HG v.97ff?Sii POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM TITLE NINE OF THE POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM AS AMENDED FOLLOWED BY THE POSJAL SAVINGS ACT AND AMENDMENTS EDITION OF JULY 1. 1917 ■ WASHINCTaS GOVERNMENT PRl.VTING OFFKE :9I7 Korm J*S44. (July, !917.) JJiUit (Dftirr Dri^tartmrnt POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM TITLR NINE OF THE POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM AS AMENDED FOLLO>^'ED m' THE POSTAL SAVINGS ACT AND AMENDMENT'S EDITION OF JLn' I. 1917 WASHINGTON COVERNME>rr PRINTING OFHCE 1917 TITLE NINE, POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS, RELATING TO THE POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. Post Offk k Dkpaktmkxt, Wd.^lihiOtott, Mini ^S, 1917. Okdku No. .S53. 'riu> instnic-tions fcintuiiu'cl in the pamiiliJct (Mitillccl '' Instructions to Postmasters at Postal Savinpi Deposi- tory OflM-es." approved Juno 13, 1913 (Form PS 3, eirective July 1, 1913), are hereby revoked, and Title Nine, comprising; sections 1269 to 1288, inclusive, of the P(»stal Laws and Ke»;ulations of 1913, relatin}^ to the pDstal Savin«^ System, is amended to read as follows, to take effect July 1, 1917: TITLl': NINE. POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTKM. 1. lOsTABLISUMKNT OK SkKVU K AND CoUKESPONDENCE. (a) KfttahUjthment of srnnx^c. Sec. 1269. The Poetmaatcr Genoral shall Boloct and desipnate Authnrit) for tlif iMwt xllires whi(> jMiHtal miviii^^'s deiniwiion' otrui-w, and iN,"t.ti '."runic'ii nhall apiKiiiit and (i.x thfcnmpcn.'ciiion of such supcrintoiidcnts. ineiM'<- •'»)'''•'">• . U>n«. and otnor cinployoi'a as may t)e nc<-eHBar\' in conductiiip, sujxT-STStnt.. .v.'j. viaing, and dirwtinR the humncas of such oflicos, including tho em-o;t^-l); s'tu'i._ "m" plovoce of arentral ofliro at Waaliinirton, Distric-t of ( 'olumhia, and nhail f*«> 'i>H; M'lr. 4, s<*c. 6; J6 hliU., pnwri^c the hours during \vhi< li ixwtal savinjjs de{xisi(op»' oflicea shall ii*>. n>niain open. IIo shall al.M4j fnmi time tt) time make rules and re^Mila- tiona with reflpco«it« in and withdniwals of moneys fnun poHtal Having ooks or 8iivision.Hof theaanuTaph 5, as to ollice hours. NoTR. — The af«it<'rii's. the mipi-r-enU. .i-i"ii of postal .Havinirs Inmiii. •- i. ted at d- of the Tr- i with '"'■"^*'«^'' the mansucement a; : ' i ^ they h'ave the custody oi )Kiritnuun»t $1. or ft I:i!V«>r amount in multiplcH thortHif, must bo Maximum ami ' IlllilJiinitil. do|>o«it»il In^fore an aci'ouiit is opened « < » and :f 1, or raultiides luio, Juno r., th*'rei)f, may bo deiKwitod aftor such account has been opened, but the sir,\ ' ' ' '*'"' balance to the c. I, 30 Stat., Bhall not cxcwd $1 ,000, excliLsivo of accumuhited intenvt. * * * 159. 5. The Hoard of Tni.':re'rate $1,000 for ea< h depwitor. but ti|)on j^^ '• ^" *''"'' which no interoKt .shall be paid. 6. Pendin' .'"; may be accepted for the purchase of money orders shall ^'^'"p* Jppic ' • tin cvrtUtcatcs. allowed and paid on the amount represented by a postal savin;^ certilicato for each full year that it remains on deposit from the first day of the month foUowing the day on which tliO certificate is i.ssiied. Interest on a postal saving certificate does not become payable until one year from the interest date which the certificate bears, and inter<»st is not payable for fractional portions of a year even thouj^h the certificates may have been outstanding for one full year or more. F«)r example, on a certificate bearing the interest date of January 1 , l!n2, interest first became payable on Jamniry 1, I'.il.J, and if presentetl for payment at any time aftor that date and prior to January 1, 1014, but one years interest was payable. §1270, §1271 POSTAL LAWS AND KEGULATIONS. compomcfed.'^°'^ ^^- Compound interest is not allowed on an outstand- ing certificate, but a depositor may withdraw interest payable and make a new deposit, subject to the restric- tion that deposits will not be received for fractions of a dollar. Ill, Opening of Accounts. appHc^ation *"o'n ^^^' 1271. When a person applies to open an account, 600^ *^""" ^^the postmaster or his representative shall question the bj'%stmasten^* ^PP^^^^^^^ ^^ obtain the necessary information, and shall carefully fill out an apphcation on depositor's card Form PS 600, except the line marked "Depositor's signature," 2. The postmaster shall enter the name of the depositor depos^tor.^"*''^ ^^ ^t the top of the form, but the depositor shall personally sign his name on the line marked "Depositor's signature," (For opening of accounts by mail see sec, 1274, pars, 4, 5, 6, and 7.) The postmaster shall make certain that the apphcation is signed by the person who desires to open by mark! ^'^^^ ^^^ accouut. If the applicant signs by mark or in char- acters not used in the Enghsh language, his signature shall be attested by a disinterested witness. (See sec. 1281, mrne.'^"'^ sivenpars. 2, 3, and 4.) The full given name of the apphcant should be used. When an intending depositor is accus- tomed to sign by initials his full given name should be written at the top of the application form and he should be required to sign the apphcation twice, first using his fuU given name and then signing by initials in the manner to^stgn^heTTTO-^^^ dcsircs his certificates issued. A married woman who given name. opens an accouut should sign her own given name and not that of her husband. mus/° bT^com° ^- Great care shall be taken to comply with aU instruc- piete. tions relative to the depositor's card Form PS 600, and no account shall be opened with any person until all the information called for by the application form has been furnished and the form signed by the intendmg depositor. is^mabi?to?ir/-^^*^^^ ^^ apphcant, though willing to do so, is unable to nish information, auswcr all the qucstious on the application form, a partly completed apphcation, if properly signed, may be accepted, provided other data are entered on the appli- cation which will assure subsequent identification of the depositor. acTO™t^^"°^ °^ "^^ Accounts shall be numbered consecutively, when opened, beginning with No. 1. The number shall be entered on the depositor's card and on all certificates issued in the name of the depositor to whom the account TITLE IX POSTAL SAVINGS 8YSTI-:M. §1271, §1272 boloiij^s. In no I'vcnt slmll a ll- depositors application to open an account with a '■•*<"<>rd ;,','^'^'|^^^j^",^*'^ of the issue and payment of his {)ostal savings certilicatcs aiul the balance to his ( icdil. ('). When the space provided on tin- hack <»f the d«'- •"^"i'pi'">-ni.ij ' ' cuni >orm I'B posilor's card Form PS 000 has been filled subsiMpu'iit •'***• transactions shall be record<'d on card Form PS OOOa, which shall be liled imnuMliately following tlu^ apj^lica- tion cartl. 7. Depositors' cards shall be filed numerically ^y po^/^f'cil^js''*^ account numlM'i"s. When tlu^ nund)er of accounts is lar«^o aJi alj)iuibetical card index of dejX)sitors' names shall bo maintained, showing the account nundx'r assi<^ned to each. 1\. IssiE OF PosTAi- Savings Certificates. Sec. 1272. Postal savin«;s deposits shall be evidenced ••<;;« ••/•vingi by nontransferable and nonne<^otiable certificates of deposit, to be supplie>''- denomuiation bound in books of oO, both certificates and -^ruiiminuxrn. stubs numbered consocutivoly from 1 to 50, inclusive, 101 to 150, inclusive, and so on. The numbei-s 51 to 100, inclusive, and 151 to 200, inclusive, and so on, will not bo used. A soparato numerical serit's of certificates of each- wpamtc .wkiB (lenomunition will l)e su|)j)lie(i to post oilices havmj^ larj^enn'i fi* coch deposits, with the name of the post ollici* printed on the certificate's. F'or other post offict<4j a separate numerical 9eri«»s of certiflcat<'s of 4>ach denomination will be supplied for each State. All certificates will be notched on the -"otchp.-.. upper, tho rij;ht, and the lower sides to indicate the huns the serial nnmluT shall show the depositor's ac- count number and date «»f issue. In entering dat<'S on certificates, the month, day, and year shall be vrritton or stamped in the spac*^ ])rovided. thus* Auj^ist 1, l!»17. §1272 POSTAL LAWS AND EEGULATIONS. The name of the month maybe abbreviated, but should not be indicated by figures. The depositor's nameshall be writ- ten as signed on the apphcation, Form PS 600. No entries shall be made on certificates except as authorized by these regulations. (For correction of errors see sec. 1275.) certfficatel^iii'tel- ^- Certificates issued on any day of a month shall begin est date. ^q bear interest on the first day of the next succeeding month. (See sec. 1270, par. 9.) Procedure on 4. On reccipt of a dcposit the postmaster shall prepare receipt of de- / . ^ ^ . . posit. a postal savings certificate or certificates covering the amount of the deposit, note the date of deposit and the depositor's account number on the corresponding stubs, and enter on the depositor's card, Form PS 600, the date, serial number and amount of each certificate, and the balance then to the depositor's credit. The certificates shall then be dehvered to the depositor as evidence of his deposit. Each depositor shall be provided with an p|^3oT'°^ ^"'^^ ^^^^^-^^P®' Form PS 301, in which he may preserve his certificates. The envelope shall bear printed information for the depositor's guidance and a blank ledger record on which the postmaster shall enter his deposits and with- drawals, and the balance to his credit. The entries thus made are merely for the convenience of the depositor, but the certificates issued to him constitute the evidence of his deposit. Dep^itbyper- 5. Before accepting a deposit from a person who has son who already 1 o i 1 has an account, already opened an account the depositor's card, Form PS 600, shall be withdrawn from the files, and if the pro- posed deposit wUl not cause his balance to be more than SI, 000, exclusive of accumulated interest, certificates covering the deposit should be issued and recorded. j^openwi^before vrhen a depositor who opened his account prior to July 1, 1917, makes further deposits, the balance to his credit as shown by the envelope, Form PS 300, shall be entered on card Form PS 600a, and all additional deposits entered on such card as above provided, the card. Form PS 600a, to be filed next to the depositor's envelope, Form PS 300. Recording day's 6. The depositors' cards, Form PS 600, after the entry proving balances, of transactions, shall not be returned to the files until all accounts for the day are in balance. At the close of each day the total value of certificates issued shall be entered in the Daily Summary, Form PS 708, and the inclusive serial numbers for each denomination of the certificates issued as shown by the retained stubs shall be entered on TITLK IX — I'OSTAl. SAVIN(?S SVSTLM. §1272. §1273 Ahstnict A, Form I'S 7t)'». The ciitrii-. on (he drpositors' caiils sliuU Ix' ])r<)vi'(l daily by adding' the dcjxjsits made ihiriiiijj tho day as slu»\\ ii tlu'iciMi and «<)m])arinir tlu» total with tho total issui'S shown l>y \\\c Ahsfrui-t of Issues, Form PS 70."). 7. Certilieatos shall bo issiu-d in t-onsccutivo onh*r, (VsninraiM to bo'^iiininj; with tho lowest serial niimoor. Serial niiiu-srtilieales liavo been issued he shall resume issuiui^ e«'rf ificates from tho partly used book of lower numbers until that book is eomplototl. Wlion the eerti- lieates issuiMJ out of order are reached in the regular onh'r of i.ssue, they shall a<;ain l)o entered in Al)stract A with a notation, ''Issued and charged ," showing the day, month, and year of issue. 10. Certificates are valid until i)aid. Tlie l<'-y»'Hr„,^°/|^\J^*'"''' interest table on the back of eacli certilieato does not limit the life of tlie certilicafe or the accumubition of interest to 10 years. 11. Postnuistors shidl not accept issued pt>stal savings ijjuwi certin- ./■ . t t \ enteji not to be certuicates for saic-keej)in^. ko,,i. \'. PosT.M. .^\^l^(;s Cakds am» .Siami's. Sec. 1273. in iiri;i. I iiiiuihiti'ii inr ••"-tal «»\ini;< dfjMwit. any jK^pton may pun ha.^«> fi>r l«'n ii'ut.i from any at'|x»'it"ry ,uni|,,. ollii o a !«Ktal .••avium's n>- loi". Ju"* 2.\ I II ■ • .11 .. . • • '..I **<■• •> 3* Slat., pan**! a •tiamjiH, to ih» kiiowii om iMwtal 8aMiiL.'>4 Hlam|it«. and isj. when tlu* .st;uu|>s m> atta< h<>d amount to onv dollar or u Jarv'tT (•am in miiltipl<>s tluTL-of, ini'ludinK tho tcn-cvnl |K»(t^il ttavinp* <'aril, tho same may l>c prwcnttxl a^ado^Mwit for oponiit); an airount, and addi- tion.<» may bo madv to any a«'<-r)unt by m«an.H of j»ii«h card and »ta:!i|)« in amountj4 of one dollar, or multiplm thnre«)f, and when a card and stam|uHtiDaitt«T Hhall immiMiatt^ly camol thf «^l-'~4 sluill accept tho deposit ami issue the necessary <"«'''tifi-^,^',|'^''";,'("'^„,'*^'J^' cates. An intendint^ deposit*)!- who sij^ns ])y murk mnst^'^^ "''•"'"■ '" apj>ear personally to opt»n an account. (b) Opening acrounls hi/ mail. .!. \\\\ pei"son resiilinjr in a communitv served bv a ivrosl master. Post- masters at all such oflices, in receiving applications to open accounts in tins manniT, shall be j^iided by tho instnictions in para»^rai)hs 4, o, ('). and 7 of this secti'on. \. The nanu^ of all post oflices, brandies, »nul stati<)ns^,.^',';;I.';,'^|J|'^,'^^'J|J ^vhere postal savini^ accounts may be opened shall be^'"'''*^'- indicated in the State list of the Postal (hiide, and ••lian^cs in po^^inl savings depository ollices shall appeal- in the monthl\' suj)j)lem«>nls. .'>. When a patron of a jxist ofhee not designated as a p;^rin''i\s*:iufb.