HS 1107 K3A3 JC-NRLF o C5 O 3 Miss Charlotte Evans OF THE INDEPENDENT LAWS Utstrirt WIDOW & ORPHANS' FUND. MAY 7TH, 1847. MANCHESTER: JOHN FORSYTH, PRINTER, 14, FENNEL STREET. 1847. / LAWS. 1 . Object of the Institution. The object of this Insti- tution is to form a fund for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of Odd Fellows, who may be in a state requiring pecuniary assistance : such Widows being subscribers to the Funeral Fund. 2. Members. That the whole of the lodges in the Manchester District be allowed to join this fund: their numbers and other particulars to be ascertained from the Funeral Fund Register Book.* 3. New Members. The sum of one shilling shall be paid to this fund, as the entrance-money of every newly- initiated member; lodges having power to add such amount to the member's initiation, or pay the same out of the lodge-funds. The entrance fee to be paid by all mem- bers who have been initiated since the 1st of January, 1847- 4. Contributions. That the whole of the members belonging to this fund shall pay two-pence per quarter. 5. Government. The affairs of this Institution shall be governed and conducted by a president, vice-president, secretary, five trustees, and a committee, composed of a member from each lodge, who shall remain in office twelve calendar months: the whole of the committee to be eligible for re-election, but that no one shall remain a member of the committee for more than three consecutive years. * Granted by the llth Resolution of the District Committee, March 29th, 1847, 6. Appointment of Officers. That the president, vice- president, secretary, and trustees be appointed by the annual meeting of this fund. 7- Neglect of Officers.- That if any of the Officers or trustees neglect their duties, or shall be expelled, suspended, or in any other way disqualified to serve, the committee shall, on their next meeting-night, appoint others in their places. 8. Neglect of Deputies. That if any member of this committee neglect to attend three successive meeting- nights, without sending a satisfactory apology for his non- attendance; or shall be expelled, suspended, or in any other way be disqualified to serve, then his lodge shall, on their next lodge-night, appoint another in his place. 9. Secretary and his Duties. The Secretary of this fund shall make out a Balance Sheet half yearly, which after having been declared correct, and signed by the auditors, shall be signed by the president before leaving office. The secretary's salary to be fixed annually, and paid quarterly. 10. President and his Duties. The president (or vice in his absence) shall have free access to the secretary's books and accounts, and may require them to be balanced on giving seven days' notice; the secretary shall account to the president for all monies received and paid on behalf of this institution, and in case the secretary refuses to obey the president's reasonable commands he shall suffer as a majority of the next committee may think fit. 1L Auditors. Two qualified persons shall be ap- pointed at the December committee, as auditors of the twelve months' accounts, who shall examine and report the same to the half yearly meetings; and their remunera- tion shall then be taken into consideration. 12. Meetings of Committee. The meetings of the committee shall be held on the 1st Friday in each month, at such place as the quarterly meetings of this institution may apoint : the names of the deputies to be called over at eight o'clock in the evening precisely, and any one not answering to his name shall be marked down as absent during that meeting; and that no money shall be granted unless twelve members of the committee are present. The January committee to be the annual meeting, and the April, July, and October meetings to be called quarterly. All business transacted at such committees to be printed and circulated to all the lodges once in each quarter. 13. Applications for Relief. AM applications for relief from the funds of this institution shall be made by the lodge to which the deceased brother belonged, who shall minutely enquire into the circumstances of the parties, and enter the particulars into printed sheets, which shall be signed and sealed by the presiding officers of the lodge, and delivered or forwarded to the secretary of this fund two days previous to a monthly meeting, at which the application shall be read to the deputies assembled; the visiting committee shall afterwards make personal inquiry into the case, and give in their report at the ensuing monthly meeting. But if the applicants reside more than five miles from Manchester, the officers shall use their own discretion in ascertaining the necessary particulars. 14. Amount of Gifts. -No application for relief shall be entertained unless the lodge has granted relief to the applicant, or proved to the satisfaction of the committee that they are not possessed of sufficient funds to do so; and that in no case shall the grant from this fund exceed the sum of 4 to a widow with no children ; nor exceed the sum of 5 to a widow with one child chargeable; nor exceed the sum of 6 to a widow with two children chargeable; nor exceed the sum of 7 to a widow with three children chargeable; nor exceed the sum of S to a widow with four or more children chargeable : the first sum paid to be a final one. 15. Visiting Committee. The Visiting Committee shall consist of the president, vice-president, and six de- puties, three of them to be appointed at each quarterly meeting. 16. Addressing Meeting That no officer or brother be allowed to speak more then twice on one subject, except in reply to a question, arid by desire of the president. 17. Good Behaviour at Meetings. The president and vice shall order good behaviour and decorum to be ob- served at all committees of this institution, and the same fines shall be inflicted for improper conduct as if in open lodge. 18. Monies, and to whom paid. That all monies on account of this institution be paid to the secretary, on each monthly meeting night; and shall by him be placed in such bank as a committee may decide, to the credit of the trustees to this institution, once in each and every month ; and that all monies be paid by the bank on receiving a cheque signed by any three of the Trustees. 19. Payment of Accounts. All lodges shall pay their accounts within three months after date, or be fined the sum of two shillings and sixpence for each neglect. 20. Altering or Making Laws. That no New Law shall be made, nor an Old Law altered, by any committee of this institution, without having been first circulated to the various lodges in the district. Signed, P. G, JOHN BELSHAW, President. P. G. JOSEPH SOUTHERN, Vice-President. P. G. JOHN BOLTON ROGERSON, Secretary. PRINTED BV JOHN FORSYTH, 14, FENNEL STREET. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. ID 3*64-12 General Library University of California Berkeley BROS., INC. Manufacturers Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. VC187C THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY