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THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY A LIST OF BOOKS (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS) RELATING TO TRUSTS BY .j^. :f. C- G-i^iiFiFinsr CHIEF OF DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY SECOND EDITION WITH ADDITIONS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1902 \. i >i<^ f'^ INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. The list is intended to comprise onl}^ the chief authorities, pro and con, upon the subject of trusts, and has no pretensions to being a complete bibliography. The principal reports of legislative investigations have been included, viz: The "coal combine" inquiry in Pennsylvania in 1871; the Congressional investigations of 1888, 1890, 1893 (see entries under United States Congress) ; reports of committees of the legislature of New York in 1887 and 1897; the report of a committee of the Canadian House of Commons in 1888, and the reports of the Industrial Com- mission prepared in part by Prof. J. W. Jenks, of Cornell University, lately published. Halle's "Trusts or industrial combinations," with its footnotes and list of authorities, is a good handbook concerning industrial combina- tions in the United States down to 1895. Baker's "Monopolies and the people" treats not only of railroad V combinations, but of industrial trusts, monopolies of municipal service, ;i and labor unions. "He subjects the laws of competition to a lengthy k * * * analysis, and concludes that combination is a necessary tend- .V enc}' of modern society." ^ Bonham's " Railway secrecy and trusts" classifies and investigates ^ the methods of great trusts in their relations with railway corporations. \^ Ely's "Monopolies and trusts" is an outcome of investigations, Q^ beginning in 1888, of the theory of monopoly from an economic stand- ^ . point. The previous works of this writer also contain scientific dis- X cussions of the subject. N^ Lloyd's ''Wealth against commonwealth" is an arraignment of trusts. Dodd's "Combinations and their abuses" is a defense of the Stand- ard Oil Compan3\ Gunton's "Trusts and the public" is "a vigorous defense of these great corporations." (See article "Gunton's defense of trusts" in -> Anierican Review of Reviews, October, 1899.) The reports of the Chicago Trust Conference contain arguments by , X distinguished public men on both sides of the question. . %!:- Nettleton's "Trusts or competition" is a compilation of extracts y^ from papers and speeches by advocates and opponents of trusts. 84:29()G IV INTRODUCTION. Kinley's monograph on trusts, forming a number of "Progress," attords a surve}' of the history of trusts, with summaries of arguments upon diflferent phases of the question. The legal aspect of trusts is treated in Beach's '"''Compan}^ law," "Treatise on the law of monopolies," and in Spelling's "A treatise on trusts and monopolies." The list of articles in periodicals contains many references to legal periodicals. The Railway and Corporation Law Journal, March 22, 1890, contains a bibliography of the law literature of trusts, including statutes and court decisions. For current discussions of the general subject of trusts it is of course necessary to consult periodical literature, and the list of refer- ences printed herewith is intended to guide to the representative con- tributions. About 700 copies of this list were printed as "'Concurrent resolu- tion, No. 55, of Fifty-sixth Congress, first session." It is now printed by the Library of Congress in an edition of 1,500 copies. A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Division of J^ihliography. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C, July 1, 1900. INTRODUCTION TO SECOND EDITION. The most significant addition to Trust literature since the publica- tion of the first edition of this List is the Final report of the United States Industrial Commission. This report gives the conclusions and recommendations of the Commission in regard to industrial combinations. Individual works to be specially noticed are Clark's "The control of trusts," favoring encouragement of competition; Collier's "The trusts. What can we do with them?" advocates publicity; Dos Passos's "Commercial trusts," favorable to corporations; Jenks's "The trust problem," a new and revised edition, having the benefit of the testimony before the Industrial Commission, of which the author was a member. The subject of trusts has engaged the attention of several foreign writers: Cossa, "I sindicatiindustriali;" Duchaine, " La question des trusts;" Flora, "I sindicati industriali;" Katzenstein, "Die Trusts in den Vereinigten Staaten;" Rousiers's, "Les syndicats industriels;" Liefmann, "Die Unternehmerverbande," and "Die Allianzen," in Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik," October, 1900. Halle has recently contributed an article on trusts to the Hand- worterbuch d. Staatswissenschaften, vol. IT. pp. 212-230. Discussions of trusts in Great Britain may be found in the " Con- temporary review," August and September, 1901. and the "New liberal review," January, 1902. The "United States Special consular report." vol. 21, pt. 3, consists of reports from consuls upon trusts in Europe. Shibley's "The trust problem solved'' represents the views of an industrial reformer. The subject of trusts and corporation law is treated by Dill in his "General corporation act of New Jersey" and "The statutory and case law applicable to private companies under the general corporation act of New Jerse3^'' Prof. C. J. Bullock's article on "Trust literature: a survey and a criticism," passes in review a considerable number of writings in which a certain classification and estimate is attempted. A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Division of Bibliography. Herbert Putnam, Lihrarian of Congress. Washington, D. C, Fehmarij 21. 1902. V A LIST OF BOOKS ON TRUSTS. Adams, Charles Francis. The place of corporate action in our civilization. {M Shaler, N. S.: The United States of America, vol. 2, pp. 191-213. New York, 1894.) "Considers 'Trusts;' the 'Standard Oil Company,' etc." Adams, Edward F. The modern farmer in his business relations. San Francisco: N. J. Stone company, 1899. 8°. " The farmer and the tru.sts," pp. 398-412. Adams, Francis Alexander. Who rules America? Facts and figures regarding the four hundred trusts that prey upon our people. Neiv York, 1899. 59 pp. 8°. Adams, Henry C. Relation of the state to industrial action. IBaltimore]: American economic association, January, 1887. 85, {11), ix, (5) pp. 8°. {American economic association. Publications, vol. 1, no. 6.) American academy of political and social science. Corporations and public welfare. Addresses at the fourth annual meeting, Philadelphia, April 19-20, 1900. Neiv York: Published for the American academy of political and social science. McClure, Phillips d- CO., 1900. ^08 pp. 8°. CONTENTS. Pt. I. The control of public-service corporations; Introductory: The possibilities and limitations of municipal control, by L. S. Rowe; Financial control, capitalization, methods of accounting and taxation, by B. S. Coler; Difficulties of control as illus- trated in the history of gas companies, by J. H. Gray; Regulation of cost and quality of service as illustrated by street-railway companies, by F. W. Spiers. Pt. II. Influence of corporations on political life, by William Lindsay. Pt. III. Combination of capital as a factor in industrial progress; Industrials as invest- ments for small capital, by J. B. Dill; The evolution of mercantile business, by John Wanamaker, The interest of labor in the economics of railroad consolidation, by W. H. Baldwin. Pt. IV. The future of protection; The industrial ascendency of the United States, by N. W. Aldrich; The tariff policy of our new possessions, by R. P. Porter; The next step in tariff reform, by C. R. Miller; Report of the Academy committee on meetings. American social science association. The Chicago "trust" conferences. Being a report ])y the Committee appointed to represent the ass^ociation. In American social science association. Journal, no. 37, December 1899, pp. 245-256. Apthorp, Henry. "Trusts" and their relation to industrial progress: an address before the Economic League of Ashtabula, Ohio. [Akron, Ohio: The Werner company], 1899. S7 pp. 8°. Aschrott, P. F. Die amerikanischen Trusts als Weiterbiidung der Unternehmer- verbiinde. Sonderabzug aus dem "Archiv fiir soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik," Band II, Heft 3. Tubingen, 1889. H. Laupp. {2), 36 pp. 8°. Austria. Trusts in Austria. Copy of bill recently introduced in the Reichstag for the supervision of trusts controlling the price of sugar, brandy, beer, oil . from minerals, etc., June 14, 1897. i.ln United States Consular reports, vol. .'m, i)]). 47-50.) . 1 2 LIBRA.IY OF CONGKESS. Baker, Charles Whiting. Monopolies and the people. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1S89. xv, 203 pp. 12°. {Questions of the day, no. 57. ) Sa7)ie. 3d edition, revised and enlarged. New York dc London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899. xxiii, {2), 368 pp. 12°. ( Questions of the day, no. 59. ) Beach., Charles Fisk, sr. A treatise on the law of monopolies and industrial trusts as administered in England and in the United States of America. St. Louis: Central Law Journal company, 1898. Ixx, {2), 760 pp. 8°. Beach., Charles Fisk, jr. Company law. Commentaries on the law of private cor- porations, whether with or without capital stock, also of joint stock companies and of all the various voluntary unincorporated associations organized for pecuniary profit or mutual benefit. Chicago: T. H. Flood & company, 1891. 2 vols. 8°. The problem of the vanishing profit. An address on railway and commer- cial trusts and combinations . . . before the Congregational club of the city of New York, January 19th, 1891. INew York, 1891.'] 16pp. 12°. Bell, George W. The new crisis. y Des Moines, Iowa: Moses Hull & company, 1887. x, 351 pp. 12°. Bemis, Edward W., ed. Municipal monopolies: A collection of papers by American economists and specialists. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & company. \_1899.'\ ix, {l),691pp. Folded sheets. 12°. Benedict, Roswell A., ed. Settling the tariff -trust question. A debate. Argu- ments on both sides fully reported, with plans for final settlement of the question and its removal from politics, to the advantage of American industry and commerce. New York: 1900. vi, {6), 117 pp. 12°. Bland, Thomas A. The reign of monopoly. Washington, D. C: Eufus H. Darby, 1881. 48 pp. 8°. Bliss, William D. P., ed. Encyclopedia of social reform. New York and London: Funk cfe Wagnalls company, 1897. viii, 1439 pp. 8°. Trusts, pp. 1346-1348; Monopolies, pp. 888-894; Standard oil monopoly, p. 1285; Plutoc- racy, pp. 1012-1016. Bonham, John M. A brief history of the Standard oil trust. Its method and its influence, [anon.] No title-page. [ISSS:^] 23 pp. 8°. Industrial liberty. Neiv York and London: G. P. Putnam' s Sons, 1888. ix,{l), 414 pp- 8°. "The relations of the railway and the trust' to mdustrial liberty." pp. 96-128. "The influence of the 'trusts' and other parasites upon industrial liberty," pp. 129-158. Railway secrecy and trusts. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1890. 138 jrp. 12°. {Ques- tions of the day, no. 61.) Bourofif, Basil A. The impending crisis. Conditions resulting from the concen- tration of wealth in the United States. Midway Pre.'ss Committee, publishers. Cliirago. 1900. ix, {1), 196 j'p- 12°. A LIST OF BOOKS ON TEUSTS. 3 Brouilhet, Charles. Essai siir les ententes commercialeset industrielles et les trans- formations qu'elles pourraient apporter dans I'ordre economique actuel. Paris: Guillaumin et cie., 1895. {2), 211 pp. 8°. Call, Henry L. The coming revolution. Boston: Arena publishing company , 1895. (4),23S])}). 8°. Canada. House of Commons. Eeport of the select committee, appointed 29th Feb- ruary, 1888, to investigate and report upon alleged combinations in manu- factures, trade, and insurance in Canada. Submitted 16th May, 1888. Ottava: Printed by Maclean, Roger & company, 1888. xxr, (i), 750 pp. 8°. Also printed as Appendix 3 of House of Commons Journal, 1888. Carnegie, Andrew. The gospel of wealth, and other timely essays. Xew Yo^k: The Century co., 1900. xxii, (2), 305 pp. 8°. " Popular illusions about trusts," pp. 83-103. Chicag-o conference on trusts. Speeches, debates, resolutions, list of the dele- gates, etc. Held September 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 1899. Chicago: The Civic Federation of Chicago, 1900. x, 626 pp. Portraits. 8°. COXTENTS. A Statement of the trust problem, by Henn- C. Adams: How to judge the right of the trusts to live, by J. Dana Adams; Address of welcome, by Edward C. Akin; Benefits and hardships of combinations, by G. W. Atkinson; Trusts an early incident, but no longer the product of present prosperity, by Henry D. Baker; Trust evils and sug- gested remedies: A problem for a generation to .«ettle, by Edward W. Bemis; The tariff not mother of trusts, but mother of American wealth and power, by Henry W. Blair; Trusts a natural industrial feature and should not suffer legislative restraint, ' by Charles J. Bonaparte; Are the new combinations socially dangerous? by John Graham Brooks; The man before the dollar: Society not enthralled to an institution solely because the institution exists: The remedy of Congressional license, by William Jennings Bryan; Reply to Mr. Foulke, by William Jennings Bryan; The trust as a conspiracy against civilization, by I. D. Chamberlain; The necessity of restraining monopolies while retaining trusts, by John Bates Clark; Effect produced by com- binations, whether of capital or labor, upon the general prosperity of the commu- nity, by W. Bourke Cockran; Reply to Mr. Bryan and answers to various questions, by W. Bourke Cockran; Committee on organization and program; Committee on resolutions; Neglect of the old principle of "public benefit" in recent corporation laws, by John B. Conner; Trusts: their abuses and remedies, by Stephen P. Corliss; Restraint of the corporation, by E. C. Crow; The Arkansas anti-trnst law, by Jeffer- son Davis; Overcapitalization and concealment, by James B. Dill; Trusts and their effects upon commercial travelers, by P. E. Dowe; The advantages of rightful com- bination, by James W. Ellsworth; The economic history of . long-established factor in American transportation, by Stuyvesant Fish; A plea for moderate action, by William Fortune; Desirability of trusts, by Charles Foster; Why trusts can not be entirely overthrown, by William Duiley Foulke; In criticism of certain views of William J. Bryan, by William Dudley Foulke; Maryland and the trusts, by George R. Gaither jr.; An iron and steel worker's view of combination, by M. M. Garland; The control of trusts, by Samuel Gompers; Railroad responsibility for objectionable combinations: The larmers and the Chicago grain market, by S. H. Greeley; The trust as a phenomenon to be handled fearlessly and utilized for the public weal, by Laurence Gronlund; The public and the trusts, by George Gunton; Federal control by explicit and comprehensive statute, by F. E. Haley; Foreign markets and Amer- ican shipping: Extension of competition for agricultural relief, by J. C. Hanley; Causes, dangers, and benefits of combinations, byAzel F. Hatch; The social enemy, by John W. Hayes; Introductory address, by Franklin H. Head. Tariff themotherof trusts, by Byron W. Holt; Formulation, by permanent chairman of the conference, of certain suggested methods for the solution ol the trust problem, by William Wirt Howe; Fire insurance cooperative, but not a trust: Its relation to the community, by E. C. Irwin; Elements of the trust problem, by Jeremiah W. Jenks; Federal and State regulation of trusts, by Aaron Jones; The trust as a labor-saving machine in the development of a large programme, by Samuel M. Jones; New Jersey and trusts, by Edward Quinton Keasbey; Analysis of industrial statistics collected by the Civic Federation of Chicago, by David Kinley; Equality of rights in transportation agen- 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. cies, by Martin A. Knapp: Property rights and human rights, by M. L. Lockwood; The farmer: The man who can dechire his " Live and let live" policy at the ballot box, by Cyrus G. Luce: Combinations in the main beneficial, by Emerson McMillin; Recognition of the inevitable and adjustment thereto, by S. A. Martin: The trust from a socialist point of view, by Thomas J. Morgan: Xo monopoly where trade and commerce free, by J. Sterling Morton; Railroad cooperation more economic than unrestricted competition, by Paul Morton: Practical remedies for industrial trusts, by G. W. Korthnip, jr.; The limitation of competition and combination as illustrated in the regulations of railroads, by Joseph Nimmo, jr.: Federal taxation as a means of regulation, by Francis G. Newlands; Where competition is present discrimina- tion can not be absent: An argument for the restoration of the pooling privilege with Federal supervision, by H. T. Newcomb; The menace of monopoly, by Henry W. Peabody; The effect of trusts on our national life and citizenship, by Hazen S. Pin- gree; A letter to Professor George Gunton. by Hazen S. Pingree: Where single taxers stand: The lesson of the giant with his feet on the ground, by Louis F. Post; Consoli- dation a natural growth with many obviously good results, by W. P. Potter; The wrong of special privilege, by Lawson Purdy; Monopolies under patents and the industrial effects thereof, by James H. Raymond: How consolidation has worked out in the case of one of the great common carriers, by Edward P. Ripley: The anti- dote of free trade and the international trust, by Samuel Adams Robinson: Histor- ical development of the corporation, with exclusion of the principle of public bene- fit, by A. E. Rogers: Legislative discipline to make trusts harmless, by Edward Rosewater: Combinations the inevitable incidents of industrial evolution, by David Ross; The greatest problem since slavery, by U. M. Rose; Trusts and free trade, by John F. Scanlan: Competition the best regulator, by Charles A. Schieren; Strength of the trusts in props of special privilege, by George A. Schilling; Corporate owner- ship of railroads the backbone of the trust: protective tariff its right arm, by J. G. Schonfarber; Excessive financial energy, by Horatio W. Seymour; Explanation of the new trades combination movement in England, by E.J. Smith: The right of a