 34 Collamer 36 Columbia Institution u Columbia University n Columbus 26, 28, 32, 50 Constitution, Frigate 120 Continental Hall 2 Cornstalk Columns 48 Cornwallis 26 Corcoran Gallery 99 Corcoran House 20 Cosmos Club 16, 20 Crawford 50 Crook 140 Cunningham 142 Custis, E. P. 148, 140 Custis, G. W. P. 140 Customs 116 D. A. R. 13 Dead-Letter Museum 10 Decatur 20 Declaration 26, 120 Decoration Day 138 De Grasse 17 De Soto 26 D'Estaing 17 District of Columbia II Dix 50 Du Pont 16 Duportail 17 Electoral Commission 50 Ellsworth 46 Emancipation 44 Embassies 9 Evarts 120 Falls, Potomac 13 Farragut 16 Fish Commission u Fish Portrait 120 Ford's Theater 12 Fort Myer 13 Foster 48 Franklin, Benjamin Portraits 48, 53 Staff 120 Statues 16, 50 Frederick 16 Frelinghuysen 120 Fulton, 36, 53 Garibaldi 50 Gar field 16, 36, 50 Georgetown 13 Glen Echo 13 Golden Gate 44 Gov. Printing Office II Grand Army 10, 32 Grant 16, 32 Greek Slave 105 Greene 16, 36 Gross 16 Hahnemann 16 Halls, Ancients 130 Hamilton 32, 48 Hancock, J. 50 Hancock, W. S. 16 Hanson 36 Harrison (Mrs.) 91 Hayes (Mrs.) 91 Hayes (Pres.) 91 Henry, Joseph 116 Henry, Patrick 47 History 16 Hotels 8 Howard University n Hull Relics 120 Inauguration 32 Ingalls 36 Indian Bureau 8 Interior Department 10 Ironclads 50 Jackson 16 Jay 46 Jefferson, Desk 120 Draft of Declaration 120 Portraits 48, 120 Statues 32, 44 Justice Department 123 Kearney 36 Kenna 36 Key House 13 King 36 Knox 48 Kosciuszko 50 Lafayette 16, 44 Lafayette Square 20, 97 I^s Casas 53 La Salle 28 Lawton 140 I^e 36, 141 Legations 9 Library of Congress 55 Life Saving Service 116 Lighthouse Board 1 16 Lincoln, Bust 50 Gettysburg Address 135 Museum 12 Portrait 44, 50 Proclamation 44 Statues 32, 50 Livingston 36 Logan 17 Luther 17 McPherson 17 Madison, Dolly 20, 96 Madison House 20 Mall (see Map) Marine Barracks 19 Market 12 Marquette 36 Marshall 17, 46 Medals 121 Meigs 141 Monitor-Merrimac 50 Monuments 16 Moran Paintings 50 Morris 31 Mt. Pleasant 13 Mt. Vernon 142 Mtihlenberg 40 National Museum 124 Naval Monument 17 Naval Observatory 19 Navigation Burea'u 116 Navy Annex 10 Navy Department 119 Navy Yard 1 8 Oak Hill ii Osgood 47 Parks (see Map) Patent Office 10 Payne 12 Peace Monument 17 Peace Statue 24 Pealeso Penn 28 Pension Office 129 INDEX. Perry 50 Pierpont 40 1'ike 17 Pilgrims 26, 28 Pocahontas 26 Polk (Mrs.) 91 Porter Grave 139 Pest-Office 8, 123 Potomac 166 Pulaski 50 Railroads 8 Raleigh 28 Randolph 47 Rawlins 17 Rochambeau 17 Rock Hill 12 Rodgers House 20 Saratoga 26 Scott 17, 133 Seal of the United States 120 Seward House 20 Seward 44 Sheridan 139 Sherman, R. 40 Sherman, W. T. 6 Shields 40 Signal Office 10 Smith, John 28 Smithsonian 124 Soldiers' Home 133 Societies 10 Stanton 44 Stark 40 State Department 119 Statues 16 Steamboats 8 St John's Church 97 Stockton 40 Streets q Street Cars 9 Sumner 50, 52 Supreme Court 46 Surveys (see Map) Takoma 13 Taney 46 Telegraph 8 Tennallytown 13 Theaters 9 Thomas 17 Time-table 7 Tobacco Capitals 48 TREASURY 109 Bureau of Engraving no Cash Room 109 Counting Experts 113 Currency 1 16 Division of Issue 113 Macerator 115 Redemption Division 115 Seal 113 Vaults 116 Watchmen 116 Trumbull, John 28 Trumbull, Jon. 40 Tyler 50 Universities n Venus of Melos 100 Waite 46 War Department 119 War Statue 24 Washburne 120 WASHINGTON, GEORGE: Commission 28, 120 Home 142 Life Guard 119, 145 Portraits : Brumidi's 48 Medallion 146 C. W. Peale's 50 R. Peale's 50, 148 Savage's 147 Sharpless' 148 Stuart's 44, 47, 95, 146 Trumbull's 28 Relics 126 Resignation 28 Statues : D'Angers' Bust 53 Greenough's 17, 34 Houdon's 40 Mills' 17 Swords 120, 144 Tent 126 Tomb 154 Washington Barracks 19 Washington, Martha 95, 152 Washington Monument 106 Webster, House 20 Portraits 47, 120 Statues 17, 40 Welles 44 Westward Ho ! 44 WHITE HOUSE 91 Blue Room 92 Cabinet Room 96 Corridor 91 Dining Room 96 East Room 92 Easter Eggs 97 Green Room 95 History 91 President's Room 96 Red Room 95 Willard 42 Williams 42 Wilson 133 Winthrop, J. 42 Winthrop, R. C. 106 Yorktown 26 Y. M. C. A. ii Zoological Park 127 Washington, the Nation's Capital. MEMORIAL CONTINENTAL HALL. To be erected by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Edward Pearce Casey, Architect. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. MONUMENT TO GENERAL W. T. SHERMAN, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND THE TREASURY. STANDARD GUIDE TIME-TABLE. Schedule of the hours in which public buildings are open to visitors. Unless otherwise noted, all are open daily except Sundays and public holidays. * Those marked with a star are open holidays. A. M. P. M. LOCATION. 9 to 4 Agricultural Department, Mall, rath and i4th sts. S. W. Silk Mills in operation from 10 to 12, and i to 3. All day. Arlington Cemetery, Arlington, Va. OpeH also Sundays and holidays. (See W. A. & F. C. Ry., and VV. A. & Mt V. Ry. schedules in adv. pages. Time and walking may be saved by employing the wagonettes at the cemetery.) 9 to 4 Army Medical Museum, 7th and B streets S. W. 8 to 5 Botanical Garden, Pennsylvania ave. and ist st. 9 to 3 Bureau of Engraving, I4th and B streets S. \V. But visitors are not conducted between 11:45 an( ^ 12:30. 9 to 4:30 Capitol, Capitol Hill. Open after 4:30 if Congress is in session and until one-half hour after adjournment; also during a night session. The flag flies over each house while it is in session, and if at night the dome is lighted. 9:30 to 4 Corcoran Gallery, N. Y. ave. and I7th street. Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 1 hursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, 9:30 to 4, f'Om Oct. i to May i, and 9 to 4 from May i to July i. Sunday?, Nov. i to July i, 1:30 to 4:30 Mondays, 12 to 4. Public holidays, 10 to 2. Admission 25 cents Mond *n Livingston, 1009 13th Lairo, y, bet. iwn and nth, $3.50 up MaH*^ Pa AW anH divided, that relating to patents is most widely known, and the great building is popularly called the Patent Office. The Museum of Models fills the four halls on the second story, and contains an immense array of models. The number of patented articles approaches 400,000. In addition to those shown here, some 80,000 are displayed in the Union Building near by, on G street. The range of patented articles includes an almost complete list of the necessities and conveniences and luxuries of modern life. Here one may study tlv inventions in all the stages of their development, from the first crude forms to the perfect methods and ap- pliances of to-day, and in every branch of mechanical, industrial, social and domestic life. The Patent Office is a vast exhibit, multitudinous and multifarious, of the products of American inventive genius and skill. Many of the models, regarded as relics, are now deposited in the National Museum. T . HE NAVY AMNEX is in the Mills building, at I7th street and Pennsyl- vania avenue, one of the modern office buildings of steel cage construction which by their height dwarf the adjacent public buildings. The eagle on the flagstaff is an effigy in copper and aluminum of "Old Abe," a bald- headed eagle which was the mascot of the Eighth Wisconsin Volunteers in the Civil War. The bird on the flagstaff measures 8-ft. from tip to tip of wings; it is 142-ft. above the street, and always faces the wind. S , IGNAL OFFICE. The Signal Office is on M street at 24th. ] HE ARMY MEDICAL MUSEUM is in the Mall, at the corner of 7th and B nu5eum str eets; it is reached by Pennsylvania avenue cars, with transfer to 7th street line (one fare), and is open from 9 to 4. THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BUILDINGS are in the Mall, a short distance west of the Smithsonian. They are open to visitors from 9 to 4; Ready Reference, n and in the museum will be found an interesting display of various agricul- Agricultural tural products, illustrating their growth and industrial and commercial Department treatment. THE NATIONAL BOTANICAL GARDEN, at the foot of Capitol Hill, is open Botanical to the public from 8 to 5. Its conservatories contain large collections of Garden rare plants from all parts of the world. The traveler's tree from Madagas- car, the Hottentot poison ordeal tree from the Cape of Good Hope, the Jesuit's Bark (cinchona) from South America, and specimens from the Sandwich Islands, Japan, Queensland, Norfolk Island, Sumatra and scores of other distant lands afford abundant interest. North of the conservatory is the Bartholdi Fountain, which was exhibited at the Philadelphia Cen- tennial. It is the work of the French sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, famed for his statue of Liberty in New York harbor. THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE is at North Capitol and H streets. Printing? Here all the Government publications are printed, including the bills of Congress, the daily Congressional Record of the proceedings of Congress, Department Reports and others. It is reputed to be the largest printing office in the world. Visitors are escorted through the several departments at 10 A. M. and 2 P. M., and at other times when a large number warrants it. The tour takes from one to two hours. FISH COMMISSION. The building of the United States Fish Commission F' sh is in the Mall at 6th and B streets, S.W. THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA comprises an area of 69,245 square miles and District had by the census of 1900 a population of 278,718. The government con- * sists of two civilian Commissioners, appointed by the President and con- firmed by the Senate, and one Army engineer officer, detailed by the Secre- tary of War, the three constituting a Board of Commissioners for three years. The office is in the District Building, La. avenue between 4 l / 2 and 6. A new municipal hall is building at I4th and E streets, near Pennsyl- vania avenue. Residents have no vote. OLD CAPITOL. After the burning of the Capitol in 1814, citizens of Old Washington built on North A street a temporary Capitol, which was occu- Capitol pied by Congress until 1819, after which it was known as the Old Capitol. The building has been converted into dwelling houses. UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. American University Loughbury Road. Colleges The Catholic University of America at the corner of Lincoln avenue and 4th street extended, near the Soldiers' Home; Eckington cars. Columbia University I5th street and H. Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and National Deaf Mute College in Kendall Green, M street and Florida avenue. Howard University 7th street and Boundary. Washing- ton Seminary 523 New Hampshire avenue. THE YOI-NC. MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION is on G street between I7th Y. M. C. A. and i8th streets. CEMETERIES. The Congressional Cemetery, on the Eastern Branch Cemeteries north of the Navy Yard, contains graves of members of Congress, officers of the Army and other public men. In Oak Hill, on Georgetown 12 Washington, the Nation's Capital. Cemeteries Heights, is the grave of John Howard Payne, author of "Home, Sweet Home." Payne died while United States Consul at Tunis, and was buried on a hill overlooking the ruins of Carthage. In 1882 Wm. W. Corcoran had the remains brought home to America. Edwin M. Stanton, Salmon P. Chase and other notable men are buried here. Rock Creek Cemetery, northeast of the Soldiers' Home, is noted for the two bronze statues, "Memory," by Partridge, and "Peace of God," by St. Gaudens. (See also Arlington and Soldiers' Home chapters.) THE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY is in the Vernon Square, at the intersec- tion of Massachusetts and New York avenues and 8th street. The building was given by Andrew Carnegie. MARKET. The Center Market, Pennsylvania avenue and 7th street, may be counted as among the Washington haunts of great men. Chief Justice Marshall, Daniel Webster and President William Henry Harrison were accustomed to do their marketing here in person. FORD'S THEATER, in which occurred the assassination of President Lincoln, April 14, 1865, is on loth street, between E and F. The building is now used for public business and contains nothing of interest. Across the street, the house in which Lincoln died contains a collection of Lincoln relics. Carnegie fUrkt Ford'f Theater OLDROYD LINCOLN MUSEUM. The house in 516 loth street, between E and F) con- tains the Oldroyd Lincoln memorial col- lection, begun by O. H. Oldroyd in i85o, and now comprising thousands of objects connected with or relating to the mar- tyred President. Among them are the following: Family Bible in which Lin- coln wrote his name in boyhood; log from the old Lincoln home; stand made from logs of house in which Lincoln lived, 1832-36; rail split by Lincoln and John Hanks in 1830 (with affidavit by Hanks); discharge given to one of his men by Captain A. Lincoln, Black Hawk War, 1832; picture of Springfield House; flag carried in Lincoln and Hamlin cam- paign; office chair in which Lincoln sat when he drafted his first Cabinet; fare- well address to neighbors; articles of fur- niture from the Springfield home; auto- graph letters; life-mask and cast of hands by L. W. Volk; hat worn on night of April 14, 1865; chair occupied in theater; bill of the play (Our American Cousin); 250 funeral sermons; 63 marches and which Lincoln died (No. Ready Reference. 13 dirges; 263 portraits, including the earliest known; 209 medals; 1,000 volumes of biographies of Lincoln and works relating to slavery and the war. GEORGETOWN. Georgetown, or West Washington, three miles west from Georgetown the Capitol, is reached by the Pennsylvania avenue or F street cars ; it is on the route to Arlington. The city antedates the founding of Washing- ton. The heights command noble views. The city is the seat of George- town College, the oldest and largest Jesuit college in this country. The first building was erected in 1789. KEY HOUSE. The house once occupied by Francis Scott Key, author of Ky the "Star Spangled Banner," is on M street, in Georgetown, ne?r the ous * Aqueduct Bridge. ANACOSTIA is on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac opposite. BEN- Suburbs NING is on the Eastern Branch opposite Washington. BLADENSBURG is 5-miles northeast. BRIGHTVVOOD is 3-miles north. CHEVY CHASE Con- necticut avenue extended and District line; reached by Rock Creek car line. FALLS OF THE POTOMAC The Little Falls are 4-miles above the city; the Great Falls 14-miles. FORT MYER is in Virginia, 3-miles ; reached by Wash., Arlington & Falls Church Ry. GLEN ECHO Conduit Road, 6-miles northwest. MOUNT PLEASANT Head of I4th street, 5/2-mile above Florida avenue. TAKOMA 5-miles north. TENNALLYTOWN 3-miles north of Georgetown. FORT MYER is near Arlington on the heights of Virginia, opposite Wash- Fort flyer ington. The route is by the W., A. & F. C. Railway from the Aqueduct Bridge. It is the most important United States Army post near Wash- ington. At the United States Signal Station, below the railroad at Fort Myer, is the new building erected for the signal balloon corps. CABIN-JOHN BRIDGE, /-miles from Georgetown, forms part of the aque- Cabin-John duct system. The bridge is 420-ft. in length, and the arch, with a span of 22o-ft., is reputed to be the largest stone arch in existence. ARLINGTON MEMORIAL BRIDGE. A project which is now before Congress is the construction of a Memorial Bridge to connect Washington with Arlington Cemetery. THE CONTINENTAL MEMORIAL HALL will be erected by the National So- D A R . ciety of the Daughters of the American Revolution, on Seventeenth street. Continental It will have on the north the Corcoran Gallery of Art; and on the south * orlal will be the new architectural group of the Columbian University. The Memorial Hall is intended to" meet the business and commemorative re- quirements of the D. A. R., and it will have a large auditorium. The design is by Edward Pearce Casey, who is well known in connection with his work in the Library of Congress building. The cost of the Memorial Hall will approximate $350.000. The cornerstone was laid with elaborate ceremonies in 1904, on ''Lexington Day," the celebration of the Battle of Lexington, April 18. An illustration of the Hall is given in an earlier page. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution was organized Oct. IT, 1800, with Mrs. Benjamin Harrison as President General. There are new 650 chapters, with a membership of 40,000. I-} L-WUL-JL-^-JL-f : ST | r-f- I | I | Y.M.C. a^^Svl [rontli{rnl>lllaU _2^l '^^ SEE ALSO THE LARGE FOLDED STANDARD GUIDE MAP OF WASHINGTON STANDARD GUIDE READY H ENCE MAP OF WASHINGTON. j5 ll'ashington, the X at ion's Capita!. A POTOMAC MEMORIAL BRIDGE has been projected to connect Wash- ington and Arlington, as shown on the folding map. In Congress its ad- vocates have asked for an appropriation of $5,000,000. History HISTORICAL. After protracted discussion of the claims of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other cities to be named as the Capital, Congress in 1790 empowered President Washington to select a location for a Federal City on the Potomac River. The story goes that the site chosen by him, and which became the seat of the city named in his honor, was one to which he had been attracted in his younger days when he was a surveyor. The task of laying out the new town was intrusted to Major L'Enfant, one of the French officers who had served in the American army. He drew the plans on a scale which was intended to be commensurate with the importance of the city as the Capital of the United States. The details were modified in some measure by the successors of L'Enfant. but to him we owe in its general plan the beautiful Washington of to-day. The area which is devoted to streets, avenues and parks exceeds in proportion that of any other city in the world. During the Civil War Washington was converted into a vast encamp- ment of troops passing to and from the field ; and into a hospital for thousands of sick and wounded. The city was defended by a circuit of sixty-eight forts. STATUES AND MONUMENTS. DUPONT Dupont Circle. Rear- Admiral Samuel Francis Dupont. By Launt Thompson. FARRAGUT Farragut Square. Admiral David Glascoe Farragut. By Vinnie Ream Hoxie. Bronze cast from guns of the flagship Hartford. FRANKLIN Pennsylvania avenue, 10th and D streets. Benjamin Franklin Printer, Patriot, Philosopher, Philanthropist. By Plassman. Presented by Stillson Hutchins. FREDERICK THE GREAT. A statue presented by Emperor William will be placed in the grounds of the War College. GARFIELD. Maryland avenue entrance to Capitol grounds. See page 41. GRANT. A statue of Gen. U. S. Grant, by H. M. Shrady, for which Congress has appropriated $250,000, will be placed in the Mall south of the White House. GREENE Stanton Square. Gen. Xathaniel Greene. By H. K. Brown. The uniform is that of the Continental Army. GROSS Smithsonian grounds, near Medical Museum Dr. Samuel D. Gross, dis- tinguished American physician and surgeon. HAHNEIIANN Scott Circle. Christian Samuel Friedrich Hahnemann, German phy- sician, founder of homeopathy. HANCOCK Pennsylvania avenue and 7th street. Maj. -Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock. By Henry J. Ellicott. HENRY Smithsonian grounds. Joseph Henry, first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. By W. W. Story. JACKSON I-afayette Square. Gen. Andrew Jackson, here presented as the hero of the Battle of New Orleans. The bronze was- cast from cannon taken in Jackson's campaigns, and the cannon were contemporary. A replica is in Jackson Square, New Orleans. By Clark Mills. LAFAYETTE Lafayette Square and Pennsylvania avenue. By the French sculptors Falquiere and Mercier. Provided by Congress to commemorate the distinguished services of Lafayette and other French officers in the cause of the Colonies. Ready Reference. 17 Lafayette is represented in the uniform of the Continental Army. America extends to him a sword. The other figures of the group are Rochambeau, Duportail, D'Estaing and De Grasse. The Marquis de Lafayette offered his services to the Americans in 1777, was com- missioned Major-General, and served throughout the war. He took part in the bat- tles of Brandywine, Monmouth 3nd Vorktown; ia 1824 he revisited America, and was given a continuous ovation by the twenty-four States. Count Kochambeau was in command of the French army of 6,000 men sent to aid the Americans in 1780, and contributed to the victory of Yorktown. Duportail was a French officer who served iinder .Lafayette in America. Count d'Estaing commanded the French fleet sent to the assistance of America in 1778; and Count de Grasse, of the French fleet, took part in the victory of Yorktown. The portraits of Lafayette, Rochambeau and De Grasse are in Trumbull's Yorktown. LINCOLN Fourth and D streets. Abraham Lincoln. By Scott Flannery. LINCOLN Lincoln Park. Emancipation Monument, representing Lincoln as tke emancipator. By Thomas Ball. LINCOLN. A Lincoln memorial will be placed on the bank of the Potomac west of the Washington Monument. LOGAN Iowa Circle. Gen. John A. Logan. By Franklin Simmons. LVTHER Thomas Circle. Martin Luther. V '_[ lica of statue at Worms, Germany. Mcl'HERSON McPhersoiL Square. Gen. James B. McPherson. By James T. Robisso. Erected by the Society of the Army of the Tennessee. MARSHALL Capitol west terrace. John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835. By \V. \Y. Story. The figures in the panels, of Italian marble, are: Minerva Dictating the Constitution to Young America, and Victory Lead- ing Young America to Swear Fidelity at the Altar of the Union. See page 55. NAVAL MONUMENT, or Monument of Peace, Pennsylvania avenue at the foot of Capitol Hill. By Franklin Simmons; erected from funds contributed by members of the Navy. "In memory of the Officers, Seamen and Marines of the United States Navy who fell in defense of the Union and Liberty of their Country, 1861- 1865." The figures are of America weeping; History with record tablet: "They died that their country might live;" Victory with laurel wreath, and Peace with olive branch. See page 54. PIKE Indiana avenue and 3d street. Albert Pike. RAWLI.NS Pennsylvania avenue, Louisiana avenue and 9th street. Gen John A. Rawlins. By J. Bailey. ROCHAMBEAU Lafayette Square. Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeure, Comte de Rochambeau. By F. Ilamar. Presented by France in 1902. See Lafayette. SCOTT Scott Square. Gen. Winfield Scott. By H. K. Brown. SCOTT Soldiers' Home grounds. By I. aunt Thompson. SHERMAN Equestrian statue south of Treasury. Gen. William T Sherman. 15y Carl Rohl-Smith. THOMAS Thomas Circle. Gen. George H. Thomas. By J. Q. A. Ward. Erected by the Society of the Army of the Cumberland. "WASHINGTON Washington Circle. George Washington. By Clark Mills. Washing- ton is represented as he appeared at the Battle of Princeton, Jan. 3, 1777, when he checked the retreat of Mercer's wavering militia and turned defeat into victory. The portrait is from the Houdon bust made from life. The horse was modeled from one captured from a wild herd on the prairie near Fort Leaven- worth. Kan. WASHINGTON Esplanade east of Capitol. By Horatio Greenough. The inscriptions are chosen from Henry Lee's oration on the death of Washington, pronounced before both Houses of Congress. Dec. 16, 1799: "First in War First in Peace- First in the Hearts of His Countrymen." The sculptor's signature runs: 'Simulacrum istud ad magnum Libcrtatis nee sine ipxa ditratum HORATIUS GREENOUGH fac icbat" "Horatio Greenough made this statue for a great examplar of Freedom; not without Freedom can it endure." See page 55. \\tnsTF.R- S'.-dtt Circle. Daniel Webster. THE NAVY YARD. I On the Eastern Branch of the Potomac, at the foot of 8th street east, and at the terminus of the Navy Yard (green car) line of the Pennsylvania avenue cars. Open to the public from 9 o'clock to4o"clock. No pass required. Local guides will facilitate inspection of the yard if one's time be limited. T is not a shipbuilding establishment, but an ordnance factory \ve find when we pass through the arched entrance of the Washington Xavy Yard, and we are likely to be disappointed if we expect to find one of the armored ships of the White Squadron at anchor in the Eastern Trophies Branch. But there are guns to study, ancient relics of the past, trophies eloquent of the gallant exploits of the old Navy, and new guns here mak- ing for the equipment of the new Navy of to-day. The trophies meet us at the entrance. Just within the gate on Dahlgren avenue (the avenues are named after Commandants of the yard) we find two bronze cannons, which Capt. Stephen Decatur took from the Tripolitans, Aug. 3, 1804. Further down the avenue is the famous Long Tom. Long The Long Tom is a 42-pound cast-iron gun made in 1786. It belonged originally _ to the man-of-war Xoche, one of the French fleet sent in 1798 to invade Ireland, and captured by the British under Sir John B. Warren. The gun was taken to England and sold to the Americans. It was afterward struck by a shot, and so injured as to be condemned, and was sold to Hayti, to be used against France, the nation in whose ser- vice it had first burned powder. Brought back to America again, the Long Tom formed one of the battery of the armed brig General Armstrong (fitted out by private hands and commanded by Capt. Samuel Chester Reid, On Sept. 24, 1814, off Bayal, one ot the Azores, the Armstrong engaged single-handed in a fight with three ships of the British Squadron, which was then on its way to New Orleans, and so disabled the fleet that it was delayed, and failed to reach New Orleans for the great fight there, when Jackson won the day. The Armstrong was afterward sunk to save her from the enemy, but the Long Tom was removed and was presented by the Portuguese Govern- ment to the United States. It was sent to this country for the World's Fair. At the end of the avenue, in front of the Commandant's office, and in the gun park south of it, there are other relics and trophies guns captured by Decatur from Algiers and Tripoli, and taken in the wars of the Revolu- tion. 1812, Mexican and Civil. The Museum is shaded by a willow tree which was grown from a slip from one of the trees over the grave of Napoleon at St. Helena; it was brought home by Commodore Bainbridge and planted here. The Mu- seum contains a collection of relics and of specimens illustrating different classes of ordnance, projectiles and naval equipments. In the gun shop (reached by the small stairway on the right of Dahl gren avenue) may be seen one of the most impressive exhibitions on this continent of machinery in operation. Here are the great lathes, turning, boring and rifling the steel breech-loading rifles of the Navy. These are 18 The Navy Yard. 19 formidable pieces of artillery, ranging from the 4-m. caliber to that of 13-in. caliber, which is 39-ft. n-in. in length, weighs 65 tons, and carries a projectile of i,ioo-lbs., with a range of thirteen miles. The calibers are 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13 inches; and their ranges correspond 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13 miles. The guns are forged at Bethlehem, Pa., and are brought here in a rough state to The be finished. Each gun consists of a central steel tube, and its jacket and hoops also Gun of steel. The jacket and hoops are shrunk upon the tube, i. e., are fitted on to it Shop when expanded by heat, and are then shrunk by cooling, just as the tire is shrunk and upon the wagon-wheel. All the successive processes may be witnessed the boring of 'ts the jacket cylinder, trimming down the tube to fit the jacket, and fitting the heated Work jacket upon the tube; boring the hoops, trimming the jacket to fit the hoops, and fitting the heated hoops upon the jacket. As the jacket cools it shrinks upon the tube as compactly as if the jacket and tube were one solid piece, and the hoops in turn be- come as a part of the jacket. The gun, thus built up of separate layers of steel, is a product which in practice proves to possess greater strength than a gun forged of one mass of metal. The work involves an extreme nicety of calculation on the part of the engineers who plan the measurements. From this sta"ge of manufacture, the gun weighing sixty odd tons is carried by the powerful traveling crane to the barrel-boring lathes, where the barrel and chamber are bored out; and then to the rifling lathe, which cuts the grooves of the rifling, inch by inch, foot by foot, through the length of the barrel. The operations here are on a gigantic scale, the machinery is ponderous, the product titanic. The immense lathes do their \vork almost noiselessly, with ease, smoothness, precision and deliberation, which bespeak a reserve of strength and power irresistible. Other shops which possess interest are those of the gun-carriage de- partment, and the breech mechanism and projectile departments. THE MARINE BARRACKS are on 8th street, near the Navy Yard ; reached Marine by Pennsylvania avenue cars. Concerts by the Marine Band in summer at Barracks 1 1 A. M. ; guard-mount daily at 9 A. M. THE ARSENAL (or Washington Barracks) is at the foot of 4^/2 street, Arsenal S.W., on the Potomac; reached by the 7th street cars. Only the grounds are open to the public, and there is no special interest for the visitor. THE WASHINGTON BARRACKS, at the foot of 4^ street and the Potomac, Washington will, upon completion of plans now under way, become the most important Barracks military post in the country. The Engineers' School of Application, now at Willet's Point, N. Y., will be transferred here. This school is for the final military instruction of the honor graduates of West Point. Here, too, will be the new War College and the School of National Defense, the classes in which will be composed of honor graduates of the infantry, cavalry and artillery schools at Fort Leavenworth and Fort Monroe. The corner stone of the War College was laid in February, 1903. THE UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY, in charge of the Bureau of Naval Navigation, is on the heights north of the Georgetown and Rockville road. It has a 26-in. equatorial telescope, is admirably equipped for astronomical work, and holds a high place among the institutions of its class. From the Observatory Washington time is telegraphed daily to all parts of the United States. Open to visitors from 9 to 3. 2O n'tisliin&tun, the Nation's Capital. SOME HISTORIC HOMES ON LAFAYETTE SQUARE. Many of the houses surrounding the square possess interesting t ciations as the homes of public men. The plot of ground now occupied by the Lafayette Square Opera House, on Madison place, was in the '305 owned by Henry Clay; he traded it for an imported and long-pedigreed jackass to Commodore Rodgers, who built the home, which stood until torn down in 1895 to make way for the opera house. After Commodore Rodgers, Secretary of the Treasury Roger B. Taney lived here; and then followed Secretary of the Navy James K. Paulding; Secretary of State William H. Seward, who in one of the upper rooms was struck by the would-be assassin in that fateful night of April 14. 1865 ; and James G. Blaine, who in the same room died in 1893. Further north, on the corner of Madison place and H street, the home of the scientific Cosmos Club was formerly known as Dolly Madison's house. Here Mrs. Madison Jived from 1837 to her death; then Admiral Wilkes occupied the house until the Civil War, and it then became the headquarters of Gen. McClellan. Diagonally across the street is the red brick house (now an annex of the Arlington Hotel) which was for more than twenty years the home of Charles Sumner. Further west, on the corner of Connecticut avenue and H street, is Corcoran House, the home of the late W. W. Corcoran, and before him of Daniel Webster while Secretary of State. It is recorded that the Ashburton Treaty was dis- cussed and practically concluded in this house. The house on the southwest corner of H street and Jackson place was built in 1819 by Commodore Decatur (the author of the toast, "My country: may she be always in the right; but right or wrong my country"), and it was occupied by Henry Clay, Martin Van Buren and Edward Livingston, during their respective terms as Secretary of State, and by Ministers of Russia, England and France. CITY OF MAGNIFICENT DISTANCES. This phrase as descriptive of Wash- ington was original wilth Abbe Carrea, Minister from Portugal in 1816 THE BEAUTIFICATION OF WASHINGTON. THE BEAUTIFICATION OF WASHINGTON is a subject which has engaged the attention of Congress. Plans have been submitted by a Park Com- mission appointed by the Senate, and consisting of Messrs. Burnham, NicKim, St. Gaudcns and Olmstead. The report recommends the estab- lishment of a parkway comprising the Mall, extending from the Capitol to the Monument, one and one-half miles, and with a width of 800 feet. From this territory would be removed the buildings now upon it, to the end that there might be an uninterrupted vista, whether of the park in a natural state, or given a formal arrangement as the Commission recom- mends. THE UNION RAILWAY STATION. THE L'NION RAILWAY STATION, which will supersede the present railway station, is under construction at a point northeast of the Capitol, as shown on our map, pages 14-15. It is building by the Pennsylvania and Baltimore & Ohio railroads, the L T nited States and the District of Columbia. THE CAPITOL. THE CAPITOL is situated on Capitol Hill, 1 1-3 miles from the White House and Treasury, y 2 -mi\e from the Baltimore & Potomac Station, and one square from the Baltimore & Ohio Station. It is reached by the F street and the Pennsylvania avenue cars, both of which ascend the hill. One may leave the Pennsylvania avenue cars at the Peace Monu- ment, near the west entrance, and thus gain the grandest approach ; or may continue (on the Xavy Yard car) to the' top of the hill. The building is open daily, except Sundays and holidays, from 9 to 4:30, or until one-half hour after adjournment. During a term of Congress the forenoon is the best time for inspecting the legislative halls and the various committee rooms. Congress goes into session at 12 o'clock noon; visitors are allowed upon the floor of Senate and House until 11 :45, thereafter in the galleries only. The several galleries are designated over the doors: Gentlemen's, Ladies', Reserved, Diplomatic Corps, Press. Those marked Ladies' and Gentlemen's are open to the public. *$* THE CAPITOL GUIDES. There is a staff of regularly authorized Capitol guides, who conduct visitors through the building, and point out and explain all objects of interest; and it will be found advantageous to employ their services. THE CAPITOL is distinguished for its commanding situation and majestic proportions, for the dignity, grace and beauty of design, and the adornments and decorations which beautify it without and within. All these unite to give it rank as an architectural object among the noblest in the world. From an elevated site on Capitol Hill, 97-ft. above the level of the river, it overlooks the amphitheatre of the Potomac and is a conspicuous feature of the landscape from miles on every side. It is set amid grounds whose extent and arrangement add much to the architectural effect. The building faces the east, for in that quarter the projectors assumed that the city would grow ; but the development of Washington has been toward the west, and it is from this direction that the Capitol is usually approached. From the main western entrance of the grounds, near the Peace Monument, the approach leads up the gently rising lawns to flights of steps, which give ascent to the upper terrace or open court, which ex- tends the entire length of the west front and around the north and south ends. Here a beautiful view is afforded of the city and encircling hills. From the court the west door of the building gives access to flights of" stairs which lead to the Rotunda. On the east front are three grand porticoes with Corinthian columns, and there is a portico of similar columns on the end and west front of each extension, and a loggia on the west front of the main building. Broad flights of marble steps lead up to the porticoes from the esplanade on the east. The central building is constructed of Virginia sandstone, painted white; the ex- tensions arc of Massachusetts marble. The 24 columns of the grand central portico are monoliths of Virginia sandstone, 30ft. high; the 100 columns of the extension porticos are monoliths of Maryland marble. The entire length of the Capitol is 751ft. 4in. ; width, 350ft.; area, over 3% acres. The corner stone of the main building was laid by President Washington on Sept. IS. 1793. The wings of the central building were completed in 1811, and were partially 21 NORTH FRONT o u t? MI w G J3 3"" J3 oi *_ o -o *" Sli" li ill 2 t* *.? "7 -r * g g lj N-/ 0.) ^, rt -C . i *O ^- v X >. .*S U2 W fc rt 2 U O 5 -t-T u c D [JJ ^ C " O E o> E c r- ex i_ pf? S 5 ^ ^ ** 52--O! ^^^ a." iaa >- >:ss|^ ^ |o * 5 o OS ^ H> C 42 S ^ *- C/J p = r- g "3 j' ' * .'x z -2 -5 1 a U 2 CL "r: o M cn X , 'S c a SS^.2 3*2 > "" 2 p i a ss-^ h: o M,*, gU ^ /:--- sBia 8 o o 2ei^K 24 U'ashington, thc Xation's Capital. litirtu-d by thc .British in 181-1. Thc entire central building was finished in 1827. The Capitol t(|r|ur Mll , K . u f t | lc extension was laid by President l-'illmore, on July 4, 1851; Daniel Mtotory ^ c | )Ster was t i, e orator. The extensions were first occupied by Congress 1857 and 1869. Up to that time the Senate Chamber was the present Supreme Court Room; and the Hall of Representatives was the present National Statuary Hall. Dome The crowning glory of the Capitol is the imposing Dome, springing from a peristyle of tinted Corinthian columns above the central building and terminating in a lantern, which is surmounted by the Statue of Free- dom, towering 3O7J/2-ft. above the esplanade. The height of the Dome above the base line of the east front is 287-ft. 5-in.; from the roof balustrade. 