PRACTICAL SURVEYING FOR SURVEYORS' ASSISTANTS, VOCATIONAL, AND HIGH SCHOOLS BY ERNEST McCULLOUGH, C.E. Ph.D. Consulting Engineer; Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Sometime Lieut.-Colonel, United States Army, A. E. F.; Author of "Engineering as a Vocation 1 '; "Practical Structural Design," etc. 229 ILLUSTRATIONS SECOND EDITION, REVISED NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY EIGHT WARREN STREET 1921 ' . * v : . i\A Copyright, 1915, By D. VAN NOSTRAND CO. Copyright, 1921, By D. VAN NOSTRAND CO. To LEWIS INSTITUTE (CHICAGO) IN RECOGNITION OF THE WORK IT IS DOING 469981 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION During the recent world war, into which the United States entered in 1917, thousands of men had to be in- structed in the principles of surveying. Not only did the engineers need men of non-commissioned grade to serve as instrument-men and makers of topograpnical maps, but the artillery also required them. In the conventionalized courses given in the conventionalized technical schools of the country it had been assumed that surveying could be taught only to men who had completed, in high school and college, algebra, plane and solid geometry, trigonometry and analytical geometry. During the war thousands of intelli- gent men whose mathematical preparation did not extend beyond the arithmetic given in grade schools, were trained in a few weeks in the use of surveying instruments and received adequate instruction in the handling of formulas used by surveyors. They were not finished surveyors, for their training was of a special sort, but with the elements of surveying given them many were able after the close of hostilities to continue their studies. The author benefitted, for this book, the first edition of which appeared in 1915, was the only available modern work on surveying written for men who had not studied enough mathematics, higher than arithmetic, to enable them to read modern texts on surveying written by college and university professors. The author in 1915 was entering upon his twenty-eighth year of practice as a civil engineer, of which sixteen years had been spent in the far western states in the Rocky Mountains and along the Pacific Coast. He had served as a town and city engineer in small and medium size munici- VI PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION palities, as a deputy county surveyor and as a United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor. He had served also as a teacher of surveying in evening classes of schools operated not for profit, and numbers of boys and young men appreciated the instruction given them, many of whom later met with considerable success in surveying and civil engineering work. In that year he revised the lessons prepared for his pupils and put them into book form for the benefit of others who might wish to study the subject in a plainly written book. That it has sold well proves his ideas to have been right. The work of the war schools in surveying was additional confirmation that the principles of surveying can be taught to men whose knowledge of mathematics is meager. The following specifications must be adhered to in pre- paring a text book; (a) it must be accurate and clear, (b) it must be well balanced, especially when intended for men who will obtain little, or no, help from teachers, (c) it must be readable. The author in attempting to comply with these specifications proved that a book could be prepared which did not lack in vigor because of the assumption of little previous mathematical preparation on the part of the student. It contains more than is commonly given in schools and colleges where some instruction is given in surveying as a part of the course in mathematics, often- times under instructors who have had little or no practical surveying experience. It contains more than is required as a basic surveying course for non-commissioned officers of artillery and the corps of engineers. The subject is here presented in a logical manner. As- suming that the student is familiar with common school arithmetic all necessary instruction in mathematics is given step by step as the need is felt for it, and not before. The chapter on trigonometry contains what should be properly considered the minimum a surveyor should possess, although PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION Vll many surveyors do earn a living who know only a few of the formulas there presented. The essentials of algebra were placed in an appendix to serve merely as a useful introduc- tion to the study of algebra. This appendix has been highly spoken of and the author is gratified that it met with the approval of men who are competent judges. The author believes he succeeded in showing that there is more to surveying than the ability to solve triangles and read a vernier, important as these items are. The insistence from the first chapter on the large part played by unescap- able errors and the action of courts and juries in passing upon the work of surveyors, gives a view of the subject that is seldom obtained until after the class room is a memory and actual work begins. Land surveying is emphasized, for land survey methods underlie all work done by instru- mentmen. Enough is given of engineering surveying to help local surveyors over many hard places. The work is complete in everything with which the average surveyor will have to deal: titles and prices being given of books which deal fully with special branches of survey work. The prices given are those of before the war and may not be in all cases the prices of to-day. Some however have not changed and changes may go one way as easily as another, so it was thought best to retain the original prices in this second edition. The first class surveyor the author has found is a respected person in his community, and rightly so. Every reader of this book is counselled to buy and read "Boundaries and Landmarks," by A. C. Mulford, to obtain the point of view of the successful surveyor who is proud of his calling, the most ancient of the learned arts and sciences. To read that book gives something all young men need and should appreciate, the nearest possible equivalent to association with an elderly, well read, kindly gentleman of broad Vlll PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION experience in his calling. The reproach under which sur- veyors suffer is that many have picked up the business in a haphazard way for lack of comprehendible texts, the majority of graduates in engineering preferring to engage in engineering work and not liking the work of the surveyor. This leaves the field then to self-tutored men working with- out proper instruction, or at least instruction not as com- plete as it should be. That men in this class are willing to study when simply written books are placed in their hands is evidenced by the reception given to the first edition of this work. Opportunity we are told is half of life. An old engineer gave the writer in 1888 the following recipe for success: Opportunity % part Common sense J/ part Special training J^j part which implies, that, given opportunity, success is due to a mixture of two-thirds natural ability and one-third special training. This book is intended to give the special training, so far as it may be given in books, to self-tutored young men of natural ability who like surveying and to whom the opportunity comes to obtain work in the office or field with practicing surveyors. Thousands of men have contributed to the advancement of the science and art of surveying, and it is therefore not possible to give credit to past writers, except to say that in preparing this book the literature of the subject has been well searched. Credit has been given where but one author is involved, matters discussed by several writers, in this subject which has filled hundreds of volumes, being assumed to be common knowledge. The author believes he contrib- uted nothing original, for even things which he learned from experience may not have been original even though PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION IX heretofore not mentioned In text books, but he is gratified that many purchasers took the trouble to write that they liked his manner of presentation and found the book of considerable value. One of the most delightful incidents of this nature was a meeting on the British front in the winter of 1917-8, with an English officer who was studying the book preparatory to following the profession of surveying in Africa, when the war should be over. He went there in 1919, fortunately none the worse for wounds, and the acquaintance thus begun promises to endure as a warm friendship. The second edition differs from the first merely in the correction of all errors discovered. Readers are invited to call attention to any errors which may still exist, in case they discover any. Hints and suggestions for improvements are invited. It is believed that six years of sales which show increases from year to year, in spite of the fact that three were years of war, may be considered as proof that the book may be now classed as standard. THE AUTHOR. New York City, N. Y., September, 1921. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. INTRODUCTORY i II. CHAIN SURVEYING 14 III. LEVELING 73 IV. COMPASS SURVEYING 100 V. TRIGONOMETRY 148 VI. TRANSIT SURVEYING 210 VII. SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 290 VIII. ENGINEERING SURVEYING 33 APPENDIX A. THE ESSENTIALS OF ALGEBRA 3 6 3 PRACTICAL SURVEYING CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY Gravitation is a natural force acting on all material bodies with the effect of attracting them to each other. Terrestrial gravitation (gravity) is the operation of the law of gravitation so that all bodies within the range of its influence tend to be drawn to the center of the earth. That is, a straight line drawn from any point on the surface of the earth in the direction of its center is said to lie in the direction of gravity. In many cases gravity means simply weight, which is a measure of the force of gravity acting on a body. A cord having a plumb-bob attached to the lower end points in the direction of gravity and is said to define a vertical line. Differences in elevation are measured on vertical lines. A line forming a right angle with a vertical line is defined in plane surveying as being level, or horizontal. A point has position without length, breadth or thick- ness. A line has position and length without breadth or thickness. A line is terminated by points at the ends; it may be said to be composed of a number of points touch- ing each other; it may be said to be generated by a point changing position in space, the first position being the begin- ning of the line, the final position of the point being the other end, the line between the two points marking the path traveled. This is illustrated every time a line is drawn with a pencil or pen. A curved line changes direction at each point and a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. ; PRACTICAL SURVEYING A broken line consists of a number of short straight lines joined end to end and changing direction at the junction points. The changes in direction are angular, an angle being the amount of divergence between two lines that join or cross. A surface has position, length and breadth without thickness. A plane surface, or plane, is perfectly flat so FIG. i. Types of plumb-bobs used by surveyors. that a straight line may be drawn to connect any two points in the plane and each point in the line will touch the plane. In plane surveying the portion of the earth's surface measured is small in comparison with the circumference of the earth, so the curvature of the earth is safely neglected, an assumption which simplifies operations. Consequently a horizontal plane is dealt with. In geodetic surveying the curvature of the earth is taken into account, for the operations are so extensive that boundaries between nations are determined. The use of geodetic methods is confined almost entirely to the highest grade of Government work. Large cities are surveyed by a combination of geodetic and plane surveying methods. INTRODUCTORY 3 The methods of plane surveying are used on work of the following character: Land surveys to determine boundaries of fields or lots and areas of same. Canal, road and railway surveys to determine routes to be followed and the quantities of materials to be moved in forming the excavations and embankments. Construction surveys for the purpose of setting stakes for the location of buildings, bridges and other structures; computations of quantities, etc. Mining surveys to guide miners in driving tunnels, shafts and other workings. These are a combination of land and construction survey work. Topographical surveys made to obtain data for maps on which are shown all natural physical characteristics, such as the shape and heights of hills, extent of lowlands, routes of rivers, streams, roads, etc., so that improvements may be planned. On extensive topographical surveys a frame- work may be used of lines fixed by geodetic methods, the "filling in" being done by plane surveying methods. LAND SURVEYS The river Nile in Egypt annually overflows its banks and deposits upon the adjacent bottom lands many tons of silt, which, being washed down from rich land on the mountains of the interior of Africa, makes the valley wonderfully fertile. This silt covers the stones and 'posts set for land- marks and swirling water often removes them, so that from the most ancient times the boundaries of land in Egypt have been surveyed annually. The science of geom- etry arose in consequence according to Diodorus and others, although some authorities claim the science of geometry was of indigenous growth, appearing in each country as the people reached a proper development. That survey- ing preceded geometry is indicated by the Latin name, geometria, from the Greek yeunerpia (the measurement of land). The first geometers were land surveyors. When a portion of a tract of land is sold the seller and buyer proceed to " establish" the corners where the angular boundary lines join and a surveyor is employed to determine 4 PRACTICAL SURVEYING the lengths and directions of the lines between corners. A description of the corners, together with the directions and lengths of all lines, is written in the deed conveying title to the land and sometimes a map is made. Such a survey is termed "original," for by it the boundaries and marks are first described. In an original survey the corners are established. This can never again be done. If by any chance the marks are lost surveyors are employed to "re-locate" if possible the position of the corners, but no man can "re-establish" anything once established. A surveyor, making a re- survey, can only say that he has gone over the lines to the best of his ability from information given to him and believes he has set marks .as nearly as possible where the original marks were placed. A surveyor, not being an interested party, cannot pre- sume to put in a new corner having the force and effect of an original corner. Some time after he is gone good evi- dence may be found showing that the true corner lies at a considerable distance from the corner set by him. The owners being the only parties having any vital interest in the matter may destroy, if they wish, all evidences of the re-survey and abide by the boundaries originally fixed. The surveyor however should be notified so he may alter his notes. If this is not done trouble may arise in the following generation. Sometimes, after several unsuccessful attempts to re- locate a missing corner, the owners affected agree to accept a certain point in lieu of the corner originally set. This, however, can be done only by mutual agreement duly recorded and it does not constitute a "re-establishing" of a corner, but is the "establishing" of a new corner. If the agreement is not a mutual one between all the parties at interest and no proper record is made of it, a discovery at a future time of the original corner may cause trouble. In some states corners mutually held to become fixed after the lapse of a certain number of years, but this does not act always as a final settlement. In the absence of records it is easy for some person to deny that the agreement was mutual. There may be unearthed records to show that the agreement was based on fraud, so it is better to have a INTRODUCTORY 5 carefully drawn up agreement placed on record than to depend on the statute of limitations. The fact a student must never forget is that no surveyor, by virtue of any official position he may hold, can "fix," "re-establish," or "establish," any old corner. A surveyor on an original survey is employed to describe the intentions of a grantor in selling and of a grantee in buy- ing. A surveyor on a re-survey tries to retrace the lines run by the surveyor on the original survey. If the first man did his work well no troubles should develop even though nearly all the original corner marks have been destroyed. If the first surveyor made mistakes trouble cannot be avoided unless the second surveyor possesses a good knowledge of surveying, a good knowledge of court decisions affecting surveys, and plenty of common sense. It is a physical impossibility to make surveys positively free from error, but by proceeding carefully and taking all the time that is necessary errors may be reduced to a small amount which will be satisfactory to all concerned. Good work takes time and surveyors are generally paid by the day. It follows that the accuracy of surveyors' work must be governed by the value of the land surveyed. Various authors give limits of accuracy based on experience, which the author a number of years ago reduced to the following rule : The limit of error in land surveys may be expressed by a fraction having a numerator of I and a denominator equal to one-tenth the value of the land per acre expressed in cents, the maximum limit being -gkv, corresponding to a value of $50 per acre. When a compass is used to obtain directions and a chain in the hands of unskilled men is used to measure distances the error may be as large as I in 500. A very little expe- rience will enable men to do better work, so this limit of error should never be considered satisfactory. A limit of I in 750 should be attempted. The limit of error for land worth $100 per acre will be i in looo by the above rule and for land worth $1000 per acre the limit of error will be I in 10,000. An error of I in 20,000 is permissible in the business district of any large city, except possibly in the hearts of cities having a popula- 6 PRACTICAL SURVEYING tion of more than 1,000,000 where a limit of I in 50,000 may be worth attempting. An old legal maxim reads, " Monuments govern courses and courses govern distances." This arose from the fact that monuments are marks set by the grantor as visible evidences of intention. The original survey was an oper- ation performed to obtain data for a record of intention. It was not considered that chaining was a particularly skilled avocation and untrained men usually did such work. It was not uncommon to have the owner and one of his sons act as chainmen in order to impress upon the memory the location of the corners. In Great Britain "whipping the bounds" has not entirely gone out of style, and this was as common in the early history of America as it was in older countries. On a certain day in each year, usually just after the spring planting, boys were taken around every piece of property and whipped soundly at each corner after the names of the owners whose lands the fences and corner determined, were read to them. The evidence painfully so secured was often invaluable in law- suits years later, sometimes when the whipped boys were almost in their second childhood. In the early days chain- ing, therefore, was considered to be on a par with the read- ing of bearings for surveyors were not always well educated and many knew little, or nothing, about the variation (declination) of the needle. The effect of local attraction was generally ignored ; compasses were not always well made and readings were seldom taken closer than the nearest half degree of bearing. Nevertheless, with all the shortcomings of the angle work the bearings were given first consideration for they at least gave a close idea of direction, without which the most careful measurement is worthless. The compass is not used today for surveys where land is valuable for readings cannot be taken closer than one- quarter of a degree with the best made compass. When skilled chainmen are employed the errors in chaining are apt to be much smaller than the errors in angle. Modern instruments are well made and angles can be read to half minutes on even the lower-priced transits, while many men have instruments graduated to read to ten seconds, INTRODUCTORY 7 twenty seconds being the usual degree of accuracy for en- gineering surveys. Modern surveyors are better trained than the surveyors of preceding generations, so the in- strument work leaves little to be desired in point of ac- curacy. Errors today are most apt to occur in the chaining, for only by experience can men be trained to measure with a chain or tape. Young surveyors should impress this fact upon employers who want to save expenses, and object to paying a good price to an experienced chainman. The picking up of some unemployed laborer to do the measuring is a fruitful cause of lawsuits. In reading angles the plate of the instrument must be level, and the chain or tape must be level and be drawn ' . '\ H&& /,T4W f ' , .' S' t* FIG. 2. Measuring on sloping ground. taut. The chainmen are carefully "lined in" by the in- strument man in order that the measured line may be a straight, not a broken, line. Each man has a plumb-bob on a cord by means of which he fixes each tape length, for the tape must be held high enough to clear all bushes, stones, etc. On level ground the tape is usually held about the height of the waist. On sloping ground one man holds his end as close as possible to the ground, the other man raising his end until the tape is level, letting the plumb-bob line slide between his fingers slowly until the point of the plumb-bob touches the ground. When the 8 PRACTICAL SURVEYING slope is steep short measurements are taken. In meas- uring up or down hill in short sections like steps the addi- tive process is used to avoid errors. For example assume it is necessary to meas- ure in lengths of approximately 20 ft. The head chainman first pulls the tape (or chain) ahead the full length, then returns to the 20 ft. mark and sets a pin while the rear chainman holds his end on the starting point. Then the rear chain- man drops his end and goes forward to the head chainman, gives him a pin in place of the one just set, holds at the 20 ft. mark while the head chainman goes to the 40 ft. mark, when the proc- ess is repeated. In this manner the full length is measured without any adding being done mentally. When the full tape length is set off the number of pins held ~_ ' Q by the rear chainman represents the FIG. 3. Survey pins. J t f r ,, , i < i number of full lengths, for the pins used temporarily for the short lengths have been exchanged each time. In commencing to measure a line a steel or iron pin is stuck in the ground, or, if the mark is plain, the pin is held by the rear chain- man. When a tape length is measured the head chain- man sticks a pin in the ground at the point marked by the plumb-bob. An- other length is then meas- ured, the rear chainman pulling up the pin at his end after the head chain- ^ man has set his pin. The number of pins held by the rear chainman always indicates the number of tape, or chain, lengths measured, the pin in the ground not being counted for it merely fixes the point from which to measure. FIG. 4. INTRODUCTORY 9 The head chainman starts with ten pins, the total number being eleven. When ten lengths have been measured the rear chainman goes forward and hands ten pins to the head chainman and they check by counting the pins, making a record of the "tally," so that the correct number of tape lengths can be told when the line is fully measured. The head chainman holds the zero end of the tape and thus the number of feet, or links, past the last full tape length may be read directly. Pins usually have a length of about one foot and are stuck in the ground slanting to one side so the plumb-bob may be held over the point where the pin enters the ground. In order to find the pins readily it is customary to tie white, or brightly colored, strips of cloth in the ring at the upper end. Correct measuring cannot be done when weighted pins are used instead of plumb-bobs, although weighted pins were formerly used. A pin cannot be accurately dropped, no matter how well weighted. ROUTE SURVEYS Route surveys for roads, ditches, railways, etc., are marked by stakes driven in the ground at each tape length, the distances between stakes 100 ft. apart being termed "stations," the numbering of the stations proceeding from zero. Each stake being numbered, the number on any stake multiplied by 100 gives the distance in feet from Station o, the starting point. In land surveys only the distance between corners is wanted so pins are used merely as counters of tape lengths. In route surveys the elevation of the ground at each station point is required _ for the purpose of fixing grade lines and FlG ' 5 nes ^ t b ak a e nd wlt ' computing quantities of earthwork, there- fore the stakes are numbered and left in the ground for the use of the leveler and slopeman. These stakes are set slanting for the same reason that pins are thus set. At stations where the instrument is placed for the purpose of reading angles a square stake, called a hub, is driven flush 10 PRACTICAL SURVEYING with the ground and a tack driven in the top to mark the point exactly. A stake is driven to one side as a witness and on the witness stake the necessary identification marks are placed. After the stations have been set, by the transit (or com- pass) party, elevations of the ground are taken at each stake and recorded in a book. These elevations when plotted on ruled paper give a "profile" of the route and on the profile is fixed the grade line. The slope of the ground to the right and left of each station is also measured and from the slope-notes are plotted cross-sections from which earth- work quantities are computed after a grade is adopted. MEASURING ON SLOPES If all ground sloped the same degree all measurements might be made on the surface and no errors would arise. Since some ground is level and some is very steep, with many degrees of slope between, it is necessary to adopt a standard, so 100 ft. will be 100 ft., no matter what the nature of the ground. This is accomplished by holding the tape level and taut. A level line is parallel to the sur- face of still water and as the earth is practically a sphere a level line is really the circumference of a great circle. The diameter of the circle is so great and the distances, com- FIG. 6. McCullough tape level. paratively, so short that horizontal lines are assumed for all practical purposes to be level, a horizontal line being perpendicular to a vertical line. Unskilled men experience considerable difficulty in hold- ing a tape level. The error is cumulative and the sloping tape measures " short" each time, so the total length is re- corded as greater than it is actually marked on the ground. A number of devices are used to assist inexperienced chain- men, the author, in 1892, patenting a small level for the INTRODUCTORY II purpose. The chief merit of this device is that it may be carried in the vest pocket and be quickly put on or taken off any tape. The patent having expired a number of instrument dealers now advertise similar levels, a few crediting the inventor by name. The level is placed on the tape about one foot from the end and the tape is pulled tight. By first experimenting with the tape and level on a level surface, as a floor, the positions of the bubble for different tape lengths and different amounts of sag are noted. With- out some such device a tape may be held horizontally as follows: While the rear chainman holds his end stationary the head chainman raises and lowers his end until he ascer- tains the longest distance which can be obtained, each man using a plumb-bob. On route surveys it is usual to give each man a hand level, the proper use of which will be ex- plained later. The numbering of stations has been described. Stakes set between are marked with the number of feet from the 7 Needle +50 +30 ""*" Stream 6 BlUft +59 Uj -fa, eV draftsman to make maps with 20, 200, 2000, 30, 300, 3000, etc., feet per inch, inches, feet or yards per mile, etc. 6. A 3-H lead pencil, although it is well to have a 4-H pencil also. The 4-H pencil will be used to mark points and draw lines lightly, the 3-H pencil being used to draw more prominent lines. 7. Pencil eraser. 8. Drawing pen, 5 ins. long. 9. Compass with pen and pencil points, for drawing circles. The length should be 6 ins. or 8 ins. Other tools will be required when com- pass surveying is reached but for present use the foregoing will be "sufficient. Use a good quality of drawing paper, the most FlG - I 7- () Rut restful color to the eyes being a light brown or buff. For holding the paper to the draw- ing board use thumb tacks of punched steel f-in. diameter. To draw parallel lines. Place a triangle on the paper and hold it by pressing with the tips of the fingers of the (a) pass with pen point and length- ening bar. FIG. i 8. FIG. 19. left hand. With the right hand slide another triangle along one side of the first. In Figs. 1 8 and 19 the line a ... b having been drawn, the triangles are held so the edge c . . . d touches the line a ... b. Holding the larger triangle firmly the 26 PRACTICAL SURVEYING smaller one is held closely in contact with it and moved to the point c, when a pencil drawn along the edge will describe the line c . . . d parallel with a . . . b. Instead of two triangles a straight-edge or T square may be used with one triangle. By using two triangles in combination with a straight-edge or T square a number of angles may be formed as shown in Fig. 20. FIG. 20. The surveyor seldom uses triangles for setting off angles in the manner shown in Fig. 20. The principal use to which he puts these useful tools is to transfer lines from one part of a map to another. PROBLEMS I . To erect a perpendicular to a given line passing through a given point outside the line. Let B-C be the line and A be the point. 1st method. Draw the line BC. Set the needle point of the compasses at A and describe the arc intercepting B-C at D and E. Bisect D-E and from the midway point F draw the line F-A , which will be the required perpendic- ular. Fig. 21. 2nd method. Describe arc D-E as before. With needle point at E set pencil point at A and describe arc A-E. CHAIN SURVEYING 27 With needle point at D and pencil point at A describe arc A-F intersecting at F the first arc drawn from E as the center. The line A-F will be the required perpendicular. Fig. 22. $rd method. Let F be the point. From a point A describe an arc D-E-F and a line connecting E and F will / V -' FIG. 21. FIG. 22. FIG. 23. be the required perpendicular provided the three points Z>, A and F are in a straight line. To accomplish this draw a line from F to the line jB-C and mark D. Set off the middle point A, so that DA = AF. Fig. 23. From the foregoing problems a perpendicular is seen to be a line intersecting another line in such a manner that the angle formed on one side of the line is equal to the angle on the other side. By the second method four equal angles are formed, each being a right angle. A perpendicular line is also called a normal line. With the needle point set at the intersection of two lines normal to each other describe with the pencil point a complete circle. Fig. 24. Then 2 - 0.7854^ = 0.7854 (D*-d 2 ). An excellent text on mensuration is " Practical Mathematics " by Knott & Mackay ($2.00). 3456 78 STAKING OUT WORK To stake out a lot for grading. Grade stakes on lots are generally set in lO-ft. or 25-1 1. squares. At the corner of each square is set a stake about one foot long projecting 4 ins. or 6 ins. above the surface, and on this stake is marked the cut or fill. In Fig. 72 assume that the square A BCD is to be laid out in squares or rectangles. From A in any convenient way lay off the line AD, perpendicular to AB, setting the stakes and marking them Oa, Ob, Oc, etc. From B set off the line B C, perpendicular to BA, set- ting .the stakes and marking them 8 a, 8 b, 8 c, etc. Measure from A toB, setting the stakes and marking them I a, 2 a, 3 a, etc. ...._, Measure from D to C, setting the stakes and marking them o i, I i, 2 i, etc. IG ' 72> A 4-ft. lath, with a cloth tied near the top, is set on the line BC at each stake and also on the line DC at each stake. An observer stands at I a and sights towards I d. Another observer stands at o b and sights towards 8 b. A helper with a bag of stakes and a line pole goes along the line b and is lined in by the two observers by the in- tersection process, the observer on the b line remaining in place, the observer on the a line moving towards B after each stake is driven. CHAIN SURVEYING 53 When stake 7 a is set, the observer at o b moves to o c and the helper goes to the c line and sets 7 c. He and the observer on the a line work back to the I line. The other observer then drops to the d line, and the work proceeds thus until all the stakes are set. In Fig. 73 a stake is shown, every stake being marked to indicate the intersection of the two lines on which it stands. The lower figures +7.3 are put on after the elevations are taken. FIG. 73. The -f- sign indicates a cut, the surface of the ground at this stake being 7.3 feet above grade. A sign indicates a fill. To stake out a building. The 3, 4, 5 method for erect- ing perpendiculars is generally used by contractors when 234 56 10 II \ i _ ! i L L.. L /?* h- i T --{-1 ! ri (' V A X' > 1 H E K ! - .._ f ) sp 1 J __ n .- _. . _' _- _! ^ ! ! i j ___ 10 ir /)' i c ! 1 r ?fl' ! ' ._J ! <_y ?/' ""/' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' TV 9' 10' //" FIG. 74. Staking out a building. staking out buildings without an instrument for turning angles. In Fig. 74 the property line AB is assumed to be staked 54 PRACTICAL SURVEYING and the location of the building settled. The heavy lines show the outline of the building. At I and n stakes are set, the distance between being 10 ft. more than the width of the building, each stake being 5 ft. from the building line. A chalk line is stretched tightly from nails driven to mark the exact points in the tops of the stakes and the points 2 to 10 inclusive set and nails are driven to mark them. At I and n perpendicular lines (i ... 21 and n to 21 are set out, the stakes numbered 21 being 5 ft. from the building line. At 2 1 check measurements are made to make it certain that perfect right angles have been turned. Lines are stretched from I to 21 and from n to 21', the intermediate points 12 to 20 inclusive measured off and set with nails marking the exact locations. When a stake is used the top is usually I or 2 ft. above the ground and the nail projects an inch or so above the top so a cord may be tied to it. If a number of points fall within a space of 10 or 12 ft. a couple of posts are driven to which a board is spiked on the line and nails are driven in the top edge of the board. FIG. 75. Batter boards. Batter boards at corner. The dotted lines represent cords stretched between nails and the points of intersection fix the building lines. The stakes being at least 5 ft. away from the building are safe from disturbance during the excavating period. It is CHAIN SURVEYING 55 never necessary to have all the lines in place at one time. Two men can stretch line 2 . . . 2' and then hold a line on 1 8 . . . 1 8' while a third man drives a stake at F. Moving to 17 ... 17' a stake is driven at G. Line 2 ... 2' is moved to 3 ... 3', the cross line held on 16 . . . 16' while // is driven and on 19 ... 19' while E is driven. The corner line guides are often arranged as shown in Fig. 76, and the cords are tied around the boards, as the pull on a long line will bend a small nail, for all lines must be taut. THE USE OF A TABLE OF SQUARES Surveyors should become accustomed to the use of labor-saving tables and diagrams. The table here given is very old and of great value. Find the square of 138. The square of 138 = 138 X 138 = I38 2 . Looking in the column headed No. find 138. In the column headed Square find 19,044 opposite 138. Then I38 2 = 19,044. Find the cube of 138. The cube of 138 = 138 X 138 X 138 = I38 3 . Looking in the column headed No. find 138. In the column headed Cube find 2,628,072 opposite 138. Then I38 3 = 2,628,072. Proceeding in a similar manner the square root of 138 = V^S = 11.747344 and the cube root of 138 = ^138 = 5.167649. The square root of any number is one of two equal factors which multiplied together will produce that number. Thus 5 is the square root of 25, for 25 = 5 X 5- The cube root of any number is one of three equal factors which multiplied together produce that number. Thus 5 is the cube root of 125, for 125 = 5 X 5 X 5. The fourth root of any number is one of four equal factors which multiplied together produce that number. Thus 5 is the fourth root of 625, for 625 = 5X5X5X5. The sixth root of any number is one of six equal factors which multiplied together produce that number. Thus 5 is thesixth root of 1,953, 125, for 1,953,125 = 5 X5 X5 X5 X 5X5- 56 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Let a = any number, then a 2 = a X a, and a* = aXaXaXa. .'. a 4 = a 2 X a 2 = a 2 + 2 . a 3 = aXaXa, and a* = aXaXaXaXaXa. .'. a 6 = a 3 X a 3 = a 3 + 3 . The exponent = the sum of the times the number is used. It follows that: a 5 = a X a X a X a X a, = a 2 X a 3 = a 2 + 3 , and a 7 = a 2 X a 2 X a s = a 4 X a 3 = a 4+3 . A knowledge of the law of exponents permits the use of the table to find the fourth and higher powers. Thus to find the fourth power of any number, first find the square. Using the square as a number find its square. Find the fourth power of 30. 30 2 = 900, 900 2 = 810,000 = 30 4 = 30 2 X 3 2 = 3<> X 30 X 30 X 30- The sixth power is found by using the cube. Find the sixth power of 7. 7* =343, 343 3 = 40,353,607 = 7 6 = 7 3 X7 3 = 7X7X7X7X7X7. To find the fifth power of a number find the square and the cube of the number and multiply. Find the fifth power of 2. 2 2 = 2 X 2 = 4, 2 3 = 2X2X2 = 8, 2 5 = 2 2 X2 3 = 4X8 = 32 =2X2X2X2X2. To find the seventh power of a number multiply the third power by the fourth power. Find the seventh power of 2. 2 3 = 2X2X2 = 8, 2 4 = 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 16, 2 7 = 2 3 X2 4 = 8Xi6 = 128 = 2X2X2X2X2X2X2. CHAIN SURVEYING 57 In Fig. 77 Aa = and ABCD form a square. Aa' = a'e = ed = Ad. The square ABCD has an area four times that of the square Aa'ed, having sides one-half the length FIG. 78. of the larger square. Similarly in Fig. 78 the square ABCD has an area nine times as large as the area of the square Aabc, having sides one-third the length of the larger square. The table contains no numbers larger than 1000, there- fore the principle just illustrated must be used when the square of a large number is wanted. Rule. Divide by a number giving a quotient contain- ing less than four figures. Multiply the square of the quotient by the square of the divisor. Example. Find the square of 1220. 1220 10 122. I22 2 = 14,884. I220 2 = I22 2 X I0 2 = 14,884 X 100 = 1,488,400. Find 90 4 . 90 2 = 8100. 810. 8100 10 8io 2 = 656,100. 90 4 = 8io 2 X io 2 = 656,100 X 100 = 65,610,000. Find 95 4 . 95 2 = 9025. 9025 V = 902-5. 58 PRACTICAL SURVEYING 25 250 36.I 2 = 1303-21. 250 2 = 62,500. 95 4 = 36.I 2 X 250 2 = 1303.21 X 62,500 = 81,450,625. In the last example the method of handling squares of decimal numbers is plainly illustrated. The square of 361 = 130,321. The square of 36.1 = 1303.21. The square of 3.61 = 13.0321. To extract the square root of any number. The square root of each number less than 1000 is found in the column headed Square Root. If the number is greater than 1000 find it in the column headed Square and the square root will be found in the column headed No. To extract the cube root of any number. The cube root of each number less than 1000 is found in the column headed Cube Root. If the number is greater than 1000 find it in the column headed Cube and the cube root will be found in the column headed No. When the cube is wanted of a number larger than 1000 it will be best to use logarithms. Barlow's Table Book contains squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots for all numbers from I to 10,000, and is sold by all dealers in scientific books. No books are in general circulation containing squares of higher numbers because of the small demand, although tables of squares of all numbers up to 100,000 were once printed. 8 a = altitude, b = base, c = hypothenuse, C v CL i * * c b = V(c + a) X (c - a) = V c 2 - a 2 , FIG. 79. a = V(c + b) X (c - b) = Vc 2 - b 2 . The above formulas should be memorized for they are very useful to surveyors. CHAIN SURVEYING 59 The formulas for rinding the base and altitude of a right- angled triangle illustrate the algebraic theorem The product of the sum and difference of two quantities = the difference of their squares. Examples. Use the table of squares. (i) -> 6 = 4. Find c. a 2 = 3 2 = 9 1 6 . & 2 = 4 2 = ~ c=V 25 = 5 In the column headed Squares find 25, and in column headed No. find 5. Another method is to find 25 in the column headed No. and in the column headed Square Root find 5. (2) c = 35. b = 28. c 2 = 35 2 = 1225 441 When either number contains more than three figures both numbers must be divided by a number that will re- duce them to less than four figure values. Algebraically and geometrically we can prove The value of a ratio is not altered when both terms are multiplied or divided by the same quantity. 3-2 y 1 "2 y C 1 y *7 _6^6_6^o_6^i e C 4 4X3 4X5 4X7' Using the new values proceed as before. When the square root is found multiply by the number used as a divisor. The result will be the same as though the original values had been used. We can prove by geometry Triangles which have two angles equal each to each have their sides proportional. 60 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Example. a = 117.28 ft. b = 92.20 ft. Find c. Divide by a common divisor. 4|ii7.28 92.20 4129.32 23.04 Divisor = 4 X 4 = 16 7-33 576 + 7-33 2 = 537289 5-76 2 = 33.1776 86.9065 From table 86.8624 = 9.32 0.0441 1 6 5592 932 149.12 add 0.05 149.17 = c. Squaring the lengths of the two sides and extracting the square root of the sum by arithmetic the length of c = 149.182. The difference is closer than ordinary work in the field. No rational reason can be given for adding the remainder 0.0442 (0.05) but we know the root lies between 9.32 and 9.33, and experience has shown that when the second significant figure in the remainder is increased by I and the remainder then added, the final error is very small. With a table of squares of numbers up to 10,000 more exact results can be obtained. SLIDE RULE The slide rule has become an indispensable tool for engineers, and should be used by every surveyor. The principle of the slide rule is simple although some very complicated forms are manufactured. Full instructions for use accompany each instrument. Purchase only from CHAIN SURVEYING 6l a firm of high reputation and test the graduations care- fully to see that the A scale coincides with the B scale, and the C scale with the D scale. The best form for the use of a surveyor has the ordinary Mannheim graduations with a reciprocal scale so three numbers can be multiplied at one setting. For office use a i6-in. slide rule is best. For ordinary use either an 8-in. or lo-in. rule will be found satisfactory. The man who is a slave to the slide rule carries one 5 ins. long in his pocket. MULTIPLYING TABLES Crelle's Multiplying and Dividing Tables ($5.00) should be in the office of every man who has to do much figuring. On a large survey the time saved will pay for the book, and mistakes can occur only through grave carelessness. 62 PRACTICAL SURVEYING SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. i t i I. OOO .000 51 26 oi 132 651 7.141 3.708 2 4 8 I.4I4 .260 52 2704 140 608 7. 211 3-733 3 27 1-732 442 53 2809 148 877 7.280 3-756 4 16 64 2. OOO 587 54 29 16 157 464 7.349 3.78o 5 25 125 2.236 .710 55 3025 166 375 7.416 3-803 6 36 216 2.449 .817 56 3136 175616 7.483 3-826 7 8 S 343 512 2.646 2.828 .913 2.000 57 58 3249 3364 185 193 195 112 7.550 7.616 3.849 3.871 9 81 729 3.000 2.080 59 348i 205 379 7.681 3-893 10 I 00 I 000 3.162 2.154 60 3600 216 ooo 7.746 3.915 ii I 21 I 331 3.317 2.224 61 3721 226981 7.810 3-937 12 144 I 728 3-464 2.289 62 3844 238 328 7.874 3-958 13 169 2 197 3-606 2-351 63 3969 250 047 7.937 3-979 14 196 2744 3-742 2.410 64 4096 262 144 8.000 4.000 15 225 3375 3.873 2.466 65 4225 274 625 8.062 4.021 16 256 4096 4.000 2.520 66 4356 287496 8.124 4.04T 17 289 4913 4-123 2.571 67 4489 300763 8.185 4.062 18 324 5832 4-243 2.621 68 4624 314 432 8.246 4.082 19 36i 6859 4-359 2.668 69 476i 328509 8.307 4.102 20 400 8 ooo 4.472 2.714 70 4900 343000 8.367 4.121 21 441 9 261 4.583 2.759 71 5041 357 9" 8.426 4.141 22 484 10648 4.690 2.802 72 5184 373 248 8.485 4.160 23 529 12 167 4-796 2.844 73 5329 389 017 8.544 4-179 24 576 13824 4.899 2.885 74 5476 405 224 8.602 4.198 25 625 15625 5.000 2.924 75 5625 421 875 8.660 4.217 26 676 17576 5-099 2.963 76 5776 438 976 8.718 4-236 27 729 19683 5.196 3.000 77 5929 456533 8.775 4-254 28 784 21952 5.292 3-037 78 6084 474 552 8.832 4-273 29 841 24389 5-385 3.072 79 62 41 493 039 8.888 4.291 30 9 oo 27 ooo 5-477 3-107 80 6400 512000 8-944 4.309 31 961 29791 5-568 3.I4I 81 6561 531 441 9.000 4-327 32 1024 32768 5.657 3-175 82 6724 551 368 9-055 4-345 33 1089 35 937 5-745 3.208 83 6889 571 787 9.110 4.362 34 ii 56 39304 5.831 3.240 84 7056 592 704 9-165 4.38o 35 1225 42875 5.916 3-271 85 7225 614 125 9.220 4-397 36 1296 46656 6.000 3-302 86 7396 636 056 9-274 4.414 37 38 1369 1444 50653 54872 6.083 6.164 3-332 3-362 87 88 7569 7744 658 503 63i 472 9-327 9-38i 4-431 4-448 39 1521 59319 6.245 3-391 89 7921 704 969 9-434 4.465 40 1600 64 ooo 6.325 3.420 90 81 oo 729 ooo 9-487 4.481 41 1681 68 921 6.403 3.448 91 8281 753 571 9-539 4.498 42 43 1764 1849 74088 79507 6.481 6.557 3.476 3.503 92 93 8464 8649 778 688 804 357 9-592 9.6l4 4.514 4-531 44 1936 85184 6.633 3-530 94 8836 830 584 9.695 4-547 45 20 25 91 125 6.708 3-557 95 9025 857 375 9-747 4.563 46 21 16 97 336 6.782 3.583 96 92 16 884 736 9-798 4-579 47 22 09 103 823 6.856 3.609 97 9409 912 673 9.849 4-595 48 2304 no 592 6.928 3.634 98 9604 941 192 9.900 4.610 49 24 oi 117 649 7.000 3.659 99 98 oi 970 299 995Q 4.626 50 25 oo 125 ooo 7.071 3-63 4 100 I 00 OO I OOO 000 10.000 4-642 CHAIN SURVEYING 63 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. 101 I O2 OI i 030 301 10.0499 4-6570 151 2 28 01 3 442 95i 12.2882 5.3251 IO2 10404 i 061 208 10.0995 4-6723 152 23104 3 5H 808 12.3288 5-3368 103 i 06 09 i 092 727 10.1489 4.6875 153 23409 3 58l 577 12.3693 5.3485 104 I 08 16 i 124 864 10.1980 4.7027 154 23716 3 652 264 12.4097 5.3601 105 I 10 25 I 157 625 10.2470 4-7177 155 24025 3 723 875 12.4499 5-3717 106 I 1236 i 191 016 10.2956 4.7326 156 24336 3 796 416 12.4900 5-3832 107 I 14 49 i 225 043 10.3441 4-7475 157 24649 3 869 893 12.5300: 5-3947 108 i 16 64 i 259 712 10.3923 4.7622 158 24964 3 944 312 12.5698 5.4061 109 I 18 81 i 295 029 10.4403 4.7769 159 252 81 4 019 679 12.6095 5.4175 no I 21 OO i 331 ooo 10.4881 4-7914 160 25600 4 096000 12.6491 5.4288 III 12321 I 367 631 10.5357 4-8059 161 2 59 21 4 173 281 12.6886 5-4401 112 I 25 44 I 404 928 10.5830 4-8203 162 262 44 4 251 528 12.7279 5-4514 H3 i 27 69 I 442 897 10.6301 4.8346 163 2 65 69 4 330 747 12.7671 5.4626 114 I 29 96 I 481 544 10.6771 4.8488 164 26896 4 410 944 12.8062 5-4737 US 13225 I 520 875 10.7238 4.8629 165 27225 4 492 125 12.8452 5.4848 116 I 3456 I 560 896 10.7703 4.8770 166 27556 4 574 296 12.8841 5-4959 117 13689 I 601 613 10.8167 4.8910 167 27889 4 657 463 12.9228 5-5069 118 i 39 24 I 643 032 10.8628 4.9049 168 2 82 24 4 741 632 12.9615 5.5178 119 i 41 61 i 685 159 10.9087 4.9187 169 2 85 61 4 826 809 13.0000 5.5288 120 14400 i 728 ooo 10.9545 4.9324 170 28900 4 913 ooo 13-0384 5-5397 121 I 46 41 i 771 561 II.OOOO 4.9461 171 29241 5 ooo 211 13-0767 5.5505 122 14884 i 815 848 11.0454 4-9597 172 29584 5088448 13-1149 5.5613 123 151 29 i 860 867 11.0905 4-9732 173 29929 5 177 717 13-1529 5.5721 124 i 53 76 i 906624 II -1355 4.9866 174 30276 5 268 024 13-1909 5.5828 125 15625 i 953 125 11.1803 5.0000 175 30625 5 359 375 13.2288 5-5934 126 15876 2 000376 11.2250 5-0133 176 30976 5 451 776 13-2665 5.6041 127 i 61 29 2 048 383 11.2694 5-0265 177 31329 5 545 233 13-3041 5.6147 128 16384 2 097 152 11-3137 5-0397 178 3 16 84 5 639 752 13.3417 5.6252 129 i 66 41 2 146 689 11-3578 5-0528 179 32041 5735339 13-3791 5.6357 130 i 6900 2 197000 11.4018 5-0658 180 32400 5 832 ooo 13.4164 5.6462 131 i 71 60 2 248 091 n.4455 5.0788 181 3 27 61 5 929 741 I3.4536 5-6567 132 i 7424 2 299 968 11.4891 5.0916 182 33124 6 028 568 13.4907 5-6671 133 2 352 637 H.5326 5-1045 183 33489 6 128 487 13.5277 5.6774 134 i 79 56 2 406 1O4 11-5758 5-II72 184 33856 6 229 504 13-5647 5.6877 135 i 82 25 2 460 375 11.6190 S.I299 185 34225 6 331 625 13-6015 5.6980 136 18496 2 515 456 11.6619 5.1426 186 34596 6 434 856 13-6382 5.7083 137 18769 2 571 353 11.7047 5.I55I 187 34969 6 539 203 13-6748 5.7185 138 i 9044 2 628 O72 11-7473 5-1676 188 35344 6 644 672 I3.7H3 5-7287 139 I932I 2 685 6l9 11.7898 S-lSoi 189 35721 6 751 269 13-7477 5-7388 140 i 96 oo 2 744000 11.8322 5.1925 190 3 61 oo 6859 ooo 13.7840 5.7489 141 19881 2 803 221 II-8743 5-2048 191 36481 6 967 871 13-8203 5.7590 142 2 OI 64 2 863 288 11.9164 5.2171 192 36864 7 077 888 13-8564 5.7690 143 20449 2 924 207 H.9583 5.2293 193 37249 7 189 057 13.8924 5.7790 144 145 2 0736 2 1025 2 985 984 3 048 625 I2.OOOO I2.04I6 5.2415 5 2536 194 195 37636 38025 7 301 384 7 4M 875 13.9284 13.9642 5.7890 5.7989 146 2 13 16 3 112 136 12.0830 5.2656 196 38416 7 529 536 14.0000 5.8088 147 2 1609 3 i?6 523 12.1244 5.2776 197 38809 7 645 373 14.0357 5.8186 148 2 1904 3 241 792 12.1655 5-2896 198 39204 7 762 392 14.0712 5.8285 149 2 22 01 3 307 949 12.2066 5-3015 199 396oi 7 880 599 14.1067 5.8383 150 2 25 00 3375000 12.2474 5.3133 200 4 oo oo 8 ooo ooo 14.1421 5-8480 4 PRACTICAL SURVEYING SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. 201 40401 8 120 601 14.1774 5.8578 251 6 30 01 15 813 251 15 8430 6.3080 2O2 40804 8 242 408 14.2127 5-8675 252 6 .35 04 16 003 008 15.8745 6.3164 203 41209 8 365 427 14.2478 5.8771 253 64009 16 194 277 15.9060! 6.3247 204 4 16 16 8 489 664 14.2829 5.8868 254 6 45 16 16 387 064 15-9374 6.3330 205 42025 8 615 125 14.3178 5-8964 255 65025 16 581 375 15.9687 6.3413 206 42436 8 741 816 14.3527 5.9059 256 65536 16 777 216 i6.oooo| 6.3496 207 42849 8 869 743 14-3875 5-9155 257 6 6049 16 974 593 16.0312 6.3579 208 43264 8 998 912 14.4222 5.9250 258 66564 17 173 512 16.06241 6.3661 209 4368i 9 129 329 14.4568 5-9345 259 6 7081 17 373 979 16.0935 6.3743 210 4 41 oo 9 261 ooo 14.4914 5-9439 260 6 76 oo 17 576 ooo 16.1245 6.3825 211 4 45 21 9 393 93i 14.5258 5-9533 261 68121 17 779 58i 16.1555 6.3907 212 44944 9 528 128 14-5602 5.9627 262 686 44 17 984 728 16.1864 9.3988 213 45369 9 663 597 14-5945 5-9721 263 691 69 18 191 447 16.2173 6.4070 214 45796 9800344 14.6287 5.9814 264 69696 18 399 744 16.2481 6.4I5I 215 4 6225 9 938 375 14.6629 5.9907 265 70225 18 609 625 16.2788 6.4232 216 46656 10 077 696 14-6969 6.0000 266 70756 18 821 096 16.3095 6.4312 21? 47089 10 218 313 14.7309 6.0092 267 7 1289 19 034 163 16.3401 6.4393 218 47524 10 360 232 14.7648 6.0185 268 71824 19 248 832 i 6 3707 6.4473 219 47961 10 503 459 14.7986 6.0277 269 72361 19 465 109 16.4012 6.4553 220 48400 10 648 ooo 14.8324 6.0368 270 72900 19683 ooo 16.4317 6.4633 221 48841 10 793 861 14.8661 6.0459 271 73441 19 902 511 16.4621 6.4713 222 49284 10 941 048 14.8997 6.0550 272 73984 20 123 648 16.4924 6.4792 223 49729 II 089 567 14.9332 6.0641 273 7 45 29 20 346 417 16.5227 6 . 4872 224 501 76 ii 239 424 14.9666 6.0732 274 75076 20 570 824 16.5529 6.4951 225 50625 n 390 625 15.0000 6.0822 275 75625 20 796 875 16.5831 6 5030 226 51076 ii 543 176 15.0333 6.0912 276 76176 21 024 576 16.6132 6.5108 227 51529 ii 697 083 15.0665 6.IOO2 277 76729 21 253 933 16.6433 6.5187 228 51984 II 852 352 15.0997 6.1091 278 77284 21 484 952 16.6733 6.5265 229 52441 12 008 989 15.1327 6.1180 279 77841 21 717 639 16.7033 6.5343 230 52900 12 167 OOO 15.1658 6.1269 280 78400 21 952 OOO 16-7332 6.5421 231 53361 12 326 391 15.1987 6.1358 281 78961 22 188 041 16 . 7631 6.5499 232 53824 12 487 168 15.2315 6.1446 282 7 95 24 22 425 768 16.7929 6.5577 233 54289 12 649 337 15.2643 6.1534 283 8 oo 89 22 665 IS? 16.8226 6.5654 234 54756 12 8l2 904 15.2971 6.1622 284 80656 22 906 304 16.8523 6.5731 235 55225 12 977 875 15.3297 6.1710 285 8 12 25 23 149 125 16.8819 6.5808 236 55696 13 144 256 15.3623 6.1797 286 8 17 96 23 393 656 16.9115 6.5885 237 56169 13 312 053 15.3948 6.1885 287 8 23 69 23 639 903 16.9411 6.5962 238 56644 13 481 272 15.4272 6.1972 288 82944 23 887 872 16.9706 6.6039 239 5 71 21 13 651 919 15.4596 6.2058 289 83521 24 137 569 17.0000 6.6115 240 576oo 13 824 ooo 15.4919 6.2145 290 841 oo 24 389 ooo 17-0294 6.6191 241 58081 13 997 521 15.5242 6.2231 291 84681 24 642 171 17.0587 6.6267 242 58564 14 172 488 15.5563 6.2317 292 85264 24 897 088 17.0880 6.6343 243 5 9049 14 348 907 15.5885 6.2403 293 85849 25 153 757 17.1172 6.6419 244 59536 14 526 784 15.6205 6.2488 294 86436 25 412 184 17.1464 6.6494 245 6 oo 25 14 706 125 15.6525 6.2573 295 87025 25 672 375 17.1756 6.6569 246 605 16 14 886 936 15-6844 6.2658 296 87616 25 934 336 17.2047 6.6644 247 6 10 09 15 069 223 15.7162 6.2743 297 882 09 26 198 073 17.2337 6.6719 248 6 15 04 IS 252 992 15.7480 6.2828 298 88804 26 463 592 17.2627 6.6794 249 6 2001 15 438 249 15-7797 6.2912 299 89401 26 730 899 17.2916 6.6869 250 6 25 oo 15 625 ooo 15.8114 6.2996 300 90000 27000000 17-3205 6.6943 CHAIN SURVEYING 65 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. 301 9 (36 01 27 270 901 17.3494 6.7018 351 12 32 oi 43 243 551 18-7350 7.0540 302 91204 27 543 608 I7-378I 6.7092 352 12 39 04 43 614 208 18.7617 7.0607 303 91809 27 818 127 17.4069 6.7166 353 124609 43 986 977 18.7883 7.0674 304 9 24 16 28 094 464 17.4356 6.7240 354 12 53 16 44 361 864 18.8149 7.0740 305 93025 28 372 625 17.4642 6.7313 355 12 6025 44 738 875 18.8414 7.0807 306 93636 28 652 616 17.4929 6.7387 356 12 67 36 45 118 016 18.8680 7.0873 307 94249 28 934 443 17.5214 6.7460 357 12 74 49 45 499 293 18.8944 7.0940 308 94864 29 2l8 112 17 5499 6.7533 358 12 81 64 45 882 712 18.9209 7.1006 309 9548i 29 503 629 17.5784 6.7606 359 12 88 81 46 268 279 18.9473 7.1072 310 9 61 oo 29 791 ooo 17.6068 6.7679 360 12 96 OO 46 656 ooo 18.9737 7.II38 3ii 96721 30 080 231 17 6352 6.7752 36i 13 03 21 47 045 881 19.0000 7 . 1204 312 97344 30 371 328 17 6635 6.7824 362 I3I044 47 437 928 19.0263 7.1269 3U 97969 30 664 297 17.6918 6.7897 363 I3I769 47 832 147 19 0526 7-1335 3i4 985 96 30 959 144 17.7200 6.7969 364 132496 48 228 544 19.0788 7.1400 315 99225 31 255 875 17.7482 6.8041 365 133225 48 627 125 19 1050 7.1466 3i6 99856 31 554 496 17.7764 6.8113 366 13 39 56 49 027 896 19.1311 7 1531 3i7 10 04 89 31 855 013 17.8045 6.8185 367 134689 49 430 863 19.1572 7.1596 318 10 II 24 32 157 432 17 8326 6.8256 368 13 54 24 49 836 032 19 183,3 7.1661 3i9 10 17 61 32 461 759 17.8606 6.8328 369 13 61 61 50 243 409 19.2094 7.1726 320 1024 oo 32 768000 17.8885 6.8399 370 136900 50 653 ooo 19-2354 7-I79I 321 10 30 41 33 076 161 17.9165 6.8470 371 13 76 41 51 064 811 19.2614 7.1855 322 10 36 84 33 .386 248 17-9444 6.8541 372 13 83 84 Si 478 848 19.2873 7.1920 323 10 43 29 33 698 267 17.9722 6.8612 373 13 9i 29 51 895 117 19.3132 7.1984 324 10 49 76 34 012 224 18.0000 6.8683 374 139876 52 313 624 19 3391 7.2048 325 10 56 25 34 328 125 18.0278 6.8753 375 140625 52 734 375 19 3649 7.2112 326 10 62 76 34 645 976 18.0555 6.8824 376 14 13 76 53 157 376 19.3907 7-2177 327 10 69 29 34 965 783 18.0831 6.8894 377 14 21 29 53 582 633 19.4165 7.2240 328 10 75 84 35 287 552 18.1108 6.8964 378 14 28 84 54 oio 152 19.4422 7-2304 329 10 82 41 35 611 289 18.1384 6.9034 379 14 36 41 54 439 939 19.4679 7-2368 330 108900 35 937 ooo 18.1659 6.9104 38o 144400 54 872 ooo 19.4936 7.2432 331 10 95 61 36 264 601 18.1934 6.9174 38i 14 Si 61 55 306 341 19.5192 7.2495 332 II 02 24 36 594 368 I8.220Q 6.9244 382 14 59 24 55 742 968 19-5448 7 2558 333 II 0889 36 926 037 18.2483 6.9313 383 56 181 887 19-5704 7 2622 334 ii 15 56 37 259 704 18.2757 6.9382 384 14 74 56 56 623 104 19.5959 7^2685 335 II 22 25 37 595 375 18.3030 6-9451 385 14 82 25 57 066 625 19.6214 7.2748 336 II 28 96 37 933 056 18.3303 6.9521 386 148996 57 512 456 19.6469 7.2811 337 ii 35 69 38 272 753 18.3576 387 149769 57960603 19.6723 7.2874 338 II 42 44 38 614 472 18.3848 6.9658 388 150544 58 411 072 19.6977 7.2936 339 II 49 21 38 958 219 18.4120 6.9727 389 15 13 21 58 863 869 19-7231 7.2999 340 ii 56 oo 39 304 ooo 18.4391 6.9795 390 IS 21 OO 59 319 ooo 19-7484 7.3061 341 ii 62 81 39 651 821 18.4662 6.9864 391 15 28 81 59 776 471 19-7737 7.3124 342 ii 69 64 40 ooi 688 18.4932 6.9932 392 15 36 64 60 236 288 19.7990 7.3186 343 ii 76 49 40 353 607 18.5203 7.0000 393 15 44 49 60 698 457 19.8242 7.3248 344 ii 83 36 40 707 584 18.5472 7.0068 394 15 52 36 61 162 984 19.8494 7-3310 345 119025 41 063 625 18.5742 7.0136 395 15 60 25 61 629 875 19.8746 7-3372 346 ii 97 16 41 421 736 18.6011 7-0203 396 15 68 16 62 099 136 19.8997 7-3434 347 12 04 09 41 781 923 18.6279 7.0271 397 i 15 76 09 62 570 773 18.9249 7.3496 348 12 ii 04 42 144 192 18.6548 7.0338 398 15 84 04 63 044 792 19.9499 7.3558 349 12 18 01 42 508 549 18.6815 7.0406 399 IS 92 oi 63 521 199 19.9750 7.3619 350 12 25 OO 42 875 ooo 18.7083 7-0473 400 16 oo oo 64 ooo ooo 20.0000 7.3681 66 PRACTICAL SURVEYING SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. 401 160801 64 481 2OI 20.0250 7-3742 45i 20 34 01 91 733 851 21.2368; 7.6688 402 16 16 04 64 964 808 20.0499 7.3803 452 20 43 04 92 345 408 21.2603 7-6744 403 162409 65 450 827 20.0749 7.3864 453 20 52 09 92 959 677 21.2838 7.6801 404 16 32 16 65 939 264 20.0998 7-3925 454 20 61 16 93 576 664 21.3073! 7-6857 405 16 40 25 66 430 125 20.1246 7.3986 455 20 70 25 94 196 375 21.3307 7.6914 406 16 48 36 66 923 416 20.1494 7.4047 456 20 79 36 94 818 816 21.3542 7.6970' 407 16 56 49 67 419 143 20.1742 7.4108 457 20 88 49 95 443 993 21.3776; 7.7026 408 16 64 64 67 917 312 20.1990 7-4169 458 20 97 64 96 071 912 21 . 4009 7.7082 409 16 72 81 68 417 929 20.2237 7-4229 459 21 0681 96 702 579 21.4243 7.7138 410 1681 oo 68 921 ooo 20.2485 7.4290 460 21 l6 OO 97 336 ooo 21.4476 7.7194 411 16 89 21 69 426 531 20.2731 7-4350 461 21 25 21 97 972 181 21.4709 7.7250 412 16 97 44 69 934 528 20.2978 7.4410 462 213444 98 611 128 21.4942 7.7306 4i3 17 05 69 70 444 997 20.3224 7.4470 463 21 43 69 99 252 847 21.5174 7.7362 414 I7I396 70 957 944 20.3470 7-4530 464 21 5296 99 897 344 21-5407 7-7418 4iS 17 22 25 71 473 375 20.3715 7-4590 465 21 62 25 loo 544 625 21.5639 7-7473 416 17 30 56 71 991 296 20.3961 7-4650 466 21 71 56 101 194 696 21.5870 7-7529 417 17 38 89 72 511 713 20.4206 7-4710 467 21 8O 89 1 01 847 563 2I.6I02 7.7584 418 17 47 24 73 034 632 20.4450 7.4770 468 21 90 24 102 503 232 21.6333 7.7639 419 17 55 61 73 56o 059 20.4695 7.4829 469 21 99 61 103 161 709 21 . 6564 7.7695 420 17 64 oo 74 088 ooo 20.4939 7.4889 470 22*6900 103 823 ooo 21.6795 7-7750 421 17 72 41 74 618 461 20.5183 7-4948 47i 22 l8 41 104 487 in 21.7025 7-705 422 17 80 84 75 151 448 20.5426 7.5007 472 22 27 84 105 154 048 21 . 7256 7.7860 423 17 89 29 75 686 967 20.5670 7.5067 473 22 37 29 105 823 817 21.7486 7.7915 424 17 97 76 76 225 024 20.5913 7-5126 474 22 46 76 106 490 424 21.7715 7-7Q70 425 18 06 25 76 765 625 20.6155 7-5185 475 22 56 25 107 171 875 21-7945 7.8025 426 18 14 76 77 308 776 20.6398 7-5244 476 22 65 76 107 850 176 21.8174 7.8079 427 18 23 29 77 854 483 20 . 6640 7-5302 477 22 75 29 1 08 531 333 21 . 