UCSB I. THE TREES OF NORTHEASTERN AMERICA. II. THE LEAF-COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK. III. THE SHRUBS OF NORTHEASTERN AMERICA. (/* preparation.) THE LEAF-COLLECTOR'S HAND-BOOK AND HERBARIUM AN AID IN THE PRESERVATION AND IN THE CLAS- SIFICATION OF SPECIMEN LEAVES OF THE TREES OF NORTHEASTERN AMERICA BY CHARLES S. NEVVHALL AUTHOR OF "THE TREES OF NORTHEASTERN AMERICA," KTC. ILLUSTRATED G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK LONDON 27 & 29 WEST TWENTY-THIRD ST. 27 KING WILLIAM ST., STRAND S^t ^mrhtrbochrr |)rrgs 1891 COPYRIGHT, 1891 BY CHARLES S. NEWHALI, "Cbc ftnlcfecrboclier f>rc60, View t?urfc Elcctroty]>ed, Printed, and Bound by G. P. Putnam's Sons CONTENTS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PREFACE ......... DIRECTIONS ........ LIST OF GENERA ....... GUIDE AND DESCRIPTIONS . FIGURES AND LEAVES ..... Leaves, simple ; alternate ; edge entire .... " toothed " lobed . opposite ; " entire . " toothed " lobed . indeterminate ....... compound ; feather-shaped ; alternate ; edge entire . " toothed, " <( a '. it . opposite ; entire . " toothed, hand-shaped; INDEX . . . . . .... GUMMED PAPER PAGE V ix xi xiii xiv 209 3 17 3 117 127 161 171 191 191 205 213 ILLUSTRATIONS. Figures i and 2. CUCUMBER TREE and SWEET BAY ... 3 Figure 3. UMBRELLA TREE ' . 5 Figure 4. PAPAW .7 Figure 5. RED BUD 9 Figure 6. SOUR GUM .11 Figure 7. PERSIMMON 13 Figure 8. SASSAFRAS . . . 15 Figure 9. BASSWOOD 19 Figures 10 and n. HOLLIES 21 Figure 12. WILD BLACK CHERRY 23 Figure 13. WILD RED CHERRY 23 Figure 14. WILD PLUM ........ 25 Figure 15. CRAB-APPLE 27 Figure 16. WHITE THORN and FRUIT 29 Figure 17. BLACK THORN ........ 29 Figure 18. COMMON THORN . 31 Figure 19. COCKSPUR THORN 33 Figure 20. SHAD-BUSH 35 Figure 21. SORREL TREE . . . . . . . .37 Figures 22 and 23. WHITE ELM and SLIPPERY ELM ... 39 Figure 24. HACKBERRY 41 Figure 25. RED MULBERRY 43 Figure 26. BUTTONWOOD 45 Figures 27 and 28. WHITE BIRCH and PAPER BIRCH . 47 Figures 29 and 30. RED BIRCH and YELLOW BIRCH ... 49 Figure 31. SWEET BIRCH 51 Figure 32. HOP-HORNBEAM 53 Figure 33. HORNBEAM ... 55 Figure 34. CHESTNUT 57 Illustrations. Figure 35. BEECH . 59 Figure 36. BLACK WILLOW 61 Figure 37. SCYTHE-LEAVED WILLOW 63 Figure 38. SHINING WILLOW 65 Figure 39. LONG-BEAKED WILLOW ...... 67 Figures 40, 41, 42, and 43. WHITE WILLOW, YELLOW WILLOW, WEEPING WILLOW, and CRACK WILLOW .... 69 Figure 44. ASPEN ' 7 1 Figure 45. LARGE-TOOTHED ASPEN ...... 73 Figure 46. DOWNY-LEAVED POPLAR 75 Figure 47. COTTONWOOD 77 Figures 48 and 49. BALSAM POPLAR and BALM OF GILEAD . 79 Figure 50. LOMBARDY POPLAR .81 Figure 51. SILVER-LEAF POPLAR 81 Figure 52. TULIP TREE 85 Figure 53. WHITE OAK 87 Figure 54. POST OAK 89 Figure 55. BURR OAK ........ 91 Figure 56. SWAMP WHITE OAK ....... 93 Figure 57. CHESTNUT OAK 95 Figure 58. YELLOW CHESTNUT OAK ...... 97 Figure 59. BLACK JACK OAK ..... -99 Figure 60. SPANISH OAK 101 Figure 61. SCARLET OAK 103 Figure 62. BLACK OAK . 105 Figure 63. RED OAK 107 Figure 64. PIN OAK ......... 109 Figure 65. WILLOW OAK . . in Figure 66. SHINGLE OAK 113 Figure 67. SWEET GUM 115 Figure 68. FLOWERING DOGWOOD . . . . . .119 Figure 69. ALTERNATE-LEAVED DOGWOOD . . . .121 Figure 70. FRINGE TREE . . 123 Figure 71. CATALPA 125 Figures 72 and 73. BLACK HAW and SWEET VIBURNUM . .129 Illustrations. vii PAGE Figure 74. STRIPED MAPLE 133 Figure 75. SUGAR MAPLE 135 Figure 76. BLACK MAPLE ........ 137 Figure 77. SILVER-LEAF MAPLK ...... 139 Figure 78. RED MAPLE . . . 141 Figures 79, 80, 81, and 82. GRAY PINE, SCRUB PINK, TABLE MOUNTAIN PINE, and RED PINE . . . . 145 Figures 83, 84, and 85. YELLOW, PITCH, and WHITE PINE . 147 Figures 86 and 87. BLACK SPRUCE and WHITE SPRUCE . . 149 Figure 88. NORWAY SPRUCE . 151 Figure 89. HEMLOCK ......... 153 Figures 90 and 91. BALSAM FIR and LARCH .... 155 Figures 93 and 93. WHITE -CEDAR and ARBOR VIT^E . . 157 Figure 94. RED CEDAR . 159 Figure 95. AILANTHUS . . . 163 Figure 96. LOCUST, YELLOW . . . . . . 165 Figure 97. KENTUCKY COFFEE-TREE 167 Figure 98. HONEY LOCUST . . . . . . .169 Figure 99. STAG-HORN SUMACH ...... 173 Figure 100. POISON SUMACH 175 Figure 101. MOUNTAIN ASH ....... 177 Figures 102 and 103. BLACK WALNUT and BUTTERNUT . -179 Figure 104. SHAG-^ARK HICKORY ...... 181 Figure 105. MOCKER-NUT ..... . . 183 Figure 106. SMALL-FRUITED HICKORY . . . . . 185 Figure 107. PIG-NUT HICKORY 187 Figure 108. BITTER-NUT 189 Figure 109. ASH-LEAVED MAPLE 193 Figure no. WHITE ASH 195 Figure in. RED ASH 197 Figure 112. GREEN ASH * 199 Figure 113. BLUE ASH 201 Figure 114. BLACK ASH 203 Figure 115. SWEET BUCKEYE . . . ..... . 207 Figure 116. OHIO BUCKEYE 209 PREFACE. The leaves described and pictured in the following pages represent all the native trees, and the most im- portant introduced and naturalized trees of Northeastern America,* with the few exceptions named on page 213. Those species are considered trees (in distinction from shrubs) which, as a rule, spring from the ground with a single branching trunk.f How to use the book will be readily understood by consulting the following directions. * The names of introduced and naturalized species are enclosed in brackets. f " Trees of Northeastern America," page 4. DIRECTIONS. 1. How to find the names of specimens. Compare any given specimen, first with the descriptions in the " Guide," on pages xiv and xv, and then with the illustrations to which the " Guide " directs.* 2. How to mount specimens. When the specimens have been pressed and thoroughly dried, and all their thick stems removed or pared, they should be fastened in their places opposite the corresponding illustrations, with strips of gummed paper an eighth of an inch or less in width, f The compound leaves and the simple leaves, when they are larger than the allotted space, should be represented by sections of the leaf. 3. How to preserve specimens. If the collection is at- tacked by insects, each leaf should be brushed lightly with a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate and alcohol, increased by two thirds more of alcohol. 4. Notes. Interest and value will be added to the collection if full memoranda are kept of dates, localities, name of the finder, incidents, characteristics of the tree, etc. 5. It should be remembered that leaves from vigorous young sprouts are not usually the best specimens. It is seldom that two leaves, even upon the same mature branch, exactly agree, but they follow the type, while often the younger growth varies from it.J * If fuller descriptions and comments are desired, they can be found in the author's work on " The Trees of Northeastern America." f A supply of gummed paper will be found at the end of the volume. | " The Trees of Northeastern America," page 4. LIST OF GENERA. A 7 Magnolia .... Aslmina .... Cercis ...... 