CampbelFs I'ea^ Coffee and Spice Manual UC-NRLF $B EbO 577 Published by Lute E. Campbell GIFT OF Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witin funding from IVJicrosQft Corporation littp:// CampbelFs Tea, Coffee and Spice Manual A Comprehensive Trade Manual on Teas, Coffees and Spices * » * » Pric/i f 4vp0 Not ' J til* > it . » i •' • • • J t t t » ^ » o©^, m^ • » » »**«Jm ' t ' » » » •• Published by Lute E. Campbell 316 W. Second St. Los Angeles, California Compiled and Published by LUTE E. CAMPBELL For the information and protection of Merchants and Dedicated to those interested I. < • • i i * • * * i i • • • - • • ♦ • • • ^ *' <•#'• Oopyri&M 1920 by LUTE E. CAMPBHIiL The writer does not challenge Criticism, but honestly courts it. If, in the perusal of this /work, you find an error, or an article, which, in your judgment, is incorrect, or incomplete, and you have more authentic *'data" at hand, please forward same to the author. He will at all times be glad to receive honest criticism, reliable information, opinions and sug- gestions from those interested in and acquainted with the subjects' herein treated. Any special informatipn cheerfully furnished for the asking, if oibtainable. THE AUTHOR. O 429040 AN'AUBI ,, ., ^ . The writer first turned m's Vtterition 'towkrd' Teas and Coffees in the early eighties, when the public knew scarcely any other than China and Japan Teas, and at which time, and for many years thereafter, the same unsuspecting public were buy- ing principally Mocha and Java Coffee, and drink- ing principally Rio, together with some Central American Coffees. In the course of time he graduated from a whole- sale grocery salesman to a Tea and Coffee spe- cialty salesman, thence to a Tea and Coffee spe- cialist (so-called), thence to a blender of Coffees, with accumulated experience as a roaster — at the same time a blender of Teas, with a reasonable degree of success, and finally to a buyer and blender of both Teas and Coffees for Wholesale Grocers, Tea and Coffee Houses and Wholesale Roasters, and is at this time acting in the capacity of buyer and blender of Teas and Coffees for one of the largest and most prominent Wholesale Gro- cers and Coffee Roasters on the Pacific Coast. While he has never had the temerity to call him- self an expert, he has, during these many years, accumulated a considerable fund of knowledge and experience, and knowing from the latter just how hard it is to acquire the former, he has compiled the following for those interested in Teas, Coffees, Spices, etc. The data herein contained is the result of years of study, research and experience, and the writer's thorough personal acquaintance with the Tea and Coffee shrubs and their cultivation, culture, growth, harvesting, etc., both in the Gardens and upon the plantation. The condensed papers (prepared in many instances especially for the writer and this work) from Tea, Coffee and Spice Buyers, Brokers and salesmen from China, Japan, Java, Ceylon and India, on Teas, and South and Central America and Jklexicpv .on Coffees, , fron?' clippings from various ,l^ii(;rii>3$kl^, Pn^yciop^dias , and various sources of authority, as well as Government reports and Bul- letins, and will not only be found to be more than brdinarily authentic and reliable, but should he of incalculable help and value to all desiring infor- mation on the subjects treated. The writer also wishes to refer to Coffee papers by such old and, prominent writers as Mr. W. P. Hiern, Prof. A. H. Church, Mr. Preston, and Mr. Ellis; to Tea papers by Mr. J. L. Shand, of Ceylon; Hellyer & Co., Chicago; J. C. Whitney & Co., New York; Carter^Macy Co., New York; also P. L. Sim- monds' F. L. S., F. R. C. I., works published in Lon- don on Teas, Coffees, Seeds and Spices; also to Fluokiger ,& Hanbury's "History of the Principal Drugs"; to Mr. James McPherson's article on Tea in the Journal of the Society of Arts, and to Mr. J. Miers* paper on "Mat6" in the "Transactions of the Linnean (Society, 1861", in "Annals and Maga- zine of Natural History." Extracts from the above authorities, segregated and arranged by the author for the information, convenience and( protection of brokers, mercliants and salesmen. Also general information and expressions through and from intimate acquaintance with the Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 79 Wall Street, New York, and the Simmons Spice Mill, 79 Water Street, New York. The leading Tea, Coffee and Spice Journals in the United States and, in the writer's opinion, the most reliable authority in the world. Emphatically emphasized points throughout this work are points that should be especially remem- bered, for in most instances they will not only be the particular subject in hand, but will be among the information most desired. AMERICA'S FOREIGN COFFEE TRADING The foreign Coffee trade of the United States, according to statistics prepared by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, approximated normal, with high record shipments and increased average prices during the fiscal year 1919. Re- ceipts exceeded those of the "peace" year 1914 hy only 4.5 per cent and were 8.2 per cent below those of 1918, the last full ; ear of the war. Ship- ments (that is, exports and re-exports to foreign countries and sales to non-contiguous territories of the United States), on the other hand, were 87.4 per cent greater in quantity and 116.4 per cent greater in value than in 1914, and also sur- passed, in both quantity and value, those of 1918. The average price of the coffee received in 1919 was 13.7 cents a pound, contrasted with 9 cents in 1918, and a shade over 11 cents in 1914; and the average price of the coffee (both domestic and foreign) shipped was 18.6 cents compared with 13 cents in 1918 and 16.1 cents in 1914. As regards domestic raw coffee alone, the average export price was 19.5 cents in 1919, 14.5 cents in 1918, and 16.2 cents in 1914. The United States has long been the largest Coffee consuming country in the world in the aggregate, though not per capita, but with the advent of nation-wide prohibition, an increase in the per capita consumption is expected, with the once popular "coffee house" of England to supplant the "bar." COFFEE HISTORY The early history of Coffee is only to be gleaned from mythology, at least to a great extent. It is claimed by many to have been native to Abyssinia and Ethiopia; however, the concensus of opinion seems to be that the civilized world is indebted to Africa for the Coffee Bean. 9 Its early history is clouded in tradition, but it appears to have been known by the Ethiopians of Northern Africa from time immemorial. It was not, however, used in the form of a beverage, but was toasted, or roasted, crushed and mixed with animal fats and rolled into balls about the size of a billiard ball. These were used as food: one of them, it is said, being capable of sustaining a man for a day. It was preferred by these people to either meat or bread, as it cheered as well as sustained. Its use reached Abyssinia toward the end of the thirteenth century, and traveled about two hundred years later into Arabia. It is claimed that Coffee was first introduced into Arabia in the year 875 A. D., but it did not come into popular favor until the discovery of its excellence as a beverage in the first part of the fifteenth century. This discovery from the mythological accounts we have of it, was purely accidental. It is said that a certain ruler of some Dervishes had a flock of goats, and that he had noticed their antics after feasting on the berries from the Coffee tree. Now, this ruler had been greatly annoyed by the ten- dency of his Dervishesi to "sleep in church", even at this early date, and he was led to believe that if he could in some way induce them to eat a few beans off this aformentioned bush, that they would stay awake during service, be interested and happy. How was he to get them to partake of this little berry? Ah! an infusion of it would shroud its origin in the necessary cloak of mystery. It worked like a charm and( was soon the hit of the hour, to such an extent, in fact, that it fell under the ban of the church, and was expressly forbidden in the Koran, buti without avail — ^Coffee had come to stay. The Arabs, however, guarded their secret jeal- ously, and it was almost a hundred years before it was introduced into Turkey. Arabia seems to have been the stepping-stone for the universal consumption of Coffee, and it was Arabian Coffee 10 shipped through the port of Mocha that shed a halo around the name "Mocha" and led the Coffee world Into using It as a panoply for millions cfi tons that never saw Arabia. In those days Ara- bian merchants were considered the most enter- prising in the world. They stood at the gateway from Asia to Europe, and they added the Coffee bean from Africa to the spices and other luxuries of the Orient. The use of Coffee quickly spread outward: first to Persia and Syria, then to Cairo, and in a few years to Venice. Then an Arab and an Abyssinian, by names Shem and Heken, opened the first Coffee house in Constantinople, and introduced the Turkish public to this new delight. It took like wildfire, and their house was thronged day and night, and Ori- ental Coffee houses sprang up everywhere in the city. It is said that the poorer classes even begged money in the streets to purchase Coffee. It was soon a firm habit with the Turkish people, and iwe are told that at one time there was an edict issued to the effect that ''failure" to supply a wife with a specified amount of Coffee per diem, was admitted to be a valid cause for divorce. As in Arabia, the drinking of Coffee was opposed on religious grounds, but with the same results. It was not until 1615 that Coffee was allowed to tickle the Western palate. This was brought over by some Venetian merchants, and served to their friends, but at this time the price was pro- hibitive, and it was not until 1650 that it was publicly introduced in Europe. At this time a London merchant brought over a quantity of Arabia-n Coffee and an Armenian servant to pre- pare it. He intended serving it to his friends and customers. It proved an instantaneous success with the English public. He found his place so thronged iwith Coffee drinkers, that he was una- ble to conduct his business. Thereupon he gave his Armenian a tent placed on a side street, and 11 here was opened the first English Coffee House, followed by others rapidly. These were tremen- dously popular and became the gathering places of the famous wits and nobility of the day, and developed into our modern club. The progress of the Coffee bean was beset with many obstacles. Although Coffee was im- mediately popular, it had no easy road in Eng- land. It was opposed from every point of view — medical, moral, physical and political, and was excessively taxed. Religiously inclined people denounced Coffee as an insidiously pernicious beverage. Statesmen saw political danger in the discussions which marked the attendance at the Coffee houses. On this ground they were closed by Government orders on several occasions, and in several countries; and governments found new sources of revenue by heavy taxation on ev- ery gallon of Coffee brewed, but the beverage proved its real popularity and worth by out-living all restrictions. In 1671 the first Coffee house! or cafe was open- ed in Marseilles. It proved immediately popular, and the cafes soon rivalled the older cabarets in attendance. It was, however, not popular at this time with the Nobility. Louis XIV did not like Coffee, consequently his Court did not. It be- came popular with the Nobility immediately, however, upon his death, and it is said that the family of Louis XV spent $12,000' to $15,000 a year to have Coffee on their table. For about fifty years after the advent of Coffee in Europe, the entire supply came from Arabia- Mocha Coffee, so called from the port from which it was shipped. About 1690, however, the Dutch appeared in the Worlds Market with large quan- tities of Java, and from this time on the growing of Coffee soon spread into all parts of the Tropi- cal world. It was introduced into India in about 1700, and about twenty years later into Ceylon from Java 12 by the Dutch, and in 1740 into the Phillipines by- Spanish Missionaries from Java, and at about this time the first shrub or tree was planted in Brazil, now the world's greatest Coffee growing country, and a little later it spread to Cuba, Porto Rico and Mexico, and then to practically all parts of South and Central America. Today Afri- ca, the original source is a comparatively unim- portant factor in the production of Coffee, how ever, considerable is marketed from the Liberian districts. In every instance, in all countries, the public's instantaneous acceptance of this delightful bev- erage, although it has been opposed from every point of view, shows that a commodity for which there is a universal craving among mankind, civ- ilized or savage, cannot be denied, regardless of the opposition it incurs, and it is today the sole hot beverage of more than a hundred million peo- ple. FROM THE SEED TO THE CUP The Coffee bean of commerce is the seed of a fruit, resembling in size and shape a large cran- berry very much. However, its general appear- ance is more frequently referred to as like a medium sized cherry, and is yellowish-red to pur- ple-red when ripe. The fruit of the "Cherry" so called, is made up thus: Beginning from the outside: An outside skin resembling the skin of a cherry in texture — A soft pulp — Then a soft glutinous substance, containing a quantity of saccharine, then a parch- ment coating resembling the husk of wheat; then the "Silver-Skin" (like the onion skin). Within this are usually two Coffee beans ; when only one bean is found inside the "Cherry" or "Berry" (This occurs occasionally in all varieties and frequently in a few) the "flat side" (?) still holds the distinguishing groove, but it is nearly as 13 round as the other. These beans are known as "pea-berries", "male^berries" or "Caracolillo" (Mexican) or "Caracole". They are most plenti- ful on old bushes or trees. The| Coffee "berry" is the fruit of an evergreen tree, which in its natural growth is rather slen- der and attains a height of from five to thirty feet. The plant of commerce, however, is dwarfed to about five feet. This seems to render it more sturdy, and also convenient for gathering. There are many varieties of Coffee plants, but all having the same general characteristics. Bot- anists seem to differ as to whether or not they are really divisible into different families. Pop- ularly speaking, there are two general types. The Arabian, which is the old type, furnishes practically all of the Coffee of commerce, even the Brazil Man and Java Coffee' belongs to this tyipe. The Liberian is a comparatively new type and was discovered in the wilds of Liberia, (Western Africa). It is now cultivated exten- sively in several countries including Brazil, the Outch East Indies, Ceylon and Java, the latter name sometimes being coupled with it and called African Java or Liberian Java. The Maragogipi, a native of Brazil, together with Liberian Coffees are receiving considerable attention on account of the more hardy growth of the plants and the larger size of the bean. They have not the fine cup quality of the Arabian 'Coffee, but their size and strength enhance their value for blending. Robusta Coffee is a late arrival in the Coffee world, and, has been received by many with con- siderable favor. It is a very mild characterless Coffee and practically neutral used with other Coffees; is usually to be had at a low price and ia frequently used as a "filler" in both the cheap and medium priced blends. The Coffee plant requires a warm climate and very warm nights. The soil must be deep and 14 well drained, and there must be rain every month, and from one hundred to one hundred and fifty inches within the year. The Arabian variety grows best at an elevation of from 2500 to 5000 feet, and the Liberiam grows well at 1500 feet down to almost sea level. The plant is grown from seed and generally begins to bear after three to five years. The leaves are oblong, dark glossy-green on the upper surface, and rather a pale-green underneath, from five to six inches long, and two or three inches in width. The flowers are white and fragrant, slightly resembling the Jesamine in odor and grow in great clusters in the axils of the leaves. The fruit quickly follows the flower; the flesh or pulp of the fruit is sweet and agreeable in flavor, and is frequently eaten by the pickers. The ber- ries must be taken (picked) from the trees when ripe, as otherwise they fall from the tree and are lost to the planter. There are generally two or three main harvests in the course of a year, and cultivation aims to direct the crops as closely to that end as possi- 'ble, but to a greater or less degree, the plant bears blossoms and fruit the year round. The Coffee beans are at first of a soft bluish or greenish color, becoming hard and flinty on ex- posure, and changing usually with age to a pale yellowish tint and ocasionally almost a golden hue. There are, two methods of gathering these ber- ries. In the old, or Arabian method, cloths are spread on the ground and the ripe berries are allowed to fall into these. This insures getting full ripe berries, and raises the standard of the crop decidedly, due to the ripeness of the berry. The other method which is in use in practical- ly all of the world, consists in gathering the ber- ry by hand. This method is used in practically every coffee raising country at the present time, 15 with the exception of Arabia, and has the disad- vantage that some green (immature) berries are gathered which often materially lowers the stand- ard of the crop. This may be guarded against, however, by plunging the berries, at any time un- til roasted, into a bath of water. The green ber- ries are light and will float, and these should be thrown away. The next process consists of removing the skin and pulp. By the old, or "sun-dried" meth- od, still in use in some countries, the berries are placed in the sun to dry. Then when fully dry, the skin and pulp are removed by pounding in wooden mortars and winnowed. This method has the disadvantage that son>>© of the berries are crushed or broken, thereby lowering the qual- ity of the batch, but, being dried in the sun in the original skin, all of the flavor is retained, and for this reason it is said to produce more desired results from the consTimers point ot view, though the quality is lower from a marketing view point. In the other method, called the West Indian processv the berries are pulped the same day they are gathered, being run between two rollers. Next, water is let in and the pulp floated away, being saved for use a£> a fertilizer, or as a Coffee substitute. The "parchment" beans are then put into a cistern for the removal of the glutinous coating. This is removed hy one of two methods. In the popular method water is added to the ber- ries in the cistern, and they are allowed to set about forty-eight hours. The water is then run off and the berries are washed free of the coat- ing. The other method consists of putting the berries into the cistern without water and allow- ing them to ferment, the coating then removed as in the former method. The latter method is preferable from the consumers view point, since it is claimed that in allowing the berries to set in the water for two days, some of the flavor and aroma is lost. 1« The berries are dried, preferably in the sun, when the air is not too damp and hot, but if there is danger of fermentation, which will take place under these conditions, they are machine dried. This method does not seem to have any injurious effect on the quality of the Coffee produced. The berries are then run through a "peeler," and the parchment and "silver-skin" removed, the waste being winnowed away. They are then sorted according to size, cleaned of rubbish, trash, etc., and packed. The method of sizing or grading varies: some- times an inclined revolving cylindrical sieve, di- vided into different sized meshes is used; again in some of the more up-to-date plantations, sep- arators of the eccentric or vibrator type have succeeded the former method. The separation in either method is followed up by a careful sorting over by hand, especially of the better grades. In olden times the product was now ready for market, as practically everyone roasted their own Cofee; now-a-days, however, by far the greater part or the Coffee sold is already roasted. This roasting, although it is not generally known by the people, is a very precarious propo- sition, because the best Coffee poorly roasted, is poor Coffee. If over roasted, the "snap" and fra- grance is gone — if under done, it tastes grassy, green and raw, and makes a) very poor cup. Ten seconds either way might spoil the roast. The roasting is done in large revolving drums or cylinders, under which a brisk fire, is kept and regulated according to the type of Coffee being roasted. The Coffee must be constantly turned to roast regularly, and should be roasted quite rapidly in order to protect and retain the active principles. When properly roasted, it should be cooled as quickly as possible to prevent loss of strength, and then should be immediately packed in closely sealed containers, preferably air tight, 17 as the oil cells have been broken open by the heat action and the volatile oil containing the aroma of the Coffee is quickly dissipated. •Grenerally Coffee aged two or three years makes the best roast from the point of drinking quali- ties. According to good authority (and the writer's opinion) the Coffee is just now ready for blend- ing, however, it is a later day custom to blend the green Coffees and then roast. This custom is followed very extensively, but there is no ques- tion but the different sized beans and the differ- ent aged berries, and the green and dry berries require different treatment in the roaster. In blending, we know that some Coffees have Aroma, some have Flavor, and some Strength, Body, Character. The unknown quantity in blending is the "public palate." We have to consider only what they will like. After we have determined on the favored blend, we should ad- here strictly to it — ^this is quite a task and re- quires good taste and discernment, for it must be borne in mind that the essential qualities of the Coffee berry varies — this year's crop is not exactly like last year's crop from the same tree — nor is the berry in a given district identical with tha same berry in another part of the same dis- trict, so it may readily be seen that great care must be taken to maintain the standard of any special blend, and can only be accomplished by painstakingly cupping and tasting the liquors from various types until "matched." The Coffee classifications best known to the general public are "Mocha," "Java," '^Maracaibo," "Colombian," "Santos," "Bourbon Santos," "Li- berian," "Rio," "Guatemala" and "Pea-Berry" (or Caracole). The cheapest varieties of general consumption are low grade (Rio's, and the dearest the high grade Mochas and Javas or East Indian. 18 So much for the cultivation and preparation of Coffee. Let us now consider how it is judged for marketing. COFFEE SELECTION Vast experience is essential to the training of a Coffee Expert. The chapters following on the different Coffee growths give brief descriptions of the beans of the principal varieties, but there are so many different kinds, so much alike and yet so many minor differences of size, appearance, color and cup quality, that very few people can correctly judge the quality of a bean by its appearance raw, and only the keenest experts can determine its classification after roasting. Coffees are judged first by the form of the bean. There being three general types in this regard, but in as much as some Coffee plants bear beans of all three types, this is 'but a sum- mary test. The best test for a layman is by a sample in- fusion after roasting and grinding. The next test is the size. The medium sized bean of any" variety is generally^ regarded as pos- sessing the finest flavor, but there is no fixed standard as to size, as this varies with the locali- ties, where the beans are cultivated, the kind of season — ^whether wet or dry, and various other reasons. Color is the next test — in which we find a variation all the way from a transparent yellow to a bluish-green, dark-brown or black. Each geographical division has a different standard of color, and also every locality of dis- 19 tribution has different requirements. Far exam- ple:, in buying "Rio" we note that Chicago wants mediun^ to light green. Cincinnati, yellow. Lou- isville, yellow and dark-green. Texas, darkest- green. And each market is willing to pay a pre- mium to get the shade it wants. The place of production is the next require- ment. This is based mainly on what those names mean to the public. Mocha being the first Coffee used, was immortalized in song and story, so naturally the largest demand is for IVIocha, con- sequently if it looks like IVIocha, it's in demand. The next requirement is the geographical loca- tion of the place of production — ^whether highland or lowland. The highlands produce much better grades of Coffee, as it is firmer textured, not so watery or grassy of flavor. The next considerations are the smell, flavor, uniformity, age and absence of foreign particles. While on the subject of age, it may be of interest to note that Coffee takes an added quality with age, like wine, and it is said that artificial ageing is done just prior to the roasting. It is deter- mined by the color of the bean, iwhich must be well washed to determine "premature age.'* The final step in judging Coffee is the roasting, when the Aroma, etc., is observed. The Coffee is then ground and an infusion made for the pur- pose of observing the flavor, body, etc. As to the range in quality — it is too wide to be discussed here. For example, Brazilian Coffee is first divided into ten grades, ranging in quality from the equal of the best IVIocha down to the poorest Mexican, and in truth the most of the Mocha (?), until recently, was '*iGrolden Rio." Then the quality varies again every year, as to the size and quality of the crop produced and the general condition of the market. 20 An analysis of Coffee follows: Moisture 11.22 Oils and Fats 14.27 Albumen '6.96 Caffeine 1.18 Ash 3.51 Caffeo ] Matter soluble in water ^ 24.87 Tannic acid, etc. J Of these ingredients, Caffeo, the esential oil, Caffeine alkaloid, the stimulant and Tannic Acid, the astringent, concern us most. Let us con- sider them separately. Caffeine gives to Coffee its delicious aroma when roasting. It produces a slight, gentle pers- piration, an agreeable excitement, and stimulates the mental faculties. It retards in a marked de- gree the waste of tissue, and has a slight aperient effect on the bowels. Caffeine has no odor and a bitter taste. It in- creases nervous activity, enlivens the imagination and increases the heart and pulse. Tannic Acid is an astringent. To it is ascribed the flavor and chief properties of Coffee as a beverage. When we consider these together in combina- tion, we have a combination that exhilirates, arouses and keeps awake, counteracts the stupor of fatigue, disease and opium. It allays hunger to a certain extent and gives the weary increased strength and vigor. Physiologically, it makes the brain more active, yet soothes the hody, and lessens the change of the tissue, and consequently there is a lesser de- mand for food. Taken in moderate quantities, Coffee quickens the gastric juices and relieves the feeling of plentitude after a meal. The Coffee we get is 73.% Brazilian. The rest is mostly Central American, yet the majority of 21 brands of roasted Coffee on the American market, probably 60% of it, until recently, was Mocha and Java Blend. Can you figure it? 'Some statistics: A man picks 120 lbs. of Coffee berries a day. 120 lbs. of berries yield 15 lbs. of dried green beans. One tree yields 1 to 8 lbs. of Coffee a year. Coffee loses 5 to 8% in ageing. Coffee loses 16 to 22% in roasting. Good 'Coffee depends upon: Quality of the seed bean. Locality where raised — high or low. Annual amount of rainfall. Method of picking. Method of preparing, sun cured or not, dry or wet ferment. Age, before roasting. Proper roasting. Absence of "blights" or "Quakers." •Proper blending. Proper grinding. The public palate. Everyone used to roast his own Coffee. iCoffee loses its aroma and flavor very soon af- ter roasting, and should have every protection possible. The final process is the grinding, and this should always be done, when possible, immediate- ly before use, as Coffee loses much of its flavor and aroma in a very short while after grinding. This process is much more important than most people realize, and the finished product may be spoiled for a lover of good Coffee by improper grinding. If it is ground too coarsely, you do not get the flavor and strength in the infusion. If it is ground too finely, you get the same effect as in over-boiling, too much Tannic Acid extracted and a biter acrid cup. 22 Coffee should be differently ground for every method of preparation: e. g., perculator Coffee requires a fine grinding; boiled Coffee a coarse grinding. Simple tests for ground Coffee are: (1) Press a little of the ground Coffee between the fingers — if it cakes, it is adulterated, probably with Chickory. (2) Place a little of the dry Coffee in a glass of water. If nearly all floats and the water does not color, or only a very little, the Coffee is probably pure. If part sinks, it is adul- terated, probably with cereal, chickory or simi- lar substances. If the water turns a deep reddish tint, chickory has been added to it. (3) Spread a little dry Coffee on a piece of glass or some- thing similar and moisten with a few drops of water. Then pick out some of the smallest pieces with a needle, if they are soft, the Coffee is cer- tainly adulterated, as real Coffee bean particles stay hard even after long immersion in water. It must be remembered that the above tests apply only to the purity of the bean. They tell nothing of the flavor or aroma, which are deter- mining points of value. A Coffee may be perfectly pure, yet be harsh, musty, hidey or in many ways undesirable, hence the necessity of testing* flavor and aroma by mak- ing infusion. In (purchasing the raw beans, one should also thoroughly bear in mind that: (1) If all of one variety (i^ e., before blending) they should be Ifairly uniform in size, apeparance anjd color. (2) They should be free from stems, stones, dirt and all such foreign matter. (3) Wlien cut, they should be the same general color all the way through. If the inside is considerably lighter than the outside, it will usually be found that the beans have been artificially colored. Of re- cent years, however, this deception has been prac- ticed very little, if any. 23 THE PRINCIPAL COFFEE GROWING COUNTRIES Giving the Principal Trade Names, also Districts, Plantations and Chief Characteristics of the Various Coffees. NORTH AMERICA Mexico Central America Colima. Guatemala: — ^Coban. Corodoba. Costa Rica. Chiapas. c , , ( Santa Anna, Salvador: | iSanta Tecia. Triunfo. Tabas(30. Honduras. Tarn pi CO. Nicaragua. Tapachula. Belize. Olaxaca. (IP r o" n o u need Wahaka or War-har- kar.) Sierra. Coatzacoalcos. Uruapan. Coatepec. (Tepic) SOUTH AMERICA Venezuela Ecuador Ang^ostura. Guayaquil. r Caracas :-— 1 Trillade. La Guaira: ■{ Porto Ca- bello. Colombia-Sabanilla Bog-ota. L Coro. Uanca. r iCucuta. 1 Merida. 1 Tovar. Jerico, Bucaramang'a. ^ Antioquia : — ^Mendellin. Maracaibo : ■{ Salazar. 1 Trujillo. Ocana. Santa Marta. Bocono. . Tacharia. Carupano. Brazil Rio. f Campinas. ' Caravella. Nazareth. Santos: 1 Bourbon. Bahia: -j Chapada. Victoria. Capatania. Minas-Garaes. Ceara. Cuaruaru. Maragog-ipe. WEST INDIA ISLANDS Guadeloupe. Puerto Rico. Martinique. Hayti. Cuba. San Domingo. Jamaica— Blue Mountain. Guracao. 24 PACIFIC ISLANDS Hawaiian Islands. Phillipine Islands.— Ma- nilla. ASIA Arabia Abyssinian r Yemien Harrar. (Dong bean). Tehama Magrache. Mocha: { Serki ■ISliorl Sanani Bean ^Hodeida . AFRICA INDIA Guinea. Mysore. Enconge. Liberia. Malabar Abyssinia. EAST INDIA ISLANDS Timor. Sumatra Bali. Mandheling. Celebes — ^Macassar. Ankola. Tag-al. Ayerbangies. Kroe. Padang: ^ Painan. Lfjhat. Interior. Corinche. Indrapoers. Beongie. .Palembang. Singapore. Bockit Gom- Ceylon. pong. Straits Liberian. iSoemanik. Bonthyne. Gadoeng Batoe 'Soerian. Loboe Raya. Loboe tSiampir. Si Barasap. Private Akar Gedand Estate: Merapi. Taloeg Gedang. Lioeboeg Ge- dand. [Like. Soengu L^ndei. iSbengu Ram^- ^ boekan. Java Bantam. Japara. Batavia. Soerkarta. Buitenzorg. Djokjarkarta. Preanger. Madroen. Krawang. Reimang. Cheribon. Sourabaya. Togal. Kedire. Banjoemas. Malang. Pekalongan. Pasoeroean. Baquilan. Probolingo. Kadoe. Bejreki. Samarang. Banjo ewangi. Pamanoekin. (Libei rian.) 25 COFFEE CHART Of the Popular and Commonly Used Types BRAZIL, SOUTH AMERICA. RFC r Golden -j and the i numbers Santos Flat Bean ■Cfurley Bean Red Bean Bourbon COLOMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA. CENTRAL ] Bucaramanga, i^iSabanillas J Antioquia f'Medellin Bogota's -{ Manizales fExoelsO t Pantassia ] and L Extra Guatemala Costa Rica Cob an Costa Cuca Costa Granda Costa De Cusha Tumbador ' Caracole V and the numbers 1 1st, 2nd, 3rd AMERICA. Salvador f Yellow Bean 1 Green Bean Nicaragua f Natural 1 Washed r Yellow Honduras ■{ Heavy [ Bean Jamaica (Blue Mountain) San Domingo Porto Rican DUTCH AND Haitian BRITISH ^ Guantanamo 1 Best Cuban WEST INDIES Alquizar y Districts Marcos and . 'Plantations Sierra Maes- L tra ' Cucuta Meridia Maracaibo - Bocona VENEZUELA, Tovar SOUTH ^ ( Trujillo AMERICA. r Oaraeas La Guaira - Porto Cabello L I Coro MEXICAN r Coatepec (Tepic) Cordoba Caracolillo (Tea, Berry) Cordoba (Mexican Jack) 26 EAST INDIA, JAVA ISLANDS. EAST INDIA SUMATRA ISLANDS. EAST INDIA, JAVA ISLANDS. ARABIA CEYLON INDIA ECUADOR HAWAIIAN PHILLIPPINES Javas Mandheling Ankola r Plantation I Government ■{ Blue-Bean or I Washed East L Indian j- Javas { I Liberian fJava Robusta ^ Coffee iLaurentii r Yemen 1 Grades Mocha ■{ Tehama J^'Nos. 1, lA, [iSanani J 2, 3 Harrar (Longl3erry) Abyssianian '^Native" "Plantation" Liberian- Ceylon Ceylon Malabar Mysore Guayaquils Konos Luzon Manila Zamboango (Liberian Hyfbrid) (Arabia Seed) All Coffee plants produce some Caracole (Pea berry). Some types are always "unwashed." However, most types may be had "washed" or natural. DIVISIONS The first division of Coffee is into "strong" and **mild." The Rio's and some of the Santos are commonly said to constitute the "strong" varie- ties. (However, the writer considers it correct to include Liberians and some of the hybrids). The other part of the Santos crop and practically all the importations of the other kinds, come under the heading of mi Ids. The next classification by the Wholesale Mer- chant is by the iCountry of Export, sub-divided in each case into various growths and grades. 