state to regulate all corporations doing business within it, by T. S. Smith; The free list and a graduated corporation tax as trust remedies, by John W. Spencer: A farmer on trusts; Regulation from the protectionist's standpoint, by John M. Stahl; A criti- cism of the Smithsonian system of trades combinations: Reform without an economic feature, by A. W. Still; The economic advantages of combination, by Clement Stude- baker; The relation of an unstable currency to the formation of trusts, by H. H. Swain; The main problem; How shall we distinguish among corporations? by Robert S. Taylor; The bogey monster; A thing to be regulated and encouraged, by F. B. Thurber; The attitude of anarchism toward industrial combinations, by Benjamin R. Tucker; The legal status of combinations of labor, by William H. Tuttle; Pro- tection and trusts, by Thomas Updegraff: Trusts from a business man's standpoint, by T. B. Walker; Efficacy of economic checks in regulating competitive trusts, by James R. Weaver; The combination in history, ethics, and political economy: Should it be prevented by law? by A. Leo Weil; A period of doubt and darkness in a new industrial era, by Henry White: The trust as a logical development impos.sibIe to extinguish and difficult to regulate, by C. D. Willard; Principles and sources of the trust evil as Texas sees them, by Dudley G. Wooten; The trust: An institution pronounced by the United States Supreme Court, in 1895, beyond Congressional control, by John L Yellott. Chicago trust conference. Trusts, pro and con, being a detailed report of the Chicago trust conference held in Chicago, September 13-16, 1899, under the auspices of the Civic Federation: W. Bourke Cockran vs. William Jen- nings Bryan. Chicago: George ^f. Hill co., [1S99']. 182 pp. Illustrations {woodcuts). 12°. {Marguerite series, no. 156.) Clark, John Bates. Capital and its earnings. \_Baltimore'\: American Economic Association, May, 1888. 69 pp. 8°. {Ameri- can Economic Association. Publication.^, vol. 3, no. 2. ) The control of trusts. An argument in favor of curbing the power of monop- oly by a natural method. New York: The Macmillan company, 1901. x, {2), 88 pp. 12°. "The only control of trusts that the public can supply, bethinks, is by insuring oppor- tunity for this potential competition to become actual whenever conditions justify it. His remedy, then, is simply the application of the common law against monop- olies, enforced by statute law if ntce«'r.ry." A LIST OF BOOKS ON TRUSTS. 5 Cloud, D. C. Monopolies and the people. Davenport, Iowa: Day, Egbert & Fidlar, 1873. {2), iv, 462 pp. 8°. Same. 3d edition. Davenport, Iowa: Daij, Egbert A Fidlar, 1873. 514, w PP- 8°. Collier, William Miller. The trusts. What can we do with theiu? AVhat can they do for us? New York: The Baker and Taylor company, [1900]. vi, {2), 338 pp. 12°. Considers combinations of capital as a necessity of modern conditions, at the same time regards them as being elements of danger. One chapiter is devoted to a discus- sion of "trusts and special privileges," wherein an attempt is made to show that trusts are the result of special privileges. The evils of overcapitalization, the rela- tions of the tariff and expansion to trusts, the scope and extent of legislative powers over trusts, and the constitutional limitations and restrictions are also reviewed. The Commercial year book. A statistical annual . . . Edited by Walter A. Dods- worth . . . Volume V. Neiv York: The .lournal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, 1900. {6), 674 pp. "Industrial consolidations and large corporations of 1899," pp. 560-.564; "Corporate consolidations of forty years," pp. 564-569. Commons, John R. The distribution of wealth. iVew York and London: Macmillan & company , 1893. x, 258 pp. 12°. Cook, William Wilson. The corporation problem. The public phases of corpora- tions, their uses, abuses, etc. G. P. Putnam' s Sons, Netv York: 1891. vi, 262 pp. 12°. "Trusts." The recent combinations in trade, their character, legality, and mode of organization, and the rights, duties and liabilities of their mana- gers and certificate-holders. 2d edition. With supplement. New York: L. K. Strouse & co., 1888. (6), 113 pp. 12°. Cooke, Frederic H. The law of trade and labor combinations as applicable to boy- cotts, strikes, trade conspiracies, monopolies, pools, trusts, and kindred topics. Chicago: CaUaghan and company, 1898. xxv, {1), 214 pp. 8°. Cossa, M. I sindicati industriali (trusts). Milan: Hoepli, 1901. 186 pp. 8°. "A systematic discu.ssion of the character, causes, advantages, evils, economic and legal organization; American conditions receiving much attention." Crozier, John Beattie. History of intellectual development: on the lines of modern evolution. Vol. 3. Longmans, Green, and co., Xetv York and Bombay, 1901. xiv, {2), 355 pp. 8°. Discusses the question of trusts in the United States. Dill, James B., compiler. General corporation act of New Jersey, with other gen- eral acts relating to business corporations. 4th ed. New York: Baker, Voorhis & co., 1901. xiv, 244 pp. 8°. The statutory and case law applicable to private companies under the gen- eral corporation act of New Jersey and corporation precedents. 3d ed. New York: Baker, Voorhis d: co., 1901. xxx, 381 pp. 8°. Dillaye, Stephen D. Monopolies; their origin, growth, and development. Washington, D. C: liufus H. Darby, 1882. 95 pp. 8°. Dodci, S. C. T. Combinations; their uses and abuses. With a history of the Stand- ard oil trust [by the solicitor of the trust]. New York: G. F. Nesbitt, 1894. 45 pp. 8°. 6 LhiKAKV OK CONGRESS. Dos Passes, John K. ('oiiiiiRTciul trusts'. The growth and rij2:hts of aggregated capital. An argument before the Industrial Commission, December 12, 1899; corrected and revised. G. P. Putnam's Sons, Xeiv York cO London, 1901. riii, {2), 137 pp. 12°. {Questions of tlie day, no. 97.) Opposes national legislation against trusts. Disinclines to state interference. This book is a revision of the following work. The growth and rights of aggregated capital. Argument ])efore the Indus- trial Commission at Washington, D. C, December 12, 1899. {New York, 1901?^ 71pp. 8°. Duchaine, Paul. La question des trusts. Bruxelles: Ad. Merlens, 1900. S°. "M. Duchaine estime, . . . que la principale de ces causes est le protectionnisme. Le monopole des trusts, dit-il, ne nJussit que la oil le regime de la protection est pousse a I'exces, on les droits douaniers sont completement prohibitifs. C'est ce qui s'est passe aux Etats-Unis." Eddy, Arthur J. The law of combinations, embracing monopolies, trusts, and com- binations of labor and capital; conspiracy, and contracts in restraint of trade. Chicago: Callaghan & co., 1901. 2 vols. 8°. Includes the incorporation laws of New Jersey, West Virginia, and Delaware. Ely, Richard T. Monopolies and trusts. XewYork: The MacmiUan company, 1900. .vi, [3),27S pp. 12°. {The Citizen' s Library. ) Problems of to-day; a discussion of protective tariffs, taxation, and monopo- lies. Neu' York: T. Y. Crowell & company, 1888. 222 pp. 12°. Senior's theory of monopoly. (/)( American Economic Association. Publications, 3d series, vol. 1, pp. 89-102. New York, 1900.) ■ The tariff and trusts. {In Shaw, Albert, ed.: The national revenues, pp. PS-67. Chicago, 1888.) Farrer, T. H. The state in its relation to trade. London: MacmiUan company, 1883. .vi, (i), 179 pp. 12°. {The English Citizen. ) Chapter X. Condensation of article entitled "Industrial monopolies," in Quarterly review, October, 1870. Flora, Frederico. I sindicati industriali (trusts). Torino: Roujct Via rengo, 1900. 48 pp. 8°. "Si Ton en croit M. Flora, c'est la libre concurrence qui engendre les trusts. Libre concurrence, grande production, monopole prive, ing(5rence de I'Etat, monopole public seraient les cinq phases invariablement travers^es par I'organisation sociale de la production et de I'echange." Genart, Charles. Les syndicats industriels. Paris: L. Larose, 1896. 232 pp. 12°. {Ecole des sciences politiques et sociales de Louvain. ) Bibliographie : pp. 223-230. Getz, Paul. Das Branntweinmonopol als Besteuerungsform. Jena: (lustav Fischer, 1897. {6), 81 pp. 8°. [SaimnJung nationaVokonomischet und statislischer Abhandlungen. hd. 15. ) A LIST OF BOOKS ON TRUSTS. 7 Gidding-s, Franklin Henry. Democracy and empire. New York: The Macmi linn Company, 1900. x, 363 pp. 8°. "The trusts and the public," pp. 135-164. Great Britain. Foreignoffice. (1890). Miscellaneous series no. 174. Report on the constitution, attributes, and legal status of "Trusts" in the United States. London, 1890. 99 pp. F°. (Ill Great Britain Parliamentary Sessional papers, 1890, vol. 73.) Grinnell, William Morton. The regeneration of the United States. A forecast of its industrial evolution. G. P. Putnarri's Sons, New York (i- London, 1899. iv {2), 145 pp. 12°. {Ques- tions of the day, no. 95. ) Universal consolidation.— The multiplication of trusts, pp. 86-91. Gunton, George. Principles of social economics inductively considered and prac- tically applied with criticisms on current theories. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, London, 1891. xxiii, 447 pp. 8°. " Combinations of capital," pp. 897-414. — Trusts and the public. New York: D. Appleton, 1900. 