217-ft. 11- in. ; diameter at the base, 135-ft. 5-in. It is of iron, and weigs 8,909,200-lbs. It is so constructed that with the variations of temperature the iron plates expand and contract, "like the folding and unfolding of a lily." The peristyle has 30 columns and 36 windows, with a balustrade above. The lantern is 15-ft. in diameter and 50-ft. in height; it has electric lights, which illuminate the Dome during a night session. The Dome was designed by NYalter, and was completed in ISoS. The Dome is ascended for the view by a winding stairway. Statue of ^ e bronze statue of Armed Liberty, designed by Crawford, is 19-ft. 6-in. high, and Liberty weighs 14,985-lbs. It was set in place on Dec. 2, 18G3. A full-sized model of the figure is In the National Museum, where the majestic expression of the countenance may be noted, and the details studied of the crest of the eagle's beak and plumes, sheathed sword, shield, and supporting globe with its legend, E Pluribus Untini. Rotunda The east portico of the House is plain; on those of the Rotunda and Portico the Senate has been expended the chief exterior adornment of the Capitol. On the tympanum of the Rotunda portico is an allegorical group (by Persico, after design of John Quincy Adams) of the Genius of America. In the centre stands America, with the eagle at her feet. Her shield, with its legend, U. S. A., rests upon an altar inscribed with the significant date, July 4, 1776. She is listening to the inspiration of Hope, and indi- cating her reliance upon Justice, whose scroll of the Constitution bears the date of the adoption of that instrument, September 17, 1/87. The Of the two colossal groups in marble on the portico, one is Persico's narble Discovery of America; it represents Columbus and an Indian girl; the ' OUf * armor was copied from a suit worn by Columbus, now preserved in Genoa. The other group is Greenough's Settlement of America a pioneer in des- perate conflict with a savage. On either side of the doorway are marble figures (by Persico) of War Mars in Roman mail, with shield and spear; and Peace Ceres, with olive branch and fruits. Over the door is a com- position of Peace and Fame placing a wreath of laurel upon the brow of Washington, At the Rotunda entrance is the Rogers Bronze Door. Senate The fortunes of the American Indians furnish a theme which we shall Portfco find constantly recurring throughout the decorations of the Capitol. Thc mnrbles and bronzes of the Rotunda portico are suggestive of the first contact of the white race and the red; the marble group in the tympanum of the Senate portico is significant of what the coming of the new race was to mean for the old. The subject (by Crawford) is American Devel- opment and the Decadence of the Indian Race. In the centre stands America, in the effulgence of the rising sun, bestowing honor instead of s upon General Washington; on the right are Commerce. Education. Mechanics and Agriculture; on the left the Pioneer, the Hunter, a dejected 26 U'ashington, the Nation's Capital. Chieftain, and an Indian mother with her babe mourning beside a grave. In the wall above the Senate entrance are marble figures of Justice and History (by Crawford), and the door is the Crawford Bronze Door. Rotund* THE ROTUNDA in the centre of the main building is the room to which one usually comes first, and it is a convenient point from which to visit the various parts of the Capitol. The north door leads to the Supreme Court Room, the Senate, and the stairway to the Dome; the south door to the Statuary Hall and the House; the east door (Rogers Bronze) opens on the portico, and the west door leads to the west entrance. Tour A convenient programme for seeing the Capitol is to study first the of the Rotunda (from the floor), then to visit in succession the Hall of Statuary, C * plto! the House and its committee rooms, the Supreme Court, the Senate and its rooms, the west portico for the view; then to ascend to the upper part of the Rotunda and beyond to the Dome and its view. Study the Capitol plan on a foregoing page. Note the magnificent marble corridors and stairways of the extensions; the pilasters, columns and capitals, sculpture and frescoing; the tessellated floors, and the vistas through the windows, giving glimpses of the city and the Washington Monument, the new Library, and the Capitol itself. Rotunda The Rotunda is an immense circular hall 97 2-3-ft. in diameter, and Paintings r j s jng clear from floor to inner shell of Dome and canopy, i8o-ft. above. Light is admitted through the 36 windows of the peristyle. The walls are adorned with paintings, sculptures and frescoes, and the vaulted canopy top above the eye of the Dome glows with color. The eight oil paintings in the panels of the hall have for their subjects memorable scenes in the history of the continent and of the United States. The key to each picture hangs beneath it. They are : Landing of Columbus on San Salvador, Oct. 12, 1492. (By Vanderlyn.) Discovery of the Mississippi by De Soto, 1541. (By W. H. Powell.) Baptism of Pocahontas, Jamestown, Va., 1613. (By John G. Chapman.) Embarkation of the Pilgrims from Delft-Haven, July 21, 1620. (Weir.) Declaration The Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia, July 4, 1776. (By John Trtimbull, of Connecticut.) The scene is the hall of the Continental Con- gress. John Hancock, President of the Congress, is seated at the table, and in front of him stand the Committee of Five Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert L. Livingston. Saratoga The Surrender of Burgoyne, Saratoga, Oct. 17, 1777. (By Trumbull.) "The painting represents Gen. Burgoyne, attended by Gen. Phillips and followed by other officers, arriving near the marquee of Gen. Gates. Gen. Gates has advanced a few steps from the entrance to meet the prisoner, who s in the act of offering his sword, which Gen. Gates declines to receive; and invites them to enter and partake of refreshments. A number of the officers of the American army are assembled near their General." Elliot. Yorktown Surrender of Cornwallis, Yorktown, Oct. 19. 1781. (Trumbull.) "The painting represents the moment when the officers of the British army, conducted by Gen. Lincoln, are passing the two groups of American and French guards, and entering between the two lines of victors." Elliot. jX U'dshington, the Xation's Capital. Wellington-* Tnc Resignation of General Washington, Annapolis, Dec. 23, 1783. Resignation ( I rumlnill.) "After taking an affectionate leave of his old comrades at New York, General Washington, accompanied by only two of them, pro- ceeded to Annapolis, where Congress was then sitting, and there resigned his commission into the hands of twenty-three powerless men, divested himself of all authority, and retired to private life." Elliot. Washington's surrendered commission is preserved in the State Department, and the uniform of Commander-in-Chief worn on this occasion is shown among the Washington relics in the National Museum. Trumbull The Trumlnill paintings have peculiar interest and value because the figures in Series tl:cin are authentic portraits. Col. John Trumbull, an aide-de-camp of Washington, "having a natural taste for drawing, took the resolution of cultivating that talent, with the hope of thus binding his name to the great events of the Revolution by be- coming the graphic historiographer of them and of his comrades." With this view he devoted himself to the study of the art of painting, first in this country and then in Europe. To John Adams, then Minister to England, and Thomas Jefferson, Minister to France, he communicated his ambitious design of painting a series commemorative of thd principal events of the devolution, preserving faithful portraits of its con- spicuous actors, and accurate details of scenes, dress and arms. He painted Adams in London, and Jefferson in Paris, and at the house of Jefferson the French officers who were to be included in the Yorktown picture. He was given sittings by Washington and others in New York, at 'that time the seat of government, and then traveled through the country, from New Hampshire to South Carolina, collecting portraits and other materials. In 1816, after more than thirty years of preparation, he was commissioned by Congress to paint the four great pictures now in the Rotunda- works which at once are held pricesless tor their portraits of the i-'athers oi the Republic, and are a realization of the artist's high ambition. Sculptures Tn the arahesques ahove the paintings are sculptured portraits of Co- lumhns, Raleigh, Cabot and La Salle (by Capellano and Causici) ; and above the doors are sculptures of the Landing of the Pilgrims, Pocahontas Rescuing Capt. John Smith, William Penn's Conference with the Indians, and Daniel Boone in Conflict with the Indians. (These are by Causici, Capellano and Gevelct.) At a height of 6s-ft. above the floor, and encir- Kotunda cling the wall, here 30O-ft. in circumference, runs a fresco (by Brumidi and Fr *ze Castigini) in imitation of high relief, illustrating periods of the history of the continent. America is depicted with Indian and eagle, standing with Hi-tory, who records on her tablet the progress of events. The subjects are: Landing of Columbus, Cortez and Monteznma in the Temple of the Sun, Pizarro in Peru, Burial of De Soto, Rescue of Capt. John Smith, Landing at Plymouth Rock, Penn's Treaty with the Indians, Settlement New England, Oglethorpe and the Muscogees, Battle of Lexington, rlaration of Independence, Surrender of Lord Cornwallis, Death of Tecumseh, the American Army Entering the City of Mexico, California B lining. The series is to be completed. Canopy The canopy overhanging the eye of the Dome, at a height of i8o-ft the Rotunda floor, is 6 5 -ft. in diameter, and gives a field of 4,640 t for Brumidi's colossal allegorical fresco. This may be studied r advantage from the gallery which is immediately below it, reached by the Dome stairway. See page 35. The gallery, which encircles the hall just beneath the canopy ahove, is ll'ashin^ton, the X at ion's Capital. THE ROTUNDA CANOPY APOTHEOSIS OF WASHINGTON. ARTS SCIENCE. THE ROTUNDA CANOPY. The allegory 5s of the Apotheosis of Washington. In the center is Washington, seated in majesty, like Jove on Olympus, with supernal beings attending him. On his right sits Freedom; on his left Victory; and about him float the Thirteen States as aerial figures, their banner inscribed: E Pluribus Unum. Beneath, and encircling the base of the canopy, runs an allegory of the Revolution. The group in line directly below Washington represents the Fall of Tyranny Freedom with her eagle putting to rout the forces of War, Tyranny, Priestcraft, Discord, Anger and Revenge. Follow- ing to the right are depicted in succession ; Agriculture (America, Ceres, Flora and Pomona); Mechanics (Vulcan) ; Commerce (Mercury, with portrait of Alexander Hamilton, and of Robert Morris, signer of the Declaration, financier of the Revolu- tion, in the last days of his life imprisoned for debt, and here given enduring fame); Marine (Neptune, and Aphrodite with the Atlantic cable) ; Arts and Sciences (Minerva, with portraits of Franklin, Fulton and Morse). *2 Il'ashington, the Xation's Capital. WH. a whispering gallery, wherein two persons standing on opposite sides cuiie^ 05- ft. apart, may distinctly hear one another speaking in whispers. The- statues are of Lincoln, Jefferson, Baker, Grant and Hamilton. Edward Dickinson Baker, of Oregon, 1811-1816; Fought in Mexican War; Senator 5Utue (rom Oregon; commanded a brigade at Ball's Bluff, Oct. 21, 1861, and was mortally wounded. (By Horatio Stone.) Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1822-1885. Lieutenant-General in the Civil War and commander of the Union armies; President 1869-77. (By Franklin Simmons.) Alexander Hamilton, of New York, 1757-1804. Officer in Revolution; exerted important influence through the Federalist in securing adoption of the Constitution; 1'residcnt Washington's Secretary of the Treasury; author of our financial system. A panel in the Senate Bronze Door commemorates Hamilton's gallantry at York- town, when he led an advanced corps to the storming of a British redoubt. (By Stone.) Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia, 1743-1826. Author of the Declaration of Independ- ence and one of its signers; as Member of Congress, originated our system of coinage; as Minister to France negotiated important commercial treaties; Secretary of State, Washington's first term; Vice- President with John Adams; President 1801-9; founder of the first Republican Party, from which the Democratic Party of to-day claims descent. (By P. D. David d'Angers; presented by Lieut. N. P. Levy, U. S. Navy.) Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, 18C9-65. President 1861-65. (By Vinnie Ream.) Rogers At the east door of the Rotunda is the Rogers Bronze Door, designed Door and modeled by the American artist, Randolph Rogers, at Rome in 1858, and cast by Von Miller at Munich. The panels are filled with high reliefs illustrating scenes in the career of Columbus. The subjects are: Columbus before the Council of Salamanca; His Departure from the Convent of La Rabida; the Audience before Ferdinand and Isabella; the Sailing from Palos on the First Voyage; the Landing at San Salvador; the First Encounter with the Indians; the Triumphal Entry into Barcelona; Columbus in Chains; His Death. On the transom arch is a portrait of the Discoverer; and on the panel borders, in papal robe and royal crown and suit of mail, are the personages who played their parts in the memorable world drama of the fifteenth century the sovereigns Alex- ander VI. of Rome, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, Charles VIII. of France, John II. of Portugal, <-.nd Henry VII. of England; the friends and patrons of Columbus- Cardinal Mendoza, Lady Beatriz de Bobadilla. and Juan Parez de Marchena, prior >f La Rabida; the companions of the Discoverer and conquerors of the New World I'inzon, captain of the "Pinta"; Bartholomew Columbus, Ojeda, Vespucci, Cortez, Balboa, and Pizarro. The frames of the panels show portraits of Irving, Prescott and other historians of Columbus. The decorative scheme of the border is of anchors, rudders, casques and armor, symbolical of exploration and conquest; while four race types stand for the continents, Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Inauguration The Rotunda portico is the scene of the inaugurations. The retiring President and the incoming President ride together from White House to Capitol. The oath of office having been taken by the Vice-President in the Senate Chamber, all repair to the Rotunda portico, and its grand- stand erected for. the occasion. It is a brilliant and impressive assemblage the Chief-Justice and the Associates in their robes of office, the members of the Diplomatic Corps in resplendent uniforms; the members of the House and Senate, officers of the Army and Navy, and other dignitaries of tin- land; while on the esplanade in front are gathered tens of thousands of spectators. The President having read his inaugural address, the Chief- Justice administers the oath of office : "I do solemnly swear that I will THE ROGERS BRONZE DOOR OF THE! ROTUNPA. 34 Washington, the Nation's Capital. inauguration faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." The programme concludes with a review by the new President of the vast procession of troops, marines, militia, political clubs and others which marches from the Capitol down Pennsylvania avenue and past the reviewing stand in front of the White House. On the great esplanade of the east front is Greenough's colossal marble statue of Washington. The figure is seated in a Roman chair, the left hand clasping a sword, the other raised in invocation of heaven. Acces- sories are Columbus with globe and an Indian; Phoebus-Apollo Driving the Chariot of the Sun America rising among the Nations ; and Hercules Strangling the Serpent America's victory over tyranny. (See "Statues.") View The to P f the Dome is reached by a winding stairway which opens from from the coiridor on the left as one passes out through the north door of Dome the Rotunda. The stairway affords an overlook of the Rotunda itself from the whispering gallery beneath the canopy, and a magnificent view from the balustrade beneath the lantern. The view from this point is such as amply to repay for the toilsome ascent ; but the one from the first balustrade, lower down, gives practically the same outlook. statuary THE NATIONAL STATUARY HALL, semi-circular in shape and designed Hall | 3 y Latrobe, after a Greek theatre, is one of the most beautiful rooms of the Capitol. On the north side it has a colonnade of Potomac marble with white capitals, and a screen of similar columns on the south side supports a noble arch. The domed ceiling, decorated after that of the Roman Pan- theon, springs 57-ft. to a cupola, by which the room is lighted. Above the door leading from the Rotunda is Franzoni's historical clock. The design is of History, with recording tablet, borne in the winged car of Time, its wheel supported on a globe circled by the Zodiac. In the arch above the south door is Causici's figure of Liberty Proclaiming Peace, and beneath is an eagle (by Valperti) poised as about to fly. Ranged around the hall are statues and portrait busts, contributed by various States. This room was the Hall of Representatives, and was the forum of the debates by Webster and Clay, Adams, Calhoun and others whose names are indelibly associated with the history of Congress. A plate set in the marble floor southwest of the centre marks the spot where John Quincy Adam* Adams fell, stricken with paralysis, during a session of the House. In the room of the Clerk of the House, opening off from the Hall, is a memorial bust, whose inscription runs: "John Quincy Adams, who, after fifty years of public service, the last sixteen in yonder Hall, was sum- moned thence to die in this room, 23 February, 1848." In 1864, at the suggestion of Senator Morrill, of Vermont (then a mem- ber of the House), the room was set apart as a National Statuary Hall, to which each State might send "the effigies of two of her chosen sons in marble or bronze, to be placed permanently here." The works are: Adami Samued Adams, of Massachusetts, 1722-1803. Did perhaps more than any other one man to bring about the Revolution. On March 6, 1770, The Capitol. 35 FRANZONI S CLOCK. MARBLE ROOM. OLD HALL OF REPRESENTATIVES NOW STATUARY HALL. ^6 Washington, the Xation's Capital, the d-iy after the Boston massacre, he was spokesman of a committee sent tUU to clcmaml the withdrawal of the British troops, and the pedestal bears the ultimatum he then addressed to Governor Hutchmson: "Night is ap- proaching. An immediate answer is expected. Both regiments or none." The troops were withdrawn. (By Annie Whitney.) Alleo Ethan Allen, of Vermont, 1739-1789. The hero of Ticonderoga. On the night of May 10, 1775, he led his Green Mountain Boys to the surprise of the fortress, and demanded its surrender "in the name of Jehovah and the Continental Congress." (By L. C. Mead.) Allen William Allen, of Ohio, 1806-1879. Member of Congress; Senator; Governor. (By Niehaus.) Beaton Thomas Hart Benton, of Missouri, 1782-1858. Senator. Blair F. P. Blair, Missouri, 1821-1875. Member Congress ; General Civil War. Carroll Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Maryland, 1737-1832. Signer of the Declaration; Senator. Ca* Lewis Cass, of Michigan, 1782-1866. General in War of 1812; Gov- ernor of Michigan Territory ; Secretary of War under Van Buren ; Minis- ter to France; Senator; Secretary of State under Buchanan. (By French.) Clinton George Clinton, of New York, 1739-1812. Member of Continental Con- gress; General in Revolution; first Governor of New York State; Vice- President, two terms, with Jefferson and Madison. (By H. K. Brown.) Col lamer Jacob Collamer, of Vermont, 1792-1865. Member of Congress; Post- master-General under Taylor; Senator. (By P. Powers.) Fulton Robert Fulton, of Pennsylvania, 1765-1815. First inventor to make practical application of steam power to navigation ; built first successful steamboat, the "Clermont," 1807. (By Howard Roberts.) Oartleld James Abram Garfield, of Ohio, 1831-1881. Major-General, Army of the Cumberland; Member of Congress; elected to Senate; President. The bronze piece at base of pedestal sword, wreath and palm is symbolical of War, Victory and Peace. (By Niehaus.) Greene Nathaniel Greene, of Rhode Island, 1742-1786. General in Revolution- ary War; commander of the Southern Army. (By Brown.) Hanson John Hanson, of Maryland. President Continental Congress. (Brooks.) Ingalis John J. Ingalls, of Kansas. Senator. (By Niehaus.)* Kenna John E. Kenna, of West Virginia. Senator. Kearney Philip Kearney, of New Jersey, 1815-1862. Officer in Mexican War; Major-General Volunteers Civil War; killed at Chantilly. (H. K. Brown.) King William King, of Maine. First Governor. (By Franklin Simmons.) Lee Robert E. Lee, of Virginia, 1807-1870. (E. V. Valentine.) See p. 141.* Livingston Robert R. Livingston, of New York, 1746-1813. Member of Continental Congress; one of the committee to draft the Declaration; first Chancellor of the State; Minister to France; completed the treaty for the Louisiana Purchase, and is here represented with the document. By the Louisiana Purchase the United States acquired for $15.000.000 all the French pos- sessions from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian line, and from the Mississippi to the Rockies. (By E. D. Palmer.) narqueUe Pef e Marquette. The statue, sent by Wisconsin, represents the mis- sionary explorer in the dress of a priest, and holding a chart of the Lac - . I - THE CAPITOL FRO BRARY OF CONGRESS. 4Q irasliiii^ion, tJic Xation's Capital. statuary <^s Illinois. The inscription reads: "Wisconsin's Tribute. James Mar Hall (|iu-ttc, S. J., who, with Louis Joliet, discovered the Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien, Wis., June 17, 1673." (By G. Trentanove.) -uiiiu-nin-r-vr John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, of Pennsylvania, 1746-1807. Major- General in Revolution; Member Congress; Senator. (Blanche Nevin.) Pierpont Francis H. Pierpont, of West Virginia. First Governor. (By Frank- lin Simmons.) 5herman Roger Sherman, of Connecticut, 1721-1793. Member committee to draft Declaration; one of the signers; Member Continental Congress, United States Congress and Senate. (By C. B. Ives.) Shields James Shields, of Illinois, 1810-1879. Mexican War; Senator from Illi- nois, 1849; from Minnesota, 1857; General in Civil War. (By L. W. Volk.) Stark John Stark, of New Hampshire, 1728-1822. New Hampshire's revo- lutionary hero; led a regiment at Bunker Hill; took part in many of the most important engagements of the war. It was at Bennington, where he commanded the New Hampshire militia, th'at he made the historic speech : "See there, men ; there are the red-coats. Before night they are ours, or Molly Stark will be a widow." For his gallantry on that occasion he was made a Brigadier-General. His portrait is in Trumbull's Surrender of Burgoyne, which hangs in the Rotunda. (By Conrad.) Stockton Richard Stockton, of New Jersey, 1730-1781. Member of Continental Congress; signer of the Declaration; imprisoned by the British, and sub- jected to hardships which eventually caused his death. (By H. K. Brown.) Trumbull Jonathan Trumbull, of Connecticut, 1710-1785. Governor of Colony of Connecticut, and first Governor of the State; influential leader in the Revolution, and fertile in resources; a close friend of Washington, who "relied on him as one of his main pillars of support," and because of his skill in providing the sinews of war gave him the name of "Brother Jonathan," used ever since as the nickname of the United States. John Trumbull, artist of the Rotunda paintings, was his son. (By C. V. Ives.) Washington George Washington, of Virginia, 1732-1799. This is a plaster cast. The original, of white marble, is in the Capitol at Richmond. It was ordered by the Virginia Assembly, and the eminent French sculptor Houdon was intrusted with the commission through Jefferson, then Min- ister to France. In 1785 Houdon accompanied Franklin to America, and visited Mount Vernon to prepare the model. It is life size; the dress is the military costume of the Revolution. Lafayette pronounced this the best representation of Washington ever made. (By Jean Antoine Houdon.) '1 he inscription was written by James Madison, afterward President : 'The fleneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia have caused this statue o be erected as a monument of affection and gratitude to GEORGE WASHINGTON, who, uniting to the endowments of a HERO the virtues of the PATRIOT, and exerting both in establishing the liberties of his country, has rendered his name dear to his fellow- itizens, and given the world an immortal example of true glory. Done in the year of CHRIST one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, and in the year of the Com- monwealth the twelfth." Daniel Webster, of New Hampshire. 1782-1852. Statesman, orator, the Great Expounder of the Constitution. This Hall of Representatives has rung with his doquence. (By Conrad.) 4-' U'ashinglon, (he X at ion's Capital. Willard Williams Winthrop Acoustics FRANCES E. WILLARD, The first woman to be given place in Statuary Hall. Frances Elizabeth Willard, of Illinois, President of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union; one of the organizers of the Prohibi- tion Party; President of the Woman's Council of the United States.* Roger Williams, of Rhode Island, 1599-1683. Founder of the Colony ; apostle of religious liberty. (By Franklin Simmons. John Winthrop, of Massachu- setts, 1588-1649. First Governor of the Colony, 1629, under the new charter. (By R. S. Green- ough.) The Hall has some extraordi- nary acoustic properties, by which whispers become shouts, and per- sons may converse with one an- other while their faces are buried in opposite corners. These peculi- arities were a source of much vexation of spirit to the orators who de- bated here ; but, as demonstrated by the guides, afford entertainment for the visitor of to-day. The variegated marble of the columns contains some astonishing nat- In Stone ura ' pictures, perfect forms of birds and animals, and human faces, among which even grave Senators are wont to find likenesses of their associates. THE HALL OF REPRESENTATIVES is a legislative chamber unsurpassed in the world. The dimensions are : length 139-ft. ; width, 93-ft. ; height, 3O-ft. It is lighted by a ceiling of glass panels, set in a framework of iron. In the ceiling are painted the arms of the States. The Speaker's desk, of white marble, occupies an elevated position in The the centre of the south side, and the desks of the Representatives are ar- House ranged in concentric semi-circles, with radiating aisles. A silver plate on each mahognay desk (in House and Senate) has engraved on it the occu- pant's name. In front of the Speaker's desk are the desks and tables of the clerks and official reporters; on his right is the Sergeant-at-Arms; on his left, the Assistant Doorkeeper. The Speaker's Mace is set on its pedestal of Vermont marble at the right of the desk. The Mace is a bundle of ebony rods, bound together with ligaments of silver, and having on top a silver globe surmounted by a silver eagle. It resembles the fasces borne by the lictors before the Roman magistrates, and is the symbol of the Speaker's authority. The Mace is always placed on its pedestal when the House is in session, and is laid on the floor when the House is in Committee of the Whole. The Sergeant-at-Arms bears Faces *Statue not in place at thi writing. WASHINGTON DECLINING OVERTURES FROM CORNWALLIS AT YORKTOWN. 44 , the Xation's Capital. the symbol before him when executing the Speaker's commands to enforce order, or to conduct a member to the bar of the House. On either side of the Speaker's desk are full-length portrails of Wash- Hous * ini- ton (by Stuart, copied by Vanderlin) and Lafayette (by Ary Scheffer), ' ln ** presented to Congress by Lafayette on his last visit to this country. A fresco by Brumidi pictures the incident at Yorktown when Washington declined overtures from Cornwallis for a two days' cessation of hostilities. Clock ()ver l ^ e mam entrance ' s { he famous clock whose hands are turned back on the last day of the session, that the hour of adjournment may not be marked by it before the business of the House is finished. The clock is of bronze, with figures of Pioneer and Indian, and American eagle. Opening off from the Hall back of the Speaker's desk are the House Lobby Lobby and the Members' Retiring Rooms. There are landscapes by Albert Bierstadt picturing The Discovery of the Hudson by Hendrik Hudson in 1609, and the Expedition under Vizcaino Landing at Monterey in 1601. The walls are hung with portraits of former Speakers. Under the gal- leries are the cloak rooms. The galleries are reached from the east and west corridors by magnificent stairways of Tennessee marble. East Facing the East Stairway is Hiram Powers' marble statue of Thomas 5tairway Jefferson. Above the first landing hangs Frank B. Carpenter's picture of the First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before the Cabinet, Sept. 22, 1862. The portraits, beginning at the left, are : Edwin M. Stan- ton, Secretary of War ; Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury ; Abra- ham Lincoln, President ; Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy ; William H. Seward (seated), Secretary of State; Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior; Montgomery Blair, Postmaster-General; Edward Bates, Attor- ney-General. The picture was presented to the United States by Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Thompson in 1878. Alex. H. Stephens, ex-Vice-President of the Confederacy, then a Member of the House, was one of the orators of its reception. In the corridor above are portraits of Gunning Bedford (of the Continental Congress), Charles Carroll (a signer of the Declara- tion of Independence) and Henry Clay (by Neagle). West At tne f ot f tne West Stairway is a bronze bust (by Vincenti) of stairway the Chippewa Chief, Be-She-Ke. On the wall of the landing (best seen from the upper corridor) is Emanuel Leutze's spirited painting, West- ward Ho! It has for its legend Bishop Berkeley's line: Westward the star of empire takes its way, Westward : " K ' mic ^ s ' ts inspiration in a phase of Western settlement. The scene is Ho! laid in the Rocky Mountains, amid whose defiles and passes an immigrant tram is pushing forward to a fair country beyond. The picture is full of life and action. Below is Bierstad't Golden Gate, harbor of San Fran- cisco; and in the borders are portraits of Daniel Boone, the pioneer of the Southwest, and Capt. Wm. Clark, of the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Columbia, 1803-6. In the upper corridor hangs a portrait of Chief Justice Marshall (by Brooke). Some of the committee rooms opening off from the House corridors merit attention for their adornment. The Ways and Means Room and the SUPREME COURT ROOM. LEUTZES WESTWARD HO ! 46 H'ashington, the X at ion's Capital. House Appropriations Rooms are handsomely frescoed. The Military Affairs Committee Room contains a series of paintings of the forts of the United States. In Rooms t j ie t, asement t he scheme of decoration in the Territories Room is of West- ern Indian and wild life, and the Indian Affairs Room has a collection of paintings by Col. Eastman of scenes among the Sioux. In the Agricul- tural Room, elaborately decorated by Brumidi, are pictured Cincinnatus called from his plow to the Dictatorship of Rome, and Putnam summoned to his part in the Revolution. Ancient and modern harvest scenes Flora (Spring), Ceres (Summer), Bacchus (Autumn), and Boreas (Winter) portraits of Washington and Jefferson, who were both farmers, and other details make this one of the most richly adorned rooms of the building. Supreme THE SUPREME COURT ROOM, designed by Latrobe after Greek models, Coart is a semi-circular hall, with a low-domed ceiling having square caissons of stucco work. The room is decorated with a screen of Ionic columns of Potomac marble, the white capitals modeled after those of the Temple of Minerva. The columns form a loggia and support a gallery. In front of them is the Bench of the Supreme Court. The chair of the Chief Justice is in the centre, with those of the eight Associates on either side. Outside of the space reserved for Counsel are seats for spectators. Ranged about the walls is a series of busts of former Chief-Justices: John Jay of New York, 1789-1795; John Rutledge of South Carolina, 1795-1/95; Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut, 1796-1800; John Marshall of Virginia, 1801-1835; Roger B. Taney of Maryland, 1836-1864; Salmon P. Chase of Ohio, 1864-187.3; Morrison R. Waite of Ohio, 1874-1888. The Supreme Court Room was until 1859 the Senate Chamber. DIAGRAM OF THE SUPREME COURT. R GJ , . Q 1. Chief Justice Fuller. 2. Mr. Justice Harlan. 3. Mr. Justice Brewer. 4. Mr. Justice Drown. 5. Mr. Justice White. 6. Mr. Justice Pcckham. 1. Mr. Justice McKcnna. 8. Mr. Justice Holmes. 9. Mr. Justice Day. 10. The Clerk's Desk. 11. The Marshal's Desk. 12. The Reporter's Desk. 13. The Attorney-General's Desk. 14. Counsel's Desk. Senate THE SENATE CHAMBER is a spacious hall, H3-ft. in length, 82-ft. wide, Chamber and lighted by a ceiling 36-ft. above the floor. The seats of the Senators are arranged in concentric rows, with the aisles radiating from the dais of the President's desk on the north side. On the right of the President's chair is that of the Sergeant-at-Arms, on the left that of the Assistant Doorkeeper, and in front are the desks of the clerks and official reporters. The room is surrounded by galleries, whence one may watch the proceed- ings. The walls are richly decorated in gold arabesques on delicate tints, The Capitol SENATE CHAMBER. with buff panels ; and the glass of the ceiling is filled with symbolism of Senate War, Peace, Union, Progress, the Arts, Sciences and Industries. In wall niches around the galleries are marble busts of the Vice-Presidents (Presidents of the Senate), and the series is continued in the various halls. In the main corridor are portraits by Stuart of Washington and John Adams ; Patrick Henry by Matthews, Thomas Jefferson by Darby, Daniel Webster and Henry Clay by Darby, and John C. Calhoun. The mahogany hall clock has been in the Capitol since 1803. Its seventeen stars were for the seventeen States then constituting the Union, the last star being for Ohio, admitted in 1802. The rooms connected with the Chamber are notable for richness of material of construction and adornment. They are the President's Room, Vice-President's Room, Senators' Reception Room, Public Reception Room, and Room of the Committee on the District of Columbia. The Room of the President of the United States is set apart for the use President's of the President on his visits to the Capitol, and is one to which he comes Room in the closing hours of the session to sign the last bills before adjourn- ment. It is decorated (by Brumidi) with portraits of President Washing- ton and his first cabinet Jefferson, Hamilton, Knox, Randolph and Os- good ; with allegories of Liberty, Religion, Legislation and Executive Au- thority ; aftd portraits of Columbus with emblems of Discovery, Americus 4 8 i. the X at ion's Capital. 1.1 r Me Koom Vice- President'* Room Reception Room District Room Corn and Tobacco Crawford Door ( Exploration), William Brewster (Religion), and Benjamin l-ranklin (History). Note the way in which the figure of Religion turns toward one from whatever part of the room it is seen. The Senators' Reception Room, known as the Marble Room, because constructed wholly of that material, has stately Corinthian columns of Italian marble, paneled walls of Tennessee marble, and ceiling of marble from Vermont. The walls are set with mirrors. The Room of the Vice- President of the United States (who is the President of the Senate) contains Rembrandt Peale's portrait of Wash- ington ; a marble bust of Vice- President Henry S. Wilson, whose tragic death occurred in this room, Nov. 22, 1875, and a portrait of Lafayette S. Foster, acting Vice- President in Andrew Johnson's term. The Public Reception Room is a richly furnished apartment, decorated iji oils and frescoes by Brumidi. On the south wall is a painting of Presi- dent Washington in consultation with Thomas Jefferson, his Secretary of State, and Alexander Hamilton, his Secretary of the Treasury. The vaulted ceiling is all aglow with the brilliant colors of the allegories of War, Peace, Liberty, Plenty, Power, Temperance, Prudence and Justice. The Room of the Committee on the District of Columbia, originally designed for the Senate Library, has in the vaulted ceiling Brumidi fres- coes of History, Geography, Science and the Telegraph. The columns of the Senate vestibule have Latrobe's tobacco-leaf capi- tals. Latrobe's (sometimes called Jefferson's) cornstalk columns, with capitals of corn in the husk, are at the foot of the East Stairway (near the Supreme Court Room) leading to the basement. They have in- geniously been termed the "American order" of architecture. From the Senate vestibule the east door opens upon the portico. This is the Crawford Bronze Door designed by the American sculptor Thomas Crawford, and cast at Chicopce, Mass. See illustration, page 51. In the niches of the corridor are busts of Vice-Presidents Tyler, John- son and Wheeler. HALSALLS MONITOR AND MERRIMAC. 5o Washington, the X at ion's Capital. East From the east and west corridors stairways lead to the Senate Galleries. Corridor The East Stairway, of Tennessee marble, is lighted by a richly stained sky- Paintings light over the landing. At the foot of the stairs is Hiram Powers' statue of Benjamin Franklin (note the inimitable shrewdness of the expression), and on the wall of the landing hangs W. H. Powell's spirited painting of the Battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 13, 1813. It pictures the gallant exploit of Commodore Perry, transferring his colors from the disabled flagship Law- rence to the Niagara, in the face of a terrific cannonading. It was after the victory won here that Perry dispatched the famous message, "We have met the enemy and they are ours." In the corridor and halls are paintings: Heaton's Columbus Leaving La Rabida, Thomas Moran's Canyons of the Yellowstone and the Colo- rado, HalsalPs First Fight of the Iron-Clads (Monitor and Merrimac, Hampton Roads, Va., March 9, 1862), and Mrs. C. A. Fassett's Florida Case before the Electoral Commission (in the Senate Chamber, Feb. 5, 1877). The last contains a number of portraits of the public men of the Hayes-Tilden period ; a key to the picture hangs near the window. THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION was a special commission created by Congress in January, 1877, to decide the disputed electoral returns of the Presidential election of 1876. It was composed of five Senators, five Representatives and five Justices of the Supreme Court. The cases submitted to it were those of Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina and Oregon. From each of these States double or multiple sets of returns had been received; and the election depended upon which should be accepted and counted. By a party vote of 8 to 7 the Commission decided every case for Hayes. There is here also a series of four old paintings by John B. White : Gen. Marion inviting a British officer to a dinner of potatoes; Mrs. Motte preparing to fire her house; Sergeants Jasper and Newton; Battle of Fort Moultrie, June 28, 1776. There are portraits in mosaic of Abraham Lincoln and James A. Garfield, and in oil of Charles Sumner (by Ingalls) and Gen. John A. Dix (by Morrell). The Stars and Stripes of the Dix portrait are put here in commemoration of the historic dispatch sent by him as Secretary of the Treasury to Wm. Hemphill Jones, in New Orleans, Jan. 29, 1861 : "If any one attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot." A painting of Niagara in Winter by Regis Gignoux was presented by Mrs. Carroll in memory of Charles Carroll. There are busts of Lincoln, Sumner, Crawford, Tyler, Garibaldi, Pulaski and Kosciuszko. (Note. The locations of objects are subject to change.) West At the base of the white marble West Stairway is Story's marble statue Stairway o f John Hancock, whose name is first in the list of signatures of the Declaration. The pedestal is inscribed: "He wrote his name where all nations should behold it and all time should not efface it." On the land- ing is James Walker's Storming of Chapultepec, one of the defences of the City of Mexico, by the American Army under Gen. Scott, Sept. 13, 1847. In the upper corridor is Charles Wilson Peale's Washington. Peale was an officer in the patriot army, and while in camp employed his leisure hours in painting. He began the picture of Washington at Valley Forge, obtained the final sitting from the commander-in-chief a day or two after the battle of Monmoulh, THE CRAWFORD DOOR SENATE PORTICO. The panels commemorate the Death of Warren at Bunker Hill, 1775; Washington's Rebuke of Gen. Charles Lee at Monmouth, 1778; Hamilton's Gallantry at Yorktown, 1781; Washington's Reception at Trenton, when on the way to his Inauguration as First President, 1789; Washing- ton's First Inauguration, 1789; Laying the Corner Stone of the Capitol, Sept. 18, 1793. The panels below contain allegories of War (struggle between a Hessian and a settler) and Peace. ll'nshin^tou. the Nation's Capital. ' 1 1! 