8403 7.8134 428 18 31 84 78 402 752 20.6882 7.536i 478 22 84 84 109 215 352 21.8632 7.8188 429 18 40 41 78 953 589 20.7123 7-5420 479 22 94 41 109 902 239 2I.886I 7.8243 430 18 4900 79 507 ooo 20.7364 7-5478 480 23 04 oo no 592 ooo 21.9089 7-8297 43i 18 57 61 80 062 991 20.7605 7-5537 481 23 13 61 III 284 641 21.9317 7.8352 432 18 66 24 80 621 568 20.7846 7-5595 482 23 23 24 111980168 21.9545 7.8406 433 18 74 89 81 182 737 20.8087 7.5654 483 23 32 89 112678587 21.9773 7.8460 434 18 83 56 81 746 504 20.8327 7-5712 484 23 42 56 H3 379 904' 22.0000 7.8514 435 18 92 25 82 312 875 20.8567 7-5770 485 23 52 25 114 084 125 22.0227 7.8568 436 19 oo 96 82 881 856 20.8806 7-5828 486 23 61 96 114 791 256 22.0454 7.8622 437 19 09 69 83 453 453 20.9045 7.5886 487 23 7i 69 115 501 303 22.0681 7.8676 438 19 18 44 84 027 672 20.9284 7-5944 488 23 81 44 116 214 272 22.0907 7.8730 439 19 27 21 84 604 519 20.9523 7.6001 489 23 91 21 116 930 169 22.1133 7.8784 440 193600 85 184 ooo 20.9762 7.6059 490 24 01 oo 117 649 ooo 22.1359 7-8837 441 19 44 8l 85 766 121 2I.OOOO 7.6117 491 24 10 81 118 370 771 22.1585 7.8891 442 19 53 64 86 350 888 .21.0238 7.6i74 492 24 20 64 119 095 488 22.I8II 7.8944 443 19 62 49 86 938 307 21.0476 7-6232 493 24 30 49 119 823 157 22.2036 7.8998 444 19 71 36 87 528 384 21.0713 7.6289 494 24 40 36 120 553 784 22.2261 7.9051 445 19 80 25 88 121 125 21.0950 7.6346 495 24 50 25 121 287 375 22 . 2486 7.9105 446 19 89 16 88 716 536 2I.II87 7.6403 496 2460 16 122 023 936 22.2711 7.9158 447 448 199809 20 07 04 89 314 623 89 915 392 21.1424 21 . 1660 7.6460 7-6517 497 498 24 70 09 24 80 04 122 763 473 123 505 992 22.2935 22.3159 7-92II 7.9264 449 20 16 01 90 518 849 21 . 1896 7-6574 499 24 90 01 124 251 499! 22.3383 7 9317 450 20 25 oo 91 125 ooo 21.2132 7-6631 500 25 oo oo 125 ooo ooo 22.3607 1 7-9370 CHAIN SURVEYING 67 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. SGI 25 10 01 125 751 501 22.3830 7.9423 551 30 36 oi 167 284 151 23.4734 8.1982 502 25 20 04 126 506 008 22.4054 7.9476 552 30 47 04 168 196 608 23-4947 8.2031 503 25 30 09 127 263 527 22.4277 7-9528 553 30 58 03 169 112 377 23.5160 8.2081 504 25 40 16 128 024 064 22.4499 7.958i 554 30 69 16 170 031 464 23.5372 8.2130 505 25 So 25 128 787 625 22.4722 7.9634 555 30 80 25 170 953 875 23.5584 8.2180 506 25 60 36 129 554 216 22.4944 7.9686 556 30 91 36 171 879 616 23.5797 8.2229 So? 25 70 49 130 323 843 22.5167 7-9739 557 31 02 49 172 808 693 23.6008 8.2278 508 25 80 64 131 096 512 22.5389 7-9791 558 3i 13 64 173 741 H2 23 . 6220 8.2327 509 25 90 81 131 872 229 22.5610 7-9843 559 3i 24 81 174 676 879 23.6432 8.2377 5io 26 01 oo 132 651 ooo 22.5832 7.9896 5 6o 313600 175 616 ooo 23.6643 8.2426 Sii 26 II 21 133 432 831 22.6053 7.9948 56l 31 47 21 176 558 481 23.6854 8.2475 512 26 21 44 134 217 728 22.6274 8.0000 562 31 58 44 177 504 328 23.7065 8.2524 513 26 31 69 135 005 697 22.6495 8.0052 563 31 69 69 178 453 547 23.7276 8.2573 514 26 41 96 135 796 744 22.6716 8.0104 564 318096 179 406 144 23-7487 8.2621 515 26 52 25 136 590 875 22.6936 8.0156 565 31 92 25 180 362 125 23.7697 8.2670 Si6 26 62 56 137 388 096 22.7156 8.0208 566 32 03 56 181 321 496 23.7908 8.2719 Si? 26 72 89 138 188 413 22.7376 8.0260 567 32 14 89 182 284 263 23.8118 8.2768 Si8 26 83 24 138 991 832 22.7596 8.0311 568 32 26 24 183 250 432 23.8328 8.2816 519 26 93 61 139 798 359 22.7816 8.0363 569 32 37 61 184 220 009 23.8537 8.2865 520 27 04 oo 140 608 ooo 22.8035 8.0415 570 324900 185 193 ooo 23-8747 8.2913 521 27 14 41 141 420 761 22.8254 8.0466 571 326041 186 169 411 23.8956 8.2962 522 27 24 84 142 236 648 22.8473 8.0517 572 32 71 84 187 149 248 23.9165 8.3010 523 27 35 29 143 055 667 22.8692 8.0569 573 32 83 29 188 132 517 23-9374 8.3059 524 27 45 76 143 877 824 22.8910 8.0620 574 32 94 76 189 119 224 23.9583 8.3107 525 27 56 25 144 703 125 22.9129 8.0671 575 330625 190 109 375 23.9792 8.3155 526 27 66 76 145 531 576 22.9347 8.0723 576 33*776 191 102 976 24.0000 8.3203 527 27 77 29 146 363 183 22.9565 8.0774 577 33 29 29 192 100 033 24.0208 8-3251 528 27 8? 84 147 197 952 22.9783 8.0825 578 334084 193 100 552 24.0416 8.3300 529 27 98 41 148 035 889 23.0000 8.0876 579 33 52 41 194 104 539 24 . 0624 8-3348 530 280900 148 877 ooo 23.0217 8.0927 58o 33 64 oo 195 l\2 OOO 24.0832 8.3396 531 28 19 61 149 721 291 23 0434 8.0978 58l 33 75 61 196 122 941 24.1039 8.3443 532 28 30 24 150 568 768 23.0651 8.1028 582 338724 197 137 368 24.1247 8-3491 533 28 40 89 151 419 437 23.0868 8.1079 583 33 98 89 198 155 287 24.1454 8.3539 534 28 51 56 152 273 304 23.1084 8.1130 584 34 10 56 199 176 704 24.1661 8.3587 535 28 62 25 153 130 375 23.1301 8.1180 585 34 22 25 2OO 2OI 625 24.1868 8.3634 536 287296 153 990 656 23.1517 8.1231 586 343396 201 230 056 24.2074 8.3682 537 288369 154 854 153 23-1733 8.1281 587 34 45 69 202 262 003 24.2281 8.3730 538 28 94 44 155 720 872 23.1948 8.1332 588 34 57 44 203 297 472 24.2487 8.3777 539 29 05 21 156 5QO SlQ 23.2164 8.1382 589 34 69 21 204 336 469 24.2693 8.3825 540 29 1600 157 464 ooo 23.2379 8.1433 590 348100 205 379 ooo 24.2899 8.3872 541 29 26 81 158 340 421 23.2594 8.1483 591 34 92 8l 206 425 071 24.3105 8.3919 542 29 37 64 159 220 088 23.2809 8.1533 592 35 04 64 207 474 688 24-3311 8.3967 543 29 48 49 160 103 007 23.3024 8.1583 593 35 16 49 208 527 857 24.3516 8.4014 544 29 59 36 160 989 184 23-3238 8.1633 594 35 28 36 209 584 584 24.3721 8.4061 545 29 70 25 161 878 625 23.3452 8.1683 595 35 40 25 210 644 8-5 24-. 3926 8.4108 546 29 81 16 162 771 336 23.3666 8.1733 596 35 52 16 211 708 736 24.4131 8.4155" 547 2992 09 163 667 323 23.3880 8.1783 597 35 6409 212 776 173 24.4336 8.4202^ 548 30 03 04 164 566 592 23.4094 8.1833 598 35 76 04 213 847 192 24.4540 8.4249 549 30 14 oi 165 469 I4Q 23.4307 8.1882 599 35 88 oi 214 921 799 24.4745 8.4296 550 302500 166 375 ooo 23 4521 8.1932 600 36 oo oo 2l5 OOO OOO 24.4949 8.4343 68 PRACTICAL SURVEYING SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. 601 36 12 01 217 081 801 24.5153 8.4390 651 42 38 01 275 894 451 25.5147 8.6668 602 36 24 04 218 167 208 24-5357 8.4437 652 42 51 04 277 167 808 25.5343 8.6713 603 36 36 09 219 256 227 24.5561 8.4484 653 42 64 09 278 445 077 25 5539 8.6757 604 36 48 16 220 348 864 24-5764 8.4530 654 42 77 16 279 726 264 25.5734 8.6801 605 36 60 25 221 445 125 24.5967 8.4577 655 429025 281 oil 375 25 5930 8.6845 606 367236 222 545 016 24.6171 8.4623 656 43 03 36 282 300 416 25.6125 8.6890 607 36 84 49 223 648 543 24-6374 8.4670 657 43 16 49 283 593 393 25.6320 8.6934 608 369664 224 755 712 24.6577 8.4716 658 43 29 64 284 890 312 25 6515 8.6978 609 37 08 81 225 866 529 24.6779 8.4763 659 43 42 81 286 191 179 25.6710! 8.7022 610 372100 226 981 ooo 24-6982 8.4809 660 435600 287 496 ooo 25.6905 8.7066 611 37 33 21 228 099 131 24.7184 8.4856 661 43 69 21 288 804 781 25.7099 8.7110 612 37 45 44 229 220 928 24.7386 8.4902 662 43 82 44 290 117 528 25.7294 8.7154 613 37 57 69 230 346 397 24.7588 8.4948 663 43 95 69 291 434 247 25.7488 8.7198 614 376996 231 475 544 24.7790 8.4994 664 440896 292 754 944 25.7682 8.7241 615 37 82 25 232 608 375 24.7992 8.5040 665 44 22 25 294 079 625 25.7876 8.7285 616 37 94 56 333 744 896 24.8193 8.5086 666 44 35 56 295 408 296 25 8070 8-7329 617 380689 234885 113 24.8395 8.5132 667 444889 296 740 963 25 . 8263 8.7373 618 38 19 24 236 029 032 24.8596 8.5178 668 44 62 24 298 077 632 25 8457 8.7416 619 38 31 61 237 176 659 24.8797 8.5224 669 44 75 6l 299 418 309 25 . 8650 8.7460 620 38 44 oo 238 328 ooo 24.8998 8.5270 670 448900 300 763 ooo 25.8844 8.7503 621 38 56 41 239 483 061 24.9199 8.5316 671 45 02 41 302 III 711 25.9037 8.7547 622 386884 240 641 848 24-9399 8.5362 672 45 15 84 303 464 448 25.9230 8-7590 623 38 81 29 241 804 367 24.9600 8.5408 673 45 29 29 304 821 217 25.9422 8.7634 624 38 93 76 242 970 624 24.9800 8.5453 674 45 42 76 306 182 024 25.9615 8.7677 625 390625 244 140 625 25.0000 8.5499 675 45 56 25 307 546 875 25.9808 8.7721 626 39 18 76 245 314 376 25 . 02OO 8.5544 676 456976 308 915 776 26.0000 8.7764 627 39 3i 29 246 491 883 25.0400 8.5590 677 45 83 29 310 288 733 26.0192 8.7807 628 39 43 84 247 673 152 25-0599 8 5635 678 459684 311 665 752 26.0384 8.7850 629 39 56 41 248 858 189 25.0799 8.5681 679 46 10 41 313 046 839 26.0576 8.7893 630 396900 250 047 ooo 25.0998 8.5726 680 462400 314 432 ooo 26.0768 8-7937 631 39 81 61 251 239 59i 25-1197 8.5772 681 46 37 6l 315 821 241 26.0960 8.7980 632 39 94 24 252 435 968 25.1396 8.5817 682 46 51 24 317 214 568 26.1151 8.8023 633 400689 253 636 137 25.1595 8.5862 683 46 64 89 318 611 987 26.1343 8.8066 634 40 19 56 254 840 104 25.1794 8.5907 684 46 78 56 320 013 504 26.1534 8.8109 635 40 32 25 256 047 875 25.1992 8.5952 685 46 92 25 321 419 125 26.1725 8.8152 636 404496 257 259 456 25.2190 8.5997 686 47 05 96 322 828 856 26.1916 8.8194 637 40 57 69 258 474 853 25.2389 8.6043 687 47 19 69 324 242 703 26.2107 8.8237 638 40 70 44 259 694 07- 25.2587 8.6088 688 47 33 44 325 660 672 26 . 2298 8.8280 639 40 83 21 260 917 119 25.2784 8.6132 689 47 47 21 327 082 769 26.2488 8.8323 640 40 96 oo 262 144 ooo 25.2982 8.6177 690 47 61 oo 328 509 ooo 26.2679 8.8366 641 41 08 81 263 374 721 25.3180 8.6222 691 47 74 81 329 939 371 26.2869 8.8408 642 41 21 64 264 609 288 25 3377 8.6267 692 47 88 64 331 373 888 26.3059 8.8451 643 41 34 49 265 847 707 25-3574 8.6312 693 48 02 49 332 812 557 26.3249 8.8493 644 41 47 36 267 089 984 25-3772 8.6357 694 48 16 36 334 255 384 26.3439 8.8536 645 416025 268 336 125 25.3969 8.6401 695 48 30 25 335 702 375 26 . 3629 8.8578 646 41 73 16 269 586 136 25.4165 8.6446 696 48 44 16 337 153 536 26.3818 8.8621 647 41 86 09 270 840 023 25.4362 8.6490 697 485809 338 608 873 26.4008 8.8663 648 41 99 04 272 097 792 25.4558 8.6535 698 48 72 04 340 068 392 26.4197 8.8706 649 42 12 OI 273 359 449 25.4755 8.6579 699 48 86 01 341 532 099 26.4386 8.8748 650 4225 oc 274 625 ooo 25.4951 8.6624 700 49 oo oo 343000000 26.4575 8.8790 CHAIN SURVEYING 69 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. 701 49 14 01 344 472 101 26.4764 8.8833 751 56 40 01 423 564 75i 27.4044 9.0896 702 49 28 04 345 948 408 26.4053 8.8875 752 56 55 04 425 259 008 27 . 4226 9-0937 703 49 42 09 347 428 927 26.5141 8.8917 753 56 7009 426 957 777 27.4408 9-0977 704 49 56 16 348 913 664 26.5330 8.8959 754 56 85 16 428 66l 064 27.4591 9.1017 70S 49 70 25 350 402 625 26.5518 8.9001 755 570025 430 368 875 27-4773 9 1057 706 49 84 36 351 895 816 26.5707 8.9043 756 57 15 36 432 081 216 27-4955 9.1098 707 49 98 49 353 393 243 26 . 5895 8.9085 757 57 30 49 433 798 093 27.5136 9 H38 708 50 12 64 354 894 912 26 . 6083 8.9127 758 57 45 64 435 519 512 27.5318 9.1178 709 50 26 81 356 400 829 26.6271 8.9169 759 57 6081 437 245 479 27.5500 9.1218 710 50 41 oo 3579HOOO 26.6458 8.9211 760 57 76oo 438 976 ooo 27.5681 9 1258 711 50 55 21 359 425 43i 26.6646 8.9253 ?6l 57 91 21 440711 081 27.5862 9.1298 712 50 69 44 360 944 128 26.6833 8.9295 762 580644 442 450 728 27.6043 9 1338 713 50 83 69 362 467 097 26.7021 8.9337 763 58 21 69 444 194 947 27.6225 9-1378 7U 50 97 96 363 994 344 26.7208 8.9378 764 58 36 96 445 943 744 27 . 6405 9.1418 715 51 12 25 365 525 875 26.7395 8.9420 765 58 52 25 447 697 125 27.6586 9 1458 716 51 26 56 367 061 696 26.7582 8.9462 766 58 67 56 449 455 096 27.6767 9.1498 717 51 40 89 368 601 813 26.7769 8.9503 767 58 82 89 451 217 663 27.6948 9-1537 718 Si 55 24 370 146 232 26.7955 8.9545 768 58 98 24 452 984 832 27.7128 9-1577 719 51 69 61 371 694 959 26.8142 8.9587 769 59 13 61 454 756 609 27.7308 9.1617 720 518400 373 248 ooo 26.8328 8.9628 770 592900 456 533 ooo 27.7489 9.1657 721 51 98 41 374 805 361 26.8514 8.9670 771 59 44 4i 458 314 on 27.7669 9.1696 722 52 12 84 376 367 048 26.8701 8.9711 772 59 59 84 460 099 648 27.7849 9.I736 723 52 27 29 377 933 067 26.8887 8.9752 773 59 75 29 461 889 917 27.8029 9-1775 724 52 41 76 379 503 424 26.9072 8.9794 774 599076 463 684 824 27.8209 9.I8I5 '25 52 56 25 381 078 125 26.9258 8.9835 775 600625 465 484 375 27.8388 9.1855 726 52 70 76 382 657 176 26.9444 -8.9876 776 6021 76 467 288 576 27.8568 9-1894 727 52 85 29 384 240 583 26.9629 8.9918 777 6037 29 469 097 433 27.8747 9 1933 728 529984 385 828 352 26.9815 8.9959 778 605284 470 910 952 27.8927 9-1973 729 53 14 4i 387 420 489 27.0000 9.0000 779 6068 41 472 729 139 27.9106 9.2012 730 532900 389 017 ooo 27.0185 9.0041 780 608400 474 552 ooo 27.9285 9.2052 731 53 43 61 390 617 891 27.0370 9.0082 78l 609961 476 379 541 27.9464 9.2091 732 53 58 24 392 223 168 27.0555 9 0123 782 61 15 24 478 211 768 27.9643 9 2130 733 53 72 89 393 832 837 27.0740 9.0164 783 61 30 89 480 048 687 27.9821 9.2170 734 53 87 56 395 446 904 27.0924 9.0205 784 61 46 56 481 890 304 28.0000 9.2209 735 54 02 25 397 065 375 27.1109 9.0246 785 61 62 25 483 736 625 28.0179 9.2248 736 541696 398 688 256 27.1293 9.0287 786 61 77 96 485 587 656 28.0357 9.2287 737 54 31 69 400 315 553 27-1477 9.0328 787 61 93 69 487 443 403 28.0535 9.2326 738 54 46 44 401 947 272 27.1662 9-0369 788 620944 489 303 872 28.0713 9-2365 739 54 61 21 403 583 419 27.1846 9.0410 789 62 25 21 491 169 069 28.0891 9.2404 740 5476oo 405 224 ooo 27.2029 9.0450 790 62 41 oo 493 039 ooo 28.1069 9-2443 741 54 90 8l 406 869 021 27.2213 9.0491 791 62 56 81 494 913 671 28.1247 9.2482 742 55 05 64 408 518 488 27.2397 9.0532 792 62 72 64 496 793 088 28.1425 9.2521 743 55 20 49 410 172 407 27 . 2580 9.0572 793 6288 49 498 677 257 28.1603 9-2560 744 55 35 36 411 830 784 27.2764 9-0613 794 63 04 36 500 566 184 28.1780 9-2599 745 55 50 25 413 493 625 27.2947 9-0654 795 63 20 25 502 459 875 28.1957 9-2638 746 55 65 16 415 160 936 27.3130 9.0694 796 63 36 16 504 358 336 28.2135 9.2677 747 558-009 416 832 723 27.3313 9-0735 797 63 52 09 506 261 573 28.2312 9.2716 748 55 95 04 418 508 992 27.3496 9-0775 798 63 68 04 508 169 592 28.2489 9-2754 749 56 10 01 420 189 749 27.3679 9.0816 799 63 84 01 510 082 399 28.2666 9-2793 750 562500 421 875 ooo 27.3861 9.0856 800 64 oo oo 512 ooo ooo 28.2843 9.2832 70 PRACTICAL SURVEYING SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. 801 64 16 01 513 922 401 28.3019 9 . 2870 851 72 42 01 616 295 051 29.1719 9.4764 802 643204 515 849 608 28.3196 9-2909 852 72 59 04 618 470 208 29.1890 9.4801 803 64 48 09 517 781 627 28.3373 9.2948 853 72 76 09 620 650 477 29 . 2062 9.4838 804 64 64 16 519 7i8 464 28.3549 9.2986 854 72 93 16 622 835 864 29.2233 9.4875 805 64 80 25 521 660 125 28.3725 9 3025 855 73 10 25 625 026 375 29.2404 9.4912 806 649636 523 606 616 28.3901 9.3063 856 73 27 36 627 222 Ol6 29-2575 9.4949 807 65 12 49 525 557 943 28.4077 9-3102 857 73 44 49 629 422 793 29.2746 9-4986 808 65 28 64 527514112 28.4253 9 3140 858 73 61 64 631 628 712 29.2916 9.5023 809 65 44 81 529 475 129 28.4429 9.3179 859 73 78 81 633 839 779 29.3087 9.5060 810 65 61 oo 531 441 ooo 28.4605 9.3217 860 7396oo 636 056 ooo 29.3258 9-5097 811 65 77 21 533 4ii 731 28.4781 9 3255 861 74 13 21 638 277 38i 29.3428 9-5134 812 65 93 44 535 387 328 28.4956 9.3294 862 74 30 44 640 503 928 29.3598 9.5I7I 813 66 09 69 537 367 797 28.5132 9-3332 863 74 47 69 642 735 647 29.3769 9.5207 814 662596 539 353 144 28.5307 9-3370 864 74 64 96 644 972 544 29-3939 9-5244 815 66 42 25 541 343 375 28.5482 9.3408 865 74 82 25 647 214 625 29.4109 9-5281 816 66 58 56 543 338 496 28.5657 9-3447 866 74 99 56 649 461 896 29.4279 9-5317 817 66 74 89 545 338 513 28.5832 9.3485 867 75 16 89 651 714 363 29.4449 9-5354 818 66 91 24 547 343 432 28.6007 9-3523 868 75 34 24 653 972 032 29.4618 9.5391 819 67 07 61 549 353 259 28.6182 9.356I 869 75 51 61 656 234 909 29.4788 9-5427 820 67 24 oo 551 368 ooo 28.6356 9-3599 870 75 6900 658503000 29.4958 9.5464 821 67 40 41 553 387 601 28.6531 9.3637 871 75 86 41 660 776 311 29.5127 9.5501 822 67 56 84 555 412 248 28 . 6705 9.3675 872 76 03 84 663 054 848 29.5296 9-5537 823 67 73 29 557 441 767 28.6880 9.3713 873 76 21 29 665 338 617 29.5466 9-5574 824 67 89 76 559 476 224 28.7054 9-3751 874 76 38 76 667 627 624 29.5635 9.5610 825 68 06 25 561 515 625 28.7228 9.3789 875 76 56 25 669 921 875 29.5804 9.5647 826 68 22 76 563 559 976 28.7402 9-3827 876 76 73 ?6 672 221 376 29.5973 9-568.3 827 68 39 29 565 609 283 28.7576 9.3865 877 76 91 29 674 526 133 29.6142 9.5719 828 68 55 84 567 663 552 28.7750 9.3902 878 77 08 84 676 836 152 29-6311 9.5756 829 68 72 41 569 722 789 28.79^4 9-3940 879 77 26 41 679 151 439 29.6479 9-5792 830 688900 571 787 ooo 28.8097 9.3978 880 77 4400 68 1 472 ooo 29.66*8 9.5828 831 69 05 61 573 856 191 28.8271 9.4016 881 77 61 61 683 797 841 29.6816 9.5865 1832 69 22 24 575 930 368 28.8444! 9.4053 882 77 79 24 686 128 968 29-6985 9-5901 i 833 69 38 89 578 009 537 28.8617 9.4091 883 77 96 89 688 465 387 29-7153 9-5937 834 69 55 56 580 093 704 28.8791 9.4129 884 78 14 56 690 807 104 29.7321 9-5973 ,835 69 72 25 582 182 875 28.8964 9.4166 885 78 32 25 693 154 125 29.7489 9.6010 836 69 88 96 584 277 056 28.9137 9.4204 886 784996 695 506 456 29.7658 9.6046 837 70 05 69 586 376 253 28.9310 9.4241 887 78 67 69 697 864 103 29.7825 9.6082 838 839 70 22 44 70 39 21 588 480 472 590 589 719 28.9482 28.9655 9-4279 9.4316 888 889 78 85 44 79 03 21 700 227 072 702 595 369 29-7993 29.8161 9.6118 9-6154 840 70 56 oo 592 704 ooo 28.9828 9-4354 890 792100 704 969 ooo 29.8329 9.6190 841 70 72 81 594 823 321 29.0000 9.4391 891 79 38 81 707 347 97i 29 . 8496 9.6226 842 70 89 64 596 947 688 29.0172 9.4429 892 79 56 64 709 732 288 29.8664 9.6262 843 71 06 49 599 077 107 29.0345 9.4466 893 79 74 49 712 121 957 29.8831 9.6298 844 71 23 36 601 211 584 29.0517 9 - 4503 894 79 92 36 714 5i6 984 29.8998 9-6334 845 71 40 25 603 351 125 29.0689 9-4541 895 80 10 25 716 917 375 29.9166 9.6370 846 71 57 16 605 495 736 29.0861 9.4578 896 80 2g 16 719 323 136 29-9333 9.6406 847 71 7409 607 645 423 29.1033 9.4615 897 80 46 09 721 734 273 29.9500 9.6442 848 71 91 04 609 800 192 29.1204 9.4652 898 80 64 04 724 150 792 29.9666 9-6477 849 72 08 01 6n 960 049 29.1376 9.4690 899 80 82 or 726 572 699 29.9833 9.6513 850 722500 614 125 ooo 29.1548 9-4727 900 81 oo oo 729 ooo ooo 30.0000 9 6549 CHAIN SURVEYING 71 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS AND CUBE ROOTS (Continued) Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. Nos. Squares. Cubes. Square root. Cube root. 901 81 18 01 73i 432 701 30.0167 9.6585 95: 904401 860 085 351 30.8383 9 8339 902 81 36 04 733 870 808 30.0333 9.6620 952 906304 862 801 408 30.8545 9.8374 903 81 5409 736 314 327 30.0500! 9.6656 953 9082 09 865 523 :77 30.8707 9.8408 904 81 72 16 738 763 264 30.0666 9.6692 954 91 01 16 868 250 664 30.8869 9.8443 905 81 9025 741 217 625 30.0832 9.6727 955 91 20 25 870 983 875 30.903: 9.8477 906 820836 743 677 4i6 30.0998 9-6763 956 9: 39 36 873 722 816 30.9:92 9-85II 90? 82 26 49 746 142 643 30.1164 9.6799 957 91 58 49 876 467 493 30.9354 9.8546 908 82 44 64 748 613 312 30.1330 9-6834 958 91 77 64 879 217 9:2 30.95:6 9.8580 909 82 62 81 751 089 429 30.1496 9.6870 959 91 9681 88 1 974 079 30.9677 9.8614 910 82 81 oo 753 571 ooo 30.1662 9-690S 960 92 16 oo 884 736 ooo 30.9839 9.8648 911 82 99 21 756 058 031 30.1828 9.694: 96! 92 35 21 887 503 681 3:. oooo 9.8683 912 83 17 44 758 550 528 30.1993 9.6976 962 925444 890 277 128 31.0161 9-87:7 83 35 69 761 048 497 30.2159 9.7012 963 92 73 69 893 056 347 3: 0322 9.875: 914 835396 763 551 944 30.2324 9-7047 964 929296 895 841 344 3:. 0483 9.8785 83 72 25 766 060 875 30.2490 9.7082 965 93 :2 25 898 632 125 3:. 0644 9.8819 916 839056 768 575 296 30.2655 9.7118 966 93 31 56 901 428 696 3:. 0805 9-8854 917 840889 771 095 213 30.2820 9.7:53 967 93 50 89 904 231 063 3:. 0966 9.8888 918 84 27 24 773 620 632 30.2985 9-7:88 968 93 70 24 907 039 232 3:. "27 9.8922 919 84 45 6l 776 151 559 30.3150 9.7224 969 93 89 61 909 853 209 31.1288 8.8956 920 8464 oo 778 688 ooo 30.3315 9-7259 970 940900 912 673 ooo 3:. 1448 9.8990 921 84 82 41 781 229 961 30.3480 9.7294 971 94 28 4: 915498611 3:.:6o9 9.9024 922 850084 783 777 448 30.3645 9-7329 972 94 47 84 918 330 048 3:.: 769 9.9058 923 85 19 29 786 330 467 30.3809 9.7364 973 94 67 29 921 167 317 31.1929 9.9092 924 85 37 76 788 889 024 30.3974 0.7400 974 94 86 76 924 oio 424 31.2090 9.9126 925 85 S6 25 791 453 125 30.4138 9-7435 975 950625 926 859 375 3:- 2250 9.9160 926 85 74 76 794 022 776 30.4302 9.7470 976 95 25 76 929 7:4 :?6 3:- 24:0 9.9:94 927 85 93 29 796 597 983 30.4467 9.7505 977 95 45 29 932 574 833 3:. 2570 9.9227 928 86 II 84 799 178 752 30.4631 9-7540 978 95 64 84 935 44: 352 3:- 2730 9.9261 929 86 30 41 801 765 089 30.4795 9-7575 979 95 84 41 938 3:3 739 31.2890 9.9295 930 864900 804 357 ooo 30.4959 9.7610 980 96 04 oo 941 192 ooo 31.3050 9.9329 931 86 67 61 806 954 491 30.5:23 9.7645 98l 962361 944 076 141 31.3209 9.9363 932 86 86 24 809 557 568 30.5287 9.7680 982 9643 24 946 966 168 9-9396 933 87 04 89 812 166 237 30.5450 9.77:5 983 96 62 89 949 862 087 31.3528 9-9430 934 87 23 56 814 780 504 30.5614 9-7750 ?s- 968256 952 763 904 31 .3688 9.9464 935 87 42 25 817 400 375 30.5778 9.7785 97 02 25 955 671 625 3: '3847 9-9497 936 876096 820 025 856 30.5941 9.7819 986 972196 958 585 256 31.4006 9-9531 937 87 79 69 822 656 953 30.6105 9.7854 987 974169 961 504 803 3:. 4:66 9.9565 938 8? 98 44 825 293 672 30.6268 9.7889 988 97 61 44 964 430 272 3: 4325 9 9598 939 88 17 21 827 936 019 30.6431 9.7924 989 97 81 21 967 361 669 3:. 4484 940 88.3600 830 584 ooo 30.6594 9-7959 990 9801 oo 970 299 ooo 3:- 4643 9.9666 941 885481 833 237 621 30.6757 9-7993 991 98 2081 973 242 271 31.4802 9.9699 942 88 73 64 835 896 888 30.6920 9.8028 992 984064 976 191 488 3:. 496o 9-9733 943 889249 838 561 807 30.7083 9.8063 993 986049 979 146 657 3:.5"9 9.9766 944 89 II 36 841 232 384 30.7246 9.8097 994 988036 982 107 784 3:- 5278 9.9800 945 89 30 25 843 908 625 30.7409 9-8132 995 990025 985 074 875 3:- 5436 9.9833 946 89 49 16 846 590 536 30.757: 9.8167 996 99 20 16 988 047 936 3:- 5595 9-9866 947 8968 09 849 278 123 30.7734 9.8201 997 994009 991 026 973 31-5753 9-9900 948 89 87 04 851 97i 392 30.7896 9.8236 998 996004 994 oil 992 3:- S9" 949 900601 854 670 349 30.8058 9.8270 993 99 80 01 997 002 999 31 . 6070 9.9967 950 90 25 oo 857 375 ooo 30.8221 9-8305 IOOO I OO OO OO I OOO OOO OOO 31.6228 10. OOOO 72 PRACTICAL SURVEYING MEASURES OF LENGTH AND AREA. 12 inches I foot = 0.3047973 meter. 3 feet I yard = 36 ins. = 0.9143919 meter. 5^ yards. ...'..... I rod, pole or perch = i6j ft. = 198 ins. 40 rods I furlong = J mile = 220 yds. = 660 ft. 8 furlongs I statute mile = 320 rods = 1760 yds. = 5280 ft. 3 miles I league = 24 furlongs = 960 rods = 5280 yds. = 15,840 ft. Gunter's chain for surveyors = 66 ft. = 4 rods = 100 links. I link = 0.66 ft. = 7.92 ins. I section of land = I sq. mile = 640 acres. I acre contains 43,560 sq. ft. and measures 208.71 X 208.71 ft. = 10 sq. Gunter's chains. The vara is an old Spanish measure of length. It is used in Mexico and in some of the western states. The legal vara in California = 33.372 ins. In San Francisco, Cal., the vara = 33 ins. The vara of Castile = 32.8748 ins. The metric system is decimal and is based on the meter (39.370428 ins.). The decimeter = T V m., centimeter = T tf m., millimeter = y^V^ m. The dekameter = 10 m., hectometer = 100 m., kilometer = 1000 m., myriameter = 10,000 m. The metric square measures have the word "square" prefixed to the measures of length except the square hectometer which is known as the hectare = 2.4711 acres. CHAPTER III LEVELING The object of leveling is to determine the difference in elevation between two or more points. To do this work requires no mathematical knowledge beyond the ability to add and subtract. A vertical line points to the center of the earth and a line perpendicular to a vertical line is a horizontal line. A level line is parallel with the surface of still water and each point marks an equal distance from the center of the earth. In plane surveying the distances between points are so short that for all practical purposes a hori- zontal line is considered to be a level line. A level line in plane surveying is one having the same elevation throughout the length and a horizontal line is actually only a line of apparent level. In Fig. 80 let BE represent an arc of the A earth's surface. AD represents an arc about B the height of the eye of an observer par- ^^Ss. '" IA allel to BE. When C is seen from A the p IG> o points A and D are on the same true level and the points A and C are on the same apparent level. In a distance of one mile the difference CD is practically 8 ins. Let D = distance in miles, h difference in feet between true and apparent level, . 2D* then h = 3 When D = distance in feet, h = 0.000,000,024 D 2 . Refraction causes objects near the horizon to appear higher than they are actually. For very long sights, 73 74 PRACTICAL SURVEYING especially when taken early or late in the day, a correction must be made for refraction. The formulas then become, when D = distance in miles, 9 and, when D = distance in feet r h = 0.000,000,021 > 2 . With instruments ordinarily used and with usual lengths of sights curvature of the earth and refraction cannot affect the work. If a backsight, however, is very short and a foresight is very long both the aforementioned factors may have a slight effect, and if the instrument is not in good adjustment errors will be multiplied in the proportion the length of backsight bears to the length of foresight. The instrument should be set as nearly as possible equidistant between points on which the rod is held. This is important. Very simple leveling instruments were used by surveyors and engineers in early times, and are just as useful today when well-made modern instruments are not available. The miner's triangle. The early miners in California set grade pegs on hundreds of miles of ditches and roads with this primitive instrument. When the grade pegs were set at intervals of one rod (i6J ft.) the distance from D to E = i rod. When this made the triangle inconveniently large the FiG.Si. Miner's triangle. d i stance was 8 J f t>> or IO ft To adjust the triangle two pegs were driven so the ends of the triangle could rest on them, the tops of the pegs being, as nearly as the eye could judge, at the same ele- vation. From the apex of the triangle a plumb-bob was suspended by a thread or fine cord and the feet of the tri- angle placed on the pegs. The point where the plumb line crossed the brace was then marked (say at A). The ends of the triangle were then reversed, and the place where the line crossed on this trial was marked (B). Halfway between A and B a LEVELING 75 mark C was cut on the brace. Whenever the triangle was held so the vertical plumb line crossed the brace at C, the ends D and E were at the same elevation. To run a grade line with a miner's triangle. Suppose the grade is to be | in. in one rod. At E drive a nail with the head projecting \ in. When the first grade peg is driven rest the leg D on it and swing the triangle until E rests on the ground and the plumb line crosses the mark at C. Swing E far enough to one side to permit a peg to be driven where the end E had touched the ground. Now place E so the nail head rests on the peg and drive the peg until the plumb line crosses C. The top of the peg under E will be J in. lower than the top of the peg under D. To run a grade with a carpen- ter s level and straight-edge. A straight-edge is more con- venient to use than a miner's triangle, and is used in the FlG . 82> straight-edge and level, same manner on smooth land and in ditches. When the ground is covered with rocks or vegetation the triangle is better although clumsy. A straight-edge is usually made from a 2-in. plank. In the middle for a length of 2 or 3 ft. the depth is about 7 ins. and at the ends about 3 ins. The bottom is first made perfectly straight after which the top is made parallel with it. A carpenter's level is used on top, this being- more convenient than a plumb-bob and line. The grade nail is driven in the bottom at one end when the edges have been made truly parallel. To adjust a straight-edge so the top and bottom will be parallel. First test the level and be certain the bubble is in correct adjustment. There being no grade nail in the bottom of the straight-edge, drive a peg at each end and with the carpenter's level held on top drive the pegs until the bubble indicates the tops of the pegs to be at the same elevation. Mark the glass at the end of the bubble and holding the level in position reverse the ends of the straight-edge, resting them on the pegs. The bubble will move and the new position of the end is to be marked. Midway be- tween the two marks make a third mark. Holding the 76 PRACTICAL SURVEYING level in place and the straight-edge on the pegs drive down the high peg gently until the end of the bubble moves to the middle mark. The tops of the pegs are now at exactly the same ele- vation. Holding the straight-edge in place reverse the level and plane down the high end of the top of the straight- edge until the end of the bubble touches the middle mark. The bubble in the carpenter's level should remain in the middle no matter how the level is placed on top of the straight-edge. Road percenter. This instrument was in common use for several centuries and the author once used one in lay- B m & out a roa< ^ ^ or a mmm g com- 1 pany when no better instrument 1 was available. The same principle is seen today in the straight-edges used by brick masons for plumbing walls. A piece of wood 2 ins. by 4 ins. is made perfectly straight on top, with pieces of tin at A and B for sights. Through each sight at points the FIG. 83. Road percenter. same h?ight aboye the tQp of the wood a hole ^ in. in diameter is made. At D a i-in. hole is bored through for the upper part of a Jacob staff. A f-in. by 3-in. piece 15 ins. long is attached to the side so that a line scratched down the middle is exactly perpen- dicular to the top. The space C is cut out and a 12-oz. plumb-bob hung by a silk thread one foot long attached near the top swings in this space. Theoretically when the instrument is placed on the Jacob staff and the silk plumb line covers the vertical scratch the line of sight through the sighting holes is hori- zontal. A level rod is used with this instrument. It is termed a percenter because a graduated arc is sometimes placed above the opening in which the plumb-bob swings. When the eye end is lowered by tipping the Jacob staff until the plumb line crosses the 2 per cent mark the line of sight instead of being horizontal is inclined 2 per cent to the horizontal. Road grades are expressed in rise or fall per 100 ft., that is in per cent of rise per foot and the LEVELING 77 angle corresponding to any per cent of rise being known the line of sight may be set at the proper angle and the grade stakes set. The percenter in theory is good but practically is of little service except on straight lines. Used as a level fairly good results may be obtained with careful work. Water-tube level. This level consists of a metal tube two or three feet long bent up at the ends with glass vials proj ecting (\ fss= _ i j) above the ends and open at the top. In the middle a socket for the head of a Jacob staff or a tripod is fas- tened. The tube is rilled with col- ored liquid and the line of sight across the top of the liquid is level. Water tube level. Leveling with rubber hose. For leveling line shafts in mills where it is often difficult to use levels and rods the use of small rubber tubes is common. One end of the tube is fastened to a tank containing water with the surface at nearly the elevation of the shafting. In the other end is a graduated glass tube corked to prevent the loss of water while the tube is being carried. Holding the glass tube against a post or beam on which a mark is to be placed and raising it until the top of the water is a few inches be- low the end, the cork is removed. The surface of the water when the cork is removed, so the compression of enclosed air will have no effect, will be level with the surface of the water in the tank and the height can be marked by a cut or by driving a nail. A number of points are placed , from which the millwright can measure to level the shafting. A modern level consists of a telescope mounted in a rigid frame together with FIG. 85. Dumpy level ordinary type. a j Qn g j evel tube conta ining a sensitive bubble. By means of right-and-left-threaded screws the bubble is brought to the middle of the tube. When the instrument is in adjustment the bubble remains PRACTICAL SURVEYING stationary while the frame is revolved on the vertical axis so the observer may look in any direction through the telescope. A ring inside the telescope tube carries cross-hairs, or fine wires, to define the line of sight. The wires are fo- cussed, or brought into the field of view, by moving the FIG. 86. Dumpy level Bausch and Lomb type. eyepiece. The line of sight passes through the center of the eyepiece and the intersection of the wires. When the instrument is in adjustment the line of sight is horizontal when the level bubble is in the middle of the glass tube, which is graduated so the position of the bubble can be located. In Fig. 87 the usual arrangement of wires is shown at (a). The vertical wire is of some assistance in enabling the leveler to tell when the rod is vertical one way while waving the rod insures vertical- ity the other way. To assist in obtaining equal backsights and foresights two additional wires are A B c sometimes used as shown at (6) p IG g 7 and (c). The horizontal line is caught with the middle wire (b] and the upper and lower wires are spaced so they win intercept one foot on the rod at a distance of 100 ft., two feet at a distance of 200 ft., etc. Three horizontal wires are used by some men to prevent mistakes in reading the rod, by taking readings on the three wires at each turning point or bench mark. When a level has three horizontal LEVELING 79 wires and one only is read mistakes often occur, so the style shown at (c) is sometimes used. With this arrange- ment the rodman holds his rod horizontally for the distance to be read, after which he sets the turning point and holds the rod vertically on it. Three kinds of levels are in common use for the best work and they are known as the wye (Y), dumpy and precision level. The latter is used only for the highest grade of government work and is made as a form of wye level by some makers and as a form of dumpy level by others. The latest style of precision level is of the dumpy type and is known as the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey level. The wye level for some unexplained reason obtained a strong footing in the United States nearly a century ago. It is comparatively easy to adjust, but the adjustments are those of the shop rather than the field, so the instrument requires frequent adjustment. European engineers gen- erally express surprise when they first learn that the wye is so extensively used in this country. The author sold his wye nearly twenty years ago and purchased a dumpy, since which time he has been a strong advocate of the latter type. A description of the wye level and its adjust- ments is given in every instrument maker's catalogue. A wye level may be adjusted in the same manner as a dumpy. The dumpy was so named because the earlier ones had inverting telescopes (that is all objects were seen upside down) and the omission of one set of lenses called for short (dumpy) tubes. Inverting telescopes gather more light than erecting telescopes and are used for government work requiring the highest precision. For most of the work done by engineers and surveyors nothing is gained by using an inverting telescope, and the amount of training necessary to become accustomed to viewing objects in an unnatural position is trying. The dumpy weighs less than a wye of the same power; costs less; retains adjustments longer and stands rough usage better. The bubble should be sensitive. The sensitiveness of a bubble is a test of workmanship. No maker will put a sensitive bubble on a poorly made instrument and a slug- gish bubble is a warning to the prospective purchaser. 8o PRACTICAL SURVEYING TO ADJUST A DUMPY LEVEL 1st adjustment. The level must be perpendicular to the vertical axis. Set the level up by spreading the tripod legs so the tele- scope will be about five feet above the ground. Push each leg into the ground firmly. The two plates should first be made parallel by means of the leveling screws and when the instrument is set up the plates should be as nearly horizontal as possible. Turn the telescope so it is over two screws. Then turn the screws together and bring the bubble to the middle of the tube. The thumbs move towards or from each other but never move in the same direction. The bubble travels in the direction in which the right thumb moves. The screws should move easily without binding but never loosely, for a firm seating of the ends is necessary. If screwed tight the instrument becomes strained and the slightest touch disturbs the bubble. Making the screws tight also injures the threads. After the bubble is brought to the middle over one pair of screws revolve the telescope ninety degrees and repeat the leveling process over the other pair of screws. The foregoing instructions are general and apply to the use of the level as well as when adjustments are being tested. The level having been brought to the middle of the tube over each pair of screws turn the telescope end for end over one pair and if the bubble remains in the middle the level is perpendicular to the vertical axis. If it moves away from the middle bring it halfway back by means of one pair of screws and the rest of the way by turning the capstan head screws, on one end of the level tube, with an adjusting pin. Then level it over the other pair and test. 2nd adjustment. The horizontal wire must be perpendic- ular to the vertical axis. The instrument maker fixes the wires in the reticule per- pendicular to each other. Hang a heavy plumb-bob in a sheltered place so the plumb line will not move. After adjusting the bubble sight on the plumb line. If the vertical wire covers it the horizontal wire is perpendicular to the vertical axis. LEVELING 8l If the wire and plumb line form a small angle loosen the capstan head screws on the sides of the telescope, hold- ing the reticule, and tap lightly with the finger until the reticule is shifted enough to bring the wire into a vertical position. Then tighten the screws. Fig. 88. $rd adjustment. The line of sight must be perpendicular to the vertical axis. After the instrument has been tried for the first and second adjustments, and the adjustments made, drive two FIG. 89. FIG. 90. stakes from 200 to 300 ft. apart and set the level exactly midway. Level it carefully and read the rod held on A. The rod is next held on B and a reading taken with the instrument level, that is with the bubble in the middle of the tube. The difference of the readings is the difference in elevation between A and B, no matter how badly the instrument may be out of adjustment. The instrument is then set as close as possible to a rod held vertically on one stake with the eyepiece next to the rod. The bubble is brought to the middle of the tube and the observer looking through the object glass focuses the telescope until he can read the rod, which appears to be at a great distance. The cross-hairs cannot be seen so the elevation is taken in the center of the field of view, a lead pencil or pointed stick marking the point. Assuming, for example, that the instrument is placed in front of stake A , and that B is lower than A , add the differ- 82 PRACTICAL SURVEYING ence to the rod reading. If B is higher than A subtract the difference in elevation from the rod reading. Set the target at the height thus obtained and have the rodman hold the rod on B. The effect of the curvature of the earth and refraction, assuming the distance of B from A to be 250 ft., will amount to 0.000,000,021 X 25O 2 = o.ooi ft., by which amount the target should be lowered if the correction is applied. Errors in observation will probably offset this small correction which may therefore be disregarded. * The rod being held vertically on B the telescope is pointed towards the target and the leveling screws turned until the bubble is exactly in the middle of the tube. By means of the capstan screws on the top and bottom of the telescope the reticule is raised or lowered until the hori- zontal wire intercepts the center of the target. This com- pletes the adjustment. This adjustment on a wye level makes the wye adjustment unnecessary. THE DATUM It has been shown that a level is merely an instrument by means of which a horizontal line may be determined. The horizontal line passing through the center of the eye- piece and the intersection of the cross wires is a base, but for convenience in platting and computing, this base is assumed to be at some definite height above a parallel base termed a "datum," or "datum plane." An "arbi- trary datum" is one arbitrarily chosen for a particular piece of work and is often assumed as being 100 ft. below the line of sight at the starting point. In city work the datum is usually assumed to be 100 ft. below the lowest point on the streets of the city. When- ever any Government bench marks are close by the sur- veyor uses the elevation marked on the nearest one, the Government datum (o) being the mean of low tides. In some seacoast cities the mean^of lower-low tides is used as datum. If it is believed that excavations will be made below the Government datum it is best to use an elevation of 100 ft. for the datum instead of o to avoid mistakes likely to arise when minus elevations are used. This in effect LEVELING 83 fixes an arbitrary datum one hundred feet below the mean of low tides. If a hole is dug ten feet below Government datum then the elevation, referred to datum, is 10. A wall lo-ft. high with the bottom at datum will have an elevation on top of +10. The use of the -f- and signs has been a fruitful source of error and the simple expedient of assum- ing the zero datum below the lowest point an excavation may reach stops all trouble. In the example just cited assume that an arbitrary datum has been selected 100 ft. below the Government datum. The bottom of the hole will have an elevation of looft. above datum and the top of the wall will have an elevation of no ft. above datum. LEVEL RODS There are several types of level rods known as Boston, New York, Philadelphia, etc. A description of each rod is not necessary for this informa- tion is contained in the catalogues of instru- ment makers. Rods graduated with thin black lines on varnished wood on which a target is neces- sary are not much used today. The favorite type is some form of Philadelphia rod. This is known as "self-reading" because a target is not necessary. The face of the rod is painted white and originally was graduated in feet and tenths of a foot. When closer readings were wanted a scale on the sliding target was used by means of which half-hun- dred ths could be read. The rod was later made with graduations of one-hundredth of a foot stenciled on the face, the marks being alternately black and white. A target with scale was attached to the rod so that readings could be taken to FIG. 91. Phila- the nearest half-hundredth. An improve- delphia self- ment was made when the graduations were reading rod. cut into the white face of the rod with the alternate gradua- tions painted black. Another form has the graduations cut 84 PRACTICAL SURVEYING without the alternate black and white spaces. The author, and probably the majority of engineers and surveyors, prefers the broad marks, as the reading of the rod does not tax the eyes and it is "self-reading" at long distances. A target with a vernier reading to a thousandth of a foot is used on all rods except those with a stenciled face. The vernier is a scale attached to the target. It is divided into ten equal divisions with the zero on the center line of the target. The ten divisions on the vernier cover nine divisions (nine one-hundred ths) on the rod, each division on the vernier being thus one-tenth of one-hun- dredth, or one- thousandth, of a foot less than the smallest graduation on the rod. To read less than one-hundredth of a foot, read upward on the rod until the hundredth below the zero of the vernier is reached. Then read up- wards from zero on the vernier until a line is reached that coincides with some line on the rod. The vernier in Fig. 92 reads 6 feet, I tenth, 2 hundredths and 4 thousandths (6.124) and is read "six point one, two, four." FIG. 92. Vernier A level rod is merely a rod graduated in tarret^ 1 ^ feet ' t enths and hundred ths of a foot; or in feet, inches and eighths of an inch, the divi- sion in inches being used only by architects and building mechanics. The decimally divided foot is used by en- gineers and surveyors. The graduations proceed upward, the foot of the rod being zero. It is customary to mark the feet in red, the figures being "one- tenth" high and the tenths in black, the figures being a half-tenth high. Each five-hundredth mark pro- jects slightly beyond the marks denoting hundredths. When a level is set up it may be turned in any direction and a rod is used to determine the height of the horizontal line above the ground. The rod must be held perfectly vertical, or plumb, and wherever the horizontal line of sight strikes it a "reading" is obtained. A rodman must always stand directly back of the rod and face the leveler, so the latter will see the face of the rod fully and not at an angle. The bottom of the rod must LEVELING rest firmly on the point on which it is held. The hands should be about the height of the chin to support the rod properly and the fingers should grasp the sides, never en- circling the rod, for they will cover some of the graduations and may interfere with a sight if placed across the face. FIG. 93. Rod level. FIG. 94. Folding rod level. For holding the rod in a vertical position several forms of rod levels are on the market. Some men use a light plumb-bob, generally a nuisance in a wind. A time-honored method is " waving the rod." In Fig. 95 A-B is the horizontal line and C-D the rod. When the rod is held at C and allowed to lean towards D' or fall back towards D" ', the horizon- tal line gives a greater reading than A when C D is perpendicular to AB. When the rodman has no level or other means for insuring a vertical position of the rod and holds the rod on a point on which* a close read- ing is desired, the rod is waved to- wards and from the leveler until he obtains the shortest reading possible. FIG. 95. The "waving" must be done very slowly. Some instru- ment makers furnish targets made in the shape of an angle and the horizontal division line on the target cannot be completely covered by the cross wire unless the rod is ver- tical. This necessitates signaling by the leveler and the author believes waving a rod on particular points cannot be improved upon. If a rodman is not experienced he should have a rod level for intermediate sights. A rod is read with target to the nearest "thousandth" on bench marks; to the nearest "half-hundredth" on 86 PRACTICAL SURVEYING turning points, and the nearest "tenth" for intermediate points. The use of the target on turning points is optional but is customary so the reading by the leveler can be .checked by the rodman. The target is never used on intermediate sights or for "stations" except when grade pegs are set. In setting grades it is very convenient and easy on the eyes to use a target. FIG. 96. Angle target. Checking a reading is done as follows : The leveler reads the rod and records the reading. He then motions to the rodman to set the target and directs him in moving it up or down until it is practically right. Then the rod is waved and the target moved until it is set, when the rod- man clamps it. He then reads the rod and compares his reading with that of the leveler as the latter goes past to a new set up. When the backsight is taken he gives his reading to the leveler as a check before going ahead on line. When the leveler wishes to have the target used he raises his right arm vertically as high as possible and describes a small horizontal circle. This means "turning point." The rodman selects a good point, holds the rod on it, slides the rod to where he thinks the line of sight will intersect it and awaits orders. The target is moved up when the leveler puts his right hand out horizontally to the side. It is moved down when he holds out his left hand. He thrusts out both arms when it is right. When the rod is to be waved he holds up his right arm and waves it forward and back. For readings on line at stations the rod is held on the ground. Turning points must be hard and so firm they LEVELING 87 will not move when the rod is held on top. In stony coun- try the tops of stones make excellent turning points and in timbered land exposed roots and notches in trees are used. In some sections where the soil is light or sandy the rod- man carries pegs to drive in the ground for use as turning points. A convenient turning point consists of an iron pin attached by a light chain to the rodman's belt. The pin is pushed into the ground and the rod held on top of the ring. The chain is used to keep the rodman from going off without the pin after holding the rod on it. To find the difference in elevation between two points not far apart. Assume the points to be so close together FtG 97 that they may both be seen from an inter- mediate point. Let A and B be the points on the surface of the earth and C and D be points vertically above them on a true level with F, on the line of sight. If F (position of level) is midway between C and D the difference between true level and apparent level will be the same. That is CA ^EA BG FIG. 98. If the level is not midway between A and B it will be necessary to meas- ure the distances AH and BH and use the formulas al- ready given to determine the difference between the true level on the arc CFD and the apparent level on the hori- zontal line EFG. The difference in elevation is obtained by setting the instrument up at some point H between A and B and leveling it so the line of sight EFG is hori- zontal. A graduated rod is held vertically at A and the reading taken where the line of sight intersects the face of the rod. The rod is then held vertically at B and a read- ing taken. The difference between these readings gives the difference in elevation between the two points, provided they differ in elevation* 88 PRACTICAL SURVEYING PROBLEMS 1. Let AH = 240 ft. and BH = 300 ft. AE = 10 ft., BG = 6 ft. What is the true difference in elevation be- tween A and B? If AH = BH what will be the true differ- ence in elevation? 2. Let AH = 1040 ft. and BH = 1820 ft. AE = 5 ft., BG = 6 ft. Find true and apparent difference in elevations. 3. Let AH = 792 ft. and BH = ii88ft. AE =3.17 ft., BG = 5.67 ft. Find true and apparent difference in elevations. DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING To find the difference in elevation between two points far apart. The line ABCD is a profile of the ground. The differ- ence in elevation between A and D is wanted and the points are assumed to be about 2000 ft. apart. Since sights should not be taken more than 400 ft. and the level should be as nearly as possible equidistant from turning points the level must be set up three times. The leveler starts from A and walks in the direction of D, counting his paces until he is about 100 paces from A. Going to one side of the line until he believes a horizontal line will be above the ground at A, he sets up the level and levels the telescope. The elevation of A is assumed to be some definite distance above datum if the actual eleva- tion is not known and the rodman holds his rod on A . The leveler reads the rod and puts the rod reading (a) in his field book in a column headed by a -f- sign. The rodman now paces from A to E and an equal number of paces beyond E to B where he selects a good turning point and holds his rod. The leveler reads the rod and puts the rod reading (b) in the column headed by a sign. He FIG. 99. Sta. + - A 3 o B 6 9 C 4 2 D o 3 13 14 13 I now goes to Fand levels the instrument, - the rodman holding the rod on the turning point (or turn, as it is commonly called) but turning it so the leveler can LEVELING 89 see the face. The leveler takes the reading (b l ) and records it in the + column while the rodman paces to Fand an equal distance beyond and holds the rod on a turn at C. The leveler now reads the rod and puts the reading (c) in the column, then sets the level at G, judging as closely as pos- sible with the eye, for no great accuracy is required, that the distance from C to G = G to D. He then reads the rod and puts the reading (c r ) in the -f column. The rodman then holds the rod on D and the leveler places the reading (d) in the column. The -f- readings and readings are separately added and the difference between them is the difference in eleva- tion between A and D. The forward point is lower than the starting point if the + readings are less than the readings. It is of course higher if the sum of the read- ings exceeds the sum of the -f- readings. The rod readings given in the example are marked in the figure for identification. The profile is not drawn in the FIG. 100. Bench mark on tree. field book, the record of readings on the ruled page being sufficient. A "backsight" is a + reading and a "fore- sight" is a reading. The intermediate points are not marked in differential leveling, the leveler entering on his book, instead of B and C, the letters "T. P. " (turning point) or "Peg," the latter word being a survival from the days when every turning point was actually a peg left in the ground. BENCH MARKS AND TURNING POINTS A bench mark is a permanent point with a recorded eleva- tion. In the country a stone is used when available or a tree is cut and marked. A cut is made in the side as if for a broad blaze. The lower part, however, is cut in like a 90 PRACTICAL SURVEYING shelf and sloped each way from a ridge in the middle so there will be a point on which to hold the rod. At the edge a nail or spike is driven flush. If the head projects it may be hammered down and the elevation thus disturbed. The object in driving the spike is to furnish a hard point on which to hold the rod. The bench mark may be used for years and if the wood rots the elevation will not be preserved unless a metal point is used. On some smooth place as close as possible to the bench mark the elevation should be marked. When trees are blazed the figures are cut into the wood with a surveyor's scribe, which is a useful tool sold by all instrument dealers. An accurate description of each bench mark is written in the level book and recorded in the office. On route surveys bench marks are placed about one-third of a mile apart as close as possible to the line but far enough to the side to be preserved during the construction period. Turning points are merely temporary benches and no record is usually made of them. For the most accurate work the distance between turning points should be not less than 200 ft. (100 ft. from the instrument) nor more than 600 ft. For ordinary work the distance between turning points should not exceed 1200 ft. in the middle of a com- fortable day. Sights should be short in the early morning and late afternoon; also on very bright, hot days. The instrument must be level, in perfect adjustment and midway between turning points. The rod must be vertical. In cities or on construction work there cannot be too many bench marks. Corners of iron or masonry steps; curb stones; tops of hydrants, etc., are used and recorded. Always have two benches close together on such work and read on both. The records give the difference in elevation of the benches and if this is not verified then one must have been disturbed and each must be compared with some near-by bench until two are found to agree with the records. These are used and the faulty ones removed from the records. Errors in adjustment, effect of the curvature of the earth and effect of refraction are taken out by equality of sights to turning points. A difference of one-tenth the length of LEVELING QI the average sight, provided the differences are about equally plus and minus, will not affect the work noticeably. The rod may be held approximately vertical on inter- mediate sights for ground reading but lack of verticality on bench marks and turning points causes errors of a cumu- lative nature. The sun heats the end of the level toward it and the metal expanding raises that end. The bubble always seeks the high end and this error, which is cumulative, can only be guarded against by bringing the bubble to the center after setting the target, and then obtaining a new reading. On very careful work the instrument should be shaded. Errors in reading, of one foot, one-tenth, etc., are often made, but are more common with target rods than with self-reading rods. Requiring the rodman to carry a book for "peg readings" so he can check the leveler is a practice that should never be omitted. The only real check is to duplicate the work in an opposite direction, so on all route work, or "profile leveling," the leveler "checks benches" every ten miles and sometimes for shorter distances. All persons using instruments carry their personality into their work so a recognized difference in results obtained by different individuals has been termed by scientific men the "personal equation." With increase in experience errors due to personality become small and tend to balance, thus eliminating error due to this cause. The personal equation shows up when a leveler checks on a bench set by another man before the personal errors of either have balanced. Careful leveling is a continual balancing of small errors but the residual errors are cumulative. To duplicate a line of levels in an opposite direction does not change the sign (+ or ) of the residual error. The error increases with distance so to run a line of levels ten miles and re-run it in the opposite direction is the same as running one line twenty miles. All work should be thus checked when possible and one-half the error found at the starting point should be used as a correction to the bench elevation at the other end and proportionately to intermediate benches. Failures to make a close check when one route survey crosses another and a leveler reads a bench set by another PRACTICAL SURVEYING man often happens because rods of different makers were used without comparing the graduations. When a num- ber of rods are used they should be purchased under good specifications from one manufacturer and before sending to the field should be carefully tested for accuracy of the graduations with a standard steel tape. On long lines of levels the error increases as the square root of the distance, while on short lines the error is much less. In city work benches should be established if possible on the corner of each block, in pairs, and in the middle of long blocks. The limit of error in feet should never exceed the following: e a Vm, in which e = error in feet, a = error factor, m = distance in miles between the benches. For city work and all accurate leveling a = 0.017. For ordinary route leveling a = 0.034. When leveling down hill time is saved if the horizontal line is brought close to the foot of the rod for a backsight. When going up hill the horizontal line should be brought close to the top of the rod. It often happens that an at- tempt to read near one end. of the rod results in the hori- zontal line striking below or above the rod, so the level must again be set up. To avoid this the leveler should have a hand level by means of which he can obtain a hori- zontal line at the height of his eyes. The level is then set up with the telescope at this height and leveled. ROUTE, OR PROFILE, LEVELING Differential leveling has been illustrated and such work is done when the only elevations wanted are those at the ends of the line, every intermediate reading being on a turning point. "Check leveling," to check elevations of bench marks, is differential leveling. Profile leveling is for the purpose of making a profile and obtain a record of heights at all changes of elevation on the line. The route is laid off in stations and the leveler obtains the elevation of the ground at each station, and also at LEVELING 93 intermediate points where decided changes occur, as gullies, etc. Between adjacent T. P.'s there may be sev- eral readings and on steep ground there may be several turns in one station. The level is set up and a reading taken on a convenient bench mark. This reading added to the elevation of the bench gives the elevation of the horizontal wire and is recorded in the column headed H. I. (Height of Instrument). Readings are then taken on the ground at each station and -f- station and subtracted from the H. I., the difference being the ground elevation. A reading taken to a bench mark or turning point to get the H. I. is known as a backsight and placed in the B. S. column. A reading taken on the ground or on a turning point or bench mark to obtain the elevation is known as a foresight and is placed in the F. S. column. The notes are placed on the left-hand page of the field book, as follows: Station. B. S. H.I. P. S. Elevation. Remarks. B. M. o 1.234 ioi . 234 2 7 100.00 98 5 B. M. on oak tree 20 ins. diam. ii ft. to left of Sta. i i e 4 y x qe 8 + 50 7.8 07 .4 4-85 3 - 98. 2 T. P. 2 A 2 2.176 102.723 0.687 I .7C 100.547 IOI .OO T. P. on hub at Sta. 2 P 4 eg 2. 