^; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF WORKS ^M- ON THE TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES GENERAL; CONTINENTAL TARIFF UNION; FRANCE; GERMANY; SWITZERLAND; ITALY; RUSSIA; CANADA COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1900 r ; > ,.4-,.; .-. ■% }y ^■;. •LAK'^^-i ^ .,#t^^ ^!J^' \v i-/ %-^ ^:^^y:J i'l '>V- mf' ■ : 111 I ■\ -M '9sn3Bi^S S^HJTHERN BRANCH, j-llVERSlTY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, iX>S ANGELES. CALIF. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF WORKS ON THE TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES GENERAL; CONTINENTAL TARIFF UNION; FRANCE; GERMNY; SWITZERLAND: ITALY; RUSSIA; CANADA COMPILED rXDEK THE DIKECTIOX OF APPLETON PRP:NTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF B I B L I OCR A PH ER V ' 4 • s • Ow>j^j, oo-oi» to .1 ««atfJ«>) o «!*■' >* WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1 nor, '■ '^ 8 (i #, L. C. card, 6-35002 I • ( <_ i < c ■■ c ' t t I t , c c t ' . t: PREFATORY NOTE This List shows some of the uuiterial in the Libraiy relating to pres- . ent tariff and trade conditions in Europe and their immediate ante- cedents. It is not in an}' sense exhaustive, but aims to give material most likely to be useful at the present juncture. The German tiscal sj'stem and conmierce have l)ecn given spet-ial prominence in view of the tariff law enacted in 1905, which becomes effective in March, 1906. The writings of German economists and publicists and other works showing German opinion and conditions have been recorded. There have been included works dealing with what is termed abroad "The American peril," orthe advance of American conunercein Europe. Some other writings on American foreign connnerce are also noted. Current statistics of American foreign trade in tabulated form are printed aniuially in the "Statistical abstract of the United States;" more detailed statistics are given in the aiuuuil report on "Foreign commerce and navigation of tli(> Fnited States,'' and siiuiiar statistics in monthly form appear in the "Monthly sununary of eonnnerce and finance of the United States." These are all published by the Bureau of Statistics of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The consular reports of the United States, and of (Jreat Britain contain reports on specitic subjects of commerce. The "Board of trade journal," London, published monthly, has a section devoted to tariff" changes throughout the world. The coUection of European tariffs in force in 190-1 was published in the ''Monthly summary of conunerce and finance" for March, 1:h)4. The text of the new German tariff is printed in the same pul)lication for August, 1905. This text is also printed as a British Parliamenlai-y document in Ses- sional papers, 1905, Cd. 21:U. The last named document discusses the provisions of the tariff in the light of new commercial treaties as to "most favoured nations," the arrangements for arbitration, and regu- lations as to transport rates by land and watei-. The texts of recent commercial treaties between Germany, Belgium, Ilnlv. Au-tii;i, etc., Ii:i\ c been printed by the German government (see page I '.'of t his List). The "Monthly sununsiry of commerce and linance" for August, 1905, gives the rates of duty which will be levied undw the new (Jerman tariff and under the existing commercial treaties of March L 19(M). 3 4 LI BEAKY OF CONGRESS The "Fiscal blue book,"' is.sucd by the British board of trade in 1903-1905, forming- three vokimes of the Parliamentar}'- Sessional papers (1903, Cd. 1761; 1904, Cd. 2337; 1005, Cd. 2669), affords a mass of information upon trade and tariff conditions, particularly as affecting British commerce, but also giving data in regard to other countries. (See page 6 of this List for table of contents) The Chamberlain tariff commission reports on the iron and steel, and textile trades study the effects of foreign tariff's. (See page 7 of this List) Maximum and minimum tariffs of foreign countries are examined in the " Monthl}^ summary of commerce and finance" for March, 1904. This number contains a study of the maximum and minimum s^'stem by Leroy-Beaulieu. An account of "Tariff" wars between certain European states" was published by the British foreign office in 1904. (See page 7 of this List) A. P. C. Griffin Chief BihUog7Xipher Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington^ D. C. , January 26^ 1906 LIST OF WORKS ON THE TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES GENERAL Adams, Brooks. America's economic supremacy. JSewYofl-: The MacmUlan company^ 1900. ix,2^2 pp. S^. "The new struggle for life among nations," pp. 26-53. 'Meanino- of the recent expansion of tlie foreiy-n trade of the • United States. [Neiv Yorl', 1902 {?)] {2), 17 pp- S^. Cover-title reads: The foreign trade of the United States, hy Brooks Adams. Commercial policy of P'nrope, l>y Worthington Chauiicey Ford. [Papers read at the fourteenth annual meeting of the American economic association, Washington, I). C, Dec. 28, IWl.] Ashley, Percy Walter Llewelh'n. ^Modern taritV liistory; Germany — United States— France. With a i)rcface b}- R. B., Ilaldane. London: John Murray^ 190 Jf,. xxiii, (J), 367 pp. 8^. Contents. — Part I. Germany: The formation of the Zollverein; The beginnings of protection and the lirst crisis; The second crisis and the commercial treaties; The Zollverein after tiie treaties — The completion of free trade and the reaction; The attitude of the economists; German commercial policy to 1S!I4; The revival of the protectionist movement and the new tariff; Recent economic discussion in Germany; .\ l)rief bililiogniphy. Part II. The United States: The origins of Americiin commercial policy; The growth of i>rotection and tiie compromise of 1833; Compromise, protection, and reaction; Economic development of the United States to 18(10; War taxation and its retention for protective purposes; Political parties and tlie tariff — Econonuc progress of tlie Uniti'd States to 1800; Thr new tlu'ory of pmli'c- tion and the McKinley tariff; Tlie Wilson ami l»ingley tariffs; Reciprocity under the American tariff — Conclusion; \ hrief hihliography. Part III. France: French commercial policy from 1789 to 1830; The monarchy of .luly; Tiie second republic and tlie second empire — Tiie commercial treaties; ("ommercial policy, 1870-81; The movement towards protection for agriculture -The Franco-Italian tariff war; The tariff of 1802 ann the effects of foreign, tariffs on tlu- cotton industry, with suggestions for remedial measures. "Tlie policy of foreign states in relation to the textile indnstry: (icr- many, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy," paragrapiis 241-284; "Tiie(ierman cotton industry," paragraphs 285-289. Gruyot, Yvo, La conu'dic protectionniste. Paris: Bihliothinpie-Charimitier, 1906. xiAD^MiOpp. 1-2"^. {Etudes de i>hy.siolo(jie sociale.) "Lesvariationadutarifdesdouanesfii 1m;ui«c," pji. 1 91; "I/«'(diio- mie nationale allcMianih': " L'l'c )niic |.olitii|iit' nalionale," pp. 327-329; "Deux i)olititiue8econoinichen Zollverein. {In Annalen des Deutschen Reichs, 1888, pp. 943-954. Munchen & Leipzig, 1888. 