°" postal savings depository desires to open a postal savings account by mail he sliould apjdy to his local postmaster, who will niake requi'st on the most conveni(>nt postal savings depository office for an api)lication blank (Form I*S 3()()b). If further applications to <»pen accounts are anticij)ate(l the postnnistrr shall rcipicst an ade(pi;ite supply of application forms for subsequent use. 'rht> p«»st master at a postal savings de()ository office shall furnish <-opies of Form PS :iO()b to any postmaster at a nondepository office who requests them. (i. Th»« postmasti'r where the intending; deixtsitor - ""'"' o'" '» ' ^ ' ufiplii lilt by lo resi is a resident of the coinnnmity. Tho [xistmaster will write the api)lic.ant's name at tin* top of the form, and aft4>r questioning him will enter thcn<.n all reposit tho j)ostmaster shall issue the necessary certilicates and mail them t^) tho depositor. The postmaster shall lile tho letter accompanying; tlie remittance in an envelope next to tlie deposit-> imi.i.r. , , . , ■ , , 1 ,«• 1 -i' I 1 Money sent ut for deposit forwarded to tlie post (dhce by mail or tiirougluUpoeitor'srisk. a repri>setit:itive is siMit at the risk of the depositor. \ ir. (\)KKK( riox OF Ekicoks, Sec. 1275. If ail error made in issuin<' a cortificsite is <"ertintau's ° . ^ spoiled in Ksuc. discoveri'd before the issue is recorded and the certifi- ciite delivoroil, the postmaster shall stamp hoth the cer- tificate and the stub "Spoiled,'' and issue the certificate, hearing the next serial number. lie shall ent<'r the serial number of all such spoiled certificates on Abstract A ut the close of each day and transmit the sj)oileil certi- ficates with his next monthly report. 2. If an error is found in a certificate after issue, tho En-ors in ismichi depositor should be ref|uested to leave the certificate at the depository office, and the postmaster shall forward it to the Tliird Assistant Postmaster General, Division «)f I'ostnl Savings, with a detailed descrij>tion of the error made and the correction desired. The i)ost master shall issue u receipt, Form PS 305, in duplissary by ugh the errTE. — liuiilcH roceiviuR dojKwiti^ of jHwtal p;ivinj,'H fiiiidH are rciiuiriMl UpftTcnce I toMualifv for that pun)ow in lUHKrilance with the rt'eulatioiis atli>i>ti'd V.'^"' .'''"'J'' V,('*^ bv tlu" Ivtaru of 1 ruHtei-rt of tno ross i\ Bwks. (a) Deposits and chichi luj end it. Sec. 1277. Pwtal savinicM fundrt » ♦ » nhall In- depoeited in Dl«p.)sU^ in solvent liankj». whetlier orv'anized under national or Slate lawH, * • «^ beint:ts .shall take from sueh hankn HUi-h Hecurity in ])uhlic Stut., siu. bombt or other sivuritieti, authorized hy act of t'onj^resw or HUi)|)<>rted luui, May is, by the taxing power, u« the board may prescribe, approve, and Jt-^m ^'*^'^''®'''*''-'*^* Butriticiit and nect-Sijar)' to injure the safi'ty and prompt payment of such depo(iitt* on demand. 2. The fuiuls re«-eived at the postal sftvinpa depositorj' offires in each city, town, villapc. and other locality shall bo deposited in banks loi-ateil therein («ub.Mtantially in proportion to the capital ami Hurplua of each such bank) willini; to receive hucIi deposits under the terms of tills act and the regulations nnule by authority thereof: I'ror'nhd, how- ever. If one or more member banks of the l\-deral Reserve System ostab- linlied by the act approved l)eceml>er _':>, I'.MIi, exists in the city, town, village, or lixality where the postal savings deposits are matle, such dep«ieit.s .shall be placed in such cpialilied member banks * * *^ but if su«-h member banks fail tocjualify to receive such deposits, then any other bank hnate*! therein may, as hereinbefore provided, qualify and receive the same. to tho rms- ngs System under authority tees. oi the {KJtital savings act of June 2b, 1910, as amemled May IS, litK). >. If one or more local hanks have cjualifuHl under »'i»'i"»>«ii(^ 1 |i(>siteu daily. the law, tho postina-stcr shall deposit each day to the credit of the Board of Trustees, Postal Savin<^ System, all postal savings funds amounting to $10 or nioro on hand at tho closo of hiisiness on tho preceding husincss day, unless tiio amount used in tho meantime^ t(» moot withdrawals has retluced such halanco to loss tlian $10. No deposit of less than $10 shall ho mailo, antl anv less ^ • "■ amoimt shall ho retained hv tho postmaster as casii on- °' haiul, o.xcopt on tho 2rith day of oacli month, when all -""« Jay. discretion, may deposit all or a i)art of thi^ funds on tho same osile(l in each l)ank. P'or oarh deposit tlio postmiLster will rocoivo from tho hank a tvnincntM of II- i' ft !•. 1%. ».» i!r|H»iit. Form rS • iuplicato certilicato of deposit on I'orm 1.^ 400. No*"- deposit shall ho made to tho ofFuMal criHlit of an}' post- master. (Soo pars. 8 and U of this .section as to record of hank deposits.) 15 §1277 . POSTAL LAWS AXD REGULATIONS. morTthi.r'^check^- 4- To provide foi' meeting withdrawals when the (ttfe ba^*^ '^'^^'^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ receipts are insufficient, the postmaster will be authorized to draw checks on a designated bank to a specified amount m any calendar month against the funds on deposit therein to the credit of the Board of -^^°|eshare_ of Trustees. The postmaster will be instructed to deposit amount "^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^® bank so designated an amoimt equal to the monthly checking credit before making a deposit in any other bank. Where two or more banks have qualified, the postmaster, after making a withdrawal from the desig- nated bank, shall restore the amount to that bank before apportioning additional fmids among the several banks. The oheckmg credit bank is entitled to hold at all times the amount of the monthly checking credit in addition to its regular share of the deposits. crS^'is^iifsuffi? ^- Should the amount specified as the checking credit cient. of the postmastcr be insufiicient to meet withdrawals at any time, he shall comply with the provisions of section 1280, paragraph 6. In determining the amoimt of unused credit the postmaster should be governed by the dates of checks drawn and not the dates of payment. Checks signed The postmastcr may authorize his assistant or one or by postmaster's f t • i i i ii-i-i •• representative, niorc of his clcrks to draw checks m his absence, signmg the postmaster's name, per (the signature of the person so authorized), givuig proper notice to the bank of each such authorization, but he will be liable on his official bond for the amount of all checks signed by such authorized representatives. ciiecks and g, Wheii a check or transfer draft is received by a post- transfer drafts re- . /^ 1 c ceived from Third uiaster from the Third Assistant Postmaster General for Assistant Post- master General, deposit as postal savings funds, the amount shall be taken up on line 8 of the Daily Summary (Form PS 708) and the Accomit Current (Form PS 704) as "Received from Department by check (or transfer draft) No. (A or B) ." The check or draft shall be properly indorsed and deposited in bank to the credit of the Board of Trus- tees in the usual manner. If the margin between the balances already held by the local qualified bank or banks and the maximum balances which they are authorized to receive is not sufficient to permit the deposit of the amount involved the postmaster shall make no entries in his records but shall return the check or draft at once without indorsement to the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings. 16 TITLK IX POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. §1277 7. Tlio postmnsttT should ])n)curo a su])j)ly of «l<'I><>J^it^,/,]7,'unk ci.oi'i's slij)s from tho j)osilorv Imiik or Ijiinks and a suj)j)ly <»f {"oJ buiik!'"^""** blank iliccks from tlu> hank on wliicli lu> ^\ ill clu'tk to moot withdrawals. Chroks shall ho drawn suhstantially in thi> following form: ''Pay to Postmaster at from ]>ostal savings funtls di)lhirs." (6) Postrnastrrs ricord of hank (hpo.sntt master's entry anosit shall hear tho maximum I- 1 1 • 1 I- 1 • ''^' I'fp^'rl- immo(liat«'lv bring tho facts to t!i(» attention of tho bank'""'"' to ^ """■ . flp'i. and submit to tho Third Assistant Postmast«'r (nMioral, Division <»f Postal Savings, a recommendation as to tho amount of ad( in- •11 Usrcstcredltwl by De<'omber .'i 1 of each year the j)ostmaster will ascertain »>iink.i. from eacli l)ank tin* amount of interest cro. ** ' 1 /• 1 1 1 1 ' verlflod from accuracy of his record of bank sitrt by checking t]ie'^>'''»*i*'«™«"'- same with tlio bank's statement for tho purpose of 101473**— 17 3 17 §1277, §1278 POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. nii!m ^baian^e^ln ^^^*^^^^^S ^^7 differences that may exist. When the reychecf °Depa/t-P'^st^^^^^^ ^^^® deposited the maximum amount author- mcnt to be noti- J2ed f OF all local qualified banks he shall notify the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings, and dispose of his surplus receipts as provided by section 1279, paragrapiis 8 and 9. X. Apportionment of Bank Deposits. Sec. 1278. Where more than one bank has qualified to w£lnsu\w^^^o receive postal savings funds from the same depository positTkf\wo*OT office, the postmaster shall make deposits in such quali- luore banks. gg j banks ui accordauce with instructions from the Third Assistant Postmaster General as to the percentage of deposits to which each bank is entitled. sene^the^appo?- ^' '^^® postmaster shall ordinarily deposit funds in only tionment. qj^q bank each day, and shall make deposits in the sev- eral banks in such rotation and amounts as will keep the total deposits in each bank at substantially the propor- tion to which it is entitled. For example, if there are two qualified banks each of which is entitled to 50 per cent of the postal savings funds, deposits shall be so alter- nated between the two banks as to give each bank ap- proximately one-half. Thus, if the postmaster deposits $200 in the first bank on one day and $100 in the second bank on the succeeding day, he should make suflB.cient additional deposits in the second bank to bring its bal- ance to approximately $200 before making any further deposit in the first bank. He should be careful to pre- serve as nearly as practicable the proportion to which each bank is entitled; and if on any day the receipts are unusually heavy the postmaster may depart from the usual procedure and make deposits in aU qualified banks on the same day in the respective proportions to which each is entitled. When addi- 3 . After the first apportionment of funds has been made qualify. to the bauks in any locality, additional banks may qualify, to take effect on the 1st day of January, April, July, or October, in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees. When additional banks so quahfy as depositories the postmaster will be instructed in re- nSnf appifes on?y g^rd to the reapportionment of deposits. Each such re- *K)siLs?"^°'^ ^^' apportionment will apply only to current funds available for deposit on and after the date when the additional 18 TITLE IX — POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. §1278, §1279 bai\ks ([ualify mul docs not aircct fiiiuls previously np- portioiicd and dcpositiMl. 'V\\o pos(inasl(>r iiuist tlnTc- foiT not place with a now hank more than its jmojxm' share of the current funds, shico it is not entitled to j)articipato in funds j)reviously apjiortioiUMl to other ])anks. 4. The Third Assistant i'ostniaster Cloneral will, froni,,,,|JJ;^;V"nont°' time to time, review the apportionment of postal savinj^s funds amon}^ de[>ositorv hanks and will take or authorize such action as may he necessary to correct any departure from the proper apportionment of deposits. .'). The postmaster shall inform the Third Assistant Postmaster to T» /I 1 I V •• f 11 ^ ^' ■ f report cluiiiKCN In rostnuister ueneral, iJivision oi 1 ostal Savm<^, oi anystum.s of dcposi- chanjje m the amount of capital or surphis of a qualilied bank, or of the suspension of business by any bank in which he has deposited postal savin«]^ funds, lie shall also report any change in the corporate name of any such bank or its aiuiounced mer<;(>r with any other institution. Xi. IvEMrnixc. Postmasters. (a) Offices without local depository banks. Sec. 1279. If no * * * qualifiod hank exists in any city, Whemnobank town, village, or other locality, or if none where such deposita are made ''"'m/'juno as, will receive such depotuts on the terma prescribed, then such funds c*?i****!',f^'- •■ ^ dhall be depoKited under the ternw of thi.'< a. Mav ih, 11 r. sec. 2; 30 Slat., vt'Uient to such loeauty. 159 _'. If no local bank has (pialilicd for deposits, the(J,'^.'J>',„ "IJ^,'^ po^tnitister will be directed to make dailv remit tanci^s""**'' P*f.^ <""'* by re^istert'il mail (see pars. 15 and 7 of this section) to the postmaster at a designated post oflice where one or mor.' banks have rjualilied. The Third Assistant l'ost-jj^^^"i[,l|J*P*»- ma>ter Genend, may. as a matter of convenience, (h>sig- nate one or more central depository ofllccs for each State or Territory to which the ]>ostmasters in such State or Territory having no h»cal cjualilicd banks will remit their postal sa\'ings receipts and fr<>in wliich they will obtain futuls to meet withdrawals by (lcposit(»rs (st-e sec. IJSO), the net gain in de|K)sits for each such remit ting post oflice to Ix' later transferred at convenient interv'ids by drafts of the Third Assistant Postmaster General for dejxisit as HMiuired by the law in the qualilied bank or banks most convenient to the point where the deposits originated. •S. Xo remittance f»f postal savings funds of le>s than ^~ ' "'\" $10 shall be made for deposit except on the 1.')th o central deposi-sent snaii issue a receipt m triplicate on rorm _r!S 313 313. for each remittance, the duplicate to be forwarded immediately to the remitting postmaster, the triphcate filed, and the originals of all such receipts forwarded to the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings, promptly by registered mail after the close of business on the last day of each month. (See sec. 1280, par. 14, as to other vouchers.) The amounts — entered in rec- received shall be debited in the Daily Summary, Form PS ords and depos- -iici-iii'ii i • i itedinbank. 