27 BRAZIL, RIO, SANTOS, BOURBON SANTOS The best known Brazil Coffeesi are the Rios and Santos. Rio Coffees are heavy in body and with a dis- tinctive flavor and aroma, in fact in most in- stances Rio Coffees are strong to rankness but properly built around in blends, help to produce a very fine strong drink. Individually they are generally of a very pungent character. Again, however, some of the Higher Types, such as, say, '^Golden Rio" are of fine character and are splen- did in the cup. The beans vary in size and color from large to small, and dark green to light yel- low. But in the main, Rio Coffeei is a low grade Brazilian growth of a very pronounced, strong, even rank flavor, and is rapidly losing favor in the eyes of the best informed trade. It is now only used in limited sections of the United States to any extent. It has been re- marked that one bag of Rio mixed with ten bags of any other Coffee would produce eleven bags of — Rio.. Formerly it was thought that Rio combin- ed with Java produced a satisfactory blend. SANTOS COFFEES Santos Coffees are generally milder than "Rios" and very smooth and pleasing in the cup, not so full as many types, but very mellow and a splen- did blender with most types, excepting, perhaps, East Indian or Javas, e. g., such as Padangs, Ma- cassars, Mandhelings, etc. Some authority has said it is like mixing cream with water to try to blend Santos with the latter named 'Coffees, — "it would be better to buy milk to begin with"; at any rate the writer has never been successful in 'blending the two types. The finer grades of Santos are of such excellent quality that they have been widely substituted for even high grade Javas and Mochas (practiced but little if any now), the "curley bean" being used in the latter case. They range from large to small, and, from green and rich yellow to very pale yellow. For purposes of exchange transactions, it is customary to term any Coffee shipped through the port of Santos, Santos Coffee* The City of Santos is the shipping center of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and is the World's greatest Coffee port. ''Red Bean Santos" is obtained from the Campi- nas district. It is considered more "flavory" and richer than the yellow or greenish varieties. "Bourbon Santos" is a small bean variety (some- times called "curley bean") which has grown rap- idly in popularity on account of its winey or vin- ous character. It was formerly sold as "Mocha" or "Mocha Seed" and is even now sometimes spoken of as the "Mocha" of South America. It was originally grown from Mocha seed (Coffee Arab- ica). The bean for the first two or three crops looks like a Mocha bean and makes a handsome roast. In appearance it should be small, partially round crinkley bean, and, if a genuine Bourbon Santos, should more nearly resemble ''Mocha Cof- fee" (With reference to style and cup character than any other Coffee. "Flat Bean Santos," After the third year of bearing, the Bourbon or Mocha Seed Santos takes on a flat bean characteristic which causes it to be spoken of thereafter as Flat Bean Santos. The State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, produces the Santos Coffee, so called; because it is shipped through the port of Santos. Santos Coffee har- vest takes place in May and June, and the average crop of beans obtained from each tree varies from one to six pounds. (In some cases more possibly). The principal types cultivated in Sao Paulo are: The Bourbon, Creoulo, Amarelio and Maragogipe. 29 The Borbon is the most delicate and short lived tree, but the greatest producer, usually producing an abundant crop, but the beans are the smallest of the four principal varieties. The other three do not produce so abundantly, but are long-lived and hardy. The Creoulo. or common native variety, and the Amarello or yel- low variety bear yellow instead of red berries, (or Cherries) and the Maragogipe grows on the larg- est tree, has the largest^ beans. (So large in fact, as to he called freakish, frequently). The Coffees produced by these varieties are classified on the estates according to size, shape and pureness of quality, into: Fine Moka, Fine Flat, Superior, Good, Regular, Ordinary and Refuse. These are classified in types ranging from one to nine in- clusive' — ^One, Two and Three being the best. Type one does not have a single black bean. Six black beans iper pound are permissible in Type Two. Type Three is allowed thirteen black beans to the pound. The two first Types are not to be found on the market. The scarcity of Type Three makes Type Four the commercial base for these iCoffees. This Type is allowed to contain up to thirty black beans to the pound. To designate the quality, black beans increase in number until Type Nine is allowed 850 in a single pound and lower, the classification proportionately. Type Seven poor quality with 20'0 black heans per pound is usually about 13 or 14 cents per Ten Pounds Cheaper than Type Four. (iBlack beans are com- monly called "Quakers.") In addition to the foregoing, the State of Sao Paulo grows some of all different types and quali- ties of Coffee known in all parts of the world. The winey or vinous character of the Bourbon Santos is frequently alluded to as acid or acidy. In the estimation of the writer such terms as acid, acidy or non-acidy applied to Coffee not only maligns a wholesome product, but is positively 30 erroneous. In all the accumulated "data" cover- ing a period of tliirty years, I have never read a chemical analysis showing a Bourbon (or flat bean) to contain either more or less acid than any other Coffee. It is true that some Coffees have a more distinct, **stand-outish" or winey flavor than others, the same as some Coffees are stronger than others — in either case the distinct- iveness is brought about no doubt, first, from the origin of the seed and then from soil, altitude or climatic conditions or the combination of these conditions. Among the numerous other types of Brazilian Coffee are "Victoria" or Capotuica, Bahia and Li- berlan Rio. The most generally accepted grades of "Rio'? and ''Santos" are from 1 to 10, or as follows Fancy: — ^Large and uniform in color and in size: clear and perfect in selection and attractive in general appearance, divided into "light," "med- ium" and "dark." Prime: — Very clear and regular in color and size, hut not so rich in appearancee as "Fancy." Good: — Uniform in color and size, but ranging from "Clear" to "Strictly Clear." Divided into "Light," "Medium" and "Dark." This is the aver- age or standard grade, now quoted as 4s com- mercially. Fair: — Only moderate and liable to contain many black (commonly called ''Quakers") broken and otherwise imperfect beans: Ordinary: — Irregular in color and size and lia- ble to contain many black broken heans and a proportion of hulls, etc. Common: — The lowest grade, mixed with bad and broken beans, chaff, hulls, etc. SI COLOMBIA, BUCARAMANGA, BOGATA, "SABANILLA" Colombia:— A State located in the extreme northern part of South America, also lightly touch- ing the west coast. Colombia is and has been for yeais one of our most important producers of fine Coffees, and its natural advantages promise still more abundant production. Being near the Equator, Colombian Coffees may be raised at a much higher altitude than i& possi- ple in most countries. Quality in Coffee depends upon high altitudes more than any other single condition, hence the High Grade. . BOGOTAS AND BUCARAMANGAS The City of Bogota is approximately 900O feet above the sea level. Bucaramanga is slightly low- er. The districts surrounding produce among the choicest grades of Coffee in the world. These Coffees (particularly the Bucaramanga). when ex- tra well aged, as was the case during the Vene- zuelan war, take on such a rich hrown color and show such mellowness in the cup as to be indis- tinguishable When placed beside Mandhellngs and An kolas of Sumatra, either in appearance or the cup. The Bogotas properly speaking are produced in a district of small area; in fact the production of the true Bogota is limited to perhaps 12,000 to 18,000 bags a year, however, the Coffees raised in the districts of Manlzales, Antioquia, Honda and Canca are generally bought and sold as Bogotas, and with the exception of the last named, these districts produce some excellent Coffees, particu' larly the fane/ grades. a2 Good grade Bogotas possess splendid winey body, and flavor, and when aged make wonderful individual drinkers. Bogotas of (particularly "iwiney" character are good to use with (or in place of) Mocha and Harrar for cost reduction and improving the ap- pearance for Abyssinian Coffee usually carries many "quakers" and Arabian is generally insig- nificant to look upon. The Bucaramanga and Bogotas, which are the two best known varieties of Colombia, rank among the finest of American Coffees. Bucaramanga and the district by that name is a good ten days or two weeks journey from Bogo- ta with mules. The finest Bucaramangas are the Naturals (un- washed), particularly when the season and cli- mate gives them a well browned growth. It is then that these Coffees have such heavy body as to be called the "backbone" of blends. Fine Javas and Sumatras are but slightly superior; in fact, Bucaramangas of this type, and particularly well age(J, iwlU do practically the same work of Javas; they are possibly not quite so winey or flavory, but their extraordinary strength makes 10 to 20 per cent a strong factor in ''blends." Good grade Colombian Coffees produce 25% more strength in the cup than the same weight in Santos, and gives a flavor and aroma unobtain- able from Santos. Bucaramangas are frequently referred to as ''Bucs." Savanillas are sometimes sold as "Bucs" but never carry the heavy body for which the Bucara- mangas are used. So called Savanillas are usual- ly Maracaibos. Some Colombians, however, are correctly known as "Savanillas" commercially. A good Maracaibo is more desirable than the cheaper "Bucs." 33 The Bucaramanga bean is large and solid, and the liquor full bodied, fragrant and aromatic; when aged it develops a very rich dark brown color. Tills is a good individual drinker, and as a blender follows Mochas, Harrars and Javas very closely, and is frequently used (when well aged) very successfully in blends as a substitute for Java. Bogota is a mountain grown Coffee, the bean large, uniform and bluish-green, and the liquor full-bodied, round and fragrant. It is the basis of a great number of high-grade blends. They roast evenly and have a handsome color. When green many of them are rather rough in appear- ance, but with all a very high individual type. Medellln and Manizales are, in the best grades, also very highly considered. Other lesser types are Canca, Ocana, etc. Ocana is a town situated in a province of the same name in Colombia, South America. Coffee from this province was, and still is, to a limited extent, classed as Maracaibo Coffee, but is decidedly in- ferior in appearance, roast and drink, and is used principally as a filler. Manizales Coffees are so called from the town of that name, located in Colombia, South Ameri- ca, near Medellin, from which certain varieties of Colombian or Bogota Coffees are shipped. Fantassia Coffee is "Excelso" and "Extra" com- bined, or before they are separated or graded. Exoelso is a fancy Coffee from any Colombian Coffee district, and is composed of the large hand- some beans. Extra is the smaller beans. In other words, Fantassia separated produces the two last named -types. Medellin, Capital City of Antioquia, Colombia, South America, and a name given to the finest growths of Colombian Coffees. This iCoffee comes 34 from the mountainous regions, and is given the preference over all other Colombian Coffees, with the possible exception of the Old Bucaramangas. Antioquia. OMame applied to a high grade Cof- fee grown in Colombia, South America. What is known in the United States as "Medellin" is in reality Antioquia Coffee, and is very typey. VENEZUELA: MARACAIBO, LA GUAIRA The two best types of Venezuela Coffee are Maracaibo and La Guaira. Maracaibos are divided into several varieties, among them Cucuta, Merida, Bocono, Tovar and Trujillo (the lowest) graded as washed (the best) prime to choice, fair to good, ordinary, etc. Both the Cucuta and the Merida in good season, often equal the finest Coffees grown anywhere. The beans are, large, round and solid, rich yellow in appearance and make a fine rich liquor of full ripe flavor. The Maracaibo district is in Venezuela, South America, and is situated on a Bay of Lake Mara- caibo. It is from this district that the bulk of Venezuelean Coffees are shipped. The Maracaibo type comes from the mountain slopes of Merida, Trujilloj and Tachira. Merida. Coffee named from a town in Vene- zuela, located near Lake Maracaibo. This is the finest growth of Venezuelean (Maracaibo) Coffee. This Coffee makes a good roast and has a pecu- liarly delicate flavor; neither winey or bitter, and is much prized by experts. Bocono, Tovar and Trujillo Coffees are general- ly smaller and less attractive in appearance, and their liquor is light, but they are useful for blend- ing, as their flavor is usually pleasant. These Coffees blend well with Bourbon Santos. La Guaira Coffees are best known by the Cara- cas, Porto Cabello and Coro types. Choice "wash- 35 ed" Caracas is exceptionally^ fine Coffee; rich, heavy and fragrant; the bean is large and bluish. Caracas is the Capital of Venezuela. '*Mild" Caracas makes only a fair liquor. The bean is yellowish and medium size. Porto Cabello and Coro Coffees also largely con- sumed, vary in the bean from medium to small, and from dark to pale green. They are classed as Mild Coffee, but their liquor develops good strength as well as flavor. It has been said by some that much of the two types just mentioned hardly compares favorably with Santos Coffee. In the writer's opinion it at least takes a splendid Santos to compare favora- bly with them. Among other varieties largely exported are Carupano and Angostura. All of the Maracaibo types are good blenders; the higher types for body and rich full flavor, the lesser types add tone and flavor to many other Coffees. CENTRAL AMERICA Guatemala, Costa Rica, Salvador The finest Central American Coffee is generally that from Guatemala, a Republic on the Pacific Coast, where cultivation is conducted on most modern lines. The best type of Guatemala Coffee is the Coban, a large shapely blue bean, producing a fine aromatic liquor; a type that drinks well alone, and makes a fine blender for either lighter or heavier types. Coban Coffees grow in a mountainous region, near the town of Coban, and is usually transported on mule back over the mountain passes, and the bags are frequently not more than half the ordi- nary size. S6 While many Guatemala Coffees have more style than body, there are, however, many of them of good strength and rich flavor, and the Coffees from the Coban district rank with the best Coffees in the world. The cultivation of Coffee in Guatemala began shortly after the middle of the last century. To- day Coffee is the most important product of Guate- mala. Prior to the European War two-thirds of the production went to Germany, where it commanded high prices. Of late, however, exports to the United States have increased considerably, and Guatemala Coffee is rapidly growing in favor in this country. THE COFFEE PRODUCING DISTRICTS As is the case with most producing countries, some districts in Guatemala produce more desir- able Coffee than others. Each lot must be tested on its own merits. The Coban district produces a Coffee of exceptional merit, grown at an altitude of from 3,500' to 5,000 feet. Coban Coffees rank among the finest Coffees in the world. The Coban crop is comparatively small, however. Coffees from the Antigua district also are of particularly high grade. Numerous other sections produce Cof- fees considerably above the average. Costa Cuca is the most productive district. The Coffee growing districts of Guatemala, named in the order of their production, are as follows: Costa Cuca, Costa Grande, Barberena, Tumbador, Cohan, Costa de Cusho, Chicacao, Holhnitz, Pochuta Malacatan, San Marcos, Chuva, Escuintla San Vicente, Pacaya, Antigua, Moran, Amatitlan, Palmar and Motagua. 37 HOW TO USE GUATEMALA COFFEE Guatemala Coffees are particularly useful for blending purposes, giving satisfactory character to high combinations. Those grown in the higher altitudes are heavy bodied, winey drinking Coffees, and blend well with Javas, Bourbon Santos, and Maracaibos. The Guatemalas grown in the lower altitudes do not possess the same heavy bodied winey drinking qualities, but are smoother, and when mixed with Bogotas or fine Costa Ricas, not alone materially enhance the drinking quality but lend a pleasing appearance to the blend. The low- er grown Coffees should be roasted a light cinna- mon color for best results, while the high grown, hard bean Coffees should be roasted along the same lines as Bogota, Coatepec Mexicans, or other choice Coffees of that character. While there are many differences of opinion as to what constitutes the most desirable Coffee from the viewpoint of the consumer, straight Guate- mala Coffee grown in the medium altitudes, or, say, from 3,000 to 4,000 feet above sea level, makes a most satisfactory out-turn. A Roaster in the West, who had a small retail stand in a market, and who sold for his best quality only straight Guatemala Coffee, met (with such gratifying re- sults that he gradually enlarged to a wholesale distribution, with the result that today he is using more than 5,000 bags yearly, advertising and selling only Guatemala Coffee. CHARACTERISTICS OF GUATEMALA COFFEES Guatemala leads, in Central America, in produc- tion with a crop averaging 750,000- bags, of which, normally, about one-third} comes to the United States. They are very stylish Coffees, and have waxy, bluish bean, which, in roasting, split open with white centers. This enables them to com- 38 mand a high price, especially in European mar- kets, but they are thin in body and are used chiefly for their style. A small proportion of really meritorious Coffees are (produced in the mountain- ous districts of Coban and Antigua, at an altitude of from 3,50(> to 5,00'0 feet. The Cobans are grown so near the frost line that they often contain many frosted and blighted beans, to the detriment of their style, but they have a fine, winey charac- ter, and possess body so heavy that it borders on bitterness. They are especially fine for blending. Less than 2,500 bags are imported annually. It has been said that a hundred times more Cobans are sold than are produced. The Antiguas are small- ish, flinty bean Coffees, from a district about a thousand feet lower. They are not so heavy in body as the Cobans, but are flavory and winey, and find favor upon the Pacific Coast, where some 15,000 to 20,000 bags are received. Costa Rica: Perhaps equally as important is the output of Costa Rica, the most Southern of the five Central American Republics, producing one of the finest Coffees in the world. (However, the United States gets so little, if any, of the high type Costa Rica Coffees, and so many of the poorer types, that Costa Rica Coffee is not overly popular here.) The high type Costa Rica is of heavy body and sharply winey, and are best adapted for ^blend- ing. Europe has nearly always paid a premium on these, especially the larger bean Coffees. The raiw bean averages large and handsome, and roasts to excellent advantage; however, the bulk of the best grades go to Europe generally, and many shipments of the lower qualities sent to the United States give a liquor somewhat bitter or brackish, and not very desirable. About the .year 1720 the first Coffee plants were grown by the French Colonizers in the Island of Martinique. From there they distributed seeds to Jamaica and the other Islands of the West Indies 39 about 1725, and, to Rio de Janeiro, also the other Spanish colonies of Central and South America, in 1770. The same tree produces beans of different shapes and sizes, constituting four grades, namely: Cara- cole (shell shape), first, second, and third. The proportion is approximately 5% Caracole, 25% first, 45% second, and 25% third. The Caracole is so called (in this section) be- cause the bean is somewhat the shape of the small shell (Spanish Caracol snail). The European War, which closed the German markets, has forced Costa Rica to look for new Coffee customers, and its product is again becom- ing more of a factor in the North American mar- ket, where an intelligent propaganda, combined with the merits of the article, is creating a greater consumer demand for it. The price paid for the better grades of Costa Rica Coffees have always ranked among the high- est paid for any Central American Coffees. The higher tableland (mesa central) of Costa Rica is admirably suited in the way of soil and climatic conditions for the production of a high- grade Coffee, which is highly prized in the markets of Europe, especially in Great Britain. COSTA RICAS UNSURPASSED FOR BLENDING Costa Rica's production of 200»,0'00' bags is small- er than it was a half century ago. The fine grades are grown in the districts of Cartago, San Jose, Alajuela and Grecia, at altitudes of from 4,000' to 6,000 feet. These are characterized by their rich body and fine flavor, and are often so sharply winey, that if used straight would sour the cream. For blending, the Highland Coffees of Costa Rica are surpassed by none of the world's growth, but, unfortunately, Europe overbids us from 2 to 3 40 cents per pound, so that the 30,000 bags received in the United States are mainly the small bean separations and low grades. The Salvador bean is generally of medium size, and, in best} grades, is well developed, heavy and greyish yellow; the liquor is just fairly strong, with only a moderate flavor. The poorer grades are very uneven and broken, and! the liquor weak. The better grades do quite well as a blender with the heavier Coffees, say, with a Mexican, Guatemalan, or like types. The land in Salvador is well adapted to the growth of Coffee. The mountain sides and high hills give the exact temperature needed, and of late years, since the intelligent use of fertilizers has been found to give results, well repaying the cost. Old plantations that were producing little before, have since made remarkable strides to the fore. SALVADOR COFFEE MARKET CHIEFLY IN EUROPE The Salvador crop of SOOjOO-O bags is mainly marketed in ©urope. San Francisco receives some SS.OO^O bags, which are consumed on the Pacific Coast. The proportion of mountain Coffees is small, and those that are washed rule about % cent below Ouatemalas of equal grade, which growth they resemble. The crop is principally the naturals, which are large bean and of fair average roast. There are about 220,000 acres of Coffee trees in Salvador. Nicaragua closely resembles the medium grades of Salvador, possibly a little stronger, at least more pungent. Not a good individual drinker but useful in building around rank types, e. g. not bad with Rios or even Liberians, and prove quite a modifier. Honduras produces a yellow, heavy bean of at- 41 tractive appearance. The liquor is smooth and pleasing, but rather weak and frequently marked with a cocoa odor. Panama has not yet established any high rec- ords, but the quality of the product has been con- siderably improved in recent years. MEXICO Mexican Coffee is roughly divided into "washed" and ''unwashed", the former heing the choicer. All green Coffees are either ** washed" or "natural" (unwashed) so you may know that a "washed" Mexican or a ''natural" Nicaragua means just that. Usually "unwashed" Coffees show a dark sper- modern or "silver skin" in the longitudinal cleft or center of the flat aide of the bean when roasted. A ''washed" Coffee generally shows a clean, light, bright to whitish center. The bulk of the export formerly went to France, but the United States receipts have grown largely in recent years. Mexican Coffees have won an important place with the American trade, both on account of the liberal supply and because the highland Coffees rank with the best produced in the world. They have full, rich body and a fine winey "bouquet" or aroma surpassed by none. The United States con- sumes more than a third of the annual crop, which reaches nearly 400,000 bags. This production is mainly from a small area of some 200 miles, which is situated nearly the same distance inland from Vera Cruz. About 10% of the importation are the West Francisco. COATEPEC COFFEES AMONiG THE WORLD'S BEST The finest Mexicans are produced in the district of Coatepec (Co-at-e^pec), at an altitude of from 3,000 to 4,000 feet. The combination of climatic condition, altitude and the rich volcanic soil gives 42 a quality which places these in the front rank with the world's best Coffees. When aged for a year in the Mexican climate, their wi ney character is tempered, and they so mellow that they indeed become perfectjon. Unfortunately, the high rate of interest prohibit their being held for this pur- pose, and, ordinarily, they are rushed to the mar- ket as soon as they can be harvested and prepared for shipment. Many other Mexican Coffees are marketed under the name Coatepec. CORDOBA COFFEES ARE BEAUTIFUL ROASTERS Some fine Coffees are raised from 500 to l,OOiO feet lower in the adjoining districts of Jalapa (Ha-lap-pa). The district of chief production is Cordova, which is on the southern side of the vol- cano. These are Tery stylish Coffees, especially beautiful roasters, but they are thini in body, and do not compare with those first described. The districts of Orizaba and Huatusco (Wha-too-co) adjoin. The Coffees from the former resemble medium grade Cordobas. Some of the higher growths in the latter district are of fair cup quality. The two "fanciest" commercial types of Mexican beans are the Coatepec ("Tepic") and Caracolillo, the latter being generally known as "Mexican Pea- berry." Coatepec or "Tepic", formerly known as "Mexi- can Mocha", is said to be grown from a later in^ troduction of the Arabian shrub, so carefully culti- vated that some judges consider the product fully equal (?) in quality to that of the parent plant. The bean is small, hard and of a steel-blue color, making a creamy, aromatic liquor. Very little of this variety is exported, local consumers taking nearly all the crop. These Coffees are really most wonderful when you get the best washed type. The writer in many instances has found them al- most identical (with good Bogotas. 43 NATURAL MEXICANS LIMITED TO LOW GRADES Sierras and Tampicos are low growth, and, being "woody", are used for low-grade purposes. High-growth 'Coffees improve with age, while in many cases low-growths become woody and punky. The shipment of natural Mexicans has fallen off until they are limited to the cheaper grades. Many low-growths are "hidey", due to the ex- cessive fermentation explained in the preceding talk. Occasionally sour beans are found in even fancy Mexicans, so that care must be used in selection. The fine Mexicans are valuable for adding "meat" and richness to fancy blends, as well as flavor and their winey character. Caracolillo is a variety almost unique. As al- ready noted, "Pea-berries" are found to some ex- tent in all Coffee bean crop, but the shrubs from which the Caracolillo product is obtained bear it almost exclusively. After these two types, rwhich do not effect the general market, come Oaxaca, Cordoba, Coatepec, Co lima, etc. The Oaxaca (War-har-kar) bean is large and well developed, blue in color when new, but be- coming whiter^ as it ages, the liquor is strong, rich and fragrant, and notwithstanding the high trib- ute paid the Tepic type, the Oaxaca Coffees are the leading Mexican growth and the sharpest, winey flavor of all other Mexican Coffees, and has good body; they come "washed" and "unwashed," the former being termed "Pluma," and thei latter being known simply as Oaxaca. Cordoba is sometimes styled "Mexican Jack". The bean is large and yellow, and the liquor is rich and full, resembling a fine Maracaibo or a medium "Java." The Coatepec bean is large, well developed and more winey than most types. 44 Colima is a medium sized bean, flat,, fairly well developed, and with liquor pleasing in flavor and moderately rich. Small quantities come also from Tuxpam, and several lowland districts, but the quality is usually inferior. Taken as a whole, Mexican Coffees are very fine Coffees, particularly useful in blending. JAVA AND OTHER DUTCH EAST INDIAN ISLANDS The Dutch East Indies, especially the Islands of Java, Sumatra and Celebes, are famous as the largest exporters of fine Coffees. They are best known to the lay public by the name of the Island of Java, the most populous of the group and the central point of Dutch commercial activity, but the greater part of the East Indian Coffee con- sumed in the United States is of Sumatra growth. That from Celebes is generally rated the highest in European markets. Other countries produce in certain sections, beans as choice as the very best "Java", but the quantities they can export are comparatively un- important. The greater output of the Dutch East Indies is partly due to the natural adaptability of soil and climate, and partly to the systematic cultivation by native inhabitants under the rule of Holland. In spite of governmental care, there is, however, much variation in the 'beans grown; a consider- able quantity of those exported do not deserve the reputation the "Javas" have earned. Only Coffees grown on the Island of Java can be labeled Java in the United States. Java Coffee was originally of the Coffee Arabica variety, but now the Liberian and Robusta varie- ties are also grown on the Island. The Java bean takes on a rusty brown color as it ages; it also becomes more mellow and flavory. However, this 45 last may be said of practically all Coffees. A bluish-green is the original fresh color of Javas. The bear; is large, full, well formed, and are classed among the very fbest individual drinkers, and very superior blenders. East Indian Coffees are in this country princi- pally graded by color — '*Brown", "Yellow^' and "Pale"; the darker beans bringing the higher price. This discrimination was originally founded on the fact that some of the choicest varieties of "Java" beans become at the same time browner in color and more mellow and pleasing in flavor, in storage and transport, being in the former re- spect entirely unique. The distinction is not fundamentally accurate, as some of the light bean varieties are better than many of the dark types. In Europe the yellow colored beans are preferred. When fresh, all East Indian Coffees are light sea-green, or blue-green. Dutch East Indian Coffees, other than those grown on the Island of Java itself, are now gener- ally described in trade and government circles as Dutch East Indian, or by trade titles, or by dis- tricts, as, Ankola, Padang, Mandheling, Corinche, Timor, Kroe, etc. The title "Government" is sometimes applied as a distinguishing title to Cof- fee produced on plantations operated under gov- ernment supervision, as are all old and many of the new plantations. The title "Old Government Java" was at one time a name to conjure with, for, as first employed, it applied to beans that had been held, sometimes for considerable periods, in the government store- houses. Until a few years ago, nearly all the produce of the Dutch East Indies was sold by quarterly Government auction, and any goods for which the upset price was not bid, were held in the warehouses" to await an improvement in mar- ket demands, the result being in many cases an Improvement also in the Coffees, Spices, etc., by 46 the opportunity thus^ given them to mature under the best possible condition, The term long ago, though, deteriorated into a practically meaning- less trade title from being applied indiscrimi- nately to any brown East Indian 'Coffee, irrespect- tive of growth or quality, and it is now "out of date", as the government auctions were discon- tinued in June, 1909, present sales being by con- tracts with firms or individuals. '^Plantation" or "private growth" Coffees are those raised on plantations owned and operated by individuals in contra-distinction to those under government supervision. Some are of very high quality. "Blue-beam Java" is a title occasionally applied to W. I. P. or "washed" East Indian. ''Liberian Java" (often called "African Java") is that grown from shrubs of Liberian species. Its quality is usually inferior to the Arabian bean varieties; it seems unnecessary to say this, how- ever, if one stops to compare the two original types, Arabian and Liberian. The former the classiest Coffee, known for excellent flavor; the latter of the most pronounced characteristic, of such unusual strength and distinctiveness as to closely approach rankness. Padang Coffees get their name from the princi- pal shipping port of the Island of Sumatra, on Sumatra's West Coast, which was at one time- the center of the Dutch Government's Coffee trade. Many Coffees produced on the Island come from this port, and are often called Padang. Among them, called by their district names, are: Boekit Gompong, Painam, Interior, Ayer-Bangies, Ankola, Mandheling, Soerian, Loeboe, Rayamerapi and Samarang. Mend he ling Coffee gets its name from the Mandheling district of Sumatra's! West Coast. This Coffee commands the highest price of any in the world (Mocha possibly excepted), and many authorities consider it the very finest grown. It 47 is bought and sold even in the United States as "Mandheling Java". This is a misnomer, for it is strictly a Sumatra and not a Java, according to our standards, that is, Java Coffee must come from the Island of Java. Corinche: One of the fine grades of Dutch East Indian Coffees, securing its name from the town of Corinche, is Southwest Sumatra, South- east of Padang. Timor: A comparatively small amount of this Coffee is grown on the Timor Island of the Timor Archipelago East of the Sumba Islands and North of Australia. This is a good quality Coffee. SUMATRAS SUPERIOR TO JAVAS As a matter of fact, the true Java does not com- pare even favorably with Sumatras in quality, with the exception of the choicest. Javas are grassy, greenish, brashy and thin liquored. Their principal value consists in the fact that they are Javas. Javas give the largest production, but these are not the really fine Coffees. The famous Mandheling and Ankola districts are located in Sumatra, also the districts of Corinche, Padang and Kroe. The Ayer-Bangies, Palembangs and Boengies are hardly note-worthy, as the supply has become limited. The prime value of East Indies Coffees is in their smooth, heavy body: the fancies possessing an almost syrupy richness. Their characteristics are found to quite an extent in choice old Bucara- mangas, and occasionally in certain fancy old Maracaibos. These are frequently used as substi- tutes, or in conjunction with East Indian Coffees, both because they reach the mark and reduce the cost. Sumatra Coffee is produced on the island of that name in the Dutch East Indies. It comprises the principal part of the production in the Islands, and, in fact, is the finest of these growths. 