8°.) Wolf, Julius. The American invasion and central Europe. {In Independent, vol. 57, Nov. 10, I'KVJ, ].i'. 1070-1072.) Zollvereinigungen oder wirtschaftliche Alli:m/tMi^ {In Zeitschrift fur Social wissenschaft, vol. 5, pp. 895-897. Berlin, 1902. 8°.) The Zollverein of the central powers. {la Spectator, vol. 67, Dec. 12, 1891, pp. 833-834.) FRANCE Ashley, Percy Walter Llewellyn. Modern tariff history; Germany — United States — France. With preface by R. B. Haldane. London: John Murray^ lOOIf.. xxiii, (3), 367 pp. 8°. Part III. — France: French commercial jiolicy from 1789 to 1830; The monarchy of July; The second republic and the second em- pire — The commercial treaties; Commercial pohcy, 1870-81; The movement towards protection for agriculture; The Franco- Italian tariff war; The tariff of 1892 and subsequent develop- ments — The Franco-Swiss tariff war — Conclusion; A brief bibli- ography. Bajkic, Welliniir J. Die franzosische Handelspolitik 1892-1902. Stuttgart und Berlin: J. G. Cotta^ 190 Ji.. xvi, 4^8 pp. 8°. {Munchenervolkswirtscka^tllche Studlen, hf'sg. vonL. Bren- tano und W. Lotz. 63. Stud'.) Bastable, C. F. Public finance. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. London: Macmillan and co..^ 1895. xx,716 pp. 8^. Customs duties, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany, pp. 512- 532. Same. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. London: 3facmillan and co.., 1903. xxiv., 780pp. 8°. Customs duties. Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany, pp. 551- 573. Blondel, Georges. La politique protectionniste en Angleterre; uu nouveau danger pour la France. Paris: V. Lecoffre, 190.^. xv, 161, {2) pp. 12°. "Notice bibliographique," pp. [159]-161. Delandre, A. Traite pratique des douanes. 5*^ ed. par E. Doussin. Rouen: Impr. Gy, 1903. 2 vols. 8°. (Not at present in the Library of Congress. Has been ordered. ) Franke, Bernhard. Der Ausbau des heutigen SchutzzoUsystems in Frankreich und seine Wirkungen ini Lichte der Handels- statistik. Leipzig., Duncker d; JIianMot, 1903. xii, 11^8 pp. 8°. {Staats- und soeialwissenschaftliche F'orschnngen, hrsg. von . . . Schmollei' nnd . . . Sering. 22. Bd.., 1 Hft.) "Literatur": pp. [x]-xii. 12 TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 13 The French tariff. {In Saturday review, vol. 70, Nov. 8, 1S90, pp. 523-524; vol. 71, May 1(5, 1891, p. 585.) Funck-Brentano, T. and C. Dupuis. T^os taiifs douaniers et les trailes cle commerce. Parifi: Bomseau, 1896. 298 pp. 8^. Great Britain. Board of ti'ade. British and foreign trade and industr}-. Memoranda, statistical tables and charts, with reference to various mtitters bearinjr vn British and foreijjn trade and industrial conditions. Presented to both Hou.ses of Parliament by command of His ^lajesty. London: Eyre and SpoUiatooode., 190-)-1905. 2 vols, and index. Folded sheets. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. 1903, Cd. 1761; 1901^, Cd. 2337; 1905, Cd. 2669.) "Imports and exports of manufactured good.-^ into and from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the United States; . . . (1854-1901)" vol. 1, pp. 8-10; "Changes in the German and French tariff rates on the principal foodstuffs," pp. 127-129; " Changes in customs duties in the principal importing countries on grain, flour, and meat (Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, etc.) ", vol. 2, pp. 269-288; "Course of the export trade of some of the chief commercial countries with protected and other markets (Russia, (iermany, France, etc.)", pp. 377-388. Foreign office. Commereiid no. U 190.'^. lieports on tai-iff wars l)etween certain Eiu-opean states. Presented to both Hou.ses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. Feb- ruary, 1004. (2), 85, (ij pp. F. {Great Britain. Par- liantt-nt. Sessional papers, 190Jf. Cd. 1938.) Circular of July 1, 1903, addressed to II. M. representatives at Paris, Rome, St. Tetershurgh, Berlin, and Rcrnc: n«>. 1-2 I (ransmitled by Sir E. ]Monson, Paris) Reports on the tariff war between France and Switzerland, 1893-1895, and on the Franco-Italian tariff war, 1SSS-1S99, by Henry Austin Lee.— no. 3 (Sir U. Koh manufac- tures. Vol. 26, Mar., 1899, pp. 324-325. France-Italv. The new Franco-Italian commercial treaty. Vol. 2t), Apr., 1899, pp. 438-441. ARTICLES IN U. S. CONSULAR REPORTS Covert, John C. Proposed tariff changes in France. Vol. 72, no. 275, August, 1903, pp. 521-523. Thackara, A. M. French tariff changes. No. 292, Jan., 1905, pp. 3-4. 29272—06 3 GERMANY The Alleged prosperit}" of Germany. {In Spectator, vol. 91, Dec. 12, 1903, pp. 1014-1015.) Arndt, Paul. Die amerikanische Gefahr. {In Die Nation, vol. 19, August 30, 1902, pp. 756-758.) "~~^ Meistbe^iinstigung unci nordamerikanische Konkurrenz. {In Die Nation, vol. 19, May 24, 1902, pp. 534-536.) Ashley, Percy Walter Llewellyn. Modern tariff history; Germany — United States — France. With a preface by R. J5. Haldaue. London: John Murray, 190 Jf.. xxiii^ (3), 367 jjp. 8^. Parti. Germany: The formation of the Zollverein; The beginnings of protection and the first crisis; Tlie second crisis and the com- mercial treaties; The Zollverein after the treaties; The comple- tion of free trade and the reaction; The attitude of the economists; German commercial i)olicy to 1894; The revival of the protec- tionist movement, and the new tariff; Recent economic diecussion in Germany; A brief bibliography. Ashley, William James. The progress of the German working classes in the last quarter of a centurj^ London, New YorJi^ and Bombay: Longmans, Green and co.^ IdOlf.. xiil, {2), 164- pp. Map. Charts. Diagrams. 12^. An exposition of the conditions of the working classes as affected by the protective policy. "It should, however, be perfectly clear that it is no part of my present contention that German progress in general material prosperity' has been the result of Protection: it will be quite sufficient for my present purpose if I can pi'oduce a realization of the fact that Protection has not been inconsistent with — has, if you like, not prevented — a great advance." Preface. Aubry, D. La loi douaniere Allemande. {In La Reforme economique, vol. 12, Jan. 25, 1903, page 108. ) Les traites commerciaux de I'AUemagne. {In La Reforme economique, vol. 14, Feb. 5, 1905, pp. 155-157. ) Barth, Theodor. Die Handelsbehinderungsvertnige. {In Die Nation, vol. 32, Feb. 4, 1905, pp. 290-292.) 16 TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COIINTRIES 17 Bastable, C. F. Public tinance. 2d od., revised and enlarged. Zondo/t: J[((cnuna)i and CO., 1S95. x,i\716pp. S°. Customs duties, Great Britain, France, Italv, and Germiu:v, pp. 512-532. Same, od ed., revised and enlaro-ed. Lojidou: Macinillan and CO., 1903. a',vk\ 7S0 2>jk p- 8°. ( Yoll\noirtschaftliche Ahhandlungen der hadische?i lloch- \ schiden, 6. Bd., 1. lift.) Part 3, pp. 170-199, contains " IHo Deutsche Volkswirtschaft und der Weltmarkt; Oesterreich-Ungarn; Grossbritannien; Russland; Vereinigte Staaten." Berndt, Willudni. Der neue deutsche Zolltarif. ((xesetzentwrtrf.) Vergleich der grosseren ErlKihungen zwischen dem jetzigen Vertragszoll und dem iieuen Tarif, nel).st einer (^iiigehiMiden Darstellung der YAn- und Aust'uhr, sowie der Agrarverhalt- ni.ssc des Deutscheu lleicbs in populilr-graphi-scber Darstel- lung. Wien: C. Freytag (k Berndt, [1901]. {Ji) pj). G col. Douhle plates. 