708, and the mnds included w^th the next deposit to the credit of the Board of Ti'ustees. Similar entries shall be made on the next monthly Account Cm-rent, Form PS — used to meet 704. The postmastcr may use such funds to meet mth- wlthdrawals. , i i i • , , i' • rr di'awals by depositors at his ovm omce. — entered by re- 5. The amount of fuuds remitted shall be credited by master in records the remitting postmaster in his Daily Summary, Form an repor s. pg ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ remittance. The total of such remittances during each month shall be shown as a credit entry on the monthly Account Current, Form PS 704, and the date, amoimt, and receipt number of each such remit- tance shall be entered in Abstract C on the back of said — nottodeiay Ac- f oiTu. The monthly Account Current shall not be delaved count Current. . -p^^ because all receipts on b orm rS 313 covering remittances during the month have not been received, but the report shall be forwarded promptly at the close of the month and the numbers of the missing receipts omitted. — accompanied 6. All remittances of postal savings funds to other DV letter of trSiUS" ^^ niittai, Form PS post oflSccs f or dcposit shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal (Form PS 314). If the remittance includes — dispatched by cmTcncy or coiQ it shall be made by registered mail and regis ere mai . gj^^jj -^^ prepared aiid dispatched in the manner required by section 371 for remittance of postal fmids. — by checks or 7. The postmaster may make remittances at his own risk and expense by means of checks or drafts on National or State banks if negotiable at par without delay, provided that a postmaster's personal check shall not be used or accepted for this purpose. (b) Surplus funds of hanking 'postmasters. When local 8. When a postmaster who has been depositing in banks have no, . ^ ci • t i •. • ^ margin, funds to local baiiks has no im'ther margin for deposits m such central deposi- banks, he shall remit his surplus receipts daily to the torv office. ' r r j 20 TITLE IX — POSTAL SAVINCS SYSTKM. J^127'J, §1280 cent n J depository ofTirc in liis Sttito dosiijnuttHl hy tho Tliird Assistant Postinjustcr GtMicrid. In injikinj^ such remit ttuu'c»s the })ri)cetlnro set forth in the ]>re<(Mlin fioni his next receii)tvS any withdrawals thus made which reduce tho bank's balance below tlu> authorized iiiaxi- luuin. The ])ostniaster is not autlu)ri/,ed to draw a«;ainst tlu' central de]>ository ])ostnia.st(>r for any of the funds remitted by him, but a record of sucli remitted funds will be nuiintaini>d by the Third Assistant Postnuister CiiMU'ral, Division of Postal Savings, aiul the amount in- volved will be subscfiuentlv returned for deposit in his Rotum of ro- 1 11 . I 1 ' I •? 1 • 1 1 1- • 1 '"'Ue onices. General us to the dis])osition of suqdus funds. XII. \VlTni)RAWAI,S. {r may withtlraw tho whole or :iii\ jiiirc >Mth.iran»i of of tho iniuU driMwitod to hia or hiT ercruhitii)iiH a.H th<> boiifd <>t lni^to«'.M mav ''^"•. J""*" ~>. • 1 .. .../.,. . • • 1 . • ' ch. av>. sec. », 3o 8t»r. lIG'j, cuntaiiuiiL; aui<-iidtiiciU corUerniii? upon suii., MC. tho I'o«tma/-. HO far tut tho jx^tal fund.n on dopoHit in mich State or Territor>- {I?,\,')\'!|' '^Ti'h'ln may b<» fniflTiriont for tho purptwo, and, m iar aa |)ractiral)l<', fn>m tho'"*'''!"'; dopojit."* in th*- n)mmuiiity in whiih the dfjMxit wjw iiuule. r! v 3« I. Postmasters are authorized to meet wit htirawals bv - ■•>ta ilepositors, includmg both pnncipju and nitorest due, out of daily ]M)stal savings receipts. §1280 POSTAL LAWS A^T> REGULATIONS. (b) Withdrawals hy hanking postmasters. Checks on local 5. When Sufficient funds are not on hand to meet withdrawals a postmaster who deposits in a local bank shall draw his official check on the bank designated for that purpose, as provided in section 1277, paragraph 4. Such checks shall be drawn only when absolutely neces- sary and for the sole purjjose specified, and shall be made —payable to post- payable to the postmaster or his authorized representa- tive. They shall not he made payahle to depositors nor — cashed from delivered to them. When required to meet withdrawals vo^ll "funds or after banking hours, such checks may be cashed from through business -, jij?i i ij?i , houses. money-order or postal funds, or, when such funds are not available, thi'ough local busmess houses, if accepted without charge for exchange. (See par. 8 of this section.) When checking 6. Should the amouut specified as the checking credit credit is insuflB- p ,-\ , j.i_-£n-j.j. j.- j_ j eient. ol the postmastcr be msulncient at any time to meet withdrawals by depositors, the postmaster shall report the facts to the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings, stating the amount of funds needed, in order that additional credit may be allowed. Use of tele- The use of the telegi'aph shall be avoided whenever ^^^^' possible, and depositors should be encouraged to give advance notice of contemplated withdrawals. When it is necessary to request such allowances by telegraph, the postmaster shall use the code word "admerge," meanmg "To meet withdrawals please authorize an additional credit of," so that a request for an additional credit of $200 will read "Admerge two hundred." Postmasters will be charged with the cost of unnecessary words in telegrams not complying with this regulation. Telegrams shall be sent ''Collect, Government rate." To avoid the cost of duphcate telegrams in such cases the postmaster shall request the checking credit bank to notify him at once on receipt of the authority. Entry of checks 7. When the postmastcr draws a check against his ports. checking credit, he shall on that day debit the amount of the check on the fine provided m his Daily Summary, Form PS 708. The total of the checks drawn during each month shall be shown by a similar debit entry on the monthly Accomit CmTent, Form PS 704, and the date, number, and amount of each check shaU be entered on Abstract D on the back of said form. mYne°y?o^r d e°r 8. At offices where the cashing of several postal savings cOTeredVj^ashf- checks out of postal or money-order funds on the same gle check. 22 TITLE IX — POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTKM. §1280 (lay would ])(> lUMossary, iiistciid «)f dniwing such cliocks 11 toni|>()rary inciuorundum slip fur cnrh trniisactioii umy !)(> placed \\\{h tlic postal or inoiicv-ordcr funds and a single chock on tho posUil savings credit suhstitutcd at the closo of tiio day t<> cover tho total amount involved. Such cho<-ks must always ])oar tho dato of tho trans- actions covered. [(■) Witlulniii'dls hi/ rtntittiiKf postmasters. •.». In order to et withdrawals of Orafts on con- , . . f 1 • I -1 tralilc|M)8ltory of- pruicipal or uiterest ni exc<'ss of Ins daily receipts, a post- iico, Form rsaio. master who has no local depository hank and who remits funds tt) another postmaster for deposit shall draw drafts (Form PS.SIG) on tho pt)stmaster to whom such remit- tances aro made to au amount not to cxco(hI SI, ()()() in - monthly iimi- 11 1 1 . I - ■ .1 • 1 ttttioii. any calendar month, unless a groator credit is authorizod hy tho Third Assistant Postmaster General. Suhject to this monthly limitation, tho postmaster will ho authorized to draw agauist his depository postmaster to any amount needt^d to meet withdrawals of deiX)sitoi's, oven though a part of the |)revious j)ostal savings n'coipts of his ollico may hav(» heeii remitted for deposit to sonu> other oMico. Postal savings r or postal— penalties for omployoo who shall knowuigly draw a draft in excess of tho amount authorized nuiy tlierohy suhjcx-t himself to the penalties pr«)vid(Hl in section I.') of tlu^ j)ostal savings (S4*o sec. 1717. t Should tlu^ amount specified as the j)ostma8tor's monthly credit ho insuHicieiit at any — whcnmonthiT tune to meet Withdrawals, the 1 liird Assistant 1 ostmaslerciont. General should l)e ro(jU«*st«' postmaster shall ho govornod hy tho dates of drafts drawn and not th(^ dat«*s of payment. 10. When re(juire.!,.i from postal savings draftvS nuiy ho cashed from money order or'i Z postal funds or, when su«-h funds aro not availahlo, !,„u . "" through l<»cal hanks «»r husiiu'ss houses, if accepter with all drafts paid and rcfoipts issued on Form PS M'.] (hn'in<; the month, shall he forwardeil hy rej^isteror the (lose of husiness on the last day of the month to (h(> Third Assistant Postmaster (leneral. Division of Postal Savings, without awaitini^ the completion of the monthly Accdunt Current. XI II. PvvMKN'r or ('KK'nnrATF.s and Interest. (a) Pai/nunt ttf ctHlJinifis. Sec. 1281. When a depositor presents a <-™'^''- name shall ho WTitten anil attested by a disiiitcreijted witness in the following' nnimuM': His John X l)o0 Mark Richard Koo \Vitness :\. If a depositor si<;ns his name in characters not used^t °-»d witnow. -I. Neither the postnnister nor any clerk employed oni^,^^!',",.""''' '^' postal savinj^ work shall act as witness, hut any otlier employee of the office not enpi«;st in the transa<'.tion nniy witn(»ss sif^naturesj to postal savinj^ vouchers and chxunuMjts. .). 1 no postmaster shall withdraw from the files thositt»r tlosiivs to w itlidiaw niih ii i)art I'art payment , , - ... , ■ (if iiTtmcatc. of tho aiiKuint »>i any ctTtilicat*', tho postmaster, on j)r('- scritatioii of {\w crit ilicato, pfoju'.rly iiidoi-scd, sluill pay tlu' amount (It'maiultMl, with all intorost tlu'H payal)l«> on tlu' full amount of tln» ('(M'tilicati*. Il<> sliall stainj) the oTtilicato as paid and issuo a nt»w cert ilicatr or crrtifi- cati'S oovorinj; tho imioiint to remain on drposit, \\lii(h shall l)oar intorost from the 1st iilh smc- t«'«>tlini; tluit in which jiaymont is nuuh'. 11. Partial ivivments of certificatos outstandin«^ in tlir N" i-art noy- nami' of a decoasfd depositor shall not 1)0 made. \'2. Whenever all cert ilicates issued to a depositor have <'i"siiiK of ao- ' . counts. been paiil the depositor's card, Form PS 600, bearing the H'coril of his account shall ])e marked ''Account closed" and j)laced in a separate file with other closed accounts in numerical ord when deposits are <»xclianj^»Ml for IxMids. (See sec. 1284, j)ar. 9.) ( h ) Payment of interest. l.'i. A dctiositor mav withdraw the interest navahle on >vhon'i<'P«siK>r ' • ' • witliilr;kws itilcr- anv certili<-ate hv presentin7^.Ij",,J*'j^ P.S (ios in duplicate, showing the date, name of post ofiice i'''™'**- and ofiice number, depositor's account numi)er, the serial number of each certificate, the amount of interest due on each, and the total amount to be j)aid. This re<*eipt shall bo prepared whether the principal of a <-ertificate is also paid or remains on deposit. The original of the receipt— wiRimU lo i>o . . . . iljCtifl. shall be d(>tached from the book in whicii it is bound and the depositor re(|uired to sign it. Aft«>r obtaining the- "ntrips to be . , I I ,1 I , miwlc on back o( depositors re<-eipt the postmaster shall enter the date ofcprtinon*. payment separately for each year's interest due in the spaces presided fi»r that purpose on the back of each cer- tifijH)sitor, and the certificate returned to him if the prin- cipal is to remain on deposit. The Memorandum dui)li- , '.'"r"**.!? U" • > • orlpt to be r»- cntc of the int«'r(^t nvcipt shall be n>tained as an ofiice J"l"r',U" '****• re<'ord in the book in which bound, and the postmaster or clerk recording tho payment shall enter his initials thereon §1281, §1282 POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. When depositor in the spacG providecl. In paying interest on certificates est on certificatesissued prior to Julv 1, 1917, a receipt on Form PS 608 1,1917. shall be taken as above provided, and the date and amount of interest paid on each certificate noted on the back of the corresponding dupHcate, which should be retained on file in the depositor's envelope, Form PS 300. Under no circumstances sliall the postmaster pay interest on any certificate without entering the paijment on the hacJc of the certificate, except as provided in section 1284, paragraph 8. Total interest 14. Interest payments shall be totaled daily and cred- payments cred- . it •it- i-i^ n ited in Daily Sum- 1 ted on the line provided m the Dailv Summary, Form mary and Ac-_^ »ii p ^ ^ 1^ " i count Current. PS 708. At the close 01 the month all original receipts on Form PS 608 covering interest payments made during the month shall be forwarded as vouchers with the post- master's monthly Account Current, in which credit shall be claimed for the total as provided by section 1286. XIV. Withdrawals Through a Representative or BY Mail. (a) Withdrawals through a representative. When pa V - Sec. 1282. When it has been shown to the postmaster's ment may be . . . „ . ^ . made through satisfaction that a depositor, because of infirmity or for representative. ^ ^ m • , other good and sufncient reason, can not appear m person to make a withdrawal, the postmaster shall furnish to the representative of such depositor a blank order for the purpose. Payment shall not be made on such an order unless the postmaster is satisfied as to the identity of both the depositor and the representative. Payment of 2. For the payment of both certificates and interest to interest due, au-such a depositor, a blank order, Form PS 304, and the on Form PS 304. Original of a receipt for interest. Form PS 608, shall be furnished. When the order has been properly filled out and both the order and interest receipt have been signed by the depositor, they shall be returned to the postmaster, together with the certificate or certificates properly in- dorsed by the depositor. The postmaster shall then make payment to the representative. The payment of the cer- tificates and interest shall be recorded as provided in sec- tion 1281, paragraphs 8, 13, and 14. The retained dupH- cate of the interest receipt. Form PS 608, shall be com- pleted from the signed original. The order on Form PS 304 shall be filed in an envelope next to the depositor's card, Form PS 600. 