THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID CATALOGUE SPECIMENS AND DRAWINGS MAMMALIA AND BIRDS OF NEPAL AND THIBET, PRESENTED BY B. H. HODGSON, ESQ. BRITISH MUSEUM PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1846. LONDON : E. NEWMAN, PRINTER, DEVONSHIRE STREET. BISHOPSGATE. 1 $7 L- PREFACE. THE specimens, forming the following Catalogue, were collected by Mr. B. H. Hodgson during his residence in Nepal, and are the types of the specimens described in that gentleman's various scientific papers. A series was selected from them for the British Museum collection, and the duplicates were distributed in series and sent to various British and Continental collections, in the following order. 1. Museum of the Hon. East India Company. 2. Museum of the University of Leyden. 3. Museum of the Garden of Plants, Paris. 4. Museum of the University of Berlin. 5. Museum of the Senckenbergen Society at Francfort. 6. Museum of the University of Edinburgh. 7. Museum of Trinity College, Dublin. 8. Museum of the Natural History Society, Newcastle- on-Tyne. M366958 9. Museum of the Canterbury Natural History Society. 10. Museum of the Manchester Natural History Society. 11. Museum of the Earl of Derby, Knowsley. 12. Museum of Hugh Strickland, Esq., Oxford. 13. Museum of the Zoological Society. And the duplicates of the Osteological specimens were sent 1. To the Museum of the College of Surgeons. 2. To the Museum of the Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar. Unfortunately, many of the specimens had been in the country several years, and from want of having been opened and examined, were not in a very good condition; but Mr. Hodgson has returned to the same country, and is continuing his exertions and his series of drawings. The collections of drawings consist of a very extensive series of figures of the greater part of the species, taken from living or recently dead specimens, and executed with great fidelity by native artists in Mr. Hodgson's employ ; a selec- tion from them was to have been engraved, under the title of " Illustrations of the Zoology of Nepal,'' but from unforeseen circumstances, the publication of the work was obliged to be suspended, but it is to be hoped only for a limited period, and the new materials which Mr. Hodgson is now accu- mulating, will, when it does appear, render it more interesting and valuable to the scientific public. Great care has been taken by Mr. G. R. Gray to compare the specimens of Birds received from Mr. Hodgson with specimens received from other habitats in the British Mu- seum collection, and with the descriptions in the publica- tions by the different authors, and thus to make the synomyns as perfect as possible, and also to refer to where they have been noticed or described by Mr. Hodgson in his numerous valuable contributions towards the Zoology of India. The following is a list of the various papers which Mr. Hodgson has published, which have occurred to me in form- ing this Catalogue, but I make no doubt that there are others in different Indian periodicals which have escaped my re-* search, and probably not reached this country. Letters on various subjects of Zoology. P. Z. Soc. 1833, p. 105. Letter relative to a collection of living birds forwarded by him from Nepal for the Society's menagerie. P. ZooL Soc., 1834, p. 9. Classical Terminology of Natural History. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng.x. 1841, p. 26. Notes on Zoological Nomenclature. J. A. S. B. v. 1836, p. 751. Proposals to publish by subscription an illustrated work on the Zoology of Nepal. J. A. S. B. iv. p. 356-521. A cursory notice of Nayatcote. J. A. S. B. ix. p. 1114. Translation of 'Naipalia Devuta Kalyana, with Notes.' J. A. S. B. 1843, p. 400. List of Contributions to the Transactions and Journal of the Asiatic Society. /. A. S. B. 1844, xiv. Characters and descriptions of new species of Mammalia and Birds of Nepal. P. C. S. Z. S. 1832, p. 10. Mammalia of Nepal./. A. S. B. i. 1832, p. 335. A3 VI PREFACE. Synoptical descriptions of sundry new Animals enumerated in the Catalogue of Nepalese Mammalia. J. A. S. B. v. 1836, p. 231. Classified Catalogue of the Mammals of Nepal, corrected to the end of 1841, first published in 1832. /. A. S. B. x. p. 907. (Calcutta J. N. H. iv. p. 284.) On the Mammalia of Nepal. P. Z. S. 1834, p. 95. Notice of the Mammalia of Thibet, with descriptions aud plates of some New Species./. A. S. B. 1842, p. 275. Projected work on the Natural History of Nepal. Madras Journ. L. $ S. 1836. i\i.,p. 432. Illustrations of Zoology of Nepal. Calcutta J. N. H. iv.p. 129. Classified Catalogue of Mammals of Nepal, corrected to the end of 1840, first printed in 1832. Calcutta J. N. H. ii. p. 212. Letter of Mr. Hodgson to the Editor of the Calcutta Journal of Natural History containing list of Mammals. Calcutta J. N. H. ii. p. 613. Three new species of Monkey, with remarks on the genera Semno- pethicus and Macacus. /. A. S. B. ix., p. 1212., Ann. Nat. Hist. \\\\.p. 314. Synopsis of the Vespertilionidae of Nepal. J. A. S. B. iv. 1835, p. 699, abstracted in P. Z. S. J836, p. 46. Description and character of the Wild Dog of Nepal. P. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 111. Description of the Wild Dog of the Himalayan, Asiatic Research. xviii. European notices of Indian Canines, with further illustrations of the new genus Cuon vel Chryseus, Calcutta, J. N. H. p. 203. Note on the skeleton of the Buansu, the Pariah Dog and Jackall, taken from several specimens of each in Mr. Hodg- son's collection, by Mr. A. Campbell. Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist. ii. p. 209. Appendix to an account of Cuon primsevus the Wild Dog or Buansu. Calcutta J. N. H. ii. p. 412. PREFACE. Vll Indication of a new genus of the Carnivora, with descriptions of the species on which it is founded. Asiatic Regs. xix. p. 60, t. 8. Description of the little Musteline Animal, denominated Kathial Nyul in the Catalogue of Nepalese Mammalia. J. A. S. B. iv. p. 702. Postscript to the account of Ursitaxus, printed in the 18th vol. of the Researches of the Asiatic Society.-/. A. S. B. v. 1836, p. 671. On a new genus of the Plantigrades. J. A. S. B. 1837, p. 560. Summary description of four new species of Otter. /. A. S. B. 1839,;?. 319. Description of three species of Paradoxurus, inhabiting the southern, central, and northern region of Nepal, respectively : with notices of the habits and structure of the genus. Asiatic Res. xix. p. 72. On a new species of Priouodon, P. Pardicolor (pardidolor) nobis. Calcutta J. N. H.ii.p. 57. On the Civet of the continent of India, Viverra orientalis hodie melanurus. Calcutta J. N. H. ii. 1842, p. 47. Of a new species of Lagomys inhabiting Nepal, Lagomys Ne- palensis, nob. /. A. S. B. x. p. 854. Notice of the Marmot of the Himalayah and of Thibet. /. A. S. B.x.p. 777. On the common Hare of the Gangetic provinces and the Sub- Himalayah, with a slight notice of a strickly Himalayan spe- cies./. A. S. B. ix. p. 1 183. Notice of two Marmots, inhabiting respectively the plains of Thibet, and the Himalayan slopes near the snow, and also of a Rhinolophus of the central region af Nepal. /. A. S. B. 1843, p. 409. On the Rats, Mice, and Shrews of the central region of Nepal. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 266. Memorandums as to the manner of Rhizomys badius. Calcutta J.N.H.p.4W. New species of Rhizomys, discovered in Nepal, R. badius nob. the Bay Bamboo Rat of Nepal. Calcutta, J. N. H. ii. 60. On a new species of Mustela ? known to the Nepalese com- merce as the Chuakhal Mustela P Calotus. Calcutta J. N. #.ii. 221,*. 9. Summary description of two new species of Flying Squirrel. J. A. S. B. 1843. Illustrations of the genera of Bovidae. Part 1, Skeletons of Bos, Bibos, and Bison ; the individuals examined being the com- mon Bull of Nepal, the Gauri Gau of Nepal and the Yac. J.A.S.B.x. 1841, p. 449. On the Bibos, Gauri Gau or Gaurika Gau of the Indian forests. /. A. S. B. 1837, p. 745. On the Gauri Gau of Nepal forests. J. A. S. B. 1837, p. 499. On the two Wild Sheep inhabiting the Himalayan region, with some brief remarks on the craniological character of Ovis and its allies./. A. S. B. x. 1841, p. 230. On the Wild Goat and Wild Sheep of the Himalaya, with re- marks on the genera Capra and Ovis. /. A. S. B. iv. 1835, p. 49. P. Z. S. 1834, jo. 107. The Wild Goat and the Wild Sheep of Nepal. Asiatic Res. 129. Description and character of the Chiru Antelope, A. Hodgsonii, Abel. P. C. S. J. S. 1830, jo. 74. Further Illustrations of the Antelope Hodgsouii. /, A. S. B. i. 1837, p. 59. P. Z. S. 1833, p. 110. P. Z. S. 1835. Letter on various Zoological Subjects, with additional observa- tions on the Chiru Antelope (Antelope Hodgsonii, Abel). P. Z. S. 1834, p. 80. Notes on the Chiru Antelope./. A. S. B. iii. 1834, p. 134. Synopsis of the Thar and Ghoral Antelopes. /. A. S.B. iv. 1835, p. 487. Letter on the distinction between the Ghoral (Antelope Goral, ffardw.) and Thar, Hodgs.P. Z. S. 1834, /?. 85. On the characters of the Jharal (Capra Jharal, Hodgs.) and of the Nahoor (Ovis) Cervus, C. Barhaiya, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1836, p. 46. Postscript to the account of the Wild Goat of Nepal. /. A. S. e.v. 1836,;?. 254. On the Lacrymal Sinus in Antelope Thar and Cervus Aristotelis. P.Z.S. 1836, jo. 39. Of a new organ in the genus Moschus. /. A. S. B. x. p. 795. On three-jnew species of Musk (Moschus) inhabiting the Hima- layan district./. A. S. B. 1839, p. 202. Note on the Cervus Duvaucelii of Cuvier or C. Elaphoides and Bahraiya of Hodgson./. A. S. B. v. 1836,;?. 240. Notes relative to the account of the Cervus Jarai, published in the Gleanings, No. 34. /. A. S. B. 1832, p. 66. Specific Names and Characters of a new species of Cervus, dis- covered in 1825, and indicated by the local name of Bahraiya. /. A. S. B. iv. 1835,;?. 648. P. Z. S. 1836, p. 46. Note on Cervus Elaphus ? of the Sal forest of Nepal hodie, C. af- finis, nob./. A. S. B. x. p. 721. On a new species of Cervus, C. Dimorphe. /. A. S. B. 1843, p. 897. On the Ratva Deer of Nepal. Asiatic Res. xviii, p. 139 Notices on the Ornithology of Nepal. Asiatic Res. xix.;?. 143. Catalogue of Nepalese Birds presented to the Asiatic Society, duly named and classified by the donor, and revised by the Society's curator. /. A. S. B. 1843, p. 301. Additions to the Catalogue of Nepal Birds. /. A. S. B. 1843, p. 447. Indications of a new genus of Falconidae. J. A. S. B. v. 1836,;;. 777. Description of a new genus of Falconidae. J. A. S. B. 1843, p. 129, t. X PREFACE. Summary descriptions of some new species of Falconidae. J. A. S. B. v. 1836, p. 227. On the structure and habits of Elanus Melanopterus. Madras Journ. L. 8? S. vi. 1837, p. 75. Description of the Bearded Vulture of the Himalaya. /. A. S. B.iv. 1835. On some new genera of Raptores, with remarks on the old genera. J. A. S. B. 1837, p. 361. On a species of Aquila, Cricaeetus, and Dicrurus. Asiatic Res. xviii. p. 13. On a new piscatory genus of the Strigine family./. A. S. B. v. 1836, jo. 362. Indication of a new genus belonging to the Strigine family, with a description of the new species and type. Madras J. L. fy S. v. 1837, p. 23, Two new species of Meruline Birds. /. A. S. B. viii. 1839, p. 37. Description of two new species belonging to a new family of the Meruline group of Birds, with indications of their generic characters./. A. S. B. v. 1836, /?. 358. On three new genera or sub-genera of Long-legged Thrushes, with a description of their species. J. A. S. B. vi. 1837, p. 101. Notice of a new form of Glaucopinag or Rasorial Crows, in- habiting the northern region of Nepal, Conostomia ^Emodius nobis type./. A. S. B. x. 1841, p. 856. Indications of a new genus of Picidae, with descriptions of the type of a new species, also of two new species of the genus Sitta. /. A. S. B. 1836, p. 778. Description of three new species of Woodpecker. /. A. S. B. vi. 1 837,/?. 104. Indications of some new families belonging to the Parianae. Indian Review, ii. 1838,;?. 30, 87. On Cuculus. /. A. S. B. 1839, p. 130. On a new species of Buceros. Asiatic Res. xviii./?. 178. PREFACE. XI Description of the Buceros Homrai of the Himalaya. Asiatic Res. xviii.p. 169. /. A. S. B. 1832, p. 251. Additions to the Ornithology of Nepal. Indications of a new genus of Incessorial Birds. /. A. S. B. v. 1836, p. 770. Indications of a new genus of Incessorial Birds. /. A. S. B. vi. 1837, p. 110. New genus of the Fissirostral tribe./. A. S. B. viii. 1839 p. 35. New species of Hirundinidag. /. A. S. B. 1836,;?. 779. On a new genus of the Meropidae. /. A. S. B. v. 1836,;?. 360. On a new genus of Sylviada?, with descriptions of three new spe- cies./. A. S. B. 1837, p. 230. Description of a new species of Columbida3. /. A. S. B. v. 1836, p. 122. Character of a new species of Perdix. P. Z. S. 1833, p. 107. On a new species of Pheasant from Thibet./. A. S. B. 1838. On two new genera of Rasorial Birds. Madras J. L. fy S. v. 1837, p. 300. On the migration of the Nata tores and Grallatores, as observed at Kathmandu. Asiatic Res. xviii. p. 122. Indications of a new genus of Waders belonging to the Chara- driatic family./. A. S, B. v. 1836,;?. 775. Red-billed Erolia. /. A. S. B. iv. 1835, p. 458, 701. Scolopacidae of Nepal. Madras /. L. <$r S. v. 1837, p. 411. Some of the Scolopacidae of Nepal. Gleanings of Science, Aug. 1831. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1836-7. (corrected) Indian Review, ii. 1838, j9. 117. New species of Scolopacidae, Indian Snipes. /. A. S. B. vi. 1837, p. 489. Abstract of a paper on Nepalese Birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, JOHN EDWARD GRAY, December 10th, 1846. British Museum. N.B. Each specimen of Birds had attached to it a num- ber on red ink, the same number is on the drawings, and is referred to under each species in this Catalogue. CATALOGUE MR HODGSON'S COLLECTION. Order I. PRIMATES. Fam. I. HOMINID^. MAN. Homo sapiens, Linn. S. N. i. 28. a d. Skulls of Hillmen, probably Cishe Malayan or Thibetan, procured at Symbunath, in the valley of Nepal. e h. Skulls of Hillmen, probably of the Newar tribe, procured at Sankhmol, in the valley of Nepal. i 9 j. Skull of a man and woman of the tribe of Newars, called Jyapoo, from Nepal proper. k, 1. Skulls of men of the tribe of Newar called Bandya, executed for forgery in Nepal proper. w, n. Skulls of Hillmen, tribe unknown, from the banks of the Bagnath, in Nepal proper. o,p. Skulls of man and boy, natives of the plains, procured on the Ganges. Fam. II. The LANGUR. Presbytes Entellus, Cat. Mam. B. M. 4. Sem- nopithecus Nipalensis, Hodgson, MSS. Sc. J. As. Soc. Beny. x. 907. Langur, Hodgson, J. A. S. B. v. 339. S. petrophilus, Hodgson, MSS. S. entellus, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 94. S. schis- taceus, Hodgson, Jour. As. Soc. Beng. ix. 1211, x. 907. Ann. N. H. Tiii. 314. Calcutta M. N. H. iv. 285. S. hypoleucos, Blyth, J. A. S. B. x. 839, xii. 170. S. Anchises, Elliott P Inhab. Tarai forest and Lower Hill, rarely also in the Kachar. Var. 1. Slate-grey, head white ; fur moderate. a, b. Specimens of different ages. B 2 CATALOGUE OF Var. 2. Paler, sides and head white ; fur long, rather curling. c. Adult specimen in a had state. Var. 3. Nearly white, head rather whiter ; fur long and curled. d. e. An adult and a half-grown specimen. /. Skull of adult. g. Skull of middle-aged specimen. h, Bones of body and limhs. i. Bones of the body of young. j. Drawing of Langur, female and young, Mamm. t. 1. k. Drawing of Lesser Hill Langur, S. petrophilus, t. 2. /. Drawing of Langoor, head and limbs, t. 3. The RHESUS. Macacus Rhesus, Desm. Cat. Mam. B. M. 8. M. Nepalensis, Hodgson. M. radiatus, " Geoff? Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. M.? Pithex oinops, Hodgs. Jour. As. Soc. Beng. ix. 12J \ifig. cop. x. 908. Ann. N. H. viii. 315, fig. Bangur, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. \. 339. Inhab. Tarai, Lower and Central Hilly region, Nepal. a d. Specimens of different ages, varying in the extent and brightness of the rufous tint. e. A skull of an adult and half-grown animal. /. Bones of the trunk. g. Drawing of adult, Mam. t. 4. h. Drawing of adult, t. 4. i. A drawing of stomach and end of the great gut, t. 6. The PELOPS. Macacus (Pithex) pelops, Hodgson, J. A. Soc. Beng. ix. 1211, x. 908. Ann. N a H. viii. 315. ?M. MacClel- landii, Horsf. Ogilby, Royle^ H. ?M. Assamensis, MacClelland, Grey brown, fur very lax, rather curly, head, back of thigh and under side white. Inhab. Northern hilly region, Nepal. a, b. Adult specimens, not in a good state, one rather darker than the other. c. A drawing, one fourth the natural size, t. 5, f. 1. *#* In the first set of specimens received, the numbers of the specimens were transposed, so that in the Catalogue of Mamma- lia, p. 8, the names of these two species are misapplied. Fam. VESPERTILIONID^E. The NEPAL HORSE-SHOE BAT. Rhinolophus tragatus, Hodgs. J. A. Soc. Beng. iv. 1835, 699 (descr.), x. 908, i. 340? Cat. Mam. B. M. 22. Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1844. Ann. N. H. 1845, 467. Inhab. central hilly region, Nepal. a c. In spirits (one in a bad state). Larger arm-bone, 2j inches. d. Smaller arm-bone, 2 inches. e. A drawing of adult and details of head, t. 8, f. 2, copy, t. 9, f. 2, and t. 10, f. 3. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 3 The LONG-EARED HORSE-SHOE BAT. Rhinolophus macrotis, Hodgs. Calc. Mag. N. H. iv. 386, (not described). Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1844. Ann. N. H. 1845, 468. The anterior central crest of the nose-leaf produced in front over the top of the flat transverse front edge ; hinder nose-leaf lan- ceolate, triangular ; the ears very large ; brown, rather paler be- neath ; arm-bone, 1 inch 7 lines. Inhab. Nepal. a. A specimen in spirits, not in a good state. b. A drawing, t. 7, f. 1. HODGSON'S HORSE-SHOE BAT. Hipposideros armiger, Cat. Mam. B. M. 24. Blyth, J. A. S. C. 1844. Ann.N. H. 1845, 470. Ehinolophus armiger, Hodgs. J. A. S. Beng. iv. 1835, 699 (desc.), x. 908. R. nobilis, var. Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1844. Ann. N. H. 1845, 467, 470. Inhab. Central hilly region, Nepal. ac. Specimens in spirits. d. A drawing of adult and head in detail, t. 8, f. 1, copy, t. 9, f. 1, and t. 10, f. 2. The BAY HORSE-SHOE BAT. Hipposideros subbadius. Rhi- nolophus subbadius, Hodgson, MSS. Icon. Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1844. Ann. N. H. 1845, 468. Vespertilio subbadius, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 908. Inhab. Nepal. a. A drawing of a young animal, with details of head, t. 8, f. 3. The WURBAGOOL. Pteropus Edwardsii, Geoff. Cat. Mam. B. M. 36. P. leucocephalus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 1835, 700, (desc.), x. 908. Pteropus or Fox Bat, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340. ? P. Assamensis, McClelland. P. rubricollis, McClelland P Inhab. Tarai in autumn, to eat ripe pears ; a passenger on the hills. a. Specimen in spirits, with skull. b. A skull of an adult animal. c e. Three specimens, stuffed. /. A drawing of adult, t. 13, f. 1, half natural size, copied t. 14. The MARGIN-EARED CYNOPTERE. Cynopterus marginatus, Cat. Mam. B. M. 38. Vespertilio marginatus, B. Hamilton. Pte- ropus pyrivorus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 1835, 700 (desc.), x. 908. Inhab. Tarai, a passenger on the hills. a, b. Specimens in spirits. c. A specimen not in a good state. d. A drawing of adult, t. 12, f. 1. e. A drawing of adult, t. 13, f. 2. B2 4 CATALOGUE OF / The WALL BAT. Vespertilio murieola, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 908, (not described). Cat. Mam. B. M. 26. Feet large, elongate, half free ; tragus elongate, lanceolate, subfalcate. Inhab. Central hilly region, Nepal. a c . Specimens in spirits, (one in a very bad state, another with- out its skull). d. A drawing of adult and details of head, t. 11, f. 3, copy t. 12, f. 3. The NEPAL KERIVOULA. Kerivoula formosa, Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 27. Vespertilio formosa, Hodgs. J. A. S. B, iv. 1835, 700, x. 918. P. Z. S. 1836, 46. Inhab. Central hilly region, Nepal. a. A specimen in spirits, without its skull. b. A drawing of adult and details of head, t. 11, f. 1, copied t, 12, f. 2. The SOOTY SCOTOPHILE. Scotophilus fuliginosus, Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 29. Vespertilio fuliginosa, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 1835, 700, x. 918, P. Z. S. 1836, 46. Feet very small in the wing, to the base of the toes. Inhab. Central hilly region, Nepal. a e. Specimens in spirits. /. A specimen with a rather larger tragus, without any small lobe at the outer side of its base. g. A drawing of adult and details of head, 1. 11, f. 2, cop. t. 9, f. 3. The PALE-BELLIED BAT. Vespertilio pallidiventris, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286, (not described). Inhab. Nepal, central and hilly region. a. A drawing of adult, t. 7, f. 2. The LARGE-LIPPED BAT. Noctulinia labiata, Gray, C. Mam. 32. Vespertilio labiata, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 1835, 700, x. 918. P. Z. S. 1836. Inhab. Central hilly region, Nepal. a. Specimen in spirits. b. A drawing of adult and details of head, t. 10, f. 1, copied t. 11, f. 4. Order II. FERE. Farti. I. FELID^I, a. FELINA. The TIGER. Tigris regalis, Cat. M. B. M. 40. Felis Tigris, Linn. Hodgs. J. A. S. B x. 918. Calc. M. N. H. iv. 286. Pallas, Z. R. A. i. 15. Eoyal Tiger, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340. Inhab. Nepal, in the hill close to the snow, and Tarai. a. Skull of an adult. MR. HODGSON S COLLECTION. 5 The LEOPARD. Leopardus varius, C. Mam. B. M. 40. Felis Pardus, Linn. ? Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 918. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. Felis Leopardus, Schreb. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 918. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. T. Panthera, Pallas, Z. R. A. i. 18. Panther Leo- pard and Cheeta (or Hunting Leopard), Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340. Inhab. Hilly regions, in the woods, rare in the Tarai. . A skull of an adult. b. A skull of a young specimen. c. A specimen with the small round spot on the front of the back. d. A specimen with rings of spots on the front of the back ; not in a good state. e. A drawing of a leopard and panther of the central region, 1. 16. copied and young added, t. 17. Mr. Hodgson mentions the hunting leopard as found in Ne- pal, in his list in the /. A. S. B. i. 340, but has left it out of the others. Pallas says it is found in the Kergiss Desert, and east waste of the Caspian, (Z. R. A. i. 20). The OUNCE. Leopardus Uncia, Cat. Mam. B. M. 41. Felis Uncia, Schreb. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 274. F. Pardus, Pallas, Z. R. Asiat. i. 17. F. Irbis, Ehrenb. Irbis, Muller, Samml. iii. 607. Inhab. Thibet. a. A skin of adult. b. A skin of a half-grown specimen, not good state. c. Drawing of young, t. 18. d. Drawing of adult, t. 19. The SMALLEK TORTOISE-SHELL TIGER. Felis macrosceloides, Hodg. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. F. macroscelis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 718 (not desc.), xi. 1842, 275, (not Vigors). Felis, n. s. Tickell, J. A. S. B. 1843, 814, t. Inhab. Nepal and Thibet. a. A skin of an adult specimen, with front of jaws, not in a good state. b. A skin of a half-grown specimen. c. A drawing of adult, one-sixth the natural size, t. 20. The MURMI. Leopardus Moormensis, Gray, C. M. B. M. 41 . Felis Moormensis, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1832, 10, 1834, 97. F. mur- raensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 918. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. Mur- mi Cat, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 341. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly region. a. Skull. 6. Drawing of adult, t. 11, copied t. 33, f. 1, copied and another added, t. 22. B3 6 CATALOGUE OF The CHITTRA BILLON. Leopardus celidogaster. Felis celido- gaster, Temm. Mam. i. 140. Leopardus viverrinus, Gray, C. M. 43. Felis viverrinus, Bennett, P. Z. S. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 97. /. A. S. B. iv. 522. Serval, var. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 522. F. chalybeata, A. Smith, Griffith, A. K. ii. 437, t. F. viverriceps, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. v. 1836, 232 (desc.), x. 918. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. Chat a tache rouge, Belanger, Voy. t. ? Inhab. Nepal, Tarai and parts of lower regions. a, b. Stuffed specimens, adult. c. Skull. d. Skull of an adult, much elongated behind. e. Skull of an adult, not so elongated behind. /. Bones of the trunk and of some of the limbs. g. A drawing of adult, t. 25. h, A drawing of adult, t. 26. i. A drawing of adult, t. 27, copied t. 28. Compared with Temminck's original specimen of F. celidogas- ter, which he bought at the sale of Bullock's museum. The MANUL. Felis Manul, Pallas, Itin. iii. 692. Act. Petrop. v. i. t. 7. Zool. R. Asiat. i. 20. Shaw, Zool. i. 362. Felis nigri- pectus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 276, t, F. Cattus, var. /3. Fischer, Syn. Mam. Inhab. Thibet. a. A skin without skull. b. A skin of half-grown specimen, wanting part of the head and hind feet. c. A drawing of adult and young, t. 29. ELLIOT'S CAT. Leopardus Ellioti, Gray, Ann. N. H. 1842. Cat. Mam. 44. Felis Nepalensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 341, x. 918. P. Z. S. 1832, 12. F. Nipalensis, nee non Bengalensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 276. F. Pardochrous, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 386. Var. 1. Two series of oblong spots between the shoulders. a. An adult skin, without skull, feet in a bad state. b. A half-grown specimen, tail not in a good state. c. A finer skin of a half-grown specimen, with the spots suffused. Var. 2. With four series of small spots between the shoulders. d. A flat skin, without skull, not in a good state. e. A drawing of adult, with details of head, t. 23, copied t. 24, f. 1 . /. A drawing of adult, t. 24, f. 2. g. Skull with orbit complete behind. h. A skull with orbit interrupted behind. g ? An adult specimen ; is it a tame cat ? Felis viverriceps, var. Hodgs. MSS. list. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. The CAT. Felis domestica, Brisson. Gray, C. Mam. 44. Do- mestic Cat, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 341, xi. 1842, 276. Inhab. Thibet, Lassa. a. A skin of a white domestic cat, wants tail. b. A skin of a yellowish and white domestic specimen, wants tail. c. A skin of a black domestic specimen, in a bad state. d. A skull. The CHAUS. Chaus Libycus, Gray, Cat. Mam. 45. Felis Lybicus, Olivier. F. Catolynx, Pallas, Z. R. As. i. 23. F. affi- nis, Gray, Illust. Ind. Zool. F. Kutas, Pearson. F. Chaus, Hodgs. J. A. S". B, i. 341. Lynchus erythrotus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. v. 1886, 233 (desc.), x. 218. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. Inhab. Nepal, Tarai, and all the three regions, abundant. a. A skull of an adult. b. An imperfect skull of a young specimen. c e. Three different ages, adult, half grown and young. /. A drawing of adult, with details of head, t. 31 . g. Copy oft. 31 with young, t. 32. h. Copy of t. 32, t. 33. The LYNX. Lyncus vulgaris, Hodgs. MSS. Icon. ined. Felis Lynx, Linn. S, N. i. 62. Pallas, Z. R. A. i. 28. F. Lynchus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1842, xi. 276. Lynx, Buffon, H. N. ix. 231, t. Lynchus Europaeus vel vulgaris, Hodgs. I. c. 275. Inhab. Thibet, common. a. A skin without skull, nose imperfect. b. A drawing of adult, one-sixth the natural size, t. 30. c. VIVERRINA. The ZIBETH. Viverra Zibetha, Linn. Gray, Cat. Mam. 47. V. undulata, Gray, Spic. Zool. t. 8. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. Viverra, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Civet or Zibet, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340. Inhab. Nepal, Tarai and the hills and Thibet. Var. 1 . With the waved marks indistinct. Viverra melanura, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. V. orientals, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. ii. 47, 1. 1,/. 5. V. undulata, Gray, ac. Three specimens, not in good state. Var. 2. The waved marks more distinct. V. Civettoides, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919, xi. 184, 279, iv. 287. Calc. J. N. H. ii. 63. d. A flat skin in a bad state. e. A young specimen in a very bad state. Viverra Zibetha, Hodgson. CATALOGUE OF /. A drawing of V. Civetta, male, t. 34, copied t. 36, f. 1. g. A drawing of V. Civettoides, t. 35, f. 2, copied t. 36, f. 2. h. A drawing of V. Civettoides, t. 35, f. L i. A drawing of adult, t. 36, f. 3. j. A drawing of head, foot and anal glands, t. 37. k. A drawing of adult and young, t. 38, f. 1, 2. /. The jaw-bones, with part of the skull. m. The bones of the trunk. The BASSE. Viverra Malaccensis, Gmelin. Cat. Mam. B. M. 48. V. Leveriana, Shaw, Mus. Lever, t. 21. V. Gunda, Hamil- ton. V. Basse, Horsf. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. Viverricula Indica, and V. Basse, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919. Calc. J. N. H. ii. 60, *.!,/. 4, iv. 287. Viverra Indica, Geoff. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. Genetta Manillensis. Eydoux. a c. Three specimens of different ages and shades, one probably partly bleached. d. A skeleton, nearly perfect. e -g. Three skulls, of different ages. h. A drawing of adult, t. 39, copied, with details of head, feet and anal glands, t. 40. i. Drawing of skull, t. 60, f. 1. Differs in intensity of the general colour and the distinctness of the spots, the latter being darkest in the darkest fur. The MEGH BIRALU. Linsang pardicolor, Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 49. Prionodon pardicolor, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 1841, 919. Calc. J. N. H. ii. 37, t. I,/. 3 and 6f, iv. 287. C. pardico- lor, Anch. Naturg. 1842, 30. Inhab. Nepal, Central and northern hilly regions, a, b. Specimens. c. Drawing of adult, with details of teeth, t. 41. The URVA. TJrva cancrivora, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1837, 560, 564. Gray, Cat. M. B. M. 50. Gulo Urva, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. v. 1836, 238 (described), iv. 288. Mesobema cancrivora, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 910. MacClelland, Calc. J. N. H. ii. 458, t. 13J, /. 2, bad. Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Inhab. Nepal, Central and northern region. a. A specimen with skull, not in a good state. b d. Three specimens, not in a good state. e. A skull. /. A drawing of adult, with details of hind feet, t. 38, f. 35, co- pied t. 42. Viverra fusca (Illust. Ind. Zool. i. t. 5), from one of General Hardwicke's drawings, may be intended for this species. The NYULA. Herpestes Nyula, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. v. 1836, 236 (desc.) Gray, Cat. Mam. 52. H. Nigula, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. H. griseus, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. Inhab. Open Tarai. Nyul of the plains. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 9 a d. Adult specimens. e. Half-grown specimen. / h. Skull and various bones of body and limbs. i. Drawing of adult, t. 45, copied t. 46, with details of hind foot, t. 46, f. 1, copied t. 47. j. Drawing of adult, t. 49, f. 1. k. Drawing of head, skull and feet, t. 49, f. 15 and 11 14. The HIGHLAND NYULA. Herpestes Nepalensis, Gray, Mag. N. H. Cat. Mam. B. M. 52. H. auropunctata, Hodgs. J. A. S. Beng. i. 578. v. 1836, 235 (described), x. 919. Viverra mungos, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340. Herpestes Javanica, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 523, Herpestes n. s. Hodgs. P. Z. Soc. 1834, 96. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly region. a/. Six specimens, (one with imperfect tail). g. A skeleton wanting two legs and feet. h. An imperfect skull. i. Drawing of adult, t. 42. k. Copied, with details of ear and feet, t. 43 46, f. 2. I. Drawing of adult, t. 49, f. 2. ra. Drawing of head, skull and feet, t. 49, f. 610. n. Drawing of skull, t. 60, f. 5. The NEPAL PAGUMA. Paguma Grayii, Gray, Cat. Mam. 54. Paradoxurus Grayii, Bennett, P. Z. S. 1836, 118. Weasel with white stripes ? Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 341. Paradoxurus Nepalen- sis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919 (not described), xi. 1842, 279. Calc. /. N. H. iv. 287. ?Ictides albifrons, Hodgson, J. A. S. B. v. 340. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. Inhab. Nepal, central hilly region, a, b. Two specimens with the end of the tail black. c. Skeleton wanting two fore legs and skull. h. A young albino specimen, not in good state. i. A furrier's skin, not in a good state, rather differently coloured, more yellow, perhaps produced by the preparation, from Koo- tee, Thibet (?), J. A. S. B. xi. 279. d. A drawing of young and old, t. 50. e. A drawing of adult, t. 51, copied t. 52. /. A drawing of head, feet and anal pouch, t. 53. g. A drawing of skull, t. 54. The WOOLLY PAGUMA. Paguma ? laniger, Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 55. Paradoxurus laniger, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919 (not described), xi. 1842, .279. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. "Mustek la- nirrer, Hodgson." Ogilbu. Royle. ILlustr.P Martes laniger, Hodgs. P.Z. S. 1834, 97? Inhab. Nepal, Northern hilly region. a. A s^in without any skull, in a very bad state. b. Drawing of adult, t. 55, copied t. 56. 10 CATALOGUE OF The BONDAR or MUCHABBA. Paradoxurus Bondar, Gray, P. Z. S. 1832, 66. Viverra Bondar, B. Hamilton, MSS. Blainv. Jour. Phys. P. Pennantii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1832, 66. Illust. Ind. Zool. t. Paradoxurus hirsutus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Inhab. Nepal, Tarai. a, b. Adult and very young specimens, with 5 indistinct blackish streaks, c, d. An adult and half grown skin, with scarcely any indication of spots, not in good state. e g. Three skulls of different ages. h. Skull and sundry bones of body and limbs. i. A drawing, with details of head and feet, t. 57. j. A copy, with another animal, t. 58. k. Drawing of head, feet, and anal glands, t. 59. /. Drawing of skull, t. 60, f. 2. The BUAUSU. Cuon primaevus, Hodgs. Trans. As. Soc. Beng. J. A. S. B. x. 919, xi. 1842, 278. Calc. Journ. N. H. ii. 205, iv. 287. Delessert, Souv. Ind. t. 2, (bad). Wild Dog, Hodgs. J. A. S. 5.1.342. Canis Hymalayensis, Lesson. CanisDukhunensis,var. Sykes, P. Z. S. 1832, 15. Canis primzevus, Hodgs. P. Z. Soc. 1833,111. Inhab. Nepal, the hilly region. a. An adult male, dark rufous. b. A half-grown specimen, paler. c. Young, rufous. d. Young, brown, with a darker dorsal streak. Thibet. e,f. Two very young, brown. Thibet. g. Skeleton of adult (without skull). h. Skeleton of a foetal specimen. i. Two skulls of nearly adult. k. Two skulls of foetal specimens without lower jaw. 1. Drawing of adult, t. 61, f. 1, copied t. 62, f. 2, and t. 67. m. Drawing of adult, t. 62, f. 2, copied t. 64, and t. 67. n. Drawing of head, natural size, t. 53. 0. Drawing of skull, t. 65, f. 13, copied t. 66, f. 1, 4, 5. The DOG. Canis familiaris, Pallas, Z, R. A. i. 57. Domes- ticated Species of Dogs, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 343. Tame Dogs Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 278. a c. Three skulls of the different ages of the Pariah Dog, see Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 342. d. A skull of a (mongrel ?) Bhotea Dog. e,f. Two skulls of the Bhotea Mastiff, g. A skull of a Cabul Greyhound, h. A skull of an English Greyhound. 1. A skull of an English Spaniel. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. It j. A skull of an English Spaniel, (mongrel ?). k. A skull of an English Pointer. I, w. Two skulls of Chinese Lap-dogs, one young. 0. A skeleton of the Parrhia. p. Drawing of Cabul Greyhound, t. 68, copied, and skull, t. 69. q. Drawing of Tibetan Terrier, t. 70. r. Drawing of Tibetan Mastiff, five and four clawed var. t. 71, copied t. 72. s. Drawing of skull of Tibetan Mastiff, t. 100, f. 6. The JACKALL or GHIDAR. Canis aureus, Linn. S. N. i. 59. Pallas, Z. R. A. i. 39. Sacalius Indicus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 918. Calc. Journ. N, H. iv. 286. Oxygoiis Indicus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 918. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. Jackal, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 343. PCanis Lupus, Hodgs. W.Elliot, Madras Jour. x. 101. Inhab. Nepal, in the hills, 'common in the great valley of Ne- pal proper. a c. Specimens of adult, rather differently coloured. d -f. Three skulls of different aged specimens. g. Drawing of adult, t. 61, f. 2. h. Drawing of adult t. 73. 1. Drawing of adult, t. 74. j. Drawing of skull, t. 65, f. 4, copied t. 66, f. 2. The PERSIAN Fox. Vulpes flavescens, Gray, Ann. N. H. 1843, 111. Cat. Mam. B. M. 60. Vulpes montanus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 278, not Pearson. Inhab. Thibet, Lassa, common. a, b. Two specimens with the front of the jaws, e. A flat furrier's skin. The KOKREE or LOMER. Vulpes Bengalensis, Gray, Cat. M. B. M. 61. Canis Bengalensis, Shaw P Gray, Illvst. Ind. Zool. ii. t. 2. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 97. Canis rufescens, Gray, Illust. Ind. Zool. t. Canis kokree, Sykes. Canis Corsac, Blyth. Vul- pes xanthurus, Gray, P. Z. S. 1837. Vulpes chrysurus, Gray, Mag. N. H. 1836, 577, larger variety. Vulpes Indicus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 918. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. Insectivorous Fox, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 343. Inhab. Nepal, Tarai. a. A large specimen. b. A skull of an adult. c. An imperfect skull of a young specimen. d. Drawing of adult, t. 76. e. Drawing of adult, t. 61, f. 3. /. Drawing of skull, t. 65, f. 5, copied t. 66, f. 3. The Corsac (C. Corsac, Linn. S. N. iii. 23. Pallas, Z. R. A. i. 41) is very similar, and is probably the mountain representative of this species. It differs in having no grey collar round the front of the chest. 12 CATALOGUE OF The IRON-GREY-SIDED Fox. Vulpes ferrilatus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 278. t. Canis Vulpes, var. Pallas, Z. P. A. i. 45 ? Inhab. Thibet, Lassa. a. Two skins without skulls or toes. b. Drawing of adult, t. 75. The NEPAL Fox. Vulpes montanus, Pearson, J. A. S. B. v. 1836, 313. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 918. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 286. Vulpes Nepalensis, Gray, Mag. N. H. 1836. Canis Himalaicus, Ogilby, P. Z. S. 1836, 203. Canis n. s. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 97. Canis subhemachalus, Hodgs. Icon. Inhab, Nepal, in the Central and Northern hilly regions, a, b. Two adult specimens, grizzled. Nipal. c. A young specimen. d. Drawing of adult, t. 77. The WHITE-CHEEKED WEASEL. Martes flavigula, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919, xi. 1842, 281. Calc. Journ. N. H. iv. 287. Mus- tela flavigula, Bodd. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 97. Mustek Hard- wickii, Horsf. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 341. Viverra quadricolor, Shaw. Mustela leucotis, Griffith. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly regions, and Thibet. a. An adult specimen, yellow, head, rump and limbs black. b. A pale yellow specimen, head, back, tail and feet brown. c. The front of the jaws. d. e. Skulls of young and half-grown specimens. /. The skull and bones of the trunk of an adult, the hinder tuber- cular grinders broader. g. Drawing of adult with details of feet, t. 78. *h. Drawing of skull, t. 60, f. 3. Varies much in the intensity of the colour; some light yellow, with head, hinder parts, limbs and tail deep black, others pale yel- lowish, with head and other parts brown. The TOUFEE. Martes ? toufaeus, Hodgs. J.A.S. B. xi. 1842, 281. Inhab. Thibet. a. A furrier's skin without a tail, fur dark grey-brown without any white hairs, back with a broad dark central streak, head grey- ish white, with a few brown hairs, chin and throat rather dark- er than the head. b. A furrier's skin, without fore legs or tail, pale brown, with nu- merous white hairs, scarcely darker on the vertebral line, head rather paler, chin and throat yellow, middle of the belly yel- lowish. c. A furrier's skin, without tail, fur very soft, short, close-set, vel- vet-like, dark brown, rather paler on the sides, with only a very few scattered white hairs, sides of the head whitish, throat pale MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 13 brown, with an irregular yellowish white spot, legs and feet dark blackish brown, belly rather paler than the back, with more numerous whitish hairs. (L Drawing of adult, t. 79. In the fineness and shortness of the fur, the skins best agree with those of the Sable. The STOAT or ERMINE. Mustela Erminea, Hodgs. J.A. S.B. x. 919, xi. 1842, 286. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly region. a. A furrier's skin without fore legs or skull, tip of the tail brown- ish black. The HOARY-NECKED WEASEL. Mustela canigula, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 279, (described). Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Inhab. Thibet, rarer in Himalayan region. a. Skin with the jaws, from Lassa. b. Drawing of adult, t. 80. The CATHIA. Mustela Cathia, vel auriventer, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919, xi. 1842, 280. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Mustela (Putorius) Kathiah, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 1835, 702. Weasel, n. s. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 341. a. A skin without any skull. b. A skin with the front of the jaws. c. A skin, without hair on the tail. d. A skull. e. A drawing of adult, t. 83, copied, with details of ear and feet, t. 84. The NEPAL WEASEL. Mustela subhemachalana. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 280 (described). Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 67. Putorius subhemachalanus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1837, 563. Mustela hemachalanus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919. Mustela huraeralis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xi. 1842, 99. a. An adult specimen. b 9 c. Two half-grown specimens, one not in good state. d. A drawing of adult and young, with details of feet and teeth, t. 81. e. A drawing of adult dark variety, t. 82. /. A skull. The RATEL or BHARSIAH. Melivora Rat-el. Viverra Ratel, Sparm. Act. Holm. 1777, t. 4,/. 2. Ursus Indicus, Hardw. Linn. Trans, iv. t. 9. Ursitaxus iuauritus, Hodgs. Asiat. Res. xix. 60, t. 8. /. A. S. B. 1836, 671, x. 910. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288. Ra- telus mellivorus, Hodgs. P. Z. S, 1834, 96. Lipotus mellivorus, Sundev. Indian Badger, Pennant. Inhab. Nepal, Lower hilly region. C 14 CATALOGUE OF a. A specimen with skull, in very bad state. b. Drawing of adult, t. 85. c. Drawing with details of head and feet, t. 86. d. A skull of adult. The NEPAL HELICTES. Helictes Nipalensis, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Gray, Cat. Mam. 69. Gulo Nipalensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. v. 1826,' 237, (described), 1837, 560, x. 919. Gulo orientalis, Ogilby. Royle, Illustr. not Hors field. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. a. A specimen without skull, not in good state. b. A skull, imperfect at the occiput. c. Drawing of adult, t. 87. d. Drawing of adult with details of feet, t. 88. e. Drawing of skull, t. 60, f. 4. The GOLDEN BROWN OTTER. Lutra aurobrunnea, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. viii. 1839, 320, x. 919. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 71. a. A skin in a bad state, without skull, perhaps tanned ? b. Drawing of adult, t. 90, f. 1. The CHINESE OTTER. Lutra Chinensis, Gray, Mag. N. H. 1836. Cat. Mam. B. M. 71. Lutra In dica, Gray. ? Lutra Ta- rayensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. viii. 1839, 319 (described), x. 919. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Lutra vulgaris, var. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 341. a. An adult specimen. b. c. Two young specimens. d. Drawing of adult and young, t. 89. The MOUNTAIN OTTER. Lutra mouticola, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. viii. 1839, 320 (described), x. 919. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Inhab. Nepal, Lower and central hilly region. a, b. An adult and a young specimen, without skulls. c. A young specimen with skull. d. Drawing of adult, t. 90, f. 3. e g. Three skulls, 2 adult and 1 young. h. A skull, much narrower between the orbits. The skins of the Otters were sent without names, and are all in a bad state, so that perhaps they may not be accurately deter- mined according to Mr. Hodgson's papers. The NEPAL WARGUL. Aonyx indigitatus, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Lutra indigitata, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. viii. 1839, 320, (described), x. 919. Inhab. Lower and central hilly region. a d. Four skins (in bad state) of young and half grown, without skulls. MR HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 15 e. The front of the jaws of half-grown animal. /. Drawing of adult, t. 90, f. 2. Fam. URSID.E. The TIBET BEAR. Helarctos Tibetanus, Gray, Cat. Mam. B M. 73. Ursus Tibetanus, F. Cuv. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340, x. 910. P. Z. S. i. 96. Cede. J. N. H iv. 288. Ursus ferox, Robin- sow, Assam, 69. Helarctos Malayanus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly region. a. A skin of a very large specimen, not in good state. b d. Three skulls of different ages. e. A skull of a just-born specimen. /. Drawing of adult, with details of head and feet, t. 92. q. Drawing of adult, t. 93. 'h. Drawing of adult, t. 94, f. 2. i. Drawing of skull, t. 95, and t. 100. This species is not found in Thibet, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 282. The RJTCK or DUBB. Ursus Isabellinus, Horsf. Linn. Trans. xv. 334. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340, x. 910, xi. 282. P. Z. S. 1834. 96. Calc. J.' N. H. iv. 288. Ursus Syriacus, Hempr. $- Ehrh. Syn. Phifs. i. t. 1. Ursus arctos albus, Gmel. Buffon, N. ff. viii. t.32. Inhab. Thibet. a. Skin of part of the foot with three claws. b. The front of the lower jaw, with a small piece of skin attached. c. Drawing of adult, t. 91. The ASWAIL. Melursus Lybius, Meyer. Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 73. Ursus labiatus, Blainv. Tickell, Calc. J. N. H. ii. t. 7. Ursus longirostris, Tiedem. Prochilus labiatus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340, x. 910. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288. Ursi- form Sloth, Penn. Bradypus ursinus, Shaw, Zool. i. 47. Brady- pus ursiformis, Shaw, Z. Misc. i. t. 58. Petre Bear, Cantor. Slow Bear, Hamilton, Mysore, ii. 197. Inhab. India, Nepal. a, b. Two skulls differing in the breadth of the muzzle. c. Drawing of skull, t. 69. d. Drawing of the adult, t. 94, f. t. The WAH. Ailurus ful^ens, F. Cuv. Mam. Lithog. t. Gray, Illust. Ind. Zool. t. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 96. /. A. S. B. i. 340, x. 919. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Inhab. Nepal, Northern hilly regions. a. An adult specimen. b. A half-grown specimen, with skull. c. The front of the jaws. c 2 16 CATALOGUE OF d. A skull. e. Two skulls, differing in the width of the muzzle. /. Drawing of adult, t. 96, copied t. 98. g. Drawing of head, feet and ears, t. 97. h. Drawing of skull, t. 99, f. 13. Fam. TALPID^E. The SHORT -TAILED MOLE. Talpa micrura, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 910 (described). Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288. ? Talpa cryptura, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1843, 938. Talpa Europaea, Robinson, Assam, 96. Mole, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340. Blyth, J. A. S. B. xi. 95. Talpa, Hodgs. P. Z S. 1834, 96. Talpa europsea (var. Sihirica), Pallas, Z. R. A. i. 126 ? a. Adult skin. b. Drawing of adult, t. 101. The MONDJOUROU or SONDELI. Sorex mnrinus, Linn. Hodgs. Ann. and Mag. N. H. 1845, 269. Musk Shrew, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 340. Sorex Indicus, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1839, 96. J. A. S. B. x. 910. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288. Geoff. Ann. Mus. xvii. 184, t. 4, /. 2. Sorex Nipalensis, Hodgs. Icon. Sorex myosurus, Pallas, Act. Petrop. 1781, t. 4, f. 1. Sorex Pilorides, Shaw, Mus. Lever. t. 8. Sorex cserulescens, Shaw, Zool. i. 533. Sorex moschatus, Robinson, Assam, 96. Sorex giganteus, and Sorex Sonneratii, Geoff. Mem. Mus. xv. t. 4,/. 5. Inhab. Nepal, in all the regions, near houses. a e. Five specimens. /. A skull. g. A lower jaw and part of a skulL 'h. Drawing of adult, t. 103, f. 1, 4, 5, copied t. 104, f. 1. The PIGMY SHREW. Sorex pygmaeus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 919. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288. Ann. and Mag. N. H. xv. 1845, 269. Sorex pusillus, S. G. Gmel. Reise, iii. 499, t. 75, /. 1. ? Fischer, Mam. 259? a. Specimen in spirits, from Central hills. b. Drawing, of natural size, t. 102, f. 2. Sorex pygmaeus, Pallas, Itin. iii. Append. Z. R. A. i. 134 ; S. exilis, Gmelin, S. N. i. 115; and S. ccecuticus, Laxm. N. Act. Petrop. iii. 285 ; S. minutus, Laxm. Siber. Briefe, 72 ; are proba- bly the same species. The WOOD SHRKW. Sorex nemorivagus, Hodgs. Calc. /. N. H. iv. 288. Ann. and Mag. N. H. 1845, 269, Sorex nemoricola, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1842, 279, note (not described). a. A specimen in spirits. b. Drawing of adult, t. 102, f. 1. This is probably only a half-grown specimen of Sorex murinus. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 17 The BLACK INDIAN SHREW. Corsira nigrescens, Gray, Ann. and Mag. N. H. x. 261. Sorex soccatus, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288, (not described). Ann. and Mag. N. H. xv. 1845, 270. Sorex aterrimus, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1843, 128? (not described). a. A specimen in a bad state, wanting the fur on the sides. Inhab. Nepal. Order IV. GLIRES. Fam 1. MURID;E. The BANDICOOT, or PIG BAT. M us Bandicota, Bechst. Gray, Cat. Mam. 108. Mus (Rattus) nemorivagus, Hodys. J. A. S. B. v. 1836, 234 ; (descr.) x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. 1841, 220, iv. 292. Ann. N. H 1845, 266. Mus sedfer, Hodgs. Cat. (1833) Mus pilorides, Pallas p a d. Four specimens. e. An adult specimen, without tail. /. Drawing of adult, t. 105, f. 2, and t. 106. Blackish brown, with very long stiff hairs on the rump. Hind foot, 1 inch 10 lines ; tail, 8 inches; body and head, 11 inches; skull, 2 inches 5 lines by 1 inch 10 lines. The NORWAY RAT. Mus decumanus, Linn P Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 98. - Mus decumanoides, Hoda. Calc. J. N. H. 1841, 220, x. 915. iv. 292, (neither Waterhouse nor Horsf.) Gray, Cat. Mam, 108. Rat of Nepal, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 344. Mus. brunneus, Hodgs. Ann. and May. N. H. 1 845, 267. a m. Twelve specimens. n p. Three skulls. q. Drawing of adult, t. 107, f. 1, and t. 108, f. 1, t. 109. Var. Belly yellowish white. a c. Adult specimens. Skull, 1 inch 10 lines by 11 lines. The INDIAN RAT. Muslndicus, Geoff. Mus Rattus ? Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 98. Mus Rattoides, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Ann. $- Mag. N. H. 1845, 267. a, b. Reddish, bad state, c, d. Rather browner, not good state. e,f. Drawing of adult, t. 103, f. 3, and t. 108, f. 2. g i. Three skulls. /. ? Var. darker, with whitish bristles, no hind feet. ? Mus brunneusculus, Hodgs. Ann. ST Mag. N. H. 1845, 267 ? Skull, 1 inch 7 lines, by 10 lines. HODGSON'S RAT. Mus pyctoris, Hodgs. Ann. fy Mag. N. H. 1845, 267. Arvicola ? Neotoma ? pyctoris, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Calc. Journ. N. H. iv. 292. c 3 18 CATALOGUE OF Inhab. Nepal, Central and Northern Hilly region. a. Specimen with skull, in very bad state. b. Drawing, of natural size, t. 113, f. 1. Fur soft, dark brown, minutely grey varied, with scattered, narrow, white bristles. Lower cutting teeth very narrow, rounded in front. Middle of belly whitish. Tail nakedish. Hind feet, 1 inch 3 lines ; tail 4 inches (imperfect) ; body and head 7 inches; skull, 1 inch 6 lines. The WHITE-BELLIED RAT. Mus Rattus nivei venter, Hodys. J. Ass. A. S. v. 1836, 234, described ; x. 915. C. J. N. H. 1841, 220, iv. 292. Gray, Cat. Mam. 1 09. Ann. $* Mag. N. H. 1845, 267. a. Specimen with the skull, in bad condition, without hind feet and tail. b, c. Drawings of adult, t. 104, f. 2, copied t. 105, f. 1. Dark brown ; the cutting teeth very narrow and slender ; hind feet slender, 1 inch ; length of body and head, 6j inches. The SHINING RAT. Mus nitidus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Ann. $- Mag. N. H. 1845, 267. Inhab. Nepal, in houses. a. Drawing, natural size, t. 110, f. 1. The WOOD RAT. Mus? Myothrix, Hodgs. Ann. fy Mag. N. H. 1845, 267. Arvicola ? Neotoma ? Myothrix, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Inhab. Nepal, Central and Northern hilly region. a. A flat skin, without fore limbs ; tail skinned at the end. b. Drawing, of natural size, t. 113, f. 2. Fur yellow-brown, minutely black varied ; hair rather short and rigid, lead-coloured, with yellow tips, and with scattered nar- row black bristles beneath, yellowish white ; tail hairy, yellow ; hind feet 1 inch ; tail 3 inches 9 lines. The SOFT-FURRED RAT. Mus fulvescens. Inhab. Nepal. a. A skin without head, limbs, or tail ; belly white, with a central yellow streak. b. A skin in a bad state, belly white, without any streak. Fur pale fulvous, hair very soft, lead-coloured, with bright yel- low tips, and interspersed slender black bristles; throat, belly and beneath pure white ; tail elongate, nearly bald ; cutting teeth nar- row ; skull about 1 inch 2 lines ; hind feet about 1 inch. The WOOD MOUSE. Mus dumecolus. Musculus dumecolus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Field Mouse, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 344. Mus Vand. dumeticola, Hodgs. Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1845, 268. Vandeleuria dumeticola, Gray, Cat. Mam. 112. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 19 Inhab. Nepal, Central and northern hilly regions. a. Stuffed. b. In spirits, not in good state. c. Drawing, of natural size, t. 1 10, f. 5. Hind foot, 8 lines ; tail, 3 inches ; body and head 2 inches. FAWN-COLOURED MOUSE. Mus cervicolor, Hodgs. Ann. fy Mag. N. H. 1845, 268. ? Musculus cervicolor, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Cole. J. N. H. iv. 292. Inhab. Nepal, Central and northern hilly regions. o, 6. Pale, (one wanting the skull). c. Dark coloured. d f. In spirits, more or less wanting the hair. g. Drawing of adult, t. 103, f. Ill, f. 1. Ears large ; muzzle, feet and tail yellow ; tail as long as body and head ; fur yellowish grey, lead-coloured at the base ; ears large, hairy ; hind foot 8 lines. The NEPAL HOUSE MOUSE. Mus Nipalensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. ? Mus homoorus, Hodgs. Ann. $ Mag. N. H. 1845, 268. Inhab. Nepal, Central and northern hilly region, a, b. In spirits, not good state. c. Drawing, of natural size, t. 11, f. 3, (Musculus Nepalensis). The DOUBTFUL MOUSE. Mus dubius. Musculus dubius, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Ann. fr Mag. N. H. 1845, 68. Inhab. Nepal, Central and northern hilly regions, in houses and gardens. a c. In spirits, not in a good state. d. Drawing, of the natural size, t. Ill, f, 2. The KOK. Nesokia Kok. Mus Kok, Gray, Mag. N. H. 1836. Mus (Neotoma) providens, Elliott, Madras Jour. 1839. Arvicola Indica, Gray, lllust. Ind. Zool. t. Inhab. Nepal, (Madras). a. Skull. The WATER NESOKIA. Nesokia hydrophila. Mus hydrophi- lus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Ann. $ Mag. N. H. 1845, 267. Arvicola Phydrophilus, Hodgs. J. A. 5. B. x. 915, not Gray. Inhab. Nepal. a. Specimen without tail. 6. Skull, imperfect. c. Drawing of adult and young, natural size, t. 112. 