8°. Bernstein, Edward. German proletjsor.s antl ])rotectioni.sni. {In Conteniitorary ri'vicw, vol. 8(5, July, 1904, pp. 18-31.) The growtb of German exports. (J?i Contemporary review, vol. 84, Dec, 1903, pp. 775-787.) Protection and laliour in (icniiaiiy. (/// Independi'Ut ivvic-w , vol. 1, .Nov., 1903, pp. 223-238.) Blondel, Georges. La politique commercialc de TEmpire Allemand d'apres de recents ouv rages. (7h Revue dY'conomie politi(juc, vol. Itl, .lunc, 1!M)2, pp. 515-530.) Busbey, L. Wbite. Tbc new fierman tarilV: it is not rciipiocit \ . luit ictaliation. (//( Aiiicriciiii (•(•((Momist, vol. 3(1, Nov. :'., 1905, pp. 2(1.'), 212-215.) 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Commercial, treaties in the Reichstag. {In Economist, London, vol. 63, Fel). LS, 1905, pp. 264-265.) Dawson, William Harbutt. The German commercial treaties. (Jn- Economic journal, London, vol. 15, March, 1905, pp. 107-111.) German foreign trade under protection. {In World's work, London, vol. 3, April, 190-1, pp. 440-442.) The German working man and protection. (/» Contemporary review, vol. 88, Oct., 1905, pp. 534-551.) The new German tariff. {In Economic journal, London, vol. 13, March, 1903, i)p. 107-112.) Protection in German}^; a history of German fiscal polic}" dur- ing the nineteenth century. London: P. 8. lUug t5 son, 190 J^. (6), 259 jjp. 12°. {Pro- tection in various countries. Germmvy.) Dietzel, H. The German tariff controvers3^ {In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 17, May, 1903, pp. 365-416.) Dillon, E. fJ. Germany and Canada. (Tariff dispute.) {In Contemporary review, vol. 83, June, 1903, pp. 876-884.) Dunkley, Ernest R. The German workman under protection. {In Speaker, new series, vol. 8, June 13, 1903, pp. 249-250.) Eltzbacher, O. The fiscal policy of Germany. {In Nineteenth century and after, vol. 54, Aug., 1903, pp. 181-196.) Modern Germany: her political and economic problems, her ambitions and the causes of her success. London: Smith, Elder c5 go., 1905. 8°. Export-Hand-Adressbuch von Deutschland. Zolltarife der 18 wich- tigsten Handelsstaaten. Spezial-Ausgabe des II. Teiles des Export-Hand-Adressbuch von Deutschland (Interna- tionales Welthandels-Adressbuch) 19021903. 9. Ausg. Berlin: S. W. Lauhsch d; Lkerth, [1902]. 500 pp. 8^. Cover-title. Fisk, George M. Continental opinion regarding a proposed middle European tariff -union. Laltimore: The Johns Hopkins press, 1902. 62 p>p>. 8°. {Joh7is Llopkins university studies, ser. 20, nos. 11-12.) " Literature on the subject of a middle European Zollverein," pp. 47-52. TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 19 Fleming, Owen. The new German tariffs (1906). {In Economic review, Loiiiloii, vol. 15, Oct. 10, 1905, pp. 451-473. ) German ambitions as they affect Britain and the United States of Ameriea, reprinted, with additions and notes, from the Spectator, by 'X'igilans sed iequus.' JVifw York: G. 1\ I^attiani's sons; London: Smithy Elder i^ CO. ^ 1903. xd'lt.^ 132 pp. 12^. {Questions of tJte day ^ no. 100.) Bibliographies at the beginning of most of the chapters. Germany. Import tariff of the German customs union, containing the rates of dut}* h'vied under the existing commercial treaties and those to be levied after March 1, 1900, under the general tariff' law of December 25, 1902, and the con- v'entional tariff law of Februar}- 22. 1905. {In U. S. Department of commerce and labor. Bnreau of statistics. Monthh- summary of commerce and finance, Aug., 1905, pp. 507-573. Washington, 1905. 4°.) Reichsamt des Innern. Der deutsche Zolltarif von 25. Dezember 1902, mit den auf den Handelsvertragen des Deutschen Reichs mit Belgien, Italien, Osterreich-Ungarn, Rumfinien, Russland, der Schweiz, imd Serbien beruhenden Bestimmungen. Berlin ., 1905. Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Soh?i. 160 pp. Die Handelsvertrjige des Deutschen Reichs mit Bel- gien, Italien, Osterreich-Ungarn, Rumiinien, Russland, der Schweiz und Serbien, nebst dem Viehseuchenuber£inkom- men mit Osterreich-Ungarn. Berlin, 1905. Ernst Siegfried MittUr und Sohn. 7 vols, in 1. JfP. Contents. — Der dentsch-belgische Ilandclsvertrag, 28 pp. Der deutsch-italieni.sche Ilandelsvertrag, 36 pp. Der dentsch-oster- reichisch-ungarische Ilandelsvertrag, nebst dem Viehseuchen- iibereinkomnien, 104 pp. Der dentscli-nmiiiuischc Ilandelsver- trag, 24 pp. Der deutsch-russische Ilandelsvertrag, 4.> ii|i. Der deutsch-schweizerische Handelsvertrag, 58 pp. Der deutsch- serbische Handelsvertrag, 23 pp. Germany and the tariff question. (/n Speaker, vol. ii, Jan. 2, 1904, Suppleiiieiil, a-fi. ) Germany's big stick. {la Aniericiin economist, vol. 35, May 12, 1905, j.p. 221-222.) 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS "Grermany's new tarili', {Jn American economist, vol. 35, May 12, 1905, ])p. 217-218.) Gothein, Georg. Der deutschc Aussenhanclel. Materialien und Betraehtungen. Be7'lin, 190], Siemenroth <& Troschel. xzcili, (i), S'^J 2'>p- ■^°. " Die Konknrrenzgefahr Amerikas muss so lange als eine bedrohliche angesehen werden, als wir unsere Produktionsmittel — in erster Linie die Nahrungsmittel — durch Zolle, Viehsperren, Ausschluss von Fleischkonserven, etc., kiinstlich vertheuern." Grreat Britain. Board of trade. British and foreign trade and indus- try. Memoranda, statistical tables and charts, with refer- ence to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and industrial conditions. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty, London: Eyre and Spottisu^oode^ 1903-1905. ^ vols, and index. Folded sheets. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional jyapers, 1903. Cd. 1761; 190 1^, Cd. 2337; 1905, Cd. 2669.) "Imports and exports of manufactured goods into and from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, etc., (1854-1901)," vol. 1, pp. 3-10; "Changes in the German and French tariff rates on the principal foodstuffs," i:)p. 127-129; "The export policy of trusts in certain foreign countries (German empire. The United States, Austria-Hungary)," vol. 1, pp. 296-359; "Changes in customs duties in the principal importing countries on grain, flour, and meat (Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, Germany, etc.)," vol. 2, pp. 269-283; "Course of the export trade of some of the chief commercial countries with protected and other markets (Russia, Germany, etc.)," pp. 377-388. Germany. New general customs tariff. Translation of the new general customs tariff' of Germany, with comparison as far as possible, of the rates of customs duty contained in the tariff' with the rates at present in force on imports with Germany from the United Kingdom. 1903. 