2 8.431 100.5 94.292 In Fig. ioi is illustrated a common feature in profile leveling. A gully runs across the surveyed line and the chainmen when setting stakes meas- ured the -f- distances to the edges and bottom. When the levels are taken the rodman paces the distance from the station to the bank and a reading is obtained. Leaving his level the leveler by means of his hand level obtains the elevation at the bot- tom, the process being differential leveling. The notes 94 PRACTICAL SURVEYING are placed on the right-hand page of the level book. He returns to his level and the rodman holds on the opposite bank. After a reading is taken he paces the distance to the next station and calls it to the leveler who then writes down the + stationing. The three + distances are known to be only closely approximate but they check the distances previously meas- ured with the tape and so identify the place. In rough country the hand level saves much time. The notes are platted on profile paper, there being two rulings in common use, plate A with 20 and plate B with 30 horizontal lines to an inch. Each plate has four vertical FIG. 102. Two types of hand levels. FIG. 103. Plate A profile paper. lines to an inch. When plotting the profile each horizontal space represents a station and each vertical space repre- sents one foot, the distorted scale showing plainly all minor irregularities in the surface. Cuts and fills and differences in elevation are easily read to the nearest half foot and es- timated to the nearest quarter of a foot. For estimating earthwork quantities this is convenient but the principal value of the exaggerated vertical scale is the ease with which grade lines are selected. The purpose in making a profile survey is usually to select the grade for a road, railway or ditch. When the profile is made a thread is stretched between the hands and held on the profile so the projections above the line are equal to those below. In common language the "cuts and fills" balance. If this gives a steeper grade than the LEVELING 95 maximum allowed, the position of the thread must be altered. Two considerations therefore enter in the prob- lem of fixing a grade line, one being economy in construction, the other economy in hauling loads up the grade. In irri- FIG. 104. Plate B profile paper. gation ditches the grade must be light so water can be delivered to the highest point of the land yet steep enough to secure a velocity that will prevent the deposit of silt and the growth of vegetation. In drainage ditches the grade should be as steep as possible without producing a velocity of flow great enough to scour the bottom and make a gully of the ditch. TO SET GRADE STAKES Contour road and ditch surveys are generally made with a target rod. The first stake is driven so that the top is on grade. The fall per station is given to the rodman. A reading is taken with the rod held on the grade peg, the target set and the reading recorded. A chainman holds one end of the tape or chain at the grade peg and the rod- man holding the other end draws the tape taut and holds the rod vertically for a new peg. At each station the target is moved the amount of fall per station. If the line is going uphill the target is moved down and it is moved up if the line is going downhill. The leveler calls the cor- rect reading to the rodman, after the latter has clamped the target, as a check each time. In setting grade stakes for sewers the tops are placed at some definite height above the bottom of the sewer when g6 PRACTICAL SURVEYING the street is already on grade. The line being straight a peg is driven to grade at each end of the block. Over one is set the level and the height from the top of the grade peg to the center of the telescope is carefully measured. ^ ^_L A _A y "N- t ' A ^^^/P^ FIG. 105. Plunging a grade. A light rod is driven in the ground at the other peg and a white card tacked to it so the middle of the card is at a height above the top of the peg equal to the H. I. above the other peg. The exact height is measured and marked on the card. By manipulating the leveling screws the telescope is pointed to the mark on the card. The line of sight is then parallel to the grade line instead of being horizontal. The target is set on the rod to a height equal to the height of the cross-hairs above the grade line. The rod being held vertically the bottom is on line with the tops of the grade pegs when the horizontal wire cuts the center of the target and stakes are driven to grade wherever desired. This method is termed "plunging a grade." FIG. 106. Sewer grade line on street. When the ground is irregular so that some stakes would be driven with tops below the surface and others would stand high if driven to grade, it is best to drive a peg with the top flush with the ground at each station. Beside each peg is driven a stake marked with figures indicating the dis- tance to grade, a + sign indicating a cut and a sign a fill. LEVELING 97 To lay pipes to grade, all the witness stakes will be marked +, for they will all be above grade. Beside each grade peg drive a post and on the opposite side of the trench drive another. Measure up from the grade peg some dis- ^4T ! 'Rod level tance to obtain a line a certain number of feet above the flow line and at this height nail or clamp a plank to the two posts, the plank to be perfectly level. This is done at each station and a cord stretched from plank to plank will show the grade and be out of the way of the work- men in the trench. A piece of wood about one inch square FlG I0? Transferring surface with a small bracket fastened grade to pipe in trench, at the lower end is used to ob- tain the grade at the bottom, the projecting arm resting in the bottom of the pipe when an upper mark touches the cord. The rod must be vertical and a rod level should be used. MANUAL SIGNALS FOR SURVEYORS It is not always possible to shout instructions to assist- ants in the field so signals are necessary. The author mentioned his signals for telling a rodman when to move a target, and the direction in which to move it. For con- veying information into which numbers enter a very old custom is to write the number with the right hand on an imaginary vertical surface. When this is done by the rod- man the leveler reads the number in a reversed direction and the rodman reads it in a reversed direction when the writing is done by the leveler. Some men in making such signals stand with their back to the recipient and so manage to overcome the difficulty of reading numbers reversed. In Engineering News, May 22, 1913, Mr. F. T. Darrow illustrated a set of signals in use on the Burlington Lines, these signals being shown in Fig. 108. The reader will notice that one hand is used, the other presumably holding the rod or instrument. PRACTICAL SURVEYING 6789 FIG. 108. Signals for surveyors' assistants. Rod up or Move to Right Plumb the Set Hub Set onThis Give Line (or Left) RodCRiqht orqiveTP or Left) O.K. Come Here Go Back Cant Get You Move Target Up Cor Down") FIG. 109. Signals for surveyors' assistants. LEVELING 99 In Engineering News, Aug. 21, 1913, Mr. Robert S. Beard illustrated a set of signals requiring the use of both hands. The author has omitted from Fig. 109 the signals for numbers as he prefers signals for which one hand only is used. It is necessary, however, to convey other ideas than numbers so those signals in the article by Mr. Beard which relate to common instructions are shown in Fig. 109. The signals may be used by instrument men, rodmen, chainmen or other helpers and require no explanation as the information is placed under each figure. These signals are those in common use by experienced men the world over. I CHAPTER IV COMPASS SURVEYING Nearly all land surveys before the middle of the last century were made with the compass. It is still used to- day where land is not high in price. About 70 or 80 years ago a fairly certain method was developed for eliminating the effects of local attraction, but it was not in common use. Until about 100 years ago little attention was paid to the declination of the needle, or variation as it was commonly called. The declination is the angle between the true meridian and the meridian indicated by the compass needle. The variation is the change in declination. In 1836 William A. Burt patented the solar compass of which he was the inventor jointly with John Mullett, both Government surveyors in Michigan where local ore bodies attracted the needle and rendered it valueless for running lines. With the solar compass a true north and south line could be run from observations on the sun. It is now obsolete so will net be described in this book. The engineers' transit with solar attachment super- seded the solar compass and today few men use a solar attachment, direct observations on the sun tending to greater accuracy and simplicity. After 1836 all Government land surveys had to be made with a solar compass. About 50 years later a transit with solar attachment was required and now direct solar obser- vations are permitted. The General Land Office at present prohibits employees and contracting surveyors from de- pending to any extent on courses derived from the needle. The compass possesses the following merits: 1. It is light. 2. It is readily set up and therefore rapid work can be done with it. 3. When there is no local attraction an error made in 100 COMPASS SURVEY I&C-. reading the needle at any station is not cumulative, but is confined to the one course. If a "back reading" is taken the error is caught and may be corrected. 4. Two points are not required from which to start, as with a transit. The needle pointing always in one direc- tion (when there is no local attraction) any station may be used as a starting point. 5. Fewer helpers are needed than with the transit. 6. On preliminary lines and on random lines considerable time may be saved in cutting brush, for the compass can be set to one side and a parallel offset line run past an ob- struction by merely setting the sight on the' proper course indicated by the needle. 7. In re- tracing old surveys it is better than a more exact instrument for the work is duplicated more nearly when the methods adopted closely copy those originally used. 8. When land is very low in value or when the informa- tion wanted is only closely approximate, the compass is the best instrument to use, because men of ordinary ability can do the work and do it quickly. Before mentioning the defects of the compass it is neces- sary to say that all land survey methods and terms now used were developed during the era preceding the intro- duction of well-made accurate instruments. The only difference is increased accuracy so that an understanding of compass work is necessary for a full knowledge of land surveying. When the compass was invented no one knows and the name of the inventor has not been preserved. The in- ventor is supposed to have been a Chinese and he lived at least 1900 years ago. The first mention in print of the compass is found in a Chinese dictionary printed in 121 A.D., in which book the lodestone is defined as "a stone with which an attraction can be given to the needle." The first mention of the compass by any European writerwas in 1190 but it was in common use by seamen in 1250. Its use in surveying seems to be first mentioned about 1300 and on his voyage to America in 1492 Christopher Columbus verified the fact long suspected, that the needle did not point constantly to the North Star. In 1600 Gilbert 102 PRACTICAL SURVEYING showed that the earth is a great magnet with lines of force flowing from pole to pole in which the needle settled and that angels and demons and the stars in the heavens 'had no influence upon the needle. The needle does not point to the North Pole but to a shifting magnetic pole located in Canadian territory. When a compass is set so that a line drawn through the north pole, the magnetic pole and the instrument will be straight (that is in the plane of a great circle) we have a line of no variation, an agonic line. At all points east of the agonic line the needle points west of true north and has a west declination. At all points west of the agonic line the needle points east of the true north and has an east declination. Since all meridians pass through the earth's north pole a true north and south line is spoken of as "the meridian." This edition contains no Isogonic Chart as "one was issued by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for January, 1915, in "Special Publication on Terrestrial Magnetism," which should be owned by every land sur- veyor. A chart for 1920 will appear about 1922 or 1923 and it is the intention to issue such charts at five year intervals. The red lines show the actual declinations for January, 1915, as determined in 1914 by 5,830 observations in North America. The blue lines show the annual change; the north end of the compass needle moving to the westward at all places west of the line of no annual change and to the eastward at all places west of that line. To use the Isogonic Chart. Find the declination for 191 5 at the point desired, as shown by the figures in red. Add to this the amount of annual change at that point multiplied by the number of years from i9i5todate. The publication referred to enables one to trace changesindeclination from the year 1750. Many old time surveyors knew little about the decli- nation of the compass needle and cared less, so their lines do not agree with the bearings set down in the records. The annual change (variation) of the declination was unknown to the majority of surveyors 100 years ago. That minor variations in the pointing of the needle occur during the day is not known to all surveyors of the present time. COMPASS SURVEYING 103 Many surveyors paid small attention to the probable effects of local attraction and some neglected correcting readings which were incorrect because of local attraction. Badly made instruments, some containing small quanti- ties of iron; bent pivots; bent needles; neglected adjust- ments; weakly magnetized needles; mistakes in reading bearings; bearings read only to half degrees or quarter degrees; all these things during the 400 years during which the compass was the principal instrument used by sur- veyors finally resulted in its abandonment as an instru- ment of precision. It is not wise to purchase a second-hand compass except from a reputable maker, and then only with his certificate that it has been carefully tested and found to contain no metal liable to deflect the needle. Cheap surveying in- struments are a poor investment and no instruments should be purchased from stores or agents. The needle of a sur- veying compass should be at least \\ ins. long and deli- cately balanced so it appears to be always quivering while the ends remain in one plane. A swinging of the ends indicates local attraction which may be caused by iron or steel in the compass box, bodies of iron ore under the sur- face of the ground, wire fences, wire in the hat brim of the instrument man, or steel or iron on his person. When a compass is set up chains, tapes, hatchets and all tools containing metal which might attract the needle should be removed to a considerable distance. Diurnal variation. In addition to the secular variation of the declination the needle swings backward and for- ward each day through an arc sometimes as great as 20 minutes in size. This variation cannot be predicted for it alters with the time of day, seasons of the year, temperature and amount of sunshine. It is different in localities not far apart. In practical work it is ignored, except in hot weather when the sun is bright. On such days it is best to work only before 9 A.M. and after 3 P.M. It is impossible to make all compass needles alike. All makers testify that a number of needles can be made alike in shape and of equal weight from one piece of steel, yet when magnetized and placed on pivots the readings will differ as much as 10 min. 104 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Several men reading the bearing shown by a needle will obtain different results. This personal error taken with the differences in needles shows that any attempt to allow for the diurnal variation is generally a needless refinement. Notwithstanding all the drawbacks mentioned, a well- trained, conscientious surveyor using a well-made modern compass can do very good work. READING THE COMPASS Let the line N ... 5 represent the true meridian in which the needle is supposed to lie and the direction (bear- ing) of the line A ... B is wanted. The compass is set at some point O on the line A ... B and the needle allowed to swing freely after the instrument is leveled. When the needle comes to rest the observer looks through the sights towards point B. The compass circle is graduated from north to east and north to west, the north point being marked O and the east and west points 90. It is graduated similarly from FIG no south to east and west, this method be- ing termed "quadrantal graduation," be- cause the circle is divided into four quadrants, or quarters. FIG. in. Surveyor's compass with open sights. When the sights are set on the line A . . . B the needle still points to N. The zero being on the line A ... B COMPASS SURVEYING 105 (in the line of sight) the end of the needle points to some number on the circle, which number indicates the angle N, 0, B, between the lines ... TV and . . . B, this angle being called the bearing of the line O-B. Fig. in illustrates a good type of compass with variation plate by means of which the declination of the needle is set off. Underneath the compass is the ball-and-socket joint by means of which the compass is leveled. Leveling screws, although a great improvement, are seldom used on com- passes. Two levels at right angles show when the plate is level before clamping the joint. A is the sight at the south end and B the sight at the north end of the compass. Each sight has a very fine slit, and at the ends of the slits round openings are made so objects may be readily found. Sometimes each sight has two slits as shown. In the upper slit in one sight and the lower slit in the other sight a fine wire or horse hair is stretched to enable closer sights to be taken. The surveyor looks through the plain slit and bisects the object by means of the wire in the opposite slit. The right edge of B is graduated to half degrees for angles of elevation to be read through the lower peephole on sight A. The left edge is graduated for angles of de- pression to be read through the upper peephole on sight A . To read an angle of elevation or depression, look through the proper peephole at a point the same height above the ground as the compass plate. Slide a card up sight B until the top edge strikes the line of sight. The card is held against the sight until the angle is read. At C is shown a variation plate. By means of a milled screw the compass circle can be revolved about the vertical axis about 30 degrees each side of the line of sight, thus enabling the declination to be set off on the plate at C. The declination may be set off in one of three ways. If a well-defined line can be found of which the bearing is known, set the instrument on it and sight to a stake on the line. By means of the screw attached to the variation (declination) plate move the compass circle until the needle points to the course of the line given in the record. The declination can then be read on the plate, which should be clamped and not again touched. Another method is to io6 PRACTICAL SURVEYING lay off a line in the true meridian, set the compass on it and turn the compass ring until the needle points to zero, when the declination may be read on the plate at C. For closely approximate work the declination may be obtained from the Isogonic Chart and set off on the plate. The dial at D is used to keep tally in chaining. Under the compass plate is a screw by means of which the needle is raised and held against the glass cover when not in use, so it will not dull or bend the pivot when the instrument is being carried. On the compass plate the letter E is on the left and the letter W is on the right. The needle points to the north and if the line of sight is pointed in an easterly direction the needle will show the angle, as already explained, between the meridian and the line of sight. The north end of the needle will be to the left of the line of sight, so by trans- posing the E and W the direction and amount of di- vergence from the meridian are both indicated by the needle. The student must never forget that the needle indicates the line of sight but FIG. 112. Surveyor's compass with not jj e j n Fig. 112 shows a compass with a telescope instead of open sights, a vertical circle for reading angles of elevation and depression and a level adapter instead of ball and socket/ COMPASS ADJUSTMENTS There are five adjustments of the compass: I . The compass circle must be perpendicular to the vertical axis. The manufacturer alone can make this adjustrrent. COMPASS SURVEYING 107 2. The levels must be perpendicular to the line of sight. This adjustment cannot be made if the compass circle is not perpendicular to the vertical axis, this fact being a check on the first adjustment. Level the compass by bringing the bubbles to the middle of their respective tubes. Turn the instrument 180 deg. and if the bubbles have moved correct half the difference by means of the capstan head screws holding the level tubes. Check and repeat until the bubbles remain stationary during a complete revolution of the compass on the vertical axis. 3. The needle must be perpendicular to the vertical axis. This means the needle must be horizontal and also straight. The north end of the needle tends to dip towards the earth and a coil of fine wire is placed near the south end to counter- act this tendency. Before making any adjustments involving the needle it should be re-magnetized. Holding the needle in one hand hold the magnetic pole of a permanent magnet firmly with the other hand against the needle near the middle and pass the magnet to the north end of the needle. Before each pass describe a circle about one foot in diameter with the magnet in a plane with the needle. This operation should be repeated for the south end of the needle but care should be taken that the north and the south ends are applied to the opposite poles of the magnet or the work will be wasted. About twenty-five passes will generally be sufficient. This operation should be performed three or four times each year. A weak needle is affected by the friction on the pivot so it is necessary to keep it charged in order to do good work. The method above described is not always satisfactory but in these days of electrical power plants the surveyor can readily charge his needle. Place the needle in the magnetic field of a dynamo and then test to see if the magnetism is reversed. If the needle points south instead of north put it again in the magnetic field of the dynamo in a reverse position from that used first. When satisfied that the needle is properly charged level the compass, bringing the north end of the needle to zero at the north end. Read both ends and reverse the instru- ment so the north end of the needle will read the same as 108 PRACTICAL SURVEYING the south end of the needle on the first trial. If now the south end of the needle does not read zero correct half the difference by bending the needle. 4. The point of the pivot must lie in the vertical axis. Having performed the third adjustment, or made a test that showed the needle to be straight, read the north end of the needle at N, E, S and W (that is at points 90 deg. apart). Note the reading of the south end as each quadrant is read. If in any quadrant the south end passes over less than 90 deg. while the north end passes 90 deg., bend the pivot away from that quadrant. Test each quadrant in this manner until the needle swings freely, the two ends reading the same in each quadrant on points 180 deg. apart. 5. The line of sight must lie in the vertical axis. This adjustment can be made only by an instrument maker, but the surveyor must be certain that the slits in the sighting vanes are vertical. Sight at a long plumb line and if it does not coincide with an edge of the slit, put paper under the low side or file the bottom of the high side under the foot of the sight and screw tight. This is to be done with both sights so the edges of the slits will be truly vertical when the instrument is in adjustment. Caution. Good work, even with an instrument in per- fect adjustment, cannot be done if any unnecessary walking around the instrument is allowed. When the compass is set up and leveled it must not be disturbed. CARE OF THE COMPASS Treat the instrument with care and it will give good ser- vice for several generations. Avoid all shocks and jars, and handle it so there will be no danger of bending any of the parts. Carry it in the hollow of the arm and not as one carries a pail or basket. Do not use the sights as handles. Be careful of the pivot that it will not be dulled or bent. Lower the needle gently. When the needle is let down on the pivot check the vibrations by lifting it off the point at each swing until it settles. VVhen moving to another station lift the needle before taking up the compass and on arriving at the next station level the compass carefully, COMPASS SURVEYING IOQ sight backward to the station left and let the needle down gently. It will then be parallel to the position last occupied and will rest on the pivot without swinging. The needle should always be held off the pivot when not in use. When returned to the case to remain until again required hold the plate level and let the needle down gently on the pivot until it swings in the magnetic meridian. Then raise it off the pivot. Avoid riding in electric cars with a compass. If such cars must be used it is well to hold the compass as nearly level as possible and let the needle swing. Rubbing the glass with a cloth often causes trouble because of f fictional electricity, so the surface should be slightly moistened by breathing on it after cleaning. The compass needle should not be played with by drawing the end from side to side with magnets or pieces of metal. THE USE OF THE COMPASS \j The field shown in Fig. 113 p was surveyed and the first station occupied was at 0, the work proceeding with the field on the right hand of the surveyor, " surveying with the sun, " to use an old expression. There is no reason for this other than convenience. Some surveyors begin a survey at the most easterly or the most westerly corner to keep the signs either all -f or all when computing areas. When a station other than the most easterly or westerly is taken as a starting point the signs will be mixed and unless the computer is careful he may meet with difficulties in making his work close. It makes no difference which station is chosen from which to start and the lines may be FIG. 113. HO PRACTICAL SURVEYING run to the right or to the left. In computing areas it is not necessary to begin the computations at the first station of the field work. At each station a hub is set and the instrument is set over it carefully with a plumb-bob marking the center, if a tripod is used. If the compass is mounted on a Jacob staff the staff is thrust into the ground close beside the hub. The compass is carefully leveled and the sight at the N end placed ahead. Looking back through the sights to the station last set the needle is lowered. When it stops swinging the reading is taken, thus checking the forward reading. At station O no backsight is taken, the instru- ment being placed so the needle, as nearly as one can judge, points to the north before lowering it. The more nearly the needle lies in the meridian before being released the more quickly it comes to rest with least wear on the pivot. A back reading (backsight) should always be taken to guard against effects of local attraction and as a check on readings, for it is easy to make a mistake of 10 degrees and sometimes letters are transposed in recording. A back- sight should give the same reading as a foresight, that is, the bearing should be the same at all points on a line. A reading is recorded by writing the letters and the in- cluded angle as shown in Fig. 113. With the instrument at the forward reading was ^49 15' E to i. At I the bearing of the line should be 5 49 15' W to O. Beginners are often told to read the south end of the needle on back- sights. Practical surveyors seldom do it for it may lead to mistakes and is often confusing. The common method is to set the instrument and while the needle is still clamped sight backward at the last station. Then lower the needle gently and it will be in the line last read. When the needle rests in this bearing sight carefully through the slits, standing at the N end of the compass. Then go to the S 1 end and read the needle, which should give the same bear- ing as at the last station. Then the next bearing may be read. This procedure gives a check reading without mental computation or any changing of letters. A common ejror when the south end of the needle is read is to take 86 deg. to be 84 deg., 83 deg. to be 87 deg., or vice versa when the reading is almost due east or west; and, when the reading COMPASS SURVEYING III is so close to 90 E is often read for Wor W for E. It being customary to complete a survey before correcting the bear- ings, such errors may be serious. The field is gone around in the manner stated until station is occupied a second time, to obtain a backsight on Sta. 5, if a backsight was not taken to this station at the beginning of the work. The notes are placed on the left-hand page, the right-hand page being used for sketches and memoranda. I 2 3 4 5 6 Station. Corrected bearing. Distance (chains) . F. S. B. S. Corr. N 4 9 i5' E 7.00 N 5 i 15' E -2 00' N 4 7 oo'W I S 46 15' E 8.00 S 48 30' E -2 I 5 ' S 45 45' E 2 S 29 30' W 9.00 S 30 oo' W -o 30' S 29 30' W 3 S 61 45'W 5-07 S 61 45'W S 61 45'W 4 N 22 30' E 6-43 N22 3 0' E N 25 15' E 5 N 4 i 30' W 7.00 N 3 8 45' W + 2 45' N 39 30' W In the field the first, third, fourth and fifth columns are used. When the survey is completed the corrections are entered in the sixth column and the corrected courses placed in the second column. The plus and minus signs before the corrections refer to the difference between the corrected course and the backsight. TO CORRECT LOCAL ATTRACTION When sufficient care is exercised it may be assumed that all differences discovered between bearings from the two ends of a line are due to local attraction. The reference to sufficient care must not be overlooked, for surveyors often make mistakes of several degrees in reading angles. The following method for correcting errors due to local attraction has been taken from Flint's " Survey," the first 112 PRACTICAL SURVEYING edition of which was published in 1805. Sometime between 1832 and 1851, L. W. Meech, A.M., was employed by the publishers to revise the work, which had gone through six editions before 1835, and he is credited with being the author of the method since used by a number of men, but mentioned in few texts. Examining the field notes it is found that the forward reading from Sta. 3 agrees with the backsight from Sta. 4. Evidently there was no local attraction at either station so the forward and back readings are assumed to be correct. Therefore the bearing of the line from 2 to 3 is 5 29 30' W, from 3 to 4 is S 61 45' W and from 4 to 5 is N 22 30' E. Start at Sta. 4 to make corrections : 4. Correct bearing .......................... #22 30' E Backsight ............................... ^25 15' E + 2 45' The backsight is greater so the sign of the difference is plus. The sign of the difference is minus when the backsight is less than the forward reading. The difference is placed under the course following. If this course and that preceding are in the same or opposite quadrant a plus sign becomes minus and a minus sign be- comes plus. The signs are not altered when the courses are not in the same or an opposite quadrant. When the proper sign is determined the correction is applied. 5. Forward reading ......................... ^38 45', W Correction .............................. + 2 45' 30' W The correction is added here, for courses 4 and 5 are in adjacent quadrants and the backsight was greater than the forward bearing. 5. Corrected bearing ........................ N 41 3' w Backsight ............................... ^39 30' W 2 00' o. Forward reading .......................... N 51 15' Correction ............................... - 2 oo' N 49 15' E COMPASS SURVEYING 113 The correction is subtracted as the backsight was less than the forward bearing and the two bearings are in ad- jacent quadrants. o. i. Corrected bearing ^49 15' E Backsight ^47 oo' E - 2 15' Forward reading S 48 30' E Correction - 2 15' 5 46 15' E I. Corrected bearing. 5 46 15' E Backsight 5 45 45' E - o 30' Forward reading 5 30 oo' W Correction - o 30' 2. 2. 5 29 30' W Corrected bearing S 29 30' W Backsight 5 29 30' W If the last corrected bearing checks with its backsight the courses may be assumed to be correct, but such a close check is not always obtained. This method also takes care of the diurnal declination of the needle and all errors are greatly reduced even when not entirely eliminated. In the following example the first course is assumed to be correct. The difference between the forward and back readings gives a correction of +3 deg. but courses I and 2 being in the same quadrant the sign is changed. Station. Bearing. Distance, chains. P. S. B.S. Corr. N8 5 W 120.00 N85W 88 I Ni4W 60.00 Ni7W 10 -3 2 N 7 5*E 90.00 N 7 4E I5a + i* 73* 3 S 27^ E . 102.60 S 29*E -2 27* 114 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Correct the following field notes: Station. F. S. B. S. Station. F. S. B. S. I Ni 9 E 18 I S 25 W 25 2 S 78 E 79 2 S 10 W w|' 3 4 S 29 E S 52|W 2 6r 53 3 4 S 7SiW Nn E 76 5 S i 4 iE is* 5 N 2 E si 6 N8siE 8 S i In correcting bearings by the foregoing method a check will not always be obtained because needle readings are taken to the nearest quarter degree with the best com- passes. Closer readings are only estimates. The correc- tion for local attraction will be found generally to be more accurate than the reading of bearings. All compass surveys should be corrected for the effects of local attraction and thus the greatest source of error is guarded against. When several lines seem to show an agreement, as in the worked example, it is taken for granted the true bearings were obtained, although the local attrac- tion may have been the same in amount and direction at certain stations, in which case only the average probable bearings were obtained. If local attraction is proved to be present at all stations then that course where it seems to be least may be taken as the standard. When the object of the survey is to obtain the area of a piece of land the corrected bearings will give accurate results no matter how far wrong the selected initial bearing may be. The effect of local attraction being eliminated the correct angles between the lines are obtained. When the survey is to be recorded and future surveyors are to be guided by the record it will be necessary to have the true bearings. Set two stakes on the true meridian, at some place not far from the field, where it is known that no local attrac- tion exists. The compass is set over the stake at the south end of the line and sighted to the stake at the north end. By means of the declination plate screw the compass box is revolved on the vertical axis until the needle reads zero and the declination is set off on the plate. A sight is then COMPASS SURVEYING taken to some corner on the survey and the bearing is read. The line is then run perfectly straight by backsights and foresights without using the needle, until the corner is reached. Setting up on the corner a backsight is taken along the line just run (the starting point of which is within an area having no local attraction) and the compass box is turned until the needle points to the correct bearing. This of course alters the declination, which makes no difference as it is not necessary to record the declination when a survey is stated to have been run from a true meridian. Having set the needle the first forward reading will be correct and all other bearings may be corrected by using it as a standard. THE TRUE MERIDIAN The declination of the needle may be set off on the com- pass plate after using the Isogonic Chart as already de- scribed. If this method is not available the true meridian may be obtained with an accuracy equal to that of good compass work, from a record of equal altitudes of the sun. On a level area set a straight pole vertically. About three hours before noon drive a small stake in the ground at the end of the shadow of the pole. With a chain or tape attached to a ring around the pole strike a semi- circle with a radius equal to the length of the shadow. If a cord is used a strong pull may stretch it and a wire will do instead of a chain or tape. In the afternoon drive a small stake on the end of the shadow when it touches the circumference of the circle. Midway between the two stakes make a mark. A line through this mark and the center of the pole will define the true meridian, which may be laid off to any length by using a chalk line stretched from the pole over the meridian point. MAKING A COMPASS SURVEY Field notes should be clear and the surveyor must never forget that other men may have to use his notes after he is dead. Nothing essential should be omitted, nothing non- essential should be put down. vertical Polo FIG. 114. True meridian from equal altitudes of sun. Il6 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Common custom indicates that for compass work as well as transit work it is most convenient to use the left- hand page of the book for notes and the right-hand page for sketches. The stations should begin with and at the bottom of the page. One line should be used for each chain or on long lines every tenth chain, even when no stakes are set between instrument points, or stations. In this way fences, roads, buildings, etc., may be located by measurement and be shown by sketches in their relative positions. See Fig. 7. From each instrument point bearings to objects are often taken and measurements made and the surveyor should carry a thin flexible ruler in his field book for sketch- ing purposes, drawing lines as nearly as possible in the right direction. A good workman is judged by the evidences of his work, and neat full notes go far towards fixing the reputation of a surveyor, even when the notes may fall into the hands of persons ignorant of surveying. The criterion by which the quality of field notes may be judged is that they may be sent to a draftsman so he can map the survey and no further PIG. 115. information is required by him. When an instrument man must plat his own notes or stay near a draftsman who is using them, he is incompetent. It is seldom possible to place an instrument on a corner, for fences or hedges usually cover the lines, so surveys are made on offset lines. Fig. 115 illustrates a method used for offsetting when using a compass. The point D is selected by eye to bisect the included angle between AB and BC. The instrument is set over D but the offset line parallel to AB is measured COMPASS SURVEYING 117 to d' ', this point being, as nearly as may be estimated, per- pendicular to AB opposite B. Similarly the offset line parallel to B C is measured from d. When boundaries are crooked one line may be run. At each angle the perpendicular distance is measured from the offset line and recorded. Sometimes the surveyed line is run on one side entirely, so all measurements will be FIG. 116. to the right or to the left, instrument men occasionally forgetting to set down the right letter. To prevent errors sketches should be made to supplement the written notes. When buildings, fences or other objects are to be located for the purpose of showing them on a map, bearings are read to them and the distances measured. Sometimes the surveyor surveys an interior polygon, from the corners of which bearings are taken to the corners of the field and the distances measured as shown in Fig. 117, where the instrument was set only at the corners A, B, C, D and E with bear- ings and distances taken to the corners o, i, ... 8 of the field. This saves time in the field, when the surveyor and his assistants are under pay, and in- creases the time in the office when the draftsman alone is working. The possibility of mistakes is increased because of the greater number of compu- tations and lack of checks. A good surveyor never neg- lects to check every operation when possible. The office work in the case of a field surveyed by radiating courses from an interior polygon begins by making correc- tions for local attraction at each station and then correct- ing the radiating bearings. This method of surveying by radiation is very old. Il8 PRACTICAL SURVEYING ANGLES FROM BEARINGS When much local attraction exists it is a good plan to mark on the map the angles at the corners after correcting the bearings. A note should call attention to the fact that these angles are to be used in preference to the bearings on re-surveys, for the cause of the local attraction may be removed after the original survey. The angles may be deflections or included angles. An angle is the amount of divergence between two inter- secting lines in a plane. A deflection or exterior angle is the difference in direc- tion between two courses, shown by d in Fig. 118. FIG. 118. Interior and deflection angles. FIG. 119. An included, or interior, angle is the supplement of the exterior angle, that is 180 d. In Fig. 118 the letter i is used to indicate the included angles. RULES FOR OBTAINING DEFLECTION ANGLES ' I. First letters alike and last letters alike. Fig. 119. Rule. The deflection is equal to the difference between the courses. The deflection is to the right in the TV E and 5 W quad- rants when the following course is the greater. ^70^: N20 E 50 deflection. If course N 70 E follows N 20 E the deflection is 50 R. If N 20 E follows N 70 E the deflection is 50 L. COMPASS SURVEYING IIQ The deflection is to the left in the S E and N W quadrants when the following course is the greater. N 70 W N20W 50 deflection. If course N 70 W follows N 20 W the deflection is 50 L. If N 20 W follows N 70 W the deflection is 50 R. (Note. N 70 E and 5 70 W describe the same line viewed from different ends.) FIG. 120. FIG. 121. 2. / 5 0.0015 i --- - = i 0.00036 = 0.99964 to decrease northings. 4- I 3 t> 5 Northings. Southings. 2. 214 X O. 99964 2. 2132 o. 147 X o. 99964 o. 1469 i . 209 X i . 00036 I 2019 2. 926 X I. 00036 2. 9271 4- 1365 4- 1365 The results are placed in the "Balanced" columns. Departures -- = 4.6905 correct sum. 4.7040 4-69Q5 0.0135 to be subtracted from eastings. 4-6905 4-677 0.0135 to be added to westings. i + ' ^ = 1.00287 to increase westings. 1 ~ 4^6905 = a " 713 to decrease eastings. 136 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Eastings. Westings. i .55 X 0.99713 I . 5456 1.292 X 0.99713 I . 2883 i 862 X o 99713 1.8566 i .992 X i .00287 2.685 X 1-00287 1-9978 2.6927 4-6905 4-6905 In actual practice few surveyors do all the figuring here shown, the corrections being made mentally and distrib- uted in approximately proportionate amounts. The practi- cal surveyor also pays great attention to the weighting of the various courses when his chainmen are inexperienced and their work is therefore not wholly reliable. OMISSIONS It is not possible always to measure each side of a field or take every bearing and the missing parts must be sup- plied by platting or by computation, this latter method requiring a knowledge of trigonometry. If a map is not accurately made to a very large scale omissions cannot be obtained from it within the limits of even reasonable accuracy. For the purpose, however, of computing areas by mensuration missing lines may be supplied by plotting. The methods to be now described should be carefully studied and worked out in full by the student, for he will then fully understand the methods of computation in the chapter following. There are six cases in omissions and one field will be used to illus- trate them. Chains 0. N i6%E 22.00 1. N82 E T9.6o 2. S 17 E 24.00 3- S 37 W 22.00 4. #49 W 25.20 COMPASS SURVEYING CASE I. Bearing and distance omitted. Fig. 141. Assume the course from 2 to 3, 5 17 E, 24 chains to be omitted. Plat the two courses o and I, beginning at Sta. o. Re- verse the bearings for courses 3 and 4 so they may be platted beginning at Sta. o. The line from 2 to 3 may then be drawn. A close check on the bearing may be ob- tained by drawing a meridian line through one end of the line and applying a protractor. FIG. 141. FIG. 142. CASE II. Bearing read but length not measured. Fig. 142. The omitted length is for course 2. Begin at Sta. o and lay off the bearings and distances to Sta. 2 and from Sta. 2 lay off by the protractor a long line having the bearing S 17 E. Re- versing the bearings of courses 3 and 4 as in the first example, plot them; Sta. 3 should be on the long line drawn from Sta. 2 provided the field work and platting are correct. CASE III. Length measured, bearing not read. Fig. 143. Assume same course to be affected. Beginning at Sta. o plot courses o and I in a forward direc- tion and courses 3 and 4 reversed. From Sta. 2 as a center with a radius equal to 24 chains, describe an arc. If the work was properly done the arc should pass through Sta. 3. FIG. 143. 138 PRACTICAL SURVEYING CASE IV. Two bearings read but lengths not measured. (a) Adjacent courses. Fig. 144. The omitted lengths are assumed to be for courses 2 and 3. Begin at Sta. o and plot in a forward direction to Sta. 2, from which point draw a long line on the given bearing. Then plot the reversed courses; the intersection of the long line from Sta. 2 with that from Sta. 4 fixes the loca- tion of Sta. 3. (b) Courses not adjacent. Fig. 145. Assume the omitted lengths to be in courses I and 4. Begin at o and lay off the line from o to I . The length of the next line is not known so this course is disregarded and from Sta. I lay off the bearing and distance of course 2. 5" 17 E 24 chains and follow that with the next course. Then from o lay off the bearing 5 82 W (the reverse of N 82 E). From 4' lay off the bearing N 49 W. These lines will intersect at i'. By using triangles transfer the line I '-2' to 1-2 and thus locate 2. From 2 draw 2-3 equal and parallel to 1-3' and from 3 draw line 3-4 equal and parallel to 3'~4'. Then the line 4-0 will be equal and parallel to Iine4'-i / . CASE V. Two lengths measured but bearings not read. (a) Adjacent courses. Fig. 146. Assuming the bearings of courses 2 and 3 to have been omitted plot the other courses from Sta. o as before. From COMPASS SURVEYING 139 Sta. 2 describe an arc with a radius equal to the length of course 2 and from Sta. 4 describe an arc with a radius equal to the length of course 3. These arcs will intersect in 3 and in 3'. It will be necessary to view the land in order to know which point is correct. (b) Courses not adjacent. Fig. 147. The bearings of courses 2 and 4 were not read. The remaining three courses are plotted from o to I, I to 2, 2 to 3'. From o an arc with radius equal to the length of course 4 is described and from 3' an arc with radius equal to the length of course 2 is described. Fig. 147 (a) shows the work, (b) the figure resulting when courses 1-2 and 04 are omitted and (c) the figure resulting when o-i and 4-3 are omitted. In this case a knowledge of the shape of the field is necessary in order to know which solution is right. FIG. 146. co; CASE VI. Bearing of one course read but length not measured and length measured but bearing omitted on another course. (a) Adjacent courses. Fig. 148. Plat as before. The bearing from Sta. 2 having been read lay off a dotted line. The length of course 3 having been measured describe an arc with this radius from Sta. 4. This gives two possible solutions so that actual knowledge of the shape of the field is necessary. 140 PRACTICAL SURVEYING (b) Courses not adjacent. Fig. 149. It is assumed that the bearing from Sta. I was omitted and the length of course 4 was omitted. Plot the course o-i. From Sta. I describe an arc with radius equal to the length of course I and from o lay off the line 0-4 with the bearing of course 4. On a piece of FIG. 148. tracing paper plot the line 3-4 and from 3 the line 3-2, extending the line considerably beyond the mark at 2. From 4 plot a line having the bearing of course 4. Place the line 4-0 on the tracing paper over the same line on the drawing paper and move it along this line until the line 23 is tangent to the arc and the point 2 is on the arc. A needle put through at 2, 3 and 4 will mark the stations and lines may then be drawn to complete the map. A careful examination of the problems given shows that in reality there are only four "cases, in which the lost, or omitted, parts may be: CASE I. Bearing and length of one course. CASE II. Lengths of two courses. CASE III. Bearing of two courses. CASE IV. Length of one course and bearing of another. COMPASS SURVEYING PROBLEMS 141 Find by computation the areas of the following fields. Plat same carefully and check the computations by men- suration. Chains 1. o. N i6 E 22.00 1. NS2 E 19-60 2. 5 17 E 24.00 3-537 W 22.00 4. N 49 W 25.20 Chains 2. o. #15 E 80 1. #37! E* 40 2. East 30 3. S 11 E 50 4. South 54 5. West 40 6. S 3 6i W 40 7- N&VW 34 Chains 3. o. #75 E 13.70 1. N 20\ E 10.30 2. East 16.20 3- S 33 J" W 35-30 4.576 W 16.00 5. North 9.00 6.584 W ii. 60 7- Ns&W ii. 60 8. N 36! E 19. 20 9. N 22\ E 14.00 10. 5 76! E 12.00 11. 5 15 W 10.85 12. 5 i6f W 10.12 142 PRACTICAL SURVEYING TRAVERSE TABLE Course. Dist. i. Dist. 2. Dist. 3. Dist. 4. Dist. 5. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. o IS I.OOOO 0.0044 2.OOOO 0.0087 3.0000 0.0131 4.0000 0.0175 5.0000 0.0218 89 45 30 0000 0087 1.9999 0175 2.9999 0262 3-9998 0349 4.9998 0436 30 45 0.9999 0131 9998 0262 9997 0393 9997 0524 9996 0654 15 I 9998 0175 9997 0349 9995 0524 9994 0698 9992 0873 89 o IS 9998 0218 9995 0436 9993 0654 9990 0873 9988 1091 45 30 9997 0262 9993 0524 9990 0785 9986 1047 9983 1309 30 45 9995 0305 9991 0611 9986 0916 9981 1222 9977 1527 15 2 9994 0349 9988 0698 9982 1047 9976 1396 9970 1745 88 o IS 9992 0393 9985 0785 9977 1178 9969 1570 996i 1963 45 30 9990 0436 9981 0872 9971 1309 9962 1745 9952 2181 3O 45 0.9988 0.0480 1.9977 0.0960 2.9965 0.1439 3-9954 0.1919 4-9942 0.2399 15 3 o 9986 0523 9973 1047 9959 1570 9945 2093 9931 2617 87 o 15 9984 0567 9968 H34 9952 1701 9936 2268 9920 2835 45 30 9981 0610 9963 1221 9944 1831 9925 2442 9907 3052 30 45 9979 0654 9957 1308 9936 1962 9914 2616 9893 3270 15 4 o 9976 0698 9951 1395 9927 2093 9903 2790 9878 3488 86 o IS 0741 9945 1482 99i8 2223 9890 2964 9863 3705 45 30 9969 0785 9938 1569 9908 2354 9877 3138 9846 3923 30 45 9966 0828 9931 1656 9897 2484 9863 3312 9828 4140 15 5 o 9962 0872 9924 1743 9886 2615 9848 3486 9810 4358 85 o IS 0.9958 0.0915 1.9916 0.1830 2.9874 0.2745 3.9832 0.3660 4.9790 0.4575 45 30 9954 0958 1917 9862 2875 9816 3834 9770 4792 30 45 9950 1 002 9899 2004 9849 3006 9799 4008 9748 15 6 o 9945 1045 9890 2091 9836 3136 978i 4181 9726 5226 84 o IS 9941 1089 9881 2177 9822 3266 9762 4355 9703 5443 45 30 9936 1132 9871 2264 9807 3390 9743 4528 9679 5660 3o 45 9931 1175 9861 2351 9792 9723 4701 9653 5877 15 7 o 9925 1219 9851 2437 9776 3656 9702 4875 9627 6093 83 o IS 9920 1262 9840 2524 9760 3786 9680 5048 9600 6310 45 30 9914 1305 9829 2611 9743 39i6 9658 5221 9572 6526 30 45 0.9909 0.1349 1.9817 0.2697 2.9726 0.4046 3.9635 0.5394 4-9543 0.6743 IS 8 o 9903 1392 9805 2783 9708 4175 9611 5567 9513 6959 82 o IS 9897 1435 9793 2870 9690 4305 9586 5740 9483 7175 45 30 1478 978o 2956 9670 4434 956i 5912 9451 7390 30 45 9884 1521 9767 3042 9651 4564 9534 6085 9418 7606 IS 9 o 9877 1564 9754 3129 9631 4693 9508 6257 9384 7822 81 o IS 9870 1607 9740 3215 9610 4822 9480 6430 9350 8037 45 30 9863 1650 9726 3301 9589 4951 9451 6602 9314 8252 30 45 9856 1693 971 1 3387 9567 5080 9422 6774 9278 8467 15 10 o 9848 1736 9696 3473 9544 5209 9392 6946 9240 8682 80 o IS 0.9840 0.1779 1.9681 0.3559 2.9521 o . 5338 3.9362 0.7118 4.9202 0.8897 45 30 9833 1822 9665 3645 9498 5467 9330 7289 9163 9112 30 45 9825 1865 9649 3730 9474 5596 9298 7461 9123 9326 IS II 9816 1908 9633 3816 9449 5724 9265 7632 9081 9540 79 o IS 9808 1951 9616 3902 9424 5853 9231 7804 939 9755 45 30 45 9799 9790 1994 2036 9598 958i 3987 4073 9398 9371 598i 6109 9197 9162 7975 8146 8952 9968 1.0182 30 IS 12 O 978i 2079 9563 4158 9344 6237 9126 8316 8907 0396 78 o is 9772 2122 9545 4244 9317 6365 9089 848? 8862 0609 45 30 9763 2l64 9526 4329 9289 6493 9052 8658 8815 0822 30 45 0.9753 0.2207 1.9507 0.4414 2.9260 0.6621 3.9014 0.8828 4.8767 I 1035 IS 13 9744 2250 9487 4499 9231 6749 8975 8998 8719 1248 77 o IS 9734 2292 9468 4584 9201 6876 8935 9168 8669 1460 45 30 9724 2334 9447 4669 9171 7003 8895 9338 8618 1672 30 45 9713 2377 9427 4754 9140 7131 8854 9507 8567 1884 15 14 9703 2419 9406 4838 9109 7258 8812 9677 8515 2096 76 o 15 2462 9385 4923 9077 7385 8769 9846 8462 2308 45 30 9681 2504 9363 5008 9044 75" 8726 1.0015 8407 2519 30 45 9670 2546 9341 5092 9011 7638 8682 0184 8352 2730 IS 15 o 9659 2588 9319 5176 8978 7765 8637 0353 8296 2941 75 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Course. Dist. I. Dist. 2. Dist. 3. Dist. 4. Dist. 5. COMPASS SURVEYING TRAVERSE TABLE (Continued) Dist. 6. Dist. 7. Dist. 8. Dist. 9- Dist. 10. Course Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. o IS 5-9999 0.0262 6.9999 0.0305 7-9999 0.0349 8.9999 0.0393 9-9999 0.0436 89 45 30 9998 0524 9997 0611 9997 0698 9997 0785 9996 0873 30 45 9995 0785 9994 0916 9993 1047 9992 1178 9991 1309 IS I 9991 1047! 9989 1222 9988 1396 9986 IS7I 9985 1745 89 o IS 30 9986 9979 1309 1571 1 1527 1832 998i 9973 1745 2094 9979 9969 1963 2356 9966 2181 2618 45 30 45 9972 1832 9967 2138 9963 2443 9958 2748 9953 3054 IS 2 9963 2094 9957 2443 9951 2792 9945 3i4i 9939 3490 88 o IS 9954 2356 9946 2748 9938 3141 9931 3533 9923 3926 45 30 9943 2617! 9933 3053 9924 3490 9914 3926| 9905 4362 30 45 5-9931 0.2879 6.9919 0.3358 7.9908 0.3838 8.9896 0.4318 9 9885 0.4798 15 3 9918 3140 9904 3664 9890 4187 9877 4710 '9863 5234 87 o IS 9904 3402 9887 3968 9871 4535 9855 5102 9839 5669 45 30 9888 3663 9869 4273 9851 4884 9832 5494 98i3 6105 30 45 9872 3924 9850 4578 9829 5232 9807 5836 9786 6540 IS 4 o 9854 4185 9829 4883 9805 5S8i 978i 6278 9756 6976 86 o IS 9835 4447 9808 5188 978o 5929 9753 6670 9725 7411 45 30 98i5 4708 9784 5492 9753 6277 9723 7061 9692 7846 30 45 9794 4968 9760 5797 9725 6625 9691 7453 9657 8281 IS 5 9772 5229' 9734 6101 9696 6972 9658 7844 96i9 8716 85 o IS 5.9748 0.5490' 6.9706 0.6405 7.9664 0.7320 8.9622 0.8235 9.958o 0.9150 45 30 9724 5751 9678 6709 9632 7668 9586 8626 9540 9585 30 45 9698 6011 9648 7013 9597 8015 9547 9017 9497 1.0019 IS 6 o 9671 6272 96i7 7317 9562 8362 9507 9408 9452 0453 84 o IS 9643 6532 9584 7621 9525 8709 9465 9798 9406 '0887 45 30 9614 6792 9550 7924 9486 9056 9421 1.0188 9357 1320 30 45 9584 7052 9515 8228 9445 9403 9376 0578 9307 1754 IS 7 o 9553 7312 9478 8531 9404 9750 9329 0968 9255 2187 83 o IS 9520 7572 9440 8834 936o 1.0096 9280 1358 9200 2620 45 30 9487 7832 9401 9137 9316 0442 9230 1747 9144 3053 30 45 5-9452 0.8091 6.9361 0.9440 7.9269 1.0788 8.9178 I. 2137 9-9087 1.3485 15 8 o 9416 8350 9319 9742 9221 "34 9124 2526 9027 3917 82 o IS 9379 8610 9276 1.0044 9172 1479 9069 2914 8965 4349 45 3 9341 8869 9231 0347 9121 1825 9011 3303 8902 478i 30 45 9302 9127 9185 0649 9069 2170 8953 3691 8836 5212 IS 9 o 9261 9386 9138 0950 9015 2515 8892 4079 8769 5643 8l o 15 9220 9645 9090 1252 8960 2859 8830 4467 8700 6074 45 30 9177 9903 9040 1553 8903 3204 8766 4854 8629 6505 30 45 9133 1.0161 8989 1854 8844 3548 8700 5241 8556 6935 IS 10 o 9088 0419 8937 2155 8785 3892 8633 5628 8481 7365 80 is 5.9042 1.0677 6.8883 1.2456 7-8723 1.4235 8.8564 1.6015 9.8404 1-7794 45 30 8995 0943 8828 2756 8660 4579 8493 6401 8325 8224 30 45 8947 1191 8772 3057 8596 4922 8421 6787 8245 8652 IS II 8898 1449 8714 3357 8530 5265 8346 7173 8163 9081 79 o IS 8847 1705 8655 3656 8463 5607 8271 7558 8079 9509 45 30 8795 1962 8595 3956 8394 5949 8193 7943 7992 9937 30 45 8743 2219 8533 4255 8324 6291 8114 8328 7905 2.0364 IS 12 O 8689 2475 8470 4554 8252 6633 8033 8712 7815 0791 78 o IS 8634 2731 8406 4852 8178 6974 7951 9096 7723 1218 45 30 8578 2986 8341 5151 810^ 7315 7867 9480 7630 1644 30 45 5.8521 1.3242 6.8274 1.5449 7.8027 1.7656 8.7781 1.9863 9-7534 2 . 2O70 IS 13 o 8462 3497 8206 5747 7950 7996 7693 2.0246 7437 2495 77 o IS 8403 3752 8i37 6044 7870 8336 7604 0628 7338 2920 45 30 8342 4007 8066 6341 7790 8676 7513 IOIO 7237 3345 30 45 8281 4261 7994 6638 7707 9015 7421 1392 7134 3769 IS 14 o 8218 4515 7921 6935 7624 9354 7327 1773 7030 4192 76 o IS 8154 4769 7846 7231 7538 9692 7231 2154 6923 4615 45 30 8089 5023 7770 7527 7452 2.0030 7133 2534 6815 5038 30 45 8023 5276 7693 7822 7364 0368 7034 2914 6705 5460 15 IS o 7956! 5529 7615 8117 7274 0706 6933 3294 6593 5882 75 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dist. 6. Dist. 7. Dist. 8. Dist. 9. Dist. ic. Course. 144 PRACTICAL SURVEYING TRAVERSE TABLE (Continued) Course. Dist. I. Dist. 2. Dist. 3. Dist. 4. Dist. 5. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. IS IS 0.9648 0.2630 1.9296 0.5261 2.8944 0.7891 3.8591 1.0521 4-8239 1.3152 74 45 30 9636 2672 9273 5345 8909 8017 8545 0690 8182 3362 30 45 9625 2714 9249 5429 8874 8i43 8498 0858 8123 3572 15 16 o 96i3 2756 9225 5513 8838 8269 8450 1025 8063 3782 74 o IS 9600 2798 9201 5597 8801 8395 8402 H93 8002 3991 45 30 9588 2840 9176 5680 8765 8520 8353 1361 794i 4201 30 45 9576 2882 9i5i 5764 8727 8646 8303 1528 7879 4410 15 17 o 9563 2924 9126 5847 8689 877i 8252 1695 7815 4619 73 o IS 9550 2965 9100 5931 8651 8896 8201 1862 7751 4827 45 30 9537 3007 9074 6014 8612 9021 8149 2028 7686 5035 30 45 0.9524 0.3049 1.9048 0.6097 2.8572 0.9146 3.8096 1.2195 4.7620 I.S243 IS 18 o 9Si i 3090 9021 6180 8532 9271 8042 2361 7553 5451 72 IS 9497 3132 8994 6263 8491 9395 7988 2527 7485 5658 45 30 9483 3173 8966 6346 8450 9519 7933 2692 74i6 586s 30 45 9469 3214 8939 6429 8408 9643 7877 2858 7347 6072 15 19 o 9455 3256 8910 6511 8366 9767 7821 3023 7276 6278 71 o IS 9441 3297 8882 6594 8323 9891 7764 3188 7204 6485 45 30 9426 3338 8853 6676 8279 1.0014 7706 3352 7132 6690 30 45 94" 3379 8824 6758 8235 0138 7647 3517 7059 6896 IS 20 IS 9397 0.9382 3420 0.3461 8794 1.8764 6840 0.6922 8191 2.8146 0261 7588 3.7528 3681 1.3845 6985 4.6910 7101 1.7306 70 o 45 30 9367 3502 8733 7004 8100 0506 7467 4008 6834 75io 30 45 9351 3543 8703 7086 8054 0629 7405 4172 6757 7715 IS 21 9336 3584 8672 7167 8007 0751 7343 4335 6679 7918 69 o 15 9320 3624 8640 7249 796o 0873 7280 4498 6600 8122 45 30 9304 3665 8608 7330 7913 0995 7217 4660 6521 8325 30 45 9288 3706 8576 74" 7864 1117 7152 4822 6440 8528 IS 22 9272 3746 8544 7492 7816 1238 7087 4984 6359 8730 68 o IS 9255 3786 8511 7573 7766 1359 7022 5146 6277 8932 45 30 45 9239 0.9222 3827 0.3867 8478 1.8444 7654 0.7734 77i6 2.7666 1481 1.1601 5307 1.5468 6194 4.6110 9134 1.9336 30 15 23 o 9205 3907 8410 7815 7615 1722 6820 5629 6025 9537 67 o IS 9188 3947 8376 7895 7564 1842 6752 5790 5940 9737 45 30 9171 3987 8341 7975 7512 1962 6682 5950 5853 9937 30 45 9153 4027 8306 8055 7459 2082 6612 6110 5766 2.0137 IS 24 o 9135 4067 8271 8i35 7406 22O2 6542 6269 5677 0337 66 o IS 9118 4107 8235 8214 7353 2322 6470 6429 5588 0536 45 30 9100 4147 8i99 8294 7299 2441 6398 6588 5498 0735 30 45 9081 4187 8163 8373 7244 2560 6326 6746 5407 0933 IS 25 9063 4226 8126 8452 7i89 2679 6252 6905 5315 1131 65 o IS 0.9045 0.4266 1.8089 0.8531 2.7134 1.2797 3.6178 1.7063 4-5223 2.1328 45 30 9026 4305 8052 8610 7078 2915 6103 7220 5129 1526 30 45 9007 4344 8014 8689 7021 3033 6028 7378 5035 1722 IS 26 o 8988 4384 7976 8767 6964 3151 5952 7535 4940 1919 64 o 15 8969 4423 7937 8846 6906 3269 5875 7692 4844 2114 45 30 8949 4462 7899 8924 6848 3386 5797 7848 4747 2310 30 45 8930 4501 7860 9002 6789 35O3 5719 8004 4649 2505 IS 27 o 8910 4540 7820 9080 6730 3620 5640 8160 4550 2700 63 o 15 8890 4579 7780 9157 6671 3736 556i 8315 4451 2894 45 30 8870 4617 7740 9235 6610 3852 548o 8470 4351 3087 30 45 0.8850 0.4656 1.7700 0.9312 2.6550 1.3968 3-5400 1.8625 4.4249 2.3281 IS 28 8829 4695 7659 9389 6488 4084 53i8 8779 4147 3474 62 o IS 8809 4733 7618 9466 6427 4200 5236 8933 4045 3666 45 30 45 8788 8767 4772 4810 7576 7535 9543 9620 6365 6302 4315 4430 5069 9086 9240 3941 3836 3858 4049 30 IS 29 o 8746 4848 7492 9696 6239 4544 4985 9392 3731 4240 61 o IS 8725 4886 7450 9772 6i75 4659 4900 9545 3625 4431 45 30 8704 4924 7407 9848 6m 4773 4814 9697 35i8 4621 30 45 8682 4962 7364 9924 6046 4886 4728 9849 34io 4811 IS 30 o 8660 5000 7321 I.OOOO 598T 5000 4641 2.OOOO 33QI SOOQ 60 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Bourse" Dist. i. Dist. 2. Dist. 3. Dist. 4. Dist. 5. COMPASS SURVEYING 145 TRAVERSE TABLE (Continued) Course. Dist. 6. Dist. 7. Dist. 8. Dist. 9. Dist. 10. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. / o / IS 15 S.7887 1.5782 6.7535 i .8412 7.7183 2 . IO42 8.6831 2.3673 9.6479 2.6303 74 45 30 7818 6034 7454 8707 7090 1379 6727 4051 6363 6724 30 45 7747 6286 7372 9001 6996 1715 6621 4430 6246 7144 IS 16 o 7676 6538 7288 9295 6901 2051 6514 4807 6126 7564 74 o 15 7603 6790 7203 9588 6804 2386 6404 5185 6005 7983 45 30 7529 7041 7117 9881 6706 2721 6294 556i 5882 8402 30 45 7454 7292 7030 2.0174 6606 3056 6181 5938 5757 8820 15 17 o 7378 7542 6941 0466 6504 3390 6067 6313 5630 9237 73 o IS 7301 7792 6851 0758 6402 3723 5952 6689 5502 9654 45 30 7223 8042 6760 1049 6297 4056 5835 7064 5372 3.0071 30 45 5-7144 1.8292 6.6668 2.1341 7.6192 2.4389 8.5716 2.7438 9.5240 3.0486 IS 18 o 7063 8541 6574 1631 6085 4721 5S9S 7812 5106 0902 72 IS 8790 6479 1921 5976 5053 5473 8185 4970 1316 45 30 6899 9038 6383 221 1 5866 5384 5349 8557 4832 1730 30 45 6816 9286 6285 25OI 5754 5715 5224 8930 4693 2144 IS 19 o 6731 9534 6186 2790 5641 6045 5097 9301 4552 2557 71 IS 6645 978i 6086 3078 5527 6375 4968 9672 4409 2969 45 30 6558 2.0028 5985 5411 6705 4838 3 0043 4264 338i 30 45 6471 0275 5882 3654 5294 7033 4706 0413 4118 3792 15 20 6382 0521 5778 3941 5175 7362 4572 0782 3969 4202 70 IS 5.6291 2.0767 6.5673 2.4228 7-5055 2.7689 8.4437 3-iiSi 9.3819 3.4612 45 '30 6200 1012 5567 4515 -8017 4300 1519 3667 5021 30 45 6108 1257 5459 4800 4811 8343 4162 1886 3514 5429 IS 21 6015 1502 5351 5086 4686 8669 4022 2253 3358 5837 69 o 15 5920 1746 5241 5371 456i 8995 3881 2619 3201 6244 45 30 5825 1990 5129 5655 4433 9320 3738 2985 3042 6650 30 45 5729 2233 5017 4305 9645 3593 33SO 2881 7056 IS 22 5631 2476 4903 6222 4175 9969 3447 3715 2718 746i 68 o IS 5532 2719 4788 6505 4043 3.0292 3299 4078 2554 7865 45 30 5433 2961 4672 6788 3910 0615 3149 4442 2388 8268 30 45 5-5332 2.3203 6.4554 2.7070 7.3776 3-0937 3-4804 9 . 2220 3.8671 IS 23 o IS 5230 SI27 3444 3685 4435 4315 39 3640 3503 1258 1580 2691 Si66 5527 2O50 1879 9073 9474 67 o 45 30 5024 3925 4194 79" 3365 1900 2535 S88 7 1706 9875 30 45 4919 4165 4072 8192 3225 222O 2378 6247 1531 4.0275 IS 24 o 4813 4404 3948 8472 3084 2539 2219 6606 1355 0674 66 o IS 4706 4643 3823 8750 2941 2858 2059 6965 1176 1072 45 30 4598 4882 3697 9029 2797 3175 1897 7322 0996 1469 30 45 4489 5120 3570 93o6 2651 3493 1733 7679 0814 1866 IS 25 o 4378 5357 3442 9583 2505 3809 1568 8036 0631 2202 65 o IS 5 . 4267 2.5594 6.3312 2.9860 7.2356 3.4125 8.1401 3.8391 9.0446 4-2657 45 30 4IS5 5831 3181 3-0136 4441 1233 8746 0259 3051 30 ' 45 4042 6067 3049 0411 2056 4756 1063 9100 0070 3445 IS 26 o 3928 6302 2916 0686 1904 5070 0891 9453 8.9879 3837 64 o IS 3812 6537 2781 0960 1750 5383 0719 9806 9687 4229 45 30 3696 6772 2645 1234 1595 5696 0544 4-0158 9493 4620 30 45 3579 7006 2509 1507 1438 6008 0368 0509 9298 5010 IS 27 o 3460 7239 2370 1779 1281 6319 0191 o8sQ 9101 5399 63 o IS 3341 7472 2231 2051 II2I 6630 0012 1209 8902 5787 45 30 3221 7705 2091 2322 0961 6940 7.9831 1557 8701 6175 30 45 5.3099 2.7937 6-1949 3-2593 7-0799 3.7249 7.9649 4.1905 8.8499 4.6561 IS 28 o 2977 8168 1806 0636 7558 9465 2252 8295 6947 62 o IS 2853 8399 1662 3132 0471 7866 9280 2599 8089 7332 45 30 2729 8630 1517 3401 0305 8173 9094 2944 7882 7716 30 45 2604 8859 1371 3669 0138 8479 8905 3289 7673 8099 IS 29 o 2477 9089 1223 3937 6.9970 8785 8716 3633 7462 61 o 15 2350 9317 1075 4203 9800 9090 8525 3976 7250 8862 45 30 2221 9545 0925 4470 9628 9394 8332 4318 7036 9242 30 45 2092 9773 0774 4735 9456 9697 8138 4659 6820 9622 15 30 1962 3.0000 0622 5000 9282 4.0000 7942 5000 6603 5.0000 60 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dist. 6. Dist. 7. Dist. 8. Dist. 9. Dist. 10. L-oursc* I 4 6 PRACTICAL SURVEYING TRAVERSE TABLE (Continued) Course. Dist. I. Dist. 2. Dist. 3. Dist. 4. Dist. 5. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 30 is 0.8638 0.5038 1.7277 1.0075 2-5915 i.5ii3 3- 4553 2.0151 4.3192 2.5189 59 45 30 8616 5075 7233 0151 5849 5226 4465 0302 3081 5377 30 45 8594 5ii3 7188 0226 5782 5339 4376 0452 2970 5565 IS 31 o 8572 5150 7142 0301 5715 5451 4287 0602 2858 5752 59 o IS 8549 5188 7098 0375 5647 5563 4196 0751 2746 5939 45 30 8526 5225 7053 0450 5579 5675 4106 0900 2632 6125 30 45 8504 5262 7007 0524 SSii 5786 4014 1049 2518 6311 15 32 8480 5299 6961 0598 5441 5898 3922 H97 2402 6496 58 o IS 8457 5336 6915 0672 5372 6008 3829 1345 2286 6681 45 30 8434 5373 6868 0746 5302 6119 3736 1492 2170 6865 30 45 33 o 0.8410 8387 0.5410 5446 1.6821 6773 1.0819 0893 2.5231 5160 1.6229 6339 3.3642 3547 2.1639 1786 4.2052 1934 2.7049 7232 IS 57 o IS 8363 5483 6726 0966 5089 6449 3451 1932 1814 7415 45 30 8339 5519 6678 1039 5017 6558 3355 2077 1694 7597 30 45 8315 5556 6629 mi 4944 6667 3259 2223 1573 7779 15 34 o 8290 5592 6581 1184 4871 6776 3162 2368 1452 7960 56 o IS 8266 5628 6532 1256 4798 6884 3064 2512 1329 8140 45 30 8241 566 4 6483 1328 4724 6992 2965 2656 1206 8320 30 45 8216 5700 6433 1400 4649 7100 2866 2800 1082 8500 IS 35 o 8192 5736 6383 1472 4575 7207 2766 2943 0958 8679 55 o 15 30 0.8166 8141 0-5771 5807 I . 1543 1614 2.4499 4423 I.73I4 7421 3.2666 2565 2.3086 . 3228 4.0832 0706 2.8857 9035 45 30 45 8116 5842 6231 1685 4347 7527 2463 3370 0579 9212 15 36 o 8090 5878 6180 1756 4271 7634 2361 35" 0451 9389 54 o 15 8064 5913 6129 1826 4193 7739 2258 3652 0322 9565 45 30 8039 5948 6077 1896 4116 7845 2154 3793 oi93 9741 30 45 8013 5983 6025 1966 4038 7950 2050 3933 0063 9916 IS 37 o 7986 6018 5973 2036 8054 1945 4073 3-9932 3.0091 S3 o 15 7960 6053 5920 2106 3880 8i59 1840 4212 9800 0265 45 30 7934 6088 5867 2175 3801 8263 1734 4350 9668 0438 30 45 0.7907 0.6122 1.5814 1.2244 2.3721 1.8367 3.1628 2.4489 3-9534 3.o6n IS 38 o 7880 6i57 576o 2313 3640 8470 1520 4626 9400 0783 52 IS 7853 6191 57o6 2382 356o 8573 1413 4764 9266 0955 45 30 7826 6225 5652 2450 3478 8675 1304 4901 9130 1126 30 45 7799 6259 5598 2518 3397 8778 "95 5037 8994 1296 IS 39 o 7771 6293 5543 2586 3314 8880 1086 5173 8857 1466 Si o IS 7744 6327 5488 2654 3232 8981 0976 5308 8720 1635 45 30 77i6 6361 5432 2722 3149 9082 0865 5443 8581 1804 30 45 7688 6394 5377 2789 3065 9i83 0754 5578 8442 1972 IS 40 o 7660 642$ 5321 2856 2981 9284 0642 5712 8302 2139 SO 15 0.7632 0.6461 1.5265 1.2922 2.2897 1.9384 3-0529 2.5845 3.8162 3.2306 45 30 45 7604 7576 6494 6528 5208 SISI 2989 3055 2812 2727 9483 9583 0416 0303 5978 6110 8020 7878 2638 30 IS 41 o 7547 6561 5094 3121 2641 9682 0188 6242 7735 2803 49 o IS 75i8 6593 5037 3187 2555 978o 0074 6374 7592 2967 45 30 7490 6626 4979 3252 2469 9879 2.9958 6505 7448 3131 30 45 746i 6659 4921 3318 2382 9976 9842 6635 7303 3294 15 42 o 7431 6691 4863 3383 2294 2.0074 9726 6765 7157 3457 48 o 15 7402 6724 4804 3447 2207 0171 9609 6895 7011 3618 45 30 7373 6756 4746 3512 2118 0268 9491 7024 6864 378o 30 45 0.7343 0.6788 1.4686 1.3576 2.2030 2.0364 2.9373 2.7152 3.6716 3-3940 IS 43 o 7314 6820 4627 3640 1941 0460 9254 7280 6568 4100 47 o IS 7284 6852 4567 3704 1851 0555 9135 7407 6419 4259 45 30 7254 6884 4507 3767 1761 0651 9015 7534 6269 4418 30 45 7224 6915 4447 3830 1671 0745 8895 7661 6118 4576 IS 44 o 7193 6947 4387 3893 1580 0840 8774 7786 5967 4733 46 o IS 7163 6978 4326 3956 1489 0934 8652 7912 58i5 4890 45 30 7133 7009 4265 4018 1398 1027 8530 8036 566 3 5045 30 45 7102 7040 4204 4080 1306 1 120 8407 8161 5509 5201 IS 45 o 7071 7071 4142 4142 1213 1213 8284 8284 5355 5355 45 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. C-/OtU"3C. Dist. I. Dist. 2. Dist. 3. Dist. 4. Dist. 5. COMPASS SURVEYING 147 TRAVERSE TABLE (Continued) < r V*iir Dist. 6. Dist. 7. Dist. 8. Dist. 9. Dist. 10. V^OuTSc. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. . 30 15 5.1830 3.0226 6.0468 3.5264 6.9107 4-0302 7-7745 4-5340 8.6384 5-0377 59 45 30 0452 0314 5528 8930 0603 7547 5678 6163 0754 30 45 1564 0678 0158 5791 8753 0903 7347 6016 5941 1129 IS 31 o 1430 0902 0002 6053 8573 1203 7145 6353 5717 1504 59 o 15 1295 1126 5.9844 6314 8393 1502 6942 6690 5491 1877 45 30 1158 1350 9685 6575 8211 1800 6738 7025 5264 2250 30 45 1021 1573 9525 6835 8028 2097 6532 7359 5035 2621 IS 32 o 0883 1795 9363 7094 7844 2394 6324 7693 4805 2992 58 o 15 0744 2017 9201 7353 7658 2689 6116 8025 4573 336i 45 30 0603 2238 9037 7611 7471 2984 5905 8357 4339 3730 30 45 5.0462 3.2458 5.8S73 3.7868 6.7283 4.3278 7.5694 4.8688 8.4104 5.4097 IS 33 o 0320 2678 8707 8125 7094 3571 548o 9018 3867 4464 57 15 0177 2898 i 8540 8381 6903 386 3 5266 9346 3629 4829 45 30 0033 3116 ! 8372 8636 6711 4155 5050 9674 3389 5194 3 45 4.9888 3334 8203 8890 6518 4446 4832 S.oooi 3147 5557 IS 34 o 9742 3552 8033 9144 6323 4735 4613 0327 2904 5919 56 o 15 9595 3768 ! 786i 6127 5024 4393 0652 2659 6280 45 30 9448 3984 l 7689 9648 5930 5312 4171 0977 2413 6641 30 45 9299 4200 I 7515 9900 5732 5600 3948 1300 2165 7000 IS 35 o 9149 4415 734i 4.0150 5532 5886 3724 1622 1915 7358 55 o IS 4.8998 3.4629 5.7165 4.0400 6.5331 4.6172 7.3498 S.I943 8.1664 5-77IS 45 30 8847 4842 6988 0649 5129 6456 3270 2263 1412 8070 30 45 8694 5055 6810 0897 4926 6740 3042 2582 1157 8425 IS 36 o 8541 5267 6631 1145 4721 7023 2812 2901 0902 8779 54 o IS 8387 5479 6451 45i6 2580 3218 0644 9UI 45 3 8231 5689 6270 1638 4309 7586 2347 3534 0386 9482 3 45 8075 5899 6088 1883 4100 7866 2113 3849 0125 9832 IS 37 o 7918 6109 5904 2127 3891 8I4S 1877 4163 7.9864 6.0182 53 o IS 7760 6318 5720 2371 3680 8424 1640 4476 9600 0529 45 30 7601 6526 5535 2613 3468 8701 1402 4789 9335 0876 30 45 4-7441 3.6733 5.5348 4.2855 6-3255 4.8977 7.1162 5.5100 7.9069 6.1222 IS 38 o 7281 6940 5161 3096 3041 9253 0921 5410 8801 1566 52 o IS 7119 7146 4972 3337 2825 9528 0679 5718 8532 1909 45 30 6956 7351 4783 3576 2609 9801 0435 6026 8261 22SI 30 45 6793 7555 4592 3815 2391 5-0074 0190 6333 7988 2592 IS 39 o 6629 7759 4400 4052 2172 0346 6.9943 6639 7715 2932 51 o IS 6464 7962 4207 4289 1951 0616 9695 6943 7439 3271 45 30 6297 8165 4014 4525 1730 0886 9446 7247 7162 3608 30 45 6131 8366 3819 476l ISO? "55 9196 7550 6884 3944 IS 40 o 5963 8567 3623 4995 1284 1423 8944 7851 6604 4279 50 o IS 4-5794 3.8767 5.3426 4.5229 6.1059 5.1690 6.8691 5.8151 7-6323 6.4612 45 30 5624 8967 3228 546i 0832 1956 8437 8450 6041 4945 30 45 5454 9166 3030 5693 0605 2221 8181 8748 5756 5276 15 41 o 5283 9364 2830 5924 0377 2485 7924 9045 5471 5606 49 IS 5110 956i 2629 6i54 0147 2748 7666 9341 SI84 5935 45 30 4937 9757 2427 6383 5.9916 3OIO 7406 9636 4896 6262 30 45 4763 9953 2224 6612 9685 3271 7145 9929 4606 6588 IS 42 o 4589 4-0148 2O2O 6839 9452 3530 6883 6.O222 4314 6913 48 o IS 4413 0342 I8l5 7066 9217 3789 6620 0513 4022 7237 45 30 4237 0535 1609 7291 8982 4047 6355 0803 3728 7559 3 45 4.4059 4.0728 5 1403 4.7516 5.8746 5-4304 6.6089 6.IO92 7.3432 6.7880 IS 43 o 3881 0920 1195 7740 8508 4560 5822 1380 3135 8200 47 IS 3702 IIII 0986 7963 8270 4815 1666 2837 8518 45 30 3522 1301 0776 8185 8030 5068 5284 1952 2537 8835 3 45 3342 1491 0565 8406 7789 S32I 5013 22 3 6 2236 9151 IS 44 o 3160 1680 0354 8626 7547 5573 4741 2519 1934 9466 46 o 15 2978 1867 0141 8845 7304 5823 4467 2801 1630 9779 45 30 2795 2055 4.9928 9064 7060 6073 4193 3O82 1325 7.0091 30 45 2611 2241 9713 9281 6815 6321 3917 3361 1019 0401 IS 45 o 2426 2426 9497 9497 6569 6569 3640 3640 0711 0711 45 o Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dist. 6. Dist. 7. Dist. 8. Dist. 9. Dist. 10. Course. CHAPTER V TRIGONOMETRY When the surveyor reads the bearing of a compass needle he reads an angle and during his working life he is dealing with angular measurements. It is therefore neces- sary that he be skilled in that special branch of mathematics termed trigonometry. Trigonometry was formerly said to deal with the prop- erties of triangles and was divided into Plane, Analytical and Spherical Trigonometry. It is now defined as a branch of mathematics dealing with the functions of angles and their application in the solution of triangles. Plane and Analytical Trigonometry have been merged, so we now have only Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, the latter merely a particular application to cases where the sides of triangles are arcs of circles. It is proposed in this chapter to give the minimum amount of trigonometry every surveyor requires. Every triangle consists of six parts, three sides and three angles. When three parts are known, one of which must be a side, the other three can be found. To the foregoing statement the exception must be made that when two 90 angles are given with a side opposite one of them the solu- tion is indeterminate. However the surveyor will not meet with this particular case. In arithmetic the three sides of a right-angled triangle are known as the base, the altitude and the hypothenuse. Carpenters and practical men usually call the three sides the run, the rise and the slope. For convenience it is usual in mathematical work to letter the sides and angles. The acute angle at the base is known as ''Angle A," the side opposite being marked with a small letter and called "side a." The word " alti- tude" begins with "a," so the upright line designating the 148 TRIGONOMETRY 149 altitude may be easily remembered as "line a." Similarly the base is "line b" and the acute angle at the top is "Angle B." The right angle at the base is "Angle C," the hypothenuse opposite the angle being "line c. " Base FIG. 150. Run FIG. 151. FIG. 152. The right-angled triangle was used for illustration but the same conventions are used for oblique-angled triangles; i.e., capital letters indicate angles and small letters indicate sides. THE PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM Pythagoras, a noted mathematician of ancient times, is said to have been the first to demonstrate that In a right-angled triangle the square on the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides, so the statement is known as the Pythagorean Theorem and is the basis for a number of trigonometrical expressions. Stated in a modern way (algebraically) it appears as follows : or then and a = V(c + b)(c- b) = Vc 2 - b\ b = V(c + a)(c- a) = Vc* - a 2 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION OF A RIGHT TRIANGLE Fig. 153 is reproduced, with some of the finer gradua- tions omitted, from a diagram copyrighted in 1912 by Constantine K. Smoley. PRACTICAL SURVEYING The numbers may be taken to represent inches, feet, yards or meters. Given two sides of any triangle the third side may be found. Given the base and altitude to find the hypothenuse. Find the base on A-B and the altitude on B-C. Follow the & /* $ $ Y 4 V 2\ v& v ^ v a >c I ''/ s \ \ s \ \ N \ x ^ \ ^ ^ I a 1 | 6 4 3 2 i L^ \ ^ \ \ 2E \ ^ \ \ 1 k \ \ \ \ s \ V L r \ X \ 0^ i) /, \ 5 \ , \ \ I ^ \ ^ \ ^ \ \ j \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ ^ \ \ .-OSS S ^ \ ^ \ \ \ \ \ J ^ ^ ^ N \ v \ \ \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 \ >/ s t* / V x / s c \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ [ \ \ \ \ \ i \ 5 \ j 1 ^ \ \ J \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ ^ \ s \ \ 1 \ \ s \ \ i j J \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ \ \ 1 i \ \ \ \ \ \ j \ \ \ s \ \ \ \ \ I I \ i i \ V/A" 5 \ \ \ j I \ | ; , \XN> AVQ J J / , J < . ; 4~56i7?8 9 i I0 1 1! ? /2i 13114-15. i FIG. 153. Graphical solution of a right triangle. lines to an intersection and then trace the arc found at this point to line A D, on which read the length of the hypothe- nuse. Given the hypothenuse and another side to find the third side. Place a ruler on the line marking the second side. If this side is the altitude the ruler will be parallel with A-B, starting from B-C. If the second side is the base the ruler will be parallel with B C, starting from A-B. Find the hypothenuse on A-D and follow the arc inter- secting A-D at this point to an intersection with the ruler. Going from this intersection on a line perpendicular to the ruler read the required third side. The diagram presented appears in the seventh edition of Smoley's Tables, the standard tables for engineering draftsmen, and is in inches. The author used similar diagrams for many years drawn on cross-section paper TRIGONOMETRY divided decimally instead of in eighths. Such diagrams are in fairly common use and are of considerable value in cer- tain kinds of work. For instructional purposes they are very good. TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS In trigonometry all angles are assumed to have angle A at the center of a circle, side b and side c being radial lines intercepting an arc on the circumference. Either b or c may be a radius. If an arc is described and a perpendicular let fall from the end of the radius to the base, then a = sine, b = cosine, c = radius, c b = versed sine, written sin, written cos, written rod, written versin. b-co-slne C FIG. 154. b-radius FIG. 155. If an arc is described and a perpendicular erected from the end of the radius as the base, then a = tangent, written tan or tangt, b = radius, written rod, c = secant, written sec. The sine, tangent, etc., are called functions of an angle, a function in mathematics being any algebraic expression or quantity dependent for its value on another one. The difference between any angle in a quadrant and 90 degrees, the full quadrantal angle, is said to be the comple- ment of the angle. Thus in Fig. 156, angle B is the com- plement of angle A and vice versa. 152 PRACTICAL SURVEYING -Cotangent The functions of the complement are said to be co-func- tions of the angle. The sine of A cosine of B. The sine of B = cosine of A . The tangent of A = cotangent of B. The cotangent of B = tangent of A, etc., as shown in Fig. 156. The difference between any angle and 1 80 degrees is called the supple- ment of the angle. The functions of the supplement are the functions of the angle. Cosine- r 1 FIG. 156. Functions of angles. Side a may be the sine or tangent of angle A and side b may be the cosine, or it may be the radius of the circle in which a triangle is drawn having angle A at the center. TO avoid confusion it is considered best to regard the functions as ratios, that is, as pure numbers and not as lines. Side a and side b are lines but sin A , tan A and cos A are not always lines. Tangent A does not become a line un- til it is multiplied by the run of the tri- angle having angle A at the base, when it becomes side a. If sin A is multi- plied by th$ slope it becomes side a. Using the "ratio concept" the functions as follows, referring to Fig. 157. Sin A =- c FIG. 157. are described Cot A = Sec A =T Cosec A = -- a TRIGONOMETRY 153 The relations (ratios) here shown are true, no matter what may be the lengths of the lines. The ratios must be memorized or the student will find himself as helpless in trigonometrical work as he would be in arithmetic with- out knowing the multiplication tables. The following trigonometrical equivalents must also be memorized, an easy task when the connection with the Pythagorean theorem is noted. cos Sin = - = - = V(i - cos 2 ) = V(i+cos)(i -cos), cosec cot Cos = ^ = = sin X cot = V(i - sin 2 ) tan sec = V(i -+- sin) (i sin). ^ sin I Tan = -~ = cos cot cos i Cot = --' sin tan Sec = t ^ = = Vrad 2 + tan 2 . sin cos Cosec = sin Rad = tan X cot = Vsin 2 -f cos 2 , c-b Versin = rod cos = Coversin = rod sin = c c a NUMERICAL VALUES FOR THE TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS Angle o Draw a square A, B, C, D and in it draw the diagonal 00 A, B. Angle x = 45 = - because side a = side b. c 2 = a 2 + b 2 , and since a = b = I, c 2 = 2b 2 = 2a 2 ; or c = \/2 X b = \/2 X a. 154 PRACTICAL SURVEYING .o b i Cos 45' ----i-. Tan 45-? -I. FIG. 158. Functions of 45. FIG. 159. Functions of 30 and 60. Angle of 60. In the equilateral triangle (Fig. 159) each of the three angles is equal to 60. Drop the perpendicular BD to b. Then, assuming the length of each side = I, that is, 2 AD = AB = AC = BC = a = b = c = I, = BD 2 + AD 2 = a 2 =b 2 = ( 2 AD) 2 = 4 AD* 4 AD 2 = BD 2 + AD 2 or BD 2 = 3 AD 2 ; 4 X i 2 = BD 2 + i 2 or ... BD = V 3 X i = 3 X i. Since angle ^4 = 6o c Cos 60 = AD I 2 TRIGONOMETRY 155 Angle of 30. Sin 30 = cos 60 = J. V\ Cos 30 = sin 60 = ^ Tan 30 = cot 60 = tan 60 Sin 15 = Sin i 8 = _ V2 To obtain the remaining functions of the foregoing angles refer to the list of Trigonometrical Equivalents. SIGNS OF THE TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS It is convenient (hence the word convention) to assume that all directions up or down are measured from a hori- zontal line (or axis) X . . . X' and that all directions right or left are measured from a vertical line (or axis) Y . . . Y f . The vertical axis is termed an ordinate and the horizontal axis an abscissa. The axes are known as co- ordinates and the point of intersection, 0, the origin of co-ordinates. Describing a circle with O as a center and O ... X as a radius the axes di- vide it into four quarters, or quadrants. Proceeding around the circle in a direction contrary to that followed by the hands of a clock anti-clockwise the quadrants are numbered as shown in Fig. 160. All motion toward X (to the right) and towards Y (up) is considered positive ( + ). Motion to the left and down is considered negative ( ). The sine and cosine cannot extend beyond the circum- ference of a circle having a radius = I but the tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant may extend to infinity (<*>). 156 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Representing the functions by lines, the signs of the func- tions, together with their limiting values, are shown in the following table, x being the angle at the origin. If the angle is in quadrant. Sin*. Cos*. Tan*. Cot *. Sec*. Cosec *. T (Sign + + + + + + H Value... o to i I tO o to oo oo to o I tO 00 00 tO I TT jSign 1L IValue... i to o o to i 00 tO O o to oo oo to i i to oo TTT (Sign [IL IValue ... o to i I tO o to oo oo to o I tO CO 00 tO I IV ( Sign _l_ + * 1 Value . . . i to o o to i oo to o o to oo oo to i I tO 00 Summarizing the results of the investigation of the nu- merical values the following table has been prepared: ^^^ oor 360 30 45 60 90 180 270 Sine . . . o jj I V3 o I V 2 2 Cosine i ^1 I \ o I o 2 V 2 I Tangent o / I \/3 00 00 V 3 Sin 30 = J = 0.5 = cos 60. Sin 45 = 4= = - - = 0.7071 = cos 45 I 4 I 4 Sin 60 = Tan 30 = Tan 60 = = 0.866 = cos 30. = -5774 = cot 60. 1.732 = TRIGONOMETRY 157 TABLE OF NATURAL FUNCTIONS The circumference of a circle is divided into 360 equal parts called degrees. Each degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes. Each minute is divided into 60 equal parts called seconds. The size of an angle is indicated by the number of parts of a circle contained in the intercepted arc; thus, 25 15' 10" which is read 25 degrees, 15 minutes, 10 seconds. In Fig. 161 the angle at A = 30, at C - 90 and at B = 60. The line A-B is 75.3 ft. long. What are the lengths of the other sides? Referring to the list of Trigonometrical Equivalents c tan Sec = -^-i sin therefore sin X sec = tan. In the 30 triangle the sin = 0.5 and as the slope has a length of 75.3 ft., the tangent (line B-C) has a length of 0.5 X 75-3 = 37.65 ft. Also the secant = > cos therefore cos X sec = I = radius. The cos of 30 = 0.866 and the length of A-C = 75.3 X 0.866 = 65.21 ft. Use of tangent. (i) A triangle has a base of 65.21 ft. and an altitude of 37.65 ft. What is the angle A ? sin alt. a 37. 65 The tangent for an angle of 30 = 0.5774 so the angle A = 30. (2) A 30 right-angled triangle has a base of 65.21 ft. What is the altitude? -158 PRACTICAL SURVEYING The tangent of 30 = 0.5774 so the altitude = 0.5774 X 65.21 = 37.65 ft. By methods given in college textbooks, tables have been computed which contain values of all the functions. So many tables are in existence it is unnecessary for any one save professional mathematicians, as a part of their train- ing, to compute such tables. The table of Natural Functions of Angles here presented gives values of the ratios for each ten minutes of arc, this being sufficient for the examples in this book, which are intended to give practice in the solution of triangles and the use of tables. Tables in common use give values for each minute of arc, with numbers whereby interpolations may be made for smaller angles. Books of tables usually contain directions for use. Example. Find the sine of 33 20'. Turning to the table find 33 in the column headed (Deg.) and find 20 in the column headed (Min.). The sine is in the column headed Sine and = 0.564007. The radius has a value = i.oooooo. The values of other functions are found in the same way in the proper column. Example. Find the tangent of 54 30'. The tangent of 54 30' = 1.4019483. Read the note at the bottom of each page of the table. The functions of angles are co-functions of the complements of the angles so it is therefore necessary to compute the values of functions for angles between o and 45 only. For angles between 45 and 90 read up from the bottom of the pages. Notice that the column with Sine at the top has Cosine at the bottom, Tangent at the top has Cotangent at the bottom, Secant at the top has Cosecant at the bottom and vice versa. Example. Find the sine of 146 40'. Subtract from 179 60' (180) 146 40' and find sine of 33 20' Example. Find the tangent of 125 30'. TRIGONOMETRY 159 Subtract from 179 60' (180) 125 3Q' and find tangent of 54 30' These two examples show that the functions of an angle are the functions of the supplement of the angle. In adding and subtracting angles it is a good safe habit to write the work on paper instead of attempting to do it mentally until considerable experience is had. It is well to see such things. In subtraction lessen the degrees by I and add 60 to the minutes of the larger angle. When seconds are given lessen the number of minutes by I and add 60 to the seconds. The tables in this book give values to 10 minutes of arc but for all practical purposes the values for intermediate angles may be obtained by interpolation. Example. Find sine of 27 13'. Sine 27 20' = 0.459166 Sine 27 10' = 0.456580 0.002586 diff. for 10' 3 minutes = 0.3 of 10 minutes, therefore 0.002586 diff. for 10' 0-3 0.0007758 Sine 27 10' 04565800 04573558 = sin27!3 / . In using the tables in this book for arcs smaller than 10 minutes, the final results should be considered as being correct for the first five places (figures). If the sixth figure is 5 or more, increase the fifth figure by I and reject the figures following. Thus, the sine of 27 13' correct to five places = 045736. If the sixth figure is less than 5 drop all figures following the fifth. GRAPHICAL NATURAL FUNCTIONS Paper protractors 8 and 14 ins. in diameter are printed from engine divided plates on rectangular sheets. On such a sheet draw a line through the center passing through the 270 and 90 graduations. Normal to this line draw 160 PRACTICAL SURVEYING a line from the center through the o point. Make each line 5 or 10 ins. long and divide in ten equal parts. Draw lines through each division so the paper will be ruled in squares which are to be numbered from o to 10, starting at the center of the protractor. Each division should be divided into ten parts. A fine line drawn from the center through any angle will represent the hypothenuse of a triangle. This hypothenuse is the secant of the angle with a radius = i.o. In making practical use of such a diagram a fine line is drawn on a narrow strip of tracing cloth or transparent celluloid and this line is graduated to corre- spond with the horizontal and vertical lines. A fine needle is put through the zero on this line and the center of the protractor. The transparent strip may then be swung so the line will intersect any angle and the lengths, of the three sides of a triangle having this angle at the base may be read. If the angle A alone is given the secant may be extended an infinite distance and an infinite number of triangles be formed in which B = 90 -4, C = 90, for the sum of the three interior angles of any triangle = 2 x 90 = 1 80. An angle measures the amount of divergence between two lines starting from a common point. The base is one line and the secant another line defining an angle. When the secant is defined on the diagram as described and the angle A thus marked, the angle B may also be read off, for it is the complement of the angle at the base. To assist in obtaining the complementary angle a second set of gradu- ations may be placed on the circumference of the protractor in an opposite direction to the regular marks. This second set should be in red ink to avoid mistakes. The radius being 1 .00 the functions of an angle are ratios expressed in per cent of the radius. If the radius is ten inches, the heavy lines drawn at intervals of one inch and the lighter lines at intervals of one- tenth of an inch, values of the functions may be read to three decimal places. TRIGONOMETRY 161 Fig. 162 is an engine-divided diagram used in Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111., and reproduced by permission of Prof. Phillip B. Wood worth. The only difference between this engine-divided protractor and the diagram just de- scribed is in the angular graduations, which are placed on vertical and horizontal lines outside of the quadrille ruling. EH 5' &>' 75" ft vvvyv^vv^^ V ' 45y /^ 3 | 35* 7 <: Aftf". --^ -^ ^ V x x \ x c a CJi c \ . \ x x \ x X 1 \ X i >^ A^ ^ CO \ . / s > x , ' 2 Cosine. 6 , FIG. 162. Trigonometer. Arranged as shown in the illustration this device is called a Trigonometer and is of considerable value in checking calculations for latitudes and departures. Metal trigo- nometers were formerly sold by instrument dealers but the ease with which a good draftsman may make one probably caused the manufacture to be discontinued, for they seem- ingly are no longer advertised. The writer used one for many years. SOLUTIONS OF RIGHT TRIANGLE Given A and c to find B, a and b. B = 90 -A, a c sin A , b = c cos A . D FIG. 163. 1 62 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Given A and a, to find B, b and c. B = 90 -A, b = a cot A , a sin A Given A and b, to find B, a and c. 5 = 90 -A, a = b tan ^4 , cos A Given c and a, to find A , and b. Sin ^4 = - c 5 = 90-^, 6 = a cot ^4 . Given a and 6, to find A, B and c. Tan A = -7 > D B = 90 -4, a c = sn ^ A a b Area = Either acute angle may be assumed to be the angle at the base in which case the adjacent side becomes the base. PROBLEMS 1. A = 48 if, c = 324 ft. Find B, a, b, area. 2. A = 51 19', b = 1254 ft. Find B, a, c, area. 3. A = 43 38', a = 1 86 ft. Find B, b, c, area. 4. a = 249 ft., c = 415 ft. Find A, B, b, area. 5. a = 67, b = 53. Find A, B, c, area. 6. c = 893, b = 586. Find ^4, 5, a, area. 7. yl = 64 40', & = 326. Find B, a, c, area. 8. A = 71 24', a = 286. Find B, 6, c, area. 9. ^4 = 41 48', c = 963. Find 5, b, a, area. TRIGONOMETRY 163 In solving problems the student is greatly assisted by drawing the triangle free hand and writing the given values in the proper places. Each part as found should be placed on the sketch. Check. Draw the triangles to scale, using a protractor to measure the angles. The expression abc means a X b X c, the multiplication sign being understood when letters are used. Sin A means the sine of the angle A , and b sin C means side b X sin C, the value of the sine being given in the tables. Sine J A means the sine of one-half the angle A and does not mean half the sine of A, which is something entirely different. Beginners often get into trouble over this matter. ALGEBRAIC THEOREMS I. The square of the sum of two quantities is equal to the square of the first, plus twice the product of the first multiplied by the second, plus the square of the second. Example. (a -f b) 2 = a 2 + 2 ab -f b 2 . a +b a +b + ab + a 2 + 2 ab + b 2 2. The square of the difference of two quantities is equal to the square of the first minus twice the product of the first by the second, plus the square of the second. Example. (a - b) 2 = a 2 - 2 ab + b 2 . a -b a -b a 2 ab -ab + b 2 a 2 - 2 ab + b 2 3. The product of the sum and difference of two quantities is equal to the difference of their squares. 164 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Example. (a + b) (a - b) = a 2 - b 2 . a +b a -b a 2 + ab -ab-b* (Note. In the preceding chapter it was explained that in multiplication like signs produce + and unlike signs produce .) TRIGONOMETRIC LAWS The following laws should be thoroughly understood and in their development appears the Pythagorean Theorem and the algebraic rules and theorems just given. The C D A A b C A FIG. 164. student should work the expressions by assuming the fol- lowing values, a = 9, b = 12, c = 15. Law of sines. In any triangle the sides are to one another as the sines of their opposite angles. a _ sin A b _ sin B a __ sin A b sin B ' c sin C ' c sin C Law of cosines. a 2 = b 2 + c 2 2 be cos A . tf = a 2 + c 2 - 2accosB. c* = a 2 -f b 2 - 2 ab cos c. Law of tangents. a - b = tan \ (A - B) a + b ~ tan \ (A + B) ' a - c = tan \ (A - C) a + c ~ tan | (A + C) ' b - c _ tan %(B - C) TRIGONOMETRY 165 Half the difference of two unequal quantities AB and BC, added to half their sum, gives the greater, and half the differ- ence taken from half the sum, gives the less. * Proof.- Draw AB + BC. '^^ Make AD = BC. Then A C = their sum and BD = their difference. Bisect BD in E. Then BE = ED = half their difference and AE = EC = half their sum. Consequently AE + EB = AB, the greater and EC - EB = BC, the less. Also, half the difference BE, added to the less BC, or taken from the greater AB, gives half the sum. SOLUTION OF OBLIQUE TRIANGLES FIRST CASE. Given A, B, a, to find C, 6, c. C= 180- (A +3). (i) FIG. 166. c = sin C- 7- (3) sin A SECOND CASE. Given A, a, b, to find B, C, c. (4) Cuse (i). c use (3). l66 PRACTICAL SURVEYING THIRD CASE. Given A, b, c, to find a, B, C, area. a = v6 2 -f c 2 2 be cos yl . (5) B use (4). C use (i). a = sin A ^; or sin A ^- (6) sin B sin C . Area = -- - -- (7) The second case has an angle at the base with the base and side opposite the angle given. The third case has an angle and the two including sides given. The second case often presents difficulties to the student. If the given angle is acute and the side opposite is the lesser side, then the angle found may be either obtuse (greater than 90), or acute (less than 90). The conditions of the problem should be known. The sign < means. "less than" and the sign > means "greater than." The sign = means "equal to or greater than." Let 6, c, B be the parts known. If b < c sin B, no solution is possible; if b = c sin B, then sin C = 90; if b > c sin B and b < c, and B is acute, two solutions are possible, but if b = c only one solution is possible and C is an acute angle. Professor Stang in Engineering News, Dec. 25, 1913, presented the following formula for solving a triangle in which is given two sides and the included angle: cotB = a _ - cotC. osin C FOURTH CASE. Given a, b, c, the three sides, to find A, B, C, the three angles. Let SinM =V/^ -^ TRIGONOMETRY 167 B use 4. Cuse I. Area = Vs (s - a) (s - b) (s - c). (9) The following formulas may also be used for this case. -v/ Co.SB-V^*^ 2 - Tania-V/''"*^'"'' Cos C = l. Tan C = s (s c) The following item appeared in Engineering News, July 25, 1912. A triangle formula, to obtain the angles when the three sides are known, is given by Prof. C. Frank Allen (Mass. Inst. of Technology). While not new it may be unknown to many of our readers, as the formula t l( = V (s - b) (s - c) is usually quoted without reference to the other method of solution. In the above the sides are a, b and c, with the opposite angles A , B and C, and s is half the sum of the sides. The derivation and formula, given by Professor Allen, are as follows : From angle C drop a perpendicular on side c, dividing c into the segments k and g, adjacent respec- tively to sides a and b. Calling the length of the perpen- dicular h, we have: w = p - g 2 = b 2 - (c - k) 2 , and h* = a 2 - k 2 . Then 1 68 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Whence and (2) Since g = c k, we get When g and & are computed, the angles are readily found, as n k cos A = | cos B = - b a For many uses these formulas are more convenient than Eq. (i), being probably less liable to errors of computation, and more quickly derived if forgotten. PROBLEMS In the following problems give both solutions when two are possible. Find in each problem all the parts not given and the area. Check the work by drawing to scale and read angles with a protractor. 1. c = 532, b = 358, C = 107 40'. 2. c = 232, b = 345, C = 37 20'. 3. b = 560, a = 258, B = 63 28'. 4. B = 63 48', A = 49 25', b = 275. 5. A = 49 25', C = 63 48', 6 = 275. 6. A ship sailing due north observes a cape bearing N 54 12' W and after sailing 27 miles, the cape bore 5 70 30' W. Required her distances from it. 7. c = 133, b = 176, A = 73 16'. 8. c = 237, a- = 482, B = 77 48'. 9 . & = 78, a = 168, C = 128 26'. 10. a = 230, b = 365, c = 426. 11. a = 1248, b = 728, c = 956. 12. a = 375, b = 275, c = 196. TRIGONOMETRY 169 FUNCTIONS OF HALF AN ANGLE In Fig. 167 let 0, 0, c be the angle z, then b, o,f = c, 0,/ = |z, sin c, 0, / = sin \ z = c . . . g, tan c, 0, / = tan \ z = e . . . /, sin z = a . . . c, tan z = b . . d. A study of this figure will show why the student must be careful to note the FIG. 167. Functions difference between \ sin A and sin \ A . of half angles. Sinjz = Cosiz = cosz cosz H- cosz + cosz -+- cosz cosz Work the above expressions with z = 45. The sign means "positive or negative." CIRCULAR MEASURE OF AN ANGLE In certain kinds of calculations the radian is the unit of measure when the magnitude of an angle is to be measured. In Fig. 1 68 the arc ab is equal in length to the radius oa. The ratio arc is called the circular or radius radian measure of an angle. The circumference of a circle = ird, in which TT = 3.1416 (pronounced pi) and d = diameter = 2 X radius. The circumference of a circle of radius r is 2 wr, or, if the radius is unity, 2 w. FlG radfan 170 PRACTICAL SURVEYING The angle 360 corresponds to an arc with the length 2 TT; the angle 180 to an arc = ?r; the angle of 90 to an arc = JTT; etc. The radian has a value when expressed in degrees as follows : 360 = 1 80 27T " 7T i8o c 3.I4I6 = 57 if 44.8" = 57-295. The value usually given is 57.3. The radian, or 57.3 rule, is convenient when the size of angle between a random line and true line is wanted. If the angle is found to be less than 6 the rule is all right, but for larger angles may introduce a considerable error. This is because the offset is always measured on a straight line and in the 57.3 rule it is assumed to be an arc. In Fig. 169 this is illus- trated. The line AC is measured on the supposition that it is the line AB, which it however misses at B by the distance BC. For a small angle the difference between BC straight and curved is so small that Angle BAG FIG. 169. Application of 57.3 rule. A C distance In higher mathematics the radian measure of an angle is necessary but the instance just given is the only one in which the surveyor can advantageously use it. HEIGHTS AND DISTANCES In Fig. 170, DA is parallel to BC and the angle ABC = 90. 47 25'. FIG. 170. Find height AB. 2. J3C=i36ft., angle .4 C5 Find height AB. 3. The angular elevation of a wall, taken from the edge of a ditch 18 ft. wide, was 62 40'. Required the height of the wall and the length of a ladder to reach the top of it. TRIGONOMETRY 171 4. Let the sloping side of a hill AC be 268 ft., and the angle of depression at its top DAC be 33 45'. Required the horizontal distance BC and the vertical height AB. To measure an inaccessible height AB on level ground. Measure any distance CD in a straight ^ line towards the object and at C and D /fi read the angles of elevation ; their differ- /' / \ ence is the angle CAD. /' / /' / sin C X sin D X CD c f B sin (C - D) FlG - 171- To measure an inaccessible height which has no level ground before it. Take two stations C and D, in a vertical plane, and meas- ure CD] at C read the vertical angle GCD and the two vertical angles ACF and BCF. At D take the angle ADE. Since the angle EDC = DCG .'. ADC = ADE + DCG and DAC = ACF - ADE. Then in the triangle ADE, the two angles ADC and DAC and the side CD are given to find the FlG I?2 side AC. In the triangle ACB are given the angles. ACB = ACF BCF, and ABC = 90 d= BCF, and the side AC to find the side AB. If DE is above A, the angle DAC is the sum of ACF and ADE; otherwise it is their difference. Also in this case ADC is the difference of DCG and ADE; otherwise it is their sum. Also when F is below B, the angle ACB is the difference of ACF and BCF; otherwise it is their sum. If the stations C and D cannot be conveniently taken in a vertical plane, they may be taken anywhere, and then the angles ADC and A CD must be measured. The triangle A CD will give the side AC. To measure a line across a river or canyon. With the instrument at B, Fig. 173, sight to the opposite bank and set the point C, so the points A , B and C will be 172 PRACTICAL SURVEYING in the same straight line. An assistant standing on C sights back to B and marks out the line CD normal to line ABC. At D, just 10 ft. from C, set a point. The instru- ment man at B reads the angle CBD- then Length BC = CD X cot CBD. Another method. The line CD may be any length and it is not FIG. 173. necessary that the triangle be right angled at C. The instrument is set at B, then at C and finally at D. Each angle is read. The surveyor then has a triangle with one side CD, and the three angles known, the distance from B to C being obtained according to the Law of Sines. To obtain the depth and front of a lot on a diagonal street. The streets shown in Fig. 174 have an angle x at the intersection of the lot lines, all the lines between the lots being normal to B Avenue. To obtain the lengths of the lines p IG I7 between the lots from A Street to B Avenue multiply the tangent of angle x by the distance of the line from the point ; for example : Length of line between I and 2 = 75 tan x t Length of line between 2 and 3 = 100 tan x, Length of line between 3 and 4 = 125 tan x. To obtain the frontage on A Street multiply the secant of angle x by the width of the lot on B Avenue ; for example : Front of lot I on A Street = 75 sec x, Front of lot 2 on A Street = 25 sec x, Front of lot 3 on A Street = 25 sec x, etc. B Ave. TRAVERSES In Fig. 175 it is desired to obtain the bearing and length of a straight line from A to B. Houses and shrubbery are in the way. The obvious thing to do is to run lines through TRIGONOMETRY 173 the cleared spaces and calculate the bearing and length of the line AB. Starting from Sta. o (A) the line was run down the street FIG. 175. Running a traverse line. 6*7 oo' E 249 ft.; thence N 43 15' E 156 ft.; thence to B, N 11 30' 143 ft. To compute the missing line set the work down as fol- lows: Station. Bearing. Distance. N+ S- E+ W- O I 2 S 7 oo'E N 4 3 is'E Nn oo'E 249 156 143 '113-63 140.37 247.16 30-35 106 . 89 27.28 .... 254.00 247.16 247.16 164.52 6.84 The southings lack 6.84 ft. of balancing the northings and the westings lack 164.52 ft. of balancing the eastings. This gives a triangle of the following shape and the required bearing will be southwest. 174 PRACTICAL SURVEYING This is to be solved as a right triangle with a and b given, to find A , B and c ; C = 90. (Yesf /64.K . T 3 6.84 LanA = T = ~r~ 0.0440. b 164.52 .-. A =2 31' FIG. 176. = 90 _ ^4 = gy 29 / The required bearing is S 87 29' W. Thelength C = ^ = ( ^= I55 . 77 ft. - , If it is necessary to run the line from A to B without wanton cutting of shrubbery the bearing of the line is found in the manner just described and it is then run in from B towards A , or the bearing is made to read N 87 29' E and the line is run from A to B. If the work is carefully done the bearing and distance should check with the computations. A surveyor must never neglect to check his work. An experienced surveyor would make a " closed traverse ' ' by endeavoring to run his line through open spaces from B to 4, for example; then to 5 and back to A. He would compute the latitudes and departures and get them to balance, as described in the chapter on Compass Surveying. Then the bearing and length of line AB should be calculated as already described, using courses o, 1,2, to Sta. B. An independent calculation would then be made using courses 3, 4, 5 to Sta. A. The differences will be small and can be averaged, after which the line can be staked out. "Running a traverse" is a common operation in survey- ing. Any number of courses may be run and the bearing and length of a straight line joining the ends of the first and last obtained. In fact the bearing and length of a line join- ing any two points on a traverse may be .found by tabulat- ing only the courses involved. The captain of a ship finds her position by traversing, the work of surveyors and navigators being in many respects similar. TRIGONOMETRY 175 OMISSIONS The supplying of omitted bearings and distances in sur- veys is an extension of the principles of traversing. Many reasons may be given to explain why a portion of the field notes are omitted but a principal reason is forget- fulness, which is one manifestation of carelessness. In the example under the head of traversing one reason for the omission to run one course was given. It sometimes hap- pens that two courses may lie in swampy, or otherwise inaccessible, places, in which case the surveyors should run a closing line to make a closed survey of all accessible corners, the inaccessible courses then forming with the closing line a separate survey. All errors are thrown into the omitted parts. There are four cases in omissions, each of which will now be illustrated. CASE I . Bearing and length of one course omitted. Station. Bearing. Distance. Latitudes. Departures. N+ S- E+ W- I 2 3 4 Ni6 30' E N8 2 05' E S 16 54' E S 36 58' W Omitted 22. IO 19.62 23-97 22. II Omitted 21.190 2.702 6.276 19-433 6.968 22-935 17.666 13.296 23.892 40.601 23-892 32.677 13.296 13.296 16.709 I9-38I Nat. tan of bearing = Length of course Bearing = TV 49 14' W. dep. 1.15991 19.381 sin bearing 0.75738 = 25.59 chains. The traverse table in the chapter on compass surveying gives values to quarter degrees only, whereas in work done with a transit angles are read to one minute of arc, except in extremely high-grade work when angles are read to one 176 PRACTICAL SURVEYING second. Surveyors' transits usually read to minutes and engineers' transits read to one-half or one-third of a minute. When traversing is done by means of an instrument reading closer than a compass it is plain that a compass traverse table cannot be used. It is common to use a table of sines and cosines, for Cosine X distance latitude. Sine X distance = departure. The student must memorize this. In all tables of latitudes and departures, for any angle, the value given in column I for the latitude is the cosine of that angle, and the value given in column I for the depar- ture is the sine of that angle. The actual labor of multiplying and dividing can be greatly lessened by using Crelle's Tables ($5.00), by using a slide rule, or by logarithms. Crelle's Tables contain the products of all numbers up to 1000 X 1000 and by following the instructions, products of much larger numbers may be obtained by inspection. The tables are as readily used for division of one number by another. The slide rule is not so good for this class of problems as for others and is not recommended for traversing calculations except for check- ing, in which work it is better than a trigonometer. Log- arithms are great labor savers and the degree of accuracy of logarithmic work is fixed by the number of significant figures to which the tables are computed. The greatest labor savers in calculating latitudes and departures are traverse tables, which reduce all multiplica- tion to addition. The author has read in several textbooks written by teachers, that traverse tables do not save time as compared with tables of logarithms and logarithmic functions of angles. For a number of years the work of the author was principally surveying and he found that traverse tables are far superior to logarithms in saving time and lessening liability of errors. The oldest known traverse tables with Latitude and De- parture computed for each minute of angle are those of Gen. J. T. Boileau ($5.00). In 1900 H. Louis and G. W. Caunt brought out a book somewhat more convenient to TRIGONOMETRY 177 use, with larger and clearer type. The price of this book is two dollars, the page measuring six by nine inches. The most complete Traverse Tables are those of R. L. Gurden. The latitudes and departures are computed to four places of decimals and for every minute of angle up to 100 of distance. The size is 9 ins. by 14 ins. ; the binding is cloth and half morocco. When the author bought his copy in 1889, the price was $12.50, but is now $7.50. The Louis and Caunt tables are admirable for field use while the Gur- den tables are ideal for the orifice. The difference in the tables lies in the fact that the Boileau and the Louis and Caunt tables are computed only for all distances up to 10. The following example will serve as an illustration. Find the latitude and departure of S 1 6 54' E 23.97 chains. 3. Gurden. 16 54' 20.00 3.00 0.90 0.07 i. Boileau. 2. Louis & Caunt. 16 54' Lat. Dep. i I9-I36 > 2 . 8704 5.814 0.8721 i 0.86II3 0.06698 0.26163 0.02035 22.93451 6.96808 Lat. Dep. 23.00 22.0064 6.6861 0.97 0.92811 0.28198 22.93451 6.96808 To obtain the same results by using logarithms it will be necessary to take from one table the logarithm of 23.97 and from another table the logarithm of the sine and of the cosine of 16 54'. These are added and the numbers corresponding to the resulting logarithms found. By logarithms: Dep. = 1.379668 = 9.463448 10.843116 10. = 0.843116 = 6.968 CASE II. Lengths of two courses omitted. This might be a case where bearings are taken to a cor- ner, which is visible but inaccessible. log. 23.97 log. cos 1 6 54' subtract log. lat. Latitude Lat. - 1.379668 = 9.980827 11.360495 10. log. 23.97 log. sin 16 54' subtract log. dep. Departure = 1.360495 = 22.9345 17 8 PRACTICAL SURVEYING In the assumed problem the two courses are adjacent. When the courses are not adjacent the method is the same, or the method for Case IV may be used. If the two sides are parallel the problem is indeter- minate. The whole process in Cases II, III and IV is to discard the omitted parts and calculate the bearing and length of a closing line. A triangle is then formed on this closing line as a base and the missing parts computed. Station. Bearing. Distance. Latitudes. Departure. N+ s- E+ W- O I 2 3 4 Ni6 30' E N8 2 05' E S 16 54' E S 36 58' W N49 14' W 22. IO 19.62 23-97 Omitted Omitted 21 .190 2.7O2 6.276 19-433 6.968 22.935 23.892 22-935 22.935 32.677 0-957 Nat. tan of bearing = Length of course Bearing = S 88 19' W. dep. 34-14524- 32.677 sin bearing sin 88 19' = 3 ' '' = 32.691 chains. 0-99957 B/ FIG. 177- Draw a triangle (free hand) as shown in Fig. 177 and from the bearings com- pute angles A , B and C. S88i 9 'W = S8 7 7 9 'W S 36 58' W angle B. 51 21' 85 72' = 86 12' = angle C TRIGONOMETRY I 79 S 88 N 4 9 19' W 14' W To Check ' 137 33' 6o' 12 179 42 27' & 4 2 = angle A 179 sin A sin 5 32.691 ,/ 32.691 \ 0.67495X32.691 .'. a = sin 42 27 f (-^-~ 7 = = 22. 1 1 chains ' \sin86 127 0.99780 and .78098X32.691 099780 CASE III. Bearings of two courses omitted. This problem may have two solutions but the ambiguity is practically unimportant as the surveyor is presumed to have a clear idea of the shape of the field. Station. Bearing. Distance. Latitudes. Departures. N+ s- E+ W- O I 2 3 4 Ni6 30' E N8 2 05' E S 16 54' E Omitted Omitted 22. TO 19.62 23-97 22.11 25-59 21 .190 2.7O2 6.276 19-433 6.968 22-935 23.892 22-935 32.677 0-957 This gives the same bearing and length for the closing line as were found for the problem illustrating Case II. The triangle is shown in Fig. 178.^ If the instrument man does not make a sketch in his notes to guide the com- puter in the office, the latter might assume the courses to run as indicated by the dotted lines. The interior angles -4V FIG. 178. i8o PRACTICAL SURVEYING of the closing triangle will not be affected but the shape and area of the field will differ considerably from the truth. Lei s = 2559 + 32.69 A = 42 28'. I4.6i X 7-5i J5-59 X 32.69 = 40 20 = 0.36216. fiSM V 22.11 09 X 7-5i ac r 22.11 X 32.69 B = 51 22'. C = 180 -(A+B) = 179 60' - 93 50' = 0.43355. 86io / . S 88 19' W 51 22' L a = S 36 57: 86 10' L 836 47' W = N 36 57' E b = N 49 13' W CASE IV. Length of one course and bearing of another omitted. The field is to be revolved until the course of which only the bearing is known is in the meridian, thus throwing all the unknown departure into the course of which only the length is known. The omitted parts may be on adjacent or non-adjacent courses. Station. Bearing. Revolved to left. New bearing. Distance. Ni6 30' E 36 58' N 20 28' W 22. IO I N8 2 05' E 36 58' N 4 5 07' E 19.62 2 S 16 54' E 36 58' S 53 52' E 23-97 3 4 S 36 58' W Omitted 36 5 8' South Omitted Omitted 2$ "?Q When the computations are finished a doubt sometimes arises as to whether the latitude of the course whose bear- ing is omitted is a northing or a southing. This produces two sets of values, either of which will satisfy the problem, though one will give a wrong area. The knowledge the surveyor has of the general directions of the courses and the shape of the field must settle all such ambiguities. TRIGONOMETRY 181 The habit of making free-hand sketches to supplement the field notes is one every instrument man should early ac- quire. Sta. Bearing. Distance. Latitudes. Departures. N+ S- E+ W- o I 2 3 4 N 20 28' W N4So 7 / E S 53 52' E South Omitted 22.10 19.62 23-97 Omitted 25-59 20.705 I3-845 H.I34 13.902 19-360 7.727 34-550 14.134 14-134 33.262 7.727 7.727 20.416 25-535 All the difference in departure is thrown into course 4, the length of which is 25.59 chains. The following triangle is obtained. The sine of A = - thus making the bearing of course 4 = 86 14' but some un- FIG. 179. certainty exists as to whether it is a northing or a southing. From the differences in lati- tudes and departures it is apparently S 86 14' W. To settle the matter apply the angle of revolution. 86 36 14' W 123 179 12' 60' N 56 48' W The bearing was known (from the study of Cases I, II and III) to be N 49 14' W so another trial must be made. N86 36 14' W 58' R N 49 16' W 182 PRACTICAL SURVEYING The bearing is evidently a northing. The difference of two minutes is due to the computations in some of the examples being carried to a greater degree of refinement than in others. It will make no appreciable difference in the length of course 4, but the difference in angle introduces a closing error of about ij links. No survey is free from error, but all errors being thrown into the courses supplied by computation a false idea of accuracy is obtained by doing work in the office that belongs to the field. "Meas- ure in haste and repent in the office, " is a true proverb. The latitude of the course = cosine 86 16' X 25.59 = 1 .68 1, and, this amount is to be added to the latitude difference to obtain the southing for course 3, so the north- ings and southings will balance. Latitude for course 3 = 20.416 + 1.681 = 22.097. The latitudes and departures are now Station. Lati.uJes. Departures. + - + - I 2 3 4 20.705 I3-84S 7.727 14-134 22.097 13.902 19.360 25-535 I.68I 36.231 36.231 33.262 33.262 and the bearings may be restored by revolving the field to the right through an angle of 36 58'. The field is not altered in size or shape by being revolved so the area may be computed by using the values already found for the latitudes and departures. LOGARITHMS A logarithm is an exponent, and in an earlier chapter it was shown that and a. TRIGONOMETRY 183 A series of quantities which increase or decrease by a common difference is called an Arithmetical Progression-; as i, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., or 75, 72, 69, 66, etc. A series of quantities which increase by a constant multi- plier, or decrease by a constant divisor, is called a Geometri- cal Progression; as 2, 8, 32, 128, etc., the multiplier being 4; or 567, 189, 63, etc., the divisor being 3. We can write down a line of figures in arithmetical pro- gression over a line in geometrical progression, and the upper line will contain the exponents of the second line so that multiplication of two quantities in the lower line may be accomplished by adding their exponents. 0.5 0.4 0.3 02 o.i 01234 5 6 O.OOOOI O.OOOI O.OOI O.OI O.I I IO IOO IOOO IO.OOO IOO.OOO I.OOO.OOO Add 2 and 3, the sum is 5. Under 5 is found 100,000 which is plainly the product of 100 (under 2) and 1000 (under 3). Subtract 4 from 5, the difference is i. Under 5 is found 100,000 and under 4 is found 10,000. Under I is found 100,000 10 = - 10,000 Multiply 2 by 3, the product is 6. Under 6 is found 1,000,000 which is the square of 1000, found under 3. Divide 6 by 2, the quotient is 3. Under 3 is found 1000 which is the square root of 1,000,000 found under 6. The student for an exercise may carry these series, as- cending and descending, to 10 or more places each way, and multiply and divide, raise to powers and extract roots, keeping always in an ascending or a descending series. Logarithms are a series of artificial numbers used as exponents for numbers placed in arithmetical progression. By their use addition takes the place of multiplication and subtraction takes the place of division. Numbers are raised to any power by multiplying the logarithm of the number by the exponent representing that power, and roots are extracted by dividing the logarithm by the index of the required root. Logarithms are useful for many calculations, especially those involving proportion, or a combination of multi- plication and division. 184 PRACTICAL SURVEYING An expression containing a positive or negative sign is not in shape for logarithmic computation and must be differ- ently written to eliminate every such sign. For example sin (x + y) + sin (x y) can be adapted for logarithmic computation by writing it as follows : 2 sin x X cos y. Adding logarithms is equivalent to multiplying their numbers, and subtracting logarithms is equivalent to per- forming the operation of division with their numbers. Some surveyors never use logarithms. Other surveyors use them upon every occasion. Whether to use "logs" or "naturals" is something each man must settle for himself and is not worth discussing. For involved calculations logarithms save time and lessen the liability of error. TO USE A TABLE OF LOGARITHMS A complete logarithm consists of two parts. The man- tissa is the decimal part printed in the table. The charac- teristic is a whole number and depends upon the number of figures in the number. The log. of 2500 is 3.3979 of which 0.3979 is the mantissa taken from the table and 3 is the characteristic. The log. of 8435 = 3.926085. The log. of 8.435 = 0.926085. The log. of 843.5 = 2.926085. The log. of 0.8435 = 1.926085. The log. of 84.35 = 1.926085. The log. of 0.08435 = - 2.926085. The characteristic is seen by the above illustration to be a number indicating I less than the number of integral figures of which the number consists. In decimal num- bers the characteristic is negative and indicates the distance of the first significant figure from the decimal point. In some tables of logarithms there is a column headed "Tabular Difference." In the table in this book the tabular difference is not shown. The logarithm of 243 = 2.38561 and the logarithm of 244 = 2.38739. The differ- ence is 0.00178 and would be printed as Tab. Diff. 178. The Tabular Difference for each horizontal line is therefore the average difference between the units figures on the line. TRIGONOMETRY 185 TO FIND THE LOGARITHM OF A NUMBER First fix the characteristic. Then look in the table for the mantissa. The number may have only three figures, in which case the mantissa will be found at once. If it contains four or more figures the mantissa for the three first figures is found and the difference between this and the next higher figure used in the following way : Find the log. of 2369. The characteristic = 3. The mantissa for 2360 = 0.37291. To find the mantissa find 23 in the column headed "No.," and proceed horizontally to the right to the column headed "6." The remainder of 9 cannot be ignored. Find the man- tissa for 237 = 0.37475. The difference between 0.37475 and 0.37291 = 0.00184 an d this must be multiplied by 0.9 = 0.001656, the product being added to the mantissa for 2360. The complete log. is as follows : Mantissa of 236 = 0.37291 Mantissa of 0.9 = 0.00166 0-37457 Log. of 2369 = 3-37457- The reason for designating the 9 remainder as 0.9 may be found by considering the mantissas as being given in the table for 2370 and for 2360, but not for fractional parts, therefore 9 is nine-tenths the difference between 60 and 70. Had the number been 236,924 the process would have been the same but the characteristic would be 5 and the differ- ence 0.00184 would be multiplied by 0.924 = 0.00170. Mantissa of 236 = 0.37291 Mantissa of 0.924 = 0.00179 0.37470 Log. of 236924 = 5-37470. Tables of logarithms having a column of tabular differ- ences show the difference of 0.00184 as a whole number, 184, to save space. The student must remember that the mantissa is a deci- mal fraction and therefore the tabular difference is a decimal fraction containing the same number of figures, the differ- 1 86 PRACTICAL SURVEYING ence being made up by placing ciphers in front of the significant figures. To find the number corresponding to a given logarithm. The log. is 3-37457- In the table of logs, find the mantissa nearest to the given mantissa but below. This we find to be 0.37291, corre- sponding to number 2360, for as we have 3 for a character- istic there must be four figures in the number. Given log. = 3-37457 Log. of 2360 = 3.37291 Diff. = 0.00166 Tabular difference between mantissas of 2370 and 2360 = 0.00184. 