9 Nyssa ..... Diospyros . . , Sassafras . Tilia ..... Ilex ..... Prunus . . . , Pyrus ..... Crat3egus .... Amelanchier . Oxydendrum . . Ulmus .... Celtis ...... 41 Moms ...... 43 Broussonetia . . . Platanus .... Betula ...... 47 )strya ..... Carplnus . Castanea ..... 57 Fagus .... Salix .... P6pulus ..... 71 Ill (a) Larix PAGE 3 Liriodendron ... 85 7 Quercus 87 Chamoecyparis . Thuya 157 9 ii f*x Junlperus . . . 159 J 3 Liquidamber . . .115 15 I) 7 B 7 Ailanthus .... Roblnia .... . 165 19 21 Cornus 119 2 3 Chionanthus .... 123 27 Catalpa 125 29 Gymnocladus Gledltschia Rhus . 167 . 169 35 // Pyrus . 127 37 _. Viburnum .... 129 Turians . I7Q 39 41 777 43 Hicoria .... . 181 43 Acer 133 45 E 7 77 47 53 C 55 Negundo .... Fraxinus . . . . 193 . 195 59 Picea 149 6q Tsuea . . i^ F 71 Abies . . ins. \ yEsculus . . 207 GUIDE. a S ~$7 redge entire. Go to A / " toothed. " A -// " lobed -f Lobes ' entire - Go to A /// (a \ Lobes, toothed. A/// edge entire. " toothed. Go to B / " B II " lobed J Lobes, entire. Go to B /// (a) \ Lobes, toothed. " B /// (b) Indeterminate. Go to C / o C 3 O a E o w a; ahernate, edge { opposite, Go to D / D // Go to E / E // opposite, edge toothed. Go to F / * The leaflets of a compound leaf can be distinguished from a simple leaf by the nWnce of leaf-buds from the base of their stems. t Referring to the arrangement of the leaves on the branch. \ ' > as in the hickories, sumachs, etc. .,'., as in the horse-chestnut, etc. Guide. GUIDE (Continued). xv NOTE. Names i LEAVES SIMTI.K A (alternate) I (edge entire) I'AGK Magnolias .... 3 i italics are given also under /// (edgelobed) (a) (lobes entire) PAGE Tulip-tree .... 85 Oaks ... 99 another division. LEAVES COMPOUND i feather-shaped D (edge alternate) I (entire) PAGE Ailanthus 163 Sassafras 15 Buttonivood . . . . 45 (b) (lobes toothed) Gum, sweet . . . .115 Poplar, silver-leaf . . Si Locusts . . . . .165 Gum, sour . . . . n Judas-tree .... Persimmon . . . . 13 Sassafras n Coffee-tree, Kentucky. 167 Locust, honey . . . 169 Sumach, poison . . . 175 II (edge toothed) Sumach, staghorn . .173 Ash, mountain . . .177 Walnut, black . . .179 Butternut 179 Oak, willow . . . . in Dogwood, alt.-leaveil . 121 Willow, long-beaked . 67 II (edge toothed) Basswoods . . . . 19 Oaks 83 B (opposite) I (edge entire) Dogwood, flowering . 119 Fringe-tree . . . .123 Hickories 181 Locust, honey . . .169 Cherries 23 II (edge toothed) Black haw . . . .129 Viburnum, sweet . .129 /// (edge lobed) (a) (lobes entire) (b) (lobes toothed) Maples 133 E (opposite) I (edge entire) Ash, red and white . 190 II (edge toothed) Ash-leaved maple . .193 Ash, black, blue, green, red, and white, 195-203 Plum 25 Crab-apple . . . . 27 Thorns 29 Shad-bush .... 35 Sorrel-tree . . . . 37 Elms 39 Hackberry .... 41 Mulberry 43 Button wood . . . . 45 Birches 47 Hornbeam, Hop . . 53 Hornbeam . . . . 55 Chestnut 57 Beech ...... 59 2 hand-shaped F (opposite) I (edge toothed) C (indeterminate) I Pines, cedars, spruce, etc 145 Willows 6 1 Oaks, chestnut ... 