102 pp. F^. ( Great B7'itain. Parliament. Sessional j^apers., 1903. Cd. U79.) New German tariff' as modified by treaties. Statement showing (1) The new German "general" customs tariff'; (2) The modifications made in that tariff by each of the new German treaties with Russia, Switzerland. Ital}", Roumania, Belgium, Austria-Hungary, and Servia: (3) The new Ger- man "conventionar' tariff' resulting from all these modifi. TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 21 cations; with comparison with the oxistino- German rates of ckity on imports from the United Kinudom. Presented to Parliament b3' command of His ^NlajestA". London, [1903\. iv,227pp. F^. {Gt^eat Britain. Parlia- ment. Sessional pajyers, 1905. Cd. 'BJf.lIi..) "After briefly describintj the new German tariff system, which includes a 'jjenalty ' tariff, a 'general ' tariff, and a 'conventional ' tariff, it goes on to refer to the treaties whicli regulated our ctun- mercial relations with Germany up to 1893. . . . "The report proceeds to describe the new treaties somewhat more niiiintely, discusning their provisions asto ' most favoured nations,' tlu' arrangements for arlntration, and regulations as to transport rates by land and water. . . . Tlie report includes an abstract of the treaty of December 6, 1891, between Austria-Hungary and Germany, with the modifications and additions introduced by the treaty of January 25, 1905." British trade rcvieu; Mwj, 1905, pp. 161-162. Great Britain. Board of trade. Commercial intelligence committee. Report to the board of trade by the advisory committee on commercial intelligence with reference to their proceedings. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, 1^04. 43 pp. F^. ( Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional j)ax>€Ts., 1901^.. Cd. 20U-) Report respecting the German tariff bill of 1901, pp. 18-35; report respecting the new Russian and jiroposed new Austm-llungarian customs tariffs, pp. 37-43. Foreign office. Commercial no. 5 {1903). Correspondence with the governments of Belgium and Germany as to their com- mercial relations witii (xreat Britain and British colonies. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, July, 1903, vi, 45 pp. F°. {Great Britain, l^trllainenf. Sessional jtajx'rs, 1903, vol. 75, Cd. 1630.) Commercial no. 1 {1904)- Reports on tariff wars betw (hmi certain P^uropcan states. Presented to l)oth Houses of Pai-- liament b}- command of His Ahijesty. Februarj', lii()4. (2), 85, (1) pp. F^. {Great Brif din. Parllanunf. Ses- sional papers, 190 If. Cd. 1938.) Circular of July 1, 1903, addressed to 11. .M. reprc-^ciitatives at Paris, Rome, St. Petcrsburgh, Berlin, and P.erne; No. 4 (Sir ('. S. Scott, St. Petersburgh). Report on the tariff war between Ger- many and Russia, by Cecil Arthur Spring-Rice. No. 5. (Sir F. C. Lascelles, Berlin). Report on the l\usso-(icrman tariff war of 1893-1894, by George William Buchanan. 22 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. Annual series, no. '2821. Germany. Report for the 3^ear 1901 on the trade and commerce of the consuhir district of Hamburg. 1902. 94 pp. 8°. "The proposed German customs tariff , " pp. 64-65; "New commer- cial treaties," pp. 65-66. An?iual series, no. 3186. Same. Report for the year 1903. 1904. 68 pp. 8°. " The new customs tariff," page 46. A7innal series., no. 28IiS. German3\ Report for the 3^ear 1901 on the trade of German3\ 1902. 17 pp. 8^. Annual series., no. 301t2. German}'. Report for the year 1902 on the trade and commerce of the consular district of Frankfort-on-Main. 1903. 86 pp. 8^. "Customs tariff and commercial treaties," pp. 64-66; "Middle European customs union," pp. 66-67. Annual series., no. SJf^JfO. German3\ Report for the year 1904 on the trade and commerce of Germany. 1905. 120 pp. 8°. ■'The new commercial treaties," pp. 31-52; "Agrarian duties," pp. 53-63. Tariff commission. Report. Vol. 1. The iron and steel trades, with appendix; Vol. 2. The textile trades: Part 1. The cotton industr}', with appendix. London : Pahlished for the Tariff' com?nlssion hy P. S. King (& son, 1901^-1905. '2 vols. /°. Vol. 2 contains testimony on the effects of foreign tariffs on the cotton industry, with suggestions for remedial measures. "The policy of Foreign states in relation to the textile industry: Ger- many, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy," paragraphs 241- 284; "The German cotton industry," paragraphs 285-289. Hanauer, Simon W. In German eyes: how the new tariff is to be used against American exporters. {In Manufacturer, vol. 16, April 15, 1903, pp. 11-12.) He-wins, W. A. S. The influence of the new German commercial treaties on British industries. (in National review, vol. 45. June, 1905, pp. 693-704.) A lecture delivered at a meeting of the Compatriots Club, March 31, 1905. TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 23 Huber, F. C. Deutschlund als Industne.stiuit. Stuttgart: J. G. Gotta ncJw But-hhaudlung IiachfoIgei\ 1901. xviil, (2), 512 pp. a, von dem stetig stiirker wer- denden Wetthewerb der von der Natur so verHchwundtTisch ans- gestatteten Vereinigten Staaten nioht erdriickt zu werden, ist daher — abgesehen von einer nioglichst nahen ZoUvereinigung der europiiischen Staaten— die m()glichste Verbilligung und ukono- mische Gestaltnng der Produktion auf alle AVeise, woinit aber eine kiinstliche Verteuernng aller Preise und Produktionsmittel, insbesondere des (Jrund und Bodcns, niclit vereinbar wiire. Die kiinstlic'he Verteuerung unserer Produktion durch iibenniissige Schutzzolle, namentlich auf Lebensmittel, wird Amerikas Avirt- sehaftliche und politische Suprematie nur beschleunigen." Jahrhi'icher far Ndtionaldkoriomie, roL 25, p. 92. Huebner, Solomon. Relation of the government in German}* to the promotion of commerce. (//I American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 24, Nov., 1904, i)p. 525-539.) Kestner, Fritz, /. e. Friedrich Julius Felix. Die deutschen Eii^en- zolle 1879-1900. Leipzig: Duncker c& HumUot, 1902. i.r, 132, (2) pp. Tables. <§°. " Literaturverzeichniss," pp. vii-ix. Knebel Doeberitz, llutro von. Bestcht fiir Dcutschlaiul oino amcri- kanische Gefahr^ Be-din: E. 8. Mittler und Solxn, 1901^. viil, 88 pp. 8°. "Alles da.s sind Momente, welcbe una lehren, dags wir uns niit dem Bestehen einer amerikanischenGel'ahrabiinden miissen. Als Mittel hierfiir kommen najh den obigen Darlegnngcn unter Abschnitt I und II sowohl staatliche als von den Intercssenten selbstanzuwendcnde in Betracht. Zur crsteren Katogorie gclKut ein geeigneter Zollscbutz, welcher i^andwirtschaft und Industrie vor tJl)erllutung durch ausifmiiisclu' I'rodidvte licwahrt, sowicdie Verbilligung unsercr Produktion luittels llcrabsctzungder Trans- portkostcn durch Ermassigung der Eiscnbahn-Ciiitcrtarife und die Vervollkommnung derBinnenschiffahrt mitlcls N'crbessorung der natiirlichen WasHerstrapscn und W'ldichtnng dcs Kanal- netzes." List, Fricdi-ich. The national s^'stem of political oronomy. Tran.s- latcd from the orij^inal (Jerman by Sampson S. Lloyd. London: Loiupnanx., Green., and <<>.. /SS'>. .r.r.r., (/), Jf'i.'f pp. ,r 30 24 LTBRAKY OF CONaRESB List, Friedrich. The national system of political economy. New ed. With an introduction b}' J. Shield Nicholson. London: Lo7}gmans^ Green ^ and co.^lOOJf. xliv^366 pp. 8^. The history: The Germans, pp. 62-72; The insular supremacy and the German commercial union, pp. .312-328; The commercial pol- icy of the German customs union, pp. 341-350. MacDonald, Ramsay. The ZoUverein and British industry. London: Grant Liichards., 1903. 