48 Ankola Coffee is produced in the Ankola dis- trict in the Island of Sumatra, and is considered one of the finest Coffees grown. It has a very heavy body and delicate, rich flavor. Ankolas are classed close to Mandhellngs, and, although not so heavy in body, their characteristics are simi- lar. They are sometimes given the preference because of their large, regular bean and fine roast- ing qualities. Corinches, which are now receiv- ed in limited quantity, are often used in place of Ankolas, which Coffees they closely resemble. They range from 1 to 2 cents under Ankolas in price. Padang is Sumatra's chief seaport, and this name is sometimes applied to Mandhelings, Ankolas, Corinches and interiors. Kroe: A medium grade East India Coffee grown in the district of the same name, and is shipped from Port Kroe on the Southwest Coast of the Island of Sumatra. KROES ARE GOOD ROASTERS AND BLENDERS The Coffees from the Island of Timor are class- ed below Padangs, heing inferior in bean and style. Kroes are better known and more widely used because of their liberal supply, which also influences their price. They are good roasters and blenders, usually quite uniform in bean. Samarang Coffee is generally a yellowish-green color in the bean, and light and thin in cup quali- ty. Grown on the North Coast of the Island of Java and is named after a Seaport town. ROBUSTA COFFEE Coffee Laurentii or Robusta Coffee is a species discovered growing wild in the Congo by 'Emil Laurent. A Brussels horticultural firm took it up, commercially designated it Robusta. It is now being extensively cultivated in Java and is some- 49 times called Robusta Java. This Coffee is in the experimental stage, and has very little merit in the cup, excepting a type well aged and brought to a dark chocolate roast; even then the liquor is light, with little or no flavor, but it is particu- larly clean and freef from imperfections, therefore grading high; it is practically neutral and is used considerably as a filler. Much attention has been Siven this Coffee because its tree is a more hardy variety than most other Coffee trees. The Coffee Exchange of the City of New York prohibited the delivery of this growth of Coffee on Exchange contracts after March 1, 1913. Batavia is the Capital of the Dutch East Indian Colony of Java, and is the principal market for Coffee grown in that Island. The port of Batavia is Tandjorvg, Priok. ARABIA— MOCHA Mocha, a former important Coffee port on the Red Sea, Arabia. All the Coffee produced in Arabia is known by the name "Mocha," though no Coffee was ever grown in Mocha, which is only a shipping town surrounded by deserts, and not today even an important shipping point, as the opening of the iSuez Canal transferred nearly all the traffic to the ports of Aden and Hodeida. The Port of Mocha was closed by a sand bar near- ly a hundred years ago, and Coffee has since been ^shipped by the way of Aden. The plantations are located in the interior of the Yemen district, with Sana as the center of cultivation. Right at this point is where the fin- est Arabian Coffee is grown, but it is never ex- ported. The methods of cultivation, harvesting and curing are most primitive. The 'berries are not picked as in other countries, hut are permit- ted to ripen on the trees, after which they fall naturally and are allowed to dry in the cherry. 50 THE FOUR GRADES OF MOCHA There are four grades of Mocha, viz: Grade No. 1, which contains only perfect berries and is absolutely free from dust. Grade No. 1-A, con- taining perfect berries but in which a little dust may be found. Grade No. 2, containing some broken Coffee! and "quakers," and Grade No. 3, in which may be found a much lieavier percentage of both "broken" and "quakers," as well as some dust* The Coffee is packed in fiher hundles or "bales," weighing about 160 pounds each. Two or four pockets to every bale. Mocha beans are exceedingly small, hard and round, irregular in form and size, olive green in color, shading off to pale yellow. PECULIAR CHARACTERISTICS OF MOCHA COFFEE Mocha Coffee has a peculiar winey character, found in no other Coffee, and a heavy body. The roast is poor and irregular, showing up. a large quantity of "quakers," particularly in the lowest grades. The "quakers" apparently do not mate- rially affect the cup character. It is a particularly good Coffee to use in blending on account of its winey character. The best known blends are those made in combination with various growths of the Dutch East Indies, but the Coffee is accept- able when used with any of the fancy washed types. As a straight beverage it i« found pleasing, and when made as a heavy after-dinner Coffee is especially good. The best Arabian — and the true "Mocha," is that from the province of Yemen. The most sur- prising point in connection with its cultivation is that though the Coffee shrub requires in other countries rich soil and favora:ble conditions to produce an acceptable crop, here in Arabia, some 51 of the choicest Coffee in the world comes from stunted shrubs growing in hot, sandy, stony moun- tainside gardens. All conditions, climate and soil seem to be against the shrubs best growth, but by the way of recompense it receives the most care- ful and painstaking human attention The gar- dens are arranged on rocky terraces, one above the other, and are Irrigated from large reservoirs of spring water placed above the highest. There are two main crops during the year. Tht* berries, instead of being picked, are allowed to ripen until they fall. They are then carefully gathered up, dried, hulled and cleaned with scrup- ulous exactness. The separation of the finest "Mocha" beans hy growers and merchants is in itself a study of infinite detail; they are assorted into a perfect graduation of sizes and qualities. The true Yemen "Mocha" bean is very small, hard and round, regular in, size in the best quali- ties: Olive-green when new and a rich semi- transparent yellowish when aged. Its odor when fresh roasted is characteristic, and the liquor is creamy, rich, rather heavy, a little wl ney and ex- tremely aromatic and fragrant. "Tehama"' Arabian Coffee — that from the prov- ince of Tehama, is distinctly Inferior to Yemen. The bean is about the same size, but it is imma- ture in appearance and often mixed with frag- ments of hull, etc., its f I avoir is quite second rate when drunk alone, unless used! as an extra heavy after-dinner Coffee, but it imparts a pleasing fra- grance and delicacy iwhen blended with a good *'Java," etc. Abyssinian Coffee from the vicinity of Harrar and properly called "Harrar Coffee" was formerly shipped via Aden as long-berry "Mocha." It is of of the same color as the real "Mocha," but is long- er and more pointed, and has a rank leathery odor. Harrar is the Capital and trade center of the District of Harrar in Southeastern Abyssinia, an Italian Protectorate, 6,000 feet above sea level. 52 This is the town from which long-berry Harrar Coffee (sometimes termed Abyssinian or Long- berry iViocha) is shipped, also Abyssinian Coffee grown in the neighborhood of Ad is Abeba. LONG-BERRY HARRAR This Coffee is classified in two varieties, Harrar and Abyssinian. Harrar Coffee is grown principally in the Prov- ince of Harrar, near the City of the same name. This Coffee has a larger bean than Arabian Mo- cha, but is quite similar in appearance. In color it is a blue green, shading to yellow. The Coffee Is usually graded as No. 1 or No. 2, depending upon the size and color of the bean. From the City of Harrar the Coffee is trans- ported on mules to Dire-Daoua, and from there forwarded to Djibouti. It is then taken across the Red Sea in small boats to the English port of Aden, whence it is transshipped to all parts of the world. ABYSSINIAN COFFEE GROWS UNCULTIVATED The other variety is known as Abyssinian. It grows in a wild state in the province west of Har- rar, principally in the Kaffa district, around Adis Abba and north of that city. The trees are per- mitted to grow in a wild, uncultivated condition, the fberries being picked from the ground. This Coffee is not graded, contains many imperfections and is of a dark-gray color. Little, if any, of this particular type reaches this country. Prior to the passage of the Food and Drugs Act, Harrar Coffee was known as Long- Berry Mo- cha, to distinguish it from the Arabian Coffee, which, as a rule, is a shorter, smaller bean. The Arabian product, to which had been given the term IViocha, from the port of shipment, heing, 53 as a rule, superior to Harrar Coffee, the latter fin- ally assumed the title Long-berry Mocha, thereby commanding a higher price. As long as the trade could use it as Mocha Coffee it was' in fair de- mand, for the reason that it could usually be se- cured at a cent to a cent and a half below the prevailing price of the genuine Arabian Mocha. In the cup the character is similar to the Arab- ian product, but usually not as delicate, although at times shipments of Harrar Coffee have heen received that have been found to be superior to some of the Mocha Coffee on the market. Since the passage of the Food and Drugs Act, the demand for Harrar Coffee has decreased, ow- ing to the fact that it cannot be offered to the trade in combination with Java and a blend of Java and Mocha. Genuine "Mocha" is sometimes called "short- berry" "Mocha"; this is really superfluous, as there is no other kind of Mocha Coffee, while most insignificant in appearance it is considered the finest type of Coffee known. It is most ex- cellent in blends, and used almost entirely for this purpose. Its great richness and its extreme aromatic flavor renders it more suitable as a blender than an Individual drinker. SananI is a high grade short berry Arabian (Mocha) Coffee, coming from the district around Sana Yemen. WEST INDIAN COFFEE The West Indian Islands iproduce a large quan- tity of excellent Coffee,, but the bulk of the finest grades is exported to Europe, as bett*»r prices can generally he obtained there than in this market. The greater part of the supply shipped to this country comes from the British West Indies, prin- cipally from Jamaica and Haiti, with small quan- tities from Santo Domingo, Cuba a^<3 the Dutch West Indies. 54 The best Jamaica Coffee, known as "Blue Moun- tain," is a< bean of fair size, attractive in appear- ance and bluish color, making a full, rich, fragrant liquor. It is sometimes called Blue Mountain Ja- maica and grown in the Jamaica district. But ''Plain^Grown," the variety chiefly imported, is a much Inferior grade. The bean, large, whitish, and flat, is generally "hully" and the liquor is strong and rather rank or "grassy" in flavor. It is used almost exclusively for blending with beans of other varieties. Haitian and Santo Domingo beans are large, flat and whitish. Their appearance is spoiled by crude preparation, which leaves ihf^vn "huUy" and includes broken beans, stems, etc. Their liquor is not unpleasant, but lacks body, in fact is hard- ly considered good. Santo Domingo, Capital of the Dominican Re- public on the Island of Haiti and lends the name Santo Domingo to Coffee, a Coffee as a rule very carelessly prepared, hence the average quality is very poor. The best Cuban grades come from the Guanta- namo, Alqulzar and Marcos districts and the Sier- ra Maestra plantations. The beans are large and whitish, and rather rounded on the flat side. They are generally good cuppers. Porto Rico produces very fine Coffee, the beans regular and well formed, usually yellow to green- ish in color and very stylish. The best of this variety "washed" commands a good premium In European markets, and the bean of this grade is a large handsome bluish-green, and a very stylish roaster. CEYLON AND INDIA Coffee-growing in Ceylon reached its height in 1890; since then its production has steadily de- clined, the people turning their attention more extensively to tea and rubber. 55 There are several distinct varieties of Ceylon Coffees, as follows:: "Native", grown in the low- lands, a large, flat, white bean of inferior cup qual- ity. "Plantation", the product of carefully culti- vated planations, the bean large, of light-bluish to a greenish tint, well developed and very regular, giving a liquor which is smooth, rich and aromatic. "Liberian-Ceylon", a hybrid" of the Liberian spe- cies; the bean smaller and paler than the parent variety, and the liquor less strong, producing a smooth cup of pleasing flavor. "Ceylon-Mocha", a small bean, very even and uniform, generally obtained by separating from the regular "plantation" crop. Both in appearance and in the cup it resembles the genuine ''Mocha". The two best-known varieties of Indian Coffees are Malabar, a small, hard bean of most excellent quality, used locally largely for blending and for the best trade. "Mysore", a large, bluish-green bean, roasting well and producing a rich, strong liquor, resem- bling Java quite a little. ECUADOR (GUAYAQUILS) Coffees from Ecuador are generally known as Guayaquils, from the port of that name. The beans run from medium to large. They are firmly uniform in appearance, roast well and give off a full, aromatic liquor. The United States gets quite a lot of Ecuador Coffee. PHILIPPINES The Coffee plant waas introduced into the Philip- pine Islands by the Spanish missionaries from Java, about 1740. It was produced there for ex- port for many years, but the plant has been nearly exterminated by various pests and insects, and the crop is not so large nor so good as it once was. 56 The Coffee industry is improving through im- proved cultivation and more proper handling, and it is only a question of time when that country will fill an important position in the Coffee world, the Soil and climatic conditions being admirably suited to Coffee culture. In spite of very inferior preparation and scanty attention, the better grades are held in high esteem in the European markets, being recognized as very rich and flavory types. The beans are generally classed as Luzon, Ma- nila and Zamboanga, the two latter from shipping ports, the former from the Luzon district. Luzon is a small bean, hard and attractive when properly cleaned and prepared (which is seldom), and ranks high. The Manila bean is medium size, regular in shape, and pale green in color, with fine aromatic liquor. It comes principally from the districts of Cavlte, Batangas, La Laguna and the immediate vicinity. Zamboanga, from the Southern Islands, is the poorest grade. The beans are large, yellowish and rather flabby, the liquor is coarse, brackish and weak, HAWAII The Konos are perhaps the best Hawaiian pro- duction in Coffees. Kono Coffee beans are me- dium to large, well formed, stylish lookers, good healthy green, fine attractive roasters, rich, very flavory and of good strength; excellent blenders; classy cuppers. The Coffee plant is cultivated in many of the Pacific Islands: the Islands of Guinea, Fiji, the Friendly and Samoan groups. In the Hawaiian Islands, the production has reached considerable proportions, the production being of a very classy character^ as a rule. ^■57 OTHER COUNTRIES In addition to the countries previously men- tioned, there are a number of other countries which would help materially in raising the total production. Some of these are fine quality and good types, but the imports into the United States are not sufficient in volume to affect the market conditions. Green Coffee is received in the United States in bags, mats and bales. Bags from Brazil usually weigh about 135 pounds. Bags from other coun- tries weigh more as a rule, sometimes weighing more than 20O pounds, particularly Liberian Cof- fee. Ordinarily, however, a bag of Coffee will rarely weigh more than 150 pounds. All countries ship their green coffee in bags, excepting Arabia, which produces only Mocha and that is shipped in bales weighing usually 160 pounds net. Each bale contains either two> or four "pockets" of Coffee. Mats or fibre bags are used in the shipment of Kroes and other East Indian Coffees; however, all Coffee, excepting Mocha, is almost universally shipped in bags. Mats are similar to bales, only they usually have two pockets to the bag, and the mat rarely ever holds more than 60 pounds, while the Mocha balei holds 160 pounds. Caffeine: The stimulating principle of Coffee. It is chemically identical to the theine of Tea, Cola, etc. 58 COFFEE IMPORTS, PRICE AND CONSUMPTION Five Year Averages — 1851-1914 Per Import Capita . Net Irr Price Con- Quantity Value per Lb. sumption Period Pounds Dollars Cents Pounds 1851-55. . . . 168,200,000 13,800,000 8.24 6.57 1856-60... . 208,700,000 19,900,000 9.60 7.03 1861-65... . 115,500.000 12,500,000 10.70 3.48 1866-70... . 214,500,000 22,200,000 10.44 5.78 1871-75... . 297,500,000 42,900,000 14.52 7.14 1876-80... . 350,500,000 52,300,000 15.14 7.34 1881-85... . 477,000,000 44,700,000 9.64 8.86 1886-90. . . . 499,500,000 60,200,000 12.26 8.33 1891-95... . 576,400,000 96,700,000 16.82 8.72 1896-00... . 739,800,000 65,400,000 '9.28 10.10 1901-05... . 943.000,000 66,200,000 7.10 11.65 1906-10... ,. 916,300,000 72,100,000 7.90 10.30 1911-14... , . 900,400,000 108,600,000 12.12 9.35 AN EMINENT PHYSICIAN SAYS. Coffee is a food, a whip, a fertilizer, a heat- maker, a true stimulant and thirst-quencher. Roasted Coffee in bulk contains little, or no moisture, but over 13 %5 of fat and oil. About 2% of sweet stuff, such as sugar and dextrin are in it, asl well as 50% of pulp and pitch. About 5% of mineral fertilizer is present and nearly 1% of the powerful stimulant. Caffeine. Albumen is the real food in Coffee, and it occurs in quantities as large as 12%. Of course, a cup of Coffee has a lot of water in addition to the other constituents, but this, to- gether with the heat, makes Coffee all the more easily digested. Other than the oils, fats, albumens, caramel, sugar and sweets in Coffee, its intrinsic distinction is the wonderful alkaloid. Caffeine. This strange drug in one-grain doses adds to human endurance, inuscular exertion, mental efficiency and physiolog- ical effort in a most extraordinary way. 'In all our private and hospital experience, we have never encountered an instance in which dys- pepsia, nervousness, or any other ailment was rea- sonably attributable to the moderate and habitual use of Coffee as a beverage. It is true that hun- 59 dreds of mortals deny themselves this boon, be- cause of some fancied or educated fear that it isn't good for them. But we are speaking of facts now, and not popular delusions. A good many nervous and sickly people would be better off if they would take a cup of Coffee — good Coffee — for breakfast." WHEN COFFEE IS A FOOD DRINK Coffee, as the analysis will show, might be re- garded as a fairly nourishing food, if taken directly with very little water, but since the drink is usually prepared by making an infusion of about two ounces to a pint of water, it will be seen that Coffee itself has only a slight nutriment value. Nevertheless, the addition of sugar and milk makes it valuable as a food. The food value of thai raw berry, as eaten by the Arabs, is likewise dubious, for here the injection of such large amounts of caffeine into the system would cer- tainly counteract any tissue-building effect the other constituents of the bean might have. A Coffee infusion, by the way, contains about 70-90i% of the total caffeine of the berry after grounds have settled out. The accompanying figures show the number of calories obtained from one portion of the various foods as they are served in Child's [Restaurants, and what the cost would be if the daily normal requirements of 2,500 calories were furnished entirely by that article. CALORIES IN FOODS AND THEIR COST Calories in Cost in One Portion. 2,500 Calories Coffee 195.5 $.^4 Cocoa 247.5 .50 Milk 145.3 M Cake 200-300. .40-.'60 Toast 150. .83 Soup 75-100. 2.50-3.33 It will be seen from these^ figures that the cup of Coffee provides a source of nutrition that is very reasonable in price, and that, compared with milk and soup, is quite an inexpensive food. This, in addition to the fact that it possesses stimu- lating properties and a delightful flavor and taste, should recommend it as a beverage once more to all who are interested in the scientific and eco- nomical planning of the dietary man. ROASTING, BLENDING, CARE, ETC. Next in importance to following and properly combining cup characteristics is uniformity of roasts. If too light, the bean is not fully de- veloped, and the fibre cells not expanded for the release of the volatile oils, whereas if roasting is carried too far, the aroma and winey character are reduced or destroyed, the oils are "started" and partly driven off, the Coffee soon "sweats," becomes rancid, tough and hard to grind. To the frequent question, which is best, light or dark roasts, — ask the inquirer whether he prefers un- der-ripe fruit or that which is over-ripe. For nor- mal distribution there is one proper degree of roast — rich cinnamon brown. At this point full development of both bean and cup characteristics are gained. A dark roast produces only bitter- ness, and bitterness is not body. Coffees for soon consumption stand the full cin- namon limit, but those for distribution over a wide area, where they sometimes stand in grocers' stocks for weeks before being placed in consump- tion, are better preserved when roasted a shade lighter, as deterioration is rapid in full roasted Coffee. In making color comparisons, the Coffee should ibe finely ground and a spoonful of each placed upon glass over blue paper. They may be flattened, squared and edged, like the adjoin- ing squares of a checker-board. With one's back 61 to the light and the. Coffees held almost to the level of the eyes, even half or quarter shade va- riations may readily be distinguished. It is a growing belief that in roasts of shorter duration, the largest percentage of the aromatic properties are retained. A slow roast has the ef- fect of baking and does not give full development; also slow roasts seldom produce bright roasts and they usually make the Coffee hard instead of brit- tle, even when the color standard has been at- tained. While Coffees of widely varying degrees of moisture require somewhat different treatment, the concensus of opinion is that the best results are from a slower fire at the beginning, until some of the moisture has been driven off, when the stronger application of heat may be given for de- velopment. An intense heat in the beginning oft- en results in "tipping," charrinp the little germ at' the end, the most sensitive part of the bean. 'Scorched beans are due to their being caught at some point in the cylinder, often in a bent flange. Burning on one face, sometimes called "kissing the cheeks" is caused by the too rapid revolution of the cylinder, so that some of the Coffee "carries over." According to the best prac- tice, crowding of cylinders is avoided, many roast- ers making it a rule not to exceed 90 per cent of their rated capacity. Those operating gas roast- ers may effect a fuel economy by running a low grade Coffee in the cylinder after the last roast has been drawn and the gas extinguished; five minutes revolution absorbs the heat and drives off a proportion of moisture. The Coffee, which may then be left in the cylinder is warming up. Double roasting brightens a roast, but it is to the detri- ment of the cup quality. A dull roasting Coffee may be improved by revolving the green Coffee in a cylinder without heat for twenty minutes, this having the effect of milling. The use of a small amount of water upon roasts gives better control by checking the roast at the proper point — the crucial time of its greatest heat; also it swells and, brightens the Coffee. While the addition of water is open to abuse, we believe but very few roasters have soaked their Coffees to offset the natural shrinkage three to four per cent. Such practice would result greatly to the detriment of the cup quality. ROASTING REQUIRES INTELLIGENCE AND STUDY Do not take for granted too much of what I or anyone else may tell you. Try for yourself. While I will tell you what is good with me, do not forget that Coffee must be good before it is blended, if it is going to he good after blending. You can- not buy your Coffees hit or miss and expect them to make a good blend. Study your Coffee and study your trade. Always remember that there can be no set rules for roasting, as different Coffees require different handling. The man who roasts Coffee should be just as intelligent and just as responsible as the man who does the firm's bookkeeping. The book- keeper can do all of his work by rule, but the roaster must use his own judgment, for he has no set rules to govern him. It is not really necessary that the roaster should know how to blend, but if he is a good blender he is that much more valuable to his firm. As to different blends, I will give a few that I know to be good, but, of course, I cannot lay down hard, fast rules that will apply to every sec- tion of the country, for I do not know what Coffees cost, laid down in all stores, or what are the de- mands of the trade in every place. That is some- thing which each blender must learn for himself. SUGGESTIONS FOR MEDIUM PRICE BLENDS I use very few Rios in any of my blends, as there are so few people who like that strong Rio flavor, and it does not pay to carry a blend with [Rio in it, although I carry a line of Rio to please the trade that calls for it. For a good cheap Coffee, the best Santos you can afford generally gives the best satisfaction. For better, one-third Bogota and two-thirds of good Santos; or one-half Santos, one-fourth Bo- gota, one-fourth Guatemala; for still better, two- thirds iBogota, one-third Guatemala; or one-half Bogota, one-fourth Guatemala, one-fourth good Santos. Of course, you can vary the grade and price of those blends by the amount of, or the price of the Santos you wish to use. Some Rio might be used in blends in certain territories. A good blend can be made with one-half Maracaibo, one- fourth Bogota, one-fourth Santos; or one-half Bo- gota, one-fourth Maracaibo, one-fourth Santos. But unless one is a pretty good judge of Coffee, I would advise not using Maracaibos in blends. A good Maracaibo is one of the best drinking Cof- fees grown, but they are hard to match, and after you have the line you think you want, you have to try every bag to be sure of it. If the price permits, a good cup may >be obtain- ed through using one-half Bourbon with one-fourth each Maracaibo and low cost Bogota. Stick to Bogota and Guatemala and Santos with Bogota, as the basis for best moderate price blends; they are bound to win out, as I think they are the best Coffees grown for blending pur- poses. 64 EVERY BLEND SHOULD CONTAIN THREE COFFEES, OR MORE In my judgment every blend should have at least three Coffees in it. In the event of not being able to match one of the 'Coffees the blender has been using, or that he can buy one at one-eight or one- quarter cent less a pound, would not be noticed in the blend; but when cheaper Coffee is bought it must not be used as a sample for the next lot, for one might be tempted to also shade that a little, and soon the good would be shaded out. I do not think there is any Coffee that drinks as well by itself as when blended with some other Coffeee. Some blenders^ bl^nd what are known to the trade as acid and non-acid Coffees. Others prefer to blend all acid Coffees, and still others prefer all non-acid Coffees. This is altogether a matter of taste, but when you start, blend up the different kinds and then decide on what you want and stick to it. Do not use acid Coffee one time and a non-acid the next. This is where two-thirds of the dealers are falling down today. Take it for yourself: if you like a good, strong^ winey Coffee, and someone gives you a cup of non- acid Coffee, you will say that the Coffee is no good, it is too flat. And if you like the non-acid better and get a cup of winey Coffee, you will say that is no good, as it is too rank or sour. COFFEE AT THE "DRINKING POINT" In buying your Coffees and trying them out in the cup, be very careful not to make up your mind too quickly, as sometimes a Coffee will taste fine when you first pour the boiling water upon it, but when it cools down to what I call the drinking point, it has flattened out to be practically no good, while on the other hand, the one that did not seem to be quite so good at the start holds its own or improves right through, until it becomes cold. I always give the preference to the Coffee that is best at the drinking point. 65 THE RANGE OF GRADES FOR BLENDING The lowest grades of Brazil Coffee to be used for blending would be those known as Victorias. From this point we should pass on in the scale to Rio, from the low grades to the fancy old-crop golden Rio called for in certain sections of the country. Then there would follow the straight Santos Coffees, beginning with the low grades and running from this point to the medium grades, to be followed by the high-grade Santos types. Under the head of Santos is the Coffee known as the flat bean Santos, and also those growths which, on account of appearance and cup charac- ter, are termed Bourbon. In some sections the flat beans would be found desirable, while in other sec- tions the Bourbon Coffees would be preferred. After the Brazils would come the mild Coffees, and in some instances these Coffees are sold straight, rather' than blended. There is a certain percentage of the consuming trade that is better pleased with a straight Bogota 'Coffee than with a blend. • > GROUPING COFFEES FOR BLENDINiG PURPOSES When considering the various blends it will probably be more satisfactory if they are divided into groups. The first group would be the one containing the lowest-priced combinations, and naturally the greatest percentage of Santos. There- fore, the following, suggestions will include blends of Coffees containing 50 per cent of ^Santos or Bourbon Santos as the dealer may find most ac- ceptable in his location. They are simply to be taken as a basis from which the dealer may find it possible to work out acceptable brands for him- self by varying the percentages of the Coffees used, as in his opinion the results warrant. 66 BLENDS OF SANTOS AND ONE OTHER COFFEE The first series would naturally be those con- taining Santos with one other Coffee, as follows: Santos and Maracaibo, Santos and Bucaramanga, Santos and Caracas, Santos and Bogota. After this there would follow the combinations containing 50 per cent of either Santos or Bourbon Santos, with two other Coffees. Santos, Bogota and Maracaibo; Santos, Bogota and Bucaramanga; Santos, iBogota and Guatemala; Santos, Bogota and Mexican. BOGOTA AS THE BASIS FOR BLENDS The next group would be a series of blends with Bogota as the basis. In many of these blends 50 per cent Bogota could be used, but in some, par- ticularly those combinations with Dutch East In- dian Coffees, the quantity of Bogota should be re- duced. This series will run as follows: Bogota and Bourbon; Bogota, washed Santos and Bourbon; Bogota and Guatemala; Bogota and Mex- ican; Bogota, Guatemala and Mexican; Bogota, washed Maracaibo and Guatemala; Bogota and East Indian; Bogota, Dutch East Indian and Mex- ican; Bogota, Dutch East Indian and Guatemala; Bogota, Dutch East Indian, washed Maracaibo and Guatemala; Bogota, Dutch East Indian and Mo- cha; Bogota, Dutch East Indian, Guatemala and Mocha. The above would be followed by the various combinations that may be made up of Dutch East Indian with Mocha, and also the types of Coffee from the Island of Java with Mocha. These blends usually run from two-thirds to three-quarters Dutch East Indian of Java, the remainder being Mocha. 67 MOCHA HAS AN INDIVIDUALITY ALL ITS OWN The character given to a brand of Coffee by the use of a percentage of Mocha opens up another line of blends. Many blends in years past have contained a very liberal percentage of Mocha, but it has been gradually replaced by Santos Coffees, because of their better appearance and lower price. There is an Individuality to be found in a fine grade of Mocha that is not obtainable from Coffe grown anywhere outside of Arabia, so that blends containing reasonable percentage of Coffees from the Dutch East Indies and Arabia, together with fancy Mexican, Central American, or South American types, are among the finest obtainable. Mucli of the so-called Coffee blending is nothing more nor less than mixing of Coffee together in order to obtain a fairly good-looking product at the lowest possible price. Such blending is worked from a price stand-point, and if the result is a fairly good-looking product, and if the cup is not objectionable, it is termed a fancy blend and so marketed. To blend Coffee properly, various growths hav- ing different characteristics should be taken, and the Coffees should be used in such proportion that the result from the blend will differ from that of any of the Coffees used straight. Further than this, the beverages obtainable from a blend of this description should be preferable to the results se- cured from the Coffees used separately, otherwise there is no object in blending. To originate a blend that is distinctive, that has a pleasant aroma and taste, and also one that is difficult to match, requires an expert knowledge of Coffee and ability to test Coffees in the cup. Many of the so-called 'blends are composed prin- cipally of a good, smooth, neutral Santos, with a sufficient percentage of Bogota, Bucaramanga or Mexican Coffee to relieve the flat Santos taste. A blend of Coffee properly balanced should have a full, rich body as a basis. To this should be added one or another of the growths of Coffee having an acid character, and a further Coffee or Coffees should be used to give, If possible, an. increased aroma. A winey Bourbon Santos will be found very ser- viceable in many blends. Types of these Coffees have a distinct winey quality differing from other growths of Coffee, and more nearly approaching Mocha than any other type. Bourbon Coffees vary as to acidity. 'Some blenders will consider an ex- tremely acid Coffee preferable, while others will prefer a Coffee showing less winey quality; but such a Coffee will add the distinct Bourbon flavor to the blend. The winey character of certain Mexican Coffees is found to be very serviceable in high-grade blends. The flavor and aroma of the Guatemala types should not be overlooked as adding distinct characteristics to the blends in which they are used. For the most part the hackbone of the better blends of Coffee, and, in fact, many of the cheaper blends, will be one or other of the Colomhian growths. Most of these Coffees are known under the general term of Bogota. Blends of still different character are obtainable through the use of the various Coffees shipped from the Dutch East Indies, and where the con- sumer has been accustomed to the character given to a blend by the use of a percentage of Padang, Mandheling or Ankola Coffee, they prefer a blend ofl this description to the blends made up of Cen- tral and South American Coffees. 69 The following blends have proven very popular in their price and class: 5% Mocha 10% Maracaibo 15% Bogota 40% Santos 30% Robusta OR 5% Mocha 10% Maracaibo 15% Bogota 15% Nicaragua 15% Robusta 40% iSantos 10% Bogota 20% Sa-Titos 20% Salvador 40% Nicaragua 10% Robusta ***** 30% Guatemala 30% Bogota 10% iSalvador 30% ISantos ***** 30% Natural Robusta 40% Liberian A. J. 10% Rio 10% iCosta Rica 10% Nicaragua ***** 10% Mocha 20% Java 10% Bucaramanga 10% Maracaibo 20% Guatemala 30% Nicaragua ***** 40% Mexican 20% Bogota 20% Washed Guatemala 20% Salvador ***** 10% Colombian 50% Mexican 40% Nicaragua OR BETTER 20% Colomibian 30% Guatemala 30% Nicaragua 20%? Santos 20%? Robusta 20% iSantos 30% Salvador 30% Mexican ***** 70% Rio 20% Robusta 10% Salvador ***** 10% Costa Rica 10% (Santos 70% Robusta 10% Guatemala ***** 40% Bogota 25% ISantos 15% Bucaramanga 10% Mocha 10% Java ***** 40% Bogota 10% (Salvador 10% Nicaragua 40% Rio ***** 40% Natural Nicaragua 10% Costa Rica 40% Santos 10% Salvador ***** 40% Guatemala 20% Bogota 20% ISalvador 20% ISantos ***** 50% iLiberian A. J. 30% Guatemala 20% Big Bean Mexican ***** 25% Mocha 75% Java ***** 50% Bogota 35% Santos 15% Bucaramanga ***** 60% Bogota 30% Old Brown Colombian 10% Godd Bourfbon Santos 70 A good point to consider in blending is to get a good, strong, smooth, sweet, heavy bodied, winey liquor; not a thin, flat, spoiled water drink. There may be better Coffees than Santos, Bogotas and Guatemalas for blending purposes, but I have nev- er had the pleasure of meeting them. Of course, you can find a chop, once in a while, in any Coffee that is exceptionally good, but when you come to match it again you are lost, as it seems almost impossible to get two chops alike. With Bogota, Santos and Guatemala it is not so hard to match them. One-half Guatemala, one-quarter Bogota and one- quarter Santos does not, in my opinion, make a good blend. If you make it one-half Bogota, one- quarter Guatemala and one^quarter Santos, you will have a blend that will stand up to the best of them; I know of nothing better within the price range. /I COFFEE ROASTING TABLE Sixteen Per Cent Shrinkage including %c per Pound far Roasting Green Roasted Green Raasted Green Roaste 12 14.88 21% 26.19 31 37.50 12^ 15.18 21% 26.48 31% 37.79 121/2 15.48 22 26.76 31% 38.09 1234 15.78 221/4 27.08 31% 38.39 13 16.07 22% 27.38 32 38.69 131/4 16.37 22% 27.67 32% 38.98 131/^ 16.67 23 27.97 32% 39.28 13%, 16.96 23% 28.27 32% 39.58 14 17.26 23% 28.57 33 39.88 UV4. 