05 Horse-chestnut . . . 209 TREES WITH SIMPLE LEAVES LEAVES ALTERNATE (EDGE ENTIRE) A I Fig, 2 Fig. i. Cucumber Tree. (M. acuminata, L.) Fig. 2. Sweet Bay. (M. glauca, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 3. Umbrella Tree. (M. tripetala, L.) ONE THIRD NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 4. Papaw. A. triloba (L.), Dunal. LEAF, NATURAL SIZE. FRUIT, TWO THIRDS NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 5. Red Bud. (C. Canadfensis, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. ii Fig. 6. Sour Gum. (N. sylvatica, Marsh.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 7. Persimmon. (D. Virginiana, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 8. Sassafras. (S. officinale, Nees.) NATURAL. SIZE. TREES WITH SIMPLE LEAVES LEAVES ALTERNATE CONTINUED (EDGE TOOTHED) A II i g- 9. Basswood. (T. Americana, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 11 Fig. 10. American Holly. (I. opaca, Ait.) Fig. II. I. monticola. NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 13 Fig. 12. Wild Black Cherry. (P. serdtina, Ehr.) ig- X 3- Wild Red Cherry. (P. Pennsylvanica, L). NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 14. Wild Plum. (P. Americana, Marsh.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 15. Crab-Apple. (P. coronaria, L.) KATURAI. SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 17 Fig. 16. White Thorn and Fruit. (C. cocclnea, L.) Fig. 17. Black Thorn. (C. tomentdsa, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 18. Common Thorn. (C. punctata, Jac.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 33 Fig. 19. Cockspur Thorn. (C. crus-galli, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 35 Fig. 20. Shad-bush. A. Canadensis (L.) t Medik. NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 37 Fig. 2i. Sorrel Tree. O. arbdreum (L.), D. C. NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 23 Fig. 22. White Elm. (U. Americana, L.) Fig. 23. Slippery Elm. (U. fulva, Michaux.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 24. Hackberry. (C. occidentals, L.) NATURAL SIZE. 43 Fig. 25. Red Mulberry. (M. rubra, L.) NATURAL SIZE. 45 Fig. 26. Buttonwood. (P. occident&lis, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 47 Fig. 27 Fig, 28 Fig. 27. White Birch. (B. populifblia, Marsh.) Fig. 28. Paper Birch. (B. papyrlfera, Marsh.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 29 Fig. 30 49 Fig. 29. Red Birch. (B. nigra, L.) Fig. 30. Yellow Birch. (B. Ifitea, Michaux, f.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fi g- 31- Sweet Birch. (B. lenta, L.) NATURAL SIZE. (<*) Fig. 32. Hop-Hornbeam. O. Virginiana (Mill), Willd. a. Leaves, b. Fruit. 53 NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 55 F g. 33. Hornbeam. (C. Caroliniana, Walt.) a. Fruit scales, b. Leaves. NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 57 34. Chestnut. C. Satlva (L.), var. Americana (Michaux), Sarg. NATURAL SIZE. 59 F g. 35- Beech. (F. ferruginea, Ait.