CATALOGUE OF TECHNICAL PERIODICALS LIBRARIES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY Library of the Engineering Societies Bibliographical Contributions I Catalogue of Technical Periodicals Libraries in the City of New York and Vicinity Compiled and Edited by the Assistant Librarian Alice Jane Gates With the co-operation of a Committee of the New York Library Club •r>et-r \-r.c^ •5>oC\«i.V\t^ \\ New York Library Board of the United Engineering Society Twenty-nine West Thirty-ninth Street 1915 Copyright, 1915 by UNITED ENGINEERING SOCIETY TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN SHAW BILLINGS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CONTENTS PAGE Introduction ix Form of entry xi Libraries included xii Reference works xv Abbreviations xvi Catalogue i INTRODUCTION The original suggestion for the preparation of the present catalogue was made by the late Dr. Billings in February 191 1, at the first interview the writer had with him after assuming the duties of librarian in the Library of the Engineering Societies. The sug- gestion was at once presented to the committee governing the Ubrary; it met with instant and cordial approval, and work was started at once. From the first, it was determined that a catalogue, not a check list, shoiild be at- tempted; it was hoped some time to issue a catalogue and check hst covering the entire United States. It was realized that the task was much more difl&cult than the prepara- tion of a titie-a-line list, and that the liability of error was great. The choice of publications to be listed or eliminated has been diflScult. There are glaring inconsistencies, for which the editor is in no way responsible. The writer is to be blamed for all of them. Official publications have been included in only a few instances, where they have assumed more or less the characteristics of the ordinary periodical; in some localities, the government publications are the only ones giving adequate technical information. There will undoubtedly be criticisms of the choice of form of making the entries of some of the publications. We have tried, by the free use of cross-references, to guide the user to the main entry. The original manuscript will be preserved, in order that corrections, additions, and new information may be noted. It is hoped that such information will be commimicated to the editor by users of the catalogue; it will be cordially welcomed. Personal acknowledgment for assistance rendered is thankfully given to Dr. Leonard Waldo, Dr. Samuel Sheldon, Mr. E. Gybbon Spilsbury and Mr. Calvin W. Rice, of the Library Board; to Mr. Arthur Hastings Grant, of the International Magazine Company, and Mr. Alfred Hafner of G. E. Stechert & Company; to Dr. Herbert Putnam, Mr. W. A. Slade, and Mr. Francis H. Parsons, of the Library of Congress; Miss Claribel Bamett, Librarian of the United States Department of Agriculture; Dr. Clement W. Andrews, of the John Crerar Library; Mr. Harrison W. Craver and Mr. E. H. McClelland, of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburg; Mr. William H. Brett, of the Cleveland Public Library; Mr. Chalmers Hadley, of the Denver Public Library; Mr. R. H. Johnston, Librarian of the Bureau of Railway Economics; Dr. Edwin H. Anderson, Director of the New York Public Library; Mr. Frederick C. Hicks, formerly Acting Librarian of Columbia Univer- sity, and to many other librarians; to the editors of numerous technical publications and the secretaries of many American technical societies. Much assistance has been given also by the readers in our library. The interest shown by technical men has been very inspiring. Those assisting in the actual work of compilation by furnishing actual entries, and thus doing the foundation work for the catalogue, were: Mr. William B. Gamble, Chief of the Technology Division, New York Public Library. Miss Vera M. Dixon, formerly Technology Librarian of Columbia University Library, now Technology Librarian in the Portland, Oregon, Public Library. Miss Eleanor H. Frick, Librarian of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Mr. D. D. Berolzheimer, Librarian of the Chemists' Club. Miss Enid Hawkins, Librarian of Stevens Institute. Miss Florence M. Bowman, Librarian of the Plainfield, N. J., Public Library, and Miss Alice Jane Gates, Assistant Librarian, Library of the Engineering Societies. Miss Gates has recatalogued every periodical in the Library of the Engineering Societies, and corrected and extended the entries sent in from other Ubraries. She has arranged these entries and made a fair typewritten copy for the printer. She has sent out hundreds of letters, and interviewed many people. She has read all the proof. The modern ideal in libraries is that of service. It has been with this in view that this catalogue has been compiled. If it is found useful to students and to librarians who are serving them, the time taken in its compilation will have been well spent. W. P. Cutter, Librarian of the Engineering Societies, and Secretary of the Library Board. FORM OF ENTRY 1. Magazines are entered under the latest form of title with cross references from an earlier title to a later one. A few exceptions were made to this rule, because other- wise the entries would have been confusing and misleading. 2. Names of societies are entered imder the first significant word of the name of the Society (not including an article), cross references being made from any earlier names to, the latest name. 3. Society publications whether they have a distinctive name or not are entered imder the name of the Society. There is a cross reference from the distinctive name of the publication, if it has one, to the name of the Society. 4. In a few instances where the magazine is better known by its editor, or where the editor's name forms a part of the title, the entry has been made as it appears in the title, or a cross reference has been made from the editor's name to the name of the magazine. 5. No hard and fast rule has been followed in determining what periodicals shall be in- cluded. Only a few ofl&dal publications have been listed, and only a few annuals. Alice Jane Gates. LIBRARIES INCLUDED IN THE CATALOGUE C. Columbia University Library, W. ii6th St. near Amsterdam Ave., New York. Foimded 1757. The library contains about 500,000 volumes of which approxi- mately 30,000 are on technical subjects. The library receives about 5,000 periodicals and society publications. It is open to the public for reference from 8.30 A.M. to II P.M. (July to September, 10 P.M.). Acting Librarian, Professor Dean P. Lockwood. CC. The Chemists' Club Library, 55 E. 41st St., New York. Founded 1898. The library of the American Chemical Society was consolidated with it in 191 1. Has been enlarged by the donation, inheritance, or acquisition of the private libraries of several noted chemists. Contains about 18,000 volumes not counting duplicates. It receives currently about 450 periodicals. Is open to the pubhc from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., daily except Saturday afternoons, Sundays and holidays. Librarian, vacancy. CE. Library of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 220 W. 57th St., New York. Founded about 1875. Contains about 85,000 books, pamphlets, specifications, maps, photographs and drawings. Receives currently about 525 periodicals and society publications. Is open to the pubHc from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M., except on Sunday, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. Librarian, Eleanor H. Frick. E. Library of the Engineering Societies, 29 W. 39th St., New York. This library is formed by the consolidation of the libraries of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers, and the American Institute of Mining Engineers. This consolidation occurred in 1909, soon after the societies moved into the United Engineering Society building, the gift of Dr. Andrew Carnegie. Contains about 60,000 volumes and pamphlets. Receives currently over 800 periodicals and Society publications. The library is open to the public every week day from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M., except on New Year's Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christ- mas, and the evening before these days. Librarian, William Parker Cutter. N. The New York Public Library, 476 Fifth Avenue, New York. Founded May 23, 1895, by the consolidation of the " Astor Library," the "Lenox Library," and the "Tilden Trust," originally incorporated in 1849, 1870, and 1887 respectively. From the time of consolidation until 191 1, the collections of the reference department of the library were hoiised in the Astor Library building and the Lenox Library building. In 191 1 these collections were moved to the central building, erected by the City of New York for occupancy by the library, and formally opened May 23, 191 1. At the end of 1914 the reference depart- ment had 1,271,356 volumes and was receiving currently 8,390 periodicals and society publications. The collections, including those of the Technology Divi- sion, are open to the public every week day from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M., and on Sunday from i P.M. to 10 P.M. Director, Edwin H. Anderson. Chief of Technology Division, William B. Gamble. P. Plainfield Pubhc Library, Plainfield, New Jersey. Founded 1882. Contains about 60,000 volumes and receives currently 228 periodicals and society publications. The technical and scientific accessions are maintained by a fund established for this purpose by George H. Babcock, Past President of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The library is open daily from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., and on Sunday afternoons. Librarian: Florence M. Bowman. S. Library of Stevens Institute of Technology, Castle Point, Hoboken, New Jersey. Established when the Institute was opened, in 1871. Contains about 11,000 volumes and pamphlets. The library receives currently 175 periodicals and society publications. It is open to the pubic from Monday to Friday of each week from 8.30 A.M. to 5 P.M., and on Saturday from 8.30 A.M. to 12 M. Librarian, Enid May Hawkins. REFERENCE WORKS CONSULTED Great Britain. Patent Office. Catalogue of Library. Authors. 1898, 1910. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Classified catalogue. 1 907-1914. American Society of Civil Engineers. Catalogue of Library. 1900- 1902. Germany. Kaiserliches Patentamt. Katalog der Bibliothek. 1913. Bolton, H. C. Catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals. 1885-1897. Scudder, S. H. Catalogue of scientific serials. 1879. Biu-eau of Railway Economics. Collective catalogue on railway economics, 191 2. Library of Congress. Union list of periodicals, transactions and allied publications. 1 901. Royal Society of London. Catalogue of the periodical publications in the Library. 1912. University College, London. Catalogue of the periodical publications in the Library. 1912. John Crerar Library. List of serials in public libraries in Chicago. 1906. California University. List of serials in the University of California Library. 1913. Illinois University. List of serials in libraries in Urbana and Champaign. 1911. Free Library of Philadelphia. List of serials in the principal Ubraries of Philadelphia and vicinity. 1908. Severance, H. O. Guide to the current periodicals and serials of the United States and Canada. 1914. Rowell's American newspaper directory. 1908. Deutscher joumal-katalog. 1914. Willing's press guide. 191 1. Annuaire des journaux revues et publications periodiques. 19 10. Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten welt. 19 14. Ayer, N. W. & Son, American newspaper annual and directory. 1914. Year-book of the scientific and learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. 191 2. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Handbook of learned Societies and Institutions. 1908. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS D. Daily Y. Yearly W. Weekly Bien. Biennial S-W. Semi-weekly No. Number B-W. Bi-weekly Irreg. Irregular T-W. Tri-weekly Col. Collection M. Monthly Pt. Part S-M. Semi-monthly n.p. No place B-M. Bi-monthly n.d. No date T-M. Tri-monthly v.p. Various places of publication Q. Quarterly [ ] Incomplete volume S-A. Semi-annually + Current XVI Catalogue of Technical Periodicals Libraries in the City of New York and Vicinity AEG journal. M. Vol. i+ July 191 1 + Ber., 191 1 + Continuation of A E G zeitung. E. 1 + AEG zeitung. M. Vol. 1-13. 1899-June 1911. Ber., 1899-1911. Continued as A E G journal. E. [11], 12-13. Acad^mie Nationale, Agricole, Manufacturifire et Commerciale. Journal mensuel. M. Vol. 1-70. i83o(?)- 1900. Par., 1830 (?)-i900. No more published. N. 67-70. Acad^mie Royale des Sciences, Paris See Paris. Acad^mie des Sciences. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1841-I- Phil., 1843+ , , Index to the scientific contents of the Journal and Proceedings. 1871-1910. Phil., 1913. N. i-l-;E. 1871-I- Academy of Sciences of St. Louis. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1856-!- St. Louis, 1860-I- CC. [i], 2-5, [6-7], 8-18, [19], 20, [21-22]. Acetylen in wissenschaft und Industrie. B-M. Vol. 1+ 1898-1- Halle, 1898-I- E. i3-l-;CC. [2],4-S- Acetylene See Acetylene lighting and welding journal. Acetylene gas journal See Acetylene journal. Acetylene journal. M. Vol. i-|- 1900-I- Chic, 1900+ Vol. I title reads Acetylene gas journal. N.[i,4-S],6+;E.I5, 9-13], 14+ Acetylene lighting and welding journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1903-l-Lond., 1903-f- Vol. 1-8 title reads Acetylene. E.6-}- Actualit6s chimiques. M. Vol. 1-3. 1896-1898. Par., 1896-1898. No more published. N. [2], 3. Advertising & selling. M. Vol. 1+ 1901 (?)-i- N. Y., 1901 (?)-}- S. 20-t-; C. 21 + ; E. [19], 20-22, [23]. Aera See American Electric Railway Association. Aera. Aero Club d'ltalia. Navigazione aerea. M. Vol. 1+ 191 2 -f- Roma, 19 12-1- E. [2], 3 + Agronaute. M. Vol. 1-43. 1868-1910. Par., 1868-1910. No longer issued as a separate publication. In January 1911, under the same title, formed a section of La Technique a^ronau- tique. N. 18. Aeronautical annual. Y. Vol. 1-3. 1895-1897. Bost., 1895-1897. No more published. N. 1-3; C. I. Aeronautical journal. Q. Vol. i-h 1897-I- Lond., 1897+ N. i + ; E. [12], 13+ ASronautical Society of Great Britain. Annual report. Y. Vol. 1-23. 1866-1893. Lond., 1866-1893. No more published. CE. 1-22. Aeronautical world. M. Vol. 1-2, No. i. 1902- 1903. Glenville, O., 1902-1903. No more published. N.I. Aeronautics, published by American engineer and railroad journal. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-12. 1893-1894. N. Y., 1893-1894. Ceased publication in October iSpS- During existence was a supplementary sub- ject in American engineer and railroad journal. E. i; C. [i]. Aeronautics. M. Vol. i+ 1907+ N. Y., 1907+ Vol. 1-2, no. I (1907) title reads American magazine of aeronautics. In 1914 incorporates Fly. N. i + ;E. [2-3], 4+;C. 4-5, 8+ Aeronautics (London). M. New ser. Vol. 1 + 1907+ Lond., 1907+ E. 7+ Aerophae. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1893+ Par., 1893+ N. i + ;E. 1-7, [8-10], ii,[i2], 13, [14-15], 16+; C. 18+ Age of invention and American inventor See American inventor. Age of steel. W. Vol. 1-92, no. 23. 1857-1902. St. Louis, 1857-1902. ^857-1880 (Vol. 1-48) known as the Journal of commerce. In December 1902 combined with Iron and steel and formed Iron and machinery world. N. [57, 61-62], 64-70, [71-74, 76-79], 80-92; C. 77-78, 81-92; E. 77-78, 81, 85-92. Air Brake Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-h 1894-f v.p., 1894-f- Until 1898 known as the Association of RaUroad Air Brake Men. E. 16-17, 19-f-; CE. 16. Aircraft. M. Vol. i-f- 1910-f- N. Y., iQio-f N. i-t-. Akademie der Wlssenschaften, Wien See Vienna. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam See Amsterdam. Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen. Alabama Industrial and Scientific Society. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-9. 1891-1899. Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1891-1900. No more published. C. 1-9; E. 1-9; CE. I, 3-9. Albany Society of Civil Engineers. Papers. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-2. 1910. Albany, N. Y., 1910. No more information available. N. I. Alchemical Society. Journal. M. Vol. i-f 1913-I- Lond., 1913+ CC. i-l- Allgemeine automobil-zeitung. W. Vol. 1+ 19004- Ber., 1900-I- E. lo-l- Allgemeine bauzeitung mit abbildungen. Q. Vol. I -I- 1836-f- Wien, 1836-f- Inhalts-verzeichniss. Vol. 1-20. 1836- 1855. Wien, 1857. Inhalts-verzeichniss. Vol. 1-50. 1836- 1885. Wien, n. d. C. i-|-;N. i6-f; CE. 39-40. Allgemeine nordische annalen der chemie fiir die freunde der naturkunde und arzneiwissenschaft insbesondere der pharmacie, arzneimittellehre, physi- ologic, physik, mineralogie und technologic in russischen reiche. Vol. 1-8. 1817-1822. St. Peters- burg, 1817-1822. Vol. I title reads Nordische bl&tter far chemie. Continued as Magazin fur die neuesten erfahrungen, entdeckungen und berichtungen im gebiete der pharmacie, 1823-1831. In 1832 this magazine united with Archiv des Apotheker-Vereins im nordlichen Teutsch- land and formed Annalen der pharmacie. N. 1-8. Allgemeine osterreichische chemiker- und tech- niker-zeitung. S-M. Vol. i-l- i883(?)-f- Wien, i883(?) + Supplements are: (i) International Verein der Bohringenieure und Bohrtechniker. Zeitschrift, (2) Allgemeine Technische Verein, Zeitschrift, and (3) Oel- und fett-industrie. E. 12-22, [26-27], 28-f-; CC. 17- 18, 29-f Allgemeine Technische Verein. Zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. i-7(?). i890-i896(?). Wien, 1890-1896 (?). Supplement of Allgemeine osterreichische chemiker- und techniker-zeitung. E. 5-7- Allgemeine zeitschrift fiir textilindustrie. S-M. Vol. 1-7. 1879-1885. Chemnitz, 1879-1885. No more published. N. 2-3. Allgemeine zeitung fiir nazional-industrie und verkehr, etc. See Wieck's deutsche illustrirte gewerbezeitung. Allgemeiner anzeiger fiir brauereien, malzereien und hopfenbau. S-W. Vol. 1+ 1885+ Ber., 1885+ Vol. 1-4 title reads Internationaler anzeiger fiir brauereien, malzereien und hopfenbau. CC. [25, 27]. Allgemeines journal der chemie. Vol. i-io. 1798- 1803. Lpz., 1798-1803. Continued as Neues allgemeines journal der chemie, 1803-1806, and Journal fiir die chemie, physik und mineralogie, 1806-1810. See also Journal fUr chemie und physik. N. i-io. Abnanach-annuaire de I'dlectricite et de I'filectro- chimic. Y. Vol. i-io. 1885-1894. Par., 1885-1894. No more information available. N. 1-9. Aluminitmi, I'ac^tylene, For, et I'argent See Journal du four electrique et de r6Iectrolyse. Aluminium, I'or, et I'argent See Journal du four electrique et de I'^Iectrolyse. Altmiinum world. M. Vol. 1-8. 1894-1902. N. Y., 1894-1902. Combined with Brass founder and finisher and Electro-platers review in January 1903 and formed Metal industry. Vol. 3, no. 4- Vol. 8, no. 3 title reads Aluminum world and brass and bronze industries. Vol. 8, nos. 4-15 title reads Aluminum world and brass and copper industries. E. 1-8; N. 1-8. Amalgamated engineers monthly journal and re- port. M. New ser. Vol. i-8, 1913+ 1905 + Lond., i90s(?)-l- E. 6-7, [8, 1913], 19144- Amalgamated Society of Engineers. Annual report. Y. Vol. 1+ 1850+ Lond., 1850-1- C. 14-16, 34-36, 39, 43-44, 46-47, 51-56; E. 52-57, S9-f- American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. Irreg, Vol. 1-4. New ser. Vol. j-|- 178^+ Bost.-Cambridge, i78s-f- C.i-f-;N. i-f;P.[io-ii]. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1846-t- Bost., 1848-f C. i-|-;N. i-H;CE. i34-;E. 1-2, 8, [34-37, 43], 44+; CC. 1-7, 11-31. [32-33], 34*h American architect. W. Vol. i-f- 1876-f Bost.- N. Y., 1876-I- Until 1904 published in Boston. Until 1909 title reads American architect and building news. CE. i-|-;C. i-|-;N. i-f;P. i + ; E. [102], 103+ American artizan. W. Vol. i, 1864; New ser. Vol. 1-24, 1865-1875. N. Y., 1864-1875. Vol. I title reads American artizan and patent record. No more published. N. I, New ser. i, [2], 3-19. American Association for the Advancement of jcicncc Proceedings. Y. Vol. i-|- 1848-I- Phil., 1849+ E. i + ; P. i-f; S. i-f; CC. 1-I-; CE, 20, [31], 34, 36+ American Association of Demurrage Officers. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f- 1890-t- v.p., 1890-I- Until May 1908 known as the National Association of Car Service Managers. E. 2nd-ioth, i2th-i3th, i6th- 17th, 19-f- American Association of Manufacturers of Sand- Lime Products See Sand-Lime Brick Association. American Association of Public Accountants. Year-book. Y. 1906-f- N. Y., 1906-I- E. 1912-I- American blacksmith. M. Vol. 1+ 1902 -t- Buffalo, N. Y., 1902-I- E. 2, 4, 6-|-;N. [12], i3-f- American Boiler Manufacturers' Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist+ i889-f-Cleveland, O., 1889-!- CE. 7. American Brass Founders' Association See Ameri- can Institute of Metals. American Brewing Institute. Transactions. M. Vol. 1-5. May 1901- March 1910. N. Y., 1901-1910. No more published. CC. i-s. American Ceramic Society. Transactions. Y. Vol. i-|- 1899-I- Co- lumbus, O., I900-J- CE. 1-I-; E. 1-I-; C. 4-s; CC. 9-10, i2-i- American chemical journal. Q. Vol. 1-50. 1879- 1913. Baltimore, Md., 1879-1913. In 1914 incorporated with the Journal of the American Chemical Society. General index. Vol. i-io. 1879-1888. Baltimore, Md., 1890. General index. Vol. 11-20. 1889-1898. Baltimore, Md., 1899. General index. Vol. 21-50. 1899-1913. Baltimore, Md., 1914. CC. 1-50; C. 1-50; N. i-so; S. 1-4, 6-9, [lo-ii], 28-50; P. 19-50; E. 1-7, [15-17], 21-22, [25-26]. American chemical review. M. Vol. 1-5. 1882- 1885. Chic, 1882-1885. No more information available. CC. [1-3], 4-5; c. 4-5. American Chemical Society. Chemical abstracts. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1907-!- Easton, Pa., 1907-I- Continuation of Review of American chemi- cal research. CC. !-(-; C. i-f; E. i + ; S. i-f-; N. [i], 3+ American Chemical Society. Journal. M. Vol. i-f- 1879-I- N. Y.-Easton, Pa., 1879-t- Vol. i-is published in New York. 1879 has the Proceedings published with the Journal, having separate title page and paging. In 1894 the Journal of analytical and applied chemistry was incorporated with the Journal. In 1914 absorbed the American chemical journal. General index to the Journal, Vol. 1-20, 1879-1898 and to the Proceedings, 1877- 1879. Easton, Pa., 1902. CC. i-h; C. I-f; E. i-h; N. 1-I-; P. I-f; S. I-f-; CE. 1-3, [8, 29], 30, [31], 32, [34]- American Chemical Society. Journal of industrial and engineering chem- istry. M. Vol. i-|- 1909-I- Easton, Pa., 1909+ CC. i-h; C. 1-I-; E. 1-I-; S. I-f ; CE.3. American Chemical Society. Proceedings. Q. Vol. i-f- 1876-f N. Y.- Easton, Pa., 1877 -f Vol. 1-2 (1876-1878) bound separately. 1879+ continued in the Journal. General index to the Journal, Vols, i- 20, 1879-1898 and to the Proceedings, 1877-1879. Easton, Pa., 1902. CC. i-f;C. i-f;E. i-f;N. I-f; P. I-f; S. I-f American Chemical Society. Review of American chemical research. M. Vol. I-I2. 1895-1906. Easton, Pa., 1895- 1906. Vol. 1-7 formed a part of Technology quar- terly Vol. 8-14. Continued as Chemical abstracts. N. 1-12; E. 1-6, 8-12; S. 2-12; CE. 3-7- American chemist. M. Vol. 1-7, no. 10. 1870- 1877. N. Y., 1870- 1877. Vol. 3-4 published in Philadelphia. No more pubUshed. Continuation of Chemical news, authorized American reprint. CC. 1-7; C. 1-7; S. 1-7; E. I, [2], 3-4, I7]; CE. 3-4, 7; N. 1-2, [5]. American city. M. Vol. i-f- 1909+ N. Y., 1909+ C. [5], 6-f ; E. 10-}- American Concrete Institute. Journal. M. Vol. 1+ November 1913+ Phil., 1913+ E. 1 + American contractor. W. Vol. i-f- 1879+ Chic, 1879+ N. [14-15, 17-18, 25, 27, 29-31], 32-t-; E. 3S-i- American distillers' review. M. Vol. 1+ 1911 + N. Y., 1911+ CC. i-f American electric and automobile patents monthly. M. Vol. I, nos. 1-6. 1902. Wash., 1902. No more published. E.I. American Electric Railway Accountants' Associa- tion See American Electric Railway Association. American Electric Railway Association. Aera. M. Vol. i-|- 1912-I- N. Y., 1912-I- E. i-f- American Electric Railway Association. Proceedings. Y. 1911-i- N. Y., 1911-I- Continuation of American Street and Inter- urban Railway Association. Contains also Proceedings of the American Electric Railway Accountants' Association, American Electric Railway Claims Associa- tion, American Electric Railway Transporta- tion and Traffic Association. E. 1911-!-; N. 1908-1911. American Electric Railway Claims Association See American Electric Railway Association. American Electric Railway Transportation and TraflBc Association See American Electric RaDway Association. American Electrical Society. Journal. Irreg. Vol. 1-3. 1875-1880. Chic, 187S-1880. E. 1-2; S. I2-3]. American electrician. M. Vol. 1-17. 1896-1905. N. Y., 1896-1905. Vol. 1-7 title reads Electrical industries. Weekly World's Fair supplement. Vol. I. 1893. Chic, 1893. In 1896 consolidated with Electrical world. E. 1-17; C. 8-17; N. [8], 9-17; S. 9-17. American Electro-Therapeutic Association. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1891-fN. Y., 1891-I- N. 2-5; C. 9-10; E. 14, 16-17. American Electrochemical Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1902-f- Phil.- South Bethlehem, Pa., 1902 -}- Vol. 1-12 published in Philadelphia. Table of contents. Vol. 1-18. 1902- 1910. South Bethlehem, Pa., n.d. General index. Vol. 1-20. 1902-1911. South Bethlehem, Pa., 1913. CC. i + ; CE. i-h; C. I-f; E. I-f; N. i + ; S. 14+ American engineer. W. Vol. 1-23. 1880-1892. Chic, 1880-1892. No more published. CE. 1-23; C. 1-21; N. 2-22; E. 2-21; S. I, [2], 3-6, [9], lO-ii, [12], 13, [14-15], 16-19, [20-22]. American engineer See Railroad advocate. American engineer and railroad journal. M. Vol. 1-87, no. 5. 1832-1913. N. Y., 1832-1913. Vol. 1-6, 18-52 published weekly; Vol. 7-iS published semi-monthly; Vol. 16-17, 57-87 published monthly. Vol. 1-60 title reads American railroad journal. In 1838 Mechanics' magazine and register of inventions and improvements was incor- porated with American railroad journal. In 1887 (Vol. 6i) American railroad journal and Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine consolidated, and the title be- came Railroad and engineering journal. The volume number of American railroad journal is retained. In 1893 (Vol. 67) the title became American engineer and railroad journal. In 1896 the National car and locomotive builder consolidated with American engineer and railroad journal and the title became American engineer, car builder and railroad journal. (Vol. 70-72). In 1913 (Vol. 87, no. 6) became the Mechani- cal edition of Railway age gazette and con- tinued under the title of Railway age gazette. Mechanical edition. N. 1-53, [55], 56-87; CE. 1-40, 61-87; C. 1-6, 7-15, 18-25, 27-28, 61-83; E. 61-87; S. 61-87; P. 69-87. American fertilizer. B-W. Vol. i-f 1894+ Phil., 1894 -f- Published monthly until January 1910. CC. 12-19, 33, 3S + ; E. 16, [17-18], 28-}- American forestry See American Forestry Associa- tion. American forestry. American Forestry Association. American forestry. M. Vol. 1+ 1895 -1- Wash., 1895-h Vol. 1, nos. 1-3 title reads New Jersey forester and is the official organ of the South New Jersey Woodmen's Association. Vol. I, no. 4- Vol. 7 title reads Forester, and 1895-1897 is the official organ of the New Jer- sey Forestry Association. In 1902 absorbed National irrigation, and Vol. 8-14, no. 8 title reads Forestry and irrigation and is the official organ of the American Forestry Association and the National Irrigation Association. Vol. 14, no. 9- Vol. 15 title reads Conserva- tion. P. i-H; N. [i], 3-f ; E. [4], 5+; S. 13 + ; CC. 15-18. American Forestry Association. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-12. 1882-1897. Wash., 1883-1897. No more published. Continued as the Forester. CE. 1897. American Foundrymen's Association. Journal. M. Vol. 1-12. 1896-1904. N. Y., I 896- I 904. Continued as the Transactions. N. [3], 4-6, [7], 8, 11-12; CE. 7-12; E. 9-12. American Foundrymen's Association. Transactions. Y. 1904+ N. Y., 1904+ Continuation of the Journal. CE. 1904+ ; E. 1904+ ; C. 1904- 1905, 1909-1910, 191 2+ ; N. 1904; S. 1911. American Gas Institute. Gas Institute news. M. Vol. i-{- 191 2+ N. Y., 1912+ E. 1 + American Gas Institute, Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1+ 1906+ N. Y., 1907+ Formed by the union of the American Gas Light Association, the Ohio Gas Light Asso- ciation and the Western Gas Association. CC. I + ; CE. i + ; E. 1 + ; S. i + ; C. 2+ American Gas Light Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. Vol. 1-22. 1873-1905. N. Y., 1875-1905. In 1906 united with Ohio Gas Light Associa- tion and Western Gas Association to form the American Gas Institute. CC. 1-22; CE. 1-22; E. 1-22; S. 1-22; N. [i], 2-7, [8], [11], 12-22. American gas light journal. W. Vol. i-|- 1859+ N. Y., 1859-1- N. 1-33, [44-53], S4-6i, 64+; C. 1-3, 8-24, 26-I-; E. 12, 14-67, 69-I-; CE. [17-19, 21-26], 27, [28- 29], 3036, [37], 38-62, [63], 64-1- ; CC. [10], II, [12-13], 14-191 [20], 21-24, [25-26], 27-29, [30], 31-34, [35-36, 68-69], 70-1- ; S. 45, [53], 54-56, [57], 58-59, [60-64], 65, [66-67], 68-69, [70-71], 72 + American Geographical and Statistical Society See American Geographical Society. American Geographical Society. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-2. 1852-1856. N. Y., 1852-1857. No more published. N. 1-2. American Geographical Society. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-+- 1859-!- N. Y., 1859-f- From Vol. 10-32 (1878-1900) the numbers published separately as Bulletin appear in annual volume with collective title Journal. N. I-I-; E. [1-2], 3, 6-8, 10-32, [33, 35, 38-40]; S. 30-35, [36-37], 38-1- American Geographical Society. Journal. Y. Vol. 1-32. 1859-1900. N. Y., 1859-1900. Vol. 10-32 contain the Bulletin, 1878-1900. With Vol. 33 (190 1) the title page reading Journal was discontinued and the publication appeared only as the Bulletin. N. r-32; E. [1-2], 3, 6-8, 10-32; S. 30-32; CE. [i]. American geologist. M. Vol. 1-36. 1888-1905, Minneapolis, Minn., 1888-1905. From 1906 continued as Ek:onomic geology. General index. Vol. 1-36. 1888-1905. Dubuque, Iowa, 1905. E. 1-36; N. [i, 12, 14], 18-36. American industries. M. Vol. i^- 1902-f N. Y., 1902 -|- C. 3, 6-10, 12-H; E. [7-8], 9-I-; S. 8-10. American Institute of Architects. Journal. M. Vol. i-f- 1913-I- Harrisburg, Pa., 1913-I- Continuation of the Quarterly bulletin of the American Institute of Architects. E. i-f-; S. 1+ American Institute of Architects. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. Vol. i-l- 1867-I- v.p., 1867-I- N. i-f ; CE. I, 4, 6-f ; E. 31-37, 39+; P- 27-33, 35; S. 39-f American Institute of Architects. Quarterly bulletin. Q. Vol. 1-13, no. 3. 1900-1912. Wash., 1900-1912. Discontinued October 1912. Continued as the Journal of the American Institute of Architects. E. [1-2], 3-13; CE. 1-12; N. 1-12; S. 8-13. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1908-I- N. Y., 1908 -f CC. 1-I-; CE. i + ; C. i-h; E. i + ; P. 1-I-; S. 2. American Institute of Consulting Engineers. Report of the annual meeting. Y. 191 2. N. Y., 1912. No reports published since 1912. Made in multigraph form only. CE. 1912. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. M. Vol. 1+ 1887 -f- N. Y., 1887+ From 1887-1904 monthly and yearly pub- lications known as Transactions. Publications including contents of Transactions and index of authors. Vol. 1-29. 1884-1910. N. Y., n.d. E. 1-I-; S. 11-14, 26-f ; N. 24-I-; CE. 2S-f-; CC. 24-29, [30-31], 32+ American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. i+ 1884+ N. Y., 1884+ From 1887-1904 both monthly and yearly publications known as Transactions. Publications including contents of Transactions and index of authors. Vol. 1-29. 1884-1910. N. Y., n.d. Index to Transactions. Vol. 1-2. 1884- 1910. N. Y., 1913. CE. i+;E. i + ;N. i + ;P. i+; S. i + ;C. 1-2,4+; CC.S+ American Institute of Metals. Bulletin. Irreg. No. 1+ 1910+ Buffalo, N. Y., 1910+ Known as the American Brass Founders' Association until 19 12. E. 1 + American Institute of Metals. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1908+ Buffalo, N. Y., 1908+ Known as the American Brass Founders ' Association until 1912. E.i + ;N.i + ;CE.i + ;CC.3+; C.4+ American Institute of Mining Engineers. Bulletin. M. No. 1+ 1905+ N. Y., 1905+ Nos. 1-24 known as Bi-monthly bulletin. CE. I + ; CC. i + ; E. i+; N. 6-10, 12, 16-18, 25-26, 29-34, 38-48, sc 52-60; C. 49+ American Institute of Mining Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. i-f 1871+ N.Y., 1871 + Index. Vol. 1-5. 1871-1877 in Vol. 5. Easton, Pa., 1877. Index. Vol. i-io. N. Y., 1888. Contents and general index. Vol. 1-15. 1871-1888. N. Y.. 1888. Contents and general index. Vol. 1-20, 1871-1892. 2 pts. in I vol. N. Y., n.d. Contents and index. Vol. 1-25. 1888- 1897. N. Y., n.d. Contents and index. Vol. 1-30. 1888- 1902. 4 pts. in I vol. N. Y., n.d. General alphabetical and analytical index. Vol. 1-35. 1871-1904. N. Y., 1907. General alphabetical and analytical index. Vol. 36-40. 1905-1909. N. Y., 1910. CC.i+;CE.i + ;C.i+;E.i + ; P. i + ;S. 1,3, 5+ American inventor. M. Vol. i-io (?) 1878- 1887 (?) Cincinnati, O., 1878-1887 (?) N. [3, 5-7]. American inventor. M. Vol. 1-16 (?) 1898- 1907 (?) Washington, D. C, 1898-1907 (?) Vol. 1-2, no. 6 title reads Age of invention and American inventor. Published semi-monthly until June 1905. Popular science news consolidated with American inventor in January 1903. Ceased publication. N. [2-4], 5-15, [16]; E. [5], 6-16; CE. 6-8, [9]. American Iron and Steel Association. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-46. 1866-1912. Phil.. 1866-1912. Combined with the American Iron and Steel Institute in 1913. C. 1-46; CE. I, 6-4s; E. 14-46; N. [7], 16-46; CC. 37-40. American Iron and Steel Association. Statistics of the American and foreign iron trades; annual statistical report. Y. 1868- 1912. Phil., 1868-1913. Reports for 1871-1873 title reads Report of the Secretary. Report for 1874 the annual report and the statistical report have separate title pages. Report for 187s title reads American iron trade in 1876; annual report to 1876. N. 1871, 1874-I-; CE. 1871, 1874+; E. 1873-^; C. 1871, 1873-1874, 1876-1877, 1880-1905; S. 1902, 1905, 1907. American Iron and Steel Institute. Monthly bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1913+ N. Y., 1913-+- E. I-}- American Iron and Steel Institute. Statistical bureau. Statistical bulletin. M. No. 1+ 1913-I- Phil., 1913+ E. 1 + American journal of mathematics. Q. Vol. 1 + 1878+ Baltimore, 1878+ N. i-l-;E. 2-6, 8+ American journal of mining See Engineering and mining journal. American journal of public hygiene See American Public Health Association. American journal of public hygiene. American journal of railway appliances See Journal of railway appliances and railway price. American journal of science. M. Vol. 1-50, 1818- 1845; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-50, 1846-1870; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-50, 1871-1895; Ser. 4, Vol. 1+ 1896+ New Haven, 1818-I- From 1820-1879 title reads American journal of science and arts. Commonly called Silliman's journal of science. General index. Ser. i. Vol. 1-49 in Vol. 50. New Haven, 1847. General index. Ser. 2, Vol. i-io in Vol. 10. New Haven, 1850. General index. Ser. 2, Vol. 11-20 in Vol. 20. New Haven, 1855. General index. Ser. 2, Vol. 21-30 in Vol. 30. New Haven, i860. General index. Ser. 2, Vol. 31-40 in Vol. 40. New Haven, 1865. General index. Ser. 2, Vol. 41-50 in Vol. 50. New Haven, 1870. General index. Ser. 3, Vol. i-io in Vol. 10. New Haven, 1875. General index. Ser. 3, Vol. 11-20 in Vol.20. New Haven, 1880. General index. Ser. 3, Vol. 21-30. New Haven, 1886. American journal of science (Continned) General index. Ser. 3, Vol. 31-40. New Haven, 1890. General index. Ser. 3, Vol. 41-50. New Haven, 1896. General index. Ser. 4, Vol. i-io. New Haven, 1900. General index. Ser. 4, Vol. 11-20. New Haven, 1906. General index. Ser. 4, Vol. 21-30. New Haven, 1911. C. i-i-; E. i + ; N. i-f ; P. i-h; S. i-f; CC. Ser. i, 1-4, [6], 8-9, [11], 12-13, [15], 16-48, [49], so, Ser. 2, 1-22, [23], 24-!-; CE. Ser. i, 28-33, Ser. 2, 11-20. American Leather Chemists' Association. Journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1906-I- Easton, Pa., 1906 -|- CC.i-f;C.7+ American machinist. W- Vol. 1+ 1877+ N. Y., 1877 + P. 2+; N. [2], 3, [4], 5-18, [19], 20+; E. 3-I-; C. 2-32, [33], 35-H; S. [2-5], 6-7, [8], 9, [10], 11-13, [14], IS+; CE. [1-4], 5, [6], 33+ American magazine of aeronautics See Aero- nautics. American magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge. M. Vol. 1-3. 1834-1837. Bost., 1834- 1837. No more published (?). N. 1-3; E. 2. American manufacturer and iron world See Steel and iron. American Manufacturers' Export Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-|- 1910+ N. Y., 1910-t- E. 3rd-4th. American marine engineer. M. Vol. i-|- i9o6-(- Chic, 1906-f- N.[i], 2-|-;E.[2],3-f- American Mathematical Society. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ October 1894-I- N. Y., 1894+ Continuation of the Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society. General index. Vol. 1-13. 1891-1904. N. Y., 1904. Contains also index for the Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society, 1 891 -1894. C. i-f ; S. 1-8, [9], lo-h; CE. i2-f- American Mathematical Society. Transactions. Q. Vol. 1+ 1900-t- N. Y., 1900 -(- Index. Vol. 1-5 in Vol. 5. P. i + ; CE. 7-f American mechanic. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-4. 1876. N. Y., 1876. No more information available. E. [i]. American mechanics' magazine. W. Vol. 1-2. 1825-1826. N. Y., 1825-1826. Continued as the Franklin journal and Amer- ican mechanics' magazine, which later be- came the Journal of the Franklin Institute. N. 1-2. American metal market and daily iron and steel report. D. Vol. i-f- 1883 -f N. Y,, 1883-!- N. [ro-i6]. American Metrological Society. Bulletin. 1873-1874,1878. N. Y., 1873-1878. No more information available. CE. 1874, 1878. American Metrological Society. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1-5. 1873-1885. N. Y., 1880-1885. Issued also in one volume, Proceedings, Vol. I -5, from its foundation to the close of its isth year, 1873-1888. N. Y., 1889. E. 1-3. American miller. M. Vol. i-|- 1873+ Chic, 1873+ E. 14+; N. [9, 11], 16, [17], 18-21, [22-23], 24+ American mineralogical journal. Irreg. Vol. i. 1810-1813. N. Y., 1814. No more published. N. American Mining Congress. Mining Congress journal. M. Vol. i-|- 1915-1- Denver, Colo., 1915-!- Continuation of the Monthly bulletin. E. I-I- American Mining Congress. Monthly bulletin. M. Vol. 13-16, no. 3. i9!io-March 1913. Denver, Colo., 1910-1913. Year_ 1910 is the first year of publication and is given the same volume number as the Report of the proceedings for that year. Discontinued in March 1913. Continued as Mining Congress journal be- ginning in 191S. CE. 13-16; E. 13-16; C. 16. American Mining Congress. Report of the proceedings of the annual session. Y. ist-f- 1898-I- Denver, Colo., 1898. No meeting held in 1899. C. 6-f-; E. 6-1- ; N. 6-8, io-|-; CE. 6-14. American mining gazette and geological magazine. Vol. 1-5 (?). 1864-1868 (?). N. Y., 1864-1868 (?). Probably ceased publication in 1868. N. [1-2]. American mining index. Vol. 1-6. 1864-1867. N. Y., 1864-1867. Vol. r title reads Pacific index. No more information available. N. [3-5]. American mining news. W. Vol. 1-9. 1899-1904. N. Y., 1899-1904. Consolidated with Journal for investors. E. [1-6]. American motorist. M. Vol, i+ 1909+ N. Y., 1909+ C.[3],4+ American Paper and Pulp Association. Report of proceedings. Y. ist-25th. 1878- 1902. v.p., 1878-1902. Later proceedings are published as a supple- ment to the Paper trade journal. CE. 21. American Peat Society. Journal. Q. Vol. 1+ 1908+ Toledo, O., 1908+ CC. i + ;E. i + ;S. 1-3, [4], S+; CE.[2),3+;N.[i-3],4,l5]. American perfumer and essential oil review. M. Vol. 1+ 1906+ N. Y., 1906+ CC. [2-3], 5+ American Philosophical Society. Early proceedings. 1744-1838. Compiled by one of the Secretaries from manuscript minutes of its meetings. Phil., 1884. C.;E.;N. American Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Q. Vol. 1+ 1838+ Phil., 1840+ Memorial volume. Vol. i. Phil., 1900. Register of papers published in the Transactions, 1 768-1878, and Proceed- ings, 1 838-1 883. Phil., 1 881. Subject register of papers published in the Transactions, 1768-1888, and Pro- ceedings, 1 838-1 888. Phil., 1889. General index to the Proceedings. Vol. 1-50. 1838-1911. Phil., 191 2. E. 1-I-; N. i + ; C. 1-43, 45+; CC. 8-f-; CE. 13-14, 16; S. 16-17. American Philosophical Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-6, 1769-1809; New ser. Vol. i-f i8i8-|- Phil., 1786-I- No publication was issued from 1810-1817. Register of papers published in the Transactions. Old ser. Vol. 1-6; New ser. Vol. 1-15. Phil., 1884. N. 1-6, New ser. i + ; E. 1-6, New ser. 1-15; P. 6, New ser. 4; C. New ser. 20-21; CE. New ser. [12]. Americcm Physical Society. Bulletin. Q. Vol. 1-3, no. i. 1899-1902. Ithaca, N. Y., 1899-1902. No more published. C. 1-3; N. 1-3; E. 1-2. American Pig Iron Manufacturers' Association. Annual convention. Y. 1872. Phil., 1872. No more information available. CE. 1872. American Pig Iron Manufacturers' Association. Proceedings and statistics. 1872-1873. Phil., 1872-1873. No more information available. CE. 1872-1873. American polytechnic journal See Greenough's American polji;echnic journal. American Public Health Association. American journal of public hygiene. Q. Vol. 1-20. 1891-1910. Bost., 1891-1910. No more published. Continued as the Journal. CE. 18-20. American Public Health Association. Journal. Q. New ser. Vol. 1-2, no. 3. 1911- 1912. Columbus, 1911-1912. Continuation of the American journal of public hygiene. Continued as the American journal of public health. CE. I. American Public Works Association. Proceedings at the convention. Y. ist-7th (?). 1905-1911 (?). Atlanta, Ga., 1905- 19" (?)• No longer in existence. CE. 2; E. 2. American railroad journal See American engineer and railroad journal. American Railway Association. Proceedings. S-A. Vol. 1-}- i886-|- N. Y., 1886-I- The volume of 1886- 1893 contains an ap- pendix of the Proceedings of the General Time convention, 1872-188S and of the Southern Railway Time convention, 1877- i88s. In 1886 the Southern Railway Time con- vention united with the General Time con- vention and in 1891 the convention became the American Railway Association. CE. i-|-;E. 1-I-; C. i-s;N. 1-5. American Railway Association. Statistical bulletin. Irreg. No. i-f July 1907-f N. Y., 1907-I- Odd numbers are Comparative statements of car surpluses and shortages. Even numbers are Statements of freight car balance and performance. Supplements are issued occasionally. E. 52-57, 59-61, 63, 68-69, 79+ American Railway Bridge and Building Associa- tion. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-H 1891 -j- Concord, N.H., 1891 -H ist-4th title reads Proceedings of the annual meeting of the American International Association of Railway Superintendents of Bridges and Buildings. Until 1908 known as the Association of Railway Superintendents of Bridges and Buildings. CE. i-f;N. 2-|-;E. 7H- American Railway Engineering and Maintenance- of-Way Association See American Railway Engi- neering Association. American Railway Engineering Association. Bulletin. M. Nos. i-f igoo-f- Chic, 1900-I- Until April 191 1 known as the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of- way Association. No. I is called Vol. 2, no. i being Vol. 2 of the publication of the Association. CE. I, 28-f ; E. 1, 29, 41, 93-133, 135-142, 144-154, 156+ American Railway Engineering Association. Manual. Irreg. Ed. i-|- igos+ Chic, 1905 + 1st edition was published in 1905. and edition was published in 1907. Supplements were published in Bulletins 79 and 103. E. Ed. 3, 191 1. American Railway Engineering Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. Vol. 1+ 1900+ Chic, 1900+ Until April 191 1 known as the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of- way Association. CE. i + ; E. 1-9, 11 + ; C. 10+; N. 1-4, 6, 8-11. American Railway Master Mechanics' Associa- tion. Report of the proceedings of the annual convention. Y. Vol. 1+ 1868+ v.p., 1868+ 1868-1874, 1876-1880 title reads Annual report. General index to the Annual reports. Vol. 1-23. 1868-1890. Newark, N. J., 1890. Index. Vol. 1-33. 1868-1900. Chic, 1 901. CE. i + ; E. I+; N. 1-2, 4-5, 7+;S.364- American Railway, Mechanical and Electrical Association. Report of the annual convention. Y. ist- 3rd. 1903-1905. Detroit, Mich., 1903-1905. From 1906 continued as American Street and Interurban Railway Association. E. 2-3. American railway review. W. Vol. 1-6. 1859- 1862. N. Y., 1859-1862. N. 1-4, [5-6]; E. 1-2. American repertory of arts, sciences, and manu- facturers. M. Vol. 1-4. 1840-1842. N. Y., 1840- 1842. No more information available. S. 1-4; N. [2-4]. American Road Builders' Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-H 1904+ N. Y., 1904-1- Previous to 191 1 published in Good roads. CE. 8th; E. 8th. American shoemaking. W. Vol. 1+ 1901-t- Bost., 1901-f- N. [28-29, 32]. American soap journal and manufacturing chemist. M. Vol. 1-17. 1890-1907. Chic-Milwaukee, 1890-1907. Vol. i-io published in Chicago. No more published. N. 8-17. American Society for Testing Materials. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. Vol. i-f 1899 -h Phil., 1899-1- Vol. I title reads Bulletin of the Interna- tional Association for Testing Materials. American section. Until June 1902 known as the American section of the International Association for Testing Materials. Index to Proceedings. Vol. 1-12. 1898- 1912. Phil., 1913. CC. i-h; CE. i + ; E. i-f-; N. i-f ; P. 1-I-; C. 2 + ; S. 2-6,8-9, II- American Society for Testing Materials. Yearbook. Y. 1910+ Phil., 1910-+- Year 191 2 bound with the Proceedings. CE. 1910-I-; E. 1910-I-; CC. 1910-f- American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. i-|- 1907-I- Ames, Iowa, 1907-f- E. I-f ; CE. 1-4; S. 1-4. American Society of Brewing Technology. Journal. M. Vol. 1-2. December 1908- September 1910; Vol. i-|- October 1910-I- Chic, i9o8-f From December 1908-September 1910 known as the Society of Brewing Technology. In 1908 the Zymotechnica Association and the Society of Brewing Technology published a combined volume. CC. [i], 2, i-h; E. [2], [1-2]. American Society of Civil Engineers. Bulletin. Irreg. No. 1-69. 1892-1895. N. Y., 1892-1895. No more published. CE. 1-69. American Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. 10 nos. Y. 1873-)- N. Y., 1873+ CE. i-}-;C. i-t-;E.i-l-;N. i + ; P. I-f; S. 1-22, 27, 31-I-; CC. 2-7, 9. American Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. Q. Vol. i-f- 1867 -f N. Y., 1872-1- Vol. 39-30 contain the papers read before Division A (Civil Engineering) of the Inter- national Engineering Congress, Chicago, 1893. Vol. 54 Pts. A-F contain the papers and dis- cussions of the International Engineering Congress, St. Louis, 1904. Index. Vol. i-io. n.p., n.d. Index. Vol. 1-21. 1868-1889. N. Y., 1890. Index. Vol. 1-34. 1890-1896. 3 Vols. N. Y., 1890-1896. Index. Vol. 1-45. 1867-1901. N. Y., 1901. Index. Vol. 46-59. 1901-1907. N. Y., 1908. Index. Vol. 1-74. 1867-1911. N. Y., 1912. CE. i + ;E. I-f-; P. i-f; S. i + ; N. 1-58, 60-1- ; C. 1-68, 70+; CC. 5-10, 12, 27+ American Society of Engineer Draftsmen. Journal. See Technical League of America. Journal. American Society of Engineering Contractors. Engineering contractor. M. VoLi-f 1913-f N. Y., 1913-f Continuation of the Journal. E. 1 + American Society of Engineering Contractors. Journal. 10 nos. Y. Vol. 1-5, no. 6. 1909- 1913. N. Y., 1909-1913. Continued as Engineering contractor. CE. I-5;E.[2],3-5;C.[4],5• American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1895 -f- N. Y., 1895 + C. I-f; E. I-f; S. 5+; CE. 9-f lO American Society of Irrigation Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-2, no. 3. 1892- 1897. Denver, Colo., 1892-1897. 1892-1893 called Annual. 189s, (Vol. 2, nos. 1-2) called Quarterly. No more information available. CE. 1-2; P. I. American Society of Marine Draftsmen. Journal. Q. Vol. 1+ April 1914+ Wash- ington, D. C, 1914+ E. 1 + Ameiican Society of Mechanical Engineers. Journal. M. Vol. 28+ 1906+ N. Y., 1906+ From October 1906-June 1908 title reads Proceedings. Volume number is the same as the volume number of Transactions. CE. 28+; E. 28+; S. 28+; N. 28+; C. [301,31 + American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1880+ N. Y., 1880+ Contents and general index. Vol. 1-5. 1880-1884 in Vol. 5. N. Y., 1884. Contents and general index. Vol. i-io. 1880-1890 in Vol. 10. N. Y., 1890. Contents and general index. Vol. 1-15. 1880-1894 in Vol. 15. N. Y., 1894. Contents and general index. Vol. 1-20. 1880-1899. N. Y., 1899. General index to the Transactions. Vol. 1-25. 1880-1904 in Vol. 27. N. Y., 1906. General index to the Transactions. Vol. 1-35. 1880-1913. (In preparation). CE. i + ;C. i + ;E. i + ;N. i + ; P. i + ; S. i + ; CC. i-ii, 15 + American Society of Mxmicipal Improvements. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist+ 1894+ Milwaukee, 1894+ In 1913 incorporated the Association for Standardizing Paving Specifications. CE. ist-i8th; N. 2nd, 4th-i8th; E. 2nd, 4th-7th, I2th-i4th, i6th, i8th; C. 2nd, 4th-i3th, isth. American Society of Naval Engineers. Journal. Q. Vol. 1+ 1899+ Wash., 1899+ General index. Vol. 1-16. 1889-1904. Wash., 1905. CE. i+;E. i + ;N. i + ;S.[2-3], 4, [5], 6, [7, 9], 10, [11], 12-13, [14-15], i6-f American Society of Railroad Superintendents. Proceedings of the meeting. Y. ist-|- i88i-f- Bost., 1881 + From 1881-October 1886 known as the Association of American Railroad Super- intendents. From October 1886-October 1889 known as the Association of North American Railroad Superintendents. CE. i7th-i8th, 20th-22nd, 25th. American Society of Refrigerating Engineers. A. S. R. E. journal. B-M. Vol. i-|- Novem- ber 1914+ N. Y., 1914+ E. i-l- American Society of Refrigerating Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1905+ N. Y., 190S+ E. i-f American Society of Swedish Engineers. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1906-!- Brooklyn, N. Y., 1906+ E.[3,6],7+;N.[3]. American stone trade. M. Vol. 1+ 1902-!- Chic, 1902+ From 1902-1906 published as the Stone edition of Rock products and building ma- terials. N. 5+: CE. 7+ American Street and Interurban Railway Ac- countants' Association See American Street and Interurban Railway Association. American Street and Interurban Railway Associa- tion. Proceedings. Y. 1906-1910. N. Y., 1906- 1910. Formerly American Street Railway Associa- tion. Contains also the Proceedings of the Amer- ican Street and Interurban Railway Engi- neering Association, American Street and Interurban Railway Accountants' Associa- tion, Street Railway Claim Agents' Associa- tion of America, American Street and Interurban Railway Transportation and Traffic Association. In 1910 name of Society changed to Ameri- can Electric Railway Association. E. 1906-1910; N. 1908-1910. American Street and Interurban Railway Engi- neering Association See American Street and Interurban Railway Association. American Street and Interurban Railway Trans- portation and Traffic Association See American Street and Interurban Railway Association. American Street Railway Association. Report of the annual meeting. Y. 1-24. 1882-1905. v.p., 1882-1905. From 1882-1897 title reads Verbatim report. From 190S continued as American Street and Interurban Railway Association. CE. I, 3-24; E. I, 3-24; N. 18, 20, 22-24. American street railway investments See McGraw electric railway manual. American sugar industry See Sugar. American syren and shipping illustrated See Shipping illustrated. American telephone journal. W. Vol. 1-18, no. 9. 1900-1908. N. Y., 1900-1908. In February 1908 incorporated Sound waves. In 1908 combined with Telephony. N. [2], 3-18; E. [2-4], S-18; C. 9-18. American Train Dispatchers' Association See Train Dispatchers' Association. American vanadium facts. M. Vol. 1+ 1911-!- Pittsburg, 1911-!- E. i-H IZ American vehicle. M. Vol. 1-21. 1888-1908. Phil., 1888-1908. Ceased publication. N. 18-20, [21]. American Water Works Association. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1+ i88i-f- v.p.. 1881 + From 1883-1902 title reads Report of Pro- ceedings. E. i-f ; CE. 2-f ; N. 4-5, i9+; C. 6, 12, 20+; S. 6-20. American Wood Preservers' Association. Proceedings of the annual meetings. Y. Nos. 1+ 190S+ v.p., 1905-1- From 1906-1912 known as Wood Preservers' Association. No proceedings issued for 1908. CE. 1-3, S+; E. 2+; N. 6-1- American Wood Preservers' Association. Wood-preserving. Q. Vol. i-f 1914+ Baltimore, Md., 1914+ Vol. I (1914) title reads Wood preservers' bulletin. E. i-l- Amsterdam. Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen. Jaarboek. Y. 1857 -f- Amsterdam, 1858-1- CC. 1901-1906, 1908-1911. Anales de construcciones civiles, minas e industrias del Peru, Irreg. Ser. i. Vol. 1-6, 1880-1887; Ser. 2, Vol. I, 1901. Lima, 1880-1901. No more information available. CE. Ser. i, 1-6, Ser. 2, i; E. Ser. I, 1-6, Ser. 2, i. Anales de ingenieria See Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros. Anales de ingenieria. Anales de minas. Vol. 1-4. 1838-1846. Madrid, 1841-1846. No more published. N. 1-4. Anales Mexicanos. W. Vol. i, nos. 1-31. 1904. Mexico, 1904. No more information available. E.I. Analyst See Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. Analyst. Annalen der chemie See Liebig's annalen der chemie. Annalen der elektrotechnik. S-M. Vol. 1-5. 1906-1910. Lpz., 1906-1910. No more published. Consolidated with Elektrotechnische aus- kunft in 1911. E. 1-5. Annalen der hydrographie imd maritimen meteor- ologie. M. Vol. i-f 1873 -|- Ber., 1873-}- Vol. 1-3 title reads Hydrographische mittheil- ungen. Sach- und namen-register. 1873-1888. Ber., 1889. N. 25-h; E. 38-t- Annalen der pharmacie See Archiv der pharmacie. Annalen der pharmacie See Liebig's annalen der chemie. Annalen der physik. M. Vol. 1-62. 1799-1818. Edited by L. W. Gilbert. Halle a S., 1799^1818. Continuation of Journal der physik. Continued as Annalen der physik und der physikalischen chemie. E. 1-62; N. 1-62. Annalen der physik. M. Ser. 4, Vol. i + 1900-I- Lpz., 1900-I- Continuation of Annalen der physik und chemie. CC. I-f; E. 1-I-; N. 1-I-; S. i-j- Annalen der physik. Beiblatter. M. Vol. i-|- 1877 -f Lpz., 1877- Vol. r-23 title reads Beiblatter zu den Annalen der physik und chemie. Namenregister. Vol. 1-15. 1877-1891. Lpz., 1893. Namenregister. Vol. 16-30. 1892-1906. Lpz., 1909. CC. I-f; E. i+; S. 1-13. Annalen der physik und chemie. M. Vol. 77-236, 1824-1877. Edited by J. G. Poggendorff. New ser. Vol. 1-69, 1877-1899. Edited by G. and G. E. Wiedemann. Lpz., 18 24-1 899. Continuation of Annalen der physik und der physikalischen chemie. Continued as Annalen der physik. Erganzungsband. Vol. 1-8. Lpz., 1842- 1878. Jubelband. Lpz., 1874. Sach- imd namen-register. Vol. 1-76. 1799-1824. Lpz., 1826. Namen- und sach-register. Vol. 1-120. Erganzungsband. Vol. 2-4. 3 Pts. in I v. Lpz., 1845-1865. Namen-register. Vol. 1-150. Erganzungsband. Vol. 1-6, nebst Jubelband, und sach-register. Vol. 121- 150. Erganzungsband. Vol. 5-6, nebst Jubelband. 1824-1874. Lpz., 1875. Sachregister. Poggendorff'sche folge. Vol. 1-160. Erganzungsband. Vol. 1-8, und Jubelband. 1824-1877. Lpz., 1888. Namenregister. Vol. 151-160. 1874- 1877, nebst Erganzungsband, Vol. 7-8 der Poggendorff'schen reihe und zu Vol. 1-50, 1877-1893 der reihe von Wiedemann. Lpz., 1894. Sachregister. Vol. 1-50. 1877-1893. Lpz., 1897. E. 77-236, New ser. 1-69; N. 77- 236, New ser. 1-69; CC. 77-84, 108-115, [116], 176-178, New ser. 1-69; S. 77-106, 137-236, New ser. 1-16, 18, 20-69. Annalen der physik und der physikalische chemie. M. Vol. 63-76. 1819-1824. Edited by L. W. Gilbert. Halle a S., 1819-1824. Continuation of Annalen der physik. Continued as Annalen der physik und chemie. E. 63-76; N. 63-76. 