0.00166 which gives a number = 2369.13. The 0.13 is an exceed- ingly small per cent of 2369 but proves that a table of logarithms of numbers from o to 1000 is not accurate for numbers containing more than four figures, when the man- tissa is carried to only five places. Tables of logarithms from o to 10,000 are accurate for numbers containing as many figures as there are decimal places in the mantissa. Tables of logarithms from o to 108,000 are accurate enough for practical use for numbers containing one figure more than the decimal figures in the mantissa. For all the work of surveyors the five-place table here given is accurate enough for all practical purposes for numbers containing not more than five figures. A table for numbers from o to 10,000 is more convenient to use. In the examples following notice the inaccuracy of the work due to the table used. To multiply two numbers by using logs. I. 54.3 X 6.19 = ? Log. 54.3 = 1.73480 Log. 6.19 = 0.79169 2.52649 Log. of 336 = 2.52633 0.00016 TRIGONOMETRY 187 Tab. diff. 336 and 337 = 0.52763 - 0.52633 = 0.00130. 0.00016 - = 0.123. 0.00130 By logs. 54.3 X 6.19 = 336.123. By arithmetic =336.117. 2. 54.3 X 6.19 X 27 = ? Log. 54.3 = 1.73480 Log. 6.19 = 0.79169 Log. 27 = 1.43136 3.95785 Log. of 9070 = 3.95761 0.00024 Tab. diff. 9070 and 9080 = 0.95809 0.95761 = 0.00048. 0.00024 _ 0.00048 ~ By logs. 54.3 X 6.19 X 27 = 9075.000. By arithmetic = 9075.159. The rule for multiplying numbers by using logs, is to add the logarithms of the numbers and find from the table the number corresponding to the new logarithm thus obtained. To divide a number by another by using logs. 54-3 = ? 6.19 Log. 54.3 = i.7348o Log. 6.19 = 0.79169 0.943H Log. 8.77 = 0.94300 Diff. = o.oooi i Tab. diff. 878 and 877 = 0.94349 0.94300 = 0.00049. o.oooi i - = 0.225. 0.00049 By logs. 54.3 + 6.19 = 8.77225. By arithmetic = 8.77205. To divide one number by another find the difference between their logarithms. The resulting logarithm is the log. of the quotient of the numbers. l88 PRACTICAL SURVEYING To raise a number to any power. Find the square of 6.19. Log. 6.19 = 0.79169 2 1.58338 Log- 38.3 = 1-58320 0.00018 Diff. = 0.00018 _ Tab. diff. " 0.00133 " 6TQ2 (By logs. = 38.3135- 9 (By arithmetic = 38.3161. The rule, which is general, is to multiply the log. by the exponent of the power. The number corresponding to the log. thus obtained is the power sought. To extract the root of any number. What is the square root of 54.3? Log. 54-3 = '-^ = 0.86740 Log. 7.36 = 0.86688 0.00052 = 0-QOQ52 = Q 8gl Tab. diff. 0.00059 /-(By logs. =7.36881. v 543JBy arithmetic = 7.368 + . The rule, which is general, is to divide the log. of the number by the index of the root. The number correspond- ing to the log. thus obtained is the root sought. ARITHMETICAL COMPLEMENT A logarithm may be mentally subtracted from 10, an integer, or the right-hand figure may be subtracted from 10, and all the rest from 9. By using the arithmetical complement of a logarithm, division instead of being subtraction becomes addition. That is, adding an arithmetical complement is equivalent to subtracting its logarithm. In the product, 10 must be subtracted from the characteristic. TRIGONOMETRY 189 NEGATIVE CHARACTERISTIC The characteristic is negative when the number is a decimal fraction. A negative characteristic must be subtracted when the logarithm is added and must be added when the logarithm is subtracted. After multiplying a negative index subtract from the resulting index the amount carried from the mantissa. Example. Raise 0.009 to the third power. Log. 0.009 = 3-95424 3 7.86272 The 7 was obtained as follows : 2 was carried from the multiplication of the mantissa. The product of 3 X (3) = 9 and +2 9= 7. It is customary to place the negative sign above the characteristic instead of placing it in front. Sometimes a positive characteristic is used, in which case 10 times the exponent of the power lessened by I must be taken from the final characteristic, and the result added to 10. Example. Raise 0.0437 to the fourth power. Neg. char. Pos. char. Log. 0.0437 = 2.64048 or 8.64048 = 4 4 Log. 0.000003649 = 6.56192 + 4.56192 IP 6.56192 The 6 was obtained when the negative characteristic was used by subtracting the 2 carried from the mantissa from the product of 2 X 4 = 8. In the case of the positive characteristic 4 X 8 = 32 and adding the 2 carried from the mantissa the result was 34. From this was subtracted 10 X (4 i) = 30. Then +4 10 = 6. When extracting roots if the given number be a decimal, and its characteristic positive, subtract I from the index of 190 PRACTICAL SURVEYING the root and add the remainder to the characteristic before dividing. If the characteristic be negative, add to it the least num- ber that will make the sum divisible by the index of the root; the quotient is the characteristic of the log. of the root. In dividing the mantissa, only the number added is to be considered as the characteristic. Example. ^0.00130321 = ? Log. 0.00130321 = 3 Add i Divide by 4 = 1.27875 The method by which the characteristic I was obtained is clearly seen. In dividing the mantissa the character- istic 3 was ignored and the I substituted. To WORK PROPORTION BY LOGARITHMS Add the logarithms of the second and third terms to- gether. From their sum subtract the logarithm of the first term. The remainder is the logarithm of the fourth term. Or; add together the arithmetical complement of the first term and the logarithms of the other two. The sum, with 10 subtracted from the characteristic, is the logarithm of the answer. Example. Illustrating the two methods. 36 : 144 :: 28 : x Log. 144 = 2.15836 2.15836 Log. 28 = 1.44716 1.44716 3-60552 Log. 36 = 1.55630 a.c. = 8.44370 2.04922 2.04922 X = 112. (The 10 is subtracted mentally.) LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES Logarithmic functions of angles are merely logarithms of the natural functions. Characteristics are placed in the tables but as the natural functions are decimal fractions TRIGONOMETRY 191 the actual characteristics are negative. The numbers used as characteristics are positive for convenience, being the difference between 10 and the true, negative charac- teristic. Tables of logarithmic functions are for use with tables of logarithms of numbers. Example. Refer to example in Case III of Omissions, and compare the work required when using "naturals" and using "logs. " \l V I4>61 x 25-59 X 32-69 Log. 14.61 = 1.16465 Log. 7.51 = 0.87564 2.04029 Log. 25.59 = 140807 Log. 32.69 = 1.51442 2.92249 a.c. = 7.07751 9.11780 = 1.11780 1.11780 i T.55890 = 9-55890 = sin 21 14' A = 21 14' X 2 = 42 28'. The student, for exercise, should work all the examples in this chapter by using logarithms. In this way a compar- ison can be made of the advantages and disadvantages of logarithms and their limitations in some kinds of work, bearing in mind the degree of accuracy possible with the small table of logs, in this book. PROPORTIONAL PARTS IN LOGARITHMIC TABLES The Five Place Logarithmic-Trigonometric Tables by Constantine Smoley, C.E., are printed on a thin, tough bond paper and are bound in flexible cloth. The price is 50 cents. They consist of logarithms of numbers from I to 10,000; Logarithms of the sine and tangent varying by ten seconds from o to 3 and of the cosine and cotangent varying by ten seconds from 87 to 90; logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, secant and cosecant for each minute of arc; tables of squares, cubes, square and cube roots, etc. I 9 2 PRACTICAL SURVEYING In the table of logarithms of numbers a star is frequently used as follows: N. o i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 426 941 951 96l 972 982 992 *002 *OI2 *022 *033 427 63,043 053 06 3 073 08 3 094 104 114 124 134 The mantissa is carried to five figures but the first two figures are omitted wherever possible in order to save space and make the tables more easily read. The mantissa of 4260 is 62,941, of 4265 it is 62,992, etc. The star in front of the mantissa for 4266 indicates that the first two figures are increased, so this mantissa is 63,002; the mantissa for 4268 is 63,022, etc. On the right hand of each page is a column headed P.P. (Proportional Parts) in which figures appear as follows: 10 I.O 2.O 3-0 4-0 .0 .0 7-o 8.0 9.0 i:: Example. Find the log. of 426,758. The tabular difference between logs, of 4267 and 4268 = 10, which number heads the P.P. column. Log. of 426,700 = 5.63012 P.P. 50 = 0.000050 P.P. 8 = 0.000008 5.630178 (Note. These values of P.P. for differences of 50 and 8 apply only to tab. diff. of 10. When tab. diff. = 14 then P.P. for 5 = 7.0 and for 8 = 1 1. 2, etc.) TRIGONOMETRY 193 Example. Find number corresponding to log. 5.63018. Log- 5-63018 No. 426,700 = Log. 5.63012 0.00006 The difference between log. of 426,700 and 426,800 = 10, so in the P.P. column find 10. On the right of the vertical line in the column find 6 and on the left of the line is found 6.0 which is placed after the 7 in the number and we thus obtain No. 426,760 log. = 5.63018. In the tables of logarithms of functions of angles the P.P. column refers to seconds. Few surveyors or engineers read angles closer than the nearest minute and few problems are encountered in which seconds appear in the angles. When the angles do contain seconds the proportional parts are used in the way just described for logarithms of num- bers. For angles smaller than 3 the differences are so great between consecutive minutes that a separate table is given in which the values of the functions differ by 10" and the P.P. column gives the differences for single seconds. With the explanation given, the student can with a little practice use the columns of proportional parts readily. 194 PRACTICAL SURVEYING NATURAL FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. o.oooooo Infinite. o.oooooo Infinite. .00000 I. 000000 90 10 0.002909 343.77516 0.002909 343-77371 .00000 0.999996 So 20 0.005818 171.88831 0.005818 171.88540 .00002 0.999983 40 30 0.008727 114.59301 0.008727 114.58865 .00004 0.999962 30 40 0.011635 85.945609 0.011636 85.939791 .00007 0-999932 20 So 0.014544 68.75736o 0.014545 68.750087 .OOOII 0.999894 IO 1 o 0.017452 57.298688 0.017455 57.289962 .00015 0.999848 89 10 0.020361 49.114062 0.020365 49.103881 .00021 0.999793 50 20 0.023269 42.975713 0.023275 42.964077 .00027 0.999729 40 30 0.026177 38.201550 0.026186 38.188459 .00034 0.999657 30 40 o. 023085. 34.382316 0.029097 34.367771 .00042 0.999577 20 So 0.031992 31.257577 0.032009 31.241577 .00051 0.999488 IO 2 o 0.034899 28.653708 0.034921 28.636253 .00061 0.999391 88 IO 0.037806 26.450510 0.037834 26.431600 .00072 0.999285 So 20 0.040713 24.562123 0.040747 24.541758 .00083 0.999171 40 30 0.043619 22.925586 0.043661 22.903766 .00095 0.999048 30 40 0.046525 21.493676 0.046576 21.470401 .00108 0.998917 20 So 0.049431 20.230284 0.049491 20.205553 .00122 0.998778 10 3 0.052336 19.107323 0.052408 19.081137 .00137 0.998630 87 10 0.055241 18.102619 0.055325 18.074977 .00153 0.998473 So 20 0.058145 17.198434 0.058243 I7.I69337 .00169 0.998308 40 30 0.061049 16.380408 0.061163 16.349855 .00187 o.998i3S 30 40 0.063952 15-636793 0.064083 15.604784 .00205 0.997357 20 50 0.066854 14.957882 0.067004 14.924417 .00224 0.997763 10 4 o 0.069756 14.335587 0.069927 14.300666 .00244 0.997564 O 86 IO 0.072658 13.763115 0.072851 13.726738 .00265 0.997357 50 20 0.075559 13.234717 0.075776 13.196888 .00287 0.997141 40 30 0.078459 12.745495 o . 078702 12.706205 .00309 0.996917 30 40 0.081359 12.291252 0.081629 12.250505 .00333 0.996685 20 So 0.084258 11.868370 0.084558 11.826167 .00357 0.996444 10 5 0.087156 U.4737I3 0.087489 11.430052 .00382 o.996i95 85 10 0.090053 11.104549 0.090421 11.059431 .00408 0.995937 50 20 o . 092950 10.758488 0.093354 10.711913 .00435 0.995671 40 30 o . 095846 10.433431 0.096289 10.385397 .00463 0.995396 30 40 0.098741 10.127522 o . 099226 10.078031 .00491 0-995II3 20 So 0.101635 9.8391227 0.102164 9.7881732 .00521 0.994822 IO 6 o 0.104528 9.5667722 o . 1 051x34 9.SI43645 .00551 0.994522 84 10 o . 107421 9.3091699 0.108046 9.2553035 .00582 0.994214 50 20 0.110313 9.0651512 0.110990 9.0098261 .00614 0.993897 40 30 0.113203 8.8336715 0.113936 8.7768874 .00647 0.993572 30 40 0.116093 8.6137901 0.116883 8.5555468 .00681 0.993238 20 So 0.118982 8.4045586 0.119833 8.3449558 .00715 0.992896 10 83 Deg. Min. Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. Min. Deg. For functions from 83 10' to 90 read fronvbottom of table upward. TRIGONOMETRY NATURAL FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) 195 Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 7 o 0.121869 8.2055090 0.122785 8.1443464 .00751 0.992546 o 83 10 0.124756 8.0156450 0.125738 7.9530224 .00787 0.992187 So , 2Q 0.127642 7.8344335 0.128694 7.7703506 .00825 0.991820 40 " 30 0.130526 7 . 6612976 0.131653 7-5957541 .00863 0.991445 30 40 0.133410 7.4957100 0.134613 7.4287064 .00902 0.991061 20 50 0.136292 7-3371909 O.I37S76 7.2687255 .00942 0.990669 IO 8 O.I39I73 7-1852965 0.140541 7.H53697 .00983 0.990268 88 10 0.142053 7.0396220 0.143508 6.9682335 .01024 0.989859 50 20 0.144932 6.8997942 0.146478 6.8269437 .01067 0.989442 40 30 0.147809 6.7654691 O.I4945I 6.6911562 .OIIII 0.989016 30 40 0.150686 6.6363293 0.152426 6.5605538 .01155 0.988582 20 50 o.i5356i 6.5120812 0.155404 6.4348428 .01200 0.988139 10 9 0.156434 6.3924532 0.158384 6.3I375I5 .01247 0.987688 81 10 0.159307 6.2771933 0.161368 6.1970279 .01294 0.987229 50 20 0.162178 6.1660674 0.164354 6.0844381 .01342 0.986762 40 30 0.165048 6.0588980 0.167343 5.9757644 .01391 0.986286 30 40 0.167916 5.9553625 0.170334 5.8708042 .01440 0.985801 20 50 0.170783 S.855392I 0.173329 5.7693688 .01491 0.985309 10 10 o 0.173648 5.7587705 0.176327 5.6712818 .01543 0.984808 80 10 0.176512 5.6653331 0.179328 5.5763786 .01595 0.984298 50 20 0.179375 5.5749258 0.182332 5.4845052 .01649 0.983781 40 30 0.182236 5.4874043 0.185339 5.3955172 .01703 0.983255 30 40 0.185095 5.4026333 0.188359 5.3092793 .01758 0.982721 20 So 0.187953 5.3204860 0.191363 5.2256647 .01815 0.982178 10 11 0.190809 5.2408431 0.194380 5.1445540 .01872 0.981627 O 79 10 0.193664 5.1635924 0.197401 5.0658352 .01930 0.981068 So 20 0.196517 5.0886284 o . 200425 4.9894027 .01989 o . 980500 40 30 0.199368 5.0158317 0.203452 4.9I5I570 . 02049 0.979925 30 40 0.202218 4.9451687 o . 206483 4.8430045 .02110 0-979341 20 So 0.205065 4.8764907 0.209518 4.7728568 .02171 0.978748 IO 12 o 0.207912 .8097343 0.212557 4.7046301 .02234 0.978148 78 IO 0.210756 .7448206 0.215599 4.6382457 ,02298 0.977539 50 20 0.213599 .6816748 0.218645 4-5736287 .02362 0.976921 40 30 0.216440 .6202263 0.221695 4.5107085 .02428 0.976296 30 40 0.219279 .5604080 0.224748 4.4494181 .02494 0.975662 20 50 0.222116 .5021565 0.227806 4-3896940 .02562 0.975020 10 13 0.224951 4.4454115 0.230868 4.3314759 . 02630 0-974370 O 77 10 0.227784 4.3901158 0.233934 4.2747066 .O27OO 0.973712 50 20 0.230616 4.3362150 0.237004 4.2193318 .02770 0.973045 40 30 0.233445 4.2836576 0.240079 4.1652998 .02842 0.972370 30 40 0.236273 4.2323943 0.243158 4.1125614 .02914 0.971687 20 So 0.239098 4.1823785 0.246241 4.0610700 .02987 0.970995 10 76 Deg. Min. Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. Min. Deg. For functions from 76 10' to 83 oo' read from bottom of table upward. 196 PRACTICAL SURVEYING NATURAL FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 14 0.241922 4.I33S655 0.249328 4 . 0107809 .03061 0.970296 o 76 10 0.244743 4.0859130 0.252420 3.9616518 .03137 0.969588 So 20 0.247563 4-0393804 0.255517 3.9136420 .03213 0.968872 40 30 0.250380 3.9939292 0.258618 3.8667131 .03290 0.968148 30 40 0.253195 3.9495224 0.261723 3.8208281 .03363 0.967415 '20 50 0.256008 3.9061250 0.264834 3.7759519 03447 0.966675 10 IS o 0.258819 3.8637033 0.267949 3.7320508 .03528 0.965926 O 75 10 0.261628 3.8222251 0.271069 3.6890927 .03609 0.965169 So 20 0.264434 3.7816596 0.274195 3.6470467 .03691 0.964404 40 30 0.267238 3.7419775 0.277325 3.6058835 .03774 0.963630 30 40 0.270040 3.7031506 0.280460 3-5655749 .03858 0.962849 20 So o . 272840 3.6651518 0.283600 3.5260938 03944 0.962059 10 16 0.275637 3-6279553 0.286745 3.4874144 .04030 0.961262 o 74 10 0.278432 3.5915363 0.289896 3-4495120 .04117 0.960456 So 20 0.281225 3.55587io 0.293052 3.4123626 .04206 0.959642 40 30 0.284015 3.5209365 0.296214 3-3759434 .04295 0.958820 30 40 0.286803 3.4867110 0.299380 3.3402326 .04385 0.957990 20 So 0.289589 3-4531735 0.302553 3.3052091 .04477 0.957I5I IO 17 o 0.292372 3.4203036 0.305731 3.2708526 .04569 0.956305 73 IO 0.295152 3.3880820 0.308914 3-2371438 .04663 0.955450 50 20 0.297930 3-3564900 0.312104 3.2040638 .04757 0.954588 40 30 0.300706 3-3255095 0.315299 3.I7I5948 .04853 0.953717 30 40 0.303479 3.2951234 0.318500 3.I397I94 .04950 0.952838 20 So 0.306249 3.2653149 0.321707 3.1084210 .05047 0.9SI95I 10 18 o 0.309017 3.2360680 0.324920 3.0776835 .05146 0.951057 72 10 0.311782 3-2073673 0.328139 3.04749IS .05246 0.950154 So 20 0.314545 3.1791978 0.331364 3.0178301 .05347 0.949243 40 30 0.317305 3 -I5I5453 0.334595 2.9886850 05449 0.948324 30 40 0.320062 3-1243959 0.337833 2 . 9600422 .05552 0.947397 20 So 0.322816 3.0977363 0.341077 2.9318885 .05657 0.946462 10 19 0.325568 3.0715535 0.344328 2.9042109 .05762 0.945519 o 71 10 0.328317 3.0458*352 0.347585 2.8769970 .05869 0.944568 So 20 0.331063 3.0205693 0.350848 2.8502349 .05976 0.943609 40 30 0.333807 2.9957443 0.354II9 2.8239129 .06085 0.942641 30 40 0.336547 2.9713490 0.357396 2.7980198 .06195 0.941666 20 50 0.339285 2.9473724 0.360680 2.7725448 .06306 0.940684 10 20 o 0.342020 2.9238044 0.363970 2.7474774 .06418 0.939693 o 70 10 0.344752 2 . 9006346 0.367268 2 . 7228076 .06531 0.938694 So 20 0.347481 2.8778532 0.370573 2.6985254 .06645 0.937687 40 30 0.350207 2.8554510 0.373885 2.6746215 .06761 0.936672 30 40 0.352931 2.8334185 0.377204 2.6510867 .06878 0.935650 20 So 0.355651 2.8117471 0.380530 2.6279I2I .06995 0.934619 10 69 Deg. Min. Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. Min. Deg. For functions from 69 10' to 76 oo' read from bottom of table upward. TRIGONOMETRY NATURAL FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) 197 Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 21 o 0.358368 2.7904281 0.383864 2.6050891 .07115 0.933580 o 69 10 0.361082 2.7694532 0.387205 2.5826094 .07235 0.932534 50 20 0.363793 2.7488144 0.390554 2.5604649 07356 0.931480 40 30 0.366501 2 . 7285038 0.3939" 2.5386479 .07479 0.930418 30 40 o . 369206 2.7085139 0.397275 2.5171507 .07602 0.929348 20 So 0.371908 2.6888374 0.400647 2.4959661 .07727 0.928270 IO 22 o 0.374607 2.6694672 0.404026 2.4750869 .07853 0.927184 68 IO 0-377302 2 . 6503962 0.407414 2.4545061 .07981 0.926090 50 20 0.379994 2.6316180 0.410810 2.4342172 .08109 0.924989 40 30 0.382683 2.6I3I259 0.414214 2.4142136 .08239 0.923880 30 40 0.385369 2.5949137 0.417626 2.3944889 .08370 0.922762 20 50 0.388052 2.5769753 0.421046 2.3750372 .08503 0.921638 IO 23 o 0.390731 2.5593047 0.424475 2.3558524 .08636 0.920505 67 10 0.393407 2.5418961 0.427912 2.3369287 .08771 0.919364 50 20 0.396080 2.5247440 0.431358 2.3182606 .08907 0.918216 40 30 0.398749 2.5078428 0.434812 2.2998425 .09044 0.917060 30 40 0.401415 2.49II874 0.438276 2.2816693 .09183 0.915896 20 So o . 404078 2.4747726 0.441748 2.2637357 .09323 0.914725 10 24 0.406737 2.4585933 0.445229 2.2460368 .09464 0.913545 o 66 10 0.409392 2.4426448 0.448719 2.2285676 .09606 0.912358 50 20 0.412045 2.4269222 0.452218 2.2113234 .09750 0.911164 40 30 0.414693 2.4II42IO 0.455726 2.1942997 .09895 0.909961 30 ii 40 0.4I733S 2.3961367 0.459244 2.1774920 .10041 0.908751 20 50 0.419980 2.3810650 0.462771 2.1608958 . 10189 0.907533 IO 25 o 0.422618 2.3662016 0.466308 2.1445069 -10338 0.906308 o 66 10 0.425253 2.3515424 0.469854 2.1283213 .10488 0.905075 50 20 0.427884 2.3370833 0.473410 2.1123348 .10640 0.903834 40 30 0.430511 2 . 3228205 0.476976 2.0965436 . 10793 0.902585 30 40 0.433135 2.3087501 0.480551 2.0809438 .10947 0.901329 20 50 0.435755 2.2948685 0.484137 2.0655318 .11103 0.900065 10 26 o 0.438371 2.28II72O 0.487733 2 . 0503038 .11260 0.898794 64 10 0.440984 2.2676571 0.491339 ft.0352565 .11419 0.897515 50 20 0.443593 2 . 2543204 0.494955 2 . O203862 .11579 0.896229 40 30 0.446198 2.2411585 0.498582 2.0056897 .11740 0.894934 30 40 0.448799 2.228l68l 0.502219 .9911637 11903 0.893633 20 50 0.451397 2.2153460 0.505867 .9768050 .12067 0.892323 10 27 o 0.453990 2 . 2O26893 0.509525 .9626105 .12233 0.891007 o 63 IO 0.456580 2.I90I947 0.5I3I95 .9485772 .12400 0.889682 50 20 0.459166 2.1778595 0.516876 .9347020 .12568 0.888350 40 30 0.461749 2.1656806 0.520567 .9209821 .12738 0.887011 30 40 0.464327 2.I536S53 0.524270 .9074147 .12910 0.885664 20 50 0.466901 2.I4I7808 0.527984 .8939971 .13083 0.884309 10 62 Deg. Min. Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. Min. Deg. For functions from 62 10' to 69 oo' read from bottom of table upward. 198 PRACTICAL SURVEYING NATURAL FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued} Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 28 o 0.469472 2.1300545 0.531709 .8807265 .13257 0.882948 o 62 10 0.472038 -1184737 0.535547 . 8676003 . 13433 0.881578 So 20 0.474600 . 1070359 0.539I9S .8546159 .13610 0.880201 40 30 0.477159 .0957385 0.542956 .8417409 13789 0.878817 30 40 0.479713 .0845792 0.546728 .8290628 13970 0.877425 20 50 0.482263 .0735556 0.550515 .8164892 .14152 0.876026 10 29 0.484810 .0626653 0.554309 .8040478 14335 0.874620 61 IO 0.487352 .0519061 0.558118 .7917362 .14521 0.873206 So, 20 0.489890 .0412757 0.561939 7795524 14707 0.871784 40 30 0.492424 0307720 0.565773 .7674940 .14896 0.870356 30 40 0.494953 . 0203929 0.569619 . 7555590 15085 0.868920 20 50 0.497479 .0101362 0.573478 7437453 15277 0.867476 10 30 o 0.500000 .0000000 0.577350 .7320508 15470 o . 866025 60 IO 0.502517 .9899822 0.581235 .7204736 .15665 0.864567 50 20 0.505030 .9800810 0.585134 .7090116 . 15861 0.863102 40 30 0.507538 .9702944 0.589045 .6976631 . 16059 0.861629 30 40 0.510043 .9606206 0.592970 .6864261 . 16259 0.860149 20 50 0.512543 .9510577 0.596908 .6752988 . 16460 0.858662 IO 31 0.515038 .9416040 0.600861 .6642795 .16663 0.857167 59 IO 0.517529 .9322578 0.604827 .6533663 .16868 0.855665 50 20 0.520016 .9230173 0.608807 .6425576 .17075 0.854156 40 30 0.522499 .9138809 0.612801 .6318517 .17283 0.852640 30 40 0.524977 .9048469 0.616809 .6212469 17493 0.851117 20 50 0.527450 .8959138 0.620832 .6107417 . 17704 0.849586 IO 32 o 0.529919 .8870799 0.624869 .6003345 .17918 0.848048 O 68 10 0.532384 .8783438 0.628921 .5900238 .18133 o . 846503 50 20 0.534844 .8697040 0.632988 .5798079 . 18350 0.844951 40 30 0.537300 .8611590 0.637079 .5696856 .18569 0.843391 30 40 0.539751 .8527073 0.641167 .5596552 .18790 0.841825 20 50 0.542197 .8443476 0.645280 5497155 .19012 0.840251 10 33 O 0.544639 .8360785 0.649408 .5398650 . 19236 0.838671 o 67 10 0.547076 .8278985 0.653531 .5301025 . 19463 0.837083 So 20 0.549509 .8198065 o. 657710 .5204261 . 19691 0.835488 40 30 0.551937 .8118010 0.661886 .5108352 .19920 0.833886 30 40 o.55436o .8038809 0.666077 .5013282 .20152 0.832277 20 So 0.556779 .7960449 0.670285 .4919039 .20386 0.830661 10 34 0.559193 . 7882916 0.674509 .4825610 .20622 0.829038 O 66 IO 0.561602 .7806201 0.678749 .4732983 .20859 0.827407 So 20 0.564007 .7730290 0.683007 .4641147 .21099 o . 825770 40 30 o . 566406 . 7655173 0.687281 .4550090 .21341 0.824126 30 40 0.568801 .7580837 0.691573 .4459801 .21584 0.822475 20 50 0.57H9I .7507273 0.695881 .4370268 .21830 0.820817 10 55 Deg. Min. Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. COGCC. Sine. Min. Deg. For functions from 55 10' to 62 oo' read from bottom of table upward. TRIGONOMETRY NATURAL FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) 199 Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 35 o 0.573576 .7434468 o . 700208 .4281480 1.22077 0.819152 o 66 10 o:57S957 .7362413 0.704552 .4193427 1.22327 0.817480 50 20 0.578332 . 7291096 0.708913 .4106098 1.22579 0.815801 40 30 0.580703 . 7220508 0.713293 .4019483 1.22833 0.814116 30 40 0.583069 .7150639 0.717691 -3933571 1.23089 0.812423 20 So 0.585429 . 7081478 0.722108 .3848355 1.23347 0.810723 10 36 o 0.587785 . 7013016 0.726543 .3763810 1.23607 0.809017 o 64 10 0.590136 .6945244 0.730996 -3679959. 1.23869 0.807304 50 20 0.592482 .6878151 0.735469 .3596764 1.24134 0.805584 40 30 0.594823 .6811730 o.73996i .3514224 1.24400 0.803857 30 40 0.597IS9 .6745970 0.744472 .3432331 1.24669 0.802123 20 50 0.599489 .6680864 0.749003 -3351075 1.24940 0.800383 IO 37 o 0.601815 .6616401 0.753554 .3270448 1.25214 0.798636 53 IO 0.604136 .6552575 0.758125 .3190441 1.25489 0.796882 50 20 0.606451 .6489376 0.762716 .3111046 1-25767 0.795I2I 40 30 0.608761 .6426796 0.767627 .3032254 i . 26047 0-793353 30 40 0.611067 .6364828 0.771959 .2954057 1.26330 0.791579 20 50 0.613367 .6303462 0.776612 .2876447 1.26615 0.789798 10 38 0.615661 .6242692 0.781286 .2799416 1.26902 0.788011 o 62 10 0.617951 .6182510 0.785981 .2722957 1.27191 0.786217 50 20 0.620235 .6122908 0.790698 .2647062 1.27483 0.784416 40 30 0.622515 .6063879 0.795436 2571723 1.27778 0.782608 30 40 0.624789 .6005416 0.800196 .2496933 1.28075 0.780794 20 So o . 627057 59475" 0.804080 .2422685 1.28374 0.778973 IO 39 o 0.629320 .5890157 0.809784 .2348972 1.28676 0.777146 o 61 IO 0.631578 .5833318 0.814612 .2275786 1.28980 0.775312 50 20 0.633831 -5777077 0.819463 .2203121 1.29287 0.773472 40 30 0.63*078 .5721337 0.824336 .2130970 1.29597 0.771625 30 40 0.638320 .5666121 0.829234 .2059327 1.29909 0.769771 20 So 0.640557 .5611424 0.834155 .1988184 1.30223 0.767911 IO 40 o 0.642788 .5557238 0.839100 .1917536 1.30541 0.766044 o 60 IO o . 645013 .5503558 0.844069 1847376 1.30861 0.764171 50 20 0.647233 .5450378 0.849062 .1777698 1.31183 0.762292 40 30 0.649448 .5397690 0.854081 . 1708496 1-31509 o . 760406 30 40 0.651657 -5345491 0.859124 . 1639763 1.31837 0.758514 20 50 0.653861 .5293773 0.864193 .1571495 1.32168 0.756615 10 41 o 0.656059 .5242531 0.869287 .1503684 1.32501 0.754710 49 IO 0.658252 .5191759 0.874407 . 1436326 1.32838 0.752798 50 20 0.660439 .5141452 0.879553 . 1369414 I.33I77 0.750880 40 30 0.662620 .5091605 0.884725 . 1302944 I.335I9 0.748956 30 40 0.664796 .5042211 0.889924 .1236909 1.33864 0.747025 20 So 0.666966 .4993267 0.895151 .1171305 1.34212 0.745088 IO 48 Deg. Min. Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. Min. Deg. For functions from 48 10' to 55 oo' read from bottom of table upward. 200 PRACTICAL SURVEYING NATURAL FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 42 0.669131 .4944765 0.900404 .1106125 .34563 0.743145 o 48 10 0.671289 .4896703 0.905685 . 1041365 .34917 0.741195 So 20 0.673443 .4849073 0.910994 . 0977020 35274 0.739239 40 30 0.675590 .4801872 0.916331 .0913085 .35634 0.737277 30 40 0.677732 .4755095 0.921697 .0849554 35997 c.735309 20 50 0.679868 4708736 0.927091 .0786423 .36363 0.733335 10 43 o 0.681998 .4662792 0.932515 .0723687 .36733 0.731354 o 47 IO 0.684123 .4617257 0.937968 .0661341 37105 0.729367 So 0.686242 .4572127 0.943451 .0599381 .37481 0.727374 40 30 0.688355 4527397 0.948965 .0537801 .37860 0.725374 30 40 0.690462 .4483063 o.9545o8 .0476598 .38242 0.723369 20 So 0.692563 .4439120 0.960083 .0415767 .38628 0.721357 IO 44 o 0.694658 .4395565 0.965689 .0355303 .39016 0.719340 o 46 IO 0.696748 .4352393 0.971326 .0295203 .39409 0.717316 50 20 0.698832 .4309602 0.976996 .0235461 .39804 0.715286 40 30 0.700909 .4267182 0.982697 .0176074 .40203 0.713251 30 40 0.702981 .4225134 0.988432 .0117088 .40606 0.711209 20 50 0.705047 .4183454 0.994199 .0058348 .41012 0.709161 10 45 0.707107 1.4142136 I.OOOOOO I. 0000000 1.41421 0.707107 45 Deg. Min. Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. Min. Deg. For functions from 45 o' to 48 oo' read from bottom of table upward. TRIGONOMETRY LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS FROM o TO 1000 201 No. o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o ooooo 30103 47712 /___/- OO2OO 69897 77815 84510 90309 95424 10 ooooo 00432 00860 01284 01703 02119 02531 02938 03342 03743 II 04139 04532 04922 05308 05690 06070 06446 06819 07188 07555 12 07918 08279 08636 08991 09342 09691 10037 10380 10721 11059 13 1 1394 11727 12057 12385 12710 13033 13354 13672 13988 14301 14 14613 14922 15229 15534 15836 16137 16435 16732 17026 I73I9 IS 17609 17898 18184 18469 18752 19033 19312 19590 19866 20140 16 20412 20683 20952 21219 21484 21748 220II 22272 22531 22789 17 23045 23300 23553 23805 24055 24304 24551 24797 25042 25285 18 25527 25768 26007 26245 26482 26717 26951 27184 27416 27646 19 27875 28103 28330 28556 28780 29003 29226 29447 29667 29885 20 30103 30320 30535 30750 30963 3H75 31387 31597 31806 32015 21 32222 32428 32634 32838 33041 33244 33445 33646 33846 34044 22 34242 34439 34635 34830 35025 35218 354H 35603 35793 35984 23 36173 36361 36549 36736 36922 37107 37291 37475 37658 37840 24 38021 38202 38382 38561 38739 38917 39094 39270 39445 39620 25 39794 39967 40140 40312 40483 40654 40824 40993 41162 41330 26 41497 41664 41830 41996 42160 42325 42488 42651 42813 42975 27 43136 43297 43457 43616 43775 43933 44091 44248 44404 4456o 28 44716 44871 45025 45179 45332 45484 45637 45788 45939 46090 29 46240 46389 46538 46687 46835 46982 47129 47276 47422 47567 30 47712 47857 48001 48144 48287 48430 48572 48714 48855 48996 31 49136 49276 49415 49554 49693 49831 49969 50106 50243 50379 32 50515 50651 50786 50920 51055 51188 51322 51455 51587 51720 33 5I85I SI983 52H4 52244 52375 52504 52633 52763 52892 53020 34 53148 53275 53403 53529 53656 53782 53908 54033 54158 54283 35 54407 54531 54654 54777 54900 55023 55145 55267 55388 55509 36 55630 55751 55871 55991 56110 56229 56348 56467 56585 56703 37 56820 56937 57054 57I7I 57287 57403 57519 57634 57749 57864 38 57978 58093 58206 58320 58433 58546 58659 58771 58883 58995 39 59io6 592i8 59329 59439 59550 59660 59770 59879 59988 60097 40 60206 60314 60423 60531 60638 60746 6o853 60959 61066 61172 41 61278 61384 61490 61595 61700 61805 61909 62014 62118 62221 42 62325 62428 62531 62634 62737 62839 62941 63043 63144 63246 43 63347 63448 63548 63649 63749 63849 63949 64048 64147 64246 44 64345 64444 64542 64640 64738 64836 64933 65031 65128 65225 45 65321 65418' 65514 65610 65706 65801 65896 65992 66087 66181 46 66276 66370 66464 66558 66652 66745 66839 66932 67025 67117 47 67210 67302 67394 67486 67578 67669 67761 67852 67943 68034 48 68124 68215 68305 68395 68485 68574 68664 68753 68842 68931 49 69020 69108 69197 69285 69373 69461 69548 69636 69723 69810 50 69897 69984 70070 70157 70243 70329 70415 70501 70586 70672 Si 70757 70842 70927 71012 71096 71181 71265 71349 71433 7I5I7 52 71600 71684 71767 71850 71933 72016 72099 72181 72263 72346 53 72428 72509 72591 72673 72754 72835 72916 72997 73078 73159 54 73239 73320 73400 7348o 7356o 73640 73719 73799 73878 73957 202 PRACTICAL SURVEYING LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS FROM o TO 1000 (Continued] No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55 74036 74H5 74194 74273 74351 74429 74507 74586 74663 74741 56 748i9 74896 74974 75051 75128 75205 75282 75358 75435 7551 1 57 75587 7566 4 75740 75815 75891 75967 76042 76118 76193 ' 76268 58 76343 76418 76492 76567 76641 76716 76790 76864 76938 i 77012 59 77085 77159 77232 77305 77379 77452 77525 77597 77670 77743 60 77815 77887 77960 78032 78104 78176 78247 78319 78390 78462 61 78533 78604 78675 78746 78817 78888 78958 79029 79099 79169 62 79239 79309 79379 79449 79518 79588 79657 79727 79796 79865 63 79934 80003 80072 80140 80209 80277 80346 80414 80482 , 80550 64 80618 80686 80754 80821 80889 80956 81023 81090 81158 81224 65 81291 81358 81425 81491 81558 81624 81690 81756 81823 81889 66 81954 82020 82086 82151 82217 82282 82347 82413 82478 82543 67 82607 82672 82737 82802 82866 82930 82995 83059 83123 83187 68 83251 83315 83378 83442 83506 83569 83632 83696 83759 83822 69 83885 83948 84011 84073 84136, 84198 84261 84323 84386 84448 70 84510 84572 84634 84696 84757 84819 84880 84942 85003 85065 7i 85126 85187 85248 85309 85370 85431 85491 85552 85612 85673 72 85733 85794 85854 853I4 85974 86034 86094 86153 86213 86273 73 86332 86392 86451 86510 86570 86629 86638 86747 86806 86864 74 86923 86982 87040 87093 87157 87216 87274 87332 87390 87448 75 87506 87564 87622 87680 87737 87795 87852 87910 87967 88024 76 88081 88138 88196 88252 | 88309 88366 88423 88480 88536 88593 77 88649 88705 88762 88818 i 88874 88930 88986 89042 89098 89154 78 89209 89265 89321 89376 89432 89487 89542 89597 89653 ! 89708 79 89763 89818 89873 89927 89982 90037 90091 90146 90200 90255 80 90309 90363 90417 90472 90526 90580 90634 90687 90741 90795 81 90849 90902 90956 91009 91062 91116 91169 91222 91275 91328 82 9I38I 91434 91487 91540 91593 91645 91698 9I75I 91803 91855 83 91908 91960 92012 92065 92117 92169 92221 92273 92324 92376 84 92428 92480 92531 92583 92634 92686 92737 92788 92840 92891 85 92942 92993 93044 93095 93146 93197 93247 93298 93349 93399 86 93450 935QO 93551 936oi 93651 93702 93752 93802 93852 93902 87 93952 94002 94052 94IOI 94151 94201 94250 94300 94349 94399 88 94448 94498 94547 94596 94645 946Q4 94743 94792 94841 94890 89 94939 94988 95036 95085 95134 95182 95231 95279 95328 95376 90 95424 95472 95521 95569 95617 95665 95713 9576i 95809 95856 9i 95904 95952 95999 96047 96095 96142 96190 96237 96284 96332 92 96379 96426 96473 96520 96567 96614 96661 96708 96755 96802 93 96848 96895 96942 96988 97035 97081 97128 97174 97220 97267 94 97313 97359 97405 97451 97497 97543 97589 97635 97681 97727 95 97772 978i8 97864 97909 97955 , 98000 98046 98091 98137 98182 96 98227 98272 98318 98363 98408 98453 98498 98543 98588 98632 97 98677 98722 98767 98811 98856 98900 98945 98989 99034 99078 98 99123 99167 9921 1 99255 99300 99344 99388 994.V 99476 99520 99 99564 99607 99651 99695 99739 99782 99826 99870 99913 99957 TRIGONOMETRY LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES 203 Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. oc OC OC OC lO.OOOOO IO. OOOOO o 90 10 7.46373 12.53627 7.46373 12.53627 IO.OOOOO 9.99999 So 20 7 76475 12.23525 7.76476 12.23524 10.00000 9-99999 40 30 7.94084 12.05916 7.94086 12.05914 IO.OOO02 9.99998 30 40 8.06578 11.93422 8.06581 11.93419 10.00003 9-99997 20 50 8.16268 11.83732 8.16272 II..83727 10.00005 9-99995 10 1 8.24186 11.75814 8.24192 11.75808 10.00007 9-99993 89 10 8.30879 11.69121 8.30888 11.69111 10.00009 9-99991 50 20 8.36678 11.63322 8.36689 11.63311 IO.OOOI2 9-99988 40 30 8.41792 11.58208 8.41807 II.58I93 10.00015 9-99985 30 40 8.46366 11.53634 8.46385 II.536I5 10.00018 9.99982 20 So 8.50504 11.49496 8.50527 11-49473 IO.OO022 9-99978 IO 2 8.54282 II.457I8 8.54308 11.45692 IO.OOO26 9-99974 88 IO 8.57757 11.42243 8.57788 11.42212 10.00031 9.99969 50 20 8.60973 11.39027 8.61009 11.38990 10.00036 9.99964 40 30 8.63968 11.36032 8.64009 II-3599I 10.00041 9 99959 30 40 8.66769 II.3323I 8.66816 II.33I84 IO.OOO47 9-99953 20 50 8.69400 11.30600 8.69453 H.30547 10.00053 9-99947 IO a 8.71880 11.28120 8.71940 11.28060 IO.OOO6O 9-99940 o 87 IO 8.74226 n.25774 8.74292 11.25708 10.00066 9-99934 So 20 8.76451 H.23549 8.76525 11.23475 IO.OOO74 9-99926 40 30 8.78567 11.21432 8.78648 11.21351 10.00081 9.99919 30 40 8.80585 11.19415 8.80674 11.19326 10.00089 9-999H 20 50 8.82513 11.17487 8.82610 11.17390 10.00097 9.99903 IO 4 8.84358 11.15642 8.84464 11.15536 IO.OOI06 9.99894 o 86 10 ' 8.86128 11.13872 8.86243 II 13757 IO.OOII5 9-99885 50 20 8.87829 11.12171 8.87953 11.12047 IO.OOI24 9-99876 40 30 8.89464 11.10536 8.89598 11.10402 10.00134 9.99866 30 40 8.91040 11.08960 8.91185 11.08815 IO.OOI44 9.99856 20 50 8.92561 11.07439 8.92716 11.07284 10.00155 9.99845 10 5 8.04030 11.05970 8.94195 11.05805 IO.OOI66 9.99834 o 85 10 8.95450 11.04550 8.95627 n.04373 IO.OOI77 9 99823 50 20 8.96825 11-03175 8-97013 11.02987 10.00188 9.99812 40 30 8.03157 11.01843 8.98358 11.01642 10 . OO2OO 9.998oo 30 40 8.99450 I I . 00550 8.99662 11.00337 IO.OO2I3 9.99787 20 50 9.00704 10.99296 9.00930 10.99070 IO.OO225 9-99775 10 6 o 9 01923 10.98076 9.02162 10.97838 10.00239 9-9976i 84 IO 9.03109 10.96891 9 03361 10.96639 10.00252 9-99748 50 20 9 . 04262 10.95738 9-04528 10.95472 10.00266 9-99734 40 30 9 05386 10.94614 9.05666 10.94334 10.00280 9-99720 30 40 9.06480 10.93519 9-06775 10.93225 IO.OO295 9-99705 20 50 9.07548 10.92452 9.07858 10.92142 IO.O03IO 9.99690 10 83 Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. I For functions from 83 10' to 90 oc/ read from bottom of table upward. 204 PRACTICAL SURVEYING LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 7 o 9-08589 10.91411 9.08914 10.91086 10.00325 9.99675 83 IO 9.09606 10.90394 9.09947 10.90053 10.00341 9.99659 So 20 9-10599 10.89401 9-10956 10.89044 10.00357 9.99643 40 30 9.11570 10.88430 9-II943 10.88057 10.00373 9.99627 30 40 9.12519 10.87481 9-12909 10.87091 10.00390 9.99610 20 So 9-13447 10.86553 9.13854 10.86146 10.00407 9 99593 10 8 o 9.14356 10.85644 9.14780 10.85220 10.00425 9 99575 82 IO 9.15245 10.84755 9.15688 10.84312 10.00443 9-99557 50 20 9.16116 10.83884 9.16577 10.83423 10.00461 9-99539 40 30 9.16970 10.83030 9-17450 10.82550 10.00480 9-99520 30 40 9.17807 10.82193 9.18306 10.81694 10.00499 9-99501 20 50 9.18628 10.81372 9.19146 10.80854 10.00518 9.99482 IO 9 O 9-19433 10.80567 9.19971 10.80029 10.00538 9.99462 o 81 IO 9.20223 10.79777 9.20782 10.79218 10.00558 9.99442 50 20 9.20999 10.79001 9-21578 10.78422 10.00579 9.99421 40 30 9.21761 10.78239 9.22361 10.77639 10.00600 9.99400 30 40 9.22509 10.77491 9-23130 10.76870 10.00621 9-99379 20 50 9-23244 10.76756 9-23887 10.76113 10.00643 9-99357 10 10 9-23967 10.76033 9-24632 10.75368 10.00665 9-99335 80 IO 9-24677 10.75323 9-25365 10.74635 10.00687 9-99313 50 20 9.25376 10.74624 9.26086 10.73914 10.00710 9.99290 40 30 9.26063 10.73937 9.26797 10.73203 10.00733 9.99267 30 40 9.26739 10.73261 9.27496 10.72503 10.00757 9-99243 20 50 9-27405 10.72595 9.28186 10.71814 10.00781 9.99219 IO 11 9.28060 10.71940 9.28865 10,71135 10.00805 9.99195 o 79 10 9.28705 10.71295 9-29535 10.70465 10.00830 9.99170. 50 20 9-29340 10.70660 9.30195 10.69805 10.00855 9-99M5 40 30 9-29966 10.70034 9-30846 10.69154 10.00881 9.99119 30 40 9-30582 10.69418 9.31489 10.68511 10.00901 9-99093 20 50 9.3"89 10.68811 9.32122 10.67878 10.00933 9.99067 IO 12 o 9.31788 10.68212 9.32747 10.67253 10.00960 9.99040 O 78 10 9-32378 10.67622 9.33365 10.66635 10.00987 9.99013 50 20 9.32960 10.67040 9-33974 10.66026 10.01014 9.98986 40 30 9-33534 10.66466 9.34576 10.65424 10.01042 9.98958 30 40 9-34100 10.65900 9.35170 10.64830 10.01070 9.98930 20 50 9.34658 10.65342 9-35757 10.64243 10.01099 9.98901 IO 13 o 9.35209 10.64791 9.36336 10.63664 10.01128 9.98872 o 77 IO 9-35752 10.64248 9-36909 10.63091 10.01157 9.98843 So 20 9.36289 10.63711 9.37476 10.62524 10.01187 9-98813 40 30 9-36819 10.63181 9-38035 10.61965 10.01217 9.98783 30 40 9-37341 10.62659 9-38589 10.61411 10.01247 9.98752 20 50 9.37858 10.62142 9-39r36 10.60864 10.01278 9.98722 IO 76 Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. For functions from 76 10' to 83 oo' read from bottom of table upward. TRIGONOMETRY LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) 205 Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 14 9-38368 10.61632 9-39677 10.60323 10.01310 9.98690 76 IO 9-38871 10.61129 9.40212 10.59788 10.01341 9.98659 So 20 9.39369 10.60631 9.40742 10.59258 10.01373 9.98627 40 30 9.3986o 10.60140 9.41266 10.58734 10.01406 9.98594 30 40 9.40346 10.59654 9.41784 10.58216 10.01439 9.98561 20 50 9.40825 io.59i75 9.42297 10.57703 10.01472 9-98528 IO 15 9.41300 10.587* 9.42805 10.57195 10.01506 9.98494 o 75 10 9.41768 10.58232 9.43308 10.56692 10.01540 9-98460 50 20 9.42232 10.57768 9.438o6 10.56194 10.01574 9.98426 40 30 9.42690 io.573io 9.44299 10.55701 10.01609 9.98391 30 40 9.43I43 10.56857 9.44787 10.55213 10.01644 9.98356 20 50 9-43590 10.56409 9.45271 10.54729 10.01680 9-98320 IO 16 9-44034 10.55966 9-45750 10.54250 10.01716 9.98284 74 10 9-44472 10.55528 9.46224 10.53776 10.01752 9.98248 50 20 9.44905 10.55095 9-46694 10.53305 10.01789 9.98211 40 30 9-45334 10.54666 9.47160 10.52840 10.01826 9.98174 30 40 9-45758 10.54242 9.47622 10.52378 10.01864 9-98136 20 50 9.46178 10.53822 9.48080 10.51920 10.01902 9.98098 IO 17 o 9.46594 10.53406 9.48534 10.51466 10.01940 9.98060 o 73 IO 9-47005 10.52995 9.48984 10.51016 10.01979 9.98021 50 20 9-474" 10.52589 9-49430 10.50570 10.02018 9.97982 40 30 9.47814 10.52186 9.49872 10.50128 10.02058 9-97942 30 40 9-48213 10.51787 9.50311 10.49689 10.02098 9.97902 20 50 9.48607 I0.5I393 9.50746 10.49254 10.02138 9.97861 10 18 o 9.48998 10.51002 9.5H78 10.48822 10.02179 9.97821 o 78 10 9.49385 10.50615 9.51606 10.48394 10.02221 9-97779 50 20 9-49768 10.50232 9-52031 10.47969 10.02262 9-97738 40 30 9-50I48 10.49852 9.52452 10.47548 IO.O23O4 9.97696 30 40 9.50523 10.49477 9.52870 10.47130 10.02347 9.97653 20 50 9.50896 10.49104 9.53285 10.46715 IO.O2390 9.97610 10 19 9-5I264 10.48736 9.53697 10.46303 10.02433 9-97567 71 IO 9.51629 10.48371 9.54io6 10.45894 10.02477 9.97523 50 20 9.5I99I 10.48009 9-54512 10.45488 10.02521 9-97479 40 30 9.52350 10.47650 9-54915 10.45085 10.02565 9-97435 30 40 9.52705 10.47295 9-55315 10.44685 10.02610 9-97390 20 50 9-53057 10.46944 9-55712 10.44288 10 . 02656 9-97344 IO 20 9-53405 10.46595 9.56107 10.43893 10.02701 9.97299 o 70 10 9-53751 10.46249 9.56498 10.43502 10.02748 9.97252 50 20 9-54093 10.45907 9.56887 10.43113 10.02794 9.97206 40 30 9-54433 10.45567 9.57274 10.42726 10.02841 9-97159 30 40 9.54769 10.45231 9.57658 10.42342 10.02889 9.97111 20 50 9 55102 10.44898 9-58039 10.41961 10.02936 9-97063 10 69 Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. For functions from 69 lo 7 to 76 oo' read from bottom of table upward. 206 PRACTICAL SURVEYING LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 21 9-55433 10.44567 9-58418 10.41582 10.02985 9-97015 69 10 9.5576i 10.44239 9.58794 10.41206 10.03034 .9-96966 50 20 9-56085 io.439i5 9.59168 10.40832 10.03083 9.96917 40 30 9.56408 10.43592 9-59540 10.40460 10.03132 9.96868 30 40 9-56727 10.43273 9-59909 10.40091 10.03182 9.96818 20 50 9-57044 10.42956 9 . 60276 10.39724 10.03233 9-96767 10 22 9.57358 10.42642 9.60641 10.39359 10.03283 9.96717 o 68 10 9-57669 10.42331 9.61004 10.38996 10.03335 9-96665 50 20 9.57978 10.42022 9-61364 10.38636 10.03386 9.96614 40 30 9-58284 10.41716 9.61722 10.38278 10.03438 9.95562 30 40 9-53583 10.41412 9.62079 10.37921 10.03491 9-96509 20 50 9.58889 10.41111 9-62433 10.37567 10.03544 9-96456 10 23 9.59188 10.40812 9-62785 10.37215 10.03597 9.96403 67 10 9.59484 10.40516 9.63135 10.36365 10.03651 9.96349 50 20 9.59778 10.40222 9.63484 10.36516 10.03706 9-96294 40 30 9 . 60070 io.3993o 9-63830 10.36170 10.03760 9.96240 30 40 9.60359 10.39641 9.64175 10.35825 10.03815 9.96185 20 50 9.60646 10.39354 9.64517 10.35483 10.03871 9.96129 10 24 9 60931 10.39069 9-64858 10.35142 10.03927 9-96073 C6 10 9.61214 10.38786 9.65197 10.34803 10.03983 9.96017 50 20 9.61494 10.38506 9.65535 10.34465 10.04040 9.9596o 40 30 9.6i773 10.38227 9-65870 10.34130 10 . 04098 9-95902 30 40 9-62049 10.37951 9.66204 10.33795 10.04156 9.95845 20 50 9-62323 10.37677 9.66537 10.33463 10.04214 9.95786 IO 25 9-62595 10.37405 9.66867 10 33133 10.04272 9 95728 66 10 9.62865 10.37135 9.67196 10.32804 10.04332 | 9.95668 50 20 9-63I33 10.36867 9-67524 10.32476 10.04391 9.95609 40 30 9.63398 10.36602 9.67850 10.32150 10.04451 9-95549 30 40 9.63662 10.36338 9.68174 10.31826 10.04512 9.95488 20 50 9.63924 10.36076 9-68497 10.31503 10.04573 9.95427 10 26 9.64184 10.35816 9.68818 10.31182 10.04634 9.95366 o 64 10 9-64442 10.35558 9.69138 10.30862 10.04696 9-95304 50 20 9.64698 10.35302 9-69457 10.30543 10.04758 9.95242 40 30 9.64953 10.35047 9.69774 10.30226 10.04821 9.95179 30 40 9-65205 10.34795 9.70089 '10.29911 10.04884 9-9SII6 20 50 9.65456 10.34544 9.70404 10.29596 10.04948 9-95052 10 27 o 9.65705 10.34295 9.70717 10 . 29283 10.05012 9.94988 o 63 10 9.65952 10.34048 9.71028 10.28972 10.05077 9-94923 50 20 9.66197 10.33803 9.71338 10.28661 10.05142 9.94858 40 30 9.66441 10.33559 9-71648 10.28352 10.05207 9-94793 30 40 9.66682 I0.333I8 9-71955 10.28045 10.05273 9.94727 20 50 9-66923 10.33078 9.72262 10.27738 10.05340 9.94660 10 62 Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. For functions from 62 10' to 69 oo' read from bottom of table upward. TRIGONOMETRY LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) 207 Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 28 o 9.67161 10.32839 9.72567 10.27433 10.05406 9-94593 o 62 10 9.67398 10.32602 9.72872 10.27128 10.05474 9-94526 50 20 9-67633 10.32367 9-73175 10.26825 10.05542 9-94458 40 30 9.67866 10.32134 9-73476 10.26524 10.05610 9-94390 30 40 9.68098 10.31902 9-73777 10.26223 10.05679 9-94321 20 SO 9.68328 10.31672 9.74077 10.25923 10.05748 9.94252 10 29 9-68557 10.31443 9-74375 10.25625 10.05818 9.94182 o 61 IO 9.68784 10.31216 9.74673 10.25327 10.05888 9.94112 50 20 9.69010 10.30990 9.74969 10.25031 10.05959 9 94041 40 30 9-69234 10.30766 9.75264 10.24736 10.06030 9-93970 30 40 9.69456 10.30544 9-75558 10.24442 10.06102 9.93898 20 50 9-69677 10.30323 9.75852 10.24148 10.06174 9-93826 10 SO 9.69897 10.30103 9.76144 10.23856 10.06247 9-93753 60 IO 9.70115 10.29885 9.76435 10.23565 10.06320 9.9368o 50 20 9-70332 10.29668 9.76726 10.23275 10.06394 9.936o6 40 30 9.70547 10.29453 9-77015 10.22985 10.06468 9-93532 30 40 9.70761 10.29239 9.77303 10.22697 10.06543 9-93457 20 So 9.70973 10.29027 9-77591 10.22409 10.06618 9-93382 10 31 9.71184 10.28816 9.77877 10.22123 10.06693 9.93307 o 59 10 9-71393 10.28607 9-78163 10.21837 10.06770 9-93230 50 20 9.71602 10.28398 9.78448 10.21552 10.06846 9-93154 40 30 9.71809 10.28191 9.78732 10.21268 10.06923 9.93077 30 40 9.72014 10.27986 9-79015 10.20985 10.07001 9.92999 20 50 9.72218 10.27782 9.79297 10 . 20703 10.07079 9.92921 10 32 o 9.72421 10.27579 9-79579 10.20421 10.07158 9.92842 O 58 10 9.72622 10.27378 9.79860 10.20140 10.07237 9.92763 50 20 9.72823 10.27177 9.80140 10.19860 10.07317 9.92683 40 30 9-73022 10.26978 9.80419 10.19581 10.07397 9.92603 30 40 9.73219 10.26781 9-80697 10.19303 10.07478 9.92522 20 50 9.73416 10.26584 9.80975 10.19025 10.07559 9.92441 10 33 9.73611 10.26389 9.81252 10.18748 10.07641 9 92359 o 57 10 9.73805 10.26195 9.81528 10.18472 10.07723 9.92277 50 20 9-73997 10.26003 9.81803 10.18197 10.07806 9.92II94 40 30 9.74189 10.25811 9.82078 10.17922 10.07889 9.92111 30 40 9-74379 10.25621 9-82352 10.17648 10.07973 9.92027 20 50 9.74568 10.25432 9.82626 10.17374 10.08058 9.91942 IO 34 o 9.74756 10.25244 9-82899 10.17101 10.08143 9.91857 56 IO 9-74943 10.25057 9-83I7I 10.16829 10.08228 9.91772 50 20 9.75I28 10.24872 9.83442 10.16558 10.08314 9.91686 40 30 9-75313 10.24687 9.837I3 10.16287 10.08401 9.91599 30 40 9.75496 10.24504 9.83984 10.16016 10.08488 9.9ISI2 20 50 9.75678 10.24322 9.84254 10.15746 10.08575 9-9I425 10 55 Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. For functions from 55 10' to 62 oc/ read from bottom of table upward. 208 PRACTICAL SURVEYING LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 35 o 9.75859 10.24141 9-84523 10.15477 10.08664 9.91336 o 55 10 9-76039 10.23961 9.84791 10.15209 10.08752 9-91248 50 20 9.76218 10.23782 9-85059 10.14941 10.08842 9.9H58 40 30 9.76395 10.23604 9-85327 10.14673 10.08931 9-91069 30 40 9.76572 10.23428 9.85594 10.14406 10.09022 9-90978 20 50 9.76747 10.23253 9.85860 10.14140 10.09113 9-90887 IO 36 o 9.76922 10.23078 9.86126 10.13874 10.09204 9.90796 54 10 9.77095 10.22905 9-86392 10.13608 10 . 09296 9.90704 50 20 9.77268 10.22732 9.86656 10.13344 10.09389 9.90611 40 30 9-77439 10.22561 9.86921 10.13079 10.09482 9-90518 30 40 9.77609 10.22391 9-87185 10.12815 10.09576 9.90424 20 50 9-77778 I O. 22222 9.87448 10.12552 10.09670 9.90330 10 37 o 9.77946 IO.22O54 9-87711 10.12289 10.09765 9.90235 53 10 9.78H3 IO.2I887 9.87974 10.12026 10.09861 9-90139 50 20 9.78280 I0.2I72O 9.88236 10.11764 10.09957 9-90043 40 30 9.78445 10.21555 9.88498 10.11502 10.10053 9.89947 30 40 9-78609 10.21391 9.88759 10.11241 10.10151 9.89849 20 50 9.78772 10.21228 9.89020 10.10980 10.10248 9-89752 10 38 o 9.78934 IO.2IO66 9.89281 10.10719 10.10347 9.89653 o 52 IO 9-79095 10.20905 9.89541 10.10459 10.10446 9.89554 So 20 9.79256 10.20744 9.89801 10.10199 10.10545 9.89455 40 30 9-79415 10.20585 9.90061 10.09939 10.10646 9.89354 30 40 9-79573 10.20427 9.90320 10.09680 10.10746 9.89254 20 50 9-79731 10.20269 9.90578 10.09422 10.10848 9.89152 10 39 o 9.79887 IO.2OII3 9.90837 10.09163 10.10950 9-89050 o 51 10 9-80043 10.19957 9-91095 10.08905 10.11052 9.88948 50 20 9.80197 10.19803 9.91353 10.08647 10.11156 9.88844 40 30 9-80351 10.19649 9.91610 10.08390 10.11259 9.88741 30 40 9-80504 IO.I9496 9.91868 10.08132 10.11364 9.88636 20 50 9.80656 10.19344 9.92125 10.07875 10.11469 9-88531 10 40 o 9.80807 10.19193 9.92381 10.07619 10.11575 9.88425 O 50 TO 9.80957 IO.I9O43 9-92638 10.07362 10. 11681 9.88319 50 2O 9.81106 10.18894 9.92894 10.07106 10.11788 9.88212 40 30 9-81254 10.18746 9.93150 10.06850 10.11895 9.88105 30 40 9.81402 10.18598 9.93406 10.06594 10.12004 9.87996 20 50 9-81548 IO.I845I 9.93661 10.06339 10.12113 9.87887 IO 41 9.81694 10.18306 9.939i6 10.06084 10.12222 9.87778 o 49 10 9 81839 10. 18161 9.94171 10.05829 10.12332 9.87668 50 20 9 81983 10.18017 9.94426 10.05574 10.12443 9-87557 40 30 9.82126 10.17874 9.94681 10.05319 10.12554 9.87446 30 40 9.82269 10.17731 9-94935 10.05065 10.12666 9-87334 ?o 50 9.82410 10.17590 9.95190 10.04810 10.12779 9.87221 10 48 Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. For functions from 48 10' to 55 oo' read from bottom of table upward TRIGONOMETRY LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS OF ANGLES (Continued) 209 1 Deg. Min. Sine. Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Sec. Cosine. Min. Deg. 42 o 9-82551 10.17449 9-95444 10.04556 10.12893 9.87107 o 48 10 9.82691 10.17309 9.95698 10.04302 10.13007 9.86993 So 20 9.82830 10.17170 9-95952 10.04048 10.13121 9.86879 40 30 9.82968 10.17032 9.96205 10.03795 10.13237 9.86763 30 40 9.83106 10.16894 9.96459 10.03541 10.13353 9.86647 20 So 9.83242 10.16758 9.96712 10.03288 10.13470 9.86530 10 43 9.83378 10.16622 9.96966 10.03034 10.13587 9-86413 o 47 10 9-83513 10.16487 9.97219 10.02781 10.13705 9-86295 So 20 9.83648 10.16352 9-97472 10.02528 10.13824 9.86176 40 30 9.83781 10.16219 9-97725 10.02275 10.13944 9.86056 30 40 9.83914 10.16086 9.97978 10.02022 10.14064 9 85936 20 SO 9.84046 10.15954 9.98231 IO.OI7O9 10.14185 9-85815 IO 44 o 9.84177 10.15823 9-98484 IO.OI5I6 10.14307 9-85693 O 46 10 9.84308 10.15692 9.98737 10.01263 10.14429 9.85571 So 20 9-84437 10.15563 9.98989 IO.OIOII 10.14552 9.85448 40 30 9.84566 10.15434 9.99242 10.00758 10.14676 9-85324 30 40 9-84694 10.15306 9-99495 IO.OO5O5 10.14800 9.85200 20 So 9.84822 10.15178 9-99747 IO.O0253 10.14926 9-85074 10 46 9.84949 10.15052 10.00000 10.00000 IO . 15052 9.84949 46 Cosine. Sec. Cotang. Tang. Cosec. Sine. For functions from 45 09' to 48 oo' read from bottom of table upward. CHAPTER VI TRANSIT SURVEYING Surveying was an established calling many centuries be- fore the compass was known, there being a well-developed system of mensuration in Egypt in the time of Joseph. Nothing however is known of the instruments used in the most ancient times. In the second century B.C. there lived in Alexandria Heron the Elder, a mathematician and practical surveyor. He has been styled "The first engineer," because of a number of inventions, one being the aeolipile, the first steam engine. A book entitled "Dioptra," the first known treatise on surveying, is supposed to have been written by him although some writers believe it to be the work of a later writer of the same name. The "Dioptra" is a treatise on the use of the diopter, a surveying instru- ment in common use up to the end of the Middle Ages. With this instrument the Romans laid out their cities, roads, aqueducts and all public works. Venturi wrote : " Dioptra were instruments resembling the modern theodolites. The instrument consisted of a rod, four yards long, with little plates at the end for aiming. This rested upon a circular disk. The rod could be moved horizontally and also vertically. By turning the rod around until stopped by two suitably located pins on the circular disk, the surveyor could work off a line perpendic- ular to a given direction. The level and plumb line were also used." From an illustration given by Heron of a simple diopter and from an illustration given by Venturi of a later type it is evident that the instrument was merely a large surveyors' cross for setting out perpendiculars. At what date the plate was graduated so other angles could be set off no one seems to know. The compass was not long in use before a needle was placed on the plate of the 210 TRANSIT SURVEYING 211 diopter, later followed by two concentric plates so that angles could be read independently of the needle. Transversals were used to subdivide the graduations to enable fine readings to be taken. About the year 1608 a Dutch spectacle maker named Lippershey discovered the principle of the telescope and Galileo, in 1609, made the first telescope. In 1631 the vernier was invented and in 1640 cross-hairs were used to define the optical axis, or line of sight, of a telescope. When the vernier was used to read the graduated circles and the improved telescope took the place of the sighting disks, the diopter became a theodolite. This instrument seems to have been first men- tioned in print about the year 1674. The first English tele- scopic theodolite is believed to have been made in 1723. Fig. 1 80, copied from an old edition of Davies' Survey- ing, shows the type in use in 1835. The etymology of the word is doubtful, some writers believing it to come from three Greek words mean- ing "to see a way plainly," while others believe it to have been named as a compliment to M. Theodolus, a French mathematician who wrote a treatise concerning its use, and who may have been the man who was responsible for the final form the diopter assumed before the name was changed. The first may have been called "Dioptra Theodolus." The theodolite was not well adapted to the work re- quired of a surveying instrument in America and the compass held sway until the commencement of steam rail- way construction. The graduated plates with verniers made the theodolite a good instrument for laying out rail- way curves, a work for which the compass was plainly riot fit. The telescope with its cross-hairs enabled points to FIG. 1 80. Cradle theodolite. 212 PRACTICAL SURVEYING be set with an accuracy equal to that of the graduations but rapid work could not be done because the telescope was mounted in wyes (cradles) and could only be reversed for backsights by changing it in the wyes end for end. In 1831 Mr. Young, an instrument maker in Philadelphia, applied the principle of the astronomical transit instru- ment to a mounting for a theodolite telescope and the "Portable American Transit for Engineers" appeared. It is the standard surveying instrument in America today for everything but work of the highest character. On such work theodolites are used, the word in the United States being limited to high-grade surveying instruments without a compass, the omission of the needle permitting of great rigidity in the mounting of the telescope. Few, if any, "cradle" theodolites are made. In Europe the word theodolite is used to describe all surveying instruments having graduated horizontal and vertical circles, with and without needles, and regardless of how the telescopes are mounted. The transit is mounted on a vertical compound center. That is, the vertical shaft has a central solid spindle fitting in an outer one which works in a deep socket attached to the leveling device. The outer portion of the vertical center carries a horizontal disk with a circumferential band of silver on top, the inner edge of the band being graduated. The solid spindle carries a horizontal disk extending over the graduated ring. Upon this covering plate is placed the standards carrying the telescope, verniers for reading the graduations closely and a compass. The compass needle is as long as possible, for much work is done with the needle in sections of the country .where land is cheap. The compass is always fitted with a screw for lifting the needle and is usually supplied with a varia- tion plate. The compass box occupies much space and it is necessary to place the telescope standards near the edge of the plate. This lessens the stability somewhat, in the opinion of hypercritical persons, but not enough to affect much of the work done by the majority of engineers and surveyors. For high-grade city surveying the standards are U-shape, thus bringing them closer to the center at the base, and a trough compass is used. The trough com- TRANSIT SURVEYING 213 pass consists of a needle mounted in a narrow box so it can swing only a few degrees to the right or left of the meridian. A needle thus mounted serves to set the line of sight in the magnetic meridian, from which base line other courses are run wholly by angles read on the horizontal plate. In Fig. 181 is shown a typical American transit used for most of the work done by engineers and surveyors. The transit is attached to a tripod, the upper end of which is shown. A. The ring containing the threads for attaching the transit to the tripod. It is often called the "lower screw plate." B. The leveling screws. These screws work in dustproof screw caps attached to a plate, made in the shape of a cross for light- ness. This cross, "upper screw plate," contains the socket in which the instrument center spindle works. On the lower end of this socket is attached a ball joint working in a plate underneath the lower screw plate. The hole in this plate is much larger than the socket stem so by loosening the screws the entire instrument may be moved from one side to the other, the device being termed a "shifting center." Four screws are commonly used, but for many years only three screws have been customary on the highest grade instruments for geodetic work. Within recent years three-screw bases have been made which are almost as compact as four-screw bases, and many engineers now have three instead of four leveling screws on their transits and levels. No man who is accustomed to using three screws goes back willingly to four. The latter are much the slower, are not as stable and require the use of two hands to keep the bubbles centered in the plate levels. Leveling screws are used to keep the horizontal plate FIG. 181. Modern American transit. 