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 61 \ Fig. 36. Black Willow. (S. nigra, Marsh.) a. Commonest form. b. Large form. NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 37. Scythe-leaved Willow. (S. n., var. falcata, Torr.; a. Stipules. /'. Leaves. NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 38. Shining Willow. (S. lucida, MuhL) 65 NATURAL. SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 39- Long-beaked Willow. (S. rostrata, Richards.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 40. White Willow. [S. alba, L.] 'Fig. 41. Yellow Willow. [S. a., vitelllne, S. and B.] a. Young leaf. b. Mature leaf. Fig. 42. Weeping Willow. [S. Babylonica, Tourn.J Fig- 43- Crack Willow. [S. fragilis, L.] NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 44. Aspen. (P. tremuloides, Michx.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig- 45- Large Toothed Aspen. (P. grandidentata, Michx.) 73 NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. a Fig. 46. Downy-leaved Poplar. (P. heterophylla, L.) NATURAL SIZK. I/ - 47- Cottonwood. (P. monillfera, Ait.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 49 Fig. 48. Balsam Poplar. (P. balsamlfera, L.) Fig. 49. Balm of Gilead. P. b. candicans (Ait.), Gray. NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 81 Fig. 51 Fig. 50. Lombardy Poplar. [P. dilatata, Ait.] Fig- ST. Silver-Leaf Poplar. [P. alba, L.] NATURAL SIZE. TREES WITH SIMPLE LEAVES LEAVES ALTERNATE CONTINUED (EDGE LOBED) A III (a) and ft} Leaves Alternate. Fig. 52. Tulip Tree. (L., tuliplfera, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. g. 53- White Oak. (Q. alba, L.) LEAVES AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE FOURTH. Fig. 54. Post Oak. Q. minor (Marsh), Sarg. LEAVES AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE FOURTH. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 55. Burr Oak. (Q. macrocarpa, Michx.) LEAVES AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE FOURTH. Leaves Alternate. 93 Fi g- 56. Swamp White Oak. (Q. tricolor, Willd.) NATURAL SIZE. i - S7- Chestnut Oak. (Q. prinus, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 97 Fig. 58. Yellow Chestnut Oak. Q. (Muhl.), Engel. NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 99 ig- S9- Black Jack. (Q. nigra, L.) NATURAL SIZE. 101 Fig. 60. Spanish Oak. (Q, cuneata, Wang.) NATURAL SIZE. 103 Fig. 61. Scarlet Oak. (Q. cocclnea, Wang.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. Fig. 62, a and b. Black Oak. (Q. c., tinctdria, Gray.) FRUIT AND LEAVES REDUCED ONE FOURTH. 107 Fig. 63. Red Oak. (Q. rubra, L.) NATURAL SIZE. log Fig. 64. Pin Oak. (Q. pal&stris, D. Roi.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. in 65- Willow Oak. (Q. Phellos, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 66. Shingle Oak. (Q. imbricaria, Michx.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 67. Sweet Gum. (L. styraclflua, L.) NATURAL SIZE. TREES WITH SIMPLE LEAVES :ONTINUED LEAVES OPPOSITE (EDGE ENTIRE) B I Fig. 68. Flowering Dogwood. (C. fldrida, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Opposite. 121 Fig. 69. Alternate-leaved Dogwood. (C. alternifolia, L. f.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Opposite. 123 Fig. 70. Fringe Tree. (C. Virginica, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Opposite. 