28 TITLK 1\- l'(»l \l. SAVINC.S SYSTKM. §1282 .">. WluMi such a depositor doircs to withdraw incn'Iv m- ihi' mtiTt'st pavaolo oji anv cert ihcatc vv irrtihcati's, ht" r lor shall 1)0 furiHshi'd with a hlajik order, rorm I .s IH)2, and thf ori<;inaI of an interest reei'ipt, Form PS (>()S, both of which must he si^iu'd by tlio dej)ositor. The j)aynuMit >hall he rccor(h'(l as provided in section 12S1, para^ra|)h l>, and the retaijied «hiph<-ate of the interest, receipt, com- |)h'ted from the si<;ned ori^^ir.al. 'J'he order on l''orm J'S 'M)2 shaJl be filed in an envelope next to the (h'positor's card. Form PS fiOO. •I. If the (h-at h of a (h'po^itor occui>i after iie has si<;ned r*'''»«h "f «^il<>r after slgii- aJi order for a withdrawal and ht-fore it. lias l)een pre-">Ki"»orJcr. sented for j)aynient, th(» postmaster, if aware of sucli (h'ath. shall defer j)ayment. and |)roceed as provided m section 12S3. (b) Wllliilrawal^ by inail. ."». A (h'i)osit()r (h'siriui; to make a witlnhawal bv mail noposiior may mav obtain from anv depositorv oflice an application '^ i"'- "for pay- blank, Form l*vS 315, requesting a money order for the"«"''<'r amount of the surrendered certificates and any interest due, less the money-order fee. This form shall be filled out and signed at a post ofFico in the presence of the postmaster ipt for any •It'll ■ ■ i' r t- II . liUcrosl duo. furnishey motley were issued, if satisfied as to the applicants identity, ofKr. shall fonvard to him at the stated address a money onler for the amount withdrawn, less the money-order fee. The payment of the certificates ami interest shall be re<-orde(| as provided in section 12si, paragraphs S, ]'.i, and 14, and a memoraiulum dupUcate interest receipt, Form PS (iOS, shall be prepared from the signed original. Tlie order on Form PS .{15 shall be filed in an envelope next to th'- d.-i.,.^lt..i-\ . Mfl Form I'S OiK). 21) §1283 POSTAL LAWS AND KEGULATIONS. XV. Death, Legal Disability, or Change in Name OF A Depositor. (a) Death or legal disability of a depositor. Specific au- Sec. 1283. Payment of the amount on deposit to the ment must be credit of a deceased, insane, or otherwise legally incom- petent depositor must not be made until specific author- ity therefor has first been obtained from the Third As- sistant Postmaster General. After the death of a de- positor his account shall not be increased by further deposits. Administration, 2. Administration will be required in settling: the ac- when required. n ^ i i • i i count 01 a deceased depositor when the amount on deposit exceeds $250, except when administration is not required under the laws of the domicile of the decedent. Payment to ad- In case administration has been granted on the estate of miiiistrator or . ii-ii tii otiier representa-a deceased depositor, or the depositor has been adiudged tiV6 of 6St&t6 JO mentally or legally mcompetent to handle his own affairs, the postmaster shall obtain from the executor, adminis- trator, or other legal representative, and forward to the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings, the original or a certified copy of an order of a court of competent jurisdiction showing that the person demanding payment has quahfied as such executor, administrator, or other legal representative. If proper authority is shown the Third Assistant Postmaster General will then authorize the postmaster to pay such legal representative the amount standing to the credit of the depositor, together with all interest payable thereon, upon indorsement of the certificates as provided by paragraph 9 of this section. When appoint- 3, When the appointment of the legal representative ment has been m ■ p p • i i • force more than has Dcen 111 lorce lor a period exceeding one year, the 0116 VG3.r. o */ ' legal representative shall be required to obtain an addi- tional certification from the clerk of the court, or other proper official, showing that his appointment still remains in full force and effect. Payment when 4^ jj^ ^asc of the death of a depositor intestate and the depositor dies in- i testate and no amouut ou dcposit is Small ($250 or less, except where the administrator is ^ ^ ' ^ appointed. laws of the domicile of the decedent provide otherwise), the postmaster shall obtain an application for payment on Form PS 114 from one of the next of kin or the person who paid the funeral expenses, duly acknowledged before 30 TITI.K IX POSTAL SAV1N(;S 8VSTEM. §1283 an (tflicor aiithorizod to adiuinistor oaths. This form must ho exorutrd in acconhirico with the instructions printi'il on the last j>a«^o ami ftuwankHl with tho rccciptiMl hills for tho fuiUMJil oxponsos to tho Third Assistant Postmaster Genoral, wlio, if tho aj)j)lication is a|)|)rovcd, may authori/o payment of tho amount standin<^ to tho depositor's credit, with ftll intere.>it payal)le tliereon, to the person or persons entitled to receivo it imder tlio laws t»f the State of tho domicile of tho decedent, upon indoi-se- ment t)f tho certificates as provided hy ])ara^rapli S) of this section. 5. If tho fuiiernl t«\|)(Mis('s and other j)referred claims Paymcnttoun- 1 .1 11 ,• iiiii lication for payment on Form PS 1 15 from tho undertaker who hurietl tho depositor, or from the otlier j)referre(l creditor or creditoi"s. This apj)hcation, accompanied hy a certifi- cation on Form PS 115a as to the correctness of the claim, shall he forwarded to tho Third Assistant Post- master Cleneral, Division of Postal Savings, wlio may autliorize payment to tho proper person. f). In tlio event of tlie death intestate of a depositor Payment to . . . 1 I' • 1 . 1 • • 111- <"ii-siiliir oillccr resiiluig m tlio United states wiio is survived hy alien '"r •iJi*" hf'". heirs residing ahroad entitled to tho amount on deposit or a portion thereof, tlio postmaster shall ohtain an aj>j)li(ation for payment on Form PS 112 from tho con- sular ofhcer having jurisdiction in tho case. This appU- ration shall l)e forwarded to the Third Assistant Post- master General, I)ivi>i(»n of postal Savings, accompanied hy the receipted hills for the funeral expenses or an applid hy para- gr!ij)h 5, and payment to the proper peiNon niav he authi>rized. 7. In the (>ast> of the deiith intestate of any drpo^>itor t«t« while residing ahroad, spjM-ial instructions will he issued .i n|)on ap|)lieation to tho Third Assistant Postnuustor (iciiiral, Division of Postal Savings. s. When a depositor dies and is jjuried ahroad, is lost Uoquircmcnti ... , , , . iM to (iincral ex- at sea, perishes in some catastrophe that makes inter- |ciwc-^w»ivod. ment impossihle, or is Iniried l>y tho l'nit«'d »Stat^»s (lovernnu'nt, a statement to that effect should i)e made in thti application for payment, in which event tho requirements as to tln> funeral ex|KMis<»s will he waived. 81 §1283 POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Signature of 9. Before makina: payment the postmaster shall obtain payee on certifi- . » cates and interest the Signature 01 the payee to each of the postal savmgs certificates, and when interest is due to receipt on Form PS 608, m the followmg form: John Doe, by Richard Roe (executor, widower, guardian, or other proper title). Memorandum iQ. After payment has been made, a memorandum showing author- r j 7 ^^---^ t7'^°a^id^"enm-^^^^ ^^ affixed to the certificates stating that ''payment cates. was made in accordance with authority contained in the letter from the Third Assistant Postmaster General dated ." The certificates shall then be treated as paid and forwarded by the postmaster with his next monthly Account Current. Application n^ Application forms for the use of the next of kin, forms. . undertaker, preferred creditor, or consul, may be obtamed from the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings. In reporting the death of a depositor, or in requesting these forms, the postmaster shall state the name of the depositor and the amount on deposit and any other mformation that may assist in the settle- ment of the account. Paymentinset- 12. A depositor may not designate a beneficiary to ceased depositors' receive payment except through the formaUty of a wiU, accoimts must be j. ./ x o ^ ./ ; made direct to j^or will powcrs of attomey, waivers, assignments, or persons author- ^ . ' o i ized. releases be accepted in the settlement of an account. Payment must be made direct to the person or persons to whom authorized. Whenever funds are to be remitted by mail a money order, less the usual fee, shall be used. (Z>) Change in name of depositor. Woman who 13. A womau who opens an account and afterwards marries should present her postal savings certificates to the postmaster, who shall note on the face of each cer- tificate the new name of the depositor and aflBx his sig- nature. The depositor shall be required to sign her new name on the appUcation. Until the depositor presents her certificates for proper notation the postmaster, if aware of her marriage, shall receive no further deposits on her account nor make any partial or interest pay- ments to her, but he may make full payment to close her account on being satisfied as to her identity. Change of name 14. In the event of the change of a depositor's name by by order of court. ° ^ . . , . . the order or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the procedure set forth in the next preceding paragraph shall be followed. 32 marries TITLE IX — POSTAL SAVINGS 8VSTEM. §1284 X\'l. Postal Savings liosDs. Sec. 1284. Any iloponitnr in a poHtuI tuivinKH |KMitury may aur- Potui Hji»inK* Kii.lcr las ilfjHinil, or any part Uioroof, in the sunis of twi-nty dollnrH, **"iuio,' j„n.' r. forty dolhuv, edxtv dollars, ciithtv dollars, one hundn-d dollars, and ''''•, •^'*' '"'*'• ><*: ." • I , I ' 1 1 1 .1 " I ,. . • . .. . . *i but., 817. miiUipk'K of one hundredation.s ad uuy be estiihlitilu'd liy the board of tru^oo:^, the aiuounl of tlie Hurrfiulrred dep<^it.-« in I'nited Slate.s coupon or ri'>,'i.'n.-< of twenty (lollnrx. forty dollars, nixty liolhirs, ei^'hfy dollars, one hundred dollars, and five hundred dollars, which hon«l.s Hhall bear interest at the rate of two and one-hulf per centum per annum, payable Heiiuannually, and be redeemable at the plea<s or diiliiw of the United States, as well as from taxation in any form or nniler State, municipal, or local authority. N'liTK. — Itoiub* are L«ued umler this autliority only in denomina- Donomliiaiuiiui. tioibi of twenty dollars, one hundretl dollars, and five hundred dollars. ■J. A depositor may, subject to the coiulitioiia proviiled Appik«iioci i.* ill the preceding paragraph, surronder his deposits in wlu.le or ill part, in the sum of S2() or any midtiplo tlieivof, up lo 81,()UU (see pur. 9 of tliis section), and rect'ive in heu of such surremlered deposits jjostal savings bonds in ai)|>roj)riate e issued to bear intenvst from the following July 1. aiul from .luly 1 to and iiududing the first busiiir-s day in l)e(«'nilM'r for bonds tt> l>e issued to U'lir iiit<'r»"^t from tlie following Janiuiry I. Tim- on K.»ni i> ilepositor shall obtain at his de|)ository ofltce an applica- tion Fonn PS 600, complete it in duplicate, aiul return it ttJ the postmast<«r. At the time of such application— wtui in i< ..i the (lepositor shall indorse and surrender to tho post^ master postal savings certifi(at«»s n'|>'' ' the e.xact amount of the bonds for which api i is made. The endorstMuent in each ctuso must corn»spond with the iijiiiie on the fa«»stmaster shall make certain that all information calletl for l»v the 101473°— 17 5 88 §1284 POSTAL LAWS AND EEGULATIOXS. application Form PS 609 is entered on both copies thereof and that the post-office address of the depositor is com- pletely and correctly shown. idaumed"* *" ^^ ^ • Before accepting the appHcation the postmaster shall identify the depositor in the same manner as if the cer- tificates were to be paid in cash. (See sec. 1281, pars. 5 and 6.) portoslt^.^ ^^^ "^^ "^^^ postmaster shall certify the surrender of the certificates on both copies of the application. He shall detach the certified list of sxu*rendered certificates from the duphcate application at the perforated line, return the list to the depositor as his receipt for the certificates, and file the retained portion of the duplicate apphcation in an envelope next to the depositor's card, Form PS 600. He shall then immediately forward the original applica- tion and the surrendered" certificates to the Third Assist- ant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings. Apphcations shall be forwarded at once and not held until a number have accumulated. piicaUon!