17.56 23% 28.86 33% 40.17 UV2 17.86 24 29.16 33% 40.47 14% 18.15 24% 29.46 33% 40.77 15 18.45 24% 29.76 34 41.07 15^ 18.75 24% 30.05 34% 41.37 151/^ 19.05 25 30.35 34% 41.67 15% 19.34 25% 30.65 34% 41.97 16 19.64 25% 30.95 35 42.26 16^ 19.94 25% 31.25 35% 42.56 leVa 20.24 26 31.55 35% 42.86 16% 20.54 26% 31.85 35% 43.15 17 20.83 26% 32.15 36 43.45 im 21.13 26% 32.44 36% 43.75 VlVz 21.43 27 32.74 36% 44.05 17% 21.73 27% 33.04 36% 44.34 18 22.02 27% 33.34 37 44.64 18^ 22.32 27% 33.63 37% 44.94 18% 22.62 28 33.93 37% 45.24 18% 22.92 ''i^%y4. 34.23 37% 45.54 19 23.21 28% 34.53 38 45.83 19^ 23.51 28% 34.82 38% 46.13 19% 23.81 29 35.12 38% 46.43 19% 24.11 29% 35.42 38% 46.73 2a 24.40 29% 35.72 39 47.02 20^ '24.70 29% 36.01 39% 47.32 20% 25.00 30 36.31 39% 47.62 20% 25.30 30% 36.61 39% 47.92 21 25.59 30% 3'6.90 40 48.21 21% 25.89 30% 3.7.20 72 ICED COFFEE BLENDS Coffee can be made as acceptable a cool summer drink as it is the popular hot beverage of the win- ter. To obtain this result, the roaster must bear in mind that all cold drinks require more substance than those where heat is a factor. Coffee for icing should be so prepared as to give out a deeper col- ored liquor than the infusion for hot Coffee. Those Coffees having a heavy winey or pro- nounced roughness, extremes in flavor, are best avoided for iced Coffee. The appeal must come first through the eye by the deeper color of the liquor; then to the palate, by the smoothness of the decoction. Bogotas of moderately winey but heavy body, well-dried high-grade Cucuta Maracai- bo, combined withj a soft drinking Santos, will be found as a standard to give the best results. Careful tests demonstrate that in color of liquor, flavor and body, no moderate cost blend excels these three characters in combination. Roasted correctly, they almost defy blundering in the mak- ing, being as nearly fool-proof as can be made. All directions for making Iced Coffee should em- phasize two facts, viz: making the Coffee some- what stronger than for hot Coffee, and that the receptacle for holding the Coffee should be placed on the Ice, not the Ice in the Coffee. VARIOUS HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE METHODS OF BREWING COFFEES, AS STATED BY VARIOUS AUTHORITIES ' 'Coffee (like bread) should be cooked, not half- Cooked, not over-cooked, but cooked done. This applies to both Roasting and Brewing. Care should be used in Brewing Coffee as in baking bread. 7a GRINDING, PREPARATION, ETC., ETC. The manner of grinding or cutting the Coffee bean depends entirely upon individual taste and custom. Coarse-ground Coffee is not generally desirable, as it requires too long an infusion to extract the full strength, and too much boiling tends to spoil both flavor and) aroma. A medium-fine grind is the most generally ser- viceable for ordinary home use. There are many different formulas for prepar- ing Coffee for the table, the majority capable of being classified under the three headings: Infusion or Drawing: Putting the ground Cof- fee into boiling water and keeping it hot on the range without boiling for eight to ten minutes. With ordinary care this method will produce a very pleasing beverage, but it does not bring out much of the stimulating property of the bean. Decoction or Boiling: Putting the ground Cof- fee in cold water, allowing it to come to a boil and keeping it boiling for a few seconds. This brings out more strength than the preceding meth- od, and makes an excellent liquor, but if the boil- ing is continued too long, the fine aroma passes away. A few grains of salt improves any Coffee. When made by boiling, a large cup of Coffee contains about 2% grains each of tannin and caf- feine, properties of the fiber or grounds which are extracted by their immersion. (Medical au- thorities state that the last mentioned is a true stimulant in that It gives no reaction). But when taken in large quantity these properties are said to affect persons of highly nervous temperament. For the "old-fashioned" boiling method, the white of an egg is first stirred into the ground Coffee. The latter is then placed in the pot and the proper amount of boiling water is poured over it, the water, taken fresh, having previously been allowed to boil hard for ten minutes. The 74 Coffee is permitted to come to a good boil, is stirred thoroughly once and then placed on the back of the stove for ten minutes. If any grounds appear on top, they are stirred a little and allow- ed to settle. This process gives excellent results, but it requires a good deal of care. The mistaken argument of economy is some- times advanced in favor of boiling. Let it be known that a pound of high-grade Coffee will pro- duce from 35 to 38 smooth, rich and delicious cups by the "drip" method, a cost of one cent per cup, the cheapest and best enjoyed article on one's table. Coffee stands as the single food pro- duct that has not doubled in price the past ten years. Filteration or Distilling: By the use of a "per- colator" the boiling water passing slowly through the ground Coffee held in the center of the ma- chine. This method is largely used because the result is nearly always uniform. No matter which method is employed, the grounds should never be alowed to remain in the Coffee for any length of time after it is made. In hotels, restaurants and other establishments where it is brewed in large quantities, the Coffee is generally held in a bag or other receptacle in the upper part of the urn, in order that the grounds may be more easily removed. The best general advice to the person wishing a good cup of Coffee is to buy Coffee as pure as possible, and of a flavor that suits the individual taste, to have it fresh roasted, fresh ground to moderate fineness and fresh made In a scrupulous- ly clean Coffee-pot. With these points secured, a little practice will produce a fine beverage by any reasonable pro- cess. A little cold water dashed in boiling Coffee checks the boiling and causes the grounds to settle, leaving the beverage perfectly clear. In Creole cookery, the sauce result is obtained by adding a small piece of charcoal. 75 French Coffee: The special flavor in much of the Coffee served in France is generally due to any one or all of the three following causes: (1) the addition of 10% to 30% of Chicory, (2) the especially heavy roasting of the bean, and (3) the occasional addition of a little butter and sugar during the roasting. It is generally made in a percolator from fine ground Coffee, the liquid being passed through percolators two or three times to acquire greater strength. Cafe au Lait, ''Coffee with Milk" or French Breakfast Coffee," generally means strong Coffee served with boiling milk, about half Coffee and half milk, or to suit the individual taste. Cafe Noir, Black Coffee or After Dinner Coffee, requires an especially generous proportion of Cof- fee, and percolation continued until the liquid is black. Demi-Tasse de Cafe, or Cafe Demitasse, means literally only a small or half-cup of Coffee, but, carelessly used, the expression has come to signi- fy Cafe Noir or After Dinner Coffee. Cafe a la Creme is made by adding plain or whipped cream to good Cafe Noir. Vienna Coffee is prepared in a special urn, which passes and re- passes the steam through the (finely ground) Coffee, thus retaining the full aroma. It is serv- ed with whipped cream. Creole Coffee is prepared by slow percolation. The Coffee, fresh roasted and ground, is pressfed compactly in the filter of the pot and a small quantity of boiling water is poured over. When this has passed through, more water is added, the process being continued at intervals of about five minutes. The result is a very strong and rich extract, which inay either be served fresh or be preserved in an air-tight vessel for future use. A small quantity, even so little as a tablespoonful, of good "Creole Coffee" Ist sufficient for a cup of Coffee of ordinary strength. 76 Turkish Coffee is made from beans ground as fine as powder, placed in a pot (either large or "individual") with cold water and brought to the boiling point. It is never allowed to boil, and is served as it is without straining or settling the grounds. Dutch Coffee is prepared by cold water process from very fine-ground Coffee held in a special filter* with top and bottom reservoirs. It requires four hours or longer for the water to percolate through the Coffee, and in its passage it extracts a large percentage of strength and flavor. Russian Coffee is strong blaci< Coffee. Coffee Extracts or Essence. Genuine Coffee ex- tract is made commercially by distillation, steam- ing and evaporating the liquid until it is reduced to the desired strength. One or two teaspoonfuls is generally sufficient lo make a cup of Coffee of moderate strength. For household purposes, it can be made nearly the same result by following the formula for Creole Coffee. Coffee, whether raw or roasted, should always be kept away from all strong odors, as it absorbs them very rapidly. Roasted Coffee (as already mentioned) should never be exposed to the air, as it will quickly lose its flavor and aroma. A few things about Coffee by a Brazilian Expert: HOW TO GRIND COFFEE Coffee should not be ground too fine to avoid sediments and obtain it clear. The water will dissolve the essence in the coarse-ground Coffee very well. Wherever possible. Coffee should also be kept, in preference, in the bean, and ground only when needed for use. The reason is that Coffee is exceedingly susceptible to taking bad odors, especially when in the ground state. Even in; the green state in the hold of a ship is liable 77 to take bad odors from the ship, and it is well known that you can never get a good cup of Cof- fee on ship^board, because the ground Coffee, as soon as exposed, takes the smell and taste of salt water. In Brazil, when the interior of a house has been freshly painted, the custom is to place a plate with ground Coffee in the middle of the room over night. Next morning the smell of fresh paint is gone from the room, but the Coffee smells and tastes like a paint-pot. It is therefore essential that all vessels used in the roasting, grinding and preparing of Coffee should be kept scrupulously clean and odorless. HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE Coffee should never be boiled; it extracts the obnoxious compounds and gives it a disagreeable bitter taste. Upon occasion: Mrs. Leslie Carter, the Actress, while staying at a hotel in Sedalia, Mo., com- plained of the abominable bitter Coffee they were serving her. The representative of a wholesale 'Coffee firm, who overheard her, went to the kitch- en and prepared her some fresh Coffee, really good. Mrs. Cartel^ was so pleased with it that it opened an acquaintance which resulted in Mrs. Carter engaging the salesman as her business manager. The ibest way to make good Coffee is by the drip system. Numerous machines for this are on the market, all more or less on the same principle, which consists in letting hot water filter through the pulverized Coffee contained in a receptacle, the bottom of which is a fine sieve, through iwhich the water runs off. In the best of these machines the lower part is a receptacle containing as much water as neces- sary for the number of cups of Coffee required. Above this, fitting into the first, is another recep- 78 tacle with a fine sieve bottom, holding the amount of ground Coffee required, ordinarily about a ta- blespoonful to the cup. A metal or glass tube passes from the bottom of the lower receptacle to the top of the upper one. When the machine is put on the stove or over a lamp, the pressure of the steam developed forces the boiling water through the tube to the upper receptacle, when it spreads out over the Coffee, filters through it and runs through the sieve to the bottom. This continues until the Coffee has the desired strength. A good way^ too, and much used in Brazil and Europe, is the "old-fashioned" way of putting ground Coffee into a conical sack of clean new linen, held open by a wire ring, and hanging It over a can. Hot water is then poured over the Coffee and repoured, until it is strong enough. Before using it, the sack should be boiled in Cof- fee to extract the odor and taste of the new linen. In all cases the greatest care should be taken that all utensils are always kept scrupulously clean. If the Coffee is made in metal machines, it should be transferred to a porcelain jug as soon as it is made, and the machine carefully cleaned, as Coffee attacks all metals, especially copper. It is also essential that the water used in mak- ing Coffee be pure and clear, and contain no min- eral salts. It should not be boiling, but of a tem- perature that you can just put your finger in without scalding. Boiling water not only volatil- izes the aromatic essences, but extracts the ob- noxious compounds which give' the Coffee a disa- greeable taste. Connoisseurs who are very particular about this beverage go so far as to use only cold water in extracting their Coffee. They have the patience to put it in a porcelain filter, pour cold water on it over and over again until it is strong enough. 79 Then they put the can containing the infusion into a hot water bath; that is, another vessel containing boiling water, and heat it to tlie boil- ing point. Others, again, put the ground Coffee in a cov- ered porcelain pot with sufficient cold water and let it stand for ten to twelve hours. Then they carefully pour off the liquid, or filter it, and heat it in a hot water bath. This certainly is the way to obtain the most delicious Coffee, because it retains all the aroma and fine flavor without dis- solving any of the obnoxious bitter-tasting com- ponents. Coffee should be drunk as soon as possible after making it, and not kept standing too long. Nor should it be. kept over and warmed up again, as it loses its flavor by standing. COFFEE DRINKING IN BRAZIL In Brazil, where you get the most delicious Coffee in the world, and Coffee making has de- veloped into an art, there is a saying that Coffee, to be good, should be: "Black as Night, Hot as Hell and Sweet as Love." In fact, however, a real good cup of Coffee, as you get it in the leading Cafes in Hio or Sao Paulo, is not black as night or so very strong, but of a chestnut color, so clear and transparent that you can almost see the bottom of the cup and it leaves an amber stain. It should froth like chocolate, and its fragrant aroma should fill the room. There are no saloons or bars in Brazil, and Coffee takes the place of "Social" drink, of high-ball or cocktail. There are Cafes in every street that make a specialty of serving only Coffee. Their wide open doors, little round marble-topped tables, (with small cups and saucers set up around a sugar basin, make inviting pictures. 80 You sit down, pull a cup towards you, and im- mediately an attendant comes and fills it with de- licious hot Coffee, for which you lay down a nick- el coin of lOO Reis, equal to three cents. If you pay a social visit, or call on the President of the Republic, or any high official, the first thing you will observe is a servant coming in with a tray of cups and saucers and a Coffee-can, to hand you a cup of fragrant hot Coffee. After you have taken that you proceed to state your busi- ness. Americans may laugh at this and call it un- business-like, but it cannot be denied that this show of hospitality will remove any restraint and put you at your ease, while the stimulating effect of the hot Coffee clears your ideas. In this way the average Brazilian business man, or politician, or whatever he may be, takes on an average in a day from one to two dozen small cups of black Coffee, and he not only sur- vives it, but keeps healthy, works quite as hard as the average American business man, and main- tains a clearer brain and steadier nerves than if he had fortified himself with a dozen high-balls. And this in spite of what "Postum" and other speculative competitors (?) have to say concerning the injurious effects of Coffee. To this habit of continually taking small cups of black Coffee during the day may be ascribed to the limitation of the use of alcoholic drinks and the absence of inebriate persons in Brazil, for Coffee seems to create an aversion to them in the system. The Brazilian, is accustomed to take a light wine with his meals, but never an alcoholic drink between meals, especially no spirits. One (considered good) authority says: Avoid cream with Coffee. Coffee taken with hot milk in the morning, or, in fact, any time, is an excellent aliment, a meal in itself, we may say. Beware, however, of tak- 81 ing Coffee with a lot of cream in it, together with your meals, as is generally the custom through- out the United States The fat in the cream enters with certain com- ponents in the Coffee into a combination which is not only indigestible in itself, but obstructs the digestion of the accompanying meals and oth- er rich foods, and will lead in time to chronic indigestion and stomach, heart and liver troubles. And if "Postum" and other competitors (?) bring forward as an argument, cases of where the continued use of Coffee has become in time in- jurious to the system, it has been owing to the fact that the persons in question have been in the habit of using badly prepared Coffee with a lot of rich cream as the customary drink with their meals. On the other hand, a small cup of well-prepar- ed, good, hot, black Coffee taken a s.hort time after your meals, will cause a pleasant well-feel- ing and contentment, because, taken in that way, it increases the secretion of gastric juice, and has a marvelous effect upon the digestion. HOW TO PREPARE THE BEVERAGE FOR HOTELS, OAFES AND RESTAURANTS Making Coffee in a Coffee Urn for Hotels or IRestaurants is decidedly the practical way to make Coffee in an Urn. Coffee that will please your trade, requires first a clean textile bag sus- pended about two-thirds of the way to the bot- tom. 'Percolating quietly through the bag and re- pouring is the only process known giving the best results. Never use Urns that blow steam through the 'Coffee. They may use less Coffee, but the result- ing liquor is not clear, neither is it aromatic. Filter Paper istrainers are frail, and do not allow the Coffee to seep through, so it is best to avoid the method that employs them. 82 HOW COFFE SHOULD BE ROASTED AND GROUND The Coffee should be roasted to a dark chestnut color. When roasted too high, the beverage be- comes bitter; when too low, It tastes raw. Grind the Coffee so as to resemble granulated sugar. Coarse ground Coffee gives little strength, too finely ground retards filtering and frequently leaves a brackish taste. Watch your Coffee mill closely, adjust and oil it occasionally; nearly all mills work loose. Use from 10 to 12 ounces of Coffee to each gal- lon of water for regular Coffee, and from 12 to 16 ounces of Coffee to each gallon of water for after- dinner Coffee. More or less Coffee may be used, should these amounts not suit the demand of your trade. First wet or moisten the bag inside the Urn, then pour the Coffee in the bag; pour through it bubbling boiling water, use no other. Simply be- cause water vaporizing or steaming does not al- ways mean that it is at the boiling point, and un- less it is at the bubbling boiling point, it will not mix with the oil of the Coffee. This is one of the most important essentials in brewing good Coffee. Next re-pour the liquid Coffee through the grounds until all the liquid has been through the ground Coffee at least twise. Let this stand four or five minutes, it is then ready to serve if requir- ed. Nothing is needed to settle it. It will be perfectly clear but not so strong as later. The bag containing the grounds should remain in the Urn 30 to 40 minutes, but no longer. The desired strength will be extracted without any bitterness whatever, if these instructions are followed. The seeping through of the liquid gives the Coffee that desirable cooked taste. 83 THE CARE OF BAGS AND URNS IMPORTANT Wash your bags thoroughly in hot water, but use no soap. (A small pinch of soda will help.) Rinse in cold water and let them remain in cold water until needed. Dry bags absorb every odor of the kitchen. Always have two bags for each urn in use, and start new ones every Sunday or at any rate once a week. Wash the urns every night with soda or powder and hot water. Rinse them with hot water, then with cold water. While so doing leave the faucet open and the lid off of the urn, so that the air may circulate freely. Always serve cream with your Coffee if possible. Always let your customer (or guest) be the judge as to how much or how little. He unquestionably knows his individual taste and requirements better than you. At most, little is needed, and the Coffee is so much better without it. Have your cups warm and your pots very, very hot. China pots are the best to be used. By taking pains and following the directions as above given, your Coffee thus obtained will help materially to make your breakfast trade grow. It is the Coffee, Rolls and Butter that make it successful. COFFEE BLENDS FOR RESTAURANTS William B. Harris, the Government's Coffee ex- pert, believes that the Coffee of prime importance in preparing restaurant blends is Bogota. He ad- vises the use of a full-bodied Bogota and a winey, Bourbon Santos in the proportion of 75% Bogota and 25% Santos. Blends may also be made up from combinations of Bogota, Mexicans and Guatemalas. According to Mr. Harris, the average blend of good Coffee when made up 2^^ pounds to 5 gallons of water, will produce a liquor of good color and strength. For many hotels, however, this may not answer, as it is not heavy enough. No steward, hotel or restaurant man should ever advertise Coffee on his menu, and then serve a drink employing Chicory (or any other substitute), because, while there is no Federal law against such a practice, there are State laws against it, and every customer would gladly subscribe to a Moral law which would make it misbranding. Hotel men should purchase their Coffee in the bean and do their own grinding. Then they need never have cause to complain that their Coffee man deceived them, or that some salesman mis- led them. The hotel steward) wishing to serve his patrons with a good heavy-bodied Coffee, particularly a black after-dinner Coffee, should use three, four, or even four and a half pounds of ground Coffee to five gallons of water. WAYS SUGGESTED FOR SERVING COFFEE. HONEY, FOR INSTANCE Perhaps you have never flavored your Coffee with honey. Yet you can search a long time be- fore you can taste anything more delicious than a perfect cup of Coffee sweetened with some per- fect sweet clover honey. Of course, you would not use honey in the comb. Strained honey, or better still, the newer solidified, or granulated, honey gives the best results. The Coffee may be served either black or topped with whipped cream. Probably, served in this way, the Coffee is best suited to after lunch, or after tea, service ; without the cream, it may take the place of the familiar Cafe Noir. There is no better luncheon accompaniment to the honeyed Coffee than some delicious, old-fash- ioned sponge or nut cake. For afternoon tea, try it with cinnamon toast, and after dinner use it alone with its delicious self, 85 MARSHMALLOWS, A DAINTY SWEETENING Speaking of the after-dinner Coffee, or Coffee particularly suited to party service, are you fa- miliar with Marshmallows as sweetening agent? No! Well, just drop two in a medium-sized cup, then fill it with Coffee. The result will be a de- lightful sweetness, with a frothy foam on the top which somewhat resembles cream. If you like, you can add a little plain cream also to the bever- age, but it is not necessary. When serving this at dinner, you will find it ^delicious when accompanied by some simple cake or wafers, flavored with vanilla and containing either cocoanut or nuts. The same combination would be suitable for a party, or a little French pastry could be used if desired. If the Coffee is served from the pantry, a dessert spoonful of Marshmallow Creme to the medium-sized cup may be used instead of the Marshmallow proper. One of the reasons why Marshmallows are so well adapted to Coffee is because of the vanilla flavoring which they contain. Sometimes a drop or two of this extract may be served in each cup of Coffee, or the Coffee may be topped with sweet- ened whipped cream flavored with vanilla, as is done so much in foreign countries. In this case, the Coffee should be served as a part of the dessert, because the whipped cream is so rich. A harmonious accompaniment to this consists of fruit tarts, such as strawberry, raspberry, or little orange pies, or a cake or cooky which is rather highly seasoned with spice. "COFFEE MARASCHINO" (Bone-dry) Now that the old type of Coffee, with brown sugar and brandy, is no longer being served, "Cof- fee Maraschino" will undoubtedly take its place, 86 especially as Maraschino Cherries are now being put up without liquor. In this case, a demitasse is used, the Coffee being flavored with a little of the liquid from the Maraschino Cherries and a cherry or two being dropped into each cup. Cream, either plain or whipped, may be used or not, as desired. If served as "black Coffee' at the end of a dinner, there should be no accompani- ment, unless, perhaps, that of the usual bon-bons, but if served as part of the dessert course at luncheon, almost any kind of cake is a suitable accompaniment, except one containing chocolate. But in any case, when making the Coffee, be sure to put in a few grains of salt. 3ALT TO ''MELLOW" COFFEE Have you ever tried adding a few grains of salt to your cup of Coffee? You will be surprised to find how the flavor is improved. It attains an in- describable mellowness. Of course, there is a reason, and in this case it is the addition of just the right amount of alkali to neutralize the slight acidity of the Coffee (It also overcomes the more or less raw taste pro- duced by the woody fibre of the Coffee) for all occasions, and it is absolutely essential when Cof- fee is used as the flavoring agent of various des- serts, otherwise the taste is "empty." MAPLE SUGAR Again, have you ever tried Maple Sugar as a Coffee sweetener? You may have heard of it dur- ing the sugar shortage of the war, and afraid, perhaps, that it would not taste good, and clung tenaciously to your white sugar. In reality, it is delicious, for there is something about the flavors of Maple and Coffee that harmonize. 87 That is one reason why a cup of Coffee and a plate of griddle cakes or waffles with Maple Syrup is a perfect combination. As to the amount of Maple Sugar to use in sweetening the Coffee, just serve it in the sugar bowl, broken into little lumps, and appetite will do the rest. FONDANT Brown Sugar, flavored with strong Coffee and cooked with a pinch of cream of tartar, makes a delicious fondant, which every home candy-maker should know about during the white sugar short- age. COFFEE FONDANT Three-quarters cupful very strong, hot Coffee, 2M» cupfuls brown sugar, % teaspoonful cream of tartar. Combine the three ingredients in a very smooth, clean saucepan and stir over a slow heat until they are dissolved; heat gradually to boiling point, and boil without stirring until, when tried in cold water, a little of the mixture will keep its shape in the form of a soft ball. With a candy ther- mometer the temperature will be 238° P. Pour the fondant onto a slightly buttered, large platter; let it stand for a few minutes to cool, until, when pressed with finger, a dent is left on the surface and yet there is no crust. When this occurs, scrape the fondant together and work it with a wooden spoon, or smooth stick, until it is creamy in color and texture. When it becomes creamy, begin to knead it, and Knead it until it is formed into a smooth ball. Put it into a bowl, cover it with a damp cloth and let it stand a day before using. If desired, this fondant may be flavored in dif- 88 ferent ways, and the best time to add the flavoring is just before it is kneaded. A few drops of va- nilla may be put in one portion, a drop each of clove and cinnamon extract in another portion, and a little maple flavoring in another. The fon- dant is then ready to use in any way desired. WAYS TO USE COFFEE FONDANT Shape the fondant into small, round balls; let them stand a few hours in a cool place, and then dip them in chocolate. To do this, cut the choco- late in small pieces, using preferably confection- ers' dipping chocolate, which may be purchased at a caterer's. Put it in a double boiler, let it stand over hot water until melted, then beat it fre- quently until cooled, and it is of the consistency of molasses. Dip in the centers, with a hat pin; let them drain a moment, and then transfer them to oiled paper, to become firm. COFFEE FONDANT SLICES . Flavor one-half the recipe for Coffee Fondant with Vanilla, and work it into a roll about as wide in diameter as a half dollar. Let this stand a few hours, dip it in chocolate, roll in finely-chopped walnuts, and when firm, cut it with a sharp knife in slices a fourth-inch thick. COFFEE BON-BONS Shape the centers as directed in Ways to Use Coffee Fondant, and dip them, after standing a few hours, in plain or Raspberry Fondant, melted to the consistency of very thick cream. 89 COFFEE MAPLE CHOCOLATES Combine equal parts of Coffee Fondant with soft, grated maple sugar. Shape into small balls and dip into chocolate, as previously directed, or merely roll in finely-chopped, toasted almonds or Brazil nuts. QUICK COFFEE FONDANT One tablespoonful butter, 2 tablespoonfuls very strong Coffee, 1 tablespoonful cream or undiluted evaporated milk, 1-3 teaspoonful vanilla extract, soft brown sugar to knead (from 2^2 to 3 cupfuls). Cream the butter in a rather deep, medium-sized bowl, and with a wooden spoon work in a little of the sugar. Then gradually add the Coffee and evaporated milk, mixed with the vanilla, alter- nately with sufficient sugar to make the mixture stiff enough to knead. Knead well, cover with a damp cloth and let stand for a little while. Then use in any recipe calling for Coffee Fondant. COFFEE MARSHMALLOW FUDGE One-half cupful very strong Coffee, 2 cupfuls light- brown sugar, 1-3 tablespoonful butter or good margarine, i/^ teaspoonful vanilla, Vs teaspoonful cream of tartar, a few grains of salt, % cupful fresh marshmallows cut in quarters. Combine the sugar, cream of tartar, salt, butter and coffee in a medium-sized saucepan and cook without stirring over moderate heat until a soft ball is formed when a little is tried in cold water. A candy thermometer will register 238° F. Cool slightly but do not let a crust form. Then add the marshmallows and vanilla, beat until creamy and pour into a buttered pan to cool, making a mixture about a half-inch deep. Before it is entirely cold cut it into squares. Chopped nut-meats may be substituted for the marshmallows if desired. 90 COFFEE COCOANUT PRALINES Observe the proportions and directions for mak- ing Coffee Marshmallow Fudge, but omit the marshmallows. Just before removing the mixture from the heat, add a cupful of shredded cocoanut. When tepid, beat the mixture until creamy and drop it by tablespoonfuls onto oiled paper, for Pralines are always large. COFFEE NUT PRALINES Make according to the directions for Coffee Cocoanut Pralines, substituting a cupful of chopped walnut meats for the cocoanut. CREAM COFFEE DROPS One-half cupful very strong Coffee, 2 cupfuls light-brown sugar, Vs teaspoonful cream of tartar, a choice of vanilla, cinnamon and clove, or maple flavoring. Combine all the ingredients, except the flavor- ing, in a^ medium-sized saucepan; stir over a slow heat until dissolved, then do not stir any further, but cook until a soft ball is formed when a little of the mixture is tried in cold water — that is, 238° F. by the candy thermometer. Cool until lukewarm, flavor, beat until creamy, transfer to a small pitcher and drop onto oiled paper, in amounts large enough to form candies of the shape of an ordinary cream peppermint. COFFEE CHOCOLATE CARAMELS One-third cupful very strong Coffee, 1-3 cupful rich milk, 2-3 cupful molasses, 3 cupfuls brown sugar, 3 squares (oz.) chocolate, 7 tablespoonfuls butter, or half butter and half very good marga- rine, ^2 teaspoonful vanilla, 1 cupful coarsely- 91 chopped walnut or hickory nut-meats, pecans or toasted, chopped Brazil nuts. Combine all the ingredients, except the nut- meats and vanilla, and boil them slowly until, when a little is tried in cold water, a ball of cara- mel texture is formed, 248° F. by the candy ther- mometer. Flavor, stir in the nuts, beat a moment, then pour into a good-sized bread pan, which has been lined with wax paper. The niixture should be an inch deep. When half cold, cut in squares. Then transfer in the sheet to a bread board, cut and wrap each one separately in waxed paper be- fore packing. n EARLY HISTORY AND MYTHICAL LEGENDS OF THE TEA PLANT The first discovery of the virtue of the beverage obtained by the infusion of Tea-leaves in v^rater, is hidden in the obscurity of ancient history. One Chinese tradition gives the credit to some Buddhist priests, who, unable to use the brackish water near their temple, steeped in it the leaves of a shrub growing in the vicinity, with the inten- tion of correcting the unpleasant properties. The experiment was so successful that they spread the news among their neighbors and subsequently en- gaged in the extensive cultivation of the plant. Another Legend of the Origin of Tea. The Chinese have a legend purporting to account for the origin of Tea in China. Owing to the dense population and poor sanitation, frequent epidemics of typhoid and other fevers were prevalent and nearly wiped out at times large sections of the population. The wise men of the empire were called together to suggest a remedy. They found that the drinking waters were polluted, but by boiling these waters before drinking practically all danger was removed. An edict went forth that, throughout the kingdom, the people should boil their water 'before drinking. By strict obedience to this law the epidemic and fevers ceased. But the people grew careless, the law was violated, more and more, and again the disorders appeared. The wise men were again called to overcome the difficulty. They «were sent in search of an herb whose delicious flavors could only be brought out by boiling water, and the search resulted In the discovery of the now famous Tea plant. As mythology plays its part in the earliest rec- ords of Tea, the fable in this case is credited to a Dutch traveler named Koempfer, who relates how a Buddhist monk came to China from India some- time during the fifth century of the Christian era, and, vexed at having slumbered during a night of 93 vigil and prayer, cut off his eyelids, casting them on the ground, whence immediately sprang up two Tea plants. This legend has often been repeated in popular works, as not only prefiguring the anti-somnolent properties of the leaf, but as affording readdi- tional evidence of the source and probable period of introduction of the Tea plant into the Flowery Kingdom. In China, however, this legend seems altogether unknown, while the plant itself has been known there from remote ages. Another record attributes its discovery, about 2737 B. C, to 'Chin Nung, a celebrated scholar and philosopher, to whom nearly all agricultural and medical knowledge is traced in China. In replenishing a fire made of the branches of the Tea plant, some of the leaves fell into the vessel in which he (was boiling water for his even- ing meal. The consumption of the beverage thus formed, the first "Pot of Tea", proved so exhili- rating in effect that he formed the habit of so using the leaves. Later he imparted to others the knowledge thus accidentally gained, and in a short time it became the common property of the Em- pire. China is quite generally acknowledged as the birth place of the Tea industry. Some writers reason that the honor belongs to India or Japan, but other authorities name the thirteenth century as seeing the first use of Tea in the latter country. Dr. Bretschneider is credited with having dis- covered the earliest recorded mention of Tea in literature, who, towards the latter end of the last century was physician to the Russian legation at Pekin. The doctor probed deeply into ancient Chinese literature, and discovered a reference to Tea in a Chinese compilation^ known as the Pent Sao, 2700 B. C, while in a work dated 400 A. D. a full de- scription of the plant and the present modes of 94 infusion were found. Its antiquity in China is practically undoubted, and the probability is that its introduction into Japan took place at a later period, but we can only surmise as to that. What is known, however, is that the Tea plant was found in 1824 or thereabouts, growing wild in the forests of Assam, apparently in an indigenous state. These forests clothe the hills which form the boundary between India and China, and it is fair assumption that the plant or its seed was thousands of years ago exported from India into China, where it became an important industry. Tea was brought to Europe in the Sixteenth Century, the Dutch East India Company intro- ducing it into Holland. The first authenticated mention of it in England is in the year 16'57, at which time it was considered a very rare luxury. It was known as early as 1680 in the American Colonies, selling at from five to six dollars a pound for the cheapest varieties. Its use was for many years widely condemned by writers and preachers, who attributed to it nu- merous qualities inimical to health, morals and the public order, but that attitude was long ago rele- gated to oblivion, and the enormous quantity now consumed places it among the most important of food articles. Its title comes from "Te", the Chinese name for Tea in Amoy dialect. In other parts of China it is known as Ta, Cha, Dzo, etc. In its wild state the Tea plant is a small ever- green tree, of which there are several varieties, and similar in appearance to the Camellia, to which it is botanically related. The Assam type in its wild state grows to a height of fifteen to thirty feet, with numerous branches and a wealth of lance-like leaves, which often attain a length of six to nine inches. The China varieties and the numerous crosses are more dwarf in habit and of smaller leaf. The 95 rather large, white, fragrant flowers grow singly, or two together, in the axils of the leave?:. . Under cultivation, the shrubs are not allowed to exceed three to five feet in height, and flowering is permitted only for seed purposes. If the Tea bush was not continually plucked over, for its leaves, it would grow into a tall, willowy tree. The bushes are frequently allowed to grow in this way (without plucking), as seed- bearing plants, and it is from the unplucked trees that the seed is gathered. The fiowers first ap- pear, then the pod containing the seeds, which' are three small nuts like filberts, and have an oily, bitter taste, and usually ripen in October. Before planting, the seed is tested to find out its germinating qualities, and then placed in seed beds, which are carefully shaded from the fierce heat of the Sun, until the young plant is old enough to be transplanted into the field, garden, or planta- tion. At this time the plant is usually ten to twelve inches high, and when it is about four years old it bears its first crop, locality, soil, etc,, being the determining factor to some extent, but a year or more before the crop is expected, it is cut down to a foot or less. It is again cut down to about two feet three months before gathering, the object being to make the bush spread and to stim- ulate the fullest possible growth of the "flushes" or young shoots which furnish the tender, succu- •lent new leaves desired. After this operation, it is plucked regularly for eighteen months to two years, the bushes yielding new "flushes" at frequent intervals, when it is again pruned back to allow it to rest. With proper care and under favoroble conditions its bearing life is practically unlimited. The whole process of cultivation is to insure regular, frequent and vigorous "flushing". From the upper part or flat surface of the bush there continually sprout out long, green, tender shoots bearing young leaves. The bud at the tip, and one, 96 two or three leaves below it are nipped off by the skillful fingers of a! coolie woman or child. (The plucking is usually delegated to women and chil- dren.) When the bud and one leaf is taken, the pluck- ing is termed "fine"; when two leaves are taken, "medium", and when three, "coarse". Medium plucking is generally practiced. The foregoing system of plucking applies particularly to Indian, Ceylon and Java Teas, and is practically applicable to all other Tea plants. Only the shoots mentioned above are gathered as a rule, and care is taken to avoid damaging the leaf -bud in the axil below the leaves taken, as that in its turn soon develops into a new "flush". Of course, the whole "flush" may be taken or only the choicer upper part, according both to the size of the shoot and the minimum grade leaf desired. The rapidity and accuracy of the experienced "picker" is almost incredible. The young leaves of all varieties are very simi- lar in general appearance when fresh plucked. The larger leaves differ considerably in general propor- tions, but they always retain the characteristic construction which renders it easy to detect the addition of leaves from other plants. The quality of the Tea leaf before preparation depends on: (1) The locality (even the poorest product of an upland garden is often choicer than the best low-lying garden) ; (2) soil composition (minerals contained for this play an important part in determining flavor) ; (3) selection of the leaves (by including some of the older leaves the crop may be greatly increased, but the grade is correspondingly lowered) ; and (4) the judgment exercised in the time of plucking. The weather also exerts a great influence. When the rain falls equably and a bright sun appears after heavy showers, the plants become rich with new shoots, and the leaves bright green, elastic in texture and rich in flavor. 97 When too much rain falls at one time, shoots and leaves became hardenedi and less flexible. If there is too little moisture, they become stunted and sapless. In Ceylon, where there is no Winter, the picking takes place every eight to ten days all the year round, but in China and Japan there are four prin- cipal harvest periods. The earliest buddings, pale-green and very deli- cate, are gathered in the beginning of April, and are termed "first-picking. In China, these, as a Irule, realize high prices and are consumed chiefly by the wealthy classes in China and Russia, very little reaching other markets. The first general gathering commences in May, and it is from this collection that we receive the finest China Tea of commerce, known to the trade as "first crop tea". Then follows the later picking, known as ''second crop tea", and again a third and fourth, the crop gradually becoming lower in qual- ity as the season proceeds, a large percentage of the late harvests being consumed locally and made into "Brick Tea". All kinds of Tea comes from the same shrubs, the main difference between "Green" and "Black" being that Black Tea is fermented and Green Tea is not. The number of varieties of prepared Tea, 'both Green and Black, is due to the sorting of the leaves into different sizes, and to local difference in making and blending. Prior to the sorting, the freshly-picked shoots undergo four main processes, if Black Tea is re- quired: withering, rolling, fermenting and firing. For green Tea, fermenting is omitted. The shoots for Black Tea are first spread on shelves of wire or jute-hessian to ''wither", the object being to allow the sap and other moisture to evaporate until the leaf is soft and flaccid for "twisting" in the rollers. The shelves are very loosely woven, so that the air can pass through them freely. 98 The time required for this process varies widely, sometimes twenty-four hours, occasionally much longer. If the weather is damp, artificial heat is generally employed. For Green Tea, in order to avoid fermentation, steaming for a short time is substituted for the withering process. The withering shoots are put through rollers, which squeeze out any excess moisture and give the "twist" which results in the characteristic form of the prepared leaf. The appearance of the leaf or **roir', as it is technically termed, when taken out of the roller, is a mess of mashy lumps. This is put through a roll-breaker, which breaks up the lumps and sifts the detached leaves and young stems through the wire mesh into cloths ^placed below to receive them. For the Green Tea, the product from the roll- breaker immediately undergoes "firing". For Black Tea, it is spread out in wooden frames, covered with wet clothes and allowed to ferment until the leaves attain a bright copper tint, the color which they should have in the tea-pot after infusion. Th^ extent to which fermentation is permitted is determined by -the smell and appear- ance of the leaf, points that require experienced judgment, as too little means rawness and bitter- ness, and any excess destroys much or all of the flavor. For "firing" the Tea is spread thinly upon wire trays and placed in the siracco or desiccator, where a current of hot air, from 190° to 240° F. passes through it. It emerges thoroughly dry and brittle, the finished Tea, requiring only sorting and pack- ing to be ready for market. About 4200 pounds of green shoots are required to make 1,000 pounds of the prepared article. After cooling over night, the Tea goes to the sifter,, a machine with a series of sloping sieves, one above the other. ^ The sieves are shaken by engine or motor power, at a very high speed, and the tea falls through from, one sieve to another, each sieve retaining a different size, and emptying itself into a chest through a spout at the low end. The leaves and stems retained hy the top sieve: ie., the largest, form the ''ordinary" grades of Tea. Each size smaller is correspondingly choicer, ex- cepting the last, known as "dust" or "dust and sittings" or ''tannings", sold at low prices. The second sieve retains (in Black Tea) Pekoe or Pekoe Souchong, according to the crop or the estate policy; the third, Pekoe or Orange Pekoe; and the fourth, Orange Pekoe or Broken Orange Pekoe, or "Flowery Pekoe" (so called because of its cup quality). The term "Pekoe" refers to the downy appear- ance of the undersides and ends of the young leaves, and "'Orange" to the color of the ends of the still newer leaves and to the "tips" or leaf- buds, which look like little chips of wood and are also commercially classed as "Golden Tips". The tips give the tea a good appearance and add greatly to its strength and flavor. They are some- times separated and offered as Pure Golden Tips, selling in London for as high as fifty dollars a pound. When the sorting is done largely by hand, as in China and Japan, the size grades are much more numerous. Caper is a Black Tea very much resembling the green Gunpowder in shape. In the Green Teas, the sorting produces the dif- ferent sizes of Gunpowder, Young Hyson, etc. (See China (Creep Teas.) Uncolored Oreen Tea varies in tint from yellow to greenish brown. The grey-green of the China and Japan Teas imported prior to May 1, 1911, was due to the addition of a minute quantity of coloring powder during the firing. The various grades, after a frequent supple- 100 mentary picking o ve^^ by .ii&nd^ «r^ 4«y; iiy^ pounds and upwards. The next operation is bulking. The whole con- tents of the bins of one grade are thrown together and agitated by scoops or shovels until so thor- oughly, mixed that each pound of Tea will be the same as another in flavor and appearance. Finally comes the packing in chests, cans and packages, the Tea in the first two cases being shaken down to make it lay close. The numerous processes of preparation are responsible for the broken condi- tion of most of the leaves in the product finally marketed. Most of the Tea dust which accumulates in man- ufacture and as the result of transportation and commercial handling, is of very fine quality. If pro^ tected from contamination, and properly cared for in other respects, it makes good liquor. There is strong prejudice against its use in America, partly, perhaps, because it lends itself so readily to adulterations, but in England it com- mands a ready sale, as, used in the correct pro- portions, it improves the blend, adding to its strength and pungency. In Tea-growing countries it is a common practice to pulverize the leaves by rubbing in the hand, dropping the powder into the drinking cups in which it is steeped. The foregoing description gives a general idea of the method now employed in making India and Ceylon Teas, both Black and Green, but the prin- ciples used are those also used in the preparation of China and Japan Teas, the chief difference being that in the two latter countries machinery playd a comparatively unimportant part. Much of the firing is done in pots, bowls or baskets over charcoal fires, and the twisting by placing the leaves in bags and rolling them with the hands. In China there la a strong contrast between the busy season and the slack time which follows it. 101 Irf^n-^Jp^^r^stifi^ article,- published prior to the recent introduction of modern methods, the Foo- chow Herald said: "A Tea -packing house at this season presents a very different scene from that of two months before. Then one found long lines of catty boxes waiting to be soldered up. Now none. Next, one found fat bags stacked up eight or ten feet high, bursting with Tea that escaped here and there through holes temporarily stopped with bamboo leaves; the bottom of the bags mostly stained from contact with wet flights of mountain stairs upon which the exhausted coolies had set them down on the passage. Now one finds but empty chests, hundreds in number." "Farther on, one came to the dozen long rows of sifters facing each other, forty in a row, the mesh of some taking a pencil, that of others re- fusing a pencil point, sifting Tea leaf, rough and bold, that, after a persuasive grasp or two of the hand, broke and consented, after a few shakes of the sieve, to be stripped of some of the sappy leaf-edges and leaf-ends, and to appear below, the even and uniform leaf which the Tea-drinker in- sists he must have (plus the dust due to the per- suading). The transformation in a rough leaf in passing through the meshes of a coarse sieve, with a gentle crush from the sifter's hand, en- hances a rough, bold Tea very considerably in value." "In place of the rows of men then seen tilting and jerking their sieves in a monotony only broken by the contonese taskmaster's roll-call twice a day before the general meal of fish and rice, there is now to be seen only the bare floor of hardened earth, piles of empty benches stacked in a corner and the sieves of the twelve different sizes used, each in its division in the three-story stands." "The dozen or score of fanning mills are still, too. The Tea-leaf separated in these fanning mills has been sold, and the mills will rest until another 102 May shall bring courage back to the pale and dis- pirited native teamen." "There are stacked in this huge gc-down, a few hundred packages of the native maker's brick Tea wrapped in plaited bamboo strips, bound in half bamboo and triply rattaned. Aside here, its manu- facture still continues. The Chinese upper mill- stone is being turned upon the nether by a China- man (Who is grinding Tea seeds left by a fanning mill, and in these sycee-boxes sharp spades are falling upon the stems, chopping them fine enough to go into the stemmy, dusty mixture to which the seed dust gives the strength, while the chapped stems vouch for its being Tea." "In the firing house are the four Chinese rice kettles, two feet across the mouth, which, when in use, set obliquely upon edge, turn the Tea back in a shower over the hand of the stirrer, a wood fire being kept up in the brick work underneath." "Fire holes also, scores in number, follow in rows the walls of the firing house, in each an iron charcoal, pan. Over each of these fires is a huge hourglass-shaped basket-hood or muffler that shuts in all the heat of each fire to but one outlet, that through the Tea sieve which chokes the throat of each basket. In these baskets is dried the Tea that comes in from the hills, wet or flat from constant downpour and from the first fermenta- tion of the leaf." "Here, too, on the floor above, the benches are empty, the benches where girls and women came to sort the rough stems from the leaf, getting half a cent for removing them from the two catties of Tea apportioned to them, in wound bamboo-woven trays." "The floor is now bare where we then saw the ninghteh Tea brought to a uniform shade, by shak- ing the bags with a few spoonfuls of lamp black, then bulked upon the floor, to be strewn white as a spring grave with the pure Muhli blossoms; the blossoms in turn hurried under another avalanche 103 of funeral Tea, and this again with blossoms, life upon death, then both rudely mingled together and put away in boxes for a night till the fra- grance had been robbed by the dead Tea, the faded flowers being finally thrown aside, spent and worthless." "Our round finished at the shed, where, out of long sheets of lead, Chinese lads were glibly mak- ing lead cases by molding them,*hatter like, upon a box, and then running the soldering iron along the edges. Other Chinamen, in their natal cos- tume, were washing off the dust and sweat of the day at a huge four-hogshead vat of hot water. There, too, were piles of wood for the hot tea cop- pers, crates of up river hardwood charcoal for the firing pans and the firing baskets." "We must leave without the sight we then had of the mad dervish dance of two Chinese, who given a dozen pounds of tea stems in a tray under their sandals perform about the interior periphery of a double shuffle, twist and grind that is cooler for the spectator, the thermometer in the nineties, than for the performers from whose bodies the perspiration rolls into the tea stems below." "The box factory is elsewhere. We enter on our homeward way. It is in another old disused tea hong, occupied by foreigners in the days when money was made, tumbled down now and abandon- ed to Chinese. Inside a few Chinese youths, eat- ing a dollar's worth of rice per month, were rap- idly gluing and dove-tailing together, by rough wholesale strokes, boxes by the score. Few nails are used, for these are hand-made and cannot be afforded. What a bungling "mending" the mer- chant pays for when these frail cases reach the land of rough usage and coarse nails." "There you saw a bit of thin teakwood; there a bit of paper gaudily daubed with cardinal colors, a stroke or two, side marries end, the gaudy paper cover hides all joints, and the catty boxes, gay 104 with bird, butterfly, dragon and phoenix, are en route to be stared at in a far off grocer's window." "Every season sees vast quantities of tea pass through the sieves in hundreds of packing houses, some in hamlets in the hills, some, as in Foochow, in cities ten to fifty miles from the hills, much of it brought in by women who have carried it up and down the mountain pathways, twenty-five miles a day, regardless of their bent backs, their only food often a double handful of salt to bite before they drink." "Probably all tea leaving Foochow has been lifted up and down as much as if it had been carried up one side of the great pyramid and down the other a score of times. Boatmen at river marts have fought pitched battles for it, their livelihood de- pending upon its transport, and plenty of their men have been ready, to fight for the privilege of carrying it, women, also under their loads, be- hind their husbands." The foregoing picture relates to tea making in 1874. Modern methods have already been describ- ed. CONSUMPTION AND PRINCIPAL VARIETIES The consumption of Green Tea, twenty or thirty years ago the standard variety, has to a consid- erable extent given place to the taste for Black Tea. An equally important commercial change has been the increase in favor of Ceylon and India Teas, (also the better grades of Java Teas) at the expense of the China and Japanese varieties. Imports from the two last named countries have been greatly reduced during the last few years. When to this loss of trade from the United States is coupled a still greater diminution in the English market, where Ceylon and Indiai Teas, particularly, are most popular. For after China 105 and Japan, (and Australia) England is the world's largest per-capita Tea consumer, the natural as- sumption is that China and Japan must feel the change of condition very severely. As a matter of fact, the merchants of these countries are the only material losers. The greater part' of China Tea sold was, and is produced by small planters who have never been able to secure an adequate price for their leaves, so when the demand for their tea fell off, many of them planted more beans and potatoes, and were just as well contented. Japan has really fared better in the struggle, and has succeeded China as the principal source of the Green Tea consumed in this country, and supplied until recently almost half of the total quantity of all the Tea imported. Ceylon, India and Java Tea importations are now recognized as prime factors in the Tea business of America. The titles most familiar to the public are, Black, in various qualities and prices; English Breakfast, generally a China Congou. (As a mat- ter of fact, English Breakfast is a misnomer. Con- gous and some blends are called or named English Breakfast, which is simply an American trade term unknown in England). Ceylon, Indias and Javas are black; mixed are blends of black and green leaves. Oolong: Green- Black leaf or Semi-Black or Semi-Green. Green Teasi: ^'Gunpowder," "Young Hyson" and other sizes, and Japan in general usage applied to light Japan Green Tea. The more "Fancy" varieties include the Pekoe, Orange Pekoe and scented types. The titles popularly known, however, are en- tirely inadequate to describe or classify the many varieties of Tea on the market. They leave the importer, wholesaler or retailer a wide range from which to select varieties and blends to suit his trade and environment. Even the list following China, Japan, Ceylon, 10'6 India, Java and other Teas is far from being ex- haustive. It includes only the most important, and most generally accepted, trade titles and dis- tinctions. Accuracy is rendered the more difficult by the lack of system in applying and retaining titles. Perhaps the widest range in titles is found in China Teas. They vary from very choice types, which are too expensive to make importation profitable, to large quantities of grades so poor and so badly manipulated that their importation into this country is not permitted. Teas, as retailed, consist usually of several va- rieties or grades "blended" to produce the most pleasing results. A small quantity of an expen- sive, highly fragrant tea being added to a plainer, lower grade to improve its flavor; and over-strong high grade being toned down by a lighter variety, and so on indefinitely. Note. See China and Japan Tea Articles. CEYLON TEAS The ordinary grades of Ceylon Tea are largely marketed in this country as "Ceylon' Tea" of first quality, second quantity, etc. A fuller division is into the following principal varieties, each subject to sub-division* into sev- eral grades. The best qualities are grown at high altitudes, the higher the better. In Ceylon some of the most exquisitely flavored Tea comes from what is known as the Newera Eliya (pronounced Nuralia) district, the altitude of which averages about 6000 feet above sea level. These Teas are purchased entirely for their aris- tocratic flavor, as they carry but little strength. Dimbula^ district with an altitude of about 4000 feet produces among the very best all-round Teas. They are not so flavory as the Newera Eliya Teas, but they possess a combination of flavor, strength 107 and keeping qualities, which no other district in Ceylon equals. "Broken Orange" Pekos or Flowery Pekoe," the very finest variety; the smallest and choicest young leaves from the top of the bush and a large proportion of golden tips, and produces a strong, powerful liquor. This grade is not generally marketed here be- cause the United States laws prohibit the entry of any Tea containing more than a certain percent- age of broken leaf that will pass through a certain designated sieve. As Broken Orange Pekoe is al- ways small in leaf and contains a considerable proportion of still smaller tea, it must be very carefully screened if it is to pass the test, and the loss and difficulty thus involved, prevent all but the very largest importers from attempting it. The intent of the act when passed was to guard the public against inferior and unclean grades, but it has also resulted in keeping out some very choice types. Orange Pekoe: Similar to Broken Orange Pe- kos, but the leaves are larger and there is a small- er percentage of tips of good appearance and quite free from small leaf or dust; the liquor is clean and fragrant and flavory, but not so powerful nor so aristocratic a type as the former. Pekoe: The leaf is slender, whitish and satiny. The liquor is dark-reddish, but bright and fragrant. The word Pekoe comes from the Chinese '*Pak- Ho" meaning "Silver^Halr." In the old China va- riety of Tea, the bud-leaf and the end of the first leaf, produced when manufactured, a tip of silver color and of a hairy appearance, hence the Chi- nese called it "Pak-Ho." This is the standard grade of Ceylon, also India and Java Tea used in America, and usually desig- nates a good medium Tea supplying good leaf and liquor. Broken Pekoe means just that, a Pekoe: leaf 108 slender, whitish, satiny; broken, hence Broken Pekoe. This cups very much like Pekoe. Pekoe Souchong and Souchong constituting the bulk of the Ceylon Teas of general consumption, blended frequently with Pekoe. The leaf is larger and coarser than the preceding varieties, but give a rich and pleasant liquor. It is the black varieties of Ceylons that have made for popularity. However, some Green Ceylon is also prepared under titles, corresponding to those of China Green. Ceylon Teas are further divided by shippers into "low" and ''high" grown, those from low ground and those from higher altitudes. The lat- ter are much superior. INDIA TEAS The greater part of the India product is of the Black Tea, the best qualities generally coming from the Darjeeling and Assam districts. The leaf is ordinarily a gray-black, aijd is, in the best grades, golden tipped. The liquor is strong and pleasantly pungent. Darjelling: The finest and most delicately fla- vored of the India Teas. It is grown chiefly in the Himalaya Mountains, India, at an elevation rang- ing from 2500' to 6'5O0 feet. The leaf varies from the small, very tippy (Broken Orange Pekoe) to the coarse (Pekoe Souchong). The first "flush" does not develop the special flavor of the iDarjeeling. The second ''flush", how- ever, brings out this predominant characteristic, full, rich, flavor, and good keeping qualities. Darjeeling "second flush" aid "Autumnal" growths are generally recognized as the finest the world produces, although equally as good Teas may be had in Calcutta, the supply is, however, rather limited. There is no class of Tea in the world that brings 109 as high a price on an average, on the London mar- ket particularly. Terai Teas: An India Tea but little known in Apierica. It is very black in color, flat and irregu- lar. Its decidedly fine cup quality makes it valu- able for blending, it is of pronounced Darjeeling flavor. Terais are grown in Northern India, in the Terai district. lAssams: One of the high grade India Teas grown in the Province of Assam in North-east British India. It has a hard flinty, well made leaf of a dark greyish black color. In most cases car- ries plenty of Golden Tip and draws a full rich color liquor with a great deal of strength and pungency. Assams in character are noted for their strength, fullnes and richness of liquor. Dooars: A variety of Tea grown in the Dooar district, British India. This Tea has a soft mellow liquor, possesses strength, and a rich flavory cup quality. Dooars have not the style of the Assams in apearance, but are much sought after, and used largely in blending. Travancores: Teas grown in the Province of Travancore, Southern India. This Tea very much resembles Ceylon Tea in appearance and charac- ter. It is a flavory Tea in the cup, with good strength, but is not very stylish in the leaf. As a rule, however, the better Travancores grown at an altitude of 5000 to 600-0 feet naturally possess beautiful cup quality and command good prices. In many instances it is, indeed, difficult for even an expert judge of tea, to distinguish some of them from the high grown Ceylon Teas. Owing to the geographical position, Teas from this district are marketed in Colombo, though the finer Travancores are shipped to London, and if not sold before reaching port, are sold at the Lon- don auctions. Shy let Teas: A variety of Tea grown in the Shylet district, Assam, India. In style of leaf they no very much resemble the Assams and Dooars. In the cup, however, they fall far short of either, for they lack strength, point and flavor, and usual- ly produce a dull heavy liquor, Some of the Shy^ lets, however, show a rich heavy liquor. These are frequently used in blends as a filler. Cachar: The most common type, and is pro- duced in the Cachar district of Assam, has rather an attractive leaf, but in the cup is flat, and lacks the distinctive flavor of the Assams or Dooars. However, Cochars are extensively marketed in America. JAVA TEA Teas grown in the Island of Java are handled very much the same as India and Ceylon Teas. They are manufactured by machine process, and are almost entirely of the black variety. These are graded into Broken Orange Pekoe, Orange Pekoe, No. 1 and No. 2 Pekoe, Broken Pe- koe, Pekoe Souchong and Souchong, Fannings and Dust. As in the case of Ceylons, they are known by the names of the gardens producing them. Java Teas are further classified into Assam Javas, and China Javas. The former being raised from plants raised from Assam Tea seed, and the latter grown from plants raised from China Tea seed. Assam Javas are in cup characteristic very much like the milder growths of Indias, while the China Javas show in the liquor the characteristics of the China Tea, both in developing the lighter color and in the flavor. India Ceylon and Java Teas are graded and styled practically the same, as follows: 111 6RADE STYLES Flowery Orange Pekoe . . Tiippy, well made, wiry. Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Tippy, even, clean, wiry. Broken Orange Pekoe . . . Small, leafy, clean, brok- en (sometimes tippy). Broken Pekoe Small miake, leafy, clean, even. Orange Pekoe Wiry, usually hard, clean, (tippy). Pekoe .^ Boldish, black, well roll- ed, clean. Flowery Pekoe Few tips, boldish, black, clean. Pekoe No. 2 Short, black, even, clean. Souchong Coarse, black, open (loose roll), clean. Pekoe Souchong Black, bold, clean. Broken Pekoe Souchong or BTX)ken Souchong Short, black, broken. Pekoe Fannings Even, clean, small, flakey. Fannings Small, flakey. Dust Powdery. Teas manufactured on all estates in these coun- tries are graded in this manner. The grades do not indicate the cup quality of the Tea. The brok- en leaf makes a more syrupy or deeper liquoring cup of Tea than the wiry, hard-rolled, unbroken leaf, just as the ground Coffee makes a cup differ- ent to that made from the whole bean. The use of the broken leaf is more economical than the wiry leaf, because you can get the same strength of liquor with less leaf. The English Tea drinking people know this, in consequence, use principally "broken" as has been stated. CHINA TEAS CHINA GREEN TEAS The highest commercial types of "China Green Teas" are Moyunes and Teenkais. Others of im- portance are Hoochow, Fychow and Pingsuey. Moyunes and Pingsueys were formerly princi^ pally distinguished by the color of the leaf. Ping- sueys imported into the United States before the new law went into effect were a bright green, and Moyunes a dull gray. The Moyunes still retain 112 their appearance, while the Pingsueys still have more the appearance of the Moyunes. Pingsueys still lend themselves to a better roll and cleaner apearance than the Moyunes, especially in the medium and lower grades. Pingsueys, with the one exception of the very early teas, which are known as Hoochows, are one of the most important China Green Teas. However, they are made up largely for style, and to catch the eye, and are not as desirable in the cup as Moyunes. The real distinction between Moyunes and Ping- sueys is in the cup quality. The Moyunes have more cup character, body and flavor than the Pingsueys. However, Hoochows, (similar but a finer variety than first crop Pingsueys) and first crop Pingsueysi are quite delicate in the cup, and far out-class the later Pingsueys, which become quite metallic in the drink. All "China Green Teas" are graded as Fancy, Choice, Finest, Fine, Medium or Standard, as Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. These are also sub-divided into: Gunpowder, consisting of the Youngest and Small- est leaves, roundish in appearance. A rolled China made by sifting and hand rolling until they assume a shotty appearance, and where they are particularly fine, are frequently called Pin-Head Gunpowder. (Gunpowder style is also produced in the same manner of manipulation to a limited extent from India and Ceylon green Teas). Imperial, like "Gunpowder" but larger, In three grades, first, second and third. Young Hyson divided into five grades, Extra, First, Second, Third and "Cargo." The best grades have long well-twisted leaf, varying in size. Hy- son larger than Young Hyson and more loosely twisted. In three grades, First, Second and Third. Hyson is very similar to Young Hyson, only made from a rougher, bolder leaf. The average consumer regards Gunpowder, Hy- 113 son, etc., as distinct qualities or varieties of Green Tea. Correctly speaking, they are the titles for particular sizes and shapes only. You may have Gunpowder size of the- poorest or choicest. Teenkais, Fychows and Wenchows are similar in leaf and cup, but inferior in quality to Moyunes. Teenkais: A Tea district of China, producing rather attractive leafed Tea. The cup quality is not generally as desirable as that coming from the Moyune district. Some Teenkais compare very favorably with IVioyunes, but Fuchows and Wenchows are not as a whole as agreeable a drink as the Hoochows, and even first crop Pingsueys. IVioyunes, Teenkais, Wenchows, Pingsueys and Hoochows are graded: (1) common, (2) fair, (3) good, (4) fine, (5) finest, (6) choice, (7) choic- est; according to leaf and quality. Country Greens: All China Greens other than Hoochows and Pinksuey. Quite generally speaking, the principal China Green Teas as known to the trade are spoken of as IVioyunes and Pingsueys. These are divided into Gunpowder, Imperial, Young Hyson and Hy- son, or Hyson Skin. As before stated, the differ- ent names denote the style and make of the leaf. Among other freaks in Tea is the Flowery Pekoe, the highest priced Tea produced in China, costing from 50c to $3.00 per pound, according to grade. It is a product of Foochow, and in ap- pearance is a mass of Pekoe Tips, nearly white in color, and very light and fluffy. Only the term- inal opening buds are plucked for this purpose. The cup quality is very light and characterless with almost no flavor, yet the Chinese who should be (and are perhaps) the best judges of Tea, use nearly all the better grades of the Flowery Pekoe produced. 