1 ' llllllllllLIII OFFICE BUILDING OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under construction southeast of the Capitol. Peale's an< * finished the picture at Princeton. Nassau Hall at Princeton is shown in *he Washington background, with a body of British prisoners. The sword worn by Washington is the one now preserved in the library of the State Department. The portrait in Yice- Prcsident's Room by Rembrandt Peale (son of Charles Wilson Peale) was painted from sittings given by Washington in 1795. Lossing records that it "was pronounced by the relatives and intimate friends of Washington the best likeness of Washington that was ever painted." Bronze Elaborate bronze stairways (designed by Crawford) lead to the Senate Stairways bisement, whose corridor walls and ceilings are filled with frescoes, and some of whose committee rooms are deserving of attention. When Con- gress is in session the bronze stairways are reserved for the use of the Senators only; visitors should take the stairs leading from the east and west corridors. Senate Among the basement decorations are arabesques, allegorical figures, Committee birds and game, tracery of vine and foliage, the Indian, and portraits of distinguished actors and notable scenes in American history. America is pictured now as panoplied for war, and again as reading from the Con- stitution. The Room of the Committee on Indian Affairs (intended for the Committee on Agriculture) has above the door a painting of Columbus and an Indian maiden, and on its walls and ceilings are some exquivu- vine and fruit pieces. In the room of Military Affairs five frescoes (by Brumidi) depict the Boston Massacre, the Battle of Lexington, the Death of Wooster, Washington at Valley Forge, and the Storming of Stony Point. Above the doors of the Foreign Relations Room is a fresco copy df West's painting of the Signing of Preliminary Articles of Peace between the United States and Great Britain, at Paris, Nov. 13, 1782; and within are portraits of Clay, Allen, Cameron and Sumner, in their times chairmen of the committee. The negotiations between the United States and France which led to the Louisiana Purchase (April 30, 1803), give the theme for The Capitol. 53 the exterior decoration of the Territories Room. Other portraits are of Fulton, over the door of the Patents Room; Franklin, over that of the Post-Offices and Post-Roads Room; Fitch (steamboat inventor), over the Senate Post-Office, and Las Casas (Apostle to the American Indians), facing the foot of the west stairway. Underneath the Rotunda is a chamber formed by a colonnade of Doric columns with groined ceiling. A star in the floor designates the centre of the Capitol. A crypt below was designed to be the tomb of Washington, but it was never used for this purpose. The corner-stone of the original Capitol is to the right of the Rotunda portico ; it may be reached by descending the flight of steps on the right after leaving the Rotunda by the north door. It is imrked with a beau- tiful bronze memorial tablet, set in place in 1895. An office building for the use of members of the House of Representa- tives is under construction, to occupy the block on B street, between Xew Jersey Avenue and First Street, southeast of the Capitol. In 1904 certain descendants of the French officers who fought in the American Revolution presented to this country a bronze bust of Washing- ton, by David d'Angers, to replace one which was destroyed by fire in the Capitol in 1851. Senate Committee Rooms Crypt Corner Stone House Office Building D'Angers Bust TI1K I'KESIDKXTS ROOM. THE ROTUNDA READING ROOM. Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS And its Mural Decorations. *** The eighty-six key pictures of paintings and architecture are miniatures from the volume of reproductions entitled " Book of the Paintings of the Library of Congress," published by Foster & Reynolds, who publish also The Library Paintings reproduced in the original colors. *** For public cafe and lunch room take elevator to top floor. THE Library grounds adjoin those of the Capitol. The building faces west upon First street, and the outer walls have a frontage upon four streets (First, East Capitol, Second and B streets). The grounds and the seventy residences upon them cost $585,000. The foundations were laid in 1888, and the building was begun in 1889, and was completed 1897. The net cost, exclusive of site, was $6,032,124.54. The original architectural plans were prepared by the firm of Smithmeyer & Pelz. These were modified by those of Edward Pearce Casey. The building is of the Italian Renaissance order of architecture; it has three stories, with a dome; and is in area 47oX34O-ft., covering nearly 3^ acres of ground, with four large inner courts, 150 by 75 to ioo-ft., and nearly 2,000 windows render it the best lighted library in the world. The plan and arrangement are shown in our diagram. The building con- sists of a great central rotunda, which is the reading-room ; from which radi- ate book-stacks, and which is inclosed in a parallelogram of galleries and pavilions. The building material employed is for the exterior walls white granite from New Hampshire, and for the inner courts Maryland granite and white enameled bricks. There are three stories. On the ground floor are the copyright office, reading room for the blind, and superintendent's office. The first floor con- tains the reading room (where the books are consulted), the librarian's room, periodical reading room, Senate and Representatives' reading room, and map room. The pavilions and galleries of the second floor are devoted to 56 The Library of Congress. exhibits of engravings and other collections, including rare books, first edi- tions, portraits of the Presidents and other personages. Exterior Decorations. The Dome is finished in black copper, with panels gilded with a thick coating of gold leaf. The cresting of the Dome above the lantern, i9S-ft. from the ground, terminates in a gilded finial, representing the torch of Science, ever burning. ' The thirty-three windows of the corner pavilion and of the west faqade have carved heads representing the several races of men. The types are : Russian Slav, Blonde European, Brunette European, Modern Greek, Persian, Circassian, Hindoo, Hungarian, Jew, Arab, Turk, Modern Egyptian, Abyssin- ian, Malay, Polynesian, Australian, Negrito, Zulu, Papuan, Soudan Negro, Akka, Fuegian, Botocudo, Pueblo Indian, Esquimau, Plains Indian, Samo- yede, Corean, Japanese, Aino, Burmese, Thibetan, Chinese. The Bronze Fountain, by Hinton Perry, represents the Court of Neptune, with conch-blowing tritons, sea nymphs, sea horses, serpents, frogs and turtles. The Entrance Pavilion has sixteen rounded pillars with Corinthian capitals. Four colossal Atlantes support the pediment, on which are sculptured Ameri- can eagles, with supporting figures of children. In the windows are nine colossal portrait-busts in granite : Emerson and Irving, by Hartley ; Goethe, Franklin and Macaulay, by Ruckstuhl ; Haivthorne, by Hartley ; Scott, by Adams ; Demosthenes and Dante, by Adams. The sculptures over the en- trances by Bela L. Pratt typify Literature, Science and Art The Bronze Doors. Bronze Door Printing. By Frederick Macmonnies. Minerva presiding over the "Diffusion of the Products of the Typographical Art." Two winged figures of youthful genii are, as her envoys, conveying to mankind the bless- ings of learning and literature. By Minerva's side is her owl; other sugges- tions are the hour-glass, the old-fashioned printing press, the stork (as the bird of home), and a Pegasus. The legend: "Homage to Gutenberg." (Gu- tenberg was the inventor of printing, Germany, 1400-1468.) In the panels idealizations are of Intellect and Humanities. Bronze Fountain Court of Neptune. The Library of Congress. Bronze Door Tradition. Bronze Door Writing. By Olin L. Warner. A mother is instructing her children from the written record of the scroll. On one side is an Egyptian scribe with his stylus, and a Jewish patriarch; on the other, a Greek with a lyre and a Christian with the cross. In the panels are Truth with mirror and serpent and Research with torch. Bronze Door Tradition. By Olin L. Warner. Tradition is typified as a woman reciting her story to a boy. Listening to the tale are four representative types of mankind a Norse war- rior, with winged cap and battle-axe; a shep- herd with his crook ; a primitive man with his stone axe, and an American Indian with his arrows. The Indian figure is a portrait of Chief Joseph of the Nez Perces. In the left panel is Imagination with the lyre, emblematic of recitation and scng; in the right stands widowed Memory clasping the sword and helmet of her dead. The genii below support the wings of Imagination and the memorial urn. Entrance Pavilion Vestibule. The Minerva of Defensive War and the Minerva of Wisdom and the Liberal Arts, sculptural figures, by Herbert Adams, are repeated in eight pairs. The white marble of the vestibule is from Italy. The gold of the ceiling is like that of the dome, 22-carats fine. Entrance Pavilion Grand Stair Hall. The Central Stair Hall is a magnificent apartment, unsurpassed by any other entrance hall in the world. It is lined throughout with fine Italian marble, highly polished. On the sides rise lofty rounded columns, with ela- borate carved capitals of Corinthian design ; while the arches are adorned with marble rosettes, palm leaves and foliated designs of exquisite finish and delicacy. The great height of this entrance hall, rising 72-ft. to the skylight, PLAN OF THE FIRST FLOOR AND DECORATIONS. 6o The Library of Congress. with its vaulted ceiling, and the grand double staircase, with its white marble balustrades leading up on either side, exhibit an architectural effect which may fitly be termed imposing. The newel posts of the stairway are enriched by beautiful festoons of leaves and flowers, and are surmounted by two bronze lamp-bearers for dectric lights. The staircases are ornamented with twenty- six miniature marble figures by Martiny, carved in relief, representing in em- blematic sculpture the various arts and sciences. This beautiful and spacious entrance hall has been described as "a vision in polished stone," and, taken in connection with the grand corridors and the richly decorated Reading Room, the Library may be pronounced the finest marble interior in America. Commemorative Arch. The spandrel figures by Warner are of Students, one a boy, the other an old man, for books are alike for the instruction of youth and solace of age. The panel, with fasces and eagle on either side, records : Erected under the lets of Congress of April 15, 1886; October 2, 1888, and March 2, 1889, by Brig.-Gen. Thos. Lincoln Casey, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. Bernard R. Green, Supt. and hngi- neer. John L. Smithmeyer, Architect. Paul J. Pelz, Architect. Edward Pearce Casey, Architect. Martiny Staircases. In the south stairway railing the sculptures are: Me- chanic with cog-wheel, Hunter with rabbit, Vintager with grapes and wine glass, Farmer with sickle and sheaf of wheat, Fisherman with rod and fish, Soldier with helmet, Chemist with blowpipe, and Cook with steaming pot. The buttress figures are of America and Africa, supporting a globe showing these continents. On the balustrade above are Comedy, Tragedy and Poetry. The figures of the north stairway are : Gardener with rake and spade, En- tomologist with net and specimen case, Student with mortar-board cap and book, Printer in paper cap with press and type, Musician with lyre and music book, Physician with mortar, retort and serpent, Electrician with telephone and electric light, Astronomer with telescope, globe and compasses. On the buttress are Europe (with lyre, book and column) and Asia (with dragon vase). The balustrade figures are Painting, Architecture and Sculpture. In the cove of the ceiling are Martiny's flying half-figures supporting the device of lamp and book. Tablets bear the names of Moses, Herodotus, Dante, Homer, Milton, Bacon, Aristotle, Goethe, Shakespeare, Moliere; Cervantes, Hugo, Scott, Cooper, Longfellow, Tennyson, Gibbon, Bancroft. The Points of the Compass radiate from a conventional sun inlaid in brass in the floor, surrounded by the Signs of the Zodiac. The Building faces west. Europe and Asia. America and Africa. Grand Stair Hall. THE NORTH STAIRWAY IN THE CENTRAL STAIR HALL. 62 The Library of Congress. The Muse of Lyric Poetry. Entrance Pavilion South Hall. Poetry. By H. O. Walker. In Lyric Poetry, the central figure is an ideali- zation of the Muse, laurel-crowned and striking the lyre. She is attended by Passion with arm upraised responding to the strains, Beauty, and Mirth, Pathos with eyes raised to heaven, Truth, and Devotion with bowed head. Poets' Boys. Six paintings present ideals of youthful subjects of the poets: Uriel. Boy of \Yinander. Emerson Uriel. This was the lapse of Uriel, Which in Paradise befell, Once among the Pleiads walking, Said overheard the young gods talking. One, with low tones that decide. And doubt and reverend use defied, \Yith a look that solved the sphere. And stirred the devils everywhere, Gave his sentiment divine Against the being of a line: "Line in nature is not found. Unit and Universe are round; In vain produced, all rays return, Evil will bless and ice will burn." As Uriel spoke with piercing eye, A shudder ran around the sky; The stern old war-gods shook their heads, The seraphs frowned from myrtle-beds. THERE was a Boy; ye knew him well, ye cliffs And islands of Winander! many a time, At evening, when the earliest stars began To move along the edges of the hills, Rising or setting, would he stand alone, Beneath the trees, or by the glimmering lake; And there, with fingers interwoven, both hands Pressed closely palm to palm and to his mouth Uplifted, he, as through an instrument, Blew mimic hootings to the silent owls. That thev might answer him. And they would shout Across the watery vale, and shout again, Wordsworth The Boy of Winander. Responsive to his call, with quivering peals, And long halloos, and screams, and echoes loud Redoubled and redoubled; concourse wild Of jocund din! And, when there came a pause Of silence such as baffled his best skill : Then, sometimes, in that silence, while he hung Listening, a gentle shock of mild surprise Has carried far into his heart the voice Of mountain torrents; or the visible scene Would enter unawares into his mind With all its solemn imagery, its rocks, Its woods, and that uncertain heaven re- ceived Into the bosom of the steady lake. Hall of the Poets. This boy was taken from his mates, and died In childhood, ere he was full twelve years old. Pre-eminent in beauty is the vale Where he was born and bred: the church- yard hangs Upon a slope above the village school; And, through that churchyard when my way has led On summer evenings, I believe, that there A long half-hour together I have stood Mute looking at the grave in which he lies ! Comus. Adonis. Milton Comus. COMUS, the enchanter, in the wood at night, listens to the song of The Lady, and at its conclusion exclaims: Can any mortal mixture of earth's mould Breathe such divine, enchanting ravishment? Shakespeare Adonis. ADONIS, the young hunter loved by Venus, unmindful of the entreaties of the goddess, left her side to hunt the wild boar, by which he was slain. Venus discovers him. She looks upon his lips, and they are pale; She takes him by the hand, and that is cold; She whispers in his ears a heavy tale, As if they heard the woeful words she told; She lifts the coffer-lids that close his eyes, Where, lo, two lamps, burnt out, in darkness lies. "Wonder of Time," quoth she, "this is my spite That, thou being dead, the day should yet be light!" Endymion. Ganymede. Keats Endymion. The story runs that from her silver chariot of the moon, Diana beheld the shepherd boy Endymion asleep upon Mount Latmos; and enamored of his beauty, descended to press a kiss upon his lips. Night after night in her course across the heavens, the god- dess paused to caress the youth; and Endymion, each time, but partially awakened, was conscious of her presence only as the sweet vision of a dream. Tennyson Ganymede. When Jupiter came down to earth, to seek a successor to Hebe as Cupbearer to the Gods, he took the form of an eagle, and flying over Mount Ida, saw the Trojan Prince Ganymede, whom he carried off to Olympus. Tennyson in his "Palace of Art" de- scribes, as among the pictures decorating its walls, one of Ganymede borne aloft by the eagle Or else flushed Ganymede, his rosy thigh Half-buried in the Eagle's down. Sole as a flying star shot thro' the sky Above the pillar'd town. The Library of Congress. Joy and Memory are idealized in the painting above the arch in the west wall. Joy is attended by a boy with a lamb; Memory sits by a sculp- tured marble. The composition sym- bolizes the dual office of poetry as giving expression to the joyousness Joy and Memory. of j jfe and as commemorating the men and the deeds of the past. The inscription is from Wordsworth : The Poets, who on earth have made us heirs Of truth and pure delight by heavenly lays. In the mosaic ceiling are names of poets : Theocritus, Pindar, Anacreon, Sappho, Catullus, Horace, Petrarch, Ronsard, Longfellow, Lowell, Whittier, Bryant, Whitman, Poe, Browning, Shelley, Byron, Musset, Hugo, Heine. South Curtain Corridor. Greek Heroes. By Walter McEwen. The paintings have for their themes incidents in the Greek myths of Paris, Jason, Bellerophon, Orpheus, Per- seus, Prometheus, Theseus, Achilles and Hercules. Paris. When Juno, Minerva and Venus contended as to which was the fairest, they left the decision to Paris, a shepherd boy on Mount Ida. To influence him, Juno promised him power, Minerva martial glory, and Venus the most beautiful woman in the world. He decided in favor of Venus, and she gave him Helen, wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta. Paris accordingly repaired to the court of Menelaus, and Helen eloped with him to Troy. The Greeks, making the cause of Menelaus their own, besieged Troy to recover Helen, and the Trojan War followed. Theseus sailed with a company of Athenian youths and maidens who were sent as a tribute to King Minos of Crete to be given over to the Minotaur, a monster half-bull and half human, which fed on human flesh. Ariadne, Paris at the Court of Menelaus and Helen. The Greek Heroes. Prometheus Theseus. the daughter of Minos, fell in love with Theseus, and gave him the clue of the labyrinth, by which he was enabled to reach and slay the Minotaur. Ariadne set sail with the hero for Athens; but on the way, at the isle of Naxos, Minerva, in a dream, directed Theseus to desert her, and in obedience to the command he sailed away and left Ariadne sleeping. Prometheus having stolen fire from heaven, Jupiter created the first woman, Pandora, for the punishment of mankind, and sent her to Prometheus. He refused her, and vainly cautioned his brother Epimetheus not to accept her. Achilles. Hercules. Pandora holds the fateful box, from which were to be let fly into the world all human ills, only Hope remaining to bless mankind. Hercules having killed a man was condemned to serve Omphale, the Queen of Lydia, as a slave. Appareled in feminine dress, the hero was put to spin- ning and other woman's tasks. Achilles was disguised by his mother as a school girl and sent to a distant court in order that he might not be enlisted in the Trojan War. The wily Ulysses set out to find him, and assuming the character of a peddler displayed his wares. The girls chose feminine trinkets, but Achilles was attracted to a man's shield and casque, and thus revealed himself. Bellerophon. Perseus. 66 The Library of Congress. Jason. Orpheus. Bellerophon, commissioned to slay the Chimaera, a monster with lion's head, goat's body and dragon's tail, receives from Minerva the golden bridle of the winged horse Pegasus, by whose aid he is to accomplish the task. Perseus was sent by King Polydectes to slay the Gorgon, Medusa, a crea- ture of aspect so terrible that whoever looked upon her face was turned to stone. By the aid of Minerva Perseus beheaded the Gorgon, and returned to the court of Polydectes, as that monarch was celebrating with a banquet a forced marriage with Danae, the mother of Perseus. The hero came just in time to rescue his mother by confronting the King and his company with the Gorgon's head and so turning them into stone. Jason was the leader of the expedition of the Argonauts, who went in quest of the Golden Fleece. This was the fleece of a ram, which was preserved by the King of Colchis, and guarded by a dragon. By the aid of the sorceress Medea, Jason was successful and brought the Fleece back to Athens. Orpheus, having failed to bring back his wife Eurydice from the realms of Pluto, retired to Mount Athos. Here his solitude was invaded by the Thracian women celebrating their Bacchic rites ; and when he repelled their advances, in their fury they stoned him to death. Representatives' Reading Room. Mosaic Mantels. By Frederick Dielman. The mantels of Italian marble are the richest and most beautiful adornments of the building. The mosaic panels (exceeding 7 feet by 3 feet in size) have for subjects Law and History. Law, a woman of radiant countenance and wearing the aegis, is enthroned upon a dais. At her feet are doves of peace, the bound volume of the sta- tutes, and the scales of justice. She holds a palm branch toward Truth with her lilies, Peace with twig of olive, and Industry with artisan's cap and ham- mer; and interposes a sword against skulking Fraud, Discord with malign serpents, and Violence with sword and torch. History. In the center stands the Muse of History with recording pen and. gold-clasped volume. In the panels are names of great historians: Herod- otus, Thucydides, Polybius, Livy, Tacitus, Baeda, Comines, Hume, Gibbon, Niebuhr, Guizot, Ranke, Bancroft, Motley. On the left side sits Mythology with recording stylus and globe symbolic of the myths of the worlds. Beside her are a winged Sphinx and Pandora's box. On the right is the venerable figure of Tradition, and by her with a lyre sits a youthful poet, who will sing the story that she tells. In the distance back of Mythology, rise the Pyramids Representatives' Reading Room. 67 Mosaic Mantel Law. of Egypt, back of History the Parthenon of Greece, and beyond Tradition the Colosseum of Rome. The oak tympanums over the doors are by C. H. Niehaus with mo- tives of Minerva's owl and the American eagle. Pictorial Spectrum ot Light. Carl Gutherz has painted in ceiling panels idealizations of the seven primary colors : Indigo, the Light of Science. Blue, the Light of Truth. Green, the Light of Research. Yellow, the Light of Creation. Orange, the Light of Progress. Red, the Light of Poetry. Violet, the Light of State. Senate Reading Room. The Senate Reading Room ceiling is decorated with a gold ground on which are floating female figures. Above the mantel is carved the shield of the Union surmounted by the American Eagle. (By Adams.) Mosaic Mantel History. The Library of Congress. Entrance Pavilion Reading Room Lobby. Government of the Republic and the results of good and bad administration are symbolized by Elihu Vedder in five paintings as follows : Government, majestic of mien and laurel-crowned, holds the scepter, and a tablet, on which is Lincoln's characterization : "A government of the people, by the people, for the people." Genii bear the sword of authority and the bridle of restraint. The oak typifies strength. Good Administration, the genius of America, is seated beneath an arch, of which each stone fills its office of support for all the others, as every State Government. Good Administration. must contribute to the upholding of the Union. She holds, evenly balanced, the scales of justice, and supports a shield whose divisions represent the idea of political parties. In her lap is the open book of the laws. To one ballot urn comes a youth to cast his vote; his books indicate that intelligence must qualify for the franchise. Into the other urn, public opinion winnows the wheat from the chaff. The fig tree and the wheat fields indicate domestic tran- quility. Gcod administration insures peace and prosperity. Peace and Prosperity are symbolized by a goddess who extends laurel wreaths in token of encouragement and reward to Agriculture and Art In the background is the olive tree. Corrupt Legislation has gathered to herself cornucopias of gold, the sources of which are shown by the corruptionist placing his bribe in her sliding scale. That the Briber has purchased legislation is indicated by the book of the law which he holds on his own lap, and by the overthrown ballot urn at his feet. Peace and Prosperity. Corrupt Leg Anarchy. The Book Series. 69 The Cairn. Oral Tradition. The strong box, the coin and the busy factories tell of his prosperity. Honest Industry, with empty distaff, sues for recognition in vain. The factory chim- neys in the distance are smokeless. The flying leaves of the vine presage decay. Anarchy, holding aloft as a brand the flaming scroll of the Constitution and clutching the cup of madness, is here the presiding genius amid universal wreck and ruin. Serpents are twisted in her hair. One foot rests upon the Hieroglyphics. The Pictograph. downfallen arch of the State; with the other she is spurning religion, learn- ing, art and law. Ignorance and Violence are assisting in the overthrow. The broken mill and cog wheels typify the ruin of industries. The tree is withered and dead. The bomb with fuse alight foretells the end. Entrance Pavilion East Hall. The Evolution of the Book. By John W. Alexander. A series of six panels : i. The Cairn erected by prehistoric man on the seashore, a mere heap of boulders to commemorate some notable event. 2. Oral Traditions. The Ori- ental story-teller, relating his tale to a group of absorbed listeners. 3. Hiero- glyphics chiseled upon the face of a monumental tomb by the Egyptian stone- cutter. 4. The Pictograph, or picture writing, by which the primitive Ameri- can Indian records on the painted buffalo robe his rude story of the war trail The Manuscript. The Printing Press. O T3 5 u >,4J in -a i s S 1 1 u 4> 2LH. ; a g " - E 4> O 1> c c .ti 2 g-S II yi ^_ v. -> -5 ^ 3 n "5i ? o -= 5 ' .P ? T3 E . c" -. w c o JT / C t U i5 2 >% 3 * c: "^ E -S i 5 8 *^ .. , r: c " C "^ ft* ^ '^ d> , ,,, P5 fcC "ti V .S 3 - * ~ c -5 oT O G. o y E o * o 2 ^-^'1 -- ^ - S g. I r b I-B >= O P3 - = !." 1.1 a.-) E 2 (/) *^" t/l TO p 4> C .S2 >-> p jg 5 = ^ The Library of Congress. Xorth Hall of Entrance Pavilion. and the chase. 5. The Manuscript engrossed and illuminated by the monastic scribes of the Middle Ages. 6. The Printing Press. Gutenberg, the inventor of printing, is reading a proof which has just come from the press. The Ceiling Decorations are em- blems of arts and sciences, with names of Americans who have achieved distinction in them: Archi- tecture Latrobe, Walter, architects of the Capitol. Music Mason, Gottschalk. Painting Stuart, Allston. Sculpture Powers, Crawford. Poetry Emerson, Holmes. Natural Science Say, Dana. Mathematics Pierce, Bowditch. Astronomy Bond, Rittenhouse. Engineering Francis, Stevens. Natural Philosophy Silliman, Cook. Medicine Cross, Wood, McDowell, Rush, Warren. Law Hamilton, Kent, Pinckney, Shaw, Taney, Marshall, Story, Gibson, Webster, Curtis. Theology Mather, Edwards, Channing, Beecher, Brooks. Librarian's Room. In the ceiling of the Librarian's room is E. J. Holslag's idealization of Literature, as a woman of benign aspect; she holds a scroll, and is at- tended by a youthful genius bearing a lamp. The theme is repeated in other female figures in the corners be- low, with the symbols of book, torch and lute. The ceiling decoration Floating Scroll Bearers. sh WS the Greek lam P' Minerva's owl, books, palms, girls with garlands and heralds of fame. The wall and ceiling quotations are given elsewhere. Entrance Pavilion North Hall. The Family. Charles Sprague Pearce's paintings have for their theme The Family, and Religion, Labor, Study, Recreation and Rest, as elements of civil- The Family. The Family. 73 Labor. Study. ization. In The Family the central figure is the child in arms, which the mother holds out to crow a welcome to the father just returned from the hunt. There are two older sisters in the group, while the grandfather and the grandmother look on with fond affection. In Religion, two worshippers kneel before a stone altar, from which ascends the smoke of their sacrifice. Labor is represented by two young farmers clearing the land. In the other panels are girlish figures ; in Study, with books and compasses ; in Recreation, Recreation. Rest. delighting in the music of pipe and tambourine; in Rest, reclining by an invit- ing pool. Above the window two floating figures support a scroll with the wise saying of Confucius : "Give instruction unto those who cannot procure it for themselves." In the ceiling are names of educators : Froebel, Pestalozzi, Rousseau, Comenius, Ascham, Howe, Gallaudet, Mann, Arnold, Spencer. 74 The Library of Congress. North Curtain Corridor. The Muses. Edward Simmons. Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy, has the tragic mask. The genii hold laurel crown and brazier of fire, suggestions which are repeated in the other paintings. Clio, Muse of History, whose records are of heroic deeds, has for symbols a wreathed helmet and torch. Thalia, Muse of Gaiety, Pastoral Life and Comedy; faun with Pan's pipes; Thalia Gaiety, Pastoral Life and Comedy. Polyhymnia Inspired Song, Sacred Music. Terpsichore Choral Dance. Calliope Epic Poetry and Eloquence Erato Love Poetry. Euterpe Lyric Poetry, Mistress of Song. comic mask. Euterpe, Muse of Lyric Poetry, the Mistress of Song, has a Terpsichore, Muse of the Choral Dance, is striking the cymbals. Erato, flute. Muse of Love Poetry, has a garland of white roses; a crouching lioness typi- fies her universal sway. Polyhymnia, Inspired Song and Sacred Music an open book. Urania, Astronomy mathematical instruments. Calliope, Epic Poetry and Eloquence scroll and peacock feather. THE MOSAIC MINERVA. By Elihu Vcdder. The Library of Congress. Prudence. Courage. Patriotism. Fortitude. THE VIRTUES. THE SECOND FLOOR. Entrance Pavilion North Corridor. The Virtues. Geo. W. Maynard's paintings of floating female figures, in the Pompeiian style, on a vermillion ground, symbolize the Virtues. Fortitude is armor-clad, with casque, cuirass and greaves, buckler and mace. Justice sup- ports a globe, and holds a drawn sword. Industry's emblems are the spindle, distaff and flax. Concordia. with olive branch, pours from a cornucopia grains of wheat symbolic of the prosperity of peace. (See South Corridor.) Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Philosophy. By Robert Reid. Wis- dom holds a tablet. Understanding has a scroll. Knowledge holds a book. Wisdom. Understanding. Knowledge. Philosophy. Philosophy's attitude is of reflection and meditation; in the background is a Greek temple, the ancient home of philosophy. The Senses. By Robert Reid. In the ceiling the Senses are idealized as beautiful young women. Taste is sipping from a shell; the accessories are bunches of grapes. Sight contemplates herself in a hand glass; she is at- tended by a peacock, pleasing to look upon. Smell inhales the fragrance of a full-blown rose, plucked from a bank of flowers by her side. Hearing presses North Corridor. 77 Temperance. Justice. Concordia. THE VIRTUES. Industry. to her ear a shell which murmurs of the sea. Touch looks with delight upon a butterfly which has alighted on her arm ; by her lies a dog. Ancient Games are shown in small ceiling panels, suggestive of the relaxation and recreation which must lighten labor and study Throwing the Discus, Wrestling, Running, the Finish, the Wreath of Victory, the Triumph. Printers' Marks, the distinctive emblematic devices, answering to trade- marks, used by printers and publishers on the title-pages of their books, are employed as motives in all the entrance pavilion corridors of this floor. There are fifty-six in all, the earliest being that of Fust and Schoffer, 1457. The marks in this corridor are of American and British publishers ; the supporting figures are griffins and swans. The trophy medallions are filled with symbols Taste. Hearing. Smell. THE SENSES. Touch. Sight. of sciences and industries Geometry, Meteorology, Forestry, Navigation, Mechanics, Transportation. Sibyls. The sculptures in the vault, above the west window, by R. H. Perry, represent the Sibyls, or ancient prophetesses, who interpreted omens, delivered oracles, and foretold the future. The Sibyls here portrayed are the Greek and the Eastern or Persian. In a corresponding position in the south corridor are the Roman and Scandinavian. In the border of the arch above this win- dow is in obverse and reverse the Great Seal of the United States. Over the east window is the Western Hemisphere, 78 The Library of Congress. Entrance Pavilion East Corridor. Literature. In the ceiling George R. Barse, Jr., has painted a series of female figures personifying the departments of Literature. Lyrica (Lyric Poetry) with lyre, Tragedy with tragic mask, Comedy with laughing mask and tam- bourine, History with palm branch, scroll, and scroll-box, Romance with pen. scroll and wreath, Fancy musing as in a day dream, Tradition with a Nike or Winged Victory, Erotica (Love Poetry) with tablet and pen. The Fates. In ceiling panels W. A. Mackay has taken for his theme the Thread of Life as spun by the Three Fates fabled by the ancients to preside over the life of man and control his destiny Clotho, who spins the thread, Lachesis, who twists it, and Atropos, who cuts it. Clotho is here with her distaff. The child is just ushered into life. There is a twig of a tree. The legend runs: "For a web begun, God sends thread." In the second panel is Lachesis, with her loom. The child has become a mature man, the tree is in full bearing, and from its boughs the man has plucked a measure of fruit. The legend reads : "The web of life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill to- gether." Lastly is seen Atropos, with her shears ; and before her the decrepit old man on crutches is sinking to the ground, his face turned to the setting sun. The tree is withered and bare. The inscription is from Milton's "Lycidas." And slits the thin-spun life. Comes the blind Fury with th' abhorred shears The inscriptions below the three panels give this adaptation of Cardinal Wolsey's similitude of the life of man to that of the tree: This is the state of man. To day he puts forth The tender leaves of hopes; to-morrow blossoms, And bears his blushing honors thick upon him. The third day comes a frost and nips his root, and then he falls. The Printers' Marks are Italian and Spanish. The Commemorative Tablets, at the end of the corridor, bear the names of American printers, type founders and press builders: Green, Daye, Franklin, Thomas, Bradford, Clymer, Adams, Gordon, Hoe, Bruce. L'Allegro, II Penseroso. Paintings on the Wall, by W. B. Van Ingen, are idealizations of Milton's L'Allegro and II Penseroso. L'Allegro, or Mirth, a fair-haired, blue-eyed woman, reclines amid the flowers and sunshine of a summer's day, attended by playful children. Milton's invocation is given: Come thou goddess fair and free, Quips, and cranks, and wanton wiles, A j u ven y c ' e P ed Euphrosyne, Nods and becks, and wreathed smiles, And by men, heart-easing Mirth. Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, ' j e ' "yjl'P"- and bnn K w >th thee And love to live in dimple sleek. Jest and youthful jollity, // Penseroso, or Melancholy, is pictured as a dark-eyed, dark-haired woman, in pensive reverie, in an autumnal wood ; and the poem is quoted : Hil^rllT' l ag i e and holy> And looks commercing with the skies, dwinest Melancholy, Thy rapt soul sitting in thine eyes: Wkh^ ? lhV A W nt - ed Stat - e> There - held in holy passion still, i even step and musing gait, Forget thyself to marble. The marble arches and domes are elaborately carved, and have a wealth of ic decorations. Trophy medallions in the six domes represent: The Stairway to Reading Room. 79 II Penseroso. L'Allegro. Drama (masks), Music (lyre), Sculpture (carved figure), Literature (lamp and book), Architecture (a column capital), Painting (palette and brush). Architecture is represented by the names in gold. Roman and the Colosseum, Agra (India) and the Taj Mahal, Athens and the Parthenon, Gizeh and the Pyramids. For Sculpture are named the Farnese Bull, Laocoon, Niobe, Par- thenon Pediment ; Venus, Apollo, Zeus, Hercules. Stairway to Reading Room Rotunda. Minerva. By Elihu Vedder. From the east corridor a stairway ascends to the balcony of the reading room; on the wall of the landing is Elihu Vedder's mosaic of Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom. She displays a scroll upon which is inscribed a list of the Sciences, Arts and Letters. She carries her spear; upon her breast is the aegis, with its Gorgon's head, plates of steel, and bor- der of twisted serpents ; and at her feet lie hel- met and shield. On her right is the owl ; on her left a statuette of Nike, the Winged Victory of the Greeks, standing upon a globe, and extend- ing the wreath of victory and the palm branch of peace. The background shows a fair stretch- ing landscape, and the sun of prosperity sheds its effulgence over all. The enrollment on the scroll reads : Agricultural, Education, Me- chanics, Commerce, Government, History, Astronomy, Geography, Statistics, Economics, Sculpture, Architecture, Music, Poetry, Biogra- phy, Geology, Botany, Medicine, Philosophy, Law, Politics, Arbitration, Treaties, Army, Navy, Finance, Art of War. Entrance Pavilion South Corridor. The Virtues. By Geo. W. Maynard. Patriotism supports on her arm the American eagle, which she is feeding from a golden bowl. Courage, wearing a casque, is equipped with sword and buckler. Temperance pours water from a pitcher. Prudence has for symbols the mirror and the serpent. Stairway to Rotunda. 