256 pp. 12°. "The principle of trusts as an economic development is defended, abuses are pointed out and criticised." Hadley, Arthur Twining. Economics. An account of the relations between private property and public welfare. G. P. Putnam' s Sons, New York, London, 1899. .vi, (1), 496 pp. 8°. "Competition," pp. 64-96; " Combinations of capital," pp. 151-179. Railroad transportation: its history and its laws. New York and London: G. P. Putnam' s Sons, 1885. v, (1), 269 pp. 12°. "Competition and combination in theory and practice," pp. 63-99. Halle, Ernst L. von. Trusts, or industrial combinations and coalition.* in the United States. New York: Macmillumi- CO., 1895. xvi, 350 pp. 2 folded charts. 12°. Same. New York: The Macm'dlan company, 1899. xvi, 350pp. 2 folded charts. 12°. See also Handworterb. d. Staats wissenschaften, vol. 17, pp. 212-230. Hardesty, Jesse. The mother of trusts. Railroads and their relation to "the man with the plow." Kansas City, Mo.: Hudson-Kimberly jmblishingcomjMuy, [1899']. 262pp. 12°. Same. Revised edition. Kaneas City, Mo.: J. Hardesty, 1900. 218 pp. 12°. Harding, E. E. Aggressive common sense concerning mutual interests and rela- tions of American farmers and wage-earners vs. private monopoly and trusts, or Rights of working people in the dawn of the twentieth century. [Tracy, Minn.: E. E. Harding, 1901.] 106 pp. 12°. Harper, William Hudson, editor. "Restraint of trade." Pros and cons of trusts in facts and principles. A handbook for the man who wants to think clear and vote right. Printed for the editor by the Regan printing home, Chicago, 1900. xvi, 368 pp. 8°. Harvey, W. H. Coin on money, trusts, and imperialism. Coin publishing company, Chicago, \_1899']. 184 pp. Illustrations (icood-cuts) . 12°. {Coin' s financial series, vol. 6, no. 26.) 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. He'wins, W. A. S. English trade ami tinance chiefly in the seventeenth century, Methueud- CO., London, 1892. xxxv, (1), 174 pp- 12°. "The monopolies," pp. 1-11. "The monopolies and modern industrial changes," pp. 12-13. History of a pool. Reprinted from the Iron Age. isew York: David WiUiatns compan)/ [1898]. 109pp. 12°. "The History of a Pool, while in narrative form, describes accurately one of the methods of forming and carrying on pools. It is recognized as an important con- tribution to the discussion of the great question as to measures to which manufac- turers resort to protect themselves from the eilects of unrestrained competition." Hobson, J. A. The economics of distribution. New York: Tlie Manuilku) company, 1900. rii, (3), 361 pp. 12°. The evolution of nmdern capitalism. A study of machine pioduction. London: W. Scott, 1894- .dr, 388 pp. 12°. {Conteinporari/ itrieiice series.) The social jiroblem. Life and work. London: James Xwbet cO co., 1901. x, (2), 295 j)p. 8°. " Public and private industry," pp. 174-186. Holt, Byron "W. Trusts versus wages. Xeiv York, 1892. 19pp. 8°. {Tariff Reform, vol. 5, 7io. 17.) Holt, Henry. Talks on civics. Neiu York: The MacmiUau company, 1901. xxvi, 493 pp. 12°. Discusses trusts, municipal ownership, etc. Hopkins, L. L. The coming trust. Neiu York: Advance publishing company , 1900. {4), 154 pp. 12°. Hudson, James F. The railways and the republic. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1886. {4), 489 pp. 8°. "Competition f. combination," pp. 207-315. Jeans, J. Stephen. Trusts, pools, and corners as affecting commerce and industry. An inquiry into the principles and recent operation of combinations and syndicates to limit production and increase prices. London: Methuen & CO., 1894. viii, 190 pp. 12°. {Social questiona of to-day.) Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple. The trust problem. New York: McClure, Phillips A co., 1900. xix, {!), 281pp. Diagrams. 12°. Same. New and revised edition. New York: McClure, Phillips & CO., 1901. xix, {3), 341 pp. Diagrams. 12°. CONTENTS. Competition, its nature; The wastes of competition; Favors to industrial combina- tions; Combination and monopoly; Promoter and financier; The basis of capitaliza- tion; Methods of organization and management; Prices; Sugar, Whiskey. Petroleum, Tin plate, Steei and Wire: The trusts and wages; Political and social effects; Legis- lation; Industrial combinations in Europe; Suggestions at Chicago trust conference; Preliminary report of the United States Industrial Commission; Plan of Bird S. Coler for regulation of tnists; New York companies' act; Plan of William J. Bryan for regulation of trusts; The United States steel corporation. Trusts and industrial combinations. {In United States Department of Labor, Bulletin, vol. 5. no. 2'.t, pp. f>(il-S31. Wash- ington, 1900. ) Jenning-s, Edwin B. Democracy and the trusts. The Abbey pre-tx, Neiv York, iMndon [elc.y. {1900'\. {2), 65 pp. Front, {port."^ nar. 12°. People and property. Tlie Abbey press. New York, \_1900'\. 109 pp.' Portrait, nar. 12°. A LIST OF BOOKS ON TKUSTS. 9 Katzenstein, Louis. Die Trusts in den Vereinigten Staaten. Vortrag, 9 Januar 1901. Berlin: Leonhard Siniidn, 1900. Hi, 31 pp. 8°. {VolksidrtscJiaftlichc Zeit- fragen, Vvrtrdgc mid Alihnndluiu/en. Heft 176.) Keasbey, Edward Quinton. New Jersey and the great corporations. {In American Bar Association. Reports, vol. 22, pp. 379-413. Philadelphia, 1899.) Kinley, David H. Trusts. Chicago, [1899]. 66 ppj. Portrait.'!. 8°. {Progress. Issued monthly by the University Association in the interests of university and world'' s congress exten- sion, vol. 5, no. 1.) COXTENTS. The present agitation; A historical retrospect; Meaning of " trusts;" Extent of trusts; Some famous trusts; Causes of trusts; Evils of trusts; Trusts and prices; Crushing out competition; Exorbitant prices; Trusts and labor; Overcapitalization and stock watering; Are labor organizations to be classed with trusts; Trusts and the law; Federal legislation; State legislation; Future of trusts; Remedies; Bibliography; The Chicago trust conference, by H. H. Swain. Iiangstroth, Charles S., and Wilson Stilz. Railway co-operation; an investigation of railway traffic associations and a discussion of the degree and form of co-operation that should be granted competing lines in the United States. With an introduction l)y Martin A. Knapp. Philadelphia, 1899. xv, 210 jyp. 8°. {University of Pennsylvania publicatioiis: Political economy and public laiv series, no. 15.) Tie Rossignol, James Edward. ^Monopolies past and present. An introductory study. Ne^v York: Thomas Y. Orowell A company, [1901]. vii, {1), 256 pp. 8°. CONTEXTS. The nature of monopoly; Monopolies in ancient and mediseval times; Gilds as mono- polies; Exclusive trading companies; Patents and copyrights; Municipal monopolies; Railways as monopolies; Capitalistic monopolies. [Lewis, B. B.] A talk about "trusts." A short and informal talk about the "Trust" and its disastrous aspect toward the present economic and social status. Submission? or sequestration? Which? [Bridgeport, Conn., 1889.] {16) j)p. 12°. Liefmann, R. Die Unternehmerverbande. Freiburg i. B.: J. C. B. Mohr, 1897. 199 pp. 8°. { Volhswirtschaftliche Abhandlungen. B. 1, Heft 1.) Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Wealth against commonwealth. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1894- iv, 563 pp. 8°. liusk, Hugh H. Our foes at home. New York: Douhleday & McClure company, 1899. {6), 297 pp. 12°. Lyttelton, Alfred. The law of trade com])inations. (I?i Mackay, Thomas, ed. ,• A policy of free exchange, pp. 275-292. New York, 1894. 8®.) McLin, Robert O. The trust family. Published by the author, Kansas City, Mo., 1899. 168 pp. 16°. Macrosty, H. W. Trusts and the state: a sketch of competition. London: Richards, 1901. 318 pp. 8°. Iffarshall, Alfred. Principles of economics. Vol. 1. London: Macniillan and CO., 1890. xxriii, 754 pp. Diagrams. 8°. " The theory of monopolies," pp. 45e)-172. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Martin, Edward Winslow. History of the grange movement; or, the farmer's war against nionopoHes. Illustrated with 60 engravings and portraits of lead- ing grangers. National publishing company, Philadelphia [etc.}, [ISJS}. 5S9 pp. 8°. Miller, J. Bleecker. Trade organizations in politics, also progress and robbery; an answer to Henry George. New Yorl:: The Baker & Taylor com pan i/, 18S7. viii, ^18 pp. 8°. Morgan, W. Scott. History of the wheel and alliance, and the impending revo- lution. Fort Scott, Kansas: J. H. Rice ct Sons, 1889. 774 pp. 8°. " Monopoly of exchange; of transportation: of trade; of land." Muldoon, "William H. Mark Hanna's "moral cranks" and others. A study of to-day ... by "Mul." Brooklyn {X. Y.): George F. Spinney company, 1900. vii, {2), ix-xvi, 316 pp. Portrait. 12°. Part 3, pp. 176-316: " Workers of the trusts." Nettleton, A. B., ed. Trusts or competition? Both sides of the great question in business, law, and politics. Chicago: Leon publishing company , 1900. 