125 Fig. 71. Catalpa. (C. bignonoides, Walt.) LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. TREES WITH SIMPLE LEAVES LEAVES OPPOSITE CONTINUED (EDGE TOOTHED) B II Fig. 73 Fig. 72. Black Haw. (V. prunifblium, L.) Fig. 73. Sweet Vibtlrnum. (V. lentago, L.) 129 NATURAL SIZE. TREES WITH SIMPLE LEAVES LEAVES OPPOSITE CONTINUED (EDGE LOBED) B III Fig. 74. Striped Maple. (A. Pennsylv&nicum, L.) 133 NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Opposite. 75- Sugar Maple. (A. saccharum, Marsh.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Opposite. Fig. 76. Black Maple. (A. s., v&r. nigrum.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Opposite. 139 Fig. 77- Silver-Leaf Maple. (A. saccharlnum, L.) NATURAL SIZK. '41 Fig. 78. Red Maple. (A. rubrum, L.) NATURAL SIZE. TREES WITH SIMPLE LEAVES CONTINUED LEAVES INDETERMINATE c i Fig. 79 Fig. 80 Fig. 81 Fig. 82 Fig. 79. Gray Pine. (P. Banksiana, Lam.) Fig. 80. Scrub Pine. (P. Virginiana, Mill.) Fig. 81. Table Mountain Pine. (P. pungens, Michx.) Fig. 82. Red Pine. (P. resindsa, Ait.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 83 F g. 83. Yellow Pine. (P. ecpinata, Mill.) Fig. 84. Pitch Pine. (P. rlgida, Mill.) Fig- 85. White Pine. (P. Strobus, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Indeterminate. 149 Fig. 86 Fig. 87 Fig. 86. Black Spruce. P. Mariana (Mill), B. S. P. Fig. 87. White Spruce. P. Canadensis (Mill), B. S. P. NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 88. Norway Spruce. [P. excelsa.] NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Indeterminate. 153 Fig. 89. Hemlock. T. Canadensis (L.), Carr. NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 90. Balsam Fir. A. balsamea (L.), Miller. Fig. 91. Larch. L, lariclna (Du Roi), Koch. 155 KATURAL SIZE. Leaves Indeterminate. 157 Fig, 92 Fig. 93 Fig. 92. White Cedar. C. thyoides (L.), B. S. P. Fig- 93- Arbor Vitae. (T. occidentals, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Indeterminate. 159 f Fig. 94. Red Cedar. (J. Virginiana, L.) a. Young. 6. Old. NATURAL SIZE. TREES WITH COMPOUND LEAVES (FEATHER-SHAPED) LEAVES ALTERNATE (EDGE ENTIRE) D I 163 Fig. 95. Ailanthus. [A. glanduldsa, Desf.] NATURAL SIZE. Leaves Alternate. 165 >Fig. 96. Locust. (R. pseudacacia, L.) NATURAL SIZE. r6 7 ' 97. Kentucky Coffee Tree. G. dlsicus (L.), Koch. NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 98. Honey Locust. (G. triacilnthos, L.) l6 9 NATURAL SIZE. TREES WITH COMPOUND LEAVES (FEATHER-SHAPED) LEAVES ALTERNATE CONTINUED (EDGE TOOTHED) D II Leaves Alternate. 173 Fig. 99. Stag-horn Sumach. (R. typhina, L.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 100. Poison Sumach. (R. venenata, D. C.) NATURAL SIZE. Fig. 101. Mountain Ash. (P. Americana, D. C.) 177 REDUCED ONE FOURTH. Fig. 103 Fig. 102. Black Walnut. (J. nigra, L.) Fig. 103. Butternut. (J. cinerea, L.) I?9 LEAFLKTS AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. 181 Fig. 104. Shag-bark. H. ovata (Mill), Britton. LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. Fig. 105. Mocker-nut. H. alba (L.), Britton. LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. Fig. 106. Small-fruited Hickory. H. microcarpa (Nutt), Britton. l8 5 LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. i8 7 Fig. 107, a and 6. Pig-nut. H. glabra (Mill), Britton. LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. Leaves Alternate. 