12 Annalen fiir gewerbe iind bauwesen. S-M. Vol. i + 1877+ Ber., 1877+ , , Also known as Glaser s annalen mr gewerbe und bauwesen. Supplement. Literaturblatt. E. i + ; N. [18-39], 40+; CE. [59], 60+ Annales de chimie See Annates da chimie et de physique. Annales de chimie analytique et revue de chimie analytique. M. Vol. 1+ 1896-f- Par., 1896+ N. i + ; CC. 1-2, 13-16, [17-18]. Annales de chimie et de physique. M. Ser. i, Vol. 1-96, 1789-1815; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-78, 1816-1840; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-69, 1841-1863; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-30, 1864- 1873; Ser. 5, Vol. 1-30, 1874-1883; Ser. 6, Vol. 1-30, 1884-1893; Ser. 7, Vol. 1-30, 1894-1903; Ser. 8, Vol. 1-30, 1904-1913; Ser. 9, Vol. i-f- 1914+ Par., 1 789-1- Vol. 1-96 (1789-181S) title reads Annales de chimie. In 1914 (Ser. 9) formed two separate publi- cations: Annales de chimie and Annales de physique. Tables des matiSres. Ser. i. Vol. 1-96. 1789-1816. 3 Vols. Par., 1801-1821. Tables des matiferes. Ser. 2. Vol. 1-78. 1817-1840. 3 Vols. Par., 1831-1840. Table g6nerale raisonn6e de mati^res. Ser. 3. Vol. 1-30. Par., 1851. Table analytique des matieres. Ser. 3. Vol. 31-69. 1851-1863. Par., 1866. Table analytique des matieres. Ser. 4. Vol. 1-30. 1864-1873. Par., 1874. Table analytique des matidres. Ser. 5. Vol. 1-30. 1874-1883. Par., 1885. Table analytique des matieres. Ser. 6. Vol. 1-30. 1884-1893. Par., 1895. Table analytique des matiSres. Ser. 7. Vol. 1-30. 1894-1903. Par., 1911. E. i-H; N. 1-I-; S. i + ; CC. Ser. i. 1-6, 8-12, 14-19; Ser. 2, [72]. Ser. 3, [8, 12], 22, [23-24], 25-26, 37, [38-39], 40, [41-42I, 49-57; Ser. s, 16-21; Ser. 6, 7-15; Ser. 7, 1 + Annales de 1 'electricity. W. Vol. 1-3. 1882-1J Bruxelles, 1882-1884. No more information available. E. 1-3. Annales de physique. See Annales de chimie et de physique. Annales des arts et manufacturers. M. Vol. 1-56, 1800-1815; Col. 2, Vol. i-s, 1815-1817. Par., 1800- 1817. Table des matieres. Vol. 1-26. 1800- 1808. Par., 1808. Table des matiSies. Vol. 1-56. 1800- 1815. Par., 1815. N. 1-56, Col. 2, 1-5. Annales des mines. M. Vol. 1-38; Ser. i, Vol. 1-13, 1816-1826; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-8, 1827-1830; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-20, 1832-1841; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-20, 1842-1851; Ser. 5, Vol. 1-20, 1852-1861; Ser. 6, Vol. 1-20, 1862- 1871; Ser. 7, Vol. 1-20, 1872-1881; Ser. 8, Vol. 1-20, 1882-1891; Ser. 9, Vol. 1-20, 1892-1901; Ser. 10, Vol. 1-20, 1902-1911; Ser. II, Vol. i-j- 1912-+- Par., 1795-t- 1795-18 IS title reads Journal des mines. Published in 2 parts namely: M6moires and Partie administrative. Table alphab6tique et analytique des matieres. Ser. i. Vol. 1-28. 1795-1810. Par., 1813. Table alphab6tique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 1-2, Vol. 39-59. 1816- 1830. Par., 1831. Table alphab^tique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 3, Vol. 60-79. 1832-1841. Par., 1847. Table alphab^tique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 4, Vol. 80-99. 1842- 1851. Par., 1852. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 5, Vol. 100-119. 1852- 1861. Par., 1868. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 6, Vol. 120-139. 1862- 1871. Par., 1873. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 7, Vol. 140-159. 1872- 1881. Par., 1882. Table alphabetique et analytique des matiSres. Ser. 8, Vol. 160-179. 1882- 1891. Par., 1893. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres. Ser. 9, Vol. 180-199. 1892- 1901. Par., 1904. Table alphabetique et analytique des matifires. Ser. 10. 1902-19x1. Par., E. Ser. i + ;N. Ser. i-|-; C. Ser. 2+; CC. Ser. 7, 15-20, Ser. 8, 1-20, Ser. 9, 1-8, 10, 15-20, Ser. 10, 1-14, 17-20, Ser. II, i-i-; CE. Ser. 3, 19-20. Annales des mines, partie administrative, ou recueil de lois, d^crets, arrfites et autres actes. M. Ser. 5, Vol. i-io, 1852-1861; Ser. 6, Vol. i-io, 1862- 1871; Ser. 7, Vol. i-io, 1872-1881; Ser. 8, Vol. i-io, 1882-1891; Ser. 9, Vol. i-io, 1892-1901; Ser. 10, Vol. i-io, 1902-1911; Ser. 11, Vol. 1+ 1912-f- Par., i852-f Annales des mines is published in 2 parts namely: M6moires and Partie administra- tive. They have been published separately since 1852, but both have the same series and volume number. C. Ser. s-f; E. Ser. s-|-; N. Ser. 5-f ; CC. Ser. 7, 8-10, Ser. 8, i-io, Ser. 9, 1-4, 8-IO, Ser. 10, 2, 9-10, Ser. II, I -h Annales des mines de Belgique. Q. Vol. 1 + 1896-f- Bruxelles, 1896-I- Tables generales. Vol. i-io. 1896-1905. Bruxelles, 1906. c. 1-7, 9-1 s;E. [81,9-1- 13 Annales des ponts et chauss^es. Lois, d^crets, arretes. Irreg. Ser. i, Vol. i-io, 1831-1840; Ser. 2, Vol. i-io, 1841- 1850; Ser. 3, Vol. I-IO, 1851-1860; Ser. 4, Vol. I-IO, 1861-1870; Ser. 5, Vol. i-io, 1871- 1880; Ser. 6, Vol. i-io, 1881-1890; Ser. 7, Vol. I-IO, 1891-1900; Ser. 8, Vol. i-io, 1901- 1910; Ser. 9, Vol. i-j- 191 1 -|- Par., 1831-!- Tables g^ndrales. Ser. 1-8. 1831-1910. 9 Vols. Par., 1831-1911. C. Ser. I, i + ; N. Ser. 1-6, Ser. 7, 1-6; CE. Ser. i, [10], Ser. 2, i, 5-6, [7], 8, Ser. 3, [i, 9], 10, Ser. 4, 6, 8-10, Ser. 5-7, Ser. 8, 10, Ser. 9, I -f ; E. Ser. 6, 9, Ser. 7, [7], Ser. 8, [8], 9-10, Ser. 9, 1 + Annales des ponts et chauss^es. M^moires et documents. B-M. Ser. i, Vol. 1-20, 1831-1840; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-20, 1841-1850; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-20, 1851-1860; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-20, 1861-1870; Ser. 5, Vol. i- 20, 1871-1880; Ser. 6, Vol. 1-20, 1881-1890; Ser. 7, Vol. 1-20, 1891-1900; Ser. 8, Vol. 1-48, 1901-1910; Ser. 9, Vol. 1+ 191 1 + Par., 1831 + Tables gdn^rales de la partie technique. (M6moires et documents) Ser. 1-8. 1831-1910. Par., 1911. CE. Ser. i, 1-I-; C. Ser. i, i + ; N. Ser. 1-6, Ser. 7, 1-15, [16], Ser. 8, 1-I-; E. Ser. 6, 17-18, Ser. 7, [s-6], Ser. 8, 31-48, Ser. 9, 1 + Annales des postes, t^l^graphes et t616phones. Q. Vol. i-f 1911+ Par., 1911 + E. 1 + Annales des sciences g6ologiques; ou, Archives de geologic, de mineralogie, de pal^ontologie, etc. Vol. 1-2. 1842-1843. Par., n.d. No more published. N. 1-2. Annales des travaux publics de Belgique. B-M. Vol. 1-68; Ser. 2, Vol. 1+ 1843 -f Bruxelles, 1843-f Table g6n6rale des matiSres. Vol. 1-12. 1843-1854 in Vol. 12. Bruxelles, 1854. Table gin^rale des mati&res. Vol. 1-18. 1843-1860 in Vol. 18. Bruxelles, i860. Tables g€n6rale. Vol. 1-33. 1843-1875 in Vol. 33. Bruxelles, 1875. Table g6n6rale. Vol. 34-56. 1876-1899 in Vol. 56. Bruxelles, 1900. Table des matifires. Ser. 2, Vol. i-io. 1896-1905. Bruxelles, 1905. C. 1-68; Ser. 2, i+; N. 1-68; Ser. 2, I-}-; CE. Ser. 2, i-ii. Annales du g6me civil. M. Ser. i, Vol. 1-20, 1862- 1871; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-20, 1872-1881. Par., 1862-1881. No more published. Table des mati^res. Vol. 1-16. 1862- 1869. Par., n. d. CC. Ser. 2, 2-6, [8], 9. Annales industrielles. W. Vol. 1-27. 1869-1894. Par., 1869-1895. No more published. Table g6n€rale. Vol. 1-6. 1869-1874. Par., n.d. N. 1-26; CE. [8]; E. 26. Annales techniques. B-M. Vol. i, nos. 1-3. 1906. Par., 1906. Ceased publication. N.I. Annales t616graphiques. M. Ser. i, 1855-1856; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-8, 1858-1865; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-25, 1874- 1899. Par., 1855-1899. Publication suspended from 1866-1873 in- clusive. No longer published. Table g6nerale. 1855-1890. Par., 1891. N. Ser. 1, 1855, Ser. 2, 2-8, Ser. 3, 1-25; E. Ser. I, 1855-1856, Ser. 2, 1-8, Ser. 3, 1-19, [20], 21, [22J. Annals of British geology. Y. Vol. 1-4. 1891-1893. Lond., 1891-1893. No more information available. P. 4. Annals of chemistry and practical pharmacy. W. Vol. 1. 1842-1843. Lond., 1842-1843. No more published. N. 1. Annals of electricity, magnetism and chemistry. Q. Vol. i-io. 1836-1843. Lond., 1837-1843. No more published. £. i-io; N. i-io; S. i-io. Annals of philosophy; or, Magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. Vol. 1-16, 1813-1820; New ser. Vol. 1-12, 1821-1826. Lond., 1813-1826. In 1837 united with the Philosophical maga- zine and journal and formed the Philosophical magazine. E. 1-16, New ser. 1-12; N. 1-16, New ser. 1-12; S. 1-16, New ser. I-IO. Annals of phDosophy, natural history, chemistry, literature, agriculture, and the mechanical and fine arts. Vol. 1-3. 1800-1802. Lond., 1801-1804. E. 1-3. Annals of science. Vol. 1-2. 1852-1853. Cleve- land, 1852-1853. CE. 1. Annee dectrique. Y. Vol. 1-5. 1885-1889. Par., 1885-1889. No more information available. C. 1-5. Ann€e 61ectrique 61ectroth6rapique et radio- graphique. Y. Year i-f- 1900-!- Par., 1900-t- E.4, 11 + Ann6e scientifique et industrielle. Y. Vol. i-f 1857+ Par., 1857-f Tables. 1856-1865. Par., 1866. Tables. Vol. 1-20. 1857-1877. Par., 1877. C. 1-11, 13-f ; N. 1-52; E. I, 19. Annee technique du repertoire gen6rale. Y. 1900- 1906. Par., 1901-1906. N. 1901-1902. Annuaire de chimie. Vol. 1-7. 1845-1851. Par., 1845-1851. Ceased publication. N. 1-7. 14 Annuaire de I'^lectricit^. Y. Vol. i+ 1883+ Par., 1883+ N. 1-2, [3]. Annuaire des mines et de la metallurgie Franfaises. Y. 1876+ Par., 1876+ N. 1876-1897. Annuaire du batiment, des travaux publics et des arts industriels. Vol. 1+ 1831+ Par., 1831 + N. 67. Annuaire du journal des mines de Russie. Y. 1835-1842. St. Petersburg, 1840-1845. No more information available. N. 1835-1842. Annuaire geologique universel. Vol. i-|- 1885-^ Par., 1885+ N. 13-14. Annuaire par le Bureau des Longitudes See France. Bureau des Longitudes. Annuaire. Annuaire scientifique. Y. Vol. 1-9. 1861-1870. Par., 1862-1870. No more information available. S. 1-2. Annual of scientific discovery, or Year-book of facts in science and art. Y. Vol. 1-21. 1849- 1871. Bost., 1849-1871. No more published. S. 1-3, 10. Annual record of science and industry. Y. Vol. 1-8. 1871-1878. N. Y., 1872-1879. No more published. S. 1-8. Annual report of the progress of chemistry and allied sciences, physics, mineralogy and geology. Y. Vol. 1-7. 1847-1853. Lond., 1849-1855. No more information available. N. 1-4. Anthony's photographic bulletin. M. Vol. 1-33, no. 4. 1870-1902. N. Y., 1870-1902. No more published. Incorporated with Photograph times which changed its title to Photographic times bulle- tin in May 1902. CC. 10-32; p. I-I2. Anthracite Coal Operators' Association. Association letter. M. 1897-1902. N. Y., 1897-1902. Ceased publication in April 1902. E. [1897], 1898-1900, [1901]; CE. [1897], 1898-1902; N. [1897], 1898-1902. Anton von Kerpely's bericht uber die fortschritte der eisenhiittentechnik See Bericht Uber die fort- schritte der eisenhiittentechnik. Appalachian Engineering Association. Bulletin. Q. No. 1-36. 1905-1909. Morgan- town, W. Va., 1905-1910. Association discontinued in 1910. E. 1-29, 32-36. Appalachian mines and industrial record. M. Vol. I, no. 1-4. 1910. Roanoke, Va., 1910. Ceased publication. No more information available. E. [i]. Appleton's journal of literature, science and art. M. Vol. 1-26. 1869-1881. N. Y., 1869-1881. No more published. P. 1-26. Appleton's mechanics' magazine and engineers' journal. M. Vol. 1-3. 1851-1853. N. Y., 1852-1854. No more published. CE. 1-3; E. 1-3. Appleton's popular science monthly See Popular science monthly. Applied science. M. New ser. Vol. 1+ 1907 -|- Toronto, 1907 -|- Incorporated with Transactions of the Uni- versity of Toronto Engineering Society. CE. i + ; C. i+; E. i-|-; S. 3+ Arcana of science and art: or. An annual register of useful inventions. Y. Vol. i-ii. 1828-1837. Lond., 1827-1838. Continued as Year-book of facts in science and art. N. 4, 11; E. 10. Archief voor de suikerindustrie in Nederlandsch- Indie. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1893 -h Nederl.-Indie, 1893+ CC. [19], 20-1- Architect, builder and wood worker See note Builder and wood worker. Architectural magazine and journal of improve- ment in architecture, building, and furnishing. M. Vol. 1-5. 1834-1838. Lond., 1834-1838. No more published. CE. 1-5. Architectural record. M. Vol. i-j- 1891-I- N. Y., 1891 + N. i4-; E. 3-4, 224- Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein fiir Nieder- rhein und Westfalen. Mittheilungen. 1882-1884. Kohi, 1882- 1884. No more information available. CE. 1882-1884. Architekten- und Ingenieur- Verein zu Hannover. Zeitschrift fiir architecktur imd ingenieur- wesen. B-M. New ser. Vol. i-f- 1855-I- Hannover,-Wiesbaden, 1855-f- Alphabetisches sachregister. New ser. Vol. 1-8. 1855-1862. Hannover, 1864. Alphabetisches inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 9-16. 1863-1870. Hannover, 1872. Alphabetisches inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 17-27. 1871-1881. Hannover, 1883. Alphabetisches inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 28-38. 1882-1891. Hannover, 1893. Alphabetisches inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 38-47. 1892-1901. Wiesbaden, 1904. N. 1-26, 43-i-; CE. 21-43, 46-I-; E. 49+ Architekten Verein zu Berlin See Deutsche bauzeitung. 15 Archiv der mathematik imd physik. Vol. 1-70, 1843-1883; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-17, 1884-1900; Ser. 3, Vol. 1+ 1901+ Lpz., 1841 + Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 1-25. 1841- 1855. Greifswald, 1859. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 26-40. 1856- 1863. Greifswald, 1864. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 41-64. 1864- 1879. Greifswald, 1873. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-17. 1884-1900. Lpz., 1901. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Ser. 3, Vol. i-io. 1901-1906 in Vol. 10. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Ser. 3, Vol. 11-20. 1906-1913 in Vol. 20. N. 1 + Archiv der pharmacie. Irreg. Vol. i-f 1821-t- Ber., 1822+ For 1821 known as Pharmaceutische monats- blatter. From 1822-1831 known as Archiv des Apo- theker-Vereins im Nordlichen Teutschland. From 1832-1834 known as Annalen der pharmacie. Autoren und sach-register. Vol. 1-130. 1822-1857. Hannover, 1859. Gesammt-verzeichniss des inhalts. Vol. 143-203. 1858-1873. Ber., 1886. CC. 67-170, 176-238, [239], 240-t- Archiv fiir bergbau und hiittenwesen. Vol. 1-20. 1818-1831. Ber., 1818-1831. Continued as Archiv fflr mineralogie, geognosie, bergbau und hUttenkunde. C. 1-20; N. 1-6. Archiv fiir chemie und mikroskopie. B-M. Vol. i-f 1908-f- Wien, 1908+ CC. 3-5. Archiv fiir eisenbahnwesen. B-M. Vol. i-f- 1878-I- Ber., 18784- Gesammt inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 1-12. 1878-1889. Ber., 1890. Gesammt inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 1-21. 1878-1889. Ber., 1889. C. i+; N. i-H; E. 31-f ; CE. [13-14], 15-16, [17], 22. Archiv fiir elektrotechnik. M. Vol. i-\- 1912-!- Ber., 191 2+ E. 1 + Archiv fiir mineralogie, geognosie, bergbau imd hiittenkunde. Y. Vol. 1-26. 1829-1855. Bar., 1829-1855. Continuation of Archiv fiir bergbau und hUttenwesen. No more published. Register. Vol. i-io in Vol. 10. Ber., 1837. Register. Vol. 11-20 in Vol. 20. Ber. 1846. Register. Vol. 21-26 in Vol. 26. Ber., 1855. E. 1-26; N. 1-26. Archiv fiir optik. M. Vol. i. 1907-1908. Lpz., 1908. No more published. N. I. Archiv fiir post iind telegraphie. S-M. Vol. i-|- 18934- Ber., 1893-I- N. i + ;E.37-|- Archives des d^couvertes et des inventions nou- velles. Vol. 1-31. 1808-1839. Par., 1809-1841. No more information available. N. 1-31. Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. M. Vol. 1-36, 1846-1857; New ser. Vol. 1-64, 1858- 1878, Ser. 3, Vol. 1-34, 1878-1895; Ser. 4, Vol. 1 + 18964- Par., 18464- Continuation of BibliothSque Brltannique and also BibliothSque universelle des sciences. E. 1-36, New ser. 1-64, Ser. 3, 1-34, Ser. 4, i4-; N. Ser. 3, [14], Ser. 4, 1 4-; CC. Ser. 4, [13], 15-20, [21], 22-}- Archives of clinical skiagraphy See Archives of the Roentgen Ray. Archives of the Roentgen Ray. M. Vol. i4- 1896-t- Lond., 18964- Vol. I title reads Archives of clinical ski- agraphy, E. 6-16. Arkansas Association of Surveyors and Civil Engineers. Proceedings at its annual meeting. Y. ist-f 19094- Ola, Ark., 19104- CE. ist; N. ist. Arkansas Society of Engineers, Architects and Surveyors. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-3. 1887-1889. Little Rock, 1887-1890. No more information available. CE. 1-3; N. 2. Arkiv for kemi, mineralogi och geologi. Irreg. Vol. 1 4- 1903 -h Stockholm, 1903 -f- N. 14-; E. 34- Annierter beton. M. Vol. 1+ i9o8-f- Ber., 19084- E.44- Armour engineer. S-A. Vol. 1+ 19094- Chic, 19094- E.34- Arms and explosives. M. Vol. i4- 18924- Lond., 18924- N. 54-; CC. 2-16, 224- Army and navy journal See United States army and navy journal. Arte y la ciencia. M. Vol. i-f- 18994- Mexico, 1899-I- CE. i4- Artizan. M. Vol. 1-31. 1843-1873. Lond., 1843- 1873- Vol. 1-3 title reads Artizan, a monthly journal of the operative arts. E. 1-29; CE. 9-17. Asociaci6n Argentina de Electro Tecnicos. Boletin. M. Vol. i-|- October 19144- Buenos Aires, 19144- E. i4- Asociaci6n de Ingenieros Industriales de Barcelona. Revista technol6gico industrial. M. Vol. i-|- 18784- Barcelona, 18784- CE. 3-34; E. [12-13], 14, [15], 16-29, [30-31]; N. 17-20, [21, 27]. x6 Asociaci6n de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de M6xico, Anales. Irreg. Vol. i+ i886+ Mex., 1886+ E. 1-7, 9+; CE. 1-6, 17+; C. 1-2. Asphalt imd teerindustrie zeitung. T-M. Vol. 1+ 1901+ Ber., 1901 + CC. [i], 2, 4-9- Associa$§[o dos Engenheiros Civis Portuguezes. Revista de obras publicas e minas. M. Vol. 1+ 1870+ Lisbon, 1870+ CE. i + ; N. 13, 17, [19], 20, [23]. Associated Engineering Societies. Colorado Uni- versity See Colorado University. Associated Engi- neering Societies. Journal of engineering. Association Amicale des Anciens Elfives de L'Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures. Bulletin. B-M. Vol. i-|- 1870-I- Par., 1870-t- CE. 18-35, 37+ Association Amicale des Ingenieurs-EIectriciens. Bulletin mensuel. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 12. May 1902-April 1903. Par., 1902-1903. No more ii formation available. E. [1-2]. Association Beige des Chimistes See Soci6t6 Chimique de Belgique. Association des Chimistes de Sucrerie et de Dis- tillerie de France et des Colonies. BuUetin. M. Vol. i-|- 1883-I- Par., 1883-f- N. 14+ Association des Ing6nieurs Electriciens See Li6ge. Institut Electrotechnique Montefiore. Association des Ingenieurs Electriciens. Association des Ingdnieurs sortis de I'Ecole de Li6ge. Annuaire. Y. Vol. 1-15, 1859-1873; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-6, 1874-1876; Ser. 3, Vol. i-io, 1877-, 1881; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-6, 1882-1887; Ser. 5 Vol. 1+ 1888+ Li6ge, 1859-I- Ser. 3 incorporated with Revue universelle des mines, 1877-1881. N. 8-9; E. Ser. 4, [i], 2-3. Association des Ing6nieurs sortis de I'Ecole de Liege. Bulletin. M. Ser. i, 1860-1862; Ser. 2, 1863-1865; Ser. 3, 1866-1867; Ser. 4, 1868- 1869; Ser. s, 1870-1873; New ser. Vol. 1 + 1877+ Liege, i86o4- From 1874-1876 published with Revue uni- verselle des mines. N. Ser. I, [i860], Ser. 3, [1866- 1867], Ser. 4, [1868], Ser. 5, [1870-1873], New ser. i, [2], 3, [4-11], 12, [13-14], 15, [16], 29-32; E. New ser. [1-2, 4, 7-1 1]. Association des Ingenieurs sortis de L'Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles. Bulletin technique. 9 nos. Y. Vol. i-(- 1902 -|- Bruxelles, 1902+ CE.[i],2-f;E.7+ . Association des Ingenieurs sortis des Ecoles sp^ciales de Gand. Annales. Q. Vol. 1-20, 1876-1897; New ser. Vol. 21-24, 1898-1901; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-6, 1902-1907; Ser. 4, Vol. I, 1908; Ser. 5, Vol. 2+ 1909-!- Gand, 1876-I- Table des mati^res. Vol. 1-20. 1877- 1897. Gand, 1898. Table des matidres. Vol. i-Ser. 3, Vol. I. 1876-1902 in Ser. 3, Vol. i. E. 16-20, New ser. 21-24, Ser. 3, 1-6, Ser. 4, I, Ser. 5, 2-|-; CE. New ser. 14-24, Ser. 3, 1-6, Ser. 4, I, Ser. 5, 3. Association for Standardizing Paving Specifica- tions. Annual report, proceedings of the meeting. Y. ist-4th. 1910-1913. Chic, 1910-1913. Until 191 1 known as the Organization of City Officials for Standardizing Paving Specifications. No more published. Incorporated with the American Society of Municipal Improvements in 1913. CE. ist-4th; E. 2nd. Association Francaise du Froid. Journal. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-7. 1909. Par., 1909. Continued as the Revue. CC. [i]. Association Frangaise du Froid. Revue generate du froid. M. Vol. 2+ 1910-I- Par., 1910-I- Continuation of the Journal. Official organ also for the Association Inter- nationale du Froid. CC. [2]. Association Frangaise pour I'Advancement des Sciences. Comptes-rendus de la session. Y. ist-j- 1873+ Par., 1873-t- E. 1-36; N. 26-32, [33-34], 35+ Association Internationale des Academies. Tables des constantes et donn^es ntuneriques de chemie, de physique et de technologic. Y. Vol. 1 4- 1910-I- Par., 1910-I- E. i-[-;P. i-H Association of American Portland Cement Manu- facturers. Bulletin. Irreg. No. 1-27. 1906-1912 (?). Phil., n.d. No more published. E. 1-4, 7-16, 18-20, 22-23, 25-27; CE. 1-20; N. I, 4-16, 18-20, 26. Association of American Portland Cement Manu- facturers. Concrete review. M. Vol. 1-4, no. 10. 1906-1909. Phil., 1906-1909. No more published. Continued as Concrete highways. N. 1-4; E. [2-4]; S. [2-4]; CE. [3]. Association of American Portland Cement Manu- facturers. Papers read at the annual meeting. Y. ist-2nd(?). i903-i904(?). N. Y., 1904- I905(?). No more published. CE. 2nd. 17 Association of American Railroad Superintendents See American Society of Railroad Superintendents. Association of American Railway Accounting Officers. Report. Y. ist+ 1888+ n.p., 1888+ CE. 24th. Association of Car Lighting Engineers See Associa- tion of Railway Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. Association of Chemical Technologists. Chemical engineering and the works chemist. M. Vol. 1+ 191 1 + Dover, 1911 + CC. [1-2], 3+ Association of Cleansing Superintendents of Great Britain. Annual meeting. Y. 1899. Rochdale, 1899. No more information available. CE. 1899. Association of County Surveyors and Civil Engi- neers of the State of Indiana See Indiana Engi- neering Society. Association of County Surveyors of the State of Ohio See Ohio Engineering Society- Association of Dominion Land Surveyors. Aimual report together with papers read at the annual meeting. Y. ist-j- 1907 -f Ottawa, 1907+ This Association was first organized in 1884 and published Report of the proceedings at the annual meeting from 1884-1891. It was reorganized in 1907. E. 7th-8th. Association of Dominion Land Surveyors. Report of proceedings at the armual meet- mg. Y. ist-8th. 1884-1891. Ottawa, 1884- Association and publication discontinued in 1891. Reorganized in 1907. CE. 4th-sth, 7th-8th. Association of Drainage and Levee Districts of Illinois. Official proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-j- 1911-]- Beardstown, 1911-H CE. i-H Association of Edison Illuminating Companies. Minutes of the annual meeting. Y. Vol. i-j- 1885 -h N. Y., 1887+ E. 1-17. Association of Electric Lighting Engineers of New England. Transactions. Y. Vol. i. 1903-1904. Bost., 1904. No more published. E.I. Association of Engineering Societies. Journal. M. Vol. i-f i88i-|- Bost., 1881-I- CE. i-H; CC. 1-I-; C. i-h; E. i-h; N. 1-13, [14-16], 17-f-; S. [4, 13, 18, 20-21, 24-25, 36], 37-j- Assodation of Engineers of Virginia. Proceedings. Irreg. No. 1-2. 1 891 -1893. Roanoke, Va., 1891-1893. No. I (1891) contains also the Transactions. From 1 89s- 1 898 papers published in the Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies. Association no longer exists. N. 1-2; CE. 2;E. 2. Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario. Aimual meeting. Y. ist-i8th. 1887-1903. Toronto, 1887-1903. No more published. Association no longer exists. This Association was reorganized in 1913 under the name of Ontario Health Officers' Association. Until the present time no Transactions have been published in a sep- arate volume, but have appeared in various magazines, such as Public health journal. CE. 4th-i3th, isth-i6th, i8th. Association of Gas Engineers and Managers. Report of the proceedings. Y. 1883-1899. Lond., 1883-1899. No more information available. E. 1887-1897. Association of Harvard Engineers. Harvard engineering journal. Q. Vol. 1-13, no. I. 1902-April 1914. Cambridge, 1902- 1914. Vol. 1-6 known as the Journal of the Harvard Engineering Society. Association of Harvard Engineers was organ- ized in 1908. Consolidated with Technology monthly in April 1914 and formed Technology monthly and Harvard engineering journal. Decennial index. 1902-1912. n.p., n.d. E. i-h; S. [s-6], 7+; CE. 3-9. Association of Iron and Steel Electrical Engineers. Proceedings of annual convention. Y. ist-H 1907-f- Milwaukee, Wis., 1907-t- E. 2nd-H Assodation of Managers of Sewage Disposal Works. List of officers, members and associates, and proceedings. Y. 1904-1908. Lond., 1904- 1908. No more information available. CE. 1904, 1906-1908. Assodation of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors See Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. Association of North American Railroad Superin- tendents See American Society of Railroad Super- intendents. Assodation of Ontario Land Surveyors. Annual report and proceedings at the an- nual meeting. Y. ist-|- i886-f- Toronto, 18864- From 1886-1892 known as the Association of Provincial Land Surveyors of Ontario. General index. Vol. i-ii. 1886-1896 in Vol. II. Toronto, n.d. CE. ist-h; E. 27th-^ Association of Provincial Land Surveyors of Ontario See Association of Ontario Land Sur- veyors. i8 Association of Railroad Air Brakemen See Air Brake Association. Association of Railway Electrical Engineers. Proceedings. Y. Vol. i+ 1908+ Chic, 1908+ Vol. I known as the Association of Car Lighting Engineers. E. 1 + Assodation of Railway Electrical Engineers. Railway electrical engineer. M. Vol. 1 + 1909+ Chic, 1909+ Electric trunk line age consolidated with Railway electrical engineer in 191 1. CE. i + ;E. i + ;N. 1 + Assodation of Railway Superintendents of Bridges and Buildings See American Railway Bridge and Building Association. Assodation of Railway Telegraph Superintendents. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist+ 1882+ Milwaukee, 1882+ E. 7-26, 28+; CE. 19+; N. 26+ Assodation of Transportation and Car Accounting Officers. Proceedings. S-A. No. 1+ 1900+ v.p., 1900+ CE. 1 + ; E. 10+ Assodation of Vermont Engineers. Vermont engineer. Y. Vol. 1-2. 1909-1910. Burlington, Vt., 1909-1910. No more published. CE. i;E. I. Association of Water Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1897+ Lond., 1897+ Vol. i-io (1897-1906) known as the British Association of Waterworks Engineers. Consolidated subject-matter index issued with each volume. N. I + ; CE. s-6, 8. Assodation Scientifique de France. Bulletin mensuel mfitdorologique. M. Vol. 1-6. 1871-1876. Par., 1871-1876. No more information available. CE. 1-2. Assodation Suisse des Electriciens See Schweizer- ischer Elektrotechnischer Verein. Assodation Technique Maritime. Bulletin. Y. No. 1-19. 1890-1908. Par., I 890-1 908. No more published. N. 1-8, 14, 19; E. 10. Assodazione Elettrotecnica Italiana. Atti. B-M. Vol. 1-17. 1897-1913. Mil., 1897-1913. Indice. Vol. i-io. 1897-1906. Mil., 1908. Continued in Elettrotecnica. E. 1-9, [10], 11-17; N. 3-17; CE. 7-15. Assodazione Elettrotecnica Italiana. Elettrotecnica. T-M. Vol. 1+ February 1914-I- Mil., 1914+ The Atti forms a part of this publication. E. l-f Atelier des photographen und allgemeine photo- graphen-zeitimg. M. Vol. i-f- 1894 -|- Halle a S., 1894+ Beiblatt. Photographische chronik. CC. 14+ Atiantic Deeper Waterways Association. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1908-I- Phil, 1908-I- C. I, [2-3], 4+; E. [4], 5+ Atiantic Deeper Waterways Association. Report of the proceedings, annual conven- tion. Y. ist-f 1908-I- Phil., 1909-f C. 1-I-; E. i-l- Auskunftsbuch fiir die chemische Industrie. Y. Vol. i-f- 1902-H Wittenberg, 1902-I- N. 1-2, 6-1- Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the meeting. Y. ist-f 1887-I- Sydney, 1889-^ N. 1-12; E. 6-7; S. 7-8; CC. 7. Australasian coachbuilder and wheelwright. M. Vol. 1+ i89i(?)-l- Melbourne, i89i(?)-|- N. [13], 14+ Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. Proceedings. Irreg. 1897-1903; Vol. 1-8. New ser. No. i-|- 1897-I- Melbourne, 1897+ Years 1897-1903 have no volume number. Volume number begins with year 1904. E. 1897-1903; [1-8], New ser. I -I- CE. 1898-1903. Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-16. 1893-1912. Sydney, 1894-1912. No more published. E. 1-13, 15-16; CE. 4-13; C. [9], lo-ii, 13. Australian mining and engineering review See Mining and engineering review. Australian mining standard. W. Vol. i-f 1885 -|- Melboume,-Sydney, 1885-f- E. [11-15, 17-20, 28], 29, [30], 31-I-; N. 30-1- Australian official journal of patents. W. Vol. i + 1903+ Melbourne, 1903-f- CE. 3-7, [8]. Autocar. W. Vol. i-f 1895-^- Lond., 1895 H- In 1904 incorporated Flying. E. [21-22], 22 + Autogene metallbearbeitung. M. Vol. i-|- July 1908-I- Halle a S., 1908-I- E. 1-6. Automobil-nmdschau See Mitteleuropaischer Motorwagen- Verein. Automobil-nmdschau. 19 Automobfle. W. Vol. i+ 1899+ N. Y., 1899+ N. [i, 8, lo-ii], 12+; E. 15+ Automobile Club of America. Club journal. B-W. Vol. 1+ 1909+ N. Y., 1909 4- E.I + Automobile engineer. M. Vol. 1+ June 1910+ Lond., 19104- Vol. 2, no. 29-Vol. 3, no. 6i (October 1912- December 1913) title reads Internal combus- tion engineering. In 1914 divided and formed two publica- tions: Automobile engineer, which is pub- lished monthly and Internal combustion engineering, which was published weekly. Both retained the volume number of Auto- mobile engineer, which was volume 4. ' Internal combustion engineering ceased publication in August 1914 (Vol. s, no. 95). E. 1 + Automobile engineer. Year book. Y. 1912+ Lond., 1912+ E. 191 2, 1914+ Automobile magazine. M. Vol. i-io. 1899-1907. N. Y., 1899-1907. Incorporated with Automobile. E. [1-3]; P. 1-2. Automobile review See Motor way. Automobile topics. W. Vol. 1+ 1900-I- N. Y., 1900 4- CE. 1-7, lo-j-; C. 30+; E. cur- rent only. Automobile trade journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1896+ Phil., 1896+ E. [16], 17+ Automotor and horseless vehicle journal See Auto- motor journal. Automotor journal. W. Vol. 1+ 1896+ Lond., 1896+ Vol. 1-6 title reads Automotor and horseless vehicle journal. Vol. 1-6 published monthly. N. [i], 2+;E. [i], 2+;C. 18+ Avia, revue des sciences afironautiques. M. Vol. 1-2. 1909-1910. Par., 1909-1910. No more published. N. 1-2. Barge canal bulletin. M. Ser. i, no. 1+ 1908+ Albany, 1910+ CE. Ser. 1-4; E. [Ser. 3], Ser. s+; C. Ser. 6+ Baumaterialienkunde. S-M. Vol. 1-12. 1896- 1907. Stut., 1896-1907. No more published. CC. 1-12; E. 1-12; CE. 9-12. Bayerischer Revisions Verein. Zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1897+ Miin., 1897+ E. 18+ BeiblStter. Annalen der physik. See Annalen der physik. Beiblatter. BeitrSge zur chemie imd physik See Journal fiir chemie und physik. Beitrage zur geschichte der technik und Industrie See Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Beitrage zur geschichte der technik und industrie. Bell telephone news. M. Vol. 1+ 1911+ Chic, 191 1 + Continuation of Central union news. E. 1 + Berg- und hiittenmannische zeitung. W. Vol. 1-63. 1842-1904. Lpz., 1842-1904. In 1904 was incorporated with Gliickauf. C. 1-63; N. 1-63; E. 22-43, [44], 45-48, [49-50], 51-63- Berg- und hut tenmannisches jahrbuch. Q. Vol. i-|- 1851+ Wien, 1851-}- C. 1-I-; E. 20-22, 27-29, 31-37, [38], 39, [40], 41-t-; N. 45-1- Bergbau. W. Vol. i+ 1888+ Gelsenkirchen, 1888 -I- E. [21-22], 23-J- Berggeist W. Vol. 1-30. 1856-1885. Koln, 1856-1885. No more published. C. 1-9, 15, 17-30. Bergrechtliche blatter See Oesterreichische zeit- schrift fiir berg- tmd hiittenwesen. Beilage. Berg- rechtliche blatter. Bergwerksfreund. Irreg. Vol. 1-22, 1839-1860; New ser. Vol. i, i860. Eisleben, 1839-1860. No more published. 0. 1-19. Bergwirtschaftliche mitteilimgen See Zeitschrift fiir praktische geologie. Bieblatt. Beiicht liber die fortschritte der eisenhuttentechnik, Y. Vol. 1-20, 1864-1883; New ser. Vol. 1-15, 1884- 1902. Lpz., 1864-1902. New series title reads Anton von Kerpely's Bericht uber die fortschritte der eisenhiitten technik. No more published. C. 1-20, New ser. 1-15; N. 1-20, New ser. 1-15; E. New ser. 7, 11. Berlin. Konigliche Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzxmgsberichte. Irreg. 1882-I- Ber., 1882-h CC. 1899+ Berliner Elektricitats-Werke. Mittheilungen. M. Vol. 1+ 1905-!- Ber., 1905-1- E. 1+ Beton und eisen. 20 nos. Y. Vol. i-f 1902 -|- Ber., 1902-f- CE. [i], 2-10; C. 3-I-; E. 3-t-; N. 5-10. Beton-zeitimg. S-W. Vol. i-f 1907-}- Halle a. S., 1907-1- N. [1908]. Better roads. M. Vol. i+ 1911+ Dayton, O., 1911+ C.I + Bibliothfeque Britannique: or, Recueil extrait des ouvrages p^riodiques et autres. Sciences et arts. Vol. 1-60. 1796-1815. Geneve, 1796-1815. Continued as Biblioth^que universelle des sciences. Sciences et arts. Table g^n6rale raisonn6e. Years 1*5. 1796-1801. Genfeve, 1801. E. 1-60. Bibliothlque universelle des sciences. Sciences et arts. Vol. 1-60, 1816-1835; New ser. Vol. 1-60, 1836-1845. Geneve, 1816- 1845. Continuation of Bibliothdque Britannique. Continued as Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. Table g6n6rale raisonn6e des matiSres. 1 796-1835. 3 Vols. Geneve, n.d.. N. 1-60; E. 1-30. Birmingham engineering and mining journal. B-M. Vol. i-|- 1902 -f Birmingham, 1902 -j- E. [8], 9-1- Binningham University. Mining Society. Quarterly journal. Q. Vol. i, nos. 1-6. 1905-1906. Birmingham, 1905-1906. No more published. In December 1906 this Society combined with the British Society of Mining Students and the Yorkshire Students' Society and formed the British Federated Society of Mining Students. E. [if. Bitumen. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1903 -f Wiesbaden, 1903+ CC. 2-6, [7], 8-10. Black diamond. W. Vol. i-f 1885+ Chic, 1885-!- E. 3-10, [11], 12-13, [14], 15-16, [17], 18-22, [23], 24, [25], 26-29, [30], 31 + ; N. 18-42, [43], 44-t-; CC. 27, 324- Black Hills mining review. W. Vol. 1-13, no. 11. i89s(?)-i907. Deadwood, i89s(?)-i907. No more information available. CE. [10], II-I2, [13]. Blacksmith and wheelwright. M. Vol. 1+ 1880+ N. Y., i88o-f N. [15-16, 19-20, 28], 33-I- BlStter fur elektrotechnik. 1901-1902, no. 9. Potsdam, 1 901 -1902. In October 1902 combined with Zeitschrift fur elektrotechnik und maschinenbau. N. 1901-1902. Blue print See Nebraska University. Engineering Society. Nebraska blue print. Board of trade and engineering journal. M. Vol. i-|- 1904-I- Scranton, Pa., 1904-}- E. [4-5. 7-8], 9+ Boilermaker. M. Vol. i-|- 1901-I- N. Y., 1901-I- Vol. 1-4, no. 6 (November 1902-November 1904) title reads Motive power. N. [7], 8-h; E. 8-I-; CE. 9-f ; S. 8. Boletin de injenieros See Mexico. Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejercito. Boletin de injenieros. Boletin de minas industria y construcciones. M. Vol. 1-20, 1885-1905; Ser. 2, Vol. i-|- 19054- Lima, 1885-I- Index. Vol. 1-20. 1885-1905. Lima, 1906. E. 2, [4], 6, 8-10, (11-12], 13, [14], IS, [16], 17-18, [19], 20, Ser. 2, [1], 2-1- ; CE. 1-13, [14], 15-20, Ser. 2, 1-2. Booster. Q, Vol. 1, no. 1-4. 1906. Detroit, 1906. E. I. Boring and drilling. M. Vol. 1-2. 1900-1902. Lond., 1900-1902. No more information available. E. 1-2. Boston journal of chemistry and pharmacy See Popular science news. Boston journal of commerce. W. Vol. 1-72. 1872- 1908. Bost., 1872-1908. Vol. 1-20 title reads Boston journal of com- merce, textile manufacturing, engineering, mechanics, iron and steam. Vol. 21-23 title reads Cotton, wool, and iron and Boston journal of commerce. Vol. 24-34 title reads Boston journal of com- merce and cotton, wool and iron. Vol. S4-62 title reads Boston journal of com- merce and textile industries. Combined with Cotton in November 1908. E. 23-62; N. [26, 43, 60, 63, 65]. Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Journal. 10 nos. Y. Vol. i-l- 1914-f- Bost., 1914+ E. 1-1- Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Monthly bulletin. M. New ser. No. i-|- 19064- Bost., 19064- CE. i4-; E. 1-17, 194- Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. September 1879-Jime 1881. Bost., 1881. No more published. Later proceedings and papers of the Society have been published in the Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies. CE. 1879-1881; E. 1879-1881. Boston telegram. S-M. Vol. 1, no. i. 1881. Bost., 1881. No more information available. E. I. Brass world and platers' guide. M. Vol. i-f- 1905+ Bridgeport, Conn., 19054- E. 14-; P. 14-; N. [2-3], 44- Brasserie et malterie. S-M. Vol. i4- 19044- Par., 19044- CC. [2]. Braunkohle. W. Vol. i4- 19024- Halle a S., 1902-f- CC.i4-;E.[7],^4- Brazilian mining review. M. Vol. i, nos. i-io. July 1902-May 1904. Rio de Janeiro, 1902-1904. No more information available. E. I. Brewer's journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1876+ N. Y., 1876+ Published in English and German. CC. 5, 33+ Brewers' journal and hop and malt trades review. M. Vol. 1+ 1865+ Lond., 1865+ CC. [47]. Brick. Vol. 1-39. 1894-1910. Chic, 1894-1910. Combined with Clay record in 191 r and formed Brick and clay record. The volume number of Clay record is retained. N. 18-33, 38-39- Brick and clay record. S-M. Vol. 38+ 191 1 + Chic, 191 1 + \ Formed by the consolidation of Brick and Clay record in 191 1. The volume number of Clay record is retained. CE. 38+; C. [42], 43+; E- 43+ Brickbuilder. Vol. 1+ 1892-f- Bost., 1892+ C.i+;N. [i,3],4+ Bricklayer, mason and plasterer. M. Vol. 1 + 1896+ Indianapolis, 1896+ C. 12+ Brickmaker. S-M. Vol. 1-22. 1889-1894. Chic, 1889-1894. Ceased publication. N. I-18, [20-21]. Brill magazine. M. Vol. i-F 1907+ Phil., 1907+ E. [5], 6+ British annual and epitome of the progress of science. Y. 1837-1839. Lond., 1837-1838. E. 1837-1839; N. 1838-1839. British Association of Gas Managers See Institu- tion of Gas Engineers. British Association of Waterworks Engineers See Association of Water Engineers. British Columbia mining exchange and investor's guide and mining tit-bits. M. Vol. 1+ 1899+ Vancouver, 1899+ N. [i], 2-10, [11]; E. [2-3]. British architect. W. Vol. 1+ 1874 -[- Lond., 1874+ Years 1874-1877 published in Manchester. C. 1-30, 37+; N. 48+; E. 41-46; CE. 9. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Report of the meetings. Y. ist+ 1831+ Lond., 1831-I- Index to the reports and transactions. 1831-1860. Lond., 1864. Index to the reports and transactions. 1 86 1 -1 890. Lond., 1893. CE. i-l-;C. i-f;N. i + ;P. i+; E. 1-8, 11 + ; S. 1-8, 11-70, 72+; CC. 7, 13, 18. British Columbia mining record See Mining, engi- neering and electrical record. British Federated Society of Mining Students See British Society of Mining Students. British Foundrymen's Association. Foimdry trade journal and pattern-maker. M. Vol. 1+ 1902-f- Lond., 1902-I- E. [15], 16+ British Foundrymen's Association. Proceedings. Bien. No. x+ 1898+ Lond., 1898+ E. 6+ British Iron Trade Association. Annual statistical report. Y. Vol. 1-31. 1877-1907. Lond., 1877-1907. Vol. i-s title reads Iron, steel and allied trades. No more published. E. 8, 10, 12-14, 18, 23, 26-29; N. 8. British Iron Trade Association. Bulletin. No. 1-25. (?)-i893. Lond., (?)- 1893. Incorporated with Iron and coal trades re- view in 1894. E. 20, 24-25. British journal of photography. W. Vol. i-|- 1854+ Lond., i8s4-h Earlier titles are: Liverpool photographic journal 1854-1856, Liverpool and Man- chester photographic journal 1857-1858, Photographic journal 1859. Supplement. Lantern. i897(?)-i9oi. CC. [38], 57, [58], 59+ British refrigeration. M. Vol. 1-7, no. 66. 1894- 1904. Lond., 1894-1904. No more published. E. 4. British Society of Mining Students. Journal. Irreg. No. 1-33, Vol. 4-28; Vol. 1-2; Vol. 29, nos. 1-7. i876(?)-Jime 1910. Birmingham, i876(?)-i9io. From October 1907-June 1909 this Society combined with the Birmingham University of Mining Students and formed the British Federated Society of Mining Students. Under that name two volumes were pub- lished. Beginning with August 1909 that Society was discontinued. The British So- ciety of Mining Students was restored and their publication was a continuation from that last issued by that Society previous to the federation. Ceased publication with June 1910 (Vol. 29, no. 7.) Index to titles of papers. Vol. 1-13 in Vol. 13. 1876-1891. Index to titles of papers. Vol. 1-20. 1876-1898. N.p., n.d. E. 28-33, 4-13, [14], iS-28, 1-2, 29; N. [8], 19-23; C. S-16, 18-27. Brooklyn Edison. M. Vol. 1-4. 1902-1906. Brooklyn, 1902-1906. No more published. N. 1-4; E. [2, 4]. Brooklyn Engineers' Club. Proceedings. Y. 1897+ Brooklyn, 1898+ CE. 1897+; E. 1897+; S. 1908, 191 1. Browning's industrial magazine See Industrial magazine. Brussels. Academic Royale de Belgique. Aimuaire. Y, Vol. 1+ 1835+ Bruxelles, 183S+ N. 1-71; C. I-S2, 68-77, 79+; E. 69-76, 78-}- Brussels. Academic Royale de Belgique. Bulletin. Irreg. Ser. i. Vol. 1-23. 1832- 1856. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-50. 1857-1880. Ser. 3, Vol, 1-36. 1881-1898. Bruxelles, 1832- 1898. Until 1846 title reads Bulletin de L'Acadfimie Royale des Sciences et Belles-lettres de Bruxelles. In 1899 the Bulletin was divided into two series entitled the Bulletin de la classe des sciences and the Bulletin de la classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques et de la classe des beaux-arts. Tables g6n6rales et analytiques. Ser. i. Vol. 1-23. 1832-1856. Bruxelles, 1858. Tables g6n6rales et analytiques. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-20. 1857-1866. Bruxelles, 1867, Tables g^n^rales et analytiques. Ser. 2, Vol. 21-50. 1 867-1 880. Bruxelles, 1883. C. i + ; N. i-f- Brussels. Acad6mie Royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques et de la classe des beaux-arts. Irreg. 1899-I- Bruxelles, 1899-I- In 1899 the Bulletin divided into two series entitled the Bulletin de la classe des sciences and the Bulletin de la classe des lettres et de sciences morales et politiques et de la classe des beaux-arts. C. 1899+ ; N. 1899-f Brussels. Academic Royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la classe des sciences. Irreg. 1899-I- Bruxelles, 1899-I- In 1899 the Bulletin divided into two series entitled the Bulletin de la classe des sciences and the Bulletin de la classe des lettres et de sciences morales et politiques et de la classe des beaux-arts. C. 1899-f; E. 1899-1902, [1903- 1904], 1905-f ; N. 1899-I- Builder. W. Vol. 1+ 1842 -|- Lond., 18424- No numbers issued January 7-February 11, 1843. C. i-f; N. i-h; P. 9, 11-35, 58-63, 66-I-; CE. [18-19], 31, I32], 33-34, [35], 36-38, [39-40], 4iH-;E. 17-18. Builder and wood worker. M. Vol. 16-31, no. 9. 1880-September 1895. N. Y., 1880-1895. Formed by the consolidation of American builder and journal of art and Illustrated woodworker in 1880. Continued under the title of Architect, builder and wood worker, and finally was incorporated with the National builder. CE. 27-29. Building news and engineering journal. W. Vol. i-f- 1854 -I- Lond., 1854-I- Vol. i-S title reads Building news. Vol. 6-10 title reads Building news and architectural review. C. 3-79, 86-f; N. [14], 15-26, [27], 34-38, [39], 40-f-; CE. 24-1- ; E. 68-71. Building progress. M. Vol. 1-3. 1911-1913. Pittsburg, 1911-1913. No more published. E. 2-3. Building Trades Employers Association. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1900-H N. Y., 1900-I- N. 2-9, [10], 11-12. Building trades magazine. M. Vol. 1-3, no. 3. 1897-1899. Scranton, Pa., 1898-1899. Vol. 1-2, no. S title reads Home study for the building trades. In 1899 combined with Science and industry. N. 1-3. Buildings and building management. M. Vol. i-f- 1905-1- Chic, 1905-f In 1906 incorporated Building manager and owner. C. ii-h; N. [4], 5-11. Bulletin des fabricants de papier See Bulletin- journal des fabricants de papier. Bulletin des usines 61ectriques. Vol. 1-7. 1896- 1907. Par., 1896-1907. Incorporated with Revue 61ectrique in 1908. E. 1-7; N. 1-7. Bulletin international de r6Iectricit6. M. Vol. i-(- 1885-1- Par., 1885-h Vol. I title reads Bulletin international des telephones. N. 16-27. Bulletin international des telephones See Bulletin international de l'61ectricit6. Bulletin-joiunal des fabricants de papier. S-M. Vol. I-f- 1884 -t- Par., 1884-1- Vol. i-io title reads Bulletin des fabricants de papier. N. 14-24. Bulletin technique. Vol. 1-2, no. 2. 1899-1900. Par., 1899-1900. Ceased publication. N. 1-2. Btilletin technique de la Suisse Romande. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1875-1- Lausanne, 1875-I- Vol. I-2S (187S-1899) published as the Bulletin of the Soci6t6 Vaudoise des In- g6nieurs et des Architectes. E.34-1-;CE.38-+- 23 Btilletin universe! des sciences et de I'industrie. Section i-8. 1824-1831. Par., 1824-1831. Section i. Bulletin des sciences math6- matiques, astronomiques, physiques et chi- miques. Vol. 1-16. 1824-31. N. 1-16. Section 2. Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de geologic. Vol. 1-27. 1824-1831. N. 1-27. Section 3. Bulletin des sciences medicals. Vol. 1-27. 1824-1831. N. 1-27. Section 4. Bulletin des sciences agricoles et 6conomiques. Vol. 1-19. 1824-1831. N. 1-19. Section 5. Bulletin des sciences tech- nologiques. Vol. 1-19. 1824-183 1. N. 1-19. Section 6. Bulletin des sciences g6ogra- phiques, 6conomie publique, voyages. Vol. 1-28. 1824-1831. N. 1-28. Section 7. Bulletin des sciences historiques, antiquit^s, philologie. Vol. 1-19. 1824-1831. N. 1-19. Section 8. Bulletin des sciences militaires. Vol. i-ii. 1824-1831. N. i-ii. Bureau International de L'Union T6I6graphique See Journal tel6graphique. California Academy of Natural Sciences See Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences. California Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. Irreg. i868-f- San Francisco, 1868-I- N.i-h;CE.[2],3.[sl. California Academy of Sciences. Occasional papers. Irreg. Vol. i-f- i890-f- San Francisco, 1890-I- N. 1-I-; C. 1-8; CE. 1-6; E. I, 3-6. California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1-7, 1854-1876; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-6, 1888-1896; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-2, Botany, 1897-1904; Vol. 1-2, Geology 1897-1904, Vol. 1-3, Zoology, 1897-1904, Vol. I, Math-physics, 1898-1903; Ser. 4, Vol. 1+ 1907 -|- From 1854-1868 known as the California Academy of Natural Sciences. Series 3 is divided into four parts: Botany, Geology, Zoology and Math-physics. N. 1-7, Ser. 2, 1-6, Ser. 3, 1-2, Botany, i, Geology, 1-3, Zoology, I, Math-physics, Ser. 4, i + ; C. Ser. 2, 1-6, Ser. 3, i, CJeology, 1-2, Zoology, Ser. 4, i-f; E. 2, [3], Ser. 2, 1-6, Ser. 3, [1-2], Geology, Ser. 4, 1, 3; CE. s-7, Ser. 2, 1-6, Ser. 3, 1-2, Geology; CC. [4], s. California architect and building news. M. Vol. 1-21, no. 7. 1882-July 1900. San Francisco, 188 2-1900. Incorporated with Industrial news. CE. [19], 20, [21]. California derrick. M. Vol. 1+ 1908-I- San Francisco, 1908 -h C.5+ California journal of technology. Q. Vol. 1-15, no. 4; New ser. Vol. i-|- 1903-1910, 1913-}- Berke- ley, 1903-1- Until 1910 published monthly. Nothing published from May 1910 until March 1913. E. (2-15]; New ser. i + ; N. [4], 6-IO, [11], 12-15; S. 8-9, [lo-ii], 12, [13]. California Miners' Association. Annual convention. Y. ist-i6th. 1893- 1912. San Francisco, 1892-1912. Nothing known of Association since 1912. E. 3, 5, 7-16; C. 6-11, i6; CE. 11, 13-iS; N. 9-10, 14. California University. Geology department. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1893 -|- Berkeley, 1893+ E. i-f-;N. i-H California University. Mining and Metallurgy department. Bulletin. Irreg. 1902 -f- Berkeley, 1902-!- N. 1902-1905. Cambridge mathematical journal. Q. Vol. 1-4. 1839-1845. Cambridge, Eng., 1839-1845. Continued as Cambridge and Dublin mathe- matical journal and later as quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics. CE. 4. Cambridge Philosophical Society. Proceedings. 3 nos. Y. Vol. i-\- 1843-I- Cambridge, i866-|- N. i-H; CC. [10], 11-12, [13-15], 16-I- Cambiidge Philosophical Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1820-i- Cambridge, 1822-!- Index. Vol. 1-12 in Vol. 12. N. 1-5; CC. 21. Camera notes. Vol. 1-6. 1897-1903. N. Y., 1897-1903. No more published. P. 1-6. Canadian cement and concrete review. M. Vol. 1-4, no. 4. 1906-1910. Toronto, 1907-1910. No more information available. N. [2-4]. Canadian Electrical Association. Proceedings of the convention. Y. ist-f- 1890-f- Toronto, 1890-I- E. 5, 10, 12-16, 19-f- Canadian electrical news. S-M. Vol. i, nos. 1-6. 1884. Montreal, 1884. No more published. E. I. Canadian electrical news See Electrical news. 34 Canadian engineer. W. Vol. i+ 1893+ Toronto, 1893+ N. 2+; E. 8+; CE. [13-14], 15-f ; CC. 18-21; C. [20], 21-I- Canadian Gas Association. Proceedings. Y. ist-|- 1908-}- Hamilton, 1908-I- E.3+ Canadian harness and carriage journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1900-I- Toronto, 1900-I- Official organ of the Master Harness Makers' Association. N. [17-18]. Canadian Institute. Annual report. Y. 1886-1894. Toronto, 1886-1894. C. 1886-1894; E. 1886-1894; N. 1 886-1 894. Canadian Institute. Canadian journal of industry, science and art. M. Vol. 1-3, 1853-1855; New ser. Vol. 1-15, 1856-1878. Toronto, 1853-1878. Continued as the Proceedings. E. New ser. 1-15; N. New ser. 1-15; CE. 3-4. Canadian Institute. Proceedings. Jrreg. Ser. 3, Vol. 1-7, 1879- 1889; Vol. 1-7, 1889-1904; New ser. Vol. 1 + 1897-I- Toronto, 1884-I- Continuation of the Canadian journal of science, literature and history. In 1890 title changed to Transactions. In 1897 the Institute began again the publica- tion of Proceedings together with the Transac- tions. C. Ser. 3, 1-7, New ser. 1-2; N. Ser. 3, 1-7, New ser. [i], 2; E. Ser. 3, 3, 5-7, New ser. [1-2]; CE. Ser. 3, 2-7, New ser. 1-2. Canadian Institute. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1889-t- To- ronto, 1891-I- C. i-f; E. i + ; CE. 1-8, [9]. Canadian machinery and manufacturing news. W. Vol. i-j- 1905-i- Toronto, 1905 -f Published monthly until 1913. E. [3-4], 5+ Canadian manufacturer. W. Vol. i-|- 1882-H Toronto, 1882-^ From 1882-1908 title reads Canadian manu- facturer and industrial world. In September 1908 changed from semi- monthly to weekly publication. The weekly edition is divided into editions namely: Office edition. Construction edition. Power edition. Machinery and supplies edi- tion. In 1910 volume number changed to Vol. 30, it being the thirtieth year of publication. E. 34-56, [57], S8, [59], [30-32], 33 + Canadian manufacturer and industrial world See Canadian manufacturer. Canadian Mining Institute. Quarterly bulletin. Q. No. i-|- 1908-t- Montreal, 1908-f E. i+; C. 3-12, 14-15, 19. Canadian Mining Institute. Transactions. Y. Vol. i-|- 1896-f- Ottawa, 1896-f- From 1 896- 1 898 known as the Federated Canadian Mining Institute. The federation consisted of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia, the General Mining Association of Quebec, and the Ontario Mining Institute. Title reads Journal until 191 2. Index to names of authors and subjects. 1891-1903. Ottawa, 1904. General index together with summaries of papers. Vol. i-io. 1898-1907. Montreal, 191 3. CE. i + ; E. i+; C. i-ii, 13, 15+; S. 9-11; N. II. Canadian mining journal. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1882-!- Toronto, 1882-I- Vol. 1-27 title reads Canadian mining review. In March 1907 incorporated with and con- tinued as Canadian mining journal. The volume number of Canadian mining review is retained. E. 8-16, [17], i8-t-; N. [21-25, 28], 29-h; C. [32], 33+ Canadian mining review See Canadian mining journal. Canadian naturalist and geologist. Q. Vol. 1-8, 1856-1863; New ser. Vol. i-io, 1864-1883. Mon- treal, 1857-1883. Years 1856-1863 published monthly. Years 1864-1868 published bi-monthly. Contains Proceedings of Natural History Society of Montreal. New series has title Canadian naturalist and quarterly journal of science with Proceedings of the Society. Continued as the Canadian record of science. Index. 1856-1883 in Vol. 10. Mon- treal, 1883. N. 1-8, New ser. i-io; E. 1-7, New ser. 1-3, 5. Canadian Peat Society. Journal. Q. Vol. 1+ 191 i-f- Ottawa, 1911-f CC. i-|-;E. i-f Canadian railway and marine world. M. 1898-}- Toronto, 1898-H E. 1915+ Canadian Railway Club. Official proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-(- 1902-}- Montreal, 1902-I- E. [7-11], 12-I- Canadian record of science, including the Pro- ceedings of the Natural History Society of Mon- treal. Q. Vol. 1+ 1884-1- Montreal, 1885-!- Continuation of Canadian naturalist and geologist. N. 1-2. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Report of the annual meeting. Y. 1887+ Montreal, 1887-I- Report 1887-1891 and 1897 are bound with the Transactions. E. 1892-1908, 1910-f-; CE. 1892- 1904; C. 1892-1896, 1898-1907, 1909-f-; N. 1895+ 25 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i+ 1887+ Montreal 1887+ Index. Vol. 1-14. 1887-1900. Mon- treal, 1900. Index. Vol. 1-20. 1887-1906. Mon- treal, 1907. Index. Vol. 1-24. 1887-1910. Mon- treal, 191 1. CE. i + ; C. 1-I-; E. i-f-; N. 1 + Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Manitoba Branch See Western Canada Railway Club. Canal record. W. Vol. i-|- 1907 -f- Ancon, Canal zone, 1907 -|- CE. 1-I-; C. i-H; E. 1-I-; N. 1+ Caoutchouc et la gutta-percha. M. Vol. i-|- 1904-}- Par., 1904-f- CC. 6-f-; N. 6+ Cape Society of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings. Vol. 1-6. 1903- 1908. Capt Town, 1904-1908. No more information available. CE. 1-6. Car Foremen's Association of Chicago. Proceedings. 10 nos. Y. No. 1+ October igos+ Chic, 1903-I- From October 1897-October 1903 the minutes of meetings were published in Railway master mechanic. E. lOI-j- Car review. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-6. 1909. Coliunbus, O., 1909.' No more information available. E. I. Carbid und acetylen. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1898-I- Ber., 1898+ Vol. 1-13 (1898-1909) title reads Zeitschrift fttr calciumcarbid-fabrikation und acetylen- beleuchtung. N. 1-13. Carlsberg Laboratorium. Comptes rendus travaux du laboratoire. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1882-}- Copenhagen, 1882-}- CC. 5+ Camegie Institution of Washington. Yearbook. Y. No. i-|- 1902 -|- Wash., 19024- E. i-f-; N. 1 + Carpenter. M. Vol. i-|- 1881 4- Indianapolis, i88i-f N. [12, is-20], 21-I- Carpentry and building. M. Vol. 1+ 1879-I- N. Y., 1879+ N. i-io, 26-f-; P. 1-12. Carriage and wagon builder and American vehicle. M. Vol. 1+ 1906-i- Phil., 1906-^ Combined with American vehicle in 191 1. The volume number of American vehicle is retained. N. 3-10, 24. Carriage and wagon workers journal. Vol. 1-8, no. 6. 1899-1908. Cleveland, O., 1899-1908. No more information available. N. 1-8. Carriage builders' and harness makers' art journal. M. Vol. 1-4. 1859-1862. Lond., 1859-1862. N. 1-2. Carriage monthly. M. Vol. i-f 1865-!- Phil., 186S+ N. [32, 39], 40+ Cassier's engineering monthly. M. Vol. i-f 18914- Lond., 1891-I- Known as Cassier's magazine (London) until August 1913- E.43+ Cassier's magaane. M. Vol. 1-44, no. 3. 1891- September 1913. N. Y., 1891-1913. Nothing published from December 1912 until June 1913. The June number (Vol. 43, no. 6) includes all numbers from January-June, and the title reads Cassier's engineering monthly. July 1913 is Vol. 44, no. i. September 1913 is Vol. 44, no. 3- There may have been a December 1912 num- ber published. If so, there were only a few copies and privately circulated. Ceased publication. E. 1-44; P. 1-44; S. 1-44; C. 1-42; CE. 1-41; N. [i], 2-42; CC. [22], 23-24, [25], 26-42. Castings. M. Vol. 1+ 1907-I- Cleveland, 1907-}- E. 1 + Catskill water system news. S-M. No. 1-61. 1911-1913. N. Y., 1911-1913. No more published. CE. 1-61; C. i-6i;E. 1-61. Causeries scientifiques, d6couvertes et inventions. Y. Vol. 1-31. 1861-1890. Par., 1861-1890. No more information available. N. I-31. Cement. M. Vol. i-|- 1900-I- N. Y., 19004- Nothing published January-July 1913- CE. [1-2], 4-ii;E. [12], 134- Cement age. M. Vol. 1-14. 1904-1912. N. Y., 1904-1912. Concrete engineering combined with Cement age in 191 1. In July 19 1 2 combined with Concrete and formed Concrete-cement age. CE. 1-14; N. 1-14; E. 2-14; S. 4-14; C. 7, 11-14. Cement and engineering news. M. Vol. i4- 18964- Chic, 18964- N. i-H; CE. [i], 2, [3], 4-5, [6-7], 8-22; E. 224-; CC. 2s4-; C. 254- Cementera. M. Vol. i-|- 1904-]- Chic, 1904 4- Incorporates Waterproofing and fireproofing. N. [6], 74- Cement record. M. Vol. 1-6. 