^°^^^ ^- ^^ ^^^ dcpositor's application is approved the Third Assistant Postmaster General, after detaching the list of surrendered certificates from the original apphcation, wiU transmit the application to the Secretary of the Treasury, who will cause the bonds to be issued and forwarded direct to the applicant. The list of surrendered certifi- cates detached from the origmal application will be returned to the postmaster with the approval of the application noted thereon. This approval will be the postmaster's authority for recording the certificates as paid when the proper time arrives, and the list bearing it may be filed with the retained portion of the duplicate next to the depositor's card. pi^S*^*"^^^' 6. As a check against the loss of postal savings bond apphcations in the mails a postmaster shall forward a statement at the close of the first business day in June and December giving the names of all applicants and the amount of bonds applied for by each. Treatment of 7, The Certificates exchanged for bonds will be treated surrendered cer- , ° tificatcs. as paid on the date on which the bonds begin to bear interest, namely, January 1 or July 1, and must be con- sidered as outstandmg until that date. The certificates will be stamped "Paid" in the office of the Third Assist- ant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings, and placed with vouchers to the postm aster 'sAccoimt Current 34 TITLE IX — POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. §1284 for January or July. On tho (ir>>l «luy of January or .luly, as may ho proper, tlio postmaster shall iMiter tho cortifi- ctites as paid on tho depositor's curd, Vovin PS GOO, from tho list, of certiliijites surrtMKUrcd f(»r honds, »ind iiK ludo tho cortifieatos in tho amount of pnid cortificat os f«»r that duy in tlio Daily Summary. A dehit ontry t*f tho samo amount shall ho mado on tiio liiu» provich'd in tho Duily Summary. Tho amount shall also hodoductod from tlio halanco in tho summary of depositors' necountvS. Theso entries shall ho carried fonvard to tho con'ospondinj; it«ms in tho monthly Account Ciirront. 8. If anv interest is already duo and pavahlo on n appiiomt ui lus postJil savmgs accotmt the inaMinum anmn' ' ,y makt> authorized hy law may not make additional dejXJ'^iL . until tho date of exchange (Jan. 1 or July 1), but may do so tiien even though the bonds have not been deliv- ered. 10. If the entire balance on de|>osit to Uie credit of a wiHH' lrr«t BEeULATIONS. quent deposits entered mider a new account number, unless interest due remains unpaid on the date of ex- change or additional deposits are received from the depositor before the account is reported as closed, in either of which events the depositor's account shall be kept open and the old account number retained. Bonds not 11. Postal saviugs dcposits which havc bccu exchanged counted in maxi- p ■, -i , , -i j.j?ii • ^ mum of si.ooo. lor Douds are not counted as a part oi the maximum of $1,000 allowed one depositor, and there is no hmitation on the amount of postal savings bonds which may be acquired by a depositor, when such bonds are available for issue as provided by paragraph one of this section. Bonds issued 12. Postal savings bonds can be procured only by the tor deposits. ™^^ Surrender of postal savings deposits and will not be issued to persons who are not depositors, but after deUvery they may be sold or assigned by the owner to any person de- sired. Purchase of 13. The Board of Trustees will purchase postal savings of Trustees. bonds at their par value on the apphcation of any holder. Bonds offered for sale must be assigned to the Board of Trustees and when such an assignment is acknowledged before a postmaster, an impression of the postal savings depository stamp shall be made on the bond in the space provided in the "Transfer" clause for a seal. Acknowledgments must not be witnessed by an assistant in the name of the postmaster. If necessary, the assistant postmaster may witness in his own official capacity. Interest checks 14. Checks and couDons coverine' interest on postal and coupons ^ ° r>i cashed by post- savuigs bouds may be cashed by postmasters from postal or money order funds in the same manner as other Gov- ernment paper. They may also be cashed out of postal savings funds as provided by section 1288, paragraph 6. XVII. Forms and Supplies. (a) Requisitions. How to ad- Sec. 1285. AH requisitions for postal savings certifi- tions. Gates and other supplies shall be made on Forms 1580, 1580 A, 1580B or 4620 and addressed to the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Equipment and Supphes, except that postal savings cards and stamps shall be obtained from the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Stamps, using the blank TITLE rx — PORTAL SAFFNOS SYSTTM. §1285 8pnct»-< (Mr rcfjnisition Form M20I, which }Hhould be plainly nnurk(Ml 'Postal Snvings." NoTK. — ForiUM PS '^\0 iuxi :U1 iin> to l>«' no Iuml'it ii-- vi(h'fl in paragraph 1 of this section. I. No postmaster will be funiished with postal savings cards and stamps or jiostal savings supplies of any kind ■ until his ofTice shall have been designated as a postal savings depository, but the postmaster at a depository office may place postal savings cards and stamps on sale at all stations oi his ofTice. 5. Packages of ])ostal savings cards, postal savings — opening ami o I r> ' I 11 fotintlng. stamps, and postal savings certificates shall, on receipt, be opened and countcni jointly by the postmaster or his atithorized representative and a witness. If the quantity does not agree with the accompanying invoice, the post- master shall immediately make a report of the dis- f rcpancj, with invoice attached, addressed to the division from which the supplies were issued, and hold the shipnu'Ut for instructions. The rep(»rt shall contain t he date of invoice, the number of the registered package, and the fuU address of the shipment, and shiJl state the c«)ndi(ion in which it arriv«'d. In case of shortage, the corTeetn«'S8 of iho rejwrt shall be certilied by the post- master on his ofhcial oath and att<^ted by the witness. 6. I'pon rectMDt of postal savings • rt'< onl hooks .shull ho jjivoii the sanu? protcM-tioii ms is rtMjuiretl h^' socti«»n 301 for iHistajjo stumps, sUimpcd pupiT, and postal rrcords. X\'1I1. I'tlSTMASTKKS' KeCORDS AND Re1*<>RTS. («) (fjice Ri cords. Sec. 1286. The postmastor at a depository office nuiiy sum- shall keep a Daily Sunwnary, Form PS 70S, in which hpT^?' **"" shall enter daily all postal savings funds rorcivcd and disbursed, all postal savings certificates, cards and stamps received, issued, and otherwise disposed of, and f)ther information concerning the postal savings transac- tions at ills office recpiireil by tlu^e regtdations. (a) Ccrtifnates as issued shall be entered individuallv i; ri or «t- ,, , . 1 T-< Tl < /^ . V 111" tllMU'.S issued. on tiio depositors cards, Porm r>) oOO, as j)r«»vidi'(i by section 1272, paragiaph 4. The inclusive serial numbers of certifirates issued shall be entered daily on the Abstract of Issues, Form T*S 705. as rcrpiirrd bv soffinn 1272, parjigra])h 6. (A) Certifir:it('s p.-iid shall be entered mi tue dcjio-^itors — or cortiiii-at<-3 cards. Form PS OOO, and on the Abstract of Payments, Form I^ 706, as provided by section 1281, paragraphs ^ and (n (r) Interest pavments on a (H^rtilicnte, whether the-oftnt«re»tp«y- 1 • 1 • 1 1 I 111 ni"">t«- principal is also wi(hs of po^tiU sc vin '^ records by lire or bui^lary or in any other manner. §1286 POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATION'S. (h) Monthly Account Current and abstracts. Account Cur- 4. At the closG of busuiGss Oil the last day of each rent, Form PS in 704. month the postmaster shall prepare an Accomit Current on Form PS 704 by combmmg items shown in his Daily Summary, Form PS 708, and summarizing, in the spaces provided, the number and amomit of certificates issued and paid for each denommation, with a similar classifica- tion of interest payments. The data for these summaries shall be obtained from the Abstract of Issues and the Ab- stract of Payments and the interest receipts (Forms PS 705, PS 706, and PS 608), which shall be attached to the report. The number of certificate forms of each denomi- nation on hand at the close of the month, and then- value, as shown by the Daily Summary, as well as the value of savings cards and stamps, must be verified by an actual count of the stock before the report is rendered. The bal- ance in the summary of depositors' accounts must be verified by adding the balances to the credit of the indi- vidual depositors as shown by the depositors' cards. Form PS 600. After preparation, the Account Current shall be carefully checked and promptly forwarded with all paid certificates, interest receipts, and other su^jporting vouch- ers to the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings, in the special envelope provided for that purpose. The Third Assistant Postmaster General may modify the requirements concerning postal savings records and reports with respect to the larger post offices, ^copie^^of re- 5. Postmasters shall keep copies of all reports and ac- stracts. companying abstracts. ne^iftramacted! ^- ^^ ^^'^ business is transacted during any month, an Account Current, Form PS 704, showing the cash, stock, and depositors' balances, shall be forwarded, and the words "No business transacted" written across the face of the cash accomit. Signing of Ac- 7^ xliG Accomit Current shall be signed in ink by the count Current. ° , -^ postmaster, or in his absence by the assistant post- master or other representative designated in accordance with sections 265, 267, and 268. (c) Statistical reports. Monthly report g. Promptly after the close of business on the last day on card Form i J , '' PS 541, of each month the postmaster shall mail a card, Form PS 541, containing statistical uiformation concerning the 40 TITLF. IX — I'OSr.M. SAVINCS 8VSTF.M. §1286 postal sjiviii*^ Iraiisactions of liis ollirc. This report ^luill not l>t' iucloscti vitli tlu' Account ("in rent. !•. 'l'lu> nunil)fi' of accoimts opcnctl dminj^ the niontli Hhw to iiotcr- 1111 ii II ii i r ^i I -mine imnilHy ciumtmg the j)ositoi"s cards, Form PS GOO, transferred to the closed fih'. A memo- nvndimi should he ke|>t of the account^ dosed earli (hiy. (See sec. iL'Sl. j)!ir. 12.^ 11. Tht> numher of deposits and withdrawals shall be - niimiH-r of Oo- olitamed from the depositoi-s cards, l^orm J b COO, and auruwuis. daily memorandum kept of these transactions. Tlio i\umher of deposits or withdrawals should not be con- fused with the number of certificates issued or jiaid. llio nund)er of deposits in one da}- is the same as the number of persons depositing, miless the same perst)n comes more than once to make deposits. Payments of interest shall not be reported as withdrawals. 12. Tlie entries under the bending "From Julv 1 to- numbor of ,,,,,,,, , , ^ . , , ■ ^ Ininsactioiis for dat^ shall show only the transactions for. the cinTentcrrent Oscai fis*". from the number of the last account opened the total number of closed accounts. When the number of ac- C4)unts is not unduly large this may be v«Tihed by ositors at tlio close of any nn)nth is the total of the balances shown on the depositors' cards, ^^)^m PS GOO. Tho balanc<38 at the beginning and close of the month and the value <»f cer- tificates issuetl and paid tluring the month should agrt'c with the items in the " Summary of dciH)sitors' acc^^uiits" 41 §1286, §1287 POSTAL laws and regulations. as reported on the monthly Account Cmrent, Form PS 704. Receipts from the sale of cards and stamps and fmids received from other postmasters must not be in- cluded in the balances reported on Form PS 541. MTien there are 15. If there have been no transactions durmg any month, a copy of Form PS 541 shall be forwarded show- ing the business during the current fiscal year mider the heading "From July 1 to date," and the balance to the credit of depositors. The words "No business trans- acted" shall be written in the column headed "This month." {d) Cffmnge of postmasters. Receipt for cash 16. When a change of postmasters occurs, the retiring ferred to now postmaster shall deliver all postal savings cards and stamps, unissued postal savings certificates, and cash on hand to his successor, who shall make a careful inventory thereof and issue a receipt in duplicate for the stock and cash actually received by him. The incommg postmas- ter shall also check the amounts receipted for with the balances shown in the Daily Summary, Form PS 708, and the retiring postmaster's final Account Current, Foi-m PS 704, and if a discrepancy is found which can not be reconciled the matter should at once be reported to the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings. —forwarded with 17. The retiring postmaster shall forward the original tiring postmaster, receipt with his final report to the Third Assistant Post- master General, Division of Postal Savings. He shall Delivery of rec- deliver to his succcssor all postal savings records, blank ords and supplies. « ,,. , ^ • , , • i-ii i . forms, datmg stamps, and mstructions which have been received from the Department. Separate reports 18. When a change occurs durmg the