Gr i> Division of Agricultural Sciences UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL MARKETING PROGRAMS - HANDBOOK OF COMMODITY PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS Sidney Hoos CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Mimeographed Report No. 200 October 1957 Division of Agricultural Sciences University of California CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL MARKETING PROGRAMS HANDBOOK OF COMMODITY PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS Sidney Hoos California Agricultural Experiment Station Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Mimeographed Report No. 200 October 1957 11 ., i- CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL MARKETING PROGRAMS — HANDBOOK OF COMMODITY PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS by Sidney Hooai/ Table of Contents Introduction * Enabling Legislation 3 Commodity Program Specifications Apples, Gravenstein ? Apples, early ° Artichokes Asparagus, canning ^ Asparagus, canning Asparagus, canning Asparagus, canning and freezing • •'•3 Ik Asparagus, processing Asparagus, fresh ^ l6 Beans, standard Lima l/ Professor of Agricultural Economics, Economist in the Agricultural Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation. The author gratefully acknowledges valuable aid from the Bureau of Mar- kets, Division of Marketing, California Department of Agriculture. Mr. J. F. Bennett, Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Markets, reviewed a draft of the handbook and made constructive suggestions. Acknowledgment is also made for assistance by Donald G. Larson, Research Assistant on the Giannini Foundation, who aided in checking the order specifications with source materials in the author's files and in those of the Giannini Foundation Library. The author carries sole responsibility for the handbook as here presented; he will ap- preciate any omissions or errors brought to his attention. ii Page Bedding plants 17 Bush berries, processing l8 Cantaloupes, honey ball and honeydew melons. ............. 19 Cantaloupes 20 Celery ............ 21 Corn, fresh green 22 Dates 23 Dates 24 Figs, canning Kadota 25 Figs, canning Kadota 2 ^ Figs, dried 2 T Figs, dried, and dried fig products 28 Grapefruit (grade and size) Grapefruit and grapefruit products 30 Grapes, Concord 31 Grapes 32 Grapes (Grape Stabilization) 33 Honey, extracted 3^ Lemons 35 Lemon products 3& Lettuce * ' Jl Lettuce, dry pack 38 Lettuce, dry pack *r Macaroni products „ kl Macaroni Milk Nursery stock, deciduous fruit and almond trees ^3 iii Page Olives kk Olives , . . 45 Olives (Stabilization Plan). ............ . . k6 Oranges and grapefruits, . . . Peaches, canning cling 48 Peaches, canning and freezing cling ^9 Peaches, fresh 50 Pears, canning Bartlett (Producer Program) 51 Pears, canning fall and winter 52 Pears, fresh Bartlett 53 Pears, fresh fall and winter 5^ Pears, fresh Buerre Hardy 55 Pears, promotion of Bartlett 56 Pears, promotion of Hardy (for canning) • 57 Plums, fresh 58 Potatoes, delta white 59 Potatoes, Irish 60 Potatoes, Irish 6l Potatoes, long white 62 Potatoes, sweet (southern California) 63 Potatoes, sweet (San Joaquin Valley) 64 Poultry and turkey improvement 65 Prunes, dried 66 Prunes, dried 67 Raisins 68 Raisins Strawberries (fresh and processing) TO * i«a?ifi mi iv Tomatoes, fresh market Page 71 Tomatoes, fresh market ......... 72 Turkey promotion . . . . . ? j . j j • • ? • i • « • • * ' * * ^3 74 Walnuts . . . . . 5 . . : . j • • : ? • j r • • « ' 75 76 77 78 Walnuts Vial nuts Wine (dessert and table vines) Wine (Processor's Order) . . . > si CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL MARKETING PROGRAMS — HANDBOOK OF COMMODITY PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS Introduction Since the enactment of the California Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933, a substantial number of agricultural industries in the state have initiated mar- keting programs under the state legislation. During the past quarter century, a wide range of agricultural industries and products have experienced opera- tions enabled by the state legislation. The nature of the programs has under- gone change in relative emphasis, and also, during the past 25 years, the state legislation has developed. To note and bring together in a single place for operating purposes as well as research use the various California marketing orders which have been initi- ated, they are set forth, each program separately, in the following pages. For each program, its major identifications and specifications are summarized. Thus, by reference to the sheet for a particular commodity program, one may have for convenient reference the program's legislative authority; the effective date of the program and the dates of its amendments; the authorized area of application of the program; its authorized marketing provisions; the seasons when the pro- gram has been in operation; and the termination date of the program if it has been terminated. Such specifications may often indicate the answer sought by one making inquiry concerning a particular program. If the question is more detailed than what is summarized for the commodity program, the listed speci- fications are helpful in crystallizing more specific inquiry at appropriate sources. The authoritative and definitive source for such detailed inquiry is at the Bureau of Markets, Division of Marketing, California Department of Agri- culture . This handbook of commodity program specifications for California market- ing orders may be of particular interest to those who wish to learn of "ear- lier programs" for particular commodities. During the past quarter century, there has been considerable turnover in the personnel of growers and proces- sors in the state. It is not unusual that some now active in a particular industry are not familiar with its earlier history and experience, if any, with marketing orders. For such individuals, the handbook may serve as a source for introductory inquiry which may then be supplemented by more in- tensive investigation. Those readers or users interested in the authorized provisions of par- ticular commodity programs may note that, on the specification sheets for some of the commodities, various provisions are listed. For example, the i order for "Peaches, canning and freezing cling" (page w) shows a number of authorized provisions. Their listing in that manner does not mean that all of those provisions were effective during all of the years the cling peach order has been effective. The provisions listed reflect the development of the order over the whole series of years from when the order first became ef- fective to the present. For instance, the 1939 program was concerned with grading and inspection and with diversion of cling peaches only with respect to culls; advertising and promotion were included in the original order but were dropped shortly thereafter only to be included again in 1946--also when grade and size control was introduced; in 1950 the provision was added for volume control through "green dropping" of immature fruit; and in 1952 pro- visions were added for a stabilization fund and diversion to other peach-using products. Such developments in the cling peach order over the years are re- flected in the various amendments, the dates of which are noted on the speci- fication sheet and which should be referred to in order to determine the par- ticular provisions authorized for particular years. , . .: .... . . • r j ■ -.. ■ . ■ i'-i , ••: .