304 pp. 8°. CONTENTS. The argument for the trusts, to further favorable view, by Albert Shaw; The argu- ment against the trust; Trusts in Europe; The college and the trust; Cornell Uni- versity, by J. W. Jeuks; Yale University, by A. T. Hadley; Columbia University, by J. B. Clark; University of Michigan, by H. C. Adams; Williams College, by C. J. Bullock; Institute of Social Economics, by G. Gunton; Oberlin College, by J. N. Cawer; Bureau of Economic Research, by E. W. Bemis: University of Wisconsin, by R. T. Ely; The Chicago trust conference; Private monopoly indefensible, by W. J. Bryan . . . The question of remedies. The courts and the trusts; The Standard oil trust; The law and the trust; Trusts under the Federal Constitution, by J. T. Dye; The trust in politics . . . Anti-trust legislation (in the States); List of leading Amer- ican trtists. New York. State. Senate. Majority and minority reports of the committee appointed to investigate the cornering of grain and other articles. April 20, 1883. Albany, 1883. 934 pp- 8°. {Documents of the Senate of New York, 1883, vol 5. ) • Report of the committee on general laws on the investigation relative to trusts. Transmitted to the legislature, March 6, 1888. [^4/fcani/].- TheTroy press company, printers, 1888. 692pp. 8°. {Documents of the Senate of Xeic York, 1888, vol. 5, no. 50. ) Assembly. Fifth annual report of the bureau of statistics of labor of the State of New York for the year 1887. Transmitted to the legislature, April 2, 1888. \^Albany'\: The Troy press company, printers, 1888. 792 pp. 8°. {Documents of the Assembly of Neiv York, vol. 9, no. 74-) Part iv. " Conspiracy prosecutions and conspiracy laws," pp. !J63-700. Senate. Report of the committee on general laws relative to combinations commonly known as trusts. Transmitted to the legislature, ^lay 9, 1889. Albany: TheTroy press company, printers, 1889. 307 pp. 8°. {Documents of the Senate of New York, 1889, vol. 10, no. 64- ) A LIST OF BOOKS ON TRUSTS. 11 New York. State. Senate. Report and proceedings of the Senate and assembly appointed to investigate trusts. Transmitted to the legislature, March 9, 1897. Albany and New York: Wynkoop, Hallenbeck Crawford co., State printers, 1897. 1230 pp. 8°. [Documents of the Senate of Neiv York, 1897, vol. 7, no. 40. ) Nicholson, J. Shield. Principles of political economy. New York: The Macmillan company, 1893-1901. 3 vols. 8°. "Of monopoly values," vol.2, pp. 59-67. "Trusts," vol. 3, pp. 212, 215-216, 218, 220, 343, 367. Norman, Lionel. Legal restraints on modern industrial combinations and monop- olies in the United States. Nixon-Jones printing CO., St. Loui% [1899]. 16 p>p. 8°. O'Callaghan, Robert E. How monopoly can be prevented. A new, simple, and practical plan. Neiv York, [18901. 16 pp. 12°. Parsons, Frank. The legal aspects of monopoly. (In Bemis, Edward W., erf; Municipal monopolies, pp. 425-501. New York, 1899.) Patten, Simon N. Principles of rational taxation. Philadelphia, 1890. 25 pp. 8°. ( University of Pennsylvania publications: Political economy and public law series, no. 6.) Peckliam, S. F. Report on the production, technology, and uses of petroleum and its products. [In United State.s Census Office, special reports, vol. 10. Washington, 1884.) Pennsylvania. Senate. Document no. 39. Report of the committee on the judi- ciary (general) of the Senate of Pennsylvania in relation to the coal diffi- culties, with the accompanying testimony. Read March 24, 1871. [In Pennsylvania legislative documents, 1871, pp. 1515-1733. Harrisburg, 1871.) Pohle, L. Die Kartelle der gewerblichen Unternehmer. Leipzig: Frankenstein A Wagner, 1898. [2), 150 [1) pp. 8°. Rejmolds, D. A. The trust. Capital one hundred billion. 1896-1906. A forecast of possibilities. F. Tennyson Neely, London, Chicago, New York, [18991. 124 pp. Portraits. 12°. Rice, George. The [proposed] testimony of George Rice [to be] given before the Industrial Commission, at Washington, D. C. Particularly relating to the Standard oil trust, railroad freight discriminations, and unlawful pooling of rail and water lines, with the important facts, figures, statements and statistics fully sustaining the same. [n.p.1 1899. 77 pp. 8°. (The words in brackets are written in ink upon the title-page.) Rose, U. M. The law of trusts and strikes. [In American bar association. Report, vol. 16, pp. 287-321. Philadelphia, 1893.) Rousiers, Paul de. Les industries monopolisees (trusts) aux Etats-Unis. Paris: Armand Colin et de., 1898. xvvi, {1), 339 pp. 12°. Les syndicats industriels de producteurs en France et a I'etranger (Trusts, Cartells, Comptoirs). Paris: Armand Colin, 1901. 12°. 16273—02 2 12 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS. Royall, William L. The "pool" and the "trust." Their side of the case. Review of the Supreme Court's traffic decision. George M. West, publisher. Richmond, Va., 1S97. 47 pp. S°. Favorable to trusts. Seemanu, E. F. Pie Monopolisierung des Petroleum Handels und der Petroleum- Industrie. Berlin: L. Simion, 1893. 43 pp. 8°. ( Volkswirtschaflliche Zeitfragen, Vor- trage und Ahhandlungen. Heft 114. ) Senior, Nassau AVilliam. Political economy. 6th ed. London: Charles Griffin and company, 1872. viii, 231 jtp. 12°. {Encyclo- psedia 3fetrojwlitana. ) "Monopolies," pp. 103-11-1. Shibley, George H. Momentous issues. Published by the Schulte publishing company, Chicago, III., 1900. xiv, 230 pp. 8°. ( The Ariel library series, no. 24- ) " Private monopolies and trusts," pp. 59-109. The monopoly question. Presented to the National anti-trust conference Feb.. 12, 13,' 1900. Neiv York: Bureau of economic research, 1900. iv, 56pp. 12°. [ ] The trust problem solved. A non-partisan political program developed l)y the combined efforts of many minds. Published by the Non-partisan voters' union, Washington, I). C, 1901. 194 pj). obi. 12°. Proof sheets. Siiiiley , James B. To what are trusts leading ? Chicago: James B. Smiley, \_1899']. 64pp. 12°. Smith, Edward J. The new trades combination movement. Its principles, meth- ods, and progress. With an introduction by J. Carter. Rivingtons: London, 1899. x.viv, 96 pp. 12°. Spahr, Charles B. An essay on the present distribution of wealth in the United States. 2d edition. Nev) York: Thomas Y. Crowell & company, 1896. viii, 184pp. 12°. {Library of economics and politics. ) Spelling, Thomas Carl. A treatise on trusts and monopolies, containing an exposi- tion of the rule of pu]>lic policy against contracts and combinations in restraint of trade, and a review of cases, ancient and modern. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1893. xxvil, {1), 274 2^P- ^°- Stickney, A. State control of trade and commerce by national or State authority. New York: Baker, Voorhis A company, 1898. 202 pp. 8°. Stimson, F. J. Handbook to the labor law of the United States. New York: Charles Scribner'' s Sons, 1896 . xxii, 385 pp. 12°. Trusts, by employees, etc., pp. 178, 179, 185-193. Sherman act of 1887, pp. 31, 204, 334-337, 344-347. Swift, Morrison Isaac. What shall be done with trusts? [Boston: Houghton, Mifflin d: CO., "1888.] 18pp. 8°. No title-page. Reprinted from the Andover review for August, 1888. Thurber, Francis B. The right to combine. C J« American Social Science Association, Journal. No. 37, December, 1899, pp. 215-228.) A LIST OF BOOKS ON TRUSTS. 13 Tiedeman, Christopher G. A treatise on state and federal control of persons and property in the United States, considered from both a civil and criminal standpoint. St. Louis: The F. H. Thomas law hook co., 1900. 2 vols. 8°. United States. 50th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 3112. Report of the committee on manufactures on the investigation of trusts. July 30, 1888. Hi, (1), 956 pp. 8°. 50th Congress, 3d session. House report no. 4147. Investigation of labor troubles in Pennsylvania. Report from the select committee on existing labor troubles in Pennsylvania. Feb. 27, 1889. cxxvi, 783 pp. 8°. Includes views of the minority of the committee. . House report no. 4165. Trusts. Report from the committee on manu- factures. Mar. 2, 1889. n, 188 j^P- 8°. Submits testimony taken " in relation to the whisky trust and the combination affect- ing the article of cotton bagging." House report no. 4165, part 2. Trusts. Views of the minority of the committee on manufactures. Mar. 2, 1889. 37 pp. 8°. - 51st Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 829. Report of the select com- mittee on the transportation and sale of meat products. May 1, 1890. 40 pj). 8°. Bound with this is: Testimony taken by the select committee of the United States Senate on the transportation and sale of meat products. 1889. 615 pp. Folded sheet. 8°. - 5M Congress, 2d session. House report no. 2278. Alleged coal combination. Report of committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Jan. 18, 1893. mii, {2), 261pp. 8°. Testimony taken in regard to the alleged combination of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad company and other railroad and canal companies and producers of coal, pp. 1-261. House report no. 2601. Whisky trust investigation. Report of the committee on the judiciary on the character and operations of the Distill- ing and Cattle Feeding Company. Mar. 1, 1893. x, 98 pj). 8°. Industrial Commission. Preliminary report on trusts and industrial combina- tions, together with testimony, review of evidence, charts showing effects of prices, and topical digest. Washington: Government printing office, 1900. (2) , 264, 1325 pp. Facsimiles. Folded sheets. 8°. {Vol. 1 of the Commission' s reports.) Industrial combinations and prices, by Jeremiah W. Jenks, pp. 39-57. Topical digest of evidence prepared by E. Dana Durand, pp. 59-264. Testimony before the Commission, part ii. Final report. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. xi, {1), 1259 pp. Folded plates. 8°. [Vol. 19 of the Commission's reports.) Pp. 595 to 722 contain the recommendations of the Commission in regard to industrial combinations; opinion of F. J. Stimson, advisory counsel; and statement of E. W. Huffcut, on constitutional aspects of Federal control of corporations. Trusts and industrial combinations. Statutes and decisions of federal, state, and territorial law [prepared by Jeremiah W. Jenks], together with a digest of corporation laws applicable to large industrial combinations [prepared by Frederick J. Stimson.] Washington: Government printing office, 1900. 291 j)p- Folded sheets. 8°. ( Vol. 2 of the Commission's r'/nnis.) 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. United States. Industrial Commission — ContinuM. Report on transportation, including review of evidence, topical digest of evidence, and testimony so far as taken May 1, 1900. Wasldngton: Government printing offixie, 1900. 832 pp. Facsimiles. 8°. {Vol. 4 of the Commission^ s reports.) This report and those following contain evidence on industrial combinations, etc. Report on labor legislation. [Prepared by Frederick Jesup Stimson, Victor H. Olmstead, William 31. Sterxrt, Ed\vard Dana Durand, and Eugene Willison.] }}a.shiii(jtaii: Government printing office, WOO. {2), 308 pp. 8°. {Vol. 5 of the Commission's reports.) Report on the relations and conditions of capital and labor em- ployed in manufactures and general business, including testimony so far as taken November 1, 1900, and digest of testimony. Wa.'^hington: Government printing office, 1901. 224,1071 pp. 8°. (Vol. 7 of the Commission' s reports.) Report on the Chicago labor disputes of 1900, with especial reference to the disputes in the building and machinery trades. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. clcv,612 pp. 8°. {Vol. 8 of the ('ommi'i.non' s reports. ) Report on transportation (second volimie on this subject), including testimony taken smce May 1, 1900, review and topical digest of evidence, and special reports on railway legislation and taxation. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. ccciii, {3), 1152 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. { Vol. 9 of the Commission's reports.) Report on the relations and conditions of capital and labor employed in the mining industry, including testimony, review of evidence, and topical digest. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. clxxvii, {l), 747 pp. 8°. { Vol. 12 of the Commission's reports. ) Report on trusts and industrial combinations (second volume on this subject), including testimony taken since ^larch 1, 1900, together with review and digest thereof, and special reports on prices and on the stocks of intlustrial corporations. Wa.^hiiigton: Governnient printing office, 1901. clxxiii, {3), 1013 pp. 8°. { Vol. IS of the Commission's reports. ) CONTENTS. Domestic and foreign prices of .American products; Costs and prices of iron and steel products; Wholesjile and retail prices; Securities of industrial combinations and railroads; Bibliography of trusts and industrial combinations. The bibliography is mainly a rearrangement of the first edition of this list. Report on the condition of foreign legislation upon matters affecting general labor. [Prepared by Frederick Jesup Stimson.] Washington: (lorernment printing office, 1901. {4), 242 pp. 8°. {Vol. 16 of the Commission's reports.) Report on industrial combinations in Europe. [Prepared by Jeremiah W. Jenks.] Washington: Government printing office, 1901. Hi, 348 pp. 8°. { Vol. 18 of the Commission' s reports.) Part I. Industrial combinations in Europe. Part II. Foreign legislation regarding corporations and industrial combinations. A LIST OF BOOKS O^ TRUSTS. 15 United States — Continued. Inlenttate Commerce Cominisnion. Annual report . . . Washington: Government priiiting office, 18S7-1900. 14 >''>ls. 8°. United States steel corporation. Preliminary report to stockholders. To be s'-.bmitted at the 1st annual meeting, 17th February, 1902. INew York, 1902.'] 20, 22 pp. 8°. Contains amended certificates of incorporations, and by-laws. Vigouroux, L. La concentration des forces ouvrieres dans I'Amerique du Nord. Avec une preface de P. de Rousiers. Paris: A. Colin et cie., 1899. xxvi, 362 pp. 12°. Vrooman, Carl 8. Taming the trusts. Topeka, Kansas: The Advocate, 1900. 108 pp. Illustrations (woodcut.^) . 12°. {The Advocate quarterly, vol. 1, no. 1.) Wallace, H. Trusts and liow to deal with them. Des Moines: Wallace publishing company, 1899. 165 pp. sq. 16°. {]Vallace's Farm Library, vol. 1, no. 2. ) Walras, Leon. Etudes d'economie politique appliquee. (Theoriede la production de la richesse sociale. ) Paris: F. Pichon, 1898. {2), 499 pp. Plates. 8°. "Monopoles," pp. 193-233. Warner, John De Witt. Tariff trusts. New York, 1892. 703-742 pp. 8°. {Tariff Reform, vol. 5, no. 8. JuneSO, 1892.) Tariff trusts plead guilty. New York, 1892. 16 pp. 8°. {Tariff Reform, vol. 5, no. 13. September 1.5, 1892. ) ^ Weeks, Lyman Horace. The other side: a brief account of the development of industrial organizations in the United States, and a study of the advan- tages that capital, labor, and the consuming public derive from them. National publishing company, Ne>r York. \_1900.] 229 p}). 12°. " Anti-trust legislation futile." pp. 161-198. Wilgrus, Horace L. A study of the United States steel corporation in its industrial and legal aspects; being three lectures delivered to the class in private corporations in the University of Michigan. June 3, 4, and 5, 1901. Chicago: Callaghan & co., 1901. xiii, 222 pp. 8°. TRUSTS: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. 1871. Industrial monopolies. T. H. Farrer. Qiiarttrhi reriew, ml. ISl {Oct., 1871) : 460. 1873. The meaning and causes of value. Albert A. BoUes. North American review, vol. 117 {Oct., 1873): 319. 1874. Corporations and monopolies. E. L. Godkin. Nation, vol. 18 {June 4, 1874) ■ 359-860. 1883. The Standard oil company. John C. Welch. North American review, vol. 136 {Feb., 1883): 181-200. 1884. Lords of industry. Henry D. Lloyd. North American review, vol. 138 {June, 1884): 535-553. 1885. Is the monopolist among us? Edward C. Bruce. Lippincotfs magazine, vol. 35 {May, 1885): 433. 1886. Private monopolies and public rights. Arthur T. Hadley. Quarterly journal of economics, rol.l {Oct., 1886): 28-44- 1887. The anthracite coal pool. James F. Hudson. North American review, vol. 144 {Jan., 1887): 43. 1887. Modern feudalism. James F. Hudson. North American review, vol. 144 {Mar., 1887): 277-290. 1887. The limits of competition. John B. Clark. Political science quarterly, vol. 2 {Mar., 1887): 45-61. 1887. The persistence of competition. Franklin H. Giddings. Political science quarterly, vol. 2 {Mar., 1887): 63-78. 1887. The nature and significance of corporations. The growth of corporations. The future of corporations. Richard T. Ely. Harper's magazine, vol. 74 {May, 1887) : 970: vol. 75 {June, July, 1887) : 71,259. 1887. Trusts. F. J. Stimson. Harvard law review, vol. 1 {Oct. 15, 1887): 132. 1887. The so-called "trusts." American law review, vol. 21 {Nov.-Dec, 1887): 976. 1887. Two recent "trust" cases. Gustavus H. Wald. Harvard law review, vol. 1 {Nov. 15, 1887): 201. 1888. Trusts and trade unions. Francis Bacon. Independent, vol. 40 {Apr. 12, 1888): 451, 452. 1888. Trusts and trade unions. William G. Sumner. Independent, vol. 40 {Apr. 19, 1888): 482, 483. 1888. Dangerous "trusts." W. :\I. Rapsher. North American reviev:, vol. 146 {May, 1888): 509. 1888. Is combination a crime? Appleton Morgan. Popular science monthly, vol. 33 {May, 1888): 42-54- 16 trusts: articles in periodicals. 17 1888. The bugbear of trusts. Henry Wood. Forum, vol. 5 {July, 1888): 584. 1888. Trusts. D. M. Mickey. Amer\mn law review, vol. 22 {Juhj-Aug., 1888): 538. Weekly law bulletin, vol. 20 {Aug., 27, 1888): 159. Canada law journal, vol. 24 {Oct., 1888): 463. 1888. What shall be done with trusts? Morrison I. Swift. Andover review, vol. 10 {Aug., 1888) : 109-126. 1888. The economic and social aspect of trusts. George Gunton. Political science quarterly, vol. 3 {Sept., 1888): 385. 1888. The theory of a "trust." Weekly law bulletin, vol 20. {Sept. 17, 1888): 225. 1888. The legal status of trusts. Norbert Heinsheiraer. Columbia law times, vol. 2 {Nov., 1888): 51. 1888. Some difficulties of public business management. Arthur T. Hadley. Political science quarterly, vol. 3 {Dec, 1888): 572-591. 1888. The legality of "trusts." Theodore W. Dwight. Political science quarterly, vol. 3 {Dec, 1888): 592. 1889. The economic law of monopoly. E. Benjamin Andrews. American journal of social sci.ence, vol. 26 {1889) : 1. 1889. Dwight on the legality of trusts. Central law journal, vol. 28 {Jan. 11, 1889): 29. 1889. Trusts according to official investigations. E. Benjamin Andrews. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 3 {Jan., 1889): 117. 1889. Gunton's apology for trusts. Nation, vol. 48 {Feb. 7, 1889) : 108. 1889. The bugaboo of trusts. A. Carnegie. North American review, vol. 14S {Feb., 1889) : 141- 1889. Combinations and competition. S. C. T. Dodd. Railway and corporation knv journal, vol. 5 {Feb. 2, 1889): 97-100, An address before the Merchants' Association, Boston, March 8, 1889. 