1909-1912. Kansas City, Mo., 1909-1912. In July 1912 consolidated with Western con- tractor. N. [1-3], 4-5- Cement world. M. Vol. i-|- 1907-t- Chic, 19074- E. 3-6. Central. 3 nos. Y. Vol. i4- 19044- Lond., 19044- E.44- 26 Central Railway Club. Official proceedings. 5 nos. Y. 1893-1896, Vol. 4+ 1893+ N. Y., 1893+ E. [1894], 189S-1896, 4-S, [6-8], 9-10, [11-12], 13-14, [15], 16, [17- 18], 19+ ; CE. 1893-1896, 4-7, (8-16]. Central States Water Works Association. ^ Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist+ 1898+ v.p., 1898+ CE. 1-9, 11-14. Central station. M. Vol. 1+ 1901+ N. Y., 1901 + E. i+; N. [2, 4], 5+ Central union news. M. Vol. 1-7, no. 2. 1906- 19H. Indianapolis, 1906-1911. Continued as Bell telephone news. E. [4-7]. Central-zeitung fiir optik und mechanik. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1880-I- Ber., 1880+ Vol. 1-4 published in Leipzig. N. 3-4, 19+ Centralblatt der hiitten- und walzwerke. T-M. Vol. 1+ 1897+ Frankfurt-a-Main, 1897+ Vol. 1-7 title reads Centralblatt der walzwerke. N. 2+ Centralblatt der walzwerke See Centralblatt der hiitten- und walzwerke. Centralblatt fiir accumulatoren- elementen- und accumobilen- kunde See Centralblatt fiir ac- cumulatoren- und galvanotechnik. Centralblatt fiir accumulatoren- technik See Centralblatt fiir accumulatoren- und galvano- technik. Centralblatt fiir accumulatoren- und galvano- technik. S-M. Vol. 1-9. 1900-1908. Ber., 1900- 1908. Vol. I title reads Centralblatt fiir accumula- toren- und elementenkunde. Vol. 3-4 title reads Centralblatt fdr accumula- toren- elementen- und accumobilen kunde. Vol. 5-8 title reads Centralblatt ftir accumula- toren- technik. Ceased publication in 1908. N. 1-9; E. [i], 3-9; CC. 1-2. Centralblatt fiir aUgemeine gesimdheitspflege. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1882-I- Bonn, 1882+ Supplement to Vol. i. Bonn, 1885. Supplement to Vol. 2. Bonn, 1889. Register. Vol. 1-20. 1882-1901. Bonn, CC. 1-21. Centralblatt fiir die gesammte eisen,- stahl,- metall- und maschinen- Industrie See Maschinen- imd metaUindustrie- zeitung. Centralblatt fiir die kunstdiinger- Industrie. S-M. Vol. 1+ 18964- Mannheim, 1896-I- CC. 8-13, [14-16], 17, [18]. Centralblatt fiir die textil- Industrie. M. 1869- 1903. Ber., 1869-1903. Ceased publication. N. 1901, [1902-1903]. Centralblatt fiir elektrotechnik. M. Vol. 1-12. 1879-1889. Mun., 1879-1889. Continuation of Zeitschrift fQr angewandte elektricitatslehre. In 1890 was incorporated with Elektrotech- nische zeitschrift. N. 1-12; E. 1-7. Centralblatt fiir maschinen- Industrie und eisen- giesserei See Maschinen- imd metall- industrie- zeitung. Centralblatt fiir mineralogie, geologic und palaon- tologie. S-M. 1900-i- Stut., i9oo-(- Repertorium zum Neuen jahrbuch fiir mineralogie, geologic imd palaontologie, 1905-1909, das Centralblatt fiir miner- alogie, geologic und palaontologie, 1905- 1909 und die Beilage-bande 21-28. Stut., 191 1. N. 1900-!-; E. 1900-1906, 1908-I- Centralblatt fiir nahrungs- imd genussmittel- chemie See Zeitschrift fiir offentliche chemie. Centre Americo. Q. Vol. i-f- 1909-f- Guatemala, 1909+ S. [i], 2+ Chauffeur See Technologiste. Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. Journal. M. Vol. i-f- 1898-t- Johaimes- burg, 18984- From 1898-1903 title reads Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa. No publication issued from October 1899 to May 1902. E. 1-I-; CC. I, [2], 3-5, [6], 7-8, [9], 10-12, [13], 14-I-; C. s-6, ii-t-; CE. [6], 7-1 1- Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1-4. May 1894- 1904. Johannesburg, 1 894-1904. From May 1894-February 1903 known as the Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa. E. 1-4; CC. I, 3. Chemical abstracts See American Chemical Society. Chemical abstracts. Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa. Journal See Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. Journal. Chemical engineer. M. Vol. i-|- 1904 -f Phil.- Chic, 19044- Vol. 1-4 published in Philadelphia. CC. i-h;C. i4-;E. i4-;N. i4-; S. [2, 4-S, 8], 9+ Chemical engineering and the works chemist See Association of Chemical Technologists. Chemical engineering and the works chemist. Chemical gazette. M. Vol. 1-18. 1842-1859. Lond., 1842-1859. No more published. In i8S9 title changed to Chemical news. P. 1-17; N. 1-14; S. 4, 7. 10; CE. 4, 7; CC. 9-16. 27 Chemical news and journal of physical science. W. Vol. 1+ 1860+ Lond., 1860+ Continuation of Chemical gazette. General index. Vol. i-ioo. 1860-1909. Lond., 1913. CC. i + ; E. i + ; P. 1+; S. i+; C. 1-97, 99+; N. 9,21 + Chemical news and journal of physical science. M. Authorized American reprint. Vol. 1-7. 1867- 1870. N. Y., 1867-1870. No more published. Continued as American chemist. CC. 1-6; N. 1-2, 4-6. Chemical review. M. Vol. 1-24. 1872-1895. Lond., 1872-1895. No more information available. N. 1-17; CC. [2-6}, 8, [12-13], 14, [15-16]. Chemical Society of London. Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Y. Vol. i-f- 1904-}- Lond., 1905-I- CC. i + ; C. i + ; N. 6-7. Chemical Society of London. Journal. M. Vol. i-f 1849-f Lond., 1849-f Vol. 1-14 title reads Quarterly journal. Continuation of the Memoirs and Proceed- ings. Issued in two parts namely: Transactions and Abstracts. Index of the Journal, Vol. 1-25, 1848- 1872, and to the Memoirs and Proceed- ings 1841-1847. Lond., 1874. Collective index of the Transactions and abstracts. 1873-1882. Lond., n.d. Collective index of the Transactions, Proceedings and Abstracts. 1883-1892. Lond., n.d. Collective index of the Transactions, Proceedings and Abstracts. 1 893-1 902. 2 Vols. Lond., n.d. Collective index, Transactions, Proceed- ings and Abstracts. Pts. 1-2. 1903- 1912. Lond., 1913. CC. 1-I-; C. i-f-; N. 1-I-; P. 1-I-; S. 1-92; E. 27-h Chemical Society of London. Memoirs and proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1-3. 1841-1848. Lond., 1843-1848. No more published. Continued as the Quarterly journal. C. 1-3; N. 1-3; P. 1-3; S. I, [2]. Chemical Society of London. Proceedmgs. Vol. 1+ 1885-I- Lond., 1885-h Vol. i-s title reads Abstract of proceedings. Collective index of the Transactions, Proceedings and Abstracts. 1883-189 2. Lond., n.d. Collective index of the Transactions, Proceedings and Abstracts. 1893-1902. 2 Vols. Lond., n.d. Collective index. Transactions, Proceed- ings and Abstracts. 1903-1912. Lond., 1913- CC. 1-I-; C.I -i-;N. 1-19. Chemical Society of Washington. Bulletin. No. 1-9. 1884-1895. Washington, 1886-1895. No more published. N. 1-7. Chemical trade journal and chemical engineer. W. Vol. 1+ 1887+ Lond., 1887 -I- N. [40, 43], 46+; CC. 48+ Chemical world. M. Vol. 1+ 191 2 -f- Lond., 19I2-f- CC. [i], 2+ Chemiker- zeitimg. T-W. Vol. i-|- 1877-I- Cothen, 187 7 -H Vol. 1-2 title reads Allgemeine chemiker- zeitung. Supplement: Chemisch- technisches re- pertorium. N. I-F; C. 2-h; CC. [1-3], 4+; E. II, i3-f Chemisch- pharmaceutisches centralblatt See Chemisches central- blatt. Chemisch- technischen mittheilimgen der neues- ten zeit. Irreg. Vol. 1-38. 1846-1881. Ber., 1849- 1886. No more published. Sach- register. Vol. 1-8. 1846-1859. Ber., i860. Sach- register. Vol. 1-20. 1 846-1 871. Ber., 1873. CC. 5-6, 8-9. Chemisch- technisches repertorium. S-W. Vol. i-|- 1862-I- Cothen, 1862-I- Beilage zur Chemiker- zeitung. Vol. 10-31, 1886-1907 title reads Chemisches repertorium General register. Vol. 1-5. 1862-1866 Ber., 1867. General register. Vol. 6-10. 1867-1871 Ber., 1873. General register. Vol. 11-15. 1872-1876 Ber., 1879. General register. Vol. 16-20. 1877-1881 Ber., 1883. General register. Vol. 21-25. 1882-1886 Ber., 1889. General register. Vol. 26-30. 1887-1891 Ber., 1893. General register. Vol. 31-35- 189 2-1 896 Ber., 1898. CC. i-H; N. 9-I-; C. 10-I-; E. 13-f-; S. 33-40. Chemische apparatur. S-M. Vol. i-f 1914+ Lpz., 1914+ CC. 1 + Chemische Industrie. S-M. Vol. i-\- 18784- Ber., 1878-f CC. 1-I-; C. i+; N. 20-34; E. [20], 24, [25, 28]. Chemische revue tiber die fett- vmd harz- Industrie. M. Vol. 1+ 18944- Hamburg, 1894 -f- CC. [3], 4-S, [6-9]. 10, ["]. i2-h; N. [5, 7-8], 9+; C. 20-f- 28 Chemische zeitschrift. M. Vol. i+ 1901+ Ber., 1902+ N. i+; CC. i-io, [11-12]. Chemisches central-blatt. W. Vol. 1+ 1830+ Ber., 1830+ Vol. 1-20 (1830-1849) title reads Pharma- ceutisches centralblatt. Vol. 21-25 (1850-1855) title reads Chemisch- pharmaceutisches centralblatt. In 1897 the Referate of the Deutsche Chem- ische Gesellschaft combined with Chemisches centralblatt. General-register. Vol. 1-12. 1870-1881. Hamburg, 1883. General-register. 1897-1901. Ber., 1902. CC. i + ; C. i + ; N. 27+; S. 62+ Chemisches repertorium See Chemisch-technisches repertorium. Chemist M. Vol. 1-7, 1840-1848; New ser. Vol. 1-4, 1849-1853; New ser. Vol. 1-5, 1854-1858. Lond., 1840-1858. No more published. CC. New ser. 6, New ser, 1-5; S. 4, 6-7, New ser. i, 3; CE. New ser. 1-3, New ser. 3-5. Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers See Chesterfield and Midland Counties Institution of Engineers. Chesterfield and Midland Counties Institution of Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-17. 1871-1889. Lond., 1871-1889. In 188s (Vol. 14) the name of the Institution was changed from Chesterfield and Derby- shire Institute of Mining, Civil and Me- chanical Engineers to Chesterfield and Mid- land Counties Institution of Engineers. In 1889 was incorporated with the Federated Institution of Mining Engineers. E. 1-17; C. I-16. Chicago journal of commerce See Iron and steel. Chicago mining review See Mining review (Chi- cago). Chimica industriale See Industria chimica miner- aria e metallurgica. Chimiste. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1910-I- Bruxelles, 1910+ CC. 1 + Chronique industrielle. W, Vol. i-|- 1878-I- Par., 1878+ N. [15-17], 20-31. Cienda € industrias, M, Vol. 1-3, no. 25. 1906- 1909. Buenos Aires, 1906-1909. Vol. 1-2 title reads Geologia y minas. No more information available. E. [2], 3. Ciment. M. Vol. i-f- 1896-!- Par., 1896+ Index. Vol. 1-15 in Vol. 15. CE. I, [2], 3-15. City government. See Municipal journal. Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society See note Society of Engineers. Transactions. Civil engineer and architect's journal. M. Vol. 1-3 1. 1837-1868. Lond., 1837-1868. No more published. CE. 1-3 1 ; N. 1-31; C. 1-30; E. 1-30. Civil Engineers' Club of Cleveland See Cleveland Engineering Society. Civil Engineer's Club of the Northwest See Western Society of Engineers. Civil Engineers' Club of the University of Illinois See nUnois University. Association of Engineering Societies. CiviUngenieur. Q. Vol. 1-2, 1848-1850; New ser. Vol. 1-42, 1854-1896. Lpz., 1848-1850. Years 1848-1850 title reads Der ingenieur. No more published. General-register, Vol. 1-20. 1854-1874. Lpz., 1875. General-register. Vol. 21-30. 1875- 1884. Lpz., 1885. E. I, New ser. i, [2], 8-14, 24, 26-33; N. 1-2, New ser. 1-16, 30-42; C. 21-42; CE. 30-42, Clay record, S-M. Vol. 1-37. 1892-1910, Chic, 1892-1910. In 191 1 combined with Brick and formed Brick and clay record, retaining the volume number of Clay record. N. 1-37; CE. [20], 21-33; E. [22-24]. Clay-worker. M, Vol. i-|- 1884-I- Indianapolis, 1884+ E. [39-41], 49+; N. [17-18, 21- 23], 25, [26], 27-29, [30, so], Cleveland Engineering Society. Journal, B-M. Vol. 1+ 1908 -|- Cleve- land, 1908 -|- Before 1908 known as the Civil Engineers' Club of Cleveland. The proceedings were printed in the Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies. Withdrew from the Association in March 1908 and name of Society became Cleveland Engineering So- ciety. General index. Vol. 1-5. 1908-1913 in Vol. 5. Cleveland, 1912-1913. E. [2], 3+; CE. 1-3; N. 2-3. Cleveland Institution of Engineers. Proceedings. Irreg. ist-f- i868-i- Middles- brough, Eng., i868-|- N. 1873-1879; E. [1875, 1891]. Club de Engenharia. Revista. M. Vol. 1-3, 1887-1889; Ser. 3, No, I, 1897. Rio de Janeiro, 1887-1897. No more information available. E. [1-3]; N. Ser. 3, i. Club journal See Automobile Club of America. Club journal. Coal. W. Vol. 1-2, 1882-1883. N, Y,, 1882- 1883. In January 1884 incorporated with Engi- neering and mining journal. C. 1-2; E. 1-2. Coal age. W. Vol, i-|- 191 i-j- N, Y., 191 1-|- E. i-h 29 Coal and coke. S-M. Vol. 1-18. 1894-1911. Baltimore, 1894-1911. Ceased publication in ipri. CC. 8-18; E. [16], 17-18; N. [7, lo-ii], 12-15, [16]. Coal and coke operator. M. Vol. i-f- 1905-I- Pittsburg, 1905 -f Vol. I title reads Coal & timber. Vol. 2-7 title reads Coal. Published weekly from July ipos-July 1914. CC. 1-13, [14], IS, [21]. Coal Mining Institute of America. Proceedings. Y. 1902-!- Pittsburg, 19024- E. 1907+ Coal trade. Y. 1874+ N. Y., 1875-I- CC. 1897, 1899-1905, 1908-1911. Coal trade bulletin. S-M. Vol. i-h 1898-!- Pitts- burg, 1898 -|- CC. 17-25, [26], 27. Coal trade journal. W. Vol. 1-51; 45 -h 1869-f- N. Y., 1869-I- In 1913 volume number changed to 45, being the 4Sth year of publication. N. [1I-I4, 16], 17-19, [20], 21-22, [23-24], 25-27, [28-33, 35], 36-51, 45-1- ; E. 15, 18-45, [46], 47-51, 45-|-;CC. 41-51, 46. Colbum's railroad advocate See Railroad advo- cate. Cold. M. Vol. i-f- 1909-f Watertown, N. Y., 1909+ E.1 + Cold storage See Refrigerating world. Cold Storage and Ice Association. Proceedings. S-A. Vol. i-|- 1900-I- Lond., 19CO-I- E.3+ Cold storage and ice trade journal See Refrigerating world. Cold storage and ice trade review See Cold storage and produce review. Cold storage and produce review. M. Vol. i-f- 1898-I- Lond., 1898-1- Vol. 1-13, no. 148 (1898-July 1910) title reads Cold storage and ice trade review. E.9+ Collection acad6mique, compos6e des m6moires, actes, ou joumaux des plus cflebres academies et soci6tes litteraires, 6trangeres, des extraits des meilleurs ouvrages p6riodiques, des trait^s par- ticuliers, et des pieces fugitives les plus rares con- cemant I'histoire naturelle et la botanique, la physique exp6rimentalle et la chymie, la midecine et I'anatomie. Vol. 1-13. Partie 6trangere. 1755- 1779. Dijon,-Par., i755-i779- N. 1-13; E. 1-9. Colliery engineer. M. Vol. i+ i88i-f- Scranton, Pa., 1881-I- Vol. 5-7 (1885-1887) title reads Mining herald and colliery engineer. Vol. 14-17 (1894-1897) title reads Colliery engineer and metal miner. Vol. 18-33. no. 7 (1897-1913) title reads Mines and minerals. C.4-5,[7],8+;E.5+;N. [7-12], 13-f- CE. ii-f ; CC. 22-1- Colliery engineer and metal miner See Colliery engineer. Colliery guardian and journal of the coal and iron trades. W. Ser. i, Vol. 1-2, 1858-1859; Ser. 2, Vol. i-t- i86o-F Lond., 1858-f- C. 11-15, 37+; E. 38-h; CE. 77-[-; N. [47, 49-51, 53, 60], 61-63, [64-65], 66, [67], 68-70, [71-72], 73-74, [75-76, 78, 80-81, 83, 87-89]; CC. 96-104. Colorado engineers' magazine. Q. Vol. i-f March 1912-f- Boulder, Colo., 1912-^ E. [1-2], 3+ Colorado School of Mines. Quarterly. Q. Vol. 1+ 1906-f Golden, Colo., i9o6-f E. 3, [4-5], 6+ Colorado School of Mines. Technical and Engi- neering Society. Bulletin. S-A. Vol. 1-5. 1900-1910. Golden, Colo., 1900-1910. No more published. Colorado School of Mines magazine published in its place. E. 1-5; N. [2-3], 4, [5]. Colorado school of mines magazine. M. Vol. 1 + 1910-I- Golden, Colo., 1910-I- E. i-f Colorado Scientific Society. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1883 -[- Denver, Colo., 1883-I- C. i + ;E. 2-|-;CE. 8. Colorado State School of Mines See Colorado School of Mines. Colorado University. Association of Engineering Societies. Journal of engineering. Y. No. i-f 19044- Boulder, 1905 -h CE. I-f-; E. 1 + Columbia engineer See Columbia University. Engineering Society. Columbia engineer. Coliunbia University. Electrical engineering de- partment. Contributions. Irreg. Nos. 1-95. 1890- 1899. N. Y., 1890-1899. Collection made up of reprints. Ceased publication. C. 4, 7, 10, 12-13, 17-18, 21, 25-26, 28, 35, 37-39, 46, 48, 54, 56, 76, 82-84, 90, 94-95- Columbia University. Engineering Society. Columbia engineer, being the Transactions of the Society. Y. 1893-1908. N. Y., 1893-1908. From 1893-1894 title reads The engineer. From 1893-June 1896 subtitle reads Yearbook of the Engineering Society. C. 1893-1904; CE. 1893-1894, 1896-1898, 1900-1901, 1907-1908; E. 1898-1899, 1906-1908; N. 1 897-1901. 3° Columbia University. Ernest Kempton Adams Fund for Physical Research. Publications. Irreg. No. i+ 1906+ N. Y., 1906+ C. i + ;E.4,6+;N. 1-2. Coltimbia University. Geological department. Contributions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1892+ N. Y., 1892+ C. i+; N. I, [3-s, 7-", 13]- Columbia University. Havemeyer Laboratory. Contributions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1898+ N. Y., 1898+ CC. i+; C. 1 + Colimibia University. Metallurgy department. Contributions. Y. No. 1-13. 1890-1899. N. Y., 1890-1899. Ceased publication. C. 1-13. Columbia University. Mineralogy department. Contributions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1886+ N. Y., 1886+ C. i + ; N. [10]. Columbia University. Phoenix Physical Labora- tory. Contributions. Irreg. No. 1+ 1905+ Lancaster, Pa., 19054- Made up of reprints. C. 2, 4-5, 11-12; N. 2, 5, II. Columbia University. School of Mines. Engineer- ing Society. Yearbook. Y. 1893+ (?)• N. Y., 1893+ (?). C. 1896-1906; E. 1893-1894. Comlte des Forges de France. Annuaire. Y. i904(?)-t- Par., i904(?)-f- E. 1904+ Comite des Forges de France. Bulletin. Irreg. i884(?)-f Par., i884(?)+ E. 1884-1888, 1890-H Comite Permanent des Conferences Consultatives des Agents des difffirents Services des Chemins de fer Russes. Bulletin. M. Vol. i-l- 1902+ Petrograd, 1902+ E. [9], IO-J-; CE. 7+ Commerdal America. M. Vol. 1+ 1904+ Phil., 1904-I- E. [7], 8+; C. [9], 10+ Commerdal motor. W. Vol. i-f- 1905+ Lond., 1905+ E. [15-17I; C. 17+ Commerdal telegraphers' journal. M. Vol. i-f- 1903+ Chic, 1903+ E. [s-6]. Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interoceanique. Bulletin du canal interoceanique. S-M. Vol. i-io. 1879-1889. Par., 1879-1889. CE. [i-io]. Compass. M. Vol. 1-3. 1891-1894. N. Y., 1891- 1894. CE. 1-3; E. 1-3; S. I. Compressed air See Compressed air magazine. Compressed air magazine. M. Vol. 1+ 18964- N. Y., 1896-I- March 1896-September 1908 title reads Compressed air. E. i-h; N. 2+; CE. [1, 4], S-io, [11], 124-; S. [11, 13], 144-; P. 5-"- Concerning municipal ownership. M. Vol. i4- 19064- N. Y., 1906-t- E. 1-4, [5], 64-; N. 1-4. Concrete. M. Vol. 1-12. 1904-Jime 1912. De- troit, 1904-1912. In July 191 2 combined with Cement age and formed Concrete-cement age. N. [5], 6-12; C. 4. Concrete age. M. Vol. 1+ 19054- Atlanta, Ga., 1905-1- N. [5-10], 11-12, [13-14]; CE. [10], 114-; C. i84- Concrete and constructional engineering. M- Vol. 1 4- 19064- Lond., 1906+ Vol. 1-4, no. 4 issued bi-monthly. E. i4-; C. 74-; N. [3-5]. Concrete engineering. M. Vol. 1-5. 1907-1910. Cleveland, 1907-1910. Combined with Cement age in 191 1. E. i-s; N. [i], 2-5; CE. [4], 5. Concrete Institute. Transactions and notes. Irreg. Vol. x + 19094- Lond., 1909-I- E. 14-; CE. 1-3. Concrete review See Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers. Concrete re- view. Concrete-cement age. M. Vol. i-f- 191 24- Detroit, 191 24- Formed by the consolidation of Concrete and Cement age in July 191 2. CE. x+; E. i+; N. [i], 2-h; C.24- Cotmecticut Association of Civil Engineers and Surveyors See Connecticut Society of Civil Engi- neers. Coimecticut Civil Engineers' and Surveyors' Association See Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers. Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers. Papers and transactions and proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-j- 1885-^- New Haven, 18854- Vol. 1-19 title reads Proceedings. Organized in 1884 as Connecticut Civil Engineers' and Surveyors' Association. Name used on publications, 1886-1894, Connecticut Association of Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Present name adopted in 1901. CE. i4-; N. 7-9, 12, 14, 16, 224-; E. 26, 284- 31 Conservation See American Forestry Association. American forestry. Conservatoire des Arts et M6tiers. Annales. Q. Vol. i-ii, 1860-1879; Ser. 2, Vol. i-io, 1889-1898; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-12, 1899-1911. Par., 1860-1911. Publication suspended 1879-1888. No longer published. E. i-io, Ser. 2, i-io, Ser. 3, 1-4; CE, I-IO, [11]. Constructeur d' usines k gaz. M. Vol. 1-43, no. 10. 1863-1905. Par., 1863-1905. No more published. N. 34-43- Construction modeme. W. Vol. i-io, 1885-1895; Ser. 2, Vol. i-f- 1895-1- Par., 1885. Table gen^rale des matiSres. Ser. i. Vol. i-io. 1885-1895. Par., 1896. E. I-IO, Ser. 2, i-f-; N. 1-8, Ser., 2, 1, [2]; E. 9-10, Ser. 2, I. Construction news. W. Vol. 1+ 1895+ Chic, 1895+ N. [14, 17, 25-27, 31-32], 33. Contract journal and specification record. W. Vol. I-f i879-f Lond., 1879-!- N. [51], 52, [53]. Contract news. W. Vol. 1-24. 1891-1905. N. Y., 1891-1905. In May 1906 was incorporated with Engi- neering-contracting. CE. 1-2, [5-6], 7-24. Contract record & engineering review. W. Vol. 1+ i888-t- Toronto, i888-f Vol. 1-22, no. 4 (1888-April 1908) title reads Canadian architect and builder. This was a monthly publication. A weekly publication was issued under the title of Canadian contract record. In 1908 these two publications combined under the title of Contract record, retaining the volume numbering of the Canadian architect and builder. C. 26-1- Contractor. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1898-I- Chic, 1898-I- CE. [13], 14; C. 14+ Copper and brass. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-4. 1907. "Detroit, Mich., 1907. Incorporated with Metal industry in 1907. E. I. Copper handbook. Y. Vol. i-|- 1900-t- Houghton, Mich., 1900-I- E. I-f-; P. 1-3, 9; CC. 9. Cordage trade journal. S-M. Vol. i-f 1890-}- N. Y., 1890-t- E. 5-13, [34-36], 37+ Comell civil engineer See Cornell University. Association of Civil Engineers. Cornell civil engi- Cornell University. Association of Civil Engineers. Cornell civil engineer. M. Vol. i-|- 1893-!- Ithaca, N. Y., 1893 -h Vol. 1-14 title reads Transactions. CE. i + ; E. i-s, 7+; N. [i], 10-13, [15-16], 19-i-; C 21-I- Corps gras industriels, journal des fabricants d'hmles, savons, suifs, bougies, etc. Vol. i-f- 1874-I- Par., 1874+ Vol. 1-3 title reads Journal de I'exploitation des corps gras industriels. N. 27-f Cosmos; revue des sciences et de leurs applications. W. Newser. Vol. i-h 1885-I- Par., 1885-}- Formed by the combination of Cosmos; revue encyclop^dique hebdomadaire des progr6s des sciences and Les mondes; revue hebdomadaire des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et & I'industrie in 1884. N. New ser. 1-2, [48-50], 52-f Cosmos; revue encyclop^dique hebdomadaire des progr6s des sciences. W. Vol. 1-25, 1852-1864; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-6, 1865-1867; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-7, 1867- 1870. Par., 1852-1870. In 1884 combined with Les mondes, revue hebdomadaire des sciences et de leurs applica- tions aux arts et k I'industrie and formed Cosmos; revue des sciences et de leurs applica- tions. N. 1-25, Ser. 2, 1-6, Ser. 3, 1-7; S. 1-2, 4-21. Cotton. M. Vol. 1-15, 73-1- i896(?)-|- Atlanta, Ga., i896(?)-f In October 1908 Southern mills was incor- pwrated with Cotton. In November 1908 Boston journal of Com- merce was incorporated with Cotton, and the volume number of the Boston journal is re- tained. N. [9, 15, 73-74]- County Road Engineers' Society of West Virginia. Proceedings of the convention. Y. ist-|- 1909 -f- Charleston, 1909-f- CE. I. Crank See Sibley journal of engineering. Crow bar. M. Vol. 1+ 1892-}- Miimeapolis, 1892-h N. [15], 164- Cuir. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1906-I- Par., 1906-]- CC. [5-6]. Current news See Philadelphia Electric Com- pany. Current news. Cyclecar age See Light car age. Daguerreism journal. S-M. Vol. 1-4. 1851-1853. N. Y., 1851-1853. Continued as Humphrey's journal of the daguerreotype and photographic arts. N. 1-2; E. I. Daily mining record See Mining record. Dsmsk Ingeni^rforening. Ingeni0ren. S-W. Vol. i-f- 1882-I- K6ben- havn, 1882-f- N. 7+; E. 234-; CE. 1-20. Delaware County Institute of Science. Proceedings. Q. Vol. i-|- 1905 -f- Media, Pa., 1905+ CE. [i], 2-1- Denver Society of Civil Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-4. 1890-1892. Denver, 1890-1892. Society discontinued in 1898. CE. 1-4. Dependable highways See National Paving Brick Manufacturers Association. Dependable highways. 32 Design and work See Mechanical world and metal trades journal. Designer & weaver. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 8. 1881- 1882. Brasher Falls, N. Y., 1881-1882. No more information available. N. 1-2. Deutsch-Amerikanischer Techniker-Verband. Jahres-bericht. Y. 1881-1886. N. Y., 1883- 1886. No more information available. N. 1881-1884, 1885-1886. Deutsch-Amerikanischer Techniker-Verband. Technologist. M. Vol. 1+ 1896-I- N. Y., 1896+ Vol. i-S (1896-1900) title reads Mitteilungen. CE. i-h; N. i+; C. 6-f; E. [6-12], 13 -F; S. 16+ ; CC. 1-5. Deutsch-Osterreichischer Telegraphen Verein. Zeitschrift. M. Vol. 1-16. 1854-1869. Ber., 1854-1869. General register. Vol. 1-16. 1854-1869. Ber., 1869. E. i-S, 9-13- Deutsche bauzeitung. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1867-I- Ber., 1867+ Vol. 1 title reads Wochenblatt des Archi- tekten-Vereins zu Berlin. Sach-register. 1867-1877. Ber., 1878. Inhalts-verzeichniss. Orts- imd sach- register. 1878-1900. Ber., 1903. CE. 1 + Deutsche bergwerks-zeitung. D. Vol. i-f- i9oo(?) -f Essen, i9oo(?)-|- E. Current nos. only. Deutsche Bunsen Gesellschaft fiir Angewandte Physikalische Chemie. Abhandlungen. S-A. No. 1+ 1909+ Halle a S., 1909-!- C. i-h Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte. S-M. Vol. 1+ i868-f- Ber., 1868-1- From 1884-1896 issued in two sections: the Berichte and the Referate. The Refetate combined- with Chemisches centralblart in 1897. Generalregister. Vol. i-io. 1868-1877. Ber., 1880. Generalregister. Vol. 11-20. 1878- 1887. 2 Vols. Ber., 1888. Generalregister. Vol. 21-29. 1888- 1896. 3 Vols. Ber., 1898. Generalregister. Vol. 1-40. 1868-190 7. Ber., 1908. CC. i + ; C. I-f-; N. i-f; E. 7-I-; S. 1-34, 37+ Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Q. Vol. i-|- 1849-I- Ber., 1849+ Register. Vol. i-io. 1849-1858 in Vol. 10. Register. Vol. 11-20. 1859-1868 in Vol. 20. Register. Vol. 21-30. 1869-1878 in Vol. 30. Register. Vol. 31-40. 1879-1888 in Vol. 40. N. i+; E. 1-24. Deutsche gewerbe-zeitung See Wieck's deutsche illustrirte gewerbezeitung. Deutsche industrie-zeitung. W. 1 860-1 889. Chemnitz, 1860-1889. Years 1860-186 1 title reads Sachsische in- dustrie-zeitung. In 1889 consolidated with Gewerbeschau. Alphabetisches repertorium 1860-1863. Chemnitz, 1864. N. 1868-1869; CE. 1865; CC. 1879. Deutsche installateur und klempner zeitung. W. October 1904-}- Diisseldorf, 1904-I- CC. 1904-I- Deutsche kohlen-zeitung. W. Vol. i-|- 1883+ Ber., 1883 -I- CC. 20-29. Deutsche landwirtschaftliche presse. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1874-I- Ber., 18744- CC. 29-38. Deutsche luftfahrer zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1897-}- Ber., 1897-}- Vol. 1-13 title reads Illustrirte aeronautische mittheilungen. Vol. 14-15 title reads Deutsche zeitschrift fiir luftschiffahrt. N. 2+; E. [12], 13-1- Deutsche mechaniker zeitung See Zeitschrift fiir instnmientenkunde. Beiblatt. Deutsche me- chaniker zeitung. Deutsche muster- zeitung fiir farberei, etc. See Leipziger farber- imd zeugdrucker-zeitimg. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Berichte. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1903 -f- Bms., 1903+ CC. I-f; N. 1-I-; E. is-1- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Literaturverzeichniss. S-M. Vol. i-\- 1902 -f- Bms., 1902-I- E. 8-1- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1878-}- Bms., 1878-1- Vol. 1-7 appeared with Fortschritte der physikVol. 34-35, 37-39 (1878-1879, 1881-1883) and not published separately. Year 1892 appeared in Annalen der physik Vol. 45 (1892). Vol. 1-7 title reads Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. C. I-I-; E. 1-7, 11-I-; N. 1-17. Deutsche Rontgen- Gesellschaft. Verhandlungen. Y. Vol. i-f- 1905-!- Ham- burg, 1905-1- N. 1-7. Deutsche techniker- zeitung. W. Vol. i-j- 1884 -f- Ber., 1884-}- N. 22-27. Deutsche topfer- und zeigler- zeitimg. S-W. Vol. 1+ 1870-1- Ber., 1870-H E. 40-1- ; N. 42-1- 33 Deutsche vierteljahrsschrift fur offentliche gesund- heitspflege. Q. Vol. i-|- 1869+ Bms., 1869+ General-register. Vol. i-io. 1869-1878. Bms., 1882. General-register. Vol. 11-30. 1879- 1898. Bms., 1889. General-register. Vol. 31-40. 1899- 1908. Bms., 1909. C. i + ; CC. 1-31. Deutsche zeitschrif t flir luftschifEahrt See Deutsche luf tfahrer zeitschrif t. Deutsche zuckerindustrie. W. Vol. 1+ 1876-t- Ber., 1876-I- N. 12, 22-1- ; E. [33], 34-f- Deutscher Luftfahrer- Verband. Jahrbuch. Y. 1903-I- Ber., 1903-I- Years 1903-1911 known as the Deutscher Luftschiffer- Verband. N. 1910. Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfach- mannem. Verhandlungen. Y. Vol. 1-47. i86i(?)-(- MOn., i86i(?)-|- E. 29-41, 43-47; CC. 36-52. Diamant. T-M. Vol. i-|- 1898-I- Par., 1898-I- N.4+ Digest of physical tests and laboratory practice. Q. Vol. 1-3. 1896-1898. Phil., 1896-1898. No more published. E. 1-2, [3]; CE. I. Dingier' s polytechnisches journal. W. Vol. i-|- i820-t- Stut., 1820-I- Vol. 1-211 title reads Polytechnisches journal. Real index. Vol. 1-78. 1820-1840. Stut., 1843. Real index. Vol. 79-118. 1841-1850. Stut., 1853. Real index. Vol. 119-158. 1851-1860. Stut., 1 86 1. Real index. Vol. 159-198. 1 861 -18 70. Stut., 1871. CC. i-|-;C. i-h;E. i-f;N. i-f; P. i + ; S. 1-259, [260], 261-318, [319], 320, [321-322]; CE. 175- 226, [227], 228-237, [238], [318], 319-323- Domestic engineering (Chicago). W. Vol. i-f- 1889-I- Chic, 1889-h CE. 22-f-; E. [57], S8-S9, [60], 61 + Domestic engineering and the estate engineer (London) See Institution of Heating and Ventilat- ing Engineers. Domestic engineering and the estate engineer. Draftsman See Industrial magazine. Drude's Annalen der physik See Annalen der physik. Drugs, oils and pamts. M. Vol. i-f i88s-|- Phil., i88s-j- N. [19], 20+ Dublin quarterly journal of science. Q. Vol. 1-9. 1861-1869. Dub., 1861-1869. No more information available. N. 1-6; E. 1-3; C. 6. Durham University. Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1896+ Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1900-!- CC. i-l- Dvigatel. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1907 -j- St. Peters- burg, 19074- E. [6], 7+ Dyer, calico printer, bleacher, finisher and textile review. M. Vol. i4- i879-f Lond., 1879-I- CC. 19-32; N. 30-31; C. 32-f Dyestuffs. M. Vol. i-|- i898-f N. Y., 1898+ CC. [i], 2+; C. 14+ Echo des mines et de la m6tallujgie. B-W. Vol. i-f- 1876-I- Par., 1876-f- N. 23 -f; E. [36], 37-}- Edairage electrique. W. Vol. 1-53. September 1894-December 1907. Par., 1894-1907. Known as La lumidre 61ectrique from April 1879-August 1894 and 1908 to date. Tables g6n6rales. Vol. i-io. 1894-1897 in Vol. 10. n.p., 1883. Tables gen^rales. Vol. 1-25. 1894-1900. Par., 1902. E. 1-53; N. 1-53; CC. 1-21. Ecole Polytechnique de Delft. Annales. Irreg. Vol. 1-8, no. 4. 1885-1897. Leide, 1885-1897. No more published. CE. 1-8. Economic geology. S-Q. Vol. i-f- October 1905 -f- Lancaster, Pa., 1906-!- Continuation of American geologist. E.i-f;N.i-h;CC.i-5. Edinburgh and Leith Engineers' Society. Proceedings. Vol. 1-5. 1875-1880. Edin., 1875-1880. Combined with the Royal Scottish Society, forming an Engineering section. N. I. Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-|- i866-|- Edin., 1870-I- N. 1-I-; E. 2, 5-1- Edinburgh joumal of science. Q. Old ser. Vol. i-io, 1824-1829; New ser. Vol. 1-6, 1829-1832. Edin., 1824-1832. In 1832 united with Philosophical magazine and formed the London and Edinburgh phil- osophical magazine. E. Old ser. i-io. New ser. 1-6; S. Old ser. i-io, New ser. 1-6. 34 Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Q. Vol. 1-14, 1819-1826; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-57, 1826-1854; New ser. Vol. 1-19, 1854-1864. Edin., 1819-1864. Vol. 1-14 title reads Edinburgh philosophical journal. Incorporated with Quarterly journal of science in 1864. N. 1-14, Ser. 2, 1-57, New ser 1-19; E. 1-14, Ser. 2, 1-57, New ser. 1-12; CC. Ser. 2, 13, 15, 19, 40-41, 43, 47, SI, New ser. 10-12, 1S-17; S. i-io. Edison Electric Light Company. Bulletin. Irreg. No. 1-22. 1882-1884. N. Y., 1882-1884. A second series was published but no in- formation could be obtained about them. C. 1-22; E. 1-22; N. 1-22; S. 1-20. Edison light. M. Vol. 1-5. 1903-1908. Bost., 1903-1908. No more information available. E. [1-2], 3-4, [5]- Edison monthly. M. Vol. i-f i9o8H- N. Y., 1908+ CC. i + ; S. i + ; E. i, [2], 3, [4],S+;C.4+;N.i-3. Efficiency See Western Efficiency Society. ico% Efficiency magazine. M. Vol. i-|- 191 i-h N. Y., 1911-t- E.[2],4+ Effidency Society. Journal. M. Vol. i-|- October 191 2-t- N. Y., 1912-H Vol. 1-2 (October 1912-June 1913) title reads Bulletin. Vol. 3, no. 2-7 (November 1913-April 1914) title reads Greater efficiency. C. i-f;E. 1 + Effidency Society. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1912+ N. Y., 1913+ E. i-h Eisen-zeitung. W. Vol. i-f i88o-|- Bar., i88o-t- E. 25+ Eisenbau. M. Vol. 1+ 1910+ Lpz., 1910-I- E. i-t-; CE. 3+ Eisenbeton. W. Vol. 1-4, no. 18. 1907-September 1910. Ber., 1907-1910. Combined with Bauwelt in September 1910. N. 1-4. Electric accimiulator. M. Vol. 1-3. 1906-1908. Lond., 1 906- 1 908. No more information available. E. 1-2, [3]. Electric age See Electrical age. Electric city See Electric city magazine. Electric city magazine. M. Vol. 1+ 1903-!- Chic, 1903-i- Vol. i-S title reads Electric city. E. 1-4, [S], 6-1- Electric Club, New York. Papers read before the Club. Irreg. Nos. i-27(?). i887-i89i(?). N. Y., 1887- i89i(?) This Club was in existence from May 1886- June 1894. Papers were also published in Electrical re- view, N. Y. E. 4, 9-10, 12-27; CE. 11-20, 22. Electric club journal See Electric journal. Electric items. S-W. Vol. 1-2, no. 19. April- October 1888. N. Y., 1888. No more published. E. 1-2. Electric journal. S-M. Vol. 1-2. 1895-1897. Chic, 1895-1897. No more information available. E. 1-2. Electric journal. M. Vol. i + 1904-f Pitts- burg, 1904-1- February 1904-May 1905 title reads Electric club journal. Topical index. Vol. 1-7. 1 904-1910. Pittsburg, n.d. Topical index. Vol. 1-8. 1904-1911. Pittsburg, n.d. Topical index. Vol. 1-9. 1904-1912. Pittsburg, n.d. E. i-h; S. i + ; N. 1-8; C. 2+ Electric light See Electrical engineer. Electric power. M. Vol. 1-9. 1889-1896. N. Y., 1889-1896. No more published. CE. 1-9; E. 1-9; S. 1-8; N. [1-6], 7-9- Electric railway advertiser. M. Vol. 1-3. 1890- 1891. Bost., 1890-1891. Vol. 1-2 published semi-monthly. Consolidated with Electricity and rail- roading. E. [1-3]. Electric railway and tramway journal. M. Vol. I-f 1899-f Lond., 1899-I- Incorporates Light railway journal. In 1906 incorporated Electrical power. Until June 1914 known as the Light railway and tramway journal. E. 6-8, 14-I-; N. [10-12]. Electric railway gazette. W. Vol. 1-14. 1886- June 1896. N, Y., 1886-1896. Vol. 1-12 (1886-June 189s) title reads Street railway gazette. In July 1896 consolidated with Electrical world. E. 1-14; N. [3], 4, [7-11]; C. 11-12. Electric railway journal. W. Vol. 32-I- 1908-!- N. Y., 1908-1- Formed by the consolidation of Street rail- way journal and Electric railway review in June 1908. The volume number of Street railway journal is retained. Annual supplement; McGraw electric railway manual. CE. 324-; C. 32-I-; E. 32+; N. 32+;S.32+ 35 Electric railway review. W. Vol. 1-19. 1891- 1908. Chic, 1891-1908. Vol. 1-16, no. 6 (1891-June 1906) title reads Street railway review. Issued monthly until 1907. In July 1908 consolidated with Street railway journal and formed Electric railway journal. N. [l], 7-19; E. [l], 2-3, S-19; C. 12-15, [16], 17-19; CE. [i, 13], 14-19. Electric sign journal. M. Vol. i-f- October 1913-)- N. Y., 19134- E. i-l- W. Electric telegraph and railway review. Vol. 1-2. 1870-1872. Lond., 1870-1872. Vol. I, nos. i-S title reads Electric telegraph review. No more information available. E. 1-2. Electric telegraph review See Electric telegraph and railway review. Electric traction. M. Vol. i-f- 1905-}- Cleveland- Chic, 1905 -h Vol. 1-2, no. 23 (November i90S-November 1906) title reads Interurban railway journal. From November 1906-July 1912 (Vol. 2, no. 2S-V0I. 8, no. 27) title reads Electric traction weekly. Changed from weekly to monthly publication in July 1912. E. I, [2-3], 4+; N. [3-4], s-H; CE. s-h Electric traction weekly. See Electric traction. Electric trunk line age. M. No. 1-38. 1907-1910. N. Y., 1907-1910. Consolidated with Railway electrical engi- neer in 191 1. E. 1-38; N. i-is, 21, 23. Electric Vehicle Association of America. Annual convention, papers, reports and dis- cussions. Y. ist-|- 1910+ N. Y., igioH" Record of first convention in typewritten form only. E. 2nd, 4th, Electric vehicles. M. Vol. i-h October 191 1+ Chic, 191 1 + Vol. 1-3, no. 2 (October I9it-March 1913) title reads Ignition and accessories. E. [1-3], 4+ Electrical age. W. Vol. 1-41, no. 5. 1883-1910. N. Y., 1883-1910. Vol. 1-7 (1883-1891) title reads Electric age. Discontinued in June 1910, but in 191 1 com- bined with Southern electrician, which is now known as Electrical engineering (At- lanta). The volume number of Electrical age is retained. E. [4-5], 6-7, 9-1 1, [12], 13-14, [15], 16-23, [24-27], 28, [29], 30-41; C. 7, II, 16-20, [21], 22, 29; N. [9-24, 29-31], 34, [35-36, 39], 40-41; CE. [29-30]; S. 32-40, l4i]- Electrical doings. M. Vol. i, no. i-ii. 1896-February 1897. N. Y., 1896-1897. No more published. E. [i]. April Electrical engineer. W. Old ser. Vol. 1-6, 1882- 1887; New ser. Vol. 1-49, no. 6, 1888-1912. Lond., 1882-1912. Vol. r title reads Electric light. In February 1912 Electrical engineer was in- corporated with Electrical engineering. E. Old ser. 1-6, New ser. 1-49; N. New ser. 20-49. Electrical engineer (New York). W. Vol. 1-27. 1882-1899. N. Y., 1882-1899. Vol. 1-2 title reads Electrician. Vol. 3-6 title reads Electrician and electrical engineer. In March 1899 consolidated with Electrical world under the title of Electrical world and engineer. C. 1-27; E. 1-27; S. 1-27; P. 1-26; N.i-6, 8-27; CE. 2-s, 8-27; CC. 23-24. Electrical engineering. W. Vol. i-f- 1907-I- Lond., 1907 -j- Incorporates Electrical engineer in February E. I-f-; N. [4], 8-}-; CE. [1-2, 5-6, 9l- Electrical engineering and telephone magazine See Telephone magazine. Electrical engineering (Atlanta). M. Vol. i-|- 1906 -h Atlanta, Ga., 1906 -f In 191 1 Electrical age consolidated with Southern electrician. The volume number of Electrical age is retained. Vol. i-io, 42-4S, no. 3 (1906-April 1913) title reads Southern electrician. E. [6], 7-10, 42-I-: N. [6-10], 42-i-; CE. 42-t-; S. [44], 45-1- Electrical engineering (Chicago) See Telephone magazine. Electrical enterprise. W. Vol. 1-3. 1891-1892. Bost., 1891-1892. No more published. CE. 1-3; E. [1-3]. Electrical era. M. Vol. i. 1898-1899. St. Louis, 1898-1899. No more information available. E. [i]. Electrical field. M. Vol. i-f 1908-}- Lond., 1908 -f- E. [i]. Electrical industries See American electrician. Electrical journal See Journal of electricity, power and gas. Electrical magazine. Q. Vol. 1-2. 1843-1846. Lond., 1845-1846. No more published. E. 1-2. Electrical magazine. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 5. 1903- 1904. Lynn, Mass., 1903-1904. Vol. I, nos. 1-8 title reads Electric light. No issue in January 1904. No more information available. N. [1-2]. 36 Electrical magazine. M. Vol. 1-14, no. i. 1904- 1910. Lond., 1904-1910. Discontinued. E. 1-4, 6-7, [8], 9-14; N. [2], 3, [4, 7-10, 12]. Electrical-merchandise and selling electricity. M. Vol. 1+ 190S+ Brattleboro, Vt., 1905+ Until Vol. 10, no. 3 title reads Selling elec- tricity. Vol. 10, no. 4- Vol. II, no. 3 title reads Selling electricity and electrical merchandise. E. [4], 5+ Electrical mining. Q. Vol. 1+ 1904+ Chic, 1904+ E. [i], 2+ Electrical news. M. Vol. 1+ 1891+ Toronto, 1891+ Vol. 3-9 title reads Canadian electrical news and steam engineering journal. Vol. 10-19 title reads Canadian electrical news and engineering journal. E. 3+; N. [3], 7+; CE. [18], 19+ Electrical news and telegraphic reporter. W. Vol. 1. 1875. Lond., 1875. No more information available. E. I. Electrical northwest. M . Vol. 1-2. June 1890- September 1891. St. Paul, 1890-1891. No more published. E. [1-2]. Electrical power. M. Vol. 1-3. 1903-1905. Lond., 1903-1905. Consolidated with Light railway and tram- way journal in 1906. E. 1-3. Electrical progress and development See note Modem light and heat. Electrical record. M. Vol. 1+ 1907-f N. Y., 1907+ E. [1-2], 3, [4], s+; N. [2], 3, [4], 5-6, [7-8I; S. [4], 5+ Electrical review. W. Vol. i-f 1872+ Lond., 1872+ Vol. 1-29 title reads Telegraphic journal and electrical review. C. I + ; E. i-f ; N. i + ; P. i + ; CE. 2, s, [6], 7-22, [23], 24+; S. 1-32, [33]- Electrical review and western electrician. W. Vol. 1+ 1882+ N. Y., 1882-f Vol. X title reads Review of the telegraph and telephone. Vol. 2-52 title reads Electrical review. In November 1908 Western electrician com- bined with Electrical review and formed Electrical review and western electrician. In 1912 Electrocraft was incorporated with Electrical review and western electrician. E. i-h; C. 2+; N. 2-f ; S. 6, 13, 53 -j-; CE. 54+ Electrical times. M. Vol. 1-2. 1906. Toledo, O., 1906. No more information available. E. 1-2. Electrical times. W. Vol. i-f 1892-}- Lond., 1892-I- Vol. 1-18 title reads Lightning. Vol. 19-20 title reads Lightning, the electrical times. E.3+ Electrical world. W. Vol. 1+ 1883+ N. Y., 1883+ Continuation of the Operator. From January-April 21, 1883 title reads Oper- ator and electrical world and the volume number is 14, nos. 1-16, being the volume number of the Operator. On April 28 the title became Electrical world and the volume is Vol. I, no. 17. The Operator continued as a semi-monthly publication and the Electrical world as a weekly publication. In July 1896 Electric railway gazette consoli- dated with Electrical world. In March 1899 Electrical engineer consoli- dated with Electrical world and the title became Electrical world and engineer. In 1906 American electrician consolidated with Electrical world and engineer and title became Electrical world. Index. Vol. 1-28. 1883-1896. N. Y., 1897. Lidex. Vol. 29-52. 1897-1908. N. Y., 1897-1908. C. I-f; E. I-f; P. I-f; CE. 3+] N. [1-2], 3-9, [10-15], 16, [17- 18], 19-23, [24-27], 28+; S. 9+; CC. 24-48, [49-Si], 52-53, [54], 55-56, [57-58], 60-f Electrical world and engineer See Electrical world. Electrical world and record. W. Vol. 1-2. 1908- 1909. Manchester, 1908-1909. No more information available. E. [1-2]. Electrician. W. Vol. 1-5. November 1861-April 1864. Lond., 1861-1864. Discontinued in May 1864. E. i-s. Electrician. W. Vol. i-f 1878-f Lond., 18784- E. i + ; N. I-f-; P. I-f; C. 1-66, 68-h; CE. 3-4, [5], 6+; S. 17-I- Electrician and electrical engineer See Electrical engineer (N. Y.). Electrician and mechanic See note Modern elec- trics and mechanics. Electrician (N. Y.) See Electrical engineer (N. Y.). Electricien, revue intemationale de I'^lectricitfi. W. Ser. I, Vol. 1-14, 1881-1890; Ser. 2, Vol. i-|- 1891-f- Par., 1881 + Ser. I title reads Electricien, revue g6n6rale d'61ectricit6. In 1 891 Revue Internationale de I'electricit^ was incorporated with Electricien. C. 1-14, Ser. 2, 1-I-; N. 1-14, Ser. 2, 1-I-; E. 1-9, Ser. 2, i-|-; S. 1-8, [9]. Electricite, revue scientifique illustrde. Irreg. Vol. 1-18. 1876-1894. Par., 1876-1894. No more information available. C. 1-18; N. 1-17; E. 1-6, [7], 8 [9]- 37 Electricity. W. Vol. i+ 1890+ Lond., 1890+ Vol. 1-2 1 title reads Electricity and electrical engineering. E. I-S, [6], 7-9, [lO» 12-14], 15+; CE. [20], 21-25. Electricity. W. Vol. 1-30, no. 14. 1891-1906. N. Y., 1891-1906. Ceased publication April 1906. CE. 1-30; C. 1-30; E. 1-30; N. [1-2], 3, [5], 6-7, [8-12], 13-30; S. [1-2], 3-5, [6]. Electricity and electrical engineering See Elec- tricity. Electricity and railroading. M. Newser.,no. 1-12. 1892-1893. Bost., 1892-1893. No more published. E. 2, 5, 8-9, II-I2. Electro, revue Internationale de l'61ectricit6. M. Vol. i-|- 1902+ Bruxelles, 1902-I- E. [1-2], 3+ Electro-chemist and metallurgist and metallurgical review. M. Vol. 1-4, pt. 2. 1901-1904. West- minster, 1901-1904. Vol. I, nos. 1-3 title reads Electro-chemist & metallurgist. In 1902 changed to bi-monthly publication. Vol. 3-4 is Organ of the Faraday Society. Discontinued December 1904. C. 1-4; E. 1-4; N. 1-4; CC. 3-4; S. [3-4]. Electrochemical and metallurgical industry See Metallurgical and chemical engineering. Electrochemical industry See Metallurgical and chemical engineering. Electrochimie. M. Vol. 1-12. 1897-1906. Par., 1897-1906. Continued as Revue de I'^lectrochimie et de 1 '61ectrom6tallurgie. E. 3-6, 9-1 1. Electrocraft. M. Vol. 1-7. 1905-1911. Detroit, Mich., 1905-1911. Incorporated with Electrical review and west- ern electrician in 1912. E. [1-2], 3-7; N. [4], 5, [6-7I. Electroforce. M. Vol. i+ 191 2+ Milwaukee, Wis., 1912+ E. i-f Electro-metallurgist and electric light journal. M. Vol. I, nos. 1-6. 1880. Lond., 1880. No more information available. E. I. Electron. M. Vol. 1+ 1913+ Chic, 19134- E. 1 + Electro-techniker. S-M. Vol. 1-4. 1882-f Wien, 1882-I- N. [2-3], 4-8, [9], 16-I-; E. 1-4. Elektrichestvo. M. Vol. i-f i88o-|- St. Peters- burg, 1880-I- E. 1-4, 36+ Elektrische bahnen See Elektrische kraft-betriebe und bahnen. Elektrische bahnen und betrieb See Elektrische kraft-betriebe und bahnen. Elektrische kraft-betriebe und bahnen. T-M. Vol. 1+ 1903 -f- Miin., 1903 -}- Vol. 1-2 title reads Elektrische bahnen. Vol. I published bi-monthly. Vol. 2 published semi-monthly. Vol. 3-4 title reads Elektrische bahnen und betrieb. E. i + ;N.3-H Elektrochemische zeitschrift. M. Vol. i-|- March 1894-I- Ber., 1894+ CC. i-h; C. 1-I-; E. i + ; N. 1+ Elektron. M. Vol. i, no. i. January 1894. Bost., 1894. No more published. E. I. Elektrophysikalische rundschau. M. Vol. 1-4, no. 5. 1910-February 1913. Ber., 1910-1913. Temporarily suspended. • E. 4. Elektrotechnik und maschinenbau. W. Vol. i-f- 1883-1- Wien, 1883+ Vol. I title reads Zeitschrift des Elektro- technischen Vereines in Wien. Vol. 2-23 title reads Zeitschrift fttr elektro- technik. E. i-f; N. i + ; C. 1-26, 28-f-; CE. 25-29. Elektrotechnika. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1908+ Buda- pest, 1908-I- E. [1-2], 3, [4], 5+ Elektrotechnische mitteilungen. M. Vol. 1-3, no. 3. 1901-1903. Halle a. S., 1901-1903. No more published. N. I, [2]. Elektrotechnische rathgeber See Zeitschrift fur maschinenbau und schlosserei. Beilage. Elektro- technische rathgeber. Elektrotechnische rundschau. W. Vol. i-^- 1883+ Frankfurt-a-Main,-Potsdam, 1883 -f- From 1883-1898 (?) published in Frankfurt- a-Main. In i898(?) moved to Potsdam and continued as two publications: Zeitschrift fttr elektro- technik and Elektrotechnische und poly- technische rundschau, which later became Elektrotechnische rundschau. In July 1914 (Vol. 31, no. 27) absorbed Zeit- schrift fiir elektrotechnik und maschinenbau. N. 15-24; E. 31-I- Elektrotechnische imd polytechnische rundschau See Elektrotechnische nmdschau. Elektrotechnische zeitschrift. W. Vol. i-|- i88o-h Ber., i88o-t- Organ des Elektrotechnischen Verein. In 1890 incorporated Centralblatt fUr elektro- technik. Since 1894 Organ des Verbandes deutacher elektrotechniker. Generalregister. 1880-1902. Ber., 1904, C. I-f; N. 1-I-; P. 1-I-; E. 1-6, [7],8-f-;S. 25+;CE.32. Elektrotechnischer anzeiger. S-W. Vol. i-|- 1884+ Ber., i884-i- E. [12-17], 18-24, [25], 26-1- Elektrotechnischer Verein in Wien See Elektro- technik imd maschinenbau. Elektroteknisk Forening See Teknisk tidsskrift. 38 Elektroteknisk tidsskrift. T-M. Vol. i+ 1888+ Kristiania, 1888+ E. [15-16], 17, [18], 19+ Elettricista. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1892+ Roma, 1892+ E. 1-8, [9], 10+ Ellettricista See Natura. Elettridta. W. Vol. 1+ 1882+ Mil., 1882+ E. 8-10, 13-18, [19], 21 -h; N. 2o-i- EUiott's magazine See note Good roads. Emerson monthly. M. Vol. i-h 1904 -|- St. Louis, 1904+ E. 3-6, [7], 8-f- Emporitun of arts and sciences. M. Vol. 1-2, 1812; New ser. Vol. 1-3, 1812-1814. Phil., 1813- 1814. No more published. E. 1-2, New ser. 1-3; S. 1-2, New ser. 1-3. Energia eI6ctrica. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1899 -f Madrid, 1899+ E. i6-f Engineer See Columbia University. Engineering Society. Columbia engineer. Engineer See Pennsylvania State College. School of Engineering. Engineer. Engineer (Chicago). S-M. Vol. 1-45. 1881- 1908. Chic, 1881-1908. Vol. 1-14 (1881-1887) title reads Mechanical engineer. Vol. I-3S (1881-September 1898) published in New York. Vol. 36-40, no. 20 (September 1898- October 1903) published in Cleveland, and commonly known as the Engineer (Cleveland). In September 1898 the Scientific machinist was incorporated with the Engineer. In September 1903 (Vol. 40, no. 17) Steam engineering was incorporated with the Engi- neer, and the place of publication was changed to Chicago. In May 1908 incorporated with Power and continued as Power and the engineer. E. S-4S; C. 9-10, 17-24, 39-45; N. 25-26, [30-31], 33-45; S. [38, 40-44]; CE. [38], 39-40, [41]; p. 40. Engineer (Cleveland) See Engineer (Chicago). Engineer (London). W. Vol. i-l- 1856-I- Lond., 1856-f CE. i-f ; E. i-f ; S. i-h; C. 1-96, 98-1- ; CO. 30-60, 69-86; P. 40. Engineer, architect and surveyor See Engi- neering news. Engineer and machinist, and engineering and scientific review. M. Vol. 1-3. 1850-1851. Lond., 1850-1851. No more published. N. 1-3; E. 1-2. Engineer and surveyor See Engineering news. Engineering. W. Vol. i-f i866-|- Lond., i866-f CE. i-i-; C. I-f; E. i-f ; N. i-f; P. I-f; S. I-f; CC. 2-83, [84], 85-89, [90], 91 -f Engineering & building record and the sanitary engineer See Engineering record. Engineering and contracting. W. Vol. 2S-f N. Y.,-Chic., 1906-f In 1906 Roadmaster and foreman was in- corporated with Engineering-contracting under the title of Engineering-contracting and roadmaster and foreman. The volume number of Roadmaster and fore- man, being number 21, is retained for 4 numbers. In May 1906 Contract news was incorporated with Engineering-contracting, changing from monthly to weekly publication, and retaining the volume number of Contract news, which is Vol. 25, no. 19. In July 1907 Engineering world was incorpo- rated with Engineering-contracting. 1906-May 191 1 title reads Engineering- contracting. E. 25-f ; CE. [25], 26-f ; C. [26], 27-f ; N. [27], 29-f ; S. 32-f Engineering and mining journal. W. Vol. i-f i866-f N. Y., i866-f Vol. 1-7 title reads American journal of mining. Coal and iron record was consolidated with Engineering and mining journal in 1875. Mining review (Denver) was consolidated with Engineering and mining journal in 1877. Polytechnic review was consolidated with Engineering and mining journal in 1879. Coal was consolidated with Engineering and mining journal in 1884. Mining and metallurgy was consolidated with Engineering and mining journal in 1902. Mining magazine (N. Y.) was incorporated with Engineering and mining journal in 1906. Statistical supplement. Mineral industry Vol. i-S. C. I-f ; E. i-f ; N. 1-8, [9], 10, [11], 12-15, [16], 17-22, [23], 24-25, [26-28], 30-f; CC. 9-10, 1S-16, 19-22, 24, 26-44, [45], 46-56, [57], 58-h; S. [12], 13, [14], 15, [16-19], 20, [21-22], 23- 24, [25], 26-33, [34-35], 36, [37- 38, 47], 48-51, [52], 53-56, [57], 58-60, [61-62], 63-66, [67-68], 69-72, [73], 74-76, [77-78], 79-80, [81]; CE. 27-H; P. 35-51, 59+ Engineering-contracting See Engineering and contracting. Engineering Association of New South Wales. Minutes of proceedings. Y. Vol. i-f 1885 -f Sydney, 1885-f CE. i-f;E. I-f; N. i-io. Engineering Association of the South. Proceedings. Q. Vol. i-f 1889-f Nashville, 1889 -f CE. 9-21; E. 6-7, [9], 11-19, [20], 2i-f;N. [18-19]. Engineering Association of the South. Transactions. Y. Vol. i-f 1889-f Nash- ville, 1889-f CE. I-f; E. 6-7, 9-", 13-16. Engineering contractor See American Society of Engineering Contractors. Engineering contractor. Engineer digest See Industrial engineering and the engineering digest. 39 Engineering era. S-M. Vol. i, nos. i-ii. 1885- 1886. Cleveland, 1885-1886. No more information available. CE. i; E. [i]. Engineering index. Vol. 1-4. 1884-1905. N. Y., 1892-1906. Vol. I title reads Descriptive index of current engineering literature and was published in Chicago by the Association of Engineering Societies. CE. 1-4; C. 1-4; E. 1-4; N. 1-4; P. 1-4; S. 1-4; CC. 2-4. Continued as: Engineering index. Y. 1906+ N. Y., 1907+ Published monthly with Engineering maga- zine, but cumulated annually in a separate volume. CE. 1906+; C. 1906+ ; E. 1906+; N. 1906+; P. 1906+ ; S. 1906+; CC. 1906-1910. Engineering law. M. Vol. 1+ 1912+ N. Y., 1912+ C. 2 + Engineering magazine. M. Vol. i-f- 189 i-l- N. Y., 1892+ CC. i-|-;CE. i-l-;C.i-|-;E. 1 + ; N. i + ; P. i+; S. 1 + Engineeiing mechanics. W. Vol. 1-19. 1882- 1897. N. Y., 1882-1897. Vol. 1-13 (1882-1891) title reads Mechanics. There is a duplication of volume numbering of Vols. 17-19. No more published. E. 1-6, 8-19; N. 1-8, [16], 17, [18]; CE. 1-6, II-18. Engineering news. W. Vol. i + 1874 -f Chic- N. Y., 1874+ Vol. I, no. I title reads Engineer and sur- veyor. Vol. I, nos. 2-9 title reads Engineer, architect and surveyor. Vol. 9-18 title reads Engineering news and American contract journal. Vol. 19-48 title reads Engineering news and American railway journal. General index. 1874-1890. N. Y., 1891. Index. 1890-1899. N. Y., 1900. Index. 1900-1904. N. Y., 1905. Index. 1905-1909. N. Y., 1910. C. i-h;E. i-f;CE. 2-f-;N.4+; P. 4, 7+; S. 2, I9H-; CC. 36-38, 40-42, 47-1- Engineering news and American contract journal See Engineering news. Engineering news and American railway journal See Engineering news. Engineering press monthly index review See Revue de I'ingenieur et index technique. Engineering record. W. Vol. i-f- 1877-I- N. Y., 1877+ Vol. 1-3 title reads Plumber and sanitary engineer. Vol. 4-13 title reads Sanitary engineer. Vol. 14-16, no. i8 title reads Sanitary engineer and construction record. Vol. 16, no. 19- Vol. 21 title reads Engineering & building record and the sanitary engineer. Vol. 1-2, no. 6 published monthly. Vol. 2, no. 7-Vol. 4 published semi-monthly. CE.i + ;C.i-f;N.i-j-;CC.i-|-; E.3-}-;S. 1-4, 18, 2S-t-;P.49-62. Engineering review (London). M. Vol. i-f i899-l--;fLond., 1899-I- Vol. r-9 title reads Feilden's magazine. CE. i + ; E. 2-23, [24], 2S+; S. 16-18, [19], 20, [21], 22-}-; C. 2S-1-; N. [1-6, 8-10, IS, 19, 21, 23-24]. Engineering review (New York). M. Vol. 1-22, no. 9. 1891-1912. N. Y., 1891-1912. Vol. i-io, no. 5 (1891-June 1900) title reads Heating and ventilation. In June 1900 (Vol. 10) Heating and ventila- tion consolidated with Sanitary plumber and published June and July numbers under the title of Heating, ventilating & sanitary plumb- ing. The volume number of Heating and ventilation is retained. In August 1900 the title changed to Engineer- ing review. In October 1912 consolidated with Metal worker, plumber and steam fitter. N. 3-22; C. 4-22; E. s-22; CE. 12-21; S. 16-22. Engineering review See Purdue engineering re- view. Engineering review and metal worker. M. Vol. 1-2, 1891-1893; New ser. Vol. 1-4, 1893-1897. Lond., 1891-1897. Vol. 1-3 title reads Engineering review. Incorporated with Iron and coal trades review in 1897. N. New ser. [i], 2-4; CE. New ser. 1-3, [4]. Engineering Society of Columbia University Columbia University. Engineering Society. See Engineering quarterly. Irreg. Vol. 191 1. Columbia, Mo., 1907-1911. No more published. S. [1-2], 3-5. i-S. 1907- Engineering Society of Siam. Siam engineering. Y. Vol. i, no. 1-2. 1906- 1907. Bangkok, 1906-1907. E. [i]. Engineering Society of the School of Practical Science, Toronto See Toronto University. Engi- neering Society of the School of Practical Science. Engineering Society of Wisconsin. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-|- 1909-f- Madison, 1909-!- CE. I-f; E. i-f- Engineering Society of York, Pennsylvania. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1+ 191 2-}- York, Pa., 191 2-}- E. 2. Engineering times. W. Vol. 1-21, no. 4. 1898- July 1910. Lond., 1898-1910. Ceased publication July 1910. CE. 13-18, [19]. 40 Engineering world. W. Vol. 1-5, no. 21. 