189 Fig. 108. Bitter-nut. H. minima (Marsh), Britton. LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. TREES WITH COMPOUND LEAVES (FEATHER-SHAPED) CONTINUED LEAVES OPPOSITE (EDGE ENTIRE OR TOOTHED) E i, II Leaves Opposite. 193 Fig. 109. Ash-leaved Maple. (N. aceroides, M.) NATURAL SIZE. 195 Fig. no. White Ash. (F. Americana, L.) LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. 197 Fig. in. Red Ash. (F. pubescens, Lam.) LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. Leaves Opposite,. i 99 Fig. 112. Green Ash. (F. vlridis, Michac., f.) LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. Fig. 113. Blue Ash. (F. quadrangulata, Michx.) LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. Leaves Opposite. 203 Fig. 114. Black Ash. (F. sambucifdlia, Lam.) LEAF AND FRUIT REDUCED ONE THIRD. TREES WITH COMPOUND LEAVES (HAND-SHAPED) LEAVES OPPOSITE (EDGE TOOTHED) F I 207 Fig. 115. Sweet Buckeye. (JE. flava, Ait.) REDUCED ONE THIRD. 209 Fig. 116. Ohio Buckeye. (JE. glabra, Willd.) REDUCED ONE THIRD. NAMES OF OMITTED AND COMPARATIVELY UNIM- PORTANT TREES. Tilia heterophylla. Vent. pubescens. Ait. Pyrus angusti61ia. Ait. Cratsegus cocclnea, L. var. mollis. crus-galli, L. pyracanthifolia. Amelanchier Canadensis, L. var. T. and G. Ulmus racemusa. Thomas. Celtis occidentals, L. var. crassi61ia. Salix amygdaloldes. Anders. Quercus macrocarpa, Michx. var. olivae- 6rmis. Quercus cocclnea, Wang. var. ambigua, Gray. (Of nine hybrid oaks, most are outside our limits or entirely local.) Catalpa speci6sa. Ward. Roblnia visc6sa. Vent. Gledltschia triacanthos, L. var. inermis, and var. brachycarpos. Rhus typhina, L. var. laciniata. Pyrus sambucif61ia Hic6ria sulcita (Willd). Britton. INDEX OF TREES. The names of genera are given in SMALL CAPITALS, of species and varieties in Roman type. The names of introduced species are enclosed by brackets. A PAGB BETULA papyrlfera 47 ABIES balsamea .... PAGE T 55 populifolia 47 ACER Pennsylvanicum . . . 133 Birch, Paper . . . . 47 rubrum .... 141 R e( i 49 51 saccharlnum . . .-.. 139 saccharum .... 135 White .... 47 Yellow .... 49 var. nigrum jEscuLUS flava . . 137 207 Bitter-nut 189 glabra . . . [Ailanthus] . [AILANTHUS glandulosa] . .' . AMELANCHIER Canadensis . ' 209 163 163 Buckeye, Ohio .... Sweet .... Butternut ..... Buttonwood 209 207 179 45 var. oblongif61ia 35 C Arbor Vitae . . . . 157 Ash, Black . . ..'..- 203 CARPiNUS Caroliniana . 55 Blue 2OI CARYA. See HicdRiA. Green ..... 199 CASTANEA sativa, var. Americana . Mountain .... 177 Catalpa 57 Red 197 CATALPA bignonoides 125 White Cedar, Red 125 Ash-leaved Maple .... 193 White .... 159 AslMiNA trlloba .... 7 CELTIS occidentalis 157 Aspen ...... CERCIS Canadensis 9 Large-toothed 73 CHAM^EcfPARIS .... 4i thyoides 157 B Cherry, Wild black 23 Wild red . 23 Balm of Gilead .... 79 Chestnut 57 IQ " CHIONANTHUS Virglnica . . 123 CORNUS alternifolia . . . 121 Beech . . . . . 59 florida . . . . 119 BETUI.A lenta .... 51 Cottonwood . . ' , . ! . 77 lu tea 2 7 nigra .... 49 CRAT^GUS cocclnea 29 213 214 Index of Trees. PAGE PAGE CRAT^EGUS crus-calli j-i punctata j j 3i Hornbeam, Hop . . . 5S tomentosa . 29 I Cucumber Tree . . . . 3 CUPRESSUS. See CHAM^CYPARIS. ILEX montlcola . . . 