214 PRACTICAL SURVEYING level. If the plate is not level all horizontal angles read will be too small. C. The lower clamp screw. This screw works in a clamp attached to the spindle socket, the inner end of the screw resting against a block. When turned it presses the block against the outer spindle thus clamping the spindle to the socket. D. Lower tangent screw. This is fastened to the upper screw plate and works against the lower clamp screw for the purpose of making a final adjustment. Formerly two op- posing screws were used but now there is but one screw as shown, the cylindrical case on the other side of the clamp screw containing a strong German silver spring. E. The upper clamp screw used to clamp the inner and outer spindles together.. F. The upper tangent screw with opposing spring for making a final adjustment of the line of sight. G. The needle lifter. A similar screw not shown is used to shift the variation plate. H. Clamp screw for the vertical arc. This screw is on an arm which it clamps to the axis of the telescope. The lower end of the arm is between the vertical arc tangent screw and opposing spring. /. Vertical arc tangent screw. After the clamp screw clamps the telescope axis the tangent screw is used to make the final small vertical movement required for accurate pointing. The graduated disk shown ahead of the vertical arc tangent screw is a gradienter. The author had two tran- sits equipped with gradienters and used these transits for more than sixteen years. In all that time he found no occasion when he could use a gradienter to advantage. Furthermore he has yet to meet an engineer who uses a gradienter in preference to stadia wires or the vertical arc. In purchasing a transit five dollars are saved when the gradienter is omitted. If the gradienter is to be of service the threads of the tangent screw must be accurately cut and be in perfect condition. After a few years of use all screw threads are worn and while slight wear does not affect them for use on tangent screws it does make them unfit for mi- crometer work, the gradienter being a form of micrometer. TRANSIT SURVEYING 215 Two small levels are used to level the horizontal plate. One is set parallel with the line of sight, usually on the left standards as shown in the cut. The other is set across the line of sight on the edge of the plate under the object end of the telescope, and is the more important of the two. The bubbles are centered by means of the leveling screws B. Through a rectangular opening in the upper plate the graduations and vernier are viewed. This opening is covered with glass and a reflector of celluloid, or ground glass, is used to enable the graduations to be seen readily. On the best transits double verniers are used, 180 de- grees apart, so readings may be checked and to assist in repeating readings. Some makers place the vernier on the sides between the standards; others directly under the tele- scope, but the best place is 30 degrees to the left of the line of sight and is most common. In this position the vernier may be read without disturbing the telescope and the surveyor does not have to step around the instrument. The telescope is mounted on an axis revolving in bear- ings on top of the standards. It is generally of such a length as to permit of a complete revolution, but with a sunshade on the object end the eye end only will clear the compass glass. The small capstan screws on the telescope tube indicate the location of the cross-wires, which are brought into the field of view by moving the eyepiece in or out. This focusing is done in one of several ways: by a straight pull, by a screwing motion or by means of a screw near the eyepiece which moves a rack and pinion within the tube. The object glass is focused by means of a screw on the right-hand side of the telescope and is therefore not shown in the cut. Some makers place this screw on top. For taking vertical angles a vernier is attached to the left-hand standards and an arc or a full circle is attached to the telescope axis. For practically ninety-five per cent of work done by surveyors an arc like that shown in the cut is sufficient and the author prefers it to a full circle which is more apt to be injured because of its projection above the top of the standards. A full circle is particularly ex- posed to damage in brushy land. When long lines are run and elevations are taken by means of vertical angles, 21 6 PRACTICAL SURVEYING instead of a regular level, as happens frequently in under- ground surveying, a full circle with double and opposite verniers is advisable. It should be enclosed in a protective shield with glazed verniers. Under the telescope is shown a long level. When in ad- justment this may be used for leveling, the transit being therefore a leveling instrument as well as an angle measurer. First level the instrument so the bubbles in the plate levels remain stationary during a complete revolution horizontally. Then place the telescope in as nearly a horizontal position as possible and clamp the axis. By means of the vertical tangent screw bring the bubble of the long level under the telescope to the center. If in ad- justment it will remain stationary during a revolution of the instrument on the vertical axis. If left in this position it will not be necessary on succeeding "set-ups" to first level the plate, the telescope being alternately leveled over each pair of screws, precisely like an engineer's level. Accurate leveling may be done with a transit but it is slow compared with a level. When the transit is not being used as a level the telescope should be pointed vertically, or in line with the vertical axis when the instrument is carried between stations. It should be clamped as lightly as possible. In this way it offers the least obstruction in brush and a blow will cause it to revolve on the axis. The lower tangent screw should be loose, leaving the instrument free to revolve if acci- dently struck. A plain transit has no level under the telescope and no vertical arc or circle. Instrument makers quote on plain transits, and give prices for extras. Plain transits are used on railway surveys. If the surveyor expects to do little compass work a large transit is not necessary if of a good make. When the author was young he bought a transit with a 5-in. needle. The weight was 18 Ibs. and the tripod weighed 10 Ibs. Although similar transits are now made the majority of engineers prefer transits weighing not to exceed 13 Ibs. with 7-lb. tripods. For general use the surveyor will obtain very satisfactory results with a transit having a 3i-in. needle, the combined weight of transit and tripod being under 16 Ibs. The writer for a number TRANSIT SURVEYING 217 of years held a commission as a U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor in the far west, and for mountain work had a transit made to order. The needle was about 2\ ins. long and the weight of the transit was 4^ Ibs. It was carried in a knapsack held by straps over the shoulders. The folding tripod weighed 3^ Ibs., and was. carried in a small case slung to the bottom of the knapsack. Intended for mountain work only the instrument was gradually intro- duced on other work until finally it was used on all the work done by the author for nearly ten years. Because of its lightness it suffered less damage from falls than heavier transits. For the same reason it exhibited great steadiness in a wind. This instrument of course repre- sented one extreme as the first one purchased by the author represented another extreme. A man with thick thumbs and large fingers cannot be made to believe the smallest-sized transit is a reliable in- strument. Lightness and portability are greatly appre- ciated in rough country as also in high altitudes where breathing is a conscious effort. In lower country more weight is not objectionable when it implies more easily read graduations. For the highest grade of engineering surveying, such as re-tracing boundaries of expensive city property, setting out lines for great bridges, important tunnels, subways, etc., the need for absolute accuracy makes the question of weight of relatively small importance. With such instruments, however, a compass is not required and this fact effects a saving in weight by a gain in com- pactness. Graduations were formerly made on silver-coated brass plates. Now they are cut in the surface of a silver ring attached to the plate. All of the best makers today cut the graduations in solid silver, for by this means only can proper results be obtained. For the horizontal circle five methods are used for num- bering the graduations. /. Figured clockwise (in the direction followed by the hands of a clock) from o to 360 with single opposite verniers. //. Figured in quadrants with double opposite verniers. These quadrants correspond to the compass quadrants so angles may be readily checked by the needle. 2i8 PRACTICAL SURVEYING ///. A combination of I and II with double opposite verniers. IV. Figured in one row, clockwise and anti-clockwise, from o to 1 80 each way with double opposite verniers. V. Figured in two rows, one clockwise and one anti- clockwise, from o to 360, with double opposite verniers. Some makers incline the figures in the direction in which they are to be read and some make further provision against error by coloring one set red and the other black. Method V is the best for all purposes and the one used by instrument makers when the purchaser expresses no choice. Vertical circles and arcs are best graduated quadran tally. VERNIERS Horizontal and vertical circles are divided into degrees by short marks. Each fifth degree mark projects a little and the tenth degree marks project still more, the gradu- ations being figured at each tenth degree only. On some circles the degree is further divided into quarter-degree, third-degree or half-degree graduations. For closer read- ings a vernier must be employed. The vernier is a uniformly divided scale on a circle ad- jacent to the graduated circle, or limb. The end marks , on the vernier coincide with marks on the limb but in the included space there is one more interval on the vernier than on the limb. If we assume a limb graduated to half degrees (30 minutes) and 29 divisions on the limb equal 30 divisions on the vernier then each division on the ver- nier is 3*0 smaller than a division on the limb and the vernier reads to minutes. Rule to find reading of a vernier. Divide the least reading of the limb by number of spaces on the vernier. Rule for reading an angle by- nteans^ of a vernier. Read the angle on the limlLtp the 'graduation nearest tfie"zero of the vernier. Then read along the vernier in the same direction until a line] is found that coincides with some line on the limb. Add the vernier reading to the limb reading. The following illustrations and descriptions will serve to make the matter clear. The student is advised to study the readings obtained. TRANSIT SURVEYING 219 Fig. Reading of limb. Divisions! f Divisions of limb. J ~~ lof vernier Reading of vernier. Kind, of vernier. 182 Degrees II 12 5 minutes Double direct 183 30 minutes 29 30 i minute Double direct 184 20 minutes 39 40, 30 seconds Double direct iS 20 minutes 59 60 20 seconds Folded 186 30 minutes 29 30 i minute Folded 187 15 minutes 44 45 20 seconds Double direct 188 15 minutes 49 50 yfa degree Double direct Fig. 182 shows a double direct vernier, that is, one which reads from the center to either extreme division (60), that part being used in which the direction of the number- ing corresponds to the direc- tion in which the limb is num- bered and read. The limb is graduated to degrees and the vernier (from o to 60) comprises 12 divisions, there- fore the reading of the vernier is 60 minutes -r- 12 = 5 minutes. The figure reads 3 + 50' = 3 50' from right to left. Fig. 183 represents the usual graduations of an en- gineer's transit with its vernier. This is an ordinary FIG. 182. double-direct vernier reading from the center to either extreme division (30). The limb is graduated to half de- grees and the vernier (from o to 30) comprises 30 divisions, therefore the reading of the vernier is 30 minutes -f- 30 = I minute. The figure reads 27 + 25' = 27 25' from left to right, and 152 30' + 05' = 152 35' from right to left. 220 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Fig. 184 represents the graduations and vernier of a transit having finer graduations than that shown in Fig. 183, with a double-direct vernier reading from the center to either extreme division (20). The limb is graduated to 20 minutes and there are 40 divisions in the vernier, con- sequently the reading of the vernier is 20 minutes -f- 40 = J minute = 30 seconds. The figure reads 17 40' + 12' 30" = 17 52' 30" from left to right, and 162 + f 30" = 162 f 30" from right to left. In Fig. 185 the transit has still finer divisions than those already considered. The vernier is a folded one reading from the center, indicated by the arrow, to either of the extreme divisions (10), and then forward in the same direction from the other extreme division (10) to the center division (20), the direction being determined by the numbering and reading of the limb. The limb is graduated to 20 minutes, while the vernier is composed of 60 equal parts, consequently the reading of the vernier is 20 minutes -j- 60 = J minute = 20 seconds. The figure reads 49 + 14' 20" = 49 14' 20" from left to right, and 130 40' + 5' 40" = 130 45' 40" from right to left. TRANSIT SURVEYING 221 A transit still more finely graduated is shown in Fig. 1 86. This has a double-direct vernier reading from the center to either extreme division (45). The limb is grad- uated to 15 minutes and there are 45 divisions in the vernier, consequently the reading of the vernier is 15 minutes -f- 45 = ^ minute = 20 seconds. The figure reads 30 + 4' 20" = 30 4' 20" from left to right and 149 45' + 10' 40" = 149 55' 40" from right to left. FIG. 187. Fig. 187 represents a portion of a vertical circle or arc with folded vernier. The graduations are to half degrees, and the vernier is divided into 30 equal parts, consequently the reading of the vernier is 30 minutes -5- 30 = I minute. The figure reads 7 30' + 21' = 7 51' from right to left, an angle of depression. In many kinds of work a decimal vernier has some minor advantages to recommend it and it is extremely useful in laying out railway curves. Its use is not common and many surveyors and engineers have never seen one. Fig. 1 88 shows the method of graduating the horizontal limb and vernier to read to decimals of a degree. This vernier is a double-direct vernier reading from the center to either extreme di- vision (25), that part being used on which the direc- tion of the numbering cor- responds to the direction in which the limb is numbered and read. The limb is graduated to J degree (0.25) and the vernier divided into 50 parts, consequently the reading of the vernier is 0.25 -5- 50 = 0.005 which equals sU of a degree. The figure reads 45 + 0.055 = 45-55 f rom Wt to right and 314.75 + 0.195 = 3- 14945 f rom r ig nt to FIG. 188. 222 PRACTICAL SURVEYING In reading a vernier when the limb has two rows of figures care must be used to avoid reading the wrong row. Never read the vernier by looking only at one line. The adjacent lines on each side of the coinciding line should be observed to see that they fail to coincide by equal amounts with lines on the limb. Sometimes no coinciding lines can be found but two adjacent lines will be found which fail by equal amounts to coincide with lines on the limb. The true reading is between these lines; thus a closer reading may be ob- tained than is indicated by the least count of the vernier. Every transit supplied with a vertical circle or arc should be equipped with stadia wires, the use of which will be described in the next chapter. TO USE THE TRANSIT The instrument should be set up firmly, the tripod legs being pressed into the ground, so as to bring the plates as nearly level as convenient. The plates should then be carefully leveled and properly clamped. For precise work, in addition to leveling by the plate levels, it is always advisable, if the transit has such at- tachment, to level the plates by the telescope level, as this is much more sensitive than the levels on the plate. In this operation the position of the level on telescope must be observed over each pair of leveling screws in turn, and one-half the correction made by the axis tangent screw, the other half by the leveling screws. Before an observation is made with the telescope, the eyepiece should be focused until the object is seen clear and well-defined, and the wires appear as if fastened to its surface. The intersection of the wires should be brought precisely upon the object to which the telescope is directed. The zeros of the verniers and limb should be brought into line by the tangent screw of the leveling head. The angles taken are then read off upon the limb, without sub- tracting from those given by the verniers in any other position. TRANSIT SURVEYING 223 TO ADJUST THE TRANSIT Every instrument should leave the hands of the maker in complete adjustment, but all adjustments are liable to derangement by accident or careless use so it is necessary to describe particularly those which are most likely to need attention. The principal adjustments of the transit are: The Levels, the Line of Collimation, the Standards. To adjust the levels. Set the instrument upon its tri- pod as nearly level as may be, and having undamped the plates, bring the two levels above, and on a line with, the two pairs of leveling screws. Clasp the heads of two opposite screws, and, turning both in or out, as may be needed, bring the bubble of the level directly over the screws exactly in the middle of the opening. Without moving the instrument, proceed in the same manner to bring the other bubble to the middle. The level first cor- rected may now be thrown a little out; if so, bring it in again, and when both are in place turn the instrument halfway around. If the bubbles are both in the middle they need no correction; but if not, turn the nuts at the end of the levels with the adjusting pin, until the bubbles are moved over half the error, bring the bubbles again into the middle by the leveling screws, and repeat the oper- ation until the bubbles will remain in the middle during a complete revolution of the instrument. To adjust the line of collimation. This adjustment is to bring the cross-wires into such a position that the in- strument, when placed at the middle of a straight line, will, by the transit of the telescope, cut the extremities of the line. Having leveled the instrument, determine if the vertical wire is plumb, by focusing on a defined point and observing if the wire remains on that point when the tele- scope is elevated or depressed. If not, loosen the cross- wire screws and by their heads turn the ring until correct, the openings in the telescope tube being slightly larger than the screws so that when the latter are loosened the ring can be rotated a short distance in either direction. Direct the intersection of the cross-wires on an object two or three hundred feet distant. Set the clamps and transit 224 PRACTICAL SURVEYING to an object about the same distance in the opposite di- rection. Unclamp, turn the plates halfway around, and direct again to the first object; then transit to the second object. (Note. To transit is to revolve the telescope on its axis. The telescope is thus reversed to get a sight on an object on the line in rear of the instrument.) If it strikes the same place the adjustment is correct. If not, the space which intervenes between the points bisected in the two observations will be double the deviation from a true straight line, since the error is the result of two observations. In Fig. 189 let A represent the center of the instrument, and BC the imaginary straight line, upon the extremities of which the line of collimation is to be adjusted. B represents the object first selected, and D the point which the wires bisected when the telescope was F reversed. When the instrument is turned half around, and the telescope again directed to B_, and once more reversed, the wires will bisect an object E, situated as far to one side of the true line as the point D is on the other side. The space DE is therefore the sum of two deviations of the wires from a true straight line, and the error is made very apparent. In order to correct it, use the two capstan-head screws on the sides of the telescope, these being the ones which affect the position of the vertical wire. It must be kept in mind that the eyepiece apparently inverts the position of the wires, and therefore, in loosening one of the screws and tightening the other on the opposite side, the operator must proceed as if to increase the error observed. The wires being adjusted, their intersection may now be brought into the center of the field of view by moving the screws holding the ring, which are slackened and tightened in pairs, the movement being now direct, until the wires are seen in their proper position. The position of the line of collimation depends upon that of the objective solely, so that the eyepiece may, as in the case just described, be moved in any direction, or even removed and a new one substituted, without at all de- ranging the adjustment of the wires. TRANSIT SURVEYING 225 In case it becomes necessary to remove the cross-wire ring, the operator should proceed as follows: Take out the eyepiece, together with the ring by which it is centered, remove two opposite cross-wire screws, s and with the others turn the ring until one of the screw holes is brought into view from the open end of the telescope tube. In this screw hole thrust a splinter of wood or a wire to hold the ring when the remaining screws are withdrawn. The ring can then be removed. It may be replaced by returning it to its position in the tube, and after either pair of screws is inserted the splinter or wire is removed, and the ring is turned until the other screws can be replaced, care being taken that the face of the diaphragm is turned toward the eyepiece. The eyepiece is next inserted, and its centering- ring brought into such a position that the screws in it can be replaced, and the ring into which the eyepiece is fixed is then screwed to the end of the telescope. To adjust the standards. In order that the point of in- tersection of the wires may trace a vertical line as the telescope is elevated or depressed, it is necessary that the standards of the telescope should be of precisely the same height. To ascertain this, and make the correction, if needed, proceed as follows: Having the line of collimation properly adjusted, set up the instrument in a position where points of observation, such as the apex and base of a lofty spire, can be selected, giving a long range in a vertical direction. Level the instrument, direct the telescope to the top of the object, and clamp to the spindle; then bring the tele- scope down until the wires bisect some well-defined point at the base. Turn the instrument half around, direct the telescope to the lower point, clamp to the spindle, and raise the telescope to the highest point. If the wires bisect it, the vertical adjustment is effected; if they are thrown to either side, this proves that the standard op- posite to that side is the highest, the apparent error being double that actually due to this cause. When a transit does not have any means for adjusting the height of the standard it should be sent to the maker for adjustment. Cross-wires are usually made of platinum. Occasionally spider webs are used although few modern instruments for 226 PRACTICAL SURVEYING ordinary work are so equipped, as rough usage and long periods of damp weather injure spider hairs. When it is necessary to replace a broken wire or hair, hunt for the small black spider, generally found in trees and under- brush, for all other spider web is too coarse. Allow the spider to run out on a pencil or small stick. When the end is reached it attaches a line and drops, thus stretching the line taut. The diaphragm having been removed from the telescope and the broken wires removed, grooves made by the instrument maker will be found. A drop of shellac is placed in each groove, and the stretched web fitted. The spider will not spin when cold and when sulky must be tossed and rolled gently until anxiety to escape is exhibited. CARE OF TRANSITS AND LEVELS Remarks on care of the compass apply equally to the compass attached to a transit. All instruments should be protected during a rain by covering with a bag. For a transit use only oiled silk, for oiled linen and the sulphur in rubber will blacken the silver on the horizontal and vertical limbs. In bright sunshine, on a hot day, it is a sensible idea to shade the instrument, to avoid errors due to expansion. Expansion sometimes injures the finer parts of an instru- ment. The use of a bag during wet weather is common but very few surveyors use a sunshade on hot days, a habit all should acquire. Covering an instrument during a fog is wise and cover- ing it in cold weather is to be done cautiously, for it may " sweat" with the frost. A soft linen cloth should be carried and the instrument wiped often to remove dust and moisture. When dry go over it with a large, soft camels- hair brush. Never place an instrument in a box when damp. Be sure it is dry and then wipe and brush it before locking in the box. To dry an instrument place it in a dry, warm room. Never leave an instrument standing in an open space without a person to guard it. In a room place it in a corner with the points of the tripod legs set in floor cracks. An instrument left on a tripod out in a room is easily knocked TRANSIT SURVEYING 227 over. After an instrument is dry and has been cleaned, place it in a box. If, after exposure of an instrument in extremely hot or cold weather, it is found that the centers do not revolve as freely as usual, .clean them as soon as possible. In cleaning object and eyepiece glasses, use a soft rag or chamois leather. If the glasses should become greasy or very dirty, wash them with alcohol. As the fine polish on the object glass will be destroyed by wiping too often, the instrument man should be careful in this respect. Should telescope, compass or vernier glasses become moist, place the instrument in a room which is dry and moderately warm. Should it be impossible to follow this method, the glasses may be wiped dry, this latter process, however, affording* an opportunity for dirt and dust to get into the instrument while the glasses are removed. The inner surfaces of protected glasses need seldom be wiped. Due attention should be given the screws confining tele- scope bearings. They should be tightened sufficiently to make the bearing firm and still permit the telescope to re- volve freely, yet be kept in position by the friction thus obtained. When there is too much friction in the telescope slide, take it out immediately and first scrape the rough place with the blade of a pocket knife, having its edge in- clined a trifle, then use the back of blade for burnishing the spot. If possible, treat inside of tube in a similar manner, or at least wipe it out. The slide should then be slightly greased with watch oil, but all the grease must be wiped off before slide is replaced. No emery or emery paper should be used on any part of an instrument. When fretting begins it should be sent to an instrument maker for repairs. If this cannot be done promptly, no man should be afraid to take an instrument apart for cleaning. It is of course foolish to take an instrument apart when not necessary, but many surveyors, afraid to "examine the insides," keep on using a dirty instrument until it gets into such bad shape that an instrument maker loses money putting it into shape again. A skilful man can take apart and put together an in- strument without damage; while an unskilful man will certainly do harm by attempting such work. 228 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Vaseline will clean the surface of the silvered ring on the limbs and should be thoroughly wiped off. Use only good watch oil for lubricating centers and cleaning screw threads. Use as little as possible and wipe it off so it will not gather dust and grit. Fretting centers should be treated in the same manner as fretting telescope tubes. Overstraining of screws should be guarded against as it either stretches the threads, causing them to wear out in a short time, or gradually loosens some part of the instru- ment. When screws are too tight the instrument is sen- sitive to temperature changes; when too loose it is unsteady and reliable work cannot be done. Tripod legs must be firm. If the screws are loose the instrument will be shaky and if too tight warping may cause the telescope to shift off the line of sight. The proper degree of restraint may be determined by raising the legs one at a time to a horizontal position. If the screw holds a leg up, it is too tight. If the leg falls rapidly, the screw is too loose. The downward turning should be slow and uniform. TO READ ANGLES WITH A TRANSIT The instrument is set at B (Fig. 190) and leveled by means of the leveling screws. All clamp screws being loose, bring the zeros on the horizontal " A limb and vernier together and clamp with the upper clamp screw. Then use the reading glass which hangs by a cord around the neck and with the upper FIG loo " tangent screw bring the zeros exactly together. Revolve the instrument horizontally on its vertical axis, without touching the upper clamp or tangent screw, until the vertical cross- wire bisects the stake (or tack) at A. Clamp the lower clamp screw and with the lower tangent screw bring the cross-hair to the exact point desired. The instrument is now clamped with zeros together and cross-hairs bisecting the object. It cannot be revolved on the vertical axis. Loosen the upper clamp screw and direct the telescope to C. Clamp the screw and by means TRANSIT SURVEYING 229 of the upper tangent screw bring the cross-hair to exactly bisect the point at C. Now with the reading glass the angle may be read. If the instrument is in perfect ad- justment, well made, with no errors in graduation, and it is not disturbed during the operation, the angle is obtained correctly. To check. Unclamp the lower clamp screw without touching the upper screws. Reverse the telescope. Re- volve the instrument horizontally and bisect A with the vertical wire. Clamp the lower clamp and bring the wire to an exact bisection by means of the lower tangent screw, the plate meanwhile remaining set at the angle read. Unclamp the upper screw and direct the telescope to C. Clamp, and with the upper tangent screw bisect C with the vertical wire. Now read the angle, which should be double the exact angle. The operation just described is called "Double-centering." The mean of the two read- ings is correct because every error in one direction on the first reading is balanced by an equal error in the opposite direction on the second reading. This, however, does not apply to errors in graduation. When running lines every angle "on lii\e" should be "double-centered," but only one reading is necessary for side shots and lines where the closest possible accuracy is not required. Repeating angles. In triangulation work the method of repetition is followed. Read the angle by sighting to A and then to C. Keep the telescope erect and repeat the readings from A to C until a total of six are taken. The final reading divided by 6 gives an approximate value for the angle. Both verniers are read at the start and after the sixth repetition. The total reading of each is divided by 6. If there is a difference the mean of the final values is taken. Reverse the telescope and repeat the process, but this time reading from right to left. Read both verniers, divide the totals by 6, and take the mean value of the six readings of each vernier. We now have a mean value for the direct readings and one for the reversed readings. The mean of the means should be the true angle, plus or minus a probable error. 230 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Let S = "the sum of all the quantities in the paren- thesis," v = variation (or deviation) of each angle from the mean, provided each angle is read, n = number of readings, r = probable error, then r = d= 0.8453 ^ / \ ' =. for single observation, and r = 0.8453 , for all observations. n Vn i When the deviation gives a larger angle than the mean it is positive and when smaller it is negative, but in ob- taining the sum in the formulas above given the signs are disregarded. The formulas are known as Peter's Ap- proximations of Bessel's Formula, which is based on the principle of least squares and is laborious to work. "The probable error is not 'the most probable error,' nor, 'the most probable value of the actual error.' It de- termines the degree of confidence we may have in using the mean as the best representative value oT a series of observations." (Mellor.) If the mean value of the angle is 17 31' 42" and the probable error is 5.33" then the odds are even that the true value lies somewhere between 17 3i' 47-33" and 17 36' 36.67." When the three angles of a triangle have been measured and the sum does not equal 180, a computation of the most probable error for each angle will be a guide to balance the angles to obtain 1 80. If the triangle has sides more than a mile in length it may be the error in closure is due to "spherical excess" by reason of the curvature of the earth, the triangle being spherical. Geodetic methods must then be used. The computation for probable error is sometimes used in the case of a line which has been measured several times with a tape forward and back by different sets of chain- men. A small probable error is often said to be a measure of the accuracy, but as it refers only to the proportion in which errors of different magnitude occur it cannot be a measure of accuracy. TRANSIT SURVEYING 231 Formulas determining the probable error are worthless for a small number of observations. We may select ten as the least number, and the first step is to eliminate all constant errors. If a tape is too long or too short the con- stant error in each tape length is the difference between the length of the tape and a standard. If an error in gradu- ation exists in some part of the circle of a transit, the part in which the error exists must not be used. In chaining, three sets of chainmen should measure the line forward and back at least twice, making a total of twelve measure- ments. By using one set of chainmen the personal error would not be eliminated, and as it is a constant error difficult to find and evaluate, other men must be used to give this error something of the character of a series of accidental errors. The careful measuring above described is done only on the highest grade work. Constant errors are cumulative and accidental errors are compensating. The probable error is practically a mean square value of the positive and negative deviations from the arithmetical mean of all the accidental errors. The probable error is diminished by increasing the number of observations. In chaining, the accuracy of the work is increased by taking plenty of time, and not working too fast. In re- peating angles with a transit the accuracy of the work is increased when speed is increased. Clamping and un-, clamping disturbs an instrument and may throw it out of level. Standing a long time in one place and the handling tend to make one of the metal shod tripod legs sink into the earth. The temperature effects may be equalized in rapid work, for one side may be unduly heated or cooled if al- lowed to remain too long in one position. A transit should always be tested for "index error." This may be due to faulty graduation, in which case the instrument should be returned to the maker, or it may be caused by a fall bending the plate. Even straightening the plate may not restore it, and the surveyor for some good reason may have to use it without re-graduation. Set three stakes with tacks in the top so the small acute angle will lie between 10 and 20. Start from o and read the angle successively around the circle without double 232 PRACTICAL SURVEYING centering. This must be done rapidly. The angles should be equal. When a place is found where the reading differs from readings preceding or following it, test each degree in the space until the error is exactly located. The amount does not matter but the place must be marked and not used thereafter. Sometimes errors of very small value are found which show up only in a series of readings, and are distributed around the circle. Double centering will take care of them. Unnecessary stepping around an instrument must be avoided. A good instrument-man never "straddles" a tripod leg. Transit work being closer than compass work every instrument station must be marked with a tack. The plumb-bob hanging from the center of the vertical axis must be centered over the tack, this being accomplished with a shifting center. The lower end of the axis is enlarged in a spheri- cal shape and fits in a spherical socket on a small plate, thus enabling the leveling screws to bring the axis to a vertical position when the tripod head may not be level. The open- ing in the lower plate, which is screwed to the tripod head, is larger than the ball but smaller than the socket plate. By loosening the screws the center may be shifted to carry the plumb-bob to any side. When finally centered the screws are tightened and the plate leveled. Plumb-bob lines must be lengthened and shortened and a number of devices are used to accomplish this without the line slipping in the hook at the upper end. Nearly all catch the wind and are objectionable for this reason. A knot in the string is best, but when loose enough to allow the cord to be slipped through it is a nuisance. By loop- ing the cord twice around the hook the knot may be loose and the cord will not slip, the friction of the loop holding the plumb-bob in place. In sighting lines, steel line rods are used and it takes considerable experience to enable a helper to hold the rod vertical. Sometimes a plumb line is held over the point but no man has so steady a hand that confidence can be TRANSIT SURVEYING 233 had in such a sight. Sometimes a line rod is stuck in the ground at a slant so it is above the tack. To this the plumb line is tied and moved along the rod until the point of the bob is centered on the tack. For quicker sights the helper places one knee on the ground and rests one hand, holding the plumb line, on the other knee. The plumb-bob is then centered over the tack and the white line is viewed with the leg as a background. A target of white celluloid made in such size and manner that it may be carried in the pocket and attached to a plumb line when needed has been developed by Kolesch & Company of New York. It is circular in form with a diamond-shaped cut-out, which offers a strong contrast to the body of the target. It can be moved up and down the plumb line at will. The applica- tion of this device will be recognized by all sur- veyors who have taken sights against a back- p ground of shubbery or buildings, and it will enable the taking of longer "shots." It has the advantage also of being a more accurate means of setting a true point than can be attained with a flag or pole, that may be slightly out of plumb when the sight is taken. A piece of wood about the width of a lead pencil, sharp- ened on the lower end and stuck in a crack behind the tack is frequently used for a backsight. In Fig. 190 let the transit be set at A with point B set. An angle is to be laid off and point C located. Turn off the angle and set a stake at C. The helper holds the rod on the stake and the transitman motions right or left un- til the rod is in line, when it is pressed slightly to make a mark. The telescope is reverse^, the lower clamp loosened, the vertical hair set on B and the lower clamp tightened. The upper clamp is loosened and the telescope directed to C, clamped, and the upper tangent screw used to obtain exactly double the angle. The rod is now directed again to line and another mark made. The true point lies mid- way between the marks and a tack is driven to fix it. In Fig. 193 is shown the general method of conducting a transit survey. Assume A and F to be set. The transit is set up at A with horizontal plate and vernier clamped at 234 PRACTICAL SURVEYING zero. The lower clamp is loose. Reverse (transit) the tele- scope and sight F. Clamp the lower screw and with the lower tangent screw bisect the tack at F. Transit the tele- scope so it sights forward on the line FA. Unclamp the plate, turn the angle to ifs. the right and set point B. Move to B and set C from a backsight on A. Pro- ceed around the field in this manner, fi- nally closing on A , which may be occupied a second time to check the traverse. IG ' I93 ' In the example given all the angles were to the right. In Fig. 194 the angles are turned to the right and left, but the work is the same, the entries in the field book having the letter R, or L, as the case may be, follow- ing the amount of the angle. The needle should be al- lowed to swing to check the angles. This is a rule to be followed in all transit work. P IG IQ4 When carrying the transit lift the needle off the pivot and hold against the glass cover of the compass. The needle reading is not so accurate as angles read on the limb, but it affords a check so a mistake in setting down R for L, or vice versa, is quickly discovered. Such a mistake is common. A mistake never gets past the person making it. An error is a mistake discovered by others and reflects upon the ability of the person responsible. All the field and office work of surveyors must be checked and re-checked so no errors can be found. Checking is a most important duty and cannot be neglected. Angles may be read on a survey by setting the limb and vernier at zero on each station and double centering each time on important work. The bearing of the first line is set down in the field book and all calculations of bearings start from it as a base. The following rules are used to re- duce angles to bearings: Reduce bearings to azimuth angles, as follows: All N E bearings are less than 90. S E bearings lie between 90 and 180 and are reduced to azimuth by subtracting from 180. TRANSIT SURVEYING 235 S W bearings lie between 180 and 270 and are reduced to azimuth by adding to 180. N W bearings lie between 270 and 360 and are re- duced to azimuth by subtracting from 360. The meridian being selected as an azimuth line and the meridian bearing of the starting course having been re- duced to an azimuth bearing by the above method, con- sider all angles to the right as positive and all angles to the left as negative. Sum less than 90. Bearing N E. Sum between 90 and 1 80. Subtract from 180 and call bearing S E. Sum between 180 and 270. Subtract 180 and call bearing S W. Sum between 270 and 360. Subtract from 360 and call bearing N W. Example. Starting from the end of a line bearing S 1 8 2 1 ' E a line was run as follows : Feet 0. R 14 13' ...................................... 280 1. R 74 21' ...................................... 500 2. L 47 11' .......................... : ........... 320 3. Lioo5' ...................................... 211 4. R 27 09' ...................................... 419 Find the bearings of the lines, referred to the true meridian. 179 60' Course o. 179 60' S 18 21' E 175 52' 161 39' = Azimuth of reference S 40 08' E 0. 14 13' R course. 175 52' Course I. 250 13' 1. 74 21' R 1 80 oo / 249 73' S 70 13' W 2. 47 n' L 202 62' Course 2. 203 02' o , 219 66' R Course 3. 192 57' S 12 57' W 4. 220 06' I 80 00 S 40 06' W Course 4. 220 06' i 80 oo 236 PRACTICAL SURVEYING From a study of the foregoing example, the following shorter method is found: S 18 2i'E 14 13' R S 4 08' E 74 21' R S 70 13' W 47 n'L S 23 02' W 10 05' L Si2 57' W 27 09' R S 40 06' W The student may reduce angles to bearings by either method as the example given illustrates the principle. The reason for recording the needle reading each time is now plain. If the R and L are. always recorded properly the needle readings will check the computed bearings within a few minutes. With bearings nearly due north and south or east and west the check may not be valuable if local attraction is present, but it should never be omitted for it is the only check to be had when all angles start from zero and are read right and left. Azimuth, according to the dictionary, is "the angle com- prised between two vertical planes, one passing through the elevated pole, the other through the object." Herschel counted azimuth from o to 360, and in this sense it is used by surveyors; that is, it indicates all angles referred to some meridian and independent of bearings. Bearings are never greater than 90 and are reckoned to the east and west from the north or south pole. When azimuth is reckoned from the north, the true meridian being the azimuth meridian, it is easy to convert azimuth into com- pass bearings, as in the example just given. There is good reason for following this custom as com- pass bearings have been used many centuries because of the needle pointing north. When azimuth is reckoned clockwise from the north the needle readily checks all computed bearings. For about a generation a number of writers of surveying textbooks have reckoned azimuth from the south clockwise because the astronomical pole is TRANSIT SURVEYING 237 south. This may be scientifically correct for a very few astrophysicists, but it is confusing to the surveyor to assume one pole for angle work and another pole distant 1 80 for work involving compass bearings. It really makes no difference to the educated man which pole he uses but the surveyor is dealing with the public and the public always "starts from the north." The surveyor who reckons azimuth from the south must use two standard meridians and some day will make mistakes. The writer one summer employed a young graduate who reckoned azimuth from the south and was continually mixing his notes until he abandoned the practice. When the writer went to school, in the 8o's, azimuth was any angle read clockwise from a chosen meridian to an object, so that an object 20 L would have an azimuth of 340, thus prevent- ing errors due to misplacing the letters R and L; no hint was given that azimuth should be referred to the south pole or the north pole. With an instrument in perfect adjustment and handled by a competent man surveys are often made by azimuth bearings and no double centering is done. The instrument is set up at the starting point, the variation plate indicat- ing the correct declination. The needle is let down and allowed to settle so it points to the true north. The limb and vernier are set to zero and the instrument clamped. The needle is then lifted and not again used. Unclamping the plates the telescope is directed to the next station and the angle read and recorded after clamp- ing the plates. Carrying the instrument to the next sta- tion, the telescope is reversed and sighted to the station just left; and the instrument clamped below. The tele- scope is transitted and then read forward on the line, the limb being still set at the azimuth. Unclamping the plate the telescope is directed to the next station and the azimuth read and recorded. These operations are re- peated at each station and when the first station is again occupied and a sight taken to the second station the first azimuth should be obtained. Actually there may be. a difference of one or two minutes, which may be distributed. On a closed traverse errors in reading azimuth tend to compensate, for the right and left readings balance; but 238 PRACTICAL SURVEYING on other surveys errors are apt to be cumulative. Azimuth notes for the last example will read as follows: Reference line 161 39' Needle S 18 21' E 0. 175 52' 280 ft. 1. 250 13' 500 ft. 2. 203 02' 320 ft. 3. 192 57' 211 ft. 4. 220 06' 419 ft. All angles are azimuth angles on stadia surveys. Not all surveyors double center their angles, a surprisingly large number using the azimuth method exclusively. When surveying cheap land or doing work requiring no greater accuracy than may be obtained with a compass, the transit may be used as a compass and all readings taken with the needle. A very accurate method for setting off an angle is illustrated in Fig. 195. On a given line are set two hubs A and B. A line is to run from B through a point c D and this line must be laid off correctly. Setting on B the telescope is directed to A , FIG. 195. " plates clamped to zero and an angle ABC read, one minute smaller than the angle ABD, and stake C set. A tack is placed in C and the angle ABC is read by repetition to obtain the exact value. The length BC is measured with the greatest possible accuracy. The exact value of angle ABC is subtracted from the angle ABD and the tangent of the difference multiplied by the length BC gives the small distance CD, which may be measured off and a tack set. Or the angle ABD may be read and a broad stake driven at D with a tack in the top. The angle is then read by the repeti- tive method and if a difference is found from the true angle a correction may be measured and the tack set in the proper place. A transit may be set on a line between two points, by setting as nearly as possible on line and leveling the in- strument. Then sight on one point, clamp the plates and reverse the telescope for a sight on the other point. If it does not strike it, shift the transit and try again. A skil- ful instrument-man can get on a line in three trials. After TRANSIT SURVEYING 239 getting on line reverse the telescope for a sight each way, to eliminate errors in adjustment and disturbance due to handling. Fig. 196 illustrates the operation, A and B being the points and C the transit sta- tion, the small circles near C o ^ showing trial set-up points. F i 6 To prolong a line, the ap- proved method is to set on a stake and take a backsight with telescope reversed on a stake on line in the rear. Transit the telescope and set a stake ahead. Then double center on the stake and set a tack between the two marks. Move to the new stake and repeat for the next one. To set a line of stakes between two stakes set on one, sight to the other and clamp the plates. The line of sight being fixed the telescope is plunged * on the horizontal axis and the cross-hairs set on the line rod used to locate the positions of the intermediate stakes and tacks are driven in them. A good compass is graduated to J degree and by using care one-half this angle may be estimated. If this is done the maximum error in angle will be 4 minutes, of which the natural tangent is 0.00116. Few surveyors read a bearing closer than J degree (15') in which case the maximum error will be 8 minutes, of which the natural tangent is 0.00233. Ordinary transits read by means of verniers to single minutes so the maximum error in angle cannot exceed 31 seconds, of which the natural tangent is practically 0.000146. It is not uncommon for transits to be graduated to read angles as small as 30, 20 or 10 seconds, while if angles are read by the repetitive method the exact size of an angle may be ascertained to the nearest 5 seconds with a vernier reading to one minute, or to the nearest second with a vernier reading to 20 seconds. With a transit a skilful instrument-man can do all the angular work with as high a degree of accuracy as skilled chainmen can do the measuring with first-class tapes. Methods for transit surveying are the same as methods * To plunge a telescope is to turn it on its axis to set a line ahead. The telescope is clamped and is not inverted or reversed for a rear sight. 240 PRACTICAL SURVEYING for compass work plus the increased accuracy. The angles right and left, or the azimuth bearings, are reduced to compass bearings and the computations for area are the same as those described in the chapter dealing with the compass. Computations for traverse work and for supplying omissions are described in the chapter on trigonometry. Surveys are made for one of three purposes, sometimes for all: 1. To describe boundaries. 2. To obtain areas. 3. To make a map. Boundary surveys are usually made by running out the boundary lines, offsetting a few feet when the boundary is obstructed with hedges, fences, etc. Area surveys not calling for a description may be made by methods already described for chain surveys. The oldest book on surveying of which we have knowledge, Hero's Dioptra, shows that the custom fully twenty centu- ries ago was to lay off in the field a rectangular figure and erect on the sides of it, at regular intervals, perpendiculars to strike the boundary lines. The areas of all the divisions were added. When the diopter was improved so angles other than right angles could be turned off, surveyors turned angles from points on the boundary of the interior rectangle to corners of the field and measured to the corners. The proceeding was duplicated in making the map and the areas of all the interior figures were computed by men- suration and added. With the introduction of plane trigonometry and the use of the compass the "radiation" method became standard and areas were computed by trigonometric methods. Sometimes the surveyor merely laid off a carefully measured base line and from the ends and some intermediate points took bearings to corners and measured the distances. This divided the field into tri- angles, the areas of which were computed trigonometri- cally. When the "double meridian " method for computing areas was developed in Ireland by Thomas Burgh, the custom came in of running out the exterior lines. The reason this was considered advisable was to save labor. TRANSIT SURVEYING 241 Prior to Burgh's discovery lines were run around the boundary to obtain data for writing a legal description, but surveys to compute areas were still made by mensu- ration and trigonometric methods. When the double meridian distance method for computing areas made it possible to use the boundary survey data, only the one survey was necessary. With the passing years the "radiation" method of sur- veying land received less attention in textbooks, although all practical surveyors used the method where it proved to be time saving. The writer had to make several surveys by this method when at school and used it frequently in practical work. The three approved methods of surveying a piece of land are: 1. The traverse method. 2. The radiation method. 3. The intersection method. In the 1912 Proceedings of the Illinois Society of En- gineers and Surveyors, a paper by Mr. G. W. Pickets, then an instructor in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois, compared the three methods. The results were as follows: Speed in chaining. Intersection method, first; radi- ation method, second; traverse method, third. In most instances the radiation method called for 20 per cent less chaining than the traverse method. Speed in instrument work. Intersection method, first; radiation method, second; traverse method, third. Speed in computing results. Traverse method, first; radiation method, second; intersection method, third. The above comparisons prove the traverse method to be the more expensive, for slow work in the field means the employment of a party of men for a longer time. A little extra time in the office usually affects one man only. Accurate work involves careful checking and half the work of engineers and surveyors seems to consist in checking lengths, angles and computations. Comparison of accuracy. Assuming that no blunders are made, any one of the three methods is accurate enough for all practical work. With respect to actual accuracy 242 PRACTICAL SURVEYING the intersection method is first; radiation method, second; traverse method, third. The traverse method consists in running out the bound- aries; or running on offset lines as closely as possible to the boundaries. To guard against error in reading the needle, or setting down the wrong angle, it is a common practice to read an angle or take a bearing to some one object from each station. In Fig. 197 bearings were taken to one corner of the chimney of the house in the field. When making the map these bearings are all drawn and should intersect at a common point. This method has always been used by careful surveyors on compass surveys. Modern transits are equipped with stadia wires, or with gradienters, and distances should be checked with one or the other. In this one instance the gradienter, if new with sharp clean threads, has an advantage over the stadia. The gradienter can be used if one foot of rod can be seen, while the stadia requires a graduated rod. If a plain rod, however, is used the sur- veyor can direct the horizontal cross-hair to one mark and read the vertical angle. Then drop the wire two, three, or more feet on the rod and read a second angle. One-half the sum of the two angles gives the vertical angle to the mid-point, the rod being held vertically. Let A = half the sum of the two angles, D = distance on rod intercepted between the wire on the two sights in feet, L = length of line in feet, then L = D X Cos 2 A + I. The formula is only closely approximate, but errors in measuring within reasonable limits are readily caught by such a check. In the radiation method the transit is set up at one or more points, from which angles and lines are measured to the corners of the field. TRANSIT SURVEYING 243 Fig. 198 illustrates a field of less than 160 acres in fairly compact shape. Here all the corners could be seen from one set-up. To survey the field by the traverse method would call for the measurement of the five sides and for the occupation of each corner with the instrument. The sum of the lengths of the lines OA + OB + OC + OD + OE is usually less than the perimeter of the field, but all lengths should be checked. Surveyors skilled in stadia work can dispense with the chain or tape. FIG. 198. FIG. 199. Fig. 199 illustrates a larger field, the corners of which cannot be seen from one point. The instrument is set at O and P, the angles at each point being turned from a backsight on the other. All the radiating lines are meas- ured except PB and PE. Fig. 200 illustrates a long narrow field and neither point nor P is visible from the other. Flags are set on the boundaries at E and F and angles read to them, the lengths OE, OF, PE and PF being measured. V ^: /'N p FIG. 200. FIG. 201. Fig. 20 1 illustrates the method to use with fields of con- siderable size, say exceeding 320 acres, in which the method shown in Fig. 200 may not be applicable. A small traverse is run within the field and angles and distances measured to the corners of the field. The radiation method divides a field into triangles, two sides and the included angle of each being measured. 244 PRACTICAL SURVEYING The area of each triangle = \ be Sin A and the sum of the areas of the triangles equals the area of the field, Fig. 201 being an exception. If a description of the field is wanted each triangle must be solved for the third side and the base. "The intersection method consists in establishing and carefully measuring a base line, from each end of which all the corners of the field are visible, and in measuring all the angles around each end formed by lines radiating to the corners. If the field is a small one and topography permits, one base line is sufficient, but in the case of a large field, two or more base lines will be necessary. The base line is taken inside the field when it is possible, as the lengths of the sights is thereby reduced to a minimum; but it is not essential that it be so taken, and it may be all out- side of the field or partly inside and partly outside. The only imperative condition using one base line is that all corners must be visible from each end of the base line." "In locating the base line care must be taken to avoid small angles, as the sines of small angles change rapidly. (Angles under 15 and over 165 must be obtained to the nearest 10 sees., which can be done by trebling the angle on the limb of the transit.) In the case of a rectangular field the best location for the base line is parallel to the short axis. This arrangement should be followed as closely as the topography will permit. The more irregular the field, the harder it is to avoid small angles, and more time and thought are required in the selection of the base line than in the case of the rectangular field. The length of the base line depends upon local conditions. In general, the longer it is, the more accurate the results; but it should never be less than one-third the length of the average sight. This is based on the assumption that the instrument used reads to 30 sees., and that each angle is doubled on the limb." Fig. 202 illustrates a field surveyed by FIG 202 ^ ne intersection method, AB being the base line, the only line measured. "The traverse method is applicable to any field regard- less of the crops or topographical conditions. There is always a strip of land along the fence line that is not culti- TRANSIT SURVEYING 245 vated, and an open sight may be had along this strip, so the distance between corners may be chained without interfering with the growing crops. The radiation method may be used equally as well, provided that the growing crops do not interfere with the chaining or obscure the lines of sight. Farms are generally surveyed upon chang- ing hands, and the principal thing to be ascertained is the acreage. Possession is taken in the spring before the crops are put in, and hence the surveyor is not limited in his choice of methods. The intersection method can be used only in level, open country, as all the corners of the field can seldom be seen from both ends of a base line in hilly wooded country. Hence with respect to applicability, the traverse method has a slight advantage over the radiation method, and both of these are far ahead of the inter- section method." "Which method of surveying should be used in any given case depends entirely upon the conditions peculiar to that particular case. Each of the methods is best in some in- stances. The use of the intersection method is limited, it is true, by topographical features, but it is the most ac- curate of all, and should be used when the nature of the country will permit. The radiation method should be given equal standing with the traverse method, for its saving in time more than compensates for its slightly limited use. Frequently the sides of a field have to be measured in order to re-locate the corners, and in such cases the traverse method is the quickest and should be used. As any one of the methods is accurate enough for all practical purposes, the one that is most applicable to the case in hand should be used." Figs. 198 to 202 inclusive, and the quoted paragraphs are from the paper by Mr. Pickels. ANGULAR LEVELING The long level under the telescope of a transit may be used for leveling, as already described, or vertical angles may be read and the rise or fall computed by the formula H = I tan A, in which H = height or difference in elevation in feet, / = length of sight in feet (horizontal), A = angle of elevation or depression. 