1904- 1907. Chic, 1904-1907. Published monthly until June 1906. Ceased publication May 1907 and in July 1907 was incorporated with Engineering- contracting. CE. [i, 3], 4-5; C. 4-S; N. [4-5]; E. [5]. Engineers and Architects Club of Louisville. Selected papers. Irreg. 1896+ n.p., 1896+ CE. 1896. Engineers' and power users' magazine. M. Vol. i-io. 1895-1899. Bost., 1895-1899. Vol. i-s (189S-1897) title reads Lx)rd's power and machinery magazine and builders' hand- book. Vol. 6 (1897) title changed to Engineers' and power users' magazine, which was formed by incorporating Safety valve and Stationary engineer with Lord's power magazine. Continued as Steam engineering. E. 1-8. Engineers and Surveyors of the State of Pennsyl- vania. Proceedings of the convention. Y. 1880. Phil., 1881. No more information available. CE. 1880. Engineers' Club of Baltimore. Monthly journal. M. Vol. i4- 1911-I- Baltimore, 191 1 + CE. i + ;E. 1 + Engineers' Club of Central Pennsylvania See Engineers' Society of Pennsylvania. Engineers' Club of Dayton. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1+ October 1914+ Dayton, 1914+ E. 1 + Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Proceedings. Q. Vol. 1+ 1880+ Phil., 1880+ CE. i + ; E. i + ; C. i-io, 25, [26]; S. 23+ Engineers' Club of St. Louis. Transactions. 1871, 1874. n.p., 1871-1874. CE. 1871, 1874. Engineers' Club of Toronto. Bulletin. No. i-(?) i903-i9ii(?). Toronto, i903-i9ii(?). Club no longer in existence. N. I. Engineers' Club of Toronto. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1+ 1908+ Toronto, 1909+ CE. i;E. I. Engineers' gazette. M. Vol. 1-17. 1888-1903. Lond., 1888-1903. Consolidated with Practical engineer (Lon- don) in 1903. N. 11-17. Engineers' journal and railway and public works chronicle of India and the colonies. S-M. Vol. 1-12. 1858-1869. Calcutta, 1858-1869. Engineers' list. M. Vol. 1-21. 1891-1912. Perth Amboy, 1891-1912. Discontinued August 1912. N- [3, 6, 8], 9-20; E. [16], 17-20, [21]. Engineers' review (Cleveland). M. Vol. 1-18. i89o(?)-i907. Cleveland, i89o(?)-i907. Consolidated with Power in December 1907. E. [16], 17-18. Engineers' Society of Pennsylvania. Journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1909+ Harris- burg, 1909+ Vol. I, nos. 1-4 name of Society reads Engi- neers' Club of Central Pennsylvania. CE. 1-3; C. i + ; E. i+; S. 1 + Engineers' Society of the University of Minnesota See Minnesota University. Engineers' Society. Engineers' Society of Western New York. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i, nos. 1-8. 1895- 1897. Buffalo, N. Y., 1895-1897. Papers and proceedings since 1897 published in the Journal of the Association of Engi- neering Societies. Withdrew from the Association in December 1906. CE. [i]. Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania. Proceedings. 10 nos. Y. Vol. 1+ 1880+ Pittsburg, 1880+ Vol. I title reads Transactions. Index. Vol. 1-20. 1880-1904. Pittsburg, 1906. E. i + ; CE. I, 4+; N. i, 4+; C. 4+; S. 7, [13, 19-21], 23+ English Ceramic Society. Transactions. Vol. 1+ 1901+ Stoke-upon- Trent, 1901 + Vol. 1-2 issued as Transactions of North Staffordshire Ceramic Society. C. [11], 12 + English mechanic and world of science.' W. Vol. 1+ 1865+ Lond., 1865+ Vol. I title reads English mechanic. Vol. 2-10 title reads English mechanic and mirror of science and art. Vol. II title reads English mechanic and mirror of science. P. i-f ; C. 1-92, 94; E. 1-58, [59], 60-64, [65-66], 67-70, [71], 72 + ; N. 1-48, 66+ Engrais. W. Vol. 1+ 1886+ Par., 1886+ CC. 16-25. Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto. Annaes. Y. No. 1+ 1881+ Ouro Preto, 1881 + Nothing published between 1885 and 1902. E. i-s, 7-13; N. 1-5, 7, 9. Escuela de Ingenieros. Anales de construcciones civiles, minas € industrias del Peru. Vol. 1-6, 1880-1887; Ser. 2, Vol. 1+ 1901+ Lima, 1880+ N. Ser. 2, I. Essayons Club of the Corps of Engineers. Printed papers. Irreg. No. 1-50. 1868-1882. Willets Point, N. Y., 1868-1882. No more published. CE. i-so; C. 1-50. 41 Etincelle 61ectrique. S-M. Vol. i+ 1896+ Par,, 1896+ N.S+ Excavating engineer. M. Vol. 1+ 1905+ Mil- waukee, 1905+ Until October 191 2 (Vol. 9) title reads Steam shovel news. E. 9+ Export electric accumulator. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-6. 1908. Lond., 1908. No more information available. E. I. Factory. M. Vol. 1+ 1907+ Chic, 1907+ Nothing published November-December 1909. N. 1 + ; E. [i], 2-3, [4], s+; S. [3, 7-8]. Farben-industrie. Q. Vol. i, nos. 1-6. October 1888-December 1889. Ber., 1889-1890. No more published. C. I. Farber-zeitung. S-M. 1869-I- Ber., 1869-f; From 1873-1880 title reads Reimann's farber-zeitung. CC. 1873-1874, 1877-1878, 1880, 1889-1904; N. 1909-I- Farberei-muster-zeitung See Leipziger farber- und zeugdrucker-zeitung. Faraday Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1905-!- Lond., 1905+ Vol. 3-4 of Electro-chemist & metallurgist and metallurgical review was the Organ of the Faraday Society 1903- 1904. CC. I+; E. i+; S. [2-7]; N.s-f Farben zeitung. W. Vol. i-f 1895+ Ber., 1895+ CC. [17], 18+; N. 17. Farm engineering. M. Vol. 1+ 1913+ Spring- field, O., 1913+ E. [i], 2+ Fanner & mechanic. M. New ser. Vol. 1-6. 1847-1852. N. Y., 1847-1852. 1843-1846 published under the title of New York farmer and mechanic. A weekly and a monthly series was published. These series united and formed a new series under the title of Farmer & mechanic. No more published. N. i-s. Federated Canadian Mining Institute Canadian Mining Institute. See Federated Institutes of Brewing. Journal See Institute of Brewing. Journal. Federated Institution of Mining Engineers See Institution of Mining Engineers. Federation of Trade Press Associations in the United States. Proceedings, annual convention. Y. ist-f- 1906-f- Bost., 1906-f- E. 6th. Feilden's magazine See Engineering review (Lon- don). Fer et acier. M. Vol. i-|- 1905 -f- Bruxelles, 1905+ E. l+;N.[8],9+ Femun. M. Vol. lo-f- 1912-f- Aachen, 1912-I- New series of Metallurgie. In October 1912 Metallurgie divided and formed two publications: Ferrum and Metall und erz. The volume number of Metallurgie is retained for Ferrum. C. 10-1- ; E. lo-j- Feuerungstechnik. S-M. Vol. i-f 191 a -|- Lpz., 191 2-|- CC. i-f;E. i-h Feuerwehrtechnische zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. i-|- July 1913-I- Ber., 1913-I- E. I-f Financial and mining record. W. Vol. 1-32, no. 15. 1877-1892. N. Y., 1877-1892. Vol. 1-16 (1877-April 188s) title reads Mining record. No more information available. N. [4-5], 6-31, [32]; E. 13-20, [21-22], 23-31; C. 15-17, 19-22. Fire and water See Fire and water engineering. Fire and water engineering. W. Vol. i-|- i886-|- N. Y., 1886-I- Continuation of Fireman's journal. Fireman's journal was incorporated with Fire and water in 1886. Vol. 1-32 title reads Fire and water. E. i + ;N. i-|-;C. 19+ Fireproof See Fireproof magazine. Fireproof digest. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-6. N. Y., 1912. Discontinued. E. [i]. 1912. Fireproof magazine. M. Vol. i-ii. 1902-1907. Chic, 1902-1907. Vol. 1-4, no. 3 title reads Fireproof. No more published. N. 1-2, [3], 4-S, [6], 7-11; CE. 2-5, [6]. Fischer's Jahres-bericht See Jahres-bericht iiber die leistvmgen der chemischen technologic. Flight. W. Vol. i-f- 1909-1- Lond., 1909-I- Continuation of the Flight section of the Automotor journal. Official organ of the Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom. N. [i], 2+; S. [1-4], s+; C. 4+; E. 6-f- Flugsport. B-W. Vol. 1+ 1909-I- Frankfurt-a- Main, 1909-t- N. i-h Fly. M. Vol. 1-5, no. 10. 1908-October 1913. Phil., 1908-1913. Incorporated with Aeronautics in 1914. E. 1-4, [sj; C. 3-5. 42 Flying. Q. Nos. i-6. 1901-1903. Lond., 1901-1903. Incorporates the Flyer, Flying machine. Aeronaut. Incorporated with Autocar in 1904. No more published. N. 1-6. FSrdertechnik. M. Vol. 1+ 1907+ Ber., 1907+ Published semi-monthly until 1909. N. i + ; E. [i], 2+; CE. [2], 3, [4]. Fonderie modeme. M. Vol. 1+ 1908+ Par., 1908+ E. s+ Forest leaves See Pennsylvania Forestry Associa- tion. Forest leaves. Forester See American Forestry Association. American forester. Forestry and irrigation See American Forestry Association. American forestry. Forestry quarterly. Q. Vol. 1+ 1902-!- Ithaca, N. Y., 1902+ E. 1-2, [3], 4+; N. [2-3], 4+ Fortschritte der chemie, physik und physikalischen chemie. S-M. Vol. 1-6, 1903-1909; New ser. Vol. 1+ 1909+ Lpz., 1904 ■+■ Years 1903-1909 title reads Physikalisch- chemisches centralblatt. C. 1-6, New ser. i-(-; N. 1-6, New ser. i -|- Fortschritte der elektrotechnik. Q. Vol. 1-25. 1887-1911. Ber., 1888-1912. In 1912 combined with the International Institute of Technical Bibliography and pub- lished as a part of the Journal until it ceased publication in February 1913. A new pub- lication was started under the title of Jahrbuch der elektrotechnik. E. 1-25; N. 1-24; S. 4-20; C. i-s. Fortschritte der mineralogie, kristallographie und petrographie. Y. Vol. 1+ 191 i-f- Jena, 191 i-h N. i-|- Fortschritte der physik. Vol. 1-55. 1845-1899. Ber., 1847-1900. In 1877 issued in 3 sections. The third sec- tion, Physik der erde, continued to 1889. Vol. 34-35. 37-39. 1878-1879. 1881-1883 contain years 1-7 of the Verhandlungen of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Continued in the Berichte der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft as Litteratur- verzeichnis. Namen- und sach-register. Vol. 1-20. 1845-1864. Ber., 1872. E. i-ss; N. i-ss; CC. 1-39. Fortschritte der technik. Jahrbuch des Intema- tionalen Instituts fur Techno-Bibliographie. Y. 1909. 2 Vols. Ber., 1909. Continuation of the Repertorium der tech- nischen literatur. The monthly publication is called Technische auskunft and the annual cumulation is called Fortschritte der technik. From 1910-February 1913 continued as the Engineering abstracts of the Journal of the International Institute of Technical Biblio- graphy. C. 1909; E. 1909; N. 1909; p. 1909; S. 1909. Fortschritte der teerfarbenfabrikation imd ver- wandter industriezweige. Irreg. Vol. i-|- i877-f- Ber., 1877-I- CC. i-H Foundry. M. Vol. i-|- 1892 -f Cleveland, O., 1892-i- Until April 1901 published in Detroit. N. [6-13], 14+ ; E. 1-4, [23], 24+; P. 34+ Foundry news. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-4. 1910. N. Y., 1910. No more information available. E. I. Foundry trade journal and pattern-maker See British Foundrymen's Association. Foundry trade journal and pattern-maker. France. Bureau des Longitudes. Annuaire. Y. i799-H(?) Par., 1799-H N. 1799-1802, i8o4-f-; E. 1833, 1838, 1879, 1897-I- France automobile, motocycliste et cycliste. W. Vol. !-}- 1896-I- Par., 18964- Vol. 1-12 title reads La France automobile. Vol. 13-17. no. 4 title reads La France auto- mobile et adrienne. Vol. 17. nos. S-17 title reads La France auto- mobile a6rienne & cycliste. E. I-H Franklin Institute. Journal. M. Vol. i-f- 1826-I- Phil., 1826-I- Continuation of the American mechanics' magazine. Vol. 1-6 title reads Franklin journal and Amer- ican mechanics' magazine. Index. Vol. 1-120. 1826-1885. Phil., 1890. Index. Vol. 1 21-140. 1886-1895. Phil., 1896. Index. Vol. 141-160. 1896-1905. Phil., n.d. CC. i-f-; CE. i-f; C. i + ; E. i+; N. i-h; P. i+; S. 5+ Franklin journal and American mechanics' maga- zine See Franklin Institute. Journal. Fiihlings landwirtschaftliche zeitung. S-M. Vol. i-h 18514- Stut., 1851-I- CC. 51-60. Fuel. W. Vol. i4- 1902-t- Chic, 1902-}- N. [7, 13-15], i64- Fuel oil journal. M. Vol. i-f- 191 1 4- Hous- ton, Tex., 19114- E. i-j- Gaceta minera y comercial. W. Vol. 1-19. i873(?)- 1901. Cartagena, i873(?)-i9oi. No more information available. E. [17], 18-19. Gas age. S-M. Vol. i4- 18834- N. Y., 1883-I- Vol. I title reads Water-gas journal. Vol. 2-7 title reads Progressive age and water- gas journal. Vol. 8-30 (1890-1912) title reads Progressive age. N. [2-5, 14], 154- ; E. 2, 9+; C. 15-H; CC. 18-30, [31I; CE. [i, 19], 2o4-; S. 254- 43 Gas and oil power. M. Vol. i+ 1905+ Lond., 190S+ E. [2], 3+; N. [5], 6+ Gas and water review. W. Vol. 1-24. 1880- 1890. Lond., 1880-1890. Vol. i-ii (1880-1883) title reads Review of gas and water engineering. In 1890 incorporated with Gas world. CE. [5, 8-9]. Gas, Electric and Street Railway Association of Oklahoma. Proceedings of annual convention. Y. ist4- 1912+ Oklahoma City, 1912+ E. 2nd+ Gas engine. M 1898+ Vol. 1+ 1898+ Cincinnati, O., E. 3+; N. [3, 5], 6+ Gas engineer See Gas engineer's magazine. Gas engineer's magazine. M. Vol. 1-19, 1876- 1887; Vol. i-f 1888+ Lond., 1876+ Vol. 1-19, 1876-1887 title reads Gas engineer. N. 14+; E. 18, [19-20], 21, [22], 23, [24], 25; CC. 22-23. Gas industry. M. Vol. 1+ 1901-I- N. Y., 1901+ Vol. i-io, no. 8 (1901-October 1910) title reads Light. CC. 1 + ; N. 1 + ; S. 8-9, [10], 11 + ; E. [13], 14+ Gas Institute See Institution of Gas Engineers. Gas Institute news See American Gas Institute. Gas institute news. Gas logic. 190S+ M. Vol. 1+ July 190S+ N. Y., N. 1 + Gas news. Irreg. Vol. 1-3. 1905-1907. Newark, N. J., 190S-1907. No more information available. E. [i], 2, [3]. Gas power. M. Mich., 1903 -|- Vol. 1+ 1903+ St. Joseph, E. [12], 13+ Gas trade circular and review. B-M. Vol. 1-4. 1876-1879. Lond., 1876-1879. No more information available. CE. [4]. Gas world. W. Vol. 1+ 1884+ Lond., 1884+ In 1890 incorporated Gas and water review and journal of electric lighting. CC. 34-39, 41-57; C. 54-57; E. [58], S9+; N. 56. Gas world. Year book. Y. 1898-f- Lond., n.d. E. 1913+ Gasmotorentechnik See Oel- und gasmaschine. Gastechniker See Verein der Gas- und Wasser- fachmanner in Osterreich-Ungam. 2^itschrift. Gaz. M. Vol. 1+ 1857+ Par., 1857+ N. [37], 45+; CC. 45-55, [56]. Gazette de I'^lectricien. W. 1906. Par., 1906. No more information available. E. 1906. Gazzetta chimica Italiana. M. Vol. i-f 1871-H Roma, 1871 -|- Vol. 33-date includes Rendiconti della Society Chimica di Roma. CC. I-f-; C. i+; N. 2^^- General Contractors Association. Bulletin. M. Vol, i-f 19104- N. Y., 1910+ E. i-h; C. 4+ General electric review. M. Vol. i-j- 1903-!- Schenectady, N. Y., 1903-H Vol. 1-8, no. 5 title reads General Electric Company review. E. 1-6, [7-8], 9-t-; N. lo-f; S. ii-H General Mining Association of the Province of Quebec. Joiunal. Irreg. Vol. 1-2. 1891-1895. Ottawa, 1893-1895. In 1896 formed a part of the Federated Canadian Mining Institute which in 1898 became the Canadian Mining Institute. E. 1-2. General Time Convention See American Railway Association. Proceedings. Genie civil. W. Vol. i-f i88o-t- Par., i88o-|- Vol. 1-3 published semi-monthly. Table g6n6rale des matieres. Vol. 1-20. 1880-1892. Par., 1892. Table g6nerale des matieres. Vol. 21-40. 1892-1902. Par., n.d. CE. I-f; C. I-f; E. i-f ; N. i-f Genie industriel. Vol. 1-44. 1851-1872. Par., 1851-1872. No more published. Table alphabetique des matieres. Vol. 1-24. 1851-1862. Par,, 1863. N. 1-40; C. 5, 23-34. Geographical Club of Philadelphia graphical Society of Philadelphia. See Geo- Geographical Society of Philadelphia. Bulletin. Q. Vol. i-f 1893-I- Phil., 1895-^ Vol. I (1893- 1 895) known as the Geographical Club of Philadelphia. E. 3-9; S. 5-9; CE. 3-7, [8-9]. Geographical Society of Quebec. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-2. Quebec, 1880-1897. CE. 2. 1880-1897, Geograpbischer litteratur-bericht See Mittheil- imgen aus Justus Perthes' geograpbischer anstalt liber wichtige neue erforschungen auf dem gesammt- gebiete der geographie. Beilage. Geograpbischer litteratur-bericht. Geologia y minas See Ciencia £ industrias. 44 Geological magazine. M. Vol. i-io, 1864-1873; New ser. decade 2, Vol. i-io, 1874-1883; New ser. decade 3, Vol. i-io, 1884-1893; New ser. decade 4, Vol. I-IO, 1894-1903; New ser. decade 5, Vol. i-io, 1904-1913; New ser. decade 6, Vol. i-j- 1914+ Lond., 1864-}- 1858-1863 known as the Geologist. Index. Vol. 1-40. 1864-1903. Lond., 1905. N. [i], New ser. decade 4, 4-10, New ser. decade 5, i-f-; E. 1-3, New ser. decade 5, 6-|- Geological record. Y. 1874-1884. Lond., 1875- 1890. No more published. N. 1874-1884. Geological Society of America. BuUetin. Q. Vol. i-f 1890+ N. Y., 1890-I- Index. Vol. i-io. Rochester, 1900-I- Index. Vol. xi-20. N. Y., 1910. E. i + ;N. 1 + Geological Society of Glasgow. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-12. 1860- I902(?). Glasgow, i868-i902(?). No more information available. N. I, 4-6, 8. Geological Society of London. Proceedings. M. Vol. 1-4. 1826-1845. Lond., 1834-1846. Classified index to Transactions, Pro- ceedings, and Quarterly journal of the Society up to 1868. Lond., 1870. E. 1-4; N. 1-4. Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. Q. Vol. i-f- 1845 -1- Lond., 1845-t- Classified index to Transactions, Pro- ceedings, and Quarterly journal of the Society up to 1868. Lond., 1870. Classified index. 1869-1875. Lond., 1876. Classified index. 1876-1882. Lond., 1883. Classified index. 1883-1889. Lond., 1890. Index. Vol. 1-50. 2 Pts. Lond., 1897. E. i-H;N. i-f- Geological Society of London Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-5, 1811-1821; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-7, 1824-1856. Lond., 181 1- 1856. Classified index to Transactions, Pro- ceedings, and Quarterly journal of the Society up to 1868. Lond., 1870. E. 1-5, Ser. 2, Vol. 1-7; N. 1-5, Ser. 2, 1-7. Geological Society of South Africa. Transactions including proceedings. Irreg. Vol. I-f- 18964- Johannesburg, 1896-I- E. [2], 3-4, 6, 8-i- Geologische rundschau. 8 nos. Y. Vol. i-f 1910-}- Lpz., 1910-f- N. i-h Geologisches zentralblatt. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1902-}- Lpz., 1902-I- Generalregister. Vol. 1-15. Lpz., n.d. E. 12+ Geologiska Foreningen i Stockholm. Forhandlingar. Y. Vol. i-|- i872-f- Stock- holm, 1872 + E. 9-15. Geologist. Vol. 1-2. 1842-1843. Lond., 1842- 1843- No more published. N.I. Georgia University. Engineering Society. Engineering Society annual. Y. Vol. i-f- 1893-I- Athens, 1893-}- CE. 13+ Gerber. Vol. 1+ 1875-!- S-M. Wien, 1875-}- N. 23-h German Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. International mining journal. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-5. July-November 1912. Ber., 1912. Probably ceased publication. E. I. Gesetze und verordnungen sowie gerichtsentschei- dungen betreffend nahrungs-und genussmittel imd gebrauchsgegenstande. M. Vol. i-f 1909-I- Ber., 1909-I- Supplement of Zeitschrift fiir untersuchung der nahrungs-und genussmittel, sowie der gebrauchsgegenstande. CC.i-f- Gesundheits-ingenieur. W. Vol. 1+ 1878-I- Mun., 1878-t- Vol. I title reads Rohrleger. Vol. 3 title reads Rohrleger und gesundheits- ingenieur. N. [9-10], 19+; CE. 16, [17], 26, 28-34; E. 32-1- Gewerbe-blatt fiir sachsen See Wieck's deutsche illustrirte gewerbezeitung. Gewerbehalle. M. Vol. 1-31. 1863-1893. Stut., 1863-1893. American edition is Workshop. Incorporated with Zeitschrift der Bayerischer Kunst und Gewerbe-Verein. S. I, 3-4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Gewerblich-technischer ratgeber See Sozial- technik. Giesserei-zeitimg. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1904-}- Ber., 1904-f- CC.i+;E. [i], 2-H Gilbert's annalen der physik See Annalen der physik. Giomale del genio civile. M. Vol. i-|- 1863 -f- Roma, 1863-I- Published in two parts: Parte ufficiale, Parte non ufficiale. CE. [19], 20, [21-22], [24-25], 31-48; N. [23, 26], 35-1- Giornale del lavori pubblici. W. Vol. 1-7. 1874- 1880. Roma, 1874-1880. No more information available. CE. [6-7]. 45 Glaser's annalen fiir gewerbe und bauwesen See Annalen fiir gewerbe und bauwesen. Glasgow mechanics' magazine and annals of philosophy. W. Vol. 1-5. 1824-1826. Glasgow, 1824-1826. E. 1-5; S. 3-4. Glass and pottery world. M. Vol. 1-17, no. 3. 1893-March 1909. N. Y., 1893-1909. Incorporated with Pottery and glass in April 1909 (Vol. 2, no. 4). E. [16], 17. Glassworker. W. Vol. 1+ 1882+ Pittsburg, 1882+ E. [31], 32+ Glue. M. Vol. I, nos. 1-12. Haddam, Conn., 1910-1911. No more published. CC. I. 1910-1911. East Gliickauf. W. Vol. 1+ 1865+ Essen, 1865+ In 1904 Berg- und huttenmannische zeitung was incorporated with Gliickauf. Inhalts-verzeichnis. Vol. 31-40. 1895- 1904. Essen, 1905. E. 32-35, [36], 37, [38], 39+; C. 34+; CC. 36, 38+; N. [39], 4i-|-;CE. 46-47, [48]. Good lighting and the illuminating engineer. M. Vol. 1-7, no. II. 1906-1913. N. Y., 1906-1913. Vol. 1-6 (1906- February 1912) title reads Illuminating engineer. (N. Y.). Discontinued January 1913. Continued as Lighting journal. CC. 1-7; C. 1-7; E. 1-7; N. 1-4, 6-7; S. [i], 2-4, [5]. Good roads. M. Vol. 1-7, no. 3, 1892-1895; Vol. 21, no. 14-V0I. 31, no. 4, 1895-1900; New ser. Vol. 1-12, no. 6, 1900-1911; New ser. Vol. 1+ 191 1-|- N. Y., 1892-^- In March 1895 united with Bulletin of the League of American Wheelmen. The volume number of the Bulletin is retained, and the title reads L. A. W. bulletin and good roads. Vol. 30-31 (1899-1900) title reads Elliott's magazine, also began a new series. New series. Vol. i title reads L. A. W. maga- zine. New series. Vol. 2-10 (1901-1911) title reads Good roads magazine. New series. Vol. 2-10, no. 6 (June 1900-June 191 1) have also Old series numbering. Vol. 31-41. June-August 1911 issued weekly with a third series numbering, i.e. Old series, Vol. 12, no. 7-Vol. 13, no. 8; New series, i.e. third series. Vol. i, no. 23-Vol. 2, no. 8. With August 191 1 second series numbering v/as omitted and old series resumed, i.e. Old series. Vol. 42; Third series. Vol. 2, no. 9. January 1912 is Vol. 41, New series (3rd) Vol. 3, and is numbered consecutively to date. CE. 1-7, New ser. [4], 5-12, New ser. 1 4-; C. New ser. 1 + (191 1 -t-); E. [23-29], New ser. [11], 12, New ser. [2], 3-f- Good roads Canada. M. Vol. i-f- March 1913-f Toronto, 1913+ C. i-h Good roads magaaine See Good roads. Granite See Granite, marble and bronze. Granite cutters' journal. M. Vol. i-|- 1877-!- Quincy, Mass., 1877-I- E. [32], 35- Granite, marble and bronze. M. Vol. i-f- 1891-j- Bost., 18914- Vol. 1-14 title reads Granite. N. 8+ Graphite. M. Vol. i-h 1899-I- Jersey City, 1899-f N. [i], 2-11, 13+; E. 64- Greater efficiency See Efficiency Society. Journal. Greenough's American polytechnic journal. M. Vol. x-4. 1853-1854. Wash.-N. Y., 1853-1854. Vol. 1-2 title reads American polytechnic journal. No more published. E. 1-4. Gxen's Journal der physik See Journal der physik. Gmmni-zeitung. W. Vol. i-|- i888-h Ber., 1 888-1- N. 11-I-; E. [21], 22-h Haarmann's Zeitschrift fiir bauhandwerker See Zeitschrift fiir das baugewerbe. Haeders zeitschrift fiir maschinenbau und betrieb. S-M. Vol. i-H 1893 H- Wiesbaden, 1893 -f- E. 21 4- Hardware and metal. W. Vol. i-|- i889(?)-|- Montreal, i889(?)4- N. [15-19], 20-1- Hardware dealers' magazine. M. Vol. 1 + 1893+ N.Y., 1893 + N. 6-1- Harvard engineering journal See Association of Harvard Engineers. Harvard engineering journal. Harvard Engineering Society. Journal See Associa- tion of Harvard Engineers. Harvard engineering joximal. HsuT^ard Mining Club. Annual report. Y. No. 1-5. 1903-1908. Cambridge, Mass., 1903-1908. No more information available. N. i-s. Haustechnische rundschau. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1896 -t- Halle a. S., 1896-I- Vol. 1-6 title reads Zeitschrift fiir heizung, liiftungs-und wasserleitungstechnik sowie fiir beleuchtungswesen. Vol. 7-12 title reads Zeitschrift fiir heizung, liiftungs-und beleuchtung. N. [2], 6-f ; E. [12], 13-f Hawaiian Engineering Association. Press bulletin. Irreg. No. i-f 1906-f- Honolulu, 1906-I- N. 1-15, 17-18. Heating, ventilating & sanitary pltmibing See Engineering review. (New York). Heating and ventilation See Engineering review (New York). 46 Heating and ventilating magazine. M. Vol. i + November 1904+ N. Y., 1904+ N. i+; E. I, [2], 3+; C. 7+; S. [7], 8+ Herapath's railway joiimal times. See note Railway Y. Herzog's elektrotechnisches jahrbuch. Vol. 1+ 1909+ Stut., 1909+ Hetgas. M. Vol. 1+ 1880+ Rotterdam, 1880+ Zach register. Vol. 1-17. 1880-1897. Rotterdam, 1899. CC. 1 + Holley's railroad advocate See Railroad advocate. Holzwelt W. Vol. 1+ 1914+ Ber., 1914+ E. 1 + Home study for electrical workers See Steam elec- tric magazine. Home study for machinists, steam engineers, etc. M. Vol. 1-2. 1897-1899. Scranton, Pa., 1898- 1899. Combined with Home study magazine and formed Mechanic arts magazine, which be- came Science and industry in 1899. N. 1-2. Home study for the building trades See Building trades magazine. Home study magazine See Science and industry. Horseless age. W. Vol. i-|- 1895-!- N. Y., 1895+ Vol. r-3 published monthly. E. i + ; N. s+; S. [22-23, 25], 26-h; C. 2S+\ CE. [1-3]. Houille blanche. 1902-I- M. Vol. i-j- 1902 -f- Lyon, E. [11], 12-I- Hub. M. Vol. i-l- 18584- N. Y., 1858-}- Vol. 1-14 title reads Hub and New York coachmakers' magazine. N. 13-19, 2I-3S, 38-t- Hub and New York coachmakers' magazine See Hub. Human engineering. Q. Vol. i-|- 191 1-|- Cleve- land, 191 I -h E. 1 + Hydraulic and sanitary plumber See Sanitary plumber. Hydrographische mittheilungen See Annalen der hydrographie und maritimen meteorologie. Ice and refrigeration. M. Vol. i-|- 1891-t- N. Y., 1891-H E. i-h; N. 4, 8-10, [11], i2-h; S. [lo-ii], 12-19, [20], 2iH-; CC. 14-41; CE. 38-1- Ice record. 1900-1901 Vol. 1-2, no. 4. 1900-1901. Phil., Ceased publication. N. 1-2. Ice trade journal See Refrigerating world. Ice world See note Refrigerating world. Idaho Society of Engineers. Journal. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 191 1-|- Boise, 1911-f- E. i-f-; CE. 1-2. Ignition and accessories See Electric vehicles. Ignition-carburetion-lubrication See Light car age. Illinois Society of Engineers and Surveyors. Annual report. Y. ist-f- i886-|- Chic, 1886 -H CE. ist4-; N. 2nd-f-; E. ist-3rd, Sth-i2th, i4th-i8th, 20th, 24th-|- niinois University. Association of Engineering Societies. Technograph. Y. No. i-H 1885-^ Cham- paign, i88s-f From 1885-1889 title reads Selected papers of the Civil Engineers' Club of the University of Illinois. Index. Nos. 1-15 in No. 15. Cham- paign, 1901. CE. I, 4-1- ; E. 2, s-20, 22; C. 5-22. Engineering Experiment Vol. i-|- 1904-I- Urbana, Illinois University. Station. Bulletin. M. 1904+ E. i-f ; N. 1-3, [4], S-6, [7], 8-1- ; S. 3, S, 8+ Illinois Water Supply Association. Proceedings of the meeting. Y. ist+ 1909-!- Urbana, 1909-f- E. i-H; CE. 1-2. Illuminating engmeer (London). M. Vol. i-{- 1908-I- Lond., 1908-I- E. 1-I-; N. 1-4; CC. 2, [6-7]. Bltmiinating engineer (New York) See Good light- ing and the illuminating engineer. Qlimiinating Engineering Society. Transactions. M. Vol. i-|- 1906-)- N. Y., 1906 -f- CC. i-H; E. i-f; S. [i], 2-f; N. [2], 3 + ; C. 6-I-; CE. [1-3]. Illuminating world. M. Cincinnati, O., 1906-1908. E. I, [2]. Vol. 1-2. 1906-1908. Ultmiination. 1909-1910. M. Vol. 1-2. 1909-1910. Chic, No more information available. E. [1-2]; N. [i]. niimiinator. M. Vol. 1-2. Cleveland, O., 1904- 1906. No more information available. E. 1-2. Illustrated carpenter and builder. 1877-}- Lond., 1877+ N. 1-38, 42-1- W. Vol. i-l- 47 Illustrated scientific news See Knowledge. Blustrierte schweizerische handwerker. B-W. Vol. 1-8. 1885-1893. St. Gallen, 1885-1893. No more information available. N. 1-8. Blustrirte aeronautische mittheilungen See Deutsche luftfahrer zeitschrift. Imperatorskoye Ruskoye Tekhnichesskoye Ob- schestvo. Zapiski. M. Vol. 1+ 1867+ Petrograd, 1867+ E. 31, [32], 33, [34-35], 36-38, I39-44], 45, [46], 47 -t- Imperatorskoye Ruskoye Tekhnichesskoye Ob- schestvo. Moskovskoye Otdeleniye. Zapiski. 10 nos. Y. Vol. i-f i878(?)-f Moskva, i878(?)+ E. [25], 26-27, [28-34]. Imperatorskoye St. Peterburgskoye Mineralogich- eskoye Obschestvo. Materiyaly dla geologii Rossii. Irreg. Vol. 1+ iS6g+ Petrograd, 18694- Ukazatel statey k Zapiskam Imperator- skava St. Peterburgskava Mineralo- gicheskava Obschestva. Ser. 2. 1885- 1895. St. Petersburg, 1898. E. i6-f Imperatorskoye St. Peterburgskoye Mineral- ogicheskoye Obschestvo. Zapiski. Y. Vol. 1-2, 1830-1842; 1842- 1863; Ser. 2, Vol. i-|- i866-f Petrograd, i830-f- Vol. 1-2 (1830-1842) title reads Trudy. 2 numbers issued in 1842 under the title of Schriften. 1843-1863 title reads Verhandlungen. N. 1842-1858, 1862-1863; E. Ser. 2, 28-}- Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1903+ Lond., 19034- Nos. 1-4 issued, as a quarterly supplement to the Board of Trade Journal. N. I-f; E. 2-f Imperial journal of art, science, mechanics and engineering. Vol. 1-3. Manchester, 1840. E. 1-3. Imperial lamp gazette. M. Vol. 1-3. 1 898-1900. N. Y., 1898-1900. No more information available. E. [1-3]. Incorporated Association of Municipal and Coimty Engineers See Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. Incorporated Gas Institute See Institution of Gas Engineers. Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engi- neers See Institution of Automobile Engineers. Incorporated Institution of Gas Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-12. 1891-1902. Lond., 1892-1903. Combined with the Incorporated Gas In- stitute and formed the Institution of Gas Engineers. E. I-I2; N. 6. Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-|- 1896-f- Lond., 1896-I- From 1896-1900 known as the Municipal Electrical Association. It was incorporated in April 190 1 and name of Association changed to Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association. E. 1-16. Incorporated Society of Inspectors of Weights and Measures. Monthly review. M. Vol. i-f 1892 -|- Watford, 1892-t- E. 20-f Index de la press technique See Revue de I'in- genieur et index technique. India-rubber and gutta-percha and electrical trades' journal See India rubber journal. India rubber journal. W. Vol. i-|- 1884 -f Lond., 1884+ Vol. 1-40 (18S4-1910) title reads India- rubber and gutta percha and electrical trades' journal. Index. Vol. i-io. 1884-1894. n.p., N. is-f ; E. [1-2], 37+ India rubber review. M. Vol. i-|- 1902 -f- Akron, O., 1902-I- N. [2-3], 4+; CO. [12], 134- India rubber world. Vol. i4- 18894- N. Y., 18894- Vol. 1-20 title reads India rubber world and electrical trades review. N. i4-; E. i84-; CC. [21, 23, 25-28], 30, [31, 34-36, 42], 434-; C.444- Indian and eastern engineer. M. Vbl. 1-28, 1886- 1897; New ser. Vol. i4- 18974- Calcutta, i8864- Vol. 1-22 title reads Indian engineer. 1886-1888 published bi-monthly, 1888-1889 published weekly. E. 1-28, New ser. [1-2], 3, [4-9, 16-17]; CE. 1-6, [7], New ser. 22-26. Indian electrical, mechanical & textile news See Indian industries and power. Indian engineer See Indian and eastern engineer. Indian engineering. W. Vol. i-{- i8864- Calcutta, 18864- CE. 14-; E. i4-; N. 2-4, [5-6], 7-9, [10], II, [12-13], 14, [is, 22], 23-25, [26, 31-32, 37, 43-44]. Indian industries and power. M. Vol. i-f 1903-f Bombay, 19034- Vol. I title reads Indian textile, mechanical, and electrical news. Vol. 2-5, no. 4 title reads Indian electrical, mechanical & textile news. Indian motor news was incorporated with Indian industries and power in October 1908. E.34-;N. 6-i- 48 Indiana Engineering Society. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist+ 1881+ Indianapolis, 1881 + ist-6th known as the Association of County Surveyors and Civil Engineers of the State of Indiana. 7th- 10th known as the Indiana Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors, E. sth-i4th, i6th-26th, aSth+j CE. 2nd-6th, 8th-3ist; N. 8th, nth, i3th-30th. Indiana Sanitary and Water Supply Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. Vol. 1+ 1908+ Indianapolis, 1908+ CE. 4; E. s+ Indiana Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors See Indiana Engineering Society. Industria. W. Vol. 1+ 1887+ MU., 1887+ CE. I, [2-4], 5, [6-9], 10-12, [13]; E. 4, [17-19], 20, [21], 22, [23], 24-f-; N. [9-14], IS, [16, 19-20]. Industria chimica mineraria e metallurgica. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1899+ Mil., 1899-f- Vol. 1-5 (1899- 1 903) title reads Chimica in- dustriale. CC. 3, [4-5, 7], lO-ll, [12], 13 + Industrial American See Manufacturers' reveiw and industrial record. Industrial arts index. Y. 1913+ N. Y., 1914+ Five numbers a year are issued and these are cumulated annually in one volume at the end of each year. E. 1 + Industrial engineering. M. Vol. 1-2. 1909. Pittsburg, 1909. In 1910 consolidated with Engineering digest and formed Industrial engineering and the engineering digest. E. 1-2; S. [i]. Industrial engineering and the engineering digest. M. Vol. i-|- 1907+ N. Y., 1907-I- Vol. 1-2 title reads Technical literature. Vol. 3-6 title reads Engineering digest. In 1910 Engineering digest combined with Industrial engineering and formed Industrial engineering and the engineering digest. The volume number of Engineering digest is re- tained. CE. i + ; E. i + ; S. i + ; C. 3-4, [8],9+;P.8+ Industrial magazine. M. Vol. 1-13, no. 3. 1902- 1911. N. Y., 1902-1911. Vol. 1-4 title reads Draftsman. Vol. 5 title reads Browning's industrial magazine. In 1912 consolidated with Industrial engi- neering and the engineering digest. E. [5], 6-7, [8-11], 12-13; CE. [6], 7-13; N.[l], 2-II,[l2]. Industrial monthly. M. New ser. Vol. 1-8, no. 5. 1873-1877. N. Y., 1873-1877- Continuation of Technologist. No more published. C. New ser. i, 4, 6; N. 1-4, Is, 8]. Industrial progress. M. Vol. 1-2. 1909-1910. Milwaukee, Wis., 1909-1910. No more published. E. 1-2; N. [i], 2; S. [i]. Industrial south, M. Vol. 1-6. 1881-1886. Rich- mond, Va., i88i-i886. Published weekly until August 1886. In 1886 incorporated Virginias. No more information available. E. [6]. Industrial times and mining record. M. Vol. 1-13, no. 3. i898(?)-i507. N. Y., i898(?)-i907. No more published. N. [6], 7-13. Industrial world See Steel and iron. Industrial world and iron worker. W. Vol. 1-50. no. II. 1867-1898. Chic, 1867-1898. Vol. 1-17 title reads Industrial world. In September 1882 the Chicago commercial advertiser was incorporated with Industrial world and became Industrial world and iron worker. In March 1898 was incorporated with Iron trade review. E. 15-40, 42-50; N. [24], 25-26, [27-29], 30-39, [40], 41-42, [43, 45-46], 47-48, [49], 50. Industrie 61ectro-chimique. M. Vol. 1-9. March 1897-October 1905. Par., 1897-1905. No numbers published from February- December 1902, and July-December 1904. No more published. Continued as Revue de I'^lectro-chimie. E. 1-9; N. 1-2, [3], 4-7, [8-9]. Industrie-blatter, W. Vol, 1-30, 1867-1893. Ber., 1864-1893. No more published. C. 4-30. Industrie des tramways et chemins de fer. M, Vol. i-h 1909-I- Par., 1909-t- E.[i-2],3+;N.3+ Industrie filectrique. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1892-f- Par., 1892-f N. i-t-;E. 1-9, [10], ii-l- Industrie textile. M. Vol. 1+ 1885-!- Par., 1885+ N. 13 + Industrie-und gewerbe-blatt. Vol. 1-13. 1855- 1867. Gratz, 1856-1867. Continued under the title of Industrie-und handels-blatt. N. 1-2, [3]. Industriebau monatsschrift fiir kiinstlerische und technische forderung. M. Vol. i-\- i9io-f Lpz., 1910+ N. 1-2. Industries. W. Vol. 1-14. July 1886-June 1893. Lond., 1886-1893. In June 1893 combined with Iron and con- tinued as Industries and iron, retaining the volume number of Industries. CE. 1-14; E. 1-14; CC. i-io, 12-13. Industries and iron. W, Vol. 15-28. June 1893- 1900. Lond., 1893-1900. Formed by the combination of Iron and Industries in June 1893. Ceased publication in 1900. E. [15], 18-27; N. 15, [18-20], 21 28; CC. [15-16], 25-27; C. 17-19. 49 Industry. M. No. 1-90. 1888-1896. San Fran- cisco, 1 888-1 896. From 1888-1891 title reads Journal "in- dustry." No more published. E. 30-89; N. 42-90. Ingegneria civile e I'arte industriale. i8 nos. Y. Vol. i-j- 1875-1- Torino, 18754- N. 27-30, [31]. Ingegneria ferroviaria. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1904 -|- Roma, 1904-!- E. [4, 6-7], S+ Ingener. M. Vol. i-|- i88i(?)-f Kieff, i88i(?)-|- CE. [17-18], 19, [20-21], 22. Ingenieria. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1897-h Buenos Aires, 1897 -f CE. 1-4, [5, 7], 9-12, [13-14]; E. [9, 12], 13, [14], i5-f- Ingeniero civil. S-M. Vol. i. 1888-1889. Buenos Aires, 1888-1889. Organo oficial de la Sociedad de Ingenieros Civiles de la Reptiblica Argentina. Society no longer in existence. CE. I. Ingenieur. B-W. 1852-1856; New ser. Vol. 1-2, 1857-1858. Par., 1852-1858. No more information available. CE. 1854, New ser. 1-2; N. 1855- 1856. Ingenieur. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1907-f- Ber., 1907-f E. [i], 2-f ; C. 4+ Ingenieur See Civilingenieur. Ingenieur See Koninklijk Instituut van Ingen- ieurs. Ingenieur. Ingenieur ^lectricien. S-M. Vol. i, 1886; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-7, 1888-1895. Par., 1886-1895. No more information available. E. I. Ingenieur universel. W. Vol. 1-6. 1878-1881. Manchester, Eng., 1878-1881. Incorporated with Supplement to the Iron- monger. CE. [1-4], S, [6]. Ingeni^ren See Dansk Tngenij^rforening. In- geni0ren. Ingeniors-Foreningens i Stockholm. Forhandlingar. B-M. Vol. i-f- i866-h Stockholm, 1866-H CE. 11-25; E. 14-25; N. [25]. Institut W. Vol. 1-44. 1833-1876. Par., 1833- 1876. No more published. E. 3-6, [7]- Institut de France. Acad6mie des Sciences. See Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. Institut Electrotechnique Montefiore See Li6ge. Institut Electrotechnique Montefiore. Association des Ing^nieurs Electriciens. Institute of Brewing. Journal. 7 nos. Y. Vol. 1-9, 1895-1903; New ser. Vol. i-f- 1904 -|- Lond., 1895+ Collective index, including the Transac- tions of the Laboratory Club, 1887-1890; the Transactions of the Institute of Brewing, 1890-1894; the Transactions of the North of England Institute of Technical Brewing, 1891-1894; the Transactions of the Yorkshire Institute of Brewing, 1893-1894; the Transactions of the Midland Counties' Institute of Brewing, 1894; the Journal of the Fed- erated Institutes of Brewing, 1895- 1903; and the Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 1904-1910. Lond., 1911. CC. [1-2], 3-9, New ser. [1-2], 3-H Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. Proceedings. 3 nos. Y. 1903-!- Lond., 1903+ N. 1903 -I- Institute of Marine Engineers. Transactions. M. Vol. i-|- 1889-t- Strat- ford, i889-f Index. Vol. 1-8 in Vol. 8. CE. i-}-;E. [20], 2i-f- Institute of Metals. Journal. S-A. Vol. i-|- 19094- Lond., 1909 -f E. 1-I-; C. i-l- Institute of Radio Engineers. Proceedings. Q. Vol. 1+ IQ13-I- N. Y., 1913+ Formed by the consolidation of the Wireless Institute and the Society of Wireless Tele- graph Engineers in May 1912. E. i-H Institution of Automobile Engineers. Proceedings. Y. Vol. i-|- 1906-I- Lond., 1906 -f- Vol. i-S known as the Incorporated Institu- tion of Automobile Engineers. Index. Vol. 1-5. 1906-1910 in Vol. 5. E. i-H Institution of Civil Engineers. Engineering Conference, 1907, Transactions. 2 Vols. Lond., 1907. CE. 1-2. Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings. Q. Vol. i-|- 1837-I- Lond., 1837-}- General index. Vol. 1-30. 1837-1870. Lond., 1865-1871. Name index. Vol. 1-58. 1837-1879. Lond., 1885. Subject index. Vol. 1-58. 1837-1879. Lond., 1881. Subject index. Vol. 59-118. 1879-1894. Lond., 1895. Name index. Vol. 119-170. 1895-1907 and index to Transactions of Engineer- ing Conference 1907. Lond., 1910. Subject index. Vol. 119-170. 1894-1907. Lond., 1909. CE. i-f-;C. i-t-;E. i-f-;N. I-f; P. i + ; S. 59+ so Institution of Civil Engineers. Transactions. Trreg. Vol. 1-3. 1836-1842. Lond., 1836-1842. No more published. Index. Vol. 1-3. 1836-1842 in Vol. 3. CE. 1-3; C. 1-3; E. 1-3; N. 1-3; P. 1-3. Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1844+ Dub., 1845+ General index. Vol. 1-9. 1845-1870. Dub., n.d. Index of Transactions and catalogue of Library. 1845-1910. Dub., 1911. CE. 1 + ; E. 1-6, 13-17, 19, 23-30- 32+ Institution of Electrical Engineers. Journal. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1872-}- Lond., 1872-1- Vol. I- 19 title reads Society of Telegraph Engineers. Index. Vol. i-io. 1872-1882. Lond., 1882. Index. Vol. 1 1-20. 1882-1891. Lond., 1892. Index. Vol. 21-30. i892-i9oi.Lond.,i90i. Index. Vol. 31-47. 1901-1911. Lond., 1912. C. 1-I-; E. i-H; N. i-H; P. i + ; CE. 33+ Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Transactions. Y. Vol. i-l- 1857-f- Glasgow, I8S7+ Vol. 1-14 title reads Institution of Engineers in Scotland. In 186s (v. 9) the Scottish Shipbuilders' Association was incorporated with the In- stitution of Engineers in Scotland. In 187 1 was incorporated as the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. CE. I-I-; N. 1-I-; E. 2-7, 9+; S. 1-28, 30-36. Institution of Engineers in Scotland See Institu- tion of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Institution of Engineers of the River Plate. Journal. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1899-!- Buenos Aires, 1899-t- Only one number issued for Vol. 6. CE. [1-5], 6; E. [1-3, 5], 6. Institution of Gas Engineers. Transactions. Y. ist-35th, i903-f 1863-I- Westminster, 1864-I- ist-i8th (1863-1881) known as the British Association of Gas Managers and title reads Report of proceedings of the annual meeting. I9th-27th (1882-1890) known as the Gas Institute and title reads Transactions. In November 1890 was incorporated and known as Incorporated Gas Institute 28th- 39th (1890-1902). In November 1902 the Incorporated Institu- tion of Gas Engineers combined with the Incorporated Gas Institute and formed the Institution of Gas Engineers. E. i3th-3oth, 33rd-34th, 36th- 37th, 1903+; CE. 1903-I-; N. 1903-f-; CC. 7th-i5th, 1905; C. isth-i9th, 28th. Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Domestic engineering and the estate engi- neer. M. Vol. i-|- 1896-I- Sydenham, 1896-f E. [28-30], 31-32, [33], 34-h Institution of Junior Engineers See Junior Insti- tution of Engineers. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Journal. 8 nos. Y. No. x+ June 1914-I- Lond., 1914+ Continuation of the Proceedings. E. 1 + Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. Q. 1847-1914. Lond., 1847- 1914. Continued as the Journal. General index. 1847-1873. Birming- ham, 1877. Index. 1 874-1 884. Lond., n.d. Library catalog; subject index of Pro- ceedings. 1847-1887. Lond., 1887. General index. 1885-1900. Westminster, n.d. General index. 1901-1910. Lond., 191 2. Brief subject index of papers published in the Proceedings. 1847-1910. n.p., n.d. CE. 1847-1914; C. 1847-1914; E. 1847-1914; N. 1847-1914; P. 1847-1914; S. 1847-1887, 1907-1914. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Bulletin. M. No. i-f 1904 -|- Lond., 1904 -h E- 3-5, 7-17, 19, 27, 29-32, 34-54, 56+ Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions. Y. Vol. i-f- 1892 -f- Lond., 1892+ General and personal index to Transac- tions. Vol. 1-13. 1892-1904. Lond., n.d. Personal and general index. Vol. 1-15. 1892-1906. Lond., n.d. CE. 1-I-; C. I-f; E. I-f; N. i-f Institution of Mining Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-f 1889-f New- castle-upon-TjTie, 1889-f Vol. I- 1 1 title reads Federated Institution of Mining Engineers. In 1889 the Midland Counties Institution of Engineers, the Midland Institute of Mining, Civil, and Mechanical Engineers, the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechani- cal Engineers, the South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers were federated with the Institution of Mining Engineers. In 1891 the North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers was fed- erated with the Institution of Mining Engi- neers. In 1893 the Mining Institute of Scotland was federated with the Institution of Mining Engineers. In 1904 the Manchester Geological and Min- ing Society was federated with the Institution of Mining Engineers. Index. Vol. i-io. 1889-1896. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1898. Index. Vol. 1-30. 1889-1905. New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1908. Index. Vol. 31-40. 1906-1911. Lond., 1911. E. I-f ; C. 1-34, 36, 38-39, 40-f-; CE. 38-f ; P. [7]. 51 Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. Proceedings. Y. Vol. i+ 1873-I- Lond., I87S+ Vol. 1-16 (1873-1890) known as the Associa- tion of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. Vol. I7-3S (1890-1909) known as the Incor- porated Association of Municipal and County Engineers. Index. Vol. i-io in Vol. 10. Lond., 1884. Index. Vol. 1-15 in Vol. 15. Lond., 1889. General index. Vol. 1-20. Lond., n.d. General index. Vol. 1-25. Lond., n.d. Index. Vol. 1-30 in Vol. 30. Lond., 1904. General index. Vol. 31-37. Lond., n.d. N. i+; C. [2], 3+; E. 1-5, 7-22, 24-30, 32-I-; CE. 1-2, 4-8, 10-22, 24-f Institution of Naval Architects. Transactions. Y. Vol, i-|- i86o-|- Lond., 1860-}- Index. Vol. 1-21. Lond., 1881. Index. Vol. 22-28. Lond., 1887. Index. Vol. 29-35. Lond., 1895. Index. Vol. 36-42. Lond., 1901. Index. Vol. 1-46. 1860-1904. Lond., 1905. Index. Vol. 47-54. 1905-1912. Lond., 1912. C. i-f-;E. i-h;S. i-f-;CE.36+ Institution of Petroleum Technologists. Journal. Irreg. Vol. i-H June 1914-!- Lond., 1914-I- E. i-l- Institution of Post Office Electrical Engineers. Post Office electrical engineers' journal. Q. Vol. i-H 1908-)- Lond., 1908-I- E. i-f Institution of Surveyors See Surveyors' Institu- tion. Institution of Surveyors, New South Wales. Surveyor. Vol. 1+ i888-f- Sydney, 1888+ From July 1888-December 1889 known as the Survey Club. From 1890-June 1891 known as the New South Wales Association of Surveyors. CE. i-f Instituto de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Val- paraiso. Revista de ingenieria y arquitectura. Irreg. Vol. i-f- November 1913+ Valparaiso, 1913+ E. I-f Instituto de Injenieros de Chile. Anales. M. Vol. 1-19, 1889-1901; Vol. i-f- 1901-I- Santiago de Chile, 1889+ In 1901 Instituto de Injenieros united with Sociedad de InjenierIa and formed Instituto de Injenieros de Chile. Indices alfab6ticos de autores i de materias. Vol. i-io. Santiago de Chile, 1897. Indice general de las materias. Vol. 1-18. Santiago de Chile, 1902. CE. 1-19, 1-9; N. 1-12, 14-18; E. [2, S], 13+ Instituto de Injenieros de Santiago de Chile See Instituto de Injenieros de Chile. Instituto Geol6gico de M6xico. Bulletin. Irreg. No. 1+ 1895-}- M6xico, 1895+ E. I-f Instituto Geol6gico de Mexico. Paregones. Irreg. Vol. i-f 1902 -f M6xico, 1903 + E. I-f Instituto Mexicano de Minas y Metalurgia See Mexican Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Insurance engineering See Safety engineering. Internal combustion engineering See Automobile engineer. International Acetylene Association. Annual meeting. Y. ist-f 1898-f Chic, 1898-f E. i3th-f International Association for the Prevention of Smoke. Proceedings and addresses of annual con- vention. Y. ist-f 1906-f Grand Rapids, Mich., 1906 -f CE. 3rd; E. 3rd. International Association of Fire Engineers. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f 1873-f Roanoke, Va., 1873-f ist-23rd (1873-1895) known as the National Association of Fire Engineers. E. 39th -f; N. 30th, 33rd; CE. 33rd-34th. International Association of Machinists. Machinists' monthly journal. M. Vol. i-f February 1889-f Wash., 1889-f Vol. 1-14 title reads Monthly journal. N. [9], 10-23. International Association of Municipal Electri- cians. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f 1896-f v.p., 1896-f ist-4th (1896-1899) known as the National Association of Municipal Electricians. N. 6th-f; E. 5th-iith, i5th-f; CE. 7th-i5th. International catalogue of scientific literature. A-R. Irreg. 1902-f Lond., 1902-f C. A-R, I-f; E. A-D, i-f; S. B-D, i-f;CC. D, i-f Intemational engineer. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 3. June 1907-February 1908. N. Y., 1907-1908. No more published. Combined with International steam engineer. E. 1-2; N. 1-2. 52 International Institute of Technical Bibliography. Journal. Engineering abstracts. M. 1910- February 1913. Lond., 1910-1913. Continuation of the Repertorium der tech- nischen literatur and Fortschritte der technik. At the end of each year this Journal is cumu- lated in an index of seven subjects namely: Applied chemistry. Civil engineering, Elec- trical engineering. Mechanical engineering. Military engineering. Mining and metallurgy. Engineering supplement. Issued also in German. Ceased publication February 19 13. C. 1910-1913; E. 1910-1913; N. 1910-1913; p. 1910-1913; S. 1910. International marine engineering. M. Vol. 1 + 1897+ N.Y., 1897+ Vol. i-ii title reads Marine engineering. E. I+; CE. 14+ ; S. [11], 12-15. International Railroad Master Blacksmiths' Asso- ciation. Report of the proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f- 1893-!- Lima, O., 1893+ E. i6th, iSth-h; N. 13th. International Railway Congress. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1887-I- Bruxelles, 1887+ Vol. 1-9 published in French. General tables. 1896-1908. Bruxelles, 1909. N. i + ; CE. 124-; C. 13+; E. 10-12, [21J, 22-f- Intemational Railway Congress. Proceedings. Q. Vol. i-|- 1901-I- Brussels, 1901 + E. 1-5; C. I. International Railway Fuel Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-|- 1909-I- v.p., 1909-I- CE. i-|-;E. i+;N. i. International Railway General Foremen's Asso- ciation. Report of proceedings of the annual conven- tion. Y. ist-h 19054- Escanaba, Mich., 190S+ E. 8th -j- Intemational steam engineer. M. Vol. i-|- 1900-}- N. Y., 1900+ Incorporated International engineer in 1908. N. [4], S-io, [11], 15-f ; C. 9-16, i9-h; E. 9-11. International sugar journal. M. Vol. 1-30, 1869-1898; New ser. Vol. i-f 1899-}- Man- chester, 1869-!- Vol. 1-30 (1869-1898) title reads Sugar cane. CC. 4-30, New ser. i-f; E. New ser. [13], i4-t- Intemational Verein der Bohringenieure imd Bohrtechniker. Zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. i-f 1894 -|- Wien, 1894+ Known as the Organ des Verein der Bohr- techniker until 1912. Supplement of AUgemeine dsterreichische chemiker-und techniker-zeitung. E. i-ii, [15-16], 17-I-; CC. 6. Internationale zeitschrift fiir metallographie. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 191 i-H Ber., 191 1-|- E. I-f Intemationaler anzeiger fiir brauereien, malzereien und hopfenbau See Allgemeiner anzeiger fiir brauereien, malzereien imd hopfenbau. Interstate Cotton Seed Crushers' Association. Bulletin. M. No. i-9(?). i907-i9o8(?). Coliunbia, S. C, i907-i9o8(?). Ceased publication. E. 5-6, 8-9. Interurban railway journal See Electric traction. Invention. M. Vol. 1-28. 1846-1873. Par., 1846- 1873- Vol. 1-4 title reads Brevet d'invention. No more published. E. 8-9, 12-21. Invention. W. Vol. 1-26. 1885-1902. Lond., 1885-1902. No more published. N. [13-15]. Inventive age and patent index. M. Vol. i-|- 1889-h Washington, D. C, i889-f N. [3], 5-6, [7], 8, [9, 11], 12-20. Ion. Irreg. Vol. 1-2. 1909-1910. Lond., 1909- 1910. Vol. I in English; Vol. 3 in German. No more published. CC. 1-2. Iowa Association of Cement Users. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f 1905-t- Ames, 1905-f- CE. 7th -I- lowa Civil Engineers and Surveyors Society See note Iowa Engineering Society. Iowa Electrical Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f 1901-I- Des Moines, 1901 -f- E. 8th, iith-l- lowa engineer See Iowa State College of Agricul- ture and Mechanic Arts. Iowa engineer. Iowa Engineering Society. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-H 1889-I- Iowa City, Iowa 1889-I- In 1889 the Iowa Surveyors' and Civil Engi- neers' Association and the Iowa Civil Engi- neers and Surveyors Society combined and formed the Iowa Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors. This title was retained until October 1898 when it changed to Iowa Engi- neering Society. CE. ist-f; N. [ist], 2nd-4th, 6th -I- ; E. 5th-iith, i3th-i5th, i9th+ lowa Railway Club. Proceedings. 10 nos. Y. Vol. 1-9, no. 3. i902-i909(?). Des Moines, Iowa, 1902- 1909 (?). Discontinued. E. [9]. Iowa Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors See note Iowa Engineering Society. 53 Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Iowa engineer, Q. Vol. i+ Jvine iQoi-f- Ames, Iowa, 1901 + Index. Vol. 1-4 in Vol. 5, no. 2. N. i + ; E. [4, 6]. Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin. Irreg. No. i-ii; Vol. 2, no. 6; Vol. 3-4; No. 25+ 1888+ Ames, 1888+ E. [4], 25-32, 34, 36+; N. i-io. Iowa State University. University extension bulletin. Irreg. No. i-(- April 1914+ Iowa City, 1914+ E. 1 + lowa State University. College of Applied Science. Transit. Y. Vol. 1+ 1890+ Iowa City, Iowa, 1890+ From 1 890- 1 899 published semi-annually. From 1890-1909 published by the Engineering Society of the University of Iowa. N. 1-2, [3-4], 5-8, lo-f; CE. [1-4], 7, 11 + ; E. [1-4], S, 7, 9, ii-iS- Iowa Street and Interurban Railway Association. Report of the annual convention. Y. ist-f 1904-I- Dubuque, Iowa, i904-f E. 2-4, 8+; CE. 2-8. Iowa Surveyors' and Civil Engineers' Association. Proceedings at the annual meeting. 4th. 1887. Glenwood, 1887. Organized in February 1885. No more published. In 1889 combined with the Iowa Civil Engi- neers and Surveyors Society and formed the Iowa Society of Civil Engineers and Sur- veyors, which later became the Iowa Engi- neering Society. CE. 4th. Iron. W. Vol. 1-41. 1873-1893. Lond., 1873-1893. Forms a new series of the Mechanics' maga- zine. In June 1893 combined with Industries and continued as Industries and iron, retaining the volume number of Industries. CE. 1-41; E. 1-41; C. 1-34; S. 1-2. Iron age. W. Vol. i-f- 1855+ N. Y., 1855+ N. 3, [i3-i5» 31, 34, 36], 37+; C. 5-9, 11 + ; CE. 11 + ; S. [12-16], 17, [18-20], 21, [22-23], 24-26, [37-38], 39-40, 43, [53-57], 58, [59-61], 62, [63-64], 65+; E. 24+; P. 45-1- ; CC. [68], 69-f Iron and coal trades review. W. Vol. i-|- i866-|- Lond., 1866-I- In 1894 the Bulletin of the British Iron Trade Association was incorporated with Iron and coal trades review. CE. 16-18, 56+; E. 29-46, 49-1- ; N. S5+; CC. 62 + ; C. 75-79, 8i-f- Iron and machinery world. W. Vol. 92, no. 24- Vol. 100, no. 4. 1902-1906. Chic, 1902-1906. Formed by the consolidation of Age of steel and Iron and steel in December 1902. The volume number of Age of steel is retained. Consolidated with Iron trade review in August 1906. "N. 92-100; E. 92-96. Iron and steel. W. Vol. 1-81, no. 23. 1862-1903. Chic, 1862-1902. From 1862-April 1898 (Vol. 1-72, no. 14) title reads Chicago journal of commerce. In December 1902 combined with Age of steel and formed Iron and machinery world. N. [43, SI, 56-59], 61-62, [63-65], 66, [67-69], 70-71, [72]; E. 44-59, 61-71, 74-80. Iron and Steel Institute. Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs. Y. Vol. 1 + igog+ Lond., 1909-I- Index. Vol. 1-2. 1909-1910 in Journal subject and name index. Vol. 59-82. Lond., 1911. CE. i-f-; CC. i+; E. i + ; N. i-f- Iron and Steel Institute. Journal, S-A. Vol. i-f- 1869-I- Lond., 1869-H Vol. 1-2 title reads Transactions. Vol. 6s has Supplement. Lond., 1904. Special volume of "Proceedings," the title being: Iron and Steel Institute in America in 1890. London, n.d. General index to Proceedings. 1869- 1881. Lond., 1883. Subject-matter index to Proceedings, 1882-1889. Lond., 1891. Brief index of the papers contained in the Journal. 1869-1894. Lond., 1895. Name index. Vol. 1-50. 1869-1896, Lond., 1898. General index, together with a history of the development of the Iron and Steel Institute. Vol. 36-58. 1890-1900. Lond., 1902. Subject and name index. Vol. 59-82. 1901-1910, and to the Carnegie Scholar- ship Memoirs, Vol. 1-2, together with a historical note on the development of the Institute. Lond., 191 1. C. I-f; E. 1-I-; P. i-h; CE. i, 5-|-;CC.48-f-;S.3, 10, Iron and steel magazine. M. Vol, i-ii. 1898- 1906. Bost., 1898-1906. Vol. 1-6 title reads Metallographist. Vol. 7 title reads Iron and steel metallurgist. In June 1906 incorporated with Electro- chemical and metallurgical industry, which later became Metallurgical and chemical engineering. CE. i-ii; C. i-ir; E. i-ii; S. i-ii; CC. 7-1 1. Iron and steel times. W. Vol. i-f- 1909 -f- Lond., 1909-I- E. [i]. Iron & steel trades journal. W. Vol. i-f- 1847-H Lond., 18474- E. 42-72, [73], 74-79, [80], 81-82, [83], 84-88, [89], 90-h; N. 61-I- Iron city trades journal. Vol. 1-2. 1908-1909. Lond., 1908-1909. No more information available. C. [l], 2. Iron production and utilization. M. Vol. 1-15, no. 4- i878(?)-i89o(?). Phil., i878(?)-i89o(?). No more information available. CE. II, [12], 13-15. 