20 CATALOGUE OF Grey brown, beneath whitish, fur very soft, with rather elon- gated, very slender, soft, longer hairs ; ears moderate, rounded ; whiskers black at the base, slender, weak ; front cutting teeth broad, yellow ; grinders very large, much larger than in Mus Ban- dicota. Hind foot, 1 inch 8 lines; skull to back of palate, 1 inch 1^ line; grinders 4^ lines long and 2 lines wide.- Fam. 2. HYSTRICIDJS. The SAYAL. Hystrix leucurus, Sykes. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 97. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Gray, Cat. Mam. 123. Hystrix Nipal- ensis, Hodgs. Jour. Sci. Beng. 1841,220, x. 915. Cole. J. N. H. iv. 293. H. cristata Indica, Gray, Illust. Ind. Zool. t, 14. Hystrix, Hods.J. A. S.B.i.343. a c. Three specimens of different ages. d. A very young flat skin, brown. e,f. Two skulls. g. Bones of the body (without limbs). h. Drawing of female, t. 114. i. Drawing of young, with details of feet, t. 115. Fam. 4. LEPORID^E. The INDIAN HARE. Lepus macrotus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. ix. 1840, 1 1 83, x. 915. Gray, Cat. B. M. 127. Lepus Indicus, Hodgs. Linn. Tram. L. n. sp. Hodgs. P. Zool. Soc. 1834, 97. Lepus aryavertensis, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 293. L. orien tails, Brown, Beng. Sport. May. 1836. Larger Hare, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 344. Var. 1. Sole of feet brownish white. a c. Three specimens of adult, not in a good state. d. A young specimen. e. A head. f,g. Two skulls, (from bad specimens). h. ? A skull, (not named). i. The bones of the trunk. Var. 2. Soles of the feet bright red. k. Two specimens. /. A skull. m. Drawing of adult, t. 116, and t. 118, f. 1. The TALOI. Lepus Taloi, Pallas, Glires, 20, t. I,/. 2. Zool. Z. A. i. 149. Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 127. L. Dauricus, Erxl. Gmel. Nov. Comn. Petrop. v. 357, t. 12, /. 2. L. pallipes, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 288, t. Inhab. Thibet, a. An imperfect skin, wanting the head and one foot. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 21 b. Drawing of adult, t. 117, copied J. A. S. B. xi. t. Exactly like our specimen of L. Taloi from Siberia, except that the fore legs are rather whiter in front. The WOOLY HARE. Lepus Oemoclias, Hodgs. Linn. Trans. Lepus Oistolus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. ix. 1940, 1 183. x. 915, xi. 288. Calc. Jour. N. H. ii. 414. v. 293. Lepus Quomodidus (amis- print), Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 293. L. diostolus (a misprint), Calc. Jour. N. H. 1841, 220. Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 127. L. Tibetanus, Waterh. P. Z. S. 1841. Ann.N.H. 1841,234. Small Hare, Hodgs. J. A. S. B i. 344. Inhab. Snowy region of the Himalaya, and perhaps also Thibet. a. A specimen from the Kachar. 1). Drawing of adult, t. 118, f. 2. The INDIAN SULGAN. Lagomys Nipalensis, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. x. 1831, 854, t. (described), x. 915. xi. 289. Ann. N. H. 1842, 77. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 293. Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 130. L. Eoylii, Ogilby, Royle, Flor. Cash. t. ? Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 289. Gray, Cat. Mam. 129. Tailless Rat, Turner, Jour. Thibet, 211. Mundy, Jour. India, iii. 196. Herbert, Asiat. Res. xv. 5? a c. Three specimens, of different ages and colours. d f. Three young specimens, only rufous on the upper part of the fore legs. g. A skull, in a bad state, h. Drawing, with details offset, t. 119. This species differs from L. pusillus of Siberia, in having long and soft fur and large ears. We have a specimen in the British Museum agreeing with L. Roylii (Ogilby), which wants the rufous colour on the shoul- ders. I formerly considered it distinct from this species, but re-examination and comparison with more specimens make me believe it is the same. Fam. JERBOID^E. The GREY-HEADED TAGUAN. Pteromys camceps. Sciurop- terus caniceps, Gray, Ann. fy Mag. N. H. 262. Cat. Mam. B. M. 135. Pt. inornatus, /. Geoff. Jacq. Voy. Ind. 62, t. 4. Sciu- ropterus Senex, Hodgs. Calc. Jour. N. H. iv. 293. /. A. S. B. 1843. a. Adult var. with the upper part of the head iron-grey, the orbits orange, the outer edge of the membranes at the back of the fore arm white. b. Drawing of adult, t. 122, f. 3. Cheeks and head grey ; back blackish, with red tips to the hairs ; belly bright reddish ; orbits and spot behind the ear bright orange; outer edge of fore arm white. 22 CATALOGUE OF The GOLDEN-STREAKED TAGUAN. Pteromys uobilis. Sciu- ropterus nobilis, Gray, Ann. N. H. 1842, 263. Cat. Mam. 134. a. A specimen of adult, feet bright red. b. c. A middle-aged and young specimen, feet blackish above. d. A specimen with the feet black, and a small yellow spot be- tween the shoulders. P. melanopus, Gray, MSS. e. An adult specimen, with a yellow streak down the back on each side, feet red above. S. aurostrigata, Hodgs. S. chrysothrix, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915, 1843. 900. Calc. J. N. H. ii. 414, (characterized). /. Drawing of adult, t. 122, f. 2, and t. 123, f. 2. Bright red and black varied, shoulders bright orange, beneath fulvous. The KOIRAL. Pteromys magniticus, Gray, Cat. Mam, 134. Sciuropterus magnificus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 521. v. 1836, 231 , (described), x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 293. Sciuropterus Hodg. J. A. S. B. i. 344. S. nitidus, Hodgs. P. Z. S. iv. 98. a, b. Two adult specimens. c. A skull of adult. d. Drawing of adult, t. 120, with details of head, t. 121 , copied t. 121 and 122, f. 1, t. 123, f. 1. Red, hair white-tipped ; shoulder and beneath yellow. TURNBULL'S FLYIN T G SQUIRREL. Sciuropterus alboniger, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. \. 1836, 231, (described) iv. 513, x. 915. Cal. Journ. N. H. iv 293. Gray, Cat. Mam. 135. S. Turnbullii, Gray. Mag. N. H. 1836. Proc. Z. S. 1836, 68. a e. Five specimens. /. A very young specimen. g, h. Two skulls. i. Drawing of adult and young, t. 124, copied t. 125. The RASOO, or RATUFA. Sciurus purpureus, Zimmerman. S. maximus, pt. Schreb. Bombay Squirrel, Penn. S. Bombaya- nus, Bodd. Malabar Squirrel, Penn. S. Indicus, Erxl. S. ma- crouroides, Hodgs. Cat. MSS. S. Elphinstonii, Sykes. a. A specimen of the male (from R. W.). Shoulders, loins and tail, black. The BLACK-MOUSTACHE SQUIRREL. Sciurus macruroides, Hodgs. Calc. Journ. N. H. 1841, 220, v. 293. /. A. S. B. x. 915. Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 136. S. giganteus, MacClelland, Ind. Rev. 1838, 509, (not described). S. bicolor, Horsf. Proc. Z. Soc. 1842. a. A specimen with front of jaws. Black above. b. A specimen in very bad state Brownish black above, feet, tail and head blacker. c. Drawing, with details of foot, t. 126. MR. HODGSON } S COLLECTION. 23 The SQUIRREL. Sciurus Europaeus, Linn. S. varius, Briss. Pallas, Zool. Ross. Asiat. t. S. vulgaris cinereus, Fischer. Mus- tek? Calotus, or Chuakhal, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. ii. 221, t. 9. J. A. S. B. x. 9J9. M. Calotis, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 287. Inhab. Thibet. a. A hunter's skin, without skull or feet. b. Drawing of Chuakhal, t. 127, copied Calc. Jour. N. H. ii. 221, t.9. The LOKRIAH. Sciurus Locria, Hodgs. J. A. S-. B. x. 915. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 293. S. Lokriah, Hodgs. J. A. Soc. Beng. v. 1836, 232 (described), 523. S. subflaviventris, McClelland, MSS. Ind. Rev. Sciurus, n. s. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 98. Inhab. Nepal, Central region. a d. Four specimens, bright orange beneath. e. Two specimens, paler orange beneath. /. Drawing, t. 128, copied t. 129, f. 1. Olive black and yellow grizzled, beneath greyer, middle of belly bright orange ; tail blackish, white-grizzled, beneath red. The specimens were misnamed in the former sending, which has caused a mistake in the List of Mammalia. The GKEY-SIDED SQUIRREL. Sciurus Lokroides, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1836, 232, described (not Horsf.) Calc. J. N. H. iv. 293. S. locroides, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 915. Squirrel, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 344. a d. Four adult specimens, front of the thigh like the back. e g. Three specimens, front and outer side of the thigh orange red, back rather darker. S. Lokriah, Gray, Cat. Mam. 143. h. A young specimen, without a tail. i. A drawing, t. 129, f. 2, and t. 130. Minutely punctured yellowish and black, beneath reddish grey, redder in the middle of the belly and groin ; tail elongate, subcy- lindrical, obscurely black ringed near the end. The SHIPI, or CHUPI. Arctomys Bobac, Gmelin, S. N. i. 143. Gray, Cat. Mam. 148. A. Baibak, Pallas, Zool. R. A. i. 155. Arctomys Himalayanus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 1841,777, t. de- scribed x. 915, xi. 287. A. gigantea, Brandt, MSS. A. eauda- tus, V. Jacq. Voy. Ind. iii. 310, 66, (the Droune). A. Tibetanus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1842, 409. Mus Arctomys, Pallas, Glir. *. 51. Inhab. Thibet, common in the Himalayas, and Kachar rarely, a. A flat skin, wanting the hind foot. b. A flat skin of half-grown specimen, wanting all the feet. c. An imperfect skull of adult. d. A skull without lower jaw. 24 CATALOGUE OF e. The bones of the trunk and skull. /, Drawing, t. 131. Claws moderate ; hair yellowish with blackish tips and black at the base ; tail yellowish, with a brown tip , teats 6-6, in a line from chest to groin. The SMALLER SHIFT. Arctomys Tibetanus, Hodgs. A. He- machalanus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1843, 410. a. Skin almost without hair, with skull. b. A skin without skull. c. A drawing, t. 132 and 133. Claws very long ; top of nose and spot over orbit, black ; cut- ting teeth white in front. Fam. ASPALACIDJE. The BAY BAMBOO EAT. Rhizomys badius, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. ii. 60, 410. /. A. S. B. x. 915. Gray, Cat. Mam. 150. R. minor, Gray, Ann. N. H. 1842, 266. a, b. Two specimens. c. A drawing, with details of head, teeth and feet, t. 136. Order V. UNGULATA. Fam. BOVID^E. The Ox. Bos Taurus, Linn. Gray, Cat. Mam. 151. Bos domesticus, Linn. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 911. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 289. Bos Taurus, var. Indicus, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 99. Do- mesticated Cows, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 348. xi. 282. a, b. Two skulls of domesticated cattle of Nepal, male and famale. The CAYAL. Bos frontalis, Lamb. Linn. Trans, viii. 57, t. Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 151, Deles. Souv. Ind. t. (not good). B. Sylhetanus, F. Cuv. Mam. Lithog. t. (var. Dom). H. Smith, Griff. A. K. iv. 406. Bibos Gaveus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 912. Gayal, Colebrook, Asiat. Res. viii. 51 1 /. Hardw. ZooL Jour. iii. 223. a, b. Skulls of male and female ? Frontal bone very broad, flat ; horns black, depressed. The GOUR. Bibos Gaurus, Hodgs. Icon. t. 137. Bos Gau- rus, H. Smith, Griff. A. K. x. 894. Bos Gaur, Evans. Bos Gour, Trail, Edin. Ph. J. 1824, 334. Bisonus ? subhemacha- lensis, Hodgs. Icon. t. 135. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 289. B. bubalus gauvera, Penn. Quad. i. 27. Bibos cavifrons, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. vi. 299, 745, t. 39. x. 912. The Gauri Gau of the'Tarai. Inhab. the Tarai. a. Specimen of a male. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 25 b. Skull of a male. c. A single horn. d. A skull of the adult male. e. A skull of a half-grown male. /. A skull and some bones of foetal specimen. g. Drawing of two males, t. 135. h. Drawing of two males, t. 136. i. Drawing of two males, t. 137. k. Drawing of a male, t. 138, f. 2. /. Drawing of horns, t. 145, f. 5, 6. The BUFFALO. Bubal us Buffelus, Gray, Cat. Mam. B. M. 1 52. Bos Buffelus, Brisson. Bos Bubalis, Linn. S. N. i. 99. Hodgs, P. Z. S. 1834, 99. Bubalus Arna, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 912. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 289. Icon. ined. t. 138. Bubalus ferus Indicus, Hodgs. Icon. ined. t. 139. Wild Buffalo, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 348. Var. 1. Macrocerus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 912. a. A skull with horns, domestic variety. b, c. Two skulls with horns, wild variety. d. A pair of broad elongated horns. e. A pair of horns, very slender. Var. 2. Speirocerus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 912. /. A skull, with horns, tame variety. g. Drawing of a male, t. 138, f. 1, copied. h, i. Drawing of four specimens, t. 139, copied t. 141. k. Drawing of four specimens, t. 140. /. Drawing of a male, three years old, with details of head, t. 142. m. Drawing of horns of wild, t. 145, f. 1 a. n. Drawing of horns of tame, t. 145. f. 3. The YAK. Bison Poephagus. Bos grunniens, Linn., or Yak of Thibet, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 348. P. Z. S. 1834, 99. Bos poephagus, H. Smith. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 282. Bisonia Poe- phagus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 912. Calc. J. N. S. iv. 289. Poe- phagus grunniens, Gray, Cat. Mam. 153. a. Skin of adult, black, with white dorsal streak and tail. b, c. Two skulls of male. d. A skull of the female, with the horns bent forward at the tip. e. A skull of the female. /. A pair of horns of the male, of large size. g. A pair of horns of the female, slender and bent horizontally. h. Drawing of a group of the domestic variety, t. 143, copied, with front figure left out, t. 144. i. Drawing of horns, t. 145, f. 4. k. Drawing of horns, t. 100, f. 1,2, 26 CATALOGUE OF The CHI RU. Kemas Hodgsonii, Gray, Cat. Mam. 157. Pan- tholops Hodgsonii, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 282. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 290. A. Kemas, H. Smith. Antilope Hodgsonii, Abel, Edin. Jour. Sci. 1827, 165. P. Z. S. 1831, 52. 1832,14. 1833,110. 1834, 80. 1835, 3. 1836, 39. A. Chiru, Lesson. The Chim, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 1832, 59, t. head, 340. iii. 1834, 134. x. 913.* a, b. Two specimens of males. c. Skull of male with horns. d. A single slender horn. e. Drawing of male and female, t. 146. Lithograph proof by Mr. F. Howard, t. 147. /. Drawing of male and female, t. 148. g. Drawing of male without inguinal gland, t. 149. h. Drawing of horns, t. 150. i. Drawing of skull and details of head, t. 151. k. Drawing of skull of male, t. 186, f. 7, 8. The CHOU SINGHA. Tetracerus quadricornis, Gray, Cat. M. 159. Tetracerus Chickara, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Calc. J N. H. iv.291. A. quadricornis, Blainv. Jour. Phys. 1818. I sis, 1819, t. 12, /. 3. A. tetracornis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 542. v. 242. Antilope Chickara, Hardw. Linn. Trans, xiv. 520, t. 15, 16. xv. t. 20. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 99. A. striaticornis, Leach. A. Chicara, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 346, 347. The Chousingha, Hin- does. a, b. Two specimens of male, front of fore leg dark. c. A specimen of the female, rufous, without any dorsal streak, and front of legs pale. d. A skull, without lower jaw. e. An imperfect skin of a male, with 2 horns. f. Drawing of male and female, t. 152. g. Drawing of male, copied from Hamilton Smith, with details of horns added, t. 153. h. Drawing of male, with details of head, t. 154. The BLACK ANTELOPE, or SASIN. Cervicapra bezoartica, Gray, Cat, Mam. 159. Capra Cervicapra, Linn. C. bezoartica, Aldrov. Antelope Cervicapra, Pallas. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 290. Proc. Z. S. 1834, 99. a. Drawing of old, young and female, t. 155. b. An imperfect specimen of a female, or young male, with a pale lateral streak, A. bilineata, Temm. c. A skull with horns, of adult male. d. A pair of horns. e. One odd deformed horn. /. Drawing of skull of male, t. 186, f. 9, 10. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. The INDIAN GAZELLE, CHOUKA, or RAVINE DEER. Gazella Bennettii. Antelopa Bennettii, Sykes, P. Z. S. 1831, 104. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Calc. J. N. 'H. iv. 290. A. Christii, Gray, B. M. A. Bharatensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Cede. J. N. H. iv. 290. The Chouka (or Ravine Deer), Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 347. x. 913. Inhab. Nepal, Tarai. a. Skin of male, with head and horns, very imperfect, b. An imperfect skin of young male. c. Drawing of male and female, t. 156. The GHORAL. Naemorhedus Goural, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. iv. 1835, 488. Gray, Cat. Mam, 166. N. Goral, vel Hardvvickii, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 88. /. A. S. B. x. 913. Antelope Goral, Hardw. Linn. Trans, xiv. 518, t. 14. Hodgs. J. A. S. B i. 346. P. Z. S. 1833, 105. 1834, 99. A. Duvaucellii, H. Smith. A. Goural, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1835, 418. Kemas Goral, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 291. i. t. 12, /. 2, 3. a, b. Specimens of male and female. c. Half-grown specimen, without horns. d. Specimen of young, without horns. e. f. Two skulls of males. g i. Three imperfect skulls of females. k. Drawing of male, female and young, t. 157; male copied t. 160, f. 2. i. Drawing of male and female, t. 158. m. Drawing of head of male and female in detail, 1. 159. n. Drawing of skull, t. 187, f. 7, 8. The THAR, or THAUR. Capricornis bubalina, Gray, Cat, Mam. 166. Kemas proclivus vel Thar, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 291. Nsemorhedus Thar, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 36, J. A. S. B. iv. 1835, 489. N. proclivus, Hodgs. Antilope bu- balina, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1832, ii. 12. A. Thar, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1833, iii, 105. 1834, 99. J. A. S. B. i. 346. iv. 1835. 889. Ke- mas Thar, Hodgs. a. An adult male. b. A skull of a male. c. A skull of a female. d. Drawing of male, t. 160, f. 1. e. Drawing of male and female, t. 161. /. Drawing of head, t. 163 and t. 164. g. Drawing of skull, t. 187, f. 5, 6, The GOAT. Capra Hircus, Linn. S. N. i. 94. Var. 1. Var. Doogoo, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly region. a. Drawing of male and female, t. 171. D2 28 CATALOGUE OF Var. 2. Capra Hircus, var. Sinai, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 347. x, 913. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly region. a c. Three skulls, with the horns regularly bent back. d. A skin with skull and horns. e. Drawing of varieties, t. 172. " A tall, largish species, with ordinary horns, long, flowing, straight hair, drooping longish ears, and semierect short tail.'' Hodgs. I. c. i. 347. Var. 3. Changra, or Shawl Goat, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 347. x. 913. xi. 283. Inhab. Thibet. a. A skull with horns. b. An adult skull with horns. c. Drawing of male, t. 173, f. 1, and t. 174, f. 2. d. Drawing of horns, t. 175, f. 1, 2. Var. 4. Chappoo, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Capra (Egagrus Chungra, B. Ham. MSS. Icon. ined. n.ll. Bouc de Cachemere, F. Cuv. Mam. Lithog. Inhab. Thibet. a. A skull with horns. b. A young skull. c. A pair of separate horn-sheaths. d. Drawing of male, t. 173, f. 2, and t. 174, f. 1. e. Drawing of horns, t. 175, f. 3, 4. Note. C. (Egagrus Cossus, Blainv., is established from C. (Egagrus Cossia of Buchanan Hamilton; and C. imberbis Bar- bara, Blainv. from C. imberbis Berbura, B. Hamilton; they are both domestic goats, and not sheep, as regarded by Fischer. The JHARAL, or JEHR. Hemitragus Jemlaica. Capra Jha- ral, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 347. iv. J835, 491. v. 254. P. Z. S. 1834, 99 106. Hemicapra (misprint for) Semicapra, Hodgson. Hemitragus quadrimammis, vel Jharal, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1836, 254. x. 913. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 291. C. Egagrus, var. Hodgs., P. Z. S. 1833, 105. a. An adult specimen, blackish. b. An adult specimen, reddish brown, long hair of neck and back whitish. c. A half-grown specimen, pale brown. d. A young specimen. e. The skull of a young female. /. The broken skull of a young male. g. Drawing of male, female and young, t. 165. h. Drawing of male and female, t. 166. i. Drawing of male, t. 167. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 29 k. Drawing of male, with details of head, t. 168 ; copied with more details of head t. 170. /. Drawing of male, t. 169. m. Drawing of skull ,of young female, 1. 1 87, f. 1,2. Note. The Warryato, Hardw. Icon., Capra Warryato, Gray, Ann. $f Mag. Nat. Hist. 1842, 267, of the Nylgherries, is a se- cond species of this genus. Kemas hylocrinus, Oyiiby, is its female. The NAHUR, or NAHOOE. Ovis Nahura, Hodgs. Gray, Cat. Mam. 170. 0. Nayaur, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 347. O. Nahoor, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 107. J, A. S. B. iv. 1835, 492. x. 1840, 231, t. I, f. 2, t. 2 Blyth, Ann. N. H. vii. t. 5,/. 6, 7. x. 913. xi. 283. J. A. S. B. x. 867. O. Nahur, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 291. ? O. Burrhel, Blyth, Ann. N. H. vii. t. 5,/. 6. J. A. 3. B. x. 870 ? xi. 283. Nervate, Hardw. Icon. ined. Inhab. Nepal, Northern hilly region. a. Fragments of the skin of a male. b. A flat skin of a young male. c. A flat skin of a female. d. Skull of a young male. /. Various separate hones of body and limbs. g. Drawing of male, female and young, t. 176, with details of the head, t. 177. h. Drawing of head of adult, t. 178. i. Drawing of skull of old male, t. 186, f. 3, 4. k. Drawing of skull of female, t. 187, f. 3, 4. The BANBHERA, or BHAARAL. Ovis Ammonoides, Hodgs J. A. S. B. x. 1841, 236, (descr.), t. 1, f. 1, skull, x. 913. xi. 283. Calc. J. N.H.iv. 291. O. Argali, #<%*. /. A. S. B. i. 347. O. Vignei, Blyth, P. Z. S. Ann. N. H. vii. *. 5,/. 9. O. Hodgso- nii, Blyth, Ann. N. H. 1841, vii. J. A. S. B. x. 863. xi. 284. O. Ammon, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1833, 105. J. A. S. B. xi. 283. O. Ammon var. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 99. Blyth, J. A. S. B. x. 863. O. Banhhera, Hodgs. Cat. MSS. Inhab. Nepal, Northern hilly region. a, b. Two pair of horns of adult. c. A pair of horns of a young ram. d. A skull with horns of a half-grown ram. e. A skin of young without head. /. Drawing of skull of young male, t. 186, f. I , and t. 187, f. 9, 10. Var. 1. Ovis (Aries? var.) Barwal, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Kachar or Barual Sheep, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 347. a. A skin with head and horns, imperfect. b. A skull (imperfect) with half grown horns. D 3 30 CATALOGUE OF c. Two pair of horns, of different ages. d. Drawing of adult, t. 179. e. Drawing of adult, t. 181, f. 2. The SHEEP. Ovis Aries, Linn. S. N. i. 97. Capra Ovis, Blum. Ovis domestica, Brisson. Var. Huniah Sheep, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 348. P. Z. S. 1834, 99. The Hoonia, or Black-faced Sheep of Tibet, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 284, t. young male. Tnhab. Nepal, Northern hilly region. a. A skull of adult male, with horns. 6, c. Two skulls of young, without the cases of the horns. d, e. Two skulls of many-horned variety, horns of each side aris- ing from the same base, showing they are produced by the di- vision of the core. /, g. Two skulls of four-horned varieties, with horns separate from one another at the base, (each wanting one sheath). h. Drawing of two varieties, t. 180, one copied t. 181, f. 1. "Large tall breed, with slender, compressed, spirally twisted horns and short narrow tails, wool white, superb; individuals have often three, four, and even five horns." Hodgson. Var. Dumba. a. Skull of a " Cabul Dumba " sheep. b. Drawing of " Indian Doomba sheep," t. 184, f. 1, copied t. 185, f. 1. c. Drawing of " Cabool Doomba sheep," t. 184, f. 2, copied t. 185, f. 2. Var. Cago, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. The Kago, or Tame Sheep of Cabul region, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 348. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly region. a. A skull of adult (without the sheath of the horns), imperfect. b. A skull of the young, hornless. c. Drawing of male, female and young, t. 182. Var. Horns united at the base. a. A skull with the horns cut off near the base. Var. Silingia, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 913. Inhab. Nepal, Central hilly region. a. A specimen with head and horns. b. Drawing of male and female, t. 183. The MUSK. Moschus moschiferus, Linn. S. N. Moschus saturatus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. viii. 203 (descr.), x. 795, t. Anat. x. 914, xi. 285. M. Kacharensis, Hodgs. Cat. MSS. v. t. 3. a, b. Two specimens from Nepal. c. A male, brownish and dark. d. A male, with a dark streak on the nape and a large dark spot between the shoulders. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 31 e. A flat skin without skull, blackish, with rows of pale spots. /, g. Skulls of male and female, h, i. Two skeletons, wanting bones of the feet. k. Drawing of skull of male, t. 186, f. 5, 6. /. Drawing of young male, t. 188, f. 1 . m. Drawing of male and female, t. 189. n. Drawing of female, t. 192, f. 1. The GOLDEN-EYED MUSK. Moschus chrysogaster. Hodgs. J. A. S. B, viii. 1839, 203, described x. 914. xi. 285. Gray, Cat. Mam. 172. a, b. Two specimens. c. A skull. d. Drawing of male and female, t. 191. e. Drawing of female, t. 192, f. 2. Ears, orbit, throat, chest and abdomen, and inner side of legs, brilliant yellow. The WHITE-BELLIED MUSK. Moschus leucogaster, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. viii. 203 (descr.), x. 914. xi. 285. Gray, Cat. Mam. 172. M. nivei venter. Hodgs. MSS. Icon, a, b. A male and female. c. An imperfect flat skin of a female, rather darker (like a bleached specimen of M. saturatus\ d. Drawing of young male, t. 188, f. 2. e. Drawing of male, female and young, t. 190. /. Drawing of female, t. 193, f. 3. Dark brown, inside of ears, throat, chest and belly white. The KEGAN, or MUNTJAC, KAKEB, or BARKING DEER. Muntjacus vaginalis, Gray, Cat. Mam. 173. Cervus vaginalis, Bodd. Stylocerus Ratwah, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 914. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Cervus Montjac, Zeinner. C. moschatus, Blainv. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 346. C. moschus, Desm. C. aureus, H. Smith. C. subcarinatus, Blainv. C. Philippense, H. Smith. C. Batwa, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 346. P. Z. S. 1834, 99. Royle, Fl. Cash. t. 5,/. 2. C. melas, Ogilby P a. A specimen of the adult. b. A specimen of the female, no dorsal streak. c. A foetal specimen, with an obscure dark dorsal streak. d. Two skulls of a male, with horns, differently developed. e. A skull of a female. /. A pair of large horns on a shortish peduncle. g. A pair of small horns on very long slender peduncles. h. Vertebra, pelvis and leg-bones. i. Drawing of skull, t. 187, f. 14. k. Drawing of male and female, t. 193, and t. 194. /. Drawing of head of male, t. 195. m. Drawing of horns of different ages, t. 196. 32 CATALOGUE OF The BARA SINHA, or MORL. Cervus Wallichii, Cuv. Oss. Foss. iv. 50. Mam. Lithog. t. young. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 346. C. Pygargus, Hardw. Linn. Trans. Pseudocervus Wallichii, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 914. xi. 284 Calc. J. N. H. iv. 291. Gray, Cat. Mam. 180. Cervus affinis (Stag of the Saul forest), Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 1841, 721, t. f. 1 (descr.), x. 914. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 291. C. Elaphus, Hodgs. J, A. S. B. iv. 1835, 648, t. 53, /. 3. x. 914. Bara Singha, Hindoos, Hodgs. Barah Singa, or var. of Stag, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 346. Inhab. Nepal, Tarai and Saul forest. a. A pair of horns (very large size). b. Drawing of male, t. 197. c. Drawing of horns, t. 212, f. 11. d. Drawing of the young male, with the central snag undeve- loped, t. 198. The Axis, or CHITTRA. Axis maculata, Gray, Cat. Mam. 178. A. major, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 914. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Cervus Axis, Erxl. C. nudipalpebra, Ogilby, (var. black). The Spotted Axis, or Chittra, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 346. a. A skull of female. b. A skull of very young animal. c. A skin, pale, with horns like e. d. A pair of horns of the normal shape. e. A pair of horns of the usual form, with two snags near the base of the right and one on the left side. f. A pair of horns with three small snags near the base and a short terminal beam. g. A pair of horns with two additional snags on one side and one on the other. h. Drawing of male, t. 204, f. 1. i. Drawing of horns, t. 212, f. 22. Fulvous, white-spotted, with a streak on the side and across the rump. Var. Smaller. Axis minor, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 914. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Axis medius, Hodgs. Icon. ined. Lesser Spotted Deer, Hodgs. ? Langua, or Pada, or Spotted Porcine Deer, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 346. Inhab. Nepal, Tarai. a. Drawing of male, t. 204, f. 2. b. Drawing of male and female, t. 205. c. Drawing of horns, t. 212, f. 33 ? Fulvous, spots and a streak across the haunch and along the lower part of side, white. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 33 The LUGNA, PARA, or SHGORIAH of the Plains of Hindostan. Axis porcinus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 914. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Cervus porcinus, Zimm. Cervus niger, Blainv. Bui. Soc. Phil. 1816, 76. Ham. Icon. ined. t. Brown Porcine Axis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 346. a. A flat imperfect skin, with horns, of young. b. A flat skin of female, greyish, with a broad darker dorsal streak, head imperfect, fur rough. c. A flat skin of female, reddish, with a narrow dorsal streak. d. A skull of the female. e. A skull, with horns. /. A pair of horns on frontal hone. g. A pair of separate horns. h. Drawing of male in winter, and female in summer, t, 201. i. Drawing of female in young and adult age, t. 202. Brown, in winter plain, and in summer yellower, with whitish spots, but no streak on haunch or side. The BAHRAIYA. Kecervus Duvaucellii. R. elaphoides, Hodgs. J. A. S. Calc. iv. 1835, 648, t. 53, /. 4. x. 914. P. Z. S. 1836, 47. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Cervus Bahrainga, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 99. C. enclodocerus, Hodgs. C. Bahraiya, Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 99. 1836, 47. The Bahraiya, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 345. Cervus Duvaucellii, Cuv. Oss. Foss. iv. 505, t. 29, /. 68. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1836, 240, t. 66, 68. a. A skull of a" female. by c. Two skulls with horns of adult. d, e. Two pairs of separate horns. /. Drawing of males and female, t. 199, and one male copied t. 200. g. Drawing of horns, t. 210, f. 66, HODGSON'S RUSA. Rusa dimorpha, Hodgs. Cervus dimorphe, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1844, t. Inhab. Saul Forest, Morang. a. Skin of adult, the specimen described, not good state. The RUSA. Rusa Hippelaphus, Gray, Cat. Mam. 174. R. Jaraya, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 914. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Cer- vus Rusa, Muller, Ind. Arch. t. 43. C. Hippelaphus, Cuv. Oss. Foss. iv. 40, t. 5,/ 31, 34, t. 5,/. 42. a. Skull of young male. b. Skull of adult female. c. ? Skull of young female. d. Brocket horns on frontal. e g. Three pair of horns of the second ? year. h. A single horn of the first year. i. Drawing of skull, t. 187, f. 11, 12. 34 CATALOGUE OF k. Drawing of male, female and young, t. 207. /. Drawing of males, t. 208. m. Drawing of female, t. 209. Var. 1. The frontal branch short, brown. Cervus Hippelaphus, or Phursa Jarai, Hodgs. Icon, not Cuv. C. Saumur, Ogilby. Royle, lllustr. Phurio Jarai, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 1132, 66, t. 5,/. 13, 346. a. Drawing of male, t. 206, f. 1. Var. 2. The hinder part of the beam produced, larger than the upper prong. Cervus Hippelaphus var. Cuv. Oss. Foss. v. t. 5,/. 34. a. A pair of horns. b. A pair of very large thick horns, with rather long frontal snag, the left with a large posterior process. c. A pair of very large thick horns, with rather long frontal snag. d h. Three pair of large horns, with moderate frontal, small, the hinder upper snag rather the longest. i. A pair of similar, but rather slenderer and more elongate horns. j. A pair of large horns, with rather elongated front snag, the front upper snag rather longest, the horns rather close together. k. A pair of large horns, with very long frontal snags, the front upper snag rather the longest. Cervus Aristotelis, Hodgson. I. A pair of horns, the right like the former, the- left quite sim- ple, subulate. m. A pair of horns, one with a moderate and the other with a long- frontal snag, the upper snag nearly equal. n. A pair of rather slender more elongate horns, with moderate frontal and short upper snags. o. A pair of slender elongate horns, with moderate frontal, and very large hinder upper branch. Cuv. Oss. Foss. iv. t. 5,/. 34. p. A pair of horns like d, but the beam not branched. Var. 3. The frontal branch elongate, rump rufous. Cervus Aristotelis (or Bato Jarai), Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 98, 1836, 39. The Eato Jarai, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 66,/. 4, 346. Var. 4. The upper part of the beam simple. Cervus heterocerus, or Kalo Jarai, Hodg. J. A. S. B. x. 1841, 727, * /. 2. x. 914. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 292. Kalo Jarai, Hodgs, J. A. S. B. i. 1832, 66, t. 5,/. 5, 346. a. A pair of the horns, the one figured. The SUNGNAI. Panolia Eedii. Panolea acuticornis, Gray, Cat. Mam. 180. P. platyceros, Gray, Cat. Mam. 181, adult. Cer- vus (Rusa) frontalis, McClelland, Calc. ,7. N. S. i. t. 12, f. 1. ii. 539. Cervus Eedii, Calc. J. N. H. ii. 415, t. 12. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 35 a. A large pair of horns, cylindrical, and with 2 small snags near the tip. 1. A smaller pair of horns, rather compressed, and with 1 large and 2 short snags near the tip. Fam. EQ.VIDM. The HORSE. Equus caballus, Linn. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 914. Horse, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 348, 349. Inhab. Northern hilly regions and Thibet. a. A skull of an English horse. b. Drawing of Chinese Tangham, t. 212, f. 1. c. Drawing of Lhassa Tangham, t. 212, f. 2, and t. 213. d. Drawing of Gyanche Tangham, t. 212, f. 3. e. Drawing of Hubstee of Deo Dharma, t. 214. Fam. ELEPHANTIDJE. The ELEPHANT. Elephas Indicus, Hodgs. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288. Indian Elephant, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 345. Var. tridac- tylus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 911. a. Drawing of Tarayan variety, t. 215. Var. heterodactylus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 911. The INDIAN WILD BOAR. Sus Indicus, Gray, Cat. Mam. 185. Wild Hog, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 245. Sus Aper, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. v. 911. Sus Scropha, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xi. 282. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288. Var. 1. Aipomus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 245. x. 911. Tusks large, fore quarters high. Var. 2. Isonotus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 345. x. 911. Tusks small, back nearly horizontal. a. A flat skin of young, no skull. b, c. Two skulls of the wild boar of the plain, or Taray. d, e. Two skulls of the adult. / h. A half-grown skull and three young specimens of the wild boar of the hills. i. Drawing of wild hog, t. 216. The RHINOCEROS. Rhinoceros unicornis, Linn. Gray, Cat. Mam. 186. R. indicus, Cuv. Oss. Foss. ii. 5, t. 1 5. Hodgs. J. A. S. B. x. 911. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 288. R. asiaticus, Blumb. R. inermis, Lesson. One-horned Rhinoceros, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 344. a. Skin of foetus. b. Skull of a just-born specimen. c. The left side of a lower jaw. d. Drawing of a male, nine years old, t. 217. e. Drawing^of lower jaw, t. 218. 36 CATALOGUE OF Fam. DASYPID^;. The BADGERIT, or BAJJERKEIT. Manis pentadactyla, Linn. S. N. M a brachyura, Gmel. M. auritus, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. v. 1836, 234. x. 911. Calc. J. N. H. iv. 289. Manis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. i. 344. Manis, n. s. Hodgs. P. Z. S. 1834, 98. Inhab. Nepal, Lower and central region. a. A half-grown specimen, with 19 marginal scales. b. A flat skin, with the scales much worn. c. A flat skin of half-grown animal, with 18 marginal scales. d. A very young specimen, in spirits. e. Some bones of half-grown animal. /. Drawing of adult, with details of head and feet, t. 219. g. Drawing of adult, t. 220. A. Drawing of skull, t. 99, f. 47. BIRDS. Order I. ACCIPITBES. Fam. 1. GYPAETTD.&. The BEARDED VULTURE. Gypaetos barbatus, Cuv. Vultur barbatus, Linn. S. N. i. 123. V. barbarus, Gmel. Falco magnus, Gmel. V. leucocephalus, et V. melanocephalus, Meyer. Gypae- tos grandis, Storr. G. alpinus, G. castaneus, et G. aureus, Daud. G. meridionalis, Brehm. G. hemalayanus, Pears. Journ. A. S. B. 1835, 454. G. barbatus, Hutt. J. A. S. B. 1834, 522. Edw. 106. PI. col. 431. Inhab. Nepal, Cachar regions. a c. No. 604. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of adult on reduced scale. Accip. t. 1, cop. App. t. 1. g. A drawing of male, female and middle age, one-seventh of na- tural size, also stomach and foot, t. 1*. h. A drawing of head. Accip. v. t. 1, f. 1. Fam. 2. SARCORHAMPHID.Z. The ALPINE VULTURE. Neophron percnopterus, Sav. Sykes, Proc. Z. S. 1832, 78. Vultur percnopterus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 123. V. meleagris, Pall. V. stercorarius, La Pey. V. leuco- cephalus, Briss. V. fuscus, Gmel. V. aegyptius, Briss. V. ginginianus, Daud. V. albus, Daud. V. fulvus, Bodd. PI. enl. 449 ? Jard. fr Selbtfs III. 33. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 605. b. A drawing of adult and young, on reduced scale, also the foot of natural size. Accip. t. 2. Fam. 3. VULTURID.&. a. Vulturinae. The FULVOUS VULTURE. Gyps fulvus. Vultur fulvus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. 249. V. persicus, Pall. V. percnopterus, Pall. V. trencalos, Bechst. V. vulgaris, Vieill. V. leucocephalus, Meyer. E 38 CATALOGUE OF V. indicus, Temm. PL col. 26. Sykes, Proc. Z. S. 1832, 77. PL enl. 426 ; Inhab. Nepal, Hills only, a d. No. 805. e. Skeleton, b. Sternum. /. A drawing, with three figures of various ages, one-fourth the natural size. Accip. t. 3. The BENGAL VULTURE. Gyps bengalensis. Vultur bengal- ensis, Gmel. (young), Syst. Nat. i. 245. V. indicus, Scop.? Sonn. Voy. Ind. t. 105 ? V. chaugoun, Daud. (adult). V. leuconotus, Gray, (adult). Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t.U. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 14, 15, (adult). Lath. Syn. i. pi. 1, (young). Inhab. Nepal. a d. Adult and young. No. 46, 47. e. A drawing of adult and young, one-fourth the natural size. Accip. t. 4. /. A drawing of adult, young, and head, on reduced scale. Ac- cip. t. 4.* g. A drawing of two young birds, on reduced scale. Accip. t. 5. The SLENDER-BILLED VULTURE. Gyps tenuirostris. Vultur tenuirostris, Hodgs. MSS. V. tenuiceps, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 806. b. A drawing of two figures, on reduced scale. Accip. t. 6. The ARABIAN VULTURE. Vultur monachus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 122. V. cinereus, Gmel. V. arrianus, Lapeyr. J2gypius vul- garis, Sav. Polypteryx cupido, v. cinereus ? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 15, f. 2, (head). Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 802. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of adult, one-third natural size. Accip. t. 7. /. An uncoloured drawing of four figures, in different attitudes, on reduced scales. Accip. t, 8. The PONDICHERRY VULTURE. Otogyps calvus. Vultur cal- vus, Scop. Del. Flor. et Faun. Insub. V. ponticerianus, Daud. Hernigyps ponticerianus, Hodgs, Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Sonn. Voy. Ind. t. 14. Gray, III. Ind. 15, f. 1 (head). Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 804. c. A drawing of adult and young, one-fourth natural size. Ac- cip. t. 9. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 39 Fam. 4. FALCONID&. a. Buteoninae. The LONG-LEGGED BUZZARD. Buteo rufinus. Falco rufinus, Rupp. Atlas Zool. t. 27. Buteo longipes, Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. fr Sci. 1839, p. 19. B. canescens, Hodgs. Beng. Sport. Mag. 1836, 180. Inhab. Nepal. a h. Of various ages. No. 11, 12. i. A drawing, natural size. Accip. v. t. 2. y. A copy, two-thirds the natural size, with foot. Accip. t. 10. Jk. A drawing of three immature birds, on reduced scale. Accip. t. 11. The HALF-BOOTED BUZZARD. Buteo plumipes, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 208. Circus plumi- pes, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 8J. Inhab, Nepal. a. No. 497. b. A drawing, natural size, with foot. Accip. t. 8. c. A drawing, natural size, with foot. Accip. t. 28. The WHITE-BEEASTED BUZZARD. Archibuteo strophiatus. Falco hemilasius, Temm. et Schle. Faun. Japon. t. 7 ? Hemi- setos strophiatus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Aquila strophiata (young), Hodgs. Butaquila leucocephala (adult), Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Buteo leucocephalus, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 207. Inhab. Thibet and the Cachar. a, b. No. 496, 859. c. A drawing, one-half the natural size, with foot. Accip. t. 12. d. The same, natural size. Accip. v. t. 3. e. A drawing, one-half the natural size. Accip. t. 19. b. Aquilinae. The GOLDEN EAGLE. Aquila chrysaetos, Pali. Falco chry- saetos, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 125. gybes, Proc. Z. S. 1832, p. 79. F. fulvus, Linn. F. niger, Gmel. F. melana3tos, Linn. F. mela- notus, Lath. Aquila nobilis, Pall. A. regia, Less. A. Daphae- nia, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,^.81. Dapheny of the Nipalese. Inhab. Nepal. a. Adult male. No. 683. b. A drawing of adult, less than one- third the natural size. App. t. 2. E2 40 CATALOGUE OF The IMPERIAL EAGLE. Aquila imperialis. Falco imperialis, Bechst. Deuts. Vog. Aquila heliaca, Sav. Falco mogilnik, GmeL Aquila chrysaetos, Meyer. A. bifasciata, Gray. Hodgs. Gray, Z. Misc. 1844 (young), p. 81. A. crassipes, v. neevia, Hodgs. Gray, Z. Misc. 1844, p. 81. A. nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. xviii. 13, pi. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. i. pi. 17, ii. pi. 28. Inhab. -Nepal, a e. No. 1, 789. /, g. Sternum. /. A drawing of the young, one-half the natural size ; the second figure much reduced, and the foot natural size. Accip. t. 13. g. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. v. t. 4. h. A drawing of adult ? two-fifths natural size, foot, natural size. Accip. t. 17. BONELLI'S EAGLE. Aquila Bonellii. A. intermedia, Bon. Trans. Turin Acad. Falco Bonellii, Temm. Aquila fasciata, VieilL Nisaetos grandis, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1836, p. 230. 1837, p. 361. Aquila nipalensis, v. rubriventer, Hodgs. (young), Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. PI. col. 288. Inhab. Nepal. af. Various states. No. 5, 8. g,h. i g, h. Sternum. i. A drawing of female, one-half the natural size, with foot, natu- ral size. Accip. t. 20. j. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. v. t. 8. k. Copied on reduced scale. Accip. t. 21. I. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. v. t. 5. m. Copied, one-half the natural size, with the foot, natural size. Accip. t. 14. The KOUGH-FOOTED EAGLE. Aquila naevia, Meyer. Falco naevius, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. 258. F. maculatus, GmeL Aquila melanaetos, Sa,v. A. vittata, Hodgs. Gray. Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. A. clanga, Pall. A. bifasciata, Hornsch. Sav. Hist, d? Egypt, Ois. t. 1. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 725. c. Sternum. d. A drawing of adult, one-third the natural size. Accip. t. 16. The TAWNY EAGLE. Aquila nsevioides. Falco nsevioides, Cuv. R. An. i. 326. F. rapax, Temm. Aquila fulvescens, A. fusca, et A. punctata, Gray. A. Vindhiana, Frankl. Proc. Z. S. 1831, p. 11. Falco senegallus, Cuv. F. albicans, Rupp. F. choka, A. Smith. PL col. 455. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi 16,27, 29. Rupp. Faun. Abys. t. 13. Inhab. Nepal, a. No. 583*. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 41 The BOOTED EAGLE. Aquila pennata, Cuv. Falco penna- tus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. 172. Aquila minuta, jBrehm. A. mil- voides, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, jo. 81. Spizaetus mil- voides, Jerd. P Hieraetus pennatus, Kaup. PL col. 33. Inhab. Nepal, a b. No. 583. c. A drawing, natural size. Accip. v. t. 6. d. Copied, two-thirds the natural size. Accip. t. 15. The CRESTED EAGLE. Spizaetus Lymnaetus. Falco cirrha- tus, Gmel. P Falco caligatus, Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 270. F. Lymnaetus, Horsf. Linn. Jr. xiii. p. 138. F. niveus, Reinw. Limnaetus Horsfieldii, et L. caligatus, Vigors. Nisaetus pallidus, Hodgs. (young), Journ. A. S. B. 1837, p. 361. Limnaetus uni- color (Vigors), v. pennatus, Hodgs. (adult), Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, jo. 81. PI. col. 127. Morphnus hastatus, Less. ? Inhab. Nepal. a, b. Adult. No. 7, 585,* 727. e. e. Females ? /. Sternum. h. A drawing, natural size, v. t. 9 a. i. Copied, two-thirds natural size, with foot, natural size. Accip. t. 22. g. A drawing of two figures of adult, rather less than half the na- tural size. Accip. t. 25. The BEAUTIFUL CRESTED EAGLE. Spizaetus nipalensis. Ni- saetus pulcher, Hodgs. (adult), Jour. A. S. B. 1837, 361. N. pul- chrior, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. SI. N. nipalensis, Hodgs. (young), Journ. A. S. B. 1836, p. 229. Falco orientalis, Temm. et Schl. Faun. Jap. t. 3? F. lanceolatus, Temm. et Schl Faun. Jap. p. 7? Inhab. Nepal. a h. In various states. No. 9, 680, 786. i,j. Sternum. k. A drawing of two figures, one-third the natural size, with foot, natural size. Accip. t. 24. I. A drawing, half the natural size. App. t. 3. m. A drawing of natural size, with head. Accip. v. t. 9. n. Copied, less than half the natural size. Accip. t. 23. The JEAN LE BLANC EAGLE. Circaetus gallicus, Boie. Fal- co gallicus, Gmel. S. N. i. 259. F. leucopsis, Bechst. F. longi- pes, Nils. F. brachydactylus, Temm. PL enl. 413. Inhab. Nepal. Tarai and Lower hills. a. No. 753. b. A drawing, two-fifths natural size, with head and leg natural size. Accip. t. 30. E 3 42 CATALOGUE OF The UNDULATED BACHA. Circaetus undulatus. Haemator- nis undulatus, Vigors, Proc. Z. S. 1831, 170. Gould. 1. Circaetus nipalensis, Hodgs. A. R. 1833, pt. ii. 17, pi. (middle- aged female). C. mithilensis (middle-aged male), C. tarayensis (adult female), et C. maculatior, Hodgs. (?) Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Falco albidus, Temm. PL col. 19. Buteo melano- tis, Jerd. Buteo Bacha, Frankl. Kakakul, Juriah, local names. Inhab. Nepal, Hills only. Lower Hills. a h. In various states. No. 4, 6, 754, 777. i. Sternum. j. A drawing, natural size. Accip. v. t. 10. k. Copied, half the natural size. Accip. t. 26. I. A drawing, natural size. Accip. v. t. 11. ra. Copied, half the natural size, with head of old bird, reduced in size, and foot, natural size. Accip. t. 27. n. A drawing of male, less than half natural size. Accip. t. 28. o. A drawing, half natural size. Accip. t. 29. BEINWARDT'S EAGLE. Neopus malayensis. Falco malay- ensis, Reinw. PL col. Aquila (Heteropus) pernigra, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1 836, 227. Neopus perniger, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Pteroaetus malayensis, Kaup. PL col. 117. Inhab. Nepal. a c. Adult and young. No. 2. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. v. t. 7. e. Copied, one half natural size, with foot, natural size. Accip. t. 18. The OSPREY. Pandion haliaetus, Cuv. Falco haliaetus, Linn. S. N. i. 129. Pandion fluviatilis, Sav. P. indicus, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1837, 366. PL enl. 414. Macharang of Hindoos. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 715. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of mature female, less than half the natural size. Accip. t. 31. The MARINE EAGLE. Pontoaetus ichthyaetos. Falco ichthy- aetos, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. 136. Ichthyaetus bicolor, G. R. Gray. I. hucarius, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, j?. 81. Ha- liaetus plumbeus, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1837, 367. Horsf. Zool. Res. pi. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 756. c e. No, 10. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of young, natural size, with a second figure of on reduced scale. Accip. v. t. 12. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 43 A. Copied, half natural size, with the second figure on a reduced scale. i. A drawing of adult and young, less than one third natural size. MACE'S EAGLE. Haliaetus Macei, Cuv. Falco Macei, Temm. PL col. Haliaetus fulviventris, Vieill. H. albipes, Hodgs. (adult), J. A. S. B. 1836, 228. Haliaetus lanceatus, Hodgs. (young), Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,;?. 81. PL col. 8, 223. H.unicolor, Gray, Ind. 19. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 3. c. d. No. 755. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult and young, less than one third the natural size. Accip. t. 34. h. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. v. t. J 3. The PONDICHERRY EAGLE. Haliastur indus. Falco indus, Bodd. F. ponticerianus, Gmel. Milvus ponticerianus, Jerd. Den tiger ponticerianus, Hodys, (adult), Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Milvus? rotundicaudus, Hodgs. (young), Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Ictinoaetus ponticerianus, Kaup. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 15. d. No. 16. e. Sternum. /.. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. v. t. 14. g. Copied, half the natural size, with figure of young, half size, and foot, natural size. h. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. v. t. 16. i. Copied, two-thirds the natural size. Accip. t. 59. c. Falconinae. The LANNER FALCON. Falco lanarius, Linn. Syst. Nat. j. 129. Falco cherrug, Gray. F. milvipes, Hodgs. Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Gray , 111. Ind. Zool. ii. pi. 25. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 26. /. Sternum. g. A drawing, natural size. Accip. v. t. 17. h. A drawing, natural size. App. t. 4. The JUGGER FALCON. Falco jugger, Gray. F. lugger, Jerd. F. thermophilus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. ii. 26. Ihagger (male), Lugger (female) of the In- dian falconers. Inhab. Nepal. 44 CATALOGUE OF a c. No. 21,781. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of an adult male, natural size. Accip. t. 36. /. A drawing of a very young bird, natural size. Accip. t. 37. g. A drawing of female, natural size. Accip. v. t. 15. The PEKEGRINE FALCON. Falco peregrinus, Gmel. S. N. i. 272. F. peregrinus et F. micrurus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. F. calidus Lath. ? Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 44,45, 788, 821. c, d. Sternum. e, A drawing of two figures, on reduced scale. Accip. t. 39. /. A drawing of male, natural size. Accip. t. 40. The RED-NAPED FALCON." Falco peregrinoides, Temm. PL col. 472. F. tanypterus, Licht. ? Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 682, 607. e. Sternum. /. A drawing of adult female, natural size. Accip. v. t. 18. g. A drawing of male, natural size. App. t. 6. The SULTAN FALCON. Falco peregrinator, Sundev. Physiog. Sellsk. Titsk. 1837-38. Falco shakeen, Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. et Sci. 183. F.sultaneus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,;?. 81. F. rhombeus, Lath. P Jerd. lit. Ind. Orn. pi. 12. Bahari-bacha of the Indian falconers. Inhab. Nepal. ag. No. 681. /. A drawing of young male, natural size. Accip. v. t. 18. g, Copied. Accip. t. 38, with foot. h. A drawing, in attitude of repose, natural size. App. t. 5. The HOBBY FALCON. Hypotriorchis subbuteo. Falco sub- buteo, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 127. F. barletta, Daud. PL col. 432. Karjanna of the Indian falconers. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 50. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. v. t. 18, f. 1. c. Copied. Accip. t. 41. The SEVERE FALCON. Hypotriorchis severus. Falco severus, Horsf. F. Aldrovandi, Temm. F. mfipedoides, McClell. (male), Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. F. guttatus, G. R. Gray, (female). PI. col. 26. Dhuter of Indian falconers. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 718. b. A drawing of adult males, natural size. Accip. t. 43. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 45 The CHICQUERA FALCON. Hypotriorchis chicquera. Falco chicquera, Daud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 121. Falco ruficollis, Swains. ? Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 30. Gould, Cent, of B. pi. 2. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 43. c. A drawing, natural size, and another figure reduced, also the foot, natural size. Accip. t. 50. d. A drawing, natural size. Accip. t. 51. The INGRIAN FALCON. Tinnunculus vespertinus. Falco vespertinus, Linn. S. N. F. rufipes, Bechst. Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,;?. 81. Erythropus vespertinus, Boie. PL enl. 431. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 48. c. A drawing of two figures, adult and young, natural size. Accip. t. 42. d. A drawing, of middle age, natural size. Accip. v. t. 18 a, f. 2. The KESTREL FALCON. Tinnunculus alaudarius. Falco tinnunculus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 127. Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Mist. 1844, p. 81. Accipiter alaudarius, Briss. Falco brunneus, Bechst. F. fasciatus, Retz. PL col. 401, 417. Inhab. Nepal. af. No. 38, 39,42. g. Sternum. h. A drawing of male, natural size. Accip. t. 45. i. A drawing of female, natural size. Accip. t. 46. j. Copied from the two preceding figures, natural size. Accip. t. 44. k. A drawing of young male, reduced. Accip. t. 47, f. 3. The LESSER KESTRIL. Falco tinnunculoides (?) Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81, n. 49. Inhab. Nepal. a. A drawing (of young male ?), natural size. Accip. v. t. 18 a, f. 3. b. Copied, natural size. Accip. t. 48. The NEPAUL FALCON. Tinnunculus iuterstinctus. Falco in- terstinctus, McClell. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1839, 154. Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Inhab. Nepal, a e. No. 40, 41. /. A drawing of male and young ? on reduced scales. Accip. t. 47, f. 1,2. g. Copied, in reduced size, with foot, natural size. Accip. t. 49. The WHITE-NAPED FALCON. lerax bengalensis. H. eutol- mus, v. bengalensis? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Fal- co bengalensis, Briss. Orn. Suppl. p. 20. 46 CATALOGUE OF Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 51,52. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Accip. t. 53. /*- Copied. Accip. t. 52. d. Milvinee. The COHY FALCON. Baza lophotes. Falco lophotes, Temm. Baza syama, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1836, 777. Hyptiopus (Baza) lophotes, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Falco (Lepido- genys) Lathami, Gray, Griff. An. Kingd. Lophotes indicus, Less. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 657. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of male, natural size. Accip. t. 54. The CRESTED HONEY-BUZZARD. Pernis cristata, Cuv. Reg. An. i. 232, t. 3, f. 4. Falco ptilorhynchus, Temm. Pernis El- liottii, Jamieson. P. maculosa, Less. P. bharatensis, v. apivo- rus? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,jt?. 81. PL col. 44. Madha- va of the people. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 723, 727. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of male and female, one half natural size. Accip. t. 55. The C HEEL A KITE. Milvus cheela. Falco cheela, Baud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. 44. Milvus govinda, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 81. Milvus indicus, v. cheela, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. M. melanotis, Temm. et Schle. Faun. Japon. t. 5. M. aetolius, Less. Haliaetus lineatus, Gray, Ind. Zool. pi. 18. Inhab. Nepal. a/. No. 13, 14. g. Sternum. h. A drawing of adult, natural size, and of young on a reduced scale. Accip. v. 1. 19. i. Copied, on reduced scale. Accip. t. 58. The BLACK-WINGED FALCON. Elanus melanopterus, Leach. Falco melanopterus, Daud. Tr. d?Orn. ii. p. 152. Elanus ceesius, Sav. Falco vociferus, et F. Sonninensis, Lath. P Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 23. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of adult, natural size, and young two-thirds the na- tural size, with foot, natural size. Accip. t. 56. g. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. t. 57. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 47 e. Accipitrinae. The GOSHAWK. Astur palumbarius, Bechst. Falco palum- barius, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 130. F. gallinarius, Gmel. F. gen- tilis, Linn. F. albescens, Bodd. Accipiter astur, Pall. PL enl. 461, 423. Baaz and Jurra of India. Inhab. Nepal. a /. No. 24, 25, 685. g. Sternum. h. A drawing of male, natural size. Accip. v. t. 21. i. A drawing of female, natural size. Accip. v. t. 22. j. A drawing of male (copied from h) and female, one half natu- ral size. Accip. t. 60. Jc. A drawing of mature female, one half natural size. App. 7. The THREE-STREAKED HAWK. Astur trivirgatus. Falco tri- virgatus, Temm. PL col. Astur indicus, Hodgs. Beng. Sport. Mag. 1837. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Astur cristatus, G. R. Gray. Besara and Churiali of the Indian falconers. PL col. 303. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 27, 28, 766. e. Sternum. /. A drawing of mature female, less than two thirds the natural size. Accip. t. 61. g. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. t. 62, h. A drawing of male, natural size, Accip. t. 63. i. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. v. t. 23. The TEESA HAWK. Poliornis teesa, Kaup. Circus Teesa, Frankl. Proc. Z. S. 1831, p. 115. Buteo teesa, Gray. Astur hyder, Sykes. Butastur teesa, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Gray, III. 2nd. Zool. ii. pL 30. Tisa of the Hindoos. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 708. d. A diawing of adult, natural size. Accip. t. 64. The SPARROW HAWK. Accipiter nisus, Pall. Falco nisus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 130. Accipiter fringillarius, Ray. Nisus communis, Cuv. Accipiter niso-similis, Tick, and Hodgs. A. subtypicus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Inhab. Nepal. ah. No. 30, 31. i,j. No. 33. k, L Sternum. m. A drawing of female and young male, with foot, natural size. Accip. t. 65. n. A drawing of female, natural size. Accip. t. 66. o. A drawing of male, natural size. Accip. t. 67. p. A drawing of female and head, natural size, Accip. t. 68. 48 CATALOGUE OF The STREAKED HAWK. Accipiter virgatus. Falco virgatus, Temm. Nisus minutus, Less. Accipiter Besra, Jerd. A. affinis, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. 1844, p. 81. Jerd. III. Ind. 4. PL col. 109. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 35, 36, 37, 780. d. A drawing of young male, natural size. Accip. t. 69, f. 2. e. A drawing of female, natural size, and of young bird, reduced. Accip. t, 71, f. 1, 2. /. A drawing of male, natural size, and young bird, reduced. Accip. t. 72. g. A drawing of young bird, natural size. Accip. t. 73. BROWN'S HAWK. Micronisus badius. Falco badius, Gmel. S. N. i. 280. F. Brownii, Shaw. F. Dussumieri, Temm. Ac- cipiter dukhunensis, Sykes. A. scutarius, Hodgs. (Beng. Sport. Mag.) et A. fringillaroides, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 81. Brown, III. 3. PL col. 308, 336. Inhab. Nepal. a g. No. 32, 34, 660, 700, 722. h, i. Sternum. j. A drawing of female, 3 years old, natural size. Accip r t. 69, f. 1. k. A drawing of male, natural size, and ditto, much reduced. Accip. t. 70, f. 1, 3. /. A drawing of female, natural size. Accip. t. 8. The HEN HARRIER. Circus cyaneus. Falco cyaneus, Linn. F. pygargus, Linn. Inhab. Nepal. a .g t No. 17, 18. h. Sternum. i. A drawing of adult and young, on reduced scale, with foot, na- tural size. Accip. t. 74. j. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. v. t. 24. k. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. v. t. 25. The ASH-COLOURED FALCON. Circus cinerascens. Falco ci- nerascens, Mont. Linn. Trans, ix. 188. Circus Montagui, VieilL C. cinerascens, v. pallidus ? (adult), et C. nipalensis, Hodgs. (young). Gray, ZooL Misc. 1844, p. 81. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 19, 20, 36. b. ? Sternum. c. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Accip. t. 75, f. 1,2. d. A drawing of change, natural size. Accip. t. 76. e. A drawing of young, natural size. Accip. v. t. 26. /. A drawing of young, four sevenths of natural size. Accip. t. 79. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 49 The MOOR BUZZARD. Circus aeruginosus. Falco aerugino- sus, Linn. Circus rufus, Briss. C. variegatus, Sykes. C. rufus, var. indicus, Less. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 22. b, c. ? Sternum. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. v. t. 27. e. A drawing of three figures, various states, more than the natu- ral size, with foot, natural size. Accip. t. 77. The BLACK AND WHITE INDIAN FALCON. Circus melano- leucus, VieilL Falco melanoleucus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. 274. Levaill. Ois. cTAfr. t. 32. Ind. Zool. Ablak pateher of the natives. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 706. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. t. 78. Fam. 5. STRIGID^E. a. Surninae. The INDIAN OWL. Athene brama. Strix brama, Temm. PL col Noctua indica, FranM. Proc. Z. S. 1831, p. 115. Noctua tarayensis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 175. Athene tarayensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. PI. col. 68. Chugad of the In- dians. Inhab. Nepal. a d, No 63. e. A drawing, natural size. Accip. t. 82.* /. Copied. Accip. t. 82, f. 1. The HIMALAYAH OWL. Athene cuculoides. Noctua cucu- loides, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1830, 8. Athene auribarbis, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1 837, 369. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 4. Inhab. Nepal. a/. No. 67, 684. g, h. Sternum. i. A drawing, natural size. Accip. t. 81.* j. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Accip. t. 81. k. A drawing of two figures, natural size. App. t. 9. The MANY-LINED OWLET. Athene erythroptera, Blyth. Strix erythroptera, Gould, Proc. Z. S. 1837, 136. Str. radiata, Tick. Noctua perlineata, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1837, 369. Athene perlineata, v. undulata ? Buck. Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. Strix cuculoides, Jerd. Chota Calpechi chugad of the Indians. Inhab. Lower Hills and Tarai of Nepal. 50 CATALOGUE OF a d. No. 707. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of figures, natural size. Accip. t. 84. BRODIE'S OWLET. Athene Brodiei, Blyth. Noctua Brodiei, Burt. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1835, 152. N. tubiger, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 175. Athene badia, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82, (young ?) Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 486, 770. /. A drawing, natural size, with head. Accip. t. 83. g: A drawing, two states of plumage. Accip. t. 82, f. 2, 3. The BARE-FOOTED OWL. Athene nudipes. Strix nudipes, Nils. ? Athene gymnopus, Hodgs. Inhab. Thibet, the Cachar. a. No. 876. b. A drawing, natural size. Accip. t. 80. The HAIRY OWL. Athene scutellata. Strix scutellata, Raffi. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. S. hirsuta, Temm. S. lugubris, Tick. Ni- nox nipalensis, Hodgs. Madr. Journ. 1837, 23, pi. 14. N. Jeri- dius, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. PL col. 289. Athene malayensis, Eyton, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 228. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 670. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. App. t. 10. b. Buboninae. The BENGAL EARED OWL. Bubo bengalensis. Otus ben- galensis, FrankL Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, 115. Bubo? cavearius, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 169. Urrua cavearia, Hodgs. Mesomor- pha (Urrua) cavearia, v. bengalensis ? Hodgs. Gray. Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 3. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 57. e. A drawing of female, natural size, with head. Accip. v. t. 32. f. A drawing, natural size, with bill and ear. Accip. v. t. 33. g. Copied, one half the natural size. Accip. t. 93. h. A drawing, two thirds the natural size, with head. Accip. t. 94. The ORIENTAL OWL. Bubo orientalis. Strix orientalis, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. 174. Str. strepitans, Temm Bubo (Huhua) nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 172. Aetoglaux (Hu- hua) nipalensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. Strix sumatrana, Raffi. PI. col. 174, 229. Huhu and Huhu Chil of the Nipalese. Inhab. Nepal. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 51 a-d. No. 54. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult, natural size, with head and bill. Accip. v. t. 31. h. Copied, less than two thirds the natural size. App. t. 11. The COROMANDEL EARED OWL. Bubo coromander. Strix coromandra, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 53. Urrua umbrata, Blyth. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 20. Mesomorpha eoromandra, Hodgs. Gray, Zool.Misc. 1844, jo. 82. Inhab. Lower Hills and Tarai of Nepal. a, b. No. 742. c. A drawing, one half natural size, with head. Accip. t. 95. The SCOP EARED OWL. Epialtes scops. Strix scops, Linn. S. N. Scops pennata, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1837, 369. S. pennata, v. Aldrovandi ? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. Otus (Scops) japouicus, Temm. et Schl. Faun. Japon. t. 9. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 721. b. Sternum. c. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Accip. t. 88. The LEMPI-JI OWL. Ephialtes lempiji. Strix lempiji, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. 140. S. noctula, Reinw. Scops lettia, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 176. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. S. javanica, Less. Strix bakhamuna, Penn. P PL col. 99. Tharcani chugad, or Lattya Cudyal, of the Nepalese. Inhab. Central and Northern Hills of Nepal. a _ c . No. 66. d. A drawing of two figures, in summer and winter dress, natural size. Accip. t. 86. e. A drawing, natural size. Accip. t. 86.* /. A drawing, natural size. Accip. t. 87. The CUSIAL EARED OWL. Ephialtes sunia. Scops sunia, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 175. Chugad Cusial, or Sunya Cusyal, of the Nepalese. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 64, 65. b. Sternum. c. A drawing of adult, natural size, and of young, reduced. Ac- cip. t. 85.* d. Copied. Accip. t. 85. The CEYLONESE EARED OWL. Ketupa ceylonensis. Strix ceylonensis, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. 287. S. Leschenaultii, Temm. S. Hardwickii, Gray. Cultrunguis nigripes, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1836, 364. Brown, III. Zool. t. 4. PL col. 20. Gray, III. Ind. Zool 1.31. F2 52 CATALOGUE OF Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 55. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. v. t. 29. e. Copied, less than two thirds the natural size. App. t. 13. The YELLOW KETUPU. Ketupu flavipes. Cultrunguis flavi- pes, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1836, 364. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 56. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. v. t. 30. e. Copied. App. t. 12. c. Syrniinse. The BROWN OWL. Syrnium nivicola. Strix aluco, et Str. stridula, Linn. ? Mesoraorpha nivieola, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. PL enl. 441, 137. Inhab, the Kachar of NepaL a. b. A drawing of adult, natural size, with head and ear. Accip. t. 96. The NEPAL BULACA. Syrnium indranee. Strix indranee, Sykes,Proc. Z. S. 1831, p. 82. Ulula ? newarensis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 168. Bulaca newarensis, Hodgs. Meseides (Bulaca) newarensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, 82. Bulaca monti- cola, Jerd. Newar of the Nepalese. Inhab. Central regions of Nepal. a d. No. 59. e. A drawing of adult, natural size, with head and bill. Accip, t. 34. /. Copied. Accip. t. 97. The LONG-EARED OWL. Otus vulgaris, Flem. Strix otus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 134. Otus europaeus, Steph. O. communis, Less. Strix soloniensis, Gmel. PI. col. 29. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 60. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip, t. 89. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. t. 90. The SHORT-EARED OWL. Otus brachyotus. Strix brachy- otus, Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. 289. S. aegolius, S. ulula, and S. acci- pitrina, Pall. S. arctica, Sparrm. S. tripennis, SchrancJc. S. palustris, Smies. S. brachyura, Nils. Brachyotus palustris, Gould. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 61. e. A drawing of adult, natural size, with head. Accip. t. 91. /. Copied. Accip. t. 92. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 53 d. Striginse. The WHITE BARN OWL. Strix flammea, Linn. Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. Strix javanica, Jerd. Madr. Journ. Lit. et Sci. 10, p. 85. S. javanica, Gruel. ? PI. enl. 440. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 62. e. Sternum. /. A drawing of male and female? Datural size, with head and leg. Accip. t. 98. g. A drawing of male, natural size. Accip. t. 99. The BAY OWL. Phodilus badius, /. Geoff. Ann. des Sci. xxi. p. 201. Strix badia, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. 139. Zool. Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 82. PL coL 318. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 84. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Accip. t. 100. Order II. PASSERES. Tribe 1. FISSIROSTRES. Subtribe 1. FISSIROSTRES NOCTURNE. Fam. 1. CAPRIMULGID^E. a. Caprimulginae. The INDIAN GOATSUCKER. Caprimulgus indicus, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 588. C. saturior, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 82. C. affi- nis, Horsf. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 174. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of adult female, natural size. Pass. v. t. 45, f. 2. g. Copied. Pass. t. l,f. 2. h. A drawing of adult male, natural size. Pass. t. 1, f. 1. The NEPAUL GOATSUCKER. ^ Caprimulgus nipalensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 82. C. innotatus, Hodgs. C. macrourus, Blyth, nee Horsf. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 176, 177. g. Sternum. h. A drawing of two males, natural size. Pass. v. t. 36. i. Copied, on reduced scale. Pass. t. 2, f. 1, 2. j. A drawing of female (175), natural size. Pass. v. t. 35, f. 1. k. Copied, on reduced scale. Pass. t. 2, f. 3. F3 54 CATALOGUE OF The BARE-FOOTED GOATSUCKER. Caprimulgus inonticolus, Frankl. Proc. Zool. S. 1831, 116. C. gymnopus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 82. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 749. b. A drawing of adult, natural size, with foot. Pass. t. 3. Subtribe II. FISSIROSTRES Fam. 2. HIRUNDINIOE. a. Cypselinae. The ALLIED SWIFT. Cypselus affinis, Gray. C. nipalensis, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1836, 780. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. K23,/.2. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 334. e. A drawing of two figures of adult, natural size, with foot. Pass. t. 4. /. Copied. Pass. t. 101. The NAKED-FOOTED SWIFT. Acanthylis nudipes. Chaetura (Hirundinapus) nudipes, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1836, 779. C. gigantea? v. nudipes, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 82. Cypse- lus leuconotus, Deless. Mag. de Zool. 1840, Ois. t. 20. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 656. e. Sternum. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size, with heads and foot. Pass. t. 5. b. Hirundinida?. The JAVAN SWALLOW. Hirundo javanica, Sparr. Mus. Carts. pi. 100. H. jewan, Sykes. H. rustica, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 82. Nova Acta, fyc. 1834, t. 10, Suppl. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 331. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 8. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 101. The DAURIAN SWALLOW. Hirundo daurica, Linn. Syst. Nat. H. alpestris, Pall. H. erythropygia, Sykes. H. nipalen- sis, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1836,jp. 780. Inhab. Nepal. a. b. No. 329. c. Sternum. d. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 6. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 55 The CRAG SWALLOW. Cotyle rupestris. Hirundo rupestris, Scop. H. rupicola, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1836, 781. H. in- ornatus, Jerd. ? H. montana, Gmel. ? Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 330. b. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 7. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 101, t. 9 a. The SOOTY SWALLOW. Cotyle subsoccata. Hirundo sub- soccata, Hodgs. Zool. Misc. 82. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 332. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 9, f. 2. d. A drawing of adult? natural size. Pass. t. 101. The SMALL SWALLOW. Cotyle minuta. Hirundo minuta, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 82. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 333. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 9, f. 1. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 101. Fam. 3. CORACIAD^E. a. Coracianee. The ORIENTAL ROLLER. Eurystomus orientalis. Coracias orientalis, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 159. Eurystomus fuscicollis, et E. cyanicollis, Vieill. E. orientalis, et E. calorynx, Hodgs. PI. enl. 619. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Roll. t. 36. Inhab. Nepal. __/. No. 247, 248. 484? 407? 884> I. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 88. m. A drawing of young male, natural size. Pass. t. 76, f. 3. n. Copied. Pass*, t. 78, f. 6. o. A drawing of female, natural size. Pass. t. 84, with wing and foot. p. Copied from t. 88, f. 1. Pass. t. 207, f. 4. The CELESTIAL GRAN DA LA. Grandala cselicolor, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. J. A. S. B. 1843, p. 447, pi. (G. schistacea), young. Inhab. Nepal, the Cachar. a. Adult, No. 844. b d. Young. e. Sternum. /. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass, t, 158 b, f. 1,2, with bill and foot. The RUBY-THROATED CALLIOPE. Calliope Lathami, Gould. Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. Motacilla Calliope, Pall. Gangular of the natives. Inhab. Nepal, a No. 441. b. A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 71, f. 1. c. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 90, f. 1, 2. The BLACK-BREASTED CALLIOPE. Calliope pectoralis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. Gould. Icones Avium, pi. 70 CATALOGUE OF Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 214. /. A drawing of males and female, natural size. Pass. t. 89, f. 1, 2, 3, with bill and foot. The BLUE CALLIOPE. Calliope cyana, Blyth. Larvivora cyana, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1843, 102. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. L. brunnea, Hodgs. I. c. (female). Phaenicura supercili- aris, Jerd. Suppl. Inhab. Nepal, a e. No. 455, 456. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 81. g. Copied. Pass. t. 133, f. 4, 4*, with bill. The BROWN CALLIOPE. Calliope cruralis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1843, p. 933. Larvivora homochroa, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 885. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 82, with wing and foot. The SOOTY WARBLER. Thamnobia fulicata. Motacilla fu- licata, Linn. Thamnobia scapularis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,j?. 83. Turdus (Saxicoloides) erythrurus, Less. Inhab. Nepal. a c. Adult male and female. No. 213. d. A drawing of two figures, natural sizes. Pass. t. 94. The BLUE-NECKED WARBLER. Cyanecula suecica. Mota- cilla suecica, Linn. Sysl. Nat. Cyanecula v. Calliope suecicoi- des, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,;?. 83. Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 703. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of male, female and young. Pass, t, 91, with foot. The GOLDEN TARSIGER. Tarsiger chrysaeus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. Proc. Zool Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 198. Inhab. Nepal. a e. Adult and young. No. 408, 409. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 78, f. 5,5*. g. Copied. Pass. t. 80. The KED-TAILED SHORT-WING. Bradypterus phsenicuroides, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. Inhab. Nepal, a /. No. 817. g, h. Sternum. i. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 93, with foot. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 71 The BLACK AND WHITE STONECHAT. Saxicola caprata, Vieill. Motacilla caprata, Linn. S. N. p. 335. Saxicola bicolor, et S. erythropygia, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, 92. S. mela- leuca, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,;?. 83. S.fruticola, Horsf.? Inliab. Nepal. a I. Adult and young. No. 420, 421. m. Sternum. w. A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 96, f. 3. o. Copied. Pass. t. 97, f. 2. p. A drawing of three figures, male, female and young, natural size. Pass. t. 98. The STOUT STONECHAT. Saxicola ferrea. Rubecola ferrea, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a n. Adult and young. No. 413, 416, 417. o. Sternum. p. A drawing of male and female, natural size, with foot, nest, and eggs. Pass. t. 95. q. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 96, f. 1, 1*, with bill. r. Copied. Pass. t. 97, f. 1, 1*, with foot. The STONE-CHAT. Saxicola rubicola, Temm. S. saturatior, et S. rubecola, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 83. Inhab. Nepal. ai. No. 299, 300,301. j. Sternum. k. A drawing of three figures, natural size, male, female and young. Pass. t. 73, f. 1, 2, 3, with bill. The GREATER STONECHAT. Saxicola insignis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 812. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 100. d. Accentorinffi. The NEPAL ACCENTOR. Accentor nipalensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1843, p. 958. A. cacharensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 83. A. himalayanus Blyth P J. A. S. B. 1842, 187. Inhab. Nepal, the Cachar. a d. Adult and young. No. 873, 874. e. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. t. 101 a, f. 2, 3. /. Copied from 1. 101, f. 2. App. t. 18. The UNSPOTTED ACCENTOR. Accentor immaculatus, v. ni- palensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. 72 CATALOGUE OF Inhab. Nepal, the Cachar. a- c. No. 487. d. A. drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 101 a, f. 3. e. Copied. Pass. t. 22, f. 5. /. Copied. App. t. 18, f. 1. The RUFOUS-BREASTED ACCENTOE. Accentor strophiatus, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1843, 959. Inhab. Nepal. tt _. No. 413, 414. h. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 101, f. 1,3, with bill. e. Parinae. The GREAT-CRESTED TITMOUSE. Partis sultaneus, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 31. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 344. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 104, f. 1,2. h. Copied. Pass. t. 189, f. 2, 3, with bill. The NEPAL TITMOUSE. Parus Nipalensis, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838,;?. 31. P. schistinotus, Hodgs. Gray, Zoo/. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a _ c . No. 716. d. Sternum. e. A drawirig of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 106. The WHITE-CHEEKED TITMOUSE. Parus a?modius, Hodgs. J.A.S.B. 1844, p. 943. Inhab. Nepal, the Cachar, rarely the Central region. a. No. 830. b. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 107, f. 1, 1*. The YELLOW-CHEEKED TITMOUSE. Parus xanthogenys, Vi- gors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831,;?. 23. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 29, /I- Inhab. Nepal. af. No. 397. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 46, f. 5, with bill. h. Copied. Pass. t. 105, f. 3. The MOUNTAIN TITMOUSE. Parus monticolus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 22. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 29, f. 2. Inhab. Nepal. a __ c . No. 398, 390. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 46, f. 4, with bill. e. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 105, f. 1,2. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 73 The BLACK CRESTED TITMOUSE. Parus melanolophus, Vigors Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831. jo. 23. Gould, Cent, of 30. f. 2. Inhab. Nepal, the Cachar, rarely the central region. a c. No. 846. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 107. f. 4, with foot. The GRAY-BACKED TITMOUSE. Parus dichrous, Hodgs. Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. p. 326. Journ. A. S. B., 1844. p. 943. Inhab. Nepal, the Cachar, rarely central region. a. No. 852. b. A drawing of female ? natural size. Pass. t. 107. f. 3. The YELLOW-BROWED TITMOUSE. Parus seriophrys, Hodgs. Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. p. 326. Sylviparus modestus, Burt P Inhab. Nepal, the Cachar, rarely the central region. a. No. 863. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 107. f. 5. The RUFOUS-FRONTED TITMOUSE Parus jouchistos, Hodgs. Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. p. 326. Journ. A. S. B. 1844, p. 943. Inhab. Nepal, the Cachar, rarely the central region. af. No. 845. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 107. f. 2, with foot. The RED-HEADED TITMOUSE. Parus erythrocephalus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831. p. 23. Gould, Cent.of Birds,pl. 30, f. 1. Inhab. Nepal, the Hills only. a __^ No. 389, 390. e. A drawing of two figures, with nest, egg, and foot. Pass. t. 108. The NEPAL SUTHORA. Suthora nipalensis, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 32. Temnoris atrifrons, et T. fulvifrons, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist, xvi.202. Hemirhynchus, Hodgs. Temnoris nipalensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1843, p. 450, pi. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 470, 888. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 58. f. 1. #. A drawing of four figures, (one copy of former) natural size. Pass. t. 109, a. e. Sylvicolinae. The WHITE-EYED WAEBLER. Zosterops madraspatana. Motacilla madraspataua, Linn, S. N. i. 334. Sylvia palpebrosa, Temm. Sylvia leucops, Vieill. S. annulosa, Swains. ZooL III. pi. 164. Inhab. Nepal. ah. No. 391, 392. H 74 CATALOGUE [OF i. Sternum. j. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. 1. 1 10, with nest, bill, and foot. The SPOTTED-THROATED YUHIN. Yuhina gularis, Hodgs. Ass. ties. xix. 166. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1837, p. 231. Polyo- don (Yuhina) gularis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 82. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 309. /. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 68, f. 1, with head and bill. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. App. t. 16, f. 1. The RUSTY-NAPED YUHIN. Yuhina occipitalis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 166. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1837, 231. Polyodon (Yuhina) occipitalis, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 82. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 310. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 68, f. 7. h. A drawing of two figures, natural size. App. t. 16, f. 2, 3. The YELLOW-NECKED YUHIN. Yuhina flavicollis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 167. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1837, p. 232. Ixulus flavi- collis, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 194. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 312. /. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 68, f. 3, with bill. g. A drawing of two adults, with nest, egg, and foot. Pass. t. 69. h. A drawing of adult, natural size. App. t. 16, f. 4. The BLACK-CHINNED YUHIN. Yuhina nigrimentum. Polyodon (Yuhina) nigrimentum, Hodgs. Gray's Zool. Misc. p. 82. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 697. c. A drawing of two adults, natural size, with tongue. Pass. t. 66. The FIRE-TAILED MYZORNIS. Myzornis pyrrhoura, Hodgs. J. A. S.B. 1843, p. 984. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 694. f,g. Sternum. h. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 67. The BLACK-HEADED STRACHYRIS. Strachyris nigriceps, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. 1845, p . Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 193. Inhab. Nepal, the central and northern regions of Hills. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 75 a d. No. 356. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 173, f. 1. /. Copied. Pass. t. 228, f. 4, with bill. The RED-EYED STRACHYRIS. Strachyris pyrrhops, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 193. Inhab. Nepal. af. No. 410,411. g. Sternum. h. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 78, f. 4, 4*. i. A drawing of two figures, natural size (one a copy of former) Pass. t. 173, f. 2, 3. j, Copied from the last, with nest, and egg. Pass. t. 174. The GOLDEN STRACHYRIS. Strachyris chrysaea, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845. p. Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 193. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 869. c. A drawing of two figures, natural size, with wing and foot. Pass. t. 175. /. Motacillinae. HODGSON'S WAGTAIL. Motacilla luzoniensis, Scop. M. al- boides, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 191. Sonn. V. t. 29. M. leucopis, Gould. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 133, 134, 135. / h. Sternum. L A drawing of three states, natural size. Pass. 1. 113, f. 2, 3, 4. * The GRAY WAGTAIL. Motacilla boarula, Linn. M. boa- rula et M. xanthochistos, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 136, 137. c, d. No. 678, 679. e. A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 111. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 112. g. Copied from one of the former. Pass. t. 113, f. 1. h. A drawing of two figures, natural size. App. t. 1 9. The BEEMA WAGTAIL. Budytes Beema, Sykes. Budytes dubiuset B.anthoides (808). B. fulviventer, (774) et B. schis- ticeps, (733, 773) Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844,;?. 83. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 808. c. No. 774. d, e. No. 733, 773. /. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 114, f. 1,2,3. No. 808. H2 76 CATALOGUE OF The LONG-LEGGED WAGTAIL. Budytes calcaratus, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 190, (1836). B. citreoloides, Hodgs. Gray. Zool. p. 83. (732). Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 667, 668. fk. No. 732. /, m. Sternum. n. A drawing of male and female, natural size. App. t. 20. The SPOTTED ENICURUS. Enicurus maculatus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 9. E. fuliginosus, Hodgs. As. Res. xix, 190. (young). Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 27. Inhab. Nepal. Inhab. Exclusive montieolous. a e. No. 347. fg. No. 348. h. A drawing of two figures, with nest and eggs. Pass. t. 115. i. Copied from one of the former, natural size. Pass. t. 116, f. 4. with bill and foot. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 116, f. 3. (young) The SLATY ENICURUS. Enicurus schistaceus, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 189, (1836). Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 349. e. Sternum. /. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 116, f. 1. The UNSPOTTED ENICURUS. Enicurus immaculatus, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. 190. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 350. b. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 116, f. 2. SCOULER'S ENICURUS. Enicurus Scouleri, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 174. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 28. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 698. c. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 117. The FIELD LARK. Anthus arboreus, Temm. Anthus macu- latus, et Anthus brevirostris, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 435. f~h. No. 814. i,j. Sternum. k. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 118, f. 1,2. /. A drawing, (young) natural size. Pass. t. 120, f. 2. m. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 124, f. 6. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 77 The TITLARK. Anthus pratensis, Temm. Alauda pratensis, Linn. S. N. i. 287. Anthus hortulanus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab, Nepal. a,b. No. 791. c. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 119, f. 1, 2. The NEPAL TITLARK. Anthus ubiquitarius. Cichlops ubi- quitarius, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Anthus rufulus, Jerd. P Inhab. Nepal. aj. No. 432, 433. k. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 122, f. 1,2, with foot. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 124, f. 2, 3. The MARSH LARK. Anthus rufescens, Temm. Man. d'Ornith. i. 150. Anthus campestris, Bechst. Cichlops thermophilus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Anthus striolatus, Blyth. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 735. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. 1. 122, f. 1. The STRONG-FOOTED LARK. Anthus fortipes. Cichlops fortipes, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 738. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 122, f. 2, with foot. The RUFOUS-THROATED LARK. Anthus cervinus. Motacilla cervina, Pall. Anthus rufogularis, Brehm. Anthus roseaceus. v. A. rufogularis ? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a, d. No. 734. e. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 118. The INDIAN LARK. Anthus pelopus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Mis. p. S3. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 877. d. A drawing, natural size. Pass. 1. 120, f. 1. RICHARD'S LARK. Anthus Richardii, Temm. Man. d'Ornith. i. 263. Cichlops monticolus, v. Corydalla Richardii, ? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal, a. No. 431. c. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 121, f. 1, 2, with foot. d. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 124, f. 1, with bill. H3 78 CATALOGUE OF Fam. 2. TUKDIDJE. a. Formicarinse. The SHOKT-TAILED PITTA. Pitta brachyura, Jerd. Corvus brachyurus, Linn. P. cyanoptera, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 35, /. 2. Royle, Him. of Bot. pi. 7, /. 3. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 23. Inhab. Nepal, a. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 133, f. 2, with bill. The CRIMSON-BELLIED PITTA. Pitta rodogaster, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. /. A. S. B. 1843. p. 961. Pitta nigri- collis, Blyth, J. A. S, B. 1843, p. 960. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 761. d. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 134, f. 1, 2. The NEPAL PITTA. Pitta nipalensis, Paludicola nipalensis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1837. p. 103. Heleornis (Paludicola) nipalen- sis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Pitta nuchalis, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1842, p. 188. Hydrornis nipalensis, Blyth. Inhab. Nepal. ft _ c . No. 453. d, e. Skull and Sternum. /. A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 133, f. 1, with bill. g. A drawing of male and female ? natural size. Pass. t. 135, f.1,2. TEMMINCK'S MYOPHONUS. Myophonus Temminckii, Vigors, Proc. Z. S. 1831, p. 171. M. metallicus, Hodgs. Gould, Cent. of Birds, pi. 20. Inhab. Nepal, a g. No. 224, 225. h. A drawing of adult, natural size, with head and bill. Pass. t. 130. i. A drawing of adult, natural size, with foot. Pass. t. 131. ;. A drawing of adult, natural size, with head, bill, and foot. Pass. t. 132. PALLAS' WATER OUZEL. Cinclus Pallasii, Temm. C.Pallasii (adult) et C. maculatus (young), Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 83. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 24. Inhab. Nepal. a _/. No. 240, 241. g. Sternum. 'h. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. t. 136. i. Copied. Pass. t. 137, with bill. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 79 b. Turdinae. The INDIAN BLUE PETROCOSSYPHUS. Petrocossyphus pandoo. Petrocincla cyanea, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc.p. 83. Petrocin- cla pandoo et P. maal, Sykes, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1832, p. 87, 88. Inhab. Nepal. a-d. No. 259. e. A drawing of adult, with bill. Pass. t. 140. The THRUSH-LIKE KOCK PETROCOSSYPHUS. Petrocossyphus turdoides ? Petrophila turdoides, Hodgs. Gray, Zool, Misc. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 587. A drawing of adult, natural size ? Pass. t. 139, f. 4, with bill. The THRUSH-BILLED PETROCOSSYPHUS. Petrocossyphus cin- clorhynchus. Petrocincla cinclorhyncha, Vigors, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1831, p. 172. Petrophila cinclorhyncha, S wains. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 19. Krishen Pattii, of the natives. Inhab. Nepal. a k. No. 359, 362. /. Sternum. m. A drawing of four figures, male, female, and young male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 143. n. A drawing of four figures, natural size, male, female, two young males, with bill. Pass. 150, f. 2, 5. The ORANGE-HEADED PETROCOSSYPHUS. Petrocossyphus ci- trinus. Turdus citrinus, Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 350. Turdus cyanotus Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. pi. 46. Petrocincla cyanota, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 83. P. pelodes, Hodgs. (young), pi. col. 445. Inhab. Nepal. a j. No. 584, 586. k, I. Sternum. m. A drawing of adult and young, natural size, with nest. Pass. t. 138. n. A drawing of two states, natural size, one reduced, with bill and foot. Pass. t. 139, f. 1,3. The MODEST-COLOURED PETROCOSSYPHUS. Petrocossyphus unicolor. Turdus unicolor, Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1837, p. 136. Turdus modestus, Blyth. Petrocincla homochroa, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 83. a. A drawing, natural size, t. 139, f. 2. No. 585. The MOUNTAIN ZOOTHERA. Zoothera monticola, Vigors, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1831, p. 172. Turdus rostratus, Hodgs. Quart. Mag. 1826 ? Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 22. 80 CATALOGUE OF Inhab. Nepal, a e. No. 268, 269. d. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 144, f. 1, 2, with head, bill, and foot. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 145. WHITE'S THRUSH. Turdus Whitei, Eyton. Oreocincla parvirostris, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, 136. Oreocincla Whitei, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Turdus varius, (Horsf.) Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, p. 882. Inhab. Nepal.. ad. No. 194, 196. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of two figures, one natural size, the other reduced, Pass. t. 158, f. 1,2. h. A drawing of three figures, (two copied from the former) natu- ral size. Pass. v. 40, f. 1,2, 3, with bill. The SCALY-BREASTED THRUSH. Turdus mollissimus, Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, 188. Oreocincla? rostrata, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. p. 326. Turdus viscivorus ? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal, central Hills. a. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 157. No. 833. b. c. No. 832. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 158, f. 2. The NEPAL THRUSH. Turdus oreocincloides, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 197. A drawing. Pass. v. t. 40, f. 4. The SMALL-FOOTED THRUSH. Turdus micropus. Oreocincla ? micropus (s. g. Turdulus), Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 158. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 158, f. 1, with nest. NAUM ANN'S THRUSH. Turdus Naumanii, Temm. Man. d'Or- nith. p. 170. Gould, Birds ofEur. pi. 79. Inhab. Nepal, a b. No. 790. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass, t. 152. The BLACK-BREASTED THEUSH. Turdus atrogularis, 'Temm. Man. d'Ornith. p. 169. Gould, Birds of Eur. pi 75. Inhab. Nepal. ag. No. 198, 199. b. Sternum. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 81 i. A drawing of three figures, natural size. Pass. t. 148, f. 13, with foot. j. A drawing of two figures, natural size, with bill. Pass. t. 149, f. 1, 2. The RED-NECKED THRUSH. Turdus ruficollis, Pall. Reise, iii. 694. Turdus erythrura, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. af. No. 200, 720. g. A drawing of young? reduced. Pass. t. 1 49, f. 3. h. A drawing of two adults, male and female, natural size. Pass. 1. 153. WARD'S THRUSH. Turdus Wardii, Jerd. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, p. 882. Turdus ? picaoides, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 83. Jerd. III. Ind. Orn. pi. Inhab. Nepal. a. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 145. No. 363. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 150. f. 1. The GRAY-WINGED THRUSH. Turdus paecilopterus, Vigors, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1831,j9. 54. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 14. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 184, 186. e. A drawing of three figures, male, female, and young. Pass. t. 146, f. 1, 3, with nest and eggs. /. Copied. Pass. t. 147, without nest, &c. The CHESTNUT-BACKED THRUSH. Turdus castaneus. Merula castanea, Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1835, /?. 185. Turdus rubroca- nus, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 82. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No, 575. c. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 151. d. Copied from male. Pass. 1. 154. The WHITE-COLLARED THRUSH. Turdus albicollis, Royle. Merula nivicollis, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 182, 183. Turdus collaris, Soret, Royle, III. Bot. pi. 8,/. 3. Inhab. Nepal. Mountains exclusively. af. No. 182, 183. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 155. h. Copied with bill. Pass. t. 156. The RED-BELLIED THRUSH. Turdus erythrogaster, Vigors. Proc. Z. S.p. 1831, 171. Petrocincla rufiventris, Jard. and Selby, 111. Orn. pi. 129. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 13. Inhab. Nepal , the Valley, a i. No. 351,353. 82 CATALOGUE OF j Sternum. k. A drawing of three figures, natural size. Pass. t. 141, f. 1, 3. I. A drawing of three figures, two copied in former, with bill. Pass. t. 142. c. Timalinae. The OCELLATED GARRULAX. Garrulax ocellatus. Cinclo- soma ocellatum, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 55. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 15. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 191. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. v. t. 41, f. 3. The BLUE-SIDED GARRULAX. Garrulax caerulatus. Cinelo- soma caerulatum, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836,xix. 147. Crateropus cse- rulatus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 493, 494. e. A drawing of two adults, natural size. Pass. t. 167, f. 1, 2. The RUFOUS-NECKED GARRULAX. Garrulax ruficollis. lan- thocincla ruficollis, Jard. and Selly,lll. Orn. n. s. t. 21. Cra- teropus atrigula, Hodgs. MSS. Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 881. The WHITE -THROATED GARRULAX. Garrulax leucolophus, Hardw. Linn. Trans. Cinclosoma leucolophum, Gould. Corvus leucolophus. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 18. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 205. d f. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 165, with nest. h. Copied, with bill. Pass. t. 166. The WHITE-HEADED GARRULAX. Garrulax albigularis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1835, p. 187. C. albigula, Hodgs. Res. 1836, xix. 146. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 204. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 163. h. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 164. The NECKLACED GARRULAX. Garrulax moniligera. Cinclo- soma moniligera, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. ' 147. Crateropus moniliger, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 192. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 83 b. Sternum? c. A drawing of two figures, adults, natural size. Pass. t. 161. d. A copy of one of the former. Pass. v. t. 41, f. 2. The BLACK-GORGET GARRULAX. Garrulax pectoralis. Cin- closoma pectoralis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1835, p. 186. C. grisauris, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836. xix. 146. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 193. a. Sternum. b. Skeleton, imperfect. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 162, f. 1, 2. g. A copy of one of the former. Pass. v. t. 41, f. 1. The BED-HEADED GARRULAX. Garrulax? erythrocephalus. Cinclosoma erythrocephalum, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 171. Crateropus erythrocephalus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. S3. C. erythropterus, Hodgs. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 17. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 820, 888, 163. e. A drawing of two figures, summer and winter, natural size. Pass. t. 169. /. Copied from one of the former figures. Pass. t. 160, f. 1. The VARIEGATED GARRULAX. Garrulax? variegatus. Cinclo- soma variegatum, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 55. Crate- ropus variegatus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Garrulax Abeillei, Less. Gauza of Nepal. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 16. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 693. b. A drawing of male and female, natural size. App. t. 22. The ALLIED GARRULAX. Garrulax? affinis. Crateropus affinis, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1843, 950. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 768. /. A drawing of adults, natural size. Pass. t. 168. The BLACK SCALY TROCHALOPTERON. Trochalopteron squa- matum. Trochalopteron melanura, Hodgs. Gray. Zool. Misc. p. 83. lanthocincla squamata, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1835, p. 47. Cinclosoma melanura, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836. xix. 147. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 376. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass, t, 170, f. 1, with head and bill. The FIRE-COLOURED TROCHALOPTERON. Trochalopteron phseniceum. lanthocincla phaenicea, Gould, Icones Avium, pi. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. Crateropus puniceus, El. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, 180. C. pyrops, Hodgs. MSS. 84 CATALOGUE OF Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 883. The KED-THROATED TEOCHALOPTEEON. Trochalopteron ru- figularis. Cinclosoma rufigularis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1835, p. 48. Cinclosoma rufimenta, Hodgs. As. Res. 19, 148. Crateropus rufi- mentum, Hodgs. Gray. ZooL Misc, p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 187. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 160, f. 2. /. A drawing of two figures, one copied from former, natural size, App. t. 21. The YELLOW-WINGED TEOCHALOPTEEON. Trochalopteron subunicolor, Hodgs. Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1843, 952. Ann. Nat. Hist. xv.;?. 326. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 842. b. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 172. The SPINE-BEARING TROCHALPTEEON. Trochalpteron ? seti- fer, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Cinclosoma setifer, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. 148. Inhab. Nepal, a e. No. 317. /. Skeleton. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 171. h. Copied, from one of the former figures. Pass. t. 172, f. 3. EGEETON'S ACTINODUEA. Actinodura Egertoni, Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1836, p. 18. Leiocincla plumosa, Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1843, p. 953. Alcurus nipalensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Ixops rufifrons, Hodgs. MSS. Zool. Inhab. Nepal. a _ c . No. 343. The NEPAL ACTINODUEA. Actinodura nipalensis. Actino- dura Egertoni, Blyth. Cinclosoma ? Sibia ? nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 145. Ixops nipalensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p.M. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 257. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 201, f. 1, 2. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. 1. 140, f. 2, with bill. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 85 The RUFOUS-HEADED PELLOENEUM. Pellorneum ruficeps, Swains Faun. Bor. Amer. App. p. 487. Cinclidia punctata, Gould. Hemipteron nipalense, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal, a e. No. 377. f,g. Sternum. h. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass, t, 159, f. 1,2. i. Copied from one. Pass. t. 170, f. 2, with bill. The STRIATED TURN AGRA, Turnagra striata. Garrulus striatus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1830, p. 7. Keropia striata, G. R. Gray. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 37. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 266, 267. e. A drawing of two figures, one natural size, the other reduced, with foot. Pass. t. 181. /. Copied, with bill. Pass. t. 182. The STREAKED-THROATED TIMALIA. Timalia gularis, Horsf. Timalia chloris, BL Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, p. 794 ? Mota- cilla gularis, Raffl. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 312. Mixornis ruficeps, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 194. Prinia pileata, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xi. 204. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 699. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 176, f. 1*. The YELLOWISH GREEN TJMALIA. Timalia ? xanthochlora. Erpornis xanthochlora, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. xvi. 194. Inhab. Nepal. ad. No. 760. The PILE ATE D TIMALIA. Timalia pileata, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. 151. Zool. Res. in Java, pi. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 835. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 175, with head, wing, and foot. The WHITE-EARED TIMALIA. Timalia? leucotis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 316. 6. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 172, f. 2. c. Copied. Pass. t. 172, f. 1, with nest, wing, and foot. The DARK-EARED TIMALIA. Timalia? pellotis, As. Res. 1836. xix. 182. I 86 CATALOGUE OF Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 315. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 172a, f. 1. A. drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 172b, f. 2. HORSFIELD'S TIMALIA. Timalia Horsfieldii, Jard. fy Selby, [II. Orn. pi. 119 ? Mag. de ZooL 1835, Ois. t. 39. Timalia hypo- leuca, FranU. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1831, p. 118. Pyctoris hypoleuca, Hodgs. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1845, p. Inhab. Nepal. a c . No. 704. The GRAY THRUSH. Malacocercus griseus. Turdus griseus, GmeL Malacocercus griseus, v. temecolor, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 83. Pengya Maina, of Hindostan. Inhab. Nepal. a,b. No. 371. r. Sternum. d. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 178. e. Copied, from one of the former figures. Pass. t. 179, with bill. The BROWN TIMALIA. Malacocercus geochrous, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 868. b. An unfinished drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 180, with wing. The GREEN INDIAN WARBLER, lora tiphia, Vigors. Mota- cilla tiphia, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 331. Sylvia tiphia, Lath. S. zeylonica, Lath. Fringilla multicolor, GmeL lora scapularis, Horsf. Motacilla cambainensis, Lath. ZooL Res. in Java, pi. Inhab. Central region of Nepal, a c. No. 711. d. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 102, f. 1, 2. e. Copied, winter and summer dress. Pass. t. 103. The RUFOUS-NECKED POMATORHINUS. Pomatorhinus rufi- collis, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. 182. Inhab. Nepal. af. No. 239. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 184, f. 3, with head and bill. The GRAY -HEADED POMATORHINUS. Pomatorhinus schisti- ceps, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. 181. Pomatorhinus leucogaster, Gould, Proc. ZooL Soc. 1837, p. 137. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 238. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 87 c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 183. f. 2. d. Copied. Pass. t. 144, f. 2, with bill. The RED-CHEEKED POMATOEHINUS. Pomatorhinus erythro- genys, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 173. P. ferrugilatus, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836. xix. 180. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 55. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 237. g, h. Skeletons (imperfect). i* A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 183, f. 1. j. Copied. Pass. t. 184, f. 1, with head and bill. d. ORIOLINJE. HODGSON'S ORIOLE. Oriolus Hodgsoni, Swains. Two Cent, and a quart, p. 290. O. McCoshii, Tick. Inhab. Nepal. a g. No. 264. h. Sternum. . A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 187, f. 1, 2, v. t. 43, f. 5, 6. j. A drawing of male and female, natural size, (one copied from the former). Pass. v. t. 43, f. 5, 6. The INDIAN GOLDEN ORIOLE. Oriolus Kundoo, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 87. Oriolus aureus, Jerd. Oriolus galbula, (adult) Hodys. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. O. melanornis, Hodgs. O. galbuloides, Gould. 0. strigipectus, (young) Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal, a g. No. 262, 263. h. A drawing of male and young or female, natural size. Pass. t. 186, f. 1,2, with foot, nest, and egg. i. A drawing of two figures, (male copied from former) naturaL size. Pass. v. t. 43, f. 3, 4. TRAILL'S ORIOLE. Oriolus Traillii, Hodgs. Pastor Traillii, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 18,jo. Psaropholus Traillii, Jard. and SeLby. Analcipus Traillii, G. R. Gray. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 35. Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. n. s. 'pi. 26. Inhab. Nepal. a _7\ NO. 260, 261. k. Sternum. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. v. t. 43, f. 1,2. m. Copied. Pass. t. 185, with foot. e. PYCNONOTIN^E. The NEPAL HYPSIPETES. Hypsipetes psaroides, Vigors, 12 88 CATALOGUE OF Proc. Zool. Soc. 1830, p. 43. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 10. Jard. and Selby, III. Orn. n. s.t.2? Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 242. d. Skeleton (imperfect). e. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 192, f. 1, 2, with nest and eggs. /. Copied from one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. t. 1 94, f. 2, with bill and egg. The GREEN HYPSIPETES. Hypsipetes viridis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Hypsipetes McClellandii, Horsf. P Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 243. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass, t. 193. h. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size, with bill. Pass. t. 194, f. 1. The LONG-TAILED SIBIA. Sibia picaoides, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1839, p. 38. Heterophasia cuculopsis, El. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, p. 187. Actinodura picaoides, Bl. Alcopus (Sibia) picaoides, Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 246. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 195, with bill, tongue, and foot. /. Copied, with bill. Pass. t. 196. The BLACK-HEADED SIBIA. Sibia capistrata. Cinclosoma capistratum, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 56. Sibia nigri- ceps, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1839, p. 38. Actinodura nigriceps, Bl. Sibya of the natives. Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 258. d. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 197. e. Copy of one of the former figures. Pass. t. 198. /. A drawing of adult, natural size, with bill. Pass. t. 140, f.3. The YELLOW-BELLIED TKICOPHORUS. Tricophorus flaveolus, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 6. McClell. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1839, jo. 158. Trichophorus xanthogaster, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 38. Inhab. Nepal. ad. No. 346. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 188. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. A. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. t. 189, with head and bill. The WHITE HJEMATORN is. Haematornis cafer. Turdus cafer, Linn. S. N. 1. p. 295. Ixos cafer? v. pygmaeus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal, a e. No. 207. f,g. Sternum. h. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 202, f. 1, 2, with foot, nest, and egg. i. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. t. 205, f. 3. The JOCOSE HJEMATOKNIS. Haematornis jocosus. Lanius jocosus, Linn. Haematornis erythrotis, Swains. Ixos jocosus v. pyrrhotis, Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal a. No. 209. b. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. I. 204. c. Copy of one of the former figures. Pass. t. 205, f. with head and bill. The WHITE-CHEEKED HAEMATORNIS. Haematornis leucoge- nys. Brachypus leucogenys, Gray. Ixos plumigerus, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846. Ixos leucogenys, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. ii. pi. 35, f. 3. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 208. e. Sternum. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 201, with nest and eggs. g. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. t. 205, f. 2, with head. The BLACK-HEADED HAEMATORNIS. Haematornis melanoee- phalus, Gray. Vanga flaviventris, Tick. Brachypus melanoce- phalus, Gray. Alcopus (Sibia) melanocephalus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. S3. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. 35, f. 1. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 245. e. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 199, f. 1, 2. /. Copy of one of the former figures, with head and bill. Pass. t. 191, f. 1. The STRIATED H^MATORNIS. Haematornis striata. Alcopus (Sibia) nipalensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. S3. Trichopho- rus striatus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, p. 184. Inhab. Nepal. 13 90 CATALOGUE OF a e. No. 343. /. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t."l89, f. 4, with bill. g. Copied. Pass. t. 200. The YELLOW-WINGED HEMIPUS. Hemipus flavula, Hodys. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 244. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 190. h. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. t. 191, f. 2, with head and bill. Fam. 3. MUSCICAPIDJE. a. Muscicapinee. The WHITE-BELLIED FLYCATCHER. Muscicapa poonensis, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 85. Muscicapa acormus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Jnhab. Nepal. a d. No. 478. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 207, f. 3. /. Copied. Pass. t. 210, f. 3, with foot. The RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER. Muscicapa parva, Temni. Man. Orn. p. 103. Muscicapa leucura, Swain. Nat. Lib. x. 253. Synornis leucura, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. S. jou- laimus, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. Saxicola rubeculo'ides, Sykes,Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, 92. Inhab. Nepal. ad. No. 811,421. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 86, with wing and foot. The BLUE AND WHITE FLYCATCHER. Muscicapa aestigma, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 140. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 206, f. 3. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 213, f. 4. The WHITE-THROATED FLYCATCHER. Muscicapa albogula- ris. Muscicapa ciliaris, //od#s. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Dimor- pha albogularis, Bl. Journ. As. Soc. 1842, p. 190. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 141. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 206, f. 2,2.* Copy of one of the former figures. Pass. t. 207, f. 1,2. A drawing of adult ? Pass. t. 213, f. 3, with bill. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 91 The BLACK AND WHITE FLYCATCHER. Muscicapa melano- leuca. Muscicapa leucochista, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Muscicapula melauoleuca, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. 1843, p. 1. Inhab, Nepal. a, b. No. 824. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 206, f. 1, with wing. The WHITE-TAILED FLYCATCHER. Muscicapa hemileucura, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Inhab. Nepal. a. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 206, f. 4. No. 779. The FERRUGINOUS HEMICHELIDON. Hemichelidon ferrugi- neus, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845. p. 203. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 425. b. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 210, f. 1. The SOOTY HEMICHELIDON. Hemichelidon fuliginosus, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845,/>. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 203. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 427. g. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 210, f. 2 The GREAT BAINOPUS. Bainopus grandis. Chaitaris gran- dis, Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, p. 189. Bainopus irenoides, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 284. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 211. The RED-BREASTED NILTAVA. Niltava rubeculoides, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, p. Phcenicura rubeculoides, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 35. Cynornis rubeculoides, Bl. Journ. As. Soc. 1843, 941. Chaitaris brevipes, Hodgs. Muscicapa banyamas, Jerd. non Horsf. Muscicapa rubecola, Swain's Nat. Lib. x. 221. pi. 27. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 25, f. 1 . Inhab. Nepal. af. No. 137, 139. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 212. h. A drawing of male, female, and young male, (two first copied in the former drawing) with bills. Pass. t. 213, f. 1, 2, 8. MCGREGOR'S NILTAVA. Niltava McGregorii. Niltava fuli- giventris, Hodgs. Phcenicura McGregorii, Burt, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1835, p. 152. Chaitaris McGregorii, Blyth. Inhab. Nepal. a g. No. 143. 92 CATALOGUE OF h. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 85. i. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 213, f. 7. The BLACK-COLLARED NILTAVA. Niltava sundara, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, p. 651. N. sordidus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Chaitaris sundara, Hodgs. Inhab, Nepal. a j m No. 142, 243. Jc. A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 213, f. 5, with bill. The BLACK-EYED FLYCATCHER. Niltava ? melanops. Mus- cicapa melanops, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, 171. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. Inhab. Nepal, a-/. No. 288. g. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. t. 209. The ORANGE-GORGET SIPHIA. Siphia strophiata, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, p. Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845. Dimorpha (Siphia) strophiata, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 83. Dimorpha auricularis, Blyth. Chaitaris aurieularis, Hodgs. MSS.,J. A. S. B. 1843, 940. Siphia of Nepalese. Inhab. Nepal. a t j. No. 424, 430, 476, 714. k. Sternum. /. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 83, f. 2, 3, 4. in. Copied. App. t. 17. The WHITE-BROWED SIPHIA. Siphia superciliaris. Dimor- pha superciliaris, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, 190. Di- morpha (Siphia) rubrocyanea, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 83. Muscicapula rubecula, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1843, 940. D. rubrocyanea, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 384, 837. a. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 87. The WHITE AND BLACK-TAILED DIGENEA. Digenea leuco- melanura, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, 197. Inhab. Nepal. a. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass, t, 215, f. 2. No. 419. The TRICOLOURED DIGENEA. Digenea tricolor, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1 845, p. 197. Inhab. Nepal, Central Hills. a, b. No. 795. f. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 208. with foot. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 93 The BLACK AND WHITE HEMIPUS. Hemipus picatus. Mus- cicapa picatus, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 85. Hemipus picaecolor, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 203. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 285. The BLUE MYIAGRA. Myiagra caerulea. Muscicapa caerulea, Vieill. Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. 1. 153. Muscicapa occipitalis, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 97. M. caeruleocephala, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 85. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 730, 485. e. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 216, f. 1, 2, with foot. /. Copy of female. Pass. t. 207, f. 5. The PARADISE FLYCATCHER. Tchitrea paradisi, Less. Mus- cicapa paradisi, Linn. S. N. p. 324. Muscipeta indica, Steph. Inhab. Nepal. a g. No. 281, 283. h. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 214, f. 1, 2, 3, with foot, nest, and egg. i. Copied. Pass. v. t. 37, f. 1, 2, 3. The BROAD-TAILED FLYCATCHER. Khipidura fuscoventris, Frankl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, 117. Rhipidura albigula, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Muscicapa (Muscylva) albogularis, Less. Muscicapa (Rhipidura) sannio, Sundev. Leucocirca pec- toralis, Jerd. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 426. d. A drawing of two adults, natural size. Pass. t. 215, f. 1, 1*. The YELLOW-BELLIED CHELIDORYNX. Chelidorynx hypo- xantha, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1843,;?. 935. Rhipidura hypoxantha, El. J. A. S. B. xii. p. 935. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 386. d. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass, t 218. The GRAY-HEADED CRYPTOLOPHA. Cryptolopha ceylonensis, Strickl. Cryptolopha poiocephala, Swains. Platyrhynchus cey- lonensis. Sivains, Zool. III. pi. 13. Nat. Lib. xxi. pi. 23. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 428,429. c. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 217. 94 CATALOGUE OF Fam. 4. a. Pachycephalinse. The RED-BACKED LEIOTHRIX. Leiothrix calipyga, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, J/?. 934. Mesia (Bahila) calipyga, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 88. Calipyga . Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1841,;?. 29. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 354, 355. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 219. h. Copied. Pass. t. 228, f. 3, 3,* with bill. The ORNAMENTED MINLA. Minla ignitincta, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 32. Proparus ignitincta. Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1841, p. 29. Certhiparus ignitincta, Hodgs. Journ. A. S. B. 1844, p. 939. Leiothrix ornata, McCll. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1839, 162. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 311,313. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 220. g. Copy of one of the former figures. Pass. t. 68, f. 2, 2,* with bill. The CHESTNUT-HEADED MINLA. Minla castaniceps, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 33. Certhiparus castaniceps, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 939. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 477. /. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 224, f. 2. The SILVER-EARED MESIA. Mesia argentauris, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 88. Philocalyx argentauris, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1841, 29. Fringilloparus argentauris, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 935. Inhab. Nepal. ae. No. 307, 308. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 221. h. Copied. Pass. t. 68, f. 4, 6, with bill. The VINOUS-BREASTED SIVA. Siva vinipectus, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 89. Proparus vinipectus, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 938. Inhab. Nepal, ae. No. 479, 480. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 224, f. 3, 4. The GOLDEN-EARED SIVA. Siva chrysotis. Proparus? (Siva) MB. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 95 chrysoeus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Proparus chry- sotis, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Seng. 1844, p. 938. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 591. b. An unfinished drawing of adult, natural size. Pass, t. 225, with wing and foot. The STRIPED-THROATED SIVA. Siva strigula, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1 838, p. 89. Hemiparus strigula, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1841, 29. loropus strigula, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 935. Muscicapa variegata, Deless. Rev, Zool. 1840, 101. Leiothrix chrysocep hala, Jameson. Inhab, Nepal. a _y. No. 314. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 223. h. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. t. 68, f. 5-, with bill. The NEPAL SIVA. Siva nipalensis, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 88. loropus nipalensis Hodgs. Journ. As. Beng. 1844, p. 937. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 357. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 226, f. 1,2, with foot, nest, and egg. g. Copied. Pass. t. 227. h. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. t. 228, f. 2, with bill. The BLUE-WINGED SIVA. Siva cyanouropterus, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 88. loropus cyanouropterus, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Seng. 1844, p. 937. Leiothrix lepida, McCll. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1839,;?. 162. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 358. c. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 222. d. Copy of one of the former figures, natural size. Pass. t. 228, f. 1. with bill. The RED-WINGED PTERUTHIUS. Pteruthius erythropterus, Swains. Lanius erythropterus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 22. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. I]. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 232, 233. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. v. t. 44, f. 4, 5, with bill. The YELLOW AND GREEN PTERUTHIUS. Pteruthius xantho- chlorus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal. 96 CATALOGUE OF a,b. No. 44(5. c. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 234, f. 1,2. " The NEPAL CUTIA. Cutia nipalensis, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1836,;?. 772, 1837. p. 110. Heterornis (Cutia) nipalensis, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 84. Khutia of the Nepalese. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 254, 255. d. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. t. 235, f. 1,2. e. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size, (two co- pies of former). Pass. I. 236. f. 1,2, 3, with head and bill. b. Ampelinae. The PURPLE COCHO. Cochoa purpurea, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1836, p. 359. 1843, p. 450. pi. Prosorinia (Cochoa) purpurea, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 84, 577. Prosorinia (Cochoa) Hodgsonii ? Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Bvng. 1842, p. 182. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 180, 181. e. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass, t. 229, with bill. t. 231. /. Copied, male and female. Pass. t. 230. g. A drawing of young. Pass. t. 231. The GREEN COCHO. Cochoa viridis, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. 1836,;?. 359. Prosorinia (Cochoa) viridis, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 221, 222. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 232, with bill. /. Copied. Pass. t. 232, with bill. c. Campephaginae. The BLACK AND SCARLET PERICROCOTUS. Pericrocotus spe- ciosus. Turdus speciosus, Gmel. Muscipeta princeps, Vigors. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1831, p. 22. Inhab. Nepal. a i. No. 290,291. j /. Sternum, ra. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 237, with nest. MB. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 97 The SHORT-BILLED PERICROCOTUS. Pericrocotus brevirostvis. Muscipeta brevirostris, Vigors , Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, 43. Pho3- nicornis brevirostris, Vigors, Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 8. Inhab. Nepal. a _4. No. 292, 294. i I. Sternum. m. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 238, with foot, nest, and eggs. The Pericrocotus ? Peri- crocotus peregrin us, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal. tt __. No. 705. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 241. The ROSE-COLOURED PERICROCOTUS. Pericrocotus roseus, Blyth. Pericrocotus sordidus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Muscicapa rosea, Vieill. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 705. c. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 240. The PEREGRINE PERICROCOTUS. Pericrocotus peregrinus. Pericrocotus pusillus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 9. Parus peregrinus, Linn. Inhab. a. No. 705. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 241. MACE'S CAMPEPHAGA. Campephaga Macei. Graucalus Macei, Less. Graucalus papuensis, (Gmel.) Blyth. Graucalus nipalensis, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. p. 1. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 318, 319. c, d. Sternum. e. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 243, with bill. /. Copied. App. t. 24. The SOOTY CAMPEPHAGA. Campephaga lugubris. Ceble- phyris lugubris, Sundcv. Physiogr. Sdllsk. Tidsk. Volvocivora melaschistos, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Graucalus macu- losus, McClell. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 517, 518,519. g,h. Sternum. i. A. drawing of male, female, and young, natural size, with bill and tail. Pass. t. 242. j. A drawing of male and female. App. t. 23. K 98 CATALOGUE OF d. Dicrurinae. The RUFOUS-BELLIED AETAMUS. Artamus fuscus, Vieill. N. Diet. d*Hist. Nat. xvii. p. 297. Ocypterus rufiventris, Valenc. Ann. du Muse. p. 25. t. 7.f. 1. Ocypterus leucorhynchus, Jerd. Inhab. Nepal. a _c. NO. 741. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of two adults, natural size. Pass. t. 244, with foot. The RACKET-TAILED DICEURUS. Dicrurus grandis. Dicru- rus platurus, Vieill. Edolius grandis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 5. Edolius dentirostris, Hay. Lanius malabaricus, Lath. Syn. pi. 108. Chibia malabaricus, Hodgs. Chibia of Nepalese, Bring rai, of Hindoos. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 567. c. Sternum. d. A drawing of adult, two-thirds natural size. App. t. 27. The PHILIPPINE DICRURUS. Dicrurus balicassius, Vieill. Corvus balicassius, Linn. Dicrurus annectans, Hodgs. D. affinis, Bl. Oriolus furcatus, Gmel. Inhab. Nepal. a c . No. 675, 676. d. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. App. t. 26. The GREAT-TAILED DICEUEUS. Dicrurus macrocercus, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. ix. 588. Dicrurus iudicus, Steph. Muscicapa biloba, Licht. D. albirictus, Hodgs. D. fingah, Bl. D. bali- cassius, Ind. Orn. D. indicus. D. hemiclicrurus et D. niviventris. Hodgs. As. Res. xviii. pi. Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 174. Inhab. Nepal. ah. No. 550, 551. i,j. Sternum. If,. A drawing of adult and female, natural size. Pass. t. 248, f. 1, 1,* with bill. /, A drawing of male and female, natural size, with nest. Pass. t. 249. m. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 250, with nest and eggs. n. A drawing, natural size. App. t. 29. The ASHY DICEURUS. Dicrurus cinerascens. Dicrurus pyrrhops, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Edolius cinerascens, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. p. 145. Inhab. Nepal. ad. No. 553. e. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass.t. 247. /. A drawing of young, natural size. Pass. t. 248, f. 2, with bill. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 99 The CRISHNA CROW. Chibia hottentottus, Strickl. Chibia casia, Hodgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, p. Corvus hottentottus, Linn. P Edolius barbatus, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. E. Crishna, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 5. Criniger splendens, Tick. Lath. Hist, of Birds, iii. pi. 40. Inhab. Nepal. ad. No. 564. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 245, with bilk tongue, and nest, very young. h. Copied. Pass. t. 246, f. 1, with head, bill, and tongue. i. Copied. App. t. 25. The RACKET-TAILED BRINGA. Bringa remifer. Bringa tec- tirostris, Hodgs. Edolius remifer, Temm. Edolius malabaricus, Horsf. P pi. col. 178. Inhab. Nepal. ad. No. 554. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. v. t. 42, with bill. /. Copied. App. t. 28. The BRONZE CHAPTIA. Chaptia aenea. Chaptia muscipe- to'ides, Hodgs. Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. t. 176. Dicrurus aeneus, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. ix. 586. D. aeratus, Steph. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 578. c. Sternum, d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 246, f. 2, with bill. e. A drawing of male and female, natural size, with nest and eggs. Pass. t. 251. Fam. 5. a. Laninae. The COMMON WOOD SHRIKE. Tephrodornis indica. Te- phrodornis superciliosa, Swains. Keroula indica, Gray. Lanius muscicapoides, Frankl. Lanius sordidus, Less. Gray, 111. Ind. Zool. pi. 33, /. 1, 2. T. leucura, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p.S4. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 236. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 252, f. 3. d. Copied. Pass. v. t. 44, f. 7. The JUNGLE WOOD SHRIKE. Tephrodornis pelvica, Hodgs. Tephrodornis sylvicola, Jerd. Tentheca pelvica, Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal. K2 100 CATALOGUE OF a. No. 234, 235. a c. Sternum. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. t. 252, f. 1, 2. Copied. Pass. v. t. 44, f. 5, 6, with bill. The BAG AHA SHRIKE. Lanius tephronotus. Collurio tephro- notus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 43. Collurio nipalensis v. tephronotus, Hodgs. C. obscurior, Hodgs. Bagaha Teutha of plains. Knadrai of hills. Bhaira Teutha. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 230,231,690. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 253. h. Copied. Pass. v. t. 44, f. 2, 3, with bill. i. A drawing of young, natural size. Pass. t. 255, f. 1. The RUFOUS-BACKED SHRIKE. Lanius erythronotus, Jerd. Lanius jounotus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. Collurio erylhro- tus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 42. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 815. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 256. The BAY-BACKED SHRIKE. Lanius Hardwickii, Jerd. Col- lurio Hardwickii, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 42. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 12,/. 1. Inhab. a. No. 871. b. Sternum. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 258, with wing and foot. The BLACK-HEADED SHKIKE. Lanius nigriceps, Jerd. Col- lurio nigriceps, Frankl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 117. Collurio tricolor, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Hills and plains of Nepal. tt _ d. No. 229. e. Sternum. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 257, f. 1, 2, with foot, nest, and eggs. g. Copied, (male) with bill. Pass. v. t. 44, f. 1. The CRESTED RED SHRIKE. Lanius cristatus, Linn. L. superciliosus, Lath. Levaill. Ois. d?Afr. t. 66, /. 2. Collurio fer- rugiceps, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 481. c. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. d. Copied (adult). Pass. t. 255, f. 2, 2.* MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 101 Tribe IV. CONIROSTRES. Fam. 1. CORVID^E. a. Garrulinae. VIGORS' JAY. Garrulus lanceolatus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1830, p. 7. Garrulus gularis et G. Vigorsii, Gray, 111. Ind. Zool. pi. 22, 23. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 39, 40. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 173. d. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 259, f. 1,2, with nest and eggs. The HIMALAYAH JAY. Garrulus bispecularis, Vigors. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1830, p. 7. Garrulus ornatus, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 23, f. 2. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 38. Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 206. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 260, f. 12, with nest. /. Copied of one of the former figures, with bill. Pass. t. 260? The RED-BILLED PSILOEHINUS. Psilorhinus sinensis. Cor- vus sinensis, Linn. C. erythrorhynchus, Bodd. Coracias mela- nocephala, Lath. Cyanurus erythrohynchus, Swains. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 41. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 203. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult, one half natural size. Pass. t. 261, with nest and eggs. h. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. v. t. 45, with bill. The HUNTING CISSA. Cissa sinensis, Bodd. Corvus spe- ciosus, Shaw. Corapica bengalensis, Less. Kitta venatoria, Gray, pi. col. 620. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. pi. 42. a. No. 210,211. b. A drawing of two figures, one natural size and the other reduced. Pass. v. t. 125. c. d, Copied, natural size. Pass. v. t. 126, 129. b. Callaeatinae. The RUFOUS TREE CROW. Dendrocitta vagabunda. Cora- cias vagabunda, Lath. Pica rufiventris, Vieill. Crypsirina vaga- bunda, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. i. pi. 25. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 24. Inhab. Nepal. K3 102 CATALOGUE OF a, b. No. 189. c,d. Sternum. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 262, f. 2. /. Copied. Pass. v. t. 46, f. 2. The MACAO TREE CROW. Dendrocitta sinensis. Corvus sinensis, Daud. Pica sinensis, Gray. Crypsirina sinensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. i. pi. 26. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 43. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 190. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 262, f. 1 , with foot, nest, and eggs. /. Copied. Pass. v. t. 46, f. 1, with head and bill. The HIMALAYAH CONOSTOMA. Conostoma aemodium, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1841, p. 856, pi. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 661. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of adults, natural size. Pass. t. 263, with bills and foot. c. Corvinae. The HIMALAYAH NUTCRACKER. Nucifraga hemispila, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1830, p. 8. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 36. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 219, 220. g, h. Sternum. i. A drawing of adult and young ? natural size. Pass. t. 265, f. 1, 2. ;'. A drawing ot adult and young ? natural size. Pass. v. t. 47. The INDIAN CARRION CROW. Corvus culminatus, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 96. Corvus macrorhynchus, ( Wa'gl. ?) Gray. Corvus corone, var. Frankl. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. \\.pl. 36,/.2. a. b. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 218. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. v. t. 48. /. Copied. Pass. t. 266. The INDIAN HOODED CROW. Corvus splendens, Vieill. Cor- vus splendens v. impudiens ? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inbab. Nepal, a c. No. 717. d, e. Sternum. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 103 d. Fregilinae. The RED-LEGGED CROW. Fregilus graculus, Cuv. P Corvus graculus, Linn. Inhab. Kachav, or Northern Hilly region of Nepal. a. No. 840. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 267, with bill, wing, and foot. Fam.2. STURNID.E. a. Ptilonorhyn chinas. The SPOTTED-WINGED SARAGLOSSUS. Saraglossus spilopterus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 35. Lamprotornis spilopterus, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Misc. p. 84. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 34. Inhab. Nepal. a e. No. 370. /. A drawing of young male, natural size. Pass. t. 268a, with bill. b. Graculinae. The MINOR GRAKLE. Gracula religiosa, Linn. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 302. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 269. g. Copied. Pass. t. 270, with bill. c. Sturninae. The ROSE-COLOURED PASTOR. Pastor roseus, Temm. Tur- dus roseus, Linn. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 673, 726. b. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. t. 270.* The MAHRATTA GRAKLE. Pastor mahrattensis, Sykes ? Pastor eristatellus, Hodgs. (non Gmel.) Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Maina cristatelloides, Hodgs. Ganga Maina of the Hindoos. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 304. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of male and young, natural size. App. t. 30. g. Copied (male). App. t. 31, f. 3. The PAGODA GRAKLE. Pastor pagodarum. Pastor pagoda- rum, v. nigriceps, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Turdus pago- 104 CATALOGUE OF datum, Gmel. Sturnus subroseus, Shaw. Maina sylvestris, Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal. a. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 271,* f. 2. No. 270. The WHITE-HEADED GRAKLE. Pastor Ely thii, Jerd. Pastor malabaricus ? v. caniceps, Hodgs, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Maina affinis. Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal. a, b. No. 271,272. c. A drawing of two adults, natural size. Pass. t. 271. d. A drawing of two adults, natural size. Pass. t. 271,* f. 1, 1,* with head, bill, and foot. The PARADISE GRAKLE. Pastor tristis. Turdus tristis, Linn. Gracula gryllivora, Daud. Maina tristoides, Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal. a, d. No. 303. e,f. Sternum. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 272, f. 1,2. h. Copied (male). App. t. 31, f. 4. The GINGI GRAKLE. Pastor ginginianus. Pastor gregico- lus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Turdus ginginianus, Daud. Gracula griseus, Daud. Barde Maina of the Natives. Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 710. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of two adults, natural size. Pass. t. 273. The COMMON STARLING. Sturnus vulgaris. Linn. Sturnus indicus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Telia Maina of Hin- doostan. Inhab. Nepal. af. No. 306. g, h. Sternum. i. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. t. 274. j. A drawing of young, natural size. Pass. t. 31, f. 1 . The GOSALIC GRAKLE. Sturnus contra, Linn. Sturnus capensis, Linn. Sternopastor contra, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Edwards Birds, pi. 187. Ablac Maina of the Hindoos. Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 305. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 275. g. A drawing of male, natural size. App. t. 31, f. 2. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 105 Fam. 3. FRINGILLID^. a. Ploceinae. The YELLOW-CROWNED EUPLECTES. Euplectes flaviceps, Swains, Two Cent, and a quart, p. 310. Euplectes striatus, Blyth P Ploceus atrigula, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. P. passerinus, Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 743. d f. No. 70. g. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 278, 278,* f. 1,2. The YELLOW-BROWED EUPLECTES. Euplectes manyar? Fringilla manyar, Horsf. P Ploceus flavigula, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 451,725. b. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 276, f. 4. b. Coccothraustinse. The BLACK AND YELLOW HAWFINCH. Coccothraustes mela- noxanthus, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 150. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, jo. 950, pi. f. 3. Inhab. Nepal. ah. No. 326, 327. ij. Sternum. k. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 279. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 279, f. 1, I* The BED-LEGGED HAWFINCH. Coccothraustes carnipes, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 51. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 950, pi. f. 4. Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 328. d. A drawing of female or young, natural size. Pass. t. 279, a,f. 2. e. A drawing of male and female or young, natural size. Pass t. 280, f. 1,2. The HIMALAYAH HAWFINCH. Coccothraustes icterioides, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1830, p. 8. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 950, pi. f. 5. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 45. Inhab. Nepal. 106 CATALOGUE OF a, b. No. 829. c. An unfinished drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 281. c. Fringillinae. The MALACCA GROSBEAK. Mania malacca. Munia rubro- niger, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 153. Loxia malacca, Linn. Lon- chura melanocephalus, McClelL Spermestes raelanocephalus, Hodgs. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 322, 323. e. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 282, with nest. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 307, f.4,5. The COWRY GROSBEAK. Munia punctularia. Munia lineo- venter, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. p. 154. Loxia punctularia, Linn. Fringilla nisoria, Temm. pi. col. Lonchura nisoria, Sykes,pl. col. 600, /. 2. Inhab. Nepal. a~f. No. 324. g. Sternum. h. A drawing, natural size. Pass. t. 307, f. 6. The WHITE-BACKED GROSBEAK. Munia leucouota. Munia acuticauda, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. p. 153. Fringilla leuco- nota, Temm. pi. col. Lonchura leuconota, Sykes. Loxia striata, Lath. ? pi. col. 500,/. 1. Inhab. Nepal, a, b. No. 325. c. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 283. d. An unfinished copy. Pass. t. 307, f. 3. The HIMALAYAH SISKIN. Chrysomitris spinoides, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 956, pi. f. 18. Carduelis spinoides, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 44. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 33, /. 2. Inhab. Nepal. af. No. 442, 444. g,h. Sternum. i. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 284, with foot, egg, and nest. The NEPAL FINCH. Carduelis nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. p. 157. Linota saturata. L. fusca, Bl. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842, p. 192. Procarduelis nipalensis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 107 a h. No. 460, 461. i. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Pass. t. 286, with foot. j. Copied. Pass. t. 303, f. 1, 2. The YELLOW-THROATED FINCH. Fringilla flavicollis, FrankL Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 120. Ploceus flavicollis, Sykes. Gym- noris flavirostris, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Gymnoris fla- vicollis, Blyth,Journ.'As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 948. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 864. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 287 ? with wing and foot. The WOOD FINCH. Montifringilla nemoricola. Fringilauda nemoricola, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. p. 158. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 954, pi. f. 16. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 450. e. Sternum. /. A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 276, f. 3. g. A drawing of male and female, (one copied from former) natu- ral size. Pass. t. 288. The COMMON SPARROW. Pyrgita domestica. Fringilla do- mestica, Linn. Passer indicus, Jard. Sf Selby, III. Orn. pi. 118. Inhab. Nepal, a,/. No. 447, 448. #/A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 276, f. 5, 6. h. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 285, f. 1, 1 * The TREE SPARROW. Pyrgita montana, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 449. e. A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 276. f. 1 . /. A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 285, f. 2. d. Emberizinae. The NEPAL BUNTING. Euspiza Lathami. Emberiza cris- tata, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 35. E. subcristata, Sykes, E. erythroptera, Jard. fy Selby. E. nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 1836, p. 157. E. Lathami, Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 2. Jerd. $- Selby, III. Orn. pi. 132. Inhab. Nepal, a i. No. 341, 342. 108 CATALOGUE OF j. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 289, with nest and eggs. k. Copied. Pass. v. t. 49, f. 1,2, with head. The YELLOW-BREASTED BUNTING. Euspiza aureola. Em- beriza aureola, Pall. Zoogr. ii. p. 52. Fringilla pinetorum, Le- pech. Pall. Zoogr. t. 50. Kittl Kupf. Nat. Vog. t. 22, /. 1. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 793. d. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 291. The ORTOLAN BUNTING. Emberiza hortulana, Linn. Err beriza sordida, v. chlorocephala, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Journ. As. Soc. Seng. 1844, p. 958. Emberiza Buchanani, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 957. Fringilla jamohari, Buck. Ham. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 445. d. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 290, with foot. The VINACEOUS-FACED BUNTING. Emberiza oinops. Em- beriza oinops, s. g. Ocyris, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. 1845. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845,j9. 205. a, b. No. 473, 474. c. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 292. d. Copied. ^Pass. t. 301, f. 1, 1,* with bill. The WOOD HETERURA. Heterura sylvana, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. p. Inhab. Nepal. a-e. No. 436. /. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass, t. 123, f. 1,2, with nest and eggs. g. Copy of one of the former. Pass. t. 124, f. 4. e. Alaudinse. The CRESTED LARK. Alauda cristata, Linn. A. gulgula, A. galerita, Pall. A.chendoola, Frankl. Inbab. Nepal. a. No. 729. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 295. The SMOOTH-LEGGED LARK. Alauda leiopus, v. orientalis, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 728. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 293, f. 1, with foot. MB. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 109 The SMOOTH-LEGGED LARK. Alauda triborhynchus, v. leiopus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Inhab. a c. No. 739. The HARMONIOUS LARK. Alauda dulcivox, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. a. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 294. No. 867. The SHORT-TOED LARK. Alauda brachydactyla, Temm. A. calandrella, Bonn. A. arenaria, Steph. A. dukhunensis, Sykes. Emberiza Bagheira, FrankL Coryphidea bagheira, Blyth,Journ. As. Soc. Beny. 1844, p. 961. [nhab. Nepal. a e. No. 728. fh. Sternum. i. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. 293, f. 1, with foot. The JAVA MIRAFRA. Mirafra javanica, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xin.p. 159. Alauda mirafra, Temm. Plocealauda typica, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84, pi. col. 305. Inhab. Tarai of Nepal, a, b. No. 724. c. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 297, f. 1,2. The INDIAN PYRRHULAUDA. Pyrrhulauda grisea. Alauda grisea, Scop. A. gingica, Gmel. Fringilla cruciger, Temm. pi. col. 269, /. 1. Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 809. d. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 298. /. Pyrrhulinae. The CRIMSON-BROWED CARPODACUS. Carpodacus rodochrous. Fringilla rodochroa, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831,_p. 23. Pro- passer rodochroa, Hodgs. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 207. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 31, /. 2. Inhab. Nepal. aj. No. 465, 467. Jc. A drawing of two males and female, natural size. Pass. t. 301, f. 2, 2,* 2.** The SPOTTED-WINGED CARPODACUS. Carpodacus rodopeplus. Fringilla rodopepla, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831,jp. 23. Pro- passer rodopepla, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845. Ann. Nat. Hist, p. 207. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 3 1,/. 1. Inhab. Nepal. a g. No. 340. L 110 CATALOGUE OF h. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 299. i. Copy of female. Pass. v. t. 49, f. 3. The SCAELET CARPODACUS. Carpodacuserythrinus ? Fringilla erythina, Meyer ? Pyrrhulinota roseata, Hodgs. Proc. ZooL Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 206. Pyrrhulinota rosae- color, v. Pyrrh. rosea ? Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 85. Propasser sordida, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Amonga Tuti of the Natives. Inhab. Tarai of Nepal. a h. No. 464, 452. i. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 302, t. 303, f. 5. ;". A drawing of male, natural size. Pass. t. 303, f. 5. k. A drawing of young, natural size. Pass. t. 276, L 2. /. A drawing of two young, (one copy of former) natural size. Pass. t. 300. The EPAULET BULLFINCH. Pyrrhula? epauletta, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 1836, p. 156. Pyrrhoplectes epauletta, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845,^. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 207. Pyrrhu- loides epauletta, Blight, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844,^?. 251. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 462, 463. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 33, f. 3, 4. h. Copied. Pass. t. 304, f. 1, 2. The Hi MALA YAH STROBiLOPHAGA. Strobilophaga subhima- chala. Corythus subhimachalus, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. 1836, p. 152. Propyrrhula subhemachalana, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 85, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 952, pi. f. 8. Inhab. Nepal. a e . No. 471, 472. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 305, f. 1,2. The CAUCASIAN STROBILOPHAGA. Strobilophaga caucasica. Pyrrhula caucasica, Pall. Propyrrhula rubeculoides, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. 1844, p. 35. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 207. Pyrrhospiza punicea, (Hodgs. MS.) Blyth, Journ. A. S. B. 1844, p. 953, pi. f. 15. Inhab. Nepal. a _ c . No. 831. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 306. The SIPAHI STROBILOPHAGA. Strobilophaga sipahi. Cory- thus ? sipahi, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. 151. Propyrrhula sipahi, Hodgs. Gray, ZooL Misc. p. 85. Hsematospiza Boetonensis, (Lath.) Blight, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 951, pi. f. 9. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION, 111 Inhab. Nepal. r -f. No. 320, 321. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 307. The RED-HEADED BULLFINCH. Pyrrhula erythrocephala, Vigors. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 174. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 32. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 335, 338. g. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 308, f. 1,2,3,4. h. Copied. Pass. v. t. 49, f. 5, 6, 7, 8. The NEPAL BULLFINCH. Pyrrhula nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. 154. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 329,498,499. d. A drawing of two figures, naturalsize. Pass. t. 309. e. Copied from one of the former. Pass. v. t. 49, f. 4. g. Loxinae. The HIMALAYAH CROSSBILL. Loxia himalayana, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. Ann. Nat. Hist. 1845,^. 206. L. himalayensis, (Hodgs.) Blight, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1844, p. 952, pi. f. 11. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 887. d,e. Sternum. /. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 310. The BROWN PARADOXORNIS. Paradoxornis unicolor, BL Heteromorpha unicolor, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 84. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1843, p. 448, pi. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 843. b. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Pass. t. 264, with bill and foot. Fam. 4. BUCEROTID^:. a. Bucerotinae. The HOMRAI HORNBILL. Buceros Homrai, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1832, p. 251, 1833, p. 423. As. Res. 11, p. 169, pi. Buceros cavatus, (Shaw P) Vigors. Homrai of Ni- palese. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 44. Inhab. Lower Hills of Nepal. a c. No. 599. d. Skeleton. L 2 112 CATALOGUE OF e. A drawing of adult and young, one-fifth natural size. Pass. t. 311, f. 1, 2, with bill and foot. /. Copy of male. Pass. t. 312. The GINGI HORNBILL. Buceros gingianus, Lath. Buceros oxyurus, Wagl. B. cinerascens, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Inhab. Nepal. a. b. A drawing of adult, two-thirds natural size. Pass. t. 313. c. Copied, natural size. Pass. v. t. 51. The NEPAL HORNBILL. Buceros nipalensis, Hodgs. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 15. As. Res. xviii. IS6,pl. Aceros nipa- lensis, Hodgs. Inhab. Hills only of Nepal. a. No. 600, 602. b. A drawing of four figures, adults and young, four-fifths of natural size. Pass. t. 314. (two males, a female and young). c. Copied of males and young. Pass. t. 50, with bill and foot, natural size. d. Copied, of male and young, four-ninths of natural size, with bill and foot, natural size. App. t. 33, 34. The BLACK-SPOTTED HORNBILL. Buceros albirostris, Shaw. Buceros leucogaster, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1841, p. 922. Buceros nigralbus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 666. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of young, one-half natural size. App. t. 32, with mature bill. Tribe V. SCANSORES. Fam. 1. PSITTACID^. a. Pezoporinas. The ALEXANDRINE PARRAKEET. Palaeornis alexandri, Vi- gors. Palaeornis nipalensis, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. 177. Pal. cucullatus, Lear, Parr. pi. (variety ?) Psittacus alexandri, Linn. Levaill. Parr. t. 30. Karan Suga and Kararia of the Natives. Inhab. Tarai and lower hills of Nepal. ac. No. 278, 674. d, e. Sternum. /. A drawing of two figures, male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 318. g. Copied, male. Pass. v. t. 53. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECION. 113 The ROSE-HEADED PAERAKEET. Palaeornis bengalensis, Vi- gors. Palaeomis rhodocephalus, Hodgs. Psittaca bengalensis, Briss. Psittacus rhodocephalus, Shaw. PI. enl. 888. Levaill. Perr. t. 74. Tin Suga of the Natives. Inhab. Nepal, a h. No. 273, 709. i,j. Sternum. k. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 315. I. Copied, male. Pass. v. t. 52, f. 3. The ROSE-RINGED PAERAKEET. Palaeornis torquatus, Vigors. Psittaca torquata, Briss. Psittacus torquatus, KM. P. cubicu- laris, Hasselq. P. alexandri, var. ft. Lath. P. bitorquatus, Vieill. Levaill. Perr. t. 22, 23. Tenthia suga of the Natives. Inhab. Nepal, a d. No. 701,702. e,/. Sternum. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 319. The SLATY-HEADED PARRAKEET. Palaeornis schisticeps, Hodgs. As. Res. 1836, xix. 178. Madhana suga of Hindus. Inhab. Nepal, a/. No. 275, 277. g. A drawing of male and female, natural size. Pass. t. 317, f. 1,2. h. Copied, with head of young. Pass. v. t. 52, f. 2, 4, 5. The MUSTACHOE PARRAKEET. Palseornis pondicerianus. Psittacus mystaceus, Shaw. P. nigrirostris, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Psittacus pondicerianus, Gmel. P. bimaculatus, Sparr. P. javanicus, Gmel. P. Osbeckii, Lath. Imrit Bhela, of Hindus. Inhab. Nepal. ah. No. 274, 695, 696. i,j. Sternum. k. A drawing of male, female, and young, natural size. Pass. t. 316. /. Copy of one of the figures, Pass. v. t, 52, f. 1. b. Psittacinae. The LATKAN PAEROT. Psittacula vernalis. Psittacula py- ropyga, v. vernalis, Hodgs. Gray y Zool. Misc. p. 85. Psittacus vernalis, Swains. Zool. III. n. s. pi. Latkan of the Nepalese. Inhab. Tarai of Nepal, a, b. No. 609, 610. c. Sternum. d. A drawing of three figures, natural size. Pass. t. 320. L3 114 CATALOGUE OF Fam. 2. PICID.E. a. Capitoninae. The GRAND BARBET. Megalaima grandis. Bucco grandis, Gmel. Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 46. Inhab. Nepal. ad. No. 217. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Pass. t. 323, with foot and tongue. /. Copied. Pass. t. 324. The BLUE-CHEEKED BARBET. Megalaima asiatica. Tro- gon asiaticus, Shaw. Bucco cyanops, Cuv. Bucco caeruligula, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 85. Capito cyanocollis, Vieill. Lath. Hist, of Birds, pi. 51. Levaill. Ois. Parad. t. 21. Inhab. Nepal. ad. No. 17J. N. i. 256. Recurvirostra orientalis, Cuv. Tnhab. Nepal. a. No. 573. b. A drawing of adult, on a reduced scale. Oral. t. 90. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Gral. v. t. 100. The LONG-LEGGED PLOVER. Himantopus candidus, Bonn. Oharadrius himantopus, Linn. S. N. i. 255. C. autumnalis, Hasselq. Himantopus vulgaris,et H. rufipes, Bechst. H. albi- collis, Vieill. H. atropterus, Meyer. H. melanopterus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 86. H. asiaticus, Less. P Inhab. Nepal. ac. No. 556. d. Sternum. e. A drawing of adult, natural size. Gral. v. t. 91. /. A drawing of young, natural size. Gral. v. t. 91a. c. Totaiiinse. The WHITE-THROATED GLOTTIS. Glottis nivigula. Totanus nivigula, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 36. a. No. 766. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Gral. t. 85. The INDIAN GREENSHANK. Glottis Vigorsii. Totanus glot- toides, Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 173. Totanus glottis, Linn. P Glottis glottoides, Gould, Cent, of Birds, pi. 76. Birds of Australia, pi. Inhab. Nepal. ah. No. 549. i,j. Sternum. k. A drawing of adult, natural size. Gral. t. 84. MR. HODGSON'S COLLECTION. 139 /. Copied. Gral. t. 84a. m. Copied. Gral. t. 84b, with head. The DUSKY SNIPE. Totanus fuscus, Leisl. Scolopax fusca, Linn. S. N. i. 243. S. nigra, et Tringa atra, Gmel. Scolo- pax curonica, Besek. Totanus natans, et T. maculatus, Bechst. Limosa fusca, Briss. Gray, III. IncL Zool. ii. pi. 53, /. 1, 2. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 798. b. A drawing of adult and young, natural size. Gral.t. 89. The RED-SHANKED SNIPE. Totanus calidris, Bechst. Scolo- pax calidris, Linn. S. N. i. 245. Tringa gambetta, Gmcl. Totanus variegatus, Brun. T. striatus et T. neevius, Briss. Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 367. b. Sternum. c. A drawing of adult, natural size. Gral. t. 89a. The GREEN SANDPIPER. Totanus ochropus, Temm. Tringa ochropus, Linn. S. N. i. 250. Totanus leucurus, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. 51, /. 1? Inhab. Nepal. a. No. 744. b. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Gral. t. 87. The WOOD SANDPIPER. Totanus glareola. Scolopax glareola, Linn. S. N. i. 250. Totanus affinis, Horsf. Linn. Trans, xiii. 191. T. glareola, et T. glareoides, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 86. Gray, III. Ind. Zool. 51, /. 2. Inhab. Nepal. a/. No. 745, 748. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Gral. t. 83a, f. 1. h. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Gral. t. 84, f. 2. i. A drawing of two figures, natural size. Gral. t. 88. The COMMON SANDPIPER. Totanus hypoleucus. Tringa hypoleuca, Linn. S. N. i. 250. T. canutus, Retz. T. leu- coptera, Pall. T. aurita, Lath. Totanus macularius? v. aura- tus, Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 86. Inhab. Nepal. a d. No. 557, 369. e. No. 368. /. Sternum. g. A drawing of adult, natural size. Gral. t. 83, f. 2, 84, f. 1. h. A drawing of young, natural size. Gral. t. 86. i. A drawing of adult, natural size. Gral. t. 83, f. 1. j. Copied. Gral. t. 83a, f. 2. 140 CATALOGUE OF d. Tringinae. The PURRE SANDPIPER. Schoeniclus cinclus. Tringa cin- clus, Linn. S. N. i. 251. Tringa alpina, Linn. T. ruficollis, Gmel. Numenius variabilis, Bechst. Tringa variabilis, Meyer. Scolopax pusilla, Gmel. Tringa salina, Pall. Inhab. Nepal. a c. No. 740. d. A drawing of adult, natural size. Gral. t. 93. TEMMINCK'S SANDPIPER. Schoeniclus Temminckii. Tringa Temminckii, Temm. Man. p. 622. Tringa pusilla ? v. Tem- minckii, ? Hodgs. Gray, Zool. Misc. p. 86. Inhab. Nepal, a c. No. 629.