8o T]\e Library of Congress. The Seasons. By F. \V. Benson. The Seasons. By F. W. Benson. The Seasons are personified by female figures, with varying landscape and development of vegetation. Spring with a bud, Summer with a lapful of full blown blossoms, Autumn with flying draperies, and the falling leaf; Winter in a landscape cold and bleak. The Graces. F. W. Benson in ceiling panels celebrates The Graces, the ancient goddesses of whatever is lovely in nature, human life and art. Aglata, patroness of pastoral life and husbandry, with shepherdess crook, sits on a bank of flowers, and blossoms are in her hair. Thalia, patroness of the arts, is seated upon a marble bench, by her side is a lyre for Music, in the back- ground a Greek temple for Architecture. Euphrosyne, patroness of human loveliness of person and mind, contemplates in a mirror her own fair face. The Printers' Marks are French; their supporting figures are wood nymphs. fauns, tritons and mermaids, with Pan's pipes, conch shells and dolphins. The Trophy Medallions of the ceiling contain symbols of trades and indus- tries: Printer, Potter, Glass Maker, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Mason. Two panels illustrate the modern Baseball and Football. Sibyls. Above the west window are sculptures by Perry, of the Roman Sibyl, pictured as an aged crone, who from beneath her veil delivers the oracle to a warrior clad in mail ; and the Northern Sibyl clad in fur robes, a Norse warrior attends her utterance. Above the windows are the Caduceus and the Mace, ensigns of authority, and a medallion map of the Eastern Hemisphere. Entrance Pavilion West Corridor. The Sciences. Walter Shirlaw's ceiling paintings comprise a series of female figures ideal of the Sciences. Zoology clad in skins of wild beasts caresses a lion. Physics holds the torch of investigation. Mathematics has a scroll on which geometrical lines are drawn, and her foot rests upon a block of geo- Aglaia. Euphrosyne. THE GRACES. Thalia. Southwest Gallery. 81 The Sciences. metrical solids. Geology, with a globe, mineral, fossil shell ; the earth and the moon are shown. Archeology, with Minerva's helmet, a marble scroll and Zuiii vase, is seeking to decipher the record contained in an ancient book. Botany, standing upon the pad of a water lily, analyzes its blossom. Astron- omy, with feet planted upon the earth, holds a telescopic lens and the sphere of Saturn with its rings. The moon is shown in its crescent phase. Chemis- try's symbols are glass retort, hour glass and serpent. Southwest Gallery. The Sciences The Arts. By Kenyon Cox. In the Sciences Astronomy in the center measures a celestial sphere ; the other figures are Botany, in dress of green and gold ; Zoology, toying with a peacock ; Mathematics, with a numeral frame on which the heads count the year 1896. In the Arts Poetry, laurel-crowned, sings to the lyre; the other figures are Sculpture and Paint- ing, Architecture and Music. Above the doors and windows are inscribed names eminent in science and art, running in this order from the north entrance: Homer, Michael Angelo, Raphael, Rubens, Milton, Leibnitz, Dalton, Kepler, Herschel, Galileo, Aris- totle, Ptolemy, Hipparchus, Lamarck, Helmholtz, Phidias, Vitruvius, Bra- mante, Mozart, Wagner. The ceiling medallions by W. B. Van Ingen are female figures typifying Painting (at work at the easel), Architecture (drawing a plan of a building), and Sculpture (chiseling a bust of Washington). The Printers' Marks are of German craftsmen. Tablets record names distinguished in the sciences: Cuvier for Zoology, Rumford for Physics, LaGrange for Mathematics, Lyell for Geology, Schliemann for Archaeology, Linnaeus for Botany, Copernicus for Astronomy, Lavoisier for Chemistry. The Arts. 82 The Library of Congress. Southwest Pavilion. The Discovery and Settlement of America are the themes of Geo. W. May- nard's decorations. The four wall paintings are allegories of Adventure, Dis- covery, Conquest and Civilization. Adventure, clad in armor of gold and purple robes, holds a drawn sword and the Caduceus, or Mercury's magic wand. On her right is the genius of the England of Drake's time; on her left that of the Spain of the sixteenth century. Discovery wears the sailor's buff jerkin of the sixteenth century, She supports with one hand a rudder, and with the other, upon her lap, a globe charted with the map ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci (about 1500), the first one known to show America. The genius on her right has a chart and a paddle; the one on her left a sword and a back-staff, which, like the astro- labe shown in the supporting shields, was a primitive quadrant. Conquest firmly grasps her sword, while her genii display emblems of victory; one has the palm, typical of Spanish achievement in the South. ; the other the oak, suggesting England's acquisitions in the North. Civilisation's emblems are the torch and the open book; those of one genius, a scythe and a sheaf of wheat; of the other, a distaff and spindle. In the ceiling Mr. Maynard has pictured Courage, Valor, Fortitude and Achievement, idealized in woman's form. Courage, clad in scale-armor and a lion's pelt, is equipped with shield and studded war club. Valor, wearing mail, holds a drawn sword. Fortitude, with flowing robes, carries the ornamental column which is the emblem of sustaining strength. Achievement, in Roman armor, points to the eagle of ancient Rome as the symbol of victory. The Seasons. In sculpture reliefs, by Bela L. Pratt, the Seasons are symbolized as female figures: Spring, as a young woman sowing grain; The Seasons. Sculptures by Bela L. Pratt. Summer, seated amid flowers; Autumn, a mother nursing her babe, while a boy stands near her with bunches of grapes ; Winter, an aged woman gathering fagots; an owl is perched on the withered tree. The series is re- peated in the other pavilions. Southeast Pavilion Second Floor. The Four Elements are symbolized in the wall and ceiling paintings by R. .. Dodge and E. E. Garnsey. In each panel a central figure as the personifi- cation of the Element supports emblematic garlands, the other ends of which : held by genii in the corners. Reclining figures are accompanied with symbols; and other symbols are seen on the standards and in the borders. Northwest Gallery and Northwest Pavilion. 83 The Sun, as the chariot of Phoebus-Apollo, is the central decoration of the ceiling; and surrounding it, in order corresponding with the wall panels, are further symbolizations of the Elements. Northwest Gallery. War and Peace. By Gari Melchers. War represents the return from battle. The dogs of war strain at the leash; then, foot soldiers with spear and buckler ; the King on his white horse, riding over the prostrate bodies of the slain; the color-bearer and herald proclaiming victory, and the wounded car- War. ried on litters or attended by nurses in the rear. In Peace, the scene is a procession of worshippers who have come to make their votive offering at the shrine of the deity. The effigy of the goddess is borne in state; an ox is led as the chief offering. .In the company ceme a mother to pray in behalf Peace. of her child, the sick to ask health, a poet to offer his laurel wreath, and a sailor lad with a ship's model in token of gratitude for succor at sea. The Names on the walls are: Wellington, Washington, Charles Martel, Cyrus, Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Jackson, Sheri- dan, Grant, Sherman, William the Conqueror, Frederick the Great, Eugene, Mailborough, Nelson, Scott, Farragut. Northwest Pavilion. Art, Literature, Music and Science. By W. L. Dodge. In Art a student is drawing from a model, while a sculptor is seen chiseling a sphinx, and a woman decorating a vase. Literature has for its leading personage the Genius of Wisdom holding an open book, with Tragedy and Comedy, a poet about to be crowned by Fame, and a mother instructing her children. In Music, Apollo is accompanied by other musicians. In Science Electricity, with phono- 84 Tfic Library of Congress. graph and telephone, kneels to receive from winged Fame the laurel wreath of renown; Franklin's kite is seen on the ground. Steam Navigation is repre- sented by an inventor holding a model of a propeller ; Agriculture by a farmer binding grain ; Medical Science by anatomists examining a skull ; Chemistry by a retort, and the application of Steam Power by a tea-kettle with the steam escaping from the spout. In the ceiling is an allegory of Ambition by the same artist. Various aspirants having attained the utmost verge of human endeavor, with eager gaze and arms outstretched, reach toward Glory, floating far above them, bearing a wreath, and attended by her winged horse Pegasus and trumpeting Fame. Northeast Pavilion. The Seals of the United States and the Executive Departments are the motives of the decorations by W. B. Van Ingen and E. E. Garnsey Wreathed panels contain patriotic sentiments; female figures idealize the Departments whose seals they support emblazoned on shields. Treasury and State. For one is shown the familiar Treasury building; for the other the Capitol Dome and the Washington Monument. 'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world. WASHINGTON. Let our object be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country. Thank God! I also am an American WEBSTER. War and Nary. The genii supporting the seals are equipped with Army and Navy swords; for the Army are the Roman standard (modified to show the initials U. S. A.) and the Bunker Hill Monument; for the Navy the masts of the battleship Indiana and Decatur's rostral column at Annapolis. The aggregate happiness of society is, our ought to be, the end of all government. To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. WASHING- TON. Agriculture and Interior. For Agriculture the background is of a farming country, in that of the Interior is represented the Indian's tree sepulture. The agricultural interest of the country is connected with every other, and superior in importance to them all. JACKSON. Let us have peace. GRANT. Justice and the Post Office. The symbols are the Scales of Justice, and a bronze statue of Mercury the messenger of the gods. Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or polit- ical; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations entangling alliances with none. J EFFEBSOX. The Great Seal of the United States in the ceiling is surrounded by a decora- tion comprising the forty-eight stars of the flag; the cardinal winds, North, East, South and West, represented by blowing faces, and symbolical of the geographical divisions of the Union ; fruits and grains as typical products of each section of the country; and the cornucopia of Agriculture, dolphin of Commerce, lyre of Art, and torch of Education. Encircling the whole is the conclusion of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (see the Arlington chapter) : That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom ; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. The Reading Room. 85 The Reading Room. The Reading Room. Ascending the stairway from the East Corridor we en- ter the Visitors' Gallery, where an excellent view is afforded of the Rotunda or central Reading Room. The vast apartment is imposing in size and effective in architectural design and color scheme of marble walls and pillars and tiers of arches and balustrades, and the uplifted dome with its elaborate stucco ornamentation. The room is loo-ft. in diameter and 125-ft. in height ; the pillars are 4O-ft. high, the windows 32-ft. wide. The richness of the color effect lies in the marbles, of which the dark are from Tennessee, the red from Numidia, and the shades of yellow from Siena. The stucco ornaments of the dome are in old ivory, and comprise a great variety of designs among them Martiny's female figures supporting cartouches; Weinert's winged half-figures; winged boys with wreaths and garlands, torches, lamps, swans, eagles, dol- phins and arabesques. The Symbolical Statues. Upon the eight piers are female figures of colossal stature. Above each is a quotation chosen by President Eliot, of Harvard : Religion, by Baur, holding a flower. What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah vi: 8. Commerce, by Flanagan, holding miniature locomotive and ship : We taste the spices of Arabia, yet never feel the scorching sun which brings them forth. Considerations on East India Trade. History, by French, with book and reflecting mirror: One God, one law, one element, And one far-off divine event, To which the whole creaHnn rr>r>..o^ Tr.".'.'^";.". Art, by St. Gaudens and Dozzi, laurel-crowned, with a model of the Par- thenon for architecture, a brush and palette for painting, and a mallet for sculpture : As one lamp lights another, nor grows less. So nobleness enkindleth nobleness. Lowell. Philosophy, by Pratt, with book: The inquiry, knowledge, and belief of truth is the sovereign good of human nature. Bacon. Poetry, by Ward, with scroll : Hither, as to their fountain, other stars Repairing, in their golden urns draw light. Milton. Law, by Bartlett, with the stone table of the laws and a scroll : Of law there can be no less acknowledged than that her voice is the harmony of the world. Hooker. Science, by Donoghue, with a globe and triangle and mirror : The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sliov.-sth his handiwork, Psalms xix: I. Bronze Statues. Looking down from the railing of the gallery under the dome, stand sixteen bronze statues of characters distinguished in the several fields of learning and achievement represented by the symbolical statues: RELIGION Moses (by Niehaus) and St. Paul (by Donoghue). Moses is represented as the great law-giver, with the Tables of the Law delivered on Sinai. St. Paul has sword and scroll. 86 The Library of Congress. COMMERCE Columous (by Bartlett) and Fulton (by Potter). Fulton holds a model of his first steamboat, the "Clermont." HISTORY Herodotus, the "Father of History" (by French), and Gibbon, historian of the "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (by Niehaus). AST Michael Angela (by Bartlett) and Beethoven (by Bauer). PHILOSOPHY Plato and Bacon (both by Boyle). POETRY Homer (by St. Gaudens) and Shakespeare (by Macmonnies). LAW Solon (by Ruckstuhl) and Kent (by Bissell). Solon, the Athenian law-giver, holds out the scroll of "The Laws" (Oi Nomoi), and supports a reversed sword twined with olive. James Kent is represented as holding the manuscript of his celebrated "Commentaries on American Law." SCIENCE Newton (by Dallin) and Henry (by Adams). Prof. Joseph Henry holds an electro-magnet, suggesting his work in electro-magnetism. The Progress of Civilization, by E. H. Blashfield, in the Collar of the Dome, which is 150 feet in circumference, is a symbolism of the twelve na- tions and epochs which have contributed to the world's advance. Each is represented as a seated figure, winged, and bearing emblems suggestive of its peculiar attribute : EGYPT (Written Records) holds a tablet of hieroglyphics, and the Egyptian taucross emblem of immortality. On the throne is the cartouche of Mena, the first king of Egypt. At the feet of the figure is a case of papyrus scrolls. JUDEA (Religion) wears the vestments of the Jewish High Priest. The emblems are scroll and censer. The stone tablet bears the Hebrew text, Levi- ticus xix: 18: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." GREECE (Philosophy) is a classic figure wearing a diadem; the symbols are scroll and bronze lamp. ROME (Administration) is pictured as a Roman centurion in armor; the em- blems are the sword, the fasces and baton of auth< rity, and the marble column. ISLAM (Physics) costumed as an Arabian, has as emblems glass retort and book of mathematics. MIDDLE AGES (Modern Languages) is accompanied by the emblematic ac- cessories of casque and sword typifying the Age of Chivalry, Gothic cathedra! for architectural development, and papal tiara and keys of St. Peter for the part of the Church. The face is a characterization from Mary Anderson's. ITALY (Fine Arts) has brush and palette for painting, satuette of Michael Angelo's David for sculpture, violin for music, capital for architecture. GERMANY (Art of Printing) is represented as an early printer, in fifteenth century garb, reading a proofsheet from the primitive hand press. The face is a characterization from that of Gen. Thomas Lincoln Casey. SPAIN (Discovery) appears as a navigator, in sailor's leather jerkin, hand on tiller and sword in lap; by his side a globe, at his feet model of a caravel. ENGLAND (Literature), laurel-crowned and in Elizabethan costume, holds Shakespeare's plays, showing facsimile of the title page of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," 1600. The face is a characterization of Ellen Terry's. FRANCE (Emancipation) is the animated figure of a woman wearing liberty cap and tri-color jacket, and equipped with sword, drum and trumpet. She The Library of Congress. 87 is seated upon a cannon, and holds out the "Declaration des Droits de I'Homme" of 1798. The features are of the artist's wife. AMERICA (Science). The scientific genius of our own country is typified by an electrical engineer, with book and dynamo. The face is a characteriza- tion from that of Abraham Lincoln. The Human Understanding. In the Crown of the Lantern, Mr. Blashfield has painted The Human Understanding, in the allegorical figure of a woman floating among clouds, and attended by two children genii. With uplifted gaze she is looking from finite human achievement, as indicated in trie fresco of Civilization below, to the infinite, which is beyond. One of the genii holds a closed book, the other beckons those below. The Windows. The stained-glass decoration of the great arched windows, by H. T. Schladermundt, is a composition of the arms of the Union and of the States, alternating with torches and wreathed fasces. With each State is given the date of its ratification of the Constitution, admission into the Union, or Territorial organization; the series begins with Delaware. The Clock over the entrance, by John Flanagan, is of marble and bronze ; the details are Signs of the Zodiac, flight of Time, Seasons, Day and Night. The Library was founded in 1800, Congress appropriating for it $5,000. Tt has twice suffered by fire in 1814, when the Capitol was burned, and in 1851. Special collections acquired have been Thomas Jefferson's Library, the Force Historical Collection in 1865, Smithsonian Library in 1867, Toner Collection of Washingtoniana in 1882. A prolific source "of accessions has been the copyright system, which requires the deposit here of two copies of every copy- righted work. The library contains more than 1,000,000 books. Any one may use the Library, but books may be drawn out only by mem- bers of Congress, the President, Supreme Court, and Government officials. The Book Stacks devised by Mr. Bernard R. Green consist of a series ot cast-iron frameworks supporting tiers of shelves, and rising in nine stories to the roof. Each of the two large stacks has a capacity of 800,000 volumes ; the smaller stack 100,000 books. The book shelving now in the building amounts to 231,680 running feet, or about forty-four miles, which will accom- modate 2,085,120 volumes of books, reckoning nine to the foot. The capacity of the additional shelving, which may be placed, is about 2,500.000 volumes, and the ultimate capacity of the building for books is therefore upward of 4, SOD,OOD volumes, or somewhat less than one hundred miles of shelving. An ingenious mechanism delivers books from the stacks to the Reading Room. From the Reading Room an endless cable runs down to the basement and up through the stack to the top, and back again. To it are attached book carriers. When a book is called for at the desk, the slip is sent by pneumatic tube to the clerk in the book stack; he puts the book into a receptacle, from which it is taken automatically by the book carrier and carried to the Reading Room, the whole process consuming but a few minutes. In like manner the books are returned. For the convenience of Congress, books are sent directlv from the Reading Room to the Capitol through a tunnel. Washington, ilic \'nt ion's Capital. ILtbrarp notations The Poets, who on earth have made us heirs Of truth and pure delight by heavenly lays. WORDSWORTH. Art is long and Time is fleeting. LONGFELLOW. The history of the world is the biography of great men. CARLYLE. Order is Heaven's first law. POPE. Memory is the treasurer and guardian of all things. CICERO. Beauty is the creator of the universe. EMERSON. This is the state of man : To-day he puts forth The tender leaves of hopes ; to-morrow blossoms, And bears his blushing honors thick upon him. The third day comes a frost and nips his root, and then he falls. KING HENRY VIII. (Adapttd\. Beholding the bright countenance of Truth in the quiet and still air of delightful studies. MILTON. The true University of these days is a Collection of Books. CARLYLE. Nature is the art of God. Sir THOMAS BROWNE. There is no work of genius which has not been the delight of mankind. LOWELL. It is the mind that makes the man, and our vigor is in our immortal soul. OVID. They are never alone that are accompanied with noble thoughts. Sir PHILIP SIDNEY. Man is one world, and hath another to attend him. HERBERT. Tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in everything. As You LIKE IT. Books will speak plain when counsellors blanch. BACON. Glory is acquired by virtue but preserved by letters. PETRARCH. The foundation of every state is the education of its youth. DIONYSIUS. The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. ST. JOHN i: 5. In the Librarian* s Room. Litera uripta manet The written letter remains (Literature endures). In tenehris lux Light in darkness. Liber delectatio animie A book is the delight of the mind. Effitiunt clarum studio They make clear by srudy. Dulce ante omaia A/HJ unfold - Art and Love speak ; but their words must be No Musician, L j ke sighings of illimitable forests. But be sure he heard, and strove to render. . Feeble echoes of celestial strains. ADELAIDE PROCTOR, Unexpressed. There is but one temple in the universe, and that is the body of man. NOVALIS. The first creature of God was the light of sense ; the last was the light of reason. BACON. The true Shekinah is man. CHRYSOSTOM. Only the actions of the just Smell sweet and blossom in the dust. JAMES SHIRLEY. Science is organized knowledge. HERBERT SPENCER. Beauty is truth, truth beauty. KEATS. Too low they build who build beneath the stars. YOUNG. Man raises but time weighs. GREEK PROVERB. Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword. BULWER LYTTON. The noblest motive is the public good. VIRGIL. A little learning is a dangerous thing ; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring. POPE. Learning is but an adjunct to ourself. LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. Studies perfect nature, and are perfected by experience. BACON, Dreams, books, are each a world ; and books, we know, Are a substantial world, both pure and good. WORDSWORTH. With the Muses. Descend, ye Nine, descend and sing ; Wake into voice each silent string. Oh, Heaven-born sisters, source of art, Who charm the sense or mend the heart. Say, will you bless the bleak Atlantic shore, And in the West bid Athens rise once more ! POPE (Adapted). THE WHITE HOUSE. THE WHITE HOUSE is on Pennsylvania avenue at 16th street, and is reached by Pennsylvania avenue cars. For hours to visit see the Time Table THE prevailing characteristic of the White House is a stately sim- plicity. Whether from Pennsylvania avenue one sees the col- umns of the portico but partially revealed through the foliage of noble trees, or from the lawns in the rear catches a glimpse of the southern balcony with colonnade and winding stairways embowered in vines, the air is one of dignity and repose. In situation, in character and in surroundings, one reflects, the White House is becoming as the home of the President. The White House is constructed of Virginia freestone; it is I70-ft. in History length, 86-ft. in depth, and consists of a rustic basement, two stories and an attic, the whole surmounted by an ornamental balustrade. The north front has a portico of lofty Ionic columns, forming a porte-cochere, and the south a colonnaded balcony. It was the first public building erected at the new seat of government. The architect was James Hoban, who drew his plans closely after those of the seat of the Dukes of Leinster, near Dublin. Washington himself selected the site, laid the corner stone (Oct. 13, 1792), and lived to see the building completed; it is told that in company- with his wife he walked through the rooms but a few days before his death, in 1799. John Adams was the first occupant, in 1800. In 1814, in John Quincy Adams' term, the house was fired by the marauding British troops, and only the walls were left standing. With the^ restoration, the stone was painted white to obliterate the marks of the fire, and outside of official usage it is as the White House that the Executive Mansion is universally known. Alterations and additions to the building were made in 1902-3. The conservatory, so long a familiar feature of the west side, has given place to an esplanade leading to the new Executive Office ; and the public entrance is now through a colonnade on the east. This leads to the basement corri- dor, on the walls of which are hung portraits of the mistresses of the White House, including those of Angelica Singleton Van Buren, who was mistress of the White House during President Van Buren's term; Mrs. Tyler. Mrs. Polk (presented by the ladies of Tennessee in President Arthur's administration) ; Mrs. Hayes (by Huntington), presented by the Woman's National Temperance Union, in recognition of the cold water regime of the White House during President Hayes' term, and Mrs. Har- rison (by Huntington), presented by the Daughters of the American Revo- lution, and Mrs. Roosevelt by Chartran. Broad stairways lead up to the main corridor, from which access is had to the East Room, and the Blue, Green and Red Rooms, which take name from the predominating color of the decorations and furnishings. THE EAST ROOM, or State parlor, used for receptions, is a magnificent apartment 40-ft. wide, 82-ft. in length, and with a ceiling 22-ft. high, from ll'asliinvlon, the Xation's Capital. THE EXECUTIVE OFFICES. Eat which depend three massive crystal chandeliers. The four carved mantels Room are surmounted by mirrors. The decorations of walls and ceiling are in white and gold, with moldings and tablet ornamentation in relief, and window draperies of old gold. The two royal blue Sevres vases were presented to President McKinley by the President of the French Republic in commemoration of the laying of the French-American cable. The crystal chandeliers formerly here, with others from the White House, are now hung in the Capitol. Blue THE BLUE ROOM, oval in shape, is the President's reception room. The a walls are covered with rich blue corded silk, and the window hangings are blue with golden stars in the upper folds. On the mantel is the clock of gold presented by Napoleon I. to Lafayette and by him to Washington ; THE EAST APPROACH TO THE WHITE HOUSE. The White House. 93 A CORNER OF THE CORRIDOR. THE EAST ROOM. ll'ashini'ton, the Nations Capital. Lincoln China. The Lincoln Punch Bowl. Grant China. Dolly Madison Cup and Saucer Cleveland, Harrison, and Mckinley China. Roosevelt China. Cleveland Bonbon Dish (flag design). Historic Tea Cups. Specimens of the historic White House china are exhibited in the corridor. Photos copyright, 1903, by Waldon Fawcett. The ll'liitc House. 95 THE STATE DINING ROOM. on either side stand the bronze vases presented to Washington at the same time; and there are here also the two triple gold plate candelabra which were given to President Jackson by General Patterson, of Philadelphia. THE GREEN ROOM has on the wall green velvet with white enamel wains- Green coting. In front of the white marble mantel is a screen of old Gobelin R om tapestry in a frame of gold, surmounted by a spread eagle. The screen was presented to Mrs. Grant by the Emperor of Austria. The gilt clock and the two gilt vases were purchased by Mrs. Grant in Paris and were by her given to the White House. The two Japanese vases were purchased by President Arthur. The lacquer cabinet was presented by Japan in 1858, when American ships first entered Japanese ports. The por- traits are of Presidents John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Jackson, Tyler, W. H. Harrison, Van Buren, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Hayes. THE RED ROOM walls and window draperies are of red velvet. The two vases were presented to President Pierce by the French Government. A cabinet of mahogany and gold contains seven exquisitely dressed Japan- ese dolls presented to Mrs. Roosevelt by the Japanese Minister. There are here portraits of Washington, Martha Washington (by Andrews), Presi- dents Jefferson, Polk and Benjamin Harrison.*" The portrait of Washington is the one which is sometimes called the "Lansdowne Stuart." The original, of which this is a copy, was painted for the Marquis of Lansdowne. In 1814, when the British were coming to pillage and burn the White House, Red Room , the Xuiion's Capital. THE RED ROOM. Mrs. Dolly Madison had the portrait taken from its frame and carried it away into safety across the Potomac. The EAST ROOM contains a richly decorated piano which was made at a cost of $15,000 and presented by a New York firm of piano makers. TH SJATE DlNING ROOM is P anel ed in dark English oak, and decorated W ' th heads of American bi g game. The white marble mantel is sur- mounted by an old Flemish tapestry depicting a country scene and having m a panel a verse from Virgil in praise of hunting. The massive mahogany table will seat one hundred guests. Pretidenft THE PRESIDENT'S ROOM and the CABINET ROOM are in the Executive Koom office, west of the White House. The While House. 97 THE PRESIDENT IN HIS OFFICE. Photo copyright, 1903, by \Yaldon Fawcett. The surroundings of the White House are worthy of note. In front is historic Surroundings Lafayette Square. On one side is the Treasury; on the other, the State, \Var and Navy Building. The house is set amid the President's Grounds, with trees and flower beds and fountains and sloping lawns. The grounds merge into the Mall, and stretch away to the Monument and the Potomac. To the slopes south of the house \Yashington children repair for their Easter egg rolling on Easter Monday, where scores of brilliantly colored eggs are sent rolling and tumbling down the banks. The custom is of European origin, and comes from an earlier one known to the children of the Pharaohs. Concerts, open to the public, are given in the east grounds by the Marine Band on Saturday afternoons, from June to September inclusive. Lafayette Square is beautiful with trees and flowers, and rich in his- Lafayette torical associations. At the southeast entrance is the bronze and marble s< i uare memorial erected by Congress to commemorate the distinguished services of Lafayette and other French officers in the cause of the Colonies. On the northeast is the Rochambeau monument. In the center of the square is Clark Mills's equestrian statue of Gen. Jackson, as the hero of the Battle of New Orleans. St. John's Church, on the north of the square, was built in 1816, and st> John>s next to Christ Church (1795), near the Navy Yard, is the oldest in the city. One of its pews is set apart for the President of the United States, and it is sometimes called the Church of State. Many of the houses sur- rounding the square possess interesting associations as the homes of public 11'asliin^tini. the Nation's Capital. THE BLUE ROOM. THE T.REEN ROOM THE CORCORAN GALLERY. In some years the Gallery is closed during July, August and September. THE Corcoran Gallery of Art is on Seventeenth street, extending from New York avenue to E street, just southwest of the White House and State Department. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays admission is free. On other d:iys a fee of 25 cents is charged. For hours see time table. The Gallery was founded and endowed by the late William W. Cor- coran in 1869, as a gift to the public, "for the perpetual establishment and encouragement of the Fine Arts" ; and its collections have grown in ex- tent and value until now the Corcoran is one of the chief places of interest in Washington. It occupies a noble building, of Georgia white marble, above whose entrance is the inscription, chosen by Mr. Corcoran : "Dedicated to Art." Below the elaborately carved cornice runs a frieze bearing the names of painters and sculptors Phidias, Giotto, Diirer, Michelangelo, Raphael, Velasquez Rembrandt, Rubens, Reynolds, Allston, Ingres. The lions on either side of the doorway are copies of the famous lions by Canova, which guard the Tomb of C 1 e m e n t XIII.. in St. Peter's, at Rome. From the vestibule one obtains a n impos- ing vista of the central Sculpture The Building VELA S NAPOLEON. 99 KM) the Xation's Capital. Hall and the grand stair- M beyond. I his central Atrium lul1 - " r :itriuin - i>; '70x50- ft.. with forty fluted col- nmns supporting the ceil- ing. through which two \vell< admit the light from the roof skylight high above. The hall is devot- ed to casts from antique and Renaissance sculpture. Other rooms on this floor contain original marbles, casts, bronzes, and other collections. The grand staircase leads to the sec- ond-story atrium, an apartment of magnificent proportions. Thirty fluted columns of white marble support the immense sky- light of the roof; the walls are hung with paintings; and the light-wells give an overlook of the Hall of Sculpture below. On the first floor is a semi-circular room for lectures; and the Corcoran School of Art is I'eneronsly provided with studios and class rooms on the two floors. Informa- tion concerning the School may be obtained of the Curator. It would manifestly be impossible to note here even briefly the objects which claim attention. Visitors should provide themselves with the Cata- logue (to he had at the door, price 25 cents), j n which will he found most Ancient valuable and helpful notes. Sculpture - from ancient sculpture is a series of the marbles of VENTS OF MELOS. _ as SH 9) t 5 * a: M IOJ , the Nation's Capital. Ancient the Frieze and Pediments of the Parthenon; and first among the single Sculpture V[.,I,K, 1^ i IK- Venus of Melos. The original was discovered in iH_>o by ;i pea>ant of the island of Milo (the ancient Melos) while digging near some sepulchral grottoes. "It now stands in the Louvre, the pride of 1'aris. and the admiration of the world. Its sculptor is unknown, but by the grandeur of its style it is justly assigned to tht era between Phidias ;md Praxiteles [432-392 B. C], and -is considered the greatest statue of woman's form the world now holds." Among other subjects are the Discobolos or Quoit-thrower, Venus de Medici, Minerva, Laocoon. Dying (lalathn (commonly called the Dying Gladiator), Apollo Belviderc, Torso of Hercules. Boy Extracting a Thorn from his Foot, Hermes with Infant Dionysos. Galatian and his Wife, Nike from Samothrake, Boxer Resting, Thalassa and Gaia. Ariadne Deserted, Jason. On the walls of the cor- ridors is a fine collection of portrait busts. Among the Renaissance subjects is a cast from the west bronze door of tlie Baptistery at Florence by Ghiberti, the ten panels containing designs from the Old Testament. Michelangelo said of the Ghiberti Doors that they were worthy of standing as the gates to Paradise. Donatello is repre- sented by his David with the Head of Goliath ; Michelangelo by the bust of the colossal statue of David, the mask of the Moses, reduced copies of Day, Night, Dawn ind Twilight from the Tomb of the Medici family, the Slaves for the Julius monument, and other examples; Luca della Rolibia by the Singing Boys. Among the marbles, Guarnerio's Forced Prayer never fails to attract IMF fORrORA,V GAI I ERY Key-Pictures of Corcoran Gallery Paintings. 103 COR01 WOOD GATHE 104 Kc\-l'icln>TS of Cornwall (Jailer y The Corcoran Art Gallery. 105 THE CREEK SLAVE. attention. The most celebrated Marbles of the marbles are Vincenzo Velas' Last Days of Napoleon I., and the Greek Slave, by Hiram Powers, of Vermont. An interesting and suggest- ive note of the development of art in this country is found in the record that when the Greek Slave was first exhibited, in Cincinnati, "a delegation of clergymen was sent to judge whether it were fit to be seen by Christian people. Its purity of sentiment and harmonious form established its right to exist." The Barye Room contains a Barye series of more than one hun- dred Rarye bronzes, the Cor- coran Gallery possessing the largest collection in the world. There are exhibits of Cloi- sonne, porcelains and glass, and reproductions of antiques. Of the well-known canvases Paintings may be named Rousseau's Farm in the Wood, Detaille's Passing Regiment, Richards' Coast of New Jersey, Church's Niagara Falls. THE STANDARD GUIDE standard gives miniature key pictures of Guide eighteen of the Corcoran can- y , . ... Pictures vases, and it does this both to suggest what the visitor to the gallery should see, and after- ward to prompt the recollection of the pictures one has seen. Albert Bierstadt's Mount Cor- coran is a peak of the southern Sierra Nevadas, named in com- pliment to Mr. Corcoran. A portrait of Mr. Corcoran (born 1798, died 1888), by Elliott, is one of an extensive series of portraits of Americans, and representing the works of early American artists. THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT. "LAY the corner stone of a monument which shall adequately bespeak the gratitude of I IK- liolc American people to the illustrious Father of his Country. Build it to the -kn-; y.u cannot outreach the loftiness of his principles! Found it upon the massive :MI.