165 jyp. 12°. " This book is an official pronouncement upon the ZoUverein and free trade, from the socialist and labour standpoint." II. B. Lees Smith, Economic journal, Sept., 1904, P- 418. Maier, Franz. Deutsch-osterreichische Verstiindigungen und die neuen Zolltarife. {In Zeitschrift fiir Social wissenschaft, vol. 6, June, 1903, pp. 377-382. ) Mann, J. S. The new fiscal barriers in Europe. {In Contemporary review, vol. 87, ]\lar., 1905, pp. 347-358.) Marvaud, Angel. Les negociations allemandes pour le renouvelle- ment des traites de commerce. {In Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 18, Dec. 16, 1904, pp. 745-752. ) I. La Eussie. II. La Roumanie, la Suisse, I'Autriche-Hongrie. MoUer, Paul. A German view of American industr)\ (J?i Engineering magazine, vol. 26, Nov., 1903, pp. 264-266.) Montanus, C. AUemagne — Les traites de commerce. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 44, May 10, 1905, pp. 401-404.) — — — La vie politique et parlementaire a I'etranger: I. AUemagne. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 35, Jan. 10, 1903, pp. 194-200. ) The Ne"w German tarifi' and American interests. {In Protectionist, vol. 14, April, 1903, pp. 688-691.) The Ne"W German treaties of commerce. {In Economist, London, vol. 63, Feb. 4, 1905, pp. 179-180.) Nitzsche, ]\Iax. Die internationalen Ursachen der modernen Schutz- zoUbewegung. {In Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staatsvvissenschaft, vol. 60, pp. 329- 337. Tubingen, 1904. 8°.) TAKIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 25 [Le Nouveau turif allenuiiid.] [Jn Jourual des economistes, 62'' annee, 5'^ S(^rie, Jan. 15, 1903, pp. 152-153.) Our tariff relations with German}'. {In Outlook, vol. 80, May 27, 1905, pp. 200-201.) Paisant, Kieiil. L'admissiou temporaire des bles et les bous d'impor- tation en France & en Alleniaone. Pai-is: A. Bousseau, 1901. (^), WO jn^- <§^. "Sources et bibliographie," pp. 277-284. Petscho'w, Alfred. Das amerikanische Zollo-esetz und der deutsche llandel; eine Denkschrift an die deutsche Reoieruno-. Leipzig: K. G. T. Scheffer, 190Jf. 5Ji.pp. Portrait. 8^. Pohle, Ludwig. Deutschland am Scheidewege. Betrachtungen iiber die ofecfenwartio-e volkswirtschaftliohe Verfassunir und die '& zukiint'tig-e Handelspolitik Deutschlands. Leipzig: B. G. Teuhier, 1902. xii, 24^ jy). 8=>. Poisson, Andre. La politicpxe douaniere de Tempire allemand. {In Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 18, ]\Iay 15, July 15, 1903, pp. 331-347, 490-513.) Raffalovich, Arthur. Le nouveau tarif douanier de I'Allemagne. {In La Nouvelle revue, vol. 21, Apr. 1, 1903, pp. 311-329.) La revision du tarif douanier en AUemaune. Extrait do la Nouvelle revue. Pa7'is: Nouvelle revue [Liipr. Aiixei're, A. Lcmie?']^ 1902. 26, (2) jyp- 8°. Cover-title. Raunig, A. G. Der ZoUtarif und die Keciprocitnts-Vertrage der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Wien: Verlag des " Industriellen Clul\ 1901. IiO pp. 5^. Reinsch, Paul S. World politics at the end of the nineteenth centurv as intluenced by the oriental situation. Nev) Yorh: The MaanUlan company., 1900. xviii, SCO pj>. Folded map. 12^. Part 4. "German imperial politics," i)p. 259-30(5. Sartorius von Waltershausen, August, Fi,l, 1S9S. ;/■/, .V/y/V'. ^''. {Sc/a'if- tcn der Ccntralistdlefur I 'orhereitung nm I la ndelnvei'triigen . 2. lift.) 26 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Sartorius von Waltershausen, August, FreUnrr. Die Handelsbilanz der Vereinio-ten Staaten von Amerika. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1901. vi, {2),?'l, {1) pj). 5^. {Schrlf- ten der Centralstellefur Vorhereitung von llandelsvertrdgen. 17. Tift.) "Unsere ganze kiinftige Handelspolitik darf, da sie doch einheitlich- organisch funktioniren soil, keinen Augenblick die nordame- rikanische Gefahr vergessen." Schierbrand, Wolf von. Germany; the welding of a world power. New York: Doubleday, Page cfc company.^ 1902. viz, 376 pp. "The tariff problem," pp. 158-164. Our tariff ditl'erences with Germany. {Ill American monthly review of reviews, vol. 32, Aug., 1905, pp. 205-207. ) Schippel, Max. Amerika und die Handelsvertragspolitik; eiue poli- tische Studie. Berlin: Verlag der Sozlalistischen 2fo7iatshefte^ g. in. h. /<., 1906. 133 pp. 8°. Contexts. — Die zunehmende handelspolitische Isolierung der Vereinigten Staaten; Die bisherigen amerikanischen Rezipro- zitatsvertriige; Meistbegiinstigung, Gegenseitigkeit und aus- schliessliche Begiinstigungen; Unhaltbare Lage und neue Ent- scheidungen. - Schiiller, Richard. Schutzzoll und Freihandel. Wieii: F. Tempsky, 1905. 30^ pp. 8^. Schultze, W. Agriculture. {In International exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Official catalogue of the exhibition of the German Empire, pp. 280-293. Berlin, [1904]. 8°.) Stone, N. I. How the Germans revised their tariff. {In American monthly review of reviews, vol. 32, Dec, 1905, pp. 719-721.) The new German customs tariff. (Jn North American review, vol. 181, Sept., 1905, pp. 392-406.) Taylor, W. G. Langworthy. Some features of industrial Germany during the past year. {In Journal of political economy, vol. 12, Sept., 1904, pp. 537-546.) Thompson, Robert Ellis. Germany and reciprocity. (7/1 American economist, vol. 35, May, 1905, pp. 224-225.) TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 27 United States. Department of commerce and tahor. ^Modovn tariff .systems: The maximum and minimum, conventional, and and general tariti' s3>tems of the principal countries of the world. {In U. 8. Department of commerce and labor. Bureau of i^tatistics. Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United Stiites, no. 9, series 1903-1904, March, 1904, pp. .3331-3431. Washington, 1904. 4°.) Contains the general and conventional tariff of Germany; the new tariff drafts and acts of 1902-03; the text of the customs tariff of Gemany and the Grand Duchy of Luxemlmrg, 1879 and 1902, and the commercial treaties of European countries with American countries. Villard, Henry, a7id Henry W. Farnani. German taritf policy, pa.st and present. I. Henry Villard. U. Henry W. Farnam. {In Yale review, vol. 1, May, 1892, pp. 10-34.) Voigt, Paul. Deutschland und der Weltmarkt. {In Preussit^che Jahrbiicher, vol. 91, pp. 240-280. Berlin, 1898. 8°. ) Vosberg-Rekow, Max. Die Handelsvertriige des Jahres 1903. Betrachtunoen und Vorschliige. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1900. {8), 128 pp. 8°. {Schrlften der CentraJxteUe fur Yorhereitimg von Handelsvertraqen. U- lift-) " Wenn ich im Uebrigen bestrebt gewesen bin, eine Reihe von \'orschl;igen fiir die kiinftige Tarifgel)ahrung zu vertreten, so dart ich wiederholt auf die Ausfiihrungen meiner Einleitung znriick- weisen: ich gebe diese Vorschliige nicht fiir fertig aus, halte sie aber gleichwohl fiir geeignet, der nothwendigen liffentlichen Dis- kussion iiberdie.se Fragen fruchtbare Anregungen zugeben. Ich habe mich auf Grund meiner Studien und Erfahrungenauf dicsem Gebiete darauf znriickgezogeii, dass die ]\Iei.