114 CHINA BLACK TEAS These consist of Oolongs (?) Congous (so-called English Breakfast) and scented Teas. Scented Orange Pekoe and Scented Caper: These may be considered under one head, as they are merely a separation by means of sifting out the different sized and shaped leaves. The straight or Young Hyson style leaf making the Orange Pekoe, and the round Gunpowder style gives us the Caper. An ordinarily small leaf Foochow is used and fired by the usual semi-fermented method. At the end of the process, while the leaves are still hot, they are spread out and covered with a layer of Orange blossoms or Jessamine flowers, then another layer of Tea is spread over that, and the mass is allowed to stand until the flowers are wilted, when the flavpr and aroma is absorbed by the T€a. The remains of the flowers are then sifted out and the Tea given another firing to re- move the moisture absorbed from the flowers. It is then packed in 20-pound lead-lined Boxes or Chests, and is ready for shipment. The scent thus imparted to the Tea will be retained for years. These Teas are used almost exclusively for blending, and are very useful for giving an at- tractive distinctive character to a blend difficult for a competitor to match. Only 10 to 15 per cent of Scented Tea is required to get a good result. Oolongs are frequently classified as Black Teas, but they really constitute a separate type, for they are not as thoroughly fermented before firing as the general run of Black Teasv and therefore hold part of the flavor and a little of the color of Green Teas. There are three recognized varieties, Foochow, Formosa and Canton, (a scented China Orange Pekoe Tea) but practically all of the supply im- ported is of the first two. Formosa Oolong in 115 the choice grades, have evenly-curled leaf with a mixture of Pekoe tips; (2nd, 3rd and sometimes 4th leaf of the plant). It is very aromatic in flavor, which is delicate and is easily the most fra- grant of Teas, the higher grades possessing a full, sweet bouquet, which is peculiarly charac- teristic of Formosa Oolongs. Ning Yong: A China Tea district from which comes an Oolong Tea. The various varieties of characters to be found in Formosa Teas are so great that it is quite as important to make a careful study of them as it is to be able to grade and select for value. There is a vast difference between a Formosa made from a Spring Tea and made from a late Summer Tea, almost as much as the difference between a Congou and a Ceylon, or between a Japan and^ a Young Hyson, and there are various other reasons for vast difference, such as cNmatic conditions, systems used in preparation, elevation, etc., etc., that often makes such a radical change in the cupping characteristics that, unless ex- treme care is used, the buyer is very apt to have some dissatisfied customers. Early Spring or first-crop Spring Teas are very thin and light in the cup, but in some localities give excellent satisfaction as individual drinkers, and are used extensively with flavory Ceylons in blending. Users of higher grades are particularly partial to the early Summer Teas, as they carry good body, handsome leaf and fine flavor. Teas picked later in the Summer (July) are showier and more tippy, and have a full, rich flavor. You will find some of the medium grades in the late Summer picking that produce such a heavy liquor that a small proportion of Ceylon or Congou blended in will make a most excellent cup. Usually the late Teas draw a heavy liquor, however, occasionally, strange as it may seem, U6 you will pluck late Teas that have decidedly the characteristics of an early picking, both in ap- pearance of leaf and quality in the cup. The Black small leaf is usually selected in buying Choice Fancy Tea, as it in most cases stands for a better quality than the extra tippy leaf. What is sometimes termed the Jessamine flavor in these Teas quite likely originates from a slight reminder of the odor of Jessamine Flow- ers, frequently discernable in the cup, and it is a delicious cup too. The lower grades are used principally for blend- ing, and are good. Select your Teas for this pur- pose without dust or stems, and as little broken leaf as possible. Formosa Teas are produced on the Island of Formosa, and are made up into Oolong. Formosa Tea being semi-fermented, has some of the char- acteristics of Black Tea; with certain of the cup qualities of the Green Tea, and therefore resem- bles a blend of the two. Formosa Oolong is deli- cate in flavor and fragrant. Oolong is always a semi-fermented Tea that has been allowed to wither in the process of manufacture, and partially fermented. In this it differs from the English Breakfast, or Congou (Black) Teas, which are thoroughly fermented before being fired. Foochow Oolong is especially black in leaf, and the liquor of the finer qualities is rich and mellow, but without as much body as Formosa. Ooolong, unlike any other variety of China Tea, is better in the second crop, or what is known as Summer Tea. The Autumn Tea has more merit than the average thirds of other Teas. Some of the first crops, however, are sweet in liquor and have a pleasant aroma. In all, there are four or five crops of Oolongs. Oolongs are commercially graded as Fancy, Choicest, Choice, Finest, Fine, Superior, Good, Fair and Common. The bulk of China Black Teas 117 imported into the United States is known as Congou, (often called English Breakfast). There are numerous grades, the highest of ex- cellent cup quality, and their blending results in a great many varieties of all styles and values, among them numerous qualities of English Break- fast, Black Te^ and Mixed Tea. The principal commercial classifications are in- to Choice New^Crop, Choicest, Choice, Finest, Fine, Superior, Good, Fair and Common. By Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and as Pekoe, Souchong, etc. The leaf of the better qualities is greyish-black and well twisted, and the liquor is rich in color and pungently pleasant in flavor. Congous are usually classed as North and South China Teas, according to the districts from which they were shipped. The North China Congous have, as a whole, more body than South Chinas. However, the bet- ter grades of South China Pan Yongs possess a good flavor and decided character. Souchong: A corruption of the Chinese "Sian- chung," meaning small plant. The old variety of Lapsang Souchong was produced from a small plant, and the growers invariably left this leaf to develop considerably before plucking. Conse- quently the Lapsang Souchong was always of a larger leaf than the other varieties of China Tea. Indian planters appropriated this name for their largest leaf Teas; the first or smallest leaf was called Orange Pekoe, the second leaf was called Pekoe, the third was termed Pekoe Souchong, and the fourth or largest leaf was called Souchong These terms are today applied to certain grades of India, Ceylon and Java Teas. Souchongs: Term applied to certain large leaf Black Teas from South China. The liquor of these Teas is rich and syrupy. 'Some varieties have a smoky flavor, liked by many tea drinkers. They are seldom used in America, though very useful 118 in fine China blends, giving them a distinctive character. North China Congous are usually of a dull grey- color, and of small curley leaf. The cheaper the grade the coarser the leaf as a rule. iVIoning: A term which is applied to all North China Teas. There are many varieties, among them being NIngchow, Oonfa, Kintuck, Keemun, Ichang, etc. Keemun: A fine grade North China black leaf Congou, of heavier body and not so stylish in ap- pearance as the Ningchows. The Ningchows and Keemun are the leading North China Blacks. KIntuck: A variety of North China black leaf Congou. A flavory, full bodied, fine cupping Tea, very similar to Keemun. ^ Kaisow: A variety of South China Congou Tea; generally low, medium grade and low priced. South China Congous consist principally of Pan Yongs, Paklins and Packlums. The most desir- able of these are the Pan Yongs. The dry leaf is* black and coarser than the average Ningchow, but the leaf is generally good black, and the li- quor delicate and flavory, of good body and char- acter. The Packlums are the most stylish in appear- ance of all China Black Teas, the leaf being small, evenly made and black. The better grades show considerable white tips; they are handsome, but lack body and character. Packlin: A variety of South China black leaf Congou Tea. It has a well made, small black leaf. The liquor is dark red, but lacks character and flavor. Prominent among the fancy Teas are: Flowery Pekoe: small, evenly folded, olive colored, gener- ally scented, and carry a profusion of white vel- vety tps. Orange Pekoe: small, black leaf, with yellowish ends, generally scented. CResemble Packlums in appearance). Pekoe: small, with 119 whitish tips, generally scented. Powchong: (also used as a general term for all China paper pack- age Tea) rather rough, dull black leaf; a variety of Teas, highly scented with the Jessamine flower, manufactured mainly for consumption in China and the Philippines. Capers and Koolaws are also included in the scented Teas. Capers are shaped like Gunpowder or Japan Nibs, highly scented (Black) with a flav- or similar to the Scented Orange Pekoe. Scented Orange Pekoe: This is a variety of China Souchong, and is a highly scented Tea. Scented Teas are sometimes produced by sprays of Orange or other blossoms by being placed over the trays during the withering process. The fragrance of scented Teas is not natural, but is imparted from flowers, seeds or roots, such as Jessamine, Gardina, etc. In some districts the scenting material is added during the firing pro- cess, and afterwards separated by sifting. The method used generally is this: The scenting ma- terial is pread over the top of the Tea after the Tea is prepared and ready for packing, (one pound of the leaves or blossoms heing the usual proportion to each 100' pounds of Tea) and allow- ed to remain on the chest at least a day, until the Tea becomes thoroughly impregnated. Scented Teas, as a whole, possess very little merit in the cup, being very light, without body or character. They are used principally for blend- ing Black Teas. It is far better not to use them at all, as the natural flavor of Teas is best for the consumer. If used, they should be used spar- ingly, say one pound to twenty pounds. Padraes: A South China Red Leaf Congou, known by its small red leaf. Saryunes: A large red leaf Tea grown in the Saryune district of China. It produces a thick, heavy liquor, and is not unpleasant in the cup. 120 JAPAN TEAS Tea is grown all over Japan. The system of cultivation and method of preparation is very- similar to that of the Chinese. The first crop Teasi are best. The later the crop, the less merit to the cup; however, some of the later Teas have good characters. First picking begins about the end of April or the be- ginning of May; the second crop a month later, and the third crop in July-August. The better grades, notably those from the Yenshy district, possess a delicate rich flavor, peculiar to them- selves; the lower grades are metallic. Japani Teas are made up to preserve their nat- ural quality, without fermentation or withering, and are therefore "Green Teas." They are, how- ever, known as sun-dried, pan-fired, basket-fired or porcelain-fired. The best varieties of Japan Teas show a med- ium-sized or small leaf, and a bright, clear, fra- grant liquor, the latter in the Green Teas gener- ally of a lighter color than the China Green. Formerly Japan Teas were divided into Pan- fired, Sun-dried and Basket-fired. Now they are simply divided into Pan-fired and Basket-fired. (Uncolored.) Basket-fired: This is a term applied to Japan Tea, which has been cured in iBaskets, by the fir- ing process. The process consists of putting from seven to ten pounds of Tea into an hour-glass, shaped basket, having a sieve in the middle, by means of which the Tea is held in the upper part of the basket. The basket is placed over a charcoal fire, and during the course of firing, which lasts about an hour, the basket is removed two or three times and the Tea turned over, thus insuring even fir'ng. Pan-fired: The term applies to Japan Tea. As soon after the leaf is plucked it is steamed and certain juices extracted, after which it is 121 rolled on a paper on a sheet-iron pan, over a charcoal fire to make it curl and to extract suf- ficient moisture to keep it until it can be shipped to the factory. This process takes from forty minutes to one hour, the work being done near the plantation. Upon arrival at the factory the Tea is again plac- ed in iron pans over charcoal fires and stirred with iron arms operated by machinery until prop- erly cured. This re-firing takes from a half to one hour, according to the "toast" required. tPorcela in-fired: Japan Tea, which has been fired in a similar manner to "Pan-fired,"' except that it is not rolled and manipulated to such an extent. It is consequently rougher in appearance than *'Pan-fired," but there is less in weight by breakage, and it is consequently cheaper. The name has no particular significance. It was aparently arbitrarily selected to make a dis- tinction between this process and that of "Pan- firing." Pan-fireds and Basket-fireds are produced from the same leaf, the only difference being in the method of handling and firing. However, some Teas are better adapted for Basket-fired than for Pan-fired Teas. The leaf is fired in pans over charcoal furnaces and prepared for export by machinery. The color of Pan-fired Tea is an olive- green. (Formerly light-green). Basket-fired, as the name would indicate, is a Tea fired in baskets. Japan Tea in the raw state looks like Basket-fired, but the Spiderieg varieties are rolled and styled up to please the eye. Spider Japan or Spiderieg: A long, thin, handsome, straight leaf, tightly and stylishly twisted Basket-fired Japan Tea. ^'aturaI Leaf Teas: These Teas are all from the KawanI, Hachioji and IVIomikirl districts, and in appearance of leaf are between the Basket-fired and Pan-fired. They are fired on paper trays in 122 interior, and sometimes re-fired in pans or bas- kets. Spring Teas: Term applied to Japan and For- mosa Teas, plucked in the April and IVIay season. Summer Teas: Japan and Formosa Teas gath- ered in the season from June to September. Autumn Teas: Japan and Formosa Teas pluck- ed in October or later. Classification: Japan Teas are classed as Yok- ohama Teas and Kobe Teas, according to the dis- tricts from which they come. Kdbe Teas: The Teas which are shipped from the districts which constitute Kobe Teas are, as a whole, inferior to the Yokohama Teas, but some of the higher grades are very sweet in the cup. Yokohama Teas: Teas shipped from Yokohama are grown chiefly in two great districts, Suruga and Yenshu. These two districts might again be divided into several smaller ones, the Teas from which vary slightly in general character. Yenshu: In this district are produced the best drinking Teas of Japan, notably in the Kawani Hachioji and Momikiri sections. As a rule, the Yenshus have not the style of the Suruga Teasi The characteristics of this Tea is a straight, long, flat leaf, the liquor being light in color, but rich in flavor. Suruga Teas: These are the stylish Teas of Japan. From this district comes the greater pro- portion of what are known as Spiderleg Teas. They are also made up into Pan-fired. Kawani: A small Tea district in Japan pro- ducing a fine quality small leaf Tea. The liquor is rich and rather light in color. Momikiri: A comparatively new make of Japan Tea, generally made of the high grades of Tea from the Yenshu and Kawani districts. It has rather a small clean leaf, and cups well. Surugas are noted for the handsome and stylish appearance of the prepared leaf. They lack the 123 fine cupping quality of the Yenshu, the liquor be- ing very often grassy in flavor. After the firing process, the Tea is sifted and graded to match the various standards to fill import orders; on importation they are graded as: Pan-fired: medium size, generally green, evenly curled. Basket-fired: long, dark, well twisted. iDust or Farmings. ^^Nibs" is irregularly twisted, larger leaf, sifted from the higher grades. For commercial purposes, Japan Teas are grad ed as Extra-Choice, Choicest Choice, Fine, Good, Medium and Common. They are marketed both as Japan Teas No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, etc., and by conventional titles for size and style. BRICK TEA This consists of Tea leaves and Tea leaf dust. The term applies particularly to China Tea, Japan Tea, however, is also made up into bricks. Brick Tea is manufactured by using usually three grades of Tea for each brick. The Tea dust is moistened, usually by steam after having been placed ii^ a mold. Each mold has a layer of the fine or medium Tea at the top and bottom, with a coarser grade in between. It is subjected to a pressure applied by a power of from 15 to 25 tons per square inch. This pressure is applied to the whole brick, it is only applied for a very short time when the mould is locked with wedges and kept so for two or three hours. The bricks usually weigh about 214 pounds each and measure about 1x6x7 inihes in size. Three or four weeks are usually required for the bricks to dry. These are manufactured extensively for local consumption in various sections, and for export to Tibet, Siberia and elsewhere. 124 The Tea Caddy is a small chest, box or canister or a chest containing several canisters, for pack- ing or holding Tea. Caddy was adapted from the Chinese catty, a small measure of Tea, as a char- acteristic title for Oriental Tea packages them- selves. Catty was derived from the Malay kati, a frac- tion more than a pound. Large quantities of imitation Oriental Caddies are now made in this country, and used by Gro- cers to re-pack Tea. They are shipped in "nests," the smaller sizes fitting into the larger, thus giv- ing a wide variety of sizes and occupying very little space. When used as a measure, thei word "caddy" now generally signifies any package containing less than a half chest. A Chinese chest is equiva- lent to about 82 pounds or three-fifths of a Pecul (about 139 pounds). The India and Ceylon chests contain 90 to 140 pounds. Chests: The original Tea package, usually made of wood and lined with lead. Generally speaking, while India and Ceylon Teas are packed in "chests" and sometimes in "half chests," other Teas come mostly in "half chests." ''Chests" of India Tea weigh from 110 to 14iO pounds; "Chests" of Ceylon Teas weigh from 90 to 110 pounds. Tea Tablets: Consist of Tea Dust or finely ground Tea pressed into cubes or squares for use in the open by hunters, campers, etc. Tile Tea: Is a kind of flat Brick Tea made In China, exported via Keachti and distributed throughout Siberia and Tartars. It is cooked with milk, butter, salt and herbs, and eaten as a vege- table. Thick Teas: Indias, Ceylon, Javas, Congous possessed of a full, strong, heavy Hquoring "draw." Hence the application "Thick Tea." 125 AMERICAN TEA The Tea industry in the United States has never reached noticeable proportions or received much comment, although for perhaps a hundred years various atempts have been made to estab- lish tea-growing gardens in this country, these have been successful in a very limited way. Pinehurst, (Gardens) Summerville, South Caro lina, has produced some Teas of excellent quality, however, they have not met with any degree of commercial success. The United States Depart- ment of Agriculture has made extensive experi- ments with India, Ceylon and China Tea seed, and have the satisfaction of realizing a small but growing output of Black and Green Teas each year, but they have not yet entered into compe- tition with the Asiatic crop. Pinehurst Teas: Grown on a garden by that name at Somervllle^ South Carolina. TEA BLENDING You have undoubtedly used the term "blend" very frequently in referring to Tea. In fact, it may very well be that you have "blended" Teas among your own brands. This use of a blend is very common, and two or more kinds of Tea blended in a skillful manner result satisfactorily to the consumer and profitably to the dealer. The object is not, as the public may sometimes imag- ine, to lower the quality, or reduce the cost to the dealer, but simply to produce a better Tea, and to obtain a finer and more desirable flavor than that yielded by any single variety. Thus a Tea may be suitable in flavor, but lacking in body, or light in liquor. By adding to it one or two other Teas possessing these qualities, the defect is remedied and a full-flavored, heavy-bodied Tea is produced, to the greater satisfaction of the consumer. a26 The art of "blending" Tea has been highly de- veloped in England, but the average Tea man in the United States has only a superficial knowledge of Tea blending. This is a most interesting and important department of the Tea business, which may well be studied and developed. Unquestionably the highest branch of the Tea business is in the blending of Teas. The mixing of different types, styles and strength to produce or acquire special results. The successful blending of Teas can only be accomplished through patience and close practical application, and is usually brought about by the use of proper proportions of light and heavy, aro- matic and flat, and stylish and low grade Teas, black for blacks and green for greens as a rule. However, blends are sometimes built from a com- bination of blacks and greens, All blends should, first: Be constructed to produce a desirable cup; second: Price is a prime factor. A good exam- ple for instance is: A high type Darjeeling, a full bodied Assam, and a good grade Dooar and a Newera Eliya Ceylon proportioned possibly as fol- lows: 20% Darjeeling, 30% Assam 20% Dooar, 30% Ceylon would construct a very desirable blend. To produce a better cup (which would, of course, cost more money), increase the amount of Dar- jeeling and Ceylon, reducing the amount of As- sams correspondingly. By proper manipulation, you should be enabled to build a good blend with a wide range of price, and still maintain excellent cup quality. Very much the same result can be obtained by the use of a good Ceylon type of Java Tea, leaving out the Ceylon. This would, ordinarily, reduce the cost considerably without reducing the cup quality to any noticeable extent. All types of Teas, fermented, unfermented, and even semi-fermented, have to be handled in this manner in blending to obtain the result sought. 127 To produce a particularly pleasing blend is not an easy matter, and to repeat it is still more diffi- cult. In other words, a reproduction of a blend and maintaining same year after year from the crops of different seasons, requires experience, extreme patience and honesty of purpose, concen- tration, hard work, and last, but not least, a good nose and a sensitive, delicate sense of taste. It is most undesirable to establish a demand for a particular flavor in your blend if you are not capable of keeping it up. The Tea business is really an art, and is very fascinating, and profitable if successfully con- ducted. Tea, whether in package or bulk, should never be kept in the sunlight, nor near any article or articles of distinctive odors, and its place of stor- age should always be perfectly dry and moderately cooL Tea naturally keeps fresh best in tight-fitting canisters, and in sealed tin or lead packages, but it deteriorates with age, no matter how it is packed. HELPFUL HINTS ON TASTING, TESTING, BLENDING AND SELLING An ideal location to be selected for a testing room for either Teas or Coffees is one with an unobstructed northern light. This affords the best opportunity for close scrutiny — a light that shows you the best and the worst. In all Black and Senni-Black (semi-fermented) Teas there is to be found a percentage of flaky leaf, more or less yellow, which is very noticeable in a strong light, and might be readily overlooked under less favorable conditions. This is an in- ferior leaf, and not only affects the style, but is good evidence (except in Japan Teas) that an in- 128 ferior quality has been added. This would have a tendency, of course, to lessen the value of the Tea. In consequence, the utmost care should be used to ascertain to just what extent these leaves have been introduced. In testing blends or blended Teas, it is always well to taste from se\'eral drawings, in order to determine the thoroughness of the mixing. Should there be a pronounced difference in the cup of the different ''draws" you will readily understand that, while your blend may be all right, your vari- ous types are not properly, or evenly, mixed. A small, hard, well-rolled, uniform leaf is usually accepted for style, but without a good light, one is quite apt to misjudge the size, and texture, par- ticularly if the Tea is highly colored, in which case color and polish might prove deceptive and cause the important qualities, such as make, hard- ness and uniformity to be overlooked. Frequently the best "drawings" from Black Teas are from those that show no tips whatever, al- though many buyers are prone to take them into serious consideration. There is no question but what a small, black, hard, well-twisted, uniform- leafed Formosa is superior to a coarse, uneven leaf with any amount of tips. The same may be said of the choicest Darjeeling, for those sold at the fanciest prices are of the classy black leaf. In testing for cup quality, a counter or table, or even a bench of convenient height may be used. The dry tea leaves are weighed out and placed in cups or small china pots, each holding one cup of Tea. Fresh boiling water is then poured on. Some then cover the cups with a saucer or the pots with a lid, and let stand for five minutes; others do not cover but begin at once to use the nose, and as; soon as the liquor is "up", tasting begins. The infused leaf is usually removed, however. The inspection and comparison of the infused and dry leaves may be conducted very intelligently by lifting the infused leaf in the spoon. 129 An expert can, of course, get more information from a minute examination of the infused leaf tlian thei beginner. E. O., he can take a Congou (said to be one of the most difficult Teas to grade correctly) and not only get a good idea of the grade, but can tell positively whether it is new or old-crop Tea, and even if it is first or second- crop, and frequently assure himself just what district the Tea is from. The choice and pref- erence in Congous is usually given the Teas of bright, copper-colored, infused leaf over the dull and darker shades. The same is true in all black or semi-fermented Teas, and to some extent all kinds of Teas. In testing Tea (or Coffee) your sight is used largely to keep you from wasting time; your sense of taste and smell are of the utmost importance. Your sight will show you the difference in ap- pearance of liquor, say between the China and Indian Tea, or China and Java Teas. Your sight will also show you the difference between the infused and the dry leaf, and will teach you what to look for in testing. The in- fused leaf of a good Tea should be a rich yellow or "old gold", while the poorer Tea leaf infused is usually dark and dull. Your taste will show you the decided difference between, say, the flavor of an India Tea and that of a China Tea. Taste the Tea (hot) by sipping from a dessert spoon, letting it rest on the tongue for an instant, then spitting it out. (Do not swal- low Tea or Coffee in your regular testing work.) Your taste (with some practice) will teach you the difference in liquors from Indian, Ceylon, Javas, etc. Always cleanse the mouth well before tasting. Rinsei with water and soda, or take a bite or two of apple, or a slice of lemon. Your sense of smell used in conjunction with your sense of taste helps you to distinguish the Aroma, and more fully appreciate the flavor, and ISO combined add much to the important factors of memory and recognition. You can not know Teas (nor Coffees) without studying, testing them along the lines of tasting, but by constant sight, taste, and smell you can become an expert. TEA ANALYSIS, AND ITS USE AS A BEVERAGE The most important components of the Tea-leaf are theine (the chief stimulating principle), 2^% to 31/4 9r; second, the oil and resinous ingredients, which furnish the flavor and aroma of the liquid; third, the gummy substances and the tannin, which give it "body" and strength. There is in addition a small quantity of essential oil, which slightly increases its stimulating properties. Tea also carries, according to chemical analysis. 40% to 60% protein, cellulose, fibre, etc., but nearly all of this is found in the Tea leaves left after pouring off the liquid. The greater part of the tannin (from 12% to 18%) also becomes a part of the residue, assuming, of course, that the Tea is made fresh, as it should be. To obtain the best results, fresh boiling water must be used,; the pot must be kept hot (but not boiling), for from three to five minutes after pour- ing the water on the leaves; the Tea should not stand longer than five minutes before drinking. If) the water used lis not fresh, that is, if it has been standing long, or has ben previously boiled, the Tea will be insiped and flat in flavor. If the water is not boiling when poured on the leaves, it will produce a rough, raw-tasting liquor. An earthenware pot is better than a metal one. Putting the dry Tea leaves into a pot well warmed produces a better result than putting them in a cold pot. The fresh-brewed liquor, after four or five min- utes' infusion, contains almost the total amount 131 of Theine (identical with Caffeine in Coffee),, and only enough tannin and associating components to give it palatable strength. If the liquid is allowed to stand on the leaves longer than five minutes, the flavor will be in- jured by the extra tannin produced; seven or eight minutes, and the tannin not only detracts from the flavor, but the liquor becomes pungent, acts as an astringent, and in consequence becomes very detrimental to digestion. The liquid can be saved, however, if poured off the leaves into a fresh china or earthenware vessel. India, Ceylon and Java Teas are, as a rule, con- siderably stronger than China and Japan. Indi- vidual tastes differ also, hence the quantity of leaves to be used must be judged entirely by the requirements. The water in some localities will make much 'better Tea (also Coffee) than water in other places. It is claimed by some authorities that soft water should be used when brewing the more delicate types, and that where the water contains lime or other mineral matter to excess, stronger, coarser and heavier Tea leaves should be used. Again some experts assert that the "best Tea" is the best everywhere. However, the experience of the writer rather tends to varify the former statement. In making Iced Tea, use at least one-fourth more leaves than for Tea to be served hot; use the same care, and do not allow the liquor on the leaves more than six or seven minutes; then pour off into another vessel and allow to cool very slowly. It should be made three hours before it is to be served. This gives ample time to cool gradually. Tea suddenly chillied, either by ice or refrigera- tion, spoils the flavor beyond a doubt. When ready to serve, add ice, sugar, lemon, etc., according to taste. 132 U. S. SHOULD DOUBLE ITS TEA CONSUMPTION Every man who depends upon the Tea business for his livelihood must feel dissatisfied with him- self whenever he considersi the deplorable fact that we, in this prosperous country, consume only one pound of Tea per capita yearly. With Austra- lia using 9 pounds per capita, Great Britain 6 pounds, and Canada, just across the border, con- suming over 4 pounds, all people with similar habits and ideals and speaking the same lan- guage, we certainly should be able to double our present consumption. If we could do that the business would be much more worth while for all engaged in it. TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL KINDS OF TEAS AND THE REPRESENTATIVE TEA-GROWING DISTRICTS OF THE WORLD. CHINA China Greens (Shanghai) Country Greens Cup Qualities Grading for All Country Moyunes (Nankin, Pak- Greens heong, and Hyson Li- Moyunes: Fancy, Choice, quored). Finest, Fine, Medium, Teen Kais. Standard. Fychows. Teen Kais: Fancy, Choice, Soeyoens. Finest, Fine, Medium, Wenchows. Standard. Local Packs. Fyohows: (Smoky Teas not admitted to the United States). Soeyoens. Wenchows, and Local Packs. 133 Hoochows Ping Sueys. Style or Make: Pin Heads. Exitra Gunpowder. First Gunpowder. Second Gunpowder. Third Gunpowder. First Pea Leaf. Second Pea Leaf. First Young Leaf. First Young Hyson. Second Young Hyson. CHINA CONGOUS (Black) (So-Called English Breakfast) South China (Red Leaf Congou) Kaisow. Cheong-lok. Chick-iSowkai. Ching-wo. Saryune. Soumoo. Sin-Chune. Suey-Kut. Yung-How. YuTig-'Tong. (Choice to choicest, fine to finest, good to superior, fair.) Paklin. Pak'lum. Panyong. North China (Black Leaf Congous) Moning. Ning-chow. Ke-mun. Ichang. Kin-tuk. Confa. Oonam. Chun Sowkai. Yung Low Tung. Oopak. Lildng. Kutoan. Ho -How. Sunntan. Other Congous Campoi. Canton. Hoyune. Padrae. Pekoe. Pouchong. Qui- fa. Tayshan. ■Souchongs OSeldom used in America) Canton. (New Make or Macaos.) Lapsing. (Foochow-Lou- chong.) Oolong-iSouchong. Padrae. Pekoe. Tenmow-quipf-n. OChoicest, extra fine to finest, su- perior to fine, common to fair.) Panyong. Scented Teas Capers. Pekoes. Powc hongs (Foochows, Cantons, Macaos). Pekoes: Pekoe, Orange Pekoe, Flowery Pekoe, Hung-muey. Pouchongs: Pouchong, Pouchong- Pekoe, 134 Padra-Pouchong. "Canton Scented. ("^Congee.") Macao. China Oolong (Black) Amoy: Kokews, Mohea, Ningyong, Ankois, Bo- hea. Foochow: Saryune, String Teas. (Choicest to Choice, Finest, Fine, 'Superior, Good, Fair.) Brands "Chops": Tong- mow, Tong-lee, Tong- shinig, Chun-fa, 'Shun- fat, iSun-kee, Cum -wo and kut. Suey Kut, Ching Wo. Tycon. Panyong. Padrae. Pekoe- Oolong. Various Mandarin. Compressed. Fannings. Dust. Cheng- ke, Cum-wo- NDASIA (India, Ceylon, Java) Northern India Districts Assam. Diarjeeling. Dooars. Punjab. Dehra-Dun. Kangra. Kumaon. Sylhet. Caehar. Madras. Nilgirns. Terai. Ohittagong. Travancore. (Southern India.) India Greens Uncolored Young Hyson. (1st and 2nd.) Hyson. (1st and 2nd.) Fannings. Dust. Gradings: India (Black) Broken Orange-Pekoe. Orange -Pekoe. iFlowery Orange- Pekoe. Pekoe. Pekoe- Souchong. Souchong. Fannings. Dust. India Greens Colored Gunpowder. (1st and 2nd.) Imperial. (1st and 2nd.) Young Hyson. (1st and 2nd.) Sow Mee. Hyson. (1st and 2nd.) 135 CEYLON Black Broken Onange Pekoe. Orange Pekoe. Flowery Orange Pekoe. Pekoe (1st and 2nd,) Broken Pekoe- Pekoe iSouchong. Broken Pekoe iSouchong. Fannings. Dust. Green Gunpowder. (1st and 2nd.) Imperial. (1st €Lnd 2nd.) Young Hyson. (1st and 2nd.) Hyson. (1st and 2nd.) Dust and Siftings. (Choice to Fancy, Fair to Good.) JAVA Black Pekoe. Pekoe- Souchong. Congou. Oolong. Green Imperial. Hyson. Young Hyson. JAPAN AND FORMOSA Japan Pan- fired. Sun-dried. Basket-fired. Porcelain -fired. Gradlngs Extra- choicest. Choicest. CTioice. Finest. Fine. Good Medium. Good Common. Common. ^ Formosa Oolong (Tamsui) Fancy, Choicest,. Choice, Finest. Fine, Fully tSuperior. iSuperior, Fully Good. Good Cargo, Fair. Cargo, Common. Leading Districts Chap Ko Hoon. Pai 'chie. 