246 PRACTICAL SURVEYING The intersection of the cross-hairs should be directed to a point at their height above the ground. A rod is generally used to sight on. The horizontal distance must be carefully measured. The vertical angle should be read at both stations, being an angle of elevation ( + ) at one and an angle of depression ( ) at the other. If there is a small difference use the mean value. A large difference calls for a check and may be due to lack of adjustment. The long bubble should be adjusted so it will remain centered as the instrument revolves on its vertical axis. The cross-hairs should then be adjusted as described for the dumpy level, so the line of sight will be parallel to a horizontal line as indicated by the bubble. The zero of the vernier should be adjusted to coincide with the zero of the vertical arc. Leveling in mining surveys is generally angular work underground. On steep ground and in rolling country leveling by vertical angles is rapid and when care is used is very accurate. It is not well adapted for work requir- ing elevations at intervals of about 100 ft. or less. STADIA WIRES When equipped with stadia wires so distances may be read on a rod, the transit becomes, as it has been adver- tised, "A universal surveying instrument." Stadia wires are two horizontal wires, one above and one below the horizontal wire found in all transit tele- scopes. These two wires are fixed in a ring or diaphragm in such a way that the interval usually intercepts a space of one foot on a rod held at a point distant d ft. from the center of the transit, plus a small constant C. In Fig. 203 the relations are shown: c = distance from telescope axis to center of objective, / = focal length, the distance from the stadia wires to the objective, D = d + C and C = The rays cross each other so that the vertex of the visual angle is not at the center of the instrument, but at a dis- tance in front of the objective equal to its focal length, measured when the telescope is focused on a distant object. TRANSIT SURVEYING 247 The relation between the size and distance of an object and the size of its image in a telescope is given by the formula &_f , _fR R~ d = R 1 ' in which R = space on rod intercepted between the two wires and called the "rod reading," R 1 = space between the wires, d = distance from principal focal point to rod. .Stadia wires ] ^objective FIG. 203. When the wires are set with a space = of the focal 100 length between them we have the relation = = , so the wires will read one foot on a rod held at a distance of 100 ft., one yard at a distance of 100 yds., one meter at a distance of 100 m., etc. Substituting this value in the above expression d = 100 R, to which must be added the constant C. This constant never varies for any given instrument and is independent of the distance. Focus the telescope on an object several miles away and measure from the axis to the objective for c\ and from the screws holding the stadia diaphragm to the objective for/. The constant C = c +/ is noted by all instrument makers on a card or label affixed to the box of every instrument provided with stadia wires. When using the stadia the rod is held vertically. The middle wire is directed to a point on the rod at the same height above the ground as the axis of the telescope. The difference between readings of the upper and lower wires gives the rod reading, if a level rod is used, or a rod having 248 PRACTICAL SURVEYING numbers on the face. Regular stadia rods are seldom num- bered, the intercepted space being read directly. The rod is held vertically and as the line of sight is seldom horizontal this introduces relations between the resulting angles which are finally resolved into the follow- ing expressions: D = Rcos 2 A + CcosA, . D sin 2 A . . H = R - h C sin A , in which D = horizontal distance from center of transit to rod, R = rod reading, A = vertical angle, C = c+f, H = height or difference in elevation. For ordinary work add C instead of C cos A , to obtain horizontal distance; and add 0.015 ^4 instead of C sin A, to obtain difference in elevation. The tables here given save a great deal of time in reducing inclined stadia read- ings to horizontal and vertical equivalents. Example. An angle +18 12' was read to a rod with a rod reading of 5.72 ft. Find horizontal distance and difference in elevation. Turning to column headed 18 on the line opposite 12' find: Hor. Dist. = 90.24, Diff. Elev. = 29.67. At the bottom find the values for C = 0.95 and 0.32, for we here assume C = i.oo ft. Hor. Dist. = (5.72 X 90-24) + 0.95 = 517.12 ft. Diff. Elev. = (5.72 X 29.67) + 0.32 = 170.03 ft. A number of excellent labor-saving slide rules and dia- grams are sold by instrument dealers for reducing stadia rod readings. When running lines with the stadia, readings should be taken forward and back for a check both for angle and rod reading. Angles should be kept below 20 when possible and readings distorted by heat are unreliable. When con- ditions are favorable and the surveyor is careful the limit of error can be kept within , a degree of accuracy supe 1500 rior to ordinary farm survey chaining. TRANSIT SURVEYING 249 The ratio I : 100 is convenient for the reason that ordi- nary level rods may be used and also the decimally divided rods sold by all dealers. If some other ratio is used the rods must be specially divided or all reduced readings be multiplied by a constant. Instrument dealers advise the use of fixed wires and so do men in the government service who are constantly employed on stadia work. The author however worked for a number of years in regions where instrument repair shops were many days distant and not all instrument re- pairers were first class. Sudden changes in temperature and long-heated terms disturbed the wire interval so many times that finally adjustable wires were placed in his tran- sits and all trouble ceased. He believes that "all surveyors similarly circumstanced should use adjustable stadia wires and this after an extended experience in stadia work. To adjust the wires, select a piece of ground practically level and lay off on it with a steel tape an accurately meas- ured line several hundred feet long plus C. Set the transit at one end and have the rod held vertically at the other end. Level the telescope and sight on the rod. Deduct C from the exact distance and with the adjusting screws set the upper and lower wires to intercept this interval on the rod, taking care to keep them equidistant from the middle wire. Assume that the transit is 701 ft. from the rod and C = i.o ft.; the rod reading will be 7 ft. To catch changes in the wire interval the writer checked with a steel tape the first and last rod reading in the forenoon and the first and last rod reading in the afternoon of each day. Frequently the wires held the proper interval for 6 months and once no change was observed for a year. When the interval did change it was sudden and the ratio became as much as i : 104, generally however being I : 102.5 or l ' IO 3-3 or a similarly annoying ratio. Instrument repairers generally blamed the cement used to hold the wires in place. Some- times temperature effects on the diaphragm or too tight screwing up of adjusting screws may cause these alter- ations in the wire interval, which have been noticed by other writers. Alterations due to such .causes disappear within a short time and the interval is apparently correct. By checking rod readings occasionally with a steel tape 250 PRACTICAL SURVEYING and correcting readings by applying a constant thus found the stadia becomes one of the most useful of the tools of the surveyor. (See pp. 1041-2, Vol. LXXVII, Trans. Am. Soc. C.E.) Stadia surveys of farms are made with a degree of ac- curacy suitable for the work. Either the radiation or the traverse method may be used, or a combination of these methods. Because the vertical angle must be read to reduce the inclined readings to horizontal distances informa- tion as to slope of surface is obtained while the measur- ing is being done. Distances are readily obtained with the stadia but cannot beset off, as with a tape or chain. Stadia is a word with the same root as "stadium" the Latin form of "Stadion," the principal Greek measure of length, a little less than an eighth of a mile. Stadia rods are often called "telemeter" ("afar-off measuring") rods. In Europe a theodolite, designed to be used principally for topographical work and equipped with gradienter, stadia wires, etc., is called a "tachymeter," that is, "a rapid measurer." TRANSIT SURVEYING STADIA REDUCTION TABLE 251 M. 1 2 r o'.. i 2' Hor. dist. IOO.OO IOO OO Diff. Elev. o.oo o 06 Hor. dist. 99-97 QQ Q7 Diff. elev. 1.74 I 80 HOT. dist. 99.88 QQ 87 Diff. elev. 3-49 3r ir A IOO OO O 12 QQ Q7 I 86 QQ 87 3 60 6 IOO OO O 17 QQ q6 I Q2 QQ 87 3 66 8 IOO OO O. 23 QQ Q6 I 98 QQ 86 2 72 10 IOO.OO O. 2Q QQ.Q6 2 .04 99 86 3 78 12 IOO OO o 3< QQ Q6 2 OQ QQ 81; 3 84 % 14 IOO OO o 4.1 QQ QC 2 1C QQ 8s 3QO 16 IOO OO O.47 QQ QC 2 21 QQ 84 1 Qf 18 IOO.OO O. <\2 QQ.QC 2 . 27 QQ 84 4 OI 20 IOO OO o ^8 QQ Qf 2 73 QQ 8 3 4O7 22 IOO OO o 64 QQ Q4 2 38 QQ 8l 41 3 24 IOO OO o 70 QQ Q4 2 44 i7^-"O QQ 82 4 l8 26 no no o. 76 QQ Q4 2 . SO QQ 82 4 24 28 QQ QQ o 81 QQ Q3 2 ?6 QQ 8 1 47Q 30 32. . 99-99 QQ QQ 0.87 O Q3 99-93 QQ Q3 2.62 2 67 99-81 QQ 80 4.36 4 42 34 36 38 4O 99-99 99-99 99-99 QQ QQ 0.99 I-OS I. II i 16 99-93 99-92 99-92 QQ Q2 2.73 2-79 2.85 2 QI 99-80 99-79 99-79 QQ 78 4.48 4-53 4-59 46c 42 QQ QQ 22 QQ QI 2Q7 QQ 78 471 44 46 48 99.98 99.98 QQ Q8 .28 34 4.0 99.91 99.90 QQ QO 3-02 3.08 314 99-77 99-77 QQ 76 4.76 4.82 4 88 eo. . QQ Q8 4 1 ? QQ QO 3 2O QQ 76 4Q4 QQ 88 -} AQ QQ 72 e 23 5=o.75 0-75 O.OI 0-75 O.O2 0-75 0.03 C=i.oo i .00 O.OI I .OO 0.03 I .OO O.O4 C=I.2S 1-25 O.O2 1.25 0.03 1-25 0.05 252 PRACTICAL SURVEYING STADIA REDUCTION TABLE (Continued) M. 3 4 5 o' HOT. dist. 00.72 Diff. elev. < . 23 HOT. dist. qq. Si Diff. elev. 6 96 HOT. dist. qq 24 Diff. elev. 8 68 2 QQ.72 q.28 qq. 51 7 .02 qq 23 8 74 A QQ 71 tf -2A QQ 4 6 78 QQ 27 8 51 q8 q4 IO 22 It.:::.:::: "?8 99-53 qq. 52 6.84 6.qo 99-26 qq. 2< 8-57 8.63 98.93 q8 q2 10.28 IO 34 60 qq. ci 6.96 QQ. 24 8.68 q8 qi 10.40 C=o. 7 5 0-75 0.05 0.75 0.06 0.75 O.O7 C=i.oo I.OO 0.06 I.OO 0.08 0.99 0.09 C=i.25 1.25 0.08 1.25 O.IO 1.24 O. II TRANSIT SURVEYING STADIA REDUCTION TABLE (Continued) 253 M. 6 7 3 o' HOT. dist. q8 qi Diff. elev. 10 40 Hor. dist. qg ci Diff. elev. 12 IO HOT. dist. 98 06 Diff. elev. 13 78 2 Q8 QO 10 4C y u - o* q8 co 12 1C qg oc 13 84 4 98.88 IO C-i 98 48 12 21 qg 03 13 8q 6 98.87 IO. C7 98 47 12 26 y^-^o q8 01 13 CK 8 98.86 10.62 98.46 12.32 J v 98 oo UOI 10 12 98.85 98.83 10.68 10. 74 98.44 98 43 12.38 12 43 97-98 97 97 14.06 UI? 14 16 18 20 22 98.82 98.81 98.80 98.78 98.77 10.79 10.85 10.91 10.96 ii .02 98.41 98.40 98-39 98-37 98 36 12.49 12.55 I 2. 60 12.66 1272 97-95 97-93 97-92 97-90 97 88 14.17 14.23 14.28 14.34 14 4O 24 98.76 n.o8 98.34 12 . 77 97 87 U4C 26 q8 74 ii i 3 qg -}> 12 83 q7 8c 14 CI 28 30 32 . . 98.73 98.72 Q8.7I 11.19 11-253 ii ^o 98.31 98.29 98 28 12.88 12.94 13 OO 97.83 97.82 Q7 80 14.56 14.62 U6? 34 98.69 ii . 36 98.27 13 .OC y/ w 97 78 14 73 36 98.68 ii .42 98.21? 13.11 97 ?6 U79 ?8 98 67 II 47 qg 24 13 17 Q7 7C U84 40 42 98.65 08.64 n-53 II . cq 98.22 98 2O 13.22 13 28 97-73 Q7 71 14.90 14 QC 44 98.63 II .64 98 iq 1333 97 6q 1C OI 46 q8 61 1 1 7O Q8 17 1 3 3Q q? 68 \o '-'* 1C 06 48 50 C2. . 98.60 98.58 98. C7 11.76 11.81 11.87 98.16 98.14 Q8 13 13-45 I3-50 13 ^6 97-66 97-64 q? 62 15-12 I5.I7 1C 23 54 98.56 II .Q3 q8 ii 13 61 y/ 97 61 IS 28 56 58 98.54 q8 C3 11.98 12 O4 98.10 qg 08 13.67 13 73 97-59 Q7 C7 15-34 I C 4O 60 98 c i 12 IO q8 06 13 78 Q7 CC 1C 4C C=o. 7S 0.75 0.08 0-74 O.IO 0.74 O.II C=i .00 0-99 O.II o-99 0.13 o-99 0.15 C=i. 25 1.24 0.14 1.24 o. 16 1.23 0.18 254 PRACTICAL SURVEYING STADIA REDUCTION TABLE (Continued} M. 9 10 n ' Hor. dist. Q7 I C. Diff. elev. T c A e Hor. dist. 06 08 Diff. elev. Hor. dist. 06 26 Diff. elev. 18 72 2 Q7 13 ICCT Q6 Q6 17 16 yu-o" q6 74. 10 - 16 18 78 4 Q7 12 i i 16 Q6 QA 17 21 y^-^4 Q6 32 1 8 84 6 8 10 97-50 97.48 Q7 4.6 15.62 15.67 jr 77 9<3.92 96.90 96 88 17. 26 17.32 17 37 96.29 96.27 Q6 2^ 18.89 i8.95 IQ OO 12 07.44 ic 78 96 86 17 43 Q6 23 IQ O< 14. Q7 4.3 K 84 06 84. 17 4.8 yu.z^ q5 21 19 1 1 16 18 20 .... 97-41 97-39 Q7 37 15-89 15-95 16 oo 96.82 96.80 Q6 78 17-54 17-59 17 6c. 96.18 96.16 Q6 14. 19.16 19.21 IQ 27 22 07 2C 16 06 Q6 76 17 7O 96 12 IQ 32 24 26 28 3O . 97-33 97-31 97-29 Q7 28 16.11 16.17 16.22 16 28 96.74 96.72 96.70 96 68 17.76 17.81 17.86 17 Q2 96.09 96.07 96.05 Q6 O3 19-38 19-43 19.48 IQ 14. 32 . . Q7 26 16 33 96 66 17 Q7 06 oo IQ ^Q 34- Q7 24. 16. 3Q 0.6.64 18 03 Q 1 ^ Q8 IQ 64 36 38 40 42 97-22 97-20 97.18 Q7 l6 16.44 16.50 16.55 16 61 96.62 96.60 96.57 Q6 << 18.08 18.14 18.19 18 24 95.96 95-93 95-91 qc 8q 19.70 19-75 I9-80 IQ 86 44 < . . . . Q7 14 16 66 Q6 ^ 18 30 95 86 IQ QI 46 48 So >2. . 97.12 97.10 97-08 Q7 06 16.72 16.77 16.83 16 88 96.51 96.49 96.47 q6 41 18.35 18.41 18.46 18 .oq 21-55 21.60 94-34 94- 31 23.11 23.16 93-So 93-47 24-65 24.70 c o. . 95-O7 21.66 94.28 23.22 93-45 24. 75 *\2 . . (K 04 21 . 71 Q4. 26 23 . 27 03.42 24.80 54. . Qf? .02 21 . 76 04. 23 23.32 93 39 24.85 56 Q4 QQ 21 8l 04 2O f-2 77 03 36 24 QO 58 Q4 Q7 21 8? 04 17 23 42 03 33 24 QC 60 Q4 Q4 21 Q2 04 IS 23 47 03 . 3O 2< .OO C=o. 7 S 0-73 0.16 0.73 0.17 0-73 O.I9 C-i.oo 0.98 O. 22 0-97 0.23 0.97 0.25 C=I.2 S I .22 0.27 I . 21 O.2O I .21 0.31 256 PRACTICAL SURVEYING STADIA REDUCTION TABLE (Continued) M. 15 16 17 o' 2 Hor. dist. 93-30 Q3 . 27 Diff. elev. 25.00 2^ OS Hor. dist. 92.40 Q2 37 Diff. elev. 26.50 26 ^ ^ Hor. dist. 91-45 QI 42 Diff. elev. 27.96 28 01 4 Q3 24 2S IO Q2 34 oo 26 ^Q QI 3Q 28 06 6 Q3 21 2< . I"> Q2 31 26 64 QI 3 ^ 28 10 8 93.18 2 5 2O Q2. 28 26 69 QI 32 28 15 10 Q2 l6 2C 2S Q2 2 S 26 74. QI 2Q 12 93- 13 25 3O Q2 22 26 7Q 91 26 28 25 14 Q3 10 2^.31; Q2 IQ 26 84 QI 22 28 30 16 93.07 25.40 Q2 I < 26.89 QI IQ 28 34 18 07 O4 2"> 4y . jv SQ 33 o'-'-"*) 3O 8? 88 23 32 23 6 QO 3S 2Q ^3 SQ 2Q 3O Q 2 88 19 32 27 8 QO. 31 2Q.58 89 26 3O Q7 88 15 32 32 IO .... 00.28 2Q .62 89.22 31 OI 88 ii 32 36 12 14 90.24 QO 21 29.67 2Q . 72 89.18 SQ 15 31.06 31 IO 88.08 88 04 32.41 72 AC 16 90.l8 2Q . 76 rSJ'*3 SQ ii 31 I"? 88 oo 32 4Q 18 . .. . QO. 14 2Q.8l SQ 08 31 IQ 87 Q6 32 CJ4 20 22 24 .... 90.11 90.07 QO O4 29.86 29.90 2Q Q5 89.04 89.00 88 96 3!- 2 4 31.28 31 33 87.93 87.89 87 85 32.58 32.63 32 6? 26 QO OO 3O.OO 88 Q3 31 38 87 81 32 72 28 8Q.Q7 3O.O4 88 89 31 42 87 77 32 76 3O. . 8Q.Q3 3O. OQ 88.86 31 47 87.74 32.80 72 SQ QO 3O 14 88 82 31 51 87 7O 32 85 34 89 86 3O IQ 88 78 A O x 31 56 87 66 32 8Q 36 89.83 3O. 23 88 75 31 60 87 62 32 Q3 38.. 8Q.7Q 30.28 88 71 31 65 87 58 32 Q8 4O 89.76 ^O. ^2 88 67 31 6Q 87.54 33 O2 42 SQ 72 3O 37 88 64 31 74 87 51 33 O7 44 89 69 3O 41 88 60 31 78 87 47 33 II 4 6 89.65 3O 46 88 56 31 83 87 43 3315 4 8 89.61 ^O. ^1 88 53 31 87 87 3Q 33 2O SO. . 89.58 30. 5^ 88 4Q 31 Q2 87 35 33 24 $2 . . SQ $A 30 60 88 4<; 31 Q6 87 31 33 28 ^4- - SQ 51 30 6^ 88 41 32 OI W -O A 87 27 33 33 56.. 8Q.47 30 60 88 38 32 O5 87 24 33 37 f 60 89.44 89.40 30.74 30.78 88.34 88.30 32.09 32.14 87.20 87.16 33-41 33-46 =0.75 0.71 0.24 0.71 0.25 0.70 0.26 C=i .00 0-95 0.32 0-94 0-33 0-94 0-35 C-I.25 1.19 0.40 1.18 0.42 I.I7 0.44 PRACTICAL SURVEYING STADIA REDUCTION TABLE (Continued) M. 21 22 23 o' Hor. dist. 87 16 Diff. elev. 33 .46 Hor. dist. 8 'd" ^ t~ O co co t^ to O CO O^ *^ 1 O fl (T ^" ^D O IO OO n 10 cs ^D ^O O^ t^-* 1 + 4: + + 1 H i r^ oo CN ' ' O OO O^ O^ 00 10 00 CT> co M ^ CO oo T}- -co r>. M to CO 1 i 1 ^- o% to co I s - r^. oo o MM VO* 00 CM i w O CO t^ 00 Tf CT> l^- IO t^. O M t->. M c~i C7 00 10 VD* VD* 00 OO CO i 1 C/3 IO CS VD o*> to ^ 10 O t^ O CO +2 O^ vD O^ O ^J- co M JS 2 O^ OO f^* VD 00 <* -co t~ M CM CM CO CO O !i oo r>- oo rj- M to co O ^f OO vD O~> t^ to M MM MM w w ^ ^ ^ w & ! 00 10 00 00 t^ M O> Tt d 10 CN CM O O o o o o o o o ^ t^- VD O CT OO M VD co to vD CM 10 CO ^ ^ CO ^1 rn Z C M cs co ^t- to vo 266 PRACTICAL SURVEYING fractional parts, draw the intersecting latitude and depar- ture lines and locate the corner. Finish the outline of the field by connecting the corners. When the outlines and all FIG. 207. Platting by latitudes and departures. bearings and lengths are inked in, the co-ordinate lines are erased, for they are drawn with a sharp, hard lead pencil. Maps expected to be in fairly constant service (working maps) should be drawn on the best quality of cloth mounted paper and the co-ordinate lines should be very fine red ink lines. These maps never leave the surveyor's office, tracings being made of such portions as may be wanted by clients. In many cities maps are drawn on sheets with co-ordinate lines drawn in ink. The co-ordinates (latitude and departure) are marked in figures at each monument and lot corner. The bearing and distance between any two points may then be obtained readily by trigonometry. It is an admirable way to keep records and working maps. Steel straight-edges should be used in drawing the lines. To project a line too long to be drawn with the straight- edge, drive a fine needle at one end to which fasten a fine silk thread. Stretch the thread exactly over the line and at points which may be included within the length of the straight-edge make fine marks on the paper. Draw the extended line through these marks. REPRODUCING MAPS For reproducing drawings smaller than 12 ins. by 18 ins. hektographs or clay process pads are good. The hekto- graph is a pad of gelatine in a shallow pan, the clay pad TRANSIT SURVEYING 267 being a substitute for gelatine and in appearance re- sembling putty. The drawings are made with specially prepared hektograph inks on a smooth hard paper. This is laid face down on the pad and rubbed to remove wrinkles and air bubbles. It is left in place for three minutes. After removal plain pieces of paper, preferably not so hard as the original, are laid on the pad in rapid succession and rubbed smooth. Each sheet receives a print, the im- pressions becoming gradually more faint. Fifteen to twenty good impressions is the limit. The inks can be had in a number of colors. If only a few copies are wanted, less than six or seven, the original drawing may be made with copying pencils, also to be obtained in several colors. For larger drawings tracings are used. Tracing cloth is costly, and medium thick "Parchment," "Vellum," "Colonna" or "Ionic" tracing papers are well suited to the use of the surveyor. When tracings are to receive much handling or are expected to be used for many years they should be on tracing cloth. The drawing is made on paper and traced in ink on the transparent cloth or paper. To save time on unimportant work the drawing is made directly on tracing paper or on the rough side of tracing cloth in lead pencil and then inked in. Tracing cloth and paper are greatly affected by moisture in the atmosphere so it is best to make accurate maps first on paper. Sur- veyors should use a good quality of paper for maps. When several copies of a drawing are wanted the tracing is blue printed. Blue-print papers are sold by all dealers in surveying supplies. In a frame holding a sheet of plate glass, the tracing is placed on the glass. The sensitized surface of a sheet of blue-print paper is laid on the tracing. On top is placed a piece of felt or blanket, and the whole is covered with a wooden cover held in place by springs and clamps. All bubbles of air and wrinkles in the tracing, the blue-print paper and the felt must be eliminated. The glass is exposed to the direct rays of the sun for several minutes, depending on the sensitiveness of the prepared paper. The blue-print paper is afterwards washed in clean water until white lines appear on a blue ground, and then hung on a line to dry. Men who have occasionally to make blue prints find it 268 PRACTICAL SURVEYING convenient to prepare paper for their own use, for this material does not have good keeping properties. Take one-half ounce each of potassium ferrid-cyanide and cit- rate of iron and ammonia; dissolve in from 6 ozs. to 8 ozs. of clean water. Put in a bottle and shake thoroughly un- til the chemicals are dissolved, which process requires about 10 minutes. The mixture does not keep well so a fresh lot should be prepared for each job of printing. Only chemi- cally pure (C. P.) materials should be used and they can be bought in crystal form from any druggist. Keep in a light-proof bottle with ground-glass stopper. Eight ounces of the mixture will coat about 100 square feet of paper. Lay in a shallow dish a piece of thin cotton or linen cloth and pour in the mixture. Then lift up the cloth to allow the liquid to strain through so all undis- solved lumps will be removed. The work should be done in a room lighted by a red or orange light. Use a broad flat brush for coating the paper, which should be a good bond paper with smooth surface. Hang in the dark until dry and keep in the dark until used. White lines on a blue ground are not satisfactory when a map is to be colored, but with special inks or erasing fluids white, red and yellow lines may be drawn on blue prints. Several manufacturers sell paper which is used like blue- print paper, the lines coming out blue, black or brown on a white ground. There is also on the market a thin paper which, used like blue-print paper, shows white lines on a brown ground. Such a print may be used with ordinary blue-print paper, as a photographic negative, the result be- ing a print with blue lines on a white ground. PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY An ephemeris is a table giving the place of a planet for a number of successive days. The solar ephemeris is of value to surveyors and engineers, for by observations on the sun the local time at a place may be ascertained, the latitude found and the true meridian determined. Practically all instrument makers issue annually small books containing the solar ephemeris for the year, together with much other useful information. These vest pocket TRANSIT SURVEYING 269 books are sold for a small price, usually ten cents. From the 1912 edition of the twenty-five cent book issued by Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Denver, Colo., the following con- cise description of practical astronomical work has been taken. The Sun is the center of the solar system, remaining con- stantly fixed in its position, although often spoken of as in motion around the earth. The Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun in three hundred and sixty-five days, five hours, forty-eight minutes and forty-six seconds. It also rotates about an imaginary line passing through its center, and termed its axis, once in twenty-three hours, fifty-six minutes and four seconds, mean time, turning from west to east. The Poles are the extremities of the earth's axis. The pole in our own hemisphere, known as the North Pole, if pro- duced indefinitely toward the concave surface of the heavens, would reach the North Pole of the heavens a point situated near the Polar star. The Equator is an imaginary line passing around the earth, equidistant from the poles, and in a plane at right angles with the axis. If the plane of the equator be produced to the heavens, it forms what is termed the Celestial Equator. The Orbit of the earth is the path in which it moves in making its yearly revolution. If the plane of this orbit were produced to the heavens, it would form the Ecliptic, or the sun's apparent path in the heavens. The earth's axis is inclined to its orbit at an angle of about 23 27', making an angle of the same amount between the earth's orbit and its equator, or between the Celestial Equator and the Ecliptic. The Equinoxes are the two points in which the Ecliptic and the Celestial Equator intersect one another. The Horizon of a place is the surface which is defined by a plane supposed to pass through the place at right angles with a vertical line, and to bound our vision at the surface of the earth. The horizon, or a horizontal surface, is de- termined by the surface of any liquid when at rest, or by the spirit-levels of an instrument. 270 PRACTICAL SURVEYING The Zenith of any place is the point directly overhead, in a line at right angles with the horizon. The Meridian of any place is a great circle passing through the zenith of a place and the poles of the earth. The Latitude of a place is its distance north or south of the Equator, measured on a Meridian. At the equator the latitude is o, at the poles 90. Refraction. By reason of the atmosphere, the rays of light from the sun are bent out of their course, so as to make its altitude appear greater than is actually the case. The amount of refraction varies according to the altitude of the body observed, being zero when it is in the zenith, about one minute when midway from the zenith to the horizon, and almost thirty-four minutes when in the horizon. The Longitude of a place is its angular distance east or west of a given place taken as the starting point or first meridian; it is measured on the equator or on any parallel of latitude and usually from Greenwich, England. As the earth makes a complete rotation upon its axis once a day, every point on its surface must pass over 360 in twenty-four hours, or 15 in one hour, and so on in the same ratio. And as the rotation is from west to east, the sun would come to the meridian of every place 15 west of Greenwich just one hour later than the time given in the Ephemeris for apparent noon at that place. To an observer situated at Denver, Colo., the longitude of which is, in time, seven hours, the sun would come to the meridian seven hours later than at Greenwich, and thus when it was 12 M. at that place it would be but 5 A.M. in Denver. TIME A Solar Day is the interval of time between two suc- cessive upper transits of the sun across the same meridian. Solar days are of unequal length. A mean solar day is the average for a year. A Sideral Day is the interval of time between two suc- cessive upper transits of a fixed star across the same meridian; it is invariable and is equal to twenty- three hours, fifty-six minutes, four and nine-hundredths seconds TRANSIT SURVEYING 271 of mean solar time. The earth makes one complete rotation on its axis in a sideral day. Mean Noon. A clock keeps mean solar time when it divides a mean solar day into twenty-four equal parts or hours. Noon as shown by such a clock is mean noon. Apparent Noon for any place is the time of the upper transit of the sun across the meridian of that place; it may occur several minutes earlier or later than mean noon. Equation of Time. The column headed "Equation of Time" in the Ephemeris shows the quantity to add to or subtract from mean time to obtain the corresponding apparent time. Standard Time. Since November, 1883, in the United States, the mean solar time of the meridians 60, 75, 90, 105, and 1 20 west of Greenwich is standard time. The time spaces are known respectively as Colonial, Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific time. Each differs from the next in time by one hour. Instead of employing the local mean solar time, the time used 1s the mean solar time at the nearest of the standard meridians. Hour Angle. The number of hours from the meridian. To Set a Watch to Mean Local Time by the Sun. Set up the transit and adjust the telescope to the true meridian, then note the exact time that the center of the sun's image crosses the vertical cross-hair. This is apparent noon, and at this instant, set -the minute hand to as many minutes before 12 as the equation of time for the given day shows is to be added to mean time, or to as many minutes after 12 as it shows is to be subtracted. The correction may be noted in case it is not desired to set the watch. DECLINATION The Declination of the sun is its angular distance north or south of the celestial equator; when the sun is at the equinoxes, that is, about the 2ist of March and the 2ist of September of each year, its declination is o, or it is said to be on the equator; from these points its declination in- creases from day to day and from hour to hour, until on the 2ist of June and the 2ist of December it is 23 27' distant from the equator. 272 PRACTICAL SURVEYING It is the declination which causes the sun to appear so much higher in summer than in winter, its altitude in the heavens being about 46 54' more on the 2ist of June than it is on the 2ist of December. The Ephemeris gives the sun's declination for mean noon at Greenwich for each day in the year. The declination of the sun at any place for any hour of the day is determined from the Ephemeris as follows: 1. Divide the longitude of the place (reckoned from Greenwich) by 15 to obtain the corresponding difference of time in hours. 2. Find the corresponding Greenwich time by adding the difference of time to the mean time at the given place, when west from Greenwich, and subtracting when east. 3. Multiply the difference for one hour, as found in the table opposite the given day of the year, by the number of hours from noon by Greenwich time. 4. This product is the change in declination to be ap- plied as indicated in the following expression: Declination for given time and place {apparent dec. for given day of year change in declina- tion. The sign of the last term is + for time after noon, Green- wich, when declination is increasing, and for time before noon when declination is decreasing. The sign is to be used for time after noon, Greenwich, when declination is decreasing and for time before noon when declination is increasing. An inspection of the Ephemeris will show whether the declination is increasing or decreasing from day to day. N in the column of apparent declination indicates north, and S indicates south declination. Example. Required the declination at 10 A.M., Aug. 10, 1911, at Denver, Colo., U. S. A., latitude 39 46' 31" north, longitude 105 west. 1. Diff. of time = = 7 hrs. 2. As Denver is west from Greenwich, add the diff. of time, obtaining 10 A.M., Denver time = 10 -f- 7 = 17, or 5 P.M., Greenwich time. TRANSIT SURVEYING 273 3. Change in dec. for I hr. = 43". 32 Change for 5 hrs. = 43". 32 X 5 = o 03' 36".6o 4. Sun's apparent dec. at Greenwich, mean noon = N 15 49' 53". 60 Dec. at 10 A.M., Denver = N 15 46' 17" The change is subtracted as the time is afternoon and dec. is decreasing, since the dec. the next day is less. LATITUDE Determination of Latitude by Direct Observation of the Sun. Carefully level the transit a few minutes before apparent noon, and if it is not provided with solar hairs, bring the horizontal cross-hair tangent to the upper limb of the sun and keep it tangent by the slow motion screw until the sun ceases to rise, then read the vertical angle, and from this angle subtract the semi-diameter of the sun, as given in the Ephemeris for the proper month of the year, also the refraction corresponding to the observed angle. The resulting angle will be the true altitude of the sun's center. Calculate the sun's declination for noon, apparent time, for place of observation as described above. If the declina- tion is N, subtract, but if it is S, add it to the true altitude of the sun. The result is the co-latitude of the place of observation and the lat. = 90 co.-lat. Note. In direct solar observations it is necessary to protect the eye by a darkened glass, which should be used at the eye end of the telescope unless both its surfaces are true and parallel. When the altitude is high, a diagonal eyepiece will be found convenient, or an image of the sun and cross-hairs may be formed on a screen, a card or a blank page of a notebook held a few inches from the eye- piece. If this method is used no darkener is required. An average of several observations is preferable to a single observation. When more than one observation is made, the alternate ones should be taken with the telescope re- versed in order to eliminate instrumental errors. When great accuracy is not essential, standard time may be used in computing the declination. As the difference between standard and local time is seldom more than 30 min. and the greatest hourly change in declination is about one 274 PRACTICAL SURVEYING minute of an arc, the maximum error in declination due to using standard time would not be greater than 30 seconds. Example. On April 17, 1910, an observation was made of the sun to determine the latitude of Denver. The hori- zontal cross-hair was kept tangent to the lower limb of the sun until it ceased to rise, then the vertical circle reading Apparent alt. lower limb Refraction for 60 20' oo' True alt. lower limb Add sun's semi-diameter True alt. sun's center Subtract declination Co-lat. Latitude = 60 20' oo" = 00 oo' 34" = 60 19' 26" = 00 15' 58" = 60 35' 24" = 10 21' 55" = 50 13' 29" = 39 46' 3i" Latitude may be determined by reference to an accurate map, from which the latitude of a neighboring point may be found and then due allowance made for the distance north or south to the station. The table on page 275 gives the length, in feet, of one minute of arc and the number of minutes of arc in a mile for latitude and longitude, from o to 60 latitude by one- degree intervals. MEAN REFRACTION (To be Subtracted from Observed Altitude, in Direct Solar Obser- vations.) Barometer 30 Inches; Thermometer 50 F. Altitude. Refraction. Altitude. Refraction. 10 5' i9' 20 2 39' 11 4' 5i' 25 2 04' 12 4' 27' 30 I 41' 13 4' 07' 35 I 2 3 ' 14 3' 49' 40 I 9 ' 15 3' 34' 45 58' 16 17 3' 20' 3' 08' 49; 34 18 2' 57' 70 ax' 19 2' 48' 80 tot TRANSIT SURVEYING 275 TABLE SHOWING FEET PER MINUTE (ARC) AND MINUTES (ARC) PER MILE OF LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE Length of I 1 Vtin. in Feet. No. of Min . in i Mile. Latitude. Latitude. Longitude. Latitude. Longitude. 6045 6087 0-8734 0.8674 i 6045 6085 0-8734 0.8677 2 6045 6083 0.8734 0.8679 3 6045 6078 0.8734 0.8687 4 6045 6071 0-8734 0.8697 5 6045 6063 0.8734 o . 8708 6 6045 6053 0.8734 0.8722 7 6046 6041 0-8733 0.8740 8 6046 6027 0.8733 0.8760 9 6046 6oi2 0-8733 0.8782 10 6047 5994 0.8731 0.8808 11 6047 5975 0.8731 0.8836 12 6048 5954 0.8730 0.8867 13 6048 593i 0.8730 o . 8902 14 6049 5907 0.8728 0.8938 15 6049 5880 0.8728 0.8979 16 6050 5852 0.8727 0.9022 17 6050 5822 0.8727 o . 9069 18 6051 5790 0.8725 0.9119 19 6052 5757 0.8724 0.9171 20 6052 572i 0.8724 0.9229 21 6053 5684 0.8722 0.9280 22 6054 5646 0.8721 0.9351 23 6054 5605 0.8721 0.9420 24 6055 5563 0.8720 0.9491 25 6056 55i9 0.8718 0.9566 26 6057 5474 0.8717 0.9645 27 6058 5427 0.8715 0.9729 . 28 6059 5378 0.8714 0.9817 29 6060 5327 0.8712 0.9911 30 6061 5275 0.8711 .0009 3i 6061 5222 0.8711 .OIII 32 6062 5i66 0.8709 .0220 33 6063 5109 0.8708 0334 34 6064 5051 0.8707 0453 35 6065 499i 0.8705 0579 36 6066 4930 0.8704 .0709 37 6067 4867 0.8702 .0848 38 6068 4802 0.8701 0995 39 6070 4736 o . 8698 .1148 40 6071 4669 0.8697 . 1308 4i 6072 4600 0.8695 .1478 42 6073 4530 0.8694 .1655 43 6074 4458 0.8692 .1846 276 PRACTICAL SURVEYING TABLE SHOWING FEET PER MINUTE (ARC) AND MINUTES (ARC) PER MILE OF LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE (Continued) Latitude. Length of i Min. in Feet. No. of Min. in i Mile. Latitude. Longitude. Latitude. Longitude. 44 6075 4385 0.8691 . 2040 45 6076 4311 0.8689 .2247 46 6077 4235 0.8688 .2467 47 6078 4158 0.8687 .2698 48 6079 4080 0.8685 .2941 49 6080 4OOI o . 8684 .3196 50 6081 3920 0.8682 3469 6082 3838 0.8681 3757 52 6084 3755 0.8678 .4061 53 6085 3671 0.8677 .4383 54 6086 3586 0.8675 4723 55 6087 3499 0.8674 .5090 56 6088 3413 0.8672 5470 57 6089 3323 0.8671 .5888 58 6090 3233 0.8669 6331 6091 3142 0.8668 .6804 6 6092 3051 0.8667 7305 ERRORS IN AZIMUTH FOR i MINUTE ERROR IN DECLINATION OR LATITUDE For i Min. Error in Declination. For i Min. Error in Latitude. Lat. 30. Lat. 40. Lat. 50. Lat. 30. Lat. 40. Lat. 50. H M Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. o 30 I OO 8.85 4.46 IO.OO 5.05 12.90 6.01 8-77 4-33 9-9 2 4.87 II.80 5-80 2 00 2.31 2.61 3-H 2.00 2.26 2.70 3 oo I.6 3 1.85 2. 2O I-I5 1.30 1.56 4 oo i-34 1-51 I. 80 0.67 0-75 0.90 5 oo i .20 1.35 1.61 0.31 0-35 0-37 6 oo i. IS 1.30 1.56 o.oo 0.00 0.00 By the use of the above table the amount of the azimuth error, resulting from the use of erroneous declination or latitude at the different hours of the day, may be de- termined. TRANSIT SURVEYING 277 If the South Polar Distance used be too great, the ob- served meridian falls to the right of the true south point in the forenoon and to the left in the afternoon and vice versa if too small. If the latitude used be too great, the observed meridian falls to the left of the true south point in the forenoon and to the right in the afternoon and vice versa if too small. DETERMINATION OF THE MERIDIAN By Direct Solar Observation. The best time of day for a solar observation is from 8 to 10 A.M., and from 2 to 4 P.M. Observations greater than five or less than one hour from noon should not be relied upon. Use colored glass over eye end. The transit should be accurately adjusted and carefully leveled. Set the limb at zero when the telescope is di- rected to some convenient mark, then with the lower motion clamped, point the telescope to the sun and bring the vertical and horizontal cross-hairs tangent to its image, say in the lower left-hand quarter; read the vertical circle and the limb. Note the time, quickly reverse the tele- scope in altitude and azimuth and again bring the" cross- hairs tangent to the image, but in the opposite quarter; read the vertical circle and the limb.* The mean of the vertical circle readings will give the apparent altitude of the center of the sun. The mean of the readings on the limb will give the angle between the sun and the selected mark. Formula A . Let Z = the angle between the sun and the meridian, then its value may be obtained from the equation cos * sin co-alt. X sin co-lat. where 5 = co-dec. + co-alt. + co-lat. * When the transit has a vertical arc instead of a full circle the in- tersection of the cross-hairs may be directed to the center of the sun's image. In fact this method is common even with full circles for the error thus introduced, if any, is small. M C C. 2 7 8 PRACTICAL SURVEYING Example. The following notes are of an observation made at Denver at 10 A.M., April 17, 1910. Latitude 39 46' 31" Telescope. Horizontal angle. Vertical angle. Position of sun's image. Direct 89 17' R + 50 14' ,J. Reversed 89 07' R + 51 07' -P Reduction of notes. 10 A.M., Denver time 17 or 5 P.M., Greenwich time. Change in dec. since noon 10 Greenwich Dec. at noon Greenwich Dec. at 10 A.M. Denver co-dec. 5 X 53 -02 = +00 04' 25". i = N 10 1 5' 44" 4 = N 10 20' 09 = 79 39' 50 50 40' 30" 00 oo' 49" 50 39' 4i" 39 20' 19" 39 46' 3i" 50 13' 29" = \ [(79 39' 5<>".5) + (39 20' 19") + (50 13' 29")] 8 4 36'49".2 Subtract refraction correction = True-alt. Co-alt. Lat. Co-lat. = Substituting in equation for cos J Z cos i z = t /(sin 84 36' 49".2) X (sin V si 58" .7) (sin 39 20' 19") X (sin 50 13' 29") +9.9980780" + 8.9359106 9.8020222 .-9.8856776J 65io'.t8", Z = 130 20' 36". = 9-6231444 Interpretation of result. Fig. 208 shows the relative posi- tions of the sun, the meridian, and the point of reference. TRANSIT SURVEYING 279 Before noon Z is to the left of the line to the sun and to the right after noon. The true bearing of the reference point is N 41 08' 36" E. Formula B. Identical results will be obtained by the use of the following equation and it may be preferred on account of its containing the direct angles instead of the co-angles, but it is necessary to pay careful attention to the algebraic signs when it is used, cos O = cos lat. X cos alt. tan lat. X tan alt. The sign of the first term of the right-hand side of the equation is negative when declination is S ; the second term is positive where the latitude is S. If the algebraic sign of the result is positive, Q is the angle between the sun and the north point, but if it is negative, it is the angle between the sun and the south point. Example. The solution of the above example by this equation is as follows: 280 PRACTICAL SURVEYING COS Q = sin 10 20' 09" .5 (cos 39 46' 31") X (cos 50 39' 41 - (tan 39 46' 31") X (tan 50 39' 41 log sin 10 20' 09" .5 = + 9.2538706 log cos 39 46' 31" = + 9.8856775 log cos 50 39' 41 " = 9.8020222 9.5661709 = log 0.368274 log tan 39 46' 31" = + 9.9203518 log tan 50 39' 41 " = + 0.0863893 0.0067411 = log 1.015640 cos Q = - 0.647366 ' Q = 49 39' 24" Interpretation of result. Q is the angle between the sun and the south point, since the declination is N, the lati- tude is N and the algebraic sign of the right-hand side of the equation is negative. The true bearing of the reference point is therefore N 41 08' 36" E, the same as obtained by the first equation; see Fig. 208. Time may also be determined from the foregoing data by the equation (for a spherical triangle) . sin Z sin co-alt. sin 1 = : > sin co-dec. in which T is the hour angle of the sun at the time of ob- servation. This is reduced to time by dividing by 15 and corrected by the equation of time to obtain mean local time and still further corrected by the difference between mean local time and standard time if the latter is desired. Example. Using the data of the example already given to find the time. . T _ (sin 130 20' 36") (sin 39 20' 19") Sill JL / f\ ff * (sin 79 39' 50.5") Log sin 130 20' 36" = +9.8820570 Log sin 39 20' 19" = +9.8020222 9.6840792 Log sin 79 39' 50.5" = -9.9928945 Log sin T = 9.6911847 T = 29 24' 50" TRANSIT SURVEYING 281 .*. Time before noon = -^ - = I h. 57 m. 39 s. Noon 12 h. oo m. oo s. Deduction I h. 57 m. 39 s. Sun time 10 h. 02 m. 21 s. A.M. Equation of time to nearest sec. , 1 6 s. Mean local time 10 h. 02 m. 05 s. A.M. As mean local time and standard time are the same at Denver no further correction is necessary. According to the above result, the time used was 02 m. 05 s. slow, making an error of about 02" in the declination which, from the table on page 276, makes an error in the azimuth of about 05", being well within the allowable limits of error for ordinary field work. Note. The signs preceding the logarithms in the three examples above are used to indicate whether the logarithm is to be added or subtracted. THE MERTOIOGRAPH Mr. Louis Ross, a civil engineer in San Francisco, Cali- fornia, placed on the market, in 1913, a device by means of which the true north may be found at any time of the day, without any computations or preparation of tables, the only instrumental operation being an observation on the sun with the transit. Between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. the re- sults are unreliable, for the best time is when the altitude of the sun is from 15 to 25. Results obtained when the altitude is between 25 and 35 are only fair, while an alti- tude of more than 45 should not be used. The fore- going remarks apply as well to direct observations on the sun when the solution of a spherical triangle is made as previously described. The surveyor needs a table of the sun's ephemeris, but instead of going to the labor of making a table for the declination for each hour he merely takes from the table the declination for Greenwich time. A diagram ac- companying the meridiograph is then consulted and the declination for the time and place is at once obtained. Another diagram gives the refraction to be subtracted. Declination is D. 282 PRACTICAL SURVEYING The latitude of the place may be taken from a good map. If not available measure at noon the sun's altitude H; then, if declination is north, Latitude = 90 H -f- D; if declina- tion is south, Latitude = 90 H D. "Apparent local time" can be found with the meridio- graph, without any added work, by a single setting of the proper scales nearly as fast as by referring to a watch and to an accuracy, so the inventor claims, of one-half minute or less. From a circular issued by Mr. Ross, the following de- scription is taken, which should be clear to the reader by referring to the illustration. The meridiograph is a protractor which solves graphi- cally the problem of finding a true meridian by the sun. It consists of two circular scaled disks, 7 in. max. diam., with a reading arm. The names of all scales are on the arm, exactly over the graduations; -- this obviates search- ing for any desired scales. Nearly all graduations are 5 or 10 minutes spaces; angles may therefore be read to an accuracy of I minute. The scales, beginning with the outermost, are: NUMBER to i.oo, complete circle, for numbers A, B, (A + B). BEARING 20 to 88 40' approx. if loops, for true bearing of sun. b 10 to 60 approx. \ loop, for either alt. or lat. a 10 to 60 approx. I loop, for either alt. or lat. a 10 to 60 approx. I loop, for either alt. or lat. b 10 to 60 approx. \ loop, for either alt. or lat. DECL. i to 23 30' approx. \\ loops, for declination. The transparent celluloid cover prevents the disks from moving accidentally after they have been set and also pro- tects the scales from wear and dirt. The inner disk is ro- tated through the finger slots above and below. To find true north, measure sun's altitude, take its declination from the Ephemeris, and take latitude of station from a map. Set these data on the meridiograph by means of the reading arm, thus: On scales a set alt. against lat., opposite index read number A. On scales b set alt. against lat., opposite given declination read number B. Opposite (A -+- B) read true bearing of sun. On the two a scales the alt. is set against the lat. ; it is TRANSIT SURVEYING 283 immaterial which is set on which as the scales are identi- cal, but set arm on outer disk first, then turn inner disk until proper reading is under reading line. The same applies to the two b scales. Note that the two a scales produce number A, while the Decl. with the two b scales produce number B. Check solution of example given on face of meridio- graph. FIG. 209. The Meridiograph. The solar compass was superseded by the solar attach- ment to the transit but the method of direct observation on the sun is preferred by the majority of surveyors. The computations however are tedious and the amount of figuring required makes many men slight the work some- what. With the most careful work the true north is found 284 PRACTICAL SURVEYING only within the nearest I or 2 minutes of angle. The meridiograph is claimed to give results within this degree of accuracy. BY OBSERVATIONS OF POLARIS At Elongation. A few minutes before elongation, set up the transit and center the plumb-bob over a tack driven into a stake. Level up very carefully and keep the verti- cal cross-hair on Polaris, using the tangent screw of the vernier plate, until elongation is reached. This is easily recognized since the azimuth then remains practically con- stant for several minutes. When elongation has been reached, depress the telescope and carefully fix a stake on line, reverse the telescope on its axis and rotate the instrument 180 on its vertical axis, fix the vertical hair on Polaris, depress the telescope and fix another stake on line, if the vertical hair does not bisect the first one. These two observations must be made be- fore Polaris has appreciably commenced its return motion in azimuth. When it is necessary to set two stakes,* a third stake midway between them will be in a vertical plane through the plumb line of the transit and Polaris at elongation. By daylight, lay off from this plane the proper azimuth. North is to the right, if Polaris was at western, and to the left, if at eastern, elongation. In making this and the following observation it is neces- sary to illuminate the stakes and the cross-hairs. The latter may be accomplished by a suitable lamp held at one side of the transit, so that sufficient light is reflected into the telescope. At Culmination. On account of the great difficulties at- tending this method, it should be used only when the method of elongation is impracticable. This method is based on the fact that Polaris is very nearly on the meridian when it is in the same vertical plane with the star Delta, in the constellation Cassiopeia, or * When the transit is in correct adjustment it will be necessary to set but one stake, whose position will correspond with that of the third one, as given above. TRANSIT SURVEYING 285 mOt ' ^80-LOQ inoav JLV3i/f) JO POLARIS. X] Zeta of the Great Dipper, the star at the bend in the handle. It consists in watching either Delta or Zeta until it comes into the same vertical plane with Polaris and then waiting a known interval of time,* until Polaris is on the meridian. The vertical cross-hair must be placed on Polaris precisely at the end of this interval as the motion, in azimuth, is most rapid at culmination. The telescope is now in the meridian, which may be marked in any suitable manner. Limitations. On account of the haziness of the atmosphere near the horizon, the lower culminations of Zeta and Delta cannot be used below about 38 north latitude; neither can their upper culmina- tions be used north of about 25 and 30 respectively, on account of their being too near the zenith. Selecting the Star. The dia- gram, Fig. 209, shows Delta Cassi- opeia on the meridian below the pole at midnight about April 10. It may therefore be used in the above method for two to three months before and after that date. Likewise Zeta, of the Great Dipper, may be used for two to three months before and after October 10. Time of Elongation and Culmina- tion. Fig. 210 shows Polaris near eastern elongation at midnight about July 10, at western at midnight about January 10, at upper culmination at midnight about October 10, and at lower at midnight about April 10. The approximate time of elongation or culmi- nation for other dates may be determined by noting the position of the line adjoining Zeta of the Great Dipper and Delta Cassiopeia. When this line is vertical, Polaris is near culmination and when horizontal it is near elonga- tion. Polaris is on the opposite side of the Pole from Zeta of the Great Dipper, thus furnishing a convenient means * The waiting time for 1912 is 6 min. 48 sec. for Zeta of the Great Dipper and 7 min. 21 sec. for Delta Cassiopeia. Directior notion of apparent Vr,' tr IOPEIA C* S S MIDNIGHT ABOUT APRIL JO TH FIG. 210. 286 PRACTICAL SURVEYING of distinguishing eastern from western elongation and upper from lower culmination. When Zeta is west, Polaris is east of the pole, and when Zeta is above, Polaris is below the pole. MEAN POLAR DISTANCE The azimuth of Polaris at elongation for any year is found from the following table, which gives the mean polar distance. The maximum error in azimuth for any month cannot exceed one minute from the mean polar distance for the year, this being within the limits of per- missible error. The sine of the true azimuth in any latitude is found by the formula. ~ . _ Sine of Polar Distance Cosine Latitude 1915 1916 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 09 53-51 08' 34.97" 08' 16.45" 07' 57-94" 07' 39-45" 07 20.98 In Engineering News, April 22, 1915, appeared the fol- lowing article : AZIMUTH OBSERVATIONS ON POLARIS BY DAYLIGHT By ROBERT V. R. REYNOLDS* Polaris may always be found in clear weather as soon as the sun has set, and very frequently for five or ten min- utes before sunset or after sunrise. It is stated on good authority that under very favorable conditions an observa- tion has been successful as late as 10 A.M. In the northern parts of the United States the cross-wires may remain visible for a long time after sunset. For the novice it is often difficult at the first few attempts to see Polaris while the sky is still bright, but having once * Forest Examiner, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. TRANSIT SURVEYING 287 found the star, which appears as a small white dot in the field, he will never thereafter feel in doubt. Tabulated TABLE TO FIND POLARIS BY DAYLIGHT Hour Angle of Polaris Approximate* (Use Suit- able Interpolations) Azimuth Setting N E or N W Depending upon Position of Polaris E or W of Meridian Altitude Setting Latitude Plus or Minus the Tabulated Quantities o . o or 1 2 . o oo' 08' 0.5 or 11.5 12' -1 07' i i . o or 1 1 . o 24' 9 06' * 1.5 or 10.5 36' * *' -5. 2.0 or 10.0 47' J3 OO 13^ 2.5 or 9.5 57' o 55' Jjf 3 . o or 9.0 1 06' j 5o' .3 "8 3-5 or 8.5 J 5' / ,- u 4 . o or 8.0 22' ~ C 35' ^ OT 4-5 or 7.5 27' "o"2 2 7' |-ii 5 . o or 7.0 3' *" i I ^' ** rt 5-5 or 6.5 6.0 hours 33' 35' 3" S' ^ * The hour angle used as the argument in this table needs only to be approximate. If it is correct within 5 min. of time, sufficiently accurate settings will be indicated provided interpolation is made. Hence, there is no need of correcting for longitude until the sur- veyor has made the observation and is preparing to enter the table of Azimuths of Polaris. The table is computed for a mean latitude of 42, but purposely modified slightly to make it more useful along the 49th parallel, where much of the Forest Service work is being done. It is accurate enough to bring Polaris within the field of an ordinary transit between latitudes of 10 and 58 N. It is not for use to determine the true azimuth after the observations. settings (such as accompany this article) sufficiently accu- rate to bring the star into the field are required, and there remain several factors which must be given consideration before success can be assured: 1. A slight haziness, which may hardly be obvious to the eye, is sufficient to conceal the star until darkness comes on. 2. The telescope must be in exact focus for celestial ob- jects. This may be accomplished either by focusing at night upon the moon and making a slight scratch upon the objective slide to show the point to which it should be ex- tended, or the surveyor may focus at the time of observa- 288 PRACTICAL SURVEYING tion upon a well-defined object 3 or 4 miles distant, which focus will usually be found sufficiently close. Accurate focusing is one of the most important factors in finding the star. 3. For the purpose of cutting off objectionable light, the sunshade should always be attached. Certainty of finding the star is assured by throwing a coat or other dark cloth over the head when searching through the telescope, as a photographer uses a focusing cloth. 