| cu-mal; you cannot make it more enduring than his fame! Construct it of the (K-crlcss Parian marble, you cannot make it purer than his life! Exhaust upon it the nilis ;MI<| principles of ancient and modern art; you cannot make it more pro- nate than his character!" Wiutkrop's Oration at the laying of the Comer Stone. THE Monument is situated in Washington Park, a part of the Mall near 14th street, Situation , j .. nll | Cs f nim t | le Capitol. It is reached by Pennsylvania avenue cars, with transfer c: cents extra fare) at 14th street. A stairway of 900 steps leads to the top. An i-li-vator carrying visitors without charge ascends half-hourly. For hours, see Time Table. T HE WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT is an impos- ing shaft of white marble rising from an elevation on the Mall near the Potomac. It is seen towering against the sky long be- fore one reaches Washington : and in the city its tremendous height confronts one at every turn and his place in a thousand vistas. From the avenues and parks, from the Capitol, the White House, the hills f the Soldiers' Home, the heights of Arlington, and from far down the Potomac on the way to Mt. Vernon, go where you will, an ever promi- nent feature of the landscape is the Monument. Seen at different times of the day it has a new character for each new hour; its appearance changes with the varying lights, and with alternations of clear sky and cloud. In strrmy weather it suggests a mountain peak standing immovable with the mists driving by. Dimensions The Monument is an obelisk. Its height from floor of entrance to tip '- 555-ft- 5MHn. The shaft is 5OO-ft. S'^-in. in height, 55-ft. square at base. .'4-ft. at top. The pyramidon (or pyramid-shaped section above) is 55-ft. in height, and terminates in a pyramid of pure aluminum. The walls are i.S-ft. in thickness at the entrance, and taper to i8-in. at the top of the shaft. The facing is of pure white marble from Maryland, the interior backing is of gneiss and New England granite. The foundation, of rock and cement, is 36-ft. deep, 126-ft. square. The Monument is the highest work of masonry in the world, and is exceeded in height only by the Eiffel Tower, of iron, 9&4-ft. The highest other structures of the world are: Philadelphia Municipal Building 537- ft : Cologne Cathedral, 524- ft. ; Pyramid of Cheops, 52o-ft.; St. Peter's, The interior is lighted by electricity, which affords opportunity of seeing the memorial stones which are set in the inner face of the Monu- ment. Glimpse* of S< -,ie of these may be had from the elevator, but the inscriptions may be read only from the platforms. The series begins at tin- .w-ft. landing and extends to a height of 2 8o-ft. The 179 stones were mted from various sources as tributes to Washington, and many them are notable for their beauty, elaborate carving or origin. " .106 THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT. I0 8 irashinii>n. the Xalinn's ('//rk of a perfect machine. In counting a package the expert is seen to lift each note by the upper right-hand corner; this she does successively one after another with the 4,000 notes in the package, and not only does she count the note?, but scans also the seal and detects any imperfection. The average daily volume of new money passing through the hands of the counters is a million dollars, made up of 320,000 separate notes. Every package is receipted for by each person into whose hands it comes. Having received the final count, the money is intrusted to the sealing clerk, who wraps up the packages (containing from $4,000 to $4,000,000 H4 ll'ashin^tim, the Nation s Capital. To each) in plebeian brown paper, and seals each package with the Treasury Seal. The amount of money received by him at the close of the day must Reserve , al i y to a d o n ar w j t h the amount brought in from the Bureau of Engraving V * Ult and Printing. The new money is deposited in the currency reserve vault (not shown to visitors), where it remains for two months or more. As new lot is added each day to the vault, another lot is taken out for issue. to be put into circulation, a goodly proportion of it destined eventually to find its way back to this building as worn and mutilated currency, to be redeemed in the Redemption Division. Redemption In the Redemption Division old currency is received to be exch-mged Division f or new it comes in from banks throughout the country and from the Sub-Treasuries.* At every stage the system of currency redemption is attended with pre- Doilar cautions to provide against error and loss. For every old dollar received. lor a new dollar must be paid out; and for every new dollar paid out, an old DoU * r one must have been received. To verify the count a force of expert count- ers is employed, whose skill is such as to excite wonder and challenge admiration. Here, as in the other departments, the counters are women. P . The money, brought by the express companies in sealed packages, is Counter* delivered to the receiving clerk, by whom in turn the packages, still sealed, are distributed to the counters. Each counter receipts for the package given her, specifying the amount it is said to contain. Having verified the count, she puts up the money in new packages of 100 bills each, : nd on the manilla wrapper of each, at top and bottom, writes her initials and the amount. Then she takes the package to the canceling machine, which punctures four holes through it, two in the upper half and two in the lower. She then delivers the package of canceled notes to a clerk, who credits her with the account received. At the close of the day this clerk's record of bills, counted and canceled, must tally with the account of the derk who gave out the packages to be counted and canceled; and such are the ex- pertness and accuracy here prevailing that any discrepancy is extremely Counterfeit* rare - The expert's duty is not limited to the counting; she must also detect counterfeits and "raised" bills-, as a $2 to a $20. Practice makes perfect; the trained eye detects bad money at a glance, the bill is stamped "Counterfeit" in letters which cut right through the paper, and is re- turned to the sender, that it may be traced if possible, and is then sent back again to the Treasury for investigation by the Secret Service Division. On each day the canceled packages of the day before are taken, each package by the one who counted it, to the cutting knife. This is a huge blade, which cuts the package in two lengthwise, each half still having the initials of the counter and the amount the package contains. The upper half goes to the Register's office, the lower one to the office of the Secre- tary of the Treasury. In each office the half-sheets are counted, and if this final enumeration corresponds with that of the first expert, the money There are Sub-Treasuries at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis. Cincinnati. New Orleans and San Francisco. The Mints are at Philadelphia. New Orleans. Denver. Carson City and San Francisco. The Trcasiir\. 115 s sent to the macerater for destruction. If errors are discovered either as to amount or as to a bad bill undetected, the first counter is held re- sponsible for the amount involved, and it is deducted from her salary. There is received in the Redemption Division an average of one mil- Redemption lion dollars a day, or more than three hundred millions a year. The DJv ' 8ion women experts who handle these vast sums are reputed to be the most skilled counters of worn money in the world. Their task is more difficult than that of the counters of new money in the Issue Division, for there is no order of enumeration to guide the count, and much of the currency is worn and difficult to handle. There a/e certain of those engaged here who are of tried proficiency, and to them the mutilated currency is in- trusted. In a secluded corner, not accessible by visitors, works an expert in burned money, and in shreds and patches of currency, which would defy the skill of one less acute and patient. Her task is to unravel mysteries, Saving to solve problems which are exceedingly difficult of solution. It is a work the filled with compensations; for each new case makes its own appeal to her ever ready sympathy, and with every new success comes the conscious- p a t c he ness that some unfortunate person has been helped. To the editor of The Standard Guide was exhibited on a recent occasion the particular work then in hand. There were pulpy bits of money which had been chewed by swine, in which traces had been made out of a $10 note and another of $5; fragments ot two $500 notes, supposed to have been torn up and thrown away by a Chicago man before committing suicide; the ashes of one $10 and two $5 notes, which a woman had hidden in a grate and after- ward set fire to. There are restrictions upon the redemption of such frag- ments of money, the amount allowed being proportioned to the pieces identified in such a way as to make overpayment impossible. If three- fifths of a note are received, the bill is redeemable at its full face value; if less than three-fifths and more than two-fifths, at one-half the value; any part less than two-fifths is not redeemed unless proof is presented that the rest was destroyed. In the macerater the canceled notes pass through the final process of The destruction. The macerater is a huge spherical receptacle of steel, which contains water and is fitted in the interior with closely set knives, which, as they revolve, grind the contents exceedingly fine. The massive lid is secured by three Yale locks, each with its own individual key. The key of one lock is held by the Treasurer, of another by the Secretary, and of the third by the Comptroller of the Currency. Every day at one o'clock these three officials or their deputies, with a fourth one, designated by the Secretary to represent the banks and the people, assemble at the macerater to deposit in it the money which is to be destroyed. Each key-holder un- locks his respective lock, the lid is lifted, the packages of halved bank notes are brought, and the macerater a veritable hungry and insatiate monster receives its million dollar tribute. The lid is shut-to, the keys are turned in the locks, the machinery is put in motion, the macerater be- gins its revolutions, and the 156 steel knives within are put to their work. . the Xation's Capital. Th Fach batch of material is ground finely and more finely, until at the end ;uctor O f four or five days its maceration is complete. The committee of foni ** then unlock a valve and the liquid pulp flows out, is screened into a pit JI* below and is thence transferred to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Tribuu to be 'rolled out into sheets of bookbinders' board and sold for $40 a ton. Samples of the million dollar money pulp are fashioned into various forms for souvenirs, and for a fraction of a dollar one may acquire enough of it to make himself rich beyond the dreams of avarice. The capacity of the macerator is one ton of pulp. The average amount destroyed daily is a million dollars. The largest sum ever deposited in the macerator by the committee in one day was $151,000,000, destroyed on June 27, 1894; it consisted of national bank notes and United States bonds. Among the vaults to which the attention of the visitor is directed are the The Bond Vault, which contains the United States bonds deposited by the 8004 National Banks as security for their own notes in circulation; Vault No. i. Va0It in the basement, containing silver dollars ; and Vault No. 2, containing sil- ver dollars, fractional silver currency and gold coin. The gold held here is to supply the demand of the District of Columbia. The Gold Reserve is held in the Sub-Treasuries, where the local demand for gold coin is to be met. The law requires the Treasury to hold a reserve of at least $100,000,000 in gold to sustain the credit of the United States. At every change of Adminis- tration, on the appointment of the new Treasurer, all the money in the several vaults is counted by a committee of thirty-five, who represent the incoming and the outgoing officials, and it is not until the three months' task has been finished that the new Treasurer is prepared to receipt to his predecessor for the precise sum delivered into his care and keeping. There is a carefully devised system of guarding the Treasury. The force of sixty- eight watchmen all of them honorably discharged from the Army or Xavy is divided into three reliefs. They patrol the building night and day, and during the day a special force is on hand at the main door always prepared for an emergency. Electric bells are turned in every half hour, day and night, to the Captain's office. This office is in communication with that of the Chief of Police, and with Fort Myer and the Arsenal, whence police, cavalry and artillery could be summoned and would promptly be on hand. Arms are stored in many of the rooms where large sums of money are handled : with these the Captain of the Watch could on the instant arm a thousand men. The offices of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer and the Cashier are connected by wire with that of the Captain, and in less than thirty seconds the Captain could respond with an armed force. Outside, watchmen are stationed in the watch-houses, which are so disposed as to command the entire building. The Treasury day closes at 4 o'clock, at which hour work ceases. At 5 o'clock all doors are closed, except the main one, and the keys are delivered to the Captain of the Watch. By 6 o'clock every one except the watchmen must have left the building. After that hour no one is ever admitted except the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Treasurer's Chief Clerk. Other branches of the Treasury Department have to do with a variety of interests; among them are the Supervising Architect of Government buildings throughout the United States, Bureau of Navigation, Lighthouse Board, Life-Saving Service, Steam- boat Inspection, and the Customs and Internal Revenue. PERFORATING STAMPS. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE FROM THE TREASURY. STATE, WAR AND NAVY. THE STATE, WAR AND NAVY BUILDING, on Pennsylvania avenue west of the White House, is open to visitors from 9 to 2. Take the elevator in the corridor on the right (Pennsylvania avenue entrance) to second floor. The doorkeepers will give admission to the ante-rooms. WITH a frontage of 342-ft. on Pennsylvania avenue, and a depth of S65-ft., the four-storied granite structure of the State, War and Navy Department ranks as the largest and most magni- ficent office building in the world. It has 500 rooms and two miles of marble halls. The stairways are of granite with balusters of bronze, and the entire construction is fireproof; for the records and ar- chives deposited within its walls are priceless and beyond restoration. The War Department occupies the west wing, the Navy Department the east wing, and the State Department the south. The main entrance to all of these is on the Pennsylvania avenue front. The offices of the Secretaries, on the second floor, are accessible qnly for business; but the richly furnished ante-rooms may be inspected. The walls of the corridor of the Secretary of War's offices and the War ante-room show a series of portraits of Secretaries, beginning with Henry Knox (1789, Washington's first administration) and including many men whose names are household words in American homes. Of chief and peculiar interest are Huntington's portraits of Grant, Sherman and Sheri- dan, the three frames grouped with a drapery of the Stars and Stripes and a silken standard of the Arms of the United States. The Washington portrait is a copy of an original by Gilbert Stuart. On the opposite side of the hall are the Headquarters of the Army and Washington's the office of the Commander-in-Chief. In the hall above are shown mod- Life Guard els of the uniform of the Army at various periods of the service. Among the groups is one which represents the dress of Washington's Life Guard. The service, formed in 1776, consisted of 180 men, who were carefully se- lected for their soldierly qualities and trustworthiness. Each of the Thir- teen States are represented. The duty of the members was to serve as a special body guard of the General, his baggage, papers, etc. The motto of the Guard was, "Conquer or die." In the ante-room of the office of the Secretary of the Navy may be seen portraits of former Secretaries; the series is incomplete. In the corridor are models of war vessels. The Naval Library is on the fourth floor. In the ante-room of the Secretary of State's office are portraits of for- mer Secretaries, with others in the Diplomatic Reception Room, the talon tn which the Secretary receives foreign ministers. 119 j^o ll'ashington, the Nation's Capital. The portraits here are of Thomas Jefferson, 1789, Washington s first term; Daniel Webster. 1841 and 1850; William H. Seward, 1861 and 1865; Elihu B. Washburue 1869; Hamilton Fish, 1869; Wm. M. Evarts, 1877; James G. Elaine, 1881 and 1889; and F. T. Frelinghuysen. 1881. A portrait of Lord Ashburton recalls the "Ashburton Treaty" of 1842, which defined the boundaries between the United States and the British Pos- sessions in North America, and provided for the suppression of the slave trade. State The State Library. on the third floor, south corridor, is the most in- Ubrary terest j n g room in the building, not alone for its 50,000 volumes, rare and valuable as many of them are, but for the national heirlooms treasured here. Foremost among these is a facsimile of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Near the facsimile hangs the original of Thomas Jefferson's The first draft of the instrument. It is in his hand, with interlineations by Declaration Franklin and John Adams. The original of the Constitution and of Wash- ington's commission as Commander-in-Chief are preserved in the safe. Other objects of interest displayed are: Washington's The Sword of Washington. It is encased in a sheath of black leather, Sword with silver mountings. The handle is of ivory, pale green, wound with silver wire. The belt, of white leather, has silver mountings. The sword was among the four bequeathed by Washington to his four nephews. This one was chosen by Samuel Washington, who willed it to his son, Samuel T. Washington, by whom it was presented to Congress in 1843. There are also shown some volumes of Washington's Diaries. Franklin'* The Staff of Franklin. Franklin bequeathed it to Washington, his will Staff providing: "My fine crab-tree walking stick, with a gold head curiously wrought in the form of the cap of liberty, I give to my friend, and the friend of mankind, General Washington. If it were a scepter, he has merited it, and would become it. It was a present to me from that ex- cellent woman, Madame De Forbach, the dowager duchess of Deux- Ponts." Washington left it to his brother, Charles Washington, by whose grandson, Samuel T. Washington, it was presented to Congress, with Washington's sword, in 1843. There are also buttons from Franklin's dress coat. Thomas Jefferson's desk, on which he wrote the Declaration of Inde- pendence. Seal The Great Seal of the United States is shown in wax replica. The seal of the was adopted by Congress in 1782. The arms consist of an American eagle State* su PP ortm S an escutcheon on his breast, and holding in his talons an olive branch and a bundle of thirteen arrows, and in his beak a scroll inscribed with the motto E Pluribus Unum. Above is a glory with a constellation of thirteen stars. The eagle as the national emblem is found at every turn in Washington. Hull A silver set, presented by citizens of Philadelphia, 1812, to Capt. Isaac Relics Hull, commander of the American frigate Constitution, in commemoration of his victory of Aug. 19, 1812, when he destroyed the British man-of-war Guerriere. Also a brace of pistols and a sword, presented to him by Con- necticut for a similar memorial. The American frigate Constitution (Old Ironsides) was built at Boston in 1797. At the beginning of the War of 1812. she was commanded by Capt. Isaac Hull. On Aug. 10, 1812, she State, War and Navy. 121 GERMAN EMBASSY. 122 // 'ushington, the Nation's Capital. CHINESE LEGATION. RUSSIAN* EMBASSY. JAPANESE LEGATION-. Hedalc State, War and Xavy. 123 took the British ship Guerriere in a close fight; and for his gallantry Hull was voted a gold medal by Congress. The Constitution is now a receiving ship Washington's eye-glasses, given by him to Lafayette and presented to the United States by Lafayette's great-grandson, Count Octave Assailly. Medals awarded by acts of Congress to officers of the Army and Navy for distinguished services. A whale's tooth sent to the United States as a treaty by the King of the Fiji Islands. Obus (explosive shell) from the Paris Commune of 1871. Presented by Minister Washburne. The State Department is the depository for all the engrossed copies of state the laws of the United States, all proclamations by the Executive, all Department treaties, pardons, and a thousand and one other records and archives. The Department of Justice, a branch of the State Department, is opposite on Pennsylvania avenue. CITY POST OFFICE AND POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION AND NATIONAL MUSEUM. Revised by courtety of Mr. S. P. Langley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. The two buildings are situated in the south part of what is commonly known is the Smithsonian Grounds-a part of the Mall, near B street, between 7th and 12th streets They are most easily reached by the cars of the Capital Traction Company, through its 7th street division, although a branch of the Metropolitan Railroad Com- pany called the Le Droit Park Line, is also within a convenient distance. Both buildings are open to the public daily, except Sunday, from 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. There is a public cafe at the east end of the Museum building. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, which occupies a prominent place among the learned establishments of the world, was founded by Congress in 1846 through the generosity of James Smithson, an Englishman, who in 1829 bequeathed his entire property "to the United States of America to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." The original fund of about $515,000, which with certain additions has by provision of law been drawing annually six per cent, from the United States Treasury, has no' increased by accumulations of interest and by the public-spirited generosity of individual donors to over $900000. The Smithsonian Institution stimulates, encourages and rewards scien- tific investigation and study in various departments of knowledge. It has a library of 250,000 volumes, mostly deposited with the Library of Congress, and is the custodian of the National Collections. It issues three classes of publications, called the "Contributions to Knowledge," the "Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections" and the "Annual Reports." The first two contain the record of original scientific research, and the third, popular papers relating to most of the domains of knowledge. Through its Bureau of International Exchanges it furnishes a medium of inter- change between learned societies and men not only in this country alone, but throughout the entire world, having over twenty thousand corre- spondents outside the United States in every quarter of the globe where civilized man is found. The Smithsonian Building is constructed of red sandstone ; it is 447 x 160 ft., and the highest of its nine towers is 150 ft. The building is a combination of Gothic and Romanesque architecture, but the style is one poorly adapted to its purpose. The collections in the Smithsonian Build- ing comprise tens of thousands of birds, fishes, reptiles and invertebrates. Sponges and corals are numerous. The extensive archaeological collec- tions are particularly rich in American antiquities. Mexico and Porto Rico are represented by special collections. There are models of a Zuni pueblo, homes of the cliff dwellers of North America, and Swiss lake vil- lage, with prehistoric implements from the cave dwellers of France. THE NATIONAL MUSEUM, which is under the direction of the Institution, is supported by an annual appropriation of Congress. The building, com- pleted in 1881, is about 330 ft. square, and covers two and one-third acres. Smithsonian and National Museum. 125 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. The collections have increased from about 190,000 specimens in 1882 to nearly 5,000,000 in 1901. It is the recognized depository for all objects of scientific and artistic interest which come into the possession of the Government, and its special function is to preserve these treasures perpetu- ally and so to administer them as to make them serve the most useful ends for those who desire to examine them. Thus, while the objects of more popular interest are exhibited in the halls, the larger portions of the collections are stored away in the laboratories where they can be con- sulted by properly accredited students and investigators. Among the agencies which have contributed most largely to building up the national collections may be mentioned the various enterprises of the Government which in early years included explorations and surveys THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. 126 Washington, the Nation's Capital. The Historical Collections of the Museum contain personal relics, Historical mcmentoes and memorials of most of the Presidents of the United States, and of scores of statesmen, soldiers and others who have had part 'n the history of the country and the advancement of civilization. Among those of greatest popular interest are the Washington and Grant relics. The Washington relics include the uniform General Washington wore as Commander-in-Chief, on the occasion of resigning his commission at Annapolis; the camp chest with its pewter dishes, knives, forks, cooking utensils, etc., used by him during the Revolutionary War. The Grant relics were presented to the United States in 1885 by Mrs. Julia Dent Grant and William H. Vanderbilt. They consist of his swords, memorials of his victories, from the United States, States and cities, and tributes to his fame and achievements from governments all over the world. The Senate and the House adopted a joint resolution, declaring "That the United States accept, with graceful acknowledgment, the said property, to be held by the United States, and preserved and protected in the City of Washington for the use and inspection of the people of the United States." There are also valuable gifts to Presidents of the United States as well as to statesmen, soldiers and other representative Americans. Very interesting collections have been received commemorating military and naval events in the Philippine Islands. Cuba and Porto Rico. Ethnology The ethnological exhibits include valuable series of objects representing the customs, arts and industries of the North American Indians, the Eskimo, natives of Africa, various countries of Asia, Korea, Japan, British Columbia and other regions. R .. There are also special exhibits illustrating the chief religions of the world. These are divided into the following sections: Biblico-Judaic: Christian ; Mohammedan ; Assyro-Babylonian ; Hittite ; Graeco-Roman ; Brahman and Buddhist. Natural The natural history collections are intended to represent primarily the History fauna of the United States, and secondarily, some of the principal forms found in foreign countries. Geology The Department of Geology contains the extensive collections of the U. S. Geological Survey, a special exhibit illustrating limestone caverns. and including a large series of stalagmitic and stalactitic minerals, to- gether with a collection of representative forms of the animals inhabiting caves. In the economic section are full and systematic collections illus- trating the mineral resources of the United States, arranged geographically. and also a systematic series in which minerals of the same nature and from different sources are arranged by kinds. The mineral exhibits include such well-known collections as the Isaac Lea collection, the Leidy collec- tion, with many others obtained by officers of the U. S. Geological Survey. the Stroud collection, the Hawes collection, etc. Foadte The geological collections, under the present classification, also embrace the collections of fossils, the most important of which, valued at $50,000 was presented by the late Mr. R. D. Lacoe. of Pittston, Pa. Smithsonian and National Museum. 127 THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK, which is also administered under the Smithsonian Institution, covers 167 acres of ground beyond the north- western limits 01 the city, and contains interesting and valuable collections of living animals. It is easily accessible by street cars running from Pennsylvania Avenue and 7th street; and from gth to F streets, without change, and from other points. The purpose of this Park, as defined in the legislative authority for its establishment in 1889, is "the advancement of science and the instruction and recreation of the people." In carrying out this purpose, it undertakes primarily to collect and preserve our national fauna, and secondarily to provide entertainment for the public, while it incidentally preserves to the people of the District a singularly beautiful tract of land. In making the improvement of the Park his personal care, Mr. Langley, the Secretary of the Institution, through whose exertions it was founded, has made it a special effort to leave as much to nature as possible. The Smithsonian has charge also of the Bureau of American Ethnology and the Astrophysical Observatory. The Standard Guide Key to National Museum Collections* NORTH HALL American History, from Leif Ericson to the Philippine War. Musical instruments in wall cases. Limoges panel. Terra-cotta pulpit and font. Model of Statue of Prof. Henry in the Library. ROTUNDA Model of Crawford's Statue of Armed Liberty, on the Capitol Dome. SOUTH HALL AND GALLERY Mammals. EAST HALL Department of Technology and Transportation. Development of Harpoon, Fish-hook, Torch, Candle, Lamp. Cutting implements from the stone knife to the modern cleaver. The Sword, Flying-Machine. Cable, Telegraph. GALLERY Materia Medica. Herbarium. Botany. WEST HALL Groups of Races of Man. Egyptian Mummies. Hiero- glyphics. Idols. GALLERY Religious ceremonials. Feather cape from Hawaiian Islands. WEST NORTH RANGE Indian Groups. Catlin Indian Portraits. NORTHWEST RANGE Alaskan relics. Eskimo Tribes. Totem posts. NORTHWEST COURT Indian Groups. Indian pottery. GALLERY Arts and industries of Aborigines of North, South and Central America. WEST SOUTH RANGE Systematic Geology. Materials of the Earth's crust. Structure of the Earth's crust. SOUTHWEST RANGE Mineralogy. Systematic and comparative series of minerals. Gems and precious stones. Metallic collection. SOUTHWEST COURT Applied Geology. Ores used in the arts and industries. EAST NORTH RANGE Lecture Hall. NORTHEAST RANGE Naval Architecture. Models of craft, from dugout canoe to latest steamship. NORTHEAST COURT Section of Graphic Arts. Technical illustrations of the reproductions of multiplying arts. The various methods of paint- ing and drawing. GALLERY Ceramics. Ivory and bronze. 128 Washington, tt ie Nations Capital. SOl/T^-CAST pAVIt'O^ SOU M,\ _ _ -i _ TH* TOWEp SOUTHWEST PAVlLio; CX NX 1 1 -W*4n COMPARATIVE ANATOMY J^ J-JJSl SYSTEMAT.C GEOLOGY. ^r-- PUV CAST SOUTH RANGE. WEST SOUTH RANGE. i - i XM XN. y MAMMALS. M J . y o .- 1 ATT' ' L_ SOUTH HALL. y MINERALOGY REPT.LES, PALEONTOLOGY XC. SOUTH EAST KANCC SOUTH EAST COURT * * SOUTH WEST COURT.H SOUTH WEST RANGE XL. XF. , 1 -* 0- 1 XC GEOLOGY. ! METEORITE? AND FISHES. H c. M SSn=J -FP E: \%r jMci TECHNOLOGY. ^ v ^^ fczji i ^i ETHNOLOGY: E i -| i m [n L t W 4 ^" C '. EAST HALL. 1 OTUiNDA. WEST HALL. V n -x a i'_ XB. XJR. XD. : >- = M 4J EASTERN HEMISPHERE. 5, i 3 ^^ MCCMCA. 'C'^^ m ^ -j.. .-_ NAVAL |l GRAPHIC ARTSJ 1 ETHNOLOGY: t ETHNOLOGY y 1 ! NOffTH EAST RANGED NORTH EAST COUR1 * * NORTH WEST COURT. IMORTH WEST RANGI XK. XE. j . . XH. XP. n 1 1 R E! 3KIW 0, . NORTH HALL. _ PUEBLO REGIOrii ... w AUCM TtCTURtl OAUERV: CERAMldS.i IT N. W ** TRIBE! i nun I CATLIN COLLECTION. AMERICAN : r CAST NORTH RANGE, j HISTORY. lj WEST NORTH RANGE. 1 ^ XI. ! 5?^ JLJ* jRr Tt LECTURE HALL, j ; "*2jj li^ M ff y ^ U EASTERN AND GREAT Jl Admin sa | 1 PLAINS TRIBES. J | ^J Mi CKOUND - HIM. 'WJitioV'" 1 ' 1 ~ '' T r fA>T//ToVvSfl Jrt>RTH WE.ST-PAVILIO .i r .. ..TOT. AX QX MAIN ENTRANCE. EAST SOUTH RANGE Comparative Anatomy. SOUTHEAST RANGE Casts of Reptiles and Fishes. SOUTHEAST COURT Vertebrate Paleontology. Systematic series of fossil vertebrates. GALLERY Invertebrate Paleontology. Smithsonian Institution Collections* FIRST FLOOR Main Hall Birds, shells, fishes in alcohol. Stone Corridor- Insects. West Hall Marine Invertebrates. South Tower Children's room. Vestibule and Hall Lorillard collection of Mexican antiquities ; hieroglyphics; calendar stone. SECOND FLOOR Department of Anthropology. Indian antiquities. Cliff dwellings. Egyptian, Peruvian and Alaskan mummies. Pottery and stone implements. M PENSION BUILDING. THE Pension Building is in Judiciary Square, at F and 4th Streets. Open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ORE eloquent than the storied frieze of the Parthenon to an American is the sculpture of the Pension Building, with the marching hosts of the Boys in Blue. Infantry, cavalry and artillery now keeping buoyant step to the drumbeat and now lagging with weariness, the strong supporting the weak here they are pic- tured marching on, as the world saw them march, in the years when men bore arms for their country. Many a veteran has felt his pulse quicken at the sight of the old familiar scenes, and to many a younger man the story of the '6os has been made more real by these speaking groups. Within the immense building for it covers an area of 20ox4OO-ft. one finds a vast court, with lofty loof of iron and glass. It is a veritable bit of outdoor between four walls. Gallery rises above gallery, surrounding the court, and tier upon tier of offices. The roof, of iron and glass, is sup- ported by great columns which appear to be marble, but are brick 55,700 bricks to a column. They rest on foundations i8-ft. below the floor, and from the floor to the roof they are 75-ft. in height. The building was com- pleted in 1885. Some notion of its magnitude may be had from the fact that at the inauguration balls, which are held here, 18,000 people have been gathered wunm ir. The floor space is filled with rows upon rows of cab- inets, in which are filed the hundreds of thousands of documents relating to pensions. So perfect is the system that within five minutes after in- quiry the entire record of a pension case may be put before one. Among the 2,000 clerks here may be noted many an old soldier wearing the bronze button; and there may be seen, too, many an armless sleeve. THE PENSION BUILDING. HALLS OF THE ANCIENTS. THE HALLS or THE ANCIENTS on New York avenue are constructed for illustrations of the art, architecture, religion and life of the ancient nation- alities: Egyptian, Assyrian, Roman and Saracenic people. There are two Egyptian Halls, an Assyrian Throne Room, a Roman House, larger and more splendid than that at Saratoga; Moorish Hall, a Lecture Hall with a painting 50 ft. x 9 ft. of Rome in the time of Constantine, and a Hall of the Model of proposed National Galleries of History and Art as designed by Mr. Franklin W. Smith, and for the promotion of which the Halls of the Ancients have been constructed. This novel architectural enterprise originated with Mr. Smith, an archaeologist who has become known to thousands for his previous accomplishments as exhibited in the Santa Monica (now Cordova) in St. Augustine, and the famous Pompeiian House of Pansa at Saratoga. See advertising page 30. THE HALL OF THE MODEL is named from the models and drawings of the proposed National Galleries. At the front is a very beautiful model of the temple of Denderah. At the right is the facade of the proposed Assyrian court. Beyond these rise those of the Greek and Roman ; Byzantine and Moorish; the East Indian and Mediaeval courts. Each court is surrounded by ranges of galleries to receive paintincrs of the History of Egypt, Assyria. DESIGN FOR NATIONAL GALLERIES OF HISTORY AND ART IN WASHINGTON. Franklin Webster Smith, architect. Harvey Dodge Jenkins, pinrit. Halls of the Ancients. 131 Rome, Greece, etc. ; with side corridors for plastic illustrations. Terraced upward to the Acropolis is a model of the Parthenon for a memorial temple of Presidents of the United States. The Egyptian Halls of Gods and Kings. THE HALL OF THE ANCIENTS. THE SOLDIERS' HOME. SITUATED 3 miles nor. of the Capitol. Reached (best route) by the 7th street cars (transfer from Pennsylvania avenue cars) to boundary, thence Brightwood line. Or by Eckington and Soldiers' Home line, with walk of %-mile up-hill. Open daily, from 9 to sunset. TWO landmarks are conspicuous upon the hills which encircle Washington the colonnaded portico of Arlington House on the heights of Virginia in the west and the white tower of the United States Soldiers' Home on the rim of the hills on the north. It may be said that they mark in the west and in the north the geographical range of interest for the visitor in the Federal City. Neither of them should be omitted from one's itinerary. The Home is beautiful for situation ; its Norman tower is a distinctly site pleasing element of the landscape, and in turn the grounds give a much admired prospect of Washington, with the Capitol, the new Library, the Monument and the windings of the Potomac. A lovelier site would have been sought long in vain. The Soldiers' Home is for the benefit of men who have been honorably Purpose discharged from the regular army after twenly years' service, or who have been disabled by wounds or disease. Inmates are receiv^^ for life, or for a shorter term. Accommodations are afforded for 800. Of the five dormitory buildings, the principal one is th: Scott Building, named in grateful memory of the founder of the Home, Gen. Winfield Scott. It is of white marble, with Norman battlements and a clock tower. The Sherman Building is named in honor of Gen. W. T. Sherman, and the Sheridan Building after Gen. Philip H. Sheridan. The Anderson Building, named for Gen. Robert Anderson, in recognition of his early efforts in behalf of the Home, is popularly known as the President's Cot- tage. Several of the Presidents have spent the summer months here. The King Building is named after Surgeon B. King, who was long sta- ' tioned here. Officers' Quarters, a Library with 7,000 volumes, the Chapel and the Hospital complete the group. Near the Chapel is a monument erected by the enlisted men of the army in memory of "Henry Wilson, the Soldiers' Friend." Just north of the grounds, in the National Cemetery, National with its headstones in orderly array of nearly 7,000 soldiers, is the monu- Cemeter y ment erected by the soldiers of the Home to the memory of Gen. John C. Kelton, Governor in 1892-93. The grounds comprise 512 acres of diversi- fied lawn, slope and ravine. One view which is much admired is that from the knoll on which stands Launt Thompson's bronze statue of Gen. Scott. Another is an artificial vista cut through the trees with the distant Capitol in the center. 