54 Iron trade review. W. Vol. i+ 1867+ Cleve- land, O., 1867+ In March 1898 Industrial world and iron worker was incorporated with Iron trade review. In August 1906 Iron and machinery world consolidated with Iron trade review. In 1914 Second hand machinery consolidated with Iron trade review. E. 28-33, [34], 35+ ; N. 30+; CC. 33-42, 44+; C. 39-46, si-f ; S. 40-46, [47]- Ironmonger. W. Vol. i-f 1859-f Lond., i8s9-f CE. [20-21], 22-23, [24, 47], 48-54, [55], 56-57, [58-61], 63, [64], 65-69, [70], 71, [72], 73-80, [81], 82-86, [87], 88-90, [91-94], 95, [96-97], 98-103, [104-105]; N. [22, 47-54, 59, 63-77], 78-81, 83-88, [98, 104]; E. 26-33, 35-40, [1890], 1891-1899, 90-93, [94-95], 96-99, [loo-ioi, 107-108], 109- 113, [114], 115-f Irrigation age. M. Vol. i-f 1891+ Chic, 1891+ CE. [i-«]. Isolated plant. M. Vol. i-|- 1908+ N. Y., 1908+ E. 1+ Jahrbuch der chemie. Y. Vol. i-|- 1891-t- Bms., i89i-f General register. Vol. i-io. 1891- 1900. Bms., 1903. CC. i + ;C. i-|-;N. i+;S. i + ; E. 1-9, 11-12, 15. Jahrbuch der chemie und physik See Journal fiir chemie und physik. Jahrbuch der drahtlosen telegraphic imd tele- phonie. B-M. Vol. i-f 1907-j- Lpz., 1907-I- E. 1 + Jahrbuch der elektrochemie. Y. Vol. i-f- 1894 -f Halle a. S., 1895-!- CC. i-t-; C. I-f; E. i-|-; N. 1-14. Jahrbuch der elektrotechnik. Y. Vol. i-f 1912-}- Ber., 1913-1- E. i-H Jahrbuch der organischen chemie. Y. Vol. 1-3. 1893-1895. Lpz., 1895-1898. CC. 1-3; N. 1-3. Jahrbuch der organischen chemie. Y. Vol. i-|- 1907-]- Stut., 1908-f- N. i-h; CC. 1-3. Jahrbuch der praktischen pharmacie See Jahrbuch fiir pharmacie. Jahrbuch der radioaktivitat und elektronik. Y. Vol. i-t- 1904-!- Lpz., 1904 -f C.i-H;N.i-f;E.i+ Jahrbuch fUr das berg- und hiittenwesen in konig- reich Sachsen. Y. 18274- Freiberg, 1827-I- Years 1827-1851 title reads Kalender ftlr den sachsischen berg- und hiittenmann. Years 1852-1872 title reads Jahrbuch fiir den berg- und hiittenmann. Alphabetisches sachregister. 1827-1840. Dresden, 1840-1841. Alphabetisches sachregister. 1 841-1896 in Vol. for 1896. Freiberg, n. d. C. 1827-t-; E. 1866-1868, 1876, 1878-1- ; N. 1884, 1897-1898, 1900-f ; CC.1873. Jahrbuch fiir das eisenhiittenwesen See Stahl und eisen. Erganzimg. Jahrbuch fiir das eisen- hiittenwesen. Jahrbuch fiir den berg- und huttenmann See Jahrbuch fiir das berg- und hiittenwesen in konig- reich Sachsen. Jahrbuch fiir elektrotechnik. Y. Vol. 1-2. 1887- 1889. Halle a. S., 1888-1890. No more published. CC. 1-2. Jahrbuch fur mineralogie, geognosie, geologie und petrefaktenkunde. Vol. 1-3. 1830-1832. Heidel- burg, 1830-1832. Continuation of Zeitschrift fCir mineralogie. Continued as Neues jahrbuch fiir mineralogie. N. 1-3. Jahrbuch fiir pharmacie. Y. Vol. 1-25, 1838- 1853; Vol. 1-42, 1854-1874. Heidelberg, 1838- 1874. From 1838-1853 title reads Jahrbuch der praktischen pharmacie. No more published. CC. 13 (i860). Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte auf dem gebietc der reinen chemie. Y. Vol. 1-9. 1873-1881. Tiibin- gen, 1874-1883. No more published. CC. 1-9; S. 1. Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte auf dem ge- samtgebiete der agricultur chemie. Y. Vol. 1-20, 1858-1877; New ser. Vol. i-f i88o-|- Ber., 1858-i- From 1874 the annual volumes are divided into 3 separate parts namely: (i) Jahresbericht liber die fortschritte der chemie des bodens, (2) Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie der pflanze, (3) Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie der thiernahrung. General register. Vol. 1-20. 1858-1877. Ber., 1879. General register. Vol. 21-40. 1878-1897. Ber., 1908. C. 1-20, New ser. i-f; CC. 1-20, New ser. 1-29, 32. Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie xmd mineralogie. Y. Vol. 1-30. 1821-1851. Tiibingen, 1822-1851. Vol. 1-20 (1821-1841) title reads Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der physischen wissen- schaften. No more published. Register. Vol. 1-17. 1821-1837. Tiibingen, 1839. Register. Vol. 1-25. 1821-1845. Tiibingen, 1847. N. 1-30. 55 Jahresbericht iiber die fortschritte der chemie und verwandter theile anderer wissenschaften. Y. 1847+ Giessen, 1847+ Vol. 1-9 (1847-1856) title reads Jahresbericht uber die fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceu- tischen und technischen chemie, physilc, miner- alogie und geologie. Register. 1847-1856. Giessen, 1857. Register. 185 7- 1866. Giessen, 1868. Register. 1867-1876. Giessen, 1880. General register. 1877-1886. Bms., 1889. General register. 1887-1896. Bms., 1904. General register. 1897-1904. Bms., 1910. CC. 1847+ ; N. 1847+; S. 1867- 1872, 1874-1880, 1882. Jahresbericht fiber die fortschritte der physischen wissenschaften See Jahresbericht fiber die fort- schritte der chemie und mineralogie. Jahresbericht fiber die fortschritte der reinen, pharmaceutischen und technischen chemie, physik, mineralogie und geologie See Jahresbericht fiber die fortschritte der chemie imd verwandter theile anderer wissenschaften. Jahresbericht fiber die fortschritte der thierchemie. Y. Vol. i-f 1871+ Wiesbaden, 1873-f- Register. Vol. i-io. 1871-1880. Wies- baden, 1881. Register. Vol. 11-20. 1881-1890. Wiesbaden, 1892. Register. Vol. 21-30. 1891-1900. Wiesbaden, 1903. C. i-|-;N. i-|-;CC.i-38. Jahres-bericht fiber die leistungen der chemischen technologie. Y. Vol. 1-15, 1855-1869; New ser. Vol. 1+ 1870-I- Lpz., 1856-t- Vol. 1-4 title reads Jahres-bericht Uber die fortschritte der chemischen technologie. Vol. s-io title reads Jahresbericht uber die fortschritte und leistungen der chemischen technologie. In 1870 a new series was formed. The num- bering of both series continues to date. Vol. 26-28 title reads Rudolf von Wagner's Jahres-bericht, etc. fortgesetzt von F. Fischer. Vol. 29-S6 fortgesetzt von F. Fischer. Vol. 57 4- bearbeitet von P. F. Schmidt. General-register. Vol. i-io. Lpz., 1866. General-register. Vol. 11-20. Lpz., 1876. General-register. Vol. 21-30. Lpz., 1889. General-register. Vol. 31-40. Lpz., 1898. General-register. Vol. 41-50. Lpz., 1908. E. 1-15, New ser. i-f; N. 1-15, New ser. i-f; S. 1-15, New ser. i-|-; CC. 1-15, New ser. 1-57; C. i-is. New ser. 1-49, [50], 51-f Jem-kontorets annaler. Q. Vol. 1-29, 1817-1845; New ser. Vol. i-f- 1846-I- Stockholm, 181 7 -|- Register. Vol. i-New ser. Vol. 50. 1817-1895. 7 Vols. Stockholm, 1817- 1897. Register. 1896-1900. Stockholm, 1902. E. I, 3, 5-12, 14-15, 18, 21-29, New ser. [i], 2, 4, [12-13], 16-27, (28-31], 32-53, [54], 55-62, [63], 64-f;N. New ser. 58-i- Jem-kontorets annaler. Bihang. Irreg. 1828-I- Stockholm, 1829-t- Published for 1828, 1837. 1868 and 1900-f- E. 1828, 1837, 1868, 19004- ; N. 1906-f- Joumal de chimie physique. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1903-f Genfeve, 1903-t- CC. I-f; N.i-|-;E. 1,3-1- Joumal de la marine, le yacht. W. Vol. i-|- 1878-I- Par., 1878-I- Vol. 1-9 title reads Journal de la navigation de plaisance. E. [31], 32, [33-34], 36+ Journcd de la navigation de plaisance See Journal de la marine, le yacht. Journal de I'eclairage au gaz. S-M. Vol. i-\- 1852-H Par., 1852-f- CC. 50-56. Journal de I'electrolyse et du four electrique See Journal du four electrique et de I'electrolyse. Journal de physique theorique et appliqu6e. Vol. i-io, 1872-1881; Ser. 2, Vol. i-io, 1882-1891; Ser. 3, Vol. i-io, 1892-1901; Ser. 4, Vol. i-io, 1902-1911; Ser. 5, Vol. I-f- 1912-f- Par., 1872-f- Table analytique et table par noms d'auteurs. Ser. 1-3. 1872-1901. Par., 1902. C. Ser. i + ;E. Ser. i+; N. Ser. i-h; S. Ser. 1-2, Ser. 3, 1-7, [8], 9-10, Ser. 4, [i], 2-1- Joumal der physik. M. Vol. 1-8, 1790-1794; New ser. Vol. 1-4, 1795-1797. Edited by F. A. C. Gren. Lpz,, 1790-1797. New series title reads Neues journal der physik. Vol. 1-3 published in Halle. Continued as Annalen der physik. E. 1-8, New ser. 1-4; N. 1-8, New ser. 1-4. Journal des mines See Annates des mines. Journal des sea vans. Irreg. Vol. 1-170, 1665- 1753; Vol. 1-79, 1754-1763; Vol. 1-84, 1764-1775; Vol. I-4S, 1776-1782. Amsterdam, 1685-1782. Table des matifires. 1665-1770. 10 Vols. Par., 1 753-1 764. N. 1-169, 1-44, 57-78, 1-84, 1-7, [8]; E. 1-86. Journal des tdlfigraphes. M. Vol. 1-5. 1865-1870. Par., 1865-1870. No more published. E. [3-5]. Journal des usines k gaz. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1877-I- Par., 1877+ Organ of the Soci6t6 Technique de 1' Industrie du Gaz en France. N. 10-22, 25-35; E. 34 -f; CC. 26-36. Journal du four 61ectrique et de I'electrolyse. S-M. Vol. z+ 1805-1- Par., 1895-H Vol. 1-4 (1896-1898) title reads I'Aluminium I'or, et I'argent. Vol. 4-s (1898-1899) title reads I'Aluminium, I'acStylene, I'or, et I'argent. Vol. 13-17 (1904-1907) title reads Journal de I'electrolyse et du four Slectrique. N. [2], 3-4, 8+; E. [13J, 14-f S6 Journal du gaz et de r61ectridt6. S-M. Vol. 1-22. 1881-1902. Par., 1881-1902. No more published. N. 17-22. Journal du g6nie civil des sciences et des arts h, I'usage des ingenieurs, constructeurs de vaisseaux, des ponts-et-chauss6es. vol. 1-16. 1828-1848. Par., 1828-1848. N. 1-16. Journal du p6trole. S-M. Vol. i-f 1901-f Par., 1901 + E. 14+ Joumal ftir chemie und physik. Ser. i. Vol. 1-30, 1811-1820; Ser. 2, Vol. 31-60, 1821-1830; Ser. 3, Vol. 61-69, 1831-1833. Numberg, 1811-1833. Ser. I title reads Beitrage zur chemie und physik. Ser. 2 title reads Jahrbuch der chemie und physik. Ser. 3 title reads Neues jahrbuch der chemie und physik. In 1834 combined with Journal fur technische und oekonomische chemie and formed Journal ftir praktische chemie. N. 1-69; C. 1-60. Journal fiir die baukunst. Trreg. Vol. 1-30. 1829-1851. Ber., 1829-1851. No more information available. CE. 29-30. Journal fiir die chemie, physik und mineralogie See Allgemeines journal der chemie. Journal fiir gasbeleuchtung. M. Vol. i-j- 1858-f Miin., 1858-1- Also known as Schillings Journal fur gas- beleuchtung. Organ des Deutschen Vereins von Gas-und Wasserfachmiinnern. General-register. Vol. 1-16. 1858-1873. Miin., 1875. General-register. Vol. 17-31. 1874-1888. Miin., 1889. General-register. Vol. 32-46. 1889-1903. Miin., 1905. CC. i-3,s+;N.4o-f;E. [48-si], S2 + ; CE. 40, [41]; S. 53, [54]. Journal fiir intemationales berg-imd hiittenwesen imd verwandte industrien See German Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. International mining journal. Journal fiir praktische chemie. S-M. Vol. 1-108, 1834-1869; New ser. Vol. i-}- 18704- Lpz., 1834 -j- Formed by the consolidation of Journal fur technische und oekonomische chemie and Journal fur chemie und physik. Sach- und namen-register. Vol. 1-30. 1834-1844. Lpz., 1844. Sach- und namen-register. Vol. 31-60. 1845-1854. Lpz., 1854. Sach- und namen-register. Vol. 61-90. 1855-1863. Lpz., 1865. Sach- und namen-register. Vol. 91-108. 1864-1869. Lpz., 1871. General-register. New ser. Vol. 1-50. 1870-1894. Lpz., 1895. N. 1-108, New ser. i-f; CC. 1-108, New ser. i+; C. 1-108, New ser. 1-4, 6-f ; S. 1-108, New ser. 1-76. Journal fiir technische und okonomische chemie. Vol. 1-18. 1828-1833. Lpz., 1828-1833. In 1834 combined with Journal fur chemie und physik and formed Journal fiir praktische chemie. N. 1-18. Journal ''industry" See Industry. Journal of accountancy. M. Vol. i-f 1905-)- N. Y., 1905-h C.3+ Journal of analytical and applied chemistry. Vol. 1-7. 1887-1893. Easton, Pa., 1887-1893. Vol. 1-4 title reads Journal of analytical chemistry. In 1894 incorporated with the Journal of the American Chemical Society. CC. 1-7; S. 1-7. Journal of applied chemistry. M. Vol. i-io, pt. 5. 1866-1875. N. Y., 1866-1875. No more published. C. [3], 4-10; CC. 4-6, [7], 8, [9]. Journal of applied science. M. Vol. 1-12. 1870- 1882. Lond., 1870-1882. No more information available. CC. [1], 2, [3-7], 8-9, [10]. Journal of commerce See Age of steel. Journal of electricity, power and gas. W. Vol. I-f- 1895-f- San Francisco, 1895 -h Vol. 1, nos. 1-2 title reads Electrical journal. Vol. I, no. 3-VoI. 7 (1895-1906) title reads Journal of electricity. In 1906 (Vol. 16) incorporated the Engi- neers', architects' and builders' news. E. i + ; N. [5-13, 17-18], 19, [20-21], 22-23, [24-27], 28-I-; CC. 14-27, [28-30], 31 -I- ; CE. 17-19, [20]. Journal of engineering See Colorado University. Associated Engineering Societies. Journal of engi- neering. Journal of gas lighting, water supply and sanitary improvement. W. Vol. i-|- 18494- Lond., 1849-}- Vol. 1-4 title reads Journal of gas lighting. N. i-h; C. 1-116, 118-I-; CC. 1-60, 62-f-; CE. 39-I-; E. 23-50, [51-52], 53-55, [56], 58-61, 64-92, [93], 94-95, [96], 97-98, 109-I- Joumal of geology. S-Q. Vol. i-f- 1893+ Chic, 1893-1- E. 1-I-; N. 1-I-; C. 1-18, 2o-f Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry See American Chemical Society. Journal of in- dustrial and engineering chemistry. Journal of industrial safety. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 3. 1911-1912. N. Y., 1911-1912. No more published. E. 1-2; S. 1-2. Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts. M. Ser. 1, Vol. 1-5, 1797-1801; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-36, 1802-1813. Lond., 1797-1813. United with Philosophical magazine in 1814. E. Ser. I, 1-5, Ser. 2, 1-36. Journal of physical chemistry. M. Vol. i-f- 1896-f N. Y., 1896-f CC. i-f;N. i-|-;E.6-|- 57 Journal of railroad car heating, lighting and ventilating See Railroad car journal. Journal of railway appliances and railway price. S-M. Vol I-2I. 1881-1901. N. Y., 1881-1901. Vol. i-is (1881-189S) title reads American :ournal of railway appliances. In November 190 1 united with Railway edition of Machinery and became Railway machinery and published under that title until October 1910. N. i-ii, [12-14], 16-21; E. 1-7, n. Journal of science and annals of astronomy, biology, geology, industrial arts, manufactures, and technology. M. Vol. 1-22. 1864-1885. Lond., 1866-1885. Vol. 1-7 (1864-1870) title reads Quarterly journal of science. Vol. 8-is (1871-1878) title reads Quarterly journal of science and annals of mining, metallurgy, engineering, industrial arts, manufactures and technology. Vol. 16, nos. 2-12 (1879) title reads Monthly journal of science. No more published. S. 1-22. Journal of the Franklin Institute See Franklin Institute. Journal. Journal of the telegraph. S-M. Vol. i-f De- cember 1867-f N. Y., i867-f In 1877 incorporated the Telegrapher. N. [1-5], 6-7, 9-10, [26, 29], 304- ; E. 1-23; C. 17-39, 42+ Joumal of the United States artillery. Q. Vol. i-|- 1892-j- Fort Monroe, Va., 1892+ Supplement: Index to current military literature, issued quarterly but cumu- lated at end of each volume. Index of authors. Vol. 1-20. 1892-1903. Fort Monroe, 1903. CC. i + ; CE. i-H; C. 1 + ; E. i-|-; N.[i-sL6-t-;S.30-|- Joumal t616graphique. M. Vol. i-f- 1869-H Beme, 1869-f- E. i-ii, 2S-f; N. 1-20, [25], 26-27, [28-30], 31, [32]. Junior Engineering and Scientific Society See Junior Institution of Engineers. Junior Engineering Society See Junior Institution of Engineers. Junior Institution of Engineers. Journal and record of transactions. Y. Vol. i-f 1884-1- Lond., 1884 4- From June to September 1884 the Society was called Vulcanic Society. From September 1884-June 1885 the Society was called the Lambeth Junior Scientific Society. From June i88s-June 1886 the Society was called the Junior Engineering and Scientific Society. From June 1886-October 1894 the Society was called Junior Engineering Society, and the title reads Record of transactions. From October 1894-December 1902 the So- ciety was called Institution of Junior Engi- neers and title reads Record of transactions. Index to papers, transactions. June 1884-September 191 1 in Vol. 21. Lond., 1911. E. I-f-; CE. 2-20, 22-f-; N. 1-13, [14-15], 16-17, 21 + Eaiserlich Konigliches Polytechnisches Institut in Wien. Jahrbiicher. Y. Vol. 1-20. 1819-1839. Wien, 1819-1839. A five year index is found in volumes s, 10, 15 and 20. N. 1-20. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt in Wien. Abhandlungen. Irreg. Vol. i-f 1852-!- Wien, i8s2-f N. 1-2, 4-5, [6], 7-12, 14, [15]. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt in Wien. Jahrbuch. Y. Vol. i-|- 1850-]- Wien, 1850-1- General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. i- 10, 1850-1859. Wien, 1863. General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. 11-20, und der Verhandlimgen, 1860-1870. Wien, 1872. General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. 21-30, und der Verhandlimgen, 1871-1880. Wien, 1881. General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. 31-40, und der Verhandlimgen, 1881-1890. Wien, 1894. General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. 41-50, und der Verhandlimgen, 1891-1900. Wien, 1905. N. 1-I-; E. i-io, 12-23, [24], 26, 29-f ; CC. 27-28, 33-36, [37]. Kaiserlich-Konigliche Geologische Reichsanstalt in Wien. Verhandlungen. Irreg. 1858-f Wien, 1858+ Years 1858-1866 published with the Jahrbuch. General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. 11-20, und der Verhandlungen, 1860-1870. Wien, 1872. General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. 21-30, und der Verhandlungen, 1871-1880. Wien, 1881. General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. 31-40, und der Verhandlungen, 1881-1890. Wien, 1894. General-register des Jahrbuches, Vol. 41-50, und der Verhandlungen, 1891-1900. Wien, 1905. E. 1858-1859, 1861-1867, 1876, 1880, 1884 -f; N. 1865, 1867- 1870, [1872], 1873, 1875-1890, [1900-1902]; CC. 1876-1881, [1882], 1883-1886, [1888]. Kaiserlich-Konigliches Technisches Versuchsamt. Mitteilungen. Q. Vol. i-j- 1912-f Wien, 1912-f E. I-f 58 Kaiserlich-Konigliches Technologisches Gewerbe- Museum in Wien. Mitteilungen. Section fiir farberei, druckerei, bleicherei und appretur. Irreg. Ser. 2, no. 1-4. 1885. Wien, 1885. N. [i], 2, [3]. Section fiir chemische gewerbe. Irreg. New ser. Vol. 1-4. 1887-1890. Wien, 1887-1890. N. I, [2], 3-4. Section fiir holz-industrie. Irreg. Vol. i-ii. 1880-1890. Wien, 1880-1890. N. [1-4], S-ii. Section fiir metall-industrie und elektro- technik. Irreg. Vol. 1-6. 1885-1890. Wien, 1885-1890. N. I, [2-3], 4-6. In 1 89 1 the above sections combined and formed a new series of the Mitteilungen. Mitteilungen. Irreg. New ser. Vol. 1-2 1. 1891-1911. Wien, 1891-1911. Ceased publication in December 191 r. Continued by the Kaiserlich-Konigliches Technisches Versuchsamt in Wien. N. 1-21; E. 14-16, 18-21. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna See Vienna. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Kalender fiir den sachsischen berg- und hiitten- mann See Jahrbuch fiir das berg- und hiittenwesen in konigreich Sachsen. KaH. S-M. Vol. i-j- 1508-I- Halle a.S., 1908-I- E. [3], 4+ Kansas Engineering Society. Transactions. Y. 1912-f- n.p., n.d. E. 1912-f Kansas Gas, Water, Electric Light and Street Railway Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting, Y. ist-l- 1898-f- v.p., 1898-1- E.3,5-12, i4-|-;N.8-|- Kansas Irrigation Association. Proceedings, annual convention. Y. i893(?)+ Topeka, i893(?)-H CE. 1893-1894. Kansas University. Engineering bulletin. Irreg. No. i-j- 1909 -|- Lawrence, 1909-^- E. 1-2. Kansas University. Quarterly. Q. Vol. i-|- 1892-1902. Law- rence, 1892-1902. Continued as the Science bulletin. CE. i-io. Kansas University. Science bulletin. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1902-!- Lawrence, 1902-)- Continuation of the Quarterly. CE. l-f Kansas University. Engineering Experiment Station. Engineering bulletin. Irreg. No. i-f- 1912-f- Lawrence, Kan., 1912-f- E. 2, II, 13; N. I. Karlsruhe. Technische Hochschule. Elektrotech- nisches Institut. Arbeiten aus dem Elektrotechnischen In- stitut der Grossherzoglichen Technischen Hochschule Fridericiana zu Karlsruhe. Bien. Vol. i-f- 1908-t- Ber., 1909-I- E. i-t-; N. i-f- Keramisches jahrbuch. Y. Vol. i-|- 1909-t- Ber., 1909 -|- N. 1-2. Kerpely's Bericht iiber die fortschritte der eisen- hiittentechnik See Bericht iiber die fortschritte der eisenhiittentechnik. Knight's penny magazine See Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of useful knowledge. Elnowledge. M. Vol. 1-26, 1881-1903; New ser. Vol. i-i- 1904 -|- Lond., i88i-f- In February 1904 the Illustrated scientific news combined with Knowledge and formed a new series. N. 1-26, New ser. i-J-; P. 1-26, New ser. i-h; E. 1-5, New ser. 6-t- Koniglich Preussische Geologische Landesanstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin. Jahrbuch. Y. Vol. i-|- i88o-|- Ber., 1881-I- Register. Vol. 1-20. 1880-1899. Ber., 1910. E. i-f;N. 17-26. KOnigliche technische versuchsanstalt See Konig- liches Materialpriifungsamt zu Gross-Lichterfelde West. Mitteilungen. K5nigliches Materialprufiingsamt zu Gross-Lich- terfelde West. Mitteilungen. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1883-!- Ber., 1 883-1- Vol. 1-2 1 title reads Konigliche technische versuchsanstalt zu Berlin. Erganzungshefte. 1887. Ber., 1887. E. i-f; N. 3-9, is-h; CC. 26-I- KSzmunka. W. Vol. i-f- 1909-t- Budapest, 1909+ E. [6], 7+ Kolloid chemische beihefte See Kolloidzeitschrift. Beilage. Kolloid chemische beihefte. Kolloid-zeitschrift. M, Vol. i-f- July 1906-!- Dresden, 19064- Vol. 1-12 (July 1906-June 1913) title reads Zeitschrift fiir chemie und Industrie der kolloide. Beilage. Kolloid chemische beihefte. CC. I-f; C. i-h; E. i-H; N. 3-f- Kolloid-zeitschrift. Beilage. Kolloid chemische beihefte. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1909-I- Dresden, 1909-I- CC. i,4+;E.3-h 59 Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen See Amsterdam. Koninklijke Akademie van Weten- schappen. Koninklijk Tnstituut van Ingenieurs. Algemeen verslag van de werkzaamheden en notulen der vergaderingen. Trreg. 1847- 1869. s'Gravenhage, 1848-1869. Continued as a part of the Tijdschrift. C. 1847-1869; N. 1847-1869. Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. Ingenieur. W. Vol. 1+ 1886+ s'Graven- hage, 1886+ CE. i5-f; E. [18], 19-20, [21-22, 24], 25-1- Eoninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. Jaarboekje. Y. i852-f- s'Gravenhage, 1852-h E. 1913+ Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. Tijdschrift. Irreg. 1869+ s'Gravenhage, 1869-1- Published in two sections: i, Algemeen verslag van de werkzaamheden en notulen der vergaderingen 2, Verhandelingen. From 1847-1869 these two publications were pub- lished separately, but since 1869 form two sections under the title of Tijdschrift. Register. 1847-1869. s'Gravenhage, 1875. Register. 1869-1884. s'Gravenhage, 1884. Register. 1884-1889. s'Gravenhage, 1890. Register. 1889-1894. s'Gravenhage, 1895. Register. 1894-1900. s'Gravenhage, 1901. Register. 1900-1910. s'Gravenhage, 1913- CE. 1869-f-; N. 1869-I-; E. 1903- 1906, 1907+; C. 1869-1886. Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. Uittreksels uit vreemde tijdschriften. 1848- 1869. s'Gravenhage, 1848-1869. N. 1 848-1869. Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs. Verhandelingen. Irreg. Vol. 1-7, 1848- 1851; New ser. 1851-1869. s'Gravenhage, 1 848-1 869. Continued as a part of the Tijdschrift. C. 1-7, New ser. 1851-1869; N. 1-7, New ser. 1851-1869. ELraft und betrieb. M. Vol. 1+ 1912+ Ber., 1912-I- E.3-I- Kritische zeitschrift fiir chemie, physik und mathematik See Zeitschrift fiir chemie. Kunststoffe. S-M. Vol. 1+ 191 1-|- Miin., 1911 + CC. i-|-;C. i + ;E. i-f Kyoto Imperial University. College of Science and Engineering. Memoirs. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1903 -f- Kyoto, 1903+ CC. i-f; C. i-f; E. i-f; CE. 1-2. Laboratory. M. Vol. 1-2. 1874-1876. Bost., 1874-1876. No more published. CC. [1-2]; N. I. Lake Superior miner. W. Vol. 1-12. i855(?)- 1866. Ontonagon, Mich., i855(?)-i866. No more information available. N.[9-i2]. Lake Superior Mining Institute. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-l- 1893-f Ishpeming, 1893+ CE. i + ; E. i-f ; C. 1-6, 17+; N. 3-4. Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway Association. Report of the annual convention. Y. ist-f- 1906-I- St. Louis, 1906-t- CE. ist-sth; E. 4th. Lambeth Junior Scientific Society See Junior Institution of Engineers. Landwirtschaftliche jahrbiicher. B-M. Vol. 1 + 1872-f- Ber., 1872-I- Register. Vol. 1-25. 1872-1896. Ber., 1897. CC. 32-41, [42-44]. Landwirtschaftliche versuchsstationen. Irreg. Vol. I -I- 1858-f Ber., 1858-}- Register. Vol. 1-20. 1858-1877. Ber., 1878. CC. 58-59, 61-75. Lead and zinc news. B-W. Vol. 1-14, no. i. 1901- March 1908. Joplin, Mo., 190I-1908. Nothing published between January 23 and November 6, 1905, and the place of publica- tion was changed from St. Louis to Joplin. No more information available.. E. 6-7, [81, 9-14; H- [6-^ 10^. League of American Wheelmen. Bulletin See Good roads. * Leather. W. Vol. i-|- 1909-I- Lond., 1909+ N. 1-3. Leather manufacturer. M. Vol. 1+ 1883-I- Bost., 1883-f- N. 9-21. Leather workers' journal, M. Vol. 1+ 1898-^ Kansas City, Mo., 1898-H C. 6-1- Leipziger farber- imd zeugdrucker-zeitimg. Vol. I -I- i8so-f- Ber., 1850+ Vol. 1-16 (1850-1867) title reads Deutsche muster-zeitung fiir farberei, druckerei, bleich- erei, etc. Vol. 17-21 (1868-1872) title reads Muster- zeitung fUr farberei, druckerei, etc. Vol. 22-29 (1873-1880) title reads Muster- zeitung. Vol. 30-40 (1881-1891) title reads Farberei- muster-zeitung. N. [i], 2-20, 22-25, 31-32, 46-57; CC. 41-47, 52+ Leland Stanford Jimior University. Publications. Studies in electricity. No. 1. 1892. Palo Alto, 1802. No more published. N.I. 6o Letters on brewing. Q. Vol. i+ 1902+ Mil- waukee, 1902 + CC. [1-2], 3-4, [s-6], 7+ Liebig's annalen der chemie. M. Vol. 1+ 1832 + Lpz., 1832-1- Formed by the consolidation of Magazin fur die neuesten erfahrungen, entdeckungen und berichtungen im gebiete der pharmacie and Archiv des Apotheker-Vereins im nordlichen Teutschland in 1832. Vol. 1-32 (1832-1839) title reads Annalen der pharmacie. Vol. 33-168 (1840-1873) title reads Annalen der chemie und pharmacie. Vol. 169-172 (1873-1874) title reads Justus Liebig's Annalen der chemie und pharmacie. Supplement. Vol. 1-8. 1861-1872. Lpz., 1861-1872. Autoren-und sach-register. Vol. i-ioo. 1832-1856. Lpz., 1861. Autoren und sach-register. Vol. loi- n6. 1857-1860. Lpz., 1861. Autoren und sach-register. Vol. 117- 164 und den Supplement, Vol. 1-8, i86i- 1872. Lpz., 1874. General-register. Vol. 165-220. 1873- 1883. Lpz., 1885. General-register. Vol. 221-276. 1883- 1893. Lpz., 1895. General-register. Vol. 277-328. 1893- 1903. Lpz,, 1905. General-register. Vol. 329-380. 1903- 1911. Lpz., 1913. Register. Vol. 381-384 in Vol. 384. Lpz., 1911. Register. Lpz., 1912. Register. Lpz., 191 2. Register. Lpz., 1913. Register. Lpz., 1913. CC. Vol. 385-388 in Vol. 388. Vol. 389-392 in Vol. 392. Vol. 393-396 in Vol. 396. Vol. 397-400 in Vol. 400. i+; N. 1-I-; S. i+; E. 365+ Liege. Tnstitut Electrotechnique Montefiore. Association des Ingfeieurs Electriciens. Bulletin. M. Vol. i(?)-(?), (?)-i889; Ser. 2, Vol. i-n, 1890-1900; Ser. 3, Vol. i-f 1901-I- Li6ge, i?) + E. Ser. 2, II, Ser. 3, i-|-; N. Ser. 2, I. Light See Gas industry. Light and power. M. Vol. 1-4, no. 6. 1905-1907. Newark, N. J., 1905-1907. No more information available. E. [i], 2-4. Light car age. M. Vol. i-f 1912-I- N. Y., 19124- Vol. 1-2, no. 10 (1912-October 1913) title reads Ignition-carburetion-lubrication. Vol. 2, no. ii-Vol. 3, no. 9 (November 1913- September 1914) title reads Cyclecar age. E. 2-1- Light, heat and power. M. Vol. 1-17, no. 2. 1885- 1894. Phil., 1885-1894. No more information available. CE. [3], 4-6, [7], 8, [9-11I, 12, [13], 14-17; N. [6], 7-8, [9-"], 12, [i4-iS]f 16-17. Light railway and tramway journal See Electric railway and tramway journal. Lighting journal. M. Vol. i-f 1913+ N. Y., 1913+ Continuation of Good lighting and illuminat- ing engineer. CC. i-f-;C. i-|-;E. i-H Lightning See Electrical times, Lind's nahmaschinen-techniker. M. Vol. i-|- 1887-I- Ber., 1887+ N. 12-14. Live wire. M. Vol. 1-5, no. 4. 1904-1906. St. Louis, 1904-1906. No more information available. E. 1-5. Liverpool and Manchester photographic journal See British journal of photography. Liverpool Engineering Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1876-!- Liverpool, i88i-f- CE. i+; E. i-h; N. i-|-; S. 10, 14, 17, 19, 2I-I- Liverpool Geological Society. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1859-!- Liverpool, 1859-I- E. lo-h Liverpool photographic journal See British journal of photography. Loco. Q. Vol. -|- 1910-I- Schenectady, N. Y., 1910-I- E. i-h Locomotion. W. Vol. i. 1901-1902. Par,, 1901- 1902. No more information available. E. [i]. Locomotion automobile. W. Vol. 1-7. 1894-1900. Par., 1897-1900. No more information available. E. 4, [5], 6, [7I. Locomotive. Q. Vol. i-io, 1867-1880; New ser. Vol. I-f i88o-|- Hartford, Conn., 1867-}- Until 1904 published monthly. E. 5-6, New ser. i+; CE. New ser. i-|-; N. New ser. i-f; C. New ser. 1-17; S. New ser. 2-5, 28. Locomotive and Carriage Superintendents' Com- mittee. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-9, 1908-f 1889-f Simla, iSgo-\r No meetings held 1895-1901, 1903-1904, 1906. Index. Vol. 1-6. 1889-1894. 3 Vols. Simla, 1 894- 1 895. CE. 1-9, 19104- Locomotive engineering See Railway and locomo- tive engineering. 6i London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science. M. Ser. i, Vol. 1-68, 1798-1826; New ser. Vol. i-ii, 1827-1832; New ser. Vol. 1-37, 1832-1850; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-50, 1851-1875; Ser. 5, Vol. 1-50, 1876-1900; Ser. 6, Vol. i-|- 1901-t- Lond., 1798-I- In 1814 united with Journal of natural phil- osophy and continued as Philosophical maga- zine and journal. In 1826 united with Annals of philosophy and continued as Philosophical magazine. In 1832 united with Edinburgh journal of science and continued as London and Edin- burgh philosophical magazine and journal of science until 1840. General index. Vol. i-ii. 1827-1832. Lond., 1835. Index. Ser. 4, Vol. 20-30. 1860-1865. Lond., 1860-1865. N. Ser. I, i + ; P. Ser. i, i + ; E. Ser. I, 1-66, 68, New ser. i-ii, New ser. 1-37, Ser. 4, 1-50, Ser. 5, I-3S. [36], 37-46, 48-50, Ser. 6-|-; S. Ser. I, 1-68, New ser. i-ii, New ser. 1-37, Ser. 4, 1-3, 5-33, 35-50, Ser. 5, 1-50, Ser. 6, 1-3, [4], S+; C. 1-47, 62-64, 66, Ser. 3, 1-19, 21-37, Ser. 4, 1-50, Ser. 5, 1-50, Ser. 6, i-f; CC. Ser. 5, 47-50, Ser. 6, 1-12, 24-25; CE. Ser. 6, 21-22. London Electrical Society. Transactions and the proceedings. 1837-1843. Lond., 1841-1843. E. 1837-1843; N. 1841-1843. London geological journal. Irreg. No. 1-3. 1846- 1847. Lond., 1846-1847. Ceased publication. N. 1-3. London journal of arts and sciences See Newton's London journal of arts and sciences. London mechanics' register See New London mechanics' register. Lord's power and machinery magazine and builders' handbook See Engineers' and power users' maga- zine. Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer. W. Vol. 1+ 1888-1- New Orleans, 1888+ N. [4-1 1, 20], 21-f-; E. 38, [39], 40-f; C. [43], 44+; CE. 4-30, [31]. Luftflotte. M. Vol. I -I- 1909-f Ber., 1909-I- E. [5], 6+ Lumifere. Vol. 1-17. 1851-1867. Par., 1851- 1867. No more information available. S. 6-7. Lumi^re 61ectrique. W. Vol. 1-53, April 1879- August 1894; New ser. Vol. i-|- 1908-f Par., 1879-1894, 1908-f- Known as L'dclairage 41ectrique, 1894-1907. Ser. I published monthly. Table gen6rale des matieres. Vol. i-io. 1879-1883. Par., n.d. E. 1-53, New ser. i-f ; N. 1-53 New ser. i-|-; C. New ser. i-f- CC. 1-18, 20-53, New ser. [18-25] S. 1-18, 27-29. McGill University. Chemistry and Mineralogy department. Papers. Irreg. No. 1-5. 1896-1903. Mon- treal, 1896-1903. No more information available. N. 1-5. McGill University. Engineering department. Papers. Irreg. No. 1-9. 1898-1903. Mon- treal, 1898-1903. No more information available. N. 1-9. McGill University. Geology department. Papers. Irreg. No. 1-23. 1896-1907. Montreal, 1896-1907. No more information available. N. [1-2], 3-10, 12-18, 21-23. McGraw electric railway manual. Y. Vol. i-f- 1894-1- N. Y., 1894-1- Vol. 1-17 title reads American street railway investments. Annual supplement of the Street railway journal and Electric railway journal. CE. i4-;E. I-f; C. 1-17. Machine shop. M. Vol. i4- 191 1-|- Toronto, 1911-f Vol. 1-4, no. 10 (191 1 -October 19 14) title reads Railway journal of Canada. E. [i], 2+ Machinery. M. Vol. i-f 1894-!- N. Y., 1894 -|- There is an edition of Machinery which is sold at one dollar a year. To this is added material relating to machine shop practice and is published as Machinery. Shop edition. In the same way articles relating to general engineering subjects were added and the edition was Machinery. Engineering edition. There is an edition called Machinery. Do- mestic edition. There were also articles relating to railway engineering which were added and the edition was called Machinery. Railway edition. E. I-f; N. [3, 5-6], 7-8, [9], 13-f ; S. 13+ Machinery. Railway edition. New ser. Vol. 1-12, no. 4. 1901-1912. N. Y., 1901-1912. In November 1901 the Journal of railway appliances and railway price combined with the Railway edition of Machinery and formed Railway machinery. This title was retained until October 1910. In February 1902 Railroad digest consoli- dated with Railway machinery and title be- came Railway machinery and the railroad digest. Ceased publication December 1912. N. 1-4, [5], 6-9; CE. [i], 2-3, I4]; E. 4-6, [7-9], 10-12. Machinery (London). W. Vol. i-f 191 2 -f Lond., 191 2 -f S. [i], 2-f ; E. [i], 2-f 62 Machinery market. M. 1879+ Lond,, 1879+ N. [1888-1891, 1893-1896, 1900- 1901, 1904-1905]; E. [1910], 1911 + ; CE. [1885-1895]. Madrid cientifico. T-M. Vol. i-j- 1894-I- Madrid, 1894+ E. [9, 15], 16, [17], 18+ Magazin fur die bergbaukunde. Y. Vol. 1-13. 1 785-1 799. Dresden, 1 785-1 799. No more published. N. 1-13. Magazin fiir die neuesten erfahrungen, entdeck- ungen und berichtungen im gebiete der pharmacie See Allgemeine nordische annalen der chemie fiir die freunde der naturkunde und arzneiwissenschaft insbesondere der pharmacie. Magazine of popular science and journal of the useful arts. Vol. 1-4. 1836-1837. Lond., 1836- 1837- E. 1-4. Magazine of science and artists, architects, and builders' journal. Vol. 1-15. 1840-1852. Lond., 1840-1852. Vol. i-ii title reads Magazine of science and school of arts. No more published. E. I. Magdeburger Verein fiir Dampfkessel-Betrieb. Technische und gewerbliche mittheilungen. Vol. 1-2. 1876-1877. Ber., 1877-1878. No more information available. N. 1-2. Magnet. S-M. Vol. i, nos. 1-15. February- September 1880. N. Y., 1880. No more published. E. I. Magyar M6mok- es Epltfisz- Egylet. Heti ertesitoje. W. Vol. 1+ 1882-]- Buda- pest, 1882 -|- CE. [1-2, 4-11, 14], 15-f-; N. [21]. Magyar Memok- es Epit6sz- Egylet. Kozlonye. W. Vol. 1+ 1867-f- Buda- pest, 1867-t- CE. [11], 13, [14], 15-16, [17 18], 19, [20-25], 26, 28, [29-30], 3i-l-;E.[48],49+;N.[36]. Magyar Vegy6szeti Gydrosok orsz. Egyesulet^nek. Vegy6szeti lapok. S-M. Vol. i-{- 1906+ Budapest, 19064- E. [9]. Maine Society of Civil Engineers. Constitution, proceedings and list of mem- bers. Y. No. i-|- 191 1 -f- Augusta, 1911 + E. I-I-; CE. I. Manchester Association of Employers, Foremen, and Draughtsmen See Manchester Association of Engineers. Manchester Association of Engineers. Transactions. Y. i883H- Manchester, 1883-H From 1883-1885 title reads Papers read before the Manchester Association of Employers, Foremen, and Draughtsmen. E. i883-H;CE. 1902-I- Manchester Geological Society See Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1841-I- Manchester, 1841-f Vol. 1-27 known as the Manchester Geo- logical Society. Federated with the Institution of Mining Engineers in 1904. Authors' and subject-matter index. Vol. 1-28. Manchester, 1908. C. 1-30, 32-f-;E. 15-f Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society. Memoirs and proceedings. T-Y. Vol. 1-5, 1785-1802; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-15, 1805-1860; Ser. 3, Vol. i-io, 1862-1887; Ser. 4, Vol. i-f- i888-t- Lond., 1789-I- N. 1-5, Ser. 2, 1-15, Ser. 3, i-io, Ser. 4, I-IO, 41-I-; E. 1-5, Ser. 2, 1-15, Ser. 3, I-IO, Ser. 4, 1-3, 34-1- ; CC. Ser. 4, 6, 44, [45], 46+ Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Vol. 1-26. 1857-1886. Man- chester, 1857-1886, E. 1-26. Manchester Steam Users' Association. Memorandum of the chief engineer. Y. 1870-t- Manchester, 1870-I- CE. 1885-1892, 1894-1895, 1898-f; E. 1901-1903, 1905, 1907 -H; N. 1898. Manitoba engineer. Y. Vol. i-|- 1912-I- Winni- peg, 191 2-1- E. i-f- Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society. Annual report. Y. 1882-f Winnipeg, 1882-H E. 1883-1897. Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society. Transactions. Irreg. No. i-|- 1883-}- Winnipeg, 1883-}- E. 1-5, IS, 17, 19-22, 24, 26-31, 33, 35-38, 40-50, 52; N. 64-66. Manufacturer. S-M. Vol. 1-20. 1888-1907. Phil., 1888-1907. No more information available. N. [16, 20]. Manufacturer and builder. M. Vol. 1-29. 1869- 1897. N. Y., 1869-1897. No more published. CE. 1-27; E. 1-26; N. 1-14, [15-17], 18-26, [27, 29]; C. 1-8. Manufacturer and industrial gazette. Vol. i-io. 1880-1885. Holyoke, Mass., 1880-1885. No more information available. CE. [3-4, 7], 8, [9-10]. 63 Manufacturer & inventor. Vol. 1-5. 1889-1891. Lend., 1889-1891. No more information available. N. [5]. Manufacturers' gazette. W. Vol. 1-24. 1879- 1897. Bost., 1879-1897. Vol. 22 title reads Northeastern lumberman and manufacturers' gazette. No more information available. E. 6-22; N. [17-20, 22-24]. Manufacturers' record. W. Vol. 1+ 1882-I- Baltimore, 1882-}- N. 14-16, [22, 24-27], 31-f; CE. 21-57, [58]; E. [51], 52-57, [58- 59], 60-f; CC. 42-60, [63-64]; C. 59-62. Manufacturers' review and industrial record. M. Vol. 1-28, no. 3. 1868-1895. N. Y., 1868- 1895. First few numbers title reads Industrial American. No more information available. N. 18-28. Marconigraph. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 24. April 191 1- March 1913. Lond., 1911-1913. No more published. Continued as the Wireless world. E. 1-2. Marine engineer See Marine engineer and naval architect. Marine engineer and naval architect. M. Vol. 1-3, 1876-1878; Vol. 1+ 1879-I- Lond., i876-f 1876-1878 title reads Marine engineering news. 1879-1906 title reads Marine engineer. C. i-h; N. i-H; E. [23-25], 26-I- Marine engineering See Tntemational marine engineering. Marine engineering news See Marine engineer and naval architect. Marine journal. W. Vol. i-|- 1878-^ N. Y., 1878-t- N. [10, 18, 26], 27-f ; E. 19-22. Marine review. M. Vol. 1+ 1878-I- Cleve- land, 1914-i- E. 45+ Maritime Association of the Port of New York. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. 1879+ N. Y., 1879+ This Association was organized in 1873 and incorporated in 1874. There is no record available of Proceedings before 1879. E. 1912. Maschinen- imd metaUindustrie- zeitung. 26 nos. Y. Vol. 1+ 1896+ Wien, 1896-I- Vol. 1-3 (1896-1898) title reads Centralblatt ffir maschinen-industrie und eisengiesserei. Vol. 4-S (1899- 1 900) title reads Centralblatt fOr die gesammte eisen,-8tahl,-metall-und machinen-industrie. Beilage. Oesterreichische eisenhandler- zeitung. N. 4-15- Maschinen- und metallindustrie-zeitung. Beilage. Oesterreichische eisenhandler- zeitimg. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1905+ Wien, 1905+ N. 1 + Maschinenbauer. Vol. 1-35. 1866-1900. Lpz., 1866-1900. No more information available. E. 24. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Society of Arts. 1870-1891. Bost., 1870-1891. Abstracts for years 1870- 187 7 were published in the Annual reports of the Secretary of the Institute. Later numbers published in Technology quarterly (1891-May 1908). No more published. CE. 1879-1891; N. 1879-1890; E. 1883-1891. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Society of Arts. Bulletin. M. December 1908- April 1910. Bost., 1908-19 10. No more published. From 1879-1891 the Proceedings of the So- ciety were published in Abstracts of the Proceedings. From 1891-1908 the Proceedings were pub- lished in the Technology quarterly. Continued as Science conspectus. CE. 1908-1910; S. 1908-1910. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Society of Arts. Science conspectus. 5 nos. Y. Vol. 1 + December 1910-I- Bost., igio-j- Continuation of the Bulletin. CE. i-f;E. i-|-;S. 1 + Master Car and Locomotive Painters' Association of the United States and Canada. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f- 1870-I- Reading, Mass., 1870-f E. 25th, 41st; N. 32nd. Master Car-Builders' Association. Report of the proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-|- 1867-f N. Y.-Chic, 1874+ ist-6th title reads History and early reports. E. 1-6, 8-1- ; CE. 1-9, 11-34, 36-44; N. 1-6, 8-9, II, 13-34, 36, 39, 41-45; S. 30, 32-34, 37, 39, 41+ M6canique-€lectricit6. M. 1908-t- Par., 1908-f E. 1908-f Mechanic. M. Vol. 1-5. 1832-1836. Bost., 1832-1836. Vol. I title reads Young mechanic. No more information available. CE.4. Mechanic arts magazine See note Science and industry. Mechanical engineer. W. Vol. i-f- 1898-I- Manchester, 1898-I- CE. i-f; E. 1-I-; N. [10-13], 14+ 64 Mechanical engineer (New York) See Engineer (Chicago). Mechanical engineermg & electrical engineering record. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 6. 1907-March 1909. Lexington, Ky., 1907- 1909. No more information available. E. 2. Mechanical Engineers' Association of the Wit- watersrand See Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers. Mechanical news. S-M. Vol. 1-23. 1871-1894. N. Y., 1871-1894. No more information available. CE. [12], 13-14, [1S-17], 18-22, [23]; N. 17-20, 22. Mechanical world and metal trades journal. W. Vol. 1-21, 1876-1886; New ser. Vol. 1+ 1887-f Lond., i887-f From 1876-1881 title reads Design and work. Vol. 12-14 title reads Mechanical world. Vol. 15-21 title reads Mechanical world and steam users' journal. E. 15, 17-21, New ser. 94-; N. New ser. 22-|-; S. New ser. [41], 42-48, [49], 50+ ; CE. 21. Mechanical world and steam users' journal See Mechanical world and metal trades journal. Mechanics See Engineering mechanics. Mechanics' Institute See General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York. Mechanic's magazine. W. Vol. 1-69, 1823-1858; New ser. Vol. 1-28, 1859-1872. Lond., 1823-1872. Vol. I-S7 (1823-1852) title reads Mechanic's magazine, museum, register, journal & gazette. New series title reads Mechanics' magazine and journal of engineering, agriculture, etc. In 1873 incorporated with Iron, being a new series of Mechanics' magazine. E. 1-69, New ser. 1-28; C. 1-61; S. i-io, [11], 16, 19-22, [23], 6s; CE. 40-48, [49-50], SI, [52], 53, [54-55], 56, [57], 58-60, [61], 62-63, [65], 66-68, [69]. Mechanics' magazine and journal of public internal improvement. Vol. i. 1830-1831. Bost., 1830- 1831. No more published. C. i; N. I. Mechanics' magazine and journal of the Me- chanics' Institute. M. Vol. 1-9. 1833-1837. N. Y., 1833-1837. Vol. 1-6 title reads Mechanics' magazine, and register of inventions and improvements. No more published. In 1838 united with American railroad jour- nal, which later became American engineer and railroad journal. N. 1-9; S. 1-9; E. 1-5, 7-9; C. [i], 7-9- Mechanics' magazine, and register of inventions and improvements See Mechanics' magazine and journal of the Mechanics' Institute. Mechaniker. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1894 -|- Ber., 1894+ N. [s-8], lo-l- Mellon Institute of Industrial Research and School of Special Industries See Pittsburgh Uni- versity. Mellon Institute of Industrial Research and School of Special Industries. Memphis Engineering Society. Journal. Q. Vol. 1-3, no. 4. 1901-July 1904. Memphis, 1901-1904. No more information available. CE. I, [2-3]. Metal. W. Vol. 1-2. 1893. N. Y., 1893. No more information available. C. 1-2. Metal industry (London). M. Vol. 1+ 1909-I- Lond., 1909-I- E. i-h Metal industry. M. New ser.. Vol. 1+ 1903-I- N. Y., 19034- Formed by the incorporation of Aluminum world, Brass founder and finisher and Electro- platers review in January 1903. In August 1907 Copper and brass was in- corporated with Metal industry. E. i-f-; CC. 3+; C. 4-5, 8-f; CE. 7-f Metal worker, plumber and steam fitter. W. Vol. i-l- 1874-I- N. Y., 1874-1- In October 1912 Engineering review (N. Y). consolidated with Metal worker, plumber and steam fitter. E. 1-42, [43], 44-f; C. 1-37, 40-67, 69-76, 78; N. [34-42, 44-46],47+;S. 67H-;CE. 73+ Metall. S-M. 1914-I- Ber., i9i4-f- E. 1914-1- Metall-technik. W. Vol. i-f i875-f- Ber., 1875-!- Until October 1907 (Vol. 33, no. 40) title reads Metallarbeiter. N. 23-t-; E. 30-f- Metall und erz. M. New ser. Vol. i-l- 191 2-|- Halle a. S., 191 2-(- New series of Metallurgie. In October 1912 Metallurgie divided and formed two publications: Ferrum and Metall und erz. The volume number of Metallurgie is retained for Ferrum. CC. I-I-; C. i + ; E. i-|-; N. i-f Metallarbeiter See Metall-technik. Metallographist See Iron and steel magazine. Metallurgical and chemical engineering. M. Vol. 1+ 1902-1- N. Y., 1902-t- Vol. 1-2 title reads Electrochemical industry. Vol. 3-7 title reads Electrochemical and metallurgical industry. In 1906 Iron and steel magazine was incor- porated with Electrochemical and metallurgi- cal industry. CC. I-F; C. I-f ; E. i-h; P. I+; S. 4+; CE. 8-i- Metallurgical review. M. Vol. 1-2. 1877-1878. N. Y., 1877-1878. No more published. CC. 1-2; CE. 1-2; C. 1-2; E. 1-2; N. [i]. Metallurgie. W. Vol. 1+ 1870-}- Par., 1870-f- E. [33], 34-36, [37], 38-39, [40], 41-I- 65 Metallurgie. M. Vol. 1-9. 1904-1912, Halle a. S., 1904-1912. In October 191 2 Metallurgie divided and formed two publications namely: Metall und erz and Ferrum. CC. 1-9; C. 1-9; E. 1-9; N. 1-9. Metallurgie et la construction m6canique. W. Vol. 1+ 1868+ Par., 1868+ N. 28+; CE. 10. Metauz & alliages See Revue scientifique, in- dustrielle et commerciale des m6taux & alliages. Mexico. Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejercito. Boletin de injenieros. M. Vol. 1+ 1911 + Mexico, 191 1 + CE. i + ; S. [i], 2+; E. [2], 3. [4], 5+ Mezican Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1909+ Mexico, 1909+ E. 1 + Mezican mining journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1905+ Mexico City, 1905+ E. 4+; N. s+; CE. [10], 11 + Mexico. Ministerio de Fomento. Anales. Irreg. Vol. i-ii. 1877-1898. Mexico, 1877-1898. No more information available. CE. 1-4. Michigan Academy of Science. Report. Y. Vol. 1+ 1900+ Lansing, Mich., 1900+ E. 1-9; N. 1-2, 4, 6-9, 11-13. Michigan Association of Surveyors and Civil Engineers See Michigan Engineering Society. Michigan engineer. Michigan Electrical Association. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1+ 1904+ v.p., 1904+ E. i + ; N. 6-8. Michigan engineer See Michigan Engineering Society. Michigan engineer. Michigan Engineering Society. Michigan engineer. Y. ist+ i88o-|- Ann Arbor, Mich., 1880+ The 1st, ioth-20th (1880-1881, 1889-1899) title reads Michigan engineers' annual. From 1880-1884 known as the Michigan Association of Surveyors and Civil Engineers. The 2nd-3rd (1881-1882) title reads Meeting. The 4th-9th (1883-1888) title reads Pro- ceedings at its annual meeting. CE. ist-3oth; N. ist-3oth; E. ist, 3rd, sth, 7th-8th, loth- i6th, i9th-22nd, 24th-2Sth, 27th+ Michigan engineers' annual See Michigan Engi- neering Society. Michigan engineer. Michigan Gas Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-h 1893-1- v.p., 1893+ N. ioth-i4th, i6th-f-; E. i8th-f Michigan roads and forests. M. Vol. i-|- 1905-}- Detroit, 19054- C. [9], io4- Michigan technic See Michigan University. Engineering Society. Michigan technic. Michigan University. Engineering Society. Michigan technic. S-A. Vol. 1-4, 1885- i888;Newser. Vol. i-f- 1889-f Ann Arbor, 188S-I- CE. 4, New ser. 1-I-; E. 4, New ser. 2-4, 8-12, 17-I-; C. New ser. 3-11, 17-19; N. [19-22]; S. 22-23, [24]. Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers. Transactions. Vol. i-f i869-f- Bamsley, 1869 -I- In 1889 was federated with Institution of Mining Engineers. CE. 6-18. Military Service Institution of the United States. Journal. M. Vol. 1+ i88o-|- N. Y., i88o-l- General index. Vol. 1-34. 1880-1904. N. Y., 1904. CE. i + ; N. i-H; C. 2-f-; E. 2+ Military telegraph bulletin. M. No. 1-65. March 1884-September 1889. Lond., 1884-1889. No more published. E. 1-65. Mine, quarry and derrick. B-W. Vol. i-|- Feb- ruary 1915-1- Calgary, 19154- E. i-h Mine and quarry. Q. Vol. i-j- 1906-I- Chic, 1906 -f- Only three numbers each published for Vols. 2-3. E. [i], 2-t- Miner and electrician. M. Vol. 1-12. 1889- July 1899. Spokane, Wash., 1889-1899. Vol. 10, nos. 1-4 title reads Spokane miner and electrician. In 1899 incorporated with Mining (Spokane). N. 8, [9], 10, [11], 12. Mineral mdustry. Y. Vol. i-|- 1892-f- N. Y., 1893+ Vol. i-s formed the Statistical supplement of Engineering and mining journal. CC. i-H;C. i-f-;E. i-f-;N. I-I-; P.I+ Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical Society See Mineralogical Society. Mineralogical magazine. Mineralogical Society. Mineralogical magazine and journal of the Mineralogical Society. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1876-I- Lond., 1876-t- Index of authors and subjects. Vol. i-io. Lond., 1895. N. i-h; E. [i], 2-3, [5], 6-1- Mineralogische mittheilimgen See Tschermaks mineralogische tmd petrographische mittheilungen. Mineralogische und petrographische mittheil- ungen See Tschermaks mineralogische imd petro- graphische mittheilungen. 66 Minerals. M. Vol. 1-3. 1892-1893. N. Y., 1892- ' 1893. No more published. Continued as Mineral collector. N. 1-3. Minero Mexicano. W. Vol. 1-44, no. 13. 1873- March 1904. M6xico, 1873-1904. No more information available. E. [21], 22-23, [24-27], 28-29, [3o]> 31-32, [SSI 34, [35], 36, [37-39], 40-41, [42-44]; CE. 5-9. Mines and methods. M. Vol. 1-4, no. 10. 1909- June 1913. Salt Lake City, 1909-1913. Ceased publication. E. 1-4; C. 1-2, 4; N. I. Mines and minerals See Colliery engineer. Mines and mining See Mining and metallurgical journal (Denver). Mining (Spokane). M. Vol. i-i8(?). 1896- 1908. Spokane, Wash., 1896-1908. Vol. i-io published as the Journal of the Northwest Mining Association. In 1899 incorporates Miner and electrician. In 1908 title became Northwest mining news, which later became Northwest mining & metallurgy. N. i-ii, [12-13]; E. i-s, [6], 7, [8], 9-11, [12-13]. Mining (Wigan). Vol. 1-4. 1893-1896. Wigan, 1893-1896. In 1896 incorporated with Mining engineering. N. 1-4. Mining age and conservative. Vol. 1-4, no. 4. 1879-1882. N. Y., 1879-1882. No more information available. N. [3-4]. Mining and engineering record See Mining, engi- neering and electrical record. Mining and engineering review. M. Vol. i-|- i9o8-f- Melbourne, 1908-f- Vol. 1-3, no. 27 title reads Australian mining and engineering review. E. i-l- Mining and engineering world. W. Vol. i-f 1894+ Butte, Mont.-Chic, 1894 -f Vol. 1-18, no. 17 (1894-1903) title reads Western mining world. Vol. 18, no. 18-V0I. 34 (1903-1911) title reads Mining world. E. [4-5], 6, [7], 8-10, [11], 12, [13-14], IS, [16], 17, [18], 19-j-; N. [20, 22, 26-27], 28+; CC. [20-21], 22-I-; C. 29-h Mining and Geological Institute of India. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1907 -|- Cal- cutta, 1907-f E. 1 + Mining and metallurgical journal. M. Vol. 1-19, no. 2. 1897-September, 1911. San Francisco, 1897-1911. Vol. 1-18, no. 7 (1897-July, 191 1) title reads Pacific miner. N. [12-17]; E. [15], 16-17, [18-19]. Mining and metallurgical journal (Denver). S-M. Vol. 1-16. 1894-1908. Denver, Colo., 1894- 1908. Known as Mines and mining until May 1908. Consolidated with Mining science in De- cember 1908. E. 1S-16; W. [14-15]. Mining and metallurgical journal See Mining and metallurgy. Mining and Metallurgical Society of America. Bulletin. M. No. i-f- 1908-!- N. Y., 1908-]- E. i+;C. 1-18,32-1-; CE.4-S. Mining and metallxu-gy. S-M. Vol. 1-24. (?)-i90i. San Francisco,-N. Y., (?)-i9oi. Vol. 1-23 title reads Mining and metallurgical journal. Consolidated with Engineering and mining journal in 1902. E. [18], 19-24; CE. 24. Mining and scientific press See Mining press. Mining and scientific review. W. New series, Vol. 1-34. 1878-1895. Denver, Colo., 1878-1895. From 1893-1895 title reads Mining review. In August 189s consolidated with Mining industry and tradesman and formed Mining industry and review, retaining the volume number of Mining industry. E. 20, 23-25, 27-30, [31], 32, [33-34]. Mining and statistic magazine See Mining maga- zine (New York). Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-4. 1887-1895. Camborne, 1887-1895. Formed by the amalgamation of Miners' Association of Cornwall & Devon, and the Mining Institute of Cornwall. E. 1-4; N. 1-4; C. 1-3. Mining bulletin See Permsylvania State College. Mining bulletin. Mining engineering. M. Vol. i-f- 1896-I- Lond., 1896-I- Incorporates Mining (Wigan) in 1896. E. [i], 2, [3], 4-6, [7], 8-f- Mining, engineering and electrical record. M. Vol. 1+ October 1895-}- Victoria, 1895-!- Vol. i-is title reads British Columbia mining record. Vol. 16-17 title reads British Columbia mining and engineering record. Vol. 18-19, no. 2, title reads Mining and engi- neering record. E. 1-2, [5, 8], 9-14, [15], 16-I-; C. [16-17], 18-1- 67 Mining herald and colliery engineer See Colliery engineer. Mining industry See Mining industry and review. Mining industry and review. W. Vol. 1-21, no. i. 1886-1898. Denver, Colo., 1886-1898. Vol. 1-7, no. 9 (1886-August 1890) title reads Mining industry. Vol. 7, no. lO-Vol 16, no. 4 (August 1890- August 1895) title reads Mining industry and tradesman. Formed by the consolidation of Mining in- dustry and tradesman and Mining review in August 189s (Vol. 16, no. s). Continued as Mining reporter. E. [i], 2-13, [14, 16]; N. [18]. 19, [20], 21. Mining Institute of Cornwall. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i. 1876-1884. Truro, 1876-1884. Combined with Miners* Association of Corn- wall & Devon in 1887 and formed Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall. E. [i]. Mining Institute of Scotland. Transactions. 5 nos. Y. Vol. 1+ 1879-I- Hamilton, 1879-!- In 1893 was federated with the Institution of Mining Engineers. Index. Vol. 1-12. 1879-1891. Hamilton, 1891. C. i+; E. i + ; CE. 1-31; N. [s-8, 16], 17, [19], 20, [21, 23]. Mining investor. W. Vol. 1+ 1894+ Colorado Springs, 18944- N.[4i],42+ Mining journal. W. Vol. i-f- 1835+ Lond., 1835+ Vol. 1-82 title reads Mining journal, railway and commercial gazette. Anniversary number. 7Sth. August 1909. N. 4+; E. 48-58, 6o-t-; C. 36, 49-67, 79-88, 90+; CE. 69+ Mining magazine. M. Vol. 1+ i909-i- Lond., 1909+ E. i+; CC. 10-13. Mining magazine (New York). M. Vol. 1-13, no. 7. 1897-1906. N. Y., 1897-1906. Vol. 1-9 title reads Pacific coast miner. Consolidated with Engineering and mining journal in 1906. E. 7-13. Mining magazine (New York). M. Vol. i-io, 1853-1858; Ser, 2, Vol. 1-2, 1860-1861. N. Y., 1853-1861. Vol. ID (1858) title reads Mining and statistic magazine. Series 2, Vol. 1-2 (1860-1861) title reads Mining magazine and journal of geology, mineralogy, metallurgy, chemistry, etc. N. i-io, Ser. 2, 1; E. 1-5, 9, [10], Ser. 2, [i]; C. 2, 6. Mining magazine and journal of geology, mineral, ogy, metallurgy, etc. See Mining magazine (New York). Mining manual. Y. Vol. 1+ 1887-f Lond., 1887+ E. 18-19, 22, 24-f ; C. 12, 20, 22. Mining press. W. Vol. i-|- i86o-f- San Fran- cisco, 1860-I- Vol. 20-24 (1870-1872) title reads Scientific press. Vol. 2S-109 (1873-1914) title reads Mining and scientific press. E. 10, 20-23, 34-i-; C. 13, 16-19, 21, 23, 25-79, 94-I-; N. 8, [is, si], 74-f-; CE. [96-97], 99+ Mining record. Weekly ed. Vol. 1+ 1889+ Denver, 1889+ N. 17+; E. Current nos. only. Mining record See Financial and mining record. Mining reporter. W. Vol. 38-56, no. 23. July 1898-1907. Denver, Colo., 1898-1907. Continuation of Mining industry and review, retaining the volume number of Mining re- view. In December 1907 combined with Ores and metals and formed Mining science, retaining the volume number of Mining reporter. Continued as Mining science. N. 38-56; E. [45, 48], 49-56. Mining review. S-M. Vol. i-io. 1872-1877. Georgetown,-Denver, Colo., 1872-1877. Changed from monthly to semi-monthly publication in September 1875. Published in Georgetown until December 1875. . . Consolidated with Engineering and mtmng journal in 1877. E. [2], 3-10. Mining review (Chicago). W. Vol. 1-17. 1879- 1887. Chic, 1879-1887. Vol. i6 (1886) title reads Chicago mining review. C. 13-14, 16-17; E. [16-17]. Mining review (Denver, 1893-1895) See Mining and scientific review. Mining review and metallurgist. M. Vol. 1-42, no. 10. 1866-1907. Chic, 1866-1907. No more information available. E. 39-40, [41], 42; N. 41-42. Mining science. W. Vol. 56, no. 24-f- 1907+ Denver, Colo., 1907-t- Continuation of Mining reporter and Ores and metals, which combined in December 1907. The volume number of Mining re- porter is retained. Mining and metallurgical journal (Denver) consolidated with Mining science in De- cember 1908. Changed to monthly publication in March 1913. E. 56+ ; C. 61-62, 64-1- ; CC [63], 64-H Mining Society of Nova Scotia. Journal, being the Transactions of the Society. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1892-I- Halifax, 1892-f Transactions for the years 1895-1898 pub- lished in the Journal of the Federated Can- adian Mining Institute, Vol. 1-3. CE. i + ; E. 1-3, [5], 6-11, 13+; C. 1-3, 7+ 68 Mining world See Mining and engineering world. Mining world and engineering and commercial record. W. Vol. i+ 1871+ Lond., 1871 + E. 17-29; CE. 12-14, 19- Minnesota engineer See Minnesota University. Engineers' Society. Minnesota engineer, Minnesota School of Mines See Minnesota Uni- versity. Minnesota School of Mines. Experi- ment station. Minnesota Surveyors' and Engineers' Society. Proceedings at the annual convention. Y. ist-t- 1896-I- St. Cloud, 1896-f CE. nth. Minnesota University. Engineers' Society. Minnesota engineer. Q. 1893-1905, Vol. 14-j- Minneapolis, 1893-!- Vol. 1-16 (i893-November 1908) title reads Year book. Volume numbering begins with Vol. 14 in 1906. CE. i-f-; E. 3, i4-i- Minnesota University. Minnesota School of Mines. Experiment station. Bulletin. Irreg. No. i-|- 191 2 -t- Minne- apolis, 191 2 -f- E. i-l- Missouri Association of Surveyors and Civil Engi- neers. Proceedings at the annual meeting. Y. ist-6th. 1881-1886. Columbia, Mo., 1881- 1886. No more information available. CE. 5th-6th. Missouri Mining Association. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. i, no. i. 1895. Rolla, 1895. Formerly known as the Missouri Mining Club. N.I. Missouri University. Engineering Experiment station. Bulletin. Q. Vol. 1+ 1910-I- Colmnbia, Mo., 1910-I- E. i-l- Missouri University. School of Mines and Metal- lurgy. Bulletin. Q. Vol. i-|- 1908-I- Rolla, Mo., 1908 -f E. [i], 2+ Mitteilungen iiber forschungsarbeiten auf dem gebiete des ingenieurwesens See Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Mitteilungen iiber forschungsarbeiten auf dem gebiete des ingenieurwesens. Mi tteleuropaischerMotorwagen- Verein. Automobil-rimdschau. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1902-1- Ber., 1902 -f- Vol. i-ii title reads Zeitschrift. E.8+ Mittheilungen aus der praxis dampfkessel und dampfmaschinen-betriebes See Zeitschrift fiir dampfkessel und maschinenbetrieb. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt iiber wichtige neue erforschungen auf dem gesammtgebiete der geographic. M. Vol. i-|- 1855+ Gotha, i8s5+ Erganzungsbande. Vol. 1-36. 1860- 1911. Gotha, 1860-1911. Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1855-1864. Gotha, 1865. Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1865-1874. Gotha, 1877. Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1875-1884. Gotha, 1886. Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1885-1894. Gotha, 1896. Inhaltsverzeichniss, 1895-1904. Gotha, 1907. Beilage. Geographischer anzeiger. Beilage. Geographischer litteratur- bericht. N. i-t-;E. 1-32, [36], 37-43. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt iiber wichtige neue erforschimgen auf dem gesammtgebiete der geographie. Beilage. Geographischer anzeiger. Vol. i + 1900-H Gotha, 1900-I- N. 1 + Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt iiber wichtige neue erforschungen auf dem gesammtgebiete der geographic. Beilage. Geographischer litteraturbericht. 1901+ Gotha, 1901-f Issued with the Mittheilungen. N. 1901-f Mittheilungen iiber gegenstande des artillerie- und geniewesens. M. Vol. i-H 1870-!- Wien, 1870-I- Alphabetisch imd chronologisch geord- netes sach-register. 1870-1876. Wien, 1878. Alphabetisch imd jahrgangsweise geord- netes sach-register. 1884-1899. Wien, 1891-1900. CE. 2-l-;E. 41-I- Model engineer and electrician. W. Vol. 1 + 1898-1- Lond., 1898-H From 1 898-1902 title reads Model engineer and amateur electrician. E. 20-1- Modern electrics and mechanics. M. Vol. 1-6, no. 9; 28, nos. 1-6. July 1908-June 1914, N. Y., 1908-1914. In 1914 combined with Electrician and me- chanic and became Modern electrics and me- chanics. The volume number is changed to 28. In July 1914 incorporated with Popular elec- tricity and the world's advance and the title became Popular electricity and modern mechanics. E. [1], 2-9, 28-t- Modern light and heat. M. Vol. 1-11, no. i. 1886-July 1891. Bost., 1886-1891. Vol. I title reads Modern light. Continued as Electrical progress and de- velopment and ceased publication in De- cember 1892. E. I-II. 69 Modern machinery. M. Vol. 1-25, no. 7. 1897- 1910. Chic, 1897-1910. No issues for March and April 1909. In 1911 incorporated with Southern ma- chinery. CE. [i], 2-25; N. [4], S-6, [7-12, 21, 24], 25. Modem mechanics See World's advance. Mois scientifique et industriel. M. Vol. 1 + 1899+ Par., 1899+ E. [2-3], 6-7, [8], 9-10, [11], 12+; N. [9-11]- Monatshefte fiir chemie imd verwandte theile anderer wissenschaften. 10 nos. Y. Vol. 1 + 1880+ Wien, 1880+ General register. Vol. i-io. 1880-1889. Wien, 1894. General register. Vol. 11-22. 1 890-1901. Wien, 1905. Ci-h Mondes; revue hebdomadaire des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et k I'industrie. W. Vol. 1-22, 1863-1873; Ser. 2, Vol. 23-56, 1874-1881; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-9, 1882-1884. Par., 1863-1884. Combined with Cosmos, revue encyclop^dique hebdomadaire des progr6s des sciences and continued as Cosmos, revue des sciences et de leurs applications. S. 1-32, Ser. 2, 23-56, Ser. 3, 1-9. Moniteur de la papeterie Franfaise et de I'in- dustrie du papier. S-M. Vol. 1+ 18634- Par., 1863+ CC. [8-9, II], 12-14, dsl- Moniteur de I'industrie du gaz. S-M. Vol. 1 + i875-f- Par., 1875+ CC. 29-38. Moniteur des fils et tissus des apprdts. W. Vol. i + 1870-f Par., 1870-1- N.33+ Moniteur industriel, 6conomique, commercial, financier. W. Vol. 1+ 1874 -|- Par., 1874-f- Vol. 1-4 title reads Moniteur industriel Beige. C. 13-16, 28. Moniteur scientifique. M. Vol. i-h 1857-I- Par., 1857+ Vol. I (1857) title reads Moniteur scientifique du chimiste et du manufacturier. C. 3-f ; CC. 21, 29, [36], 37-69, [70], 71 +; S. 6-30. Montana Society of Engineers. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-|- 1888-I- n.p., 1888-1- CE. 1 2th. Montanistische rundschau. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1909-!- Ber., 1909-I- In 1915 (Vol. 7) incorporated Oesterreichische zeitschrift fiir berg- und hQttenwesen. E. 7+ Monthly journal of science See Journal of science and annals of astronomy, biology, geology, in- dustrial arts, etc. Monthly magazine; or, British register. Irreg. Vol. 1-60, 1796-1825; New ser. Vol. 1-6, 1826- 1828. Lond., 1796-1828. New series title reads Monthly magazine; or, British register of literature, sciences and belles-lettres. N. 1-60, New ser. 1-5; E. 1-46. Monthly nautical magazine and quarterly review See United States nautical magazine and naval journal. Monthly review See Incorporated Society of Inspectors of Weights and Measures. Monthly review. Motive power See Boiler maker. Motocyde (automobile). M. Vol. 1-3, no. i. 1895-1897. Chic, 1895-1897. No more information available. E. 2-3. Motocycle news. M. Vol. i-f- 1908-f Spring- field, Mass., 1908-)- Ceased publication August 1912. Succeeded by "Honest Injun," a dealers' pub- lication and not for public circulation. E. [4], 5. Motor. M. 1903 -f- N. Y., 1903 -1- E. 1907, [1908-1909], 1910, [1911- 1912]. Motor. (London). Vol. i-|- 1902 -j- Lond., 19024- Vol. 1-4 title reads Motor cycling and motor- ing. E. [21], 22-23, [24]. Motor age. W. Vol. i-f- 18994- Chic, 18994- C. [23], 244-; E. [21-22], 23, [24]. Motor boat. S-M. Vol. i4- 19044- N. Y., 19044- E. [5], 64- Motor cycling and motoring See Motor (London). Motor news. W. Vol. i-f- 19004- Dublin, 191 24- E. [13], 144- Motor traction. W. Vol. i4- 18954- Lond., 1895-1- E. [12], 134-; C. i64- Motor trader. W. Vol. i4- 19054- Lond., 19054- E. [28], 29, [30], 31-32, [33]. Motor truck. M. Vol. i4- 19104- Pawtucket, R. L, 19104- C. 24-; E. [3], 44- Motor way. M. Vol. 1-17. 1899-1907. Chic, 1899-1907. Vol. 1-12 (1899-190S) title reads Automobile review. Ceased publication December 1907. E. [i-aj. Motor world. W. Vol. i4- 19004- N. Y., 1900-f E. [31-32], 334- 70 Motordom. M. Vol. i+ 1908+ Albany, N. Y., 1908+ C. [6], 7+ Motorluftschiff-Studiengesellschaft m. b. H. zu Berlin. Jahrbuch. Y. 1907-1910, Vol. 4+ 1907+ Ber., 1907+ E. 1907-1910, 4+ Motorwagen. T-M. Vol. 1+ 1898+ Ber., 1898+ E. I, [2], 3+; N. 7+ Munich. Konigliche Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sitzimgsberichte der mathematisch-physik- alischen classe. Irreg. Vol. 1-21. 1860- 1870; Vol. 1+ 1871+ Miin., 1860+ Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1860-1870. Miin., 1872+ Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1871-1885. Miin., 1886. CC. 6-is, [16-17], 18-30, [31], 32-37, [38]. Mtmich. Konigliche Polytechnische Schule. Mittheilungen aus dem mechanisch-tech- nischen laboratorium. Irreg. Nos. 1-23, 1879-1895; New ser. No. 1+ 1896+ Miin., 1879+ S. 1-6, 8-I-; E. 1-21, 24-25, 27-28. Municipal affairs. Q. Vol. 1-6. 1897-1903. N. Y., 1897-1903. No more published. CE. 1-6. Municipal and railway record. M. Vol. 1-7. July 1897-1900. N. Y., 1897-1900. Incorporated with Municipal journal and engineer, which later became Municipal journal. CE. 3-7. Municipal Electrical Association See Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association. Municipal engineering. M. Vol. i-f June 1890-}- N. Y., 1890-f Vol. i-io title reads Paving and municipal engineering. E. i-t-; CE. [i, 4], 5+; P. 4+; N. 2, [3], 4-f; S. 2i-f ; CC. 27- 41; C. 12-15, 20-33, 38. Municipal Engineers of the City of New York. Proceedings. Y. 1903-}- N. Y., 1904-)- E. 1903+; CE. 1904 -f- Municipal journal. W. Vol. 1+ July 1896-i- N. Y., 1896-f Vol. 1-9, No. S (1896-November 1900) title reads City government. Incorporates Municipal and railway record in 190 1 (Vol. 10). Municipal news was incorporated with Mun- icipal journal and engineer in 1906. Known as Municipal journal and engineer until June 19 12. N. I-I-; E. 2-3, 5-6, [10], II-19, 22H-; CE. 4-8, lo-h; C. 1-15, 18, [19, 21], 23, [25], 26-f ; S. [22], 33+; CC. 10-27. Municipal news See note Municipal journal. Municipal School of Technology. Journal. Y. Vol. i-|- 1902+ Manchester, Eng., 1902-f CC. i-f ; C. 3, 5. Musie de I'Industrie de Belgique. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-84. 1841-1883. Brux- elles, 1841-1883. No more published. Table des matieres. Vol. 1-16. 1842- 1849. Bruxelles, 1850. P. 1-44; N. 1-40. Muster-zeitung fur farberei, etc. See Leipziger farber- und zeugdrucker-zeitung. National Academy of Sciences. Biographical memoirs. Irreg. Vol. i-j- 1877-I- Wash., 1877-f N. i4-;E. 1-4. National Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. Irreg. Vol. i-f i866-|- Wash., 1 866-1- N. 1-7, [8], 9+; E. 1-8; CE. 1-7, [8], 9; S. 1-7, [8]. National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i, pts. 1-3. March i863-October 1894. Wash., 1877-1895. CE. I. National Association of Bar Iron Manufactiu-ers. Quarterly report. Q. ist. 1871. Phil., 1872. No more information available. CE. ist. National Association of Builders of the United States of America. Ofl&cial report, annual convention. Y. ist-6th. 1887-1899. N. Y., 1887-1899. No more information available. CE. 2nd-6th. National Association of Car Service Managers See American Association of Demurrage Officers. National Association of Cement Users. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-|- 1905+ Indianapolis, 1905 -|- CE. ist-H; C. ist-h; E. ist-f; P. ist-t-; S. 3rd. National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. Transactions. Y. No. 1+ i866-|- Bost., i866-f Successor to Hampden County Cotton Manu- facturers' Association. From 1 866- 1 90s known as the New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association. No. I title reads Statistics of cotton manu- facturers in New England. No. 2-s6 title reads Proceedings of semi-annual meeting. Index. Nos. 1-37. 1866-1884. Bost., 1885. N. 1-14, 16-25, 48+; S. 1-37, 48-54, 56-86; CE. 22, 40, 48-i-; E. 48-f- National Association of Fire Engineers See Inter- national Association of Fire Engineers. 71 National Association of German-American Technol- ogists. Technologist See Deutsch-Amerikanischer Techniker-Verband. Technologist. National Association of Iron Manufacturers. Statistical report. Y. 1872. Phil., 1873. No more information available. N. 1872. National Association of Manufacturers of the United States of America. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist+ 1896-I- v.p., 1896-f C. loth-iith; CE. I4th-i6th. National Association of Master Steam and Hot Water Fitters. Official bulletin. M. Vol. i-|- 1894-f- N. Y., 1894+ E. 19+ National Association of Railway Conmiissioners. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-h 18894- Wash., 18894- CE. ist-f ; E. ist-4th, 6th-i2th, i4th-2oth, 23rd-l- National Association of Railway Commissioners. Public service regulation. M. Vol. i-j- 1911-I- Chic, 1911-I- E. i-h National Association of State Universities in the United States of America. Transactions and Proceedings. Y. No. i-f 1903+ Hamilton, O., 1903-I- E. 8, 12. National Association of Stationary Engineers. National engineer. M. Vol. i-f- 1897-f Chic, 1897-I- C. 1-13, [14], IS+; E. 3-4, 7, (81, 9+; N. [2, 10, 12], 13-t- National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Bulletin. Y. Vol. 1+ 1869-!- Bost., 1869-I- E. 1-37. National Brick Manufacturers' Association. Official report, annual convention. Y. ist-h 1887-I- Chic, 1887-I- N. 3rd, sth, 7th-8th, ioth-|-; CE. 20th; E. 26th. National builder. M. Vol. i4- 1885-!- Chic, i88s-h Incorporates Builder and wood worker. CE. [19-20], 26-52, National car and locomotive builder. M. Vol. 1-26. 1870-1895. N. Y., 1870-1895. Vol. 1-16 title reads National car builder. Consolidated with American engineer and railroad journal in 1896. N. [4, 8], II, 13-14, 16-17, 19-26; E. 11-26; CE. 11-14, 25-26. National car builder See National car and loco- motive builder. National Commercial Gas Association. Monthly bulletin. M. Vol. i-|- 1909+ N. Y., 1909+ E. [1-3], 4+ National Commercial Gas Association. Proceedings of the annual meetings. Y. 3rd-}- 1908-t- N. Y., i9o8-f- "No record of any account was made of the first two meetings." E. 3rd-t-; CC. 5-6. National District Heating Association. Proceedings. Y. ist-[- 1909-I- Greenville, O., 1909-1- E. sth. National Electric Lamp Association. Engineering department. Bulletin. Irreg. No. i-f- 1907-!- Cleve- land, O., 1907-i- E. i-io, 12-13, i6-|-; N. 1-9, II-I5- National Electric Lamp Association. Physical Laboratory. Abstract-bulletin. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1913-f Cleveland, O., 1913-}- E. 1 + National Electric Light Association. BuUetin. M. Vol. i4- 1907-}- N. Y., 1907-t- E. [1-2], 3, [4], 5+; N. 2, [3]. National Electric Light Association. Proceedings at its convention. Y. ist-f- 1885-}- N. Y., 1885-1- Index. Conventions 1-32. 1885-1909. N. Y., 1909. Index to Proceedings of Conventions 32-36. 1909-1913. N. Y., 1914. E. 1-I-; N. 1-30, [31], 32-I-; CE. 24-30, [31], 32-1-; C. 1-30, [31], 324-; S. 12. National Electric Light Association. Michigan section. Convention. Y. ist-H 19124- n.p., 19124- National Electric Light Association. New Eng- land section. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-H 19094- Bost., 19094- E. ist-2nd, 4th-5th. National Electric Light Association. Pacific Gas and Electric Section See Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Pacific service magazine. National Electric Light Association. Philadelphia section See Philadelphia Electric Company. Cur- rent news. National electrical contractor See National Elec- trical Contractors' Association of the United States. National electrical contractor. National Electrical Contractors' Association of the United States. National electrical contractor. M. Vol. i4- 19014- Utica, N. Y., 19014- E.[i], 24-; N. [6-9,11-12]. 72 National engineer See National Association of Stationary Engineers. National engineer. National Fire Protection Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist+ 1897+ v.p., 1897+ Index to subjects covered in the printed records. Chic, 1909. Index to subjects covered in the printed records. Bost., 191 1. Index to subjects covered in the printed records. Bost., 1913. E. ist+; CE. 9th-i6th; N. loth, iSth-i6th; S. 6th, 12th. National Fire Protection Association. Quarterly. Q. Vol. 1+ 1907+ Hartford, Conn., 1907+ E. i + ; CE. [1-3]. National Foimders' Association. N. F. A. Safety bulletin. M. No. 1 + 1913+ West Lynn, Mass., 1913+ E. 14+ National Founders' Association. Review. M. Vol. 1+ 1904+ Chic, 1904+ Published by the National Founders* Associa- tion and National Metal Trades Association in the interest of their workmen. E. ii-f National Gas Engine Association. Bulletin. W. No. 1+ 1913+ Lakemont, N. Y., 1913+ E. 19, 28-66, 68-72. National Gas Engine Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-H 1908-I- Lakemont, N. Y., 1908+ E. 6th. National geographic magazine. M. Vol. 1 + 1888+ Wash., 1888-I- N. i+; C. 3+; P. 3, S+; E. [9-10], II, [12-13], 14, [15-16], 17+; S. 16+; CE. [7, 16], 17-19- National Irrigation Association See American Forestry Association. American forestry. National Liunber Manufacturers' Association. Official report, annual convention. Y. ist+ 1903-1- Chic, 1903+ S. 8th -I- ; CE. 8th-9th. National Machine Tool Builders' Association. Official report. S-A. ist+ 1893+ v.p., 1893-I- E. i9th+ National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association of the United States of America. Journal of proceedings. S-M. Vol. 1 + 1902+ n.p., 1902+ E. [12-13]. National Metal Trades Association. Review. M. Vol. i-|- 1904+ Chic, 1904+ Published by the National Founders' Associa- tion and National Metal Trades Association in the interests of their workmen. E. 11+ National oil reporter. W. Vol. 1-4, no. 39. 1901- 1903. N. Y., 1901-1903. Suspended publication temporarily. N. 2-4. National Paving Brick Manufacturers Association. Dependable highways. M. Vol. 1+ August 1914+ Cleveland, 1914+ E. 1 + National Physical Laboratory. Collected researches. Y. Vol. 1+ 1908+ Lond., 1908+ E. i+; S. 1-4. National Physical Laboratory. Report. Y. 1901+ Teddington, 19024- E. 1901-f National provisioned W. Vol. 1+ 1889+ N. Y., 1889+ CE. 8-12. National Sanitary Association. Proceedings of meetings. 1896-1897. At- lanta, 1896-1897. No more information available. CE. 1896-1897. National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education. Bulletin. Irreg. No. 1+ 1907+ N. Y., 1907+ S. 1 + National Supply and Machinery Dealers' Associa- tion. Report of the proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist+ 1906+ v.p., 1906-!- E. 7th. National Telephone Exchange Association. Proceedings. Y. ist-i2th. 1880-1890. v.p., 1880-1890. Association no longer exists. E. ist-l2th. National telephone journal. M. Vol. 1-6. 1906- 1911. Lond., 1906-1911. Discontinued January 1912. E. [i], 2-s, [6]; N. [2-3, 5]. Natura. M. Vol. 1-4. 1877-1881. Firenze, 1877- 1881. Vol. 1-2 title reads L'elettricista. No more information available. E. 1-4. Natural gas journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1907+ Buffalo, N. Y., 1907-i- CE. i + ; CC. i+; E. [3-4], 5+ Natural History Society of Montreal See Canadian naturalist and geologist. 73 Nature. W. Vol. i+ 1869+ Lond., 1869+ N. i + ; P. i + ; S. i+; E. 1-67, 79+; CC. 1-38; CE. 13, 15. Nature ; revue des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et i I'industrie. W. Vol. i-f 1873+ Par., 1873+ Table des matiferes. Vol. i-io. 1873- 1882. Par., n.d. Table des matieres. Vol. 11-20. 1883- 1892. Par., n.d. Table des matieres. Vol. 21-30. 1893- 1902. Par., n.d. Table des matieres. Vol. 31-40. 1903- 1912. Par., n.d. N. i-|-;E. 18. Naturwissenschaftliche umschau der chemiker zeitimg. M. Vol. i-|- 1912-]- Cothen, 191 2-f- CC. i + ; C. [i], 2+ Nautical gazette. S-M. Vol. i-|- 18714- N. Y., 1871+ N. 6+; E. [72], 73-77, [78], 79-}-;C. 79, 82-i-;CE. 76-i- Nautical magazine. M. Vol. 1-5, 1832-1836; Enl. ser. Vol. 6-39, 1837-1870; New ser. Vol. 1-20, 1871-1890; Enl. ser. Vol. 1+ 1891+ Lond., 1832+ S. 21, 24; CE. 16. Na^gazione aerea See Aero Club d'ltalia. Navigazione aerea. Navy. M. Vol. i-|- 1907-f Washington, D. C, 1907 -h E. [2-3]. Nebraska Association of Engineers and Sur- veyors. Proceedings at the annual meetings. Y. ist-3rd. 1884-1886. Omaha, 1885-1886. No more published. Association no longer exists. In 1896 the Nebraska Engineering Society was organized as a successor to the Associa- tion. CE. ist-3rd. Nebraska blue print See Nebraska University. Engineering Society. Nebraska blue print. Neues jahrbuch fiir mineralogie. Irreg. Vol. 4+ 1833-I- Heidelberg,-Stut., 1833-I- Continuation of Jahrbuch fttr mineralogie, geognosie, geologic und petrefaktenkunde. Supplementbande. 1842-1845. Beilagenheft. 1861. Allgemeines repertorium der mineralo- gie, geognosie, geologic und petre- faktenkunde. Vol. i-io. 1830-1839. Stut., 1841. Allgemeines repertorium der mineralo- gie, geognosie, geologic und petrefakten- kunde. Vol. i-io. 1840-1849. Stut., 1851. AUgemeines repertorium der mineralo- gie, geognosie, geologic und petrefakten- kunde. Vol. I-IO. 1850-1859. Stut., 1861. Allgemeines repertorium der mineralo- gie, geognosie, geologic und petrefakten- kunde. Vol. i-io. 1860-1869. Stut., 1870. Repertorium. Vol. i-io. 1870-1879. Stut., 1880. Repertorium. 1880-1884. Stut., 1885. Repertorium. 1885-1889. Stut., 1891. Repertorixmi. 1890-1894. Stut., 1896. Repertorium. 1895-1899. Stut., 1900. Repertorium. 1900-1904. Stut., 1906. Repertorium, 1905-1909, das Central- blatt fiir mineralogie, geologic und palaeontologic, 1905-1909 und die Bei- lage bande, 21-28. Stut., 1911. N. i833-|-;E. 1839-I- NeuSs jahrbuch fiir mineralogie. Beilage band. Irreg. Vol. i-f i88i-|- Stut., 1881-H N. i + ; E. 5-15, 17-19, 28-f Neues repertorium der experimental-physik See Repertorium der physik, Neuste erfindungcn & erfahnmgen. 13 nos. Y. Vol. I-f- 1874 -f Wien, 1874-I- N. II, 20-24, [28, 34], 35-f- New England Association of Gas Engineers. Proceedings at the annual meeting. Y. ist-H 18714- Bost., 1871-I- CE. 27th 4-; E. 36th-38th, 4ist-h; P. 3oth-3ist. Nebraska engineering See Nebraska University. Engineering Society. Nebraska blue print. Nebraska University. Engineering Society. Nebraska blue print. Y. Vol. i-|- 1902-I- Lincoln, 1902 -|- Vol. 1-2 title reads Blue print. Vol. 3 title reads Nebraska engineering. E. x-6, 124-; N. 2. Neues allgemeines journal der chemie See All- gemeines journal der chemie. Neues jahrbuch der chemie vmd physik See Journal fiir chemie imd physik. New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association See National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. New England engineer. M. Vol. i-}- 1908+ Bost., 1908-t- E. [3], 4+ New England Railroad Club. Proceedings of meetings. 8 nos. Y. 1894-f- Bost., 1894+ E. [1894], 1895-1900, [1901], 1902-1903, [1904], 1906-1907, [1908], 1909-f ; CE. [1894-1896], 1897-1898, [1898, 1900], 1901- 1905, [1906, 1908], 1910-I- 74 New England Roadmasters' Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-i8th. 1883-1900. v.p., 1883+ No more information available. CE. ist, 3rd-4th, 6th-8th, loth- 13th, isth-i6th, i8th. New England Water Works Association. Journal. Q. Vol. 1+ 1886+ Bost., 1886+ Continuation of the Transactions. Index. Transactions, 1883-1885, Jour- nal, Vol. 1-7, 1886-1893. n.p., n.d. Index to the Transactions and Journal to December 1903. Bost., 1904. CE. I-}-; E. i-f-; C. 1-15, [26], 27-h; N. [1-8], X2+; CC. II, 13, [18], 19-22, [23]; S. 1-6. New England Water Works Association. Transactions. Y. 1883-1885, v.p., 1883- 1886. No more published. Continued in the Journal. Index. Transactions, 1883-1885, Jour- nal, Vol. x-7. 1886-1893. n.p., n.d. CE. 1883-1885; E. 1883-1885; S. 1883-1885; C. 1882, 1885. New Jersey forester See American Forestry Asso- ciation. American forestry. New Jersey Forestry Association See American Forestry Association. American forestry. New Jersey Sanitary Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-H 18754- New Brunswick, 1875-!- CE. 2ist-22nd, 24th -|- New London mechanics' register. W. Vol. 1-4, 1824-1826; New ser. Vol. 1-2, 1827-1828. Lend., 1824-1828. Vol. 1-4 title reads London mechanics' register. E. 1-4, New ser. 1-2. New South Wales Association of Surveyors See Institution of Surveyors, New South Wales. New York. State engineer and surveyor depart- ment See Barge canal bulletin. New York Electric Railway Association. Report of the annual meeting. Y. ist-|- 1883-f v.p., 1883-f Until June 1912 known as the Street Railway Association of the State of New York. E. ist, 3rd-f; CE. ist-24th, 26th; N. ist-ioth, i8th-2oth. New York Electrical Society. Transactions. Irreg. Nos. 1-15, 1888-1911; New ser. No. i-l- 1912-^ N. Y., i888-f- E. 1-15, New ser. i-f-; N. 2-14. New York farmer and mechanic See Farmer & mechanic. New York highway news. Irreg. Vol. i-|- Sep- tember 1913+ Albany, 1913+ E. i-f- New York Mathematical Society. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-3. October 1891-July 1894. N. Y., 1891-1894. No more published. Continued as the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. Index contained in American Mathe- matical Society Bulletin. General index. 1891-1904. N. Y., 1904. C. 1-3; S. 1-3. New York Mineralogical Club. Bidletin. Irreg. No. i-\- March 1907-!- N. Y., 1907-H Only three numbers have been published. N. 1-2; E. 3. New York plumber and fitter. M. Vol. 1-2. February 1901-January 1902. N. Y., 1901-1902. No more published. N. 1-2. New York Railroad Club. Official proceedings. 10 nos. Y. 1888- 1894; Vol. 5+ i888-f- N. Y., 1888-}- CE. [1888, 1891, 1893-1894], [5], 6-f ; N. [1889-1892], 1893-1894, S + ; E. [1893-1894], [5], 6, [7], 8-|-;C. 13-t- New York State Institution of Civil Engineers. Transactions. Vol. i, nos. 1-2. 1849. Albany, 1849. No more information available. CE. [i]. New York State mechanic. 1841-1842. 1841-1842. No more information available. N. 1841-1842. Albany, New Zealand Institute. Transactions and proceedings. Y. Vol. i-|- i868-f Wellington, 1868-H Index. Vol. 1-8. Wellington, 1877. Index. Vol. 1-17. Wellington, 1886. Index. Vol. 1-40. Wellington, 1911. N. 1-I-; C. I, 5-7, 9-I-; E. 1-14, 17-18, 31, 33-35, 37-38, 43-1- New Zealand Institute of Mining Engineers. Transactions. Vol. 1-2. 1897-1898. Auck- land, 1897-1898. Amalgamated with Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers. E. 1-2. Newcastie-upon-Tyne Chemical Society. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1-5. 1868-1882. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1871-1883. Incorporated with Society of Chemical In- dustry in 1883. E. i-s; CC. 3-5. 75 Newton's London journal of arts and sciences. M, Vol. 1-14, 1820-1828; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-9, 1828-1832; Conjoined ser. Vol. 1-45, 1832-1854; New ser. Vol. 1-23, 1855-1866. Lond., 1820-1866. Series 1-2 title reads London journal of arts and sciences. Conjoined series title reads London journal of arts and sciences, and repertory of patent inventions. N. 1-14, Ser. 2, 1-9, Conj. ser. 1-43; E. New ser. 1-23. NiederSsterreichischer Gewerb-Verein. Verhandlxmgen und mittheilungen. Vol. 1-15, 1840-1849; New ser. Vol. 1-38, 1852-1887. Wien, 1840-1887. N. 1-15, New ser. 1-2, [4], 5-6, [7], 8, [9], 10-19. Nordische blatter fiir chemie See Allgemeine nordische annalen der chemie fiir die freunde der naturkunde und arzneiwissenschaft insbesondere der phannacie. Norsk teknisk tidsskrift See Teknisk ugeblad. Norske Ingenior-og Arkitekt-Forening See note Teknisk ugeblad. North Dakota Society of Engineers. Proceedings. Vol. 1+ 1914+ n.p., 1914+ Contains a record of the first six annual meetings. E. i-t- North of England Institute of Mining and Me- chanical Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-j- 1852-}- Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1852+ In 1889 was federated with Institution of Mining Engineers. Vol. 1-18 title reads North of England In- stitute of Mining Engineers. General & subject-matter indices. Vol. 1-17. 1852-1868. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1869. General index. Vol. 1-25. 1852-1876. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1877. General index. Vol. 1-38. 185 2-1889. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1902. Subject-matter index of mining, me- chanical and metallurgical literature. 1 900- 1 90 2. 3 Vols. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1902-1907. E. i-H; CE. 1-2, 7-f ; C. 1-38; N. 1-14. North of England Institute of Mining Engineers See North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-ii. 1873-1891. Newcastle-under-Lyme, 1879-1891. Continued with Federated Institution of Mining Engineers since 1889. C. 1-8; E. I, 3-4. North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. Transactions. Y. Vol. i-\- 1884+ New- castle-upon-Tyne, i885-f E. i-f;CE. 1-3,5+ Northeastern lumberman and manufacturers' gazette See Manufacturers' gazette. Northern Railway Club. Official proceedings. M. Vol. 1-7. 1905- 191 2. Duluth, 1905-1912. Ceased publication December 191 2. Club no longer exists. E. [3-7]. Northwest mining & metallurgy. M. Vol. i-|- December 1906+ Spokane, Wash., 1906-^ Continuation of Mining (Spokane). Vol. 1-8 (1906-March 1913) title reads North- west mining news. Nothing published from May 1910 to January 191 1 and June 191 1 to July 1912. E. I-h Northwest Mining Association. Journal See Mining (Spokane). Northwest mining news See Northwest mining & metallurgy. Northwest Railway Club. Official proceedings. 9 nos. Y. Vol. i-io, no. 5. 1895-1905. St. Paul, 1895-1905. No more information available. CE. [1-6], 7-8, [9]; E. [2-3], 4, [5-7], 8-9, [10]. Northwestern Cement Products Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-H 1905 -f- Minneapolis, 1905+ No Proceedings published since 1909. CE. 3rd-4th; N. 4th-5th. Northwestern Electrical Association. Annual convention. Y. ist-4th. 1893-1896. Milwaukee, Wis., 1893-1896. No more information available. E. 4th. Northwestern mechanic. W. Vol. 1-4, no. 6. 1889-1892. Minneapolis, Minn., 1889-1892. No more information available. N. [1-4]. Northwestern railroader See note Railway age. Nouvelles annales de la construction. M. Vol. 1-21, 1855-1875; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-8, 1876-1883; Ser. 4, Vol. i-io, 1884-1893; Ser. 5, Vol. i-io, 1894-1903; Ser. 6, Vol. i-io, 1904-1913; Ser. 7, Vol. 1 + 1914-1- Par., 1855-1- CE. 1-21, Ser. 3, 1-8, Ser. 4, i-io, Ser. 5, I-IO, Ser. 6, i-io, Ser. 7, i-f; E. 1-7, 13-21; Ser. 3, 1-2, Ser. 4, 3-9, Ser. 5, 1-5, Ser. 6, 6-10, Ser. 7, i-f; N. Ser. 5, 4-10, Ser. 6, i-io, Ser. 7, 1+ Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science See Nova Scotian Institute of Science. Nova Scotian Institute of Science. Proceedings and transactions. Irreg. Vol. i + 1863-I- Halifax, 1863-H From 1 863- 1 890 known as Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science. General index. Vol. 1-7 in Vol. 7. N. [2, 5-9], lo-H; C. [3-4], 5, [6-7], 8-1 1, [12], 13+ ; E. [4-9], II, [12]; CE. 6-11, [12]; CC. 9-1- 76 Nuova cimento. M. Vol. 1-28, 1855-1867; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-16, 1868-1876; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-36, 1877-1894; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-12, 1895-1900; Ser. 5, Vol. 1-20, 1901- 1910; Ser. 6, Vol. 1+ 1911+ Pisa, 1855+ From 1843-1847, Vol. 1-5, a publication was issued in two parts: (i) Miscellanee raedico- chirurgico-farmaceutiche. (2) II cimento. Ceased publication in 1847. In 1855 con- tinued under the title of II nuova cimento. Indice del Cimento, 1843-1847 e del Nuova cimento, Ser. 1-4. 1855-1900. Pisa, 1903. E. 1-28, Ser. 2, 1-16, Ser. 3, 1-36, Ser. 4, 1-12, Ser. 5, 1-20, Ser. 6, i-h; N. Ser. 3, 1-4, [15], 16-17, [18]; CC. Ser. 6, 5+ Oberschlesischer Berg-und Hiittenmannischer Verein. Zeitschrift. M. Vol. i-f 1862-!- Kattowitz, 1862-t- E. 31-33, [35-36, 42, 44-45], 48-1- Oel-undfett-industrie. S-M. Vol. i-i4(?). i883(?)- i896(?). Wien, i883(?)-i896(?). Supplement of Allgemeine osterreichische chemiker-und techniker-zeitung. E. 12-14. Oel-imd gasmaschine. M. Vol. i-|- 1901-I- Ber., 1901-I- Vol. 1-12 (ipoi-April 1913) title reads Gasmotorentechnik. E. 1-5, [6], 7+; CC. 2-10, [11-12]. Oelmotor. M. Vol. i-l- April 1912-f- Wien, 1912-I- E. 2-1- Oesterreichische eisenhandler-zeitimg. See Mas- chinen-und metallindustrie-zeitimg. Beilage. Oes- terreichische eisenhandler-zeitung. Osterreichische polytechnische zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. i-H 1907-f Wien, 1907-f N.3-f Oesterreichische zeitschrift fiir berg-und hiitten- wesen. W. Vol. 1-52. 1853-1914. Wien, 1853-1914. In 1915 combined with and continued as Montanistische rundschau. C. 1-52; E. 27-52; N. 45-52; CC. 27, 29, [31-32], 33, [34], 35, [36], 37, [38], 39, [40], 41, [42-45], 47-49- Oesterreichische zeitschrift fiir berg-und hiitten- wesen. Beilage. Bergrechtliche blatter. Q. Vol. i-f 1906-I- Wien, 1906-^- C.4+;E.[4], s-F;N. 2-4. Oesterreichische zeitschrift fiir berg-und hUtten- wesen. Beilage. Verein-mitteilungen. M. Vol. 1-27. 1882-1908. Wien, 1882-1908. C. 1-27; N. 16-27; E. 23-27. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur und Architekten- Verein. Wochenschrift. W. Vol. 1-16. 1876-1891. Wien, 1876-1891. CE. 1-16; E. 1-16; N. 1-16. Oesterreichischer Ingenieur-und Architekten- Verein. Zeitschrift. W. Vol. 1+ 1849-h Wien, 1849 -I- Register der zeitschrift. Vol. 1-22. 1849-1870 in Vol. 26. Wien, 1874. Register zur Zeit-imd Wochenschrift. 1871-1891. Wien, 1882-1893. Register zur Zeitschrift. 1892-1902. Wien, 1903. CE. j + ; E. 1-I-; N. i-f ; C. 54-f Oesterreichischer Verein fiir Kalte-Industrie. 2^itschrift fiir eis-und kalte-industrie. M. Vol. 1+ July 1908-I- Wien, 1908-^- E. [6], 7+ Ohio Electric Light Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f- 1895 -H Cincinnati, 1895-!- N. 6th, 9th-iith, I3th-i5th; E. 6th, 9th-i3th, 17th; CE. i5th-|- Ohio Engineering Society. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-f i88o-t- Columbus, 1880+ 1880- 1 882 known as the Association of County- Surveyors of the State of Ohio. 1883-1905 known as the Ohio Society of Sur- veyors and Civil Engineers. No report published for the 24th meeting - (1903). CE. ist-}-; N. 6th-8th, loth- 23rd, 29th-3ist; E, i5th-22nd, 30th, 33rd-f- Ohio Gas Light Association. Proceedings of the armual meeting. Y. i7th-22nd. 1901-1906. n.p., 1904-1906. For the first sixteen meetings no record was made only what was reported in the gas journals. 1901-1903 bound in one volume. In 1906 combined with the American Gas Light Association and the Western Gas Association and formed the American Gas Institute. CC. i7th-22nd; E. i7th-22nd. Ohio Gas Light Association. Question box presented to the annual con- vention. Y. i9th-22nd. 1903-1906. Den- ver, Colo., 1903-1906. In 1906 combined with the American Gas Light Association and the Western Gas Association and formed the American Gas Institute. E. i9th-22nd; S. 2oth-2ist. Ohio Independent Telephone Association. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 8. i9o8(?)- i909(?). Columbus, 0., i9o8(?)-i909(?). No more published (?). E. [i], 2. Ohio Institute of Mining Engineers. Ohio mining journal. Q. No. 1-25. 1882- 1895. Columbus, O., 1882-1895. No more information available. CE. i-i7;E. 1,4, 17, 21, 24-25. Ohio mining journal See Ohio Institute of Mining Engineers. Ohio mining journal. 77 Ohio Society of Mechanical, Electrical and Steam Engineers. Journal. S-A. Vol. i+ 1909+ Columbus, 19094- E. [i], 2, [3], 4+ Ohio Society of Surveyors and Civil Engineers See Ohio Engineering Society. Ohio State University. College of Engineering. Bulletin. Irreg. No. 1+ September 191 1 + Columbus, O., 191 1 + E. 1 + Oil and colour trades journal. W. Vol. 1+ 1880+ Lond., 1880+ Published monthly until 1906. Known as Oil and colourman's journal until 1906. Incorporated Oils, colours, and drysalteries in 1906. CC. [7], 8, [9], 10-13, (14-19], 20-23, [24-26], 27-34, [35], 36-38, [39-40], 41 + Oil and gas journal. W. Vol. i-f- 1902 -f Tulsa, Okla., 1902+ Vol. 1-8 (1902-May 1910) title reads Oil investors' journal. E. 7+; N. [6-8], 9+ 011, copper & finance See Oil, mining & finance. Oil era See Oil, mining & finance. Oil investors' journal See Oil and gas journal. Oil, mining & finance. Vol. 1-7. 1900-1903. Los Angeles, 1900- 1903. Vol. 1-3 title reads Oil era. Vol. 4-S. no. 20 title reads Oil, copper & finance. Incorporated with International mining news. No more information available. N. 1-7. Oil, paint and drug reporter. W. Vol. 1+ 1871-)- N. Y., 1871-]- CC. 15, 17-18, 20, 26-30, 32-35, 42-44, 49-58, 60-}-; C. 19-47, 49-50, 52-68, 70-1- ; N. [8, 24-25], 26, [27], 28-30, [32-36], 37-39, [40], 41, [42-45, 48], 50+; E. [77], 78+ Oildom. M. Vol. i-|- 1911-I-. Bayonne, N. J., 1911-f. E. [2-3], 4-f Old Time Telegraphers' and Historical Association. Aimual reunion. Y. ist-|- 1881-}- Mon- treal, i88i-f E. 2ist, 27th, 32nd. Omnia. W. Vol. 1+ 1906-I- Par., 1906-f E. 8-1- 100% See Western Efficiency Society. 100.% Ontario Association of Architects. Proceedings. Vol. i-j- 1901-f- Toronto, 1901-I- CE. i-io. Ontario Health Officers' Association See note of Association of Executive Health Officers of Ontario. Operative miUer. M. Vol. i-|- 1896-!- Chic, 1896-f N. [13-15]- Operator. S-M. Vol. 1-16. 1874-1885. N. Y., 1874-1885. In 188s consolidated with and continued as Electrical world. E. 1-16. Operator and electrical world. See Electrical world. Optical journal and review of optometry. W. Vol. 1+ 1890-f N. Y., 1890-1- N. 17-I- Ores and metals. S-M. Vol. 1-16, no. 23. i892(?)- 1907. Denver, Colo., i892(?)-i907. In December 1907 combined with Mining reporter and formed Mining science, retaining the volume number of Mining reporter. E. [7], 8, lO-ll, [12-13], 14-16; N. 15-16. Organ des Verein der Bohrtechniker See Inter- national Verein der Bohringenieure und Bohrtech- niker. Organ fiir die fortschritte des eisenbahnwesens in technischer bezeihung. S-M. Vol. 1-18, 1846-1863; New ser. Vol. i-|- 1864-I- Wiesbaden, 1846-}- Supplementband. Vol. 1-13. 1864-1903. Sach-und autoren-register. 1864-1873 oder neue folge, Vol. i-io und Supple- mentband. Vol. 1-4. Wiesbaden, 1873. Sach-tmd autoren-register. 1874-1883 oder neue folge, Vol. 11-20 und Supple- men tband, Vol. 5-8. Wiesbaden, 1883. Sach-und namen-verzeichnis. 1884- 1893 oder neue folge. Vol. 21-30 und Ergan- zungsband, Vol. 9-11. Wiesbaden, 1894. Sach-und namen-verzeichnis. 1894- 1903 oder neue folge, Vol. 31-40. Erganzungsband, Vol. 12-13. Wies- baden, 1904. Sach-und namen-verzeichnis. 1904- 1907 oder neue folge, Vol. 41-44. Wies- baden, 1908. N. 1-18, New ser. i + ; CE. 1-18, New ser. i-ii, 45-48; E. New ser. 47-1- Organization of City Officials for Standardizing Paving Specifications See Association for Standard- izing Paving Specifications. Ottawa Literary and Scientific Society. Transactions. Irreg. No. i-|- 1897-!- Ottawa, 1898-1- N. 1-4; E. 2-4. Pacific builder and engineer. W. Vol. i-f- 1902-I- Seattle, 1902 -H C.1S+ 78 Pacific Coast Electric Transmission Association. Report of the annual convention. Y. ist- 8th. 1897-1904. v.p., 1897-1904. Probably no more published. Association went out of existence about 1904. E. 2nd-7th. Pacific Coast Gas Association. Proceedings of the annual meetings. Y. ist+ (Vol. 1+,) 1893+ San Francisco, 1897+ N. ist-i6th (1-7); E, 13th 4- (6+); CC. iith-i8th (5-8). Pacific coast miner See Mining magazine (New York). Pacific electrician. M. Vol. 1-18, no. 11. 1886- 1897. San Francisco, 1886-1897. No more information available. E. [is], 16-18. Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Pacific service magazine. M. Vol. 1 + June 1909+ San Francisco, 1909+ Vol. 1-4, no. 6 (June 1909-November 1912) title reads Pacific gas and electric magazine. ^ E. i + ; CE. 3. Pacific gas and electric magazine See Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Pacific service magazine. Pacific index See American mining index. Pacific marine review. M. Vol. 1+ 1904+ Seattle,-San Francisco, 1904+ E. [4]. Pacific miner See Mining and metallurgical journal. Pacific Northwest Society of Engineers. Proceedings. M. Vol. 1+ 1902+ Seattle, Wash., 1902+ CE.6+;E. i,[4].. Page's engineering weekly. W. Vol. 1+ 1902 -+- Lond., 1902+ Vol. i-S. no. 4 title reads Page's magazine. Vol. S. no. S.Vol. 23, no. 47S. 1904-1913 title reads Page's weekly. E. i-l-;N. [i], 2-7,[8-is]. Page's magazine See Page's engineering weekly. Paint Manufacturers' Association of the United States. Scientific section. Education bureau. Bulletin. Irreg. No. i+ i9o8(?)+ Phil., i9o8(?)+ Nos. 9-10, 12 title reads Paint Manufacturers' Association. Scientific section. Nos. 1S-19 title reads Paint Manufacturers' Association. Scientific section. Promotion and development bureau. E. 9-10, 12, 15-20, 23-30, 32-f Paint, oil and drug review. W. Vol. i-f- 18834- Chic, 1883+ N. [38, 45, Sil, 53-54. Painters magazine and paint and wall paper dealer. M. Vol. i-j- 1874-f- N. Y., 1874 -f N. [2], 24-38. Paper. W. Vol. i-f 1910-i- N. Y., 1910-f- Collective index. Vol. i-io. 1910- 191 2 in Vol. 10. N. Y.. 191 2. CC. i + ;E. [3-9];C. ii-l- Paper digest. Vol. 1-3. 1896-1898. N. Y., 1896- 1898. Discontinued. N.I, [2-3]. Paper maker and British paper trade journal. M. Vol. i-h I89I-^ Lond., 1891-I- N. [28-32]. Paper mill and wood pulp news. W. Vol. i-H 1876+ N. Y., 1876-H N. [17], 20-t-; E. 37+ Paper trade journal. W. Vol. i-f- 1872-f N. Y., 1872-}- Contains the Proceedings of the American Paper and Pulp Association. C. 30-35. 54+ Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des stances de l'Acad6mie. W. Vol. i-f- 1835+ Par., 1835+ Supplement. Vol. i. Par., 1856. Supplement. Vol. 2. Par., 1861. Tables g6n6rales des Comptes rendus. Vol. 1-31. 1835-1850. Par., 1853. Tables g6n6rales des Comptes rendus. Vol. 32-61. 1851-1865. Par., 1870. Tables g6n6rales des Comptes rendus. Vol. 62-91. 1866-1880. Par., 1880. Tables g6n6rales des Comptes rendus. Vol. 92-191. 1881-1895. Par., 1900. CC. 14-; C. i-h; E. i-h; N. i-h; P. i + ; S. 1-65, 67-75, 78-121; CE. 30-48, [50-51, 53], 58-59. Paris. Academic des Sciences. Expos6 des recherches pour d6terminer les forces 61astiques de la vapeur d'eau k de hautes temperatures. Par., 1830. C. Paris. Academic des Sciences. Histoire avec les m^moires de math6matiques et de physique. 1699-1790. 93 Vols. Par., 1702-1797. C. 1 700-1 781, 1 783-1 785. Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. Histoire de I'Acadfimie avec les m^moires de physique. Vol. 1-3. 1666-1698. Par., 1777. E. 1-3. Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. Histoire de I'Academie, contenant un abrege historique de chaque science, avec \me liste g6nerale des M^moires de mathd- matiques et de physique jusqu'i I'ann^e 1751, inclusivement. Amsterdam, 1760. £. 79 Paris. Acadfimie des Sciences. Histoire de 1 'Academic Royale des Sciences; avec les m6moires de math^matique et de physique. 1^99-1790. Par., 1702-1797. The volume for 1790 has the title of M6moires de I'Academie des Sciences. Continued as the M6moires de I'lnstitut National des Sciences et Arts; Sciences Math6- matiques et Physiques. Table g6n6rale des matiSres contenues dans I'histoire et les m6moires. 3 Vols. 1699-1734. Amsterdam, 1741. N. 1699-1790; E. 1699-1778; C. 1699-1781, 1783-1785. Paris. Academic des Sciences. Histoire du renouvellement de I'Academie et les 61oges historiques de tous les Acade- miciens morts depuis ce renouvellement, avec xm discours preliminaire sur l'utilit6 des math6matiques et de la physique. 1699. Par., 1708. E. Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. M6moires, contenant les ouvrages adopt6s par cette Acad^mie, avant son renouvelle- ment en 1699. Vol. 1-6. 1735-1736. Amsterdam, 1 735-1 736. C. 4-5- Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. M6moires de mathfimatique et de physique. Vol. i-ii. 1750-1786. Par., i776-i786(?). C. 7, 10. Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. M6moires de I'Academie Royale des Sciences de I'lnstitut de France. Vol. i-f- i8i6-|- Par., 1818-I- Continuation of M^moires de i'lnstitut Na- tional de Sciences et Arts; Sciences, Math6- matiques et Physiques. Tables g6n6rales des travaux contenus dans les M^moires. Ser. i, Vol. 1-14. 1795-1815. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-40. 1818- 1878. Par., 1881. C. i + ;E. i-t-;N. i-F Paris. Acadfimie des Sciences. M6moires de I'lnstitut National de Sciences et Arts; Sciences, math^matiques et phy- siques. Vol. 1-14. 1795-1815. Par., 1798- 1818. Vol. 6 title reads M6moires de I'lnstitut des Sciences, Lettres et Arts. Vol. 7 title reads M6moires de la classe des sciences mathfimatiques et physiques de I'lnstitut National de France. In 1816 name changed to I'Academie Royale des Sciences. Continuation of Histoire de I'Academie Royale des Sciences. Continued as M6moires de I'Academie Royale des Sciences de I'lnstitut de France. Tables generates des travaux contenus dans les M6moires. Ser. i. Vol. 1-14. 1795-1815. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-40. 1816-1878. Par., 1881. C. 1-14; E. 1-14; N. 1-14. Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. Memoires par divers savans. Sciences, math6matiques et physiques. Ser. i. Vol. 1-2. 1805-1811. Ser. 2, Vol. i-|- i827-h Par., 1805-f- Continuation of M6moires pr6sent6s k I'ln- stitut des Sciences. Tables gfin^rales des travaux contenus dans les Memoires. Ser. i, Vol. 1-2. 1805-1811. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-25. 1827-1877 in Vol. 25. Par., 1881. C. i + ;E. i-h;N. i-F Paris. Academic des Sciences. Philosophical history and memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris; or. Abridgment of all the papers 1699-1720. 5 Vols. Lond., 1742. C. 1-5; E. 1-5; N. i-s. Paris. Acad6mie des Sciences. Table gfinfirale des matiSres contenues dans I'Histoire et Memoires de I'Academie. Vol. i-io. 1666-1780. Par., 1734-1809. N. 1-9; E. 1-6. Paris. Acad^mie des Sciences. Traite physique et historique de I'aurore boreale. 1731. Amsterdam, 1735. E.;N. Patent and trade mark review. M. Vol. i-|- 1902 -|- N. Y., 1902 -{- N. I, [2], 3-4, [5-6], 7-10, [11], 12+ Patent journal and inventors' magazine. M. Vol. 1-12. 1846-1851. Lond., 1846-1851. No more published. S. 1-9. Pattern maker See Woodcraft. Paving and municipal engineering See Municipal engineering. Penn State mining quarterly See Pennsylvania State College. Mining Society. Penn State mining quarterly. Pennsylvania Forestry Association. Forest leaves. B-M. Vol. i-f- 1889-!- Phil., 1899-h E. [3-12], 13+; N. [5], 6-f Pennsylvania State College. Mining bulletin. B-M. Vol. 1-5, no. i. 1894-1899. State College, 1894-1899. No more published. C. 1-3. Pennsylvania State College. Mining Society. Penn State mining quarterly. Q. Vol. i-|- 1914+ State College, Pa., 1914+ E. I-f Pennsylvania State College. School of Engineer- ing. Engineer. Q. Vol. i-f- 1908 -f State College, Pa., 1908-f E. [1-3]. Pennsylvania Street Railway Association. Report of the annual meeting. Y. ist-i2th. 1892-1903. n.p., 1892-1903. No more information available. E. 1 2th. 8o Pennsylvania University. Chemical Laboratory. Contributions. Irreg. No. i+ 1873 -f- Phil., 1873+ Usually published in the Journal of the Amer- ican Chemical Society. N. 1-29. Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of useful knowledge. Vol. 1-9, 183 2-1840; New ser. Vol. 10-16, 1841-1846. Lond., 1832-1846. Vol. 1S-16 title reads Knight's penny maga- zine. No more published. E. 1-9, New ser. 10-16. Penny mechanic, and the chemist. W. Vol. 1-8. 1836-1842. Lond., 1836-1842. E.3. Perfumery and essential oil record. M. Vol. i-|- I9IO-H Lond., 1910+ CC. 2+ Peru. Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas. Anales. S-A. Vol. 1-2. 1874. Lima, 1874. No more information available. CE. 1-2. Peru. Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas. Boletin. Irreg. No. i-l- 1902 -|- Lima, 1902 -|- E. 1 + Petermanns Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt See Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer anstalt iiber wichtige neue erforschungen auf dem gesammtgebiete der geographic. Petroleum. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1905+ Ber., 1905 -f- E.4+ Petroleum. W. Vol. 1-5, no. 200. 1900-1904. Lond., 1900-1904. Incorporated with Petroleum review. N. [4-5]. Petroleum review. W. New ser. Vol. 1 + i896(?)+ Lond., i896(?)+ Vol. 1-7 (1896-1902) title reads Petroleum industrial and technical review. Vol. 8-10 (1903-1904) title reads Petroleum review and mining news. In August 1904 incorporates Petroleum. E. [8-10], 26+; N. [10], ii-f; CC. 1-13. Petroleum world. M. Vol. 1+ 1903+ Lond., 1903+ E.9+ Pharmaceutical journal and pharmacist. W. Vol. 1-18, 1841-1859; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-12, 1859- 1870; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-25, 1870-1895; Ser. 4, Vol. 1 + 1895+ Lond., 1841 + Vol. i-Ser. 3, Vol. 25 (1841-189S) title reads Pharmaceutical journal and transactions. Index. Vol. 1-15. 1841-1856. Lond., 1857. Index. Vol. i6-Ser. 2, Vol. 9. 1856-1868. Lond., 1869. General index. Ser. 2, Vol. lo-Ser. 3, Vol. 8. 1868-1878. Lond., 1880. CC. 1-18, Ser. 2, i-ii, Ser. 3, 1-25, Ser. 4, 1-25, 29-30, 33-1- Pharmaceutische monatsblatter See Archiv der pharmacie. Pharmaceutisches centralblatt See Chemisches central-blatt. Philadelphia Electric Company. Current news. M. Vol. i-(- 1907 -f- Phil., 1907+ Section of the National Electric Light Asso- ciation, Philadelphia, Pa. E. 6+ Philippine journal of science. B-M. Vol. i + 1906+ Manila, 1906-I- From 1907-1909 published in three sections. CC. 1 + ; C. i-H; E. i + ; N. 1 + Philippine Society of Engineers. Proceedings. Y. Vol. i-f 191 1+ Manila, 1911 + CE. i-f- Philosophical Institute of Victoria See Royal Society of Victoria. Philosophical magazine See London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science. Philosophical Society of Glasgow See Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Philosophical Society of the University of Vir- ginia See Virginia University. Philosophical Society. Philosophical Society of Washington. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-15. 1871-1910. Wash., 1874-1910. Ceased publication with Vol. 15. Combined with Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. CC. 1-15; N. 1-15; E. i-ii, [12], 13, [14], is; s. 11-15. Phonogram. M. Vol. 1-3 no. i. 1891-1893. N. Y., 1891-1893. No more information available. N. [1-3]; E. [1-2]. Photographic journal See British journal of photography. Photographic news. W. Vol. i-S2(?). 1858- i9o8(?). Lond., i858-i9o8(?). Incorporated with Amateur photographer in I908(?). P. 42-45- Photographic Society of Great Britain. Journal containing the Transactions. Vol. 1-16. 1854-1876. Lond., 1854-1876. Vol. i-is (1853-1873) known as the Photo- graphic Society of London. Continued as the Photographic journal. N. I-16; E. I. Photographic Society of London See Photographic Society of Great Britain. Photographic times. M. Vol. i-H 1870-j- N. Y., 1870+ P. 26+; S. 3. 8x Photographische chronik. Irreg. Vol. 1 + 1893+ HaUe a S., 1893+ Forms a supplement to the Atelier des photographer! und allgemeine photographen- zeitung, and the Zeitschrift fur reproductions- technik. CC. 18+ Photographische mittheilungen. M. Vol. 1 + 1864+ Ber., 1864+ CC. [15], 16, [17], 18. Photographische rundschau und photographlsches centralblatt. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1887+ Halle a. S., 1887+ CC. 23-25. Photo-miniature. M. Vol. 1+ 1899 -|- N. Y., 1899+ P. 1 + Physical review. M. Vol. 1-35, 1893-1912; Ser. 2, Vol. 1+ 1913+ N. Y., 1893+ In February 1903 the Bulletin of the Ameri- can Physical Society was discontinued and its Proceedings published in the Physical review. C. I-3S, Ser. 2, i + ; E. 1-35, Ser. 2, i + ; N. 1-35, Ser. 2, i + ; CE. [17], 18-35, Ser. 2, i+; S. i-S» 3i-33» Ser. 2, z+; CC. 16, [17], 18, [19], 20-35, Ser. 2, i-f Physical Society of London. Abstracts of physical papers from foreign sources. Vol. 1-3. 1895-1897. Lond., 1895- 1897. Continued as Science abstracts. E. 1-3; N. I. Physical Society of London. Physical memoirs. Vol. i, pts. 1-3. 1888- 1890. Lond., 1891. E. i; N. I. Physical Society of London. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-f- i874H- Lond., 1874-I- C. i-h;E. i-l-;N. i-f;S. 1-7. Physikalisch-chemisches centralblatt See Fort- schritte der chemie, physik und physikalischen chemie. Physikalisch-technische Reichsanstalt. Wissenschaftliche abhandlungen. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1894-1- Ber., 1894+ S. 1-5; E. 1-4; N. 1-3. Physikalische Gesellschaf t zu Berlin See Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Physikalische zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. i-|- October 1899-i- Lpz., 1899-f C. i + ; E. I-f; N. i-f-; CC. [12- i3l- Physikalischer Verein zu Frankfurt-am-Main. Jahresbericht. Y. 1837 -|- Frankfurt-am- Main, 1837-I- N. 1897-1900, 1910. Pittsburgh University. Mellon Institute of In- dustrial Research and School of Special Industries. Smoke investigation. Bulletin. Irreg. No. i-|- 1913-f Pitts- burgh, 1913+ E. i-f- Plumber and sanitary engineer See Engineering record. Plumbing & heating magazine. M. Vol. i-|- 191 2 -f- Phil., 191 2 -f- E. [i], 2+ Poggendorff's Annalen der physik See Annalen der physik und chemie. Polytechnic. 10 nos. Y. Vol. i-|- i88s-f- Troy, N. Y., 1885+ CE. [i], 2-f ; E. [23-24], 25-1- Polytechnic engineer. Y. Vol. i-|- 1901-f- Brook- lyn, N. Y., 1901-1- E. 1-7, lo-i-; CE. 1-5, 10, 12-I-; C. lo-f; S. lo-f Polytechnic journal. M. Vol. 1-8. 1839-1843. Lond., 1839-1843. Continued as London, Edinburgh, and Dub- lin polytechnic journal. E. 1-6. Polytechnic review. M. Vol. 1-6. 1876-1878. Phil., 1876-1878. Consolidated with Engineering and mining journal in 1879. CE. 1-6; N. 1-6. Polytechnisches notizblatt fur chemiker, gewerbe- treibende, fabrikanten und kunstler. Vol. 1-49. 1846-1894. Frankfurt-a-Main, 1846-1894. No more published. Incorporated with Wieck's Illustrirte ge- werbe-zeitung. N. 1-33, 38-49- Polytechnischer Verein in MUnchen. Bayerisches industrie-imd gewerbeblatt. M. Vol. 1-19. 1869-1887. Mun., 1869-1887. Continuation of Kunst-und gewerbe-blatt. N. 1-19. Polytechnischer Verein in Miinchen. Kunst-imd gewerbe-blatt. M. Vol. 1-54. 1815-1868. Miin., 1815-1868. Continued as Bayerisches industrie-und gewerbeblatt. N. 3-S4. Polytechnisches centralblatt. S-M. Vol. 1-41. 1835-1875. Lpz., 1835-1875. No more published. C. 1-41; N. 1-41, Polytechnisches journal See Dingler's polytech- nisches journal. Polyteknisk Forening i Christiania. Polyteknisk tidsskrift. Vol. 1-29. 1854- 1882. Christiania, 1854-1882. Continued as Norsk teknisk tidsskrift, which was published by the Norske Ingenior-og Arkitekt-Forening and the Polytekniske Forening. Since 1897 known as Teknisk ugeblad. N. 1-39. 82 Polyteknisk tidsskrift See Polyteknisk Forening i Christiania. Pol3^eknisk tidsskrift. Popular electric monthly. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 5. 1892-1893. Chic, 1892-1893. No more information available. E. [i], 2. Popular electricity and modem mechanics See World's advance. Popular electricity and the world's advance See World's advance. Popular electricity magazine See World's advance. Popular engineer. M. Vol. 1+ 191 1+ Perth Amboy, N. J., 191 1 + E. [4]+ Popular mechanics magazine. M. Vol. 1+ 1902+ Chic, 1902+ N. 1-5, [6], 7+ Popular science monthly. M. Vol. 1+ 1872+ N. Y., 1872+ Vol. 48-57. no. I title reads Appletons' popu- lar science monthly. Supplement. Nos. 1-21. 1877-1878. N. Y., 1877-1878. Index. Vol. 1-20. 1872-1882 and Vol. 1-3 of the Supplement. N. Y., 1883. Index. Vol. 1-40. 1872-1892 andNos. i- 21 of the Supplement. N. Y., 1893. C. i + ; E. i-f; P. i+; CE. 1-15, [16]. Popular science news. M. Vol. 1-36. 