«t])egiinstigung zu- ruckzusetzen, dass stattdessen Taril'vertrilge abzuschliessen seien; dass die Meistbegiinstigung jeden falls den Vereinigten Staiiten ni()glichst bald entzogen werden miisse und dass diesen gegeniiber bei wciterer hartniickiger .\l)lehnnng eine.s Vertrages Differeuzi- rung I'latz zu greifcu habe." i>p. 127-128. "Wendlandt, Wilhelm. A German view of the American peril, V {In North American review, vol. 174, April, 1902, pjx 555-564.) Wolf, Julius. L'Allemao-ne et le marche du moude. Introduction «S; traduction par Joseph Franconie. Paris: V. Giard cfc E. Brieve, 1902. U'2 pj). i^°. IiitniiliHtioii: " l/C uouvcau projct de taril' ilniKinicr allciuaiid," pp. 5-1(5. Ajjpciidix HI. " Le projct (hi taril' dona riicral In iiaiid," pp. 1;M-1.')9. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Zolltarifgesetz vom 25. Dezeniber, 1902. {In Annalen des Deutschen Reichs, 36. Jahrg., Feb., 1903, pp. 142-149. Munchen, 1903. 8°. ) ARTICLES IN BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL (lONDON) Alterations in the official list of the customs tariff. Vol. 25, July, 1898, pp. 59-62. Certificates of origin for imports from nations enjoying most favoured- nation treatment, and modifications in customs. Vol. 27, Sept., Oct., 1899, pp. 321-324, 452^56. "Inspection of meat" act. Vol. 30, Aug. 2, 1900, pp. 246-248. "Inspection of meat" act. Vol. 33, May 16, 1901, p. 370. Proposed new German tariff". Vol. 34, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 1901, pp. 275-280, 320-325, 376-377. I'ariff decisions. Vol. 27, Dec, 1899, pp. 703-706. Tariff' decisions. Vol. 30, July 26, Sept. 27, 1900, pp. 189-191, 757-758. ARTICLES IN U. S. CONSULAR REPORTS Gruenther, Richard. Tariff and trade treaties of Germany. No. 298, July, 1905, pp. 95-96. Mason, Frank H. The new German tariff. Vol. 71, no. 270, March, 1903, pp. 369-374. Commercial treaties and the new tariff law of Germany. No. 287, August, 1904, pp. 124-125. Monaghan. James C. Proposed German tariff on machinery. Vol. 72, no. 275, Aug., 1903, pp. 523-524. Ne-w German tariff schedules. Vol. 74, no. 281, Feb., 1904, pp. 438^39. SWITZERLAND Ashley, Percy Walter Llewellyn. Modern tariff history; Germany — United States — France. With a preface hy R. B. Haldane. London: John Murray^ lOOJf. xiii, {3), 367 pp. 8°. ■ Contains a section on " The Franco-Swiss tariff war." Curti, Arthur. Schweizerisches Handelsrecht, Nach Geserzuobunsf und Gerichtspraxis fiir den praktiscben Gebrauch darge- stellt. Mit eineni Anhang iiber das Marken-, Patent-, Muster-, und ]\Iodcllrecht. Zurich: Art. instltut 0. FiUhII, 1903. (<9), J^^7 pp. 8°. Great Britain. Board of trade. British and foroion trade and industry. Memoranda, statistical tables and cliarts, n\ ith reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and industrial conditions. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode., 1903-1905. 2 vols, and index. Folded sheets. F°. {Great Br if a in. Paiiia- ment. Sessional jmpc^s, 1903, Cd. 1761; 190J^, Cd. 2337; 1905, Cd. 2669.) "Changes in cnstoms dnties in the principal importinsj: conntries on grain, limir, and meat ( Austria-Ilunirary, lU'lgiuin, France, Ger- many, Hollaiiil, Italy, l*(irtni:a], Spain, Sweden, Switzerland," vol. 2, pp. 269-283. Switzerland — New customs tariff. (Interim statement.) Translation of the new "general" customs tariff of Switzer- land, as modified by the newconunereial treaties concludi'd with (iermany and Itidy. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by connnand of His Majesty. I;>05. ii, (IJ> pp. F". {Great Jiritain. Varliatncnt. Sessio)ial papers, 1905. Cd. 2768.) 25) 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Foreign office. Coininercial no. i, 1901^.. Reports ou tariff wars between certain European states. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His jMajesty. Februar}^ 1904. (2), 85, (1) pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers.^ WOJf., Cd. 1938.) Circular of July 1, 1903, addressed to H. M. representatives at Faria, E.ome, St. Petersburg!!, Berlin, and Berne: no. 1. Report on the tariff war between France and Switzerland, 1893-1895, by Henry Austin Lee; no. 6 (SirC. Greene, Berne) : 1. Summary of the history of the Franco-Swiss tariff war of 1893-1895, by Conyngham Greene, Berne. 2. A condensed history, from the commercial and industrial aspect, of the Franco-Swiss tariff war of 1893-1895, extracted from the annual reports of the Swiss com- mercial and industrial society, for the years 1890-1895, inclusive, by John Carpenter Milligan, liritish commercial agent at Zurich. ■ Foreign office. Diplomatic and considar reports. Annual series, no. 3111. Switzerland. Report for the j^ear 1902 on the trade of Switzerland. 1903. 21 pp. 8^. "The new Swiss customs tariff," pp. 8-9. Annual series^ no. 3311^.. Sartne. Report for the year 1903. 1901. 27 pp. 8°. "The new Swiss customs tariff," page 12. Sv^itzerland. Laios., statutes, etc. Der neue schweizerische ZoUtarif . Von der Bundesversammlun^ angenommen am 10 Oktober 1902. Zurich: O.Fnssli^lWO'Bl 63 pp. i^°. Vergne, P. Le conflit douanier avec la Suisse. {In La Reforme economique, vol. 14, Dec. 17, 1905, pp. 1562-1563.) ARTICLES IN U. S. CONSULAR REPORTS Gififord, George. Proposed increase of Swiss import duties and Ameri- can trade. Vol. 69, no. 261, June, 1902, pp. 300-303. Hardy, A, S. Projected tariffs of Switzerland. Vol. 69, no. 260, May, 1902, pp. 148-149. ITALY Ashley, Pero}' Walter Llowellyn. Modern tariff history': German}^ — United States— France. With a preface by K. B. Haldane. London: John Murray^ 190 1^. a',vlu\ (J), 367 j)p. 8^. Contains a section on "The Franco-Italian tariff war." Bastable, C. F. l*ublic finance. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. London: JSDiciaiUan and co.^ 1895. a'x.,716pj). :iin, i'nrtii).Ml, Italy, etc.)," pp. 377-388. 31 32 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Foreign office. Commercial no. i, lOOIt.. Reports on tariff wars between certain European states. Presented to both Houses of Parliament bj' command of His Majesty. Februar3% 1904:. (2), 8*5, (1) pp. F-. {Grtcit Britain. Parliament. Sessional pajMrs.^ 190 li.. Cd. 1938.) Circular of July 1, 1903, addressed to H. M. representatives at Paris, Rome, St. Petersburgh, Berlin, and Berne. No.2. Reports on the Franco-Italian tariff war, 1888-1899, by Henry Austin Lee. — no. 3 (Sir R. Rodd, Rome). Report on the tariff war between France and Italy, by Stephen Leech. Tariff commission. Report. Vol. 1. The iron and steel trades, with appendix; Vol. 2. The textile trades: Part 1. The cotton industry, with appendix. London: Puhllshed for the Tariff' commission hy P. S. King d; son, 1901^-1905. ^ ■vols. .^^ Vol. 2 contains testimony on the effects of foreign tariffs on the cotton industr)' with suggestions for remedial measures. '"The policy of foreign states in relation to the textile industry: Ger- many, France, Russia, Austria- Hungary, Italy," paragraphs 241- 284. List, Friedrich. The national system of political economy." Trans- lated from the original German by Sampson S. Lloj'd. London: Longmans., Greeri and co.., 1885. xxxi., (i), ]^5Ip j^p. 8^\ Same. New edition. With an introduction b^^ J. Shield Nicholson. London., Longmans., Green andco., 190If. xUv., 366pp. 8^. The history: The Italians, pp. 3-9; The national economists of Italy, \^v. 263-268. Luzzatti, Luigi. Le relazioni economiche degli Stati Uniti con V Italia. {Li L' Italia coloniale, anno 4, vol. 2, Sept.