21 opaca .... 21 D DIOSPYROS Virginiana . ' . . 13 J Dogwood, Alternate-leaved . . 121 JUGLANS cinerea . . 179 Flowering II 9 nigra . 179 E JUNiPERUS Virginiana . . 150, Elm, Slippery .... 39 K White 39 Kentucky Coffee-Tree . . . 167 F L FAGUS ferruglnea .... 59 Larch . . . . . 155 Fir, Balsam ..... 155 LARIX lariclna . . I5S FRAxiNUS Americana 195 Laurel, Swamp 3 pubescens 197 Linden, American . 19 quadrangulata 20 1 LIQUIDAMBAR styraclflua "5 sambucif61ia . 203 LIRIODENDRON tuliplfera 85 vlridis .... 199 Locust, Yellow . . . 165 Fringe Tree 123 Honey . . . . 169 G M GLED!TSCHIA triacanthos 169 MAGNOLIA acuminata 5 Gum, Sour . . . ii ash-leaved 193 Sweet ..... lie glauca . 3, GYMN6CLADUS dlsicus . **0 I6 7 tripetala 5 Maple, Black i37 H Red . . 141 Silver Leaf . . I 39 J.T Haw, Black *T X I2Q Striped . . . 133 Hemlock . . .. . **y 153 Sugar 135 TI Hickory, Bitter-nut . . . 189 MORUS rubra 103 43 Pig-nut .... 187 Mountain Ash 177 Shag-bark . . , Small-fruited . . 181 185 Mulberry, Red 43 HicdRiA alba . . . . 183 N glabra .... 187 . microcarpa 185 NEG(TNDO aceroides . 193 minima .... 189 NYSSA sylvatica ii ovita .... 181 o Holly, American .... 21 Honey Locust .... 169 Oak, Black .... . 105 Index of Trees. 215 PACK PAGE Oak, Black Jack .... 99 POPULUS heterophylla . . 75 Burr 91 monillfera 77 Chestnut .... 95 tremuloides 71 Pin 109 PRUNUS Americana . 25 Post 89 Pennsylvania . . . - 23 Red 107 ser6tina 23 Scarlet . . 103 PYRUS Americana . 177 Shingle .... "3 coronaria 27 Spanish .... 101 Swamp white . . . 93 Q White . . . . . 87 QUERCUS alba . 87 Willow . . . in blcolor . 93 Yellow chestnut . . . 97 cocclnea ... 103 OSTRYA Virginiana . . . 53 " var. tinct6ria . 105 OXYDENDRUM arbireum . . 37 cuneata . . 101 P imbricaria "3 Papaw 7 macrocarpa . . minor . . 91 8q Persimmon ..... PicEA Canadensis .... 13 149 Muhlenbergii . 7 97 [excelsa] .... Mariana .... 151 149 nigra palustris . Phellos . 99 . 109 in Pine, Gray . . . . . 145 Jersey ..... 145 prinus rubra . 95 . 107 Pitch . . . 147 Red 145 R Scrub 145 Table Mountain . . ^ 145 Red Bud .... 9 White 147 RHUS typhina . 173 Yellow 147 venenata . . . 175 PINUS Banksiana .... 145 ROB!NIA pseudacacia . . . 165 ecpinata .... 147 S pungens .... M5 resinosa .... 145 SALIX [alba] .... 69 rigida .... *TJ 147 [var. vitelllna] . . 69 Strobus .... 147 [Babyl6nica] . 69 Virginiana .... M5 fragilis . 69 PLATANUS occidentalis . 45 lucida . . . . . 65 Plum, Wild 2? 61 Poplar, Balsam .... j 79 var. falcata . 63 Downy-leaved . . 75 rostrata . . . 67 [Lombardy] 81 Sassafras .... 15 [Silver-leaf] 81 SASSAFRAS officinale . . 15 POPULUS [alba] .... 81 Shad-bush .... 35 balsamlfera 7Q Sorrel Tree .... 37 var. candicans '7 7Q it [dilatata] / V 81 Spruce, Black . 149 grandidentata . 73 [Norway] . . 151 2l6 Index of Trees. Spruce White Sumach, Poison Stag-horn Thorn, Black Cockspur . Common White THtiYA occidentals TiLlA Americana . TSUGA Canadensis Tulip Tree . . U ULMUS Americana fulva . PAGE 149 Umbrella Tree 175 173 V VIBURNUM lentago prunifolium 2 9 Viburnum, Sweet . 33 3 r W 29 Walnut, Black 157 Willow, Black 19 [Crack] . 153 Long-beaked 85 Scythe-leaved Shining [Weeping] 39 [White] . 39 [Yellow] . PACK 5 129 129 129 179 61 69 67 63 65 69 69 69 DCSB LIBRARY