1866-1902. Bost.,-N. Y., 1866-1902. Vol. 1-27 published in Boston. Vol. I title reads Boston journal of chemistry and pharmacy. Vol. 2-16 title reads Boston journal of chem- istry. Vol. 17-29 title reads Popular science news and Boston journal of chemistry. At different periods the Boston journal of chemistry absorbed several periodicals, namely: Field and school naturalist, Health and home. Health keeper. Young scientist Industrial monthly. Technologist, Home arts, Minerals, Archaeologist, Youth's journal. Hall's journal of health. Health monthly, Natural science news. In 1903 consolidated with American in- ventor. N. [6-7], 8, [9], 10, [11, 16], 17-36; P. 29-36; CC. 4-16, [17], 18-20; E. [28, 30], 31, [32]. Portefeuille 6conomique des machines de I'out- rillage et du materiel relatifs k la construction. M. Vol. 1-20, 1856-1875; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-16, 1876-1891; Ser. 4, Vol. i-io, 1892-1902; Ser. 5, Vol. i-io, 1902-1912; Ser. 6, Vol. i-f- 1913+ Par., 1856-f- N. 1-20, Ser. 3, 1-16, Ser. 4, i-io, Ser. 5, i-io, Ser. 6, i-f; CE. 6-20, Ser. 3, 1-16, Ser. 4, i-io, Ser. 5, I-IO, Ser. 6, 1-+-; E. 1-5, 17-20, Ser. 3, 3, 11-12, Ser. 5, 7-10, Ser. 6, i-|- Posselt's textile journal. M. Vol. 1+ October 1907-f- Phil., 1907-I- N. i-t- Post Ofl&ce electrical engineers' journal See Institution of Post Office Electrical Engineers. Post Office electrical engineers' journal. Postal, telegraphic, and telephonic gazette. Vol. I. 1883-1884. Lond., 1883-1884. No more information available. E. I. W. Pottery and glass. M. Vol. i-f- 1908+ N. Y., 1908 -f Incorporated Glass and pottery world in April 1909. E. [2]. Power. W. Vol. i-f 1880+ N. Y., 1880+ There was one number of Power printed in September 1884 (Vol. i, no. i). In November 1884 the magazine Steam, which was published in Chicago, consolidated with Power. The first number of Power was ignored entirely. Two series of numbering continued foi six numbers after the consolida- tion namely: Vol. i, no. 1-6 and Vol. s, no. 1-6 which is the next volume number of Steam. After number 6 the volume number i is dropped and volume s is retained. The publication office was moved to New York and the title for volumes s-n (188S-1891) reads Power-Steam. In May 1903 Science and industry consoli- dated with Power. In December 1907 Engineers' review (Cleve- land) consolidated with Power. In May 1908 Engineer (Chicago) was in- corporated with Power and the title became Power and the engineer. Beginning 1908 changed from monthly to weekly publication. E. 7+; N. [5], 6-10, 13-14, [15], 16-I-; CE. 21-H; S. 13, [20, 24-26], 27-1- ; CC. 24-33; C. 5, 17. Power and lighting economist. Q. Vol. 1-5, no. 3. 1901-1905. Troy, N. Y., 1901-1905. No more information available. E. 1-4. Power and the engineer See Power. Power and transmission. M. Vol. i-f- 1885+ Mishawaka, Ind., 1885 -f- N. [2], 3-4, [5-6], 7, [8-9, 18], 20-f-; E. 11-12. Power wagon. M. No. i-H 1906-I- Chic, 1906-}- N. 1-3, 5-7, 9-17, 19-39, 41-57, 61-70, 73-74; E. 51-}-; C. io2-f- Practical electricity. B-W. Vol. 1-4, July 1891- March 1893. August 1887-March 1893. Bost., 1887-1893. Published monthly until July 1891. No more published. E. 1-2, [3], 4, 1891-1893. Practical engineer. W. Vol. i-f 1887+ Lond., 1887-H In 1903 incorporated Engineers' gazette. E. 1-4, 7-+-; N. i6-f; CE. 1-4. Practical engineer (Chicago). S-M. Vol. i-f- 1897-}- Chic, 1897-I- Published monthly until 1912. E. [12], 13-I- Practical magazine. Vol. 1-6. 1873-1876. Lond., 1873-1876. N. 1-6; E. i-s. 83 Practical mechanic and engineer's magazine. M. Vol. 1-4, 1841-1845; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-2, 1845-1847. Glasgow, 1841-1847. No more published. CE. 1-4, Ser. 2, 1-2; E. 1-4, Ser. 2, 1-2. Practical mechanics journal. M. Vol. 1-8, 1848- 1856; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-9, 1857-1865; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-8, 1865-1873. Glasgow, 1848-1873. No more information available. Illustrated index. Vol. 1-4. Lond., 1854. E. 1-8, Ser. 2, 1-9, Ser. 3, 1-5; CE. 1-7, Ser. 2, 1-9, Ser. 3, 1-4, [5]. Praktischemaschinen-konstructeur. S-M. Vol. i-(- 1868-I- Lpz., 1868-f- Generalregister. 1868-1880. Lpz., 1881. E. 1-20, [22, 41], 42-f-; N. 30-f Pratique automobile & a^ronautique. S-M. Year i-f 1905-I- Par., 1905-H E. 7+ Professional papers on Indian engineering. Q. Vol. 1-7, 1863-1870; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-9, 1871-1881; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-4, 1882-1886. Roorkee, 1863-1886. Index to Ser. i. Vol. 1-7. Roorkee, 1871. Index to Ser. 2. Vol. 1-5. Roorkee, 1877. , , CE. Ser. 2, 1-5, 7-8, Ser. 3, [2-4]; N. I, [2], 6, [7], Ser. 2, [1-2, 9]. Progressive age See Gas age. Prometheus. W. Vol. 1+ 1889-!- Ber., 1889-I- E. i-h; N. [10, 13, is-20]. Promyshlenost i torgovla. S-M. Vol. i-f 1904-!- St. Petersburg, 1904 -|- E.9-I- Przeglad techniczny. W. Vol. i-f- 1863 -f- Wars- zawa, 1863 -f E. [50-52], 53+ Public health engineer. W. Vol. i-|- 1897-!- Lond., 1897-I- W. [1S-16]; E. [17-18]. Public service. M. Vol. i-|- i9o6-f- Chic, 1906 -H E. i + ; C. 5, 9-I-; CC. i-ii; N. [1-3], 4+ Public service. M. Vol. 1-3, no. 2. 1907. Port- land, Ore., 1907. No more information available. E. [2-3]. Public service record. M. Vol. 1+ June 1914-!- N. Y., 1914+ E. I-f Public service regulation See National Associa- tion of Railway Commissioners. Public service regulation. Public works. Q. Vol. i-}- 1903-I- Lond., 1903-f- N. i-io; CE. 6-9. Pumpen-und brunnenbau. W. Vol. i-|- 1905-!- Ber., 1905 -f- N. 2+ Purdue engineering review. Y. No. i-f 1905-I- Lafayette, Ind., 1905 -|- No. I title reads Engineering review. Continuation of the Proceedings of the Purdue Society of Civil Engineering. E. i+; CE. 1-5; S. 2. Purdue Society of Civil Engineering. Proceedings. Nos. 1-8. 1896-1904. La- Fayette, Ind., 1896-1904. Continued as the Purdue engineering review. CE. 1-8; N. 1-2. Pure products. M. Vol. i-t- 1905 -|- N. Y., 190S + CC. i-h Quarry. M. Vol. i-|- 1896+ Lond., 1896-f E. I2-f Quarterly journal of science See Journal of science and annals of astronomy, biology, geology, in- dustrial arts, etc. Queensland government mining journal. M. Vol. 1+ June 19004- Brisbane, 1900-}- E. i-H Quito. Universidad Central de Ecuador. Anales. M. Vol. i-f- 1883-!- Quito, 1883+ Often called the Universidad de Quito. CE. 10-12. Radium. M. Vol. i-f- April 1913+ Pittsburgh, 1913+ E.3+ Radium. M. Vol. 1+ 1904 -|- Par., 1904 -f C. i+; E. 6-h; N. 9. Railroad advocate. W. Vol. 1-4, no. 11. No- vember i8s4-September 1857. N. Y., 1854-1857. Vol. 2-3, no. 12 (May i8ss-August 1856) title reads Colburn's railroad advocate. Vol. 3, no. 13-V0I. 4, no. 6 (August 1856- July 1837) title reads Holley's railroad advo- cate. Vol. 4, no. 7-1 1 (July-September 1857) title reads American engineer. E. 1-4; CE. 2. Railroad age gazette See Railway age gazette. Railroad and engineering journal See American engineer and railroad journal. Railroad car journal. M. Vol. 1-12, no. i. 1891- January 1902. N. Y., 1891-1902. Vol. I (1891) title reads Journal of railroad car heating, lighting and ventilating. Vol. 11-12 (1901-1902) title reads Railroad digest. In February 1902 incorporated with Railway machinery, which later became the Railway edition of Machinery. E. 2-11; N. [i], 2-10 [n] 12; CE. [3], 4-12. 84 Railroad digest See Railroad car journal. Railroad gazette See Railway age gazette. Railroad herald. M. Vol. i+ i896(?)+ Atlanta, Ga., i896(?)+ E. 12, [i8], 19+ Railway age. W. Vol. 1-45. 1876-1908. Chic, I 876-1908. In 1891 (Vol. 16, no. 38) incorporated North- western railroader and title became Railway age and northwestern railroader which was retained until Vol. 31, no. 17 (May 1907) when the former title was resumed. In June 1908 combined with Railroad gazette and formed Railroad age gazette, retaining the volume number of Railroad gazette. N. [4], S-7, [8-9], 10, [11], 12, [13], 14, [15-20], 21-45; CE. [3-4], 5, [6], 7-13, [14], 15-28, [29], 30-45; E. 19-45; C. 12-28; S. [38, 41], 43-44, [45]. Railway age gazette. W. Vol. i-|- 1870-f Chic- N. Y., 1870-I- Vol. 1-44, 1870-1908, title reads Railroad gazette. In June 1908 Railroad gazette combined with Railway age and formed Railroad age gazette, retaining the volume number of Railroad gazette. In January 1910 the title changed from Railroad age gazette to Railway age gazette. E. I + ; CE. 34-; S. 2-3, 23-24, [25-26], 27-I-; C. 14-53. Railway age gazette. Mechanical edition. M. Vol. 87, no, 6-|- 1913-I- N. Y., 1913-I- Continuation of American engineer and railroad journal. CE. 87-f; E. 87+; P. 87-f; S.87+ Railway and engineering review See Railway re- view. Railway and locomotive engineering. M. Vol. i-f- 1888-}- N. Y., i888-f Vol. 1-4 title reads Locomotive engineer. Vol. S-13 title reads Locomotive engineering. E. i + ; CE. 7-10, [14], 15, [16], 17-f Railway Club of Pittsburgh. Official proceedings. 9 nos. Y. Vol. i-j- 1902-+- Pittsburgh, 1902-f- E. i + ; N. 1-7. Railway electrical engineer See Association of Railway Electrical Engineers. Railway electrical engineer. Railway engineer. M. Vol. i-}- i88o-F Lond., i88o-f N. 6-9, 19-I-; CE. lo-f ; E. 30-f Railway engineering and maintenance of way. M. Vol. i-h 1905+ Chic, 1905 -t- E. [5], 6-f Railway gazette. W. Vol. i-|- i893-f Lond., 1893 -H London edition of Railroad age gazette. CE. 6-f;E. 8-H Railway journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1898-f Chic, 1898-f E. [17-18]. Railway journal of Canada See Machine shop. Railway machinery See Machinery. Railway edition. RaUway master-mechanic M. Vol. i-f 1878-j- Chic, 1878-1- Incorporated Railway purchasing agent and supply trade journal. Vol. i7-i8, no. s (1893-1894) title reads Railway engineering and mechanics. E. 16-21, 23-f-; N. [9, 16-18], 19, [20], 2I-I-; S. 8, [31], 32-f ; CE. [9], 13-29, [30]. M. Vol. 1-2. 1873-1874. CE. 2. W. Vol. i-H 1864+ Lond., Railway monitor, N. Y., 1873-1874. Railway news. i864-f- N. [27, 63-64, 69, 74], 75-f; N.91-I- Railway news (New York). M. Vol. 1-10, no. 4. i88i(?)-i89o(?). N. Y., i88i-i89o(?). No more information available. E. [9]; 10. Railway reporter. M. Vol. 1-6. 1880-1884. Pitts- burgh, I 880-1 884. No more information available. E. 1,4-6; CE. [l]. Railway review. W. Vol. i-|- i86i-f Chic, i86i-h Vol. 37, no. 14-V0I. 53 (1897-1913) title reads Railway and engineering review. CE. i8-f; E. 20-f; C. 27-f; N. [28-29, 31-36], 37-1- Railway Signal Association. Journal. Q. Vol. i-|- 1909-}- Bethlehem, Pa., 1909-}- E. i + ;N. i-f Railway Signal Association. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1-5. 1895-1908. Bethlehem, Pa., 1 906-1 908. Vol. 1-2 title reads Digest of proceedings and is a re-publication of the Proceedings of the Railway Signaling Club and the Railway Sig- nal Association from 1895-1905. E. 1-5; N. 1-2, 4-5; CE. 2-5. Railway Signaling Club See Railway Signal Association. Railway Storekeepers' Association. Annual meeting. Y. Vol. i-|- Buffalo, N. Y., 1904-I- E. 9th. Railway times. W 1838-I- Incorporated Herapath's railway journal. N. 1-18, 47, 72+; E. 95 -I- ; CE. 35-37, [38]. Railway times. M. Vol. i-6(?). i892-i897(?). Chic, i892-i897(?). No more information available. E. [i]. 1904-1- Vol. i-f 1838-1- Lond., 8s Railway world. W. Vol. i+ 1875+ PWl., 1875+ From 1856-1874 known as the United States railroad and mining register. CE. 2-48, [49, 53], 54+ ; N. i-io, [12, 14], IS, [17-21], 22, [23-24, 26, 28], 29, 48+; E. 6-16, 18-20, [21, 55-56]; C. 7. Railway world See Tramway and railway world. Rassegna mineraria della industria chimica e delle Industrie mineralurgiche e metallurgiche See Rassegna mineraria metallurgica e chimica. Rassegna mineraria e delle Industrie mineralur- giche e metallurgiche See Rassegna mineraria metallurgica e chimica. Rassegna mineraria metallurgica e chimica. T-M. Vol. i-f 1894-I- Torino, 1894-!- Vol. 1-2 1 title reads Rassegna mineraria e delle Industrie mineralurgiche e metallurgiche. Vol. 22-29 title reads Rassegna mineraria della industria chimica e delle Industrie mineralurgiche e metallurgiche. E. [6-10], II, [12], 13-15, [16], 17-I- Rauch imd staub. M. Vol. i-|- 1910-I- Diissel- dorf, 1910+ CC. i-2,-[3]; E. 3-H Recueil de m^moires, ou Collection de pieces Acad6miques, concemant la m6decine I'anatomie & la chirurgie, la chymie, la physique experimentale, la botanique & I'histoire naturelle, tir6es des meilleures sources. Vol. 1-16. 1 754-1 787. Dijon,- Par., 1754-1787. N. i-i6; E. 1-4. Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas. Irreg. Vol. 1-15, 1882-1896; Ser. 2, Vol. 1 + 1897-I- Leide, 1882-t- CC. i-f; C. i-is, Ser. 2, i-|-; N. Ser. 2, i-f- Refrigerating world. M. Vol. 1-18, 34-I- 1899+ N. Y., 1899+ Vol. i-io, no. 5 (1899-1904) title reads Cold storage. In April 1900 Ice world was consolidated with Ice trade journal. In June 1904 Ice trade journal (Vol. 27, no. 11) and Cold storage (Vol. 11, no. 6) consoli- dated and formed Cold storage and ice trade journal. This title was retained until July 1913 (Vol. 46), when the title became Re- frigerating world. A double volume numbering continues from June 1904-September 1907, when the Cold storage number is dropped and volume 34, being the volume number of Ice trade journal, is retained. N. 1-18, 34+; E. 7-18, 34+; S. [12], 14-18, 34-1- Register of arts and journal of patent inventions. B-W. Vol. 1-4, 1823-1827; New ser. Vol. 1-7, 1828-1832. Lond., 1823-1832. The title of the first series reads Register of the arts and sciences. E. 1-4; S. New ser. 1-3, Register of the arts and sciences See Register of arts and journal of patent inventions. Reimann's farber-zeitung See Farberzeitung. Rensselaer Society of Engineers. Papers read before the Society. Irreg. Vol. 1-2. 1876-1882. Troy, N. Y., 1876- 1882. No more published. CE. [1-2]. Rensselaer Society of Engineers. Selected paf>ers. Irreg. Vol. 1-2, no. 3. 1884-1894. Troy, N. Y., 1884-1894. No more published. CE. 1-2. Repertoire de pharmacie. M. Vol. 1-29, 1844- 1873; New ser. Vol. 1-14, 1874-1888; Ser. 3, Vol. 1+ 1889+ Par., 1844+ In 1876 combines with Journal de chimie m6dicale and continues as Repertoire de pharmacie et Journal de chimie mSdicale r6unis. In 1888 incorporated Archives de pharmacie and title reads Repertoire de pharmacie et archives de pharmacie rSunis. CC. [1-2], 3, [4-5], 6-8, [9-11], 12- 13, [14], Ser. 3, 1-4, [5], 6, [7-9], Repertoire gen6ral de chimie pure et appliqu6e See Revue gln^rale de chimie pure et appliqufie. Supplement. Repertoire g6n6ral de chimie pure et appliqu6e. Repertorium der analytischen chemie. W. Vol. 1-7. 1881-1887. Hamburg, 1881-1887. Combined with Zeitschrift fur die chemische Industrie in 1887 and formed Zeitschrift fttr angewandte chemie. CC. [i], 5-6, [7]. Repertoritun der experimental-physik See Reper- torium der physik. Repertorium der physik. Pts. 1-3, 1832, 1836, Vol. 1-8, 1837-1849. Ber., 1832-1849. In 1832 3 parts were published in Leipzig under the title of Repertorium der experi- mental-physik. In 1836 published under the title of Neues repertorium der experimental-physik. E. 1-8; N. 1-8. Repertorium der physik. Vol. 1-27. 1865-1891. Miin., 1865-1891, Vol. 1-3, 1865-1867 title reads Repertorium fur physikalische technik f(ir mathematische und astronomische instrumentenkunde. Vol. 4-18, 1868-1882 title reads Repertorium fflr experimental-physik, fur physikalische technik. General-register. Vol. 1-15. Miin., 1881. E. 1-27; N. 1-27; S. 1-9. Repertoritmi der technischen literatur. Y. 1823- 1853; New ser. Vol. 1-4, 1854-1873; New ser. Vol. 1-2, 1874-1878; New ser. Vol. 1-30, 1879- 1908. Lpz., 1856-1909. From 1877 this index was issued from the Kaiserlich Patent Amt. Ceased publication in 1908. Continued as Fortschritte der technik. E. 1823-1853; New ser. 1-4, New ser. 1-2, New ser. 1-30; N, 1823- 1853, New ser. 1-4, New ser. 1-2, New ser. 1-30; P. 1823-1853, New ser. 1-4, New ser. 1-2, New ser. 1-30; P. 1823-1853, New ser. 1-4, New ser. 1-2, New ser. 1-30; CC. 1823-1853, New ser. 1-4, New ser. 1-2, New ser. 1-30; C. New ser. 1-30. 86 Repertorium fiir experimentaJ-physik, fiir phy- sikalische technik See Repertorium der physik. Repertorium fiir physikalische technik fiir mathe- matische und astronomische instrumentenkunde See Repertorium der physik. Repertory of arts and manufactures See Repertory of patent inventions and other discoveries and im- provements in arts, manufactures, and agriculture. Repertory of arts, manufactures, and agriculture See Repertory of patent inventions and other discoveries and improvements in arts, manu- factures, and agriculture. Repertory of patent inventions and other dis- coveries and improvements in arts, manufactures, and agriculture. Vol. 1-16, 1794-1802; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-46, 1802-1825; New ser. Vol. 1-16, 1825- 1833; New ser. Vol. 1-18, 1 834-1 842; Enl. ser. Vol. 1-40, 1843-1862. Lond., 1794-1862. Series i title reads Repertory of arts and manufactures. Series 2 title reads Repertory of arts, manu- factures, and agriculture. Index. Vol. 1-6. Lond., 1806. Index. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-25. Lond., 1815. General index. 181 5-1845. Lond., 1846. N. 1-16, Ser. 2, 1-46, New ser. 1-16, New ser. 1-18, Enl. ser. 1-40; E. 1-16, Ser. 2, I-4S, New ser. 1-18, Enl. ser. 1-40; S. 1-16, Ser. 2, 2-3, 5, 8-1 1, New ser. 1-17, 19-24; CE. Enl. ser. 1-40. Reporter. M. Vol. 1+ 1868-I- Chic, 1868+ N.30+ Review See National Foimders' Association. Review. Review of American chemical research See Amer- ican Chemical Society. Review of American chemi- cal research. Review of gas and water engineering See Gas and water review. Review of the telegraph and telephone See Elec- trical review and western electrician, Revista de construcciones y agrimensura. M. Vol. 1+ 1899-I- Habana, 1899+ CE. 2-1- Revista de ingenieria y arquitectura See Instituto de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Valparaiso. Revista de ingenieria y arquitectura. Revista de obras publicas e minas See AssociafSo dos Engenheiros Civis Portuguezes. Revista de obras publicas e minas. Revista di artiglieria e genio. Vol. 1-21. 1895- 1904. Roma, 1895-1904. No more information available. C. 20-21. Revista minera See Revista minera metaliirgica y de ingenieria. Revista minera e industrial. W. Vol. 1-4, no. 24. 1888-August 1891. Mexico, 1888-1891. No more information available. E. [1-4]. Revista minera metaWrgica y de ingenieria. W. Vol. i-l- 1850-I- Madrid, 1850-f- Vol. r-33 title reads Revista minera. Vol. 34-36 title reads Revista minera y metaldrgica. Indice general. 1850-1857. Indice general alfab^tico. Vol. 1-25. 1850-1874. Madrid, 1874. E. [54-ss], 56-57, [58], 59+; N. [57-59I; C. 36-39- Revista tecnol6gico industrial See Asociaci6n de Ingenieros Industriales de Barcelona. Revista tecnol6gico industrial. Revue de chimie industrielle. M. Vol. 1-}- 1890-I- Par., 1890+ N. 8-20. Revue de I'aviation. M. Vol. i-f 1906+ Par., 1906+ E. [3], 4+ Revue de I'electrochimie et de I'electrometallurgie. M. Vol. 1+ 1907-f- Par., 1907-h Continuation of Electrochimie. E. i + ;N.i-|-;CC.[2-7]. Revue de I'ingenieur et index technique. M. Vol. i-|- 1903+ Lond.-Bruxelles, 1903-f- Vol. 1-3 title reads Index de la presse tech- nique. Vol. 4-s title reads Engineering press monthly index review. Vol. 10-18 title reads Technical index. E. 1-I-; CE. [i], 2+; N. 3-16; S. 5-6, [7], 8-10, [11]; C. [17], 18+ Revue de mficanique. M. Vol. i-|- i897-f Par., 1897+ Tables d^cennales des matifires et des noms. 1 89 7- 1 906. Par., 1907. CE. i-i-;E. i-f- Revue de mfitallurgie. M. Vol. i-f 1904 -f- Par., 1904-f CC. i+; C. i+; E. i+; N. 1-3; CE. 5-8. Revue du p^trole. M. Vol. 1-5, no. 10. 1908- October 1912. Bucarest, 1908-1912. No more information available. E. [4-5]. Revue 61ectrique. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1904 -|- Par., 1904+ Organ de L'Union des Syndicats de I'Elec- tricit6. E. i-|-;N.9-f Revue g6n6rale de chimie pure et appliqufie, S-M. Vol. 1+ 1899-1- Par., 1899-1- Vol. i-s published monthly. Supplement. Repertoire g6n6ral de chimie pure et appliqu^e. CC. [i], 2-8, [9], 10, [11], I2-1-; N. [9-11]. 87 Revue g6n6rale de chimie pure et appliquee. Supplement. R6pertoire g6n6ral de chimie pure et appliqu6e. S-M. Vol. i+ 1901 + Par., 1901 + Vol. 1-2 published monthly. Published with the Revue g6n§rale. CC. i+; N. 9-10, Revue g6n6rale de la construction metallique et de la serrurerie. Vol. i. 1901. Par., 1901. Ceased publication. N.I. Revue g6n6rale des chemins de fer et des tram- ways. M. Vol. 1+ 1878+ Par., 1878+ Table g6n6rale. 1878-1891. Par., 1884-1892. Table analytique des matifires. Par., I9CX3. CE. i+; N. 1 + ; E. 16+; C. 1-16. Revue g6n6rale des mati^res colorantes et de leurs applications aux textiles. M. Vol. i-f 1897 + Par., 1897+ CC. 1-7, 11 + ; N. 5-7, 14-15. Revue g6n6rale des sciences pures et appliquees. S-M. Vol. i-l- 1890-1- Par., 1890-I- C. i + ; N. i + ; CC. ii-h; E. 11 + ; CE. 3-10. Revue industrielle. W. Vol. 1+ 1871-H Par., 1871 + Incorporated Chronique de I'industrie in 1873. E. I-f; N. [23-25], 28-42; C. 26. Revue Internationale de I'filectricitd et de ses applications. S-M. Vol. i-ii. 1885-1890. Par., 1885-1890. Combined with Electricien in 1891. N. i-ii; E. [i], 2, 4-10, [11]. Revue mineralurgique. M. Vol. i-f- 1903-I- Par., 1903 -h E. i-s. Revue pratique de I'^lectricit^. S-M. Vol. i-|- i892-f- Par., 1892-I- E. 23+ Revue scientifique, industrielle et commerciale des m^taux & alliages. M. Vol. i-|- October 1908-f Par., 1908-f E. i-H Revue scientifique et industrielle. Y. Vol. 1-2. 1897-1899. Par., 1898-1900. No more information available. N. I, [2]. Revue technique. S-M. Vol. 1-27, no. 2. 1880- January 1906. Par., 1880-1906. Ceased publication January 1906. CE. 1-27; N. 18-27; E. [25-26]. Revue technique et industrielle. M. Vol. i-|- 1902-I- Par., i902-{- N. [8-9]. Revue technologique. S-M. Vol. i. 1903. Par., 1903. No more information available. CE. i;E. I. Revue universelle des mines, de la m6tallurgie. M. Ser. I, Vol. 1-40, 1857-1876; Bar. 2, Vol. 1-22, 187 7-1887; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-60, 1888-1902; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-40, 1903-1912; Ser. 5, Vol. i-f- i9i3-{- Par., 1857+ Table g6n6rale des matiSres. Ser. i. 1857-1876. Par., 1878. Table des matiSres. Ser. 3. 1888-1902. Par., 1903. C. Ser. 1, 1-40, Ser. 2, 1-22, Ser. 3, 1-60, Ser. 4, 1-40, Ser. 5, i+; E. Ser. 1, 1-40, Ser. 2, 1-22, Ser. 3, 1-60, Ser. 4, 1-40, Ser. 5, i-|-; CC. Ser. 2, 4-1 1, [12], 13-20, [21-22], Ser. 3, 1-4, [5], 6-7, [8], 9-14, [15], 16-18, [19], 20; S. Ser. 2, 1-3, [4-7]; P. Ser. 3, 52. Richmond Railroad Club. Official proceedings. M. Vol. i-f- 1901-!- Richmond, Va., 1901-I- N. [2-6, 8], 9+; E. [2-3]. Rigasche industrie-zeitung. S-M. Vol. i-f 18V5+ Riga, 1875+ CE. 2-f ; N. [25-28]. Rivista marittima. M. Vol. i-|- 1868-I- Roma, i868-h Indice generate analitico. 1876-1885. Roma, 1886. Indice. 1897-1901. Roma, 1904. Indice. 1908-1910. Roma, 1911. N. 33-[-; E. 41, [42-43]. 44+ Rivista tecnica delle ferrovie Italiane. M. Vol. i-H 1912-t- Roma, 19124- E. i-H Rivista tecnica delle scienze, delle art! applicate all'industria. M. Vol. 1-6. 1901-1906. Torino, 1901-1906. Ceased publication. N. 1-6. Rivista telegrafica. Vol. i. 1881. Napoli, 1881. No more information available. E. I. Roadmaster and foreman. M. Vol. 1-16, no. 10. 1886-1906. Chic, 1886-1906. In 1906 incorporated with Engineering-con- tracting. CE. [4], 5-16. Roadmasters' and Maintenance of Way Associa* tion of America. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-l- i883-f- v.p., 1883-I- CE. ist-f- Rock products and building materials. M. Vol. 1+ 1902-I- Chic, 1902-f Vol. s-6 ( 1 90s- 1 906) published alternately in two editions: Stone edition and Manu- factured products and concrete edition, but numbered consecutively as parts of the same volume. Vol. 7-9, no. S (1906-1907) editions are pub- lished separately. Since June 1907 published as two separate publications: American stone trade and Roclc products and building materials. N. 3+; E. [5-6], 7+; CE. [s-8], 9-10; C. [12], 13+ 88 Rocky Mountain coal journal. M. Vol. i, no. 1-9. 1908. Denver, Colo., 1908. Continued as American coal journal. No more information available. N.I. Roholindustrie. M. Vol. 1+ 1910+ Wien, 1910+ E.S+ Rohrleger See Gesiindheits-ingenieur. Roller mill. M. Vol. 1+ 1882+ Buffalo, N. Y., 1882+ N. 1-7, [8], 9-10, [11-12, 15, 17, 23-26]. Romberg's allgemeines polytechnisches journal. Vol. 1-2. 1838-1839. Hamburg, 1838-1839. N. 1-2. Rose technic. M. Vol. 1+ 1891+ Terre Haute, Ind., 1891+ Indez, author and subject. 1891-1912. n.p., n.d. CE. 7-9, [lo-ii], 12+; E. 11 + Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom See Flight. Royal Cornwall Pol3rtechnic Society. Annual report. Y. No. 1+ 1833+ Fal- mouth, 1833+ General index. No. 1-16 in No. 16. General index. No. 17-35 "^ No. 36. General index. No. 36-46 in No. 46. N. 1-18, 20-22, 24-77. Royal Dublin Society. Economic proceedings. Irreg. 18994- Dublin, 1899-I- E. i-h; C. I, [2]. Vol. i-f- Royal Dublin Society. Scientific proceedings. Irreg. New ser. Vol. 1+ 1878-f Dublin, 1878+ From 1858-1877 published as the Journal. Index to Proceedings and Transactions. 1877-1909. Dublin, 1899-1910. C. i-|-;N. i-}-;E. 12-f Royal Dublin Society. Scientific transactions. Irreg. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-9. 1877-1909. Dublin, 1877-1909. No more published. Index to Proceedings and Transactions^ 1877-1909. Dublin, 1899-1910. C. 1-9. Royal Engineers, Corps of. Papers of subjects coimected with the duties of the Corps. Irreg. Vol. i-io, 1837-1849; New ser. Vol. 1-23, 1851-1876. Lond., 1837- 1876. Continued as Professional papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Occasional papers, pub- lished by the Royal Engineers Institute. Index from the commencement to New series Vol. 20. 1837-1872. Woolwich, 1872. Index. 1837-1892. Chatham, 1893. N. i-io. New ser. 1-23; S. i-io; E. I, 3-10, New ser. 17-18. Royal Engineers Institute. Professional papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Occasional papers. Irreg. Vol. 1-30, 1877-1904; Ser. 4, Vol. 1 + 19054- Chatham, 1877-I- Continuation of the Papers on subjects con- nected with the duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. N. 1-30, Ser. 4,1-1- Royal Engineers Institute. Royal engineers journal. M. Vol. i-|- 1905 -|- Chatham, 1905+ N. i-l- Royal engineers journal See Royal Engineers In- stitute. Royal engineers journal. Royal Geographical Society. Geographical journal. M. Vol. i-f- 1893-I- Lond., 1893-t- Continuation of the Proceedings. Index. Vol. 1-20. 1893-1902. Lond., 1906. N. 14-; E. 1-32. Royal Geographical Society of London. Journal. Vol. 1-50. 1830-1880. Lond., 1833-1881. No more published. Atlas, maps and plates. Vol. i-ii. Lond., 1831-1841. General index. Vol. 1-30. 1844-1867. Lond., 1844-1867. General index. Vol. 31-50. 1881-1884. Lond., 1881-1884. E. 1-50. Royal Geographical Society of London. Proceedings. Vol. 1-22, 1855-1878; New ser. Vol. 1-14, 1879-1892. Lond., 1855-1892. Continued as the Geographical Journal. E. 1-22, New ser. 1-14. Royal Geographical Society of London. Supplementary papers. Vol. 1-4. 1886-1890. Lond., 1886-1890. E. 1-4. Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ i8i8-f Lond., i8i84- E. 1-8, I3+; N. 1-4. Royal Institute of British Achitects. Journal. S-M. New ser. Vol. 1-9, 1885- 1893; Ser. 3, Vol. i-f- 18944- Lond., 1885 4- Continuation of the Proceedings. In 1894 combined with the Transactions and formed the third series. N. New ser. [6], Ser. 3, 44-; E. Ser. 3, 154-; CE. Ser. 3, i84- Royal Institution of Great Britain. Journal. Vol. 1-2. 1830-1831. Lond., 1831. Continuation of the Quarterly journal of science, literature and the arts. N. 1-2. 89 Royal Institution of Great Britain. Notices of proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i + 1851+ Lond. 1851 + Index, Vol. 1-4. 1851-1866 in Vol. 4. Lond., 1866. Index. Vol. 1-12. 1851-1889 in Vol. 12. Lond., 1889. N. i + ; S. i + ;E. 1-16. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Quarterly journal of science, literature and tie arts. Q. Vol. 1-22, 1816-1826; New ser. Vol. 1-7, 1827-June 1830. Lond., 1816-1830. Vol. i-s (1816-1818) title reads Journal of the science and the arts. Continued as the Journal. E. 1-22, New ser. 2-5, 7; N. 1-22; S. 2, 4-5. Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1+ 1841-f Glasgow, 1841 + Known as the Philosophical Society of Glas- gow until 1 89 1. Index. Vol. 1-20. 1841-1889. Glasgow, 1892. CE. 7-}- Royal Sanitary Institute. Journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1879+ Lond., 1880-I- From 1879-August 1888 known as the Sani- tary Institute of Great Britain. From August 1888-October 1904 known as the Sanitary Institute. Vol. 1-2 title reads Report of congress. Vol. 3-14 title reads Transactions. General index to the Transactions and Journal including also three volumes of Miscellaneous papers. Vol. 1-21. 1876-1900. Lond., 1901. CE. i-|-;N. i-f;E. i. Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1841-I- Edin., 1841-h C. i-is, 17, [18]. Royal Society of Arts. Journal. W. Vol. i-|- 1852-!- Lond., i8S3+ Known as the Society of Arts until 1908. Index. Vol. i-io. Lond., 1863. Index. Vol. 11-20. Lond., 1873. Index. Vol. 21-30. Lond., 1884. Index. Vol. 31-40. 1882-1892. Lond., 1895. Index. Vol. 41-50. 1892-1902. Lond., 1904. C. i + ; N. t + ; P. i + ; E. 1-23, [24], 25-I-; CC. [21], 22-41, [42-43], 44, [45-46], 47+; CE. 23+ Royal Society of Arts. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-57. 1783-1851. Lond., 1806-1851. No more published. At this time name of Society was Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Supplemental volume. Lond., 1852. Analytical index. Vol. 1-25. Lond., 1808. Analytical index. Vol. 26-40. Lond., 1823. Analytical index. Vol. 41-50 in Vol. 50. C. 1-57; N. 1-57; P. 1-49; S. i-io, 12-17, iQj 21, 34-36. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-f 1832 -|- Edin., 1832+ N. 1-I-; E. I2^-; C. 3-22, 30+ Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1783-f Edin., 1783-1- General index. Vol. 1-13 in Vol. 13. General index. Vol. 1-34. 1783-1888. Edin., 1890. General index. Vol. 35-46. 1889-1908. Edin., 1910. N. i + ; E. [5-6, 14, 16, 20-21, 37]- Royal Society of London. Abridgements from Philosophical transac- tions relating to electricity, galvanism and magnetism. 15 Vols. Lond., n.d. E. 1-15. Royal Society of London. Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical transactions. Vol. 1-6. 1800- 1854. Lond., 1832-1854. Continued as the Proceedings. C. X-6. Royal Society of London. Catalogue of scientific papers. Irreg. Vol. 1-12. 1800-1883. Lond., 1867-1902. Subject index. Vol. 1. Pure mathe- matics. 1800-1900. Cambridge, 1908. Subject index. Vol. 2. Mechanics. 1800-1900. Cambridge, 1909. Subject index. Vol. 3. Physics. Pt. I. Generalities, heat, light, sound. Cambridge, 191 2. Pt. 2. Electricity and magnetism. Cam- bridge, 1914. C. 1-12; E. 1-12; S. 1-12; P. i-ii. Royal Society of London. Memoirs of the Royal Society; or. New abridgment of the Philosophical transac- tions by B. Baddam. Vol. i-io. 1695- 1735. Lond., 1738-1741. E. 1-5, 8-9; N. 1-2. Royal Society of London. Philosophical transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1665-]- Lond., 1665-]- After 1886 (Vol. 177) published in two classes (a) Natural science (b) Natural history. General index. Vol. 1-70. 1665-1780. Lond., 1787. Continuation of alphabetical index. Vol. 71-110. 1781-1820. Lond., 1821. Continuation of alphabetical index. Vol. 111-120. 1821-1830. Lond., 1821- 1833- E. x+; N. i + ; C. 46-I-; CO. 1-18; S. 1801-1826, [1827], 1828- 1885. Royal Society of London. Philosophical transactions and collections; abridged and dispos'd imder general heads. 1665-1750. 12 Vols. Lond., 1722-1756. C. 1-12; E. 1-12; P. 1-12; CE. 1-10; N. 1-10. 90 Royal Society of London. Philosophical transactions from their com- mencement, in 1665-1800, abridged by C. Hutton. Vol. 1-18. 1809. Lond., 1809. E. i-i8; S. 1-18. Royal Society of London. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1800-H Lond., 1832-I- Vol. 1-4 title reads Abstracts of papers printed in the Philosophical transactions. Vol. 5-6 title reads Abstracts of papers com- municated to the Royal Society. Index to the Proceedings. Old ser. Vol. 1-75. 1800-1905. Lond., 1913. E. i + ; P. i + ; S. i + ; C. 7+; CC. 22-23. Royal Society of New South Wales. Transactions, journal and proceedings. Y. Vol. i-t- 1868+ Sydney, 1868-f E. 9-I-; C. 9-42, 44+; CC. 10-19, 22-29, 31-38, 40-41, 43, [44]; CE. lo-j-; N. 7, 9-44; S. 15, 26, 3i»33, 35+ Royal Society of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings. Y. i889(?)-|- Hobart Town, i889(?)-|- CC. 1889-1891, 1893-1896, 1898- 1899, 1902, 1906-1907, 1910- 1911. Royal Society of Victoria. Proceedings. S-A. New ser. Vol. i-f- 1889-I- Melboume, 18894- N. New ser. i-|-; C. New ser. 8-14, [20], 23-f; E. New ser. 16+ Royal Society of Victoria. . Transactions. Y. Vol. 1-24, 1855-1888; New ser. Vol. 1+ i888-|- Melbourne, 1855+ Vol. i-S. 18SS-1860 title reads Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Vol. 6-24, 1 860-1888 title reads Transactions and proceedings. N. 2-7, [8], 9-24, New ser. 1-2, [3], 4-1- ; E. New ser. [5]. Royal Statistical Society. Journal. Q. Vol. i-f 1834+ Lond., 1838 -|- Until 1887 known as the Statistical Society of London. General index. Vol. 1-15. 1834-1852. Lond., 1854. General index. Vol. 16-25. 1853-1862. Lond., 1863. General index. Vol. 26-35. 1863-1872. Lond., 1874. General index. Vol. 36-50. 1873-1887. Lond., 1889. General index. Vol. 51-71. 1888-1908. Lond., 1909. C. i-H; N. 1-I-; E. [68-69, 72]. Royal United Service Institution. Journal. Vol. i-f- 1858-I- Lond., 1858-t- Index of the lectures and papers con- tained in the Journal. Vol. i-io. 1859- 1866. Lond., 1868. Index. Vol. 11-20. 1869-1877. Lond., 1878. Index. Vol. 21-30. 1878-1886. Lond., 1887. Index. Vol. 31-50. 1887-1906. Lond., 1907. N. i-h; CE. i8-h; E. [4-6]. Rubber world. W. Vol. i-+- 1910-}- Lond., 1910-f- CC. 6-H Rudder. M. Vol. i-f 1890-h N. Y., 1890+ E. 12-15, 18-I- Rugby Engineering Society. Proceedings. Y. Vol. t+ 1903 -|- Rugby, 1903+ E. i-h; CE. 1-6. Ruskava Metalurgicheskava Obschestva. Joomal. M. 1910-t- St. Petersburg, 1910-I- E. [1912], 1913-I- Ruskava Physico-Khimicheskava Obshchestva. Jumal. M. Vol. i-f- 1869-}- Petrograd, i869-f- CC. 31+ Safety engineering. M. Vol. i-f- 1901-I- N. Y., 1901-f- Vol. I-2S, no. 3 (1901-March 1913) title reads Insurance engineering. E. I-f; N. [2], 5+; S. [13], 14+ Safety valve. M. Vol. i-ii. 1887-1897. N. Y., 1887-1897. In 1897 combined with Stationary engineer and Lord's power magazine and formed Engi- neers' and power users' magazine. N. [3-5], 6-10, [11]; E. 4, [5], 6, [7], 10. St. Louis Railway Club. Official proceedings. M. Vol. i-f 1896-t- St. Louis, 1896-f- E. i-io, [11], 12-14, [isl> i6-f; CE. [i-3],4-5, I6-10, 12], i5-f St. Martin's magazine. M. Vol. i. November 1874-December 1875. Lond., 1874-1875. Continued as Telegraphist. E. I. St. Petersburg. Academic Imp6riale des Sciences. Bulletin. B-M. Vol. 1-32, New ser. Vol. 1-4; Ser. 5, Vol. 1-24; Ser. 6, Vol. i4- i86o4- St. Petersburg, i86o-f N. 1-32, New ser. 1-4, Ser. 5, 1-18; CC. 22-32, New ser. [4], Ser. 5, 1-7, 9-18, 20, 22, 24, Ser. 6, i+: E. Ser. 6, [1-2]. 91 St. Petersburg. Acad6mie Imp^riale des Sciences. Melanges physiques et chimiques tir6s du bulletin physico-matWmatique. Irreg. Vol. 1-13. 1849-1894. St. Petersburg, 1849- 1894. In 1894 a change in the form of publications took place. Instead of the M6moires, the Bulletin and the Melanges tir6s du Bulletin, formerly published, there was issued the Bulle- tin de I'Acad^mie Imp6riale des Sciences and the M6moires de I'Acad^mie Imp6riale des Sciences, which divided into two series, the M^moires de la classe physico-mathfimatique, and M6moires de la classe historique et philologique. CC. I, [2-3], 4-13- Salt Lake mining review. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1899+ Salt Lake City, 1899+ N. [6-7, 10-12]; E. [12], 13+ Sammlung chemischer und chemische-technischer vortrage. B-M. Vol. i+ 1896+ Stut., 1896+ C. 1 + Sammhing elektrotechnischer vortrage. Vol. i-io. 1899-1907. Stut., 1899-1907. Ceased publication in 1907. E. i-io; N. i-io. Sand-Lime Brick Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist+ 1904+ v.p., 1904+ From 1904-1912 known as the American Association of Manufacturers of Sand-Lime Products. CE. ist-3rd. Sanitary engineer See Engineering record. Sanitary engineer and construction record See Engineering record. Sanitary Institute See Royal Sanitary Institute. Sanitary Institute of Great Britain See Royal Sanitary Institute. Sanitary plumber. Vol. 1-18, no. i. 1885-1900. N. Y., 1885-1900. Vol. 1-3 title reads Hydraulic and sanitary plumber. In June 1900 combined with Heating and ventilation and formed Engineering review. Supplement. Science and practice of heating, plumbing, lighting. N. 1-18. Sanitary plumber. Supplement. Science and practice of heat- ing, plumbing, lighting. Vol. 1-3. De- cember 1894-May 1897. N. Y., 1894-1897. No longer published separately, but contin- ued as a part of Sanitary plumber, retaining a separate volume numbering until March 1898 (Vol. 4, no. 6). N. [i], 2, [3]. Santiago de Chile. Universidad de Chile. Anales. B-M. Vol. 1+ 1843 -f Santiago de Chile, 1843-!- Indice jeneral. 1843-1855. Santiago de Chile, 1856. Indice alfab6tico y analltico. 1843- 1887. Santiago de Chile, 1890. Indice. 1 888-1 899. Santiago de Chile, 1900. S. 118, 125+ Schiffbau. W. Vol. 1+ 1899+ Ber., 1899-t- N. [4-5], 6+; E. [9], lo-H Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft. Jahrbuch. Y. Vol. 1+ 1900-I- Ber., 1900 -|- CE. 1-I-; E. i-l- Schillings Journal fiir gasbeleuchtung See Journal fiir gasbeleuchtung. Schmidt's Jahres-bericht See Jahres-bericht Uber die leistimgen der chemischen technologie. Schokoladen-und zuckerwaren-industrie und scho- koladen-zeitung. W. Vol. 1+ 1906-I- Ber.- Langensalza, 1906+ CC. [4-6]. School of mines quarterly. Q. Vol. i-f- November 1879+ N.Y., 1879+ Contents and index. Vol. i-io in Vol. 10. N. Y., 1890. Contents and index. Vol. 11-20. 1889- 1899. N. Y., 1900. General index. Vol. 21-30. 1899-1909 in Vol. 31. N. Y., 1910. CE. i + ; CC. i + ; C. i + ; E. i + ; S. 28+ Schweickhart's zeitschrift fiir das gas-imd wasser- fach. W. Vol. 1-12, no. 14. i89s(?)-i9o6. Wien, i895(?)-i9o6. Ceased publication. N. 4-12. Schweizerische bauzeitimg. W. Vol. 1+ 1883-h Zurich, 1883+ C. i + ; N. [20], 47+; E. 5S+; CE. 57+ Schweizerische elektrotechnische zeitschrift. W. Year 1+ 1904+ Zurich, 1904-!- N.i + ;E. 1-2,4-6, [?]• Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer Verein. Bulletm. M. Vol 1+ 1910+ Zurich, 1910-t- E. 1 + Science. W. Vol. 1-23, 1883-1894; New ser. Vol. 1+ 1895-t- N. Y., 1883+ From 1883-1885 published in Cambridge. No publication from March 23-December 31, 1894- Since 190 1 has published the official notices and Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. CC. 1-23, New ser. i-f; N. 1-23, New ser. i + ; C. 1-23, New ser. ^-33, 35+ ; P- 1-23. New ser. i-ii, 17+; E. 1-12, New ser. 7-8, 14-h; S. New ser. 2, 4, 13+; CE. 1-16, [17], New ser. 15-26. Science abstracts. M. Vol. i-l- 1898-h Lond., 1898-}- Continuation of Abstracts of physical papers from foreign sources of the Physical Society of London. Since 1903 issued in two sections: A. Physics, B. Electrical engineering. C. I + ; E. i + ; N. 1 + ; P. i+; CC.8+;S.i3+ 92 Science & art of mining. B-W. Vol. i+ 1890+ Wigan, 1890+ E. [18-19], 20+ Science and industry. M. Vol. 1-8, no. 3. 1896- 1903. Scranton, Pa., 1897-1903. Vol. 2-3 (1896- 1 898) title reads Home study magazine. In 1899 (Vol. 4) Home study magazine com- bined with Home study for machinists, steam engineers, etc., and title became Mechanic arts magazine. In 1899 Steam electric magazine and Building trades magazine combined with Science and industry. In 1903 consolidated with Power. N. [i], 2-8. Science conspectus See Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Society of Arts. Science conspectus. Science record. Y. Vol. 1-5. 1871-1875. N. Y., 1872-1876. No more published. S. 1-4. Scientific American. W. Vol. 1-14, 1845-1859; New ser. Vol. i-|- i86o-f- Since July 1888 the words New series has been dropped. C. 2-14, New ser. i-f; E. 2-14, New ser. i-|-; S. 2-14, New ser. 1-5, 7, 9+; CE. 2-7, 10-14, New ser. i-|-; P. 4, 9-14, New ser. 4, 9, 17, 264- Scientific American supplement. W. Vol. i-f 1876-I- N. Y., 1876-f- Catalogue. 1876-1902. N. Y., n.d. CE. 1-I-; C. i-f; E. i + ; S. i + ; P. ii-l- Scientific arena. M. Vol. i. June 1886-May 1887. N. Y., 1886-1887. Organized in 1881 under the title of Wilford's micricosm. No more information available. E.I. Scientific artizan. W. Vol. 1-3, no. 14. 1859- 1860. Cincinnati, 1859-1860. No more information available. N.[i-3]. Scientific digest. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-5. December i9ii-April 1912. Kansas City, Mo., 1911-1912. No more published. E. I. Scientific gazette; or. Library of mechanical philosophy, chemistry, and discovery. Nos. 1-3 1. 1825-1826. 2 vols. Lond., 1825-1826. E. 1-18. Scientific machinist for superintendents, engineers and operators of power and electric plants. M. Vol. 1-16. 1882-1898. Cleveland, 1882-1898. In September 1898 incorporated with Engi- neer (Cleveland). N. [12-14], 1S-16. Scientific memoirs, selected from the Transactions of foreign academies of science and learned societies and from foreign journals. Pts. 1-21 (Vol. 1-5). 1837-1852. Lond., 1837-1852. Continued in two series (i) Natural history, (2) Natural philosophy of which only one volume each was issued. N. i-2i; S. 1-20; E. 1-18. Scientific press See Mining and scientific press. Second hand machinery and equipment news. M. Vol. I, nos. 1-5. July-December 1913. Cleve- land, O., 1913. In 1914 consolidated with Iron trade review. E. I. Seifenfabrikant W. Vol. i-f i88i-f Ber., 1881+ Organ des Verbandes der Seifenfabrikatlon. N. 17+; CO. 30-1- Seifensieder-zeitung & revue iiber die harzfett- und olindustrie. W. Vol. i-j- 1874-I- Augsburg, 1874+ CC. 38+ Selling electricity See Electrical-merchandise and selling electricity. Shaffner's telegraph companion. M. 1853, nos. 1-2; Vol. 1-2, no. 4, 1854-October 1855. Louisville, Ky.,-N. Y., 1853-1855- Two numbers were printed in Louisville. No more published. E. 1-2. Sheet metal shop and pattern cutter's magazine. M. Vol. I-f- 1910-f- N. Y., 1910-h N. i-h Sliipbuilder. M. on-Tyne, 1906-I- Vol. i-H 1906+ Newcastle- E. [6], 7+ Shipbuilder. Annual international number. Y. 191 2 -|- Newcastle-on-Tyne, 191 2 -f- E. 1912-f- Shipbuilding and shipping record. W. Vol. i-|- April 1913-h Lond., 1913-i- / E. I-f y Shipping illustrated. W. Vol. i4- 1902-^- N. Y., 1902-I- Vol. i-ii (1902-1904) title reads American syren and shipping illustrated. CE. [2], 3-5, [6-7J, 8-f-; E. 42+ Shipping world and herald of commerce. Y. Vol. 1+ 1883 -f Lond., 1883 -t- C. 1-3, 26. Siam engineering See Engineering Society of Siam. Siam engineering. Sibley journal of engineering. 9 nos. Y. Vol. 1 + 1887-I- Ithaca, N. Y., 1887-I- Vol. i-S (1887-1891) title reads the Crank. Vol. 6 (1891-1892) title reads the Crank. Sib- ley journal of engineering. E. [6-8], 9+; N. [10], ii-f; C. 27+ Signal engineer. 1908 -f M. Vol. 1+ 1908+ Chic, E. I-f; N. [1-3], 4+; S. [1-2]. Silk. M. Vol. I-f 1907-f N. Y., 1907+ E. [4-5]. Silliman's journal of science See American journal of science. 93 Soap gazette and perfumer. M. Vol. i+ 1899+ N. Y., 1899+ N. [1-2], 3+ Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate." Memorias. Irreg. Vol. 1+ July 1887+ Mexico, 1887+ Revista cientifica y bibliografica bound with the Memorias since 1888. Indice general de la Memorias y Re- vista. Vol. 1-27. 1887-1909 in Vol. 27. Mexico, n.d. E. i + ; CE. 2+; CC. I, [2], 3-7, [9], ir. Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate." Revista cientifica y bibliografica. Irreg. 1888+ Mexico, 1888+ Bound with the Memorias. Indice general de la Memorias y Revista. Vol. 1-27. 1887-1909 in Vol. 27. Mexico, n.d. CE. 1888+ ;E. 1888+ Sociedad Cientifica Argentina. Anales. M. Vol. 1+ 1876+ Buenos Aires, 1876+ Indice general. Vol. 1-29. 1876-1889. Buenos Aires, 1890. Indice general. Vol. 1-40. 1876-1896. Buenos Aires, 1897. CE. i + ; E. I67], 68-69, [70], 71, [72], 73+; N. [9-1 1], 19-20, [22-25]. Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros. Anales de ingenieria. M. Vol. i-io, 1887- 1898; Ser. 2a, Vol. 11-20, 1899-1913; Ser. 3a, Vol. 21-}- Bogota, 1887-f- Indice. Vol. i-io. 1888-1898. Bogota, 1899. Indice. Vol. 11-20. 1899-1913. Bogota, 1913. CE. 1-I-; E. Ser. 2a, 13-!-; N. 1-4, [6, Ser. 2a, 16-17]. Sociedad de Fomento Fabril. Boletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1883-f Santiago de Chile, 1883-1- N. [25], 27+; E. 30-1- Sociedad de Ingenieros. Boletin. Informaciones y memorias. M. Vol. i-f- 1899-f- Lima, 1899-I- Indice general. Vol. 1-13 in Vol. 14, no. 8. Lima, 1912. E. [4], 9, [10-14], 15+ ; CE. 9, [10]; C. [12], 13+ Sociedad de Ingenieros Civiles de la Republica Argentina. Ingeniero civil See Ingeniero civil. Sociedad de Injenierfa. Boletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-4. 1896-1899. Santi- ago, 1896-1899. In 1901 consolidated with the Instituto de Injenieros and formed the Instituto de In- jenieros de Chile. CE. 1-4. Sociedad Geol6gica Mexicana. Boletin. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1904 -f Mex., 1905+ E. i-h Sociedad Guanajuatense de Ingenieros. Boletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-3, no. 3. 1888- March 1893. Guanajuato, 1888-1893. No more information available. E. [1-2], 3. Sociedad Guatemalteca de Ciencias. Revista mensual. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 9. 1893- 1894. Guatemala, 1893-1894. No more information available. CE. [1-2]; E. [1-2]. Sociedad Nacional de Mineria. Boletin. M. Vol. 1-5, 1883-1888; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-8, 1888-1896; Ser. 3, Vol. g+ 1897-H Santiago de Chile, 1883-I- E. Ser. 2, [3-4], s-6, [7), 8, Ser. 3, 9, [10], 11-13, [14-15], 16-20, [21-22], 23-1- Societ^ Aeronautica Italiana. BoUettino. M. Vol. 1-8, no. 3. 1904-May 1911. Roma, 1904-1911. No more published. In November 19 12 began to be published again under the title of La navigazione aerea which is the official organ of the Aero Club d'ltalia. E. 6-8; N. [s-6]. Society Chimica di Roma. Rendiconti. 14-19 nos. Y. Vol. i-|- 1903+ Roma, 1903-}- Published and bound with Gaizzetta chimica Italiana. N. i4- Societd. degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti ItaUani. Annali. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1886+ Roma, i886-h In 1908 the BoUettino combined with the Annali. N. I-I-; CE. 7-19, [20], 21 H- Societi degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti Italiani. BoUettino. W. Vol. 1-15. 1893-1907. Roma, 1893-1907. Continued with the Annali. N. 9-15; CE. 12-14, [15]- Soci6t€ Beige de Geologic de Pal6ontologie et d'Hydrologie. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1887-}- Bruxelles, 1887+ Issued in two sections: Procfis-verbaux, and M^moires, and bound with the Bulletin. E. i-H; N. 1-7. Soci6t6 Beige de G^ologie de Pal^ontologie et d'Hydrologie. Nouveaux m6moires. Irreg. No. i-f- 1908-h Bruxelles, 1908-I- E. 1, 3-f ; N. 3-4. SociStS Beige d'Electriciens. Bulletin. M. Vol. i-|- 1884-}- Bruxelles, 1884 -H N. i-H; E. [1-3], 4, 6-7, 10, 21-1- Societe Chimique de Belgique. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1887-f Gand, 1887+ From 1887-1903 known as the Association Beige des Chimistes. N. 12-f ; E. 22-f 94 Society Chimique de France. Bulletin. S-M. 1858-1863, New ser. Vol. i-So, 1864-1888; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-36, 1889- 1906; Ser. 4, Vol. 1+ 1907+ Par., 1858+ From 1858-1863 title reads Repertoire de chimie appliqu6e and Repertoire de chimie pure. These two publications unite in 1864 and form the Bulletin. The name of the Society then was Soci6t6 Chimique de Paris, which was retained until 1907. Table analytique des matiSres. Ser. 1-2. 1858-1874. Par., 1876. Table alphabetique des matifires. 1875- 1888. Par., 1894. Table alphabetique des matiferes. 1889- 1898. Par., 1903. Table alphabetique des matieres. 1899- 1906. Par., 1906. N. 1858-1863, New ser. 1-50, Ser. 3, 1-36, Ser. 4, i + ; CC. 1861-1863, New ser. 1-50, Ser. 3, 1-36, Ser. 4, i-H; C. New ser. 1-50, Ser. 3, 1-36, Ser. 4, i-j-; S. New ser. 9-12, 31-50, Ser. 3, 18, 33-36, Ser. 4, 1-4; E. Ser. 3, 33-36, Ser. 4, i-l- Societe Chimique de Paris. Repertoire de chimie appliqu6e. Vol. 1-5. 1858-1863. Par., 1858-1863. In 1864 together with the Repertoire de chimie pure formed the Bulletin. For the Bulletin see under the later name of the Society, Soci6te Chimique de France. CC. i-s;C. i-s;N. i-s. Society Chimique de Paris. Repertoire de chimie pure. Vol. 1-4. 1858- 1862. Par., 1858-1862. In 1864 together with the Repertoire de chimie appliquee formed the Bulletin. For the Bulletin see under the later name of the Society, Soci6t6 Chimique de France. CC. 1-4; C. 1-4; N. 1-4. Societe d'Arcueil. M^moires de physique et de chimie. Vol. 1-3. 1807-1817. Par., 1807-1817. No more information available. N. 1-3. Soci6te de G6ographie de Qu6bec See Geographical Society of Quebec. Societe de I'lndustrie Min6rale. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-15, 1855-1871; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-15, 1872-1886; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-15, 1887-1901; Ser. 4, Vol. 1-15, 1902-1911; Ser. 5, Vol. 1+ 1912-f- Saint-Etienne, 1855+ Atlas of plates published nearly every year. Table des matieres. Vol. 1-15 in Ser. i. Vol. 15. 1855-1870. Par., 1870. Table analytique matieres. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-15. 1871-1886. n.p., n.d. Table analytique matieres. Ser. 3, Vol. 1-15. 1887-1901. n.p., n.d. Table g6n6rale des matieres du Bulletin. Ser. 4, Vol. 1-15. 1902-1911 et dans les Comptes rendus mensuels. 1902-1911. Saint-Etienne, 191 2. C. 1-15, Ser. 2, 1-15, Ser. 3, 1-15, Ser. 4, 1-15, Ser. 5, i + ; E. 1-15, Ser. 2, 1-15, Ser. 3, 1-15, Ser. 4, 1-15, Ser. 5, i + ; N. i, Ser. 3, 11-15, Ser. 4, 1-15, Ser. 5, i+; CE. Ser. 4, [3], 6-15, Ser. 5, 1+ Societe de I'lndustrie Minfirale. Comptes-rendus mensuels. M. 1876-!- Saint-Etienne, 1876-I- Since 1909 bound with the Bulletin. Table des matieres. 1872-1877. n.p., n.d. Table g6n6rale des matieres du Bulletin. Ser. 4, Vol. 1-15. 1902-1911 et dans les Comptes rendus mensuels. 1902- 191 1. Saint-Etieime, 191 2. C. 1876-1904, 1907-f ; E. [1877, 1879], 1880-1892, [1893], 1894- 1895, [1896], 1897-1899, [1900], 1901-I-; N. 1897+ ; CE. [1906], 1907+ Societ€ d'Encouragement pour i'lndustrie Na- tionale. Bulletin. M. Vol. i-|- i8o2-|- Par., 1802+ Table g6n6rale. Vol. 1-36. Par., 1838. Table g6n6rale. Vol. 37-49. Par., 1851. Table g6n6rale. Vol. 50-52. 1838-1851. Par., 1854. Table g^nfirale des matiferes. 1854-1863. Par., 1865. Table gen^rale des matieres. 1864-1873. Par., 1874. Table g6n6rale des matieres. 1874-1883. Par., 1889. Table gen^rale des matieres. 1884- 1893. Par., 1895. Table g6n6rale des matiftres. 1 894-1900. Par., 1902. C. i + ; E. i + ; N. i-f-; CE. io8-h; CC. 113-I- SociSte d'Encouragement pour I'lndustrie Na- tionale. M6moires. Irreg. 1901-t- Par., 1901-!- CE. 1901-19)06. Societe des Anciens Elfives des Ecoles Nationales d'Arts et Metiers. Bulletin technologique. M. 1888-I- Par., 1888-I- N. [1888], 1897+ Societe des Ing6nieurs Civils de France. M6moires et travaux. M. 1848-I- Par., i848-f- Table g6n6rale des matieres. 1848- 1884. Par., 1885. Table g6n6rale des matiferes. 1885- 1904. Par., 1905. CE. 1848-I-; N. 1848-I-; C. 1868-I-; E. 1875-I-; S. 1875-1880. Societe Franfaise de Mineralogie. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1878-I- Par., 18784- Tables. Vol. i-io. 1878-1887. Tables. Vol. 11-20, 1888-1897. Tables. Vol. 21-30. 1898-1907. N. 20-1- ; E. 30-1- Societe Frangaise de Photographic. Bulletin. S-M. Vol. 1-30, 1855-1884; Ser. 2, Vol. 1+ 1885-f- Par., 1885-^ CC. Ser. 2, 24-1- 95 Societe Frangaise de Physique. Bulletin des stances. Irreg. Vol. i + 1874-1910. Par., 1874-1910. No more published. Proceedings now published in Journal de physique thfiorique et appliqu6e. E. 27-31, 33-37. Soci6t6 Frangaise de Physique. Collection de m6moires relatifs 3, la physique. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1884 -|- Par., 1884 -f- N. i-s. Societe G^ologique de Belgique. Annales. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1874+ Lidge, 1874+ Each volume consists of three parts: Bulletin, M6moires, Bibliographie. N. 1-34, 37+; E. 30+ Soci6t6 Gdologique de Belgique. M6moires. Irreg. Vol. i-f 1899+ Li€ge, 1899+ N.i-F;E.2+ Societe G6ologique de France. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1-14, 1830-1843; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-29, 1844-1872; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-28, 1872-1900; Ser. 4, Vol. 1 4- 1901+ Par., 1830-I- Table g6n6rale et analytique. Ser. 2, Vol. 1-20. 1844-1863. Par., 1867. N. 1-14, Ser. 2, 1-29, Ser. 3, 1-28, Ser. 4, i-h; E. 1-14, Ser. 2, 1-29, Ser. 3, 1-8, 10-28, Ser. 4, 1+ Society G6ologique de France. Mfimoires. Irreg. Vol. 1-5, 1833-1842; Ser. 2, Vol. i-io, 1844-1877; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-5, 1877-1890; Paleontologie, Vol. i-f 1890-t- Par., 1833+ N. i-s, Ser. 2, i-io, Ser. 3, 1-5, Pal. i-j-; E. 1-5, Ser. 2, 1-9. Soci§t6 Gdologique du Nord. Annales. Y. Vol. i-f 18704- Lille, 1870+ Table g6n6rale. Vol. 1-20 des Annales et Vol. 1-3 des M^moires. 1870-1892. Lille, 1893. Table g6n6rale. Vol. 21-30 des Annales et Vol. 4 des M6moires. 1893-1901 in Vol. 30-33. N. 26+; E. 8, 32-f Societ6 G6ologique du Nord. M6moires. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1876+ Lille, 1876-H N. 1, 4+ Societe Industrielle de L'Est. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1884 (?)-i- Nancy, i884(?) + E. [23-24, 26], 27+ Soci#t6 Industrielle de Mulhouse. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1826-f Mulhouse, 1826+ Table g6n6rale. Vol. 1-60. 1826- 1890. Strasbourg, 1891. C. I-7S, 77+; N. 26-}-; CC. 34-35, [36], 37-73, l74], 75-76, [77], 79+; E. 72+ Societe Industrielle de Rouen. Bulletin. B-M. Vol. 1+ 1873-I- Rouen, 1873+ Tables g6n6rale. Vol. i-io. 1873-1882. Rouen, 1883. Tables g6n6rale. Vol. i-x6. 1873-1888. Rouen, 1889. N. S-20, 25-}-; CC. 1-24, [25], 26-36, [37], 38-39, [40]. Societe Industrielle du Nord de la France. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1+ 1873-)- Lille, 1873+ Author index. 1873-October 1902 in Vol. 30. Lille, 1903. N. 29-35, 37+ Soci€t6 Internationale des Electriciens. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-17, 1884-1900; Ser. 2, Vol. i-io, 1901-1910; Ser. 3, Vol. 1 + 1911-H Par., 1884+ Table g6n6rale des mati^res. Ser. 2. 1901-1910. Par., 1914. C. 1-17, Ser. 2, I-IO, Ser. 3, i + ; E. 1-17, Ser. 2, i-io, Ser. 3, i-j-; N. 1-17, Ser. 2, 1-10, Ser. 3, 1+ Soci€t6 Scientifique Industrielle de Marseille. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1873+ Marseille, 1873+ Table g6n6rale alphab6tique des matieres et des auteurs. Vol. 11-20. 1883-1892 in Vol. 20. Marseille, 1892. N. 25-t-;E. 31-37. Societe Technique de I'Industrie du Gaz en France. Compte-rendu du congrfis. Y. ist+ 1874+ Par., 1874+ Table des matiSres. Vol. 1-15. 1874- 1888. Par., 1888. E. ist-36th, 40th; N. ist-26th, [27th], 28th-3Sth. Soci§t£ Technique de I'Industrie du Gaz en France See Journal des usines k gaz. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manu- factures and Commerce See Royal Society of Arts. Society for the Promotion of Engineering Educa- tion. Bulletin. M. Vol. i-f 1910-)- Lancaster, Pa., 1910-j- Vol. 4, no. 11 contains Index of the Pro- ceedings. Vol. 1-20. 1893-1912. Pitts- burgh, Pa., 1914. CE. I-f; S. [i], 2+; E. [1-2], 3+;C.[2],3+ Society for the Promotion of Engineering Educa- tion. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1+ 1894 -|- v.p., 1894+ Index. Vol. 1-10 in Vol. 10. 1902. Index of the Proceedings. Vol. 1-20. 1893-1912. Pittsburgh , 1 9 1 4 in Bulletin Vol. 4. CE, i + ; C. i-H; E. i + ; S. 1+ Society of Arts See Royal Society of Arts. Society of Arts. Massachusetts Institute of Technology See Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. Society of Arts. 96 Society of Automobile Engineers. BuUetin. M. Vol. i+ April 191 1+ N. Y., 1911+ E. [i], 2+ Society of Automobile Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 4+ 1909+ N. Y., 1909+ There was no oflficial publication until Vol. 4 which was published in 1909. The first three volumes are made up of several small pam- phlets. E. [3], 4+ Society of Brewing Technology See American Society of Brewing Technology. Society of Chemical Industry. Journal. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1882+ Man- chester,-Lond., 1882 -|- Continuation of the Proceedings. Vol. 1-20 issued monthly. In 1883 incorporated Newcastle-upon-Tyne Chemical Society. Collective index. Vol. 1-14. 1882-1895. Lond., 1899. Decennial index. Vol. 15-24. 1896- 1905. 