-Oct., 1903, pp. 1016-1029.) Monzilli, Antonio. La rinnovazione dei trattati di commercio. {In L'ltalia coloniale, anno 4, vol. 1, Jan., 1903, pp. 3-14.) Racca, V. Italic. {In Raffalovich, Arthur. Le marche financier, 1904-1905, pp 819-887. Paris, 1905. 8°. vJontains synopses of the new treaties of commerce. Viti de Marco, E. de. The protective system in Ital3^ {In New liberal review, vol. 6, Nov., 1903, pp. 458-475.) TARIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 33 Whitehouse, Kemsen. Italian economic contrasts. (In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 17, Aug., 1903, pp. 680-686.) ARTICLES IN BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL (lONDOX) Italy: Forthcomintr tarili' alterations. \'ol. 4S, Feb. 9, 16, 23, Mar. 2, 10, 30, 1905, pp. 270, 318, 359, 410, 507, 601. RUSSIA Gerhard & Hey, Leipzig. Das nissische Zolltarif -System; verglei- chende Gegeniiberstellung des neuen alluemeinen Zoll- tarifs und des alten ullgemeinen Zolltarif s bezw. des Konventions-Tarifs, niit vergleichenden alphabetischen Warenverzeichnis. Leipzig .^ Berlin \etc.^^: Gerhard & Iley., \1903\ (2), v-viii, 93,{l)pp. ^°. G-reat Britain. Board of trade. British and foreign trade and industry. Memoranda, statistical tables and charts, with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreigrn trade and industrial conditions. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London: Eyre and Spottistooode., 1903-1905. 2 vols, and index. Folded sheets. F^. {Great Britain. Parlia- ment. Sessional papers, 1903, Od. 1761; 190^, Cd. 2337; 1905, Cd. 2669.) * Course of the export trade of some of the chief commercial coun- tries with i)rotected and other markets (Russia, etc. )," vol. 2, pp. 377-388. ■ Translation of the new general customs tariff for the 34 European frontiers of Russia, with comparison, as far as possible, of the rates of customs duty contained in the tariff. With the rates at present in force on imports into Euro- pean Russia from the United Kingdom. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. 1903. 75 pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1903. Cd. 1525.) Foreign office. Commercial no. 1, 190 Jf.. Reports on tariff wars between certain European states. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. Feb- ruary, 1904. (2), 85, (1) pp. F'^. {Great Britain. Par- liament. Sessional papers, WOIf,. Cd. 1938. ) Circular of July 1, 1903, addressed to H. M. representatives at Paris, Eonie, St. Petersburgh, Berlin, and Berne: no. 4 (Sir C. S. Scott, St. Petersburgh) Report on the tariff war between Germany and Russia, by Cecil Arthur Spring-Rice. — no. 5. (Sir F. C. Las- celles, Berlin) Report on the Russo-German tariff war of 1893- 1894, by George William Buchanan. TAEIFFS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 35 Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular 7'ej)o?is.^ Annual series, no. 3062. Russia. Report for the j^ear 1902 on the foreign connnercc of Russia and trade of the consular district of St. Petersburg^. 1903. 57 pp. 8^. "New general customs tariff of Russia," pp. 14-16. Tariff commission. Report. Vol. 1. The iron and steel trades, with appendix ; Vol. '1. The textile trades : Part 1. The cotton industry, with appendix. London: Puhll shed for the Tarljf commission hy P. S. King & son, 1904.-1905. 2 vols. JiP. Vol. 2 contains testimony on the effects of foreign tariffs on the cotton inthistry with suggestions for remedial measures. "The policy of foreign states in relation to the textile indu.-^try: (ier-j many, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy," paragraphs 241-284. List, Friedrich. The national system of political economy. Trans- lated from the original German by Sampson S. Lloyd. London: Longmans, Gh^een, and co.., 1885. xxxl, \1), 451) pp. 8'^. Same. New edition. With an introduction by J. Shield Nicholson. London: Longmans, Green, and co., 190 1^.. xUv, 366 pp. 8^. The history: The Russians, pp. 73-76. Russia. New general customs taritf of Russia. [Jan. 13-26, 1903.] {In U. S. Department of commerce and labor. Bureau of statistics. Commercial Russia in 1904, pp. 2819-2837. Washington, 1904. 4°. Monthly summary of commerce and finance, no. 8, series 1903-1904, Feb., 1904.) Timiriazev, W. 1. Review of the Russian customs taritf system. {hi The Industries of Ru.ssia. ' iVIanufactures and traile, vol. 2, pp. 405-439. St. Petersburg, 1893. 8°.) United States. Dejjartment of commerce and lahor. jNIodern tariff sy.stems: The maximum and minimum, conventional, and general tariti' systems of the principal countries of the world. {In U. 8. Department of commerce and ialior. Bureau of statistics. Montidy suinmary of commerce and (iiiaiice of the United States, no. 9, series 1903-1904, March, 1904, pj). 3331-3431. Washing- triii, i!»n4. 4°.) CoiUuiiis llie commercial trealie.i oi Uu.ssiu with foreign powers. 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Wittsche-wsky, Valentin. Russlands Handels, Zoll- und Industrie- politik von Peter dem Grossen bis auf die Gegenwart. Berlin, 1905. Erntit Siegfried Mittler und Sohn. «, 392 jpp. 8°. ARTICLES IN U. S. CONSULAR REPORTS Monaghan, James C. Mr. Witte on Russia's tariff policy. No. 288, Sept., 1904, page 125. Slocum, Clarence Rice. New Russian tariff. Vol. 74, no. 280, Jan., 1904, pp. 86-87. CANADA (Brief reports of the sessions of the Canadian tariff commission, 1905, are printed in the Canadian Gazette, Canadian manufacturer and industrial world.) Canada. Customs tariff of the Dominion of Canada. Showinor the rates of import and export duty of the tariff" of 1897, re- vised to Ma}', 1905; together with the customs act of 1886, revised to May, 1905, regulating the application of the tariff". (In U. S. Department of commerce and labor. Bureau of statistics. Monthly summary of commerce and linance of the United States, April, 1905, pp. 3548-3596. Washington, 1905. 4°.) The Canadian annual review of public affairs. 1904. By J. Castell Hopkins, -ith yonv of issue. Toronto: The Annual review pulAhhing company, 1905. 630 pp. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8°. Chomley, C. H. Protection in Canada and Australasia. London : P. 8. King d; son, 190 J),, xiii, (J), 195 pp. 12°. Contexts. — Canadu: Early tariff history; The provincial tariffs; Tariffs in the Dominion; Effects of the national policy; The Tariff reductions of 1897; The preferential tariff; The strength of protec- tionist feeling; Imperial preferential trade. Audralasia: The origin of Victorian prt)tection; The tariffs of New- South Wales; Other Australian tariffs; Protection in New Zea- land; Factors in Victorian protection; Comparison between Vic- toria and New South Wales; >huiufa(turi's under protection and free trade; Protection and industrial welfare; Protection and the primary industries; Protection in the commonwealth. Index. Jeans, James Stephen. Canada's resources and possiliilities. With special reference to the iron and allied industries, and the increase of trade with the mother country. London: Offices of the British iron trade asNOciation., 190 Jf.. XV, 298 pp. Illustrations. Maps {p)artly folded). Jf.