1889. The legal status of trusts. Norbert Heinsheimer. Political science quarterly, vol. 4 {Mar., 1889): 190-193. 1889. Competition and the trusts. George lies. Poiyular science monthly, vol. 34 {Mar., 1889) : 619-630. 1889. Syndicates, trusts, and corners. E. M. Gierke. Dublin review, vol. 104 {Apr., 1889): 353-377. 1889. Trusts. James F. :Minturn. Belford's magazine, vol. 3 {June, 1889): 61-66. 1889. The Moloch of monopoly. W. Barry. Forum, vol. 7 {June, 1889): 436-444. 1889. The development of the whisky trust. J. W. Jenks. Political scietice quarterly, vol. 4 {June, 1889): 296-319. 1889. The telegraph monopoly. Richard T. Ely. North American review, vol. 149 {July, 1889): 44-53. 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1889. The late copper syndicate. E. Benjamin Andrews. Quarterly journal of economic^, vol. 3 {July, 18S9): 508. 1889. Condition of the law as to combinations. Austin Abbott. American law review, vol. 23 {Sept.-Oct., 1889): 755-758. 1889. Facts about trusts. Charles F. Beach, jr. Forum, vol. 8 {Sept., 1889): 61. 1889. The regulation of monopolies. A. T. Hadley. Railroad gazette, vol. 33 {Nov. 29, 1889): 790. Railway and corporation latv journal, vol. 7 {Jan. 18, 1890) : 59-60. A review of Baker's " Monopolies and the people." 1890. "Trusts." (Annotations of six cases decided by the courts of last resort touching the subject of trusts. ) John Lewis. American railroad and corporation reports, vol. 1 {1890): 620. 1890. Some of the aspects of competition. A. Marshall. British association for the advancement of science. Transaction.'!, 1890. 1890. Trusts for control of corporations: The Illinois gas trust case. American law review, vol. 24 {Jan.-Feh., 1890): 14^i. 1890. The Atchison reorganization. Charles F. Beach, jr. Railway and corporation law journal, vol. 7 {Jan. 11, 1890) : 21-22. 1890. The "trust;" a new agent for doing an old work; or freedom doing the work of monopoly. J. B. Clark. New Englander, vol. 52 {Mar., 1890): 223. 1890. Trusts and combinations. Edward G. Buckland. New Englander, vol. 52 {Apr., 1890): 343. 1890. Trusts in the United States. Robert Donald. Contemporary review, vol. 57 {June, 1890): 829. 1891. "Trusts:" an alarm. Samuel Plimsoll. Nineteenth century, vol. 29 {May, 1891) : 832. 1891. The legality of trust combinations. Louis Boisot, jr. American latv register, vol. 30 {Dec, 1891): 751-770. 1892. Trusts in the United States. Jeremiah VV. Jenks. Economic journal, JjOndon, vol. 2 {Mar., 1892): 70. (From the Jahrbiicher fiir Xationalokonomie und Statistik for January, 1891; with additions.) 1893. The law of trusts and strikes. U. M. Rose. American bar association reports, vol. 16 {1893): 287-321. 1893. The economic errors of trusts. Social economist, vol.4 {Feb., 1893): 65. 1893. Strikes and trusts. U.M.Rose. American law review, vol. 27 {Sept.-Oct., 1893): 708. 1893. The i)resent legal status of trusts. S. C. T. Dodd. Harrard law review, vol. 7 {Oct. 25, 1893): 157-169. 1894. "Monopoly" under the national anti-trust act. W. F. Dana. Harvard law review, vol. 7 {Jan., 1894): 338-355. 1894. The relation of taxation to monopolies. Emory R. Johnson. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 4 {Mar., 1894)'- 764. trusts: articles ix periodicals. 19 1894. 1894. 1894. 1894. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1895. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1896. 1897. 1897. The combination of capital. E. B. Andrews. International journal of ethics, vol. 4 {April, 1894) '■ 321-334- Trusts their own corrective. George A. Rich. Popular science monthly, vol. 44 {Apr., 1894) : 740. The meaning of corporations and trusts. Logan G. McPherson. Popular science monthly, vol. 4^ {July, 1894)- 289-313. ^ Capitalistic monopolies and their relation to the state. .T. W. Jenks. Political science quarterly, vol. 9 {Sept., 1894): 486. Economic and uneconomic anti-trust legislation. Frederick H. Cooke. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 5 {Jan., 1895) : 569. Trusts; abuses and remedies. J. Dowd. Amencan academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 5 { Jan. , 1895 ) : 573. Does the sugar-trust decision affect the anti-trust clause of the tariff law? American law reinew, vol. 29 {Mar. -Apr., 1895): 283. How to deal with trusts. A^nerican lavj review, vol. 29 {Mar.-Apr., 1895): 284- Trusts and trade combinations from the standpoint of the common law. (Annotated case in the matter of Distilling and Cattle Feeding Company versus People. Supreme Court of Illinois, June 13, 1895. ) John Lewis. American railroad and corporations reports, vol. 11: 388. Trusts and wages. Frederick H. Cooke. Social economist, vol. 9 {Sept., 1895): 107. Anti-monopoly legislation in the United States. J. D. Forrest. American journal of sociology, vol. 1 {Jan., 1896): 411- Trusts and monopolies. Jackson Guy. Virginia law register, vol. 1 {Feb., 1896): 709. The theory of economic progress. John B. Clark. Economic studies, vol. 1 {Apr., 1896): 5-22. The anthracite combinations. G. O. Virtue. Qv.arterly journal of economics, vol. 10 {Apr., 1896): 296. Recent legislation in restraint of trade. C. F. Beach, jr. American jownal of sociology, vol. 1 {May, 1896): 6.57. Trusts and monopolies; reply (to Jackson Guy) John Hunter, jr. Virginia law register, vol. 2 {July, 1896): 160. Common sense on trusts. Gunton's magazine, vol. 11 {Dec, 1896): 402. The good and the evil of industrial combination. Arthur Twining Hadley. Atlantic monthly, vol. 79 {Mar., 1897) : 377-385. The question of trusts. How much public control is possible and necessary? A symposium: Anti-trust laws a failure. J. B. Clark.— An attack on the oil combination. H. D. Lloyd.— A defense of the oil combination. S. C. T. Dodd.— The situation and the remedy. R. T. Ely.— Aggregation of capital necessarv. Geo. Gunton.— The value of trusts. Otis Kendall Stuart.— History of the sugar trust. Geo. J. Manson.— The socialist view of trusts. Daniel De Leon. Independent, vol. 49 {ytur. 4, 1897): 265. 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 273. 569. 1897. The Lexow anti-trust rej^irt. Guntori\'i uKujazine, vol. 1^ {Ajir., 1897): 251. 1897. View.s of an anti-monopolist on trusts. Gunton'a magazine, vol. 12 {Apr., 1897): 258. 1897. Trusts and the workingman. Lloyd Bryce. Xortli American revieu; vol. 164 {June, 1897): 719. 1897. Trade combinations at common law. Frank J. Goodnow. Political .'science quarterbi, vol. 12 {June, 1897): 212. 1897. The wire-nail a.-^sociation of 1895-96. Charles F. Edgerton. Political .science quarterly, vol. 12 {June, 1897): 246. 1897. The nature of corporations. John P. Davis. Political science quarterly, vol. 12 { June, 1897 ) 1897. A newspaper trust. Thomas W. Brown. American law revieu; vol. 31 {July-Aug., 1897 1897. Growing sound opinion on trusts. Gunton'.^ magazine, vol. 13 {July, 1897): 9. 1897. The truth about trusts. Roswell P. Flower. Gunton's magazine, vol. 13 {Oct., 1897) : 251. 1897. The functions of the undertaker. Sidney Sherwood. Yale review, vol 6 {Nov., 1897) : 233. 1897. Comments on federal trust legislation. Carman F. Randolph. Political science quarterly, vol. 12 {Dec, 1897): 622. 1898. An American dictator. Bibliotheca Sacra, vol. 55 {Jan., 1898) : 173. 1898. The proposed piano trust. Gunton^s magazine, vol. 14 {Jan., 1898): 16. 1898. Mr. Herbert Spencer on industrial institutions. Sidney Ball. Inte^rnational journal of ethics, vol. 8 {Jan., 1898): 229. " Gives a brief classification of monopolies." 1898. The theater trust. W. D. Howells. Harper's weekly, vol. 42 {Feb. 26, 1898): 202. 1898. Concerning the "milk trust." David B. Varnum. Independent, vol. 50 { Feb. 3, 1898) : 170. 1898. Trusts: their causes and their remedy. M. Butler. Arena, vol. 19 {Mar., 1898) : 289. 1898. A new voice on trusts. Guntou's magazine, vol. 14 {Mar., 1898): 158. 1898. The sugar crash and after. C. G. Walpole. yntional review, vol. 31 {Mar., 1898): 162. 1898. The new trades combination movement. E. J. Smith. Economic review, vol. 8 {April, 1898): 145. 1898. The warfare against trusts. American laiv review, vol. 32 {May-June, 1898): 426. 1898. The concentration of industry in the United States. William Franklin AVilloughby. Yale rrricir, vol. 7 {May, 1898) : 72. trusts: articles in periodicals. 21 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1898. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899. 1899, 1899 1899 D. Willcox. Private corporations from the point of view of political science. J. W. Burgess. Political .mence quarterly, vol. 13 {June, 1898): 201. Report and proceedings of the joint committee of the senate and assembly of New York appointed to investigate trusts. F. W. Howard. Political science quarterly, vol. 13 [June, 1898): 361-363. Recent legislation and adjudication on trusts. Jeremiah W. Jenks. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 12 (July, 1898): ^6i. The defeat of the oil kings. Robert Donald. Contemporary review, vol. 74 {Aug., 1898) : 232. The Pekin syndicate. Outlook (English), vol. 2 (Aug. 13, 1898): 30. Collapse of the piano trust. James J. Colver. Illustrated American, vol. 24 {Sept. 30, 1898): 242. The tin-plate industry. F. L. McVey. Yale revietv, vol. 7 (Nov., 1898): 302. Recent construction of the Federal anti-trust act. Forum, vol. 26 (Dec, 1898): 4S2-4S8. Anti-trust legislation and the doctrine against contracts in restraint of trade. Frederick H. Cooke. American law review, vol. 33 (Jan.