'Sinteam. Chuitngka. OTHER COUNTRIES UNITED STATES South Carolina CPinehurst Tea Estate) Souchong. Oolong. Sun-cured. Shelter. Green. Compressed Tablets. Natal Africa Golden Pekoe. Pekoe iSouchong. Flowery Pekoe. Souchong, and other Chinese-named Blacks. 136' Note. — Divers China Teas included in this; list are either too low-grade to be allowed entry to the United States, or too expensive for export, conse- quently unknown to the general trade. There are also some couple of hundred or so plants here and there about the Globe which are, or have been, used locally for making "tea-like" infusions, as the "Camomile Tea" of Germany^ the "Cowslip Tea" of the British, the "Teamsters' Tea" of Arizona, the "Revolution Tea" of New Jersey, the "Coffee- leaf Tea" of Indasia, etc. There are estimated to be some three thousand tea brands, blends, trade-names, trade-marks, package-names, etc., in the world. WORTH REMEMBERING It is well to bear in mind that all Tea is pro- duced from the same shrub (or tree), conditions being responsible for the various types: altitude, country, soil, season, preparation, etc. Theine: Is an alkaloidal substance found in the Tea leaf, chemically identical with Caffeine (of Coffee). The Theine content of Tea averages 2%. Tea Taster: An expert judge of the cup quality of the leaf; one who judges Tea by testing in the cup and in the hand. Gha Si (Chinese) : An American or English Tea tester— the most important man in the "hong" factory, field or garden. Chop: A ''Chop o'Tea" is a collection of a num- ber of lines of Tea under one brand name, and may consist of one or many more of various grades. Line: A line of Tea consists of one grade in a "Chop," usually about eighty "half chests," but may be more or less. String Teas: South China Tea made into Oolong. 137 This Tea is always very carefully and heavily fired, and has a heavy burnt flavor. Broker: A Tea broker is one who negotiates the sale of Tea from one dealer to another, for the consideration of a brokerage from the seller. The brokerage is usually 2% on general business, and 1% on invoices. As said before, the better grades of Dooars and Assams are rich, heavy liquoring Teas, but do not approach the Darjeeling in flavor and aroma. Teas are principally grown in the following countries: India, Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, China, Japan and Formosa. (It is also grown in small quantities in South Africa, and in a very limited way in South Carolina, U. S. A.) Each of the principal Tea-growing countries produce several different grades of the two varie- ties marketed, namely fermented or Black, and un- fermented or Green. Tea-Consuming Countries, and the amount con- sumed per capita annually: Australia uses SVo to 9 pounds per capita, England uses GV^ to 7 pounds per capita, Canada uses 5 pounds per capital, Russia uses 2i^ pounds per capita, United States uses not quite 1 pound per capita. In Great Britain, "Brokens" are used almost ex- clusively. The origin of some Tea names: "Gunpowder" Tea is claimed Anglo-Saxon. The name was origi- nally suggested by its small, round, shot-like form. The Chinese call it "Pearl Tea" or *'Choo-Cha." It would seem that nearly all Tea titles now in use were originally of Chinese origin. However, most of them are corruptions. E. G. "Congou" from "Kung-Fu" (Labor). "Souchong" from "Siau- Chung" (small sprouts). "Pekoe" from "Pak-Ho" (white hair), referring to the down on the young leaves. "Young Hyson" from "Yu-Tsien" (before the rains) or (young spring-time). 138 "Hyson" from "Hetslen" (spring-time), the sea- son of the first and second picking. "Oolong" fronn *K)u-Loung (black dragon), no doubt referring to the black leaves mixed with the yellowish green. Imperial: Derives its name from its resem- blance to Tea used in the Imperial household, and is sometimes called "Big Gunpowder." Denatured Tea: Tea which the English cus- toms deem unfit for consumption. This is mixed with lime and asafetida and marked "denatured." In this iway the Theine or Caffeine content is ex- tracted and used in medicines. Dust: The powdery and smallest siftlnga from the sieving process, being leaf practically reduced to powder. Importation of this class of Tea is practically forbidden into the United States. India Teas are called the "Bergundy of Teas." They differ somewhat from Ceylon, being deep black, and the latter a dark brown. They are stronger than Ceylon, due, it is said, to soil fertilization and to the fact that the Juice that is expressed from them in the fermentation process is put back. (?) TEA IMPORTS, PRICE AND CONSUIVDPTION Five Year Averages — 1851-1914 Import Per Capita .K.l^4i 1.,.^ Price Per Lb. Con- sumption. Quantity. Value. Period. Pounds. Dollars. Cents. Pounds. 1851-55... 19,476,000 5,254,000 27.16 .760 1856-60... 22,578,000 5,461,000 24.64 .758 1861-65... 24,814,000 6,265,000 24.56 .740 1866-70. . . 39,973,000 11,670,000 28.22 l.OSO 1871-75... 57,090,000 20,643,000 36.08 1.36S 1876-80... 61,981,000 16,454.000 26.60 1.302 1881-85... 70,471.000 16,185,000 22.70 1.316 1886-90... 82,597,000 13,956,000 17.02 1.376 1891-95... 89,675,000 13.676,000 15.52 1.340 1896-00. .. 85,217,000 11,356,000 13.20 1.186 1901-05... 95.814,000 13.848,000 14.20 1.162 1906-10... 93,594,000 15,210,000 16.24 1.036 1911-14... 95,954,000 17,200.000 18.00 .980 139 MATe, VERBA MATl^, OR PARAGUAY T€A The Mate tree grows from ten to fifteen feet in height, and produces leaves resembling those of a pear tree; is considered a species of Holly. It is used universally in Brazil, also in other parts of South America,, as a beverage which corre- sponds to the "Tea" of other countries. The leaves are: ground to a coarse powder, some- times, but more frequently of late years the leaves and small young shoots or twigs are simply broken, ranging from coarse to fine, with as small a percentage of powder as possible. Mate is prepared very much in the same manner as our "Tea," and may be taken with sugar and cream, although it seems to be more popular clear, as it is preferred extremely! hot. Where the powdered form is used (and this is still the popular form in many districts), the beverage is taken through a small tube called a " Bomb ilia." Drinking tubes with strainer at lower end, shaped very much like a deep teaspoon (pos- sibly not quite so large), with the flat side or top covered and perforated with very fine holes. The tube is possibly as large as an ordinary lead pencil, and as long or longer. The upper end is slightly flat. Bombillas are made from silver and other metals, and, as stated, are used in uni- versal Mate (native willow Tea) drinking princi- pally in South American countries. One end of this tube is in the form of a bulb pierced with very fine holes. This acts as a strainer and prevents the powder and other particles from being sucked up into the mouth. The Germans, however, in preparing the beverage bring it to a good boil and then dash cold water into it, in suf- ficient quantities to stop the boiling. The leaves or powder settle and the Mate may then be taken as pure and in the ordinary way. The effect of Mate as a beverage is restorative and stimulating. The component parts are very 14« similar to Tea and Coffee, including an important percentage of their stimulating principles. (Theine and Caffeine.) Mate or Verba Mate (ilex paragueyensis). The consumption is enormous throughout the Latin Republics — averaging about 14 pounds per capita, or nearly double the per capita tea-consumption of Australasia. All attempts to introduce Mate among northern races have proved commercial failures. i L SPICES Spices: Are described as aromatic vegetable substances used chiefly to season food; different portions of their respective plants are used. Gin- ger comes from the root of the plant, Cinnamon the bark, Cloves, Nutmeg, etc., represent the fruit, and Sage, Thyme and other herbs the entire upper part of the plant. Their essential oils are chiefly responsible for their aroma and characteristic qualities. Tropical Spices, such as Pepper, Ginger, Nut- meg, Cloves, and Cinnamon were, because of their great scarcity, even more highly regarded in olden times than they are now. They are quite frequently referred to in the Old Testament, and are there generally classed with other items of considerable value, in fact, they were considered valuable and fit presents for the royal families. It is a matter of record that these spices were a part of the tribute which other monarchs paid to Solomon. The wealthy Romans were especially lavish in their use, in the preparation of food. Also at the altars and at funerals burned witli Incense. Arabia was popularly credited with being the home of all spice luxuries in ancient times and through the middle ages, but this was largely due to the fact that it served as a market for spicers or spice merchants from the East India Islands, particularly Ceylon. As time advances, we find that the trade occupies an important position in the history of our present civilization. For a long period of years pepper was one of the princi- pal items of commerce between India and Europe. Venice and Genoa, and other cities, became wealthy largely through its traffic. Frequently rents were paid in pepper, and occasionally a tax Was levied. Cloves, Cinnamon and Nutmeg are responsible for a much darker chapter, cloaking many deeds of blood-satin and atrocity. 142 The Portuguese and the Dutch for generations maintained their control of the supply by execut- ing any but government employees attempting to engage in its export, by destroying plantations and accumulated stores and on several occasions by massacring entire native populations to prevent them selling to other nations. On the beginning of a more progressive enlight- enment, the destruction of monopoly control and the scientific cultivation of various spice plants, have brought an abundance of all varieties at prices which transform former luxuries into an every-day possibility for even the poorest classes. Extensive substituting and adulterations were practiced in modern commercialism, for, until quite recently, a large proportion of "Spices" sold were mixed with other materials that greatly re- duced their strength, impaired their natural flavor and greatly injured the legitimacy of the Spice business; but conditions have greatly improved in recent years and both retailers and consumers can noiw, by exercising a little judgment, secure pure high-grade Spices of every kind. This improvement has had a decided tendency to restore a confidence in the public, and in con- sequence the demand has been greatly stimulated. This will prove very profitable to the merchant who takes advantage of the changed situation by using special card in purchasing good stocks and devoting more time and space to displaying and explaining them where necessary. There is a nicer profit in handling Spice than in most grocery items. There is a wide field for their use; in con- sequence, there is enormous quantities used. All Spices, particularly ground Spices, should be protected from exposure of any nature by keeping in tightly-closed receptacles. The principal Spices of general modern con- sumption are Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cloves, Allspice, or Pimiento, Cayenne Pepper, Mustard, 143 Cassia, Bay Leaves, Anise, Capers, Celery Seed, Cardamon, Caraway, Dill, Fennel Caraway, Corian- der Horseradish, Sage, Paprika, Nutmeg, Mace, Marjoram, Turmeric, Thyme and Savory. Several of these are known as sweet herbs. However, they are all Spices and so classified and recognized in government and analytical circles. Nutmeg: The Nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit of a tropical tree, native to Asia, Africa and South America. The pink or red flesh covering it is the almost equally popular Spice known as Mace. The whole fruit is about as large as a peach, and of a yellowish-green color. It is, in the East Indies, often preserved entire as a sweetmeat. The tree begins bearing at the age of eight years, and continues to yield for about seventy- five years. It carries ripe fruit at all seasons, but there are three principal harvest periods: July, when the fruit is most abundant though yielding thin Mace, November, when the fruit is thickest but the Nutmegs are small, and March, w^hen both Nutmeg and Mace attain their finest condition, but the total product is less in quantity, on account of the dryness of the season. After the Nutmegs have been gathered and stripped of their outer covering they are placed upon gratings over slow fires and dried at a slow heat, not over 140° F., until the kernel rattles freely in the shell. The shells are next cracked and removed, and the kernels sprinkled with lime, to protect them from the attacks of insects, and to destroy their power of germination, and then packed for export in tight casks, previously soaked and coated on the inside with lime wash. In this condition they will keep for an indefinite length of time. In purchasing Nutmegs, choose those which are round and compact In shape, of oily appearance and heavy. 144 They are graded and quoted by the number to the pound, varying from 80 to 14(>. The largest are the more showy, but those of moderate size, other points being equal, are just as good (even better for grinding). Light, dried, dull kinds, or those of long, oval shape, should be avoided. The bulk of the United States' supply, which is more than the total consumption of all other coun- tries combined, comes from Penang and Celebes, of the East Indies. There is also a small, steady importation from the British West Indies. Mace: In the inner covering which envelopes the Nutmeg. It closely resembles a lacerated membrane, being blood-red and somewhat fleshy when fresh. It is prepared for market by being fully flattened out and dried for several days in the sun, much of it becomes red-yellowish during process. It is used both in **blade" and ground form to spice soups, sauces, pudding, etc., its flavor closely resembling Nutmeg, but being, to many tastes, even more pleasing. It also furnishes a strong, yellow, volatile oil, and a red, buttery, fixed oil,, which, mixed with other substances, is known- as Nutmeg Balsam. The bulk of the supply comes from Band! (the best), Penang, Singapore, Celebes, and, though only to a comparatively small extent, the West Indies. Care should be taken to choose that with a deep orange color and clear, transparent, wax-like ap- pearance. Dull-looking parcels are not desirable. •** Macassar," "Papua" and "Bombay" Mace are fiictitious titles sometimes given to a wild prod- uct, the mixing of which with cultivated Mace is rated adulteration. Mace should always be kept in airtight, glass bottles or tin boxes. Penang Spices: A term occasionally applied to a mixture of various spices, employed in cooking, preserving, etc. 145 CLOVES Cloves, iwidely used for flavoring desserts and confectionery, and medicinally, are the dried flower buds of the Clove tree. As packed, they are reddish in color, but this changes to the fa- miliar dark-brown in the process of drying, per- formed either by the smoke of wood fires or by exposure to the sun. The Clove tree, an evergreen, grows to a height of forty feet, bears its developed Clove buds in its seventh year, and gives two crops annually, in- creasing its productiveness up to an age of nearly a hundred years. The average yield per tree is about five pounds of Clove buds. In the initial drying there is usually 50% loss in weight and another 8% to 10% is lost in shipment to Europe or America. Fully two-thirds of the Clove crop is produced at Zanzibar, and its neighboring Island of Pemba, but the quality is much inferior to the Penang and Amboyna prouct. The most desirable Clove is the full-sized brown, plump bud, and the Penang is considered the finest on the market. Amboynas are also high grade and very desirable. The Zan- zibars, owing probably to the inferior methods of drying and collecting, are often shriveled and black. The Clove industry was for many centuries con- turies confined to very narrow limits. A few Islands of the Molucco group furnished the world's supply up to the beginning of the seventeenth century; then the Dutch, having driven the Por- tuguese out of the "Spice Islands," tried to destroy all the Clove trees except those on the Island of Amboyna, to perfect their monopoly. Later the Island of Zanzibar became an im- portant producer, but for a number of years fol- lowing 1872 it was again unproductive, as the re- sult of a cyclone, which uprooted nearly all of the mature fruit-bearing trees. 146 An interesting result of the cyclone was the release from the Dutch Government warehouse at Amboyna of surplus Cloves that had been accumu- lating there for generations, no sales having been permitted except when the bids reached the prices set by the Government. The markings on some of the barrels received at that time in New York showed that they belonged to the surplus of crops reaching back nearly a hundred years. Some of the barrels were ready to fall to pieces, but the Cloves were in excellent condition. The principal sources of supply today are the Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba (British East Africa), and the East Indies (both Dutch and British). The best grade of British is that known as Penang; that of Dutch is Amboyna. Dark, well- formed Cloves are the best. Mother Cloves is the dry, ripe fruit. It some- what resembles the olive in appearance. Its flavor is similar, too, but much weaker than that of the ordinary Clove. They contain little oil and are not suitable as a spice. Planters further hold that the growth of the Mother Clove ex- hausts the tree, so, therefore, as few as possible are left when the picking season is over. Allspice, also called Pimiento and Jamaica pep- per, is the dried fruit of a small West Indian tree called the Pimiento. It is about the size of a pepper, or small pea, and is gathered when fully grown, but not ripened, and dried in the sun. It is called Allspice from its supposed resemblance in flavor to a mixture of Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Cloves. It Ts often used in place of Cinnamon. Cinnamon is the spicy bark of young branches of the Cinnamon tree, cut off in strips and dried in the sun, curling during the process into the quills with which the consumer is familiar. 147 Ceylon Cinnamon is obtained from CInnamomum Zeylanicum, native to Ceylon but also cultivated to some extent in the East Indies. Cassia Cinna- mon is from Cannamomum Cassia, the chief East Indian and Chinese type. Both kinds are sold both in quills and ground, their fragrant, aromatic flavor making them a popular adjunct in cookery, confectionery, etc. Ceylon Cinnamon is the variety referred to in the general article on Spice®, as, in earlier days, a commodity of great value and the cause of many wars and much bloodshed. It was first carried to the world's markets by Arabs, who kept its source a great secret for a number of centuries, and contrived to discourage possible investigation by stories of fabulous monsters inhabiting the country from which they were supposed to obtain it. That the tree grew wild in Ceylon was not generally known until the fourteenth century, in spite ot the fact that the spice had been continu- ously in use since the early days of Israel, Greece and Rome. Ceylon Cinnamon is of a pale yellowish-brown color and generally of lighter, cleaner and smoother appearance than Cassia. The quills (the smaller enclosed in the larger) are also usually thinner and more tightly rolled, but these distinctions are not absolute, as there are many grades of Cassia. Cassia Cinnamon was until recent years decried as an inferior imitation, principally because the greater part of the supply consisted of the inferior and poorly prepared China product. It has, how- ever, just as good botanical title to the general name of "Cinnamon" as the Ceylon type, as the result of the fine quality now exported from French Cochin-China and the Dutch East Indies. It is today given the preference in the United States and in several European countries, because 14S its flavor is more pronounced and more lasting. The Ceylon is milder and so much more volatile that it loses readily on exposure to the air. The demand for Ceylon Cinnamon has indeed so lessened that commercial interests are urging the cultivation of Cassia in Ceylon in order to main- tain the Island's position in the trade. In analytical circles, the Ceylon variety is still conservatively described as "True Cinnamon" in- stead of the commercial term "Ceylon Cinnamon." The lower grades of Cassia are cheaper than any of the Ceylon generally marketed, but the best qualities are more expensive. The four main grades are those known as Saigon, or Saigan,from French Cochin-China (the choicest) ; Corinche and Batavia of the Dutch East Indies and China (the cheapest). Saigon Cassia is generally used for blending with lower grades. PEPPER The Black or White powdered Pepper used as a condiment is the ground fruit of the Piper Nigrum, (L> a perennial climbing shrub, native to the for- ests of Western and Southern India, but for cen- turies cultivated also on the Maylon Peninsula and in Sumatra, Java Ceylon and Slam, and to a lim- ited extent in Borneo and various other Tropical countries. The fruit is a small, round berry, the Pepper- in loosely-packed clusters of from twenty to thirty, closely attached to a common fruit stalk, a good vine producing an annual average of from one to two pounds. Pieces of the stalk may often be found in whole black Pepper and examination will show the de- pressions formed where the berriqs were at- tached. 149 The shrub or vine grows to a height of eight to twelve feet, and is supported either by poles or trees. The "Peppercorns" are exported in bags of 64 to 128 pounds. Black Pepper consists of the dried, immature berries of the shrub, gathered as soon as one or two on the clusters commence to turn red. After removal from the stem they are dried in the sun or near a mild fire, the outer fleshy portion of the berry, shriveling in the process, turning brown or black and becoming hard, brittle and adherent to the stony, inner portion, thus forming: a hardened, wrinkled cortex. Among the principal commercial varieties listed in a recent Government report are: Malabar (Man- galare, Tellicherry, Alleppy, etc.). Singapore, Pe- nang and Trang, Acheen (or Sumatra or West Coast), and Lampong (or East Coast), named eith- er from the place of cultivation or that ot ship- ment. Malabar Peppers are those from me Malabar Coast of India. "Mangalore" peppercorns are very large, twicei the size of ordinary pepper, of a deep black, very clean and uniform, giving, when ground, a powder of greenish-black appearance. Tellicherry Pepper is that grown on the Malay Peninsula, principally in the Southern extremity known as the State of Jahore. It constitutes a considerable portion of all the pepper raised, and, because of its dark color and fairly uniform qual- ity, is a product of good appearance. It is not, however, so highly regarded for grrnnding purposes, because of its smoky odor. The pepper and gam- bier plantations of Jahore are usually under one management, and the pepper is dried by placing it on mats suspended over the kettles in which the gambler is boiled down to make the vegetable extract. The smoke from the furnace underneath dries the pepper, but at the same time imparts to it a decidedly smoky smell, which is retained to l&O a considerable degree, even after the pepper is ground. It is, indeed, one of the tests by which the pepper merchant determines whether a given sample is Singapore or not. Trang and Penang Pepper, shipped from Pe- nang, is grown in either Java or Sumatra. It is of especially rich color. Acheen, Sumatra or West Coast are names ap- plied to the pepper obtained from Acheen, the western extremity of the Island of Sumatra. Lampong Pepper or East Coast is grown on the east end of the Island of Sumatra, near the Straits of Sunda. As a rule, the heavier the Peppercorns for size, the better the grade. They should be firm and round, clean and uniform in appearance and not too much furrowed. Acheen Pepper has been standardized by gen- eral agreement, and the four chief grades are now determined by their specific gravity. Classed: A. B. €. D. B weighs a little less than A, C less than B, and D less than C. Dust not to exceed 3% in any class. The many advantages of this method will prob- ably result in its extension to all Black Peppers in the near future. The other varieties described in this work are generally superior to Acheen, and give much high- er results on the weight test. For example, A grade Acheen weighs 4 lbs. and 13 ozs. to the Im- perial Gallon, while A grade Aileppey sometimes weighs as much as 6 lbs. and 12 ozs. and contains practically no dust. Tellicherry ranges from 6 lbs. to 6 lbs. 12 ozs., and is equally clean.. Lampong averages about 6 lbs. with a dust percentage of 1V2% to 3%, and Singapore from 5 lbs. os ozs. to 5 lbs. 8 ozs., the dust ranging up to 4%. 151 White Pepper is practically the same product as Black Pepper, except that the outer shell or peri- carp of the berry is removed to a greater or less extent by, friction, following soaking in water. It is sometimes made at the plantations, but just as frequently by manufacturers who buy the Pepper- corns in the open market. 'Some manufacturers prefer, for White Pepper, berries that have been allowed to ripen before picking, as they are more ea&ily decorticated, but this is not a universal rule. Decorticated White Pepper is the term applied to the product which, in addition to losing the outer dark shell, has also had the seed-coats partly or entirely removed. There are numerous qualdties to the length to which the process has been carried. The most ex- pensive is that from which all three seed-coats have been removed, producing smooth, hard, pearly kernels. Other grades retain one or two seed- coats. There are several grades of White Pepper on the market, corresponding in a general way with Black Pepper, such as Singapore, Penang, Teili- cherry, Siam, etc. Coriander White Pepper is a product of especi- ally attractive appearance, screened to uniform size and then bleached. Shotted Pepper: Polished in a cylinder and sometimes slightly oiled to present a polished, glazed appearance. Mignonette Pepper: A term sometimes applied to coarsely-ground Peppercorns. Pepper shells is the by-product of external shell or cutjicle obtained in the manufacture of White Pepper. Ground Pepper, whether Black or White, should consist only of whole or hulled peppercorns re- duced to proper fineness by grinding and sieving. 152 Long Pepper is chiefly derived from wild plants of the genus Chavico Mlq. The fruit spikes, gath- ered when green; are cylindrical in form and cov- ered with closely packed, small, round berries. The product is crudely prepared, the berries har- dened together with and adhering to the woody stem, and generally including a large quantity of dirt and other extraneous matter. It does not possess the fine flavor or strength of true pepper, and its addition is rated as adulteration. Its prin- cipal use is for pickles. CAPSICUMS Red Pepper, Chilies, Cayenne Pepper (some- times called Guinea Pepper), Paprika. These are the most widely cultivated Spices in the world. We are told that originally the plants were natives of South and Central America, and the various names used in the different sections of the 'Globe seem to prove this assertion. The seeds are easily transported, and have there- fore been brought to almost every country for cul- tivation. The growth is most favorable in the warmer climates, and the crop is always in largo demand by the natives in the fresh state as a vegetable. Red Pepper is the powdered ripe pod, both flesh and seeds, of any variety of Capsicum, the plant which gives us the edible fresh "pepper," but which bears no relation to the true pepper-plan:. The most noted varieties are cultivated exten- sively in the East and West Indies, Mexico and the Southern States. Cayenne Pepper is distinguished from Red Pep- per lin general by its dull red or brick red color, as compared to the brighter red of Red Pepper. 153 Napaul and many other Cayenne Peppers are extremely light-colored, as they should naturally be if properly made from the ground seeds alone, unmixed with the redder husks of the fruit cap- sules. Hence, the lighter color and milder flavor of genuine Cayenne Pepper. Capsicum Seeds after the removal of the peri- carp and thoroughly washed and dried are en- tirely devoid of acridity and pungency. The best-known commercial varieties are Zanzi- bar, Mcmbassa, Sierra Lecone and Japan, the last named being less pungent than the others. Named after Cayenne, a city of French Guiana. Napaul Pepper is from a capsicum grown in Nepaul, Indiia. It is a choice variety of Cayenne Pepper, yellowish-red and very pungent, but of especially agreeable flavor. Cayenne is a powerful stimulant, producing a sense of heat in the stomach and a general glow throughout the body without narcotic effect. In small amounts it is an aid to digestion, particularly of vegetables, which partly accounts for its general use in warm weather. Paprika, also called Hungarian Pepper and Sweet Cayenne Pepper, is the powdered flesh (only) of a long, fruited variety of common Capsicum, grown principally in Hungary and Spain, but also to an increasing extent here. It is red and mildly pun- gent. The several grades are determined by the selec- tion of the peppers and their treatment, both be- fore and after grinding. Pods of especially reddish color and mild flavor are considered the choicest. Sharpness of taste denotes inferiority. Paprika is a very valuable Spice for flavoring dishes, and is almost universally liked even on the first use. It should always be kept dry. Chili, or Chiles: The Mexican, and quite gen- erally the popular name for the pods of several species of small-fruited, specially pungent Capsi- cums, put up as a separate pickle or added to 154 "mixed pickles," etc. They are largely consumed in hot countries. The two Mexican dishes containing them which are best known here are Chili-Con-Carne and the Chicken Tamale. The word is also used as a group name for many articles highly seasoned either with whole Capsicums or Cayenne Pepper, etc. The Japan Chili is a bright-red fruit, about three- quarters of an inch long. There is a Japan Chili imported which averages about one and one-quar- ter inches long, but the smaller size is usually preferred. This article is the favorite in the pick- ling trade, and is also used in the grind to lend a bright color to Cayenne Pepper. It does not passess as much strength as some other grades of Chilies, and is not usually ground alone. The usual original trade package is a pocket of 501 or lOQ pounds. The Mombassa Chill is a fruit about one-half inch in length, of a browninsh-red color, and is considered the strongest grinding chili on the market today. The original package is also either a 50 or lOO*- pound pocket. The Bombay Capsicum is a pod about two or three inches long with a thick skin and a heavy stem. It is usually the cheapest grade available for grinding, and if a lot of bright, red, clean pods are secured, will produce a good colored powder of considerable strength. The Bombay Capsicum is mixed with Mombassa or other strong Chilies by many grinders to pro- duce a strong, ground red Pepper at a moderate price. To the native of India Spices and condiments are indispensable. Dr. Watts says: *'He will eat contentedly by the stream-side a meal of uncooked flour and iwater, provided it is flavored with a few green; Chilies." 155 Most shipments of the article arrive in bales of about 240 pounds each. Japan Capsicums are similar to the Bombay in size, but have a less heavy skin and usually a lesser proportion of stem. They do not make a strong grind, and are used chiefly in mixture with stronger grades to produce a ground red Pepper. The Bombay Cherry (Pepper) is a blunt cylin- drical fruit, about three-quarters of an inch in length, bright red color and free from stem. It possesses fair strength and makes a good-colored, desirable grind. The usual package is a bale of about 240 pounds. The loss in weight from the grind of red Pepper is considerable and owing to the moisture in some grades, many millers have trouble in preparing their product. There is a diversity of opinion as to what con- stitutes a Cayenne and what a red Pepper, the common idea being that the product of a grind of any Capsicum produces either. In the writer's opinion the same standard should govern either or both, as the laymen knows no such fine difference, but desires the one article, whether he refers to it as Cayenne or red Pepper. Chili Teplne: A small round red to yellowish- red pepper, pleasantly pungent, about the size of an ordinary pea. Grown in iVIexico, South and Central America. Perhaps more extensively, how- ever, in Mexico than elsewhere. Used principally for flavoring meats, fish, soups, etc. Tabasco: A long-podded red pepper (also short and also green), cultivated chiefly in Southern Louisiana. It is best known to commerce as Tabasco 'Pep- per Cause, a rich, red, concentrated extract, gen- erally put up in small bottles with corks shaped for dropping. It is also sold powdered, but to less extent. 156 Tabasco Sauce is excellent for flavoring soups, salads, etc, and some people like it on oysters, fish and meats. Only small quantities should be used, as it is very strong. In making sauces, etc.. If a sharp, quick effect is desired, mix with vinegar. If otherwise, mix first with olive oil and salt, and 'then with vinegar, the result will be soft and deli- cate, but still strongly marked by the characteris- tic Tabasco flavor. TABASCO PEPPER CULTURE How the Tabasco Variety Is Grown and Prepared for the Market This description of the methods pursued in the cultivation and preparation of peppers for the market refers to a particular type of Tabasco Pep- per grown in the parishes bordering the bank of the River Teche, in Louisiana. The details are furnished by the Creole Pepper Company of New Orleans. **The soil along the banks of the Teche," says this grower and packer, "seems to possess what is necessary to mature the 'green' flavor which tabas- co peppers alone possess." "Attempts have been made to increase the acre- age by raising the peppers from the same seed, in other parishes, but while the peppers were 'at- tractive' to the eye, and 'hot' to the palate, they lacked the peculiar flavor of the genuine Tabasco, grown in the Teche country." "Three varieties are cured, known as the 'Oreen,' large and small, 'Red' Tabasco Peppers. The 'green' are flrm and will keep indefinitely when properly cured and constantly covered with brine. Perhaps they possess more of the bona fide tabasco flavor than do 'the 'red,' and they are not quite so pungently hot. This 'green' tabasco is quite a favorite with the Creole epicures, who use them on the same plate with their dinners." 