4. An approximate meridian must be had, from which the azimuth settings are turned off. Commonly, the sur- veyor will already have such a meridian from his backsight. Otherwise, a meridian determination from a solar attach- ment in reasonable adjustment will suffice. Sometimes, when the magnetic declination is closely known, it w T ill even be possible to turn upon the star from the needle. A refer- ence meridian which is true within 5' or 10' will be precise enough to locate the star when the table of approximate settings is used. Polaris having been found, the angle from the reference mark to the star should be measured twice, the second time with the telescope inverted. The mean time of obser- vation and the mean angle are then used to find the azimuth of the mark by the simplified hour-angle method. There is practically no chance that any other star will be seen and mistaken for Polaris. (Finis.) BY ANY STAR AT EQUAL ALTITUDES In high latitudes neither the sun nor Polaris give re- liable results. The sun is low and the refraction is un- certain, while, on account of the height of Polaris, the observation is difficult to make and instrumental errors are magnified. In southern latitudes Polaris is not visible at all. Although this method may be used in any latitude, it is particularly applicable under the above conditions. The method consists in observing a star, when at equal altitudes, east and west of the meridian. The meridian will then be halfway between these two positions of the star. The star selected should be 30 or more from the zenith when on the meridian and, at least, the same dis- TRANSIT SURVEYING 289 tance from the pole. The observations should be made when the star is three to four hours from the meridian. Making the observation. To make the first observation level the transit carefully, direct the telescope to the star, clamp all motions and fix the intersection of the cross-hairs on the star by the slow motion screws, read the star's altitude, unclamp the telescope axis, depress the telescope and fix a point on line. To make the second observation re-level the transit care- fully, set the telescope at the altitude determined by the first observation, clamp the limb and lower motion when the star comes near to the horizontal hair, keeping the ver- tical hair on the star by means of the slow-motion screw of the vernier plate until it reaches the intersection of the cross-hairs, then unclamp the telescope axis, depress the telescope and fix a point on line. A third point set half- way between these two will mark the meridian through the transit. If the transit has a vertical circle, the error due to the adjustment of the height of standards may be eliminated by making the first observation with the telescope direct and the second with it reversed in altitude and azimuth. In this method artificial illumination must be used for the cross-hairs and for setting the points on line. GREEK LETTERS of Alpha e Epsilon ft Beta 17 Eta 5 A Delta f Zeta 7 Gamma *c Kappa CHAPTER VII SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE The business of the surveyor is firmly bound up with that of the lawyer, but much of the litigation over land lines would be eliminated if the lawyer could be prevented from interfering with the surveyor in the doing of his work. When it comes to the courts that is another matter, for the decisions of judges based upon precedent, and latterly upon changes in customs and advances in civilization, are generally right. Even if occasionally wrong a decision must stand until a better informed judge has a similar case presented to him. The decisions of courts are based upon a very few common sense principles of law, but it should not be necessary to have cases go into court in order to settle lines and the location of monuments. The surveyor is presumed to have enough skill to measure angles and lines and make a record of same so competent surveyors can re-trace the work and re-locate boundaries. The average attorney-at-law does not recognize "THE ERROR," a thing that looms up large before every surveyor and which the courts must recognize. Mr. J. Francis Le Baron, Member of the American So- ciety of Civil Engineers, on page 425, in the Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXXV (1912), presents the following as a sample of instructions for re-surveys, given him by lawyers, instructions that are positively insulting to men of extended experience in such work. They resemble similar instructions which lawyers at times attempted to give the author in the years when his work was closely associated with land surveying. "I want you to start from the beginning corner, as given in the deed, run the exact course and distance and set a stake there. It will not take you long. I suppose you make an allowance for the variation of the needle. The 290 SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 2 91 needle, you know, does not point exactly north, and you must make an allowance. This deed reads 'due north' so many chains. Now does that mean true north or the way the needle points ? I suppose when you chain down hill you make an allowance, don't you, because I think the distance wouldn't come right if you didn't? I don't know how much you allow, but I suppose you have some custom about it. You see this distance reads so many chains and links, so you must measure it with a chain and links, and not any other kind of measure, or I am inclined to think that the Court would reject your survey." The surveyor is also employed by real estate agents to make surveys for clients and fully ninety-five per cent of these real estate agents demand a commission of no small amount. This is even customary with some attorneys and managers of estates. The surveyor who is compelled to obtain work under such conditions cannot afford to do the work properly and furthermore few competent surveyors will accept work on such terms. The foregoing remarks do not indict all lawyers, real estate agents and managers of estates, for many high-minded men occupy positions of trust and jealously safeguard the interests of their clients to a degree that they would not in work for themselves. To work for an intelligent and honest man occupying such a position is an experience so filled with satisfaction that the surveyor often feels a trifle shamefaced in presenting his bill. If he could afford it he would do the work for the mere satisfaction it affords, yet work done for such men is generally the most highly paid. They are high- priced themselves and prefer to have work done by men who set a proper value upon their services. There is no heart- breaking competition in such work, yet it is seldom offered to a man until after he has served an apprenticeship of many years in competitive work and has established a reputation for accuracy and honesty. To properly re-survey a piece of ground requires consider- able preliminary work in obtaining starting points, for in a community every lot is tied to 'adjoining lots. Some- times to re-locate one line, means the running of many lines, some at a considerable distance from the one wanted. Ma\iy men do not want to pay for such work. Once the 2Q2 PRACTICAL SURVEYING author had to work for ten days before he could definitely locate the line he had been employed to survey, this work consuming only three hours' time. When his bill was pre- sented the lawyer offered him pay for the three hours and told him to go to the other owners, whose land he had first run out, for the remainder of the bill. It took a lawsuit to recover the amount due and some evidence obtained in the suit resulted in the disbarment of the attorney. This leads naturally to the statement that not every attorney is a lawyer and with real lawyers there is seldom any diffi- culty. The average attorney, therefore, is the man who tries to hold the surveyor down to a definite procedure and who is ignorant of THE ERROR. It is difficult however to dis- tinguish between the real lawyer and the pseudo-lawyer, who is really only a licensed attorney-at-law, until some experience is had with the man. Every student who contemplates following surveying as a vocation should procure a copy of Paper No. 1242, Trans- actions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, entitled "Retracement Surveys Court Decisions and Field Pro- cedure," by N. N. Sweitzer, M. Am. Soc. C. E., together with the complete discussion by a number of experienced men. He should also read "Boundaries and Landmarks," by A. C. Mulford ($1.00) and "Descriptions of Lands," by R. W. Cautley ($1.00) in order to obtain the point of view of competent surveyors and hasten the acquirement of knowledge he can obtain otherwise only by years of expe- rience. The surveyor must not forget that his work is not to merely re- trace old lines but to FIND THE LAND. To re- run old field notes exactly as recorded is a simple matter, but to determine the location of the original monuments and lines calls for skill gained only by practical experience. The surveyor's work is as much legal as technical and many times the legal side is the most important. The importance of the legal nature of a surveyor's work is so great that a number of years ago F. Hodgman, then secretary of the Michigan Engineering Society, wrote a book giving the gist of a number of court decisions as a guide for surveyors. This work should be in the possession of every land sur- veyor. It is entitled U A Manual of Land Surveying" ($2.50). John Cassan Wait also wrote a book entitled SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 293 "Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in En- gineering and Architecture," which covers very completely the subject of the law of boundaries. A number of years ago Chief Justice Cooley, of the Mich- igan Supreme Court, delivered an address at a meeting of the Michigan Engineering Society on "The Judicial Func- tions of Surveyors," and no modern textbook on surveying is presumed to be complete unless this address is made a part of the contents. THE JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS OF SURVEYORS By CHIEF JUSTICE COOLEY When a man has had a training in one of the exact sciences, where every problem within its purview is sup- posed to be susceptible of accurate solution, he is likely to be not a little impatient when he is told that, under some circumstances, he must recognize inaccuracies, and govern his action by facts which lead him away from the results which theoretically he ought to reach. Observation war- rants us in saying that this remark may frequently be made of surveyors. In the State of Michigan all our lands are supposed to have been surveyed once or more, and permanent monu- ments fixed to determine the boundaries of those who should become proprietors. The United States, as original owner, caused them all to be surveyed once by sworn officers, and as the plan of subdivision was simple, and was uniform over a large extent of territory, there should have been, with due care, few or no mistakes, and long rows of monu- ments should have been perfect guides to the place of any one that chanced to be missing. The truth unfortunately is, that the lines were very carelessly run, the monuments inaccurately placed, and as the recorded witnesses to these were many times wanting in permanency, it is often the case that when a monument was not correctly placed, it is impossible to determine by the record, by the aid of any- thing on the ground, where it was located. The incorrect record of course becomes worse than useless when the witnesses it refers to have disappeared. It is, perhaps, generally supposed that our town plats 294 PRACTICAL SURVEYING were more accurately surveyed, as indeed they should have been, for in general there can have been no difficulty in making them sufficiently perfect for all practical purposes. Many of them however were laid out in the woods; some of them by proprietors themselves, without either chain or compass, and some by imperfectly trained surveyors, who, when land was cheap, did not appreciate the importance of having correct lines to determine boundaries when land should become dear. The fact probably is, that town sur- veys are quite as inaccurate as those made under authority of the general government. It is now upwards of fifty years since a major part of the public surveys in what is now the State of Michigan were made under the authority of the United States. Of the lands south of Lansing, it is now forty years since the major part were sold, and the work of improvement began. A generation has passed away since they were converted into cultivated farms, and few if any of the original corner and quarter stakes now remain. The corner and quarter stakes were often nothing but green sticks driven into the ground. Stones might be put around or over these if they were handy, but often they were not, and the witness trees must be relied upon after the stake was gone. Too often the first settlers were care- less in fixing their lines with accuracy while monuments re- mained, and an irregular brush fence, or something equally untrustworthy, may have been relied upon to keep in mind where the blazed line once was. A fire running through this might sweep it away, and if nothing was substituted in its place, the adjoining proprietors might in a few years be found disputing over their lines, and perhaps rushing into litigation, as soon as they had occasion to cultivate the land along the boundary. If now the disputing parties call in a surveyor, it is not likely that any one summoned would doubt or question that his duty was to find, if possible, the place of the original stakes which determined the boundary line between the proprietors. However erroneous may have been the original survey, the monuments that were set must nevertheless govern, even though the effect be to make one half-quarter section ninety acres and the one adjoining seventy; for SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 295 parties buy, or are supposed to buy, in reference to these monuments, and are entitled to what is within their lines, and no more, be it more or less. While the witness trees remain, there can generally be no difficulty in determining the locality of the stakes. When the witness trees are gone, so that there is no longer record evidence of the monuments, it is remarkable how many there are who mistake altogether the duty that now devolves upon the surveyor. It is by no means un- common that we find men, whose theoretical education is thought to make them experts, who think that when the monuments are gone, the only thing to be done is to place new monuments where the old ones should have been, and would have been, if placed correctly. This is a serious mis- take. The problem is now the same that it was before: To ascertain, by the best lights of which the case admits, where the original lines were. The mistake above alluded to, is supposed to have found expression in our legislation, though it is possible that the real intent of the act to which we shall refer is not what is commonly supposed. An act passed in 1869 (Compiled Laws, 593), amending the laws respecting the duties and powers of county sur- veyors, after providing for the case of corners which can be identified by the original field notes or other unques- tionable testimony, directs as follows: Second. Extinct interior section corners must be re- established at the intersection of two right lines joining the nearest known points on the original section lines east and west and north and south of it. Third. Any extinct quarter-section corner, except on fractional lines, must be re-established equidistant and in a right line between the section corners; in all other cases at its proportionate distance between the nearest original corners on the same line. The corners thus determined, the surveyors are required to perpetuate by noting bearing trees when timber is near. To estimate properly this legislation, we must start with the admitted and unquestionable fact that each purchaser from government bought such land as was within the original boundaries, and unquestionably owned it up to the time when the monuments became extinct. If the monu- 296 PRACTICAL SURVEYING ment was set for an interior section corner, but did not happen to be "at the intersection of two right lines joining the nearest known points on the original section line east and west and north and south of it," it nevertheless determined the extent of his possessions, and he gained or lost, according as the mistake did or did not favor him. It will probably be admitted that no man loses title to his land or any part thereof merely because the evidences become lost or uncertain. It may become more difficult for him to establish it as against an adverse claimant, but theoretically the right remains; and it remains as a poten- tial fact so long as he can present better evidence than any other person. And it may often happen that notwithstand- ing the loss of all trace of a section corner or quarter stake, there will still be evidence from which any surveyor will be able to determine with almost absolute certainty where the original boundary was between two government sub- divisions. There are two senses in which the word extinct may be used in this connection: One, the sense of physical disap- pearance ; the other, the sense of loss of all reliable evidence. If the statute speaks of extinct corners in the former sense, it is plain that a serious mistake was made in supposing that surveyors could be clothed with authority to establish new corners by an arbitrary rule in such cases. As well might the statute declare that if a man loses his deed, he shall lose his land altogether. But if by extinct corner is meant one in respect to the actual location of which all reliable evidence is lost, then the following remarks are pertinent: 1 . There would undoubtedly be a presumption in such a case that the corner was correctly fixed by the government surveyor where the field notes indicated it to be. 2. But this is only a presumption, and may be overcome by any satisfactory evidence showing that in fact it was placed elsewhere. 3. No statute can confer upon a county surveyor the power to "establish" corners, and thereby bind the parties concerned. Nor is this a question merely of conflict between State and federal law. It is a question of property SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 297 right. The original surveys must govern, and the laws under which they were made must govern, because the land was bought in reference to them; and any legislation, whether State or federal, that should have the effect to change these, would be inoperative, because disturbing vested rights. 4. In any case of disputed lines, unless the parties con- cerned settle the controversy by agreement, the determina- tion of it is necessarily a judicial act, and it must proceed upon evidence, and give full opportunity for a hearing. No arbitrary rules of survey or of evidence can be laid down whereby it can be adjudged. The general duty of the surveyor in such a case is plain enough. He is not to assume that a monument is lost until after he has thoroughly sifted the evidence and found himself unable to trace it. Even then he should hesitate long before doing anything to the disturbance of settled possessions. Occupation, especially if long continued, often affords very satisfactory evidence of the original boundary when no other is attainable; and the surveyor should inquire when it originated, how, and why the lines were then located as they were, and whether a claim of title has always accompanied the possession, and give all the facts due force as evidence. Unfortunately, it is known that surveyors sometimes, in supposed obedience to the State statute, disregard all evidences of occupation and claim of title, and plunge whole neighborhoods into quarrels and litigation by assuming to "establish" corners at points with which the previous occupation cannot harmonize. It is often the case that where one or more corners are found to be extinct, all parties concerned have acquiesced in lines which were traced by the guidance of some other corner or landmark, which may or may not have been trust- worthy; but to bring these lines into discredit when the people concerned do not question them, not only breeds trouble in the neighborhood, but it must often subject the surveyor himself to annoyance and perhaps discredit, since in a legal controversy the law as well as common sense must declare that a supposed boundary line long acquiesced in is better evidence of where the real line should be than any survey made after the original monuments have dis- 298 PRACTICAL SURVEYING appeared. (Stewart v. Carleton, 31 Mich. Reports, 270; Diehl v. Zanger, 39 Mich. Reports, 601.) And county sur- veyors, no more than any others, can conclude parties by their surveys. The mischiefs of overlooking the facts of possession most often appear in cities and villages. In towns the block and lot stakes soon disappear, there are no witness trees and no monuments to govern except such as have been put in their places, or where their places were supposed to be. The streets are likely soon to be marked off by fences, and the lots in a block will be measured off from these without looking farther. Now it may perhaps be known in a par- ticular case that a certain monument still remaining was a starting point in the original survey of the town plat; or a surveyor settling in the town may take some central point as the point of departure in his surveys, and assuming the original plat to be accurate, he will then undertake to find all streets and lots by course and distance according to the plat, measuring and estimating from his point of de- parture. This procedure might unsettle every line and every monument existing by acquiescence in the town; it would be very likely to change the lines of streets, and raise controversies everywhere. Yet this is what is sometimes done, the surveyor himself being the first person to raise the disturbing questions. Suppose, for example, a particular village street has been located by acquiescence and used for many years and the proprietors in a certain block have laid off their lots in refer- ence to this practical location. Two lot owners quarrel, and one of them calls in a surveyor, that he may make sure his neighbor shall not get an inch of land from him. This surveyor undertakes to make his survey accurate, whether the original was so or not, and the first result is, he notifies the lot owners that there is error in the street line, and that all fences should be moved, say one foot to the east. Perhaps he goes on to drive stakes through the block according to this conclusion. Of course, if he is right in doing this, all lines in the village will be unsettled; but we will limit our attention to the single block. It is not likely that the lot owners generally will allow the new survey to unsettle their possessions, but there is always a SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 299 probability of finding some disposed to do so. We shall then have a lawsuit; and with what result? It is a common error that lines do not become fixed by acquiescence in a less time than twenty years, in fact, by statute, road lines may become conclusively fixed in ten years; and there is no particular time that should be re- quired to conclude private owners, where it appears that they have accepted a particular line as their boundary, and all concerned have cultivated and claimed up to it. Public policy requires that such lines be not lightly dis- turbed, or disturbed at all, after the lapse of any consider- able time. The litigant, therefore, who in such a case pins his faith on the surveyor, is likely to suffer for his reliance, and the surveyor himself to be mortified by a result that seems to impeach his judgment. Of course nothing in what has been said can require a surveyor to conceal his own judgment, or to report the facts one way when he believes them to be another. He has no right to mislead, and he may rightfully express his opinion that an original monument was at one place, when at the same time he is satisfied that acquiescence has fixed the rights of parties as if it were another. But he would do mischief if he were to attempt to "establish" monuments which he knew would tend to disturb settled rights; the farthest he has a right to go, as an officer of the law, is to express his opinion where the monument should be, at the same time that he imparts the information to those who employ him, and who might otherwise be misled, that the same authority that makes him an officer and entrusts him to make surveys, also allows parties to settle their own boundary lines, and considers acquiescence in a particular line or monument, for any considerable period, as strong if not conclusive evidence of such settlement. The peace of the community absolutely requires this rule. It is not long since, that in one of the leading cities of the state an attempt was made to move houses two or three rods into a street, on the ground that a survey, under which the street has been located for many years, had been found on a more recent survey to be erroneous. From the foregoing it will appear that the duty of the surveyor where boundaries are in dispute must be varied 300 PRACTICAL SURVEYING by the circumstances, i. He is to search for the original monuments, or for the places where they were originally located, and allow these to control. (If he finds them, un- less he has reason to believe that agreements of the parties, express or implied, have rendered them unimportant.) By monuments in the case of government surveys we mean of course the corner and quarter-stakes ; blazed lines or marked trees on the lines are not monuments; they are merely guides or finger posts, if we may use the expression, to in- form us with more or less accuracy where the monuments may be found. 2. If the original monuments are no longer discoverable, the question of location becomes one of evidence merely. It is merely idle for any state statute to direct a surveyor to locate or "establish" a corner, as the place of the original monument, according to some inflexible rule. The surveyor, on the other hand, must in- quire into all the facts, giving due prominence to the acts of the parties concerned, and always keeping in mind, first, that neither his opinion nor his survey can be conclusive upon parties concerned; and, second, that courts and juries may be required to follow after the surveyor over the same ground, and that it is exceedingly desirable that he govern his actions by the same lights and the same rules that will govern theirs. It is always possible, when corners are extinct, that the surveyor may usefully act as a mediator between parties, and assist in preventing legal controversies by settling doubtful lines. Unless he is made for this purpose an arbitrator by legal submission, the parties, of course, even if they consent to follow his judgment, cannot, on the basis of mere consent, be compelled to do so; but if he brings about an agreement, and they carry it into effect by actu- ally conforming their occupation to his lines, the action will conclude them. Of course, it is desirable, that all such agreements be reduced to writing; but this is not absolutely indispensable if they are carried into effect without. Meander lines. The subject to which allusion will now be made, is taken up with some reluctance, because it is believed the general rules are familiar. Nevertheless, it is often found that surveyors misapprehend them, or err in their application ; and as other interesting topics are some- SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 301 what connected with this, a little time devoted to it will probably not be altogether lost. The subject is that of meander lines. These are lines traced along the shores of lakes, ponds, and considerable rivers, as the measures of quantity when sections are made fractional by such waters. These have determined the price to be paid when government lands were bought, and perhaps the impression still lingers in some minds that the meander lines are bound- ary lines, and that all in front of them remains unsold. Of course this is erroneous. There was never any doubt that, except on the large navigable rivers, the boundary of the owners of the banks is the middle line of the river; and while some courts have held that this was the rule on all fresh-water streams, large and small, others have held to the doctrine that the title to the bed of the stream below low-water mark is in the state, while conceding to the owners of the banks all riparian rights. The practical difference is not very important. In this state the rule that the center line is the boundary line, is applied to all great rivers, including the Detroit, varied somewhat by the circumstance of there being a distinct channel for navi- gation, in some cases, with the stream in the main channel, and also sometimes by the existence of islands. The troublesome questions for surveyors present them- selves when the boundary line between two contiguous estates is to be continued from the meander lines to the center line of the river. Of course, the original survey supposes that each purchaser of land on the stream has a water front of the length shown by the field notes; and it is presumable that he bought this particular land because of that fact. In many cases it now happens that the meander line is left some distance from the shore by the gradual change of course of the stream, or diminution of the flow of water. Now the dividing line between two government subdivisions might strike the meander line at right angles, or obliquely; and, in some cases, if it were continued in the same direction to the center line of the river, might cut off from the water one of the subdivisions entirely, or at least cut it off from any privilege of navigation, or other valuable use of the water, while the other might have a water front much greater than the length of the line crossing it at right 302 PRACTICAL SURVEYING angles to its side lines. The effect might be that, of two government subdivisions of equal size and cost, one would be of very great value as water-front property, and the other comparatively valueless. A rule which would produce this result would not be just, and it has not been recognized in the law. Nevertheless it is not easy to determine what ought to be the correct rule for every case. If the river has a straight course, or one nearly so, every man's equities will be pre- served by this rule : Extend the line of division between the two parcels from the meander line to the center line of the river, as nearly as possible at right angles to the general course of the river at that point. This will preserve to each man the water front which the field notes indicated, except as changes in the water may have affected it, and the only inconvenience will be that the division line between differ- ent subdivisions is likely to be more or less deflected where it strikes the meander line. This is the legal rule, and it is not limited to government surveys, but applies as well to water lots which appear as such on town plats. (Bay City Gas Light Co., v. The Industrial Works, 28 Mich. Reports, 182.) It often hap- pens, therefore, that the lines of city lots bounded on navi- gable streams are deflected as they strike the bank, or the line where the bank was when the town was first laid out. When the stream is very crooked, and especially if there are short bends, so the foregoing rule is incapable of strict application, it is sometimes very difficult to determine what should be done; and in many cases the surveyor may be under the necessity of working out a rule for himself. Of course his action cannot be conclusive, but if he adopts one that follows, as nearly as the circumstances will admit, the general rule above indicated, so as to divide as near as may be the bed of the stream among the adjoining owners in proportion to their lines upon the shore, his division, being that of an expert, made upon the ground and with all available lights, is likely to be adopted as law for the case. Judicial decisions, into which the surveyor would find it prudent to look under such circumstances, will throw light upon his duties and may constitute a sufficient guide when peculiar cases arise. Each riparian lot owner ought to SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 303 have a line on the legal boundary, namely, the center line of the stream proportioned to the length of his line on the shore and the problem in each case is, how this is to be given him. Alluvion, when a river changes its course, will be apportioned by the same rules. The existence of islands in a stream when the middle line constitutes a boundary, will not affect the apportion- ment unless the islands were surveyed out as government subdivisions in the original admeasurement. Wherever that was the case, the purchaser of the island divides the bed of the stream on each side with the owner of the bank, and his rights also extend above and below the solid ground, and are limited by the peculiarities of the bed and the channel. If an island was not surveyed as a government subdivision previous to the sale of the bank, it is of course impossible to do this for the purpose of government sale afterward, for the reason that the rights of the bank owners are fixed by their purchase; when making that they have a right to understand that all land between the meander lines, not separately surveyed and sold, will pass with the shore in the government sale; and having this right, any- thing which their purchase would include under it cannot be taken from them. It is believed, however, that the federal courts would not recognize the applicability of this rule to large navigable rivers, such as those uniting the great lakes. On all the little lakes of the state which are mere expan- sions near their mouths of the rivers passing through them such as the Muskegon, Pere Marquette and Manistee the same rule of bed ownership has been judicially applied as applied to the rivers themselves; and the division lines are extended under the water in the same way. (Rice v. Ruddiman, 10 Mich., 125.) If such a lake were circular, the lines would converge to the center; if oblong or irregu- lar, there might be a line in the middle on which they would terminate, whose course would bear some relation to that of the shore. But it can seldom be important to follow the division line very far under the water, since all private rights are subject to the public rights of naviga- tion and other use, and any private use of the lands incon- sistent with these would be a nuisance, and punishable as 304 PRACTICAL SURVEYING such. It is sometimes important, however, to run the lines out for considerable distance, in order to determine where one may lawfully moor vessels or rafts, for the winter, or cut ice. The ice crop that forms over a man's land of course belongs to him. (Lorman v. Benson, 8 Mich., 18; Peoples Ice Co. v. Steamer Excelsior, recently decided.) What is said above will show how unfounded is the notion, which is sometimes advanced, that a riparian proprietor on a meandered river may lawfully raise the water in the stream without liability to the proprietors above, provided he does not raise it so that it overflows the meander line. The real fact is that the meander line has nothing to do with such a case, and an action will lie whenever he sets back the water upon the proprietor above, whether the overflow be below the meander lines or above them. As regards the lakes and ponds of the state, one may easily raise questions that it would be impossible for him to settle. Let us suggest a few questions, some of which are easily answered, and some not: 1. To whom belongs the land under these bodies of water, where they are not mere expansions of a stream flowing through them? 2. What public rights exist in them? 3. If there are islands in them which were not surveyed out and sold by the United States, can this be done now? Others will be suggested by the answers given to these. It seems obvious that the rules of private ownership which are applied to rivers cannot be applied to the great lakes. Perhaps it should be held that the boundary is at low-water mark, but improvements beyond this would only become unlawful when they became nuisances. Islands in the great lakes would belong to the United States until sold, and might be surveyed and measured for sale at any time. The right to take fish in the lakes, or to cut ice, is public, like the right of navigation, but is to be exercised in such manner as will not interfere with the rights of shore owners. But so far as these public rights can be the sub- ject of ownership, they belong to the state, not to the United States; and so, it is believed, does the bed of the lake also. (Pollord v. Hagan, 3 Howard's U. S. Reports.) SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 30$ But such rights are not generally considered proper sub- jects of sale, but like the right to make use of the public highways, they are held by the state in trust for all the people. What is said of the large lakes may perhaps be said also of many of the interior lakes of the state; such, for example, as Houghton, Higgins, Cheboygan, Hurt's, Mullet, Whit- more, and many others. But there are many little lakes or ponds which are gradually disappearing, and the shore proprietorship advances pari passu as the waters recede. If these are of any considerable size say, even a mile across there may be questions of conflicting rights which no adjudication hitherto made could settle. Let any sur- veyor, for example, take the case of a pond of irregular form, occupying a mile square or more of territory, and undertake to determine the rights of the shore proprietors to its bed when it shall totally disappear, and he will find he is in the midst of problems such as probably he has never grappled with, or reflected upon before. But the general rules for the extension of shore lines, which have already been laid down, should govern such cases, or at least should serve as guides in their settlement. Where a pond is so small as to be included within the lines of a private purchase from the government, it is not believed the public have any rights in it whatever. Where it is not so included, it is believed they have rights of fish- ery, rights to take ice and water, and rights of navigation for business or pleasure. This is the common belief, and probably the just one. Shore rights must not be so exer- cised as to disturb these, and the states may pass all proper laws for their protection. It would be easy with suit- able legislation to preserve these little bodies of water as permanent places of resort for the pleasure and recreation of the people, and there ought to be such legislation. If the state should be recognized as owner of the beds of these small lakes and ponds, it would not be owner for the purpose of selling. It would be owner only as trustee for the public use; and a sale would be inconsistent with the right of the bank owners to make use of the water in its natural condition in connection with their estates. Some of them might be made salable lands by draining; but 306 PRACTICAL SURVEYING the state could not drain, even for this purpose, against the will of the shore owners, unless their rights were appro- priated and paid for. Upon many questions that might arise between the state as owner of the bed of the little lake and the shore owners, it would be presumptuous to express an opinion now, and fortunately the occasion does not require it. I have thus indicated a few of the questions with which surveyors may now and then have occasion to deal, and to which they should bring good sense and sound judgment. Surveyors are not and cannot be judicial officers, but in a great many cases they act in a quasi judicial capacity with the acquiescence of parties concerned; and it is important for them to know by what rules they are to be guided in the discharge of their judicial functions. What I have said cannot contribute much to their enlightenment, but I trust will not be wholly without value. (Finis.) Commenting upon the famous address of Judge Cooley it is right to inform the surveyor that in his dealings with owners and their attorneys he will find there is a thing known as "common law" and another thing known as "statute law." The common law governs in the majority of states until a statute is passed to settle if possible un- certainties which lead to lawsuits. These statutes are passed by state legislatures, in which the majority of members usually are attorneys (by courtesy, lawyers) and whenever the legislature meets, one of the first committees appointed is a committee to pass upon the constitutionality of all proposed legislation. The statute referred to, which purported to enable surveyors to "re-establish" corners, was the product of a legislature in which the usual per- centage of membership was lawyers and having the cus- tomary committee to scan all proposed laws. Such statutes have been passed in a number of states but when inter- ested owners object and take a case to the Supreme Court the statute is held to violate the common law 'doctrine of rights of property and to be unconstitutional. The reasons are well stated by Judge Cooley. Yet many surveyors have been compelled by attorneys to follow the letter of the law, even while these same attorneys knew how the case would go if carried to the proper court. Many sur- SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 307 veyors made mistakes through believing every law on the statute books to be good law, but it was not customary fifty years ago for legal points to be touched upon in text- books on surveying. In his reference to lot lines, Judge Cooley had particular conditions in mind. On the points he brings up there is considerable room for differences of opinion. Rights never run against the public. That is, when a man en- croaches upon a public highway with a fence or building the public still has every right it was given so possession in such a manner does not give title. However, if the man was permitted to place any part of his building on public property he gains an easement thereby for that structure. He cannot be compelled to remove it, without being com- pensated for whatever damages he may thereby suffer, but the public may declare its right in the ground occupied and forbid him making repairs so the structure may remain indefinitely. The public may also, when the structure is razed, compel the new structure to be placed where it prop- erly belongs, thus terminating the easement. This again is governed by the conditions under which the public rights in the highway were acquired. The street may have been given outright to the public. It may have been dedicated merely for highway purposes and nothing said about rever- sion in case of abandonment. Conditions of reversion may have been stated at the time of dedication. The ownership of adjacent lots may be limited to the exact boundaries of the lots and the edge of the highway; it may extend to the center line of the highway. Assume a town site to have been carefully surveyed and well monumented. Stakes in some way became lost and the people who took possession were too penurious to pay five dollars or ten dollars for each lot survey. In course of time every fence line and many building lines are not in the position indicated by the records. Some street im- provements are started and the encroachments discovered. The encroachment may be a fence in such a state of dilap- idation that the necessary street grading causes it to fall, whereupon the city seizes the property thus abandoned. The lot owner finds he has lost a strip of land and pro- ceeds to demand it from his neighbor, the trouble running 308 PRACTICAL SURVEYING through the block, until at the far end a surplus is dis- covered in the last lot. This owner proposes to fight for the continued possession of the surplus. The monuments are uncovered and a careful re-survey made with the result that it is found every person in the town may have all the land his, or her, deeds called for and the city may also have all the width in each street. Nobody loses but everyone is put to considerable expense and annoyance. This is typical and all the surveyor can do is to show the facts. There will be plenty of lawyers to take either side in a controversy and depending upon the cleverness of the lawyers and the wealth, or poverty, of the litigants a crop of decisions will be given in the lower courts which will disgust intelligent jurists. If the general rule laid down by Judge Cooley be followed everyone should be per- mitted to stay put where found, but his rule referred to carelessness in the original surveys and the subsequent dis- appearance of stakes and monuments. Possession implies two things. Physical possession and payment of taxes. If the deed calls for Lot 5 in Block B, the owner will be taxed for Lot 5 in Block B. If his fence encroaches on Lot 6 he obtains an easement so long as the owner of Lot 6 does not object, but the complaisance of that owner gives the encroacher no title to a part of Lot 6 without the payment of taxes. He has a sort of squatter claim as it were, modified by the law of the state. It is under some such rule that the case of the carefully sur- veyed town site with the owners too stingy to make surveys must be considered. It is not believable that all the people can be compelled to get off the land of their neighbors after a long undisturbed possession of their neighbor's land, but if they remove the encroachment they cannot again en- croach. Also if the owner of a lot wishes to fully occupy it he has the right to excavate up to his line and if the en- croachment thereby falls the owner of the encroachment cannot claim damages, but if the structure on the property he actually owns is damaged, then he can stand in court. The foregoing is again to be modified by circumstances, all of which become matters of evidence and thereby give all parties concerned some reason for taking their troubles to court. If it were the custom to employ a board of SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 309 three arbitrators consisting of an intelligent surveyor, a genuine lawyer and a real estate agent of good reputation and long experience, such a board probably would settle all disputes in exactly the way they would be settled in the Supreme Court of a state where the Supreme Court is indifferent to the dotting of an i or the crossing of a t, provided the case has been sensibly presented to the court and substantial justice is desired. Common law is the crystallization of the common sense of the people for un- numbered generations. Statute law is not always on a plane with common law, many times representing the opin- ions of men elected to serve the people, but really repre- senting some special interest which may be a corporation; and may be an exasperated community. The general rule about length of possession, as well as the rule regarding supposed acquiescence, may be often capable of modification. Both cases fail when the undis- turbed possession or acquiescence may be the result of fraud, or of a mistake made many years before. Fraud vitiates all contracts and acquiescence is the performance of a contract or understanding, a contract being a mutual agreement enforceable at law. The surveyor cannot there- fore be too critical of lawyers whose sole interest is that of their clients. The surveyor's interest is merely to ascer- tain the facts and report them. He may, if a man of con- siderable experience, be of great assistance in smoothing the feelings of property owners and can suggest means for avoiding actions at law. The general criticism against lawyers is that, as a rule, they are averse to seeing that a surveyor is properly paid for his work, while charging good fees themselves, and they too often try to tell a surveyor how his work should be done and object when he attempts to show that to recover a line it may be frequently neces- sary to run many lines and take many days to ascertain the facts. When a man requires the services of a physician or surgeon he makes no attempt to secure bids and award the work to the lowest bidder, but rather he secures as soon as possible a man with a good reputation. He acts similarly when engaging a lawyer, proceeding upon the theory that expense cannot be spared when he is compelled to go into court. When the employment of an engineer or surveyor 310 PRACTICAL SURVEYING is necessary attempts are made to employ the man who will work for the least money and too often the selection is left to the lawyer, who is generally inclined to employ the cheapest workman. Young men are preferred as a rule because it is supposed they can get over more land in a given time than older men. Surveyors in the course of years acquire a fund of valuable experience, and many times lawyers are employed on property line disputes only once or twice in a lifetime. It is irksome to competent sur- veyors to be employed under the direction of such men, hence the friction between the two professions. Occasionally a surveyor becomes so interested in the legal phases of his work that he studies law and is admitted to practice. John Cassan Wait of New York City is an example of this class, for he made a good reputation as a civil engineer and then became a lawyer whose dictum in such matters is considered conclusive. William E. Kern, Attorney-at-law and Civil Engineer, wrote an article on the legal side of surveys which was printed in Engineering News, Vol. 48, and the author obtained permission from his widow to reprint the article in this book. A BRIEF DISCUSSION OF THE LAW OF BOUNDARY SURVEYS By WILLIAM E. KERN, C. E. Copyright 1902, by William E. Kern. A surveyor may enhance his reputation for piety by being able to cite from the Bible, Deut. XXVII: 17 and XIX: 14; Job XXIV: 2; Prov. XXII: 28 and XXIII: 10, the verses mentioned referring to the sinfulness of removing land marks and the penalty therefor. Josephus has something to say on the same subject, and in his first volume of "Antiquities of the Jews," Chapter II, he inti- mates that the first murderer was also the first surveyor. In the I2th book of the "^neid," Virgil recites an unusual use of a monument. The esteem of the ancients is shown by their provision of a special deity, Terminus, to preside over boundary matters, all land marks of stone being re- garded as monuments to his godship. SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 311 So much for ancient history. The modern surveyor is often called upon to decide boundary disputes, where the best results would flow from a union of his efforts with those of a counsellor at law. In view of this condition and the many questions arising in the practice of a surveyor, some systematic knowledge of the subject on his part would seem desirable. Several works upon surveying contain a number of syllabi of cases involving boundary disputes. These syllabi are condensed statements of the law applicable to a particular combination of circumstances; and have limited utility for the purpose for which they are inserted in such text- books. All laymen must be cautioned against making a general application of an abstract statement of law, as determined in some special case. To illustrate this, the following is quoted from a textbook on surveying: "Seventy acres lying and being in the southwest corner of a section is a good description, and the land will be in a square. W. v. R. 2 Ham. Ohio 327." This is sufficient reference for a lawyer, as he would look up all the facts; but for a surveyor's enlightenment it should be explained that the description read "Seventy acres lying, and being in the southwest corner of," a certain section, etc., "of the lands sold at Steubenville, " and nothing further. The piece in question was part of a larger lot, and had never been marked ; nor was there anything to indicate the intention as to its shape. The court disagreed with the views on both sides and held it must be surveyed as a square. The term "boundary" is used in two senses, and may be denned as: A series of lines forming the perimeter of a specific tract of land; or, an object, parcel of land, or body of water contiguous to a specific tract of land. "Land" in legal parlance usually means a portion of the earth's surface, whether dry or covered with water. Every tract of land with which we may be called upon to deal, can be considered as having at some prior time formed part of a larger tract. Incident to the severance was the creation of a new boundary along the line of division. Every bound- ary in dispute may be conceived as having had such an origin. After its inception, however, neighbors on either side may, by friendly agreements between each other; or 312 PRACTICAL SURVEYING by long-continued hostile encroachments by one, with neglect to assert rights by the other; or by other acts; affect the legal status of the line so as to alter its original position. The data for determining the legal status of a boundary may be divided into two classes: (i) Circumstances con- nected with the severance from a parent tract at the time the line in question first became a boundary, and (2) con- duct of neighbors on either side of the line, which may affect their relative status thereto. EXTENT OF GRANT The first class above referred to may be designated as Extent of Grant. In discussing this subdivision, it is almost superfluous to say that the rules stated may be limited in their application in specific cases by the princi- ples falling under the second class. In locating a boundary as determined by extent of grant, we must seek the inten- tion of the parties to the primal conveyance. Let us suppose that A, being the owner of a large plot of ground, divides it into two portions by a line XY run- ning north and south, and sells all east of XY to B, and sub- sequently all on the west to M. B then sells to C, the latter to D, and D to E; M conveys to N. At a time when N is owning on one side and E on the other, it becomes necessary to 'define the line XY. This must be based upon the description used in A to B, it being the one which created the line X Y. No conveyance in the chain of A to N can affect the rights acquired by E through the con- veyance of A to B. The intermediate deeds should be examined, however, as they frequently throw light upon the original intention, as for example: If M took in 1821, N in 1860, B in 1820, C in 1840, D in 1860, and E in 1880, the monuments called for in 1820 may be gone in 1900, but a surveyor in 1820 might have found vestiges and restored them, or created new marks in correct positions; and another surveyor in 1860, finding the marks of 1820, may have made an accurate mathematical description and set two or more imperishable monuments. It may be urged that the original deed cannot be found, SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 313 or is too indefinite to be of any service. The attempt, how- ever, ought always be made; if it fails we must do the next best thing. In a recent case the mesne conveyances of a plot within the limits of a large city differed about 100 ft., in frontage on a street. An examination of the original deed disclosed a call for the edge of a fast land along the side of a swamp; a city plan, showing topography, fixed the position of the water line and solved the problem. The intention of the parties is generally to be gathered from the description in the instrument of conveyance. Description we will define as a statement designed to identi- fy a specific tract of land. Every specific tract of land is included between lines of definite length, making equally definite angles with each other and with the meridian, and containing a definite area; and any angle point may be conceived as located at a definite distance and direction from some well-known and fixed point. Some specific tracts are marked at angle points or elsewhere by natural or artificial monuments; some are known by particular or distinguishing names. A complete description would contain all of these elements so far as they exist. MONUMENTS Monuments are objects established or used to indicate the boundary of a specific tract of land. They may be natural or artificial, the distinction being too obvious to require definition. Under this head are included varieties of land, as swamps, meadows, forests, pasture, etc.; bodies of water and water courses; hillocks, cliffs, trees, rocks, buildings, walls, fences, stones, stakes, pits, etc. Ambiguity in a description may arise from conflict between elements of a different sort, or between those of the same sort. Monuments may disagree with the mathe- matical description, or with each other, or be missing; the dimensions may disagree with each other or with the area. When discrepancies arise, the cardinal rule to follow is, effectuate the intention of the original parties. Where there is sufficient evidence to explain the conflict and point out the mistake, the line must be run upon the reformed data whether it cause the rejection of a monument or dimension. 314 PRACTICAL SURVEYING It most frequently happens, however, that no such evidence is at hand, in which event the following rules are to be applied : Monuments are the best evidence of location of a bound- ary, and natural monuments are to be preferred to all other forms of description. This rule is so important that a list of cases is added containing one from nearly every state in the Union. A perusal of any one case will show the reason for the rule, and probably, in addition, refer to other cases in the same state which may be looked up, as the scope of this article will not permit of stating all the authority for the rules stated.* This rule, of course, applied only where the monuments were adopted as such, either by mention in the description or by reference to or use of a survey wherein they are estab- lished or used (Beckman v. Davidson, 162 Mass. 347). In such cases it is not necessary that they be seen by the grantor to bind him. No matter how exactly the survey closes or agrees with the content, if the monuments do not agree therewith, the former falls. If a line is marked on the ground in any manner, though described as straight, it must follow the breaks in the marked line if the latter is not straight. An instance of this kind frequently occurs in running up a creek; several reaches are often combined in one course; in such case the line must follow the water. This occurred in Spring v. Hewston, 52 Cal. 442. In Esmond v. Tarbox, 7 Me. 61, a survey was made by * Ayers v. Watson, 137 U. S. 584; Wright v. Wright, 34 Ala. 194; Stoll v. Beecher, 94 Cal. i; Nichols v. Turney, 15 Conn. 101; Nivin v. Stevens, 5 Harr. (Del.) 272; Andreu v. Watkins, 26 Flo. 390; Harris v. Hull, 70 Ga. 831; Bolden v. Sherman, no 111. 418; Shepherd v. Nave, 125 Ind. 226; Yocum v. Haskins, 81 Iowa 436; Bruce v. Morgan, I B. Mon. (Ky.) 26; Lebeau v. Bergeron, 14 La. Ann. 494; Oxton v. Groves, 68 Me. 371 ; Wood v. Ramsey, 71 Md. 9; Woodward v. Nims, 130 Mass. 70; Bruckner v. Lawrence, i Doug. (Mich.) 19; Newman v. Foster, 3 How. (Miss.) 383; Harding v. Wright, 119 Mo. i; Johnsons. Preston, 9 Neb. 474; Cunningham v. Curtis, 57 N. H. 158; Kalbfleisch v. Oil Co., 43 N. J. L. 259; Thayer v. Finton, 108 N. Y. 394; Redmond v. Stepp, 100 N. C. 212; Hare v. Harris, 14 Ohio 529; Anderson v. McCormick, 1 8 Oreg. 301; Morse v. Rollins, 121 Pa. 537; Faulwood v. Graham, I. Rich. L. (S. C.) 491; Lewis v. Oakley, 19 Heis (Tenn.) 483; Wyatt v. Foster, 79 Tex. 413; Grand Trunk Co. v. Dyer, 49 Vt. 74; Coles v. Wooding, 2 P. & H. (Virg.) 189; Teass v. St. Albans, 38 W. Va. i; Miner v. Brader, 65 Wis. 537. SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 315 one surveyor and marked with monuments, and a plan made by another; the deed recited the latter only. A dis- agreement between the two having been found, it was held that the monuments governed. In Wilson v. Bass, 6 Tenn. no, a course called for a known point, and then crossing a river at 200 poles continued 213^ poles to its terminus. It was found that the true distance to the river was 213 poles. It was held that as the parties had agreed that it was 200 poles to the river, the line must extend 13 poles beyond the same. In Frey v. Baker, 7 Ky. L. Rep. 663, testator divided a tract into two pieces, and described the dividing line as beginning at a point at a fence, and running thence west along the fence. It was shown that the fence did not run east and west, and that testator was ignorant of that fact. It was held that the fence and not an imaginary line due west was the proper line. Wendell v. Jackson, 8 Wend. 183, is an early but inter- esting New York case. A patent had been issued for a tract described as beginning at the easterly corner of township No. 20, etc., and proceeding by various courses and distances, Fig. 211. The third course ran 8*50 153 chains to the side of Schroon Lake, with content as 3500 .acres. The actual distance to the lake on the third course FG was less than one-half of the distance stated. A survey for an adjacent tract, made seven days later, began at a clump of rocks on the side of Schroon Lake, at a corner of the preceding patent, thence followed the same around N 50 W 153 chains, S 40 W 105.5 chains S 31 15'. E 330 chains to corner of town 20, etc. It was necessary to locate the first patent to determine the title to the land northwest of EF and southeast of the line //. The town- ship corner used as a beginning was well marked by a stake and stones, and was at a point in a swamp difficult of access. It was argued on one side that the call for the beginning at D should be disregarded, that the second survey following the first so closely, and having been made so short a time before, should throw light on the latter, and that the first should start at A on the side of the lake, and, reversing the courses, run backwards until arriving at A. This would 316 PRACTICAL SURVEYING locate the land at AJIHK. It was held by a divided court of 14 to 5 that the beginning D being a known point must be used and the line run to the side of the lake at A , thence to beginning, or to B. The point being, the supremacy of the call for a natural monument on the "side of a lake." This case might have been decided otherwise if many members of the court had ever had any practical experience at surveying. It is quite probable that the first survey was begun at a point H, and the line between H and D not run. owing to the difficulty of getting over a bog. The adding of an estimated distance HD was forgotten, and AK and HK calculated to make the figure close. On the other hand, in White v. Leming, it was held that where rejecting the call for one monument would reconcile the other parts of the deed and leave enough to identify the land, the rule was not applicable. As between natural and artificial monuments the former will have the greatest weight. Stakes, being perishable and so easily moved, are regarded as very inferior marks; in one case, Huffman v. Walker, 83-N. C. 411, the identifica- tion of the location was considered impossible. Where a monument called for is lost, its original position must be ascertained if possible. This may be done by the testi- mony of witnesses as to its former location, by indications on the ground, or, in the absence of these, by such methods as appear to be the nearest to certainty. RESTORING LOST SECTION CORNERS In restoring lost section or quarter corners, various and conflicting rules have been stated by the land office and courts. In order to understand how to restore corners of the public land surveys, some knowledge of the method of making the original surveys should first be had. The details of the latter may be learned from several textbooks, or better still, from the manual of instructions issued by the government to deputy land surveyors. It may be summarized briefly as follows: In several different parts of the western country, initial points have been established from which base lines have been run towards all four points of the compass. The north and south line, being straight SURVEYING LAW AND PRACTICE 317 its entire length, is referred to as the principal meridian for its section of the domain. The east and west line is called the principal base, and is likewise straight its full distance. From points on the meridian, at intervals which are multiples of six miles, lines are extended east and west and are known as standard parallels. On the base and parallels, similar multiples of six miles are laid off, and from their termini guide meridians are extended north to the adjacent parallels. The blocks thus formed are subdivided into six-mile rectangles by lines due east and west and north and south, these blocks being called townships. Sections of one mile square are next surveyed by beginning at a point on the south boundary of a township one mile west of its south east corner, and running slightly west of north, so that each mile point shall be one mile from the east boundary of the township, all error being thrown towards the north and west. Each half-mile point is marked by a "quarter corner." In 1885 the General Land Office issued a pamphlet en- titled "Restoration of Lost and Obliterated Corners." This seems to be a very good article except, perhaps, in the method it directs for finding the center of a section. Where a government corner is missing, and after diligent inquiry its former position cannot be ascertained, the surveyor should proceed as follows: If the point was on a base, parallel or meridian, it must be restored to a position on a line between the nearest corners on the same parallel or base, and at a distance which is a proportional part of the whole distance between the known corners. To illustrate, suppose that the intersection of a meridian with a parallel is marked, and the nearest corner south is a section corner two miles away. Three marks are missing. The distance measures 159.2 chains, and the field notes of the original survey show the distances going north to be 40 chains to first-quarter corner, 40 to the section corner, 40 to the next quarter, and 39 chains to close. The excess of 0.2 must be equated all along the line so that the distances become 40.05, 40.05, 40.05, 39.05, respectively, and corners are set at these distances on a line between the two known corners. In the same manner, points on the boundaries of a* town- ship should be set at equated distances, and on straight 318 PRACTICAL SURVEYING lines between the nearest marks on the same boundary, except in the case of the township corners when on a parallel or base. Owing to the system of completing each township by itself, its corners are not necessarily on straight lines. To re-locate a township corner, not on a base or parallel, a trial line should be run between the nearest corners north and south and the distance measured and compared with the field notes. A point is then marked on the trial line at the equated distance. From this point the distances to nearest points east and west are to be measured, added and compared with the field notes, and an equated distance as- certained. The point first fixed is to be moved to the east or west to suit its equated distance in that direction. The same course is to be followed in re-locating section corners. Let us suppose (Fig. 212) the section corner A .and quarter corners B and C are lost and we wish to re-lo- ^ cate A. D, E, F and G are found marked. A trial line is run from E to G and the distance meas- ured, temporary corners being marked at A and B, B being placed at 39 chains from E and A f. C , Measured II 1 54