-Feh., 1899): 63-74- Combination in the American tin-plate industry. Board of trade journal, vol. 26 (Jan., 1899): 40. Foreign competition in relation to the new trades combination movement. E. J. Smith. Economic review, vol. 9 (Jan., 1899): 1-19. Proposed india-rubber trust in the United States. Board of trade journal, vol. 26 (Feb., 1899): 231. The growth of monopoly in British industry. H. W. Macrosty. Contemporary review, vol. 75 (Mar., 1899): 364- Recent developments in industrial organization. F. W. Morgan. Cosmopolitan, vol. 26 (Apr., 1899): 619. Anti-trust legislation. A. F. Walker. Forum, vol. 27 (May, 1899): 257. Trusts in Europe. W. Berdrow. Forum, vol. 27 (May, 1899): 268. Spread of socialism. W. Gladden. Outlook, vol. 62 (May 13, 1899) : 116. Trust insanity. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 11 (May, 1899) : 1-4- Industrial and trade combinations. Protectionist, vol. 11 (May, 1899): 23-29. , Trust— the rush to industrial monopoly. B. W. Holt. American monthly review of revieivs, vol. 19 (June, 1899) : 675. . Powers and perils of new trusts. H. H. Robbins. Gunton's magazine, vol. 16 (June, 1899): 44S. 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1899. Organized labor and organizeti capital. H. P. Robinson. Journal of political economy, vol. 7 {June, 1899): 326. 1899. The Ohio anti-trust law. (From the Metal World.) Protectionist, vol. 11 [June, 1899): 125-126. 1899. Legal restraints on modern industrial i-ombinations and monopolies in the United States. Lionel Norman. American law review, vol. 33 {July- Aug., 1899) : 499. 1899. The great problem that confronts our legislatures ani report on trusts. PubUr opinion, vol. 28 {Mar. S, 1900): 296. 1900. Social aspects of trustfi. Scribner's magazine, vol. 27 {Mar., 1900): 379. 1900. Publicity; a remedy for the evil of trusts. J. AV. Jenks. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 21 {Apr., 1900): 445. 1900. Four books on trusts. J. R. Commons. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 21 {Apr., 1900): 449. Review of " Preliminary report of the Industrial Commission on trusts." "Chicago conference." Xettleton. "Trusts or competition." Ely. "Monopolies and trusts." Ely. 1900. A second Chicago trust conference. Chautauqwin, vol. 31 {Apr., 1900) : 9. 1900. Woman and trusts. Harper' » bazaar, vol. 33 {Apr. 7, 1900): 298. 1900. The trust question. Independent, vol. 52 {Apr. 26, 1900): 1022-1023. 1900. Nature and significance of monopolies and trusts. R. T. Ely. International journal of ethics, vol. 10 {Apr., 1900): 273-288. 1900. Professor Ely's classification of monopolies. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 21 {May, 1900): 599 1900. Popular illusions about trusts. Andrew Carnegie. Century, vol. 60 {May, 1900): 143-149. 1900. The real danger in trusts. Century, vol. 60 {May, 1900): 152-153. 1900. Methods of the ice trust. Independent, vol. 52 {May 10, 1900) : 1145. 1900. Ice and politics. Independent, vol. 52 {May 31, 1900): 1331. 1900. The proposed constitutional amendment. Nation, vol. 70 {May 24, 1900): 392. 1900. The war on monopolies. " Nation, vol. 70 {May 31, 1900): 410-411. 1900. Judicial decisions on statutes prohibiting combinations and trusts. R. C. Davis. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 14 {May, 1900): 416-425. 1900. The proposed New York business companies' act, 1900. Maurice H. Robinson. Yale review, vol. 9 {May, 1900): 79-85. 1900. The American steel and wire company. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 21 {June, 1900): 652. 1900. The ice *rust in New York. American monthly revieiv of reviews, vol. 21 {June, 1900) : 653. 1900. National legislative problems. — I. The evils of trusts and foolish remedies. Joseph Dana Miller. Arena, vol. 23 {June, 1900): 617-626. lt;273— 02 3 28 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS. 1900. ^Monopolies and trusts. R. T. Ely. Current literature, vol. 28 {June, 1900) : 309, 310. 1900. The ice trust outrage. Guntoii' s magazine, vol. 18 {June, 1900): 515-519. 1900. Mothers and trusts. Harper's bazaar, vol. 33 {June 23, 1900) : 512. 1900. Redemption of politics by the trust*. Independent, vol. 52 {June U, 1900): 1 456-1468. 1900. Congress, the trusts, and politics. Literar;/ digest, vol. 20 {June 9, 1900): 688. 1900. Trusts and interstate trade. Nation, vol. 70 {June 7, 1900): 431-432. 1900. Mayor Van Wyck's position [on ice trust question]. Xation, vol. 70 {June 14, 1900): 451-452. 1900. The anti-trust amendment. Outlook, vol. 65 {June 9, 1900): 325-327. 1900. New York's ice trust. Outlook, vol. 65 {June 9, 1900): 328. 1900. Mr. Bryan's trust proposal. C. B. S. Outlook, vol. 65 {June 9, 1900): 366, 367. 1900. An effective anti-trust decision. Outlook, vol. 65 {June 23, 1900): 429, 430. 1900. Trusts. J. B. Clark. Political science quarterly, vol. 15 {June, 1900): 181-195. 1900. The parties and the trusts. Public opinion, vol. 28 {June 14, 1900) : 743-743. 1900. The ice trust disclosures. Public o2)inion, vol. 28 {June 21, 1900) : 774- 1900. The concentration of commerce : 1. Over-capitalized industrial corporations. Edward G. Johns. — 2. Cooperative business vs. trusts. Duncan Mac- Arthur. Arena, vol. 24 {July, 1900) : 1-13. 1900. The trust question in epigram. Charles W. Stevenson. Bankers' montldy, vol. 20 {July, 1900): 11-28. 1900. Anti-trust amendment. Chautauquan, vol. 31 {July, 1900): 324, 326. 1900. The trusts and the end. John Brisben Walker. Cosmopolitan, vol. 29 {July, 1900) : 310-312. 1900. The paper-money trust. Independent, vol. 52 {Jidy 5, 1900): 1639. 1900. The trusts and the public mind. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22 {Aug., 1900): 143, 144- 1900. Trusts: Economic meaning of consolidated corporation. Charles W. Steven- sou. Bankers^ monthly, vol. 20 {Aug., 1900): 135-137. trusts: articles in periodicals. 29 1900. The hunting of the trust. Nation, vol. 71 {Aug. SO, 1900): 166, 167. 1900. Frank questions frankly answered. Outlook, vol. 65 {Aug. 25, 1900): 984, 985. 1900. Great Britain and the "trust" proVjlem. T. Scanlon. Arena, vol. 24 {Sept., 1900): 313-320. 1900. Economic consolidation and monopoly. Philip Alexander Robinson. Conservative revieiv, vol. 4 {Sept., 1900): 33-96. 1900. The latest phase of the trust problem. John Bates Clark. Gunton's magazine, vol. 19 {Sept., 1900): 209-215. 1900. The trumped-up trust issue. Harper's weekly, vol. 44 {Sept. 29, 1900): 909. 1900. The influence of corporations on morals and religion. J. W. Van Cleve. Methodist review, vol. 46 {Sept.-Oct., 1900): 710-724. 1900. (Characteristics of European trusts. C. C. Adams. Public opinio7i, vol. 29 {Sept. 13, 1900) : 330. 1900. Mr. Bryan and the trusts; an anti-trust view. F. S. Monnett. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22 {Oct., 1900): 439. 1900. Trusts in the case of Bryan's election. J. L. Laughlin. American monthly review ofrevieivs, vol. 22 {Oct., 1900): 443. 1900. New light on the problem of trusts. C. R. Flint. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22 {Oct., 1900): 445. Review of " The trust problem," by J. \V. Jenks. 1900. The latest phase of the trust problem. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22 {Oct., 1900): 465-466. 1900. The futility of anti-trust legislation. A. G. Wall. Arena, vol. 24 {Oct., 1900): 405. 1900. Trusts: The corporation and the law. Charles W. Stevenson. Bankers' monthly, vol. 20 {Oct., 1900): 363-366. 1900. "Trusts" and monopolies. G. Gunton. Gunton's magazine, vol. 19 {Oct., 1900): 344- 1900. The trusts and the campaign. Independent, vol. 52 {Oct. 4, 1900): 2399-2400. 1900. Die Allianzen, gemeinsame monopolitische Vereinigungen der Unternehmer und Arbeiter in England. RoVjert Liefmann. Jahrhilcher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, III. Folge, vol. 20 {Oct., 1900): 433-477. contents: I. Kartelle und trusts in England. II. Die Entstehung der Allianzen. III. Die Organisation und Wirksamkeit der Allianzen. IV. Die bisherigen Erfolge der Allianzen. V. Die Weiterentwickelung der Allianzen. 1900. The college man and the corporate proposition. J. B. Dill. Mumey, vol. 24 {Oct., 1900): 148. 1900. Mr. Bryan on trusts. Nation, vol. 51 {Oct. 25, 1900): 322, 323. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 190C. Beveridge on trusts. H.H.Swain. yation, vol. 71 {Oct. 25, 1900): 327. 1900. Trusts and protection. All)ert Clarke. Protectlnnhf, vol. 12 [Oct., 1900) : 280-282. 1900. Trusts, wages, and prices. Abstract of a report of the national Departnaent of Labor. Protectionist, vol. 12 {Oct., 1900): 306-310. 1900. The "Smithsonian system" as a substitute for trusts. F. S. Baldwin. Public opinion, vol. 29 {Oct. 25, 1900): 524- 1900. Financial aspects of the trust problem. Edward Sherwood Meade. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 16 {Nov., 1900): 345-403. 1900. Trusts in England. Recent developments of industrial combinations. Robert Donald. American monthly revieiv of reviews, vol. 22 {Nov., 1900): 578-584. 1900. Remedy for trusts. Current literature, vol. 29 {Nov., 1900): 567-569. 1900. Can there be a good trust? George E. Roberts. Forum, vol. 30 {Nov., 1900): 286-293. 1900. Una inchiesta sui trusts negli State ITniti d' America. R. Dalla Volta.