2 vols. Lond., 1907-1908. CC.i + ;C.i + ;E. i + ;P. i + ; S. i + ; CE. [29], 30. Society of Chemical Industry. Proceedings of general meeting. Y. ist. 1881. Lond., 1881. Continued as the Journal. E. ist. Society of Constructors of Federal Buildings. Journal. M. No. 1-12, Vol. 4+ 1910+ Plymouth, Mass., 1910+ Until February 191 2 known as the Treasury Construction Society. CE. 1-12,4+; E. 12, [4-5], 6+ Society of Dyers and Colourists. Journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1884+ 1884+ CO. 5+; N. 21-27. Leeds, Society of Engineers. Joximal and Transactions. M. Vol. 1 + 1910-!- Lond., 1910-f- E. [i], 2+ Society of Engineers. Transactions. Y. 1861-I- Lond., i86i-}- In 1910 incorporated Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society. Index to Transactions. 1861-1909 in volumes i886-|- Lond., 1887+ CE. 1861 + ; E. 1861-I-; N. 1861-H P. 1883. Society of Gas Lighting. Transactions. Irreg. 1876-f- n.p., 1876-f CC. 1876, 1885-1891; CE. 1877, 1883. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Transactions. Y. Vol. 1+ 1893 -j- N. Y., 1893+ Table of contents. Vol. 1-6. N. Y., n.d. CE. i-j-; E. i-f Society of Patent Agents. Journal. M. Vol. 1-3. 1900-1902. Lond., 1900-1902. No more information available. CE. 1-3. Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. Analyst. M. Vol. 1+ 1877+ Lond., 1877+ General index to the proceedings. Vol. I, 1876 and to the Analyst. Vol. 1-20. 1877-1896. Lond., 1897. General index. Vol. 21-30. 1896-1905. Lond., 1906. CC. i-}-;N. i+;E.32+ Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. Proceedings. M. Vol. i. 1876. Lond., 1876. Continued as the Analyst. CC. I. Society of Telegraph Engineers See Institution of Electrical Engineers. Sound waves. M. Vol. 1-15, no. i. November 1900-January 1908. Chic, 1900-1908. In February 1908 consolidated with Ameri- can telephone journal. E. [5], 6-15; N. [7-14], 15. South African Association for the Advancement of Science. South African journal of science. M. Vol. 6+ 1909-}- Cape Town, 1909-+- Up to 1909 no monthly journal was published. There were five volumes of Reports issued, containing the papers read at the annual sessions of the Association, which from volume six were issued in a monthly publication called the South African journal of science. They are bound each year as the annual volumes of Reports. E. 6-1- ; CC. 10. South African Association of Engineers and Architects. Proceedings. M. Vol. 1-16, no. 4. 1892- January 1910. Johannesburg, 1892-1910. In February 1911 the South African Associa- tion of Engineers and Architects combined with the Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers and formed the South African Institute of Engineers, retaining the volume number of the Transvaal Institute of Me- chanical Engineers. C. i-io, 12, 14-16; CE. 1-14; E. 3-5, 14-16. South African engineering. M. Vol. i-|- 1903-}- Lond., 19034- Incorporates South African exix)rt list. E. 4+; CE. [5], 6-8, (9-10]. Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tokyo, Japan. Journal. Y. Vol. 1+ 1897-I- Tokyo, 1897+ E. i-f South African Institute of Electrical Engineers. Transactions. M. Vol. 1+ November 19094- Johaimesburg, 1909-H E. i-h 97 South African Institute of Engineers. Journal. M. Vol. 9, no. 5+ December 1910+ Johannesburg, 1910+ In February 191 1 the South African Associa- tion of Engineers and the Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers united and formed the South African Institute of Engineers, retaining the volume number of the Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers. E.9+;C. [11], 12+ South African journal of science See South African Association for the Advancement of Science. South African journal of science. South African mines See note South African mining journal. South African mining journal. W. Vol. 1-6; Vol. 1+ 1891+ Johannesburg, 1891 + In October 1891 Witwatersrand mining and metallurgical review was incorporated with South African mining journal. South African mines was incorporated with South African mining journal in March 1903. The volume number of South African mines is retained, and title reads South African mines, commerce and industries until March 1908, when it changes to South African mining journal. E.[i-4,6],[2-3],4+;N.[6(i9o8)] South Dakota Engineering Society. Annual report, proceedings of the Society at the annual meeting. Y. ist+ igii + Mitchell, S. D., 1911 + E. ist+ South New Jersey Woodmen's Association See American Forestry Association. American forestry. South Staffordshire Institute of Iron & Steel Works' Managers See Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute. South Wales Institute of Engineers. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1857+ Lond., 1857+ Vol. i-iS (1857-1893) title reads Transac- tions. Contents of Proceedings and indexes to papers and authors. Vol. 1-25. 1857- 1908. Lond., 1908. Contents of Proceedings and indexes to papers and authors. Vol. 26-28. 1908- 1912. Lond., 1913. C. i+;N. i+;E. 1-21,25+ Southern and Southwestern Railway Club. Constitution and proceedings. Q. Vol. 1 + 1891+ Atlanta, Ga., 1891 + E. [1-4], 5, [6-7, "], 12+; CE. [i-io]. Southern electrician See Electrical engineering (Atlanta). Southern engineer. M. Vol. i + 1904+ Atlanta, Ga., 1904+ N. [7], 8-10, [11], 12, [13]; E. [21], 22+ Southern good roads. M. Vol. i+ 1910+ Lexington, N. C, 1910+ C.I + Southern machinery. M. Vol. 1-12, no. 2; 25, no. 3+ i893(?)+ Atlanta, i893(?) + In 191 1 incorporates Modern machinery, retaining the volume number of Modern ma- chinery making volume 25, no. 3, follow volume 12, no. 2. CE. 12, 2S+; N. 12, 2S+; E. 32+ Southern Railway Time Convention See Ameri- can Railway Association. Proceedings. Southern Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings, annual reports, with profes- sional papers. 1885-1886. Jacksonville, 1887. No more information available. CE. 1885-1886. Southwestern Electrical and Gas Association. Proceedings and question box, annual con- vention. Y. ist+ 1905+ v.p., 1905+ E. 4th+ Southwestern electrician. M. Vol. 1+ 1905+ Houston, Tex., 1905+ E. 1-3, [4], S+ Southwestern mines. M. Vol. 1-2. 1909-1910. Albuquerque, N. Mex., 1909-1910. Discontinued. E. [1-2]. Sozial-technik. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1901+ Ber., 1 901 + Vol. 1-6 title reads Gewerblich-technischer ratgeber. E. 1 + Spokane miner and electrician See Miner and electrician. Spokesman of the carriage and associated trades. Vol. 1+ 1884+ Cincinnati, 1884+ N. 21-27. Spolek Architektuv a Inienjhru v Krdlovstvf Ceskem. Technicky obzor. W. Vol. 1+ 1893+ Praze, 1893+ Seznam (Autorsk^ I V6cn^). Vol. 1-17. 1893-1909 in Vol. 17. Praze, 1909. E. [13-16], 17+; N. [2-3], 5-6, I7], 8-9. Spolek Architektuv a Inien^ru v Krdlovstvl CJcsKcrn. Zprdvy. Q. Vol. 1-36. i866(?)-i902. Praze, i866(?)-i902. No more published. N. 16, [17], 18-20, [21], 22-23, [24, 26], 27, [28], 29-30, [31-32], iZ, [34-36]. Sprechsaal. W. Vol. 1+ 1867+ Coburg, 1867+ N.3o+;E.42+ Sprengstoffe, waffen-imd munition. S-M. Vol. 1 + 1905+ Charlottenburg, 1905+ E. 4+ Stabilimento di esperienze e construzioni aero- nautiche del genio. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1911+ Roma, 19,11 + E. 1 + 98 Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute. Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. i+ 1888+ Stourbridge, 1888+ Vol. 1-14 (1888-1899) known as the South Straffordshire Institute of Iron & Steel Works' Managers. E. 6+; N. 11-25, 27+ Stahl und eisen. S-M. Vol. i-f July 1881 + Diisseldorf, 1881 + Erganzung. Jahrbuch fiir das eisen- hiittenwesen. Gesamt-inhaltsverzeichnis. Vol. 1-26. 1881-1906. Dusseldorf, 1908. C. i-f; E. i + ; CC. 3-I-; N. [2-3], s+; CE. 10+ Stahl und eisen. Erganzung. Jahrbuch fiir das eisenhiitten- wesen. Y. Vol. 1-5. 1900-1904. Dusseldorf, 1902-1907. CC. 1-5; E. i-s; CE. 2-5. Stationary engineer. M. Vol. 1-17. 1882-1897. Chic, 1882-1897. In 1897 combined with Safety valve and Lord's power magazine and formed Engineer's and power users' magazine. N. 10, [11, 15-16]; E. 16-17. Statistical Society of London See Royal Statistical Society. Steam. M. Vol. i-f 19084- N. Y., 1908-!- S. I-f; E. [1-2], 3+; N. [3], 4, f5]. Steam electric magazine. M. Vol. 1-3, no. 9. 1897-1899. Scranton, Pa., 1898-1899. Vol. 1-2 (1897-1898) title reads Home study for electrical workers. In 1899 combined with Science and industry. N. 1-3. Steam engineering. M. Vol. 1-4. 1899-1903. N. Y., I89^9-I903. Continuation of Engineers' and power users' magazine. In September 1903 incorporated with Engi- neer (Chicago). CE. 2. Steam shovel news See Excavating engineer. Steamship. M. Vol. 1+ 1889+ Leith, 1889+ E. [19I, 20-f ; N. [18-20]. Steel and iron. W. Vol. 1-78; Year 40+ 1862-I- Pittsburgh, i862-f Years 1862-1871 title reads Trade of the west. Years 1872- 1874 title reads American manu- facturer and trade of the west. In 1874 the Trade of the west. Manufac- turers' review, Iron world. Protectionist and the National oil journal combined and the title became American manufacturer and iron world. In 1 88 1 the Hardware reporter was con- solidated with American manufacturer and iron world. Incorporated as Industrial world in 1906 and continued under that title until September 1914 (Vol. 48, no. 34)- CE. 12-45; N. [32-37], 38, [39-40, 43], 44-48, [51-53], 55, [58], 59- 78, Year 40, [41-42], 43-H; E. 12- 67, [68-70], 71-78, Year 40-41, [42-43], 44H-; C. 34-48, 60-78, Year 47-f ; CC. 12, 15, [50], 51, [52], S3, [57-59, 63], 64, [65], 66, [68-69], 70-78, Year 40-I- Steel and metal digest. M. Vol. i-f April 1911+ N. Y., 1911-I- E. i-f Stein und mortal See Ziegel-und bau-industrie. Steinbruch, zeitschrift fiir die kenntnis und ver- wertung natiirlicher gesteine. W. Vol. 1+ 1906+ Ber., 1906-)- N. 3-f Stevens indicator. Q. Vol. i-}- 1884+ Hoboken, N. J., i884-i- Vol. 1-3 published monthly. Vol. 16, no. 2-Vol. 27, no. 2 (April 1899- April 1910) title reads Stevens Institute indicator. General index. Vol. 1-23 in Vol. 23. S. [1-2], 4-f ; E. 4-1- ; C. 5-11, 174-; CE. [5], 6-15, [16], 174-; P. ii-l- Stone. M. Vol. i-f i888-f N. Y., 1888+ Ceased publication in 1903; began again in April 1907 (Vol. 27, no. s)- E. 2-26, [27-28], 29-h; N. [5-6], 14+ ; C. 3-23, 25; CE. [6-8], 9, [10, 15, 18], 19-25, [26]. Stone & Webster public service journal. M. Vol. I-f- July 1907+ Bost., 1907-f- E. i + ; N. I-f; C. 3-6, 8+ Strassenbau. T-M. Vol. i-f 1910-f Halle a S., 1910-f C. 2-f Street railway and electrical news. M. Vol. 1-5. October 1891-1894. Minneapolis, 1891-1894. No more published. E. [2-4], 5. Street Railway Association of the State of New York See New York Electric Railway Association. Street railway bulletin. M. Vol. i-f 1902-f N. Y., 1902+ N. [3-4], S-f ; E. [5], 6, [7], 8-f Street . Railway Claim Agents' Association of America See American Street and Interurban Railway Association. Street railway gazette See Electric railway gazette. Street railway journal. W. Vol. 1-31. November 1884-May 1908. N. Y., 1884-1908. Consolidated with Electric railway review in June 1908 and formed Electric railway jour- nal, retaining the volume number of the Street railway journal. General index. Vol. 1-22. 1884-1903. N. Y., 1904. Annual supplement: McGraw electric railway manual. E. 1-31; CE. 1-2, [3], 4-31; C. 2, 4-31; N. [5], 6-31; S. 29-31. Street railway news. W. Vol. 1-2, no. 17. 1891- 1892. N. Y., 1891-1892. No more information available. E. [i], 2. Street railway review See Electric railway review. 99 Structural Association of San Francisco. Proceedings. S-M. Vol. 1-2, no. 11. 1906. San Francisco, 1906. No more published. Association no longer exists. CE. [1-2]. Sucrerie indigene et coloniale. S-W. Vol. 1+ 1866+ Par., 1866+ CC. 1-19, [20], 21-23, [24-25]; E. 83, [84]. Sugar. M. Vol. i-f 1899-I- Chic, 1899+ Vol. 1-13 title reads American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette. Vol. 14-1S title reads American sugar industry. E. [13], 14+ Sugar beet. Q. Vol. 1+ 1880+ Philadelphia, 1880-1- CC. 1-12, 22, 24, [26-29], 30-32. Sugar cane See International sugar journal. Survey. W. Vol. i-f- 1897+ N. Y., 1897-I- E. 26-f- Survey Club See Institution of Surveyors, New South Wales. Surveying and building news. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-3. 1884. N. Y., 1884. No more information available. E. [i]. Surveyor See Institution of Surveyors, New South Wales. Surveyor. Surveyor, engineer, and architect. M. 1840- 1842. Lond., 1840-1842. E. 1840-1842; N. 1842. Surveyor and municipal and coxrnty engineer. W. Vol. I-f- 1892-I- Lond., i892-f- C. 17-30; CE. 31-t-; E. 43-1- Stxrveyors' Institution. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. 1+ i868-t- Lond., i868-t- From Vol. 1-14 (1868-1881) known as the Institution of Surveyors. General index. Vol. 1-23 in Vol. 23. Index. Vol. 1-42. 1868-1910. Lond., 1910. N. 29-}-;E. 40, [41], 42+ Svensk kemisk tidskrift. M. Vol. i-|- 1887-i- Stockholm, 1889-!- N. [1-3], 9+ Swedish Engineers' Society of Chicago. Yearbook. Y. i9ii(?)+ Chic, i9ii(?) + No more information available. E. 1911, 1913. Sydney University Engineering Society, New South Wales. Journal and abstract of proceedings. Irreg. Vol. I-f 1896-I- Sydney, 1896-h CE. 9-11, i3+;E. ii-l- System. M. Vol. 1+ 1900-I- Chic, 1900-H E. [13-1S, 22]. Taschenbuch fur die gesammte mineralogie. Vol. i-i8. 1807-1824. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1807- 1824. Continued as Zeitschrift fiir mineralogie. Repertorium. Vol. 1-5. 181 1. Repertorium. Vol. 6-10. 181 7. Repertorium. Vol, 11-15. 1821. N. 1-18. Technic See Michigan University. Engineering Society. Michigan technic. Technical and Engineering Society. Colorado School of Mines See Colorado School of Mines. Technical and Engineering Society. Technical index See Revue de I'ingenieur et index technique. Technical League. Bulletin. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 8. 1909-1910. N. Y., 1909-1910. No more information available. E. 1-2. Technical League of America. Journal. M. Vol. 1+ 1913-!- N. Y., 1913+ Vol. I, nos. 1-8 name of Society was Ameri- can Society of Engineer Draftsmen. E. 1 + Technical literature See Industrial engineering and the engineering digest. Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1884 -h San Francisco, 1884+ C. 1-8, [9-10]; E. 1-9, [10]; N. 7-10, [11-13]; CE. i-io, 12-13. Technical world See Technical world magazine. Technical world magazine. M. Vol. i-l- March 1904-I- Chic, 1904+ Vol. 1-3 title reads Technical world. E. i+; N. i+; S. [i], 2-5, [6], 7-12, [13]- Technick^ obzor See Spolek Architektuv a Inien^ru v KrAlovstvI Ceskfim. Technick^ obzor. Technics. M. Vol. 1-4, no. 20. 1904-August 1905. Lond., 1904-1905. No more published. E. 1-4; P. 1-3. Technik und wirtschaft See Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Beiblatt. Techniker. M. Vol. 1-18, no. 3. 1876-March 1896. N. Y., 1876-1896. No more information available. N. 1-18; CE. [4], 5-7, [8], 9-10, [11-12]. Technique automobile et a6rienne. M. Vol. i-\- 1906-I- Par., 1906-f- Supplement of Vie automobile. E. 6-1- Technique modeme. M. Vol. i-f- December 1908-1- Par., 1908-I- E. i-l- Technisch-chemisches jahrbuch. Y. Vol. i + 1878+ Ber., 1878+ From 1878-1880 published as the second part of Chemiker-kalender. N. 1-28; CC. 1-28. Technische auskunft See Fortschritte der technik. Technische literatur. W. Vol. 1-2, no. 11. 1904- 1905. Hannover, 1904-1905. No more information available. E. 1-2. Technische monatshefte, zeitschrift fiir technik, kultur und leben. S-M. Vol. i-l- 1910+ Stut., i9io4- N. 1 + Technisches gemeindeblatt. S-M. Vol. i-j- March 1898+ Ber., 1898-!- CE. 1 + Technograph See Illinois University. Associa- tion of Engineering Societies. Technograph. Technologist. M. Vol. 1-2. 1870-1871. N. Y., 1870-1871. No more published. Continued as Industrial monthly. C. 1-2; E. 1-2; N. 1-2; CE. I. Technologist See Deutsch-AmerLkanischer Tech- niker-Verband. Technologist. Technologiste. M. Vol. 1-69, no. 12. 1839- April 1907. Par., 1839-1907. Vol. S9-69, no. 12 title reads Le Chauffeur. No more published. Table alphab6tique et analytique. Vol. 1-20. 1839-1859. Par., 1867. Table alphab6tique et analytique. Vol. 21-30. 1859-1869. Par., 1869. C. 1-20, 30-68; N. 16-69; CC. 34-41. Technology monthly and Harvard engineering journal. M. Vol. i-H April 1914+ Bost., 1914+ Formed by the consolidation of Harvard engi- neering journal and Technology monthly in April 1914- E. 1 + Technology quarterly. M. Vol. 1-21. September 1887-1908. Bost., 1887-1908. Until 1 89 1 title reads Technology quarterly and Proceedings of the Society of Arts. Vol. 8-14 includes Vol. 1-7 (April 189S-1901) of the Review of American chemical research. Ceased publication in December 1908. CE. 1-21; C. 1-21; E. 1-21; CC. [1-2], 3-21; S. [10, 19], 20-21. Technology review. Q. Vol. i-|- 1899+ Bost., 1 899 4- CE. 1-I-; C. i+; E. i-i-; S. 9+ Teknisk Forening. Tidsskrift See Teknisk tids- skrift. Teknisk tidskrift. W. Vol. i-l- 18714- Stock- holm, 1871-f Contains the following sections: Arkitektur, Elektroteknik, Mechanik, Kemi och bergs- vetenskap, Skeppsbyggnadskonst, Veckoup- plagen, Vag-och vattenbyggnadskonst. CE. 7+; E. 2i-f; N. [21], 27-28, 30+ Teknisk tidsskrift. S-M. Vol. i-f- 1877-f Kjoben- havn, 18774- Udgivet af den Tekniske Forening og Elek- troteknisk Forening. Published by-weekly until March 1907. N. 1-19; CE, 134- ;E. 264- Teknisk ugeblad. W. Vol. i4- 18834- Kristiania, 18834- Continuation of Polyteknisk tidsskrift. Vol. 1-15 (1883-1897) title reads Norsk teknisk tidsskrift. Published by the Norske Ingenior-og Arkitekt- Forening and the Polytekniske Forening. CE. i4-; E. i-is, [16-17], 18, [19], 204- ; N. I, 4, [5], 7, [8, 13, 15-17], 18, [19-20]. Tekniska Foreningens i Finland. Forhandlingar. Vol. i-|- i88o(?)-f Helsing- fors, i88o(?)4- N. [11], 214- Telegrafista. Vol. 1-9. 1881-1889. Roma, 1881- 1889. No more information available. E. 1-3, 5- Telegraph age See Telegraph and telephone age. Telegraph and telephone age. S-M. Vol. i-f 18834- N. Y., 18834- Vol. 1-26 title reads Telegraph age. In 1902 a correction was made in the volume number, hence volumes 19-24 are for years 1896-1901 and also for 1902-1906. E. 14-24, 19-21, 234-; N. [12-13], 194- Telegraph chronicle and civil service recorder. S-M. Vol. 14- 18934- Lond., 18934- E. [19], 20-27, [28], 29-t- Telegraph Electrical Society. Journal. Irreg. Vol. 1-2, no. 18. i878(?)- 1880. Melbourne, i878(?)-i88i. No more information available. E. [2]. Telegraph Electrical Society. Transactions. 1874-1878. Melbourne, 1875-1878. No more information available. E. 1874-1878. Telegraphen-u. femsprech-technik. S-M. Vol.i-f April 19124- Ber., 19124- E. 24- Telegrapher. M. Vol. 1-13, no. 551. September 1864-February 1877. N. Y., 1864-1877. In 1877 incorporated with Journal of the telegraph. E. I-13; C. I-12; N. I-I2. Telegrapher's advocate. S-M. Vol. 1-3, no. 10. 1883-1885. N. Y., 1883-1885. No more information available. E. [I, 3]. Telegraphic journal. W. Vol. 1-2. 1864. Lond., 1864. No more published. C. 1-2; E. 1-2. Telegraphic journal and electrical review See Electrical review (London). Telegraphist. Irreg. Vol. i, February-December 1876. Lond., 1876. Continuation of St. Martin's magazine. No more information available. E. I. Telegraphist M. Vol. 1-3. 1884-1886. Lond., 1884-1886. No more information available. E. 1-3. Telephone (London). B-W. Vol. i. 1889. Lond., 1889. No more information available. E. [i]. Telephone. M. Vol. 1-2, no. 7. March 1897- July 1898. Chic, 1897-1898. Incorporated with American telephone jour- nal. No more information available. E. [i], 2. Telephone engineer. M. Vol. i-|- 1909+ Chic, 1909+ In September 1910 incorporated the Western telephone journal. E. i + ; S. 4+; N. [i], 2, [3-5], 6+ Telephone magazine. M. Vol. 1-26, no. 2. 1893- August 1905. Chic, 1893-1905. Vol. I, nos. i-s title reads World's Fair elec- trical engineering. Vol. I, no. 6- Vol. II title reads Electrical engineering. Vol. 12-14 title reads Electrical engineering and telephone magazine. Incorporated with Telephony in September 1905. E. 1-26; N. [1-8], 10-26. Telephone news. S-M. Vol. 1+ August 1905-I- Phil., 1905-1- E. I, [2-3], 4+ Telephone Pioneers of America. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist-f- 1911-j- v.p., 1911-I- E. ist+ Telephone world. M. Vol. 1-4. 1906-1907. Lafayette, Ind., 1906-1907. No more information available. E. [1-4]. Telephony. M. Vol. i-|- 1901-!- Chic, 1901-^- In September 1905 incorporated Telephone magazine. In September 1908 incorporated American telephone journal which had a few months previous incorporated Sound waves. In July 1910 volume number changed to 59- E. [i], 2, [3], 4-6, [8], 9-18, [19], S94-; N. 7-19, 59-h; C. [16-17]. Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity. Q. Vol. 1 4- 1896-t- Chic, 1896-f- C. i4-;E. i-F;N. i-l- Texas Academy of Science. Transactions, together with the Proceedings. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1892-t- Austin, 1897-I- CE. i-io. Textil-und farberei-zeitimg. W. Vol. i-|- 19034- Ber., 1903+ CC. 4, [5-6], 7-9- Textil-zeitung. W. Vol. i4- 1870-f- Ber., 1870-I- Vol. 1-26 (1870-1893) title reads Zentralblatt far die textil-industrie. N. 29-f Teztile American. M. Vol. 1+ 1904 -f- Bost., 19644- N. [i], 3+; CO. 1-2, [3-6], i84- Textile colorist. M. Vol. i4- 18794- Phil., 18794- CC. I, [2], 3, [5], 8-9, [10], ii-is, [16-21], 224-; N. i84-; C. 334-; P. 17-20. Textile colourist. M. Vol. 1-4. 1876-1877. Man- chester, 1876-1877. Incorporated with Textile manufacturer. CO. 1-4; C. 1-4; N. 1-4. Textile Institute. Journal. Irreg. Vol. i-\- 19104- Man- chester, 19104- CC. i4- Textile kimst und Industrie. M. Vol. 1+ 19084- Dresden, 1908-i- N. 1-4. Textile manufacturer. M. Vol. i4- 18754- Manchester, 18754- In 1878 incorporated Textile colourist, re- taining the volume number of Textile manu- facturer. CO. 39-H; N. 5-6. Textile manufacturers' journal. M. Vol. i4- 1894+ N. Y., 18944- N. 124- Textile mercury. W. Vol. 1+ 1889-H Man- chester, 1889-!- N.33-f- Textile record of America. M. Vol. 1-24, no. 5. 1880-March 1903. Phil., 1880-1903. In April 1903 consolidated with Textile world. N. [8, 10, 14], 15-17, [18-19]. Textile world. M. Vol. 1-24. 1888-1903. Bost., 1888-1903. In April 1903 Textile world and Textile record of America consolidated and formed Textile world record, retaining the volume number of Textile world. N. [i, 4, 7], 8-24; E. 8-15. Textile world record. M. Vol. 254- April 1903 -f Bost., 1903-t- In April 1903 Textile world and Textile record of America consolidated and formed Textile world record, retaining the volume number of Textile world. E. 254-; N. 254- Textile recorder. M. Vol. 1+ 1883 -f- Man- chester, Eng., 18834- N. i4- Thonindustrie-zeitimg. See Tonindustrie-zeitung. Thonwaaren Industrie. W. Vol. 1-18. 1887-1904. Bunzlau, 1887-1904. Ceased publication. C. 13-18. Tidsskrift for physik og chemie samt disse viden- skabers anvendelse. Vol. 1-18, 1862-1879; Ser. 2, Vol. 1-12, 1880-1891; Ser. 3, Vol. 1-3, 1892-1894. Kjobenhavn, 1862-1894. No more information available. N. 1-18, Ser. 2, 1-12, Ser. 3, 1-3. Tijdschrift ter bevordering van nijverheid. M. Vol. 1-16. 1833-1852. Haarlem, 1833-1852. No more information available. N. [5, 9-"]. Timber trades journal and saw mill advertiser. W. Vol. 1+ 1873+ Lond., 1873+ N. 44+; E. [65], 66+ Times. Engineering supplement. W. Year 1+ 1905+ Lond., 1905+ S. i + ; E. 6+; CE. [6], 7. Tokyo Imperial University. College of Science. Journal. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1887+ Tokyo, 1887+ General index. Vol. 1-25. 1887-1908. Tokyo, 19 13. E. i+; N. 1-17, 30+ Tonindustrie-zeitung. T.-W. Vol. 1+ 1877+ Ber., 1877+ CE. 16, 18+ ; CC. 26+; E. [29, 31], 32+; N. 26-27, [28, 32], 36+ Toronto University. Studies. Geological series. Irreg. No. 1 + 19004- Toronto, 1900-H N. i-f- Toronto University. Studies. Papers from the chemical labora- tories. Irreg. No. i-j- 1885 (?)-}- Toronto, i88s(?)-i- N. 44-72, 74-1- Toronto University. Studies. Papers from the physical labora- tories. Irreg. No. i-f- 1907-t- Toronto, 1907-h N. 1-4, 18-24, 26-36, 90-93. Toronto University. Engineering Society of the School of Practical Science. Transactions. Y. No. 1-20. 1885-1907. Toronto, 1887-f- No more published. In 1907 name of Society was changed to Engineering Society of the University of Toronto, and name of publication is Applied science. CE. 1-20; N. 2-17; S. 15, 19-20. Toulouse University. Faculty des Sciences. Annales. Vol. 1-12, 1887-1898; Ser. 2, Vol. i-io, 1899-1908; Ser. 3, Vol. 1+ 1909-I- Par., i887-f N. 11-12, Ser. 2, i-io, Ser. 3, i-f Traction and transmission. M. Vol. i-io. 1901- 1904. Lond., 1901-1904. Monthly supplement to Engineering. Ceased publication October 1904. CE. 1-5, [6], 7-10; C. i-io; E. i-io; N. [1-3]. Trade of the west See Steel and iron. Tradesman. S-M. Vol. j+ 18794- Chattanooga, Tenn., 1879+ N. [23, 25], 26-f Train Dispatchers' Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-2nd. 1884-1885; ist-1- 1888-j- Chic, 1888+ From 1884-1887 known as the American Train Dispatchers' Association. This Associa- tion went out of existence in 1887, but was reorganized in 1888 as the Train Dispatchers' Association. CE. ist-2nd. Tramway and railway world. M. Vol. i-f- 1892-f Lond., 1892 -f- Vol. 1-8 title reads Railway world. N.6+;C.84-;E. ii-H Tramways and Light Railways Association. Official circular. M. No. i-j- 1903 -|- Westminster, 1903 -|- E. 10, 24, 26, 29, 34-39, 41-43, 45, 47, 49, 52, 55, 60, 67. Transit See Iowa University. College of Applied Science. Transit. Transmitter. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1891-]- Sydney ,- Lond., 1891-j- E. [13], 14-16, [17-18], 19-I- Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers. Journal. M. Vol. 1-9, no. 4. August 1902- November 1910. Johannesburg, 1902-1910. Vol. 1-3, no. 7 (August 1902-February 1905) known as the Mechanical Engineers' Associa- tion of the Witwatersrand. In February 191 1 the Transvaal Institute of Mechanical Engineers and the South African Association of Engineers combined and formed the South African Institute of Engineers. E. 1-5, 7-9; N. 8-9. Travelers standard. M. Vol. i-f- October 191 2 -f Hartford, Conn., 1912-I- Published by the Engineering and Inspection Division of the Travelers Insurance Company and the Travelers Indemnity Company. E. 1-f Traveling Engineers' Association. Proceedings of the annual convention. Y. ist4- 1893 -t- Buffalo, N. Y. 1893-!- E. ist+; N. 9th, iith-i2th, 15th; CE. 5th, 15th. Treasury Construction Society See Society of Constructors of Federal Buildings. TroUey. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-24. 1907. Cleveland, O., 1907. No more information available. E. [i]. Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische mittheilimgen. Irreg. Vol. 1-7, 1871-1877; New ser. Vol. I-f 1878-I- Wien, 1872-I- From 1871-1877 title reads Mineralogische mittheilungen. Register. Vol. i-io. 1878-1888. Wien, 1890. Register. Vol. 11-25. 1889-1907. Wien, 1907. N. 1-7, New ser. i-f; E. 6, New ser. 28 -|- I03 Turbine. S-M. Vol. 1-9, no. 24. 1904-September 1913. Ber., 1904-1913. Incorporated with Zeitschrift fUr das gesamte turbinenwesen in October 1913. E. 1-9; CE. 5-9. Union des Charbonnages Mines et Usines Metal- lurgique. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. 1+ i869(?)H- Lifege, i869(?) + E. [11], 12-14, 16+ United States. Isthmian canal commission. Canal record See Canal record. United States army and navy journal. W. Vol. i-|- 1863+ N. Y., 1863+ Commonly called Army and navy journal. C. 1-23, 35-46, 48-1- United States Association of Charcoal Iron Workers. Journal. B-M. Vol. 1-9, no. i. 1880- 1881. Phil,, 1880-1881. No more published. E. 1-9. United States miller. M. Vol. 1-18. 1876-1893. Milwaukee, 1876-1893. No more information available. E. 1S-18. United States nautical magazine and naval journal. M. Vol. 1-7. 1854-1857. N. Y., 1855-1858. Vol. 1-2 title reads Monthly nautical maga- zine and Quarterly review. No more published. E. 1-7; N. [i], 2-3, 5-6, [7]. United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Q. Vol. i-|- 1874-I- Anna- polis, Md., 1874-j- Vol. 1-4 title reads Papers and proceedings. Index. Vol. 1-15. Annapolis, n.d. General index. Vol. 1-27. 1874-1901. Baltimore, 1902. CE. i + ; C. i + ; E. i-|-; S. i- 14,16-17. Universal engineer. M. Vol. i-|- 1902 -i- N. Y., 1902 -|- E.[6],7+;N.6-f- Universidad Central de Venezuela. Revista cientifica. M. Vol. i-f- Caracas, i888-|- CE. [1-2]. 1888 -h Universidad de Chile See Santiago de Chile. Universidad de Chile. Universidad de Quito See Quito. Central de Ecuador. Universidad Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Contribucion al estudio de las ciencias fisicas y matemdticas. Irreg. Vol. 1 + 1914-I- La Plata, 1914+ E. i-f- Upsala University. Geological Institution. Bulletin. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1892-!- Upsala, 1892+ Index. Vol. i-io. 1893-1910. Upsala, 1910. CO. i + ; E. i-t-; C. 1-8, 104-; N.9+ Uralski tekhnic. M. Vol. i-|- 1907 -j- Ekaterin- burg, i907-f- E. 8-H Valve world. M. Vol. i-f 1905-I- Chic, 1905-h Only one number published for volume 8 (1912). Thirteen numbers were published for volume 10 (1913). N. 1-6; E. I, [2-6], 7, [9], lo-f- Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine See Van Nostrand's engineering magazine. Van Nostrand's engineering magazine. M. Vol. 1-35. 1869-1886. N. Y., 1869-1886. Vol. 1-2 1 title reads Van Nostrand's eclectic engineering magazine. In 1887 consolidated with the American rail- road journal and formed Railroad and engi- neering journal, which now is the Mechanical edition of Railway age gazette. CE. i-3S; C. 1-35; E. 1-35; S. 1-35; P. 1-17; CO. 2, 20-21, 32. Vegyfiszeti lapok See Magyar Vegy6szeti Gydrosok orsz. Egyesiilet^nek. Vegyfiszeti lapok. Verband Deutscher Architekten-und Ingenieur- Verein. Mittheilungen. Vol. i-f- 1885 -{- n.p,, 188S+ CE. [i]. Verband Deutscher Diplom-Ingenieur. Schriften. Irreg. No. 1-8. 1909-1911. Ber., 1909-1911. N. 1-8. Verband Deutscher Diplom-Ingenieur. Zeitschrift. S-M, Vol. i-H 1910-f- Ber., 1910+ E.3+ Verband der Seifenfabrikation See Seifenfabri- kant. Verein der Deutsche Zucker-Industrie, Zeitschrift. M. Vol. i-|- 1851-!- Ber., 1851 + Vollstandiges autoren tmd sach register. Vol. i-io. 1851-1860, Ber., 1862. General-register. Vol. 53-62. 1903-1912. Ber., 1914. N. 1-31, 47+; E. 59-i- Verein der Gas-und Wasserfachmanner in Oster- reich-Ungam. Zeitschrift. S-M. Vol. i+ 1883+ Wien, 1883+ 1883-1906 title reads Gastechniker. E. [50], 51+; CO. 36-52, [53]. 104 Verein der Spiritus-Fabrikanten in Deutschland. Jahrbuch. Y. Vol. i+ 1901+ Ber., 1901 + Beilage. Zeitschrift fur spiritus-in- dustrie. CC. 2-5, 7-10, 13. Verein der Spiritus-Fabrikanten in Deutschland. Jahrbuch. Beilage. Zeitschrift fiir spiritus- industrie. W. Vol. i-f i878(?)+ Ber., i878(?)+ CC. 24, 34+ Verein Deutscher Eisenbahnverwaltung. Zeitung. W. Vol. 1+ 1861+ Ber., 1861+ E. 53+ Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Beiblatt. Technik und wirtschaft. M. Vol. 1+ 1908+ Ber., 1908+ CE. i + ; C. i + ; E. i+; CC. 1-4, [5], 6+ Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Beitrage zur geschichte der technik und Industrie. Y. Vol. 1+ 1909+ Ber., 1909-j- E. i + ; N. j-3. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Mitteilungen iiber forschungsarbeiten auf dem gebiete des ingenieurwesens. Irreg. No. 1+ 1901+ Ber., 1901 + N. i + ; CE. 1-3, 8-13, 17+; E. 10-13, 17-18, 20-|- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Wochenschrift. 1877-1883. Ber., 1878-1883. Combined with the Zeitschrift. Inhaltsverzeichniss. 1877-1883. Ber., 1884. C. 1877-1883; N. 1877-1883; E. 1878-1883. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure. Zeitschrift. W. Vol. 1+ 1857+ Ber.. i8S7+ Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 1-5, in Vol. 5. 1857-1861. Ber., 1861. Alphabetisches inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. i-io. 1857-1866. Ber., 1867. Alphabetisches inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 11-15. 1867-1871. Ber., 1872. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 16-27. 1872- 1883. Ber., 1884. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 28-37. 1884- 1893. Ber., 1895. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 38-47. 1894- 1903. Ber., 1904. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 48-54. 1904- 1910. Ber., 1911. Beilage: Technik imd wirtschaft. CE. i-t-; CC. i-h; N. j + ; E. 1-3, 6+; C. 2-4, 6+; S. 41-42, [43], 44+ Verein Deutscher Portland-Zement-Fabrikanten. Protokoll der Verhandlimgen. 1878+ Ber., 1878-f CE. 1878+ Verein Deutscher Revisions-Ingenieure. Schriften. Irreg. No. 1+ 1899+ Ber., 1899+ N. 1-3, 4-5- Verein fur die Bergbaulichen Interessen im Oberbergamtsbezirk Dortmvmd. Jahresbericht. Y. 1895 (?)-}- Essen, i895(?) + E. 1895, 1897-f- Verein fiir die Forderung des Local-und Strassen- bahnwesens. Mittheilungen. M. Vol. 1+ 1893-I- Wien, CE. 1-4. Verein fiir Eisenbahnkimde in Berlin. Verhandlungen. 1882-1891. Ber., 1882- 1891, No more information available. CE. 1886-1888. Verein zur Beforderung des Gewerbfleisses. Verhandlungen. 10 nos. Y. Vol. i-|- 1822-I- Ber., i822-F Inhalts-verzeichniss. Vol. 1-60. 1822- 1881. Ber., 1883. Inhalts-verzeichniss. Vol. 61-84. 1882- 1905. Ber., 1906. N. 1-54, [55], S6+; E. 89+; CE. 75- Vereinsblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Mechanik und Optik See Deutsche mechaniker- zeitimg. Vermont engineer See Association of Vermont Engineers. Vermont engineer. Victorian Institute of Engineers. Proceedings. M. Vol. i-f- 1900-f- Mel- bourne, 1900-I- E. [6], g+; CE. 6, 9, 11; N. 9-11; S. 9-10. Victorian Institute of Surveyors. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. x+ 1874+ Melbourne, 1881 + CE. i-f Vienna. ELaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Anzeiger. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1864 -|- Wien, 1864+ CC. [15], 16+ Vierteljahresschrift iiber die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der chemie der nahnmgs-imd genuss- mittel. Vol. 1-12, 1886-1897. Ber., 1886-1897. Continued as Zeitschrift fur untersuchung der nahrungs-und genussmittel. CC. I-I2. Virginia maniifacturer. W. Vol. 1-2. 1890- 1891. Buchanan, Va., 1890-1891. No more information available. E. 2. Virginia University. Philosophical Society. Proceedings. Irreg. ist-f 19104- Charlotts- ville, i9ii-[- CE. ist+ Virginias. M. Vol. 1-6. 1880-1885, Staunton, Va., 1880-1885. In January 1886 incorporated with Industrial South. E. 1-6; N. 1-5. los Vulcanic Society See Junior Institution of Engi- neers. Vulkan. S-M. Vol. i+ 1900+ Frankfurt-a- Main, 1900+ E. [8], 9-11, [12], 13+ Wagenbau, Deutsche wagenbau-zeitung. M. Vol. 1+ 1896+ Ber., 1896+ N. 2+ Wagner's Jahres-bericht See Jahres-bericht fiber die leistungen der chemischen technologie. Washington Academy of Sciences. Journal. S-M. Vol. 1+ 191 1+ Balti- more, 1911-f- Continuation of the Proceedings. Incorporated the Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington. CC. 1+ Washington Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. Y. Vol. 1-13. 1899-1911. Baltimore, 1899-1911. Continued as the Journal. CC. i-i3;E. 1-13. Wasser imd abwasser. T-W. Vol. i-f- 1909 -1- Lpz., 1909-I- CE. i-h; N. 1-4. Waste trade journal. Vol. i-f- 1905+ N. Y., 1905+ N. 4-1 1. Water and gas review. M. Vol. 1+ 1892+ N. Y., 1892+ E. [2], 3-4, [5-7], 8-12, [13], 14, [15], 17+; N. [2-7], 8, [9], 10-12, [13], 14-21. Water-gas journal See Gas age. Water power chronicle. M. Vol. i-}- 1913+ Detroit, 1913+ C. i-f Waterproofing and fireproofing. M. Vol. 1-3, no. 4. 1907-1909. Detroit, 1907-1909. Vol. I, no. 1-7 (1907) title reads Water- proofing and was published in New York. Incorporated with Cement era. N. 1-3. Werkstattstechnik. M. Vol. i-f 1907 -j- Ber., 1907-f E. [2], 3+; N. [2], 3+; C. 5+ West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute. Journal. Y. Vol. i-f 1892-t- Glasgow, 1894+ E. i-l- West Virginia Coal Mining Institute. Proceedings. Y. i9o8(?)4- Fairmont, W. Va., i9o8(?)-|- E. 1908-h West Virginia Mining Association. Annual meeting. Y. i9io(?)-|- Washing- ton, D. C, i9io(?)-H No more information available. E. 1910. West Virginia Society of Civil Engineers and Architects. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist-3rd. 1896-1898. Wheeling, 1896-1898. No more information available. CE. 3rd. Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metallurgists. Western chemist and metallurgist. Vol. 1-6. 1905-1910. Denver, Colo., 1905-1910. Ceased publication December 1910 and So- ciety no longer exists. C. 1-6; E. 1-6. Western Australian Institution of Engineers. Proceedings. Y. Vol. i-|- 1910-I- Perth, 1910+ E. x + Western Canada Irrigation Association. Report of proceedings of the annual conven- tion. Y. ist+ 1912-j- Ottawa, 1907-!- CE. 6th-l- Westem Canada Railway Club. Proceedings. 9 nos. Y. Vol. i-H May 1908-!- Winnipeg, 1908-f- Forms the Manitoba Branch of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. E. [3], 4+ Western builder. M. Vol. 1+ 1902-I- Mil- waukee, I902-f- N. [5-7]. Western chemist and metallurgist See Western Association of Technical Chemists and Metallur- gists. Western contractor. W. Vol. i-f 1901-I- Kansas City, 1901-t- In July 1912 Cement record consolidated with Western contractor. N. [12], 13, [i4-is]> i6-f Western EflSciency Society. 100% M. Vol. i-f September 1913-I- Chic, 1913+ From September-December 1913 title reads Efficiency. E. l-f Western Electric news. M. Vol. i-f- March 1912-f- N. Y., 1912-I- E. I, [2], 3-1- Westem electrician. W. Vol. 1-43. 1887-1908. Chic, 1887-1908. Combined with Electrical review, New Yorlc, in November 1908 and continued as Electrical review and western electrician. E. 1-43; N. 1-17, [18], 19-43; C. I, 3-43- Western engineering. M. Vol. x-\- 191 2 -j- San Francisco, 1912-f- C. i-|-;E. i-h Western Gas Association. Proceedings of the annual meeting. Y. ist- 29th. 1878-1906. St. Louis, 1878-1906. In 1906 combined with the American Gas Light Association and the Ohio Gas Light Association and formed the American Gas Institute. E. ioth-28th; N. ioth-2ist; S. i5th-i8th, 22nd-29th. io6 Western manufacturer. M. Vol. 1-15. 1874- 1887. Chic, 1874-1887. No more information available. N. [6], 8-10, [11, 14]. Western mining world See Mining and engi- neering world. Western New York Car Demurrage Association. Annual report. Y. ist-|- 1890+ n.p., 1890+ CE. ist+ Westem Railway Club. Official proceedings. 9 nos. Y. Vol. i-j- 1888+ Chic, 1888+ Before 1888 the Proceedings were published in various railway publications. E. 1-8, [9], 10+ ; CE. [2-7], 8+; N. 7-22, 24+; S. 19+ Western Society of Engineers. Journal. 10 nos. Y. Vol. 1+ 1896 4- Chic, 1896+ CE. i+;E. i + ;N. i+;C.i-i6; S. [11], 12+ Western Society of Engineers. Proceedmgs. Vol. 1-6. 1870-1881. Chic, 1876-1881. Vol. 1-2 title reads Papers. Vol. 3-4 title reads Papers and Proceedings. Organized in 1869 as the Civil Engineers' Club of the Northwest. Incorporated under the present name in 1880. From 1881-189S the Papers and Proceedings were printed in the Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies. CE. I, 3-6; C. 4-5. Western telephone journal. M. Vol. 1-17, no. i. 1902-August 1910. Vinton, Iowa, 1902-1910. Consolidated with Telephone engineer in September 1910. E. 8, [9], 10-12, [13-16], 17; N. [ii], 12-14, [1S-16]. Whipple's electric reports. M. Vol. 1-2. 1889- August 1891. N. Y., 1889-1891. No more published. E. [1-2]. Wieck's deutsche illustrirte gewerbezeitung. W. Vol. 1+ 1839-f- Stut., 1839-H Vol. 1-8 (1836-1843) title reads Gewerbe- blatt fur sachsen. Vol. 9 (1844) title reads AUgemeine zeitung fiir nazional-industrie und verkehr, etc. Vol. 10-14 (184S-1849) title reads Deutsche gewerbe-zeitung und sSchsisches-gewerbe- blatt. Vol. is-24 (1850-1859) title reads Deutsche gewerbe-zeitung. In 1894 incorporates Polytechnisches notiz- blatt flir chemiker gewerbetreibende, fabri- kanten und kiinstler. N. 20-45; C. 41, 43-50, 52-65. Wiedemann's Annalen der physik See Annalen der physik und chemie. Wiener feuerwehr-zeitung. S-M. Vol. 1-18. 1871-1888. Wien, 1871-1888. No more information available. CE. 4-5. Wiener zeitschrift fiir physik, chemie und miner- alogie See note Zeitschrift fur physik imd mathe- matik. Wire. M. Vol. i, nos. 1-6. 1899. N. Y., 1899. No more information available. E. [i]. Wireless age. M. New ser. Vol. i-|- October I9i3-f N. Y., i9J3-f Continuation of the Marconigraph (in Amer- ica). E. i-h Wireless world. M. Vol. i-|- April 1913-f Lond., 19 134- Continuation of Marconigraph. E. I-l- Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Transactions. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1872-I- Madison, 1872 -f- N. [i], 2-is, [16], i7-f-; CE. 2-3, 8: E. 8. Wisconsin engineer. 8 nos. Y. Vol. i-f- 1896+ Madison, Wis., 1896-I- N. 1-4, [5I, 6-1- ; E. 3-4, 6-10, 12-f; CE. 7-t-; S. [8], i3-f-; C. 15-I- Wisconsin Engineers' Society. Annual report containing papers read at the annual meeting. Y. ist. 1897. No more information available. CE. ist. Wisconsin Gas Association. Journal of proceedings of annual convention. Y. ist-h 1902-I- v.p., 1902-!- E. ist-H; N. ist-H Wisconsin University. Bulletin. Engineering series. Irreg. Vol. i-f- 1894-I- Madison, Wis., 1896-}- E. I-f; N. 1-6; CE. 1-5; C. 1-5. Wisconsin University. Bulletin. Science series. Irreg. Vol. i-|- 1894-I- Madison, Wis., 1896-!- E.1 + ; CE. 1-3. Wissenschaft. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1904 -|- Bms., 1904-f- CC. i-H Witwatersrand mining and metallurgical review. M. Nos. 1-21. 1890-1891. Johannesburg, 1890- 1891. Incorporated with South African mining journal in 1891. E. 1-21. Wood Preservers' Association See American Wood Preservers' Association. Woodcraft. M. Vol. i-j- 1904 -|- Cleveland, Ohio, 1904-!- Vol. 1-3 title reads Pattern maker. E. I-t- Wood-worker. M. Vol. i-|- 18824- Indiana- polis, Ind., 1882-I- E. 30-1- Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Journal. B-M. Vol. i4- 18974- Worcester, Mass., 18974- CE. i+; E. 14-; S. [i], 2, [3], 4-7, [8], io4-; N. 1-4, [s-io], ii-h I07 Work. W. Vol. 1+ 1889+ Lond., 1889+ E. 1 + Workshop. M. Vol. 1-16. 1868-1883. N. Y., 1868-1883. American edition of Gewerbehalle. No more information available. N. 1-9; CE. 1-3. World's advance. M. Vol. 1-7, no. 2; Vol. 29+ May 1908+ N. Y., 1908+ Vol. 1-6, no. 4 (i908(?)-i9i3) title reads Popular electricity magazine. Vol. 6, no. S-12 (1913) title reads Popular electricity and the world's advance. In July 1914 incorporated with Modern elec- trics and mechanics and title became Popular electricity and modern mechanics, retaining the volume number of Popular electricity. In 1915 (Vol. 30, no. 1-3) title reads Modern mechanics. E. 6-7, 29+; N. 1-4. World's Fair electrical engineering See Telephone magazine. World's progress. M. Vol. 1-5, no. 10. April i9os-0ctober 1909. Wash., 1905-1909. No more information available. N. i-s; E. [1-2], 3-5. Yacht See Journal de la marine, le yacht. Yale Sheffield monthly. 9 nos. Y. October 1894+ New Haven, Conn., 1894+ Vol. 1-19 (i894-june 1913) title reads Vale scientific monthly. Index. Vol. 1-6. October 1894-June 1900. New Haven, n.d. CE. 1-13, 16+; N. 1-2, 4-16, 18+ ; E. [3, 6-8], 9-13, [14-15], 16+; C. 19+ Yearbook for colorists and dyers. Y. Vol.Ji-f 1898+ N. Y., 1898+ CC. 1 + Young mechanic See Mechanic. Zeitschrift fur analytische chemie. M. Vol. 1 + 1862 -|- Wiesbaden, 1862 -f Autoren-imd sach-register. Vol. i-io. 1862-1871. Wiesbaden, 1872. Autoren-und sach-register. Vol. 11-20. 1872-1881. Wiesbaden, 1881. Autoren-vmd sach-register. Vol. 21-30. 1882-1891. Wiesbaden, 1894. Autoren-imd sach-register. Vol. 31-40. 1892-1901. Wiesbaden, 1903. CC. i-f ; N. i-h; S. 18-42, 44-45- Zeitschrift fiir angewandte chemie. W. Vol. i-i- i887-i- Lpz., 1887-1- Vol. I title reads Zeitschrift fiir die chemische Industrie. Beginning with 1913 published in three parts: Pt. I Aufsatzteil, Pt. 2 Referatenteil, Pt. 3 Wirtschaftlicher teil und Vereins nachrichten. General register. Vol. 1-20. 1887-1907. Lpz., 1910. CC. i-f-; E. 1-2, 4-f-; C. 1-21, [22], 23-I-; N. loH-; S. S-21. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte elektricitStslehre See Centralblatt fiir elektrotechnik. Zeitschrift fiir anorganische chemie. Irreg. Vol. i-f 1892-I- Lpz., i892-f General register. Vol. 1-50. 1892-1903. Lpz., 1908. Autorenregister imd sachregister. Vol. 49-51 in Vol. 51. Lpz., 1906. Autorenregister imd sachregister. Vol. 52-54 in Vol. 54. Lpz., 1907. Autorenregister imd sachregister. Vol. 55-57 in Vol. 57. Lpz., 1908. Autorenregister imd sachregister. Vol. 58-60 in Vol. 60. Lpz., 1908. Autorenregister und sachregister. Vol. 61-63 in Vol. 63. Lpz., 1909. Register. Vol. 64-66 in Vol. 66. Lpz., 1910. Register. Vol. 67-69 in Vol. 69. Lpz., 1911. Register. Vol. 70-72 in Vol. 72. Lpz., 1911. Register. Vol. 73-75 in Vol. 75. Lpz., 1912. Register. Vol. 76-78 in Vol. 78. Lpz., 1912. Register. Vol. 79-81 in Vol. 81. Lpz., 1913- CC. iH-;E. i-f-;N. 1+ Zeitschrift fiir architektur und ingenieurwesen See Architekten-imd Ingenieur-Verein zu Hannover. Zeitschrift fiir architektur und ingenieurwesen. Zeitschrift fiir bauhandwerker See Zeitschrift fiir das baugewerbe. Zeitschrift fiir baukunde. 8 nos. Y. Vol. 1-7. 1878-1884. Miin., 1878-1884. No more published. CE. 1-3, [4], 5-7. Zeitschrift fiir bauwesen. Q. Vol. i-f 185 1 -f- Ber., 1851-1- General-regi^ter. Vol. i-io. 1851-1860. Inhalts-verzeichniss. Vol. 1-15. 1851- 1865. Ber., 1866. Inhalts-verzeichniss. Vol. 1-30. 1851- 1880. Ber., 1881. Inhalts-verzeichniss. Vol. 1-50. 1851- 190C. Ber., 1904. CE. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir beleuchtimgswesen, heiz-und liift- ungs-technik. T-M. Vol. 1+ 1895+ Ber., 1895+ N. 2+; E. 8+; CC. 7-18. Zeitschrift fiir bergrecht. Q. Vol. i-|- i86o-f- Bonn, 1860-I- Register. Vol. i-io. 1860-1869. Bonn, 1870. Hauptregister. Vol. 1-20. 1860-1879. Bonn, 1880. Hauptregister. Vol. 1-36. 1860-1895. Bonn, 1896. E. 14-15, 42-49. Zeitschrift fiir calciumcarbid-fabrikation und acetylen-beleuchtung See Carbid und acetylen. Zeitschrift fUr chemie. Vol. 1-14. 1858-1871. Lpz., 1858-1871. Vol. 1-2 (1858-1859) title reads Kritische zeitschrift fiir chemie, physik und mathema- tik. Vol. 3-7 (1S60-1864) title reads Zeitschrift fiir chemie und pharmacie. No more published. N. 1-14; CC. 8-14. ie>8 Zeitschrift fiir chemie und industrie der kolloide See Kolloid-zeitschrift. Zeitschrift fiir chemische apparatenkunde. Irreg. Vol. 1-3. 1906-1908. Ber., 1906-1908. No more information available. CC. 1-3. Zeitschrift fiir dampfkessel und machinenbetrieb. W. Vol. 1+ 1898+ Ber., 1898+ Vol. 1-26 (1898-1903) title reads Mittheil- ungen aus der praxis dampfkessel-und dampf- maschinen-betriebes. N. I, 20+; E. 16+ Zeitschrift fiir das baugewerbe. S-M. Vol. 1 + i8s7+ Halle a S., 1857+ From 1 857- 1 863 title reads Zeitschrift fiir bauhandwerker. From 1 864- 1904 title reads Haarmann's Zeitschrift fiir bauhandwerker. N.49+ Zeitschrift fiir das berg-hiitten-und salinenwesen in dam preussischen staate. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1853+ Ber., 1853+ Published in several sections namely: (a) Verwaltung, (b) Abhandlungen, (c) Literatur, (d) Statistischer teil. The first two have been discontinued. Hauptregister. Vol. i-io. 1853-1862 in Vol. 10. Hauptregister. Vol. 1-25. 1853-1877. Ber., 1879. Inhaltsverzeichniss. Vol. 1-50. 1853- 1902. Ber., 1903. E. i + ; N. i + ; C. I-S7, 59+ Zeitschrift fur das berg-hiitten-und salinenwesen in dem preussischen staate. Atlas. Irreg. Vol. 2o-|- 1872-I- Ber., 1872+ Has the same volume number as Text, E. 20-27, 29-1- ; N. 20-34, 51-52. Zeitschrift fiir das chemische grossewerbe. Q. Vol. 1-5. 1877-1881. Ber., 1877-1881. No more published. CC. 1-5; C. 1-5. Zeitschrift fiir das gesammtgebiet der elektro- technik. 1903, nos. 1-3. Lpz., 1903. No more published. N. 1-3. Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte schiess-imd sprengstoff- wesen. S-M. Vol. i-|- 1906-I- Miin., 1906+ CC.i-|-;N.i+;E.3+ Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte turbinenwesen. T-M. Vol. i-H September 1904.4- Miin., 1904 -f- Incorporates Die turbine in October 1913. E. I, [2], 3-}-; C. lo-t- Zeitschrift fiir den physikalischen und chemischen unterricht. 6 nos. Y. Vol. i-|- 1887 -|- Ber., 1887+ Generalregister. Vol. i-io. 1887-1897. Ber., 1898. Generalregister. Vol. 11-20. 1898-1907. Ber., 1908. N. lo-f Zeitschrift fiir die chemische industrie See Zeit- schrift fiir angewandte chemie. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte kalte-industrie. M. Vol. i-|- 1894 -h Miin., 1894 -f- N. i-l-;E. 16-I- Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte textil-industrie. W. Vol. i-f- 1897-+- Lpz., i897-[- N. 6-1- Zeitschrift fiir drechsler, elfenbeingraveure imd holzbildhauer. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1877-f- Lpz., 1877-f N. 21-I- Zeitschrift fiir eis- und kalte-industrie See Oster- reichischer Verein fiir Kalte-industrie. Zeitschrift fiir eis-imd kalte-industrie. Zeitschrift fiir elektrochemie imd angewandte physikalische chemie. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1894 -|- Halle a. S., 1894 -H Vol. I title reads Zeitschrift fiir elektrotechnik und elektrochemie. Vol. 2-9 title reads Zeitschrift fiir elektro- chemie. Generalregister. Vol. i. Namenver- zeichnis. Vol. i-io. 1894-1904. Halle a. S., 1910. Generalregister. Vol. 2. Sachverzeich- nis. Vol. I-IO. 1894-1904. Halle a. S., CC. i-f-; C. 1-I-; E. i-f-; N. i-f- Zeitschrift fiir elektrotechnik See Elektrotechnik imd maschinenbau. Zeitschrift fiir elektrotechnik und elektrochemie See Zeitschrift fiir elektrochemie imd angewandte physikalische chemie. Zeitschrift fiir elektrotechnik imd maschinenbau. W. Vol. 1-31, no. 26. 1898-June 1914. Potsdam,- Ber., 1898-1914. Published in Berlin from January 1914. In i898(?) the Elektrotechnische rundschau which was published in Frankfurt-a-Main moved to Potsdam and continued as two pub- lications: Zeitschrift fiir elektrotechnik and Elektrotechnische und polytechnische rund- schau, which later became Elektrotechnische rundschau. In October 1902 Blatter fiir elektrotechnik was incorporated with Zeitschrift fiir elek- trotechnik und maschinenbau. In July 1914 combined with Elektrotechnische rundschau. N. 5-31; E. 6-31. Zeitschrift fiir farben industrie. S-M. Vol. i-H 1902 -|- Ber., 1902 -f; Vol. 1-4 title reads Zeitschrift fiir farben- und textil-chemie. CC. I-I-; C. I-f Zeitschrift fiir farben-und textil-chemie See Zeitschrift fiir farben industrie. Zeitschrift fiir flugtechnik und motorluftschiffahrt. S-M. Vol. i-H 1910-f- Miin., 1910-I- E. 2-1- Zeitschrift fiir gewasserkunde. Vol. i-|- 1898-I- Lpz., 1898-f- N. i-t- Zeitschrift fiir heizung, liiftungs-und beleuchtung See Haustechnische rundschau. 109 Zeitschrift fur hygiene. Irreg. Vol. i+ 1886+ Lpz., 1886 4- General index. Vol. 1-30 in Vol. 30. Lpz., 1899. CC. 1-31. Zeitschrift fiir instrumentenkimde. M. Vol. 1 + 1881+ Ber., 1881 + Beiblatt. Deutsche mechaniker-zeitung. Generalregister. Vol. i-io. 1881-1890. Ber., 1892. Generalregister. Vol. 11-30. 1891-1910. Ber., 1912. C. i + ; E. 1 + ; N. i+; S. 28+; CC. 15-17. Zeitschrift fiir instrumentenkimde. Beiblatt. Deutsche mechaniker-zeitimg. S-M. 1896-I- Ber., 1896+ From 1896-1897 title reads Vereins-blatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Mechanik und Optik. C. 1896-I-; N. 1896-f ; E. 1909-1- S. 1909-f ; CC. [1896], 1897. Zeitschrift fiir kleinbahnen. M. Vol. i-l- 1894 -f Ber., 1894-I- Beilage. Mitteilungen des Vereins Deutscher Strassenbahn-imd Kleinbahn- Verwaltungen. E. 1-I-; N. 1-4. Zeitschrift fiir komprimierte imd fliissige gase sowie fiir die pressluft-industrie. M. Vol. i-f- 1898-1- Weimar, 1898-I- Nothing published from October-December 1912. N. iH-; E. 14+ Zeitschiift fiir krystallographie und mineralogie. 6nos. Y. Vol. i-h 1877-?- Lpz., 1877 -H Generalregister. Vol. i-io. 1876-1885. Lpz., 1886. Repertorium 1885-1891 imd General- register. Vol. 11-20. Lpz., 1893. Repertorium 1897-1902 und General- register, Vol. 31-40. 1897-1902. Lpz., 1910. N. 1 + Zeitschrift fiir maschinenbau imd schlosserei. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1884+ Ber., 1884 -f N. 16, [17], 18, [19], 20-1- Zeitschrift fiir maschinenbau und schlosserei. Beilage. Elektrotechm'sche rathgebei:. B-W. Vol. 1+ I900-F- Ber., 1900-H N. [i], 2-1- Zeitschrift fiir mathematik und physik. Vol. i-|- 1856-}- Lpz., 1856+ General-register. Vol. 1-25. 1856- 1880. Lpz., 1881. Genetal-registex. Vol. 1-50. Lpz., 1905. N. i-f- Zeitschrift fur mineralogie. Vol. 19-23. 1825- 1829. Fiiinkfurt-am-Main, 1825-1829. Continuation of Taschenbuch fur die ges- ammte mineralogie. Continued as Jahrbuch far mineralogie, geognosie, geologie und petrefaktenkunde. N. 19-23. Zeitschrift fur offentliche chemie. S-M. Vol. i-t- 1895 -H Weimar, 1895-f- Vol. 1-2 title reads Centralblatt fur nahrungs- und genussmittel-chemie. N. i-H Zeitschrift fiir physik und mathematik. Vol. i-io. 1826-1832. Wien, 1826-1832. Continued as Zeitschrift fUr physik und verwandte wissenschaften; later title became Wiener zeitschrift fiir physik, chemie und mineralogie. N. i-io. Zeitschrift fiir physik und verwandte See note Zeitschrift fiir physik und mathematik. Zeitschrift fiir physikalische chemie. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1887-1- Lpz-, 1887-h Namen-und sachregister. Vol. 1-24. 2 pts. Lpz., 1903-1904. Namen-imd sachregister. Vol. 25-50. 2 pts. Lpz., 19JO-1911. Autoren-und sachregister. Vol. 50-53 in Vol. 53. Lpz., 1905. Autoren-und sachregister. Vol. 54-57 in Vol. 57. Lpz., 1907. Autoren-und sachregister. Vol. 58-61 in Vol. 61. Lpz., 1908. Autoren-und sachregister. Vol. 62-65 in Vol. 65. Lpz., 1909. Autoren-und sachregister. Vol. 66-70 in Vol. 70. Lpz., 1910. Autoren-und sachregister. Vol. 71-74 in Vol. 74. Lpz., 1910. Autoren-und sachregister. Vol. 75-78 in Vol. 78. Lpz., 1912. Autoren-und sachregister. Vol. 79-82 in Vol. 82. Lpz., 1913. CC. i-h;E. i-f;N. i-f- Zeitschrift fiir physiologische chemie. Irreg. Vol. 1+ 1877-I- Strassburg, 1877-f Sach-und namenregister. Vol. 1-30. 1877-1900. Strassburg, 1901. Sach-und autorenregister. Vol. 31-60. 1900-1908. Strassburg, 1910. N. 1-21; CC. 1-14, 23. Zeitschrift fiir praktische geologie. M. Vol. i-|- 1893-1- Ber., 1893+ General-register. Vol. i-io. 1893-1902. Ber., 1903. General-register. Vol. 11-17. 1903-1909. Ber., 1910. E. 1-I-; N. 1-3. Zeitschrift fur praktische geologie. Beiblatt. Bergwirtschaftliche mitteilungen. M. Vol. 1+ 1910-I- Ber., 1910-I- Bound with the Zeitschrift. E. i-l- Zeitschrift fiir reproductions-technik. M. Vol. i-l- 1899-I- HaUe a. S., 1899-I- Beiblatt. Photographische chronik. CC.9-1- Zeitschrift fiir sauerstoff-und stickstoff-industrie. M. Vol. i-l- 1908-f Ber., I9p8-|- CC. 1-3; E. 3+ Zeitschrift fiir schwachstromtedmik. S-M. Vol. 1+ 1907+ Miin., 1907+ E. 2+; N. 1-4. Zeitschrift fiir transpoftwesen und strassenbau. T-M. Vol. 1+ 1884+ Ber., 1884+ C. 28+; E. 29+ Zeitschrift fiir vmtersuchung der nahrungs-iind gemissmittel, sowie der gebrauchsgegenstande. S-M. Vol. i-h 1898-I- Ber., 1898-I- Continuation of Vierteljahresschrift iiber die fortschritte auf dem gebiete der chemie der nahrungs- und genuss-mittel. Beilage. Gesetze und verordnungen sowie gerichtsentscheidungen betrefiEend nahrungs-und genussmittel und ge- brauchsgegenstande. CC. i-h Zeitschrif t fiir vermessungswesen. T-M. Vol. i-|- 1872-I- Stut., 1872+ Inhaltsverzeichnis. Vol. 1-33. 1872- 1904. Stut., 1906. C. i-f-;E. I-3S. Zeitschrift fiir werkzeugmaschinen und werk- zeuge. S-M. Vol. i+ 1896+ Ber., 1896+ N.9+ Zeitschrift fiir zuckerindustrie in Bohmen. 11 nos.Y. Vol. i-H 1876-f- Prag, 1876-1- E.35+ Zement und beton. W. Vol. i-io. 1902-1911. Ber., 1902-1911. Ceased publication. N. 4-10. Zentralblatt der bauverwaltung. S-W. Vol. 1+ i88i-h Ber., 1881-I- CE. 1-7, [8], 9-12, [13], 14+; N. 7, [8-15]; E. 34+ Zentralblatt fiir chemie und analyse der hydrau- lischen zemente. M. Vol. i-|- 1910-!- Halle a. S., 1910+ E. 1+ Zentralblatt fiir die textil-industrie See Textil- zeitimg. Zentralblatt fiir eisenhiittenwesen. M. Vol. 1-3. 1906-1908. Ber., 1906-1908. Ceased publication December 1908. CC. 1-3; E. 1-3. Zentralblatt fiir Rontgenstrahlen, radium, imd verwandte gebiete. M. Vol. 1+ 1910-I- Wies- baden, 1910-f- N. i-h Ziegel- imd bau- Industrie. S-M. Vol. i-f 1897-!- Ber., 1897-I- Know as Stein und mSrtel until August, 1909- N. 5+; CC. 6-11. Zymotechnica Association. Proceedings. M. Vol. 1-2. July 1906- August 1908. Chic, 1906-1908. No more published. Probably continued as the Society of Brewing Technology which later became American Society of Brewing Technology. CC. [i]. YE 03415