133 ARLINGTON. THE ARLINGTON N T ATIONAL CEMETERY, on the Virginia hills beyond the Potomac, is open daily, Sunday included, from sunrise to sunset. The Washington, Arlington & Falls Church Railway (trolley), connecting with Pennsylvania avenue green cars and transfer coaches across the Aqueduct Bridge, run half-hourly to the Fort Myer Gate at the top of the hill. Roud trip on cars, 15 cents. For schedule see advertising page. Trains of the Washington, Alexandria & Mt. Vernon Railway (trolley), leaving the station at IS 1 /^ street and Pennsylvania avenue hourly, take one to the Sheridan Gate of the cemetery, at the foot of the hill. Round trip, 20 cents. For schedule see advertising page. Wagonettes of the Arlington Transfer Co. meet all trains or cars as above at the Cemetery gates to convey visitors through the Cemetery and Fort Myer. See fuller notice in advertising pages. AT ARLINGTON sleep 16,000 soldiers who died in the War for the Union. It is consecrated ground, to which come thousands every year from the North and the South, the East and the West, to honor those "who gave their lives that the country might live." It is a worthy pilgrimage. Just as one may not comprehend in its fullness the outward and material beauty of Washington who has not looked upon the city as a part of the noble prospect from Arlington House, so he has not caught the finer essence of what Washington stands for as the Capital of the Nation who has not within the sacred precincts of Arlington Ceme- tery been brought closer to the four years of sacrifice and felt his patriot- ism quicken at the contact. One route is through Georgetown, across the Aqueduct Bridge, and General passing through the reservation of Fort Myer to the Fort Myer gate. The Gates other route takes us across the historic Long Bridge to the memorable gates, one of them named for Ord andWeitzel; another for Sheridan, its columns inscribed also with the names of Scott, Lincoln, Stanton and Grant; and a third for McClellan. By whatever gate we enter the grounds we shall come to Arlington House, whose portico columns we have seen from Washington. The house is now occupied by the superintendent of the grounds. In the room on the left of the hall, formerly the main drawing room, a regis- ter is kept, in which visitors are requested to record their names. On the walls are hung sketch-plans of the cemetery, and framed copies of ad- dresses and orations becoming the place; chief among these is President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, spoken at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, on Nov. 19, 1863: Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new The nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created Gettysburg equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any Address nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle- field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate we cannot consecrate we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. 135 1 36 \\ 'ashington, the Nation 's Capital. The The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can nerr left >f bur* forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to th AddreM unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather lor us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from thes honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause to which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from tht earth. The The mansion stands on the brow of the hill, whose slope stretches away Arlington a ha j f m jj e to the p otO mac, 2OO feet below. The view here opening before VlrnTn courage> which in ts very daring augured success, she devoted herself to Ladies' the trem endous task of raising the sum of $200,000 required for the pur- Association pose. In 1858 the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union was organized, with Miss Cunningham as Regent and Vice-Regents represent- ing twelve States. Contributions were solicited and popular support \\-ii enlisted. Edward Everett gave the proceeds of his lecture on Washing- ton and of certain writings, and thus put into the Association treasury 149 Mount Vernon. 143 the handsome sum of $69,000 as his personal contribution. Washington Irving contributed 5 500; thousands upon thousands of school children gave five cents each. The full sum was in hand before the end of 1859, and in 1860 Mount Vernon became the property of the Association, and so of the Nation. A further fund was provided for permanent care and maintenance- Portions of the original estate which had been sold have been acquired again; buildings which had fallen into ruin have been re- stored; the deer park under the hill has been restocked; the mansion has been repaired; many articles of furniture and adornment have been re- stored to the several rooms; and numbers of valuable relics and memen- tos of George and Martha Washington and of their times have been de- posited here. The restoration, equipment and keeping of the respective rooms have been intrusted to the pious care of the women of the different States represented in the Board of Vice-Regents. The privilege of visit- ing Mount Vernon, and the satisfaction of knowing that it is a possession to be cherished for all time, we owe to this Ladies' Association, and beyond it to Ann Pamela Cunningham. The Home and the Tomb of Washing- ton will have for us added interest if thus we shall see in them a monu- ment of the patriotic impulse, courage and achievement of the women of America. ie morning or evening upon it in one eternal VBR ;tf; r^LT'C >licity, there he died in Georgian Period he ?*? t *KT* ien it shall fall, if fall it roir"t V J. in eternal glory on the Plates 33 34 Text 44-4fi :ular care of various i made as follows: f wharf. Connecti- American Arch: chambers. District February 1938 gton's sitting room. Pages 41-52 ts ' quarters. Louis- Plans-Sections-Details iles - Maine -Guest -., , iachusetts Library. Photographs B upper chamber * Lafayette's room. est upper chamber. Ohio East parlor or music room. Pennsylvania River room. Rhode Island Restoration of sundial; also a room in the east quarters. South Carolina Family dining room. Tennessee One of the upper rooms of the old servants' quarters. Virginia Room in which Washington died. West Virginia Green room. Wisconsin Room in which Mrs. Wash- ington died. The arms of the States are displayed in the respective rooms. We note briefly some of the most interesting relics and memor- ials in the mansion. An asterisk (*) signifies that the article belonged to MOUNT VERNON. MOUNT VESNOJJ is on the Virginia shore of the Potomac, 16 miles south of Wash ington. It is open to visitors daily except Sunday from 11 to 5 in the term from May 1st to November 1st, and from 11 to 4 from November 1st to May 1st. An admission fee of 25 cents is charged. The trip by the steamboat Chas. Macalester gives a delightful sail down the Potomac. The boat leaves wharf at 7th and M streets; reached by all car lines. For schedule see advertising page. The all-rail route is by the Washington, Alexandria & Mt. Vernon Railway (trolley) from station, 13V4 street and Pensylvania avenue. For schedule see advertising page. THE Mansion House of Mount Vernon occupies a beautiful sitt overlooking the river. It is of wood, cut and painted to re- semble stone. The building, 96x3O-ft., has two stories and an attic with dormer windows; the roof is surmounted by a cupola, with an antique weather-vane. In front extends a piazza 15-ft. deep and 25-ft. high, with square pillars, and a floor tiled with flags from the Isle of Wight. Two kitchens are connected with the central building by colonnades. In front of the house are shaded lawns, and a deer park be- low; in the rear are lawns, gardens and orchards; and disposed about the grounds are the outbuildings of a Virginia farm. The main hall qfc the house extends through from f m floor are the Banquet Room, Mu Room, Mrs. Washington's Sittin noting the rooms and their object briefly the story of Washington's '. Vernon Ladies' Association of th< The house was built in 1743 HUtory Washington. The name of Hunt? Vernon in honor of Admiral Ver: against Spain. On the death of Washington inherited the estate, marriage in 1759. Here he condu Mount Vernon he returned after President; and here he lived in < until his death in 1799. The assc during his lifetime and the presenc a shrine of patriotism. When in ] without means to maintain the est; ter of South Carolina, Ann Pam _ , m ju 1 1. Washington home as a permanent shrine of patriotism. With a higk Mount courage, which in its very daring augured success, she devoted herself to l ad"es* tne tremen dous task of raising the sum of $200,000 required for the pur Association pose. In 1858 the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union \va: organized, with Miss Cunningham as Regent and Vice-Regents represent- ing twelve States. Contributions were solicited and popular support \va< enlisted. Edward Everett gave the proceeds of his lecture on Washing- ton and of certain writings, and thus put into the Association treasurt 149 Mount Vernon. 143 the handsome sum of $6g,ooo as his personal contribution. Washington Irving contributed $500; thousands upon thousands of school children gave five cents each. The full sum was in hand before the end of 1859, and in 1860 Mount Vernon became the property of the Association, and so of the Nation. A further fund was provided for permanent care and maintenance Portions of the original estate which had been sold have been acquired again; buildings which had fallen into ruin have been re- stored; the deer park under the hill has been restocked; the mansion has been repaired; many articles of furniture and adornment have been re- stored to the several rooms; and numbers of valuable relics and memen- tos of George and Martha Washington and of their times have been de- posited here. The restoration, equipment and keeping of the respective rooms have been intrusted to the pious care of the women of the different States represented in the Board of Vice-Regents. The privilege of visit- ing Mount Vernon, and the satisfaction of knowing that it is a possession to be cherished for all time, we owe to this Ladies' Association, and beyond it to Ann Pamela Cunningham. The Home and the Tomb ov Washing- ton will have for us added interest if thus we shall see in them a monu- ment of the patriotic impulse, courage and achievement of the women of America. "No gilded dome swells from the lowly roof to catah the morning or evening beam; but the love and gratitude of united America settle upon it in one eternal sunshine. From beneath that humble roof went forth the intrepid, unselfish warrior, the magistrate who knew no glory but his country's good; to that he returned, hap- piest when his work was done. There he lived in noble simplicity, there he died in glory and peace. While it stands, the latest generations of the grateful children of America will make this pilgrimage to it as to a ihrine; and when it shall fall, if fall it must, the memory and the name of Washington shall shed an eternal glory on the spot." EDWARD EVERETT. The several rooms have been assigned to the particular care of various Vice-Regents, and by others restorations have been made as follows: Alabama The main hall. California Restoration of wharf. Connecti- cut Spare chamber. Delaware One of the guest chambers. District of Columbia Guest chamber. Georgia Mrs. Washington's sitting room. Illinois West parlor. Kansas Restoration of servants' quarters. Louis- iana Restoration of summer house and of piazza, tiles. Maine Guest chamber. Maryland Miss Custis's room. Massachusetts Library. Michigan The old tomb. Minnesota One of the upper chambers. Missouri Restoration of garden wall. New Jersey Lafayette's room. New York Banquet hall. North Carolina Northwest upper chamber. Ohio East parlor or music room. Pennsylvania River room. Rhode Island Restoration of sundial; also a room in the east quarters. South Carolina Family dining room. Tennessee One of the upper rooms of the old servants' quarters. Virginia Room in which Washington died. West Virginia Green room. Wisconsin Room in which Mrs. Wash- ington died. The arms of the States are displayed in the respective rooms. We note briefly some of the most interesting relics and memor- ials in the mansion. An asterisk (*) signifies that the article belonged to 144 Washington, the Nation's Capital. Main IN THE MAIN HALL. Key of the Bastille; sent by Lafayette to Wash HM ington after the capture of the prison; wrought iron, 7-in. in length. With it came the model of the Bastille which is in the Banquet Hall. Originally a fortress of Paris, the Bastille was converted into a state prison, and was hated by the people as an institution of despotism. One of the first events of the French Revolution was the storming of the Bastille by the Paris mob, July 14, 1789- Lafayette wrote with the gift: "Give me leave, my dear general, to present you with a picture of the Bastille, just as it looked a few days after I ordered its demolition, with the main key of the fortress of despotism. It is a gift which I owe as a son to my adopted father, as an aid-de-camp to my general, as a mission- ary of liberty to its patriarch." Facsimile of Lafayette's Agreement to Serve in the American Army, with rank of Major-General; the contract was made with Silas Deane in Paris, 1776. Three of Washington's swords. A clause of Washington's will read: "To each of my nephews, William Augustine Washington, George Lewis, George Steptoe Washington, Bushrod Washington and Samuel Washington, I give one of the swords, or cutteaujc, of which I may die possessed, and they are to chuse in the order they are named. The swords are accompanied with an injunction not to unsheath them for the purpose of shedding blood, except it be in self defense or in defense of their Country and its rights, and in the latter cbje to keep them unsheathed and prefer falling with them in their hands to the relinquishment thereof." Three of the swords are preserved here: (i) The one chosen by B. Washington a dress sword, its blade inscribed (in Latin): "Do what is right;" and "Fear no man." Presented by W. F. Havemeyer, of New York. (2) The one chosen by Lewis a dress sword, worn at the An- napolis resignation, at the New York inauguration and on state occasions. (3) The one chosen by G. S. Washington. This was presented to Wash- ington by Theophilus Alt, a celebrated sword maker of Solingen, Prussia. The scabbard bears a German inscription, which translated reads: "De- stroyer of Despotism, Protector of Freedom, Glorious Man! Accept from my son's hand this sword, I pray thee. THEOPHILUS ALT." The sword was presented to the Association by Miss Alice L. Riggs, of Wash- ington. Discharge papers of a soldier of the Revolution, signed by Washington, copy of a print owned by Washington. The Sortie of the Garrison of braltar. Engravings of Trumbull's paintings Bunker Hill and Death of Montgomery. The clock on the stairs was presented by New Jersey. The table belonged to W. A. Washington. * THE EAST PARLOR, OR Music ROOM. Harpsichord, imported from EMt London (cost $1,000) as bridal present from Washington to Nellie Custis. P-rlor F :sented to the Association in 1860 by Mrs. Robert E. Lee. Many of the yones are missing. Flute,* rosewood, silver mounted. Panel of coach.* table* on which Washington and Lafayette played whist. The d music book belonged to Washington's cousin, Mrs. Fauntle- e Venetian mirror is similar to one which hung here, and the up- Mount Vernon. 145 EAST PARLOR OR MUSIC ROOM. bolstering, in musical and floral designs, is a reproduction of the original. Photo copy of pastel of Nellie Custis when a girl. In the cabinet : Plan* of piazza tiles, spectacles,* Pallissy china figure,* champagne glasses,* preserve dish,* steel camp fork,* cans,* silver heel of slipper worn by Martha Washington; blue and gold dishes, part of the dessert set given by Lafayette. The china plate was Mrs. Fauntle- roy's. Lock of Washington's hair. Photograph of Uzal Knapp, last survivor of Washington's Life Guard; born at Stamford, Conn., 1758; died at New Windsor, N. Y., 1856; his grave is at the foot of the flagstaff before Washington's Headquarters at Newburgh. IN THE WEST PARLOR the window cornices and curtain bands are West Parlor relics of the days before George Washington came to live here, and the painting of Vernon's Fleet, which hangs over the mantel, is one the Ad- miral presented to Lawrence Washington ; the family arms are displayed here. Several of the chairs belonged to Washington ; the chair in brown and gold was in the dining room. The white enamel chair, with pink and cream brocaded satin, came from the Chateau de Chavagniac, the birthplace of Lafayette ; it was presented to the Association by Senator Edmond de Lafayette, a grandson of the Marquis. Another reminder of the part of France in the Revolutionary War is found in the portrait of Louis XVI., which is from the same plate as, and supplies the place of, the portrait which Louis sent to Washington as a token of his esteem. The rug was made by order of Louis XVI. of France for Washington, but as the President was not permitted to receive presents from foreign powers, it 146 Washington, tlie Nations Capital. was sold, being bought by Judge Jasper Yates, of Lancaster, Pa., by whose great granddaughter, Mrs. Sarah Yates Whelen, it was presented to the Regents in 1897. It is of a dark green ground; in the centre is the American eagle surrounded with stars. IN THE LIBRARY one notes, not without curiosity, the titles of the books which made up the reading of the master of Mount Vernon, as sol- dier, statesman and farmer; for while the books are not those actually owned by Washington, they are for the most part duplicates of such works as were here in his day. Nearly the whole of the original Wash- ington library is now in the Boston Athenaeum. Within the bookcase is Washington's silver inkstand, with silver snuffers and tray. Among the other relics of Washington are two chairs; a surveyor's tri- pod. The copies of Stuart's unfinished portraits of George and Martha Washington are justly admired; the originals, owned by the Boston Athenaeum, are in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston ; they were painted from life in 1795. This Stuart is known as "the standard head" of Wash- ington, and the portraits are the ones which have been chosen for repro- duction in this volume. The bronze bust is from the original by Houdon. There are medallions of Washington and Lafayette. A plaster-of-paris globe,* and a photo of Gilbert Stuart; portrait of John Adams. A frame contains portraits of sixty generals of the Revolution. Family THE FAMILY DINING ROOM is adorned with a Chippendale sideboard t)ning wn j c h belonged to Washington, and was presented to the Association by Mrs. Robert E. Lee. The china in the corner cupboard is a reproduc- tion of the set presented to Mrs. Washington by the officers of the French fleet in 1792; each piece is inscribed with the monogram M. W. in a wreath of olive and laurel, and with a chain whose links contain the WASHINGTON'S LIBRARY Mount Vernon. 147 BANQUET HALL. iiames ot the fifteen States of the period. The liquor case was presented to Washington by Lord Fairfax. Among contemporary furnishings are two cutlery cases, a cut glass decanter, andirons and fender from the Rut- ledge home. The fireplace backing is from Belvoir, the country home of Lord Fairfax. There is a bust of Washington with the jewel of a Grand Master. Generals Moultrie, Pickens, Marion and Sumter and Baron De Kalb are represented by portraits in oil ; and there is a portrait of Miss Cunningham, with whom originated the purpose of preserving Mount Vernon. The stucco ceiling is the original ; it has been repaired and painted. IN MRS. WASHINGTON'S SITTING ROOM is a mirror on a card table and a mirror used in the Philadelphia house occupied by the Washingtons-; a framed copy of the Wahington pedigree ; candelabrum and silver candle- stick owned by the Washington family; an engraving of Savage's Wash- ington ; four prints which hung here in Washington's day The Siege, two of The Defense, and the Relief of Gibraltar. There is also a portrait of Miss Cunningham. IN THE BANQUET HALL. The central ornament is the mantelpiece, Banquet Hall of Carrara and Siena marble, carved in Italy and presented to Washington by Samuel Vaughan, of London. The story goes that on its way to America the mantel was taken by French pirates, who sent it to its destina- tion uninjured when they learned that it belonged to Washington. The panels, attributed to Canova, are carved to represent pastoral scenes. The stucco designs of the ceiling and walls, symbolic of agriculture, are Mrs. Wash' ington's Sit- ting Room T 4 8 Washington, the Nation's Capital. suggestive that the host who presided here was himself a farmer. On a HM mahogany claw-foot dining table, after the style of the one here originally, is seen the plateau of mirrored glass and silver used by Washington on occasions of state dinners. The most notable portrait is Rembrandt Peale's Washington be- fore Yorktown; the canvas contains also portraits of Hamilton, Knox, Lincoln, Lafayette and Rochambeau. The walnut frame was made from a tree on the estate of Robert Morris. Other portraits are: Copy, by Clark Mills, of Houdon's bust; copies of originals by Stuart, Trumbull, Elizabeth Sharpless ; a miniature by Bone after the Lansdowne Stuart , and a silk copy woven in black and white of the Stuart head, done in France. There is a copy of Richardson's "Character of Washington." The silken banner with the arms of Great Britain was presented by General Grant. The two oil paintings* (by Beck) of the Great Falls of the Poto- mac, and the Potomac above the Great Falls hang in the dining room; they were painted from points chosen by Washington. There is a water color of Sulgrave Manor, the English home of the Washingtons ; Washing- ton College, Little Brington and Great Brington Church (containing tombs of the Washingtons), England. Other objects in this room which belonged to Washington are : Model of the Bastille, French clock, two porcelain vases and two silver bracket lamps, mirror with coat-of-arms, two mahogany flower-stands, foot-bench formerly in his pew in old Trinity Church in New York, portrait of David Rittenhouse. In the cabinet is shown Washington's punchbowl, presented by Mrs. J. V. R. Townsend, of New York, Regent. A strand of Washington's hair; and one of Martha Washington's. Copy in silk embroidery by a daughter of Sharpless of that artist's portrait of Washington. Satin belt worn by one of the 3,000 schoolgirls who in 1824 welcomed Lafayette. Cup belong- ing to Col. Jno. Washington ; plate belonging to Chas. Washington ; mus- tard cup used by Washington. Champagne glass* and jelly glasses.* In the sideboard, which was given by the grandsons of Eleanor Parke Custis, are spoon,* topaz shoe-buckle,* button from military uniform,* Japanese dressing case,* silver toilet articles.* Some of the Mt. Vernon china. Mrs. Washington's needle book. Old point lace worn by Mrs. Washington ; chair cushion worked by her ; three letters written by her to Nellie Custis; two letters written by C. P. Custis to his mother. Bit of Washington's coffin. The sideboard also contains Martha Washington's ivory fan, exquisitely carved and painted, and remnants and pieces of dress goods worn by her. A brick from Fraunce's Tavern, New York City, in which occurred Washington's "immortal farewell" to his officers. iJJJJJ ^ PPE R ROOMS. In the Upper Hall the cabinet contains several relics of Washington, including a suit of clothes, a velvet waistcoat, silk stockings, compass, reading glass and fire buckets. A quilt and a piece f knitting were made by Washington's niece, Frances W. Ball. Quilt made by Mrs. Washington of pieces of her gowns for her nephew, Judge Halyburton ; bedspread given by her to Ann Jacobus. Powder horn used by Mount Vcrnon. 149 THE ROOM IN WHICH WASHINGTON DIED. minute man at Concord; one of the Charleville muskets brought to America by Lafayette. THE ROOM IN WHICH WASHINGTON DIED is the south bedroom; off Washington'* from it open a dressing room and A linen closet. The furniture is that Room which was used by Washington ; the bedstead is the one upon which he died, and on the chair, at the moment of his death, lay the open Bible from which Mrs. Washington had been reading to him. The mahogany table was here. The haircloth coach chest bears the intials G. W. and the date 1775 ; the chair cushions were embroidered by Mrs. Washington for her granddaughter, Eliza P. Custis ; and the dimity chair cover, with its design of a vase of flowers, is a specimen of the needlework of Washing- ton's niece, Frances Washington Ball. The large chair belonged to Wash- ingtonis mother. Secretary* loaned by Gen. G. W. Custis Lee. The toilet case was Mrs. Washington's. In the hall are framed twenty-three portraits of Washington, presented by Hampton L. Carson. MRS. WASHINGTON'S ROOM is in the attic. After the death of General Hrs. Washington the south bedroom was closed, in accordance with a custom of Washington's the time, to be left vacant for the space of three years ; and Mrs. Washing- Room ton occupied the room directly above, choosing it because the dormer window overlooked the grave of her husband. It was here that she died. The furniture and hangings are reproductions of the originals. Miss CUSTIS'S ROOM was the one occupied by Eleanor Parke Custis. Miss Custis's It is quaintly furnished with high bed reached by carpeted steps, antique Room mirror, and chest of drawers with brass handles fashioned in the design of a recumbent lion. The table cover and the lion device of the stool were 50 , tlic \ at ion's Capital. MRS. WASHINGTON S ROOM. embroidered by her. The folding washstand and one of the chairs came from the home of Charles Carroll of Carrolkon; and one reflects that these might have belonged to Nellie Custis herself, had she favored the suit of the son of Carroll, who came to Mount Vernon to seek her hand. On the mantel is a framed autograph letter of Lawrence Lewis. Lafayette'* LAFAYETTE'S ROOM was the one which the Marquis occupied when a Room g ues t here. There is an engraved copy of the Lafayette portrait by Ary Scheffer (in the Capitol), and other pictures are engraved portraits of Washington (the Lansdowne Stuart), of Martha Washington, painted by Wallaston as the Bride of Mount Vernon ; William Pitt and Baron Steu- ben. The walnut stand was made from wood from the estate of Robert Morris. The embroidered fruit piece is a specimen of the needlework of the days of the Revolution. THE RIVER ROOM contains a chair which came to America with the May- Rm fl wer . r soon after. The bedstead was used by Washington in Pennsyl- vania in 1777. In the GREEN ROOM the bedstead is associated with the history of the Mount Vernon household ; it belonged to Mrs. Washington's brother-in-law, Colonel Bassett, and was the one upon which John Custis died, at Eltham, during the siege of Yorktown. In one of the window panes, more than a hundred years ago, Eliza P. Custis, one of Mrs. Wash- ington's grandchildren, cut with a diamond her name and the date Aug. 2, 1792; and it is here to-day. The mirror over the mantel and the corner chair belonged to W. A. Washington. In the cabinet : Pincushion made from Mrs. Washington's wedding dress ; needle case made from dress worn Mount Vernon. GEORGE WASHINGTON. The Stuart Portrait in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. I52 Washington, the Nations Capital. by her at last President's levee in Philadelphia; pen with which contract for purchase of Mt. Vernon was signed. In the CONNECTICUT ROOM may be seen an old-fashioned fire screen, witl adjustable frame, by which the embroidered shield may be raised or lowered at pleasure. Two cutlery cases attract attention in the NORTH CAROLINA ROOM and the counterpane is valued for its age of a hundred years and more The hornets' nest is from Mecklenburg county. Col. Tarleton THE STUART PMHRAIT OF MARTHA WASHINGTON. Painted from life in 1795. called Mecklenburg the Hornets' Nest because of the fighting qualities of the Revolutionary soldiers who came from there. The English bedstead in the FLORIDA ROOM was brought to this country by way of Bermuda. The mahogany chairs in the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ROOM belonged originally to Mount Vernon. The upper north chamber contains a very curious old print, the Shade of Washington. It pictures the Old Tomb, with over- hanging. trees, whose trunks and branches are so disposed as to outline the Jhadowy form of Washington. 54 Washington, the Nation's Capital. THE OLD TOMB. Upper THE RHODE ISLAND ROOM, one of the upper rooms in the restored Room* east q uar ters, contains among other relics a table upon which was spread out for discussion the plans of the battles of Bunker Hill, Lexington and Concord. TENNESSEE'S ROOM here is furnished in Colonial style, with furniture made of Tennessee wild cherry. Kitchen The culinary art is no longer practiced in the kitchen, although the crane still hangs in the great fireplace and the brick oven is well pre- served ; here one may buy milk, photographs, books and a copy of Wash- ington's will. The old hominy mortar is in the superintendent's office. The outbuildings comprise the customary appendages of a Virginia home butler's house, meat-house, wash-house, ice-house, spinning-house, green- house. >un Dial The sun dial on the west lawn was erected by citizens of Rhode Island in 1888, to replace the one which stood in this exact spot in the time of Washington. Horas non numero nisi serenas, runs the motto I record none but sunny hours. Tomb THE TOMB OF WASHINGTON is a severely plain structure of brick, with an arched gateway in front, above which a marble slab is inscribed, "With- in this inclosurc rest the remains of General George Washington." Above the door of the tomb are the words : "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." In the ante-chamber are seen the two marble sarcophagi. The one on the right bears on its face the name of WASHINGTON, with chiseled coat-of-arms of the United States and a draped flag. One of the talons of the eagle in the coat-of-arms is missing ; it was broken off by a vandal m war time. The other sarcophagus is inscribed, "MARTHA, Consort of Washington. Died May 21, 1801, aged 71 years." Curiously enough the date is an error; it should have read 1802. This tomb is known as the Mount Vcrnon. 155 New Toinb, in distinction from the original one, on the right of the path Tomb leading to the house. It was to the Old Tomb that Lafayette paid his memorable visit in 1824. In 1831 the tomb was broken into and rifled of a skull, which the dastard robber believed to be that of Washington, but was proved not to be. The new and more secure vault was then made ready, and the remains were transferred to it. In 1837, John Struthers, of Philadelphia, having hewn the two sarcophagi, each from a single block of marble, and presented them for the purpose, the remains of Washing- ton and Martha his wife were intrusted to their final keeping, and the key of the vault was cast into the Potomac. Within the vault rest forty mem- bers of the Washington, Custis and related families. Near by are placed monuments to the memory of four of them : Judge Bushrod Washington, who inherited Mount Vernon ; his nephew, John A. Washington, who succeeded him in the possession of the estate; Mrs. Eleanor Parke Lewis, who was Nellie Custis; and her daughter, Mrs. M. E. A. Conrad. Interest attaches to several trees near the Tomb which have been planted riemorial as tributes to Washington. They may be identified by the numbers affixed Trees to them : No. 1. Elm, planted in 1876 by Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil. No. 2. Maple, planted Oct. 31, 1881, by the Temperance Ladies of America. No. 3. British Oak, planted by request of H. R. H. Prince of Wales, to replace the memorial tree planted by him during his visit to Mount Vernon in I860, which tree died. Xo. 4. Planted Nov. 29, 1890, by the Sigma Phi Fraternity (a college society). THE SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, FORMERLY THE NORTH KITCHEN. 156 Washington, the Nation's Capital. Umorial n ( , we r N '- * Concord Elm, planted April, 1897, by the Children of the American Revolution No. 6. White Oak, planted May 13, 1899, by the American Society of Civil Engineers No. 7. German Linden, planted Feb. 27, 1902, by H. R. II. Prince Henry of Prussia. No. 8. Elm. planted March 19, 1902, by the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity (a college society). THE FLOWER GARDEN is quaint with boxwood hedges, which are re- puted to have been set out more than a century and a half ago. In each plot on the side of the main walk the central space is occupied by a circu- lar bed, around which are disposed four oval and four triangular beds, the whole forming a square. Some of the beds near the greenhouses are very intricate and curious in design. The Kentucky coffee tree was planted by Lafayette in 1824; and the four strawberry shrubs, or calycan- thi, were sent to Washington by Jefferson from Monticello ; John Augus- tine Washington named the shrubs after the four Presidents, Adams, Jefferson. Madison and Monroe. The hydrangea was planted here by Lafayette in 1824. A sago palm is the only greenhouse plant now living which was at Mount Vernon in Washington's day. At the foot of the garden is the famous Mary Washington rose, named by Washington for his mother. Slips of this rose, cuttings from the willow which came from Napoleon's grave at St. Helena, young palms from the sago, and a variety of shrubs and plants, are sold as souvenirs, the revenue thus ob- tained going to the support of Mount Vernon. For nearly thirty years the garden has been in charge of Mr. Franklin A. Whelan, to whose intelli- gent care its present admirable condition is largely due. Washington devoted much attention to the selection and cultivation of trees for the adornment of Mount Vernon; and many which he set out WASHINGTON'S BARN, MOUNT VERNON. Mount Vcrnon. 157 THE RIVER ROOM. and cared for are still flourishing and command admiration. Near the butler's house is the magnolia which was brought by him from the James River in 1799, the last year of his life. The elm in one of the mounds near the entrance to the grounds was a slip from the Washington elm in Cambridge; it was sent to Mount Ver- Trees MOUNT VERNON FROM THE WEST. Photo copyright, 1898. by Leet Bros. WASHINGTON'S UNT VEKNON, VA. i6o Washington, the Nation's Capital. ii. .n by Miss Alice Longfellow, Vice-Regent for Massachusetts, and planted by Mrs. Cleveland. THE BARN was built by Lawrence Washington in 1753 with bricks im- B * ni ported from England. In the coach house is Washington's carriage, known as the "lost coach," which was recovered and presented to the Association in 1895 by Mr. R. I. Brownfield, of Philadelphia. The sum- mer-house in front of the mansion was restored with funds contributed -^ by school children of Louisiana. The deer park under the hill, originally Park established by Washington in 1785, was restored in 1887 by the sons of the late Mrs. Robert Campbell, Vice-Regent for Missouri of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. It contains several Virginia deer. From Washington to Mount Vernon through Old Virginia. The trip to Mount Vernon via the all-rail route of the electric trains along the beautiful Virginia shores of the Potomac River is a most en- joyable and interesting manner of making this patriotic pilgrimage. Com- petent guides accompany each train, who point out and explain the many points of historical and traditional interest in which the section traversed abounds. Leaving the conveniently located station at 13^ Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, these swift and comfortable electric trains pass the Washington Monument, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the Agricultural Department, and cross the Potomac into Virginia via the famous Long Bridge, across which the Federal, armies marched in the Civil War. On the Virginia heights on the right is Arlington, the former home of Robert E. Lee and now the Arlington National Cemetery. It has already been described in an earlier chapter. Fort Runyon, the base of the first picketing and skirmishing of the great civil strife; the old Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, first ground for which was broken by President John Quincy Adams, July 4th, 1828; Abington, the old colonial homestead where Nellie Custis, the adopted daughter of Gen. Washington, was born; the stream upon which Gen. Washing- ton's mills were located; the old St. Asaph race track, and the heights upon which Gen. Braddock and his army camped before that disastrous campaign against the Indians in the Ohio Valley, are all pointed out and cleverly explained. Steps of Old City Hotel where Washington made his last farewell address. Mount Vcrnon. 