month, each for part months. i m i • ^ postmaster shall render a separate report covermg that part of the month for which he has served. ' XIX. Stations and Branch Offices. (a) Stations. Records kept Sec. 1287. In the absence of special instructions, a dered'^^by^ sta- Station designated as a postal savings depository shall tions. keep the usual records of postal savings transactions and render to the postmaster at the close of each month a complete report on the regular account current and abstract forms. The station superintendent shall make 42 TITLE IX — POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. §1287 }i (liiily roport to tho postmaster o\\ Form PS 021, which shouUl 1)0 accompaniod l>y tlio not postal savinj^ receipts of the (lay and tho vouchors C()Voriii}» tho day's trans- ucti(»ns, and must ho dispatciuMl in time to jicrmit tlio funds remitted to l)0 inclu(U'd in tho postmaster's hank deposit on tho f»)ilowin«x day. In tho ahsenco of special instructions to tho contrary, the Daily Summary kept at tho main olh- paying postal savings certificates and to suhmit to the main oflice as a part of tho daily remittanco of postal or money order funds a memorandum slij) dei)iting postiJ savings funds to the amount of other funds used. On rt^'oipt of this nuMuorandum at tiio main ollice tho nt>c- essary adjustment siiall ho made hotwecMi tho fun\it-»ii«iw. moot withdrawals in excess of its availal)l«» funds. As a conv(>nient metho«l of furnishing stations with p(»slal savings fumls. the postmaster may authorize ea<-h station suporintondent to draw drafts on tho main oHico (Forni . ''•odrtfuon PS infii. within such limit as tho postmaster may fix, which tho su[)erintendent may cash out of postal or money onler ftinds, or through noarhy lianks or husinoaa iioust»s. if accc[)ted without charge for tvvchange. Tho words "drawing postmaster." on Form PS .'HO, shouhl ho stricken out and the words "superintendent, station ." inserted. Tho station su[>erintendent drawing such drafts should for^vard with his daily rcp(>rt on 4.T §1287 POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Form PS 621 a statement showing the number and amount of each draft drawn on that day. All drafts thus drawn shall be entered in the records and reports of both the station and main office, as provided by sec- tion 1280, paragraphs 11 and 14. When the main office is not a central depository office, the paid drafts with accompanying abstracts need not be forwarded in' advance of the montlily report. uishc?cUcfstatiom". ^- Statious shall be furnished from the hiain office with postal savings certificates, cards, stamps, and other supplies, and a separate account shall be kept at the main office showing the distribution of all certificates, cards, and stamps to the main office and stations. Postal savings certificates, cards, and stamps transferred to or returned by a station, should be accounted for, both at the main office and the station by appropriate entries in the postal savings certificate form account and the savings card and stamp account of the Daily Summary, j-tatisticai re- g. The postmastcr shall make a statistical report on card Form PS 541 showing the consolidated business of the main office and stations. (b) Branch offices. and^reports ^tn- '^ ' -^ brauch post office, designated as a postal savings offices ^^ ^^^^^ depository, shall keep the usual records of postal savings transactions and at the close of each month the superin- tendent shall prepare for the signature of the postmaster a complete Account Current on Form PS 704, with abstracts and vouchers covering the business of the branch office for the month. The postmaster shall sign and forward the report for the branch office with the monthly Account Current for the main office. The transactions at the branch office should not be included in the records and reports for the mam office. cafb^s^ ™ ^°" ^' Local banks in a town served by a branch post office transacting postal savmgs business are entitled to qualify for the deposits if they desire to do so. (See sec. 1277, par. 2.) If one or more local banks qualify the postmaster wiU be authorized to instruct the superm- tendent to deposit the postal savings receipts in such banks and to obtain funds to meet withdrawals by check- ing on the bank designated for that purpose, aU such transactions of the superintendent to be in the name of 44 TITLE IX I'OST.M S.WINCS SVSTKM. §1287 the postmaster, in inakiii;; sudi hank (li'|)()sits and with- draw aJs the suj)frinti'iult»nt sliaJl l)t» guided l»y tin* pio- ctMliirc sot fortli in sections 1277, rJ7S, and paraj^raphs .'>, (), and 7 of section 12S(). Sinplus funds shall he remitted to the main ollice, as |)n»vided hy section lL'7'.t. para- «;iaj)li S. l>. Iji the absence of special instnictions tlie suix'rin-, ";'">i''^'"> "' ' _ > fiiiKl.i to main tcndiMit ut the branch oHi<-e slniU remit Ids surj)his ""'**• postal savin}^ receipts liaiJy to the main ollice iji time to he inchid(>d with the postmaster's hank deposit on the following day, which shall be entered in the Daily wSum- mary of the nniin (tfiice as "Recei\('d from hianch ollices." The j)ostmaster shall issne a receipt on I''orm PS .'il3 for each remittance received from a branch ollice, aiul shall enter the date and amount of each such remittance in Abstract I) on the back of the monthly Account Current submitted for the main ollico ujidcr a special heading? readijig " Fujuls received from branches." The remittances shall be entered in Al)stract C on tho hack of tho Account Current rcjulered for tho branch ollice. Special entries iji Abstract D will not bo required at central depository oflices where Form PS 510 is used. 10. The superintendent at a branch ollice mav be au- ^ «> »' p under the special heatlint; ■ I'uiuls receive*! from main ollice" 11. *\s a convenient method of providin;; a branch I'wcrf.irafnon . , , , -111 I yarm I'S 3»« to olhce with funds to meet wit lnlrawals, (he postmastjTprovi.ic branch ... , * I I 111 oiUcTji » |U» (unil*. may authorize the superintendent of the branch to 4.". §1287 POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. from tlie main office, and such transfers shall be entered, as provided by paragraph 4 of this section, statistical re- 13. A Separate statistical report on card Form PS 541 shall be forwarded for the main office (including stations) and each branch, and another report showing the con- sohdated business of the main office and branches. (c) Transfer of accounts. count °^may^ b^ 14. The accouut of a postal savings depositor may be twe^n*^"^ stationl^ ^^^^s^^^red between stations of the same post office or branch office." ^between a station and the main office. No transfer of accounts shall be made from or to a branch office or between different post offices. A depositor desiring to transfer his account shall be furnished with a copy of AppiicationForm PS 612, on which to make apphcation for the Form PS 612. ^ • ^ i • i f fr> transfer, which must be submitted at the office where the account was opened, accompanied by all of the depositor's Entries on cer- outstanding postal savings certificates. The postmaster bluCflLBS SXICI QG~ ^ ^ 1 • positor's card, or his representative shall write on each certfficate in red ink "Transferred to ," date the notation and return the certificates to the depositor. Similar entries shall be made on the depositor's card. Form PS 600, which should be withdrawn from the files and a dummy card. Form PS 600, substituted, bearing the name and account number of the depositor and the date of issue and serial number of each certificate transferred. The words "Transferred to ," with the date of trans- fer, should also be placed on the dummy card. Entry in Daily J 5 'pj^g amouut of Certificates transferred shall be bummar y at transferring office ej^tered in the summary of depositors' accounts in the Daily Summary at the transferring office by the insert entry "Transferred" to show that the amount mvolved is to be deducted from the total to be accounted for in addition to the certificates paid. w^§fd.'^"°''^°'" 16. The apphcation, Form PS 612, together with the original depositor's card (Form PS 600), shall then be forwarded at once by registered mail to the station to which the account is to be transferred. In the case of accounts opened prior to July 1, 1917, the same pro- cedure shall be followed, except that the depositor's envelope Form PS 300 with all dupHcates of outstanding certificates shall be transferred. After the return of Form PS 612 properly signed it should be forwarded to 46 TITLE IX POSTAL SAVINOS SYSTEM. §1287,1^1288 the main ofTico niul tninsmittod with the next monthly Account Current to tho Dopartmcnt. 17. When un account is received hv tninsfcr, the •*r«>«^iure m suporintonilent of tho receiving; .station .shall mako cortain that tho serial mimhors of all outstarulin}; ccrtificat*^ as siiown hv the application, Form PS 012, corn^spoiuL. ""«'.<" 'P^ o" With tho outrun on tho depositor's card and that all ciT- tilicates outstandinjj have been accounted for. If found correct, the receipt on Form PS {\\'2 shall he sij^ned aiul tho form returned at onco to the oflico from which tho account was transferred. Tho next unused account numher shall then ho entered with roil ink on tho trans- ferreil depositor's card, and tho depositor notifioil at onco hy mail to enter tho new numher on his envelope (Fonn PS 301) and to present his certificates as soon as jjossihlo so that it may also ])0 entered on them. The entry on tho orii^imil certificates shall ho mado by the representative of tho postma.stor. Until this is done, tho transferred depositor's card shidl he filed accordini; to tlie old numher. IS. Tho aniimnt of certificates received hv transfer Entry innaiiv I 11 I 1 1 • ii f 1 i "• i Summary ftt r»- shall he entereil m tlie summary of depositors accounts c«ivin«oinc«. in the Daily Summary at the oflice riM-eiving the account hy an insert entry, '' Received by transfer," to show that the amount involved is to be added to the totjd to be aciounletl for in athlition to the certificates issued. XX. MlS< F-.LLANKorS PlU )V ISION.'*. Sec. 1288. Tho final judj^nicnt, order, or i1i« of any court of A d J ucllr«ii"n inprU-nl juri.H«liriion a(ljur int4'rf«t in tlie cn-dii rin.iTr i-< to of ai'v flum (l«'po<«it»il hy any p«T> In-i-n appt-ah-d from and th«' linn* for ap{x>tU ■ K haj« expir*"*! Hhall, up^in fluhmiwion to thi" l'of, duly authi>ntirat<- I'nitf^i Stat(<« for tho authentication of tho roc«>rdfl and judi- cial procoodiiiKS of tho courts of any Siato or Torritory or of any p^jitMt*- siou nuhj(x;t to tho juhiwliction of tlic I'nitfHl States, whon tlie fiamo aro provo ■ aTF. -This ntatuto i« hold to provido for rocognir-ini? the ludiria! dotormination of raws involving the diaputod ownorvliip of p<«tal savings deposits, butaince moDe>'8 accepted by tho Ctovemment under §1288 POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. tlie postal savings act assume tlie nature of public funds they are not subject to ordinary proceedings of attachment, garnishment or exe- cution (Buchanan v. Alexander, 4 Howard U. S., 19; 14 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 814; Slunn, Attachment and Garnishment, sec. 505). In order to be recognized as affecting the title to postal savings deposits the judgment, order or decree of the court must establish specifically the ownership of the postal savings deposits in controversy. Legal proceed- 2. Postmasters shall promptly report to the Third profits to 'be re- Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Postal Savings, ^°' ^ ■ any claim made or legal proceedings instituted for the purpose of affecting the payment of postal savings deposits, forwarding at the same time any legal papers served upon them in connection therewith. Payment of withdrawals involving disputed accounts shall be with- held pending instructions from the Department. Privacy of ac- 3. No person connected with the Post Office Department shall dis- '^Toio'** June 25 ^^^^^ *o ^^y person other than the depositor the amount of any deposits, cli. 386, see. 12, 36 unless directed so to do by the Postmaster General. Stat., 818. No information 4. Postmastcrs and postal employees shall not disclose concemiug ac- , i « j. i ■ i "^ • j. countsto be given the name 01 any postal savings depositor, nor give any except to depos- . j- ,• • i- i j_ j_ itororrepresenta-iniormation concemmg a particular account, to any tive of bis estate. , i , i , i j • i. i • li* i • n person other than the depositor himseli, unless specially authorized to do so by the Third Assistant Postmaster General, except when a depositor is deceased or has been adjudged mentally incompetent, in which case informa- tion relative to the amount on deposit may be furnished to the duly appointed legal representative or the next of kin, provided that nothing in this regulation shall pro- hibit the giving of such information to post-office inspec- tors. Funds to be 5. Postal savings depositorj^ funds shall be kept separate from other mo^*^une^'25 fi^mds by postmasters and other officers and employees of the postal ch. 386, sec. 12, 36 ser\ice, who shall be held to the same accountability vmder their "' ^ ' bonds for such funds as for public moneys. Postal savings 6. Postmasters may cash out of postal savings funds cash certain ne-chccks covcriug interest on postal savings bonds and other e paper, ^j^g^j^ ^^ negotiable paper of the Postal Savings System provided they are received from responsible persons whose indorsement on such paper the postmaster is wiUing to guarantee. He may also cash out of such funds coupons covering interest on postal savings bonds. Such checks and coupons must he included in his next deposit or remittance of postal savings funds in lieu of a nice amount of cash and so treated in his records and reports. 