•• • The commodity program specifications given in the following pages have been summarized from materials in the files of the author. The reference files of the Giannini Foundation Library were also consulted and checked to uncover omissions or incomplete specifications. Thus, the author believes that the handbook includes a reasonably complete summary of £he specifications of Cali- fornia commodity programs initiated during the period ending June 3°> 1957- The author would be pleased to learn of omissions or corrections which should be taken account of in the handbook. Enabling Legislation To provide a brief account of the California enabling legislation, under the authority of which the marketing programs have been initiated, the follow- ing summary is presented. (The state legislation for milk marketing and pric- ing and the corresponding program specifications are not included in this hand- book.) The "Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933" was the first in a series of legis- lative enactments designed to deal with what is commonly referred to as the "orderly marketing" of California-produced agricultural commodities. Under provisions incorporated in this and subsequent marketing laws, agricultural industries in the state can adopt programs utilizing certain types of market- ing regulations. Two types of programs are authorized under these marketing laws. One is the "marketing order." With an industry's adoption of this type of program, the state may exercise its police power, to enforce regulations pursuant to the "order," on all participants in the industry. The second type of program, known as a "marketing agreement," provides for voluntary agreements between the State Director of Agriculture and individual producers or handlers of an agricultural commodity. The provisions of a "marketing agreement" pro- gram are applicable only to the particular individuals who have entered into t«vf <1>uiT • .: iifofla cH-triw 8iVii.-d> 51 « 31 ;••'-„. .- i .. . the agreement. All but one of the state programs currently in operation are of the "marketing order" type. The California marketing legislation which has been developed over the years can be classified into three main categories. These are (l) "Agricultural Pro- rate Acts" which apply principally to producers j (2) "California Agricultural Adjustment Acts" with regulations applying only to handlers, and (3) a broader type of marketing legislation known as the "California Marketing Act" which is applicable to producers or to handlers (including processors) or to both pro- ducers and handlers. The first prorate law to become effective in California was the "Agricul- tural Prorate Act of 1933." Its basic regulatory provision was to provide sur- plus control measures similar to those which many cooperative associations had been attempting to operate on a voluntary basis. Through the years, the origi- nal Act of 1933 has been amended many times. An amendment in 1939 transferred the administration of the law from the Agricultural Prorate Commission to the State Department of Agriculture. After 19^5 the "Agricultural Prorate Act" was called the "Agricultural Producers Marketing Act," and in 1953 the statute was made a part of the Agricultural Code (Chapter 11, Division 6) and designated as the "Agricultural Producers Marketing Law." All marketing programs receiving their authority from this law have been operated by and on behalf of producers. However, some of the early programs did provide for inclusion on the program committee handler members not to exceed three in number, but program regulations did not apply to handlers as such. At present, the provisions of the law are similar in most respects to the "Agricultural Marketing Act of 1937" (as amended). The essential difference is its applicability only to producers. The only pro- gram currently in operation receiving its authority from the "Agricultural Pro- ducers Marketing Law" is the "Canning Bartlett Pears Program." Also in 1933, a "California Agricultural Adjustment Act" was passed by the California legislature. This Act was replaced two years later by another statute of the same name. The 1935 Act was then succeeded by the "California Agricultural Products Marketing Acts" of 1937 and 19^3 (Chapters 12 and 13, respectively, Division 6 of the Agricultural Code) . These laws differed from the "prorate laws" in that their provisions applied only to handlers instead of principally to producers. The commodities that were regulated by marketing orders since 1935 were restricted to those commodities for which a federal mar- keting order or agreement was also in effect. State marketing orders provided for intrastate regulations while the federal programs were concerned with in- terstate commerce. The most recent commodity to be covered by a state market- ing order under this legislation was walnuts. That order was terminated in 195^ because provisions of the federal order were extended to include the regu- lation of intrastate as well as interstate commerce in walnuts. The first act to incorporate provisions applying to either producers or handlers or both was the "California Marketing Agreement Act of 1935-" This law was succeeded in 1937 by the "Processed Foodstuffs Marketing Act" and the "California Marketing Act of 1937- " The "Processed Foodstuffs Marketing Act" authorizes programs regulating the marketing by processors of processed agri- cultural commodities. One marketing order, macaroni products, was established for two years (1938-39) under authority of this Act. Since termination of this order in 1939, uo industry has made use of the statute. The "California Marketing Act of 1937" (as amended) provides the authority for all but one of the marketing programs currently in operation in the state (the only exception is the producer program for canning Bartlett pears, which is administered under authority of the "Agricultural Producers Marketing Law") . The "California Marketing Act of 1937" (as amended) enabling legislation, cover- ing producers and/or handlers, provides a variety of provisions including market ' " " ' ti {fc.Ji ' - •;- i :, . V. 7V«-V " H>.ir": .. • >r..-,.-. site 9d.T ni' jTO^5ai9tt{^fei"i4:2iJ2WW :• A^i'^as.; >•„».. ....... ,. . -i p .« r,«'r" ••<"-> f.j-n • -,W3 "JC^ J <.'••■>.•; volume control, grading and inspection, advertising and sales promotion, pro hibition of unfair trade practices, and research studies. T. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Apples, Grayenstein Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: April 28, 193^ Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1 Napa and Sonoma counties Authorized provisions : Proration of producers picking and shipping (generally weekly prorate) to specified percentage of estimated available supply Seasons in operation : 193^j 1936, and 1937 Termination date: May 25, 1938 ■VI .\ : ; !..?•< -v. 1 1. •• • for. .•• ••1 8. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Apples, early (Note: Early apples defined as Graven- stein apples and other varieties are produced in Cali- fornia and normally sold prior to August 1 .) Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: June 28, 19^8 Effective dates of amendments: Minor amendment: March 29, 195^ Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Market volume control Grade regulations including standards of maturity Size regulations Pack and container regulations Mandatory inspection Advertising and sales promotion Production, processing, or marketing research Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendment. Seasons in operation: Continuously beginning with 19^8 Termination date: Continuous '■11 \?.v i. 9. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Artichokes Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: September 2k, 193k Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1 Santa Cruz, Marin, San Mateo, Monterey, and San Luis Obispo counties Authorized provisions : Proration of producers culling and shipping (during specified periods) to a specified percentage of esti- mated available supply Seasons in operation: Termination date: None (Not made operative because of improved markets) Not made operative ■iud bbQ bOB t t»^flSM ' t b9*AM "i&B'^aixpM; /isxnO b&b2 Was 'io sasdnBD-so'-] o»?b a o* l 1&£i*'i ; (aJ^-njBm 'hWb-sqcit 'io OBttBdjitl ^/Waisqo 96031 Jott) sactl gVltfs'XBqo 9bf>a .toM 10. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Asparagus, canning Legislative authority ; California Marketing Agreement Act of 1935 Effective date: March 25, 1936 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application: State except Imperial County Authorized provisions : Setting of time limitation beyond which canning was not permitted Grades and grading procedures Seasons in operation : 1936 Termination date: September 30, 1937 8& ii/69onij guifcaia hoc as&siO ^££1 : golJs'XB.TO California Agricultural Marketing Programs 11. Commodity : Asparagus, canning Legislative authority : California Marketing Agreement Act of 1935 Effective date : April 19, 1937 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : State except Imperial County Authorized provisions : Setting of time limitation beyond which canning was not permitted Grades and grading procedures Seasons in operation : 1937 Termination date : September 30, 1937 (the 1937 program was terminated with termination of the legislature authority) lo ioH tnaa^sy^A ^rLtcfsjHijM sicipiiifiO 29JS 12. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Asparagus, ca n ning Legislative authority ; Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933; after 19^5, Agricul- tural Producers Marketing Act Effective date: April 8, 1938 Effective dates of amendments ; April 5, 1939 and June 20, 19^0 Minor amendment: June 13, 1953 Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1 Sutter, Yolo, Solano, Sacramento, Contra Costa, and San Joaquin counties Authorized provisions : Control of maximum quantity to be canned in any one season Setting of a closing date for delivery of asparagus for canning Grades for canning asparagus Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation ; 1938-19te, inclusive, and 1953 Termination date: Inactive after 1953 JOH J)^" ^TSM 3130 It California Agricultural Marketing Programs 13. Commodity: Asparagus, canning and freezing Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: April 27, 1938 Effective dates of amendments : April 27, 1939; April 18, I9k0; April 17, 19kl; April 19, 19^2; April 12, 19^3; April 2k, l$kk; April Ik, 19^5; May 3, 19^8 (provided for inclu- sion of freezing asparagus); March 29, 19^9; and April 3, 1950 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Grading and inspection Minimum grades for canning Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to its termination. To determine the provisions authorized for a par ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : 1938-19^5, inclusive, and 19^8-1950, inclusive Termination date : March 15, 1951 (Note: Was replaced by two marketing orders in 1954--one order for processed asparagus and a separate order for fresh market asparagus.) Ben t ?2 wi^oiq 9ii^ lo 9-tsb svxj39ll9 ssii jnoiS boi-t9q ailaaJ'nl and &aJ -.■ ■ • • [ Ik. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Asparagus, processing Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: April 12, 195^ Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : State Authorized provisions : (Note: Applicable only to producers.) Control of volume to be processed Production, processing, and distribution research and survey studies Advertising and sales promotion Seasons in operation : Termination date: Continuously beginning with 195k Continuous ■ duouaiiao 15. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Asparagus, fresh Legislative authority ; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: April 12, 195^ Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Sacramento, San Joaquin, Contra Costa, Alameda, Yolo, and Solano counties Authorized provisions : (Note: Applicable only to producers.) Market volume control Grade and size regulations Mandatory inspection and certification Production, processing, and distribution research Acreage and marketing surveys Advertising and sales promotion Seasons in operation: Continuously beginning with 195^ Termination date: Continuous ? r ronr «> L *o 5 oh znise'Avoi-'i /-xa^oliXaO :y*liori*Sa aviJali .old- ^sfiaaciA ,.#*«00 ws^floD tOiirproL cjkQ .ojns.afiTosri eaoj.ieiuss'i vsia baa s>&faD aysviifa {^&#X£ua £aa sgsaiaA 4<$t fi^iw BciBuxs^cf/ YiXt^c'x/aiifloO. :ao 16, California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity; Beans, standard Lima Legislative authority: California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: March 10, 1951 Effective dates of amendments : Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Market volume control Minimum grade regulations Mandatory inspection Sales promotion and market development Production, processing, and distribution research Seasons in operation : Continuously beginning with 1952 (Note: in 1951 because of litigation.) Not operated Termination date: Continuous At tad JtoUaoa aagxlov $93frgM fto&mtoqp a-oH rsJolf) S<^I ittiv ^diaal^ :UauQu>xttaod : agio tage afc eaoeae a I 9ij& aol Sun:- exit 17. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Bedding plants Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: July 18, 1951 Effective dates of amendments: April 1, 195^ Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Market volume control Prohibition of unfair trade practices Advertising and trade promotion Research studies Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or another during the interim period from the effective date of the program to its termination. To determine the provisions authorized for a particular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or programs op- erating for that year or season under the corresponding effective dates of the program and amendment. Seasons in operation : 1951-195 1 *-, inclusive Termination date: April 30, 1955 't>Yi-; Bit r L!C C'V£, 073 3 ?r»H *«0 tot b^sliodtua siioiairvoi^ ad* 3ni3iTaJ«rf> ©T . z-jltsalmsd 18. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Bush berries, processing (Note: Bush berries defined to include boysenberry, youngberry, and nectar berry varieties.) Legislative authority ; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date : September 15, 195^ Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Advertising and sales promotion Production, processing, and marketing research and survey studies Seasons in operation; Continuously beginning with 195^ Termination date: Continuous (.S9.tT9i.artV flCUJOJEOli] 19. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Cantaloupes, honey ball and honeydew melons (Note: Operated jointly with parallel federal market- ing order.) Legislative authority : California Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1935 and California Agricultural Products Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: May 27, 1938 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Imperial County Authorized provisions : Market volume control of shipments by sizes Seasons in operation : Termination date : 1938 July 31, 1938 '39Ai&u Ifitafjs'i islltnzq dtLv b^iartsqO " :sjoW) (.isr>'io saJt fcae ^rf>I to to M ecfowbot I leaiJ^Xi/oi'iaA si.nol.ilsO YJ/xur.O isx*» ! OOlitBOilCi'OS 'If JBS'Ci 'XSXVO'XC §££X i rTQjJ'sTcgqo gj a nogsgfi 20. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Cantaloupes Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date : August 1, 1955 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : State except area south and east of San Gorgonio Pass Authorized provisions : Regulation of grade, size, pack, and containers Inspection and certification Seasons in operation : Termination date: Continuously beginning with 1955 Continuous 3~;>oifijnoo fen* t jJofq fjsis t«£>£l£ 1g iroiJa&^fl 21. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Celery Legislative authority ; Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: November 1, 193 1 *- Effective dates of amendments : Area of application ; Prorate zone no. 1 Stanislaus, Alameda, San Joaquin, Contra Costa, Solano, Yolo, and Sacramento counties Authorized provisions ; Volume proration of producer marketings Seasons in operation ; 1936 (Note: Program suspended March 3, 1937. Competi- tion from uncontrolled areas in the state eliminated effectiveness of program provisions .) July 1, 19^3 Termination date : " V-j i./- it:". I .Of! ones U'TX^ai.'oqB "l0£3X 22. Califo rnia Agricultu ral ^Marketing ..Programs Commodity; Com, fresh green Legislative, authority: California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date; September 1, 19h7 Effec tive dates of amendments* Area of ap plication : Coachella Valley of Riverside County Authorized proyisiong : Volume control Establishment of minimum requirements on grade and length of ear Inspection and certification Container and volume requirements Seasons in operation: 19i|8-195l, inclusive; partially activated in 195h Termination date: Inactive after 19$k nooia nsDi"! t n'ioC' ain9flJ9*tttfp©"t id tim lo 0A5firIai.fcfnicte2 use lo rfjg/ial ".ti90 bfiB r.c •' *j«.fov boc *Sftb3*noO uiZi at bsd-fivi-toii 23. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Dates Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: October 3, 1938 Effective dates of amendments: October 9, 1939; November k, 19^3; September 25, 19^7; September 25, 1950; and November 1, 1951 Minor amendments: April 12, I9WJ and August 21, 1952 Area of application : State Authorized provisions: Minimum standards of quality Substandard pools Mandatory inspection Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or another during the interim period from the effective date of the program to its termination. To determine the provisions authorized for a particular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or programs op- erating for that year or season under the corresponding effective dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : 1938-19^3, inclusive, and 19W-1952, inclusive Termination date: June 30, 1953 90. *!>0 ■' : < • • • . • ... ^ k - -i r-Hi^riq v?tlKsu.:n» ijji* . : ao? 9vc«ii bftfsXX aadiffJtvorq bs&HofauB 9tfE *9£oiT tiiJOii8.:to 9jd£4 sac J:s fc^Xofii- ^flfi.-&r*56Xssr9f' aaaiaXvoiq 1o XI« -qo Hxaa-taoitt to -wyt%cnq «li tah x&si' o> "\Tc*$cto.aa >i $t ^oaaee 10 xasy; * "*.?'* ' \«i-vi* .;v •• ,, fi . . ,a$g®pbtt9xto has* mi^O'Lq stii to svlzuZoal tS^I-fUl^X fcne ..dviciiXpsX . V ^X.-3£CX -:i»iifjftsqb' ai eggs 398 2k. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Dates Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: July 20, 19^3 Effective dates of amendments : Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1 Imperial, Inyo, parts of Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties Authorized provisions : The Agricultural Prorate Advisory Commission established Date Proration Zone No. 1 on July 20, 19^3- Later in the year, December 15, 19^3, the State Director of Agri- culture appointed a program committee which would have authority to formulate a marketing program. However, no program was approved by the industry. Seasons in operation : Termination date: None Not made operative JOS Z&>1 .OS vX^t, .^aj avjtJoe; SO Si I .on 9aos s&ryiOiH :aol&» n .l h.[oji lo &9iA at isiaJ .£4^1 t 0S5 \(Iirt ao I .oil u&S aoiisiot'l sited oa ,iyv&woH ;ke?go*<| snitffjjf-iBto * s^aliraiio'x dd- Tjiiioridua . ^vjayjbiii srfd - v;cf h^voiqqei 8SV flifti^mq »vi^i9yo area: ioH ^-r^roi-i-x-r'.;' 25. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Figs, canning Kadota Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: August 12, 1938 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Prorate zone no. 2 Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Kern counties Authorized provisions : Volume control of producer marketings Trade promotion Seasons in operation : None (Note: Litigation over alleged defects in insti- tution of program resulted in court action leading to termination in August, 1938. There was a new program, but it was later automatically terminated by a 1939 amendment to the Act.) Termination date : August 1$, 1938 ££0 TO rfdA iBl^JJu^iTjjA 1*5.1' Bsiirac*) insM fcria i*is&2 t^isXuT t ons?i*i K Bta%$giq vt? e.aev |*£tf4 .Sfc^X t ')xu$uA ai tfoiiteni,*!** 26. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Figs, canning Kadota Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date : September 15, 1938 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Prorate zone no. 2 Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Kern counties Authorized provisions : Volume control of producer marketings Trade promotion Seasons in operation : None (Note: Terminated through legislative amendment to Prorate Act which limited applicability of Act.) Termination date: September 19, 1939 ••, '.',1. • ' ssru^fxaa tooufioi^ lp. ipsiaoo ?auXotf ; ©vliiaflfta stii ruo-xi ftpiisq tuigJni 9rtJ g&fajfi •laXj-iol j^^q a 10't i5^iicriii;s suoXaxvoiq ©ritf *aix*9$9b of .noX^nian?-? -go 3ifl3'tj,oiq tc raaisoiq-sdj oi taisi \.itizisi>sn &i tfl ,flD2S96 to naa-f jsaSab etrx Js>3'i'i9 5,aiLaOq«9iioa 'tabau cosrsb :a i.R9\£ Jarii io'i i^ixcte^s rOio 59xiidicoo ^cf i?eaBXq?S : 28. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity; Figs, dried, and dried fig products Legislative authority; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date; September 1, 19^ Effective dates of amendments; July 2, 19k6; October 17, 1952; and July 22, 1953 Minor amendment: June 9, 1952 Area of application; State Authorized provisions : Stabilization pool Substandard pool Grade standards Mandatory inspection Prohibition of unfair trade practices Advertising and sales promotion Marketing, production, or processing research and survey studies Note ; The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or another during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a particular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or programs op- erating for that year or season under the corresponding effective dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : Termination date: Continuously beginning with 19hk (Note: Issued on be- half of processors and operated by processors until 1953 when producers also were included under terms of the amended order.) Continuous laXirolJ-ifirr 3 to"i^oz Itoittvs . Z£^>t^hi.oiq saiartsAafrtO^ 1 . ^^3^r>'•^^^>3«^•xcr.■ -go••84H&-^8c:it^ to .{tunnel 30* "X**£*-?>* .Txsaeasatt-s * #1 '\a*#*ft>i , . itfadntSiia:* 1 !: &n» MStgOni 9.1? : xo' ■ »J(i.' A- ; zlzr. 29. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Grapefruit (grade and size) Legislative authority ; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: May 12, 19^1 Effective dates of amendments: January 2, 19^ and November 1, 1955 Minor amendment: January 10, 1955 Area of application: Imperial and Riverside counties Authorized provisions: Minimum grade and size regulations Pack and container regulations Mandatory inspection Advertising and sales promotion Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation: 19IH-I9V3, inclusive, and continuously beginning with 19^5 Termination date: Continuous ■ v ..;■■■■:.. .'. . • ! 2 ' 30. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Grapefruit and grapefruit products Legislative authority ; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date : November 17, 19hk Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Imperial County and parts of Riverside County Authorized provisions : Minimum grade and inspection requirements Research, advertising, and trade promotion Seasons in operation : 19Mt~19^8, inclusive (Note: Operated and managed jointly in conjunction with a similar program in the state of Arizona authorized by the Arizona Agricul- tural Prorate Act. California order was suspended in 1952 and terminated in 1956 and is now combined with "Grapefruit (Grade and Size) Marketing Order.) Termination date: April 30, 1956 ■ - ■ SSL JS£|2 California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Grapes, Concord Legislative authorit y: Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: July 17, 193^ Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1 Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange counties Authorized provisions ; Proration of producers harvesting and shipping (during specified periods) to a specified percentage of produc- ers' estimated available supply Seasons in operation ; 1936 (Note; Not operated in 1935 because of impending litigation.) Termination date ; July 1, I9U3 32. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Grapes Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: August 8, 1938 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application: Prorate zone no. 2 State except Del Norte, Humboldt, Siskiyou, Trinity, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, San Francisco, San Mateo, Yuba, Alpine, Inyo, Mariposa, Mono, and Sierra counties Authorized provisions : Proration of contributions to a pool equivalent to 1+5 per cent of the crop Advertising of pool products to promote their sale Seasons in operation: 1938 Termination date : Inactive (but not officially terminated) *aA sdsioii Xo-ik'^IuainsA : yH: gory ua gv i: J tVjfUttjfrS- ^.-oyMsxS t ii>.toiisa.'H t s>*v6fr &>a* S^oxfe • ; • T77 ..• 33. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Grapes (Grape Stabilization) Legislative authorit y; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date : September 16, 19^9 Effective dates of amendments: Minor amendment: March 15, 1950 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Establishment of stabilization fund for purchase and disposal of surplus grapes and/or grape products Seasons in operation : 1950 Termination date ; December 31, 1950 3*. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Honey, extracted Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: March 1, 1952 Effective dates of amendments: Minor amendment: February 1, 195^ Area of application: State Authorized provisions : Prohibition of unfair trade practices (under this pro- vision price posting by handlers was authorized) Advertising and sales promotion Marketing, production, or processing research and sur- vey studies Seasons in operation: Continuously beginning with 1952 Termination date : Continuous ■ ittiv gjxtaa.t'ss 35 California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Lemon s Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date : April 19, 1935 Effective dates of amendments: September 12, 1939 Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1, state- wide Authorized provisions: Market volume control of fresh shipments and marketing Seasons in operation : None (Note: District Court of the United States on October 7, 19UO, held program to be in violation of federal interstate commerce clause of United States Constitution. Program terminated by Prorate Commission action after United States Supreme Court decision in- validating a comparable program on raisins. Litigation prevented operations.) Termination date: February 10, 19^3 36. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity; Lemon products Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: March 10, 1951 Effective dates of amendments : January 15, 1952; September 11, 1952; September 2k, 1953; November 3, 195k; and September 28, 1955 Minor amendments: January 12, 1953; January 30, 195^; July 19, 195^; and May Ik, 1956 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Note: Market and processing volume control Grade and size regulations Mandatory inspection Sales promotion and market development Production, processing, and distribution research Prohibition of unfair trade practices The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to its termination. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation: Continuously beginning with 1951 Termination date: September 30, 1958 . ■ ■ ■ ■ ! ; ' ■ 37. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Lettuce Legislative authority ; Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: January 23, 193^ Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1 Imperial County Authorized provisions : Proration of producer cutting and shipping (during specified periods) to a specified percentage of pro- ducer's estimated available supply Seasons in operation : 193^ Termination date: August 27, 1935 38. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Lettuce, dry pack Legislative authority ; Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date; April 28, 193^ Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Prorate zone no. 2 Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties Authorized provisions : Proration of weekly volume of cutting and shipping to a specified percentage of producer's estimated supply Seasons in operation : 193^-19^1, inclusive (Note: Program replaced in 19^2 by another marketing order for both producers and han- dlers . ) Termination date : December 31, 19^3 J.. : ■. 39 California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Lettuce, dry pack Legislative authority ; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: June 11, 19^ Effective dates of amendments: May 20, 19^8 Area of application : Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties Authorized provisions : Market volume control Grade and size regulations Mandatory inspection Advertising and sales promotion Production, processing, and distribution research Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendment. Seasons in operation ; Continuously beginning with 19^2 Termination date : Continuous t -as] to sail J * »no^ ita .'bs fu/lanx'. fctis , bsqoi&rab ^noxaivcntu osit J.c> IL&- sbulo ' ■ • ' ' .. • ■ • . ■•• • tC JW£30.*!<| 9tw ,OJ T9X91.. OCf.. 1 {"XiS.339P9fi . 3 JL OX • CLO 3.fl9*> 10 "X.39Y TsXiJ'lj'J" California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Macaroni products Legislative authority : California Marketing Agreement Act of 1935 Effective date; April 3°> 1936 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application ; State Authorized provisions ; Quality standards Prohibition of unfair trade practices Seasons in operation : 1936-37, inclusive Termination date; September 30, 1937 California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Macaroni Legislative authority : Processed Foodstuffs Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date : January 18, 1938 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application: State Authorized provisions : Quality standards Filing of price schedules Prohibition of unfair trade practices kl. Seasons in operation : 1938-39, inclusive (Note: Operation interfered with by litigation.) Termination date : September 30, 1939 California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Milk Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: March 18, 1935 Effective dates of amendments: 1*2. Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1 Kern, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange counties Authorized provisions : Allocation of volume quotas among producers delivering fluid milk to plants and dairies Seasons in operation : None (Note: Suspension and termination through amend- ment to the Prorate Act of 1935. Price and volume regu lation of milk provided for in separate legislation.) Termination date: Suspended on August 27, 1935 11 California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Nursery stock, deciduous fruit and almond trees Legislative authority : California Marketing Agreement Act of 1935 Effective date; September 18, 1936 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Specification of sizes of fruit and tree stock Prohibition of unfair trade practices Seasons in operation: 1936-37, inclusive Termination date: September 30, 1937 - kk. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Olives Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: May 25, 1937 Effective dates of amendments: June 30, 1938 Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1, state-wide Authorized provisions : Volume control of olives, by variety or size, for can- ning Control of producer's deliveries to canners for canning purposes Seasons in operation : 1937 (Note: Prorate provisions, specifically estima- tion of individual production, caused much controversy. Program was terminated by Commission in response to pe- tition and then reinstated by order of state courts al- though not operated thereafter.) Termination date: July 29, 1939 (reinstated by court order on March 24,19^1) 0 ■ *5. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Olives Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: February 19, 19^8 Effective dates of amendments: January 20, 1951 Area of application: State Authorized provisions : Establishment of size and quality standards for canning Ripe and canning Spanish green olives Advertising, trade promotion, and research Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to its termination. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendment. Seasons in operation : 19^5- 195 1 *, inclusive Termination date: June 30, 1955 : California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Olives (Stabilization Plan) Legislative authority ; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date; March k, 1952 Effective dates of amendments ; February 25, 1957 Minor amendment: May 21, 1952 Area of application : St ate h6. Authorized provisions: Establishment of stabilization pool of canned ripe olives Seasons in operation ; 1952, 1953, and 1957 Termination date: September 30, 1953 (activated again February 25, 1957) ■ i 47. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Oranges and grapefruits Legislative authority : California Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1935 and California Agricultural Products Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date : January lk, 1936 Effective dates of amendments : July 10, 1936 Area of application : State Authorized provisions ; Proration (weekly) of market shipments by shippers Seasons in operation : 1936-191*0, inclusive (Note: Operated jointly with par- allel federal marketing order. Court action resulted in exemption of grapefruit from provisions of the order. Act ceased operation June 8, 19^0 because of legal ac- tion. Later upheld in State Supreme Court in July, 19^3 > but did not become operative again.) Termination date : Ceased operation June 8, 19**0 ; termination order for grapefruit, December 1, 19^1 U ■ k8. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Peaches, canning cling Legislative authority: California Marketing Agreement Act of 1935 Effective date : August 1, 1936 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : State Authorized provisions: Volume control through application of quality standards Third-party grading and inspection at time of delivery by growers to canners Advertising and sales promotion Prohibition of unfair trade practices Seasons in operation: Termination date: 1936 (Note: Wot effective soon enough in I936 to be placed in full operation. In 1937 a new act was avail- able.) June, 1937 9 i»9. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Peaches, canning and freezing cling Legislative authority ; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: August k, 1937 Effective dates of amendments: August h, 1939; July 28, 19hO; July 27, 19^1; August 3, 1942; December 30, 19^5; August 7, 19^9; May 18, 1950; July 1, 1951; May 21, 1952; June 9, 1953; March 30, 195^; and June 5, 1957 Minor amendments: July 21, 1953; July 31, 195 1 *; March 8, 1955; and August 17, 1956 A rea of application : Authorized provisions : Note: State Volume control (elimination of "surplus" by removal of immature cling peaches, removal of bearing cling peach trees, or cannery diversion) Quality regulations including minimum grade and size standards Stabilization fund Advertising and sales promotion Research and acreage surveys Prohibition of unfair trade practices The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation ; 1937, 1939-19^2, inclusive, and continuously beginning with 19^6 Termination date : June 30, I960 i i K - 50. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Peaches, fresh Legislative authority: California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date; April 25, 1950 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Grade, size, maturity, and pack regulations Inspection Advertising and sales promotion Research and survey studies in production, packing, or marketing of peaches Seasons in operation : Continuously beginning with 1950 (Note: Administered jointly with Fresh Plum Marketing Order.) Termination date : Continuous 51. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Pears, canning Bartlett (Producer Program) Legislative authority ! Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 j after 19h5, Agricul- tural Producers Marketing Act; after 19S>3> Agricultural Producers Marketing Law Effective dates May 25, 1938 Effective dates of amendments: June 2?, 1939 j June 20, 19li0j July 18, 19U0; August 7, 191*0; June 20, 191*1; June 29, 19U2; July 2, 19U2; May 12, 19l*3j June 28, 19U3j July 3, I9hk; June 28, 19U6j June 23, 1917} and July 1, 1952 Minor amendment: May 3, 1952 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Note: Minimum number of grades and minimum quality standard for grades and other grade regulations Uniform inspection, grading, and certification Education and trade stimulation plans Production, processing, and marketing research and production or acreage surveys The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation: Continuously beginning with 1938 Termination date: Continuous v i«4 xu Vy* ■ if .... ■ ■ 52. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Pears, canning fall and winter Legislative authority: California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: August 6, 19kl Effective dates of amendments : August 19, I9h2', August 8, 19h3} August 3, 19^6$ July IS, 1901 j July 1, 19$2j and June 1, 1957 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Grade regulations Mandatory inspection Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : Continuously beginning with 19kl Termination date: June 30, 1962 ; 53. Cali f ornia Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Pears, fresh Bartlett Legislative authority ; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: July 8, 1937 Effective dates of amendments : April 15, 1939; August 9, 1939 j and April 1$, I9k7 Minor amendments: July 17> 1951 and December 31, 1951 Area of application: State Authorized provisions : Minimum grade and size regulations Mandatory inspection Advertising and trade promotion (1937 and 1938 seasons only) Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dac,e3 of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : 1937-19U2, inclusive, and continuously beginning with 19U7 Termination date: Continuous : • '■ ■ 5^ California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Pears, fresh fall and winter Legislative authority; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date? August 26, 19hl Effective dates of amendments : Minor amendment: June 15, 19$6 Area of application: State Authorized provisions : Market volume control Advertising and sales promotion Grade and size regulation Container requirements Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and inc2uded at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive da-oes of the program and amendment . Seasons in operation : Continuously beginning with l°kl (Note: Operated jointly with federal marketing order.) Termination date: Continuous ■ ... 55. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Pears, fresh Buerre Hardy Legislative authority; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date; August 17, 1939 Effective dates of amendments ; Area of application; State Authorized provisions : Minimum size and minimum grade regulations Inspection of intrastate shipments Advertising and sales promotion Seasons in operation : 1939-UO, inclusive (Note: Terminated by the Director as this variety was included and covered by the Fresh Fall and Winter Pear Marketing Order issued August 26, 191*1.) Termination date: August 2$, 19iil • 56 California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Pears, promotion of Bartlett Legislative authority ? California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: June 29, 1950 Effective dates of amendmen ts; March 2, 1955 Minor amendment; November 20, 1951 Area of application ; State Authorized provisions ; Sales promotion and market development Production, processing, and distribution research Note ; The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation ; Continuously beginning with 1950 (Note; Administered jointly with the Fresh Bartlett Pear Grade and Size Orders, both state and federal.) Termination date: Continuous - 57. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity; Pears, promotion of Hardy (for canning) Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: July 11, 1955 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application: State Authorised provisions : Sales promotion, market development, and advertising Research and survey studies in production, processing, and distribution Seasons in operation: Continuously beginning with 1955 Termination date: Continuous ■ 58. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity; Plums, fresh Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: April 2$, 19$0 Effective dates of amendments : Area of application} State Authorized provisions ; Grade, size, maturity, and pack regulations Inspection Advertising and sales promotion Research and survey studies in production, packing, or marketing Seasons in operation ; Continuously beginning with 1950 (Note: Administered Jointly with Fresh Peach Marketing Order.) Termination date: Continuous I ■ 59. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Potatoes, delta white Legislative authority; California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date; August 12, 1953 Effective dates of amendments; Minor amendments: August 10, 1955 and May 7, 1956 Area of application; Delta areas of San Joaquin and Contra Costa counties Authorized provisions ; Volume control Grade, size, and maturity regulations Mandatory inspection Advertising and sales promotion Distribution research Seasons in operation ; Termination date: Continuously beginning with 1953 Continuous lo'v"* ■ California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Potatoes, Irish Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: May 21, 193k Effective dates of amendments: May 23, 1939 Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1 Kern County 60, Authorized provisions : Minimum grade and size regulation (1939 amendment exempted bliss triumph and russet varieties) Seasons in operation : 193 9 Termination date: July 1, 19U3 61. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Potatoes, Irish Legislative authority: Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: August 8, 1938 Effective dates of amendments : Area of application : Prorate zone no. 2 Contra Costa, San Joaquin, and Sacramento counties Authorized provisions : Grade regulations Proration periods (l to 10 days) during which market- ings could be limited to specified grades Seasons in operation : None (Note: Not activated because of impending changes in Prorate Act.) Termination date: July 1, 19h3 62. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Potatoes, long white Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: November 16, 1953 Effective dates of amendments: December 20, 1955 Minor amendment: January 29, 1955 Area of application: Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, Inyo, Kern, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties and parts of Los Angeles County Authorized provisions: Grade, size, and maturity regulations Inspection and certification Advertising and sales promotion Production, processing, and distribution research and survey studies Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation: Continuously beginning with 195U Termination date: Continuous ^ 'zizux&s linambnora ie .©bxaiav&I ,nrt9)l t o\nI t &iRluT ^ariaia t onee-ri t Bi©b£i.\ :nox:te SsXagfltf ?,oJ lo aiifiq bnn aailncoo onibnsm-sfl asS brie snoi^slxrpeT: ^JixtjjBci fen/5 ,esi3 t «bBi£) tRnoiaivoT noirfso climes nne noxtfooqanl '/* noiJomotq soIbs bo* £aj:aid"t9-vi>& rioTBoaen no Mif a' xiiexb bns t grrx33':>oo'iq t noitfox,'bo-ri 89ibx;ie vevura bns -xti mnigmq ^xxytalffOO airi-/ 10I pvocTb be.tail Baolajwxq bosxiorl^wB erfT :eJof') -as 10 ssax* 9no *b bgooXonl bne fosqolsv^b snoiaivaiq erii lo Ha ebxflo mBigcnq 9ri\t lo ©i»b or&d#lld 9rfd moi'l bbxxsq ffi±Tt9ini srfj- gniuub l9rido -isq b tol b«s rxoritos snoxBxvo-xq 9ri.+ eniraisteb oT »9*£b J-n98e*iq eriJ- o 19^5 for poultry September 30, 19 V? for turkeys Effective dates of amendments: October 1, 1955 Amendments for poultry: June 2k, 19^8 and November 1,19^9 Minor amendments for poultry: June 29, 1950; June 10,1952, August 19, 1952; July 3, 1953; August 6, 1953; and Au- gust 18, 1953 Minor amendments for turkeys: November 29, 1950; Novem- ber 28, 1951; January 20, 1953; August ll+, 1953; and August 20, 1953 Area of application: State Authorized provisions: Control or eradication of pullorum disease and fowl typhoid in chicken and turkey flocks Inspection and examination for certification with re- spect to degree of absence or presence of disease Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : Poultry--continuously beginning in 19^5 Turkeys- -continuously beginning in 19^7 Termination date : Continuous auoual i 66. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Prunes, dried Legislative authority ; Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933; after 19^5> Agricul- tural Producers Marketing Act Effective date: September 3* 1937 Effective dates of amendments: August 8, 1938j December 13, 1939; August 19, 19^0; August 12, 19^1; February 20, 19^2; April 1, 19^2; July 8, 19^2; and September 8, Area of application: Prorate zone no. 1, state-wide Authorized provisions ; Substandard, surplus, and stabilization pools for pro- ducers Grading and inspection for producer deliveries to packers Advertising and sales promotion Mote : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : Termination date: I937-I9I+I, inclusive, and 19^7-1951, inclusive (Note: Beginning with 19^7, program was limited to advertising and sales promotion. Became inactive (January 1, 1952) when a Joint producer-processor order became effective.) Inactive after 1951 67. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Prunes, dried Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date : August 25, 19^7 Effective dates of amendments : January 1, 1952 Minor amendments: September 8, 19^8 and March l6, 195^ Area of application: State Authorized provisions : Advertising and sales promotion Marketing, production, and processing research Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : Continuously beginning with 19^7 (Note: Applicable only to processors from 19^7 through 1951. Amended order in 1952 included producers.) Termination date: Continuous - ft 68. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Raisins Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date : October 1, 1937 Effective dates of amendments : September 10, 1938; August 7, 19^0; and April 2k, 19kl Area of application : Prorate zone no. 1, state-wide Authorized provisions : Surplus and stabilization pools Quality regulations Advertising and sales promotion Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : 1938-19^0 (Note: Considered by the United States Supreme Court in the "Parker vs. Brown" case.) Termination date: Inactive after 19^0 96iv t X .Ca sftos stfe/ion? tnoi J^aiXgqs 'xo BarrA aXaoq aoIJe^iXictcJa Lite ayXqii ; 2 : a noi ? xv gg qj&g s 4 ip ttvA -09i'*& jyxXfiaottedT^oo Dili isfcny V-'^93 w icjssd- ix-d* rtol 3Cli6~o.