^. "Tariff and the tariff policy," pp. I'l'-lM); "The Imperial congress and preferential tariffs," pp. 30-42. Mavor, James. North west of Canada. Report to the Board of trade on the north west of Canada, with special icfcrenci' to wheat production forexjjoit. Presented to Ixiih lloiix's of Pai'liauKMit l»y coinmand of His Majesty. lt">l. \iii, 123 pp. Fohlcd nia[)s. Folded chai'ts. V . {(in (it llritain. Parliann itl. Sesaioind jiuji, !■.■<, I'JOJi. ('(L'iG28.) 37 J lit) 88 LIBRARr OF CONGRESS Montagu, Edwin S. , and Bron Herbert. Canada and the Empire: an examination of trade preferences. With a preface by Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rosebery. London: P. S. King cfe son, lOOJ^.. xviii, 198 pp. Diagrams. Appendix I (pp. 131-154) consists of miscellaneous extracts from various Canadian publications. Ajjpendix II (pp. 155-198) opin- ions expressed by repre.'^entative Canadians in answer to a series of questions submitteil to them by the authors. Contents. — I. Canadian conditions. — II. Canada and the United States. — III. Canadian view of English politics. — IV. The results of the policy. — V. Wliat Britain might do. — VI. Conchision. AUTHOR ITOEX Page Adams, Brooks 5 Arndt, Paul 16 Ashley, Percy Walter Llewellyn.. 5, 12, 16, 29, 31 Ashley, William James 6,16 Anhry, D 10,16 Bajkic, Wellimir J 12 Earth, Theodor 16 Bastable, C. F 6, 12, 17, 31 Berkholz, Leo 17 Berndt, Wilhelm 17 Bernstein, Edward 17 Blondel, Georg:es 1 2, 17 BGdiker, T 10 Borgius, Walther 6 Buchanan, George William 7, 21, 34 Busl^ey, L. White 17 Cabiati, Attilio 31 Calwer, Richard ■ 6 Chomley, C. H 37 Covert, John C 15 Curti, Arthur 29 Dawson, William Harhutt 14, 18 Delandre, A 12 Dietzel, Ileinrich 10, 18 Dillon, E. J 18 Domergue, J 10 Doussin, E 12 Dunkley, Ernest R 18 Dupuis, C 13 Eltzbacher, O 18 Farnam, Henry W 27 Fisk, George M 10,18 Fleming, Owen 19 Ford, Worthington C o Francke, Ernst 10 Franconie, Joseph 27 Franke, Bernhard 12 Fudis, (;. J 1" Funck-Brcntano, T 13 Gerhard t^: Hey 31 Germany. Jieirlmaml den Jnnern. . 19 Gifford, ( Jforge 30 Giretti, Edoardo G< innard, Rene tJothcin, Georg Great Britain. Board of trade 7, 13, 20, 21, 29, Foreign office 13 21 22 30 32 Tariff commission 7, 14, 22, Greene, Sir Conyngham 7, Guenther, Richard Guyot, Yves Haidane, R. B 5, 12, 16, Hanauer, Simon W. Hanotaux, Gabriel Hardy, A. S Herbert, Bron Hewins, W. A. S Hopkins, J. Castell Hossfield, Frederick W Huber, F. C Huebner, Solomon Inama-Sternegg, Karl Theodor von Jeans, James Stepiien Kestner, Fritz, /. e., Friedricii Ju- lius Felix Knebel Doeberitz, Hugo von Lascelles, Sir F. C 7, Lee, Henry Austin 7,13, Leech, Sti'])hen 7, Lenscliau, Tliomas Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 8, 9, Levasseur, Emile List, Friedricii 8,14, 23, 24, Lloyd, Sampson S 8,14,23, l.uzzatti, Luigi MacDonald, Ramsay Maicr, Franz .^hlnn, J. S .>hirvand, Angel MasoM, i'tank H Matiekovits, Alexander von 39 Page 31 31 20 6, 31, 34 ", 34, 35 32, 35 13, 30 28 7,8 29,31 oo 8 30 3S 22 37 9 2."> 23 8 37 21, 34 30, 32 13,32 10 11,15 14 32, 35 32, 35 32 24 2-1 21 21 28 9 40 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Page Mavor, James 37 Meline, Jules 11 Meredith, Hugh Owen ] 4 Milligan, John Carpenter 7, 13, 30 Mijller, Paul 24 Molinari, ( r. de 11 Monaghan, James C 28, 36 Montagu, Edwin S 38 Montanus, C 24 Monson, Sir E 7, 13 Monzilli, Antonio 32 Nicholson, J. Shield.... 8, 14, 24, 32, 35 Nitzsche, Max 24 Paisant, Rieul 14, 25 Pallain, Georges 14 Petschow, Alfred 25 Pohle, Ludwig 25 Poisson, Andre 25 Racca, V 32 Raffalovich, Arthur 25 Raunig, A. G 25 Reinsch, Paul S — 25 Rodd, SirR 7,13,32 Root, J. W 14 Rosebery, Earl of 38 Sartorius von Waltershausen, Au- gust, Freiherr 11, 25, 26 Page Schierbrand, Wolf von 26 Schippel, :\Iax 26 Schiiller, Richard 26 Schultze, W 26 Scott, SirC. S 7,21,34 Slocum, Clarence Rice 36 Spring-Rice, Cecil Arthur 7, 21, 34 Stanton, Theodore 8 Stone, N. 1 9,26 Switzerland. Laios, statutes, etc 30 Taylor, W. G. Langworthy 26 Thackara,A.M 15 Thompson, Robert Ellis 26 Timiriazev, W.I 35 United States. Department of com- merce and labor 9, 14, 27, 35 Vergne, P 30 Villard, Henry,. 27 Viti de Marco, E. de 32 Voigt, Paul 27 Vosberg-Rekow, Max - 27 Wendlandt, Wilhelm 27 Wermert, G 11 Whitehouse, Remsen 33 Wittschewsky, Valentin 36 Wolf, Julius 11,27 Woodford, A. B 11 SUBJECT IXDEX (Principal topics only) American invasion: Page Adams, Brooks 5 Arndt, Paul 16 Aubry, D 10 BOdiktT.T 10 Gifford, George 30 Guyot, Yves, and Theodore Stanton 8 Hanauer, Simon W 22 Hanotaux, ijabriel 8 Huber, F. C ,.. 23 Knebel Uoeberitz, Hugo von . 23 Lenschau, Thomas 10 Mann, J. S 24 Moller, Paul 24 New German tariff 24 Sartorius von Waltershausen, August, FreUierr 25, 26 Sohippel, :Max 26 Wendlandt, Wilhclm 27 Wolf, Julius 11 Canada 37-38 Dillon, E. J 18 Continental taimit inion 10-11 Great Britain. Foreign office.. 22 France 12-15 Guyot, Yves 7 Stone, I. X 9 Germany 16-28 Great Britain. Board of trade. 29 Guyot, Yves 7 Matlekovits, Alexander von.. 9 Stone, I. N 9 Italy 31-33 Asliley, I'ercy Walter Jj 5 Germany. Jicichnaml den In- nern 19 Page Great Britain. Board of trade. 29 ^latlekovits, Alexander von . . 9 Most favored nation clause 28 Arndt, Paul 16 Cal wer, Richard 6 Great Britain. Board of trade. 20-21 Schippel, :Max 26 Vosberg-Rekow, 31ax 27 Russia 34-36 Germany. Reichaamt des In- ncrn 19 Matlekovits, Alexander von.. 9 Switzerland 29-30 Germany. Eeichsamt des In- nern 19 Matlekovits, Alexander von . . 9 Treaties, commercial Hossfield, Frederick \V 9 United States. Department of commerce and labor 9 France 15 Ashley, Percy W. L 12 Funck-Brentano, T. ainl C. Dupuis 13 Germany: Ashley, Percy W. 1. 1(> Aubry. I» 16 Bartli, I'lu'ddor 16 Berkholz, Leo 17 Commercial treaties 18 Da\v.«on,AVilliamII 18 Gciinany. /iciclisamt dex I II mm 19 (Ircat I'.ritiiin. lUiard of trad, '. 20 1 Foreign office 22 Il.uins, \V. A. S 22 41 42 LTBRAKY OF CONGRESS Treaties, commercial — Continued. Germany — Continued. Page Marvaud, Angel 24 Mason, Frank H 28 Montanus, C 24 New German treaties 24 Vosberg-Rekow, Max 27 Italy 15 Cabiatl, Attilio 31 Gonnard, Rene 31 Monzilli, Antonio 32 Racca, V 32 Treaties, commercial — Continued. Russia: Page U. S. Department of com- merce and labor 35 Switzerland: Great Britain. Board of trade 29 ZOLLVEREIN 10-11 Ashley, Percy W. L 5 List, Friedrich 8 MacDonald, Ramsay 24 o This book is DUE on the last jelow \-^^^^. y)^ -^: '^^i-^'-i*^ 'f ■A* I z 7164 ■|iT2IJ5t U.S. Libra ry sion of"^lc)lio- grar'^- - List of ■JOVTzs on the tarlfTs' -oX- Topeign coi,in- tries. z. 71 Cf i 1 iM ,: 1,,".^ 5|lV ol Caliloma, Los Angeles III; II II III [f ij i||<'i|| "I" 11" ill' '11' ri-'^"'^ L 006 378 772 5 Lv ;-'a •tiLHNRtGiorv--. • ACilITV AA 000 493 596 ■r- i^ \ ■ ^ f AW ''■■y-'^y^> A. •'I -i m Ajf,. .f .' .,,•1. il: h' .i..~< V/ W •( J-" " \ ^'5<«!1i!!! ■'■;/ > ':^ \ >\ il mxs'^ f.