161 WASHINGTON S PEW IN CHRIST CHURCH. At Alexandria stop-over privilege is allowed in order that the many Alexandria points of note may be visited. Christ Church, containing the unaltered pews of Gen. George Washington and Gen. Robert E. Lee, both of whom were vestrymen; the engine house of the old Friendship Fire Company, organized in 1774, and of which company Washington was a member ; the Marshall House, where Col. Ellsworth met his tragic death for tearing down a Confederate flag at the outbreak of the Civil War; the old City Hotel, that historic hostelry, from the steps of which Washington gave his last military command in 1799, also his headquarters, and where the 22d of February was first celebrated at a "Birth-Night Ball" given in his honor ; the Masonic Lodge room where Washington presided as worship- ful master; the Carlyle House, built in 1752, Gen. Braddock's headquarters, and where Washington received his first commission, as well as numerous other places rich in the lore of colonial and Civil War time, annually attract thousands of tourists. After leaving Alexandria, the Episcopal Theological Seminary, where Phillips Brooks and Bishop Potter graduated for the ministry; the Old Kings Highway, traveled by Washington on his way to and from Alex- andria, and over which Sherman marched with his army from the sea ; Mount Eagle, formerly the house of Byron Fairfax, son of William of Belvoir, and brother-in-law of Lawrence Washington, the founder of Mt. Vernon ; the estate of Geo. Mason, author of Virginia's Constitution and Bill of Rights ; the ancient settlement of Piscataway, where the first print- ing press was set up in the colonies, and which contains old Broad Creek 162 Washington, the Nation's Capital. CHRIST CHURCH (WASHINGTON'S CHURCH). Church, erected in 1694; Wellington, the home of Col. Tobias Lear, Gen. Washington's secretary; the old Yorktown road, down which came the armies of Washington, Lafayette and Wayne on their way to Yorktown in 1781, and the site of the Indian settlement of Assaomeck, where Capt. John Smith stopped and held parley with the Indians in 1607, all bring forcibly to mind the scenes and associations of this vastly interesting his- torical country. Fort Washington and Fort Hunt may be seen, shortly after which the terminus at Mount Vernon is reached. The round trip via this line may be made in three hours, allowing one hour and twenty minutes on the grounds. ALEXANDRIA. ALEXANDRIA is 8 miles from Washington. The route is via the Washington, Alex- andria & Mt. Vernon Railway from station, 13^ street and Pennsylvania avenue. PRESIDENT WASHINGTON'S pew in Christ Church, Alexandria, is still preserved as it appeared when occupied by the family. One may make the visit to Alexandria in connection with the Mount Vernon trip. The church is closed on week days, but the sexton is usually on the premises from 9 o'clock until 5, and will obligingly open the door on request. The church is on Washington street. Fairfax Parish, to which Alexandria belongs, was created in 1765; and Ch . t among the first vestrymen chosen was George Washington, then thirty- church three years of age. Christ Church was completed on Feb. 27, 1773, and en the same day Colonel Washington subscribed the highest price paid for a pew, 36 IDS., contracting further to pay for it an annual rental of 5 sterling. The pews, which originally were square, were changed all but Wash- ington's to the present style in 1860. Other alterations of the interior were made in later years; but a wiser afterthought has restored the church to the style of the Colonial days. The sounding-board and the wine-glass pulpit are facsimiles of the originals. The chancel rail and the mural tab- lets of the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed were here in Washing- ton's time; the communion table, reading desk and chairs are those which were used then; and so likewise is the crystal chandelier of solid brass with its twelve candlesticks to typify the Twelve Apostles. In the old days candles were used to light the church; on the pillars may still be detected beneath the paint the marks of the sconces and tinder box. The baptismal font dates from 1818. Washington's pew, Nos. 59 and 60, is on the left side, near the front, Washington'! and is marked by a silver plate with facsimile of his autograph; it has two Pew seats, one facing the other, and a third cross seat against the wall; the pew is now reserved for strangers. Across the aisle is the pew which was occupied by the Lees; its silver plate bears the name of Robert E. Lee in autograph. Twin mural tablets set in place in 1870 are inscribed in memory of George Washington and Robert Edward Lee. In the vestry room may be seen the record of Washington's purchase of his pew in 1773; and the first Bible and Church Service, the Bible bear- ing an Edinburgh imprint of 1767. The long-handled purses used in Washington's time for the offerings are perhaps the most curious of all the Alexandria relics of old days and old ways. 163 164 irashin&ton, the Nation's Capital. BLUE ROOM OF THE CARLYLE HOUSE. House Second only to Christ Church in interest of historical associations is Crlyl th c Carlyle House, on the corner of Fairfax and Cameron streets. Built by John Carlyle in the year 1752, at a period when Alexandria was the metropolis of the British Empire in America, the house had full share with the town in events which were portentous of revolution. It was the time of the French and Indian Wars, and Gen. Braddock had come to America to assume command of the British forces. Here had repaired, to confer with him, the Governors of six of the colonies Shirley of Massachusetts, DeLancey of New York, Morris of Pennsylvania, Sharpe of Maryland, Dinwiddie of Virginia and Dobbs of North Carolina. By invitation of Mr. Carlyle they met in the blue room of the mansion. The chief purpose was to devise means for raising revenue for the support of service in North America ; and it was resolved that the Governors having found it impracticable to obtain in their respective governments the pro- portion expected by His Majesty, "they are unanimously of the opinion that it should be proposed to His Majesty's ministers to find out some method compelling them to do it." When the Alexandrians heard of this resolution of the congress they met in the court house opposite the Car- lyle House, and, with George Washington in the chair, resolved: "That taxation and representation are in their nature inseparable." The action of the six Governors was received in like spirit by the Colonies; and thus the Congress of Alexandria, as the meeting in Mr. Carlyle's blue room was known, contributed largely to the growing discontent which Alexandria. 165 CARLYLE HOUSE EAST FRONT. twenty years later found expression in the Revolution. To the Carlyle Carlyle House came George Washington, summoned from Mount Vernon by House Braddock, who offered him a commission as Major in the British Army; and it was in the Carlyle House that, contrary to Washington's advice, Braddock's disastrous expedition to Fort Duquesne was resolved upon. From his early manhood until his death Washington was a frequent and welcome guest in the house. "Lodg'd at Col. Carlyle's" is an entry often repeated in his diary. There has recently been formed the "Society for the Restoration of !66 irashington, the Nation's Capital. Historic Alexandria," and the first effort of the society is to restore the Carlyle c ar i y i e House, to tear down the buildings which shut it in, and to assure Moo * e its care and keeping for the future. The house was solidly built and is to-day in good preservation. There are still some of the original chairs, hall seats and other pieces of fnrniture, with a grandfather's clock which for more than a century ticked the time in the Carlyle mansion. The building is open from 10 to 5 daily, except Sunday, and will well repay a visit. To pay expenses an admittance fee of ten cents is charged. Marshall Another Alexandria landmark is the Marshall House, on King street, House where the Ellsworth tragedy occurred at the outbreak of the Civil War. In the spring of 1861 Alexandria was held by Confederates, and the Con- federate flags were visible from Washington, one flag in particular, over the Marshall House, a tavern kept by James Jackson, was the subject of remark by President Lincoln. Among the Federal troops who took the town on the night of May 23 were the New York Fire Zouaves, under command of Col. E. E. Ellsworth. At dawn, the Marshall House flag. still flying from its staff, Ellsworth entered the house, went to the roof and tore down the obnoxious colors. As Ellsworth was coming down stairs. Jackson emerged from one of the rooms armed with a double-barreled shotgun, raised his gun and discharged it at the Colonel, who was killed instantly. Jackson then turned his gun on others of the Zouaves, but was killed by them before he could pull the trigger. Down the Historic Potomac. From their wharf at the foot of 7th street the steamers of the Norfolk and Washington Line leave daily for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk. The sail on the historic Potomac River, Chesapeake Bay and Hampton Roads, with a charming view from the river of Washington and Norfolk, as they are approached by daylight, makes this one of the most delightful and interesting trips on our continent The steamer passes in full view of many places rich in historic associations, such as Alexandria, Fort Foote, Fort Washington, Mount Vernon (the home and resting-place of Wash- ington), Indian Head (now used by the Government as the proving ground for heavy ordnance), Evansport, Acquia Creek, Mathias Point (on the Virginia shore, where heavy batteries were erected by the Con- federate army), Wakefield (the birthplace of Washington), and Point Lookout (on the Maryland shore, used during the war as a prison for Confederates). At Point Lookout the steamer enters Chesapeake Bay, one of the most beautiful bodies of water in the world. After an enjoy- able sail of four hours Fortress Monroe is reached, and Old Point. The steamer then proceeds through Hampton Roads, made memorable by the great naval conflict between the Monitor and the Merrimac. Sewall's Point and Craney Island, where heavy batteries were erected by the Confederate army, are soon sighted ; and then Norfolk and Ports- mouth, with the Government Navy Yard. At Norfolk connection is made with Old Dominion Line for New York. /(J The Land of the Sky. For HeaJth a^nd Pleasure. Land of the Sky" is that portion of Western North Carolina lying between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Iron, Smoky and Unaka ranges of Eastern Tennessee. It is a superb elevated plateau, the lowest point of which is more than 2,000 feet above the level of the sea. It is protected in winter from chilling winds by the surrounding mountains. Geo- graphically, it is situated in the most favored portion of the temperate zone. Topographically, it is mountainous, and is largely covered with forests in which the long leaf or turpentine pine predominates. It is traversed by splendid rivers, and dotted with beautiful lakes. Its scenery is unrivaled, even by the more famous localities of the far West, and its accessibility is such that it can be reached either from the North, the East, the South, or the Middle West in a few hours, whereas the scenic glories of the West requires several days in which to reach them. To reach this favored section the traveler from the East should take one of the through trains of the Southern Railway, through Washington, Lynchburg, and Salisbury, N. C. Close connection is made at Salisbury with the main line trains to and from the East, and elegant Pullman draw- ing room sleeping cars afford superb service, so that passengers from New York can take the through Pullman sleeping car at that point in the evening, and the following day at noon reach Asheville or Hot Springs in perfect comfort and without change of cars. From Florida and the South the through trains of the Southern Railway take the traveler through Columbia and Spartanburg, affording elegant Pullman car service. From the North and West the most direct route is through Cincinnati, or through Chattanooga and Knoxville. So it matters not from what direction you may be coming, passengers will find the Southern Railway prepared to afford the very best schedule and through car service. "The Land of the Sky" is about equal to Switzerland in area, and greatly resembles it in its majestic natural beauty and sublimity. The greater pro- fusion of vegetation here, however, gives a softness of effect to its mar- velous landscapes that mark the principal difference between this country and that of the European Alps. The charm of this land is real and apparent ; its delights are an actuality. Perhaps the most notable and complete surrender to the fascination of its al charms is its choice by George Vanderbilt, Esq., as a site for his liltmore." within two miles of the city of Asheville, and nearly the t center of this scenic wonderland. Mr. Vanderbilt's residence which said to have cost more than $.3,000,000 occupies the most commanding The Land of the Sky. site in this splendid domain, and is considered the masterpiece of its de- signer, the late Richard M. Hunt, America's most famous architect. Asheville, that Mecca of health-seekers, the spot best known among the resorts of this splendid region, stands higher above the sea level (2,288 feet) than any other city in America east of the Rockies. The visitor will THE LAND OF THE SKY IS FILLED WITH SCENIC SURPRISES. find Asheville a progressive, modern city. Its streets are well paved and lighted, and trolley lines run to all the suburbs. The city has an opera house, clubs, an art gallery, a public library, a handsome new auditorium, and hotels which enjoy widespread and well deserved repute for their excellence. The largest hotels, the Battery Park and the Kenilworth Inn, are each beautifully located, the former in a handsome private park in the very center of the city. Kenilworth Inn is located about two miles from the city proper, at Biltmore, where is also situated Mr. George W. Vanderbilt's magnificent residential property, the finest estate in America. The Land of the Sky. The Albcmarle Manor, built after the fashion of a quaint English inn, is also a very excellent hotel, as is also the Victoria Inn. There are quite a number of hotels of less importance which afford excellent accommo- dations at moderate prices. Stretching from Asheville on the northwest for thirty-four miles is the lovely French Broad River, along which the Southern Railway winds. The foaming stream here darts out and in between rocky cliffs now gleam- ing in a broad patch of sunlight, now leaping along in the shadow of great boulders, ever fascinating in its wild and unrestrained beauty a water sprite on a madcap chase. High among these mountains, in a beautiful valley, are the Hot Springs of North Carolina, which yearly offer relief to hundreds in search of health and strength. But the crowning glory of the place is its hot waters, which are thrown up from the earth in a number of springs, the temperature of which ranges from 96 to 1 10 degrees. The curative properties of the water of these springs is shown in the marked remedial effect in diseases of the liver and kidneys, in rheumatism, gout and sciatica. Persons suffering from dyspepsia, insomnia, or nervous troubles also find great relief. The Mountain Park Hotel, superbly located here in a private park, is unexcelled, either in its appointments or its management, by any hotel in the South. Another highly favored region is on the branch of the Southern Rail- way leading from Asheville to Spartanburg, S. C, including Tryon, Saluda, Hendersonville, Flat Rock, and the beautiful Sapphire country. The Sapphire country is a region full of delightful surprises to the tourist, sportsman and health-seeker. No other section contains more clear, cold and wonderfully picturesque streams, so many grand water- falls, such wide-sweeping mountain views, such beautiful lakes and verdure-clad valleys. Lakes Fairfield, Sapphire, and Toxaway, in the heart of the North Caro- lina mountains, are duplicates of the most beautiful gems of the Adiron- dacks. Nowhere else in the South, at this altitude, are there such waters of wonderful beauty and greatly varied characters. There are towering cliffs rising abruptly for a thousand feet from their shores, and cascades of rare clearness falling directly into the lakes from the lofty tableland surround- ing. Indeed, it is the general verdict of widely traveled people that, in respect to the remarkable combination and varied and attractive character of lake and mountain scenery, this section is unrivaled by any in the world. Excellently kept hotels are open the year around, affording ample accom- modations to the tourists. To those who have been spending a time under the bright and languid skies of Florida, and who do not wish to risk the sudden transition from summer to winter, which threatens all who return North, until spring has fairly set in, the beautiful mountain region of western North Carolina holds out alluring attractions, because of its superb and unsurpassed natural scenery, and its excellent climate, free from extremes of heat and cold. A GREAT COUNTRY; r^ SOUTHERN RAILWAY Nearly 8,000 Miles of Railway, through Principal Southern States. "Daily between Washington, and principal Cities and Resorts South. Three Trains between the East, Florida, and Southern Winter "Resorts. "THE SOUTHERN'S PALM LIMITED" (OPERATED DURING WINTER SEASON, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ) "THE NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS" "THE WASHINGTON AND FLORIDA LIMITED" THROUGH SLEEPING CARS between New York, Washington, Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Aiktn and Augusta. Club Cars. and ^/"o uthtvest . Elegant Dining and Observation Cars. To the Cities of the ~Touth "The Washington and Southwestern Limited" "The United States Fast Mail" "The New York and Memphis Limited" "The Washington and Chattanooga Limited via Lynchburg" "The New York and Atlanta Express" Through Pullman Sleeping Cars between New York, Washington, and principal points South, in- jluding Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Asheville, N. C., "The Land of the Sky," Hot Springs, N. C., Pinehurst, N. C., Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Birmingham, Nashville, and Columbus, Ga. Southern Railway Dialog Car Service Is of the highest standard of excellence. Elegant service, between the East and California, via Southern Railway and "The Sunset Route." For descriptive literature of the resorts located on or reached by Southern Railway, and for maps, time tables, etc., apply to the undersigned : A. S. THWBATT, Eastern Passenger Agent, L. S. BROWN, General Agent, 1185 Broadway, New York City. 705 Fifteenth Street. N. W., Washington, D. C. C. L. HOPKINS, District Passenger Agent, 823 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. TAYLOE, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, BROOKS MORGAN, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Washington, D. C. W. A. TURK, Passenger Traffic Manager, S. H. HARDW1CK, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. DRIVES AROUND ASHEVILLE. THE RESORT LINE of the SOUTH More Delightful Summer Resorts located on and reached via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Than by any other .Southern Line. ASHEVILLE. N. C, HOT SPRINGS. N. C.. "THE LAND of the SKY." and BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE COUNTRY. Offer many inducements as all the year round resorts. Excellently kept hotels. Through Sleeping Car daily, between New York, Washington, Asheville and Hot Springs, N. C. Scenery the most beautiful In America. Visit North Carolina at any Season, and you will not be disappointed. :: :: :: :: :: ManV OtKer Resorts ' n l ^ e ^ tates * Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and * Tennessee, offer inducements to Tourists. Whether one desires the mountains or seashore, the quiet and well kept boarding house, or the fashionable hotel ; all can be accom- modated by the great number of resorts on the Southern Railway, from which selection can be made. Through Pullman Sleeping Carj bettaeen Principal "RejorU. Club and Observation Carj. Train Service of Ihe Highest CtajJ. Southern "Railway "Dining Car Service a feature. V V Write for Summer Resort literature, and other descriptive matter. A. S. THWEATT, Eastern Passenger Agent, 1185 Broadway, New York City. C. L. HOPKINS, District Passenger Agent, K>s Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. C. A. BENSC9TER, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent. Chattanooga, Tenn. G. B. ALLEN, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, St. Louis, Mo. L. S. BROWN, General Agent, 705 15th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. J. H. WOOD, District Passenger Agent, Asheville, N. C. VI. H. TAYLOE, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. BROOKS MORGAN, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Washington, D. C. W. A. TURK, Passenger Traffic Manager, Washington, D. C. S. H. HARDWICK, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. Three 'Daily Trains "Between the East and S'oafh FLORIDA and the RESORTS SOUTH best reached SOUTHERN RAILWAY This System with its connections forms the great trunk line, operating high-class vestibuled trains, between ^ ^ "^ New York and Florida., and Points South, affording not only the most perfect service, in the way of Pullman Draw- ing Room Sleeping Cars, Observation Cars, Dining Cars and Day Coaches, but quick and most satisfactory time between all points. "THE SOUTHERN'S PALM LIMITED" One of the most superb a.rvd elegantly equipped trains ii\ the world, leaves New York, via Perm. R. R., daily, except Sunday at 12:10 P. M., leaves Washington, via Southern Railway, 6:31 P. M., arriving Jacksonville 2:20 P. M., and St. Augustine 3:30 P. M., following day. Returning, this train leaves St. Augustine, via Florida East Coast Railway, 11:10 A. M., daily except Sunday, leaves Jacksonville, Southern Railway, 12:20 P. M., arrives Washington 10:15 A. M.. and New York 4:13 P. M., following day. This train is composed of Pullman Compartment, Observation and Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between New York and St. Augustine ; also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car between New York, Aiken and Augusta. "Dining Car Sertjice and Club Carj. (This train in operation during the Winter season.) "THE NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS" Leaves New York, via Penn. R. R., daily at 3:25 P. M., leaves Washington, via Southern Railway, 9:50 P. M., arriving Jacksonville 7:40 P. M. following day, making direct connection for Tampa, Miami and Cuba ; returning, leaves Jacksonville, via Southern Railway, 8:50 A. M., arriving Washington 9:45 A. M., nd New York 4:13 P. M., following day. This train is composed of elegant Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between New York and Jacksonville, and day coaches between Washington and Jacksonville. Dining Car serves meals en route. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between New York, Columbia and Augusta. "THE WASHINGTON AND FLORIDA LIMITED" Leaves New York, via Penn. R. R., at 12:10 n't.: leaves Washington, via Southern Railway, 10:51 A. M.. arriving Jacksonville 9:25 A. M., following day. Returning, leaves Jacksonville, via Southern Railway, 7:55 P. M., arriving Washington 9:50 P. M. following evening, and New York, 5:43 A. M. This train is composed of elegant Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between New York and Jacksonville, and day coaches between Washington and Jacksonville. Dining Car Service. Close connection at Jacksonville to and from the noted resorts on the East Coast and West Coast of Florida. Connection also at Miami and Tampa for Key West, Havana and Nassau. ^ ^ C QUICKEST ROVTE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVANA. For Folders and Detailed Information, apply to A. S. THWEATT, Eastern Passenper Agent, L. S. BROWN. General Agent, 1185 Broadway, New York City. 705 Fifteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. W. H. TAYLOE, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. C. H. ACKERT, General Manager, W. A. TURK, P. T. M., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. S. H. HARDWICK, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. Schedule in effect January lOth, I9O4. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. POTOMAC J NEW AND POPULAR ROUTE BETWEEN Washington, D. C., Old Point Comfort, Nor= folk, Virginia Beach and the South. The new and magnificent Steel Palace Steamers of this line, the steamers " Newport News," " Norfolk" and '' Washington," most luxuriously fitted throughput, having Steam Heat in staterooms, Electric Lights and Call Bells in each room, leave Norfolk and Washington daily on the following schedule : NORTHBOUND. Leave PORTSMOUTH 5.00?. M. NORFOLK .. 8.00 " " FORTRESS MONROE... 7.00 " Arrire ALEXANDRIA .. .. 6 30 A.M. WASHINGTON 7.00 " SOUTHBOUND. Leave WASHINGTON .. " ALEXANDRIA Arrive FORTRESS MONROE. NORFOLK 6.30 P M. 7.00 " 7.ooA.M 8.00 " PORTSMOUTH 8.15 Close connection made with all rail lines at Norfolk, Fortress Monroe and Washington, D. C., for all points Nor.h, South, East and West. Passengers going or returning to Wilmington, Raleigh. Charlotte, Charleston, Savannah, Atlanta, Jack- sonville and principal Southern cities, are given an opportunity by this route to stop over at the National Capital, Fortress Monroe or Virginia Beach. By taking this route the passenger is afforded a pleasant ride on the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay, thus breaking the monotony of an all-rail ride. The excellence o_f the meals furnished on these magnificent steamers has been a great factor in their popularity. The dining-room service is a la carte, meals being served at hours convenient to the passcngen. Afk for tickets via the new Norfolk and Washington line of steamers. D. J. CALLAHAN. Awt. Gen'l Manager, Norfolk, Va. JNO. CALLAHAN. 8d Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Manager, Washington, D. C ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1338 Penn. Av< ALL-WATER ROUTE WASHINGTON, D. C. NEW YORK WITH OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT OLD POINT COMFORT (FORT MONROE) via the Superb Steamers of the Norfolk and Washington (D. C.) Steamboat Co. AND THE Old Dominion Line STEAMERS LEAVE FOOT OF SEVENTH ST., WASHINGTON, D. C., DAILY. Passengers from Washington will make connections with Old Dominion ships at Norfolk, daily except Sunday, sailing at 7 p.m., and leaving Old Point Comfort (by annex steamer) on sailing days. Tickets, staterooms and full information can be obtained at the General Ticket Office of Norfolk and Washington Steam- boat Co., Bond Building, I4th Street and New York Avenue, and at Company's Offices, 7th Street Wharf; also at the C. & O. Ry. Co.'s Office, 513 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. .*.. H. B. WALKER., Vice-President a.nd Traffic Old Dominion S. S. Co. NEW YORK. JOHN CALLAHAN. 2d Vice-President and General Manager Norfolk and Washington S. B. Co. WASHINGTON. D. C. ASK MR, FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information lUireau, 1333 Penn. Ave, FLORIDA CUBA SOUTH RECALLS ATLANTIC COAST LINE'S FAMOUS TRAINS "NEW YORK and FLORIDA SPECIAL" "FLORIDA and WEST INDIAN LIMITED" NEW YORK, - - . . H61 Broadway EASTERN BOSTON, - - - 298 Washington Street PHILADELPHIA, - 31 South Third Street BALTIMORE, - 107 East German Street WASHINGTON, - 601 Pennsylvania Avenue ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Av THE STRAIGHT e ^ AY SOUTH THE SEABOARD Runs through the heart of the old South and reaches the principal Cities of the most famous Winter Resorts of the Southern States, R.aleigh, Southern Pines. Pinehurst, Camden, Colum- bia, Savannah, Brunswick, and all of Florida. THE SEABOARD FLORIDA LIMITED is a solid Pullman train, which leaves New York at a convenient hour and runs to St. Augustine without change. Pamphlet giving detailed information of all Florida hotels and a guide to Hunting and Fishing in the South can be secured by application to ticket agents of Seaboard Air Line Railway or of connecting lines. C. B. R.YAN. General Pass. Agent, PORTSMOUTH, V A ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Perm. Avc. merchants and miners transportation &. STEAMSHIP LINES BETWEEN Baltimore and Savannah, Baltimore, Norfolk and Boston, Philadelphia and Savannah, Providence, Norfolk and Baltimore, Baltimore, Newport News and Norfolk. Accommodations and cuisine unsurpassed. Through tickets on sale and baggage cnecked to all points. Ask your nearest ticket agent or address the Passenger Department for illustrated folder and further information. J. C. WHITNEY, A. D. STEBBINS, W. P. TURNER, 2d Vice-Pres. J Urne y with ***** da >- Coaches, observal randPunman sleeper First class fare Havana to Santiago, $34.06, sleeper berth, $U U. S. cy. Dmner and Breakfast may be had en route, at Ciego de Avila and Las Tunas, respectively. For Further Information UNITED RAILWAYS OF HAVANA TRAFFIC DEPAILTMENT. VILLANUEVA STATION (Oppo.ite Colon Park). HAVANA, CUBA C MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. GOVERNMENT ROAD, SANTIAGO, WITH BAMBOOS. THE CUBA RAILROAD. THIS new line, completing the railroad connection between Havana and Santiago, is of standard gauge and similar in its construction and equipment to the better class of northern lines. All of its important bridges are of steel and masonry and the line generally is rock-ballasted. The main line passes along the centre of the eastern and wider half of Cuba and opens up a matchless and most picturesque agricultura' region and passes through the tropical forests of mahogany, cedar, lignum vitas, ebony and many othe:- trees, hung with vines and millions of orchids. Palm trees of magnificent aspect and great variety abound everywhere. The famed Parana and Guinea grasses, covering most of the open districts and standing from six to twelve feet high and green the year round, together with frequent running streams, make this an ideal cattle country. No food has to be put up and no shelter is required. The rich soils everywhere are adapted to sugar, tobacco, cotton, corn and an endless variety of products. The swamps which occur at places along the coasts of Cuba are absent from the interior, which is high, dry, and exceptionally healthy. The trade winds blow across Cuba every day, and bring to all parts fresh sea air; the extreme heat of northern summers is consequently unknown, and the humidity of other tropical countries is also unknown. THE TRUNK LlMt flAJLWAY OF CUBA.' ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. HOTEL PASAJE The Largest Aristocratic and Commercial Hotel in the City. " Favorite Headquarters for Tourists. "" -^-^ Cdble Address;, URBANO GONZALES & COMPANY, Proprietors. ABOUT TRAVEL THOSE intending to travel will find it to their interest to communicate with Raymond & Whitcomb Co., whose patrons include the better class of the American traveling public. This firm maintains, at large expense, a bureau for supplying the traveling public with information about resorts, their hotels and attractions, the best routes for reaching them, the cost of railway and steamship tickets to all parts of the world, and other needful information. Detailed itineraries of contemplated trips will be prepared on request ; these will give the train service, the names of hotels, places where the time can be spent to the best advantage, etc. ; in brief, such information as is needed by every traveler. Special vestibuled trains to Mexico, California and the Pacific Coast, equipped with dining, library, observation and sleeping cars with private rooms, are provided exclusively by this firm, and are intended for the convenience and comfort of the most fastidious. The time schedules are arranged to include the interesting scenery by daylight. Tours to Florida. Mexico. Cuba. Porto Rico, Europe, Japan. Around the World, etc. Railroad and Steamship Tickets. Private Cars. Foreign Money, Letters of Credit. Travelers' Cheques. 5 S 9 S RAYMOND & WHITCOMB COMPANY (Established 1879.) TOURS AND TICKETS EVERYWHERE NEW YORK: 25 Union Square 305 Washinpon Street PITTSBURG: 1005 Chestnut Street CHICAGO: - - ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. BOSTON: PHILADELPHIA: 357 Fifth Avenue 232 South Clark Street THE GLEN SPRINGS WATKINS GLEN. N. Y. THE AMERICAN NAUHEIM A Health Resort and Hotel of the highest class. The most complete and modern bathing establishment in America. All Approved Forms of Hydrotherapy and Electricity, in- cluding HOT NEPTUNE BRINE and CARBONATED NEPTUNE BRINE BATHS (the Schott treatment} as given at the celebrated NAVHEIM BATHS. VALUABLE MINERAL SPRINGS. Location overlooks thirty miles of Seneca Lake. Sixty acres of private park. Well-kept and attrac- tive Golf Links. Send for illustrated book. Open all the year. * * * WM. E. LEFFINGWELL, Pres. WATKINS. N. Y. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. POLAND SPRING THE POLAND SPRING HOUSE OPEN FROM JUNE 1st UNTIL OCTOBER 15th. The most popular and successful resort in America, and one of the most highly praised in the world. The appointments, service and cuisine of the Poland Spring 1 House are without equal. The climate, altitude (800 ft.) and location are ideal. Good roads and a superb livery. One of the finest Golf Link* in New England, covering over 70 acres of care- fully groomed lawn, add to the pleasures of guests. THE MANSION HOUSE, at Poland Spring, is open throughout the year. PQI ANT) to whose world-famed qualities these mag- W ATFR nificent buildings are but a monument, is * A I * Iv t j, e p ures t am j must powerful medicinal water and solvent known. It is sold everywhere. A " Ricker Hotel " on the most bea.utif ul site on MbJne's SAM OSET r- ^ Rockland Breakwater MAINE In two seasons this elegantly equipped hotel has achieved the reputation of New England's most charming and successful seashore home. 5^. R lc ker Hotel Company. any information address, HIRAM RICKER <& SONS (Inc.). Poland Spring So. Poland. Me. NEW YORK, 3 PARK PLACE. BOSTON, 153 FRANKLIN ST. PHILADELPHIA, 1711 CHESTNLT ST. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. WHITE MOUNTAINS THE MOUNT PLEASANT AND THE PRIMEVAL FOREST ON THE SLOPE OF MT. STICKNEY. NEW YORK TO BRETTON WOODS. Leave, 9:02 A. M.; Arrive, 7:30 P. M. Leave, 9 P. M.; Arrive, 8:40 A. M. Through train to special station on the grounds of The Mount Pleasant and The Mount Washington at Bretton Wood?. Ten Thousand Acres in the HEART OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. V> ^ V THE COLONNADE OF THE MOUNT PLEASANT, THE MOUNT WASHINGTON, AND THE PRESIDENTIAL RANGE BEYOND THE GOLF COURSE. fare Air, Ture Water. Pure "Delight. AT BRETTON WOODS. Every comfort and luxury in the hotels, and every advantage for health and enjoyment out-of-doors. ANDERSON . PRICE, Managers. Bretton Woods N. H. WINTER HOTELS: "The Ormond," Florida, NEW YORK HOTEL: "Bretton Hall," and "The Inn-at-Ormond-Beach." -:- -:- 85th to 86th Streets and Broadway. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. Jackson Health Resort DANSVILLE. NEW YORK Has been known for twenty years as The Jackson Sanatorium. The word sanatorium, which is appli- cable to all institutions where therapeutic measures are employed for any form of illness, was used for the first time in the United States by Dr. Jackson to designate a health institution when he built, in 1883, the first fire-proof structure erected in this country for that purpose. The general adoption at the present time of the name Sanatorium by proprietors of institutions for the insane or mentally unbalanced, and for cases of drug habit, has led to the error of confounding The Jackson Sanatorium with such establishments. Some persons who are not familiar with the character of this Health Institution have had an impression, because of its name Sanatorium that people afflicted with mental disorders were received and treated by its physicians. As the Jackson Sanatorium is not a place where insane people are received or where cases of drug habit are made a specialty, its name has been changed in order to correct such misapprehension on the part of the public. This renowned institution, holding to the distinctive character and methods which for forty-five years have made its work so successful and its manner of life so helpful and attractive to health and rest seekers, will be known hereafter as The Jackson Health Resort. Staff of Regularly Educated and Experienced Physicians, elegant Fire-proof building brick and iron; all Modern Conveniences. Special attention to the scientific administration of Water, Electricity, Massage, Swedish Movement, Rest Cure and Dietaries to meet the needs of chronic invalids. The Schott System of Naviheim BatKs Exercises for Hea.rt Disease Famous Northern Health Resort On Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Ry., from New York to Buffalo without change. Send for illustrated literature, addressing J. ARTHUR JACKSON. M.D., Manager. ASK MK FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. Hotel Champlain CLINTON COUNTY, N* Y. EDWARD L. BROWN, - - - MANAGER. THE HOTEL CHAMPLAIN is on Bluff Point, the most commanding promontory on Lake Champlain. Its grounds consist of 450 acres of beautiful park and wood- land, roadways and lawns ; seven miles of forest, cliff and lakeside walks, and the finest i8-hole hotel Golf course to be found. The finest fresh water bathing in the North. Boat- ing, yachting, fishing, shooting, golf and tennis. Through Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars from New York, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Lake George, Saranac, Lake Placid and Montreal. Depot and Steamboat Landing on the grounds. For plan of Rooms, Rates, etc., apply to E. L. BROWN, MANAGER, Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, 42d Street, New York City. ASK MTC. FOSTER, for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. Kenilworth Irm 'Biltmore, near ^/Ishe-Ville, ff. C. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR One of the best appointed and most luxurious hotels in the South. Situated in a private park of 160 acres, in the mountains of North Carolina. Surrounded by magnificent scenery with over one hundred mountain peaks, ranging in height from 3,000 to 6,000 ft., in full view. Adjoins and overlooks the famous estate of Mr. Geo. W. Vanderbilt. Climate mild, dry and invigorating. Golf instructor in charge of links on hotel grounds. Orchestra and all amusements- Cuisine unsurpassed. Will be run in connection with Hot Springs, N. C. EDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor, THE NORTH CAROLINA HOT SPRINGS Mountain Park Hotel Hot Springs, fl. C. OPEN ALL THE YEAR A most charming mountain resort situated in North Carolina, in the far famed " Land of the Sky" on the main road of the Southern Railway, 38 miles from Asheville, and 40 miles from Biltmore, on the French Broad River, in a beautiful park of 100 acres. Delightful climate, absolutely free from fogs, and amid scenery as grand as any east of the Rocky Mountains. The hotel is well furnished throughout, and will be run in connection with Kenilworth Inn at Biltmore, N. C. Its hot water rises from a number of springs with varying temperature of from 96 to 1 10 degrees F., and hot baths may be had in the hotel, if desired. Professional masseur in charge. Golf with instructor. Bowling, Tennis, Hunting and Fishing, Livery. Private hunting preserve of 25,000 acres. EDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. G 1 QC d s t o r\ e Hotel ftarraganse-tl Tier, 'Rhode Island One of the most superbly located hotels at the Pier ; surrounded by 4^ acres of private lawn, and is the nearest hotel to the bathing beach. Recently refurnished throughout at a cost of $35,000 ; rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath, fire places, elevator, electric lights, etc. Supplied with water throughout from the celebrated Gladstone Spring. One of the attractive features is a Gredan Garden and Little Casino. Fine orchestra. Rates moderate. Season, June 15 to Sept. 15. American or European plan. EDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau. 1333 Penn. Ave HOT SPRINGS .ARK SAN ANTONIO ELEGANT THROUGH CAR SERVICE MEALS A. LA CARTE DINING CARS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS COMPANY'S AGENTS OR H. C. TOWNSEND, Gen'l Pass'r and Tkt. Agt., ST. LOUIS. RICHELIEU AND ONTARIO NAVIGATION COflPANY America's Incomparable Jtcenic Line from "NIAGARA TO THE SEA" Palatial Steel Steamers, passing through the THOUSAND ISLANDS (America's Venice), and making the exciting descent of all the RAPIDS to MONTREAL, QUEBEC, MURRAY BAY, TADOU- SAC, thence up the beautiful Saguenay River to CHICOUTIMI. SUMMER RESORT HOTELS "Manoir Richelieu," at Murray Bay, P. Q., and the " Tadousac," at Tadousac, P. Q., owned and operated by this Company. For further particulars or Guide Book " Niagara to the Sea," apply to H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, W. P. A., W. P. CLONEY, T. P. A., JOS. F. DOLAN, C. P. A , Toronto, Can. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Montreal, Can. Or THOS. HENRY, Traffic Manager, Montreal. ASK M K F r OSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau. 1333 Pcnn. Ave. The MOST POPULAR WINTER J* ^ RESORT IN AMERICA. NEW ORLEANS GOLF, FRENCH OPERA, FIVE THEATRES, CONTINUOUS HORSE RACING, HUNTING AND FISHING. ^ jC j THE New St. Charles Hotel, ABSOLUTELY FIRE-PROOF. One of the latest, largest and best Hotels in the country. Accommodations for 700 Guests; 150 Priv.ite Bath Rooms. Luxurious Turkish, Russian and Roman Baths. A Modern First-class Hotel. Kept on both American and Euro- pean Plans at Moderate Prices. pians and Rates. A. R. BLAKELY & CO. (Limited;, Props. MIDWAY BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH. ST. JOHN HOTEL, Charleston, S. C. VISIT CHARLESTON AND MAGNOLIA GARDENS, The most beautiful in America. Beautiful harbor, fine drives, golf links within twenty minutes oi hotel. Historic and interesting points of interest. Equable cli- mate. The St. John is a new high-class hotel beautiful ball room. Steam heat in every room. One hundred rooms with baths, and every convenience. GAe ST. JOHN HOTEL CO.. Props. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, in the hea't of the Berkshires, is the most famous, fashionable and exclusive resort in America. The Hotel Aspinwall is new, fireproof, and equipped with every convenience. Water from pure mountain springs. Modern sanitary plumbing. Bathroom between every two rooms. Drainage perfect. Pure dry atmosphere; 1460 feet above sea level. Drives amid the famous Berkshire Hills. Open May to December, *r ^ Stud for booklet. O D. SE AVE Y "THE CENTER OF SUMMER GOLF." H. w. B. MANCHESTER IN THE MOUNTAINS. VERMONT. 15he EQUINOX. Edward C. Orvis, Manager. Mile from Club House of EKWANOK Coxmtry CKib. FOR INFORMATION AND BOOKLETS "Ask MR. FOSTER" in Florida and Washington. "Ask MR. MARTIN" at THE BON AIR, Augusta, Ga. All N. Y. Central Tourist Bureaus, 1216 Broadway, N. Y., etc. The Lorraine, 5th Ave. and 4?th St., New York. EQUINOX WATER ai\d GINGER. CHAMPAGNE. Write for analysis and booklet. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. FIVE MILES AT SEA. A FAMILY seaside resort on the Long- Island shore, 45 minutes from New York by the Long Island R. R. Cooler by 10 degrees than any other spot on the Atlantic. Magnificent beach, the finest surf bathing, golf, tennis, sailing, fishing, driving, automobiling. Spacious verandas, 1,100 feet in length. Cuisine unsurpassed. Send for illustrated booklet. A ( E . DICK. Also Proprietor of HOTEL GRENOBLE. 56th Street and 7th Avenue, opposite Carnegie Music Hall, New York City. Rooms, $1 and up; with bath, $2 up. Hotel fireproof. All modern conveniences. Circulars at Standard Guide Information Burean, 1333 Pennsylvania Avenue. AND ITS TWO FAMOUS HOTELS. Season from Oct. 1 to June 1. LAKEWOOD, N. J., Ninety minutes from New York, in the heart of the Pine Belt. For Golf, Trap Shooting, Driving, or to the Seeker after Health and Pleasure, LAKEWOOD is UNSURPASSED. The La^urel Hovise, Lakewood's Leading Hotel for 22 years, is always open from OCTOBER to JUNE. The Laurel in the Pines, A palatial brick structure, overlooking beautiful Lake Carasaljo, is open from November 15 to May 15. BOTH HOTELS ARE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF DAVID B. PLUMER. A. J. MURPHY. Asst. M*r.. Laurel House. F. F. SHUTE. Ass<. M*r.. Laurel in-the-Pines. ASK MR. FOSTEK for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. MYLES STANDISH SPRING HOTEL SOUTH DUXBURY, MASS. *rHE most charming seaside resort in historic Plymouth County. Thirty-nine miles from Boston. Beautiful drives and walks, fine golf course. Bathing, sailing and fishing. Water from the cele- brated Myles Standish Spring. Cuisine perfect. Terms, $18 per week and up for single room ; two in room, $15 and up. Special rates to families. Send for booKJet. X X "^ X L. DOVER'S SONS. Owners. 90 Water St., New York. N. Y. SPEND THE SUMMER ON LONG ISLAND THE IDEAL PLACE FOR HEALTH, REST AND RECREATION. Long Island, with 250 miles of coast on ocean, sound and bays, is unsurpassed as a summer resort. Trending east and west, it is cooled by the ocean's south winds. Long Island presents many attractive features of outdoor summer life Boating, Surf and Still Water Bathing, Shooting, Fishing, Good Roads for Driving and Automobiling (600 miles of macadam roads), and Unexcelled Golf Courses. Excellent Train Service from New York City by the Long Island Railroad. SEND FOR BOOKLETS DESCRIPTIVE OF LONG ISLAND-. " Long Island" (descriptive and illustrated), . 8c ^'Summer Homes" {hotels and boarding houses), 4c "Unique Long Island" (, . 5c "Climate of Long Island" . . . . 8c "Golfing on Long Island" . . 2c Howard M. Smith. Gen. Pass'r Ag't, Long Island Railroad. 263 Fifth Ave , N"w York City. N. Y. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard C.uide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. il 1p[ | -;;::" ;;;;; .,;! BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF SANITARIUM. THIS magnificent fire-proof structure was dedicated and opened May 31, 1903. There are accommodations in the main building for 350 guests and accommodations in other buildings for 400 more patients. One hundred and seventy-five rooms have private baths. The new building is equipped with five hydraulic elevators, electric lights, a private telephone in each room, and all modern conveniences. For full information concerning the facilities afforded, terms, etc., address THE SANITARIUM, Battle Creek, Mich. The Health Food Idea originated at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. There are many imitations of our foods on the market, but we manufacture the most complete and most reliable line. Get acquainted with Battle Creek Sanitarium Foods the Originals. Write us to-day for prices and booklet. BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM CO., Ltd. ASK MR- FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau. 1333 Penn. Ave. The ^ X Philadelphia Oyster House Ladies and Gentlemen's Cafe, Sea Foods, Steaks, Chops, Salads, etc. Perfection in OYSTER Cooking. STERSi Try Our Famous " Single Fried. " 513 llth Street, N. W. "ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY GALT & BROTHER Jewellers and Silversmiths 1107 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., WASHINGTON m~ ORIGINATORS OF WASHINGTON SOUVENIR SPOONS ^ PAINTINGS OF THE CONGRESS IN THE THE ORIGINALS v In this edition thirty-tbuo color prints are mounted on heavy paper of a shade which sets off the pictures with the happiest artistic effect. The leaves are bound into a portfolio in such a way that the prints may be taken out for framing. The pictures average 9x5 inches, a size which permits the repro- duction of the paintings with clearness of detail; and the color- ing, copied directly from the originals, gives in every picture a true presentation of the artist's actual work. Price, $2.00; postage, 15 cents. Sold everywhere in Washington and by FOSTER & 1333 Pennsylvania Avenue, REYNOLDS, Washington, D. C ASK M K. FOSTKR for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. THE UNDERWOOD WRITING -IN- SIGHT TYPEWRITER. UNDER.WOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY 241 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Washington Office. 1206 F Street, N. W. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. Philippines, Irvdia and Australia Via. HONOLULU BY THE STEAMERS OF THE Pacific M * & ^ Remembrance china and earthenware in pitchers, cups and saucers, mugs, plates, beakers, etc., made for us by Minton, Wedgewood, Ridgway, Adams and other famous manufacturers, and in our own exclusive patterns, entirely different from the ordinary "view china." Very moderately priced. & jfc & & & & Baskets made in New England homes by women who love their work. jfc J> ^ ^ Choice articles in wood and leather, done by artists who rarely duplicate. jt jt Jt Platinum and color photographs. Thousands of souvenir post ^^^fe cards conven- iently shown. _^^^^^^ Color prints. The Self-opening Washington Remembrance Pocket Knife. Sterling Silver. Press the button it opens. THE NATIONAL REMEMBRANCE SHOP 1333 Pennsylvania Avenue, WASHINGTON, D. C. Near Fourteenth St., directly across the avenue from the Mt. Ver- non Railway Station, and one-h.ilf block bslow Willard's Hotel. THE MURAL PAINTINGS OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IN THE COLORS OF THE ORIGINALS v There are thirty-eight plates, reproducing the Library paintings with absolute fidelity, clearness and delicacy, in the original colors, by the most perfed art process of the day. The paintings include: Lyric Poetry Library from Capitol Grand Stairway Poets' Boys Mosaic Mantels Mosaic Minerva Melpomene and Calliope Greek Heroes The Seasons Religion and Labor Arts and Sciences Hall of Columns The 24 pages 'of descriptive text give the poems of the Poetry Series, the Greek Hero Myths and the Library Quotations. The volume is an example of artistic book making. It is the most compre- hensive and enduringly valuable publication devoted to the Library decorations. The page is 12x9^/2 inches; the prints average 9xs inches. Price, $3.00; postage, 25 cents. Thirty-two of the plates of the volume just described are collected in the Portfolio Edition with a short descriptive list of the pictures. The prints are mounted on heavy paper of harmonious hhade, and bound into a portfolio in such a way that without injury to the book any print may be taken out for framing. Price, $2.00 (or $2. i ? postpaid). The "BooK^ of the ^Paintings, Library of Congress, contains 89 engravings in black and white, comprising all the im- portant paintings of the Library and many architectural views. It is the largest and most comprehensive collection of the Library paint- ings and decorations. Price in paper cover, 7=; cents; postpaid, 85 cents. Cloth, $1.00; postpaid, $i. 18. The ^Practical Guide to the Library of Congress describes all the paintings and the architecture. It is the best aid to seeing the Library intelligently. Ninety-two illustrations. Price, 10 cents. All the Foster & Reynolds Books on the Library of Congress are sold also at the Sales Stand in the Library Building, at The National Remembrance Shop, and at Book and Souvenir Stores throughout the City. FOSTER & REYNOLDS. 1333 Pennsylvania Ave.. Washington. D. C. to see the Foster SSL 'Reynolds Your Summers- * n **>e Heart of the THem Canadian * The Hotel System of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company includes in the Rockies of Canada eight of the best appointed and most comfortable hotels on the continent. Private bath rooms and all modern conveniences. BANFF, H( Canadian National Park, at Banff, Alba., is situated the Banff Springs October. Rates from $3.50 per day upward. LAGGAN, Alba. Two and a half miles from' Laggan Station the Company has built a beautiful Chalet near Lake Louise. The hotel is charmingly situated in the valley lying between Mounts St. Piran, Fairview, Beehive, Victoria, Lefroy, Aberdeen and Whyte, and is excellently placed as a center from which to make excursions to the many beautiful valleys and lakes in the vicinity. The far-famed "Lakes in the Clouds" are but 30 minutes' walk from the hotel. There is accommodation for 125 guests, and the house is thoroughly up-to-date in its appointments; is lighted by electricity and heated by steam. Swiss Mountain Guides are retained for use by Mountain Climbers. The livery service is operated in connection with the hotel. Open from June 1 until October. Kates from $3 per day upward. FIELD. B. C. Tn the shadow of Mount Stephen the Canadian Pacific Railway Company built that modern hostelry, "The Mount Stephen House." This house has accommodation for 175 guests, is lighted by electricity, heated by steam, and is thoroughly up-to-date. Open Winter and Summer. From Field parties start for Jhe Yoho Valley, the Ice River and Kiwetinok Valleys, Lake O'Hara, Emerald Lake, and many other points that offer attrac- tions to the tourist. Swiss Guides are retained by the Canadian Pacific Railway, and every facility afforded those who desire to climb mountains. An excellent livery service is operated between Field and Emerald Lake. Saddle and pack ponies are always to be had for excursions into the surrounding districts. Tennis and Croquet lawns and Golf Links in connection with the hotel. Rates, $3 per day and upward. EMERALD LAKE. B. C. A Swiss Chalet, with accommodation for 40 guests, has been built at Emerald Lake, which is situated seven miles north of Field, and is reached by carriage from Field. Parties are outfitted from this point for trips to the Yoho Valley. Good fishing and boating. Open June 1 until October. Rates, $3 per day and upward. GLACIER.! B. C About a mile from the base of the Illecillewaet or Great Glacier of the Selkirks is situated a well appointed and comfortable hotel called "Glacier House." At Glacier House there is accommodation for 200 gues_ts. The hotel is heated by steam and lighted by electricity, and it contains all the conveniences of a modern city hotel. Cuisine and service first-class. Pony livery in connection. Swiss guides for mountain climbing. Open Winter and Summer. Rates, $3 per day and upward. R.EVFLSTOKE, B. C. At Revelstoke is a well furnished and comfortable hotel of 75 rooms. Electric lighted and steam heated. Operated by Mr. H. A. Perley. From Revelstoke con- nection is made with the branch line which joins the Arrow Lake Steamers with the main line. Good Fishing and Hunting in the vicinity of Revelstoke. Hotel is open Winter and Summer. Rates $3 per day. SICAMOUS JCT. Hotel Sicamous, on Shuswap Lake, is a small hotel of 35 rooms, and is operated by Mr. F. W. Padmore. The house is well furnished and up-to-date. Open Winter and Summer. Excellent Fishing and Boating. Branch .to Okanagan connects with main line at Sicamous. Rates, $3 per day. NORTH BEND. B. C. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company own and operate the Fraser Canyon House at North Bend. This hotel is a small house of 30 rooms, is well furnished and provided with all modern conveniences. Open Winter and Summer. Rates, $3 per day and upward. Special arrangements for parties making extended visits at any of the hotels. For further information as to rates, etc., apply to manager of the hotel concerned, or to GEORGE McL. BROWN, Superintendent, Montreal, Can. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. THE HALLS OF THE ANCIENTS FOR PROMOTION OF National Galleries of History and Art in Washington 1312, 1314, 1316 and 1318 NEW YORK AVENUE Admission. 25 Cenls. T HE Halls of the Ancients are con- structed for illus- tration of the art, architecture, religion, and life of the ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Graeco - Roman, and Saracenic peoples. The design for the piwm Jnal: columns 70 ft. high and 12 ft. in diameter. It enters the Hall of Columns, more grand in dimensions and beautiful in color, than the Saulenhof built by Lepsius at Berlin. . , . , Therein are twelve decorated columns, larger than any existing models, in three styles: the Lotus Bud, the Palm, and Hathor capitals, with wall decorations. . The Egyptian Hail of Arts and Crafts contains the beautiful interior of an Egyptian House and Court designed by Racinet. It illustrates the Arts and Crafts of the Egyptians. A dado U ft. in length is a facsimile of the Book of the Dead from the British Museum. On the wall is a copy. 10 ft. by 7 ft., of Richter's Building of the Pyramids, and adjacent, one of like size of Long s Egyptian Feast. There is a model of the tomb brought by Lepsius to Berlin. A mummy is in the inner vault, and in the outer (Serdab) are illustrated offerings to the dead. The Assyrian Throne Room is gorgeous in blue and gold according to authority of Place. A section is walled with casts from the Nimroud slabs in the British Museum, and paintings of others by Rotta, Layard, and Smith. The portal is between the four colossal human-headed bulls found in the Palace of Sennacherib. The Throne of Xerxes from Persepolis is upon the exact scale of the cast in the Louvre. King Sennacherib is seated, modeled in costume from the bas- relief, the throne supported by captives. The Roman House, with entrance from the Hall of Columns, covers 10,000 square feet. Its decorations, 15.000 square feet of surface, are in part from the beautiful House of Vettius. The Lecture Hall, IT Persian style, contains the painting of the Grandeur of Rome, 500 square feet, after the original by Buhlmann and Wagner, of Munich. The Saracenic Halls are in counterparts of a house in Tangiers, and a hall plated with traceries from the Alhambra. The Art Gallery is devoted to Roman History. Walls are covered by plates from Pinelli's Istoria Kornana (102 in number), in historical order. Three have been painted by Pascal and I ft. by 7 ft., to show the powerful educational impressions when the whole shall be thus enlarged to range the Galleries as modeled, enclosing the Roman Court the Taberna are superb illustrations of Greek vases, full size. Replica copies thereof will schools and individuals, as models of form and beauty, at minimum cost, thus less of the proposed National Galleries of History and Art, and follow- possible prices Louvre, in distribution of models of art to the world at lowest of o^FD\TIouT?FbT^ C 40 u ft -' 1>S named from the models on i' 64 sca!e NAL GALLERIES, the promotion of which for our country is the chitect^e mvtholo nst ctlon of the . IIa11 ,^. ' demonstrate the realism with which all art, FrakUn WebsVe -Smith nationalities may be revived for instruction. Designed by A>K MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. At SHOREHAM John T. 'Define, Proprietor. WASHINGTON, D. C. Within five minutes' walk of the White House, Treasury, State, War and Navy Departments. Absolutely Modern ^nd in Every American a.nd European Pla.n Absolutely Fireproof ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. HOTEL DRISCOLL Facing U. S. Capitol a.i\d Grounds B Street, Comer First, N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. Finest location in the city. Handsome suites, 2 to 5 rooms with bath. Telephone in every room. Billiard Room, Smoking Room, Barber Shop. Cuisine and service of high excellence, at very reasonable rates. .. .'. Near ill Car Lines. One Block from B. & O. Depot. "RATES: American Plan $3.00 per day and upwards European Plan $1.50 per day a.rvd upwards UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. WILLIAM CATTO, Manager Five Blocks from Penn. Depot. When in Washington Register at THE BUCKINGHAM. *FHE BUCKINGHAM, on McPHERSON PARK, is in the very center of the most attractive and fashionable part of the city, two blocks from the Ex- ecutive Mansion, Treasury, State, War and Navy buildings, and within easy access of the theaters and shopping district. The (interior is planned for ^comfort and convenience. Desirable rooms for tran- sients. For ladies travel- ing alone this hotel affords special induce- ments. Cuisine and service are the very best, and up to date. The regular ttrlff of charges is $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 per day, American Plan. ...THE... ARMY and NAVY MAGAZINE "A JOURNAL OF QUALITY" A high-class publication, reaching the homes of people of wealth and culture, such as the families of officers of the Army and Navy, and those in Diplomatic and Official circles. 606 F Street. N. W.. WASHINGTON, D. C. AN EXCELLENT MEDIUM in which to advertise Hotels and Resorts. HERBERT CECIL LEWIS, Editor ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. A. L. BLISS, OWNER. F. K.WETMORE, MANAGER. ST. JAMES' HOTEL, EUROPEAN PLAN, WASHINGTON, B.C. Cor. Penn. Ave. & 6th St. BEST family and transient hotel at the National Capital. It has about it the atmosphere of comfort and home- likeness so fascinating to the tourist and to the traveling man. All rooms are equip- ped with local and long distance tele- phones, steam heat and electric light. Single rooms, $1.00 and upwards; suite, with bath, $3.00 to $6.00. L. WOODBURY. Proprietor. H. T. WHEELER. Manager. NIAGARA HOTEL, Buffalo, N.Y. "Buffalo and the JViagara Hotel is Ihe "Radiating "Point for Tourists bound for Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes. St. Laturence "Rit)er. Thousand Islands. Canadian Hunting, Fishing, and "Resort "Regions. THE Niagara Hotel is beautifully situated on the highest elevation in Buffalo, occupying an entire city block on Porter Avenue and the Park, near Niagara Street, in the residence district, and only a few rods from the head of, and overlooking, the picturesque Niagara River and Lake Erie. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Special rates for perma- nent guests or those desiring apartments for a definite period will be made on application. Few hotels offer tourists, business men and families such absolute comfort as may be had at the Niagara. All car lines transfer near to the door. Reasonable Rates. Correspondence solicited. Booklet forwarded. GARRY D. M. SHERMAN. Manager. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. A v f MOUNT VERNON (HOME AND TOMB OF WASHINGTON). .-riir THIIDICT'C DHIITF " This route affords Passengers an Int. JUUlAlDI O HUUIl-. unequaled opportunity to view 32 miles of magnificent scenery on the historic Potomac. Steamer CHARLES MACALESTER (built expressly for this service) LEAVES Seventh Street Wharf, Washington, D. C. (2 Trips), DAILY (SUNDAY EXCEPTED). SUMMER SCHEDULE (from May 30th to November 1st): 10 A, M, and 2.30 P, M, DUE TO ARRIVE AT WASHINGTON 2.15 AND 6.15 P. M. FALL and WINTER SCHEDULE (from November 1st to May 30th): 10 A. M, and 1,45 P, M, DUE TO ARRIVE AT WASHINGTON 1.40 AND 5.15 P. M. This is the only company permitted to sell admission tickets to Mount Vernon. CAFE ON STEAMER. The Mt. Vernon & Marshall Hall Steamboat Co., Limited. TELEPHONE 825 HAIN. A>K MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Tenn. Ave. Tomb MOUNT VERNON/" ADI iNrnvw The Beautifai rYlVj-ll^vJ 1 V/i>l j National Cemetery, Vlrgtiria'i Pint Capital, the Quaint Old City of ^ [^ FlX A IV P R I A Are all Quickly and Conveniently Reached on I The Electric Trains ! OF THE Washington, Alexandria & Mt. Vernon Ry. Station 13 y 2 Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. 10 A. n vT ol t Mt - Vernon h "-l . SrMaw.* a * hoor r ArlinKton and Alexandria every half Round Trip to Mount Vernon, ... 75c. Round Trip to Alexandria, ... 25c. Round Trip to Arlington, .... 20 C . Mt. Vernon. includ'g Arlington and Alexandria, 85c. Stop-over privileges allowed at Alexandria. W See Time Tables for detailed information. 5TER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn Ave Washington, Arlington and Falls Church Railway. (U. S. MAIL ROUTE.) ONLY LINE TO FORT MYER, VA., AND SHORT ROUTE TO BALLSTON, FALLS CHURCH, VA., AND ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, The Bivouac of the Nation's Dead, on the banks of the beautiful Potomac. lake Pennsylvania Avenue or F Street cars to Aqueduct Bridge. Trains every half hour. F. B. HUBBELL, Vice-President and Manager. T. GARRETT, Passenger Agent. Arlington Transfer Wagonettes. Make close connections with all trains to and from WASHINGTON, ALEXANDRIA and MT. VERNON. The route of the Wagonettes Is through the Cem -tery, to the Lee Mansion and Fort Myer, passing al] principal monuments, the new cemetery where the Maine victims and heroes of the Spanish war are buried; and to Fort McPherson. FARE, 25c. ROUND TRIP. Passengers may stop over at any point in the Cemetery, and take a later wagon without extra charge. During Exhibition drills parties will be taken to the drill hall at Fort Myer and returned without extra charge. Each driver is a good guide and thoroughly acquainted with location of the graves and points of interest. The cemetery is so large that one can see more in a half -hour driving than in two hours of walking. ARLINGTON TRANSFER CO. **. w^^m ' r'. j '^~^=^ *, ' ^71 - ASK MR. Betel and Cafe Corner Hth and G Sts*, N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C CENTRALLY LOCATED. A Home Hotel. Quiet and RestfuL RATES: AMERICAN: $1.50 to $2.00 per day; $8.00 to $12.00 per week. EUROPEAN: $1.00 and up. printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Pcnn. Ave RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG & POTOMAC R, R, AND WASHINGTON SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE RICHMOND -WASHINGTON LINE THE LINK CONNECTING THE Atlantic Coast Line R. R., Baltimore & Ohio R. R., Chesapeake & Ohio R v. Pennsylvania Railroad, Seaboard Air Line R'y, and Southern Rail- w.iv. between all points, via Richmond, Va. ^ ^ ^ X Fast Mail, Passenger, Express and Freight Route BETWEEN Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and all points North, South, East and West. W. D. DUKE. C. W. CULP. W. P. TAYLOR.. General Manager. Asjt. Cen'l Manager. Traffic Manager. Cbe Tredonia. 1321=1323 H St., N. W., WASHINGTON, - - D. C. Centrally located; new; thoroughly equipped with every modern appliance; a cuisine unexcelled. American Plan, $2 per day, $12 per week. Euro- pean Plan, $i per day and up. Special excursion rates. Address WM. W. DANENHOWER, Prop. 1RGINIA NAVIGATION CO JAMES RIVER ROUTE Between RICHMOND. NEWPORT NEWS. OLD POINT COMFORT. PORTSMOUTH .nd NORFOLK. VA. fajt and Elfjant Saloon Sttamer TOCAHOJVTAS Leaves Richmond Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7-00 a m Petersburg, 8:45 a. m., arriving at Old Point Comfort4:3O p m ' Norfolk, e:jo p. m. Leaves Norfolk Tuesday t Thursday and Saturday, y:oo a. m Old Point. 8:00 a. m., arriving at Petersburg, 3:00 p. m Richmond 5:50 p. m. Fre One Wy. S1.50; Round Trip, $2.5O. JAMESTOWN, ,607. FOSTER (or printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. ^ LIBRARY SPOON Made in Tea. Coffee and Orange Sizes. "THE, 'DAIJ^TIE.JfT OF ALL." BOOK MARK. Visitors to Washington should not fail to ask for the "MOORE & LEDING" (R. LEDING, Successor) productions in Sterling Silver, when selecting something to take home. These goods are acknowledged to be of the highest class, and recommend themselves to a discerning public. FOR SALE AT ALL FIRST-CLASS JEWELRY STORES. HOTELS AND SOUVENIR STORES. Special attention is called to the ONLY ORIGINAL Mount Vernon Spoon, the original Monument Spoon, and the original Library Spoon. Ask to see Bookmarks, Bon-bon Spoons, Chocolate Spoons, Jelly and Sugar Spoons, Baby Spoons and Pushers. Wholesale Office, 929 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. ROBERT LEDING. THE ELSME*RE 1408 H STREET. N.W., WASHINGTON. D. C. A High Class Family and Transient Hotel, one block from U. S. Treasury and White House. Large pleasant rooms, public and private baths, steam heat, excellent cuisine and service. $2.00 per day and up-, $12.50 weekly and up. American Plan. ASK MR THE ARDMORE, 1 3th St., bet. Penna. Ave. and F St, N. W, WASHINGTON, D. C. Family Hotel, central location. A pleasant home for tourists and sightseers. Pure Spring Water used upon the table. European plan, $1 and up; American plan, $1.50 to 2.50. No liquors. T. M. HALL, Proprietor. FOSTF.R for printed I er nl Hie St:md;ird Guide Information llurcati, 1333 Perm. Ave. Photographic Outfits ISO SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. E. J. PULLMAN, (Branch Store, 459 Penn. Ave.) 420 NINTH ST. Oldest House. (Established 1ST5.) Largest Stock. We supply everything used in making photographs, and all styles of Cameras. We develop and finish for Amateurs. We sell Souvenirs ; also Views of Washington and Mt. Vernon. Mail orders, either for goods or for developing and printing, promptly filled. KODAKS AND CAMERAS. LATEST MODELS. LOWEST PRICES. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S HATCHET SPOON. The most beautiful and historical souvenir spoon, containing eight objects pertaining to his home and political life. The Hatchet, and Little George in the act of chopping the cherry tree. A Scroll, representing the roll of parchment upon which was written the Declaration of Independence. The American Flag. representing' the victory of Independence. The Capitol, representing the establishment of our Govern- ment and his presidency. Mount Vernon Mansion, his beautiful country home. Washington Monu- ment. A Remarkably Correct Medallion Likeness completes one of the most attractive, as well as popular, spoons of the day. Coffee sire, $1.25: Tea size, $1.75; made in Sterling Silver only. For sale by souvenir dealers and jewelers; also D.N. WALFORD. Manufacturer, 625 and 909 Peivna. Ave.. N. W., Washington. D. C. Kodaks,Cameras and Photographic Supplies of Every Description DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING Special attention given to mail orders. Prices on application. -:- -:- VIEWS OF WASHINGTON The Columbia Photo. Supply Co. 1434 Ne*v York Avenue, Opposite Treasury Bldg. WASHINGTON, D. C. Circulars at Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. GR.ACE M. THOMAS, Real Estate and Insurance Broker, 100 Corcoran Building. Telephone 3485 Y. WASHINGTON, D. C. All dealers who sell the Standard Guide can supply also the Foster & Reynolds view books of Washington and the Library of Congress. ^ x X X ^ ^ Always ask to see the Foster & Reynolds books. TER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Hnreau, 1333 Tenn Ave. ftoum (lemon Souvenir $poon$. IN TEA OR COFFEE SIZES. THERE are a number of spoons with views of Mt. Vernon offered for sale throughout the country. "P is is the official Mt. Vernon spoon unanimously approved by the Mt. Veinon Ladies' Association and the only spoon which has ever received their official en- dorserrent. It is our own patent, controlled by us solely and alone, and has no connec- tion with any other Mt. Vernon spoon. Moreove-, it can only be bought on Mt. Vernon grounds. So, before purchasing elsewhere, examine ou s when you visit Mt. Vernon, or send for our descriptive circular with cut of spoon, etc. We send by mail all over the U.S. Articles made of wood from ourMt. Vernon grounds cannot be purchased anywhere else on earth except on grounds. D not confound these with articles made of wood from up north and ornamented with a picture of Mt. Vernon, and sold in Washington and elsewhere. Surely a souvenir of Mt. Ver- non is only interesting as coming from Mt, Vernon. FOR INFORMATION, CIRCULARS, ETC., ADDRESS franklin JL (Ubelan, Ulrginia. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 I'enn. Ave. Well-informed people those who have traveled say only good things of Hotel Raleigh ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. That's what we're striving for always commendation. Hotel Raleigh is delightfully located at Ocean end of St. Charles Place. Conveniently located sixty seconds from famous Board-walk, and but a few minutes from amusements and places of interest. The hotel is modern. Well furnished. The table? None better. Rates reasonable. You'll be interested in my illustrated booklet. Let me send '< to you. C. C. SHINN. SAMUEL ELLIS. Proprietor Hotel Majestic VIRGINIA AVENUE Atlantic City, N. J. Q Q Q EM38GQGQ n Pier " Elevator to street leve1 ' Open throughout the year. Write for booklet. a V and . . STER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau. 1333 Penn. Ave GALEN HALL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. 1HE OLD BUILDINC Hotel and Sanatorium THE NEW WING. fiBOTrt" ' iiaiata(aiaiai>)iflllt .. .,, i i Iff) New Building of Brick modern and complete with every Hotel convenience: Elevators, Steam Heat, Electric Light, Sun Parlors on each floor, and elevated Solarium with grand view of Ocean. Rooms with private baths with Sea Water. Bath Department a special feature. The rooms attractively fitted in Marble and White Tile. All that is newest and best in Electricity, Manual and Mechanical treatments. Sea Water in Baths, and all Hydriatic Apparatus. Massage for both Ladies and Gentlemen, by attendants of superior training. -:- - : - WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET TO F. L. YOUNG, General Manager THE BEAUMONT ^ H Tennessee Av. and Beach, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Open all year* Thoroughly equipped in every detail. Rooms single and en suite. Close to board walk, piers and principal bathing points. Table not surpassed in Atlantic City. Special spring rates. For booklet, etc., apply to JOHN B. CORE, Prop., Atlantic City, New Jersey. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 1'enn. Ave. THE WILTSHIRE VIRGINIA AVENUE AND BEACH ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. A modern high-class house, conducted on both American and European Plans. Send for booklet and rates. 8. S. PHOEBUS. Proprietor. HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Directly faring the Ocean and Board-walk. Hot and Cold Sea Water in /ate Baths. All Golf Privileges. N< N< N^ v^ x Open the Entire Year WALTER J. BUZPY ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the SUadard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. , &$&&&$mm&$&^^ HOTEL STRAND ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Located between the two Great Piers, at the southern end of Pennsylvania Avenue, over- looking the world-famed Boardwalk and Ocean. -:- -:- Built cf steel, brick storve FIREPROOF Telephones in rooms, ar- tesian well water, electric automobile, in fact every known comfort and conven- ience for guests all the I year round. -:- -:- -:- SEA WATER BATHS FAIFLBAIRN & WILLIAMS. Owners and Proprietors DIRECTLY ON THE OCEAN FRONT ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY Remains open throughout the year. Sea water in all baths. Golf privileges. Bell Telephone in rooms. Ask Mr. Foster for booklet and detailed information. ^ NEWLIN HAINES ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Informal ion Durt-au, 1333 1'enn. Ave. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL, Virginia Avenue and ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ' - Under New Management. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Hot and Cold Sea. Water Attached to all Baths. Private ai\d Public. Long Distance Telephones in Bedrooms. The hotel is central and select in location, within a few yards of the famous new steel pier, which offers every attraction and amusement. The hotel entertains 700 guests, having the finest exchange and furnish- ing throughout. Ten thousand square feet of veranda, enclosed in glass, with direct southern exposure, makes this hotel one of the most comfortable and inviting of any in the city. ^C X ^ X Bra- and Enameled Bedsteads. DAVID P. RAHTER, Manager. Music. Social Features. <* <* A. C. MITCHELL <. CO.. Props. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. SHERWOOD INN, Old Point Comfort, Va.. * A cheerful, home-like hotel, overlooking Fort Monroe and the historic Hampton Roads. An ideal climate; sailing, bathing, golt, fishing nting, and all the social attractions of Old Point. Special rates by week or month 1 for booklet. H. C. WILSON. ASK MK. HOSTKK for printed matter at .I, LEXINGTON HOTEL Comer 12th and Main Streets RICHMOND. VA. One Half "Bocf(_ from Pojl Offic Most centrally located hotel in the city Modern appointments. American Plan Hates. &2.5O to JS4-.OO per day iland;j4jiuimi-Mt Huix-iiu, ISJi iVini. Avc. IN THE ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS hundred feel abo*Ve the Sea Bedford Springs Hotel and Baths. A pleasure and health resort of superior character. Largest summer resort hotel in Pennsylvania. First-class accomodations. Modern appointments. Rooms en suite with private bath. Famous Mineral Waters. : ; ; por rates and other information address H. E. BEMIS, Manager, BEDFORD, PA. The Real Estate Title Insurance Company The Columbia Title Insurance Company Titles to Real Estate in District of Columbia examined, certified and guaranteed. Settlement of Sales and Loans superintended. Corner Fifth and E Streets, N.W. WASHINGTON, D. C. ASK MR. FOSTER for printed matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. THE RHODE ISLAND 1437 Rhode Island Ave. N. W. WASHINGTON. D. C. (Half Square from Car Line connecting with all parts of city). Located in the fashionable North West. Large comfortable rooms, single or en suite. Large airy dining room on parlor floor. The only Boarding House with Pool Bath. Comfortable house for tour- ists and sightseers. Board by the day, week or month. Reasonable Rates. MRS. IRENE SHAFER, Propiietor. Ask Mr. Foster, i 333 Pa. Ave. Parker, Bridget & Co. The foremost providing place of Men's, Women's and Boys' Wear : : Ninth TOIJVT COMFO'RT, OPEJV TH 3? 0\7GHO\7T THE. y E A. K^ . HUNTING. A magnificent game preserve of 10,000 acres. Quail, Wild Turkey, Ducks, Rabbits, Coons, Squirrel exclusively for guests of the Chamberlin. Best Shooting East of the Rockies. Two booklets: "Both Arms of the Service" and "Shooting in the Old Dominion." Both free. GEO. F. ADAMS, Mjvnsvger. Ask Mr. FOSTER? FORTRESS MONROE, VA. "Both arms of the Service At Old Point Comjort. Virginia.. VA., the Capital of the great Tidewater Section 3+ A Multitude of Attractions The Atla^rvtic Hotel Rebuilt 1903, Opened October 1st, is the newest and best Hotel. Centrally located ; Fire-proof ; Beautiful Cafes ; A grand Raths- keller. Long distance Telephone in every room. Electric power throughout. All outside rooms with splendid views of harbor and city. European plan, $1.00 up; American, $3.00 up. Splendid sanitary plumbing. New ideas. Plenty of fine music. Write for descriptive booklet. ^ X X x ^ J. HULL DAVIDSON, Manager ASK MR. FOSTliK for priuted matter at the Standard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ave. Headquarters for THE NEW PALATIAL Hotel Belvedere BALTIMORE Opened December 15. 1903 THE LATEST, LARGEST AND BEST HOTEL IN THE COUNTRY J^ ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. ACCOM- MODATIONS FOR 1,000 K B McCAHAN, Manager Four Blocks from Depots and Theatres THE ALDINE HOTEL, CHESTNUT ST., above 19th St., PHILADELPHIA. ROOMS, $1.50 to $5.00 per day, European Plan, AND $4.00 to $7.00 per day, American Plan. S. MURRAY MITCHELL, Proprietor A>K \l K. FOSTER lor pr.n.ed mailer at Jhe Slandard Guide Information Bureau, 1333 Penn. Ai Ghe BINGHAM HOUSE Bingham Ho