1'57 "The crop is a costly one, and the plants are delicate shrubs. Severe winds, which come every now and then; excessive rains, or early cold weather, all have an important bearing on the annual crop, the gathering of which begins in August and continues until November." "The peppers are gathered mainly by women and children. They are preferably picked in the early morning, and they must be at the curing plant and in the brine within six hours from the time they havq been taken from the bushes, and the peppers remain in this brine solution, con- sisting of nothing but salt and water, until they, have been sufficiently cured. This process takes from four days to a week, according to the weather conditions prevailing at the time." Capsicum. There are many species of Capsicum, all natives to the warm parts of America, Africa and Asia, and now cultivated in every part of the iworld. The small-fruited types, generally the most pungent, are best known popularly as "Chi lies," and the larger as "•Peppers." Chilies are used whole in vinegars, pickles, etc., for making popular hot dishes, and to grind into Cayenne Pepper, and "Peppers" are eaten as a vegetable, and ground into Red Pepper and Pap- rika. IVIUSTARD The IVIustard in general use as a condiment con- sists of the crushed seeds of the IVIustard plant, native to England, but capable of almost universal cultivation. The mature plant ranges from three to six feet in height, and has bright-yellow flowers. There are two chief varieties, the white, producing pale- yellow seeds, and the black, with seeds smaller, more irregular and dark brown on the outside, though also ye I law Inside. 158 In trade circles, the products are distinguished as "Yellow and "Brown," but there is little dif- ference in composition, and the retail product is generally a mixture of the two. Mustard was used medicinally by the most cele- brated physicians of antiquity. As a condiment it dates from the latter part of the sixteenth century, but it was little known until the year 1729, when an old woman of the name of Clements, residing in Durham, England, began, to grind the seed in a mill and to pass the flour through the several processes necessary to free it from the husks. She kept her secret for many years, selling (large quantiti^^ throughout the country, especially in London. The product ob- tained the name of Durham Mustard, from her resi- dence in that city. The manufacture of Mustard at first consisted essentially of grinding the seed into a very fine flour, a bushel of seed weighing sixty pounds yield- ing only twenty-eight to thirty pounds of flour Mustard. Manufacturers soon discovered that they could please the public palate better by modifying the pungency of the flavor, and the result is that to- day it is made in a great variety of styles, each establishment following its own formula for mel* lowing, blending, mixing, etc. Genuine Mustard is easily obtainable, but it does not please the general taste as well as the prepared, modified article. In moistening or "mixing'* dry mustard, or mus- tard flour, two main objects must be kept in view. First, to obtain the desired consistency. Srcond/ to make it perfectly smooth. To produce these effects, add the liquid in small quantities and rub and pound the mustard well with a spoon. The simplest form of preparation consists of mustard flour, moistened with sufficient water to produce the consistency of thick batter, with half a tea- sipoonful of salt added for each two ounces of 159 mustard flour. Some people like the fine, pow- dered sugar included in the same proportion as salt. Vinegar and Olive Oil can be used according to taste, but some cold water is necessary for the first mixing in order to develop the pungency. If, for immediate use, milk, or milk and cream, may be employed in place of either vinegar or oil. The greatest part of the prepared mustard now enjoying popular use and favor consists of 50% to 75%' vinegar, flour thickening and various con- diments. U. S. prepared mustard is a paste composed of a mixture of ground Mustard Seed or Mustard Flour, Salt, Spices and Vinegar. GINGER Ginger (Hanbury says it was well known in England prior to the Norman Conquest), in its commercial form is the root-stock of the Ginger plant, a perennial reed-like plant with annual leafy stems, three or four feet high, which grows freely in moist places in all tropical climates. The root is gathered when the stalk withers and is immediately scalded, or washed and scraped, in order to kill it and prevent sprouting. The former method, applied generally to the oldier and poorer roots, produces black Ginger. The latter gives white Ginger. The natural color of the "white" scraped Ginger is a pale^buff. It is often whitened by bleaching or liming, but generally at the expense of some of its real value. White Ginger of the first grade should be large, light-buff throughout, soft and even in cutting and of strong characteristic flavor. The present sup- ply comes chiefly from Jamaica, the Malabar Coast of India and the East Indies. "Cochin" and "Cali- cut" are titles borroswed from the two Indian cities of those names. 160 African Ginger is dark, but has an excellent, strong flavor. Borneo Ginger is merely a former trade term for some white Ginger. None is ex- ported from Borneo. Japan Ginger, usually bleached or limed before shipment, is of fine appearance, large and smooth, J)ut is much inferior in strength to the other va- rieties mentioned. Preserved or conserved or Canton Ginger con- sists of young, green roots boiled and cured in syrup and put in pots and jars. The principal consumption is of the imported Chinese product, but there is an increasing sale of West Indian. Crystal ized Ginger is also made from the youn- ger roots. The best grades from roots selected for uniform size and appearance are called "Stem Ginger." Medicinally, Oinger, as Jamaica Ginger, etc., is a grateful stimulant and carminative, being much used for dyspepsia, colic, etc. lit is also frequently employed to disguise the taste of nauseous medi- cines. Ginger Tea is an old-fashioned remedy for colds. ''Switchell' is a summer drink, once very popu- lar in the haying fields, made from Ginger, mo- lasses and water, with a little vinegar added to give it acidity. Condiments: Substances taken with food to sea- son or improve the flavor, or to render it more wholesome or digestable. They include such arti- cles of general consumption as Saft, Vinegar, Spices, etc. A majority of them in moderation, stimulate both appetite and digestion, but their excessive use tends to vitiate the gastric juice and injure the stomach. Poultry Seasoning: A preparation of spices and herbs ready mixed for use in stuffing fouls. It sells easily during the Fall and Winter Hollidays. 161 SEEDS Corlnader Seed: The fruit of a small plant growing chiefly in the South of Europe. It is used as a culinary flavor, especially for curries, in confectionery, and to aromatise spirituous liquors. Dill:. An herb of the parsley family, grown chiefly for its aromatic, pungent seeds, which are employed in the manufacture of sauces, pickles, etc. Cardamon: The dark, wrinkled, triangular seeds of a spice plant native to India. They possess an aromatic and agreeably pungent flavor and are used in cooking, especially in curries and soups, by confectioners, etc. Anise Seed: The minute seeds of an annual plant, cultivated chiefly in Spain, Egypt, Syria and other Mediterranean countries, but also to a large extent in Germany, principally in the vicinity of Erfurt. It is used as a condiment, in the manu- facture of liquors, candy, etc. Star or Chinese Anise, imported mainly from China, is in flavor similar to common Anise, but is very different in appearance, being star-shaped and frequently of a total diameter of about an inch. Caraway Seed: The highly aromatic seeds of a plant which grows wild in the meadows of Hol- land, and Northern Germany, and is cultivated in many other countries, including the United States, especially California. They are employed in a variety of ways, as a culinary flavor, in confectionery, baking, etc., and in the perfumery and soap-making industries. The roots of the Caraway plant were at one time eaten as a vegetable, and the young and tender leaves still occasionally serve for flavoring soups, etc. Hemp Seed: Commercially is best known as a food for canaries and other cage birds. The plant is an annual, of the nettle family, and attains an 162 average height of from four to eight feet, is grown chiefly in India, Russia, Argentina, and the United States. Rape Seed: Also known as Cole Seeds. These are used for bird food, both straight and mixed with other seeds; is a member of the turnip family. Poppy or "iVIaw-Seed" of both the Black, Blue and White Poppy, is retailed to some extent for use on or in bread, generally of the Vienna shape and rolls, such as the German "Salt-Stangen." Analysis show about 50% oil, and 25% protein and pectins. It is also sold as bird food, then frequently styled Maw-Seed, and is considered an especially desirable diet when birds are moulting. Rape Seed comes from the Rape plant, a mem- ber of the Turnip family, cultivated in both Eu- rope and Asia. Rape Oil is obtained from the Rape Seed, and is used chiefly in the manufacture of soap. Millet: Is the smallest of grains, but is very abundant in product, each plant having a number of stalks and a single head, sometimes giving two ounces of seed. Common Millet, the variety chiefly cultivated in this country, is broadly divided into brown and yellow grain. The former, used in the same man- ner as rice, makes good puddings, but the greater part of the domestic crop of all types is used as green fodder, although there is large quantities cured, stacked or stored and fed to stock as hay. The ripe seeds are also valuable as bird and poultry food. Imported Millet, in Germany and Italy, con- sumed in large quantities in soups and other forms, is of smaller grain types than Common Millet. The yellow Italian is used here to some extent for puddings, but the bulk of the supply Is re- tailed as food for cage birds. Another variety, known as Guinea Maize, is 163 common in Peru, furnishing there white flour of very pleasing flavor. Canary Seed: The seed of the Canary Grass, native to the Canary islands, but long ago natural- ized in many temperate climates. Its principal use in this country is as bird food. It is generally mixed with Rape and other seed to cheapen it, but the straight Canary seed is decidedly prefer- able. It should be kept in a dry place and away from vermin. Industrially, a flour made from Canary seed is employed in the manufacture of fine cotton goods and silk stuffs, and in the Canary Islands, Italy and North Africa is used as food. SPICES, HERB AND SEED (ology) In this case Cummin, 'Cumin, Cuminas, or Comi- nos is the "cause of it all" (particularly at this time). The writer has seen this herb, seed or spice listed by jobbers, brok^s and druggists, and spelled variously, as above. This is an "herb" that produces a "seed" that is classed as a "spice." It is of the Caraway type. The seeds have an aromatic odor and taste which makes it popular as a flavoring for soups, pastry and so forth. It is, and always has been, particu- larly popular in Europe and the Far East. It is used quite extensively in the United States, Its greatest use perhaps being in Curry Powders. Curry Powder, or Curry Paste: Is a condiment so highly seasoned that it is only within recent years that it has obtained a substantial foothold in temperate climates, though it has been used extensively in India and other Eastern countries for many generations. In India it generally consists of Black Pepper, Cayenne Pepper and a variety of Spices — Cinna- mon, Nutmeg, Cloves, etc. — made into a paste or powder with Turmeric. Its composition varies with different makers. lU That sold here usually contains chiefly Turmeric, Coriander Seed, Cayenne, Black Pepper, Fenn- greek Seed, Ginger and Lime juice. It is handled in jars, bottles, packages, etc. The word "curry" is of (Asiatic) Indian origin, and originally signified there a "stew" — generally of cliicken, veal or lamb. The "finishing" or seasoning of the dish used to be quite frequently performed at the table by the host or some other member of the party; later, the word came to be applied more particularly to a mixture ot Spices. In India and Ceylon, curry sauces are added to a variety of dishes, generally a few minutes before serving or before the completion of the cooking. Vegetables of all kinds, in addition to meats, poultry and fish, are so treated. Curry is best kept in a bottle or jar tightly corked. Fenngreek: Is an herb which resembles clover. Its seeds (as just mentioned) are used as an in- gredient of Curry Powder; separately, they are strong, bitter and of unpleasant flavor. Turmeric: Is the yellow root-stock of a plant of the Ginger family, marketed both in root form and as a powder. It is the principal ingredient in Curry Powders, and is also used for mixing with Mustard and other spices. Its yellow color, after the extraction known as Curcuma Oil and Cur- cummin, is employed as a dye-stuff in chemistry, etc. HERBS Basil: A highly aromatic herb, with a flavor resembling cloves. The common variety is sel- dom made use of, but there is a large type whose leaves are employed very generally in flavoring sauces and soups, especially green and mock turtle soup. Basil Vinegar is made by steeping the leaves in vinegar. 165 Bay Leaves: The leaves of a shrub of the Laurel variety, growing wild in Greece, Italy and other Mediterranean countries and in some South- ern sections of the United States. Among the ancient Greeks, the Bay Leaf was in large part dedicated to heroism and poetry, but modern usage consecrates it to the more material pleasures of the table. The principal consumption is of the dried leaf, used as flavoring for soups, etc. Myrtle: A small evergreen tree, whose sweet, pulpy and aromatic black berries are dried for use as a condiment, in addition to their consumption fresh. Both leaves and wood also yield an oil used in the manufacture ot perfumes. Bergamontf (an herb), a title frequently applied to a family of several different plants used for their stimulating and aromatic properties, as "wild Bergamont," "American Horse Mint," etc. Marjoram: A garden hehb of the Aster family. There are numerous varieties, the most desirable being the Sweet or "Knotted," Winter Sweet and Pot. Both the tops and leaves, green and dried, are used to flavor soups, dressing, etc. For drying, the branches are cut before the flowers open, marketed in leaf and powdered form. Common or Wild Marjoram grows wild in many parts of the country in the open fields. It resem- bles the cultivated! types, but is coarser in flavor. Oregano or Mexican Marjoram: Grows wild in Mexico and Central America, is sometimes culti- vated in a small way in the former country. The whole or powdered leaves of this plant are pleas- antly pungent, slightly aromatic, and of rather agreeable flavor. Quite coarse in appearance. Savory or Summer Savory: An annual herb of the Mint family, with strong, agreeable, aromatic smell and flavor. Its leaves are in common use, both fresh and dried, for flavoring soups, etc. Dried Savory being retailed both loose and in cans and bottles. 166 The blossoms and branches are also sometimes similarly employed. Thyme: A garden herb largely cultivated for its fragrant tops and leaves, which are popular as a culinary seasoning. The best variety is the Lemon Scented. Thyme for drying should be cut when just com- mencing to blossom, and should be slowly dried in the shade. It is sold in cans and bottles, or loose in small bunches. Sage: A shrub whose tops and wrinkled, whit- ish-green leaves are extensively used, both fresh and dried, for flavoring soups, sauces, dressing, etc., because of its characteristic aromatic, bitter and slightly astringent flavor. Dried Sage is re- tailed in packages, cans and bottles. Sage grows wild in many parts of Southern Europe and has long been under cultivation in all the temperate climates. 'Hops: The Hop plant is a climber, found wild in America, Europe and Asia. It has been culti- vated in Germany since the Ninth Century, and is now also an important crop in the United States, the chief producing sections being New York and the Pacific Coast States. It is famous for the property of its blossoms in preserving beer from bacterial action, while also imparting to it an agreeably bitter taste, and it is medicinally valuable as a sedative and narcotic, whether taken internally or applied externally in the form of pillows, fomentation, etc. The ancients ate the young Hop shoots as we do asparagus, and this custom is still prevalent in parts of England and Germany. The roots of the vine are perennial, the top only dying in the winter. The vines, which twine with the sun, from right to left, are now generally trained on dropwires or strings, or on wire trellis work, the old style poles being employed in com- paratively few sections. The blossoms are harvested in the latter part of 167 August and the beginning of September. They are cured and kiln-dried and then baled. In the choice of Hops, care should be taken to select those which are full of lupulin (the essen- tial principal), free from mould, and bright and silky in appearance, that are the most powerfully odorous, and the most free from leaves, stems, scaley fragments and sticks, and which, when rubbed between the hands, impart, in the greatest degree, a yellowish tint, and a glutinous feeling to the skin. It is best also to select those which are tightly packed, as, unless they are very firmly pressed together and quite solid, they soon spoil in keeping. Hoarhound, or Horehound: A bushy plant of the Mint family, native to the South of Europe and Eastern countries, growing about a foot high and with round, wrinkled, almost hairy ("hoary") leaves, which contain a bitter principle and vola- tile oil of aromatic, but not very agreeable, smell. It is used as a flavor for candy and also in medicinal syrups, for its curative properties for coughs and other affections. Garden Balm, Balm Mint, or Lemon Balm: An aromatic herb of the Mint family, with, generally, a marked Lemon odor. It is used chiefly for household culinary purposes and in the manufac- ture of liquors and perfumes. Fennel, Common Garden or Sweet Fennel: Is a plant chiefly cultivated for its leaves, which are consumed both fresh, for garnishing, as a salad, etc., and cooked as a vegetable ; in the latter case, generally tied in bunches and boiled with fish and certain other foods. It is very popular in Italy, especially in the vicin- ity of Naples. The seeds are also used for seasoning. Possiby a slight reminder of Celery. 168 MINTS, CRESS, LAVENDER AND OTHER HERBS, BERRIES, ETC. Lavender: A perennial plant now grown princi- pally for its flowers, which are used in making perfumes or for sale dried for ''sachet bags," etc. It was formerly very popular as a "pot-herb," and is still used for flavoring jellies, etc. Mint: A general name for a large number of perennial plants, the best known of which are the Peppermint, Spearmint and Pennyroyal, cultivated chiefly for the essential oil which contains their aromatic and medicinal principles. About 90% of the supply of Peppermint and Spearmint oils is produced and distilled in an area which has Kalamazoo, Michigan, for its cen- ter and within a seventy-five mile radius from that city. Their chief uses are in medicine, con- fectionery, chewing-gum, liquors, etc. Spearmint leaves are also used for mint sauce and other culinary purposes, and at one time popu- lar, for the flavoring of beverage, such as Mint Juiip. Pennyroyal was at one time extensively em- ployed medicinally, but it is now grown only in comparatively small quantities, and is used almost exclusively for seasoning. Dried Mint is retailed in packages, bottles and cans. It should always be kept in a dry place. Catnip, or Catmint: A field plant growing wild throughout the United States. The leaves and young shoots, aromatic, pungent and more or less bitter, are used for seasoning and as a domestic remedy. The leaves are best while the plant is blooming. They may be preserved by drying a few days, being afterward kept in a dry place. Everyone is familiar with the pleasure a cat finds in playing with Catnip, and Catnip balls, containing a few pieces, are an article of regular sale. 169 Rosemary: A plant or shrub of the Mint family, native to the South of Europe and Asia Minor,, now widely cultivated. Its leaves, greyish in color and curled at the edges, are very fragrant and slightly stimulant. They are employed in season- ing and in manufacture of preserves, and are still used to a limited degree in liquors. Parsley: A favorite kitchen herb, popular for garnishing and flavoring, for the latter purpose being sold both fresh and dried. Common Parsley is said to be native to Egypt, but is now thoroughly naturalized both here and in several European countries. The variety chiefly grown is the curley- leafed type. The finest received in the eastern markets comes from Bermuda. In addition to its flavoring qualities, Parsley contains an essential oil which is mildly stimu- lating. Tarragon: A small, aromatic herb used for flavoring vinegar, mustard, pickles, sauces, salads, etc. It is sold green and dried, the latter both loose and in cans and bottles. A half pound of green Tarragon will flavor fifty-four gallons of Tarragon vinegar. Hyssop: A small, bushy herb with leaves of aro- matic and stimulant properties which grows wild in the South of Europe. The tops and flowers are used in making "Hyssop Tea." Juniper Berries: The dark-blue, pungent, aro- matic berries of the evergreen Juniper shrub, com- mercially important formerly because of their use in flavoring gin. A nice flavor is given to corned/ beef by adding a muslin bagful of crushed Juniper Berries to the brine. Hackberry or Sugarberry: The fruit of the Net- tle Tree. It is of pleasing sweetness and aromatic flavor, and, like the American persimmon, is at its best after it has been touched by frost. Cress or Pepper Grass: Applicable to a number 170 of pungent, flavored plants of the Mustard family, used as a condiment for garnishing and in salads. The leaves of the common variety are divided and frequently curled. Those of the broad-leaf type are slightly nochted on the edges. It is generally sown with Mustard. Rape is frequently used instead of Mustard, however, many people preferring it, the flavor being less pungent, the leaves are stiffer and keep fresh longer. Water-Cress: An aquatic plant of pungent, salty and rather bitter flavor, which is especially popular as a spring salad. It grows wild in. many parts, flourishing best in running water, with sandy bottoms. Water-Cress offers itself as a pleasant means of providing the body with a goo^ supply of natural salts. It is more generally endowed with the natural salts in addition to potash and acids. Angelica: An aromatic plant, native to the Alps, which grows wild in Europe, as far North as Iceland and Lapland. The natives of the latter country use the fleshy roots as food and the stalks as medicine. Com- mercially, the young and tender leaf stalks and midribs are candied for sale as confectionery, and the roots and seeds have always been employed extensively to flavor gin. Mugwort: A tall, perennial herb with woolly leaves^ formerly popular, dried or fresh, as a sea- soning and for flavoring beverages. Chervil: A highly esteemed garden herb grown in all temperate climates, and very popular in the South. It is similar to Parsley, the curled being even handsomer. Chervil Bilbur, or Turnip-Rooted Chervil, is a French variety grown for its roots, which resemble the Parsnip in shape and color. It is a very desir- able vegetable, the flesh being sweet and delicate in flavor and almost floury in texture. 171 DULSE AND OTHER SEA WEEDS Laver: An edible seaweed found both on the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts. It is a food item of importance in Asia^ and in some parts of Europe. In Scotland and Ireland, under the name of "Sloak" or '*Slook," it is boiled and served with hutter, pepper and vinegar, etc., or fried' in bacon fat after boiling. It is especially good as an ac- companiment for cold meats. It is best to cook it in a porcelain sauce-pan, as it is liable to act on metals. Laver is rich in protein, averaging from 30% to 35%. Green Sloke: A green-spored seaweed of the same type as Laver. Dulse: An edible seaweed growing on the coasts of Scotland, Ireland and Japan. It also grows abundantly on the New England and New- foundland coasts. What is said to be the best Dulse known is gathered at considerable risk and hazard near Hampton, Nova Scotia, on the Bay of Fundy, found principally on the South Shore on all rocky reefs from Digby Gut to Cape Blomidon. It is found at the extreme low- water mark, fas- tened securely to the rocks, and can only be gath- ered at a duration of about thirty or forty minutes, or during extremely low tide. Many lives have been los.t in the occupation of gathering Dulse on Fundy Bay by inexperienced pickers, gathering in the Coves, and on trying to return find themselves entirely cut off by water. The plant is a dark reddish brown, tough and leathery, and is very slippery and slimey when gathered. After gathering, it is washed thoroughly in salt water and hung up and brushed with a broom, and then layed on boards in the sun to cure. Great care should be used not to allow rain or fog to touch the crop while curing, and usually takes about ninety-six hours of sun to properly cure it. 172 It is impossible in the Nova Scotia climate to cure Dulse only in the Summer months. The demand is much greater than the supply, and sells on the Boston market at from 50 cents tq $1.00 per pound. The leaves are from two to four inches wide, and often reach a length of twenty feet and more. Dulse is eaten dry as a relish, cooked with butter to be eaten with fish, etc., or boiled in milk to be served as a vegetable. Carragheen, Irish Moss, Pearl Moss: A species of edible seaweed named after the town of Carra- gheen, near Waterford, Ireland, found on the Brit- ish Islands, the rocky shores of continental Eu' rope and the Eastern Shores of the United States and Canada. Similar varieties abound also on other parts of the American coast. The Carragheen of domestic use is obtained principally from New Hampshire and Massachu- setts, the harvest season there extending from May to September. After gathering, the plants undergo the same treatment and prepojUation given Dulse, being washed in salt water, brushed and cleaned and spread on the beach or boards to dry. As marketed. Carragheen is in pieces three to four inches to a foot long, flexible and branching. Reddish-brown to pale yellow color, almost white. Kelp or Bladder Weed: An edible seaweed dis- tinguished by its streamer-like leaves, found on both Northern coasts. The largest variety, known as Giant Bladder Weed, has leaves which average thirty to forty feet in length, used in soups, for service with meals, etc., and boiled as a vegetable. 173 HORSERADISH, ALSO PLANTS OF THE ONION FAMILY Wasabi: A Japanese plant whose root is grated for use like American Horseradish. It has an agreebly sharp taste, is being grown to a limited extent in the United) States. Horseradish: A plant allied to the Nasturtium or Cress family, naturalized in most temperate countries. It is grown for its white, fleshy, pun- gent roots, which arq generally grated and mixed with vinegar for use as a relish or condiment with meats, oysters, etc. When grated, should be kept in air-tight jars or bottles, as it loses its strength and pungency rapidly; always keep in a dark, cool place. The roots may be left in the ground all Winter and dug as needed. After digging, they may be kept fresh for a considerable time by covering in cool sand or light soil. Chives, or Cives: A plant of the Onion family, cultivated for its leaves, which grow in tufts re- sembling grass in appearance, but hollow like Onion leaves. It is a good substitute for Onions, especially in soups and stews. Garlic: A vegetable similar to a small Onion, but with the bulb divided into ten or twelve sec- tions known as "Cloves." At certain seasons it abounds in many pastures, and imparts a very rank flavor to the milk and butter of cows which feed on it. Its main use in cookery is to flavor soups and sauces, and in salads, pickles, etc. (Leek: A form of Onion cultiavted for the blanched lower parts of the leaves, commonly called the "stem," and the bulbulous roots, both of which are used in cookery, chiefly in soups and stews. In flavor they resemble a very mild ordi- nary onion. Clbol or Welsh Onion: A member of the Onion family, which is grown principally for its leaves; of mild onion flavor, used for seasoning, etc. 174 Shallot or Seal lion: A spice vegetable of the Onion tribe, of stronger but more mellow flavor than the common Onion; used for flavoring, sauces, stews, etc. The true Shallot ranges in size from a walnut to a small fig, is inclined to pear-shape, and has a thick outer skin shading from reddish to gray, the bulb underneath being greenish at the base and violet on the upper portion. It grows in ''Clove" form, several cloves attached to a common disc. New Shallots come on the market in June, but the dried is most popular and may be kept all year. The young leaves are used for seasoning. i'/b COUMARIN The Flavoring Principal of the Tonka Bean Tonka, or Tonqua Bean: The dark, aromatic seed of the fruit of Coumarouna-Odorato, a South American tree. The essential principal, known as Coumarin, is a white substance found in small white crystals, under the coat and between the lobes. Because of its similarity in aroma, Tonka Beans, or the extracted Coumarin, are frequently employed in the manufacture of imitation Vanilla Extract, and while they are heavier and somewhat coarser in flavor, and their commercial value not nearly so great as even the commoner Vanilla Bean, they, however, properly handled, make a most wonder- ful substitute or imitation, in fact, the average layman could not distinguish the true from the imitation. They are also used extensively for perfuming and flavoring smoking and chewing tobacco. They; are also placed in wardrobes and trunks. They impart a pleasing odor and preserve cloths from moths. Coumarin is also found in Woodruff, Sweet Cloves and several other plants, and is manufac- tured synthetically in considerable quantities. Lemon Oil: For many years almost the entire supply of the Oil of the Lemon rind was produced in Sicily, and is still obtained largely by hand processes, the small factory output, which is dark- er in appearance, being principally employed to heighten the color of the hand-made oil. The two most widely used methods are known as the **two-piece sponge" and the "three-piece sponge," the distinction referring to the number of pieces into which the rind is cut. The former method generally produces oil with the smallest percentage of water to be afterwards separated, but that from the latter method is said to filter more rapidly and keep clean longer. For the three-piece method, the lemons are cut 176 lengthwise into three slices (the pulp is first re- moved), the juice to be expressed and sold to the manufacturers of Citric Acid, and the residue to be used as animal food, and then the peel is put into large baskets and stored in a cool place for some hours until it is considered in the proper condition for pressing. Each workman engaged in extracting the oil has in front of him a tin-lined copper bowl, and hojds in his left hand a medium-sized sponge of superfine quality, which has previously been very carefully washed. He also holds other small sponges between the fingers of the same hand to prevent the loss of any of the oil, which is very volatile. With the right hand he takes a piece of the peel from the basket and squeezes it against the sponge, thus forcing the oil through the pores of the rind into the sponge. When the sponge is full of essence, it is squeezed into the bowl. In order to make sure that the peel has yielded all the essence that can be pressed out by hand, the overseer from time to time tests the rejected peel by squeezing it close to a flame. If there is any essence left, it is forced through the flame and produces a flash of light. (Children often try the same experiment with orange peels.) The used peel is put into brine and sold to manufac- turers of "Candied Lemon Peel." When the bowls are full they are set aside for a short time, to permit the impurities to settle and then the contents are carefully decanted, the clear essence going into large tin-lined copper vessels. Before shipment, the product is passed through filter paper to purify it and give it lim- pidity, and is finally transferred to copper bottles of various standard sizes. The quantity and quality of essence yielded varies according to the season. During November, December and January, when the greater part of the supply is manufactured, one thousand lemons will give about one and a halfpounds of essence. 177 Lemons not fully ripe are preferred, as they yield a larger quantity and a more fragrant quality than those fully matured. A small amount of essence is made during the spring and summer, but the product lacks the delicate fragrance of that made in the winter. 'California, within the last few years, has de- veloped into a great producer of high-grade Lemon Ojl of excellent quality and considerable quantity. The methods employed are more modern than the forejgoing. Machinery enters laijrgely, into the manufacture and has aided materially in giving us a good quality of Lemon Oil at a much lower price than we were formerly compelled to pay. Vanillin or Vanilline: Unofficial Vanillas are those which, coming from the ofiicial plant, do not yet correspond with the ofiicial description, and also have some derived from other species. To the former class belong the Splits and Cuts (often referred to in articles on the original) as well as several dark-skinned varieties, apparently from wild plants, called in the native Cimmarona, Mestiza, Puerca, etc. To the latter class belong the Pompona, derived from Pompona Scheide, wild and uncultivated in the same region as the other, and believed by the natives to be the ancestor of P I an if o Ma, they regarding the latter as a cultivation derived from one or more uncultivated species. The pods of both are short, thick, rough and tough, and the odor rankly fruity, or pruney, in the latter respect quite resembling the Tahiti variety. Vanillin has been reported in the flowers of several Orchidaceoe. It has also been reported in the fruits of one or more plants of the same family. For commercial purposes, Vanillin is manufac- tured on a large scale, both in this country and abroad. 178 FIGURING YOUR PROFITS Ask the man you meet casually on the street tomorrow if 20% added to cost does not yield 20% profit. Ten to one, he will say "Yes." But it doesn't. Profit is rightly figured only on sales, says all commercial authorities. To gain 20% you must add 25% to cost. The following schedule is worth copying and pasting up somewhere within easy sight and reach of the place where you work longest and hardest. It is absolutely accurate, and it will save you many a needless calculation: Pet. Added Pet. Profit on to Cost. Selling Price. 5 is 4% TVa is 7 10 is 9 12y2 is 11% 15 is , 13 16 Is UV4, IIV2 is 15 20 is 16 2/3 25 is 20 30 is 23 331/3 is 25 35 is 26 371/0 is 27^ 40 is 281/^ 45 is 31 50 Is 331/3 55 is 35y2 60 is 371/2 65 is 39y2 66 2/3 is 40 70 is ....41 75 is 42 2/3 80 is 441/2 85 is 46 90 is 47% 100 is 50 179 TEA: The aristocratic household beverage for centuries. COFFEE: The most democratic of drinks. It appeals alike to rich and poor — to men and women. No home so humble it cannot afford ■Coffee. No mansion so grand it can dispense with it. Everybody drinks Coffee. SPICE: The world's appetizer for Ages. 18U UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LIGHT