48 TITI.K IX — POSTAL SAVINGS 8YS'n-:M. §1288 7. All Mtatuttw rolaliii^' to llio sttfi'-ki'»'piiij;nf uiui pruiwr urcnuiitiui' Arrouat Idk for jHwiul rtit'ipta uro miuli' u(>pli(-ul>l(> to |M«4tal Haviiipt funr«, iuwinlaiit ix»«lma.slninlv pU^ij^'od to the puvnunt rinicr fur tt- , , , • 1 • 1 ■ 1 ■' „• -.1 ' 1 p») inrnl of »!»• of the «IepotiitiJ made in jxistal .Muvinys lii'iMieiiiory olhces, with aciru* d p„sii.. interest thereou as heri-iii provided. p,i' 30.--- A. S. BlRLESON, Postvuu'ttcr (Jcmral. 49 A P P E N I) I X . AN ACT TO ESTAIUJSir POSTAL SAVINGS DKPOSITORIKS KDR DEPUSlTlNlJ SA\ IXCiS AT INTKKEST WITH THE SKt ITvlTV (,)!■' THE (K »\ KKN.MKNT R)R REPAYMENT THEUEUE, AND EUR OTHER PL KPOSES.' He it enacted hy Vie Senate and House of HepresenUitivea of Vie United StaUs of America in Congress assembled, Tliat thoro bo. aiul is h(»rol>v, croatod a board of lrustotstub- lisluul nndtT tho provisions of this act, and of th(* fuiuls riH-oivtHl as dt^posits at such postal savings ilopository oflictvs by virtuo thereof. Saiil board shall consist of tho renonnej. Postmaster Clcneral, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Attorney Cleneral, severally, acting ex olliiio, and shall have power to make all nocossary and proper regu- rowers, lations for tlu» rec«Mpt. transmittal, custody, deposit, in- vt»stmont, and repayment of tho fuiuls dc^positeci nt postal savings depository ollicos. The boaril of trustees shall submit a report i<» C ongros Kei»ort to ost oflices receiving tleposits, the aggrtv gute amount of deposits made therein, the aggregate amount of withdrawals therefn)m, tlu^ number of deposi- tors in each, the total amount standing to tlie credit of all depositors at tho conclusion of the year, the amount of such deptwits at intorost, tho amount of interest received thenMtn, tho amount of inten^t paid then»on. tho amount of dt>posits surrendenxl ]ty dejM>sitors for b«)nds issui'd by authority of this act, and tho nunitx^r and amoiuit of unclaimed deposits. .Vlso the amount inv(**tod in Govern- ment siMUrilies by tho trustivs, the amount of extra ex- p a jiostal savinj^s loftii >^«vinic» card to wliicli mav he attached specially i)rcparc«l aidiie- i"<*.*int saving* sive stamps, to bo known as postal savings stamps, and when the stamps so attached amount to one tlollar, or a larj^er sum in multiples thereof, including the ten-cent postal savings card, the samo may be j)resented as a de- posit for opening an account, and adilitions may he made to any account hy means of such card and stamps in amounts of one dollar, or multi|des thereof, and when a card and stamps thereto attached are accepted as a de- pt)sit the j)ostmaster shall immediately cancel the same. It is hereby made the duty of the Postmaster General to saio of postal , , , . , 1,1- savlnrt curds and prepare sucli postal savings cards and postal savings suunpi. stamps of denominations of ten cents, antl to keep them on sale at every postal savings de|H)sitorv office, and to prescribe all necessary rules and regulations for tlie issue, sjde, and cancellation thereof. Sec. 7. Tliat interest at the rate of two per centum int^ost on o; but interest shall not be com|)uted or allowed on fractions of a dollar: \I*rt*- i«raek«i«d voided, That the balance to the credit of any one pers(tn shu' never be allowed to exceed jive hundred dollars, eielus-ire t>j . . ., .►•-£! a ecu m ulatetl i nterest]. Sec. 8. That any depositor may witiulraw the whole \MtMrt»«ai ot or any part of the funtls deposited to his or her credit, i >» i ir»ra iw-ai witli tiie accrued interest, upon demand and under such regulations as the l)oard of trustet^ may prt'scribc. Withdrawals shidl be paid from the depositw in the State or Territory, so far as the postal fund.s (»n dep«»sit in such State <)r Territory nuiy be sudicient f<»r the purpose, and, so far as practicable, from the deposits in the community in which the deposit wa** made. No nank»no«tor«>. 11- I • 1 " 1 * I I 11 1 1 cpire oxrhanrr Of bank in winch j>ostal savings funds shall be (k'positedou»«r(«*-' shall receive any exchange or other fees or compensation on account of the cashing or collection of any checks or the performance of any other service in connection with the post.'d -.jivin"-, dfpo^ilorv system. POSTAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. ^ , [Sec. 9. That postal savings funds received under the Bracketed sec- .. r t • tittt • t • n n i tion in italics su- vrovistons of this act shaU be deposited m solvent banks, perseded by sec--^ ^ . . ^ . tion2 oi the act oiufhether oroamzed under JSational or State laws, being May 18, 1916. See _ ^^ . , „ . . , ! . ^ page 26. sub]ect to National or btate supervision and examination, and the sums deposited shall hear interest at the rate of not less than two and one-fourth per centum per annum, which rates shall he uniform throughout the United States and Territories thereof; hut five per centum of such funds shall he withdrawn hy the hoard of trustees and Tcept with the Treasurer of the United States, who shall he treasurer of the hoard of trustees, in lawful money as a reserve. The hoard of trustees shall take from such hanks such security in public bonds or other securities, supported hy the taxing power, as the hoard may prescribe, approve, and deem sufficient and necessary to insure the safety and prompt payment of such deposits on denmnd. The funds received at the postal savings depository offices in each dty, town, village, and other locality shall he de- posited in hanks located therein {substantially in pro- portion to the capital and surplus of each such hank) willing to receive such deposits under the terms of this act and the regulations made hy authority thereof, hut the amount deposited in any one hank shall at no time exceed the amount of the paid-in capital and one-half the surplus of such hank. If no such hank exist in any city, town, village, or locality, or if none where such deposits are made will receive such deposits on the terms prescribed, then such funds shall he deposited under the terms of this act in the hank most convenient to such locality. If no such hank in any State or Territory is willing to receive such deposits on the terms prescribed, then the same shall he deposited with the treasurer of the hoard of trustees, and shall he counted in making up the reserve ofUve per centum. Such funds may he withdrawn from the treasurer of said hoard of trustees and all other postal savings funds, or any part of such funds, may he at any time withdrawn from banks and saving depository offices for the repayment of postal savings depositors when required for that purpose. Not exceeding thirty per centum of the amount of such funds may at any time be withdrawn by the trustees for investment in bonds or other securities of the United States, it being the intent of this act that the residue of such funds, amounting to sixty-five per centum thereof, shall remain on deposit in the hanks in each State and Territory wiU- 54 I APPKNDIX. 'in(j to receive the same itiultr tin- tirms of thit art, antl sliiiU he a worlcing biihince and also a fund which nmij be mthdrawn for invtstnunt in bonds or other securities of the United States j but only by direction of the President, and only lohen, in his judgment, the general welfare and the interests of the Inited States so require. In t> rest and profit accruing from the deposits or investment of postal savings fun^Is shaU be applied to the pa>/ment if interest due to postal sanngs depositors as hereinbeftre prov'uled, and the excess thereof, if any, shall be covered into the Treasury of the Vnited States as a part of the postal revenue: Pronded, That postal savings funds in the treasury of saul board shall be s^ibject to dispos-ition as pronded in this act, and not otheriiyise: And provided furthtr. That the board »>ic »iw , II 111 i' . '''•"'r >^«ni, in twenty years from stich date, and l)f»th pnncij>al an'-«'n- interest sliall l)e j)uyable in United Stat«'s Rohl coin »»f the present standard of value: Provided, Tliat the !)onds Wh*n »>oo.ta herein authorized shtdl !>e isstied only (first) wlien there"^'^ ''"*^' are outstanding bomls of the l'nitein« knpt kept separate iroin other fumis hv poslinasttM-s and other-^'^" »««• I'y r""i- ollicers ami empli>yees of tlio postal service, who shall ho held to tlie same aeeoiiiitahilit y under their honds for siieli fiHuls as for pMl)lie moneys; and no pei'son eon- iiessary. [8kc. 1.3. That additianal compensation skull ht allowed ^^]^^'',}*y*'^^ jtontmaMers at post ojices of the fourth class for the trans- '^\ • action of postal sailings depositorn business. Such cow-^s, i" .. j^ik-o pensation shall not exceed oiw-fourth of one per centum on the average sum upon which interest is paid each calendar ijiar on receipts at such post office, and shall he paid from the postal rt venues; but postmasters, assistant postma.stns, chrks, or other employees at post offces of the presidential grade shall not receive any additional compi nsation for such service.] Sm . 14. That the sum of one hundred thousand d«dlars .Kpproprinuoo. is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Tn-a^ury not otherwise apj>ropriated, mulgate, antl from time to time t^ •- modify or revoke, subjeIX. AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR TMK SERVICE OP THE POST ori' ICE DKI'ARTMKNT FOR THE FISCAI, YEAR ENDING JINE TllliniErH, NINETEEN Hl'iNDREL) AND THIRTEEN, AND FOR UTHEli PURPOSES. Jit it enacttil by thi ^tiiatc a ml Jlou^e of Jii j>nt :♦; )f: * + buc. ID. * * * .!/<(/ [ivovldid fuvtiur, 'V\\x\{ all t'.\|>tinli- Audit, tuifs in tlio Postal Saviuj^s Sy.stoiii shall be autlil(' Post Ollico Depart uu'ii I : And pro- i*idtd furtlttr, That tho Postniastrr Cu'iuTal shall select ' r (,. ami ilesimiate the |)ost ollices whieh are to be postal lo . . . ! oiiid . savinj^s depository ollices, and shall appoint and lix tho lo mnke sp- . r ' » • 1 • |H)luinunU. eonipensatn)n of such supernitendents, uispectoi-s, and other eniployei*s as nniy be necessary in conducting, supervising, and ilirecting the business of such ollices, including the eni|>loyees of a ci-ntral ollici' at Wasiiington, District of C'ohnnbia, and shall prescribe the houi-s dur-. •■» prc»rii,o . . ' . hours o( inuluoiiA. ing which postal savings depository ollices shall remain oj)en. He shall also from time to tinu* make mles and, .' 'j regidations with respect to the deposits in and with-' '• drawids of moneys from postal savings depositorii-s and the i.ssue of pass books or such other devices as he nuiy adopt as evidence of such deposits or withdrawals. Tho e .\ . II . . ft, I Art of June 25, provisions of tho ait aj)proveil «lune twenty-lift h, mno-i9io. luucu-icJ. teen hundred ami ten, are here])y modified accordingly. « * * * * 4c V .V]>pri>vcd, .Vugust 24, l'.»l_'. AN ACT TO AMEND THE A<'T APPRoS ED MAY NINTH, EIGHTEEN HINDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT, AS AMENDED HY THE A< T OF JINE ELEVENTU, EIGHTEEN ULNDKED AND NINETY -SIX. Bt it enacUd by the Senate and Uouse oj' lit prtstnUUives of ilie United Stiitea of America in Congress assentbUd, That tho act autlu»rizing tlu^ Postiiuuster Cloneral to adjust certain claims of postmasters for l«>ss by burglary, fin^, or other unuvoidablo casualty, approved May ninth, eighteen hundrei<;hteen hundred and nmetv-^ix. 00 POSTAL LAWS AXD REGULATIONS. be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows : Postmaster "That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, tigate and pay authorized to investigate all claims of postmasters for claims for losses ,tt » ici ,ipi , ■% by casualty. the loss 01 money-order lunds, postal lunds, postal sav- Postal savings • /. i , , j i i funds, cards, mgs lunds, postage stamps, stamped envelopes, news- stamps, and cer- . i ■• i -i • i , t tificates included, paper Wrappers, postal cards, postal savmgs cards, postal savings stamps, and postal savings certificates belongmg to the United States in the hands of such postmasters, and for the loss of key-deposit funds, funds deposited to cover postage on mailings, and funds received as deposits to cover orders for stamped envelopes, in the hands of such postmasters, resulting from burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty, and if he shall determine that such loss resulted from no fault or negligence on the part of such postmasters, to pay to such postmasters or credit them with the amount so ascertained to have been lost or destroyed, and also to credit postmasters with the amoimt of any remittance of money-order funds, postal funds, or postal savings funds made by them in com- phance with the instructions of the Postmaster General, which shall have been lost or stolen while in transit by mail from the office of the remitting postmaster to the office designated as his depository, or after arrival at such depository office and before the postmaster at such Provisos. depository office has become responsible therefor: Pro- Losses over X c/ X $10,000 to be re-mded, That no claim exceeding the sum of $10,000 shall gress. be paid or credited until after the facts shall have been ascertained by the Postmaster General and reported to Congress, together with his recommendation thereon, and an appropriation made therefor: And provided Limitations, further, That this act shall not embrace any claim for losses as aforesaid which accrued more than four years prior to the date of approval of this act; and all such claims must be presented withm six months after such date, and no claims for losses which may hereafter accrue shall be allowed unless presented within six months from the time the loss occurred." Annual report, gec. 2. That it is hereby made the duty of the Post- master General to report his action herein to Congress annually, with his reasons therefor in each particular case. Approved, January 21, 1914. 