-p r«e-xj, as3s?8 £s'.ti«U Mf'^S fis'tafc/'auriD ; s'ioM J.- .O^i-^U : a pl te x a?--' . cX a/joea??. 69. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Raisins Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: June 28, 19^9 Effective dates of amendments: October 17, 1951 Area of application: State Authorized provisions : Advertising and sales promotion Production, processing, and marketing research Note: The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendment. Seasons in operation : Continuously beginning vith 19^9 (Note: Applicable only to processors until 1951 when amended to include producers.) Termination date : Continuous • jno era bobvlonl keif qasnoo ailtf "i$bau no? California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Strawberries (fresh and processing) Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date; July 1, 1955 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : State 70. Authorized provisions ; Advertising and sales promotion Research and survey studies in production, processing, and marketing Seasons in operation; Continuously beginning with 1955 Termination date: Continuous 71. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Tomatoes, fresh market Legislative authority ; Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date: October 16, 193^ Effective dates of amendments: May 25, 1938; August 2, 19hO; and April 1, 19^2 Area of application: Prorate zone no. 1 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, and San Diego counties Authorized provisions : Proration (weekly) of producer shipments for fresh market Minimum grade regulations Note: The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the> effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : 193^ and 1936-19^2, inclusive Terminat ion date : Inactive after 19^2 72. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Tomatoes, fresh market Legislative authority : Agricultural Prorate Act of 1933 Effective date : July 22, 1936 Effective dates of amendments: Area of application : Prorate zone no. 2 Napa, Solano, Yolo, Sacramento, Alameda, San Mateo, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Contra Costa, San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Monterey counties Authorized provisions : Proration periods (3 to 10 days) during which producer intrastate marketings could be limited to a specified percentage of producer's estimated available supply. Seasons in operation : 1936-1938, inclusive Termination date: March 21, 1939 73. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Turkey promotion Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: July 9, 1952 Effective dates of amendments: April 1, 1956 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Sales promotion, market development, and advertising of turkeys for meat purposes Seasons in operation : Continuously beginning with 1952 Termination date: Continuous I 7*. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Walnuts Legislative authority ; California Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1935 and California Agricultural Products Marketing Act of 1937 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Setting of salable and "surplus" percentages Establishment of minimum grade of walnuts for sale in shell Disposition of "surplus" walnuts in by-product outlets Seasons in operation : 1935-36, inclusive (Note: Operated jointly with a par- allel federal marketing order.) Termination date: August 31, 1937 Effective date: October 27, 1935 Effective dates of amendments: October 19, 1936 Xjrftu&liJbi aiolxX < . ■ 75. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Walnuts Legislative authority : California Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1935 and California Agricultural Products Marketing Act of 1937 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Setting salable and "surplus" percentages Establishment of minimum grade of walnuts for sale in shell Disposition of surplus walnuts in by-product outlets Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation : 1937-19^2, inclusive (Note: Operated jointly with parallel federal marketing order.) Termination date: Suspended September 29, 19^3 Effective date: September 30, 1937 Effective dates of amendments: December 16, 1939 and December 28, 19^2 ■•S.J ; 76. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity ; Walnuts Legislative authority ; California Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1935 and California Agricultural Products Marketing Acts of 1937 and 19^3 Effective date ; August 11, 19^7 Effective dates of amendments; August 25, 19^8 Area of application; State Authorized provisions ; Setting of salable and "surplus" percentages Establishment of minimum grade of walnuts for sale in shell Disposition of surplus walnuts in by-product outlets Mote ; The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to its termination. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendment. Seasons in operation ; 19^7-1953, inclusive (Note: Operated Jointly with a parallel federal marketing order. Terminated because provisions of the federal order were extended to in- clude and cover the regulation of intrastate as well as interstate commerce in walnuts.) Termination date; July 31, 195 1 * ■ ■ 77. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity: Wine (dessert and table wines) Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: October 2k, 1938 Effective dates of amendments: April 10, 1940; September 1, 19kl; September 1, 19^j September 1, 19^7j September 1, 19^8; July 1, 1951; July 9, 195^; and July 1, 1957 Minor amendments: March 15, 1950 and August 15, 1955 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Advertising and sales promotion Production, processing, and distribution research Note : The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to the present date. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation: Continuously beginning with 1938 Te rminat ion date : June 30, I960 J ■ ■ ' J- i. ..'v.'-'. 3JE3J I i-..> .M' 78. California Agricultural Marketing Programs Commodity : Wine (Processor's Order) Legislative authority : California Marketing Act of 1937 Effective date: June 20, 19^9 Eff3ctive dates of amendments : February 6, 1951 Minor amendment: March 15; 1950 Area of application : State Authorized provisions : Limitation of quantity of wine each processor was per- mitted to prepare for market Regulation of marketing of immature wine Note: The authorized provisions listed above for this commodity program in- clude all of the provisions developed and included at one time or an- other during the interim period from the effective date of the program to its termination. To determine the provisions authorized for a par- ticular year or season, it is necessary to refer to the program or pro- grams operating for that year or season under the corresponding effec- tive dates of the program and amendments. Seasons in operation: 19 J +9-1951> inclusive Termination date : June 30, 1952 (isbiO a'TOBasooiSO s>ni\ :YiHboflrao r J T£9I !c *oA s*fi*9Jii«M eiaiotl IbD O^QX rioTBM :JB9jnbn9ms lonlM : 3ji gfliw s'lwiaaifflJ: lo jjuictejliGa lo uoictalijgoH ci awigo-iq ^i^oiiifflop airfcf -id evocfx? J39.tB.tI eaoibivonq bssitosiJus 9dT :s*oK oe 10 smLJ sao ,ta jbsbi/Ioai Lab b9qoi9V9b acoialvo-iq 9ilj lo lis ebuJ-o tQoiq sdJ- lo scfab vvlSosllL* ad.* motl f>oi:i9q ciirisj-ni ed& sniuxb tetiio ? a tot b9Slrofi&uB eaciaivo-iq erf.* Bniiriacfab oT .aoWsaStres^ nti o* q TO mBigotq dd* O* TOl9* OS Y1S8a999£l gi CM t U03B9R .10 1B9* Taii/ai:*