60 AI'I'KNIMX. A.N ACT TO AM KM) THE ACT Al'l'l;()\ i:if JINK TWKNTY- lirni, NINKTKK.N HCNDIU:!) AND TKN, EN TIT IK I) 'AN ACT TO KSTAin.lsn roSTAK SAVINdS DKrOSIToKIES Foil DEPOSITINC SAVINCJS AT INTKKKST WITH THE SECrUlTV OK THE (lOVKUN.MKNT Koll REPAYMENT THEHEOK, AND KOK OTHKU I'LKPOSES." Be it enacted by the Senute and Jloiiae oj' licpnscntatives of the United States of Ainerica in Cun^ress assembled, Tlmt sections two aiul thirtron of llu^ act appiovcMl Juno Uvoiity-fifth, iiinotorii liuiulivd ami ton, oMtitlcvisioiis of section tlireo of the net .' ;'^'fi of Julv fifth, eiirhteeu hundred and ei^rhtv-four, entitled'" ;"« *.\ji act makinj; appropriations for tho service of tho™""*^''- Post Olliee Department for tlu» fiscal yj'ar endinj; .Imio thirtieth, eighteen hundred anrvision, and administration {| [^ of the postal savings depository system shall not be'' refjuired to show in the annual rej)ort j)rescrihed by section one of the act of .lune twenty-fifth, nin<'te<'n hundn'd and ten, establishing such system, tin* amount of Work doiw for that systi'iu by the Post Office l)tv partment and postal sen'ice in the trans|K>rtation of friMJ mail. "Skc. \'-i. Postmasters, assistant postmasters, ch'rks, ,^'" ""V" "^ or other eniploye«« nt post ofTici'S of the presidential' '^ crade, and postmasters at post (•fliiM'S of the fourth cla.ss, » ' v > ' ','"* shall not be allowclad in sucli cpialifiod inoinhor hanks siihstatitially in proportion to the c-aj)ilal and surplus of each such haid<, hut if such nu'uibor hanks fail to (pialify to rocoivo such d»>p()sits, then any other hank located ( herein may, as hereiid)eft)ro j)rovitled, (juahfy and receive tin* same. If no such ,J)^*'"'^'),"" '*'^' nu'nd)er hank and no t)ther (|ualijied hank exists in au}' city, town, villa«^e, or locahty, or if luuie when' such di'posits are nuide "will receive such deposits on tlu^ terms prescrihed, then sucli funds slnill i)e di'posited niuler the tiTUis of this act in the hank most convenient to such locality. If no sucl\ hank in ajiy State or T(»rritory is willinj; to receive such dejiosits on th(> terms prcscril)ed, then sncli funds shall l)e ileposited with the treasurer of i>op»ita wnu ' treasurer. the hoard of trustees and shall ho counted in nuiklng up the reserve of five per C4'ntum. Such funds may be •>iif>i'i- ' _ •' lltilo fl>l withdrawn from the treasurer of said hoanl of trustees, '"'"i "' '^m • ' tors. and all otlicr postal savings funds, or any part of sucli funtls, nniy bo at any tinu" witlidrawn from tlie hanks and s.ivings depository odices for the rej)ayment of postal saviuirs depositors when reciuired for that purpos(». If at, Exf^Mdopmiia ^1 1 ' • in uny Sl.itc may any time the postal savings deposits in anv State or Tor- !" ,'"'^*'*^' .'" 1 «-> 1 J ^ 1 rut. I SUtUxi ritory sluiU exceed tlu» amount wliich the qualified hanks'"''' tlierein are willing to receive uiuler tht> terms of tliis act, and such excess amount is not re(|uired to nuike up th«* re- si^rve fund of five per centum liereinhefore provided f<»r, tho i)oard of trustees nniy invest all or any part of sucli exct»ss amount in hontls or other st'curities of th«« I'nited States. When, in tlie judgment of tiu> Pn-sident, the general wel- ^" • ' ' '•<• fare anf .Tun«^ twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and t«>n. Int4vre8t ami profit accruing from the deposits or invest- ' *" ' ^'J^ nient of |x»stal stiviiigs fumls shall bo applied to tho pa . ^ ment of interest due to postal savings de|>ositors, as li<*re- inbefore provideil, and the »'xc«*is thereof, if any, shall ^^JJJ;^,„/®p^ be covered into the Treasun' of the I'nited '^nU^ ns n »«»'«'»«•'» '»«• part of the p«»stal revi-nue: Pnnuilnl furtlur. That p«»st ! ''}^ savin to srcliuiis aixl iiiirii:,'r;iphs.I Sec Par. Attouiitahility f«>r funds .. lli.H8 .'i For !4U{)plieH 12JS5 A Aci-oiMit ('urreut: Errors 1275 4 Not to be held for remit tanco receipts .. 1279 5 Preparation 12SC 4-7 Signature 1286 7 Account numbers 1271 4 Account*, oponiiiK 1271 1-7 Sfe also l)v\>*i'*ili>. saviuus. AddreK"* for letters to Dfjiartinent 1269 '.i Adjudication of righta 1288 1,2 AdnuTKC 1280 6 Administration of eetatcfl 1283 2, :\ A^'e of dejKwitor 1270 1 Ap(H)rtionment of bank deposits 1278 1-5 Attachment proteedinRs 1288 1, 2 Hank ib'posits. See Deposits in banks. Heneficiary, depositor may not name 1283 12 Itoard of Trustees: Function 1269 1 Purchase of bonds 1284 13 IJ' >iids of jHistmasters and clerks 1288 7, 8 lionds, }>ostal savings; Ai)i>lication 1284 2 ■'» Denominations 1284 1 (not«.\ Further depotiits after application i-M '.> Interest chwks and couiwns 1284 14 Interest on surren«len««l certificatiw 1284 8, IC Iswued only in exchange for depend t* 1 284 12 Uw .' 1284 1 List of a|>plicants ■ ' C No limit to amount 11 Purchase by Hoard of Trustees 13 Surrendert^i cfrtilicat** ' 7 When exchange clo«ic« account.. . '284 10 llranc-h oflices: Dejiositfl in banka 1287 8 Money order and iMStal fundi! 1287 10 No tran.«rfer of ai counts 1287 14 Records and rej««rts 1287 7 Remit tan rt.-< '287 13 Supplies 1 ^" 12 I'i^e of drafts, Form PS 316 H Gkrds and stamps, |>ostal savings: Accepted for dep*--:^ 3 Cash redemption '■ 3 Keptforsale 1273 2 05 INDEX. Sec. Par. Cards and stamps: Law 1273 1 Lost or damaged 1285 8-12 May be sold at stations 1285 4 Nine stamps must be on card 1273 4 Requisitions 1285 1-7 Transferable 1273 5 Central depository office : Designation 1279 2 Disposition of surplus funds 1279 9 Payment of drafts 1280 12 Receipt of funds 1279 4 Record of paid drafts , . . . . 1280 14 Treatment of overdrafts 1280 13 Certificates, postal savings : Cancellation 1281 8 Description 1272 1 Errors found after issue 1275 2, 5 Errors in issuing 1275 1 Interest rate and period 1270 8-10 Interest date 1272 3 Issue 1272 1-11 Issue out of order 1272 8, 9 Life not limited 1272 10 Lost or damaged stock 1285 8-12 Lost, stolen, or destroyed 1276 1-4 Payment 1281 1-12 Postmasters may not receive for safekeeping 1272 11 Requisitions : 1285 1-7 Serial numbers 1272 1, 7-9 Change in name of depositor 1283 13 Change of postmasters 1286 16-18 Checking credit in designated bank 1277 4 Governed by dates of checks 1277 5 Monthly limit 1277 4 WTien insufficient 1280 6 Checks on bank, postmaster's: Drawing and cashing 1280 5 Form 1277 7 Record 1280 7 Signature 1277 5 Single, for day's transactions 1280 8 Checks used for remittances 1279 7 Clerks, postal savings, to be bonded 1288 7, 8 Closing of accounts 1281 12 Consular officer, payment to 1283 6 Copies of reports 1286 5 Correction of errors 1275 1-5 Correspondence 1269 3-6 Death of depositor: Administration 1283 2, 3 After signing order 1282 4 Information to representative of estate 1288 4 Intestate 1283 4-11 Loss of certificates 1276 4 No funeral expenses 1283 8 No further deposits 1283 1 66 INDEX, Htf. I'.r. iH'tith ortioiimfnt adjusted 1278 i At branch otiiccs 1287 8 By Hoard of Triustees 1277 9 Ily iMwtmairtors 1277 3 t'heckinj; cretlit 1277 4,6 Checks or drafts from Department 1277 « Form of chocks 1277 7 Iaw 1277 1,2 Maximum approached or reached 1277 9 ro«rtma.ster 'c record 1 277 8, 9 Reapportionment 1 278 3 Kojwrt of bank <-hanjr(*s' 1278 5 Return of remitted funds 1279 8 Sums leas than $10 1277 3 Depoedti*. 8a\-in^: Accounts opened before July 1, 11)17 1272 5 \rcount8 transferred only to or from stations 1287 H rhanifo in name of depositor 1283 13 ('orrespondence about accounta 12(J9 4, «i Exchange for bonds 128-1 1-11 Interest rate aiul period 1270 8 10 Lej^al proceedi ni,'S aflecting rights 1288 1, 2 Limit of |1 .000 daw) 1270 4 Limit of $1,000. observance 1272 5 Miniftium de|>o«it 1270 4 Nonintercwt-bearinK 1270 5, (] One person, one account 1 270 1,3 Opening wcount* I-.' I 1-7 Op':: Hits by mail li.'71 3-9 Op.: ints throuK'h rcpreeentative 1274 1,2 Payable oit tli'mann 12,1 2 .Sub-vvjuent dejKwdts throiiirh re|>ri*!«'Mt.iti\«' or by nuki! 1274 10.11 What may be accepted I-7t» Who may make I - .'> I ' Srr also Withdrawals by dcpomlor- Dijwbility of deixwitor, le*»al ' '■■ • ' '- Droft.^ by pofltin;u*ter»: <'n« Monthly crcnUl.. I'-^O 9 Xorintendentfl of brmnrh off — -* \^^o 11 1 • ^ ; II INDEX. Sec, Par. Drafts by euperintendents of stations 1287 4 Drafts used for remittances 1279 7 Envelopes, depositors', Form PS 301 1272 4 Envelopes, penalty 1269 5 En-ors, correction 1275 1-5 Establishment of service 1269 1 Execution proceedings 1288 1, 2 Filing depositors' cards 1271 7 Foreign countries : Heirs residing in 1283 7 Letters to depositors in 1269 6 Forma and supplies 1285 1-12 Funds to be kept separate 1288 5 Garnishment proceedings 1288 1, 2 Identification of depositor 1281 5, 6 Individuals only may deposit 1270 2 Information concerning accoimts not to be given 1288 3, 4 Insanity of depositor 1283 1-12 Inspectors may be informed about accounts 1288 4 Interest on bank deposits 1277 9 Interest on postal savings deposits: Date 1272 3 Not compoimded 1272 3 On certificates issued before July 1, 1917 1281 13 On certificates siurrendered for bonds 1284 8 Paid through representative 1282 3 Payable from current receipts 1280 4 Payment 1281 13 Payment by mail 1282 6 Rate and period 1270 8, 9 Record of payment 1281 14 ( 1284 14 Interest on postal-savings bonds; cashing checks and coupons 1288 6 Issue of certificates 1272 1-11 Jrttal funds used to cash checks To (-.ish dnif ta Poetal (iiude, depoatories indicated Postmatfter tJeneral: To deaijjrnale postal 8a^'ing8 depositories. To make rules and regulations Postiniisters: Accountability for funds .\dditional bond < 'hange Poflt otlicee: Designation as depositories Hours of business Privary of accounts Keap|)<)rtionment of bank deposits lltHX)rdH: Hank dejKwits < Vrtificates iwueil and paid « 'orre<'tioii of errors ._ Dailv Summarv Depositor's card I^jf« to be rejKirted KeiHCue of lost cerliliiatc« < >f s[X)ilerm I'S .ll.W. lU'turn for Itx al dejKinit Sums loss than ?10 Sun>lufl of banking postmasters Ucports: Account current and abstracts. . Daily station On change of postmast'r Statistical Statistical. station- Statistical, braucbt^st Sfc. P.r. IJVt 11 IJSJ J>-7 UNO 5 I'JKO 10 iL'.s;{ 13 12«8 6 1271 4 1270 1,3 1271 1-7 12G9 1 12S1 10 1209 5 1269 2 1288 9 1280 r, 1280 10 1274 4 1269 1 1269 1 1288 0,7 1288 7 1286 16-18 12(i9 1 1269 1 1288 3,-1 1278 3 1277 8 1286 1 1275 3,5 12S6 1.2 1271 1-7 1286 1 1 2s<; 3 1276 1-1 127') 2 1279 1 7 1279 •» 1279 7 1279 6 1279 6 1279 6 !. ;■• •t.6 1. . t 8 1279 3 12, -9 8 I.-. 1-7 i. -; 1 1 . -'. ie-18 IXi 8-16 1287 6 1287 13 INDEX. Sec. Par. Kepresentative: Account opened through 1274 1, 2 Subsequent deposits 1274 10, 11 Residence of depositor immaterial 1270 3 SaA-ings cards and stamps. See Cards and stamps. Serial numbers of certificates 1272 1, 7-9 Signature of depositor: By mark on certificates 1281 3 By mark on application 1271 2 By mark, signer must open account in person 1274 2 Given name to be used 1271 2 In unusual characters on application 1271 2 In unusual characters on certificates 1281 3 Signatm-e on account current 1286 7 Signatiu-e on bank checks 1277 5 Spoiled certificates 1275 1, 2 Stamps, sa^"ings. See Cards and stamps. Stations, post office: Cards and stamps sold 1285 4 ^loney order and postal funds 1287 3 Records and reports 1287 1, 2 Supplies 1287 5 Transfer of accounts 1287 14 Use of drafts, Form PS 316 1287 4 Statistical reports 1286 8-15 Branch offices 1287 13 Stations 1287 6 Supplies: Accountability 1285 3 Branch offices 1287 12 Entry in records 1285 5 Invoice date to be stated 1285 7 Lost or damaged 1285 8-12 Opening and counting 1285 5 Requisitions 1285 1 Stations 1287 5 Stock to be kept 1285 2 Surplus funds of banking postmasters 1279 8 Telegi'ams reporting overdraft 1280 13 Requesting increased credit 1280 6 Third Assistant Postmaster General: Agent of Board of Trustees 1269 1 Addressed on postal savings business 1269 3 Transfer drafts 1277 6 Transfer of accounts at stations 1287 14 Treasurer of United States 1269 1 Trust accounts not allo^red 1270 2 Withdrawals by depositors: By mail 1282 5-7 Certificates issued before July 1, 1917 1281 8 Closing of accoimts 1281 ] 2 Disputed accounts 1288 2 Identification 1281 5.6 Indorsement of certificates 1281 1-5 Pai't pajonent of certificate 1281 10 Payable from current receipts 1280 4 Payable from deposits within State .- 1280 3 Payable on demand 1280 1 70 INDEX. Sec. I'ar. Witlulniwula by iU'i)»>.>nt on tlfutli 12.s;i 1-12 rayineut withheld 12X1 G, 7 KtMnnl of payiiu'iits 1281 8, 9 .*>iirr».'ml»T of tcrtilicati's 12S0 2 Throu>,'h rfpn\si'iitalivo 12S2 l—i \Sithy l>ankiiii; postinu-sttTS 12S() .VS Stt- iiUo (luikiiijj crodil ami CluH-ks on hanks. ^Vilh(lru^valH l>y remitting poHtuuLstera 12.S() 0-14 Stf aUo l)raft« l>y i>ostn»iuster8. AVitnc-^s, who may a«'t aa 12S1 4 W'ouuui. ^s'tY MarrictI vonuin. 71 I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. DEC 1 tftt IJ C BFRKFLFYLIBRARIFS CDmfii72ft'i UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY III. lijiliilf' Fii'iii'f' ■. if' il m m Bill